The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China By Elliott Smith

Transcript of The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of ChinaBy Elliott Smith

The Great wall’s history (Well, some of it…)

Counted as one of the seven modern wonders, the great wall of china is one of the oldest, most historic defence structures ever. At more than 2000 years old, and 13,000 miles long, it is a once in a lifetime chance to see it. The purpose of the historic figure in the first place was to protect China from other tribes trying to attack and take over China.

In the making of the Great Wall of China

The great wall was built with only four materials: Soil, stone, sand, brick. It was stuck together by cement mixed with sticky rice. Sticky rice made the cement sticky to glue the bricks together.

Sticky rice


Who built it?

Millions of people worked for hours and even days at a time to build the great wall of china. Some people worked on it as volunteers and others as a punishment for criminals.

The Great Wall Today

The Great wall today is a lot different than it was a while ago. Today the Great wall of China is a third smaller because a third of it crumbled. You can only visit a few parts of it.

Here’s a few myths about the Great Wall. (All are not true! The captions are true though.) 1.You can see it from space

2. Its called: The Great Wall of China. (It is actually called Chang Cheng-Long wall)

3.It’s the longest cemetery in the world. (It is sorta true because over a million people died there but were not buried in the wall.)

About the Author

Elliott Smith, is the author of this report. In 3rd grade, moving into fourth grade. He is writing this in the time when Coronavirus was still a serious problem. He was bored and wanted something to do, so he got a lego set on the great wall of china to build and then he wanted to do a report on it, so he did this.

Elliott smith: