THE NEW ERA - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


Transcript of THE NEW ERA - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

"There ia .. much HftH in torturi... one race aa there would be in per­aec:atina people witb red hair. or every one with blue e,e .. "




Frank A. Rue, of Riverton, Completed · 51 Yean

with PennlY As he atepped from hia train on

Saturday evenln, at the Camden ter­minal. Frank A. Rue. of 112 Morlan avenue. Riverton, rounded out his fifty-first year of service with the Pennsylvania Railroad .

The completion of the trip mark­ed the last recular run for Mr. Rue, who is now on the retired list after a period of lon, and efficient ser­vice.


Riverton Teachers Named (01' Vear 1939-40; Few

I Changea Made

At the meetm, of the RivertoD

I Board of Education held on Monday nicht of this week numerous ap-pointments were made for the nut school year. The.e inc:luded part-

I time teacher. and other .. Those named were .. follo •• :

I Mrs. Velma Comeey •• mUlic. Mil Helen A. Bottcher. domntlc

adence. Milton A. Huu, indultrial art •. Raymond J. Callahan. health and He entered the employ of the rail­

road in April. 1888. at South Am­boy. and was first enKalred in main­tenance work, but .oon went Into frellrht service. where he apent .ev.­eral years. later advancin, to pal­een,er runs. Mr. Rue became a paa­senler conductor in 191>.

Th d . . Nt. Era Slillf PbOlO physical educatloD. e !Do ern equIpment of the Palmyra Ambulance Association . il available for communitr. service Mr .. Grace C Duer art

365 ~aYII m the year. This w«;ek ~he or,anization is conductin, a ta, day campal," for fund. and • holdln, Eleanor J. viilll.m~, omce clerk. a ca e sale on Saturday mornlnl In front of the Clover Market Broad .treet Palmyra. I D l' B 01 II ch I b B~y a ta, to help thie worthwhile cause or assilt by don'atln, or purcb .. ln, a cake Call Riverton' Icl r. . ruce cIon,' 00 p y. 352. J If yo!' WI,h to buy or contribute. Orders will be delivered. Donation. may be left ~t the p.lm ra I I an. pollee Itahon or phone Edward Werrbach. secretary of the assoelation, Riverton 325-J. y ti.~r. Georle J. White, .chool den·

Moves Here

Condu(:tor Rue wa, on the ran from South Amboy to Camden and from Lon, Branch to Philadelphl. for a number of years and formerly relided in Lonl Branch, movlnl to Riverton Is" year. a,o.


Eighty Men Compl'i.e Liat Local Worken: Thomaa

. Ia Chairman


Since that time he hu been on the Amboy and Lon, Branch run. to Camden and PblIadelpbla, III a4-dition to local .ervlce betweev Cam­den and Trenton and on other line. Bi,hty men will be campai,nln, in the Philadelphia area. for fund. in the annu.l Y.M.C.A.

Mr. Rue .tated that one of the drive which I. to open here next hi,hll,hta of hi. railroad career w.. Monday nl,ht. with a launchln, the occa.lon when the l.te Pre.i., dinner for worker. .t the Porch dent Woodrow Wil.on had bisl Club. private car att.ched to a train of I Carl H. Thom.. i. the lenera} which he w .. conductor. cbalrman. with J. Dou,las Clark a.

He aI.o added that, durinl hi. cbitlrman of the .pecial lift. com­lon"ervlce ou the local Unea be baa 1 mlttee. Mr. Thom •• ha. or,amled mown practicaU, all of the real- thl. year'. collectors Into four dlvI­dent. of the varlou. comDlumtin .ion •• each of which ha. five team., alon, the riverfront and baa bad .. with a captain aDd three worlren. puaen,er. the ... andchlldren of DlvI.ion leader. .re: Ch.rle. S. former commuter.. Stlclme" John F. W.rd, Richard M.

Many Friend. Woodward and How.rd B .. Conover.

Mr. Rile remarked that he had Ki,ht Groups Here (c:oatiaaeCJ on pqe 11) There are now eilht Y.M.C.A. COLONEL ARTHUR POILLON

Painting Exhibit At Porch Club

O. Tuesday afternoon and even· in, of thd week. the member. of the paintin, c"'ac. conducted by Mrs. Murray C. Boyer held their HcOnd al\nual eahlbition in the Porch Club with 100 paintinS' on dI'piay.

Over two hundred can_. were completed duri... the course of tbe year and the work of each .tudent wa' eumined by two Jud,n who determined which paintin,. .hould be hun, for the exhibition.

The jud,cs were Mr .. W. H. D. Koerner. of A.bury P.rk. who is the founder and vice praideDtl of .... A.bury Park Art Aaaoc:iatiOll and who baa served In • aimilar capecity • t man, other daira, tOlether with C. J. K. Aaderaon. noted artlat, of RivertoD.

,roup. here. whose leader. are: Comm.nder at Fort Dix. who wlU Thomas Braddoclr. E. Newbold Jud,e the jumpin, event. at the Cooper, James Durham. CHIFord H. hor.e show on the En,liah Setter Loane. Robert IICurdy (who leade Club Farm near Mt. Holly on M.y two .,oupa), Francl. J. Schwartl 6 .nd 7. The ./fair I. beinlr .pon· and Earl B. Whitcraft. ,.ored II a benefit for the BurHn,.

Tbrou,h the varlou. ,roup', in ton County Ho.pital. their weekI, medin,., boy. pr.ctlce bulinell procedure with their own . ~LASS TEA officer.. Leaders direct practical, The Shlnln, Hour Cl.... of Ep-applicable Bible .tudy. and coach the worth M. E. Church wl!l hold it. member. In many .ctivitles which ~econd annual tea on Prld.y even-provide opportunities for phyalcal, In,. Ma, 1~. . . social, intellectual and relilioua de. The dl1r. WIll be novel In that velopment. There are debatea, 10- the table. WIll repre.ent a number dal ,ames. practical tallr. by Invited of the counu:tes o~ the world. .peakera. parties. he.lth in.truction, lat'!ore det.... WIll be announced Indoor .nd outdoor athlet:ic_ op- . portunltle • . for ,rowin, boy. to PIRB AT RAYON PLANT achieve IOcIII Hlf.reaIJution. . IEut Riverton. Riverton and P.rry

Groap memben participate In lire companies an.wered an alarm county·wide . and .• tate-wide event.. earl, Wednetday evemn, for a nch .. awunmUl, mem toanIa- fire in the plant of the American nu:'ta. conferencea. trl.,., apedal I Jtayoa Company, But Riverton. en ~::e;:-'d -::~,:ao- attend . The blue was promptly utin,-

-- ., I UI.bed.


Benefit Affair Will Be Held at Cinnaminaon Home:

Vour Support Aaked Plan. are now completed for the

Annual Fete of the Clnnamln.on Home to be held Frld.y. M.y 26, from 5 until 9 p.m. under the dlrec· tion of Mn. M. Albert Linton, preli­dent of the home, and Mrs. James Davl.. of Moor .. town, chairman. Please note the day la Friday •• de­parture from the Saturd.y of former year •.

Attractive booth. will be arran,ed on the ,ound. of the Home for the sale of home-made cake .nd c.ndle •. Mr.. Harry F. Jone.. of Riverton, and Mr.. Lloyd Heulln,.. 01 Mooreatown. will have charle of the candy. and Mr •• N.than Lane, Jr .• and Mn. WIllI.m D. Lippincott, the cake. The amu.ement commit· tee, with Mrs. S. Bmlen Stoke. .a chairman are pre.entln, an exhibi­tion by eapert. In archery and an opportunity for amateun to try thefr .lrIlI with the bow and .rrow. a merrY·Io.round for .maller chil­dren. and In the evenln, in the Home bulldln, lOme .peclal movl ..

Mi .. Carolyn Cook and MI .. Helen, .chool nuran for the Visltin, Nur.e Society. Tbe .chool nurse. will .1.0 .ct a. attend.nce of· ficer •• ~

Clarence T. Yerlres, broker of record.

MI .. Staman'. Report Excerpta from tbe report of MI ..

C.rollne M., .upervl.ln, prlnc:lp.l follow:

Attend.nce and health have - beeD lOod. Four children were liVeD epeclal examln.tion. by the .cbool phy.iclan. durin, the montb aDd forty attended dental c:llmc •.

The .nnu.1 .ummer Round.Up . of pre-,chool children conducted b, the P.T.A. hal been .rranled with local phy.lclan. for M.y lath aDd 17th. Thl. activity brlnp u •• KIa­derprten c.... •• free from reme· dl.ble defect. a. po •• lble.

Mr. Jone. t.llred to parent. of 8th .,ade children April 17tb dl.· cUlllnl currlcul. aDd .ent III .. MacDonald In on April 25th to en· roll tho.e who wnt .ttend PaIm,..a Hl,h Scbool, probab'y twenty.dYeD. Tho.e enrolled wlU .pencl M.,. SI In the .chool foUowln, their achedul. .. outlined for neat year.

Adam. Prepare. New Jail Plan.

and other entertainment. A tl f h B lin t a mee n, 0 t e ur ,ton Supper Dance County Board of Freeholders beI4

Mi .. Helen E. Woolman will have IIa.t Frld.y .fternoon. Director Pal· ch.r,e of the dinner. Includin, . • mer L. Adam. wa. .uthoriled to hot d~nner from 5.30 until 7.30 and prepare pl.n. for • proposed .ddl· a chOIce of .upper platter and lind· tion to the county j.i1 at Mt Holly wiehe. for the children. In the Accordln, to the conc";.u. oi evenln, there will alao be • d.nce at opinion .t present. the addition will the ~Iverton Country Club. under be In the form of • dormitory In the direction of Mr • . J. V. Hackett. which temporary prl.oner •• nd those of Riverton. I d .... n.ted •• beln, of the "model"

"The proued. of the Fete are to type will be houled. be u.ed for remodelin, the kitchen Adam. propoaed th.t the .ddltlon of the Home. Those In char,e urle be con.tructed .a • P.W.A. project. you keep this date In mind and He will refer the plan. to the bo.rd plan to enjoy thl. occ.lion wblch for approval when completed •

The work of the tbirty_ -­ben of the c:1aa w .. the .. jed 01 mach f .. onblc COIIUIICIIt 011 .. part of the acora of art .0..­ilsts who atteadecI the ahlbidoa.

hal alw.y. mbnt 10 much to tbe Mr. Adam. w •• al.o .uthoriled to annual .prin, festivities of the com- prepare plan. for • new aullillary munity and b.. helped to malre water .,.tem for the county build·

V .1... I.' k pouIble the efficient Hmu of the In,. at New LI.bon. HI. propoeal ~ outn "' ee p.oaram ClnnaminlOn Home for con.aleacent couIcIer. drawlnl water from JIan...

• I e women sent by the sodal qendea coc.. creek and would ..... .., In· II., 7.~, ewainI. 7.45 o'clock. Epworth II. E. Clnarcb-UDioa and hoepital. of PCDJI.ylvanl. and creuc the .vallable aupply.


L.!....~,~ people. lpeaker-Rev. Geor,. A. Ha,edorn New Jeraey •• aervice which bas

Y C omUUICU orc __ tr... . been carried on for more than forty-

COUNT OUNCIL lIay s.:~ n~ S o'cloclr. Y.M.C.A .. Buildin,. National Leapt five year.. The Home nceda and P.T.A. MEETING --- 8IO'ftDC Pc:tare. count. on yow .apport to carry on

lI.y 9. Taadatl after-..-, 4.15 o·clock. Broadway Theatre. frte m.tiaee this .plendid work." The .pria& mectiq of the Bar- to chi :~ under 12 'ea.... Compliments of Charlet A. Shu,ars. Jlldse Pranlr lI.thew. will 1M the

lm&t0ll County Council of P_enta T::t, ncai .... F ' L ___ ' Pal PALMYRA SCHOOL EXHIBIT ,uest .peaker at the replar monthly and Teacben will be held at the Re. H ' b Scbool ._. u-e_ .n.. myra . . " Information Please" The Sprin, Garden .nd Cinnamm- mutin, of the Cinnaminson P .T.A.

.. .tadeata and m_apel ollelal.. : I0Il Annue school will hold their t be h Id W d etda III bt 01 ,ioaal Hi,h School in IlGa1lt HoUy. lIa, 10. WedDeaday aft--. 4. o·clock. Do, par. and .how. prizes I annual exbibit of pup'" work on .:at .:ek. o"a, ~O~ in rhe ~hoo' ne~ W='~ 1:';j coa_ =:!ecI;ec:=~ ::~.A ~1D~n~.pon_in, thi • . event, Friday even in,. Yay S. from 7 to 9 .udjtorium. Judee ........ wID at tal o'dock. aDd leacbeoa will be TburIcIay 11th,.t 4 p& . . e t y of .how. Rain date o·c~k. AU . parenti ~ friend. are t.1k on "Amerlcam.m.- • ..,.. ~ed at -. _ .a, 11. Tbanda, naiac. 7 o'dock. Y.II.c.A BaiIcIiac p . cordially. lDVlted to Vlllt the chool. which .hoaId be of .............

AD laler'" ... ocr- .... .... diar,e 01 PIIaIaDa. Pr'- 10 eaaria Wor. 7";" et Ihow lD at that lime. terHt to everyone. arTIIIIed. aDd it ia IIIoped dIat Iti.... ....... .. y CftIIIia&, • o'clock. HiP .... u- . Holilby ------- A cordial invitation to atteDd tWa lOll wiD be well ....... 1 a." .. dIia ~ ., a •• a .... .,........... A« • • a I ,..&riCI:i 10 ...... .... NOTICE __ in, i. "tended 10 all ,... ... ....a... AD .... I' I. 10 .. _ ~ ~ 1J_~ ...... ~ ................ ,........ x..--a BUcry __ n dlaa aDd 'rieada in .... ~. I'" ...... h •• wi1II ..... . aDd.,. a ... 11M-. aDd ••• n .... ... ......... dN7 40 DOl ..... 4ocw~ aoIi· Prececlia, J..... .......... ... a.rt. Y-. .. ,..-.- -. ...,. IS, "'~""'II_Ul"cIock.'.lal C til I. aa.. - Ri9WtGD, .... ". or CIa- ... will ... ilion .......... • ~_"".'I._'"'' ................ ' .. I ................... ' II A.,..,cWmiII&lOadj __ .. wllldl ....... da&t. .... u J I d .... d... ..... r=tE:'!\:~ .... ,.1' ...... I '1' .,. mdill.p .. ao... - a .............. ita -a ....... ..... ~_.I__ ...... __ il •••• ,...., '1ll1d .... I ••• , ................. --_ -' ' . _ .... '.---............ .... --.


PAG£TWO t V ,~_ Ia ..... at.Mt fa ...., ..WI ' .. "- "'Y'" A~lUAt~ IlilllEIIMO

·'. Dates A......-d F. I, Y.M.Ct'p~M:~~AY r..etuc..... ~\tftla~of t .--01 "ItIItautlKdilaof' ........... Hone Show L ..... _ pcd-\Dar1 i\l-~ .... . 1 ... 1ti-"W1 ~.M.CA A~'" ~ ~ ___ 1"'-.1 II... (_ ...... r.- Plat 1) -'uutrJ d.aua to" i*'atd Sa~ - w.. 1ft ,tit "Y'" WId ... ~ .JIIIIUIKI .,....-up C4.l'QpCkbni~ al\\l tll* .. LmIIl T J lib ~_ .. --' Iq aI'Id lbla ~t~ .- ~ ~. II., ,&. at 1 o~

Dr. """ • - "'-- that atttplan .. _ ~~ be'tft ~"" TM llIf.,ar W\1l .. ;. tk luwa 01 • of

camp .t M.toniorl~." • wqwt_ foe ik uNbitors III TIlt annual Summ« ROlllld·Up Burli....-~" •• lin, Y JlLCA aho 1iOft'Il. from tht fuUo."lat MtII. /1,.11._ 1t9'ftrtOo1 dIIa ~ -"- ....

dIIlldl'tD -'11 ~ ..:ondlKlbi (NIB Map. lad t~ ~ • .... ., 1M>. of ~_to ... a ~ t. 1It'a. s.. a. JOMS, tftttrior daM .... "to Map l~ Tht &aIDID" R~. bolftt ft..:.',Oft Ullip ... 0fPII Ladla AIaIlilIU1 of "-~ ~ In eqlail..botl: M-.iOr Frill· f« GIlD'" Bnlthtn ..m .. "-Up I . htalth pnlJ«t of \be lasl _Ill" at hllDJYa.Ri~ C_" H.tal - to be beN an.. of hrt OUt. ItlqIIti't • ...,... ~M Kall!.!t -C::1rtH of Pa ... ttta mel Wlckr Secn~ B_ R~ lad· Ii and , oft ik .. tIIh Setter ~ ~ Unltbi Stabs A.-; .-------.... dItra and Ita purpoae Ia to .-l trail.... htm nur M~t Holq, ~ s.~, 80l11ratt. of ~ Strom~ CARD OF THANkS drildrti1 to lh~ enunna and" of Mr, R~tt haa aIao had ..-w rt'\l_ to ltiwl&t tile WUDt Famlt M~ Bam Compton., ofl .. "001 In &ood phyalc.1 .nd ment.l l-elallonahlp .. Itb lilt PalI1l1R.Ri..... tht lloted Ken\\l~ ~ 'Vlncento ..... : "'-nit Tt~ I)f RI~ Wt .... to eli:4l"R ........... c "1dltlon In thi ... ate It ia apon. ton "Y~ Group leadtn dIarinc the wllo .. ill judat tbt tbrft mel lift-~ and Dr. Jobn T. ~ ~lIons of tht ~ .. a red by' th~ New Jeru.7 Conarna past winler it\ • un" of '~iD& anited deuaa III'ltn ht la Introdlactd -" lmo-.n I qIIlpath) .ttOnled 1&11 b, ., of p.rtnla and Teacbera .nd the c:onr~ren4:ea b.viq had a n_ber I)f to tltt patrona alld dhlbitora a" I ~ and netabbora In - rtcat M..tlcal Sodet,. . lbca~ UaUona Itt hi. home at o'dod! on the olltftin, d~ of tM Thti'e ha"t betn .... , "earth. btru~'til\enl,

The RoW\d.Up PIlP Illdlid" an MoOrHlo_ abo .. , Il Ia admi\tbi that thla ..... quake ahoocb~ ~rdbi In MOb~ Mr. and Mrs. Victor .)eMta cblldrti1 hom t_ ~ of IP to . 80ard lIembma tltman ba. jIldaed at IOlfte ot 'M Ii"ct tilt fall of 19M. IIInd Famlb,

thoee dl,lble for acbool In Septem. lara6t aho_ md th.t It .... onb 1:=========================:; ber On tht l .. ln-dl) Y.M,CA board poaldble to auu~ hllb 1Ieullae tbel Nam" 01 children .. 110 will enler.~ tbne men from PalID1fll: datu of tM allow 6ued In with tbt

achool In th~ f.1I (or tbe fint tlmt Howard B. Cono.,.r, Robert J, Pin· judat'a lrip to lilt Ne.. Yorlt .Ire bten aec\lm throuah the ney, Grover F. Foa. Edw.rd World" Flit, Ithool «naUL Fr" CharI" B, Marple. Palll Col Arthllr Pollloli, .:ommander

Parent •• \11 be vI,ltbi b, • memo Jone .. L,_ce B. Parlltr, of Fort Dil. and noted •• a JIIdat of bet of the local committee and will S, SticDe),. C.rl H, 1'110111'" Jolm hUllura .nd jumpen at H"trtal of be .dvlabi to tak~ their chlldrtn to F. Ward and Georp N. Wimer. the n.tlonall,lmo ..... aho_ bU con· tbtlr lamll)' phyaldali for examln· FrClm Itlverton: Robert G, Adanl.. aenltd to jlldp lhe timbet·toppen atlon 1t. Newbold Cooper (p~lident), Ibal wlU compete oftr both the In·

A ~I.ndard elt.mlnatlon blink I. Francia B. Elwell. Nllthan Lilne. lide Ittd all\altle COllrael.

aed Each chlld'a blink I. I\Imed Clifton P. Mayfield. Victor Rita· Other Cia .. " over' to th~ sd\C)OI .uthoritlea to chard. Richard M, Wood ... rd and

h hlld' Y Mn. R, K, Rlb .. m (tbe forlDer

.. rve I. lh~ Initial unit of tee a Ch.rln H, o.t, MI .. K.therlne Sharpl~ ... of Trett· ptrm.n~nt health ~c:ord. or the above lilt these Iften ~ ton. wbo ""lIB (or mlny ),eln the

Offl H· members of the Count, Y,M,C,ft,

ce our. board: Edw.rd W, Fry. Orover F. premier rider o( Bllrllnl(lon colln,,: The local doc:torl hIlv~ cooperllt~d }tox, John F. W.rd. Oear., N. Mn. Herbert W. Stllart. of 'Rd,e·

with UI and Wlll eXlm",e the chll- Wimer E N~wbold Cooper. Fnndl water Park. who a. p.dd, Bon .. 11 etten In their ollkea on th~ follow- B. EI~eli. Nathan Lane. Victor was • nationally Imo..... juvenile ID, d.,,: . T _.. M Rillchard and Richard M, Wood· rider and exhibitor. and Jlcob Rld,-

Dr, H. W, Bauer: ue .... y. a, ward. WI),. of Columbua. who haa owned 16. 2 to 3 p.m. C.mpll.n d.tes he~ are from lIa~ .nd ridden milt, (amoul ateeple.

Dr, 1', B, Dickson: Wedne,dlY. Ith to the 16th, on wbleb Ota the cha.e horae., qned to Judae May I'T. 2.30 to 3,SO p,m, Y.M.C.A. Women'. Auxllliry wUl the Juvenile Ctaamplottahlp clUlea

Dr. H, L, Ro.en: Wedneadiy. IIrve a clo.lna dinner for III .. ork. and tbe adlllt horllmlMhlp cl ...... lI.y 17. 2.30 to 3.SO p.m, era at the Y,M.C,A, buUdln,.

Dr, H, P, Landll. Jt,: Tueaday. lIa, 16. 1 to 2 p.m. BENEFIT TEA Dr, Deln H. LeF.vor: Wedne.· ~y. May 17, 9 to 10 a.m,

Dr. H, II. M.rll: II, Ippolntment. Dr. C, B, MIlII: Tutad.y. M.)' 16.

I to. p,m, Dr. J, R. 81ddalll Wednead.)'. M.y

17. until 10 •. m, Dr. C, F. Voorhl,1 By .ppolnl.

ment, Dr. J, C. Vo .. : M.y UI.

S to. p.m. The doctor. Ire aivln. their time

wIthout remuner.tion. Will yoil not "'aile an elfort to take yOllr pri· .chool children to )'our family doc­tor for • health elllmln.tlon P

A tea to benellt the Incubator Fund. .ponao~cl by the Burllnl'on Count)' TeICher .... lOelatlon. will be held on Thunda, attemC)OD, Ma, 11. b), the ClnnllftlnlCln P.T.A •• .t the hom~ of Mfa, W.tnlc1t. Bur· lInl'on I'lke. ClnnllmlnlOn, Th. char,e will be 25 cent. each. and ever)'one Interested In thia .. orth­while Cill.. II cordlall), Invited to Ittelld,

Polio win. the ph),.lclt 'IIImln­Itlon In the .prln.. homes of pro" pectlve puplll will be vI.lted Ind plrantl urled to have remedllble de· feet. fOllnd In the children corrected by the flmlly phYllc:l.n .nd dentl.t.

lummer Round·Up Committee. Mra. M, H. DeCollrae),. ch.lrmln, Mrs. A, H. Burn •• Mra. J. H. Werner.


... v.ry flne aervlce Ind .ttendanc. lut lund.)' I fine keep up the .ood work. f

We Invite all YClun. people 0 Hl,h Bchool (wholfe not connected with In), olher YClun. p.ople·a poup.) to Ittend our Lealue ler· ¥lc. tbl. Sund." at 6.4S .harp. eh.rp,

IIr. Jonea the .upervlllni prlncl. pi' of Pllmyrl HI.h School will be tbe ,peaker thl' Sunday nllhl. allo .ptcl.1

Don't forlet our LUlue loclal thl. Frld.y nllhl II II o'clock In the Lellue Room.

HOTICE TO I1II1DIt.' The Board OIf E4uutkJn of elnn.mlnlOn

'I' ......... ~ will .Icllvo bId. for 0.1 hundr.d (100) 10111 of PII COil ( .. lIh prlvtll,1 </f ,." .... t ... tw .... 'r-fiv. (J., tone 14tdltlHan ... _"'I to be hllll III,. It. It,. a.

~oo P. II. (D."1'.1 "' .ho Ichool. A.lir,," _I ....... 14 ",C_,I., .hl 1>14 . Tho r' rtMtV" tt.. r..... to ,.)eet •• ,. .r .U

1t .... A O. '.AHIt. ..... Dlllritt Ct.rtI,

• 01'1(1t 1'0 IIDDIt.'

6 Beautify YOUR LAWN MILES with dapenel.ble tr.... .hrub, anel

plante from the


8.uhore homel Ind aplrtmen" .t elth.r H.ven or Brant Beach .re .cluaU)' Ihe IftUea from the mainland Ollt to •••.


VI,lt u. any dl,. durin, bu.ln,I' hour. anil 10011 ov.r out varied atock. Let UI .how you how you CIlII be.utlfy your .rounde and etW .pend u little or " much " yoU tllce.

W. have helped othera In your ftel,bborhood Ind cordially Invite your patroDlae. Ou.rante.d .. ti.· faction on In .tock,

Open daUy (Indudln, laturda), and Bund.y) from II •• m. to 5 p.m. An Ideal 'PClt for vacatlonlltl wbo

wllh to teell relief from ha,. fever.

ro.e cold. and .Ithm •• and at the LEACH'S .. me time enjo)' every faciUty for 1 deUahtful 1 .. lhore .ojourn.

TheH re.ort. .re noted for the cool oC.ln and b., bree"l lhat R S E R I E S mike them Ihe mo.t d •• lr.ble lor N U relief from the oppre .. I.,. malnt.nd

heal. . I JIII~~~"T.~" w. one Clf the lar,"t lI.t. II In,. of homee .nd .p.rtmentl 011 Ih. Ind Invite you to Conlwt III It an early dlt. belor. the b'­Iprinl rUlh for Hllhora propertle, Itar".

TheH properU,. con.l.t of .nWJ hom" .nd .partmetlta Oft up to the moal e.clUiln It rlllu ID proportion •

Either call 1&1 Of take thl •• d with ,OU and _ Robert Osborn. Jr .• at the Beach Ha.,111 Oll1ce Of Lnt" Oaborn at the Brlltt Beach Ollc. of Robert II. O.born A loa •.


LADV,a. .... OIIAL







5th and Clnnamlnlon Avenue Phone Riverton 6

Palm" ...

... 1 wit, .... w , .... , ....... , ••• f •• a.t •• " .....

a..,. .... belliD b ... • ... to llAY. the New lener Nuneryman mUlll alway. b .. e • IarSI .took of .uperior bardy tre'l, perl!lU1lal plaou aud IbruhA. Take adYau&q' olltl

BecaIYO be wlnb to bulld a pel'llUlnent buelneee of .. tJe. 8ed ..... be _ to It thn rour purch_ lin! properly ballecl, .wildy trao.ported aDd .apel'dy I'e-pl.nled. TIlk. ad"au ... e of lat

BecaUIIfl be IIU an iDvllltment In land. buildlngl and mn­.... ndl., be .. "-ely pleallfJCl to wla your ,atMna,e by oouuItin, with you and ad"bin, you, without obU,atlnn. at .Y &lme. Becan'hfl'ord to depend on "" metl".cI .. Take HYauup of Id

BeuuM! be FOWl hili own tr_, .hrube an,l peretUllal plan"', be can confidently parantee )'OU complete ,,'",,-rtjon with bIa DUI'Ift'Y-POWIl .luck and plautlDS Ht\,&ve.

You'll pt beta« .tocI&, better ... Ice and avoid powlall ..... by cIepeadiq oa the N_ lflr!C'T ~.....,....... "lao Ie iaIpectAId by the hi .. Deplartlllent of ApIcUlture.

.y /,.". yow eo ........ ", .... "..... ""yfAf ..... ..,.., JIll ..... _1-yotIr _".,. ... ,..,....". ." ,...,..

.,-y • .,..,. .... .,." """.,,,.. .. ,...

lIJ __ C •• 'CII ..... - ... ~ ... e a ...

... ~ __ .. ·I __ 'ra .... _

'''r ,.",,-fllI .... IfY .,," YO leVl1 WOIII AND ',"',. ;

PAGE Til ..

r r rrnAW HELD I.~ ~ Jll,triotMfI ... Wtv .,

tiyOU11l WEfltl~!E#..~t' ~ l~;:;:;~~ 0( ~ aad Rint\OO. -S to ill ! fiNer... 'habllM ..... UIl\ f«

Hi- School S~ ............ N-............ Ita and ~ftI oa ~ uk~ ~.l NOT_ i~""" ~ tM ..... "'>- ,\lUaI.......,.. I!iIf lot 'iIe ...... &Uftt., Ri"*'- .----------41 ~ 0( ~ ~ CMlp ... ~ b) ~~'tm. ~ ~~ Ri"" .... t We ..... too .,.___ ~ ~~ .....

him)'1'*. al'ln~U\... . til ~tte ro. ~ ~~ ofl ~ Gl~ A '* •• ~~ .. a.tlOpa""'" ..... Jft Hill' SdIool _ na'--Pa~~!-b .... ~ to--. s..on __ 11ft\t... ::':'fw~ ~~~iMS:

paft,'; .... tu In ~ ~.,.th Wftk "...".". ~\rttU t ""t ~ \hat \ 'na to ~ .... - \Mtl' wtIt\ ~"---" . \be BolIN 0( ~\'- ... ~ ~titDa I .... ~ ~"~I ~ 'he UIlIttd Pkt)t ~ the ~ 1ft ...... ~ oIImt -" ~ ill ___ ,,,.... 'nit .--.e---..-t--IIIf--"~-\8'-1 It

~ of ~ta candidam ~ tht AIIlft'. tbti't ~\S U) \~ .. m ~ adi- 1I1QIItY'flalot\ of CMfttIa W, bJ. l~'i$~PHii~i\ iofi\Mi..-tiilllfi~iiiiiiiiiiiiii lUll ~tb ~ itt P'adl\a dtt\t ~ to ~Wft tw ~ lOdaa~ _otV1P •• ~ IhtlI III oIItce... et~ of ltrftb SiD ~, ~ '-nt ....... ~ d,a WUli»tt £t.alll. \be Uni\t<d ~- ~ti(MU 'lit hOIIt to ~~ ~ uua, IIilIf ..... of ~.

tt ..... ftd ..,. IIIf ~ _ ~~ fw JO'lna ~ .... ~ .. ~ &eWa of "'~ _ ~ ~ of the ~~ wttbitt tile two ~""'" wdI .. aI'Id COIlt of a~M1t .......... YlIIIlth pta"" .... cMMl\ tM.Y<Ol' ot daftttll altd pi1tn1H" a timan to'"' Rmrtot\. . c~ Oqaa C~

Ret'rft\~ tor coloft;4 CNtdree t Carl "'wlta" IlOteII rttdlo ~. Bltctbi We hopt to h'-It • plan foe prnper- lat 1Il"t a nci\al fW tk ..... IIthtol

t'boft eltctbi fl'Oft\ tecll pta"" art rettuNot\ f« coto...d dll~ 1ft MOlIda.Y. Mat t. IIhari .. tIlCtM.,. pt-I. (oUo ... : Wltllt Palll\7ft and EIlIlt Mlftrton. riod. be HIlIll ... ond tle\:lric ora-

Amtri~an YOllth Uttttnployment Aid! Wt Udftt a .... ",""ahed throlalb the ~ tlWt to .Id IIMmpto1ttltl'lt bJ "lit of Johl\ h. W~ ud Co. III',

Palmyra Coundlmen of aU Ilftll.ble munidpal l\I"Ope\'t) ~ot\a..ttlt ,,"t a ibol't ~" ... borothu 'l'YoIat 4IS (0, hIod prdl!fla.. \Ion on Saturd., efttlin& pread\na Alln!d Morbmllnn YO Amll!riun Voouth i \ht .. tt1~ plap, At. law hlOllr 110ft· Albtrt SUet _. _ I I dap he til*," for the tramlft.r Chllrlltll Oamble 51' I ltee .... t 'On: We fa'n)' indool' \'ft. lacbool,

Mtl,)'Or or ltl"trtoll n~.tlon for hl,h achool Itld atade Pele Lelejlro h$ .chool bon .nd .Irl. dllrin.. tbt I Vlalton' Dl)'

acllool year Ilnder tht mall .... lftll!ntl V'IItora' dl)' will be Map 31 thla Riverton Cblll\cllmel\ or aummel' park IlIptl'VltIlolI, yur Itt lht hlth &d\ool, &e'nloR

Walter Snovet _ .• "5 Strttt. In Palmyra: We f..,lOr the I o;;\ll tlOt be reqllired to attend acllool. Clnn"lftittllOtt 'l'owttahlp Immbil.~ ... palr ot I'\'ftl. in Pal· All other .tudtnta Il\cludlq tteat

Comlftl"ee"'eli mprl\ thaI 1ft mOltly Itt need of It. ~r'l (reahmeli wi" ." thrbUCh thefr RUlSell Haines _. au Protecllon for Bledders .nd 19)9·40 achedllle. Enrollment of

The Ulliled I Skate,,: We favor better protee· fruhlftttt hal ktn Itt proa ..... for M.yor of Palmyra ' I tlon (or .Ieddera and abattn in Pal. lIelleral dlJ1l .ttd Ott Ml)' 11 the .. lfte

William Evaul SOI& m,r. and Rlonrton .I~et.. will be,ln for Iltlptr cI.nmtn.

11wee . Beautiful Butterfly Buahea FOr aummel' garden bloom .ttrelttil'll myriadl 01

butterflie.-"Ialt dot ..... net:· riehly ~. Stk: tllch: "Charming:' nM&y..pil\k, aptly named 15t Ncb, and "Dubonnet" (new thia yeIIr). of Dubonl'lft wlne-rtd but, 10 popular it'! p~tnt day dl'ftlS fabrka. St.OO 9ch.

One tach of the th~ for $2.00 .

HENRY A. DRE£R l1"tiJ".t tl .. (i.m/tl. I1M"t.,./ nI.,( 1$.'8

Come to tht nllnerr and sellel:t 1\ I~en\c di.h of handaotite plants for Tltt Mother s DIY a\ft.

PalmYI'II COlllidllfttl\ I Relltl: We lIlarantte a ... neral Anlll1 Ltuatter 'S38 check up o( .11 people that have ~. Pradlce Olltce Succe ..

SIR1uel Rothbaum 5!1l111lel and need ftlle( tllid .. III 11M th.t Accordln, 10 tht ta.' «llle.tlon· 1 ~~:;;;;~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! Rillerton Coulltllmeli lh~ nftd), pt It, I\al~. the Practlte Olltte tIIptrlmettt Robert Dottaer 4'7 Dtapoli.1 Plant: We .. Ilt try to I. a IIl\lctaa 11\ the Bchool, 'Teachen Philip Leaenby ._. M4 plan aome w.y for Rlvertott to ob. and .tlldentll .an It Itron, ap· Jane Bto .. e :143 l.ln lewell,e dl,.,olllll plant. pro"'1. L."'rtttce E. lI~tllth, ",Ito Hilton Smith 4'1 I. III chat,l! of the hme. hilll tllb· Thom .. Pler,ro,. .._ ._. ___ :SllO CHRISTIAN BCIRNetl: ChURCH milled the pl.n to the Bta~ de.,.rt-

Clnnamlnlon Townahip Firat Churc:h o( Chtll" Btl.tI,. ment ror tel/Ie., Tlte~ I •• POI-Committeemen Thom ..... ft, IItd 8'lrellth It, albllll)' th.1 It .111 be .dop\ed (or

I'aul McDermott 517 lUverton, N, J. aelierlll use In the at lite nlllt )'tllt, Marjorie Nul ._ _.. 441 , Bllnda, Bthool. 11 l.m.


lIurllnl\on PIke 8unda, lIont ...

The platforml o( the two pattin t BWlda, 8,mee .. 11 a.rn, Ilrt! •• follow.: " WlKlnltlldll1, LOG p.IIl,

U It d Rtadln, Room In Chllreb Bulldln .. n e Tbolftaa Ave, Bild leventh It., Rlftf'o

LCltl1 Patrlotlam: Wt allft throu,h ton, open Tund., litIS .. tid." 1.10 educ.tlon b)' pampblet. etC,1 to atlm- to .,!O. •

10 o·elo9. IfI.rtt n., SchooL U o'cloc:II, Meetlna for wotthl.,.

to a

~f>A~¥! in a Dawley "SAFEITY TESTED" Uaecl Car 1938 CHEVROLBT De LUKe Town

a.dan. 15.000 Mlle.. One Owner. 'plo and 'pan,

1037 CHEVROLET Town Sedan. New Paint, 'p"ndld Condition.

1034 CHEVROLET Pour Door Bed.n. A Oood C.r.

1937 PONTIAC Two Door Trunk Sedan, Lik. New,

1035 FORD Coupe. New Rubber and, Motor Thorou,bly Over· hauJ.d.

1937 PLYMOUTH Four Door S.d.n On. Own.r. Can B. SOulht at a Bar,.ln,

.nry ODe of lhe.. Clr. w.. carefully .. amlned before beln, ,.ken In tr.d, by ~.. Kach hal been ,on. o.,ar by our m.chanlca and IAFETY T&ITEO by them. M.ny mil •• of ,ood tr.n.portatlon will ba found In each of the above lI.ted car_Coml! In and lee tMIII now.

We have many 'other reliable used cars to chao,", from­~ ~ !:! MY reliable ~ ~ RELIABLE


"JACK" DAWLEY, Inc. 10 Broad Street Riverton, N. 1.

Telephon.t Riverton 1212-MerchantviUt 510

"WRY SBOULD I CAD "'al ••• '.ney'l ...... , ... !"

'The railroad. ot New JtlIIJ empk)y about a .. ooo ~, 'fheypay oller '!,ooo a year in wagu, 0tIe 'i"iilly OUt of i!'o'U)' ~ in the State it dirtctl~ dependent u~ the nllroeda for itl tivelibood, BIlnkNpt nrtroada Will employ fewer peaple.

Tb. hllrued, cl Nt'" tttay (1ftI'ridt Itin~Hon dart, for about ,.,.000 N •• J .... , 1 .. 1.1 ..... , Wbm Nt'" J • ..., hllrat~1 are In dUlicultld, It b .... ,

et....." OtV of .helr ... ltjll<lllf'U eutryone uf .hel ..... ppllrra ItIlL't'Y Ot •• of .hme dclJl!u"'nt ott tlwI" ~ _~ hO!tU! ....... "'" ." ,h. Bld'e.

• • • ~ trllt.nct of .Imott <,'t No .. ' Wt railraad II thruttntd lada by Ih. hnvy Wetl .. f I,aln.llh.m.

1iIt Nt. J ..... , ."I,toId, w .... 1,,1. 10 pa, I .... amounllin wu In an .atlltr th,. and the Shift ....... fited Ihr\lU~b hu~ tn rt«,IPI yur oft., ,.at Today lb. coodltlOhI thai mad. Ihl' .,.,...1"1.110 looG" filM,

TIlt rallr .. dt IlItd 10 he .IIDOlI ,he onl, Iftft'ronatiOll .",ncyln Ntw Joroty. Now the, mu.t.hart the Ivlil.No bY.w .. "'l1h lruck .. bueeI. altpllllU. pit'" illlti. Ind ""and and cOllta I ... 1 ........ ' •.

Ill.... 1~.1. the N.w , ..... y ... ,1, ...... h •••• uff .... d 1_. fn .nd r.".nu. ot ,0 to eo". Th ••• Iue t>f the r.llrDld pro&HI,tl .... _Iy rrotn )0 tl> , .. " of the •• lu.uOftI etlll u .. d loy tha Stat. I .. -ulna t .....

line. '11)1l1I0II ~ lhe Nt. Jttocy 1I11t00d. "". v. not .Uit<tl.nDIJah _, 10 ... , 1ft (uU lhe IH.I fmpooPd on th.m Tbtt. '.110 re ..... lo \loiii ihal tbty can do III In tbr (UllIf •.

'The "J1UItIU ~ tMw IIIIr .. dt In rotCnl ,",.1. I""t ..... 1 .. 1 lid .. ppIIa, anti oIbot "~ rtlatllli tttlett" to tbr .... Inl.~.nce anti optnllon ~ lhe lin ... CQfIIUDIU aboul e,t m ('Oft)' dotlar m r ... n\lf earned In addition 10 thr .. "JWtIIrI. the ,u ... Itvlfd hy lhe S .. t. m Ntw Jeri., awn. about ~ ret doll., m IUCb rtvtnut. OIw~.I, the nJIr .. dt cannot conilltllt 10 _, ntct.-ry ~ratln. flpUt .. t to ptMidt jlUUlc 1ttVIc. and ... , taul t"", total '"orf 'ban tn.nuu un...!. !!!!! "" .. no cr,"'1 iff!.

Ir.enl Nt .. Juory fI,I,o.d. "' alradY Nn&ru~t. Otbrr rollr ..... an tbrattncd .,Ib hlnkruptcy, .. bleh ,nunt (·.lttht, cur'.iI .... n' gI nliratd .. t.iet untm 1 IIltn! r .... their "''''''to rtduc.d , hut. (t_ !heir "rrllH .. and I cite tit In t ".104' tf tta filii. In I .... drcted,

TbiI it why It II In the Inlueot m the poorl. 01 I'" SlAt. 10 c ... IitooaiIe I'" bock tun ow'" by t ... nilr .. dl 0fI I bud ~ ,,'7. m ,he iuee ItYied Ute '9)~ •

hcJa • _I"....u.e w.1l •• ~ ... the Ik.te thel~ ........... _nt at t.cIl

to _" Ir ... the ... "roa., .. IIteq tha .................. .

• ...... rUIICIIdt Me fcrcN to .. to&o 1M ........ 01, ....... • tiler .. til.,.... I a.I ... not ......... r.d .......... bItahle ..

........... .., "PI7J~~ k., &a-. .... Ooa I ... ..

... ......... __ tlIiIltne 01 Nnr jaf., .... ...

......, ... .-,. .............. .", .... III ...... ,..,

--_· ....... ·1 i

Ib.. .... n. atftt;l ~, -.... oot~_atr.. ... .....

, .... ~oot~ ... .. , .... t..., at tM ~ oal Mil,,", .. I\t-..rt, of ~ a~_

.... , awd til", Albtrt 1M.... .,. .... ~M"~ ... tM .... __ a ~\J oM\. L~ • ~ tI\d antr-~ "0 ... ,-1 .. 'lriU II\O~ In .bOllt tl\~ .. ~~

Pftl Good. of t.lnden a'rtnue. hila , ""- a_tded a pattt\\ lo\' a \'4'­dtlmltt motor by the "'ftnt olftte .. W.,lIil\ll'Oft. ---

II... Phyllla S .. ,,-e. of T ... " .. a. I '""".e. tftftrtab\td • numbet of btl' lith frienda Saturday IlffttnOOIl \11 tthbtatlOll of hN .ht,h blrlll .. ay.

III'. Illd lin, eh"lu YOI' Il\d .... d A. t"uht-a, ,)'t., of RI~ ... tIIr. In" M .... Charln Kill' Iftd lit. _It Mti. Avet1 WIlli" of .. at· !II»tL Itttt\dtd the Nltlonal AI'IIH· _ Lttlon COl'llm,,,det's dlMH Ill"" at tht M,dl-IOII Hoftl. AU,"tI~ Ctt». l'ttt"tl,. fit lpeahl at the , ~1Ift'" .... NltloM\.a\ eoml'llllllder .~ Child.l~k. of aeattlt. WllIh. 1Ieioft.

II" .,,11 Mr., Alfred HI,,,IdI,,.ol,, I .... "a\llbter, ludy. . • .u.. Ntw York. hiave ret'~fIIltd thIlr hOl'llt after Iptl\tlllIl two ._ tal. homs of Mr, and MR, Rob·

, ett I, OallowlllY. of Clevell"d I .. · ..... tAltb8


for MO'l'ttltN'S t>A Y


&al Clltn,mln,oll Avtllut PALMYRA


$2.30 ~~\\~~~J". KVBRY WEEKIJA Y

1).,II_ht Iht •• Tim, L.. al •• ,t •• ,.. H.lh' .... ' "" I ,m. .... L • . N, .. Yo,k (" •• w •• It." ' :01 , .",

~8UNDAV-MAY 7 1.11" •• tl lund.,. th.,H""')

D'rll,kl ••• t •• Tlml .... _iOl,I.... .. .. • t.. ... .. , ..... L~. N ... Y",k ,!' •• n. I ... , "U , ....


f2 55 r.?UH'1 .. 1J1~: • to CJ.<fc~yo" U'IIU,hl 1 •• ln. Tt ....

.. "1M .... I, •• ·~ , ·~I~~~::.: " ~ II '111, 'k IiuoUr (101""'110, •• tt of .... , t • . ... ,.,It , •• " ••. I ... , . ,u , .... .. DAY Mound Trip to H,w York

lUI 1ft Coach •• An" b.y

Main · Street Market

S .&1 'STAR

• * Pale Ory Oirlger Ate

Root Beer ~ Birth ~r Orange - Grape - Linte Dr)'

Golden Ginger Ate ' s.aaparitla


Lux Flakes LUX TOIt..~T SOAP .


V2-1b hox 13e l·ib box 2Sc

Ig pkg 21e ... .. ... ~....... 3 takee 1 ge

Kellogg'tI JUMbO SHRIMP .. , 2 cattl 21e Kellogg'. SALAD DRESSING .... pint Jar 19c Kellogg'. TOMATO CATSUlJ .. ". 8~ol!. bot. 12c

KELLOGG'S Supr.e Quality FOODS There II uUafacUon IIftd . e~onont" In .. 1'\'1"1 lhla brand of

Rne (Oodl-YoU U ,nJo" na"or.

AlJPL~ SAUCE .. 2 No.2 canl 10e Pineapple Delightl .. ". large can 2le Tiny Tim Strlngleu BEANS .. , No, 2 can 17e ORAPEItRUIT JUICE 3 No.2 caM a3c Whole Kernel CORN ... . .. 2 No.2 caM 2l1c

Whit. Iho'1I11 Dr Ooldltl BanWtt PURE HONEY .. ," ... lwl'b Jlr 19c Beedle .. Ra.pberry Jam ........ _ ............ 1wlb jar 23c

Buy wIth Conlld.d~ ...... m. wIth Prlda .

Coil ••• tlaat You'll Enjoy/ KElLOGG'S ,lb 2&c


Bill ud Butta Btead Ib 22c OUf OWIt BI.nd-Router "rub. Itnooth III' M,llow


Com Flak. pies 7 c ......................... 1 ..... 1 •• ".1 ...... 111 .... , ................ 11111 ...

Full Line 01 Fr •• " FISH Inclutlin. Shad


Fresh·c~t Jersey Asparagus bcb 33e 2 lbs lSe Fre$b Peas


Fresh String Beans 2lbs 15e lb 5e Spinach

4 ears 250 Corn on the cob Carrots. original buncb. 2 for 13c Scallions 3 bunches 10e Radishes 3 bunches lOe WaterCress 'bunch Sc Peppers, extra larae each Sc Oranges, tartle ai.e dOl 2Se

Onl" the Dlltt Tl\dlllll Itl.,., Ol'llllft Are 'old by U. .,

Grapefruit each S~ Delicious Apples 6 for 2Sc Extra Larl!e Pears each Sc IImmlllllllllllllltIDUllIIlIIllIHlllllllIIllllIIllUllllmlllllmlllllllllllllm


DucKs lb

Ito 6 III a .. r ...

RIB ROAST Beat Cub Cit)'-dreued Shoulder. of Pork Rib Enda of Pork


Anaour'. Star Meat IAtaf , " .... "'. )i·1b Be BoDelea RoUed VEAL 111 2ge BACON __ . Ji-II



lc sldlileli Half siDObl Ib 23 and aeef Bolopa C Banria Bar Spr~ s.. jIr 27 c


M~~&)" tta) ..... "'tty 'n. ~rl"\at\'t. e\lba \ta. B~d .... :;.

1'll\Ind~, M~ kl-bll\\il~y 0\11, .... Card\t\.I .. Sltm' ~IP~ .... Athletttt.

Mol\d~. MI1 t&-~Nlld.6)' .... C.t1il"tt .. bAwley Olda \II. 'It"" K.~.

1'1\\lndll:;, M81 It-, ~~tIlU", VII. Athlet": .. Cubll \III. "arty.

. Mllnd~, Mty u­Pllrty ~,. ~ro.dwa). $llnt' Klp\)l on, ttortt\u",.

T"\ll'lIdll)'. M&1 'U­eardlnll, \ta. CIlbl. Atl\letlt. 'III. bl .. ley obi ..

MOlld"y, May 19-Cubll n, AlhleUtll. Plltty "., eardlnal, •

Thui'IId", JUllt I .... lI'oftnu", 111. bll""y Oldl BWlldwall 'n. lIitl\\' kl&\ttL

Monda)" lUll!! &-BrolidWall "I. FII¥tl\liltt • Car.tllllll. III, Athletlt ..

Tl\uradllY, j\l1\~ B­\J1IY,ley Old, on, Parr,. 811mll KapPA 1111, Cub_.

MOllday, JUlie li-Cubll "II. baWley. Athleticil 'II. ~Mitldw,:;.

1'huratla)" Jlinl! 111 ..... Parry" •• illhlll kliPPI, )tortllum III, Cardln,ll.

Mt)lId.y, JUlie It--Patt)' III. At"letk .. bawley 'II. Stolld .. I",

Thlltldill. June tt-CUIlII 'II. tl'otlllUnt , CardInal, II •• 11111\' kllllili.

8etoitd Hllf 'thUfldll)' JulY!l-

Slama kalll!l III, Cardlnlll,. !torlnunt \II. tub ••

Monday, July In-broadway III. Cub •• 1"0.(l1ll1n VI. Patry.

Thurldny, Jul), la­Alhlelltll VI. II Inti Itl"pa. Catdllllll. III. bawley Old ••

MOHd.y. July 11-1illl11a klppa VI. Vlwl,,, Old •• Cardillal. III. Dro'dwlI~.

'thurld.". Jllly ~ Patry til. Cullll. Alhletl~. v •. )toftnunt.

Motlda)" July 14-ForlnUnt VI. Illma Itllppa. broadway til. Patry.

Thuttday, July J1-Ulwlell Old. 'II. Atblltltl • cubt 'II. Cerd'" •.

MOHdtty. Jul, al­eard'"111 VI. Broldwa,. Athletic. VI. tubl.

'rhuudl". AUIU.t a­".11111 Klp.,a " •. Patty. "awley VI. Fottnum.

MONda),. AIIIUlt 7-Alhlttltl VI. tltdlna'" "orlnUI11 n. Broldwl,.

Thursd.". AUlllit .~ Cub. VI. lI.nt, KaIlPa. PatlY III. Dllwley Old"

Monday, AUIUII .~ H,oldw., VI. Athl.tlu . lJawh,y Old. ",, Cube.

'fhurlday. AUIII" n-Card.Nal. n. 'ottnu .... Kap.,. til, Par,,,.

MUlldl,. A ..... 11-Broadwl" "I. D.title". AthleUn 'I" 'ar". Pint ...... , .. te IN JiIa," ..

.... D ... . ,Ir ........... ~ .....

New Shoes From Old

"'AMICO" Electrical Vutcanir.ed

NnN·"~u ~~ RelOlIng ? /.


A. Uvial.ton Dey. MoolmSTOWN

Pholle Moore,town SH.W .1111"111111.111111111111.111111111111111111 .--

Open Bowlin. TUESDAY and



BOWLING ALLay. . ........... ,.,.

"tnT "

Clean- Up Week

Young Officials On 8at~rdlY of nellt week. Riverton. Paltnyra and tinilalll"'·

tIUtl will be gQ"ett1ed by olFitlal. who were elected ' from the ~de"t body at Palmyra Hlih Bchool. Candld~te. 'rGm two plttlel ollpoled each other .nd eath IIrGUP wa. well qr.anlaed. ",vh'la deDnlte platform. campaign manager. IIpeeeh prGgrlm, etc.

At a pre,. tottfetel\ce held t.llt week, the "ldoUII Mllllneelt we ... queatlotted regardll'lg the "ltloUIi plltform ptanlta and other d'.alta.

A .urprl.lng knowledge of local aRllrl Wall evidenced by the lipoke,,",ett and reat .0IuUol\. of certain muttlelpal problem. wert oltered. '

'rite meeting. of the youth oRlelal. who comptlee the lOY­trttlnl bodlell MIY l3 .hould be well attended by our cIU •• n •• it II extremely .,robable that they may l.arn .omethlnl of ",lUI.

tntldentlUy, the entire Youth Week PrGlram I. pllnned an thl, "lel"lty II Ott! which delervea th. commlndltlon and .~pport of aU local relldtttt ••

H'lIat Otllt", Editors Say t have 1'10 cotllidence In the ecoltolnlc .,hllolophy that we mUlt

.,.nd oUrtlelvei out of thl. eeonolnle dl~rder. We mUit curtail ct,aclt Dl'landttg unflinchingly and without polltlcat eonllderaUon. II Ilnmedlate Ind utllfled ptll\' Ire neil laid. Ind If etlortt1OUI attd ""ssretedeltted eXl'ettdlturel are continued. with the nltlonll debt mounting, economic confu.lon and chlOI! are Ineylt.ble.-8enatot .at Hartllotl or Mllllnlpp!.

The deportaUon of 30.000 .llenl could be very conyenlently anlnled by trading them for Amerlcanl lIylltg abrold who would tump at .the chance to let home.-.Ohlo Btlte Journal.

We Ihal1 achle",e recovery wltel1 the government begll1' try· "'. to 101ve Indu.trl.l policy on the ptlnclplet of honetty and and not on campaign contribution. and votet, and when we _nae to a alleal polley that will not deltroy the government.­U ••. Benator Rush O. H~lt. of Wellt Vltglnl •.

The pelllml.Uc ylew of prellnt condition. uluaUy exprell,d bY • man over 50 probAbly haa It I foundltlon In the fact thlt h. .,d to ,.rll his own IiYlng Illd proylde for hi. future Independence &at hll youth.-Mlnhattan Newi. ------

In daYI of yore; If Inyone mll .. d • It •• lconh, he wa. COli-

';"mINl" to two or three daYI for the neat on.. How hi let. • lCIuawk If he mla"l on ... ctlon of a revotvlnl door.-E.­


Help Atllbulonce AJ~ocjaljon I


Ivery m'nute !! tit- day and nl,lttl

Ready nlht now t Ready an hour from now t Ready tonilht t Ready tomorrow I Ready for you and all the lamllyanytime. Hot water is always ready when there 1. an Automatic Gas WaleI' Heater In the home.

A fatnny 01 seven in Plah.Reld pays only ahout '3.03 per month for automatic hot water lIervice, blllled on a comparillon of gal bllts before and after all automatie gal water heuter was in!!talled.

Have ready hot water in your homp-ready for dilltJlel, cooking, cleaning, balhl, IIhaves. .hampooIJ and the ecore. of hot water needs. Ravp. Automatic Hot Water Service by Gas, at very littlfl COllt.

Ask Public Sertiee or your '"'ocal plum1lf'r fot an estimate 01 COlt. Modern Inlulated automatic gall water heater. may be putcha.ed 011 term. as low as .1.80 down, '2.15 monthly. Inveetlgate!

'nit ~ _~ -.!KM Qt~~Att __ ... ... "t~, ~, l, '-et, Hab. It ...... ..." ~~:I _tint ht all t .... -ao. 'A. tdnt __ ........ to



"" Itt .. \\.,so. D"a~ It. ... ud HIl\>t1 M. It .....

Wt ~ IIftlted .. ........ ~ ...... _ .. _ ~ p, Bwo_-" W. It, .t Good hl)o~ A.~'~I '''ut''" M,,* ... ". • Port \dt tht ttttl\\\Ot\II' .t\l\Ml' to M at ..... lII~t UHl'tftt IQUll\t .... t ""_Il_II1) M ttel\ ..... ww. It\,btrev • .., tM ao..tu. A~ bltr. ~ tht Itton, Wt ..... .. 'Il.a.d llJ ~. • ..... Iro'htrl M.. P. hft'.'Jta~, R. ~ 1'00 .... a . to d ..... hal" .I\t\ R\lUtU It. ~ of Had· 1Ul. trw ~ .. wtth • \toft A_bl1. of em .. t".ct uwM iitt root,

i Ilrothu Lrt bll\"'I"~ wit" ~t , wont. ,bout \M 'hi. &lltlth.tlt ~ of •

hit tri., whUt do • .., ~dd tl\ thl\ol\\t ~1atI"1="-::I..:-~"~'.,;t~-Itq\", ~.,.,...\I", th. I" fit ""tit tM" th. IlOIt bli tlla eventl which I"ct. I" • ... »taft tM 116'- CIt tnt tlle"ta whtdl I"thlcte lre. h.. bMt\ \\\ mlllt Moo"tlah'l • trlp Oft tim ... l.abt '''~ \\\'''1 ot","-ltql" "tlO hwlled P,ImJR a~tlOft btl to at\e"d t~t meatI", In 1" "'lktlll ... I~"OI\ th l1Pt or Tht~ tltpect to "'1Ie • bll 1I1,ht fol'\\\ of tm th.t will 6t t" but alld .ellery A.n",bl~ I" lOll", Jel'ltJ la .11Ie tht beat elrtl:t m"I' ... "\tell ,,,"ttd, mMt conalderatlo" ratblt tho

Tht mlttl". "'" eloled aher ~hoo.ln. • tert.,,, fawrite klnd 01 :-;:;~Miirc~~;:;;iiimmi whlth we wert t"ttrtal"..t b, trft I"d thtll 6I\dl". , .,.Ite to pl,,,t A \ .. ry "lee ahow tOft"ltlna 01 a" I~ It. '1'h1' 'a t;nt of tht lund.ment.l, lanltmtllt 01 till) d,,,eI,,,. • 'um- of I."dltlpe dMIan. bU", ad ."d I mlattr 01 Por 'holt 'tlltlnl a ,low lwowl""

01'1 Wtd"tadl1, April ,t. 101'\\\11. ",d dt"lt follqed tru It • J., 1\:, I.enlter p.ned 'WI,. lawn lpeel",e" Ind " • btt\ott ,,, Lennt h,d bee" I ".ry letl" tht laltdatape tht lollo"l\f apRl .. bar of tht A .. tmbt, IlIUIl , .rt rtCOmme"ded deptl\dl", \lpOft ~I~ 110 ."d will be .,..\41 mi... .011 .d,pt.blll\1 bll other cOI\dl. ed. PIn Olk. Imllll LII' or an ....

Lindt", NONay Mapl, BLOSSOM DATa or tb. IIIIln" DOIWOod.

'I1'OR StOMTSWI'ERS Plowtt'''' Cnblp.,.. Itul Ch.ttt. r A rOt a Iftor. I"Iol1ftll .treet wh.ra •

tre. ,. "Hcled to IIIIt .hade ,,,II ,at Ttl It .. pecttd "ot hi I domln.nt featurt .. ltct , :\' It~,,_~.!1~ "-r~IIt~ili~

1II0torlll. than .1Itt', o~ .tt\lC~rtd ttte 'Ild\ II tt'IIr=S!~ li"'",,,,~~~ _; .. ~ hhil'WIll,. tlla EIIb, tbe Red or Whitt 0., - -II)....~ iitlia__ i

PeI1I"a,'lvaJi\lI. 101\ M • .,.., Alii 01"., Chi"... \a 'i tII~ ~=a -~' D.Ilaw.r. Corlt Bar' 'fII. Ken~. COIfM ¥. '_~ ,~_ ~~\ '=-~;, .

trt. or I"'M'IIlM. Thlrt ar. 1ft .. " rOl1"'l~\ :::11' tJem i'i~rtt.'h =' til U"III'lC:adllllt. oth .... too "Ilm.roua to m."Holl, _. itt .. , I Oil \:Th 1Ii~~ hll.,':

LOCII Ilu .... r~"'e" ",III be .ted to tHet r- LI.«tII !k1I1O til hII A1t\IIIIt. ... 1" h b It! d f lIal\\ ItNt, ,. ,iii .. " _II.. IttIItt ... "'1.. " to t. tit II a 0 tttt. 1IItIa1" .A ¥eMlio t. Itt."" VlIlII" ull

tor -rHCIlII' loe.tlona. thu. " II. TII.tIIIl A'ltllllt. LIIIIIIII Av,utl .... "h I ~ Il0l,11 .101.. 01 TllOIII." Avelili. _ llirin, filII ... tutlla 0" t • nlle.tlftent "'flh."'~' 10 "ClIIId '~" III Oil

The lollowln, .thedllli of blollom II well II I .. tln, "tllfactlon. .th ...... uf "tWlrII .\~I 11_ Irtl time dltu Ind lowlf , .. Uvatl h.. _____________ ,,~W,' til .aM~ n,,".. \I Iht Illtl bllt-

ApPrtJprialt . • Th. ho"." hIl .... l Hom. la tclu\pped

wt~h e'ffi'1thll\f liown to til. IIUlltit tlttall to ~dutt III lPlWOptlatt 11m ..... , attyke.

Ttl. .all'll 'ullltitl of \M Illo"" 1t\ln.",1 HO"'t Irt 11III'labl. to aa, at 110 .. tra ta&\lftat. .

The Snover Funerall10me

IneofllOftttd 313 E. Broad't., Palll\~ .. N. J,

Pt'l"lt A. Inollet Jo&n ... Iwattt Phone. Rillertoft 110

bee" prepared b)' th. tlub, Purther reprellnted b)' thl, .rmy of mo... .Jlte.!l~:'.\~~.~·\l'''tt. tII':l"dtll\1,,~'tr~~ 'nformltlolt will bl mad. .vall,bl. th.n hlllf • million worlt .... d ... I'V" ht u«:{1"'" wllh lht ,"h. a~d ajltdll .. · l'!:=:::::~~=:::=:~::=::::::::::~ 10 motorlltl el teporta .r. rec.lvtd on. d.~ out 01 a whole ror ~~~:, ·\f!~~~.ftrtl ... r:III'~~ ::~"'A:t'r. l1li 'rom ""Ioul lIetlonll public conllderltlon. At" eonllr· 1".t .. ,h.1 III plall. '"" .p,. " ••• lOItl bt

April 2. - M., '-M.r,llllel. Aft· "atll" eatlm.te. eso.oop U".. .re ~."I ~'h,11' IfI trth, '11'II¥ill Ind .tI~PI'~ nu.1 "'OUII .nd ,Ireten pll.rI",.... .."'ed ennu.Uy In ollr tCJuntt~ b~ o':!t.:.: ,tulI:"~IJ' I'm: IJ~Pb~~.':\~~~k throulhout ,tat.. their ,kill. 01 .he IIld IIOI1lUft" Mal lilli' tI" lilt fUI

April 24·M.~ IG-DI1.Mlr.V. Pen. :b ... ~~·tte'l~tI :r~~ :h.I"t:~~"\~:ld 'h~1 In,IiI., Apple, ., .nd do,wood Why M.)' II .Ir ,to aUPIt¥'.lon 01 I • 11111 'iltll'llu: ~n. blollo"". Yoll lII.y uk the qUII"ol\, "Why ~\y\!'T10N I f 1'h~' ~h. t""'httlt t~rb.

April 31-MI)' 7-V.II.y Itor.e. P •• w" May 'Ith 1.I.cted II the dlY : ~U'rI~'::~~J.~".:\. l .. ~ :h::I~ht~::: .:.t Do,wood b10 •• oml. on whlcb to honor hOlplt.II'" The I~P."'" 01 Ih. <lInlltutHqn I o_f. I".

April 1'·I ...... WI"ch .. t .... V~r'lnla. '''I'''lt II thl' on thl, el"~ III lllO thldlnl Inddl"I.1 "~I""" .... 11 .1 .... ~tI h V II .. I 81 NI h I H III1C1ft 1_. I",d. .nil , .. I tI'I" '_1.11"11 Shen.lldo. • I, "PP I ollom Florttlc. ,UII,I • w.. orn. tr IMn'~\I'. II hI' thl IIhl hnPttl¥t"S"11 III ,h,

F.IU",," nlma I. Immorta lor the worlt Ibe o.llnl al .uth \M1I.1I11. Iftll I , 'ht til·

M.y e.-Oo"er. Del. Old hou.. did In .llYltln, the I\u ... ln, pro'". ':I."lnd~~r, ~~"III'b:' It~< .... f:·VIl::III~~P ...... .lId ,.rd .• n day. eloll .nd htr worlt for Im~ro¥lmant 1111:: ION 4. Th.1 ." ..... ~ ... u Whldl

8 M t I P It .1 I 1 I I th t .h.1I t III.p~ •• d lI\111ft I,". ,nil "'. M.y 11.1 .... ear oWl I n If. In ho .... t. I. t! ytry tt n, . I t"llt 0' '\IIItlll b.HtR .. t .. u u ... Ih.ttill N. Y. Oo,wood I"d A.,lea dl.pla~e N.tlon.1 HOlplt" O.y .hould btt I,,,,,, 'lit .Dnm~tUO" al uld tDllt ... tt It hel,ht. on tha InnlYlrllr, of h.r ~~:lr:,,~~:,11 \M \III~lbl. I" R", ."tlu.1 IH"

MlY II-Phllicialph", Pa. .It· birth. I&C1'ION ., 'tit" ~. .Ui11 01 Ih .. , tenhoule Iqulrt AnllllAl Plo",.r Tha bOlrd of Mlnl,lra of our Thou.utl Dullm \ a.o ,00 I b, I.. tho

I I IIIttI It h.tob, ."ror.' .1111 II> "., th,

Q) M.rt. .en.lorlum In",lt" YDU to '" I t UI 0" .otll I.d tkOtli,". 1"< u I._ IHtllI"lll ...

June 15·25-Pocono Mountalrt.. Ma, 12th, b,twlln thl houri of too IItK.... 01 Ihl <O~"tUlll"" 01 "jd ~O" , PI. L.ur,l Dlollom Ptltlval. .nd 11.(10 o'c1ock p.m. We flit ton· fh"o .::JbU IP"t~ :.:100~~b111 "r:"i.:tt~1'h~~'

June IO-IO-AlIe"town. Pa. Mu· Rdent thll Ihe time aplnt In "'llltln. 1 .. :::Ift •• 1 ~H~ d •• latld 10 III ,h. ",Uri11un, nlrlp.1 ro •• dllpl.,. lhe IInltorlum will ,rlltly Ine...... :~I~~:: I~. :Y;·tUtl: •• ~~ tllud ',alit til

June 1!I·24-AlhylII •• N. C. Rho· your knDwled,. In Ih. trealment of ",ctlON I, ,(hit lh' 'utti "f 'thl .. dodendron pettl".I. tuberculolll Inti beuer IIcqUllrtt you 'L1"ditHI Uull"l ".00(0). whltl. f •• ,11

with Ih, 't~" .nd the work of the :1 ~h!H I~~~ t'~~~~I':~ Ir.~·:rd ·.~~ml:'~~.; In .tltutlon Ih. ~O, IU', bt i'Hd ,It. ...... It fitllty

• h •• ,.-turtl."d, at' U¥ttl ~"It1.nJ untltt ,,~ A mOlt Imllbrtlnt t In, to remam- ~'D.I.loll ' 01 • t u'll uti" Law 01 , • bet I, that N.Uunll H01111.1 Oa, II 1,"'1 01 NI~ .'UjI. tb. hi 'l'ltll 4U. II .. "


f I 1 h III \1I1t 'J Ch.p ... I ul .h. 1t,.lud .. IU.u_1 not I I on.t on ,ay, In I .r. w N.w tt,.), IU71"0 .nd h.t Ih' P~tl!Olt Why .hould FII" 'law "'uber~ulo. be no 101lc\lltlottl.-M.rcul W. ,,' ... ~I". lit, Wf. IH.I •• ~fH"" IMtiufllnl • • ~ N b Mill I t nd t d l.tld.RIII ..... n .... 01 (h. lU.II,u,lIy~ ur San.torlum obltr"" N.llon.1 eweom. ..• Uptr n e en In raid tU."tI~ tUtbij wl.1l1t ,Uhf 91 Th ... 11("I,ltll 01,1 Medl!:.1 ~irector. IUHd"d l'u I ... 1100.00' I, hoi I.u Ih ••

I ,.ltt "' "1. thl,t •• ,"nlttd tn •• ,mulll Ollr ,'U'I'OIf In obl.,,,,ln, N.tlonftt = :::'~~~I: I?: ;~~h~tl/U"~:" u~~I.t!, ':~:" .. ~~

UOI"ltal lJ.~ II to w.lcome to our IIUlpu.. , . dtltt\nl •• d l.t dl.ldl.. . ud. ,nllllUllon old frl,ndl, to create nlw e I.ltl " ,11 UIII by I., .un.b •• "I VUIl h.,. .. nr •• 11111 10 elplaln to our "lllIor. 1.llIot fl",""I"tHI .. Ih. v .. /:,f "I unlul Ihe "r",tee 10 humanity to which •• ~II(~~I~·N":~ ¥'1~::·\T" ' ~'f':' inln. '1' .... ..ur Inilltulion h.a b .. n cIIdlut.d, 'l,uuo ••• 1 • •• •• lIun.lI.d hull ... (11.7000Q, 'fll- •• n.torlum I. the ft.ont line 01 .. Id 1.111 U, II'PlUl,.lllIolI 01 Tht ••

v Thouoohd \)0111 .. 1".\lCO.vtll, b' IV "'"fit IttlU"h 1,lln.t luberculolll Ind Ih' RIVERTON ,h'ltvl •• .. .. y ur .'''''''1. .h.1I b.

hi dl It I h ol,"lnfd .. ~ ,10, lUI .. ul II" 1I~.d "nll.l " ,.,.rellll of t • ...... I I ."an p.llol! N "f' 01 Ik. "hi , .,., "',,.a" ,.1 lor Ihole who clnnol be lutcellrully LAUNDRY ~,·;·rI~::~ t: ~~'w )'~~"~~' ~': .. ,I:~~:·I\I:'~.~'; '1enled In their 0"'.J1 hom... .,1 ".,It No ... I ...... ,1 Ih ....... I, 1 .... lw

.. I. ""lm.l.o Ihal Ihet. are IUlh".h.U iI' Ih. 101.1 ," ... un' ., '1' .. , IIboul 100.000 min. wom.n and chll. • !~:e':.n'~d·'1:n ~1 .. ~~~~~~.lJou:"\~ II~~.OO 0:" .Iff" aerved dally In th. hoaplt"l Wet wllh rlclttd u; b, Ollr • ,1,10", d .10. ,.Id 1.0.01 t"hd ~ ...... I/IIT.

d t rI r II II t, Thli clrI L.. I • I It .Iurd., . ~D. '"b,lIl. I . ('hll·"t I .. I tit. ", •• 1 .. ,1 lin .an. 0 • 0 0 , co n y. vir. tiT 0 C oc I" ... c l N . ... " .. t,.. 1"7/; Ih.1 .100' 'II I 1.rle nllmb., of plopl. I, ",\ltd IItaraoon. delh,.tad 011 0' \II It. Ih.II .... ctl.U, .hd p •• Urul." 'n "'. I,,· 'II-II I,.\nod doctClt •• nut ••• Ind befo'i' o'cloclt ........ , I.tton '" tho ,u.hull'IU"G. lotut .nd ule .,

.. IUtil HtJ,.d A .. Ue ".Uon N.t.. not to" other h.llth wo,".,.. Wlthoul the IDO,.." I.\.n.d hI Ihi. O,d"" • • 1 .10.11 t.. ~II" I

I I Ib .... --n ... and .bove • mln04 ...... 11.. b, .,.I10Nlal, ,_ u •• ,qu pmtn. e ..,.._u 0' "1b1~1"'.' 01 ~ ....... h c ... tI "I 1111 the Ipiril . of , ...... ch .1Id pro· N. KIl .... I .. Prop. ,10, II'" 110' ..... 10 I ..... ~~ ... tdl •• 10 IT" I

II Ihat C"--leterinl the _pltal •. IV"aTON. NaW JUI.Y ,to.I4o • . h ... , •• r. t .... lund ~A.llt .. . • If -- . . . .. lie. N""h fl .. f ........ tt.-tV,.1 .... n ... ·1 Utlr! would adU IN IWept b" I P .............. ". Ill.. .,d ,01' ",' ",It I h'.,.. .. .-U.... .......... .. ...-t'. . I " .... 1:'1 ." ...... , DI .... .... ' ....

~tCtlOli wlI ...................... - ..... ------.. ~ ... =., ~-:-'..:t.:t '

• coaL Pa-IC8S



McAIII.ter'. Guarante.d AMlt Anthra· cite 't.ah mln.d coal con be putthaled now 01 new. reduced Spring prlc •••

Put your coal 'n now. elth., a few toni or d lea.on·, lupply bnd la\le ,eal money.

For tho •• who want to underwrite their coal aupply fOr nut wlnt.r we, have arranoed a .petlal budge. plan.

Call, pit one or w""

R.McALLI STEI\ ........... LI.en Itr ..... CllIIMI..., N. ~I

IIU .n-tlna'ONI ".11 w'" COUINOIWOOO NNNlAUQH 0fH1 .-4 Uti. AtIM_ .... A .... ~ .114 P . ...

WI 1100 WI. Me ...... ,.UI. 10

~ """- ....... ,.. - ...... City - 1'1 ........ 111.

Larg." _.ta" Coal a.a/.r In South J.".~

...... ~ ....... I

.. caonatoWft .... eo.. ........... u .... ....

I ••


,E. P. GIIftNIERG ...............

W .. F .. Back. ~ .. ......" .... ..... ' .....

BURKE Ind .... :.:.1 LEHIGH COAL ............ ----_ ....... __ .. _ .. _-............ -------..... ,. LESTER $. fORTNlJM



HAUUNG ' CltMtIt • ~ •• 'l'" ... -~ ClO. TURND ...................

a ...... KJ.


Smith., Store RIVERTON ., .... _ ..... _ LAUNDRY



0.0"_ W. 1lOO~ 1M. ~1W.'rOlt. - muadOa ~~*ot"

.~A""b,,, It.).


................. '" III .... NhrM _ lut.~ ="

..... 14l4 IWlt ..,.... amatOM John H. Itri, ~=-..;~~ _~ .... • Rlvenldt Homt Llund.., 17 w .. t Broad Street


• 3la Pa!l\e Streit Pa~ m .......... "> ...... ,. ......... Rlwraic!!\ N. J. ....Mt,

EAlWt B. HAItDD ............... .u .... IU~=;·.:- N DREIER. ........ b*btOr •

............ MBMORIAL8 C. WiRD LOWDEN .. w....... ......... .. ..... ... htrpn . ".at .... It ~II ..... 11M ...

..... .......... CUlilOIll.blll1t C .... \fi1I11........ . Dr, h~II" hot Itt .....

WUl Hope .. Son SHOE STOua :~~;~~~:::I:;.;~~~~;.; Granite. M.rbl ........

Shinn', Ex~reaa Wllh.lnltOl\ od Neill .,"'" "l-"'-blond', D lAy BANKS I lturllnlltOat. N. J. IWIl ftA ........ Itl~...wlt N. • PhlMllt "'url~ 11 QV.uft '

-- bAt8~l)rlo:\\~~~t.~RIA Shoe Sho» ~.=r- .. C"btl'l Itlvml • ... 1ft. KOLLY.II,J.

III ~~ ";'~U~T~ - • :x • -"'TAl=~ ........ BUILDERS HI~:r.:o~o:~::.:ork Me C R 0 S SON . Peel Poindexter

Curti, E. ...~ ...a:- OtL BURNBRI RHI g.t::::~n.ur..,t. .TAILOR OOIt1'bOTOI ... D s .. cae 5 But Broad St., cilia ~ .. :~A:"~ FLOORS Taylor-Math... n . nn ~_H" al'HrtOi\ 100 _ IIlY.HOIt ........

.... Nt W.... AU WM. . .u .... auy.fR'!II . . JR' JOHNSON .......-- ----. , IAti ..... '.1Ilt 1M OllleM_""""'" M ... If W_ Walter D...... .. John E M V h Frank Hanaen • a..... ... · on 1I1I' ..... t Ie I. L, v ... )

' . c a\ll .... wo •• 'l'ti81.f.~ _ ... III - . _TAft CLEANBR AND DYER. Contrlcwr Ind Builder • ttI'~ .. . .. . ....... ,ALII.,... It. J.

IUVYJl'tON. N. J. II. ,:i1':"1I' . ,. PATeNT M"'DICIMWI. 1&1 'brant II A... . WM c.w .... DIM.... . 't.I • .,hall. Jll¥lttbll I."J .. &II n_ ~ ....... • .. ..... '"

5c AND 100 STORE - .hOll •• JllwtrtOll i UPHOLSTERING .~~~~N : PALMYRA .~, L. L. Keatln, GEORGE F. < illSE_.

A __ ............ 5c AND lOe STORE ... ::.:..~ -_ -::;::" , J. L. Lt.'INCOTT co. WILl. "OWEN = · ..... ..... • Welt aroed It.... . GIaIN" Ie"' • ., .lIlIatl - lilll.tli 11I.lItlftt. U Daco .. ",. -_.. .............. .. .....'.11 ... , ........... hW •• n. MaW 1M c:·"l~"t~,fl~~:'.MJl~·' - :::. ~ ..... Nollrr .... ~1I1l ....... ClMln''' ..... ~~ awl. 111,-... N. J. ...... til _ ....

RIVERTON ESSO STATION Til, Ollly C,,,,pll" "ON E STO P" SlffJitl St.tioN


-G--RiYlfton • PhoM 410

DAY 1M .... ., .. YIGII

- .

'1'lU£ SWINO 18 TO

NORGE L®lt Ilt Thile Prleea '1'hen Glve U. Il Can, ~LItt:'l'lttC Ittfrl .. rator

• 149.10 up KLItC'rItIC RANOI


• 54.85 up OAI RANoa

• 49.81 up KLKC'l'IIC IRONI ••

• 48.81 up ItLItt:TlllC 1l0AI,.aRI

• 24.81 up • M.e.A .• IIINITH ......



Do you tv.r do •• oft' IIt"t thelt llwah wlth I a~lIrt

,t lOme .... , or tl"cled autuu. P Do vau awalte at ,daht ud 'm •• lne )l6U amell IISb\tthlltl butrtl"l ,,,d }, the" ""lte II fra"tlc ... rth fot Itt P

Do vau wenuler lbout your ¥Ilulbltl in thon ultt,mht momll"ttI. lI"d wtllh they WIre IAIt. P

If ~u do ••• we .u .... t that vau rent • lattty D • .,.lt aolt It thll aiI'll todlY I"d put your v.tUthlll I" I .,1". BN ~r burla.rt Ull't

... at thlth ••• uti the" you'll be IWe to 11M, bitter at ftiahte Iltll IHI bitter wh,,, aw.~ 'tObl hlMbe.

It COl" lHI thalt I, per dlY • . . Ilk eny bank employe •.

CinMminlOD link and Trut Co. Riverton, N. J.

, T}I£ NEW BRA. TllURS~ 'V, MAY 4.. l~

EPWO~T}t M. g. CtlURCll ' CHRISTlAN SdSNCE ClmRCtl Prominent Civic Re\>. WOlla'" ~ k\oyd, Putor "AdaWi al\d Fanen Man" i. the

'\'1\ls Slintlay m'OltIll'll at II o'dotk lubjKt of the lealion..-etWlol'I I" til l.eader Dies HI., ... ... ~ t (the l.ot'll" lIu"!)er Cblircbea. of Chrillt, 8denti,t. 'On un: ncraWltl\ 0 . Sul\da)l', Me., 7. wnt be adminIsttt-td h\ 'Our thureb fie Uoldl!\\ 'hllt lat "As 1ft Adam Mts. Winnif~ C. Day, 'Of b) the m\i\I.~r IIrlth the a,lItllWlU all die e'm\ 10 11'1 Cbri,t abaU all be Palmyra, Active in Church ot Itt". nr, J. G. Blderton. Th" mtde ttl"," (I Corinthl"'. 15112), and Club Work 'I l'Iot JUlt ont WlOn! aemce. 1\" Am.o", the cl~tioi\' ",hidl (om· MR. Wlnlfrtd C. bay, wUt IIf ~t of tht WlOlt IWlJ)Ortallt of .n lii'lse the leno,,·aermlll\ ia the. lol· Edwin B. bay anil mother of cburch ,trVict.. It 1& the coWlmell'l· lowlq from the blblel "For ~t • o~\lol'I of tht det'" of Our l.o~ IInle Whlit, ahd tbe wltked Ihlll! "ot Elea"or ,Day Green died a\ her 'tlIla ehrlll' ai\d c'Oi\imal\dtd b1ltlm. be: ye" thou lIItalt dlll~ntly con· hlllllt, ~ tlni\ai\ilnlol\ ~ ~ ml!moril' to lllll'l "ul\"1 tt. sldl!r hili pllu, and It ahall "ot be. myra. on aatllt'llay 01 lalt tOl\\e 1111111\." 1vff1 Christie II B~t th~ Wlttk .ball li\herlt the earth i tet an Illness of senral "''filed to tbl' al!mce u" has tilt a,," ,han dtlltht thtmlll!lVft In the Mr •. na)" who wu the daqtttelril ,rl\tiltle of parlleipAtU\I. , .bundtllltt 01 kidce." (., .. Iml 37: 1:1£ William alid ~Olt An" .... .., .... .,.-,

"Youth Vi." Will be mtrodllced '0. 11). \0 ou~ tOWlWlulllt1 b, the churchtl ,.lte letlWl\·~l)1'I alao 11\~ludH of l'tllWl)lra In a Union tlft"1lI to thl! followlli' ""1Qe froth \he Wlarritd III the Rlv~nlde Bp,IICloJ\llIII be held In tht Me\hodlat ch\irch this Chtlatilltl 8elel'lce tut~k. "Bcll!\\te Church. tud., e\tel'll'" at 7.45. '111. Rt". al\d lbahh with ltey to the 8I:ri.,· Bhe.... mel\\ber of Chrilt tltorp '" ~~I 01 .,hil,.I- tum" b, Mar1 baker ,ltdd,: """e Church. Palm,,,,, lor fort)' 1tara ..... HPn!letltl", tltt Lllthll'D real Wlai\ beml Ill\bd b, Btlentt to and. 11Ilt\l her htillth falled, was an th\lli:h lltiU, bl the .~ktr. TIle hi. M,ker, I\\lIrtalll need ol\ly tum actin and con.lattllt worbr. ~It 8ehtlol Orthtlln ill the lIIeth- fttlWl 1111 Ind 10le allht 01 Wlorta' at an tll\\es '01 her dl!votlon tMillet Church ."1 pla, .'ltral stile\:- to Ita welfare. """II. R\ith it .. , lltiU a.II!to M.... a.Wl, The lel'llI\ II' WllIIl d ... t. "re.ldent of Guild lithel Lot'll at the otpll. I na en- Wltt\\li will hI! "Paul WOfb II Hard • tite l\\eeUn, will be tolidUd~ ... b, ttleld." t" the evelihl, at US.t Bhe reorl",lH\t St. Alliea Ouild h Yo,"" ptt>.,le 01 .n the chun:nM the Methodlat Church thl ~Iln. and Itrvtd al Ita presldtnt for .. ". ~Itlpatll\l. lltople 01 the conlrelltlon will joll\ ------------


YOURS FOR $3,000


An tI!ltcellent, well built home, 7 room. and bath, with a very effldent hot water heating .yttem, ,.beatoii roof, genetal condition very good. Gara~. LGt 50 k 150 feet.



Sth and CinnamlnlOl\ A venue Pbone alnrton e

Palmyra WednMd.~ eiftllilil at eltht With the youth of other thurchtl In Itlihood to find Chrillt, thl! real o"ttock tbt an. Bo~ lltill c:ond~~l IIi'Ull1r.tItI. YOllth Week In the Wlali and hla rel.tlon to God, and Ill\ hoUt .,. praJtr, Blbk Ih~dt ano colDlDunlt,. fia IJ)elker will be to retopin the di~ne lonlhlp. _I. All ptl'tlDfta IHU,,& tbt "ttd tbe 'World trltveler .ltd HoWle Mia. Christ pl'eieDtl tbe IlIdtitruetlhll

c>I Il1l:h • lDeetl"l Irt In.ned to .Iona.." thl!! ~ev. Oeoql A. Hate· WlaD. whol\\ Spirit createl. coned- [~~~::~i~~~~iiii;;===~;;;;;:~ t.l. . dom. tutes •• nd rovemll" (fl. 3111). IttId.y the M.Y • ., •••• wl\l 10 OD

a auvenllr hUllt lea\l'ln, thl ehllreh ;:.iii •• iiii;;==~==~=~::=:;=;~i at I o'c:lllCk, YOllltl .,.0111• of the thllrch .nd churclt sdiool 'Over 0... ,,, .. er. 1.1t ~I/th achool a.e tI'l Illvlted to ro *""'" '00 ........ .,1\ 'thl' frolh:.

bo tlDt forlet the Ittawbeny fell· "ft' to be liveD by the MI .. loltal')l ,.xle6., of our Church. The d.te­"turd,,, .veltill., May 13.

A"other IteWl of Itlat Il\tertit to the Whole totntnliltU, II the cOl\\ma of Dt. Leater H. Clee. Be"ator In ..... county. to lpellir III the 111111 I"hoot. 'rid., evenlq, J\lI\e 9.

'the friendl, Cholt wru rehearle tht. 'rid., aHenloon It 4 o·dotk.


.... OU .. W. Po ..... 'ulor TIle fourth lunda, alter ltutfr

.. wled eltltlte. It II Ilallled troWl the Brat word of thl Illttolt. Iiq, "0 "Il, Ilnto thl Lord a nl. lOll, '01 Itl hath dbHI matYlloua tIlb\a .. TM Lord hath I\\ad. kIlOwn 1111 ..... tlall. Itla rl,hteollllliu bath K, 0,"" thowed III tha alllht of the h •• than. HI. riaht haniI, .nd HI. holr .rm hath lotten dlWl the "etol')l.'

'the hlltorlt 1\\0Wltnt II eWl.,h.liled In the Do'pel. Itere the IOrrow of the dllclpl.. Itt the .. .,....tloll CroWl JtaUl I. noted. but the principle thoUaht I. the nee_It, .nd a.lIIClI· tat, for thl .. .,atatlon. Be"ond the , A .... t1on. toward Which thl Chunh ilft 100111. IlH PutltOlt. J ...... • ..-de ha .. Ipldal beerIaa OIl thlll "., 1 10 aot aw.". the f:.forllt will not !:OIDe uto "OIl, blat U 1 de· ...... will Mad HI .. _to ,1M&. to

At diIef U .... W.

,oz.w ••• ,FUI I" IRIII 'NIt ... ' '1" ........... I" = .......... ...... ' ...... :=.::-".0 e .... '"ut " ....... h,


INSURANCE RA TESI All discount. are efrettlve Immediately-No tz month,

of waiting for your "aafe Dth"r" Award. Call Riverton 2 and let UI outline this new coverage­

No obll.,tion.


~Writbl awa, aaVaaTOJC. JC. J.


17W ....... 1t. ...... ,... ........

Merrill EnterS Show Exhibit


Edw~rd k. MemU, N.tional ChampIon of 16 foot "Comet" Ail. ~li, winner of feature race at Lab

eatelea. Ne. York, will ba\tit ... tltbibit at the Hobb:y Show at Palmyra Riah School ThvwcIa,y May II. Fift~-6Ye fteeb tota\ina ove; 1000 ~t, in U.S.A.. Canada and Porto RICO hold, elill\iDatl'Oll contests ~ch Wmmer and the winnen com­ptte for champioaahip in the feU of e~ch )'Ur. Mr. M.rrlll was tbe wtnne~ in 1038 over 41 COlitestUlte. He wall speak Infonaellt about the hobby that haa brouaht him n.tional fsme and even aaree. to Nil hit boat If the aYlalisaiwn ia ftooded anel electric fana Ire in.taIIed.

Deautifuily <o:ulored aowns carefully tailOred suits preaenMtion of the Revue preaented by SchOol No. 4 to benmt the Wheatley P.T.A. The aff .. ir held .1 School No. 2 on April 2a.

The theme of the entire sbow w.. THU'iSDAv:-N.y 4-"--•. A Weele·end .t Hot,l Westfield Two Outltendinl Featllrea on the Riviera." The scene. wert Robert Montgomery aa follows:

Scene I-Arrival at the Hotel Rosalind Russell ~cene ll-Bre.lrfut Part)" at IN

Sliite of Mme. D'Or .. y. "FAST AND LOOSE" Scene.lll-Children·. Dinina Hall. -AND-Scene IV-Hotel l.obby. ANN SHIRLEY . Scene V-AfternOon Actlvitle.. In Scene VI-Kiddlea Party. "BOY SLAVES" Scene VII-Cryatal Ball Room. Ple .. e Note: Owinl to tbe 1l1latll

of Ollr show we will start our Arcbery Models evenln, Ihow at 6.30 o'clock

Eleenor Relton, of Mooreatown, M~dela who .ppeared were: -Thunday-W~~en'a State Champion Archer, MilS Eleenor Webb. Mi .. Beatrice Pne Glib to tbe Ladle. WIUI'~ Rftd. Phil.delphia M~n'a MUle. Mill Gladya Stanford, MiN PRIDAY and SATURDAY--Cba~plOb Archer and Ltlter ReltOll. top Jeannette Stanford. Rev. M.dllOn May S • e ~~Ident of S~uIml Archery 11.1110- Arthllr Bowe. Mra. Inez Oreene. Priscilla SH t~~lon. will an arcbery eJt- tbe adventures of on Denby. Mr. Richard Armlatead MI.. IRLEY TEMPLE hlblt end will aive elemon.tratiooB of Friday. May 5. for one week. Loui.e Ransome. Mr. Edward' Mar· In Her L.teat Sm .. h Hit their skiD at the \araet. They will I~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~;::;;;-;;~~_______ to~. Mr~. M.ude Muomb.. Sonny "The Little Princcss" also talk about the hobby that h'a ' Pomdexter. Miss Recina Bowe MI.. (In Glorioll' Technic:olor) become. n.tion.1 paatlme. Donald T.ylor. Doris Hill ' RICHARD GREENE ~n additi~n to thele exhibit. over RIVERTON Seventh Grade Misl Helen Williams. Mrs. Martha and ANITA LOUISE

,!hlrty. hobbles have been reaistered Kathryn Kr.ntz. Jane Cook. Bebe Hardy, Miaa Juanita Hardy Mr -S.turday Matinee Only-Includln~ stamps, photoarepby, min, SCHOOL Carh.rt, Betty Henry, Betty Black. Carltoll Robinson. Mrs. Berth~ Rob: JACKIE COOPER in CraIl, splc:e.. locomotives and many NOTES well, Emilie Craia. Shirley' Penninr- inson. Mill Helen .Roberts. Miss "The Scout. to the Resc:ue"

of, the Palmyra Hllh School Paculty 1 _________ .;.;::..11 Good. Carol Kina, Leon Gray. Beaale son. Clarene Madison. Eddie White. MONDAY and TUESDAY others of interat. Earl Whitcraft. ton. Mara.ret Wolfsthmldt. Gl.dyl, Dorothy Banka. Mill Edith Thomp.

will be present .nd tallc .bout hi. McL,uahlin. Wallace Ashby, Bertha Kinr Bobby May 8 • II hobby-Indian Lore and Archaeol. The honor roll for the fiftb Elahth Grade Kina. PrI.cilla Williams. ' JOAN CRAWFORD ocr. for Riverton School baled on aatie. RUllell Farrow, Kenneth D.via. Barbara Sonny Lonl JAMES STEWART

!he Phal,oll l1'Oup h .. lponlored factory citizenship i ... followl: J.nice Plppltt, Janet Webb. Laura Mr. Jac:le. ~lIIls. Mra. ~nce Dorsey: LEW AYRES thiS worthwhUe .ctlvity anel Mayor Pint Grade Yert .. , Edward Ooodnow. Jane Jeen Walli.. Mr. WaUiam Denby. IN John F. Ward, chlitWlail of the Marjorie T.ylor, Joan Bell, Buah. Oenevieve Miller, Jeannette Mr.. Florence F.rmer, Mn. Camm. "ICE FOLLIES of 1939" YO,IIth Week Committee. b ............ baniel •• Dien Kimball. B-al- Rou·I-. Stanlord, Mary Unlanel. Dorothy Lockwood. Bernard St.nford, Oer- M f th ..... ~. ~ s Wa .... o EI M aid C UI J Mia onday: Pree Glf" to the l.adle. or e npport of Palmyra and the Nancy Dona,h." P.tric:la JohatlOn, •• n, e.nor ets,er. 0 n.. r.. I Ruth 'EvUl.

neiahborilll 10_1 of Riverton and Deweel Showell. Irwin Lloyd, Jack The followin, lrinder,arten chll. l.ucius l.ewil. Mr. Howard Wuh= WEDNBSDA Y a: THURSDAY Cinnaminson. It will ba without Carhart. Marter Carh.rt, Norman dren hael perfect attend.nte durillr Inaton. Jr. May 10 • II question both entertalalnr .nel In- Allen D H rtb C It the month of April: BlUy DeNlaht. Mill Edna W .... lftaton MI.. The Three Oreatllt PUlten of str'llctive. Beach. O:o:,e Rr:ten::~, Ch;e.t .. rl Peter Bvert, Oeorle Kina, Gordoa Rild. Webb, MI .. Id. Mltch~ll, Mlal the Screen Brin, You the Blr,elt

Hoyt. Sm.ll, Dick Stewart. Ro,er Warner Rachel RObinlOn, Mn. LOulle Stan- Lau,h Show of the Year I RETIRES AFTER Second Onele Bobbie Stllel. Prucel Bower. Jeu: ford! Mn. Oertrude WIWun., Mill EDGAR BERGBN

Grol. Vlrllnla Hooper, Ann Loulle' Rellna Robu..oll. Mia. ErnHtlne CHARLIE McCARTHY LONG SERVICE Lewil GUbert, Werner 0.... McLau,hlin. Sieiney M,en. Hann.h RoblnlOn, MI.. Thelma Roblnlon, W. C. FIDLDS

Oraham Harr". Oeor,e tlOopet Booth. M B ..:-.. QI (coatinaad Ina PIlI I) Leon Roule. Robert Stuart. M • ...; rl. ute ...... vuett, Mn. Hol'llce IN

80 -I Olbson. II. Lowl Macomba, MI .. nothlnl hut comlllendation for the r,er, Loll Buml. Lorraine Davil, &1 Edith Money. Uld Rlchel RoblnlOD "YOU CAN'T CHEAT commuten that ba"e riddtn hi. Joan DeCourley. Betty Klq, Jean n D!0at every part of the cow fa and pupil. of WlitSeld School, AN HONES'" MAN" trims Mel ltated that be bad made Swayne, Joellyn Villi Hom. 81lUMe used 1ft airplane manufacture. No.4. .I

man" friendlhlps clurlna the Warnecke. W.bOn, Ruth ,:;;;:;;;;;~~================== -Thund.y-)lears that he bad been In coatact MlUar, Ch.rle. Stow. Walter Moor. 0-__ I..._P;;.;;.;re;;;e_G;;;;:.lft=.:-t:;:o:....:.:tb:.:e~L=.dl=CI=---' with the travellna public.. houle, Leon Poulke. Carolyn Younr.

In comparina train tnwel tocl., Third Orade WINDOW SHAD ============== witb that. few year. Ito. Mr. Rue Olorl. Coates. K.y Teeple. Vir. ES FOX Hi -d .tated thllt It __ not at aU \lIlU8Uil1 alnla W.,ner. Carol Ann M.thewl. Purchuecl Hera Are lleuurecl eel . - veri. e for him to leave Trenton with 10 B.rbara Stuart. Cbarle. Stewart. Ed· Inltalled Pre. _ Pricee Iteuonllllia. c.ra and to have 700 or 100 people ward Weber, Bmm. Wel.h. Lealy V.NBT aboard by the iliae be re.ched CaWl- Klmb.II, Dolil Lippincott. M.tthew IAN BLINDS den. On the ~e trips tod.y three Groll, Earl CO.tH, Necy M.lon. HARRY C. SCHWERING cara are lulflCIellt. Pourth Gracie

Plfty Yeer Blllblem Doria Gibson. Thelma D.vll • .J,.....l=~:;.:==_!':~:.!!!~ _______ ..2P~bo=De~.!.-! Mr. Rue wu 'prHented with the Janice Moreland. JDen W.tlOn, MII- ..

., ear nrlce em- Wahl. Althea Haberem Penn.ylv.nla PUh. Y 8e---' fdred B.uer, V.lerle Dey,

!;!:!i' lalt dyeal r b, railroad olflclala. Coot, Georle Pack, Rol~ Werner . Ii iwar ,earned by compan- NotWlllll H.rrls, Colden WIDI, •

hve '/ !W employ.... Plfth Grade • On hll lut trip Saturday, the reo Jue AellIl'Ila Mary Lou

tirin, conductor wu Iccorded beat Mary Lou Bush. Jean Oowell. Dor~ wlabe. from a hoat of p_,er. and Jonet, Dorothy Llo d R tit ... hi, fello", tralnWlen y, u .... IIOft.

Altltouah he ha ira elld L .. _..I_ .. _ Smalley. Prlacllla Woodward. ho • v ............. Jobn Carhart. Roy.1 Parrow Stan.

01 t uundl of mllea b" train. Mr. ley Gilbert. Rol.nd ... rril: John Rue stlt.ted Llthuat thll mode of trUlI_ ltirk, Thom.a SW'yne H.rry W.t-port. on.u Ippealed to him Ifeat- lrinl. • Iy. He and Mn. Roe cObtempiate Slath Grade several lonl r.1l trips In the near B.rbara Borler. M.rth. J-~-future. 0 -.~ anlel.. JOIn H.... Bdlth Harri.,

D •• n Serwllt. Marian BtllFord, Saccharin II 300 tlmea Iweeter Buunne TroxeU. Vlrllnll Wood.

than cine lu,ar. III-ud. Lloyd M.jor. Robert M .. on,

COAL REDUCED New LOW Sprin. Price. in .Fleet • •

Tab .dvant... of tIda uw.. !lOW aad order HOlI,h to linlah up thia ,.,rlat tad liYI )rOIl II .oad .tact in the PeU.

WILLIAIII' punl era QuIlt)' Pula - Phou 1100 POR THB NBW palc ...



• • .a' ,t '"., ," f 4


25c: 'tli 5 P. M.


\ViII eave you 20~ and 25'(;" provided you do not ule your car entirely for buainen pUrpoaeI.

]n addltiGn to that. you can earn a 15't,. caah reward for .. f~ driving if you drive without an a~cident durin, the pohcy year.

Let me 10 over the matter of Automobile In.urance with you now.

We repreaent old reliable cGmpanlel: The Tnvelen Inluranc:e Co.. Hartford, Conn.

Hartford Accident &; Indemnity CG.. Hartford. Conn.



516 Ciruwninaoo Awnaae Pahny .... N_ J.


Frld.y and Saturd.y, MIlY 5.6


end POPEYE CARTOON -S.tllrd.y Matln_



Tueacla,.. lIa'/ • PREE TO THE LADIES S CIIpII la the Wild R_


-On lila ter...-BOB HOPB ancIlIARTHA ~Y&

_ !~'::'NBVKR SAY DIE"

Wed .• Thun. lIa" 10 _ II


WHITMAN'S ZSc up to $3

LOVELL and COVEL 2Se up to 52



'blueeoal' RIVERTON.




Phcme 1200 Pr" DeIl~


Sugar Peas 31bs 23c


Rhubarb 4 bunches 10c


I JACOB NADENI s~J~ i Complete Home Fumiahers I (PARM ROLL)

I 24th and Federal Streets 1_2_1b_I_S_3_c_ i CAMDEN, N. J. i FRESH


continuing with the i Cottage Cheese E 8-in-l Anniversary SALE! 1 ~ __ I_b_l_5_c __



1. AJmiverury Month Sale S~cia11 2 National Baby Week Speciala 3: National Mothers D.y Spee:WI 4. National Cotton Week Specia1I 5. Summer Furniture SPfJCia;1s 6. Only 6% Cbarps on RefripratOl'I . 7 Advance Sale of Pumiture for JUDe Bridea 8' 10~ Leu if Bill JI Paid in go Days

. Not 30 or 60 da)ll but go 4ays and you ati11 aave lO,}{

Remember, tOO. • • We will ~ t'bat tbe rT.' on any 01 DIU

SPECIALS NOW, wiD NOT be this year, or the differece wiD be JlEP11NDED. e will Uo bold any .rticle you telect NOW Ufttil ~ted, WJTHOUT any extra ~


Price ...... t

$4.95 '.

THEIlE are ., many tbiDp • Male ........ tbat taIIDOt be iDWiiUatecl beR, YET they moe dia­played OIl our 800ra aDd oaJy • vim will ccavinc:e you that tbere • ID eel­vantace iabuyiDc NOW ham

JACOB NADEN 24th aDd Federal Sts., Camdeu. N. J.

OPDI: .GllDAY. 1'IIU8IDAY, I'IIIDAY ... . .. ~Y""I.

I Youngberries I 2 cans 29c I ----------------------------= KELLOGG'S I Com Flakes EI box 7c l i-P-I-RS-T-o-f-th-e-S-E-A-SO-N-

I-I NEW CROP 1939 . , Genuine Spring Baby

Lepof Lamb Ib 31c


Rib Rout Ib Z9c STaICTL Y nUH ElLLBD


Chickens Ib 29c 1% ......

IftICTLY ....... '"' Ie


Ducb 1h23c

. '.

"To poae .nd pretend and to hide l.0llr honest opinion il un air to JOur· .elf. When 1'0u atart ~ tendinl. the foundation of char.cter i. rotteD."

50th Yur No. 19


Supper to Be Served from 5 to 7.30; Request for

Early Relerv.tionl

The lupper comlllittee of tbe Cln· lIaminlOn HOllie Fete. with MI .. Helen WoollII'an a. chairman, lira. Ward D. KerBn. of MOO1'CatoWD, and Mr.. Richard D. Blrclay, of Riverton. h.. planned a de1idolla menu to be .ented It the CiIUWDIn· Ion Home Pete. Prid.,. May 26th, from 5 to 7.30. The tl.00 bot din-ner wW Include: .

Tomato juice. Holland.' cblcken croquette., potato chi,.. freab pcu. Iliced ham. tOlllltO and cole .la" .. lad. rolle, Ice crealll, home.llla4e cakes .nd coffee.

A second pl.tter . to be served for 50 centl olFen:

TOlllito juice. IIlced boned haIII. potato chip.. tomato .nd cole lI.w salad. ron. Ind colFee.

For .1II .. 1er chU4ren there wlU be a cbolce of undwlches. deviled elP, .nd 1II1lk.

, J' .,.




. ,

1I110LOOY 1&&1 "W~ It ..

."..... d til' " ... t 11.1' .... De • _" tIIoo4 .. til· ranft. VY ........ d .... ock ... <I .. It IIUt· eel Oil' ,..,. ... t' "'U'D7t .



Laree Oreaniaation Launches Drive Here: Dinner

.t Porch Club

. The larle.t Y.M.CA. _pal ... orlanl •• tlon ever to be a_bled In Iny .ectlon of Burllntton coan., I. now functionlnl In Pa1mJra. Riverton. under the leaderlhip of Carl H. Tholll •• , lener.1 chalrmua.

A launchl", dinner for an the worker. wu held In the Porch Club, M.y I. Mr. Thoma. WI. In chart. .nd the followinl IJIOke brleflJ: WIUI.1II F. Overman. MoorntoWD. for IIIlny yel" County Y.M.C.A. Bo.rd pruldent; 8. ROler 01 ...... BurUnlton, coUllty Y.II.CA. cam • p~lDchalnnan;E.R.Tmab,PriDc~ ton, I lIIelllber of the State Y.II.CA .t.«. Secret.rie. Hendr7 and Reed. er helped with moy of the cam­PIIID preparltion deteR ..

In bla Introduction Chalnnaa Thollli. pr"lDted hi. foar cU'flllCID lelden, and they In tum their s.. clptain., .nd eallh hi. thne worken.

Orlolntlon A. tbere wUl be a limited awnber of hot aup.PCfl .erved it ia wile for thOle who have not .. ready pro. The Uneup of tbe c.mjlallD per-cured their ticket. to do 10 throllih lonnel I. " foUowa: Mrl. Albert ·B. Panco •• t. lloor .. • 0 _. h 1---0 I' C 1_ NI" n-I Di ...... ion 'T'

II ] h M ver Cli ty ""'" men latheted n the Porch lub on Mond.y n .. ht of thla week at the orpnilit on fl

tOWD 655. and r.. OIep arlIn, dinner of the P"myr •• Rlverton Y.M.C.A. lInance,n. Retident. of the.e communities are .. m .. d, Le.der-Charlee SticlIII.y Riverton 1030. IOUclted to contribute leneroully to the fund which en.bles thll Iplendld or,aniaation to carry on Ita .. r- Team No. l-Rclward W. Fry,

Dance vice to youth In countle .. w.,.. Active .,OUI" bere Include Lone Raile HI.Y, LlIlcoln HI-!&. Ora·Y Clubj ..... taiD.· WUllam J. Krau .. Harold Lennl.Lenare Gn·Y, Twin City Sp.rtan., Unaml Gr •• Y. PhalanK ancl "YH RISe Club. 'llIe Kor .. 01 -.-

The ClIlnalllln.oo Home Pete member. 0 tbelO Y •• pon.orcd orlam •• tlon. look to .1',!)1l for y.::::our=-~h==·e:Jlp~.______________ A. JODe., CWlord Loane. Dance win be held In th_ evenin, - Tum No. 2-G.rover F. Foa. cap. .t tbe Riverton Country Club frolll TOWNSHIP YOUTH WEEK FLAGS "IUEN TO tain; Wealey P. Hllyett. WiUlam P. 9 to 12 p.m. with Don Chriat and .' II W, • I Enlle. ]onph Qulal. Hia Esqulr •• fuml.hln, the lIIullc. PROGRAM Te.m No. :s-Llwrence B. Parker, TbI. ordlestra wu featared ." TO END FLOODS Pi it Um WGH captain; Charle. B. Marple, CharI .. Lury Clinton on New Year'. eve'" M.y 11. Thurad.y eveninl, 7 llLDI B. Grelory. Cecil Gunt. and II under tbe mO.IClllent of o·dock. Y.M.C.A. Buildlnl. · Pet Te.1II No.4-Earl B. H.rder, tAp. United Orche.tra Servtce. Ihow in charle of Phal.nx. Prize. talo; Joaepb G. Seel, K.rl W. Latch,

Younl and old will enjoy the If· Drainllge Engineer to Make to entrlel before 7 p.m. Tacony. Palmyra Bridge Co. B. Ry.n. f.1r II the Bsqulres provide for Survey in Sectionl of Thuracf.y evenlnl, 8 o'clock. Hllh Makel Gift in Connection Te.1II No. ~Walter D. Lamon. everyone frma the jltterbup to til East Riverton School ,ymn •• lulII. Hobby ShOW,' with Youth Week; W"ter D. L.mon, Jr .. Her.

t conservative of d.neere. lpon.ored by Phal.nx. Admi .. lon bert H Parlo • Alfred H Ll.....ln mol At the meetlnl of the Cinn.min- reltricted to .dulta and chUdren The Tacony.Palmyra. Bridle Co. . n , . '1'1". Ticket. ma,. be obtaiDed from 0,. IOn Townlhlp held on Tuellday h h d tw III hand cotto

of the foUowlnl memben of the L'lht of thll week It w •• un.nlmou.. over 12 ye.rl. Intere.tinl eKhibltl .1 purc ue a II, .em. Dlviaion "II" Le.der. John F. Ward.

I MI B B cl 'IU have been rc&ilttred and Ipeakere broidered fIa.1 to be pr_ted to comlll ttee: n etlY .r .y, ly voted to enpl' the lemcel of wlll dilCUII and demonltr.te their the Palmyr. Hllh School for ule In lin. Stuart B. Clark. Mia. Nanc,. an eKperienced draln.le en&ineer to hobble.. the Ichool .uditorium. Clark. of Riverton; loll .. M .... aret • prelil'llnary .urvey of can· May 13, Saturday afternoon, 1.30 The 11 •• 1 .re live by feet, H"" of H.cldon6eld; Min Ch.rlotte dldonl In certain eecttona of E .. t o'clock. Palmyra Flrehoule. C.n. mounted on lII.holany at. IF. and Loud, of Collln,.wood; Walter Riverton in order to determine the dldltea elected in .chool hold lIIuol. ltand.rd •• with a laid e.lle elllblem Barclay, Ro.. Blllott. John PaDer. moat I.tlafactory procedure to .bate dp.1 office. for the day. Sponlor. at th~ .top of One I. the William Sboemaker, Jlck Stetaon. the prelent ftood men.ce. cd by James Hu.hel, inltructor of Amerlc.n fIa, Ind the other the of Riverton; Bayard Kraft, of Col. Walter C.rlOn, townahlp attorney. ,overnment and 10eiol0lY in P ... II •• of the State of New Jerley. linllwood; Rlcbard Scott and Sam· ltated th.t he h.d lone over the lIIyr. Hllh School · Arthur A. Nielsen, .Ieneral man· uel Stolrel, of Mooreltown. or call cround and felt that thll wa. the Voc.tional Guidance Forum each Iler of the bridle cOlllpany. aald lin. J. V. Hack.ett, ehalmlan I'f the cortect m.nner in which to .ttack morninl in hl'h .chool. the offi~era and directora wl.h to committee •• t RIverton 760. tbe problem •• Ince any .tepa t.ken .ppropn.tely oblerve YOllth Week

without till. Information mllht prove HOBBY SHOW in thil community .nd decided that Buildin" "(Vork to be tbe wronl couree. the prelentation of the ft.P would The action met with the .pproval be in keep;nl with the spirit of the

TeaDI No. ~H."y B. Riddle. capt.ln; Melvin Cromwell, Prank MacCormiclt, H. W.rren.

TeaD! No. 7-Ploy4 W. Spahr,; Geor,e M. Durlln. Harold R. Hamilton. H. B. WIlI'am •.

Tealll No. S-P.uI R. janca, CIP. (coadDaed on pal' 3)

Spring Blooma In Fine Array

'-n Loci,.. 8orough of • Iroup of cltblenl from the National Youth Week movClllent. ~j w" flooded .rea who reciltered By Dr. HAYES B. BRADY Due to the "tremely w_

compllintl on liver" occa.ion.. Phal.nx Reminder of Loy.tty we.lber of the Palt few daya. fol. Penni .. for "teeD buI1dlnl oper· V B d COllie out .nd see the fineat lhow Mr. Nies .. " felt that Ilicb • lift lowiq 0 .bDonnaUy cold April.

.tiolll were Iaaued III Palm,.,. dar· Ill')' • of hobbies ever brouaht toaether would lerve ••• connant reminder Iprlnl Itowerl", plant. have Utero ina April ~ to the report of Por a cooaiderable period of from theac two town.. COIDe for of the bleaainl of American demo ally burtt into bloolll durina the Edward A. Kiaa. balI4lnc buapector time. c:ellan haYe been ftooded In two realOnL Pint: Show the youth and atUnu .. te lo, .. ty to the lew da,.. and many loc" naI· In that commantt,.. b_ located 00 pen. of Reed. of theae communitiel tbat YOIl are It.te and Dation. dmc.. are aurrounded by flow ....

The eatimated COlt of the work Ie Pmapeaa and ltancIoJph .a-t. l1l4I in favor of auch ~ pa~ The cmapany reqllHted ".,.or planta aDd abnaba tbat pr-* a riot .,711 and f_ coI1ect..t _ted proper cInIIaq- baa bwa ImpoMibl_ time. "I\Wh lead to better iliaD and John P. Ward, of Palmyra. l1l4I ot color. to .. chIe to tbe .-ot 01 nrfaee w.ter wC'm.nhood. TIley are proud of cbalrman of tbe Youth Week Com. AaaIeu that are particulad, oat-

The folJowiDa Ie I Hat of the pro). tbat .CCUD11IlatH there. their hobbiea and we who ate watcb. mittee. to make tIM ~tatiOD III ,t .. ndiq are to be _ .t tbe ..... ecta, tile Int -- _tiODeCI ..... .....,.. of the coaapIalna.... ... Inc tbem talre our plaeee In com- thei .. behaJf at the T1nareday _na· 11_ of ..... J. D. Elalep. 1Jppia. that 01 the caotnctor. MIt" dlat there .... - .., cIif· un! IH be pI'OOd 01 thaD iac ........ y In the IIfaIa tadaooJ. COlt ........ .. .t ..". odMr to. ·Char'" A. ~ ........ 1IIIIeatoe ~ 6aiIt)r _til a dItda III the wIdaitr :.. ~~ lee .. aJ actioa UMl "tioGa w"'e tile whUi at...

OIl ...... 115 ........ Id -. .... bed .... IIJed IIL. . Ina ........ 01 _ .... w_ Hender. who will com ..... e with 1IlooIaa ItIIIICI out with ItrlIdnc P EidIenIaL Fartber actioa wiD .... t the .... I . . ..... be.utJr . W. P. R-. _ roof OIl chreII. port 01 the ........ '!'» be". __ ad far In tlMir par. _bera of hie teaID in thIa n· . '.. iaa. to5 LIIlcoIa .-. Rarrr All kIM 01 the altaadon .... , be neuler hobbies. c:irinl aport. Any who be .. DOt _ Wlateria GottIeIb. pIaed by the fact that _ ..... Ewbita theac 'OIIDI mea in action .... Ie Pwple wiateria it ~

Wanat ..... tb, inataII _ co.I .... III the .. ectad .... atated that Itore for. rcal treat thiI ... enillC. c:oJorfal aDd naqniIceat ' ''''PiI_IdII_-lewlll ... oa PIIP S) be _ aerioaal, c..wennc raWaa Here Ie what w ....... : 8. Tbe C.mera Club .1ed .". the of Ihia are beiq ........ at dM

frap in Ilia cellar __ the -' 1. a.hibita 01 aU kiada fr_ acY. Frana. Do_ Ii¥inc ,.ou boIae of &chnnI K. IIerriII. ... of .. ater ..... ,.. ~t In the.... youthl 12 ,.ean l1l4I oyer. beautiful .... pIea of wbat CID be 5trect; the "'jor noeidIMe -_t would be "-' for tile pmpa. 2. Edward Merrill. a c:banapiCIII ia I done witla the ~ ~a l1l4I Broad " .. ect. OIl tile Rowa ..... TEAM NEFJ)m FOR

LOCAL LEAGUE .. don of tIaeae weM'" the c-t Sailboat C'" wItlt more tbey wiD 1'''' .,. ad"'ce or esplaln ert}'. 'I"boIua ....... ud P..-tla t..... . tboa...... doIIan wortb of .hcr ... er thqr can ho .. "ou too CIA street. l1l4I ot .... Iocat'-'

ABOUT TOWN tropbiea l1l4I edaibita who wiD...... ,et better result.. Pioc diapIa,.. 01 bIIipe .... .CMMI '" 011 _8 boat raciaa. 1. A ftr)' Itritiac diapIa" 01 peiIU. ill tile Drcer ............... ......

Oat ¥acancy ..... Ia tile M_· 'I ,. me- ltesOD. dwnpion WCMD.' .... by nacnabera pf the8c c_· aJao in tIM ...... 01 Dr. a..rJ. oriaJ Pull IofdIeD ....... Top aoiI Ie 1IeiIIC ....,.. _ Pal· -mer 01 New .J-y; Wi .. itIeL We are ceruiD dtat _,. of S. MiDa aDd It . .. HoPt.p'ud, ...

AI,. orpni.don ...... __ -,ra HicIa 1kMoI'. _ allllMk I a-t. 01 RJwert-. _ •• CM pi-.. tJt.a were IlOl _e they coUI do ............ 01 Iec:OIMI ........ ... tel' ~ loop Ie n~ .. !, to MIif7 MId ..........., to ~ A .... 01 PIli ... ,., .... : aDd t..ter Raoa w .. daq 111ft..... ...,.... ....... __ 01 -.l ..... -IAwt.oa J ........ ai_fa. .... 01- twf Ie ....... Won tire .at wIIo will ...... tlU hi r' ....... otbcr who have ..cia 1IkIcIea.... der C8id..uoa. ice I • ..,. foodlell _ rolla ...--cL . ..... _ ... _ ...... tMir .... _ eata. DocwIlD_ .............. ..

The ~ ....... c-.. ..,. . - wi* ....... t-. 1 . . ...... ......... aIao tile ...... tile ......... ~ ..... 'I1M..m.a................. 4.. .... WIritcnIt, " ... . ., IIore ~ w...... ., _,. ...... , J I .. .... • ................ _ ........................ drIa ........ "I, ... ;;. __ ..... "-1 ............... _ ... :, ................... ..... wiJ.-. ... c.M...,.. .... -.a carIGeII", .. _ .............. t I..... 'we .... __ -. -. .. AllIIl .... ·_ ........ ......,

TIle ..... It II II ............ _ ........ I."" ........ .,... ,..... ....... t '1 ....,. ............. to ...... ... ...................... --.... a... ...... ~ ......... (d ..... O)...-c,. •

'. :no


SHERIF"S SAI.l: I'''' thl'.' ",d ,.,cn.y·nln. IIn_. '0 ,h. W~-Ieyan Men'. PORCH CLUB P81LA ... "'1.~ 01 bcainnn\l' Conte'n\", •• veftt) two CIII Cl .... h ld Itl

II,. lIirlu, Df .. W ... '0' Fle,l Flc'" '0 mo ;nd ~h~ h"n,'rodll .... 'r" of '.nd. be .h. The Riverton Porch .... e • tIlrKted .aaued 0\1' of Court of Ch."Clry Mme mot. Of 1.... hlr'h Anna B:ble Cia.. t tinl on TIle., May ... 11. SI"'c 0' N.w J.n'~. I will O.n a'i s B~I1~O Ih~y .~:,,~,~~mi~""I:~ da •• No- .• aMII. mee • K ET =t'!~.~~~.!~;aJ~r~ I~n!'~"o!:':k In I fi~:,b;n~: t~~~; t~~~fl~:t~~tfO=~~ POR THE MEN OP THB :anR:i:::h,:::eti:.

d ~!e,::~ MAR . die all.,nODn DI .. id dOl' "0 wll. .. ~ Boo~ No. 500 0 .. "1 P ~ .............. 1 COMMUNITY fill-" tool" with o'clock) S.and.rd Tim •. "' .he CoUll Hou... Ind con •• y.d U~IO k.h• : dwlf: 1ft 'M. allowed a year .... 110 Mount Holly. NoW J .... ,,- Ind, Kllharln. n. "1'HI:RBOU1' AMD The Brotherllood of maft I. en· I b t • yelr of .ccompllah·

ALL .hl (oIlOmn, tr.n or p,"'~1 ~ ,·t Tlt~~{:lA':.aG Ih. 'allamn. dtKribtd .... .. p euure u h I USE il::::~:;,:r:g:~~r;:~nr:"~!n~:~=.y .~~ ~1\1;·J~:.Y:~.~ J:l~~·,Y:;~~:.:FD!-~: ::~::::.,:~ .~: mpr;tetlntht~;mmtbh!e~ellrtientllrlwln,~,epP dr;:;:-~~::' 80 .... I1 .. ,.on .nd S.I'. of .. - J ..... ,. vll : .,Inc Dn ••• '. d' d d In .. 14 Clar .. •• I b b th hood that ~. "" _""Of

BEGINNING II .... ke In .h. mlddl. 01 hor 71h. ItS4 .• ;; r;;r: D.ed., p,co 451, There. lit one ro er DOIII'" Clark, with. lilvar dllb, u lb. W ... bld .nd Turnplk. ROld. 0"1 .. In Ilook 0, 0 mllll an4 will .blde. that II tbe f the ork .... co ... er \0 I.nd 01 .h. 10" Chari .. "II : 6 Indltl •• d on • cit- I token of their nteem or w BROAD and GARPIBJ.D Ava. H.ln",< 01 by Ihe •• Id Holn .. I.nd I PARCEL ~o" s ~..:~. '0 b. ftl.d In ,Ito Brotherhood In Chrlat. wbo II the Ind Wltirlnl eftort with which ahe J and .Ions ,h. mlddl, of Ih. TO'hIO .. RO·ld. "lflnl PIO'f ~ cI~'k 01 Burlln •• on C:O""\III "Elder Brother." "No man IIvetb to ha. performed her dut.... PALMYRA, N. • lIorth twenty-one drl'H' and 1: Irt)' m n· () cco o. h ioCillon of th. .... p D-II-II'" W .... lOllY <h.l ... nd ,I •• y·nln. link. oho .. 1n3 ... ~I<u:arl' ·II~ .. of 9.1 •• HI.h.a~ hlmlelf" .. Id P.ul. In man there M.ny new thlnp b .. e been Phone 1200 ree .... _, 10 .... ke in Ih. middle of •• 101 ,o.d co)'n:' I lin •• n :II( ~.; 'l'U1) S ... lon U. Brid... nl hi pl.nned for the comlnl "ear, b, the 10 I.nd. 01 Franklin Hunler: .henOt (2 Y I RoUI' l CI "'1 Ro.d.' .d0r,,04 b~ II •• tron, urae lor compa on. p. f .. Id Hun •••• I.nd Soulh ,I.ty·two d,%"' bohr<)S'O Hr~:IOComml'~lon. wh.h "I.n Ilol.tlon II Impolilblel We .re prolr.m committee. Artllnd crl tI and ~h .. n mlnu... W"'. .wen.".. ro.". .... ~ ~. I.. "1I1t.01t D. I. one new fe.ture which It II ea· ~~I~r ::.d ~~t(.,~·t:n~?n; ~:~~. I~n ·~h. ~ .. ~ I ~'~rJ~~G;~n2\r:ll~~':"1 jl",ld::/,o':u:: bot:':II~P B~:I~ ~~I t:::er~t~:~ w.rm pected.OJ be one of the mOlt popll' t:u!~:~~ 1~:~~~·:~1 :::'n~ ~h!'~lddt!"~r lAid ~~nno':;I~.on ROfd. ""atn• ~~:~I'~:: rt:"\:! h.nd.tlup .nd hrotherly Ireetinl I.r cOlIn .. IInder the leadenblp of ro.d Sou.h Ihlrty·l\ve d •• r... .nd .ftlrty I W'y ond port" '0 WIlli b ,oulh Dol· ttl tither Iii the new prelldent, Mn. Fraftcl. B. mlnu ... It .. , •• hlrty· •••• n <h.ln. and .hf Irth,· Town.hlpc'l 01 Drl,~~o'burlln;~o~ Couni,. I" Iw.ltlDI YOII_ Ie nl 0 e Elwell . .... n link, '0 • ..on. on .lte .Id, 0 •• ,n .nol . nnam n. '.. worahlp .nd fellowlhlp.


Sugar Peas 3 lb. 23c ro.d .wenly·nlne linki ~:: A\~~n ClP',~f,~ I' Il\~R~~t. M,;:. ~~'1j,clud.d .plclflcally.1I A. Jehu alked "II thine he.rt rI,ht After lunch. f.ahlon .bow of cot·

t~:rs~~~r\~~';"~h:~C: '~41 by IIld ~(hOOI Ih. 11",1 .nd ... own.~ or .:=!:."I~: a. my heart II with thine heart1 If ton frocka WRI lponlorell by the 1--------------J.oI North ,I .. y·n'no d."r .... nd .hlflY min· hy Ih. Rranlr.r •• h.~.ln;1 1~:n~1 ':.y II .. 0' It be, "'ve me thy hand." O.rden Section. Thl. WI. charmlnl- FRESH STRAWBERRY ,,,.. E •••.• h ... <h.ln .... , .Iaty linkl '0 .. 1"lng d ~O'~I~y··I~~.!: 8~ldnlbo'o '0 C.m· Foll-o'w thine u-e .nd live 11. ly done In plntomlne to .mu.lnl o 1I0no to,n,r 10 •• hl S<hoolSLo·h: 11 •• n., Ih. rOI d·~ ~.w No •• hw .... 'IV ri.h, of •• M vene. v'rltten .n" re." by Mra. Rh b b (5\ .. III by .. Id School Lo. out .wen.y trn. nn I. HI hwa Rou .. ZS (Rev. YOllr hand next SlInd.y it 9.50. r. D - u" u ar " ....... nd f,I ••• n minuk••• Ka~l. ~dd~~'~7 '1'9'l~,""S"<~:0~'W I,.em,o '0 Cin· Polnlett', subject: "Paul-Chrlstlan Hunn. while Mfi. HUlhel de.crlbed and ftfty link" \0 • ?oil" C ,1"1 I U! , Rd' Ii~l nt 70 feet rrom the ,h •• fo'd.ld T"rnp.k. : 1~'n"R (6,' ~ o~r. ""Olin. 1."" r· aid' s,~ .. Highwa,. a. 1.1(1 Phllolopher." Actl 17: 15-28. the frockl. h 10 the mhl1l1e of "Ilhl T\lrnr"kc hac. or 1 h(\~t ne 0 " td II" •• tendln. from 4 b s C .l.,y~nin( dc~ru" .flt! 111 rly ft1lnut~R EI,n. down on tbe .f~rc"l P f 'Taylor Lane a' une e -I' ~~~,,~os:~~;:··~7~. 13:.


T ADS "ut '0 I_nd" now or formerly 0 t e olr

WAN of Ed" •• ,lo. o( CI"n.mlnlon Town.hlp ~. =5 Ea COATES 5. SOUTHERN _ .bou, s .... on 481. plul 3e. on Ih. b'OU'h' well . Conl.inl" • . 50 of an .ert. It. - bb

AN UNUSUAl. OPPORTUNITY "r;:<::~~·I~I~~;~mll.IY 11I.4g1.47 ballde. 1= SOCOny" Servt'ce Station I. New Ca age TO SECURE A MEflCHANT & In ....... <0'" .nd I.... H B .,,_. EVANS eleclric ,·efrilerator. Latest I S~h·".:·.l!'· ~~r:::.~.~~ ta"t:'~'~n :mu: 5 IRS = 2 Ib 9 IInlt and pump. First clOIi condi. :ion x~i Ih • .,;" of rllllh Ward •• ned Lnll'~ = MOTOR REBUILDING OENERAL REPA. C

. d mu·t ~ Word Admlnl",.,.I. 01 Ih. 0" MONIZING B"TTERIES CHARGED -tion. Family leavlnl town an 0 A.ron W ... I. d.c .... d. compilinanl.: .nd = SI ft ii _____________ _ dllpote of it. Telephone 954. 5·4·1t 10 h • • ol~ by 5 WASHING - GREASINO·- TOWING e W "NT to buy old b~iidi~:;;-t~' ;e. F. OBOROB PU''t!tI". .= All Work Ollaranteed - We c.n for and Deliver Ca,. §

... '" Sollc.hor t Wm. O. Lippincott. N J -move and ,ave you taxel. Phone Oiled: May S. 1t39. E 818 Cinnaminson Ave. . Palmyra. • • a Bllrllnlton 266. 4·20·4t ~~~~.~;:5::. $41.04. e Phone !ISO 5 DIAMOND rinls. $10 & up. Ladles' !---~4::::;;:::----"-.-"'-1- RlIlIlIIlIIllIIllIIlIIlIUlIlIIlIUllIIlIIIlIIllIIlIIllIIlIlIIllIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln ct lentl' Eliin and Waltham wrllt 'I ::::~::?~d;:~~::th JI~~~;ij!: IIIIIJ-WXclllllllloIIllIllIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIAD'-"·""F.NIIIIIIIIIIIIMI-a Oxford .t .. Phll.delphla. tf I MEN'S Iprinl 'lIitl Be over coal •• 15 5 ' I: lip. Some cllltom made. Rieder'. - I Lo.n Offlcet. 128 Market. 22d and 5 Fi · h . BOllth. Rldle and O"fo~, P~i1~ If i Complete Home urna. ers 5

work al aardener and hlndy man I CANDY IN MOTHER'S .. .-~ ...


Scallions bunch Ie


Butter (PARM ROLL)

21bs 53c LOOK: t2.00 mo. plu. part time 1= 24th and Federal S .... ---. .. rentl 5 room bunlalow. Write In I DAY PACKAGES detail to Box "B" New E~~.~.4.S.2S WHITMAN'S CAMDEN,N. J. FRESH WANT TO BUY-Muahroom an· ZSc up to S3 C Hag Ch chor. wellht about 15 lb. D: K.\ LOVELL and COVEL contIOn~l·na with the 0 e eeae Warner. 300 Howard atreet. RIver. 25c up to $2 0

..ton, N. J. 4.27-Zt. . SALE' Ib 15c IF the per.on. whole- id;;tltYill MOTHER'S DAY CARDS 8-m--1 Anniversary • a -----------known, who took tbe bicycle from I. --- KELLOGG'S 417 Lippincott avenlle Tuetdl)' I 1. Annivenary Month Sale Speciall evenlnl will retllrn the partl which G 1FT S 2. National Baby Week SClals Youngbemees ... removed, no flirt her qllCltlon.

• _L_ I S-4 1t I 3. National Mothera Day pecla1a IaI wUI ..... P ace. - ILK E AT I N G 4. Nattonal Cotton Week Specials WOIIAN wa~tl part time hou .. • L. S. Summer Fumiture Speciala 2 cans 29c work. Call Riverton lUl3·J. 5·4.1t 6. Only 6% Chari" on Refrigeratora Wo.AN dnirea d.y·a work. Phone RIVERTON 7 Advance Sale of Furniture for June Bridea lti.ertOIl 620. 5-4·lt 8 10% Leu If Bill Ia Paid in 90 Daya • . Not 30 or 60 da~ but go daya and you ItllJ IIIve 10%

6blueeoal' -buy now-.a",e money ~



Remember, too. - · w. wiD guarantee that the price on any of our

SPECIALS NOW. will NOT be cheaper thia year. or the cWrerenc:e will be REFUNDED. W. will alao bold any article you aelect NOW untU wanted. WITHOUT In)' elltra co.t.


Price Beaiu .t

$4.95 THERE are 80 many thinp • home "aeeda" that CUIDOt be enumerated beret YET they are -­played OIl our Soon and only a Yiait wiD convince you that tben fa ... act. vantage in buyinC NOW (rom

JACOB NADEN 24th and Federal Sts.. Camdea. N. J.



Com Flakes box 7c


Genuine Spring Baby

Leg. of Lamb Ib 31e

Beat Cata 5 to 6 .....




Chickens Ib 29c 1% 104 Ib ....



Dudu ib23c

') , '.1


"To pole and pretend .nd to hide l.0llr honelt opinion II un air to your· lell. When YOIl atart pre­tendinc, the foundation of character II rotten."

50th Year No. 19


Supper to Be Served from S to 7.30 j Requelt for

Early Reaervationl

The lupper committee of the CIn· namlnlon Home Fete. with MIll Helen Woolman I. chalnnan, IIr .. Ward D. KerUn, of Mooreatown, and Mr.. Richard D. B.rclay, of Riverton. h.. planned • dellcloUl menu to be eerved .t the Clnnamln­Ion Home Pete, PrldlY, M.y 26th, from S to 7.30. The ,1.00 hot din. ncr will Inclllde:

Tomlto juice, Holland.· chicken croqllette •• chipI, frelh pen, .Uc:ed ham. tomato .nd cole ala. iliad, roUI, Ice cre.m, home.m.~e cakes and coffee.

A lecond platter to be aerved for 50 centl often: jlllce, a1lcell bollell ham. potato cblp.. aftd cole a1.w .... d, rolll and coffee.

Por Im.ller children there wiD be • choice of aandwlchn. deviled elll, and milk.

AI there will be • Umlted Dumber of hot 'lIppera .erved It la wile for tho.. who have not Ilre.dy pro­cured their ticket. to do 10 throulli




II aOLOGT D,I, .."....., It ..

, ..... Ie of lb' ..... • h ....... 8M a _ ............. . m_." ...... tria' lb' 4d1odt ... iCI 't ...... ~,,....-"



Large Organization Launche. Drive Here; Dinner

at Porch Club

. The lar,elt Y.M.CA. campa/III orlamution ever to be IIIICIIlbJed in .ny lectlon of Bllrllnllon COUDtJr I, now fuactionlnl In PaIm7n­Riverton, under the le.der.hip of Carl H. Thom ••• leneral ehalrmall.

A launchinl dinner for III the worken wu held In tbe Porch Clab, MIY 8. Mr. Thomal w •• iii chari. and the followin, lpoke brlef1)': William P. Overman. MoorntoWII, for many ye.n County Y.M.CA Board prelldent; S. ROler Oliver, BurUnllQn, cooty Y.II.C.A. cam· pmCnchairman;~.R.Tom~P~ ton •• member of the State Y.M.CA st.lI. Seeretartea Henell')' and Reed· er helped with many 01 the _. p.ip prepar.tion detan ••

In hia Introductiona Chairman Thomu prnented hlI four divlliOll le.dere. and they in tum thelr aWl, and each c.ptaln hi. three worken.

Orlaninlion The . Unellp of the campalp per­

lonnel il .1 foUow.:

Mfi. Albert B, PUlCOllt, lloom· Over ellhty local men ,.thert4 In the 'Porch Club on Mond.y nllbt of thi. week .t Division "Y" town 655, and Mrs. Jo.eph Morlan. dinner of the Palmyra.Rivetton Y.M.CA. finance campalln. Realdent. of theae communitie. Le.der-Charle. Sdcbey Riverton 1030. IOlidted to contrlbllte lenerollily to the fund which enablel thl. Iplendld orland.lion to carry aer· · Team No I Ed.ard W Pry

Dlnce vice to youth In countl ... w.l" Acdve Iroupi bere Include Lone Ea,le H~;Y.: LRInIBCeomClHllbl.-'!t. Ore.' Club, ~Ptaln; WUu"; J. Kraal, Harolli The Clnnamln.on Home Pete Lennl-Lenar, Gra-Y, Twin City Spartanl, lInaml Ora·Y. Pb.llnx aftd Y "."n leorn 0 A. Jones, CUftord Loan ••

Dance will be held In the evenlnl memben 0 theae Y -Iponlored orlaftizltlona look to YOIl for y,.::O\I=r~h~e:!II!:p.:...-_____________ T_ No. 2-O.rover F. Pox. ~p-.t· the Riverton Countr)' Clllb from ~OWNSHIP At1S YOUTH WEEK I FLAGS GIVEN ~O taln; Welley P. Hllyett, WlIIIlID ~. 9 to 12 p.m. with Don Chri.t aftd • ' • I Enlle. Joaeph QaJcl. HII Eaqllirn fumllhln, the mullc. PROGRAM Team No. 3-Llwrence B. Parker, Thil orchnlr. w •• featured 11)' . TO END F"OODS PALMYRA ruGH ~ptaln; Charlel B. Marple. Charla L.rry Clinton on New Vear'. eve i' L M.y 11, Thurld.y evenin" 7 E. Otelory. Cecil Ollnt. .nd II under tbe maftalement of o·dock. V.M.C.A. Bllildln,. Pet Team No. +-E.rl B. Hlrder. ~P-United Service. Ihow in thar,e of Phalanx. Prizes taln; Joaepb O. Seet. Karl W. Latch,

YOllnc and old will enjoy the .1- Drainage Engineer to Make to entriea before 7 p.m. Tacony - Palmyra Bridge Co. Jam .. B. Ryan. fair .. the Eaquirea provide for Survey in Sectionl of Thurld.y evenlnl, 8 o·clock. HI,b Makes Gift in Connection Tesm No. >-Walter D. Lamon. everyone from the jltterbup to th Ealt Riverton School Iymn .. ium. Hobby Show I with Youth Week captain; W.lter D. Lamon, Jr .. Her-mo.t COlllervltive of dlneen. . . liponiored by Phalanx. Admiliion bert H. Parlonl. Alfred H. Llppln.

Ticket. m., be obtained from an, At the meetlnl of the CInn.mln. reatrlcted to adultl and children The Tacony.Palmyr!' Brld,e Co. COlt. of the follow1nl member. of the Ion Townlhlp held on T?eaday over 12 yeara. Inlere.tinl exhibita I haa. purChaled two ~llk. haftd-em • committee: MI.. Betsy Barela" ,",ht of thil week I~ ¥I" ulllnimoua-I have been reai.tered and lpeakerl brOIdered RaCI to be prelented to .rl. Stllart B. Clark. MI.I N.ney Iy voted. to enla • . the lervice. of will di,cu •• and demon.trlte their the Palmyr. H~ .. h .School for Ule In Clark. of Riverton; Mla. M.rlaret an expenenced dnlnale enllneer to hobbie.. the Ichool alldltOriUm. . H.II, of Haddonfield: Mill Ch.rlotte maloe a .preUmlnary .urvey of con· May 13. Saturday afternoon. 1.30 The flaa. afe five by elCht feet. LOlld of Colllnc.wood; Walter dltlonl III. certain .ectlonl of o·c1ock. Palmyr. Firehollie. C.n- mOllnted on mahol.ny staffs and Barcl~y. Ro.. ElJ\ott, John PuDer. Riverton In order to determine the dldatea elected ill Ichool hold mllnl- Itandard •. with a aold eacle emblem Willi.m Shoemaker, Jack StetlOn. mOlt latllfactory procedure to abate cipal offices for the da". Sponaor. at th~ "top of eacb. One II the of Riverton; Blyard Kraft. of Col. the preaent flood men.ce. , ~d by Jamea HI;'ahel, Instructor of Amerlc.n Bal and the other tbe Iinllwood: Richard Scott .nd Sam. Walter C.rlon. township attorney. Ilovernment and aoc:lolollY in PaI- flal of the Sta~e of New Jerley. uel Stom. of Mooreatown. or call .tated thlt he bad lon~ over the myra Hilh School. Arthur A. Nlellen. leneral man· Ifn. J. V. HlCkett. chairman of the Iround and felt Ibat th .. wal the Vocational Guidance Forum each aaer of the brlda~ company" aaid

'tt t R' ton 7110 correct manner In whIch to attack mornin, in hllh .chool the officerl and d.rectorl wllh to comml ee. a !Vet • the problem. lince any ItePI taken . appropriately oblerve Youth Week ,.r wlthollt thll Information milht prove HOBBY SHOW in tbll commllnit, Ind dedded that Building "Or' to be the wronl coune. the preaentation of the Rail would

The action met with the approval be in keepinl with the epirit of the 'n Local Boro. uala of • Irollp of cltuen. from tbe National Youth Week movement. 6l o· ftooded arel who have ;eKi.tered By Dr. HAYES B. BRADY

complaint. on aeveral occa.lonl. Phalanx Reminder of Loyalty Pet'IIIltI for fifteen balJdlDl oper-

ationa were IaAcd In PaIm,,1 cJrar- Very Bad I Come out .nd .ee the Meat Ibow 'AI "pn'l IICCOnIinI to the report of Por a conaiderable pen'od of of hobbiea ever broucht tocether - .. . from th_ two townl. Come for Bdward A. KIn,. baildinl IDapector dme, celJara ha". been flooded .n t re8IOll.. Pirat. IItow the YOllth ill that ~Ity. ~ located on parta of Rced, wo .•

TIM eetimated ~~ __ the work!! P_peIB and Randolph atre::.~~ ~: ::: :m=:~~~u ::. .,.,. an4 f_ ---' _t_ proper dnIIna.Ie .... ben ill! ..... rimn .... h lead 10 better man an4 10 .. dIM to the _t of ..tau .ater w' ..... nb004 The)' are proud of

The foUowiq II a lilt of tile proJ- that .CCIIDItI1atea there. their hob~ and w. who are w.tch-ecta. tile ... - _ti_ed beIac lkYeral of tile comp1ainuta .. iq tbeID take oar places In com-

Mr. felt that .lIch a sift would lerve al a c:onatant remillder of the b1casin, of AmericlD demo ocracy .nd I.lmulate loyalty to the atate and natloD.

The c_pany reqllHtell .ayor Jolm P. Ward. of Palm".. aad dW~ of the Y_tIt Week eo.­mittee. to make the ..-tati_ In their behalf It the Tbttrac1ay mom· inc -td, in the hIP' tdtool t~.:.:e :-:::"~ ... ~: ~tiI u:r.~ ': ~.:; I..-it)' life can be rwoad ~ them

__ 615 0ar6eIcl ..-. :£ Mel ben 6IIecl ilL too. lecoDdly: See real actiOD aDd - --~ • . iDe nlliWta of _ ad _ HcuJer. .ho will with

Divilion ..... . Leader. John F. Ward.

Team No. 6-H.rry E. Riddle, captain: Melvin Cromwell, Prank M.cCorrnick. H. Warren.

Team No. ,-Ployd W. Spahr, : Georae M. Durain. Harold R. Hamilton, H. 8. WIIII.m •.

Team No. 8-Paui R. Jones. ~P­(CODtiaued on pile 2)

Spring Blooms In Fine Array

Due to the ntremely w_ weather oj tbe paRt few day.. '01. lowiq aD .bDormaUy cold April. Iprinl ftowerine plantl han liter· Illy burlt into bloom dllri.. the put few cIa,.1 and many JocaI real· dmcca are IUrrolll1ded by lIoweriq puta and thnaba that pr_t • riot of color.

AuIeu that are partiClllarly OIIt· .tuIdiDa: are to be ICCIl It tIM rtIi· dmce of lin. J. D. Eiaky. IJppia-COlt ........ ad .t .., otbII' Jo. catioDa ..... the YiwW en... ~ ItaIId OIIt with IIriIIIq ~.

Wilteria ,.~ _ roof oa dweD. port~the ac::..L~ .wait tILe re-I~ II.". edwucell far in tlleir par. Dlemben of hia t_ In tItia ea-iDIo lOS UDcoIrl -. JIarrJ All icIea of the litudoa _, be t.w.r 1Iobbiea. • c.l1nl .port. Ally .~ lIa,:e IIOt ~ Qotdeib. ....... .". the fact that ODe ...... Exhibita that YOllD& IDCD ~ ~- ~e III PRrpIe wiateria • ~y

Warna IaIidI, ...... _ co.I .. t .. tile dectad .,.. lUted that .t01'e fot • real tre.t lb. "fill"" co1orf1ll..., aaapli6uDt BI""" .. tdI!--(_daM'''"" I) he .... em-Iy c_lli ...... ,..., Here it .1181 .e haYe: 6. The Ca.mera Chab ~. by the of this arc beiDa adIIaInd at tIM frop In ilia cellu aince tile -' I. &altillita of aU kiDdI fr_ Rn. FrllllC.s Do_ ........ y- boIDe of Edward It.. .errilI. ..... of water .....,.. ~ In tIIe .... - y_tlla 1% JUf'I .... ower. a..atilU;l exaaapln of .hat caD he .. reet ; the Major reMcDca -


_t .-W be ..... for tILe prvpa_ 2. Edward .aniII . • chamP- in doat ~tll ,tIw modem c_ra ~ 8ro.d Itreet. on the Row_ pnp-ption of ..... cratweI. the C- Sellboat eta. wit. IDOft I they wiD .. we -,. acmce or expIaiD ert)', n.o-.. .- ... ...,..

t..... • thoMnd doIIan wonh of , _berner lhey, can how you too caD street. .... other Ioca"-. ABOUT TOWN troplliea aad callibit. who will IpcU Ict bener r-,tt~ . . FiDe diapla" of ..... are f-.l '" __ U boat raciaa. 7. A Wet)' atrikiac diaplay of .... t . ill tile Drew ...... an.tII .u.t.

OM ,,_,. .. I ia tile 11_- " J. ~ Rnoa, c~paon _ -1-.1 by _ ......... of aline c_ alao i .... lanlaia of Dr. CIIarIet oriaI Park Ioltltd ....... Top eoi1 ..... pIacecI _ Pal-~ of N_ Jerwy: Wiuu. itie&. We arc certaiD Wt _yo' S. IIilh"" It. II. H .......... I, • •

loa,. cwp-arioa cIeaIrt-. 10 _ .". HiP IdtooI'I _ atWedc I Reed. of alwnoa, _·1 d_, ' _ , t..... were IIot .-e t"'" coUll do .raM: aa.aa. 01 IccOIId Itnet" .... tel' tIIia loop ......... to .....,. idd ....... lOr7 to ........ A 1M of Plto .......... ; MIl Lat ... __ .... dMy IIPe ~ 1Iaybe ...... e __ of -' nricdea - . w- J . ....... Ilhrertaa ..... of. twf • expecUtd before tile _ wtao will apIUa dtia few "'"., arc otItcr wtao aaa- ..ell ...... tal- cICI' cwItIMtioL '" . ItllI..,. foodlell _ rolla ar-.l. · : IIpOC1M ..... Mallow'" ,.. __ ...... Ducaa I", ..... ia tile ....... "....-, ....... c-....,. - ... tIIe .... a.o.. I II K"" W.. ..... ........... tIIe ....... eM ...... 01 tile c..-..... .. 1M ~ .... of ............. .. Kart W1tilcrah, ....... oi l an. Ion - of _,. .... .-1 ' 1 .. -• _ ............. _ ....................... tWa ....... 5' · ... (1'.14_ 01..... AIMI ............... _ --:1 ............... tIIiI ..... .. _ tile c:.oII'...,.. ..... --' ArIaaIII ....... w ............. _ ' , .,. IW. __ ... - -..... All ..... - ........ ......

The ..... ' ... • _ .. .,.... - ..... ...... .. 'ftIe ... ~ .... ,..... ...... r- ' 5 1IaMIF ....... be .... Ie ........ -........................... _ . c::.... ..... III' ........... (7 . __ .... U) -..117. .



hom tbe p&q ~ III .... niM~ \n""'t~"" entertained at " pa~ b, aBe CII their nUlllbel'.

Alta- tbe pIQ. tdrsbmata .... Rnred IIIId thai the . adlence eojo,...

.. .us 1\1\ '. ! HAS 80 WORKERS

LOCAL rtD~lIrU I (contiaued IrolD ~ 1) In In sUTCh lor the UDllSuat in The Woman'a Auxillar, of Christ fll\LDl(,ll taan; lame. P. HUlhes. Clinton B. entertamment. th't: !klran Vacllt Chllfcll. Riverton. beld a m..t ,,",

I ~ardlner. Earl B. Whitcraft. .. -~-'1l1 entert.i~t. 011 Wedne.

Team No. ~Lindsay Little. cap- Club pre,.enl~ a RFa~hlon Show at ,,~ .• Afternoon Blaze Burna Roo1' Louis W. Jander. Jr .• MurTay the Club House last Saturday nilht day o( last wHk. ed tbe ubibition whidI Mel '""

huq for dis.,.., in a mGllt ertiaIk manDU by Robert "atlia.

Off Cinnaminson Avenue Kirkpatrick Russell Riven.. with the many 10wn. and feminine Tbe main feature ... an uhibi· Home; Big Start Team N~. 16-Henry B. Walter, finery capably modeled by m.le tion of sample", and old and mod.

captain; S. Stewart Bucbhola.. Wa· members 01 !he Club. The rcault em quiln and bed apread ..

With practically the e:ntire roof a ley W . Davies. Harry M. Kennedy. provided a bilhly enjoyable eveninl ~===:::~~==========::=======:::i _IS of flames on their arrival. the for :1 larle ,atherinc. and proved , Palmyra firemen did a ,plendid . Division "C" to be the hilh spot of the indoor ~~~!" piece of work last Fciday afternoon I Leader. R. M . Woodward season of which this was the final WINDOW SHADES when they promptly extlDlulshed a ' Team No. ll-Victor Rit.chard. event. lire of serious proportions that de· I ,captain. Richard Hollerith. Chatle. The larce Roat was towed IlP .troyed the top Roor 01 the two I F Allen Clarence W. Rodman. from Fifth street. Camden. last and one·hall story frame dwellinl l "ream' No. liZ-Charles E. Sims, week. and put in place at the end I located at the southeast corner 01 ' .:aptain. Frank Haley. David F. 01 the club pier. A number of moor· Cinnaminson avenue and Henry Gould A. Fred LippiDcott. in,s were dropped over the week­.tr~et, l'almyra. The: ,esidence was , Te~ No. 13-G. Lloyd M.jor. end and some boats have .Iready occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. \ captain. John E. Crail. L. Arthur made their _"pearance. Bllil. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Randolph. Hoyt. John Jamison. I Commodore Charlel F. "oorhia.

The blaze had a ternfic start b~' l Team No. 14-J. J. Robln8On. cap. M.D .• reports that plans are under fore being discovered at S.30. eVI. !. tain. Georce Chatburn. Stanley way for the usual feltlvitica Mem· dently having been underway for Carty. Georce Bornet. orial Day. to siln.lize the official 80me time bel?re It broke throuah . Team No. U-Ruuell Bllelow. openin, of the boatinl sea.on. the wooden ,hm,led roof. captain. Albert C. Farrow, Earl S.

Appeared Doomed Stuart. Robert G. Andrews. The entire structure appeared Division "A"

destined for destruction on the Lcader-Howard B. Conover. prompt arrival 01 the .ppa~atus .. but Team No. I6-Walter S. Barclay. • pair of two and one. half lOch hnea captain. W. Patton Kinsey. Samuel of hose were broueht into play in a Biddie. "incent Hackett. mOlt elfective manner by the fire:· Team No. 17-Robinette: Cole. cap. men, under the direction of Chief tain; Samuel Haywood. CI.rence Frank Geddes. Mattil. I

Thll avalanche of w.ter soon Team No. 18-Dr. J. Rowland broucht the Iituation under control. Dey. c.ptaln; Thomas R. Taylor. I but the equipment remaincd on the Porter Caldwell. J. Lawton Steedle. acene until after 6.30 before the last Team No. I~John H. Werner. embera were extineuiahed. captain; Georle Friday, Jt:.. Carl

The blaze originated on the top Peterson. Charlell F. Earp. Jr. Roor. the oriain beln, undeter· Team No. l!()-Hilton M. Smith. ndned. captain; Georee Bonsai. Thomas

A larae crowd was attracted to Braddock, Doullas Mickle. the leene by the densc column of . Campa!,n obJectiv .. : 'IS P~f man; black Imoke that , aroae from ~he $60 per team; '300 per dlVllllo.n; bumin, buildin,. $1200. four divisional $600. .pee,sl

eiftl committee; '1800. c.mpalan PHYLLIS WHEATLEY


The recul.r moothly meetinl 01 the Phyllis Wheatley P.T.A. Wal

beld rec:ently at School No.4. The prealdent. Mr.. Fannie Alhby. 0(' ficl.ted. After completion of bllli· ne.. the le.llon was tllrned over to Mr •. Glady. Riekettl. chalrm.n 01

. the pro,ram committee. Oliver Boardley lanc "Milhty Lak

• Bo",.'· He was aec:ompanied by Edna A.hby. Thi. 8010 was follow. ed by the main apeaker Mi •• Molly Womble of the Mooreatown School. MI.. Womble reminded the Iroup that the week of April 29 i. Boy and Girl Week and that we .hould pall.e and cOD.ide!" whether we arc doin, the most to help our chil­dren. She IUCle.ted that there: are three placea to help them-at pl.y. at work and at .chool.

The nCJlt relutar meetinl will be held on May 26 at School No.4.

goal. Important campai,n dltH Ire: Re·

port dinner, Friday evenlnl. M~y 12. Central Baptist Church. 6.30 p.m. Final report dinner. Y.M.C.A. build­in,. Tucaday eveninl. May 16. 6.30 p.m.

It takes over 2.000 cocoons to make a pound of raw .lIk.

Estimates Cheerfully Furnished

AWNINGS Complete Line of Woven

and Painted Strlpee

A. Livingston Deyo MOORESTOWN


• Wet wa.h picked IlP b, our driver. by 2 o'clock Saturda, afternoon. delivered 011 or before 8 o'clock Monclay momlnl" • N. Kuenlell, Prop. RIVERTON. NEW JERSEY

Phone. Rlvertcni 972

17 We.t Broad Street Palmyr •• N. J.

Phone 978

PurdIaaed Hen Ate Meaaurcd IUd IDitaDed 'fee - Pricca RtuOnabte.




when you buy nunary stock /~ ,

Pholle 28

Even though you IDifht eave a few cents now and again on a purchase from a "Oy-by-n;ght", you really eave in the long run by buying your evergreens and shrubs from a member of the New Jersey A8sociation of NurefJrymen. He gives you: A POSITIVE GUARANTeE of oomplelt! I.,i.faetion witb bis nlll'Mlry.grown IIlock and plantiog service. '

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITYI as • member of yourc:ommunity. building a IICrmanenl buaille1l8. his l!ervice mUll be dependable.

WIDE CHOICE OF SUPERIOR STOCKl trees, perenoial plante ami Rhrulll' you lillY from r :111 are frclIhly dllg and benefit by New Jersey'" \'igoroUR climate, fertil" soil .... lllr.1 irrigation.

BEt1ER HANDLING: you IJUffer fewer "growing loSIIC"" (or he know8 the need fur ('roper hullillg IIn.1 expert re.(.lanting.

eXPERT, READY ADVICE: aVllilable III 1111 times to helll you ill large or 8m.1I lantiscallillg prol,lelll •.

GENUINE AUTHORITY: it ad'ilt usurauct! to know tb.t hi .. I.rge ionntories .re Department 01 Agri.·ulture iU~llCCted.

Buy from your eommu .... " nur.flryma,. dilplGylnll tide flmbr.m. He suaranlct'8 youreompl,,1fJ .o.U/aello.., vb,. lai. "ur.· flry-gf'OllJn .IM" ond IfJrtJ't'fI.

!l ~1W •• IIYCCKlNCIL-1IINT0N,"" •• IIY

Q ." ............ .... NIW....., AIIOCIAnON OP NUlJUYMIH

....... II,,'-T"' '11'.CT ITATI- TO L.VI. WOIK ANa rlAY


Buy GUARANTEED trees plants and shrub. and •• SAVE !

Wbencvcr YOIl arc tempted to bu)' the .. IO~-!. "bar~~ from .torea that baDdJe n ...... " stock .. a aide IiDc . ,. I they are I\l&fanteed. TIle anawer .bould coavlnce you that your community nllfHrynsaD La the man from .bam to bu,.

We cordi.lly Invite )'our iAqWry thr~hout .. tbe )'ev. ~ rcmiad you that it II alwaya "OPEN HOUlE ltere cIurina bulinesa boGr.. Well aive yOll .ood. aound a4vicc aDd balp JOG plan ,/0tU nUfHrl IItoeil aeeda.

Open dail)' (iadu4lnl S.turday. and Saoda,.) frOID • ......

to 5 p.m.



..... ----


DREER'S NURSERIES Riverton, New Jeney




lad, lay, ..

, ,

t---------.... ,.USlC FIISTlVAl. AT 'PLANS MADE FOR ~ .... me bat\\l. hta_ 01 tllt

¥' PALItIYRA I LOCAL HIGH SeuOOL LOCAL lO'tELD DAY '"~~" atttndtnc ft'~1 ~ ~- ~r ~t\d N~. ~. Il . .. ~, of 8 tRl"iI

• ~i 8:-0:- f ~=c;b~tt!e-~~pu~ dertaJt,,4'S 'Mtfl th~ . ll\lrll\\ltol' ~u Li\)p.n'l;ott a~'tnll~ bawe -

I of tbe ~ Khook ......... ~..... Chad" H. Yost, "-"~tnl "'.lum'tI "'~~<Kla\lO<l. thIS Ot'pn'itQ· l\\)un.:t<i the blrtb of t\ da~httt.

...-~ .... C~rot)-n Mlktred. 'f,'.n N~. tI., , ~t,km 01 Doroth1 iii.. D~ In ot the R" ",Hol\ P~"*'t 'lueber As . aon ,, ' a~ ... in cO'sponS()til\l t il<! :<, oo.------______ 4! the hiab ~~ a~tCM'iwn. III., n. &oc.I,at lon. Itntertlllned tll~ m_bet. ,;an,-", .. n th Pal~'Tll. Thoe two at'O'lP'S Mn. M"C"my was f()\'tt1erLy MiwIi TIlt pIllalk is InWlted to anltbd thla _, th ,_ .. __ ~> .... ......__ .,""" been d~ly rtiatl!'ll fot' JIt'IIr'S M.,M~~ Itulli"""",

Do ld ..JII ' .:oncert whitll win becin pIOIDptl, ~ e .~ n-;.,-U\'t _tv at ".n.:~ , ,--nlll Scon ornaon who tolD- """ wW . • ' 'CI\ Mo .. ~ 'Ill , '111:$ Wftk, .t h"t home an,) tl"''' tntnul~ rtla\lon$hl~ a"~a,.,. ------- - -bmes con\erNtion with hia "oncert ~~ .. 1.30 p.~_ 'b fI" pr1)&1'UIlh KI--' ,It on i'bumas a~_u". msUlc~ dte ·u~<",... of Ill\y JOInt un· .. t 11.00 I'~r ,,~ut.'le . They .re 'iOW

. I ' • ·ted ........ " nwn""".. 'I t e """ ...... ttn A dertaktnc n "3t~ b,· members of tllt tldret Plano p &yInl '"It the ~ Rhythm band. lirat ~nd ~d and" It".' the lund \eon. a .qular The d"~« "m "--,n ~t " 0"'--'''- , ,· n.tnl'tt-, he~(I-" by B~" Fi--.... , H'I" S 'b I M So. H' ced the.. H . band h'rd d l'oarn mHtln, _s held Plans _~ ..... -" ~ ""'.. ~~ .. "" v U .... ..., "oo.y e tn e: .. orus., armonl"a , " an Ii " "tid w;1\ ,ontlnue until one: Df'ClS' ~n,1 .. II ~'""ut"", memben of tbe history of dance musk from the folltth arade "horus.. hllh .~hool m~ e· lan.; \:o~mltt...,\'o ".ppolnk1i. to , orl,onal. and the \k~la a~ prl .. u £. " ~,, .. 1tjon, d f h h f aids' Ilee club and .... de acllool t~ .. " c lata" 0 1 the lI\.::n,,:: buppoer to

GeorclC Ge ... hWln. Tuesday e\>enlna. June 11th. when the lllllllllllltll1l111IlUlUlUtI1U1Il1h1nnmmIIllIlIlUIIIUmIlUUIllUlllllmll.'''' ays 0 t IC c • • ve man to t at 0 I folk dlan«a, be ~e~IC': at I\(emol'tlli Parlt. on

-- LAST MEETllIG $<ho()1 .:hild~n 11.'111 obse ... e " Field = The boys who .... ent to the PoultrJ I I. III Day," ,'hI, affair IS al""aya one of ' 5 .

Judalna Conteat. May 2, at the New the outstandln, e"mt l& of th'!: year = Brunswia Experlmtnt atation weft I NEXT MONDAY III R,verton. and it hi a rood bme , ; Donald Yerke .. Ralph Willi., Jo1m to invite out·of. town l(Ues'. to:: Conlow. John Boenitsch, and Nor- . .:ome and see the line cQmmunit~ i mb Eirich. They judled Rhode , F ' IS' f Y for sp.rit pre"aililll in Rherton. e Island Red hens and pullets, Barred I ana . eliSIOn 0 ear " 5 Rotlt hens 3nd pllllet., t.eahom Rlverton P.T:A.: To SENIORS GRADS i hens and pullet.; identified tWl!nty- Name Offlcere , j i five different kind. of poultry feeda; Office ... of the Riverton Parent. ARE INVITED it and judeed white, and brown elra. Teaoeher Anoelatlll!' will be electl!'ll I e

__ fol' the en.ulnl 80 yt.r tem at The p.lmyta Hilh School Alumni I i National . Po.ture Week, May 1.11, the reaularly appointed meetlna to A,Iodlltlon wilhes to iallle a .poe- 15

Wat obsllrved by the rirla' hYliene be held in the lehool alldltorlum dal invililtion to al\ hllb IChOOII= ct ... .,. of Palmyra hllh school. nellt Monda), afternoon It $.30.. IIludent. lind alumoi not yet memo 1i Lcdllfel were liven. and lantern Committel: chairmen will .ubmlt the ben of the aaaodation to attend it. = .lide. · .hown to point out the .d. finnl reports for their orlanl •• llon·. annual Sprinl Cotillion, to be held a "antalcs of propoer urn .. e. The The nomlnatina committee h .. nom· Saturday evenlna. May 20th. The 1= ,Irl. were crltlelaed indlvidulllly. and Inated fDr oRlcer. the followlnl: dance will pro\·ide an elleellen! OP' I § helpful IUlle.tlonl were made. president. Mra. lohn P. Abell; vic. pottunity for all eliillbleli and I'r015· l!;

__ president. Mn. Charlea F. Stewart; pecti\le eliatbloea for mernbl!rlhip In ==

For "Mom" Something Useful



Complete Home Furnishers

24th and Federal Sts.. Camden. N. 1. A week'. real IIIxperience was 1.ln. lec:retary. Mn. l'orler B. Caldwell; the aroup to cet acquainted with the I Ii ed by one. P.H.S. commercl.1 .tu. tre .. urer1 Mrs. Atl:x.nder B. Oar- present members and to al.o enJo)' = d nt Eth I W II filled t wood. • (\ top·notch eveninil. a-e. e e. • empor· Miss Eloile Bryan. BurUnaton The allnir will be held at the pic. = UNUSUAL VALUES FOR JUNE B~IDES

ary position .t Raymond Wamer, realtors. dolnl secretarial work In County Helpinl Teilcher, .nd noted tUresque Medford La.kes J.o, Cabin I COME IN COMPARE' plate of the relular lecretary who child p.ycholo,ial, will be the aueat L,od, ... and the musIc will be rel\. J -

wa. III. apeaker at the meetlnl· del'ed by. Clluck Gordon lind his 13· IlIIlIIUlllllllllilUllllllllltIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIIlllllllllllUlIIlIIUlllltlllllllllllllllUU


(continllecl from PAIr. 1)

burner. 500 Clnnaminlon avenue. H. H. Baulh.

Edward A. Kinl. repalr a ..... door. and roof. 313 Bul Bro.d atreet. Frank Snover.

Georle Frld.y. foof, 6UI Hllhllnd .venue, Harry Wllllami.

Roy Oldeon, 011 burner, 904 W •• h­inaton avenlle, Roy Oldeon.

Davi. Brother.. cement block larale, III Pear .treet. Bern.rd Saylor.

W.rren Smith, new roof, 800 Parry .venlle, William PoweH.

CharlH, remodel ,arale, 901 Lincoln avenlle, Oeor,e Bonlall.

Oeor,e Frlda", repair rool .nd Illtter., 507 avenue, CI.r. ence Yerk.,..

Charle. Cotton. two c.r I.rale, 400 Oarfield .venue, Mr. Buull'd.

Curti. Stavel)'. two c.r clnder blocka. 600 W .. hlnlton avenue. Pal·

I Last Meetlna

At 2.30 tll.t alternOon. the ••• 0· elation's Child Study Oroup will meet In the kinder,arten room. An Informal dlscu .. lon on "Char.cle~ Bulldlnl" will be conducted Ilnder the leadeflhlp of M.... Robert O. Adam • .

The •• are the IlBt P.T.A. meet­Ina. 01 the .e •• on. lind It II hoped the .ttend'nce wUl be larae. A prln will be awarded to the cia .. hlvln, the hllhe.t percentale of mothera ptetent.

Youna children m.y be left In the IIchool IIbrlry, undor the eire of a cap.ble adult.

Te. will be aerved.-Publlclt)'.

m)'r. Bulldlnl .t Lo.n. Mr. ~linyon. move 011 burner and

In.tall. W.lnut .treet Ind Memorial avenue. Elvin Powell.

Betnhard H. Dlnn, remod.l potch, 23 Pear .treel, Mr. Dinn.

Frink 8chnek •• r, repair and reo model dwelUnl, .16 We.t Fifth .treet. Jennie Fabtore.

A K.oerner's Cake SPECIAL


... k. ,h. day com,I., • • •. ", &_". D,UclOul Hd ......... , Ie, er .....

. . . It'. deb" . . . cr"fld.r . . . aad" 'ft mli"" •• mlttJn. lI.won,

KOERNER'S BAKERY Palmytll: WI IE. Broad It.

Pbooa 1101

If You're Smart you'll shop here

lint before you buy South leney', Lariat Showroom

Devoted ExcJuaiv.Jy to



GOT SOMETHING HEal' &.0. ,Otl. ,.,C..u , •• " .... :;It ::":::::." •• ,"CL"D. tile' , ••• "k' "..... • ... '" '.0" w •• ,., Ce .. ,.~· •• 11." ,.'" ..... _ •• lIe' , MOll ."" • r ..... •ar ",., f .. "., ....... , .... ,

loINC&,O" • • , A •• 'l\~ f .. ,. It ,.WeI' CH II It It .,. •• , .. , ••

• rIe. .., • ..... .""., • tor~"· • , .... a "", ••• a,.'" CII ... I. ••• .., ••• ,. ""P" III ,t.rtl.! fM" " .. I .......... .type ,.. ... , ... , ,.ot',·,' :!!'!:!~ tlA" ....... ar ......... ' Lert8I ..... .,.. .... -.......... ., ....... ' ~c;: •....... ' A w::. ... .,.... .... ,...., ..

I_C.,.HIO .. '. 'tll!tOtlT' Ma .tII., .-CO... ,., ..... ... ••• , Itt "t :~ ..... , ...... , .11" ..... r DI" .... M." •• ft. "~~"I. ,"~LL" ... 11'." ;10 .r ...... '·· U,lIe." Oo" ...... e" ... •• rl.,. - It_II .... , ... ,., ",., .. 11 •• -

(,II"a"'O'" a'OII,.' • 'I,'. y .. r I ...... ~~ .. ,¥it ..... ". ..... ".. 0'1" ..... 1 •• ,1.,. -.. :, • ., .IDI ..... , 1',I·· ... ,,·~ .. r ........... y.

h'" --.., .. , ...... 1

.0.'" ."I'!J!: .,."" , :r.:: .. ., ..... - ...... !~ 'A"'" Ie ...... ........... *",,"" WlUK' ..... ' .....,. .. ......... , .. ...., ............ ,


. ., ... ... ICII""'Jit:.,. .... . 'tlO~t!. .... " ..... .. ...,. '. ¥UIf'''''' , .. -.. ..... eo I ........... t'.' .. ,. ., "'" ;. rI" I ..... hr' , • W'AT .. ltl-'., .... ,a. TI.'I ....... ' .. .,...., ............ 11 ........ •

, ._cn ... ·,a "1"'0"''''1 I."·''''' " , .. ,.. .... .. 0 ... .. "ta ...... -....... , .. , .. . n ................. 1rt ., .... Ie ..;. .. iIM.".... .... ~~" .. , .. , -111--• " ...... It.,tl,H"! .n ... - ... .. W .................. ... ;::.,:-!'!.,t •• ,. •• 1 ... . .-"' .............

I.FSTER S. FORTNUM • Welt Broad Street. Palmyra. N. 1.

~ .. ,... Iii,..... II.

PrlUlk MacCormh:k. of 805 Lln­toln avenue, wn tast week'. willner '" Shulman'" Merchandise Club.

A Bonll Bread dtmonltratlon will tie hetd in the Pariah House. Christ Ch\1Kh, Palmyra. on Friday enllln" .... 1 to. at 8 p.m. Refreshments .... m be ae~ Donation 25c.

lira. Albert Smith. or'Phllildetphla, li ~"dlnl lome time with her .on IIld dauehter. Mr. alld Mh. Albert ''''IUI, .JI',

MIchael OriRtnlnd .amil, mo'fed trwn Detaware avenlle to Pen".,I. ~l. avenue III' Thurada,.

The CllInllmlneon AUlllllary to 'he Zurbruae Memorial Ho.pltal wriU

LYNal'S _ 0Ml., ~ Clealllq Int Prellll •• ... _.._- c....... - St* ...... . ··.tIt " ..... 1 .... UIt


6 rooM.. bath Uid panttr. hot water heat, coal blowet. 2-car larap. in Rood relldentlal I~ tation in Pahnyta, IIh. Annl Rodlhnl. ot Oelalleo.

1IlOftd to Third Itreet," .. leat

~. 1=:===::==:::1 $45mo lite. Johft Ktrtlltn. of Chari.. Dt!>urMBE·R· MOTHER IUtet. ",tettalned a number III I\EoMD Mendll tail Prtda~ nllht. THII lUNDA Y

WITH AN APPltOJ)ltIATB IIh. Harrt Kellnlil, u4 lin. G 1FT

o.otae thaner wiD be delepteS from tile P"m,... Woman" Club.

LESLIE W. REEVES at the Woman's Club Coliventln to • Itt III Mattdon Hall. Atlantle SPINNING WHEEL

OKOROK W. ROOBRI, Ine. ,. ClMamlnlon .\vel\ue

Palmyra, N. J, Cltr. ni!1lt ."ee_k.__ GIFT SHOP Thl Itrlendahlp Cia,. of til. ..I....~.

"hone '117 In.iaranee Advllor. M.,hodl.t Church held thelt month. iN ~lnftaaialtaOlt Avenlle

11 bu .. ,,", met"n, and aodal lilt 1~~=:::::~P~A~.L~II~Y~~tt~A~::::::~.~~~~~~;~~~=~~1 Monda, nenlne and were alven I . dtthonltrltlon of the lIaH 01 Bond brnd.

I ~VERTO~ I Mta. J. P. Abell. Mr •. Chitin P:

Itew.rt and Mn. Chlrlel H. YOIt. tI' RIV'rton, .ttended the meetlnl 0' the Bllrllnaton Oount,. CouncU of Plrentl and Teachen at Mount Holly. on Wednelciay.

Mu. 8tUIrt B. Clark and MIla H.len C. Porter. of Riverton. lpetlt the week-end .t Newport, where Mt.. J)orter attended the dance .t It. O.ot.e'l School on alturd.y nlnlnl.

Mrl. C. Hlrit, of Clnnamlnlllll .tt .. t, II recoverine In Zurbru •• lI.morl.1 HOlpltat from InJuri .. -taln.d In an automobile accident lilt wHIt.

11111 Ann. O. Cllrk, dlulhter 01 Mr. and Mn. Stllart B. Clark, tiIInt till week-end In BOltOft.

Ttl. relul.r ~eetln. of the lacred HIUt P.T.A. will .,. tl.tcl toda, (Tbureda)') with the eaecutlve fliNt­_ at UO alld the relul.r meetlnl at I o'clock. A P"lhofer demOltltta· ..... wUI .,. tha f.atura of thle meet­.... All par.ntl ar. IIrled to .,. ".....t.

CHallTtAN ICIII:MCII: CHUaCH ,..,.. Church of th""" .deetIat 'ftoaIaa Ave. and ..... th It.

JUYtrtoe. M. J. ..... , IchooJ. It ... .

Announcement. . • • We wi.h to ant\C)Ultce that the'

Richfield Service Station formerly operated by Edward Seltt at Broad

and Maple Avenu~. Palmyra, .. IiOW

under the ntanalement of

FRANK LLOYD We cordlal'y Invite your patronage.

Appropriate . . TIlt ""er ,....,as HOtU Ia ....".

o' with .. erytIaiq down to tIM ........ t ... talI to toadMct 1ft appropriate llIner.' .. rvlce.

TIlt atta fatill... of file lnover ....... Home ., •• YllIabJe to all at no •

t2·o~ can 29c Kellogg's Apple Butter 14 .. oz jar tOe K~LLOGG'S SUN RIP~N~b

Fresh Prunes 2 hig cans 29c Selected fJ Sift Ud Flavor--Pac,," it'l EIl~ Rich Sprup

Kellogg t3 STUFFED OLIV~S ...... ~-Pt. jar 25c: Kellogg j !! Prepared Spaghetti ................. 2 carts 15c Kellogg·sPurt! PRESERVES ... _ .......... l-Ib jar 19c pq. ~.tb Pkc


Jumbo Marrow Beana ... ..... _ ..... _ ..... , ........... _ ..... 2 tb 17c Kellogg's Oven Baked Beans, 2 28-oz. can. 29c Merion TOMA'rOES ........ _ .... _ ........ 2 No. a calli 19c KELLOOO'S OAR DEN FRBSH-CRUSHEb

Maine Com 3 No.1 cans '25c The Plnesl Whlta or QoIden Billtadl



Kelloll'~c~IIl~!!:rI~YlNO Ib 2~ 8nt and Butta· Blend Ib 22c

You'll Uke It'a lIeHow Flavor

Fr~ah Cut JERSEY ASPARAGUS .... ,. bunch 29c Large EOG PLANTS ............ ~ ........•.... _ ........ each 7~c Fresh JERSEY RHUBARB ............... 4 bunches lOe Large Heade Iceberg LETTUCE ............ each Dc Large B~EFSTEAK TOMATOES ........... It) 15c Large Size HONEY DEWS ........... ............. each 35c: D'ANJOU PEARS ..................................................... 5 for aac Delicious Eating APPL~S ............................. 6 for 25c Fresh Peu ...... 2 Ib lSc Water Crell, bunch 5c Radilhes, 3 bunches lOe Grapefruit ............ each 5c ~ge. Orangest doz. 25(; White Grapes ...... Ib 15c

Fre.h-kiIled· ~ .. . Long Ib' I

DUCKS 5 to • lb n.rye


3lb aver_,e

c Ib 2Sc

17c Bonele. RoU_ VEAL Ib 2ge Skinleu Half Smok. Ib 23 and Beef Bolo.... . C BACON ?i-It '" lIe Special Cold Cut Price •

Aalloua'l ITA. \

MEAT LOAFS (3 varietiea) I~-Ib 5e • LIVER PUDDING . ,. . -.. '" 1'4

The SLICED CHEESE . _.. ...... ~-~ Ie

..u. e . .,.... ....., lervicN. 11 .... . WedMadty. '.00 p .... ...... aoolll In Cburch 1Iul ....

S F I H ONLER HAM ... . "-' .,.-..... ,.-

• 'nover unera orne HOME MADE POTATO SA"L···-····· " .. -au "" 11IOOf....... II BOILED HAM .. AD - ..... lb 15c MAGEE , HUGHD ,,!!::-~ It. •.... ~.~l~ I 11111111111111111111-: ..... 11111111111 •• 111 IIIIUUII"ii'IJI'III';:-:'I':'~

C ... rld '" In_.-ce ....... IIWen... , FuU LIIIe 01 F-•• 1.. . rzr~LI PainlinM I • I n r ~ .;In

• 8WAaD HUGH ... II.,. • lllCl~.~:-- S'1._J a.rt.N An. ....., ... , .......... _ ......... __ ....... _... ........ IIfICI ~: NI ~~II ~ , ...................................... ..1

......... Aft. .......... tIt 't .. aI1l.,-

......... ,...., .... Prt4a,. UO til"'" . ,

I, 1 ~


P~~[:~~EJP~~~ Locals Have No Trouble in & D division or the Burllnaton Count1

Notching Fifth Win : till ay I Ba~eball Leaaue aot 011 to .. line Long Hittl hature Nearly one hundred and ".ty start lilt Sunday afternoon by ~Itll\f

metilbera and their cuesta were pres- an 8-2 decision from Rivenlde at RiveBlde lifO no match for Coach ent at tbe official inaucural of the the park 01 the opposition.

Ken Dimond's Palmyra Nilh ball current 101£ siteson lalt Saturday, Altadonna. Palmy"a hurler. al­~am lISt Thursday afternoon 011 the whell Stal Day was observed with thoueh touched lip for 10 hit., kept local field and the 1{ed and White a full prOllam of event. includinll the blows well scattered. . compiled the fifth Will of the naaon varloua COlt attivitiell. dinner and Fowler lead the Pilmyra 12·hit by a 12-6 cOUllt. clltertainment durine the eftlline. offensive with thcee blows. Inc\udinl

V'art Embur, at.rted on the hili for Walter D. Lamon, Jr., tied With 3 double. Palmyra and did a line fob until Dan Mitchell or Woodbury. in low the fifth, Iimittn. the oppoaltlon to e~s. score for th,: day, bot~ havln. on. "inille and lUI uneamed run. At 80 II. Bud HemphIll was thIrd wltb this stOlle the homesten were out In 181• front with II 5-1 adllllltlee alld the Gordon Bailey, of Woodcrest took situation seemed well In hand. low net. hono~ with 70. The other

Van let down a bit. In the ailrth. however. pBnin. Winklespecbt, after ""'hieh Dyer tripled past MtDthnott. Hollman then poled a four-plY clout.

prin wlnnera In order were B. W. Bli", also of Woodbury. Steve Ferrie. H. N. Sh~ble and B. Good­win. all 10l:al club memben.

There was an ellht way tie in the Kickers' Handicap, with the follow ina having cards of '19 for thi. event: J. D. Clark. J. V'. Hackett.


Hollman, If Vernon, 8a F. Bereer, 1b Fish. rf Mowski, cf _ ._ Dyer, C ___ ._ ..

Frellnd, 3b __ P. tiercel", ab .•. Helmack, p Hinkle. 2b

AB R 5 0 5 1 5 0 5 0 5 1 4 0 2 0 3 0 3 I 1 0

H 0 A 020 1 .2 2 3 ·7 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 15 0 o 1 0 003 I 1 I 000

Ray Coble. Dr. E. A. Meyer, Russell Totals Stureen, J. F. JamllOll. H. F.

_._ 38 2 10 27 7

Jones, and Georle Duraln, Jr. PALMYRA

It. of C. Palmyra W"OII the aecolld half title.

finlahille with • rttord Qf 30 and 12, four point. ahead 10£ the Nt. Holl" A team. Hilh Sinllet-

Paber, Gloucester, 206. Gstll, Nt. Holly. 235.. One. Ri-nnide, to'l.

Final Standina-W

Palmyra White" . 30 Mt. Holly B ___ 28 Mt. Holly A __ ~ Gloucelter ___ a Moorestown . __ 24 Riveralde __ ._ 23 Haddon Heichtll _ 7 Camden .• " ._.


L II l7 111 13 IS 111 2G 3&

Hichwaymen won 3 from Plrltea. Demonll won 4 from Bandit .. Bootleelera won 4 from BucClll-

cera. Thieves WOIl 3 froh\. Footpad •.

Hi.h Sineles-Devor. Hi.hway, 231.

The locals clime back IItronl in the lower half of the lIamB bruket and boosted their total by four. the reo Imlt of a similllr number of hits in­terspersed with a paIr of boots b)' the opposltioQ.

Gordoll Moffitt won the prize for accuracy when he drove his ball from the 17th tee to within two feet of the cup.

AB R Wl1lllm'ms .8S _. .. 0 J Prisco, 3b ._ .. _ .. 0 Humes. 1 b .~ __ .. 4 2 Rob'son, rf . 5 0 A. Prisco, 2b _._ 5 I

H 0 A Edilleer. Viratea. 213. o 3 2 Zaun, Bootleelers. 223.

Van Embure got throueh the sixth without trouble. but walked Wlnkle­specht alaln in the ellhtb. L)'nch blasted one out of the park IIl1d the next two men sineled. This prompted Coach Dimond to lend ill Carhart who promptly squelched the opposition durin. the remainder of the puttmine,

o 1 2 7 2 0 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1\ 1 0

I Campbell, Buccllneers, 217.

j. F. Jamison WIS the willner of the live pil.

1 Buchhola. Footpade, 222. o Richardlson, Demon •• 212.


Knaht, If ___ .__ 5 1 1 The Standine­o W L

17 20 24 27 28 30 30 31

Dev'ney. cf ..._ 5' 2 Fowler, c .• __ . 4 1 Alt'donna, p . 4 1

o 1 o

Len Baker allowed Olouceiter Total8 _ ' ...• _._. 40 8 12 27 15 13 HIts only tbree hits la"t Friday afternoon Score by Innlnes-

Palmyra took kindly to the oft'er- and Palmyra annexed the slltth win P.lmyra - .. ... _. __ . __ 000 202 13~ inas o( GlI.rbe, Ram p~tther. Who reo over the season In a tilt played on Riverside. ._ 010 000 1C1C)-2 tired to fteld at the bealnnin. the field of the opposition. The acore Errors: .hollman, Vernon, Dyer. 2} of the sixth. Aaronson, the former was 5-0 In favor of the Dlmondmen. Fruend, P. Belrer, WilHam •• Robln-occupant of that pasture allumlnl The Red and White atarted 011 III 'on, Fowler. Hita: off Altadonna-the hurlln. chore.. a aprilhtly manner when Cole IIld 10, Neinlack 12. Btruck out: by AI-

The curly.headed newcomer waa McDermntt hit for the circuit In todonn. 10, Heimack 4. Two bllBe royally Ireeled by the local. who the illitlal .t.nliB. The baltl were hit: Fowler. Umpires: Bechot and Iplillhed out follr hit. In aucceulon barren on each occaalon. D)'er. from bll sllnte. One of theat was • Palm),ra baUera connected wely -----_______ _ triple by Kemmerle. With the bate. on . 10 oceiliona with Kemmerle, loaded Alronson w.lked Karitla to Tumer and Karltl. ,ettlnl • &lilt force In a run and, allice none wete apiece. out, the Rlvenlde mentor w.ved hla Baker WIS III command of the altu· second pltchilll choice bau to nlbt atloll .t all atalel .nd the oppall. fteld and Olrbe re .... umed hi. otd tlon never hid a chanc •• eland. The boll score:

He had better luck thla time. PALMYRA since P.lmyrl had • nfe leld and AB R everyone wanted to let home for Kemmerle, rf ___ 4 0 eUpper. McDermott, cf._ S 1

Kemmerle fattened hi. averale Cole, a • . _. __ .__ 2 1 with three out of fiVe. McDermott, Turner, 2b .• _.___ 4 2 Turner and each con. Kar1tia, c _" 4 0 lIected on two 01:c8l10na. V.n Bm- Breweter. If .___ 4 0 bure's double In the fourth waa time. Gamble. Ib 4 0 Iy alld sent two marker. over the Henson, 3b ._ _ 4 0 rubber. Biker. p . __ .. _. _. 3 1

PALMYRA Rothbaum. cf .. 0 0

H 0 A II! 0 0 1 I 0 t 2 3 2 0 0 2 8 0 1 .. 0 070 o I 0 1. 0 t o 2 0

AB RHO A Kemmerle, rf .__ 5 2 all Tot.II .... - ... - 32 5 10 21 4 McDermott. cf S 2 2 0 0 GLOUCESTBR Cole. 1111 _ ___ S 1 1 3 1 • AB RHO A Turner, 2b ..• _. 5 1 2 3 3 Barrett. c ._ .. __ 2 0 0 3 2 Klrltl., c 4 2 1 9 1 Berkey. rf _. __ 3 0 0 2 0 Rolhbllum, cf __ 4 1 2 1 0 M'tland, I( _ ___ 3 0 0 2 0 Glmble, lb .. __ .• 4 2 '0 II 0 IrvIn, d . ____ • 3 0 0 I 0 Henaon, ab __ 4 0 1 0 2 Barron. lb __ " 3. 0 1 12 I VanE'burl. p _ 4 1 I I 6 Mar!ln, 2b __ 2 0 0 1 3 Csrhart, p .. ____ . 0 , 0 0 0 Oro.t·m, ab ___ 3 0 0 2 . 2

Tolll. - . Floriab, .. __ 3 0 - 1 2 1

II 27 13 R. Berkey. p __ 0 0 0 0 0


The Dellir handed the Dawle)' Old. telm • letblck la.t weelr, the 10cIIl. beln. on the ahort lind of a 9.5 count. The wlnltlnl hurler was none other thin lire Hyl. ton, Who Umited the .lul,ln, Oldl cut to leven blow I.


A lood allied crowd wal on hlUld to watch the openln. ,a me. of tbe .oftball loop, Broadway provin, to be the billeat drawlna card.


UmplrH Carhart and Rotenbur), offlcilted behind the plale In fine fllblon. RIchman wa. back at hi. old .tand at &rat.


Bootle.eera ___ ._.'_. __ 35 Footpads _ .• __ . __ 32 Thieves _~._ .. :.... 28 Hillhwaymen __ 25 Pirate" . ______ . ___ 24 Bandits ______ 22 Buccaneers ____ 22 Demons ___ • ___ 21

Ladlel Ltlpe

Wlnls won 2 from Camell. Koola won 3 from Bpude. Luckie. won 2 from Murad •.

HI.h Slnlle_ Mrs. Lamont. 170. Mrs. N. Belta, 170. Mrs. Henry, 1\10, MI .. WUIOD. 110.

The Btandlne-· w

Murldl ..•. _. _____ 37 Luckltl .. ____ ._ 34 Kool. _._. ____ • __ . __ 27 Wines . ___ .__ 24 Camel. __ .. ___ ... 14 Spud • . _____ . _____ ... 14

Ladles VI. Men

L 11 14 24 27 37 31

aarden Btate took two .am .. from the all-atar I.dl .. • telm lut week, but the feminine COlltlnlent put up a lood battle.

The scor .. :

Ooodwln Shaffer Saylor Wilion Denneler Halnel


Hllnel ___ _



BWlin ___ ."" . Denneler . "" Headm.n ___ -

. 126 132 180 131 1S? 191 133 1511 111 113 158 160 177 113 111

. 1111 147 150

871 8415 903

246 lSI 172 206


V-s Outfit Takes Pany 8-7. Broadway Blanb Cuba

in Season Opener Startine of( with a ban,. the Fort.

num llIare .. tion do ... ed a flit Parry team &.? ill the open1nc Cif the Memorial P.tIt 10ftbtll loop season on Mond~ nlaht IIf tIIla week. Broadway Md little trouble in dispo"n, of the Cuba via tile whltewaah route In the other ftaca. of the evenlnl. The *core of tllla affair was 11-0.

Tbe Fortllum-Parry tan,le bealll with arellt austo with tht Willow OIl the part of both team .. but the 0.,. poslne pitchera, DeviMey. for Fort­num. and Zeltel. for Parry 1001\ att­tied down and base hlta became btt'4 to let af~r the first few stanua. Twenty-one of the ' 28 blneles Ia the lame came in the fint five f ... me ..

Tied Up

Parry tallied in the firat. Idded three 'more ill the secolld and IUI­other In the third. Their adver. saries lot four in the second aIId went ahead with a In the third. Fortnum added anCither in the fil;th, but Parry evened the count by a brace of markers in the lillth. ThIa ended the acorin. until the ninth when, with one away. Bonatellt doubled to "core Enaklt IUId put the came In the ball.

Elltr!l base hltil were frequellt dllr­in. the early Itallea, Mitchell and Devinney cloutinl for the cltcUlt, Pippin anoe"lnll a triple wblle doubles resounded from the bits of Bnskat, Huff, Ke .. l~r alld McKee,


Parry-Frenul. If; Kitchen. 2b1 Prisco, as; Devinney, P: Hon, Ibl Veltenhelmer, c; McKee, r ; lilt. chell. 3b; Lannln,. ell McDermott. rI,

Forlnum-K ... ler, cl: C.rpenter. s_: Small, 3b Enakat, If: BOlllla. teUl. e; Huff, Ib; Zei.,i, p; Plppitt. 2b; Watkins, rI.

Anderson Hurll Bhutout Bill Anderson was In rare lorm In

the Broadwly.Cuba tilt. timid.., the oppolltlon to three blow.. Broad· WlY hit Ilfely on 13 oceaalonl. scorln. a brace of mlrkere In the fir.t, addlne another In the .econd and wlndlnl up the affllr with three more In the

The Cub. prelented a YO\lJlf. but hu.tUne rOlter. but tbe eaperlence of the veteran movie caat WII too much for them to overcome.

Broadway lined up .. follow.: Welkman, SI; Yearly, rf; Bauer, 211: Hume., Ib; Eisley, ell Balter, r; Buchbola, c; Daley, rf; Burke. Ibl Anderton, p.

The Cub. took the field II fol­low. : Care)" 3b; Moorhoult, c; Perueel, eft Btockton, p; Hullln .. , 10; Slm., If j Perkin., 3b; Brown, rf: Bmith, 2b: Hlrat. II.

May 24: IndlviduII playoff. lot Individual awardl.

Member of Bouth Jeraey bo,'a Tennla Lealue. 4011

RIVDIIDB lI.ckln. p ~_~_ 1 0 0 0 t

One of tile P.rl")' ellt tet the .trlkeout record for the year. whlffln, on four auee"'''. trlpa to the rubber.

Ruff .

178 168 179 1111 112

199 16S 11511 1711 112 175 =========== .. a

AB RHO Hutchlnaon. d _ J 1 J a LJIlth. Ib __ J J • J

A ~Ptowen ---- 1 0 I 0 0 o ··CrlIP - .. --- I 0 0 0 0 -0- Total. _ . _ 141 In 957

D,.r, c ___ 4 I J 4 4 Totala ___ II 0 I 11 10 ! taatled lor Portnum played wltb onIJ ilia.

men, but lnIInIJed to win delplta the Ihortq ••

P.H.S. NETMEN Holfmlll. If ___ I I :I 0 RYID, tb ~__ 4 0 0 • Oarbe, porf _~ .. 0 0 I

I ..... tted for 1Ieru,. o Palmyr. . - 110 010 000-5


Younl, .. ___ 4 0 I I AarOlllOll, rI-p . 4 0 0 0 WlnllielPleht, Jb 2 I 0 :I

o Olouceat.r --- 000 000 000-0 o Error.: D. BtrtOft. Plorl .... Homa 1 runl: IIcDermott. Cole.

Berlllllt O.orl. lmaU. of Port· num, appeared In • nat., white ual- On Friday tbe P.H." natmlll form thlt .... Iy won him the title pla),ed elOte match with lloor .. -of the beat attired p1.,ar on tbe town .t the Riverton CountJ")' Club

Totm .. _ II leor. by iaaln.t­

field. Courtl. the 10c.l. wlnnlna . '" the • I a4. TENNIS TII:AII WIN' leore of I to 2. Tbe lin'laa were

Oa Tburtlda, tile P.H.'. tennia OItPBR AUDITORIUIl eplil between both lehoola at two Riv.tllde _ _ __ 100 001 oao- • Palm,ra ._. ___ 100 441 00a-12

Knor_HenlOn, Lrach. YOIIJI", Wlnkel.ptcht. Hom. runl - Holf­man, Lynch; three hoe hit.-Kem­mule. Dyer; two .,... hlt-Vo Kmbers· Struck out-by Oarba, 4; by Van &:mbur •• 7; by Carhart. I . Bale on baU.-off VIIl am.l. II 0/1 Oarbe. J. Double pla,-Van EJD. bUrl to Oambla. Left on "-Pal­myrl 5: Ri**'. So

team journe,.d to HaddOJdleld, the apiece. leavin, everythlnl depend Red and White wlnnial. The Riverton Board of BducatJon on the doubles for the winner of tbe

Re.u1tl of the .... tcbes u bll oIIer.d the IIIIe of tb. pubUc match. The P.H.B. Deemer brotben follow.: Powler. Haddonfield, over achoollUdltorium to the junior c.... came tbroulh in ftne fublon, wla . Itlckel, Palm,r.. e.4. 4-6, 6-1. of the Palmyr. HI.h Scbool for the nina both eetl onr H ... and Blrk­HOllier, Pllmy,.. over IIltben. junior prom In the event that the I_ • ..e. 11-2. Relllltl of the .Inll" Hlddonfield, 6-2, ,.7, 6-2. West. faellitle. are needed. were: Walford. llooreatown. over Palmyra, over lI"ahlll. Hleldon- The move wa. prompted by the IlIcu!, Pllm),r .. U, 7-5. 6-0. Wilt. field. 11-1. 6.... WiJ800. Palm,.. •• ewer flct that .. ctallve runa thl. aprlnl Palmyrl, over lmith. lloornlowo. Rotenthll. Haddonfield, 1-4. 6-1. hlV' create4 a coedition Ia the hJab U. 1-4. 1-4, Hoaler. Palmyra, oYer Double. : H. DHmer. R. De .... ber •• cbool Iymnatium which ma, pra- lIayo, lloor.atown. 11-4. 7·5. Hoi· Palm)'ra. oVlr Orilfath, On....... vent tbe dance bel.., held .t Ita land. lloorestown, over Wil80n, Pal· Haddonfield • ., .... 4-1, 6-1. -..-, uauaJ location. m),r .. U. 1-2, .....

A fly oft .. carriaa t.tOO,OOO tile. The r .... aindtl- of the acbedula fol. teria on Itl hairy bod,.. A ., r.. LOCAL. WIN COUNTY PIR.IIBN TO IIEft Iowa:

. III ~...... de............ D lIa, 17: Woodrow Wilaon. home. m_ 1ft ____ - ,. - .... ....." OJcla IGftblll ta_ A mMtIIIa of the IIwUqtOD COUll· lIa, 11' CoUinpwood hom. 1II ... ot..... e _.. dIt ..... WOft It. &rat tlJt of the ..... .... t, ."_·a AMoclatioa wID lie III, 1': .. 21: Jorlac .. ;" T~ ... .. ., ...... , .... 14 .,. .... ~ .,.... ......... lit. HdJ ., dIt 1aaM - W ....... , • ... .1.: ... tIM .-t.

.... .. ...... U .. ftrt .... lit.. Ih1 JlI w........, .....

Open Bowlin, TUESDAY and



BOWLING ALLEYS ..... ......... ....".



c Tht ~, .. It of ttlt unts of Westfield Friends~ THE NEW ERA t-",,\M

Publiabtcl ~ ~ at lIOIJ Maill 811ftt . RIVU'tON, N. J. Batettcl at the Rivuton. N. J~ PoIt Office II SKOIld C1aII lIa\tV

OM I thlt dtflllll.\t Nt. !till's Nat\\lIlI\ "nk School M 1'It\~ tllt am..:!'4$S. I ... __ IWMI __ ......... _--

WAL'I'U L. 80WEN, £cUtor E Nt. Nollt·. tatt tot tllt I:llr- On Wltdi'ltld*1 of thla -- M., • It. W. U'I'IQ£R. Bdttor KARL W. LATC!t, Aft. 1I1f. N I rent ,0:1' I. S6.1~ IOt"'lll\ nhlbiticft of thUd art ~

4 SKOI'Id Strtet. Rlvuton III NOfIU A",-~ T _ Ilt ,lit Sl.\tlooI of lftdllltrial Art Iil

'hlepholle. Ri'ltftOll ttl .

Pbone 406 Pbollt .. FCIII'" Bllrlinaton l.\I:Iunt)' mtn ron. Philadt4!hl.. 1t wUl \lOIlNl'I_ let' --------L.;.:B-O-AL--A-D-VU--T-IS-W-E--NTS-.:.:::.:.::...:::;::..----I'" tmllt All dlrlt\:ton on tht Cllmdtn an" ttn d~)I. and will Inclllde a ... t

__ H ... - . ., .... ,-~ I ' 811rlilla\on COllnt)' RaUwil7 Com. dtlll or ",,",k dOftt bt the dllktna a_ ItW Itra i •• Lea" He~. Commlllion ...... &beriI"a Ul4 ... ~":"'.. • m.kitll wondt~w pan)'. III • rt.lltt of tht annllal In~t. 01 Wtltl!tld ~tnda. ~ 8al~dllllnl.tI'1Itor'i '1'Ie1 It1ttcIltor'a Adverti_tntl u. IOlkited. "rid" In findlnt rtmedltl for ella- the htld in Phll.dtl"tli. on Monday. 011 ~d., I\lIht. Nat It. .t flO .:.:~N~e::w~~.:W1:!!·u~ep~p~rte~~I!;.t~e:..!bti~IlJ~ .... !:!!!!!.!_~be~ttd~m!!!Jtf.!!b1~'~~:2!!!l!!. !K~t!!!I0t!!a.:...._ ealft tb.t· IIItd to .:ut nt.n down The), Iltt Bd~.rd ii. Le\.i" Waltet I at 'he ~.:honl. lilt. W.llate .,m lIN"

SlIb.c:riptlon $1.50 II Yeu in Adnnce in bia prim" Now If eomebolb 1. Dill, and Henr, J. &henna", of Itllt '"', \\nnll,l mlllll(IIIle. 'I'M pro-________ A:.:;:d".=.rtI:;a!q=:..:R::.::;ttIl::..:o::n:.A::!ppl!::.:I(;:.:::tl=on::.... _______ , ... -oIlld onl1 find • ttln~ty for r«k. M"ort.WWII, &film .""n be ".ritd with do pSioo

PRlNTlNO ,- dri,'t!ra tbe .\'traa- lpan of 11ft _ 1.ltI.\tlOlll b)' ilia PIlpU .. • abort CC)Oo __ H ..... om . ml"'t rull - be 11\ . .:ut bt thoe ,econd Iftde bUd, U4l &_ ew:..... Itt II ecallipped to do all kinde of JI'ID. PriDtiaa .t" Worlrr II Itltadla, Protrtaalna on chorle .peak1nt b, .n tM ltd ...

I!IIOD!ble pnlCe.. . - the 6S~~re tlttthalon to Str.wbtl"" I Ttle Naddtllltitld tl'rllftcla' $dIool PhUadelDhla AdYUtiIlna R.~taijft Tht .. Hew Dealen aet lome hlclly LaH. MooreltoWl'l. will entertain the ItI:Oftd. tblrf.

WII. NEVILLE a A880CIA1'BS~IIlc. brtaka. Ttle mort the p"pl. think fOllrth tilth .nd Ihtth pad .. of 12 SOllth 11th Stntt, Pblladelpbla, .... ,boll\ Europe the Ie.. tinte the, NOTICE I Weattittd at • pll1 dA)' on M ...... ~ ..

__________ "':"~~-_~.:.........:..---__ - __ have to thll'lk abollt tbe alt\latlon in -'

U' L , the United St.tea. I. It poulble we Attehtloh la caUed to the that f"~h IS, T~e P=lfllnt ICOlltl... of ,i Itl • . .rt plal'lnltll It tllit Wat' aU do.. in PallftJf.. wMthtr Ii· Il Tit t01'u~ d la. "' btl .. are ell J _ cen.ed Of not. are U.ble to be pick.. t '11 .. em ..

M U ed lip by the dOl catchu .!net • I:ont!nlltd fllr tbe ~r dllt to .... etropo tan newtpapera are numero\la accountt of t Tbl, wUl be • bettef tOllnUy w~eh lotal ordlnlnce prohlbltl unltll,htd prt~ratlOn nttded for tbe dOilq

~. tatenlive building operationa in Philadelphia .nd ",ario\la aub\lrban olb .pend mort time _derma dOlI l'6.mihl the .'rett.. . tvtht'& of the .cbool )'til'. .. f:Omm\Ulitiea in Penna"lvania. Similar prolaAta a- allO' \l .. d...... "'bat they un do fot tht tOllfttt}l I ~..... .- th.ft what the tOuntl'1 un do fOr --- ---- ' ENTKR MOORKS'I'OWN toK .• way in vmoua South Jeraey towna. tbtm.-Roolta COllnty Record. Tht old f"Mohed bo~ who Ilaed H . Lotall h to be "Illlilbed whh • trip to bed At Iht mettlnl of the IUwertoa

y. owevtr. new building operationa are practically at - wlthOllt bla Illpper. now htl Il 801rd of Sdll~.tlo" held on MOIlClat . ,.~ alandatill .nd have been for • number of ye..... In Rlverton.. 8)' the Wat. in .11 ot tbla eon· dllllhtn whom ht pllnl.hta by .ehd· hllht ot . thla week two applltatloea

.. a matter of f.act. it il doubtful whltther there are u man" d~". troftl'l)' betwHn MII"olln! and In, her to bed wlthollt her breillt· of tlahth fn\de .tlldent. to ell"" , _ Chamberlain ovtr tbe IItdlttrran. tut. Mooreltowh Niah Sd\ool Il .. tftll lDp now II there were 10 ye.ra ap, due to the demolition of. ean, bu thtrt been Iny araumellt _ were appl'6ved. 'I'htll wen for "umber of old atructurea. O\Off tbe ble of teprll One of our friend. who II .. I lilY Jane Blllh Ind li:dward Ooodnow:

"For Sale" .nd "Rent" alpa .re all too numeroua. -- wife It),a that he .t~ay. bllY. a new FOllr .lIch a!lplle.tlonl h..,. ttlu Many reaaona have been ~ven for thia alwation, bllt That Repllbllcah bloc In the !tOil.. Iwt witli two palra of pefttl beeallit betn .pptoved b, the board.

. .' of Reprutlltallvtt It Wubltlltol'l hi, lPOUIt II too tired 10 10 throllih ... a to be no underlying obat.elea th.t appear too durleult to nama til have &fown IlP to be a aU tht poent.. COAL 81DS OftI'Come aa with the obvioul advantaln of tftldin, areat b1a bot. -0-'. The Riverton Board of BdllutiOil htrt. -- I 811'1ct lvef1bod)t II now ,moklnl will rttelvt bldt for coal at a mHt·

For the pu......... of thll dllc\llllon. P.lmyr., "'i.,-- .... d Secrttary Wallaci laya thl pllaht · ela.tell" the tollfttr, no lonaer In, to be lIeld on Mondat. "" a. 'r-- ~ n....... of ollr farmef. I. dill to the InC!o needl I 8Ye cent dau, 811t we " Chu\lIninlOn will be conaidered aa • unit. linee there are many~' B.ped.Uy the one In the cOllld do with a free runnll'l, cattllp FOllr-tlfthl of aU Klll'laartan 1Il1lll·

facUlti.a which are too cloaely connected to be aeplated to on.I=====~=======b=o=tt=le=.=====::::===;:::;~d~ln;'~IU't~IY;;P~.I~ ... ~====== community. I

In the 6nt place. till ratea are molt reaaonable a. compared with m.ny other municipalltin. School •• re elletUent, both In the element.ry and high achoot Iradel.

Police .nd are protection I. all that could be deaired and the water lupply II both excellent in quallt)' and adeq\late for .U needa. AU utilltle. are av.ll.ble, Streets art. on the whole. better than a".rage and ahade tree. are In .bundance.

Both Riverton and p.lm)'T' .mple pl.y i.cUidea In thelr m\Ulicipal parkt. The Riverton Country Club boaata on. of the &It"t couraea in the eaat. and the Delran and Riverton y.cht Chabe afford .n opportunity for yachting enthuII •• t. to enjoy pliUme. .

The Tacony-Palmyra bridge offera eaay and convenient .c­c ... to Philadelphia and the welt. whUe the Camden bridge I •

• •• ally reached. Route 25. the through highway to New York ilnd the north. i. one of the belt In the country •• nd fine roada le.d to .11 Ihore' point I .nd the south. Motor traffic on thi. Ilde of the rivet haa many advantagel at compared with that on the other side.

Public tr.nlportation. while not of the belt. is aUll f.r better than that In man)' other communities. both in respect to train "Nice .nd th.t of bUllet, .ince one can reach Camden or Broad Itreet st.tion by train. or Camden. Philadelphia and Frankford by bu •.

Deapite III thelt obviou •• dyanta,,,, nO one internted In moving here .nd. worse than th.t. few .eem to care whether lInythinl it done .bout the slwalion or not,

It Iteml hl,h time that an or,Inlaed movement vf 10m.

80rt w.. inaupr.ted to adyertita th. adYanta,.. of our com­m .. dli .. in the proper manner. If lOme IUch Itep la undl1'tabn e..ry one who reaid'" In thla aactlon wt1l benefit thereby.

When a buain ... man maim .. miltik. be trill to cornet it. YIban • lovernment committ an error, it tries to COfteeal It or .... it on .n !m.pnary cauaa.-PIoyd W. PartcIOI.

Ranchera uy ahNP .ren't worth much aft.r ablariftl' Tllat ..... Uk. lOIIIethin, they'd lamed from th. -weIl lmown apt. ...atural experiment atation WI caU Wall 1u..t.-KaftIu CitY ...,.

An e.plonr aaY' that wolf mot II wry nouriabInl • And "·ft bad • ,ood meal Oft our doorstep all thla dmt without know· ... It.-Eunka, Kan .• H.ra1cl.

New York World'. Pair hew have ,OM to conaWerable ....... to arran,e a .. rtn of educational nblbka. But the ." ...... "... .• panor...uc view will atiD be. fan cIanctr. a..u.r cou&er,

.... bot do, atand.-BoMon Tranacript.

TIley NY an .utomobile. invented and bulk In ltoJ, Ie ..w ....... y-. WI know. if. in front 01 ua on .... .,..,......"

,: ..... ,_ ........ TnaecrIpt. I

S'k ViUN ]fa/, J [/m;J,. II u much. put or your telephone ""Ice II the lnarrument It-

I .If. Ie II the .plrit of the ora-nlation of trained men and women

who ar. behind the telephone 'Yltem you we every day to Illk

with pcnone n .... and far. q II .ymbolizet ~(JU't"UI firitll JJ • • • "" • • 4

• ~",,,6u m'l,;u-in every actiyity or rhe lelephone orgahiZI" ! 'on.


t --.. __ .... - .J' 1.. ............................. .: ... - .'"

t . ..... C:lt . ;-•• c-.r.!




bellu,tH .. v... 'l'l.e t.v. Ill ...... ( ... ",11M,.) _. 'tlf .. .. .... L ... If .. YerII ( ...... 'Iao) .tll .. ..

~SUNDAY-MAY 21 (~~ ..... ,. ..,..,.."

.o.~. .. .. I •• 'rIMa ..... Ill .. ,... • __ ~. __ . __ ItU .... .... Lv .... Y'" ( ......... ) It" , ••.


f2.55 ri\\~lfIJ.. u.,II,'lI "vi •• 'r.. . 00 Ia'.", II" &II, lalli'~" Lv. -... _ fllf • .• . •• t . ...... ( ....... ~ ........ , ..... If ... Y.rIo , ...... II':;, •• u , .• . IO-DAY aound Trip to N_ York

lUI In Coach" All, DI,

" I I, I, . f , Jr. I ~ : II I'! I 1 ,. II r. I·

• •

Twenty.four houra • dllY, winter and .ummer, a Kcolvl111tor provides you with fnod protf'tltion, Its roomy adjuilible .brlvel will aC'C'onlmodllte everytbin~ [rom waterml'lol1l1 to tht' baby'. formula. It~ Pollr.phere treellnM unit provide. quia quaoIIUl" of Ice ('ube. Ind makel ealY tlae preparallon of frolen deuettl and .aladl. A Kelvlnator Thrift, 81.-.1. Clubl .. feet of refrl," .rltlon Iplce-II priced .1 ooly 1149.50 .. a.b. Liberal temll are available. CoiDe down Ind lee tbl' Kl'lvlnator It our lbowroom today.

'AUTOMOBILES COAL . OROCItRIES PLUMBING REAL ESTATB . IAUI. ....,... J. S. Collina & Son. IDe. W. F.Becker GEORGE BONSAL I'L 1. - - - It 'I':!: Nna. • ...m~ Pk.UMBlNO • MttA. 'rING

~s."" ~ .. - a-t fit .... - ....... Ada E. Price -oo-... ...... wn Motor Co.. . ... e ~ - .c-.... ROOFIMG • OlL BURN~RS

.. • .... ~v tab .... ~.mlll'lroa'l COAL S'l'OKBRS 1- Ii ....... ......... tat W. ... .... ......... lar _WdO n.. 101 Uatobl A~ M. J. IMM. lloeclllO .. " - - ---- .............. DIIhIIr TU!phone Rl'ferloll II

llt LtPPUKOft ,..,aM~" at ...... ...... -..-.


E. P. GRiff ENBERG pALIIftA. It J.


Phone. Rl.ertoll .,.., or I4S IUTcHaN·PRovaD PRODUCft 529 Cinnamlnlon Aft .. PabaJra. M. J.

101M W .... I... ....... ..... 411 HAUUNG FRANK I. LLOYDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!D!!!!A!!!!l!!!!RI!!!!E!!!!!S!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Cleanlnl • Whltewaahllll


PRINTING t.llbrieatloft end Motor Tualq lit ............ ....

A 'pedal" QUALITY PRODUCTS1-==== .. ==.= ... = ...... == K==,==== aroad bel RiYeft1lll ....... " .,...... Iii



{LAUNDRY RADIOS hrlelttt .............

Dr, .... - ..... - II "".1, N. lut ..... 1It., ..... N. Beitz IIICWI'I ...... - .... ....... __ ttl

. f.iil:i;t\t=~I41· IWII '=' .. IUaa'I'OM Riverside Home Laund.... John H. Em. SHOB SERVICB .• ===~~~::::II::!!!!!!:: 'I 17 Wilt Broad Street Ilt .............. ...., ... It. J.


318 Paine Street Palmyra .... , .. Riveraide. N. J. .....",~,..I----------

EARLE B. HARDER ........... ,.. alYIlHON ttl N~ DREIER .......... 1...,'·1 . . 8~ ~~«!a~;u'i..r' ... ... ...... MEMORIALS C. WARD LOWDEN a. w ...... t. PALInb

Member PDIC _ ....... ...... ....". "AlIbIda" OrdJo, ...... .. ... at ......... ...... ..... lUi ClIstom.bullt Cem.t..,. Memorlala .... NORGE RII:FRIOERA'rOR8 Dr. leboU'. Poot R ..... .

aJVIIIlTO. Orlhlt •• Marbl. aDd .roue end the Complet. NOROE t.IMII:



BXPRESS WiD Hope .JL Son Phlleo, Em.rlon. R.C.A. and - • ZlIllth RIldIo.


Shinn'. Expreu RIYlrlld •• N. J.

DAIL\" TO PHlLADaLPKIA Ollie •• 106 N. lUI Itrttt

Pbo'" Rlw.raldt ... Phllad.IPhIa, Lolllbud IOU

Walhln. Kton anclll'ed.ra18ttMt1 SI. Clilnlmlnlon Avenu. ,HlrahblooDdt • BurUnltoh, N. J. N. J. Telephon. 717 ftV ... ...-

PbOll" .-III'IiqtoD at ... _ •• REAL RSTA Shoe Shop


• REXW. • fOO'twaA. ot ...,..... QVAW'rY.


Haul1q I: Concrete Me € R 0 S SON Peel Poindexter OIIIUOOI. OI.IMIIIIIQ fa ..........

Curtia E. U.D.. ... OIL BURNas Real Eltatt and II1Iur&nce TAILOR OOIl'l'ltAOTO. AIID~~~:I:::~.!u .. ~-....!~-!:::I_ ... _~~~~__ c*,= ~ ..... At' I' .. T 10 M &L__ 5 Eat Broad St., Pabnyra .. Vlno...... at IIW.OK&·'NIT.. ay r· am.:. ............... 100 1 _______ _

..... Nt art~AJ'w:L..,. 7 W_h- J. R. JOHNSON o. ..... IIiiII"',,1 • J '.. ..~ D. I..amon ( ........ J. a.. y_)

John E. MeV.. • .. ~tII....... HAL..,. • .,. CLEANER AND DYU Contracter and Builcl. ........ PAIoIIftA. .. J,

• lvaaTON. N. J. ... PATENT MBDICINU IN ...... _ .. b_II..... ...... w ... ~ ......... TI1.,IIoD. ah,M'tOD .11oJ ~u.... • __ ".

PhOIM, al •• rtott • UPHOLSTERING tOe 8TORE 5c L LK_ti .. ItIIIIlICOYON

PORTA8I..& ..... =". _ ....... --_ .. .......... PALMYRA

5c AND lOe STORE .w ..... 1tntt

............ -... -.,.., CInIdIII c... - lit en.

___ ... 1 ...... ., ......................... ..... ... F. GINTHER

J. L. LIPPINCOTT CO. .. .. tor. - O.alrll l ..... rlDe.

N .t.r)' Publle Wuu.-Wrlalot ..... III ......... J •

RIVERTON ESSO STATION SI.O OA.OLINS and OILI BIlAD and LIOHT ISRVICS LU.aICATION. WAlHING I~NITION lad •• TTaay •• avlc. O ......... AJ~NO Till 0.1, C01llpl,11 "ON E STO P" SINJIN Slati,,,


u ........................ ,)'. "'udC'm1 ' .. .... .... '" ., ... -.~-. II"... .......

DAY .. IQOIrt _,.


BIIS P .... COftc:eutOft A npttaentatlYl of Publie "mco

WI. pre.ent .t the mMtlq Iftd 1ft. nOllnced thlt the fan u .. rt b.nto­fore .t Areh Itrett. Pltmyra. _01ll4 be moved lIP to Clnnuttlnaon awemat .feetlnl • Sc: reductkm III fire on oth.r thin Int.nta .. hulllnHl.

E. COATES Socony Service Station


WAIHINO - OUAIINO - TOWINO AU Work OulfllltHd - W. Call for and D.Uver Can

818 Cinnamin.on Ave. Palmyra. N. J. PhODIOSO . H. .110 ennouneed that Itrlp

tlcntl wOllld 100ft be IOId .t II. for ~====::~~::!~~~~~~~~:::!=~~ IUS Ineteatt 0' I minimum of for II.SO II hentofore.

MI),or John P. Wanl eOlllpUlllent. ed Pire Chl.f Oedd .. for the tIId· .t work of the Pl1m,... ttIPCl'tIIl.t II'II'IIIIIII!IIII!IIIII In the Ire Oft CtanUIIIIlIOft a""u. 'alt Prlda, IltemODIl.

a.rvlel In Two Moatha CouneUftWl PI),an stated that ....

• new IInlta.." ae ..... IICtiOD collld 1M hooked Into tit. telUlat w1th11l two monthe If DO lIIII.p.cted d1l'lc:ultJ .. prtMftt t ............ hU Itlrted Oft the forc:e IIUIla 10IIII Httla tltllculty hal ...... en • cOWl,.ted with Wltet IIld of tha tlttch but ..,..."tblnc cODtrol. he 1ta0tt.

Councilman PI)'IlIl Itlted that b. w.·llot raacI, r,et wIth bit ptoIDIoed rlport cOIlcom III apartmlllt ~ blat bl did ltat. that the .howed a total of .~::=:! I hOIlllll la Palm,... wIth total1q III. ThI. be brill, In 10 .. 1 Incl'Ull 111 r.ntili.

Th. JElI.worth fWOIIIrtF. ....tIt /' lind MIIII .trotta, .I¥lfto.. It .... I ....... ted.


~!..~L'~ RALPH THOMPION ........................

...... •. J.

""""Y o •• ",y .",.".P.d Chuck II'15c Pot Roa. c... •• c ........ !bIle ..... t ............ ··llc

DUCK[INas ~5--;-11C VEAL Milk. Cull... !b a'e '.d LeI. e...... " ale . ..It c...... Itt Ilc

... ....... 11.4 Vul ..... 1111'

HAM If .. ~':·-:'::"''''''....,..... .. 25c Whole ........... RaJ, rocal.lftl I ,....,..,.9 ... ;

~ .... ". ""' ....... , .It,:"T I.. ..,.\" ... " tllO! ~ h'ttll Ih .. 1 ~""""~ 'i" I.,,· m,,"... '\1llll\hl~ f\)t ....

"Hut.flo" m.aila FLOWING HtAT at th. po .... bl, temp.rature to brine out the finaat flavor of tM ... lected bnn. that 10 to mllke .. CoffH. AND n STAVS FRESH LONQEA. If you Il,.. not .cquklnml with "H •• t.flo" coff •• , buy • pound tod.f-Ilv. It • tri.1-If It I. not .11 that w. cl.lm for It. reblm the unu .... p0r­tion and w. wi" ch •• rfully , JO\l, mon.y.

!-t."wIU,- MO"I'-CO"II Ib '-'Ik1l16c fISCtI ':!'~. TIA .ALLI 2 :':n lie

Do_b'. ,. •• , .... , ~~ i ....... I.ft'.I ..


~>294 III ... , 1IU1d"n I.,., .... d .. lldollJo ......... nlllntr. _ClOth _, Mil. CO\'t'1'O'd with l..t t'CtC'< .. nlll.

D.L .... Mlnl .... re '=h.c...... .It hult_tc

Y;!;;:~8C lo.f

A relllly better b .... d. M.rveloully 010.. ..bI ... . Itara freah Ion..,. T". 10. today with


Apple Butter a::10c

la, . Our belt iIILIllilltlrl

Hom.d •• Llte, Crumy 8mooth 19C M • flt1l . 8,Oft"'8 ••• ,::

".",..., AII.Purpo •• Famlt, 12'" 3 FLOUR S'l!:.IIISc I b ..

TOMATOI. === _::n:2Ic ICIDNIY 'IANI:-~ I ::io111c

P .............. T ..... %.!:~I9c ••• Ia", J .... v...... .~:n:21c Icott P.~. T ••• I. 3 1~118 21e W.ld.d T.II.t Tluu. 2 rol18'C

I _&.. "110ft.. 3 ,oo..'!.",a ..... ,l23e c ..... IU. .;" .. 1.1I14't1·· ...

FlU·:SH 1·'nUITS & VI':CI':T AIJI.I":S

O.lnll' laRA LA ••• do~ 2 Ci C Julo, Florida ? --T ......... rn:::e.r:::M 2 lb. 21e

••• , ...... It ':""~' 3 for .lIe Lelluce .='- 2 I'I~~~~ 15c e.I • ., ~ 2 ~~:I"~ 1'-.......... ,.,c.. ...... , .... ..., ...


CLSE TO IPEAK KERB Leater H. CIIt will .pnlt at Pal.

m),ra HI,h School Oft Friday, jllftt 0, 0" thl «tllllliOft of the IIrollO.1td horl. racl", 'Im.ndm.,,\.

.. SELECTIVE AIR CONDITIONS ............. '"', ..... .. ......... l1li" ......... ...... _ ....... .....--... ....... .............. AT LOWIIT 'RICII QlNIRAL ILICTRIC


(I , ) :::'/)/i( ((fl

i l liIIJP,\1111fj 1 .'\ll~"1J1\

Conatt. aIrdIia, IIruIIlnt or ona-plect larmllltl • , • 4 ...... • ad uc1\a1lYtlt lor fOIl' llirl at Itl bitt.

Mrs. L. M. McCamy c.rtttI... I .. ' """l," , .. •• tlllIl h.1


flI OM .. •• ... A.,.. ..... YIlA. N. J. ..... , ..... , ..

That Tribute to Mother It "'ould be tome,hlnl .U.... • • • II'Owiq • • • '11th III

a plaftt thlt will respond with beallty to hltt thOlllhtf\al ~.te. An Id .. : She'd lib Olle of OUt \lOIQI'ed dl'" larden,

which dltpltt \1'1 ml"II'Il'-' IU\ Amttlto dOClr,ard Ket, perhl&\l rec:aUl"l het OWft tlrlbood bOll\e. We ,,,.... ~htm

,at 11.00, SUS ¥d aa.00 .. th.

HENRY A. DREER B.ilt/i;'t Iltt GltrJ,1t BtlfHlifol $ilt(~ 18.fa

For her olltdoor IlI'dll\. Mother wollid 10Ye 01'11 of the fttnOIll Dtuf ROlli. • •• 'lIftll, DI1t I, a, thai'ml"l all Itt ",me: or , dOHft old., ... hlOl'l!td olltdoor 80_1'1 • • • tomt to tht "Il"tt)' od ",let th'" 1ft flo_f.

OpeD .....,. from ...... UDtII a p.IIl. uti GIl hDdar (tNt ftot tor blllbllU) from I UDtll a p. ••

It'. SAFER to put Gil your •••• in on. N.Ie.t

... that ia when it come. to valuabl ... i. no .. f.r place than a Safety

Depoalt Box in our atrona vault. Th.r. your jew.lry. h.irlooml and

valuable papera are .... from dutruction br ftre or;and beyond the ruch o bur.lan. .

Hom.-mad. hldlna placet are aecure aaalnat nomina. Wh.n it COItal .. than a cent per clay-why take UMICtIIIry ri .. ?

Alk any bank employ" lor complete deta11a.

Cinumin.,. Bank and Tnat Co c=:- •

..... N.J. I ••

I. I


, 'I'D Ht'II DA. 'ftIVlt.S'I)AY. MAY.&. .'"




Riverton W. L. HemphlU •.. _ .• , _'_''''~'' 0

R·i~ltM:!ft·n :: ::.'-:::,::=':_... : v. Klcltttt .. .._~ .. ~ ... ~_ ... _ •. _... 0 J. jamllon . ." .. __ '.' __ '_.'_. 1

Belt bell . _,~. ,_.,'_ •• ,~._..... 0 E. W. Cooptr ... ___ .. __ .. __ ~.. 0 a. Firri __ ... .:. _____ ...... _. 0

8elt bill .---~- ..... ~.... ~

Total ..... _____ .• l~

Woodbllry Dr. 'hlrma" " ...... ... -. D. P. M'!!he'1. Jr . ... -.-.---.~

Bllt bell ._--._--,-­R. atur.... . ... - -.--.. ----. Q. 81llllvin . . .. _ ... _ .... -.--_.

8 •• t ball ,. .. .. - .... ,- ,--j. H. Morrll ,., ," ... _ .... ,- .• CIJlt. W. C, Willtlll, _ •••. ,- .

B .. t bill ... __ •. _--

a a a a • a I a .~ -

Total __ u~

Orand Total Rlvlfton ,_. _ . 1. Woodbllr, _.,_ ...... II

Itlndlll, of T ..... Pollitt

North HW" ___ 'M __ " • II

'lx,ll.J Starts Friday. May 12th

Out of the Ir •• cne •• of their love came an

mlracle of

II I .ltll \ III


Woodbllt)' - __ ,_ II

R1'1lrtOl'l .. - .-~-~-.. --,-~-.• III ;===;i=i::====; Pttlnl. Oolf ___ .~. ___ • • I


ThI. ,tldu MIl 'abarda, .,'IHlq markl tile "blat of tile 'ootlllht Playl" III tlltlr Ira' '" ...... dOll of lhe .. 110ft. U .... 'hi CQlblt .1-I'ulloa of 'b .... prttktlllt aad dirac· lor, II .... allth ......... Itr ....... the, hi'll cbollll for tfatlr cltbu' tile I.moue Ruealall tomad)" "Tovarlch."

Und.r ,he IPOfIlOnhlp of 'hi D.irln Yacht Club, tbe pit)' will 1M prlltntld at the PaIIIlyr. Hlab School. at Li. p.m. 11\41 thl tlcba. at.lOc. ,

ThI cut Indud .. t"Prlaca llikall O\U'ltI.If, Robert 'a'cbllll Orall' DUM.. Tillue Petron. alltb ".blrl 0., .. Doroth, 11&111 COIIftt ptodor 8fektuW, Qeorp Chat· burn I Chlll'otuit,. o.bI .. , .. it 't t ...... I lIart.1ItaIa. Ja- lllOWl 'lfIWI" Dtlpoat, Tblbaa '1tMr1 eblr", Dllpoat, Tom A",I LouI"'1


WHITMAN" Ik up to ,.




110 Clnftltnlnlon ~Ye. Palmyra Phon. 410


NORGE Look at Theae Pric:el Then Give U. I Call

BLBCTRIC Rlfrl,lrator

• 149.&0 up IlL&CTRIC IlANOB


• 64.95 up OAI IlANOIl



• 24.95 up • ..CA .• ZIlNITH ItacUoI

C. WARD LOWDEN .14 ClADaaluoe Av_

....." .. N. J. ......,.,




You Can't Cheat An Honest Man

f'rte Olfl. to 'bit M\liltl

~RtbA. Y and S~ TURD~ Y It., It·U

Thlt birItCtor of "Thlt ~wful Truth" .~tu .... n wIth tlnlt of the Belt ))I~tIlrel ytlu'll see thll )leaf.



LOVE AFFAIR SltlirdlY Mltine\! Onli'



ADOLPHE MENJOU . Dolotes COitello


Kin, of the Turf Free Olft. to thl! Lldl ••



LORAINE JOHNSON -'---lH-- ... '

Sera.ant Madden

-Sltun!"y Matinee­"SCOOTS TO THE RESCUK'"

'Sut\d"y and Mona.1. lIty i4 • ,-r 2-BlQ FIt~TURES-a

'l'UWlIY,"'l\fAy [ft­FlUtE 1'0 THB LAnlBI



MARY LOU DlNNERW~RE -0" thlt 8creen-


Wedntlday. May 11 ----On Out Sta.t at D P.M.­

P~SKtON SHOW Preaented by


WedntldlY . ThuradllY, MIY 17-11







OF RIVER'IDE Lat", '~rlnl and lummer Crtation. . Dlrtct from N.w York Llvln--. Mod ... SPBCIAL MUIIC



FOX THEATRE RIVERSIDE' Dorotbf J~I" Dttpoal, .r:'

lowil R .,.,.. .. =" H_, 0 •• _ ~ ,.. . . II ~ ...... ~ .. ~ ........ ..a ...................... ., ~~--~--.. ------~----------~


PAGE l'W£LV£ ThB NBW·lUtA. THURSDAY~ MAY ll, 19$9 ,~


Rohert W. Kit~tri.:k. of Pal-


'-_ --> ........ b .. _ ...... - T I . of h Pal Those who have not mailed the I ""- r"eCUlu monthl)' meetinl of ...,.... WI '"' onla,""" ~ tOR: r~- ht: .. t meetln, t t myra ulf-add",sR<i "'turn post II card lh:Burlinaton County R~ Batatt ~ ot" lIIonmouth, IJ\ Calval"Y P.T ..... will be held in the Pa'~a pita .. do 10 at once. The commlt- Board WI. held at Newlin" in ~byter\an Chii'Nh, ltivettOll, on Klah S~hool auditoriWD, Ma1 1&, at tft .. a~~ aU tepl1 cardl In thelt M()Q~lro ... n, Nay 11th. l'Iriday. Nay 19, at • })om. &15 p.m. poaatAlon not later tban Saturda1 Realtor John Chelley of MoWlt

IIlr. Kitkpatridt h .. beeIl 'talled Nra. ~~ Luct prelid~t of.tlle of thil week. Sunday, Ma1 14, all' Holly, under the pae~ of Dr. to the chiirth at Acamac, Vhtlnl., local IrouP wiD plftide at the blaal· .emhle at the hall at 7.45 p.m. W-e Qhe Rio of Bolo,n. prfteftted an a twanch of tM Pmbytefy of Nor- nea meetin,. fie _inalion. wU\ pr'OCftd in a bod1 to the Cen· intereatinl (eatute by '*'nc the

\ folk, of the Preabyterian Chul'th of ele-c\ion and in,tallati_ of tliIfken tnl &aptiat CburdL realtons varioul queation' ptrtaltlIee the V. 8. will take place in preparation for the Mondl) at • p.m. the recular to tbelr bUllne .. and It _ IIfttif,.

He I, _ll knO'ftn I" thll vicinIty, cominl l!m1-~ IUIOlI of P.T';\' ac:- 'I\,~lt\y meetl"._ CIa_lnlti.tIon,lO· I ........ - ........ t 110 ... -_ ...... ow. .'Ilee arathlated from h1m7tt tlvitieL lal . d ref h - ... avo" ~. ......... all

tbab School and 'WIll be arathlated Charlel Ra1, l«al hlah M:hool ~ . e¥-eftll\l an l'Q m~ta. led .. fltahora poaaea&. tn.n Printeton Theolotkal Semln· lUcher, will apeD to dle _eMra ~ on TUHdI1, Ya116. and patel\ta. lIIr. Ra1 .. tboIeIl

a, hi. topic: Btlutatloe and the h.

PASSES RED LIGKT ture." 8laft11'. which abwld crute muth lDttrtet UlII e;omaeot.

At«Irdlnl to Ofttter RobI,,1OII, of A mlllleal proarti. aDd other _­the Rlverron police. two ""all eM· tvta\".ent wlO nDII1t11lent tbe ... nlff'Owl1 ft(aped bein, run .. I\IIl1 procedwe or till. IaDkiIlt pro. lata when Bemardo MatolO, 14M 1Iftm. I4Math 1Sth atntt, Phillde1ph\a, ""'" throuth a rM llabt at Broad RUMMAGE IIDd Main atre'ttt, Rlverton. .... 11 The Rlftrtoll.CtnnamlllIOIl Wei· ~11 evenln,. fa", A .. «latloD II ma\tlna plUla for

Ttlt thUdren Itatted to C:fOII the the Sprin, Rllmmqe Sale that I, lmnfttloll a' Ollcer RoblnlOll ,pon,orM Meh rear b, that or· chanaed tile llabt ro red on Broad laDlatiob. ..... l. The, bappetled to look,.., The event wiD be helll thl, mlmtb t-t In time to avoid the oneolniq and all thoae who haft uUcl .. .. that. ro donate .re nquuted to lea ..

Maroao wat alvan • h .. rlftl be- them It tbe' WeUare olflce. real' of Ion R~order PrUItt Ptobltlftl oil eGII Yabl atntt. Rmrton. or to kt off wIth a au.peDdtd ~teMt,' phone Z84 .nd they w\ll be called nprt_nd anll th. PI1I"tDt of tOIta. for.



1Il...non 841 PRe Dti'ltt1 -------WANT·ADS WANTBD-Man or woman to 1111 eteetr,,:.l appllance.. Drawll\l ac· Hllllt aDd commlaalon. Appl, Naw .... olice. tt IALE-t9M 4-4001' Chl'lrol't .ed.n, MW paint, 100d tire .. heater. Oldl­.obUe. "" D.wle,. Inc., to Btoad ItrHt. RI'ttrton. 5-11·1t

WANT to bIl1 old bWldiDp to ra­ao.. .nd IA .. yOil tallH. PboM I",UllIton *- ..... t DIAMOND tin ... tlO I: Up. Ladlal' • ..,t.' Bllln and Waltham wrlat u4 pock.t wltchll, " • up. .1Il.·1 MOD', Loan Olltcea, iD llarbt tt.. lid I: lollth Itt., Rldp • Odord ,t.. PhUadllplUa. tf

.. lIN ... pr"" llIlta I: o.,.reoat .. " lIP- lomt cllltom mut., lUacl.,·. !.Gab Oll1c... 1. Mukat, I2d Uld Ioutll, Rldaa Uld Oaford. PhI1l. tf

IlALB-tOM Plymouth Cou,.. n.w palnt. tlrel aood, upholltery cl .. n end Deat. prh:ed tllht. Old'moblle, "l.ek" D.wley, Inc" 10 Broad Itreet. RIverton. 5-U·1t

LOOK: 13.00 mo. plul part tim. work II lardenet and handy min r'ntl 5 room bun.,Iow. Writ. ID datall to Bolt "B" New Brl. 5-4-5·25


of the WORLD Ht~:=':-·.:'D"=~ n:..t~.eIr ~. Itl~ '" to.. A,;oItItmellt'


USTEN BU)' COIl now while prlcel Ire LOW. Pl.ce your order for EVANS PRBMIUM COAL. "It ,.. tam". altd ,.." ~.

Our bln* Ilte cbock full ot brlabt. deln, pure hllh,clthaD coal. A test ton will pro~ It, luperlorlty.


Bulldin, Materlall • Screenl, etc •

J. T - Evans Co. RIVBRTON

SOl Ntw KOJDu, Alteration. Ind Repaira on italY Monthl;v Pl7Rlent.. No

money down. ~ree Ealimatea. SPECIAL

VITA.V ... R tOO% PURE PAINT QtI. 80e . Ptil. 4fic

DIAMOND rlnll. tl0 I: up. Lldle.· I: IIfttl' Kilin .. W.ltlwll wrl,t .nd DOCke. watche., U and up. Rlad.r', Mon.y Lo.n Olllc .. , tD Mark" It .... t, Ph".. tf

BOOKI. Old Letter.. Manucrlpta. LlbrulH. Antlqu .. , WUltad b, col. lectot. Wrk. J.Ir.non, I14t Kol· ata Ava .• Phi... I-u·lt

_'I" "11 ,.". til"" AND """ ·WI I"OWN': • • "'''D ,~_ I

.. aN ... prtna I1Ilt •• ovarcoat .. ..

... .... C1IItOID made. .. ...... . a.o. olltc... •• Market It.. PIIIJa· ........ tf

UNT-ApartaMIlt. • roolDl tad ' . ....... licit water .... t. ad btamIr. Kif ..... bop. 101 Broad atralt, RI.,.,. tOIIt Or A. 1:. Prlc.. 411 Llpplacott aWlll.. I-ll·lt

LOIT-I 11.,1 1ft black I.athar cua. CaIJ .. verton utO or retllfD to lOt Howard .tt.... I-.I·U

IALa-IU' Ch.vrolet COIIpI. low ......... but.r. ti .... 1004. UI_~ bu,. OldllDOb'Ie, "J..,.. Dlw..,. Inc., 10 Broad Itrelt, Ill.· enOll. I-U·U


au 0' tr:!'t..::. '1' ","J. .,_.-

I p It'. MdaD you· ... aM. JUit ... bMIc 01 tile wheel 01 aD 0IdIm0-

bUe-a t'Mt~teppIna ., H. P. 0IdI ..,1 Prom the 8nt .... ~ to the throttle to the ... IMy IWInr Into a JNU1dnI' place. you'll lind tbriUI aplentyl Acc •• eration that l.a ••• oth.r can at the pott on the ... t. away. Pow ... that pul1I the ....,..t hUll without a IiIn 01 tffort. Lire and action Oft the open road that put new .... In drlvinl'. 'rnat your· ..., to a rtand ..,na, toNe. Get Into an 0IdI-~" 'er the 'un-and ,oJ



PALMYRA, N. J. Pholle llOCl ..... o.a.., FRESH CUT JERSEY




31b 25c FLORIDA


151b 45c No.1 SIZB

151b 59c HARDING'S



21b 53c DUFF'S



No.2 can 1ge ROYAL PUDDING



3'pkg 14c KEN·L·RA TION

DOG FOOD 4 canl 2ge







3 for 9ge Nit Wallht t Ib NCb





BACON ViIb"'1,, '

THE NEW ERA ' ~ JIJ!; " ........ _ ~ lIDzt lalollb pia_I"

RIVERTON :: CINNAMINsON : ' PALMYRA .--...::=--------! 50th Year No. ao


Curb Project Approved in Riverton; Bid. to Be

Requelted Later





Valuable InformatioD Given OIl Ac:tivities of Riverton

Cinnaminson Au'n The Rlvuton counell chambeR _re devoid of cI"- lut Thun- Mra. Maty B. Slm, elttcutive Me-

da, nilht at the meetlna 0" the 10- retary of the Riverton-ClnnamlD8Oll cal lovemlna bod, when two or. ASlOdation receutly render-dlnanee. came liP for final bearina. ed the followlne report to The Porch Theae dealt with the cU.trlblatlcm of Club in connection with the aclivi. circul.n Uld the ID.tallatfOil of curb. in cert.ln .ectiona of tbe coaunun- ties of the a .. oclation durine the I put year. ty. SponlOnblp by the Porch CluJ)

Both pa •• ed l'tCond readlna and of the movement which, seven years were adopted by a unanlmou. vote. aeo. culminated in the employment

Betore the provillonl of tbe curb of a trained locial worlrer for the lecl,lation ."' clrrled Ollt It wUl Riverton,Cinn.minlon Welfue AI-be neceaury for the harolllh to 60ciation hu led to the 'practice of talte bldl on the work. It i. elt- a formal Ulnual report to that ~. peeted that tben will be .dvertlled The 1939 report hal factu.1 informa· for In the near futuH. I tlon which anlwerl some of the

No Paellaae Store queetlonll th.t have been railed A Camden dtilen, evldebtly beine Ibout the phallCi of the work which

unaware of the Illtul of Uquor are ·the mo.t conipicuoul to the Itorea here. wrote for a form In or. public, althoueb probably by DO der thlt he mleht mllke .ppUcation me.n. tbe malt lmportlDt. for a permit to operate a paclra&e The primary objective of the eltabU.hment. Plverton-ClnnamlnlOn Welfare As-

The clerk. D.nlel M. Clllton, w.. Iodation hal been, and .tlD iI. to In.tructed to write the Individual ad- render a "f.mlly lervice" type of vi,inl of the variolll Uld .undpv rea- • Th"-.I 'J... Era Staff Photo 10Cial service work whl-b wiD UI"-.~ '1.8It UI ...... y, M.yor John F. Ward, . of Palmyra, presented the handsome flail Ihown above ~ u lon\rwlhy such .n eatabU.hment Wall to Palmyra Hllb School In behalf of the donor~. the Tac:ony.Palmyra Bridee Company. cipate thOle menllli. pbyslcal tad ent e y out of order. The preatnllltion of. the bannen. which Will be used in the IIchool auditorium was in connection with economic mlladJultmenti which H

The baroueh auditor, WIlUam H. local Youth Week activltle.. 'unchecked 100ller or later become Welcker. preleDted a bID In tbe In the _picture, left to richt are: Georee Schill. Aucult Monhof. William Evaul. Mayor Wlrd. Ralph lodal problem8-usually espaW" amount of *,,75 coverln. the 1m Willi. and W.rren Lamon. to the community and alway. force .udlt .nd .ervicea performed iD pre. , pointl of IOcial infection . pulni tbe Kia former FULL PROGRAM I LETTER OF THANKS \ MRS J P B The line between thia type of -chltle for thll work w •• "00, but I \. I A ELL cial lervice bow ever. and tbat whleb he Illted tbat the Increa.e Wli Tacony-Palmyrl Bridee Co. • • • Iii embrlced In the popular miDd u necel.ary because of tbe e reatl, In· FOR HOME FETE Palmyra. ·N. J. : PTA LEADER "relief


I, not alwlYI clearly _t-creased amOUDt of worlt ocl:Uioned I ... . f A h H' ' ed. Therefore. when pubUc espea-by tbe requirement, of Dr. DubY·. De ttentlon. 0 .rt ur lellen: , • • • dlturea for Itraieht relief became ill-office. . I . I ar Mr. Hlellen. creuinlly necelaary it was natural

Council aereed thll luch w •• the Feature to Be ~xhibition of On behllf of the entire Itudent · Named Pre.ident of Riverton for Rivvton COUDcil and C~ cale IUld the bill w ... pproyed aloDI Archery; Affair Planned body. the Student Council of Pal· I Association' Mrs. Yost Ion Township Committee to '" the with the other departmental bWI. for Friday, May 26 I myra Hieh School wilhel to ell· i Render~ Report willdom of It I .dmlnlstratlon thronah

StOll Itreet tend It I lincere Ihanka and deep ap". the lIeney wbich wu .... eady wort-The matter of tDaldne MaID atre.t One of the apedal features of the pred.tion for the two beautiful flail I The Riverton AI· Inc In the '(ery field in which the

•• top .tHet W.I dl.I:lI.1ed at len.... Clnnamlnlon ~ome Lawn Fete to I prelented to the Ichool by the; lociation held ita annual met;tlnll !alt OUtllYII would be made. The Wei· and tbe m.tter WII finally referred be held on the around of the Home, Tacony-Palmyra Bridle Company I Monday afternoon. .t whlcb tIme fare Allocl.tion WIS accorcIiDN to the hlahWl' comml\1ee for In. Frld.y M.y 26th will be .n .. blbl- ' on M.y 11, 1939. the officerl for the mluina term of des\anated .dminilten of "reUef" Ia v""lation Uld report. tI I ' h 'b M d M Thele clftl wUl be a lastine telt!- two years were elected and lnItalI· bath communities and Itl exec:utfn

The lpedal committee on the on narc ery y r. Ill . rI. moni.1 to the Interest in the youth ed. They are: Mrl, John P. AbeD, lecretat}' .ppointed director of wd-plumbinl ordlDUlce .nd . code h.d Leiter Rexon •. o~. Moor~towlI. of the community. of the Tacony. preaident; Mill Caroline M. Staman, I fare. 110 further report to render. Mr. Rexon.. Blulcm champion. Palmyra Bridie Company. firlt vice president; Mr •. Charles P·I POl' Common Good

"ayor H. Mcilvain Biddie IIP- In t937 and 1938, he WII one of the Very Iincerely yourl Stewart, lecond vice prelident· Mrl. 1 pointed the followllli councllmUllc Amerlcln team of thirty men cholen Walter Snov~r, Porter B. Caldwell. IeCre~r~ •• Dd I !,hil«; depl~~in~ t~t! fact that the committee to hUldle the Fourtb of from ealtern stltel to play In the Secretary Mn. Alexander B. Glrwood, treal. rillnl tIde of reher worlr demand· July celebration: Robert W. KIIleh\, intern.tlonal c.ble m.tchell. Mra. . urer. ed more and ~or~ of the time the chairman; David F. Gould, J. W. Reitan will Ilaoplrtldpate in the ex- HIGH SCHOOL TO Mrs. Charles H. Yoat, the relirinc Welfare A.laocl.bon ~re!~rred to Sylvuter .nd Archibald BUlb. hlblUon mltchel. Anyone wI.hlna I president. toeether with the chair. dev.ot~ to 'family ItrYIce tbe II-

Provell on plan' toward widen. .n opportunity to try hi. or her I men of her various committeea, lub-I SOC18tion wal Imllb!e ~o the ex-Inl M.ln Itreet. louth · of the rail. own Ilrlll with the bow and arrow EXHIBIT MAY 28 I mitted their annual reports. I trivalllllce of duphclbon which road on the eot IIde between the may do 10. The charle wID be lilt I Report any other pia,:, woul~ involve and track •• nd Seventh etreet w., held arrows for 10c and 18 for 25c. In I Mrs. Yost'l report. in part. WII hal alqulesced In th~ dlveraloD of the up for the time belnl. at lellt. when tbe eveninl .fter IUpper. there will i as follows: I time of It I eltel:llhve secretary Ia Mayor Biddle reported th.t two be moviel and • mallei an by WlY I Home EconomiclI Department . "Durin, the past year three even. ' !he Intereat of the common eoOO. It property ownera hive rellitered ob. of entertainment .t the home before Will Serve Dinner to I inc meetinel and lix Ifternoon II. h.o~ever. still hOPc;ful th.t" the Jedlon.. the dance. lira. Samuel Bmlen Over 100 Guelts meetinl' hllve been held .t the c.ond.:tlon may be alleVl.ted by full

Ho reply hu been received from Btokel II ehalrm.n of ImUlements. . I Riverton Public School for our OWII bme employment. two othen. while favorable .ctlon D.nce The annu.1 exhibit of the Palmyra I ABlociation, and a meet in, for the Durlne .1931-33, unemplorment hal been taken by the remainder. I hlllh school will be held M.y 26 I Riverfront District. The year'. topic WII becomlnc a problem. However,

The matter wW receive furtbar The Clnn.mlnlon Home Fete from 7.30 to 11.30 p.m. I was "Home and School Problem.," from 1935 to 1938 employment in conllderatlon In th. near future. Dance will be held In the avenine at I A.n unulual feature on exbibitiol1 and tbe IloCIUl Ind aim: "To elilr many linea of work baa at one time

the Riverton. Country Club from 9 nenlne II a dinner to be IcrYed I toler.nce. wildom IUId underatand- or another luffered al.mOB! complete

W-_1 M' to 12 p.m. with Don Chrl.t and HI. to 100 aueltl, who Include member, I inll of children. throueh new know- eollapae. That It.te ... tW felt aDd caaeyan en a Ettqulrea furnlahiD. the mull.:. Thli of the board. of education. whicb ledee" 10 far al local welflre record, co.

S-ble ..... ___ wal fe.tur~ by Llrry And atudentl to the local ICbool.\ On' S~ptember 18. the firlt meet- there il not cre• t improvement at I " .... Clinton on Hew Vear. eYe and II Thl' dinner wiIJ be prepared Uld in, WII held, Mi.. Helen Blair, prelent. .

____ UDder tb. man'eemlllt of United Or- ""ed by cooklnl .tuden~ at 6.151 vlsitinl nurae. lpoke on lex educa. Lilt fall. for the firlt time. the Lincoln wrott the foUowlat II the chestr. Service. Youna aDd old wiD p.rn. In the hllh .mool c:afeteria. I t,on. On September 22, Mra. R. G. (continued on pa.e I)

ptltJ)OI8 of hla Ilf.. "Die WheD I enjoy the IlI'alr II the Eaqulrel pro- The harmonIca band will pia, un· i Adlm. and the prellident Ittended ma" I wlnt It uId of .. that I vide for everyone from the jitter- der the direction of W. R. KlY, with . a Parent Education meetin, iD alway. pludltd I thom aad pleated bUll to the mOlt con .. rv.tive of the .ccompaniment of Winifred I Mooreatown. • rOle, wh.r. I th"-ht • rOM dUlcet.. SterUne· The lelectlon. to be ren- September 29, Dr. Graftin lpolre would VOW... · Tlclre~ dered wiD be: "In. Mona.tery Gar-I 10 the children .nd parenti.

How true I. tbla idlll to the Ticket. may be obtained from any I den." by Ketelhey;" dMemoriea." by October 12. Mi .. StamlUl IUId Ihe Word of Ood In Oalatlol1lll: 2 "Bear of the followlne committee mem- Van AI.tyne: an~, Carry Me Blcll I prelident .ttended the Fill Confer­ye one .nother'. blard.I, and 10 her.' to Ole Vlr .. nny, by Bland. The I ence. Dr. Lelher lpolre on "Sex fulfil thl law of Chrllt. H Mi .. ~tlY Barclay, Mfl. StUlrt I b.nd Ind orcht;'tra will euh play PlycholoIY."

II kind word •• helpful dead, livlII B. CI.rk. MI.. Nancy Clarlr, of I for an hour durme the exhibition. t The annual reception wal held on in the .plrlt of our Lord, mak •• our Riverton; MI .. M.rearet H.II. of t Open for Inlpection 10ctober 17. Dr. C. I. Ulmer cave ... embU .. attr.ctlve and InvltfD.. Hlddonfield ' Mill Chlrlotte Loud In connertion with the acriculture :·\ humorous lecture on "How to cet

In our Bible Cia .. WI _Ir to of Colllnel~ood; W.lter Barclay: I courae. tbe creenhoule will be open . lick."

licity luncheon held .t Medford Llltea in Hovember. and the Ri ..... -ton Publicity Record Book ... awarded the Gold ' Star-the hieilelt .ward.

TOYI were contributed to the American Leaion and Welrare A.· .ociation, for the poor cluldren for Chriltmu.

On December 7th • tea WII ~yen al the home of the preaident, by tha executive board to the room motherl and t~.chetl.

(to be continued) haYe In fellowahlp .nd mutual .Id ROil Blllott. John Puller, WIlII.m for lnlpection. Live chickl. layine I On November 2. 3. Ind .. the preai • the motto .bo.,. •• pl'llUd. Shoemalrer. JICIr 8tetlOll. of Rlver- henl •• nd roolterl, rai,'rd It home. I dent .ttended the State P.T.A. Con-

Be with UI nat lunda, It 9.10 ton; Bayard Kraft. of Collinelwood; I wiIJ he eli,played .. proJectl of the nntio nat AtllUltic City. Mi .. Stl· Il1d Join In our hymnl of pral .. and Rlch.rd .cott and Bemuelltolres. of studenll in the .cricultural Ihop. . man .nd Mn. Mayfield came for LE ... VING FOR EUROPE helpful fellowlhip. IIr. PoIDaatt llooreatown. or c:all Mr.. J. V. The exhibit In the .rt room. un- one day. Mill lI.y Cumplton. of Riverton. will lpen from tba 13th daapt.r of H.clrett, chairman of the comlnittee. d.r the lupervillion of Emm. laW-I Dr. Mary Roberti. of Mooreltown. will Mil from New York City -Nwnben. y'rMI 21.13. at Riverton 'leO. yer, will be divided into two IeC- lpoke at the November met'tin, on the American Importer 011 a ..

Ne.t TlIIICIay eylDin. at Il.1O tha H t tlonl. th .. fine artl, which indude : I "The Youth of Today." month'l trip to Europe . annual banquet will be held iD the 01 .... po.terl. water colon, pencil. Ink. The annUlI candy uk w.. held I She will lpend - time vIaItIna Porch Clull. Ri .. rt-. Dr. X- T. IIr.. • . I ubert Cooper. of .ud ch.rcCNlI .ketch ... and the craft in November. and the aaaociatioD friendl and relatives iA Yorla!IttIre lloore. Putor of Calv., II. E. ll00ratowtl. il · c:halrmUl of the art • • which Indude wood carvin • • bauabt 21 new booka for th~ achool l and Worent", Eacland. law ..... Cbarcb. PHI .. 'pblL wID lie tba hoet"' --.Attea. Her aIdn wID leathar worlr, dIaIr aetl <If ~retOlUle' l libnry. out of the pra6t&. in, on aD utended trip to the -. I,..,' Other eat ....... taleat. (_tlnad OD .... I). and muir. of paper mache. YOIII' prllidllllt .tteDded the pub- tln~nt . .


(Continued from pace 1)

As· ~tion was a beneficiary of the Community Chest Drive and believes the public welcomes the combinin, of the financial appeals. It is un· d .... tood that the same croup of qencies will aeain be embraced in the Community Chest appeal sched· uled for nellt fall.

Work in Two Parts

Thl. year's work of the Riverton· Cbmaminson Welfare Association

.... ... cradually chanced from its usual t1!ro parts--direct relief and social problem I to a combination of the two. Now it ia faced with an in· c:reuin, number of families of edu· cation, trainine and hieh Iivine trtandard where unemployment haa

THE BltA. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1939


lIec:essitated the acceptance of reo New 1':,. :>,.IT Phn." UIIf help. With that need they h~ve Charles Hawke and Geor,e DeVinney, fifth erade pUpill at the Sprin, Garden Street School, Palw::, braucht social probleml of lone m· are completine the work of plantihe a .plendld Maple tree at the conclUSion of a pro,ram held last ed· adequacy in the individual becaule nesday afternoon. . . • I ed h d P ul R of hi. inability to provide for hiB Appropriate exerciles. consistine of lonal and reatation.. were me ud on t e procram an a .

Jone •• supervisinc principal of Palmyra School •• spoke brieny. family; lone time worry over ever· Pupils from the two upper crades of the school participated. mcreulnc bUls; increaaine firmneas __ .:..:~:..::::::..:::..:.:::..:::::.:.:....::.=::...:.:...:::.:...:=....:..:....:....:..::.:....:...-------------_-----~ Oft the part of collectors, .lckne.l. I I Y M CAbo rd lack of c10thinc that keeps the chilo FULL PROGRAM . LOCAL MAN ON I county and oca •... a dren from enjoyinc the locial con· FOR HOME FETE ',, CONVENTION memberl and crOup leaden to at· tecta wbich formed a IarCe part of tend this one day convention. their earlier life. A family Ie .. Uled (condnued from pqe I)! COMMITTEE On thil year'l pro,ram are two to a standard above the averace be Mrs. Frank Thatcher, of Ed,e·1 cuest apeakerl: Dr. Alexander .J. would at the first pinch of need, water Park; Mrs. A. S. McNeill. I President Benjamin J. Roberta, of Stoddard, luperlntendent of schoolll come to the alsociation office for Mrs. Nelson B. Shiver-. Mra. How. I the county Y.M.C.A. boa&:d, appoint. of Philadelphia, who h .. jUlt come Jte1p. Given an opportunity to dil' ard W. Bottomly, of Haddonfield; ed a atate Y.M:C.A. convention pro. to thll position from Denver; and caaa the lituation, waYI and means Mrs. T. H. Dudley Perkin., Mrs. motion committee at ~he March Dr. Henry M. BUlch. profeaeor of are found whereby with a littlc fi· Alexander C. Wood. Jr., Mn. Deorcc meetinc; made up of Lewi. M. Park. adult education of Weltern Relerve DUlcial "Iiltance from Welfare- Hillman, Mrs. Donald Powen, er. chairman, Bordentown-Francis Univerlity, Cleveland. aD adequate plan may be worked .out Mrs. Howard DameU, Mrs. J. Mil. B •. Elwell, Rlnrton; Edwin R. The place il the Berkeley.Carteret 11)' Mrs. SIm, especially where there ton Grilcom. Mrs. Milton C. Barber, Kaner, Mount Holly; S. Rocer Hotel, Albury Park, thil Saturday, are workable members in a family. Mn. Carroll D. Kennedy and MH. Oliver, Burlincton; Henry F. Stock. May 20.

The other type of family, however, Phillip Thompson, of MOOTestovrn, well, Jr., Moorestown; Leonard E. Dr. Stoddard will Ipeak at tbe

I port of the Commilaion on Yoatlt. : and then hear Dr. Henry M. Buath

I speak on "The StrateI)' of the Y.M.C.A. in its Procram with Young Men."

Burlington countY'1 four official representatives at the vo~nc ses­sions of the state convention are: President Roberts. of Marlton; Trea· surer Howard C. Darnell, Moora­own; John W. Thacher, Moores­town. and Secretary Guy C. Hendry.

Finland. which pays its war debts promptly. hasn't one millionaire.

LYNCH'S @~ QUI1ity Dry Clean ina and PrcnlDI

2&40 Fed .. al - Camden - 521 lIukn Boll ' Phon" 2&t2-UU

JOHN I H.ETRIS lada it impolsible to appeal for 81' and Mrs. Winfield S. Wilsoll, of I Spotl., Florence; Ge~rce N. Wimer. convention luncheon on ''The Plicht

17 Welt Broad Street Palmyra, N. J.

Phone 978 elltance. Ysually a friend Dr rela· Riverton. Palmyra; and Howard E. Wills, of Youth Today." ' j tl"e come. with the problem of the Ticketa for the dinner may be le- Marlton. The banquet seslion, scheduled elmOlt delperate need-and the cured from Mrl. Albert B. Psncout, Thil committee il urcinc both from lix to nine, will receive a re-

.&led problem of overcominc the Mooreltown IISS; MH. JOleph Mor. ============================================= family pride, so that the need may ,an, Riverton 1030. be mlni.tered. The proceeds of the Fete are to

Then-are usually f?und .emer. be uaed for lon, needed remodellnc ,enele. at ~and of va'!ou. klndll- of the kitchen of the Home. Your I and there II usually sickness. In support will be appreciated. .ollie luch cales relatively hlCh ex· pendltures have been inevitable but "Y" AUXILIARY MEETING I

' alonc with it comea the creater need toward helpln, to establlih a sane I :rhe next meetine of t~!= Palmyra· 1 newpoint, a willin,nesl to face the Rlver.ton Y.,:!.~;A. ~~Ihary wUl be fact. 'honestly and work toward a held In the Y bUlldlifl, Palmyra. (gture. on Thursday, May 18, at 1 o'clock.

Case Load The affair will be in the form of a covered dish luncheon, after which

The aSlociation caae load durine, Mrs. S. B. Jonell. interior decor· the year has ,radually increased \ ator for Gimbel Brothers will be from month to month until April of 1 ~th;;,e=s=pe=a=k=e=r=. ========= thl. year when it dropped. The peak I " wa. reached in January of 1939. , MAGEE &: HUGHES Durill, that month the Welfare of. 1 fice was Civin, .ome form of aero Covered by Inlurallce vice to 80 families numberinc 242 n • t· Individuals. When one remembers raIn lng that a cue load of 50 families for a . EDWARD HUGHES. Mcr. full time worker is considered hiCh , 1 !l4 Garfield Ave. Palmyra It may explain to some extent the I Phones: 341 and Z45-M volume of work attempted on a! =':::~~:::::;::::i -half time" basis and the urcency of 10lil the full time status for which the AI" THE SWING IS TO aodation il 50 anxioul. At the prel' eDt time the case load is 62 familiel, ,

215 individuals. I I ~ ~~ {i1 ~ Throu,h the eenerosity of various I • ~ Plnone in this community. the tui. _ .. tlon was provided which paid the IaUer half of the freshman colle,e year for a Riverton !tIrl who.e father had lost his employment. By be. .. able to finish her first year. this pI will be eligible for student em· I ployment for her sophomore year. ' nere is every reason to believe that I every dollar expended on her behalf wW ultimately be repaid and this

, may well prove to be the nueleul of a .ludent loan fund.


There have been the ulual place. DlCDt. in the various inltitutionl. Glueea have been provided for ai& peraon.; one pair was paid for by the local chapter of the Red Cro ... The Red Crol' also made it pos· I1lble to aend a Cirl to Camp Matol. lIoDequay for two weeki lalt .um· _-an experience for her of un· told value.

IIrl. Gilbert Coe. and her able dotblnC committee functions recu· tarly each week and have made a I ..,. lubllantial contribution in thi s pIuae of allOciation activities. I

The Welfare office hal carried on I aD elrective employment Iervic~27 _ and women havc been on call lor employmmt. Ten were placed Ill , ...-ent dome&tic jobl : 17 on call !

Look at These Prices Then Gi ve Usa Call

ELECTRIC Refrigerator

$ 149.50 up ELECTRIC RANGE


$ 54.95 up GAS RANGE



$ 24.95 up •

R.CA. ~ tENITH Radioa

c. WARD LOWDEN lor odd job work and 1 lirl placed in I 5t4 Ciaaamio_ Avmue • permaneIlt baaineu position. '

At Chriatmu time J5 families reo 1 .... _.p.a1m_.'.r .. _N.·.J.· ___ ~ I \ ..... Cb..u.- dIaaec -..oaa. PboGC 717 r •• IIOI-dllIC In tuh to St • .

Nearly 10,000 times every min­

ute someone says, in effect,

"Here's my check," For that is

the estimated number of checks

handled by America's banks­

five billion a year! Just think

whatthisefficientmethodofmak· . ing payments means to America

in terms of safety,. speed, accu­

racY and convenience.

* * * ",~ ;,m't you to come in _

114" (I ch«Iti", dCCON""


• ,. Cinnaminson Bank and T rut Co.

Riverton, N. J.

Statement BY" .f

Tho ~.:::: ,~:[



18, 1939 PAGE· THREE

I Country Club .".".u,I, .. , ............... "u ...... ," .. • ...... •·• .. • .. •· .. ··1 IxwCA NOTES I

in, the strike situatioll has been is. I lIued by the manacement of the Kieckbefer container company: • SPORTS JO'M"INGS

"Inasmuch as certain information ,. . has been publi.hed in varioul local I Palmyra. team In the Burlincton Ilewspaperl concerninc the Itrike at County Leape failed to .tart ill 01\1' Delair plant, the manacemellt bome .ea.on la.t Saturday afternoon of the K;leckhefer C::ontainer C~ • .,hen rain wuhed out the enca,e. pany beheves that ,t owes to. Its ment with 'Medford. The local. trek employees and the cener~1 pub!l~ allo Columbul thil Saturday and play ~tatment of the company s POSltionll,t home on Wednl!sday eveninc of m the matter. The facts are as fol. hext week.. lows: /.

"The follow in, three unions are I' , -0-involved, all affiliates of the Ameri. '· Andy Pfaff orcanized a team to can Federation of Labor. namely: "tpreaent the .K. of C. and ~UI filled

The International Brotherhood of e vacancy m the Memonal Park

After maintainin, an unbrokCD winninC .treak of acbt came .. Pal. myra HiCb'. baebaD team came to the end of the road la.t Friday af. ternOOIl at MerchaDtviUe when Coach Elder'. char,e. lent the Red and White home Oil the abort end of a 2-1 counL

Len Baker, local pitchinC ace, toil­ed for the Dimolldmen and bad the op~sition eatine out of hil band for mOlt of the skirmi .... He fanned 17 and iSlued three walk.. The twelve hite he allowed were well acatterecJ. except in the ninth aDd IDaJIY of the biowl were of a shady character.

Straub Winner Pulp. Sulphite and Paper Mill Work. fthall Le~e. A~dy haa headed ers Union, Local No. 380. other teams an. preVIous yean and Palmyra, on the other band, could

The International Brotherh.ood of, ha. the belt wllhca of many local do little with the offerlncs of Junior Firemen & Oilers Union, Local No. fana for a ~ost succes.ful sealon. Straub and secured five bow., two of

, ....................... ".~~~.~ ............ , ........ " Membera of the Burlincton Coun. Riverton'. team in the Illterdub ty Y.W.C.A. and their familiea and

Leacue won handily la.t Sunday in friendl are invited to attend the Y.W.C.A. Family Day to be beld

a division C match, takIn, the de· at Camp Matollionequay, Ilear Med. cilioll from the Pennsylvania Golf ford Lakes, Saturday afternooll and Club in matche. played at Riverton evenin,. May 20. and OD the terrain of the opposition. ' The procram will becill at two

The win placel the locala In third o'clock with camea, races, mUlic and ' position in the divi.ion. 14 pointa ' a loftball contest. Guestl will brine behind the leadin, North HiD team. ' picnic suppers. and ice cream wiD

The .corea: be on sale. In the evenln, there will be campfire and folk dandna led by Mr. and Mrs. John Hod,kin. An unusually plealant outin. i. an. ticipated.


RivertoD Dr. E. A. Meyer. _ _ ____ 2 R. Eastwood ~

Best ball ~ E. Lippincott . I H. S. Coe 3

Belt ball I H. M. Sheble _ 2~ W. F. De LaCour _ 1~

Best ball _ 2


We wish to expren our sincere thanks to all who so ,enerously IUP­ported the cake sale held at 13 East Broad street, Saturday, May 13.

The Committee.


126. -0- thele by Cole. The local. scored The International Brotherhood of:' A reliable firat baleman •. who has ie the lecond and the enemy evened

Teamsters, Chauffers, Stablemen ,and ',not yet been sicned for' the season the count ill the third. Thincl went Helpers Union. Local No. 676. (but who i. to reticent to boast alone in thla faahioD until the ninth 14

"On May 3rd, 1939. after sevenll about his playinc ability) desires a when the winniD, tally came after The Burlington. county W.C.T.U. Total ._

previous conferences, the companyt berth with a softball leacue team. two were down. Penna. Golf Club will hold the Spring Institute on met with representatives of the Any manacer interested is requested J. L. Wilmeth _ _______ 1 Thursday, May 2S. in the Riveraide three unions to consider a proposed I = - -. -- n ( ,,... . ..c....'-----_..L __ oLoIUI..... ____ ..!..!L.=.:........:.. _________ "'-..... I M. E . Church at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. agreement. At this meeting the dis... • qJ .. IIIIIIIII .. IUUIllI .. IIIIU .. " .. " ...... I .... II .... I"" ... IIII .. ~ lowing choruses which showed ex4> This will be an aU day session. cussion was based larcely on how PALMYRA ~ ~ W f. Id F . , l cellent tone quality and improved

' the plant should be divided into bar- 11 .-,' est 1. e nends ',' dict,'on-Voices of the Woods, The gliining units. The feamsters Union asked for sole bareainine richts for SCHOOL If ' School ~ Cavalry Anchored. Umbrella Man, warehouse men, platform men, load· NOTES! ! Old Groucho. and the brilliant ers, yard men, checkers, pJant crane m ..... UUI""" .. H ...... ,IIIIIIIII.N ...... uu ... m.., .......... ml "SoJdiers Chorus" from Pault. and yard crane operators, in addi" A larce and enthusiastic audience The departments presentinc the tion to truck drivers and helpers: Carolyn Bauer won the forensl'c d h II d d program appreciated very much ·the

"The Firemen and OUera Union greete t e we con ucte perform. cooperation of the patrons who pre. asked for sole bargaining riehts for key ,iven Saturday. May 13. i~ the ance of the mUiical and choral pared and served the deliehtful reo maintenance, olectrical and power. te;'umament of plays at the '!Itlver. speaking departments of the West. ception which followed the enter. houle employees. and the Paper Mill Iity of Newark. The key .Is pre· field Friends' School last Friday tainment. Workers Uilion asked to lIe civen I sented te;' th~ person ~ho Clves an evenine. _______ _ sole barcainine rights for the reo I outst~~dIRC lD~e~pretation. The ~,Iay The kinder,arten ,ave short mainder of our production em. was Boccacclo s Untold Tale. a recitations and soncs, and joined in ployees. Ie. end of old PI?rcnce. and Misl with the fir.t and second crades for

Bauer was cast In the role of a the second appearance of the rhythm servine woman. orchestra.

Participate in Quiz Mr. Wallace's pupils played piano

Letter to Unione

Example is a powerful stimulant, ,eneratin, increased mercy. creater capacity, better behavior, and hicher thou,hts.






519 Cinnamimoo Ave, Palmyra Phone 480

"On May 5th in a letter addreased to the unionl, the manqement acreed to recoenize and ,rant sole barcainine riChtl to the Paper Mill Workers Union for production em. ployees, BI thil union unquestionably reprelented the majority of our pro· duction workers u evidenced by a check of sicnaturel on application cards made by our auditor, which showed 436 member. out of a total of 602 production employeel. The compaDY likewile qreed to recoc· nin and crant IOle barcalninc ri,htl to the Firemen a: Oilere Uilion, coverin, maintenance, electrical and employeel upon lub· million of proof of member.hip. and acrced to recoenize and ,rant lole bar,ainine ri,htl to the Teamlters Union for all truck driven and their helpers. In thele three inatance. the company considered the above bar· ,ainine units to be appropriate, and that the riehtl of the majority in each of thele three croups would be assured as provided by the La· bor Relatione Act.

Clement Haas. John . Hullincs, solos even those who just recently Robert Yerkes. Robert Waters, takine lessons. All played Richard Deemer. John Haynes. and with skill. Michael Crowell. Doro. Donald Fox participated in an "In· thy Porter, John Robert Jamison. formatioll Pleale" procram in the RUIsell Laslocky. Jean Clark. Len. Palmyra Fire HOUle, Tuesday even· ore Meyer, Nancy Ritlchard, Arthur in,. May 9. The boy. asked ques· Platt, jack Clement, Joan Ander. tions about municipal and county son and Richard Hollerith. render.

JFYou'reSmart covemment, and the members of the ed the piano lelections. borouch council ,ave interestin, and The second ,rade recited A. A. complete answerl. Milne's "Bad Sir Brian Botany." with

Frelhman Party ability and Itace presence. The The annu.1 frelhman party will third and fourth trades lelected

be held in the ,ym, Saturday, May parta of "Hiawatha" to recite. The 20, at 8.00 p.m. There will be a pro. fifth and sixth clallel told "The gram civen by membera of the clall, Ballad of John Silver" and recited followed by cames, dancing and reo with sctions, one of Aesap'l Fable .. freshment.. Jean Finnie. a 13 year old pupil

of Mr. Wallace'. from Chestnut Hill. Junior Prom concluded the proeram by playine

'the Junior Prom will be held duro "Minute Waltz" by Chopin and "The inc the week of June 12. The or· Butterfly" by Lovallec remarkably cht;stra and place will be announced well. later. The sinein, consisted of the fol-

Camera Club The Camera club contest closes

you'll shop here first before you buy

South Jersey" Largeat Showroom Devoted Exclusively to



"The company questioned the luit· ability of a bareainin, unit compri •• inc the seven clallifications of ware· house men, platform lIIen, loaderl, yard men. checkerl and crane oper. ators on the .rounds that luch c1assificationl in mo.t instances com· priied a minority croup in a Jar,e number of purely production de. partmenu, altholJlb the fact that the membership of lOme emplo,en in auch clauificationa in the Teamaten Union had not been qacltioaed.

~:;.!~O,T.:::~d~ .. :':~:~~:d'1 "OPEN HOUSE" RIVflm)N RJ!II AT =-~ i DREER'S NURSERIES

.... ____ .............. I Riverton, New Jersey • .

Strike Called

The kinder,arten ,ave an uaem· bly pro.ram 00 Frida,. momin,. May 12th. The uaembly wu open. ed by the third .rede which wa.

"Without further diacuaiona the reapooaible for the Bible readinc and wmpany received 011 II." 6th, a the Lord'. prayer. The tint and lele,ram from . .... three WODI ICcOnd cradea each un. two 1OO,a. ItBbnc a .trike woald be caUed at The kinderprtea then pve a play 6.00 LIII. on May Ith, unJew all named "Siena of Sprine" which wal queations of representation and bar. taken from a IOn,. The foUowin, i ,alDin, richt. were aettled to the people took part: Announcer. Gear,e complete .. tilfaction of the three Homer; the lun. Eddie O'Neil; the I unionl. Thil telccram, In the form wind, Gordon Small, the rain, Jim. I of an ultimatum, _med to preclude mie Hoptrolf; Ihe fIowe .... Eileen , an, further ne,otlation., altbou.h JohnlOIl, Carol Lou Warnecke, Vir· I the company had eltpreaaed the lin~ Hooper. Anna Louise MC-, hope5 that ne.otiationl and friendly Lau,hli!l ' an~ ~rance. , Bowen; the relationstwouid be maintained. De. butterflies, BlIhe DeNI,ht. Suzanne spite the teleeram received b,. the Sparlt~. ~d Sidney Mye .. ; the reb­company from the union I Ilatin, the bit, DICkie Stewart. The ~hole Cian I strike would be called on Ma, 8th" then u n, a "IOn. entitled "The the Itrilte wal luddenl,. called at I Thunderstorm. TIle procram ".5 , •. 00 p.m. Satanta,.. Ma,. 6. and a enjoyed by all. . pteltet line Cltab1iabed at that tillle. -Bebe Carhart..


"As evidenced by the tdecram --___ . - I rrceived from the three 1IIli __ t il amoD,st the hi,hest in tbe in.I .. --,,~;:;.,wii;;;;;;;;;; _____________________ J May lith. the Itrike invol_ DO ella- dairy. and re,retl that the tbr~ ' pute al to ... ca. howl or worldac I uaioaa have clecided to Itrilte rathu I conditioaa.. The compan,. pridea it· tban 10 carry 9n De,otialio ... in a


wolf upon the fact tIIat ita wace scale ' frieDdJy _ :" New J e rsey


MAY AND JUNE our plant department ollen • fine Ielectioa of pere:nnlala, rolea and other planta for carden and home ; planll that have been crown for ";eor

. and that have Itored within Ihem the ability to crow and bloom for you.

Come and visit. browse around and see wby Dreer'l planll and ICeds have Itood the teat of over a htmdred year. of buildinc the proen beautiful.

Weekday I from 8 LID. to 5 p.m_ (Swtda)'l 1 10 5 p.m.) 8 rinl the famil" ,.oar iricad • . your cament!

ROSES IN JUNE-Drcer'1 6c1d dlapIay DIlen a mac. aWeDt lpectaClc. Keep it ia miDd.


.non, with their d.ucbter. U1:

II)CI1dine two weeks at lit. Plea­at, lIichiean. en route to WHh· aa.ton and Dayton. Obio.

III'. .nd Mrs. J. Beck Tyler. of ,Park avenue. entertained at a din· ael' at their home last Wednesd.y nemne in honor of Miss Florence latton Tomlin .nd tbeir son Josepb C. ' Tyler. whose marrialle took

. place on Saturday. Gueata were members of the weddine party.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamlin and eon. James. of Second street. apent the weekend in New York wbere they visited the World'lI Fair.

Mr. and Mr8. Frederick Blair. of street. moved last week to Gaylordsville. Connecticut.

Miss Rutberford. dauehter of Mr. .nd Mrs. H. K. Rutherford. of 1523 Elm Terrace. took part in the recent prodUction of the PuUit%er Prise play. "Our Town." by PI Delta Kappa, the dramatic club of the Principia Colleee at Elsah. nUnols. where abe is a lIophomore.

The Riverton Yacht Club wOl open the season with a dance on Monday evenine. May 29. from II to 1 o·clock. at the Riverton Porch Club. Mullic will be furnished by the Penn Troubadours. Tickets may be obtained from any member of tbe club.

The Woman's Republican Club of Burlinlton County will hold their aDnual Sprine Bridle.Luncheoll .t Medford Lakes on Monday. May 2Zdd. All tbose desirinl tickets for fl .hould ,et in touch witb Mrs. Alma Evans.

Mr •• nd Mrs. Charlel H. YOIt. of Thomal avenue. spent Sunday with their lion. John. who is attendlnll Buclmell University. at Lewisburc. PL, where special Mother's Day ex· erclse. were held.

Mrs. William Rowan. of Thomaa avenue. entertained the Art and Lit.

SPECIAL BROILERS .......... .... Ib 2Sc


'1. M . . HUDGINS. JR. Riverton 641 Free Delivery



..... EVERY WEEKDAY JJr' (Except Holiday.)

SUNDAY-MAY 21 (and Alternate Sundays)


~ $2.55 W:~:~~D 00 SAturd;y - Return Sunday

'nCKHI GOOD _ THU. TUINS (D.,...... laria. T_l t.. ..... moll _______ 7~J7 __ a .

IIot. Lv. New York ( ........ teL) w_,. (oscop. Holw,.t) " ........ ..... ,. .... Hollda,.. _ a.U p .....

.. DAY Round Trip to New York "75 in Coaches any Day. any Train

[ '. ~, ) ~ l , /.. N I A /I A I l ~ 0 A ~ . . .

• ••

will also permit Venetian to remain erty-rental $SO.OO-available July lat.

• Second Boor apartment-large living room, kitchen·

ette. two bedrooms and bath-eleetrie refrigeration-$32.S0 per month. . ••

Other atttactive dwelbng and apartment bstmgs on both sale and rental . basil.

w. REX McCROSSON, Inc. S East Broad Street PALMYRA

Riverton 500



Lasting Waves



THUR RAY The Cool Permanent That Lasts


PALMYRA HAIRDRESSING PARLOR 507 M.ple Avenue Phone 7. Palmyra.'N. J.


Distinctively Different The Sllover P_ral H_e olfers the

mOllt eo~p1ete facilitiea aad tltere ia au

in~le w_th in OW' ,...llitp'd

aemce that makea the Home of Saover

di.tinctively dilfercat.

The Snover Funeral Home

I_pew .... 313 E. Broad It.. PUmyra. N. J.

Vnalt A. s.o- Jolm N. Swartz ....... 1liwcrtGe _

Market ART, Prop.


Ie Sale Woodbury's SOAP

3 Cakes at Replar Price 1 Bottle Woodbury's Lotion

FOR lc


Quality FOODS and Satidaction

PURE JELLIES 8-oz jar 10c All Popular Flavors-SBve 2c a J.r

Pork and Beans 2 1~1b cans 9c IN TOMATO SAUCE


Evaporated Milk 4 taU cans 23«: Bearine the Seal of the American Medical ASlociation

Merion PINK SALMON .................. 2 tall cans 23c Choice SOUP BEANS .......................................... 2 Ib 9c Large PRUNES 40/50 ............................................. 2 Ib 17c

ScOt Tiuue 4 roll. 2ge Waldorf 2 roll. ge


KELLOGG'S Creamery Butter 21hs S9c· Merion RoD Butter 2 lb. SSe

Salad Suggestions Large Heads ICEBERG LETTUCE ...... 2 for lSc Nearby RHUBARB ................................. 3 bunches lOe Water Cress. bunch Sc I Cucumbers ......... each Sc Radishes, 3 bunches 10e Scallions ............ bunch 2c Large Green PEPPERS .... - ............... _........... each Sc

Round Extra Fancy String Beans .......... ........ 2 Ib 25c Large California Fancy PEAS .................. 2 tb 2Sc Extra Selected Slicing TOMATOES ...... 2 tb 2Sc Fresh Cut Jersey ASPARAGUS ...... lge bunch 27c Large Size ORANGES ....................................... doz. 2Sc Extra Large GRAPEFRUIT ........................ 2 for 15c Delicious APPLES .............................. : .................... 6 for 2Sc Extra Large PINEAPPLES ..................... each lSc IIIIUUIIUIIHIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIIIIIIlIII

FRESH-KIIJ.ED CHICKENS .IUUHlIIIIIIII Stewinc 5 Ib avc. Fryla( 2~ to 3 Ib avc.

Boneleu RoOed Veat

Voct'. Smoked Boneless Batts A Real Bay-Butt £ads Ham S to 6 Ib avc.

LEGS OF LAMB .. _ ... _ ........ __ ._ .. ..

Per tb

-.... - ......... tb 29c

Skinless Half Smokes Beef Bolopa Ib23c ARMOUR'S STAR MEAT LOAF, ~-Ib Sc . 3 Varietiea



Ji-Ib 8c

,,' ~ ~ ,



Locals Start Tilt with Hit Barra,e but Haddonfield

ThroWi Bil Scare


IP.~UI~~~B [:o.:~try Club -] DAWLEY OLDS, I After maintainirlc an unbroba Notes BROADWAY WIN

w.un!na atreak of eicbt pm ... Pal • m,ra Hllh'a baaeball tum ClUIIe to _ .. _'" ..... _ ...... - • " . the end of the road la., Frida.r aI. Rlverton'a tum in the Interclub Knacht LiaUt~ Si&ma Kappe tllrlloon at lIerchUlMlle when Leque won ~ laat SumIa, in to Five Hlta and Polea

Palm,yra ltarted thin .. 011 with • bane in the bucbaU tilt with Had· donfield last Th~ altem_aDd splaahed a barrqe of hita olf Wider­man. encml' hurler, to coiD a total of lia markers dlll'iq the lower baH

SPORTS JOTTINGS Palm"...·. team in the Burlinctoa

Count" Leape failed to ltart ita home .uaon lIat S.turda)' afternoon when rain wHhed out the encace· meat with Medford. The locall trek to Columbua thil Saturday and pia)' .t home on Wedneldq eveninl of next week,

Coadl Eldee'a daatpa HIlt the Red a divilion C matell. taIdDc the de- Four Ply Clout aDd While bome oa the Ihort ad ciaion from the PeanqlvUll& GOlf Georre Knlcbt. Dewle" 0'" of a 2.1 count. Cilib in mateba pIqed al Riwtrtoa pitchina .ce wa. In fine f_ lloa.

Len Baker local pitcbiq.ce toil. .nd oa ~ lerrain of the oppoaitioa. d&1 Richt .. hi. tum pried o. the '. • The WIn p1aCea the locala ill tblrd lid of the current ... -, wlDnlac

ed for the Dunolldmen aDd bad the poaition in the diviUoa. 14 pointa their initial tilt from llama Kappa of the initial .tanaa. .

Thia bulce w .. most needed, how­el/er. as the lame mded with the local, winaiDc b" a N count alter lbe hostile. tbreatmed to wrnt the decision by lome timely hittina dur·

oppoaitiOD eatina out of hit band for behind the leadiDc North Hib tum. b, the acOn: of 11-10.. mOlt of the aldrmilh. He fanaed 17 The acorea: The fratemlty ...,...tion htIcl and i .. ued three walta. The twelve the motor power houae in daedt lor

AT RIVBRTON th Ii t f f L.. bl. -0-

And, Pfaff orlanlaed a team to "epresent tbe K. of C. and thua filled the vaCaDe" 1ft the lIemorial Park Softball Leque. Andy hu headed other team. in previOUS year. and ha. the beat wishes of man, local fans for a mo.t .ucceaalul season.

hit. he aUowed were weD acatterecl, e fa ew rame ...... t a .. ran, Ri .. noa b" the arecn-ablrted tom put the

in, the closinl frame.. , except in the niath and lIWly of Dr. B. A. Me,ers a in the baa durinc the IIft.It the blowa were of albacS, chatacter. R. Ea.twood 5" atana.

Seven Hitl Strallb Winner Beat baU 5" In addition to boldm. the aem, E. Lippincott 1 bata In eheclr, rammed oae

Kemmerle ereeted WidefIIIIID with Palmyra. on the Qther hand, cotald H. S. Coe 3 into deep center for the drctaft. do little with the ollerinl. of Junior Beat baU 1 Score b, Innlnp-a. linlle and McDermott advanced

him to third with a neat aacrifice. COle. Turner, Karlti., RothbaUlll, • Gamble and Hen.on bareed out one. A first baaeman, who bal baaera .nd· Carhart strolled. DIII'iq I not yet bee~ aiened .lor the seal on all this mlcinl activity run. clatter. (but .who .s to rehcent to boaat ed over the plate with Ireat rep. about hi~ playina ability) desires a lacity and the enemy pitcher leemed berth With a . softb.1l leacue team. deslined for early relief. The bat. Any manaler Interested I, requested tinl conlress ended when Kem. te write Boa B. The New Era of·

Str.ub and lecURd five bow .. two of I H. II. Sheble -_______ a~ Oakwood __ 010 2U Ox-ll these by Cole. Tbe locala .cored W. F. De LaCour 1~ Silma Kappa --_. __ 000 000 ~ 0 in the aecond and the enem, evened Besl ball _. a Batteries-Dawley: aDd W. the count In the third. Tbln .. went __ McDermott; Sicma Kappa: Baker alona in thia falbion until the ninth Total _.. 14 and Gibbon. Umplre-Carhart and when the winnlnl tally after AlIowa,.

merle. up for tbe ICcond time. hit fiee. -0-into a double killinl.

The Dimondmen added IWO more in the aecond canto .nd· then the attaclt went into hibernation with the orilinal Hlddonfield hurler It ill on lhe premiaes.

Carhart Does Well

Carhart. local twirler. bad the llit· uation well in hand for mo.t of the time. but tbe opposition tallied tbrice in the third by virtue of a pa .. , a brice of bobbles, a sinele &lid a four master by GaIlleher.

Carhart whiffed the side In the fourth after Polaclo .mote • three baleer and repe.ted thla perform· ance in the seventh.

Tbe pastimlne ti,htened up a bit in the e1lhth as Haddonfield an· nexed three more counter.. These came as • re.ult of • alnlle, an error. a wallt, sacrifice hit and an· other triple by the ume Pollcio.

Decldlnl Run

Palmyra to life in the .ame ioninl .nd acored what proved to be the decldln. run, Turner and Karltis, the .pearhead of the Pal. myra attack filUrinl p,rominently.

An enemy pindl hitter welcomed Carhart with a .Inlle In the ninth and the neat batter repeated. Coach

Ike Hylton. former Dodier star hurler. Is reported to be one of the senutlonl In the Camden Softball clrcult.


Coach Melvin Krepa' track team finilhed In third place lilt Saturday afternoon in the Group 3 meet held at Paulaboro. Burllnaton won the atralr with 33 point.. Moorestown wal leeoM with 20 and two-third., wbUe the Red and White camered 22 .nd one·alath. Glouce.ter. Paula· boro anll Merchantville finllbed In that order.

Palmyr. point winners were .s followa:

100 yard dalh-Floumoy, tecond. 44O·yard dash- Fox, lecond; Bee·

muller. third. Halt mile-Brown. tblrd. Mlle-Hereut, first; Bum., third. Pole ·~ault-Houser. first. J.velln-Ott. 6rlt.


two were down. Penna. Golf Club PALMYRA J. L. Wilmeth --.. ______ 1

·H. Ridleley .. ___ . _____ a~ ABR H 0 A Be~t ball a~

Kemmerle, rf __ .•• __ .• 4 0 0 0 0 S. Kipe _ .. __________ a McDermptt, cf __ 3 0 1 0 0 V. Sample _______ .• __ 0 Cole. as .. _______ 4 0 2 1 1 Best ball •• _. __ .. _____ 0 Turner, Zb .. ____ 4 1 1 4 3 R. Garl.nd __ ~

Karitis, c __ ._._._ .. __ 3 0 1 16 1 B. Barbour . 1~ Rothbaum. If _______ 3 0 0 0 0 Best ball . 1 Brewlter. If ...... , .. _ .. _ .. _ 0 0 0 0 0 Campbell, 3b _._ ...... _ ..•. _ 2 0 0 4 0 Gamble. lb .... ___ ._ 3 a 0 1 0 HenIon, 3b .... _ .... _ .... _ .. _ 3 0 0 0 0 Baker, p ........ _. __ .• 1 0 0 0 0_

Total ... ________ 13


Rivertoll 'r I - - - '- - W. Lamon -------- 2 ota s .......................... _ .. 30 1 5 %6 5 J. Jamilon .• ~


AD RHO A :'-c~::~hiU -_. : W. Nunn, If ___ . ___ . S 2 3 0 0 Be.t baU 3 Beka·pl., I . .. _ .... _. ___ S 0 3 a 2 A. Seither 2~ Straub. p .............. _ . __ . __ 3 0 1 0 0 R. Morlan ___ 0 Gaymon. rf _._._. __ .. _ 5 0 0 1 0 Best ban a Dryer, cf ....... _. __ ....••... 5 0 2 1 0

. TOlal ___________ 20 W. B'aen, Zb ..... _ .. __ .... • 0 1 1 % Roecker, c _._ .... _ ... _._ 4 0 • 13 1 Plum'er, Sb _ ........ _._._ ... Z 0 1 1 1 Penna. Goll Club. Berrif, lb ... _._ .... _ ............. 4 0 0 8 0 M. Linker .... __ 1

- - - - - E. Graft . ___ ...... a~ Totals .............. _ ...... 33 2 12 ' 27 6 Belt baU ___ 3

Palmyra 010 000 ~1 D. Campbell _______ 0 Merchantville ... _ ... 001 000 001-Z F. Noll ____ 0

E W B R L T ball .---.... ---- 0 rro,_ • erler, wo- 'J Cop,.... 0 base hit_W. Nunn. %; Bek.mpls. • . :r-r .-.-... _._. ___ _ Struck out-b, Straub, 14; Baker, 17. L. Slael .... -_......:.-.-_.--- 3 Bise on bllle-8traub, 1: B,ker, 3. Be.t ball ---.. _--_._.- 0

Dimond rushed VanEmburc into the Announcement wa. made thla fray and he promptl,. pused the first week that a plaYlround In.tructor ABOUT THE COUNTY batter to cram tbe bue.. A lone furnished by the National Recreation

Total .___ _ _____ 7

Grand Total . Ill' to Rothbaum broulht in a run, III b d t M ial P k .... i Ri t 34 w e on u y at emor .r ..... w n R. Kiner. of Mount Holly. vcr on •. - _._ •. but Karltls picked • man 011 firat kd f h fi h P G If Cl b 20 base for the second out. Another afternoon to lupervise .nd oreanl~e by County Clerk Lawrence G. Min· Tournament

Btoadway Takes Another

The Broadway JUlleroaut roUed up Its second win of the seaaon IIlainst Andy Pfalra newly orean. Iced. K. of C. outfit. The KIlI.hta have a ca.t of younasterl that .bould develop into a lood team, but the movie men were a little too tOUlh for them to handle at thl. atlle of the aea.on.

A couple of lood pitchers would help the Klcey cau.e no end.

New Uniform.

New relilia made It. fint Ippear. ance this year •• Bro.dwa, took thl field In very fancy Ihlrta In • blua and white color Sicma Kappa'. habiliment •• alao very natt,,' are bille and cold while the Dawle" a'I"I.tion w.. Hlpl.ndent In Ireen and white attire.

This (Thunday) evenln, th. Athletics will meet PortJlum wbUa the Cub. will erola bat. with P.rr)'.


Manaeer Charlet Simi. of tha Riverton Athletic A.aoelatlon .tated this week that he eapeen the local blsebail te.son will open on Mem. orial Day, with an Iftemoon lame and possibly • twin bill with th. fir.t tilt comlnl In the momlnc.

Mr. 81m s.ya th.t the te.m ill rapidly roundlne into ahape and feel. that .ome excellent b.s.ball la in store for the flna durinl the eominJ a .. lon. Practice .easions hava been held for severll weeks. on wee aye rom tree to ve eac I was appointed a deputy county clerk enna. 0 U .-.. ---.

tally relulted when Gallacher's ,ames for children. ain this week. Mr. Kiner. who hu arounder was me .. ed up. but the I .. t This schedule will prevail until served In the clerk'. office for lev. The firet round matche. In the THINGS TO WATCH FOR batter skied to Rothbaum and the Ichool closes. I eral yea •• aalumed hi. new dutle. ~alter H. Lippincott Tournament I "D.ted PI~h .. now beinl marketed day wal 18ved. Two of the park tennis court. are I on Tuelday. when he wa. aworn in. WIll be pla.yed on S~turday after. by a froated' food. company: at.

PALMYRA now ready for use and it Is expected I noon of thaa week with the cham· I t h d t th fi h' t'l I ta t 11 . h' iii h bid f I ac e 0 e s s a. I a ,e-AB RHO A that the othera will be aVIUable by : F. W. Shivers. of Bordentown. was f~~nl~l:~wln~~ en, compo Ie 0 Inl when the fish waa delivered to

Kemmerle. rf _ ._ 5 1 1 0 0 the end of the week. I elected prelident 'of the Burllnaton J V H k tt H E All the dealer ... Even Imaller mld,et Brewster. d 1 0 0 1 0 I County Board of A(riculture at the •. ac . e VI. . . en. radio recelvinll lell U re.ult of de· McDermott, cf 3 1 0 1 0 ATHLETICS TAKE recent meetlnl of the Executive J. G. Mo~.~t v •. Rev. W. Colwell. velopment of "two·ln·one" tubu •.• Cole. .. ..---- S 1 1 1 3 FIRST DECISION I Committee. Benjamin Roberti. of ~.:. ~~I~~: ::. t·;· ::.te:;; A "used coffee pot" problem in the ,'umer, Zb 4 2 3 1 2 lIoor .. town, w .. elected vice pre.i. head J~ • .• • retail kitchen utensil field: one manu· K,riti •• e -. __ 4 2 3 10 1 dent, with Forrest H. Jenninl •• of J E i.. c tI R C P II facturer has announced Illowane .. Rothbllum. rf .. _ 5 1 2 4 0 The Athletics Isunched their cur- Vincentown. as .ecret.ry. and Blr. .. IPplD 0 VI. . . Irre. up to SSO on trade·lns ailinst new Camble. lb .' __ 4 1 1 II 0 rent campal,n in a successful man., clay Allen, of Vincentown, as treu. P. M. Scott VI. G. II. Bartlett. luxury coffee mlkers .•. 11.000,000 H 3b 3 0 1 0 1 ner I .. t Thurtday nl,ht In the local I urer. H. S. Coe VII. J. G. VUsack. "wicked willie" fishln, worms pick.

cabason, -_. 3 0 1 0 1 softball loop by taklnl an .... ver·. r W ' L. HemphllJ v •. W. D. Limon. cd in Hlled tin canl ready for the Car rt. p •. ---" J VanEmbur(. p _ 0 0 0 0 0 dl,:t from Siema Kappa. tbe dalr I Approaimately 5.000 per.ons in the • fisherman'. hook ,oln, on the mar·

- - - - - 101D1 on.l,. IICvm frames before I vicinity of MOWJt Holl,. have al. S. J. A~teur ket this sprin(; worms Ire pacbcf Total. 37 II 13 '¥I 7 darlmeal Intervened. , • ready .i,ned petltlona. which have Entrie. are reported to be cominC in water s.turated lon,.fiber peat

HADDONFIELD Haines did the hurOn, for tile A I , been in circulation. In a44Itlon, in rapidly for tllla tournamellt which mos •• in whidl, It ill .. Id. til., k.., and held the CIlemy wen iD ~dl William H. AbtaJom. Hcretary. wib be held on tilt local cour.. alive .nd active for It le .. t eo 4&,. ••

AB RHO A tIIItD the MVenth when the fratcnuty I treasurer of the P.rker committee. Thurtday. May 25. Sherwood. 211 --- 4 1 • 0 0 Iaela pushed over three taUle.. The I announced that about '500 baa been Bower., If - -- 4 2 0 2 0 ~armera did all of their seorlnc cIur. , contributed to tilt fund needed to H Gallacher, 3b ____ S 1 1 2 a In( the early fr_. Sticlde IMbII

I preas a lupreme Court appeal. ''The po.lcard." .aid I Hi. the

Sbafrer. c __ .. 4 2 1 • 0 the a.K. pilcher who allowed mne aa,e of Chinatown, "serve. you •• Eastwick, Ib ___ 3 0 0 1 II hit.. He also anowed four walta. . a reminder of devoted remembrance

-'--' rf 4 0 • I 0 I If aome 01 the thcorie. whirlinl in and at the ..... e time preventa you P ...... IO. - - -- • I hal ld . dl d ::!!:~;oa. d __ : : : : : NO TEA I ::ve c:o':mt:; ':,°:Old '~0::~0 ou~-:111 ~'::Ct7:~~:~ ~y~~:: :~~ b!f~:e ~ Widerman, pSI 1 0 1 i ri,ht.-Berkeley. Calif .• Courier. jury."

Evans' Service Station Broecl A MaIn Ita. RJvertOD. N. J.


Tlrea • Batterle •• Auto AccaNOrfaa Brold " II.. Riverton. N. J.

_____ Dear lir: I - . Total. 33 • • Z4 6 . ~IJI yo.u p! 'I" advfse whether I Liquor bottle. must be .labeled '1II11II11II.IIIII11I11I1I1I1I11I11IUIllIllIlIIllI =:::::::::========+

It I' penII1 ... ble for an owner of a . and the content. mu.t be .trlctly as,_ • ! /4 Haddon Hei,hts :;::::::!:: tavern who. under doctor'. order.jrepreHnled. Th4- law cannot t..: en. I E.tlmate. Cheerfully = Palmyra . m~t ~efra.n from con_inc .aleo·1 forced in any other way. If your - Fumi.hed =

Errora - Shalfcr. Wuhina~. holie liquor., to fiD an cmpty liquor dimt can POSHIII such ~ bottle tO'1 i Cole. Hensoll, McDermolt, Karim. bottle with tu and eOD1II1DC that 1001 cuetomen, 110 can the hoateHe.' AWNINGS i I Home run-(iaUaaher. Three base when reqllClted b,. • cuat_ to who nuke it a practice. ' -hlta-Polacio (2). lacrifiu hit_ drink with him altbODch Aid casto-, For your client, in his delicate I Complete Line of Woven I M. Dermott. Turner. Itolea ~ mer know. not what the 0_ con(litiom. I aUllcst !IOCIa pop or I and Painted Stripes :I TUiner. Karitia. Double paa,.-Oal. donbl : ebc refrain WJtll he recovn.. I __ = Carha,t. II; by Wi4crmau. 4. Base I 'Tea in liquor bottJea wOll't co. unckr.WJd il he plead. "doctor'. YIDlstOD eyo on ball~ C ... hart. %; Vea ~ I doctor'a ordft'a or no. Cut~~ or ..... • ! I MOOREITOWN ba <; I W~. S. Hit by pteII- are _t to be chat,ed tbe fica- Very truly your.. j PboM ..

Open Bowling TUESDAY and




la,,,er to Eutwi~ Itnack out-by illy dear Mr. • . am sure hi. importunate IrWud. wUJ I A. Li . 0 II

cd ~U-Carbart. Lelt on ___ rale lor Ire_tine tJae proprietor to D, Precl«idl lIw_t. 111111 1II1111.7':1~11111U9-"'1:"" "oed &ad lIor... P"'Jr. Hldck-ficW J; ...-,.ra t. bewItcW ..... CD , __ • ..., ...... -.. .... __ .... ___ ....................... -. • ..

\. , Tim II'&W ..... TIlUDDA.Y.IlAY .... Nt

THE NEW ERA t ___ 'M

Plabliahed E\1ei'7 "l'brecla1 at 109 Mlill Strut lUVlUtTON. N. j.

c o II

VICE PRESJDENT A.a. B.ti TlriYes In New

Ri"rton. N. J.. Po.t OI'iee aa SKOIId Clua M.ner Telephone. RiYfttOll 112

WALTER L. aOWEN. Ecthor J', W. METZGER, AlIIOdate Bclitor KARL W. LATCH, Ad • . Mer·

4 Second Street, Ri ... rton 112 Motpll Aft.. P.". Phone 406 PhOlle ..



~------------~I Accordin, to CO~'1m1ment reporta. 1

Jersey Gardeas By B. R. LEACIt

balled by the Ne. Jersey A .. sociation of NIIRet7l2lal, Ne.

Brunswick. New Jenep. The Am.rican S.rdeniq public ia 'lbe New B~ il a Le'a1 Ne .. paper. Commiuionu· .. Sheril'a aDd

... Balta, Adwniltrator', and Eltecutor'a AdvtrtiRlIumta are solicited.

.... New Era ..'!!!!....ppreci.te bein, rtIIIembered in thia connection.

Subscription '1.50 • Year in Advancl!: Advertiain, Rats on Applicatio'l\ 1".1 __________________________ _

Af,bani.tan. and the Island I of Yap failed to Rtld lIS al\y il2llni.\1 erants for the year l~. altbCllllb each was entitled to 6n a quota of one b\lDdred. It miebt be well if

I slowly a\\.akenins to the delirablli\7 and beauty vi tbe hollia of whida there are several vanetin auitable lor plantin, in Ne. Jerse)l'.

For many yean • mia~ idea prevailed that holUes were dillicult to transplant. the notion no dOllbt beln, baaed on the many (ailura of thoae who went into the wooda and brou,ht home hon, tren, most of which Ilibaequentl, died beca_

, PRINTING ,other countries pr.cticed a aimilar . The New. Er. Office ia equipped to do all lrind. of Pine Printifta at I reatraint-in ~e .. · of ollr ptuent un·

'" NIIIOaable pncs. ~ployment .. tllabon. I I I -0--

Philade_IJJbia Adverdlin, Re~reientati"e I It is Nid that 766.000 penonl W::·S~~~~~~~J~~~erp!~·p~nc. apent • nickel ~d called the tele· THOMAS N. McCARTER. Ja-

u u~~....... pbone company tn New York Iaatl

I month to eet the latest weatber pre- Who was recently placed in char,e

W. P A JJTO,..L Gomes L1t"gh dictions. The olfldal weather fore- of the Southern Division of the . . . "" ~ ,,, n j caalln oucht to be touched by auch Public ServIce Corpor.tion of New an expreslion of human f.ith. j~ney. Invettigation by Congreu of the W.P.A. activitiet il already _

cIiIcIoting lome intere.ting facta. In addition to revelationl con· Denouncinl the dietatora in El-ti"on Off." ~I communiltically minded influence In the Worke~ AI. Ellrope may meet with ,eneral .po ~

of insufficient root .. Nurlery ,rown holliea. on the COil·'

trary. Ire amon, the euim of III planta to move auccessfWlp from the nurlery to the ,arden beeauae they are freqllentl, tr.naplanted in the nunery and are .vailable 'lrith ' a lolid ban of earth lined witb Yicor. 0111. fibroua root ..

d __ ... It hu been develo-d by the committee that improvements proval bllt it ia no aIlawer to the -- r- atatel2lent that there are atiD 11.000.­conatructed in New York COlt two and a half times u much, when 000 people out of work in the United Blection official. fot Riverton" Varietin

performed by W.P.A. worken al jobs under private contract. States. Allen W. Stephenl. engineer loaned to the invetti(aton by Th . -M th • D d ere 11 OIIe 0 er I .y all

Palmyra and Cinnamlnaon were, Aa rc,ards vaned .. than CaD be named ta.t week by W. R. Murphy, no dOllbt that the American HoU, ~etary of the Bllrlin,ton County (llelt opac.) Ia the most "a1uabla Board of R .... try and electiona. and out.tandllll. Thli variety baa the Trealury Department, told the committee that the W.P.A. ; one Pather'l ,DI1. bllt Topayer'.

' .. World'l Fair building. now about 95 per cent complete. would I D.y comn Rveral timn • rear· The liat followl: everytbin, that any'other ever ..... Palmyra-lit Diltrlct posaeana. Indudlnc year-round fol.

coat $570.000 in.tead of $250,000 u at &rat announc:ed. He said -.I 17.3 per cent of the labor wu on relief while 82.3 per cent wa. There la ~ne thin, to be .aid for

i the bulY little beaver. When b. performed by non·reUef worken although the money had been I buUda • dam he doesn't do It with appropriated by Concre .. to help the reUef Iltuation. the toPayerl' mODe,.

Mr. Stephen. declared that the COlt of the bulldinc wa. 43Ya C*ltll Per cubic foot while the Federal building, which wu built MAN PAS,:!, FORTY UDCler private contract, bad coat 20 cents per cubic foot. GETS POWERS' AID

"'In other word .... uld Concreuman O'Neill, of Kentucky, you mean that it cOlta about two and a half tilDes u much to COnltruet The Pederal Government ahould

It.d the way In the drive to employ . • project under W.P.A. a. It doea by private contract?" the ';man put forty." Con,reUmaD

"Yel. that'. it," wal Mr. Stephenl' an.wer. Mr. Stephena had D. Lane Powera declaud today In Mated that overhead and administration coati had not been taken a at.tement requeltin, iI2lm.u.te

Itouae of Repr_t.tlyn .cdon on Into conllderation in the figure.. The efficiency of W.PA. work hi. bill to eliminate mulmum .,e wu about forty per cent of that done unde, private contract. he limitation. In Pederal employ.

, .... ned. "owera' bill. HR.1I177. la DOW be· fore the Clwli Serwlce ColllJlllttae

Here il a good example of the effldency and ec:gnamy of the of the HoUle. The Conlrel_. policy of the government In bUline... And when the ,ovemment wbo repreHntl Blltllnl(ton .nd Mer·

I CJes into bUllne .. it doel 10 with the taxp.yer·1 money. cer CO\lDties. .alled the commltt .. chairman to cive immediate condd­

The cue dted In the foregoing la only one of many thouaand eration to reJ>Qrtln, hi. me.lure.

that could be &lven. Started Movement If the W.P.A. il neceaury to relieve unemploymef\t why la It Pleal of Prnlclent ROOHvelt for

aot posllble to conduct the work on a .... like buJal No Induatl')' to "remember the m.n put one expect I the lame efficiency •• that which prevalla under (orty." the recent drive of tile private contract but tbe difference between the two Heml to In. "'merican Le"on. and the .ctlon of • I the lmate In reportioa letUltor cUcate that something definitely Ia wrong. Mud'i (D.-N.Y.) bill aimed .t the

It It necelury to lpend tl.OO to cet 40 cents worth of work1 aame purpoH, were d.tallad by Powerl In hli request.

Catherine Stack. Miaa H.nnah Matlack. D. Harry Schaller. An­thOllY Prlaco. R.

Second District Mn. Bllaabeth Willilma. john J.

Doonan. D. ArthUr B. Paunce. WII· lilllll L. Hare. R.

ThIrd Dlltrlct Walter It. CIIlIlminp, Nona S.

Porter. D. B. Hellson. Alfred Koppenhoefer; R.

Fourth District William .... McCam,. Roulle A.

Bur,er. D. RuaaeJ) Hamelman. Jr •• Edward Klnl. R.

Fifth District Prank J. Ohmbar,er. jamea Jen­

kina. D. C.rl L. Land,raf. Jennie Sandol. R.

Rlverton-lat Dlltrlct joaeph P. Laverty. Mn. Mary Me.

Dermott. D. M. Ellubeth 8ho.ell. William 8teedle. R.

Second Dlltrlct William M. Hetherinlt0b. Blaia

Roth. D. Mrl. Dorcai C. Ste.u •• Bv.n W. Stonr. R.

Third Dlltrict Joaeph Plynn. Frank J. Ituntln.

D. Howard R. Blllott. O. Lloyd M.jor. R.

Cinnaminson-lit DI.trlct

Th. New Jerae, Conernaman In­John Lewil, the C.I.O. dictator recently laid the law down Iitlated efforta In I~Ja for .t;nlnatlon

to a member of Congrell regarding the future of the W.P.A. of the Feder.1 m.xlmum .,, b ..... . The blU he Introduced .t that

Among hil valuable IUIge.tlonl wal that thl. group ha"e the I tim. followed a1on, th. oma Un.. Edward 9he •• M.ry M. Walter. D. ript to organize. probably under the watchful eye of Lewil. I u tha maanr. b. had palaed. Whll'

l Jenllie M. Ree"eI, Oeor,. Winn. R.

The only apparent relult of .uch an orcanuatlon would be'. member of the Hew JerHY ltat. Second District Le ... lature. which remond the a,e

an epidemic of .trikel. b.r. in New Jertey 8t.t. emplo,- P. Francia Brennan. "'Ibert ment. Schuler. Jr .• D. Cheater Delhl,ldl.

It hu been lunelted that July Fourth would be a .ultable ocualon to have the formal boulinl ceremoniel for the new Iilverton fire truck. Thla thoulht wiD doubtlet. receive the eerioua. conllderatlon of the committee in charge of the activitie. of the day.

Congratul.tionl to the members 01 the committee in c:barle of Youth Week activiti... A fine job well done.

Do your part in contributing to the Y.M.C.A. finanu cam· pUJn. and a'lilt this Iplendld or.aniution in urryin, it ... rvlee to the youth of our communltiet.

Here'l hoping th.t tom. of the countrie •• till owing UI a war _ bt, are amon, thOle who ar. Hndln, UI their (oleS for nI. JlMpmc during the current war leare.-Linn. Jean .... aecord.

Ii hal Other Editors Say

Powere' requeat for commltt.e ac· Cyril T.ylor. R. lion w.a .ddrnaed to the HOIIor- Third Dlatrlct .bl. Rob.rt Ramlpeck. (D.-O.orcfa) chairman of the CI¥l1 S.rvic. Com­nlittee o( the HOUle.

Bdman Tboma., MinII. Renlhaw. D. Oeor,e Dorworth, Jr.. Earl Tanner. R.


"'t the annual ,racluatlon ud ban­quet "f the r.orthaut Be.uty Cul­tuft School Mid .t tha Walton Roof a.rd.n. In Phllad.lphll" la.l wMk. Mi.. Btt. PrI... of P.lmyra. wu .warded IIrat prln for her entrp In the It)lla show.

MI.. K.y 0111. of PhiI.d.lpbla, modeled tha winnln, coiffure which w ••• n 'Vtftllll affair.

MI .. Fri •• , who ent.r,d achool r.­cently. won fint plan over • num­ber of atyllata who were ,radu.tea.


Compl.lnt. have raacbed the Riv­erton PoUc. that Iow.rl and aIu1aIII wara beln, .. tolan Iu thla Ylclnl" an4 • oma ,r.edy ,arden.r or Iftuk 'thld hal plundar.d tbe rota larctan on Cadar Itr •• t that II tbe ptoperty of Drall ..

It Is unfortunate that. Iu our mldat, th.r. ar. • faw people wllo hav. no r •• pect for the propert, of othan .nd who would .t.a1 an)'thln, that II DOt nailed down or protacted by barbed wire or policeman.

Jane H. Blackwell. daulhter of B, their malld_ work in 1I.a1. Mr. and Mr •• Edward H. Bladlw.D.1 in, planta, they diICOIIt.,1 tbe .. -Elm Terra", Riverton. recently forti of ,lIden .nth ...... ta who ban

lihldy; when you were a young man you didn't try to improve topped the lIat of ... v.n aacc .... uI ~oDtrlbuted much to rnaka oar com­younelf in a trade or in a bu.ineu; and now that another man la cMdJdata, In an gamination for the I Jrllnlty baaatUIIL

__ ...... _ poaltlon of lOCiaI Invnd,.tor Ia If thaM _r ..... r. ar. apprahend-.soIag better than you are you yell tbat th.r ... ~(wronl Bllfliqton county. ed thay will be cIeaIt with to the (.

The editor of an exchange addr.ued a communication to a dWutilfied citizen.1 followl : "When you were a boy you wouldn't

wtdr the aocw .y.tem. The aocw .yatem .. aU riabt- TIM trouble The taat. wara coadactad by the I ",tmt of the law .... DO cteaa.t.q • that from the very ' firlt you traJMd younelf to becGIDe al.N-.. JlrNY CiYU 1erYIu. Co I. wW IN IIbow& __ " 1"_._.&.1_ ICanun aloa ..... 1ar'1 --- 01 ........ WILLIAM OOOTU. -. _.... . ....... the ,_,.lIiI.a ! ClIIeI, ........... C';II.

Ia,e, vi,oroul crowth and loq life, but f.r more than III this. It hu the red berries which h... typUied til. Chriltmll apirit (or centurl ...

Planted .In,ly or in pain at the front door and atrunl 'lrith colored lilhtl at Chrlll~a time. the boUy i. truly one of the mOlt beatltifal treea for the lawn. Planted at Itn­!eric polnta on the lan when thep wlU have ample rOOI2l to "OW, holllea wlU develop Into Iar,e. l1li­poain,. and compact tren. There ant few treel or planta whlc:h. relard. I... of COlt, can compare to the holll .. when conlldered In terma of continuoua .. tlaf.ctlon throu,hoat the entire yur. In .dditlon, till, are not .ny more e.penllve tban the lIaual run of quality ner,re_a.

"'Iw.ya Attr.ctlve Another lea. ahowy. but hl,hly cIe·

alrable variety of holly Is the J.pu. eae Holly (Ilea cren.t.). Thll plaDt hal Imall non'lpiny foti.,e aIld black berrle.. It la valuable u a back,round for flowerln, plaDtl IUC~ .a rhododendrona. ..aleas ... d andromedaa. It Is very uldul for dreaaln, up tho.e lpota In III .ar· dena where pr.ctlcally 110 lun eYer entera. 8heared low it makea • won­derful plant (or use under treel a8d will at.nd droll,ht and prolper In the f.ce of .evere competition witll the roota o( ahade treel. Sheared or allowed to ,row more loolel, It m.kes the finest kind o( a year. round. qulck·arowin, ever,r_ hed,e.

Home ,ardener. are turn In, to holUes II • meana of developlq • well-rounded sarden plctur. wbleb will be .ttractlve .t .U H.lonl o( the

NBW COUNTY ROAD Btltr HI,hway CommlalOller ••

DOhald Bterner recently prowlcled 3;SI~ m.n.weeka of employment for r .. ldent. of Burlln,ton Count, by .pprowln, planl for the conltruction of the Tabarn.cle-Chatlworth Road, Section. 1 .nd 2. Tabernacle Town­ahlp.

The Improvement wiD ba lponlOr­ed under the Hl,hwlY D.p.rtm_t. W.P.A. Work Relief Proeram. aida for the project will be received b1 the townahlp oRiel ala.

Pllnl caU for. ,r.vel baH on the four .nd el,ht.tenth. miles of lee. tlon 2. and a ... ·Inch bltllmln _ lurface for SectiOll I.

COUNTY ROAD WORK Brown. Mllla-Cookatown Road.

New H.nov.r snd Pemberton Town. ship •• brld,. dOHd. Detour Brown. Mill. to WrI, to Coobtowa.

Chest.rfleld - OeOrietOWll Road Cheat.rfltld Town.hlp. two ..J three-t.ntba mllea •• Dd Jobatcnm to Route :19. 'prlnlfield Towaahlp. t.o mila •. under cOlletnac:tlon with trallc maint.lned.

Cheat.riield • Cr-'cb .... closed dariq cOlllltnlcdoa. .,.... by •• y of Iordea~ ....

" . ~.


.. 2.\134 Avms


SATURDAY NI~ H .. n.--:oo' Doeslatratta ..... ' ..........

teaching the public early of lif_ftI& ........... ~~ • "It_ow.. _iacaldliacb0a4~"'''

~ symptoms of cancer pro- Eadl' aipa of CaJlCltr ... : •

All claDcbIa eDth ...... of Ri.-r· ~. :!!2: mote cures? mole or wart wIIicIa ...... ~ ...... , ahllpe end color; • IIOre which dote

t_ end PaJm,n. 8R arpd to keep 1M C .. AMCOT OP NEW saa .. 'f Doc ~orlJll". !lot beal; danJnic iadiaeati-.' ...... State Inlpection Lut Y.... Sa~ ~. MAl' ao.. i1t ........ 1 To> .. aullltT CLAn.... l.J4 ..., J. aistent ~ and pain ID ...

ShoWi Rejec:tiona for It is the date of the ~ .... Spriaa B~.'!!.C~~ .:.. ":\.e eo- of A Ne. York ph1siCJUI speaIrin& th~t; un..w blftdinc aIld • Numerou. R.-eons CotiWoo a~ join~ b, the t a..tOCtty of N_ J_. __ .. dlt .. _ the wbjed re«atly made the dlarJft; inabili~ to ... no.; ..

PIIlmyra end ~~~ Hlib School, III 1M e;'Taa ~ • ~=.=r-~ followina statement.: boae pains which an -- at ...... A total of "134 atltomobile rq. A1umniA_a~ODL T1IetWO~IWi-: ..... Pofia, __ tilt '-It.m .. <I. ~In. abady recently ...... Ita a-. The pre&eftCe of any of these ......

latntion plates were collected by haw been workinl (or some tame OIl \ .. _1 of J .... Walllo« •• tot __ Is '--'tal it w •• found that in 1920,1 is not n~ ploof 0( ~ ute omr an e ..... _en ... , una anee...... ewcry ... • tn Kate CIarII, tala wilt. ..... otlltn. art .... 54 per cent of tbe cases of __ t ut I t IS WIse 0 ._w -- ..... )'ftr for failure of the oWlleR to readiness for • hi,hLy enjoyable _... _ ... ~ to _ - CaRcer arrived too late to be optr'- pr mpt attention. . .. -M V-Ltd De-- t .--& _L:_ d ---" tbi I', ~I"'I, aM __ Hottoen Clark ... <1 ........ B ., . t L_ .0.....--'-

compl,y with the motor "hide in· e ... nina. =: l!e ~ 01 01 ~';:I :::. ated on, wbile 17 years later. in I A,lril ill C.ncer Control M~tIL llpeetion law. The ewer-popular Medford Laha Aid loW win ... '!:c..:: a. oo.ltNO'Ol ... Ia.t 11137 in the ome hoapltu. ~ IS I H~ the caue 01 tIaia ... • '"

Reportln, on the firat year'1I en· Boo~ will serve .s the Kene !or tbe ~n... MIol 11111 " IlIeI to __ a mort. per • cent of the caRli arrived too tell nit ~pIe that ..q ~ II loreement of the inspection la.... IItrlllf. whilt Chuck Gordon a vcr· pat ai- 10" Hetktt c_ a.d Ka't ! late to be operated on. Tbia demon- curable rf promptly located. M to V h

· 1 C '._' n r Arthur '1 h'- -'0 ... ·nu· h -t C ..... lIIs wUt. to LftIs H. WaUa~ s ...... :::==:::;;:=======::::::=========; ore Ie e omml .... o e sail e ore nu_ w. au a .-~ .1.nftC T .... t... for __ R. Pali.. _do< • W. Mqee atated that .. the III.pee· and' awinc mtlodlet. Chllck is .ell IIIe ... , wiD .1Id __ t 01 l"". w.lIa~ tion procnm pl.,ecl no mean part rememlM!red for the e.cetlen~ music =:.s~ 'tt~td o~ ofa::. ct::k :rt B:: I In the splendid reduction in tbe he allorded at the laat AlumN dance llalt.... Co.,,~ ill Book No. 254 of 11_ hieb.ay accident toll .hich resulted and ha~ .inee pined even mo~ ~..r;a:. 1~h.=-.!:..IId~:!=-'" J"B~~ In New Jeney wlnnln& the National populan~. IIqtoIl .. " State of N_ J_. __ ...... TratIlc Salety Contest" aIld .dd, n.nein, will ltart at nine .nd wiD d .... rly dacri...... Ia .. hi bill of .­

tbe OpiniOll that "a 8tate-owned and continue until one. DrHl ia opti0ll81 ~~ ""... .. ... bat Cia'" .... K.te CIarII, oper.ted inapection HI·up hu .... ry and the tleketa are priced .t ~DO ~~=- tr.: =-.~ ~-...:'.~ definite place In (II'OIl'ft:Iive motor per couple. They may be obtamed pat IMIne IorcIoetd. uo1 Ioj, no.- of • vehicle adminlatntion." from any member of the eltecutift ..... _ce blt ~ of __ 00- ""

b Ii 1 Ill'~- Ri taW _rtlaP for a .ciaoIaaI ......w.tIo .. Road Condition committee. or y mp y c .... y- _ baM ... __ 18_ tllaeiL

erton HIS. ~:. ~I~~':.: A lnajori" of the ,,134 rqlatra-

tiolla collected represent ca... th.t NBW COUNTY ROADS II North hutto ....... Camd .... New J_.

Dated, April 11. "It. ,.a' to J-II-'t were Iu .uch poor condition that I Hawln, obtained a .. Yin, of

tbey were not worth 8x1n,. Such $10.436 Ilnder e.tlmated COlti. State ... hldn were removed from the H' hw Commilaloner E. DonaIcl SHIlRIPP'S IIALIl roadl by the dmple proeHl of beln, St~me~oday .uthorlaed Tabernacle Blt _ ... 01 .. Writ of P_ .a_ to _ deprived of tbelr rqiatration plates. Townihip to a •• rd the contr.ct for 4InCted, Ioa....t Oil' of Covt 01 Qu~

Other re.iOns (~r 1l0n-compUance the conltructloll of TalM!mac:1e-:'~!:-..:' New J_. I w\JI MIl •• witb the law were explntloll of rq. Chatlworth Road. Section I aIld 2, THU.lDAY. JUN. I. A.D~ la .. Iatration due. to death of owner. or to Josepb Lafferty. or HaddoD be_ 1M booan of II .... 0· .....

laIe of car. <:ar re-pouaaed, or Hei,ht.. for $10,952. Blebt con. III •• It .... oo .. 01 .101 .. {tD wll, .t I junked, or wrecked in an acddeDt; tr t bmltted bldl to the town. L~'::~)l~~~':'~ CoIort .. _ lay-up of IUlOnai wehldes Iftch u .:Ic om:... ALL .... 1oI~ .... pual 01 Iuol

fuel 00 truCD in the I:mmer aIld • .ft.: project Is included In tile :=..J.-:l::c!th .,.. ... ~~ :: Ice tnlc:b Iu ~e -:nter• lo dod HI,hw.y Departalent.W.P.A. Work ~-:"''i":::'''..r:,.:: s~:":.~ of

Durin, the ... t nlpect n pe 'Relief Prop-am. It wiD prowld. BIIOINNINO at ...... '" lIoa ..... 01 922.332 can were In.peeted aIld apo 2,7110 man-weeki of employment. La- III. W........ ... Camol.. TuapIb .......

proYed. 324.296. or S5 per celli. on In- bor will be fumllhed by the W.P.A., ::a:r::a.a: (W't, ~ ... ~ "aIa:= ltlal eumlnation. A total of 1.722,268 a d materiall will be purc:baaed .nd aIon. tho ml4'Ie 01 .... TIl'Ion Road,

defectl were found iD the 591,035 t:toulh .crant of HI,hwa, Depart· ::"'w~n~"' • ..:r:-:.du~= = vebldn that were rejected on flrat d to a stall. Ia .... mlolcIIe 01 .. Id road ....... ex.mlnadon, of detlclend... mepnlt fun "II f b1 ..... -inou _.t to laad. of , ..... 1Ia Hn_, 110_ (2) ... .na ca or. "UB a ...... aa" HIaDIIn ... 4 10.110 01&.,.._ :=

Mor. PUI ed anvel lurface lix ~~a ddl?, aIld :::I8.~~TIII:'::~~ to ':':d.. -::.-..... .:3-The accond Inlpectlon .. w 950,012 ao feet wide over • ....... ...rea- olIe 01 1M VaIo" La ....... _d, 18 til .....

ed .. -..a tenthe miles atretch. 01 ...... ... .... pn. to ,II. '-,. Sua ... 1 .. vehlclel Inlpect an.. .PPfOYcu. C I I St mer also .n. Hunl .. ; ,h.n •• (I) alo ... the mWolIe 01 ..w Where.1 but 35 per cent Weft! apo omm II oner e r- road ....... thlrtrll... 01: .ad n pro'v-" 011 Initial Inlpecti- In the proved planl (or the conltructlon of mh"lt .. Eaal, tIIlrtr __ '" • un .... 41 t

cu U&I C b J hn t -_..a J.... _... II"... to • 1100. on tho 014. 01 U nod 42 per Cent luccnil the olum UI· 0 I own..... uu ... • .... ...."., .... n. 118... lro", til. • ... _

ear er pe • • town-LewlstoWII Ro.da. Sprlncflelcl th_r. ADoI co ...... to tile N ... Atban" l'1li'" fully palled the telta on 6r.t .um- . " • h I Lol thea (4) b taIol S.hool In.tion In the second InlpectloD pe. Townlhlp. under the supenlalon of ~ i.::h oI&';'aln. ~: ..... J4 thlrtlt 181 ...

nod. Har- a110. t"-re wa •• 11 per the Hl,hway D.partment-W.P.A •• t ....... th_ c ...... aa4 .latlt II ..... to ~ ~ .... Th j t will .... a .tOll. corMr to talol S.hool Lot; t ...... .

cent decreale In the total number of pro,r.m. e proJec a··e Ul .. W b, .. hI '.hool Lo. ....tII ...... 'It I tI d th 1 980 man-ween of emplo,ment. 4.' .... uol fllI"n ",IIlut .. &I ... on •• "alil

realon. (or reJec OD an .re W.I T'h ro.dl two .nd (Otlr.tellthl mites AD' tll~ u .... '0 a .ta ... In tho .. ld.Ie 01 .Iao a decree.. of 10 per cent in e tho .'0..,.101 ... ; .... n.. (I) alo .. , tl,btln, .nd 7 per cent In btakin, Ion,. will be lurfaCed with • abt· III. mI.oIl. of .. 14 Turo~ .... 4. Mortb rejection.. Total c._ for reJae- inch I.yer o( er.vel . • t a width of ::'I';,"ta':...d·rnr ':.'t..t:' ... 1M "U':::"to ~~~ tlon were 1.~"" ....... u compared with ao feet. p .... 01 bella.lna. COIItal.IIl. H ... .,..two ,.......... IDol tll~ blUld..a'h. .c'" 01 ..... be ,he 1.'122,266 In the 8nt Inapection pe- .......... or .....

rlod. POlt ollice money·ord.n wen BIlINO tha .. Ill. II......... which Aa ... I ..... ba lad s, W.",or. br Ind.n..... bMrtna dat. Mo­

Th. third Inapectlon,. now orl"n.ted n I",", t t re - womb« I.t. II... • .. d recorol ... la tile 01· Under way. I. ex-teel b, Commia· ml,bt aend money to IOldlerl durlq tit. 01 tho CI.... 01 BllrllaitOft Cowo~ Ia r-- BooII No. 100 01 0...... ~ .. II. _ ... a10ned Mac .. to ftnd •• tiD hI,h.r the clwll war. .,,01 "" .. .." ... IInto tho sald H ....... a ....... t percen~.,e of can approved 011 In- 'B':t~'i!r~:"""~:'':'':~-U!; '". AND Itl.1 Inapection .nd • further cIe· FHA M . F d THa.II:PROIl Ih. fol_nl d .. ert_ ..... the nUlllblr of eatlHl lor ortgue un. .." ............. eOfty.,.. IInlO lhe.r:" rejection. for refiII",., or bGlIdln, homet. :~I1.r;.!.~':."ht: '::,-:."':''' d="l:t!t"'D"'::

"'r 7th. It" •• 41 .... ordtd In aald CIar .. •• Rejection C.UI.. RALPH THOMPSON 0111 ... In Bool. No. 114 of 0 ...... II ... 411.

Her.wlth II • compar.tive record Pltm.n N.tlonal Bank aulldln, .b~ARC.L No ...... 1ntI1 •• ttd on •• ,r· O( tb• c.uoaa for r.J .... tlon PltmaR N J ' tal" ,"n 111.4 or .bout 10 ... tlt.4 I. tM

~ - n -. • • 0111.. of tho Clark 01 Burlla.tan Coa', the two lnapectlon perlodl of oh_lnS"ortl.Ularlr the Ioc.tlon 01 tho be ..

11" •• n 01 ... It n ... 01 HI,h ... , ,ear. "'ut. U (Rn. "") .... 11011 12. BrId .. •

1 LI boro '0 CIBn.",'.IO. Ro.... •• .4oItttd Jolt Credentl. •• eenle tho II.ta H~b".eomml"lon ... hleh plU

Carda 1S.~72 b~~~~40';";:1 ~ rt~"'~. HU~·':' Steerln, a1I,oment 15.972 ~. (R.... It27) Ie.. .. 12. Irt4,.be,;.; to Steerin, oper.tlon 95.411 ClnnomlnlOB Itoad. _ft. ol.tla, rlabt 01

Vehlcl• dlmetUllona UI5 ... , and p.,tli. to be •• quiNol III iW ~ T ........ lpa of Dala ..... Wtullliboroa,h. Dol-

Identlfic.tion ,.n .nol Clnn .... I.IOtI. Burll .. ,. ... Cou.t,. I" L Iat .. '1- I.qu.t. '0' . ..., "14." mar ••• p n , _. .... • .v PARCEL Mo, II Incluclo4 ._II.all, .11

Ex.mln.tlOII of .11 the .. d ... 4 ,r_l ... OWIItd or c""troW I 21 U9 I b, tho pantano therefll. lri •• "-- .... , II.. .. I.tla. North ....... I" rI,,,, 01 w." .... 01

Obltructlon to .he ro.4 I.,dla, 1..- Brt4,.bo,o to C ... • I I 1.'11' dea. .ad tho ...... N __ .torl" nabt 01

v • on --..... ---.. - v I-lt lin. 01 It ..... Irh-lt .... t. 2t ( .. ". Hom ... ____ ... _ 7,222 1t2J) 1e .. lon 12. lrom,o to CIIl. Wlndahleld cleMen l' 941 """'''''' Ro.d. d ..... u 70 '1"' lrom the

, bo.. u.. of .. I. Itot. .."""." •• laid Rear-view mirror _ 4.1162 d ..... o. the alor_ld ilion. "t.n~. 1.-E h t 10 7. PaIID- tho ..... th_.tarlJ' U.. of ".rto. r.a.. .t x luat I", em - • ,.a .bout It.tlo, 474. IItu 41. 00 1M Mort ... MilCellanaou. -- -- 54.113 ... t to "nd. n_ or lonnorl, 01 the ...... He.d lI,htl _ 459_ 01 .due.tloll of CI,,"'IIIlalOlO T __ oht, .t ._ .,.,10 .. 411. ,1110 N. 011 the loti .... Auxiliary drlvl... _ . Co .. '.le'.. .N ef ... ott.. be ,he

Ilcht. · 11.6011 11.532 ~u~ .~~tia.'.I" III.""" ........ ~~~tt.a:u=t ;h;; 1111.1119 IU,oU e 1"=:. C:~:~lt 01 H ....... - ..

liehtl 24,(J61 20.117 ':::.i : •• :" ~T!t:a:.i.v~~ ~ = R nd .t- K. W..... AoIaolllbtr.trla of til. ..... 01 ear • -r A.ron W ........ < ....... <_,t.I ••• t •• a ..

Ii,hta , - - 13,415 120.779 RIVERTON ..... oolol_!oJ' , Bulbs 2'1 •• 7 •• 197 IoIldlor. Wm. D. LIppI •• ott. I Wlrin, and LAUNDRY Oottd, II., I , "P'OltOROK pu-g;:u,.

awltchlDI 33.53~ 21,365 Prln..... P •• 147 .M. Rellex reflectorl . 744 069 ,.. to S-U -M Direction Sl,nall 1.031 • Service IM.GS4 Parkin, brake 42,222 31.0n Brake equaUaaUon 215.433 221.'. Pedal and lever

reRrve 75,391

Tota" 1.722.- 1.494,216

Aristotle. Or .. k philosopher of 3500 B. C .• beUned the ......... brala • aa I lpOIlI' throqb .hk:h blood ...... to be cooled.

Wet .. MIt pIdIad tIP by GIIr dtV.... by 2 o'clock lahlt4l, alt~ cIeJ1qnd oa or before • o'cloc:lr lIon4a,. mornln ... • N . X-u. PI'op. RIVBRTON. OW J&IlI8Y

Pboaa. at __ 171

NOTler. OP IKTTLK If II: NT I OVAaDIAIf. ACCOUNT I K.t01. 01 III RIA II 0000 • • 1 .... lk. I Ifotk. i. hon"" ...... ..... tho PIroa 1.._.. of tba .. bKrjber. Ouat'laa. wiD

be ... It'" ...... at'" ~ til ............ .. •• ported lor _I...... ... aI\owa... to .ho 0 ....... • COIUI 01 the Couat~ 01 ...... Iiaa_ a' ... _ to ........ ,." ...... ". I

I ... 11. .n •.•• II. o'clock ..... lor.· I _ O.',T I

PAUL II. ~ ._'W_D .......... t . Det ....... t .• ,.. I .. .... ...

WINDOW SHADES i>urcha-ct Here Are II-m .... Installed p,.. - PrkeI ...........



, 'Dae fr_D, prinolple or an Electro­lult S" refri .... tor II almpllclty lteelf. A lmall , .. 8erne caldel the refrta­eration cycle to atart, and there II DO

need for movinl p.rte. Quiet dura· billty and Ions yea ... of trouble·ft • refriger.tion .re' therefore pro¥ea benefig which .n Electrolull brm,. to the penon who own'l it. Thoulanda of I.mlliee know the worth of an Electrolu.-the refrigerator which Ie no more trouble than • gu r.nsa. Why don't you join them? A com­plete rerriger.tor displ.y I. at our Ibowroom. and liber.1 purchue terml .re .1 •• ,. .nilable.

: PUBLIC 8 SERVICE, ,..,. ------- -----== -::-:. ~ :: :==-_--:=-::_-==-=---- --::- --



...... ....1& J. S. CoDinl " SoD. IDe.. GEORGE BONSAL ........... .: it-=-" 1.1

ll00reatownMotwCo..1Ilc. -Jdu. eeaI· ~ ~~... Pl.VIWNO • IIM'I'INO Ada E. Price lit W ... It.. ....... ..lloDl'" _~.... ... =..... ROOFING, OIL.VUUI a- ....... ....... • ,,_ ..... ~ at IlOWAItD ft .. IIIfDJ011 COAL noaut8 .........

aUI".. .......... __ .......... D • .., _~A_ ...,..,N.J. '''U •• lteCOftA~an ...... C' A. D. P. MOTORS. Inc. ... 4 ... • • 'III .... " .. Itt ..... • ...... ----

SaJa ad Semce • J. T. EVANS CO. KARL FRANK'S Geoqe Frida,.; Jr. E. 8. RuclcI.ow DODGE - PLYMOUTH. a.a..IM ..... OIL MEAT MARlCBT "L""............. _....... • ...... J.

IUVBRTON. N. J. S c:cw. uu.=:rc=~kD8 m.&CftOL on. ......... .... .a'A" . ..... RiftrtOO ... ...-., •• Ia St RIV1lR'IOH JI&'I1lO.MO KOL OIL ........ ~.... .b __

IIILLwoaK' _ ...... A.-AUTO SERVICE ............. _ PhoH - ..... - .............. .........


......... 'l'II ........

BtJRKE and EISlEY ...... LIadIa ....... ... -


HARDWARE R D.Hu1lin~s &; Son ['/tlsurallce .ALIIftA. ... J. HARRY C. SCHWERING .. l.U ... INo-HaAnM'o-aoo..... ItIW. .TAft

LEHIGH COAL Delco on Bumen ' ~ .... _ ....... __ ._ .. _ ... _-__ .sjl~se ......... ~:roadStnet........ ~.!.Y£ARLY ~ ------------------ ~~ ..... ~

H. ·B. Wl.~~~~S R:;,.~'!!~.:.. WARREN T. SMITH Lealie W Ree .. COAl. lOS B. Broaci It. PaIIQra. H. J. r tb........ • • •


til kO ...... aocaa c:oa PhoH _ • - • OZOlto. W ItOOBRa, .... -n_o~' . -Cn,h. All utDe ....... ..... ., rh... RbLTOItI-IHIVRANCa

,,' UNII W JIIaId It. ......... ftIII ... ....... HAULING Pboe .. Itl¥trtoa m or ...

A'ft.AIITIC .noDUCft

. . • ....... I.P="=L=II=IItA========R:=,e=,=WI=1 Ill'I'CMu .. aovaD PaoDUCft _CIuuIIl~ A".,. ~ N.J. .' ,. I- HAUUNG 'OIM W. ... ...... ....,. ===::~~========i===

FRANK I.ILOYD, ___ D_AI_RDS___ Chul .. _ Whltwublq .... - REFRIGERATORS

O~~:;;:7o!~O ,BISHOP'S DAIRIES c. ~TU'R:um . PRINTING ODIEIW.ell.llenlC A 8peciaJ - VIllas ~ .... ft-!_ Wdjwa •• a I

aro.d aDd P1I1toD s ... " Rl __ QUALITY PRODUCTS .. .... J. ,.. r&"llltiag... "A'ILOaoIIA~ PborI, R.I..... ............ 1==================1 _Mil~"""""""""""""" LAUNDRI1II'~ .. ...-.......,. ... sc. BAKERIES - .. ...,"'-- ........ M ,.

DRY GOODS ..... m THE NEW ERA 1======I111:,·=-=tl=' ======

{B.~-==- S ·th' s. RIVERTON............ IUVUMH.It. J. SHOE REPAIRING '=td.:no.. au ...o~ LAUNDRY RADIOS

the Idacl ,. wID DIs' .... - ..... - II.. I N. lluaNlllWo. ..... .. ......... • u 'lac .. ~~dto.... 1kCIII"I,.....-... ........-m N. Beitz

CIDIW"8 BAKB.Y 414 IWII 1'IUIft'. ...... J 1m HE· .~~ •• .,:::a ..... - Rlvenide Hon Laundry 0 • tria SHOB SERVICB

BANKS ELECTRICIANS 318 Paine Street 17 Weat Broad Street '" ................. ' ••• J.

Palmyra ...... .. Riveraide. N. J. ~ _ ..... __ ..... "*t 'It!!!iIII1--------- EARLE B. HARDER .............. ,.. ...... 0.._ ._ ... ...,- N DREIER Bank and Truat Co. .......... la' .1 n CALI. atVU'l'OII m •

Theil Prl=tD~ ...... UIIII MEMORIALS C. WARD LOWDEN It w. ....... .AUnItA ...... '8......_ a II ...... A.- ,...,.. ....... 0.,..' ............ IUVDTON ........... I" CllltOal-bWlt Cemltery lIemorlala III NOROK RBPItIOBRATOR. Dr. Iehon'l Poot It..,&.

Oranite. Marbl, lind Broan and the Complete NOROK LINB t

EXPRESS WiD Hope It Son Pbllco. BmlrlOft. R.C.A. and SHOE STORBI BARBERS

Shinn'. £Xpreu Rl",raIda. N. J.

DAILY TO PHILADaLPHIA Olllc: •• 1011 N. 5th Street

Phone, Rlvenld. S46 Philadelphia. Lombard OOIS


Zanlth Radio. Wa&hlntton .nd Federal 8trHta 514. Cinnamln.on A "enlle

llurllnKton. N. J. Palmyra, N. J. Telephone 717 Phone. D\lI'llllaton 11

W, H. SLOCUM A SON ===R=E=A=L=E=ST=A=T:E== ....... ChuIIII

It B. ~=-'tnIt . ' REXW

• • 1Ioor ..... If. J,

Hinhb1cmcl'. QVALlft

Shoe Shop lIT. HOI.LY.NJ • 11ft.. QVAUt'f


BUILDERS Ha~o~o=.:..~ork Cht~=- McCROSSON Curtis E. Stavely U.D • ....,.. OIL BURNBR! lacorporated Peel . Poindexter

CONTItACTOR A1fD aUILDD IUnrtaa fa ' Real Eltate and lnaurance TAILOR

.':~~:''';'~=DA FLOORS Taylor-Math... 5 Eu;..~~~t;::nyra ::a.~ ..... Nt aa.~ ... ~c..., -:r:...1 w7."."U:- Wal - J. R. JOHNSON

John E. McVauah Frank HanleD ' ....... ..:........ tel" D •. Lamon Ie..- .. J,'" """ ,

Con .. _00' 't'IIpt.~- -'"" ... IIML ...... '1'11 CLEANER AND DYER

tracter and Builder .1AIn ~ IIIIVUIICII.ALIIftA. If J. Te~=~!t! lilaJ Ii. =-r__ . J. PATENT MEDICINBS III 0 b t A.. ... W ... CIDed .... ·DeI ... __________ ..... _._. RI __ ttl

5.: AND lOe: STORE -REMINGTON ---- L. L Keatl·n Phon,. "YlrtOD J UPHOLSTERING PORT.&- .. PALMY~ :A I GEOR E F G AUIooA ............. _ .... _ ...-.. G . INTHER

:"-:'::"::"0;": Sc AND 1Oc: STORE 0reIdq c... _ lee er:' . J. L. LIPPINCOTT CO. WILL BOWEN _ ___ ,Wett BroadStreet CIpn .. ledae .. , R.altor. - a ... ral IlIIurane. DICOIIA'I'O'

t:. THK HaW BRA CAP~\~~.~ i,g..,~\aT'.JjrJ\".o. ...... .... - .......... N'" "' Notary PullHe V ............................ . _--:;=-_____ .-;;;;~ . Nov£LTlal'nNoi.-Wc.- ....... MI WII1la8 W.... ... , Iroed ...' .... .... ms5X i ·' t a. ahett ... N. 1· ... 71. RI .. ..

RIVERTON' ESSO STATION lne O,JIj, Complele "ONE STOP" SerfJit't Sllllion


-.~--Riverton. Phone 460


't ,













EUNICE K. VOOT 218 Linden Avenlle '

Riverton Rep ..... ntinl the

United CuualtyCo. PhOIlI .... J

for COalple.. If,talla


FGIIGY Cora , ... Qufity ,..., Tender Standlna

Rib ROIst"2S' L •• n smoked "' 25c Bo".I ... 8 .. ".

(\Vell trll\\",,,.I_\l~Ar ~I\n'd­hIckory ... "ok,,")

F"I •• C .. lc..... .....!~I~tlM "' 2Se l"ull ,"w.I"d_"U,·lou.h' tender . (I ,~ I., I lb.,


~ NI!Ilt'tt, ." .. ". M.II I ........ l "23«: V .. I c...... n, 390 •• a.I .. ". { .... " Ch.... lb 320. - i-n-=--:-bI'7--"'-(lI(lIa-"~n. 23ft " ... Ch.p. lb I.c: lCOft nMIl'" '" ... braItIl ...... , ....... -.. :-r-la-=.- lb 12e V .. I .... , _ i 1& C ....... .4c. ....... ttl 12e ~t , .. " ... ". (l C Devlls4 C..... - 12 -All Lamb In Your'" Mark.t I, from O4lnulnt "3'

Sprlnl Lamb. from Callfomla.


Marie W. Meyer

announces the opentne of a new modern


716 Lincoln Avenue. Palmyra

under the mana,ement of


Telephone Riverton 1018 for appointment.

... To •• bad •

C.,.FI.It.. 2'; ~;;.,;;;;,: Ric. .r:roee 2 = ... .... ' ...... 1:.: a»cw..vt.... 'l

.......... ;:: .,. .... kt

CIa .... A ........... No.t ~I\

... T ...... ~- pq __ ..a. .... AaIo as,. OIl 4_

---........ 0... ... Un

WIll ......... M ..... "clal.e Dell ..... C ......... M." ... ,. ... .. ....... e ...... "-.:a-~.3:tG .. ,.. .... c.... :-trtoW -=:-nt .. WIt ... ,... .. Cellf.

A ricoh 2 No,l~r.~~n. 29C

HIINI •• MID .IAN' ::':1.:: HIIMI'''I'A''ID "A.Hlnl " •• , ... 'ANT , •• , --• ....:-.: .• =~

~hl~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~ eulla,.:

Thrivo,m II ~ 29C

. s.,... .. u.a ...J·~:;I 2't ' ...... ::=.1:.-:: at. -':;:-WY.MDOni a-- ... ,Ie

With "utr"n " .• , .. n at ,..uta, prl •••

La.... ...dl... Florida

Grlpefrult 3 rot t 4c a_Uftj", •• If_ OIvp

IPINACH • 0II111, lh ....

.. IAI ........ "" ..... 11 ...... T......... 2 lb. 2 •. urtaiiiuf, ICItBEKO

LI UCI 2~~~al.ll. If. __ _

P ....... IO .·17.


I Church NotiC!e$1 B£'fHANY EVANQELIC~L

LU'tHERAN CRURCH Itt\>. Oli~r W. Po_ra. Paator I Sunday ia «lItd Euudi, the

.nd~ ~ner A_alon. ~ Latin MIlle is deriVdt fto'" the first wont Gf the introit, Itttaudi. RNr. The other name dkcribes the hlator,,:al .0000ent whi<:h the ~hliY'Ch year em· .ai_ it marb a uniqlle period fa the lite ot Jeaus' dlaclplea.. &clt 0( them bu.t a feW days I. tM m?"l' ftt of separation. the A.cen.lon; ... 11 of them. the promise atill to .. H.liftCl. III Pentecost, At Betha1\7 Chu.Y'Ch the pa.tor. the Rev. Oli~r W. Powers will preillch at the c~itf ttnice. It lII.m .. on the topic: "Rel",­lac Glory." The .:holr. linder the dirtctlon of Mr. Lee Mitton, wtll WIt the anthem "Kin& All Glorious" I b, Bamby,

'l'onl&ht at 7.S0 p.m. at the A.ctn· lion Day Service Mr. PoweR will Ipt:ak on the subject "The Elevated Christ." He wll\ say:

"'foday. we recall the moment when Jesus finillbed His work and tet\irned to the Fatber: when He atepped from the visible badt into the Invisible world. from whence H~ I, able to dra ... all other. unto Him­aelf . . . 'there Is a dOlible meanin& in the word. which Jesus uttered before Hia ., ... ion. 'And .. If I be Ilhtd up from the earth will draw au melt unto Me.' He .polte 01 HI. elevation on the Croll when tbe world. no loltaer wllllni to endure Hlm, would reiect Him. He .poltt allO. of Hla elevation to the rllht band of the Father • • , When we b .... the 10lpel for Ascen'lon Day. two contrar)' emotion. pa .. thtolilh OUi' 10llls. BOrrow .nd JOY_frOW bee.ule we Rrve an Invlalble Lord. JCI~ bee,",e thl, ihvlslble Lord wlU draw all men unto Him •.• We mUlt alw.,. remember that btcauee Chrllt h .. betome In¥lalble. He can be ne.rer to .U of UI than .n, Vii' Ible penon can be. For the cloud which took Him aWl, from our eyel W.I for Him the way to the throne af authorlt, over all peoples .nd na· tiollt. We pra" th.t we m.y aU be dr.wn to Him."

ChRI8TIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "Iolll .nd Bod," II lh' IlIbJec:t of

the I ... on.termon in all Cbllrches of Chrllt. BdenUI'. on SIInday. M." la.

The Oolden 't,xt III "If tholl draw out thy 10111 to tbe hllnlfY. and .. t· It" the afflicted loul: tben .hall th, rile in obticllrlty. and tb, d.rk· n ... be .s the noon d.y." (1laiaIt MilO).

Amon, the cltatlonl whlth com· prlle the 1"lon-Iermon II the fol • lowln, from the Bible: "'the blab. Way of the uprllht II to dep.rt from .vll: h, th.t Iteepeth hi. wa, pre· .. rnth his loul." (Proverbl 111:17).

The lealon·liermon allo indudel the followlnl' pastale from the Chrl •• t\.an Science telttbook. "Sdene, .lId he.lth with Key to the S~rlpturelH by M.ry Beker gddy! "There I. but one wey-nlmely. God and HII Ide. _hlch lead. to Iplrltu.l belnl. Th. lc1entlftc &lIvernment IIf the body mUlt be .tt.lnN throulh the dl¥lne Mind. It I. Impolilble to lain cllnttol over tha body tn .ny oth.r w.,. 011 thla fund.meatal poillt, timid coniitvatllm II .bIo· liataly h,.dm1l8ibla. Ollly WOIl," rMical flUU" on Truth can leleD· ttlc heallnl pOwlr be r .. lIlad" (p. UI7).


W. wish til eapr ... our apprKI. atlon to Oil' IrMnd. and nallbbofl who were 10 Idnd dwlna OIlr rlCellt

.. ....... vem.nt. aapeclaU, th_ who NIlt c.t •• nd 80w.n to tile fwaeraL

TIM Itow F.mll,.

CHIUITIAN Iel&NCa CHURCH Pint Cburch of CbrIet, Id_tiat Thomal Aft. and Iev_th It.

JUvertoIa, If. J. hIlday lehool. 11 a.m. l.-da, "me ... II a.m. Wadallill,. LOG p.ID. "dI", Room In Church .udIa.

'I'IIoma. Aft •• 1ld ltY.tb It., Rl_· ton. 0.,.. 'fulda, and JPrIda,. UO to 4.10. ------walTPIELD PRIDDI

.. EaTINO BurtlDatoa PUr. I"'" lIoraIIta

10 o'dodL Pint Der IcaIooL lIo·clock. ....... , .........


RlStONS AS s&CIt&'l'ARY Rfti&t\ation of Mn. W., hol.

l\nphud a. ueo:utive lectet817 of the BurliDCton COlin" 'l'\lberaJloet. Leacue. W.I annou.ncetl tbl. week. -rhe resipatioft wUl be etfetti .. Ju.I:t I. In aeceptina her nwlaaa­tion. the Tube~. L~ ea· pressed ilwrecl.tion of tilt 1M work dOM b, Nn. Holiinphiead datina her 11' ser-.Ice.

NAIIIED DIRKC'l'OR Otorae N. Wimer, of P~

w.. named a director of the Jlw.. linaton Hiatorltal Socie"at a meet· ina of that Oqanllatlon beId on Satuntay aftemoo .. la.t week.

.... 11,)\11 .w.. 01 n.o- 11._ foo. htartII SUftt to ....... Itreetl ... _~ botII ..... 01 H ...... -.- INa 4 .....

'trttt to ..... A........ Ie .... MIt 80 ..

""CCTION I, n., ..w <C*thle club. thatl It. _.tnlcttel II, tilt aaIcI ~ In .c<6n1.nto willi .... \>1'''' Ud ~fi .. . tiona III"''' ._ml ~ III ............ 4 S,""", Borolll" It,..taecn. dattel Ap'l~ 1.191 ,1111 _ pi .... "" _llIcalioa. be aa4 th7 ... btntw _"'''" a"" .dopted fo, III. ...._ of ~14 1mP",_t an4 ·oni ..... to be " .... willi tlle '80""'111 CI .. _ "I .h. ..Id BO"'Ufth ... d kept 011 IIIe fo, .......... aad lIulI < ".N\tclloll: and th.t .. Id COIIcrett <ut. thall be ...... tru.t... un· 4 .. lilt ......... 1110. 01 III ... Id B_III aft. "'l.rcTtON s: Ttl.. ..hi cu"."" .u,b. "".U be mn.tnac ..... bt the Wd 1Ion)_.h •• • local Imp",,, ....... ,, ... 11 thaI the _I •• nd exJ)tnlC:& -01 the ton'tNdioa the,.,. in-.lIiellol Indd ..... 1 ,.,..Ho, thaU ............ uPO" th, 1 ... eII and nat .. t... _Iolb "" .. ,""0<1 " Ib._ HId "np", .. ItI ... t. to. III. ... ~nt 01 ."th ben,lIl.. .n4 u..t .... .... m.lnd., \I ."" 01 .u.h t..... ..", ..... "H. .h.U 1M bo .... br th .. 111 BOlOlllh.

SECTION 4: Th.t .U ......... enlt ... hlch "".11 bo Impom\ u""" Ianell .nd ... 1

'"'hA Moravl.n church at Ft~ Points will be the .cene of fe.ttval services nUA

t .. tat. 10.- .... d.1 bl .. ofi •• I ... uliidlal .. ~~o • ~ I f It I t' on The Rev Henry • lrom thl .0 ... tl\lc\101I 0" rr,: observes the seventy.shtth ann verllry 0 • orlan aa '_....: th th'\! lervicel of the curb. "".11 bo ..... b .. In fiva .n"u.1 ...

M ravlan chuY'Ch at Emmau. iJa. wtll be the ""eat .pe .... .,r at ere II th e .1l1lm ... 1t. undtr the dlrecthllt or Mr. John M. Bur~aM will be beant In r"tl~ anthem •• t a re SItCTION It TbIt~oo~lIIII ... 0!alh:",: Albert J. Harltt be,an hi. lifteenth lNr •• paator on May a. R H A KllehJ of EmmauI, Pa. ~'::'"i~d h~~~" a (ro.rllIttl to PQ til. 10.45 a.m. "Te Deum ..... n thl! AnnlversarYfsehrm°'lhby ~e a:;:;n chu;ches of thl. dlltrll:t will be coo ... nd •• .... '10J ..... "'. 1lI.ldtaJal ••. S 30 P m 'l'r.dltloll.1 1II0r.vian Lovefeast. P.lton 0 t e 0< er or f I of lreellnl We penH" 01 Ihe <o~.lrtI.tIoe "f W to,,· • ., ~~~:~ i~~t:e~a~~'l::d~ro: J!~:'~I~~"!~«:\'i:~lha~p~ ~~~~e b::eCh~::I:rrt~IO.'hIP' A ·Iuneh. ~li:!§!I=~~ l:h=7!:

eon wllf be lerved to an IIltstl rem.lnlnl (or the evenOln1 lervl~e. lltalter will brlnl the mea •• at. _""t of 1II000q to bo "1Ia4 Itolll aU 7 30 pm CIOiln& aervlc:e llpenin, with • ,o.pel Ii""n ,inl. IIr 11111' • ",UrH' for aald ,11..-. , .. Other vlaltln.· pa.ton will participate In the lervlce, • II~~I~II" =~~ :11 0L ~

Sunda" May .... Whlt.unday. Hol~ Comllll1lllon at 10.45 •• m. !f,~: III Ih • .:.r:. •• 4 ·.1 ..... 1Jp1Cl..-.tIoa BTtLa ... NT 01 III. loul ..... tt of III, .14 110_." for

ME1'HODIST CHU~CH IACTIVITIES OF NOTICuBtOa'a SACCOUNT 'he JUr Itat, ... u. Ill. _ ...... 11 ... .,' Tit .1 :a. LII: d tel &IIP"'lIria ........ "0'If"~' tI "til. 8.1&.. of 1t0 •• ft BIDD . .c.... I"'¥lal ..... 01 t'" ~ .... of Ill.

Rev. WIIII.m A. Boyd, PaltOr ClNNAMINSON P.T.A. Noll. Ia b ..... ' eI •• " Ih.1 III. '1n.1 A.. t.l. 01 New J-,. ( " .. Tit .. 400 ..... ou .. ' ~I tht ."I1!\.rlHr •• u .... ltlat.d Tna.l" title I Chapter I of th. ItrilM4 Ilatu._ of "Divine OIIldanc:e" Ia the title of cad" Ih. lUI Will lIld tHtant ... t III Roborl. Now }ona1, lilt). to ... 4 fot tbe._ .. ~.

.. - d II _.. b" "be Th· I· f - A (Th .. - ...... ) the UBld~I '4 -~ for H."aah B. Prlahmlllh. of DriIne tn •• 0.111 .~4 ....... _ .... hl41111 the mell.le to "" eve...... " . II a te ... o"n M........ wlUQ~ .~:.i.lld .1.1'" ., Ill. 111_1.1. laefelialll ....... _ of the tODl .... i~tu!'! Rev. W. A. Boyd, In tbe Methodist Clnn.mlnlon P.'t.A. I •• ponlorlnl • d........ttll lor MII"", ... I .tld .11_.... Mitl <ontr". t"''''1 whld. lum p. _

urc t a un.y 0 benefit bridle .nd part, at the B II"to';" al ... nlo .. to he h.ld Th.... • part 01 III. total ........ 1CIcI _ .. _ Ch h hi S d m· min. at 11 ·to" 111',- OO ... -It .... ' Collft of tho Co.~I' of I Hllndttel Dolla .. (POOoool.~'!. aot -.~ ... o·cloclt. 1'he aermonette to the home ftf Mrl. Wamiclt. Burlln-on .:: Juno' It tt.t. ., •• 11 o·.locll I.. Ih. .mounl 01 mo~., to ... ~ '::' ~ YOlln. People I. on the .ubject PUre. Clnn.mlll.on. Pl'OC!aed. will' be 10~lUV,iN \/U'T COIlPAM.V •• u ....... r I :::'~~ ":. '~~t::III~'\~· .,._. ::ch :~hda!'!~:n:,lyth C~~~a;~1l ~J!: !:~~ IIYen to the Inl:llbator Fund. a proJ. lltm ~.:p~!,'" "I. Depo.1t .nd ::~ • .:":t~::...'lltellll:. a=":.rT.,.~ .. ..h.t ... .. ect of the BurUnlton County iJarent· '~"'III"Ia4 T .... ltt. • ... 01 tb. .Id .0"'Hlt ....... thll .ervlte. Teacher A.lOd.tlonl. Proclor: William D. LI,plncoll. laCTION " That I • .....wa. Two

A be.lltflll v .. per .ervlte will be I~e c-.m. cUe and D .. ',.ltelIO' .... , .. " U. ,t". To""~"tI'd ~::.'" : ...... ==. 00= (!t'=b) beld .t 7."5. Dimmed colorflillllht. ~ .~ _ ·H .. I coffeA will be served .t 2 p.m. .nd Tho .. H"" Dollan ( 00). Of ~ •• ""L Inl and ellc:ellent mllik by Raeh.e ~ 'hanoi •• "Ol' he .H_,.. ...... _

Lord on the orlln .nd aeor •• Dllr· cardl .nd other I·lnll will follow. OltDIMAMC8 ob.a1D ... '" ilia i of 1111 110'" Aeddi l in. Jr., on tbe violin will m.1tt The th.t.. I. 21 cent. eath •• nd All O •• ","c .• to P_~uIurIC" .nd 10 l~~~~:o~",:: •• 0:" o.,..J ......... ~f..

.. It· II ho .... d there will be • lar,. ...... ... t , ...... I.c_ Dial \loll 01 cit.... tho II .... 01 Mow _wl ... d ilia! III ... tbll a very remark.ble vesper. ....... lara. .nd h.nd billa and 0 If ",,""HO\ N .' ... I new lerles of lermon. will be liven latherin, to help this ver)' wortb, .. ':' I-Il. It Or"ln.d b, .b. Colln.1 01 01 ~c~teI 01" ::, ':"'J -,.... ~

bJ t c.llae. Anyone Interetlted II cordial· the BDroU.h of Rlv.rton, . N.j.. Ih.. 11 K~nd ~" .. .I ....... Do .... ~"·( .. '00.00), bu the mlnllter on tht .11 ec .hell bo ,,"1 ..... 1 '0 dlalrlburo coat or !I' I M rI. d DI I, In .... ted. PI.c, .... C.UH 10 '-- 4latrlb .. I'" c .. t 0' und.. .nd .ccotd........ ut. pro-dCourtlhlp, Love. .r a e .n - .... "" b ~1.lo". 01 .11 ...... '-cal BOll "W (T""

vorce." Thll will belln on Sunday At the rellllar meetln, laat Wtd· P .cld I" or .Ion •• ", 01 t • ......... or io. Bubtltl. I.-eh;;'.. I 01 ti: ~."'d ne.d." nl'ht I" tbe aebool. Jud.. p .. bll. pie ... 01 Ih. DOl'O\Ieh 01 1I1 • .,too. 'I.IUI" 01 Now J ..... ,. Itl1) I ellll ",.1 .11 eveninl. the (lrst &ermon belnl I .. h." or 0" '''11 01 Iho .ldew.1 ~ or 100':'" ollltr m.I\ .... dOlail. IDIt partlclliert Ia r.

·Courtlhlp." Thll aerlel will be of M.thewi. of Riverton. wa. t e .pe.... "'orlOl 0' In.o .n, ."llb". 0' 1 11\ or 1.1I0ft.0 llIo .ulbo,laillon, \aaIII .nd . aaIt 01 .. naclallnterelt to our YOIinI Peo. er. HII tllk on "Amerlcanllm" wal :::.::. :~Yo.r.~c~II~lo~~'''~\:'I':·lh.'":t",r.~ :~t.h.d o::,nd'h~nt~;r.~::.~o NJ.':.t :::1 d:~~:

1,,- I I t I I the mOlt intere.tln. and Itre .. ed tbe 01 •• Id Boroullh. .", p.par. <lrclIl... .d. mlntel h.r •• h.r .... .p~roP'~' ... Iutlon P e con temp at nl m. r mony n h I hlld ."UHmon.. liand bill. w.Ilo p.c,r or I u'h C II 1 future. Come •-d b..ln. "ollr friend. fact th.t if hllh tc 00 c ren were rubbl.h pro.ld ... Ih.1 no.hl.a h ... " coho or ... olu. 0". 01 I. oroUI 011". . 0

.. n J f t h II b h Id hlbll .h. .ho _ Borou.h .dopt.d .ccordl"l 10 ..... : alon, with you. Evervbodv II wei· talll'ht jUlt wh.t ollr orm 0 'ov· Illnod.. 0 I 10 pro ~.o.lded. ho .... r •• hOl .1Id BOnd An.lelp •. ., , II h Id t b .olul .. dl.lrlb".loo 01 l°ft·1 n .... p .... ,.. d I ''-_11 comA to the." bAslitlful Sunday ammant rea y I •• t ey wou no e m .... I".. or m.ttor d. vored ,hroulh Ion No... (\ndu loa rln ... o)..... mi' ~ • ~ d h I "I " • II IL 'u,. • .. d bo p.leI nol Il10 .. lh.. two y .. .. nI r. Interelte In t e var OUI 1m.. 10 lb. Unltod a...... . I ' •• 1 I"'m .h. dOl. 01 tho orl.lul . Ho ........ pt eve III . h h h 1 lI,c 2-Any p.,,,,n or ' ..... n. • o~ ft& N

Every Wednesd.y evenlnl .t 11.00 popular now, vi en t e, relc co· .h, 01 tli. pro.I.IoII. 01 ••• 1I0n 011. 01 ~::~In~"'~ha :~:t.IIlI •• ::"',,!,~~"t...:X~~: o'dock the mllliiter 01 our church lele. Jud'de M.thew. behlleviel that :,t:1~o:1!~I ..... n:"p:'~I.::, c::I·\~·~=~:,·r~ •• p.ld .nd no. d.llaQlIOht. may lie r._. conducts a mid·weelt churc:1t service there Ihoul be one teac er n every I T." Doll... lor o.clt .nd aver~ olr •• H. tel lor nol ••• IIdI"1 ftve y.... fl'Olll tit. of pr.yAr. prals" .. Md bible Itlldy hll'h school to teach only tb. Con· or Imp,loeamonl In Ih. eo ... III...J'U lor eII'~ 01 orll",.1 I .. u. tb ...... L ... " "'.t Ihe

~ ~ ... I h" I d St t nol "0" tII.n TI" d.~ 0' 110.... _'-_II from II until 9 o'clock. The meet· atltut on of t e un te • ea. lie J-B. II lurtlt .. Ord.lJtod . ,h.. .11 rolo 01 "'''(to. UPO" .uch Not...... .0' h . h I nlty Precedllli tbl. Iplendid, the cirdln." •• , lIl' ...... of Otdlt,n... 10- •• c .... ta pit .... um ... ' •• "unl.

~:~: ~h t:. t .~: w~ e ':Ir::n:::,u th~ followin. olflcm. were elected for . =':I.';.~!,~:r.71!~·d ".t:n~r~'::"",,"a •• :I~~~~:: ~''?:~II' ,':.::.: ~=.= . l ood." the comlnl ye.r: Plrlt 'lice prul. 1111. alrlet 1""".dlat.l, upon du. pub- ( ... lIblll .h. ~ .Dd 1ImI,.tIotI 01 Ibl

dent, Mr.. Lilli. Reev .. : IIcond n •• llon. .f ......... NT ... d Loc.1 Boa. IA.). of the ..w .... ft' .. ctOl. .~,bo Ia tolllSl ....

C"NTR"L BAPTIST "CHURCH vice prHldent, Nn. Alice Thom.· I ... r • .., urtlf, ............ 1 or.!",.!.'k' .aCTIOII " I II ........ .,j!lIfIIItr ... ft .on: lecretlr)'. Mn. J. K. T.ylor: to Ita • \nit ~, 01 III oriI .... ~ I_pt" clot ......... ~ ••• d rod tbat the ,."Ie.

Rev. a.or,. Lockett. B.D., P.llor tr18auter, Mra. P. Hotchld... 'I'ba ,-h.t .... &::::,Utrita at I'" "-I of lhe - ... Dobt tew-I ~ ~ .. .-W Idr Id t I BetOliah • '~,~V11' .. I;]'HI·I I'H. LII=,,'II'~"1Itl .... i: ... ~ ..... --' ...... u" I .... 1"- ... , 211t t-m of Mn. .rn ,pr.1 en. , ., :a ~ _ ..,... __ Claft 01 .,.,..C" unaa),. • •• H. lie L II ID»...... to tile ..-eP. _.

Blbl. lehool ao .. _Whlle mtUl, for on. more year. lint rei a: =.a", ...... war. abHnt due to Motllen D., _ DA.laL 11- CLIO .... · 1".."1:. ll,t_1 lllat tile ....

YlaItatton.. the IIChooI _jo,ed tbl On Field D." Mond.y. "IY at, ---- c: • WiiEi.!"J-":".l:t'= == ~:ii pnllnte of man, vl.ltol'll for the ther.l. to be a by tlla !~it. 0' T~.~ltOUQH I t"roU..lItl •• ~= ~ = ~ .... _I r .. son. tlHul malrlna an ed. children, Ihowlnl tb. muao:uIar de· Alln~ oJ·ITA· ~u:l.z.Jr:· 'IJ.:::I 'I::.*' ~ 1:Iaa:! In the .ttandanc. of a year v.lopment from the Idndar .. rtea VI~IIIOi III: 111.'00.00). If .,0. To tho .. ylaItlnl In Palm,ra throllih the 1f.4". Followln. thli a ,C HI • c~·Yc d ~ .~~. 10, Tltal " It ..... 11iftIta, ud Rly.rton, "Central .ptlat" ea· put 01 the proar.m. thar. wW be ~ TI • I' Y clot alit!. ":1:'11011 o"'~ :t:t tit: ten4 •• 11IOit l:ordIal w.lcom •• nd the picnic: IlUlper. wltb .mple ''''" ~I tH LIP Om = =;"I'l!. .... CI:':: ....... "t: .1.1n dlnetl yOllr .ttmUon to the r.dlltlell .nd .fter supper. the THO.'i Av,.ua AIID Hm~D I:\lf_'~\..:" ':-.~"':"" _1----::: ::.~ flct th.t )'011 will lind hare d •• HI f.ther .nd 10ft ba .. ball pm.... fTU&T III H& "'MID 80 HI.:"' _ ~_~ where anyone 'of any •• e will f .. l. • LOCAL I •• ova , ~i 0 -I., t_ ...... ':II~ ..I.!1f.t-.t hom•. 11.1111. It i. boped m.llY parent. and TIlHaital !!OOIt AII

AfGl A ru.¥=ro~lZli"o ~,.~ .. ~ ~ .. ofa.r;:~. Hu~::'.i

M I W bI la 15 .. m ''TII. rrl.ndl will be .b1. to .ttencl. Don't T. .rTaliPo a"" I'IIIAIICUIO 11., Bolla .. ("10.00), orn n. ora p. .- for,et th. date Monday, MlY 29. Tt IIREO' 8Y HB I •• ua 01' THII: .&CTION II. Thai IIIJa O' .... a ........ 11

Promlle or R"tH

will be tbe lubJact 80ND ANTI§IPATIOII MOTa. OF 'alt. "Ht •• It •• I ....... _ .... "'\'f~_~ for the .ermon b, Paator TN_ .AID B aOUOH acIoplloll .Dd ..... U •• IIoII .... tile .ar_

rvI Th h Ir und.r You won't ,et diu, dolnl • iood Bit IT OaD 'NaD .... the ...... 1Ib d.t •• 11ow ... b)I law. for thl' I. ceo e cOT V Ie M COWICU 01 Th. aoro",k 0'- aJyarto. Ia tIia Ir, ..... ov.... "'J' J L. I .... the direction of Mr. RUII.II Jermon tllm.- rotty ee ..... e. eount, 01 aurllD.toa. In tbe ..... of N... H. MdLVAIN BID"L" wW render the .athem of th. '!lorn· lt~a;'bT'OH I. Th.1 .oa ...... "' .... (u- A"nt , Il.,.,r. In. with Mr. Edw.rd Hoyt •• 1010· Mucul Ch.tbllrn will be the IOlol.t <opt wh ............ N, Irt .... caatItIon DAIIIIL II,.~~I"ON. I.t. Y (jf the ellenllnl ·W·redvlc • . _ .. _ I ~::')~'O::I\ 1o~1':'.'~'I::a"':: :t."':.!i Dot.,. tinTa.a.T

B.Y.P.U. eA' pm.-Thll ounl The fllU ar nc-cay IVfn nl Betout aD 100111 __ 01 H .. It .... y."_ Tha ortr-:..r ....... llaNWItll ....

P.opl" ,rOllp _tl.-h"kll, .t tbl. PI"''''!: 'Ser'lihoocal will be thP•ld ~Iotdrb. ::: Ollr~'~1II T=·,~:lli ;:..= =.. .. .,ft •• t .... :~"'I':w::~.,:r. hour In the lund., 00 room. \IIl_y c room I 0 C • LI_ to!JCOI. A_."L _ ...... ..... .~_ or _ ........ _IaDIaa tbe • .u.,

&venln, Worahlp 7.45 p.m.- A ,..1 "r"ke of help.1ld Inlplr.tlon ~~.coIt A .... "-r.:.::;,tII luNt to .1 ,"ch Or~ .... Ita c_ .... at

ltartlna with. - ... r'liee. foDow. open for .ver, on. who n.edl It. .- '~~,":'''::'i, .... J"r.'~rll: 'I:'·ae''': t.::.~ ''iJ:a~tt:''j ed by tha lllectiODl b, the cWr On ThUtedlY afternoon th. PhU· UH' 'r_ ........ !:ii=~i A....... utlotl., thlt ~_t. and __ by tbe Putor oa ......... tJaea clan wUI hold thalr r • ...-; ~1IaIf::=: - '= UI~" ~'-='l::;~.--C-r ltone 01 • IfItloa.If 11"'1 monthl, m ... "". .. ~. 11.._ ~_I 0 ......... n. Itlll.

, .


PAIR IN ROW Thuradai, Me, 11: Mt. HollJ. n. ' LUCKY 1 ERSON Riverton • .at Mt. Holly,' I Four .&ents of the Prudentill In.

Monday. May 12: Rivenide va. Plans are practic.lly complete for ISlIrll\ce Company or America wbo Camden Catholic and Gloucester

Bow to Local,; Three Pitchers Work

Mt. HolI, •• t Rlvenide. the .bi& c:ant party to be held in the ! lte well known lotell, wen: amonl Tueadq Mq 23· Ri~rton va. .udltorllim of the SICred Heart I d ,. School, Linden .venlle. Riverton. on those who eUen ed the thl'ftodq

Palm,ra cruhed badr into the win column thl' _It. winnlnl batl lamts on sUlCCealive daya, Camden Catholic bein, the victim on Mon. ~ by a 4-2 count, ",hlle Oloucester took it on the chin Go. on Tueaday afternoon.

B~verly •• t Riverton. Fride)' I!~nina, Mq HI, .t 1.30 I bu.lness .:onference of the ~'Ompan, Wednesday. May 24t M.ple I o'dOck. I held at Atlantic Cit,}' recently.

v .. Ri~rton. .at M.ple Shade. The .lfalt I. belnl sponlOred by I Those who Ittended from thll Wednelday. May 31: RI~rsidt n. I the entire pariah of the ~hurch .nd section were Raymond E. Schmidt,

Riverton. at Rivenide. the committee I. headed by R. J. of Maple Shade. • .. islInt Nperin-Friday. June 2t Ri~rton n. Be\>· Woods. aeneral cheinnan. tendent of the Moorealown District;

e.-1)' Ti&era. at Riverton. One. unusull feature of the party Joseph Cunninlham. Maple Shlde; Mondq. June 5: Beverly "' Rtv. III .ttractine milch Interest. Thia ia Albert 1- Reeve •. of Riverton. and

Van Embera: performed nicely on the mound alainat the Irish and held the oPPOaitton to alIt,I\! runs In the firat and seventh fr.mea. 'the bimondmen t.1I1ed once In the open· In, canto and forae" .he.d with the

erton, at Beverly. . the Ilward of a diemond rina as a OcOrlt E. Swein. 'or Palm,r •. Tuesd.y. June 6: Ri~rton va.' door prile. In addition to thl .. there

Roeblina •• t Ri~rton. will be a hoat of other prlses (or Mond.y. June 12t Bllrllnaton \/I. the vartoli. tame. tbat will be play.

ltiverton. .t Burlinlton. edt includinc brlclce. pinocble. 6ve Tuesday, Jline 1S: Riverton va. hundred and othen.

Riverside. It Riverton.

PALMYRA .,LACES Sth PALMYRA LOSES - winninl marlttr. in the leventh.

Van Emberc .nd Cole contributtd • pair of binale. each, whUe TIlmer .nd Dul( connecttd at timely momenta.

J cit S mliller won tbe aold TENNIS MATCH m':.1 In dae UO-,ard club at thel I STARTS FRI., MAY 19th New.rk Invitation meet when Pal. The P. H. S. netmen 10lt a clolt

C.rhart Hurl. myra COIlIpeted with .lateen Oroup I teMI. match to C.mdett Hlah at I JO.I Carhart pitched for II... fram.. Three .chool. from th. It.t. of N.w Farnham P.rIt on TIlellda7 b, the

qalrt.t GloII~ter .Uowlna nine &core of 3 to I. The mOlt outatand hitl and four t.llles dllrina hll ten· Jersey. Other Patm,ra bo,. to In, competition w .. that of R_li life. B.lter. who relieved him In the pl.ce _re: S leltel' aI t S an of C ellbth. IUowed nO hlta and wallttd Fr~nlt Houler. thififrdtbln

lntb tht .~le d!n. ";"~':!aw. w"tu~ WII wona:,;

two. valilt. CI.rence Ott, • .. ve. Stlo:ltel 16ttd abollt two .nd • half P 1 --" brlA~I- In lin throw; Jam .. Bro'ffll, fourth In •

• myra Itart_ _... It the IIIIO-,ant run; P8)ton Floum01. houn. It extended to tM full three trvin, IUrtill, enemy twirler ud fourth In the lIlO.yard dub; J.ak seta .nd wa. OIIt of the doatit of puraued him off the mowad In the Seemuller fifth In the lGO-,.rd dub, the •••• on. Reau\ta were: third with one down. Meldn, the .nd Arthur Bum.. fourth In the Slnlle,: Stickel, Palmyra, Ollat tellef had better luclt. mil 1'UIl.' SII .. man. Camden. lOoal, 11-4. 1-,.

Kemmerle polted out a 1I",le to e W .. t, Palmyra, over Taylor. Cam. Itart thln18 off and "tDermott d.n, &'3. W. 60S. wllked. Cole advanced botb I'JIn· Btew.ter. U -._ .. _____ 4 1 I 1 0 Loftl. Camden, over Holler, P.I. nera on a neat .. crlftce and Tlimer C.rhart, p ________ 2 0 0 0 • myra. ~ s.o. c:ontrlblited a rolUcldna double; B.lter. p - ... ------------ a 0 0 0 0 Mannina. Camdea. over WlllOn.

More In Tblrd - - - - - P.lm,r .. 6-a. 1-& McDermott contrlbuttd to Irvin'. Total -.---------- ao 6 11 27 9t DoublH: J. lloor .n4 W. Moor,

downf,lIln the thlnt b, openlnl tb. OloucHter Camden. over H. Deemer. R. Deem. frame with a one·baser. Cole came AB RHO A er. Palmyr •• 6-2. W. throulh with • Ilnlle and Turner I .. m8ced. Kalida cracked one aaf.- Barrett, c ---------- 3 0 0 5 S REEDER A PROUD lI'ATHBR I, to Idmlt both funn.ra. At thll ::::U!~llf---·----;'-· : : ~ :: Mr. and Mn. T. Pr.III Reeder. Jr .. Jllndure Irvin retired to patrol the Irvin. P,cf __ .. _=:~~=~:= S 1 3 0 sl are parent. of an pound boy. (entertield be.t. B.rron ab 5 0 a II 0 bom e.rly Satllrday momm.. May

Slnlle m.rlters for the Red and lII.rtln· 2b .-----... -- S 0 2 • 3 15. Mr. Reeder I ••• ,llt.nt County White In the fifth .nd .lath were PI • rf ------ 2 0 0 0 0 Y.M.CA. Secretary. The Reeden without particII1.r IncIdent. owen. ----.--... -.--.-- live In Mooreltown. "T. P," the

Eacb of the four pltClhera w.lked ~:;,~;~: Sb'-'-- -.. ---.. : : ~ : ~ 3rd W.I bom .t Mercer HOlplt.l. I pair of hitter.. whUe Gloue .. ter Floullh '., ------_ .. -- . 0 0 5 '0 Trenton. where tbe parenti of both

W A.lT'LL YOU SEE SANDY •.• A Stolen th.t almolt mlde BInI'1 Go B.A.~.GI He'll each Itruck Ollt two. C.rh.rt and • ---.---.- - _ _ _ _ _ Mr •• nd Mrs. Reeder live.

Balter f.nned .n equal numher, ========================= ___ === ·four. Tot.11 -.. --.-.-. - 35 • 9 24 12 Steal Your Hurt!

Cole h.d • perfect day .t the plate, &ettin& two for two. McDer. mott lot two Ollt of three .nd Kar·

Olouc .. ter _______ .. 101 oao l()1)-oJ P.lm,... __ _ ________ .. 201 011 00.-6

Erron-Cole, Rothb.llm. Barrett. Itil did Ilkewln.

P.lmyr. ABR

Kemmerle •. rE ___________ 4 1 McDrtmott. cf . __ 3 :I Cole. IS _ ___ _____ 2 :I Tllrner. 2b _______ . __ 3 0 Karltls. c: ___ .___ . _____ S 0 Rothbaum. lb ______ ._ 4 0 Duff. 3b __ __ 4 0

Irvin, Barrow. Floulah. Home nn-tvln. Two bue hit-Turner. S.c.

HOI. rllice hl'-Karltl. (2). DuIF. M.rtln. I :I 0 Stolen b.l_ Mortl.nd (4). K.rlti. 2 0 0 (2). Dull'. B.le on ball_IF Irvin 2 3 2 I. 01F M.ldn 2. off C.rh.rt 2. off 1 a 2 B.lter 2. Struck ollt-b, C.rhart :I 10 lo., b), Baker 4. by Irvin 2. by lIaldn o 9 0 2. Left on base_P.lmyr. 5. -2 a 0 OloucHter ao.


E. COATES Socony Service Station


WAIHINO - OREASING - TOWINO All Work Guaranteed - We C.II for .nd Deliver C.ra

818 Cinnamin.on Ave. Palmyra, N. J. Phone 950



"The Lure of Long Beach Island" Down off the JtrllY cout lIu • 1:01, little that finnl)' on tbe .re.t continental land shelf e. it dlpe Into the blu. ,reen dept'" of the bro.d Atlantic . Unique .moel the better vlCatlon centere. Lonl retlln.. Int.raperaed betw .. n It. hom., townl. rll.led lind 4t: n.tlv. b.".,.rr, and lonl Itr.tehea of · waClilturbed be. I Olvla.l 8f11U1'&ne. that jlou m.y LIVE LONGER A-r LON EACH" wh.r. wabrokm bree_ com. to 'OU .lw.)'!J from ot .. n Dr ala·mlla·wld. bal." RELI&P PROM HAy PEVER IS CERTAIN ON LONO BEACH ISLAND. Convenlene •• for happy. healthful, carelr •• IIvina Ir. abllndant. APsrtm.ntli bwa •• w. and cottq.1 era .val1a6Ie to wit on. and .U. BACH HAVEN AND BRANT BEACH "THE MAY TO NOVEMBER REIORTI H offer )'011 rHt. r.lI.r and rel .. -.Uon. . Why not drop In to .. e UI end let lUI taka car. of ,OUt vacatIOn needl for thil .ummer' Or. If you would pref.r to drlv. down to the lal.nd, take thll ad with 'you and either alv. It to Lea. O.born at the BRANT BEACH ofrIc. or ROB&J[T OIBORN. JR. .t the BEACH HAVEN ollc. of ROBBRT R. OIBORN I: loki.




With Red, White and Pink Geraniuma. Petunia ••

Lantana. (the Weeping Lilac-ROle for drifting over

the edge). Blue Ageratumll and Heliotrope. etc. Write

or phone order or .. leet your plant. at the nursery.

HENRY A. DREER 8lliltli"K Ih, Gar.,,, 8,allli/III,i"tI 18.18

For vivid ' color in the y.rd or ,arden plant bed. of Cannal. Sc.rlet or Furple Sa.e. Snapdrelonl. DailY and Medl,ItIur Periwinkle. th.t never .top flower. in, until hard frolt.

Open weeltda,. from ••. m. until 5 p.m. and on luncIa, (bllt not for h.lnea.) from I watll 5 p.m.



Big Spring Card Party Sacred Heart School Auditorium

FRIDAY, MAY 19th 1.10 p.m.

150 Valuable Praea .---............ --------.


r}\ • • ... 1·24 . ··' _ ~·~ .I \ - ' --, .... w waClllfL A..a..­

Mltinee DatI)'- at 2.00 p.m. Evenlnp '.00-0.00 o'clock --- . -

'THURSDA Y, M.y II Bil DOllble Feature Baraain



Never Say Die _ltd-


Everybody'. Baby Free Oirtl to the Ladles I


DIi:ANNA DURBtN in tbe deli.htful c:Omed1

Three Smait Girl, Grow Up



-S.mnt., M.tln .. Omy­Pinal Episode of "THE SCOUTS

. TO 'tHE RESCUB" -St.rta Neat WHit­


MONDAY .nd TUESDAY M.y 12-23



Midnight -lIIondly-

Free Ollta to the L.dles



Broadway Serenade -Thllrsd.y--

Pree Gift. to tbe L.dle.

Prlel.y .nd S.turdly. M.y 111.20

--ClAUDmtCllllllr. _ ...

"MiDNiGHT • ---.--.--Siturda" M.tlnee-Lalt Chlpter

"StOUII to the RUelle"

Sunday and Mond.y. May 21·22

lund., M.tln._"LOII. Ran •• r"


Dinner Pl.t. end Cereal DI.h ., One Olft In Wild ROil G .... war.

or M.ry Lou Dlnn.rware -On the .r_-



Wed.·Thur •.• ".y 24·25

IUlITTE ..... 1AlI .,.. .... ., ... s-- .. "1I1.a, __ "

Announcement • ••• We \Vlab to announce that the

Richfield Service Station (ormerly operated by Edward Beit. at Bro.d

and Maple Avenue. Palmyra. ia now under the management of

FRANK LLOYD We cOrdlaUy invite your patronap.



14 Varieties 0/ Delicious Buns to Suit Every Taste


with Complete Hot BaldnK

KOERNER'S BAKERY P.Jmyra: S01 B. Broad It.

Pbon. 150S C.mdenl SUS Wa.ta.ld Ay ••

Pbon. Clmden 1402



BIUl.elow. Flnt Ploor-Llyla. Room. Flreplau. Dlnhll Room. Kltcben. Two Wroom.. Bath. ,Iecond Ploor-Two Room. Collld be UMd (or 8ed Room .. Com~ltlon Roof. Hot W.ter Heat. IcrMn •• lhrub., lhad. Tr .... One·C.r 0.,.,., Lot 60.160.



516 CinMJDlnIOll Ave. PALM 'iRA. N. J. ftoDe II

lAy in YOllf toal .\lPPl1 now wbUe prien .re low: Ttle beat In_tment I, Premillm Antbradte Coal. "It O~, f.rther .nd lIeatl loftln." The only .,ency in tllil dl.trlct I. the

J. T. £vans CO. -RIVERTON


YOIl ean build • new Home. AI, teratiOM or Repaln. Pala.m.. etc. on .bt Eaa, Montllly Pa,ma\t Plan. No mon_, down-up to S lun to ,.,.

'JACK' DAWLEY lac. 10 UO.D InSET , .1V1m.r.t.. J.


ONIONS 31b lOe


Salad Dresaina quart 25c


Peanut Butter llbjar 15c




Ib 15c Fnlh Fillet of Flo .....


MACK£REL 21b 25c

Swift·, Prime Selected



FIRST of the SEASON' 1039 NEW CROP . ..~



On. Prlc. • Non. HIP"


ROASTING. FRYING BROILING II. to 4 1b .y •. lb 29c

VOlt·, City Dreued


. . .


. .... '" .... ntda .. cUtr~anw~ ... la ........ t. aW1_tlD .. ~ .. ..... lMIlt'" THE NEW ·ERA


..... ~" ....... .. -,' -.. ...... . . !W .. , ... ....... "'-'---­tMft.,. _I

SOth Year- No.. 11 RIVUTON-PALlilYRA. N. J .. THURSDAY, MAYas. 1m PRn:s Itrv. CBNTI



SaM~I T. PItt. ~ U Kvn atrftt., WIU BE lADE" Ba" Rt~an\ met tluth Oft at_ r1*L neat Rl'ftttlde. Oft 81m., I R~ytrton Sdlool a_tel A..-MOI1\I"I II\Oftb .nef he MIl hI\ Oller- of l.oc:al hit hi, home bo\lnd for • """na ,rip. American ......

TM ~t dtl'ftft ~ U\t dtHUt1l 'I'M M--'11 0., IM'OIftID 1ft __ ... hit ~ .notMt m.chlM dri... At. m""1\1 ~ the It~

thl' uctlon Ia bel .. atftllltd bJ I b)' Vlntfl\t autbo\ld, lUIfUlldt, lnd Iloarod or ~~tl. MN OIl M~ c:ommlttft of mlllll~ra of hat Pne wat throwtl deaf to Iud "laM or ttlla week It ... .... Pndtrlclt ... Roq-ra. 1st. AIMII~ .,.Inat I ~cre't .butmt"t. I mO\ll\1 \IOt..s to .~ the oa-t of .. • n 'Leaton. headed ." PabMr L. He , ....... alI" to the brbNU Poet ~.rlt' M, Rodattt. ~ . . Adam.. Memorl.1 Noapltal, RlfttIIldt, but I ~l\ Leeton, of all .w.nI to ' tht .,

w" ttlllnd to bt dead ~ urlvaL ,,,d atfl I" \h-e cradu." .... dl. wM. AI Ilall.'. tile Flnclpal tftllt of Cotonel' John M. Swattt. of hl'll~ 'he opinlOft ot th taC\lht, ...

the d~ wiU be .lIt paradt and ... WE HONOR THOSE WHO DIED II\)If'I. did tbat Pllt bad a tntt\ittd olltlt.lldlnl 1ft I "\lMbet or ct ..... ucl,", tht parade wll' then 10 lIP TO DEFEND A NOBLE CAUSE IIlull and Intetn,I l\\jlltle.. tltlObi nllMed b» the 1.etl0lli. Thl. teal' .he mltdllna ""Itt wiD If! dl f The drl\!u ot the o.lIer Machi". The Iward, will be pnelet.t • form In lront or d\e Lqlon Home. The min who olhta and ea or a CIUse __ 'III .rreat..s on • mb"\c:ll th'", the dOlin, .Hldlft I" j\lat. P,lt'l\1l'e. m.rdllna Ollt Cll\"amlnaoa which. in hi. own mind, il right • • • he of minallll.htet .nd at\ltn • hM'" Coal Bid. aVlnIl. to Morpn ~atft7, when ha. died a valoroul death. For he h., 1111 betore $Ildae Ntndtldt'lon Ot\ There _re thl'M '"lid.... OIl .. ~'!~~ ~~r!:. -::: ~~h:=:: defended hil belief, in the hope that they Mond~. matter of I\Itnlahlq tMl lot .... atven. Followlna thl., tllt p1'OHlllon mirht contmue. We honor then·men next MANV NOVr,IIIES nut .chool year. th. 'lll'''"" ~ will tollDteParm.rch tond Me~1l1t ·Tueaday. They are men who make IfUt . ' r.L ~C::'~";b~re.,:~Of ::. »U'1f camete", llftJfl. a a .. m It .... ti...... FETE 10wat l. 1', hili Co., .... -r rr PfOt\'am will k toIlducted. .- -- AT HOME I .- \:.' In .ccont.nce wltll .h. 1l •• 1 Clll. H. B. W m.WI., .... pt.t""l ,

ltl R ON AUXILI RY C:ollln. a Sail, "'SO per ton. tom of ktwttft vtr- FRIDAY' EUNING I RIV~ T A bid, wert ~lvtd I"d ... htM to ton .nd P.lmyr. for the Ina) ... , OF IURBRUQQ HOIPITAL I , .......... ertl, ... tlle PI ... de wll tben 10 lIP PLANa ANNUAL MUTINO ARalr . WUl ae Held Thla :~eth~e ::~~ Of. ---8road .t .... t a"d out N.lft to MIIIII· EXHIBIT D·I'TE . . Frldar. Afternoon i A .\lfftl/ or pailltlna ftetda .... orIal Park, when .he e .. rclne will " Ttle .nnll.1 m"tlbl or .lIa Itlvw. Qa a Ocea.lon "--n "t t". "'ro-r., __ ,. bI contilldtd ton Allalllal'1 o. the Illrbl'tlll MIIIII. ~ D n~....- ........... , ...

• orlal Hoapltal will be hald Oft Thllflo Jl'ete D~ at .he ClnDllmlnao" tte, headed., Rltllard M. W_ Stam at I o'clock , E1ttenalve Prollam and Dlaplll1 d~, JIl'" Itt, .t '". Nun .. ' Homa Hom. tor Conval .. ~nt Women. on w.rd. tit reflOrted that ttle ...

Tile parade will ltart .t oat ArranKtd at Palmyra of tb. ho.DI.... .t thne o'clotk. RI\>erton road. thla 1"rld'l/. olfera III rtqlllnd waa tat mort tha" tilt Jul., o'clock from the L'~o" Home with Al_llh School The m.mh4tn of the Rt"uton .Ilx, al'fl1 of lUractlOt\, al lal. •• .111 ton tollld ha"dlt dllllni tile liUlIlbltt

Illar" .... co"'lallu In"'t-" to ,,,. In formtl' -In. monthl ."d .. !ltd th.t brcftl "-tile 'onowln, or,an .\lo'" III Une. d "w .,. yon... ,- ."'__ _..... ..... Police S.cort, The PallQra Niall School an I~t the n.w ,,"n .. ' lIoMe .nd to On. of the ftlt\ire, liln to be .,.... to ad~ae or • Oft .... Mlrahal and Aid... JlUllor School aahlblt In the Dela· ata, fot tea .(tar the m"tln" Tbli popul.r with twttJOft. who attendl wort! that cOllld not be tltml Hn OA.R. V.ttran. and WldoWi o. avenlle blllldln,. Itrid~ tftll. .ttrattlva bllUdl", II I areat llIl· I. the '\lpetb ptO(nm. til taUtlnl a' by tile rel\ilat 'Orte. 'nile ....

.. proYtment to .be eueUent "cilltit. motion plctu, .. to be .hown In the ,rabted b)l • W\anlmolll \IOte. O':~~.i ~:~rati~tllen and,. In •• M~ Ie, wUl bill" .t '1.10. .... 01 tht IIlrbtlll' HOlpltal. Intttlm bt.wttft .Ilppet ."d d."clna Dr. J. Rowland 0., ."d A. C. ot "eMt kin. tafl.1 wUl be exhibited I" all · tla... MR. Henr), ... R.ndall •• Ilam." .t tht RIYtI'ton Co""tr), Clllb. which Farrow a'ia preatnt..s tUomtlllftda.

be fell room.. pmlde"" will ,lad" .rr.".. lor atartl .t nina o'clock. tiona .hat cert.ln eqlllpmtftt IIMt of ~T~:"!a:r::ve:On.° Olmt The oreh .. 'ra will Pial' In the tr.nlflOrtatlo". I ftotlRed by M~ Plve ,.,11 of enttrtalnln, "mo"I ... " I\lpPU" be p\lrthaaed, Blda will ..

Offlcl.tln" Cl.rom"" .Ildl'orlum 'rom 7.41 to .. SO ud SOth. Pholll RIYVton .,. Incllldin. travelolllti. dim"" .nd t.ken 011 the yarioll' ltelll. whaa School Bo.nt. 01,ra od .h. knd wUl Pial' 'rom .... to .. ao. The mlmbtnhlp commluH I. aclene., bt.n abt.lnett throll.h eover a wide ranc-.

RI",.rton. Th. tllhlblll will be open lrom tollecllnl the annll.1 dllll 0' Att, the "ndnl" 0' Mr. limo" MlIth, The boant ¥CIted to .CClp' the Sa. Co. K 114th I~ant" of N. J. uo to t.IO. C."" .nd I, .naloul to prOlllln n.w of Mool'fltowtl. vltetlon a' POlt Rod .. n to partld. P.Jm),ra DtIlJIl a"d B\IIl. (:0l1li. Cblldttn who do "ot .ttand til, m.lmben .1.0. Pl .... tont.ct Mn. Mn.Jam'l Davll. o. Macir .. town. IlIte In the Mem.orlal D~ .nrc ..... Pott Rad.... A"e"ll, Scbool Ot bltb Thomaa A . .calhln, chalrma". Tht ,antral ch.lrm.n 0' the ,.te, bal

(cOlltbllled on ,... a) IChool wllt be .dmltted to the ... IwdUuy hi. prell"ted • mlcro.tope IIlnounced tllet awln. to the fltt hlblt onl), If aceomlllnltd b)' to tb, ho.plt.1 withIn the pllt YHr. • m.,ldln 0' con.hlerlble npllt ••

tlo" waa not avallabl.. thl. .Urac. pan"',, LESTER H. CLEE tloll hll bean dll,ted tram the pro.

Sahlblt. ....m

Trooper Nab. Robber Su.peet Field Day At

Cinnaminaon HERE JUNE 9 . Intenatlnr •• blbh. will be on dll. Booth. St.te trooptr John Mlltt, af tile pl~ In thl (ollowl", roOIl\l. A Btld.eboro kfr.dt.. mid. • IItOlt ccmlll.te outline of .11 dllplill/l waa On Frld.y tvenln,. JUnl Oth •• 11 Attr.ctlve boothl will be .rr.n,ed Important captlltt I .. t ",,"k whee

Clnnlllllnaon Icbool wW bold Itt vlt)' klbdl)' Illtnl.h.d by .ha .cbool. IInlllll.1 opportllnlty I. ~ft'end tbe by Mn. Murr., tioy.r. of Riverton. ht took Jlmn Stallord Into cUltady FI.ld D~ next Mondl)', III)' at. but epace do •• not parmlt the pilb. peopl. 0' P.lm)'" .nd n.l.hborln. on the ,rounda of the Hom. for on MOllte 31 nelf MCIIlrlltown. TM Exhlbltlonl of ph,alca1 edllCltioa IItallon 01 .hll In d.tall. dll" to htar Dr. Le.ter H. Cle., the .. Ir 0' home-m.d., .nd clllprit arOllltd IUlpldon whlft the throlllh tbe Itad" wiD be ,lvlD b1 Llbrar.,t Mra. L.llri K. DIYor .nd on the Ylr), tlm.l), and Important ellndlfl. M1'1I. HlffY P. Jon .. , of trooller oblerved him dl'Mn, • car lbl chlldnn, Hch .tad, .aldn, pan. MI ... Ile. Malar. .ubJ.el 01 .h. IIropolld rae. track Rlyertan •• nd Mra. Lloyd ltelllln,.. .Iowly nur • , .. It.don. Tbln wlU be M~ Pol ... ,.m .. , Room I ."d Gr"nhOllll1 Mt. ,m.nelment. which com .. b.tor. the ot th.r .. of ItlHurd, who w ... rmed whlft Ip. dane .. , and Yarlo~ oth.r .tunt., be. P.rry, •• rlcilltural. yot.n of thl, a •• te .t the .peelal the candy .• nd Mn. Nathan L.n., prfhendtd h.1 .n IInnwo" record atMln •• t 1.00 0 clock. Room 141 Mt. Hutt. mttbUllcal ellctlon on J\Ille 10th. Jr ... nd Mr •. WIIII.m D. Llppincatt •• nd -did • prlloll term lor rabbt..,

• plcnlc IUpper II Icbecbalad ~. dr.wl",. photo,rapby. Th. local Mlnllt.rlal Comlllluu. the cak.. .Iyltll " .. n "tI. medlat.l, 10Uowln, th. cblldrllu Room III Mr. p.lmer, mUIl.I und.r It. Chalrm..n, R.y. Wlllh.m A. Mr. and Mr •. Leater Ruon. 0' 'ollowln. hi, Itrflt, ~lIc. WID. part of tile proar.... wW k tralnln. loyd .nd .. "ar.1 of the leacHn. Moore'town. hlY. co""nttd to II". ttl hi, bom. I" PhUad.lpllla wllttt a "bot dol" undwlcb ... potato aaIact, Room' 1101 III .. Ilirt. Enrilib. cltilina of Palmyra. Ine"ldl~WaI. .n .ahlbltlon In .rehtry on the CIn. quantlt" 0' j.wel" and • number of let craam. to. ueS bev....... for Room I0Il1 Mr. BntlCh, practice tar D. Lamon abCl Chrl •• o r N. n.mlnaon Home ,rolUld. II anoth.r pawn w.ra (oucl. a.J. for tbOM who do Dot care to oIllce .bCl commtrcl.J worlt. Peclltto b.vt ''',IPIt tile abQr. '''t\in, and there will be op. Police 1\lIIIIet him of btln, Ia. eek .belr aupptn. Th ••• TA. wIU Room III. Mr. T.rrill hlll.h Hllh Ikbool A\lclltorltUII fot tilt pomanlt" for ,.ta·lo.ra to tr)I thalr Yolved In a lut .. o. hota •• robblri.

y. cIIar.. 0' tIla reI ...... _, Ind hllto..,. • .¥tII1nr to .ccommodate tbe ...... IIIIU 'or a ftollllnal cha,... IItt... .h.t haye k." cOlllmltted NetIltt, .taad, willa Mn. II.... aa dIaIr. Room III1 MI.. Ittll", a",llIh ntlltlbar 01 PIOPI. 'QHted. IImIIl! .tok... of MooreetoWtt. Ia In thll .. CI.Io", Inchaetlnl two III au o( 11:::::-'" .... " . 01 aneS 0.... Por _III, ,eara Dr. Cl" baa bile chalrm.n 0' the "tlMllllDt COla· Rly.rton INS ClMaaIa .... tablellDeS wW Ita .vaUaIIIa. aOOlll 111. Mr. Ray. acODOBlle.. tilt lalder of tile .... t .... " tilt mlttM. When arralaned belo" J-

Altar .... tIaare wW 1M .... .. a_ nOt IIr. H .... lIOIIIatrp Nee traclt IntltHta III tIIIl "te. Ht • H.ndrltltlOft, .dol'd ~ ... uaI fatlMr ...... MIeMIl..... .nd ...... II brllII.... thll qtlt'ldoa "raet to Ilpper wit ud HlltIJIC. wu au ......

IUool ..... wW ... at LaO. iliad ltooIia _I IIr. H ........ eocIolo." '"'7 GltlIID III tbI ltat. who.. •• 1lIual. hot nppara aad platter pendln. '"rtller l.vt.tApdoa. wW ... lIP ..-" ... I ..... U proJect&. .tWal to " .. ~ .. tel of IItIPPttt wW lie ....... lfOIII • to well utile.......... If_ 1101 IIlu Hottett", jour. tIaetr tIaH to IatIr hila lpuIa. It II f.JO o'clod. Tht c--'tt .. 1aoI..... R Sale .

'I'M 1CIaool.,... .... &dill ....... III 0IIMfttI8l" tIIIt .".,., tboqlat· 11111 H .... Woolawa. of RIverton. U ..... e tpOt for • pIcIIIc 01 tIaIa aon.... aOOlll IDI Ill'. IC ...... WoIoD. fill cfuMa I. tWI 10c.JI., .lIouW not chal,..n. lin. W .... DIM K.,IIa. 01 ..., .. !at ..... II aorcUIUJ'" R~ 1111 IIr. Dert, ... or-...... 181... Moorutowa, aacI 11ft, Richard D. ¥it" to .U.... DIU tralnlal .areta,. o( Itly ... tOll. 'I'Iclltt •• , Th.· Itlverton.ClnawnJa .. a WeI.

..... aORl-lIr~ IIcDantIl, ........ IN Oa.DU.TINO . CL... be obt.lned lrom Mr •• J_ph lIor. far. · ... ol: .. tlon will hold u all. Tbt ........ lIrIdIt 1M .. at IItt. a .. IOItlir. Gall. c~ •• el Cbl., William Ooot". 01 RI .... • ,IIl, aly.rto" 1010. d., clothulln. ttlIUm ... aa1e II tilt

Warnick'. lut TlnaracIQ to ...... t h alee. ton. will bI 0111 of tilt IIlIIIlbar. o( Th. proteed. 'rom the .nnll.1 f.t. ".r ot Ttle N,w Itr. 1NI1d1a.J! till tM Count)' Incubator 'tand wu I P C Itll IIr. OtrIq. lClene.. the ,r.dllltln, cla. of the Iollth .r. to be \I." for rlltladell", the Maln .tr .. t. RIYerton. tada)' fJ'btitI. ple •• ut .lralr. .. lit \a • ....... Room 1011 Mr. "telltll, ehtll\ll- J.rll" Police .cllool wh." .... 1 n· .Itch.n.t til. hom.. ell,). tlflll prden .cIdacI mIlCh to .....,. t&7 ercl ... ar. h.ld .t O •• I,n. on MOIl· C-om •• neS h.". • lot ot fllnl Mr .. Ollbert Co., cbllrtau 01 die one'l .njo,m'"I. Plul nportJ on Room Ill. Mill N ... I, Itttllch. dal'. JIUl' •. • l-t.1I you-eportl 'or ever"on.. (omlnltttl. In th.r,e 0' the lIIair the .mOllnt to be tllrll'lll ov" to the Itoom 1141 ..... ,Ie.Ie,. dramall", C"tllc.t.. will b. .wmed to N-ot. minute dull or .Iow; report' th.t .n Ilnll,ual .. tectA .. Fllnd .rt not In u ,tt. Room 11'1 MI.. Hllblr. L.tln. membe,. o( the cI.. which com· N-o one bor.d. III (.r •• ,loW. wtll bt .\,.n.ble (or proapactlvt

.marltu hl.tol')'. Dri .. ollc.,. from m.n" commun· ._cbert cont .. t •• ,..1 champ loo b .. DRaBIt INVIT.TIONI aoom 1111 Mr. ConnoU,. Itftar.J ItI .. In tbll Ylda"),. M_k .. dand, .rrow., firm Ind true In UN of raln th ..... win 1M!

In\,I".Ion. bay. bun ....... b)' "iii",. I_door. IIr. M",r .. with lIIoYln h,ld on Prlda,. of thl. w.ek. • H • .", •. DrMr, Inc .• to Ylalt tIaaIr .ooml Mr. Mllllllln. booIdItep. NEW HOMK" N'_ dane. th.t nI,"t. real mute IIlII'IIrin at RlyertOll. Ntw JIt..,.. In.. marlatdla,. Dul.1 II. Clifton, Riverton billieS· I_PPtr "Ned. both cold and hot. C ... ., S"'" OIl "harda),. JIIIM 10, or hIIdI)', aoom 1011 Mr. Wolf •• ,.u IKIoJr In, " .. ,.clor I .. ued • par. o-t 011 the laWII. come •• t • lot. IUUO IUoI:o Juae II. to vi .. thalr rOM eIl.,aa,. IIIlt for tbt 0( • elw.lI. N_Ylr (01'1" tbe Illy de.,.. The Rlyerton PI,. Compaa, wIU Th •• ard .... wID 1M! open fr .. 10 ... 00 the comar of Blm

l ,rlday. lI.y IIlh . hold. aa1e all clay • ....,

• .m. to ...... (D." T.). terrill • Ch .. ,. , 1 I 01 daIt In front 01 the 1Iata Refr ......... will 1M! .... II)' tht TIM I

LadMI .. tile ~ •• __ .... 'I'Iae ... tree ....... ..,~~ ....... .... .. r" .............. w.,. ..,~=::. ..... . $




·E. COATES Socony Service Station


WAIIIUNO - OR.AltNO - TOWINO A.1l Work Gllaranteed - We Call for and Dellowel' Catl

818 Clnnaminlon Ave. Palmyra. N. J. PhOile 050

Six Sh .... ($100 par value) Stock of CinnuninlOn Bank and





lAY AND JUNE Olaf aalut cllpattalilt oll.tI a IIae HlecUoll of puenalalI. fOM. IIl4 otbIr pkIIt. for I.rdlllld bollUll pkllte tIIIt hi .. 1MtIl ItOwa for ¥ltOf • nd that ha.. .tohIl wltllla tbela 'hi IbUity to ,row od bloo .. tor ,OIL

COla. ud viII to brow .. Ifouad and ... wh, D .... ". pllnt' and lleet, be.. .toad the t .. t of ov... • hWldNd yelt. of bllll4la. the prelln b .. lltilul.

W .. kd.,. frola ...... to a P.III. (~)'. 1 to I ,.Ill.) Brln. tlla fllllll" ,our ItIe_ ,OIl' cuaen ,.




89c LAWN



Do .... take a cha ... e ...



TlletIC art! the (IIW remalnln,lprlnll wnkl wben eVft'I'f'tM It., A.tely tranlplant"d.

Su jump Into y01l1 c.t and drive out to rout OOllllllUllity hUl'*!tyman-lIIember ot the New Jl!tIey AIIOcI.tloll ot NUfII'rymen. Look over 'hll eversrren pl.l1t1alll, healthy

""ck tb.t IIvldllDClN It I .11DC4I It, vlprout IHld11fe"­eVl'tlftlelli tb.t .IIN adapted to New Je8ey'lI loll. and cllmlt_ln lhapea. ....... d ooIon to fit .n) ,.rdrn p/Illl.

80 much more IIeftI1bIe. Iea·t It. tban to a chlIKt' Oil

Il.xok of UtWlewa orlala pedclW by, drlt'd OIIt and wl'llu!ntd by ... of .ourllhmrnt durlq day. "oul of ,fOUnd"?

Wbether yuu buy a ........... 01' • cloae ... you'll fibd ,,,"r N"w Jl'fII'Y Nul'leryll ... u .... to aid you •• ' 01'. beyond I!'"wln, Illd IIIWb,. rOll'U IlIId hi.. bUeMlted In the br.llly ot Ihto l'Oblmunlty 111 whkh yOII both lin.

~J,t!;;:.'3.i: =~.":=.'a: 'mUM.".,.~ ........... We ........ e,., p.,.. .. ........ ",. ..... ........

.. .... yCCMIMCIL .......... NIW, ... ...............

.............. _ .. IUU .....


Iw:s.· .. ;::~~ .. ·;;~:~.41 MEM~~~~~ Y HERE Dnlm an~:::. C::-;'rk I T=IV:::~: t~A1!.t~!~ thl. ~:::o~c:o= r.~'~~~ .2912 AU (contin\led (rom paae 1) Prayen will be olFered It the lIor- year al annollnced by C. Kenneth Soldier bonu, .-...... - .03Z3 .011"

School Spani.h Ameriean W.r Ve~ran.. aan cemetery b, th. Re.. Geor.e D.via. collector, it ".42 ptr tloo 01 COllnt)' taa ._._._._ 1.0275 .65S0 • B S Tro Loc .... tt d .... II hodi C Library tu .---.- .0151 .-

__ ........ _ ........ _ .... _ ...... __ 0)' CO\lt opa. .... an at.... et It eme- asselled valation. D' ttl t h I 16110 1-C I b C.... II C IC 00 ._ .. _. - • ._14 The final weeln of eve.... School 0 \1m Ua adet.. tery -, the Re". W. A. lio~. The breakdown with 11131 COlli- BoroUCh -----. -- 1.4429 l.MllO

., Girl SCO\lt Troop.. The proaram at the Rlftrton 14.42 "92 )'ear are alwlY. crowded with n.w Riverton School Children. Melllorial Park wiD be al foUo ... : The thit year II ~ and \ln6nlahtd project&. AltbollIh Palmyra School Children. Invocation. R,,,. Prandl B. evenin,. May 28th. Thla chlltCh w.. caused by the Increase Iil the: CODD.

W .. tfield Frienda' School doe. lIot Cinnamln,on School Children. Dcwnll IOna, "America," .uem- attended by Frederidr; II. Rodac:n ty rate. The rile in the borolllh tall dOle until Friday, JlII1e 9, we are Civic and Fra~mal Or,lDintlona. blqe: lelection, POIt Rodletl Drum in whOle memory the local poIt of ia oCC:lllon~ chiefly by an error bill)' with ".riO\l. event&. Fire Companle.. IDd Buale Corp.: .ddreaa. Mayor the Americ.n Leaion ... a named. made lut year In the utility vaJu.

On Mond." M., 15, the IIpptr The atave. It the varlO\la «m.. H. Mcilvain Biddle; addre ... lI.,or All e ... emce men in the commlln- .tions made by the c_t, tax boanl. d ..... went to Haddonfield Frienda' teriea will be decorated by the Polt John F. WatcI: .electlon. Cohamb\l' ity who wiah to attend these Itr· Thil rellllted in a ...,., delci_~ Sc1loo1 to W. arrived in time .nd the 'uhool children of the three Cad~t'; .ddrea .. IlIdor S. Worth. vicea .re •• beI to meet at the Le· In revenue which muat be madeap for IWlchton .nd were entertained town.. Burbnaton COIll1., Co_.nder aion Home .t p.rn. .harp. thll year.

in tbe .. ftemoon with two p1i1J11 IDd ' The aalute to the dead will be Ammc.n Lealon; benediction, Rev. c:;.~~~;~;:=================. 'porta. One pI., WII liven by the fired by the Co. K. U4th Infantry John F. Welah; aonl, "Star SpaRaled ~t~~!!"! dlildren of the Ichool and the other Firina SQ\lad and tapa war be IOlIftd. B.nner." _bl .... _ PllPPllt Sho_w .. liven b)' the ed by POlt Frederick II. Rodpn Claarlea A. Klq, Poat Command-Philadelphia Dliry COllncU. The er will be muter (If ceremomea and

WINDOW SHADES wordl of IeveraJ chlldreo-"We had W __ I M t Palmer L. Adllm. I. chairman of neat fun"-q\llte Uprelaed the feel. _eyan en a the Po.t Memorial DI), Committee.

PIlrchaaed .Here An II--S and lnataIIed It,. - PrI_ R--"'e

VUSTUN BLINDS .k inl everyone h.d altet' '\llCh • de. Bebl CI- __ At the conclusion of the lemces liahtful afternoon. . 1 e ..... at the Rlwrton lIemorial Park, a

The Sprina Pqeant I. "10 t.kinl For the Men of the COllllllwaity b.1I ,arne will take pllce. HARRY C. SCHWERING our time and Intete.t. The PqelDt Scmc.. wiD be held .t the Cen-

I. to be alven Jllne lit at five-thirty Sir Walter Scott, the dittinaullb·1tr .. Bapllit Church on SlInday i~~~ii~~;~P~A.LilliYRA~iii~;i~~~iiiiii o'clock on the outdoor ltale to the ed Illthor. when dyin, uld "Brina =::============ riaht of the Mutlna Hollae. At the me the Book." "Whit book." .... ed .. conclualon of thla part of the pro- hll Ion-In-law. "The Boolt," Sir S TOP .......... - .................................... - ..... --_. Irant a hot .upper will be ,er\led Walter I18ld. "the Bible, there i, b\lt and the annu.1 Fair will be In pro· One." F D· C Fl are .. Immediately followina the pq_ Such is the of the Blbl. and or aDlty ut owera unt and continuln, tltrou.hout the it' th. World'. IIteratllre. There I. evellinl. no book 10 nourllhina and Inaplr.

The We.tfield Scroll wbich will be alional al the Bible. In one'. pll-1'udy for circulation on the after- arlmaae throuah life. with It. lloon of J\lne lit la ... embled .nd mYlterle.. the Bible II alit weat II belna publl.hed b)r the .htth lIIide• A. the }l,alml.t aald ''Thy Ifade. The mlluine la full · of Word i. a limp IInto toy feet and a c:hoice artlde, Ind Itotle. written "Iht unto my path." I by the children and ahollid live It, In our CIlia the Bible il the een­readen • delr Idea of wbat ehll- ter of out tho\laht• It. precepta hon.

. dten (an do and ate doln.. ored. But It la the "Word of ~" without doubt or queatlon, enrich·

CHRl8TIAN SCIENCE CHURCH Ina in wlldom in Ita reveal~ or life and deatlny. Be on. with III next SundlY at 0.50 II we optn the Book of Boob and lI.ten to III In.

"Andent and Modern Necrotoancy alia, M.,merllm and Hypnotilm, Denounced" I. the l\lbJeet of the leI' terpretation.. . aon'lermon In all Church .. · of ------------­Cbri .. , Scientll" on SIInda)'.










Plant Snapdragons ALASKA-White CAMPFIRB-Sc.rlet COPPER KING-Copper



One each of .the aix for' $1.00

HENRY A. DREER BII;/4;_I",1 Gard", Bllndi{u/s;IUt 1838

Fill YOllr ·V.sel, Urn, and BOllta with Dreer', Petunl.l. Gerani\lms, A,eratwnl. Lant.nll. Heliotrope.. etc.

Open wcekda,1 from 8 LID. watll 5 p.m. an4 OIl 8wada, (bat not fot bllllD_) from • IIDtll 5 p.m.

The Golden Tellt it: "Mind hand ahaD be upon the prtlphet. that Ite vanity. .nd that divine Ilea: . . . and )I't ah.1I I&now that I .m tbe Lord Oed." (EICkiei 13: 9).

AIllOlil the cltatlonl which com­prise the lellon·aermon la the 101· lowlnl from the Bible: "I would ,"1& unlo Otld, .lad \Into God would I com~lt my call •• I Wblch doeth lrelt thin" .nd unlC8l'chable i mlr· vellolll tltlnl' without nllmber:h

the followinl pa..... from the Christian Science teatbotllt, "Scltl1C:e and He.lth with Key to the Bcrip­t\lrtl" by Mary Baker Eddy: "In a world of lin .nd .en.uallt)t haaten· Ina to a areater development of

~~kls~~~to~!~~~~R~N~E~R~T~O~N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~:~~~~~~~~~~~! .Ider whether It la th. hWDID mind .. -----------..!\ or the divine IIlnd which I, Influ. enelnr one. Science OIlI, cab .a· plain the incredible ,ood and evil element. now comlnl to the ,url.ce. "ortlll mUlt Bnd refuce In Truth In order to .. capt the error of thelt I.tter d.y." (pp. 12. 83).

(Job 5: .. ').


The I ... on·ltftnon alao Incl\ld ..

Shop All Around for that New Refrigerator

.. ."JtII,.




71. CIIUlUIIbaIOD A__ PALIlYilA, N. J . ...... IU ..... ' •• .' .


You •• t hl,~ual~ at low I;rlce w ..... 70U bU7 .t ~ v.i. ou •• t t1ae SMOOTHNESS of I CJUad ........ .. GI •• ECONOMY of amall CJllacl ... ..

You ... t SAFETY I •• tuna ao oth ... Iow.prlce car off .. , St.bUlucI ch ... la. ..... ," froDl Ald. with racllua rod .. full torq_lu'" clrlY. aael tlae B"r H!j ",."ict Br .... OD aa7 Iow.p car

LOili ..,rLI...... (123 1acIa.) •••

~ae.t~~~~~ ...... cuaJiIOaa ••• aael • roomle interior eombiDe to ma the Forci v-a UDUIIU.U, COMFORTABLE ,. driY. aacI p ....... eral

You •• t the STYLE-LEADING Iow-' price car ••• aad the h! .... t qualltz material. aacI .......... atllip t

Th. Ford V-I ....... the THINCS THAT COUNT ••• ADd.t. !!!!.prlcel

sa lOUl .......... 011

...... ON All ....

.aa ... wy_


ABOUT TOWN lin. Florence Bvanl, of Tho_

· a\IeQue. is lpendinl tbis 'IJeek at · 1M IIome of Mr. and II.... Law­

HIlc:e Caskey. of ~ordentown.

Mr. and Mra. Frank Da,y. of PhD-· .a.tphia. Mr. and M.... Lawrence

CMkey. of Bordentown. and IIr. and lin. W. Clsyton APiar and Ian, of

·Woodbury. spent Sunday at the lIome of Mr. and Mra. ROil Bvanl. "Of Thomal avenue.

Mill Thelma Filher, of Eat Riv· erton. wal one of a croup from the Palmyra Junior Woman's Clab that spent the weekend in Atlantic City.

Mr. and Mra. Georac Amca. of Florida. are spendlnl the lummer at 6 Broad atreet. ---

Miss JacqueUne Haberern. danah· ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Habcrcm, of Main street. ",as a member of the ,raduatin, class of the Welt Jeney Hospital Traininl School for Nurses. Exercisel were held lalt Wednesday. ---

Min Marcot Pltler wunte. daqb­ter of Mr. and lin. O. G. WilIitI. of Bank aftllae, wU1 be lIles~ of honor at a dianer-dance on JUDe 18 at a.3O o'clock at the home of M .... John Thompaon Dorrance, "Wood­crest." Radnor. Pa. Min Wilnta il a etudent at Smith CoUele.

St. Acnes Guild. of Cbrilt Church, Falmyta, il plannlae a bUI trip to Ocean City on Tuesday. JUDe CI, leavine at 8 Lm. Tic:kell arc II. Make relervations by c:allinl River­ton 631.

Mr. and IIfL Geofle BanAl, IIr. and Mn. Harry Ward, and Mr. aacl Mn. Joaeph WeUa. of Palmyra, apent the weekend vilitiac Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nitchman. of Ruth­erford, N. J .. fortnel'ly of Palm,", They aleo vilited the World'. Pair.

The River Town Ladies Club wi.hes to thank the mercbanll aacl aD who helped to make their card party • IUCCetIL Proceeda will be distributed amoq needy individllala. This affair was the laat of the aea­son and the. club il Rlamain, IUI­other aeries to atart In the FalL

Mr. and lin. Jolm Haebe1I. of Garfield avenae, are ncei9iac COIl­Iratu1ations 00 the birth of • lOll Dean Charle .. at ZurbruaC lI_orial Hospital, Rivenide, 00 Sunda)'.lIfL HuebeD iI the former MI.. Ruth AbdilL

Mr. and Mre. Samuel Silver, of Pitman. formerly of Ohio, enw­wned Mr. and Mrs. Elvin PaweD, MfL MatOda Volmer and MfL A. B. PoweD. aU of Palmyra recaat­I)'. M.... Silver Is the daqhter of Mr. and MfL BIvin PowelL

MfL Howard Dinlee, of Atlauta. Manhall Trout. of Williamstown.

if. J .. died suddenly at his home reo cently. Mr. Trout wal the brother of Herbert Trout, of Cinnaminson ."ue. and uncle of Mn. Alma ...., .. of Thomas avenue.

Mrs. James Brown, of Linden ave-nue. will entertain at a Knittinc Party Friday eveniq.

M .... Ii. B. Conlow. of 706 Lincoln avcoue, was the winner in the Ma,y Mr.. Bula Roach, of Delaware 19 drawinl of Shulman'a Merchan.' avenue, entertained a number of dise Club. friends last Wednesday eveninc.

Georai .. il vi.itin, her parente. IIr. and Mra. Thomas Branaon. for 1eY­

eral weeb.


'-==:::::::1:1 Mal~n Street Market Pederation of Women. Cluha wu apia held at Atlantic City. May 17 I . to 20. The Riverton Porch Club • w.u reprea~ted by itl president, E W AID and CARHART Propnetors lin. Fnnal B. EI"eD. for the II ' tbne da)' _Ion. The other dele- = · DL___ 904 F ·D-I:.. ... u::e~te~::t E 528 MaID Street CDUDe ree alYery Riverton Borcer, who attended one day HI- I II... each. Other memben who represented the club at the mcctinll I _ Thlltlday were Mn. Gorham Su-.-.. Mrs. Henry Shreve. Mn... Charlea Earp, and Mn. Carvel iii .8parks. I

Mr. and Mra. Frank D. Looa, of PblJadelphia, have moved to the

Celebrate Memorial Day All America turna towardl the areat outdoora tbla week-en.d

and we are ready with a lonl lIat of picnic .pecia ..... You'll find evcrythlal you need in the way of aandwlch maldol spreada, pickles, olives and other loty fOods for your outln,.

BeD property on FOllrth Itrcet. S"e;~iaARl * lin. William Broderaon, of Har­

rban Itreet. had the milfortune to fall Jut week from a ladder wblle wilabioa windows. She wu taken to ZurbrulC Memorial Ho.pital. ltIvenide. where it was found that

Beverage SALE

• _bUe .he wal badly bruiled no bonel Pale Dry r-: .... er Ale were broken. Mra. Broderaon came '-'''"&' home followinll an examination. Root Beer • Birch Beer

Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Wood. of Xuareth. Pa .• entertained at a fam· Oy reunion on Sunday. Amon, thoae preaent were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maraton. and Mr. and Mrl. Harry E. Davil. both of Riverton. and Dr. and Mra. Fred McCollum and Ion Fred Wood McCollum. of Bqle"oad.

lira. William A. Hendrickson, of Lippincott avenue. i. chairman of the plants and Rowers for the an· Ilual Flower Mart of the Cooper HOlpital to be held on June 3.

Alexander C. Wood, Jr., prcaent­eel the pins and diplom.. at the "aduation exercilel of the Burllnc­toll County School of Nurlinl held In the First Method!lt Church, Mt. ~Ily Monday evenine. Mr. Woad iii YIce presldmt of the county board of manalers of the inltltution.

Mr •• nd loire. Harry C. 81m, of Thomu avenue. spent SUllday III At· lalltic City.



J. M. HUDGINS, JR. .• iWl'ton 641 Pree Delivery


Lasting Waves • PRESENTING FOR


"A Dramatic Climax for Your Beauty"

Thur Ray The Machinelell Cool Permanent that Laltl


Palmyra IIalrdressin~ Parlor .., lIepIc Avc.. Palmyra N. J.


Orange. Grape - Lime Dry Iii Golden Ginger Ale - Sarsaparilla

I •

I 31a.r£~ ~ i!!') • I Paper Plates 3 doz for 25c - Pa.,.- Cups doz lOc

Napkins Sc box I Straws Scbox FOR SANDWICHES and COLD PLATTERS HORMEL'S SPAM .... ......... .................. 12-oz. can 29c R. & R. BONED CHICKEN ............ 6-oz. can 39c Underwoods DEVILED HAM ............... 2 cans 25c Kellogg's RED SALMON ........................ tall can 23c

Kellogg's Finer Foods Will Add Extra Enjoyment to Your Holiday Meall

Kellogg's PEANUT BUTTER ...... l-lb jar 15c with tbe Flavor of Fresh Routed Virpoia Peanutl

Kellogg's SWEET GHERKINS ...... qt. jar 35c SMALL· CRISP· TASTY 2 5-oz jan 19«:

Kellogg's STUFFED OLIVES ...... Ig. jar 29c LUlie Queen OU".. Stulled with Pimientos

Kellogg's GRAPE JUICE ........................ qt. jar 29c REFRESHING - INVIGORATING 2 pt. botl. 3Sc

Kellogg's Cocktail Cherries ..... _ ..... 5-oz. jar lOe FOR SALADS and FRUIT CUPS

ADD ZEIT and FLAVOR WITH Kellogg'. SALAD DRESSING .. __ ...... qt. jar 2Sc



Lar,e GREEN PEPPERS __ "._ ... _ .. _ 2 (or 9c Larce Heada LETTUCE .. __ .. _____ ._ each tOe

Solid Slicing TOMATOES ..... _ .... _ .................... 2 lb 25c Delicious EATING APPLES· ................. : ...... 6 for 25c Extra Large PINEAPPLES ........................ each t9c Ripe HONEY DEWS ... __ ........... _._ .......... __ ...... each 33c Radishes, 3 bunches lOe Scallions, 4 bunches tOe Water Cress, bunch 5c Cucwnbers .. -._ .. each 5c Bananas ...... _ ...... _ ... _. lb 6c Celery ..... _ .. __ .. bunch ISc





SMALL HAMS 8 to 12 III av,.


Per lb

LARGE HAMS Shank Half 6 Ib avg Ib2Sc~ FEUN'S Tenderized SMOKED PICNICS

Fresh-killed ~ Poultry_

STEWING CHICKENS, 5 lb avg. FRYING CHICKENS, 2Yz to 3 lb avg'29c With that "melt-in.your-mouth" taste SPECIALLY PRICED ... _ ... __ ._ ...... ___ . lb

COLD CUT SPECIALS Annour'. Star Meat Loaf S VARIBTI&I BEEF BOLOGNA U-Ib 5c SPICED HAM 1/ Ib 8c SLICED CHEESE 74-ONLEE HAM 1/ Ib 15 BOILED HAM /4- C Home Made Potato Salad ____ 1 ..





Palmyra·Moorestown Tilt Eneli in 4-4 Stalemate as

Locals Pound Ball

ROTHBAUM HITS r .. "· .......... ·· .. · ............. · .......... "-"' ... "· .... "]· RIVERTON A. A Country Club •

8AU WITH GUSTO Notes . STARTS TUESDAY Gets Triple with B~~~ Full .... ,............................................................. Local Ban Club to Meet Fatt

SPORTS JOTTINGS as Locals Earn DeCISIon Sollth Jerley Amateur Defiance Team Here

Over Moorestown The next bil event in local coif. Memorial Day PallDyra and llooreltown played

to a 4-4 deadlock Mooday aftemooo 00 the Quaker field as • heavy dOWD- The Palmyra Bllrlinaton County pour Iwept over the field and cur- Leacue team defeated Medford 8-1 tailed bo.tilitlel as the fracal was lalt week, at Palmyra. ZimlDer. of in the lalt half of the eilhth .tan... the locals, did a nice bit of barlln,

Palmyra Hlah woo another baD inc circle. eomea on Friday of tbil lame lalt Thunday afternoon. but week when the South Jeney Ama· the local board of ItratelY had a teur Tournament will be held on the plentitude of anaioDl moments be. fore Moorestown &naIly bowed b, the count of 8-6.

The Dimondmell bit the baU hard durin, the c:ourse of the enillement. The affair \vu played under con. ditlonl that contributed to the leth. araic performance of the local .. the hilh wind raiainl clouds of dust that simulated a bi,h powered 'Iand 8torm, call1lin, Coach Dimond to reo lay sienala to the third baae coach

enouah to win ICVCral lamea, ,et- -0-

tUac elaht aafetiel off two Moores- The Palmyra Giants lost a 6-4 de. town hurlen, .la of these hein, for ciaion to Camden Twelfth Ward at atea buca. includlna: ' a rellOundinl Dudley Gran,e lalt Sunday. triple and a two bae,er by Paul Mc- -0-

Dertnott. AieDo and Jolmlon \ilbt- Monday niaht ,ames In tbe local cned up when hita meant runl, how- softball loop were waahed out by the via radio. ever. and Palmyra had leven .trand· . . eel, four of theae lanculahinl on ralD.

Sam Rothbaum's bat was a potent factor in the win, the fint Acker ,ettin, three for three, illcludlnl a resoundinl triple with a full house


Leonard Starll

Leonard, a promiain, junior south­paw member of the Palmyra hurliq corps .lIrted the affair hecauae of the preponderance of lelt bauders in the Mooreltown hattinl array. He went alone nicely for three frames, but wal hastily jettiBioned in the fourth in favor of VanEm­burl. Two wcre aboard at the time with none out. .

Moorestown Itarted the acorio, in the 6nt, eettinl one on a cheap sinele. a lacrlfic:e, infield out and a barefaced Iteal of home. They added two more in the fourth on an­other one baaer. a damaainl error and another ' aioale. The final tally came in the sixth as a result of a double aDd another boot by the Pal· myra infield.


Meanwhile the locall hit with auato, but not to advanta,e. Mc­Dermott tripled in the &rat with one down, but cot no further.

With one cone, Karitit doubled In the aecond and moved to third 00 a wild pitch. His nellt move was to don bia catehine equipment. In the third thin.. looked better .. Kemmerle alna:led and .tole lecond. After McDertnott flied out. Cole doubled to admit Kemmerle and Tumer did llkewiae to bl'lq in Cole. VanEmburl linlled to Itart the fifth, but that was all.

Dull bluted one al the liJlth Opelled and went to third on an error by the pitcher, who mishandled Brewater'l bunt. The next two batterl were eoy oUli. but MeDer· mott came to' the rClcue with a po· tcot doublc.


Palmyra Trims Burlington by Four Point Margin;

Relay Decides .

With the mile relay the decidinl event, the Paimyra Hieh track team took a closely contested meet from Burllnaton last Thursday afternoon. the score beine 45 ... 1.

The combination that took the race that ,ave the local. the ver­dict was compoaed of SeemuDer, Burns. Brown and Fox.


tOO·yard dash-Won by Flournoy.

abo.ard. Take Lead

Mooreatown Inauaurated the pas· timina by tabbina a brace of run. In the initial ltaau. Thil w •• fol· lowed by two morc in the fOllfth. both · heina of the unearned classifi· cation.

At this point the affair appeared to be well in the bac for the Quakers as tbe Palmyra offensive had been of a most dilatory nature. beln, confined to a sin,le marker in the aecond.

The Red and White 6naDy came to life in the fiftb with a brisk rally which started after two wcre down. McDermott was laIe on a fielder'l choice and Cole connected for a lin,le. Turner wal hit on the ankle and Karitls atroDed to force in a Palmyra; aecond. Spiewak, BurJio,.

ton; third. Seemuller. Palmyra: run. Tlme-lO.2 .econdl. Rothbaum, the next hitter, excur-

22O-yard dalh-Won by Seemul. lioned one into the far reaches of ler. Palmyra; second. Flournoy, Pal- center field to clear the decb. myra; third. Spiewak, BurJinllOn. Need More Time-23.1 aecondl. This ,ave the Dimondmen a one

88O·yard run-Won by Martin, run lead with the count 5.... As Burlineton; aecond. Fall, Palmyra; thinls turned out it wal not enou,h, third. BroYln. Palmyra. Time-2 lince tbe oppolition ,at lina:leton. minutea 1 2-10 lecondl (new school Ir. the llixth and .eventh to forle record). ahead a,ain.

Mile run-Won by Buml, Pal. Palmyra went to the fore alaln in myra: aecond, Todd, Burllnllon; the Itretch frame when four one. third. Huyett, Palmyra. Tlme-4 baserl were 100d for two talliCl. minutea 48.6 aeeond.. The final run came In the eilhth

Shot put-Won by Pankiewlca, when Baker lalhed out a triple and Burlinltoo; .econd, PbDe, Palmyra: croaled tbe rubber on Cole'. second third, Thom .. , Burlineton. Dil· hit of the afternoon. tance-49 feet, 6 and one·half Inchea. r.fooreltown ,ot a man u far as

Diac_Won by PanldewiclI, Bur· third in the lIinth with only one out. IInlton; aecond. Thomu, Burlln,- but Baker whilled the laat two bat. ton; third. Phile. Palmyra. Dis- terl to end the affair. t8nee-l06 feet. 10 incbel.

Pole vault-Won by Houaer. Pal. Each Get Twelve Weather Bad myra; second. WentzeD, Palmyra; Baker allowed Mooreltown J2

Thil knotted the count, but it apo third. tie between McCormick. Den. hill. but 'two of thelC were buntl pcared al thoulh the effort micht be nil and Rapacna• of BurJinlton. and three more were of a diareput. waited u heavy precipitation .eem. Heicht-lO feet. 6 inches. able character. He fanned 13 aDd ed about to arrive. The rain held Hi,h jump-Won by Martin. Bur- ilaned only one free ticket. off, but Mooreltown proved a men. IInllon: lecond. Ott. Palmyra; Palmyra touched Rellottcz for the ace in the lower half of the frame third, Willey, Burllnllon. Heillht- ume number. but aD were of the

local course. The event will draw the belt ,olfel's from aU over thia part of the Itate and about 20 memo ben of the Riverton club wiD be CD' tered in the c:ompetition.


Walter P. Brickley jUlt milled joinina: the select circle in the aec­tional quaUfyiol round of the P.GA. on Monday of thil week. Tbe local pro had a card of 153 for the 15 holel which left him one over the 152 neeellary.


Reaults last week in the compe­tition for the Walter H. Lippincott Trophy:

Hackett beat Allen. I up. Colwell beat Moffitt, 6 and 4. Roaers won from Phlllipi by de.

fault. . Bartlett beat Scott. 2 and 1. Vilaack beat Coe. 5 and 3. Lamon beat Hemphill. 1 up.


The Palmyra Hiah School net team won a brace of dcclliona lalt week. turnine back Woodrow Wil. son 5·0 and Collinaswood by a 3.2 count.

The scores: 'Palmyra vs. Woodrow Wilson

Slnlles Stic:Jde, Palmyra. defeated liln,le •

Wilaon, 6·3, 6-3. Well. Palmyra, defeated Deue,

Willon. 6-0, 6-2. Hozier, Palmyra, def~ed Hickl,

Willon, 6-3. 6-3. Willon, Palmyra, defeated I.avine,

Wilson, 6·1, 6-4. Doubles

H. Deemer 'and R. Deemer, Pal­myrl. defeated Myen and Nlemroff. Willon, 6-0, 6·1.

Palmyra va. Collin,lwood Slnllel

Stickle, Palmyra. defeated Bren· nan, ColUnllwood, 6·2, 6-3.

West, Palmyra, defeated Hum· phriel. CoDinalwood. 6-1. 6-0.

Billinal. Collinelwood, defeated Hoaier. Palmyr •• 6-2. 6-1.

Witlon, Palmyra, defeated Bi. quers. Collin,awood, 7·5. 0-6, 6-4.

Doublea Huehu and Mortimer. ColUnlll.

wood. defeated R. Deemer and H. Deemer. Palmyra, 6-4, 11.1.


.. VanBmbure 10lt control mo. 5 feet. 4 inches. aimon pure variety. mentarily and passed two batterl. Broad j\lmp-Won by Conroy. Baker'l IUppOtt tottered on aev.' Great dlya are ahead for New Charles Sims wiD dilp!ay hia 1939 edition of the Rivertnn Ath­letic A'lodation baD team to local fanion Memorial Day aftornOOll, .t Memorial Park, the came to art aa soon as the CJlCfclaes are con­cluded.

The oPpolirion wID be the fat Defiance A.A.. of Camden, an 01It0 fit that boall. an Wlbroken wlnniDa atreak of nine ,ames duriq the CQl\o

rent campaip.

Team Looka Good

The locall bave • . YOMI, llut hUltUne a"relation that baa f01IDcJ. ed into Ihape al a result of aeveral weeb of practice and the cut ahould be able to aive • load ac­count of itself darin, the present leason.

The starlinl probable lineup in­cludes the followln,: either Baker, Diffenbaulh or Carhart on the mound, Karitl. behind the plate; Sam Rothbaum at firat. Pred Free­man at second, Francia Cole at Ihort. Elmer Sutters at third. the two McDermott brothera and Brew­ster in the outfield. GI'bson, an· other member of the pltchln, corps is still nunine a IIOre arm II1Id wU1 not be available for lOme time.

Bill Baker and aeveral otber prom· lainll players will also be available.

The hoys have been hard at work to ,et ready for the aeuon. H_ about a ,ood turnout to aee them OIl

the field'


Scorln, three runl in the ninth enabled Columbua to take a 4-3 de· ciaion from Pidmyra In a Burllnltou County Leaaue tilt lalt Sunday 011 the winner'l field.

Columbua ABR

Sbinn. If .. __ ... ____ .. _. 3 .. Smitb, cf .. _. _____ .... 4 0 L. Reed, II . ___ 4 1 H. Pew. c __ . ____ • S 0 Elliott. rf ______ 3 1 Gilbert, 2b __ . __ . 4 0 Jacll:. 3b _____ S 0 Rockhill. p ____ .. 4 1 A. Pew. lb _____ 4 0

HOA o S 0 000 020 1 11 0 200 212 1 1 4 107 190

Totall _____ .__ 34 4 8 27 13

Palmyra ABR

Williaml. .1 _____ 5 1 1. Prilco. 2b __ . 5 1 Mick. 3b __ . ___ 5 0 Humel, lb ______ S 1 £nakat. If ._ 3 0 J. Prilco. rf 2 0 Dev'ny, cf 4 0 Fowler, c _____ 3 0 Altadonna, p ____ 4 0 Br·raon. If ___ 2 0 Frichere. rf ___ ._ 2 0

HOA 1 1 1 000 3 1 5 160 130 000 120 1 11 0 200 220 000

The aide wu finally retired with. Burlinlton; second. Podolak. Bur· eral ocealionl .nd the Ihabby field·, Jersey anlllera with the pike and out dam .. e and Palmyra cot run. Ilncton; third, Flournoy, PalmyrL in, contributed much to the Quaker I pickerel leason which opened on nera to lecond and third In the Diatance-19 feet, 4 and three· ac:orin,. He fanned the aide in the May 20 which will relieve the pres· ei,hth. Thil demonatraUon wal cut quarter Inch... fourth, but a wild heave to third al· Illre on trout atream. and ,ive the down by a mappy double play and Mile rclay-Won by Palmyra lowed two runnen to acore. Oy lilhermen his lone soullht op­al Moorestown came to bat rain (Seemuller, Burne, Brown. Fox): All ended well, however, 10 no portunity to play with the wary Total. - . _ 40 3 12 26 6 2 came down vicoroualy. After an ICcond, Bnrllnlton. Time-S min· real ciama,e wu done. trout. the State Filh and Game Palmyra _. ___ 000 020 001-3 artniltice was caDed for 15 minute. utes, 41 lecondl. Palmyra I Commillion announced thi ' week. Columbul _._. ___ 010 000 00)....4

hOltilities were de60itely postponed AB RHO A LIter on June 15 the ban season Winnin, pitcher-Rockhill. Loaiq until a later date. SIXTH PLACE IN Kemmerle. rf __ ... 5 0 1 0 O! Openl . to . furnish furtber lport for pitcher-Altadonna. Struck out-By

Palmyra GROUP 3 MEET MeDertnott. cf __ 4 2 1 0 01~nthullaltlC filhermen who venture Rockhill. I; Altadonna. 10. Bues 00 AD RHO A Cole .. 5 1 2 1 2 Into tbe rural are .. for excitement ball-<)ff Rockhill, 2: Altadonna, II.

KClJllDerle. rf ___ S I I 1 0 . in fin'-Led T~er 2b - 4 2 2 2 2 and pleasure. The pike and pickerel Two-bue bit.-BWott. Hamee, QU. IIcDermott. d __ 4 0 2 2 0 Palmyn. With I'~ po ts, I .. , K ' . • 2 2 1 13 0 leason will Itay open until Novem- H . nd N Cole. .. _ S I I J 5 lixth in the South Jer., Group 3 R -:.! c Ib"-- 3 0 3 11 0 ber 30 and after beine closed for a bert. Umpir_ estunan. 01· TIII1IOf. 2b 4 0 I 1 2 track meet held lalt Saturday. Ten 0 um, --- 4 0 0 0 S mOllth will re-opeD 00 January 1 IOn.

Karitia. c 4 0 Z' 5 - 0 scboo" competed In the alfalr whlcb ::wr. 3b rf S 0 0 0 0 for twenty daYI of winter filhiac. tbba Ib S O. 0 wal won by WoodbUry. B~ter, --- 4 I 2 0 41The bul lCason cloael on Novem. LOCALS SWAMP RIVERSIDB

Ro am. --- 0 The I al k nI fi th'- .... r p • DaJI, 3b 4 1 1 J S oc I too 0 y one nt,.. , ---- ber so. The local lliell' IIOftball team COlD'

Brewster, If 4 I 0 J 0 hono~ loiq ~o Buml •. w~ led!be Totala ;; .li 27 Ii The State Filh and Game Com· milted mayhem on the Riveralde en· Leonard. p 1 0 0 0 0 field 1ft the mile ran. hll time beille . million urlled licensed anllen to try in tbe BurlinltoD County Gir .. ' VanBmbur" p __ 2 0 1 . 1 0 4 minutH 31~alaecOllda'6nI_"ed fif h Moorestown 0 I take an early advantalle of the pike SoftbaU Leque laat week, wllUlblc

_ _ _ _ _ BrowlI. of P myra. ... t AB R H A and pickerel aeaaon pointine out by tbe top· heavy count of 36-2-TOlill ~ _ ~ 32 4 9 21 10 in the 110 while Houser tied for E. JohnlOn. cf - - - 4 1 2 J 0 that every pickerel taken before the The affair went aI. innioll aad acc:ond ift the PO~ va~t. Schatz, as •. __ ~ - , 4 1 0 2 2, basi lCallOn OpeDl on June 15 will WII drawn to a merciful dose by the AD RHO A The other point winner for the Baker, c 5 0 0 6 :z leuen the danller of larlle pickerel kindly mantle of darknesa.

hn d 3 1 2 1 0 Red and White wal Flournoy. who A. JohnllOn. If - - 5 1 3 2 0 raidina the ball neltl and lakin, Thin,l Itarted with the homeater. B. ~~ lIOn. -- - . 1 2 1 0 took 1IC0lld place in the broad jump. Re,ottCl, p - 5 1 2 0 J more baas than probably any anller ,ettinll a ain.le marker in the first, SchUltze... _ .... - - .. B II rf 4 1 2 0 I • Baker. c: _ 4 I I 4 0 arte o. durine the mtire aeason. but the ae -ond Itaau A. the be-

J hnao If 4 2 2 S I Daylillht IIvina: was in dect In Aiello. 2b - 4 1 1 4 1 Game wardenl report many Ii· lIinnin, of the rout 81 II ta1IlH came :~':ltCl. ~f ,p - ~ 3 0 0 1 0 eilhteen Itatn. lix Canadian provo Seckel. I b - 4 0 1 7 0 cenaed rod and reel anllers have 1ft. •

1 b S 0 0 10 0 inCH and tm foreilln countries laat "cMullin. 3b - • 4 0 1 2 4 been catchln, daily ball limill of. Ri"erside really wellt to pieces in !~!:: Itp ~: SOl 0 0 year. Tota.. 39 6 12 24 II Irout at favorite fiahinC lpota lliace ' the fifth when the locall tabbed 11 Rel&R. 2b _ 2 0 0 I 6 Mooreatown :zoo 201 loo-c1 the aeaaon opened on April 1S. Tbe more. Wilaoo. 3b • 2 0 0 1 1 hit _ Mc:OerlDOtt. 8acri6cc bill- Palmyra 010 040 2lx-a pro,ram of re·ltockinll trout at va·

_ _ _ _ _ Kemmcrle. WIIaoo, tJdnalUc. Stolen Error_Baker. Seckel, MCMulIio'l r~ p~c Itreaml will be can· The Ar,entine tanllo Ie JaPE'1 Totlla __ ~ __ 27 4 6 24 11 ba_£. Jo__ (2). Kcmmerle, Kariti. (2), McDermott, Cole, Br_· tinned Wltil the aeUOft c10aes 011 mOlt popular daoce 1Duaic.

Palmyra _ ~ 002000 ....... Karitia, RotbbnlD. Struck out-by ster. Three hue bill-Baker, Roth· - -----lI_atown _ _ JOO JOI Cbt-4 ~rd. 1; VuaBaabur •• 4: AicDo'I baum. 8aai6cc bitl - Rotbbaum, ' Re,otwc. 6. daae 011 tJaU.-ol' JuI, 15. ao that there _y be DO ....

&min - ~ Cok. AIdo. I. .... GO "1I~ AicUo, I; I Ikbnlz, IJaa1dIo. StoleD ___ I Baker. 1; (" R~ottell. 3. Ilia by up in the 'PM'- Tbc troal .... Two .... ~aridII (I). Cell. Jehn- 1: V .......... 2. Wt - IdIaIa. A.. JoIIMoD. 1IcDcnDGu. pitcblcl bUI - TlInMr. Left GO will ..... opaa for a tLin, da, aca· TerMr, lie.,......, .......... ~ 7. ~ $. DiI4. Itrack ~ ..... 14; ~ ........ ~. I; lloo..-owu. 10. __ IealtClDba- L


THE NEW ERA latorpot'atea

Publlahed Every Thunda, at 600 Maio Street RIVERTON. N. J.

Batered at the Riverton. N. J.. Post Office aa Second Clan Matter Telephol'e. Riverton 712

WALTER L. BOWEN. Editor W. W. METZGER. AAociate Editor KARL W. LATCH. Adv. Mcr.

4 Second Street. Riverton 812 Morpn Ave., Palmyra Phone 406 Pbone 8GB

LEOAL ADVERTISEMENTS The New Era il a Le,aI Ne_paper. CommIAloner·a. Sheriff'a and

....... Sale .. Adminiltrator'a and Executor'a AdvcrtilCmenta are IOlldted. TIle New Erl wiU appredate bein, remembered io thi. connection.

c o M M E N T

'IYMCA . president of the New Jcney ~

BRIEFS I ; ~:~~n of "Y" Secretaries, will at-

In connection with thil conference there will be sessioDI of the Na-

To Consider Campin, Matters tional Association of Town and The May meetin, 01 the County Country Secret~riel, to w~ch all

'1 MeA B d h Id at Camp county secretanes of Amenca and . • :. oar. was . c I Canada belon,. 1:he national pres!_

Ockanlckon with a dinner at 7.1!O dent of this allsociation il Edmund o·clock. Prior to the dinner the R. Tomb, a member of the New members mnde an inspection 01 tbe Jersey State Y.M.C.A. atalf. and a

. camp property. Irequent visitor to Burlinlton coun-John LeWIS says that he expecta Irvin, Hollin,shead, chairman of ty on Y.M.C.A. matterll.

It would appear more fittin, if in- the county "Y" board, and Clement ' BIRTHS trouble in Harlan county. KentuckY., the camp promotion committ,e of

IItead of makin, a firebrand .;ate. A. Duran. ne,:" executive director of Mr. and Mrll. John Muaball. of ment of this IUIture that he Issue Camp Ocka!,~cko!" presented plans

Subllcriptlon '1.50 a Year In Advanc:e one calline upon the miners to abo lor t~e partiCIpation of board m~m- Weet Chlar~es street·hareb

. rthec:elvinf

C Advertilinc Ratea on Application . vi bers m a camp enrollment campal,D. eongratu ations on t e Ir 0 a

" .. , stam from olence. Dr. Duran 'also acquainted the son a~ the Women's Hospital. PhiIa. . PRINTING I In al!F;;knesl board with plans of the camp f c!elphla.

The New Era Offic:e i. equipped to do all klndl of Pine PriotillC at trustees for the 1939 campin, sea- -0-( reuonable pricel. In all fairness. public ownerahip Ion. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Wallace. of

project. IIhould pay taxes on the Garfield avenue. are receivine con. same basis al private utilitiea and Hendry to Attend Conference gratulations on the birth of a lIOn Philadelphia Advertiaine Rellre.entatlve

WM. NEVILLE & ASSOCIATES. Inc. 12 South 12th Street. Philadelphia, Pa.

submit to the same kind of recuJa- . The triennial conference of the As. al the Zurbru!;g Memorial Hospital. tlon and accountine practicts. Other. sociation of Y.M.C.A. Secretaries of I Mrs. Wallace was formerly Millll wise. their "cheapnells" is a fall. the United States aqd Canada will ; Florence Feldman. of Palmyra. acy.-Meriden, Conn., Record. be held at the Royat York Hotel. , . . Decoration Day --0-- Toronto. the week of May 29 • June I Siam was opened to western In.

Of every dollar spent in America 3. Secretary Guy C. Hendry. who is Ruence in 1612 by British explorel'1l. today, 22 c:enta is paid out for taxes

, .

Originally begun as a memorial occasion to honor the dead

of the Civil War May 30 is tiow a holiday of more far:.reaching

proportions, being observed in the majority of the states to pay

tribute to the nation's soldier dead of many wap:s.

It is entirely fitting that this great country ahould devote

the short time of a single day to honor those men who made the

aupreme sacrifice for their country. If it were not for them and

others. fortunately. who are atm alive. it can be stated with con­

aiderable certainty that this c~untry would not be as it is today. Theile honored dead are heroes and the paasing of the years

ahould not dim the appreciation of our public toward their gift , to democracy.

May we continue always to obaerve the Day with fitting ceremony. bearing in mind the words of the immortal Lincoln who said.

"That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; and that this nation. under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that the government of the people. by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth."

Riverton Streets While street departments in many communities are the target

for considerable unfavorable criticism, it is rare that favorable comment is directed to those who do a good job in construction and maihtaining excellent highways.

,For this ruson. and in appreciation of a sound program, it IIema only fair that the Riverton Borough Council eould be accorded congratulations on the gradual. but steady improvement of atreets in this community.

One only has to go to countless other municipalities in this aection in order to appreciate the fine work that has been done here.

The program as adopted several years ago is not spectacular. nor does it cost the taxpayers an eXUlsive amount of money each year. Rather. the plan involves a gradual conatruction of permanent paving and. at the 'ame time, all other atreets re­ceive adequate attention. In a comparatively few yean the en­tire borough will have streets paved with bituminous concrete that eould remain in excellent condition for many years.

The plan has been carefully thought out so that a definite procedure is followed annually. Streets with the poorest lurface are given successive treatments 10 that when the time comes for . permanent paving. thesc thoroughfares are ready for the ameiaite or whatever material may be used. Highways which are more heavily used naturally reach ultimate treatment first, with others following in regular lucceuion.

Those who devised the program and those who are continuing the work are to be congratulated.


and approximately 10 of thelle 22 cents are paId into the federal cof-fers. In the four years between 1925 and 19211 only 12 centll of eac:h dollar went to the tax collectors. In 11137. it is estimated that 17.7 centll in each dollar wall paid in taxell. and in 1938, 22 centll.

--0--The pavement on Elm Terrace is

receivinlt' the consideration of Riv­ertoo Borou,h Council. and de­lervedly so. Not lone ago the street waa paved with bituminous concrete from Broad to Seveotb. At the pres· ent time there are seven locationll where this pavement ha. been due up and Improperly replaced. thul de· Itroyine the otherwille Imooth .ur­face.

Council il deliberatin, upon a method whereby contraclon or othen who die up a atreet .ahall re­ltore the surface to ita oric!na1 con· dition.

--0--There arc penistent rumor. that

there will be a number of surprilCa when the varioua candidate. for county offices at the primary elec­tion announce themaelvel.


MrL Richard Burtil. of Mount Holly. wa. elected chairman of the BurUnCloo County Council. Parent· Teacher Aaaoc:lation. at the anoual aprinr meetinc held recently in the Rerional Hiah School. Mt. Holly. Beveral memben of local uaoeiationa attended .

Other officera elected include lin. Harold Van Sant. of Marlton. aecre. tary; Mrl. H. S. Prazer. of Medford. correapooifinr ICcretary: Mr.. Har­vey Buzby. of Rancocaa. trealuter.

The follow~ vice chairmen wete named: Boro.entown diauict. Mr •. Max Keaaler; Barlinlton dlltrlct. Mrl. Prank Brotherton: Eutern cHa­trict. Mr.. Clifton Mayfield. of Rlv. erton: Mooreltown dlltrict. Dr. Elizabeth Pord Love: Mount Holly diltrlct. Mra. Ro,er Pennock. of Lumberton: Riverfront diatrict. Mrl. William Weill. of Delanco; aouthern diatrict. Mrs. Theron Poote. of Blr. mincbam; Weatern diltri«. Mrs. C. J. Errickson. of Mooreltown. The offlcerll were Iliitalled by Mrl. Her. man Krupnick. of Mount Holly. a Palt officer of the counciL

Durine the al1-da,. meetine. are. port w.. made by lira. Winfield Crosaley. of Mooreatown. chairman of the finandal campairn to provide baby incubatora for county bOlpitaJa. So far 1214 haa been railed of the '1.200 needed. abe said.


The South aide of Broad atreet, Riverton, ha. preHnted a very busy .ppearance of late. due to the arM rival of southern tomato plants in Iarre quantities.

After all the fUll and Aummydoodle many of us stubborn re­actionariel believe that if depreuion alml had been given out only in the fonn of direct relief. instead of camouftaged under fancy and expenlive other name •• the coat in dollara would have been far leu. the actual relief rendered far greater and recovery lpeeded iutead of retarded. After all ia said and done to date not an inch of pro&reu toward solution of the problem baa been mack.-Fair. IDOIlt. lIinn., Daily Sentinel.

On lIonday of thil ",eek. MVeo

carl ... er. 011 tile 1'bo.aa avenue aIcliq ud __ of tnacb

[n 1936, the last year in which an authoritative stud, ... .... the coat of government (national, atate and local) was S10 .... p'r penon in the United S .... tbaa .at the coR of aU

of p9eiaalent ill Gnat Britain •• ......,. Chern'-

lIIere tiDed up to await their turn at the deBvery doon..

TIle plaoteq ~e from a coaM' ...... tNtaDce .... to obtaIa tile pIaoaa .. - ~ by .... poillta of 0", diaplqe4 011 .... __

~co~ ........

'lit .... '. a Place for Iverytlaing in a

KELVINATOR-EVERY KELVINATOR from the Thrifty Six model selling for $149.50 cash to the larger deluxe types is adequate I Tall bottles, turkeys, watermelons, fish, and the doc}'s chopped meat may be filed away in a Kelvinator with the greatest of ease. Preser­vation, . protection, and economy are three realities which come to him who entrusta his food to Kelvination. Adjustable shelves. c;ruaranteed Polarsphere freezing unit, and acid reslstinq finish are but a few of Kelvi­nator's many advantages.

In the above picture our little Eskimo is l08inQ his supper because he didn't store it properly - in a Kelvinator. Don't be an Eskimol Prices are low, tems are liberal, and we have a Kelvinator for your needs. Come and see it.

-::.----.:--- - ---- - -- - - --- -- -- --

", . .:\-

I .

\ "'. "



Board of Education Feels Method Used Includes·

Too Wide Scope

The Clnnamioson Board of Edllca· tion acain rejected the oller of the local American Legion to make awards to outatandior enduatea. at II recent meetin,. A letter extend. inc the oHe~ from A. H. Lippincott. chairman or the Americanillm com­mittee, was read by the clerk.

the uaual Iupper will be ICrved, and it is hoped the day wlU be a creater lucceas than ever. The Riverton P.T.A. has 142 members. Up to date. we have elven 1237 bottlea of free milk.

Committee Work

The hospitality committee served delicioul refreahments and the mualc committee furnished muaic at aU meetina .. while the decoration com. mittee provided the plaota and de-

... ho apoke on "Home and School ProblemL"

At 2.30 on Monday afternoon a child ItUdy croup wa. conducted. under the leadenhip of Mrs. Robert O. AdamL The topic waa "charac· ter buildiDe." and Mrs. Adams aIdU· fuJly CUided the audience in an opeo discuasion. which followed many in. treatine channel. of thouebt.


corated the Christmall Tree. Tbe SHERIPF'S SALE publicity committee haa prepared B" virtue of a Writ of PI.ri Faciao 10 III. advance noticea of all meetiftca, directed, I.succl out of Court 01"" study ,roups and county coundl. :~b'J': !\:I'o:1 New JUHJ'. I wW .. II at

and writeups of all P.T.A. event.. THURSDAY. JUNB I. A.D .• UISO.

The "Summer Round·Up" commit· ~!'"~ft'cr~c!aho:r ':I~ I~.;n~t! ::,.~ac:t '; tee hal Ipent many houn callinr on o'clock) Standard TIm •• It tile Court HaIlM. families with pre.achool children. lIoun. Hollr.' N_ J.,..,,:-ur,,;n'" them to have their children ALL tho ollowbu: tract or p."ol 01 Iaad •. • anel pr .... l... haruafler particularly de-c!Veft complete phYlical examin. .cribed, ai_to, J"ln. .nd belna I. tIIo atloDL Townahlp 01 ClnDaminlO~J In the Couat" 01

BurUnrton and S'"" of new J.raey. via: The Publication Chairman has BEGINNING at a 11I1t. In the mlcIcII. 01

,ot.te~ more th~n our q~ota of lIub· ~~ ~:.:,,!:ldt:1.n~t"I:'~.Otb!u~~~",c:.~~~ IIcnptionll and II prepann, a Pub. Haine.; t".n •• (IJ b" tho u1d Haln .. Ianel licationll Boo~ for future r~ference. ;r:.JIO~~~:":::! '!l:;:,:h:nI'~'lrr:" R:~:

CIa_IO. Rod, ahowlaC u: ..... t 01 NOTICB OP aaTl'LSUIITIIT ..." UId _b to be a Ia tIIIt QUAltDlANS ACCOU T_~ of Dela ..... WlDln. abe 0." a •• a •• of IIIIlIAIl OOOD. a _tic. r ... and Clnn.mla ...... "rliD .... o CO .... i)'. 1M Notice I. .._..,.~~ ~ ..... ~ __ _ ...... la SO' lIa" 19M." A ....... t of til. .............. .... .... _

PARcai. No. 16 l"cl .. d04 aped6call" .U \be ... cUted .. d atated ..,. til. s.~ ... obe Iaod ... 4 p.-hn _04 or COIItron..t reponed lot Httl .... ml UId aI_ .. ..,. tile anllto,. 'butln. 1m. botwa'& till I tile Orp ...... • Court of til, CO .. ~~01 .... .... tln. Nort"_I,, 01 ...,. .. of JIa«toe. at • ._ to be beld n~ til. road IlIdlnl fro.. Bri4c.boro to C .... · J- IS. 19S9, at tOIl o'cIock III ... ..... dell. and til. a_ Nortllwnterl" rlabt 01 aOOll D.S.T. -IF lin. of a .... Hlah_" Rou.a 25 (It.... PAUL .. =L namlDlO1I Itoad. d'*I8II' 70 fed f....... till Proctor: WUIiaJD D. Llpplacon. ba.. Hn. of .. h' ala.. Hlp...,., a. laid Dated : lIa" .. 1.39.

1.27) Sec.lon 12, from Briolaeboro to Cia-,

down Db .h. afo.-Iel plan, •• ..-IDI ftom $o,:!I~I~to~~=~SD~ ________ _ ~~~M:!:;::'~~t ~:. °ll,T:IO:i..Li,:~ NOTICE o~ SftTL .... NT caat to I.nel. n .... or lormorl" of ob. Boord TRUSTB.S ACCOUNT of Bducatloa of Clan.aslnlOn Townahlp .1 &allll 01 1t0BBRT BIDDL" ....... about Statloa 411. plus 36. an tho Sauth. Notice u h ... b, lriyoa tIIot til. P~ _. COGlalnln. .59 of .. acn, be tho .ount of t .. c .uba.rllou. aubstltuted .~ .. m. rna .. or I.... uaeler '''e lu, will and tat ........ of _.

DecrftS .ppro ........ I, 1".411.47 betlelt. Brcfdla, de .. uod. 1« Ha_ B. ~arillulndll, int.ffilt. coat. anel f.... will be audltecl acd atated b, til. ___

Sol •• d a •• h. propt,." of Horman Bn.ut. .nd reporttel for Httl .... eat .d ~ et UK.. .t .1.. del_daD"· milIa 1D •• ectt- to tbe Orphan.· Court of th.. eo .. ", • tlon at Ih, .Ii!t of bald Ward. &Del Lilli.. BurlinJloD,.t a ..,alon '0 be holel !"-... £. Wa~ Admlallmtrla of Ib, ElUte of 4.y, Jun. 2~ list. at tft 0'""",,, .. ~:'::: SClI:1' dtc .... eI, c_plaln.n .. : .ad ID'C!;:~~iN iluST COIIPANY, .... _ Solicitor: ~. D. ¥. mC2er to C.mdm Stlo DcpoIIt ... Datc4: II." 5. 19~~. OBORGE PURTH rust ompanl~bsll"tecI T"'''H.

Sh.rilf. Proctor: William D. Llpplacalt. Printer'. FH 147.04. 5-4 '0 5·25-,.

Oatocl: "a" U. 193i. S·" to 6-1S-.9

The board instructed the clerk to write Mr. Lippincott Itatine that it wal decidedly in favor of encour· acini Americanism in the school but felt that the method and quallfica. tiona for the award were too broad in their IICOpe. They lIue,ested that the craduatell be elven an Dillen· ment to write an essay on American· illm and make the award on the baaill of the belt essay.

Coal Bid Awarded

The bid for coal for the school year 1939-40 was awarded to H. B. Williams on his low bid of $6.97 per ton on 100 tons of pea coal with the privilege of orderine an additional 25 tona at the same price if needed.

The Jow life memberllhip chair. I ut •• Wea., 10....,. chalna and .Ia."·",,,. Un'" man has c:ontacted the members on to ... ake In t"e mleldl. 01 .. lei road cornu all occasionll. extendine invitatiooa :J.n:~n~~!rt:~~las!':l:t~t~~='· J:~r:: \ to them to attend our proeramll. The and fi/t ... n mla..... Wnt. ....nty.ob ... historian has compiled a very au· ~~:I:: ~~: C~,~InL":nlYa a t::~t lr., I~:. "til:; thentic history of the Riverton All' of .I.nds belon,ln, 10 t~e la.. R.

Bidll for janitor'lI lIupplies to the HoHmaD Co. amountine to t200.54 lesll 3 per cent and for IIchool sup­plies to the Milton-Bradley Co. amo\a1tine to 1426 were awarded by the board at the same meetinr.

lIodation. which is the oldest P.T.A. :~~le~~:~~n~~~~.t~:"~.'!':..'!'ld:~~ o~~:: in tbe state. minul .. E ... , t111rtY'HYCn ch.ln •• nd .hlr.".

To Mias Staman and all the teach- .cyen link. to a OIone on the .Iele of til. road tweru)'4nln.' link. from lb. center

era. the school children. room. obereof. anel <ora.r to obc Now Albany Pubo b b f th t · IIc School LoI: tIIence (4) by .. Id Sc .. ool mot en. mem ers 0 e execu lye Lot Norlh d ...... anel tIIlrt" min.

board. and friendll. we owe a great ute. E.... three chlln. and ala." Unit. to debt of ~ratitude for. their .plen~id Mt~~~1 c:rn:l.ra~~:"ISt..,,:,ISaI;:'J; .'!:~~: co-operation at all times. in "llSt- de,rc .. an! Mtcen mlnu.e. Eo .. , one ins with many prosramll. and. per- :~: :'Z.;!rr f~r:PIa,::~' ~~n~· (~ldel~fo:: fect attendance at all meetings. the middle 01 .. lei Tllrn~ Road, North Without their aaala~ce the P.T.A. ~tv~'l.':I~.d·rn~H.::!:nhio .... l::: .. toE~tt~

Delegates could not have carried on. ,lace 01 bCllnnln.. Contalnlnl aevonty-twq Mrs. James M, Davidson and Mrs. Respectfully .ubmitted. .lI,eI lift" hundredtll. ler .. of land. lit the

Mildred Marowan were appointed GRACE M. YOST, Prelident." "B~I~Qre.;:~ ::;. preml ... which Ann. all delerate.s to reprelle"t the Cinna- Immediately after the inatallation S. Wa.n... by Indenlure burlnll date No-.., . . aid . vember . Ist, !IUS, an4 recorded In thl Of-mlnaon Board at a meetin, of the ceremony. tbe incoming pre ent ftc. of the CI.rk 01 Burllnrtan Count)' In State Pederation of Boards of Edu· prell~nt~ Mrs. YOllt with a P.T.A. !.':l'~a~'?~y:.rll::o ~:d:al/~:r'::'n \'!~~ cation to be held at the Stacy. Trent preSident a pin. and Katharln. Bn.k ... III. wil .. ~ ~ In fee. H I · T t J 2 19311 EXCEPTING THBItEOUT AND ote IR ren on 00 une.. Monday Meetinr THItRBFROIl Ih. followill. elncrlbed par-

Mrll. Magowan announced that the eel, .. antecl and con •• ,eel unto tho atat. cloainc exereilell for achool No. 2 Entertainment dutine Monday's ~t!'ee;.!.~" .. r: Jf~~': eI::tk::t::'b~:!:: will be held on June 1~th and for meetine waa fumilhed by Mn. C. h 19M eI eled I lei CI rI!' .chool No. 4 on June 14th. May V. Devery and three of her plano ~.,rt:'t 1ft Book a.:;o. '::':'01 D~d~ P". °45t~ day. IIhe announced, will be held on pupils. Stanley Gilbert and Cy Y"PARCBL No. at ... Indlcalecl 00 • ccr­May 29th. . Devery played two duetll. and Mn. taln plan fllecl or .boUI to be filed In the

M- Youn, of achool No. 4 wal Devery and Barbara Bor"'er played alflce of tho Clerk of Burlln"on Co.atl' .- • .howlae particularly the location of the ba .. civeD permisllion to take 30 or more a duet. The muuc waa very much lla. and rllht of waI lin .. of Sl.t. Hllh •• y pnpils on a trip to the New York enjoyed by all preteot. :':~"t:SCI<!n~':;,':!'~)R!:d:'~~ !~;, ~:';4t'; World'. Pair expenaes to be borne The euest speaker for the after· Ifta Stlte HI ... _l:' CommlulOft. "",reh pi ..

Distinctively Different The Snover Funeral Home oilers the

moat complete facilitiell and there ia an

intanc!ble warmth io our penonalized

lIervice that makes the Home of Soover

dlatinctively different.

The Snover Funeral Home

Iocorporated 313 E. Broad St •• Palmyra, N. J.

Prank A. Snover John N. Swartz Phone. Riverton 830

• • M' Eiol B B \0 entitled "New J...." 8t ... HI,h.'1[ D ..

by the atudenta. :n:oo:n~W~aa~::la~II~~~I~e~r~y~an~.:!ur~·~p~.rtm~e~n~t~G~.~nc~r.~I~P~~~~rt~Y~K:'~~~II:'P:.:It:o:.=t.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MRS. J. P. ABELL


linlton County Helpln, Teacher. 21 (Rev. It2?) SecliaD 12. Brid,ebora 10

The aonnal report of Mn. Charlea H. Yoat, preaident of the Riverton Parent Teacher Aaaoc:lation. con· tinued from The New Era of last week. follo.wa:

The Chriatmal Part)' waa elven to the .chool children on December 22.

The Christmaa .tocldnC committee delivered 558 Chriatmaa stoc:ldnC' to the bOYI at the Pour Mile Colony.

On January lC1th we had an even­inc meetina. Dr. Wilbour Sa_d· er.. headm8lter at Peddy In.titute, wu the principal tpeuer,

On January 19th. Mn. E. M. Car­hart. Mrl. A. B. Gar ... ood. and your President sttended the County Council at Moor_town.

Poundera Day waa held on Peb­rU8ry ZO. in connection with Talent Day. Mn. Mayfield ,ave the Pound­er. Dsy talk.

The Talent Day food ale waa a great .ueeesa. On Mardi 20th the children'a ... ork ..... on n:bibltlon. and received much pralle. The auditorium w .. filled for the meet­inc with John Werner in cbarce. A play was written and prelCnted by the Hon. Prank A. Matthewa.

Diatrict lleetiac On April 10th your president .....

chairman of the Riverfroat D1atrict meetinc held in the Riverton School auditorium.

On April 12 the aimual luncheon and brid,e wal held at tile Porch Club.

The lecond child Itudy Iroup ..... held on April 17. under the ruidaac:e of Mrl. R. G. Adama. The Dionae Quintuplet movie w.. lhown. and the .pealt:er waa lira. P. B. DaYi. from Rutrer ..

On May 10th tile Couaty COWICiI iliA beld at llount HoUy. lira. Jolm Abell and lin. Charles Stewart rep­resented Jtj"ertoa.

On lIay 15th the third child atad, ,roup w" lead by lin. a. Q. Adams. and at the replar -ciq Mita Eloise B..,..... BarIiaPoa COIIIItJ He ...... T .......... c...e .peaker. ,... ... will .. PWd Dar .....

FEW thing8 give you 10 much

convenience, happiness and

security-all rolled into one­

as your telephone. It pula alm08t

anyone anywhere within quick

and easy reach at any time and

at little cost to you ... You can I41k

18 mila lor Ix; 30 mila lor 25c an.y

tUn. m NtIW ler..,. (1IIJtion-to.iIatWn

rata). eau. oJ OM' SO ".u., otJ17)'

ral&u»tI ,...,. "',.. 1 .-~ _

all 01 SuruIoy.


... \. On Cost 01i.tU.e t


. I

PAGE EIGHT THE NEW ERA. THURSDAY. HAV 25. l~ . _--_-------------------------------- -- . .: •••••••••••••••• e •• ·": •• • ••••••••••• ; ••••••• i ....... ,


.1t~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fOOQO~D~~"~ ••• le.o~eo~ .. ~~ .. ~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~iI



...... -_~ J. S. Collins & Son, 1Ile. W.. ~ GEORGE BONSAL - We ..... • '. F D __ I__ "1aIetto ftnI- - a_ ..--.

II M Co '1'- 6'Llu- - __ 1. . Gt>.,_ ...-. y-- 1'1.Ullum~G - HaATiNO Ada E. Price

oorestown otor .,.uae. .. ~ euILI =' _ Pte::-- ROOf'tNG - OIL BUItNUS Ilt W .... It.. ____ • aUII.DING .AftIUAU-llAlIDwau COAL S'rOItUS 1_ .. ..,..... ... .... ...... 1Iocic ... _ " • _ _ .... d ... ~U::--PU~OD ___ In BOWAJU> 1'1'. ".UI_ tol l.iIk-obl ' A... ~ N. J. 411 L1PPJNCO'I'I' A""'Va. ........

.... 4 Hd • ..... 2M .... DIlls., . ~ Rm.rtoII U "-' aa __

A. D. !:. ~~~~~. Inc. l:--T. EVANS CO. KARL' FRANK~ r-__ Friday Jr E. B. RUdderow DODGE PLYMOUTH

PVm. OUO MEAT MARKET ~4~ ,. _....... • ....... J, - • OeD .. ".. COAL JlEATS-P01.1l.1'1tY Ttths. ....... .... .... JUIAL ...... ft

RIVERTON. N. J. _ ..... KEL.LOGG~ CA!I~ J'IOODS I:I.IK:ftC)J. oa. uaMIIII l'IIoae RiYerton 1411 L~ . PS'ftO.MO &OL oa. -- N-.... ._-MD.LWOH eor M&iIl ~_ RIV£ltTOlf _ ~ • ..- -r

AUTO SERVICE ...... aI__ _ Pboec • .... _ •• a.......... .-.....

IL\DAIt LUBIIIC.TlOIf CAllI WAIDP ...... ..,... .......


Pboae Is.


...... E. P. GRiffEN BERG


HTo~o~ Snu I tore LAUNDRY tbe Id.acI JOU will Orr CIoodI - If .... - I.,., N. ItU.III.LL. .,... be proud to I8rft IIcCID"B ....... - ... I'boDI. aI.- ."




. Pria,,: .. J

\I ........ DlnctMoll~­.. ...-a ... -". 0Iloo ..... .....,..-.-

......... 712 THE NEW ERA

.ftDboP .44 IUV&RTOH. H. J.


John H. Etri,



GlNZItALeEUK:iaa:: ........ T.YJ.O .... TIII&U ... _ ... -, .... ." ......

_ .. IIroeIIIt. ....,.. 1Ih_ PlO


It ......... ,· .. _




. -~_ .... ~ ..... ,. Rlv~rsideHomeliund.., ELECTRICIANS 318 Paine Street

Rivenide, ·N. J, ....... a .... ,..

17WeatBroadStreet .., ....................... ... BANKS Palmyra ........ ..

~ ... At&., ... .,..v.~D CA .... IUQaTOlI 911 EARLE B. HARDER N. DREIER CinnlminlJOft

Bank and Trult Co, ...... .-d ,lrrtdstfM' Tbe PrieDdI, BalIk ..... ad ...... MEMORIALS C It W. ....... pALIftM

MemberPDIC ........... .- ....... I-=~~~~~~. WARD LOWDEN AII ....... O" ........ .. ... :n~If.... . .... IIhatoa ... Cactom·bulJt Cemete,., lI_orlaJa.. NORGE REPRIGERATORS Dr. IeboU'1 Poot RUMdI. Granite. Marble .acS Broan aDd tbe Complet. NORGE LIN.


WiD Hope & Son Phllco. EmenoD. R.C.A. and

•==~~~~!::;~~=~I.~~~:;~~~~~~ Zenith Radlol



Shinn'a Expresa Walbincton and Federal Btreett 514 Clnnamlnaon Avenue . BurUncton. N, J, Palmyra. N. J. Telephone 717

Riverside, N. J. Phone, BarliDpou II

HinhbJond'. QVAIil'I'Y

Shoe Shop 11'1'. BOLLY,"'. .ana. OVAJ.ln

DAILY TO PHILADaLPHIA Ollh:c. lOCI N. 5th 8treet

Phone. Rlverohle M6 Pblladelpbla. Lombard _5


W. H. SLOCUM &: SON ==R=E=A=L=E=S=T=A=T=E== ...... W~ • W •• OOTWaA. O. If .. ....... , REX· , ========= .aar ........ J. TAILORS . ....... _______ .e= __

Ha~~c:c!!:III~ork art o.r ..... Me €R 0 SSO N Peel Poindexter Curtia E. Stavely "'.1).. ....... OIL BURNBRS lacorporat~ TAILOR

CO-ACTOR A"'" __ ....... ,. Real Eatate and lnauranc:e .. &_ .......... _ C~~' ..... ........ .......... FLOORS T I Math 5 Eat Broad St" Palmyra •• VJdlTO...... ...

• W. CHAR' _ IT .. PALII'YItA ay or- era PIToDe, Rivtrtoa 100 ... ,.. .. ~= ... ....::.1.:... ... -:-... u:'.=.!!''' Walter D • ____ J. R. JOHNSON John E M V •. !;.L Frank HanleD • 5 ... • LIIIIIUII (r..- .. J. L. T_) . e a ...... HUBWGOO ~ ..... _ .. ---:a ...... til...... JtU.L -.TAft CLEANER AND DYER

Contracter and Builder ToaIn .!El~u"~ Do ........ PALllDA, •• J. Te=~~~iH wt:=r:_ ~ •. J. PATENTMEDICINBS III" . I..... ,.. W"'~a':.-:III"" .. "".""" ...... , .....

WMI.ftoli R'RrAIII..It

5c AND tOe STORK U L L Keatina PbODe, RI.ettoa 2 PHOLSTERDIO PALMYRA ..... .,... _ ... _ ~ GEORGE F. GINTHER WILL BOWEN

:.. ~CP..... 5c AND 1Oe: STORE c... - s. en- J. L. ClPPIJfCO'M' co. nco.A~ _ ___ ' Wert Br0e4 Street C'prr .. I. 7' J ... alt.n - o-al 1- v, ...................... , : , I J __ ...... uroY~i •. A Sg,mnfJJA"-'o. ...... ... .. ........ ..... NotatJ PubUc ....... 0 'M ....

lIoVJ:LTln CA.Ot.-SW;- .... 1M wua...Wr!Pt ..... ..... •. I. t ... 711 .s_ RIVERTON ESSO STATION TIle Only Complete "ONE STOP" Se1"fJice Sialion


-.~ ... Riverton - Phone 1561 DAY ...... T ·~

I . •

I OBlTUAImS I tM Sao"... Plan ... Hoaa. OIl ,....,1 DOCTORS TO CONvaN& -I _ at J .,.... It ... Lock--elt omdailila. Illttrmtllt __ .... . '!fort than t.OOO Ne'<lt l~ ... 10 Kniallta of p,tblaa Qnawoocl Ilelana an e~t" to atUM .... ~ ~ lion.oft~l~llllll"m""of

TIle ~Hd I, 1Ilnl..ct b, WI tht Medh:u Soaell' of NUt Ju., duahtel' witb whom bit made IIlI whkh '<It1D open at Haddon R .. , RUDOLPH WOtDILL

Stricbn .nth a beIIrt attack '<IthUe boaae. Hottl.. At""tk Ctll'i OIl ,flaM Ida. pa~~dDa for a ball lame at BaIht TIle COft'fefttlon wO contlD_ for PMId, MQ ... Rudolph WoldlU, _ CHARLBS LA. TOUR tIIrtt clap.

of 43& North V_OIlt a"",-. .t· -=---------­_ tic City. died on t~ WQ to tM Chatlet LIl ~r. -'tb -- FHA M F~-...J-boopltaL paper INblIaber an4 OIlt of Mt. ort.An UIIGa

The d_eed who had U.ed la Halb" OIIttlttndlq dtlaal .. lilt\! Ua lor NfinaDaaI -:: b:ttdlaa IIOIMS. Atlantic Ci~ lot 17 ,.. .... _ __ the Burllftaton CGIIn~ HoopIttl OIl ~'" b, tilt N. J. BeD Teloplloee TueadQ. ttl had bna III linea F.b- RALPH THOMPSON C-PlIl1 d\lrUta tile entire period. l'lW'7 wh.. ht Idared a puabtic PitlUll NatiOMl Ba8 BuUdlnt Prior to pint to At1tDtic Ci~ M .trob. Pitman, N. J. . hid been lIIaqed In th' cam. ca. Mr. La TO\lr. who - sa. WU . --pael., In Phl .. delphll. former" fte owner anll II'lbU"r of tht MGllnt udlq Ie Riverton. Halt, New: which h. pllrchaeed .,

A widower. Mr. WoIdW il aur· JQn qo. wived b, • aon, Rudolph. Jr .. 1.; Th. INbUober Is IUrri..ct b,- hll two dalllht.r. M.rle. 20. and Dorl.. wldo'<lt. II .... Satah LlttI. La TOIl'; '1, hla (ather. J\llluI: a liater. M.... • IOn. Watt.r K. La Tout. UIO­Paullns Hall aDd two broth ..... Wal. dated With him In the "bllshlna t .... of lIanh.lm. Pa.. and J\lllue, Jr.. bacln ..... nd a da\llhttf. · II .... Af'o of O .... boro. thur Lanealler. of Maplt Shade.

Tb. funeral WI. held Thlll'lClQ at. PuaeraJ arnnpmenttl ara to be temoon of tOlt wedt .t a o'c1ock at annoWlc:ecl. tile Wlmbera (un.rat home, 400 ------Ll'l'erpool avenue, It .. H.rbor Ci~. MINKS-William H .• In memo,", of the R.v. Charle. B. Strln.. pastor my dear hu,band. who pa .. ed of St. John. Reformed Church. of. awa, Ma, IS. 1031. tlelatlnl. Interment wac mlde in T BI. Harbor cemetery. he totllnl Itre.m of life roUI OD,

B\lt It III the vacant chair Recanl the love. the voice. the .mlle.

Of one who once lit thera . IRVING A. COLLINS IrvInI A. Collin .... South Jersey •

and Miami Beach, Fla.. baDar and It I lonllome here. without yoll. real eatate operator. died af a stroke And ud the weary WIY, Tuesday at hll home. 71l Ch.ater For life Is jult a heartache avenue, Mooreatown. Since 'ou ..... caDacI ...,.

Mr. CoIUn. wu prelldent of the Sadly mlaaed b, ,our Wil. Rlveralde Tr\lst Co.. a director of MABEL the BurUn.ton County Trult Co .. alld _ dlredor of til. PI rat Natioaal Th. diamond Is the hanle.t and Bank of Miami Beach. He wal an emerald the sofelt of prec10UI olflcer of the Miami 8ea,h Improve. Itonel.

' ment Co. and the Milml Beach Ba, =========== Shore Co.

He WII born In Moor .. town and Dainty POtlto Chipi became intere.ted In Plorida real Mra. Skinner: S.lteel Nut • IIttte more than 25 year: alo. Since tbat time he divided hll time be· HOW ARB G. MARSTON tween here and Plorlde. Reprellntltive

Mr. CoBlna we. a S2nd de,reo Ma· PHONE RIVERTON H.M Ion. beln, a member or the Muonic -!~--~iI!Ii-----lod,e. Mootntown. .. well as of Belt_ Taylor'. . AltO tbe Philadelphia Union Lealue. Pine ==========_==== :~::YCI~~~b and the Mooreatown Evans' Service Station

17 We.t Broad P.lm,r •• N. J.

Phone t7I

He la lurvlved by hla widow. Broad a: Main Btl. Riverton. N. J. Beatrice. tbree daulhten and a loa. SUN 0 COS· S· fiv. ,randcblJdren, .nd a brother pnng aVlDgs and .Iater. HII children are John GASOLINE and OIL S. Collin. and Mn. Vincent O. Bu.h. Tlrll - Batt.rI ... Auto Acce .. orl.. . IN OUR Moorestown; Mfl. Frank Dunl."". d Pou,haeeplJe. N. Y .• aM Mra. Boyd Broa a: Main 8ta. Riverton. N. J. MAY SALE Kinaey. Montreal. Hi. otber .ur.' ':=========: vlvor. are Leater Colllna. fruit !00 ,rower here. and Mrl. Thomu J. f) . ' Pancoa.t. Miami Beach. John I.

~o':!r~~t:;::t of a lumber firm BUOHL'S ne!:;~:IN::I:sA:er:I::~Wed. RlLAVERUNDTROyN DRUG STORE ,I

Brendl Mae Pllher. Inflnt &lulh. ler of Charlea and Charlotte L... Oppo,lte Station ' PI,her. of 1117 W •• hlnlton .v.nue, • died on S.turday. May 20. W.t •• ob "cbel Ill' br ....

Funeral aervlc:e: were b.leI OIl drl..... .", 2 o'clock .tIarda)o Tueaday at 11 a.m. from the Snover attll1l__ daUnrad 011 or Funeral Home, R.v. Prank Urich. of balo... o'clock Moa4a, Philadelphia, OtrIClatlD" mornln,L

Interment wa. made la ArUnlton • Cemetery, MerchantvUl.. N. KuenMl1, Prop.


Pboue. Rl •• rtOD m John Reid died at the hom. of ..... ---------4

hi. daulhter, Mr •. Charlel S.emtd.

ler, 1 Pourth ,tre.t, on Prlday, lIay -==========:t \9. He WII thl of tho lat. 4i M.r.aret 8eemtdler and formerly lived on ClnnamlnlOn aVlInue. P.I· myra.

Funeral aervicu .. ere held from

Lmrs. QIIIu., D,." C ......... P, .... .

l640 ' ..... 1 - c..... - II' ..... . BtU """"H II .. · .. "



• BEAUTY CULTURE N_ lIod.m lbop

and JEqulpllllllt

Marie W. Meyer BEAUTY SHOP

andor m .... '._t of mo.t unital')' equipment and _t MoUy Meyer Radcliffe effective for cleanl.., ..... nlta'. and rUI' abo apj,U.. aOa-aldd w.. to •


800,. aad 'ridt bom .. of IDOl.... 716 MillY otlN, ~ too a_rou , Lincoln Ave. 10 _don. I P.LMYIIA. N. J. Walter H. c...... T .... lu .... II 'or .,,0111"'''' PI\OII' ...... 171 .......... 1 ... _______ -'

PALMYRA, N. J. Riverton 1591 - 1592



BATH BRUSHES. Lon, 8rl,tI.a I Detachable Handle







pb 19c and 25e I TURKJlH WAIH CLOTHE.



Pr .. DoUv." • a.ftce • V ..... 1 On...... J

Prepare Now 'or Memorial Day _

Whether you • .,.nd the holiday at hom. 01' on & plonle, your Con¥en-.nt Nellhborhood Amtflcan Stor. la ready to .. ~ JOU with • a"ortment of qualtt, t.ated food. at low pricea.

. ...... CLOIID M ....... De, 0.- All .... W ......... , Ma, a ...

............. C ...... ,I ..... 19C M • pint • on ••••• Jar

Ueht ...... TUMA FlSN 2 ~~2S. .... 1 •• DILL PICKLES ....... ror.s 2l,.-:: 25 • 8RAP&FRUIT JUICS !!~\l""" 01' 2 ~lI-o. ISe lll"~ ~41111


I Armour'. C.r 1:~:1 1 se I CHEESE =r..~Ra .. 21C

.I •• , Ifrrlved I T ..... I ... , J ....

PEAS 4 ~:n: 2Sc

• "IAT.PLO CoH ••• .OAITID ~:·r.'C"I" ........... hr ou. ...,,'11"'\1" """"t. 110 ,,""od. FIlMA. hlllM'. rtc .... P flR,orl

lISCO ::=t ~.r=. Workl', 11) 1ac Win-Crest :'~:r;!:~1t Ib 1:Sc

Boscul Coffee ~~~d 26 ,; 6-o'Clock b~~\~:f~ 2pk;lllc

III two pupular a.,· .....

Hor ... 1 SPA. "~~~.~ 1!;:'29c Fr •• h Juicy Florida

Fxlll-large Oran... do, 29.: ONIO"I" J "" 10e APPL'.i'·" W.''', '~';"1.~ ,,"r.·.\ t·"ur. ,. \ltu .. : """oftl.... 1'1"rliia La, •• L.m... 40' 22 , ••• p.,.... J tor lac "",. I ,,,:w '1._ "I',h,. ornl' '.ta.... 10 II" 25~ C"., 1,I .. cll Ib Ie 'U. 1"'lIlh'r ,·."r. I I"IIn(',. oat" CAAROTI bll,u'h' I 'r ...... ~. 2 n""e Pency A',. ... eI .. M.n ••• ANANA. '" 6.

Oven en ere - ure

LaH ... ·" .... M··4

••• .... s· .. Shank r~d tb 17(;. Up to 7 fb. ......... = "21. I H ....... .:;: Ib a,e

"" {u., ......... ,.. -.11 , ...... r.oIUId

.ACON IfllcM 1~r' 22. PIC. lei Ill!!,. "",nil. ''''d, "-ked. "('nllt'd It. ~ H ... • ~:~. '::11 '.., 2'e ",.r .. ',·" .... II .. ·~ IIone..... 1 ••• 1... ....... III Uc; ..... 4 ....... 2'e •· ..... ".KII ..... '·.lIr ...... ,.. . t · .... · .•. ~ ... r'!lA ....... ..... H .. T ... .,. "'1'.." Y .. I.:;.... ... 2.c • ........ " ..... /II • .., Lei. y..a a.,. Ito 22. ...,... CIt...... .. 21. Y .. I c...... tit J'e

.....a.;;..JerMyM ....... 1}2 15C ............ c....... lb. • ..... L. ........ rfleh • "".M .UCID ,OD ... H • II.

c-tr ...


a~THAN\' E"ANGntCAl. cmnRAL MPTrn OlUItCH FRIDAY EVENING I U. on.. New .. W.toAd eot.. - • _II LUTH"~AN CHURal l ..... ~ ~ Jl.A. h&tcw EXHIBlT DATS for ~ ~ ~ .. reDt.-J- PbDM 'Ill. ~

.~. Ou~r \y, PoWtn. PM_ t Si~ ~ lo.GO ..... -'hIIat die (t'OIltia-t Iw. ... 1) , ten ~ta tiDe mul .... Buday b tM Festivel of Pt.., .~. lb."1t of '5~dI u.m_ .. ... __ 1:t:I: ..... ~ .a..-1 pet ....

.... Wlutwl!dq. It .. tbot &Mt of rt\.'ti:"ft& '" It fthal of ......... '- ... ~. I . I I ' tL

... ~t fes,brats of equal "'I ~ta. to tllot f1llllft m~ of M) ~ tat: iii .. ~. ~ gt • am'"l1a'S &l\d EIlstu beiq 1M r.:at*i is tIlo~ ill ~ .,.... of ~ *\it. GAIN B~S' ~. r two. It .:ommtmOtam tbot!~. Il~ sta~ Who"~ a- ll': IIi.. COIl-. IiIttII 2 BAR Dattat of the PromiRd~, ae~ our CWl'I\r7 'Il "- of IlftCl .... nbjectL • God ttle Ho\~ GtI-oet, ba~ rt\.-ti'ftd t:hth-~ ..... Ia· __ ltl: Mila "'0 Scl_. Iiatt. =====:::;=====

At the .:hlet, R-~ l' a,m .. tIIeft qlinta- tllrWlll ~ tnUillt .. a Itade NbjKb. == will be «lml\\lU\iOi' alld ftm\Oft, TlIot bi~ s.:lIoot B) tbia t)pe of ..... - RCMlIWl .10: tli ........ pMftII New' Plymouth Sed' an JIIlSto\', the ~~". Ol"'~r W. hwen. enbip ~ - tIope to lariaa .,. ulIl\ila. "'" llfU.:h 011 the sllbjKt"Ari-. C'OIlht[7 bad: to a ~ ~- R_ US: 111'. W ...... ~ -..\ U. Go FOl"ftaN.~ An Ift~t- tiOn. Too ~t a strtu ~ bit dblbitL COMPLBTE ... featu~ of t~ $uvi« ",iIl be the pk~ Oh the Importance of a\tted- Room UI: Mia Brown. lliatory DltLlVEUD t'OIl&\'tnat\on of the foUoWina 3'O\aIIa l1li tbi, hour 'Of qlirit\W thUIlaa -.I allic.. Only $726 cIltechumens: j"n Gruale. Roben lot e-..t, qe. Paftftta. ~ )CNI' __ _ H~ War~ )eI\lm. ..... clIildno. Childrat. lIriq J'O'lI' par- r._._ Kufahl. tlet~ Roben, liltn~ Stoek. ats.. AIldi~IlIII: Walter h. 0.1 R. ~ cIo It ...... '" .... H, "rank Weiaand, S~al musk tlorblq wortbip, 1l.15 ..... -'hte H, Clthriaau. ~till&. ~ "1 the choir, IlI\dH the di~tton or pall\()r wilt ha-.e a. the ",bject of O~tnI IIlllllbtn wID btl New Dodge Sedan til'. L~ Mitton .• m indltdt 00Im. the mon\lna Rmce "A ~ ""nte H .... SdIool C~" s--. tMa'. "Send Out TIt) Llabt." ....... ce., .. "'I1lla II the be,J" will "Ba~" Olhtl'-dl, "'he "....

Sl1l\cla, School i, at 10.00 ....... be rmdertd b1 ~ dIGit. to be fol· ~," SoIl ... '"Tbt M~ Wido. DELIVERt!'D COMPL-t!' 'l'be tenon III most departmtn.. I. it)YICd b) a 1I0ptenO 1010 b1' Mrs.. J. Walta... Leboi', "Atnar,Ili.... Obp. . Do Do" Do

""III "Iellda Nis OWft ea.e.... Mr, W. "'0 Nom. "HIl~&I\ MdodJ," Kder Bela.. On) $863 .Junes H. tlllratn. SlIperill~l\det\t, 8. Y,P.U. l.GO p.m.-The 10taaa 1'tIe '-nd pI'OInlm wUI bel 'y ahnOllllced lut Sllllday tbat the pee\)le o( bllb "bool ... wilt ~t Mucll. "Btnbl_atic."walta. "Mar. IclIool il tnakilll a stud, IlIttftR in the SlIn..., Sd\Gol room at thla ctUa." mardi, ''Tht Rlnamutu," }i do_ • motlthl '" pIaa m el\fOllment. hour when the, .m be addruaed trumpet dll~t, "The Frlendl,J Ri....... AnJ •• _ n":'-J new -r ... en .... ' b1 llr. P. Conlin NilIR. A 'Ie[7 In- Edmlllld 'rumodr and Lollia Pib, II _ ctfU ....

MORAV1AN CHU~CN terestil'll meeUlI1 I. bellll ~ed. selection ""Ictor Hnbe~ PaYor-Albert J. H.rke, Paator 10 )lounl folks be on halld. ltiea," march, "Kina Cotton." ~

Palmyra E~lIilia wor.htp. us p.m.-Poet Llbnr,,~ MtI. Laura K. DeIiOt od Fredel'iclt M. Rod~ra No. IS&, MI .. AIi~ Maler.

8ervlc~s for Whlt'lInda), May 28. Amulcan Lelion will bit IJIlHts at Tht Uh ... ~ 9hlblt 'friU ha-.e aa t .. lo.~ a,m. Momilla ael'Yict. Witb the evenlrta uni«. '1'111. has ~I'l theme tlIot World" Fall' 01 Boob.

liturl» for WhihUftday and .~rmon: the allllual Memorial Semee of the Here Oft dllpl", wUl be a boo. CO"fU , "The Fullness of the Holy Spirit.... Polt RodlV' since Ita IIl'Jaft1ntJon. periiphere od t..,lol\ with 10 tab- I A. D p' MOTORS WhIt does It mtall to be &lIed ",nh Frederick M. ~odtera hs"lna been I" of book dl'l>l~ urryiftJ OIlt the Holy SpiritP Ltl the hi. bte In· • member of "Central Baptllt.. .. Paa. the hie .. oflh~ malll Ileetlolla of tht •• " thla qllutioll for us. 'I'IIe tor Lockett h .. prepared a .pedal New York World's Pail'. Olr" In Whl"ul'lda~ HoI, Commullion ler· sermon for the oCI: .. IOI\ 01\ "The coatumea ot " .... 011. naUoM whl .lee will folio. the lermon. Pnce of Libert"." '1'h~ choir hu uahet peepte Into the tlbnr, and ...... ... ... ICII J

',!O p.m. A service 9tl'aordlnar) alao arrallied an arproPriate mllllul ",m tattJ 1>Oattt ... throlllh t"e .. alle B-d __ .I Faiton ·S ..... -b· D!-_-.a.-D .... been Irran.ed fot th!. hollt prolfam &l\d .11 relldtr the o· Il\vitift, t"e Ilubllc to the fair. • _ lUlU I~ NftFlV

tomblllllli tile yOllna people. meet- thema. ··Ret~ .. lol'l&l" under the dl. ___ ' ___ _ iI\r and even In, service, The paa· ~ctlon of J. RUlSell Jennon. OYer 500 American ne ... plpe... RivertOn 141 MerchulWUk 2577 tot will prulde and lead In a .hort I A quartette will aln. In a apeelal mille to . pllbllih liquor adverttae- A UMd Car fnIm A.. D. P.-lIllb a Diamond &om NaRY _III and devothmal Rrvlce, Tht arrall.ement "Lead Klndl, Lilht." menta. ..... .. HmUIIIIII .. mmlllllllmUtIllIlll ... m .... iillll ........... llnIOlIl '*atu~e will be the s~rmOi' In the Mr •. J. W, Van Horn, 10pr.1\0: Mn. ==================================== torftl of a "Chalk by Nr, Pred Oeol'le MlclI. IUO: Ed",ard Hoyt. Cowell. of Camdel'l, N. J. Mr. Cow. t~lIOr, Illd J. RUlllell Jennon, bart­ell h~. consecrated thl, talent to the tone. Memberl are IItted to come

, J.or~ I Ht'Yice and Ule' It ell~ctlve. ollt Ind enter Into the aer"ke lind b to preaeh the OOlpel In a won· welcome the vlsltlnl Lealonnalrea. cfetful w-:t. We Invite ever,onll" to ' come and brllli your fnelld.. E,p of the Iineelet, a imall f1ah-CHRISTIAN BCIENCB CHURCH lilt, anlmll. hItch In ~llht houn.

'Im Church o. Chritt. Bd .. ttlt Thotnat A"e, and 8anlltb It.

Rlvertoll, N. J, Ilind., School, 11 LIb. lunda), SerVice., 11 un. Wedbeadl" ' .00 p.m. Rudin. Room In Church BuUdlDl

'l'botnat Ave .• nd ""entb It., RIYft­• open Tlatlld., and Pridl" 1.10 ConetI, ....... bruII ..... or to 4.10. OII .. ~~ ... " .... .


BlitUftatoll PIlI. 8uada)' Morallll

10 o'cluck. )tItat n." Ichool. 11 o'clock, Meetin. for wol'lhlp.

til ud--., for JOUl' laUra at Ita belt.

Mrs. L. M. McCamy ConotIIt-e ... It_ ..

, .. HIPJWI 4_.. ......... ..... "-II

If You're Smart you'll shop here

first before you buy South Jeney', Lara'it Showroom

Devoted lbclullvlly to RUGS - CARPETS


Get the world' •• ood new. dall, throu.h THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR

~. h i' ·1l,:I</,.) ».,1, !i'III/" ;" '.bll .... • ) TH f: CHIUHIAN SCIENC! PUBliSHING toCJlTY

Onf'1 :\'4'1'1.' C· T, ft. Iot,on, M'llIchllwttt

• 'Iul., ... d ... , 01 THO CII.U".M Sclato'~. itoM ..... 10 ... 11 ..... ~, m.n, allbt,,1 .duuuoa Itt clu n. IlQ~i.lC'd nnn an' •• I1·.ou'" .. il.,iol f •• ,V'.' Incl.dlft8 .~. ", ... 1, ..... w.. Io<.ioao ..... .... "01111 ... 100 111 .. 1 .... ,p."', lur ,h. h_. Tb. "Ie .... ..

, n at .11.. • ... nlh' ..... 3 ta ... 1ba U" I _u. " ,Me •• ur •• , .-, .... ,"d .......... 111. ".'IeD. I ......... . _ ... .. II I~' ,. ... ·It " ... na~" .. ' .... ieIIowWt ....... .

CHRIITIAN ICI&NCB R&ADINO ROOM 781 ThoaaM A.~ ~. ""¥ J.,..,

America', 30 million families have A5 million

thrift accounts in their banks-an average of l1h accounts per family. Thrift continue. upward -a ~ratifying trend becau.e mounting bank

accounts mean .taunch, well-organized familie •.

• • • Your account ;$ WfKrmW

dt tbn bank.

• emn.miDIOD Lair ud Trust Co. Riyerton, N. J.


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, .'



"Ollt PI Ice In the World of To­morrow" hla bttII cho.en aa the illbJec:t for tbe commlllCllIlent •• -erel'H. Thl. topic will b. divided

,In the (aUowinl way: "III Drama," bt Caroltn alll.r and "Ill MlIIle," by Marthi arad.I,., who were cho.en by the hOllor .raduatu; "Ill Bdueltlo,," bl Marjorie Nace IIld 1'111 Medicine b, Stbel Phlle who were eho .. " by the cwa, illeS "'n OOVIMmeftt" b)' Walt.r 'I\o",r


NORGE Look at Thue PriCfl Then Olve U. a Call

ELECTRIC ... rt .. rator

$149.50 up ELECTRIC 'RANOB


S ~.95 up OAI RANOB

$ 49.9& up ELECTRIC IRONEa.


t 24.95 up • R.CA. a ZBNITH ....

C. WARD LOWDEN 114 C','ae ', .. A .....

• .." .. N. J. ..... '"

, '



You' .. lOt IMI".~ bloat'" ohweU w.ther abe,d. lajo,.....,. da,-Ia • e.., • Joy to dl'&"el flu, • "'H." ...... C!U ltOtII-dal'lal 0.... IS-da, ..... ' .. _er 8al.1

Look At Th ••••• r •• 'nll W.'ll Otve You Mort for Your Ptehnt Car NOW-

1937 Ford V-8 Tudor 1936 Ford V-8 Tudor 1936 Dod,e DeLuxe Coach 1935 Ford V-8 Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Sedan


1933 Plymouth Sedan


115-125 W. BROAD ST . PALMYIlA T~ 1110

$395 325 395 215 145 175

Du' .... a ROOVIlt'S IN HtllINO"

-Also-t:'LOYll OUlBONl' 'fltUS

All ... BNTURB ·'tUOH pkR1L"

~~--~ ~----------

TNRlEk STOOOBS in "3 LITTl.ll: SSW AND as:ws" bave Aptllloll and HI, Orche.tra

Sliltda" .Ild MOl1dly. Ms" ZI49

-1.1._ OUR OANO COMll:DY

-lunda, Matlne_ "LONB ~ANOIIR"

TUtlda" M." 3D- - ----Oala Holiday Ihow

Contlnllolll Itartln. at I p.m, FRSll: TO THB LAllI.I I ICE TBA OLAlla I


-Oil the lerHII-TWO 110 PIATU.S •




tl "

. ,. ~.

M .... ::.'·C:C::=:' lOalltt .... At ... ". .. -$tattl­FlU DAY

MAY :26th

, , . • • " I • ..,. I , " r I, .••

. 1-- ", .. '!\ • t _ • 'I~ .. - 1" -- . .-.. . ..... I ",' '''

,"A~M I , "f IlROl\OWI\V

Matinee ball1 at 2,00 P,1lL .ltllet\lnll 7.00-9.00 o'dock

THURSDAY, May j5~--­JItANKffl MlcllONALll


Broadway Sereaad, Fr" Olrta to the Ladlu

'RIDAYend l'AofuRbAY-­M.,. 211.27 ERROL FLYNN


DODGE CITY Filmed In Olorlolll Technlcolor

-aahardl, Matinee Onl, ... Don'l Mill the Flret Chapter of

OUt Ne. lerlal LAKKY .... U8TB ... CRABBK

In BUCK ROO SRI" :-:M:-::O:-:-N~ll:-:AC":'Y,- M.Y 19

Ilr Arthur Coaan boyl.·.

na. Hound of the Buk.niII ..


and WBNDY BARRIS Ft" Olft. to the lAdlu

TUS.llAY. Ma), 10 (MEMORIAL llA Y)



Society Lawyer WIEONEIOAY • THU.IOAY Me, II • JWlI I '

He', Here A.aln In Aaother Riot o. Wlllh.


I'. from Miuoui .. ... cii~w.

, .

Mr.. Siltab M. Willin, ol &M Wdblb.ton .. ftI\ll~ Palmyra. Hle­tinted he .. e\ablt-tUth birthday 8I.t­Ibd.., aftemoon wl\b an open ttollae from tWo Wt\ll f\.e. 0 .. OI\e INndrtd cuuts and well-wlthen ============ hom New York. Penhl, •• hlahtetowtt n\lmetOlle points ill 80uth Jer.e1 helped tetra. Wit­Ilna to pad the hQiP1 afternoon.


WALTER D. LAMON Mn. WI,...... who h.e betll ..

Haklent of Palmyn for 5$ yean Realtot hu been a membe\' of the Cent .... SleClaIwDhl ... A .... ~N.J. aaptI.t thlltth fot 50 1"" ablt II Ph.. lUftfton 1$ tile oldellt member of th.t C:Olltn- ============ .. \Ion. . .

A «llllet Ufe I. the c:obtributlnl WANT ADS tattor to her lonl life Mr.- Wl,atn. • atated. Thi. tOll\1ltr renetathm I. WANTKD-Man to man... Ic:e 'i'dte all rilhl .he dalm. and ,. trum .tore Small "'velltment ilK-~ adive henel" Ph . 1 The Iilellt o. honor WII dreiled In .... ry. One R1\1ettelb 1& 0. 1·5-11 ... ~ alllill uepe ind wore a c:or- 1934 HUDSON .eeto, new pabit. H­.... of ph" ro.... She received c:eptionaU, ""ooth t\lI\nlq car, .an, beautiful Aowen lovel, "5. "Jadt" nawie,. tnt., 10 aroad attt.. St., RI~ton. Phon~_ tall 5-18.1\

The unterplke on the dln!na room table WII made of pink ron" LOOK: ta.oo mo. pllli part t""e

work a. ..hlen., and h~dt man rttltl a roOlD bun.-low. Write bl MAGEE • HUGHES d.tail to aolt "a" New IIlra; &+&-li

Co~.ted by IlIlUtanc:e 1936 DODOlll 4-door tied,.b, lib "e •.

P . I'" II .uS. One third. 11 mottthe at tIO.l&' a.n '0'"0 A.D.P. Moto .... RI\rerton ... IDWARD MUOHI •• ",r. &-U-lt

1&4 Odelel Ave. IJalnlYri Phon .. : &41 end Ms.M



..... EVERY WEBKDAY ", (I.ctpt HoIIdIIa)

DIAMOND riftll, el0 a up. Ladlea' a .ellt.' Silin a WalthiDl Wrilt and pocket Walth ... e5 and up. Rieder'. Mon., Loen Office.. 1. lI,rbt Itreet, Phna. tf

19S0 DODOS tudor trWtiI udan. new plitt., motor overhauled, t ..... • lId uphol.ter1 O.K .. "SO. "Jac:k" Dewley, Inc., 10 Srold St., RI.r· toll. Pbone Ill.. a· .... 1t

RBNT! Pumllhed lpartmettt, 401 Morlln .venue, Palm,.... Pheme. RIYerton In·w. a ..... " MIIlN" Iprib, lulte a o.ereoat •• es up. lome c:uftom made. Itllder'. Loan olllell, •• lIuket It.. PblIa· d,lphla. tf

lUI FORD deha., 4-door tftIItIt aldan, lIN. tto d ......... emtll. A.n.p ... oto .... 1UftrtoIl .... .

UWI'-A ..... t. I ...... ... ............. IIot ............ 011 btlntlf. KeF IIarIMIr 1IIIo,. 101 .rCNWI Itnet ........ at A ••• PrIM. 411 U,,&atott a .. tII. I-t .. " TUESDAY-MAY 30

Alto lUNDA Y. lV1d 4 (ud Altwptt .... ,.) WAJfft.,........ et .... to ..u

..... $2 S5 EVERY elMtrtuJ .".. ... Ora .... ... ", a WEEK-END :st'::'.~IaII'" A"a, N~

00 lattarday- ItIt1lrtl ..... ,

'I'IC •• TI OOOD .. tH." 'I'UI .. ' 10.,1IP1 lew'" ..... )

L ... 11I ... lon __ ." .... __ .• f .lf '.111. .... L" ..... y.n ( ...... IlL)

W ..... ( ..... IH~) ..... ... haf.,. eN H ..... '. "'_" . ...... ..

WANT.DI Whit •• 08Wl to do ,ttlaral h_ .ork .... care .. eblld. Writ. 80. ..c.. New ar. Gmee. .. ... it

t911 CHaV.OLaT Coach, d .... a. • plb, orialnaJ pabat, lIlecbanlcan, perfect, ...... .J.ek" Dawl." lac.,

... DAY .ound TFip to N •• York to 8roai1lt. .... ert ... Phone tIlt. '1.7. In Coaehll an, Da,. all, Tr. .. ... it .ICTVlta P.A .... - wan iliad. to 'ow ot4.r at reuoaaW. prl~. tal' bacia, .. low .. 1Iel 1 .. 1' 1aCb.

.. ......... u low u tl.00. J. I. Trtlchtl. 110 c=. .. ..=.~ ::IJ=:-.. -ar:.:1::I· Weal ... clllat It.; ........ u.

J. T. £vans RlVUTON


• Co.

allild N~w Hom ... UId Re&*b: -En., MC)l\~ Pa»alftts. No ... ~ down. Free "ti",a __


. '1'1P. , •• 1111 r.:-:~:.:::-_~ (JII'

U ' . /HI , .............. , ., 0-' ....... ,.".,..... , .....",..,......,.. ••• ,.., , •• ,,, .".H . ", .... " ..... ~ ... "'''''' .. , ., .. , .. " '* .. , , ••••. It .. ,. ~ _ •• --"WII'''.' ."" •. ".,1/'".,.' VI rII"''''' - .,,"-~ .

.,,,, IA"


pALMftA. & ). PMMl_ .... ....,





21b 19c CAl.lFORtUA 8WkT BATlNO




21b S3c DO .. BftIC




1.1en CWa Clack .. pq. 14c

BermeI'l Spiced II1II .. ' or SPAM .

can 29c Vo~" Triple Tender

HAMS ThorOll.hl, Cooked­

RMd, to"""

Ib 27c Whole 1, to 10 ., av •• ., lhaelt HaU • tel • Ib ••••

1030 Swift', PremIum Maw LOW palca

Genuine 8prlna Bab,

LEGS OF LAMB Ib 28c Ito'.""

Iwlft'l Prime IeIectad


lilT CUTI • ON& palc. NONa HIOHU