104. THE. IUPORTANCE. OF HEA.1 INSPECTION AND HYGIENE. IN THE 0PERI.TiON UF A. NEA.1 LABORAJORY PROF. WILLIAM J. LOEFFLL UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA The high esteem in which meat is held in the American dietary is due i n no small part to the American standards of meat inspection which are admittedly the most exacting in the world today. Meat inspection is not new. The Egyptians designated the hog as unclean and prohibited its uee for human food. Kosher regulations as set up i n the Old Testament were an attempt to safe- guard the food supply of the people by the rabbis, the learned men of the tribes. Mohemnedan food regulations, t o a large degree, follow the pattern of the Jewish and the Egyptian regulation8 in considering the hog and the dog a8 unfit for food. On the other hand, pork was relished by the Romans, and the Greeks showed a preference for the flesh of young castrated dogs. Athenian meat market was policed since earliest times, and i n Rome, meat was inszected officially since the year 388. With the fall of t h e Roman Empire, inspection ceased. Some b e l i e v e that the Jewish The It was not until the spread of Christianity in Northern Europe that we find any attempt to regulate food habits there, eighth century, Apostle Bonafacius, at the direction of Pope Gregory 111, pro- hibited the consumption of horse meat, could be eaten only after thorough cooking, diseased, dead, or torn animals wae p r o h i b i t e d . Regulations governing meat were found as early as 1120 in Freiburg, and merchantable and unmerchmtable meats were differentiated by a law passed At the beginning of the Later he directed that pork products The consumption of the flesh of at Basel in 1248. In the United States, meat inspection began as a municipal enter- prine in scattered cities. t o considerable proportions. alarmed at the presence of Trichinella in these items, the importation of American bacon, m action promptly followed by Austria, Germany, and France. In 1882, Great Britain prohibited the importation of American cattle because of contagious pleuropneumonia. By 1879, the export of Americm products had grown Italy, in 1891, barred Inporters of American pork products became Theee two threats against the infant meat industry caused the Americasl Congress to pass the first meat inspection act, that of August 30, 1890, which provided for the inspection of salted pork and bacon, This act did not prove acceptable to the foreign governments and a new law me passed on W c h 3, 1891. growing Americm industry, but also to safeguard the food supply of this country, The administration of meat inspection wae placed under the juris- diction of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry which had been established in 1884. The first inspection under the new law was made on May 12, 1891, md within a short time thereafter the prohibitions against the importation of American meats were withdrawn by the European nations. The new act provided for both ante-mortem and post-mortem eminatione of all animals slaughtered for interstate and export trade, and the miscroacopic examination for Trichinelle of all pork intended for export. This latter legislation was designed not only to protect a





The high esteem i n which meat i s held i n the American dietary i s due i n no small pa r t t o the American standards of meat inspection which a re admittedly the most exacting i n the world today.

Meat inspection i s not new. The Egyptians designated the hog as unclean and prohibited i t s uee f o r human food. Kosher regulations as set up i n the Old Testament were an attempt t o safe- guard the food supply of the people by the rabbis, the learned men of the t r ibes . Mohemnedan food regulations, t o a large degree, follow the pa t te rn of the Jewish and the Egyptian regulation8 i n considering the hog and the dog a8 unf i t fo r food. On the other hand, pork was re l ished by the Romans, and the Greeks showed a preference f o r the flesh of young castrated dogs. Athenian meat market was policed since e a r l i e s t times, and i n Rome, meat was inszected o f f i c i a l l y since the year 388. With the f a l l of the Roman Empire, inspection ceased.

Some believe that the Jewish


It w a s not unt i l the spread of Chr is t ian i ty i n Northern Europe that we f ind any attempt t o regulate food habi ts there , e ighth century, Apostle Bonafacius, at the direct ion of Pope Gregory 111, pro- hibited the consumption of horse meat, could be eaten only after thorough cooking, diseased, dead, or to rn animals wae prohibited.

Regulations governing meat were found as ea r ly as 1120 i n Freiburg, and merchantable and unmerchmtable meats were d i f fe ren t ia ted by a law passed

A t the beginning of the

Later he directed that pork products The consumption of the f lesh of

a t Basel i n 1248.

In the United States, meat inspection began as a municipal enter- prine i n sca t te red c i t i e s . t o considerable proportions. alarmed a t the presence of Trichinel la i n these items, the importation of American bacon, m ac t ion promptly followed by Austria, Germany, and France. I n 1882, Great Br i ta in prohibited the importation of American c a t t l e because of contagious pleuropneumonia.

By 1879, the export of Americm products had grown

I ta ly , i n 1891, barred Inporters of American pork products became

Theee two th rea t s against the in fan t meat industry caused the Americasl Congress t o pass the first meat inspection a c t , t h a t of A u g u s t 30, 1890, which provided f o r the inspection of salted pork and bacon, This a c t did not prove acceptable t o the foreign governments and a new l a w m e passed on W c h 3, 1891. growing Americm industry, but also t o safeguard the food supply of t h i s country, The administration of meat inspection wae placed under the juris- d ic t ion of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry which had been establ ished i n 1884. The f irst inspection under the new law was made on May 12, 1891, m d within a short t i m e thereaf te r the prohibit ions against the importation of American meats were withdrawn by the European nations. The new a c t provided f o r both ante-mortem and post-mortem e m i n a t i o n e of a l l animals slaughtered f o r i n t e r s t a t e and export trade, and the miscroacopic examination f o r Trichinel le of all pork intended f o r export.

This latter l e g i s l a t i o n was designed not o n l y t o protect a


About 1903, Uston Sinc la i r wrote a book cal led "The Jungle" which ca l led a t t en t ion t o alleged unsanitary conditions i n packing plants parti- cu lar ly i n the canning departments. cerned i t s e l f primarily with the heal th of the animals slaughtered and had given l i t t l e a t t en t ion t o sani ta t ion. t i v e l eg i s l a t ion grew the meat inspection a c t of June 30, 1906, the most s t r ingent body of lews and regulations of i t s kind i n the world,

Up t o this time, meat inspection had con-

Out of the popular clamor f o r correc-

Meat inspection, according t o American standards, concerns i tself wi th three things, the hea l th of the animal, the san i ta t ion of the plant , and l a s t l y , the correct and proper label ing of the product.

The heal th of the animal i s of importance fo r there a re many animal diseases which may be transmitted t o man by contact with the animals or with the mat o r other products. foot4nd-mouth disease, swine erysipelas, Brucellosis, tularemia, and tuber- culosis. Certain pa ras i t i c diseases, such as t r ich inos is , may a l s o be trans- mitted through the consumption of raw o r insuf f ic ien t ly cooked meat.

Among these may be mentioned anthrax,

It is generally recognized tha t where meat i s properly cooked, the in t e rna l temperature i s ra i sed above the pasteurizat ion point, so tha t there is l i t t l e l ikelihood of t ransmit t ing disease through the cooked product. There is always the p o s s i b i l i t y that meat may not be thoroughly cooked. Another source of danger i s the handling of meat from infected animals. is a danger from the en t ry of pathogenic material through abrasions of the skin. from an infected animal, thus carrying the infect ion t o the person. dise&ses, such a8 swine erysipelas and undulant fever, m e de f in i t e ly r e - cognized today as occupational hazards, point out t o our c lasses the need of good personal hygiene, such a3 washing the hands thoroughly after handling meat. slaughter or cut up m y be posi t ive t o a Bang's t e s t or when the pig may be infected w i t h erysipelas .


Sometimes the hands m y touch t h e mouth a f t e r handling a piece of meat Certain

We should recognize t h i s f ac t and

We never know when the beef we

People must recognize tha t the mere Pact that a carcass hae been

The posi t ive react ing animal t o a. Bang's t e s t i s passed f o r food i f passed by a meat inspector does not guarantee it t o be f r ee from all infec- t ion . no complicating disease i s found. A person might contract undulant fever from handling a cut of meat f'rorn such a carcass. Further, the "inspected and passed stamp" does not guarantee the meat t o be f r ee from Trichinel la . O f course, such meat items made from o r containing pork as are normally eaten without cooking, such aa summer sausage, must be processed i n such a way as t o remove a l l hazard. This i s nccomplished by freezing a t very low temperatures f o r s t a t ed periods of time.

Under federal inspection, the hea l th of the animal i s checked on the l i v ing animal (ante-mortem inspection) and, also, on the carcass and viscera. during and after the slaughtering process (post-mortem inspect ion) . Even after the product has been paosed for food, the inspection legend may be removed and the product condemned i f i t becomes contaminated or otherwise unsuitable f o r human consumption.

Under federal meat inspection, every slaughtering or processing establishment has an establishment number. This makes it possible t o t race beck any piece of defective meat, mean8 of maintaining inspection on a Ugh plane,

No doubt t h i s has been a very effect ive


In other countries where food is more ~ c a r c e , l i t t l e meat i t 3 con- demned. from disease; second, meat from mildly diseased animals which is sold with express instruct ions tha t it be thoroughly cooked; and l a s t l y , meat from ser iously diseased animals which is cooked i n the packing p lan ts t o be sure t h a t the cooking is properly done.

Meat is divided in to three categories: that which is passed 8 s f r ee

In meat hygiene, we a re in te res ted i n the san i ta t ion of the meat plant, not only from the aes the t ic standpoint, but a l so from the point of view t h a t even good meat m y be contaminated by careleso handling a f t e r dressing. Meat is ru1 excellent food not only f o r mankind, but a l s o f o r a host of bacteria, many of which for tunately a re harmless, but occasionally a pathogen gets i n which may cause a. good case of food poisoning.

So far as possible, the meat laboratory should embody a l l of the pr inciples of good sani ta ry pclckfnghouse construction. a model of cleanliness and san i ta t ion t h a t it may impress upon students, patrons, and v i s i t o r s the need of handling meat in the bes t possible manner. especial ly should be clean and sweet.

It should always be


Thoseofus who are ge t t ing along, with old buildings sometimes f ind Pests such a8 flies, roaches, mice, it d i f f i c u l t t o keep thingB ship-shape.

and rats sometimes get in . New control methods o f f e r de f in i t e promise. Of f i z l , refuse, and manure must not be allowed t o accumulate about the meat laboratory.

Perhaps as good a guide as t o the kind of housekeeping is the con- d i t ion of the storerooms, These are a necessary e v i l and should be kept i n a8 good shape a s possible.

It i s important t o create i n the meat laboratory an atmosphere of cleanliness tha t will create in the students a wholesome appreciation of the need f o r it. An indus t r ia l plant found t h e i r employees s p i t t i n g on the s t a i r - ways. Painting the stairs white stopped t h i s pract ice effect ively. So a new paint job may be i n order. a big help. Lsvrztories and s t e r i l i z e r s with ample supplies of liquid soap and paper towels are a necessity on the k i l l i n g and cut t ing floor. a r e not on ly wsani ta ry , but a r e an invi ta t ion t o hccidents.

Ample and convenient; t o i l e t cmd locker rooms a re

Greasy f loo r s

I usually spend the f irst period w i t h a new meat c lass s t ress ing two points -- safety, and cleanliness. The a t t i t u d e of some of o w students on the l a t t e r reminds me of a favor i te story of a packing house superintendent f r i end of mine. s t a t ing "Wash your hand8 before returning t o your work." This superintendent waa in a lavatory one day t o f ind an employee make a break f o r the door with- out the ablution.

In a l l the lavator ies they posted a sign very prominently,

"Here, here," he called, "do you see that sign?"

"Yes," rep l ied the man, "but I ' m not going back t o my work, I ' m going t o e a t my lunch."

Clean clothing is a problem i n a meat laboratory. The idea l setup would provide laundry service, although we have not been able t o do tha t . use yellow o i l sk in waterproof aprong. t o wear paper cape, which cost $ cents each.

We This year, we are requiring our students

We l i k e tnem very much.

The need of scrubbing hands and keeping f ingerna i l s short and clean One of the cap i t a l s in s i n our laboratory i s f o r are pointed out repeatedly.

a student t o s i t on a meat block,


The need f o r proper and correct Labeling of meats and meat food pro- ducts i s so self-evident, but tha t i s not a problem which i s of much importcvlce i n operating a college meat laboratory.

About two- th i rds of the mat produced i n t h i s country i s produced

Much o f the remainder i s inspected by Local and a t a t e under federa l inspection. federa l ly inspected. heal th au thor i t ies .

All meats which move i n i n t e r s t a t e t r a f f i c must be

If meat inspection i s good from a public heal th standpoint, we i n our teaching and research work should recognize it. Federal inspection i s out of the question f o r most of us. spection, most of UB can make arrangements with our college veter inary depcrt- ments. located. t ion, and the meat laboratory may w e l l provide laboratory t r a in ing i n this f ield. commercial plant. inspector must w a i t on you. an arrangement taking in to account the problems of both par t ies .

Where there i s no provision for l o c ~ l in-

Some of us a r e located i n in s t i t u t ions where veterinary colleges are All veterinary colleges of fe r courses i n meat hygiene and inspec-

Meat inspection i n a teaching laboratory is d i f fe ren t from t ha t i n a

It i s a matter of give and take and working out, Sometimes you must w a i t f o r the inspector and sometimes the

My great concern with meat work i s t o keep it on a co l leg ia te level. If a l l we teach i s slaughtering and the cu t t ing of meats, 1 fear that our work i s on a t rade Echool basis, We can remedy t h i s by mking the meat laboratory an ef fec t ive adjunct t o good animal husbandry teaching.

No animal should be elaughtered without a careful appraisal on foot and an estimation of i t s carcass po ten t i a l i t i e s . y ie ld should be estimated and these estimates should be checked a f t e r slaughter. Attention should he ca l led t o desirable and undesirable qua l i t i e s .

The l i v e weight, dressing

The lcboratory should be used as a mems of studying anatomy, physiology, pathology, parasitology, and applying the f a c t s learned i n a nu t r i t i on o r physiology of reproduction course, the help of a good veterinary inspector i s most useful. time t o explain w h a t he i s t rying t o do, he can be very helpful. explain the appearance of the various organs i n heal th and i n disease.

It is i n t h i s connection that If he w i l l take the

He should

Charts and sketches of the Pour-compartment stomach of the ruminant may not mean too much t o the student i n a feeding course. However, when he sees them separated out on the k i l l i n g floor, he i s l i k e l y t o remember them fo r years t o come. The boy who has t o run a s e t o f casings, l a y them out and measure t h e i r length w i l l not forget these f ac t s very soon. The l i f e h is tory of the round worm and i t s control may have held l i t t l e of i n t e r e s t t o the student i n e pork production class. and he i s i n an extremely receptive mood t o learn a l l he can about these s m e fac ts .

However, let him dress out a wormy p ig

It i s impossible t o cut neat i n t e l l i g e n t l y without a thorough know- ledge of the bones. the student who can see the usefulness of t h i s knowledge f o r t h o proper ident i - f ica t ion of meat cuts usually appl ies himself d i l igent ly .

This study Is usually dry and uninteresting. However,

CHAIRMAN TOMHAVE: Professor McClurg, w i l l you lead the dlscussion on t h i s subject?

, 108.

PROFESSOR HcCLURG; Profeusor Loeffel has given us a good h is tory on the meat inspection and hygiene, and he has def in i t e ly given us some good suggestions t o follow i n our laboratory work a8 far as sani tc t ion and how it may be applied t o cLaee work.

PROFESSOR ZIEGLER: What's the psychology behind your wearing those paper caps? They don't do much good.

PROFESSOR LOEFFEL: I think they do a l o t of good. In our i n s t i t u t i o n a l management, g i r l s , f o r instance, who work behind the counter i n a cafe te r ia are required t o wear a heir net o r something of that s o r t .

PROFESSOR ZTEGLER: You said slaughtering.

PROFESSOR LOE3?FEL: Well, i n slaughtering. We have them put on the i r f reeh caps i n the cut t ing class , and when they get a l i t t l e dog-eared, they wear them in the k i l l i n g clasees, and then they go i n the waste basket.

PROFESSOR Z I E G m : You t e l l m e how t o get the g i r l s t o t r i m t h e i r ta lons and take the paint of f .

PROFESSOR LOEFFEL: You a re asking too much now.

PROFESSOR SNYDER: Do you require your boys t o wear standard uniform a l l the way through?

PROFESSOR LOEFFEL: We don't. We aok them t c wear clean clothing. One thing I w i l l not l e t a boy do -- it i s qui te a temptation -- coming t o the meat lab. with a p a i r of overal ls o r a work sNrt, or whatever he chooses t o wear -- white clothing - a few days l a t e r he comes busting in to the locker t o get that s tu f f and want t o wear it i n a t r a c t o r laboratory or blackslnith shop, or sometMng of that so r t . I turn thumbs down on that.

These killing clothes have t o be used ju s t for tha t , and I t e l l them t o take them home and give them a surpr ise every so often, don't wear them until they stand up by themselves.

PROFESSOR COLE: I wonder if you think it i s neceesary for students t o have a blood t e s t when your mat i s being sold through r e t a i l counters.

FBOFESSOR LoEFFEX: I have ofter, wondered about t L a t , In our city now, everybody who works i n a restaurant o r hanues food in any way has t o have a blood t e s t ,

PROFESSOR SNYDER: Doesn't your school require a health examination.

PROFESSOR LOEF'FEL: Yes, we have a hea l th exadnat ion a t the begin- ning of the semester, during the school year.

O f couree, there is always a chance f o r contamination I do think that'a a good program.

PROFESSOR COMFORT: I ' d l i k e t o ask Dave Mackintosh how t o keep them dressed white, What system do you use, Drtvey? Every time I have been out there, you seem t o have them dressed fo r parade, o r are they that way all the time?

PROFESSOR MACKINTOSH: That's a cos t ly undertaking. Our laundry b i l l t h i s year was about $400.00


PROFESSOR COMFORT: Do you supply them? I

PROFESSOR MACKINTOSH: We used t o supply coats and aprons. O u r coats have become sadly dilapidated, and the purchase of new coats i s prohibit ive so far as we are concerned, so we have ra ther modernized coats with f r i l l s that some of them do use, but we have an auple supply of aprons, and they are not supposed t o come- on the f loor without a clean apron.

PROFESSOR COMFCIRT: Do you supply the aprons o r the uniforms?

PROFESSOR MACKINTOSH: We supply the aprons.

PROFESSOR LOEFFEL: Do you have a lab. fee?

PROFESSOR MACKINTOSH: We have a lab. fee. I think it i s $3.00, which doesn't begin t o cover the laundry cost i n i tself .

PROFESSOR H I U I E R : Do they do the inspection, or do you have t o c a l l i n the loca l veterinarian?

PROFESSOR LOEFTEL: We have i n Lincoln a City Health Department, and according t o l a w , we a r e required t o c a l l the veterinarian every time we contemplate slaughtering. a r e going t o k i l l Tuesday, we c a l l the veter inar ian 's o f f ice Tuesday morning, t e l l them we a re going t o have so much stuff fo r him t o inspect a t 4:OO o 'clock.

In other words, we have an arrangement. I f we

PROFESSOR COLE: Would he have a writ ten form then t o sign, Oi" do you keep a record of i t ?

PROFESSOR LOEFFEL: He keeps a record and we keep a record, too. There i s no signature, but we have t o pay a fee, t h i r t y cents for c a t t l e , and twenty cents f o r small stock; that ie, a pig or a lamb or a calf -- anything 425 pounds. A c a l f we have t o pay 20 cents a head f o r inspection.

PROFESSOR SNYDER: One other question, B i l l . Are you running any t e s t s f o r t r i ch inos i s a t a l l ?

PROFESSOR LOEJTFEL: We haven't been.

PROFESSOR SNYDER: It might be interent ing here t o say that every hog that has been k i l l e d i n our laboratory since the beginning o f time - - it is a few over 19,000 -- we have never found a case yet that has been laboratory tes ted, and the veter inar ian divis ion of our i n s t i t u t i o n gives us t h a t service.

PROFESSOR LOEFFEL: Where do they ge t t h a t sample, out of the s k i r t ?

PROFESSOR SNYDER: That's r igh t , diaphragm, j u s t a small sect ion of the d iaphrap , and t h a t report is given us back before we cut that pig the next d ay.

PROFESSOR LQEFFEL: I have always had a fee l ing that our Middle Western hogs that a re grown on a l f a l f a and grain have r e l a t ive ly l i t t l e t r i ch ina infestat ion, but I think where you do get it i s with garbage-fed pigs.

PROFESSOR SNYDER: I was par t icu lar ly in te rs ted . We have a high percentage of garbage-fed pig6 ki l led , and you have always seen reports of it


coming from there, but we haven't had it, so that was a l i t t l e side report there on that inspection.


PROFESSOR McCLW: If there are no more questione, I'll turn t h i s back t o M r . Tomhave.

cH4- TOMHAVE: Thank you.

3 think every Instructor i n the meat laboratory a t one time or another has been confronted with minor or serious accidents among students, and we w i l l now hear from Professor B. R. McClurg of the Iowa Sta te College, who is going t o q s c u s s : Professor McClurg,

Safety Rule8 and Precautions i n the Meat Laboratory.