the implementation of index card match strategy in teaching ...


Transcript of the implementation of index card match strategy in teaching ...�—��—��—��—��—�








Presented as a partial fulfillment of requirements

for the degree of Bachelor Education (S.Pd)

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

English Education Department



Student Number: T20166056




JANUARY 2021�—��—��—��—��—�





“It is for Us to collect it and to give you (Muhammad) the ability to recite it (the Quran), And when We have recited it to you(Muhammad) through Jibril then

follow its (the Quran).”(Al-Qiyamah: 17-18)1

1 Muhammad Taqi-ud Din Al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan, The Nobel Qur’an English

Translation of the Meanings and Commentary, terj. (Medina Dar-us Salam Publications, 1996),




This thesis is proudly dedicated to :

1. My beloved father, Bahrudin, and my mother Holifah who always love,

pray, motivate, and support me. Thank you for everything.

2. My brothers and my sister, Erfan Nafis, Achmad Faik Faruqi and

Hafifatuz Zuhro who always love me all the time. Thank you so much.

3. For all my beloved friends, thank you for every moment that we had.

Especially for TBI2 class who always help me anything I need.

4. My beloved almamater, IAIN Jember, which made me grow up and have

contributed much for myself.

5. And the last for all people who are present in my life and help me to finish

this thesis. You are amazing.�—��—��—��—��—�



Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin. All the thanksgiving of the writer

conveyed to Allah SWT because of His mercy and grace, the planning, process,

completion of the thesis as one of the requirements for completing the duty can be

completed smoothly. Shalawat and Salam are given to our prophet Muhammad

SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

Gratitude and honor are addressed to all persons who have supported the

writer in completing this thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to say thanks and

express her respect and best gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Babun Suharto, SE., MM as the Rector of State Institute of

Islamic Studies Jember (IAIN Jember) who has provided all campus facilities

in this college

2. Dr. Hj. Mukni’ah, M.Pd.I as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty who has approved to this research.

3. Dewi Nurul Qomariyah,S.S,M.Pd. as the thesis advisor who has advised her in

conducting and finishing the research.

4. Zainul Arifin,S.Pd.I. as the headmaster of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

and all the teachers and staff who have helped the researcher in collecting


I wish Allah SWT gives blessing to all of you. Finally, I hope that this

thesis will be useful for the readers. However, I realize that this thesis is still a lot�—��—��—��—��—�


of weakness. For this, the researcher sincerely welcomes criticism and suggestion

from the readers to enhance the quality of the thesis.

Jember, 15 Januari 2021

The Writer�—��—��—��—��—�



Famelya Arifah, 2020: The Implementation of Index Card Match in Teaching

and Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019/2020.

One of the parts in learning English is reading. Reading is the first

human’s obligation. People should be mastered the reading skill before learning

other skills. Learning reading is not easy to do. It need convenient ways to be

applied. One of them is learning reading by using strategy to make the learning

reading process more attractive and fun. Therefore, the English teacher used index

card match strategy in learning reading to help the students in understanding the


The research objectives of this thesis are; 1) To identify the goals of the

implementation the index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading

descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. 2) To

describe how the procedure of the implementation of index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember. 3) To identify the advantages and disadvantages of the

implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading

descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember.

This research used descriptive research with a qualitative approach. This

research was categorized as qualitative descriptive because the researcher

described the condition, the situation with words and language. The technique for

validating data were triangulation technique and triangulation of sources.

The result of this research showed that the implementation of index card

match strategy made the students more active in learning reading especially in

reading learning descriptive text. It makes students be able to describe things well.

In implementation index card match strategy, the teacher chose the material based

on the syllabus. The materials used were descriptive text which consist of

description about an object, and generic structure such as identification,

description and simple present tense. Then the advantages and disadvantages of

implementation index card match strategy are; it created an active learning, it

made students more interested, it needed long time, the teacher needed more

preparation, it made the class crowded, and it was less affective if one class

consist a lot of students.

Keywords: The Implementation of Index Card Match, Learning Reading

Descriptive Text�—��—��—��—��—�




COVER ..................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL............................................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION ..................................................................................... iii

MOTTO ..................................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION ........................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ vi

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ ix

LIST OF TABLE....................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1

A. Research Background .............................................................. 1

B. Research Questions .................................................................. 5

C. Scope of the Research ............................................................. 6

D. Objectives of the research ....................................................... 6

E. Significance of the Research .................................................... 7

F. Definition of Key Term ............................................................ 8


A. Previous Research .................................................................... 10

B. Theoritical Framework ............................................................. 13�—��—��—��—��—�


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ................................................ 27

A. Research Design ....................................................................... 27

B. Place of Research ...................................................................... 27

C. Subject of the Research ............................................................. 28

D. Data Collection Method ............................................................ 29

E. Data Analysis ............................................................................ 31

F. Data Validity ............................................................................. 33

G. Research Procedures ................................................................. 33

H. Structure of the Thesis .............................................................. 35


A. Description of the Research Object........................................... 36

B. Research Finding ....................................................................... 39

C. Research Discussion ................................................................. 54


A. Conclusions .............................................................................. 62

B. Suggestions .............................................................................. 63

REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 64




Table 2.1 : Differences and Similarities with Other Research ..................... 11

Table 4.1 : The Results of Research Findings ............................................ 55�—��—��—��—��—�




A. Research Background

Humans in the world use language to communicate with each other.

English is one of the international languages that must be mastered. For that

reason, English becomes a foreign language in Indonesia. It has been

explained in The Government Regulation Number 32 0f 2013 about

Amendement to Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 about National

Standard of Education, Article 77I Section (1) Sub c point 3 explain that

foreign language, especially English as a foreign languange has an important

role in live, including education,business, technology, and etc.1 In learning

English as the foreign language, Indonesian can absorb more knowledge by

reading.2 In recent years, Indonesian incessant the design of reading literacy, It

is caused by the lack of Indonesian reading ability.3 Allah reveals the first

revelation to prophet Muhammad that contains a command to read. Allah said

in surah Al-Alaq 1:

1 Republik Indonesia, Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 Tahun 2013 Tentang

Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 Tentang Standar Nasional

Pendidikan Pasal 77I Ayat (1) Huruf c Poin 3, 7. 2 M Arka, Ni N Padmadewi and N Adi Jaya Putra, “Developing Reading Comprehension

Materials for Reading I Course in The English Education Department of Fkip Mahasaraswati

University Denpasar”, e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, 1

(2013), 2. 3 Tine Silvana Rachmawati, Yunus winoto dan Asep saeful Rohman, “Study on Mapping

Information Literature Culture in South Coastal communities West Java Province”, Universitas

Padjajaran, 1 (Januari, 2018), 3.�—��—��—��—��—�


“Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists).”4

Based on the verse above, Allah commands humans to read. It means

reading is the first human’s obligation. Same as English learning before

students learn about other skills, they must master the reading skill. Moreover,

reading gives a lot of knowledge, information, or even problem solutions.

Koda stated as one of the English language skills, reading is a very

important skill in learning English because, without a good skill, one cannot

obtain many kinds of information printed in the form of media such as

bulletin, magazine, or newspaper.5 The researcher considered reading as a

decoding skill, which was interpreting codes into ideas that are written as a

text. Based on the importance of reading skills. People usually say that reading

is the window of the world. By reading, people can get the information widely

without going anywhere. It means reading is one of the ways to get


Thus, based on the standard of competence and basic competence in

the curriculum of education level 2013 for junior high school in the seventh

grade, students have to be able to catch the meaning of the text contextually

related to the social functions, structure, and correct linguistic of descriptive

4 Muhammad Taqi-ud Din Al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan, The Nobel Qur’an English

Translation of the Meanings and Commentary, terj. (Medina Dar-us Salam Publications, 1996),

842. 5 Koda. K. 2005. Insight into Second Language Reading. Theory in to Practice (London:

Cambridge University Press), 227-27.�—��—��—��—��—�


text.6 So, the goals of the standard of competence and basic competence are

students can read and observe an object in a text.

As the purpose of the standard of competence and basic competence,

students have to able to catch the meaning of the text. There are many types of

texts in reading, which are, descriptive text is one of the text types that taught

at Junior High School. Lubis stated that descriptive text has a social function

is to describe a particular person, place, or thing, for instance, a description of

a particular place, a specific animal, and a specific person.7 So, descriptive text

is one of the kinds of text that taught in junior high school and usually

practices by reading.

According to William as cited by Luh Putu Dian Kresnawati, P.K. and

Nitiasih, N.M. Ratminingsih initial reading focused on the process of reading

and reading comprehension was not only a reading process but also a process

of understanding the content or the detail of the text.8 Sometimes the problem

occurred on the students. They felt difficult to comprehend the meaning of the

text and deficiency of vocabulary. It can impact student’s scores in reading.

Through reading learning, the students were expected to be able to understand

the content of the text.

Comprehension is the purpose of reading. That made the students be

able to catch the point of reading text. When they read, they received

6 KI-KD Bahasa Inggris kelas VII akademik 2013.

7 Lubis, Septiwi Hadi, Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in

Descriptive Text by Using Index Card Match Strategy, State University of Medan, (2013). 8 Luh Putu Dian Kresnawati, P. K. dan Nitiasih, N. M., “The Effect of Shared Reading Strategy

using Digital Photo Story and Achievement Motivation on Students’ Reading Comprehension

on seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 6 Singaraja in the Academic Year 2012/2013”, e-

journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, (Januari, 2013), 2.�—��—��—��—��—�


information from the text. According to Dallman when reading to them

comprehension is an absolute necessity in reading.9 Even at the beginning of a

reading, students practiced equating the pronunciations of words in context

with reading is faulty. Consequently, students were expected to comprehend

what they pronounce, and also the reading purpose is deriving the meaning.

So, the researcher established to use a strategy for making students enjoy and

easier to understand the text in learning reading.

In reading learning, the teacher must use an appropriate strategy.

Auliya stated that Index Card Match was one of cooperative learning which is

involved the students in the group.10

So, the researcher established to use

Index Card Match strategy in learning reading. In hope, it can help students to

read easily and comprehend of descriptive text.

Based on the researcher’s observation and interview with the English

teacher in MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah, many problems were faced by students in

reading learning. For example, the students lacked willingness to read because

they were not confident. They were afraid their friends would laugh or make a

joke of their inability. It decreased the student’s interest in participating the

learning, especially when learning reading. While, the students were required

to understand the context of the text Thus, the English teacher has an

appropriate way to make students more active in the class by using the index

card match strategy. The researcher is interested to take this school as the

9 Dallmann, Martha, Roger L. Rouch, Lynette Y.C. Char, John J. DeBoer, The Teaching of

Reading Sixth Edition, (Newyork: Rinehart and Winston, 1982) 10

Auliya, Rizkita, “The Effectiveness of ICM (Index Card Match) to Reading Comprehension

Students at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 6 Kediri in Academic year 2015/2016”. University

of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, (2015).�—��—��—��—��—�


research site because this school is one of islamic boarding school. Despite

that in fact, they were capable to compete with other establishments by

participating lot of language competitions. So, an index card match strategy

designed to help students in comprehending reading becomes fun, active and

get information easily.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher decided to conduct

research about the implementation index card match at MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember. The researcher believes that implementation of index card

match is important to give a contribution to English learning reading. From

the explanation, the researcher interests to conduct research under the title

“The Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy in Teaching and

Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019/2020”

B. Research Questions

Based on the background of the research above, the research

formulated the research problem by making the research question:

1. What are the goals of the implementation of index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade og MTs Al-

Islah Jenggawah Jember?

2. How is the procedures of the implementation of index card match learning

strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade

of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember?�—��—��—��—��—�


3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of index

card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at

seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember?

C. Scope of the Research

Scope of this research focused on investigating the implementation of

index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. Based on the title, this research attempted to

describe the implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and

learning reading. So, the scope of this research was index card match as the

strategy for supporting the learning reading and the research subject limited at

seventh (C Pi) grade students of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic

year 2019-2020.

D. Objectives of the Research

Based on the research questions above, the aims of the research were

as follow:

1. To identify the goals of the implementation the index card match strategy

innteaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs

Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember.

2. To describe how the procedure of the implementation of index card match

strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember.�—��—��—��—��—�


3. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of

index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text

at MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember.

E. Significance of the Research

This research expected to have contributions to:

1. Theoretical Benefit

The result of the research will answer the question at the problems

of the study, and it expected to be useful in English lesson, such as to

make easy in learning process especially in reading learning.

2. Practical Benefit

a. English Teachers

The finding of this research is expected to help the teacher in

teaching reading in the classroom especially in MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah by using index card match.

b. The researchers

By doing the research, the researcher hoped that it is benefical

to themself and they would get some new experiences and knowledge

in doing this research about the index card match strategy.

c. The readers

This research is expected to be able to provide knowledge

about teaching and learning reading. The result of the research were

useful for readers. The finding of this research might be used as a�—��—��—��—��—�


reference to understand more about the the strategy in teaching and

learning English.

F. Definition of the Key-term

1. Index Card Match Strategy

Index Card Match strategy is an active and fun strategy to remind

the material that has given. It means index card match is reviewing


This strategy involves students to work in pairs and gives a quiz

question to the other students. In this case, the Index Card Match strategy

is selected to comprehend the text based on the consideration that the

strategy is effective and fun to teach the descriptive text. besides, this

method focuses on matching two cards.

2. Reading

Reading is one of four skills in English that the students should

acquire. Reading is an interaction between the reader and the writer to get


. It imeans that the writer expects the reader to comprehend

the information provided in the text. Reading comprehension is defined as

the ability of the students in understanding the content of the text which is

delivered by the teacher on the reading learning


Alfred, Inovasi Pendidikan, STAIN Salatiga, (Salatiga, 2010), 120 12

Hesham Suleiman, Alyousef, Teaching Reading Comprehension to Esl/Efl Learners, (2, 2005),



3. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a genre of texst, which is to describe people,

places, animals and things in detail description.13

The description can tell

about the shapes, age, sizes, colors, material, etc.


Suwardati, Look Ahead 2: An English Course for Senior High School Students Year XI, (Jakarta:

Erlangga, 2005), 10.�—��—��—��—��—�




This chapter presents some previous research and some reviews of

relevant theories and studies related to the topic of research.

A. Previous Research

Previous research presents a field study of the differences and

similarities with the previous researches.

The first previous research from Suci Supriyanti Liana entitled “The

Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy in Improving Students Ability

in Comprehending Active Passive Voice at MAS PAB-1 Helvetia” proved that

teaching by using index card match succeeded to improve student’s reading

comprehension about active passive voice at eleventh grade of MAS PAB-1

Heltevia. The similarity of this research with previous research above is the

researcher used index card match strategy. However, the differences between

previous research and this research are she used Classroom Action Research

as the research design and this research, the researcher uses qualitative as the

research design. Also, the previous research used index card match to improve

student’s ability in comprehending active passive voice while this research

used index card match to teach reading.

The second research is a research from Hayyu Nafi’atul Fauziyah

entitled “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text

Through Index Card Match (ICM) Strategy (A Classroom Action Research for

the Tenth Grade of SMK Saraswati Salatiga in The Academic Year of�—��—��—��—��—�


2018/2019)” proved that index card match succeeded to improve student’s

reading comprehension of descriptive text. In this research, Hayyu used

Classroom Action Research, difference between the Hayyu’s research and this

research is the design of the research. However, the similarity both of

researchers is the previous research used the index card match strategy in

reading comprehension of descriptive text.

The last research is from Munirul umam entitled “Using Index Card

Match Strategy to Improve Descriptive Writing Ability among Seventh Grade

Students of Junior High School of Manba’ul Ulum Seputih Agung Central

Lampung” that research shown the use of index card match could improve the

student’s writing ability. The difference between Munirul’s research and this

research is the research design. Munirul’s research used the Classroom Action

research as the research design and this research used qualitative research as

the research design. The similarity is the researchers used index card match

strategy in teaching learning.�—��—��—��—��—�


Table 2.1

The Similarities and the Differences

Between the Previous Research with the Research

Conducted by the Researcher

No Name, Research

Year, Title Similarities Differences

1. Suci Supriyanti Liana,

The Implementation

of Index Card Match

Strategy in Improving

Students Ability in


Active Passive Voice

at MAS PAB-1


The similarity of

the research is the

researcher used

index card match

strategy in teaching


The differences are Suci

used classroom action

research and the researcher

used qualitative as the

research design.

Furthermore, Suci used

index card match to

improve student’s ability

in comprehending active

passive voice while this

research used index card

match to teach reading.

2. Hayyu Nafi’atul

Fauziyah, Improving

Students’ Reading

Comprehension of

Descriptive Text

Through Index Card

Match (ICM) Strategy

(A Classroom Action

Research for the

Tenth Grade of SMK

Saraswati Salatiga in

The Academic Year

of 2018/2019)

The similarity both

of researchers is

the previous

research used the

index card match

strategy in reading

comprehension of

descriptive text.

The difference between

Hayyu’s research and this

research is the design of

the research

3. Munirul umam, Using

Index Card Match

Strategy to Improve

Descriptive Writing

Ability among

Seventh Grade

Students of Junior

High School of

Manba’ul Ulum

Seputih Agung

Central Lampung

The similarity is

the researchers

used index card

match strategy in

teaching learning.

The difference between

Munirul’s research and

this research is the

research design, He used

the Classroom Action

Research and the

researcher used

Qualitative as the research



The specialty of this research compared with the previous researches

above is focused on analyzing the implementation of index card match

strategy. Suci and Hayyu talked about reading but they used another research

design which was different from this research. Munirul used index card match

strategy as the strategy but he focused on improving descriptive writing ability

while this research focused on implementation index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading. Most of previous research above used

classroom action research (CAR), while the researcher used qualitative

descriptive. Then, the material and school were also different.

B. Theoritical Framework

1. Theoretical Framework

a. Index Card Match Strategy

1) The Definition of Index Card Match Strategy

There are many strategies in teaching-learning. Strategy

defines as a forming part of a plan or an aim to achieve a specific

purpose or to receive an advantage.14

So, Strategy is a general

patter teacher-students action in teaching and learning activity to

obtain a certain purpose. While, index card match is kinds of

interesting teaching strategy.

Alfert states that index-card match is a strategy that cannot

only be used to review the previous material but also to provide


Hornby, Oxford Advance learner’s Dictionary of Current English (Oxford: Oxford University

Press, 1995), 1179.�—��—��—��—��—�


enjoyable learning.15

By using this card, students can see, read, and

know the meaning of words or texts. Besides, Silberman says that

the index card match strategy allows the students to pair up and

quiz the rest of the class.16

Index card match made students search

the pair of card that is the answers or the questions that have been

prepared by the teacher. Besides, students can enjoy the learning

with play in the class. So, from the explanation above can be

concluded that index card match (Looking for Pair Cards) is a

strategy that makes students to learn actively and the aim is to

make students not boring while teaching learning.

2) The procedures of Index Card Match

There are some directions to use this strategy. according to

Isnu Hidayat, there are some steps to use inde card match strategy,

there are:17

a) Teacher makes pieces of paper or card of student’s number.

b) Divide the cutting of papers in two parts.

c) Write down the question of subject that have taught in a half of

cutting papers, in each papers fill of one question.

d) And another half, write down the answer from the question


e) Shuffle paper until mix with question with answer.


Alfred, Inovasi Pendidikan, STAIN Salatiga, (Salatiga, 2010), 120 16

Silberman, Melvin, Active Learning, Pustaka Insan Madani, (Yogyakarta: 1996). 17

Isnu Hidayat, 50 strategi pembelajaran popular (Yogyakarta: DIVA Press, 2019), 86.�—��—��—��—��—�


f) Give out one card to each student. Explain that this is a

matching exercise. Some students have review questions and

others have the answers

g) Have students find their matching card. When a match is

formed, ask the matching students find seats together. (Tell

them not to reveal to other students what is contained on their


h) When all the matching pairs have seated, have each pair quiz

the rest of the class by reading aloud their question and

challenging classmates to tell them the answer.

3) Advantages and Disadvantages of Index Card Match

According to Afandi that cited by Tobing say the

advantages of index card match:18

a) Happier while teaching learning process.

b) The material will deliver attention and interesting.

c) Able to create an active and fun learning atmosphere.

d) Able to improve learning achievement and achieve learning

mastery level.

e) Assessment can be done with observers and learners.

f) Discussion and presentation can force topics/concepts to be

repeated as well as new topics.


Tobing, Noperto Tulus Parulian, “The Effect of Index Card Match Strategy on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery (A Study at the Tenth Grade Students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Sitahuis)”, A

Graduating Paper of Institute Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan, (2018), 41.�—��—��—��—��—�


According to Afandi that cited by Tobing say the

disadvantages of index card match:19

a) Need a long time for students to finished all the tasks and


b) Teachers should make mature preparation for longer periods of


c) Demands the particular nature of learners to cooperate in

solving problems.

d) The classroom atmosphere is noisy so it disturbs other classes.

e) Less affective if one class consist a lot of learners.

However, there are some possible ways that can be used to

overcome the problems as follows:

a) The teacher should divide the group into many groups in order

to avoid the noisiness in the classroom.

b) The teacher should give 10 minutes to students for matching

the cards in order to control the time during teaching learning


c) The teacher should control the student’s activities including

their attention during the teaching learning process.

b. Reading

1) Definition of Reading


Ibid., 11�—��—��—��—��—�


The major skills that must be mastered by every people in

this world is reading. Through reading people can get a lot of

information and knowledge. There is an argument about what

reading is, Harmer states that, Reading is an exercise dominated by

the eyes and the brain.20

People should formulate the brain by

using their previous knowledge in order to understand the text

easily. It means that reading is not only about spelling the words or

the sentences but also need to construe the meaning of the printed


Reading is a complex process to convey the message or

information from printed words. By reading, the reader will know

what they read and comprehend easily the messages and

information that comes from the author. Comprehension is an

important aspect of reading, reading for comprehension is the

essence of reading process. Reading comprehension is the process

of interaction between written informant and the reader by

understanding written language related to the reader’s language

skills and the knowledge they have acquired .21

In this case Harmer stated that reading is useful for

language acquisition. Provided that students more or less


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching 3rd

, (New York: Longman, 2001),

153. 21

Ahmad Ridho Rojabi,” Exploiting SQ4R Cooperative Learning Method to Enhance EFL

Students’ Reading Comprehension,” Edulingua, June 2020,4.�—��—��—��—��—�


understand what they read, the better they get at it.22

In reading

comprehension, a reader should have knowledge about

understanding the reading text. So, comprehension is a thinking

process through reading. In conclusion, the researcher stated that

reading comprehension is a dynamic process to get information on

printed text by interpreting the content of the reading.

2) Teaching Reading

Teaching reading is a teacher’s way in transferring

knowledge from teacher to students by using a certain strategy and

a certain material in order to master reading itself. Therefore,

reading is one ways to made students understanding the text that

they have been red. Harmer stated that teaching is not an easy job,

but it is necessary one and can be very rewarding when we see our

student’s progress and know that we helped to make it happen.23

So, teaching is an activity to make and give the opportunity for the

students in learning process to get a purpose. In the next point the

writer will explain some types in reading.

3) Types of Reading

There are many types in reading text. Each type has

difference advantages and disadvantages for the reader. According

Patel and Jain, there are four types of reading, there are Intensive


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English (Harlow: Pearson Edition Limited, 2007), 99. 23 Ibid, 23�—��—��—��—��—�


Reading, Extensive Reading, Silent Reading and Reading Aloud.24

In this research, reading aloud refers to the one that the students

have been taught and that they are expected to be able to use. The

explanation of types of reading can be seen below:

a) Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is a reading text to get specific

information. In this reading, students read the text for getting

knowledge. Besides, the purpose of this reading is to read

shorter text. It will serve a basic explaining the difficulties of

the structure and for extending knowledge of vocabulary. So,

intensive reading is thoroughly about comprehending the text,

limited reading, difficult texts, read word of word and use the

dictionary. This reading is done to carry out to get specific


b) Extensive Reading

Extensive reading means reading a large quantity of text

by understanding the component part and the meaning of the

text, where reading confidence and reading fluency are

prioritized. It will select a lower level of difficulty material.

c) Reading Aloud

Reading aloud has important part in teaching English.

The training of aloud reading have to know by the teacher in


M. Jain Praveen and M. Dr. Patel, “English Language Teaching”, Academic Journal

PERSPEKTIVE, ISSN: 2354-740 (September, 2008),117.�—��—��—��—��—�


order to give at primary level, because it is the basic of words

pronunciation. Reading aloud prevents the students to

understanding the meaning of a sentence even they may not

know one word in the sentence.

d) Silent Reading

Silent reading is a very fundamental skill in teaching

English. It was used to improve student’s reading ability. Silent

reading enables the students to read completely silently without

making sound and moving theirs lips.

4) Method in Teaching Reading

In reading comprehension, many students struggle to

understand the text. Reading without getting some information is

useless. So, the teacher constantly seeking effective approaches

and methods to help the student’s struggles in order the students

can master reading comprehension well. So, there are many

approaches and methods can be applied in teaching reading

comprehension. The methods are:25

a) Bottom-Up

Bottom-up can be viewed as the based processing in

reading. In the bottom-up, students must learn the basics of

phonics and builds up comprehension by decoding letter,

words, phrases, and sentences. Therefore, in using this method


Yu-Li, Huang, “The Effect of Picture on Reading Comprehension of Third Year Junior High

School Students of English Selection of American Festivals”, National Ceng Kung University

China, (2005), 17�—��—��—��—��—�


for teaching reading comprehension the teacher intends to

practice individual letters, build to more letters and words until

the students can says the words. It will take a little bit long time

to assure that the students understand the relationship between

letters and their sound. While, after practicing the sound of the

letters or words, the teacher would ask the students to find the

unknown words or short sentence on other paragraph. For

intermediate students, bottom-up can be used to determine the

unknown words by analyzing prefixes, suffixes and root words.

b) Top-Down

Top-down reading means a student’s schema that

related to particular topic or theme. In top-down, students focus

on the meaning of text rather than on individual words or

phrases. Therefore, in top-down process not only the reader as

an active participant in reading process but also his/her

knowledge plays. Then, the teachers who teach reading by

using this method have to activate students’ prior knowledge

about the material before her/him going to teach. It means, to

get the information from the text, the reader should not need to

know all the words in the text, but the reader predicts the

meaning by using the cues of text.�—��—��—��—��—�


c) Interactive

In the interactive reading, the reader creates the

meaning of the text by using both of his/her existing linguistic

and schematic knowledge and the input provided by the written

text. Therefore, it is called by combination theory from top-

down and bottom-up.

5) Aspects of reading comprehension

There are five components of reading comprehension which

help student to comprehend the English text.26

The first component

in reading comprehension will be chosen in this research.

Therefore, the components of reading comprehension they are:

a) Identifying Main Idea

Main idea is the most important thing in a paragraph.

Every paragraph should have a main idea or topic. It tells about

the content of paragraph. The readers are supposed to define

and understand the main idea or the topic from the reading text.

However, the difference between main idea and topic is, the

main idea is in the form of sentence while topic is usually in

form of phrase. So, main idea is the central idea of the reading

text. Comprehending main idea and supporting ideas is a

reader’s skill. The readers have to find what is the reading text

telling about in general.


Olviyanti, Ika, Rismaya Marbun, Zainal Arifin, “An Analysis on the Ability Comprehending a

Reading Text by the Sixth Year Students”, FKIP Untan Pontianak, (2018)�—��—��—��—��—�


b) Identifying Specific Information

Identifying the specific information usually calls by the

detail information. The detail information usually is the answer

of 5W 1H questions. Finding detail information is reading

selectively to get the specific description in reading text. For

examples, finding a name, place, number, shape, date. So, it is

used when the reader wants to find a particular piece of

information for understanding the supporting ideas of the text.

c) Determining References

Reference is a relation between objects in which one

object designates as a means by which to connect to another

object. Furthermore, determining reference is repeating the

same word or phrase, after it has been used. Students usually

refer an object rather than repeat it. References are usually

short and very frequently pronouns. For examples, she, he, it,

they, this, her / him, and many others. When the students can

understand the use of references and identify the use of

references in the reading text while it can help the students to

comprehend the whole content of the text. So, references also

help students to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation of

the reading content.�—��—��—��—��—�


d) Making Inference

Inference is one of comprehension strategies of the

readers to make or draw a conclusion about content of text that

is not directly stated in the text. So, inference is an idea which

is implied or not directly stated in the text.

e) Understanding Vocabulary

The last component of reading comprehension is

understanding the vocabulary. Readers need the meaning of

vocabulary to guess certain word or phrase from the context. In

reading text, the readers or students will meet some words or

phrase in the sentences. Of course, each word or phrase has its

own meaning as its single position. On the other hand, students

should not define every word or phrase they meet in the text

because the words or phrase might have different meaning

when they join together with other words. Therefore,

understanding vocabulary is an important skill for

comprehending the content of the text. Indeed, vocabulary is

basic for everyone who wants to develop or to produce

utterances for reading.

c. Descriptive Text

1) Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a genre of text. It has purpose to describe

somethings. Based on Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, they define�—��—��—��—��—�


that descriptive text is kind of text which is aimed to describe a

particular person, place or things.27

It means that descriptive text is

a text that gives particular information by describing the object.

The description explains about an object such as a visual image of

people, place, even of time days or season and It may tell about

their traits of character and personality.

2) The Social Function of Descriptive Text

According to Suwardati the social function of descriptive

text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing.28

3) The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

A descriptive text has generic structure as:

a) Identification

An introduction to the subject of the description. It contains of

the identification of the topic that will be described.

b) Description

Describe parts quantities characteristics or the characteristic

feature of the subject. It contains of the explanation or

description of the thing or person to mention a few properties.

4) Language Features of Descriptive Text

The language features of descriptive text use the following:

a) Focus on specific participants


Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, (Quuensland: Gerd

Stabler, 1994), 208. 28

Suwardati, Look Ahead 2: An English Course for Senior High School Students Year XI, (Jakarta:

Erlangga, 2005), 10.�—��—��—��—��—�


b) Use the attributive and identifying

c) Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups

d) Use of simple present tense�—��—��—��—��—�




In this chapter, the researcher described the method used which consist of

research design, place of the research, subject of the research, data collection

method and data analysis.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher used descriptive research with

qualitative approach. Qualitative research is descriptive which the data is

collected in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers.29

It is called

qualitative research because the data is in the form of quotes from documents

and interviews, they were used to present the findings of the study.

Meanwhile, qualitative research is the research which focuses on

understanding social phenomenon in natural settings in the form of words,

pictures, or objects.30

The researcher applied qualitative research design,

because the researcher could figure out how to view the implementation of

index card match strategy in MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah during the learning


B. Place of the Research

This research was conducted at MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

which is located at Jl. Mataram No 7 RT. 18 RW 02 Krajan-Jenggawah

Kabupaten Jember. The researcher choosed MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah as the


Bogdan, R. C., Biklen, S. K., Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory

and Methods, (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1992). 30

Donal Ary, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, Chris Sorensen and Asghar Razavieh, Introduction to Research

in Education, 8th Edition (Belmont USA: Wadsworth, 2010), 424.�—��—��—��—��—�


place of the research because the english teacher there has ever applied the

index card match strategy in teaching learning process and the school was one

of islamic boarding school that obligated the students to speak English as daily

language and the students were capable in participating lot of language

competitions. So, it was possible to know the students reading skill at

preliminary grade.

C. Subject of the Research

In qualitative research, the researcher did observation and interview

with people who knew well about the situation related to the titleof the

research. Therefore, the subject of the research were the English teacher and

the seventh grade students of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. The English

teacher is Miss Siska who applied index card match strategy in learning

reading and knew well about the strategy.The researcher chose VII C pi as the

class because of English teacher’s suggestion at interview, she told about the

student’s low interest in learning English in that class. The class consisted of

27 students in the academic year 2019/2020 which dominated with the female

students. The researcher chose two students as the research subject because of

some considerations. Those considerations were one of them was very active

in the class, and one of them was not active in the class.�—��—��—��—��—�


D. Data Collection Method

In collecting the data, the researcher used some techniques as follows;

1. Observation

Observation is a process of collecting data about the research

object. The observation was aimed to explain the situation in the class

during the teaching learning. It was conducted to get information about the

implementation of index card match strategy in reading learning. Besides,

Sugiono states that the kinds of observations are divided into; participant

observation and non-participant observation.31

Based on the statement,

there are two kind of observations technique, participant and non-

participant observation.

In this research, the researcher used non participant observation to

observe the seventh grade of MTs Al_Islah Jenggawah Jember where the

researcher only observed what the teacher and students do in the class

without teaching or being student there. By doing the observation, the

researcher could find out the general information and specific information

about how the teacher implement index card match strategy in teaching

and learning reading in the class. The specific information obtained by this

technique were:


Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,2017), 145.�—��—��—��—��—�


a. The setting of the research

b. The situation and condition of the classroom. It included how the

teacher used index card match strategy in teaching and learning


c. The difficulties and advantages are faced by the students and the

English teacher in implementation the index card match strategy.

2. Interview

Interview is a process to get information by using conversation

between researcher and informant which the researcher becomes

interviewer to obtain information from the interview.32

It means interview

is a process of excavate the infromation deeply with focuss on the

research problem. There are kinds of interview; structured interviews,

unstructured interviews, and semi-structured interview.

In this research, the researcher used semi structured interview

because this interview has been categorized as in-depth interview. So by

applying this kind of interview, the researcher can discover the problems

openly. The researcher interviewed the English teacher and some students.

The data that the researcher obtained from the interview were:

a. The difficulties are faced by the teacher in teaching and learning


b. The kinds of learning strategy that students like


Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Yogyakarta; Ar Ruz Media, 2006), 137�—��—��—��—��—�


c. The goals of the implementation of index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading.

d. The procedure for the implementation of index card match strategy

3. Document Review

Document review in this research is important to gain the data needed

in this research. It is an effort to collect data by investigatng the written

obect. 33

Which means, this method used to get the data based on the

research object such as records, photos, transcripts etc. Besides, the

document review helped the reseracher to attach evidence supporting the

research. With the method of document review, data obtained were:

a. History of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

b. Profile of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

c. Teacher and Employeee data of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

d. Students data of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

e. Lesson plan

f. Students’ book scoring

E. Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the resarcher analyzed the data. To analyze

the data, the researcher used descriptive qualitative to analyze data. Miles,

Hurberman, and Saldana state that there are three activities to analyze data in

descriptive qualitative research, those activities are: 34


Mundir, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif (Jember: STAIN Jember Press,2013), 86) 34

Matthew B Miles and A. Michael Hurberman, Qualitative Data Analysis: A Method

Sourcebook, (London: Sage, 2014), 10.�—��—��—��—��—�


1. Data condensation

Data condensation means the process of selecting, identifying,

classifying and coding the data that are considered important. In

conducting this research, the researcher got much data. Therefore, the

researcher selected data that gave valuable information in research. So,

first the researcher did sifting to analyze the data. Based on the concept of

data condensation, sifting the data in this research was chosen by

identifying index card match strategy used, the difficulties in reading

learning, and the solutions that were used to solve the difficulties in

reading learning.

2. Data Display

Data display means the process to simply the data in the form of

sentence, description, or table. Data display refers to show data that have

been reduced in the form of patterns. It benefited to help the researcher in

understanding the data and making the relation between phenomenon to

interpret what happened and what needed to be followed up to catch the

research purposes. In displaying data, the researcher described the data

that have been reduced into sentence form.

3. Conclusion Drawing

In this step, the researcher concluded the result of the research

based on the research problems. The researcher got the result and

conclusion of the research by identifying and comparing the result of

observation data, interview data and document review of the data.�—��—��—��—��—�


F. Data Validity

The research could be trusted if the researcher can establish that the

findings of the research was validity. There were various ways to establish a

sense of trustworthiness. William Wiersma stated as cited by Sugiyono initial

that triangulation is qualitative cross-validation. It assessed the sufficiency of

the data according to the convergence of multiple data sources or multiple data

collection procedures.35

So, in this research, the researcher used triangulation technique and

triangulation of source. Triangulation technique is a method that examine the

credibility of data by checking data in the same source with different

technique and the different source to get the same data. While, triangulation

technique could be done by comparing the same data through different

technique. Observation was compared with the interview, interview was

compared with document review, and observation was compared with

document review too. Moreover, triangulation of source could be done by

comparing two sources, English teacher and students.

G. Research procedures

This section described the process of the research, start from research

background, the study of design, the actual research and the writing of the

report. The steps of this research are as follow:


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan RnD (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2018), 273.�—��—��—��—��—�


1. Pre-field research stage

There were several stages of activities that the researcher must do

before entering the field of study object.

a. Prepare research design

b. Choose the research field

c. Take care of licensing

d. Deciding the informant

e. Prepare equipment

2. Field research stage

a. Apprehend background and objective of research

b. Enter the research location

c. Look for the data source

d. Participate while collecting the data

e. Complete the data

3. Post-field research

After all the data was collected, analyzed the whole data and then

described it in the form of a report and consulted with the supervisor. The

activities as follow:

a. Analyze data based on the research procedure

b. Take care of licensing complete research

c. Arrange or serve the data which formed in report

d. Revise the report�—��—��—��—��—�


H. Structure of the Thesis

The result of this research will be devided into five chapters. Here will

be explained what every chapter consist of:

Chapter I is introduction. It consists of background of the research,

research questions, limitation of the research, objectives of the research, the

significance of the research, and definition of the key terms.

Chapter II is review of related literature. It consists of previous

research and theoretical framework.

Chapter III is the research methodology. It consists of research design,

place of the research, subject of the research, data collection method, data

analysis, data validity, and research procedure.

Chapter IV is description of research object, research findings and


Chapter V is conclusions and suggestion�—��—��—��—��—�




This chapter is the report of the result of the research. It consists of research

findings and research discussion.

A. Description of the Research Object

1. History of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

MTs Al-Ishlah Karang Bindung Hamlet, Jenggawah Village,

Jenggawah Subdistrict, Jember Regency, was established to assist the

government program in order to participate in the intellectual life of the

nation as mandated by their sons and daughters, to obtain appropriate

education and knowledge according to developments and changing times.

This school was founded in 1991 by Kyai Sirojuddin Ahmad. Initially

education in MTs Al-Ishlah took the form of TMI which was a branch of

Al-Amien. Because all the teaching staff are alumni of Al-Amien Madura.

MTs Al-Ishlah education foundation continues to increase from

time to time. This can be seen by the increasing interest of the community

to include their sons and daughters in this institution. In the beginning,

YPI Al-Ishlah only had two musolas and three classrooms for study.

In 1993 YPAI Al-Ishlah built 6 Spaces measuring 5 x 10 which

was a collaboration between all committees and non-governmental

organizations that supported each other for the smooth education in MTs

Al-Ishlah. The construction was inaugurated by the head of the Jenggawah�—��—��—��—��—�


village, Mr. Maulan, witnessed by all the parents and students of the

village of jenggawah who participated in the development.

The students of Al-Ishlah is increasing every year, and this makes

all administrators nervous because of the lack of classrooms needed. And

finally with the cooperation between all committees and the community, 4

more classrooms of the same size are built.

But over time and the advancement of the world of education, the

legality of learning in the form of formal diplomas is a demand of society

in general. the chairman of the foundation began to think and plan to open

formal institutions at the MTs level within the YPAI Al-Ishlah

environment. Finally, all committee members gathered at the request of

the chairman of the foundation and after the plan was submitted to all

members and received a positive response from all parties, then it was

determined on June 9, 2006 YPI Al-Ishlah established the Madrasah

Tsanawiyah Al-Ishlah institution and was recognized by government.

Since that time the name Al-Ishlah was increasingly known by the

people of Java and outside Java. And from that moment Al-Ishlah began to

take part in various activities held both from the Department of Religion

and from the National Education Office, and Al-Ishlah began to achieve

his achievements and receive several awards from the results of his efforts.�—��—��—��—��—�


2. The Profile of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

a. School Name : MTs Al-Ishlah Jenggawah Jember

b. NISM : 121235090045

c. Address : Jln. Mataram No. 07 RT. 18 RW.


d. Postal Code : 68171

e. Faxcimili/fax : [email protected]

f. Province : East Java

g. Regional Autonomy : Jember

h. Sub-district : Jenggawah

i. Village : Jenggawah

j. School Status : Swasta

k. Accreditation : B

l. SK Publisher : Ministry of Religion of East Java


m. Year of Establishment : July 15, 2006

n. Time of Learning Activities : 06.45-13.15

o. School Building : Self-owned

p. Land Area : 4.316 M2

q. Land Status : Waqf

r. Waqf on Behalf : Al-Ishlah Education Foundation

s. Organizing Organization : Al-Islah Education Foundation�—��—��—��—��—�


t. Foundation Legal Entity : SK Kemenkumham No.AHU-


3. Vision and Mission of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

a. School Vision of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

Creating superior people who have IMTAQ, mastering science

and technology, noble character, broad-minded, independent and

responsible based on a strong personality, dynamic and global

competitiveness who are ready to become khodimul ummah.

b. School Mission of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

1) Organizing a modern learning process in line with the demands and

progress and development of science and technology.

2) Instilling Islamic values based on the Al-Quran As-Sunnah through

various scientific studies and daily practices.

3) Participate in various events both local, national and international

levels to grind potential / skills that exist in students.

B. Research Finding

The researcher collected the data by using interviews, observation, and

document review techniques. Based on the result of interviews, observations,

and document review, the data obtained about the implementation of index

card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at

seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic year 2019-2020

are as follow:�—��—��—��—��—�


1. The Goals of the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy in

Teaching and Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019-2020.

Learning reading descriptive text by using index card match

strategy is one of interesting way to do. In teaching and learning reading,

the teacher was planned the goals before begins the learning process.

Based on the interview that the researcher conducted, the goals of teaching

and learning reading descriptive text by using index card match strategy

are follow:

“Reading di tahapan MTs atau SMP itu tujuan utamanya anak

harus bisa membaca dengan benar. Jadi pertama agar anak-anak

bisa membaca dengan benar, anak harus membaca dengan

nyaring dan rasa percaya diri yang tinggi atau dengan kata lain

jangan takut salah baca. Karena pada umumnya, semua siswa

ragu untuk membaca teks berbahasa inggris dengan nyaring. Oleh

karena itu saya menggunakan index card match strategy/kartu

index sebagai strategi pembelajaran di kelas saat mengajar

reading agar anak-anak lebih tertarik dan berani untuk membaca

dengan nyaring. (Reading at this stage junior high school has a

general purpose that is students are able to read correctly.

Therefore, first step children can read correctly, children must read

aloud and high self-confidence or in other words do not be afraid of

misreading. Because in general, all students hesitate to read

English texts aloud. Therefore, I use the index card match strategy

as a learning strategy in the classroom when teaching reading so

that children are more interested and brave to read aloud.)” 36

Based on the interview above, it can be seen the goal of teaching

and learning reading descriptive text by using index card match as a

strategy were the students can be interested in the learning reading process

and can be more active and they were able to read text loudly. If the


The English teacher, Interview, Februari 30, 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


teacher used a strategy to teach in the class, students gave good responses

during the teaching and learning reading process. The used of index card

match strategy in teaching and learning reading could help the teacher in

delivering the material in reading.

The English teacher’s explanation was confirmed on lesson plan

point A, B and C about the learning objectives which the students are

expected to be able to:

“a. Siswa dapat menyimak dan menirukan beberapa teks deskriptif

tentang memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda sangat pendek dan sederhana dengan

benar, b. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif tentang

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan deskripsi orang,

binatang, dan benda sangat pendek dan sederhana dengan benar,

c. Siswa dapat mencocokkan soal dan jawaban terkait teks

deskriptif tentang memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan

deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda sangat pendek dan

sederhana dengan benar. (a. Students are able to scrutinize and

imitate some description text about giving and asking information

related to the description of people, animals and things in simple

text correctly, b. Students are able to identify the description text

about asking and giving information related to the description of

people, animals and things in simple text correctly, c. Students are

able to match the question’s card with the answer’s card related to

the description of people, animals and things in simple text


Based on the result of interview and the document review, it can be

seen that the goals of teaching and learning reading by using index card

match strategy were relevant with the standard of competence and basic

competence. In the teaching and learning reading by using index card

match strategy, the teacher aimed to make the students were easier to

imitate the reading of descriptive text about people, animals and things,


Document Review, Lesson Plan, 7th March 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


motivate the students to take part in learning reading, the students were

able to identify the structure of descriptive text correctly, the students were

able to match the question’s card with the answer’s card related with the

description text that was presented in written form, they got fun and active

while the learning process.38

It was supported by the observation in which the teacher explained

the goals of the teaching and learning process, it was like in the picture


Picture 4.1

Explaining the goals of the teaching and learning process

Based on the observation which has proven with the picture above,

the English teacher started the class by greeting and praying together, she

checked the students’ condition which there were two students that did not

come to the class, and she gave brainstorming to the students about the

topic that will be discussed then she informed about the learning

objectives simplicity. The teacher informed all the goals of teaching and


Document Review, MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, February 15th 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


learning process baes on the lesson plan. 39

Therefore, the students

understood what the English teacher meant. Besides, the students paid

attention during the teacher’s explanation.

The observation above was strengthened by one of the students of

VII C pi, Lisa Umaroh said that:

“Jika saat pembelajaran di kelas guru menggunakan sebuah

strategy pembelajaran, maka siswa-siswa akan lebih termotivasi

untuk mengikuti pembelajarannya terutama dalam pembelajaran

reading. If the English teacher used a strategy in the learning

process, the students will be motivated to join the learning

especially the learning reading.”40

Based on the statement above, the goals of the implementation of

index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading helped the

teacher in the teaching process and helped the students in understanding

the material.

Moreover, the material of learning was one of important part that

should be prepared by the teacher. The material of reading learning

descriptive text by using index card match strategy at seventh grade

students of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember based on the interview

conducted by researcher with miss Siska as English teacher was:

“Materi pembelajaran yang saya gunakan untuk mengajar reading

dengan menggunakan index card match strategi yaitu descriptive

text dan biasanya saya menggunakan buku paket “When English

Rings a Bell” dan buku “English Reading” dan pastinya sudah

disesuaikan dengan kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar. Materi

descriptive text sangat cocok digunakan untuk ngajar reading dan

menggunakan strategi index card match. (the learning material that

I used to teach reading by using index card match strategy is

descriptive text and usually I used the “When English Rings a


Observation, MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, February 29th 2020

40 Interview, Lisa Umaroh, 7

th March 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


Bell” and “English Reading” books and of course it has been

adjusted to standard of competence and basic competences.

Descriptive text material is very suitable for reading learning and

using the index card match strategy.)”

Picture 4.2

The Textbook and the Material Used in the reading learning by using

index card match strategy

From the explanation of interview above, it can be seen that the

material at seventh grade students of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah were about

descriptive text and it related with the curriculum or syllabus. The

materials were not only take from student’s book but also in others

learning media that related to the picture above. The teacher chose index

card match strategy as the strategy in teaching reading descriptive text

because it was suitable with the material to make the students more active

while the learning process, in which the students had to reading aloud.

From the data interviews, observation, and document reviews, it

can be seen that the goals of implementation index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text were as follow: first, the

students can be interested in learning reading and they can be more active;�—��—��—��—��—�


Second, it could help the teacher while the teaching and learning process;

Third, the students were easier to imitate the reading of descriptive text;

Fourth, the students were able to identify the structure of descriptive text


2. The Procedure of the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy

in Teaching and Learning Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of MTs

Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

The procedure of implementing index card match strategy in

reading learning at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah based on

interview between the researcher and the English teacher was as follow:

“Langkah- langkah dalam pengimplementasian index card match

strategi ada 3, yaitu kegiatan pendahuluan, kegiatan inti dan

kegiatan penutup. Pengimplementasian index card match itu

sendiri ada di langkah kedua atau kegiatan inti. Yang mana

kegiatan inti terdiri dari beberapa tahapan. Tahapan- tahapan

dalam pengimplemetasian index card match strategi ada 5 yaitu,

stimulasi, pemberian masalah atau contoh, pengumpulan data,

pembuktian dan evaluasi. Dan pengimplmentasian index card

match strategi ada pada tahap keempat, yang mana guru membagi

siswa ke dalam beberapa kelompok. Lalu membagikan kartu

kepada setiap siswa dan setelah itu siswa harus mencocokkan

kartu yang mereka dapat dengan kartu lain dengan benar. (Steps

in implementing index card match strategy there were 3 steps,

namely preliminary activity, main activity and closing activity. The

implementation of index card match itself is in second step. Which

the main activity consists of several stages. The stages in

implementing index card match strategy there are five stages

namely, stimulation, problem statement, data collection,

verification, and clarification. And the implementation is in the

fourth stage, which is the teacher dividing students into groups.

Then distribute the cards to each student and after that the student

have to match the card that they got with another card



Miss Siska, Interview, February 30, 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


Based on the interview above, it can be known that there are five

stages in implementation of index card match strategy in reading learning.

The first was the stimulation, here the teacher indicated some pictures

which related with the topic. The second was problem statement, the

teacher gave explanation about the definition of descriptive text. The third

was data collection, here the students have to try read the descriptive text.

The fourth was verification or the main activity, here the teacher prepares

some cards. Then the students were divided into groups which the teacher

distribute the cards to each student. And the last was clarification, here the

teacher and students have to do evaluation to the result of the assignment.

Picture 4.3

Explaining the rules of index card match strategy

From the picture above indicated that the teacher explained about

the rules of index card match strategy in reading learning. While, the

students paid attention to the teacher’s explanation42

. Besides, the teacher

made sure that the students understood about the explanation of the rules

of index card match strategy in reading learning.

42 Observation, MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, March 7

th 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


It was also supported by the statement of one of the students of VII

C (pi), Imroatun Hasanah said that:

“Setelah masuk kelas dan membaca doa, guru menjelaskan materi

apa yang akan dipelajari sambil menunjukkan gambar beberapa

hewan lalu menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan

dengan gambar. Lalu, guru menjelaskan materinya dan siswa

disuruh untuk mencoba membaca teksnya. Setelah itu, guru

membagi siswa kedalam beberapa kelompok dan dibagikankannya

kartu-kartu yang berisi pertanyaan dan jawaban tentang teks cerita

tadi. Siswa disuruh untuk mencocokkan antara kartu yang berisi

pertanyaan dan kartu yang berisi jawaban. Dan yang terakhir,

siswa disuruh membacakan lagi kartu yang mereka dapat bersama

dengan pasangan yang didapat. (after entering the class and

reading prayer, the teacher explained the material that would be

learnt while showed the pictures of animal, then the teacher asked

some question related with the picture. Then the teacher explained

the material and the students are asked to try reading the text. After

that, the teacher divided students into groups and distributed the

questions card and answers card about the story. Students ordered

to match the question card with the answer card.)”43

The statement above, indicated that the teacher showed some

animal pictures and gave some questions related with the material that

would be learned. Then the teacher explained the material and students

have to read the text that had given by the teacher in which there were

some students difficult to read text that had given by teacher correctly44


Afterwards, the teacher divided the class into groups and distributed the

cards to each student. Students have to match the card that they got with

the other card. If the student got question card, they have to look for the

answer card. The last activity was the teacher asked the students to read

the card which they got.


Imroatun Hasanah, Interview, March 7th

2020 44 Observation, MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, March 7

th 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


The interview above was also supported by the lesson plan point G,

about the procedure of the implementation index card match strategy in

learning reading, as follow:

“1). Siswa mengamati gambar. 2). Guru menanyakan beberapa

pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan gambar. 3). Guru menjelaskan

materi tentang mendeskripsikan benda, binatang dan lain

sebagainya. 4). Siswa membaca (mencoba) teks deskriptif terkait

dengan materi. 5). Guru membagi siswa ke dalam beberapa

kelompok. 6). Guru memberikan kartu. 7). Siswa mencocokkan

kartu dengan kartu lainnya. 8). Siswa dan guru mengevaluasi hasil

dari tugas dengan kelompok.45

In the lesson plan above, the steps begin from the teacher gave

some illustrator as the stimulation and the main activity was the teacher

divided students into groups. The last step was clarification that the

teacher with students evaluated the result of implementation index card

match in reading learning.

Based on the explanation of observation, interviews, and document

review above, the researcher concluded that the procedure of

implementation index card match in reading learning descriptive text had

been done in accordance with the lesson plan. The procedures were: 1).

The teacher showed the pictures. 2). The teacher gave some question

related with the picture. 3). The teacher explained the material about how

to describe animal, human and others. 4). The students tried to read the

descriptive text related with the material. 5). The teacher divided students

into groups. 6). The teacher distributed the cards. 7). The students had to


Document (Lesson Plan), 7th March 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


match the card. 8). The teacher and the students evaluated the reading


3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Implementation of Index

Card Match Strategy in Reading Learning Descriptive Text at

Seventh Grade of Mts Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year


The implementation of index card match strategy in reading

learning was one of strategy that used by the teacher. Index card match

was a strategy in the learning that can be used in reading learning. Based

on the interview that the researcher conducted, the advantages and

disadvantages of implementation index card match strategy in reading

learning descriptive text as follow:

“Untuk membuat pembelajaran di kelas berjalan dengan

kondusif, saya memilih untuk menggunakan index card match

strategi dalam pembelajaran membaca. Yang mana reading

adalah salah satu kegiatan belajar yang sangat membosankan

sehingga banyak siswa yang mengantuk. Jadi index card match

ini sangat membantu saya untuk membuat siswa tetap aktif

selama pembelajaran berlangsung dan memudahkan siswa juga

dalam pemahaman materi. (For making the teaching learning in

the class was conducive, I chose to use index card match strategy

in the reading learning. While, reading was one of the boring

learning activity that made students sleepy in the class. So, index

card match helped me to make students active during the learning


Based on the interview above, the teacher goals in implementing

index card match strategy was relevant with standard of competence and

basic competence. The use of index card match strategy in learning


Miss Siska Umami, Interview, March 7, 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


reading could help the teacher in conveying the materials and it could

help the students in understanding the materials.

Furthermore, Miss Siska as the English teacher of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah stated that:

“Kecocokan sebuah strategi dengan materi itu tergantung dari

kreatifitas gurunya. Dan sebuah strategi pun memiliki kelebihan

dan kekurangan. Jadi jika pengimplementasian index card match

strategi ditemukan kekurangan. Maka hal itu wajar, seperti

contohnya kurangnya waktu dan ramainya kelas saat

pembelajaran berlangsung. (an appropriateness of stategy with

the material depend on teacher’s crearivity. A strategy had

advantages and disadvantages. So, if in the implementation index

card match was disadvantages. It was normal. For example, the

lack of time the crowded class during the learning process.)”

Picture 4.6

Implementation of index card match in reading learning

Based on the observation which has been proven with the

picture above, when the teacher was applying the index card match

strategy, the students were enthusiastic but the class was crowded

during the reading learning descriptive text by using index card match.

While, the use of index card match strategy was fun. It made students

more active and enthusiastic during the learning process.47

Thus, the


MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah, Observation, March 14, 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


students were not sleepy while the reading learning process, and it

could help the teacher in conveying the material.

The interview, and the observation were strengthened by one

of the students of 7 Cpi class, Imroatun Hasanah said that:

“Saat pembelajaran di kelas menggunakan strategi, kelas akan

menjadi hidup, teman-teman saya yang biasanya mengantuk

menjadi lebih semangat karena pembelajarannya menarik,

tapi kelas menjadi ramai dan materi yang didapat lebih sedikit

namun mudah dipahami. (while thr learning in the class using

a strategy, the class will live, my friends that usually sleepy

will not sleepy again and more spirit because the learning

process was interesting, but the class be crowded and the

material that we got little more but it is easy to understand)”.

Based on the statement above, it could be known that the

implementation of index card match strategy could help the student to

understand the material easier. When the students can enjoy the

learning process, it made the students happier and easier to catch the

material that has been taught. Moreover, the implementation of index

card match strategy needed more time because the students got little

more material than usually.

Miss Siska also explained about the disadvantages of

implementation of index card match strategy. she explained that:

“Dalam penerapan index card match strategi ini guru harus

memiliki persiapan yang lebih, contohnya menyiapkan materi

agar cocok dengan strategi ini, pembuatan media juga

membutuhkan waktu lebih sehingga dapat meminimalisir

keramaian di kelas, dan untuk kegiatan akhir dari

pengimplementasian index card match ini guru juga

memberikan teks deskriptif singkat serta beberapa kuis untuk

mengetahui sejauh mana siswa itu paham akan materi yang

telah dipelajari.( in implementing the index card match

strategy the teacher should have more preparation, for�—��—��—��—��—�


example; the teacher prepares the material that suitable with

the strategy, the teacher produces the media need more time

until minimize the crowded in the class, and the end of activity

from the implementing index card match strategy, the teacher

gave a simple descriptive text with some quiz to determine the

student’s understanding about the material that has been


Based on the statement above, indicated that the teacher

confronted with some defiance, she had to minimise the crowded class

and maximize the utilizing the time. Besides, the implementation of

index card match in reading learning descriptive text could help the

teacher in teaching learning but the teacher had to do more preparation

too. In addition, at the end of activity in implementing the index card

match strategy, the teacher gave simple text and some quiz to know

the student’s understanding about the material that has been learned.

Thus, based on the observation, interviews, and document

review, the researcher concluded that the implementation of index

card match strategy had advantages and disadvantages. The

advantages were; first, the students were active; second, the students

understood about the material. The disadvantages were; first, it spent

time; second, it made the class crowded; Third, the teacher had more



Table 4.1

The Results of Research findings

No. Research Focus Research Findings

1. What are the goals of the implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic year 2019/2020?

There are four points: 1) The students can be interested

in learning reading and they can be more active

2) It could help the teacher while the teaching and learning process

3) The students were easier to imitate the reading of descriptive text

4) The students were able to identify the structure of descriptive text correctly.

2. How is the procedure of the implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and learning descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic year 2019/2020?

The procedures of index card match strategy were as follows: 1) The teacher showed the

pictures 2) The teacher gave some

questions related with the picture

3) The teacher explained the material about how to describe an object

4) The students tried to read the descriptive text related with the material

5) The teacher divided students into groups

6) The teacher distributed the cards

7) The students had to match the card

8) The teacher and the students evaluated the learning reading

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of index card match strategy in reading learning descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic year 2019/2020?

The advantages of implementation index card match strategy were as follows: 1) Happier while learning process 2) It able to create an active

learning 3) It made students more

interested during the learning process.

The disadvantages of implementation index card match strategy were as follows: 1) It need long time for students to

finished the test�—��—��—��—��—�


No. Research Focus Research Findings 2) The teacher need more

preparation 3) It made the class crowded 4) It less affective if one class

consist a lot students

C. Research Discussions

In this discussion, the researcher described the data, the data were

presented and analysed through research findings. Here the discussion:

1. The Goals of the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy in

Teaching and Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019-2020.

Based on the research findings, the teacher implemented the index

card match strategy to help her in reading learning process and to guide the

learning process. The strategy could motivate students to take a part in

learning process, it means that students were active and interested during

the learning process. So that, they could enjoy the learning process. This

statement is supported by Hamdani who stated that strategy has a function

in creating the learning related with learning goal that has been


Therefore, when the goals of the teaching and learning have

been achieved, the teaching and learning were success.

Before the teacher teaching the students, the teacher made a lesson

plan that must related with the theory. The theory that supported this

statement was the theory of the Ministry of National Education and


Hamdani. Strategi Belajar. Mengajar (Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2011), 48�—��—��—��—��—�


culture, “A lesson plan should be made before the instruction process


The goals findings of implementation index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-

Islah Jenggawah Jember such as; first,the students were able to read the

text by load voice and felt more confident; second, the students were able

to identify the main idea of the text; third, the students were able to

describe about people, animals and things correctly; and fourth, the

students were able to active in reading learning. It means that the teacher

wants to improve the students reading skill or make the students to read

aloud by confidence. It is supported by the statement of Liastuti

Ustianingsih and Luluk Puji Riwayanti which argue that reading aloud is

the right strategy to overcome the reading problem because it focused on

the learning process.50

Besides, it was relevant with Harris and Sipay’s

statement. She said that reading aloud is give the teacher best way and

valid to evaluate student’s development in reading.51

It is also accordance with was stated by Silberman that index card

match was the fun and active strategy to overcome the problem in learning

process and to review the material that has been taught, it let students to


Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Modul Manajemen Implementasi Kurikulum K13

(Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, 2018), 62. 50

Liastuti Ustianingsih and Luluk Puji Riwayanti, “Pengaruh Metode Reading Aloud Terhadap

Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Jepang”, Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa

dan Sastra,3,2(Desember,2016):543. 51

Farida Rahim, Pengajaran Membaca di Sekolah Dasar, (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara,2008), 123�—��—��—��—��—�


pairs and play the quiz with other students in the class.52

In conclusion, the

goals of implementation index card match strategy in teaching and

learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember from the findings and theory were to motivated the

students to read aloud, it could make the students feel more confidence and

fun during the learning process and gave opportunity to students to read

the English text.

The teaching material is all the materials that could be used by the

teacher. The materials must be mastered by students for achieving the

standard and basic competence. Based on the findings above, the teacher

used When English Rings a Bell textbook as the material which made by

the government. As stated in the Ministry of National Education and

culture law number 71 the year 2013 about lesson textbook and teachers’

guideline textbook for elementary and junior high school, the government

designs a textbook for instruction guidelines, the text book is provided for

teachers and students namely When English Rings a Bell. 53

The teacher

could choose and select the suitable material for the students. So, the

teacher used descriptive text as the material. This material was in chapter 7

of the When English Rings a Bell textbook.

Furthermore, in this research, the teacher used descriptive text for

teaching reading in seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. The


Silberman, Melvin L, 101 Strategies to Teach Any Subject, tejm. Muttaqien Raisul (Bandung:

Nusa Media,2009), 240 53

Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesi, Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan Republik Indonesi Nomor 71 Tahun 2013 tentang Buku Teks Pelajaran dan Buku

Pandun Guru untuk Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, 1.�—��—��—��—��—�


material would be discussed were; First, reading aloud; Second,

identifying the main idea of the text; Third is simple present tense; and

Fourth, a short story in present form. The teacher delivered the material in

good way by using a fun strategy to make the students active and easier in

the learning process. It was relevant with Melvin L. Silberman theory that

index card match strategy was an active, fun way to review the material

and it was a learning strategy which invited students to learn actively.54

Besides, this research focused on the teaching and learning reading text by

using index card match strategy.

Thus, it could be concluded that index card match became the

suitable strategy to be applied for the descriptive text material because it

can help the teacher in teaching reading and it can help the students in

understanding the material easier and enjoy the learning process.

2. The Procedure of the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy

in Teaching and Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade

of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019/2020

Overall, the way that the teacher taught the students was in line

with the lesson plan made by the English teacher. The procedure of

implementation index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading

descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, there

were three steps. First, preliminary activities. Second, main activities. And

third, closing activities. It was relevant by the statement of Abdul Mujid


Melvin L. Silberman, Active Learning 101 Cara Belajar Siswa Aktif, (Bandung: Nusa Media

2006), 250�—��—��—��—��—�


which argue that there are three activities in the implementation stage of

learning namely preliminary activity, main activity and closing activity.55

In the preliminary activity the teacher gave motivation to students, in the

main activity the teacher implemented the strategy, the procedures of

index card match strategy were; First, the teacher showed the pictures;

Second, the teacher gave some question related with the picture; Third, the

teacher explained the material about how to describe people, animal and

others; Fourth, the students tried to read the descriptive text related with

the material; Fifth, the teacher divided students into groups; Sixth, the

teacher distributed the card; Seventh, the students had to match the card;

and Eighth, the teacher and the students evaluated the reading learning.

And in the closing activity the teacher the asked about the student’s

difficulties during the reading learning process.

During the implementation of the strategy, the students look more

active, enthusiastic in learning reading by reading the English text loudly

and they also more confident without feel shy when they got mistakes in

reading the text. The strategy was fun and could motivated the students to

read the English text loudly without being forced. As stated by Zaini,

index card match strategy is a pretty fun strategy to repeated the materials

which had been given before.56

He stated that the index card match

strategy was ann effective, easy, and fun way for students.


Addul Mujid, Perencanaan Pembelajaran (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2005), 104-105. 56

Zaini Hisyam, strategi Pembelajaran Aktif (Yogyakarta: Insan Madani,2008), 69�—��—��—��—��—�


Thus it could be concluded that the procedures of the

implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and learning

reading descriptive text were done in line with the lesson plan. The

procedures in the field were same with Isnu Hidayat’s theory.

3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Implementation of Index

Card Match Strategy in Reading Learning Descriptive Text at

Seventh Grade of Mts Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year


There were some advantages and disadvantages of implementation

index card match strategy in reading learning descriptive text at seventh

grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, the advantages were; First,

students felt happier while learning process; Second, it was able to create

an active learning; and Third, it made students more interested during the

learning process. The disadvantages were; First, the implementation of

index card match need long time; Second, the teacher need more

preparation; Third, it made the class crowed; and Fourth, it less affective if

one class consist a lot student. It was relevant with Afandi’s statement. He

said that the advantages of index card match were; First, happier while

teaching learning process; Second, the material will deliver attention and

interesting; Third, able to create an active and fun learning atmosphere;

Fourth, able to improve learning achievement and achieve learning

mastery level; Fifth, assessment can be done with observers and learners;

and Sixth, discussion and preparation can force topics/ concepts to be�—��—��—��—��—�


repeated as well as new topics. The disadvantages were; First, need a long

time for students to finished all the tasks and preparation; Second, teachers

should make mature preparation for longer periods of time; Third,

demands the students to cooperate in solving problems; Fourth, the

classroom atmosphere is noisy so it disturb other class; and Fifth, less

affective if one class consist a lot of students.57

Therefore, the

implementation of index card match strategy in reading learning can be

modified based on the material would be discussed and student’s level but

the purposes were same to help the students in reading learning process.

Evaluation was the last component in learning, the teacher

evaluated the teaching and learning process was to assess how far the goal

has been achieved while the teacher did it in the end of discussion.

According to Mansyur et al (2015), there were two kind of evaluation,

formative evaluation, and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is

the assessment whose function is to improve the teaching and learning

process. This evaluation carried out at the end of the discussion. It is

different from the summative evaluation which carried out at every end of

a unit time which more than one subject.58

In this research, the teacher

used formative evaluation which consisted of written test at the end of

discussion. The written test was in the form of student’s daily test which


Tobing, Noperto Tulus Parulian, “The Effect of Index Card Match Strategy on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery (A Study at the Tenth Grade Students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Sitahuis)”, A

Graduating Paper of Institute Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan, (2018), 41. 58

Mansyur et al, asesmen Pembelajaran di Sekolah (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2015), 14-15.�—��—��—��—��—�


consisted of multiple choice and spoken test that was done by asking each

students to read the English text.

From the explanation above, it was also in accordance with what

was stated by Miss Siska Umami that every strategy has advantages and

disadvantages and index card match strategy was one of the strategies

which is compatible for reading learning because it made the students

more active during the learning process. It was relevant with Alfred’s

statement that index card match is a strategy that cannot only be used to

review the previous material but also to provide enjoyable learning.59


Alfred, Inovasi Pendidikan (Salatiga: STAIN Salatiga, 2010. ),120�—��—��—��—��—�




In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusions of the research and

the suggestions.


Based on the data analysis and discussion, the conclusion can be drawn

as follows:

First, the goals of the implementation of index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-

Islah Jenggawah Jember. The implementation of index card match strategy

had some goals, there were; the students can be interested in learning reading

and they can be more active; it could help the teacher while the teaching and

learning process; the students were easier to imitate the reading of descriptive

text; the students were able to identify the structure of descriptive text


Second, the procedures of the implementation of index card match

strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah were; the teacher showed the pictures; the teacher

gave some questions related with the picture; the teacher explained the

material; the students tried to read the descriptive text; the teacher divided

students into groups; the teacher distributed the cards; the students had to



match the cards; the teacher and the students evaluated the teaching and

learning process.

Third, the advantages and disadvantages of implementation index card

match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text were; the

students felt happier; it was able to create an active learning; the students more

interested; the implementation of index card match strategy need long time;

the teacher need more preparation; demands the students to cooperate in

solving problem; the classroom atmosphere is noisy; and less effective if one

class consist of lot of students.


Based on results of the research and conclusion above, the researcher

put forward some suggestions in order to succeed in the English learning in

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. The suggestions were as follow:

1. For the English teacher, it was better to increase the learning media that

will be used in the learning process. So, the learning objectives that have

been designed by the teacher can be achieved optimally.

2. For other researcher, the researcher suggested to use this research as

reference in doing similar research by using index card match strategy in

reading learning. It will be useful in order to conduct the same strategy on

different skill.�—��—��—��—��—�



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Tittle Variable Indicator Source of data Research Method General Question:












YEAR 2019-2020

Index Card





1. The goals of reading

learning (material,

procedure, and evaluation)

by using index card match


2. The advantages and

disadvantages of the

implementation of index

card match strategy

1. Informant

a. English


b. Students

1. Approach and

kinds of research

a. Qualitative

b. Descriptive

2. Data collection


a. Observation

b. Interview

c. Document


3. Data analysis

technique :



4. Validation of data

: triangulation of


1. What are the goals of

implementation of index

card match strategy in

reading learning descriptive

text English at seventh

grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember?

2. What are the advantages

and disadvantages of the

implementation of index

card match strategy in

reading learning descriptive

text at seventh grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah


Appendix 5


1. Observation Guide

a. The location of research

b. Situation and condition in the classroom

2. Interview Guide


a. How does the teacher implement the index card match learning

strategy in reading learning descriptive text (goals, materials,

procedures, and evaluation) at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember?

b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of

index card match strategy in reading learning descriptive text at

seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember?


a. What are the materials used in reading learning descriptive text by

using inde card match strategy at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember?

b. How is the procedure of reading learning descriptive text by using

index card match strategy at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah


3. Document Review

a. History of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

b. Profile of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

c. Teacher and Employee Data of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

d. Students Data of Seventh Grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

e. Lesson Plan�—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—�

Appendix 7


Picture 1.1 Interview with Miss Siska as an English Teacher of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember�—��—��—��—��—�

Picture 1.2 the process of reading learning

Picture 1.3 the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy

Picture 1.4 Index Card for Reading Learning Descriptive Text�—��—��—��—��—�


TAHUN AJARAN 2018/ 2019

NAMA SEKOLAH : MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris


MATERI POKOK/ TOPIK : Descriptive Text

ALOKASI WAKTU : 2 x 40 menit


KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(toleransi,gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


KI 3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan

prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4: Mengolah, dan menyaji dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut

pandang/ teori.


Kompetensi Dasar Indikator pencapaian kompetensi

3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait dengan deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda sangat

3.7.1 Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa

teks deskriptif tentang memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait dengan

deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda

sangat pendek dan sederhana dengan


pendek dan sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif

tentang memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait dengan deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda sangat

pendek dan sederhana dengan benar.

4.7 Teks Deskriptif

4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks deskriptif lisan

dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait orang, binatang,

dan benda.

4.4.1 Mencocokkkan soal dan jawaban

terkait teks deskriptif tentang

memberi dan meminta informasi

terkait dengan deskripsi orang,

binatang, dan benda sangat pendek

dan sederhana dengan benar.


Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan model discovery learning, siswa


1. Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa contoh teks deskriptif teks

2. Mengidentiffikasi struktur teks tentang deskriptif teks

3. Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif

4. Mencocokkkan soal dan jawaban terkait teks deskriptif dengan benar


Descriptive Text

1. Fungsi sosial

Mendeskripsikan, mengenalkan, memuji, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik

2. Unsur kebahasaan

- Kalimat deklaratif (positif dan negatif), dan interogatif (Yes/No question;

Wh-question), dalam simple present tense.

- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their,


- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

3. Ringkasan materi

Descriptive text is a text that contain with the description of an object,

which is an animal, place, people, thing, etc.

-The purpose: to describe particular participant.

-Generic structure:

1). Identification:

2). Description:

-Language feature: Simple Present Tense�—��—��—��—��—�


I have a stray rabbit as my pet. He is really playful, he loved to play

with me and the new things. He found. he has short tail. He has brown and white fur,

his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it. He also like to eat carrot.


1. Papan tulis

2. Boardmarker

3. Kartu

4. Buku paket dan LKS Bahasa inggris kelas VIII


Model : Discovery Learning

Metode : Ceramah, Tanya jawab

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Strategi : Index Card Match


1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

No Langkah-langkah kegiatan

1. Apresepsi dan Motivasi Memberi salam

Menyiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti

pembelajaran, berdo’a dan absen

Ice Breaking

Menanyakan atau mengingat-ngingat

materi sebelumnya.

Menanyakan atau mengenalkan materi


Menyampaikan atau mengenalkan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.�—��—��—��—��—�

2. Kegiatan Inti

a. Stimulation

Siswa mengamati gambar

Guru menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan

yang berkaitan dengan gambar

Guru menjelaskan materi tentang

descriptive teks

b. problem statement

Guru menjelaskan materi tentang

mendeskripsikan benda, binatang dan

lain sebagainya

c. Data collection

Siswa membaca (mencoba) teks

deskriptif terkait dengan materi

d. Verification

Guru membagi siswa ke dalam

beberapa kelompok

Guru memberikan kartu

Siswa mencocokkan kartu dengan kartu

yang lainnya

e. Clarification

Siswa dan guru mengevaluasi hasil dari

tugas dengan kelompok�—��—��—��—��—�

3 Kegiatan Penutup Guru menanyakan simpulan materi


Guru memberi motivasi dan pesan terkait

pelajaran yang telah dibahas

Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran

pada pertemuan berikutnya

Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan doa dan



1. Teknik penilaian

a. Sikap : Observasi

b. Pengetahuan : Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa teks deskriptif

tentang memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan

deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda sangat pendek dan

sederhana, sesuai dengan benar

c. Keterampilan : Penggunaan rubrik untuk mengukur keterampilan

dalam proses pembelajaran.

2. Instrument Penilaian Sikap

Petunjuk :

Lembaran ini diisi oleh guru untuk menilai sikap spiritual siswa. Berilah

tanda cek (v) pada kolom skor sesuai sikap spiritual yang ditampilkan oleh

siswa, dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

4 = selalu, apabila sering melakukan sesuai pernyataan

3 = sering, apabila sering melakukan sesuai pernyataan dan kadang-

kadang tidak melakukan

2 = kadang-kadang, apabila kadang-kadang melakukan dan sering

tidak melakukan

1 = tidak pernah, apabila tidak pernah melakukan�—��—��—��—��—�

Nama Siswa :

Kelas :

Tanggal Pengamatan :

Materi Pokok :

No Aspek Pengamatan 1 2 3 4

1 Berdoa sebelum dan sesudah melakukan sesuatu

2 Mengucapkan rasa syukur atas karunia Tuhan

3 Memberi salam sebelum dan sesudah

menyampaikan pendapat/presentasi

4 Mengungkapkan kekaguman secara lisan maupun

tulisan terhadap Tuhan saat melihat kebesaran


5 Merasakan keberadaan dan kebesaran Tuhan saat

mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan

Jumlah Skor

3. Instrument Penilaian Pengetahuan

No Nama Reading aloud Mengidentifikasi

struktur teks







Pedoman Penskoran

4. I






ment Penilaian keterampilan

Aspek Penilaian Deskripsi Nilai

Reading aloud Ketepatan membaca 60-100

Struktur teks Mengidentifikasi

struktur teks


Kecocokan Ketepatan

mencocokkan kartu




I have a stray rabbit as my pet. He is really playful, he loved to play with

me and the new things. He found. He has short tail. He has brown and white fur,

his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it. He also like to eat carrot.


Today, my cousin Andy comes to visit my house. He is 13 years old. He is

my closest cousin. He studies at SMP Bima grade 7.

He is tall enough for a 7th

grader, about 170 cm. his skin is tan. His nose is

sharp. His hair is black and wavy. He is quite good looking. He is popular at his

school because he is smart and athletic. He always gets first rank at his class. His

teacher and friends like him.�—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—�

Name :

Class :

Choose the correct answer by crossing A,

B, C, or D

The following text is for no 1-8

A new student comes to my class.

Her name is Liana. She is from Bali. She

is beautiful. Her eyes are dark brown. Her

complexion is fair. She has long black

hair. Her face is round with chubby check,

makes her looks cute. She is slim. Her

hobby is swimming and eating.

1. Who is Liana?

a. My cousin

b. A classmate

c. A best friend

d. A new student

2. Where is Liana come from?

a. Bali

b. Jakarta

c. Surabaya

d. Yogyakarta

3. Is she beautiful?

a. No

b. Yes

c. Maybe

d. Thanks

4. What is the color of Liana’s eyes?

a. Black

b. Brown

c. Dark brown

d. Light brown

5. How is her complexion?

a. Dark

b. Fair

c. Unclear

d. Obscure

6. How is Liana’s hair?

a. Black

b. Brown

c. Short hair

d. Long black hair

7. Why liana looks cute?

a. Because her face is round with

chubby check

b. Because her face is pointed

c. Because her face is oval

d. Because her face is long

8. What are her hobbies?

a. Fishing and singing

b. Swimming and eating

c. Singing and playing music

d. Cooking and playing football�—��—��—��—��—�

Kunci Jawaban

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. B�—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—�

Appendix 10


Jenggawah Jember. 1

1 Sumber data: Tata Usaha MadrasahTsanawiyah Al-Ishlah, 21 Mei 2019.

Waka. Bid.


Rahmatulloh Fauzi,


Komite Sekolah

Musthafa Rohim, S.Pd.I

Kepala Madrasah

Zainul Arifin, S.Pd.I

Kepala TU

Sahrul Amin, S.Pd

Waka. Bid.


Ahmad Faruq


Waka Bid.


M.Wajdi, S.Pd

Waka Bid.


Ahmad Fuad,


Kep. Perpustakaan

Illia Hasanah,


Wali Kelas


Peserta didik�—��—��—��—��—�

Appendix 10

Table 4.1

List of Teachers and Education Staff

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah in Academic Year 2019-2020



1. Zainul Arifin S.Pd.I Kepala


SI IAIN Jember

2. Mustofa Rohim,


Guru S1 Unmuh


Bhs Inggris

3. M.Kholid


Guru S1 UIJ Tafsier

4. Abdul Wofi, S.Pd Guru S1 UIJ Matematika

5. Ahmad Faruq, S.Pd Guru S1 IAIN Jember SKI

6. Ahmad Fuad, S.Pd Guru S1 Staiqod



7. M. Syuib



8. Abdus Salam, SE Guru S1 Unmuh



9. Rahmatulloh Fauzi,


Guru S1 Staiqod



10. M.Wajdi Siroj,


Guru S1 Staiqod



11. Hamdan, S.Pd Guru S1 IKIP PGRI Fisika

12. M.Syafi’i Umar,


Guru S1 Staiqod




13. Abdul Hannan,SE Guru S1 UNEJ IPS

14. Sumiyati, S.Pd Guru S1 IKIP PGRI Mulok

15. Wardatus Sholihah,


Guru S1 IAIN Jember Bhs Arab

16. Illia Hasanah, S.Pd Guru S1 UIJ Ka Perpus

17. Eli Nurdiana, S.Pd Guru S1 UIJ Bhs Indonesia

18. Cici Risky Yolanda,


Guru S1 UNEJ IPA Terpadu

19. Nanang Qosim, S.Pd Guru S1 UNEJ IPA Terpadu

20. M. Busar Satpam MTs Ma’arif Tukang


21. Dedi Satriyadi Guru Pramuka PGA Ponpes Pelatih




22. Syamsuddin, S.Pd Guru Pramuka S1 Staiqod




23. Sahrul Amin, S.Pd Guru S1 IAIN Jember TU�—��—��—��—��—�

Tabel 4.2

Facilities and Infrastructure in MTs Al-Islah jenggawah

Ruang Jumlah Luas (m2) Keterangan

Ruang Kelas 6 252 Baik

Ruang kepala Madrasah 1 42 Baik

Ruang Guru 1 36 Baik

Ruang TU 1 12 Baik

Perpustakaan 1 25 Baik

Ruang Lab. Komputer 1 42 Baik

Ruang UKS 1 12 Baik

Ruang Keterampilan 1 12 Baik

Masjid 1 400 Baik

Ruang Osis 1 12 Baik

Kursi Peserta didik 216 - Baik

Kantin/koperasi 2 20 Baik

Kamar mandi/WC Peserta


3 27 Baik

Kamar mandi/WC Guru 3 27 Baik

Jenis Buku Jumlah

Buku Paket 320 exp Baik

Buku Penunjang 52 exp Baik

Buku Fisik -exp

Buku non fisik -exp�—��—��—��—��—�

Tabel 4.3

Data peserta didik selama 3 tahun terakhir1





Kelas 1 Kelas II Kelas III Jumlah


2016/2017 196 29 50 29 30 28 30 86 110

2017/2018 242 35 62 35 40 35 35 105 137

2018/2019 216 30 60 31 35 30 30 91 125

1 Sumber data: Dokumentasi (data sekunder, diolah) tanggal 27 April 2019.�—��—��—��—��—�



Name : Famelya Arifah

Place and Date of Birth : Jember, 7th

March 1998

Address : Dusun Patemon RT/RW 001/002 Desa Mangaran

Ajung Jember

Nationality : Indonesia

Material Status : Single

Major : English Education Program

Institution : IAIN Jember

Mobile Phone : 085230654195

E-mail : [email protected]


2016-2020 : English Education Program

State Institute of Islam Studies Jember

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

2013-2016 : Senior High School (SMAN 1 Tumpang Malang)

2010-2013 :Junior High School (MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah


2005-2010 : Primary School (SDN Jenggawah 01)�—��—��—��—��—�








Presented as a partial fulfillment of requirements

for the degree of Bachelor Education (S.Pd)

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

English Education Department



Student Number: T20166056




JANUARY 2021�—��—��—��—��—�





“It is for Us to collect it and to give you (Muhammad) the ability to recite it (the Quran), And when We have recited it to you(Muhammad) through Jibril then

follow its (the Quran).”(Al-Qiyamah: 17-18)1

1 Muhammad Taqi-ud Din Al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan, The Nobel Qur’an English

Translation of the Meanings and Commentary, terj. (Medina Dar-us Salam Publications, 1996),




This thesis is proudly dedicated to :

1. My beloved father, Bahrudin, and my mother Holifah who always love,

pray, motivate, and support me. Thank you for everything.

2. My brothers and my sister, Erfan Nafis, Achmad Faik Faruqi and

Hafifatuz Zuhro who always love me all the time. Thank you so much.

3. For all my beloved friends, thank you for every moment that we had.

Especially for TBI2 class who always help me anything I need.

4. My beloved almamater, IAIN Jember, which made me grow up and have

contributed much for myself.

5. And the last for all people who are present in my life and help me to finish

this thesis. You are amazing.�—��—��—��—��—�



Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin. All the thanksgiving of the writer

conveyed to Allah SWT because of His mercy and grace, the planning, process,

completion of the thesis as one of the requirements for completing the duty can be

completed smoothly. Shalawat and Salam are given to our prophet Muhammad

SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

Gratitude and honor are addressed to all persons who have supported the

writer in completing this thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to say thanks and

express her respect and best gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Babun Suharto, SE., MM as the Rector of State Institute of

Islamic Studies Jember (IAIN Jember) who has provided all campus facilities

in this college

2. Dr. Hj. Mukni’ah, M.Pd.I as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty who has approved to this research.

3. Dewi Nurul Qomariyah,S.S,M.Pd. as the thesis advisor who has advised her in

conducting and finishing the research.

4. Zainul Arifin,S.Pd.I. as the headmaster of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

and all the teachers and staff who have helped the researcher in collecting


I wish Allah SWT gives blessing to all of you. Finally, I hope that this

thesis will be useful for the readers. However, I realize that this thesis is still a lot�—��—��—��—��—�


of weakness. For this, the researcher sincerely welcomes criticism and suggestion

from the readers to enhance the quality of the thesis.

Jember, 15 Januari 2021

The Writer�—��—��—��—��—�



Famelya Arifah, 2020: The Implementation of Index Card Match in Teaching

and Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019/2020.

One of the parts in learning English is reading. Reading is the first

human’s obligation. People should be mastered the reading skill before learning

other skills. Learning reading is not easy to do. It need convenient ways to be

applied. One of them is learning reading by using strategy to make the learning

reading process more attractive and fun. Therefore, the English teacher used index

card match strategy in learning reading to help the students in understanding the


The research objectives of this thesis are; 1) To identify the goals of the

implementation the index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading

descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. 2) To

describe how the procedure of the implementation of index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember. 3) To identify the advantages and disadvantages of the

implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading

descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember.

This research used descriptive research with a qualitative approach. This

research was categorized as qualitative descriptive because the researcher

described the condition, the situation with words and language. The technique for

validating data were triangulation technique and triangulation of sources.

The result of this research showed that the implementation of index card

match strategy made the students more active in learning reading especially in

reading learning descriptive text. It makes students be able to describe things well.

In implementation index card match strategy, the teacher chose the material based

on the syllabus. The materials used were descriptive text which consist of

description about an object, and generic structure such as identification,

description and simple present tense. Then the advantages and disadvantages of

implementation index card match strategy are; it created an active learning, it

made students more interested, it needed long time, the teacher needed more

preparation, it made the class crowded, and it was less affective if one class

consist a lot of students.

Keywords: The Implementation of Index Card Match, Learning Reading

Descriptive Text�—��—��—��—��—�




COVER ..................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL............................................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION ..................................................................................... iii

MOTTO ..................................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION ........................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ vi

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ ix

LIST OF TABLE....................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1

A. Research Background .............................................................. 1

B. Research Questions .................................................................. 5

C. Scope of the Research ............................................................. 6

D. Objectives of the research ....................................................... 6

E. Significance of the Research .................................................... 7

F. Definition of Key Term ............................................................ 8


A. Previous Research .................................................................... 10

B. Theoritical Framework ............................................................. 13�—��—��—��—��—�


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ................................................ 27

A. Research Design ....................................................................... 27

B. Place of Research ...................................................................... 27

C. Subject of the Research ............................................................. 28

D. Data Collection Method ............................................................ 29

E. Data Analysis ............................................................................ 31

F. Data Validity ............................................................................. 33

G. Research Procedures ................................................................. 33

H. Structure of the Thesis .............................................................. 35


A. Description of the Research Object........................................... 36

B. Research Finding ....................................................................... 39

C. Research Discussion ................................................................. 54


A. Conclusions .............................................................................. 62

B. Suggestions .............................................................................. 63

REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 64




Table 2.1 : Differences and Similarities with Other Research ..................... 11

Table 4.1 : The Results of Research Findings ............................................ 55�—��—��—��—��—�




A. Research Background

Humans in the world use language to communicate with each other.

English is one of the international languages that must be mastered. For that

reason, English becomes a foreign language in Indonesia. It has been

explained in The Government Regulation Number 32 0f 2013 about

Amendement to Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 about National

Standard of Education, Article 77I Section (1) Sub c point 3 explain that

foreign language, especially English as a foreign languange has an important

role in live, including education,business, technology, and etc.1 In learning

English as the foreign language, Indonesian can absorb more knowledge by

reading.2 In recent years, Indonesian incessant the design of reading literacy, It

is caused by the lack of Indonesian reading ability.3 Allah reveals the first

revelation to prophet Muhammad that contains a command to read. Allah said

in surah Al-Alaq 1:

1 Republik Indonesia, Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 Tahun 2013 Tentang

Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 Tentang Standar Nasional

Pendidikan Pasal 77I Ayat (1) Huruf c Poin 3, 7. 2 M Arka, Ni N Padmadewi and N Adi Jaya Putra, “Developing Reading Comprehension

Materials for Reading I Course in The English Education Department of Fkip Mahasaraswati

University Denpasar”, e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, 1

(2013), 2. 3 Tine Silvana Rachmawati, Yunus winoto dan Asep saeful Rohman, “Study on Mapping

Information Literature Culture in South Coastal communities West Java Province”, Universitas

Padjajaran, 1 (Januari, 2018), 3.�—��—��—��—��—�


“Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists).”4

Based on the verse above, Allah commands humans to read. It means

reading is the first human’s obligation. Same as English learning before

students learn about other skills, they must master the reading skill. Moreover,

reading gives a lot of knowledge, information, or even problem solutions.

Koda stated as one of the English language skills, reading is a very

important skill in learning English because, without a good skill, one cannot

obtain many kinds of information printed in the form of media such as

bulletin, magazine, or newspaper.5 The researcher considered reading as a

decoding skill, which was interpreting codes into ideas that are written as a

text. Based on the importance of reading skills. People usually say that reading

is the window of the world. By reading, people can get the information widely

without going anywhere. It means reading is one of the ways to get


Thus, based on the standard of competence and basic competence in

the curriculum of education level 2013 for junior high school in the seventh

grade, students have to be able to catch the meaning of the text contextually

related to the social functions, structure, and correct linguistic of descriptive

4 Muhammad Taqi-ud Din Al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan, The Nobel Qur’an English

Translation of the Meanings and Commentary, terj. (Medina Dar-us Salam Publications, 1996),

842. 5 Koda. K. 2005. Insight into Second Language Reading. Theory in to Practice (London:

Cambridge University Press), 227-27.�—��—��—��—��—�


text.6 So, the goals of the standard of competence and basic competence are

students can read and observe an object in a text.

As the purpose of the standard of competence and basic competence,

students have to able to catch the meaning of the text. There are many types of

texts in reading, which are, descriptive text is one of the text types that taught

at Junior High School. Lubis stated that descriptive text has a social function

is to describe a particular person, place, or thing, for instance, a description of

a particular place, a specific animal, and a specific person.7 So, descriptive text

is one of the kinds of text that taught in junior high school and usually

practices by reading.

According to William as cited by Luh Putu Dian Kresnawati, P.K. and

Nitiasih, N.M. Ratminingsih initial reading focused on the process of reading

and reading comprehension was not only a reading process but also a process

of understanding the content or the detail of the text.8 Sometimes the problem

occurred on the students. They felt difficult to comprehend the meaning of the

text and deficiency of vocabulary. It can impact student’s scores in reading.

Through reading learning, the students were expected to be able to understand

the content of the text.

Comprehension is the purpose of reading. That made the students be

able to catch the point of reading text. When they read, they received

6 KI-KD Bahasa Inggris kelas VII akademik 2013.

7 Lubis, Septiwi Hadi, Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in

Descriptive Text by Using Index Card Match Strategy, State University of Medan, (2013). 8 Luh Putu Dian Kresnawati, P. K. dan Nitiasih, N. M., “The Effect of Shared Reading Strategy

using Digital Photo Story and Achievement Motivation on Students’ Reading Comprehension

on seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 6 Singaraja in the Academic Year 2012/2013”, e-

journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, (Januari, 2013), 2.�—��—��—��—��—�


information from the text. According to Dallman when reading to them

comprehension is an absolute necessity in reading.9 Even at the beginning of a

reading, students practiced equating the pronunciations of words in context

with reading is faulty. Consequently, students were expected to comprehend

what they pronounce, and also the reading purpose is deriving the meaning.

So, the researcher established to use a strategy for making students enjoy and

easier to understand the text in learning reading.

In reading learning, the teacher must use an appropriate strategy.

Auliya stated that Index Card Match was one of cooperative learning which is

involved the students in the group.10

So, the researcher established to use

Index Card Match strategy in learning reading. In hope, it can help students to

read easily and comprehend of descriptive text.

Based on the researcher’s observation and interview with the English

teacher in MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah, many problems were faced by students in

reading learning. For example, the students lacked willingness to read because

they were not confident. They were afraid their friends would laugh or make a

joke of their inability. It decreased the student’s interest in participating the

learning, especially when learning reading. While, the students were required

to understand the context of the text Thus, the English teacher has an

appropriate way to make students more active in the class by using the index

card match strategy. The researcher is interested to take this school as the

9 Dallmann, Martha, Roger L. Rouch, Lynette Y.C. Char, John J. DeBoer, The Teaching of

Reading Sixth Edition, (Newyork: Rinehart and Winston, 1982) 10

Auliya, Rizkita, “The Effectiveness of ICM (Index Card Match) to Reading Comprehension

Students at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 6 Kediri in Academic year 2015/2016”. University

of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, (2015).�—��—��—��—��—�


research site because this school is one of islamic boarding school. Despite

that in fact, they were capable to compete with other establishments by

participating lot of language competitions. So, an index card match strategy

designed to help students in comprehending reading becomes fun, active and

get information easily.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher decided to conduct

research about the implementation index card match at MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember. The researcher believes that implementation of index card

match is important to give a contribution to English learning reading. From

the explanation, the researcher interests to conduct research under the title

“The Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy in Teaching and

Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019/2020”

B. Research Questions

Based on the background of the research above, the research

formulated the research problem by making the research question:

1. What are the goals of the implementation of index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade og MTs Al-

Islah Jenggawah Jember?

2. How is the procedures of the implementation of index card match learning

strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade

of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember?�—��—��—��—��—�


3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of index

card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at

seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember?

C. Scope of the Research

Scope of this research focused on investigating the implementation of

index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. Based on the title, this research attempted to

describe the implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and

learning reading. So, the scope of this research was index card match as the

strategy for supporting the learning reading and the research subject limited at

seventh (C Pi) grade students of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic

year 2019-2020.

D. Objectives of the Research

Based on the research questions above, the aims of the research were

as follow:

1. To identify the goals of the implementation the index card match strategy

innteaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs

Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember.

2. To describe how the procedure of the implementation of index card match

strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember.�—��—��—��—��—�


3. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of

index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text

at MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember.

E. Significance of the Research

This research expected to have contributions to:

1. Theoretical Benefit

The result of the research will answer the question at the problems

of the study, and it expected to be useful in English lesson, such as to

make easy in learning process especially in reading learning.

2. Practical Benefit

a. English Teachers

The finding of this research is expected to help the teacher in

teaching reading in the classroom especially in MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah by using index card match.

b. The researchers

By doing the research, the researcher hoped that it is benefical

to themself and they would get some new experiences and knowledge

in doing this research about the index card match strategy.

c. The readers

This research is expected to be able to provide knowledge

about teaching and learning reading. The result of the research were

useful for readers. The finding of this research might be used as a�—��—��—��—��—�


reference to understand more about the the strategy in teaching and

learning English.

F. Definition of the Key-term

1. Index Card Match Strategy

Index Card Match strategy is an active and fun strategy to remind

the material that has given. It means index card match is reviewing


This strategy involves students to work in pairs and gives a quiz

question to the other students. In this case, the Index Card Match strategy

is selected to comprehend the text based on the consideration that the

strategy is effective and fun to teach the descriptive text. besides, this

method focuses on matching two cards.

2. Reading

Reading is one of four skills in English that the students should

acquire. Reading is an interaction between the reader and the writer to get


. It imeans that the writer expects the reader to comprehend

the information provided in the text. Reading comprehension is defined as

the ability of the students in understanding the content of the text which is

delivered by the teacher on the reading learning


Alfred, Inovasi Pendidikan, STAIN Salatiga, (Salatiga, 2010), 120 12

Hesham Suleiman, Alyousef, Teaching Reading Comprehension to Esl/Efl Learners, (2, 2005),



3. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a genre of texst, which is to describe people,

places, animals and things in detail description.13

The description can tell

about the shapes, age, sizes, colors, material, etc.


Suwardati, Look Ahead 2: An English Course for Senior High School Students Year XI, (Jakarta:

Erlangga, 2005), 10.�—��—��—��—��—�




This chapter presents some previous research and some reviews of

relevant theories and studies related to the topic of research.

A. Previous Research

Previous research presents a field study of the differences and

similarities with the previous researches.

The first previous research from Suci Supriyanti Liana entitled “The

Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy in Improving Students Ability

in Comprehending Active Passive Voice at MAS PAB-1 Helvetia” proved that

teaching by using index card match succeeded to improve student’s reading

comprehension about active passive voice at eleventh grade of MAS PAB-1

Heltevia. The similarity of this research with previous research above is the

researcher used index card match strategy. However, the differences between

previous research and this research are she used Classroom Action Research

as the research design and this research, the researcher uses qualitative as the

research design. Also, the previous research used index card match to improve

student’s ability in comprehending active passive voice while this research

used index card match to teach reading.

The second research is a research from Hayyu Nafi’atul Fauziyah

entitled “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text

Through Index Card Match (ICM) Strategy (A Classroom Action Research for

the Tenth Grade of SMK Saraswati Salatiga in The Academic Year of�—��—��—��—��—�


2018/2019)” proved that index card match succeeded to improve student’s

reading comprehension of descriptive text. In this research, Hayyu used

Classroom Action Research, difference between the Hayyu’s research and this

research is the design of the research. However, the similarity both of

researchers is the previous research used the index card match strategy in

reading comprehension of descriptive text.

The last research is from Munirul umam entitled “Using Index Card

Match Strategy to Improve Descriptive Writing Ability among Seventh Grade

Students of Junior High School of Manba’ul Ulum Seputih Agung Central

Lampung” that research shown the use of index card match could improve the

student’s writing ability. The difference between Munirul’s research and this

research is the research design. Munirul’s research used the Classroom Action

research as the research design and this research used qualitative research as

the research design. The similarity is the researchers used index card match

strategy in teaching learning.�—��—��—��—��—�


Table 2.1

The Similarities and the Differences

Between the Previous Research with the Research

Conducted by the Researcher

No Name, Research

Year, Title Similarities Differences

1. Suci Supriyanti Liana,

The Implementation

of Index Card Match

Strategy in Improving

Students Ability in


Active Passive Voice

at MAS PAB-1


The similarity of

the research is the

researcher used

index card match

strategy in teaching


The differences are Suci

used classroom action

research and the researcher

used qualitative as the

research design.

Furthermore, Suci used

index card match to

improve student’s ability

in comprehending active

passive voice while this

research used index card

match to teach reading.

2. Hayyu Nafi’atul

Fauziyah, Improving

Students’ Reading

Comprehension of

Descriptive Text

Through Index Card

Match (ICM) Strategy

(A Classroom Action

Research for the

Tenth Grade of SMK

Saraswati Salatiga in

The Academic Year

of 2018/2019)

The similarity both

of researchers is

the previous

research used the

index card match

strategy in reading

comprehension of

descriptive text.

The difference between

Hayyu’s research and this

research is the design of

the research

3. Munirul umam, Using

Index Card Match

Strategy to Improve

Descriptive Writing

Ability among

Seventh Grade

Students of Junior

High School of

Manba’ul Ulum

Seputih Agung

Central Lampung

The similarity is

the researchers

used index card

match strategy in

teaching learning.

The difference between

Munirul’s research and

this research is the

research design, He used

the Classroom Action

Research and the

researcher used

Qualitative as the research



The specialty of this research compared with the previous researches

above is focused on analyzing the implementation of index card match

strategy. Suci and Hayyu talked about reading but they used another research

design which was different from this research. Munirul used index card match

strategy as the strategy but he focused on improving descriptive writing ability

while this research focused on implementation index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading. Most of previous research above used

classroom action research (CAR), while the researcher used qualitative

descriptive. Then, the material and school were also different.

B. Theoritical Framework

1. Theoretical Framework

a. Index Card Match Strategy

1) The Definition of Index Card Match Strategy

There are many strategies in teaching-learning. Strategy

defines as a forming part of a plan or an aim to achieve a specific

purpose or to receive an advantage.14

So, Strategy is a general

patter teacher-students action in teaching and learning activity to

obtain a certain purpose. While, index card match is kinds of

interesting teaching strategy.

Alfert states that index-card match is a strategy that cannot

only be used to review the previous material but also to provide


Hornby, Oxford Advance learner’s Dictionary of Current English (Oxford: Oxford University

Press, 1995), 1179.�—��—��—��—��—�


enjoyable learning.15

By using this card, students can see, read, and

know the meaning of words or texts. Besides, Silberman says that

the index card match strategy allows the students to pair up and

quiz the rest of the class.16

Index card match made students search

the pair of card that is the answers or the questions that have been

prepared by the teacher. Besides, students can enjoy the learning

with play in the class. So, from the explanation above can be

concluded that index card match (Looking for Pair Cards) is a

strategy that makes students to learn actively and the aim is to

make students not boring while teaching learning.

2) The procedures of Index Card Match

There are some directions to use this strategy. according to

Isnu Hidayat, there are some steps to use inde card match strategy,

there are:17

a) Teacher makes pieces of paper or card of student’s number.

b) Divide the cutting of papers in two parts.

c) Write down the question of subject that have taught in a half of

cutting papers, in each papers fill of one question.

d) And another half, write down the answer from the question


e) Shuffle paper until mix with question with answer.


Alfred, Inovasi Pendidikan, STAIN Salatiga, (Salatiga, 2010), 120 16

Silberman, Melvin, Active Learning, Pustaka Insan Madani, (Yogyakarta: 1996). 17

Isnu Hidayat, 50 strategi pembelajaran popular (Yogyakarta: DIVA Press, 2019), 86.�—��—��—��—��—�


f) Give out one card to each student. Explain that this is a

matching exercise. Some students have review questions and

others have the answers

g) Have students find their matching card. When a match is

formed, ask the matching students find seats together. (Tell

them not to reveal to other students what is contained on their


h) When all the matching pairs have seated, have each pair quiz

the rest of the class by reading aloud their question and

challenging classmates to tell them the answer.

3) Advantages and Disadvantages of Index Card Match

According to Afandi that cited by Tobing say the

advantages of index card match:18

a) Happier while teaching learning process.

b) The material will deliver attention and interesting.

c) Able to create an active and fun learning atmosphere.

d) Able to improve learning achievement and achieve learning

mastery level.

e) Assessment can be done with observers and learners.

f) Discussion and presentation can force topics/concepts to be

repeated as well as new topics.


Tobing, Noperto Tulus Parulian, “The Effect of Index Card Match Strategy on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery (A Study at the Tenth Grade Students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Sitahuis)”, A

Graduating Paper of Institute Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan, (2018), 41.�—��—��—��—��—�


According to Afandi that cited by Tobing say the

disadvantages of index card match:19

a) Need a long time for students to finished all the tasks and


b) Teachers should make mature preparation for longer periods of


c) Demands the particular nature of learners to cooperate in

solving problems.

d) The classroom atmosphere is noisy so it disturbs other classes.

e) Less affective if one class consist a lot of learners.

However, there are some possible ways that can be used to

overcome the problems as follows:

a) The teacher should divide the group into many groups in order

to avoid the noisiness in the classroom.

b) The teacher should give 10 minutes to students for matching

the cards in order to control the time during teaching learning


c) The teacher should control the student’s activities including

their attention during the teaching learning process.

b. Reading

1) Definition of Reading


Ibid., 11�—��—��—��—��—�


The major skills that must be mastered by every people in

this world is reading. Through reading people can get a lot of

information and knowledge. There is an argument about what

reading is, Harmer states that, Reading is an exercise dominated by

the eyes and the brain.20

People should formulate the brain by

using their previous knowledge in order to understand the text

easily. It means that reading is not only about spelling the words or

the sentences but also need to construe the meaning of the printed


Reading is a complex process to convey the message or

information from printed words. By reading, the reader will know

what they read and comprehend easily the messages and

information that comes from the author. Comprehension is an

important aspect of reading, reading for comprehension is the

essence of reading process. Reading comprehension is the process

of interaction between written informant and the reader by

understanding written language related to the reader’s language

skills and the knowledge they have acquired .21

In this case Harmer stated that reading is useful for

language acquisition. Provided that students more or less


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching 3rd

, (New York: Longman, 2001),

153. 21

Ahmad Ridho Rojabi,” Exploiting SQ4R Cooperative Learning Method to Enhance EFL

Students’ Reading Comprehension,” Edulingua, June 2020,4.�—��—��—��—��—�


understand what they read, the better they get at it.22

In reading

comprehension, a reader should have knowledge about

understanding the reading text. So, comprehension is a thinking

process through reading. In conclusion, the researcher stated that

reading comprehension is a dynamic process to get information on

printed text by interpreting the content of the reading.

2) Teaching Reading

Teaching reading is a teacher’s way in transferring

knowledge from teacher to students by using a certain strategy and

a certain material in order to master reading itself. Therefore,

reading is one ways to made students understanding the text that

they have been red. Harmer stated that teaching is not an easy job,

but it is necessary one and can be very rewarding when we see our

student’s progress and know that we helped to make it happen.23

So, teaching is an activity to make and give the opportunity for the

students in learning process to get a purpose. In the next point the

writer will explain some types in reading.

3) Types of Reading

There are many types in reading text. Each type has

difference advantages and disadvantages for the reader. According

Patel and Jain, there are four types of reading, there are Intensive


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English (Harlow: Pearson Edition Limited, 2007), 99. 23 Ibid, 23�—��—��—��—��—�


Reading, Extensive Reading, Silent Reading and Reading Aloud.24

In this research, reading aloud refers to the one that the students

have been taught and that they are expected to be able to use. The

explanation of types of reading can be seen below:

a) Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is a reading text to get specific

information. In this reading, students read the text for getting

knowledge. Besides, the purpose of this reading is to read

shorter text. It will serve a basic explaining the difficulties of

the structure and for extending knowledge of vocabulary. So,

intensive reading is thoroughly about comprehending the text,

limited reading, difficult texts, read word of word and use the

dictionary. This reading is done to carry out to get specific


b) Extensive Reading

Extensive reading means reading a large quantity of text

by understanding the component part and the meaning of the

text, where reading confidence and reading fluency are

prioritized. It will select a lower level of difficulty material.

c) Reading Aloud

Reading aloud has important part in teaching English.

The training of aloud reading have to know by the teacher in


M. Jain Praveen and M. Dr. Patel, “English Language Teaching”, Academic Journal

PERSPEKTIVE, ISSN: 2354-740 (September, 2008),117.�—��—��—��—��—�


order to give at primary level, because it is the basic of words

pronunciation. Reading aloud prevents the students to

understanding the meaning of a sentence even they may not

know one word in the sentence.

d) Silent Reading

Silent reading is a very fundamental skill in teaching

English. It was used to improve student’s reading ability. Silent

reading enables the students to read completely silently without

making sound and moving theirs lips.

4) Method in Teaching Reading

In reading comprehension, many students struggle to

understand the text. Reading without getting some information is

useless. So, the teacher constantly seeking effective approaches

and methods to help the student’s struggles in order the students

can master reading comprehension well. So, there are many

approaches and methods can be applied in teaching reading

comprehension. The methods are:25

a) Bottom-Up

Bottom-up can be viewed as the based processing in

reading. In the bottom-up, students must learn the basics of

phonics and builds up comprehension by decoding letter,

words, phrases, and sentences. Therefore, in using this method


Yu-Li, Huang, “The Effect of Picture on Reading Comprehension of Third Year Junior High

School Students of English Selection of American Festivals”, National Ceng Kung University

China, (2005), 17�—��—��—��—��—�


for teaching reading comprehension the teacher intends to

practice individual letters, build to more letters and words until

the students can says the words. It will take a little bit long time

to assure that the students understand the relationship between

letters and their sound. While, after practicing the sound of the

letters or words, the teacher would ask the students to find the

unknown words or short sentence on other paragraph. For

intermediate students, bottom-up can be used to determine the

unknown words by analyzing prefixes, suffixes and root words.

b) Top-Down

Top-down reading means a student’s schema that

related to particular topic or theme. In top-down, students focus

on the meaning of text rather than on individual words or

phrases. Therefore, in top-down process not only the reader as

an active participant in reading process but also his/her

knowledge plays. Then, the teachers who teach reading by

using this method have to activate students’ prior knowledge

about the material before her/him going to teach. It means, to

get the information from the text, the reader should not need to

know all the words in the text, but the reader predicts the

meaning by using the cues of text.�—��—��—��—��—�


c) Interactive

In the interactive reading, the reader creates the

meaning of the text by using both of his/her existing linguistic

and schematic knowledge and the input provided by the written

text. Therefore, it is called by combination theory from top-

down and bottom-up.

5) Aspects of reading comprehension

There are five components of reading comprehension which

help student to comprehend the English text.26

The first component

in reading comprehension will be chosen in this research.

Therefore, the components of reading comprehension they are:

a) Identifying Main Idea

Main idea is the most important thing in a paragraph.

Every paragraph should have a main idea or topic. It tells about

the content of paragraph. The readers are supposed to define

and understand the main idea or the topic from the reading text.

However, the difference between main idea and topic is, the

main idea is in the form of sentence while topic is usually in

form of phrase. So, main idea is the central idea of the reading

text. Comprehending main idea and supporting ideas is a

reader’s skill. The readers have to find what is the reading text

telling about in general.


Olviyanti, Ika, Rismaya Marbun, Zainal Arifin, “An Analysis on the Ability Comprehending a

Reading Text by the Sixth Year Students”, FKIP Untan Pontianak, (2018)�—��—��—��—��—�


b) Identifying Specific Information

Identifying the specific information usually calls by the

detail information. The detail information usually is the answer

of 5W 1H questions. Finding detail information is reading

selectively to get the specific description in reading text. For

examples, finding a name, place, number, shape, date. So, it is

used when the reader wants to find a particular piece of

information for understanding the supporting ideas of the text.

c) Determining References

Reference is a relation between objects in which one

object designates as a means by which to connect to another

object. Furthermore, determining reference is repeating the

same word or phrase, after it has been used. Students usually

refer an object rather than repeat it. References are usually

short and very frequently pronouns. For examples, she, he, it,

they, this, her / him, and many others. When the students can

understand the use of references and identify the use of

references in the reading text while it can help the students to

comprehend the whole content of the text. So, references also

help students to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation of

the reading content.�—��—��—��—��—�


d) Making Inference

Inference is one of comprehension strategies of the

readers to make or draw a conclusion about content of text that

is not directly stated in the text. So, inference is an idea which

is implied or not directly stated in the text.

e) Understanding Vocabulary

The last component of reading comprehension is

understanding the vocabulary. Readers need the meaning of

vocabulary to guess certain word or phrase from the context. In

reading text, the readers or students will meet some words or

phrase in the sentences. Of course, each word or phrase has its

own meaning as its single position. On the other hand, students

should not define every word or phrase they meet in the text

because the words or phrase might have different meaning

when they join together with other words. Therefore,

understanding vocabulary is an important skill for

comprehending the content of the text. Indeed, vocabulary is

basic for everyone who wants to develop or to produce

utterances for reading.

c. Descriptive Text

1) Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a genre of text. It has purpose to describe

somethings. Based on Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, they define�—��—��—��—��—�


that descriptive text is kind of text which is aimed to describe a

particular person, place or things.27

It means that descriptive text is

a text that gives particular information by describing the object.

The description explains about an object such as a visual image of

people, place, even of time days or season and It may tell about

their traits of character and personality.

2) The Social Function of Descriptive Text

According to Suwardati the social function of descriptive

text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing.28

3) The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

A descriptive text has generic structure as:

a) Identification

An introduction to the subject of the description. It contains of

the identification of the topic that will be described.

b) Description

Describe parts quantities characteristics or the characteristic

feature of the subject. It contains of the explanation or

description of the thing or person to mention a few properties.

4) Language Features of Descriptive Text

The language features of descriptive text use the following:

a) Focus on specific participants


Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, (Quuensland: Gerd

Stabler, 1994), 208. 28

Suwardati, Look Ahead 2: An English Course for Senior High School Students Year XI, (Jakarta:

Erlangga, 2005), 10.�—��—��—��—��—�


b) Use the attributive and identifying

c) Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups

d) Use of simple present tense�—��—��—��—��—�




In this chapter, the researcher described the method used which consist of

research design, place of the research, subject of the research, data collection

method and data analysis.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher used descriptive research with

qualitative approach. Qualitative research is descriptive which the data is

collected in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers.29

It is called

qualitative research because the data is in the form of quotes from documents

and interviews, they were used to present the findings of the study.

Meanwhile, qualitative research is the research which focuses on

understanding social phenomenon in natural settings in the form of words,

pictures, or objects.30

The researcher applied qualitative research design,

because the researcher could figure out how to view the implementation of

index card match strategy in MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah during the learning


B. Place of the Research

This research was conducted at MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

which is located at Jl. Mataram No 7 RT. 18 RW 02 Krajan-Jenggawah

Kabupaten Jember. The researcher choosed MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah as the


Bogdan, R. C., Biklen, S. K., Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory

and Methods, (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1992). 30

Donal Ary, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, Chris Sorensen and Asghar Razavieh, Introduction to Research

in Education, 8th Edition (Belmont USA: Wadsworth, 2010), 424.�—��—��—��—��—�


place of the research because the english teacher there has ever applied the

index card match strategy in teaching learning process and the school was one

of islamic boarding school that obligated the students to speak English as daily

language and the students were capable in participating lot of language

competitions. So, it was possible to know the students reading skill at

preliminary grade.

C. Subject of the Research

In qualitative research, the researcher did observation and interview

with people who knew well about the situation related to the titleof the

research. Therefore, the subject of the research were the English teacher and

the seventh grade students of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. The English

teacher is Miss Siska who applied index card match strategy in learning

reading and knew well about the strategy.The researcher chose VII C pi as the

class because of English teacher’s suggestion at interview, she told about the

student’s low interest in learning English in that class. The class consisted of

27 students in the academic year 2019/2020 which dominated with the female

students. The researcher chose two students as the research subject because of

some considerations. Those considerations were one of them was very active

in the class, and one of them was not active in the class.�—��—��—��—��—�


D. Data Collection Method

In collecting the data, the researcher used some techniques as follows;

1. Observation

Observation is a process of collecting data about the research

object. The observation was aimed to explain the situation in the class

during the teaching learning. It was conducted to get information about the

implementation of index card match strategy in reading learning. Besides,

Sugiono states that the kinds of observations are divided into; participant

observation and non-participant observation.31

Based on the statement,

there are two kind of observations technique, participant and non-

participant observation.

In this research, the researcher used non participant observation to

observe the seventh grade of MTs Al_Islah Jenggawah Jember where the

researcher only observed what the teacher and students do in the class

without teaching or being student there. By doing the observation, the

researcher could find out the general information and specific information

about how the teacher implement index card match strategy in teaching

and learning reading in the class. The specific information obtained by this

technique were:


Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,2017), 145.�—��—��—��—��—�


a. The setting of the research

b. The situation and condition of the classroom. It included how the

teacher used index card match strategy in teaching and learning


c. The difficulties and advantages are faced by the students and the

English teacher in implementation the index card match strategy.

2. Interview

Interview is a process to get information by using conversation

between researcher and informant which the researcher becomes

interviewer to obtain information from the interview.32

It means interview

is a process of excavate the infromation deeply with focuss on the

research problem. There are kinds of interview; structured interviews,

unstructured interviews, and semi-structured interview.

In this research, the researcher used semi structured interview

because this interview has been categorized as in-depth interview. So by

applying this kind of interview, the researcher can discover the problems

openly. The researcher interviewed the English teacher and some students.

The data that the researcher obtained from the interview were:

a. The difficulties are faced by the teacher in teaching and learning


b. The kinds of learning strategy that students like


Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Yogyakarta; Ar Ruz Media, 2006), 137�—��—��—��—��—�


c. The goals of the implementation of index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading.

d. The procedure for the implementation of index card match strategy

3. Document Review

Document review in this research is important to gain the data needed

in this research. It is an effort to collect data by investigatng the written

obect. 33

Which means, this method used to get the data based on the

research object such as records, photos, transcripts etc. Besides, the

document review helped the reseracher to attach evidence supporting the

research. With the method of document review, data obtained were:

a. History of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

b. Profile of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

c. Teacher and Employeee data of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

d. Students data of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

e. Lesson plan

f. Students’ book scoring

E. Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the resarcher analyzed the data. To analyze

the data, the researcher used descriptive qualitative to analyze data. Miles,

Hurberman, and Saldana state that there are three activities to analyze data in

descriptive qualitative research, those activities are: 34


Mundir, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif (Jember: STAIN Jember Press,2013), 86) 34

Matthew B Miles and A. Michael Hurberman, Qualitative Data Analysis: A Method

Sourcebook, (London: Sage, 2014), 10.�—��—��—��—��—�


1. Data condensation

Data condensation means the process of selecting, identifying,

classifying and coding the data that are considered important. In

conducting this research, the researcher got much data. Therefore, the

researcher selected data that gave valuable information in research. So,

first the researcher did sifting to analyze the data. Based on the concept of

data condensation, sifting the data in this research was chosen by

identifying index card match strategy used, the difficulties in reading

learning, and the solutions that were used to solve the difficulties in

reading learning.

2. Data Display

Data display means the process to simply the data in the form of

sentence, description, or table. Data display refers to show data that have

been reduced in the form of patterns. It benefited to help the researcher in

understanding the data and making the relation between phenomenon to

interpret what happened and what needed to be followed up to catch the

research purposes. In displaying data, the researcher described the data

that have been reduced into sentence form.

3. Conclusion Drawing

In this step, the researcher concluded the result of the research

based on the research problems. The researcher got the result and

conclusion of the research by identifying and comparing the result of

observation data, interview data and document review of the data.�—��—��—��—��—�


F. Data Validity

The research could be trusted if the researcher can establish that the

findings of the research was validity. There were various ways to establish a

sense of trustworthiness. William Wiersma stated as cited by Sugiyono initial

that triangulation is qualitative cross-validation. It assessed the sufficiency of

the data according to the convergence of multiple data sources or multiple data

collection procedures.35

So, in this research, the researcher used triangulation technique and

triangulation of source. Triangulation technique is a method that examine the

credibility of data by checking data in the same source with different

technique and the different source to get the same data. While, triangulation

technique could be done by comparing the same data through different

technique. Observation was compared with the interview, interview was

compared with document review, and observation was compared with

document review too. Moreover, triangulation of source could be done by

comparing two sources, English teacher and students.

G. Research procedures

This section described the process of the research, start from research

background, the study of design, the actual research and the writing of the

report. The steps of this research are as follow:


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan RnD (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2018), 273.�—��—��—��—��—�


1. Pre-field research stage

There were several stages of activities that the researcher must do

before entering the field of study object.

a. Prepare research design

b. Choose the research field

c. Take care of licensing

d. Deciding the informant

e. Prepare equipment

2. Field research stage

a. Apprehend background and objective of research

b. Enter the research location

c. Look for the data source

d. Participate while collecting the data

e. Complete the data

3. Post-field research

After all the data was collected, analyzed the whole data and then

described it in the form of a report and consulted with the supervisor. The

activities as follow:

a. Analyze data based on the research procedure

b. Take care of licensing complete research

c. Arrange or serve the data which formed in report

d. Revise the report�—��—��—��—��—�


H. Structure of the Thesis

The result of this research will be devided into five chapters. Here will

be explained what every chapter consist of:

Chapter I is introduction. It consists of background of the research,

research questions, limitation of the research, objectives of the research, the

significance of the research, and definition of the key terms.

Chapter II is review of related literature. It consists of previous

research and theoretical framework.

Chapter III is the research methodology. It consists of research design,

place of the research, subject of the research, data collection method, data

analysis, data validity, and research procedure.

Chapter IV is description of research object, research findings and


Chapter V is conclusions and suggestion�—��—��—��—��—�




This chapter is the report of the result of the research. It consists of research

findings and research discussion.

A. Description of the Research Object

1. History of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

MTs Al-Ishlah Karang Bindung Hamlet, Jenggawah Village,

Jenggawah Subdistrict, Jember Regency, was established to assist the

government program in order to participate in the intellectual life of the

nation as mandated by their sons and daughters, to obtain appropriate

education and knowledge according to developments and changing times.

This school was founded in 1991 by Kyai Sirojuddin Ahmad. Initially

education in MTs Al-Ishlah took the form of TMI which was a branch of

Al-Amien. Because all the teaching staff are alumni of Al-Amien Madura.

MTs Al-Ishlah education foundation continues to increase from

time to time. This can be seen by the increasing interest of the community

to include their sons and daughters in this institution. In the beginning,

YPI Al-Ishlah only had two musolas and three classrooms for study.

In 1993 YPAI Al-Ishlah built 6 Spaces measuring 5 x 10 which

was a collaboration between all committees and non-governmental

organizations that supported each other for the smooth education in MTs

Al-Ishlah. The construction was inaugurated by the head of the Jenggawah�—��—��—��—��—�


village, Mr. Maulan, witnessed by all the parents and students of the

village of jenggawah who participated in the development.

The students of Al-Ishlah is increasing every year, and this makes

all administrators nervous because of the lack of classrooms needed. And

finally with the cooperation between all committees and the community, 4

more classrooms of the same size are built.

But over time and the advancement of the world of education, the

legality of learning in the form of formal diplomas is a demand of society

in general. the chairman of the foundation began to think and plan to open

formal institutions at the MTs level within the YPAI Al-Ishlah

environment. Finally, all committee members gathered at the request of

the chairman of the foundation and after the plan was submitted to all

members and received a positive response from all parties, then it was

determined on June 9, 2006 YPI Al-Ishlah established the Madrasah

Tsanawiyah Al-Ishlah institution and was recognized by government.

Since that time the name Al-Ishlah was increasingly known by the

people of Java and outside Java. And from that moment Al-Ishlah began to

take part in various activities held both from the Department of Religion

and from the National Education Office, and Al-Ishlah began to achieve

his achievements and receive several awards from the results of his efforts.�—��—��—��—��—�


2. The Profile of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

a. School Name : MTs Al-Ishlah Jenggawah Jember

b. NISM : 121235090045

c. Address : Jln. Mataram No. 07 RT. 18 RW.


d. Postal Code : 68171

e. Faxcimili/fax : [email protected]

f. Province : East Java

g. Regional Autonomy : Jember

h. Sub-district : Jenggawah

i. Village : Jenggawah

j. School Status : Swasta

k. Accreditation : B

l. SK Publisher : Ministry of Religion of East Java


m. Year of Establishment : July 15, 2006

n. Time of Learning Activities : 06.45-13.15

o. School Building : Self-owned

p. Land Area : 4.316 M2

q. Land Status : Waqf

r. Waqf on Behalf : Al-Ishlah Education Foundation

s. Organizing Organization : Al-Islah Education Foundation�—��—��—��—��—�


t. Foundation Legal Entity : SK Kemenkumham No.AHU-


3. Vision and Mission of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

a. School Vision of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

Creating superior people who have IMTAQ, mastering science

and technology, noble character, broad-minded, independent and

responsible based on a strong personality, dynamic and global

competitiveness who are ready to become khodimul ummah.

b. School Mission of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

1) Organizing a modern learning process in line with the demands and

progress and development of science and technology.

2) Instilling Islamic values based on the Al-Quran As-Sunnah through

various scientific studies and daily practices.

3) Participate in various events both local, national and international

levels to grind potential / skills that exist in students.

B. Research Finding

The researcher collected the data by using interviews, observation, and

document review techniques. Based on the result of interviews, observations,

and document review, the data obtained about the implementation of index

card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at

seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic year 2019-2020

are as follow:�—��—��—��—��—�


1. The Goals of the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy in

Teaching and Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019-2020.

Learning reading descriptive text by using index card match

strategy is one of interesting way to do. In teaching and learning reading,

the teacher was planned the goals before begins the learning process.

Based on the interview that the researcher conducted, the goals of teaching

and learning reading descriptive text by using index card match strategy

are follow:

“Reading di tahapan MTs atau SMP itu tujuan utamanya anak

harus bisa membaca dengan benar. Jadi pertama agar anak-anak

bisa membaca dengan benar, anak harus membaca dengan

nyaring dan rasa percaya diri yang tinggi atau dengan kata lain

jangan takut salah baca. Karena pada umumnya, semua siswa

ragu untuk membaca teks berbahasa inggris dengan nyaring. Oleh

karena itu saya menggunakan index card match strategy/kartu

index sebagai strategi pembelajaran di kelas saat mengajar

reading agar anak-anak lebih tertarik dan berani untuk membaca

dengan nyaring. (Reading at this stage junior high school has a

general purpose that is students are able to read correctly.

Therefore, first step children can read correctly, children must read

aloud and high self-confidence or in other words do not be afraid of

misreading. Because in general, all students hesitate to read

English texts aloud. Therefore, I use the index card match strategy

as a learning strategy in the classroom when teaching reading so

that children are more interested and brave to read aloud.)” 36

Based on the interview above, it can be seen the goal of teaching

and learning reading descriptive text by using index card match as a

strategy were the students can be interested in the learning reading process

and can be more active and they were able to read text loudly. If the


The English teacher, Interview, Februari 30, 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


teacher used a strategy to teach in the class, students gave good responses

during the teaching and learning reading process. The used of index card

match strategy in teaching and learning reading could help the teacher in

delivering the material in reading.

The English teacher’s explanation was confirmed on lesson plan

point A, B and C about the learning objectives which the students are

expected to be able to:

“a. Siswa dapat menyimak dan menirukan beberapa teks deskriptif

tentang memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda sangat pendek dan sederhana dengan

benar, b. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif tentang

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan deskripsi orang,

binatang, dan benda sangat pendek dan sederhana dengan benar,

c. Siswa dapat mencocokkan soal dan jawaban terkait teks

deskriptif tentang memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan

deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda sangat pendek dan

sederhana dengan benar. (a. Students are able to scrutinize and

imitate some description text about giving and asking information

related to the description of people, animals and things in simple

text correctly, b. Students are able to identify the description text

about asking and giving information related to the description of

people, animals and things in simple text correctly, c. Students are

able to match the question’s card with the answer’s card related to

the description of people, animals and things in simple text


Based on the result of interview and the document review, it can be

seen that the goals of teaching and learning reading by using index card

match strategy were relevant with the standard of competence and basic

competence. In the teaching and learning reading by using index card

match strategy, the teacher aimed to make the students were easier to

imitate the reading of descriptive text about people, animals and things,


Document Review, Lesson Plan, 7th March 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


motivate the students to take part in learning reading, the students were

able to identify the structure of descriptive text correctly, the students were

able to match the question’s card with the answer’s card related with the

description text that was presented in written form, they got fun and active

while the learning process.38

It was supported by the observation in which the teacher explained

the goals of the teaching and learning process, it was like in the picture


Picture 4.1

Explaining the goals of the teaching and learning process

Based on the observation which has proven with the picture above,

the English teacher started the class by greeting and praying together, she

checked the students’ condition which there were two students that did not

come to the class, and she gave brainstorming to the students about the

topic that will be discussed then she informed about the learning

objectives simplicity. The teacher informed all the goals of teaching and


Document Review, MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, February 15th 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


learning process baes on the lesson plan. 39

Therefore, the students

understood what the English teacher meant. Besides, the students paid

attention during the teacher’s explanation.

The observation above was strengthened by one of the students of

VII C pi, Lisa Umaroh said that:

“Jika saat pembelajaran di kelas guru menggunakan sebuah

strategy pembelajaran, maka siswa-siswa akan lebih termotivasi

untuk mengikuti pembelajarannya terutama dalam pembelajaran

reading. If the English teacher used a strategy in the learning

process, the students will be motivated to join the learning

especially the learning reading.”40

Based on the statement above, the goals of the implementation of

index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading helped the

teacher in the teaching process and helped the students in understanding

the material.

Moreover, the material of learning was one of important part that

should be prepared by the teacher. The material of reading learning

descriptive text by using index card match strategy at seventh grade

students of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember based on the interview

conducted by researcher with miss Siska as English teacher was:

“Materi pembelajaran yang saya gunakan untuk mengajar reading

dengan menggunakan index card match strategi yaitu descriptive

text dan biasanya saya menggunakan buku paket “When English

Rings a Bell” dan buku “English Reading” dan pastinya sudah

disesuaikan dengan kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar. Materi

descriptive text sangat cocok digunakan untuk ngajar reading dan

menggunakan strategi index card match. (the learning material that

I used to teach reading by using index card match strategy is

descriptive text and usually I used the “When English Rings a


Observation, MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, February 29th 2020

40 Interview, Lisa Umaroh, 7

th March 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


Bell” and “English Reading” books and of course it has been

adjusted to standard of competence and basic competences.

Descriptive text material is very suitable for reading learning and

using the index card match strategy.)”

Picture 4.2

The Textbook and the Material Used in the reading learning by using

index card match strategy

From the explanation of interview above, it can be seen that the

material at seventh grade students of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah were about

descriptive text and it related with the curriculum or syllabus. The

materials were not only take from student’s book but also in others

learning media that related to the picture above. The teacher chose index

card match strategy as the strategy in teaching reading descriptive text

because it was suitable with the material to make the students more active

while the learning process, in which the students had to reading aloud.

From the data interviews, observation, and document reviews, it

can be seen that the goals of implementation index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text were as follow: first, the

students can be interested in learning reading and they can be more active;�—��—��—��—��—�


Second, it could help the teacher while the teaching and learning process;

Third, the students were easier to imitate the reading of descriptive text;

Fourth, the students were able to identify the structure of descriptive text


2. The Procedure of the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy

in Teaching and Learning Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of MTs

Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember

The procedure of implementing index card match strategy in

reading learning at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah based on

interview between the researcher and the English teacher was as follow:

“Langkah- langkah dalam pengimplementasian index card match

strategi ada 3, yaitu kegiatan pendahuluan, kegiatan inti dan

kegiatan penutup. Pengimplementasian index card match itu

sendiri ada di langkah kedua atau kegiatan inti. Yang mana

kegiatan inti terdiri dari beberapa tahapan. Tahapan- tahapan

dalam pengimplemetasian index card match strategi ada 5 yaitu,

stimulasi, pemberian masalah atau contoh, pengumpulan data,

pembuktian dan evaluasi. Dan pengimplmentasian index card

match strategi ada pada tahap keempat, yang mana guru membagi

siswa ke dalam beberapa kelompok. Lalu membagikan kartu

kepada setiap siswa dan setelah itu siswa harus mencocokkan

kartu yang mereka dapat dengan kartu lain dengan benar. (Steps

in implementing index card match strategy there were 3 steps,

namely preliminary activity, main activity and closing activity. The

implementation of index card match itself is in second step. Which

the main activity consists of several stages. The stages in

implementing index card match strategy there are five stages

namely, stimulation, problem statement, data collection,

verification, and clarification. And the implementation is in the

fourth stage, which is the teacher dividing students into groups.

Then distribute the cards to each student and after that the student

have to match the card that they got with another card



Miss Siska, Interview, February 30, 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


Based on the interview above, it can be known that there are five

stages in implementation of index card match strategy in reading learning.

The first was the stimulation, here the teacher indicated some pictures

which related with the topic. The second was problem statement, the

teacher gave explanation about the definition of descriptive text. The third

was data collection, here the students have to try read the descriptive text.

The fourth was verification or the main activity, here the teacher prepares

some cards. Then the students were divided into groups which the teacher

distribute the cards to each student. And the last was clarification, here the

teacher and students have to do evaluation to the result of the assignment.

Picture 4.3

Explaining the rules of index card match strategy

From the picture above indicated that the teacher explained about

the rules of index card match strategy in reading learning. While, the

students paid attention to the teacher’s explanation42

. Besides, the teacher

made sure that the students understood about the explanation of the rules

of index card match strategy in reading learning.

42 Observation, MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, March 7

th 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


It was also supported by the statement of one of the students of VII

C (pi), Imroatun Hasanah said that:

“Setelah masuk kelas dan membaca doa, guru menjelaskan materi

apa yang akan dipelajari sambil menunjukkan gambar beberapa

hewan lalu menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan

dengan gambar. Lalu, guru menjelaskan materinya dan siswa

disuruh untuk mencoba membaca teksnya. Setelah itu, guru

membagi siswa kedalam beberapa kelompok dan dibagikankannya

kartu-kartu yang berisi pertanyaan dan jawaban tentang teks cerita

tadi. Siswa disuruh untuk mencocokkan antara kartu yang berisi

pertanyaan dan kartu yang berisi jawaban. Dan yang terakhir,

siswa disuruh membacakan lagi kartu yang mereka dapat bersama

dengan pasangan yang didapat. (after entering the class and

reading prayer, the teacher explained the material that would be

learnt while showed the pictures of animal, then the teacher asked

some question related with the picture. Then the teacher explained

the material and the students are asked to try reading the text. After

that, the teacher divided students into groups and distributed the

questions card and answers card about the story. Students ordered

to match the question card with the answer card.)”43

The statement above, indicated that the teacher showed some

animal pictures and gave some questions related with the material that

would be learned. Then the teacher explained the material and students

have to read the text that had given by the teacher in which there were

some students difficult to read text that had given by teacher correctly44


Afterwards, the teacher divided the class into groups and distributed the

cards to each student. Students have to match the card that they got with

the other card. If the student got question card, they have to look for the

answer card. The last activity was the teacher asked the students to read

the card which they got.


Imroatun Hasanah, Interview, March 7th

2020 44 Observation, MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, March 7

th 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


The interview above was also supported by the lesson plan point G,

about the procedure of the implementation index card match strategy in

learning reading, as follow:

“1). Siswa mengamati gambar. 2). Guru menanyakan beberapa

pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan gambar. 3). Guru menjelaskan

materi tentang mendeskripsikan benda, binatang dan lain

sebagainya. 4). Siswa membaca (mencoba) teks deskriptif terkait

dengan materi. 5). Guru membagi siswa ke dalam beberapa

kelompok. 6). Guru memberikan kartu. 7). Siswa mencocokkan

kartu dengan kartu lainnya. 8). Siswa dan guru mengevaluasi hasil

dari tugas dengan kelompok.45

In the lesson plan above, the steps begin from the teacher gave

some illustrator as the stimulation and the main activity was the teacher

divided students into groups. The last step was clarification that the

teacher with students evaluated the result of implementation index card

match in reading learning.

Based on the explanation of observation, interviews, and document

review above, the researcher concluded that the procedure of

implementation index card match in reading learning descriptive text had

been done in accordance with the lesson plan. The procedures were: 1).

The teacher showed the pictures. 2). The teacher gave some question

related with the picture. 3). The teacher explained the material about how

to describe animal, human and others. 4). The students tried to read the

descriptive text related with the material. 5). The teacher divided students

into groups. 6). The teacher distributed the cards. 7). The students had to


Document (Lesson Plan), 7th March 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


match the card. 8). The teacher and the students evaluated the reading


3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Implementation of Index

Card Match Strategy in Reading Learning Descriptive Text at

Seventh Grade of Mts Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year


The implementation of index card match strategy in reading

learning was one of strategy that used by the teacher. Index card match

was a strategy in the learning that can be used in reading learning. Based

on the interview that the researcher conducted, the advantages and

disadvantages of implementation index card match strategy in reading

learning descriptive text as follow:

“Untuk membuat pembelajaran di kelas berjalan dengan

kondusif, saya memilih untuk menggunakan index card match

strategi dalam pembelajaran membaca. Yang mana reading

adalah salah satu kegiatan belajar yang sangat membosankan

sehingga banyak siswa yang mengantuk. Jadi index card match

ini sangat membantu saya untuk membuat siswa tetap aktif

selama pembelajaran berlangsung dan memudahkan siswa juga

dalam pemahaman materi. (For making the teaching learning in

the class was conducive, I chose to use index card match strategy

in the reading learning. While, reading was one of the boring

learning activity that made students sleepy in the class. So, index

card match helped me to make students active during the learning


Based on the interview above, the teacher goals in implementing

index card match strategy was relevant with standard of competence and

basic competence. The use of index card match strategy in learning


Miss Siska Umami, Interview, March 7, 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


reading could help the teacher in conveying the materials and it could

help the students in understanding the materials.

Furthermore, Miss Siska as the English teacher of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah stated that:

“Kecocokan sebuah strategi dengan materi itu tergantung dari

kreatifitas gurunya. Dan sebuah strategi pun memiliki kelebihan

dan kekurangan. Jadi jika pengimplementasian index card match

strategi ditemukan kekurangan. Maka hal itu wajar, seperti

contohnya kurangnya waktu dan ramainya kelas saat

pembelajaran berlangsung. (an appropriateness of stategy with

the material depend on teacher’s crearivity. A strategy had

advantages and disadvantages. So, if in the implementation index

card match was disadvantages. It was normal. For example, the

lack of time the crowded class during the learning process.)”

Picture 4.6

Implementation of index card match in reading learning

Based on the observation which has been proven with the

picture above, when the teacher was applying the index card match

strategy, the students were enthusiastic but the class was crowded

during the reading learning descriptive text by using index card match.

While, the use of index card match strategy was fun. It made students

more active and enthusiastic during the learning process.47

Thus, the


MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah, Observation, March 14, 2020�—��—��—��—��—�


students were not sleepy while the reading learning process, and it

could help the teacher in conveying the material.

The interview, and the observation were strengthened by one

of the students of 7 Cpi class, Imroatun Hasanah said that:

“Saat pembelajaran di kelas menggunakan strategi, kelas akan

menjadi hidup, teman-teman saya yang biasanya mengantuk

menjadi lebih semangat karena pembelajarannya menarik,

tapi kelas menjadi ramai dan materi yang didapat lebih sedikit

namun mudah dipahami. (while thr learning in the class using

a strategy, the class will live, my friends that usually sleepy

will not sleepy again and more spirit because the learning

process was interesting, but the class be crowded and the

material that we got little more but it is easy to understand)”.

Based on the statement above, it could be known that the

implementation of index card match strategy could help the student to

understand the material easier. When the students can enjoy the

learning process, it made the students happier and easier to catch the

material that has been taught. Moreover, the implementation of index

card match strategy needed more time because the students got little

more material than usually.

Miss Siska also explained about the disadvantages of

implementation of index card match strategy. she explained that:

“Dalam penerapan index card match strategi ini guru harus

memiliki persiapan yang lebih, contohnya menyiapkan materi

agar cocok dengan strategi ini, pembuatan media juga

membutuhkan waktu lebih sehingga dapat meminimalisir

keramaian di kelas, dan untuk kegiatan akhir dari

pengimplementasian index card match ini guru juga

memberikan teks deskriptif singkat serta beberapa kuis untuk

mengetahui sejauh mana siswa itu paham akan materi yang

telah dipelajari.( in implementing the index card match

strategy the teacher should have more preparation, for�—��—��—��—��—�


example; the teacher prepares the material that suitable with

the strategy, the teacher produces the media need more time

until minimize the crowded in the class, and the end of activity

from the implementing index card match strategy, the teacher

gave a simple descriptive text with some quiz to determine the

student’s understanding about the material that has been


Based on the statement above, indicated that the teacher

confronted with some defiance, she had to minimise the crowded class

and maximize the utilizing the time. Besides, the implementation of

index card match in reading learning descriptive text could help the

teacher in teaching learning but the teacher had to do more preparation

too. In addition, at the end of activity in implementing the index card

match strategy, the teacher gave simple text and some quiz to know

the student’s understanding about the material that has been learned.

Thus, based on the observation, interviews, and document

review, the researcher concluded that the implementation of index

card match strategy had advantages and disadvantages. The

advantages were; first, the students were active; second, the students

understood about the material. The disadvantages were; first, it spent

time; second, it made the class crowded; Third, the teacher had more



Table 4.1

The Results of Research findings

No. Research Focus Research Findings

1. What are the goals of the implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic year 2019/2020?

There are four points: 1) The students can be interested

in learning reading and they can be more active

2) It could help the teacher while the teaching and learning process

3) The students were easier to imitate the reading of descriptive text

4) The students were able to identify the structure of descriptive text correctly.

2. How is the procedure of the implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and learning descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic year 2019/2020?

The procedures of index card match strategy were as follows: 1) The teacher showed the

pictures 2) The teacher gave some

questions related with the picture

3) The teacher explained the material about how to describe an object

4) The students tried to read the descriptive text related with the material

5) The teacher divided students into groups

6) The teacher distributed the cards

7) The students had to match the card

8) The teacher and the students evaluated the learning reading

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of index card match strategy in reading learning descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember academic year 2019/2020?

The advantages of implementation index card match strategy were as follows: 1) Happier while learning process 2) It able to create an active

learning 3) It made students more

interested during the learning process.

The disadvantages of implementation index card match strategy were as follows: 1) It need long time for students to

finished the test�—��—��—��—��—�


No. Research Focus Research Findings 2) The teacher need more

preparation 3) It made the class crowded 4) It less affective if one class

consist a lot students

C. Research Discussions

In this discussion, the researcher described the data, the data were

presented and analysed through research findings. Here the discussion:

1. The Goals of the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy in

Teaching and Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019-2020.

Based on the research findings, the teacher implemented the index

card match strategy to help her in reading learning process and to guide the

learning process. The strategy could motivate students to take a part in

learning process, it means that students were active and interested during

the learning process. So that, they could enjoy the learning process. This

statement is supported by Hamdani who stated that strategy has a function

in creating the learning related with learning goal that has been


Therefore, when the goals of the teaching and learning have

been achieved, the teaching and learning were success.

Before the teacher teaching the students, the teacher made a lesson

plan that must related with the theory. The theory that supported this

statement was the theory of the Ministry of National Education and


Hamdani. Strategi Belajar. Mengajar (Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2011), 48�—��—��—��—��—�


culture, “A lesson plan should be made before the instruction process


The goals findings of implementation index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-

Islah Jenggawah Jember such as; first,the students were able to read the

text by load voice and felt more confident; second, the students were able

to identify the main idea of the text; third, the students were able to

describe about people, animals and things correctly; and fourth, the

students were able to active in reading learning. It means that the teacher

wants to improve the students reading skill or make the students to read

aloud by confidence. It is supported by the statement of Liastuti

Ustianingsih and Luluk Puji Riwayanti which argue that reading aloud is

the right strategy to overcome the reading problem because it focused on

the learning process.50

Besides, it was relevant with Harris and Sipay’s

statement. She said that reading aloud is give the teacher best way and

valid to evaluate student’s development in reading.51

It is also accordance with was stated by Silberman that index card

match was the fun and active strategy to overcome the problem in learning

process and to review the material that has been taught, it let students to


Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Modul Manajemen Implementasi Kurikulum K13

(Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, 2018), 62. 50

Liastuti Ustianingsih and Luluk Puji Riwayanti, “Pengaruh Metode Reading Aloud Terhadap

Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Jepang”, Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa

dan Sastra,3,2(Desember,2016):543. 51

Farida Rahim, Pengajaran Membaca di Sekolah Dasar, (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara,2008), 123�—��—��—��—��—�


pairs and play the quiz with other students in the class.52

In conclusion, the

goals of implementation index card match strategy in teaching and

learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember from the findings and theory were to motivated the

students to read aloud, it could make the students feel more confidence and

fun during the learning process and gave opportunity to students to read

the English text.

The teaching material is all the materials that could be used by the

teacher. The materials must be mastered by students for achieving the

standard and basic competence. Based on the findings above, the teacher

used When English Rings a Bell textbook as the material which made by

the government. As stated in the Ministry of National Education and

culture law number 71 the year 2013 about lesson textbook and teachers’

guideline textbook for elementary and junior high school, the government

designs a textbook for instruction guidelines, the text book is provided for

teachers and students namely When English Rings a Bell. 53

The teacher

could choose and select the suitable material for the students. So, the

teacher used descriptive text as the material. This material was in chapter 7

of the When English Rings a Bell textbook.

Furthermore, in this research, the teacher used descriptive text for

teaching reading in seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. The


Silberman, Melvin L, 101 Strategies to Teach Any Subject, tejm. Muttaqien Raisul (Bandung:

Nusa Media,2009), 240 53

Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesi, Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan Republik Indonesi Nomor 71 Tahun 2013 tentang Buku Teks Pelajaran dan Buku

Pandun Guru untuk Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, 1.�—��—��—��—��—�


material would be discussed were; First, reading aloud; Second,

identifying the main idea of the text; Third is simple present tense; and

Fourth, a short story in present form. The teacher delivered the material in

good way by using a fun strategy to make the students active and easier in

the learning process. It was relevant with Melvin L. Silberman theory that

index card match strategy was an active, fun way to review the material

and it was a learning strategy which invited students to learn actively.54

Besides, this research focused on the teaching and learning reading text by

using index card match strategy.

Thus, it could be concluded that index card match became the

suitable strategy to be applied for the descriptive text material because it

can help the teacher in teaching reading and it can help the students in

understanding the material easier and enjoy the learning process.

2. The Procedure of the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy

in Teaching and Learning Reading Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade

of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year 2019/2020

Overall, the way that the teacher taught the students was in line

with the lesson plan made by the English teacher. The procedure of

implementation index card match strategy in teaching and learning reading

descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, there

were three steps. First, preliminary activities. Second, main activities. And

third, closing activities. It was relevant by the statement of Abdul Mujid


Melvin L. Silberman, Active Learning 101 Cara Belajar Siswa Aktif, (Bandung: Nusa Media

2006), 250�—��—��—��—��—�


which argue that there are three activities in the implementation stage of

learning namely preliminary activity, main activity and closing activity.55

In the preliminary activity the teacher gave motivation to students, in the

main activity the teacher implemented the strategy, the procedures of

index card match strategy were; First, the teacher showed the pictures;

Second, the teacher gave some question related with the picture; Third, the

teacher explained the material about how to describe people, animal and

others; Fourth, the students tried to read the descriptive text related with

the material; Fifth, the teacher divided students into groups; Sixth, the

teacher distributed the card; Seventh, the students had to match the card;

and Eighth, the teacher and the students evaluated the reading learning.

And in the closing activity the teacher the asked about the student’s

difficulties during the reading learning process.

During the implementation of the strategy, the students look more

active, enthusiastic in learning reading by reading the English text loudly

and they also more confident without feel shy when they got mistakes in

reading the text. The strategy was fun and could motivated the students to

read the English text loudly without being forced. As stated by Zaini,

index card match strategy is a pretty fun strategy to repeated the materials

which had been given before.56

He stated that the index card match

strategy was ann effective, easy, and fun way for students.


Addul Mujid, Perencanaan Pembelajaran (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2005), 104-105. 56

Zaini Hisyam, strategi Pembelajaran Aktif (Yogyakarta: Insan Madani,2008), 69�—��—��—��—��—�


Thus it could be concluded that the procedures of the

implementation of index card match strategy in teaching and learning

reading descriptive text were done in line with the lesson plan. The

procedures in the field were same with Isnu Hidayat’s theory.

3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Implementation of Index

Card Match Strategy in Reading Learning Descriptive Text at

Seventh Grade of Mts Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember Academic Year


There were some advantages and disadvantages of implementation

index card match strategy in reading learning descriptive text at seventh

grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember, the advantages were; First,

students felt happier while learning process; Second, it was able to create

an active learning; and Third, it made students more interested during the

learning process. The disadvantages were; First, the implementation of

index card match need long time; Second, the teacher need more

preparation; Third, it made the class crowed; and Fourth, it less affective if

one class consist a lot student. It was relevant with Afandi’s statement. He

said that the advantages of index card match were; First, happier while

teaching learning process; Second, the material will deliver attention and

interesting; Third, able to create an active and fun learning atmosphere;

Fourth, able to improve learning achievement and achieve learning

mastery level; Fifth, assessment can be done with observers and learners;

and Sixth, discussion and preparation can force topics/ concepts to be�—��—��—��—��—�


repeated as well as new topics. The disadvantages were; First, need a long

time for students to finished all the tasks and preparation; Second, teachers

should make mature preparation for longer periods of time; Third,

demands the students to cooperate in solving problems; Fourth, the

classroom atmosphere is noisy so it disturb other class; and Fifth, less

affective if one class consist a lot of students.57

Therefore, the

implementation of index card match strategy in reading learning can be

modified based on the material would be discussed and student’s level but

the purposes were same to help the students in reading learning process.

Evaluation was the last component in learning, the teacher

evaluated the teaching and learning process was to assess how far the goal

has been achieved while the teacher did it in the end of discussion.

According to Mansyur et al (2015), there were two kind of evaluation,

formative evaluation, and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is

the assessment whose function is to improve the teaching and learning

process. This evaluation carried out at the end of the discussion. It is

different from the summative evaluation which carried out at every end of

a unit time which more than one subject.58

In this research, the teacher

used formative evaluation which consisted of written test at the end of

discussion. The written test was in the form of student’s daily test which


Tobing, Noperto Tulus Parulian, “The Effect of Index Card Match Strategy on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery (A Study at the Tenth Grade Students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Sitahuis)”, A

Graduating Paper of Institute Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan, (2018), 41. 58

Mansyur et al, asesmen Pembelajaran di Sekolah (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2015), 14-15.�—��—��—��—��—�


consisted of multiple choice and spoken test that was done by asking each

students to read the English text.

From the explanation above, it was also in accordance with what

was stated by Miss Siska Umami that every strategy has advantages and

disadvantages and index card match strategy was one of the strategies

which is compatible for reading learning because it made the students

more active during the learning process. It was relevant with Alfred’s

statement that index card match is a strategy that cannot only be used to

review the previous material but also to provide enjoyable learning.59


Alfred, Inovasi Pendidikan (Salatiga: STAIN Salatiga, 2010. ),120�—��—��—��—��—�




In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusions of the research and

the suggestions.


Based on the data analysis and discussion, the conclusion can be drawn

as follows:

First, the goals of the implementation of index card match strategy in

teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of MTs Al-

Islah Jenggawah Jember. The implementation of index card match strategy

had some goals, there were; the students can be interested in learning reading

and they can be more active; it could help the teacher while the teaching and

learning process; the students were easier to imitate the reading of descriptive

text; the students were able to identify the structure of descriptive text


Second, the procedures of the implementation of index card match

strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text at seventh grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah were; the teacher showed the pictures; the teacher

gave some questions related with the picture; the teacher explained the

material; the students tried to read the descriptive text; the teacher divided

students into groups; the teacher distributed the cards; the students had to



match the cards; the teacher and the students evaluated the teaching and

learning process.

Third, the advantages and disadvantages of implementation index card

match strategy in teaching and learning reading descriptive text were; the

students felt happier; it was able to create an active learning; the students more

interested; the implementation of index card match strategy need long time;

the teacher need more preparation; demands the students to cooperate in

solving problem; the classroom atmosphere is noisy; and less effective if one

class consist of lot of students.


Based on results of the research and conclusion above, the researcher

put forward some suggestions in order to succeed in the English learning in

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember. The suggestions were as follow:

1. For the English teacher, it was better to increase the learning media that

will be used in the learning process. So, the learning objectives that have

been designed by the teacher can be achieved optimally.

2. For other researcher, the researcher suggested to use this research as

reference in doing similar research by using index card match strategy in

reading learning. It will be useful in order to conduct the same strategy on

different skill.�—��—��—��—��—�



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Tittle Variable Indicator Source of data Research Method General Question:












YEAR 2019-2020

Index Card





1. The goals of reading

learning (material,

procedure, and evaluation)

by using index card match


2. The advantages and

disadvantages of the

implementation of index

card match strategy

1. Informant

a. English


b. Students

1. Approach and

kinds of research

a. Qualitative

b. Descriptive

2. Data collection


a. Observation

b. Interview

c. Document


3. Data analysis

technique :



4. Validation of data

: triangulation of


1. What are the goals of

implementation of index

card match strategy in

reading learning descriptive

text English at seventh

grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember?

2. What are the advantages

and disadvantages of the

implementation of index

card match strategy in

reading learning descriptive

text at seventh grade of

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah


Appendix 5


1. Observation Guide

a. The location of research

b. Situation and condition in the classroom

2. Interview Guide


a. How does the teacher implement the index card match learning

strategy in reading learning descriptive text (goals, materials,

procedures, and evaluation) at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember?

b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of

index card match strategy in reading learning descriptive text at

seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah Jember?


a. What are the materials used in reading learning descriptive text by

using inde card match strategy at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember?

b. How is the procedure of reading learning descriptive text by using

index card match strategy at seventh grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah


3. Document Review

a. History of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

b. Profile of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

c. Teacher and Employee Data of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

d. Students Data of Seventh Grade of MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

e. Lesson Plan�—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—�

Appendix 7


Picture 1.1 Interview with Miss Siska as an English Teacher of MTs Al-Islah

Jenggawah Jember�—��—��—��—��—�

Picture 1.2 the process of reading learning

Picture 1.3 the Implementation of Index Card Match Strategy

Picture 1.4 Index Card for Reading Learning Descriptive Text�—��—��—��—��—�


TAHUN AJARAN 2018/ 2019

NAMA SEKOLAH : MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah

MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris


MATERI POKOK/ TOPIK : Descriptive Text

ALOKASI WAKTU : 2 x 40 menit


KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(toleransi,gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


KI 3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan

prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4: Mengolah, dan menyaji dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut

pandang/ teori.


Kompetensi Dasar Indikator pencapaian kompetensi

3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait dengan deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda sangat

3.7.1 Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa

teks deskriptif tentang memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait dengan

deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda

sangat pendek dan sederhana dengan


pendek dan sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif

tentang memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait dengan deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda sangat

pendek dan sederhana dengan benar.

4.7 Teks Deskriptif

4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks deskriptif lisan

dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait orang, binatang,

dan benda.

4.4.1 Mencocokkkan soal dan jawaban

terkait teks deskriptif tentang

memberi dan meminta informasi

terkait dengan deskripsi orang,

binatang, dan benda sangat pendek

dan sederhana dengan benar.


Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan model discovery learning, siswa


1. Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa contoh teks deskriptif teks

2. Mengidentiffikasi struktur teks tentang deskriptif teks

3. Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif

4. Mencocokkkan soal dan jawaban terkait teks deskriptif dengan benar


Descriptive Text

1. Fungsi sosial

Mendeskripsikan, mengenalkan, memuji, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik

2. Unsur kebahasaan

- Kalimat deklaratif (positif dan negatif), dan interogatif (Yes/No question;

Wh-question), dalam simple present tense.

- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their,


- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

3. Ringkasan materi

Descriptive text is a text that contain with the description of an object,

which is an animal, place, people, thing, etc.

-The purpose: to describe particular participant.

-Generic structure:

1). Identification:

2). Description:

-Language feature: Simple Present Tense�—��—��—��—��—�


I have a stray rabbit as my pet. He is really playful, he loved to play

with me and the new things. He found. he has short tail. He has brown and white fur,

his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it. He also like to eat carrot.


1. Papan tulis

2. Boardmarker

3. Kartu

4. Buku paket dan LKS Bahasa inggris kelas VIII


Model : Discovery Learning

Metode : Ceramah, Tanya jawab

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Strategi : Index Card Match


1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

No Langkah-langkah kegiatan

1. Apresepsi dan Motivasi Memberi salam

Menyiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti

pembelajaran, berdo’a dan absen

Ice Breaking

Menanyakan atau mengingat-ngingat

materi sebelumnya.

Menanyakan atau mengenalkan materi


Menyampaikan atau mengenalkan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.�—��—��—��—��—�

2. Kegiatan Inti

a. Stimulation

Siswa mengamati gambar

Guru menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan

yang berkaitan dengan gambar

Guru menjelaskan materi tentang

descriptive teks

b. problem statement

Guru menjelaskan materi tentang

mendeskripsikan benda, binatang dan

lain sebagainya

c. Data collection

Siswa membaca (mencoba) teks

deskriptif terkait dengan materi

d. Verification

Guru membagi siswa ke dalam

beberapa kelompok

Guru memberikan kartu

Siswa mencocokkan kartu dengan kartu

yang lainnya

e. Clarification

Siswa dan guru mengevaluasi hasil dari

tugas dengan kelompok�—��—��—��—��—�

3 Kegiatan Penutup Guru menanyakan simpulan materi


Guru memberi motivasi dan pesan terkait

pelajaran yang telah dibahas

Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran

pada pertemuan berikutnya

Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan doa dan



1. Teknik penilaian

a. Sikap : Observasi

b. Pengetahuan : Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa teks deskriptif

tentang memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan

deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda sangat pendek dan

sederhana, sesuai dengan benar

c. Keterampilan : Penggunaan rubrik untuk mengukur keterampilan

dalam proses pembelajaran.

2. Instrument Penilaian Sikap

Petunjuk :

Lembaran ini diisi oleh guru untuk menilai sikap spiritual siswa. Berilah

tanda cek (v) pada kolom skor sesuai sikap spiritual yang ditampilkan oleh

siswa, dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

4 = selalu, apabila sering melakukan sesuai pernyataan

3 = sering, apabila sering melakukan sesuai pernyataan dan kadang-

kadang tidak melakukan

2 = kadang-kadang, apabila kadang-kadang melakukan dan sering

tidak melakukan

1 = tidak pernah, apabila tidak pernah melakukan�—��—��—��—��—�

Nama Siswa :

Kelas :

Tanggal Pengamatan :

Materi Pokok :

No Aspek Pengamatan 1 2 3 4

1 Berdoa sebelum dan sesudah melakukan sesuatu

2 Mengucapkan rasa syukur atas karunia Tuhan

3 Memberi salam sebelum dan sesudah

menyampaikan pendapat/presentasi

4 Mengungkapkan kekaguman secara lisan maupun

tulisan terhadap Tuhan saat melihat kebesaran


5 Merasakan keberadaan dan kebesaran Tuhan saat

mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan

Jumlah Skor

3. Instrument Penilaian Pengetahuan

No Nama Reading aloud Mengidentifikasi

struktur teks







Pedoman Penskoran

4. I






ment Penilaian keterampilan

Aspek Penilaian Deskripsi Nilai

Reading aloud Ketepatan membaca 60-100

Struktur teks Mengidentifikasi

struktur teks


Kecocokan Ketepatan

mencocokkan kartu




I have a stray rabbit as my pet. He is really playful, he loved to play with

me and the new things. He found. He has short tail. He has brown and white fur,

his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it. He also like to eat carrot.


Today, my cousin Andy comes to visit my house. He is 13 years old. He is

my closest cousin. He studies at SMP Bima grade 7.

He is tall enough for a 7th

grader, about 170 cm. his skin is tan. His nose is

sharp. His hair is black and wavy. He is quite good looking. He is popular at his

school because he is smart and athletic. He always gets first rank at his class. His

teacher and friends like him.�—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—�

Name :

Class :

Choose the correct answer by crossing A,

B, C, or D

The following text is for no 1-8

A new student comes to my class.

Her name is Liana. She is from Bali. She

is beautiful. Her eyes are dark brown. Her

complexion is fair. She has long black

hair. Her face is round with chubby check,

makes her looks cute. She is slim. Her

hobby is swimming and eating.

1. Who is Liana?

a. My cousin

b. A classmate

c. A best friend

d. A new student

2. Where is Liana come from?

a. Bali

b. Jakarta

c. Surabaya

d. Yogyakarta

3. Is she beautiful?

a. No

b. Yes

c. Maybe

d. Thanks

4. What is the color of Liana’s eyes?

a. Black

b. Brown

c. Dark brown

d. Light brown

5. How is her complexion?

a. Dark

b. Fair

c. Unclear

d. Obscure

6. How is Liana’s hair?

a. Black

b. Brown

c. Short hair

d. Long black hair

7. Why liana looks cute?

a. Because her face is round with

chubby check

b. Because her face is pointed

c. Because her face is oval

d. Because her face is long

8. What are her hobbies?

a. Fishing and singing

b. Swimming and eating

c. Singing and playing music

d. Cooking and playing football�—��—��—��—��—�

Kunci Jawaban

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. B�—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—��—�

Appendix 10


Jenggawah Jember. 1

1 Sumber data: Tata Usaha MadrasahTsanawiyah Al-Ishlah, 21 Mei 2019.

Waka. Bid.


Rahmatulloh Fauzi,


Komite Sekolah

Musthafa Rohim, S.Pd.I

Kepala Madrasah

Zainul Arifin, S.Pd.I

Kepala TU

Sahrul Amin, S.Pd

Waka. Bid.


Ahmad Faruq


Waka Bid.


M.Wajdi, S.Pd

Waka Bid.


Ahmad Fuad,


Kep. Perpustakaan

Illia Hasanah,


Wali Kelas


Peserta didik�—��—��—��—��—�

Appendix 10

Table 4.1

List of Teachers and Education Staff

MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah in Academic Year 2019-2020



1. Zainul Arifin S.Pd.I Kepala


SI IAIN Jember

2. Mustofa Rohim,


Guru S1 Unmuh


Bhs Inggris

3. M.Kholid


Guru S1 UIJ Tafsier

4. Abdul Wofi, S.Pd Guru S1 UIJ Matematika

5. Ahmad Faruq, S.Pd Guru S1 IAIN Jember SKI

6. Ahmad Fuad, S.Pd Guru S1 Staiqod



7. M. Syuib



8. Abdus Salam, SE Guru S1 Unmuh



9. Rahmatulloh Fauzi,


Guru S1 Staiqod



10. M.Wajdi Siroj,


Guru S1 Staiqod



11. Hamdan, S.Pd Guru S1 IKIP PGRI Fisika

12. M.Syafi’i Umar,


Guru S1 Staiqod




13. Abdul Hannan,SE Guru S1 UNEJ IPS

14. Sumiyati, S.Pd Guru S1 IKIP PGRI Mulok

15. Wardatus Sholihah,


Guru S1 IAIN Jember Bhs Arab

16. Illia Hasanah, S.Pd Guru S1 UIJ Ka Perpus

17. Eli Nurdiana, S.Pd Guru S1 UIJ Bhs Indonesia

18. Cici Risky Yolanda,


Guru S1 UNEJ IPA Terpadu

19. Nanang Qosim, S.Pd Guru S1 UNEJ IPA Terpadu

20. M. Busar Satpam MTs Ma’arif Tukang


21. Dedi Satriyadi Guru Pramuka PGA Ponpes Pelatih




22. Syamsuddin, S.Pd Guru Pramuka S1 Staiqod




23. Sahrul Amin, S.Pd Guru S1 IAIN Jember TU�—��—��—��—��—�

Tabel 4.2

Facilities and Infrastructure in MTs Al-Islah jenggawah

Ruang Jumlah Luas (m2) Keterangan

Ruang Kelas 6 252 Baik

Ruang kepala Madrasah 1 42 Baik

Ruang Guru 1 36 Baik

Ruang TU 1 12 Baik

Perpustakaan 1 25 Baik

Ruang Lab. Komputer 1 42 Baik

Ruang UKS 1 12 Baik

Ruang Keterampilan 1 12 Baik

Masjid 1 400 Baik

Ruang Osis 1 12 Baik

Kursi Peserta didik 216 - Baik

Kantin/koperasi 2 20 Baik

Kamar mandi/WC Peserta


3 27 Baik

Kamar mandi/WC Guru 3 27 Baik

Jenis Buku Jumlah

Buku Paket 320 exp Baik

Buku Penunjang 52 exp Baik

Buku Fisik -exp

Buku non fisik -exp�—��—��—��—��—�

Tabel 4.3

Data peserta didik selama 3 tahun terakhir1





Kelas 1 Kelas II Kelas III Jumlah


2016/2017 196 29 50 29 30 28 30 86 110

2017/2018 242 35 62 35 40 35 35 105 137

2018/2019 216 30 60 31 35 30 30 91 125

1 Sumber data: Dokumentasi (data sekunder, diolah) tanggal 27 April 2019.�—��—��—��—��—�



Name : Famelya Arifah

Place and Date of Birth : Jember, 7th

March 1998

Address : Dusun Patemon RT/RW 001/002 Desa Mangaran

Ajung Jember

Nationality : Indonesia

Material Status : Single

Major : English Education Program

Institution : IAIN Jember

Mobile Phone : 085230654195

E-mail : [email protected]


2016-2020 : English Education Program

State Institute of Islam Studies Jember

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

2013-2016 : Senior High School (SMAN 1 Tumpang Malang)

2010-2013 :Junior High School (MTs Al-Islah Jenggawah


2005-2010 : Primary School (SDN Jenggawah 01)