THE LACHESIS ISSUE Sept/Oct 2016 - Infinity Astrological ...


Transcript of THE LACHESIS ISSUE Sept/Oct 2016 - Infinity Astrological ...





Medusa is a unique symbol, something strong.

It's about going all the way.

Fragiskos Bitros


the cover photo is Medusa 20 Ceiling from the Medusa Colletion by Fragiskos Bitros.

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May/June 2017

Smiljana Gavrančić (Serbia) - Editor, Founder & Owner

Victor Olliver (UK) - Associate from the Astrological Journal of the AA GB

Sharon Knight (UK) - Associate from APAI

Frank C. Clifford (UK) - Associate from the London School of Astrology

Mandi Lockley (UK) - Associate from the Academy of Astrology UK

Wendy Stacey (UK) - Associate from the Mayo School of Astrology and the AA GB

Jadranka Ćoić (UK) - Associate from the Astrological Lodge of London

Athan J. Zervas (Greece) – Critique Partner/Associate for Art & Design









Smiljana Gavrančić

[email protected]


ART AND DESIGN Athan J. Zervas

[email protected]




15. Chris Brennan

28. Frank Clifford


22. Victor Olliver


108. Tania Daniels


111. Mandi Lockley


118. Tara Aal

119. Kim Buckley


122. Cassandra Tyndall

126. Natalie Delahaye


5. Gate Keeping – editorial

10. Here comes Annie Lennox - Smiljana


19. Good relations with Astrology – Roy Gillett

31. The Guardian of the Gates – Alan Oken

36. Inception of monsters - Christina


39. The French elections - Smiljana Gavrančić

46. No pasarán – Jandranka Ćoić

50. The relocated composite chart – Margaret

Gray & Armand Diaz

54. The lunar axis shifts to Leo/Aquarius –

Angela Tikis

60. Sect and triplicity – Sharon Knight

70. Embrace your inner weirdo – Victor Olliver

75. Cancer ingress forecast – Rod Chang

78. The Neptune-Pluto cycle and the mass

migration phenomenon – Riccardo Bosi

84. The Business Card – Annie Whitaker

86. The progressed new Moon – Wendy Stacey

92. The lunar standstill cycle – Linea Van Horn

104. Chuck Berry – Alan Annand

114. Ruth Brown – Marguerite dar Boggia

Editor’s Letter

Gate Keeping

There is one place where I felt ‘‘the spirit of The Gate Keeper’’. For this place, they use to say it is the

center of the world. In my mundane work (mapping the zodiac by sensitive degrees) I found that Split

is sensitive on axis 15º Capricorn/15º Cancer (Jupiter axis) and that it may have some vibration at 29º

Cancer too (the place of our 3rd eye-Jupiter chakra). This is the place in the world where you can find

four gates! These are: The Golden Gate (northern), The Silver Gate (eastern), The Iron Gate

(western) and The Bronze Gate (southern). Since Split is famous for being once part of the Roman

Empire, the horoscope of Ancient Rome ("The Book of World Horoscopes" by Nicholas Campion)

was my starting point.



29º Pisces/29º Virgo - The Place Where The Gate Keeper Lives

For me every gate we can link with 29 º of some sign. After all, in the chart of Ancient Rome, there is

retrograde Venus at 29 º Pisces, and I am writting this letter in the moment when she is crossing again

over 29 º Pisces, she is direct but she is still in her „shadow period“, and I would say this is a very

special moment. I think that The Gate Keeper „vibes“ over axis 29 º Pisces/29 º Virgo, because

after 29 º Pisces we get 0 º Aries – the beginning of Zodiac. At 0 º Aries we open the door, we accept

life! Accross, at 0 º Libra we start to judge (Saturn is judging, and Saturn is exalted in Libra)! But at

0º Libra we have in Sideral Zodiac fixed star Spica, and in Sideral Zodiac all start from this point.

However, i did progressions of Ancient Rome for the moment when I was born (January 30th, 1980)

and i found progressed Moon at 9º Aquarius, in conjunction with my natal Sun, ruler of my North

Node at 29 º Leo! For me that was a big sign, I will tell you later why.For now, I will just tell you that

my axis of nodes goes over 29 º Leo (NN) / 29 º Aquarius (SN), and on May 12, 2017 I am going to

have my nodes return day, which is speaking about new cycle of 18 years ahead! Also, i found Solar

Arc axis IC/MC of Ancient Rome for the moment when I was born over 0 º Aries/0 º Libra. So, the

gates were open in the moment when i was born, it seams...

29º Taurus/29 º Scorpio - The Silver and The Iron Gate In Split

My first touch with Split occurred at the time of my Solar

Return in 2015. At the very moment of the Solar Return I

found myself in the Jupiter Temple. It was followed by

meditation for the Jupiter chakra ("Third Eye", our sixth

energy centre located at 29º Cancer, which is the cusp of

my 9 house - my purpose, my future life). For me, Split

has a special energy in the spiritual sense, it is the place

where I find myself in some sort of internal alignment,

since the Moon in my horoscope is positioned across the

zodiac, at 15 º Cancer, the degree of Jupiter exaltation.

All this includes my Venus at 16º Pisces 52’', with the

fixed star Ahernar (from the constellation Eridanus)

which is very spiritual by nature, and that contributes that

in this city I enjoy, I feel pleasure, since it solves the

opposition 15º Cancer / 15º Capricorn. Without a doubt, Split is so important for me in a spiritual

sense, it is a place where I can easily make contact with my future life, “my future ME“! My tertiary

axis 3/9 (trip) went over 29 º Taurus/29 º Scorpio.

Later i found that this axis presents The Silver Gate (eastern) and The Iron Gate (western) in Split!

Also, my tertiary Fortuna (the most faster point and we should take it in predictions because it moves

faster even than Moon) was also at 29 º Scorpio!!! The Silver Gate were under reconstruction between

1932-1934.Solar Arc axis Asc/Desc of Ancient Rome in 1932 was over 29 º Scorio/29 º Taurus. For

example, when Pope John II visited Split and went throught the Silver Gate in 2000 – Solar Arc

Fortuna of Ancient Rome was at 29 º Scorpio!

I will mention progressed Sun of Ancient Rome for that moment too.Why? Because it was at very

powerful place within the Zodiac-at 3º Scorpio (this degree I link to Croatia, and Split is the city in

Croatia), and that degree i link with Pluto exaltaion degree and at the same time we know that it is the

Moon’s fall degree.



Where is the life weak-the death is the strongest. The death is not the end, it is the new beginning. So,

it seams that when we close some gate (door), some new we open at the same time. If The Silver Gate

is eastern part, than accross we have western part, and The Iron Gate is western part. So, I would say

that axis 29 º Taurus/29 º Scorpio is axis for silver and iron gates in Split. At 29 º Scorpio we have the

end of the end, the end of the darkness, the end of the death. Accross, at 29 º Taurus, we have so

called „Weeping Sisters“ (Pleiades) in mythology. IAM-Infinity astrological magazine since 3rd April

2017 has its progressed Sun at 0 º Gemini, just finishing crossing over 29 º Taurus! So, one gate we

closed? But also, we open some new gate? Over 0 º Sagittarius/0 º Gemini we are able to touch some

new story, we are able to touch much more light...

I Love Split

As I've never felt myself like I "keep" my parents inside, since the axis 15º Cancer / 15º Capricorn is

very important for me. In fact, when my father died (on 06th April 1996) Jupiter was at 15º Capricorn,

while on the day of my mother's death, 06th September 2013, Jupiter was opposite, at 15º Cancer. I

could say that my parents took me on this trip, all with meaning and purpose. Finally, the dates of their

deaths is associated with the symbolism of Jupiter chakra - both died on the sixth day in month! Split

is essential for my spiritual growth.

I fell in love with Split, and its famous restaurant Lvxor at

Peristel became my favourite place. After three months, I

found myself again in Split where I gave a public lecture

about Croatia with a special emphasis on Split and 15º

Capricorn.(April, 2015-my secondary Moon was at my

natal Pluto). Pluto is ruler of my Scorpio rising, and you

can see my Pluto at 21º Libra, in conjunction with fixed

star Spica (I have already mentioned Spica in the beginning

of this letter). The lecture was held on April 26th, 2015

and, as tertiary progressions can describe an event to the

level of two days, I looked at the tertiary position of the

Moon for that day. As you can see, tertiary Moon (moves 1

degree for 2 days) was found precisely at 15º Capricorn

(the degree of Jupiter’s fall). If I add that in my natal chart the Moon is in 8th house, in applying

square with Pluto –than you can imagine what there may happend to me. It was really spiritual journey

for me, where my life in one moment was in dangerous. I fell down the stairs in the center of

Diocletian Palace, but somehow, all went well. I trust in the God’s spirt there, after all my Moon is at

15 º Cancer (God) and some spirit protects me, always...

29 º Leo/29 º Aquarius – The Golden and The Bronze (Honey) Gate In Split

As I said The Diocletian's Palace has four main Gates: The Eastern (or Silver) Gate on the opposite

site of the main East / West walkway known as the Decumanus; the Southern (or Bronze / Honey)

Gate facing the sea, and Northern (or Golden) Gate facing the North, linking the Palace to the town of

Salona during ancient times. And Western (or Iron Gate of Split), Known as Porta Franche, it was the

door of last resort. Criminals seeking justice, refugees seeking asylum - would come to its gates.

There, in a location between the inner and outer doors, court would be held and their fates would be

decided! Those who were allowed to stay were given refuge, and their lives would be spared.



Porta septemtrionalis is the Roman name for The Golden Gate (northern) in Split. Emperor

Diocletian walked through them as he entered the Palace on the 1st of June 305. They were built in the

shape of a rectangle, with double doors, as part of the defensive military tactics (propugnaculum).I

found progressed Venus of Ancient Rome (for 1st June,305) at the end of Aries, 29 º Aries. For

example, my sister has Sun/Mercury conjunction in her 12th house (death in past life) and her Sun is

the ruler of her South Node (past lives) in her 5th house (house of past life) - I took her in Split with

me two years ago when at 29 º Aries was my progressed Venus (sister) – august 2015. Also

progressed axis IC/MC of Ancient Rome on 1st June 305 was over 29 º Leo/29 º Aquarius (which is

my axis of nodes in my chart). At 29 º Leo when I was born there was one of the royal fixed star,

„The Keeper of North“ – Regulus. Also, transiting Jupiter and Mercury were in conjunction at 29 Leo,

and Saturn was very close to 29 Scorpio too.

So, the most important gate in Split is The Golden Gate, and I would say it may „vibe“ at 29 º

Leo,from the heart of Leo. Accross, at 29 º Aquarius, we have The Bronze Gate (southern), the

smallest of all the gates and this gate brings us into the basement of Diocletian Palace. After 29 º

Aqarius, we touch 0 º Pisces, which may be an image of basement. After all,I visted Diocletian’s

basement in order to find out what is the secret treausure of Split. I suspected it was some coin, and

that was a subject of my public lecture... Also, I got terrible cold after that visit, which fits with my

South Node at 29 º Aquarius /0 º Pisces...

Recently, I found that there is Diana's Temple (on the hill Marjan), and i linked Split with axis 15 º

Capricorn/15 º Cancer - at 15 º Cancer in my article „Ashmole 782 and 15 º Cancer“ I spoke about

the goddess Diana....

New Life - IAM

When IAM was born, on May 19 2015, my first article was about Ashmole 782 and 15 º Cancer and

the first issue #IAM01 we called #782. During May 2017 IAM will celebrate its 2nd Solar Return

(May 19 2017) and this is #IAM13 #TheGateKeeperIssue. This is the last time when We will celebrate

solar return on May 19. From now, IAM will celebrate its birtday every year on February 8th,

because, one gate we closed, and we open new one, with The Gate Keeper who protects Us.

The New IAM was born on February 8th, 2017, only two days before the lunar eclipse at 22 Leo.







Annie Lennox – Here comes the rain again

A Story of Saturn

Smiljana Gavrančić

When we start analyzing a natal chart, it’s natural to begin with the ascendant sign, because it contains

the most important message for the natus. Knowing the nature of the ascendant sign itself, the nature

of the planet which rules the sign, or is exalted in that sign, and the nature of the planet which is in

detriment or fall in that sign – we can make an initial image of the natus whose chart we analyze.

Ascendant in Virgo

Annie Lenox was born on December 25, 1954 at 23:10 in Scotland (source This article is

about a woman with a Venus – Saturn conjuction in Scorpio and a Virgo ascendant, which already

says a lot about the importance of Venus in her chart. Namely, Virgo is a sign where Mercury (the

mind, intellect) is the ruler and exalted, while Venus (a planet connected to relationships) is in fall.

The main task of every ascendental Virgo is relationships, because across the sign of Virgo is the sign

of Pisces where Venus is joyful (exalted) and there is no room for words or analyzing (everything that

is natural to Virgo). Also, ascendental Virgos need to work on their Jupiter (optimism) and Neptune

(personal faith) because these two planets are in detriment in Virgo.

Annie Lennox, the voice behind “Miracle of Love” felt the impact of Venus – Saturn conjuction in

Scorpio many times. Namely, all three of her husbands were carrying symbolism of this conjuction.

We know that this is an image of karmic love affairs, relationships in which some karmic debts need

to be paid, relationships with somebody older, or coming from different cultural or racial backgrounds,

etc. If you ask me, this is also a sign of delayed relationships, which may be waited on for a long time,

and happen later in life, in mature ages...



Miracle of love

Annie married three times, but

only her latest, third marriage

fullfilled completely her Venus

symbolism on the star Unukalhai

from the constellation Serpens

linked to doctors and healers – her

third husband is not only from a

different cultural background

(South Africa), he is also a doctor,

fulfilling the need of the fixed star

as a ‘carrier’ in this story. Finally,

Venus in her chart is her exalted

ruler of 7th house with the cusp in

Pisces, so it’s very important in

the analysis of this artist’s chart.

First marriage (1984-1985)

Let’s start from the beginning. If we analyze her 7th

house of marriage, we find that the cusp of 7th house is

in Pisces, and the ruler is retrograde Jupiter in applying

conjuction with Uranus, which can be a sign of sudden

unexpected marriages but also divorces. The retrograde

nature brought her more than one marriage, so even the

exalted Jupiter’s position could not save her first

marriage from ending. Still, this man was needed in her

life, because he was a big influence on her. Her first

husband, Radha Raman, a Hare Krishna monk, first

crossed her path in 1984 on her concert in Stuttgart.

Only three weeks later, they got married, which lasted

only a year. Still, this man inspired Annie to change her

diet – she eliminated meat, coffee and alcholol. At the

time, she was very enthusiastic about the change. “He changed my life, taught me how to be happy. I

was terribly confused before we met and I didn’t know what I wanted.” Her Venus is the ruler of 2nd

house (diet) in her chart, conjucting Saturn (deprivation) so this is an image of some sort of fasting,

abstaining from food, everything that is bad and “toxic” (Scorpio) for the organism. Retrograde Jupiter

in Cancer can also attract a partner which is somehow a spiritual Teacher (Jupiter) dealing with diet

(Cancer). Uranus contributed to the fast marriage and even faster divorce. Dispositer of her Jupiter is

Moon in Capricorn where Jupiter falls, so there could be reasonable doubt that this marriage would

somehow “fall” in the future. Trining Saturn did support the wedding itself, because Saturn loves

form, which is marriage..



Second marriage (1988-2000)

The second husband of Annie Lennox was the famous

Israelian director and producer, Uri Frutchmann, with

who she spent 12 years of her life. They have had two

daughters, Lola and Tali, and a stillborn son Daniel.

Uri Frutchmann also carries the symbolism of Jupiter

in Cancer (Israel) squaring Neptune – film producer.

This aspect brings great excitement and need to

idealize a relationship, after which comes

disappointment. Venus, as an essential significator for

relationships and marriage, is placed in Scorpio,

conjucting Saturn – a marriage with a person from a different cultural background limited in time, if

the relationship is not pure and honest, it cannot last in time, and if it is, it is affirmed and strong.

Dispositer of Jupiter is Moon in Capricorn, giving a real chance that this marriage will also fail in

time. After her second divorce, Annie said that she’ll never get married again. Since the thing we are

running from always catches up with us in the end, the same thing happened to her...

The story of Saturn

Saturn is a very important planet in the

chart of Annie Lennox for many reasons.

It’s the dispositor of the ruler of her

Ascendant, Mercury in Capricorn, and it

represnts her in time. She was also born

on the day of a Solar eclipse on 3º

Capricorn, and Saturn is the ruler of her

prenatal eclipse which is always a sort of

darkness because it happened before birth

and it defines the person’s state of mind

in trust or fear. Saturn is also the ruler of

her 5th house (creation, love). Since it’s

influencing her Venus in Scorpio, and she

needs to work on relationships in her life

as an Ascendental Virgo, her main task is

to lose all the fears in her relationships in

time, because she is capable of a very

deep (Scorpio) attachment. This Saturn

needs a lot of time to become totally

“pure” and honest, because it’s the only

way Annie can realize a magical love

story, if she deeply falls in love without

fear and doubts. Then her dispositor

(Mars in Pisces) leads Venus to the sign of exaltation, Pisces, in a trine with Saturn on the star

Archernar (with a Jupiterian nature) which speaks of a long journey through an underground river,

implies a sort of a purgatory, but also light at the end of the tunnel.



Third marriage – December 15th, 2012

Annie met her current husband in 2009.

Dr Mitchell Besser comes from South

Africa (symbolism of her Venus – Saturn

conjuction), he’s a gynecologist (he is a

Scorpio), and working on a project of

helping people infected with HIV. Annie

Lennox herself joined this project, known

by the name “mothers2mothers”, helping

children and single mothers infected with

HIV, and a love story happened. Even

though she said she’d never marry again,

in the year when her directive Ascendant,

after 58 years, conjucted her natal Venus on 21º Scorpio, she got married for the third time! Also, on

December 15th, 2012., the day of the wedding, her secondary Venus (moving 1º in one year) was on

17º Capricorn, in an exact sextile (ease) with natal Saturn on 17º Scorpio, while secondary Saturn was

on on her natal Venus for a long time.

It’s especially important that Annie finally fullfilled the need of her Venus on the star Unukalhai – a

partner who is a healer, doctor... Now that same Venus, even though in a “hug” with Saturn

(somebody of a different racial background) is disposed in 6th house (a need to serve others), in the

sign of it’s exaltation, on the star Achernar, so this relationship can really “purify” her, giving her a

glimpse of the light at the end of the tunel. Saturn is carrying within itself Chiron on 27º Capricorn, so

she has a possibility to heal herself, but also people around her, through this relationship. Finally,

Venus is also the ruler of her 9th house (life purpose, future life) so this woman is really headed in the

right direction.



Therefore, we can analyze all partners and marriages

primarily through the series 7, since it carries all our marriage

potencial, but also through Venus as a natural significator of

series 7. In the chart of Annie Lennox, Venus is very

important, because she is an Ascendental Virgo and

relationships are something she needs to work on during her

life. Venus is also conjucting Saturn in her chart, which can

seem very “hard” at the first glance, but that Venus is on a

star linked to doctors, so her long expected love came into her

life only when she met somebody who fits that description.

Of course, she needed all her partners before, in order to

come closer and closer to her true nature. The wedding

happened on December 15th, 2012., after the Solar eclipse on November 13th which was on her natal

Venus on 21º Scorpio. Since it was a Solar eclipse (personal beginning), it brought new opportunities

when it comes to relationships to this extraordinary woman... This eclipse disposited by Mars ended

up in the sign of Pisces (exaltation of Venus), trining Saturn, which is an image of marriage.

In traditional astrology, Saturn is joyful in 12th house, while today (in modern western astrology) it’s

the house where Venus is joyful, so I’ll finish this article with a question – Is there a place for fear

where love is present?

Living in magic and patience

is what 12th house, Pisces and exalted Venus

ask of us.

Smiljana Gavrančić is the editor, founder and owner of IAM-INFINITY

Astrological Magazine. She obtained her astrological education at the Institute for

Astrological Research and Education “Johannes Kepler” in Belgrade, graduating in

October 2010, after studying International Law at Belgrade University. She is an

International Certified Professional Astrologer (ISAR C.A.P.) and a member of ISAR

(International Society for Astrological Research) and of the Astrological Association

of Great Britain. She specializes in mundane astrology and she practices

karmic/hermetic astrology, astrology of degrees/archetypes (mythology, fixed stars)

and synastry. She is writing her first book Special Degrees in Mundane Astrology. She

blogs at in English and in Serbian.




Interview with Chris Brennan

Athan J. Zervas

Hi Chris! I have been following your work and stalking your online presence for quite some time

now, so you can guess that I am super excited about this interview. Congratulations on your new

book are in order of course, but first things first: Who are Katie, Vickie and Billy?

Thank you! I am excited to do the interview. Katie, Vickie, and Billy are my sister, my mother, and

my father. My sister passed away in 2007, but in one of the last conversations I had with her, I told her

that I was going to dedicate the book to her. That was an important aspect of finally getting the book

published for me, in order to fulfil that promise.



The standard question I have when I am around an astrologer is what they think about a partile

square of the Moon to her lunar nodes. The notion of the Moon seeing her own intersection

points to the path of the Ecliptic has always brought to mind pictures of the existential pain a

hospital patient is going through as they watch the doctor's incisions on their body with no

anaesthetic on the table. Your Moon in Aquarius does not see my Moon in Cancer, so you can

skip the question. I am interested because you have the same pattern in your chart, although not


I wish I had an opinion, but the nodes and especially aspects to the nodes are not really a strength of


Haha, the question was way much longer than the answer! That is what I call being concise.

Would you say that your interest and research in astrology has compromised your personal life?

Sometimes, I feel that the deeper I go into astrology the further away I walk from everyday basic

human behaviours and needs. It could be me of course…

Yes, I think that especially when I was in my 20s that I sort of skipped having many of the experiences

that people normally have during that part of their life, in order to pursue my studies of astrology full

time. Some of these things were probably good to give up, but others maybe were not, although I

would do it all over again if I had the option. Now that I am in my 30s, I am fortunate because my

partner is also an astrologer, and so we are able to do things together that incorporate our mutual

interest in astrology, although in that respect we probably still end up focusing on “work” more than

most normal people do. I guess that this is part of the advantage as well as part of the downside to

doing what you love, is that it is not really work when you are doing something you enjoy. Most of the

time at least.

It has been two months now that your lovely book is in my hands and three months since it was

published. Do you think that ''Hellenistic Astrology, the Study of Fate and Fortune'' is going to

haunt you?

Yes, possibly. Haha. It took me 10 years to write the

book, since I started in September of 2006, and

trying to finish became kind of a burden a long time

ago. Year after year, I would always mention the

book in my bio by saying that it was my

“forthcoming book,” and every time that I had to

attend another conference without having released it,

it was always kind of disappointing. What is

interesting though is that I have been lecturing on

Hellenistic astrology for more than 10 years now, so

I feel like I have already been teaching it for a while.

Now that the book is out a completely new group of

people are starting to learn about and become

excited by Hellenistic astrology. In that way I need

to keep reminding myself not to take certain

concepts for granted, but to assume that I am

speaking to a new audience who does not have any

background in the subject. It is a little challenging

though because I have been teaching the subject for

a while and in some ways I am ready to move on to

other topics.



In the recent years, traditional astrology has made a strong come back.

As I am getting older, I find myself re-evaluating the way my mother and

father did things and I am looking to the past to find solutions to my

present problems. Do you think that traditional astrology has resurfaced

as an answer to all this new age philosophy that prevails today, is it a

way that nature has to equilibrate things, action and reaction, or is it

because humanity takes refuge in the past, as the collective is growing

older and facing its own death?

Yes, I think that any time that things go in one extreme direction that there is usually some sort of

countertrend that pushes them back in the opposite direction. The trick though is to try not to go too

far in the opposite direction, because otherwise it just creates a new set of problems when things get

unbalanced again. That is part of the reason I ended the book by saying that while I think that

Hellenistic astrology is important and vital to the future of astrology in the 21st century, that I do not

want this to be misinterpreted as a call to fundamentalism. It seems to me that periodically in the

astrological tradition that older forms of astrology are reived and then synthesized with whatever the

prevailing contemporary forms of astrology are, and then this leads to a new type of astrology that is

better in some ways than either of the forms that contributed to it. I believe that we are at another one

of those turning points today, although the challenge is to figure out what the best parts of each of the

ancient and modern traditions are, and then how to synthesize them into one approach. That is what

much of my work is focused on now.

Some traditional/modern astrologers use the

outer planets only if they are to be found on the

angles of the chart and even then, they treat

them like some kind of malefic fixed star…

What is your view on the outers? I use the outer planets just about the same way as

most modern astrologers, except I don’t use them

as sign rulers. Otherwise I think that their aspects

with other planets are incredibly important,

especially the hard aspects. Again, it is important to

find balance though, because I think that part of the

rejection of the outer planets by some traditional

astrologers is due to the perception that the outer

planets are used too much in modern astrology,

sometimes at the expense of really understanding

the depth and complexity of the visible planets. To

some extent, this is true, since the outer planets are

often one of the first things that modern astrologers

will look at in a chart, because they are so

distinctive and powerful in their significations.

I do not think that the answer is necessarily to swing back in the opposition direction and completely

underemphasize or ignore the power and usefulness of the outer planets though. I will concede though

that it seems kind of difficult for the outer planets to manifest in a constructive manner when they are

configured to an inner planet by a hard aspect, and that often the resulting manifestation ends up being

scenarios that you might call “malefic,” however you define that. That is not true for the soft aspects

from outer planets though, as there are clearly a lot of positive or constructive ways that their

significations manifest when configured in that way. They can be tricky to work with constructively in

hard aspects though.



Can you spot any affinities with IAM-Infinity? Is there a particular

point in your synastry with the magazine that you would like to stress?

I like the new chart you guys picked for IAM-Infinity, set for February 8,

2017, because this was 2 days before I published my book, on February 10,

2017. I remember February 8 quite well because it was the final push to

finish the book in time, and get it out before the lunar eclipse in Leo, and a

conference that was taking place later that month. My partner Leisa and I

stayed up all night doing last minute proof reading and editing, and so it is

funny that at the same time that we were doing that that you guys were re-launching Infinity.

Be blunt yet tender and name one thing that you do not like in IAM-Infinity Astrological


I do not like that it is not as well-known across the astrological community as it should be.

Thank you so much Chris. We wish you health and the best from here to Infinity!

Thank you for interviewing me! I appreciate it. Please keep up the good work!

Chris Brennan is a professional astrologer from Denver, Colorado, USA. He is

the author of Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune. Former

President of the Association for Young Astrologers and former Research

Director of the National Council of Geocosmic Research, he is currently an

associate editor of The Mountain Astrologer magazine and he also serves on the

board of Kepler College. He teaches online courses on astrology with students

from around the world, and he offer certification through his course on

Hellenistic astrology.



Making Good Relationships with Astrology

Roy Gillett

The ironic greeting Victor Olliver reports receiving [see his piece in IAM #12] at his first conference

after being appointed Editor of The Astrological Journal has been splendidly corrected by the fourteen

excellent Journal issues he has given us over the twenty-eight months since. To my mind, his

selection of material and focus, allied with the beautiful talent of layout artist Catherine Keane, have

created the most attractive, accessible, yet still deep, astrology journals I have seen during my forty

years as a professional astrologer. However, his suggestion that examples of unpleasantness between

individuals and groups show the astrological community can be just as negative and nasty as any other

needs qualification and deeper consideration.

Firstly, astrological knowledge is of a radically different nature than most other ways of knowing.

Physics, biology, psychology may be thorough, but their very definitions confine them to a particular

perspective of the Universe. They fall down when they seek to move beyond it. Physicists provide

wonderful ways to reorder the material world, but in their ultimate mission is destined to do no more

than discover the relationships between the constituents parts of what was previously held to be ‘the

final indivisible core particle’. Astronomers’ big-bang-driven expanding universe may be reaching out

to black emptiness, only to breathe back to oneness in accordance with ancient Hindu cosmology.

Psychologists may ally with biologists to observe and even interrupt the chemical and electric

workings of the brain, but never really know what causes us to think and feel and value the world as

we do. Astrology is the study of any kind of relationship between the cycles of the Universe and

people, institutions and events. It does not study deliberately distorted or conflicting perspectives of

reality, as when using an X-Ray, heat sensitive instrument, conventional academic discipline, or

particular political view point. On the contrary, it offers clarifying insights into every area of

existence, both within and without conventional modern ways of knowing. Astrology is a special

bridge between the quantative and qualitative ways of looking at the world. It is quantative in that

every cycle can be exactly measured over vast periods of time in the past, present and way into the

future. Qualitative in that the cycles, so easy to identify and predict, can be used in a range of

beneficial and destructive ways that once embarked upon lead to a range of predictable possibilities.

Astrologers study the fundamental mechanics that drive the intrinsic nature of the Universe. This is

ethics big time! A piece of dirt in an intricate watch mechanism can put the whole out of time, even

stop it all together. How more traumatic then can be the consequences of knowing and misusing the

astrology of a person, time or institution! Astrological insight gives special powers to understand and

even influence events, and so can cause the uninitiated to salivate with expectation. To clinch

seduction, lovers new to astrology are tempted ‘to move’ a potential partner’s Moon to their Sun. The

financial trader twists and turns his interpretations to convince himself the markets are destined to

move in his favour. These and many others like them are destined to suffer the consequences of false

expectation. For astrology really is a very different form of knowledge, one that will always give you



the truth, providing you are open and willing to accept it. Because of this, astrology’s greatest paradox

is that sets us free—providing we are ready to live in and care for the Universe as it is.

Of course, this does not stop some astrologers trying to take advantage of and being nasty towards

each other. There could not be much worse an idea! Astrology’s profound, almost magical nature

means that using it to serve our ego leads to far worse outcomes than when we misuse ordinary

knowledge. Trying to bribe with a valuable present is easily exposed and corrected. Using astro-

understanding to reach into and exploit a hidden vulnerability can ruin victims’ lives and the lives of

people around them. It will be even worse for the perpetrator! The Tibetans warn of the severe

consequences of “the misuse of siddhis”. Siddhis include a range of magical powers that can be

attained by study and pure practice of goodness. Strong knowledge of astro-cycles may bring us to the

frontier of having minor special powers. It is only safe to use them for the benefit of other people.

There are dire consequences for those who exploit them for personal gain. They become trapped in a

prison of suffering, from which it is almost impossible to escape.

Disagreements between proponents of various astrological methods should be seen as artificial and

temporary. Evolutionary or psychological astrology is enriched, not undermined by the concepts

behind the predictive rigour of Vedic or western Traditional Astrology. The wise predictive astrologer

will leave clients with a choice. Seeing differences this way make our astrological community special,

because our motivation is inclusive; to learn from each other, to find reasons for, not against, other

people or processes. Good astrologers understand and make allowances for the incredible range of

differences between people, broaden attitudes away from antipathy. Instead they appreciate and work

together for the common good. The astrological community is different to other groups in society,

because it has a vast range of tools to enable us to do this. So, it has a built-in capacity to attract those

who seek a more enlightened life. To meet and reinforce this in celebration is a core purpose of The

Astrological Association annual conference and many other like events that take place regularly all

over the world. If you have not attended one, do come soon and be amazed at how true this is.

Disputes when they do come tend to emanate from misplaced good intentions – ‘this or that way of

doing things is not in the interest of the client.’ On the rare occasions, when such a view morphs into

ego-driven conflict, and darker, more dangerous relationship conflicts threaten, there are few issues

that astrology, if given a chance, could not explain and settle. It may need a little help! Many

astrologers have a technique beyond astrology to lift us up and out of counter-productive attachment;

ways to help us accept personal responsibility for everything that happens to us. The wise follow the

Confucian view ‘do not do to others what you would not have done to yourself’. They see the birth

chart as the challenge of this lifetime and welcome progressions and transits as karmic opportunities to

purify past negativity. Looking at life like this is the path to happiness. Astrology then becomes the

route map that illuminates our way. The astrological community can become an enlightened, happy

community; ready to offer clarity to the world at large.

Roy Gillett B.Ed (Hons Ldn). A student of Tibetan Buddhism and President of

The Astrological Association, Roy has been a full-time astrologer and consultant

since 1976. He has been an astrology software adviser since 1988, is an astro-

finance researcher and an international conference speaker. Roy has published

mundane forecasts from 1978, writing The Astrological Journal’s “Working with

the Planets” column since 2002. His books include Astrology and Compassion the

Convenient Truth; Economy, Ecology and Kindness and The Secret Language of

Astrology. Published in 2017 his Reversing the Race to Global Destruction uses

astrology to question and correct contemporary economic, educational and political assumed ‘truths’

and show how astro-objectivity, combined with rigorous principle, could start to heal the psychotic

malaise that dominates today’s world affairs.



The Importance of Astrology

The 49th Annual Conference of the Astrological Association

8-10 September 2017 at Wyboston Lakes near Cambridge




Is the horoscope a gatekeeper? A spooky but true story

Victor Olliver

Is the horoscope our very own Steve Strange? Is the horoscope a gatekeeper, whose codes may harness

a paranormal agency, allowing it [the chart] to speak literally? Listen to this spooky but true short

story. Ah yes, the gatekeeper. St Peter at the pearlies? Or the tattooed quasi-criminal bouncer standing

at the club door? Stripped of context, the two – St Peter and bouncer – serve the same purpose.

Maintaining quality control. The late New Romantic style poseur Steve Strange was a ‘gatekeeper’ of

sorts though no one’s idea of a muscle-bound moron (or, for that matter, sentry of the heavenly spa).

There, Steve would stand at the doors of London’s hellish Blitz nightclub of the late ’70s/early 80s

(where Boy George and his rabble hung out) deciding in an instant who qualified for entry by

measuring up sartorial and cosmetic standards. His aim (as St Peter’s, sort of) was to ensure that the

undeserving were denied admittance to this hallowed domain of “the weird and wonderful”. Rejection

at the door meant: You are not up to it!

The implicit invitation had to be – come and try again, when you have better weirded up wonderfully

and outrageously. Yes, there is always the lesson. St Peter and Mr. Strange, they are soulmates. A

sieve of worthiness he or she may be, but the gatekeeper performs other tasks, such as “overseeing or

monitoring the actions of others”. ‘‘Monitoring’’ is to “observe and check the progress or quality of

(something [or someone]) over a period of time; to keep under systematic review”. Gatekeeping

reminds me of another word: curation. Curators of art galleries assemble collections of work (i.e.

what’s worthy) through selection. The Latin root of curation is ‘curare’ (‘to take care of’).



Curators and gatekeepers are, in this sense, carers or guardians standing over us lest we stray; and in

diverse ways, guiding us, lest we risk loss. The guardian/gatekeeper/curator-figure possesses

knowledge as template of goodness/style coolness/quality. Pick your ambition.

It is a thing of romance, this idea that someone (out or up there) knows what is best for us and is

inclined to steer us, even if only through brutal exclusion (for our own good). A romantic notion is not

necessarily make-believe. Our parents, teachers, police, concierges, PRs/PAs and civic busybodies are

not make-believe. In Spiritualism, there are the ‘spirit guides’. Student-barristers have ‘mentors’.

Gatekeepers are everywhere.

Do astrologers have their very own Steve Strange?

I do not know. However, there is the horoscope and that is a start. If we accept that ‘gatekeeping’

involves guarding and/or curating, then plausibly we can say that this symbolic map we call the

horoscope is our oracle of cryptic signposting. Someone knows something before we know it. Within

the wheel are codes for deciphering, and we learn where we may go right or wrong, if we are minded

to pay attention. We know all this, of course. We have heard it all before. Here is another question: Do

you think it is possible that your birth chart is a literal gatekeeper that somehow may harness a

paranormal agency? How might this happen? If it is possible, what might be the source (or actual

‘gatekeeper’)? I have a short story to tell. Something curious happened to me recently. So if you are

sitting comfortably…

On a certain day in March of this year, I was not in

the best of moods. I am not going into specifics. A

work-related situation had begun to needle me.

Information had reached my ears that left me quite

furious. It is not important to know what this might

relate to – I work for a number of different people and

organisations, not exclusively in astrology but broadly

in media and journalism. Just take my word for it: I

was p***** off. At some point I learnt of something

that I felt could be a deal-breaker. The big problem

with modern remote e-interactions is that you do not

really know what is going on. Reported words that

may be idle can be amplified into something else,

thanks to imagination, suspicion, distortion and

perhaps the hidden agendas of third parties. What is

missing is the 3-D punctuation of body language, eye

movements, facial tics, general familiarity and other

non-verbal signals of character and intent that might

qualify meaning. This is why there are such things as

Twitter storms. Hardly anyone knows the people they

are ranting at. What you have is a hall of mirrors

where one ego screams at what it thinks it sees (or

reads) in countless reflections. Nuance is absent

because the only certain thing is the self-reflection through projection: you end up talking to yourself

in the remote-communion of electronic forums.

So, comes the day I decide to end an association. I sat at my computer to write a letter of ‘divorce’. It

was polite but cold. That particular day I had hired a car and had things to do that I could not put off,

so time was against me; and I did not want to rush this letter. Instead of pressing ‘send’ I opted for

‘save’. Later, I planned to go over the letter, make refinements and then dispatch. I shall admit that a

family member had warned me not to be so daft, to think twice about the letter. However, I do not

have Mercury in Taurus for nothing. Once this bull decides to charge, life’s toreador would be advised



to leave the arena and take up macramé. At this stage, I had not looked at my chart for the day. I do

not regularly consult my horoscope. I am well aware that some astrologers are prone to seeing in the

chart precisely what they have already decided is there. Talk about a hall of mirrors! Astrology has

never been much of a guide to me except as a hindsight medium of analysis. For raking over the coals,

if you prefer. Since the chart declines to engage with us in the language of the day (or yesterday), I

have not wished to risk converting a shape-shifting hologram into a tangible blob.

Otherwise, whatever happened to freewill?

About three hours after I had completed the first draft of this letter, I returned home for lunch. It was

while I was seated in the garden conservatory, stewing on recent events, that the gatekeeper made its

move. The mobile rang. I did not recognise the number. Was it just another cold caller? Whimsically

and out of character, I answered. “Hi – it’s Geraldine.” Geraldine is not her actual name. “Is that you

Victor…?” I had last consulted Geraldine about ten years past. She is a remarkable psychic

clairvoyante. In the intervening time, we had maintained annual contact through exchanged Christmas

greetings, and nothing else. She is not one for phoning out of the blue. I had kept my number despite

phone changes and upgrades. She did not even know I had made a detour into astrology. I did not tell

her at this point. “Look,” she said. “I had to call you…are you all right?”

The question took me aback. I did not answer except to make some err-y noises. She said: “Because,

look. I woke up this morning thinking about you – I do not think about you usually, Victor! I had to

call you. I did not like what I was feeling. I felt like Chinese water torture. Someone has attacked you.

You feel attacked. And you are about to do something stupid. I got the words: You are about to throw

out the baby….what’s the baby? What’s going on?”

Yes, I was staggered by these words. In

essence, she had picked up on my

situation without knowing what she was

talking about. Her timing was exquisite

since I was close to sending the letter.

“I just feel I want to say: Don’t throw

out the baby! That’s the message: Don’t

throw out the baby!” I said that I had to

rest and asked to call her back. Yes, I

was stunned. I needed time to recover.

About an hour later, I did call her back

and she gave me an impromptu psychic

reading in which she relayed more

information some of which I now know

to be correct. It was as if an MI5 agent

had informed me of a hack on my pc

and proceeded to supply evidence of my

indiscreet emails. Geraldine is not a

neighbour, not part of my social or

professional worlds and we have no mutual friends except two, neither of whom has been in contact

with her these past few years or knows of my present day-to-day life. Sceptics may argue that what

she said lacked specific detail; was absent of precision. However, she had got to the heart of a situation

without the facts; and the use of the word “baby” was spot on metaphorically. Then there was the

apposite timing. Nor could it be said she called me for money. She did not ask for any. No fee was

charged or hinted at. The effect? I did not send the letter. I was startled enough to think twice. Only a

fool would think, “Oh well, coincidence!” As astrologers, we know that life is much about timing.

Here was a stunning example, albeit of the off-horoscope chart-type.



But what of my chart?

Once I had recovered from this little drama, I returned to my pc to examine the transits for the day of

Geraldine’s call. First, I identified what had actually happened. Someone from my past (Geraldine)

had suddenly got in touch again by phone claiming a paranormal link to my life with an alert or

warning. For the moment of her call, this was my simple astrological discovery: transiting

Sun/transiting Mercury were conjunct natal Moon in Pisces in first house. In modern astrology,

Neptune rules these aspects, and my natal Neptune sits in Scorpio in the eighth (Placidus) – a double

helping of potential psychic sensitivity in the chart as Scorpio is associated with the solar eighth.

Worth noting also is that in my draconic chart, (birth Scorpio) Neptune moves to Pisces (and in the

natal-draconic biwheel, Neptune is brought to the natal first house) in the 11th degree – which

happened to be the transit position of Neptune around the time of Geraldine’s call; a few minutes out

of orb of a natal Neptune/draconic-Neptune conjunction. We can agree, then, that there is actually

more than a double helping of Neptunian correspondence.

Among other things, Neptune

is the planet of psychic

receptivity and spirituality

(also confusion, creativity

and the sea). Sun on Moon is

defined as “the past coming

alive” in some very personal

way: a woman (Moon) may

be intrinsic to or the agency

of this process. Robert Hand

describes this conjunction as

a time of potential emotional

turbulence when one is

forced to confront a personal

matter, especially if the

emotion itself (in my case,

fear) is part of the problem.

The Moon is bestowed with

the quality of protection, which was the purpose of Geraldine’s call – she wished to stop me doing

something possibly counter-productive. With natal Moon in first, the matter in hand had to do with my

egoic response to a situation. The involvement of Mercury in the transiting Sun-natal Moon

conjunction introduces the medium of the message – in this instance, the phone.

The Moon is also associated with ‘mothering’ and by implication babies: it was striking that Geraldine

kept repeating the reference to a baby, as in: “Don’t throw out the baby”. More on the Moon. Where

was transiting Moon at the moment of Geraldine’s call? (I said that Geraldine called “out of the blue”.)

That is right; transiting Moon was close to natal surprise-surprise Uranus at this time (in Leo). This

conjunction occurred in the sixth house, whose solar domain is ruled by Mercury and is associated

with world of work. So natal Leo (ruler Sun) presided over the natal Uranus-transiting Moon

conjunction, echoing the transiting-Sun/Mercury-natal Moon conjunction. In the weird orchestra of the

chart, the moment was ‘reflected’ accurately through an ensemble of different aspects and techniques.

So now, you see why I asked the question earlier about the horoscope as gatekeeper and whether it can

harness a supernatural agency to convey its message. At a guess, I doubt any direct connection

between chart and paranormal. I do not think that the horoscope is minded to intervene in my life

through a psychic. The chart however does have encoded messages about its subject; and chart

hieroglyphs may cover anything within agreed holonic parameters. The Moon (as holon) can represent

the mother, women, family, home, nurturing, protection, and so forth. It is also linked to personal



security and emotions. We apply meaning according to context. In addition to what I have already told

you, Geraldine called me while I was at home. The person who advised me first not to send the letter

was my mother. I happen to live by the sea. Neptune conceivably allows for paranormal intervention

through intuition and clairvoyance. The eighth house is the domain of Pluto, in myth, lord of the

underworld and afterlife. Associations with the eighth and twelfth houses are many in this tale.

Some final thoughts

You would never have forecast that these chart aspects and placements might convert into the situation

I have described. The real analytical work is done in hindsight because by then the life has become

memoir and the bigger picture may be viewed. Specifics are already in place – but this is not about

seeing patterns where none exists. If the conjunctions had not happened where they did, and if the

planets involved were different, it would be impossible to stand up the astrological interpretation. For

reasons that I do not hope to understand, and at a very precise moment, my day-to-day life appeared to

attune itself to my chart with a call from the past that drew on the beyond. Someone out (or up) there

was quite determined to give me a chance to think again. The ‘gatekeeper’ had something to say to

me. The gatekeeper plainly felt that I was at risk of erring. The pearly gates were ajar awaiting my

ejection from Heaven or The Blitz, with Steve Strange (or St Peter) giving me what looked like a

dismissive, old-fashioned look. I cannot imagine why anyone bothered. Why bother about little me?

Who cares if I f*** up, apart from me? But then that is the thing about gatekeeping. Heaven or The

Blitz, there is always a guard against folly, no matter how trifling or grand the realm. The indifference

of the cosmos to our fate is so utterly profound, that even our human sense of what is important is

treated with total disdain. Nothing is too large or small for gatekeeping. What we think and what we

know matters nothing special.

Perhaps because we know nothing much.

Victor Olliver is the editor of The Astrological Journal, published by the

Astrological Association. He is also media officer of the Association of

Professional Astrologers International. Based in the UK, he trained to be a

barrister before becoming a magazine feature writer, and then an editor on a

number of publications including magazines, newspapers and electronic

media. He has two awards from the Periodical Publishers’ Association for his

celebrity and travel journalism. He graduated with a distinction diploma in

natal and mundane astrology from the Mayo School in 2012. Victor is also

the author of the annual Lifesurfing series of astrological forecasting books.

The Astrological Journal is available to members of the Astrological Association - here is the details: Alternatively, you can buy individual copies

- email [email protected].






Interview with Frank C. Clifford

Smiljana & Athan

You are studying and writing about Palmistry. What are the similarities with the astrological

practice and what are the differences? Do you think that when two people shake hands then a

sort of ethereal synastry is activated?

Firstly, the hands change and the horoscope does not. The hands always reflect the person who we are

today and everything important that has brought us to this point. We can progress and direct the chart

but it is still a moment of time that does not fundamentally change. Here is what I wrote about the two

subjects in a book called Palmistry 4 Today (2013 version): “Imagine the palm as a satellite navigation

system in our car. It will show us general information about the road we are travelling along and,

although we may see alternative routes ahead, it will generally leave out details that are not pertinent

to our personal journey. With astrology, however, the birth chart may be likened to looking through

the windscreen - we can see drivers in other cars, intricate designs on buildings, smell the coffee

brewing in a nearby shop. Much more colour, detail and perspective is available to all of our senses.



We’re behind the wheel in the driver’s seat in both cases, but whereas the horoscope can reveal much

detail and a variety of layers and nuances, our hands show the general climate and overall landscape

— always focusing on our main drives, temperament and who we are today from an accumulation of

experiences and encounters. In that sense, the hands are more reliable and current indicators than the

horoscope of what we’ve made of our potential and our circumstances.” I imagine when we touch

through a handshake there is an energy exchange, probably more than we can imagine or articulate. If

someone is interested, you can find the book on amazon


Are you a right-handed or a left-handed person? Is there something special about left-handed

people according to palmistry?

I am right handed. Left-handers are special; they use

the creative part of the brain more than the rest of us.

Although left-handers consist of somewhere between

10-15 per cent of the population (this varies across

nations), when looking at those at the top of any

profession, left-handers make up from 25 to 40 per cent

of the group. Perhaps this is because left-handers have

a direct link to the right side of the brain and are able to

utilize these creative, imaginative talents more

naturally. I often say to clients and students. If you

want to use more your right-brain functions, then use

your left hand more in everyday tasks. There is a test

where you can entwine your hands and see which hand

is dominant. “Put your palms together, interweaving

your fingers and thumbs. Swap over the fingers – one

way will feel right, the other will not. Decide on what

feels comfortable. If the left thumb and digits come out

on top, the left hand is dominant. This reveals

(regardless of whether you are left- or right-handed) a

creative, intuitive and holistic approach; someone who

wishes to put energy into meeting life in a fluid, expressive and imaginative way. When the right

thumb comes out on top, the right hand is dominant. This shows a need to approach life rationally and

logically, and in an orderly, take-charge manner. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re good with

money or businesslike in approach, but planning and organization are adopted as reliable ways to get

things done.”

Tell us something you do not like in IAM INFINITY, so we can become better, and can you tell

us something about your synastry with IAM old chart and IAM new chart?

I will simply say: Keep doing good work with integrity. Choose high-quality articles and astrologers

who place our subject and community over ego and status. I cannot see many inter-aspects with the

old chart except that my Saturn in Gemini is closely aspecting the Moon–Mercury conjunction. The

new IAM chart has Saturn aspecting my ASC-DSC axis, the Sun on my MC, and its Jupiter–Uranus

opposition aligned to my Sun–Venus conjunction. That is pretty important synastry.



Has there ever been a zero point in your life?

Has astrology helped you deal with it?

A zero point? Answering these questions,

possibly! Haha. I do not think “everything

happens for a reason” or that “everything

always turns out ok in the end” but I think

astrology helps us find meaning in every

moment if we choose to look, and this can help

us understand our place in the universe and

remind us that we have a certain amount of

power to determine our future.

I love to do with degrees, and I love nature

of every 29 degree – Can you tell us how 29

of every sign is fitting with Palmistry? I mean, 29 means usually the end, so where you would put

29 on one hand? I do not think there is a connection. After every 29 in the chart is 0 of a new sign,

but the hand has lines that have endings, rather than new starts elsewhere.

Can you find IAM in your hand and tell us something about the destiny of our magazine? ☺

Yes, I could not find it on a line, but it was the strawberry jam that I have just washed off my fingers. I

guess all delicious things end up down the plughole.

Venus is right now retrograde, and I am sure this interview is part of our previous lives. If you

would have to choose some finger, or some line on hand to describe this interview-what you

would choose, and why? This interview certainly feels otherworldly! So I have to pick one aspect of

the hand to describe the interview. Well, it would have to be the finger I always use to scratch my head

in bewilderment.

Frank Clifford has built an eclectic career as a consultant, publisher, lecturer, and

writer of a dozen books (including Getting to the Heart of Your Chart). He

recently completed a series of mini-books (Humour in the Horoscope, The

Midheaven: Spotlight on Success and Dialogues (with Mark Jones)) and continues

to write for (and guest edit) The Mountain Astrologer. In 2012, Frank won The

Charles Harvey Award, a lifetime achievement award for ‘exceptional service to

astrology’. In 2017, he will begin courses online with The London School of

Astrology,, [email protected]



Saturn, the guardian at the gates

Alan Oken

Saturn is representative of the Law of Economy. He is not fond of waste on any level and is not a

planet that allows us to cheat, cajole, sidestep, or avoid what we must do in order to be correct in our

relationships with others as well as with ourselves. This is one reason why Saturn is said to be exalted

in the sign of balance, Libra. Saturn is not an agent of deprivation as much as it is a testing ground to

prove a person’s level of maturity and ability to be responsible for dealing with life and as I will soon

explain, for the responsibility of dealing with expanded consciousness as well.

Lord of Karma

Yes, Saturn is the Lord of Karma, but much of karma is good. We get back from life what we put into

it, and if our investments have been correct and we have used our life energy and resources wisely,

Saturn will act much more as the “Grim Reaper” than anything Grim. Saturn stands at the Gates of

Initiation, ready to test anyone who seeks to obtain an advanced level of consciousness. St. Peter, who

acts as the Guardian at the Gates of Heaven, occupies this saturnian position in Christian symbolism.

As one approaches Paradise, one’s deeds and misdeeds are weighed on the Scales of Ultimate Justice.

This is yet another factor why Saturn in Libra is in exaltation.Saturn is the farthest planet visible from

Earth with the naked eye. It represents the boundary between the planets closest and farthest from the

Sun and, hence, from the gifts of the particular type of consciousness granted by these outer planetary

forces. In other words, an individual cannot hope to incorporate on any personal level the higher

octave energies of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto without first fulfilling the demands of the earlier stages

of the personal development of the personality and the maturation of our individual ego. We therefore

have to prove ourselves capable of handling the challenges of ordinary daily life before being allowed

to function on more spiritual levels and thus handle the greater life responsibilities such levels of

activity bring.



Dweller on the Threshold

Another term used in esoteric astrology for the “Guardian at the Gates” is the “Dweller on the

Threshold.” The Dweller refers to a very important function held by Saturn as we unfold our passage

along the Spiritual Path. Saturn makes sure that we cannot pass over the Threshold of Initiation

without first completing our duties and responsibilities, paying our karmic debts, and freeing ourselves

to serve humanity in ever more conscious and loving ways. Saturn thus offers us the opportunity to

free ourselves from the boundaries, limitations, and restrictions imposed upon us from our biological

karma, the karma originating with our families of birth and with all facets of our lower self. In the

horoscope, this specific type of karma is signified by the position of the Moon and all matters that

related to the 4th House. There is thus a very special relationship between these factors and the sign

(Capricorn), house (MC and the 10th), and planet (Saturn) standing across the zodiac.

Eventually, through the opportunities for growth and

development indicated in our natal map (and transits) by

Saturn, we come to balance a great deal of the challenges

of past karma and reach a place whereby conscious

choice concerning our future becomes an actual

possibility. Saturn has therefore served to open our eyes

to our inner reality and makes our evolutionary

advancement possible. Yes, often the price for this

opportunity to serve is very high and sometimes painful.

If we declare that we are available to be of real help to

others and don the mantle of world service within the

periphery of our lives, then we shall be tested as to our

readiness. Of this there is no doubt.

Saturn’s house position in your natal chart will reveal where we may expect such tests of restriction

and self-discipline to arise. Once we have passed the necessary tests and have crossed over the

Threshold and into the realm of the higher octave planets, then it is said, “Saturn cannot follow.” Until

that time, let us welcome Saturn into our lives (besides, let’s face it—you can’t kick him out!) and

open ourselves to the opportunities we have to release immature karma and grow, grow, grow. Let us

now take a look at the happy face of Saturn, examining the various transits of this planet to the planets

in your natal chart, and extract from these positions the best gifts Saturn has to offer.

Saturn and the Sun

Aspects between these two heavenly bodies speak about vitality. Saturn square the Sun has the

tendency to lessen personal strength while the opposition to the Sun speaks about situations that seek

to either take your vitality (and personal power) away and/or replace it with the energy of this outside

force (and the person who may be the embodiment of this challenge to your potency). No matter the

aspect, Saturn always urges you to be selective in how you use your energy. You have the opportunity

now to define those creative projects that build your stature and expertise in the world. You are now

asked to take on an authoritative role: defining, structuring, administrating, advising, supporting, and

sustaining. You are in a position to economize and prioritize; being selective in what you do and the

ways you do it. When positive, Saturn and the Sun reward those who do not waste their life-force and

who respect their creative potential. You may also be asked to deal with older people or those in

authority. Treat those who merit respect with deference and kindness, while eliminating those who

abuse power from your life. Remember that Saturn/Sun dynamics are very “fatherly” insofar as they

speak about power archetypes whose strength is centered in either mind and/or body (including social

status!). No matter your gender, when Saturn transits into your life, you will be asked: Am I being a

good father to myself, to others, to society? Or, are others or society being properly fatherly to me?

Am I being supportive or blocked? Am I supporting or blocking (myself and/or others)?



Saturn and the Moon

You have the opportunity to bring definition to your

feelings, emotions, and instinctive responses to life. You

would do well to understand yourself better by striving to

be a conscious observer. Watch your subjective movie;

just don’t unconsciously star in it. Saturn gives you the

possibilities to consolidate and ground your emotional

nature, bringing form to the formless and power over

feeling over which you feel or have felt powerless. No

matter your sex, when Saturn strong touches the Moon,

you take on an “administrative motherly role.” Thus

your urge to nurture complete tasks, and supply cohesive

force in your own and other people’s lives has distinct


Are such goals being blocked in the present (based on

non-regenerative emotional habit patterns you carry from

the past)? Or are you able to build upon your

psychological strengths and thus aid to ripen and mature

people, plans, and projects? Sometimes Saturn transits to

the Moon bring opportunities to resolves the relationship

you have had with your mother and by extension, with

women in general (as well as the female energy within yourself be you male or woman) You have the

opportunity now to breathe, relax, and release your fears of being rejected and abandoned. Saturn

brings you the gift of detachment from wasteful emotional and mental habit patters—move into

acceptance. If you use Saturn to maintain the “same old, same old” you will ache with age.

Saturn and Mercury

What are the thought-form and mental structures that no longer work in your life? Saturn smiles at you

and offers you the chance to bring definition to your internal dialogues, freeing you from obsessive

ideas or plans and projects that are simply too far out to ever manifest. You have the opportunity now

to gain strength from saying less and observing more. If you do things correctly, you can save yourself

a lot of grief by being circumspect about your ways of communicating and not committing your time

and energy where they do not belong. Father Saturn brings the wisdom of experience. Mother Saturn

brings discrimination in form. This is a good period in which to reflect on what forms of intellectual

expression and interest have worked for you in the past and to take advantage of these carefully made


Saturn and Venus

Whom do you value in your life? Which relationships and which types of relationships have real

sustaining power for you? Examine your past and carefully observe which patterns of interpersonal

interchanges you possess that work or do not work for you. Believe what you are telling yourself. Now

is the time to receive the gifts of true love, love that has proven itself over time. Say and do kind

things for old and trusted friends. Contact those people whom you love but perhaps have not visited in

a long time. Ask yourself what you truly value in yourself, and rejoice in the strength and beauty of

your positive life characteristics. Be proud of yourself, your accomplishments, and the relationships in

your life that really work—you have earned it.



Saturn and Mars

We all have to struggle for things that are important to us. Now the focus and direction of these

struggles are aligned. There are many battles in life. We do not have to fight all of them, and not all of

them are worth fighting. Saturn and Mars bring you the opportunity to know the difference and to

prioritize your struggles and battles. You can stand up for justice and what you know to be right. If

there is a force that confronts you now that is stronger than your abilities, it might be better to pull

back—but only to gain the strength to resume your battle at another time. Get the training that you

need in order to be a more potent warrior, but first make sure that the fight is worth the effort. A wise

retreat is not a defeat.

Saturn and Jupiter

An accordion can be a thing of beauty if played correctly. If not, it is one of the most inconsonant of

all musical instruments. What makes the accordion lively and uplifting to the ear and heart is the right

balance of air and pressure. Saturn and Jupiter are in accord when you are able to apply just the right

amount of freedom and expansion with just the right amount of consolidation and restriction. Now you

have the opportunity to have an interplay of push-and-pull in the economic, philosophical, and

professional facets of your life. The gifts of Saturn are therefore plentiful for you at this time if you are

wise with your budget, realistic in your ideals, and reasonable in your future goals.

Saturn and Saturn

Saturn offers you a number of

opportunities now to put some real

structure and discipline into your life. You

cannot achieve anything of value without

them. This is a great time to learn at the

side of a teacher. But if you are currently

working with someone who is presumably

an expert in his or her field and that person

is revealing himself or herself to know less

than you do, now is the time to leave that

person’s influence. You can prepare the

way for yourself by cultivating a

responsible attitude to life and leaving

behind all folly and time-wasting

activities. The word here is “diet.” This

means slimming down—eliminating

unnecessary physical pounds, excess

emotional weight, and unnecessary mental


Saturn and Uranus

Do not resist the need to revise long-standing plans and projects. Your worldview may no longer

suffice to help you integrate into some opportunities standing at the horizon. Be open to the gifts of

other people’s expertise, even if they are much older or even much younger than you. You have to

cross over the boundaries of what you have learned as part of the generation of your peers. Messages,

advice, and invitations are coming from a whole different set of people. Leave yourself open to

hearing them before deciding to shut the door. Once you have carefully accepted to entertain such

offerings—free of prejudice—then you can decide whether or not to participate.



Saturn and Neptune

You have the opportunity now to fuse your ideals and aspirations with a careful, practical assessment

of your current abilities. Stand outside of yourself and the present set of circumstances and be thankful

that you can know what your boundaries are. If you are not sure, then it is best not to commit yourself

at the moment. Can you see a clear exit out of a confusing situation? If you cannot, Saturn offers you a

hand of limitation—don’t go any further and don’t wade into a sea without knowing its depth. If you

are currently in over your head, ask the advice of someone who is an expert in the area of your

particular confusion. If it is financial debt, see an advisor who can help you to budget your resources.

If it is an emotional debt, go to a psychological helper who knows the ways of the human heart and

mind better than you do at the present time.

Saturn and Pluto

We have all been getting Saturn’s helping hand in this one for the past several months. Or has your

hand been resoundedly slapped? If you have been using this aspect wisely, you have been releasing

those structures of thought that do not work for you any longer. You have also been learning how to

use your willpower towards goals that support you rather than harm you. You have been dealing

wisely with other people who occupy positions of power in your life and have not given your power

away to them without understanding the consequences of such actions. The destruction of negative

habit patterns is a gift of this aspect, hopefully in ways from which you may learn and profit.

Alan Oken is an American astrologer and author of "Alan Oken's Complete Astrology,"

a compilation of his prior books by Bantam. A lecturer in astrology and metaphysics, he

is also an accomplished linguist, a counselor and teacher. A student and teacher of

astrologer and metaphysics since 1967, he speaks and writes in seven languages as well

as translating. An international traveler, he lectured in Europe, Mexico, Canada,

Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa and the U.S. He published over 200 articles in

various astrological and metaphysical journals, and made frequent media appearances as well as

having his own radio program in his home town of Santa Fe, NM. By 1994, he had penned six books.

He is a student of the works and teachings of the Tibetan Master Djwahl Khul.



Inception of Monsters

A gateway to the collective unconscious

Christina Rodenbeck

The evening Frankenstein and Dracula were born a gateway to the collective unconscious opened.

They called 1816 the summer there was no summer. In the Swiss Alps, the cold was bitter even in

June. Huddled under the stormy cloak cast by the unseasonable weather, a band of young English

travellers passed the time with talking, fantasising, drinking, sex and trying to shock each other. Who

was there? Four of the most notorious English people alive at that time – and one chronicler of the


Lord Byron. At 28, the most celebrated writer in Europe, a romantic star – infamous for his

flamboyant contempt for convention; esteemed for his lengthy, clever, crafted poetry. Rumours of his

incest, buggery and humbuggery kept tongues wagging from London to Rome. Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Another poet, three years younger than Byron. He had already managed to scandalise society with his

flamboyant seduction of a teenaged Mary Godwin and his loud atheism. These two would certainly

have been considered the “senior” members of the party, and for much of the last 200 years, it is in

them that the world has recognised genius. However, more people today are familiar with the creatures

that arose from the imaginations of two other members of the party than with the poetry of either

Byron or Shelley.



Shelley’s girlfriend, 18-year-old Mary Godwin, daughter of the feminist hero Mary Wollstonecraft,

would write a work that would be reinvented for each generation and 20-year-old John Polidori,

Byron’s “doctor” and amanuensis, would come away from the Villa Diodati with a tale that would

plant the seed for a thousand tales of horror. It was he who recorded the evening. The last of the party

was Claire Clairmont – Mary’s wild, bohemian half-sister, also just 18. That summer she was sleeping

with Byron and probably already pregnant. The summer was strangely cold for a reason. The massive

eruption of Mount Tambora on the other side of the world months earlier had caused temperatures

around the globe to plummet, but our friends only knew that it was strange and dark. They were forced

to stay indoors and come up with ways to entertain themselves. On the night of 16th June, Lord Byron

issued a challenge to the group. Who could write the most terrifying ghost story? In the small hours of

that morning, Mary Shelley was kept awake by a terrible vision – of a man frantically making his way

across the icy wastes of the Arctic, pursued by a monster. Byron scribbled a half nothing, which John

Polidori, re-imagined later and published as story called ‘‘The Vampyre’’. It was a tale about a suave,

contemporary, aristocratic bloodsucker called Lord Ruthven.

Within two years, ‘‘Frankenstein’’ or ‘‘The Modern Prometheus and The Vampyre’’ were the talk of

London. For the next hundred years, they were produced repeatedly for the stage, sometimes as a

double bill. The Vampyre metamorphosed into Dracula, of course, in the imagination of Bram Stoker,

who like Mary, dreamt his story. However, the seed of Dracula was there on that night in 1816.

Before then vampires had been coarse, animalistic creatures. It took an acquaintance of the predatory

Lord Byron to see that there are bloodsuckers at all levels of society.

The heavens on the night these two modern monsters were conceived

In the early morning of June 17th, the Sun was in the storyteller’s sign of Gemini, and the Moon was

in imaginative Pisces. For those two hours in the depths of the night, Gemini was rising. The most

striking thing about this chart is the rather disturbed stellium in Pisces, the sign of our collective

unconscious. These two monsters, Frankenstein and Dracula, are archetypes – “ancient or archaic

images from the collective unconscious”. (Paraphrasing Jung.) That night, they were reborn for the

modern era.



The Moon is emotion and in Pisces, the Moon is at its most porous, absorbing what is around it. Pisces

is the sign of fantasy and there is Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, inhabiting the fantastic realm and

so being activated by the transiting Moon. What is interesting is that he is also conjunct to Chiron, the

wound. Dracula inflicts a wound that never heals (like Chiron’s), and Frankenstein has wounds that

never heal. (Just to clarify. Mary Shelley calls him the monster and his creator is Frankenstein, but we

all know him as Frankenstein thanks to the films I think.) What is even more potent perhaps is that

Pluto is conjunct Black Moon Lilith. Lilith takes nine years to make her way through the Zodiac.

According to legend, Lilith was the wicked first wife of Adam. She is the primordial feminine, the

devourer, the vagina dentata. Astrologically, I think she represents often-plain wildness, our shadow,

in other words, she can come as male or female. Either way, there is an element of sexual hunger

about this archetype, which is exactly personified by Dracula.

The two darkest astrological “objects” separated by just under one degree.

You would expect the outer planets to be very much involved at this moment in history. And so they

are. As well as Pluto conjunct the Moon, we have Neptune, the lord of illusion, opposite the Sun.

These creatures hold a mirror up to the Sun and show us our own darkness. Neptune is squaring the

Pluto-Moon-Chiron-Lilith stellium. Meanwhile, Uranus (science, electricity, shock and surely

Frankenstein himself) is opposite Venus, the woman.

Surely, Mary Shelley would have secretly said Frankenstein c’est moi. The North Node, which tells us

where all this is leading — the gateway to the future — is right on the midpoint of Neptune and

Uranus, perched between the Sun and Venus in Gemini. This is the land of story. The midpoint of

Neptune and Uranus must surely be to do with the future and imagination. The balance in this chart is

complex but extraordinary. You can see there are subtle connections between all the planets criss-

crossing through the chart.

Boris Karloff as Frankenstein: the agony of the outsider

Jupiter is at zero Scorpio, a degree of great intensity. Scorpio is where monsters dwell, and with

Jupiter here, they are big ones. Jupiter is in an out-of-element Grand Trine with the Sun in Gemini,

stories again, and Saturn exalted in Aquarius. Saturn is about making it real, actually writing the

monsters down. Of course, Saturn in Aquarius is scientific. The planet works at its best here, but also

Saturn is a monster and Aquarius is the sign of the future. Both Dracula and Frankenstein are also

outcast from society, just as both their creators were – Mary Godwin because she was living in sin and

the mother of an illegitimate child. Polidori was outcast from the band of outcasts, bullied and

humiliated that summer by both Byron and Shelley. Frankenstein and Dracula are alien creatures who

will never be able to become human. One doomed to live for eternity, feeding off the human race; the

other to die alone. Surely, that is the lonely fate of Saturn in Aquarius, the sign of groups and society:

to be the eternal outsider. That feeling of alienation is part of the modern condition, something with

which all of us have to come to terms.

Christina Rodenbeck runs a busy astrological practice from her parlour,

writes one of the web’s most widely read astrology sites The Oxford

Astrologer (, keeps two cats, two daughters

and a long-cherished partner amused — and when it all becomes too much,

she retires to paint in her garden shed. She was brought up in Cairo and

now lives in Oxford. Her books include Madonna in my Pocket;

Meditation: Simple Routines for Home; Work and Travel (Busy Person’s

Guide) and Egypt (Fiesta).



2017 Presidential Elections in France and 0º Libra

How far “right” will France go?

Smiljana Gavrančić

This article was written in early January 2017. It was published by the Astrological Journal in the

March/April issue 2017 and republished by The article was updated after the first

round of the french elections, on April 23 2017

The year behind us, 2016, will be remembered by Donald Trump “unexpectedly” winning presidential

elections in United States. At the same time, his winning was a tailwind for National Front leader –

ultra right, nationalist political party led by Marine Le Pen.

For the spring issue of “The Astrological Journal“ 2016 I wrote the text about France (and Paris as its

capital) “being sensitive” to 21o Aquarius and I ended that text with the remark that on February 11,

2017 there will be a lunar eclipse at 22º Leo and France will be “called out”, in the year of presidential

elections. The first round of presidential elections will be held on April 23, and the second on May 7.

You can see why I think that Paris is sensitive to 21o Aquarius in my original post in my blog

following this link:




Marine Le Pen

In the horoscope of the First French Republic there is Uranus at 22º Leo in 10th house (rule, country’s

reputation) opposing Pluto at 21º Aquarius (degree I associated with Paris). Pluto rules Ascendant in

Scorpio. Quite certainly the lunar eclipse of February 11, 2017 will touch the fixed T-square from the

horoscope of the First French Republic where Mars at 29º Scorpio is the central planet, and everything

revolves around it. February eclipse happens immediately before elections and it is a strong indicator

of big and radical change in the country. Uranus is the ruler of the Moon at 11º Aquarius, which is

depiction of woman revolutionary, while Mars from 29° Scorpio “lives” inside Pluto, so this is also

depiction of the long awaited action...

In that moment secondary Moon of the First French Republic will be at 0º Taurus 57’, in conjunction

with retrograde secondary Mercury (votes) at 0º Taurus 11’, and all that conjunct Saturn

(conservative) at 0º Taurus 37’ in 6th

house (working class, lower class in the

country). In the meantime, before the

first round of voting, secondary Mercury

will make a turn and become direct,

which will ease the voting – this is

depiction of French election body that

will change its mind at the last moment

and vote. Saturn rules 4th house and

speaks of opposition in the country

(which Marine Le Pen is), and also of

the countryside. This is a mild indication

that people (Moon) of France may be

more inclined towards conservatives at

the elections, and that votes from the

countryside will be crucial — votes of

working class, lower class of society.

The very 0º is also the indication of great

changes and new beginning!

If we now take a look at the horoscope of Marine Le Pen, we see Ascendant in Libra, and the ruler

Venus at 25º Leo. Venus is also the ruler of her prenatal eclipse at 23º Libra 20’ (North Node of Fifth

French Republic is at 22º Libra 20'), which was lunar (something we did not finish in the previous life)

– April 13, 1968. So, February eclipse at 22º Leo will touch her Venus and open an important period

for this woman. Through disposition (Sun at 13° Leo), her Venus goes to angular 10th house

(reputation) where Mercury is positioned together with Mars at 29º Cancer (which makes a trine with

Mars at 29º Scorpio from the horoscope of the First French Republic).

In the moment of elections, secondary Fortune of Marine Le Pen will be exactly at 29º Scorpio! In the

moment of eclipse her Sun will be at 29º Virgo 59’, which is a very strong indication of change. Only

days after the eclipse, on February 18, 2017 her progressive Sun will be at 0º Libra 00’ and in

conjunction with IC of the Fifth French Republic (present Republic), and that will activate MC of this

country at 0º Aries!



This is more than indication of Marine getting

more and more importance in the country! The

last degree of Virgo might be more than

important for Marine, since her first postnatal

eclipse was a solar one (new beginning) at 29º

Virgo 30’ (September 22, 1968). Here I must add

that in the moment when the Treaty of Rome

came into force (January 1, 1958, midnight,

Brussels), establishing the forerunner of today’s

European Union – Ascendant was at 29º Virgo!

Creators were Italy, France, Germany,

Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium. The last degree then being the “signal” of possible failure of

that creation?!

Shall Marine Le Pen “pull the strings”

and bring EU into question? In the

moment of the first round of

presidential elections in France on

April 23, secondary Moon of the First

French Republic will be at 3º Taurus

36’ in conjunction with MC of

European Union. All this announces

that some woman from France may

be of high importance for the

reputation of EU! I want to add again,

Uranus at 22º Leo from the chart of

the First French Republic carries

within Moon at 11º Aquarius, and

also Pluto at 22º Aquarius. Otherwise,

it is common knowledge that Moon is

exalted at 3º Taurus, and that is

depiction of the woman with a family,

woman that is a mother — Marine Le

Pen is mother of three!

Big change in France is announced by the fact that MC of the existing Fifth Republic comes to 0º

Gemini 22’ (second round of elections was selected as the date, May 7, for then the actual winner

would be known). At the same time, progressive Sun of Marine Le Pen at 0º Libra will touch the

IC/MC axis of the Fifth French Republic (0º Libra/0º Aries), but will also make a trine with secondary

MC at 0º Gemini (which is in sextile with natal MC at 0º Aries)Second, and maybe the most important

indicator from the point of view of my research work – “sensitive degrees” – is the position of

secondary Moon (woman, people in the country) of the Fifth French Republic at the moment of the

second round of elections. It is 21º Leo 01’, that will activate 21º Aquarius (degree I associate with the

France), and Pluto (big change) from the chart of the First French Republic! I want to emphasize

again, Pluton carries Mars at 29º Scorpio, the central planet of the fixed T-square in the chart of the

First French Republic, that makes the trine with the natal Mars of Marine Le Pen at 29º Cancer in her

10th house.



The last degree of Scorpio may be more than important, since on the day of the second round of

elections (May 7, 2017, 07:00 am, Paris) the Ascendant will be exactly at 29º Taurus, also indicating

the change, and here is the star cluster Pleiades, known also as “Weeping Sisters” – Marine Le Pen is

the youngest daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen (who has three daughters), the founder of National Front,

now led by Marine!

National Front was founded on October 5, 1972, with the Venus (ruler of MC) at 0º Virgo, the spot

now occupied by progressive Mars of Marine Le Pen, and the place where transit North Node will be

at the moment of elections (all in trine with Saturn – conservative, at 0º Taurus in the chart of the First

French Republic)! In the moment of elections second round, secondary Venus of the National Front

will be at 23º Libra 14’ (at Mercury, the ruler of Venus at 0º Virgo in the chart of this party), which is

the spot of prenatal eclipse of Marine Le Pen, while the secondary Moon of the National Front at 29º

Aries 30’ will be getting ready to touch 0º Taurus and announce the big change – it will touch Saturn

(conservative) at 0º Taurus in the 6th house (lower class in the country) in the chart of the First French

Republic, as well as secondary Mercury (voters) at 0º Taurus.

Finally, what I have found

interesting is the following —

current solar return of the

First French Republic

(September 26, 2016) has the

Moon at 13º Leo 21’, in

strong conjunction with the

Sun of Marine Le Pen at 13º

Leo 02’! Isn’t this a strong

indication that this woman

might mark this solar year?!

At the moment of the second

round of elections, Jupiter

will be retrograde (14º Libra

50’), and it will be at the

Ascendant of Marine Le Pen

(15º Libra 29’). Her natal

Jupiter is at 9º Virgo, it was

touched by the solar eclipse

from September 1, 2016, and

it will be touched again by the

second eclipse of February

26, 2017 at 8º Pisces. Mercury at 10º Leo 46' from the chart of Marine Le Pen (as the dispositor of

Jupiter) makes sextile with her Ascendant, so the transit of Jupiter across her Ascendant at the moment

of elections will surely help her. Also, only four days before the second round of elections, on May 3,

2017 there will be conjunction of transit Uranus and her natal Saturn at 25º Aries 33’, which is the key

planet in her Yod with Uranus at 26º Virgo and Neptune at 23º Scorpio. But, there is also the trine of

Venus at 25º Leo (the ruler of her Ascendant and her prenatal eclipse) and Saturn. All this is the sign

of big changes coming to this woman.



François Fillon – another candidate of the right wing

Another candidate of the right wing that surveys

put a lot of hope into is Fillon, the former prime

minister in Sarkozy’s government. His horoscope

also gives “signals” at the first glance. He is also

Libra (11º Libra 46’), just as Marine Le Pen, and

the transit of Jupiter across Ascendant at the

moment of elections will surely help him (since he

has Jupiter trine Ascendant in his natal chart). But,

Marine Le Pen has a stronger conjunction of transit

Jupiter with Ascendant at the moment of elections.

Lunar eclipse from February 11 at 22º Leo moves his Pluto (which is in conjunction with the Venus of

Marine Le Pen), but Pluto rules his 3rd house, while with Marine Le Pen Venus rules her Ascendant,

certainly more important house in the chart (angular house). Then, solar eclipse on February 26 at 8º

Pisces moves his Moon at 9º Pisces 42' (that was already moved by September eclipse at 9º Virgo), the

ruler of his 10th house. But, at the moment of elections, no progressive or solar arc body will “touch”

either natal or progressive charts of French republics, while in the case of Marine Le Pen there are

clear indications.



Manuel Valls – the candidate of Hollande’s socialists

Valls has the Sun at 20º Leo 32’, which brings

him, from the point of view of my research work

(“sensitive degrees”) into relation with the France

(21º Aquarius). It is certain that the lunar eclipse

on February 11 will “move” his Sun in 7th house.

His secondary axis 1/7 is at the moment of eclipse

at 21º Taurus/21º Scorpio and in square with 21º

Aquarius and his natal Sun — all this indicating

that here things might get cut halfway. On the

other hand, his secondary MC comes at 0º

Aquarius, which is the sign of the possible new

beginning. But, at 22º Aquarius, on August 15,

1962, only three days after he was born, there was his first postnatal eclipse. Saturn, being the ruler of

this eclipse, is positioned in Solar Arc directions this year at 0º Aries, which is the very MC of the

Fifth French Republic! But, his natal Saturn (as well as his solar arc Saturn) is in a strong conjunction

with South Node (possible losses) in 12th house, but in his domicile, Aquarius, while the natal Sun of

Marine Le Pen is in Leo (also in domicile), but in 10th house (angular house).

Also, asteroid Paris was at 19º Cancer

when Marine Le Pen was born on August

5, 1968. That very same spot is occupied

by her MC! On her birthday, secondary

Moon of the horoscope of Treaty of

Rome going into force was at 7º Libra.

At that same spot asteroid Paris will be

on May 7, 2017, for the second round of

presidential elections! Transit Moon will

be at 5° Libra at the moment of second

round start, and during that day it will

cross the mentioned 7° Libra! All this

speaks in favor of Le Pen. So, Le Pen

and Valls move the axis 0º Libra/0º

Aries, i.e. axis 4/10 from the chart of the

Fifth French Republic! If we take a look

at secondary progressions of horoscope

of Treaty of Rome going into force for

May 7, 2017 (second round of elections)

— we find it at 25º Leo 40', which is the spot occupied by Venus (ruler of Ascendant) of Marine Le

Pen - 25º Leo 43'! Solar Arc Ascendant of the Treaty of Rome horoscope comes at 29º Scorpio, in

conjunction with Mars from the chart of the First French Republic, and in conjunction with secondary

Fortune of Marine Le Pen. At the end, I must say that 0º of any cardinal sign carries potential for great

instability, and it is certain that activation of this degree many issues in the world would open, since it

moves 15º of fixed signs (so-called “Avatar degrees”), with which every 0º has an aspect – semi-

square (45º).



The next part of this article was written on April 23, 2017 after we got two candidates for the second

round on May 7, 2017

Emmanuel Macron

In the chart of Emmanuel Macron we can see

that right now he has Solar Arc Jupiter in

conjuncition with his natal Mars (11º Leo) in

his 7th house (public). Mars is ruler of his MC!

This could bring him succes in public life

during 2017. Also, I found his secondary

progressed Venus (ruler of his Moon - people)

right now at 11º Aquarius, in conjunction with

the Moon of 1st Fr Republic.

It is interesting his natal axis IC/MC over 29º

Taurus/29º Scorpio which is the axis of the

chart for the 2nd round of election. But, this is

not enough... Two eclipses from february did not

"open" Macron's chart as well as they did with

Marine's chart, plus all the rest I have already

said... I would say that Marine Le Pen has much

more stronger indicators for winning, after all,

her progressed Sun moves axis IC/MC of the 5th

Fr Republic, and it comes at 0º Libra-so strong

sign for new start!!! Also, only 3 days after the

second round, on May 10, 2017, there will be

the Full Moon at 20º Scorpio 24’- Marine's

secondary progressed Asc is at 20º Scoprio 13' -

this is also so big sign that she may win!

Chart sources (all are AA) || Nicholas Campion “The Book of World Horoscopes”

Smiljana Gavrančić is the editor, founder and owner of IAM-INFINITY

Astrological Magazine. She obtained her astrological education at the Institute for

Astrological Research and Education “Johannes Kepler” in Belgrade, graduating in

October 2010, after studying International Law at Belgrade University. She is an

International Certified Professional Astrologer (ISAR C.A.P.) and a member of ISAR

(International Society for Astrological Research) and of the Astrological Association

of Great Britain. She specializes in mundane astrology and she practices

karmic/hermetic astrology, astrology of degrees/archetypes (mythology, fixed stars)

and synastry. She is writing her first book Special Degrees in Mundane Astrology. She

blogs at in English and in Serbian.



¡No pasarán! Madrid by Mikhail Koltsov [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

No Pasarán!

Jadranka Ćoić

During 19th and up until the beginning of the 20th century Spain struggled between periods of

conservatism and liberalism. There were many problems, to name just a few; the large army, leftover

from the huge imperial past, army that was unpopular with the people and very costly to maintain, the

Catholic Church; rich and powerful, using its wealth to gain not only social but also political

influence, the economic problems in agriculture and industry with masses of poorly paid and badly

treated workers. Despite all of these problems

King Alfonso III, realising that he cannot do

much, abdicated. Elections were organised and on

14th April 1931 the centre-left won the general

election, and their main objective was

modernisation of Spain.

Did the Republic stand a chance? The Sun in Aries

conjunct Uranus (change, revolution) squares

Pluto (destruction, regeneration) and Saturn (old

structures). Pluto is conjunct MC as well as

Jupiter, and we know that Jupiter enlarges

everything he touches. The Second Spanish

Republic addressed the issue of the church’s

power (Jupiter, Pluto MC) and attempted to

separate church from state (Jupiter in the ninth

house, new ideas, new look at the religion). The

church was not any more in control of education

(Jupiter in the 9th conjunct Pluto, overturn and change).



The power of the army was reduced (Mars unaspected). Agrarian reform started (Saturn in the 4th).

Neptune is also unaspected (dreams not able to materialise). No, I do not think that the Republic had a

chance. The new general elections were held in 1933, the right-wing and centrist parties won. Right

wing was openly endorsing fascism. The new government ruled for two years, trying to reverse

everything that the left Republic achieved. The right wing collapsed as the economic and the political

situation deteriorated, and in the election of February 1936, the Popular Front was victorious. The

Popular Front was antifascist, made up of various left wing groups, among them the socialists and the


The coup broke out on 17th July in

Morocco, when a few generals led by

General Francisco Franco, rose up

against the democratically elected

Republican government. Franco was in

Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, waiting to

be transported to mainland. Early

morning 18th July, a day after the coup

started, Franco addressed Spaniards

from Las Palmas, announcing the coup

and inviting everyone to help to the

overturning of the government.

The problem started immediately, as all

left groups were not united and the

Caballero’s socialists did not join the

government, and because of the right

wing opposition the power of the

government was limited. The situation

was not getting easier, the anarchists were encouraging the peasants to take hold of land. Conflict

between the anarchist, fascist CEDA and Falange youth were on the increase, and the government was

facing disorder. The right wing was not happy with the victory of the left, right wing CEDA was in

turmoil, and the military officers began planning for a coup as soon as the Popular Front gained

power. The conflict between left and right was endless and when José Calvo Sotelo was assassinated

on 13th July 1936, there was no return.

Not surprising with the Cancer Stellium (home, motherland) in the chart. The Sun (the country), the

Moon (the people), Mercury (proclamation), Mars (military coup), Pluto (change, snatching the

freedom from the people, like Hades snatched Persephone), plus Saturn (strict order) opposing

Neptune (end of the dreams). Coup spread to the mainland, and it was successful in taking northern

Spain and part of Andalusia. But it failed in the main industrial areas, and the rebels did not take

Madrid. Half of the Army remained loyal to the Republic. The coup was unsuccessful, and if it had

remained a Spanish affair, it would have been quite possible for the Republicans to win. Spanish Civil

War was a war between the antifascist Left and the fascist Right. The Left is known as Republicans,

and for Republic were (government, workers, peasants, trade unions, socialists, communists and

anarchists, aw well as a part of the army that remained loyal). The Right, known as Nationalists, was

supported by rebellious fraction of the army, the industry, the church, landowners and the middle

classes. And in charge of Nationalist was General Francisco Franco.



Francisco Franco (source Wikipedia)

“Spanish military general, long-time ruler and dictator

who commanded his country for 36 years with an iron

hand ( Not surprising for someone with a T-square

involving Mars, the Sun and the Moon). A man of

tremendous determination (mystic rectangle, nothing

mystical about Franco) he led rebel forces during the

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and went on to become

Chief of State. He maintained a strong anti-communist

policy (Moon-people, Neptune-dreams, ideals, Pluto-

ruthlessness/dominance, in the 9th), though many

disapproved of his methods.” He also wrote semi

autobiography “Jaime de Andrade" (Mercury in

Sagittarius in the 4th).

Why the Republicans did not win the War

Political disunity of various fractions of the Left is one reason, but the main reason was division

between the communists and socialists who wanted to win the war, and then have “class revolution”

and the anarchists who were determined that the war can only be won following “class revolution”

principles. This all culminated in Barcelona in 1937 in a four-day-long street fighting between

communists and socialists on one side and POUM and the anarchists on the other. The Republic

lacked strong military leadership. Unfortunately, the Nationalists were better organised and received

help from Germany and Italy. Non Intervention Committee was established by Britain and France to

prevent foreign influx of support to Spain. Only two countries supported the Republic, Mexico fully

and the Soviet Union. However, the Soviets imposed their own demands and rules on Republicans. No

Soviet troops were sent to fight, they supplied 1000 aircrafts, 750 tanks, and some advisers, but all of

it had to be paid for by the Republic. All gold reserves were sent to Moscow! And we should not

forget the International Brigades. More than 35,000 volunteers from all over the world, went to fight

for Spain. Spain was being used as a practice ground for the Second World War. New airplanes, new

tactic, new bombs. The bombing of Guernica, was one of the most brutal attack on the civilian

population. On the 26th April 1937, the city of Guernica was attacked deliberately targeting civilians

by a military air force. It was done on request of Nationalists by its helpers German Luftwaffe’s

Condor Legion and Italian Aviazione Legionaria. More than 1500 were killed.



Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter who spent his life living in exile completed the oil painting of Guernica

in 1937. To show the despair of the war he only uses a palette of grey, black and white, and the only

hopeful thing in the painting is a small flower held by a fallen solder. The exhibition of the painting

was used not only to draw attention to Civil War in Spain, but also to collect funds for the Republicans

and it is regarded by many art critics as one of the most powerful anti-war paintings.

Ruler of the chart is Venus in her fall in

Aries and she rules the 8th, the house of

death. The Sun conjunct Uranus in the 8th,

the bombing happened on a market day

(Taurus) unexpectedly, Mercury

(information about the bombing) in the 8th

trine Jupiter (gain massive attention) and

sextile Pluto (but the Nationalist tried to

cover the facts). MC in Cancer, the victims

were people, ordinary people of Spain. The

Moon (people) in Scorpio in her fall, sextile

Neptune (dreams) in Virgo, and if there

ever had been some hope for the Republic,

now it was totally destroyed. General

Franco’s victory was the beginning of a 40-

year long dictatorship in Spain. His victory

costed more than 500,000 deaths and more

than 450,000 people forced to leave Spain.

It is believed that after the war, Franco organised executions of 100,000 Republican prisoners, and it is

estimated that another 35,000 Republicans died in concentration camps in the years that followed the

war. My Spanish friends never talk about the War. When I asked them if they could remember

Franco’s death, one of them answered: “Yes, I remember my mum and my grandmother sitting and

crying!” Another answer was: “Yes that was the happiest day for my father, he opened a bottle of the

best wine, and we were celebrating and singing!”


Horoscopes of Europe – Marc Penfield – Horoscope of Second Spanish Republic || The Spanish Civil

War – Hugh Thomas || Federico Garcia Lorca – Ian Gibson || – horoscope of Francisco

Franco ||

Jadranka Ćoić was born and raised in Croatia and in 1991, she moved to

London. She works as an accountant but spends free time either practicing

astrology or growing vegetables on her allotment in accordance with Moon

cycles. Jadranka started studying astrology more than fifteen years ago with

The Faculty of Astrological Studies. She is the Lodge’s Beginner’s Class

Tutor, as well as organiser of the annual Astrology and Healing Seminar.

Contact her at [email protected], or find her in Facebook



The Relocated Composite Chart for Couples and Families

Margaret Gray & Armand Diaz

M: Let us start with why the relocated composite chart matters. Nowadays people move so much, and

they move big distances. I think this is particularly relevant to the U.S., because it is so large, and

when people move from one side of the country to the other it makes a huge difference in the chart,

changing the longitude and latitude. In terms of Europe, it also makes a big difference because so

many of us in Europe move countries. Looking at the natal relocated charts, we are talking about

distances that make a difference. If someone moves from Dublin to Galway in Ireland, it will not make

that much of a difference, but if someone moves from Ireland to New York, it is going to make a very

big difference. Remember that a person’s relocated chart does not change the meaning of the chart in

terms of the planets - it changes the angles and so the houses change. Therefore, we get to experience

our planetary energies in different areas of life. However, we always need to refer back to the natal

chart when looking at a relocated chart.

A: When we do a composite chart, we take the midpoint between two planets or points in a chart. So

when we do a relocated composite chart we would relocate each individual’s natal chart, and then take

the midpoints of the relocated charts?

M: Yes, exactly. It is a little like doing a progressed composite chart. First, we make the changes to

each individual’s chart and then we do the composite based on the new charts. A relocated composite

chart is just the composite of two relocated charts - if there is two, because one person may not have

moved from their natal location. For one person, it might be their natal chart while for the other it

would be the relocated chart.



A: Interestingly, this works for midpoint composite chart, but I do not think you could do it for a

Davison, which is a kind of “natal composite” chart that is based on the actual midpoint in time and

space between two charts. Therefore, our discussion is relevant to the midpoint composite chart. The

angles and the houses change in the progressed composite chart, but the dynamics of the chart remain

the same. We treat a relocated composite chart as we would a relocated natal chart. Does that mean

that it is a layer on top of the natal composite chart, so that we always have to refer back to the natal

composite? With individuals, the natal chart is dominant.

M: I tend to use it as an additional layer and I think it matters how long the couple has been in a

particular location, if they have been living there for years or if they are just going on holiday makes a

big difference. Nevertheless, I always use any relocated chart as an additional layer. I still go back to

the basic natal composite chart.

A: I do the same thing, although I will give the relocated composite extra attention if a couple goes on

holiday and they have a wonderful or really awful time. For example, maybe the couple goes to a

place where Pluto is on the ascendant of the relocated composite chart, they might find a very different

experience for that holiday than if Venus were rising. It can help to recognize that although the

dynamic between them is something that is always present, it came out in this particular place. That

means that while they may have had kind of a rough patch, it is not something that is likely to be a

major problem for them all the time.

M: I think it is always worth looking, even for a short time. It becomes more important really, when

people are contemplating a move. There was a time when there was a lot of emigration from Ireland

and couples would come in asking if it was a good idea to up sticks and move, so it is very useful to

examine in terms of the core things that matter as a couple - finding a home, finding friends, work etc.

It is especially important because the composite chart is very literal, it is not so much a psychological

tool and I think it can be very helpful.

A: A lot of the time, when we look at a composite chart, we are looking at relationship dynamics. If

there is a hard aspect in the chart, we can look at that as being part of the dynamic of the relationship,

but as you say, composite charts are so literal. If Neptune is right on the fourth house cusp, maybe

there will be floods in the home (or maybe they will live by the beach!). In the relocated composite

chart, do you maintain that same literalness?



M: I tend to, yes. I think it can be especially useful in terms of transits, which can show up very

strongly in the relocated composite chart, although I also look to the natal composite chart.

A: I find that transits to the natal composite chart are usually very significant for the relationship,

while transits to the relocated chart can give some practical information. Let’s say for a relationship

that’s under stress, a transit to the composite midheaven can indicate that what’s a private matter

comes out to the public - friends, family, coworkers, and so on - and I think that can show up in either

the natal or relocated chart. Certainly, if the relationship is under stress and the couple is thinking of

moving to a place or taking a vacation where Uranus will be on the MC, I can see where the relocated

composite might show a private matter being exposed. A transit of Pluto to the tenth house of a

relocated composite chart can also sometimes indicate gossip - although there are many possibilities,

of course. There are two sides to the relocated composite chart. On the one hand, there is the analysis

that we can do when people are living in a place - as you said, especially when they have been there a

while. On the other hand, there is the more prognostic, forecasting side, when we consider how a

move could affect a relationship.

M: Yes, and I think that it is interesting to do the prognostic work for the whole family when people

are considering a move. How will it affect relations between parents and children, between siblings, in

addition to the relationship between the parents? It can be quite useful to see how those dynamics shift

and change. And not to forget - it can also be a useful way to intentionally shift dynamics, as we help

people decide on some places where they might like to move. If a couple is kind of stuck in a rut, but

the basics are sound, sometimes it’s useful to suggest that they consider moving for six months or

longer. I have seen cases where people are struggling, but when they move to another country or

another part of the country then a real shift takes place. Sometimes, issues that are prominent in one

place are not really a problem in another place. It could be that communication improves because

Mercury moves to a house that is more visible. For example, moving to a place that takes composite

Pluto or Uranus out of the twelfth house, where they can be rather hidden, can be helpful.

Alternatively, even moving composite Uranus out of the fourth house can help, as it is a bit of an

unsettling placement.

A: That is a good point! Now, any time you are trying to elect a time for something, or relocate, there

is always going to be something that is not perfect, some fly in the ointment somewhere. What do you

particularly look for in a relocated composite chart? What would be particularly positive and what

might be particularly challenging?

M: I think it all depends on what the couple prioritize. If they prioritize work, then we are looking at

the tenth house. If they were looking to start a family, we would look at the fifth. If they want to create

a project together, maybe we would look at the fifth and sixth. If they just want to focus on the



relationship itself, then it is the seventh. It is very much the same as when an individual comes in and

is considering a move - the question is, “what do you want the most”. I have had couples that come in

and say, “we want to start a family, but we don’t want to do so until we’ve moved and are settled

somewhere,” but then I have had couples come in who were very focused on work, and say that career

is the most important thing. It is important to ask what they prioritize rather than what the astrologer

thinks is good or beneficial to the couple.

A: I think that is true in terms of houses, so maybe emphasize the tenth and sixth if work is a priority.

I also think some of the same things we would look for in an electional chart are relevant in the

relocated composite. If work is a priority, we might like to see Saturn emphasized in some way, such

as being angular. Or we may not want Pluto two degrees behind the ascendant in the 12th house, no

matter what the couple’s priority is. The thing is, when you are doing relocation work, you kind of

have limited options. People may come in with a few places they are considering moving to, or they

may be open to options within a certain area. You are even more constrained than you are with an

electional chart, you certainly cannot relocate them to the middle of the ocean, unless they get a

particularly good chart in Hawaii or Bermuda! One thing you can do with a Davison relationship chart

(based on the middle points in time and space between the two people) is to do astrolocality mapping,

like Astro*Carto*Graphy, which can be very helpful - it’s another lens to look at the question of where

different energies will manifest in the relationship most directly.

…to be continued in the next issue

Margaret Gray, MSW., is a consulting and teaching astrologer, based in

Dublin, Ireland with a foot in Hawaii! Her work is grounded in a Jungian

based psychological approach, integrated with a soul-based perspective.

Her focus and interest is in the astrology of Relationships. Margaret is also

a certified Mediator and works primarily with couples and families. She is

the author of a chapter on Relationships in the book Transpersonal

Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier, which was produced and edited by

Armand Diaz and two other colleagues. More information at

Armand Diaz, Ph.D., is a consulting and teaching astrologer based in New

York. His astrology spans a range of schools and techniques, as he applies

an integral approach to his work with an emphasis on the evolution of

consciousness. Relationship work forms the core of his astrology practice,

and he specializes in helping individuals and couples through transitional

points in their partnerships. This is the basis for his most recent book,

Separating Aspects: The Astrology of Breakups, Divorce, and Other

Partings. Armand is also the author of Integral Astrology: Understanding

the Ancient Discipline in the Contemporary World, and he is co-producer

and co-editor of Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier. More information at



The Lunar Nodes shift to the Leo/Aquarius Axis

Know Thyself

Angela Tikis

On April 27 and on May 9, 2017 (mean and true node accordingly), the transitional shift of the Lunar

Nodes to Leo (NN) and Aquarius (SN), changes the language of life’s experiences. While during the

last 1 ½ years we felt that we had to work hard and stay humble, keep the order in the chaos, serve and

sacrifice, the new scenario gives birth to the need for joy, creativity and being oneself. As we move

away from the Mutable Cross dominance, the Leo/Aquarius Nodes clear the ground in order to set

solid foundations by being in charge of our lives and eventually, being useful to the society as a whole.

These two signs are part of the Fixed Cross, carrying enormous power, persistence and self-will.

Leo is the King of the zodiac and is ruled by the Sun, our world’s

source of life. The Sun has been worshiped since the beginning of

humanity and for all ancient civilizations the life giver was found in

the core of our existence: God Ra for the Egyptians, Helios-Apollo for

the Greeks, Sol for the Romans, the Sumerian Utu, the Syrian god

Elagabal, the Babylonian Sun god Shamash (Šamaš), Surya in

Hinduism, Jesus in Christianity. When the Sun is transiting the sign of

Leo it is the time when it sends its warmest rays so, no wonder it rules

this sign both in traditional and in esoteric astrology. Here we can find

the natural Sun - perceived by the physical senses, but also the Sun as

the center of our universe – the central spiritual source of the human

soul and the divine consciousness. Sun and Leo are connected with

the heart. As long as the heart beats, we are alive. As long as the

spiritual flame burns in our solar heart, our soul is alive.

The key to success is to become the masters of our destiny. Before all, we must solve the “Riddle of

Life” and follow the path of purification. The gates guarded by the Sphynx, will open once we bring

inner victory over our lower self. The mythic creature found in both Egyptian and Greek culture brings

the message of the Fixed Cross: The rise of the king as a humble man who has reached the higher level

of its being, by imposing his will over the material desires and ultimately being transformed by

becoming the love and compassion itself. What makes a true King? A King needs to be confident and

sure of himself, personality traits that help him to rise to power but also help him stay there. He has to

know who he is. A King is a centrality figure who is given not only political but also spiritual focus.



A capable King has integrity, honesty and determination (Leo) but also listens to the advice of his

closed ones, is aware of the needs of his people, has the gift of knowing and understanding (Aquarius),

taking impartial decisions for the greater good of his kingdom. Kings were considered God’s

representatives, so a good King embodies God but also displays human qualities, in order to interact

with the mortals. What if the kingdom is our self? What if the counselors and the people are our inner

voice? What does it take to rule and create the best kingdom ever? What better way to do it than,

create internal stability by mastering over lower human attributes like greed, arrogance and self-


As in any form of oppositions, the prerequisite ingredient for a healthy

and prosperous “relationship” is, balance and cooperation. Having

Aquarius to the SN, we cannot be stuck to the Aquarian trends but

we can neither deny them. The ideal manifestation of the energy is

to use the Aquarian detachment, observe things in a distance and

thus stay unaffected from the materialistic side of life, and

eventually use the energy at thoughtful will. The most significant

and meaningful expression comes when the spirit is aware of its

identity. This is time when the lower materialistic aspects of live

exert no power over the individual; on the contrary, it is the individual

who has the power over them. Spiritual Leo-Sun spreads its influence

through Aquarius-Uranus. In order for this combination to work perfectly, humans have to be

consciously evolved, to be linked with the universal truth and not with their egocentric anima self.

Aquarius is the sign of the universal knowledge, the selfless purified wisdom that belongs to all

humanity. According to the Gospel of Mark, the Sun-Light Jesus sent two of his disciples ahead of

him, to go to the city, follow a certain man and prepare the house for the last supper: “Behold, when

you enter the city you shall meet a man carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house he

enters…” The two disciples were Peter and John, the first one as the symbol of act and the second one

as the symbol of theory. Jesus gives no name to the city, as his intention was not to pinpoint a location:

the city represents the physical world. The man to follow is the human race and at this point, inside the

pitcher of water is kept the practical philosophy and wisdom. They become the precursors of preparing

humans, purify the natural world, exercise the effort to maintain pureness and consequently elevate

spiritually by using the power of knowledge. It takes more than just to know; we must rather possess

the knowledge, become part of our self and our self must become part of the knowledge. In the house

led, Jesus is about to prepare his twelve disciples, introduce them to the knowledge of his upcoming

sacrifice on behalf of all humankind, sharing the bread/body and wine/blood as the eternal food of life.

The water barrier/Aquarius becomes the foundation of the higher intellect, illuminated by the Divine

Light of the secret awareness.

What comes up next?

For the following period until November 16, 2018, we are asked to uncover our gifts and talents.

Before anything, we are asked to Know Ourselves. This was the inscription (γνῶθι σεαυτόν, gnōthi

seauton - Know Thyself) written above the entrance of the sacred sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi, as a

way to encourage (if not to oblige) anyone entering the temple to work with himself, turn his thoughts

inwardly and discover his true self. In this way, Apollo motivates the human entities to become aware

of who they really are, instead of who they believe they are.



Delphi (and consequently the solar deity Apollo), was considered to be the center of the world, just

like the Sun is the center of our universe. In order to enter into the “spiritual temple” we are obliged to

leave external influences on the doorstep. By acknowledging our self, we are able to know the Spirit –

Higher Self, and subsequently apprehend our fellow human beings. The Leo/Sun energy gives the will

for enlightenment, the will to exert control over the personality and to express the experiences. Love

can become our motive power, so, embrace the sunny side of life, enjoy and do not hesitate to shine in

the spotlight!

Major Lunar Node’s transits

As soon as the Lunar Nodes are found in the Leo/Aquarius axis, they are

progressively moving towards forming a Grand Trine with Uranus in

Aries (Aquarius ruler) and Saturn in Sagittarius (Aquarius co-ruler).

On May 19, the Uranus-Saturn trine will be in exact trine at 26o23’

and at the same time the Sun (Leo ruler) in Taurus will be squaring

the Nodes at 28th degree. On June 15 the Leo North Node will trine

Uranus at 27o32’ completing the aspect cycle of this unique

configuration. During this period, we may find ourselves to a nodal

point where we can be liberated from past attitudes and conditions

by using our uniqueness and being creative, and finally establishing

new conditions. This can work both in personal and universal level, as

it gives us the chance to bring new awareness on every aspect.

Jupiter enters the sign of Scorpio on October 10, 2017,

energizing even further the Fixed Cross. The process of

transformation begins through the test of defeating the

darkness. On January 5th 2018, Mars in Scorpio - in close

conjunction to Jupiter - will square the Nodes at 16o40’

degrees. This is an explosive configuration of an enormous

energy steaming from within. Jupiter multiplies the intensity

while Moon in Leo adds emotional drama and power struggle. This

period can be linked with violent events and political clashes.

On May 15, 2018, Uranus moves to Taurus (will return to Aries on

November 2018) and thus fully activating the Fixed Cross. Taurus

is connected to stability and materialism while Uranus to changes

and traditional reforming. This transit is here to test the values

based on which we have built our lives, and revise the system

used to define security and self-worth. The lunar eclipse on July

27, 2018 makes the need for personal change and growth

inevitable but at the same time, any form of destabilization may

lead to great resistance and emotional detachment. Retrograde Mars in

Aquarius in conjunction to the South Node and the Moon might bring

cruelty in actions with no sense of consciousness. A similar theme will be repeated around September

22 (Moon will once again be in Aquarius).



Distinguished personalities born with North Node in Leo

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India.

Born under the Sun in Libra, he chose to fulfill his mission not by

using violence but rather peaceful methods. The Fixed Cross is

dominant in his chart giving him enormous strength and

willpower, and the ability to stay loyal to his cause. The North

Node in Leo right on his MC is the perfect example of a “King”

who stands humble, understand the needs of the people and units

with them for the greater good. His Leo Moon on the 10th house

adds sentiment and attunement with his “kingdom” which

empowers him to be a good and capable leader.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi

“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others” – Mahatma Gandhi

Diana, Princess of Wales was born on July 1, 1961 in Sandringham,

England. Born under the sign of Cancer, she emitted her sensitivity

and her need for care – especially with children. Her North Node

was placed on the Royal Star Regulus, and royal she was. Her

Aquarius Moon created the need to demolish the strict rules of

the regal establishment and introduce the approachable side of

a princess.

“Helping people in need is a good and essential part of my life,

a kind of destiny” – Princess Diana

“I’d like to be a queen in people’s hearts” – Princess Diana

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Born

under the sign of Leo he became the first African American to have

served as president, as well as the first born outside the contiguous

United States. His North Node in Leo close to Uranus (also ruler

of his Aquarius Asc) gave him the charisma to leave his unique

mark in worldwide history and become the symbol of change

as the leading man of USA for eight years.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or

some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are

the change that we seek” - Barack Obama

“If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep

walking, eventually you'll make progress” - Barack Obama



Angela Tikis is a Greek astrologer based in Athens. Inspired by the

Hellenistic Spirit, she approaches the chart as a tool for self-awareness,

development and personal fulfilment. She teaches, lectures and shares her

articles on her website She is the founder of “Diadrasis”

(ΔΙΑΔΡΑΣΙΣ) small-group interactive seminars, where the participants

analyze and share their personal experiences on a specific astrological theme.

She has presented the weekly astrological trends on a TV show and have

several other appearances ever since. Since 2016 she is serving as the Greek

satellite for OPA. You can find her in Facebook and YouTube channel.





Sect and triplicity to assess quality of life

Sharon Knight

I feel that a basic yet, very important aspect of astrology has for too long been overlooked by

modern astrology. The aspect I am referring is the principle of Sect. To the ancient or classical

astrologer, the first consideration when assessing a chart was to see whether the Natus was for a

diurnal or nocturnal birth. This was a vitally important consideration when assessing a chart, as

different rules were applied to the delineation dependent on whether the Sun was above or

below the Horizon. The planets weightings, ability to function and their relationship with the

luminaries changed according to day or night considerations. The Lots were also calculated

differently if a chart was diurnal or nocturnal.

In England, the main ‖text‖ books on astrology were published during the 17th century at the

time of the Civil War. The most famous astrologer and astrological text book that endured until

the 19th Century was William Lilly and his Christian Astrology. Although astrology appeared

to fade out after the 17th century, it was still kept alive by various authors, most of whom, drew

heavily on the works of the 17th century. For instance, in the late 1700‘s the Sibley brothers

resurrected interest in astrology and Ebenezer‘s Opus was published posthumously in 1826 On

pages 124, 125 he only notes the two triplicity rulerships, but nowhere does Sibley refer to Sect

or Triplicity strength. When discussing the Apheta or Hyleg, he does reference the strength of

the Sun when above the horizon and that the Moon takes over when the Sun is below the

horizon. (p.463) but the use of the three triplicity rulerships had been lost.

In 1835 Zadkiel published his version of Lilly‘s Christian Astrology. In the introduction Zadkiel

writes: ‘‘With this view I have re-written those parts of the works which modern discoveries in

Astronomy and Astrology have rendered obsolete (…) I have omitted his chapters on nativities,

in that part of the science he was less perfect than in any other; the reason being that he relied

on essential dignities, which are by my experience of little if any avail’’.



From this time forward, the consideration of Sect was simply a by-line. However, prior to the

decline of astrology from the 17th century, the consideration of Sect and the three triplicity

rulerships was already in decline due to the influence Ptolemy‘s Tetrabiblos. Ptolemy produced

his main body of work around the mid-2nd century. He was unique amongst the astrologers of

that period for using a different system when assigning Triplicity rulerships. He only gave the

diurnal and nocturnal rulers, omitting completely the participating ruler and furthermore, he

gave the water triplicity to Mars for both diurnal and nocturnal charts. He also saw no reason to

reverse the calculation for the Lots and was somewhat scathing of the many Lots or Arabic

Parts as they became more commonly known. This was in contrast to Dorotheus (1st Century

AD), Valens (contemporary of Ptolemy), Firmicus Maternus, Paulus Alexandrinus (both 4th

century AD) Rhetorius, Ibn Exra, Al-Biruni and Mash‘allah to mention just a few of the ancient

important astrologers who all worked with the three triplicity rulers and gave Mars as a

participating ruler of the earth triplicity as well as nocturnal lead ruler of the Water triplicity.

Venus and the Moon were diurnal and participating rulers of both the earth and water triplicity.

The concept of Sect did remain and was mentioned in passing by Lilly, Gadbury and Ramsey to

name a few 17th century astrologers. However, a planet being in Sect was now viewed as a

minor dignity following the considerations as given by Ptolemy. The computation of the

various Lots was also altered, and again, we see very little credit given to the various Lots that

had been used. Really, it was only the Lot of Fortune with its singular computation (not

changing the measurements if it was a night chart as opposed to a diurnal chart) that survived in

most available English texts. Many authors up to and including Alan Leo in the 1890‘s did

remark as to whether the Sun was above or below the horizon, and, as noted earlier, did give

testimony to whichever light was dominant in the chart. But it appears that once Leo revised

his work in the 1900‘s, the use or consideration of Sect light was quietly dropped here in the


With the foundation of the world-renowned Faculty of Astrology School set up by Charles

Carter and Margaret Hone, it seems the whole concept of Sect Light and Triplicity ruler

participation was consigned to the dustbin of history. It wasn‘t until the retrieval and translation

of many classical and medieval Latin, Greek and Arabic texts by the ARHAT team that the

importance of Sect and three triplicity rulerships was revived. Robert Hand produced a

monograph entitled ‘‘Night & Day: Planetary Sect in Astrology’’. It was published under the

ARHAT imprint, date unknown. In this book, Rob goes into detail of the history of Sect, its

uses and application from various authors ranging from Dorotheus through to Bonatti. He gives

examples using charts for people such as Hitler, Clinton and Nixon to name just a few.



I will not go into how the various ancient authors presented the material as Mr Hand more than

adequately covers everything in his monograph. But for those of you who haven‘t read his work

or the works of Dorotheus, Valens et al, here is a simple explanation as to how using the Sect

and how the three Triplicity Rulers can give an indication of the quality of life just by using the

correct Sect and Triplicity rulers of the Ascendant.

In ‘‘The Beginning of Wisdom’’ by Ibn Ezra, he clearly sets out the use of triplicity rulers and

their influence over the life: ‘‘the first house is the one which rises at the beginning of the

western line. It denotes life, body, speech, knowledge, growth, the start of any undertaking and

anything that pertains to the human mind, and of the span of life, it points to the inception. The

ruler of the first triplicity prognosticates the life and character of the newborn and of the asker,

his requests, and all that which may befall him early in life whether beneficial or baleful. The

ruler of the second triplicity exerts an influence over the body, over strength, and middle age.

The ruler of the third triplicity shares, jointly with his companions, in all that they dominate,

and, in addition, he controls the end of the span of life. The second house forecasts wealth, the

acquisition of property, the gift, food and those who prepare it, those who obey the command,

witnesses, keys, and treasures. The ruler of the first triplicity points to wealth early in life. The

rule of the second triplicity denotes middle age. The third refers to the end’’.

Sect is simple!

Day or Night? Nocturnal or Diurnal? Sun above or below the horizon? Some people struggle

with the concept of determining which Luminary is in charge. If the Sun is in houses 7-12, the

chart is diurnal. However, the Sun can be in the first house and above the horizon, or it can be in

the seventh house but below the descending degree, therefore it is a nocturnal chart. To repeat,

if it is above the Ascendant degree in houses 1-7, Sun is Sect ruler. If it is below in the

Ascendant/Descendant degree in houses 1-7, it is a nocturnal chart. If you use whole sign

houses, the Sun can be in the first, the key is the degree of the Ascendant. Everything comes via

the Sun. When the Sun is above the Horizon, the Sun is the Sect light. When the Sun is out of

sight, below the horizon in houses 1-6, then Moon is deemed the Sect light. It does not matter

where the Moon is placed in the chart if she is deemed Sect light. I repeat, everything comes

from the Sun and its location. When the Sun is on the Ascendant or Descendant degree, use

common sense when assigning Sect light. If the Sun‘s rays are strong enough to light up the sky

from slightly below the Ascendant, then you can take the sun as Sect light.



As noted earlier, in the early classical system, there were three rulers for each sect. Each

triplicity has two rulers, which exchange priority according to whether the chart is diurnal or

nocturnal, in addition there was a third ruler common to both sects. ‘‘Know the lords of the

triplicities of the signs’’ said Dorotheus ‘‘the lords of the triplicity of Aries by day are the Sun,

then Jupiter, then Saturn. By night Jupiter, then the Sun, then Saturn (…) I tell you that

everything, which is decided or indicated, is from the lords of the triplicities, and as for

everything of afflictions and distress, which reaches the people of the world and the totality of

men, the lords of the triplicities, decide it’’. Carmen Astrologicum – Dorotheus of Sidon.

The Fire triplicity comprises Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. It would be expected the

planets ruling those signs would be the three triplicity rulers but it is not so. Mars was

deemed too hot and too malefic if he was placed as a Triplicity ruler of fire. Instead, he

was assigned to the Water and Earthy triplicities to cool his ardour. Likewise, Saturn

was deemed too cold and frosty if he remained with the Earthy Triplicity so he was

given to Fire to warm him up.

The Earthy triplicity is Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - three feminine, nocturnal signs.

Here you would expect Mercury to be triplicity ruler but for various reasons, he was

given to the Air triplicity and Mars was put in his stead.

The Airy triplicity is masculine and diurnal, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Here again,

we lose a planet, Venus. Venus was given to the Water triplicity, Mercury and Saturn

have precedence, and Jupiter is the participating ruler of the Airy triplicity.

Finally, with the Watery triplicity, as noted above, Mars was given as Triplicity ruler

along with the Moon and Venus.

Planets are deemed to be truly in Sect when they are with the Sect Light and in the right

hemisphere. When Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury are in masculine signs and in the same

hemisphere as the Sun they are in the right area. Again, it doesn‘t matter if the Sun is above or

below the horizon, if the masculine planets are with the Sun, they are Hayz.

Moon, Venus and Mars should be in the opposite hemisphere to the Sun and in feminine signs.

Obviously, with Venus, she can only be in correct phase either rising before the Sun (oriental)

in the dawn, or setting after the Sun (Occidental). This is just extra strength and dignity. Again,

I refer the reader to Robert Hand‘s Monograph where he states the various reasons or

hypothesis for the placement of the planets in their roles as Triplicity rulers and participants.



The triplicity Lords and how to use them!

Step 1. Is the chart diurnal or nocturnal?

Whichever light is in control, you look at the triplicity in which it resides. For a chart where the

Sun is in houses 1-6, i.e. below the horizon, you would look at the Moon to get an overall view

of the quality of life. If the Moon is placed in a fire sign and is the ―sect light, then you would

first look at Jupiter. As with any chart, you look at the house, sign and aspects. If Jupiter is

cadent and with mediocre aspects, the first third of life would be unremarkable. If the second

triplicity ruler, Sun, is angular, but in Libra, the middle third of life would be better but not

quite achieving the promise indicated, unless the Sun had terrific aspects with Venus and

Saturn. There may be issues around the father, which influence the middle part of life. The

Third triplicity ruler of the nocturnal fire sect is Saturn. If Saturn is angular and in Libra, the

sign of its exaltation, then you would judge the third part of life would be extremely good and

comfortable. You can use this method to look at the various houses and their rulers. If you

wished to assess the condition of the ―body, then you would look at the Ascendant and assess

the condition of the triplicity ruler to see if the body will last! Wealth, you look at the triplicity

ruler of the second house and so on.

Let‘s put it into practise by taking an example from Dorotheus



This nativity was diurnal and the first lord of the Sun‘s triplicity is the Sun, the second Jupiter,

and both of these are in cardine (angles) in their own exaltations, so that the native should be

praised with the praise of kings and nobles and wealthy men. Because Saturn is the third lord of

the triplicity and is cadent and Jupiter aspects it in its [Jupiter‘s] house from trine, so for that

reason he will be praised with the praise of kings. Note: In his calculations Dorotheus had

Saturn in Pisces, not Aquarius, so although Saturn does not receive the aspect from Jupiter, he is

strong in his own sign and is accompanied by the lesser benefic. Venus is also in a different

sign to that given, she is in Aquarius not Virgo and Mars is missing. As it is a daytime chart,

you look at the element in which the sun resides. In this instance, the Sun is in Aries, a fiery

element. Therefore, as it is a daytime chart, the Sun is first triplicity ruler. Here the Sun is

exalted in Aries in the 10th. The Second triplicity ruler is Jupiter, who is also exalted and in the

Ascendant with the Moon, his dispositor. The Third triplicity ruler is Saturn who is disposed of

(or ruled by) by an exalted Jupiter. Saturn is also trined by Jupiter and a strong Moon. That is all

good testimony for all parts of life.

Let us take another example from Dorotheus



The first lord of the triplicity of the Moon is Mercury, the second Saturn. Because both of these

are in a cadent in the vicinity of [the angle] under the earth, the man will be needy with respect

to property. However, because Jupiter is the ruler of part of this nativity and is with the Moon in

an angle, he will have the closest thing to living out [his] days in poverty except that he will

have the danger of the hand of fortune. Note: In the text, Venus is given as being in Virgo and

Mars in Leo. This is a chart with the Sun below the horizon therefore; you look at the Moon and

the element it is in. In this instance, it is in Libra an air sign. The first triplicity ruler at night is

Mercury, then Saturn, followed by Jupiter. Although we would not class the fifth sign/house

from the Ascendant as being cadent, it is succedent. Jupiter is participating triplicity ruler of Air

and is in the Angle with the Sect light so this gives him some small dignity at the end of his life.

Now let us look at some figures from our recent past



This is a nocturnal chart. The Sun is below the horizon

so the Moon is the Sect light even though she too is

below the horizon. The Moon is in the watery

triplicity. Mars, Venus and then Moon govern water at

night. The first third of life is controlled by the

condition of Mars. Mars is cadent, square its

dispositor Mercury, who is exalted but located in the

6th house. Therefore, both these planets are

unremarkable, indicating the first third of life was not

exceptional in any way.

Venus governs the second third of life. Venus is

angular and strong, above the horizon and in Sect. A

charmed 2nd part. The third part is governed by Moon

who is also angular, strong in her own sign and with

the benefic, exalted Jupiter. She died at the age of 71.

Although her last years were dogged by ill health, she

did not suffer from many of the problems of the

common person! From 0 – 23 years, 4 months she was

under the rulership of Mars. She was not allowed to

marry Group Captain Peter Townsend and they parted

when she was 25. She then met and married Anthony

Armstrong Jones in May 1960 at the age of 29. She

divorced him at age 48 and had several reputed affairs.

The final third of her life was lived in great style,

although she may not have been happy despite her comfortable background.

That indicates the quality of life overall. What

about her actual life? Look at the Ascendant.

She has an Aries Ascendant; therefore, this is

the fiery triplicity. At night, we look at Jupiter,

Sun and Saturn. The first part of her life

Jupiter is angular, exalted and with its

dispositor, the Moon. A charmed, luxurious

life in which her father was the anchor. (The

Father in traditional astrology is indicated by

the planet ruling the fourth house, the mother

by the planet ruling the cusp of the 10th. In

addition you also look at Saturn and Sun as

indicators of the father and Moon and Venus

as the Mother but this doesn‘t add to our

understanding of triplicity sect rulers). The

next third of her life was ruled by the Sun,

located in its own sign of Leo, the Royal sign,

in the 5th conjunct Regulus. A good time,

bestial, wild and golden! Her Star shone brightly! The final third was Saturn. Solid and secure atop

the mountain. She had done her duty and her final third years were spent in the company of friends

and her children.



For a contrast, let us look at Edith Piaf

Again, a nocturnal chart, therefore we look to the Moon. Here the Moon is above the horizon, in

a different hemisphere to the Sun. The main criterion is that the Sun is below the horizon. The

Moon is located in Gemini. The airy triplicity at night is Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. She died

at the age of 48. The first third of life is ruled by a combust Mercury in detriment. She was born

under a lamppost at rue de Belleville on a freezing winter night on a police officer’s cape, the

illegitimate child of a bar room singer and a street acrobat. She was abandoned by her mother,

and brought up in a brothel in Normandy run by her father‘s family. As a child, she was blinded

for three years with cataracts on both eyes, but miraculously recovered her sight at age six. At

age approx. 15, she met her 12-year-old half-sister and the two joined forces. For the rest of her

life, the two were inseparable. Saturn ruled the second third. Here we have a Saturn, retrograde,

cadent and in detriment. Piaf's first love affair ended in desertion and a stillborn baby. She and

her sister had a hard life, she drank, took drugs to excess but somehow survived before being

discovered and becoming an overnight sensation.

The final third of her life came under Jupiter. Here we find a strong Jupiter in the fifth of good

fortune, ruler of her 2nd house of wealth. At age 32 (1947) approx. she found fame and had a

love affair of two years with Marcel Cerdan until his death in a plane crash 10/27/1949. In

1962, she met and married Theo Sarapo.



He was a hairdresser and singer and was 20 years younger than she was. Apparently, he was

gentle and loving towards her. In June and August 1963, she suffered her second and third

hepatic comas. In September, when she was released from the hospital, Theo took her to a

secluded little house in Plascassier, near Grasse. She weighed a mere 70 lbs; only her violet

eyes remained vivid. She died of an internal haemorrhage on the 10th October 1963. She was

buried at the Pere-Lachaise cemetery, Paris, along with both of her husbands. The dignified

Jupiter ensured the final third of her life, although dogged by ill health was lived in comfort,

with love and fame keeping her warm; a marked contrast to her inauspicious start in life. Her

fame endures!

Sharon Knight is a qualified, practising professional astrologer with over 25

years experience. She hold the Certificate and Intermediate Diploma from the

Faculty of Astrology and the Horary Practitioners Diploma (QHP). She is Chair

of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI), having been

Secretary for the previous four years. She is a Fellow of the Association (FAPAI)

and has written and edited their quarterly newsletter for the past ten years. The

APAI is the only professional body in Europe that represents qualified

Astrologers. Members have to hold a Diploma from a recognised educational

establishment to be accepted. She has an MA in Cultural Astronomy and

Astrology from Bath Spa University (2004) and a Diploma in Phytotherapy or,

Herbalism (SAC Dip) as it is more popularly known. She is also a certified Life

Coach. Sharon is a member of the Board of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. In January 2016 she was

awarded the title “Astrologer of the Year, 2016” at the 26th International Astrological Conference 2016, Organised

by the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology. Sharon is a featured speaker at numerous international conferences over

the years.



Embracing my Inner Weirdo

Victor Olliver

I made a recent significant discovery. Of personal significance, that is. I am not Gemini-

Gemini or Gemini-Taurus or Gemini-Cancer or even Gemini-Pisces. My Sun is still in

Gemini but rising sign is now Aquarius. Oh wow. At last! I can embrace my inner weirdo; the

weirdo I’ve always been and will be to the day I die; or so I suppose.

Added piquancy is that the discovery has been made (thanks to my mum’s belated but new-

improved recollection) during my ongoing second return of Saturn, new co-ruler of my birth

chart. Great timing! I suppose the slick media stargazer’s ghostwriter would say of me: “At a

time of spiritual crossroads, when not for the first time you are reflecting on where you are

and where you’re heading, totting up the victories, setbacks and lettings-go, your chart (or

someone!) alerted you to a missing part of the horoscopic puzzle - something that may enable

you to enter your drooling, dribbling dotage (had your lower bowel checked out yet, dear?)

with a clearer sense of who you are.”

‘‘Like I give a toss’’

But I must say I do feel a lot more comfortable thinking I am Aquarius rising. It’s a more

appropriate fit, like a custom-made suit with a well-tailored crotch. A lot of this is to do with

self-perception, if not memory. As a child I was abnormally awkward and silent (these days,

the quack Dr Googles would say I was or am on the autistic spectrum). And when I did open

my mouth, I was peculiarly articulate and confident, elaborate and specific (a bit like this

piece) and possessed of an odd posh voice - not bad for a kid who had free school dinners and

threw away his NHS specs with the two nasty silver hinge screw heads either side of the




I was also alarmingly pretty (I hope this is not embarrassing you - because I’m feeling quite

comfortable as I digitise the old snaps for eternity’s indifference) and for this reason, many

kids, self-trained to expert in the area of sexual orientation, determined that I was a ‘poof’.

Actually, until the age of 12, I and my Evangelical choirboy bestie had no idea of what a poof

was - it was just a word missile that forever failed to detonate in our heads. I wore my poofery

as a mark of pride in all innocence, long before Pride came along with its street entertainers

on stilts and Julie Burchill dancing 80s disco (she now has sciatica as a result).

No one actually asked me whether as a child I engaged in sexual activity with other boys - all

of whom in any case were straight virgins (apparently), projecting anxieties instilled by their

kidult self-perpetuating parents. No, the issue was perception - of making sure one fitted in. I

stuck out - as in some ways I still do in adulthood.

Now, Infinity magazine is not the place to over-indulge in the particulars of autobiography.

You don’t really want to know what I do with my body - just get on with your chart work.

The point of my telling you all this - about my perceived ‘weirdness’ - is to say something

about the nature of Aquarius rising: the cookbooks tell us that it’s the mark of the sore sticky-

out thumb; the square in the round hole; the geek/weirdo/outsider in the school year photo

cramped between the popular rugby player and the thin, ultra-clever violinist (who’s also a

master at algebra and chess), all of us posing in front of a uniformed herd of industrial, self-

edited averageness, socially approved by nick-names and dodgy hair-dos.

Aquarius rising is the new mould that’s not to be repeated.

Aquarius rising is weirdo.

However! To what extent am I tailoring my self-definition to the novelty of the Aquarius

ascendant? Until recently I thought I was nebulous Pisces rising and I focused on my ability

to be whatever people want me to be - at least for a while - and my tendency to do unto others

what they would never dream of doing for me in their unyielding, you‘ve-only-got-one-life,

selfishness. I recalled the people I had won over/comforted/got into bed with/impressed by

picking up on their needs - and what they needed from me. I was (and am) capable of deriving

pleasure from simply performing an action for another person because it consummates their

need: my needs are not considered in the moment. Of course I must be Pisces rising. But hang

on a minute - what about my Pisces Moon? Might that explain these traits? After all, how did

Pisces rising explain my combative persona - my tendency to blow up in an instant?


Then there was my Gemini-Gemini phase. I went to my first Astrological Association

Conference and told everyone with certainty that I was a Double G. I can see them now,

learned stargazers punching my birth data into their smart phone Astro Gold for some face-

pulling snap-analysis. ‘Ooh yes…mmm…that Saturn…mmm, anyway, so what’s your name

again - Oliver?’ I recalled my Twins-themed crazy times in journalism, and of course my

facility with words and phrase-making. Glib, facile, superficial, impatient - I was suddenly the



walking soufflé or cliché of Hermes. In adulthood I could swan into a party and just start

rattling out the entertainment, depending on the crowd. To what extent memory was distorted

to fit the double G superimposition I cannot say for sure. But I felt more social and vivacious

in thinking I was a Gemini rising person. I actually felt brighter and more immediate. My

years of silence were repackaged as ‘rehearsal’. And I read somewhere once that double Gs

can even seem a bit introverted for a while. So there you go.

The Gemini-Taurus phase never really took off in my mind because I have never been much

interested in money or possessions. And I can’t recall ever enjoying the experience of

touching up clay on the potter’s wheel (the Bull is tactile, see) - although I do have a crushed

velvet dinner suit that others (women especially) like to stroke. True, I like petting pussy cats.

Who doesn’t? But, on the other hand, I did consider that a Venus chart ruler usually bestows

good looks (so I gazed in the looking glass seeking confirmation), and a warm personality. I

re-watched Death In Venice for support. If a certain irritability in my nature somewhat

compromised this trait of the thermal aura, I could always blame it on nervy cool Gemini - or

even my Mars in Cancer. Or Pisces Moon: soooo sensitive. Astrologers are forever flexible in

their go-tos. That’s useful but also a big problem.

The idea of Aquarius rising has made me look again at my chart and at the timing of certain

major events. One in particular was the launch of my blog Madame Arcati back on 4 July

2006 - then I knew little about astrology. The site became quite notorious for breaking stories

about ne’er-do-well journalists and editors, for involving itself in a lengthy feud in the Kevin

Spacey troubled clan and for posting satirical PhotoShopped nude pics of celebs. I created the

site and identity in a late expression of juvenile delinquency; also as a palliative to counter a

very restrictive, boring day job. Madame Arcati was in essence self-entertainment and a drag

act of the sit-down variety - and bore no resemblance to Noel Coward’s clairvoyante Mme

Arcati, created for his play Blithe Spirit, even though a pic of actress Margaret Rutherford

(who played Arcati in the play and the 1945 film) was used as blog avatar.

The early birth-time hours (which give rise to Aquarius rising) for the Arcati blog launch day

show tr Uranus closely conjunct my Moon in Pisces, trine tr Sun exact on natal Mars. A

perfect description. In literal terms, a break for ‘independence’, a break with past ways of

doing things (Uranus on Moon); a new feminine guise for ‘masculine’ feral energy, and

involvement of empowered personal identity (Sun on Mars): Arcati triggered many rows and

challenges; and her mode of expression at times was cranky, vitriolic and certainly

provocative. Pisces’ involvement with Moon-Uranus hints at the ‘psychic’ theme of the new

identity. In broader terms, tr Uranus was close to natal Moon whichever clock-time used for

my birthday. But Aquarius rising in mid-degrees gives the conjunction.

Is this proof that I have an Aquarian ascendant? Not really. Without certified birth time, we

can only speculate or rectify more rigorously. However! Now that I like the idea of my new

rising sign, I find something fresh in my chart to illustrate the newly conceived me (or ‘moi’

as Madame would say). Aquarius just about explains everything just as Pisces or Gemini once

did. It would be fair to say that Aquarius draws out fewer objections. It seems more bang on.



More moi. Oh and a final thing. I always did wonder why most of my friends (of the past

especially) were Aquarian. My first girlfriend (who was the ultimate-ultimate outsider; a

foundling on a bike, almost) was Aquarius. Why am I drawn to eccentrics, ‘weirdos’,

individualists - like my (ex-!) ‘fiancee’ Molly Parkin, a classic Aquarian type? Aquarius just

finds me, even in a crowd of moo-ers.

Here’s an answer: my new Aquarius rising places Leo Uranus three degrees off my

descendant (if using Whole Signs - I do highly recommend). The time I have spent listening

to colourful show-offs, braggarts and anecdotalists! I have gone off this lot of late. Now I

prefer to talk about me-moi. Perhaps final recognition of my ‘true’ ascendant has exorcised

my need for the drama of outsiders and cranks because I want to acknowledge the noisy

outsider/crank in myself. There just isn’t space for the both of us in a world of self-promoting


I, too, now claim the right to go on (and on) about moi.

Victor Olliver is the editor of The Astrological Journal, published by the

Astrological Association. He is also media officer of the Association of

Professional Astrologers International. Based in the UK, he trained to be a barrister

before becoming a magazine feature writer, and then an editor on a number of

publications including magazines, newspapers and electronic media. He has two

awards from the Periodical Publishers’ Association for his celebrity and travel

journalism. He graduated with a distinction diploma in natal and mundane

astrology from the Mayo School in 2012. Victor is also the author of the annual

Lifesurfing series of astrological forecasting books.






2017 Cancer Ingress Forecast

Rod Chang

Every year in June, the Sun will reach its furthest point from the equator in the Northern Hemisphere.

For the Northern Hemisphere it is the Summer Solstice and winter arrives in the Southern Hemisphere.

For the astrologer who uses the tropical zodiac (most western astrologers), it is also the day of Cancer

ingress, the Sun moves into Cancer. Astrologers believe it has an important meaning when the Sun

moves into cardinal signs at the beginning of a new season. We can use the cardinal ingress chart

together with Eclipse charts and outer planets transit to forecast the seasonal world events. In

traditional astrology, Aries ingress is the most important chart. However, the Cancer ingress, Libra

ingress and Capricorn ingress charts can also tell us what we can expect for the next three months. The

aspects of this chart can give us a hint of the general theme around the whole world.

Sun-Venus semisquare At this moment Venus also arrives at its greatest elongation and forms a semisquare with the Sun, this

usually suggests a very active financial market. It also indicates some difficulties in international


Sun-Saturn-Chiron T-square Saturn Chiron squared is a major outer planet aspect of 2017; this aspect reminds us how Authorities

and Rules can hurt people. This also indicates old traditions could bring some problems. As the Sun is

opposite Saturn and square Chiron, it will trigger this aspect and bring those issues into focus for the

next three months. Some world leaders may face a huge challenge and lose their position.

Sun sextile Uranus As Uranus has a meaning of rebelling and revolution, when it sextiles the Sun the change in society

may appear in an easy way. We can see the Sun sextile Uranus as a reaction towards Sun-Saturn-

Chiron T-square.

Mars opposite Pluto square Jupiter The Mars-Pluto aspect indicates how we will react when we face a crisis and Jupiter give a meaning of

expansion. So this aspect could suggest that we face difficulty when we act, maybe there are too many

directions so that we are unable to focus on one thing, or maybe we have high expectations for

something that we are not able to achieve. This aspect could also suggest some religious conflict and

those international disputes comes to a dead end. Nevertheless, Mars is out of bounds from mid-May

to the end of June, so the conflicts could be very aggressive.




As Mars is right on the ascendant of Cancer ingress chart in Europe area and it is the time of the Brexit

negotiations, we can expect a huge conflict between the two sides and it may face an impasse during

this time. The Sun is also very close to the ascendant in the UK bringing immense challenges on

political leaders. With Neptune and Chiron in the tenth House, some European governments could

face chaotic situations especially East European countries.

USA As Neptune is very close to the ascendant in the Washington area, this not only suggests the chaos in

the US, but also indicates some disasters such as earthquake, flooding, fog, pollution, critical epidemic

situation (same in Europe as Neptune near M.C).

Russia Jupiter is on Russia’s IC ruler ninth house. As Jupiter forms a T- square with Mars and Pluto, this may

suggest some land and housing problems and territorial disputes. Sun-Saturn-Chiron T-square affects

the MC and DSC in Beijing, this is more likely to bring political power struggle in China. Mars is

right on MC of North Korea and South Korea. There is tension building up in this area at the time I

write this article in mid-April, and this area also has Mars on ascendant in February 2017 lunar Eclipse

chart. It could be more aggressive when summer coming.



AstroMap of Cancer Ingress

Asia Pacific North Korea, South Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, The Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia,

South Australia and Victoria, Iran, Yemen

Europe & Africa UK, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia Bulgaria Greece, Turkey,

Russia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Mozambique,

South Africa, Madagascar.

Americas North East US, Quebec, California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Rep,

Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Argentina.

Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, both through self-study and

through the LSA and the Faculty of Astrological Studies. His favourite aspects are mundane

astrology and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on

astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around ten years. He is co-founder of

the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to

Chinese speakers. Rod is also working closely with other Asian astrologers in Japan, South

Korea, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong in order to establish an Asian astrology network.



The Neptune-Pluto Cycle & the Mass Migration Phenomenon

Riccardo Bosi

My thesis is that mass migration phenomena find their astrological correspondance in the Neptune-

Pluto cycle. In the long term these produce consequences involving modification on demographic and

ethnographic maps, balance of power among states and cultural areas and deep change within already

established cultures. They are not isolated events but part of a whole context involving political

economic and social dynamics; technological achievement; cultural and religious ramifications.

The symbolism of Neptune alludes of course to the Endless Ocean and to the Everlasting Steppe,

which is an ocean made of grass or a bridge that connects people far away. Neptune also refairs to

music, poetry and religion. It refairs to the state of mind somehow comparable to hypnosis that one

produces when singing or repeating verses of a poem or in a religious book in order to face the toil and

the stress of taking these long routes, the hope necessary to enterprise such long marches, rides or

navigations, the policies of assimilation within an already established culture of immigrants and also

preservation of purity, the hardening of identity by a state or culture that receives immigration. In this

scene Neptune represents culture, identity and religion, and fragmentation and dissolution of empires

and cultures.

Symbols of Pluto include the nomad, the landless, those who come to steal or ravage, those who

violate the city walls or properties, what is unknown, dark and fearful, the greed for money, consumer

goods, properties, moving for hunger, the destruction of stability, the disruption of family ties, the

migrants who abandon their psychologic and affective environment, the will to enter the Acropolis, the

Center, the establishment by the excluded (either to become part of it or to destroy and substitute it),

the violent actions, the undersoil resources, specially oil, capital speculation, military attitudes of who

conquers but also of who defends. Pluto is generally related to the cause of the breaking up of any

process, but also to the reacting capacity of established entities, whether they are states, cultures,

religions, identities.



Colonization, which is one of the main forms of migration, also has a plutonian symbolism since it is a

spread of life, or in some cases colonies were built for military purposes of territorial control, or

economic purposes as commercial outposts.

All Neptune-Pluto conjunctions from 1100bC to

900 AD were in Taurus while the two following,

1400AD and 1900AD were in Gemini: the

symbolism in the first group may be related to the

continuity of environments and ethnicities in

these migration phenomena: the stages of this

scene were usually Eurasia and Mediterranean

basin and because of this people who came in

contact had a certain somatic continuity,

reflecting the symbolism of harmony proper of

this Sign. Then, conjunction degrees slipped to

Gemini and migration started to connect low parts

of the world, and made contact possible between

the most different genetic types, symbolized by the white man and the black man reflected in the

White Twin and the Black Twin of the Sign. The Gemini conjunction also signified the great

acceleration of economic dynamics, social changes and scientific revolution.

An Overview of the last seven Cycles

In the following section I will use the synodic cycles of approximately 500 years (actually are 495)

and I will refer to the cycles as "the 1400 cycle" "the 1900 cycle" and so on, I will note the precise

date and year of the conjunctions. Again, in favor of clarity, I will use the modern geographical names

all though it might sound anti-historical.

The 1900 cycle started on 2 August 1891 and inaugurates a trend of migration towards Europe

by non european populations from former colonies.

The 1400 cycle (23 June 1398, Julian Calendar) is the cycle of marginal european states

performing a great expansion in the world, whole continents as America and Oceania were

colonized wholy or partially by european peoples, and the same happened in important areas

of other continents such as South Africa and Siberia. Forced migration from Africa to

America, the Slave Trade.

The 900 cycle (21 May 905, Julian Calendar), the last ural-altaic migrations westwards:

Hungarians moved from Asian steppes to those plains in Central Europe we now call

Hungary; Turks from Central Asia gradually started their settlement, first as few mercenaries

to the Baghdadi Caliphate and later in greater numbers enough to build a state of their own,

the Seljuk Sultanate. In this cycle we have of course the Gengis Khan epic, peak of glory for

this movement, which brought many Mongolians to set along Urals, Caspian Sea and Black

Sea, Central Asia and Northern China. Meanwhile from Scandinavia Vikings and Varangians

set in seaside areas along western Europe and riverside areas in the Russian lowlands. Saxon

colonization of East Germany and Austria.



The 400 cycle ( 30 June 411, Julian Calendar), the dawn of barbarian invasion and collapse of

Western Roman Empire, settlement of Germanic populations in Southern and Western

Europe, while Ural-Altaic groups, though nomadic, took possession of the lands that today are

known as Ukraine, Volga Basin, middle and low Danubian Basin. Turks reinforced their

position in Central Asia.

The 100 BC cycle, (5 April 83 BC, Julian Calendar) saw the beginning of the epic track of

Turks settling in Central Asia as the move from Mongolia, and migration induced by the

construction of the Great Wall. In Europe, movements within the Roman Empire, slaves from

North Africa and Middle East to Italy, from Italy to Western Europe, Western Mediterranean

and Dacia (Romania).

The 600 BC cycle (16 May 578 BC, Julian Calendar), Greek and Phoenician colonies all over

the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, Romans settle colonies throughout Peninsular Italy.

The 1100 BC cycle (27 April 1073 BC, Julian Calendar), Greek colonization of the asiatic

shores of the Aegean Sea (Iliad), the sea peoples all over the Mediterranean, the Etruscans

arrive in Italy from Western Turkey.

Basic dynamics and dialectic among cycles

In some cases, the dialectics between cycles involve a phenomenon evolving across two sequential

cycles while in other cases they involve the dynamics that comprise more than two cycles, usually

three. In order to make obvious the connection of issues, dynamics and events, I will mention the

planetary symbolism in parenthesis.

Dialectics between 1400 cycle and 1900 cycle

A perfect opposition, Europe towards the World versus the World towards Europe, nationalism versus

anti-nationalism (Neptune, identity), will to establish themselves (Pluto) versus sense of guilt towards

the former colonies (Neptune), the will to be feared (Pluto) versus the will not to be hated (Neptune-

Pluto) or to be forgiven for imperial past (Neptune-Pluto) or the fear of a possible vengeful will of

colonized peoples (Pluto). In economics from seeking as much economic activity as possible all over

the world to own and manage (greed, Pluto), to seeking as much people as possible to include in their

already established economic activity (greed, Pluto), in a figure that does not differ much from the

atlantic slavery trade in the former cycle.

Dialectics between 900 and 1400 cycles

While the 900 cycle established a tendency for stability and sedentarity (Neptune) in opposition to the

nomadic warlike tribes from the Steppe and the Viking raids (Pluto), the 1400 cycle will mainly

develop around the idea of mobility, empires far from home, settlements in unknown lands or in other

hemispheres, pioneering (Pluto). While in the 900 cycle conflict emerged around the legitimate heir to

the Roman Empire (Neptune-Pluto), the 1400 cycle will turn this process upside down, as European

(formerly) marginal states realize that their economic and military superiority allows them to become

the authority they were looking for in old formulas and from then on, these states will drive the world

to accept Europe as Establishment, as Acropolis, as the one having the right to censorship (Neptune-




Dialectics between 400 and 900 cycles.

The first cycle starts with barbarian invasions that interrupt a long period of growing stability

(Neptune), which will be definitively regained just at the beginning of the following cycle, when Otto

of Saxony establishes the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (Neptune), which will allow

later to the establishment of Petrine Primacy thus shaping the outstanding figures of the Middle Ages,

like a Medieval Acropolis: the Pope and the Emperor. Later on, the states left out of the "Medieval

Acropolis" will give birth to the National State, forming a map of middle-sized stable powers that will

later overcome in importance the Old Empire, forming centralized state organizations.

Dialectics between 100BC and 400AD.

Rome unifies the whole mediterranean area joining many middle sized stable kingdoms as well as

some unstable tribal areas (Neptune-Pluto) in one state (Neptune), while in the later cycle barbarian

invasions will repeat the issue of tribalism (Pluto) and fragmentation (Neptune).

Dialectics between 600BC and 100BC.

Persia and Greece, dominant powers of the first cycle, will establish empires by conquering already

civilized areas and keeping the former administrative structure, whereas, Rome besides occupying

large already civilized areas, will intergrate more tribal areas and will reorganize administration in

each province.

Dialectics between 1100BC and 600BC.

The first cycle starts with the fall of the Hittites' Empire, the first indo-european state in Middle East,

and will consist of the rise and fall of universal empires by Assyria and Babylon, led by a deified

emperor, the ruling model of Sargon of Akkad. The second cycle starts with the return of an indo-

european power, Persia, building a universal empire led by a deified monarch while Greek and

Etruscan will set their political form in City-State as Sumerians used to do.

Recurring Issues

Three cycles (1100BC, 600BC and 100BC) witness a universalist tendency in politics that led to the

establishment of the Universal Empire. It seems that it all started after the Sea Peoples raided and

destroyed all main kingdoms and empires of old Eastern Mediterranean, a clearly plutonian event, and

a neptunian reaction: at first were the Persians, then the Greeks who extended the issue introducing

Universal Culture, using Greek as language of commerce, translating all previous knowledge in Greek

available in libraries, and reorganizing the knowledge into logical and coherent systems, and finally

the Romans, who added Universal Religion in the times of Constantine, Christianity, exactly in order

to contrast the increasing centrifugal tendencies.

The three following cycles 400AD, 800AD and 1400AD show an opposite tendency of particularism

and division: in 400AD the Roman Empire splits into Eastern and Western, then barbarian invasions

led to a puzzle of monarchies in the former Western Empire besides breaking the religious unity since

barbarians were Aryans, and despite Charlemagne’s attempts to unify the area, Franks too will split

into a Western and Eastern Kingdom. In 900AD the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire of the

German Nation will allow not only the excluded France and other Western States to form the National

State, but also the Roman Church to relate with a no more unified political power.



Thus, the Roman Church was able to establish the Petrine Primacy, but eventually the breach with the

Orthodox Church became unrepairable and later led to the Protestant Reform. Finally, throughout the

1400 cycle, the National State gave rise to nationalism which emphasized the differences among

european cultures. The mechanism seems to have started following the ural-altaic migrations which

led the Huns towards Europe. Then the Turk’s settlement in Anatolia and its successful kingdoms and

empires that often made trading on the Silk-Road more difficult pushed Europeans to look for

technologies which might allow for trading in an alternative way. Moreover, the Hungarian migration

to Central Europe favored a stronger cohesion among German Dukes. They followed their king Otto

with more devotion and helped him to establish a great political entity. This entity served as a fixed

point to block any invasion from the steppes and became a pivot for the development of the whole


From 1900AD on, Universalism returns as a dominant

political issue, but this time it seems to be a

consequence of economic dynamics, that is Capitalism.

Universalism starts in the 900AD cycle, when the

establishment of the Holy Roman Empire of the

German Nation allows some seaside towns in Northern

Italy to act as if they were independent and to trade

freely, especially in middle eastern and byzantine

markets, where monetary economy was not destroyed

unlike what happened in Western Europe after the

barbarian invasions. This led to the first amass of

capitals and banks. In the 1400AD cycle, geographic

discoveries offered resources and markets like never

before. This meant greater circulation of money and a

chance to amass greater capitals. Also, the higher chances to earn from the products or raw materials

of the American Continent caused the slave trade across the Atlantic to begin. The technological

growth following the Scientific Revolution led to the Industrial Revolution and to an accelerated

accumulation of capitals like never before: that was the official birth of modern capitalism, which

from 1900AD onwards, has developed a structural mechanism where bigger economic entities devour

smaller ones, leading to the system of multinational-driven economy that we all live in today.

Contemporary migrations are part of this "amassing resources" process, since the economical growth

overcame the natural rhythms of demography and the immigrants are meant to fill this gap.

Underground Dynamics - Fil Rouge

When the Roman Empire was put on a harsh trial by barbarian invasion, it split in order to manage

better the new events. The western part though was completely occupied and on its soil were born

kingdoms ruled by barbarians. The Eastern Roman Empire continued to live for 1000 years more,

becoming a rampart of the ancient era in a world that had changed eastwards, westwards, and even to

the north. It held tight to the prerogatives of the state, of the tradition, of feeling lonely and unique,

incomparable, of being made of a different matter than other kingdoms were, something holier in a

mission of God.



A few centuries after the barbarian invasions, the Franks, under Charlemagne, will succeed to rebuild

a Unified Empire and Charlemagne will proclaim the Holy Roman Empire as a way to continue the

Roman legacy. The Unified Empire will last a few years after his death but eventually it will become a

puzzle of kingdoms. Stability will be found when two different kingdoms are proclaimed, one of

Western Franks, one of Eastern Franks. They continued electing an Emperor but it was just formal,

until Otto of Saxony resolved this issue by being crowned Emperor by the Pope. However, he changed

the boundaries of the Empire by excluding France. From that moment on, France will follow the

destiny of western european states, thus modernize, overcome feudalism, build the national state,

develop a strong national identity, while Germany will keep an overall feudal asset (until Napoleon

dismantles the empire), divided in a hundred of states each having a different foreign policy, different

army, often in war with each other, eventually different religion (protestant, reformed, catholic).

Regardless, the Emperor is always named Holy. It seems here like "the western" follows a Plutonic

dynamic: thus it dies when nature decides it is time and it renews making space for new life. On the

other hand, "the eastern" does not accept the idea of death, and looks for an eternalization, a divine

mission on Earth, as a rampart blocking nomadic invasions, as a bridge that joins Sky and Earth, or

better Eternity and Time: this might be associated to the other planet of the conjunction, Neptune, the

realms where time stands still, where all that we can touch is a direct reflex of its Pure Idea, where

"verbum caro facto est".

Riccardo Bosi has been working as an astrologer for the past seven years

conducting private consultations. Having a background of Psychology

studies and a passion for Ancient Religions and History, he was attracted

to the psychological and karmic branches of Astrology but to the mundane

one as well, to the extent that it relates to history and politics. In 2013, he

enrolled in the astrological school of Italian Center for Astrological

Disciplines (CIDA) where he was exposed to Classical Astrology, which is

now a passion and part of his studies. He graduated in 2016.



The Business Card

Anne Whitaker

There I was one evening in March 2017, catching up on emails. Suddenly, for no good reason that I

could later discern, I took a notion to type ‘astrology business cards’ into Google. After all, my

business cards have been mildly out-of date for quite some time. Several sites came up. The one three

down from the top sounded professional – I didn’t fancy anything bedecked with crystal balls or

similar woo-woo – so on I clicked. There it was – irresistible to both my aesthetic sense and my

multiple Leo planets (all in the Twelfth House: I am NOT Mick Jagger…). A beautiful, aesthetically

pleasing, Lion-rampant card, set against the deep blue background of the starry heavens. ‘That’s the

one!” I thought, setting to work to customise and order it. The process took no time at all. I could not

believe how straightforward it was. My 250 cards cost me $58. I knew the shipping from USA was

going to be quite pricey. However, I almost fell off my chair when I saw HOW pricey the total bill

was, including shipping: $192!

My initial reaction was “No, Anne, that’s quite ridiculous. Forget it.” But – I just loved those cards. I

was born under a dominant Jupiter/Saturn square. I do not like wasting money. There followed a big

Jupiter/Saturn wrestle. (I did not know until later what the planets were doing – that chart comes up

shortly – but Saturn did not on this occasion stand a chance…), “What the hell!” I said to myself, the

inner wrestling match decided, “I have the money and I love those cards!” – and pressed the PAY

button. My husband’s reaction was incredulity.”You paid WHAT?” (However he, too, loved those

cards. Good taste, those Aquarian men…) It must be hell being married to an astrologer, even if you

aren’t one yourself. There is never any escape. “What planet rules excess and extravagance?” I asked

him. Quick as a flash – “Jupiter?” he replied. I whipped out my smartphone and put up a chart for the

button-pressing moment about five minutes earlier.

Truly, you could hardly have customised a more apt moment for this whole event. Jupiter Rising in

Libra (which rules the colour blue) opposite Mars/Uranus turbo-charging rash Aries, trine and sextile a

Tenth House Leo Moon with MC just moved into Leo. Retrograde Venus in Aries in the 6th House

trine 10th House Leo Moon probably tallies with my return to the replacing of my business cards,

something I have been needing to do for a while. Clearly, the moment was ripe…



Adding my chart to the moment’s chart (second chart on the

right) is even more graphic and apt. Jupiter rising opposite

Mars/Uranus falls across my Second/Eighth House money

axis, sextile and trine my natal Leo stellium and the Leo

Moon of the moment’s horoscope. The moment’s MC falls in

my Eleventh House, denoting the business company

providing the cards, and the outreach for which the cards are

intended. The moment’s Part of Fortune (not shown in the

above bi-wheel) falls at 25 Taurus, conjunct my MC/North

Node, in the Ninth House of which foreign connections and

PR are two branches. There are many other relevant

connections, which I shall leave for my readers to comment

on if they see them!

My horoscopic pondering was interrupted by my husband’s

question: “When you chose your Delivery option, you didn’t

by any chance select Express?” Light dawned in my by now

rather frazzled brain. I remembered the option had been set at

Express delivery. I had not changed it. “What a twit!” quoth

the Aquarian. Now, I have gone a long way in life by taking

the view, ALWAYS, that I have a right to ask for anything in

a civil manner, and the other party has an equal right to refuse

(in similar vein, hopefully). I looked at the Cards Purchase

chart, thought, “Some kind and magnanimous lady in that

business company looks predisposed to be kind to me”, and

dashed off an extremely nice email, explaining what I had

done, claiming full responsibility, and asking if my shipping

option could be changed from Express to the ordinary

version. I also complimented them on their lovely cards, and on the ease with which the whole process

had been accomplished. Then I went to bed.

The next morning, I found an email from a charming lady called Tiffany from the business card

company to inform me that they had indeed changed my shipping option – and refunded $80 dollars.

The Card Purchase chart’s 10th House Leo Moon, conjunct my natal Venus (MC ruler) applying

sextile to Jupiter rising, had indeed delivered magnanimity… The story I have just told you, which I

hope you will enjoy, especially the laugh at my expense (literally!), illustrates very clearly for me why

astrology never ceases to astonish, affirm and delight. No matter what happens, astrology’s symbols

are always there, ready to comment. We only have to ask…

Anne Whitaker lives and works in Glasgow, Scotland. She has a long background in adult

education, generic and psychiatric social work, and private practice as a counsellor, counselling

supervisor, and mentor. She has been an astrologer, teacher, and writer since 1983. Anne

studied with Liz Greene and the late Charles Harvey at the Centre for Psychological Astrology

during the 1990s, obtaining their Diploma in 1998. Her first print book, “Jupiter Meets Uranus”

was published by the AFA in 2009. Anne writes at

where her two free research studiescan be downloaded and other eBooks purchased. She has

bi-monthly columns in the UK’s Astrological Journal and in USA’s Dell Horoscope magazine,

as well as writing and reviewing for The Mountain Astrologer Magazine. She is available for

astrological consultations, mentoring and tuition both in person (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) and

via skype. Contact: email: info@ and via Facebook and Twitt



The Progressed New Moon Wendy Stacey

this article has first appeared in the Astrological Journal

There is something to be said about the secondary progression of the Sun and the Moon, particularly

as they arrive at a new Moon position. Next to major outer planetary transits, this point in time often

marks major life cycles in one life. Just before our Saturn return we experience our lunar return which

is when our secondary progressed Moon arrives back to the degree in our natal chart. This symbolises

an evolution in our emotional journey through life. It will describe how we absorb and react to our

environment. The progressed Moon moves much faster than other planets by progression, moving at

around one degree per month, two and a half years through each sign, taking approximately 27 years

to do a complete cycle known as the lunar return.

The progressed Sun moves much slower and takes approximately one year to move one degree

through the horoscope and will therefore stay in a sign for around 30 years. The progressed Sun is

about our life’s purpose, our focus in life and shows how and where we master ourselves and the sign,

house and aspects to the progressed Sun describe our internal journey in understanding who we are.

Progressions move slowly in the chart and are calculated by each day after the birth representing one

year of life. Thus, 20 days after the birth date will correlate by secondary progression to the 20th year

of life (although adjustments are required for the time of birth).

The progressed New Moon can occur at any time in one’s life before the age of 29 and the timing of

this is dependent on the lunar phase in the natal chart. As the Moon moves one degree around the

horoscope a month and the Sun moves at one degree per year, the progressed Moon will travel over

the natal Sun and then meet with the progressed Sun by conjunction. After the first progressed lunar

phase, the progressed New Moon will continue approximately every 29 ½ years thereafter. These

periods describe a symbolic new phase in one’s life. As we know with progressions as opposed to

transits, they are more internal, individual and involve something of a very personal nature.



Transits are external and have an effect on the collective. The conjunction represents a new start, a

new cycle and where one has a change of heart and a change of feeling which is usually arrived at by a

culmination of experience and circumstances personal to the individual.

The progressed Moon journey describes

our relationship with our mother, food and

our home, the continued unfolding of life’s

conditioning and where we are emotionally

comfortable (or not), where we are

connected and to whom and explains what

makes us feel secure. Costello best

describes the progressed Moon by saying

that this cycle reveals the unfolding story of

your emotional development. The

progressed Moon draws you onward, yet

always returns you to your roots. It

becomes a mirror in which you are invited

to reflect on the nature of your own

journey, as lived through your emotional

responses to other people, but also to life


The progressed Sun on its travel by

progression tells us how we grow as an

individual, where we are confident in

expressing ourselves, how we are vibrant

and where the course of our life’s purpose

is taking us. The progressed Sun highlights where we have energy and are creative and where we find

our ultimate source of life. Together these lights represent the spirit and the soul of the chart, and when

they conjoin by progression major personal shifts occur. When the progressed new Moon occurs in our

horoscope, like a transiting new Moon, there is a new beginning, a fresh cycle which will extend for

another twenty-nine years. This is a time to plant seeds and change direction in our lives. Like a new

day, the dawn of a new beginning is fresh, naive but bursting with possibilities and the unknown.

The Sun and Moon also represent the father and mother in the horoscope and these principles are

evident in the progressed new Moon as it depicts maturity, a culmination of experience that we bring

to a new phase in life. It shows the identification with the ‘self’ as our own authority and our

independence in the ability to make changes and the most of opportunities in our journey through life.

Of course, the progressed Sun and Moon will make several aspects to each other and to planets in the

natal chart, as well as to transiting planets, through their twenty-nine year cycle. Every seven or eight

years these lights will make either a square or opposition to each other, which represent markers in the

progressed cycle. The signs and houses that the luminaries occupy at these junctions add to the

unfolding of the story and show the crossroads and possibilites we are faced with along the way.



Below are two famous characters and their experiences during their progressed new Moon

Queen Elizabeth II

Here is the natal chart of Queen Elizabeth II (inner wheel), the date of her first progressed new Moon

on 10 March 1947 (middle wheel) and the transits on the same day (outer wheel).

What is so interesting about this progressed new Moon for the Queen (who was still a princess at the

time) was that this was the year that she married (the prince to be) Philip, which was the beginning of

a whole new cycle for her. The marriage took place on 20 November 1947, months after the exact

Sun-Moon conjunction. The progressed new Moon occurred on 10 March 1947 at 20 degrees of

Taurus. Although the marriage occurred much later in the year, the pair had met the previous summer

and it was required that Prince Philip convert from a Greek Orthodox to an Anglican and have British

naturalisation, which he was successful in doing on 18 March 1947, one week after the exact new

Moon and symbolic of the promise of marriage to be. The progressed Moon is in Taurus in the third

house - this house perhaps describes the relationship, which grew and was sealed through written

correspondence. The progressed new Moon represents a new beginning of putting one’s roots down,

feeling stabilised and an introduction to a new sense of security.

The relationship may have been fraught at the time, and there were undoubtedly mixed feelings, as the

progressed new Moon here is complicated by several other aspects to the natal chart. Usually a one-

degree orb is used for progressions, but for a new Moon we would extend this further, particularly if

so many aspects are triggering it and if it is an approaching aspect (where the Sun and Moon are yet to

become exact with the other aspects). The new Moon is widely opposed to her natal Saturn and is



close to her natal IC and opposing her MC. This marriage carried with it a sense of duty, possibly

bestowed by her parents, but also with Saturn comes glue and permanency and history has proved this

evident. The Taurus – Saturn – MC speaks of a practical marriage, perhaps one that represents stability

and solidarity and wishes to promote the sanctity and institution of marriage which seeks to lead by

example. This opposition becomes more complex as it is involved in a grand cross – the new Moon

and Saturn are square to natal Mars at 20 degrees Aquarius conjunct Jupiter at 22 degrees Aquarius

and Neptune at 22 degrees Leo. These aspects would show some conflict with others, but with such

fixity within the aspects as well as transiting Jupiter on the natal MC and the progressed Ascendant

only 14 minutes from the progressed Jupiter (both aspecting the new Moon), there would be a silver

lining to an otherwise fraught situation, and in Taurus the outcome would be long-lasting and


In February of 1992, Queen Elizabeth experienced a progressed full Moon with her Moon at three

degrees of Capricorn in the twelfth house opposing her progressed Sun in Cancer in the sixth house.

This also picked up her natal Mercury at four degrees of Aries in her second house, making a T-Square

with Mercury as the apex. In a speech in November that year, the Queen stated that 1992 was her

most annus horribilis (horrible year).ii The progressed full Moon is when situations are culminated or

elevated. Many astrologers view the progressed full Moon as fruition but it is also about tension and

bringing matters to a head. As an opposition it will bring some confrontation, conflict and will involve

other people. Within one month of this opposition, the public announcement was made that her son,

Prince Andrew and his wife, Sarah Ferguson were separating. Within another month, her daughter

Princess Anne divorced Mark Phillips. There was speculation that her eldest son, Prince Charles’s

marriage with Princess Diana was also in trouble.

This opposition in

Capricorn and Cancer

is about duty and

family and in the

twelfth and sixth

house about service

and sacrifice.

Undoubtedly she was

unsettled and perhaps

embarrassed by this.

Later in the year the

Royal family came

under much criticism

from the public and

media and this is

perhaps shown by Mercury as the apex. Residing in the second house, the royal finances also came

under the spotlight with Prime Minister John Major (who has Sun, Mercury and Mars in early Aries)

requesting the royal family to pay income tax. Natal Mercury is in Aries with a close progressed Mars

less than three degrees away and although other transits were at play here (transiting Pluto

approaching the MC and Uranus and Neptune approaching the Ascendant) the progressed lunar

configuration perhaps describes her personal feelings of anger and sorrow felt throughout the year and

which sadly ended with the significant fire of Windsor Castle, the home she shares with the public.



Linda Goodman

Another example of a progressed New Moon is with the late famous astrologer Linda Goodman.

Below is the natal chart for Goodman (inner wheel), the progressed new Moon chart (middle wheel)

and the transits that were occurring at the time (outer wheel).

Before embarking on an astrological career, Linda Goodman was a writer and radio presenter. She was

known for hosting a radio show during World War 2 called Love Letters from Linda where she would

read letters between the soldiers posted abroad and their significant other at home. Goodman was born

just hours after a full Moon and has her Sun in Aries (in the twelfth house) conjunct her Ascendant

and her Moon in Libra (in the seventh house) on the Descendant. This astrological configuration

suitably describes the public persona of broadcasting (Ascendant) the private (twelfth house)

affections between loved ones at home (Moon in Libra conjunct the Descendant) with those who are at

war (Sun in Aries). She provided a public (Ascendant) bridge (opposition) for these people in hard


What is remarkable about Linda Goodman’s second progressed New Moon in June 1968 at one-degree

degree of Gemini is when the book her book, Sun Signs was released and reached great heights. The

one-degree Gemini progressed New Moon made astrology accessible to the general public in a way

that had never been done before and pole-vaulted Goodman’s career as an international writer and

astrologer. The progressed new Moon in Gemini is comfortable for Goodman with her natal Moon

also being in an air sign. Gemini is about communication and writing and here Goodman conversed

with others, her own personal message.

Goodman also had transiting Saturn crossing her natal Ascendant at this time and perhaps with the

progressed new Moon in the second house depicts the financial success of the book and by being the

first astrology publication to ever reach the New York Times Bestseller List. It also paved the way for

Goodman to receive substantial advances for future books.

These are just brief examples of the progressed new Moon and the new beginnings that they bring

with them - beginnings which illustrate the theme for the next twenty-nine years. The progressed new

Moon tells the story of the cycle which is about to start a new journey and the promise that it holds.




Costello, Darby (1996) The Astrological Moon, London, CPA Press || Dobyns, Zipporah Pottenger

(1975) Progressions, Directions and Rectification, T.I.A Pulbications || Freeman, Martin (1983)

Forecasting by Astrology: A Comprehensive Manual of Interpretation and Technique,

Northamptonshire, The Aquarian Press || Pessin, Dietrech (2009) Lunar Shadows: The Predictive

Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses, Tuscan, Igloo Press.

Chart information

The chart information for the individuals listed below has been taken from Clifford, Frank (2009) The

Astrologer’s Book of Charts, London, Flare Publications.

Wendy Stacey, B.A, M.A, Dip LSA is the principal of the

international Mayo School of Astrology and tutor for the London

School of Astrology. She is the Chairperson for the Astrological

Association (since 2002), has written over 50 articles for students

in the Astrological Journal and lectures globally on

psychological, mundane, research and financial astrology. She is

the author of books Consulting with Astrology (2012), Uranus

Square Pluto (2012, The Houses by Element (2016), Astrology and Relationships (2016) and

contributed to The New Generation (2012) and The Professional Astrologer (2016). In 2014, Wendy

was the recipient of the UK’s Charles Harvey award for ‘Exception Service to Astrology’. Her website

is and she can be contacted at [email protected]



Callanish Standing Stones on Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides

Declination is lines of geographic latitude extended into space

Moon Swings: The Lunar Standstill Cycle

Linea Van Horn

Our companion the Moon has a wonderful, little-known but highly visible cycle which anyone can

watch unfold over the next several years. I speak of the “Standstill Cycle of the Moon,” a pattern of

lunar visibility which dramatically affects where Luna rises and sets, bringing highly unusual event

locations when it reaches its extremes. The last occurrence was in 2006. The next event, called a

Major Standstill, arrives in 2025. If that sounds far away, trust me when I say it will pass in the

proverbial blink of an eye! And fortified with the knowledge you are about to gain, you will observe

the Moon with new eyes, knowing exactly what to look for as the Moon’s swings become ever wider.

The Standstill Cycle may be news in the modern era, but our ancient sky-watching ancestors grasped it

thoroughly. In fact, they found it important enough to build stone monuments to mark the precise

locations where these extreme risings and settings of the Moon took place. Dozens of such sites still

exist, and who knows how many that are now extinct or unrecognized. They did not go to all this

trouble for no reason.

Declination – Why Should You Care?

One of the most important considerations of visual planetary

work is where on the horizon a planet is rising or setting. This

is a function of declination, and if your eyes just glazed over

like donuts, please come back. Truly, it’s simple. Declination is

a measurement that occurs north and south of the equator. If

you imagine a globe, it is equivalent to extending lines of

latitude out into space. Declination determines where a planet

will rise and set, and how high it will get in the sky. Any time

you have seen a sunrise or sunset, or watched the Moon or any

other planet rise or set, you were having an experience in

declination, and you didn’t even know!



Declination measures where a planet will rise and set, and how high it will climb

The visual part of declination is easiest understand when considering the Sun’s solstices. You will

have observed personally that the Sun rises at a different place on your horizon in June than it does in

December, and shines through different windows during the course of the day. This is declination in

action. The following diagram shows the Sun’s changes in declination over the course of a year. At the

Equinoxes, which occur in March and September, the Sun’s declination is 0. In December, it’s at its

maximum (23.25 degrees) south declination. It changes direction and heads towards the June solstice

where the solar declination is 23.25 North.

From our perspective on earth, the solar year looks like this



Declination and Zodiac Relationship from KT Bohrer's Book

In December, the Sun will rise and set far south, and stay low in the sky, creating short days here in

the Northern Hemisphere where I live. The farther north a planet rises and sets, the higher it will

culminate (opposite in the Southern Hemisphere; southerly planets have higher culmination). The

word “solstice” actually means “Sun standing” (“Sol” = Sun; “stit”= to make stand) and is the place

where the Sun literally does pause and change direction at the apex months of December and June.

(See Figure 4).

The solstices mark the

maximum points on your

local horizon where the Sun

will rise and set. In

December, it’s at its furthest

south. In June, it rises and

sets furthest north. If you are

at the equator, the difference

of the two solstice sunrise

points along your visible

horizon is less than 50

degrees (only about 1/8 of

the entire 360-degree

horizon). But the further

away from the equator one

is the more extreme the

distance between these

rising points.

Finally, above latitudes of about 60 degrees North and South, the Sun refuses to rise or set at all for

weeks at a time. What a world we live on! Another fun declination fact is that no matter where you are

on the planet, twice a year, the Sun will rise due east and set due west. This occurs on the Equinoxes.

Sunrise and sunset on these days are the easiest times to directly mark the cardinal directions on your

personal horizon view.

You might have already deduced that there’s a direct relationship between declination and the zodiac.

After all, the ecliptic (path of the Sun) crosses the equator (0 degrees of declination) twice a year –

when the Sun is either 0 degrees of Aries or Libra. In fact, the very definition of the equinox is when

the Sun crosses the equator! At the June solstice, the Sun is at 0 degrees of Cancer, and at the

December solstice, it’s at 0 degrees of Capricorn, and these turning points are as far away from the

equator/0 degrees of declination as can be. This is the foundation and the legitimacy of the tropical


It’s easy to understand that Cancer and Capricorn are far apart in the sky, and you have the Sun to

help you identify where they are on your personal horizon. Understanding this simple fact is the key to

observation of the grand unfolding of the Major Standstill.



Top row shows transit Moon declination; Bottom row shows transit Sun declination

Learning from the Moon

The Moon is our Teacher. While the apparent habits of the Sun (actually, the Earth) are extremely

regular and consistent, the Moon is much more difficult to understand and even harder to predict. Its

monthly phases are apparent and influential: indeed the Moon in the first marker of time. Because she

is fastest in motion, and has the most visible variability of any planet, many principles of sky watching

and of astrology in general are telescoped into understanding by watching the Moon. The Sun, Moon

(and in fact all the planets, but that’s beyond the scope of this article!) have a similar wavelike pattern

of rising and setting points along the horizon (see Figure 5). This wave is measured in declination

which is hinged to the zodiac. However, the Moon differs in some important ways! The first difference

is that the Moon swings much more rapidly than the Sun! It takes Old Sol six full months between

turnarounds, a downright sluggish pace when compared with the Moon, who takes only two weeks!

Check it out:

Consider again: Between one turnaround point to the next, the Moon moves in fourteen days as much

as the Sun does in six months. The turnaround points always happen at 0 degrees of Cancer and

Capricorn. In December, as it approaches the solstice point, the Sun is at its furthest south. We’re told

it hangs out there “for three days,” but in fact if you examine a declination ephemeris, you’ll see it

stays at the same degree of declination for a full three weeks! It rises at exactly the same point on the

horizon, not changing in declination, even as it continues to move through the zodiac. (That’s because

it’s really the earth, not the Sun that is moving!) The solstice occurs right in the middle of this three-

week period. So at its southernmost position, the Sun is in Sagittarius and Capricorn. AND SO IS

THE MOON and all the planets! Check both things out in this declination ephemeris for December

2017 on the next page. The Sun is at 23 degrees south of declination from December 11 – 31. Right in

the middle is the solstice on the 22nd. Then check out the Moon: its maximum declination this month

is 20 degrees south and this occurs on December 19th. Checking in the left table, we see that the Moon

is in Capricorn on that day. This particular month, the New Moon in Capricorn is happening very near

the solstice. It isn’t always this way, though. The Moon’s phases operate independently from the

seasonal cycle, although they do interact in a predictable manner.

Think of this: When full, the Moon is opposite to the Sun not only in zodiacal longitude but also in

declination. This means that when the Sun rises and sets at its northernmost and achieves its greatest

altitude near the summer solstice, the full Moon rises far south and rides low in the sky.



In the winter, when the Sun rises and sets far south, the full Moon is high in the sky, as well as rising

and setting at its northernmost point. Every month when the Moon is in Sagittarius and Capricorn, it

will be in your southern sky, more or less near to the path the Sun follows in December. Two weeks

later, when the Moon transits Gemini and Cancer, it will be considerably further north and much

higher in the sky, close to the Sun’s June path. This is true no matter what phase the Moon is in, so

you already have it within your reach to really grasp this visual principal by seeking out the Moon in

the sky when it transits these four signs. Except for the new moon, the Moon will be visible in the

sky at some point in the day or night!


In addition to speed, another way that the Moon’s declination cycle deviates from that of the Sun is in

what we might call “amplitude.” While the solstice points of the Sun are consistent, the Moon’s

pattern is more like a tide going in and out. When traced out on a graph, the swings are clear. The

declination scheme seen below is easy to understand: Across the top, time units are designated. Down

the left, the decrees of declination are marked at 5-degree intervals north and south. 0 degrees is right

in the middle. The graph only goes up to 30 degrees (in both directions) because nothing we use

extends beyond this boundary. Observe 3 years of the Sun’s declination swings (Figure 9). Each peak

is located at 23.25 degrees North or South. The Sun’s extreme declination varies only a tiny bit over

long periods of time, so it can be considered very stable. The points occur every six months, and each

year contains a north and south point. And where do these peaks occur? All together now: The

Solstices! Cancer (North) and Capricorn (South)!



Sun's declination swings for three years

Moon's declination for 90 days Sept 10 2015

Unlike the Sun, there is dramatic variability in the Moon’s waves. There are years at a time when it

never reaches the Sun’s turnaround point, having what we might call “low amplitude.” Here’s a graph

of the Moon’s declination for 90 days starting Sept. 10, 2015. Notice that the maximum declination

maxes out at just over 18 degrees. Remember, the Sun achieves 23.25 degrees – an addition five

degrees! This may not seem like much, but when extended outward onto your horizon or into the sky,

it’s quite a bit of real estate.



Moon's declination for 90 days July 1, 2006

At other times, things are different. Here are the Moon’s swings in declination for 90 days starting

June 15, 2006. Notice how extreme the swings are! Now this is “high amplitude!”

The two extremes are called the Minor and the Major Standstill. They are connected to the Nodes

of the Moon. It’s quite simple, really. We have the Major Standstill when the North Node is in Aries.

The swings are at their widest, over 29 degrees of declination – the furthest of any planet! When

the North Node transits through Libra, we have the Minor Standstill, and the swings have their

smallest amplitude, reaching just over 18 degrees of declination.

When projected out onto the horizon, this phenomenon produces huge variations in the locations of

Moon risings and settings, and how high the Moon gets in the sky. It was these visual extremes that

our forebears acknowledged with their stone monuments.

To get a better understanding, let’s start again with the Sun. A photographic technique called a

solargraph will help tremendously. In this technique, a camera is anchored and programmed to capture

regularly timed images of the Sun’s daily motion over a period of at least six months. Here’s one from

the Netherlands by Jip Lambermont1.

Each line records the Sun’s motion for one day. The bottom line shows the December Solstice. Note

the low profile in the sky, and location of rising and setting points. Six months later is the June

Solstice is represented by the top line: notice how far the Sun’s rising and setting points have moved

(in fact they’re off the graph) and how high the Sun climbs in the sky. This is a photographic

representation of the principles of declination. You can see how dramatically different is the Sun’s

path between June (Cancer) and December (Capricorn).

1 For more information on his fascinating solargraphs visit



Solargraph 2012/12/21 - 2013/06/21, door Jip Lambermont

There are no similar photographic records of the Lunar Standstill process; it would be impossible.

Still, it’s possible to visualize the difference between the Minor and the Major Standstill. The

following diagram is complex but informative. Put yourself in the middle and check out the following:

First locate the Solstice sunrises and sunsets. These rising and setting points are consistent, year in and

year out. Now locate the “minor standstill” moonrise and moonsets (the inner curved dotted line).

Notice that the rising and setting points never reach the Sun’s turnaround points – in fact, they fall

several degrees short. The swings of the moon (which remember takes only two weeks, from one

turnaround point to the next) are not dramatic and produce very sedate lunar changes from day to day.

Comparing Major and Minor Standstills



Variations in Lunar risings and settings

Now locate the “major standstill” moonrise and moonsets, shown by the outer curved dotted lines.

Notice how much more distance is covered between respective Moonrises at the Major Standstill than

at the Minor Standstill. Remember that the time lapse between the Northern Moonset and the

Southern Moonset is only two weeks. During these times, the daily difference in the location of the

Moon is remarkable. On your visible horizon, it makes an astounding difference in where you see the

Moon from one day to the next.

Here’s another way to look at

it: In the figure on the left you

can see the stability of the

Solar Solstice sunrises and

sunsets. You can also

determine that in some years

(1993 – 2000) the moonrises

and moonsets never reached

the point where the solstice

Sun rises and sets. Other years

(2001 – 2011), moonrises and

moonsets occur far outside the

parameters of the solstice

sunrises and sunsets. This diagram of the variations of risings and settings as seen along the horizon is

very informative, bringing the whole concept down to earth:

Risings and Settings along the horizon

Where are we now in this process? Well

– the North Node is just entering Leo as I

write these words. So we are moving

from a Minor Standstill (N.N. in Libra)

towards a Major Standstill (N.N. in

Aries), since the nodes move backwards.

So we are currently shifting from a

smaller, more sedate swing to the wider

dramatic swings that will peak in 2025.

That’s the point of this article and why

it’s worthwhile to start watching it unfold

now. When the Moon starts showing up

in freakish places, you’re going to really

appreciate what you’re seeing.



Tilt of ecliptic and of Moon's orbit

The Technical Stuff - Why does this happen?

We know that the earth is tilted with respect to its orbit around the Sun. That’s why we have seasons,

the tropical zodiac and a host of other peculiarities. Just as the earth's axis is tilted to its orbit by 23.5

degrees, the Moon's orbit is tilted 5.2 degrees to the orbit of the earth (see diagram). Other

perturbations can account for an additional .7 degrees variation, so the Moon's declination can differ

from the Sun's by almost 6 degrees. This means that the Moon can achieve more than 29 degrees of

declination (23.5 + 6), far more than any other planet. But it rarely does so! Only in the years

surrounding the Major Standstill, and only when the Moon is transiting Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius or

Capricorn will it reach this extreme.

Let’s review

The Major Standstill: The Moon reaches its most maximum declination of 29 degrees N and S when

in the appropriate signs. Since it takes 14 days between the maximum northern and southern points,

the Moon's daily changes in position are quite dramatic at this time. It will reach its maximum

declination for 2 - 5 days twice a month for about 3 years around the time of the major standstill. Once

or twice it will reach its very maximum declination, and this is set off by eclipses. It will rise and set

noticeably more north and south than usual, and will attain its greatest height (north) and lowest

position (south) in the sky. In fact, at in far north latitudes, the Moon is circumpolar at the major

standstill. The greatest declination occurs when the moon's nodes are at O degrees of Aries.

Major Standstill Dates from 1900 – 2050 are:

• 1913

• 1931

• 1950

• 1969

• 1987

• 2006

• 2025

• 2043



The Minor Standstill. Nine years later, the Moon reaches its minor standstill. It follows exactly the

same monthly motion pattern, however now it only reaches a maximum of 18 degrees declination for

the 3 year period when the nodes reach O degrees Libra. Its monthly and daily swings are far less

dramatic. It must be stressed that the Minor Standstill is not very noticeable or visually interesting

except as a way to compare the more extreme swings. The Minor Standstill dates are 1941, 1959,

1978, 1997, 2015, 2034 and 2052.

The years in between, the Moon reaches ever increasing or decreasing monthly declinations as it

moves between one standstill and the next. The most recent Minor Standstill was 2015. In June 2020,

the Moon’s declination will finally reach the Sun’s maximum 23.25 degrees. After that, the Moon will

begin to move beyond the Sun’s declination; a position called “Out of Bounds.2” We are moving

towards a Major Standstill in 2025.

Major standstills affect tides and weather conditions and probably other lunar related phenomenon

such as birth rates, public reaction, real estate and the stock market (more volatile during Major

Standstill) as well as the economy. Since the Moon repeatedly goes OOB, there may be an overly

zealous public response. The further OOB, the stronger the response. There is a maverick quality.

Reactions and perceptions are extreme and not as controlled. The environment is not very stable. At

Minor Standstills, reaction is more controlled and action is taken.

What You’re Watching For

As I’ve repeatedly said, it’s really easy to observe what’s about to happen. Here’s how to do it:

• Just like the Sun, the Moon will “turn around” when it enters either Cancer or Capricorn

• Pay attention to your astrological calendar for the Moon either in:

– Gemini or Cancer

– Sagittarius or Capricorn

• Go out and look for it!

• Except for the 3 dark days of the month, the Moon will be visible, very often in the daytime

• Look again in two weeks when Moon is in the opposite signs

• Notice the difference between the north and south extremes

• Observe the amount of “swing” or distance between the two ends

• Over the next 9 years, these “swings” will gradually increase

• You become very familiar with your local sky with consistent viewing

• With your Moon watching experience, you’ll be able to appreciate the unfolding of the Major

Standstill before your very eyes!

My aspiration in writing this article is to encourage all astrologers to have an intimate relationship

with the sky. It’s all about bringing heaven down to earth. We have in our immediate future a

wonderful opportunity to engage in a marvelous unfolding of the Standstill Cycle of the Moon. It

thrilled our ancestors. Let us, as the guardians of this body of knowledge, once again grasp the

profound wonder of participating in it.

2 Out of Bounds is a fascinating topic beyond the scope of this article. Karen Christino and Stephen Forrest have done excellent work on interpreting out of bounds Moon. Tony Howard specializes in out of bounds Mercury, Venus and Mars.



List of sources consulted for this article

Brown, Peter L. Megaliths, Myths and Men: An Introduction to Astro-Astronomy || Boehrer, Kt

Declination, The Other Dimension || Cornelius, Geoffrey, Secret Language of the Stars and Planets ||

Goodale, Rene, "Venus Out of Bounds" Geocosmic Magazine, Fall 1996 || Hebel, Doris A.

"Progressed Declinations" NCGR Journal, Fall 1997 || Jayne, Charles, Parallels of Declination ||

Krupp, Dr. C.E., Echoes of the Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations || Krupp, Dr. C.E.,

Beyond the Blue Horizon: Myths and Legends of the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets || Scofield, Bruce:

"The Moon and the Megaliths: The Mountain Astrologer (TMA), June 1996 || Westin, Leigh: Beyond

the Solstice by Declination Willner, John: The Powerful Declinations

The following articles from NCGR Geocosmic Magazine, Spring 1998

Westin, Leigh, "What on Earth is Declination"

Christino, Karen, "The Progressed Moon in Declination"

Ramsey, Martha, "Declination - the Basics"

Gillman, Ken, "Stations of the Moon"

McEvoy, Francis, "Out of Bounds Gallery"

Vaughan, Valerie, "Occultation: The Conjunction in Longitude and Declination"

More information on solargraphs:

More information on the Standstill Cycle:

Astrid Fallon’s excellent site:

More information on archeoastronomy and ancient sites:

Information on Callanish:

Linea Van Horn, C.A., NCGR, is the Astrologer at Large. Linea is

Founder and President Emerita of the San Francisco Astrological

Society (1992-2014) and has served on three NCGR boards, including

the Board of Examiners. Formerly employed in the astrology Internet

industry, Linea is a respected teacher, published author, and popular,

lively presenter. She now devotes herself to client work, teaching,

writing, and community building in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit

her at Member of AFAN, ISAR and

OPA. Email Linea: [email protected]



Chuck Berry: Reelin’ and Rockin’

Alan Annand

Like Pablo Picasso, Stephen King and several others, Chuck Berry is proof positive that having three

debilitated planets in your birth chart is no impediment to reaching the top of your game. But

America’s iconic rock ‘n’ roll pioneer was frequently in trouble, and we can only credit his chart – not

his parents or his upbringing – for the cantankerous character he ultimately became. His father was

deacon of a Baptist church, his mother a highschool principal. Chuck Berry was born in St. Louis,

Missouri, USA, at 06h59 on October 18, 1926. (Birth data courtesy of Astrodatabank.)

Note first that Berry had Ruchaka Yoga, courtesy of a double-strength (own sign and retrograde) Mars

in his 7th house. This defining astrological characteristic fueled his persona both onstage and off,

including his run-ins with the law, his aggressive guitar licks, the swaggering stage moves, and the

modern lyrics that reflected the restless passion of teenage America embracing adventure and

rebellion. Chuck Berry had an ego that he wore on his sleeve. In the kendras are both kshatriya planets

– the Sun and Mars – always ready for a rumble. But the Sun is debilitated in the ascendant, and

aggravated by that powerful Mars. Chuck Berry was not a team player – he was the perpetual star of

his own road show, and his whole life confirmed it.

While still in highshool, he robbed three cars at gunpoint and was sent to reform school to finish his

education. Years later, he was arrested under the Mann Act, transporting a minor across state lines for

immoral purposes, and went to prison for three years. Age didn’t mellow him. In his fifties he was

charged with assault and battery against one of his own backup singers. Even Keith Richards got

punched in the face one night when he tried to intercept Berry backstage as he was leaving a gig with a

guitar case stuffed full of cash.



Berry married at age 22 and remarkably, despite multiple infidelities, stayed married to the same

woman for 68 years until his death. In the early days, he worked in an automobile assembly plant, and

later trained to be a beautician. But music was always his driving passion.

He formed a band while he was in reform school, and the warden even let them out to play some gigs.

He took lessons to become a better guitar player, fused the blues with country western music, and

became known in his area as a “black hillbilly” for his brand of music. Although Berry was a

competent musician and a lively performer, it was his songwriting that ultimately earned him a place

in America’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame. With both Mercury and Jupiter in the kendras, and

Budhaditya Yoga in the ascendant, he had a remarkable way with lyrics, and captured the spirit of a

young America on the cusp of social and sexual revolution.

He had one of those relatively rare yogas – Mahabhagya, found in only 3% of the population – that

can be thought of as representing a male archetype. He was a man born during the day, with his

ascendant, Sun and Moon all in positive signs. He had balls, and he wasn’t shy about flaunting them –

in his numerous sexual affairs, his bellicose manner, and his swaggering stage presence.

Every one of his debilitated planets enjoyed some sort of relief. Before itemizing those details, let’s

review the rules for Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. A debilitated planet is relieved if:

it is aspected by its dispositor,

its dispositor is angular,

the lord of its exaltation sign is in a kendra, or

the planet that would be exalted in its debilitation sign is angular.

However, keep in mind that one or two of these conditions constitutes only a weak form of

compensation, like a broken-legged man being given a crutch. True Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga status

is typically reserved for situations where the debilitated planet enjoys three or four means of relief.



His debilitated Sun is rescued by that powerful Mars in the

7th, which qualifies because it’s the lord of the Sun’s

exaltation sign. His debilitated Jupiter is relieved by the

aspect of its dispositor Saturn, and by the angularity of Mars

which would be exalted in Capricorn. And his debilitated

Venus is relieved because its dispositor Mercury is in a

kendra. But of these three debilitated planets, the Sun and

Venus are barely relieved, which was reflected in the fact

that Berry had both an unchecked ego and a messy love life.

His Jupiter, however, enjoys at least moderate relief, thanks

mostly to the compensation from his powerful Mars. As

lord of the 3rd and 6th houses, Jupiter delivers artistic

prowess, showmanship and a competitive spirit. Its

residency in the 4th seemed to have played out in a

relatively happy and comfortable retirement.

The other significant and life-defining pattern in Chuck Berry’s chart is the Parivartana Yoga between

lagnesh Venus in the 12th house, exchanging signs with 12th lord Mercury in the lagna. Primary

among its meanings are pleasures of the bed, addictions, institutionalization, and loss of face or

money. As mentioned earlier, he indulged in many sexual affairs, including one with a 14-year-old

waitress, which landed him in prison. In his fifties, drug enforcement agents raided his house and

found drugs and guns, but also videotapes from the women’s washroom of a restaurant he owned. The

resulting class action lawsuit filed by 59 women cost him a settlement of $1.2 million plus legal fees.

With lagnesh Venus debilitated in the 12th house, its periods were almost universally problematic for

him – either putting him behind bars or costing him a bundle.

His brief string of armed car robberies sent him to reform

school when he was running Saturn dasha, Venus bhukti.

When his next Venus bhukti came around 18 years later during

Mercury dasha, this activated his Dainya (unfortunate)

Parivartana Yoga. Caught transporting a minor across state

lines for sexual purposes, he went to prison for three years.

During Venus dasha, Rahu bhukti, he had a whole string of

trouble – charged with assault and battery, arrested for drug

possession, taken to court in a class action suit that cost him a

fortune. In its bhukti, Rahu in the 9th spells some legal

problems on its own, but its occupation of Gemini also

invoked Mercury’s participation in his Parivartana Yoga, and

the troubles piled on.

But Mercury also had its virtues. Aside from Budhaditya Yoga,

Mercury also formed Raja Yoga with his powerful Mars, and Dhana Yogas with both his Sun and

Mars. Although his initial success occurred in Saturn-Jupiter, it was his Mercury dasha in the late

1950s and early 1960s that cemented his place in American music. He had a whole string of hits in this

period – Roll Over Beethoven, Rock and Roll Music, Sweet Little Sixteen, Johnny B. Goode, Back in

the USA, Nadine – that sold millions of records and made Chuck Berry a rich man.



Although his Ruchaka Yoga was the powerhouse that drove his persona and career, so too was his

Mars a malefic with greater-than-normal power to harm. As both lord of the 2nd house and occupant

of the 7th, Mars is a full-fledged maraka. In esoteric terms, a maraka planet first spells death of the

spiritual Self, through pursuit of money (the 2nd) and sex (the 7th). From there, its interpretation

generalizes to suggest the death of all things, including the physical self.

Chuck Berry died in Mars dasha, Mars bhukti. Further note that Mars in its periods will also fulfill the

mandate of its nakshatra lord Venus, debilitated lagnesh in the 12th, signifying losses and endings of

every kind… Berry contributed three things to rock music: an irresistible swagger, a focus on guitar

riffs as primary melodic elements, and an emphasis on songwriting as storytelling. Less well known is

the fact that his Johnny B. Goode was the only rock-and-roll song included in the Golden Record

collection sent out on the Voyager space missions of 1977. Chosen as a form of cultural message-in-a-

bottle, these were intended for any intelligent extra-terrestrial life that may discover them, centuries or

millennia from now.

Someday in the distant future, aliens too may be singing, “Hail, hail, rock ‘n’ roll!”

Alan Annand is a graduate of the American College of Vedic Astrology and a

former tutor for the British Faculty of Astrological Studies. His book Stellar

Astrology offers a compilation of techniques, in-depth celebrity profiles, and

analysis of world events through the perspective of Vedic astrology. Parivartana

Yoga is a reference text for one of the most common yet powerful planetary

combinations in Jyotish. Mutual Reception is an expanded companion volume

for western practitioners, covering the same subject of planetary exchange

through the lens of traditional western astrology. He also writes fiction. His New

Age Noir mystery series (Scorpio Rising, Felonious Monk and Soma County)

feature astrologer and palmist Axel Crowe, whom one reviewer has dubbed

“Sherlock Holmes with a horoscope.” You can find his books on Amazon,

Apple, Barnes&Noble, Kobo and Smashwords. Websites:




Tania Daniels Question

Should I stay in my actual department and work on a new project or accept the controlling position?

Background The client was a young woman, who was finishing her apprenticeship in a major enterprise. This kind

of in service training provides students with both theoretical and practical experience. My client was

at the very end of her formation and had been told by her boss that he was reluctant, but there was no

possibility to assume her in a steady position. However, there was the possibility to work for a short

term project in the same department of order procession, but not much was yet known about it. The

other possibility was a controller job, in another department, which was more appealing to her, but she

was unsure about future career possibilities. She asked me which job to choose, as she wanted to stay

in this company.

The client is described by the AC in

Libra and its ruler Venus. Venus in

Capricorn describes her as someone

who is ambitious and hard working.

Venus is angular on the IC and thus

strong, which is why the client is in

the happy situation of being allowed to

choose between two job options. Still,

the planet is peregrine, the querent is

not at the right place, she feels like a

fish out of water. Venus is going to

trine Jupiter, a strong indication of a

good job. Jupiter rules the 6th house

(working place) and the 3rd house

(contracts), and is the exaltation ruler

of the 10th (career). Jupiter is in the

12th house. That trine will happen at

13° Virgo, when Jupiter has returned

to the 11th house. Something which is

not yet organized or decided or

something the querent is still not

aware of (12th house) might become a

good job opportunity (11th house).

Actual job The ruler of the querent’s actual job (10th house) is the Moon in the 3rd house, which represents papers

and communication and correctly describes her job in the order processing. The Moon is in her own

bounds (Ptolemy), which describes this position not as a dream job, but acceptable for the moment.

Controlling job The controlling job is described by Saturn, the heaviest planet, natural ruler of rigor, severity and tests.

The Moon has just separated from Saturn, which indicates an already happened (but possibly still not

conscious) inner alienation. Saturn is also peregrine in aversion with Venus, which does not make this

job appear to be a springboard of the woman’s career, but rather represents a possible dead end (also

consider the dispositor of Saturn in the 12th house).



The project job The short termed job in order processing is described by Mercury. He is also peregrine, but stronger

due to his angular position than Saturn. Mercury is the fastest planet after the Moon. Since this project

is short termed, the association seems appropriate.

Let’s now have a look at the Moon She has just separated from a sextile to the Sun (natural ruler of authority), which describes the

querent’s boss job offer. As the Sun is in its detriment, he was not able to offer her something

‘‘outstanding’’. Next the Moon will apply a square with Jupiter, describing some kind of conflict.

Jupiter is a benefic, but he is in the house of secrets, so possibly something about the project/job is still

unclear or not yet organized. The planet is retrograde until the May 10th, which is why I expected, that

the project would not start until this moment (or else other possibilities would appear). At that

moment, transit Jupiter would also be conjunct the natal AC of the querent, indicating a moment of

growth. Possibly in small steps (Jupiter in Virgo), but well planned!

Conclusion I advised the querent to decide for the short term project because this job opportunity was slightly

more promising than the controller job, but that she might also expect something else coming up. I

advised her further not to sign any contract or start a job before May 22nd, 2016, when Jupiter would

have turned direct, close to the cusp of her 1st house (see chart below, client’s data withhold).

This day, also Mercury, natural ruler of

contracts, would have turned direct

(retrograde from May 18th- June 22nd,

2016), aspecting Jupiter by trine.

Jupiter was transiting until the end of

2016 through the 1st house of her radix

, which is why I asked her to take the

opportunities which would her being

offered during this transit, but also not

to fly too high and decide about her

opportunities carefully.

How did the story end?

The client resigned from her actual

position at the end of May (when

Mercury had turned direct) and started

a new job in another company on

August 1st, 2016. That company dealt

with large construction sites, which is

well described by Jupiter in Virgo. The

time is shown by the Moon-Jupiter

aspect, which needs 7° in order to

complete: seven months after the

question, the querent had a new job, she

hadn’t known about before.



Tania Daniels, born in 1972 became interested in Astrology in 1998 and

finished training in psychological astrology in 2002 at the Berlin school of

the German Astrology Association (DAV). In 2009, Tania started studying

a master’s course in Horary at the School of Traditional Astrology (STA)

with Deborah Houlding. In 2015, she became involved in Hellenistic

Astrology and is currently completing her studies with Chris Brennan. She

has also enrolled in Robert Zoeller’s Medieval Astrology Course. Tania’s

articles are published in German, English and Italian in the main

astrological journals. She gives readings in Italian, German, English and

Spanish. Her other interests are Ayurveda, naturopathy and Past Life

Regression Therapy. Tania has three children and lives in Italy near

Perugia. Her website is and you can find her page on

Facebook at




Claustrophobia at the Movies

Mandi Lockley

Buried is one of the most claustrophobic movies you will ever see: 95 minutes of Ryan Reynolds

buried alive in a wooden coffin in Iraq. With him, just a few props such as a cell phone, lighter, flask,

flashlight and knife. The point of view never shifts from Reynold’s character Conroy so the audience,

like Conroy, never sees above ground, only experiencing what Conroy experiences as he negotiates by

phone with his kidnappers interspersed with calls to the State Department who promise they are trying

to find him and a heart-breaking conversation with his wife.

It’s hardly a surprise to find a mega Scorpio stellium in Ryan Reynold’s chart. Sun, Moon, Mars,

Uranus and the North Node all abide in the first 10 degrees of Scorpio. He was born on the dark of a

Scorpio Moon on October 23rd 1976, actually a total solar eclipse. During this eclipse, the Moon

totally blocked the Sun and the world became a place of darkness, just like Conroy’s world in the film.

With a solar eclipse in Scorpio it’s no reach to suggest that its darkness offers a taste of the

underworld, a place where we at least psychologically, feel buried alive. His Sun-Moon-Mars-Uranus

conjunction in Scorpio symbolises the union of his character Conroy’s needs and wants (Sun conjunct

Moon) - his fight (Mars) to escape (Uranus) his underground prison (Scorpio).

It also highlights his scorpionic resourcefulness and willingness to do whatever it takes to secure his

release and save his family, including cutting off his own finger (Mars in Scorpio). It stands for his

seeming imperturbability in the face of impossible odds and his location in a war zone – we hear

explosions going off overhead. Saturn in Leo squares the Scorpio stellium (most specifically to Mars

and Uranus) symbolising the unsurmountable challenge he faces, ultimately being blocked by the very



authorities professing to try to rescue him. Saturn also stands for the sands of time and the viewer is

made very aware that Conroy’s time is

running out when his coffin literally starts to

fill up with sand.

Eclipses symbolise the end of something and

I will leave the reader to guess whether or

not Reynold’s character ever sees the sun

again (or watch the film if you dare). Buried

is set on October 23rd 2006, Reynold’s

birthday, and his solar return, with the

transiting Sun just into Scorpio and conjunct

his natal Sun, activating his stellium, along

with transiting Moon, Mercury and Jupiter in

Scorpio. It’s hard to imagine anyone else in

this role and unsurprisingly Reynolds

received high critical acclaim for it. In 2006

Saturn was in Leo, having returned to the

sign it was in when Ryan was born and this

role was hailed as one in which Ryan

Reynolds matured as an actor.

Another claustrophobic movie is The Chamber

It follows three Navy Seals on a covert mission in the Yellow Sea off the dangerous shores of the

Korean Peninsula. When they force a Swedish captain to take them to the seabed in his rusty old

submersible, equipped only for a crew of two, tensions between the groups are quick to surface. When

an explosion causes the sub to overturn and take on water, the crew come face to face with their

mortality when they realise not all of them will escape with their lives.

The Chamber is the impressive feature debut from British Director Ben Parker. Like Ryan Reynolds,

Parker has Sun and Uranus in Scorpio. The Sun is at 6 degrees and Uranus at 24 degrees, bridged by

Mercury in Scorpio at 17 Scorpio, retrograde. The Moon is also in a water sign, Cancer, and while the

degree is not known (unknown birth time) it will be in a trine with at least one of the Scorpio planets.



The Chamber, written as well as directed by Parker, reflects the watery theme of his chart. It has the

icy, deep, dark dangerous waters symbolised by the Scorpio planets and the cramped, womb-like sub,

symbolised by the Moon in Cancer. Moon in Cancer needs to feel secure which can mean that raw

emotions are contained, crammed, within a shell of self-protection. In the movie, the shell protecting

the sea (scorpionic dangerous, dark, raw emotions) from the crew is the old and overloaded

submersible. When the sub’s barrier is breached and seawater leaks in, the emotions released escalate

into violence quickly.

Mercury in Scorpio is exactly opposite Chiron in Parker’s chart and Chiron is in fact the handle of his

bucket shaped chart. With this aspect, words can hurt, but words can also heal and there are a lot of

hurtful words spoken between the characters in The Chamber, but when (spoiler alert), we are left with

just two surviving characters - the Captain whose constant warnings of danger had gone unheeded, and

the abrasive female leader of the Seals - the healing words flow as the water level inside the sub rises.

Parkers’ Scorpio and Cancer chart signature and the Mercury in Scorpio-Chiron in Taurus aspect in

particular, reflects that Parker himself is a self-confessed claustrophobic who tapped into his fears by

writing a screenplay about being trapped in a tight space underwater, but also faced those fears for

real, shooting the movie in claustrophobic conditions, often up to his neck in water.

That Parker made a movie about

violence underwater, set in a

foreign war zone, is also reflected

by his wide conjunction of Mars

and Neptune in Sagittarius. This is

a great combo for making

adventure (Sagittarius) movies

(Neptune) with themes of war,

violence and deadly peril (Mars).

Transiting Neptune was exactly

Square natal Mars when the film

was released in March 2017, as

well as Solar Arc Mars coming up

to Square natal Neptune,

highlighting and intensifying the natal aspect. An auspicious a time as any to launch his career as a

film director! Additionally, the transiting Jupiter in Libra-Uranus in Aries opposition was exact on

Parker’s Pluto in Libra, signifying the underwater explosion that led to the sub suffering deadly

damage at the bottom of the ocean and the vicious negotiations (Libra) that decided who would die

and who might have a chance at surviving.

Chart Data

Ryan Reynolds

23 October 1976 at 04:30am, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (Rodden rating C).

Ben Parker

birth details not on public record, used with permission

Mandi Lockley is a London based astrologer and author and former student of the London School of

Astrology. She has written for the Journal of the Astrological Association of Great Britain as well as

for numerous websites, including her own Astroair blog. She published the e-book Saturn in Scorpio:

Your Guide through the Dark in 2012 and has recently been published as a fiction author. She is

committed to self-development – emotionally, spiritually and intellectually – and believes in doing

her best to live life purposefully, in service to others and in harmony with the cycles of the universe.

These values are also the focus of her client work.



Dr. Ruth Brown

Crucified by the FDA & the AMA

Marguerite dar Boggia

Dr. Ruth Drown was the most unique woman in developing radionics to heal people. She developed

and refined a means of diagnosis, treatment, and visual representation on photographic plate of any

cross section of disease organisms, tissue or organs of her choosing Her chart reveals why:

She was born on October 21, 1891 at 3:11 AM in Greeley, Colorado. The time is from herself to

Arthur Young, the inventor of the Bell Helicopter and author of Nested Time, his astrological

autobiography.1 With Virgo rising (the sign of healing) and five planets in air signs and six in mutable

signs, Ruth had a considerable amount of finesse, insight, understanding, intuition, and reserve. She

had the ability to look beneath the surface of things and to grasp the underlying unity amidst apparent

outward diversity. This is where she differed from her mentors. The air signs lightened her grave

appearance. She could laugh at herself



The ruling planet is Saturn. Declination equivalent Saturn was exactly on her Virgo ascendant. (A

declination equivalent planet's degree, above or below the celestial horizon, is converted into degrees

of longitude). She had a rather stern, commanding appearance. Saturn gave her the power to achieve

through perseverance and industry. Mars conjoined Saturn in the 1st house. Saturn inclines towards

the scientific attitude. Through deep thought and careful meditation, she effectually planned and

organized (Saturn). Dynamic Mars gave her the courage and capability to explore to the depths of the

subject. Sun in the sign of Libra, gained for her great popularity amidst her many grateful admirers.

With the Moon strong on the Midheaven, she subconsciously desired children. Sun, Mercury and

Venus conjoining Uranus were the aspects that endowed her with fantastic GENIUS, rejected by the

orthodoxy, intent on destroying her work.

At the age of 19 when progressed Venus sextiled Mars, she married

a farmer.1a She had two children. She had domestic problems with

her husband. Saturn conjoining Mars in the first house, endowed

her with a strong personality. She would not be dominated by

anyone. Uranus conjoining the Sun is the urge for FREEDOM. She

separated from her husband in 1918. Pisces is on the cusp of the 7th

house of partners. Venus quincunxes Neptune, the ruler of the 7th

house. This aspect indicates a separation from spouse. Ruth’s father

was a professional photographer. He taught her everything he knew

about photography. Saturn in the first house, suggests that she

identified with her Father. This photographic knowledge was

important for her future work. She found work for maintenance,

operation and repairs of addressing machines. She had no

experience with mechanics, but this was the experience needed for

her future work. (Uranus conjoins Sun).

At this time building radios was very popular. She was fascinated with this hobby (Uranus conjunct

Sun and Venus). In 1923, she worked for Dr. Frederick F. Strong, who used radio energies for healing

of patients. Saturn (work) semi-sextiled natal Sun. Uranus rules the 6th house of healing. Where

Jupiter is in the chart, is what we value. Jupiter is in the 6th house of health and healing. Virgo, in the

first house, is the sign related to health, healing, and service to others. This is what her soul wanted.

That she was successful is signified by Mercury, the ruler of the Midheaven, in a trine aspect to it and

to the Moon in the 10th house. (career) That she was very financially successful is testified to by the

heavily tenanted 2nd house (finance) and by Venus trine Jupiter.

Dr. Strong was using the techniques of Dr. Albert Abrams who discovered that all histological tissue

radiates a vital life force. The tissues could be classified numerically. He used a pendulum on the

abdomen of the patient for diagnosis and for healing. Ruth’s healing instincts and intuitive abilities

(Neptune and Pluto conjoining the MC) soon became apparent. She was offered a full time job by Dr.

Thomas McAllister, an osteopath, which she accepted. [Progressed MC sextiled Saturn (work)] He

was delighted by her ambition. He lent her all his books and gave her instruction in the medical arts.

Ruth went to a chiropractic school and in 1927 when progressed Mars conjoined Mercury, she became

a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic.. While at school she experimented in new ways to use the vital life

energy in the practice of radionics. (Sun, Mercury, Venus conjunct Uranus) She became convinced

that the use of wall outlet AC electricity was a huge mistake and contaminated the patient with a

coarse energy that was anathema to the subtler life force emanations. She developed her own

technique, using a photographic plate. She was able to diagnose and treat at great distances. Moon is

the highest planet in the Map. This contributed to her fame and to her instincts of nurturing and

compassion for the sick and elderly. It squared Saturn, signifying the challenges she would encounter

and the need to dominate any negative emotions of resentment and anger. She was an avid student of

the Ageless Wisdom Teachings and the Caballa at the age of 16. (Moon in Gemini, studies). Dr.

Strong and Dr. Abrams also were familiar with the teachings of Theosophy.



The ninth house signifies our belief system, philosophy and higher mind. She has Neptune and Pluto,

in the 9th house, together with the No. Node of the Moon. She aspired to Self-realization. She wrote

and published books (9th house - publishing). In 1935, Ruth had perfected her instrument. She devised

a way to channel the same vital Life force energy that she was detecting with the diagnosis portion of

her instrument through a photographic plate. Utilizing a special reverse method of film development,

she produced photographs of tissue anywhere within the body, using only a dried drop of the patient's

blood on a piece of blotter paper.

At this time progressed ascendant conjoined natal Sun (27+ Libra) forming a YOD aspect. (A yod is

formed by two sextile planets both quincunx a planet at the apex. It forms a ‘V’. A yod is called a

finger of God aspect because it relates to one’s destiny). This was the start of her real destiny.

Natal So. Node of the Moon (26+ Scorpio) sextiled the midpoint of Saturn and Mars (27+ Virgo) and

both quincunxed progressed descendant (27+Aries). In 1938 She published The Science and

Philosophy of the Drown Radio Therapy2 She believed that Life is energy; Life is consciousness and

Life is substance. She explained the system this way on page 22: “A drop of blood is placed on a

blotter. The atoms are crystallized, and remain stationary as far as our five senses can discern, but the

energy constantly supplying the activity of the nucleus of the atom is very much active and alive, and

goes back to the source, which is the path of the body.”

On Page 34 she writes: “So-called ‘space’ is proving

that sound and light are carried instantly to any place

in the world, and cannot be insulated. Our own

photographs of an object or person in any part of the

world, taken with the Drown Radio-Vision Instrument,

using energy alone, and no visible light, disprove the

idea that there can be just space, and show that space

has within it all the qualities of light brought down to

substance.” On Page 59, she says: “When we place the

blood of an individual, be he ill or healthy, into our

instrument, we tune in on our dials to the rate of

vibration of the organ or gland we desire to

photograph. We next drop a film of the desired color

sensitivity into the container of the hookup and use the same timing and development we would

employ in taking a picture by the usual methods. Our photograph is then completed upon the film.

“This procedure is proof of the various states we have previously made concerning light. It is also

proof that everything in the Universe has a rate of vibration, and that the emanation from any radio-

active substance can produce its own picture. Therefore, if its action is the same as light, it must be a

form of light.” Ruth sought to measure the degree of deviation from perfection, and then to rectify any

imbalances or deficiencies. Thus her rate for the liver is 48; this would be set on the instrument and the

deviation from 0, tested. Any significant reading would indicate a problem, either in the liver or

elsewhere in the body which was affecting the liver. Her principal treatment method was to feed the

'perfect' rate back to the respective diseased location in the patient, either by wires or remotely, the

idea being that as new cells were created they would be healthy and would replace the diseased

structures.4 She was exceedingly successful. She healed thousands of people.

She was brought to trial by the FDA on trumped up charges. The AMA rejected radionics. This was

the beginning of her crucifixion. (Jupiter squares Neptune, the ruler of the 7th house of open enemies).

The FDA used her black box, with its knobs and photographic plate, against her for crossing the State

line. The 10th house Moon (career) squares the ascendant, (herself) and Saturn (her work). Arthur

Young3, the inventor of the Bell Helicopter, was tremendously impressed by Ruth Drown. He had a

toothache. He asked Ruth to take a photograph of his condition. There was nothing like a camera in

any sense of the word.



The photographic plate was placed in a lightproof box and Arthur Young was connected up with it.

She then withdrew the film and developed it in the light. This would normally have resulted in a light-

struck film, but the picture was an 8 x 10 print, with a detailed photo of a tooth. He requested that

she do it again. This time he put his hand on his jaw. It showed a TOOTH ENLARGED.

Arthur Young was so impressed with her work that when she was brought to trial, for fraud and

medical quackery, he testified in her favor. When one of her patients was cross-examined by the

attorney for the prosecution, the attorney vehemently quiered: "You don't mean to tell me that she

could diagnose at a distance!?" The patient replied. "Yes precisely that. I was in an automobile

accident and called her by phone. She told me what bones were broken (from the blood spot)

and this was confirmed later when x-rays were taken." Dr. Ruth Drown lost the case and was

convicted. Ruth’s appeals dragged on unsuccessfully for years. Her instruments were seized and

destroyed. Shortly after her release from a short term prison sentence, she suffered two strokes and

died on March 13, 1965. (Progressed Saturn conjoined natal Mars, the co-ruler of the 7th house and

the 8th house of death).

Many considered her a medical genius and a brilliant woman.


1.Young, Arthur M. Nested Time, an Astrological Autobiography , Anodos Foundation 2004. p. 149

Dr.Ruth Drown was Born on 10/21/1891 at 3:11 AM in Greely Colorado, 104W42'12"; 40N24'54"

The time is from herself to Arthur Young.

1a. Dr. Ruth B. Drown, America's Greatest Radionics Innovator, The

2. Drown, Dr. Ruth B., The Science and Philosophy of the Drown Radio Therapy, The Ward Richie

press, Los Angeles, California , 1938. P.22 (The book is out of print, but I have an autographed copy.)

3. Young, Arthur M. Ibid, pgs.146-148

4. RADIONICS - A Brief History by Nick Franks BA, MRadA


Marguerite dar Boggia presently serves as Membership Secretary for ISAR,

the International Society for Astrological Research. She was past Secretary and

Director of ISAR and Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She was a co-

founder of UAC and its past Secretary and Director. Her goal is to serve

humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. To that end, she offers free,

online, three pages weekly of the Esoteric Teachings as was known by

Pythagoras. To receive these studies, she can be contacted at her website which

she created at the age of 90:




Tara Aal

I had a dream this week. I was with my evolutionary astrology teacher in an

old truck. She was sitting in the passenger seat, but clearly driving because

I was sure I wasn’t. As the dream went on, I looked over to see her driving

and realized she was not. I was in the driver’s seat. I had no memory of

driving, but we were slowly moving forward through intersections and

different areas. I had been driving all along with no idea how. The Hermit

is wisdom and guidance. In a reading, the Hermit may signify a teacher or

mentor that supports us on our life journey. The Hermit always represents

our inner wisdom. If an external teacher appears, a true teacher shows by

example the wisdom he or she has become through his/her own journey. I

believe our journey is being who we are. We think we are finding who we

are, but this finding is in the being. The best teachers, like mine, never take

the wheel. Even if we need to believe they do for a while, they don’t. They

journey with us, as a reflected part of us and as part of their own personal


The Hermit is associated with Virgo. Virgo’s purity is becoming the pure essence of oneself. Time

may be required to discern which thoughts, feelings, attributes, goals and aspirations (or seemingly

lack there-of) are truly part of us. In the Hermit’s journey, we find what we’ve taken on through

introjection; what we are not. We experience the sanctity of our being. The journey to our own

wisdom can be a dark and lonely experience. There may seem to be very little light to guide us. Even

if we enjoy being alone, this energy is different. It’s a call to meet ourselves stripped down and bare.

We generally find ourselves less social and perhaps more withdrawn than usual. We need much of our

energy to navigate our inner world. Per, a hermit is: “a person who has withdrawn to a

solitary place for a life of religious seclusion.” From the tarot perspective, the solitary place is within

oneself and a period of seclusion on some level is necessary to prepare for the next stage which almost

always involves bringing new wisdom, knowledge or experience out into the world. The Hermit can

be the uncomfortable, seemingly tight space we feel ourselves in when we acknowledge that nothing

will move us further along than having our own experience. No amount of information or intellectual

insights will replace the need to assimilate what we’ve gathered into us.

This assimilation within ourselves, of ourselves, is wisdom. Anything that we have fully experienced

in this way is available to bless all life. The blessing of this wisdom is not defined by our type of work,

but in simply being who/what we are. We emanate what we embody. We can learn about something,

like Antarctica, but it is not the same as being there. When we embody, we are it, and naturally,

anyone/anything around us is with it. The Hermit’s wisdom is human manifestation of Spirit. Imagine

taking something in, like beauty. Then this beauty breaks down in you. Now it is part of you. It takes

new form as you. You are beauty, in your way, the way your being was made to be beauty. No other

being can be beauty as you. Your beauty may be the one version that emanates the perfect frequency,

in the perfect moment, for someone else to feel theirs and take it in…

Tara Aal has been practicing and teaching astrology and tarot since 2011. She completed

Laura Nalbandian’s three-year Evolutionary Astrology program and is a certified Soulsign

Astrologer through Adam Gainsburg’s Immersion program. In her hometown, the Seattle

area, Tara practiced astrology and tarot privately, at Stargazers Bookstore and Higher

Wellness Health Care Practice. She was a co-host and repeating guest on local radio shows.

Relocating to New York City January 2016 and Los Angeles February 2017, Tara offers

private sessions and continues writing and speaking. She lectured at NORWAC 2014 and

2016 and will lecture at UAC 2018. Her website is




Stepping Stones of Life

Kim Buckley

The Major Arcana consists of 21 cards starting with The Fool this is pure innocence , exciting ,

unpredictable energy he is yet to experience feelings of guilt , responsibility , love , fear , rejection and

hate he is pure. This is the very beginning of his journey and along the way he will encounter many

different people and life changing events that will allow him to experience the various emotions that

leave a dent or a deep impact on his mind , body and soul. We are all born as The Fool our strengths

and weaknesses will determine the road that we take. I see the major arcana as stepping stones of life

that will eventually take us to our desired destination.

Tarot Card’s are mirrors and will reflect what is going on in a person's life, and reveal what particular

stage they are at . They offer wisdom and the opportunity to help people that are facing life challenges,

traumas or crisis, if interpreted in the right way they can relieve fear and anxiety , help build

confidence and empower individuals to make informed decisions. Tarot gives the reader a window to

peer into the client’s life gaining access to the severity of a person's situation helping them to assess

what action needs to be taken and how they can empower themselves. In this article I have selected

three cards from the Major Arcana The hanged man , Death and Temperance .

The Hanged Man

I will start with the Hanged Man. he is number 12 and associated with the planet Neptune. In

numerology he resonates with number 3 which is often associated with birth , creativity , new plans

but also death. In the Rider Waite card image he is suspended from a tree with his hands behind his

back. At first glance he looks trapped like there is no escape , but when you look closer this could be

an illusion because his hands are behind his back are they actually tied ? Could he release himself at

any moment ? He also has a bright light shining behind his head. Has he chosen to remain upside

down because this helps him escape and gives him time to reflect and find a solution ? The sky is

clear and there is growth on the branches so although it appears that time is standing still life is still

going on around him, his legs cross to make a number 4 which is associated with solid foundations

this confirms that all is not lost. By surrendering to the situation he should be able to find the answers

he seeks.



He may have felt overwhelmed, and decided to give up and let

go, just by being rather than doing has he found the answers he

was looking for ? When The Hanged Man appears there is

normally some sort of confusion or sacrifice that needs to be

made, things may seem all up in the air and out of control. You

could be being asked to let go of something that you previously

thought was ideal but actually turned out to be unsuitable and

unrealistic . It can also appear at a time when things feel

unclear like a mist has descended all around and you cannot see

a clear path ahead.

An important time to trust one's instincts and intuition rather

than logic. I would recommend using Yoga , Meditation or

some form of therapy to still the mind to prevent depression ,

despair or anxiety and gain clarity. Normally not a great time to

make major decisions but a great time to reflect and look at all

the various possibilities and the opportunity to look at things

from a different angle . Whatever the circumstance or situation

the Hanged Man energy can often stop people in their tracks because they cannot find the answers they

need to move forward . There is an awareness that change is imminent but patience is needed to let the

fog clear before you take the next step. Perhaps you have to surrender to something rather than trying

to fight it, go with the flow and be in tune with your feelings they will not fail you.


The next step in the Fool’s journey is some kind of ending there

is a need to let go in order to make way for a rebirth,

regeneration or transformation. The Reaper is coming whether

he’s welcome or not , it’s The Death Card number 13 of the

Major Arcana associated with Scorpio. In Numerology Death

resonates with the number 4 associated with structure . If a

decision was not made with The Hanged Man then Death can be

a very difficult to deal with especially if the person is hanging on

to something that no longer serves them. Whenever I pull the

Death card in a reading the client will often display signs of

distress and fear, they associate it with negativity, danger and

physical death or that someone they love is going to die . I will

often take time out of the reading to explain just how wonderful

this card can be, and it can mean a death of a situation ,

relationship or a behaviour. I point out the Sunshine and the

gateway leading to a new path, the horse is white for purity

something new awaits them, and although it may be painful to let

go it will not be in vain. The Death card asks us to let go of

things that no longer make us feel alive. There is a lesson to learn about the cycle of life and death,

whatever is born must die and getting overly attached to people , circumstances and items can create

deep hurt especially when we have to say goodbye. Some people will hold on to a dead situation or the

past because the fear of letting go is just too overwhelming.



There is normally a need to restructure some part of the life, by accepting the changes and going with

the flow transformation can take place and allow the person to become a Phoenix and rise from the

ashes wiser and stronger ready to face life in a different way.


After letting go and surrendering it is now time to heal and

restore peace and balance . In comes Temperance often referred

to as the Angel of the Tarot number 14 of the Major Arcana and

associated with Sagittarius . Temperance resonates with number

5 in Numerology associated with conflict , challenge and

readjustment . The Angel stands with one foot in the water and

one foot on the land and pours liquid from one chalice to

another. Reminding us that life is in constant flow, and if we can

manage to keep a continuous flow between the material world

and our subconscious then there is the possibility of something

magical happening . If we stop the flow then stagnation takes

place and we can often focus on the wrong things creating an

imbalance , losing sight of our true life mission and obtaining

inner peace and happiness. After Death there is often a feeling

of emptiness and loneliness Temperance brings reassurance that

everything will be ok . This will often be a time when healing is

recommended or you will feel healing energy come into your

life. You can mend your brokenness everything can be fixed including the Soul. Patience is normally

needed at this time to restore faith , self belief and reestablish your life path. There is need to be kind

to yourself and work out the best way forward , understanding that the universe is full of abundance

that can be tapped into at anytime will prevent excessive behaviour and help your transition to calmer


All three cards together tell a story of addiction , escapism, avoidance and healing bringing deep

feelings of hopelessness and reaching into the darkness. This period in a person's life can be a major

milestone it’s a time when they will have to choose whether they give into their animalistic behaviour

or recoup , heal and find balance. The Universe will always step in to reclaim you from darkness

offering the chance to cleanse mind body and soul and create a path to freedom. No matter how hard

the journey or how dark things become there will always be a ray of light waiting and someone

looking out for you .

I studied two Tarot courses several years ago with the wonderful Sue Merlyn Farebrother who

teaches at both Treadwells and the LSA check them out if you are interested in learning Tarot.

Sue has over 30 years of Tarot knowledge and lectures all over the country. I will always be

grateful to Sue for introducing and teaching me all about Tarot. I then went on to study Astrology

at the London School of Astrology with the fabulous Frank C Clifford. I passed the Foundation

course and I am still to tackle the diploma, but I am determined to go back and at least give it a

go. Frank and Sue have been great mentors, they have inspired and motivated me to set up my

own online business where I can combine my knowledge of Tarot and Astrology to empower and

help others. I have recently completed the TF2 course with Tarot Foundations run by Biddy from Biddy Tarot; this has

enhanced my intuition skills and was able to get a different perspective of the cards and their meanings. Further to

completing TF2 I applied to be a Certified Biddy Tarot Reader, I managed to pass the required tests needed in order to

become a Biddy Tarot Reader. I have also recently become a member of the International Tarot Foundation.



IAM HOROSCOPES Cassandra Tyndall

May 2017 Aries Mars’ placement in your 3rd house also highlights ritual and ceremony. In all the busy-ness that will be

May, it will be important for you take time out for yourself. In ancient times, this part of your chart

was referred to the daily rituals that strengthened your connection to God. With your planetary ruler

here, grounding and connecting yourself to spiritual practices that speak to you will be vital. This may

be time out each day to read, write or journal or it could be taking a trip to your place of worship.

Taurus An exciting new cycle beings with money on the 26th under the fresh New Moon. This is extra special

for you as it is connected with energy planet Mars in your 2nd house, highlighting you have the energy

and motivation to make progress financially. Also, the fixed star known as Aldebaran is very close to

the New Moon, emphasising the fresh new beginning feel of this lunation. This curious yet action

orientated energy delivers fresh starts in your income and cash flow zone, especially if you act on your


Gemini The New Moon of this month is your New Moon in the sign of Gemini! This takes place on the 26th

and close proximity to action planet Mars. All New Moons denote a period where you can set

intentions, manifest and plan. It’s the most fertile astro-weather of the month! This time though, it is

further emphasised by this lunation occurring very close to the fixed star Aldebaran. This fixed star is

associated with Spring, which enhances the fresh, new beginnings energy of this New Moon. The

seeds you plant now hold a lot of promise to bloom!

Cancer The stunning Full Moon on the 11th will activate a tricky link between Mars, the lunation ruler as well

as dreamy Neptune. You may experience confusion or a lack of direction under nebulous Neptune.

With Mars lying in your secretive 12th house, you may opt to lie low and spend some time solo to

work out what inspires, drives and motivates you. Once the haze of the Full Moon clears after a few

days, you’ll be better able to make decisions, especially those regarding children, a romance or the

pursuits you enjoy purely for pleasure.

Leo The most dramatic shift for you this May comes in the form of the karmic North Node of the Moon

shifting into your own sign. The last time “Rahu” as its also known, was in your sign was April 2000.

The next 18 months heralds a cycle where you can really propel yourself forward and live an authentic

life where your inner world and outer world align.

Just as the Nodes shift signs, the Sun your ruler aligns with powerful Pluto. Under the supportive trine

aspect, you’ll be encouraged to ‘shed skin’ and reveal a new and improved you.



Virgo Active Mars in your career zone continues to keep things busy until June. A New Moon in your 10th

house on the 26th will herald a new cycle to do with all things pertaining to your career and reputation.

If you have some big plans to move and shake your career in 2017 and beyond, this lunation is

particularly fortunate. A fixed star called Aldebaran is very close to this New Moon emphasising the

spirit of new beginnings. This curious and spring-like energy ensures that any new seeds planted now,

are likely to blossom.

Libra Venus, your patron planet begins the month back in Aries and in your 7th house of relationships. Due

to her recent retrograde phase, issues that began back in February are now back on the table. In Aries,

Venus lacks diplomacy and is uncomfortable in keeping the peace, instead preferring to stick up for

herself and waive your flag of independence. This describes your current attitude towards your most

significant other! With jolly Jupiter in your own sign, this year to date, has been about exploring your

own self and engaging in some healthy selfishness. It’s easy to see how these planetary influences

combined may be rocking the boat!

Scorpio Mars, your planetary ruler spends the entire month of May in your 8th house. Debts, loans and finances

you may share with a spouse or business partner will be your focus. Every 2 years Mars visits this part

of your solar horoscope and you’ll have until June 5 to delve into all things financial. In curious

Gemini, you’ll be motivated to explore more options or gain more information about both your debts

and investments. If this part of your life has been neglected of late, Mars tour will encourage bold and

confident action.

Sagittarius The 19th sees a dynamic link between your ruler Jupiter and Venus, in the most fortunate houses of

your birth chart. This ‘double luck’ aspect has the potential to bring exciting developments, especially

within your social circles. This could take shape as a new romance, a pleasure pursuit or even children

becoming the source of fortunate experiences this month. Even more relationship potential is

suggested with the exciting conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in your 5th house. Up until the 16th,

light bulb moments, radical new ideas or sudden developments are promised.

Capricorn The Full Moon on the 11th activates your good fortune zones. Pleasure, fun, friends and general good

luck may come your way under this lunations light. Attention to your health may be required as the

Full Moon ruler, Mars, is in your 6th house of illness and linking with confusing Neptune. If you’ve

been putting off any routine check-ups or ignoring vague yet repetitive symptoms, be sure to address it

with a professional. The New Moon on the 26th presents you with an opportunity to spring clean your

schedule and organise your time management.

Aquarius A portal of opportunity in your relationships opens up on the 10th as the karmic North Node of the

Moon enters Leo and your 7th house. The next 18 months will provide dramatic shifts and exciting

potential for both new relationships as well as invigorating an existing one. A possible downside to

this transit, is the opposing South Node will be in your 1st house of you! This may activate any health

issues or leaving you lacking in energy and vitality. One of the learning curves of the South Node

transiting the 1st house is letting go of anything that weighs you down.

Pisces You’ll regain your energy, vitality and a spring in your step as the South Node of the Moon leaves

your sign on the 10th, not to return for 18 years. If it has felt you’ve been pushing the proverbial uphill

for the last year and a half, lacking in energy or dealt with lingering health issues, you can breathe a

sigh of relief. A part of the symbolic meaning of the South Node is to let go of what no longer serves

you. With a lighter load, you can now surge forward with your personal goals, projects and desires

with a sense of authenticity and purpose.



June 2017

Aries With your ruler moving into cuddly Cancer from the 5th, you’re ready to show your soft side. Home

and family become a priority and you’re prepared to offer love and support to those who need it. The

New Moon in Cancer on the 24th will see 4 planets in Cancer, showing that your home zone is ready

for renewal and refreshment. Embarking on a renovation project or even renewing some lost family

connections are possible. Be mindful to not over-commit or make promises you can’t keep as Mars

squares off with generous Jupiter.

Taurus You’ve had a rough trot so far this year and it’s time for a little TLC. Your ruling planet Venus is in

your sign from the 6th, highlighting the need for comfort and security. Beauty routines and self-care

rituals will be highlighted especially under the New Moon on the 24th. If possible, plan a weekend

away for some rest and recreation. With a planetary pile up in cuddly Cancer, spending time with

those you love most will be soul soothing. Links from Pluto will support you as you discover new

truths about yourself and your family.

Gemini Now fully recovered from a recent retrograde, your ruler, Mercury is now back up to his normal swift

pace. You too may feel your mojo has returned and your adaptable nature is back to having several

projects on the go at once. Attention turns to money from the 4th once energy planet Mars enters into

your 2nd house of finances. Until late July, you can reap the rewards from a bold and confident attitude

towards improving your income. Investing extra energy into a sideline money-making project or doing

longer hours at work will give you a cash flow boost.

Cancer The Full Moon on the 9th triggers your most private zones of your solar horoscope. Taking time out

from family responsibilies and giving yourself a ‘mental health day’ will help refuel your soul. A day

at the spa, a rejuvenating massage or spending the day with your head in a book are all ways you can

honour this month’s Full Moon. Just prior to the Full Moon, feisty Mars enters your sign where he’ll

stay until late July. This is like a cosmic calling to put your own needs first and embrace some healthy

selfishness. Extra focus on your own needs, wants and personal projects will not only refill your own

cup, but also boost your self-confidence.

Leo Mars dips into your private 12th house on the 4th. This once every 2- year cycle highlights that

sometimes the most productive thing you can do is nothing. While it may not be practical to do

nothing, until late July, you can reduce your schedule and stick to the bare essentials. Mars is a planet

that prefers to be busy, so you might be the most productive in private during this phase. Working

behind the scenes or even from home may be a viable option now. Consider the next 6 weeks as the

calm before the storm and rest up wherever possible.

Virgo This month’s New Moon falls in the luckiest area of your solar horoscope. This is your peak period for

manifesting your dreams, hopes and wishes. Mercury and Mars also cuddle up in Cancer under this

lunation putting extra energy toward the things you want. Write down your wishes and take the

necessary steps required to help the universe conspire with you and you’ll be amazed at the progress

you can make. Generous Jupiter makes a tricky aspect with Mars, avoid over-committing your

stretching yourself too far, especially when it comes to friends and family.

Libra Some real progress can be made from the 6th once your ruler, Venus finally enjoys some home

territory after a long retrograde cycle. You can turn your attention toward some of your long-term

financial goals, especially those concerning joint finance, loans, taxes or debt. A check in with your

accountant or financial planner will ensure you’re building the stability for the future that you crave.

Under the Venus/Pluto link on the 24th, new revelations about family money can be discovered.



New career directions are promised under the New Moon on the 9th. This lunation will trigger forward

movement at work and may play out at home or in your relationship.

Scorpio The 4th sees your patron planet Mars enter your adventure and discovery zone, for his once every 2-

year visit. Until late July, your attention will shift toward ‘anywhere but here.’ That may take shape in

the form of overseas travel, study or discovering new perspectives through wisdom and philosophy.

Mercury will enter this sector of your solar horoscope from the 21st where all things communication,

learning and logistics are highlighted. The New Moon on the 24th is the ideal time to instigate your

plans regarding a course of study or planning for a special trip or pilgrimage.

Sagittarius Your ruler, jolly Jupiter stations direct on the 10th after a long 5- month retrograde in the luckiest

house of your solar horoscope. Projects and plans that have been on the back burner since February

may come back into focus. You may also see some of your hopes, wishes and deepest desires begin to

manifest. Until October, this ‘double luck’ planetary play will show a little effort can yield big results.

The 9th sees the Full Moon in your own sign, just prior to Jupiter returning to his jolly and generous

self. Combined, this will feel like a cosmic recharge, re-inspiring you toward optimism and your

personal sense of truth.

Capricorn Relationships are under the cosmic spotlight as planets begin to pile up in your 7th sector. A New

Moon in Cancer on the 24th brings a fresh new opportunity to develop nurturing and care in your most

significant personal connections. The 4th sees Mars enter your relationship zone, where he’s not been

in 2 years. Until late July, you’ll reap the rewards of investing more of your emotional self into your

most important relationships. TLC will be required for you as well as your partner. In the home-loving

sign of Cancer, spending quality time at home is preferred over spending money or going to fancy


Aquarius A Full Moon on the 9th will activate your fun, luck and good-times sectors of your solar horoscope.

You’ll feel an increased need for integrity in your friendships and how you spend your free time. This

lunation will trigger Saturn’s longer-term transit through your friend’s zone. If you feel your social

circles have been shifting, or your personal perspectives have grown and evolved, this Full Moon may

help you make peace with your past and move into a new authentic space. Jolly Jupiter influences via

a helpful sextile aspect. Being fair and just in any decisions you make now can propel you toward

broader horizons.

Pisces Your career is bathed in the celestial glow of the Full Moon on the 9th. This lunation will trigger

Saturn’s longer-term transit through your solar 10th house. You’ll be supported in making firm

decisions yet gently releasing from plans or projects involving your work. Generous Jupiter supports

this Full Moon, indicatin that anything you release now, will make room for more. Embrace letting go!

Your ruler Jupiter returns to direct motion from the 9th. You’ll begin to feel re-energised and inspired

by your long term financial goals. Your key to growth in this area is connecting to friends, associates

and embracing a lucky opportunity that comes seemingly out of nowhere.

Cassandra Tyndall is an avid professional astrologer, writer and teacher, based in Brisbane,

Australia. Her interest in Astrology started when she was a child reading horoscopes in her

mother’s magazines. Known for her honesty, passion and insight, Cassandra offers consultations

to people all over the globe. With over 10 years experience, Cassandra combines ancient and

traditional methods with a modern day spin to enhance specific predictions and offers practical

and inspired guidance. Cassandra is known and respected for bringing the symbolism of the signs

and planets and using this as a tool for helping you discover inner knowledge, clarity, wisdom

and benefit. Cassandra’s work has featured in Wellbeing magazine, Women’s Health and Fitness

as well as numerous websites. She is the former president of the Young Astrologers Association

(NSW) and was on the board of the Federation of Australian Astrologer’s.



IAM HOROSCOPES Natalie Delahaye

May 2017

Full Moon in Scorpio May 10th

Whilst all full moons bring release and

fullness, this is ever more apparent with

Scorpio’s transformative, regenerative theme

of death and rebirth. With the moon in Scorpio

opposite the Sun in Taurus, the themes are:

resources, personal and collective, talents,

finances, relationships, self-worth and values.

What is it that needs to be transformed and

what needs to be preserved in our lives?

Issues of stubbornness, possessiveness and

anger could rear their heads around this time.

The ruler of the chart is Pluto, in flowing

aspect to the Sun can help to channel our

energies in a constructive empowering way.

The traditional ruler of Scorpio, Mars, is also

in an easy aspect, trine Jupiter, fuelling

confidence and competitiveness and injecting a

dose of vitality and physical energy . This is a

great time for starting something that requires

courage, initiative and strength .but it is

somewhat watered down by Mars square


Egos are getting bruised, will is lowered and

there is something fishy going on. This is the

time to confront fears are sieve out illusions.

New Moon in Gemini May 25th

The gift of Gemini is to be ever open to the

new; new ideas, new friends, new connections.

Their natural curiosity is what keeps them

youthful and sprite like. Like the butterfly they

flit from flower to flower, covering a broad

surface area. True, the cleverness of Gemini

doesn't mean wisdom that comes with age,

rather it is the curiosity of the child who asks

endless questions at school and always retains

an open mind and youthful l outlook. .The new

moon in. Mercurial Gemini is a rejuvenating

elixir, blowing the mental cobwebs away,

lightening the mood and making us more

adaptable and open to the new. The signature

aspect of this lunation, a Venus square Pluto

square, is anything but elusive, however. New

heights of depth and intensity can be reached

through relationships.

Aries It’s all about social intercourse for you this month; you’re quite the social butterfly right now. Venus

residing in your sign until 6th June is imbuing you with an irresistibly magnetic aura. Mars is in the

chatty area of your chart and Mercury is no longer retrograde as from 4th May. You’re at your most

direct; in fact you just can’t help blurting out what’s on your mind, even if it does offend the

neighbours. There is long awaited for news regarding a financial matter around the Scorpio full moon

on 10th.

Taurus Venus is in the unconscious, embryonic part of your chart, where the magic of manifestation begins. It

is a fortuitous time for attracting what you desire. Partnerships are highlighted on the Scorpionic full

moon on 10th. You’re seeing someone in a new light from a fresh perspective. It’s your values and

priorities that need to be addressed when making a physical as well as emotional investment to

something on the Gemini new moon on 25th.

Gemini With Mercury your ruler in retrograde for the last 3 weeks, it’s like you’ve been on a treadmill, with a

false sense of moving. This is all changing, with Mars now in your sign and Mercury direct as from

4th. Mars in your sign is a driving force boosting you physically and elevating your confidence. It’s

your birthday month and your new moon on 25th. When you blow out your candles on your birthday,

make it count for your next journey around the sun. Expect some surprising news from a friend or

work colleague on the full moon on 10th.

Cancer Creativity, romance, fun and pleasure are all on the menu for you this month. Children also feature

strongly too. Make time for reflection and meditation on the Gemini new moon, it is your inner world

where all the action is happening. Solidify plans prior to charging forward into new terrain next month

as your birthday month begins.

Leo The new moon occurs in your house of friends and groups. This is where fresh new starts and revivals

are being made as well as possible endings. Focus on your hopes and wishes and set intentions around

widening your social circles and deepening friendships. The Scorpio full moon on 10th, sees you pulled

between your private and public life. It’s family commitments and the need for your own space versus

the pull of career demands.

Virgo Your mind is brimming with big ideas and you will need to strike the balance between keeping the

vision and attending to small details. this It’s time to release fears that have held you back from

achieving your dreams and consider changes that can be made to be more aligned to your purpose.

Mercury has been retrograding in your house of joint finances and taxes, perhaps causing delay and

postponements; he moves forward on 4th and things get moving forward once more.

Libra Travel and education are featuring for you this month. It’s an ideal time to book holiday or start a

course of study. Maybe wait until Jupiter goes direct and Venus moves into your 9th house at the

beginning of July. You’re craving food for your soul and whether you find this nourishment from

reading an inspiring book or a trip away, you’re soul searching. Listen to your intuition when it comes

to choices that bring more expansion and meaning in your life.

Scorpio This is a healing, recharging time for you; the full moon in your sign is a reflective time for you as

you’re returning from the depths of the ocean with a renewed sense of self, mind, body and soul, ready

to dive deep into the next chapter. Deep bonds are being put the test, they are either deepening,

regenerating or breaking.

Sagittarius The new moon on 10th illuminates the area of one to one relationships in your solar chart. Venus in

your sector of fun all month continues to lavish your life with pleasure, creativity and joy. The full

moon in your house of meditation is a time for you to contemplate and reconnect with your source of

energy, which will fully recharge your batteries for a busy month ahead.



Capricorn The full moon on 10th is circling on friendships, there is a letting go or moving onto a new level. Do

be careful of resorting to emotional manipulation and power games on 25th when Venus squares

Pluto; the air needs to be cleared and any issues sorted out. The new moon on 25th is the perfect time

to think about pushing forward with goals that have been on the backburner.


The new moon on 10th is a time to think about new beginnings; perhaps you’re wishing to start a new

creative project. Mercury retrograde over the last 3 weeks may have delayed things but this is a great

time to initiate new plans as from 4th when Mercury moves forward once more. Warrior Mars is in

your 5th house area of fun and creativity all month; it’s a perfect time to channel your energy into

enjoyment and having more fun times away from home.

Pisces Mercury has been retrograding in your house of finance, perhaps causing delay and Venus has spent

the last 3 months in your sector of finances. That is ample time for reviewing a certain financial

matter. You have a much clearer idea of what you want to invest in now Mercury and Venus are back

in direct mode.

June 2017

Full Moon in Sagittarius June 9th

This is a full moon bursting with optimism,

faith, adventure, buoyancy and joviality. It’s

the vision quest moon, the moon for future

visions and one to expand our boundaries. The

moon in Sagittarius is opposite the sun in

Gemini, reminding us of the need to strike the

balance between the future and present, unity

and diversity. Can we easily translate our

philosophical, spiritual and intellectual ideas

into everyday language in order to be able to

relate to many or do our lofty ideas never reach

terra firma? In order to connect with many, we

need to be mentally dexterous and adaptable

with our language, a talent of Gemini. Wisdom

alone can be solely in the head, unless it’s

lived out in every- day reality and

communicated diversely. Sagittarius’ ruler

Jupiter happens to be appropriately stationing

direct today, which enhances significantly the

Jupiterian energy of this full moon.

New moon in Cancer June 24th

Our attention moves to home, family, security

and comfort. The flowers, while blooming

need nurturing to come to ripen as do our

personal needs and desires. We are particularly

emotionally attuned and sensitive at a full

moon. Important events happen and things

reach fruition. This full moon is a magical one,

happening on the heels of the summer solstice.

Pluto trines Venus; spiritual growth and

transformations through love and creativity. A

month ago at the Gemini moon, Pluto was

square Venus, this tension has been resolved.

Relationships continue to be a vehicle for

growth, rebirth and transformation but in a less

disruptive, stressful way.



Aries It is home and family are areas where energy needs to be poured into; whether you’re moving house,

renovation or uprooting in some way, there are intense changes that may come out of the blue within

home, family and community. The Sagittarian full moon on 9th sheds light on your quest for higher

meaning and purpose and opens up a wide range of possibilities available to you, through intellectual

and physical voyages.

Taurus Venus, goddess of love and beauty is in your sign, where it is exalted, imbuing you with extra charm

and attractiveness. Socially and romantically this is a happy, successful time. The new moon on 24th

highlights what is meaningful and of value to you, what needs to be preserved and what attachments

are holding you back.

Gemini Your ruler Mercury joins the Sun in your sign, as the sojourn with Mars ends, Mercury takes his place.

You’re like a butterfly gathering nectar from many flowers, on a social and intellectual level.

Relationship wise, something comes full circle and a new cycle begins. A reality check takes place and

you wake up to the realism of a situation.


It’s your birthday month and Mars, moves back to your sign on 5th, which only happens once every 2

years so make the most of the extra energy, power and confidence. You have the desire to move ahead

with your goals and reinvent yourself. As the Sun returns to your sign to unite with the moon on 24th

with sprite like Mercury, this is looking like a midsummer night’s dream. Venus moves into your area

of friendships; this should be a very sociable time with lots of fun and love.

Leo While you are making plans for the future, remember that the old chapter has to be closed before the

new exciting one can begin. This is a meditative time when you are particularly attuned to the

collective unconscious. Listen to the messages of your dreams and follow intuition.


You are needing to make some significant decisions concerning home, property. There are expansions

and opportunities happening here but they require some careful planning beforehand. With Jupiter

moving direct once more in this area of your life, there is cause to celebrate. Friends and associates are

a helpful, nurturing source of growth and nourishment.

Libra Jupiter is direct again as from 13th. You’re restoring your equilibrium by finding that balance between

‘you’ time and time with others. A fresh wind is blowing in your direction. The new moon on 24th

breathes new life into your career and whether you’re starting a new job, changing vocation or just

feeling enlivened with an existing one, there is a blossoming taking place.

Scorpio You are developing an improved way of dealing with your finances, by understanding the connection

between the physical and metaphysical quality of money. This month finds you in an upbeat, jovial

mood with plenty of reason to celebrate, with new possibilities for expanding horizons and putting into

practice your ideas and philosophies. Travel and movement, near and far, are forecasted.



Sagittarius You have a trip down memory lane this week as you revisit a place from the past. The full moon in

your sign marks the beginning of a new journey but you need to release from the past what you no

longer need, so that you are free to travel lighter, literally or metaphorically. Jupiter your ruler turns

direct on 10th. A renewed, expanded you is emerging, ready to aim your arrows at new horizons.

Capricorn With Saturn retrograde and the new moon on 24th in your relationship area with Mars there too, you’ll

be letting go of the old elements that aren’t working and embracing the new in a relationship. You are

becoming more flexible, less controlling and able to allow life to unfold of its own accord.


Venus conjuncts Uranus on the 3rd, expect a shift in a relationship. You are in need of some breathing

space but don’t be a hermit. Your social life is amped up with the full moon on 9th. New

developments at work arise for you, whether it’s a new vocation or a new attitude to your current job,

there is change brewing.

Pisces With the new moon on 24th illuminating the area of your chart relating to joy and creativity, it is time

to focus on things that give you energy and fuel your passions. Your creative side demands

nourishment. Children are also particularly important during this time. Neptune, your ruling planet,

stations retrograde on 16th for a 5 month journey backwards, marking a reflective period in which to

connect to your soul’s wisdom and intuition more fully. You will be re revisiting some of your

dreams and sieving out your ideals and fantasies.

Natalie Delahaye is based in Surrey, UK and has been a consulting astrologer since 2007. Natalie

studied Astrology at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London and is a member of the

Astrological Association, UK. She has written for the Astrological Journal and

Natalie has been interviewed live on CNN world news, on the birth chart of baby Prince George

and held a regular slot on local radio. She read English and American Literature at Kent

university, UK and her background is in Complementary Therapies. Her website is








i Costello, The Astrological Moon page 72

ii (accessed 27 February 2012)