The Billboard 1902-11-01 - Wikimedia Commons


Transcript of The Billboard 1902-11-01 - Wikimedia Commons




CHOGO. strike On at the American Posting


wimiiMiik Kvery letter that went back to obJ man »..,vw..ii lu lutiminv 'far s.miu -• ---’ -- Kor. paugh baekeapiK-d t'aiupbell. He was ,.i * H“i.Kr s tar aiea auu the ruihpplues will ree»-ive a copy roaKti-d rlilicniMtl and ■inni..r..l. “‘OU^ tue iLUUsy.. . . Ol me «.ui'laluias eUltloU ol ■'lUe 1(111-


11. .V li. (.'orwls are paiiiliui; tlie Souili. iiiitiiei' \« iiisK}' Is puiiilint; 1‘uiiaaeipuiu. I). j. (lUde la paiuuu)( "I'lesio an over, (tiisoii \v uisKy IS Koiiis on me bill biairUs.

eial yards more of ■‘twlees,” but " 1 lie Kill ■ lo.trn s .spiiii- la valuable.

.VI. l.ijaus ueuim uss In eii very bad all sumillei. Me U UOW liute.iug n im Ills niie miougii lue luouiiiiniis ui I'euuayi iiiiiia, 111 uopts ol biliidiliK up uis siieugm.

4>aui nose vvauis ageuls lor 1 is steel iiiiieiy includes bii>-i siops ui I'twa- I Signs. L-uig, i’liiiuueipuia, V\ asiiiiigiou, iiuliiuioie 1 ivuuiois of a rumpus at Koaiioke ask itieiiuiouu, \a. Ibe iiip may be ex ! ilube. ..... leudeu inio Florida. j l-iaivuce h. Uuuey secured Hie big le i-.verj bill poster in Kugiuud, Ireland, I runs contract. . sicoiiaud. Ausirulla, lioutb Airica, West m-

roasted, ridiculed and lied almut uuiuerci- fully. Kouieliow, though, old Adam was slow to move.

oug tue i euusy. ... . . oi me ciirlaimas euitlou oi ' The lliil- raiiicr Johns Alcdlclue is being palmed noaiu. ’ .American bill jiuslcis should all

by me *am Hoke Co. uave an au. In mis issue, It it Is only to

The Bill I’osters’ and Hillers' L'nloii No. kiioci 1, of Chicago, saw lit Monday, Oct. 21). to Hon, call out all the men working In the shops front on an imaginary grievance. tVli

Slow to move. ' . , ,.i i . nave au au. lu mis issue, ii ii is ooiy m Finally, however, he ordered one of the Itobiusoii denies mixing soot with his ,.^.,^00 a Christmas greeting to their lellow

kiiookors back to the show for a consults- I l****^te-it a r>e nour. ciuiiJiUicii lu other lauUa. ... .. - .'^evelal prouiineut young men were ar-

rcHied 111 Jeucisouviile, md., last week. '*H.,?** Iniagliiary grievance. When the emissary reported at the show ^ "““bens, of Houisviilc, now control bills on telephone |>uiea, au-

The Ainerlcau Hosting Service Is spending |ie was disapiiolnted to And that the old ^***^ iveniucky Association. uoiinciug a K. of 1*. Carnival, lu violence over $25,Utib in new sheet steel boards, man wanted to see him about some trivial t>prague A Nugent have a great Hue of ^ ordinance, wuich tuey did not blanking in their posters, perfecting their matter of contracts. He could hardly con- huiieiius and wans in Hosiou. know cxistevi, tUey uaviug secured peruiia- aervlee and are handling very large con- eeal his chagrin, but for all that resolved Hutli A Cox, cigar mauuiaclurers of Al- g,ou from the telephone company 10 post tracts for SI and w’ork, sniping and dlstrib- to get In a good hard knock before he left. ^ i -. considering bill posting.

■'.»-*>-.■ - - Hoard of Directors will hold Its reg- .

ol a city uruluauce, wnich tuey did not know cxistevl, tUey uaviug secured peruils- s.ou from the telephone company 10 post me bills.

ihe hulsou Klectric Illuminating Co., of uting, and demanded from the union more in easting al>out for an opening, he sud- Hoard of Dliwtors will hold Ita reg- ^ne hulsou Klectric Illuminating Co., of men. -Ihesc the union muld not furnish, denly remembered that the old man was uiar meting Dec. >, in New xurk Hostou, have Just awarded the comract lor Heneral Muiiuger Link Issued orders last awfully sore on booxe and booxers. It was >am Hoke has cut oil his moustache, thus m.ikiug and erecting several very large 11- wreek that none but reliable bill posters an inspiration. rcoiiclug his 'regular age Irom Jo to JO. muiiuaieu signs to C. H. Buck A Co. The would be employed. This was done for self- proteetlou.

The company is willing to pay more than

"Say, governor,” he said. ‘‘You'll have to get rid of that man Campbell.” j

union wages for the right kind of men, but Ue been doin' now?' "'s dat so'?’ queried old Adam. “What's iviller.

rruuk 1. Jones, of New i'urk. is putHug ^lass signs and brouxe tablets dune by the out a lot ot paint for Aunt Hannah Hug om-a Company were ao emiueully aatialac-

will not give employment to the unreliable ones, whether union or uon-uniou.

A Muster BUI Hosiers' Union has been formed under the State laws of llinols, and no niuii will be eligible to membership ex-

Dr. UriUilh, of Greensboro, Is looking fur

“Oh! he’s a brooxe lighter—a regular dip _____,_ somanlac.” lor cash. , . . Mtsars. j. W. Gates and G. »>. Kmmous,

“No! you don't tell me.” Oitiug A ^ou, of Newport, Ky., are mak- lljj. {^nriuger AUvcrtisiug .Servlee ul Cot- “Yep. He’s got a souse on all the time.” several important improvemeuta lu umbua, ua., have aolu lUeir y-ari ot that “Well! Well!" said Adam sadly, then tuelr plant. ..... plant to Mr. t. v, Hetersou. Meaara. Gates ith kindling interest, “What does he Miss Kate h. Griswold, editor of "Hront- Kniiiious are two of the givateat hust- r*nk?“ able Advertising," Is in Asheville—hut not mrs mat ever worked at me hpsiness, and

lory Hiai the placing ot the big display Job with the same Urm is a Just recoguiHou

a bill buitiuctt8 at a barga*u I uirrlla ol the aiuailcr dealciui Meaara. j. uutca aud U. . Luiiuoai*,

cept reliable bill posters aud distributors, with kindling’ interest. “What does he both in workmanship and habits. Any bill drink?*’ poster belonging to this association, bolding "Whl a ecrtiticate lu good standing, can get work "Whi ut the highest wages in any association paugh. town in America, because all association “Wli towns have got to give the best of hnst- a llttlt class bill posting aud distributing in every "Wei

“Well! Well!" said Adam sadiv, then Hiclr plant. ith kindling interest, “What does he Orlswold, editor of "Prolit

‘Whisky sir," replied the agent. ‘What kind of whisky?” asked Fore-

tor her health. II IS with regret that their many friends

“Why, I don’t just know,” sajd the agent, lact known bj^-oackers. a little puxxled. HusiueM~*Jh Chicago is booming. The

Dauuemlller s CiJCee, Canton, O., is glv- them leave. They depart lu a few daya lug premiums for wrappers, aud making the tor Uiucolii, Ncii., w Uere they will realde m

Hie luiure. 1 he Hill I'oatlug Sign Co. of Hhtladelphia,

"Well, you go back and you watch till I American Posting Isenice needs more aud I Uave leased nearly ail Ihelr walla aud bui partioular. 'Ihe advertiser demands it; the you jjuq out and you let me know," said old j more hill posters constantly. general interests of the trade and the asso eiatluii at large demands it. With the ad

Adam earnestly. leltiis tor Hie coining year. Thla haa been

Kdward Heamou, of Shreveport, La., boa I la^ luosi proUtable year they have ever had iatloii at large demands It. ith the ad_ "What does that signify, Mr. Forepaugh? just put up 8UU sheets of paper for the Bui- tor paiui work, iuey now own lertlser It Is not so much a question of why do you want to know?” lalo Hill Show at Alexandria, La. nuuur^ loot bulletins on me rail price for bill posting and distributing as it is service.

iwu one railroads be-

"Well, I’ll tell you. As soon as I find out I 'Ihe Harkersburg Bill Hosting Co. have I t.veeu HUiladelphla and New Vork aud Hhll-

Billers' Union of Cbiqago has in no way LEVYNE’S LETTER.

S SSuTr,,; i-r y.™ •. A

prkes are being advanced all along the line. |>eeu having aomethlug of a aireuuoua J. C. Knight, Jr., the city hill poster at mue. Ihe managers of both theaters claim

Cedartowu, Ga.. Is bolding apace for a . certain bill board in the town, and acting ill- crackerjack circus. Still business is very under orders the bill posters of the two

opln- good lidoSr^^'V'veii 'uow' we'uaV'mon** than enough locations. What I Morris D. Neumann A Co., of Hhlladel- ,i coventl. Warm ilmea accvuipanled

>M-alc ^ ^ ^ mean by that Is this: In considemtiou that phla, are getting ready for a big display of im. undertaking, aud the ownership of i’h.'. ar.Mbii. with Ml.. Bill H.«t.-rs- and •'ort'au'l has KHMIOO Inhabitants and is the white Knight Cigar posters. 'IKe paper U me board not being able to be proven, ths

Billers; Trtloi. of Cbicago B tb^t In their 'uctropolls for the Haclhc Northwest, It Is all ready. uwner ol the property ou which the board iiieiiilK-rshiu there is uot^t’o exceed 40 tirst- “ ““•’'''ill distrUmtlug point for a vast ter- Coiisolvo A Cheshire have made Jimmy waa located had it removed. It was a sort liass MM Platers■ ibTVuVauce about ui) '■{‘u*'.'- Ulteeu advertisers take It Into West local manager at Greensboro. Those ,>f ease of the wolf weighing out the cheese. ...-.V..!...... .tliclr niiiids to come Into that town In a who have used West in the past can ap- At the lueetlna of the Kentucky State

houses have ‘ both undertaken to keep It coverctl. Warm times accvuipanled

tlii-lr minds to come into that town in a who have used West in the past can ap- buiich, each using 100 h-sheets, Mr. Will- predate this statement.

not employ them, because our trade de- ,.' 2 , , „ I ^ ....ut..-.. 'Ii... usisl to bc s tliiie when It wa

lueiuliers are made uu of theater door tend tU' if •muds to come Into that town In a who have used West in the past can ap- At the meeting of the Kentucky State irs l&raUere aild » sheets Mr. Will- predate this sutement. Hill Hosiers' Assmlstlon, held al Seelbsch’s not eiuilioy them, because* our trade de- accommodate them There Bcu B. Hampton, the man who got Bales aotel In lAiulsvllle on Oct, Itt, Ue ttrui of mauds master bill posters. The Federation '’** 2 *» sending out tt. A G. o Neill A tioucher, of Versalllea, Ky., were of iMlKir agrees wlih us. The Bill Fosters Corsets, and get Hug his commission, loo. admitted to the sssodatlon. They^vaa and Billers' Union are now taking this same time with a bunch of 8-sheets Ben B. Is a Bully Boy. kwell plant, all tongue and grooved boarda strike on their own account, and going It “* up on the >K>ards at cmce. Mork. as a ihe K. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company are ,,iu nue locations, and any llrm sending alone aud have cut away from the Feder- started on the boards every posting "Schnapps Tobacco” throughout n,em paper can count on getting the beat atlon of l.alior • so that posters are explr- the South aud Southeast, this being the qt M;rv’ice aud good results. They will also

The AuiVrlca'u Hosting Service can not “K the same rate. In holding up Hi^- second posting this season. build boards In ten or ttfleen surrounding conduct Hieir business to-day wftboul they ‘ something R. j. Reynolds Tobacco Co., of Winston- towns, all of which will be railroad show- < aii get the highest grade of workman, and i ^ Salem, N. C., Is doing a great deal of sign jugs. AdverHsem will do well to pul employ only them. The .\merican I'osHug this. \V illinms has a darling plant and is a tacking throughout the entire Southern o Neal A Goucher ou their lUt. .'Service ln-lleves in union labor, but must m 'teeps fountry for their many brands. A. 11. Jones wrllea from Fltigerald, Ga.: eiiiplov reliable, expert men on their work. “'^^“hIs In Mcellent condition, and as far 'phe Sturtxel-Henri AdvertUIng Agency, "Kvery fool of board room Is tilled and

_ ‘tj I ffJ'es the advertiser the equlv- of Toledo, O., are putting out a lot of dls- paper walling for space. We are adding

and lUliHrs- I 'liioi. are’ now- takliiir' I his “ bunch of 8-sheets Ben B. Is a Bully Boy. strike on their own account and going It iKiards at once. Work, as a The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company alone, aud have cut away from the Feder posting "Schnapps Tobacco” througl

’ o I o jjjy jy tiie month, so that posters are explr- ... ---* o....,- .w.- ution of l.alior.

employ only them. The .\merican I'osllug 1 1. . Service ln-lleves In union labor, but must employ reliable, expert men on their work. condition, and as far

* * * ^_ as* I know he jnves the advertiser the equlv- ■ «i a. # I I t w u -J --- ' ■'-• - — — — imiHtr waltiuic (or apace. We are addtuc firaDA IM AMPRira aicnt of his njoney. I have never heard a tributing for several patent medicine con- ujJre boarda to meet the demand. We have SCAPA IN AMERICA. coiuplaint from this town. In all the rest cema; also a lot of card taeklng. our boards at present the following pa¬

in view oi the hostile legislation which oi Oregon there la not another plant ^THth xhe A. H. Jones Bill Posting and Adver- 40 sheets iliK'al); 7 12 ahei^ts for N. A is now being encountered in Boaton, Buf- mentioning, w'lth the exception—no, not one, tlsing Company is sending out some verj Hhaminm Co., San Krmuclsco, Cal.; 14 falo, etc., "The Billboard” feels bound to I was going to f-sy something of San neat folders to advertisers, describing their g sheets 'Uueeda Biscuit,” one month; 8 sound another note of warning. The bill Francisco, but If I wanted to say all that country route of small towns, mills and g-sheets “Forc’e,” three months; 75 sheets

SCAPA IN AMERICA. complaint from this town. In all the rest In view oi the hostile legislation which of Oregon there Is not another plant «T)«h

la now being encountered in Boston, Buf- mentioning, with the exception—no, not one. j

posters of lUe country should read the should lie said aud all that deserves to be 1 stills. iiaud'vriting on the wall and take heed. said. It would take m'vre space In "The Bill- Tom Martin, who formerly h The best way to weather the storm is not board” than kind Mr. Kditor would allow, paste brushes at the Wonderlai to let it bri-ak at all. Meet the issue be- .SulTicient to say that Joe McManus, known Buffalo, N. Y., has accepted the fore it is pat to yon. Improve the appear- to all bill posters in the country, has of late treasurer with Manager Shea, c

for Atlanta iGa.) Fair; 5 12-sheets and lA)

ance ot your boards. Put a little money l>een Identified with Owens, Varney A den Theater.

Tom Martin, who formerly handled the -j.^heets R A G. Corsets, two months: ft paste brushes at the Wonderland Theater, g-nheets and 50 1-sheets Nubian Tea. one Buffalo, N. Y., has accepted the poaltiou of nionth; 30 shv-ets Uoeal); 148 SheeU Oen- treasun-r with Manager Shea, of the Gar- ,,y-, ^ud I'ony Show; 150 sheets for

'into monidings and cornices. Make them Grecm. Georgia Slate Fair, 30 sheets Columbus

Mr. Cbas. McClelland, of XeuUi, O., spent (Oa.) l-slr, 2(«) sheets Hamlin's WUard ^Artistic in appearance; keep them neat and in Denver will he found Jim Curran, and Ot’*- 15 In Urbana, O., as the guest of Man- or sjo •• tidy? trfnve to make them unobjectionable if ti,e iifp of that man Is ever published It Frank McAdams, of Market Square ___________ to even fastidious people. It Is only a mat- would teach bill p<«ters of the present and Theater. Major Tyner ran up from Spring- rvieTnimMHTFft ter of a few months before we will have the future how to build a plant, how to run «cld In the evening. DISI KIBU luito nu i ab. Scapa In America, and If It concentrates Its « plant, and how to get paper to put on the Fels-Naptha’s offices are way t'ell-and- ,p, n,.„ri Advertliilna Arencr attention on the boards, things will be In- invirds after It Is built. Take Charlie Heger k'one out Woodland avenue, and Mr. Kirch- / ^ teresting. Scapa in England proudly polnu and Jim Curran, put them together, and It ner, the ad. manager, alwaya gives some •f„r'’«».venil ustent medicine con- to the following: will make the strongest two that ever came kind of a consoUtlon order to every so- P«tent medicine ton

“»llnburgh has had for several years a down the pike. llcltor who braves the trip. nrlnlers of uamubleU for

Kansas City, tjie Hud.sons control the ff ’ **** bill distribution throughout the councy. repon iSents whose let tore, standing town; that Is, the hill lK)ard town. They that they will b««>u have a lot of work for fracture, would show •Ksinst the sky. ^ plant d«‘serviug of Kansas City. I'sugh A Hells exhibit at Rome. Ua., and diatrlhutors, as they have signed a Urge

Glasgovv. at a Mcrlflce 'Fhelr center showing are marvelous. They says the t^ts were packed with people, a of coDtraclH. Much of their sncceii* termined that the municipal trams shoald enterprising bill posters, but they have being from Cedartown. I„ jup "Happy" McDonnell, their siolUi- not be dlsngnred by advertising, in Man- inclination to be let alone bv the rest Sanford H. Robison, manas-er of the Kill tor who can scent a bU contract and close

is due to "Happy" McDonnell, their a.>IUi. not pe uisngnrea ijy auveriisin^ in mbu- inciinatlon to be let alone by the rest Sanford H. Robison, manager of the Bill tor, who can scent a big contract and close Chester, amopg other dues, tM council 1,111 pnsters. In their other business Hosilng Sign Co., of Hblladdphia, has been It quicker than any other man In the coun- has resolved that all hoardings belonging to „r,. way in the front. They are much- on a trip to his old htime In Missouri. On try. He Is as happy as a little lH>y with we Improvement Committee, snail be kept taiicd-of men, but In the bill posting busi- his way hack to I'hlladeipbia, he will stop a new isilr of re<l top boots. free of adyertlselng and ness they seem to want to hide themselves, off In Milwaukee and Chicago.

r®®?'. y?i.*?®®" ^®* They do not s«*era to assrxiate or affiliate Kvery advertiser In America who k«. ^*•*1 this matter when making their con- with their craft; It is not that the» con- km _■■■_■__ s • s r-.vim-rioE'Dc

various places, and the society has turned joset.h Mo Hhlllev A Oicndorf are .e o. . .. winm saveniM iix some of Its attention to street noises and » “'•'/‘y * ndorf If giocum A Hratt can get 12 cents In the sides of the c

to the thoughtless littering of public places. d^.rf’qiq^^n^iTa^val^wL ti hand^m^ ‘*”11®** '^^^y villages, why should d„wn at Intervals. It has grown more powerful with each “}; ®“‘vai was to nano mt the others charge kss? At 5 cents and 7 cents _

year of Its existence.” . . ^ nrlvste^one* there Isn't enough In It to justify new It Is sincerely to be hoped that American i,i"” “i,**® Ipo,, ®“®Vnw boards, let alone paying for space. The A COMMON M

bill posters will take the matter up In time ‘^.^atCnt as that hjw ci^^ I 1’"' P®"*®® ®’‘*® less than 12 cents T to foresUll trouble. “5 Vi.®“k,i Pr.T Is cheating himself. .... ..._

>.rd.” t^ether with i^nr Am. who N®'® ight to Kvety bill noster ousht to have sprung lu 1 hlludciphia every day. ffiie

ad In It It will b^D exc^lng^ ‘“»®"‘ ^ <>« cart, driven by a tall negro I aa. ID It. It will De an exceedingly Due jrawn by an ox. Automatic shades, on

, ,, which sdveiilsciiicnts are painted, occupy If Slocum A 1 ratt can get 12 cents In the sides of the cart t>elDg drawn up aud

A KNOCKER “HOISTED." When R. C. Campbell Joined the Fore

For Mr. Olendorf and bill posting Mr. Hhllley

It Is sincerely to be hoped that American 1^^^^ hoards, let alone paying for Space.' The A COMMON MISTAKE OF ADVER-

to forestall trouble. a good word for St. Joseph’s bill posting . heating ^Imself. Many au advertising campaign has failed -=-„ plant. For Mr. Olendorf and Mr. I'hllley When the Board of Directors of the Ken- |>ecause little effort was made to put the

A KNOCKER ‘HOISTED. I can say (for I bare It from them person- tucky Association refused to grant Iran- article advertised within the t-asy reach of When R. C. Campbell Joined the Fore- ally) that any Idll poster in the Unlt(^ chlses for Ashland and Versalllea to Ram- the cunsuiner. The retailer is reluctant to

paugh Shows, away back in the eighties. States will always get a glad band from latter took an appeal to the Na- give the traveling snlesiuan even a small the other agents of the show did not; take this Arm when he visits their city. Mr. tloual Directorate, and threatened that If onler until he observes there is a public call kindly to him. He rattled the old bones Hhllley haa of late erected some cracker- Ae lost ont there he wonld sue the assocl- for that article, and as the retailer will not and stirred things up ‘‘considerable.’ The Jacks right In the center of the city, and I titlon and dlisrupt It entirely. go out of his way to sto«’k his shelves with rest of the advance force resented this, and would advise some whisky house, or a "Halnt-Macblned-Slgns” is what $am ® u<'w article, and, moreover. Is always

the other agents of the show did not; take this Arm when he vlalts their city. Mr. tloual Directorate, and threatened that If onler until he observes there is a public call kindly to him. He rattled the old bones Hhllley haa of late erected some cracker- Ac lost ont there he wonld sue the assocl- for that article, and as the retailer will not and stirred things up ‘‘considerable.’ The Jacks right In the center of the city, and I titlon and dlisrupt It entirely. go out of his wsy to sto«’k his shelves with rest of the advance force resented this, and would advise some whisky house, or a ‘‘Halnt-Macblned-Slgns” is what $am ® u<'w article, and, moreover. Is always resolved that Campbell wonld have to be brewery, tobacco or a cigar man to go right Hoke now calls bis product. He says they ready to substitute something "Just as Ared quick. So one and all got their ham- Into St. Joe and contract for a sixty-days* are twice as good as hand painted and twice food," o regular systematic trade canvass mers ont and commenced to knock him showing, good and hard.

Yours very truly. M. L. LEVY>

as cheap; that they will last twice as long hsolutely ni'cessary to place the article and then look twice aa good, ksm baa s^v- where It can be easily purchased by the con-



Alloona—Chut Edmond Grold^^vSZT lili nr J-i|iiisiowii—A. Adair. Ni-\v C'aniU>—The J. O. Ixtrlng C. X, I' I'lnM-nlirll;e—Geo. K. Oborholtaer. n


I’arthage—A. Burton. \ Gaiiiesvllle—l*anl Gallia. I(. I*, and |M'•^ Vonk'im—C. C. TtH*l>l«v


Sail laike City—Grand Bill rosilng Co.


|{lu<-neld-II. I. Shott.


I’ralric-Ju Clilen—E. A. Campbell.

Hiiiiii-r. Soiiif few aMNithn ago * wholewile Hriii deleniiinrd to try iMmlern In lui i ffiirt to cri'iiti* a (leiiiand fur a new liraiid of e«)lTee tl'ey wen- liuiturtliig from Java. Tlie Held to l>e exploited wun the'.r own elty of eouie iMipiilulion, and nfter uiakiiiK a eoiiliniioua mIiowIiik In Unit elty of thrvi* liiiiidred N Mliiet punlers for over two uionthn, uHiI olitiilulng im m-rrei>tulilf> re- »u In, they Kent for Mr. ItlllpoMirr and ex pnraaed an intention to diaeoutiuue the poat- lug.^tinleiui he eould nhow them where the

’eo«t wan to eoiiie from. Bill poatera nowadayn an* preaumnhiy ex-

IMM-ted to have the reaa4mluK |>ower of an Old Bailey apei-ial pleader. In thin iuntauce a littitt nklllful cnaia-examlnatlon elleted the fact that the Arm in qaeatlou were try ing to cover the whole Held with only one eommen'ial traveler, that tite ponting dla rday waa the full extent of their advertla iig, and that they had not even gone to the

ex|teiiae of a simple show board to offer the retailer to stick up Inside the store, and so, to some extent, reinforce the outdoor display. Apparently this particular firm bad the erroneous Idea that poster advertlalng was so strong a niedlnm that it would act¬ ually pull colTet* out of their warehouse and aMerward collect the cash In payment.


righted by Alne Ethel Hamilton. New York N. Y.

“His Father's Son,” an original drama in flve acts; written and copyrlghte*! by Jean M. awwon Caldwell, New York. N. Y.

“In the Shadow of the Gallows,” by l.ll linn Mortimer; copyrlghtt-d by Kdwftrd iH-ckcr. Jr., and James L. Veronte, Al- gom.a, WIs,

'Tracy the Outlaw,” copyrighted by Percy G Williams, Bntoklyn, N. Y.

"The Roger Brothers in Harvard,” a vau¬ deville in three acts; written and copy¬ righted by John J. McNalley. New York, N. Y.

"Philip Grey.” a drama In flve acts, by tieorge C. Oliver, and copyrighted by George Colin Oliver. Rwhester. N. Y.

"The Adoption of Archibald.” farclal coiiM-rlv In fnre«* acts; written and copy¬ righted by Edgar S«‘lwyn, New York, N. Y.

"The Making of a Man,” a comedy drama In four acts: written and copyrighted by Bruno Kyferth. iMiluth. Minn.

"The Mummy and the Maid; or, the S*'m Inary tJlrl.” In three acts: <-opyrlghfe<I by UichanI Carl. Somerville, Mass.

“Pe<-k .and His Mother-In-law, a musical farce In three acts; written and copy¬ righted by P'dgar Sheldon, New York, N. V.

”.Y Itiinawny Boy,” a musical comedy In, three acts: written and copyrighted by Chas. J. Campbell and Ralph Skinner, New Y'ork. N. Y.

"She Wants Y'ou, David,” copyrighted by Chas. F. Rysn. Turner Falls, Mass.

"The West End; or, the F^lng of th<‘ Smart Set.” ■ written and opyrighted by George Dance and George .\rlls, T.<ondon. Eng.

“An Evening Call,” written and copy¬ righted by Chas. T. Byrne, Corning. New Y'ork. N. Y.

“The Mysterious Shadraek Jones.” a melo¬ drama in four aeta; written and copyrighted by M. Ij. Kinsey, Shreve, O.

'’A Pipe l*ream,” three act farce, by Hendy K. Barton; copyrighted by Ed¬ wards snd Brewer snd H. K. Burton, In- di.anapolis, Ind.

It Georoe Fawcett’s Leading Woman.

Miss GraV Kimliall. Geo. Fawcett's lead¬ ing woman, X to twcome a star. It la said, however, Mr. N^aweett's disappointment is no doubt 8oniew{iat tem|»ered by the fact that he Is to sfX.* the production which she wIM lead. Mrsa Klmlmll Is now ne¬ gotiating for the iS;w play by Haddan Chambers, the Englislibpvn who wrote "The Tyranny of Tears.” tSp new piece Is a society drama, and has never been seen on Ibis sble of the water.

Three years ago. when acting as leading woman in E. H. Sothern's company. Miss Kimball was just almnt to step Into star¬ dom when Illness overtook her, and neces¬ sitated her temporary retlremnt from the stage. For a year or more her condition was very serious, and she was eompelled to abandon all thought of work and go to the but gradnall.v, as her health returned, she decided to go on the boards, snd then It was that Mr. Fawcett, who was looking for a leading woman to suc¬ ceed Miss Haswell, to lend the company which he was organizing, to alternate with the Shaw Company at Chase’s Theater, In Baltimore engaged her.

Miss Klnihnll was ‘nceessfni In "Isvnl and T sdv Mgv.” In "Camille” snd again In


AdoarNasairw/i under Mm keuding tcUi 6* puhUsAaN wMkJg at Ike uni/urm rate of leu eentM jmwIImim. or $u)0 per pear.

.\mertMa Show Print, Milwaukee, M'la. N. W. Ayer A Son. Philadelphia. Pa. Bell Show ITIut, Sigourney, la. C. H. Bm k A Co.. Boatoo, Maaa. Calvert LItho. Co.. Detroit. Mlebu Ceotral C'ity Show PrInL Jackaon, Uleh. Central LItho. Co.. 140 Moaroe st.. Cblcagi>. Donaldson IJtbo. Co.. Newport. Ky. Raterprlae Show Priat, Cleveland, O. Enquirer Job Print Co., Cincinnati, O. Erie Show Printing Co., Ere. Pn. UL Ader. Eng. A Ptg.. 6 Beekran at.. N. Y. Great W. Prnt. Co.. hlS Eld. St. Louis. Ho. Urevc Utbo Co.. MUwankee. Wia. Haber. P. K.. Fond dn Lac. Win. Heanrgaa A Co,. 127 E. 8th. Cincinnati, O. 8an> W. Hoke. fltb avc.. New York. Standard Kmb. Co., l.’US Broadway, N. Y. Home Show Printing Coi., Atchison. Kan. Starr Show Printing Co.. Mason City, In. Maaun City, In.—Star Show l*rlnt Co. Morrisan Show Print. Co.. Detroit. MIrh. Pena ^g. A Pub. Co.. Philadelphia. Pn. Pioneer Printing Co., Seattle. Wash. , Planet Show I*t. Co., Chatham, Ont. Ruasell A Morgan Show Pt., Cincinnati, O- C. E. Runeg, 127 B. 8tb at.. Cincinnati. O

Indi.xiuipoils—Van^ele Adv. Co.. 114 Ml. at. Marion—John L. wood. U20 8. BransoD st. Michigan City—J. I^ Weber Co. Terre Haute—O. M. BartletL


Boise—R. G. Spaulding.


Boise—R. G Spaolding


<1. J. Prescott, Boone, la. Des Molneo—Molaea Adv Co. Fort Madison—Sylvester Johnson. Sioux City—A. a Beall.


Atehlaon—City Bill Posting Co.


Boston—Cunningham A Goorley. Brockton—John v. Carter. 2S8 Belmont at


Morris--George a Lawrence, B. P. A D.


St. I.oala—8. A. Hyde. 2lSfl Eugenia st.


Falrbnry-Robert J. Christian. Hsstlngs-M. M. Irin. Schuyler—Rus A Rotmsn.


New York City—New York B. P. Co. Ogdenshnrg—B. M. Brney. Seheneetady—Chas. H. Beuedlct. 121 Jay at


Stateaville—Rowland Adv. Co.


Columbus—S. A. Hyde. 21*1 Eugenia at. Fostsrla- W. C. 'nrrtll A Co.. 118 W. Hf

fln at. Martin's Ferry—J. F. Rlnmenberg.


Carlisle—Wm. "M. Meloy. Box 4#. East I'ork—Richard R. Staley. Johnstown—Geo. R. Updegrave A Ca Phoenlxvllle—Geo, .K Oherhoitter.


Columbia—J. C. RIngley (al. rharteatoa).


Went Superior—C. A. Marshall. West 8a- perlor Hotel.


A. F. Morria, mgr.. Haatlnga at.. Vaneon ver, B. C.

Montreal—C. J. T. Thomas, Box 112#.


Joseph Jefferson's fall tour will end Nov. 22 In Brooklyn.

J. M. Frankel Is in advance for the How nrd-Kvle Company.

Daniel MeCne la managing the “Stand ard Article” company.

The last form of the Christmas issue of "The Billboard” closes Noveml»er .'W).

H. M. Blaekhaller has signed as agent of Prank B. Rhodes’ "TTnele Hex” company.

Eleanor Robson will soon appear In the ■*-" ■ version of Mary Johnson's “Au-

'Colonisl Girl”

dramatb drey.”

The Bertha Creighton _ _ temporarily disbanded at Atlanta,

Ga.; mat week. Frank •», Griswold closed a highly sne-

eessfnl renwm Oct. 25. He will winter at Willongbhy. O.

Mrs. Madeline I.neette Ryiey has signed a eontraet to write a play eaeh year for J. E. Dodson and Miss Annie Irish.

An organisation, calling Itself the “Her¬ ald Square Stock Company,” was stranded at Newport News, Va.. last week.

Manager W. H. Brown, of Brown’s Opera House. Clarion. la., writes us he has open time for a good reoertolre company.

Martin Harvey made his -American debut at the Hernid-Sqnare Theater in ‘"I^e Only Way.” Oct 20. He was warmly welcomed.

David Belaseo has commissioned Tharles Klein to write him a melodrama, which will have a production In New York next sea¬ son.

Ed. Morrison, who was ahead of Chas. F. Edwards' Stock Company. Joined "A Moth¬ er’s Heart” company as agent, at Syracuse, N. Y.

.Amelia Bingham la certainly branching ont In the lines of management In a man¬ ner to make even Charles Frohman look to his laurels.

The Mary Shaw section of the George Fawcett Company, haa been producing Sar- dou’s “Theodora” In Norfolk and Richmond, 1 Va. with great snceess.

"Tbe Cordlnsl.” by Louis N. Parker, will be Mr. Willard’s opening pinr In T»ndon n* xt season. His present tour of this coun¬ try Is Itkelv to be his last.

Mrs. T.emovne's “Among Those Present” was given Its Initial performance In Can- I'tn Inst week. The plav. which Is a strong comedv drama, made a hit.

■ Mr. Ralph Stuart, formerly of tbe Ralnh Stuart Stock Company, will leave New Dr- leans for New York, to take tbe leading roles In the “Gretna Green” eomnanv.

All dates at Daly’s Theater. New York, bare been canceled. In order to glye “A Country Girl” an unlimited mn. The aue-

by •►Ider of court. 'Tke Weiler Company did considerable poster printing for a sea¬ son, but evidently not at a pn^t. |

N. W. Ayer and Sons, the weilknown ad¬ vertising agents, are now comfortably In¬ stalled In their new building In Philadel¬ phia. They are going to make a vigorous campaign Dtr poster work during the fnrtb- coralng year.

The Presto 8-aheet, from the press of tbe J. Ottman LItho Co., Is the poorest poster of the season. It has not one single redeem¬ ing feature. It la Itad in conception, worse In design, and looks cheap. Just what train of reasoning led the designer to caricature, lN>llttle and affront the cooks of the land while soliciting their endorsement, is past understanding. The cooks ran. and, doubt¬ less, will, even up matters. If so, Presto's cake will Ite dough.

MANSFIELD’S NEW MANAGER. There was no douht a good deal of pro¬

fessional satisfaction over the appointment of Major Lyman B. Glover, dramatic critic of the Chicago Record-Herald, to the man- seerial chair of the Richard Mnnafleld en- terpris,«. Major Glover Is one of the moat csnable as well as one of the best liked of all Amerlenn critics. He and Mr. Mansfleld have b<»en longtime frienda. a fart that will t’Volr tend In the direction of a permanent • Itlance.

ACTORS CLASH. Frank Ha.ves. a dancer, and Daniel Sn’ll-

ran, a member of the “Busy Ixxv” Com- nanv. who were recently arrested In Youngstown. O.. for an alleged disturbance were released on ball a short time after their InrareerafIon. It Is said that there uss an old grudge existing between the sotors. snd meeting for the first time this •i*sson In Y’onngstown, their quarrel waa renewed. .A flght and their arrest followed.


Advertisement* under Ms heading will be pubUsked weekly at the uniform rate of ten cents per issue, or $i,oo per year.


Conwag-J. F. Clark, Box 02. Springtela—Hite Sandera Co.


Stamford Hawley Oefliiger.


Pocatello—Getirge Dash, Box 27X


Bloomington—City B. P. Ca. Coliseum Bldg Chicago—A. Darla, 2#S W. VanBurrn at. Galesburg—Auditorium B. P. Co. Peoria-Auditorium Bill Posting Co.


Michigan etty-^. L. Weber A Ca


Preoeott Rill Posting Co., Boone, la. Des Molneo—W. W. Moors, (licensed dist.).


Atehlaon—ettg BUI Poatlng Ca Paraona—George (TbarehllL

MINNESOTA. Minneapolis—Gibbons BUI Posting Co.


BllUngn—A. L. Babcock.


Haatlnga—M. M. Irwin.


Edwin F. Wentworth, Cablesklll, N. Y. New York City—New York BUI Pooling Ca


■tatenyiUo-Rowland Adyortlaing Ca


Mddlotown—Aatkoay H. Walbnrg.

HONOR WHFRF HONOR IS OUF. Manager .A R. Pelton. of the rurtls The¬

ater. Ttenver. CoL. writes tbst was not ♦bruu**b tbe eourtesy of tbe ni'*usgeincut that fbe Branco Busters who were In at- tondauce nt tbe D-'uver Carnival occuu’ed ulne*v-fonr of tbe liest seats in bis the.ator, Ti>c sea’s were h»>nght and paid for. Mr I’elton says, and he wishes the previous statement r«>ctlfled.

OUSE’S AMERICAN OPENING. Xtllc. Duse nerformed In ’’Cltta Morta.” at

♦ be Tremont In Boston Get. 24. for the first time In this eonntrr. In U sbe Is riven 'm mouse seope for her wonderful powers and achieved a magnificent trinmuh. Great en

Auditorium—Eugene Cowles Concert Com¬ pany, Oct. 27. J. MAXWELL BEERS.

MAUIOKKTA. lA.—The Timber City Fancters' Asam'latlon will give their flrat annual show at Maquoketa, la., Dec. 18-20. M. A. Roblnsoa, president; Harrison J. Whitfield, secretary and treasnrer: Wm. G. Warnock, of I>anark. III.. Jndge. The Brag- don Minstrel Company are booked to ai^ar nt Rlce'a 0|>era Ilooae. Oct. 2T. "'The Foxy | Tramp,” under the direction of Homer] Drake, will he here Oct. 80.


GlIF.KNWnOIl, MISS.—Greenwood Op¬ era Honse, fCalhonn A llaon, Mgr.V—J. H. I,a Pearl'a “Reaping the Ilarveat,” Oct. 22. to fair audience. Performance excellent. Oct. 24. Tyroleana; Oct. 28. ’Three Mna- kpfusrs;” Oct. SI. Mniray and Mack. Fore- i>nnrh * Sella Bros, adranee car No. 1 waa here O.-t. ’21, hilling the Mg show, which will l»c here Nov. II. “Sonthem Belle” Company gave a night |>erfonnance only, Oct 21.' Show poor; audience fair.



"A Dangerous Man.” written by Bernard Klliig. and copyrighted hy M. J. Outh. Yonkers. N. T.

“The Dlsguls««d Valet.” a eomfslr drama In one .vcf written and copyrighted hy Thomas Francis T.onergan. Montreal. Can

•’Father John.” a melodrama In fonr acts; written and eonyright**d by Edith Sessions Tnnner. New York. N. T.

“For love and Honor.” a e<»m«Hly drama hy W. \V. I.anoint. In foor .acts and seven scenes: copyrighted bv Ed. N. McDowell. New York. X. Y.

“A Forced Propooml," written and copy-

lioiiiso ('loser will take the place of Ada the most i>opuIar West Kiid hoost^s from lor, actlnt; maniieer; H. A Morrison Inisl- Ijwyor in "A Gentleman From France," aa September nexK and will present as his ness mnmiKer; Kd. Morrison, av'ent; l*aiil M:8s Dwyer will play the role of Deborah opening play “The Cardinal." by Isxils N. Hns.k, staRe inanaRer; W. 11. Meriierson. Diiideu. in Audrey. ^ , . ■'•‘rker. This will be f«>llowed l)y the new stage rar]>cnter: Mill Asson, master of

Kluw & Krlauger have definitely arranged play Mr. Stephen Phillips Is at present to present “Mrs. Bluebeard” at the Knlck- writing for him. erlmcker, Jan. 26. Dan McAvoy, who will

tropertl*^*; Marie Warren. IJIIIan Khoade, -llllc Allen, Betsy Bose, Slary Abbey. Ada

PLAYHOUSES. 'the new l.yeeiim Theater at Cocoanul

(tro\e, Fla., will not be ready liefore l>ee. i:>, line.

.Manager BoIktI K. Werner, of the Opera We will design, engrave and print special Wagner, ijttle ’Beatrice .Mdawy, 'Frank ••"'•se, Black Blver Falls, Wls., would llku

play the title role, has been engaged for page ads of drainatle companies, for .\rinstrong, ('has. Gardner, J. .\ngus Gus minstrel company, several years. our ('hristmus Issue, showing the por- tain. James Gisxiwin. New’toii See, George .'lauager Bold. K. Werner, ot the o|H-ra

And now comes the word that Maude jrait of every inemlKT of the organ- Met'olh.ugh, Mac VvXelil, Chas.’ Boot Adams Is soon to sail for .America, and that izatlon, at $70 per page. That Is, we will ('has. ('ole and Walter Ga'le.

dangerously ill. charge nothing extra for the designing, ilnc- (iple Bead has entered Into a ten ye Well, that Is good news, and after all, it engraving, half-tones aud electrotyping, coutniet with the firm of Charles A (‘on w’as a pretty good ad. Managers who want to take advantage of tenav. bv which thev will nriMiuee whatev

Met'ollough, Mac (VXelll, ('has.’ Boodi, ‘“"•'•n. ‘»hiek Blver Falls, WU., desires to ('has. ('ole and Walter Ga'le. coiuiiaines.

.Manager J. 11. Guerin, ot the opera house, l.lttle Falls, Miuu., writes that he

W’as a pretty good ad. Managers who want to take advantage of tenav. bv which thev will pnaluee whatever *"'•* aiands to good compuines in photographs in our plavs he mav write‘during that period. Due

cted Edward H. Banker( the old actor who possession by Nov. 20. of the conditions of the agreemeul states » rlucciou (Ind ) Opera House will died recently at Minneapolis) In the ^tt Grace George has put her new play Into that Mr. Bead must reside In New York, undergo re|mlrs, but these will not In- of Billy Pickerel, the blind fiddler. In "The rehearsal, the title finally selected ludug and acordlngly he will move then* from his terfere In the least with attractions that Night Before ('hrlstmas. “Pretty Peggy.” The story is a new treat home In t'hleago about Jan. 1. Beryl Hope are booked.

Joseph Jefferson Is making Itlp v an ment of the Peg Wotfington subject by will. It Is said, be starred In the first play, * **(“ l-Yceum Theater, Cedartowu, Ga., la Winkle” his regular bill this season, giving p'rances Aymar Mathews, and deals with that will be produced before the end of •>(*"' open for shows. It Is a new and up- only occasional performances of IVjj Woffington when twenty years of age the reason, but has as yet not nan;<^. lOMlaie bullillng, with latest luiproveuicnts \al8.’* “The^ Cricket On the Hearth ana and just after her departure from Dublin. Hal Stephens, who pfuys tlie title role In scenery. “Lend Me Five Shillings. Vincent Serrano has been engage<l to play ‘Old Sleuth,*’ the det<H*tlve play owned l)y opera house at Cedartowu, Ga., Is

Annie Chapman, maid to the actress Eu- “David Garrick.** The t ur will commence Hurtig A Season, dislocated his ankle while “ow ready for attractions. Everything has gene Blair, has entered suit against E. D. on Nov. 10. making a lean at the IVople’a Theater, lH‘i‘n renovatt-d, aud new st'enery, etc., has Stair for $15,0U0, on account of her falling Manager M. W. Taylor’s (of Camden The* Philadelphia. He had to huvt* It placed In Installed. through a trap door last Juue, at the Ly- ater, Camden, N. J.) production of Will C. a plaster of parls cast, and c<»uld not work he Wythevllle (Va.) Up<*ra House was ceum Theater, Cleveland, O. . Muridiy's stirring emotional dramn, "AVhy for .i w«>ek. His understudy filled the part *'***'• public aindlou (K’t. !■(, under de<sl

When a few days ago, at a lower Broad- Women Sin,” will begin a special New York in an acceptable manner. of trust, bringing $5,UU(i. Mrs. A. A. Cumn- way (New York) bwk shop, Maude Adams engagement at the Star Theater, Jun. 26. The engagement Is announced of the Earl the purcha«;r.

Manager M. W. Taylor's (of Camden The- Philadelphia. He had to have It placed In Installi-d. ater, ('amden, N. J.) production of Will C. a plaster of parls cast, and could not work Wythevllle (Va.) Upera Houae was Muridiy's stirring emotional dramn, "M'hy for a w«>ek. His understudy filled the part *'***'• public a|H'tluu (K’t. !■(, under de<-d Women Sin,” will begin a special New York in an acceptable manner. “f trust, briuglug $5,uui. Mrs. A. A. Camp- engagement at the Star Theater, Jun. 26. The engagement Is announced of the Earl the purchaser.

acting edition of "Borneo and Juliet w*** A carload of scenery is reuulred for Its of Uoeslyn, who Is appearing In “There’s Another rumor Is Hosting In CtnclLDstl to placed on sale at a reduced price, 3,0(M production, and Manager Taylor Is at pres- Many a Slip,” at the Garrick Theater, New ttx* effect that a theater la to he erected on copies were sold within two hours. It Is securing an all-star cast. Mr. Muri>hy. York, under the name of James Rrsklne, Fourth street by J. O. Bohmldlapp and

Miss Mary Shaw, with a special cast se lected from the George Fawcett Company,

the author of this play. Is a native of „,,,{ Miss Beatrice Simpson, who Is appear- other capitalists. Camden, N. J.

Ix>uis James celebrated his sixtieth birth will soon make a brief tour of the prlnc pal Toeamo. Wash., recently. Ihe Ta- „,rv at Roeslvn Chapel, on the Earl's Eng- of "Ghosts in VN ashlngton, I hi ade ph a, coma Theater, where the Jaines-Marde Ush estate. Miss Simpson Is a daughter of of "Ghosts In Washington, 1 hladelphla. Company was presenting "The Tempest. one of Queen Victoria's chaplains and a New York and Boston. was profusely decorated, as was Mr. James'

lug In the same play as Miss B** .itce Ir- Mc-sars. Maicr, Brastleld & Vo., managers win. The marriage will take place In Jan- o^. ri**‘ Temple Upera House, Alierdeen, nary at Rosslyn Chapel, on the Earl's Eng- Miss,, are ready to hook all shows touting Ush estate. Miss KImpson Is a daughter of the South In that vicinity, one of Queen Victoria's chaplains and a the completion of Keith's new Chestnut granddaughter of I.ady Hall. She la re- tjtrift Theater, Fbiladelphia, Fa., has been

Oscar Anderson (Whose dressing room. After the 'aM act of the of the best families of Scot- delayed, and Ihe date of opening is now ly an actr«*8S and known ““ “** play, FrtMlerlck Warde, In behalf of the rp^e Earl Is wldelv known for his amiouni-ed for Thanksgiving week. M.iude Mely le) has sued William A Ed- members of the company, presented his co^ exploits. He hss been a war corre- , Work on the new vTebb Theater. Peru, wards for_»20,6»»» for the alleged alienation gjar with a handsome loving cup. approprl ,nondent. an author and an amateur and l'*d . Is progreaslng nicely, and the house of his w’ife's affections. Mrs. Auderson is I ajpij- Inscribed. one of the Three Melville Bisters.

spondent, an author and an amateur and Ind., U progressing nicely, and the houae nrof(>sslonal actor. Some time ago he un- *'v‘ .•(* readiness for the opening, Nov.

Dr. Holbrook (.urlls, whose servjc^ to I ^pj-f^ok to hresk the bank at Monte Carlo I d. by Walter Whiteside, In "Richard ill.* ..—, V ..7 1 nerrooK to nreas ine oans bt mouip v ario “• unmutr, lu iticuaru in. Mr. John Blair, who has resigned from the ,i,p stage heretofore have been m«lnly with a svstem he had invented Hla cash 1 l>e new Eyi-eum Theater at West Palm

position of lead ng ^ M™ ^ the way of attending to the y^l Ills of ^an out before he could adequately test his Reach. Fla., America's popular winter re- Campbell, come Into prominence some years ^jjprj, gingirs, has written a melodrama, cn- ago In connection with what Mary ^shaw fnipd “in the Midst of Life," w’hlch had calls the ‘'theater of the minority —per- Initial performance at the Murray Hill formances of the advanced school.

Genial Tom Martin, associated with the- j ^ptpj-s arp Interpreted by Ellta Proctor Otis, Theater, New York, last wwk. The ehar-I that neither he nor the future

svstem Ix>M Rosslvn was marrli^ twelve "HI »>I>en Its llXrj season Nov. 24. vears ago to Miss Violet Aline Vruer. Y'hey pl.iyhouse Is up to date In every re- were divorced last February. His lordship ■‘Pj'ct.

atricals and baSe ball for the past few p inierpreiea ny p,.na rrocior Rosslvn will leave the stage Bmmwell and the other members •_

jijaM, hM accepted a j^sltlon with Shea’s of the regular stock company \/ai i c ^ White’s "David Caruth’^Company as Garden Theater, Buffalo, N. Y., as Miss Gretchen Lyons has been engaged VAUDEVILLE. manager.

it lB*Tom ** * *" Hlny Mile, de la’vire. In support of Mr. R„„pns (Grace and John) have Just William H. Llpp's stage manager at the nlav in Which William “ A Gentleman of France. pjosed a successful season playing fairs and Alexandria (Ind.) Opera House recently fell

•J**®.?®™®.® * ••tmnnrtP.Vpe" when Miss Eleanor Robson Is taken out of from the stairs at the back of the play-

VAUDEVILLE. The Roiiens (Grace and John) have Just

James A. Ryan, for three years aaalstant niaiiager of the Nelson (O.) Upera House, has resigned bis poeltlon to go with Porter J. White's “David Caruth’’^ Company aa manager.

William H. Llpp's stage manager at the

Faversham Is to appear is “Impudeuce.’ Among the members of his company are

Wallace Erksine and Charles Harbury

Charles E. Bleney, of the ® P the Richard Harding Davis drama. “Sol cult of Theaters, has accepted a Mmpanlon- Fortune." play to "The Count of Monte Chrl^o, en- ^ pntered Into a ten-year titled "riaydee, Countess of Monte ^rls- ^,^1, ^he firm of Charles & Courte

When .MISS Fieanor Konson is lasen oui oi p^rkia ‘roni the stairs at the back of the play- Ihe cast to create the part of Audrey In Jones and Sutton are now plavinc house to the street, and received aeveral

--R I.owell' Jeffreys r**** Ford-Roddlngton dramatization of M ss t|,r„„sh the Interior of Mexico with Orriu severe scalp wounds. ?^'lS;i,('Po?eP Dickon Jul^^L ’Estrang^^ Johnson’s story of that Bros ’ Circus Their headquarters Is at W. I Bwaln. who the past aeaaon was I,ewls, * Lyons was leading woman for Mr. Robert ^,p,,pp ony connected with the Wallace Shows, has

1 Edeson last season In his prewntation of f»nBns Bhadrach, song and dance artist, b’awd a small theater at Fort Wayne, Ind.. the Richard Harding Davis drama. sol- secured a position with the Shannon “Ud Intends to run vaudeville performances

Edeson last season In his presentation of Dallas Bhadrach. song and dance artist. b’aMi’d a small theater at Fort Wayne, Ind., has secured a position with the Shannon “Ud intenda to run vanderille performancea Stock Comnany. and will Join at .Alexan-

/-.w *1 M'’'**- Jo'l- no been engaged to do spa Charles & Courte-I

all winter. The date of opening Is set for .Nov. 3.

The opera bouse at I.Amed, Kan , has nryrhVwil^^u^ Wh^ ’'Tol.liZfK of the team Meintvre aud be^MI?anTrTm^el'(5.™and

" Thev say tLt Mrs. Jamfs Browu'^otter, Hj«y« hc^may write^during^th^^ri^ ’’

’^niJe**wfn DlaV*ber*^l^hUa™elphl””engage- Ho produeed l^fore the end ojf Ih® "oa- yj, elrenlation In England is to l»e Tocat^ irthe corner of'wa'shrngto'n the**(iarrick Theater^ The house "on. but has as yet Hoe® ^ and .Anstralla. to say nothing of Its vastlv and Beach streets. M’eber A Fields are non- ment at the Garrick Theater. The house

has been rented outright from the local Miss Mahol Paijre, st th6 head Af the rep- I Jneren^ed Amerlean cirenlatinn coiiiinlttal at to the policy to be pursued at

ertoire comiifiny of the same i^ine. opened Roeve« rlnlni!* to he doin*: a Itoomlne their new house. Ihe Olympia Park Theater, at rhattan<^^a. hn9*ne«ff with hl« «how, and out of the The (’ourt Street Theater at Buffalo N. Tenn., Oct. for a two week s rtin. Mis^ e’^ht week« be has been out ho ela^m^ to Y., has been leaned for a nunibt^r of rears

... »Ti cnattanooea * - a . * w%_ .s a^ -us— .. . — ^ looked them out at St. Paul. MInne to Manager Shea, of the Garden Theater, who, after havtuK the houae thorouKhlj renovated, will open It alwut Ih^c. 1, pre aeiitlnit eomhlnatlona aud st;>ck coiupanlea

l>rtn Holt I»»V» vnii .. -. n i>«i Iinw reiMruf-^i inHlie to rvnox nuunr. i lie eieKailOe OI 1 He fUe- Miss Olea ’Nethereole received rather curing this hooking. 'Tenn.. to practice their new aet for ater will far surpass Its sls<- In proportion.

at the hands of the Irish Renorl comes from the Northwest that eomlne season. as the seating capacity la to tie only .MSI nrefs ^^everal ofthV Dublin papers pro- 1^‘wls Morrison was "RcHtlv Injured The onestlon Is belnc mooted In Ruffnlo In realltv, a church Is to lie remodeled anti liminced^^-Sapho” unL^thy su'd unclean. ^'I'ng a woman and child Y.. <is to whether Manager Shes h,. „r put In shape for the production of attrac- nouncea «yritt<»n thp nsoers. de- Many yearn nco, when Mr Morrlnon and the mad<® a tn!«take In detormbdne to thuin for the ptihllc’s smuneinent.

rough t*^atment ai xne uiiuuB Morrison wan nllchtly Injured In res-

uXa^thy su'd ^SncAn. Cl"®*' «

Han *fleld TX^^eason at the Empire Tb^ seems as if fate has destined i''^,J® " ihat Mnniger Shea knows what he Is doing lii directing the construction 0^ the stage ater -^MlXth” he X^ted first. "I?;”",.'! ® ^I^arrl. Rev Medium. Is shout to take -"d ";;me of the Interior work. HI. ti™

Msrgaret Anglin in the role of Lady I?® the road The eomnanv Ineludesr w. T <he contract for painting the stock XXth This is wnslder^ a very Im- iL’^^med u^hv M^geX^^^^^ Turner, manager: H. ZIngarri. hor medium: TPnpry for the new ho..«.. imXnt move on the part of Mr. Frohman. ‘ ' fhas_ CJenson. press representative- Miss Messrs. Clarke A Gardner, portant move on the part of ^r. F^^n

It is understood he has long opposed r„,ter of Richard Mansfl’eld’s '^"nile Turner souhretta: Master Wslter jhe Temple Opera House. Nat

ShakesiH-rlan productions.^ auppilr Arthur Gr^^nwa^^^^^ Mans- ’7.. """’"T have the following attraction.

managers of Natebes, Miss.,

^Xthfyn KiXr, who has passed undw PP Fowst. B^rv Johnstone. ^ 'L Doric, speelnlfles. "p^ Mi^ W Y on earl.v apm^ran<^: Mrs Bnine. In the management of Jules Murry for a term '^riontir k G Andrews Henrr Turner, treasurer. They will nlav Towa 'Cnorma." "Whose Rahy Are You." "At ine mauaBcm---^Hncoom. M H. Denny. A. J^nrews. p^kota and Montana. th^ nix --

an eari.T apptwrance: Mrs Rrune, In

...C ... - . « n II.III1V « .. ....... ....... "Fnorma." "Whose Rahy Are Yon." "At of years. Is engaging her supporting com c' Warde ' E. G. Minnesota. Sonth Dakota and Montana. the Old Cross Roads," Charles B. Hanford,

pany for the coming tour, which *^“8 ‘® Fitzerald. Edwin Holland. W. T.’ Simpson. The following people are with Chss. H V®*®"'"*, “.*'<>•’‘1 Strathmore." December. The play has bt-M selected, dux j Sorelle. Grant MIteheil. Henri I.aii- Vale’s "DovU’s .Auetlon" this season* .Tames n.*'®?®”®’ James Meiixllth i -,7 TT__ >Vm .1 noreiie. ijrant .Min-Iieii. n»-iiri i.hii- ^ ...ii .ism“s „ , , ... ■ - -■ not yet named. It is said, *® ^ rent FIrmen Test. M. C. Tilden. A. C. Til- P MaeVle. Miss Msdge Torrsnee Juo n Q>'inl*n A Mslls Minstrels, George Sidney, eminently adapted to Miss Bidders quai- Anson, Clarence Coehmn, Hamil Guilmetto Miss T.IIllan Herndon Frsnd De- !® "Ilumsn Hearts,Adelaide Itles as an emotional actress. ..h-otors ton'Coieman. Mona Harrison. Philip Stokes, witt. tYiiHam Newmsn Miss Perrs-Derore. rhurslon, ‘Tyranny of Tears.”

Mr. Jake M’ells, manager or tne ^ Hendricks, J. E. Delmar. Octave Miss T oul«e Ssnford Jno. T,. Ouilmett, ’fhe leasing of the Academy of Music, In the South visited by the Ge^ge rawceii Frazer Smith. Clarenee White, Paul Uonrl Saelvr Wm Speeri. Miss .Tulls I.ske I hlladelphla. Pa., by Maurice Campbell, Stock Companies, has askM m . Wiggins. Carl Ahrendt. Prank Mason. F. X. 't'ss Anna Courinev. Heurv P. Thomas, for Crosman, Is simply a rental, to organise a third c^pany, to ^ Baron. Maude Hoffman and Dorothy H.ira Bold. Burns and Anrello Coeela. The house la controlled by stockholders,

li^w^that Mr FawceTt ^111 do this! ®'®"'’’,.. „ , x »k , i ^'"'®*‘ f’’®'® *’’® Fararon Vaudeville Com* "'*>0 alwaya reserve the right to occupy a i* ,hit^e/ae*Xe leading lady of the new . ?®'*T" """"“"'rd that the play ^r.nv TMs Is our fourth week In oners certain nnmlier of seats, and the bouse

witi hXlissJuna Marie Taylor. >" he will present Blanche Pathis We hsve been doing s rrest husi n®vor shares but la rented to any one who mi^ fniirwing uionle supwrt Amelia Bing •eijson Is a drama of old Japan, named The opened at Ansonia O.. Oet 20 has the money. It la a very large house.

hoTX^ ‘‘T Mod^Magd^en:’’ Henry ll .."k!!’*’* x *’^ landing room oniv and had to turn hut not suited for dramatic productions. No ham In A MooprB -- which he has been ccHahcratcd with hr nwnv. Jorrnttc A arc harin*' lease the honse for any extended

f>hn Drther Tx>njr. The play, that Is In «nrrcff« with their new nn to d^t#» time, aa many nlirhts are contracted for >nr acts and twelve scenes. Is ssid to he kiicrkflhont. Thev are retMne rd“»dr from year to year for balls, at a rental of

^ Mnckle. Mwdtre Torrance Jno It. Giii1m*'ttp Ml«« TJIIInn H#*md«n. Fr»*nd De- Witt. WIHHm Vewm^n MNa Bem^-Devore. MU*i T oTiUe ft'inford Jno. T,. OnMmette

I Bolit. Btirn^ and Anrello Ooccla.

Wood It Is rumored that a meeting of the man

nnese inline, nnu pn-pxrnii-mis ns in^.- "T>rondwav Coons.” Mr snd Mrs S A Manager O. F. Miller hurrlinlly returned

m’f^^ilths ^AHss^tes’“<mmpanv" wnMnritid^ ®'®;^®;’’',®P»®''^"'n'P*' 'he peenie to Mtiwnnkee last week (from a business iiXh T minrl s’lTd ^ skefeh, entitled “Errs (rip he had taken to New York), on sc- WaVott G"rge Ar?!^s. fom^rl^ a Xm .Automow count of the prolonged Illness of Frsnk R.

agers of all the stock theaters In the coun , " Patrick Campbell’s^eomiwnv’ ^ ’’x Troftinnn, business manager of the IPy will lie held In Philadelphia in the near Pnmlng J H bXCo OaXn Xr "''‘h her statusrv erotesoue dunce Po-ter* Theater, which Is under Mr. Mlller’i

future. Arrangements are to l^ ma^ for ^uuk'® Duvali: Eleanor Morettl, Ada , ^ Bl"s ^7e7.,?r^’r-"'F..i^nr‘'jorreJ^ i an Interchange of plays and the scenery t„_i, __x others a miss, trensurer. Fxigene Jorrette proving rapidly, and experts to he hi used In each of them. This would save a •'®^' oin r . oommnv has lieen Ci'"'®'’ ® w *’®"*"’.?® -onhretis: post In a short time. Treasurer large sum of money for all of them as they , gmtlfvlng business. Although I!®.!".!!.®®"®’’’./r ®T Koenig It anxiously awaiting Mr. have to build new scenery for each week s production.

enjoying gratifying business. Although they do not turn people away, they play to I/Ittle PesrI. grotesque dnueer*

r. hnek and wing dancer, and Ar . musical director. This week An

with Greenville and Cellna to j hostler

otfieo work during the latter’s Illness. How¬ ever, In this Mr. Koenig has nroven Dls worth and shown himself to M a tall


J- Kfagltab, uf the Kentuck> ; ti'i, Tuilucuh, Kjr., hua auuouuced the

loMini; Imt ol uttritctluu* receutijr booked i^iiu, ttirough KUw ii brhiuger: bounti a hd, .Al. U. fleld'a Mtuatrela, Weat’a Mlu* , i,', -Colorado,” "The chrlatiau,” Oila liiiei, lu laixarre,” "Way Uowu Kaat, ' .»aia Kyle. Adelaide luuraiou, “Ail- .a, Viola Alleu, 111 "The Eternal City,” I the UId Croaa Uoada,” gululau & ;l 8 .Mluairela, •'El Capltau” Opera Coui- i), "Uuvid Uaruiu,” "i'rlde ot Jenulco,” mg Uodo,” •T'rlucesa Chic” Opera Com- 1), A. 11. Wilaou, Murray and Mack, uilug for llawklua,” "Hultau of Hulu,” Id Ji-d 1‘routy.” "The Burgouiaater," be Major and the Judge,” "A I'oor Ke- .oB," "When We Were Twenty-one,” rtrnde Coghlln, In "Alice ol Old V In- mea.” "Uichard CarTel," Mra. Brune and

Ucleeiive, wen; botu good. Miaa Kiti} i^aiuune, »Uo p.ayeu lue pari ol a new.-' oo>, cuugui liii; uouae Mitu a clever »p»- c.aiiy. .viuguru i uits ole buowu in one ui me aceucB. uiiiaciioua art:,

r^ecll a i,uU i>oy, aue Ciuitieu aiail” auu xreasure laiaiiu. ’

NOTES. Manager M. \\. aayior la now in New

tola aecuriug uiiraciioua lor ui.8 local ine- .tier iiairona.

ouiiitau, uarria 6t Wuoda' big aceuic pro- ouclion, ' aue ivmg oi Keleciitea, Wuicu tuuatu alien u acuaaiion in Aew aork city a auuri iiuie ago, win Ue aeen ul me local t-,ayuoUae auoitiy. AU ail'au.p, a Ouiiouu • a mil uperuliou and me iniei'ioi oi me lum- vua .vew lura I'once rieuui^u^itela aie auiuc ..i me acenes promiaed.

me aiiruciiuiia ui me local piaybouae lor tne Ueki lew Weeaa Will luciuue iwo lui- iie viaiia, ’ "One Aigui lU June, ' l>oiii- >ar a i>uay Oay, wim iimy tun and Aei- .<e O Aeii; "lUe ouraeai Hour, "me taing ol loelecuvea' and "A JUuniuna Out¬ law. '

me eutertaiuiueut courae ol tue I'ennayl- >uniu iv. It. louug Jdeu a curisiiau Aaao-

> laiiun m aa lotiuna; Oct. Ol, ' miiuiU Air

i'.nieriuinuicui, uy mei'ie auu uauaium,

ol cuicago. AOV. JO, aiouiauu latUiea iguai-

■ etie auu Aoaaui, lue lauiuua Juggler, loec. 11, nroeuwaj juunee aiugel'a.


the local Lodge ot Elka. It la auid that Mr W'ade, of Ward A

Wade’a Miuatnda, will be a cripple for life, aa a reault uf the recent railroad accident mat ihe coiupauy waa In.

W'e utter big advertlalng valuea In the Chriatinaa edition of "The Billboard.” It will hare a raatly augmented circulation, with no Increaae In ratea.

Field's Juvenile Minstrels, owned by Nat <i. tle'd, disbanded at Klnilra, N. Y., Oct. 18, after the night performance. The com¬ pany hud been out three months.

C. L. Uragdon has dissolved partnership with his brother and gone home to Bran- dun, Manitoba, where he will immediately set alM/Ut organlxlug a show of his own.

W‘. A. MaUara, uf Mahara Minstrels, is mourning the loss of a little daughter. Heath was caused by diphtheria. The min¬ strel's private car was uuarautlned during the child's Illness.

.McKinney Bros.’ Minstrels are playing to pheuumeasa business at every stand they make this season. Their coronation first part is a revelation to minstrelsy, and their Congress ul European Fowers is costumed superbly. The manager, B. Itice, the uld- lliue minstrel, tells us they have booked re¬ turn dates in every city.

The following warning notice Is being inalleil In great numbers to opera house managers:


Vou are hereby notified that the name uf Uarlow A W'llaou la duly copyrighted prop¬ erty—that Ueo. Wilson is now with the llaverly Minstrels and Milt Barlow Is with Al. Martin. 'I'hat two men, whose right names are Larry McAvuy and Fred. Kevere, claiming their names as Lawrence Barlow and Fr^. Wilson, and who also a few sea¬ sons ago called themselves Fields and Uan- sun, are Imposing on the public and you; therefore, you are hereby notified that any lufrlugcmeuta on the name will be dealt with according to law-that there is no Barlow A Wilson show on the road, and no excuses will be taken If you play those two men or their csimpany, or any other com¬ pany under the name or title of Barlow or Wilaou. Yours respectlully,


MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. Walter liamrusch baa written an opera,

UMUg "Cyrano de Bergerac” for the text. Hubert Wilke, the tenor favorite, la with

.Miua Held, aiiigiug In the "Little Much CfS.”

.duiiagera of opera companies will find uiir Chnsimas Issue a must excellent adver¬ tising medium.

.Mice .Nieisuu will make her dehut In ,;raud opera at Naples, i>ec. lU, singing

.Marguerite,” in "Faust.” Murray and Mack claim that they played

to over fi.uuu at the Crescent Theater, New tirleana. La., In the face of the hlg street car strike.

Samuel Edwards has resigned from “The I'riuce of Fllsen,” and bla part has heeu taken by John Uausome, who originally played In Boston.

W. U. Fuwell, uf Wllkesharre, I’a., will put out "'rhe Aeroplane,” a new comic upera, lor a season uf twenty weeks In the uue-nlgbt stands, opening Nov. 4.

J. E. .McMillen, who ia at present teach¬ ing the piano, organ and harp at Logans- port, lud., la preparing to put out a rep¬ ertoire show under canvas next spring.

Uttss and bis celebrated band gave a coo- lert at Music Hall, Baltimore, Md., Oct. ‘£i. A large and brilliant audience attended. The bandiuaater waa given a hearty recep¬ tion.

Murray and Mack, in “A Night on Broad¬ way,” are eliciting flattering press reports la all the hlg Southern cities. 'The company Is managed by Ullle Mack and represented by Jus. M. Ualtes.

Clara Lipman baa recovered from her In¬ jury, but will nut take up stage duties at once. She Is, however, accompanying her husband, Tom Mann, on hIs tour, assisting him with her advice.

Haudmaaiers are advised to place an ad¬ vertisement in the Christmas issue uf "The Billboard.” It will bare an immense circu¬ lation. and will be preserved and referred

lOKONiO, ONT., CAN. i'nuttsB lueaiei', id. u. bueppui'd,

oigi.j—1'or tue last week ul c.. o iiotuiua eugagi-mui, Oct. tie ptu- aiicvu tue Augiie a Louieuy, "iue .a.u- aieiuuu, "sue I'lulesaoi a lAive &iu.y .tuu ' i>a\lti tjuiiica to big busilieas.

«• u<‘u juuuuy \.umea Jaarcuiug tiouie, dci. ki-ov. i.

vjiaua taiuail A biair, Mgra.)—" ihe Chap- ci'uus, VI HU a spleuuiu cast, piayeu to tue ..apaciiy Mt-ek ot Oct. 'A>. "bergeaul jauiea, Ocl. -i-Nuv. i.

xuiuulu, t&uiaii A aiair, Mgrs.j—"Lost in lue Ueaeit uiew lair ousiuesa Ocl. Jo-ku.

A rigiit tor Miiuous,” Uct. iii-.Nuv. 1. aueu a. tJ. &ueu, Jsgr.j—ttosaow Mlugeta,

c.uuie uitanl auu Jeaaie takruuer, siuieuce uiuuiey, Auigui iiiutuera, biepueu tiiaiiou auu cumpauy, Eoiia Aug, and the Broiuem oiarime xurmeu an excellent bill wuich •ave aatisiuciiuu, auu buaiueaa was up to tue aveiage. week ot Ucu 'M, Mauame ocmuncu gave a auug recital at Uie xtuaic 11 ail to a luige auu laaniuuabie auuieuce.

aiar, tr. v«. Mair, xigr.j—carr a "inor- uuguoieua ' was uie atuaciiou week ot OcL -o, lUiu the know pleased large auuieucea uuiiug tue eugugemeui. beverai excellent acta were given uy crawfuru auu Manning, uiauche WasUburn and Jusie biyuu, Fick auu 'Freak, t nuicea Harrison, Heaiy and r ai uum, auu the Empire City quartette, .vi. iteeve a l>ig auow, Uct. Ji-Nuv. L

Mr. itooeri .vewuiun, ot auea a, has com- pieteu a hue urop cm tain lor the Wiushon orieiu House.

J. A. UlMbON.

FARCE COMEDY. The "Busy Ixxj'” Company reports good

buainesB and pi«aacd booaes. Mr. Fred. Wyrkoff la making a hit in hla portrayal of “Gee W'kla" with the above company.

The succesa achieved by Mr. Una Ulll'a Comedians in Whitcomb Klley and Frank i Dumont's farce. "Spotless Town,” baa in¬ duced Mr. Mill to almost double the popu¬ lation in that interesting town. The cenaus IS now fifty people, who display their ver¬ satility and genius in three aeta of hilarious comedy. The most prominent of the artists engaged for "bpotfess Town” are Carlin and Brown, the Electric Four, Conroy and McFarland,. .. .

Pickwick.” opened a four nights' eugMe- ment Sunday evening to a good house. 'Ae music is of excellent quality. Mr. Hopper, as Mr. Pickwick, Is very funny and sings his songs with a gusto that Is pleasing to bit audience. The other parts are in good luinds. The stage effects and the costumes are well conceived and executed. Beginning Thursday evening, Gertrude Coghland, In “Alice of Old 'Vincennes,” will be the at¬ traction four nights and Saturday matinee. Next: Elsie De Wolfe, In “The 'Way of the World.”

Bijou.—"Across the Pacific'” has returned to the BIJou after an absence of about a year, and will probably break some records before leaving town. The play bas proven a great success. The company Is a good one. Harry Blaney la always funny, and be bas an admirable foil in Miss Kittle Wolf, a dainty soubrette. The scenery Is

WAbHINGlON, D. C. t uiumoia—week oi Uct. 130, "Ariauua. '

uci. Ji, me rooi Luhaua, m "me uov- v.uul a bou.”

laijayetie—Week oi Uct. ’A), "ihe Great ikUoy. Uct. 131, Hiraliy s "Around me 0 011(1 lu Eiguiy Uays.

.vaiiuiiitl—Uct. Jo, Ayrle ileliew, lu "A (jeuiieiium ol i ranee. Uct. Zt, Jerome ojacs, in ‘"ine bUhuualre. '

Acauemy—t.*ci. ko, 'Eusi itiver." Uct. 27, in Old ixeutucky. " Luaae s—Uct. 2u, elms. V. Aldrich, Uallen

auu r mier, itenu ana Uicnarua, Eiixaoetu iviiigui, Ameia. UcL 27, .Mile, capeil, the Aiies-bis.ortiaie tjuiutet.

Acruau'a—W eek oi Uct. 2U, bam Devere's t.umpauy. Upeua with specialties, bam De- lere had his turn, as usual, 'ihe show Closes with a burlesque. Uct. 27, ihe Bow¬ ery Burles(iuers.

r-mpire—commencing week uf Uct. 2U, Manager bchiesuiger put on siraigut bur¬ lesque again, "in Gay Fans" is tue offer- lug to start with. iwo burlesques and seven specialties compose the show. Jus. 1*. Carroll, the nrst cUamplou wrestler, will ue a leature uu next week's bill.

Each huuse Is getting its share of the patronage and business is good.


at Its head. The paper frankly confesses that Chlrsgu Is at present without Influence In the musical world, and la altogether lack¬ ing In artistic "atmosphere."

Mr. Fred C. Crow, business manager of Ellery's Koyal Italian Band, la receiving a large amount of mall each dar, asking for retnm dates for the band. The band has been even a greater socceaa this year than It waa last, tney playing to Immense busi¬ ness In tbe Northwest. Cavallere Kmllo KIvela Is condnetor, and has caught on Im¬ mensely.

Tbe dramatic and Incidental music for Blanche Walsh's new play, “Tbe Daughter of Hamiclar,” will be composed by Henry K. Hadley, who will condnet the orches¬ tra at the first production of tbe play In Chicago. Mr. lladley has already twice tried dIs band at dramatic music, having compoeed the music for Mr. Mansfield's production of "Herod” and Clay Greene’s play. “Naaareth.”

Richard Golden. In "Foxy Qulller," Is winning “gulden'* opiulona from the critics In the Houth, where be la now appearing In DeKoven and Smith’s popular musical comedy. Ills tour thus far is proving to be a record-breaker In the way of receipts, and In almost every cMy people are being turned away unable to get In the theater. Man-' ngcr Ben Stem la more than pleased w)tb Mr. Golden's auccees, and believes that the tour will show large proflta for all con¬ cerned.

Tbe roster of Murray and Mark, the pop¬ ular Irish comedians, who are enjoying much Bucceas In ‘’A Night on Broadway,’ Is as fullowa: Charles Howard, Edward Fowera, Thoa. J. Grady, Edward Mellen, Chaa Ik> Mler, Taylor Williams, J. A. Craw¬ ford, tleorge Conway, Wm. Strong, J. W. Fatterann, K. O. Marvin, Lillian Durham, Maud Harvey, Kittle Heck. Jane Richards, Sophia Dawson, Bessie Moutnise, Maud Kcaumont, Neva Ellis, Amy Roblere, Alice Munn, Msttle Miinn, Maiidle Gilbert, Msmle Duiihnm, Madeline Reynard, Helen Lo Mler, May IhKliam, Ginyda Vernon, Heatrice Os- hler and Zaxa Munn.

_ Adelaide Maraden, the Speck Brothers, Marie Blchmond, Ada Henry, the Three Kelcey Slstera, Ed. A. Kerr, George W, Kerr. Cbarlee D. Flynn.

BURLESQUE. Mr. F. E. Stair la the popular and urbane

treasurer of the Star, Toronto's tOnt.) tem¬ ple of bnrlesqne

C. A. Ransom will send the “French Beauties” Sonth and wants some good women used to tne burlesque business, pre¬ ferably those who can do a specialty suit¬ able for one-nlgbt stands. Kid Barry and hls sparring partners will be featured with the show.

Lyceum.—"Napoleon's Son,” a beautiful romantic drama, was presented by the Fer¬ ris Stock Company Sunday night. Tbe was packed to the roof. It being the largest Sunday night audience ever played to at this theater. The play la put on in magnificent style, great attention being paid to tbe scenery and costumes. Next: "Way Out West."

Dewey.—An unusually good burlesque company. "The Topsy Turvey” aggregation, is at the Dewey for a week. The company Is a large one and will entertain lovers of vaudeville. Next: Tiger Lillies.


FOREIGN. Herr .Max Schilling's new burlesque op¬

era, “Der Ffelffertag,” has met with fair succeos In Kerlln, and will be Included In tbe re^rtory of the Berlin Royal Opera.

Sir Ilenry Irving advocates municipal theaters, which, he says, will encourage the state of things opposed to discreditable per- formuuces. Tbe weariness and monotony of vlllagea. be nays, drives people to tbe city, which would not be the caaa if mu¬ nicipalities controlled tbe tbeatera.

“Mistress Willoughby’s Kiss,” a new 4- act play by Frank Stayton. waa produced, Oct. 18, at tbe Avenne Theater, London. The play Is generally characterise by tbe critica aa a somewhat uneven bnt intellec¬ tual piece. It la contlnuonaly Interesting, and Is written In a fresh flow of thought, bringing out admirable situations, both of comedy and emotion Tbe principal charac¬ ters were played by Annie llugheo, Ellis Jeffreys, Florence 8t. John, Frank Mills and Sam Sothem.

A well known manufacturer of musical Instruments In Germany, Max Freyer, has Introduced a process for making violins from Clay. These fiddles oie of tne ordin¬ ary pattern, bnt are cost In molds, so that each Instrument Is an exact counterpnH ot Its fellow. It Is sold, bnt It la somewhat hard to believe, that the porcelain body acta as a better resonator than one of wood, and that the tone of tbe Inatmment Is, therefore, singularly pure and full.

PROFESSIONALS. ATTENTIONI Blngaman A Co., diamond Importers

Sixth and Vino, Cincinnati. Ohio, mv* clal reductlona to members of tbe theatrical and clrcns profooaloaa on nil diamond par

DETROIT, MICH. Avenue Theater, tU. Lamkin, Mgr.)—

Pi-auc’is Wylie, dog show; Carson and WU- luiU, comeoiaus; Esri and V> iisou, musical act; Uichard Harlow, Impersonator; the .Mysterious Zauciga, mind readers, Morris ciuuin. Juggler; 'islbot and Rogers, aluglug coiuedlani:; DeBlere and company, the peer ot Illusionists, and American Vltograph. 'ihe show was a god one, and played to big bouses.

Detroit Opera Hotiae, (B. Whitney, Mgr.) Ocl 20, C'bauncey Olcott, In "Old Limerick Town.' The show Is os good os ever, and played to crowded bouses. Oct. 27, E. 8. Willard.

Lyceum Theater, (A. Warner, Mgr.)—OcL lb, Mr. Jolly of Joliet.” A fair show, and played to good houses. Oct. 26, FrlmrusC A Dockstsder's Minstrels.

Whitney Opera House, tCbss. Altman, Mgr.)—Oct. lb, Go-Won-Go-Mohswk, In "The Flaming Arrow.” Good show, and played to crowded houses. Oct. 26, "Gypsy

CAMDEN. N. J. Camden Theater. (M. W. Taylor, Mgr.)—

"The Kutxv'njainroer Kids” played to four audiences Oct. 16-18. One person said: "If there is any plot to "The Katxeujammer Kids,” uo oue has been able to discover it with tbe uaked eye, but as a laugh pro¬ ducer, It la the limit.” Tbe audiences were kept on the grin from the time the curtain rose until It fell. . ... - • _ _ Many specialties and mu¬ sical numbt'rs were received with howls of delight. A half doxen comedians and twice that number of pretty girls made up the cast. Barring a possible exception of **lk>op- Ing the Loop.” it Is the funniest play that has been here this season. Hal Btepbens. In "Old Sleuth,” was here Oct. ‘Ji>-22, and hardly fulfilled expectations. The younger generation turned out In full force the first night and enthusiastically applauded. A fairly good company Interpret^ the parts and assisted Old Sleuth la hounding down the vllllans and aavlug hls sweetheart from their clutrheo. The work of Hal Stephens In the principal role was mediocre, while that of Nell Florence and Master Martin was excellent. Mra. Teresa Tonbeo, as the balrvsas, and Mloa Boos Tiffany, tha woman

MINSTRELS. A'. O. Field lind to nndergo a anrgiral

o|>enitlon at Moldle. Congan Bros., of Boaton, are organising

a vhow of negro performers.

Daniel F. Carndl Is organising a real negro minstrels at South Omaha. Neb.

Nate Salahury baa leased ''Black Amer¬ ica” to Geo. Mllbank, of Boaton, for a pe¬ riod of two years.

The Osapord Bras, art In tholr tanth



The Billboard. P.blishril Up- kl> .*1

Klin‘>ima, « l■l<■ll.■l:lll, • i. I’ S. A.

l.onK Tflf|-hi>iir, Main .MT.* ;

AililriiHK nil <'<>ninii|t u-.'it on- for I In- oil.lorinl ol

liU'liii‘>> iint-i.l- lo


Siilisi‘rl|ition, ^ 1.0 I a > oa'; il in >«. o mo*,

ti.uo. Ill ailvHiK c.

ahvkutisi.m; hatks.

Ten ern's |ier I no. effat ■ inea-iirem.-nt. Whole

Majrel'O; hall |.n)te, j.'li; i|iia ter | ii^e, »IT..’>0

.Vo ineiiiiiim on |i„silioii.

The KIIIlKiaril l8 for sale on all Irnlna and nr«r. *;*nda throii|fhoi.t the I’nited SUlea and t'anada • htol are auppllod by the Amertean Ne»« To an<< •la brvuchaa. \\ hen not on aula pleaaa notify ihla oAoa. *

The billboard I* aold tn T.nndon at l.ow*a p* . chamre, 67 Lhartng frosa, and at American Ad- aerttblng Newapaper Agency, Trafalgar Ralld- Inga, .Vorthiimberland Are., \V. V. In Part* at Hmifaiio-*. 87 Ave. de l’Opera. The trade imp. pMi-d by the American New* Co. and Ita branchM

Kemittance should be made by poet office or ea- ;resa money order, or reglstereil letter addreaaMl ••r made payable to the Billboard Pub. Co,

The editor can not iimleriake ■.< return nnsotle. .red inniiii-crlpl: corre«i«>ndenl« should keepcopy.

\\ hen It Is i.w e»sary to wire u* the Inatructlona «rd copy for advertlaements, great aaying in the matter of telegraph tolls may be had by recourse to the llonaldson Cipher Code.

Kniertsl a* S.^oud-Clas* Matter at Poet Office H <, Ohio.

Sdlurddy, November I, 1902.

IMPETUS. With tlio many new plays the New York

theatrloiil season has received a luuch-

needed impetus, and it may now he truth-

fnlly sji’.d tliat the theater-goers can lliid

giHid entertainment, ranging from farm-

eomedy to tmgeily. The season is now iti

full swing, and with animal shows and

grand opera added to drama atid iniisieal

comedy, these are hustling evenings along

the Uinlto.

Beginning Nov. 2, Ihe otli< «- of ‘ Tlie Bill-

hoard will he open from 10 a. in. to 12 m.

on Sundays and legal holidays for the de¬

livery of mail and reeelpt of ads and news


•’The Hilllioard" ran naw fairly elaim to

have •’Won ont” In the theatrical field, as

lar as the M'est is eoiieerned. It Is thor¬

oughly estaldished. From the Alleghenys

to til" tlohleii Gate wo heat the others to

the stands, and are on sale all the way

from twelve to forty-eight hours ahead of

them. This is an hnniense advantage, and

has proveil a great help In bringing the

pniKT to the front.

Before invading the East we are going to

greatly Improve and enlarge the paper,

tlierehy strengthening our hold on oiir own

territory, and at the same time obtaining

a better proposition to offer to oiir Eastern

patrons. We propose to print more corre-

spomleiiee, to maintain a higher standard

of neetiraey ami reliahility in our route lists

and to develop the vaudeville department.

We e.\pe<-t within a year to make "The

Bllllioard” the best paper in its class in

the world.


.Vn exeelleiit portrait of George Alfred

Gohen adorns our front page tnis week.

Mr. tloben is the general agent of the Kob-

Inson Carnival Company. Prior to joining

tile organization in June last he hud had

ul.Holiitely no experience In street fair or

eamlval work. No one could liave possildy

had les.s knowledge of the game, as far as

aetiial experience g<a*s, for Mr. (bihea had

never even seen a street fair, muc-li less

promoted, organized ami advertised one.

F-.<r all tnat. howevei, he tackled It with

IM-rfeet eoutidenee. and the eiivlalde reputa¬

tion and many flattering notices l.e has re-

ei-ived are proof positive tlial "lie got away

witli it.” No one could possible ‘‘make good" or

“deliver the goods" to a greater extent than

lias Mr. Gohen. He has been a sneeess with

a great big "S.” Before going into the street fair game

M,-. Gohen was a newspaper man. The same eonfidenee, versatility and applica¬

tion were in evldenee tliere, for he rose lo

the very top in every position lie essayed.

Mr. Golien was born in Clneinnutl, In-e.

‘Jti,, and was the youngest son of

Thomas E. Gohen, a pioneer ellizcn and

inaimfai'tnrer of the (Jueen Cit.v. He in gan life as a telephone ojsTator. He soon tie-

eanie an expert, and was pronio’ed to the

IHisitiou of chief ois-rator in eliarge of the

I’oliee I'elephone Kxeiiange.

His first newspajH-r work was done on

tile I'inelnnati Post, wlien linrely sevi-nTei-n

years ohl. Tlioiigli very young tils work at-

irailod attention, and wlien T. C. I'anip

Itell started tile "I‘IneinnatI Tel«-grani." Mr.

Golien. tlioiigh merely u Iroy, was given u

place on the l(K-al staff.

.At eighteen years of age the precoeiinj*

youngster was publishing and isliting the

Hamilton (0.1 Ihiily Herald, but soon tired

or me in a small luXMi and ilie limited Ueld lie occupied.

lie 1U.-1 ..eee;i!ed a position oil the local

si.aii III me V .... 1.111411.lei, and e.oi

I.lined III that pos.iion tor me years.

!••- 11.1 II e.—..,.«ii II..s iiisi aiiviiipi us 11

pit ss iiuelll, I .Slier iV .Xiaeo s .sen

. .siii,„>, a I Ileus organiM-o m » iii

eilili.ili. i lu‘ siiow_ Mas noi a sUi eess. He

leii iiieni ui BarahiHi, vx is., n-iiirmal lo I'm-

I.loi.ii., ami aiiiiesi iliiiianiuiieiy Jo,mil

V lias, itariiiie's vii'eiis, uiiomi-r iii siaiieu X eiiiure.

lie ae'juired exiH'rienee rapid.y and held

great log jobs xv.tli tins orgiiiiization. He

lias li'euBurer, (it'ess agent, uemier and kui

siioxx spicier. x>ii sexiriu oeeasions aiso lie

XXas eo.iipelied lo liii me pos.iion ol liver,

eiiiii Sir....i Ii.ieeior aim 1,.. 11.s

II i.s,.i.l,,y Xia.s i|lille gi aela...l iiioalnl ll

and eoinmented on. \\ non the agent dult, .or. lioiieii Mas sent tilii'aii 10 lake ms i)i.iee.

• •Iilmoi a p.iriii'ie 111 exlier.eiiee lo „U.ile

liiin, lie roined I lie slioxx anil auverilsi ii ii

iiioii ri .iiii .ngton, \x. \ a., tnroiign the

liioiinta.iis 10 isa.i-iii, .\. 1 ., xxioii* mi* sim-

si.ii e.i,.-eil.

1 lie only money tlie slioxv got tliat season

XXa.s iii.iOi- aiiei .ill', l■l•lll■n miiK euai^e 01.

me ailiaiiee, iiiid lie xvas lerrilny iiuiiile

eappisi by i.iek of bolu men aiiU tunas,

lie irvsiueiitiy bad tu Uumlie me brush biiu-

si'it, and uiicr xioikiiiK uaiii all iiay, 10

borroxv euuugh money to carry the advance

oii^uue 10 ine lii-.xi lOXx 11. n oeu mi* sami

eioseu he returned tu ciueluuaii uuU loos

up uexvspuper Murk again.

lie stalled as Court House reporter, prac¬

tically at me tool ut lUe lauder, on lUe

eiueiiiuaii Cost. Uis rise, hoxvever, was

rapid. He Mas a tireless xvorser, and uis

energy and zeal were soon realized. He Mas prouiuteU lo the pusitiuu of sporting

editor, men advanced 10 tUe city editor s desk, and fin-ally was made managing editor

—.Ill in rapid succession.

In IbKo ue became city editor of the Tiuies-i'Slur, and again diStiuguisUed him¬ self by exceptionally good work.

in Itxbb he returned to tne employ of the Senpps-AleKae League as editor of the iSan Francisco Keport. He was two years on ihe coast, and stirred things up consider¬ ably. The property vxas Just about on a paying basis xxueu a cnauge of uxxuersnlp

iiud policy ensued. .Mr. Gohen reiurncd to Cincinnati, se¬

cured a position on the Enquirer, and then gut a lucrative political appointment under me city government.

Tiring of this, he accepted the position of managing ediior of "TUe Billboaid," and resigned tuis in turn to go with the Hobiu- soii c aruival Company.

Such is the history of a remarkable man.

Very fexv jiersous, ludec-d, have had as

much incident cruxxded into so brief a space.

.And xx’ittial he has fuuud tune hetxxeeu

limes to study im*dieiiie for tliri*e years and

the violin tor five.

He is u good lelloxv; by no means a chump, but hail fellow weil met, au excel¬ lent raconteur, generous, anable and a

gourmet. He numbers his friends by the score, and deserves them alL

MARRIAGES. Mr. Ernie Goyt, of Williamson, Mich.,

and Miss Della Mparliug, of Danville, Ky., both of whom are acrobats and aerial per¬ formers with John U. Spark's Circus, were united in marriage at Joplin, Mo., Uct. 14, Just before the night performance. The evnt was celebrated in a way that will long be kept in the memories of the members of the show, all of whom participated.

C. A. Clarke, special agent of the Camp¬ bell Bros.’ Shows in 18bl, and one of Bill Sells’ old students, and Miss Helen Hil- liards. last season with “The Star Boarder" Company, were recently married at Olathe, Kan.

OBITUARY. Mrs. Annie Dunlvon, xvell kiioxvn for

many years as Barnum's lireadi-d xvidiiaii,

died O'et. 22, at her home in Brooklyn. N.

y., from consumption, at the age of tlilr

ty- seven. She will be iiuried as she lived,

with her whiskers uncut. This her .I.1-

Ing request. Slie Is said to liave tM*«*ii mar¬

ried twiee. Her first husliand died, and

she separated from her seeoiid. Mie vxah

liorn Ml Virginia, her fiiinlly name Iw-iiig

I'ogiie. She had whiskers from the day of

her lilriii. One of Biiniiinrs agents, scour¬

ing the xx'orld for freaks, lii*ar<l of her and

got her parents' <*oiisent to put her on ex

bibition. She was taken to Nexv York

when she was nine mouths old, and Barnum

himself, xvhu in Hiom* days m'iis doing Ills

own “barking.’ used to extol the wonders

of the child as in* stooil liefoie gaping

cioxvds in his museiiin ut Broadxvay and

Ann. Her whole "freak" life Mas s|H*nt with

the Barnum Stioxx'. Wlien flie great show

xvent to EurojK* on it- last tour she ueeom-

ponlfsl it, and was 1 xliiidteil over tlr*ro.

In Spain and other eonntrles, xxhere x*hl»-

I rs an* eonsidered marks of iM-anly, even

xvl:eii on female faees, site made i!ie liit of

le-r lif*'. .silie vxas ll;*- seeoiid if a fa.inly

of txvelve I'lilldreu. None of the others was III any respeet [e*eii||ar.

Till* Wilson i'.rolhirs. krioMri In Western xaiideville houses as Ii'iteh eoniedians, re

1 line d to their home G'-t 'Jt; on a sad ral»-

-ioii. Ii.ixing le*en Hiiiniri'iiied from 4'hi<*ago

oil aeeoiiiit of the death of their younger

broitier. xvho died tiet ‘jZi. after a linger¬

ing illness. .After the fiineral they will re

turn to I'liii-ago to till in s'diie Western en

gai'emeiits that tiiej have Ix^tked

riie I’.nrl Sisters were ri'-eiiilr ealb-d

lionie from flie Wall.nee Simws to alteoil

tlie funeral of tlielr graifdfather The old

gentleriinrt hud reached the rljie nge i,t ‘-•j. a'ld x«':is widely known In the rirTfession

He >ra« the father of lyda, the once noted

aerial nrtlet.

W .\ M.iliara. of Muliaia's Minstrels, Is

nioiiiii.iig Hie loss of Ills diiiiglilcr The ones diuin xxas eaiised b.x di|dilhei'ia.

I i.x* nnnstix'ls' ear xxas i|iniranlIned during II I* ehl d S Illness

ANOTHEH NexAi Theater to be Erected in Balti

more, Md.

Mr. Gisiige I'a xx 1*111. iiiiinager of tin*

sliH'K eoiiip.inv 111 1 liase s Tlieal«*r, BalH-

liioie. Aid. annaiiio'isi last xxeek, tlirongli

Ids I epieseinallx e. Mr. \x ill .A. I'lige, tliat

iteM season Ids slis k eoiiipaii.v xvill dedi

rate .ind oeeiip.x periililtieiil ly II liexx doxx 11-

loxxii lue.iler. III me lie,III of tlie sti.ipp iig

e.-ti el I li.s iiexxili laler, xx lileli lias iioi

x el lieeii II.lined. XX lU I.reeled Joint I) li)

.Air. FaXX eel I and Mr Jake AA ells, tin* tin*

alrieal iiiiigiiale, xx lio already Inis a eireiilt

III lollr Iiiialeis III Hie .WouHl, leaeiiliig

fioin Nort.ilk and Itieliia did to I’liiiiiiiig

l■..lnl and .Ailaiitii. till* plans lor Hn* nexx Hiealer In llilH-

iP'iie liaxe I.. under eonsideriH.-oi tor

mole iliaii t XX o xxi-eks An option up ni a

plot of ground. Toviim feel, lias lieeii se

• ered. ixhile a s.sniid plot not qiiite so xxl.le

has .ilso lieeli offered 'I'lii* funds for tile

nexv tliealer xvill lie sn|>plied liy Mr AA'ells

ami .Mr. I'aMiell Joinll.x; Mr. I'aMeeii in

addition xx ill nialiagi* tin* slis-k i-oiiipaii.v,

xx'liieli xvill 111* loealid ill tin* tin‘ati*r. it is

ex|M*eied tliat next yi-tir. Instiaiil of liaxing

txxo eoinpanles alternately ti|i|M*arlng in

Bultiinori*. Mr. Faxxcelt xvill have three

i'0!n|»aiili*s; anil tliat in aildltlidi Mr. AAells

xvill jH-rsonally suiiply a fonrih company.

This fourth eom|>any Is alrx-ady in exist-

euee. lieliig the Bijou Miisieal Comedy Com¬

pany. xvith GHs Harlan at its head. The pnniixsiMl arrangement would give the

new tliealer a xviH*k of musioiil i*omedy

everx four xvm-ks, as a temporary change

froni the estaldlslied isilley of presenting

dtaniatio offerings Mr. AA'ells is part oxxii-

cr and inaiiagiT of tlie Bijou Theat»*r, Uleh-

mond; ilie Grauiiy Thx'iiter. Norfolk; the

Bljon Theater. Atlanta; tin* Bijou Theater.

Blrminghani; Ihe Casino Summer Theater,

at Kiehinoiid. and the Casino Summer The¬

ater, at t>i*<*an A'iexv, Va.

INDUSTRIAL REPDRT. Tlie tall eliinineys in many parts of tlie

eounlry ltri*atli**d a sigii of ri*lii*f xvin*n Ilie

miners' in the hard emil eounlry returmsl

to work last xxeek. it is ind ni*i***ssary to

prate aiioul xx'liat iniglit iiax'i* In-x-ii. \A liat

will Ih* Is tin* Imiiortant isdiH. and Is n-u

dcr^l inlen*Ktluj{ by tin* furl ihut tnr

outliKik is nneloudtsl. .After all tin* eival strike has Is-ell settled

just In tln’ie to olixTate xvliU-spnad liws to

inannfaelurers. to enipIoyi*s. and lienee, lo

every trade and industry in the land. In u very short time its disastrous effm ts will Is*

enidieated from all e\ei*|d Ilie territory Ini

mtslialely eoiitlngeiit to tin* si-i-tlon in

xvliieli till* inlin-s are sltnatisl. .Morisiver, Ihe general prosperity in oilier

lines eontinnes. The iron and slis*l Indus

trv never had a la-tter prospist, and by

this standard the other Industrli-s may be

measur»*d. Espeelally Is money plentiful in the

South. , .Money is i-in-iilatlng freely, and a season

in ahi'ud f<tr all tht-UM? who srrk

it and di*si*rxe IL_ ^

There pre so many good way* to adver-

tlse-aiid so few people who can advertlM

In these ways and do It right.—White a


Letter Box


AIiIh'V. Ji-roiiie.

.Aniiiek. B. F.

.Austin, W. W.

Alien, J. H.. aecy.

Alexander. K. L. Adklaa. C. D. Allen, B. F. Automobile. Bemfleld. K. C.

(Box ‘2331.

Cramar. John. Clnclniiatl Canilal Co Conners, T. J. (Fatty) Cage, E. M. Cbelew. Alfred. Claler, Arebte. Curry, H. B. Chatter, James P. Cooper k C«. Durrent. W. C.

Bishop Dogs A Mon Davis, dins

keys Circus.

Buiiton, J. H.

Biitb-r. Frank.

Blink Cariilviil Co.

Buford, T. J.

Breneii. Ed.

DerriulsTger, A. 1 niniltig. Jos. Dunn, Harley (.’. In*al, Newman. Detrick. W. Ifellmalne, Frank.

Bauvnrds. The Four. Denby. Walter G.

Baldwin. Jiiau.

Barkont, Khabll G.

Baiwlicr. A.

iFiyle A Fairman. Dreadaek. Ilerr. Dale, Harry P.

Bastigatoiir, CarraglenKgan, Jamea T. Barnett, A. Hraytott, 8. Barnett, Mr. Kamea. Will H. Busky, John. Relknnp, t.g>nla. Bowers, H. O. Britt, Ifavid. Barry, Biiteb. Hlekford. AArarren C. Kinney. C. AA’.

Boiihotnme Family Fisk. t'ol. I.

10 and'Jfi Cent Show I'liller. \A'. K.

d'lfl. H I’ I'liiio-giin. Janies I-:

<'»iiiii*ll. AI. I liilierl.v. Kd.

f'arler. C. B. I'ergnsoii. <Tins, M.

f’esfrf-r. C. F. Fowler. Jniin C.

I'lsrk’ein, John. Fli'iiiing, E. It. f'arroll. Mtks. Fit*. Geo.

Cantwell, H. _ Fanning, T. F.

Fli-ining. Jaiin-a. i'lirgesoii, Ux-u.,

(II Bouesj. I'll inoiil. Col. AVni.

I I'lgraxi*. I: H. I':inni:iiin. An liie. G.iskill, X idHiilol .S. GidK n. Geo A Gol'do, ('ii|it Gorimin, J .A Gump. I.oii Grant. Koiaiid. George. Turtle. Garniier. E. I-;. Gilliam, Harrj Fox. Goli Bros. .V

Itoliinsoii. Great Kasli III l’lrell«.

Gordon. J. S.ionilers.

lilV.X , J.iseph J.

Gl'ioo's, Jiix*.

Gleason, XI. It.

GilIx'He Niluxx a. Gaul ier. Hie liri-at.

Ili'.noiiiini'. I r.iiik. Iiiixs. 'lone

IIMlI. Ml Halils. 1 ii'.

Daleli. I'raiii

Iti miel s. II. I.. o

lloMi.r. N. H Hall. Col H W.

Harros. K.

Hxias, Geo.

Ililleii. Jolill. Ilelir.x. Clias. Hurl. G. .AiHiiir.

Hiisselliuili, Cell.

Iintlii-iiM, I’ruf. A. It.

Hlnxlo, All. lluMx*u, M. B. Iluffman, J. S. Huya A Smith. Huston, A. J. Hater. J. K. Honey. Dr. J. F. Hamexvood, U. Hurvx*y, Jsx-k. Hill, I.eo, Jr. Huuiilton, Geo. C. Hnniiiiet, J. H. Huddleaou, Mr. Herlist, Milton. Hiiteliluson. H. Is Harris, Richard. Heaa, Chaa. Handley, W. W. Jeffera. Dick. Jennings. J. A. .lalllet A (toldlierg. Jones, Dr. B. Q. Jackson, Alabama. Jack, Alcohol. Jonea, John J. James, K. K. Jorden. Jim. Keller, Itexl. Kllildx*. Win. Kilehlx*. SI Kane. J. M J. Ki*nn<s|y Bros. AA'lli

AVx*st Shiixx. Katisd, H. Kiu-h vV Klex-nian. Keltoii, Eddie. Klukadf*. T. 11.

King. F. W. Kohl A Castle

Co., The. I.a Rosa. Frank. Iaim|ison, K. Lnno, I>. H. la-slie Midway Co. laiMarr. Ernest M. ladig. Frank. Largi*rs. Tlii*'“lore. I,i*lghtoii. J. .A. Lx*vltt. A'lctivr D. laiwrence, Mr. Igiwrence. Ed. Litter. Clay. Lavette. Oeo. Lnckle. Lawrence. I»wlow, John. Lawrenev, ScotL I.,ewla. J. C. I.Ingl, Geo. I.lle*. Chaa. Tjimbei-fer, I.s .McGarx'le, Mr. Merxsiltb. L. E. Morris. Frank B. MeKi-ssidi, Jolin. M(*Ciirly, Ciias. Mulkey, Caleti. Martzell, Howard. Maretta Circus. Mack, Fmnk M. Monroe. Henry. McNIckola. John. Miller. John. Mllli*r Family.

Masart, .Mr Mnridiy, A. J. Mi*x*hnii Dog Sliow

Win. A. Morris, Chaa. A.

Mllh-r, I’anI E.

Mllh r. E. L

Moran, Frank.

.Mil'll r, .Alike.

Marsluill, John.

Mel nail. i;d.

Maiiiigi*r l.iK-kliart'a l‘.li*|iliauis.

Moliuru, Frank I..

M.inning-'Du Croxv.


MeCoy, I’hiia.

Mi-Evuy A Btaliley.

Manager AA'alklnsvIlle

tGu.j Opi-ra lb:use.

Miner. G., Mg.'.

.Murlurty, David.

.National I’roiiudlug C<

Norris vA Itoxxe

\lellols, I.exx

VlU its. I'll..III.IS

Hlisdt, Cliauiiet*y.

X i.itmaii, 'I'. J. I*liill!|is ,V I’.x-lliioiit.

I‘eri.x, Itiiniliill. I’llll'rek. lit/.

I’ epellld'dlk. .A.

I’epper. Hi*ri.\ I..

I'.ngstoii. Jai k.

I'lllksloll. F. X'.

Colter. 11. It. I’liii'i'll. I'raiik S

l*ro|K*r, T. I-

Keexl. A. H.

It.xl.ll. Yielor. Iti's.xr .V .Alasoii's

X 'idixexll HIS.

Koioy, AA 111. Itoidhson. W. A.

iteniingluu, AA'ui. I(iekx*l. Henry.

Hoot. Edgar.

Roberts St Richards. Rogers. Kd. Rlx*e, M. B. ItolH-rts, Frank K.

Keldy. D. H.

Rice, Joe. Redan's Amusemeuta. Rourke, John. Itorllig la*x*'s G.V|>sle


Ritchie, Edward. Sehlichter A !.« Cato. Sangx*s. AA'in. .A.

S|H*lliiiun, F. I’.

Stuart, D. K. Sironsx*. Harry,

.siafforxl. diarlx*s.

Shx-x-ly, ITof. 1. .A.

Slngx*r. Sam.

Snvdx*r, Harry.

Siiutelle, SIg.

Siienx*x*, W. M.

S<*x*n*tarv, Clinton

(In.A St. Fair.

Sherwxaid. Harry E.

Stock, Tiilane A


Shieixls, John II.

■ Smith, Emery U. Stri-lilg. I. A'.

Sturgis. C. J.

Slniiiions, T. Harry.

Smith, Roy aiixl wife.

Stewart. Huey.

Sroxise, Warren.

Siegfried, A.

Speller. Van Anden.

Keott, AVaiter.

Sliepp, W. Campbell. Taylor Bros. Trainer. IHek. Tompkins, c. H.

Tate, D. Whittle.

T rx'ut, i»r. J. Frances.

Teel. Prof.

Thome, 11. 8. Trenelr, Will.

Trone Bros.

Vincent. F. B. WxM>da. Mr., (LIt-

ery Stable).

Wllaon Bnax.

AVnrrx*o, Bert, Wlckstrom, Bd.

Walsh, John. Jr.

Carolval Co. Waltx*. Frx*<l. B. \Vx*s|x*oH. M It.

WIIIInniH aiixl Cisik

AAelils-r. Gi*o.

Wx«x>dward’B Seals.

Wriglit. C. W.

Weaterman, Fred. Wayne A l.emar.

AA’Illluinn. (\ K.

Williams J. D.

Waller. Phil. O. Whllilx*r, H H.

Wiiili-riiiiite, II.

AVIllMir, Harrv.

Noting. W. H.

Yeager, Harry.

. YakI, Boone.

Xlmmerman, Chrla.


Ex ana, L. I .

Kverton. Dr. M. I. Klierlein, Barneat. Eiiimersoii, Har^ L. Exemplar Sign works. Ernst, Edward R. Ewick. lUy. Evans, 1^ V. Ferarl Show. Jon.

Abraham, I.ncy. Hranaon. May. niuette, Emma. Bond, Dollle. Bellinger Verna. Burke, Margaret. Banka, Angnata. f'ampliell, Mrs. E. J. Dunean, Josle. Dniiell, Fern. I)x*xtx*r, M. Flynn, Batella Flynn. Mra. Malt. (Jrace, Mrs. Danf, Alcha Madame. llamhiirK. FrexU. Hayes. Mrs. Mary. Mastlngn. Maliel. .Innea, Da lar. Kemp Sisters. I.npoint. Flossie. !,cwls. Edllli I.iiVhii. Mrs. Annus, Ia*Ty. Mrs. Pearl B. Miller, P. 8.

McPhllllpa, Bensle. Nlarah, Mabel. Nason. May. l•^os|M*t^o. Mile. Parker. Daisy. I'litinnii, Hntllx*. I’lilpps, Alta. Hogers, Martha M. Illppx*l. Alli-e G. Itlclinrils Slsli*rs. Itiissiiin, Jesslxr D ItolM-rts. Mrs. Lulu. Kogers, Kdith. Stanley, Mrs. George. Sti rling, II. Shirkle, Isbella. Smith, Patlle. SI. Clair, Jessie Mse. Smith, kille. Chrlslint Slisfx-r, Mrs. Floreni*e Thomas, Tlllle. TlieiMlora, Mile, Trleae, Fannie. Vioisla. Misw Wllkeraon, Rell.



CORRESPONDENCE. SOTTCf'.—Th* JHlUntartl detirt* a rorre-

inrt'rry city and town <it thr t'niUd Stair* whirh it not hrre rrprnmirit.


"Tracy” at the Third Avenue Takes

the Cake Martin Harvey in

"The Only Way."

iMiriiic tlic piiol Mr Miirliii llur

Ill” Miitrll'li .■l<•lllr, lull. d-ik'himI hU :li .|llllllll llliri- wltll .tnilTlrilh llml!•>

|iriMlii<-liii: ‘"rill- iiiil.i \Vii,t " III III)- ll••r!ll•l

.'ii|iiar”. II I" Mr. rri-<'iiiiiii WIIN' ilrtiiiiii

ll/.lUliill of I'lllirll'O l>l<'kl-IIH' IIOM-I. "A Till)'

of Two I'll If' ■’ Till' ilriiiiiii wuK kUoii mIiIi

iiri’iil 'iHif" oil llii- 'jiiiH* 'liiK*' !•> Ilfiiry Milli-r lliri'f 't'ii'oii' auo. iiiul iirolmlilx Mil

lor'' iirtMliKiloll nil' 'iijo-rior ii« liiir\i-.\'i<

ill I Ilf ri''|><-<'l lo III)' 'ii|>|iori hr.: •H'l mol I hr Xri lllr priMllIrl io||.

So ollr, llonmrr. 1111:111 I • in" '•■.•In;;

Mr lliir\<'.\ ' iioriri'iiii •>! MiIioi I'.irioo

iV'lllioiii r< III I'l hi;: III lint way iiooii Ho-

norlli of aii\ nrriioii' m 1 foriii.iiirr of llu'

loir III III!' rlly, il III i> In- raioliilii 'laliil

llial 110 KiikII'Ii K|iriikiiiK iirlor ran |•ln> il iM-iirr. ami prolnihli no onr r's^ |ila>

II >0 nrll. II' Mr. Ilarvri .\ll il' 'iron;:

ji.ihil' art* liroii;:lil onl In lln* hohlr'l rrih f

liv lihii, ami iioi I lo' 'll■.:lllr'l •l.-lall I'

onilll*'<l. Ill' ImnlOHl' air ..| 1 hr <1 trir'i.

hill for llial vrrj rni'.in lhr> air a'l lln-

no-ir ■■fT<''ll\r. • oio-rriihi;; Ihr roni|ian>

\lr. Ilarti'.i Ini' hr..111:111 ui a nini. .in.olo.

slorv inii'l Ih- lohl. with oiir or ino n a

lahh- rxrrlltlo'is Ihr Nll|i|>or1hlU rii'l ol ' I'lic

iMil.v tViiy' ilhl iiol a|>|iriHir|i ihr .Vno'riraii,

nor wiiN Ihr 'ln;:r niainiKrinriit a' ;;immI.

rilr nrllkr't rlrlllrllt nil' llir woinrli. ami

ll.r srrloT.v 'llowril Ihr wnir ami Inir of Ihr 'toriny Irh* arro»» thr aM-ran.

.\' Ilia* iM'aaiia'I nik” In lln- aa|M-nin;; 'a-a-iir

In I’arlaaf ' |aaa|;:hi;:'. Mr. liana-) niaah' way

'haw I). A' Ilia- 'a-rlla- jar a;;n." inra.IlUII

ilia- all'iiiiia- with liana), anal lata-r with

I •|■fllrl:l•. Ilia- 'kill aaf | Ha- Ila'laar illlal Ilia

fa| a-a- aaf hi' laa T'aana |||) ;:raahiall) iH-a-aalm-' l'|a|iara'llt .llial IlfllT Ilia- laalla hill;; Illtl-rxia-W

'lilll l.lla) .Mlllla-lla- ill Ilia- 'a-a-.alial lla-t

wllh'll III Il-mli'rila'" anal ala-|alh aaf ') lll|i:i

llla-tia- fa-a-llll;: llaalia- aaf aalir )ailinK<'r aataana

a-allhl a|a|araKia-|l. Ilo' llaall'a' araa'a- taa llilll

W il II aalla- aa-l-aaril.

HIJoii. M.iala-h-liii- l.ili i-lli- K) h'l ■' la;i-'l

|ilai. ".\ii .Xim-rhan I nx ii'haii.' |iraaahia'-i|

hi'l xxa-a-k at lln- ItlJaHi. Ii.-i' aaiia- 'Itikhi;;

fai II |iraNlii:iilil). Tln-ra- N a'miii;;h inaIr

rial In llii' iih'i- t-a Mii|i|al)' l■allm■a|ia■' for

half Ilia- llla-ata-l-' lali |{raaaa|W’a) . In aalll)

aim- iia-t Ilia- llliral. XX hla-li is ca-m-riill) ml

initta'i II' Ilia- laa-st, ah'-' 'lla- alirtall lla-r a-\iraxincaiia'a ami a'iii'lrm-l 11 ra-iillx a-aaii

ai'a- anal ta-llillU a|ra llial la' 'I'-lll- llaaXXa-Xa-r.

a' Ilia- i;a-m-rallt) aaf lahirrlKlils li.iva- a XX ay

aaf 'tarliiii; hraxa'I) ami a-mliii;; xia-akl),

Mrs. I{) la-X a-all Im- a'\l ll'a-a| aall tills sa-iari-. ami laraaluilily if sin- taka-s tin- .aalxh'a- aaf

llaaisl lll-r arltia'', 'ha- will a-alil this aariuhial lar.'lm liaall allal a-ll| a Kra-lll ala-Ill aaf Ilia-

all'a-olirslx a- a-aallla'I) |aart'. XX It II XX Ilia'll It

lall'tll-' xxltll all-tali' Ilka- Ilia- i|lllll' of a

|Mari'll|lhll-. Till' a-.allll-al) 'l-rx l-s lo |irx-'a-nt

J I'. li-Hl'aaii ami III' xxifa-, .Xiiiili- Iri'li. as

IXX III sliirs .Mllioil;:h II) 110 iiia-aii' an

.\im-rii-uii. .Mr. liaHlson kIxi-s a xxorili) |M-r

forinniii-a- of iha- iiirriaali inxa'Ioii from

an Aiiia rii-aii |aoiiit of xh-xx III' xvifi- has

I iiiora* alina-ri-iit iiml xiirh'l |aart lo |ila).

ami kIxi-s a uihmI ai'-niint of In-r ahilltla-s hi

Iha- raah- aaf lll-raaltll-. MllU-l Tnllfa-rro. lOaXX

uraahi.-iti'l taa laaiic 'klrts afli-r a hrllllaiit

aari'-r as a a hihl m-ira-ss. Is a I'lianiihn: In ai-niia-. I'a-.xlaiii I'arli-r. l-'ri'il. I'ayhar. Hi-iiry

lliiri-. .Vrthiir l.awra-iia-a-, <*|a-im'iit ilaa|akiiis

ami lll'iimlaHI llailKla" lllmla- lllllall aaiit aaf

Ilia aiillinr’s iiiata-rial. anal tlo-n- xvas a-x-r

iiihilr iiiiii-li elva-ii In i-ai'li lay thi- imhilKa'iil

anal Klfti'i ilrniiiiitlst. Till' |alu) slmiihl a-i-r- lahily tour 'iia-i-ssfiill).

Tlilril Vxi'iini- Tin- |ila.x |irin'i'"hiK In oiitihii- Ihi’ Ufa-, a-riiiia-' aiiil iiilxa-iiiiiri-' of

Iha- oiillaxx Trill) has liraxx 11 iiiiiira'a'liiila'l a raawil' to till- Tlilral .Xxi iiur Tlii-ali-r ihirhii: I III- |i.'i«i n I'-k

■•liiMMt HI IT" nrr.S.S MKS nSIh MINKS


This 'iiiall lull iH-antlfiil lltth- a-otx

tlia-ata-r o|s-m'l mi Tm-'alay last to an a-\

i'a"lhlKlx sXXa-ll nililta-ni-a>, XX ho n|i|M-ara'l lo

lhormi;;hly a|a|iri‘a'liita- Ilia- hill of fan- 'iih-

inlllial III |i|i-a'i- tha-lr M’alalorf .K'lorhi lanh

all-. Tin- a'horii', lhoii;;h 'mail. I'lnhrai'a-il

a Im-x ) of a-M's'lhiKi) |ira-li) ciri'. anil

110- lr a|ra-ss..' allsa liasi'l Ilia- iTllfl of olll- of

.\nia-rh-n's ili-va-ri-sl i'imIiiim-rs. who has a

i|iih'k a-xi- ami II I'l-a-allx-a- hnilii for all llial

ii|i|M'rlahis to iilllri* an allrai'llon Tin-

niiish' of "Tonini) Haat" I' K's'l In (aarts,

i-xi-ii If Ilia- ciMsI |iarls haxi- Is-a-ii. as al

h i:a-al. |alrata'l It) SlafToral \\'ala-r' ami Hii-

|s-rl lliii;hi-' from Iha- slot k of olln-r xxa-ll

i now n a'tni|NaMa-r'; ami Ilo- 'ra-m-r). what

Ihi'i'i' I' of II. Is |ih'ishiu lo Iha- a-xi- .\moli|;

lln- .irtl'Is who haxi- iiiaih- iii ira- than uihhI

Is IllaiO'hi* Hhn:. xxho xxas i h-xa-r l-nl•lll^h lo

iixlxi- anal k’ri hoiiii- with honor' In lo-r

lalola-rhli: aaf 'Tha- lla-lla- aaf .Vxa-nlla- .\

I iifttriniiiila-l), this 'onu wii' siiiii: In a-xa-ry

xiirhlx tha-ala-r In Na-w Vtark 'a-xa-riil xanirs

111:0. ami hill fati' llial faa I lllam-ln- HIiik

has a iI'shI |irits|N-i-t of m hla-xlni: for "Tatni

iiix Uoi " xxhal Marla I'ahlll alhl for ••■|1ii‘

" Ihl Kii'a In lia-r nnli|iii- ra-mh-rliiK of

Nam ) I'.ittxxn ' Tin- siillrx- of tin- lihra-llo

Is a hlr|lx aaf alol Im lalrlltlll lo 'iM'la-IX. lalltl

iiltitiara nil) malts L’at.ttI xx'lh tin- rhi's ftti

XX hit h II I' Inlrmlt-tl Manx aaf Ihr Ititr'

nit- saii:;:a'sl IX r ami aarashinallx latio In-' ihr

»itol In a xt-i x |iiini;a III manin-r Ktar In

'laiiia-. olll- xoiinit ilani'i-l «axs ''Shr iloi-s

Inal rati- lo riilrr saMli-lx Shi- xxii' an .ir

111- ss onra-. hill silt* hail In ila-axx lln- llna-

'oiiii-whi-ri-" Ml" lirinii IXa-Wolf, an r\

ii'-iIIiikIv |irrlly roniiK ni-lrx-na, a!ni{« a

xrry rh-xi-r nml tnin-fiil 'oiiir. riilhhil

Kxi-r) Ho;. Miisi II.,vr Ills Hay. nnil lhal

aO'lli: .ll'o |ironil'a-s to nillka- Iillllt- ,1 lilt

'Ihr Ihlii'lrr SIsIrrs. illirlliK liir o|M'nili;;

nli;lil'. ilam-ral will, llii-lr iihiiiiI vlijiar ami

arllslh' lariM'llx It)', hiil as ihrir work was

noara- aa, Il'SH a aX r I sliu ah a W ri| h)' H frW i>f Thr

lalha-r artists. Il.rx a|i|ararrll lo larronir

soiiirwhal |ila|nri|, ami in a IlIfnI ni hs| irn

ah ra'al Ihi'ir I'l-sl Jlltl I loll lo .Mrs ll'horiir.

xxho aria'latral ll.r smnr with a ra-rtalii

aiioiiiiil ail 'iinufrMhl lhal xxas niosl irrllahh-

lai lln- |iailli-H inoHl |aiirt h iiluriy rom a-rm-al.

liana-rallx 'is-al.inu. Hn- N.-w Vork |ia|H'r'

hiaxr iNaka'I f,,n at Mrs. I I'hornr'' niana;:a'

ll.ll a-fforls halt onra- 'hr ;:rls Ihr ;:a*nrral

Ihralri uolny. |anhlh' to rrinftirra- hi-r sorh-ly

rllrllta-lr. Iht-rrh) a'roW a|i|,L' lo-r loallsa- from

nik’hl lo nit'hl. Wr ahull llo-i, malt- a swIiik

aronml of |iri" I'rltiiisin Mr' iishorm-'s

onl) waakio'" nni) lax in lo-r imuKinin;;

sin- has a a-hrr A Klrhls 'loaxx. ami ran run

Ilo- ',,1,0- withoni niitrli aalva-rlIsin;:.

x>'i:i;i:i: .v rii-ii.Hs' 1:1|>;

M alaa-r aV III III' will |ara-'a-nl Ihrir III si

ll.ixi's') of Ihr sa .I'oi, at Ihrir Milsir Hall

10 \l 'lltir'ila.x niuht Ihr lo-xx oirt-niit' will

larai Ihr lillr aaf 'lliiinnilnu Itlrils aiol

'•'. ami xx III a-mlanta a- skils hiirh-'

■ iniii;: i:ihrl I’.arr) III aii-'s ilaint.i |ila.-.lrl.

■ I'arrol'' aiol John Hn-xx ' I'oinrilx. ' 'rio'-

MiiinnM mil Ho lliiniminu Itlnl rio-

iraxi-'l) I' h) I'iiltfar Siiiilh. mol llo-ri- an-

n "l••l-nlal ‘011”'. Mo- Jolnl xx-ork of Hohr.i

Snilih ."nil William l'*imo'ls. Tlo- hnrlr'a|na-

XX ill ..'IXr taa ill I raa.l loa- Ho- rraa-lll a ihll I h all'

lo Hi” .illsim aa'I as iraxa-'ly artisis in

iiM Iha' Ho xxonl ini|ilia''. IW'irmn rollirr

XX ill ini|ia I'lall.ltr .h.llll Hri-xx. of XX loam In-

!ias III aala' .1 raia-fni 'Unix alnrili:: Ihr jaii'T

I XX xx.-a-l,s Isalli'r <'ai!|la-r Is to ri 'h Ilia- ill

.1 :: a aa;.n.iliiri-I fa'liioii .Maruarrt H.ih-. Iht-

la.i'llii” XX aiiiaii al Ho- Km|a n-: l.a-xxis Kia-hls

xxlll haxa- moaihrr a-hararta-r raah- in Ho- |s-r-

'aaii aaf an Italian aariran xMioh-r tan a nils-

alrm t-al It) -'.X rllillr a- I lolll-y imaatll," Ut lilt*

I'asino. sa'-ins lo imlh-atr that ll has iiiaiiy

anoltlh* jf Ufa-

ritr Hr Koll.i rnaak’rinrni at Ihr Kilrii

X'll'l-r Is llr.irlli;; a rha't'. anal. Itava-Hirl XXiHl

Ihr <'lrtrniia|oma|ih .iml Hit- xxav ixtaik. I'

Ulln;. Ho- li.aii'r aim.a'l tiail)

KHirl lliiri) in Hi” tliial alirarlion

aal "rarraal'" anal .\ •'talintr) Mtallsr." at

III” Saxatx. is till all^ thr Itlimr faXatrilr' aaf

Ihr Hlra ta-r t'aain;: lallhlir.

I’M i'll KKI.SO


"East to Wes" Co. Closts -Attend¬ ance Big at All Houses.

Thr ‘iiir >xa-itlor iiMiial in I'hiraL’'. aliirinu

Ho- niolllh aaf Sa-|att-nilH-r, hill xvllh'll fallral

Ita inaii-rf.ill/.i- lhal nioiilh aaf this ya-ar,

liiaalr il' a|i|s'ai-am'r Hit- |iast xxa-rk. anal saj

far has 'loaxxn lot si;:ns aaf aihalin;;. ll has

ll.aal no rffrcl aal, Hla- alta-mlalirr ill 1111) of

Ihr tlirala'r': Ho;, all atin'inin- ahain;; a hi;; h|a'>nr"

lltiiioi' III "Tl.” Slt-r|a iii: r.rmily mol tlo-

lh-:i'l. ' al Ho- lllin.ais. it tan ttniy Im- saiil il ht-;:mt il' ri;:hHi xxts-k Sniolii) n';

xxiili I'a- iiiifitillit:: tax rrthaxx in:: mol th-im.ii

siralix-- aiitlirm-t-. Itnl txxaa wan-k' iiitart- laa-

loiln aaf Ilo- ri'ii. at'ht-r It a akin;;' t'ini|.. IliiiK

Its tlr|tartlira- at aaf Hir It-nHi xya-rk.

I'.twa-rs XX' II. < ■ram- atitrio'l In Ho- I'txx

a I' rioalt r .Mttio'a) iil;;hl for a ixx.t xxt-t-ks'

Il ia .af "Hixhl llanini. " Tlo- lotnst- xxas

alima't t-nlirrly tilh'l ll is hartlly lo'-t-s-

sar) I.a rt-|M-at xxhal Ini' sat ofta-ii Imm-i, 'uiil

al olll Ho- lali'-a- Im-)-ami siiyiir: Hiiif stami

l”L' I) itsa-lf it ra-in-iins atm- aaf .Mr. I'nim-’s

ii-aast thtirttii”hl) raiiiiath'l hiinitirttiis rliarm-

la-rlzaliaaiis It is an a-ntt-rtainim nl xyaai-Hi

si'.ln-/ lllttra- tllllll aalo-a-.

The Christmas Billboard — WIUL. BE

issued December 2. dated Decem¬ ber 6. It will contain 52 pages of News, Fiction Poetry and the cus¬ tomary Trade Points, all richly il¬ lustrated. The cover will be hand • somely lithographed in colors.

THE EDITION WILL EXCEED 2D,ODD And Will Circulate All Over the World.

There will be no advance in ad¬ vertising rates, but copy must reach us on or before November 29th. Price, lO cents, jt ^ jt jt

sittn aaf rx-xa-n;:t-; Jathn T. Krlly .-i|a|M-ars as

a ftttt-i;:n xx ra-a ka-r aaf httnn-s. ami Will .Xrt-h-

a-r, Vlicinia Kttlii ami Malat-I llarri'atii till

In tha- aaiha-r a-h:iraa-ta-rs in thr laka-wIT atn

iha- Kiai|tirr |ila). Tin- |aarl of Hia* a-nirr-

'ainnia nl ah-Xat|a'l taa 'llllains'' will sa-rva- la>

liltrtMli,a-a- Kix) Ta-m|ala-laan ill all liniM-rsoiia

liaall aaf Miss KHla-l lllirr) lllaara-. traaiisa-rs aiol

:ill In tills 'kll MI'S ri-ni|ih-tain will sins

.1 hall I'l. in wlih'li 'ha- w ill Imitata- Ho'

inanm-ri'lll' aaf saama- aaf tha- niiarx- |arxamlm-nt ll'lra.'sa'' aaf Hla- ala).

Ijirra- «mlla-na'-s .ira- a-n.l a) in;; iha- liaca-ii

'aas-k ttilllla'I -lllllnills ill Hla- \a-XX Vaark Tlla-

llar Tha-ra- I' a a-aallO'l) llll'-ra-'l. ns XXa ll

IS aalll' Ilf a niori- sa rlini' n.-itnra- In tin- I'-r


I'r.iwa'i-il iiiiilla-ni'-s an lln- ra-i:iilar ihiiitf

It lln- .Vi aili-iiix of Mush', xx In-n- "Tin'

Nliia-ix iml Nim- ' Is till allrji'Hiin.

'Hn lliirrx ' W n ixx In its thirl) niiith

XXaik III Na XX X aark. Hill I III- Itl'hl'i'a is lilll'l

'aa III- ihsal' .ll I-XI'T) |ia-rforniam'a-.

John Hii'xx xx'l'l i-aaiitiniii- In 'Tin- Miiniiii)

Hill Ho 11 iiiiimliiu Itlnr' III Ho- Kiiiiiira- iin

II Naix l.'a <>11 llii' fiilliixx In;: .Miami.1) W in.

rnxi'i-sham. In Hn- in-xx K'liioml I'niiia'l).

' 1 iii|iriiih-na'i- " xxlll laki- Mr Hri-xx's |il:n-x-.

•• Thi' Jiix of l.ixiii;;." xxllh M|-s ('amialM-ll.

xxlll I'oiillniii' al Hn- Hiinli'ii Tln-ati-r all of

in-M xxis'k Mrs i'ani|iha-ll fa-a Is that In lln-

roh- of Ho- I'oiinti-'s Itaalii sin- has iiiinlx*

... lo r lllo'l nolllhli- sna'-a-ssi-«

.\ iii-xx almo'i- la) Ml" .\'hh-) Ini' Ims-ii In-

iriMlni'-a| in ' .\ x'onnir) xllrl." al Ha) '.

Hill 'ha-, xxllh Mr Norris, fnriilsha'' Hm

llxa-lla 'l fnn aaf H a- |a|a'-x-

rila- a'alnhilO'l a-Va-a-lla-ln') aaf "Mrs Jlla'k'*

Hail I'n-alora- aiol hi' haml an- liMh-'lom''

xxhhh .Ha- alnixxlni; llirsa- hiallsa-s laa Hla- Vla-

lol 111

lla-lllh-lla I'O'llalHI III lla'r lla-xx |illl.X. '•Tlla-

Saxoral of Iha' KInc. " I' |il.i.xln« laa lla'Ia-'

’|i|: .lllilla-lla'a's lit Wlllllll'k s. IHIal I' fllllillllatf

ha- |arx-.Mi |l-a-i Hint sill- has an i-\i-a-|a;io;i:il

sill a a-" .1, tills I'oiiiiHilii' ilriima

"Iha Nli;lil of Hn I'.irix " xxllh Wa-i-.hiii I

i'i-o"m'lh ami his KiikII'Ii iaim|i:Hi). I' ilo

'ilk* a Urn- liii'lm-" at l!n> rrlni'i-'s, ami n a

I'haiik'a- of hill Is liMiki-al fur at this honsa>

for iiiatix xxi-a-k' Tina sii'inini'l |xaixx.'r of allrai'llon i-x 1

Hraml i i|M-ra llon.saa Mr. Kii-lianl .Mans

Ha III o|N-na-il till- Iasi xxi'-k of his a-iipip'

im nl al tin- Hraml Monilay nl;;ht to an an

alia Ilia* that |iaa'ka-i| I'x i-ry Im-h of siiaa-r.

'1 lii-r-- Is no i|iia'sHain Iml xxhal his s|ala-nilia1 n-xlxal of "Julius I'm-sar" Is tin- tiin-st jirxs

illla-tlon of this I'las'ii- Inita'l.y a-va-ll sa-<-n

ha-la-. 'Iha- ala'lliatol for 'a-als is lin|ara'-a*-

ihnli-.l. mol Ilia- loallsa- Ini' alra-ail) In-x-ii sohl olll.

Hiaihiai'ii '''Ihl- «'hihlia-n aaf .'iatan.'' a

|ala) alMaiil Sali-ni In liSa'J. xx ln->: a-x a-n tin-

ha st |M.o|ih- in Ilia- loXX 11 h|.|ii-Xl-il HI XX'.ta-hl-S.

xxas |inNlnaa-il in Hn- Ila-arlaorn Thi-ati'r .''ini'

ala) ni;;hl. Tin- rtr'l in-l a-aaiihl In- iin|araax'a-d

a-aanslih-illial) ; tin- 'assaiiil ai't Is an lni|ariaxis

iiia-nl all Hn- lii'l; tin- Hilral ml Is va-ry

C'a.a.l In Iha- tlrsf ml is shaaxxn a aliia-kiiif;

siasal in m-lo-n ami an iissaoll lay a shi|>

cawna-r ii| Iha- In-raa .Vll that 'iivasl Hn-

ha-raa fraalal ha 111;; kilh'l XX a' Hla- fall aaf I In-

a-lir'.llll. I.aalli'a- llial Ilimla- I lla- alistilla-t hit aaf I ha- |ll I) .

Si mh-haka-r's 'Tin- I'rlm-a- aaf I'ilsa-n"

aa|-a-m'l Its lifll- XXaS'k Maallalll.V lliullt xvilll »

I -la ki-al amlia-lla-a-. Hllll l:HI;:ha'l illlal a-llJaaVa'I

tin- 'laai'kliiic liiii-s illlal tiiin-fiil inii'la'. It

is an a-iita-i tainnia III to a-iijo) .

Hr.-iil Nairlha-rn Koha-rl Miinta-ll oiM-msI .-xl

'lln- Soiaalax malim'- xxllh his m-xv |ilii.x',

■'lln- H.ikua-r mol lln- I'raass." Tin- (aiol,

aS.ilin:; xxllh tin- raaniii nl la- |H-riiMl aaf Hn-

sa xa nta'-nTh aa-nliir). Is ralln-r a asaniialla-iita'I

a lia-. II!' aa-lin;; In tha- a|a-:ith sa-a-in- is |i:ir

tlanl.irlx 'Irainc lla- is ahly sll|alMarta-al lay

Ml" Ixllssa-ll. Tin- a'aani|aan) Is W'a-ll hal-

IHIa'-al anal Iha- |alaX XXa-ll stUKa'al. Na-\l. Jaaa*.

M Sparks, in Mr. n Ih-illy "

I'lainnihiis .\i Hn- I'aalnnihiis Mannua-r Kl

Haiti I' kixinu >Hii-llo " lax Hn* lanlraaii'.

'lln- |ala) Is staca'l In s|ala-nillil si) la-. Kra'I

a- h k llartia) ns Hn- Misar aaf Va-llha- Is

sllaall;: ami asnix lio-liiu. anal I' aha ns laa-lta-r

XX ol k iiaaxx Hian xx In-n In- xxas 'n|i|a art ins

Jrl'a .'illH’r, >'i- rnhh-r as lasia is Iha

X a- X IM--'aallH'a'ill laan aal X illllill.X .Kllllla-

' h--a haaaal :av I Xa's.'a III ala i XX Is B mmI, ns sill

iilxxaxs |! Na'\t. ''rhi- W'hlli- lla-iiHn-r.’

.Xi'iiaia-nix "Tin- Komi to Knin" roni|Hiny

xxas ili-iiaxi'l on tin* roml i-n roiila- to I'hl

a-asaa riia- Sniiahiy nialiin-x- In tha* Aa-mlrniy

XX IS lavi-r .HI hour lair, onr .-n-t Ixa'ins elx'i'ii

in stra-a-t attirr Thr his amUa-iirr was kr|ii

ill Boaaal llilliior lay xvitni-ssilis a haallt ha- txxa-a-i, I'l-rry MiHoyrrii ami Hilly Kiiim-nnr,

of this r.ix \|i-iaoarrii xxlll a|i|M-:ir al I'arh

111-11111111110” xxliirh xxill llisiirr |i.ia-kiH| al-' .^a-\|. "Ha-xll's I'iulol

Xlliaiiihr.i I 111- .\lhamlii.1 iii'i-sriili-il a m-w

lain) .ll Ho- Siio.I.i) iiiatlio-r. .\ Kiilin-il

..iia- ll |iri-s”iiis soiiii- tim- si'i-m-r) ami

llllsa- sa-llillSs. aiol |ala-asi-' |H-o|ala- XX Ilo IH- a M'ila-mi'lll .1.0 k H-aiiiixmi mial XU'S I'Hsi..

ii-'ii) ara- Ilo- Slai's ol Ho- i-asi. Na-xl

' I In- Itoail lo Knin '*

HiJoii "lliinimi Ih-iii'ts.'' a |alay tha*

SI I-IIIS III laa- a-va-r |io|illlm-. o|H'm-il to a-U|iar

it) at hoHi |M'rfoi'niiinra-s Snmiay. It movi-s

Hn- 'iiis'lalor' to la-ars ami to laiishli-t

'Ihl- i-oiii|iany is alaovr tin- ava-riis''.

.N'l-xx .Xnirriran. *'Korsix'x-n." Ho- roniiiiitia'

ilraniii Hint tala- lata- Kri'h-ro' Hrxton iiiinlr

Ho- hit of his a-ara-a-r as an a-lalotoailHl aa-|a,a-

in. xxas |araaa1lla-a-al h) tha- StaM'k l'aani|aHn>'

isiimlay. I.aiira .XIlH-rta. as Ho- ah-xaala-al

xx ifa-. has a strolls i-noilloiial roll- for xx lila-h

.'lla- Is saa XX l-ll flltl-al 'I'lo- pliiy XXils .. XX I'

imiiinlaal mol stasi'l.

Hriiha-aan .Miisia- Hllll. ■■I'lioxx I'hoxx. " Hn

lo-xx. iiiio-fiil mol XX a-ll iilayi'l |ii-rfiirmam-i

■aalllHI. a-s alniaVillB liirBa- Illlal ata-lisllla-al m' lia-io-a-s. 'I III- iiiaiiasi'iiii-iil has ka-|ii i-va-rx-

, r-.misa- maah- in aalxaio-i-. six ins a;: i-aaia-r

a.lino-nt a-nlira-l) "ya hi aaf aina-llsi- '

laiymiah' Tx miala-villri. Viih-rh-, Ki-rsi ra- .N I’aa.. 'I hra-a- Ji|sa-.-irys. Sinllli anal l iiHi-r.

i’mil7.a-r 'I rio. sxxaii mol Hanihiiial. liiHaka r

iml Hax is. Harry 'I'li iiiisoii. .Xiaia iia-il ,V

i.aaxi-. \a-r:ikiiiB. I III- lalirri-ils. Tom .\.iii>ni| I'oxxi-ll mol I'aarli-liii. Klori-mi- M. i.i-.ii ii ai;.l

tiimlai'al <)n:irli-tli-.

I'lila-aso iiiiria H'lii'i- IVmii| xIlia I .\’ ..a-.n ll .Hall loasa- Iiml'. Jim- W'i-Ii-Ii, .'lilisir

.nil .Ml lion. I,a-xxis Xii'i'.iril aV I'.i,, l-'ri a.

.rsih- s iiiMis. l.ava-mh-r mol 'riionisa..i. KohI

aiol I'llllal-rll. I.otlll- W illll-rs aV I'o.. I" .iri'l-'

i-r anal I'lovil. HriMiks Itrolhi-rs, .Millrr aiol

lay, I'l- IT l.ros., Kosnn- 'i rio ami I'osiia"*-

Hill I'lim.i|il:iin.

I 111) ni.ii'Ki-i I \'amli-x'illa-i. Itarroxvs, l.iiis

-.isla-r aV I'aa., I.ia-lll Noha-I Ha-l'ka-r-l'laMh..*

Xhrmio IT. Na-lsnn I'oiiih|iii-'. Koiiii Hlail-

10I-I-. W'.-irri-n mo! laiiim h.iril. I.i'iili Knssa-ll,

.rynii iiml Nmlim-. I'lark mol Hmoly. .Mail-

rx mol Kaasa-. Kala- W aariliiiisioii. W'aym-

Hill l.iHiiar. I’.il'y Klin- mol I'oxxi-rs ami I-’ra a'l.

I riaa'iiili ro. •■I!i-lti'i- ski-lti'i'." tha- ri-al

him.' in tha- xxay of a ir.ixi-siy. oni-m-il for

I run at Hn- Troi'mli-ro .''iimlay. ,, xvas |anl

-ll m-xv a-iasiiiiin-s mol si-i-m-ry. May

aioxviia'il. lln- i-h-vi-r anal ilri-ssy h-iialins

vianian. xvii' mi a h in i-x iih-m-a-. Nat ami

"'.ll l ii-ils. Vh-N. I'lirr. Hilly Sln-r.ilmi iiinl

a-'rmik limnsa-l i-iirriaal ..iim-ily mh-s.

.irtxxas-n Iha- ;o-fs m-xx sa-rla-s aaf llxIliB l>lr- iiri-s. rin- siM-i'lall.x iii-rfornii'rs im-lnaai*

r'l-rn Mi-lrosi-. KiHn/.:i mol .\rno. liow'ni-.v

iml \a-ni'tt:l. .IiHila-s llllllll. Ilia- I'ainm-lly SIs-

i-rs )hi<I l^iiKiii- ami V.’atsain. Sam T. Jin-k's. Kaihh- ak Min-k's '-W'lirlal

h-iila-is ■ siiva- a liva-ly mol "siiiB'-r)" niti-r'

ainim nl in Jm-k's Tln-ati-r. Tin- hiirh-ttas.

Ill- " .M i: I'liih'' mol tin- •'W'l-nlrr

xiirsl Inn" o|M-n mol i losa- Hn- hill. HimmI

liia-lallii-s ha-IXVa-a n llli' hlirii-tflls.

ila.|ikins'. Marry Kryanrs lliirh-si|ni-rs

in- ;ih.iiit till ha-'t si'-n lii-ri" this si-ason.

rill ) lil'i'si'iit I xvo hnrh-si|in-s of :i iH-tta-r

y|M- lli.'iii till' 'la'i-slii'k varii-l). 'Tin- ilia-

asin- is I'h-mi. HryanI is si-a-n in his iismil

liirl I f I In- " I loll,I.” Sxx i-a |iliiss. Will .S. Kiissi-H has i-losa-il

ira hiiril 1 a iia'ii I’asino. .Mmiisli-i'. .Mh h.. for

In- sa iisi.n. Ho- Iasi attrai lioii Im-Iiis l.a-slh-

I. rarti-r's "Tin- Kli-vi-mh lloi.r."

.Mall Kiissa-11 oiia-iis tin- iii-xv Hariii'k Tln--

lli r. I'hla-aso. Nov. I."i. 'I'lli- thi-.lti-r Is hi-

-nta'I on till- Northxva-st Shh-. .Miss Kiltii-

.'Iniiin-tt li.'is I'losa'l hi-r "Kast la* W'l-si"

-oni|ian.x, iiml xxill ri'irsaiii/.i- nml ojia-ii

iloait Ilia- 1st xxllh "'rin- Waifs of Na-xx



Kyrie Bellevv In "A Gentleman of

France" at the Garrick.

Still tin* B'M'I xvaark goos aan. iiinl hiislin-'s It al! aaf aaiir tha-ilti-rs is a-\i-a>llrnl. .Mali

iifa-rs xva-ar hnmal smih-s tha-sa- alii.vs, nml

xvi-ll tlii-y may for tin- strons Imixi-s nri'

full of tlia* i-olii aaf till* n-aliii. nml husiin-ss

s saa B*"l tlir raatnl that thry ihali't rvi-n hnvi* taa lift •>. li.'s as In alays aaf yon-,

rhi-alrli-iil hiisim-" Is |i|i-asant xvln-n tha-

inalla-y is a- alllins ill r;l|liall.X. IHol t llii t is I lll-

alal-- of iilTaIrs In-n- al lln- |iri'sa-nl lima',

xiiiv It a-ontinm- Is tin- iiniva-rsal wish. .\l

tha-' Harrh k 'I'hanta-r. Vlaahi Alla-n has Iiinl ^ HI a-liaarmialis two wa'-ks' hi|s|ni-ss, ami sly^ll

Is taa Im- sna'a'a"h-al la.V K.X'rla- Ha-lh'XX III

lit-iiHi-iiian aaf Kniin-a-." Tin- fnim- aaf

priMlua'tlaan liiis |ira'-a"h-al It. In-m-a- tin- na| ”

x'lina-a* saia* Is x'rry larB*-. -Nl tha- Wnlniii. has. Hart ami I'arrh- Ha- Mar hiivr hinl ix

-’air wi'-k's hiisiio-ss in "Kaax.v iSrumljaa.

linl will Im* sn*-a'*a*alaMl aall tha* 27th 1))' Ir-al

rra*r's tanMtna-tlaaii aaf '-Sully III onr Alh-v.

Kram-ls Wilson has Imm-ii jouxliiB aloiiK laa

nla-a* hiisliaa-ss at Ilia* (•ha*stiint Stn*a*t Tlia-a

trr fair tlvr wa*a*ks. anal tin* sixth aual hast

wa-a-k aaf ••'nir Taan*aahir " will Im* tin* 2Tlh. 'KhinMhanr' a'antlinn*s nt tha* t'ln*st>inl

Stra*a*t i»*aa*ra Haaiisa*. ami Ihr Kinplra* Tin* a

ta*r t'aamiaiHiy xvll! stay Miiaitha*r wa*rk at lln- Hnmal. as “Tin* Wihla*rin*ss'’ has iiiaah* a

hit .Nt Hn* Hark, a hiB i*raMlna-thxn aaf 'My

Kartinr" will Im- thr hill fiar tha* waak aaf

rTth. anal tin- 'mm- xva-a-k "rhr Smart Sa*i ' s ai'n'*niaa'**l faar Ilo- Nathaiial. I his is i;

Mb i.r.Mliia- i :i lhal N s,.tHnB a stnaiiB lains* o a-ata-h n|a laa W'llli.-HII' iHol W iilka-r. .Nt

ha- nalilolllim. Iha- tlr'l xamh-viHa- hill aaf

1^*** *- "»*♦*** af.ixa iia* anal hU a-ananao) will ai>|aa*ar.

Tha* I IUi|inHlHIS xv'll l-lax tin- Wa-a-k a,f Jalll

>1 Ilia- I'a* --la-'s Tha-ala-r. iHol aall Ilia- salllr

Iliiti* "Ihr KiliB of rranilis ' will imHiiisr

tin* |aatn»ns of Hn* Ka*iislnBta>n. KrIHi s

Thi*:Ha-r still isiiitlniii's to hink tin* Imiisr

thn-a* tlnn*s a ilay. ami It hsiks as If In* was

fisallsh to Kivr up this B“hl iiilm* taa move


to a lu’w h.iuso. and yet that la what he in- tendb doing aa soon us his new Chestnut Str<M-l Theater is tinished. At the stoek houses, l)usiiiess is good. The (iirad an uounces for the i:7th "Cuptain Lettarlilair,'' the Grand, ••Sorrows of Satan;^' the Stan¬ dard, ••The Still Alarm^" and Korepuughs Theater, "The liangers of I’aris." IHe niout's Minstrels are still doing an enor¬ mous husiness, a timely satire on the eoal strike having made an enormous hit. Ai the l)urles«jue houses liusiuess is good. At the Trooadero the attraction underlined for the illih is •'Miss New York, Jr.;" at the Lyceum, ••Black Crook burles<juers, and at the Star, Hobie's ••Knickerbockers.^’ At the Museum business kcH^ps good with vau¬ deville and curios. The Fraukford Theater is doing well with mel<Klrumatlc couiiiaules on three day stand and Currie Uadcllffe Is attracting quite a crowd to the Columbia, where her stock company is very [Hipular. No announcement of bill for the 2<'th has yet been made. The German Company at the Arch Street Theater are putting on two productions a week, and are attracting good silt'd audiences. Bt)B WATT.


Big Business Last Week—E. H. Soth-

ern at the Grand.

laist week ■was. perliajis, the banner the¬ atrical week in the (Juet'n City this season in point of rweipts. Joseph Jeffersttu at the Grand; Itose Melville, in ‘•Sis Hopkins," at the Heuck’s. and I’rimrose and Uock- Htader, at the Walnut, lead in the order named.

(irand. (Kainfortli & Haviln, Mgrs.)—E. H. Sol hern opened at the Grand -Monday night, in ••If 1 Were Klng,^’ to gtK)d busi¬ ness. Mr. Southern is adding many admir¬ ers to his already large following In Cincin¬ nati.

Walnut, (Anderson Ziegler, Mgrs.)—••A Hot Old Time," in which Eddie Weston proves a worthy successor to the part orig¬ inally played by Johnny Kay, is drawing good house*. Ada Henry also makes good in the part fomerly play(>d by Emma Itay. The Y'alto l>uo, dancers, and Mario and Dun¬ ham, triple liar performers, are Introduced* as K(iecialties, and luake go<>d. On the whole, the attraction is a worth.v one.

Columbia, (M. C. Anderson, Mgr.j—The show at the Columbia this week consists mostly of musical turns, and is somewhat tiresome, although relieved by a couple of good acts. Fanny Klee is seen with an original novelty, the same as last year. Fields and YVard, in songs, parodies and funny sayings, make a hit, and the Cole- Itelasse Duo, in slack wire work, show- power in strength and balancing. Others on the bill are: Dorsch and Kussell, J. Aid- rich, Llbbey and Katharine Trayer and the Columbia Trio, all three musical and sing¬ ing turns. The DeForests as graceful danc¬ ers and the biograph complete the show.

Heuck^s, (Heuek & Fennessy, Mgrs.)— “Her Marriage Vow" is playing to big houses. The several characters in the play are well taken by Misses Willie E. Francis, Vlllzaheth Kathbum, Annie Ashley, Eva Benton and Messrs James A. Marcus. W. A. Whltecar, Thomas Irwin, Henry Buckler, Geo. H. Niehols and Louis F. Howard.

Lyceum, (Heuek & Fennessy, Mgrs.)— “The Madman” holds the boards at this popular house, to good business. It is a stirring melodrama, well stagc'd and well worth booking.

Pike Opera House, (David Hunt, Mgr.)— •‘Mrs. Dane's Defense” received its initial Cincinnati production at the Pike Sunday matinee. It is an interesting play and af¬ fords good opportunities for character work. The Pike Stock Company, however, was fully equal to the task, and the per¬ formance given by them was indi-ed de¬ lightful. The title role, namely, ••Mrs. Dane,” is a trying part, especially in the third act, where the secret is elicited from her by a careful cross-examination; hut Mary Hall acquitted herself admirably, and demonstrated her abilities as an emotional actress. Byron Dougl-as also distinguished himself in the above-mentioned act. Other meml»ers of the cast each infused their parts with originality, and consequently each portrayal was a distinct treat. On a whole, the first performance 'was quite smooth, and after a few more the company will surely deliver their lines in a way to please the most exacting. Next week: ••The Little Minister.”

Roblnsou^s, (Corse Payton, Mgr.)—The , Spooner Stock Company is seen to excellent advantage in “The Jilt” this week. The scenic effects are the best seen at Robin¬ son's this season, and the company do Jus¬ tice to them. The performances now b^n with Sunday matinee.

People s, (Heuek & Fennessy, Mgrs.)— I.,awrence Weber's Dainty Duchess Troupe is catching on well at the People’s, and upholds the standard of the house.

ST, LOUIS, MO. It is hard to understand that winter is

near at hand. 'The weather here for the last three weeks has been warmer and bet¬ ter than over half of the past summer. It must. Indeed, l)e sorrowful to the manager of the summer gardens here not to Ite able to open, as they suffered considerably by not getting such days as these. But the old saying. "It's an ill wind that blows no¬ body giKxl," seems to apply to the theater managers of the various house* here, for good business has been the rule since their opening, and more than good at some This we<‘k is the first week since their opening that there Is no opposition, and the class of plays are good, although many of them have In-en seen here before

Mr. Stuart Robson and his voice is with us again at the Century. He has returned to Shakespeare, In which he made hU rep¬

utation, "The Comedy of Errors.” It la aniniiiint'd us a revival, though us u mutter ot tact the piece is not as elalMtrutc as the Kolisoii and Crane prorluctiou, or us the last production, seen' six years ago. The piei-i- has iieeu greatly chauge-il some of tlic -scenes cut out and others shortened, :iiid music made to fill up the gap—and with the exception of the electric light effects,

1 is not as elaliorate us one woulti exp»'ct revivals to l>e. Y'et the audience Sunday niglil was greatly pleusetl, and they were thire in large uumiters, too. in the farce comedy finish at the end of the third act the company made a decidi'd hit, the audi¬ ence applauding for a speech from Mr. Kobson, until they apparently became ex¬ hausted; but Mr. Kobson chose to respond in his lines of the next act. Clifford i.elgh is not as successful in the counterfeiting of Mr. KoI)sou'8 face and speech as his pre¬ decessors in the part; yet he Beem«'d to please ail who saw him. The women in the company are deserving of praise for their work. Eleanor Barry made a pleas¬ ing .\driana; as also Frances Grahame •Mayo and l,aura Thompson. Especial inter¬ est was taken in Miss Thompson, she l>e- ing a St. Louis girl, who has risen rapidly in her profession. The costuming and scenic effects were for the most part elab¬ orate. Business was good. “Liberty Bells” next.

"The Crisis,” with Jas. K. Hackett, is again on view at the Olympic, and the peo¬ ple of St. Louis were there to welcome it Sunday night. The acting of "The Crisis” is greatly Improved since its last visit here, due to the fact that the company has l>e- come eii)erlenced in their parts; otherwise the production is the same as we saw last season. Sunday night's audience was large and intensely interested in watching the players portray life in St. Louis before and during the Civil ar. The play has a great many pretty scenes, and Mr. Hackett Is an ideal Stephen Brice. His acting of the part is exceedingly good, and many curtain calls was his reward. Miss Walker's dia¬ lect has improved, yet she lacks the ri'*l Southern accent so necessary and beautiful to this character. Miss Walker is very pleasing In her love scenes, and with the exception of her dialect would l>e pleasing throughout. The few minor changes in the cast does not change the show any. All in all, "The Crisis” will Interest and greatly please, for it Is a good play, and will get the business on the road as it has in St. I. ouls. Nat Goodwin and Maxine Elliott next.

.Yt the Grand ♦♦pent House this week we have “Spotb'ss Town,” a comedy that has a few bright spots in it and very spotful as to S4mgs and dances and specialties. The piece depends upon the lingual gymnastics of two German comedians, assisted by a large chorus of handsomely-gowned women, who do very clever work. \ full score of specialties come and go throughout the piece, the l>est of which is the Firemen's March Drill and the Electric Comedy Four, who hud a hard time getting away, so great was the applause. The miwt laugh- aide feature of the farce was the Speck Bmhera. Kol>ert Carlin and Nat Brown lake care of the leading roles. The piece is succt'i'dlng with good business; especially large were Sunday audiences, and they gave tile company all that they deserved. Next: "I'p Y'ork State.”

Big Business continues the rule at the Columbia, where there is a good bill, headed bv Janies J. Corbett. There are at least four acts that are above the average and the others are up to the standard main¬ tained at this theater. The bill this week (omprises the following long list: James J. Corbett, Permane Brothers, Raymond and Cavedlv, Edward Reynard, Tom Ripley, Senore'and St. Clair, Marshall and Purdy, Meers Troupe of Three, Adonis Trio. Davis and Macauley, Kennedy and Rooney, Spaulding. Leonzo and the klnodrome. The best of the bill Is Jas. J. Corbett, in stories of his travels. He Is well received and tells them in a most pleasing manner. The Meers Troupe, comedy acrobats; Parmene, Brothers, acrobats, in a sketch that is novel and good, entitled "A Nightingale Court¬ ship.” The bill, as a whole, is an exceed¬ ingly g<s>d one, and the result has been big business.

The succession of convict plaj's does not seem to lesen the enthusiasm at Havlin Theater, where the "Convict’s Daughter” Is playing this week. They opened with two immense audiences Sunday, and are playing to good business all week. It is one of the most Intensely melodramatic plays of the Iluvlin seawm so fur, and it is reiwatlng Its success of past seasons here. Maurice Itrew is the convict and Mildred Hyland the daughter. "McFadden’s Flats” next.

The Imperial Theater held its usual large audiences Sunday. This time with Lincoln J. Carter's "Devil's island” as the attrac¬ tion. The piece has lf>st none of its many Interesting scenes, though this Is its third tlm< here. The ple<s‘ is written on the famous Dreyfus case, and necessarily the Interest shown is not surprising. The <'om- pany is good and give an excellent per formance, and the piece is mounted with splendid sceric effects and accessorli-s. Tii*- pler-e is draw Ing well and it dr-serves it all. “Convict SfriiK's” next.

At the Standard this week we have the “Merry Maidens Burlesqiiers.” and they give ns an excellent entertainment, prob¬ ably the b<>st scfn at this hoa«e this sea¬ son. They o|»ened to Idg ImslneM*. and are continuing in the same way. Home excel- lent acts are In the olio, the feature of which is the .Ncls/in family of acrfdmts, and the following artists appear in the order named: f^»encer Brothers, comedians and dancers; Tourist Trio singing act; Johnson Trio, sketch artists; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hiatt, mnslcai comedy act; and last l>ut not least. Jolly Nellie Haniy, In lliastrated songs. The usual burlesques oi»en and close the show. The scenic effects and co«t«m-

Ing are good, aud a good show all through Buslneas good. ''.MtHtullght. .Maids” next.

Extensive preparations are lieiiig made for what pnanises to l»«‘ the most success fill horse show ever held lu St. Uiuls. The rickets for the opening uight, .Nov. 3, are already sold out. The po.sters aiiuoutielug this eveut have attraeted the poster fad. aud the mauageiiu-iit iliid troulile lu sup plying them owing to a lliiilii-d quaiillly. The horse show, 3 sh<>et, prliiieti bv the Great Western l‘rlulliig Coiupuiiy h«Ve, Is very neat In l>oth design and workiiiaiiship.

w r-k W r\ c.

" I'hc Sultan of Siilu ' stands out tbe most proiulinnt among th,- atlrui tlous tb s W(a-k. I'lils is tiu' eoiiilc o|«Ta that made siu-ii a lilt witit tile Castle Squarv' l>p<-ru Company, in Cliicago. and w liieli ciijoied a run of ttire<- moullis at tlie Stiidebakcr The ater, iu that elty.

Kellar, at the Bijou, is also one of the stiX'Ug features of tlie »e«k. and has lirouglit with liiiii n«‘w Illusions and tricks to astonish the puldle. Kellar has a large following in this eity aud Is always wel¬ comed liy ero»d«*d houses.

".Mrs. itaiie's I>efeuse,” from the pen of Henry .Yrthur Jones, Is the Idll at the Aea demy for the wwk. The Alhamlira has the melodrama, "gueen of the llighuay, ' and the pui-e is exciting enough to suit the most exacting. Sam Scribner s 1 Iger Lilies Burlesquers are at tbe Star.

Standing hkhu only I'his was the greet ing the man lu the box olllee gave those who wanted to get seats Sunday night for

I he Sultan of Sulu, w hieli o|>eu<'d up the Davidson for an engagement ot one week Ihe long run that the ois-ra had in Chl- t'ttgo, aud tbe fiatteriug press notices that t l-as been receiving from the newspapers.

out the earlj, and there Were no seats to Ik' had after 7 Ji't "ihe Sultan of Sulu” is all that the pres*

agtut has elalm*-d for it, and Is eho< k full of lut's aud funny situation-. Irank Moulau, who plays the part of Kl Kam. is a comedian of the first water, aud haa hta audience iu a uproar wheueter lie ia on the stage. .Maude l.illlan Berrl, who was here

■ist season in "Brim ess t hie." takes the role of Henrietta, and makes it one of the most refreshing parts lu the iqM-ra. Her voice is very pleasing. The chorus Is full of pretty girls, who have good voii'es aud who are gkdng good work in helping to make the opera as popular as it U. The stage set¬ tings are elaborate and of the liest, while the ctMtumes arc- of the prettiest. "Wiaird of Oz next wt-ek.

'■guwn of the Highway' is pleasing im- meusjly at the Alhambra. Crowded houses ^111 IK tUe rule for the week, ns m l^r^e followluK of the Alhamhm like thU vUm

aitractlou U "Zigzag Alley, which plays for one week, cuiumenc- ing next Sunday. -meuc

Kellar is mystifying his audience* at tbe Bijou thi^s w^k i.y the many new aud clever tricks that be is doing this season. Ilia tricks aud Illusions are always original and always worth set'lug.

The business has been good *o far this wjK'k, and will, no doubt, continue so. Otis fbayer A Co., in "Swec't Clover, " is the attraction next week. iitis Thayer was with tlie Davidson Dpera Company last s«-a son. when it play«-d all summer at the I'a- vldson Theater, iu this city.

Ihe society drama, “Mrs. Dane's I>e- fj'asc, \n the hill the ThAOhouaer Htock Company is putting on this week at the Academy. Miss Evelyn takes the title role of Mrs. Dane, and I* making quite a hit by doing the same good acting that she al¬ ways dot's with parts entrusted to her The b.slance of the cast, composed of the Than- houser Company, are helping to make the play a success by the close and careful at¬ tention they are giving the different char-

that they impersonate in the piec-e. Ihe eostunies are good, and several pretty ones are worn tbronghout the action of the |day. The stage settings are fine, aud show the careful arrangement of the stage man- *g^r, who has looked after every little de¬ tail and baa made the settings perfect Buslnei-s Is always good at the Academy. Manager Thanhouser has got the ladles of Milwaukee into the habit of coming to aee his company every week, and It se<'ms like they never will get out of that habit. .Next play, **A Haoh4*lor’a IfoneyriKKni.**

The Tiger IJliea is the tiurb-sque attrac¬ tion at the Star this week. It Is conipo*. .1 of the iiKiial opening and cloaing biirlesqnes, which are somewhat better than those that have lo-f-n st'eii here for a while back TUe ofs'iilng liurlesqne. "Her Sister,” ha* a giKKi many laughs In if for the andlencn. and together with the songs that are sung make It very enjoyable. The olio Inclnd*-* < ooiK'r and Keynolds, who have been seen at this house l>efore with the High Uollem. They do s g'HKl tnm, and get their share of the applause that was passed around fhrongboiit ‘he entire show “Wink Vsn Itipfde * Is the name of the closing travesty, and It glv*-* the girls a chance to "inske gfKKl " I.y their singing, etc The l.iirlesqne has good things in It that the audi ence st>|K-arert to enjoy Bnsine** Is g(Kid. Bryant's Extravaganza Company next.

The G.-rinan Stork Companr. which holds the l><.*rda at the Babat Theater, In this eify, is to gl\e wsv next Thursday, Friday and Sjfurday nights to Mrs FIske, who will give the Initial te-rf.irmanee of her new f.lav. "Mary of Magdala." on these nights The eomtmnr Inelnde* |{>Me Ky- t'nge Id.s Hamilton. Tyr.ine I'ower, Henry Wfeelruff M .1 Jordan. Jas Y'rnng. Heott Craven Max FIgman. Frank M«-Cormae|i and Kliiney gmlth as fh«- prinelpal memt.ers r.f the east, whieh Ineindes t.e«ldes several minor rf.les and an extra foree of people as au[K'rnnri.erar1ea.


WHEELING, W. VA. t'ourl lliculer -"'I'he .Messenger Moy,”

Get. J"'. lualliict and night. Oct. ;I7, Blanch Walsh us Saluml.u, lu Hiaulslaus new pla), ' I'lic Itaughtcr uf llamllcar ”

loik .Mute i oiks, Oct. 31 Nov. 1 liraiid Opcia lluiise 'Beyond Barduu,”

Oct 1'7 two inatluccs. "A l.lllle Out last," Oct. mt Nov. I, two matinees. l.lllle .\iine Blaiii'hc as Bub.

"Arlzina, " at the Court Tlicatcr, Oct. at, was marked as a rtsl letter engagement by lhiat<-i goers w bo wltuesM'd the perform amv of this excellent play. '‘Arlauua ' baa lis ■icciicB IU Ihe plcluremjue Suulhwesleru tcrrituiy, who h Is now asking at the hands ot t uiigteeH the dignities of Matchood. it Is by no means a wild and woolly luelu- Uiuma. and although It Is replete with silirlug a.'llng snd emliraces one trsgle cll- msx. It Would probably cialui luelodramatic clu%slUeallou were It not relieved by a pic tuiesquc ruluauce The company wbuli came heic is practically tbe same as that whlih had (Kirt of the long ruu at the Aiudcmt of .Music, aud played to H. K. O. houses, the mcmliers uf the cumpauy were trcdcrick Watson, llallie Foley, Uapley Holmes, Sydney .Yluswoltb, Juba Drury, Kllxubclb l.a'e, Alice t'baudler, M. J. Maus held, .Miguou FiHiter, Ellaabetta Frtdicb.

l.lui'vlu J. Carter's "Darkest Hour” played to 8 K O.

W illiam 1. Roberta' cttlot la! play, “At \ alley t orge," was oflerxrd for tbe Brat time in tills city at tbe Grand Opera House, Oct. JU, and baa acblexrd tbe greatest sutcos of any play yet written by this young author. Mr. Roberta' play Is praised fur Its pure tour, iM-autlful seutimeni and strong natural tMlriuilsui. it la drawn from a time wbtu our country was la Its infani-t, aud has to do with a dashing yuuiig \aptalu of the Continental forces and the pretty daughter uf a Colonel In the sen Ice uf King George III Tbe piece p.issessi* a Wonderfully tender heart story, and as it progreasea there la shown tbe workings of a moat Intricate plot. Meaors. ilsY'-s A Co are reported as bating mount¬ ed the piece lu a moat elaitorate manner, aud tbe cast la entirely in keeping with tbe txeelleiicv Of tbe production and tbe re¬ quirements uf tbe piece Itself Tbe featnre part is lu tbe bauds of Mias Juaephine Fuy, w bo has made tbe greatest ancceaa of bee cart-er lu the stellar rule uf this play. Mat¬ inee* 'luc«day and Wednesday to a fair boust'.

That merry b.Mige podge, ''Mam'aelle ’Aw- klns,' full of tbe brightest Kualc and Im¬ mensely funny throughout, was presented at the tiraiid Oin-ra House, Get 'J3 33. Tbla i-en-nnially laqiular mnslcai comedy is now ill its fourth season Manager Georgv K- W'hltc has givi'n it an entirely new produc¬ tion. and tbe Idggest In point of well known actresses and eburns that It baa yet bad There Is no denying tbe attractive i.ess uf this piece its merrlmeai la In- fe-'tiuns and Irreststable, and Its sprtghtll nc*a Is a f.-atnre that baa not twen neglect¬ ed Tbl« Utter uoallty, however, never reaches tbe point of letng offensive. Mati- D)e* on Friday and Batnrday. 8. U O.

Mr Kyle will give np "Nathan liaie” in a few wei-t;« for another play. "Betticoai* and Kayonets," In wbirfa be will ap|>ear for tbe rest of the sa-ajw.n, and if It proves a siicess will retain It for next year. "Bettl- cont* and Bayonets" U not new It was irlisl aud played su<-ceaafally by Nat Good¬ win alM.iit seien Tears ago. but that popu¬ lar aetnr did not like the character In tne new play very well, gave It up after one season, returning to "A Gold Mine " It was later taken up hy Arthur Byron, and waa presentecl here by him teat seaaon lit the GiM-ra House

Sugg.'stion has Iwen made that tbe Opera lloiiH.' on-h.-stra change Its name now to the Court Theater Band, or aometbing as appropriate. Not a •>*<! Iilea. Tbe Opera Mouse is no more, and the orchewtra is too giKvi an organItatloD to hold on to a name that is no more

"Tlie Fatal Wedding ' Is booked to return to tbe Grand In Felirnary Howard Kyle will also pndiably retnm atM>ut tbe same time In "Bettleoats and BayonHa."

BUFFALO. N. Y. Star, (John K. Sterling. Mgr l Mrs. Ijk

Moyne ap|>eare<l In her new play, "Among Those Bri-sent," seorlng a bit and securing good loisliiess. Is'Uls Maun nil<‘d out the latter p:irt of the week In ‘'Hoeb the Con¬ sul;" Btleiidanee cxeellenl. "Ben Hiir" Comes tii-t. 37 for two weeks. To follow: "Way Down Ksst." “FlopKli'ni.’' Josi-ph

Jefferson and "Soldiers of Fortune.” Teek Theater. iJ'ihii Uiiighlln. Mgr.)—The

Castle S«|iiare G|M'rn Company ojK-ned Ihe past wi-ek a alx week's season of grand o|M-ra. representing a re|>erlolre of eleven o|M'ras "II Trovotore" and ••Faust" was the Idll Get. 20'Jo. rnderlliied "l,oheiigrln" iind "Bohemian Girl."

Academy Ttiealer. (Dr Beter C. Cornell. I<ocal Mgr t "ttniy a Sloqi tilrl” walled on a large eontliigi-llt of tieket piireliaser* the pnsl week. l,ove and hate and vice and vlr- liie Were well sliowii up by a s'aiidard com¬ pany, headed l>y. I,«itlle W'lllUiiia. "The Coiiiiterfeller*” showed up their little game to nlglit, with a giMMi showing for the week.

Lyceum Tlieaier. (E W. Gviatt, Itiia. Mgr t • ttiir .New Minister," a rural drama, that bad a big call at Ihe Teek last aeason, did a large iMisInesa the past wei'k. The cast Included Jotin Terrlss, John Barker, Chas Hleiliiinn, lioiilse Bleri'e, Ethel IlnMike and oGiers of last year's eoiniisiiy "It Waa I p to Abadlaii " and ''l,os| In the iH'serl" lind a Idg railing tonlgiit. "Happy Holll gall " to follow

l,sfByette 'Ihealer, (Chaa. Baggs, Mgr.) - AI. Reeves' Big |liirles<|ue Company fur nlslied a giHMl allow the paat week Huai- nesa away up Andy l.ewls A Co. led the

I olio. Maaaa and Moaett, |,oulse Aulier, the


Auii-iii-an Quartette, iHiiiKinaa and Hurd, ledite, Jaiiiea li. Maooln, the Newell Hlatera, Itetia and Uejruolda and lliigh Ma<'k, Teter Uandall and aereral oth

J. Kulllran, I Khonid lx- made of the atnsre manattenient, I erly preKi-nted. Mr. •Illinore havin

Al. Ki-e»ea did aoine excellent turna. Fia-d. era nnalat In prodiiclns the fun Anna Held llni;. Next. Mnaon and Maaon. iind*T the direction of Jamea Par- I rounded liiniseit with an all-star east.

Irwin's Majeatles opeiieil to iilKht to the { followa. • iaenoa-l’idiack Sio<-k t'l inpaiiy tilled in the

iiHiial crow da Krt-d. carries a ico<mI phow. Innkln'a I toidans Nov. li a

Shea's «iard<-n Theater, (M, Shea, M(tr.)—

flirt H Theater, <A. It, IVItoii, MKri-The iiahinev; of He week a Music Hall (lierhard Ulrich, Mgr.) The ’‘James Boys In Missouri" Is holdini; the thrlllini; and hair-raising plays, which was

MnsearnI Italian Opera ('ompany made Its hoards at this house, playing to a hig house the signal for voeifer.nis applause from the Shea, Mgr.)— ; Initial Im>w In this city before a very large at every is rformanee. ./ohn Aliltott Is seen gallery every iilglit. Bert Oagnon. with his “. ‘ and fashionable audience. The company in the role of Jessi- Jamea, and hla work la 'tustrateil (lieture songs, made a hit at

contains a very large cast and a well train go<el. while Harry Purdne la seen In the 'cry pertornninee, having a clear tenor Business here reiiialus kimmI, and the people, j and fashionable audience. The company In the role of Jessi- Jamea, and hla work la consisting of Koreat, Bert Shepard, Jules contains a very large cast and a well train go<el. while Harry Purdng la aeen In the wild Tills »•wrrlle■u, Mary Idiiek, Bussell ed ehnma. The opi’nia present^ were ; lole of Frank James. Harriet La-e la aeen vedee, which showed to good advaiituge. Bros., Kretto Family, Frank Keenan, Boss "/.anetto" and •'t'avalleria Kuatlcana'* and I in the role of Jennie Summers, and her Htt' t'astellaiies. In their "eyele whirl” act. Nauyun and tropical birds and the klneo graph were pleaaing. ttpi’nlngs tonight were .Marie Pressler, Feciiow'a t'ats. Holly Tri’c Inn, Wartenlierg Bros., /axell and Ver¬ non and others, with lirigbt prospeeta fur the week.

work U Neley and Mallery, the the tujinutrjj and one of the ^roat fea rhasM** Thont^r, (J. Albert YonDf, a<*r<»butK. wor** very clever. The pl^e la tjjr^*** of the show. Paper is up licralUin^

William <ilUctte'a •’Becret Swrlce** la pre- well fH|iiip|MMl from a scenic standpoint. Iroa., As fell and \ er- | wnted liy the atock company this week- lirigbt prospects for Mr. tltlinore has dlstlngulahed himaelf aa

the coming nest week of the ever-popuhir Alcazar Theater, (Frank Bradatreet. Mgr.) Barlow Bros.’ Minstrels, and as our friend The Two HoTiba are presenting the mu J A. Coburn has with him a number of

( aptaln Thome; he makes a good Imprea- sleal eoinevly, "Th» Sleeping Beauty and 'vell-kuown favorites, every indication Fenton's Theater, Kiej) Shady Mgr.)—The | sioii In the twrt.' Kdlth Vamey, as enacted the Beast,” as a curtain ralaer; Jean Mon- to a sucewsful engagement.

rivoll Ihe^er, tt^-hmldt A thin. Mgm.)— ineliy” la the attraction this week. This poylc and Moo^ Beatrice Salmon. Marie | ,,r,sluctl«n Is alwaya popular, and never l.a Blanche Lillian Monts and the tireat , f,||. to S. B CL "I^st Blver” fol- t'avana had giMsl business the psst week. ' p.^s

ST. THOMAS, ONT. New (Iraud Opera House, (Geo. Stacey.

nouucing the succes.sful outcome of an oper¬ ation performed on him at Mobile, Ala., and i-tatlng that he would be In his usual good health in a very abort time, which i.s very

The music has been rewritten. I able hands. McKinney Bros. Minstrels, thing in sight, and simply packed and

oration Inside and out, and lie run aa strict ly flrs*-class, at popular prices, with drama tie and stock companies.

NEW ORLEANS. LA. Tulane. H'ol, W H Bowks, Mgr.)—“A

K< yal Family" Is the bill. The exijulslle daiutlncs of this splendid •'omoly, capa¬ bly |M>rtniy«-d by Mi*s IVny Haawell and

if mirth and mel.xlv to keen'the audience < hauiplen and Boh Rice. The comedy part Mr. Bichard Golden and a capable com In « nnll^r the sh^ |7 dm wing large was hUked after by Read and Hoffman and pany in ’Foxy Qulller ' to the banner busi !"o” Ne^YorV^Sta^^ ranipbell and Camphell. The Imr^rlal

rr admirable c.iiipany. I. call forth the I • ondodex with «. -t fatorahle comment fn.m the faablun

The Pramallc Agency." and I F Reed, the Bartelll Family. danelne exm-rts and high-class acrobats. ifL (Huff & McNeil, Lessees and Mgra.)— were a.I fiiwt-class The large aodlence was After lieiug dark the entire week. Oct IS

• !*lr thffllrr C’***r» N>w sed 'inehlenis d«-riptlve of the mo^ than pleased with the entire ‘^Vh ^he^'^J^meT OrTm^^^^^

,,Ve7nT7w"whrcl.''rtT''^:^ us ''nnncomTx. opera nonse. (George Stacey

and sp*-. laity nnmtiers partirlariy good. ton ‘ket. hew was pranced here Oct. 23

tVuuIng U.x-k of tht. rft. "A .Stranger In Neit week. Hcrr^nn the Gi^t. New Volk" and ".A Trip to Chinatown.” Moroseo's Rnri>ank Theater. ((Ml^r Mo-

Audnb<>ii, (11. C. Fenton, Mgr t-TTia Bald mwev lessee and **' win Melville Jiliwk Company preM-nted this Mr Janies F MactWnald. In the Jolly week Mark Twaln'a "I'^dd'nnead Wilson." eily snceess. ••llelloo Bill. It Is a thor- lo standing ns>m only. Miss .A Gardner, onghiv Indlerons farce, and was given to In the leading nde. Is admired by all the- houses, scores of people standing

ST. JOSEPH. MO. P<xith Theater. (C N Phlllev. Mer.T— ctoher 14. "The Bellk of New York" et wPh a pood hns*n<-«s. Oeti»her2 1^

with the t?pooner Liramutic Company, whb will remain for two weeks.

J. K. I’HILLIPOWSKI. i’KI.N< KTO.Ai, lNO.--An aerie of eagles

will be instituted here soon, and It la re¬ ported that In the early spring they will put on the street fair. There will be a Jolly lot of fellows belong as charter memben. Wednesday, Oct. 23, The High class theatri¬ cal event of the season was given at the Opera House. Madam Elsie Oe Tourney's presentation of the well known tragedy, ■■-'lary, Queen of Scots." The history of •Mary Stuarts’ sad life by Madam De 'Tour¬ ney was entirely acceptable. Her l>eauty and talents fully equip her for the ditScult

'tnrphv snd s capsh'e compsnv. In I task, making her an ideal "Mary.” Her

ater goers of New Orleans Ml»s Ilnnt. fhrooghnnt the perfo' f.*nu«'rly with The Baldwin Melville Stock hv the entertsinment CoinpsDV. has signed with the tirand Opera Oriihenm. lErtc P' Honse ^f«< k Cumpany. AA'«ek of Oct. 26. Blccolxino and his "The Monteli.vuk " maile good: Ne<1 Wav’

Grand 0|»Ta House. (11 Grs-enwall. Mgr.) flft.en girls, headed h

onghiv innienms lai^. ann w«s i Trr.oncence." were greeted by s large manner was calm and dignified throughout crowd.d snd spnreelstlve and'enee. Mr. Mnrphv the play, and every act was a clever one. throoghont the performanee. well aatuneo nsnal. well received and annianded The play Is well cotttumed throughout, and

*”’>..**’7 11 w \Mmr\_BVetalll bv s nnmher of cnrtaln calls. .After the the support was far above the average. On Orphenm. <Ertc Polu*^ M»r »—rtwieiii favored the audience Thursday night the same company gave the

BIccolMino with several np-to-date Jokes -menarn i.'ucutf«s uon i are; or tne uuke’s Uoney- made good: Neil wavhnrn s Joekey t mn eomosuv. Oet, 2n. Mason and moon.” in wbk-b Madam l>e Tourney again nft.a-n girls, headed hy Countess > on tia^- vsson, Oet, 21 22, "All on Aceonnt of ^ored a hit. Next attractions booked are

“liuchess Lion’t are; or the Duke's Money-

Tlie doini-sile niehdrama. "Woman feMt the S'ankee Comedy Fonr, vocalists, ^ _ u* i,uiu so» n Against Woman." Is a palhetl.- st..ry which and O K Roto, a tramp Jnggler. completes ^nenni Theater. (C. N. Phlllev. Mgr>- 'At Valley Forge." Nov. 25.’ "Rip 'Van apiM-nls to every one and shows to what the newcomers Holdovers are Avery sya- riiase-T ester Theater Comnsnv. In ".4 Winkle.” A. K BURTON sn(Tirinc and mlw ry one lan Iw hntaght by Vos.h. prlma donna soprano; Frederick „ from Kokoma” and "A Friendlv Fn . ___ the revenge of another Wis k of Oct. 26. Rrothi Ts and Bums, novelty mnslcsl com_ n),red to a fair hnsiness Oct 1« in ANTKR, 0.-Chestuut Street Opera The Grand Opera Stork Company will pre edians. Collari’s amusing midget.-, mnd OarPng sketch team made •*'»>»**• (Gw W. Tannehlll, Mgr.)—The sea-

„ „ H«ke and McDonongh. In "BInxy'a Ro- ^ Snwanee River” an hYl' " has L. Bray, mance " , ^ . neared to rood honses Oct. 17-1S. Stella k') ““‘1^ hlle the weather waa

Idently In for a ('hnfes Park and Theater. (Henry Koch, was easHv the '‘P seventy-five ol andienemi this M,fr = M'.ek of Oct 20. the ontdoor pro- r^IroCte and received eonstderaMe ann’anse folding chairs, and even then turned full of original crsni of sports on the lake. Pl^nnjs novf« ‘”.A Bnneh of Kevs" plaved to a ^**ason to date has bwu

leva and Bailey the Klei trie Fountain and Prof. Rahe a nn,lr.ess Oet 10 20 with the S R O ***** **l*t«''y tbe bouse, and It

E"ie ” Oct 2r>. T.vcenni Theater. (C. N. Phlllev. Mgr i—

Tne Chase-T ester Theater Comnsnv. In ".4 Alan from Kokoma” and "A Fr*endlT Fn etnv ” olaved to a fair husiness Oet, 1t-1*5

Nov. 8, "The I’ower of Truth.” '.At Valley Forge.” Nov. 25; “Rip Van

Winkle.” A. K. BURTON.

LANCASTKR, O.—Chestnut Street Opera

s«-nt "The iTiriatlan.*' liske «

SI. Charles Orphenm. tObas K. Bray, mance ' Mgr V—The Ohphevim Is evidently In for a Chute

receive many eoenres on their Iniratahle

Mgr »—The Ohphevim Is evidently In for a Chutes Park and Theater. (Henry Koch, xfsThem a run of large and well nleastil andiencea thia Mjff ; \4'tek of Oct 20. the ontdoor pro- „j., Week, for the new Mil Is full of original erani «f sports on the lake, living picture* rjovt's "4 and enteiianing acts. <Geneva and Bailey the Kleitrie Fountain and Prof. Rahe’a 1,^.^ hnsir.(

cake walkng Spnirow. the Necaros and tnrge crowds In the theater there are old the Ilannony Fonr bring ditwn ibr houae tr attractions. Including Roberts, with eometlv work A Werner Is one of the smIDx snd Company, singing, dancing and

xhBdtIoo In the Zoo continue to draw dl«P>avcd at hoth Snndav perform tree crowds In the theater there air old "Wesrv WMBe Walker.” fVt. 22 23

busiest men of the Giidienm atalT robatlc comeillans; Flora Gentile. In new M Charley, the Impreaaaiia of the French „p,.ratlc songs; Cora Allte. the midget sing-

opera, ha* taken pas^ge on the steamship dancer Fred Ford, lyric tenor: La Savoie, of the French line, to leave \meBta In classical pones, and the Havre l»ct is. and his troupe will f.dlow M,ru,;,m« In’ a langhahle sketch, entitled ; mcnclng Oct Nov 1. KITorts were made to have the • lovers” opera aeason oiu-n a week earlier than first I’nio,,,. Theater. iZalle A Henti. Mgrs 1 - Manned In order to furnish entertainment p,.n>onl sonhrette and character for the thousands who will he In New Or ,(,.i|n,.„tor l« the week's attraction at the leans at the time attending the bHnker*' j-rb and Frh will present a new and other convention* If was certain that replete with Instrumental and vocal

suees, "Wesrv Willie WSIKcr. ' «»CT. -gg-.21

"The Night Before CVris^ms*..” Oc* 2« 27. JKSSF. 3 W AGNER.

RROOKI.VN, N. Y. AmelHa. In classical poees, and the The tbestr'est program for the week com

VroTifAVnte" Rns«Ml'7n "The Girl ***s>r," Oct. 28; "The Gates of Justice,” Oct. 31; "A Little Outcast,” Nov. 4; Car-

extra folding chairs, and even then turned them away. The season to date has been the l»est In the history of the bouse, and It liHiks like it will continue. Fred. Bay- uioiids "Old Arkansaw" was the last at¬ traction to play here Oct 22. with the ever- popular young manager. Will Lindsey. Mr. Raymonds Company was good throughout and secenery and effects excellent. Onr next attraction Is Lincoln J. Carter’s "Fast .vlail,” another one of the old reliables. Some attractions to play soon are: "Next

"Irish lovers” Moufai’k.—.4i Unloue Theater. iZalle A Henti. Mgrs.1 - Judge

('nmllle PersonI, sonhrette and riiaracter .Ampbton. ‘"1 ■tellneator. I« the week's attraction at the Crsnd —“Thr Cnlnnc Frh and Frh will present a new Follv.--"Txvvf

large retnm* winild l»e had from *nch a 1 en Mclellan. the Dutch comedian. week The transatlantic rates aw divided , „ rentrllooulst. varr their Into summer and winter rate., the latter Hosing with new Rhy.Hvpe pictures, Iwglnnlng Not L Now It made « <«lffcr M.xlern Wmvdrnen of Amer enee of $l.u*« In the expen-.^ of moving the ^ Carnival, he r^inpany and •« *n. h a pri.-e It was not Oet 21. lasting nine dsrs thi'iighl to Ite profitable to make the change D W FERGUSON

Malor J. M Burk, irpresenllng Buffalo Bin's Wild AA’est, la In the city. -


BALTIMORE, MD. .Aeademy of Music, iMeaara. Nixon A Zlm-

OENVER. COL. The attenilanee at the various placrs of

amusement has l*een rerv good: the dlffer- en* attractions have hecn up to the atand-

mernian, Mgra.I Harry B Smith and Gna nrd KerkeUa nineh heralded ptavlnctlon. "Th* llr.xt.twaT Theater iPeter Mct'onrt. oet is The sndien.T was very entnu 1 j.,, Company played to very good Billionaire.” with the popular favorite. Mr Mgr > The Tivoli Opera 1 ..mpanv began Its Castle thronrhonf the performan^ As G' i.nH,,,-,... Oct 2.5 Many notable attne- Jrruine Hyke*. al the head la the entertain- ...-.•..n-l an.t last week'* engagement at this costumes and scenerv the production Ir nietit fitr the week The eometllan'a enter h..u*e "The Serenade" Ix'lng pres. nte.1. well enninped. and their p»p..r Is also np tr tabling ahllltlea are well known here, and Mr F-rrls Hartman wa* seen In the trie the standard. The nrices during this ^

.Ampblon. “The Sh tw Girl" Grsn.l —“The White Slave.” FoIIv.--"Txtver’s T.ane.” llv.l." ,A Behman's.—Vaudeville Ornheum. V-iudcvllle. Co''a — "The Sirsnclers of P.arls " mtnn.—" 4 Contented Witman” p-.r1r, -”Xt*.f. to Atsn " fjofhum.—"Cud.' Tom’s Cst.'n” Rlsrev's —“Slaves of Go'd." Par ton's. "The Nominee." 'The Star, Gavetv and Unique will he given

over to hnrlesqners. JACK CHISHOT.M

RALEIGH. N. C. Academv of Mnslc. (R. C. Rivers Mgr i

Adela'de Thnrsfon nla.ved to g.tod hns'ness Oet IS The andieniT was very enthu

tcr’s "The Madman, " Nov. 7; "Shooting the Chutes.” Nov. 11; "Romeo and Juliet.” Nov. l.">; "tlld Itan Tucker,” Nov. 17; "A Desper¬ ate Chance.". Nov. 20; ' .Mrs. I'lasterer of Paris." Nov. 24; "The Eleventh Hour, Nov. 2t‘s and "Are You a Mason,” Nov. 2y.

CL ARKSVILLli:, TENN.—The absorbing topic of the day which has set the popu¬ lace's heads awhlrl. Is the coming Elks* Carnival, to be held here Nov. .3-5. Big preparations for the big event, which will eclipse former ones. Is now on. This city and snrrouii.liug ones are being heavily billed. The Robinson and Bostock carnival eoinpauitxi will hold down the monster Mid¬ way arena. Jas. T. 'Wood, the manager. Is leaving no stone that will prevent this from being the gala event ere the close of the s«‘ason. Elder's Opera House—"King

sc.-on-l snd last week's engsgemonf st this rostumes snd scenerv. the production Is bouse "The Serensde" l»elng presente<1. well eqninped. snd their p»p«'r Is also np fe

COST! mes 1^0 cent rv 11» I n i 1 ii _ tlons on the Imards for Novemlier, among

well »•>''«' >**‘>"f T"“ Murphy. . J Martin, the the The nr!_ 'rj’Ld no caiulv man. has just reopen»Hl his elaborate

sre drawing crowded homw* The ac;ncry of the Duke of Santa Cma; he To «'"*** ai.d^vltes the profes Is very elslmrmte and the coatnming la mag I 'c hi* IteHhs 4 Davis was seen to »*x>*t Tx>rd Strathmore pisved here Oet. 20. to ^ "Kandj nlficent The eompany la very large, con¬ taining many heantifni girla and a well- trained chorna. Jnlla Marlowe will follow

Ford’* Cpera Honae iChaa K Ford. Mgr > The Four t'ohana are the attraction thIa

sdmntare as Dolores As Yvonne, Mis* * smsM house The show was good snd Annie Mvers provml s favorite Carl esrrle<l soeclnl scenerv Prices wer»' Wi Forme* s* the Tailor, and Edward Wehh tents to J1 50 "Wise Woman

^ sloii to pa.v him a visit to the "Kandy -ox Kitchen." where "The Bllll«>ard" Is alwava

on rtle. JOHNSON

as the broken down actor, were hoth ex- 24; Barlow and Wllson'a Mlnatrels. Oet 25; (Tl ARl.KsrON. W. V.A.—Burlew Opera i-ellent Mr Frrvl Cavanagh deserve* Rivsfon Ideal Opera Company. 0<'t 27 30; House. <N. S. Burlew. Mgr.)—Oct. 10, Qnlii- mentlon for hl« work Next, Tim Mnrphv Pe*er B.aker t'.-'mpanv. 0,'t. 31 Ian A W.aU’s Minstrels gave their first per- ^ct. 31 Ian A W.aU’s Minstrels gave their first per-

- formance In onr city since they organixcil. FI.\_Bnrhrldge's They .are a clever aggregation of players Bnrbridge. Mgr.t and dc<crxing of success. Oct. 14. under

week This popular quartette of player* mention for hi* work Next Tim Mnrphv Pe*er B.aker t .■>mpanv. 0,-t. 31 Ian A Wall’s Minstrels gave their first per- have Iwen appearing In this city for many TsW Grand (Peter McConrt, Mgr>- - formance In onr city since they organlxtsl. veara. and never fall to receive a warm "The Bdle of New York" Is the MU at thl* J kt'KNONA II.I.F.. FI.\. — Bnrhrldge's They are a clever aggregation of players Slid hearty reception Thl* aeaaon's com p.omlsr house Ml*s Flove Re-lle-lg*' ap- \,.w Theater. (Jas O. Bnrbridge. Mgr.t and deserxing of snceess. Oct. 14. under pany Is the l*eat the Cohans have ever had i»ear>>.1 as the Salvation ArtfU Taissle. and t'aul Gllmoix' and ciunpanv. In ".4 I'vranny the guise of the Herald Sbjuare Opera Com- A host of clever ■'omedlana *n(1 a bevy of her Indx'rsonatlon was g<vv1 As lehabod ,\f Tears." niaved to goxd business after Itany. dlixsi from New York, a small eoin- lovely girl* keep the andlence In an uproar Bronson. Mr Nisi Nve’s work wa* well ap- n<s n snd night of Mond.-iv of this wts-k. and pany. gathered from everywhere, tried to of tanghter from the atart to the finish areelatisl Miss Marie R.xse a* Flfl scored having a lav off day. remained In the cltv pnolnce "The Mascot." Oct. 18. "Princess Besides the star* Mia# Rthel lo'vv. Will well Harrv Tmax aa Harry Bnmaon wa* until AV.’sInosday morning. The ahow while Chic." one of the prettiest operettas on the II Sloan. William Keongh. Oartroda Rut seen to rful tdvantar' Spt'cUl mention online f-w a siusll cast, was ably and clev- atage, was given hy Myron and a strong

i»ear>>.l as the Salvation .Arm, Tjisale. and t'sul Gllmoix' and ciunpanv. In ".A I'vranny the guise of the Herald Sxjuare Opera Com- A host of clever ■'omedlana anti a bevy of her Indx'rsonatlon was g<vxd As lehabod I ,\f Tears." Maved to coxi business after litany, dlnxi from New York, a small eoin-



i'iiiii|>;iliv III ;l ..I h'lilfio. Sworal rtf th«

iiiiis.i'iil Inns arc vitv sui-nt ainj

'ati'liy. anil wnri' ri'nilnri'il in an a lniivalilr

inannnr. Oi*t. (’lyili* l-'ifrirs hisfiiriral

llama. ■'Natlian Main." was in-nsniilisl liy

IlnWiinl Kvin anil stmiii' nniniiaiiv Miss

I'lniniii n Siii.vlli as .\lli n .\ilanis Is wnll

ailaptml for ilial nlianii-ti r, in wliinli sin-

i|s|iia.\s linr aliililins as an ailmss. <>nt.

ilm sniisallrtiial innlniirania, "'I'lin Mains

Ilf .liistinn," In fair iliiilsn.

•lUSKni SCilWAlt.

I'K \M<i''OIIT. IM>. I'nliiinliia Tlinatnr

Mniini.iily spnakilli;. Iinsini“ss at llin I'n

li'inliia Inis Imnii vtinsl ami tlin a 11 rani inns

alinvn (III- avnrai:n. .\l. II. Wilsnii, in ■■'I'Ih'

|•linln nf ■I'allnis." ilrnw a t;nni| liniisn anil

liavn nxnnllnlll .sa I isfa nl i ill. "Mr. .Inlly rtf

.Inlint" kn|lt a lai;:n aililinllnn in a nnlllillll-

iins mar. «in|. I<!. <>ni. 17. niil.x a fair slr.isl aililinllnn saw nlln nf till- |irnltinsl pla.VS nf

illn snasnn ill "laiM-r's l.ailn." lint. Jll, t’li-

Inii^il l.ailins' .Mil.tary Itanil: fair liniisn,

lii'nk’i'ain pinil "Tlin lAH Kyn" ilrnw min

nf tlin laiirnst linllsns nf llin siaisnli. 'I'liny

n.irry a .narlisiil nf snnnnry ami ninntrinal

nITnnIs. aiiil tlinir nliyairniilnnl linrn iiavn nx

inllniit satlsfantinn. tint. L’l. K'/.ra Kniiilall.

in "'riin Vinni'iir r.nynr." wus cns-tnil liy a

lamn aililinllnn. anil Ji|i||;ini; fmin llin trn

inniiilniis a|i|ilaiisn nvnrylinily was |ilnasnil

.Mr Kniiilall rns|inni|nil tn a mirtaiii nail in

a vnry yvitty littln sis-nnli tliat lirnuKlit

liiiwii tlin llnusn. \V. S. Ml IMMtl*.

II\KKISItl NM. I*\. U|inra llmisn. l\.

A|i|inll. Mcr.i itni. 17, "'I'lin Mnssniii;nr

Uiiy." Iinailnil liy Kraiik Unshnii, was jjlvnii

a rnyal wnliniiin. lint tlin slinw was vnry

piMir' Unt. IS, "Mlnkny I'iiiir’ iilayisl to

fair lirtiisns at lintli |>nrfrtriiialinns, tint. 'Jl-

Kitty Ifrtlinr <'rtiii|iany ilrnw liiu limi.sns

all wnnk. Unt. 1!1, Anna llnlil. in "Tim

l.iltln iMmlinss,” liail llin linst liniisn so far

tills snasnll. 'I'lin slinw is itihmI. Mr. Ma-

rinii rnnni\«Ml linart.v a|i|ilaiis(‘ in li«“ll

SIstnr Xnll llnaril I’aiinrnwskl IMay:" also

.Miss llnlil ill till* “Sailin'’ snn;r. "'rim Mirl

Willi tlin Itrnaniy Myi*s" anil "t lilis' " t'niii

liii;; tint. '^7. "Kim.; Itmln:" Uni. “s. "1111111-

Inff for Hawkins;" tint. ••|•■oxy Mrainl-

pa.” with JiMi Mart anil t'arrin Itn.Mar in

tlin InailiiiK rolns: tint. .'ill. Wlllianis anil

Walknr. in "I talimnny." w liinli is a arnat

slinw. anil will no limilit iln a lii;; Inisiimss:

tint. :ii, ".Vrizniia;" .\nv. 1. t'lias. .\. Maril-

„nr. K- S .MARKS.

sl’KINMI'IKI.n. Hill. I'lialtnrtnn's up

nr.l liniisn. iM. W. «'lia 11 nrtnii. M«r.i Unt

tn. Stuart ItnWsnli ilrnw a nlnwilml liniisn tn

"'I'lin llniirinlta.” vnry aplirmiitivn

ilniisn. Iln rnnnivnil tnli nlinnrns ilnrillK llin nf tlin |ila.V. Kvnry llinllllinr nf his

nniiipaii.v is a star, t tn| .17. "Mlinii Ktiiitht-

hissl was in Flnwnr." .\ warm ns-npiion

was Iniiilnrnil Ktlin Kllslnr in Ihn alinvn slinw. Sill* S4‘i*ninil to llnlil tin* aniliiinni* in

a spnll ilnriiii; tlin mitirn pnrfnrniannn.

t'nriain nails nrlnr nv«*rv ani. imi. is.

"I’liihriihnail Wllsnn" a)i|inarnil hnrn. I.ari;n ami apprnniati VI- anilh-nni*. Sni-nnr.v was

vnry tlin-. Uni. It*. Fnrris' <'rtinnillans

nlinllisl nji for a w nnk's nllirajrnlllnnl. Sun-

ila.v. "Itlxin lainil:" Mnnila.v. "M.v .liin,*

'I'nnsilav. ".llin. tin- I’niiinan;" Wislnnsilay.

••'riin .’ilan Untsliln." .M all pnrfnrniaiin.-s thn.v ... tn slinw tlin S. K. tl. sl>cn. Snvnral nlinnrns nvnr.v nii;hl. Kllshy

Hrnihnrs Cirniis |iassnil thrnni;h Imrn iis

ilay. l.KU. !•'. I'AMA-N.

U. Vininria In nnnvi-rsalinn

wilii .Mr. .Milinr. tin- nttininiit ainl; ii):

nianai;nr nf this pnpniar aiiiiisninniit |i.ann.

wi lna>’nnil that so far this snasnii tin- at-

tl'in-tirtiis liavi- is-nii iilmvn thn avi*ra);i‘, and

till- liiisiiinss dniin lias linnn away alsive any

snasnn sn far ailvaimml as tin- prnsmit mm.

.Ml tlin attrantimis last wi-«-k drew Knod

slrnd aniliniinns and jiavn nntirn satisfac

tlmi. ttni. ”i». "San 'rny” liinind pnopln

away. .Mr. Al. II. Wilsmi, s vini; thns- pnr-

fonnaiiivs, will, no donht. do a sisid hnsi-

linss. "York State Folks." Unt. 'Si. From

Iimsnnt indicallmis tin- Isix nlfii-n will do

its sham, as will .Miss Mnmn t'ainnrnii Sat

nrda.v nvnnin:;. Unt. 'J.-i. For nnxt wis-k thn linokliiKs am: Monday. Unt. '^7. "Sis Hop

kins." Unt. -JS. 'riins. \V. Unsn. in "f»n thn

</iilnl." Unt. I.”.!. Mr. Walknr Wliilns dn.

tint. I’ai. Miss Itlaimlin M'aisli. in Itanjth-

Inr of Hainnlnar."

l>\i.l..\S. TK\. Mallas Up-ra llmisn,

iMnorirn .\ii7.y. .Mitr.i Miirra.v and Mank. as

sistnd liy a nlnvnr nmiipany. prnsniitnd a farni- nnmnd.v in Ihris- a«-ts. niitithsl "A

Mi;hl Un Hroadway." to a liic and liiirhly

ldnas*-d aiidintinn. .\ nnw fnatiim and mm

of thn most nlnvnr hits of work nvnr lim-

snntnd to a Tnilliis aiidinnnn was a mis-haii-

inal doll ant hy a mnmlM-r of ..iiipany

11 was nmiiidn'ln in nvnry dntail: his nvnry

ipotimi was iiinnhaiiinal. and iinlil In- spokn

it was a niinstimi with many of tlm aiidi-

«-nnn wlmtlinr a mal livn man was Imforn

Ihniii or a diininiy. uni 'Jii. min wis-k. .\r

Hold Stonk Moniiiaiiy. at popular prinns.

tint. ‘JO. inal'iinn and niirhl. Illnhard Moldnii,

in 'Foxy tjiiilinr." 'I'lin Kinirlins' Hros.'

t'irnlis shnwi-d 'lll-rn Unt. ’JII. 'I'lin ti’llts Wi-ri-

.laniniisl to tlm rim: liank. A hii;h nlass pnr

formaiinn was i;i\nn. SUI, KAI I MAN.

t'Ol.l tint »>. «.\. Spriminr upnra lloii»n.

II , r. Sprinjnr. Mji’.i llla.k I’al i - I'rmi

.1 1 I’JxMarlown llinalnr

iWonimr «X 'I'nnlifnld. .Mcrs.i Uni. U'l, "Un

llin (.mini. 'I'lios. W. Ross, aldy siip|iort(sl

liy a ■.;ood nmiipaii.v. won thn hnariy a|>

piailsn fioni a laii:n aiidlniinn. Unt. IS,

ilarry W.ird's Mliistinls; i;ood hnsliinss

Unt. Jl> 1 Inllalioll's 'I'w nlll int ll t'nlilliry

i.aiiil. wiili :i tlimoiii:lily apprnniatnd |iro-

jiaiii Uil. J.'t, Arlhnr i' .Vismi t'oniiuitiy,

.1: ".Vt till* t I'd I'ross RikiiIs." Unt. Ji, for

■Iln wink, l.ymis' N'alimial Stonk t'oni|>any.

I'lias. R. t'oilins. hill posinr. with a lori’x-

if mnii. is mi his Iasi lri|i. hllllm; tlm lilks'

I arnival. wliinli is niirs imxt wnnk. Tlm

.air will hn min of thn 1 lost tlioroiiuhly ail

vnrilsisl of any nvnr hnid in tlm Smilli. .\f tnr Ihn pnrtmniaiinn of Ward's Mlnsirnis,

Unt. IS. thn nnlirn nompanv was tniidnrnd

.1 sonlal hv Ihn Imal Flks Imlk’n.


riNK. III.I KF. \IIK. \i w i'lk Thna

Inr. II'has. SniiN.ird. Mur.I Unt. 11, "'I'lii

Rliruiar and thn W.-iif." .Vnimii; thn iiilnr

nsiiiii: fnatiirns of Ihn play was iioiinahin

Ihn ninVnr rnlldilimi of Inn roll- of llin Wall

hy .Maldn II In. 'I'lm story, wliinli is an in

ti rni.xinrn of pathos and nmimdy. was wnl;

oroni:ht mit liy a napalon noni|iany. and was

.ini 1 pil'd liy a Inrun and.niinn in a most

plnasiiiu maniinr. Unt. is. "Swiiiiiiinu

li.rl." Mood sliow ; hlu limisi-; apprni'ialivn

ll'd nlin.-. Uni. Jil'J’J. Mliy Stonk I'miip ill.v.

that I III

il iiiildl

I' I’aylmi Sisinrs, Unt. J7'Js. "For

linr S.ikn." Unt. 'Jti. Film Itinti upnrn

llmisn. i.M. Holland. .Mut'-' A umid nrowii Witiinssnd " Railroad .lank," mi Uni. IS.

wliinli was pronmilinnd mm of tlin hnsi nil

Inrtaiiinmiils of thn snason. Uni. 'Jtt J'J.

Spnndnii and F.i u>‘ t'miindy »'mn|>aiiy.


KI.W tlOI>, IM>.-KIwimhI t i|M-ra llmisn.

ij. .\. Kniinnr. Mur.i—".\ Flia- llmani,"

0< t. 17; U‘s>d honsn. "Hmiolnlil t'omi." Unt

IS; uisid nmnpaii.v and hiislm-ss, "I’ownr of

hn I'ross." Unt. 'Jo; fair nmnpaiiy to u'skI

nuiisn. .Sam '1'. Jank's itnrlnsiinnrs. ttnt. 'Jl,

lilnasiMl iarpn aiidinnnn. "For Hmim and

Honor." tint. ‘J-i; Kdonard M'aldiiian. Unt.

J.-i; "Janins Roys In .Missouri." Unt. J7;

"Sti’iinun .Vdvniilnrns of .Vinos Kia-li-r,"

Unt. Miss liorothy t'arinr Knilny. of

thn "Finu Fmiu" t’mniiany. who wus

ilrowmsl in thn uhlo Rlvnr. was a foniinr

FIwimmI uirl. havinu llvml hnrn smiin ynars

luo with Imr inoilmr and sisti-r. 'I'hn lat-

tnr. .Miss I.illian .Massny, is also a nmnihnr

>f thn ahovn nmiii>any.

fl.VItK Iir.N'TKR.

< l.l\'l'U>. I F.nmiomin 'I Imatnr. iRiis

hy Rros.. Murs.i 'riiomas JnITi’rsmi |daynd Unt. 11. to U'smI and pinasnd attniidaiinn.

riin w -allmr was tiim, and thn prnvallliis

lirlnns wnrn 'J.*! nnllls to Sl.lHI. Tin- nmn|ian.\

i.v. tirsi nla's wardrolM- and ihnir |ia|M-r is iMid. ■•Irlsli Fa w iihroknrs." iini. l.'i. uivt

xnnllniit satisfantimi to a Id-u hmis*- ’rin*‘s. J.*! to 70 is’iils. 'I'lin iaiiii|>iny narrlts-

twnntvtivn pnopin. spnn:al snniinr.v. an nx

nt-IInnt wardrolM- and tirst-nlass pi|>nr

RiHiknd ahi’ad: "I'p York Stall-." ti-f. ‘Si. ■'I'lin Storks.' till. J4: "l.osi in Nnw York.'

Unt. JO: -’.V SnnrnI I lispatnil." Unt. .'^I; ■’.Sill

tan of Siiln, " ttni, .'il. Rnsinnss is tift.v

pnr nniit l-nlti-r tills ynar than any idlmr

y<-ar in tlm hlstor.v of thn Hn-ainr.

I.AKAKH. KVA. U|M-rM llmisi-. ij. A

Snliinink. Mur.i—".V I'hmaun Tramp" o|M-imd

:h<-ofM-ra hmisn Unt, 11. to a iarun, Inil ills

a|i|iointn<l. aiidinnnn. 'I'hn nmnpaii.v innindnr

Inn iM-opIn. Tlmir wardrolM- is (iMir and

tlo-.v hiivi- no sn. nnr.v. n insni|iH iitly tlmj

irn nlitlrnl.v dntininiit jllsl w Imrn limy oiiuhl

to hn stron-jnst. 'I'l-n.v play»-<! to ‘J-O. TO, .Ot

-Vlilnn Rniindints's ••'rimliiia." Vintor

'‘Thormiuhlirnd 'rraiiip." "T<mi R.i|i t.

Marry," "Hans Hanson." Milton's t'mim

dians. Maharu's Mlnstnls. Nina Faiil t'mn

pany and “Ro.val S|Mirl. " Thn o|M-ra hmis-

has h«-nn rnhiiilt and mm slnlnd. and Man

itrnr Si-liiiank has opnii tinm for U' "d al

trai’t Ions.

I'KKI . IMK Wnl-h Tlii-atnr. iFmd. R

Wnldi. Mur.i —Work on thn nnw Wnlih Thn

atnr is now nnarinu nmiip'ntlon. .V fomn oI

worknmn am nnuaund ImiIIi day and niuht to liav«- thn hmisn in for thn oim-ii

I'U h.v Walknr Wtiltnsidi-. in "Rinhard III.’

Ill Mil- niulit of Nov. Till- followin-j an

• dill d for .\ovt-nilM-r: Walknr Whilnsidn. li-

"Rinhard HI.. Nov. :!: "Indlnn:i FoIks.’ Nov. 0: •Wlinii Ihn R.ll lolls." Nm 7 •Itavid Harnni." Nov. S: Willis Mranjnr. In "tlypsy .lank. " No\. pj; -in I'olil nt'r

Stripes. ' .Vox. 1;:.

F.oyd Fark "I'hnalnr. ol .,\. Frw;!!. Mur.i

Has nlosid a Vnrv snm-nssflll snil-*mi of s.x

tnnii wnik' siriiittlit \aiidn\|lln. I HAS N Mit'l.l lti:.

\i;\\l’UII'l NKVVS. \ \. Aiadniiiy of

Miisin. iT. t; la’atli. Mur.i 'Wlinii Ri-iitx-n "mi ns I'o I'oWII. " Uni J’J In napanil). nn

rn llollsi- -o,!d mil linfori- s o'nIiM-k. 'I'lm

■nrf iriiiaiini- wa* «lilnll; nplod.iln and

;ain nii'iin satisfantimi to Iln- laru" aiidl

■iii’i-. I'mi'inu: • tnt J7. ' .\ri'/.ona :" N'ov. 1.

'Call I'laxioii. <'.isiiio. It; F. .V Risiki-r,

'xlur.i Manaunr F.o.iki-r iiianuoralnd his sna-

111. til l Id, wilh Ihn Hnrald Sip .iri- <i|M-ra

'miipaii.x. uwii.' to ilm \ my liad inipn-s

imi iiniiln h\ Ilm nmopaox. Mr Ro iknr xxiis

•olllpnllnd to nalinni Ihn dale afinr llin snn

iid |M rforiiialinn Tin.nipiiix stranded

nrn u.-i j:;'JO. 'l ax ho I! nliards t'miipaiiv:

'l l j: :i, mx ikin ■ aiix .1 1; WII.I.IAMS.

niuhl. Thn Inrunst nroxxd In tlm hlsimx of

Spill laiihiii U was In-rn to ulu-l llix- inlx- hiatnd nliins. and xxnil ph-asnd xxitli

Ihn iM'iforiiiaiii'n

l•n\\'l'l"|■ \\i:si'

S|si-| I.KSV II.I.K, \\. \v Aiidllorliim,

1 .V lx I dix In. Vlur.i linn id ihi- niosi pleas

• IIU IM-ii 01 inn linns snnii linin tills snasoli XX a s

Ilia; 01 lloxxaid Kx in, in " Xalliaii Hale,

Uni. is. Ml, Kxin Is a sii|M‘rh aniiii*. and

did lull insilnn In Ilm iliaianinr ol Ilm Rnx

■’iy hnio .Xiiss Smyth, tlm Inailliii;

111 11.x, hx imr i-xni-lli-iil ani mu. has iii.idn a

xxaiiii idanx- in llin linarls of nxniy llinalnr

Uoi-r III I 111- nily. 'I'liny played In a u*mm|

.mslimss. Ixi-hnni a Warn-ii In "laisi l.ynim"

Uni 'J'J. plax'-d In a uimmI hmisn. and ua x 1-

,1 u 1 III pel fm'iii'iimn I 11 1 'Jl, Uriniilal itnr

.nsnm-rs. I ini ;'ii. *Vork Stain Folks," Nox.

I. Roxnr Riimx , III "Nnxl I loor '


I.V It Will:, \V V O. U|H'ra Hmisn. HI F

Rool, Mur.i ",V R.di’ for l.ifn" ph-asi-it a

Uood hmisn liniiiniisnly tint 17. Tin- nmii

I'liny iiniiihnis alioiit ninxnii. and tln-y put

lip a uood pi-rforniannn. Snniilnnlly the play

IS ni|llippnd niuhoratnix In spite of Iim-iiI

•pposi'imi of xarlons kinds tlix- hox ottix-n

.x-x’x-ipls xvx-rx- uood 'Wyoniinu -Vlall," Unt.

IS. playx-d to U'sal limisx-s at Txli and 7.'i x-x-nl

iir.xa-s. Tlix- pix-nx' is liaiidsmiix-ly slaui-xl

ilixl x’osiiinixal, and niaxlx- a faxoraldx- hip

pix-sslmi. t'rtiiiiiiu: Xxiv. l.'i, ".V VVlsx’ Mx-ni

•x-r. ’ xxxak of Nox. 111. Myrllx- Vinton Rx-p

,-rtidrx- t'mnpaiiy. "Rx-llx- xif Nx-xx York"

XXas rnfiisx-xl fixr N'ov. HI, xiti ax-voniit of mi>

x-rtolrx- <-oni|>any x-milrax-t.

VION TKK VI.. «tl K. Misi. I.x- Moxiix- a|>

px-arnxi last iilulit in tin- iix-xv play I.x MIx-n

xla.'Itmimiuli. ".Vinmi-u Thosx- Frx-sx-ni." fx.r

.Moyiix-s admirx-rs xvi-rx- of tin- opinion that

till- ixdx- of Mrs. Flinton. a hrxs-*y s.M’ix-ty

Inailnr. is iini’snally xxx-ll snilx-xl to Imr |m-i

•miaiitx. 'Ilm |da.x .’iImmiiiiIs in hriuht lliix-s

■ ml apt siiiialions. .Vt tin- x-nd of tin- thirxl

ml Is a startlinu <-liniay; ri-snilinu from an illx-mpii-d miirxl.-r. This silnatimi xxas fo|

.oxxxil liy Ix-n .’iirlain .’alls ,iinl spxs-x-ln-s hy

.Mrs. I.x- Moy in- and Mr. ManHmimiuh. Tlix-

spxs’ialors rx-niainx'xl in lln-ir sx-als al tln-

i-inl of tin- (day and ■-<ini|H-llx-x| tin- stars to

iMiyy tin-ir a<’kiioxx Ix-xiunn-iits.

I'l.VKIUN, IV. Rrown's U|M-ra Ihiiisx-,

|W H. Rroxvn. Mur • VV llllani Uxvx-n ap-

;marx-<l in-rx-. ti.-t. 11. txx fair liusinnss. His

siip|M>rt. xy lili-h nnnihx.-rx-'l niuhlxs-ii xA’as

.cimmI. ami tin- mnllencc’ xvas wx-ll px-.-isxsl

with tin- px-rfixmiaiinn. Tlm pr.Mliix-tImi x-ar-

ix-s ill its rtxvn sx-piix-r.v. has a U's"! warxl- i’oIm- and <-Ma-l|niit pa|M-r. ami xx.nihl mi

ioiihl liavx- x-njoyxsl hiuui'r palronaun ha<l

hx xvx-ailix-r I.. plx-asant. I’mniiiu: Unt.

JS, "F-iiix l^■l's 1 laiiuhix-r;" Nov. 7. "Hans

Haiisoi.:" N'ov IJ. ''Rx-uuar I’riin-x-" uis-ra

'ompaii.v: N'ov. 17, Rllinl R.mihx- I'mn-x-rt

'mii|.an.v. M.xmiunr Rrown has rt|M-n tlim-

or a u'mmI rx-|M'rt<drx- x-mn|xaiiy.


Hoiisx-. iRolit. F. VV x-rin-r. Mur.i Jax’k

.l<M-lt1«-i s "Jx-ssx- Jann-s. i.x fairly pl.-asx-xl

iinl x-ma- u.-i. Jl. Iix-spitx- x.f thrx-al*-ii

nu xvx-aihx-r tlm attx-mlain-x- was hlu. This noiiipan.v ifin!ii.lx-s x-iuht playx-rs in Its x-asl

in.l narr’x-s mi s|M-x’i;il s.a-nx'r.v. R.sikx-xl

ihead: "Txvo Marrix-xl M.-n." "Si I’lniikiiril." Fdwarxl VVa'.iliiian. Roux-r Rr.xs ' ’N.-x and

;kiii" ami Maxwx-ll A 'I''s I'. T. F.

MaiiaU'’r Wx-rm-r w.xnhl like l.i leM.k a U'mmI

-nlnsirx-l sln.yx. .Vis., a x-ompany xvllli han.l id ..r.lix-stra f..r li.r.-x- ii.uhts .r a xv.-x-k

liirliiu ItnI.Hii I’ayiiniil.

1'VN'ION. O. Mrainl U|M-ni Ih.iisx-. iVI F.

IJ-irox-r. Mur.i ".V Ttnxr.niuhhrxsl 'rraiin."

ilay.’.l t.i a fair aiidlx-m-x-. u.’t. Jn. lull Iht-

erfoiman.e xvas not wliat was x-\|m‘<'I*‘<I-

>nt 'J7. .VI. Wilson. In "Frim-*- ..f Tatlx-rs;"

let. 'Ja. "An .Viimrlnan Mi-ntlenian;" tt.t.

II. Fiimminus iin.l M.xr.-. In ".V Warm

'•Int.’h;" N.ix. 1. "A Fatal Wx-ddinu" Wal

aex-'s Fulni Mar.lx-n. i.V. Fllllx-i. Mur.i

litslm-ss at tin- Falin Marxieii Is U'ssl. The

s-rfonm-rs Ihx- wxs-k x.f Unt. 'Jti were;

The Sx-.-iliriuhls the Malx-xilms ami Tom

lx ffr.iii. tin- all riuht f.-ll.ixv, Fl.uRY.

MUVONt; \ IIKI. V. rv. ■'l li.' F.iy I'ra n"

lx-l:uhl.-.l a laru<- aililh-in’x- al Mamhix- U|M-rii ‘h.nsx- last .'Vi'lilnu. H is ini xv.xii.l.-r it

lii-as. d. f..r it Is an x-x.'.'pli.iiially nliihoralu

>r.Hlii.'ii..n. ami in.l ..f tin- x’rinh-. .iit lir.ial s.xrl. hill a .Iraiiia full of rx-llin-xl. If

-ainll.’s an*! tamps fiHxtlluhts, ainl .-xx-r.xr

Jl.’ xxas u's.'l iiainrx’.l. ".I.xsliiia Siii.kln«,"

lit Jl; "Till- Mlss.iiiri Mirl." u.-t, ’jv VV M I* INMR.VM

l•VI.I•:>‘TI^^•.. 'I'KX vs. r. nipt. tl|M-rii

H.iiis.-, iVV F. Swift. Mur I u-l. F! IH.

lark limisx-. Fiirn-iit .it 1 ra. l Imi: F.•rn.■lll

Tx-lxlx-na Foiiipany. u. l. 'j:;'J-'.. 'I li.'V arx’

p.iintinu thx- l.ixxii r.’.l, as iln-y ar.- l.llliiiu

vi-r.x hx’av.v. F Slxnl.-r S-nilh. Fi’rinhl

Rx-ldx-n;i Fmiipaiiy's a.lxaii..' au-iil. Is In

llix’ x-iiy ahx-H.I x.f III.’ .’oinpiiiy. Ih- l■.•).^rl•

Ih.'il tin- x’onipaiiy is .1 uo.'.l l.ii-lii.’ss

I inau ’r ..f

fx’l.’l. hill

S|> V 11’I’ will MM

iiM'..i H.nis.-. (Vla\

< Ii’.’x ii w ahl's

hi. Vluri VIr

and 7.‘x x’. iil pi Ix x s pi i x iillx .l ...

.’iiirix’s toiir|.-x‘ii p.-i.pli', spx'.’lul Ni’x-iix-rx xxaiili'ol.x- ainl u.mmI |iiipi'r Fmiiliiu al"

ira. Ilona u. l Jti. 11.,- liiirular ami 11,,- \\ uf. Ui'i J.;, III,. iMt'lviiuiii StnrM.

—U|mTji t*M||||i||||v. ‘JH *1 II* Spi ll, x hy N..X. .’t, - Fas.-x a li.>iil.h's \,,x VVaila.-.- Flr.'iis


.H I II. will. Vlui I A Niuhl III tin- F.r

_^'’’pl I.x U.M .1 ilMx'inlaii.’.-. al J.'x. .’I.x ii'.l ^SM.iil pi .-.s. Tin- .'.iinpaiiy xll.l m.l salisfx x.iy Wx-ll Tiny .arry Iwx-lx.- pxs.

pi.’ .’iinl liax.- soiin- sp,.,’,,i| s.-.-imi.x, hut tin'll^ Is -<11111 I In Ir pa|M-i Is fan

fnl' llils hollsv Ili’liliiM O III

Iln- Vl.l.iinaii, u, p j| , .y .|.„i,'i.x x

I ir.iiiuli I .Mxiix llix ." N..X. li • ,V VIhliiluhl

* Lnri;<‘ fm Or|. 7, tun faiiril npiMMi.

"1”'“' Hoiis.-, Hlark .V Miiilly.. Vlursi Fx-. k m Ra.l R.x.x,"

x!'.’ •< " u ry p.exr ..paiix. A VV Is.- u. i 17,

;.. "as a u.I mix- ami lrl.-.| xx’iy |,ar.t i.x hrinu fiin xxiil .xf a |nMxr far.-x-

u. l JH f.xr a wx-x-k. In 'l l,.- H.xiir of M,„- "

lx. s R u F xmpanx p-Mxi F.xmlnu: "'I'lix- Vl.-s..x„u. r R.x.x. U.-I J.,; j„s a

.M.x. k t.xnipaii.x, xxis-k xxf .Nxxx .'t.


VVVISVI. VVIS. lirainl upnni H.xns.-,

It . s., Vlur.i Sp..rllnu l.lf.-," u, 1. jti, ,ix lionsi'. III sp.ix- of raiii.v wnalln-r.

I rl.’x-s. j.x, .SI ami 7-x nx-nts. 'I'hx- .-.xnipany

I’arr.x-s ixxi’iily p.siplx- ami Hn-lr p.-rfixriii

aii.’x- plx-.isx .l tin- .111x1.1 in x- vx-ry inn. h. I ln ..

x-arry s|H-.-ial s.-x-m-r.y ainl Hn-lr xxanlrxxhx-

and paiM-r Is u.mmI. Fonilnu: 'rinxmas Jx-ffx-r

son. u.l. ’JJ: ‘’Sainly Roiioni,’’ u.-i. J4

"'1 w X .VIarr.x-.l_Mi-ii. ' u. t. jii; Sallshnry ur'

x’hx-sira. u.-t. J7; "I in-lx- 'I'.xni's t'ahln," ii.-t. J7.'s •’1..xv,-r's l.ain-." u.-t. ."’.1.

VV VMIINMTON F. II.. O. Upx-ra ll.xiisx-.

iVViii. F. Vim-x-nt, Mur.i "'rin- Fast Vlall."

tl.’t. l*x. to hlu ati.l xxx-ll pix-asxsl h.xiisx-.

Frix-i-s J.",, .’I.",, .•’SI, 'I'hls x-xxm|ian.v x-arrix-s

sx XX ntx-x-n |M-.xp|i-, a u.mmI xxarxirxxhx-. M|M-.’lal

s..-n.-ry an.I x-y.-x-ll.-nl paiM-r "In.liana

I’.xlks, ’ u.-t, Jl, t.x llulit ami n.xii |xlx-HMx .1 attx>n.lanx’x'. I'hx- x-.xnipan.v liix’linlx-s x-h-xx-ii

iMsxplx-. has a fair warxlrxxhx-. liiih- .s.s-iix-ry

ami thx-lr paiM-r Is |MMxr un tlm wlndx-.

Hn-lr px-rf.irmaii.’.' Is |MMxr "R.xiin-xx .-iinl Jnl!x-t.' u.-t. ’jr;-. -Si FIniikarxl," Ux-t. J7.

FI. VHKWV 11.1,1-:. TKV. Trillliiu U|M-ra H.xiisx- xF. u xialn.-s, Mur.i Tin- uiynipia

<lpx-ra Foiii|i.'inx apiM-arx-d In-rx- u.-t. ’|.*x, to

S. R. II. ainl XX.-II pl.-ixs.-xl .-r.xw.ts, FrIx-x-s,

;:-V .'SI ainl 7rx .’.’Ills ainl *l.<si. Tln-lr wanl

r.xiM- XX-IS U.mmI, as XX as Hn-lr paiH-r. R.Mxkx-x|

iih.-a.l Irish .Vrisi.x. rat," N.xx. I.'x; "I’hx-I

ma. " .Nxxx. ’J.'x Fixnrtx-nny M.xruan. Hxs-. 1;

I’.lax-k Vipx-rs. ' lix-.-. d; ”VI> Fr.x-inl Fr.xiii .Arkansas. ” lx,-.-, sx " ll.-r Sakx-. " li.s-.

It. "'rin- Mliiisix-r's .Son," li.s-, J7.

FOsiiim’l'«»\. o. U|M-ra Hmisx-. i.Vlillx-r

xV Rohinson. Vlurs.i Jnix- Waltx-rs' "Slxh-

1 rax-kx'.l" Fompany uavx- a vx-ry u<">xl |s’r- forma ins- to a wx-ll tilixsl hmisx-, u.-t. -jii.

"t'allfornia" pla.vxsl to a fair iitnl apprx-x-i atlvx- aiixllx-in-x-. u.-t. J’J 'I'hx- x-oni|iaii.v was

tlm- tlirixiiuhmit. xxith iiiauiiili.’x-nt sx-x-iilx-

dlsplay. Mxsx. |i. V|x-lvlllx< ami Win. Rnux-. In thx-lr ax-rixtinlh- far.-x- x-xxmxs|y, u.-t Jl.

FrxsI. Rax III.xml's '’Ul.l .Vrkniisnxii,” U.-t ’Js


1 I. V MH Nil V 1*1-:. Mlwyi, t t|M-ra Hmisx*.

iW. A x’rawix-x. Vlur 1 Wiinl's Miiistrx-la to

.*>. lx u an.I w.-ll pl.-asxs| U.-t. R;.

Iln- xxario xx.-athx-r ami .'ai ami ".'i x-x-nt

pri.-x-s di.l n.xt .illx-x t Hn- atIx-inlam-x’. 'I'hx-

x’oni|xanx .-arrlx-s a fair xvardr.xhi- ami s|m--

x-lal si-x-nx-ry f.xr tin- tlrst part. Thxdr |xa|M-r Is fair hilt sx-ant u.-t, -jii. ulvmpiii U|M-ni

t'xxiiiixax.x : 1 i.*t. J7, "Thrxs* Miiskx*lx*i*rs.**

Riislm-ss is hx-ttx-r ainl tin* oiitl.Mxk hrluhtx-r than X”. i-r hx-for.-

FVMlilVMK. TKV. The Mrainl, iF. F.

S.’panuh. Vlur 1 "I’l.-klnus From Fink."

u.-t. IF to |MMxr hilt Wx-ll siitlstlx-xl nltx-ml

iiiix-x- Tli.-ri- was no xxp|MxsiHon. Thx-y

earry Iwx-ntymn- pxsxplx- Thx-lr |ia|N-r anxi

warilrxihx- Is u<sxxl, tlimiuh tln-y haxx- mx s|m-.

x-lal si-x-in-rv Tr.ilxin* upx-ra Hmisx-, iJ F.

Hx-aii. Vlur.i < 11 1 JII. VlixKart Symphony

FInh. i‘onilnu N.xx Jl Ji;. Fwinu A Ta.x-

lor Fmiipnny. In.- J. .h-nnlnus xV Foluatx-.'

HIVV V KVI.I.w. IV. V|i'tro|x.xlitan, xF 11

Fllsw.xrlli, Vlur I "Tin- Niuhl Rx-fmx-

Fliristnias" uaxx x-xx-i-lli-nt sailsfax-tlmi I.x Itirux- ’llli-inlanx-x-. u.-t !• I’rlx-x-s wx-rx- from

JII x-x-nls to *1 HI Thx-rx- nr.- Iwx-tily |M-.ipi.-

in Hn- x'omixanx ami tln-lr xxarxlr.xhx- Is uo"<l-

'I lix-v x-arrx H|M-x'lal M.-x-m-ry for fmir a.-ls.

I 111- p;ipx'r Is u'mhI ami of i-xx-rx sly lx- u.-t,

'J.'t. Harrx R.-ix-sforxl In "'I'hx- VV ronu Mr.

VV rlulix "

V'I'IIKVw, u. Vlhniis U|M-ra Hoiimx-, iW R. Mo.xrx'. Vlur 1 Tin- Fowx-r of Truth" was urx'x-i.s| xxIHi a u-x-mI ainl plx-naxsl hmisx*. U'-l I-". VI V.illi-y l-'mux'." Ux-I Jl. x-iin- x’X’Ixsl "I'hx- Xiall’S of .Ixisl Inx-," Itx't Jl. 'laxl a uo'mI Iioxisi Sonn- x-lx-uaixl sx-x-nx-r.r iinl u xoxi ax'llnu iiiarkx-il tin- siix-x-i-sh of Hn- ’day h.'i.' .V ii-lxiiii x-ixuaux-ixH-nl has hx-x-n iiiaiiu'-il for I .n- Fom- VIr Rl.-h " N'nx.'J.


T V V I tin V n.I.K. II.I.. V iimlx-xx-x-r. x.lx-i

ry Houiin Mur) I nx-lx- .losii Sprox-x-hx.

I l.-t |k, to larux- al ti-ixx|-iii.-x’ Tin- sinxxx Is

m'y fa'r. altlioiu'i Ho-rx- arx- x-nmiuh ix.-op’x-

111 It x- uhli'x ll I In X .iiri'x MX x-iix-ry of lln-li

xw n. ami Hn lx xxarxlr.xhx- Is nn-illoi-rx'

"Slix-r'il.x 11 Kx-x-nx'. I i.’sl I’l'Hx X-." x-miix-s In-r.-

U.-I l‘<. ixinl Irish Faw iihrokx-rs" foltoxx

mi < ll 1 Jl I’rospi'. iM arx- fair for a uooxi hxis.m-s- hx-r. Hils si-ason

V Fix III',’/,. Hiww. Ix-mplx- U|xx-rii ll.xiise,

X Ixxl. .V X.arxii.x'i. Vlurs 1 u.-t Jil. Iln-

ll. ixs. III V Hot ttlxl riiin . ' lix'hl forth ill

In- Ix-mph- Tin proilm llmi xxiis up to tln-

ixx-riiux. ami ll pl.ixx-.l to S R it Tin- px-r

formaiix-x- Is a lanuh proxlnnx-r froin hx*ul'i

■iltiu lo •■ml Ux I Ti. "A Sirnngx-r In N'x w-

Vork Ux I 'J-i. ' ,V Tilp 1x1 Fhinalnwn ' HANMV.




FAIR NOTES. THE ST. LOUISJ^ORSE SHOW Promoted by Dr, DeCarmo Gray Prom

iset To Pay Dividendi I he

Doctor's Winter Plans.

I ir *' I *•’< ill riiMi <■rll> lirmiiiil Ini; iln

miom lor M. Irfoiii. iIiIk >i-iir. iiikI U

.., .11111: ultli iiiiImiiiiiiIciI Kin-i'i ki. m m.' oi

^ .iil/liii; iiiol iii:iii:ik(lii» of III)' Hjiiin- ‘t'lM

l.oiiiM lloii.i‘ r.iiou li.iH iii'ii'r III.*11 II

, iin'iiil .III I'l'.n. I In' iiiiiliii;:i'liii'lil iiln.i>r

ll■'l•■ll III I III' ' folll lllllllll l.l I'M' I- > iiNiiiiIly Iln- mil iiiliiiii'i’ Ilirntitcli.nit iin

\«ii|.. wllii III!' I'M I'lii loll III iiin- nr iwi.

Ilik.'lll'. Vl'l> Nlllilll. *'•lll.•.|ll■■|ll l> . I

I, III li.'i II ili'i lili’il In iflii- lip llin lliiri.1

Miiiw. .llll•|:l■l In-r Ilii>\i-r. m-xitiiI iin-i

I li.iiil- \iliii IkiiI lini II r|M'iii|lii|' lln-r linll

I.. iH III l••'ll<nr. < III . iliiriiii: Iln- IlnrHi

>liiin lln'l'n. illlil llilil u ll liniiKi.l Iln- i.iii*i-i*i4>

nl III!' iilTiiir III llnil I'll.v. Invili'.l In. liriiy

1.1 tl.ll Si 1.0111.. mill lliroiii;li liU nlTorl.

Iln- llol'Kn Show .X'.IM- illloll u-l. rni.UIII

i/i'il. Ill'll oftli'i'i'H I'li'i'li.l, mill illil 1-11'lii

nil I I'limil. iloiiiilnil pilxi'. Hoiin-llilli;: Iln.I

li;nl iii-ii-r linin' iM-fiii-i-. 'riirmiifli Iln- nnin

I mill i-ITorl. of Iln- illri'i-lor. iiin! iin-i i'!imii'

.ilJ.i'iii* Ini. III. II rnl.i'il. Iln- ''I'olor .1 In-iin- III. Iiii|'n ilil r i lili'i-i.

mnl .Irmijii' In i«i,\. .lalil. .low ;;'iliiu oh'

I.iii!. Ini. iiwmiinil wllli ii mni

tl.r rllilioii liiillon. Inixi- lll•o'n I k-- wini

Ini'. i'«i'i,\ liioiniinlil m mi.i ..Hinliii.;

■ 'I'll i liili iin iii ii-r In iln- i-.i.i. i. .m i.

niarllik' Iln- .Si, » II ■ .n Sli.iw l ol ir.

.til'll mnl whin. Iln- nn'ri'Iniiil. mi- iii- o .iii: I In- lii'nl I il'III I Ill'll .toll'., mi l iii ili;

I. III! Ill lnl\l' pin .ll'i'l In ill' |.:|||' I'.ln i' .

li rlor for lloi.i' show wink

\l:. Iir.'i:iii Mi.iilir. oin' of iln- ir^'i'-.

inllwai ofthlal. Ill Iln- ill.i. hi. :i"ii p.i.

Iln- i.imIiIoii of illi'i'i'lor in-ial of Iln

■ i-oloi- .l■|n•lnl'.'‘ mnl In- anil hi. i-iiirii.Iti'i

all- woi'kinu II ulil mnl ila.i iipnii iln

.■■liiiiin I'l o'l•..iolla I ill.Ill al or. Inn*

InanI of II. mnl an- n nnin;: to Si l.oiii. in

hirer iiiiiiiImt.. laki'ie orili-r. f'lr Iniil.lliik

anil wiinlow ili.-oralliie 'rin- li-ailliie ilry ei..!. iiii'nliaiit. havi

laki'ii lip till' lili'ii a. Ilii'.i hull- in-ii'r il nn

I'l'fori* anil yon i-un m'i' Iln- II irw Show

loloi. iI'kiiImvi.I III iiian\ Inei'iiloo. w iv.

ihronelioiil Ilin liuini'ii.i' i|i p'lrlni'iii. 'ri>i'

• Mi\n. Iiavi' alri'iiilv In-i'ii .ohl. ami ilii'ri- I.

II't two wi'i'k. iH'forn III!' .Iiow laki*. pl.iif

Thi* llor.1' Show I'liih .1-1111111' Intro-liii-i.l

liv Iir iir:iv liilo Si I'HiI. I. lo Im kiiiwn

a. thn 111! ami Itrlilli- flnli Alrnaily ovi r

a hiimln.l nii'iiihi-r. Ii.i*i' In.-ii I'lirolli'il,

mnl till- .iili.i-rliill'iii 11.*. ri'pri'.i'iil tin*

I ...t i.iniiH'ii* of till' vo"ne III- II Ip

Si. laiiilH. Thn illn-i-'or. ari- h'ehiv ph'n.»Ml

wllh till' i-ffori. of III-. .Ill ..y hr

Ini. I'l-rlaliily .llrroil Iln- ohl town np.

'I III. .iii'i-i-.a IN ri'* I'onn.ii'rini;

till' aliiotllil of work In.ii lia> In i-n innn- lu

M. I.oiii. Ill Iln- ni.l .Via. 10 iii-v

Wllh Mil' Xiorlii. rail, inn' w nini in iiii,

winihl Innn alino.l iiraim-1 iln- lown. ami

ilii'ii ihi'\ li.i\i' nail ..ii.'l lair an • iwn, oiin linen aeiii'in»I imr ami

nin- liii.iin*.. im-ii . i-iiinnai, kiiiwii a. ...n

tniliil rrophni, " mi l tin aii.iii.ii pi.i.i-

I'.iia In .'iml In-iinflf. I In-.n in.'ll .lip'l lilii-rally pm^lmi. m im- a. in.11 "i

I'r <!i-a.\ .11 Si l.nil.

I 111- .111-1.'..I III .lar of tin- Si. I.niii. II 1.'i

Show iiinn-r iln- in-w n eimn .1 mii. lo i.- in

Inn'inimit. mnl nxniylM.I.i .i.'in» 11 iw.

nil. lar In ailxam-n, lo ti.-l Inal Iln- ii.n..

show I III. .nanoii will ilnnlnin a ilix l.n-ii.l.

I. ii IIH'., II will Ii-naiiii.t iH' a emal

In.iilnr III Iln- i-row 11 oi l»r liray. inaii.x

.111-1-1-..I III hor.1' .how. Ill . .n.i.iin

In- i,ia\ Iiii.> arrmie'.l a i-lri-nil • >l Imr-1- .how. for I III. wlnli-r for 'I'nva.

mil oili'T Soiillinrii Slain., ha line forniml

an aeii.-no-nl wllh nvhllilloi.. wlilnh xxill

■ iiahii- him 111 el'n a noniplnii- hoi.n .h iw .

fioni .1 iHilo iHiiix niilr.i III Iln- four in hmni

• •laili, lnili'|H-m|i-nl of any i-nlrn-..

hill In all i-a.nw Iim-iiI niilrln. will Im- i.h

'h ill\ III! Ill'll, mill no I'lilrx f-.*. or .lull

"111 will Im- i-hare'.l lln-ni S|.'i'lal iln.ien.

Ill Imr.i X pli'ioi'liil prinl'ne " 'o' eolli-n

"'ll. mnl iln- .Inixx. xxlll In- a lxi-rll.i.l In

'•■lelnil mnl xxiix.

Ill- 'll ax XX a. a ploin.-r In ni-inx f ii-i-len

‘iiinlrli'. In i-vi.i.lilon xxork. ami In Ihl.

-'■nnlrx Ii.mI .Iioxx.. holin' pn.lmt I'xpi.!

'I'll, larnixal. mnl .In.-I fair, haxi- In.-ii

l iliii li -I'll lix him 111- I. iimloiililI illy iln-

1 -iiii-ni Iriixnllne hor.n .Inixx man In Ihl.

• "iimrx. anil liii. hail ampin nxiM-rlnmn In

.11 I'in. of amii.niin-nl proni»*lne .hoxx.

"hhli will Inml him ernalnr iihl mil a..1.1

. Ill III. pi'i'.niil xxork III. iiinlhi.l. an-

iwax» in-xx mnl orlelni' II* Imliie a iirim

'I man In hi. xxork. In- 1. alxxay. ahln lo

-hllxir Iln- eooil. to Iln- nommli'in \\ 1

-U forxx-iril III an Inlnri-.lliie arllnh- from

•' II I'll oiii I'hrl.lma. nnmlo'r

GRATIFYING RESULTS. 1 III- llaeni.loxx II i\li|i l air xx i. mm h

• 1 In nxni'x ..I llil. xn-ir It-mi 11 l.i.l In Iln- III'.I plai n. >a:,i»ili h "il Imnii

III In Impiox niin iil. on llm eioninl.. mnl i..'in|ailoll xxii" iihln III otli-r Im-'Ii'i In

-hi-.mi'iit. Ill nxlillillor. nml allriinllon "I iiiaei r. .\. a rn.iiU. thr nnl priM'ni.l. " 'll run alioiit $l,.*ii«i or t'imiii nhonil of la.l

' • n.irnliiK.. ’riist •4.i»»i XX a« wnll In •''1. nml fair iiinnii|{<'nx gnin'rally nan

' iiolnii-r from Iln- rn.nlln

1 taiiii X .mr 'l iln. for P •<', I III- l:li IX I I ll'ii.i. stnixx XX a. .1

I e - m 11 --

'I III- wni xxi.iilor poi.xiil liaxoi XX.Ill many .1 fill" I III. .i-a .1 II

s.nri ne. Ill |. Hr.I l-i ... 1 |i. il.iii-.

for I'I I Imx am .\iie '-'.1 J**

'III- i;ixxoii| Illlil I Inlilne I’.irk mnl Fair .\..on.m loll ha. iiiniiriil a i| v.ili ml of |yy

.M r ni iil i.n all .lonk

'111- Slii'n Fair al I’lii" Illii.T. .\rk.. la.l

xxni'l. illi-l 'Jll'Jil. iln-XX lare*' nrnWll. 'rlin

rail, mil nxlilhii. xxi-rn ttr.l n|a.»

'111' rnni III In r.n .how al Walnrluirx.

('inn . xxa» a proii iiinni.l nm-ni-^... || wa.

Ill- :ir.l I'.ii Ill'll III Ihal nlann. Iml ll« III nn.M pri'lll -n. lo ni lkn I hn .lioXX all all

If:!' aff i.r

I'li: IP linrl .\iill ha. limn i.pphninit hy

Ihi I .Hill.::, na l*iirn|ia.n Fxp..illlil to ill-

i-i't ihn eri-it 'ii:ni II all imi' il'ir.i- Show

Inline llm Wi.r ■! » Fa r. Iln ha» alrnaily

mil lit il |ir. I' III- liiriiii lirax ihat In-

' him II. hi. nhii f innlniiaiit.

A imixniniiil i. mi al <iat''r'n. K.v..

to noiivnrl Iln- prn.nni fair eroninl. al that

p!ann Inlo lerlnnltiiral fair eroninl.. .nnl

axn anmi'il f iir. tor ll-.n fariin-r. oi TihIiI.

I.oemi .' I'hr .’Ian •'•mntin.. Kx.. ami

li.ii'e-nury KolH-rt.. 11 I’oiini.i'.. iu T’-I'ln .. I n

■rili'ln wil U- no Im'.til ne nXnlll'ix n!x for

'.v..nii n'» I xhlli l« Ml I tin Wornl . Fa r. I

xVi.iio.n . xxoik xxi'l -i.iiiil .iiln liy . i|n xxi'h !

h;it 'if linn .11 ll.n ixh ii I piliinn.. I

V Will! Il « t n nl:i e xxil. !»• ninnii il. h.ii {

I XX .1 Im 'Il.’x f ir Inn p irp •n of lu .'I.Iie' ( "I II' 1 rl I llll'nlll . I

I'l n I ri i|‘ r nk I • .•••' X I Mil 1 F ■ r 1 h . •

I'.ir XX-1. Il n 111'-I .'in n .fill fnm-tioii iu |

■ I- h .|i ly if Ilf .1 li'ly. XnV'T linforn

... Il'irn .m-h a nnnilM'r of nnirtn. m tlm

•iron. i| pirinnn .. ami iinynr In f.irn wnrn In allr.inii i:> a. ymilhx nf pitrinaen. Tln-

■m-n p'. XX. I eii lar al of l.i.: xn-ir.

Street Fairs and Carnivals HEALTHY GROWTH. !

Tl'n piiri'liax' if .hoxx pmiMrl.x hy llm

.tii.k li viiiniy t'uin viil I'l.mii.iny tin. .<-u

<a n xxoii il imilnatn that tln-y hail a

i'. Il ilnrfni.y .l■ma•..flIl i.i'ii. I pixanl. nf

SVii.iaii XXII. ii'.'i-.liil xy.lh llm I.n niharilt XX: e 11 I'i.iiiii.inx. if Italt III irn. .Mil., for

Im • |H nine .11 N.i.Im.l n, Tmin. S in n ihiil

;.iim III! n n uny ha. pnri'lia.i.l tlm

'iixx .ire pro|M.|iy: Klein Afr nan llm.. from

It. F. xx'm anx'. niakine twniilx i-ielit (M-r

forni lie Iiin. in llm aninial .hoxx. iln-

in.iiiini It 11 I'on. .MnK n • x . fr-in

1. iin.i.ii Park, t'h.n.ieo; ixxo S lH.ri:,n nann I.

mil mm Polar l.'itr fr-mi 1' I.. \X':lliani..

I* ilM-ipMa-k'. rnpm.niilalivn al t'.ii -.nnaiI:

• im I'll nar. 'I'l e 1.. from tin- .11 ;Hi pn llm p.l'.ann .Innp ne nar. from 'nr J. W'hlli . l-'aii.t I'lminiiix. ainl n m* .Ixly f.Mii i-ar. frniii tin- Vnn.i-*' nl 1 I nn I'liinpanx W'hiln tlm .hoxx xxa. In Si

Ian 1. Il iy purnhii'iil llm l•'l'p'lalll. "l.:l.v.“

fr. 1.1 lii.ii.n .\k.mi'. Th. fully illn.lnii'. llm niir'i.xal ami .in.'l fi r l•ll•im•'. i. '■nrn III .Ti.y ."'III punk, nimrey alnl

kn.iw mien 111 - • Iiii. ii. .. xx i I i| i. 11 xx. I

Im mini ml i-ri II lhat lia.k il hail t-i n|o.n hi. .na.'11 naiiy In It'n ynir of I.i«i. al A'

lianx. \ X , InnI.x Imnl. iiftnr piltiiie In

ttfli nil XXink. of il .,1.1 r’lll. li',;.l|in^.. Par

II va>. XX II nniil ni:i' lo pr.-.pnr ainl eroxx. If

hamiml !n a h";i!imitn ni iim r.


Sio'e. play. 'I n.naloix.a. \la., N.ix In I.'i.

Tlm linli.ina I'ainUal <'o xxlll .lay onl all

« nliT

Xrl Kilxx.'iril. 1. proiiioline for tin- Imlianu

I’ I'o

II |l P.ittni XX ill pill onl a min.I ml .hoxx

for llm XX 111 nr

It I. I'.llin.ilml that Knivxllln. Ti-nn .

Il'nXX 7l' <•'•1 |..lpln

'Klnxili- Itlir I in.xxnll I. aealii xxith

Im llan.nimr I'arnixiil I'o Tlm I’xxo I'o'n. irn Ihn fn.iMiri' of | In- frim

-iMianiloii. xxith llm linltana I'arnlval I'o

Harry .1 It.mar. of 1'olTny x llln, Kan . I.

eolne into Ihn .li'nnl fair Ini.liii'.. 'kox 1 II I. I.naxitt I. n.ixx iloine priiniline

n I'lillfornia loi ilm Sinllmrii I'arnixal


iSnxnial of Iln- lile fo «l. pmliry ainl Imimh

.hoxx. am eolne pnl on Mlilxxiiy-

Ihl. xnai 'Ihn In Ito.n liln lrln Foniilain xxa. -inn

if llm III .1 pay II.e allraniloii. ai Ti-rm

llaiiln Iml • inure'' t'oln ha. Iioiielit of .\n liilxxaril.

"TIino, Ihn tlxine hnlx, an I i. pl.n ml xxitli

tlm Imrana 1 .iintxal i'o

rim Kom'ii'. anrlall.l., haxn pi.l nlo.’il

a .nnm..inl .i a.on playine .irm-l fai".,

i'o"nly fair, ainl park. Shn-Mpon. I 1 , xxll! haxi' a .imni fair

linn I 11 Thn lia.klll Mnintx I'arnixal I'o,

xxlll fniiil.h till' alliani on.

llm I lull' It'M k iViki I'aro'xal. No' P'

II. will Im llm Iml ana i .lrn

t'oirpanx allrani'oii. rim Wn.tirn llo.lm k Pnrarl Show nhfml

III pro.pnron. .I'a.on la.l xximk al .lolinl. III-

Fnrarl'. airmal. c" to Kan.a. I’llx

rim Imlliynix t'ninlxnl t'o fnrnl.hml tho nitrnnilon. al thx' Plim Itlnft i.\ik 1 Stale

fjir, to the eutlre MallMfunKon of all non 111 .ji'ii

Sam \nh huH Ihn .na.on with llm

U00111.11I1 x.Miiilval X fimji.iiiy . aoxanni., an.i .n|,.i. in eyii'imiil on. .. n ..

|i..iiy all .miHoii.

■ •.ii 1. n.j liropriilor of tio S iiii!n rn I'.ir

iiix.i. I iiiiip.iiiy, 18 e’l'iie i-i ■■ . i-.niix.-

oiiini 1*1, .-."iip ne *11 i-'.iin .o l■•■lllllnPl ainl .xian.ia

.••im. liiliia. Iln- erannfiil nonto.-tloni.l.

wiio h;iH Imnii pluviiie .irm-i tail., an .11111

nmr, will In u lew i..iyn ‘oi ><•" im-.Iii

• III nil of xiiiiilnviim.

I(o.i''b Hill Plantation tlm Hnn>aiii

III ..I. l.eilllH la.t wmk xir. Ko.n Inll loi

iioi >|iiiiieK. lo r' lmiin iiiiiil li.'ni'iiiii. r. aim limn lmi|mli .11 K1 Pj.-ni, ln\.

.\i MaillHon. \% IH , Inn .Morri. Itnrenr Par

Iiixiil X oliipany han tin* lianm-r Im.iin-.. of

till' .x'.a.on. .ot lioiitmi, xi,. la.l xx.'nE, nim

wnlilhnr nolll r.lilllX'il I I e'.nl l••I.ill- ...

Art I.. l.ilwanl. (li n < .nn ...• Po;ii

pany I lia. nio.i ii w'.in 1,0- Ixn. ii*'-. .Vii ii . A..ox';:illoll ot Kii.m'llvii.x'. Ar... I r ...

l.iir ainl mi'mniiiii. n.rniia , .\oi. •

'Iln- liinKntt t-uiiiily nt iinriall.t.. who

liaxn la-. II .1 fniiliirx- of many .iim-t ami

nonniy lair, the pa.l .iiniiimr, wm in >.l

pioliaiilv .|ix'tnl tlmir w nti-r in xainp'xiim.

It I. rninnimi that Paptaiii Nx'iiio. ihx- man

xx'lio i. Iiiirinii alive ri'eniariy. ix'it hi. a.

.I.talit ami llix* ninleitakx'r who fiirni.hml

the notlln. al Tnrrx.' Ilanix'. Iml.. in iln

:iirnh Tlm Millin Phrl.tliin show nxliiliiiml to

Kl.x •<> |« • pii- at llm 11 rm iiaiiti- 11..1I.1 1 '.ir

I'lx.ii. II I. Il .ikml xvllli tin- Itolikimon Par Pi iiipnny. at < oli.mlin.. 1..1.. mi'-


I Klnv- II hie linloor namival. arx- alrnaily

I projm-le.l lor llm x-oniine winter. Vieior li

jiauxlii w II ui.o piiil oif .exeriil. It I'l iks

u. if there xxonlii he ph n.y ”t w nk f ir x'X I'lylMMly

K <1 >li'Po;iih. the hieli iliver xvilh llm

yoni' iiiie''! > aiiuxiil X ompany. ha. a Pi

I-1 III ithi-r 1.1^0:11 II nelli to ni. la .i| -i'. ami .

I. iw maiin. lo haxe nn- h eln-.i -.ixe of | any one in ihx- hn.-ine.» ;

.<rl I. I 'Ixiaii.. 11.i. .ohl hi. aiT al my.

li'iy, ■ I In-o, l.i iii'.ite*' * '111-. Ini' Ir.ii.m.'

Iiiti.'. ami I. II'IW a., mialeil xvilh Hmi. .xl.

Iini|.|n-.|| . • ailiixal to. The eoUl-

liiiiiy I. 11 iw narixme Iweixe jiiihl .hoxv.,

II. I.. I.eaxjll ll.'l. n|o.e I wl.h lln' follow-

•n-e loxv'i. f ir tin* S..iiiheni Piirnival Poni

pai'x S:ih''-I Kan. Sier.lne, Kan. • Alama-

e inl I. N. .M.. Kl Pa..i le..; Tin-.oii. Arl*.;

• •In. nix. Arl'*.. ami Pie-eoit. Arl*.. ami In- xvl'l I.Hik the in in x'allforniu elr-

• n'l. yliinaeer MiKiix, nf the “liHy Parw"

Pi'iiipai y. n i.irl. ei"«l hn<inx.«t for the

|.a.| .•' 'rile miinp.iny's last atanxl was ii-rre Halite, leil.. xxin-ie tlmy disbaii’letl

Ml Mi'Kay will remain in 'I'erm Haute,

an I Im. .Ion-.I h.. ti-ni ainl front in that

low II.

1 ue PlPlM.iiril ' eontratu'ates Mr. F. I’.

S ireeiil 111 h. proinll.on to tlm posilkyii of

eein ’-al i. iitraet ne aeent of the tJasklll-

xli inty Piiriiival loiiip.iiy. He baa Just

eloM iI tlm wex'k of Nox. IT at Pensacola.

Fla., aial wi-x-ks i.f .Nov. 'Jt mill iH-c. 1 at

.New iir.x-iii|..

x'oyle’. Mn.enm. .Miller'. Siiiiko Show,

I berry Sl-tei.. Hay Wild Loaell,

Twiiith-th Pi'iitury iiirl.. "Tln.i,” flying

l.'i'ly. Slii.'l. of India. Ponerx ss of Beau-

Ih.. KN. irie Tin .Iter and Ikex liaill's Ish-

ii'.ax'l. Were the |Mi.v .hoxv. al I In' I'Ine Bluff

i.Xrk I S*alx' Fair. Mr. Fee P Ki'iiiieil ha. ehi.i.l with the

Wriel'i Parnixal Pomisiuy. and .lati. that he and IP. wife ".\|o», lie. ■ the tire daimer.

will I .nr the Xx I'.i and limn e" .Xti.iralla III ih-r ihe x'M'lii'lxx' nianae’'nmnt of Mr.

I ha». H In niriek. of Phieaeo. Tln-.e px.i

p'x' arx' xeiy i-lev, r. aad in.irx- will In- heard

from tin III. .X hanx. lia.. |iminise. tn Im hie. Nov 10

Kl tlm xl itx'. ami thxiusainl. of xi.ltor. arx

X \p..'ixsl tr.ii.i town, ainl vil hike.. The eotton x'rop is now Im ne iii.-tr-

li'lid and nmin-y is pientrfni am .ne all

elii... .. .X Ixany Is tlm x-eiitx-r of a rleh aerh'iillnr:il x'oHiitry. rx.a'ivx-. ii«i.i»xi tiah-s

of x.'ltx 11. ha. -mxx'ii ainl a p ipJ

!al oil of m.ixxi. F XI. Knrk. ei nora! aex'iit of ilio Smih

1:11 Pari' val Pompanx. h.ikine hah'. In-arly ainl liainl''iiim'. xxa. a "Itillhisird " oalh-r la.t

wiok. Ho eaiiii' holin' to oi-iohrali' in a

• piix'l w IX llm hirthday of h'. daiiehli-r

Kllml XIr. Bnrk .tali-, llnil llm S.inllnrii

Parnixal Pompanx |. xoiilraoli.l Ini'i I’lili

fornla. iiid xxlll put in a wlnlx-r .o.i.on on

I'.. Mlili'll It.mnmr, who noontiy o'om.I

XX 111 I'o Panipis'll Bril' SlmW'. i» ddne

xxi-ll XX III Iln- .one took and photo ..iiixoii.r

prxliie'-' 'll .iri.'l fair. .XI Ft. Smiih.

Xrk , III- pill mil -*1.1.SI liook. lo.| xxi.'k Ho

Ill'll Ilk'' prlxlloeo. al J.ipl.n. Mo., and Piim

Blnif. .Xrk.. and i. Issikod np .olid nnltl

In I s .X e<""l .one h.sik hn.lh-r may .0

onro on plox nmnt hx writine him. oaro K0.0

M...I' II ilol. X'Jl Main .iroo*. .I ip'in. Mo.

'I'lm iwii Hi'witt.. is'ilall.Px' iM-nimhnhi

lol.. o' 1.1.1 Ihx'ir .I'l'ond .oa.on with the

\\ riehl I'arnixal «'o.. in Poplar Blnff. Mo..

I i.i XXX. k. and an- rx-I'neaex'd f ir 1:10:1 The

Hi'will' x'oiilrax'l. with Pohnml XX riehl art*

l•ninn^■ rio- lir.l .ea.on. no i.nilrael. Ihe

'ea.,in II eoxxTx.l Ixxo piiex-' -if ftsd.oap

P'llHT -nd Iln- Ih'rd ip.xx'li wa. wrillx'ii on

one ,.|' x'.d XXrlehP. hn.iin-.. eard. rimy •' I ipr.. I to San Frail! t.eo, ois'iiine thiTx'

Nox "

Mr K lioexT., owner of the wonder

fill hor.e. .llm Key. ha. In.'ii eiieaeed hy

II I- XX I man'. .Xnvhlary of the S P, x’ .X..

• i| .sxrn n.e. N X . lo m.inaee Hn-ir px'l

•»i Ill'll 'lioxx ami fa I. Nox 11 'J'J II w I"

he a II e exeiil Sonn of tin- tlin-'i an'mils

• hlali'-'hle haxi' Is. n 1 nterx'd. The .Xlh iiii

hra ixximrx' Ihx* .hxxw will he hehB I. Ihx'

laree.l ;.iul hand.mne.l ami lorlmn in the

tmrtlmrn of ihe S’atx'. J lu Key, a« a

frx'i' .'xttrartlon. w Ml donhtle*. Im a blc

driw nn earxl. and under Mr IJ le'-r.' pro

erx-ssive iiiid hti.liiiie m iinreeim nl thI. |M't -iliow and la r 1. hound to Im a .imi'ess.

■Xl .Xladi.on Sipiarx- Harden. Nexv York

I Hy. an ekliihiiloli w ill he elxx'ii. I lee. l.'i 'J.'i.

eallexl llm I' r.l .Xnnna! Noxi'lly Kvliihlthm

m l Hiiiiid Phiistniii. P.axaar F.xiry I'lToi't

H hi'iiie iiride lo a..seiiihh' llm hire**.I and Host e implele line of new and nieritorion.

eoisl. Ill lie fonn I heimalh one roof in the

I'x'ilopiill.. representine the iniln.lrh'. of

111 . an I ... 'riie Novelty

lixliihition w i'l no dnohi he an iniportani

aolor in llm holiday trade of New- X ork

A ..I military liaiid will liven np mul¬

ti r.. and In order to si.'iite the laree.l po.-

slide .11li-ndanee iln- adnii..'on fee ha. hi'en

fixi'd al 'J-'i eeiil' 'rile •'xp'i.ltloii •'inip.-in.x

lie .end ne mil ailraeiix •- folih-r.. explain

Iln- plan, and eixine a diaeram of llm floor

'p.ii— of the .Xladismi S'|iiare Harden. Xll ‘

ipplh-iint. fir .'p.-iie .lionid addn-.. 'I’ln

Ni'XX" X ork \ ix I'lly- Kxlilh' Ponipan.v,

.No l.'l.'l Williams slreel. New X ork, .N‘ X.


I here yx ill In* a raei- nn.'l held in eoiiiiei' imi wllh lile .Vlah.inia Stale I'air. al Bir iiii iii'i. \ox. .'!. Mx ili ni.aiid d.illar. ha. In.-ii -.-1 ii'iih- fir llm .pi-i d line.

It will pay h•lr.'•'nll'n 10 look np the llii-

nols-lowa "Smni Ship Pireiili. ' emiHistine

Ilf Ihl. helle, Sti .Xlonisiii. Id., an 1

riinion. la. xxith oiiier lown. in p.o,p"et .'•■r I ;i

PiI'.'i-i II.' ii'eli'd olT a iii’h' In ‘-’:i»:-'4 xx-'l!i.

-lit Ml' aid o.' a piee.nik.r. at Mei.ipa;.,

lei'll., ili'l. 1". Iiwim. IM-leliam slate,

'll. iior'e xxa. iiexer .11 a I*.-Iter einll'l ni , li.iix •' iri-.i III.

'I Well... Ilxe ll il'dnd P"I p e .'I'lendiil Mil

Tr Si.'.e I'll r ai d r-e.11 .Si.n. en, h. ,11.

i:et. I Wo nil . ' x,i.,|. I Kflni.i'i'd. mie 1 o

■_*:B1 paee. in whoh there weri- Mir.-e heal'

•ai.d 'lexa. yIlmen. .Xliie l.i and Jemima had

flr.l. In the half ni.le riiex- then.

XXII' hill one heal mil off. and Bessie Brown

i’le liMik flrsi. 'I'he l':a<i Ind. purse fjisi

xva. flih..hi'd in lliree .triiiehl heat., as fol

loxv.; Pilaek Pateheii. lir.i ; .XleSliad, see

cud. and Bollia. thinl. Ih-st tiiim,

MePhi'siiey. prohahly the eri-atest Ihree-

yeur-xdd that exer |H-rforiimd In the West,

deinoiistrated hi. .ii|mrhir1ly over Green B.

Morris’ Soinhreio. in a inateh race at Phl-

eai;ii. Ill., iiei n;. MePhesne.r xvon xvilh

eii'm. bx'ini: piillexl ii|i iiino.i to a walk, and

tinishexl x»iih more than a length to spare.

The traek and weather eondilioiis xvere as

thisigh iniide for the emitesl. The raee was

at a mile and an eight!i. for a purse of

$l.igiO All effort is heing made on the

p.trt of Mi'Phesmy's owners to mateh him

with Ileriiiis. the king of tin* Kasteru thrxm-year-ohls.

Hythinie. the Idiiid trotter, did not riiee

at the .Xteiiiphis immtiiig. The horse eiit a

caper at the Lexington iKy.l racy's in the-

flrst hint of the Tninsylvaiiia, and crippled

himself So liadl.x' as to iixs-essitale his rx'-

tlremi'llt for the siaisoil Scott Hudson, the

oxvnx'r of the horse dm's not think that

K.vthinles liijnr.v will disalde him iiernni-

ncntl.v. and that thx' sightless wondi'r will

again lie in the ganix- next si'iismi. Kythinie

has netted his oxvimr more money in slakes

and pnr.i's lUI. season than any horse ou

the I Plri-iiit.

I. WXKKNt K. KXN. lioxx i-rsiM'k Hpx-ra

llmi'e. ilrxii'g Hill. Xlgr.i .Xlorcy Slxa-k

Poiniiaiiy playi.l to fair Ini.lness xviiek of

l*el. in. kgaili.T Opp isllioli. •'Siiwams*

Kivi-r." I II I. Jii. a large house and

g.'ixe go m1 l.■rfornlanl'e. .X large and ap-

prei-i.itixe aiidii nee grei-li.l Andn'xv Koli-

.1 II. in "Kiehard Parxel.” ih't. 21. The

eoinpany w is xv.-ll n.-eixed. .eoring 11 niiiii

In-r of I'lirlain eall. during the perfc.rm-

•iiee. I 11 1 21, Ifii'lianl. .X Pringle's Mln-

.inl. Oil 'J!*. ..lia Bingham, in ".V

Mo.lei 11 Magda leli

.HHIN' SPH'ri'S.

4.IIII- PIN. t. X. 11 y m|T. 'nienter. IK. K

\ Mgr.i 'I'lm Itniiaxyay Miiteh."

wh'i'i will appear Imre on liel. '27. has Imeii

Ihe lie.I liH-alix adx ITI i.i'.l event of the sea-

.••n. .X lar'-’e i-roxxd will irreet II. F.xery I. .'ii'xloi;. Ill 'I'O Ihe "widow" and Inr

"ln'ldix ■■ Parloxx '. Min.l lel.. ilet. '22. xxa.

'■Ill of the I'eaiie.i and l.-.l ever seen in

Hrill’ii. and llmx xxlll In- gn.'led alwav. In"

g.k d hm... . here. XX F .Xl.XI.AIF.i:

\\ F.IIS'I'F.II trrx. IN. XXIIson. Iipeia

Heii.e. iHi.i. Heron. Xlgr.i 'I’lm Fred. Bay

ni'iiid Pmiip'inx played the "Xl '...nrl H r( "

al the o'lera limi.e iici. '.'•i. 'I’lie play xx;.'

we'l put mi and xxa. well reeeixed. llm an

dieiiei' l»''ng kepi ill a roar of I'lnghler d ir

ing Mil- whoa' |ierfonnaime. .X full hon-e

•greeie.l ihl. iiiiip'inx Ni'M iitrai'tion

■'I'he •■.nxii'i'' I i.'inghler." •••1. .in

XI I. I.It'll.1;

X. XINKsx II.I.K. I K\. Brown ••iM ri

ll'iii'e. i Mr Broxx n. Xlgr.i ' Telep'i'iim

H rl pliixi.l III a full lioii.i' xii'l. 111. and

ex .'rx one XX,'|. ple i.ed. Il I. np lo dale.

■Pek'ii'g. l-'rom Piii'k." xii-l. '2. Ho* d ad vaeei''.ill- ■ .x Xlillimiiiri Tramp ' Mil 2'

.X Pi.liiler . Plaim.' Mel . :il. Biehard. .V Pilii'g e'» XI n.iri''. Nox " Tlm 'lniw. are

puli ng mil 'oiiie X el X nil- |i i|M'r ilii. xear.


X X\ \X KKT. M Honiai . I heater, i.l

Frank lliman. Mgr 1 "'riie Prisoner of

/.enda.' Mel 22. played In a nmdinni sir. "d

I'l.ose The ^■oln|•.^n.x xxa. gisnl Bip Xan

XX 'nkh ha. a large uiimiiil of pa|s'r and

lianner. di'played iii:i'I'lmlng his arrival Mel 2. ‘ 'BI X' xll.K.XSMN.


PttONB *Ssi eatakll«lM4 lt4j.

CIIIT King's first trip will In- iiwnitetl with iu- ' terest.

The Buffalo Bill Wild W*'8t Show will he Brought Against Buffalo Bill by an »»>‘PIH*d to Hoboken, X. J.. iuiunsllatelj-

upon Its close iu Memphis. t)u Dec. 8 the Ex-Artilleryman. entire show will t>e shippt'd to I.siudon, and

It 18 alleged that William F. Cody has "P****. “'.m*' Xight. Dec-. ‘M. been made defendant In a suit for damages ^ ***, "I** 8** o\er on the return trip

Thomson ft VandWeor

Circus T ents TKMTS row RKNT.

230*232 E. 3d St.. CiNGINNATI, 0.

<1 wUl b» prvm/My/orynriua


claims. It Is said,'that while he was tiklng ,\\r,,““1 r''***' Ju. ks,'n V'' ntv V ’i'-rei lT.’ ft’ part In a performance of the show In Min- »>'>;•«>««> . “e • official organ of the circus f «• nnnnollQ In \lnn nf last rnon aa a ninml.m- plOfeSSlOtl, for WC haVC morC rCadcrS HOll) >prlngS, I. of a sniiod flrlnir a cannon ’ the aim was •I'** circus folks than all other pa- t'KSKlX Bill, (II. E. -Mlott, Mgr.l—

iPn’is-rs combined. Wynne. .\rk., Oct. 28; Helena, 2!»; Forr.-st o .-..inu.. ui.i.., n .ouuuu, luc g.iu nno coniblned >\ynne. .Vrk., Oct. 28; Helena. 2!»; Forr»-s

?Jn7eVi;;rhlm"^cVYp®fo”m^^^ ‘ Cedartown, Oa.. the county seat, of Polk ‘JO-•:^ragouh.,^3L Mo h7d and p™t of his arm were blown off ‘^’c«nty, is a very good agrlt^ultural ceutec \ov. 1; Poplar Bluff .3; Dexter, 4; Charlea- ho Ktntea ‘^fnd hie H^ht^eTr -Iwst outslde of the towu’s limits are lo- »«n. >: Jaeksou. «; Fnslerlektown. 7

S™ny bui.M .“bS'irti» Mj" K“' St;;'? '“5 "V;;; .b„ .„b, may be eotln-ly denroyed. ',V cC*.“'‘.VXe''■Tr,'iM.^.''?;Tjb.lSll:T: '•

ter would do well to include the town In OI..\UK Brothers- 8odus Station, lai.. Oct. 28

C.VMPBKLI. Bros.’ Shows--Tjidonia, Tex.,

CIRCUS CANVASES, PolM and Stake*. SKATS, Flare, Ete.



jUnllWnU LUSNBAU8N I Notkiu too Urf* or too TENTS. Notkiu too Urf* or too I cm I». •mall for oor shop. All th« Hie Shows os* th.

DEMPSEY’S TRIAL POSTPONED. '‘‘sincrM^t^ TAMPBELI. Bros.’ Shows--I.adon.., Tex.. 1111111110 LUSNBAU8N The trla. of trank Dempsey for the al- Oampliell Bros.’ Shows he has completely 0»-t. 28; I-armersvllle. 2!*: Midlothian, J$(>; TKMTff

leged murder of a negro eanvasman with rt-<*overed from his attack of chills and ('anieron. 31. NoihlM too larg* or too ILHI v. the Reed's Shows, at Cynthlana, Ky., last fever, and Is now condneting song lM>ok FOUEIWrOH - SEI.I.S—Wayoross, Oa , ••‘"P Allth* Hie Show* om th. spring, has heen postponed to the next term and photo souvenir privileges at street Oct '28; Valdosta, 25»; Thonitsvllle, .30; Al- f?!* “? ** “•‘jf‘'‘t?’.. ““ of court St Owlngsvllle, Ky , which will be fjUrs, having held this concession at Galena, bany. 31; Americna. Nov. 1; Macon. 3; Co- held In February. The trial was postponed Kan.; Springfield. Mo., and Ft. Smith. Ark.! 4: Montgomery. Ala.. .3; s;ima. 6; for partlooUr. liecaiise Dempsey conid not get his witness- putting out .'..(•(•O b.s>ks at the last named Meridian, Miss., 7. BikliOM, es In Owlngsvllle without Incurring a large place. FI.OTO. Otto—Chicago, III.. Indefinitely. TW PtACTKAl UhlMAMI roVMfilM kv expense npon Mr. Reed, as It would neces- The Earl Sisters were called home from GARDINIER Bros.’ Golden Rule Bltate the close of the show for several the Wallace Show- to attend the funeral Memphis Tenn., Oct. 28-Xov. 3; Kahnka. a j aa a • it i days. Dempsey Is very sanguine of the of their grandfather, who was widely t in. VppnOnf 91111 Xlinilf PSirtlirilTCl outcome of the trial, and expresses him- known In the profession. He passed away HARRIS Nickel Plate Show, (C. O, Wll- UVWIHIIJ QIIU UllUlf I OIkIIIikOi self very hopeful as to his ability to prove at the ripe old age of 82. He was the «on Mgr.l—Balnhrldge, Ga., Sept 28; Val- JOHM'HEKFI'KTH that the killing was done In self defense. father of Lola, the former noted aerial dosta. Oct. 2!»-Nov. 8. __-

o-K- c—. o..,™ _.n-- .. i.rcKY BUI’S Show-Valley Falls. Kan., IWMATI, «.

FI.OTO. Otto—Chicago, III., Indefinitely. G.4RDI.\IER Bros.' Golden Rule Show—

-artist. The I2arl Sisters will remain at ..... datmcd AasDi-rimie home for the next two months, practicing 0<t. 28; Oonawkle. 2'.i; Oska'loosa. .30; Mc- T.-. Their address is Hotel Hilton. T.outh. .31; Tonganoxle. Nov. 1; Clinton. 3;

Harry King, the young tri^k blcyedlst of (inton, N. J. Richland. 4: Overhrook, 5; Qnivera, 6; Lyn- I.afaveltc. Tnd . announces his Intention of -vjr. James D. Harrison, treasurer of privl- don. 7; Osage Cltv, 8. outdoing niavolo. King has under wn- ^-Ith the Walter L. Main Show, Is MAIN. Walter L.—Kinston N. C., Oct. strnctlon an apparatus In the form of a i,.,pk on duty after a week’s visit with ;Ki; Greenville, 20; Washington. 30; Wlll- donhle loop, which Is described as being friends In Texas. The gonial Jim visited lamson. .31: Scotland Neck. Nov. 1; Tarboro. ?«**?’. twenty feet higher at the top of the In- ,j,c Rlngllng Bros.’ Show at Fort Worth rt- Roekv Monnt 4: Wilson R; Weldon. 6: * *»• ••»•»• dine that that used by Dlavolo. Atter «hile in the Lone Star State, and took In R.-^ielgh. 7. ■ making a first loop. King exf^cts to ride ,|,f. ituffnlo Bill Wild West at Dallas. On ORRIN Bros.’ Circus—En ronte In Mex- A MV/A & KflET Tt» down another Incline and make a seewd jjjj, return to the Main Show he was pre- j^o Headnoarters. Mexico City, Mex. ^JllvfW w/Vls VOHDKK l^p which will be several feet lower than „.nt,>d with a beantlful cane by admiring prim.I ONE’K-En ronte In Cuba. On short notlee. Wrtu for esrticnisrs iii.. the first. It Is not stated whether or not friends In the dressing room. RINGT.ING Bros.—McKinney, Tex.. Oct. trsted oetalon* free. Caa ailjew proof t«i hunt he has ever been successful In looping a |j yy Wakefield, who was assistant to Waxahachle. 2f>: Hillsboro. 30; Temple, by (u at eoat. 8«a4 oa yoerlnqalrlaa. single loop. John Talbott, of the Walat-e Shows the qt; Tavlor Nov. 1: San Antonio. S: Austin. ■

W. H. LUSHBAUOH, TW ftACTKAl TlklMAkf I. r0VM6I0«l kY

Scenery and Show Paintings! JOHMIHEKFI KTH,

j W«a. tIM Koowe m,, t’lKriWMATI. 4.

Side Show Paintings SIEUMl'NI) B(K'l.

>• Blae IsUkMl Ave„ ChleaM, IIL S X I*. xTil, sa<.«»« X !«, sa^.M

It X t«, tS7JI«

single loop. John Talbott, of the Walaee Shows the qt; Tavlor. Nov. 1; San Antonio. 3: Austin, - early p.nrt of the season, made the show a 4; prenham. .1; Houston, d; Bennmont. 7.

pb-asant visit at New Orleans and met all ROBINSON. John. (John G. RoMnson. ...K w .9'” u ,„,i#r to h's o'd TriPnds. He left the Wallace Show Mgr.I-MIlledgevllle. Ga.. Oct. 28; Fort Val-

Kailroad 8 circus tariff is sncceod Wm. Powloy as adjuster for vv. 20; Cuthhert Nov. 1; Union Springs, an inl-iuity. Howe's Great I.ondon Shows. Upon his .Ms.. 4.

('“rdner Is In consnltatlou with departure he was presented with a heantl- sfN.I S A Downs—Tuhllcatlon prohibited. lork. Elk*han<11ed nmbrplla and a handaome tor tolr^craniR RddreRR<^ car^ Af **Tbe

The advance force of the Wallace Show from his friends. ’'Chief.” as rdllboard" will he forwarded

J. C. QOSS & CO., "STS?"

SFN.I.S A Downs—Publication prohibited, j t etters or telegrams addressed care of “The

rkadeinhin. (1: Camden. 7. Eqnal to any la workaaaaklp.thapo and oaalUr y.IFMFR’S. King R.—St. I/onIs. Mo. In- Got oar prtoos before boyt^. AgenU for KIddT

has all been PaW off and gone I>ome. jj, known to the profession, has gone to WAT.I.ACF Shows (C. E. Cory. Mgr >- J. C. Knight, Jr., U h(>lding bUl board Springs for a few weeks recreation. Greenfield. Tenn.. Oct. 20; Fnlton. Kv . 30;

'’'!fnsetffi7c7la“VheJl*1^ aHm^^^ let- O’Donnell returned to his Phil- Cairo. HI.. .31: T>exter. Mo.. Nov 1: Bate*- eftslOl ter «7fi'KflTboard” office adelphia home on Oct. 21. after a very vllle. Ark.. 3; Newport. 4; TJttle Rock. R: **^\fr*^ Petpr Sells visited the Walter L Plt-ssnnt engagement as press agent with Vrkadelnhla. 0; Camden. 7. Eqaal to any la t

Sh^w at^R rml7ham AU Oct & linttsi\o Bill’s Wild West.,He will be en- ZIFMER’S. King R.-St. I»nls. Mo. In- ttstoerpri^bW

’^The^Md^“““amlirhar’ble7 enwS bV ^ Bailey's American attractions MIDWAY COMPANIES. feiSL,™ ^“7*

the Foreoaugh-Sells-Shows for next season. T®."?’ "k" CINCINNATI Midway Carnival Co.. (C. J. *“»“ Olty. Mo. Mike Welch Joined the W’alter L. Main n}ade for a EunM^an t^^^^ on thTs^seaS^n Sturgis. Mgr >-Amerirus. Ga.. Nov. 3-8. ""

Stow M .Mototo. N. C.. Oct. 22. to, . -i.H J’,“r..™ ,, oo7. -Mt ,to J-'P* on route. ,rhen the ear caiivbt fire W Gasklll. Mgr.l—Jaeknon. Tenn.. Otri. 27- ■ ■

SHOW TENTS. Got oar piiM bofor* boyt^. AgenU tor KIdd't Uahu and Baker torohos. Blark toau for uortna piotDroa. Good aaeond haed Unu from MxW mxSM. at Rargalat. BAKkK A LOCKWOOH

Baker, 411 DeUwaro Street

low at .uonroe, .-h. uct. lor a ^ pleasant one, with the excep ^- \ route. , time when the ear caught fire W Gasklll. Mgr.l—Jackson. Tenn.. Oet. 27- Wm. F. Melrose, somersault equestrian, 1 .. vvestem orairles Nearly everv per- Nov 1: Blrtnlnghatn. A^n.. Nov. 3-8; Selma,

closed with the Walter L. Main Shows. Oct. 1 ^^J^^he tf.-l.-,; Pensacola. Fla. 17-22: New Orleans. 15, In Atlanta, Ga. 'robe ^ 24-Dee 1; Beanmont. Tex., 7-12;

(’has. F. Gross has quit the road and ac-1 • t ». u cs,,...- ur Galveston. 14-111. cepted the position of assistant postmaster Notes from J^n H^S^r^ Shows. Mr lypiAXA ramlval Co., (O V Hndaneth at Boonvllle. Mo. • “I ^f'n.nrUU in ’h^th^ Mgr.l-Monroe. Iji.. Oet. 27-

A half interest In the famous Nickel Plate OpHs “EwJ RoeV 10-15. Show Is offered for sale. It Is a big chance 1’’"Is and ■P^r’"J,^I^’Torme™ with Sparks t.aY'TON'S Midway and Cai

T a.. Nov 24-Dee 1; Beanmont. Tex., 7-12; Galveston. 14-10.

INDIANA Carnival Co., (O. M. Hndapeth. Mgr.l-Monroe. Iji., Oet. 27-Not. 1; Little

^'^The^onth. "with* its exorbitant licenses I Mo-, on Oct 14, Jnst ^ P^’’'I 0<-t''"^^N!>V.'l rircns, were nnlt^ In marriagt at Joplin,

T,.4Y'TON”S Midway and Carnival Co.. fW. R. Tjivton. Gen. Mgr.l -Wilmington, N. C..

and prohibitive railroad rates. Is not turn- formanee. J'*}" M^.^Oovt^ln the ' Ing out very good. members of the show by Mr. Goyt In the ^

The Ten P^i^erless Potters, with the Fore- wsy of an oyster sripper. After the P^* r.,.,b ,V sc. Bro... ,,e .Ucl„« mtob „■ torjtocc. „

MORRIS BERGER Carnival Co—Coving¬ ton. Va.. Oet. 27-Nov. 1; Charlottesville,

vorahle press comment. I an* nf I 'n«on. >igr i—1 ninmnua. There Is going to l>e a grand gathering day t: Clarksville. Tenn. 3-8.

ROBINSON’S Carnival Co. (Dan R Rob¬ inson. Mgr I—Colnmbna. Oa., Oet. 27-Nov.

of trooi)er8 at the Slpe sale at Kokomo It w?® M™ *l7ovV7ere *Dre*^t^ wRh Sor3 HEBN Carnival Co.-Sterling. Kan . will he a regular convention. Mr. and Mr^ Goyt were pr^^tM witn 07 v^v, 1; Alamogardo. New Mexico.

Al. McPhail, special agent of the Sells- Jf’'’*’™' ",’‘^J5,7!lLhf„5l^were P””®- Tex.. lO-lR; Tnseon, Aria., 17- Forepaugh Show, paid a brief visit to the Hons ^ ^nwn 22; Ph,w«iilx. 24 20; Prescott. Dee 1-B.

r.m5’k,"to aJSi". ,0 W C* Mb”. Bmb.y r^y. . brotb.r o, tb, b.pby Eml, aeRPORMERS- DATE*, gan, of the Walter L. Main Show. J^oTl Well, here s sneeess to the Ooyt aLDRTCH. Ch.arlea T.-BoRfon. Msrr,.

Circus proprietors will find that It will Trio. f4,.4 tT-Nov. 1. pay big to advertise “second-hand show Notes from the Walter L. Main Show: ADAXfS. Amelta-Rnffalo. N. Y. (Tlvolll, property for sale” In onr Christmas Issue. Turned hnndreds of people away at the net 27-Nov. 1

TENTS All Kinds

All Sizes

All Prices

Indianapolis Tent & Awninf Co. INDIANAROCIN, INO.

■xMiilRelareTe *4 xll Eiatf* •« Teal*. Jones and Sutton are now playing through afternoon performance at Macon. Ga.. Oet p avcroft Maude-Buffalo, N T ("riv- »4|Re*i«||y. RUrlt rents

the Interior of Mexico, with Orrin Bros.’ io. This was most remarkable, considering ol'l Oet. 27-Nov. 1 J**^.*r’ ki^eond-lMMHl Tents BnngliM Circus, with headquarters at Mexico City, the fact that II was raining heavily, an- BARROWS T-ANCASTER Co.—St T.ouls. !■*••••• MAWI.KF, Terre Hnute,

Fred. Wilson, of Cincinnati, who has been other big show was billed to follow soon Mo (rolnmblal, Oet 27 Nov. 1 principal clown for the past five years with after and a street fair was In fnll blast BEGERE.Vslpria and Co -Chleago HI KInglIng Broa Circus, has Joined William Business at Columbus, Ga.. was also big. (HRymcrketl Oet 28 Nov. 1 DeOnxo, of Hamilton, O.. as partner. and (he people of Montgomery. Ala . turned BLAKE. Harry and Flora-Dublin (Em-

Frank Pnreell, of the Wallace advance out In great nnmbera to ar-e the ahow. At pirel Oet. 20-Nov. 1 force, has accepted a imsltlon as snperin- Atl.anta. Ga.. Oet. 1.3. the tents could not BOWMAN. Frank I.awrenee, Maaa., (Caa tende’nt of the Little Rock Bill Posting Co. Ucgln to hold the people, and so many were tol. Oet. 27-Nov. 1. for the winter. disappointed at not being able to gain ad- BURKHART Lillian-Rochester. N. T.

W. I. Rwaln. until recently connected with mittanee to the night performance that a (C.-mk O TT.l. Oet. 27 Nov. 1. the Wallace Shows, has leased a playhonse riot narrowly averted. From all re- BROTHERS Bright—Brooklyn, N T. In Fort Wayne. Ind.. where he will present ports the tobacco country In North Caro- (Hvde A Behmsn’al, Nov. 38 ' straight vaudeville the entire season. Una Is In excellent condition, and the Main UHESTER. MIten—Tionflon, Eng (Hippo-

This will notify L. J. (”Patty"l Conners Show will nndonhtedly do a hig husinesa In dromel. Sept. R-Oet. 31. that his child Is cry low with diphtheria that section. Mr. Isaac V. Strehlg has sev- at Whiting Ind. There Is a letter at “The ered his connection with the Walter L. Billboard” for him from Mrs. Rose Con- Main Show. His engagement as rallrosd t*ers. , ^ , eontrsetor terminated at Ahhevllle. S. C.,

It Is reported that Harry King, of La- Ort. 18. Mr. Streblir Is now enloying a fayette, Tnd., will attempt a donhiis “loop uineh needed rest with his family In Ifiilla- the loop act. After making the finlt loop, delphla. Harry Allen, special repreeenta- Klng will go down another Incline and tive of the show, has heen Incapacitated make the second loop, which will be sev- fmm attending to his regular duties for eral feet lower than the first one. Mr. some days, on account of sertoos Injuries

THE T.W. NOBLE CO. 7-n WMtfvrari Aw., DbMI, MMi.

expert eieeelecterere *f

...CIRCUS CMVASES.... sed Tanu of all kind*, ss loot Tops s^3Rr esrried In atook. Tents ranted tostiltACo.fsIra


GEO. TAYLOR. 97 Cliff Street New York. JfsnMon **7^ BUUtoari” token a*«i*sr4np ads |f*nMon “T’A* Millboarit’' token anotooriny o<l4.


«'AH\VKI.L and Arnold i’arta ^NoiiTfan Ctrijuf), <*ct. lU Nov. ’Ju.

t'ol.K iind JoliiiHou WaHliIngton, I*. ii'liHw’Ht, Orl. ITT Nov. 1.

rul.K. iKilllue—Ixtwell, Mnmh. (('unto), urt. Nov. 1.

rnl.K.MAN, Al. and Htroua^-Iloalon. (.\iintln ana Stoin-'a), Oct. 27-.Nov. I.

CltKSWV, Will, and Inijrno, IIImiu-Iih—.NVw ^ork, N. V., (K«*ltira), Oct. Zi .Nov. 1.

t'ldl'''l'ON. .Marlon Ituffalo, N. Y. iKcn- loii'al, Oct. :n Nov. 1

IKtYI.K and .Moore -Hnffalo, N. Y. (Tiv¬ oli). 0<». :r7-.Nov. 1.

OUKSSI.KIt. .Marie - Ituffalo, N. Y. (Shea), Oct. 27 .Nov. 1.

OKItONOA and Ilreen—WellliiKton, N. J. (Koval). Oct. 6 Dec. 1.

OOW-NS. T. .Nelaon—I’arla (t'aaino l>e I'Mrla), »«-|>t. ItMict. 31.

DANOY. Jt*«H - lloMton, Mara (Howard), Oct. J(l .Nov. 1.

I).\KHO\V. Mr. and Mm. Stuart —Worcea- ti*r. Mana. tl*:irk), Oct. 27 Nov. 1.

DAVIS and Macauicjr t'lilcaxo. III. ((’hi caso O. H.). Oct. 27 Nov. 1.

DAVIS. Will Thoiupa<»n —I/owell, Maiu>. (Cahto). Oct. ’27 .Nov. I.

DA\. Oeo. W.—Loa AnKcU*a, t'ul. (Or |di<Mini). Oct. 2« Nov. 1.

IMl.NOVAN. Jamea—Ijiwrcnce, .Maaa. (Caa to). Oct. 27 Nov. 1.

SlSTl’.KS MeredIth-.Ncw York, N. Y. DKVU/S Auction Co.-Frankfort. Ky., Mi{r.>--Toledo O Oct 2»V\or i " J:.'.?: !!’. » Nov. 2; I'arla. 3; I'ortamouth, O.. 4; Far- MATHKS ('la^^-llVon^ncr Oii: n.., •>-

SN^DKK, (f*^. It., and Harry Buckley— rluKton. .'i, Aahland, Ky., 6; C'harleatoo, W. .Nov. .v(. ’ PI .... _i New Haven, t’onn. (I'oli'a). Oct. 27 .Nov 1. Va.. 7. .MAN to Man (\V S KniiorH.i.i i i- vv

SWD’KAKD. Mr. and Mm. J. I'.-Ix)uIb- KDM A1:»)S. Charltta F. Stock Co., (Sam Bromllour, -Mgra.V-BrJoklvu N Y *o, t 'V vllle, Ky (Teiuple), Oct. 2ft Nov. 1. t'ai lcton. Mgr.)—WellahurK, W. Va., Oct. Nov. 1. ., . -(

.>cw jora. T., m pt. 22 .Nov. 15. WII.DKI’, Mamhall I*.—Brooklyn, N. Y.

(Orplifiiiii), Oct. 12 .'to. WAVlirU.N, .Ned, Jo<-key Club—Loa An

Ki'lc'*, )’al., Oct. 2!) Nov. 1. WKIOHTS, The Two- Buffalo, N. T.

(Kenton’a), Oct. 27 Nov. 1. WKSTO.N and Allen—I,oa Anjtelea, CaL

(Orpheoin). Oct. liVNov. 1. Y.Y.NKKK Comedy Four—l^va Angelea, ,3].N'ot 1.

J.. Oct. 27 2K: Fllzabetb, 30; Pateraon. Oct.

Cal. (Orpheum). Oct. 20-Nov. 2. KAI’ST, (Alan Tabor’a: Shipman Bros.,

'“Mary Stuart, •a ’ ^ Henderson. Kv., Oct. 2J- • ’ «l-Nov. 1; Har-

ZAZKI.Ih Vernon-Buffalo, N. Y. (Harden Mttrs.) sVraense. N. Y.. Oct 27 2!); Weeds- ri»l>urg. HI., 3-|; Carml, 5^ Ihcater), Oct 27 Nov. 1. port. 30; Seneca Falls, 31. -MINISTKR’S Son, iW. B.’ Pi >rt. 30; Seneca r ails, 3l. -••.-■..o i r.n a »<,n, iW. B. Patton- J Yl

FOR Her S.ake, (K. J. Carpenter’s East- wtout Mitr.)—Beloit, Wl.s., Oct. 27; Prince DRAMATIC. ‘‘m; PHirrlm. Mitr.)-Ida drove la , M*--Muscatine, la.’, 2b; Rocic Island

. ... .. . ^ ^ f>‘’t 2S: Ijike City. 2!); Denison. 30; Jeffer- , A MOTHERS H^rt—Itha_^. N Y., Oct. 31; Grand Junction, Nov. 1. NOBODY’S Claim—Buffalo, N. Y (Aca-

2S; ( ortland. •.•!); Norwich. 30; Utica. Oct. p-ou Her Sake. (E. J. Carpenter’s West- -Nov. .3-a ' to). Oct. '27-Nov. 1. .. 31 Nov. 1; Herkimer. 3; Lowvllle, 4; Oaner- prn

DOYl.E, Edward — I hlladelphla, la. ntm. T>- Watertown, ft; Oswetto, 7; Fulton, 8 net (Keith’s). Oct. 27-Nov 1. A Rl’INED I,)fe. iJ. M. Ward A R. L ii„,

DROWN, Samuel-Detroit, Mich. (Or t’rescy, M(tm.) I’tlca, N. Y.. Oct. 27 28; i.-, pheum). Oct. 27-N’ov. 1- „ „ Blnalianiton, ’2t*; New York, N. Y., Nov. 3- net

ESMOND, Arnlta-Buffalo. N. Y. (Fen- p ' Ion’s). Oct. 27 Nov. 1 A GAM)H.F.HS Dauithter. (East; J. M.

Oct. 28; Connemvllle, 29; Kokomo, .11; Alevsndrin. Nov. 1.

FEN’BV:UG St<sk Co.. (Geo. M. FeiileTir. M(tr.)-.Altoona. Pa.. Oct. 27-Nov. 1; Phil i'pstoirir Nov. 3-8.

FORBFS. Ma/r Elizabeth. (“Barham Fr’etchle’’)^ Portland. Ore.. Oct. 2ft-Nov. 2;

FEYINO Hlcanlo-Ft. Worth, Tez.. Oct. 21* Not. 2.

GLADSTONE. Is.tta- St. I.s>uls. Mo. (Co luiubia). Oct. 27-Nov. 1.

GI.F.NROY’, James RIehroond Pittsbnrit. Pa. (DiKiucsne), Oct. •27-.N'ov. 1.

GORDINIER Bros.’ Golden Rule Show- Memphla. Teiin., Oct. ’2h Nov. 3; Kahoka, 4 10

HAAVI.EY and T-eslle—Lowell, Masa. (Cas to). Oct. 27-Nov. 1.

HEKBMANN. Adelaide — Rlrmlnrham Ala. (Bijou), Oct. 27 Not. 1.

HOYVARD and Bland—New- Haven. Conn (Poll’a). Oct. 27-.Nov. 1.

AI.AsivA, (l.lncoln J. tarter a)—>ewark, fjj ^ftOOM* Stoclt Co.. (Joe G. Glaseow. . J.. Oct. 27 Nov. 1; New Haven, Conn., Mcr.l-Newtvirt News, Va.. Oct. 27 Nov. 1.

‘i'r>D/vaa .k o is /u di GRACE Havward. (Dick Ferris; Dick ACROM the PacIBc. (Harry CMv Bjaney, nennis. M(rr.)-Madlson. Wls.. Oct. 27 Nov cr.)—I»es Moines. Is.. Oct. 27-29; St. Joe. ■. ?•’U Kansas City, Nov. 2-8. G.ATFS of Jnstlce. (C O Ford. Mrt )-

19; Kokomo. .11; Nlaj^ra Falls, (Rawland A Cllf- ^rd8>_Oran.l Rapids. Mich.. Oct 2fr2B-

r.e... M Fcnlerir Toledo. O., Oct. 39-Nov. 1; Detroit’ Mich’ 27-Nov. 1; Phil “8. • ••

ORPHEUM Show—Detroit, Mich Oct 27- ibeth. (“Bar'iam 1; Chicago. Ill., 3-16

’ Minlster-Nlaifara Falls, N. Y.. ton. B. C , 7-8. Oct. 28, Warren, Pa., 29; Meadvlllo 30- Nevv Z. D. Davennort. 31; Warren, O., Nov. !• Oil’(htv . 30 Nov. 1; E' 3; Butler. 4. ’ ^

o Cleveland, O., Oct 27- (Joe G. Glaseow. j^ov 1; Sprinefleld, O.. 3; Urhana, 4; Ham- .. Oct. 27 Nov. 1. llton._5; Louisville. Kv.. lO-i.*; '

,M.uhel,ncr Carnival Co. " "’'^XcROSS the Pacific. (Harry Clay Blaney. ’'o^J"‘27-Qov ^’^h«cton" FISHER. Mr. and Mm. Perkins Washlne Mcr.)-I>es Moines. Is.. Oct. 27 29; St. Joe. Mer.)-Madlson. YVls.. Oct. 2T .^ov Mar-

L*:/.’:; **.’.^“'8*J’ ^ Mo.. .3(VNov. 1; Kansas City, Nov. 2-8. GATES of Jnstlce. (C O. Ford. Mer.)— Toronto, 6., 4. ’ "

* r-i' "^r Weilston. O.. Oct. 28; Jackson. 29; Circle Homestead, (Denman ’niompson’s- o oirn** 'Ble 30; Lan.-aster, 31: Cambrldpe, Nov. 1; Thompson A W. L. Kilpatrick’ o Blllln*s. Nov. 1: Ble Timber. 3: IJvlnKston. McConnellsvlIle. 4: Zanesville. 4; Woods Mass.. Oct. 2l?Nov. 1^ ’

*■ 1 ” P!|^' *'*Gl’r.LETTE, Wm.. (Chas. Frohman. Mgr) q^Bros.^‘Mgr™V—7'pt)M- Mgr8.>-Phlladeiphla. Pm.. Oct. Mass.. Oct. 20-Not. 1. O.. Oct. 28; Lime. 2»T Co^mhw

. l.t-Nor. 1. nrtrknwTV v«t P «nA Vsvlne Elliott •cENov. 1; Angola. Ind.. .3. ’ GOODYA’IN. Nat C.. and Maxine Elliott

i-n. 29; Scottdale, 30; I; Morgantown, Nov. I; Charlen)!, 4. iDavId Hunt, Mgr.)—

Circus touring Mexitm. hind the Throne:’’ Edward

(Casto) Oct 27-Nbv 1 land. J) Man^Hd. .V; Sanduskv. 31. ^lle- H. C.. Oct. ’27->ov. i. t»ct. l't-.nov. 1; .New Britain, Mil RlMlN Hartlev -Dublin (Empire) J^«c. J^ov 2; TKIln. 4: St. Mary s. 5; Mnd jrfFERSON. Thomas (In "Rln Van Win Conn . Nov. 3-9. i

Oct •^TNov ’l ^ ^ ^ . It’et ” Charles B Jefferson. Mirr )-Iron -^rM’ANEE River Co . (C. M Pater. Mgr. MI-fcilELI.S Tht-Wllkeshsrre. Ps.. ^' v-* /Mountain Mich . Oct. 28; Hancock. 29; Ish -Sioux City. la . Oct. 28; Slonx Falls S . li v.„ , horir. Nel».. Oct. 28; M ymore. 29; Beatrice. oo- n.ilnth Minn.. 31; West Super D.. 29 Cherolcee. 31: Ft. no.lB^e W i

Oct. 27-Nov. 1. Kill. N. T., Oc . Thomas. (In "Rip Van Win- Conn.. Nov. 3-9.

S- Mgr.)-Pl8h- klll. N. Y., Oct. 27-Nov. 1; New Britaip,

^MoitrrriN’ ]*■ J-Alhanv N Y (Proc Belleville. Kan . 31: Ctsv Center. Nov. 1. (or" MMs ” Nov’.’ l.. .. ' Des Moines. 3.4; Oskalobsii, X"""’ for’st' Ort ’27 vbv^ r'" ‘ ‘ CARTER. Mm. Leslie. ("Dn Barrv;’’ Da- JAMES Bovs In Missouri. (Eastern; Frank SWEET Clover Co. (Otis BThaver. Mgr.)

Mir’ltRAY Brothem Three_I.owell Mass R**lss:'o, Mgr.l—New York, N. Y,, Oct Oaxsolo. Afirr.)—Frankfort, Ind.. Oct. 28; Mllwankee. Wls.. Oct. 2ft-Nov. 1; TjiSalle, (Cssto) Oct ^Nov I ^ o .. . K '^smpalgn. Ill.. 29; Joliet. .30; Kalamaxoo. III.. 2: Aurora. 3; Valpsmiso. Ind.. 4; ’ MARTENBERG. Brothers Buffalo. N. T “P?'* Mns^kegon. Noy. 1. ^5: Andersr.n, ft: Mnncliv 8.

k’e;’’ Charles B Jefferson. Mgr >—Iron ST’M’.ANEE River Co , (C. M. Pater. Mgr ) Mountain Mich.. Oct. 28; Hancock. 29; Ish- —Sioux City. la., Oct. 28; Sioux Falls S pcm'ug 30; Duluth. Minn.. 31: West Super D.. 29; Cherokee. 31: Ft. Dodge, Nov.' 1; lor. Wls., Nov. 1. Moines. 3-4; Oskaloosa, .f.

JAMES Bovs In Missouri. (Eastern; Frank SWEET Clover Co. (Otis B. Thaver. Mgr) Gaxxolo. Mgr.)—Frankfort. Ind.. Oct. 28: —Mllwankee. Wls.. Oct 2«-Nov. 1; I.aSalle

(Shea’s). Oct. ’JJ-Nov. 1. .McGINI.KY Mns«»ttes. B«h and Evs-

Osakls. Alinn . Oct 29 .30; Willard. Oct. 31-

rvlne;’’ Alsurlce Csmphell. Algr.V-New JAMES Bovs In Mlssnnrt. (Western: SPOONER Stock Co.. (Come Payton Y’orlt. N T.. Oct. IS. Indeflnitelv Frank G.azsolo. Algr.)—Rawlins. Wvo.. Oct. Mgr (—(Cincinnati. O., Indefinitely. Frank G.azsolo. Atgr.)—Rawlins.

COOK CHT’IU’H Stock Co,. (11. W. Tsv- Rnck Spring*. 29; Evanston. .30; Park

NORTON, Alls* pilkatone-Omaha. Neb y,. Okishoms CItv. SO; Shawnee. 31; KI T.IAflTKD Mai). (Elmer E. Vance. Mgr.l-

n r B'‘n« N9V. 1 Camden N. J.. Oct 27-Nov. 1. I OLK ^d KoBlns-Washington. D. A DEVII.’S Lane Sallna. Kan.. Oct 28; t.OA’FR’S L.anc. (Eastern; Wm A. Rrndy.

Tmik Herrinrton. 29; AlcPhemon, .30; Newton. 81; Aler )-Rrookirn. N. T.. Oct. 20-Nov. 1.

DESPERATE Chance (Special; B. E For Mgm.l—Snringfield. AIa*s.. Oct, .30-Nov. 1. Mgr)-ATontreal Can.. Oct 27-Nov 1 restcr A Alittcnthal Bros . Mgrs )-Martlns- TOST River “A." (Jules Afnrry, Mgr.V— sipE Tracked. (Jnles Waltem* Eastern; ».urr AV Va.. Oct. 28; Cumberland. Md.. Baltimore Aid., Oct. 27-Not. 1. Xnn, North. Mgr.)—Alliance O. Oct. 28; ?)• Mount Pleasant. Pa. 30; Connellsvllle, LOST River. “Br Jn^* Murry. Mgr.V- Toronto. 29; Wellavllle. 30; East'Liverpool, 31 t’nionfown Nor. 1. T.os Angeles. Ca) . Oct. 2ft’^tv_L 1: Conneant. 3. ?)• Mount Pleasant. Pa. 30; Connellsvllle, LOST River. “B. Jn^* Murry. Mgr.V- Toronto. 29; Wellsvllle. 30; East Liverpool, 31 t’nionfown Nor. 1. T.os Angeles. Ca) . Oct. 2ft^ L 1: Conneant. 3.

DESPERATE Chance. (B E. Forrester* T 08T 'n ♦*'e D^rt. tt.»(« WJl s; W B. saNDY Bottom. (Hsmpton * Hopkins. Alittcnthal Bros. AlrrsY-Dayton. O. Oct Moore, Mgr) Bnffslo. N^T.. (Act ~-Not 1. Vgra.l-Shehovgan. Wls.. Oct. 28; Manito- ?7‘?): Hamilton. 30; Terre Hsnte. Ind.. Oct. T .*ry * iron Stock Co. (Edward Lacy op. Oconto 31: New Ixtndon. Nov. 1.

PAIGE. Mahel-Chaftsnoogs. Tenn. ..

'^IlFlf'JtdlVV’ vmck^Psl'Tt’ I^^ Oct 77- DFSPERA-fE Chance (Special: B E For M V f»--Hock Paint Ind . Oct. 27 ^ Alittcnthal Bros . Mgrs )-Martlns- i

’wtmKnr. Ps ’'"''r W Va.. Oct. 28; Cumberland. Md.. Bj RKDDINO Vrsneesen—Pittsburg. Pa. Mount Pleasant. Pa. 30; Connellsvllle,

(Avenue), Oct 27-Nov. t. Vn*- l Tt

'*•" despera^^^^^ ' * n’ 27-Noy. 1. /iinnfcins) 'tOtenthal Bros. AlrrsY-Dayton. O. Oct M

osY''*”'’,'’" KT (Hopklna). ||„mnton. 30; Terre Hsnte. Ind.. Oct. Oct 27 Nov. 1 „ 1 A

s"'o' Yr**VkJ»'’'ov ! DAVIDSON St.wk Co.. (A E Davidson. N, I "it ^■..I^ Yo (Colum B1 . Oct. 27.NOV. 1

).|I.V ^V' oT V nrviT.’S Island; (W D EDsgerald, Mgr Y Bi Oot. 2. PMcnco (Oirnin iii rtsat ^ Vat ^ M

^ PO^Y Mo);il? (Lincoln’ 'j Carter’.Y 3

I’an'^o’^c?":?? No^ o RICKETS Atsnde Buffalo. N T (Fen- Pr.'"**- * „ . m v ^

(ou». Oct 27 Nov. 1 DOWN Br the Sea (Phil Ilnnt. SHANNON’S. The. (Hsrrv Shannon. AlrvY Bcatrl.-e Neh . Oct ^■-,*••'’'^'"■-29-^’ Elwoful, Ind . Oct. 27 Nov 1; Cmwforl* Omaha. Oct. 31-Nov. 1; St. Joseph. Mo.,2.3

vllle, 3 8. D«YDOE Sanford. (“The Oltdlatoe'*Y—

8ABEK Josephine Cincinnati. O. (Co- CrvstsI N. P • S’’: lumMaY. Oct. 27-Not t. River, Nov 1; Langdon, 4; Devil a I^ake, T

TOST In New York. (Shipman Bros..

Oct. Atgr )—(Cincinnati. O.. Indefinitely. J Park SOTITERN. E 11.. (“If I Were King;” I

Oanlel Frohman. Algr.Y—Cincinnati, O. gr.Y— Oct. 27-Nov 1. irhor. SIVI.A Morgan. Stock Co.. (Morgan Sivla,

Mgr.)—Helena. .Ark.. Oet 27-Nov 1. ris A SPOONV'R Dramatic Co.. (F. E. Spooner, Nov. Alcr.)-YVaco. Tex.. Oct. 27-Nov. 1.

SHORE .Acres. (Heme's; Wm. B. Gross, gr.Y- Mgr ) B'lllngs. Afont., Oct. 30; Great Falls,

31- Helena. Nov. 1. rady. SP.AN of Life, (TiOnIs DonaxettI, Mgr.)— • Montreal. Can.. Oct. 27-Not. 1.

Br^.. SIGN of the Cross, (Fred. G Berger, ’- 1- Mgr Y-ATontreal. Can.. Oct. 27-Nov. 1.

' * T.von 9tock ^9. (Edward woe. 29; Oconto 31: New Ixtndon. Nov. 1. Wm. J.rons Frederick. Md.. SISTER’S Love. (Cook A Clinton: H C.

Egerton. Mgrs.)—Afnskegon. Mich.. Oct. 28: iviv UI.KS.M ai.w Vnrfc N T 31 Nov 1 A Mm l.vons^ ’ SISTER’S Love. (Cook A Clinton: H C.

rJt ^Nov l”' DAVIDSON St.wk Co . (A E Davidson. Nor. 3 9; South B^ton. Va. 1(V12_ Egerton. Mgrs )-Afnskegon. Mich . Oct. 28: f AuiM i’’ I .k i* Yl’ul^’Yo (Colum Marshall. Ill . Oct. 27 Nov. 1 * P^rhert (A. A. Jack. AI^ W RaplAs. 29; T.udington. .30; Traverse V J! ’/.« Lirwvs nrvit.’s Island; (W D Eltagerald, Mgr.Y Butler. Ind Oct 27 28; Waterloo. W 30; shehovgan Nov. 1 ll’ ?Z.l ^ V ^ rhl.M.vo HI.. Oct 2ft Nov. .3 Marshall. Mich.. 31-Not. 1; Battle Creek. TURNER. Clara Alonlton. (Thompson A

DOM’N Atohlle (l.lncoln J Carter’s)

Mich.. 31-Not. 1; Battle Creek. TURNER. Clara Alonlton. (3T)ompson A Afonlton’s; Frank T,. Afllls. Algr.)—Brock-

Omaha Oct. 31-Nov. 1; St. Joseph. Mo., 28 '• _ ^ ^ tin’s; Chas A. White. Mrr.)—Newark. O . rwvivns* SanKini (“The Oladlatoe**)— M.ANNKRING. Alary. (Emnk McKee, oct. 2S; New I>xlngton. 29; Civshocton. 30;

W n W M- Mlnto »’ Mgr )-New Haaen. Conn.. Oct. 81-Not. 1. uhrtchsrille. 31; Canal Dover, Nov 1;

R^mir NoT f U^o?’4; MANTELU R. B., (Mart W. Hanlay. StenhcnTllle, 3


THE Couuterffiters—Buffalo, N. Y. (Aca- d«-!ny4, :fT-Nov. 1.

THAMIOLSLR Stock Co., (Edwin Than- huuacr. M*rr.)—Mllwaukf^,Wl8., Indefinitely.

THEI.MA, Col. H. J!. Bernard, Mgr.; lA)ti Auiuias, Col., Oct. Larmar, Kan., 15*; llreat Bend, 31; Sterling, .Nov. 1; Lyona, 3; MutclilKuu, 4.

THE Two Slaters, (Hickey & Wanning ton, Mgrs.)—Rockland, Mass., Oct. 3<l; Soui- ersworth, N. H., 31; Laconia, Nov. 1; Chel¬ sea, Muss., 3.

THE Gamekeeper, (Smith O'Brien, East¬ ern; Rowland a. Clifford, Mgrsj-tNoon- so<‘ket, R. 1., Oct.' 2S; Hartford, Conn., 354; Springfield, Mass., Oct. 3ti-Nov. 1; .Middle- town, Conn., 3; Meriden, 4.

THE <;amckeeper, (Tbos. J. Smith, West¬ ern; Rowland A Clifford, Mgrs.l-^won- tonna, Minn , Oct. 2s; Faribault, *351; Man¬ kato, 3(1; Austin, 31; l-aCro«se, Wis., Nov. 1.

THE Fatal Wedding—Bradford, I’a., Oct. 27; Kane, 2b; OU City, 30; Warren, 31; Can¬ ton, O., Nor. 1.

TWO Little Waifs, (Lincoln J. Carter's)— New York, N. Y., Oct. 27-Nov. 1; Camden. N. J., 3 8.

THE Madman, (Lincoln J. Carter's)—Cin¬ cinnati, O., Oct. 20-N'ov. 1; I’ortsiuouth, 3; Jackson. 4.

THE Flaming Arrow, (Lincoln J. Car¬ ter s»—Akron, O., Oct. 'iO-Nov. 1; Wooster, 3; Camliridge, 0.

THE Heart of Chicago, (Lincoln J. Car¬ ters* - Providence, R. 1., Oct. 27-Nov. 1; Fitchiiutg, Mass., Nov. 3; Whitney. 4 .7.

Till-: Eleventh Hour, (Eastern; Lincoln J. Carters;—Kankakee, 111., Oct. '28; Ottawa,. 2'.i; IMxon, 30; Sterling, 31; Rock Island,• Nov. 1; Havenport, la., 2; Muscatine, 3; Washington, 4.

HIE Eleventh Hour, (Southern; Lincoln J. Carter's!—Alma, Ml<-h., Oct. 31; Sag.naw, Nov. 31; Flint, 3; I’ontlac, 4; Mt. Clenieuts,

THE Middleman, (Louis J. Russell; Ship- man Bros., Mgrs.)—Alliance, O., 0<a. 2;»; Salem, 30; Barlx*rton. 31; Loudonville, Nov. 1; Zanesville, 3;, W. Va., (i-8.

I'HE Lighthouse Robliery, (Marsh Bros A ll'Kiker, I’roprs.; ('has. Marsh, .Mgr.)— Crown Point, lu<l., Nov. 1; Haiuinond, 2; .Michigan (.'Ity, 3; Morris, 111., 4; Geneseo, 3; Ma'iuoketa, la., (>.

THE liarkest Hour, (Lincoln J. Carter's* —laitruhe, I’a., Oct. 28; South Fork, 29; Johnstown, 30; l^ewiston, 31; Harrisburg, Nov. 1; Lebanon, 3.

THE Fast Mall, (Lincoln J. Carter's)— Cambridge, O., Oct. 28; Caldwell, 29; Mar¬ tin's Ferry, 30; Cadis, 31; East Liverpool, Nov. 1; Rochester, Pa., 4.

UNCLE Her Co, (Frank Adams)—Ash¬ tabula, O., Oct. 28; I.«etonla, 31; Salem, Nov. 1; Orrvllle, 3; Ashland, 4; Shelby, 5; Gallon, 0.

I'.NCI.E Tom’s Cabin Co., (Stetson's; L. Washburn, Mgr.)-Lynn, Mass., Oct. 28;

Chelsea, 29; Waltham, 30; .Marlboro, 31; Woiinsocket, R. I., Nov. 1.

VAN HYKE and Eaton, (C. Mack, Mgr.)— Aurora, III., Oct. 27-Nov. 1.

VAN HYKE and Eaton, (H. Walter Van Hyke; E. Hommel, Mgr.)-^harle8 City, la., Oct. •27-Nov. 1.

VILLAGE I’arson, (E. F. Dunne. Mgr.)— Mancht'ster, N. H., Oct. 27-29; Newport, R. 1., 30; Fall River, Mass., Oct. 31-Nov. 1.

V1LL.4GE Postmaster, (J. Wesley Rosen- quest. Mgr.)- (.'hampaigu. Ill., Oct. 28; De¬ catur, 29; Spriugtield, 30; Jacksonville, 31; (Jiiincy, Nov. 1.

WHEN the Bell Tolls—Shelbyvllle, III., Oct. 28; Danville, 29; Rockville, Ind., 30; Anderson, Nov. 1; Tipton. 3; Noblesvllle, 4; Lebanon. .5; Kokomo, 6; Peru, 7.

WHEN Knighthoocl Was in Flower—Ko¬ komo, Ind., Oct. 28; Muncle, 29; Alexandria, 30; Richmond, 31; Springfield, O., Nov. 1; Findlay, 4.

WOMAN In Black, (Wm. Stamford, Mgr.) —Bellaire, O., Oct. 27-Nov. 1; McKeesport, Pa., Nov. 3-8.

WIEDE.'I.YN’S Stock Co.—Pocatello, Ida¬ ho. (Yet. 27-Nov. 1.

WOODW.YRD Stock Co.—Kansas City, Mo., Indefinitely.

W.\Y Down East, (Western; William A. Bradv, .Mgr.)—Chicago. Ill., Oct. 13-Nov. 1.

WHEN We 'Were Twenty-one, (Eastern)— Woodstock. Ont., Oct. 30; St. Thomas, 31; London. Nov. 1; Chatham, 3.

WARFIELD, David, (“The Auctioneer;’’ Dav Id Belasco, Mgr.)--Rlchmond, Va , Oct. ‘28; Columlila, Ga., 29; Charleston, S. C., 30; Savannah. Ga., 31: Macon, Nov. 1.

WHITE Slave—Brcwklyn, N. Y’., Oct. 27- Nov. 1.

YORK State Folks—Clarksburg, W. Va., Nov. 3; Fnirmoiint, 4; Morgantown, I’a., 5.

ZIRHLKES, The, (H. J. Zlehlke, Mgr.)- Mushagen, I. T., Oct. 27-29; Siloam Springs, Ark., Nov. 3-5.

MUSICAL. A COr.NTRY Girl—New York, N. Y.,

Sept. 22. indefinitely. ■BUTLER, Helen May. and Her Ladies’

Military Ban*l, (J. I^'slle Spahn, Mgr.)— Provldenee, R. I , Oct. 2S-Nov. 4.

BOSTON Ladies’ Symphony Or<-hestra, (Frank W. McKee, Mgr.)—.\tklnson. Wis., Oct. 28; Menasha.^'29; De Pere, 3(»; Colum¬ bus. 31; Sparta. Nov. 1.

BROOKE’S Chicago Marine Band Orches¬ tra. (Bert A. Hall. Mgr.)—Pontiac. Mich., Oct. 28; Flint, ‘29; I’ort Huron, 30; Ix>nd<ni, Ont., Oct. 31-Nov. 1; Bowling Green. ()., 3; Canton. 4; Massillon, 5; Lancaster, (!; Co- lumtins. 7.

CAMERON, Grace, Op<-rn Co., (F. C. Wliltney, Mgr.)—Louisville. K.v.. Oct. 27-29; I>-xington. ;!(»; Paris. 31; Somerset. Nov. 1.

CASTLE Square Opera Co., (Henry W. Savage, Pres.)—Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. ‘2<>-Nov. ‘29.

CHINESE Honeymoon. (S. S. Shiibert; Nixon A Zlmmercan, Mgrs.)—New York, N. V.. Oct. 13. Indefinitely.

CREATORE Italian Band, (Howard Pew and Frank (ierth, Mgrs,)—New York, N Y'., Oct. 0-Nov. 2.

DI:LM.\R Oi>cra Co—St. Ixmls, Mo., In¬ definitely.

ENGLISH Grand ()|K*ra Co., (Henry W. Savage, Pres.) Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 20- i Dec. 1.

l'L<(R<(D<)RA, (The New Y'ork; Fisher A Rylcy, Mgrs.)—Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 20- Nov. 1; Washington, D. (’., 3 8.

FI.ORI*D<(R.\, (Eastern; Fisher A Ryley, Mgrs )—Wllllinantlc. Conn., Oct. ‘28; Put¬ nam, 2;); Norwlcli, .'to; Holyoke, Mass., 31; Northampton, .Mass., Nov. 1.

FLORODOR.Y, (Western; Fisher A Ryley, Mgrs.)—Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 28; Portland, Ore., 29-.Nov. 1.

GL.tSER, Lulu, Opera Co., (In “Dolly Vardtn;'’ F. C. Whitney, Mgr.)—Newark, ■N. J.. Oct. 27-.NOV. 1.

HOPPER, De Wolf, (In “Mr. Pickwick;’’ E. R. Reynolds, Mgr.)—Omaha, Neb., Oct. 27-‘28; St. Joseph, Mo., 29; Kansas City, 30- .Nov. 1.

KILTIES Band, (Cameron Brown’s; T. P. J. Power, Mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 27- Nov. 2; New Y'ork, N. Y., 3-8; Trenton, N. J., 10; Phoenixville, Pa., 11; Reading, 12.

Kl.NG Dodo, (Henry W. Savage, Mgr.)— San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 'Jo-.Nov. 2.

KALTENHORN Orchestra, (O. E. Wilson, .Mgr.I—New York, N. Y'., July 7-Nov. 1.

KEYSTONE Comic 0|H'ra Co.. (C. F. Mur pby, -Mgr.)-New Kluslngton, Pa., Oct. 27- 29; Belle Vernon, Nov. 1.

LIBERTY BELLS-St. Louis, Mo., Oct. •27 Nov. 1.

LIBERATI'S Band, (J. P. Stolz, Mgr.)— Birmingham Ala., Oct. 27-.N’ov. 2.

.MR. Jolly of Joliet-Saginaw, Mich., 0<'t. 28; Bay City, 29; Flint, 30; Jackson, 31r- KalamaziMi, Nov. 1.

PRINCESS Chic—Anderson, Ind , Oct. 28; Nashville, Tenn., 29; Memphis, 30-31; Hel¬ ena, Nov. 1.

PHINNEY'S United Slates Band-Boston, Mass.. Oct. 27-Nov. 1.

POLLARDS Australian Juvenile Opera Co.—.\ustralia. 0<-t. 10-De'. 31.

SOUS.\ ami His Band. (Frank Chrlstlnner, Mgr.I—Tucson. Ariz., Oct. El Paso, 25); .Santa Fe, N. -M., 3"; La Junta, 31; Denver. Nov. 12.

S.YLLY in Our Alley. (George W. Lederer, .Mgr. 1-Plilladelphla, Pa., Oct. 27-N'ov. 8.

S.\N Toy, (E. H. Price, Mgr.)—Memphis, Tenn.. ‘)<'t. '28-25); Greenville. Miss., 30; Vli-ksliurg, 31; Jackson, Nov. 1.

Sl'LT.Y.N of Sulu, iHenry W. Savage. Mgr.)-Janesville, Wis., Oct. 28; Rockford, 111.. 29; Sterling, 30; Clinton, 31; Daven¬ port. la., Nov. i.

THE Prince of Pilsen, (Henry W. Savage, Pres.i-Chlcago, I 11.0,ct. 25-.Nov. 29.

THE Sleeping Beauty and the Beast—Chi¬ cago, 111., Aug. ik), Indeflulceiy.

TIVOLI Op«‘ra Co.. (Jno S. Ross, Mgr.)— Ogden. Utah, Oct. 28‘25i; San Jose, Cal., 31 Nov. 31: StcK'kton, 4-(;.

THE Belle of New Y'ork—Colorado Springs. Col., Oct. 28; Laramie, Wyo., 29; Sait Lake, Utah, 30 31; Pocatello, Ida., Nov.

'I'HE Defender, A. H. Chamlier'.aln, Mgr.) -Boston. Mass., (.)ct. 13, indefinitely.

THE Rogers Brothers at Harvard—New York. N Y., Oct. 13-Nov. 1.

THE Show Girl—Gloversville. N. Y’.. Oct. 28; St. Johnsville, 25); Schenectady, 30; Gen¬ eva, 31; t^oming, Nov. 1.

THE Telephone Girl, (.Max Plon, Mgr.)- Winfield, Kan., Oct. 28; Coffeyville, 29; Par¬ sons, 30; Carthage, Mo., 31; Joplin. Nov. 1.

WHITNEY’S Opera Co., ("When Johnny (■’omes Marching Home:’’ Fred. Wh'itney, Mgr.)—Montreal, Can., Oct. 27-Nov. 1.

WILD Rose, (George W. Lederer, Mgr.)- Schenectady. N. Y., Oct. 28; Troy, 29; Sy ra«-use, ik); Rochester, 31-Nov. 1.

WIZARD of Oz, (Harry Hamlin. Mgr.)- Mllwaukee. Wis., Oct. 2(J-N’ov. 1.

WHALOM Park Oi>era Co.—Portland. Me.. 0<‘t. 27-29; Belfast, iiO-N'ov. 1.

WILBITt Opera Co., (W. .\. FullwofMl. Mgr.)—Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. ‘27-Nov. 1.

WILSON. Francis. (The Toreador) —Phil¬ adelphia, Pa., Oct. C-Nov. 1.

MINSTRELS. B.YRLOW'S Minstrels (Johnny Van. Mgr.)

—.\ustin. Pa.. Oct. ‘28; Westfield, '29; Addi¬ son, N. Y'., 30; (Jinego, 31; Montrose, I’a., Nov. 1.

CNLH.YNE. Chase A YY’eston's Minstrels —Sackvllle. N. S., Oct. 28; Parrslioro, 29; Amherst, 30; Halifax, Oct. 31-Nov. 1.

FIELD, Al. (}., Minstrels—Beaumont, Tex., Oct. 28; Galveston. 29; Houston, Ik); San -Antonio, Oct. 31-Nov. 2; Austin, 4; Waco, 5; Ft. Worth, 0; Casacona, 7; Dal¬ las, 8-9.

GIDEON'S Minstrels. (Harry F. Curtis, Mgr.)—Y'ankton, S. D., (Jet. 29; Sioux City, la , 30-31; Sioux F.alls, S. 1)., Nov. 1; I’Ijk'- stone. Minn.. 3; Luverne, 4.

(iRE.AT Barlow Minstrels, (J. A. Coburn, Mgr.)-Fernandino, Fla., Oct. 28; Jackson¬ ville. Jti-iki; St. Augustine, Oct. 31-Nov. 1; Sanford, 3; Orlando, 4; Ocala, r>.

GUS Sun's American Minstrels—Lewis- town. Pa. Get. 28; I»anvllle, 29; Blooms- I'lirg. 30; Mabonoy City, 31; Ashland, Nov. 1; Mlltcn, 2; Canton, 3; Mansfield, tj; Wat¬ kins. 7: Penn Yann. 8.

HI HENRY'S Minstrels Middletown. N. \.. Oct. 28; Passaic, N. J., 29; N<-wliurg, N. \ . .‘’Ji; Alliany. Nov. 1.

II.VVEKI,Y''S Slinstrcls Sp^ikane, Wash., Oi-f. 27-‘28; P*-nilleton, Ore.. 25); Walla Wal¬ la. Wash., 30; .N<»rth Y'ukima, 31; Ellcn- linrg, Nov. 1.

M.tntR.X'S Minstrels, (Frank Mahara, Mgr.)-Fn-donia, Kan., Oct. 28; Parsons. 29; l-'oit Scott, .'ki; .Moiiml City. 31; Ne- tada. Mo.. Nov. 1; Clinfoii. 3; Wlmlsor, 4; Scdalia. 5; I.exingfon, (1.

PRIMR0.8E A Dor-ksfader's Minstrels, (J. It. D<-cker, Mgr.) In-trolt, Mbh., (>rt. 27- Nov. 1.

(JI'I.VLAN A Wall's Minstrels. (Dan Oninlan. Mgr.)-Atlanta. Ga.. f)et. 28; Ma- ton. 25); Savannah, .30; Wilmington, N. C , .31; Charleston, 8 C., Nov 1. Jacksonville Fin , 3

RICII.ARDS A Pringle, iRiisio A llolhiu*!, Mgrs I-B.ilrd, '!'• \ , Oi l. 28; Tliiirbcr. 29’, YVcalherford, .'ki; In nton. 31; Waxahatchic, Nov. I; Kaufman. .3 . I'er.ell, 1 , Alim •Dili, 'l yler. C : Palesiliie, 7.

yogi: i.'S. Joliii \\ ' , .Mlnstre Is, ijll ilin A’ogel, .Algr. 1 llafat 'll. \. Y. Oil. '28; 1

net a, 25 1; Corning, ;«•; AV’ellsIi oro, 1' 'll.. EiM'k II; (veil, Nov 1 ; Williams |Hirt, ; t; s Imrv, 4: Danville, X,

AVliS'l "S. AA’m II Allnslrels. , (Saul ronl li RIeuliy, Mgr.) .Siiit le. AVasli. , (let •27 ••»( A'letorla , B c . :;i: New AA'lial leoin. AYip Nov. 1; 3'n('om:i, 3; I'illeii- Imrg. . L S| lokll 5-6.

AY 110, AVliat, AY lien Mlnsl rels. (S. \v Poy«'r, Mgr ) Eloi'i ■nee. S ( O' •t. SuinptfT, Iki; Cunidi n, ;:l


A TIIOROI'GHBBED rrainp. (Eastern; Elmer Walter's; Er.oik M. Morgan, .Mgr.) I'/ast I.lviTpiM.l, O. (let. 28; Ris hester. Pa . '.5); CumlMTland. Md.. Nov. 1.

A THoROF(illBLl-'.D Triinp. (Westirn; Elmer Waller's; I’.i>-U McHenry. .Mgr i Salt I.ake (Tty. Ftah, Oet. ‘27'29; Grand Junction, Col., 31; Ouray, -Nov. I, Tellyur Ide, 2.

A MIEEIONAIRE Tr.imn. (Eastern. El mer Walter’s; Geo. D. Walters, Mgr.) Montgomery, A!a., Oet. 31 Nov. 1; Moldle, 3 4.

A MIEEIONAIRE Tramp. (Western; E.l mer Waller's; laiwreiiee Re.ssell, .Mgr.) Kingfisher. Okla., Cet. '28; Hennesey, 29. Wellington. Kan.. 3.).

A BRF:EZY Time, (F:astern: N. F'-. Tnek er. Mgr.)—Sandusky, (*.. o<’t. 28; Clyde. '29. Hellevue, 30; Gallon, 31; Fpper Sandusky, Nov. 1.

-A HUNCH of Keys, iHoyUs; Gus Both Her Mgr.)—Coevvllle, Kan., Oel. 'J**; VInIta, 1. 'i'.. 29; Muskogee .'kl; South Me.Vles'er. 31; siiawins', o. T.. Nov. 1; Oklahoma City. 2- -Anlmore. 1. T., 3.

-A MERRY Cliase Co. Parsons, Kan.. Oet. 2s; Chaiiute. ‘29; Joplin. Mo.. 2ii; l.nimir. 27; Pittsluirg. Nov. 1; I.eaveiiworih, 2, Manhat¬ tan. Juiietloii City, 4.

B.ACKM.AN Comedy Co.. (Sam Rtilnehart. Mgr.)»;;KocJ«csT»^, Mlnii., Oet. 27-Nov. 1.

BROWN'S in Town, i Frank Hi'unessy Mgr.)—.Atilli'iie. Kan., Oet. 28; N«‘wton. '29; Wichita. 20; Winfield. 31; P nea City, okla.. Nov. 1.

CASEY'S Troubles. (Keiinoly A Ciray. Mgrs.)—Nevada. Mo.. Oet. 2n; '29; .Ash Grove, ."k); AVest I’laliis. 31: Hlaek Rock. -Ark.. Nov. 1; Newport. 3: Ha’esville. 4; I.lttle Rock. 5; F’on'st City, d; Camden 7; Hope. 8.

CONROY A Mack's CoiinsPan.\un (|Mi'is Md.. Oct. •2'>-Nov. 1; Alexandria. Ya.. 5 8.

CRITF.RION Coiinsly Co. Wliin.peg. Man., June 3o, iinicfiiiltcly.

H.APPY' Hisdigan Syracuse. N. Y',. Oct 27'29; Rochester, 31-Nov. 1.

HANS Hanson, (.las. 1". Me.Alpini- Platt ville, Wis.. Oct. 28; Darlington, ‘S->: War ren. III., 30; Dyersvllle. la.. .31; .Montlcello, Nov. 1; Anainosa. 3; R*'tul»'*-k, 4; H imp ton. 5: Bclinoinl. ('; Clarion, 7; E.igi* Grove. 8.

HOTTEST CoT.n in D xli-. (Eug. iie Sp .f fonl. Mgr.)—McPhi'rson. Kan.. Oi-l. '28 Hutehinson. 25); Doilg* Cdy. ."ai; Gaiab-n City. 31; Eaiiiar, Col., Nov. 1.

MORRISON Coineily Co.. ila'Igli Morr' son. Mgr.)—North -A'iains, Mas-., (i t. 27 Nov. 1.

MeK.ADDEN'S Rew of l••:als i"lia« H Henrv, Mgr.l St. laiuis. M'l.. O'-t. 'Jd Nov 1.

MR. I’laster of Paris, ili. J. Ciir|M'n*< r Mgr.iMount Pleasant. Pa.. O't. '28; Cop neilsville, 30; Grcensliurg, 31; Eatrolo*. Nov. 1.

PECK'S Bad Bov. (Nortlterii; I.. J En neh. Mgr.l-Carlliivllle. 111.. O'-l. 'Jx Springtie!*!. '-5*; Pi't'-rsluirg. 3i*; B*‘ardslo« n. 31‘ Jerseyville, Nov. 1; F'.ast SI. Lou's. 2 (''ollliisx ille. 3; Mt. Yeriniii. 4; I'atrlle d. 5 M’lrion, (•; Anna, 7: Cairo, 8.

SHEUMAN Coiiii'dy Co.. tJiiiio Barrett; Rolit. Slierman. Mgr.l Prini'etoii, Ind., oid 27 Nov. 1.

SPOTLESS 1'owii. iGus Hill's; .Al. Dolsmi. Mgr.) Clia'laiid, ().. Oi-l. ‘2(1 Nov. 1; I’ob'ilo. ■J-.'i: Columbus. (■■8.

SIS Hopkins, llto'-e Melville). K'eliniol'<l. Did., Oet. '28; -Aiidersoii. 2;i; laigaiisport. .'ki; Slreator, III.. 31: Spnugtleld. Nov. 1; Bur lington, la., 3; Ottumwa, 4: Oiiiilia. Ni'l>., o-C.

S.M.\R3’ S«'t in Elieliaiit iiielit. iCils IFP's; C. S. WaltiTS, Mgr.l I’tilladelptiia, Pa.. (Jet-. 27 Nov. 1.

THE Ollier I'ellou Co.. iH.irry West; Geo •A. Clarke, Mgr.l Tuskuge<'. .Ala., Oil. 'JX; Talledega. 2’); .Aniilsloii. .'ki; Aulliii'iii, Nov. 1; Dei-alur. 3’ Sl:elti elil, 4; Tuseiiiiiira, 5. Eloreliee. (>.

W.ARD and \'ok<'s, ilu “IL-.'hI Wallers;" E. D. Stair, Mgr.l .Nlinneapolls, . Oi l. 2ii Nov. 1.

BURLESQUE. AL REEYES’ Big Sliow Toronto, Ont.

Oi l. 27 Nov. 1; Roetii'sler. N V . 3X AMUBK'AN B'lrli'soners. iW It Watson.

Mgr.l Cbleiigo. III., O'-l '2*1 Nov I BRY'ANT'S Biirli's<|uers, illarry •' llrt

ant. Mgr.) Mllwanki'e. Wis.. Oe(. 2'! \o\ 1. BI.CK Blo'xis. lA II. Woodhiill, Mgr.l

N<'w Y'ork. N. V . Oet ’2*) Nov. 9 P.oWEI.’A' Btiilesi|ners. (linrtig A Si-a-

inon's) Washing’oii. D (' . Oet ’27 \ov. 1 ('l l Y' Sports ip|i)l, Slierldan, Mgr i .Ni-w

York. N Y . Oet 07 ^ C|3 V Cliil. Niw York, N V, Oet ‘27

Nov 8; BrfKikl.rri, 10 22. ('LARK'S New Rot ills ItriHiklvn N A

Oel 0(1 \i,v. I DEA'ERE, Ham Plltslnirg, Pn . (let 27

N..V t

D.AINTV Iiii»-l)i-s« (I, Lnwreiiei' \A eber, Atcr ) CIneInnntl. o. Oet. 2*1 Nov 1

F'REI) Irwin's Majesties BnITnIo, N A’ , Oef '*7 Not 1.

•lACK'M. Sntp T. Own Company ilrniid Rapids Mich . Oet 27 Nor 1.

K B'K LRIIOCK lilt Burlcmiucra, (lamia Uoo.e, .ogi.I I’blla'lelphla, I'a., Oet. 2(- .xov. 2; .S. w York, ,N'. f., 3 9.

.)■ 1.1 i(OCOi,l I A.\ Buileatiuers, (W J. Piitiiiiii-i, .)lgi ) Wuslilligluli, 1). C, Oel. 2, .\o\ I

r.,iOXi.vN AA'blows, (L. I-awrenee AA’eb er, .Mgr I .Vewark, -N. J., Oet. 27 -Nov. L

Rliii.i.V A AA’ooda, iFrauk D Bryan, Algi I i.iis.klyu, .N. y , Oet. 27 .Nov. 2, .x> «.irk. .\. J., J 9.

Rl< U A Burton's Big Gaiety New Y'ork, -N. ) . Oi I 27 .Nov 1

I ll••l(Ol i.HBKEDS, lEraiik B. Carr'si • Roeliesier. .N Y , Oel. 27 -Nov. 1; Boston, .*lass., ;t X

loi'.xi lURA’V Burlea<iuera Ht Paul, VI Hill., 1 let 27 Nuv. 1.

I loPl.A llurletMiuers-(’leveland, O., Oet. 2(. .Not I, lliinulo, N. Y'.. 3 8.

V.A.NlTi I'ulr Wasi'.liigtuu, 1). C'., Oet. '27 .Not 1. Heaters Burlesquem, (Uohle K .Ylai k. Mgis 1 Detroit, Mleh., (Jlct. 2U Nuv. 2, ( leteluinl, O , 3 9.

YAl.M'i, At iiinaii ami Kong, IM M. Thlese, Mgr I ItalliiiKire, .Md., 4>et. •27-Nov. 1.

MISCELLANEOUS. CI.II- ro.N Itemedy Co.—Alexia, Ill., Oct.

27 .Not. 1; WoiMlbiill. 3 8; Orion. 10 15. El.I.N r, Mr. and -Airs. Herliert L., iHyp-

noOsIsi Ki'ttuiiee, III , Oct. 27 Nov. 1; iju ney. III., 3 7.

GILPl.Ns, iHypnotlsts; J. II. Gilpin. Mgr.) Cllllon, Kan , Oct. 27-29; Jewell City. 0<l. 31 .N’ov. '2.

llERIt.AI.A.N'N, l.aiwson, (Hypnotist) Phll- udelphia. Pa., Oet '20 Nov. 1.

KE.AIP'S, Prof., Novelty Co. lamdon .AIllls, 111., Nov. 4, KIrkshnrg, tt; AA’Infield, la., 7; AA'iishlugtoii, 8; AA’Illiaiushurg, lo, .Alarengo, II.

Klil.L.AR, (Hypnotist; R. o Kellar, Mgr.) .Al iineaiMills, Minn., Sept. 29, Imleflnltely. L.A ROSE Eleetrle Eountain, (Ge<» lax

Rise. Mgr.l A'ledersliiirg, llnl , Oct. 27- .N'ov. 7

RoA'lNG Frank’s Gy|isy Camp. (F'rank B. Ilublii. Algr.i Atlantic City, -N. J., o. t. 13, Indctlnltely.

TIIF Mudls<in S<)nare Cycle AA’hlrl, iF'ran- els A' Rattke, Mgr.) - Chicago, 111., Indell- iiitclr.

YK 30R. the AViaanl. lO B. Cahill, Mgr) Kinsley. Kan., Oct. '27 2x; Elllnw'MMl, ‘29-

90; l-ariic l, Oct. 31Nov. 1.

J A M ix A II.I.K. AA IX.— Myers' Cirand. (P.

E. .Alti'rs. .Algr.)—"Sweet Clover.” Oet. Id.

to fair business. Ttie (lerfoniia nee was

alsite the standard ami Is worthy of hig

pal roicige. Conover A Smith's "Glass

BloWi'rs" Wts'k of 0<'t. 13, to big business.

•'Tile Ilurgi’iiiasler" ma<le its first apis-ar-

im<' in Beloit. AA'is.. Oet. 14, to S. It. o..

In tile AA'ilsoii 0|M‘ra House.


lloilT4l\. HAN.—High Sin-.'! oiM-ra Hoii'-e "Tile Night Ib'fori* Christmas" pltiv'sl l'er<' Friilay night last to full hous*-. ri-e eonipiii.v put up a strong |M'rforman<'<', wlili-h was well rts'elvisl. They carry all Mn-.r o« 11 S'I'liery, w hieh was a •-hang<' to Ihi- riml''in-e. “.A Devil's laiiie" company s blll'-.I for O't. ‘22. Lucky Bill's Teut

Sli'iw . iii-l. 21 2*2.


IIILl.xitiiHO. TK\. U'vy Opera Hous.'.

Aliiii'h.* A D.azey. Mgrs )—Curtiss Comedy

Con I'liiiv. w'-ek of Oet. 13, exeeplliig on

riinis'lav. O' t 1(1. G'M>d hnsln''ss; fair per-

f"rn9iii"-s. 'Murray mid Mark. t>ot. 16. ilotil I'l'sini-ss; exei'lb'ut performance. Com-

lu: O' t 29, "Tlo' .Aiiiericnn Tramp;'* Oct.

IKI. “Ilnniaii Hearts."


I.ITII.i: KAI.I.X, MINN.—4lp-ra llous'-.

ij. H Giiertil. Algr.) “.A Br'>k<>ii ID-art. '

O't. lx. to p Mir attemlani'e.'s. 2.'>. .'tV

iii'l Til.Ills, Tile eoinpaiiy, w hb-h eHrr.''s e gilt |e*"ji 1', no seeiii-ry and a piMir want

"Im-. f.aileil to pli-as'-. Tlieir pa|M‘r Is gisMl.

lliMiki il alii'!nl "Star Boariler,' tii-t. '211.

"3 he nia." Oel. '29. Can plai-e W'-i-k slamls

to <■ iiip'inles In Novi'inlM-r

IILA4K lilAKIi FAl.I.x. \A|x. (liMTa

It "I'si-, iltol't. E. AA'-rn'-r. Mgr 1 Coin ng

'.limes |{"\s In Allss'iiirl..I’wo Marr.'sl All'll." 'SI Piiinkaril. " E'lwanl AA'aldnian.

R".V''r I;r"ilii'rs' ■■N<'\l DiM>r” ami Maxw'-ll A I liiiiiiosiin'M F (' I', Alamiger AA'i-r

ii«'r w "II 'I I I'' (" l"("k 11 f«'U iip'r** g'MMi

'•"ii’p in'i's.

4 ANAL D4IA Kit. O. Big Four 0|H'rii

llonsi-. il'eiter A C"\. Algrs.) "Oil .Arkaii

saw." Oil, 11;. t" II falriy goisl li"iis<' ami

pi'isi'i |ln'll>■nI'I■. ■ Tin' AllssonrI (ilrl. "

Oi l. '21 (" Oil' Im's( liiiiise of (lie si'asoii, ail'l

dll' ninl'ini''' ap|ilanili')l hearlll.'i. "Bi'yoii'l

I’lril >n ' lillli'd for III I I.A

JOS C, lloS'l'Ii I TE

4 I.IA'IiiN. M4». iipi-rii ll"ns<-. iBIxiii’in

«A < ■" . Mgrs I -"CiiM-y's Trniibb-s," Oil. '21,

giMi' .1 giMHi p'^rfiirniiilo'e, to a g mh| hiiiisi',

(lie Work "f (hi' Ki'iini'il.v i'lillilr''ii iM'Ing '•«pi-' l,ill,> pli'asing. Ni'Xi IIItrai'liiiiis: Clara

J'likins Ci.mpiiny. Oil. ;ki\o\. I. "The

V. ild er's I'la III," Niiv. 12.

It. BALER 1114 IIAIOAII, KY. .New Ots'ra House,

II leAV Iggliis A Bros., Mgrs.) Dellaugh's Band, ilie Pest allraellon In Its line that eier ii'petiri'd here, played Oi't. 16 to 11

liirgi- aiidlenee. To say the pisiple were pleasei) Is putting it inllilly. Prfei>s 2,'m', f-'s , ft 1*1 'I lii'lr pii|H'r Is good.

A fll-:il Ill'iKN, MIxx. 'I'Ih* Ti*nipli* (l|M'ra

lliiiise Is niider iii'W niiiiiMgemeiit, iiami'ly,

VD'ssts Alaler, llrasllelil A Co Thi' hioisi'

Is lieliig III'roughly reiiovnlisl, and tlie

III Inageiiient Is ready to biMik nion> sliows. Del liiiiiglNs' Its ml was liere Oel '2:1. AViillaie Shows E BUOAV.N.

I* A MIX, TKA. ,\l I’elersoii's Tliealer,

Oi t '.’ll. Yule's "Devil's .Anellotr' drew to

eapaelt) iinil gate goiMl siitlsfaetlon .\

lient I sale Is on for "I'oxy IJnlller," Oi l.

21 lllligMilg Bros I Iri us eoiiies I let '2;i


boonville. mo. l«'r<>sM." Oil. I. H hirije aixllt'iir , .V) and 75 rent*. The euiiipuny carries I pice*, and f<»r Ihe In iK'lll <if Niilwlle Uiirri'ii, m "Kiiht l.yniie,” *1 thirty people, Hpe<‘lal seenery. ko*”! paper

(I \V. liOtlK'* ef this city, C. Ilert ■l oxt KIm t." •»<! 7. -Otir .Vew MlnlMter.” and a UrMt-clasa wardroLie. 0< t. 31, "A f'.rini-rly i>r lloyl'a t'ouM-ii hh H' '- ‘■I'ltiaway .Match.”

"I.oat Klxer." to t. 7. "Otir .Vew Mlniater,” s. ' VHrk Sijiii* l‘*«*lk**,'* o#*t. !♦. “Na*

LIST OF FAIRS. i.v I'H'al talent, will priHlie •'The ••'an Mae. o.l, II. I'liey all ple-iwd larite

r'Ilf .\lKlera" at the Ktepin .la .New •'oiiaea. . ... Ilo. tin r < oiiipaiiy. «let.

Iliai»<- 'tel 111. I.l 17. lipeiii i| w ih I hi- Woiimii in ltla<-k.'’

I, ilii- Iteli ToIIh” play. d l.> -> I “ " .trnoai i." Itet. I.V - Way

1,1, III! the lull. The eoinpany l» e\

,, , .ally Mtroni; and eary iM-antlfiil .eeii

,.,•4 MaiiHKetnent very yellow aiel iiii-iieil

.ill llie "ei.nipa’' iHxiied hy the aui-ni,

llia.\er. It wiiH an iiliKeittli-nianl) aei,

ji, . mi ll an Ihe IniiiM-ent holder* . ii,.| re*poiiHlhle for any dllfeniiee*

tli.ii . xi'lml iH-tweiMi the mfeiil a id ni.iii

ttoun l..i*i. Ill


i‘oloiilal riiialir. u'Iiik. I i. 5

in i^aek.” .... . MARION. IND. 'tel. l."». •■Way • •“' Indiana, (K. I.. Kluiieiiian, M({r.»-

<111 Oei. lo, a large and appreelallve andl-

I'Wlli TH.KXI.KK. sreeted “Sweet t’lover,” present'll hy _ Hroadliiirst A t'urrle. la-w H. .Newcoine, as

_ K drldue tinaiveiior, was eaiw'lally clever,

• and was asslsteil l.y a elevr company.

It. Miller, .Mgr.i 'I'he ttraiid. (K. L. Klnneman, .Mgr.) -On


BIRMINGHAM. ALA.—State Pair. Oct. 23-Not. 3, 1902. Allen J. Krebs, pres.; Hon. W. M. Drennen, Tice pres.; John W. O’Neill, secy.; J. A. McKnlght, gen'l mgr.

ENSLBY. ALA.-Falr. Oct. —, UMO.


• tie M;:iii III Jim.' laine Oct. 9, to fair Oi l. '.I. \ Honolulu C'M.n” played to t%»o OLEN BROOK, CAL.—Serenteenth District i..iir..n ig. ' oiiipaii.' g.Ksl. PrlninaM- Ac it'xMi hoiis.-s. ".v pipe Itrenin,” on 0<-t. M, Agrlcaltnral Pair. William Orlffln, eecy. it.H t..i:iili.r'» Miii*ir.'l'> folloWMl, O'-t. I'l. tllhMl two Iiouh4-h (matin'^* and night). On FLORIDA.

' oiiipaii.' giKsl. I’rlnir'aM- Ac g'sal houses. ".V I’ipe Itrenin,” on Oct. M,

. Mlii»ir.l« folloWMl, O'.'t. I'l. tlll'Ml two liouH4-H (matin'^* and night). On n.n*l.iil III* p.iii was ln•lt^•r than laat sea-1 .'londiiy. Oet. la, “At the tyld Cross Roads

. ra lion*.-, I'h.Ic advantage ol Ihe paiad.- i.. ..

ii»l'fr!i*<* M.iin* of thi*ir iHN.klngs i .■ . .irii ,, ^ ' lliiiinio

ii|,|.. aniliee. _ ,, \. M allrni1h*n. "hast L.tiiii'-. ''et. -J... >•

I li.i* K OrosH, inagh'lun and woii.l. r , " tt..rl.i-r, foriiH-rly w ith I’rlee Klonlln-j Tai ' ,i... has uei-'-jilisl a p<»>ltloli In llw hsal I’.n ' "i.ig* l••.*tlitti•'e IIS asslHtaiil. He will ilo ■ »tniil»' t • " m i..i I nele Sam until further nolle..

II Wlh III. in I’llini- of Tnlli-rs." 0«‘t

VllVr"''h.’‘' V; V-iV.:i.'''o;:;„m^^ NV"w"Armory 'I'heat'er'Th; ^Tedy w"as on^’

I.,*.. I II s f '• W.i k o. t 1” fnihiwed wrhlch has been seen In Mas-

I. .n ". I ll i.l. i*.sl • .inlL^ Mu."k- ‘J"r.lner. In hN role of Karl, the .. . 'v. .L '• ..... .... •s.-w-''' ■*“ “ i.erimin, kept the bouse In an uproar from nt••n .lo k\. o.-t _ t-Jti. time the curtain went ui> In the first

An unusually large crrtwd greeted the LEXlNufON, UA.—ogieiiiurpe Connty |ir.Mluetl.>n "The Itarkest Hour.” at the

CAIRO. ILL. SPARTANBURG, 8. C. < ali.. ii|M r:i H..ll•.■. A William- WALLA WALLA, WASH.

..l.•.•llwnl.^s Ois-rn H.iiiiu-, iMa\ Gr.s-ii -..ii. M;;r*.. I w.. M.riy rranip*.” o. t. S. Walla Walla Theater (C P Van De

w iM. Mgr.) t hus. It Haufor.1 and his .A .... Tl . , g iw .a. . Il. nt satisfac- ,Vater. Mgr , The Ja^^

.,11.Ill .•oiii|«aii.v .if stars preaent«*d Shuk's ih.ii. H I. I.. \ w.-r aii.l tin- Murry Sisters ^ Kemper Mars) In ^he

I, ir. s .lellghtfnl ami evers harin ng .s.m d.-*. r,.. i.,i i... .. The Kleveuth V'lniHT’‘ to 8 R ^

Mu. h A,lo Almut .Nolhlng." to the Ho'r. ' i.-l V. l.. g.*..! hi.siii.-ss. They ,,nTevs.Ment ”l>own M^

k.rg.-sl ami most cultivated au.lieii.s- «»I gnx.- g*.l *iii *f.i.l .-n l.. p ilr.ns ami their .. ^ Member” Oct 23' “A Convict’s

lb.- '.•ason, Oi t. 10. Throughout the cntln" ■>.. n. r> I* .-p., al > g... .1. .. this ■> fw., oo. K-iverl’cv’* Minstrels I t.ii iiiuii.-e the Si-enlc eOecta were lirll * th.- t«.i:rlh i nn- tli.» altra.-ll.iii lia* Im-.-u , . _.j,, ’ ... ^•^OK^'^ ’

Hint ai.d pleasing; th.> .■.Mtnmea wer«* elah- it •• •» l•oll'.■. l «lil nl niie* t .drsw weil. ..rst.-, and the stage setting* were '-ostly H.- eii Orantl.y. In ' II. r Is.rd aii.l MasI. r.' eusaarM^iai da .I »,.ry appri.priate In every n-siwi t. ".\ p!. a*.-.l .i g.Msi , *.-.1 uii.ll. n.-«-. i II. I h. SMAMOKIN. PA.

a<-t until the wind up.


New Walla Walla Theater. (C. P. Van De

n H 1 '; V,:d 'th.‘ Murrr4i:o“™ " Thr Jam^-^aVde Com^nV,

II 1 'I'w «a I * to S. Ah. vf.a vpvL* AVa ctmurui* I —^ a .let Mobile,” Oct. 13; S-rKULIXG, ILL-Great Noi^wentern

Oct. 10. Perform-

Falr.. Oct. 27-Nor. 1, Inclnalve, litKf. John Knox, pres.; George C. Smith, aecy.; C. M. Hunter, treas.

VALDOSTA, GA.—GcorgU SUte Pair. Oct. S-Not. 8, Inclnalve, 1902. Dodley M.

Hughe* nanville. Ga., pres.; T. U. Cran¬ ford. Valdosta, Qa., vice pres.; W. S. yfett, tresa.; A. T. Moore, mgr.


MORRIS, ILL.—Stevena Connty Agricnltn- ral Society Pair. Dataa not aet. B. P. Wataon, prea.; R. J. Hall, vie* pres.; Samuel Larson, treaa.; D. T. Wheaton, aecy.

iinll ng 111.- r..l.-* • r.-iil.-.l hy ll.-rlsTt K.-l.-\ .-v.-r. iis the s.'ii.lliig ..f th.- h.-n- il.s-s

111 lilt*.* ,'*li;iiiii.»n. <*.lining K.*rr * (•* | ii.ii h.-p the i.|s* fur a great many !

an*. ". I i;; ■ .\l till- ".d ' r.iss K snl*. ".1. j ii,,tt unii.n men are i|nitting ami mil a |Hinml I 'i.imlilir* I l.l.•ghll•r.■■ ".I ‘2’.. I <if .-.kiI is miu.‘.l. I

iirsi**. aim in.- s.nt* s.-..iiias i>.-i.- . ij .-.-.. cljaajcm^iaj da .I »..ry appropriate In every n-sis-il. p!. a*«-.l .i g.Msi » *.-il umll.n.-«-. i II. I h. on A tVlOK IN. KA.

ICiinaw.iy Mal.'ir’ was prescnl.-.l lo fair- ve.-ii.Tv I* llo- Im-si *.s-n In '•aim Hi s *.'a The draniatle s<-as.>n here Is very quiet.

*ii. d au.ll.-iii-e Oet. 14 'l'h«* auill.'ins. was *i.n. Ml.* Hranlh’y ami l.loni'l .X.l ini* an a* ,,iir Im.Hi th.-aters iir«. dark. The strik-

pli-a*.-d with the la-rformauee, ami h.-artlly worih> of iin-ntloii ami .-iillrely .-aiKih'.e of ,.rs ..f tin- .-oal distri.-t are flrm.-r now than the company at Intervals t'oin lian.ll ng Hi** rot.** ••r.*ale.l hy llerls-ri tv.-lev ••v.-r. a* the s«-mllng of tin- tnsqi In-n- d.s-s

lag •■JnnI.'e MertHlIth,” Oi't. 17. John ami lilP.- .'*liannon. l'•■ming K.-rr * ''oim- imi h.-p the o|sTators. for a great many

TIioMipsou t’ninedy t’.iin|»any. Oct 'J"; Hreii d an*. "<1 I". ' .\l tin- ".d ' K «nU. ".1. ii,,t, union men are i|nitting ami not a |Hinml

nan Sale 4'om|isuv Oi-I. '22; O'OlOso A -^1 • * l.niil.I. r * I i.ioghl.T. ".I 2’.. of .-.mI is miu.‘.l.

Wall s Mlnstn-ls. '> t.'24; •‘The Mghi of th. - P. P. HIGGl.NS.

foiirih.” 27; Ad'dal.le Thurston, o i BATTLE CREEK. MICH.-

2* I•..r.•paugh Sell* nren*. ^ Tl:.- 'ira*. ..... ' ..iiipiny. with ! MARIETTA. O. Ue\> n I M KST. Hrnii- '•aiiien.ii in I In' l•• nd.-, -'Mir New .Mliilst.-r,' r.-turn date Oet. 14,

pri'*i-iitid ■ .X N.irniamlv XX'.-dil ng' at the t,, „ fair lion*.-; play well ns-elveil: eom-

ELWOOO, IND. I'o*! I ll••.•ll.■r la*i irgnl. Ihe .nilri- east pany gosl: parts w.-ll taken. "I’rleess

i;in<MMl 0|M‘ra lions'-. (J. .X Kraiin- •'. epi • n il.» w.-l «.•!. . I. .1 one, an.l '•hi.-," '*.-1. I'i. to fair Insis..; .a.mpany ex-

Xlgr I I'he lll.lileit I'rlliie,” »• l s g.MsI 'I ** « .nm r. n w.i* wi ll *i; Ihe .-.■pii.iually g.s-l. ••pawins. Bill.” tX-t. 16,

.'■•iiiistny an.l house. •‘Poxy Bov. ".1. 1* ,>■>■ a ..n.-r* .A.-.-;.. op . .riii:iiil.-* for g,,«| hiisim-** .lay ami niglit. t’arner Slivck p!...*.al Inrg.- house. "H.sailer'«ilrl." ' n-t Ihi* .ll•llghl fill l.llh- woman, win. at tweii- t'.Hopanv In r.-|sTtoin' w.-ek of XK-t. •_’".

M larg.' housi-'. Kale Watnon v. rv .•l.-v.-i four f.a* laW. n a p a.-.- am ni'g llw Is-si in — —

X Plis. Dream. ” Oet. 17; "Honoln n '-.N.ii. Mo of . .s ra li.-r won.I. rfnI, PALESTINE. TEX.

". I IH. San. T. Jaek’s Burh-s ,.wr*. it. l . n -d K. Swift. Mcr.l

-1 K. P. HIGGl.NS.

BATTLE CREEK. MICH.- Tl:.- ';ra.i' I'aim-r-.n '*p.-ra '■-•nip-iny. with ! MARIETTA. O.

XII** Grn.i- '■aim-roll in tin- h-iid.iig nd.-, j - 'Mir Ni-w .X|lnlsti-r, ' r.*furn dat'- 0<-t. 14,

pri-*i'iiti'd ■ .X Norman.I\ XX'.-fl.l ng' at the I t,. a fair lion*.-; play well ns-elv-il: eom-

I'o*! I r la*i ii'gnl. I hi- . nilri- i-ast I i.aiiy gissi: parts w.-ll tak.-n. "I’rleess i

«.1* an . v. i-pl . n il .* .'am.-r. n wa* w.-ll *i;

111! on.-, anil I'•hi.-," '*.-i. I'l. to fair Insis.-; .-i.mpany ex- -•■piioiially g.Msl. “Pawii.H- Bill.” tx-t. 16,

n.-r* i-M---;.! op . •rin:iiil.-* for I l.iisim-** .lay an.l night. Garner Stock till* •l••llghl fill t.llh- Woman, who at tw.-n- I IV four f.a* laWi n a p a.-.- iim -iig It-.- Im-sI in ! tin hili-l I'f .■••III . .-mT.i, IliT Won.I. rfnI ! s.-iiil> mil • 11 of liiiiin-r ami a l»-.-iiillful so ;

G.Hiipanv In r.-|s-rtoin- w.-ek of XXt. 2".

«h-t. 23: ”p.>r ll-’im- am. I'r-"'-. v..!.-.- Im-Iii.' an

H-iiior.’' ').-t. 24. Kdward XX'ahIni in. m-i

JaiiH-M It.i.v* In Missouri. ' o- t 27

Strang.-* of Amo* K.-el. r.‘

I'-t. r*' Kraim-r Grand, un.ler const rm-tloii h.v

G--0. 11. Johnson. Is nearing i-oniphilon

ami will o|M-n alMiut Nov. 1. Thl* will la

■•m- of the nu»-*t small houses In tin- Slat.-

Si.igi-, 0);x44; seating caimcHy,

CLYDE HI NTI’.K. In ••111- I* r—III. few la-op .- appre

-al'i-'g 'he r 0-1 that • lie witii a great mu s!ial g.fl ••an i-vi-r la- fiiiiiiy. .XI ** Ganieroii

ha* Il all, and tin- e\pr.-**lm* of her audl

em-.- In i-n-i-r.-* iir'ivi-.l her pla .- lu IIk

:.-iirt* of Ihltt!.- . ria-k |a*ip;.-.

Her womi.rini , PALESTINE. TEX. (Daiea not decided.) Prank R. Wright,

,ipHr.'nrilv “ ra7e ; retnph-"pera Il.iusv-. iW. Mgr.) STw ’t^A^’ ®*‘‘**“' laaiii e annre- ! - ’ J'ist Strn.-k Town was the hill at the m™. tresa.

III! -I -reat* inu S Temple t)ct. I". The performance and NEBRASKA.

X^**^■«n..■ron ';-‘''panr ;*n'y OMAHA. NEB. - Douglas Connty Pair, III* ..f her audl S'.*”** des4-rv.-s n .-nthm, as, ^ q w, Hervey, aecy.

■ 1.. ax_I nln tr<iiiirk tnakrv.ttrk vaa 4srwk*1 I iti^skvir At. ' ** *

Pair. Aug. 25-28, inclusive, 1903. J. T.

XX'illlams. pres.; j. H. laiwrence, treas.;

AX'. 8. Kllgour, secy.


CEPAR T.XI.E. I.X.—Cb.niitanqna Connty Pair. iDate* not set.) 1*. N. M’hitncy,


NORTH ATTLEB.'iRODGIl, MASS.—Man ufacturen’ Agricultural Society Pair. Date not set. XV. 11. I'ond, aecy.


GARDEN CITY. MINN.—Bine Earth Conn ty Agricnitnral Society Pair. Date not set. O. Seran, aecy.

1 JACKSON, MINN.—Jackaon Connty Agrl- I cultural Society Pair. Datea not aet. II.

U. Gl'llsple, secy.


LEWISTON. MONT.-Pergsa Connty Agrl- cultural. Mineral and Stock Aasocistloa. (Dates not decided.) Prank R. Wright, pres.; O. W. Beiden, secy.; W. D. Sym nies. tresA


iu the kis tramp inakc-up was go«Mt. Current at- : tiactlon: I'eruehi-Bcl.lini Company. Lewi NORTH CAROLINA.

HARRISBURG, PA. •’ k'"-"' •"

Grand Opera Honse. (N. Ap|* ll. Mgr I ,Vr,H'iv ""ii .1 ilo-v Hi-t 13 14, Dainty Paree Burlesqm-rs playcil , i,-•', tl. S It O. at Imlh night pcrf.wmaii.-e*. (i. . »hlh- Ihe mstin.-'-* were also Idg Oci 15, ||.*ik,-.| ah G.urgi- P Hall pri**enli-.l hi* m-w play. Her Snki- ' ".-l 21

Xn Ain.-iiean Hn*ll.-r.” to gi**! 1111*111.-** • XX'..iii-in XgiXi .'•1 111. I'sn <’rlmnilus an.l Ro*a «; >re. In * ' ilii-lr miiHl.-al fsree. ".X Warm Xlat.-h" xjAoeui I'hi- *lii.w I* giMMl. an.l supiHTtcl hy a g.MMl MARSH) .,--iii|Hiny. Oi-t. 17, The eCH-ntrl.- Illlh- "<l.-..i'. Tlii al.-r. 4'-ni.-ilhin. Frank IXshon. who mn.le such a •■Tin- Sultnn ..f )

NEOSHO. MO. <>|Ni.i H'.ii**. .''h.-irli-* XX Smili. Xlgr.l—

\X hi-n thl- r.-'l Tolt*. ■ "-1 H. phiyiil to

_ 1 .1 an.-mlim.- 'll... y earries .-g|i|.*-n ,M’..p •- .-ii-d p • .i*.-.l 111.* amll.-n.*'-*

..*r> ni'.*-l.. 'I'hi- w.,r.lriilH- I* m-w- and

pr.-llv, .-II .1 ilii-v i-.irtv *pi* lal *.-.-n.-ry.

yirden I'heaier Conipnny were book^ here ciiaHI OTTE. N. C.-Piedmont Colored for 0<-t. 1.3-lH. hut they «-an<-eled their date, for reas'iiiK which I could not obtain.


Industrial Pair. Nov. 18-21, Inclusive, lisr2. J. S. Leary, pres.; AV. H. Green,

ELIZABETH CITA'. N. C.-All)erninrle Ag- rtcultural and Pish Association County Pair. Nov. 4-7, inclusive, 1902. Geo. AV. AA'ard. pres.; L. C. Oakley, secy.

ghi.* 11 |M-. |.. .-ii-d 111..1 III.- au.lleii.-«-* FORT DODGE. lA. rtcultural and Pish Association County TV m-ii-h I'll.- w..nlriil*- I* m-w- and Mhllaml 'Ph'-ater. .S S. M'^aerney, Mgr.)— Pair. Nov. 4-7, inclusive, 1902. Geo. AV. n-in .,,,j III,.' e.irtv *|.i*lal *.-.-ii.-rv. ""''-arj AX'llllc AA'alker” failml to please. AA'ard. pres.; L. C. Oakley, secy.

.In-v ii' 'll '2 I .-inil .■/i-.-ni pr e«-*. Th*-'ir •*'■*- I-I -Xndn-w It.d.son, iu ’•Rl.-hard Car- FAYETTEVILLE. N.C.-Cumherland Coun- I'. iiMT I* |i .-l•.r.~ll.' nml ili.-v p .*i.*l 175 vcl.” gave a fine |ierformance to a large ly Pair. Nov. —, 190'2. G. AA'. Lawrence, *1-1*1* ll.*ik.*l ari.-:.d for thl* h-ni*.-. "For an.Hen.-e. 'K-l. 14. “The Storks." fXt. 18; secy.

liT Siiki- ■ ".-1 21 'lrl*li .Xr *l-**.“ 'h-t. .Xnielhi lliiighuin. Oct. 2". “Lost In New U.XI.KIGH. N. C.—Great North Carolina * • XV..iirin .Xg;rii*l XX'.iii'ian ' N.iv.'i;’,. A'oik " f.aih*l to ap|M-ar. Oct. 15. State Pair. Oct. 27-31. 1902. J. A. Long,

*aki-. ■ ".-1 21 'lrl*li .Xr *l-**.“ Oet. XV. iirin .Xga 11*1 XX'iiiiian ' Nnv. i;t. State Pair. Oct. 27-31. 19ir2. J. A. Long.

MARSHALLTOWN. lA. Oil.*ii'. Tin al.-r. iltiisby llrn* . Mgrs.) The Sultnn of Siiln.'’ "•■1 1 Kxi-ellent

4i'tlnct hit In ■•Mis* Boh AX’hItc," was h.-re i* rform im •-. to S It <». “H mi - and t)|iem House, illixinau Jk Co., Mgrs.) -The III the suec-ssfnl musical conn*ty. ’'The or,'' Oet ;• Pair .-nupaiiy. g • >-1 I.usIim-ss. following attnietloiis are iHvok.*!; “Casey’s XI. **.iig.-r Boy” Oct. 18. the bail Iniy. - A Hum h of Ke.v * ' ".1 1" lair is-rform Troiibh-s." o.-t, 21: Clara Jenkins Companv

XCekev Plliiii.” wa* here for ninlln.-c and am*- to latg.- hou*.- .Xmliew Kobsim, In .ni-Xov. 1; Sallshnry Orchestra. Nov. 3! light, to fair buslii'-ss. XA'rs-k of i»el. 20 2.*i. ''|{h-har.l ''.-irv el.'' Oel t.'!. pl.-as'Ml big ,,,.j 27 Nov. i. Incluslv«\ there w'lU be a Kiiiv ItolM-r Company; mntlne*-* dnlly. ex bu*lm.**. J u*.!. Ileii'ou. aln-i.l of GldtHvn's r'orn t’arulval.'4''olt and Poultry Show. Kiiiv ItolM-r Company; mntlne*-* dnlly. ex bu*lm.**

• ■l-tiiig (let *21, .Xnna Held, in “Th.- Little Xl.n*tiil I la. h.**s,“


h.-i.- "• t 11 r II iirsBY

FORT MADISON. lA. CUMBERLAND. MO. I-.,,, ..rhsii show*. «i.-t to fair husl

X'.ideiii.v ol Mu»li-, iMellliiger llr •«.. lies*, .ifternoii iiml eM-nliig '.Xt ''rlpph 1 • -.,.* Hint Xlgr*.) XX'i*-k of '»i-l. I.T t'i, 'file I r»*-k.' ".-I plea*i--l a lair tums*- -'It.-

I • iit-erg .Vfin-k Goiiipnny, In ri-in-rlii.n-. Till* Mim| I'.irdoii ' "■•1 I'2. gie.itlv pleiis>‘.l «

< ••iiipaii.v |■ln.^.*l to g.MMl ho'l*.-* nil w.*-k f.ilr hoii*.', w lil.-li w.iiihl liavi- lM*-n .'rowil«-.l

I'll. *|M*-lallI.-*, Msrh- Mi-Nelll. .*irm-l |m fur im-.h-ni.-nt w.-alh.T ami unfair crltl

Pan ... Show*. «i.-t c. to fair husl GhrUtim- Hu.l*..ii nml J-.*. ' Mh .11. pl.-as •**. ifli-rnoii nml ■•M-nliig '.Xt I'rlpple ,,,1 ,-apn.-ity lioii*.-. “Thi- Igiml of '’ol

.Xrmory. t.XI. »'olwell. Mgr.1-Carl Ouist's pres.; C. B. Ixuson, treas.; J. E. Pogue,

Militni.v I’aiiil iu evuii-'-rt. ')i-t. 16. see.v.


CLINTON MO. BKI.LKKHNTK. PA.—Centre County Pair.

HlM-ra House, tilixinau Jk Co.. Mgrs.) -The li"d't*lve. 19"3- Kills J. Orvls.

following attnietloiis are brvok.*!; “Casey’s pr.**.: John M. Shugert, trt-as.; John

Trouhl'-M." t).-t. 21: Clara Jenkins Company, Hlaiii-har.1, s<*i-y.

Oet. .fv-Xov. 1; Sallshnry Orchestra. Nov. 3. SOUTH CAROLINA. i)i-t. 27 Xov. 1. Incluslv'-. there will be a ^*^*1 r-»'Di» o /*

C.vrn '’arulval. C.dt an.l Poultry Show. t n nvi i-if Mechanical Society ralr. Oct. 28-31, In-

_u. uxi.r.u. elusive, 1902. A. H. White, aec.v.

I.KXIM; r«»\. KA. oiM-ra iGhss. SOUTH DAKOTA. Si*«ti. Xlgr.l ••Till- |•rinl*■** '’hie.” withjpi; SMET, S. P.—De Smet Agricultural

n im-l.> .Iraiiin. wa* *nli*fni-lor.v voml |•.lrllon "■•I I'2. gi.-.illv pleiiH«-.l a n, •■ll■lll•■n•; tin- .-v.-r liim-rul "Snii To.v "

f.ilr boll*.', w Illl h w.iiihl liavi- lM*-n .'rowil«-.l wn* *0 popiilnr thnt pi*ipl.- w.-n- turm-.l

'"l••l*l III.- Mnllorv llriM. nml Mssii- Itr-M-k*. , |*nt I.v l>i<- n>-rllngloii .l i • 'Hawk.-y.*'’

ill-w w.-ll nml pl.-HM«*l vi-ry miu I1. iM-Ing '•■lt■.'|l•.. •.xt Xnlhv t'org.-. " oel. 1'.'; XI

lltM-rnll.v npplnu.l.*! Tm'*.li". ''*1. '2). Martin'* "I m-'..* r'-m'* I'nl.'-i ' o.-t, 'Jt*

l"i»* nml Hi* r'nniou* Itniul XI *« t'linr < I..XIM'.Ni’L I. PK.XTT.

l-iit. G.Mirgi-. singing *olo|*i o.'t '3’.. D.iln —

I* l■.lrl■i• ll>irl.-*.in.- '’oinpnn.v 0. I ‘i'l. . LIMA.

I’.ilKy* llnh.v 0.1 -27. • Sl.l. 'rrn. k.*l/ 1 ,1,,. , , M

il I 1. 7“'o'^"v‘ ' 1' '■cr. l lm..lnJ ' arl.-i H-> l'nr.|on. Xov. I, I h.-n-iigli , ,, , „ 1 1,

Trnmp; Xov. .I S K.-vbnrm-* B.m „;.ii„ ' .imi.anv " i 1 11 81.Mk 'oinminv. ' hn* nml , , , . .. .

' .. I’-'.iH.ig in tl... till.- mle. V \ " l J. J sTi XIIV V . .

Pair. (Pates not set.)


KINGSTON, TK.X’N.-Kingston Pair. Oates nut fixed. James P. Llntltan, secy.



0|M-l.l Mtll*.'. .G

X’gr. I.lmoin J 'Mrl.-i * 'I

.Virh I-. I-- ;i I >< I l.'i. Sniii pn. k. 'l h .0*1

*i|M-i.i II 111*.'. .1' I' Maxw.-ll.

II-oin J . Mrl.-i * 'I'll.- I'list Mall.''

I. .1 g-M-1 II ••<*.' G • mI Hi*-n.T.v ami

.-omi.aiiv " I t... ■"I'tii- Slniidnnl

i.> n hug.- :in I w.M pli-a*«*l hons.-, Sniii 'I' .1:1 k * f.iirl--.I'li'r*. to .*

awn.v: I'ho*. Ko** in “On Ihi- »Jnii-t " I* n TEXAS.

worili.v *n.**-**..r i.. VICTORIA. TEX.—Southeast Texas Pair

... .... . , ; AssiKlntiou. .Nov. 11-14. 19U2. L.N. Ha < KO X M roXX N. (.X l.\i*-(ini Ihenler. seey

J '■ XX'.-ilki-r. Xlgr I lo oil '* National Slm-k VERMONT. l'oni|i.'in.v *li.>w.*| to :i gi**! hollse. Oi-t. IXi . . 22. I'll ;i.-.*.nni of 111.- .-Irens b.-ing lu-r.- ORWELI.. X’T. — Orwell Farmers Club

0.1 21 il .-aii*.*l Hu- .-i-ow.l to In- *liin at

III. Ili.-nli-r to *oim- eM.-nl. J '• KMGlir. JK.

Ml XMOKIN. I'X. A. K. "iM-rn House,

(J K 0*1.-r. .Xlgr.l l.ltll.- Lllii-I Kvttln ''••m

pnn> . 0.-1 •23'AV t.> fair hon*.-*. "King I H>

Pair, ti'ates not set.) E. P. Gralnold, pres.: II. I». Branch, secy.


"I'-'ia Hon*.-, iCha*. Si-.»lt. Xlgr t I'lu-

I'liig I’liig Pong*’ 0|M-rn Coim«nnv. nn or-

irillon of Iw.-ntyfi'e, In n .--ngloim-rs

of iH.iinlnr song*. In whl.’h •■•;.*>il ol.l

il iriiiii I III1-.I for .

|T*» nml • OnvI.I •_«, ^•nlll•rnll> rii.-nt.-r. I 17 |H H xi’RX i:oi:di:i:.


I'nlln* * ipi-r:i Ib-ii*.- \ii-->, Xlgr

... Tl.•• nml “Itl.M.mln’ I.l*.- " take XX. .|n. *.ln' mall. .ml night, o. t t.‘. ••King IMiig Pong ’ < h.i* II Xa'.-* I'.-'l'* Xm tlon l••"''■''

I'III.mag.' far greater than the nllrsell.ui I" « g***! Ii.oi*.- .ii -l a w-Il p.i-a'*i-il "'''••

' '1..I The llowanl Dorset Coiiiimn.v. In . n..- "-I I. mallm. ;--.l night. Ih.

I l"■ltlllll■. o|>rn.-il to .•aivacIt.T. XX'hlh- the Ti-I.-| lio.-.- GIr'

I iigiT. Xlgr.l Dark. 1; P. HIGGINS.

KOII r MXIIIMtx. I \. Khiiig.-r Grand.

( ha* II S.-ill*l.nrv. Mgr.' ".Xt X'atl'-y

l-'i-rg.*.'' ''.-t P*.*.*! a fair lion*'' XI,

\X Xlarlln * "I m-li- roin * ''ahin.'' X)i't. *2",

lo I .-*. wili-.l lion*.'


Kl’l'/.t.KK XI.O. «. X. Ha.-km-y ami

L V 9 ■ u i

k'wr «Mui HallMsis. ’Whlstllaw BalloaMS. IHifimled sr AdserUslBg; BsxIIsbbs,

Wet Prtees trsaa

iri- of till- ni'-liMiranintic *lvli-. they Xlmk. ’ X \lgl-i .-n Itn-ailw

• l.-v.-r nml .-nterlalnlng Tim *iM-i-lai. RInglIng ri-~ ' li.u*

ir.- i-M.-iii-iil nml original In • \i-. lit I,>11.

J f Awrxi: NEWNAN. GA

1* Xlnrrav and Im-.-ii li.-i.- two wi

SHARON. PA. •rgiin Grand t>pcra llonae, iM U.-t*

nnd Mgr.! 8 8. Vail, Bn* Mar 1


Ii.-e*i 0|i. r-i Hou*i iliowni'i) .X GIomt

ng to *tamliiig r.M.m only. "n tlm la*t j night Hie 1i-nl wa* *oerow.le.l Hi;il Ihi-.v I.-t |

il-w n till- * wall* Th.'V g-. from Imn- l*. .

X|..||lri.-. '.:i I

XI X>MM'’l'ON. XX. XX. Xlanningtoii I 0|M'ra Hon*.-. ».l XI Barra.-k. Mgr.i X)' B j

w'.V'wVr:* piaV'' Q. N E R VI O N E On tlm l.■l*l m, PniBkllB M.. CkleBB*. III.

I1-.I lli;il Ihi-.N I.-t The only positively exclusive and Reliable Balloon gi. fr.-ni Imr.' to H.voae In America. The opening for season, Itot

will take place on M*y 1, from the Eagle Mark . ..sncuraale. balloons nouveantes dlrlgables.” ». lanningi n which wtU he the great snccesa of the Twentieth

•k. Mgr.i XX H I rwntnrv, for Clnhc. Sommer Resorts. Picnics, Fatm. Mgr*.) I'hi- Barlow Pro* '• n*lr«'ls held I XX'at«on * Orl.-ntal Burlcsiiuers playnl to a street'Mrs. Camivala. etc., ete., ate.

'I Miintcll, In “The Page.r ami ih.-lopp*

•lM>nrd*0<» 4, t.> f llr a'l.-ml im-v. though fair house O.'t "22 Jhc audlcimc was well ^ U U, ^ AWiM • neatlmr « '* «et Tlm *how had no p'ensed wIth Hm p. rf..rm:im-c. I p M lllow _ p..*lll..n. ami plea*i.l a fair au.llcn<-e at Creek. D.'t :»'• -J L.


JIfenMoB “ The Billboard" -eAen mnoworirnd oaU


VIRGINIA. ARIZONA. PL’LA8A1, VA.—Pnlaskl Afflcultaral and I'liriFViv ahiv F.i.k.. •». ■

ilecftanical hair. Uai.^ uo. I ■•.....I. u.ii __ . u •> u_ <<raun < ■.niuaud«*rr Conrrntlon. Noa. lA art. rraada B«ll. prea.; U. B. Hone. '•r«J»H;; n.iiiaud|.ry Conrrntlon. Not. 12.

• r . s . i.Rti. J. Kovkruf^. TuiMHiO, Arls.,

CANADA. yrand rerord#‘r.

VANLCKK HILU. ONT.. CAN.-Pn^ , ARKANSAS. AcnmitiKAi Boeletj Fair. Oataa l.\N\VAi. AUK.—Htate Baptist Conv*»D-


SOMETHING NEW. JUST OUT. Street Men Send for prices' ii«t Bzad. JaBfla Alllaus, pra*.. Baauvi ■ . —. .- Howaa. rice prea.; Fred. W. Tbiatle l.ITTI.l', U<»CK, AKK.-F. &. A. M. Grand

tlon. Nov. —, 19U2. Tlie Bet k S ^ou% Co. " n tiAVf iri fi ri « r 11,

tbwalte, mgr , treas. and aecy. I.rxlgc <'oiiveutlon. Nov. —, 1902. Fay I IcurpHtead, WH-y.

CALIFORNIA. I.OS, cal.—State Federation of

l..j(tHir r'onveiitiou. Jun. 5, l!Mi:t. Uii.v Ijithroii, 915V^ Market at., San Franciaeu, t'al.. aeejr.

iWflhfl/UHn^ SACKAMENTt), rAL.-l'atroua of Huabau jry State Gninye Gonventlon. Get.

SANItEltSVn.I.K, GA Slate Dalrymen'a LAFAYETTE. INI>. Btate Dairy AaarMl:, .^HMoelatlon ('onventlon. Nov. 5-d, 1902. tlon Convention Jan 21 2H, Inelualve M I.. Duxttan. Sparta, Ga., aeey. IiaC!. II. K. Van.Noruian, aeejr.

SAVAVNAII, t:.\ ItaiiKliterH of Auierlean ^I.MtlSON, IND. State Mnuldpal I.^-aipie ItevolutioK Statr* Convention Nov. 13 14, Convention. .Nov. 12 14, IWtX Geo. F. Pti2. .Mr». It. F, I’ark, Atlanta, Ga., aeey, Downe.v, Aurora. Iml , aery.


ALBANY, GA.—Elks' Carnival. Nov. 10-15, incliulve, 1902.

AMCUICI'S, GA.—Elks’ Cornlval. Nov. 3 6. inclnslve. 1902. Cincinnati Carnival Co., attractions.

AUGUSTA. GA.—Elks’ Free Street Fair.

19<»2. Mrs. L. S. Braacb, San Francisco, ALTtt.N, ILL.—State Men-hautH’ AaaiH-la Cal., secy. tlon Convention. Feb. 1(M2, llSKl. Tboa

.SAN FKA.NCISCO, CAL.—Flfty-lblrd An- H. Curtis, Jacksonville, III., prea. G. it nual Protestant Eplacopal Diocesan Con Andre, Jacksonville, 111., seey. vention. Jan. ‘27. ItSQ.


tlon Convention. Feb. 1(M2, lltirj. Tboa. aery. H. Curtia, Jarkaouvllle, III., prea. G. it. IOWA. Andre, Jaekaonville, III., aeey. . ... „

BI.GGMINGTON, ILL.-Htate Swine Breed- I*A\KNroUI. lA.-State Bottlem Aasorl

KtClUlftND, IND.-Indiana Yoan| Men ■ ChrUtlan Aaai>rlatlon Convention. Nov —. lMr2. K n. Hiary, Indlanapolla. lad., aery.


era’ .\aHO<-latlon Conventlim. Nov. 1S20, raio. Chaa. F Mllla, Sprlitkfleld. Ill , aery.

ntlon Convention Jan. 13-14, I9U8. F llnrlinek, Dea Molnea, la., aeey.

Not. 17-23. Inclusive, 1902. T. S. Ro- COLOItADO SPKINGS, COL.-Y. P. S. C. nixiOMINU.rON, ILL.-State Cl'sy Work ^■'*•''‘•'.8. lA. Btata Railway llar*eoni’ = .. . ^ *'*•“* Convention. Nov. 69, 1902. W. era- Aaaoclatlon Convention. Jan. 7 8. BBALMONT “TLX.-Laktes Oil Carnival. H. Day, secy. Ijais. «. c. Stoll, Wheaton, 111., aaey.

Dec. 7-13, Inclusive, 1902. A. L. Tincn. DENVER, COL.—National Beekeepera’ Aa- CHAMPAIGN, ILU—Slate Horticultural ... ... ..... .. .... soclatlon Convention. Dec. 2, 1902. M Society Convention. Dec. 17-19. Inrlnalve.

BIRMINGHAM. ALA.—Tradea Council Car- H. Hunt, Belle Branch, Mich , aeey. 10(12 Henry M. Dunlap. Savoy, III.: nival. No»- *-». Bt02. B. W. Brnmley, PUEBIX). COL.-8tate Sunday-School Aa- prea.; J. W. Stanton, Rlchvlew, III., mrr.; GaaklM-Mundy Carnival Co., at- soclatlon Convention. Nov. 12-14, 1902. treat ; L. R. Bryant, Princeton, IIU.

. .r , CONNECTICUT. .. „ . _ .

Aaaorlatlon Convention. Ort. —. 1002 Dr Ira K. K. Gardner. New Hampton, la., •ery

mkr.; Gaaklll-Mundy Carnival Co., at¬ tractions Nov. 1. 1902. R. O. How’ard, pres.; T. J. Hunt, ren’l rnsr.: r. B. Grimes, secy.

CLARKSVILLE, TENN.-Elks’ Fall Festl-

Soelety Convention. Dec. 17-19. Inclnalve. ^>18 MOINES lA Slate Mntnal Ini^nce 1002. Henry M. Dnnlap. Savoy. III.: Assorlotlon < onventlon Nov. -. 1902. C. pres.; J. W. Stanton, Rlchvlew, III., ‘ treat.; L. R. Bryant, Princeton, IIU. IIIIINNELI.. lA.-^Thlrteenth Aapnal Con

vention Iowa Llbra^ Aaaoclatina. Oct.

MERIDEN, CONN.—State Sunday-School Convention. Nov, 11-13, 1902.

CHAMPAIGN. 1LL.-Y. W. C. A. State 1002. Mias Alice U Tyler, Dea MoIbm. la aerv.

val and Carnival. Nov. 8-8, Inclusive, 1 BKlDGKl’OUT, CON.N. — Shepherds 1902. Mr. Woods, secy. Robinson Carni¬ val Co., attractions.

COMMERCE, MO.—Merchants’ nnd Busl-

Bethlehem Supreme L^ke Con^ntlon. National I^eaune State Federation Con ../h "I""’ iT" k."’""’’ Oct. 29-31, 1902. Wm. Mitchell, 631 La vention Oct — 1902 PELLA. lA.—Daukhtera of Pocahontts

o. * , V. r. . CHICAGO. lLL.-Nat1onal Elevator Con- ConV“tloo. (^. 1902. EW HA\EN CON.N.-State Lumber Dea - atnictors’ Convention. Dec. -. 1902 Ottumwa. la., aeey. w* i^^n'^^nOon. Feb. 10, 1903. I>ouIs ohICAGO. ILL.-Natlonal Toilet Soap SIOUX CITY. lA.-Y. W. C A. State Con- Mansfleld, aeey. Makers’ Association Convention. Dec. —, vention. Oct 30-Nov. 2. 1902. Rath Pax-

DELAWARE. Frank Bnshnell, New York, N. T., son. Good Block. Des Molnea, la., aeey. i*f¥ mincton HKI I OOF Omiit secy. W ATERI/OO, lA. The Gideons U. C. T,

(',3ivcntiT.n lorw CHICAGO. ILL.—Roentpen Ray Society of S»"»e Convention. Dec. 27-28. 1902. N I^ke ( onv^l^. Nov. ,1902. Isaac T'nited States Convention. Dec 10-11. " 1 nndv. Msraballlnwn. la., aecv.

I’Yi'\VinctO\'*DFi'***I**o'^\i^ P*Fn^mn T^- T>r. Ralph R. Campbell. 414 Mar- WATERLOO. lA Master Plumle-rs’ Assn /• onette nidjf. siry. •’'•’•'‘•n Convention Feb. iai2. 1903 II

wllit Tenth ■’( *■ CHICAGC ILL.—Order Col tnibla Knirhts W Noble, Sloiix C'ty, la., secy.

YII.MINGTON, DEL.-^Royal Arch Masons’ Temn^’ KANSAS. Grand Chapter Convention. Jan. 21, 1903. r-ntr-Too f^ntet^' kan’uar pity kav at.» dkii • h a jua TT T>rinA T> A R/xt irmnrf ■dw'v r*HIf^AOO, ItelA—Stut^ laiifnn^r KANSAS ClX 1 . KAN.-—StMt# PhllAtftllr Rv

Association Convention. Feb. (2nd week). cletv Convention. Oct -. 1902 T. O. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 19t0. Geo. W. Hotchkiss. 31.1 Dearborn Ciinnlncham. 63.1 Wa«hlnrton ave.. aecv.

VASHINGTON. D. C.—American Antl-Sa- LAWRENCE. KAN —Charltlea and Correc loon Learue tonventlon. Dec. — 1902. CHICAGO. TLL.-State Bottlers’ Protective (tons State Conference. Nov. —, 1902. James Ewln. seev. ’ Association Convention. Feb. 10-11. 1903. * «' --

Convention Nov. 14-16, 1902. MIsa Ellta- otTitxiwa ia i* \f i o o w r. heth Cole, 273 TCld at., Cblcayo. 111., aeey. GTrl MWA, IA —I . M., I O. Do

CHAMPAIGN. ILL.—Catholic Women't part menti onventlon. Feb —, 1908. Col

neas Men’a Free Street Fair and Carnival. NEW HAVEN, fNDNN —State Lumber Deal Oct. 27-Nov. 1, Inclusive, 1902. N. F. An- ers’ Convention. Feb. 10, 1903. IjOuIi deroon. aeey. Mansfield, secy.

HL P.ABO. TEX.—Mld-W'lnter Carnival. nPi axa/abb

partment Convention. Feb. —, 1908. Col. R. Ik Flltou. Des Moines, la., secy.

PELLA, IA.—Daukhtera of Pocahontts Great Council Convention. Oct. —, 1902. Mrs. Ix>Ib Ream, Ottumwa. Ia.. oecy.

JTan. 1817, Inclualve, 1903. H. C. Lock- wood, aeey.

BL PASO. TEX.—Elka’ Street Fair. Nov.

Mansfield, secy.


10-15. Intrusive, 1002. Cant. P. T. Gar- W. Hallam, Third and Market sts., aeey. rett. ken’l director; H. B. Charman, secy.: WILMINGTON, DEL—1. O. O. F. Encamp- Chaa. E. Sawyer, mer, ment. Nov. 18, 1902. I. H. Appleby, 804

KUFAULA, ALA.—Street Fair. Nov. 17-22, Inclualre, 1902. Oeo. A. Dent, secy.; H. I WILMINGTON, DEL.—Royal Arch Masons B. Dowling, gen’l mgr. Grand Chapter Convention. Jan. 21, 1903.

HOUSTON, TEX. — No-Tsii-oh Carnival Jas. H. Price. P. O. Box 94, gruDd aeey. and Street Fair. Nov. 17-22, 1902. Geo. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. P. Brown, chairman.

JACKSON. MISS.—Elka’ Carnival. Nov. WASHINGTON, D. C.—American Antl-Sa-

L ’ Inclusive." 1902. Gsskill Muody WASHINGTON. D. C.-Spanlsh-Amertcan Frank Shlsndeman, care Decafnr Brewing I''‘T*ON KAN-Patron- of Hn.hsndrr

,1 Company famishes attractions; ..War Nunes’ Convention.. Dec 1-6, im^ v.. i?!:

24 29. Inclusive. 1902. I,. D. Loof, secy. JACKSON, TENN’.—Elks’ Carnival. Oct. 27

Nor. 1, Inclusive, 1902. Gssklll-Mundy Carnival Company famishes attractions; C. H. Smith, promoter.

JACKSONVILLE. FLA.-Street Fair. Nov. 24-29, Inclnslve. 1902,

LADOGA, IND.—Com Carnival. Oct. 30- Nov. 1, Inclusive, 1902. Chas. L. Good- bar, secy.

West Tenth st., aeey.

Ciinnlnchsm. 63.1 Ws-hinrton ave.. aecv. I.AWRENCE. KAN —Charltlea and Correc

tlon- State Conference. Nov. —, 1902. Prof F. W Blackman, seer.

WASHINGTON, D. C.-Inter-Xatlonal San- ILL.-Dam-h Broth^ood Na llarv Conference. Dec. 2, 1902. tional (^nyeiitlon. Oct. —. 19<i2.

WASHINGTON, D. C.-Geological Society CHICAGO TLT..-NstlonnI T.esime of Com

of America Convention. Dec. .30, 1902- nit«lon Merchant- f^n^ntlon. Jan 14

Nov. 1, Inclusive, 1902. Chas. L. Good- Jan 1, 1903. H. L. Fairchild, University bar, secy. of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y., seey.

LINCOLN, ILL—Free Street Fair and Car- WASHINGTON, D. ('.—Daughters Amerl

Gen RIaek. Olathe. Kan., aecv piTTsnrno kan-i o o r omnd

HIC.AGO, TT,L.—National T.esgne of Com T.«dre Convention Oct —. 1«wi? tjen

nit-«ion Slerchants’ Convention. Jan. 14. W tono« rrand -eev

19113. A. Warren Patch, 17 N. Market aL. TOPFK.A. K.AN.- State Miner-’ .A-aoclation

nival. Oct. 27-Nov. 2. 1902. J. J. Daves.

LITTLE ROCK. ARK.—Carnival (Enclosed).

can Revi>lutlon National 8o<-iety Conven¬ tion. IVeek of Feb. 22, 1903. Eleanor W. Howard, 902 F st., secy.

Boston. Msss.. seev. PHTCAGO Tl U-Roval Areh Ma-on- Ge-oA

Comniamlerv Convention. Oct. 28-31, 1902. P. K. Morrell. 2182 W. Adams at., aeey.

ROPK ISI.AND. H,L.—State Master Plumb¬ ers’ Assoclstlon Ponventlons. Jsn. —.

Convention. Feb. dst Mondavi. 1963

David B Castleman. Pittsburg. Kan seer.

TOPFKA Kan —state Academv of SHenee Ponrentlon. Dec. —. 1962 Prof O P

««w*T Nov. 10-15, Inclnalve. 1902. Indiana Car 'VASHINGTON, D. C.-PhI Sigma Kappa 7’ « , nival Co., attractions I General Convention Nov. 1902 1 " m Redlp«ke. 99 Plsybcnme av.. ] v»j( M(TV KAV—Select Knirhts Gran.l General Convention. Nov. 13-15. 1902

LONDON, O.—Free Street Fair. Dates not I WASHINGTON, D. C.—Anjerlcan Institute net. Clark C. Dooghtv. director.

ORANGEBURG, 8. C.-Fall Festival and of .Architects’ Convention. Dec. —, 1902 Glen Brown. 918 F, N. IV.. secy.

PI'learo. Til., seev. SPBINGFIEI-D. ILL.—Daughter- of Amer

T.erlon Convention Oct —. 1902 Ed R

Whenler Ksnsas PitT Ksn sscr.

Carnival. Nov. 11-14. 1902. W. G. Smith. WASHINGTON, D. C.-Soclety of the Army «p„,\;:Vrp.,PT n it T -Home Circle 8n prea.; W. G. Albergottl. secy.; J. 1. Soren of the Cumberland Convention. Oct. ’rOct - 19fG true, chairman amusement <?ommlttee.

PHOENIX, ARIZ.—Eagles’ Street Fair and Carnival. Nov. 24.30. 1902.

RUSSELLVILLE, ARK.—Street Fair and

1902. Gen. H. V. Boynton, 1403 F. N. W., secy.

WASHINGTON, D. C.—Unlversallsts’ Gen eral Convention. Oct. —, 1902.

Merchants’ Carnival. Nov. 3-8. Inclusive. I WASHINGTON, D. C.—American Assocla- 1902. Indiana Carnival Co., attractions.

■ELMA. ALA.—Fsll Festival. Nov. 10-15. Inclnslve. 1962. R. E. L. Nell. pres.

SHREVEPORT. LA.—Street Fair. Dec. 1-

tion Advancement of Science Convention. Dec. 29. 1902, to Jan. 3. 1908. L. O. Howard, Pb.D., Cosmos Club, permanent secy.

lean Revolution State Convention. Oct. WICHITA. K.AN.—Thirtv elehfh Anmi-' — 1962 Convention Reval Arch Mason- Gr-nd

SPRlNGFIF.T.n. ILL.—Home Circle Sn Phanter Feh 16-17. 1963 Wm M Shav preme PIrcle Ponrentlon. Oct. —. 1962. er Toneka Kan . rrand -eev Jnlln- M. Swain. 120 Tremont at.. Boa- WTPHIT.A KAV—Roval and SeWt Ms- ton. Mass., secy. Grand A—emhir Feh 16. 1963 Wm

8PR1NGF1F,I.P II,T.-State Bee Keeper-’ At Sharer Torwks Kan irrand recorder A-aocIntlon Convention. Nov. 18-19. 1962 WtPHITA. K.AN—F and A. M Grand la- A Stone aecv I.odcc Ponrentlon Peh 18 1963 Albert

SPRINGFIELD. IT.L-Rebekah State Aa- K Wll-on Toneka Kan aecv spinblv. Nov. —, 1962. I/Ola L. Richard. WTPHIT.A. K.AN -National Aid A—ociatlon Decatnr. HI., secy. Contention Dec. — 1962. S D Cooley,

6. Inclusive, 1962.' Harry Earn'sU. s^cy.’ WASHINGTON. D. C.-Natlon.Al Marine Vi73^1962 V'ant" H 'if' Gaakill-Mnndv Carnival Co., attractions. Engineers’ Beneficial Association Conven cainpment Nov. 11-13. 1962. rapt. H. ii KENT! Gaaklll-Mondy Carnival Co., attractions.

TUCSON, ARIZ.—Engles’ Street Fair and Carnival. Nov. 17-22. Wm. Reid. secy.

VEEDERSBT'RG. IND.—VeedersbnrgStreet Fair. Oct. C7-Nov. 1, inclusive, 1902. Joe Irvin, aeey.

WATERBURT, CONN —Elks’ Indoor Car nival. Not. 8-15, 1902. fJed Melmott. nival. Not. 8-15, 1902. Nm Melmott. .3.5. i9(t2. W. C. Reid, 32 E. 42d at.. New

York N. y . seev. WILMINGTON, N. C.^ree Street Fair. WASHINGTON, D. C.—American Society

Engineers’ Beneficial Associatic-n Conven- cainpment .>ov. ii-i.i, » apt. 11. 11 tlon. Jan. —. 1903. Geo. A. Grubb, 1318 Hall, seev _ Wolfram st.. Chicago, HI., secy. «!PR1VGFIFI.n. IT.L.-l

WASHINGTON. I). C.—American Omithol T.odee Convention Nov 20 22.1962 Ja- oglsts’ Union. Nov. 17-20, 1102. John H B. AtHler trantl Sage. Portland. Conn., secy. lairAiAMA

WASHINGTON, D. C.—American Ware- inuiAmtA.

housemen’s Association Convention. Dec gREENCASTLE. IND.-State Federation

cainpment not. ii-i.-i. » apt. 11. 11 KENTUCKY Hall, seev ^ _ *

«!PR1VGFIFI.n. IT.L.-l OOF Grand O M TON. KA* B T P U State Conren

Nov. 3-8, Inclualve, 1902. YOAKUM. TEX.—Free Street Fair Nov.

5-7, Inclnalve, 1902. A. G. Raney, secy.

of Naturalists’ Convention. Dec. 30-31. nrki 10 iv-ia v.Ae».. 1902. R. O. Harrison. John Hopkins Uni- i7 s p.?. venM.m versify, Baltimore. Md . secy. ( oincntl.m.

of Women’s Pliib- Ponrentlon Oct. —. 1902. Mr*. Ellr.ahcth O. Kcttrlng. I^ Grange. Tnd.. secy.


& A. M. of Florida Convention. Jan. 20. pa 13. W. P. Webster, grand secy.

J.ACKSONVILLE. FLA.-State Good Roads Association Convention. Nov. 26, 1902. J. W. White, secy.

LAKE CITY, FLA.—State Baptist Assocla tlon Convention. Jan. 7, 1903. 8. B. Rog-

Gct. —, 1!¥»2 INDIANAI’GI.IS. IND.—Interniitliinal Elec

tlon Nor 19-21. 1962. Bev H E Trslle.

.32” F Oak -t. T/onlsvIIle, Ky.. aeey. HEVTtFRSON KA’ —n. A R Conferrneo

Get — 19||0

PRIVCFTON KT.—Cnmberland Pre«h»

feriati Phnrrh State Srnod Oct 28 31. l'»62


tl,>n of (A<*ior ('onretiHon Nov 13 22 loir’ t'raiiV A«orH«on 423 G st,. N AV . Wa-h In-Inn D C -eev

trieni AA’orkers’ Convention Oet. —. 11-rj, vert- rintravc T A Vaiinn-I Tt-rdie*»e H AV. 731 Powers Rlix-k, R<x-h taannUfinn Pnnanniinn Vnr lo liw* c<jti-r. .V. A’., secy. m 1->>nn« romler W, Pnmmeree -t

^ Road- IMM ANAI’GI.IS. INI*. Niitlonnl Thresher 1962 J Miiiiiifsctiirers’ nad Johliers' A-soelsilon

’ Ponvenllon. Gi'i. —. liarj.

LAKE CITY, FLA.-State Baptist Assocla IMHANAl’GLIS. INO -

ALABAMA. e«“ ^cv!’'"*'""- sVvc 1W«" W^P Hart, crvln^ton. lud.:

ventlou^0^e^DMte™«ar.^^^^^ Ingraham ^cy. I ';V:^d"Vcllo\v ” worthy grand matron: W. M. Cnnntng. GEORGIA. I.MiIANAUOLIS. IND.-1. O. (> F Grand

XT*;' ATLANTA. GA.-Oreat United Order of l odge Convention Nov 19 2l>. 1962. W. BESSEMER, Al^.-State ^esbyterian Brothers and Slatera of Honor Interna H. I.eedv. Odd fellows’ Bldg. secy.

r M PM »'»*>■• Congress. Nov. L 19«. O. T. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.-Town and City BIKMIN(.HAM, ALA.--l>. & A. M. Olive Abrams, fUahvllle, Tcnn., grand maater. Snpirinletiileiiia’ State Convention Nov

Branch Gr^d I>odge Convention. Oct. 28- ATLANTA. GA. — Georgia Preabyterlan 1!‘21. 1!¥i2 AA’. l» Kerlln, Knightstown

ppoppiri 4T 4 41 k u IS i-o. k Smoil. Beginning Nov. 11. 1902. B. D. Ind , secy. CORDOAA’ AI^.-Alahama M K. (Tjurch m,.Ooi,«’:,r. permanent clerk. INDIANAPOI.IS. INI* United Mine Work

4;• 4 TT .4 .. p 4 .. COLI’MBUS. GA.-StBte Reunion of Con era’ I’nioti of America Convention Be MONTGOMERY. ALA --United Confeder- federate Veterans. Oct. 27 Nov. 1, 1962. ginning Jan. 19. 1963 W, B Wllaon,

Eneniiipiiient. Nov. 18, 1902 W. II t iKslv Odd Fcllos's’ Bldg. aeey.

I.NDIANAUOLIS. IND.-I. O. O F Grand lodge Convention Nov. 19.26, 1902. W. H. I.eedy. Odd Fellows' Bldg, secy.

«»«kkUflne Pr.k4.ekll/,.. V/»T 19 106" “r T4k,e« TS/.kkler S6-. PAmmeree Pklle/telkhtA T*a •AAk Akd ♦kk—•

vi'w OBI r*v9 t a _ a nAH/>Ak p .i.e* ftesllh a—oelatton Ponrentlon Dee 8 12. 1962 Dr P O Proh-f Poinmhn- O -ecr

Nov. 8. 1902 CORDOVA. ALA.—Alabama M K. (Ijurch

Conference. Dec. 4, 1902. MONTGOMERY. ALA—United Confeder¬

ate Veterans’ State Division Conventlon- Nov. 12-18, 1902. Judge John B. Fuller, secy.

MONTGOMERY. ALA.—State Legislature. Meets Jan. IS. 1968.

OPELIKA, ALA.—A. M. E. Church State Conference. Dec. 3-8, 1902.

TALT/ADEGA. ALA.—Alabama Stockmen’s Association Convention. Jan. 23-24. 1903.

19 21, 1!¥i2 W. l» Kerlln, Knightstown Ind , secy.

INDIANAPOI.IS. IND United Mine Work era’ I’nloti of America Convention Be ginning Jan. 19. 19(0 W, B Wllaon.

Col. W. S. Shepperd, prea.; Wm. Redd. Stevenson Hldjr.. seey. Jr., secy. INDIANAPOI.IS. INfi.—Amerlesn Bowling

4 EASTMAN. GA—Georgia A. M. E. Chnreh Congre«a Ponrentlon Jan. (third werkl. ONTGOMERY. ALA.—State Legislature. Poaferenee. i)ec. —, 1962. T. M. Sr-Hera Itkfl Samuel Kariif. Davton. O.. -eev,

4, k. 4 »4 4 Brunswick, Ga., pres.; R. H. Llnglaton. INDIANAPOI.IS IND State Hortlmitn PELIKA, ALA.—A. M. E. Chnrch State Savannah. Ga.. seev. ral Soclefv Convention. Dec. 8 4. 1902 Conference. Dec. 3-8, 1902. l-A GRANGE. GA.-Daughters of the Con- W P. Flick. Lawrence. Tnd., aery. ALT/ADEGA. ALA.—Alabama Stockmen’s federacy State Convention Oct. 80-81, INDIANAPOLIS IND.-State Conference Association Convention. Jan. 28-24. 1903. 1902. of Phaiitles and Poreertlona Nov. —. C. A. Cary, pres.; Sam T. Smith, treat.; mt. ZION, GA.-Georgla M. E. Church 11«2 C. S Oront 966 N. Delaware at.. H. A. Bishop, secy. Conference. Dec. 18, 1902 aeey.

WaaralhaOrlilaBHn p A H C C aod tta larvoal Baa- at IvarytMof Now la uARCv taatararalaMM VsrM.

Send for Catalogue

I. BINRBirrr.lI«. 44 Amm mu. Hew Twrk.


Uitemltnl Bwtawna. Ni. l/vai- 8 «

RICKETTS A SON. : BABYLON, N. Y. ' Largdat Mfr*. in Hi* U. 8. EatsbIialMd IH! K ('stalogaaa furnished upon appileatlon. t’m — --

WenKow “ Che Hillbmiftt'* leAeti n


.■i OULKAN8, LA.—Soutbern CypreiiM iiilrr hikI SbliiKle AiuMM'latlun Couvra II. Krl). <(, !!)*<{. ('baa. .McDowfll, Mft

iiib'lfl Nt.,

.v oKI.KANH, la.—(Iraiitl K. and

1 M. (’oiivfiitlon. Ki-b. 2, lSa«. Klcburd

iiJx'rt, Hihiiii 1!1 Maaoulc Ti-inpU*,

ol(i.K.\.NS. <irand 4'baittcr U

I il. I'liineutloii. K<‘b. 3, I'.aKt. Idrburd

ICiMiiii 'J1 .Maatiiilo Tciiiplf. nvi-y.

OUI.K.V.N.S, LA.—(Jrand 4'uiiin;l' U.

■ 1 S. .M. «Kfl*. 6, Ulrb- i.| l«'iiiilM-rt, UiMtin MaHoiilc Tniiple,

IWJ. Jubn Trimble. &14 P at., Waablug- ton. IJ. C’., aecj.

L.\.Nhl\<i, Micil.- Patron* of liuabandrx National (irauKc Convention. Nov —, lIMrj Jobn Trimble, M4, K at., Waablug- lon. It. aeejr.

I..\NMIN(J, .MICH. Htate Hunday-fk'bool Convention. Not IM St, V.W.

I.A.NSINIi, .MICH.—I'atruua ot Huabandry State (irunKe Convention. D«*c. b-12. in eluHive. I'.*(i. Geo. H. Horttxi, Krult ItblKe. Mieb., inaater; Jennie Uuell, Ann ArlHir. MIeb., ae<-jr.

Ml HKKGON, MICH.-F. & A. M. Grand I.ixltre Cunventbin. Jan. Uioa. Jef fenton H. Conover, (.'old Water, Mieb., KfHUd aeev.

MISKKGON, MICH.—Htate Federation of Woinen'a Cluba Convention. Oct. —, IWlKi.

HT. Johns, MICH.—King* Ltaugbtera state Convention. Oct. — I'JlKi. Marga¬ ret Held, 31 Sibley at., Detroit, Mtcb..


Here are the best

of the teoHon. any wire *rttai can eaelly learn to engrave them

1 htee HeartK are made of white metal, honian (iold I Inlahed,

very eahlly engraved, and the white cot ehowlug through the gold Bnlah makeH a very attractive Brooch that aella algh

It will pay you to try tnem.

M W OKI.KA.NS, LA. Grand Coniinui^ery l\ I. I'onveiitlon Feb. )i, I'.ai3. Ub'liard 1 labert, H<H>ni 'Jl Maaonir Temple, aeey.

.M.W iilti.KANS, LA.—American Uankera* .A- H'lation Convention. Nov. 11-13, 1WI2. ja-< It. Hraiirb, INI Itroad at.. New York » ity, aecy.

.M.W OKLKANH, LA.—United Daughters ' Ilf the Confederacy Convention. Nov. 12-

I.'., I'.MU. Mra. Jubn P. Hickman, Naah- eiiie, Tenn , aecy.

NKW (IKLKANH, LA.—National Aaaucla- tl.'ii of Hardware Jobbera' Convention. Nov. —, lint. Albert Baldwin. Cany and Caniiuon ala., aecy.

MAINE. IIANGOK, MK.—Slate Sportamen'a Aaam-la-

Hull Convention. Jan. (t, lUtXi. K. C. Far¬ rington, m-cy.

IAIUFIKI.D, .MK.—state Lnlveraiiliat Sun Jjy S<-liiMil Convention. Oct. —, lidTJ. I!cv. R. W. Weblier, Hallowell, Me., wcy.

F.VL.MINGTON, MK.—Htate Pomologlcal th>- ili-iy Convention. Nov. —, im.’.

PdllTI.AMi, MK.—Patrons of llm-lmudry Slate Grange. Dec. 10-18. l'.ari. K. H. Libby, Auburn. Me., accy.

MARYLAND. BAI.TIMOUK, Ml* -Y. P. 8. C. E State

Oct. 3tF31, PJ02. W. M Kob- aecy.

Price Heart Uroueboa, beaded edges.$4.(i0 pwr gross

“ “ plain.3J0 **

•• Plug Pong Brooebea, a faat seller. 8,10 “

“ Heart Necklace, Fancy Chain, good quality.12.00 “

Add fur large fancy Initial engraved on hearts 12.00 per gross extra.

Do nut fail tu send lur uur price list. It will pay and Interest you. We have every-

tblug that a guld wire artist ueeds. Our prices are guaranteed as low as the lowest. All

goods shipped aaiue day the order is received.

II 1F*Rlnl^lNl^ Manufacturers of Gold Wire Artists’Supplies. DKVFa.g 1*4 BKOADWAT, NSW YORK.

Walking Canas, Torpedo Canes, Ammuiiition, Cartridge Canes, Cartridges,

Koossvelt Photo Cases, Roosevelt Lithographs, Flags and Decorations, Conletti and Ribbons. Send for prices and samples. ■ r- ; i

H'l, PAl'L, MINN.—F. and A. M. Grand I Lodge Couveutioo. Feb. 24, 1003. Thus. Moniguiuery, 14114 Capitol ave., grand

HI'. PAUL, MINN.—.National Custom Cut¬ lers' Asam-latiun Cuuveullun. Jan. 0-8, iueluslve, IMe. 8. 8. Paupst, Duudas, Out., Can., aecy.

MISSISSIPPI. OXFOUD, MlHtL—Sonilieru Utaten Orllegna

and Preparatory Scboula Association Con¬ vention. .Nov. 5-7. 1UU2. J. U. Knkland, secy.

V U KSiirUG, MISS.- National Kx Slave .Mutual Belief Buuuty and Peusiuu As»w- ciatlou of 1. S. A. Convention. Oct. 27- .Nov. 1, PJ02.

WtrODViLLK. MISS.-Mississippi A. M. K. Cbureb Conference. Dec. 3, iMU2. Uev. U. \V. Chiles. D.D., Box 3u, Port Gibson, Miss., secy.

MISSOURI. (OLUMlilA, MO.—Htate Lbiiry Association

Convention Nov. 11-13, IMJZ. KANSAS CITY. .MO.-NaUonal Menul 8cl-

en<-e Convention. Dec. 27, 11102. K.VNSAS tT'l'Y, MO.—Missouri, Kansas and

Oklaboiua Association Convention. Jan. 27 2S. P.aO. K. 8. Miner, Bethany, Mo., pres.; Harry A. Gorsueb, secy.

KANSAS Ciri, MO.—National Wholesale Mllliuery Jobliers' Association Conven¬ tion. Nov. —, 1002,

KANSAS CITY. .MO.-State Federation of WouH-u's Clubs Convention. Nov. 4-6, 11412

MAUSHALL, MO.—Western Teachers’ As-; soclatloQ Convention. Nov. 28-20, 1002. W. 11. J'itausou. Independence, Mo., secy.

.N'KV.\l>.\, MO.—1. O. O. F. Grand Kucamp- ment. Nov 10, lOtCl J B. Latimer, secy.

ST. JOSKPH. MO.—Y. M. C. A. Hute Con- ventluu. Nov. 2U-'23, 1002. Frank 11. Burt, Grami and Franklin ares., St. Loula, Mo., secy

n'T. JOSEPH, MO.-State Farmers’ Coanty I Mutual Fire Insurance Companies’ Asso-

vdatloD Convention. Nov. 18-111, lOtlO. W. L. Sbouse. Sbelblna. Mo., secy.

1 ST. LOUIS, MO —Brotherhood of Hallway rracknien of America Convention. Dec. I. I'.arJ. John T. Wilson, 3lQ Benolst Bldg, aecy.

ST. LOUIS, MO.—State Teachers’ Associa¬ tion Convention. Dec. 20-31, 1002. Prof. J. D. Wilson. He-dalla, Mo., secy.

H'r. LOI'IH, MO. Koyal Arcanum Grand Council. Feb. l.\ liac. Carl Muller, Hol¬ land Building, grand secy.

I ST. lAM'IH, Mt).—Annual Meeting of the Empire Circuit Company of Burlesque Mauagera. Nov. 11, 1008.

ST. 1.01'IS, MO.—American Apple Growers’ Congreas Convention. Nov. 18-18, U>(J8.

sKDALIA. Mo.—Order Eastern Hiar Grand Chapter Cunventluo. OcL SOi, 1VU2. Mrs. Sallle T. Dillon, 3867 Page Bonlevard. Ht. l.a>uls. Mo., secy.

NCBRASKA. ! CKKI'K, NKIt. State Firemen' Aasuclation

Convention. Jan. 2U-22, luc.usive, llioct. K. A. Mliler, ’220 E. 26tb st., Kearney, Neb., aecy.

LINCOLN, NKH.—State Dalrymen’a Asso elation ('onveutlon. Jan. ’22-23, IKOCi. H. C. IlNMvet, Glblvona, Neb., aecy.

NEW HAMPSHIRE. CONCOIID, N. U. — Pythian Sisterhood

Grand Assembly. Oct. —, 1902. Mrs. C. I E. lAtcko, Hochester, N. T., aecy.

F. Wickeua, 73 Vorick sL, UUca, N. Y., secy.

HiuaCLHE, N. Y.—Patrons of Husbandry State Grange CuuveuUuu. heb. 3-6, 1806. W. N. Giles, Hkeueaietes, N. V., secy.

HlKACL/bE, .N. 1.—btate hisn, uame and korest League Cunveuuoa. Dec. 4, 1808.' Lrnest G. Gould, beueca Falls, S. f., secy.

NORTH CAROLINA. GASTONIA. N. c. — Tba Assoclata Ra-

formed Presbyterian Byuud. Nov. m Uev. James Boyce, Dos Weal, S. c,. stated Clerk.

UALEIGU, N. C.—F. A A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Jan. 13, 1803. John C. D^w> t ry, secy.

NORTH DAKOTA. FAKGO, N. D.—State KeUll Uardkrin

Assoctatiuu Convention. Feb. t3d Wednes¬ day und Thursday), 1808. C. N. Usviee, Grand Forks, N. u., secy. *'■'

FAKGO, N. D.—Fuurteeuib Annual Cea- clave of the Grand Cummandery K. Y. of .North Dakota. Jan. —, 1803. Frank J. T'bumpsuu, grand recorder.

OHIO. AKUON, O.—State Master Plumbers’ Asso¬

ciation Couveutiun. heb. —, 18u3. John Leesc, 4S8 Hcuvilie ave., Cleveland, O., Secy.

BLi.lEFONT'AINE, O.—Ohio Fsir Mana¬ gers Association Couveutioo. Dm. 12-18, I'MCi. J, S. Stuckey, V all Wert, u., pres.; T. L. Calvert, Spniigtleid, G., vice pres.; A. P. Saudleo, Ottawa, O., secy, sad ireaSL

BKLl.Ek ONTAINE, O.—Kings Daughters State Convention. Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 18U2. Mrs. Don Wllllson, 36 W. Tenth ave., Co¬ lumbus, O., secy.

ClNCLNNATl, G.—Tri-8Ute Vthlcl# and Implement Dealera’ Assoclatloi Coavea- lluu. Nov. 17-18. 18U2. Monte L. Greea, 128 Lougworth 8t., mgr.


AL'T.NNTIC CITY, N. J.—Sons of Veterans Death Beueht Association Couveutioh. Feb. 23, 1803. J. W’. F. Shauuun, 40oo Girard ave., I’hiiadeiphia, I'a., secy.

aLKoLI Clll, N. J.—state kederauoo of WouKU'a Clubs Conveutiou. Get. 30-31, lurg. Miss Charlotte G. Tuttle, 38 De Forest ave.. Summit, N. J., cor. secy.

lake W GOD, .N. J.—state Sauitury Asao- ciatiuu CouvenUou. Dec. 3-6, liMi. James A. Kxtun, M.D.. Arlihgtoh, .N. J.. secy.

.VllDDLK’lGWN, N. J —Y. W. C. T. U. State Conference. Nov. 28-30, 1802. Elis¬ abeth li. Goodwin, Greenwich, N. J., secy.

TBL.N ION, N. J.—1. O. O. F. Grand En¬ campment. Nov. 18, 1802. J. B. Clugstun, 28 'Taylor st., secy.

IKKNTON. N. J.—Stste Sunday-School Cuhventiun. Nov. 20-’21, 18Ut. Uev. J. K. .Manning, secy.

TKK.NTg.s. N. j.—Improved Order of Bed Men's Convention. Teb. 26-27, 1803. Dan- lei M. Stevens, 123 Federal st., Camden, N. J., great chief of records

i BE.NiGN, N. J.—New Jersey State Teach ers’ Association Convention. Dec. 38-31, i inclusive. 1802. Lewis C. Wooley, secy.

NEW YORK. ALBANY, N. Y.—Grand Chapter of Boyal

Arch Masons of N. Y. Convention. Feb. 3. 1803. Christopher U. Fox, Buffalo, N. Y., secy.; Alfred A. Guthrie, grand high priest.

Albany, N. Y.—Sanitary Otfloers' Confer¬ ence. Oct. 30-31, 1802. Dr. David Lewis, secy.

aLBA.Nk, .N. Y.—New York State Confer eiice of Cnsritles and Currectiuua. Nov. —, l’JU2. Edward 1. Devlue, lOu B. ‘£M

s'... New York City, N. Y.. secy. BINGHAMTUN, N. Y.—State Unlversallsts

Association CunventioD. Get. —, 1802. BBOOKLYN, N. Y’.—State Federation of

Women’s Clubs Convention. Nov. 11-13, lisrj Mrs. Franklin W. Hooper, secy.

ItUFFAl.G, N. Y.—National Blast Furnace Workers' Convention. Dec. 5, 1802. W. J. Clark. 128 Sandusky st.. aecy.

BUFFALO, N. Y'.—Stste YVomsn's Suffrage .\ssocistlon Convention. Oct. 28-31, 1802. Miss D C. Taylor, 303 Oneida st., Oa-

! wego. N. Y., secy. 1 BUFFALO, N. Y.—Show Printers’ Conven-

I'uuteution. lusiin, —,

B.M.Tl.MOKE, MD.—Modem lAugosge As-! HM-tatlon of America Convention. Dec. —,

C. II. Grandgent, Harvard Univer¬ sity. Cambridge Maas., secy.

H.M.TIMOBE, Jill.—Grand United Order of Nazarites Grand Pasture Convention Nov. 18, issrj. Geo W. Carroll, 27 North Dallas st., secy.

BALTiMUBB. MD.—Grand Chapter Boyal Arch MaMAB Convention. Nov, 11, IMCt John H. Miller, grand secy.

KAL'TIMOHK. M D. — Thirteenth Annual t’linvntlon Maryland Christian Endeavors’ Union. Oct. 30-31, 1802. W. M. Bobin sou. 821 N. Carrollton sve., secy. j

U.ILTIMOHK. MD.—Grand Council R. A S M. Masons' Convention. Nov. 12. 18tCt. JsB. W. Bowers, grand recorder.

HaLTIMUUK, MD.-Grand lAidge A. F. A A. M. Convention. Nov. 18, 1802. Jscob H. Hcisiry, grand secy.

RAI.TI.MUKK. MD. —Knight Templars Graud Commandrry Convention. Nov. Ml, I'.sC. John H. Miller, grand recorder.

MASSACHUSETTS. BDSTO.N. M.YSS.—National Woolen and

Worated Overseers’ A*aoclatlo« Coovea- tlon. Nov. 18. 1802. \V. Plckford, Leo- mlniOer, Mass., secy.

BOSTON. MASS.—3ith Annual Encamp menl of the liepartment of Maaitocbusetts, G. A. B. Fell. —, 1803. Edward P. Prelile, ssst. adjt. gen’l.

BOSTON, MASH.—Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. of .MassachUBcttB. Feb. 11, 1808. John U. PerkluB, 515 I'remont st., grand scrllie.

BOSTON, MASS.—B. Y. P. U. State Con¬ vention. Oct. 31. me. John R. Gow, 42 Franklin st., Somerville. Mast!.. te<-y.

BOSTON, MASS.-Sew England Pustmas tern’ Anem-lstlon Convention. Nov. 12, mrj. B. O. Wlnsor, Chelsea. Maaa., secy.

ItUtlt’KTO.N, MASS.—State Fi-deratlon of lalMir Convention. Oct. —. 1802.

FITCHBI’BG. MASH.—New Englund Broth- erhiNMl of Ht. Andrew Convention. FeK —, I'.BO. Charles Hewitt Smith, 70 8. Main Bt., Provldcnre, B_l., Becy.

nrcHBUBtl. MASH.-Htate I/etfer Car- rlera’ Aaaociatloo Convention. Oct. —, I'.BC. E. F. Dow, W. Newton, Masa.. Bccy.

I.oW'EI.L, MASS—Journeymen BarlK-ra’ State Convention. Oct. —.' 1802.

SI'UINGFIELD. MASS—Union Meettna Locomotive Engineer*. Firemen and Trainmen of Hallway Organlaatlona. Nov. I 3. Iiae.

RI’ltlNGFIELD. MASH—State Sunday SchtMil Convention. Oct. —, 1802.


State Dalrytncn’a Aaaoclatlon Convention. Ffb. tflrat Tueaday, Wcdneailay and Tliuraday), 1!»«S. V. J. Wilson. Flint, Mil'll., aecy. and Ireaa

IIAITLE t’llEKK. MICH.-State Gaa Aa ' iatlon Convention. Feb. lH-18. mw.

II W. Dongena, Ann Arlior, Mich., ae«-y. Dl.lltoiT. MICIL-Eplacopal Diocese of

Ml< higan Convention. Nov. 17. 1802 Rev. S W Freable, 418 Brooklyn ave., secy.

ItKTUOIT. MICH.—Street Hallway Ae couniant*' Aasoclatlnn of America Coo- vcntlon. Oct. —. l!Wa. W. B. BiMCkway. I' o. Hni 630. New Orleans. Im.. seev.

DUTUOIT, MICII.-Twelftb Annual con ii-ntlon of Michigan Library Aasoclatlon Del. 1802. II M. Utley, pre*.; Marga ret F. Jewell, Adrian, Mich., tress ; Mar larct C. Upleger. Mt. Clemens. Mich.. •eCT.

M TimiT. MICH.—National Slack Coop • rage Maniifacturera' Aaaoclafl‘'n Conven C 'li Nov. IK 111. mrj W’. (’. Hartman. Muliaah, ind., prea.; M. C. Sloore, MU ** 'iikee, Wla.. Bcev. and Ires*.

I'l ntiilT, MICH.-National Fonndrymen*' A*'- iclatlon Convention. Nov. 18<'2 ' K McCIlnlock. Hammond Bldg, ser’y

ItKTUOIT. MICII.-Natlnnal Orange I’a ir.'iia of Huabandrv Coavenlloa. Nov. It

rrec 1902.


atlon toley. . O.—Souihern Sarglcal and

Gynecological Society ConveniioB. Nov. 11-13, IMC. Dr. Tbaddeus A. Beamy, 618 Oak st.. Walnut Hills. Cincinnati, O., secy.

ci,n(.1NNAT1, O. —Knights of Ancloat Borne eenUon. GcL 28-3L 186K K Boiibrigbt, 41U Liark sL. adju general

CINCl.N.NATI, G.—Slate County Commis¬ sioners' Association Conveutios. Jaa. 13, 114X1. J. T. llomig. New Philadelphia, U.. aecy.

CLEVKl.A.N'D, O.—Daughters of American Uevulution State Convention. UcL —, mi2.

CLEVELAND. O—Interstate Salvation Army Utlicers' Convention. Nov. 8-lA 18(2.

CLEVELAND, O.—Central Ohio Taachan’ Association Convention. Nov. T-tt, IMS. Wm. Werthner. Dayton, O., prea.; Joha S. Weaver, Sprlngneld, O., chairman Mx- ccntive Commlttea.

COLI'MBUS. O.—State Academy of Science Convention. Nov. 28-28, 18U2. K. L. Mose¬ ley, Sandusky, O., seey. « }

COLUMBUS, O.—County Audlton’ Btatn Association Convention. Nov. 18-19, 180S. A. H. I’oeklnpaugh. Wooster, O,. oeep.

COLUMBUS, O.—State Horse Breeders' Aa- aoclaiion Convention. Jan. —, 180B. Samuel Taylor, Grove City, O., secy.

COLUMBUS, O.—State Infirmary Directors’ Convention. Jan. 20-21, 1806. 8. T. Woodman. PatnsvIUe, O., cor. secy.

COLUMBUS, O.—Ohio State Academy of Science Convention. Nov. 28-29, 1802. W'n. R. l.oaeiib.T, pres.; E. L, Moseley, Sandusky, O., secy.

FINDLAY, O.—Stale Teachers’ Association Convention. Nov. 28-30, 1902. J.. W. Zel¬ ler, secy.

I LI.MA, O —Order Eastern Star Grand Chap¬ ter Convention. Oct. —, 114)2.

SALE.M. O.—W. C. T. U. Stale Convention. Oct. -, 1802.

VAN WERT, O.—Home Guards of Amer- i<a Graud Conclave. Jan. —, 18(9. J. W. Evans. 4ti2 S. Washington st., supreme secy.



VOUNOSTOWN, O.—State Uotelmcn's As¬ sociation Convention. Dec. 9, 1902. Mell- vllle F. Lewis, e<L "Hotel Life,” Cleve¬ land, O., secy.

OREGON. HILLSBORO, ORE.—State Dairymen's As¬

sociation Convention. Dec. 16, 1902. ROSEBURY, OLE.—B. Y. 1*. V. State Con

vent loll. Oct. —, 1902. Miss Clara L. Webb, OOG E. Morrison st., Portland, Ore., secy.

PENNSYLVANIA. II.\RltlSKrUO. Interstate Traveling

Men's Club Convention. Keb. 21, ItSCt. J..S. Connelly, 1937 Market st., Pbiladel- phla. Pa., secy, and treas.

H.\HK1SBI;RG, pa.—state Horticultural Society Convention. Jan. 20-21, 1903. Enos B. Engle, Waynesboro, Pa., secy.

l.KWISTtlN, PA.—Luther League State Convention. Oct. >‘{0-31, 19»r_>. Win. C. Stoi'ver, 727 Walnut st., Pliiladel|iliia, Pa., secy.

PHli..\I)KI.PHl.\, PA.—.\inerican Histori¬ cal Ass<H‘iHtion Convention. I»e<-. —, ISMrj. \. Howard Clark, Sinitbsonian Institute, Wasbington, 1». C., secv.

PUlLADKl.PHiA, PA. — National Prison Association Convention. Oct. —, 1902. Rev. Jobn L. Milligan, Alleghany, Pa., secy.

PHILADELPHIA, PA.-State Veteran Med leal Association Convention. Nov. 4-o, l»i2. E. M. Rauck, 422 N. 41st st., secy.

PITTSBL'RO, I*A. — National Cambrian Singing Soclties' Convention. Ib'c. 24 26. li*02. jobn Jarrett, sei-y.

PITTSBURG, PA.—Pbl Kappa Sigma Fra¬ ternity Convention. Dec. 30-31, 1902.

PlT'l StiURG, P.\.—State Mothers' Con¬ gress Couveution. Get. 30-31. 1902.

PITTSBURG, PA.—Railway Signaling Clul Convention. Nov. —, p.itrj. Charles O Tilton, West Milwaukee, Wls., secy, and treaa.

WILLIAMSPORT, PA.—Thirteenth Annual Convention Pennsylvania State Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union. Dec. 9, 1902. D. M. Omwake, Greencastle. Pa., secy.

WILLIAMSPORT, PA.—United Evangel- leal Church General Conference. Oct. —, 1902.

WILLIAMSPORT, PA. — Master House I’.alnters’ A Decorators’ Association of Pennsylvania Convention. Jan. —, 1903. Titus Berger, Pittsburg, Pa., pres.; A. Smith, vice pres.; W. D. Wolflnger. Read¬ ing, Pa., treas.; Edgar Lewis, Wllkes- barre. Pa., secy.


Convention. Oct. —, 1902. M. E. O'nev. S19 Butler Exchange. Providence, K. 1.. cor. secy.


.\NDER.SON, S. C.—Daughters of Confed¬ eracy State Convention. Nov. —, 11»0‘2. Mrs. Thos. C. Walton, secy.

COLUMBIA, S. C.—TrI-State Me<lIoal Asso¬ ciation of Carolina and Virginia Conven¬ tion. Feb. —, 1903. Dr. Rolfe E. Hughes, Laurens, S. C., secy.

ENSLEY, S. C.—I. O. Good Samaritan and Daughters of Samaria, U. S. of A., Con¬ vention. Nov. 4, 190*2. W. H. Rutherford, Box 96. Columbia, S. C., seey.

ORANGEBURG, S. C.-South Carolina M. E. Church Conference. Nov. 27, 1902.

SUMTER, S. C.—Slate Pbarmaccarlcal As¬ sociation Convention. Nov. 19-20, 1902. O. Y. Owings, Columbus, S. C., pres.; Frank M. Smith, l.'iS Wentworth st.. Charleston, S. C., secy.

SOUTH DAKOTA. MITCHELL S. D.—State Educational As¬

sociation Convention. Jan. 1. 1903. W. W. Glrton. Madison, S. D., secy.

WOONSOCKET, 8. D.—State Horticultural Society Convention. Jan. 20, 1903. W. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. D., secy.

TENNESSEE. MEMPHIS, TENN.—Bricklayers' & Ma¬

sons' International Union of America Convention. Jan. 13, 1903. Wm. Dob¬ son. 14 Eagle st., N. Adams, Mass., secy.

MEMPHIS, TENN.—National Wagon Man¬ ufacturers' Association Convention. Nov. —, 1902. E. M. McCollough, Batavia, 111., secy.

MEMPHIS, TENN.—Trl-State Medical As¬ sociation Convention. Nov. 11-13, 1902. Dr. Richmond McKinney, Lyceum Bldg, secy.

SIENiPIIIS, TENN.—National Manufactur¬ ers' Association Convention. Oct. -, 1902.

NASHVILLE, TENN.—State Presbyterian Synod. Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 1902. R. S. Bur well, secy. ,

SPARTA, TENN. — Middle Tennessee Medleal Association Conventlca. Nov. 20- 21, 1902. F. B. Reagor, ihelbyvU'e, Tenn., secy.

TEXAS. BEAUMONT. TEX.—State Federation of

Woman's Clubs Convention. Nov. 17-19, I'.arj. Mrs. John B. Goodhere, secy.

GALVESTON. TEX.—State Lauudrymeu's Association Convention. Oct. —. 1SI02.

LEXINGTON. TEX.—Southern German M. E. Church ,Conference. Dec. 10, 1902. John E. Stnllken, secy.

PARIS, TEX.—Texas M. E. Church Con¬ ference. Nov. 27, 19t>2.

SAN ANTONIO, TEX.—Southwestern Re¬ tail Saddlers' & Harness Makers' Associa¬ tion Convention. Beginning Jan. 13, 1903. T. A. Tirado, Temple, Tex., secy.

UTAH. OtJDEN, UTAH.—State Federation of

Women's Clubs Convention. Oct. —, lOO'J. Mrs. Elmer E. Corfman, Provo, Utah, secy.

SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH-Thlrty-second Annual Convention F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. Jan. 20, 1903. Christopher Diehl, grand sch-v.

S,\LT I>AKB CITY, UTAH-Annual Confer¬ ence of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day. Oct. —, 1902. Geo. Reynolds, secy.

VERMONT. MDRRISVILLE, VT.—State Sunday Sclus)!

i'ouvention. Oct. —. 1902. RUTL.XND, VT.—Slate Dairymen's Asso¬

ciation Convention. Jan. 6-S, inclusive, i lOtO. F. L. l>avls, N. Pombret, Vt., I ^ secv. I '

VIRGINIA. DANVILLE. VA.—Interstate Photograph I

ers' Association Convention. Oct. 30-Nov. ’ 1. I!a.t2. C. W. Eustler, 8e<’y.

LYNCHBURG, VA.—State Horticultural So<dety Convention. Dec. 2-3, 190'2. Wal¬ ter Whately, Crozet, Va., secy, and treas.

RiCHV.OND, VA.—Nlnety-llfth Grand An¬ nual Convocation of the Grand Royal ' Arch Chapter of Masons of Virginia. Nov. 11 12. 19«r2. Jas. B. Blanks. P o Box .V., I Petersburg. Va., grand secy. J

RICHMOND, VA.—F. and A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Dec. 2-4, inclusive, l!kJ2. Geo. W. Carrington, Masonic Tern pie. sec.v.

RD'llSUlND, t'.V. National .Master Plumli- ers' Association Couveution. De<-. S 9. 19<rj. James Trayuor, Wilmington. Va., sts-.v. I

RICH.MGND, V.\.—State Master Houst* Painters' and Ibnairators' .\sso<-latlou ! Couveution. Feb. —. llai't. Wm. E. Hall. ' 14 Morgan st., Somerville, .Mass., s**<y. and treas. I

RICHMOND. VA.-Elghtleth Grand Annual Coo^ve of the Grand Comiuaudery. | Kidglits Tetrplara of Virginia. Nov. i;4, ' P^rj. James P.. Blanks, P. O. Box ho, Petersburg. Va., grand recorder.

WASHINGTON. SPOK.4NE, W-\SH.—Northwest Mining As¬

sociation Convention. Dec. —, 1992. TACOMA. WASH.—State Sportsmen's As¬

sociation Convention. Oct. —, P.ltrj.

WEST VIRGINIA. ELKINS, W. V.\.- Rela-kah State .\8s<-in-

bly. Nov. 18-21, 19tr2. Mrs. H. Roney, Colliers, W. Va., secy.

ELKINS, W. VA.-l. O. O. F. Grand Lodge Convention. Nov. 18-21, 1992.

ELKINS, M'. VA.—1. O. O. F. Grand En¬ campment. Nov. 18-21. 19tr2.

ELKINS. IV. V.\.—P. M. 1. O. O. F. De¬ partment Council. Nov. 18-21, 19li2.

FaIRMOUNT. W. va.—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter Convention. Nor. 11, 1902. R. C. Dunnington. secy.

PARKERSBURG, W, VA.—F. A A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Nov. 12, 1902. Geo. W. Atkinson, Charleston, W. Va., secy.

WHEELING, W. VA.—State Bar Associa¬ tion Convention. Dec. .30-31. 1902. John IV. Davis, Clarksburg, W. Va., secy.

WISCONSN. ASHLAND, IVIS.- State Federation of

IVomen's Clubs Ce iventVHi. Oct. —, 19l>2. GREEN BAY, WI& -Wisconsin Clay Work¬

ers' Association .'onveution. Jan. ‘27 29. 1903. J. W. Hill ^ley, pres.; J. G. Hamil¬ ton, Grand RapiuS, Mich., treas.; Geo. J. Schwarz. Milwaukee, Wls., secy.

MILWAUKEE, WIS.—luternational Sea men's Union Convention. Dec. 1-6, imrj. Wm. IL Frazier, 14 Lewis st., Boston, Mass., secy.

MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Knights Templar Grand Commandery Convention. Oct. —, 1902.

MILWAUKEE. WIS.—State Retail Lumlicr Dealers' Association Convention. Feb. 18 19. 1903. Paul I^acbmund. Sauk City, Wls.. secy.

MILWAUKEE. WIS.—National Telephone Association Convention. Feb. 11-12, 1903. H. C. Winter, Madison, Wls., secy.

MILM AUKEE. WIS.—National Federation of Commercial Schools Convention. D«m'. 27-29, IWrj. E. W. SiK-ncer, secy.

MILWAUKEE. WIS.—National Commercial Teachers' Fc<leratlon Convention. lbs-. 2l«-;{i, loCJ. -J. C. Walker, Danville, Ill., secv.

MILWAUKEE. WIS -State Cheesemakers' Association Convention. Jan. 7-9, Inclu¬ sive, 1903. U. 8. Baer, Madison, Wls., secv.

MILWAUKEE. WIS.—Association for B^ec tion of Officers Convention. Dec. 22, 1902. Prln. C. C. Parlln, Wausau, Wls., sccy.

MILWAUKEE, WIS.-State Optical Soci¬ ety Convention. Jan. 21. 19fi3. Alva 8nl der, Beloit. Wls., pres.; I. M. Addleinan, Tom.ib, Wls., secy.

CANADA. COBURG, CAN.—Royal Templars of Tern

Iterance Grand Council Conventhtn. Feb. 17-19, Inclusive, 1903. W. M. McMillan, Hamilton, Ont.. Can., grand secy.

TORONTO, ONT., CANADA — CanadltD Prisoners' Aid Association Convention. Nov. —, 1902. Dr. A. M. Rosebrongk. 12 Richmond at.. E.. secy.

WIIITBOURNE, NEWFOUNDLAND. CAN. —Grand Orange Lodge of Newfoundland Convenilon. Jan. (third vreek), 1903.


ternationale. Sept. 15-l»ec. 30, 1902. Di¬ rector-General Deanworth, American rep resentatlve: Charlea Anatln Bates, Vander hilt Bldg.. New York. American agent.

BALTIMORE, MD.—Maryland Industrial Exposition. May 20-June ‘20, llton. John J. Bannaii. gen'l mgr.; offices. No. 2 St. Paul st.. Baltimore, Md.

BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—World’s Mineral Manufactured and Agricnitnral BxhIbI tion. lonft.

^ WE MANUFACTURE FLAGS .4 of every description. Canes, Paper Hats, Flag Fans, Festooning and Printed Signs. We are also In position to manufacture Noveltie, of any description.

The United States Flag Co., 2243-2245 Gilbert Avenue, Cincinnati, G. CINCINNATI, O.—Vehiclea, Harneaa and

Imptementa. November 17-22, luu2. Aua- plcea of Trl-State \ ebicle and Implement Dealera’ Association. Monte L. Green, mgr.

NEW YORK. N. Y Novelty LxihinIIIiiii, .Madison Sipinre Giiiilcn. Di-c, L■|-2^, I!»i2 Novelty Ex. t’o. ( i;u Willluiiis si.i. tugrs.

Portland, ore.—Portland luternational KxiHialtlou. J9uri.

ST. LOUIS, Mo.—World's International Ex- poaltlus. l',4H. Ex Oov. D. K. Frances, pres.

SfOKANB. WASn.-Exposttloa. June to November, l'JU2.

POULTRY SHOWS. .VltURDEE.N, .MISS. Poultry Show. Jnn.

.'ill, John K. loiiiig. fwi-y. .ILli.WY, .Mil. Poultry Show. Jaii. '2S

Keb. 1, Raft. .Mr. Rhodes, Judge; R. R.

Fr«‘iicli. s«*c\. .\LLEti.\N, .MICH Poultry Show. iH-e 8

11. J H. Ruck, se*y. AL1’K.\.\, Nllt II.—.\i|K-iia I'oiiltry Assm-la

Mou Show. t'cb. ;i-4.!. Jnuies A. Tin ker, judge; « has L. Whiting, seey.

.\MI-'S|{1 Rl. .M.ISS. .Viiiesbiirv Poultry aii.l P.'l Sl.H-k Show. IMS'. 17 19, iiii-lu- sive. I'.iirj. I . w ILiw.-s, pn-s.; M. 11 Sands, Mo-y. Chas. W. G. ljiiiip;-ey, treas.

.VRM.VDA, MICIL—Poultry Show. Feh. 7 8, liact. lluIlH-rt, seey.

.\SHI...V\D, (>.—Poultry Show'. Juu. 12 U.'!, RSW. .Mr. McClave. judge, W. A. .Musou, S4

-\SHI..\Nri, II. poultry Show. Dt'C. 12 13, 19tr2. Mr. .MeClave, judge; W. A. .Mason, secy.

.VTCHISDN. K.W. Poultry Show. Jan. 26 2S. RSI.'!. .Mr. Rhodei,, judge; It. .V. 1‘ark. Jr., secy.

AUBL'R.N. N. i.—Ca.viiga C.uiiil.v Poiillrv .\ssoclatloii Show. Jan. 7 10 RSKl. C. J. Filkin, W“cy.

AUGUSTA. G.\.—Poiillrr and Pet Sto«-k Show. Jan. 12 L'l. I'.SKl. IV. H. Love. seey.

AUSTIN. MINN.—Poultr.v Show. Jan. 2«- itO. 1903. Mr. Russell, judge; Frank Cronou. secy.

BELVIDERE. 11,L.—Northern Illinois Pool try Assoeintioii Show. Jan. 12-17, 19o:t Chas. .MeClave, judge; L. R. Kinney, sec.v.

BELLEVILLE, ILL. — SI. Cla.r Coiiiiiy Poultry and Pet Sto«-k .Assoi'ialioii Show. Jan. 7-11. Inclusive. PSCI. Tli«s>. Ilewes. Trenton, Mo., judge; W. K. Eckert, Belle¬ ville, 111., secy, ami ireas.

BEVERLl. M.\SS. Poultry Show. iMs-. 30, I'.srj Jan. 2. I'.s IV. li. Paliio'r, s«s-v.

BIG RAPIDS. .MICH.-itig Hup d« Poultry Association Show. iMi-. l.’i 21, 1902. R. W. Fellows, secy.

BL.ACKWEI.L. OK L.\. — Northern Okla¬ homa Poullry AssiK'liitioii Show. Jan. 21- 24. 19<t3 J. J. Atherton, judge; J. W. Pickett, secv.

RLOOMFIELD. lA. Poultry Show. IMm-. ■{9. I'.tirj Jail. 2. l. I' Dabney, seey.

BOSTON, M .4SS. — R<i<i..ti I'.oiliry I’liili Show. Jan. i:t 17. I'.SW. A. R.’ Sharp, Taunton. Mass., secv

I’.OWLING GREEN. MG.-Poiiltr.v Show. Dec. 9-l‘2, l!4rj. Mrs. S. S Love, seey.

BRISTOL, CONN.—Poultry Show. iM-e. 24- ‘2*1. I'.srj. 11. M. Clavtoii. s«-cv.

RROCKTON. MASS. ■ Poultry ‘Show. Nov. ‘2."*-‘27. 19»rg W. L. Puffer, sec.v.

BURLINtfToN. l.\.—Poultry Show. Nov. 2.V28, VMJ. Mr. Russell, judge; A. E. Drelei*. secy,

BUTLElt. l.N D. Butler l-’anelers' Aswicla lion Show. Nov. 'J.’i 29. Rtrj. [i, |i, .Mci roy. seey.

BII'rLKR, MO. —P.ales roiiiii.r I’.iullry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 39, I'.srj, to Jan. 2. psi:i. liicliistve. C. A. At len. s«s-jr

CANAL DOVER. O.—Tnscarawas County Poultry and Pet Stoek Association Sl.ow . iM.e. 2 PH|o Clins. MeClave, judge; J M. Si’hell. .New Philadelphia. O.. seev.

UA.MHRIln;!-;. o Poultry Show. Jati.’7 9. R^Kt. J. (’. Saieliet. seey.

CANTON, o. Poultry Show. Jan. 1."*'21, P.Si;!. Mr. M)ers. judge; C. Itniee, seev.

CARLINV ILLE. ILL. Poullry Show. .Nov. 18-21, R-92. .Mr. Myers, judge; Perry Duckies, seev.

CASTANA. lA, Poullry Sh»w. Dec. 8 12, Rl<l2. .Mr. 'I'Lcker, judge, H. M. Conner, woy.

CEDAR RAPIDS. I A.-Eighth Annual Ex hihitlon Western Poultry Fanciers' Asso elation. Jan. (tlilrd wis-kl, RUG. I'.. K. Richard, seey.

CEIiAR RAPIDS. lA.-American Poland China Record Co. Sliow. Feb (second Wednesday), RXC. W. M. McFaddeii, secy.

CLNCINNATI o. cineinniiti Poii’lr} .\sso elation Show. Jan. 13 17, Rsrj. .\. E Hrooks, scev.

CLARINDA, lA. Poullry Show. Jnn. 12 17, RSt.'t. Mr. Rigg. judge; Walter A Itrown. s«s-v.

CLAY CENTER, KAN Poultry Show Dec. 8 19, R<rj. Mr. Rlusles, judge; M. D. Caldwell. s«'<-r.

CLKVELA.ND, O.-^Poullry Show. Dec. 4 19. R«l‘2. E. It. Hunt, s«‘cy.

CLINTO.V, lA. Poullry Show. Dec. 16 Rt. RSI2. .Mr. Jones, judge; P. A. Moscly, secy.

roI,it.MBI;S. O.—Ohio Slate Poultry Asso-

KUi BnlMaa, St. I Bwtt— Cm rnlr BaiMsms M. UwtiuMCo Art 4llrr*r«. Bt. L>o«la BattM €•

elation Show. Jnn. 28-Feh. 1, Rai.3. Ch .McClate, Newr Ixtudon, O., seey.; W. ,\ Lott. Wtswter, O., asst. seey.

CtiLIMItPS GROVE, O.—Culiiinhiii (.r..,.. Poultry and Pet Stuck Asncx'latlun KIkm- Dec. IV19. RNr2. u H. Williams, se<-T

t R.\ W I-1IRDSVlLI.E, END.—Poultry Show I. M 1.1. Rsrj. .Mr. CamplH-ll, judge, G.. P. I'arvi-r. a«H-y.

« ItttWN POINT, IND-Poullry Show IMS' It i;i, I'srj. Fnsl, A. Rnf, seey.

CH.\ RI.KSTON, ILL.—Poultry Show. Jan. 13 17. RSKt. C. L. Carney, aeey.

CILMtl.oTTE. .N. — Poultry Show. Jan. 12 1.->. RsKt. John H. Taylor, iws-y.

PHICAGit, ILL Poullry Show. Jaii. lo 24. Rtlt. E. L. Kimme>, seey.

CHlC.VGi). ILL. .\merli-an Oxford Im.wh .\ss<M'latloii .Slii.w. Nov , Rsrj. \v .i Shafer, Hamiltiiii, *>.. secy.

DANItURY. CONN Poullry Show. N.o 24'J!*. P.srj, Mr. Dreveusiedt, judg<-, I lioriiian, sis-y.

D.lNVli.LK, 11.1,.—Vermilion County Poul try and Pet Stia-k AssiH-lstlun Show. Jan (lirst wt-ekl, 19(0. G. E. A. Salman, wra-y.: NV. S. Russell, judge.

D.AITttN, O. Poultry Show. IH'C. 10 l.*>. I'.tcj. Mr. Tucker, judge, Theu. Faul sllek, sox'.v.

D.WHt.N. It, Poullry Show. lM*e. .'Si, Rsi2 J.ili. 3, RSK{. tlllver L. iMisi-h, ms-y.

D. W EM'ttRT, lA.—Poultry Show. Jan. 7- 19, Rai;i. Mr. Ruth, judge; Wm. Denk- mail, sio-y.

DEL.IW.\RE, O. Poultry Show. Jan. 12 16, RSG. J. T. Perry, secy.

DELAWARE, WIS. Poultry Show. Jaii 6 19, Rti't. .Mr. ShiJIuburger, judge; SedU W. Gregory, sia-y.

DETRtur, .MICH.—Detroit Poultry and Pet StiM-k AsaoclatIuD Show. Jan. 19 24. r.Mc;. Sharpe liuttertleld and Jas. A Tucker, judges.

19 LI I'll. MINN Poultry Show Jnn R* 2"!. In* iii.lve, PSCl. The*Hb*re HollUb-r,

Li.1m9:.\DO. O.—Fort BIa*'k Second An liiial Poultry and Pet Stoek Assta-lallon Sh.iw. Dec. 16 lit. Rsrg. A. t.’. Caru<-v.

ELGIN. II.I, I’oultry Show. Imt. '23 2:, psij. Mr. MeClovc, judge, R. R R.iw,-. .***•> .

ELL.SBERItV. MO Poultry Show. Dim'. 8 19. pi;2. L. W. Crank, si-cy.

EI.MlR.l. N. V. Poultry Show. iM-c, 16 l;t. psrj. H E. Itcm db't, si cy.

ERIE. PA Ponllry Show. Nov. 2.'. 2s. Rsrj. .1 I-:, Rlelithen, siwy.

i;VA.NS\ ILl.E. IND. Poultry Show IMm- 1. "> 29. RSI2. P. L. Cniwiler, Oakland PII.t. I ml.. >**-* y.

EAKitO, .N. D.—North Dakota State Poul try .A<iaoclntlon Show. Jan. —, RAO. S I-'. Cr-tbItle, secy.

E. \VE'I'’I E. .MO.—Central Missouri Poultry nml Pel Stoi'k Association Show. |tec. « 12. R 92. Mr. Hitchcock, judge; 11. I’ Mason. M‘1'1.

ITTi lIBPItG. MASS Poullry Show. D,-. ;il. Rio'J Jnn. ;i, 1993. J. I.. Frost, s«m->

EIM9.AY. O—Poultry Sliow. Jau. 14 17, R«i;t. will K. Him k. seey.

I-'I’ICIIPI KG, MASS. Poultry Show. J.n* 26;Mt. R«(t. J Lee Frost, si'i'y.

ELI.NT. MICH.—Flint Poullry Fanciers' AssiH-latlon Show. I>ec. 14-1'2, Inclusive, Rsrj. 11. Wethy, 917 Lyon st., bim) . Thi>s. F. Riggs. Iowa Falla, Is., jmige.

FT. ciil.LINS. Pi tl,.—Poultry S!iow . I**- 1*1 19. 199-2. W. 11. Prlng. «><•).

IdSTiiRIA. O.—Kimtorls Poullry nn*l P<l SliM k AawM'Intlon Show-. iM'i'. 31. I'•>'2. to Jan. 3, RSl'I. Ib-n S. Myers, jinlg*-. I baa, Mann, secy,

ri:.\\KElIRT. IND Poultry Show. Jan. .'* 19. PMi;t. Joint K. Pence, secv.

EREMiiNT. O.—Sandusky County I’ouliri ami P< t StiM'k Association Show. Jsu 13 17. Rail. Hen S. Myers, judge; C. L. B.iw Ins. secy.

FUEMii.nT. NKR.—Dislge County Poultry ami Pet Stock Associstlon Show. IMt. 16 19. Inclusive, R«r2. W. 11. Hiiven. sc* r

rRES.Vn, CAI,. — Sixth Atiniisl Eresuo

I'onnlv Poult rr AsscM-Intlon Show. I Ms-, lO-l.'t. P.tirj. Oco. R. Aniln'ws, 18'28 Marl |M,sa st,, si'cy.

(SALESRI’RG. ILL. — Gnlcshurg Conniy Poultry Assoeintioii Show. Nov. '26 29. parj. E. Johnson, pres.; D. E. Rib k, Sf.i-V.

GALVA. ILL.-ThIrd .inniisl Galva P.mlirT Assoi-latloii Show. Dee. 19 13, I'.NfJ. E. IV. Roliliison seer, snd tress

G.MIIMIN CITV. Mil-poultry Show. N.'V. 2. '*'28, R»r2. T. J Jones, seey.

(i\STii\|,\. N C. Poultry Show, IM'*' b* 19. Rarj. I W. Ilolliiml, si'cy.

GL.ASCii. K.XN Poiillrv Sliow. IMh". .'I- 27, parj Mr. Rhodes, jmlg*-, R. II. I'll* h- cr. seey

GRAND ItAPIHS. MICH.-Grand Raf l« Poullry Assoi'IhIIoii SIioxv. I’ch 2 8, I'."''- Charb'S .McCbiv*'. Judge.

GRE.AT REND, K.VN. Poiillr.v Sliow J a .3 8,;:. W .\ Dllllli. secy.

<,R EK.N El ELI I. lA Poultry Show D- 9 11. Iiurj. Mr. Russell, judge, I Easton, secy.

(.REENEIELD. MASS Poultry Sli..' Dll'. 2.'l. Rtrj P. E Wilcox, sccy.

HAMILTON, O.—Riitler County P.mllrv. PIgisin. Pet stock snd Helgisn llsr*' siM'lalloli Sliow. Dec. II 16, 11A>2. P. I llriM-klinnlt, secy.

HARTFORD, CONN.-Poultry Show. !'■ 9P2. RAI2 ('has. I, Raich, secy.



264 -66 E Madison.St.Oikago


HAICIIIHIICICfi, I'A. I’oiillrjr Kbow. Jaii. jiij-l. I'.HH. J. It. Gore, ■tfy.

IIIGli rtM.N'l, .N. I'oullry Awwx-latlou ,*siiuur. Jnn. lU liti, IlMCi. It. L. Kiiiiuiouit, < iHTrjrvllU-, .N. !«•<•/.

imi.I.A.M*. MM'll.—Ilollitnd l‘iiu:fry Aii«<> rUtloii SliDW, Hi lu, r.Hi.'. J. ( uu

iirt-M.; I». Kjr»*-r, vi« f |»rfii.; U. WVxt vtidt, Irfim.; II. K. HfidIhIiuw, kupt.,

<1. 1*. (in-rr, |{orl*uii, lad., judKF; tit.

fUlr, »r<-jr Ml .V'l I.NG'l'tlN, W. V.\.—I'liultrjr SUow.

Jmii. 'JO rj, I'.oCl. .Mr. Kwald, Judgi-, 11 !». Correll, wry.

I. M»I A.N Al'Gl.lM, INf>.—Indiana Kaurlrm' AiuHM-lallun HUuw. lire. ;> u, liar,;.

Ilima. Kukoiiiu, Ind., prra., II. 1>. luiiir, irraa.: C. NV. Ilacklruiau. ar<-y.

loWA t’lTY, lA I'liultry Sbutv. Nov. 17 Jl. Itavj. It. \V. M'alra, nwy.

IOWA t'lT^. lA.—Iowa t'ny r’ani-lrra' Aa aorlalloli Sliow. Jau. 4 U, TJiJCl. II. \V. Kalrull.

J. VMI^S'IOW .S. .\. Y.—MV-at»Tn *NV\v Yi»rk KaiX'b ra' .^amM'latloli SIiom . Dor N 111, I'.arj. J. \V. Vloriia, aM-y.

Johnstown, N. Y.—Poultry Show. Not. IJ l.'t. liarj. 11. J. (Jullbot, arry.

K. YI.AMA/.oO, MM'H.- SoutbWfatrrn Yllrb- Ipan Poultry AaMurlutlon Sbuw. l»«o.-. JJ- J7, P.arj. JaniTS A. Turkrr, Judfr, J. S Parr, awy.

KANK.YKKK. 11,U—Poultry Show. Jan. 1- •i. P.aci. Mr. llrwra, judar, K. It. Vlulna.

Ni:w AI.IIAVY, INI».-H.,oaler State Poul¬ try iiiid IVt Si.H k AiouK-latlon Show. Jan. 11'Jl, pad. '1 boo. Ili-woa, Jud^o; H. C. Gittord. airy.

M;WAI{K. -N. j. Poultry Show. Ix-r. IG ■JO. l;*i‘j J p liiirr.iiii. i>rry.

M'.\\.\ltK, N J Poiiltr)' Show. Dec. 12- '.at. lor.; ,\ I, Siiarka, prea.

M W ItKIM old*. .MASS. Poultry Show. Jnn. J7 .'51. pad. Noriuaii itantow, aery.

.%lAI>lso.N, t*.—Kort mark Poultry and Prt Stoi'k AMao<-latlon Show. D«*r. 10 P.t, p.ar_*. A. C. t’ar'jry, Eldorado, O.,

Mo., aecy. S'l'AMFOltD, t.’ONN.—I’oultry Show. Jan.

20-2:;, PtOB. N. K. Jeaup, accy. STUONG CITY, KAN.—Poultry Show.

Nov. 25-28, 19U2. Mr. Itbodes, judge; Jen¬ nie E. Warren, aecy.

STl AltT, lA.-Poultry Show. Jan. 13-18, HjOCS. >lra. D. Davis, secy.

SY’CAMOItE, O.—Poultry Show. Dec. 3 6, PtO'J. A. E. Hennlngton, secy.

SYUACISE. N. Y.-Poultry Show. Dec. 15- 20. PJIJ2. C. C. lie Puy, secy.

TABOK, lA.—Poultry Snow. Nov. 24-26, y.tiKl. Mr. Bussell, Judge; E. U. Harrison, sery.

TEBBE HAUTE, IND.-Poultry Show. ; Dec. 15-llt, 1902. Mr. Campbell, judge; B. Howard W'hitcomb, secy. i

TIFFIN. O.—Poultry Show. Jan. 7-10, 1003. j Mr. Mvers, judge; V. Crabtree, secy.

TttPEKA. KA.N.—Poultry Show. Jan. 5-10, 1 pad. Mr. Bhoilrs, judge; J. \V. F. ; Hughra, aerr. i

1DKBINGTON. CONN.—Poultry Show. I Nor. ‘2'>-‘J8, 1902. CTias. M. Young, secy. !

TBEN'TON, N. J.—New Jersey Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association Show. . Dec. 9-13, 1902. Walter S. Gladney, Jr., i

TBO^', MO.—Lincoln County Poultry As-ao- | elation Show. Jan. 13-15, 1908. J. W. Wale, judge; Stuart L. Penn, secy.

UHBICHSV'II.I.E. O. —Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 31, 1902. to Jan. 3. 1:MJ3. Wick Hathaway, judge; Dr. E. W. I*ole. secy.

VALLEY FALLS, KAN.—Poultry Show. I>ec. 1.5-18. 1902. Mr. Rhodes, judge; Ed. S. Mitchell, secy.

VAN WERT, O.—Van Wert Poultry Asso¬ ciation Show. Feb. (flrat week), 1903. C. E. lietter. secy.

WAB.YSH. IND.—Poultry Show. Jan. 20 24. liaXJ. Mr. Myers, .udge; Fred. 1. King. secy.

WALLA WALLA. WASH.—Poultry Show, litv. 18-20, P«02. Mr. Hitchcock, judge; Julius A. I.evy. secy.

WALLINGFORD. CONN.—Ponltrv Show, lie.'. 30, 1902-Jan. 2, 1903. H. Haywood.

■W.Vm’eGO. K.\N.—Poultry Show. Dec. P> ‘Jl*. 11*02. Mr. Rhodes, judge; Geo. M. Bltt-

man. secy. W.ARBfcN, PA.—Poultry Show. Jan. 12-18.

1908. Eugene Sites. Elyria, O., judge of poultry: Mat Woelfle, Silver Creek, N. Y., pigeon judge: J. H. Bowden, aecy.

WASHINGTON C. H.. O.—Poultry Show. I*ec. 28-30, 1902. Mr. McClave, judge; W. R. Dalby, secy.

WASHINGTON. D. C.—Poultry Show. Nov. 18-'J2, 1902. J. W. Allen, secy.

WATERLOO. I A.—Poultry Show. Dec. 15- a>. liavj. R. K. Odell, secy.

WATERTOWN. WI8.—Central Wisconsin Poultry Association Show. Jan. 12-17. 1908. Geo. D. Holden, judge; Geo. J. Wel»er. secy.

WEBSTER CITY. lA.—Poultry Show. Jan .5 111. P»0. Mr. Felch, judge: Fred. Hahne. secy.

WETMOBE. K.\N.—Poultry Show. Dec. 'J2-24. Pkrj. Mr. Rhodes, judge: Maud Bolfe, sec.T.

WEST HAVEN. CONN.—Poultry Show. I*ec. 17-20. 1902. E. J. Crawford, secy.

WHAT CHEER. lA.-Poultry Show. Dec. »>. 1902-Jan. 3. 1903. Mr. Todd. Judge; R. J. Cowell, secy.

WICHITA. KAN.—Wichita Poultry Associ¬ ation Show. Jan. 12-17, 1903. H. W. Schapf. secy.

WlLMINGTiiN, N. C.—Poultry Show. Jaa 6-9. 1903. >V, C. Armstrong, secy.

M'lNONA, MINN.—Winona Poultry Associ¬ ation Show. Jan. 5-8, 1908. A. B. Shauer, judge: Henry Hess, secy.

YORKVILLE, ILL.—Poultry Show. Dec. 23-26, 1902. A. Tarbox, secy.

NKWTG.N. KAN.—Harvey County Poultry AsMM-iailon Show, liecemb^ thrst week), I'.srj. B. II. Turner, se«-y.

.NEW lliBK, N. 1.—New York Poultry, I’lgi-oii and Pet Stoi-k Ass<r<'iatlon Show. J.iii. 5^1*1. I'.sO. 11. V. Crawford, 34 I li.iin »!.. .MolitrUir. .N'. J., secy.

Mirth ABINGToN. .mass. — poultry Show. |i4c. B* 12, 1902. Jas. Dwyer, fci-«-y.

.MI.ND.t, ILL.—Third Annual Nunda Poul¬ try Asooclutlon Show. Jan. 1.3-18, Inclu¬ sive. I'.sCt. Geo. H. Prlckelt, aecy.

<*AKL.\NI* rri'Y'. IND.—Poultry Show. Dec. I» 13. P.urj. Mr. Myers, judge; L. B. Gursler. M*«‘y.

DAKL.Y.M*. I'AI^-Poultry Show. Dec. 3- 8, P.SI2. J. C. MTIlianis, secy.

OKI.AlHiMA t'lTY. OKI.A.-Poultry Show Jiiii. .'.III.;. .Mr. Fight, judge; S. M l.yiin,

GL.NEY, 11,1,.—Olncy Poultry Association Show. Jan. 13-18, Inclusive. 1903. E. Dalton. Parkersburg. III., secy.

tiM'Kiil.A, lA.—Poultry Show. Dec. 1318, P.srj. .Mr. Bussell, judge; Mrs. J. A. Lash,

All C. O. D. orders froa the Hwathern

snd Nowth-westens Htates and the dis-

taat Western Nlntes for Coarettl. Confet¬

ti IHisters, Canos, Balloons. Bnhhor

Balls or any other goods that are ll^ht

bnt balky, mnst be aeeoaspanled by

cash deposit to at least cover transport¬

ation eharges both ways or be eqnti to

one haM the amoant of the order. Caeh

separate order Is a separate transaetlon

and innst be aeeontpaaled by a deposit.

One standing deposit nnless sallielent-

ly large will cover only one order.

K.t.NS.t.** CITY. M<*.—Poultry Show. Jan 1.1 1\ P.sct. Mr. Bbudea, judge; Ed. 8. .Mh< k, s4*cy.

KKN«*SHA, WIS.-Poultry Show. Jan. '27 ;«), p.sCt. Dr. J. T. Hrrnshelni, Bt-<'y.

KIBKSVILLE, MO.—Poultry Show. Dec. 2 8, PIVJ. F. M. Bucfclugbam. secy.

K. N»*.\VILLE. L\.—Poultry Show. m-c. 23 28. Itsrj. Mr. Bussell, judge, H S. Shlv- vers, secy.

L4WBENCK. KAN.—Poultry Show. I*ec. I(il3. 19U2. Mr. Rhodes, judge. Geo. W. Moffett, aecy.

1.\NAUK, ILL.—Poultry Show. Jan. 7 10 liaO. E. I*. Leland. secy.

L. WVUENCE, .M ASS —laiwrence Poiiltr) Association Show. Nov. 12 14, IdiIukHv. P.«C. H. R. May and N. A. Kuai>|> judges; A. L. Harris, secy.

LEW1810N. ME.—State Poultry Show Dec. 18-19, Incluaive, 1902. A. L. Mer nil, 490 Court st.. Auburn. Me., aecy.

I.lNCiiL.N. .NEB.—Nebraska State Poaltry Association Show. Jan. 19 24, liao. Geo. Gaterhuute, David City, Neb., pres., 1,. P. Luddon, se<'y.

I.IITLE Bt*fK. ABK.—Poultry Show. Ih-c 18 21, I’.urj. Mr. Felch, judge, Cbas. E Butt. seej.

I.UHBVILLE, lA.—Poultry Show. Dec. Ji¬ ll. 1!«2. Mr. Pedrlck. judge, 8. A. Hands.

LttlTsVII.LE. KY.—Poultry Show. Jan 'J2 2N, lisKi. John H. Good. secy.

I.Y.N.N, M.t.'tS.—Poultry Show. Jan. 69. llso. Chas. K. Hunt, aecy.

Mc«'tK*K, NEB.-Poultry Show. iN-c. .31 I<a)2Jan 3. 19in. Mr. Rhodes, judge. Hat tie M) field, aet-y.

McIRiNALI*. I’A.—McDonald Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Itec. II 15 19ir2. T. E. Orr, judge; B. U. Holiiie>> <*ecy.

vt A vV

It is absolutely necessary for us to enforce the atiove condition, as some Htreetmen and Vendors change their minds and loca¬ tions twice befttre the gfiods reach them once. If such goods, after being reforwarded several times, miss their consignee, they are returned to us; and It Is not an uncom¬ mon occurrence with ns to pay transport¬ ation coarges the amount of which Is some¬ times five times as large a.s the original cost of goo<ls. Where do you suppose we come In on suoh transsetionsf ,

HO PAKTIEH ORDEKING If not heed¬ ing the above Instructions, will be disap¬ pointed In not getting the goods, for this rule henceforth will be enforced olthough 11 grieves us to do so.

GW K.N S**rND. C.XN.M*A—Poultry Show. Jnii. 19 23. P. **3. It. B. Cameron, secy.

t*\\«*SS«*. Ml* II.—Sbawasaee County Poul¬ try Mild IVi .siiM'k .Ysaoclatlon Show. Dec. 2:i J*i. I'.srj. J. .\. Tucker, judge; Geo. M. Hiiiii, .lie E, Exi-h.inge si., kecy.

P.\BIS. 1I.1-—Poultry Show. Jan. 21-24, i;iCl. N. S. BiiInt. secy.

I’.\I:K1:b.S|.1 R*;. «*.—Wood County Poul¬ try A»«<M-l.ition Show. Keb. 1, 19UB.

PF.i*RL\. 11.1..—Poultry Sbuw. l*ec. 11-16, l‘. irj. Mr. Russell, judge; Ralph N. Bailey, •o-cy.

PF.Ili , II.L.—I’oullry Show. liec, 16-20, picj. Mr. McClave, judge, Wm. F. <*■ Byrne. ve<>.

Pi:Ti;Blt**B*». N. IL—Poultry Show. Jan. ■Jl 'Si. P.sct. Karl S. Kyes, secy.

PIITSIHB*;. P.\. — llttsburg Fanciers' I'.uli Show. Feb. 22 JS, 19*J8. J. C. Moore. 1ia«: Ivnii .lie., secy.

PL.YINFIELI*. ILK—Poultry Show. Dec. V12. P.srj. W. l*. Stryker, aecy.

PLAINVILI.K KAN.—Poultry Show. Dec. 4 *'•. 1‘.«*'J. Win. Mlllott, secy.

I’Ll .M«*l 1 11. M.YSS. — Third Annual I’lymouth Poultry. Belgian Hare and Pet St<M-k .\s«o<'liitioii Show. Nov. 26-28, In¬ clusive. IJsvj .\nhur K. GledhllL aecy.

P«*\lT.\l’. ILL. I’oultry Show. Dec. 22- 21. I'-acj Mr. Heimlich, judge; Jlarry IL rls-rt. .

P**I:TI..\ M*. i*RE Poultry Show. Dec. I** 1*1. I! <2 F J Ladd. ae«-y.

1'B1NCET**N, M**.—Poultry Show. Nov. ■Jl* 22. IMrj. Mr. Bussell, judge; E. D.

Pit* *VIl*KNi*F.. U. L—Poultry Show. Dec. 1**13. V.«'J. H. S. Babcock, aecy.

tJl'IN’i'Y. II.K- Ijulncy Poultry and Pet StiM-k .\ssoctatioii Show. I*oc. 1518, 19ivj. Jas. A. Tucker, judge. A. E. Rogers, secy,

yl IN*'Y. M.4NS. Poultry Show. Dec. 15- is. psi'J.' Mr. Tucker, judge; A. E. Rog-


3XX.\ grade, .not the common extr* cofirse and extra tine with a lot of dirt mixed, but this is an imported article called coarse, very clean, free of dust and of brilliantly dazzling colors in 50 lb. sacks, per !b 8c. Fine, of same grade, per

The “Regulation” Confetti Duster, a special quality good full size per M $15.00.

MANCHESTER. CONN.—Manchester Poul try Association Show. Jan. 8, IJityJ. C. J. Balch, aecy.

MAMIATT'A.N, KAN.—Manhattan Poultry Club Show. I»ec. 2-4, 1902. Wm. A I.«mb. secy.; C. H. Rhodes, judge.

MANKATO. MINN.—Southern Mlnnes.>ta Poultry Aasoclatlon Show. iN-c. 30, 1:4*2 to Jan. S. 1903. Inclusive. J W. KoR mann. pres, and a^t.; L. Z. Smith, vice pres.; Fred. O. True, trews.; Ered. A. Fisher, aecy.

MARSHALLTOWN. lA —Pou’try Show. Jan. 6-10. 1903. Mr. Emry, judge; L. L. Connor, aecy.

MASON CITY, lA—Poultry Show. Dec 19-24. 1902. 8. V. Johns, aecy

MATTEWAN. N. Y.—Poultry Show. Dec. 2 5. 1902. Hector W. MllUpaugh, aecy.

MAlTtMIN. ILK—Eastern IRItioia Poiiliry and Pet Stock Aaaoclatbvo Show. Jan. —. 1tsi3. A. 11. Shaner, Lanark, HI., jiutge. C. S. Vorheea. Ashmore. III.. rec-irdiUL* secy.; A. J. Temple. Oakland, III., curre responding aecy.

MERIDEN. COS’N.—Meriden Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show-. Dec. Ik* 1902. Jan. 2. 1903. John Shnte. aecy

MIDDLETOWN. O.—Ponltrv t'luh Show I»ec 17 2*2. 1902. F. J. Marshall, judge; Ged. M. Marts, seey.

MILK4*UD. MASS.-Poultry Show. Dee 9 12. 19*rj. W. H. Pyne, aecy.

MII.I.EIlsnURa. O.-Wooater Poultrv A« soeUtlon Show. I*ee. 31, 19*rj Jan. 5. B«R. Chas. McClave. judge; 8. G. Cate, Mill brook, O., aecy.

MILWAUKEE. WlS.-Ponltrv Sh-'W l*.r 1520. 1W»2. W. A. Harkbarth. 7*li> St., secy.

MINONK. II.K-Poultry Show, Jan 5 9 liao. O. M. Davison. se»'y.

MITCHKLI.. 8. I*.—Poultry Show. J in 1.3 17. 1903. Mr. Emery, judge. M. 1>. I•ur>ly serv.

M**L1NK. ILK-Poultry Show No* 2.’> I*ec. 1, 19trj. Mr. Rlgg, judge. *>scnr Hog iM'rg, secy.

M<INTUKAK GL’E.. CAN.-Poultry Sho** Nov.' 3 7, 1902. J. P. Cullen, JH J.iiii.- St., swv.

M**N'TEV|DK0. MINN.—Poultry Show Kell BVl'J. 1903. L. 11. Arnold, seey.

MT. PLEASANT, MICII.—Isaheiln C unity IVt Stock and Ponllry Show. D,'e. I** ■Jl*, Inclusive, 1902.

MUSKEGON. MICH.—Western MU’bIgnn Poultry snd Pet Stock Ass,*, latlon Slio** Jan. 13 16, 11*03. O. P. tlreiT, jmlge. P P. Slekee. aecy.

napoleon. O—Poullrv Show. Dec. .3 6. 1902. Frank Miller and J. W. Multiilx. jiidgea; E. J. l*avta, aecy.

NEVADA, MO.-Poultrv Show, Dec. 1S20. iwrj. Mr. Southard, judge; C. E. Gilbert, ■ecy.

IIAI.KIGH. N. C Poultry Show. Oct. 27- :<l. pxrj. Mr. Slmmoua, judge; J. E. P<,giie. secy,

RICHMOND. VA.—Poultry Show. Nov. 24- ■Jii, P.srj. Frank Jenkins, 517 W. Broad «t.. *«H’V.

RICHMOND. V.\ —Virginia Pigeon, Poultry and Pet St-wk .Association Show. Dec. 11- 18. I'.ii'J. F. S Bullingtou. aecy.

RIFTON. V Y —Poultry Show. Dec. 34-26, I'.i'J. F K. Miller, aecy.

Rtu'HESl'KR. N. Y.—Rochester Poultry Association Sho**-. Jan. 18-23, I'.iUS. John Dn'chsler. Box 472. aeev.

R**SCOE. O.—Poultry Show. Dec. 6-9. 15 02. Mr. McClaye, judge; Quincy Daw¬ son. secy.

Rttsi':BI R*!. ORi;.-Paultry Show. Dec. 17 'Jt>. 1!»rj. F B. Hamlin, secy.

S.VGIN.AW. MICH.—Poultry Show. Dec ;ai. V«rj jiin 1, i'.a«. j, e. Burt. aecy.

ST. I.oi'IS. .MO.—St. Kuiia Fanciers' Aaso cIsHoii Show. I*ec. 2".». I'.kVJ. to Jan. S. pscl. Sharp Butterfield, judge; John A. FriiiK-lso**. Ijnl Lincoln Trust Bldg., secy.

'T I’tri.. MINN Poultry Show. Jan. 8 H. l!s<: N. S. B«*ardaley. aecy.

S.AL.A'i.VNi'.A. N. Y.-Cattaraugus County I'oiiniv As...M-i.itlon Sho*v. Ih-o. '23 28. Ill•'lll«!*e. I'.'t’'.’ J. K. M.xble, ses'v.

s.M.LM. 1* Pi'Ultry Show. Dec. 11-17. i:ti2 Mr ll«'**«s, judge; H. E. Phillips,


.VsstM'iatlun Show. Nov. lS-21, ISnrj. CHlC.AtJO. ILL.—International Live Stock

Show. Nov. 2SADec. 6, 1902. DETROIT. MICH. — National Shropshire

Record .A«s<K’latlon Show. Dec. —, IStC. Roht. GlblKins. aecy.

GI ELPH. ONT.. C.AN.—.American I.ancaa- ter Bre.Hlers' .Assitciation Show. I>ec. 10, I'.krj. .A. J. Temple. Cameron, III., aecy.

Htlholeiie Tlgbts. M2.30: W'*r elcsl Tlgbts. Sf.fiO: Tlg:hln.S l.nO: .HHh Tlgtata frwM S'.w.v n|i: bbirta t* match all name priec as ilghta: Pampas gSe: Gaiters.. 81.90: FlaailB Niippitrtera. 81 90: < loth Hmm pa, lers. 93c. Ncii4 foceatair^ and samplca'af tlchta free. Fusilivciy adcpasitrc^nlrcd. Sstl.faetion giiaraDlerd or money re¬ funded. MPlt KK RRitS.. ISO Ever¬ green A* e Brooklyn, N. Y.

(T'el. Vt Buehwlck.) HORSE SHOWS. ClllC.At',1'*. ILI.. Horse Show. Oct. 27

Nov. 2, llArj. Sidney C. Love, The Rook- erv, s*w.

DES MOINES. I.A —Horse Show. Oct. —, 1!02. I*. U. Mill*, aecy.

NEW YORK CITY, N. T.—Horae Show. Nat, 1002. James R, Hvde. seev.

K.AST OR.ANGE. N. J.—Horse Show. Nov. —, llkrj.

a Glrla far KavTlme Dancing hnd mm* ta damble In Hcrrcntlnc Dane* and Pna> ea Plasllqaea. Write,, atattnc salary. Nnlary pnid every Hmnday naarnlnc. Ad- dressa W. H. f'HEBKT, Maean, Ga.

.A\.\1i*t;.A. P.A,—Poultry Show. Nov. ■Jl', •J'l. I’lrj S G. Kurtt. secy.

• HENEfTADA. N. Y. —Poultry Show. Jiiii J''.!t. pst-’, H. J. Kuller, sts'y. Ill'.l BY. 1* P, ultry Show. Dec. 912, psrj. Mr. Mot lave, jiidg*', C. K A'rr,

On sfx’ount of limited apace, the Food and Bench Shows are omitted thta *»-eek.

BICYCLE BILL SUM \ PALI S S 1* - Que,'n City Poultry

A,>,„-l,iHon Sho**-. Jan. ‘27 31, Inclusive, limn. .A J K«'ith. pr*s*.; H. C. Mldtlle- lir,M,k. R,» k R-,;dds, la., vice pres.; John Klnc. . AV D. ILmlInc, aupt.; F. 11. ShePnKir-.s’r. AA'est l.lls'rty. la., judge, \I r Gotnun Ijirehiu,u)t. la.. se,'v.

st*l III FARMlN'tJTON. MASS—Poultry Sho** l*,c J.*,. P.Arj, F. AA'. Jennings, so,-*

sPAItl.A. II I. IViillry Show. PtN". 911. P *rj. T A Brewn, s*s'y.

sp.ARTA. AXIS Poultry Show IVc 3l>. tiarjJnn'J, P.ntS. Mr. Rlgg. judge J. K ll, rle«t. ;,s-v.

8PRINOFIKLD. M.K-llllnola State Poul¬ try Asa«vi-lallon Show. Jan. 5-8. 1903. C. K. Ellaworth. Danville, III., aecy.

(«. 9. CMSWKU.)

Trick Bicycle Rider and Lasao Twirier.

Best in the world. New and novel leats. Big attraction for street fairs. Ad. care Billboard.

U/AHTCn MKMt'lNK PKKFOBBEKM. vv AR I CU Tb* se playing banjo or guitar given prefo'enoe. Salarv low h«it vou ret It; wrtia quirk VJCAKRK HERB IN*., Eoreat Otty. Ark.

- WANTED - Coin c«*ntroile,l Picture Alarhlnet and N'o*eIttes on percent. Addraa- W MeCkBC, 1117 Olive 91. St. Kuila. Mo.

foK S ALE—I.ithogrspha: slauchtersd: I«. each; any stxle; unietter^ apace tocroaa line; IkO kinds: ■end li for sampiea. H DAVIS, NS Waat Vac Buran it., Chicago, Ill.

Anv kind. Send tie for aample Vawdevllle, Earce I'omedv. Drama and Circus. Address HAKRA BL'iITtiN.TU WhUa R<K'k Ave., AVaukasha, Wts.




Without a Peer. Herself her own Parallel

Closed a very successful season. Would like to hear from sponsible Carnival Manajjers playing South for the winter, carry nice outfit, rermanent atldress

147 Newberry Ave

AT KOKOMO, IND., COMMENCING NOV. 19th 1902. The entire outfit and etook of the HIpe Hhowe. the flnetl ever built In America, ceneitt- Ing In part as follows: 14V head of Shetland Ponies,7U of which are ring stoclt, ooinprle- iDK a 70-Pony Pyramid Act; 2 Drills of in ponies each, one set of eight that dan^e au old'

waltzing Ponies, leaft-frog Ponies, hind leg Ponies, talking Ponies, plck-out Ponies, etc. no dogs, comprising ta'o separate and distinct troups; M) sets pony harness, 2n sets liag- gage narness, 70 sets puny trappings. 2 sets chariot harness, lu pony saddles, 20 head liag- gage horses. 10 baggage wngons, finest ever built; 2 band wagons. 4.'> miniature ■'ages, chariots and parade wagons, 1 ticket wagon, 1 lioft. top with 2 4os and 1 Oo, I lu>ft. to| with I 40 and 1 50,1 ooft. top with 8 40s, 1 ftlft. top with 1 .'lu.l dining lent .'itiSO, 1 dining tent 12x14, rirt of ab jve canvas used only two weeks; ;)6 blue seats, II high; 1.5 lengths reserved seata,

UO-Jet 2-arm Ciale lights, 8 tlO-Jet 2-arin Qale lights, 2 M>-Jet 2-ariu Kidd lights, beacon lights, pan lights, torches, etc., 2 00ft. Pullman coaches, 2 ooft. Iiaggage cars, 1 Stift. coach converted Into sleeper, 25 educated monkeys, ocelots, lemurs, argatas, ant-eaters dwarf kangaroos, armabdillos, badgers, wild cats, 20 cockatoos and parrots, golden p teaaants, 1 14ft. rock python, one side show, outfit complete, consisting of stages. Iron painting, poles, carpets, cm tains, etc.; 1 cycle whirl, 8 ranges, bedding for 2ii0 (leople, orMikIng uten¬ sils. dishes, etc., for 200 people,all props, ring stakes.ropes, ladders, stages, etc. This ont- flt was all new In Hprlng of 1901 and 1902 and Is now In first-class condition. Kentemt>er date of sale, Nov* 19th 1902. Kor further particulars and Information address

■ Indiaiunt’tlit



Attention, Billposters Keep away from Chicago. A strike is on at the American Posting Service. Any Information de«^ireil in regards to the situation will be gladly give^ b/ J. J. McCORMICK, Sec'y Billposters and s Union, No. i, 155 5. Center Ave., Chicago.

Affiliated with Americrn Federation of Labor No. 715 J.

Charlottesville, Va., Nov. .3-4-r)-6-7 and 8. FOR SALE all kinds of legitimate Concessions and pri¬ vileges reasonable. Attractions by the MORRIS & BERGER CARNIVAL CO. WAIVXK1>

SISTER TEAMS WRITE. Break joor jump from C'cieaKu to N. Y. or vice venia.


I plea<l guilty to originating the bright Ihitigs In il* EK'N TlT-lflT t OMK' Bfl.I.BTIN N*. 7. Why? ’

thin litsue, like III! pre<l<‘r«His<irs, Is full of “meat"—I', 'o *. ■wt Kaniiy Dnlrb Hplel tor tenm (5 mill' - ii

'laiiow (5 nilii.i, Mlaeli ■'are Monologue (.'. New Nbelrh (1 ni. 1 f). 17 niln. Parosti'ei .

r Joe." “Annie Moore.” Only three, hat big hi L. A.HllKAKKK.42Hnilth's Arcade.lUHdiester.N V

Thnt's the "why." 4taall(: Face .Monologue {l.'i inin.i I _,_ Nbert tiawa and 44el Baehs (in tiiln. Sunday AMernoon.” “Oh Joei-phli e t No whiskers on aleive. Price, SSe. Ad

You can join the 'Master Billposters Union of Chicago when you pet here. Initiation fee and dues for t* e first year. $5.00. None but expert billpotDra allowed to join “Kinkers,” ‘‘Rat” Biiipov ers, “Ash Barrel” Billposters and “Rum-faced” BiMposiers ■re not wanted in the Master Union. The salary of a Master Billposter is $16.50 per week, which is $1.50 more than the scale of the ‘kinker” union. No “kinker” will molest yon in your work here; an injunction has stopped them from interfering with any of our employees or property. Write at once. SEND 10 CEN18 FOR A COPY OF THIS BEAUTIFUL SONG,


nth street Opers House Building,.Philadely AflERICAN POSTING SERVICE

Lake & Morn^an Sts., - Chica^ Msntion “ Tfc* BUlboardT w>^ am^vasring ads MtnUon “ Th* BiUbo»r<r' wh*n answering ads ' MsnUan - TKt BiUbourd'’ uhsn answering ads. Usnlion " 7^ Billboard” wHsn aiMto. «fV


(All UllOlflS RrClIVU) BY 9.30 P. M. SHIPPED SAAK DAY)

Eurjfthing in Watches, Jewelry, Notions, Flat Ware, Cutlery — Optical Goods and Noyoltios



nnierlca’t Largeat Printers

Knife Bonnie, Gift Hbowt, Kleh Ponde, Bpindlea, etc., Bupplled. Return Bnllt, Roeattes <'-»n«e, Umbrellfta, Hpar nnd Pjrrlte Goode, Allunilnum NoTeltlee, Monpr, 8iA»;lnl-

Uee for Itnior liote, ('omu lAota, Htaenr IaoU, Fountain Pen Outflte, Indelllble Penclle, Full line Notions, W. B. W. Hpoons. Combination Glaus Cutler Knlres, No. 18W S.em omnduiii Books, White Handkerchiefs, etc.

Now Ready. Just from the Press. One Dollar.


Route Book for 1902 Written b; “PUNCH” WHEELER, Press Agent.

Verj Readable, Faunj, Bright and Intereating:. Contain* a picture of the New National Elk*' Home at Bedford City, Va., where the show was Oet. S. This hook is sent postpaid by mail on receipt of


Thestrirsl WIGS of every description on hsnd or iiisde to order; rood work, lew priceea; send stsmp for price lUt. ti. Schindbclin, 118 W. Mth St.N Y,

ONE DOLLAR Haa. 7 aad (I E. Htxth Str««C,

■«Kr VlM. cmciNllATI, O.

Bates. lOe., TSe., $1.

Cl',.,, enient to all Theaters and Car Lines t-Biendid Restaurant in connection. Open alt DiKht. C H THURMAN, Manager.



Peanut | Roaster •

W. J. COLOPY, Prop. European Plan waat rma nurart.

boK Bias aad Plana. CIMCUIIIATI, O. They are fine. No such posters

have ever bt'en offered to the

trade. They will sell on sight.

You do not have to beg a mer¬

chant or importune him to an

order, .lust show* your sample

and the deed is done—take his

order and send it on.

The Jefferson Hotel Oar liandoome catalogue is free and fully describes this machine. Also many other styles. Hand, Spring and Steam Power. Rotary Pop-Corn Poppers, Roasters and Poppers Combined, Ice Cream Freerers, Cab¬ inets, Tubs, Steel and Pocrelain; Iron Cans, Dishers, Soda and Ice Cream Spoons, Ice Shavers, Ice Breakers, Milk Shakers.

-Crystal Flako- The celebrated article used so extensively for improving Ice Cream. Sample and recipe free.

(Formerly V««lmsii»

FBEB. MCHIE1.E. Praprietar.

9I5-9I9 Walaat OUaet, aNCtmAII. OMO.

T«1 No. 407t L. Kmj Aa-com to all Theaters.

Tl»e HOTKL. HORMICU Head^sarters forthejtrofeaalon. Henry O.Hoemer, Prao.. U and IT W. Twelfth St., Clnefnaati, Ohio, rirrt ataw bar attached.

liftM NU. bat. Vlwa amO Eaaa. CTaetwaatl, O

Yards per week. Tie, ll.Mand bath. I’opolar piioe restao-





KINaERY IFa. CO., Pearl 8t., Cincinnati^ O.


WARREN B. IRONS, nex, John Robinson's Ten Klg Rhowa. Per¬ manent address care of Billboard. Cln'tl, O

Uf ■■AVflll Oontraetlna Agent, life vwD mm Will The Ripe jLllTlpu* IS' Show Permanent address, Kokomo,

MISSOURI GIRL" (Eisteri). "MISSOURI GIRL" <Wcstini), "OLD ARKANSAW All Plmyins to capacity and breaking house records.

In Preparatlon-”MY FRISKY DAD.”

Write for Samples Write To-day.

7 Oiie*Slieets, 2 Six-Sheets,

4 Three-Sheets, 3 Eig ht-SEcets

1 Sixteen-Sheet.

M||A| P Manager Advertising • t-nua caf ffo. 3 i^Qd Exour-

'ent John Robinson's 10 Big Rhows. lent address care Billboard. Sketches, Songs, Comedies, Dramas

WE- SANDS Manager Car Na. 1 • t- onnuo, Buckskin BUl’s Wild

West. Reason 1908.

806 Walait Sirsst, Phlisdelplilt, Pa. HARRY W. SEHOR Contractor, Buckskin Burs

General Agent and Railroad Wild West.

_ A NKW OMK. NOTAN OkO OMKOTNUT. looks and winks ItMtUkssMveoaa OOO SCO, THE WINKING KTB. Yoe are sar* to cstek a been or SMks a aaaab sad always get a pletMaat

r untie. All yoe have to do Is to pell the string, and the little eye doee tke I 1 ■ J reet. The muet popolar and catchy novelty on the market to-day. If a Ewj^Sm j W^wjlK/ friend tolls a rmny atory that does not aoand Just right, poll the string

aed hear tha laogk he gM. For tale by all novalty oealera. Big prodts ,amplas, ISei S for Mo. |


?HIL W. STIMSOM, Kaenraloo Ageat Beekakln BllPaWild West Show, Permanent eddrees. care Billboard, Cincinnati. 1>.

An Nf Alirni Tramo Manager John HUkVe Wd AIAfcH, Koblnson's Ten Big Rhows. Permanent add.-eas, Bristol Hotel, ClnolnoaU, O.

WARTBD tar tbe Pall Ntrewi Pair.

At Kufsala, Ala.. Nov. soi Iraclliins Paid and Frm. No iHyc ronrasatiMsa for min. H. H. IK>W

IP Oen'l Press Agt.Rells A VSy Downs ''onsolldated illng rapreaentatlve-Bimioerd.” iT^hs BllIbeard.'N^laelnnatt. O.

JfmNow ** Th0 BUlbounT* whtn aDatcerlng ods IfsnMdw ** Th» BiUboani" wAsa aassvrrsng ads JfsitMtm "7h« BiUbcanf’ u Vn xaswrriiHf ods **7h« .ffMheord- vhen afwwmng ads


THF OIL OARNIVAL DRIFTERS, AnENTION! LEVIN BROS, Beaumont, Yeus, week of December, 7th 1902.

Mior* Money Mo*'* in Any City ii

F. 0. E. EartIor No. lOH. Beaumonty TrxAR. (xAHkill-Mandy BLa; Show. All prlTll«w<w T«r «al«. and iret B*C ■owey. Addrraa

WE ARE THE “REAL THING” FOR YOU. We not only carry, b it sell aaything and everything a drifter can

make money on. We are the cheapest in price, promptest in shipping, and carry the largest assortment of everything made in White Stones, Watches, Glims, Notions, Cutlery, Flat Ware, Jewelry and Novelties for Diamond Palaces, Spindle Wheel, Fish Ponds, Give away, etc., also latest Novelties for every excitement. Write for a Monthly Fair and Price List.

Singer Brothers A. L.. TINCH, II***-WO iMMrc BO llroBOhoo.

N«w York City.

NO WIND, BUT FACTS. Sriitl iiH A trlAl order hiuI you will lie toy.

that we are the cheaiwst hou^e in America for STREET MEN and CORS(| WOKKERS. A complete line of ail (.u hIs used at STREET FAIRS are always ou hand. Orders lilled tlie same day received. Prices are runst.mtly cliauKing acoordinR to I'asteni markets. Oooda 8hipp4 (i to all parts of the United States.

L.CVIN BROS., (Kst. Hm;.)

30*32 N. 6tli Strnet. Terre Heete, lad.

Eaelea* Caralval, BeanmeBt, Texaa.

Retrardf to H. L. Leavitt.


John Chapman Gn. UUPtSTEIS

For Sale -- Big Chance 8TRCETMEN<

ir you are followInK fair*, raiKMitlona. elr<-uv«, have a •taml on the elreat, work frua a Hal make hlicb |iltehea. aell noveltlaa or peddle. « rit* ueforralaloKue and any Information you may « ant. We handle all the lalett noveltlea, flaeh and ithim yooda for eplndlea, 8eh pond*, nuni Joint* and nov- elty HhoOttnir sallerle*. I pleeo Jewelry Iota, 7 piece puree lots, rounlain pen lot* with i>en holder* or memo, book.vhrar lot* and raxor lot*.collar biittoa nets, needle imokasea, *hoe Inees, lampelek*. >nop puraea. knives.eomht. a|ieotaelea, «otche«,art mir¬ ror*, and a full line of mechanleal tuya for Htreet work. CataloKue free. NMI-TNt A M., 117 R.

Here the Thest boards and freatest loeatloiu in Cincinnati and Knbnrbs. Telephone 2314. St. Clair Alley. ]


We offer for Sale all of the Tents, Seats, IjlBBBHIiB HEVEN I Lights, Cirfains, Wardrobe, Costumes and ■ three I

HTTEES I toffHher with the Ise ef Till-, I MTABiDB I and a Wavnifleent Line of Special Litho. I ntreBBaere

graphed Pictorial Priating for Buttons ot ETury Deseriptioi

Contractors for Bill Porting through- oat the United States,Cuba and Canada. Ponnlation: City 826,902. 56 Sub- arban Tewns, 79,000. Harrison Minstreis


We make taew la aav qwantuiei flit orders oa thort aodee and heal any arm In the weat ea pnoa Spartal daalgaa to erder. Let know what yon want.

Butlot Co., 'S.’lmuS:’ AMERICAN CONFETTI CO.,

MANUFACTURERS OF Confetti and Noveities.

F*ar<c«B ntylem

•f Litbeorapha

The show teored the Sonth for two seasons, giring excellent aatisfactlon and Tearing a good reputation. The title Is a

* ralnable one, being well known and estab¬ lished.

St. Louis Button Co., CarOa

Prwaraa SHOW WAGONS TweBtjr weara' eawerteBM aa hBlId- era •! Freicbt, TahlMBa. Band.

(>ar Ooafetti la cut roand from clean fancy col¬ ored paper. In bnlk or packages. Address

siou:x: oity. - iowa.


This is a great chance for any one who wants to pnt oat a negro show nnder ranras. For terms address

Treasurer Donaldson Litho. Co.. NEW^PORT, KY,

era mt Freight, TahiMBa, Baad. Tiehe., I'allliapea, Caaea, BeBa. mb*. Dea aad Wa«BBa.

SULLIVAK & EA6LE, P.iu, Ind.

Elk for Sale They are perfect. We man¬ ufacture the only open face dropcase and cloth spindle. We also make a Hpecialty of roulette wheels. Marked Cards, Inks and Percenta,re IMce. Catalog with dlse’ni sheet free.

J. James Mfg. Co., Ft. Scott, Kans.


POP-CORN BRICKS The great seller for privilege men at Oirenses,

Street Fair CamiTaU and picnics. We mann- faotnre the only sealed hrick on the market, and All orders promptly.

Beautiful Photographic Views or THK NKW


Fine herd of 14, moetly females. Will sell herd or pairs. AUo unmounted neads. either male or female. KIk I.K>dges fnmiahed with veal- son for harbemes. Addresa A L. SCHKAM LINU,*‘Elk Farm,", O.

MAGNETIC TACK HAMMERS! Jaat the thing for tacking tin and eard board stgaa Every distributor should have one. Prices. wiU Every distributor should have one. Prioee. wKk double eztenelon handle, 11 Inehee long, each. Sl.M triple eatensloD handlee, 4f Inrhee long, eaeh, BJt Send the money with the order. Mona cent (' O.D The ObsmsMmb LMb*. C*., By,

At Bedford City, Va.

CtatrdeB ('tty WbtIu,

«a MBteStreet, ChttegB, HI.

Balloon Ascensions

Msigle cwplca hy Bsnll. 10x12 la., SS.SO: fall act, S ^•(•a, diaei^Bt srlewa, 8a.OO. Ladaca o>ad mentbem of the B P. O. Elba sopniled la gBaalillea B( ral ralr*. Habe ap 7*Nr liwiM uBd at mmr*.

THOIWaS P. AMBROSE. Stratford HoUl, Walnut St., Cincinnati, O

1I4BKED ('ABIM. e Dpcba, ss.oa.

Hire anv way von want them. dCAN Mfk. CO.. 911 Via* St., ClachMati, Ohta.

Htsmp for ratakwue.

STRONGEST AHRACTIONS AVAILABLE single and double parachute leaps. Night ascen¬ sions. New sets that are strong features. Secre¬ taries of Fairs and Park Managers, we invite your eorreepoudence. For terms and particulars address

Prof. Chis. Swartz, Aeronaut, Creston, la.

ProKressiie Billposters all Buy Our "6" Paste made especially for their uee. because far RFTTKK than home-made, more convenient and certainly CHEAPKR. Wilt nut soar and will keep for an In- deBnlte length of lime, tin receipt of ll.SO will ship yon a Mmple barrel holding over ssu pound*, out uf which you can make fully three barrel* by reducing with cold water as needed. Many billposter* act a* our agents and control local paper hangers' trade a* well as others and why not you*

If Interested at all write ns. m MBIMUmJt PMTI CO., hMRaaapshi, hd.

Sts Louis Calcium Light Co. Oxygen and IlydrMen lias fumlsbed la tank* for Stermiptlron and Moving I’lclare Machine*. All order* to any part of the I'nlted Btates filled promptly. SIt-StI Elm St. Ht. Ixmls, Mo., L S. A

WAI.E VAi nEXILI.E PERrORREUfi Wantnl. Will buy H H. musical aovsillsa. Harry bwrlltiig's Vsudsvllle Club, tfushac, Oatarlo, Csa. Kend prof, copies of



Sanders of newspapers and dealers in news paper infonnatton. Undertakes commissions from bnsinest or professional people who want to keep posted on what interests them in the pabUc pnnts of the country. dHleea Bt BBOf b. How Tarb aad D«Bv«r.

Trade Marks DenicNS

CORVRIOHTS Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may

q^ckly ascertain our optnion free whether an invention is probably piUentable. Communlca- Uona strictly confideotlaL Haudbnoli on PatenU sent free. Oldest agency fur securingjmtents.

Pateou taken through Mann A Co. reoeivs ifteUUnottee, wiihoot charge. In the

Ont tec returned if we fait Any one sendii sketch and description of any invention promptly receive our opinion free concert the patentability of same. “ How to Obtain Patent" sent upon request. Pateou secun through ns advertised for sale at our expense.

PatenU Uken out throi»h us receive tp< noflce.with'nit charge, in the Pateivt Rnc an illuatrated and widely circulated joui consulted by Manufacturers and Investora

8e»d for sample copy PMt. Addreaa,

VICTOR J. IVANS A CO. {Patent Attorneys,)

Snnna nallAlaw. ^

Mrndfnr NEW t400B«,NEWtAdfOPN. U. tl. REERAt'H, Pwm, III.

Tferengfe Pictnraaqns and niaterlc Rsglens te . . .


Lirgist CircBS Wagoi Uiiitictyrers ii Asirlci.

LM-al-S talraf ktfs.. CMCHimTl. 0.

Scenery Linen Tent iVlakers’ Supplies!

R. A. HUnPHRYS’ SONS, loan Ridce Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.

A lMa<llsoinelf flhictrwtMd WMkly. lArwwsI etr ciUaUon of any srienUfle kHtmal. Terms. $2 m yeert four iDEmtbs, $L Bold by all newsdealeni. years four iDEmtbs, $L Bold by all newsdealeni.

llUNN New Tort Brao^ ORka, « F Rt.* Waabtimtoti. D. u

And that larve portion of It Int^rsnited In ad* I vertUlnw wIliBnd It mticb to their advantairp

WANTED For AUGUSTA, 6A. Elk Free Street Fair

vertUlng wlirund It much to thair advantage to aubaertbe Ut “ PirHI.IfMTV,** the popular Rngllsh monthly msdinm, for wnal la transpir¬ ing aroonnt afl kind* of Hrtllsh pobllclty Beakers. The fact that this pupolsr Junrnal I* now eubarrtbed for In all parts of tbs world ts ^t^^ldence of the caplUI valus we reprewent

Washinifton UnlM TswIsm fmaa f'tssplaaindl with

TbmBBb RInnynr tsmaa LnBlnwtlt*.

•O omntB ymmrty. Hnerasber 17m tn S3rd.

Coneesslona and privilege people apply at nt once to

T. H. ROWORTH, • • • CbnlraanB.


J. D. POnS, Att*t 8ta Ntt. Agt. I - CinriRHATI. o. ■


Mention **The BiUboarcT* w/ien answerinff ads | Mention ^The Billboard"* ichen answering ads Msniion**7%s Billboard** when answs 'is%gmds MsnHam**rh€ Billboard** when smswsrioi; •>«<«



the incorporated CINCINNATI MIDWAY CARNIVAL COMPANY W. D. BEMSOIN. Pr«»l<lcnl, C. J. STURGIS. Secretary anri Director oT ;«t -

W CAPT, ST.VNLKV, Cha iiplon High ''i.'nr or :h« W.vriO free) tower 100 ft. higl :^e largest auil ll.ieet |Mirt iOI«‘ Fisirl" Whe j| In the United SUtet, and tlnest e<|aipped Free Platform Shows and Aerial tCi-s 12 &■ U-f'ass equipped eler‘ V’ ’»’ay sliovs. also- l,i', .y i'lean and moral, owned and controlled by this company. Not on p3o*r but carried ;fl cur ow. ca^^, aS follcwa:

aieeirtr Taratre, Eaetta aatf t'rleatr In latest aeseltj elertrie work, aa4 Volcaao tit. retro la era|Mlea tfratro> lo« It. Hlrrrr.

Hall el Paair. Klertrir TraaeioraaalloMs aa«l IllastrairU Bonaa. Old Urorvla Plaatattoa Wlaslrrl shew.

rroL Cela'e t'eMMlf Trmmpf Tralaed Dea t'lrriin

7. atitstarci uf aatKoKy aad; Lavaflarttiiwrw ruMi»M. rreaa

Horror. a. ■.eaetta, Hypao Ir Plyiaa Eady. •. nireote of indta, Arab, Hindoo and Ninarnlrse Prrf*>rmera.

10. Rlalto'a Fanlomlmr and t'omrdy Iheatre. 11. nampaon, the Man Pater, from the Jnnclee of Afriea.

IS. Eaan, the Hindoo Hnake Eater.

s' rbrlaia.Mfatnetnraln|r la Lite and Hindoo Tmnk Hyateiy. 11 11. Aampaon, the Man Eoter, from tbe Jnnclea of Afrien. «. palare of lllnslona. Holl Hyotery. || is. Eaan, the Hindoo bnake Eater.

A Ttf'FMl winter season—First-class Spieler, Turkish Musicians and Juggler for Streets of India, GIass Blowers Show; per cent or A JCisalary. We furnish tent. To join at once. Address all communications as per route, C> J. STURGIS, Columbia, 8. C.,

wick Oct. 27; Aincricus, Ga., week Nov. .S;.Tuscaloosa, Via., week Nov. 10; Mobile and Natchez, Miss.follow above cities now contracted for this company. Kcfcn nces: Athens, Ga. B. B. (). K., and city olticials Rome, Oa , Knoxville, Tenn., Greenville, 8. C. C. W.!Manley is no longer connected with this company.



OUR CLUB OFFERS! wheel tmeke, ateel wlieele, eBnlpped

... .. iiA twr Brat-elnaa pnaaenarr service, Jeany

We are pushing The Billboard, and to add to ••"j*?!*'-j**'- ^ O wlehed reasplete ter BO peeple; dtalw*-

our already large circulation offer the following alluring Clubbing Offers


$5.00 for $4.00 FRANK IISIIE’S unn SUNStVS. SKOe i u,

POPtUR MONTHLY, \ aa McCLIRC’S, M OO ' TC THE BILLBOARD, - S4.00 ) fHt BIUBOARO, $4.00 \ ^Everybedy's ■av«Blwe~ or >Kieed “Ererybedy's ■bEasIwe.'* er ‘«Geed

Hewsekeeplwp*'wiey be swbsttikted f^r HeksekeeplBg,'* atay be swbstitnied. If

■.eslle's, if preferred. preferred.

$6.00 for $4.75 UNSEY’S, $ 1.00 i ;ui fsc cCLlRE’S, M OO e i 7C ir klllOntDA AA \ «pv*lv

wished reasplete ter BO peeple; dtala*- rSMM, baSet aad efhee; ready ter the

read. Caa be siea at Lakevlcw Caa

Ca,. New Jereey. Cest tSOOO; eaa be had

ter 91B00 cash. Naase ef ear **New Terk." It la Ne. 10. Address

PULLMAM CAR, 660 R. 56th St., PHILADELPHIA, - - - PA.

West Palm Beach,


OpensDec.1,1902 West Palm Beach is **Amer' ica’s Greatest Winter Resort.”


Wist PilB Beich, Florida.


ry Picture MacMnes WANTED and FOR SALE

OptiifrApho all 91^IDl»e


$7.00 for $5.00 CtRRCNT LIURATtRC, ^ Bath far

THt BILLBOARD, - $4.00 S ^^.OO ** Cewwtry Life” aeay be awbellinted. II



$8.00 for $5.75 CtRRENT LITERA1LRE,

*3.00^ LESLIE’S MONTHLY, $ 1.00 / 5 THE BILLBOARD. $4.00 > “Art IhgerehMire” or 4*Kew Ewgrlawd

Mawaalwe*’ may be awbatltated.

$9.00 for $6.50 WORLD’S WORK, $3.00 \

MUNSLY’S, $ 1.00 f *•' LESLIES, SlOOi 50 IHE BILLBOARD, $4.00 ' **Llppehr*tt*s” aeay be eabaliiaied far

$10.50 for $7.00 WORLD’S WORK, $3.00 ; REVIEW of REVIEWS, $2.50 f /J McCLURE’S ' S 1.00 i \7 00 THE BILLBOARD $4.00 ' '

i 4sThe Ladtea* Heaee Jewmal” may be

awbelllwitfd ter 4*.tleriwre*a.** I

Ross Curio Go.| Laredo, Texee

On tHh Mhalohn ■ordar,)

wt«h *•> HRtsItlUh branch ■tor,‘S In eTtryclty Ilf 111. I'nltKd Htstst. They <f.-sl In Mcxlcsn

C'uruttUlft, Drawn Linen, ('snr*. and all

priMlucu.if Mexico, qulck-nelllna novrltle», elc. Wrlln for their cataloy and propialtinn

These Special Offers are strictly CASH in ad¬

vance. Send a postofTice order for the offer you desire and we will have the magazines for¬ warded to you for one year at the price named.

The Billhoaril Pub. Co., ^^BHBLook, I’ve Got My Qmfyymtmmm

The Eat eat NeveNy, will aseke yea


Nsaspis. 10 eta.: 93.00 per lOO. THE MEWHAN HIW. C®., 91 heodlaad Aveawe- t'tetalead.Ohle

! Notions and Novelties I 1 ler NThEET HEN. NTMEET rAIHIki*"* Wheels, Scchic Railw9y9.

I CAhNiYALft. pir.Nit'N. ETC. Water Chatea, Electric Theatres.

I "*'!*’ as *s 'A’orking Models, Illusion*, Automatic

I Scad l•p*r<••al.on.illlDad^aa.••. Machine^ or any other amusement

iiKEsiMON NOTION CO., jopiie.He.

BOB RONALZO, Clowo, Trick Tumbler & Daucer.

with Celerade Mraat's A A. Mhewa.

nVCRTICCSC Ir*v« to call your atton* tlon to tha fact that wa are pra- arad to do all kinds of rmall work (no largsr than , aheats), tacking and posting card signs, banner

per loou, posting and tacking ahaats 1 cant each, throughout Chicago and suburbs, bouse to bouts work. Eatimatas made on large (.uantltlss. We caa get the wark out for yon on short notice. Hop¬ ing that you will favor us with your wui^ we are Yours Bespactfully, H. D. DAVIS, fM West Van Barsn Street, Chicago. III.

WANTED AT Once Aeeead-kaad ■■evlavpfelare maehlae

aad eiereeptieoa. ttaete lewewt eaah priee, deecrlbe aiaeblae ahd fllaas. Maat

aet aieher and tHasa aiaat be hrat-eiaae;

llaae light. Write NOAHAN-NEEDHAH

ADYEltriStNCi Atdkhl'T, El l>aaa. Tex.

-UAKTEH WANTED. Young man (white)

who It neat and handy to act as pttrter on my private car. Mutt play sniiie Instrument In band piWerably bass or snare drum. Must be sober and attentlvs to biisinsaa and work for a low salary which Is sore. Adilrsse, Canton, 8. l>., Oet 10. si, Nov. I; Tarkar, M. O., week Nov. S; WAKRKN NOBI.E. Mgr. Noble's Theatre Company.

** I NevAK Singh No Nog-

tlmo Songh.” Perhaps you don't, but here is one that will niaka guod. Send f-cent stamp for professiaeal copy. An up-to date programme must so-ompany ra- uuaat. No. oards. Houts ahea.i as far as posslbla. Eastern MiisleCo.740 tVashtngtoa St. Roston.Masa.

lAAhh|V|B|l Aavaia te aaake lets IfAliTPlJ eraieaeyaeliiaKHlEh WW NN i hW Art Peeket Dlrrere.

Twelve repredaetiena freaa leaaeae Freaeh paiatinirn. Nevel aad ettrMetive,

taat aellers. Aaaeriaseat et IV, pesipald, ee real*: rheaper la qaaatltlen. MT.

LoriN Bl'TTUM «'0 , N«. LmUs. He.

Mvr-nmr wants axperi- rnced ailvanae roae for small show, mn-

>s'<s Ihai ilospeeialtlea, sing or dsare, wagon Hltallwlaiar. Klniors, I T.O<-t itt; Nlk.Nov 1. J^l «■

FOR Ril C 1*9B«B niSE EHATTI ! WANTED * ** V'^ f T,*\, •Bjit OBOANi eheap. Addreea j Must bo In good shape H. W, JOUNHON, ”2“ i***£rg Wk if it doatjnako good._

Hex 979. ttaetaaeU, O. | Lima, Ohio, care Johnson Hwlm L M®*# * •■•9rH999 tt, AMTO, N,

Jf«n.<oa“7'A« ttillbaard'’ M-A«a tinstceriny ada.ifoaHoa **Tb« JMUboswd" whtm aaswoHiv e^s. JfenMon “T'Ag Affhoar<r’ tvAea aiwweriiHr ada


I eheap. Addreea j Must be In good shape H. W. JOUNHON, 1. ®. Lima, Ohio, care Johnson Hwlm

IVO YOI WANT MB? Piinoh, Magic or Sptoler. ^ Ihavoforsalo Msrionotto outat with IV Bg- nres, ttoi It Punch flgtiroa, curtain and frame, lit; Knee flgurea, Htrl, Irish, Negro, tt each; S)s h>r three. Stamp for particulars. AL vI.ABK, tvt South Ave , Roehestar, N. Y.


SENEGAL AT LIBEHTT, for Vandevllle, Horlesqae or Minstrel. Per. .Add. Marjville, Pawtacket, K 1.

t|j» I «ETM THB WAHHEhT IS MIxxte Hurlesuue Magte Act in the baalBoss.l

Compute with patter, lastroctlons, etc. A1 aatra turn ti back it it doa*t make gi>od. •n. L Met. AiBRnmi tt.Adk9m.ILT.

LwHH HI I Hlw fwr the latest aad greateat

coniedv burlreqiie of tbs a» A world beater; a box ofllce winner, entitled -Mrs. Nation, the Saloon Sma.sher.” a howling 4-act comedy burleaimr. Write tor particulars. Address ‘‘CAPITAL,” tl4 N. Main St.. Blkbart, ln>l.

4‘JENNIER FAWlLY-4 S Brother Art. Toot Juggling and lUubU Contor¬ tion Aet. Bn route Howe's Great London Show, p'rmanent addreea, dV, Itth St. M. W'., Washing¬ ton, 11. C.

VUR SALE—Coinplets Black Art OntSt: tablaa, ^ vases, aceleleae gas generator, footlights, ate., tVS; 14 tricks la.'ludlng the nest of S boxes. 111. Stamp far list; no stamp, ao list. G. O. It) W LBB, 4 Manhattaa St.. Rochester, N. T.

WHEN IN TOWN Uo to see Baaeae Behdat. the Neckwenr Man, (tolainbln Theatre Bldg., ClntL, Ohio,


Hand for price llet with colored Illustration.‘ T. J. HOTT. 413 Dearberw •«.. ChieeMr

ManUon'^Tha BUlboard” whan anawarima mda.



THE OIL CARNIVAL DRIITERS, ATTENTION! | LEVIN BROS^ Beaumont, Texas, week of December, 7th 1902.

Mor* Money Hoi^i than in Any City ii

F. 0. E. EftfrlcR No. 108. Beaumont, Texas. Gaskill'Mundy Bifc Show. All prlTlIcirea fwr sale. Come and iret Blc lionej. Addreaa

WE ARE THE “REAL THING” FOR YOU. We not only carry, bit sell aaything and everything a drifter can

make money on. We are the cheapest in price, promptest in shipping, and carry the largest assortment of everything made in White Stones, Watches, Glims, Notions, Cutlery, Flat Ware, Jewelry and Novelties for Diamond Palaces, Spindle Wheel, Fish Ponds, Give away, etc., also latest Novelties for every excitement. Write for a Monthly fair and Price List.

Singer Brothers A. I-. TINCH,

82 Bowery, HoRr—Wd lUMT* no Brnnoboo

Now York City.

NO WIND, BUT FACTS. Send U8 h trial order and you will la* , ou- vluced that we are the chea)»eBt hou'ein America for SIRILT MEN aud CORMI WORKERS. A complete line of all xlt used at SIREET FAIRS are always uu hand. Orders tilled the same day re.-ei\ed. Trleea are conniantly chanirlng acconlinR to Kasteni markets, (iooda shlpp,-,! to all parts of the United States.

I.KVIN BROS., (Kst. ls^^.)

30-32 N. 6Ui Strwt, Terre Naete. led.

Racl«-a* Carnival, Beanmeal, Texas.

Rerard* to H. L. Leavitt.



For Sale - Big Chance 8TREETMEN-

ir jrou are followlnK falm, exuualtloB*. eln-ii<,«e, nave a Ktaml on the etreet, wore from a flat Joint, make hlcb plletien. fell aovelllae or peddle. « rti« tinforrntaluKveandany lD^•rmatloD you me} n nni. We liaodleall the laletl noveltlea, flash aad alun rood* for eplndlee. fleh a>ad*, rum Jolnii aud nov. elty ebcmllBa rallerlee. I pti-ee Jewelry tola, ' liiw* elty ebcmlliw rallerlee. I pti-ee Jewelry tola, ' pie>-n puree lots, fuuntaln pen tote with pen holder, ur memo. b<mk, .hear lot. and ra.or lo|«, collar buit.ia

Hare the best boards and greatest loeatlona in Cincinnati and Suburbs. Telephone 8314. St. Ciair Aliey.





We offer for Sale all of the Tents, Seatu. Lights, Cartains, Wardrobe, Costumes and Scenery, together with the I'se of Titl*, and a .VarBifireut Line of Special Litho> graphed Pictorial Printing for




M>ts. needle lutekacea, nhoo lacet, lamp* Irk-, 'nap puraaa, knit ee, fomhi. •|>eotaele«, « atebeo, art mir¬ ror*, and a lull line of meclianleal tuv. for .trwt wrork. Catalocue free. NNI-TMa • M., 117 E raarni Mrwl, M. Isuli,

Buttons ot Evnry OesGriptioi

Contractors for Bill Pooling through* ontthe United States.Caba aed Canada. PonnUtlon: City 323,908. 5« Sub* irhan Towns, 79,000. Harrison Minstreis


We make Utea is aay ••aatr we make the a ih aay ^haatiiiM ail ordere oa short hotSce aad beat aay Ora ie the west ea Sperlal Oaelgwa to order. I^l os kaow whet yoe waot



StjrlM of


The show toired the South for two seasons, giring excellent satisfaction aad leariag a good repntation. The title is a valnable one, being well known and estab* llshed.

St. Louis Button Co., ‘S.’lin.;:’ Corde


•SKl Boolse

SHOW WAGONS Twrwtjr yeoro* oaworSeaco «e hoild' ora of rrotchl, Tonioaaa, Bosid.

Tiebof, 4'»lllo|sea, Cosea. Dooa. nod Do« osid nooy Wocoan. Our OoBfetti ie cut roaod from clean fancy col¬

ored paper. In balk or packages. Address


^(O) (g

) ■

^(o) ®e ^9

HOLD-OUT’S They are perfect. W'e man¬ ufacture tbe only open face drop case and cloth spindle. We also make s specialty ol ronlette wheels. Marked Cards,

J. James Mfi

Inks and Percentage Dice. Catalog with disc'ni sheet free.

(. Co., Ft. Scott, Kans.

This is a great ehaace for any one who wants to put oat a negro show under canvas. For terms address

A.ROH. M. T>0:V^I^1>S0I%,

Treasurer Doealdsoft Litho. Co., NEWPORT. KY,



POP-CORN BRICKS The great seller for privilege men at Oircases,

Street Fair Carnivals and picnics. We mann- factore the only sealed brick on the market, and nil orders promptly.

Beautiful Photographic Views or THKNKW


Fine herd of II, mostly female*. Will sell herd or pairs. Alsounmouated aeads. either male or female SIk Ixtdge* furnished with veal Mn for barbe< uas Address A I. SCHRAM LlMj,*‘Elk Kami," Plerponi. O.

MAGNETIC TACK HAMMERS! Jast the thing for tacking tin and eard board ngm. Every distributor should have one. Prleos. with double cstenslon baodte. M taebes long, eacb. n.w triple srteaslon handlee, M Inehee long. aneb. njs Send the monev with the -vrder. !tone cant)' O.D Tbe> Dwwnld—w Utbw. C*., BwwpwM, Uf,

At Bmdford City, Vm.

Owrdew d'ltj Po^ni Wwrkn,

4« BdaideMreet, Cklewg*, ni.


Mstgle ««pi«n by mall. 10x1% lit., St.SO: fall s*«, S ^•twa, dlBerewt vtewa, 00.00. Eoditea aad iwensbem of tbe B P. O. Elbe anispIlMl la donotiilea at rat rate*.

Make ap yaar liwtn uad arder at aaea.

THO/WaS P. AMBROSE. Stratford HoUl, Wnlnut St., aaclnnoli, O

N4BKED t'ABIMt. O D«>«bs, 00.00.

iMre an> way >oq want them. OtAh Mlk. CO.. ON >iae M.. daciaaati. Obie.

Hlsmp for catalogue.

Single and double parachute leaps. Night ascen- slons. New acts that are strong features. Secre¬ taries of Fairs and Park MsnagerK, we invite your correspondence. For term* snd particulars address

Prof. Chas. Swartz, Aeronaut, Crestoa, la. ASTE Prosreasiie Billposters all Boj Dor ”6" Paste made especially for their use. beeauae fer BFTTFK than home-made, mom convenient and certainly CHKAPER. Will not sour and will ktep fur an in- drflnite length of time. On receipt of 1140 will ship you a sample barrel holding over Mu pounds, out of which yon can make fully three barrels by r^uclng with cold water aa needed. Many bilIpcMilera art sa our agents and control local paper hangem' trade aa welt as othem and why not you?

If Interested at ell write as. m omuoAnui mn co., hdnamioi. ko.

St. Louis Calciam Light Co. Oxygen and HydrcMteti t.BS fumlsbed In lank* for rvtereopiicoa and Moving PIctom Hm-hlne*. All orders to anv perl of the I'nlted States AIM promptly. tit-»l Elm St. Ht. Ixmts, Mo., I A

WAI.K YAt'DEVILl.E PBBr«BBEn« Wante.1. Will Imy S H. musical aovelllee. Hern Hwrlllng's Vaiidsvllle Club, guebee, Oaiario, Tea. Send prof, copies of songs.


Eaaders of newspapers and dealers in news- paper information. Undertakes commissions from business or professional people wh o want to keep posted on what interests them in the pnbUc pnnts of the country. 08«m at BwwtwM, Bow Tbrk naBDoMwor.



Trade Marks _ Designs

CORYRIOKTS Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may

quickly ascertain our opinion free whfither an Invention Is probably patentalde. rommontca- Uonsstrictly confideetliaL Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patenu.

Patents taken through Monn A Co. receive ^eeUU notice, wit boat charge. In the

Lirgost Circis Wigoo Miiifictorers ii Anorlci.

UemmlRi « tomrB kvn-. CBCilimTl. 0.

Scenery Linen Tent jVlakers* Supplies I

R. A. tIUnPHRYS’ SONS, loaa Ridge Avenue, Pliiladelpliis, Pn.

ifeniion ''The Billboard” when anewerinff ode

Scientific Hnerkaiu A handsomely iltnatrated weekly. lorgast elr culatton of any scienttfle tonmal. Terms, a year I four months, $L Bold by all newsdealers.

hUNNiCo.^-’^^-^^NewYort Brao^ Offlee. AM F Bt, Wasblngton, D. C.

lilJ&IITCn For AUGUSTA, 6A. Iw nn I Lil Elk Free Street Fair

T. S. BOWOKTH, CbnlrmMMi.

Tbrowgb Ptctwreesni nwd RIateric Kawlows te . . .

ALLTHEWORLD'SASIAGE And that lane portion of It Interested In ad¬ vertising will And It much to their advantage to subscrib* to “ PPBLICITV,” tbe popular English monthly msdlum, for what la transpir¬ ing amongst all kinds of Riitlah pohllclty seekers. The fact that this p<ipalsr Journal la now auhacribed for In all parts of the world la

Jividence of the capital vsiiis we represent

■O owntM ymmrty.

RIatertc RaglMia te . . .

INew York VIA


■«*IM Tmlan (rwas CtMtlMMntl wU*

Tbrweich Rlnnpw trwe Eweilantll*.

J. D. POnS, Ats'lOMsHts. Agl. CIBriBBATI. O.

*.v«-b.r i7.Bf23rt. MORRISON ADVERTISING A6ENCY, g, Igit Coneeselone and privilege people apply at * -p LJ I ^ A^ I kl] atonceto MUUI-. 2MOI-AMO. ffiMiHAATO Vw. H IV., AUU. IgO

. R. BOWOKTH. - . . CbnlrmMM. f CAft DINING CAR5 ■

tfmUion “TTte Billboard” when nnawering ade MorMom”Th» BiUboartV when aneiot •ingmde MenMom^The Billboard” when mnewerlny .ui*



the incorporated CINCINNATI MIDWAY CARNIVAL COMPANY W. D. BEINSON. I>re»ldcnl, STURGIS. Secretary and Director of Amasements.

r»»y »Q«I free attractlont: CAn’. STANI.KY, Cha iipion High Diver of the World, (free) tower 100 ft high; the largest and tlneat |ic.ri ihlf Ferris Whed In the Tulted States, and flnest etjulpped Free I'latform Shows and Aerial Acts; 12 first-class eqalp|>ed electric fronts Midway shows, abso- lii‘. .y«lean and moral, owned and controlled by this company. Not on paper but carried in our own cara, a* followa;

I. aieelrir Tlieatre, Eetta aad Oleale la latest aavelty riertrir wark, and 7. ■asenai mt aatl^atty aad! Eava {laeiaated Jiimmjr frena .Sft. Priee Vnleaaa Wt. Paire la era|Mlan deet^-ayiac RL Pierre. Horrar.

t. iiallairaaie. ElaetrieTfmaeiarwallan»aadllla«lraled Baitaa. a. EaBetta.HypaaienyiaaI.ady. 3. «»ld Uearal* Plaatattaa SHawirel *liaar. Htreela at India, Arab, Hladaa aad Niaaalesa Perfarinera. «. prur.Cala'at'aatedy fraape rralafMl Da* t'lrrim 10. Rlalta’e Paatainime aad t’amedy Iheatre. ft. Tbelaia. ttiatae taraiaa ta Etta aad Hladaa Traek Hysteiy. It. naaspaaa, tbe Maa Eater, fraat the Jaafflea af Afrlea. «. |••l•eear lllHalaaa. Hall Nyatery. IS. Eaaa, tbe Hladoa Nnake Eater.

A TffFll winter season FIrst-< lass Spieler, Turkish Musicians and Juggler for Streets of India, GIess Blowers Show; per cent or salary. We furnish tent. To join at once. .Address alt communications as per route, C> J. STURGIS. Colombia, 8. C.,

wprk Get. 27; .Americus, Oa., week Nov. 3;,Tuscal(K)sa, Via., week Nov. 10; Mobile and Natchez, Mias.follow above cities now contracted for this company. Kefen-uces: Athens, Ga. B. B. O. hi., and city ofiiclals Koine, Oa , Knoxville, Tenn., Greenville, 8. C. C. W.?Manley is no longer connected with this company.




West Palm Beach,


Opens Dec. 1,1902 >\est Palm Beach is **Amer« ica’s Greatest Winter Resort.”

OUR CLUB OFFERS! wbrrl trnrka, steel wheels, e^alpped far drst-class passeaaer service, Jeaay

We are pushing The Billboard, and to add to eeapler. Weetla»henee sir bMhe^ lar ~ ^ alsbed eeasplete fer CO peeple; dlalaip

our already large circulation offer the following alluring Clubbing Offers ....

$5.00 for $4.00 FRANK LtSLIF’S ^ nn > aeta ler MtNStY’S, $ 1.00 i ^^i ter

POPtlARMONTHlY, 1 pi aa RcCLIRE’S, StlOO ■ Ci TC THt BILLBOARD, - S4.00 \ muBOARO, M.OO ^ ** Every bedy's ■saaslae'' er ‘*tieed ^Everybedy's Macsstae.’* er **Geed

Heasehrepias" Bisy be tabstliaied f^r Heaaekeeplac,** Hsy be sabslllaled. If

Eeslle's. If preferred. preferred.

$7.00 for $5.00 $8.00 for $5.75

$6.00 for $4.75

rpeM, baffet aad efBce; ready fer Ike read. Caa ke stea at Eaherlew Tar Cbm New Jersey. Cast eaa ke bed fer CISSS cash. Mease ef ear **Ilew Terk.” It Is Me. 1C. Address

PULLMAM CM, 660 N. 56th St., PHILADELPHIA, - - . PA.

$ 1.00 1 4,1


Isaealae** er


S) Picture Machines WANTED and FOR SALE Pinserle Ostisrapha

ell sexde:h.

CLRRLNT LIlERATLjRC, i ter $3.00 \ CC An

CIRRENT LITERATLRE, . I nilf tn i ICtnu tiaa uTthe that wa are pre-

e 4 / AN far pared to do all kinds of small work (no largar tnnn '*-**''^ ' dtp svp S sheets), tacking and poailng enrd slinia. bannar

usiiE's MONiHLY. *1.00. jSJS ^ THE BILIBOARD, *4.00 ' distributors and ^monstrator*. niatiibatlng fl.7 i

per IWM, posting and tneking aborts I cant each, .,sa« ----toKaiw WBvlwmsi throughout ChTcago and suhnrba. boose to bouto art latrreaea^ •r aew aacisaa E*tlmat« made on Urge uuantities. Wa

$3.00 I THC8IUB0AR0 *4 00 i S5.00 USt't’S MOSIHIY. *1.00 . $5.75 int HIILBUAKU. >4.0U ) BILLBOARD, $4.00 1 ^

•* f'eaafry Eite" asay ke nabetlluled. It preferred.

Mauraafae*' aaay be sabefitated.

$9.00 for $6.50 $10.50 for $7.00 WORLD’S WORK, MLJNSLY’S, LESLIE’S, INE BILLBOARD.

$3.00 t $ 1.00 f **'

*'®®V $6.50 McCLURE’S $4.00 THE BILLBOARD

WORLD’S WORK, $3.00 \ REVIEW of REVIEWS. $2.50 f /J McCLlitE’S • SI.OOi\70n THE BILLBOARD $4.00 '

rnn gal the wark aut tor yon on short notice. Hop¬ ing that y<Hi wiil favor na with your work, we are Yours Nespeetrully, H. D. DAVIS, fttWaat Van Bnren Street, Chicago, III.

WANTED At Once keread-haad aaerfap^pfetare aasehlme aad ntereeptleea. t(wate lewewt eenh prfee, denerlke anaebiae aad dlaan. Hast aet Ueker aad fllaaa asant ke ■rat-elans; Uasellakl. Write MOKJiAM-MEEDHam ADVEBriStMti AWknt'T, El Paae. Tea.

J.C. BECK, Jr.,

I Wist PalB Beick. Florida. I

Ross Curio Co. UaradOy Texas

(On tKa Mmaloavv Bordar,)

wt»h tocstaldUh branch ttom in every clly oltlu I'nitod Ptatst. They dual in Mexican t'uruisitica. Drawn Linen, I'nnaa, nnri nil prtNlucts of MexirtY, quick-aelllng novel I lea, ate. Write for their catalog anti propoaitlon

***^H»**«^»‘*“ ■■■» ^ nabelliaied fer -The Eadtee' Heaae Jearaal" asay ke

Werld'n Week.** nakslltaled ter •'BeClare**.'* MJBdMTEM WANTED. Young man (white)

who IS nnnt and bandy to act as porter on my private car. Must piny some lostrumant in band prefembly bass or snare drum. Must be sober and

V, ^ , f-s.rr ■ . Mtanttva to biisineea and work for a low snUrv

These Special Offers are strictly CASH in ad- Nol'V‘*p*7kar*»'’'ir’w‘iSrNiv “ ^ VANCE. Send a postoffice order for the offer - you desire and we will have the magazines for- * ***** warded to you for one year at the price named.

good. Send f-eent stamp tor professiaeal copy. An up-to data programme must scenropany ra- uaat. No.onrdA Roula ahead as far as possible.

Afraia !• asake Iwta

WANTED Twrivw rwpradaetlaun frwai laataas Eroarh paiatiacs. Mwvrl aad atlrwrllve; fant nollem. AnawitasoBl of Itf, poolpadd, •• roafa: rhraprr ta Maaatlllm. kT. EOtTM Bt'TTOn f'O , Ht. Eoals, Do.

iaBi**'i»’^' * ***"** organa, I tolding argaa. I black Clown, Trick Tumbler & J^^'VnTat'l^r'irud**"^*'wi.k r.l-mds, « «.

The Billboard Pub. Go., £rHeV,;rN\T:.o: HBBmHiL.ookp I’ve Got My BabyHmaae

Tba> EaiMt KavaMy, atll aaako yaa

I EAUOM AMO ROAR »aaiaaa*aaa-«n™a I Nnanpla. !• ota.: BS aa par laa. THE MEWHAll ro.. Ml Waadlaad Avraaa* I f'lavalaad. Ohia.

Notions Bird NOYOHiSS Pdrliea desiring to5ell Roller Coast- . .. ... * ^ era Paella Wheein Dniliwavn Smasher.” a howling 4-act coasady burlesiine.

Ear NTDEET DEM. NTHEET rAlMR, ’ w neeia, ^yceaic Kaiiwaya, particulars. Address “CAPITAL,”

r.4HNiv.4EM. PH'Bif'ii, ETC. W^Nter Chntea, Electric Theatres, «hn. Main ^t.. tikbart, ind.

Babkar B^in. Na.^^ as.aa i^r 1^. W'orking Models, illusian*. Automatic ; IOkI\IICD Ck Mil \J k Send iapercaat.otMiiinHd>aa.-a. Machines Of any other amusement lnjrll[\|rll rA|n|| Y al

IVF QllinN NnTinN nn Innlln lln devices, send full particulars and low- I^L OIMUIw nUIIUn UM*| JUUIIUiMUi ^ 1 a. a n a^tt ai ^ $ RmthAr Act. Toot Jumrllnv And DouMb OoBtor-

* F I prices to A. P , care Clipper, N. Y


I nov IT THIt Wanted—Mgr. with eapitnl LUWn ni I fllw for the latest acd greatest eoraedv burleoqiie of the an A world beater; a box oflice winner, ontitled “Mrs. Nation, the Saloon Nation, the Saloon

Clown, Trick Tumbler & Dancer. with Calarada UraaC'n R. R. aksws. | f HE CLEVER

6io. UVETTE&ADAiS-Jissi SK'

W'orking Models,illusiena. Automatic ; inLHLTirD r A Ull \1 i

l^kl«s or other .muwm..! A-JlIyIMCK rAInlLl '4 devicas, send full particulars aad low- - -o _A n M V » Brother Act. Toot Juggltngand Double Contor- aal priCaS to A, P , care Clipper. N. Y, rout# Howe’s Brent London Show,

prrmnnent addreaa, Ott, Itth Su M. W., Waahlng- lYO YOr WANT Msr Piineh. Magic or Splaler. ton. D. C. ^ I have tor tala Marionette OOtfll with If Hg-

VOR SALE-Tompleta Black Art Oottt; Ubiaa, ui?. ’ IT vasea. acetclena gaa ganemtor, footllghta. ate.. V*’'' tM; 14 tricks In.-luding tbe neat of * boxes, lli.

tsaSoiith Ave.Rotbaatar. N.Y. Sump for lUt; no stamp, no Hat. O. B.FOWLEB.


THE CLEVER FOOT JUGGLER. * ***°***»** »Rochester. N. Y.

6l0. LAVETTE&ADAUS-Jiss SENEGAL WHEN IN TOWN niKRIBR 4RI» T4LH1NR f OMBDiaNn 4"*^ ■••RERTT. for Vnudeville. Horlesqiia or (:to to^ BtnfSM RsrR^ the N^kwow Ra (..Milo with H n. Rweker'n Rig ('•. Minstrel. Par. .\<M. Mar) viUe, Pnwtncket, K I. Ran, Ooltunbls Theatre Bidg.,OlaU., Ohio, rwrtmsmrnl eddreau, HsmnNa f'lly, Rs.


\AI A R.lf*cr\ 4SS* ssrSSH. 2^* Burlesuue Magie Act in the bnatnaM VV A IM I C.LI Complete witk petter, Isatrnrtlons, etc. All

URSIAni ebawp. Add! ImtdmmaH, O.

ASSndS.3S 4sr SSn. 'I'lJNT.


, Vr * Burlaauue Magic Act in the bnatneM ,

Complete witk petter, Isatrnrtlons, etc. A1 DOEEN UR Must be In good nhnpe H. W. JOHNwox, •* ** **”VlJ**^* w I Send for price lUt with colored illustration .*

Limn, Ohio, cere Johnaon Hwim ice. L MCI, 4 AY.|t. J. MOTT. 413 Desrbsrm ■».. ChlesMT

ifan.(on “Th* Hitlboant" M Aen anawertng ode. ifanMoiv •• 7%a RlUhasrd” whm ann^ring sds. Jranffon “DW JKIttosrtf • vA«n anawtring ads Eanllon“The BUlboard" whan antwarimgsda.



E. M. BURK, Gen’l Repratentative.

H. L. LEAVITT, Contractor.

ED. LEVY, Promoter.


WM. DYER, Promoter.

J. C. DUGGINS, Maater of Trans.

J. O. FENN, Bus ness Manager.


The Southern Cernival Companif Featuring aa Free Attraciiona, MATT QAY, Champion High Diver. ROSE 4 LEMON’S Sensational Stairway Rida,

14 HIGH CLASS ATTRACTIONS 14 Can place nne more firat-olaas Platform Show; also Glass Engraver, Button

” Gallery and all kinds of Legitimate Privilege People. KOVTE—Merltac, Hams., week el OeS. nTt Aleieeerne. New Meelee. week ef Nov. 8t El l*eee, Teaes, week ef Hev 10; Taeeea. Arteeea, week el Nov. 17: Pkeeela, AHaoee. week el Nov. tS: Preeeett. AHeeae. week el Oe«. 1.

:88.NAT NEI88.


Cracker Jack »!

A delicious Pop Corn Confection, packed in moisture proof packages, that keep it fresh for a long time. A QIJICK SELLER for Theatres, Parks, Picnics, Carnivals, etc. Retails for 5c. A MONEY MAKER for the concessionist.


Rueckheim Bros. & Eckstefn CHICAGO >«■


Pet Animal Show and Fair VwAt Icee Wenaee’e Aexiliesy 8 P. N. A.



Pair of Midgets To take the place of the BURMESE MIDGETS, after November 15, 1902.

Have •varytklwc ■•MVMury, iaclwdlac ky lar ike HANDNOMEST HINIATVHB

CABBIAGE AND PONIEA IN THE WOBLD COATING OVBB tS.OOJ.OO. BtVMMl ■ewTewt,cwwiplele,clennwS BranS. All Ineida Platnres, CarpeSa. Bans, Dray*

erlea, Electric LIckt Plxtarea, AND AMPLE HEANN Tt> DVT AHTTHING SPE¬

CIAL THAT HAT BE 8E<|DIBED. Nan4 Pkatav and axaet aacaanranianla,

kaicktand weinkt In Erst leitar. Tatka rl^kt party ar aartles will b<vw DNB,

TM« 08 riYE TEABE* CONT8ACT. Addrcaa

Hliille PMlion, The Oasklll-Mundy Cernival Company,

Weak al Oet. 87, Jaekaan. Tann.; waek Nav. •, Blrmlackant. Ala.; Nav. 10. AaL nM^ Ala. Alter Ikat tansy pemannantnddreaa. 1S7 Aak Btreet, Akran. Dkla.



J M KEY THE PREE ATTRACTION. At THE ALHAMBB A. tarneat and ttneat Andllarlnm In Ayraensc. A lew apaeta ta lat lar Animal Fade, Naveltiea. etc. Far enti lea lar Pete ar apaeea, addrcaa A. B. BDGEB8 Mpr , Heclianlce* Fair; Beatan, nntU Bav. lat; eara 8 P. 8 An Eyra* cnee alterward.

€at Eyes for Wire Artists We are the larceet Impartera ol Cat Eyea la America, tinrs are the kind

that keep tbelr color, kave halea d.llled avenly and plve na tranMe.

Per Thousand. Per. Hundred, Per Dozen,

$20.00 2.00


wlik kis tranpaarpaslllvaly tke larnaat perlarmlnE mankays kafara Ika pnkMe la tneir eamedy art Barker Bkap. kleyele Baree. Gvmnaats. JnnpHaE.ata .eS*-. la ready ta aecapt ennapements wllk raapanalMe parties. Bate ana al my an- merana reeammeadallaaa:

Mb O. Ualktti, Chicago. 111. Hear Hlr:—W« have Just closed our Hlsth Annual Street Fair and I wish to extend

to >ou the followInK lew words of appreciation: Your monkey comedians were a great draw to our fair, we cheerfully recommend this entertainment to all worthy fairs and carnivals. Venr Keepe«‘tfullv

Mattoon, Ill.,Oot. II.IWQ). JOHN B. KITKT/., Director of Amusements

Ad. Q. GALETTI, 804 Maplewood Ave., Chlcas^o, 111.


HANDY DANDY “F” Button A blp monej-maker and quick seller for streetme** and an article of altsulute merits. If your lobbe*^ looks out for your interest be has them, If not* write US at once.


147-14n Stk Avenne. CHK'AGa, ILL.

’ - —BA I 111 WANTED 4|I'ICK la stranpllmn 1

BOeERS, THURMAN & CO., 125 PearbOFR St., Chicago, III. BUtlBStlllfl WomBIl sfcaw



Elk’s Fall Festival and Carnival At CLARKSVILLE, TENNESSEE, for Week of November 3.

Oambllns.) Attraotlons furniDhad by tb* famous All I.DE'ltlnriDte RfIvIIdsds for Robinson Cairnivol Compony.

•olo. (No Addrooo

MR. WOODS, Seo’y Elks, Cl nil

MtUion “ The SilWoard'' when answering ads. Mention “ The Billboard” when answering ode. Mention *' The BUlboord" when anewering ads. Mention " The BiUbomrtP* when