THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: General Nutritional Herbology Instructions

BY GEORGE W. SINGLETON, III BA., HD., DD. 2007 AND 2009 EUROPEAN UNION HUMANITARIAN GRANTEE 2005 Edition BRCA/ENLIGHTENMENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. 435 Spring Mill Lane Indianapolis, IN. 46260 317- 682-0142 ISBN: 978-0-9741724-8-4 $10 Download e-Book

Transcript of THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: General Nutritional Herbology Instructions

BY GEORGE W. SINGLETON, III BA., HD., DD. 2007 AND 2009 EUROPEAN UNION HUMANITARIAN GRANTEE 2005 Edition BRCA/ENLIGHTENMENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. 435 Spring Mill Lane Indianapolis, IN. 46260 317- 682-0142 ISBN: 978-0-9741724-8-4 $10 Download e-Book


BRCA/ENLIGHTENMENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. 435 Spring Mill Lane Indianapolis, IN. 46260 317- 682-0142 ISBN: 978-0-9741724-8-4 Download e-Book



Vegan - Vegetarian Garden of Eden Directive:: KJV Bible: Genesis: 1: 29 & 30

Ge 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Ge 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air,

and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

“FATHER OF HISTORY” HERODOTUS ON THE VEGAN DIET OF THE ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF ANCIENT EGYPT/KEMITAND ITS SOURCE THE SCHOOL OF ON (GOD) The premise that the black Africans known as the 4 Anu Peoples of the ”Nine Bow” Tribal Nations of aNubia (Anu Seth), Kush, Meroe and Kenthunnefer (Anu Antiu) ___ the aboriginal founders and core of ancient Egypt/Kemit ___ followed the Vegan Dietary Directives of the Bible, Genesis 1: 29 and 30 as followers of its source the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of On (Annu) is supported by the “Father of History” the Ionic Greek Historian Herodotus in his History, Book II as follows:

“ … the extent of Egypt … is attested by the answer which (my judgment being already

formed) I heard to have been given concerning Egypt by the oracle of Ammon. The men of the cities of Marea and Apis, in the part of Egypt bordering on Libya, thinking themselves to be not Egyptians but Libyans, and misliking the observance of the religious law which forbade them to eat cows’ flesh, sent to Ammon saying that they had no part or lot with Egypt: for they dwelt (said they) outside the Delta and did not consent to the ways of its people, and they wished to be suffered to eat of all foods. But the god forbade them: all the land, he said, watered by the Nile in its course was Egypt, and all who dwelt lower down than the city Elephantine [the 4 Anu Tribes of the “Nine Bow”] and drank of that river’s water were Egyptians. Such was the oracle given to them.” (paragraph 19)

Thus according to Herodotus who visited and lived in Ancient Egypt/Kemit in the 5th Century BC and was trained at the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of On (Annu) the black Africans living along the Nile River known as the Anu Peoples as part of the Annu Culture of Ancient Egypt/Kemit followed the spiritual dietary law of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of On (Annu). Cited in the Bible Genesis 41: 45, 50 as the School of On (God) it forbid the eating of the flesh of cattle and other animals specifically addressed in the Bible, Genesis 1: 29 and 30. The followers of the School of On (God) were at minimal vegetarian and best vegan as were the followers of its sister institution the Mystery School of Asia India. The esoteric School of On (God) taught King Scorpion, Pharaoh Menes, Pharaoh Khufu, Vizier Imhotep, Pharaoh Thothmoses IV, Queen Hatshepsut, Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti, Joseph, Moses, Jesus Christ, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato and Hippocrates to name a few religious leaders and political dignitaries. The esoteric School of On (God) was the spiritual source of the later social religions of the Essene Hebrew, Christian and Muslim social religions. Consequently, the School of On (God) undoubtedly was the source of the Vegan –Vegetarian Dietary Directive of the Bible, Genesis 1: 29 and 30.


The Original Prevention of Sickness: General Nutritional Instructions (on the Preventive Sickness Hygiene and Nutrition, Stomach and Intestinal Cleansing and Relief of Constipation) is intended as a simple but potent guide for those wanting to enter the world of individual responsibility for sickness prevention and early disease stage remission. The vast majority of disease “symptoms” called “Nutritionally Related Diseases and Syndromes” are caused by improper nutritional choices, over cooking, wrong food combinations, failure to conduct and maintain proper inner and outer personal body and environmental hygiene; including prevention of constipation, and improper sexual, employment and recreational pursuits. By following this The Original Prevention of Sickness: General Nutritional Instructions, a novice health seeker can attain noticeable and significant progress towards their health goals inexpensively within 9 months. Even an experienced health seeker will find that modifying their health maintenance regimen with elements found in this guide will produce significant improvement in any chronic disease or recalcitrant health symptom problem within 9 weeks. The following “Nutritionally Related Diseases and Syndromes” are but “symptoms” from wrong eating and resulting lack of internal hygiene from internal body filth, blood and lymphatic toxemia.:

1. Cancers (95%) 26. Heart burn (acid reflux) 51. Bi-Polar (Manic-Depressive) 2. Heart Attacks 27. Hemorrhoids 52. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) 3. Stroke 28. Stomach ulcers 53. Criminal Behavior 4. Arteriosclerosis 29. poor eyesight 54. Alcohol Abuse & Addiction 5. High Blood pressure 30. Glaucoma 55. Drug Addictions 6. Low Blood pressure 31. Cataracts 56. Menstruation (> than 1 day) 7. Anemia 32. Sinus infections 57. Leucorrhea 8. Septicemia (Blood toxemia) 33. Hay fever and allergies 58. Menopause 9. Varicose Veins 34. Poliomyelitis (paralysis) 59. Sterility 10. Gout 35. Multiple Sclerosis 60. Impotency 11. Cirrhosis of the Liver 36. Epilepsy 61. Frigidity 12. Gall Bladder Stones 37. Acne, Boils & Carbuncles 62. Obesity 13. Kidney Failure/Stones/Infection 38. Eczema 63. Overweight 14. Diabetes 39. Psoriasis 15. Colds 40. Tooth decay 16. Influenza 41. Pyorrhea

17. Pneumonia 42. Addison’s Disease 18. Asthma 43. Bright’s Disease 19. Emphysema 44. Hodgkin’s Disease 20. Tuberculosis (TB) 45. Headaches & Migraines 21. Bronchitis 46. Insomnia 22. Arthritis 47. Alzheimer Syndrome 23. Rheumatism 48. Dementia 24. Osteomyelitis 49. Schizophrenias 25. Tonsillitis 50. Depression NOTE: The following table shows that 11 of the 15 leading causes of death in the USA as of June 1997 were “Nutritionally Related Diseases and Syndromes”; i.e. #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, #7, #9, #10, #11, #12, & #15.


My Father was a MD. Physician and I wanted to be in the health field to help people. I went to the University of Chicago (1966 -1970) in pre-med and graduated with a BA degree in general biology. However, I was blocked from entering the UC Medical School by the Dean because of mediocre grades and a radical black student activist involvement on campus including participating in the 1968 takeover of the UC Administration building.

In 1976 I finally managed to gain entrance into the University of Virgina Commonwealth University (UVCU) Medical School. I was already a vegetarian as I found it best to control my many health problems. It was painful for me to drop out of UVCU’s Medical School after one semester. I made this tough decision because of lack of funding thanks to the reverse discrimination suit by Batke, disappointment with the medical school curriculum’s lack of knowledge of the connection with proper nutrition and frustration with the medical school staff’s constant “put down” of vegetarianism, alternative sickness curative health paradigms and black history (they spent 2 hours on the genetic analysis of Ptolemy Period Egyptian Pharaoh Mummies proving that Ancient Egypt/Kemit was not black African based but Greek).

In 1978 the UVCU’s Medical School instructor in a lame pharmaceutical industry designed first year medical student “Nutritional Class” that derided all those students that were Vegetarians, health food store patrons and Prevention magazine readers that they would not finish UVCU’s Medical School ____ I met all three of his categories ___died of a massive heart attack at 56 years of age. I felt somehow vindicated. (smile) The “inner voice” of God instructed me to go to the Library of Congress and research the epistemological basis of sickness prevention, sickness cure and the various alternative health professions. This is where I had my break though concentrating on the aboriginal paradigm of sickness prevention and the aboriginal natural healing method of “Nutritional Herbology” as taught by the Ancient Egyptian Mystery ‘School of On” whose most famous students were Vizier Imhotep of Ancient Egypt/Kemit and the Ancient Greek Physician School of Hippocrates and its 6 successive “master students” of the same name based on the following:

a.) animal flesh and organ foods are unnatural human foods ____ recently documented in Science, May 2002 to cause the human liver to produce the most powerful carcinogenic known to science lithocholic acid (see attachéd press release and article); in cases of cannibalism (eating one’s own species) causing “mad cow” or “human spongiform encephalopathy” and forming the symptom discovered in 1988 the “new life form” called prions (mutant proteins without a cell membrane or DNA RNA genetic material) and last week implicated in the formation of platelets found in the human brain as in



Alzheimer’s Syndrome and in blood system arteries and veins with atherosclerosis and now found in a new variant of “mad cow disease” in cows ; and

b.) promulgating the aboriginal vegan (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, herbs, sea and water vegetables) and vegetarian (allowing properly produced dairy products) lifestyle producing the famous Hippocratic epithet “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food” ___ clearly declared in the Bible Genesis 1: 29.


What I found in my Library of Congress research can be summarized as follows: 1.) at the turn of the 20 th Century medical doctors were but one of many health

professionals and that they are epistemologically classified as “allopathic” medical physicians because they predominately “treat symptoms instead of causes” with medicines (“magic bullets”).

2.) at the turn of the 20 th Century there occurred a great debate over the cause

of disease between the allopathic medical doctors identifying the cause of diseases as microbial (in esoteric truth today the symptoms of the unseen bacteria, viruses fungi, parasites and now prions) and the epidemiologists citing the “environmental syndrome of factors” (whether or not proper nutrition, potable drinking water, proper housing, sanitation systems, clothing, individual preventive sickness health regimens and education and climate/weather are available and accessible) with the more radical epidemiologists going so far as to drink viles of live small pox bacilli with little effect except diarrhea.

3.) regardless the allopathic medical doctors by 1920 with their “magic bullets”

of artificial and poisonous prescription drugs targeting symptoms and not their underlying causes [not coincidentally simultaneous with the take over of the American Government by the Scottish Rite Free Masons of the Southern District lead by Grand Wizard Albert Pike beginning in 1877 to the present] were able to pass laws giving them a health monopoly had become the dominant medical profession with male circumcision standard procedure in their hospitals.

4.) Ivan Illich’s Medical Nemesis brought to the American p deadly reality of documented “iatrogenic (allopathic medical doctor) caused disease” where a.) yearly an average 800,000 people die from prescription drug side

effects and antagonisms with other drugs; and



b.) yearly an average 1,000,000 people die from preventable mistakes by doctors and related hospital health personnel including drug resistant secondary infections.

5.) Roughly in America allopathic medical doctors as a group have a life expectancy of just 54 yeas of age shorter than the endangered human species the life expectancy of Afro-American males of 66 years of age, the white male of 74 yeas of age and gardeners (applied herbalists) as a group of 83 years of age.

MY HEALTH PROBLEMS My health problems were and some still are as follows: #1.) born with benign exterior brain tumor which caused the delivery hospital to forego

circumcision in fear it would kill me ___ not expected to live long; #2.) benign exterior brain tumor “birth defect/mark” is accompanied with deformed

palette, upper adult right incisor tooth impacted and speech impediment; #3.) tonsils removed at 4 years old because of constant infections and colds; #4.) resulting effeminate body growth, behavior and weak immune system from

tonsillectomy is now well known and documented; #5.) child obesity from excessive appetite; #6.) poor eye sight and migraine headaches lead to prescription glasses at 12 years of age; #7.) biking accident leads to torn pulled ligaments in both knees and loss of obesity

from constant pain suppressing excessive appetite __ knee ligaments constantly periodically were reinjured with inability to walk;

#8.) excessive acne, boils and carbuncles all over face, ear lobes, under arms & butt; #9.) excessive bed wetting into late teenage years;

#10.) weak upper body strength means C grades and often nearly flunking gym; #11.) constant constipation, colitis plus congenital inguinal hernia and appendicitis ; #12.) exposure to TB from relative leads to TB positive condition with TB cysts all over upper body; #13.) grinding of teeth at night and frequent nightmares, unnatural impulses and

obsessions and wet dreams; #14.) poor school performance and 2 grades behind age group; and #15.) in college my sophomore year became alcohol abuser taking advantage of a

bartending job on campus. During college at the University of Chicago in 1968 after almost flunking out from mono-nucleosis my freshman year in 1967, a huge transformation in my health began as I started to experiment with the vegetarian diet first giving up red meat and eating only fish. I increased my fresh fruit and salads. I noticed a distinct lessening of health problems # 3 (less colds), #4 (less days of sickness), # 6 (less migraines), # 8 (less acne, boils and carbuncles), #10 (more upper body strength), #11 (more regular bowel movements) and # 14 (school grades and mental abilities and artistic talent increased dramatically).



After college my post office parcel post job exposed the inguinal hernia problem #11 but I choose natural cure over surgery through improved diet and avoiding constipation. Jetro Kloss’ Back to Eden became my “Bible”.

Then in 1973 I looked into the toilet and was forced to have a revelation as I saw a live Tape Worm swimming around and about 6 inches long. Now I could begin to understand the causes of health problems # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6, #8, #9, # 10, # 11, #13 and # 15 __ Tape Worms and their poisonous urine and fecal excretements and predilections for junk food, alcohol and obsessive behavior.

I had 5 adult and 5 baby pig Tape Worms which have multiple suckers __ please refer to Hanna Kroeger’s Parasites: Enemy Within. It took me three attempts but I finally killed them using Jetro Kloss’ Back to Eden and vowed not to have them return and implemented a full vegetarian diet recommended also by my Light and Sound Yoga.

Accordingly problem #10 witnessed my upper body strength became enormous as I began lifting more than my body weight.

Soon problem #6 (poor eye sight) disappeared as I did not need glasses any more.

Problems # 7, #9, # 10, # 11, # 13 & # 15 completely disappeared.

Because these Tape Woms were located in my appendix area today I still must continue to be vigilant and do monthly “high enemas” to avoid any appendicitis problems.

In 2002 I became completely vegan and my health has improved accordingly as people in my high school class reunion look 10 or more years more aged than myself with pot bellies which indicate Tape Worms, obesity and receding hair lines which indicate acid and purtrefactive blood using up the body’s silica supply (from fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, herbs like Horsetail and Horseradish plus whole grains) used by the liver and kidneys to detox Tape Worm urine and fecal poisoning in the host body. Now the “miracle” of problem #12 is happening with the disappearance safely of the TB positive cysts in my upper body.

It was not a surprise that my Mother had these pig Tape Worms from a lifetime of eating pig intestines (“chitilins”) when carrying me in pregnancy and thus this explains my Problems # 1 and #2 at birth. The meat eating diet is not only unnatural but is the root cause of 95% of the health problems suffered by those not following the Aboriginal Vegan-Vegetarian Directive as given in the Bible Genesis 1:29. One can “reenter the Garden of Eden” and escape the pain and suffering of a premature death by following this Directive, cleaning up the internal cesspool of the intestinal tract and repairing the damage done to the various part of the body by eating instead of dead animal flesh _ the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”__ eating as much as possible live plant foods prepared as to not to destroy their enzymes.

vi. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONS Page I. Avoid the 5 “White Foods” …………………………………………………. 1 II. Avoid the Eating of Flesh Foods and Eggs ………………..……………. 2 III. How to Prepare Cooked Foods ………………………………………….… 2 IV. How to Avoid Wrong Food Combinations ………………………..…….. 3 V. A Better Breakfast …………………………………………………………... 3 VI. The Best Lunch …………………………………………………………..….. 3 VII. Improved Dinner Fare ………………………………………………………. 4 VIII. Liver Detoxing ………………………………………………………..……… 4 IX. Natural Blood Transfusions ………………………………………………. 4 X. High Enemas ………………………………..……………………………….. 4 XI. Eliminating Tape Worms: 9 Day Nutritional Herbal Fast …………..... 5 XII. Sprouted Seed/Nut Milks and Drinks ………..…..……………………… 7 XIII. Natural Laxative Foods …………………………………………………..… 8 XIV. Summary Causes of Constipation ……………………………………..… 10 XV. The 12 Causes of Cancer and Cancer Prevention ……..……………… 11

vii. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) APPENDIXES Page Appendix A: Biblical References to the Original & Best Nutrition……….. 15 Appendix B: Spirituality and Vegetarian Diet Requirement ………………. 16 Appendix C: Cause & Prevention of Disease__Diet & Livelihood ………. 19 Appendix D: Essene Gospel of Peace, Book IV Excerpts ..…………….... 21

Appendix E: Tea Infusion ___ General Instruction ……………………….… 23 ATTACHMENTS Attachment I: Mexican Papaya Fact Sheets Attachment II: Dr. Young’s extract on “Acid Blood” Attachment III: Science magazine 5/17/2002 article on Lithocholic Acid: The cause of Colon Cancer made by the Liver in the Digestion of Fatty Animal Meat Attachment IV: Colon Therapy Chart: Parts One and Two NW Walker, Colon Health, p. 113 Attachment V: Tape Worm extract from Hanna Kroeger’s Parasites: The Enemy Within BIBLIOGRAPHY



a. White Flour/Bread - substitute 100% whole wheat and other whole grain flours and bread - without preservatives and without enriched white flour - “flourless” (sprouting transforms starch to sugar) whole grain breads are best b. White Rice - substitute Brown Rice, Wild Rice or Basmati Rice, rinse and soak overnight or at least 20 minutes - baking is best c. White Salt (VIP) - substitute the “real” rock salt or sea salt and ideally use ground kelp - “normal” table salt like “Morton’s” is really a by-product from the refining of bauxite to aluminum which is sprayed on rock salt so it pours - aluminized salt causes high blood pressure and suspiciously aluminum shows up in Alzheimer Syndrome victims’ brains and should be avoided d. White Sugar - substitute dehydrated “organic” sugar, 100% “organic” maple syrup, unsulphured black molasses, “organic” honey (moderately) - avoid white sugar (sucrose), brown sugar, turbinado sugar, fructose produce acid blood condition from 100% white sugar blood stream absorption - imitation sugars are carcinogenic e. White Milk and Dairy - getting “rennetless” (without the inner cells of the cow’s milk sack) milk and cheese thereof without hormones is nearly impossible the vegetarians eating dairy are at risk of TB, polio & “mad cow” disease - substitute the original dairy from plants ___ soy, rice, nut and inexpensive seed milks and cheeses See Section XII for instructions on making seed/nut milk in your blender

NOTE: With the exception of white milk which naturally comes from seeds and nuts, we are the “victims” of eating unknowingly racist created refined “white colored” foods.” instead of their natural unrefined ”brown colored” original food counterparts.

2. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS II. AVOID THE EATING OF FLESH FOODS AND EGGS Eliminate first red meat, eggs, chicken and finally fish and seafood from your diet. The faster you eliminate the faster you are blessed for returning to the original dietary rules of humans in the Garden of Eden. The test of a “real food” is weather you could eat it alone for a year and live ___ no animal flesh foods qualify. Please read the Bible Genesis 1:29 - 30 in the Preface and the Essene Gospel of Peace Volume I by Edmond Szekeley. See Appendixes A, B, C and D. Substitute “organic” unroasted seeds and nuts for roasted seeds and nuts especially sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and pecans and pinion pine nuts which cause a beneficial basic blood reaction __ with less emphasis on walnuts, almonds and cashew nuts as they cause an acid blood reaction. See Section XII on Sprouted Seed Milk and Drink. NOTE: Sunflower seeds are a complete holistic food with complete amino acid enzymes, proteins, fatty acids, other carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. NOTE: Peanuts although a complete protein food are not really a nut but a bean and digestion problems are inherent, necessitating experimenting with making your own unroasted peanut butter as opposed to the commercial roasted peanut butter.

Substitute for animal flesh legumes (beans) and soybean products such as tofu, tempe and mock meat (imitation meat), textured soy protein hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, sausage made of soybeans and wheat gluten. Wheat gluten can be purchased in chunks or in blocks that can be sliced like fillet mignon or in pieces to add to rice, spaghetti, vegetables and sauces and can not be distinguished from animal flesh. . Try to eat 1 ripe avocado per day when eggs and meats are eliminated from your diet. Avocado is a source of lecithin, lipid (fat) nutrients needed by the brain. Use Avocado on salads, in sandwiches, sliced or blended into a spread with tofu or soy cheese. Avocado can be used as both a fruit or vegetable. It will not make you fat as the “experts” warn and its lecithin eliminates cholesterol buildup. Note that its seed looks like an egg. Daily incorporate into your diet blue-green algae. Ground kelp can also be used as a salt substitute. Trace minerals and Vitamin B12 are found in green vegetables and whole wheat. Dulse is a great seaweed. Vitamin B12 is made in the intestinal tract by beneficial bacteria when it is properly cleaned and beneficial bacteria encouraged and reintroduced via Solgar’s Advanced Acidophilus Plus (with L.Acidophilus and Bifidus lactis) dietary supplement.

III. HOW TO PREPARE COOKED FOODS Avoid eating overly cooked vegetables and grains. Steaming no more than 9 minutes chopped up vegetables in a steamer is better and healthier. Baking starchy root vegetables and the broccoli\cabbage family which turns indigestible starches into digestible sugars is best. Grains, including brown rice are best when baked. Sprouting whole grains and then steaming them 9 minutes is seldom used but beneficial also.

3. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS IV. HOW TO AVOID WRONG FOOD COMBINATIONS Avoid wrong combinations of food, the major one is combining vegetables and fruits: leave 90 minutes between the two. Tomatoes are fruits and should be eaten alone for breakfast instead of in salads: they cause gas formation. Apples and avocadoes are exceptions to this avoidance of mixing fruits and vegetables; i.e., you can get away with combining apples and avocadoes with vegetables on an individual basis V. A BETTER “BREAK(THE)FAST” Avoid breaking your “since dinner” fast by eating the usual breakfast (break the fast) with the conventional wisdom of awakening to a largely animal meat and starchy food morning meal. Try instead in the mornings continuing your fast from the previous day’s dinner by eating fresh, ripe, “organic” or “pesticide free” fruit. Ideally, 1-2 cups of Mexican papaya or fruit salad of 1 to 3 types of fruit would be best. See Appendix F. As soon as possible begin drinking 1 to 4 cups of homemade, cold pressed “organic” or “pesticide free” fruit juice for breakfast. Yes it is highly recommended you invest in an electric motorized fruit and vegetable juicer; e.g. you can purchase as personally used by this author the Champion Juicer equipped for “industrial use” at about $225 which will last and extend your lifetime. Until this is possible immediately begin drinking cold pressed, pasteurized fruit juice, which can be substituted when cold pressed “organic” fruit juice is unavailable. NOTE: Since agri-chemicals stay in the pulp of fruits and vegetables when juiced. it is safe to use a quality pulp extracting juicer like the Champion, Acme and Norwalk when “organic” fruits and vegetables are not accessible.

VI. THE BEST LUNCH Get into the habit of an “organic” spinach, beet tops and\or Swiss chard based salad for lunch. Their oxalic acid will stimulate your intestinal tract muscles (peristaltic action) to move the food being digested through the body. Warning: Never eat cooked spinach or Swiss chard or beet tops: The oxalic acid becomes a poison when cooked, helping form kidney and gall bladder stones. Use sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnut, and pecans on your salad. Lettuce especially Romaine can be mixed in. Use elephant garlic (large kind) if possible, or smaller regular garlic if elephant garlic is not available. Use avocado sliced or diced with olive oil, tofu or create homemade salad dressing. Get “organic” spinach and Swiss chard if possible. Drink 1 quart of carrot juice daily, (non-organic is fine) to counter urban pollution and farm chemicals on vegetables. Wash fresh vegetables in Boric Acid or Dr. Bonner’s castile soaps whenever possible.

4. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS VII. IMPROVED DINNER FARE For dinner try to follow SECTIONS I - IV in this Pamphlet and strive for 1/2 uncooked salad and vegetables and 1/2 cooked vegetables preferably baked or steamed. Avoid all fried and overly cooked foods. Stir frying vegetables in olive oil or other dehydrogenated oil is permissible. Better yet use the Sprouted Seed Milk as the basis of your dinner. See Section XII. VIII. LIVER DETOXING For Liver detoxification began drinking up to ½ to 1 quart of carrot, spinach and beet juice daily. The following are the benefits of such detoxification: * cleans liver (your skin & nails will turn orange from old bile release) * Anti-oxidant vitamin A precursor beta carotene rich aides liver and kidney detoxing * stimulates the immune system with the “fountain of youth mineral” Silica * improves eyesight, both day and night vision * natural laxative effect The Liver protects the body against poisons, cancer cells; controls body fat ; metabolizes all food nutritional elements and makes needed body elements. For those HIV positive and suffering from various viral, bacteria, yeast, and fungus problems; in one’s carrot juice liquify a clove of “organic” elephant garlic or equivalent smaller garlic. IX. NATURAL BLOOD TRANSFUSION In the past for the inevitable headache or just for an energy tonic it would be suggested to buy cold pressed, unhomogenized grape juice. Commercially Federal law now prohibits cold pressed non-pasteurized juices in containers. So if you can find seeded “organic” grapes make it in your blender or juicer as its grape sugar is turned to hemoglobin within minutes. To make your own grape juice, use organic seeded grapes, wash thoroughly, put in blender, liquify and strain. Drink 1 quart of grape juice a day during menstrual period or when acid blood symptoms like headaches, depressions or anemic conditions occur. X. HIGH ENEMAS For at least a year, once a week take an enema, until weight is normal or health problems disappear. Then reduce to once a month as long as you eat animal flesh and/or cooked foods. See Appendix C, Section A for the enema’s ancient history and benefits. Purchase a 2 quart enema\douche bag. After dinner and preferably after your normal occurring bowel movement, fill enema bag with lukewarm water (baby bottle warm) with or without garlic, herbs or castile soap. Allow ingredients to completely dissolve in the water and perform enema.

5. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS X. HIGH ENEMAS (continued) Laying on your left side on towels on floor or bed, with knees slightly curled, and having bled the insertion tube with enema end of air (by letting water flow our of tube), lubricate insertion tube with oil of soap, then slowly insert end of tube into anus as far as flange. Release water valve and raise high with right hand until water starts to flow into colon, control water flow with height in which one holds enema bag in the air. If you experience pain or other difficulty, close or stop water flow with clamp and turn on back, then onto right side until pain subsides. Continue enema, until full 2 quarts are in inside of colon. Hold water inside for 1 to 5 minutes, then release into toilet. Rub abdomen counterclockwise to aid elimination. Stand up after release and rub stomach and abdomen more counterclockwise, making sure all water is eliminated. Repeat the steps above, until water is clear. If one finds oneself unable to hold water, release immediately into toilet, refill bag and begin again. Continue until one succeeds in getting all 2 quarts of water into colon, even if it takes more than one try on additional days or weeks. Sign of success is no bowel movement the next day for you have completely emptied the descending colon __ see Attachment IV, ND Walker’s “Colon Therapy Chart”, Part One from his Colon Health, p. 113. Then the colon does its seldom experienced “magic” and solid waste filters the blood stream of dead cells, microbes and undigested food “mucus. For quick results especially those with cancer grind or blend Mexican papaya seeds in water, strain and add strained seed extract to enema water. Use 1/4 cup of seeds per 1 quart of water.

XI. ELIMINATING TAPE WORMS: 9 DAY FAST The United Sates of America’s Center for Disease Control has determined that at any given time at least 50% of the American population harbor intestinal parasites including tape worms, hook worms and liver flukes. This comes with the territory of eating animal derived foods such as red meat, poultry, fresh water and ocean fish and sea animals. Their effects in the body are significant including involvement in cancer incidence, usually masked and diagnosed incorrectly. See Attachment V for more details on the Tape Worm. The following therapeutic dietary fast is directed at the most dangerous of these intestinal worms the tape worm. A. First 5 day Fast: Burn Frankincense and Myrrh Gum Incense Daily 1. Every hour on the hour eat 1 handful of raw organic (optimum) pumpkin seeds - these kill tape worms and provide nutrition. 2. Every half hour drink 1 cup of fennel seed tea - this kills tape worms. 3. See Appendix D: Tea Infusion___General Instruction.

6. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS XI. ELIMINATING TAPE WORMS: 9 DAY FAST (continued) 4. For dinner prepare a fresh coconut smoothie. Fresh Coconut Smoothie Instructions are as follows:

a. using a fresh mature coconut, drain the coconut “milk” by punching a hole in 1 of the 3 “eyes”\indentions on the pointed end; and save liquid\”milk”; crack open the coconut with hammer or on the street curb and pry loose the “meat” with a butter knife.

b. combine the coconut “milk”, meat with distilled\spring water and 100% maple

syrup with 1/4 cup raw sunflower\sesame seeds (preferably “organic”) and adjust via water to desired thickness - all ingredients kill tape worms and together provide complete nutrition.

Substitute water for subsequent “smoothies” in place of coconut “milk”. . 4. Conduct 2 quart enema, twice after “dinner”; before going to bed as this will relieve your body of toxins this refer to SECTION X. ENEMAS above; and 5. Drink 1 quart of carrot, spinach and beet juice, blend with 1 small clove of elephant garlic or 1/2 clove of regular garlic preferably “organic”. B. Second 4 day Fast: Burn Frankincense and Myrrh Gum Incense Daily 1. Every hour on the hour drink 1 cup of Slippery Elm Tea - this removes tape worms via mild laxative action. Follow Appendix D: Tea Infusion___General Instruction. NOTE: Look for ejected dead tape worms in feces in toilet bowel as globules or stringy mucus appearing structures. 2. For breakfast eat 2 cups of fresh Mexican Papaya with lemon, orange, pineapple juice and/or other fresh juice as desired. 3. For lunch eat organic spinach salad - substituting “organic” Swiss chard and or beet tops. NOTE: Garnish with pumpkin, sunflower or sesame seeds. Make avocado\olive oil dressing in blender garnish with garlic preferably “elephant”. 4. For dinner eat “coconut smoothie”.

5. Conduct 2 quart enema, twice.

6. Drink 1 quart of carrot juice __ blend with 1 small clove of elephant garlic or 1/2 clove of regular garlic preferably “organic”. Garlic not needed if used in salad.

7. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS XII. INSTRUCTIONS ON MAKING SPROUTED SEED/NUT MILKS AND DRINKS This recipe will result in a seed/nut “milk” substitute for cow’s milk or a complete and easily digested liquid meal seed/nut “drink” with all the nutrients needed for a complete day’s activities ideal for a vegan or vegetarian on the go and concerned about getting proper nutrition. Ingredients: ½ cup raw hulled “organic” sunflower seeds ¼ cup raw hulled “organic” pumpkin seeds ¼ cup raw unhulled “organic” sesame seeds ¼ cup “organic” dehydrated sugar or 100% Grade A Maple syrup 4 cups of filtered, spring or distilled water (do not use tap water as the chlorine gas used to decontaminate it is carcinogenic) Instructions: 1.) put seeds in Blender and cover with 1 cup of the water and put lid on and let sit at least 12 hours as the seeds will sprout turning their starch to digestible sugar; 2.) drain and then rinse with 1 cup of the water; 3.) drain and add the final 2 cups of water and the dehydrated sugar or Maple syrup and blend until liquefied. 4.) Enjoy as a Seed/Nut Milk ___ strain solid material out and drink or use in recipes as you would cow’s milk. 5.) Enjoy as a Seed/Nut Drink __ drink without starining for a complete liquid meal. NOTE: You can substitute other seeds and nuts in place of the Pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds, but the sunflower seeds are necessary for they are a complete and easily digestible food that everyone should eat every day.

8. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS XIII. NATURAL LAXATIVE FOODS Apricots Asparagus * Avocado - 1 per day for meat substitute Barley Beans - sprout them, then baking them, those that don’t sprout, don’t eat * Beets - use tops like spinach & Swiss chard in salads and juices Blackberries Black Walnuts Blueberries * Broccoli - anti-cancer agent Brussels Sprouts: anti-cancer agent * Cabbage - great for anti-gas and stimulates friendly bacteria in intestinal tract Cantaloupe * Carrots - drinking 1 quart daily is ideal best cooked by baking Cauliflower - anti-cancer agent * Celery - drink 1 pint daily for high blood pressure Cherimoya Cherries Coconut - fresh Collard Greens - steam 9 minutes or bake in casserole Corn - “organic” only as heavily sprayed, whole grain flour Cranberry - “Ocean Spray” unacceptable, sugar makes poisonous Dandelion Greens - harvest from unchemicalized & unmanured yard or other wild areas or buy domesticated variety Dates - unsulphured and unpitted * Dulse - seaweed for vitamin B12 and minerals Eggplant Elderberries Endives Figs - unsulphured Gooseberries Garlic Grapes - 1 quart of juice daily, seeded grapes best in blender Jackfruit Jerusalem Artichoke - excellent for diabetics with natural insulin Kale - has more vitamin C than grapes or oranges


Millet - the best grain for bread or cereals, has basic pH blood - reaction in body & cooks quickly

Mustard Greens- steam for 9 minutes or bake in casserole * Oats excellent source of silicon Olives ripe and black cold pressed oil for salads or cooking Onions Peaches Peanuts -unroasted only, they are beans not nuts Pears Peas Pecans - best nut, has basic reaction Peppers - green and red bell Persimmons Pineapples Plums Potatoes - baked is best, eat skins too Prunes * Pumpkin Seeds Quince Radish Raisins - great source of iron Raspberries Rhubarb Rutabagas * Sesame Seeds * Soybeans - manufactured derivatives only like: Tofu, Tempe, Soy Milk, Mock Meats and Textured Protein * Spinach - use daily raw in salads, never eat cooked Squash, Summer Strawberries * Swiss Chard: use daily raw in salads Tomatoes - a fruit, avoid fermentation gas eating eat with vegetable Turnips - tops and bottoms, steamed or baked is best Walnuts Note: Asterisked ( * ) Items highly recommended eating one of these daily if you suffer from constipation.

10.THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS XIV. SUMMARY CAUSES OF CONSTIPATION A. Improper Diet - too much unnatural, refined and processed food, including animal flesh and organs (meat) - eggs - starchy food, cooked improperly_ baking is best - overly cooked vegetables - white flour and white bread - white rice, white sugar, white salt.

By not eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily, the stools become hard and compacted thus comes the name “constipation.”

B. Improper Drinking - not enough spring water, cold pressed fruit and vegetable juices - too much sugar and carbonated water drinks made with chlorinated tap water - alcoholic beverages including alcohol based herbal extracts do not help and should be avoided totally. C. Improper Hygiene - neglect of washing out colon at least once a month to remove old food residues - in the same hygienic manner we wash and brush mouth daily, the end of the digestive tract (colon) needs to be cleansed. D. Improper Toilet Construction - Western cultures have toilets that are too high off the floor, resulting in an abnormal non-squatting position, more difficult to evacuate the colon and rectum of feces - simply use small stool to elevate the feet and legs resulting in a more normal squatting position - Asian toilets are built flush to the floor note and utilize the fact that the human colon naturally evacuates after the dinner meal, and to a lesser extent than from other meals. E. Work Related Stress and Improper Sexuality - unhappiness. “Positive celibacy” would benefit mass humankind.

11.THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS XIV. THE 12 CAUSES OF CANCER AND HOW TO PREVENT IT This message is dedicated to my Mother and Step Father who have been staunch supporters of my work over the years and both suffered from cancer. I am reminded I have been warning my family and friends for 30 years now what I had learned in my medical pathology and "nutritional herbology" studies starting with my pre-med undergraduate education at the University of Chicago from 1966 to 1970 (BA in General Biology) and culminating in my Doctor of Herbology (HD) Degree in 1986 ___ that 50% of the American people will contract preventable cancer. Of course not having an MD degree and warning so early in the “cancer pandemic” very few have listened to me seriously. In addition to my Mother and Step Father contracting cancer, my mother's brother and sister died of cancer within 6 months of diagnosis in 1998, my Step Father's sister died of cancer in 2002 and his brother died from cancer in 2003. A score of other people in my family and network have it or have died of it. Several years ago I heard a frustrated and frightened Reverend Jessie Jackson on his CNN cable show ask desperately what was the cause of the cancer epidemic in America? Here is a list of the 12 leading causes of the cancer epidemic known 30 years ago remembering that cancer cells are one's own cells who mutate and decide to break the "body plan" and revolt growing on their "own plan" and satisfying their own needs without regard to the body's needs, overall safety and well being: #1.) animal organ and flesh foods __ animal protein digestion unlike plant protein digestion leads directly to the heavy production of the carcinogen uric acid, unnatural animal manure containing bacteria and fungi which is allowed into the meat from the dead animal's intestinal tract during the "curing process" of hanging butchered meat caucuses to tenderize the meat, and these microbes excrete carcinogens (mycotoxins) into the ingester's body; and leads to ingesting agri-chemicals from the grains these farm animals are fed ___ creates the cancer cell producing environment of a thick acid pH blood condition with a low level of oxygen; NOTE: a.) The human body in its normal cellular death maintenance metabolism produces uric acid that is excreted by the kidneys, and is additionally overloaded from the unnatural addition of animal organ and flesh foods adding additional uric acid for the body to eliminate. b.) Dairy products that are rennetless are alright to eat and prevent cancer but are extremely hard to get. Thus substituting and switching completely to dairyless cheeses (soy) and soy; and other seed and nut milks is ideal. Refer to Section I above. c.) Please study Appendix H for the shocking discovery announced in May 2002 on in Science Magazine that the cause of Colon Cancer has been identified as Lithocholic Acid which means it is a factor in all cancers being made by the Liver in fatty animal flesh digestion and stored in the fat tissues by the Liver throughout the body.


#2.) improper internal hygiene __ people are taught to brush, and floss their teeth and antiseptically wash their mouth; i.e. the beginning of the digestive/alimentary tract but have not been told and in fact are encouraged not to conduct enemas thus washing the tail end segment of their digestive/alimentary tract the colon; the colon being the part of the intestinal tract that not only withdraws water from the feces but helps purify the blood along with the kidneys by filtering sold wastes from the blood stream into the large intestine for elimination in the stools ___ thus leading to a further compounding of the Cancer Epidemic cause #1 problem above by causing a build up old undigested putrefactive acid forming mucus waste material amounting to a dangerous anaerobic (oxygen deficient) cesspool environment teaming with microbes and their carcinogenic toxic excretments; NOTE: Colon and stomach cancers are the top 2 killing cancers and obviously are connected to what we eat and drink and the relative internal hygiene of these two key food digestive organs. #3.) parasitic tape worms, flukes, protozoa, viruses, bacteria and fungi ___ usually animal manure, organs and flesh food originated but also in contaminated and spoiled vegetable, fruit, nuts, legumes and grains as well as in the air from other infected people and animals ___ tapeworms, flukes and protozoa getting the nutrients before the host, viruses entering cells and mutating their genetic (DNA and or RNA) material carcinogenic, and bacteria and fungi feeding on undigested food residues ___ with them all excreting carcinogenic wastes into the core of the body carried every heart beat by the blood stream throughout the body; #4.) conventionally grown vegetables, fruits and grains contaminated with agri-chemicals from artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones and fungicides; #5.) refined, adulterated and preserved foods ___ from farm and garden humus topsoil erosion and failure to soil remineralize producing especially since World War II and the onset of chemical agriculture empty caloried food products devoid of biogenic energy and natural micro-nutrients needed to detoxify carcinogenic wastes and chemicals and fight cancer cells abound ___ producing in the general population a "subclinical malnutrition" devoid of the natural fresh fruit, vegetable, nut, seed and grain cancer fighting cytosomes, vitamins, minerals and enzymes; with additionally chemical preservatives, artificial colors and additives including propyl alcohol; #6.) improper beverages and damaged disinfected drinking water ___ alcoholic beverages including wines and beers overwork the cancer fighting organ the liver while stimulating briefly increased blood flow by thinning the otherwise average meat eater's thick acid pH blood condition with a low level of oxygen, as well as the use of the chemical poisons chlorine gas, fluoride, calcium carbonate and aluminum to name a few to disinfect and treat sewer utilized water to produce public drinking water which is high pressurized in municipal water systems damaging its molecular structure and oxygenation ability;

13. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS XIV. THE 12 CAUSES OF CANCER AND HOW TO PREVENT IT (continued) #7.) loss of 50% of the Oxygen in the Air since 1900 ___ by the continued deforestation of the planet and environmental chemical pollution killing the oxygen producing trees, water and soil algae and ocean plankton and seaweed__ which alone explains the Ozone Holes since Ozone (O3) is produced naturally from Oxygen (O2) and if the former is reduced so will the later be reduce ___ causing the increased need for nutritional anti-oxidant vitamins and micronutrients; #8.) ultraviolet light from the sun ___ can mutate cellular genetic material carcinogenic is normally filtered out by the atmosphere but allowed through the atmospheric Ozone Holes ultimately caused by the loss of trees and other oxygen producing plants and thus loss of oxygen in the atmosphere produces skin cancers; #9.) industrial chemicals in commercial products, manufacturing work sites and as environmental pollutants in the air, water, earth, food plants and animals; #10.) natural and man made radiation ___ from substances as natural radon, from nuclear power plants, radioactive wastes used to produce "irradiated preserved" foods, nuclear weapon testing and uses thereof ; #11.) stress at home, work or extracurricular activities ___ usually from a dislike of one's livelihood or one's interpersonal relationships blocks the bodies daily detoxing of free radicals, cancer cells and other carcinogenic toxins; and #12.) Over indulgence in sexual intercourse, prescription & illicit drugs and greed. Obviously, it is a wiser lifestyle and economically expedient to prevent the onset of cancer in one's life before it starts or to cure it in its early stages. You can afford to look like an "extremist health nut" if you can avoid the cancer epidemic, since the majority of America's people are content in allowing this cancer epidemic to consume them for the sake of progress, too confident in their health insurance and hoping for a "magic" cure. Even the first stages of a particular cancer can benefit from an avoidance of the 12 cancer causes no matter what treatment one chooses to take ___ the conventional legal chemical, surgery and radiation treatments or an alternative cure. Finally, there are so-called "genetically associated cancers" but it is maintained here that avoiding the 12 cancer causes outlined above will prevent even "so-called " hereditary cancers" from manifesting which comprise only 5% of all cancer incidents.

14. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS XIV. THE 12 CAUSES OF CANCER AND HOW TO PREVENT IT (continued) For those needing guidance as to how to deal with Cancer Causes #1, 2 and 3: 1.) the vegan/vegetarian diet is highly recommended for you immediately; 2.) with corresponding "high enemas" every 4 days for at least a year reduced to once a month there after when all one's sickness symptoms have disappeared targeting the "unseen" intestinal tract unsanitary mucus food wastes; 3.) please refer to this Original Prevention of Disease: General Nutritional Instructions Pamphlet which we encourage you to copy and spread through your network for free for diet, high enema and ridding oneself of tape worms and internal intestinal mucus filth. For those needing guidance as to how to deal with Cancer Causes #4, 5, 6 and 7: 1.) invest in your health and start buying "organic" food produce and food products from your local natural food store, market or farmers' market; 2.) invest and plant your own deep bed garden that will produce 4 times as much food with half the water ___ for faxed deep bed installation instructions call 317-251-0414; 3.) invest and increase the number of oxygen producing landscape trees and ornamental plants inside and outside your residence; 4.) invest in a Champion quality triturating juicer and prepare your own fresh vegetable and fruit juices which are rich in oxygen; 5.) avoid drinking tap or well water directly and wasting money on bottled water not in polycarbonate plastic as any other plastic bottle will leach plastic polymers into the water, and invest in a mobile Nikken PiMag (Fliptop or Sport) Water Bottle on sale this month at half price ($29 or 4 pack for $88) and Magna Tote ($95) or stationary residential faucet installed Nikken PiMag Water System ( $850) and purify and naturally energize your potable tap, well or camp site water to oxygen rich, pH balanced PiMag. Please feel free to feedback upon this message or ask for specific help with your and any of your family or network member's situation at 317-251-0414.




16. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX B: SPIRITUALITY AND VEGETARIAN DIET REQUIREMENT A. The “Strict Dietary Rules” of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of On ( Annu), specifically requiring aspirants to adhere to a vegetarian diet of flesh including eggs, fish and fowl is deduced as follows, using Greek students of the Mystery Schools as mediums to discuss the truth: 1. The Book of the Dead, Chapter 30B, Papyrus of Ani’s “ is considered part of the Hermetic Text Books of the Annu (On)-Egyptian Mystery Schools, wherein in the Dover Ed. by E. Wallis Budge, p. 14 and 15, Rubric (instructions) to “Chapter 30B”; specifies that priests “purified”, one who hath not eaten animal (red) flesh of fish, were required to teach, recite an administer to the specifications of this chapter, which would transform one into a God while alive (the great antiquity of Chapter 30B is verified since it follows usually Chapter 64A (long version) which is a date of composition to the first dynasty reign of Pharaoh Gaga-Makher\Hesepti\Serti). 2. Arnold Ehret’s Physical Fitness Through Superior Diet. Fasting and Dietetics, p. 15 discloses that Pythagoras “had to undergo a fast of 40 days, under supervision, outside of the city. Believing that this was a test of his will power and energy, he was told thus: ‘Forty days’ fast is necessary in order that you may grasp what we will teach you!” By inference the city and school was at Annu, since the rival Theban Lodges ate flesh. 3. Stolen Legacy by George James, p. 43 and 132 refers to aspirant Pythagoras who attended various Egyptian Priest colleges including the Annu Mystic Schools for a total of 22 years: “…. he learnt the doctrine of metempsychosis..., that his knowledge of medicine and strict systems of dietetic rules, distinguished him as a product of Egypt.” “Metempsychosis” means “Soul Transmigration” into lower animals than man (homo sapien): why the ancient Egyptian then and Hindus now avoid eating cows, verified by Herodotus. Book II. Paragraph 41. Only bull-calves were used for religious sacrifices. Bulls and cows were allowed to die naturally. Also cows were held sacred for it was symbolic of the Solar Goddess, e.g. Hathor and Ast

. 4. Consequently, in John Kellogg’s Natural Diet of Man, p. 79 we are told that “Pythagoras... opposed flesh eating most earnestly.., not only by voice and pen, but opposed the use of flesh food as unnatural and unphilosophical, and established a colony, Crotona, from which meat was excluded.” Obviously he was taught this “strict dietary rule” as a student in the Egyptian Mystery System at Annu called in the Bible the “School of On.”


B. More definitive proof of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of On ( Annu) “Sun People”, AakhuHammemet priest and priestess alumni’s vegetarian lifestyle is as follows: 1. “... that the (Aakhu-Hammemet ); ‘Sun People’ were believed to live upon grain (vegetables and fruits) is proved by the passage in a hymn to Amen-Ra wherein this God is said to be the ‘maker of the green herbs which giveth life to the beast and cattle and the ‘plant of life’ (Khet en Annu-Khet Heru), of the hammemet (in a Cairo Museum held papyrus, published in Ed. Grabaut, Section VI)” (from E. Wallis Budge’s Gods of the Egyptians, p. 160, Vol. 1) C. “If we stopped to think about it, we would realize that the food we eat has an effect upon our physical, emotional and mental makeup.” If we are trying to lead a life of nonviolence and compassion, if we are trying to become more serene and peaceful, if we are trying to control our mind and senses, then we will naturally want to follow a diet that helps us achieve our goal. “Food can be categorized according to the effects it has upon man.” In India, three broad categories of diet have been given: • Satvik foods (or pure foods) include vegetables, grains, beans, legumes, fruits and nuts, as well as milk, butter and cheese in moderation. This diet produces serenity and equipoise, and it is said to keep the head and heart free from all types of impurities. • Rajsic foods (or energizing foods) include pepper, spices, condiments, and sour and bitter things. This diet produces restlessness. • Tasmic foods (or stupefying foods) include stale foods, meat, fish, foul, eggs and alcoholic beverages. This diet produces inertia. “Taking those factors into consideration, the saints and sages from time immemorial followed the satvic diet because it is most helpful in leading a pure life conducive to spiritual advancement.” “If we examine various religious and mystic traditions, we find that they recommend or require vegetarianism. Pythagoras and those who followed his school of thought were vegetarians. Many of the famous early philosophers such a Plato, Empecodies, Apollonius, Plutarch and Porphyry also followed the vegetarian diet.” “Again, many of the early mystic religions, such as the … Orphics and the Essenes had vegetarianism as a prerequisite for initiation.”

18. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX B: SPIRITUALITY AND VEGETARIAN DIET REQUIREMENT (Continued) “If we carefully study the Bible, we find that God had originally intended man to be a vegetarian …… After all. How can we claim to be lovers of God, lovers of its creation, if we kill the humbler members of God’s family?’ “When the living Master or teacher {of a social religion} leaves the earth, the esoteric side of his teachings is often lost or obscured in the rites and rituals which are created.” “Similarly, after the Master leaves changes are made and relaxations in diet and discipline are allowed by those who want to popularize the religion or make it more acceptable to a larger number of people. But the mystic tradition is clear in advocating vegetarianism.(From Darshan Singh’s Spiritual Awakening, pages 149 and 151.) V. "Quoting from the Encyclopedia Britannica on the Essene(s) {Hebrews/Jews}:

“According to Clement of Alexandria (200 A.D.) the Essenes were strict abstainers from flesh foods.”

“As a result of the ascetic training of the Essenes, and their temperate diet, it is said that they lived to a great age, and were superior to pain and fear.”

“… they had in many respects reached the highest moral elevatron attained by the ancient world, they were just, humane, benevolent and spiritually-minded; the sick and the aged were the objects of a special affectionate regard: they condemned slavery . . as an impious violation of natural brotherhood of man.”

“Josephus says that the Essenes lived the same kind of life as did the Pythagoreans ….. they entirely addicts themselves to husbandry... they are long lived also in so much than many of them live above a hundred years!”

(from John Kellogg’s, Ibid., pg. 77) (emphasis added) VI. “Dean Stanley points out certain evidence that St. John was an adherent of the Essenian philosophy.... Thus from the above St. John by inference was a vegetarian too.”

“The Homilies of Clement, according to Howard Williams”... assure us ‘that St. Matthew ‘lived upon seeds and hard shell fruits and other vegetables, without touching flesh.”

“The Homilies of Clement, according to Howard Williams, represent St. Peter as a strict flesh-abstainer, living upon bread and olives only, with the addition rarely of kitchen herbs. This information it is claimed was given by St. Peter himself to Clement of Rome.”

“Eusebius states that St. James never ate any animal food.” NOTE: St. James is St. James the Just, Jesus Christ’s brother and known Essene Nazarite. “According to St. Augustine, he lived upon seeds and vegetables, never tasting flesh or wine.’ (from John Kellogg’s, Ibid., pg. 77)

19. THE ORIGINAL PREVENTION OF SICKNESS: GENERAL NUTRITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX C: Cause and Prevention of Disease - Diet and Livelihood A. “Among the Egyptians themselves, those who dwell in the cultivated country are the most careful of all people to preserve the memory of the past, and none whom I have questioned have so many chronicles.” “For three following days in each month they purge themselves, pursuing after health by means of washing their lower intestines with an enema bag; for they think it is from the food which they eat that all sickness comes to all.” [Adapted from the English and source of Greek of Herodotus Book II, Paragraph 77 in Godley ed. p. 363, emphasis added] NOTE: That in the 5th Century B.C. traditional Egyptians took enemas three times a month to remove food waste. “High enemas, consisting of a 2 quart bag used for two successive enemas have proved of immense benefit. The objection to enemas usually comes from those who need them most, but are not sufficiently informed on the subject of nutritional and eliminative physiology. The fear that they are habit forming is based on lack of knowledge. cleanliness, whether internal or external is never harmful. (from N.W. Walker, Raw Vegetable Juices, p. 144-145) B. “... I hold that the diet and food which people in health now use would not have been discovered, provided it had suited with man to eat and drink in like manner as the ox, the horse, and all other animals, except man, do of the productions of earth, such as fruits, weeds, and grass; for from such things these animals graze, live free of diseases, and require no other kind of food.” “And at first, I am of opinion that man used the same sort of food... that the present articles of die (‘civilized’ diet) had been discovered and invented only after a long lapse of time...”

“... for when they suffered much and severely from this strong and brutish (‘civilized’ diet) swallowed things which were raw, unmixed, and possessing great strength, they became exposed to strong pains and diseases, and to early death. “ [From Hippocrates “On Ancient Medicine”, extracted from Great Books of Western World, Vol. 10, emphasis added]

NOTE: The first six Hippocrates were Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of On (Annu) trained and were essentially herbalists, never used drugs, in the holistic sense using medicinal and nutritional herbs. These quotes are by #6 Hippocrates was from a line of herbal masters. “Hippocrates” stated: “The more you feed the sick, the more you harm him.” Also, “Your foods shall be your remedies and your remedies shall be your food.” This first statement proves clearly that he was advocate of fasting and restrictive vegetarian diet, especially in case of acute disease.



His second statement (suggestion) embraces... The amount of nutriment contained in a food is no the decisive factor, but rather its eliminating qualities determines to what extent it is a “remedy” according to Hippocrates.

(from Arnold Ehret’s Physical Fitness Through Superior Dietetics, p. 7 and 9)

C. “Beelzebub, the prince of all devils, the source of every evil, lies in wait in the body of all the Sons of Man. He is death, the Lord of every plague, and taking upon him a pleasing raiment, he tempts and entices the Sons of Man.

Riches does he promise, and power, and splendid palaces, and garments of gold and silver, and a multitude of servants, all these; he promises renown and glory, fornication and lustfulness, gluttony, wine bibbing, riotous living and slothfulness and idle days.

And he entices everyone by that to which their heart is most inclined and in the day that the Sons of Man have already become the slaves of all their vanities and abominations, then in payment thereof he snatches from the Sons of Man all those things which the earthly Mother gave to them so abundantly. He takes from them their breath, their blood, their bone, their flesh, their bowels, their eyes and their ears... and last of all shall the erring Sons of Man lose life. For he kept not the laws of his Mother and added sin to sin.” (from Essence Gospel of Peace Pt. 1, p. ii translated edited by Szekeley)

NOTES: The above is from the teachings of Christ on nutrition and sickness prevention, taken out by the Catholic Nicene Council from the Bible, “refound” in 1930 in the Pope’s Vatican Library by Szekeley, then a Jesuit student.

The holistic term of proper diet taught by the Saints is here expressed, i.e. proper livelihood and proper vegan/vegetarian diet is conducive to proper health.




The Original Hebrew and Aramaic Texts translated and edited by Edmond B. Szekeley (1981, International Biogenic Society, British Columbia, Canada)

[ FROM THE PREFACE: “It was in 1928 that Edmond B. Szekeley first published his translation of Book One of The Essene Gospel of Peace, an ancient manuscript he had found in Secret Archives of the Vatican as the result of limitless patience, faultless scholarship, and unerring intuition …….. The English version of the ancient manuscript appeared in 1937 …… It was not until almost fifty years that the first French translation that Book Two and Book Three appeared ……Book Four, The Teachings of the Elect (appeared two years after Edmond Szekely’s death in 1982)…….

This Book Four, The Teachings of the Elect, represents yet another fragment of the complete manuscript which exists in Aramaic in the Secret Archives of the Vatican and in old Slavonic in the Royal Library of the Habsburgs (now the property of the Austrian government). ]

“Three are the dwellings of the Son of Man, and no one may come before the face of God who knows not the angel of Peace in each of the three. These are his body, his thoughts, and his feelings. When the angel of Wisdom guides his thoughts, when the angel of Love purifies his feelings, and when the deeds of his body reflect both love and wisdom, then does the angel of Peace guide him unfailingly to the throne of his Heavenly Father. And he should pray without ceasing that the power of Satan with all his diseases and uncleannesses may be cast out of all of his three dwellings; that Power and Wisdom and Love may reign in his body, his thoughts. and his feelings. First shall the Son of Man seek peace with his own body; for his body is as a mountain pond that reflects the sun when it is still and clear; but when it is full of mud and stones, it reflects nothing. First must Satan be cast out of the body, that the angels of God may enter again and dwell therein. Truly, no peace can reign in the body unless it is as a temple of the Holy Law. Therefore, when he who sufferswith pains and grievous plagues asks for your help, tell him to renew himself with fasting and with prayer. Tell him to invoke the angel of sun, the angel of water, and the angel of air, that they may enter his body and cast out of it the power of Satan.”

“Show him the baptism within, and the baptism without. Tell him always to eat of the table of our Earthly Mother, spread with her gifts: the fruits of the trees, the grasses of the fields, the milk of beasts good for eating. and the honey of bees. He shall not invoke the power of Satan by eating the flesh of beasts, for he who kills, kills his brother, and whoso eats the flesh of slain beasts, eats the body of death. Tell him to prepare his food with the fire of life, not the fire of death, for the living angels of the living God serve only living men.”




“And though he sees them not, and hears them not, and touches them not, still is he every moment surrounded by the power of God’s angels. While his eyes and ears are closed by ignorance of the Law and thirst for the pleasures of Satan, he will not see them, nor hear them, nor touch them. But when he fasts and prays to the living God to cast out all the diseases and uncleannesses of Satan, then will his eyes and ears be opened, and he will find peace.”

“For not only he suffers who harbors the diseases of Satan within him, but his mother, his father, his wife, his children, his companions, these suffer also, for no man is an island unto himself, and the powers that flow through him, whether they be of the angels or of Satan, truly these powers do unto others for good or for evil.”

“After this manner, therefore, pray to your Heavenly Father, when the sun is high at midday: ‘Our Father who art in heaven, send to all the Sons of Men your angel of Peace; and send to our body the angel of Life to dwell therein for ever.”



Appendix E: Tea Infusion ___ General Instruction (“sun tea” liquid) Measure 3 teaspoons of the dried herbal leaves, flowers, seeds, root, or bark for every ( 1) cup of desired herbal tea infusion water; for example, to make a 1 gallon herbal tea infusion of the desired fennel seed herb; first to 1/2 gallon soak 24 teaspoons (8 cups x 3 teaspoons/cup) of the herb(s) in question in at best PiMag water or at least purified, spring or distilled water for 12 hours; strain and save used herbs and keep “sun tea” liquid. (“just boiled and simmered liquid”) Place saved used herbs (the same herbs used in “a” above) in an equal amount of just brought to boil PiMag water or at least purified, spring and distilled water, turning off heat and covering to simmer 45 minutes; for example making 1 gallon and strain and discard the seeds (herbs) and combine. (combine the 2 liquids) Combine the just strained liquid with the previously saved liquid which provide respectively the water soluble and oil soluble elements of the herb being tea infused.

Attachment I: Mexican Papaya Fact Sheets


Excerpt from Joseph M. Kadans, PhD. Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds for Healthful Living p. 136

Botanical Information: Fruit of the papaw tree (Carica papaya)

Nutritional Values for 100 grams: Vitamin A:1,750 IU Protein: 0.6 gm. Vitamin B:Thiamine .03 mg.; Riboflavin Fat: 0.1 gm. .04; Niacin 0.30 Carbohydrates: 10 gm. Vitamin C: 56 mg. Calcium: 20 gm. Vitamin D: trace Iron: 0.3 gm. Vitamin E: trace Phosphorus: 16 mg. Vitamin K :trace Potassium: 470 mg. Calories: 39 Reported health benefits: This fruit contains the digestive enzyme papain and is therefore Valuable for aiding digestion. It is easily digestible and cleanses the digestive tract. Case studies indicate that this food, taken alone for two to three days, has a highly beneficial tonic effect upon the stomach and intestines. The juice of the papaya aids in relieving infections in the colon and has a tendency to break down pus and mucus reached by the juice. Leaves of the papaya tree have been found valuable as a dressing for ulcerated wounds. This fruit also contains Vitamins D, E and K. Preparation: The fruit can be eaten raw, cooked or pickled, and juice of he squeezed fruit makes an excellent drink. An excellent salad is prepared by cutting the meat of the papaya into slices or small pieces and mixing with other fruits or vegetables, and served on crisp lettuce leaves.

Excerpt from George and Doris Fathman’s Live Foods by


This exotic tropical fruit is not too easy to come by, but if you do live near an area where you can get it, by all means do so. If ever there were a miracle fruit, this is it. We live not far from the Mexican border, and we regularly have gone to the markets there and procured it. Re-cently we found a man who makes periodic trips to and from Mexico and brings back much of this glorious fruit. So now we buy from him and save ourselves a lot of unnecessary travel.

Dr. B. Lytton—Bernard, D.Sc., D.O., has a health spa at Guadalajara, Mexico, and he is an enthusiastic advocate of the papaya as an indispensable part of his therapeutic practice. He says that the papain enzyme has the power of digesting 300 times its volume of protein, and that he has yet to find a more effective cleansing agent. He says it cleans not only the alimentary canal but reaches all the tissues. He believes that in the papaya lies the key to rejuvenating the body to such a degree that life can be greatly prolonged, and without diminished faculties.

Papaya is a melon that should not be eaten until it gets soft. In Mexico they serve papaya with lemon or lime juice. In many tropical countries they eat papaya with other fruits like pineapple. In Florida they like papaya with cottage cheese, which of course we do not recommend except for those on a transition diet. We do not believe any milk product is fit for human consumption. You can make papaya aspic by cutting it up, blending it in your blender, adding lemon or lime juice, and putting in your refrigerator to jell. It is delicious this way. However you prepare it, be sure to eat as much papaya as you can get. You can never eat too much Of this fruit of the gods.

Excerpt from George W. Singleton’s Original Prevention of Sickness

A melon fruit of the papaw tree (Carica papaya); in this age of colon cancer and immune deficiency opportunistic diseases associated with intestinal tract micro-organisms, the Mexican Papaya is of vital importance. The Mexican Papaya only is of use in this regard: Its “herbal signature”is its rather bizarre smell of vomit from the high concentration of the digestive tract enzyme papain; in flesh around a hollow interior wherein are found its valuable seeds in an interior surface resembling a human’s intestinal tract wall membrane.

Thus the fruit; is easily digestible and cleanses the intestinal tract and stomach of animal flesh mucus (acidic, undigested/partially digested food waste) and cooked vegetable/grain/fruit mucus (basic, partially digested food waste); which coat the stomach and intestines like hard placque on tooth enamel. One to two cups per day is recommended for those eating animal flesh; and for those vegetarians wishing to achieve inner hygiene from previous years of meat eating. Fasting on just papaya from 1 to 9 days under proper guidance can do wonders for the stomach and intestines; as well as the digestive organs and veins and arteries clogged with cholesterol placques.

Infections of the colon and stomach, ulcers of the stomach and intestines, and other pre-cancerous conditions of the stomach and intestinal tract\ including the digestive organs (e.g. liver, gall bladder and pancreas) can be eliminated with liberal eating of Papaya of Mexico fruit, and avoidance of red meat and other denatured/over processed/unnatural “foods”.

Eating Papaya fresh with lemon or lime juice, or made into a “smoothie” in your blender with other fruits is best for breakfast or before bed. Noting that Papaya (Mexican) seeds are used in meat tenderizer products, save your seeds in a paper bag and use in enema, water applications by blending in blender or making infusion and strain.

Excerpt from N. W. Walker’s Raw Vegetable Juices, Pages 71-72

Attachment II: Dr. Young’s extract on “Acid Blood”



pH Balance

The Importance of Alkalinity to Health The unfriendly bacteria and fungi that populate our intestinal tracts thrive in an acid environment and are responsible for secreting mycotoxins, which are the root cause of many debilitating human conditions. In fact, many researchers believe that most diseases can be linked to blood and intestinal acidity, which contributes to an acid-based yeast and fungus dominance. The symptoms of excess internal acidity include: • Fatigue / Low energy • Unexplained aches and pains • Overweight conditions • Low resistance to illness • Allergies • Unbalanced blood sugar

• Headaches • Irritability / Mood swings • Indigestion • Colitis / Ulcers • Diarrhea / Constipation • Unnary tract infections • Rectal itch / vaginal itch The ideal pH for the human body runs between 7.4 and 7.6. Preserving this alkalinity (pH balance) is the bedrock on which sound health and strong bodies are built. When the blood loses alkalinity and starts to become more acidic, the foundation of health is undermined. This creates an environment where we become vulnerable to disease and runaway yeast and fungus overgrow


The naturally occurring yeast and fungi in the body thrive in an acid terrain. These same yeast and fungi are responsible for secreting a large number of poisons called mycotoxins, which are believed to be one of the root causes of many diseases and bilitating conditions. When yeast and fungus decline in the body, so does their production of mycotoxins, the poisonous waste products and by products of their life cycles. There are numerous varieties of these mycotoxins, many of which are harmful to the body and must be neutralized by our immune systems. When our bodies are overwhelmed by large quantities of these toxins, our health becomes impaired, and we

become susceptible to disease and illness. Many cancers have been linked to mycotoxins. For example, the fungus Aspergillus flavus, which infests stored peanuts, not only generates cancer in laboratory animals but has been documented as the prime culprit in many liver cancers in humans. By balancing the body’s pH and creating a more alkaline environment, you rein in the microbial overgrowth and choke off the production of disease-producing mycotoxins. With pH balance restored, the body can regain newfound vigor and health.

How to Restore Alkalinity 1. Carefully monitor your diet. Avoiding yeast- and fungus-promoting foods is a crucial factor in combating excess acidity and fungus over-growth. Meats, sugars, dairy products, mush-rooms, and pickled and malted products can be especially acidic. On the other hand, garlic is excellent for controlling fungi and yeast. Other high-alkaline, fungus-inhibiting foods include green and yellow vegetables, beans, and whole uncracked nuts. The natural ratio between acid and alkaline foods in the diet should be 4:1— four parts alkaline foods to one part acid. In his book, THE YEAST SYNDROME, Dr. Morton Walker outlines some antifungal diets. The pH of a raw food does not always determine its acidity or alkalinity in the digestive system. Some foods, like lemons, might be acidic in their natural state but when consumed and digested are converted into highly alkaline residues. Thus, the true determinant of a food’s pH is whether it is an alkaline-ash or acid-ash food. In this case, lemons are an alkaline-ash food. 2. Avoid the use of antibiotics. The

overuse of antibiotics for incidental, minor, or cosmetic conditions not only increases the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms, but it kills the beneficial bacteria in your body, leaving the mycotoxin-generating yeast and fungi intact. This is why many women suffer outbreaks of yeast infections after antibiotic use. 3. Use essential oils. Many essential oils possess important antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties. French medical researchers in study after study have documented the healing properties of plant extracts and their ability to stimulate the immune system and inhibit bacterial growth. Essential oils work best when the body’s blood and tissues are alkaline. When our systems become more acidic—due to improper diet or excessive levels of stress—the essential oils lose some of their effects. So the best way to enhance the action of essential oils is to alkalize your body, and AlkaLime is a first-rate tool to accomplish this. 4. Using alkaline salts. AlkaLime is an outstanding source of alkaline salts that can help reduce


PEOPLE’S DESK REFERENCE FOR ESSENTIAL OILS internal acidity. An alkaline environment is hostile to fungi, which require acidity to survive and thrive. Lowered yeast and fungus popula-tions translate into lower levels of body-damaging, disease-inducing mycotoxins. 5. Lower stress. Emotional and

psychological tension can be especially damaging to bodily systems and act as a prime promoter of acid formation in the body. To properly appreciate how acidic stress can be, just think back to the last time you were seriously stressed-out and had to reach for an antacid tablet to soothe your heartburn or stomach discomfort.

Some of the most common varieties of nega-tive bacteria, yeast, and fungi that live in the intestines are inactive. However, when the body is weakened by illness, stress, and excess acidity caused by stress, these bacteria become active, damaging and assuming an invasive mycelic form. Blends of essential oils high in sesquiter-penes, such as frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood, can produce profound balancing and calming effects on emotions. They work by affecting the limbic system of our brain, the seat of our emotions. 6. Boost friendly flora. From three to four pounds of beneficial bacteria permanently reside in the intestines of the average adult. Not only are they the first line of defense against foreign invaders, but they are absolutely essential for health, energy, and optimum digestive efficiency. These intestinal houseguests not only control mucus and debris, but they produce B vitamins, vitamin K, and maintain the all-important pH balance of the body. These friendly flora are also important in counteracting and opposing yeast and fungus overgrowth. When our natural cultures are compromised or disrupted by taking antibiotics or by poor dietary practices, yeast and fungus start growing unopposed and begin colonizing and invading larger swaths of our internal terrain, secreting ever-increasing volumes of poisonous mycotoxins. Using an acidophilus or bifidus supplement, like Royaldophilus, may be especially valuable in boosting levels of naturally occurring beneficial bacteria in the body and preventing fungal and yeast overgrowth. They also help

the body maintain proper pH balance for nutrient digestion and absorption. Ideally, the lactobacillus acidiphilus and bifidobacterium bifidus cultures must be combined with plantain to promote implantation on the intestinal wall. Research indicates a significant proportion of bacteria from many acidophilus supplements do not reach the lower intestine alive, or they arrive in such a weakened state that they are not of much benefit. This is why combining the acidophilus and bifidus cultures with plantain is so important because plantain helps these cultures stick to the intestinal walls. An even more effective means of fortifying the friendly flora in our intestines is by consumption of fructooligosaccharides (also known as FOS). FOS is one of the most powerful natural agents for feeding our friendly flora. FOS is made up of medium-chain sugars that cannot be used by pathogenic yeast and fungi. The end result is that FOS starves fungi while feeding the acidophilus and bifidus cul-tures that are our first-line defense against disease. But FOS is far more than just an outstanding means of rebuilding and protecting the benefi-cial bacteria inside the body. Over a dozen clinical studies have documented the ability of fructooligosaccharides to prevent constipation, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and even prevent cancer. (Hidaka et al., 1991; Briet et al., 1995); Bouhnik et a!., 1996; Kawaguchi et a!., 1993; Luo et al., 1996); Rochat et al., 1994; Tokunaga et al., 1993). Stevia Select is a supersweet supplement that combines stevia with FOS. Testing Your pH


PEOPLE’S DESK REFERENCE FOR ESSENTIAL OILS You can easily test your pH at home by purchasing small litmus-paper strips at your drug store or pharmacy. To get the most accurate reading, expose the strip to a sample of your saliva immediately after awakening in

the morning and before eating breakfast. Color changes on the litmus paper will determine pH; check the instructions of your kit for specific details on how to read the litmus paper.


Attachment III: Science magazine 5/17/2002 article on Lithocholic Acid: The cause of Colon Cancer made by the Liver in the Digestion of Fatty Animal Meat


DALLAS – May 17, 2002 – Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have uncovered what could be a key clue in tracing the connection between high-fat diets and increased colon-cancer risk.

Their findings, published in today’s edition of Science, reveal that the body’s natural mechanisms aren’t built to handle lithocholic acid, a toxic byproduct of dietary fat, in the volume generated by high-fat diets.

Dr. David Mangelsdorf, professor of pharmacology and investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) at UT Southwestern, said observational evidence established a strong association between high-fat diets and colorectal cancer, but scientists could not explain the biological and biochemical mechanisms that formed the link.

“The rate of colorectal cancer is much higher in the United States - where a high-fat diet is common - than in Japan, where people don’t eat a lot of fat and colorectal cancer is almost nonexistent. But no one has understood why that is,” he said.

The new findings show that at least part of the answer lies in the body’s inability to cope with large amounts of lithocholic acid, produced when the body processes cholesterol. The body produces bile acids when it breaks down cholesterol, part and parcel of dietary fat. Those bile acids go to the small intestine and are broken down into secondary bile acids, one of which is lithocholic acid.

Most secondary bile acids circulate to the liver, but only a little bit of lithocholic acid does so. Much of it remains in the small intestine, then moves into the colon, or large intestine.

“Lithocholic acid is highly toxic, and it builds up in a high-fat diet,” Mangelsdorf said. “We don’t know how it causes cancer; but it is known to cause cancer in mice, and people with colon cancer have high concentrations of it.”

Scientists knew that a certain receptor controlled the small amount of lithocholic acid in the liver. Receptors are proteins that bind to certain substances to help the body absorb or get rid of them. The lithocholic acid-controlling receptor also is present in the colon. But there isn’t enough of it to cope with large volumes of lithocholic acid.

However, the lithocholic acid-controlling receptor is similar in structure to another receptor, which binds to vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium. Mangelsdorf’s team wondered if the vitamin D receptor might also help eliminate lithocholic acid.

The researchers discovered that the vitamin D receptor actually plays a major role in eliminating lithocholic acid. Like the receptor that works in the liver, the vitamin D receptor binds to lithocholic acid, then binds to a specific gene, called CYP3A that triggers production of an enzyme that breaks down the toxic acid. Those findings were made using assays, which are small, flat panels used to study genetic activity outside living organisms.

Next, the researchers used tissue cultures to show that the process is replicated in living cells. Then, the team fed vitamin D and lithocholic acid to mouse models. The lithocholic acid activated the animals’ CYP3A genes, as well as other genes that the vitamin D receptor is known to bind to after binding with vitamin D.

“It turned out that in vivo, the vitamin D receptor appeared to play a large role in breaking down lithocholic acid,” Mangelsdorf said.

While the research identifies a possible target for helping the body eliminate excess lithocholic acid, exploiting the research might not be so simple. Taking extra vitamin D would stimulate more activity in the vitamin D receptors, but that also would cause the body to absorb more calcium. Ingesting too much vitamin D can lead to hypercalcemia, a toxic condition that occurs with excessive calcium buildup.

Mangelsdorf said the body’s natural lithocholic acid-response mechanism simply wasn’t built to handle the amount of fat in the modern American diet.

“Our bodies can handle slight changes in lithocholic acid that come from a normal diet, but not a high-fat diet,” he said. “The current American diet can provide more fat on a daily basis than a human being was ever meant to handle.”

Dr. Makoto Makishima, a former research associate in the HHMI at UT Southwestern, was lead author of the study. Other UT Southwestern researchers who contributed were Timothy T. Lu, an M.D./Ph.D. student in pharmacology, and Dr. Hideharu Domoto, a postdoctoral fellow in pharmacology.

Other institutions contributing to the study were the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and the University of Arizona College of Medicine. The study was supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the National Institutes of Health, the Robert A. Welch Foundation and the Human Frontier Science Program.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ © 2003 The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Page maintained by: Office of News and Publications. Last update: May 16, 2002

Attachment IV: Colon Therapy Chart, Part One and Two NW Walker, Colon Health, pg 113



Attachment V: Tape Worm Extract from Helen Kroeger’s Parasites: The Enemy Within

BIBLIOGRAPHY Ehret, Arnold, Mucusless Diet Healing System, 1934 ___________ Rational Fasting Kadans, Joseph, Encyclopaedia of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds for Healthful Living Kellogg, John, The Natural Diet of Man Kloss, Jetro, Back to Eden Szekely, Edmond, Essene Gospel of Peace, Bk. I. International Biogenic Society. 1981. _____________ Essene Gospel of Peace, Bk. IV. International Biogenic Society. 1981. _____________ The Essenes by Josephus and His Contemporaries, Academic Books, 1976. _____________ The Essene Way: Biogenic Living, International Biogenic Society. 1986 Walker, N.W., Raw Vegetable Juices, 1936 __________ Diet and Salad Suggestions Colon Health