The Billboard 1915-06-19 - Wikimedia Commons


Transcript of The Billboard 1915-06-19 - Wikimedia Commons

Q sn



WANTED—Ind^pendffit Shows sud (Vuciccsslons for celebration, July 3 and 4, at Jennliifs, i>kla., the catewa>' to the oil fields. Tweire pawwiiger trains dall>. Open to all. Come on, bogra 1>>.\ U131LI\.

BALLOON ASCENSIONS At any time—day or night—at any place.

OFatHAKl/r BALLOON CO., 2450 Southport Are., Chh-ago, Ill.

HOT AIR AND GAS BALLOON ASCENSIONS— Ltay and night Parachute Leapa and High IMrlng. A most wonderful display of fireworks glren with each night ascension with floating parachute >if red fire. High-poaer aerial report shell drtaiped rm day as¬ censions, If reo'rested. Will a ske them up. t'asli bond for a,Tpearai.i». If you a'sh the b»at, write or wire KREISHER BROS-, Fauntala Sguarc, ladlaa- apolis, lad. Bell I’bone, prospect 2021. Still a few balloons open for the Fourth.

FOR SALE—All kinds of Trick iKigs and Oores, Merry-Oo-Rouuds. Johnstown Pitsx] Stiow, Picture Mathine and Pllms. Wanted—Man as partner for email carnival. I-IUrF. HAKRY SMITH, Grau. Pa.

Wanted for LaMont Bros.' Shows Musicians, romet and Slide Trombone. CAN A\JVt‘ PImACK a coupla of good, rersatlle INeformers, Cbndy Butchers, Balloon Man. Picture Machine; A-1 Talker to make tipenlng on Wild OIrl Sli<m and announce¬ ment; those haring wagon show experience given preferenoe If you are a tourist, save your stamps Address C. R. LaMONT, June 17, Fultoa, IH.; Juaa II, Tkanisaa, III.; June IS, Chadwdek, III.; Juae 21, Laaark, III.; Jaae 22, Sbaaaaa, III.


Heading to the Whent Plelda of the N. W Ferris Wheel. 35-15 Will furnish 22xlht Khaki Tent to Show of merit, on 40-60. ('an place legitimate cnncewlnns. Want to hear frnm alx-piece Band. Albert Helb la no kiiiger connected with this compeny. Write or wire, but pr<x>iy eanu. LAWRENCE J. DAVIS, Maaatar, Waltrlowa. Wli., Juae I4lh to ISth; Naeadah. Wla.. 2lfl to 27tli.


CIRCUS ^fANAGERS Anyona Intending to employ or engage Itoula Btmsteln will learn something that will Interest and pmlnd them by writing the undtrslgned Benistetn was iruiiager of the Mutonlrome on ti e Hi Ins A Bet knuin Stwws until June 6. 1915. M. SNVDLR, Hsiar A Backaiaa Shawl.

WAITED-Forlll Nlliond Mil. Cl. An a 11 tourd Musical Team I'm do alngles ^ (ioublm. put fw arts and maki* thrrn f<» ful pr«<>lr write. Write ycKir lowest In I1r«t IIAMMOMi MKI> Vi).. Weal »»th Htrret. 1 w land. Olilo.

WANTED—Sketch Team ■p III med. buatnesa. ONK must play piano lovrily Man tliange fiw a week •'•'•.‘T’.- *

V.. m. V.....I. wire I'UIHKK *

AERONAUTS WANTED Balloon Rider: ant engagement; parka and fairs Addreas wlln ijsr tlculars, KINII KKIJ,Y BAIJJMVN ttr, P " S3, Philadelphia, Pa.

WANTED- Musical and Novelty •*1^"™'''*-. '‘.‘hJ? med hU. Twelre "Ingle, hut no duha of t«*‘in 8ag It quirk, i. IIKA1»LKY. f«re Wnm. Mt WelU (N> , liid

Vou Seve IVloney In both the purchaae price and In freight by buying aur



We carry a large and ran ship Immediately.

Several lots of Second- Hand Chairs for sale ra I

Also nesting for nut- of-door use. Address Dept.

Grand Rapids, Mich. * New York Offlee, 150 Fifth Ave. m

Opera Chairs Quality. WorkmanMilp and PTompt DellTrrIe* are our

Uiree watoh words.

Peter A Volz Co. MaaufacA'jrart.

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. . . ILLINOIS. Write for prices.

THEATRE SUPPLIES Atrdome Benches, any length. Opera and Folding ('hairs of all kinds. We are jobbers for all leading makea Ileture Machines, Iron Booths that pass In¬ spection, Curtains and ill other Aoceasories. AL¬ WAYS SOME tiOOD BARGAINS ON HAND. Larg¬ est Exclusive .Supply House west of Mississippi.


509 Ckaataut Strset, ST. LOUIS. MO.


Any alae up to 15x30 feet. In either D1 ji.«d Dye, OH or Water Colon. $2.00 deposit with each order.

gPEABMIMT lo a Pack.

Sell at Fain, etc. Five full-slae stlc4a to each pack. 40c |>er box of 40 packs. We pay war stamp.


Large Stock Prompt Deliveries

THEATRE SEATING See Our Illustrated Books

S-1, Upholstered Seating S-2, Veneer Seating

Ask for your copy and sand floor akoteb fur

Free Seating Plan

American Seating Conipan^ Largeat liatnijaeturar* V Opera Ckaira"

14 E. Jackson, cor. State St., Chicago


15 E. 32d Street. New York



m NEW bracket opera chair Which is Hdjustable to any incline or any ratiius. Send

for our new eatalofiue.


WANTED-MINSTREL PEOPLE, All Departments White No. 1 amw. Oblored No. 2—Singers. Danorrs, Oomedlans. Muilelans. .411 must double Interlocuton who can produce. State all you can and will do. IjtWEUT war time salan fiw show that la booked and wUI be out SO weeks, opening St. IsMils, Stptemhrr. We pay all excei’t board and lodging. No tickets. No anarchlsta i*m^t sl:rw nain't closed thive vrsrs. EiirUMr pliottigraph; all leuere answered. WANT TO BUY FOR ('ASH. If cheap. SceneiT, CWstumfs and aiiythtiig that ••in be used In high-class minstrel show. BARLOW'S MINSTRELS, Ganaral Dallvery. Miaarsgalls, Mhia.

SCHELL'S SCENIC STUDIO, |Qqqj| j|,ij ggen Playing Bad Spots


JUNE 19. 1915.



•Ill exceptimially giHid drawing card fur

PARKS OR TRAVELIN6 ATTRACTIONS No lima for rorreapondriu'e. Night lettergram wiiat vou ran offer "rral troupers." CHA8. W. GOETZ, 169 Adaais St.. Bullals. N. Y


THE LEROYS Fkiw., A-I strong rornri. H., O., and H ; Helm stage. Strictly sober and reliable; not sfisid nf a>irk'; ran pilii on wire; need tlekeis If far. Addrtws El«w' L LKRtlT, SIIT IVllege St.. Springfield. Mu

AT LIBERTY DARMM' AND MO.NT.IGI K. MiA- cal .4ct and Novelty I'erfonmrs; man and wife. «im drsmaflc abtllty; change sliiglrs and dciibh. he . week. Wardrobe and tiage iritings THK RKST. Sutler and reliable. t'an Ja4n at once. A l irra DARNtS' AND MONTAGUE. Watetrllle. Ill

-AT LIBERTY- Orrhestra Teacher. Vtotin, Alto In Rand; good Ill>raiy music; lorale or travel. H H. FRY', Flnva, Ill.

- AT LIBERTY - Man and wife. Man, pianist, read and fake, wife, A-1 soubmie, real voice. Addresi I'lA.MST, .an Merlric Tlieatre, IHdoii, Mo.

MOTORDROME RIDER AT LIBERTY Speed and FaitO' Riding. Have single ellndtr mar-bine Beat of referene*. l“rvfeT Park. Nied lIckH. Wrtlr F H HLHBFUtT (britrr known m "The 9'lvlng DuU-baian"), Geii. Del., Oiarlntae.

West Virginia.

BALLOONIST AT LIBERTY Hare July 4tb opm. Addrvat i'.VIT ('OL13I.4N, 52» First N E .wireel. M.wrlaluwn, Trim. cvicrs First Natiraial Bank.

AT LIBERTY—A-1 VIOLINIST AND PIANIST Jaik Street and wife; both A. F. of M ; large lllirxiy id music. ExperieviCfsl In all lines. Just fliilshid two seasons at Ijuprvws Tliiaire. Tulsa, likla , Inlev- stata XauiL vllle House. llrSh pvefev to hs-ale. Vio¬ linist. al»'> doubles Trombone. .Vddress JAt'K STRKKT, 524 Si> Buttlrr St . lAiislng. Mich.

FOR SALE--$250.00 6ox4<i nsuid end, push pola tent. 6-length seals, jaiks. staging, eeentldng to mate It complete fiw business, almost new, a o.iapMa uidfovms. BiMiNFL Svracusr. Y.

PUNCH-BOARDS AND AGENTS DIIFFAI A ^ V 300 CANDLE POWER LIGHT T Ah I_N J — ***■* UompIHe ('ook House, neat frame-im.

--M mere i/.. oro ■ ■ m m ■■ ■ ■ W ■ ■ ■ booked wtih l ot. lan't Greater Show. Reason fo / oubis ne PER HOUR. r selling tlolng lo the tViasI Write or wire H.MIBT

week and week after (June 2lst to July .‘ird) will fatten that "ll,'’JJirp.^Zrjm.e ^ e crimpy bank roll and put you on easy street.

k makes and burns Its ovm gaa ->e.\l WeeK ailU WeeK aiUT Millie _ ISl lO .IlllV OIUJ Will laiieil I IKU

\ ^nx^cnmaai KEBusETfE or criiiipy baiik roll Hiul put >011 011 ensy street. QLIC'KXjIT** OASOLINE m m mm a m

NIAGARA FALLS A very gr>od profiu^ition for ■ ^ I m * B Pimdi-botrd btacause It L" If* ^<?®on»trator and aelLi Follows, and then comet a tleerer—a falvaniaed lead-pipe cinch- a "tar—A "tar mtxicn n»n. a u*iAn f»»n iwclf UAing U. ^ general agtnit baa tried to open, a town where w*irk continue" nlgtit and da>, a ti»wn when U»e pa> daj

u ilga SMELL. NO iiu<«na something, and we are there when the “long comical green'* will be spread. »» MTvS TU TKIM. ^ ^

FOR SALE CHEAP AO-ft. Bound Tv. all eomp-H* with one Su-fl. ml>ldle. A aiiap Also Fli«tliig l,ady l.rvl;attijn iWiifli. w>wks on flat siagr. fli» . 3 Vtloe. Write quick I FK.4VK1JN, .Vlnkanc, \ inaiua. \\ IstsM.sin

■ Wnte today for our special money-making proposition, In-

, Mift |2 side quantity prices and com- plete catalog of KEROSENE AND t'.ASOUNE LAMlIi AND LAN- TERNS.

the NAGEL-CHASE MFG. CO.. 172 East Eris Street,

Chicago, III.

WANTED—Gen. bus. man and woina 1. ilust r«s- Itlvely be able to do spt-dalUes. This sliosv never closes. Nothing too goo<l .\ddics, HILLY WREN 1N14YERS. ('burubusco, Ind.

WANTED—ATTRACTIONS For free street performances. Celebration JuD 3. Ad¬ dreas, giving rates, GEO. W. NEAFIE, Farmington, Iowa.

WANTED-ATTRACTIONS Including one big. sensational Act, for ••$1,0(K) Day,’ Dversvllle, la.. August 12. L. O. SMITH. Secretary Dyerxvllle. la.


WE WANT Five medium sUr Animal ('age Wagons, built fic pa- nhw to draw, nicety paliitesl, exorUent ceodlUdi. e<iul|qw.l with fr.nit brakes, seals, etc Wr.glit, M KkS. each, all alike, fan tie s.-en at F'Cd.rllic. Ky. v.-n Cticap for iwsh t'irNTAt K H<>lt«ii. slU'W. Kuritsrille. K> .\lso have one Hear, one tlrrt t'al and Tasmaidan l>evii fur sale Another gon<l. clean shuw to open at Buffalo, and will leave you In on all the other "(ream sputa," In¬

cluding an Elks' Fiesta, and a string of darby fairs, provided you open at Buffalo, t'an place Knife Rafk, fane Hack, Ncweltles, High Striker. Pop t'orn. i’eanuu. and other clcran C'oocesaians. Ivun't wait to write, rgw SALE AT A BARGAIN Rlllixvalng I’lanI, la 14 IRK. NO TELEGR-VM .VCCEKTED LN1.£SS I’REi’AlD. hustling ttouthern city. 16,000 populatUui .411 tawrdi

G. L. DOBYNS, Genesee Hotel. BUFFALO, N. Y. .'1^r;^.e.^^eV*Ti'L.^T::Tl.n. Gooeral Ageat JOS. G. FERARI SHOWS. il-INT. .are Tliv

P. S.—Ocean Ware, In excellent running condlUon. beautifully lllomlnatod, newly painted and doing a satisfactory buslneaa, for sale, tmly reason la 1 have too many riding devices, with a limited amount rf WANTED TO BUV Rmall Plano suitable fiw shoo time to ooeraee them. Wave Is booked until October Idth with above sivows. in whose care vou can rvarb _„.i k. a.i - stair lowest m.( Week Jun. 14th. Erie. Pa.; th«eafier per route. C. U JENNINGS. pl^^^Tnd X^ ^

WHITMoRF;, care WhlimnWa Georgtw IWats. Gnroa- boro. Maryland. _

WtNTED -A HI6H DIIINS DOG Miwt be A-1 BOB DAVIA. Melrowe. Minn

WANTED 2i>n (ret r»l 16-^. Xlde 11*l>. Fol'llnf Organ, tirgan l-layer, Ownedlaii that can Ivcsure t.'ifw nights a week; no yusuigstm or booer West la , werk June 14. Haskins, la., week June 21 Qi BENO, ear* Show, as above. _

time to oversee them. Ware Is txmked until October 16th with above slvows. In whose rare vou ran rvarb ma. Week June 14th. Erie, Pa.; thereafter per route. C. L. JENNINGS.

Wanted, for Norton, Va., Home Coming and Fourth of July Celebration

WANTED-SHOWS I Week June 28 to July 3 M^rf'j^"Fi;r^* Tncn^a?*^;nJ^ra'. 'wto*'Merry-j?o-rouiid, Ferris Wheel, one or two more shows. Xo >jate. Kverythinjz on crowds. Refreshment JTlvllege solcL Write (J. W. FIL4NKUN, Vlroqu*. Wla.

Iowa Fails, Iowa, Celebrates July 5 Ooncesslotu write C. E. SHAW. Arlators and FYee AcU, write ROUT. MENDEU,.

main street, right in heart of city. Room for a few more conceHsions, Ki'line De¬

vices. Wire. Will book you flat or {lercentaije. .Lddresb K. W. WK.-\VK,U,

General Manaj^r.



ALL SIZES SECOND HAND TENTS Or any kind of p»ia you have (or tale K. C KANS, 59 Ann St . .New York t'lty

WANTED—STEAM SWING Htiowa. elc., (or ('vlebtatloai at HeiweT. Ill . JuD *• 1915, for cMKwaslona writs O. R. dUUJn'. Ser f l'(*. Box 222. Hraaer. Ill


TION, JULY 3-4.6 bllU\N h, MhKK JJberal propodUon. Automobile Race, Horse Races. SI()\S Adflrf’SS Barbecue free Cushing, llveat oil t(jwn In Oklahooia. Address FOURTH OF JULY COMMITTEE. Cusblufl. (Nilahaaia.

Big Carnival Week at Rahway, H. J. ... JULY 2nd XO lOth, INCLUSIVE I'lowns. t'ontortlonM. Blackface

.... le- > A • . •1' "vry week and expenses after joining Mii»t »a

Held under auspices of Lincoln riremen s .Ass4)oiatioii. U .A.NTK!)— f***'i?'" SHOWS, mi:khy-(;()-houm), ock.w w.avh .and conths- ^


C. A. MOORE, Secy. Cinifil CoMitlie, Rikwiy, N. J. I a^aVtlni pre(ewl'**^Ata*l** all 'in Orel. Addres. US. ' ' I t a WHl.NTR, Gemmrll, Minn. __

Big Wild West Zone Attrac tion at Last Digs Out

At Cincinnati and Indianapolis Next Season

Action Would Have Been Taken Two Months Ago

Original High-Class Two-Act Burlettas To Be Given

But Was Postponed at Request of Exposition Officials

By High-Class Comic Opera Stars and Chorus

Mr. Forman is the young juvenile of the Jesse Lasky Company.

The Famous Players have obtained the exclusive servioes of Mr. Holding.

San Francisco. June 12.—Joe C. Mil¬ ler arrived In San Francisco yester¬ day to close the Exposition 101 Ranch Wild West Show, which has been a free act on the exposition payroll. The contract did not expire until June IS, but Mr. Miller arran^d to close the nlfcht of the 14th, and the show leaves the niitht of the 15th to Join the road show in its entirety via Rlias. Ok., for additional stock. Both shows will be combined into one monster Wild West Show and will play Erie, Pa. June 25, day and date with the Rlnitlinir Show on the same lot. The exposition offlcials are undecided as to what to substitute on the Zone.

The above story is from The Bill¬ board's representative at San Fran¬ cisco.

Mr. Miller foresaw two months since that the big San FTanclsco show was doomed to flivver, and with charac¬ teristic fortitude and showmanship determined to pocket the first loss— always the least—and make a Kctaway before further losing beaan to pile up a bin deficit.

His announcement of his intentions, however, proved a bomb in the midst of the exposition executives.

They were seised with panic. The 101 Ranch Wild West was the

feature show of the Zone. . It was feared that if it was with¬

drawn other Zone shows miaht follow suit and the tip miaht (to out to the public, thus further crabbinic the ex¬ position. So a conference wa-s hastily called and Mr. Miller offered a stop- l"S!j contract.

Under this arranirement all of his expenses were Kuaranteed and the 101 Ranch .Show made a free attriH’tion.

The Panama-Pacific people did not expect this would have much effect in •he way of increasinic attendance. ^ hat they were most anxious to avoid

havinff their feature Zone at¬ traction hanfc tip the "enough slitn."

The Kuarantee to Mr. Miller, how¬ ever, failed—or rather it only pre- clpltatetl similar demajids from all the other Zone sho\ys. When these were rejeeted they l>eKan to tirep o»it one by one.

I.ei.ser lights left first, but finally e'en Fred Thompson ducked, so the ofii -ials filially yielded to Mr. Miller's importunities and let him out.

The 101 Itanch-Jess Willard Fom- 'Imitlon will he (treatly strengthened >' thi- adilitlon of the Zone show


The Heuck interests ARE NOT forming a stock burlesque circuit to consist of Cincinnati, Indianapolis, La)ui8ville and Cleveland, with or without Pittsburg, as stated by a paper GREEN enough to snap up and swallow as truth any pipe dream or idle rumor that may float into Broad¬ way. nor have the Heucks even con¬ templated such a move.

They Intend to have two very high- class and capable companies entirely made up of well-trained and highly- seasoned English chorus girls without a single extra woman in the buncti, and an English producing stage man¬ ager with each.

They will use American principals of note, mostly comic opera artists, and each company will be directed by an English producing stage manager.

The first few books will be stand¬ ard English burlettas rewritten and touched up by American librettists, but they are confident that they can develop writers who will furnish classy and snappy native material as soon as they catch the idea and see the companies they are writing for.

They propose to use fourteen- piece orchestras for each comtpany.

Each production will run two weeks, companies changing houses each fort¬ night. The grade of burlesque they pro¬ pose to offer will be so far above that of that peddled by the wheels that it is expected to secure public favor from the Jump.

No hint of smut or suggestiveness will be tolerated—not even coarse buffoonery. There will be no tramps, no overdrawn caricature Irish, Dutch or Jewish comedians. Character de¬ lineations will all be intrusted to real artists only. Every girl will have a voice and know how to use it. Further¬ more she will have had three, four or five years of the gruelling stage train¬ ing that they get in England.

The Messrs. Heuck are convinced that there exists a real and staple de¬ mand for well-staged classy burlettas.

Also they feel that they have found a way to produce without lavish, foolishly-high expenditure for mount¬ ing They confidently expect to estab¬ lish their companies as securely in the esteem and regard of Cincinnati and Indianapolis as did Koster & Bial and Weber & Fields in those of New York, and they have no doubt at all that they will put dollar burlesque on record in N'th these Western cities before the first season is over.

Disappeared Sunday Evening, June 6

Past Week Largely Given Over to Witnesses for Defense

When He Bid His Wife Good-by

Government Has Rested Its Side of Case

To Go Down Town on Busi ness

Next Week Will Likely See the End

Warren Patrick is among the missing.

He has dropped out of sight, van¬ ished completely.

Mr. Patrick was secretary of the Showmen's Protective League, a mem¬ ber of the Reel Fellows’ Club, The Strollers and Western representative of an Eastern theatrical publication.

He is said to have had a large sum of money on him at the time of his disappearance, and the»daily papers, which have devoted much space to the incident, hint darkly at foul play.

His friends at first refused to con¬ sider the matter seriously, but as the days passed by they became increas¬ ingly alarmed.

At his home in East Fifty-first street his wife and beautiful young daughter are much wrought up and feel certain that something terrible has happened.

It was first thought that Pat had made a round of the telegraph otflees when he first got do'vn town, and per¬ haps received a wire summoning him

(Contlnuetl on 5j.>

Chicago. June 12.—Charles F. Clyne, United Rtatee District Attorney, who is handling the Government suit to dis¬ solve the Blllpi'sters’ Association, re.sted his side of the case and the defense have had their witnesses on the stand this week. Among those who testified for the defense were C. A. Bowman, advertising manager for the Quaker Oats Company. Mr. Bow¬ man testified that his firm is a large national advertiser and spends a great deal of money on billboards each year. He said that the solicitors for the association did very little for his cohipany except to map out the towns. They frequently spoke of submitting new designs for that used on the package, but had never done so. Frank B. Canning, former president of ,he Sterling Gum Company, was called to the stand in an effort ,to off¬ set the evidence given earlier in the proceedings by Mr. Gross, advertising manager of the company, whoso te.stl- mony was to the effect that his com-

uX<iitliiu<M on paisr U.)

This Issue of The Billboard is 39,000 Copies




NEW PLAYS June 21 at the New Amsterdam Thea¬

ter, has withdrawn from the cast.

After the scenery for the “Follies"

had been completed it was discovered

that the particular set Joseph Urban

had made for the act of Miss Keller-

munn would not tit the necessary tank.

It then became known that the fa¬

mous diver had withdrawn amicably.

NEW YORK CHANGES The Blue Paradise

The Shuberts Lease Hippodrome to Dillingham —Eden Musee, on Twenty-third Street,

To Be Abandoned

Tllk Itl.CK PAKAbISt; A u<-w V|. (•tMTi'tla lu llirw «cl». proiluai-il ,

Tlieatvr, .\tlautu- ('It,. Jiiu i„ by Tb«* .HbutM-rt TIiMirloal »iih I'rt-ll In the lekaiu;; role.

An Oldtimer Passes On THE «'.VST;

Mlul. flower xlrl at the lllue I'arailliio luu. .Hattie Itiirke

.\n lltUcer .Jauiea Uiiliuitt Tlie Mfli>l<T .Jauioa .rjl .\ laiily, s’leat at the Ulue I’aradlae lou .* ai^>lyn liurke

A bluer, Kueat at tbe Blue i’aradlae Inn.. .EiiiJvu,. Hobenairt

Kratii. a waiter.Otto to brader Kudolpb Stwiter.C'erll l,riB liana Walthor .Uotiert I'ltkiu Juatua liauiiH-1 .Kbep Camp Joaef Strauaky .Walter .kruiln A Tourlat ..Janiea Ullllun Head Porter .bttu sabrader Second l\>rter .WlUlaui Keltuo tiaby .Hattie Burke Kudulpb bberdorber .Ted I»rraloa Director of Hotel .Cbarlea IHIlun Second Tonriat .Frank Wayne Third Tourlat .Richard Alelboume Mra. Uladya Wynne.tlco Mayfield Bar>n ron Scblegan .Jauiea Blllinfia Chef .Eugene Hobenwart A lAdy, friend of Waltber.Mabel bean Another Lady, friend of Waltber. .Kathleen George

Atlantic City. June 11.—Abounding

in bright, catchy, tuneful music, with

a brilliant, witty libretto, and a large,

exceptionally capable cast, the Shubert

Theatrical Company presented at the

Apollo Theater last night for the first

time The Blue Paradise, a new Vien¬

nese operetta in three acts, featuring

Cecil Lean.

The original book is by Leo Stein

and Bela Jenvasch, and the American

adaptation was made by Edgar Smith.

The music is by Edmund . Eysler,

with several interpolated numbers by

Leo Edwards and Sigmund Romberg

The lyrics were written by Herbert

Reynolds and Blanche Merrill.

The entire production is staged by

Benrlmo. and undoubtedly owes Its

success in large measure to the mag¬

nificent ensembles and finely executed

danco.s, staged under the painstaking

and efficient direction of Edward


Cecil Lean made a hit as Rudolph

Stoeger. His cheerful personality,

radiating Joy and sunshine, capti¬

vated the audience. He has a number

of songs, and is especially good in The

Tune They Croon in the U. S. one

of his own compositions.

Miss Hattie Burke, with her sweet

soprano voice, and her dancing, that

was the very poesy of motion, made

third .street is now removed a mile

further uptown. Rich G. Holloman

has, however, made far more money

than he lost at the Eden Musee

through his intimate association with

the motion picture field.

The Eden Musee was the first in the

field, starting to show films In 1897 and

pre.«enting the Passion Play In 1898.

Also for eighteen years there has

never been a day in the year that It

did not present a high-grade film ex¬


The Hippodrome was leased to

Charles Dillingham on the very day

the Shuberts gave it up, thus indicat¬

ing once more the big changes that

are imminent in the amusement field

before the opening of the next sea.son.

Two important developments in one

•lay, both directly due to the amazing

vogue of low'-prlced amusements, had

all showdom talking on the big street,

when it was announced that the Hip-

I>odrome would not be operated by the

Shuberts after June 12, and that the

Eden Musee would be abandoned after

thirty-one years at the same locale on

West Twenty-third street.

Both of the failures are directly at¬

tributed to the craze for motion pic¬

ture shows, the Shuberts frankly stat¬

ing that the film producers robbed the

Hippodrome spectacles of their nov¬

elty and massiveness, while the Eden

Musee directors insist that the "stom¬

ach” of New York so long at Twenty-

Jt>hn M. Hickey, after two weeks of

Intense suffering in the Polyclinic

Hospital on west Fiftieth street. New

York t'ity, breathed his last June 7.

Hickey was 63, and had been asso¬

ciated with the theater for nearly fifty


For several years he was manager

of the late Barney Macauley, when the

latter appeared in Uncle Daniel.

In recent years Hickey, like most of

the oldtime agents and managers, had

been relegated to practical oblivion,

but he was ever the optimist, with the

same sense of humor that was hia

characteristic in the "palmy days."

Atchison Theater Opens

The Orpheum Theater, Atchison,

Kan., controlled by Nate Block, of St.

Joseph, Mo., and managed by Herbert

Marie-Odile in London

AWKWARD AFFAIR New York, June 9.—Marie-Odlle,

Edward Knoblauch’s play, was pre¬

sented in His Majesty’s Theater in

London last night. Miss Marie Lohr

assumed the leading role.

The London newspaper critics differ

in their opinions. The Daily Tele¬

graph says: "It is full of prettiness,

but a trifle insignificant.” The Daily

News: "Miss Marie Lohr achieved a

veritable triumph in the part of Marie-

Odile.” The Daily Express; “It will

attract some, repel others.”



Francis Wilson, addressing the members of the .\ctors’ Equity

Association, at the annual meeting of the organization, at the Astor,

this week, announced that the twenty-five hundred actors now pledged

as members will soon be in a position to dictate terms to the theatrical

managers, and to refuse to sign contracts, except where they have been

sanctioned as equitable by the directors of the association. The state¬

ment was received with enthusiastic applause. After the meeting, dur¬

ing a discussion in the hotel lobby, a member of the association de-

.scrlbed the manner in which the organization would eventually elimi¬

nate all of the unjust practices which now obtain in the theatrical


"I hope that’s so,’’ responded another actor, who Ls best known for

his work in stock companies, “but I’ll tell you something that sort of

discourages conviction about it. I was engaged by Miss B- to play

in her stock company in Washington. She was the star and the owner

of the company. We played two weeks and the company closed with

salaries unpaid. A little later in the same season I met a friend who

had had the same experience with the same lady, in another city. We

decided, for the benefit of ourselves and the profession in general, to

call the attention of the Actors’ Equity .As-sociatlon to these matters.

After investigation the secretary said: ‘I really don’t know what we

can do about this. You see. Miss B- is a member of the association

herself.’ ’’—Cincinnati Times-Star.

Hands Up Produced

New Haven, Conn., June 10.—Hands

Up, billed as a summer revue, was

produced for the first time on any

stage in this city Monday night. The

story is by Edgar Smith, and Cole Por¬

ter, Ray Goetz and William Daly are

responsible for the lyrics. The play

is in two acts and twelve scenes.

Assisting Lew F'ields and Maurice

and Florence Walton, the stars, are

Bobby North, Fannie Brice, Fay

Compton, Arthur Ayle.sworth, Charles

Mitchell, Laurie DeFreece and several


The play will be produced In New

York City Saturday night, June 19. Miss Barr3miore in New Play, was opened on June 1, as a

combination playhouse and motion

picture theater. It has a stage of a

size to enable it to accommodate the

large traveling attractions, and the

people welcome the opportunity of

witnessing the best without going to

neighboring cities.

New York, June 9.—It is reported

that Ethel Barrymore will star in

Roast Beef, Medium, the George V.

Hobart play that has been made of the

Edna Ferber stories of Emma Mc-


This traveling saleswoman will give

an actress a part as fat a.s Wallingford

was for any actor, and it is believed

that it will suit Miss Barrymore’s taste

to the minute.

Laurette Taylor’s Return

New York, June 13.—The return to

this country of Miss I^aurette Taylor,

who is still playing the role of Peg

in Peg o’ My Heart in London, will

probably be sooner than Klaw & Er-

langer and George C. Tyler had ar¬

ranged for. This inference is drawn

from the letter Mr. Tyler received

from her last week, which reads as


"The latest news is that in the near

future the theaters in London will all

be closed. I learned this on applying

at the Carlton for permi.ssion to give a

<lance. They told me that a license

could be obtained for dancing only

up to 2 a.m., that the authorities

wished everyone to be home these

nights and that presently, owing to

the likelihood of Zeppelin raids, it is

the intention to close all places of


Death of James Cody transformation from a happy, care¬

free student to a grouchy, caustic and

henpeckeil married man. Otto Hchrader scored an individual

hit as the old, feeble waiter In the

third act. There la a touch of sentiment per¬

meating the book that lifts The Blue

Paradise above the ordinary musical

show, and it la expected that when it

goes from here .*taturdny night it wlH

receive In New York a long and profit¬

able summer run.—FOSTER.

New York, June 9.—James Cody,

who for five years had lieen with the

Rose Stahl companies, and who re¬

turned from a tour with A Perfect

Lady ab<iut two weeks ago, died yes¬

terday morning at Bellevue.

He had been removed to the hospi¬

tal last Thursday suffering from

asphyxiation. He had been found un¬

conscious In his room on West Thirty-

third street with the gas burning, yet

leaking. Pneumonia developed and

death ensued.

Girl Who Smiles

New York, June 13.—The Girl Who

Smiles, musical comedy, will be given

its first production at Atlantic City

August 2. under the direction of the

Times Producing Company. In the

cast will be found Misses Natalie Alt,

Grace Leigh. Nase Bonville, Marie

Fanchonettl, Jennie Dickerson, Lillian

Spencer, Grace de Wolfe, Dorothy

Dunn, Irene Hopping, Eva Stuart. Lil¬

lian Starr and Natalie Vincent, Messrs.

F'red Walton, George Baldwin, Paul

Decker. Joseph Phillips, Jack Sears,

John Young and James Whelan.

Find the Woman

KI.M) THE WOMAN—A satlriral f"r<^ thrisi art*, liy Ni»l Csinphrll Sprlncir.

prf>a>-nte<l by Th^ Hhnbert Thrafrl<’«l

puny, at th* Apelln Thf»ter,

City. June 7.

Actress’ Husband Killed

New York, June 9.—Betty Hard-

grove, an actr*‘ss. who came «iver with

the London tlalety (’ompany for To¬

night’s the Night, at the Shuhert, and

who afterwards Joined the Passing

Show forces, yesterday recelveil news

of the death of her husband, Capt.

Edward Pepper, in Belgium. She will

leave the company and return to


Florence Fisher Marries THE CA.ST: n«r«-ma H••ntl<•y. ttw wife.Bulb l-VMI"* June, the llentleys' rook.Julia Ili»u^

Mra. H<i|>« Barrellton llowe a fllTorn-r .E<lna Arrhrr rri»wr'>f“

Walter Mol.ane, a friend of the Ilentley* .Knhert M«rK»f

.Mr. Kwell, manager of the Keyatone Apart menta .J«nira 0. M rPm

Miss Kellermann Withdraws Punxsutawney, Pa., June 10.—Miss

F^lorence Fisher, who has appeared

with Otis Skinner, Walker Whiteside

and Madame Nazimov’a, was united in

marriage here last night to William

Parry, of Pittsburg.

New York, June 12.—Miss Annette

Kellermann, whose swimming and div¬

ing act was to have been a feature of

Ziegfeld’s Follies of 1915, opening (CoDttnand on page IS.)

Actor a Preferred Creditor

oialii^ S<‘liUtl liy I'ourt JiiclKoiont

NfW York, June ».—The riKhts of an

ai-tor a-s a wage earner were estab-

lishetl in court here this week.

Kenee Kelley, James O’Neill and

others were granted a priority in their

claims against the estate of Liebler &

t'o. The action was brought by the

.\ctors' Equity Association in an at¬

tempt to form a precedent and the

Judgment wa.s rendered by Stanley

Dexter, acting as referee in the pro¬

ceedings. According to this judgment

the actor and actress are brought un¬

der the general head of wage earpers

and are entitled to preferment in the

settlement of claims.

A Bromide

The man who makes politics a pro¬

fession and has a wife and children

dependent upon him Is sooner or later

going to be forced into the position

where, for the sake of his wife and

children, he will have the choice of

doing what is not quite right and stay¬

ing in ottice, or doing that which is

right and getting out of oflice and per¬

mitting his wife and children to

starve, and a man can not see his

wife and children starve. No man

under present conditions In the United

States has a right to go into politics

unless he is of Independent mean-s.—

President Hadley of Yale.

The same thing is true of other pro¬

fessions—the church, the university,

medicine, literature—and dramatic


The Railroads’ Robbery ’

The United Managers’ ProtectfV’e

.\ssociation is now working on Con¬

gressmen and l-nlted States Senators.

•Senator Pomerene. of Ohio, has prom¬

ised his support. Warren Harding,

who was thought to be on the side of

the railroads, when he learned that

the advance figured all the way from

7<! to 240 per cent, promptly switched.

A1 O. Field Is to be heard before the

Interstate Commerce Commission. June 18.

New F.-B. Production

New York, June 9.—Before the late

('’harles Frohman sailed on the Lusi¬

tania he had arranged with I>avld Be-

las<'o for the production of the sec¬

ond of the series of plavw they had de-

cliled on in conjunction.

This play was The Olrl. and it will

now be brought out at .-Vtlantic City

June 2 8 by Mr. Belasco. The work

's in three acts and Is by Oeorge


Charles Klein’s Estate

New York. June 9.—(’’harles Klein,

the playwright, who went down wi^h

the Lusitania, left an estate valued

at 1100,000. It was varlotisly divided

among his family by a will bearing

date of April 16, 1913. A great portion

of the assets are In the form of roy¬

alties from plays that are still appear¬ ing.

New K. & E. Production

New York. June 9.—The first pro¬

duction of Klaw A Erlanger in the

coming season will be Pollyanna,

dramatized by Mrs. 'Cushing from

Eleanor H, Porter’s popular book.

The company will be assembled next

month and the play will be given at

the Blackstone in Chicago early In August.

ROBERT GRAU Intimate and Important Revelations Appertain¬

ing to the Larger and Finer Phases of the Business


Undoubtedly Thomas H. Ince’s motive in combining the silent and sp>>ken

drama on presenting that sterling actor. George Beban, at the Astor Theater,

was a mere summer diversion in which the man who ha-s prospered amazingly

as a producer of photoplays sought to make his Impress the greater on

Broadway, where in the older Held he had known only adveisity.

To attempt to deny that producer and star have achieved a triumph in

this particular instance would be unfair, for the novelty alone would attract

even though the entertainment provided was not so all-compelling, but it is

inconceivable that Ince’s experiment will be emulated by producers generally.

If it wa.s Mr. Ince’s idea to demonstrate the limitations of a playhouse stage,

or to create a greater interest in the complete photography which after all

alone could repay the cost of production, he certainly has succeeded, for no

one can doubt that those who were held fast at the Astor Theater by the

beautiful pictorial spectacle, with its approach to absolute realism, will be

impatient to witness the completed film.

As a matter of fact, despite the salvos of applause which have greeted

Beban throughout the spoken part, one could hear in the foyers not a little

protest against the scheme of combination. It is well that such experiments

are contlned to the big cities. In New York the results may even be wholly

constructive, but it is fortunate that the idea of utilizing the players in the

flesh in this manner is utterly approved to every principle of photoplay pro¬

duction, Moreover, by no stretch of imagination could such a scheme of pre¬

sentation find general vogue.

The writer yields to no one in appreciation of the fine artistry of George

Behan, who stands absolutely alone in his portrayal of Italian character. Play¬

goers have paid him homage for so long, too, that few, indeed, will regret

the opportunity to see him again in the flesh; but if I bring on myself the

wrath of all showdom when I say it, I don’t hesitate to state, that with all hi<

artistry, with all the tear-compelling pathos of his spoken portrayal, the effect

is disillusionizing when following the elaborately woven film narrative on the


The writer has been Informed that when the novel combination referred

to was first tried out in Los Angeles, at Clone’s Auditorium, the prolonged run

expected was not achieved: that another production which had preceded it

was revived in its place, though as The Allen was filmed in California, there

was not the expense nor the inconvenience entailed as in transporting the cast

to Broadway.

Someone has said that the less seen of photoplayers in the flesh by the

millions who idolize them on the screen, the longer their vogue will be in the

newer field of entertainment. In truth, despite Behan’s remarkable portrayal

on stage and screen alike, the final effect of the Astor Theater experiment is

to reveal how infinitely supt rior is the distinctly pictorial part thereof.


Three weeks ago the writer stated that the conversion of the Century

Opera House Into a music hall of the European type was imminent. At that

time It was thought that Oscar Hammersteln would be able to reconcile the

I’. B. O. Interests to permit of his franchise being extended above Fifty-ninth

street, which would, of course, have entailed the elimination of the Colonial

Theater, always regarded as too small for modern big-time vaudeville.

Now comes Ned Wayburn Into the arena with elaborate plans to utilize,

not only the palatial Auditorium of what was the endowed theater, but also

all of the various smaller halls and roof gardens; in fact, the plans comprehend

a group of entertainments, which, it Is hoped, will keep several box-offlc*8 busy

from 8 p.m. until long after midnight.

Assuming that capital riMtulslte for such a large undertaking is provided

for (at the time of this writing the deal Is not absolutely consummated), there

is no reason why Mr. Wayburn should not become a tremendous factor in the

scheme of New York amuscment.s. He has the ability and experience, and he

has chosen his locale so well that if It Is true that the annual rental is to be

1100.000, at least half of that total should be returned from the sale of priv¬

ileges alone; besides, the Centur>’ Opera House should become as popular for

Sunday performances as Is the Winter Garden, where the protits on the seventh

day of the week have always been enormous.

It is announced that none of the founders of the new theater is interested

In Wayburn’s enterprise. I’ndoubtedly the latter gentlemen will require not

only substantial financial payments at the outset, but will expect to be

•"shown” as to the ability of the sponsors to "go the route” In an enterprise

now more widely discussed than any other in theatrical circles. Klaw &

Erlanger have announced that their Interest is purely a booking agreement

for "the road”


The Vltagraph Company appears to have its own ideas of the value of

stage stars for the screen. Such engagements as they have been entering into

along stellar lines have been Invariably prompted by well-thought-out artistic

considerations, rather than from any desire to “purchase fame.”

In no Instance as yet have the heads of the big Brooklyn concern under¬

taken to present stars in the plays which gave them their fame. Always Messrs.

Ulackton and Smith have provided their own vehicles, and more often than

not sought out the star, principally because of adaptability to the particular

requirements of the production.

(CootlniHs) «>o pafe 9)

Shakespeare’s Corner By Henry Bayard

Didactic as it is. we have to con¬

tinue our sketch of the plays in a

chronological order. This will give

us a basis for our future studies.

King John’s subject is patriotism.

A dark hour in the national life of

England is envisaged by the imagina¬

tion of the poet. It is here that we

find those wonderful’passages of wor¬

ship about

"This precious stone set In the silver


Which serves it In the ottice of a wall.

Gr as a moat defensive to a house,

.Against the envy of less happier lands;

This blessed spot, this earth, this

realm, this England.”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream repre¬

sents the power of imiginatlon:

“The poet’s eye, in a fine frenzy roll¬


Doth glance from heaven to earth,

from earth to heaven:

And as imagination bodies forth

The forms of things unknown, the

j poet’s pen

Turns them to shapes, and gives to

airy nothing

A local habitation and a name.”

It is here that we will meet Oberon

and Titania, Bottom and the players.

All’s Well That Ends Well Is the

story of Helena, who has been called

by Coleridge "the loveliest of^ Shake¬

speare’s characters.” She seeks her

husband, gains him agahist his will:

defeats his intention of leaving her, and

becomes the mother of his child. Her

love is her providential power:

"Giir remedies oft in ourselves do lie

Which we ascribe to heaven.”

The Taming of the Shrew is what its

name indicates. Katharina is sub¬

dued by a man who Is conscious of

understanding the game of jest, and

who, in certain cases, knows that

“Where two raging fires meet together

They do consume the thing that feeds

their fury.”

The first part of Henry IV. This

is the play where we will meet Sir

John Falstaff, perhaps the most sub¬

stantial comic character that ever was

created. He is a knave without mal¬

ice, a liar without deceit, a knight, a

gentleman, a soldier without either

dignity or honor; he is Falstaff.

The second part of Henry IV. A

gray and long-haired critic would tell

you that this Is the drama of the un¬

corrupted prodigal. The mad-cap

prince “in the perfectness of time”

is casting off the friends of his youth.

But I think he is merely "killing his

own heart.”

"I know thee not, old man: fall to thy


How ill white hairs become a fool and


I will not forgive the prince’s treat¬

ment of Falstaff. But. perhaps, we

will learn something el.'^e in dealing

with this play. The Merry Wives of Windsor. Com¬

manded by Queen Elizabeth to show

Falstaff in love. Shakespeare obeyed,

and this comedy is the result. It is an

English Don Quixote. Henry V., because he did not know

how to rule his own kingdom, this

king decided to make war upon his

neighbors. This is the greatest war-

play ever written. We will see the

warlike Harry

(Continued on i>age 13.)


X ti e Billboard JUNE 19, 1915.

If ■Tu^


Agents and Office Managers of U. B. O. Attend Clambake Given by Charles Lovenberg—

Whitfield Likely To Book Interstate

operas have been arranged by Charles

Forester for presentation in a forty-

five-niiniite performance. Sixty peo¬

ple make up the company, with the

following as principals; Kathryn Irv¬

ing, Betty Smalley, Frances Golden,

Madge Tayior, Vernon Dalhart, Albert

Pellaton, Edwin Skedden and Charles


The entire production will be under

the personal direction of Charle.s For¬

ester, with Xace Bonville as stage di¬

rector, Thomas Lewis, stage manager,

and Jack Arnold, chorus master.

New York, June 11.—The U. B. O. i

ottlces presented a deserted appear- 1

ance yesterday, most of the leading

agents and office managers having

taken the day off for the purpose of

attending the clam bake and dinner

which is given annually by Charles

Lovenberg, the Rhode Island repre¬

sentative of the Keith Circuit, at Prov¬


Business was forgotten for the time

being and a big day was enjoyed by

the entire party. A. Paul Keith ar¬

rived in Providence with the intention

of participating in the festivities, but

immediately left for Boston upon re¬

ceipt of the news of the death of Mrs.

Elsie G. Larsen, wife of Robert G.

Larsen, manager of Keith’s Boston

theater. •

The party included S. K. Hodgdon,

Eddie Darling, Harry Jordan. Fred¬

erick Schanberger, Edward Keller,

Robert G. Larsen, Daniel Hennessy,

Harvey Watkins, Elmer Rogers. Bart

MacHugh, George Metzel, Carl Loth-

rop, Frank Thompson, Paul Durand,

John Peebles, Frank O’Brien, Carle

Brown, Theodore Bayles, John Kool-

vord, Maurice Goodman and Harry


Whitfield To Get Interstate?

Chicago, June 10.—With Karl Hob-

litzel spending a great deal of time

down South and Celia Bloom in the

Orpheum office. New York, it would

not surprise many to see the Inter¬

state Circuit give up their present

Chicago headquarters. Asby Chotow,

the general manager, has already

moved his offices to Dallas, Tex.

Harry Miller, who has the small-time

out of this office, is on a month’s vaca¬

tion and his time is said to hav’e fiz¬

zled out to practically nothing. It is

To London for Twenty Minutes

Frank Tlnney on an Unusual Jump

New York, June 9.—Fi;ank Tlnney

is going abroad again. Nothing bet¬

ter exemplifies the unique quality of

his style of entertainment than the

fact that Alfred Butt cables from Lon¬

don a.sking Tinney to accept a one

night’s engagement at the London

Empire on June 28.

That is the occa.«ion of the perform¬

ance of W’atch Your Step for a British

military benefit. Tinney will show for

twenty minutes and then motor to

Liverpool to catch a steamer for New


rumored that he will not be back to ToUChy, T611ip6r&I116Iltd,l Eva> book next season. Ray Whitfield will -

likely have Maybe ever-at-it Eva Tanguay came

eleventh floor and have charge of Mr. off second best in the recent tempera-

Miller’s remaining houses. The only mental tantrum she pulled over the

people in the Chicago office at present billing she received at the Palace and

are Ray Whitfield, the three stenog- maybe she did not. When one con-

raphers, traffic man and the office boy. siders the columns and columns of


Producer of the Borel BtUIalka Oltfantre mnd oUirr larir an*.

Ball and West To Stick

New York, June 10.—Foster Ball

and Ford West will not dissolve part¬

nership, as was reported last week,

but have decided to stick together as

a team.

They will present their act. Since

the Days of ’61, on the Orpheum Cir¬

cuit next season.

New Hippodrome for Chicago g. & S. Revue at Palace

Chicago, June 10.—Henry Myers, a

well-known Chicago theatrical man,

has completed all plans for a new

theater. The house will be called the

Winter Garden, and will be the largest

in the city, seating something like

2,.500 people. Ground w’ill be broken

some time this week. The entire plans

are copied after the Winter Garden in

New York. It will be located at Clark

and I>iversy.

New York, June 14.—The Gilbert *

Sullivan Revue, produced by Forester,

Hanna & Hlgham, and repf)rted to be

the biggest act in vaudeville, will open

at the Pabace next Monday afternoon.

The act was originally booked to play

the Palace two weeks ago, but It was

found impossible to get it ready In


.Scenes and melodies from five fif the

best known of the <}llbert A- .Sullivan

space she grabbed off thereby and

realizes that all that advertising can

be capitalized and surely will be, one

has to positively fight the great light

that strives to break in upon one.

Gus Hill s Circuit

Ous Hill has taken over the Gordon

Hippodrome Theater at Elizabeth, N.

J. In connection with other theaters,

which he will acquire, a pop»ilar-

prlced vaudeville circuit will be formed

under his direction, playing the book¬

ings of one of the established circuits.

They’re Lucky

New York. June 14.—The Misses

r’ampbell will not enjoy a vacation for

the next two years, their bookings

calling for two comitlefe tours of the

United and Orpheum t'ircuits that will

I keeri them btisy until .May, 1917.

Maybe, Oscar, Maybe

.\o .4lutl«T WIlut You Have Bet'ii to

\'uude\llle. VHii(le\llle lla.s F.v«^

ItcH'ii Kind to You

“At the end of the worst season ever

known in the show busineas,’’ says

Oscar Hammersteln, “we can say, pos.

Itively, that better times are here.

Three months ago you couldn’t have

raised the money in New York to

start a new pisture house. Now we

see Charlie Dillingham putting up a

big lot of cash to take over the Hip¬

podrome and Ned Wayburn handing

over nearly as much to secure pos-

session of the Century Theater. These

two deals mean that profits are com¬

ing in and patronage getting back to

the normal. Now I shall take a new

vaudeville theater in the Longacre

Square district and make more money

than I ever did.’’—Exchange.

Promoting Circuit

New York. June 11.—It is reported

that Jennie Jacobs, manager of the

Pat Casey office, and Pauline Cooke,

formerly well-known professional rifle

shot, are promoting a small-time

vaudeville circuit on which big acts

will be played. For the past two

years they have been running shows

twice weekly in Corona, N. J., and it

is said that they have secured a num¬

ber of houses which will be booked in

conjunction with this house.

Off for Australia

New York. June 12.—On Tuesday-

last a numlter of vaudeville acts

booked by Chris O. Brown for the

Rickards Circuit in Aastralia sailed

from San Francisco for Sydney.

Among the acts were Alf Ripon, Jim¬

my Britt, Clemons and Dean, Estelle

Rose. Paul Stephens, I.,ouls Stone,

Wallace Galvin, Jarvis and Dare, and .

Roches Monkeys.

Mr. Brown has also booked a num¬

ber of other acts for the circuit, sail¬

ing July 6 from San Francisco. This

party will include Mary Elizabeth. A1

and Fanny Stedman, Jack Blrchley,

Walter Weems. Billy KInkald. Musical


Whiting & Burt at Coney

New York, June 11.—Whiting and

Burt, the vaudevllllsts, wdll be asso¬

ciated with Joe Rose at the College

Inn. Coney Island, for the summe.r

They will take charge of the cabaret

A Good Move

New York. Jtine 12.—.Manager <leo.

Robinson, of the New Brighton Thea¬

ter, this week tacked up notices in

the ilressing rooms of the seasble

l>lnyhouse to the effe<'t that artists

must exclude from their acts all terms

of vulgarisms which would offend

ladles or children.

McCarron’s Special Material

New York. June 10.—Charles .Mc-

Carron Is turning out a lot of special

material for acts using Pari e. Daniel--

* Friedman songs, of which concern

Mr McCnrrnn is manager.

McCarron, who Is the author of

such successes as Rlowest Girl in

Town, Poor Pauline and She Live-

Down In Our Alley, has written spe¬

cial material for some of the biggest

acts In vaudeville. Including* AI JoNon.

Bert Williams. Fanny' Brice. Rae Sam¬

uels, Anna Chandler, tlrace De Mar.

Mack and Walker. Ruth Roye arid

Merrill and fitto.

e B

Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire Majestic, Chicago

arTiewwl Moadajr, ICatinM, Jana li.)

< June 14.—rainy aratber .ii:.! tbf fart tliat tbia la tbe flrat day of tbe «trF«'t car atrlkr aiul o<>t a aurface car mured In tlia city tuilay, tbia buuoe wa* parka<). NailuK'Ta, tba bcadliucr, wai roapuoaiblc for tliix. and it U umllHiiutable credit to ber popu¬ larity tliat Kile abuulil* till a theater under aucb uiiii'oal dinuFre<‘able condltlona. An uncommonty ilx-rt line at tbe tuix-oOice window tbia after- ni»>n indicateil that lioary advance nabia laat week In anricl|>atlun of tbia atar bad turned tile trick. >axlmiiTa'a rebicle. War Itridna. Iield the andlence tenoe for tbirty-aii mlnutea.

ific Topmost

PALACE Here Genius not Pirtfi^our I^nK insures

(iU‘\ lowed Montlay Matinee, June II.)

McVicker’s, Chicago (Beriewed Monday, June 14.)

Chicago, June 14.—Neither the street car

strike nor tbe driazliug rain seemt-d to nSt-ct the attendance at .McVicker'a t<Mla/.

No. 1—Beth Cbaliia oi>eued with two kid BOUUB and a medley, making three quirk changes. Too early on the bill. Tweive min- utea, in one, two bows.

No. 2—I-evr ilolTinun is still making |>eople laugh with bia comedy bat Juggling, and proved a sinall-sized riot on bis first allow, nuffman uses a special drop and does some clever tricks. Nine minutes, in one, four bows.

No. 3—Ralph Whitehead and Company offor held the andlence tense for thirty ala mlnutea. New York, June 14.—^Taken in its entirety, this week’s bill at the Palace So. 3—Ralph Whitehead and Company offor in.i the reaction that foikiwed vacated many can not l»e ranked aiiove mediocre. Irene Franklin, Wilton Lackaye and Flor- a novelty in Live and Let Live. The scene is

1 hairs and made it very bard sledding fur tbe ence Uockwell share the headline honors, the latter two beint; .'<een in sketches, laid is London, and the sketch deals with the remaining acta on th* bill. Immediately after Lackaye has f»een fortunate in securing a powerful drama, entitled The apparent unfairness accorded American acta, tbe curtain of War Bridea, a reprwseilutlva of R'*nib, which gives him an opportunity to display as tine a bit of character The enaubig aongs and a recitation go over the Womau'a Peace Party In Ctilcago apoke a acting as has been seen at the Palace this season. Mis.s Rockwell, for her nicely. Twenty-eight minutea, full stage, two f.« wunls and ramme,) home more fbrcibly In vaudeville dehut, has The Awakening, a sketch showing but little promise, cartaina. i;,e minds of the auditora tiie truth of one of Considering that the thermometer was hovering around the ninety mark, the No. Hyman Meyer, offering a pianologne the homT* of war aa |s>rtrayed by Naalmova'a attendance for a Monday afternoon was a surprise, the entire lower door in a German make-up. becomes a little tireaeme. .fienng. being tilled, and the balcony and gallery more than half filled. The lemon- He *1m>u1<i cut (l->wn his burlesque grand opera

N". 1 Kiia ITanm offered eleven artlatir bar, at' which the cooling beverage Is served gratis, was opened today and about three minuteti. Twenty-four mlnutea, in l-se-s Miss tsaron'a aubJecU are gracefully inimediately scored the biggest hit of the afternoon. one, three bowa.

, \n-iite.i sniid beautiful settings, altbougii ahe No. 1—Current News Pictorial, running fourteen minutes, presenting a Wlio Is He is featured again, and is s trlile Iinsteadled in her poses. Five min series of interesting views. probably accounted for the packed house. This

Ill three, one N»w. 2—Kervllle Family, two men, two women, trick billiardists. One *" *.**' quickest return of any act ever playing 2 Julia tNirtis saug ami gave her loi man does all of the work with the cue, bouRCing the balls off the cushion into '1^'•“<! •’"ly West deserves *re*t

( of stage celebriilea. Miss t'arus has nets, etc., fastened to the heads of his assistants. A clever and interesting imitation of Charles Chaplin In ai. e\ -.-i.tionaily wide range of voice, and her novelty, somewhat marred at the first performance through one of the balls 1*“''^ *" k”*"* West is ably assisted by II. vri bit earned bar two ealis. Eight minute.v. bouncing from the stage into the orchestra pit. striking the first and “ **''■ £•«»<*” miniit**, full stage,

t“ one. rendering him hors de comliat for the time lieing. Fight minutes, full stage, show. No. »—Jolia and Mae Bnrk# offered their one curtain. k—Z^lla Call seemed to be working under

****”*^si ^ BagUme Soldier, and went 3—i,yons and Yosco. in twelve minutes of expert harp playing by *'^** ****‘^“****’* ”kT*ni^*e when over big Open in one. then to center door Lyons, effective singing by Yosco. and rather poor comedy by both. Their ^ .nrn„netin fansv and obioe in one; fifteen mlnutee, four musionl efr.,rte ,-ee.- orvr.eeolote,4 tkeee the World Behind and Bulletin fansv and obioe la one; fifteen mlnutea, four straight musical efforts were very well appreciated. In one, three bows.

» llom-r B Mason and Marguerite Keeler , ^'l^rpnce Rockwell, late Robert Mantell’s leading lady, has Board, after which her accompanist pla.ved so

N 4 Homer B Mason and Marguerite Keeler , ^ !• lorpnce Rockwell, late Robert Mantell s leading lady, has been „ her a chance to make a change to pre«-nvj Mam«,l a .me arter by Porter Em unfortunate in her selection of a vehicle The Awakening, calling for the Hawaiian costume. She then puts over Hicky er«n Browne, aivi were the «s>me.iy hit of the her of a dual role, one depicting a we^thy young woman, and the chorus of The Bird of Paradise, hill. It W.mld be diacult to flmi a more ault working girl on the verge of Starvation To the critical observer it good applause. Fourteen minutes, in

ah'e «i>blclr fur this talented comeillan, ami there is u»t much opportunity f.w Miss h.-lrr »;i- reads lier lines well. The comedy


No. 3—Freeman and Dunham diapensed aong and patter, and while tbia la tbe fourth act on the bill relying to as extent on comedy. It la "“11 tliat tliey api>rarr,| In this si>ot. as any at ^ lenijit St tsipiedv fidlowlng the next a.-t would ^ have tieen nothing abort of auiclde. The b-js ^ have some very g.e'd atiiff ami were accorlet! M

.'enerois apidaue* Fourtisn minutes. In one ^ tw„ cilis. n

No A -Nailmcva was well rocelved. and Jll

Man m Craig Wentworth, aulh'ireoa «f War ^

Bri.i,.,. ran well feel f.rsiil of tot only lur jg

nlshlng Nsxineiva with an excellent piece to dla- CT play her hlstrlnni* ability but also of landing a iN iseltlie wdar plexiw on the g«.l of war. Aa- J sistm* are Mary Alden. Clara Reynolda Smith. ^ I 'lerles Bryant Rillth Si>ear». C. Brown and M

William Hsason. Thirty atx mluutea, five calls. W

No. 7 The Big City Four had to bmah the | cr. i» off of the apron upon makipg their en ' traiM-e. and it kri t all four of them bnay doing It Their work la flniahe.1 and their harmony 4««1. althotigh they did poll an awful blue one while singing The Ibieary. and which numlmr had a|s.clxl attention called to It, aa to the per¬ fect harmony and the fact that It had been 4 specially nrrange.1 by an Instntet.n- of |n<lia'i ^ inehsllrs .«n ttie reservation Either one of the J

d con ilan nl "uulil .seem that Miss Rockwell rather overplayed the latter role, although

ortunitT f.w Miss displayed much of the talent that has brought her honors jjo. 7-Consui Pedro, an educated nsuik. doing

... ... . ... r.-,.., ,.er ..oe. ,eii. The «m.edy " K. Kt Awakening LS built around a dream scene, in .^Hh

n t.d- plxM-t „ ts.t a b.t threadbare but o^ Too I IK Starving girl. Is brought to , „„ bim.

.■ - itrsrv •. bright .ml .nappy and of the T x,, u I n ' sisters^ Charles Trow- „„,hs. Flf-

.JL SSI- : ite.|. as W.dl aa furnishing a double laugh v.-cv it it.,-.. w -,.,.,., ^ j --- ' T th wlw- tlrls. An anprogramme.1 man an- No. 5—James Hussey and Jack Boyle got by nicely with their comedy and . , »i-«* them Thirty mlnutea bedroom aet three ^^e comedian working a trifie too long, however, for the best results AmCnCSIly inCW I OFK

.Nineteen minutes, in one. three bows. (Keriewed Monday Matinee. June 14.) Nineteen minutes, in one, three bows.

No. 6—Irene Franklin, in this writer’s opinion— vaudeville’s greatest character singer—easily carried off the strictly vaudeville honors of the afternoon. Miss Franklin offered several of her old numbers, each with

N.-w York. June 14.—Shows may come and

sh'i«s may go. but the audiences at the .Ymerl-

can. winter or summer, rain or shine, never

tire of the fare that is put before them. Despite

the sultry weather of today, the audience at

the first half program was full and cheerful

and enthnsiaatic as ever.

No. 1—Gilmore and Castle opened the bill.

.4 black-face comedy duo. In one. ten mlnutea. chnngc of costume, nnd then ssng tvro new numbers, with their dancing to reap tbem the honom.

one of which, entitled At the Dansant, gives promise of ^ No. *^2—Bl*anche *Lerile. a ^singing single. In

becoming the most popular in her repertoire. Burton h«’ *!nr»“ a“e““wen he7 Green ably held up his end at the piano. Thirty-two ^ ami the audience rewarded her esoru with a

. - ^ •' y/ go<sl hand. minutes, full Stace. no. 3—<t>a8. Oeland cart and Co., two men


^ No. 2—Blanche Leslie, a singing single. In U one; eleven minutes. This lady got over good; p her songs are well selei’ted and her stag* U pr>>«enr<‘ is ingratiating. Good to see and bear,

ami the audience rewarded her efforts with a 1^ gissl band. w No. 3—Chas. Deland Carr and Co., two men or and a woman. In a comedy sketch. Back to

Buffalo. Tbe lines In this are snappy and well delivered. The playlet does not overstsy lU msrk. running only twelve minutes to two curtains, full stage.

jio. 4—Hartley and Pecan, man and woman. In bits of musical comedy, a happy melange of popular characteriaationa. In one; thirteen mln-

s utes. The vocallaatlon of this pair la hapidly V conceived and executed, and they fully earn

their two bowa. ~ Xo. 3—Harithima Bros., thirteen "ilnutea. inebslirs ..n ttie reservation Either of the T No. 7—Krnie liall 0|M*ll<Xl after intermlswlon and found the audience S No. 3—Hariahlma Bros., thirteen "Ilnutea.

boys cracked a pipe th's aftern »> or else the ^ full ,,f IpiuoiUlde and Just in the IlMMxl t4> appreciate hLs singing of his d) extremely olever

•ne.iicine whe..p ^ own compositions. Everyone went over in great style, a medley of his ♦ iJ-en prerirmai^ at^^T’by thia reriewer. • t*-mmnrr. ern m niii*^, o *.ne. on^ m hrlnfcliifC appUiuw eac'h familiar strain. Tlilrteen minutes, S Tb^lr action U annppy and icav^a no dull

w, iS In ffRn«» ftirrji X momenta. Well likofl. Two b«»wa. No ^-nankoff and OtrlU offered three .lane * *" iiirw mins. w 6--Harry Gilbert, an ImpreitaHo for

them in Is Her than might be eipectd This Crawf .Al s Thsfs praise enough. He runs team does s-nie remarkable athletic dancing. No. S—Wilton Lackaye offers for vaudeville a detective playlet, entitled sl^ht mlnntes. in one. two calls, and. as a aohi dancer with grace nnvelly and The Bomb, the work of Gordon Johnstone and Warrack Williams. Mr. No. 7—Oliver ami Opp. man and woman. In full, eccentric steps. Rsrk«ff need take hla hat off I.j»ckaye plays the role of a detective, disguised as a poor Italian, who is ar- special set. presenting Ovm the Oanlen Wall,

to no one. Eight minutes, full stage. rested and put through a species of “third degree” in order to fasten the I'-lrnl” itlLir "win never ke«-p

No S-Bankoff and Girlie offered tliree .lane * *" three bivws.

Ing Diimts-iw. and dne to their fast work held them In Is Her than might be expecte<l. This team does remarkable sthleilc dancing. No. 8—Wilton L*

No. 7—Oliver ami Opp. man and woman, in full.

eccentric steps. Rsrk«ff need take hla hat off I.j»ckaye plays the role of a detective, disguised as a poor Italian, who is ar- special set. presenting Ovm the

to no one. Eight minutes, full stage. rested and put through a species of “third degree” in order to fasten the in* itself "will never ke.p Moving pi. inres were shown bef. re and after crime on the master criminal. In the twenty minutes the sketch runs Mr. them ..n the big time In a good spot. With an-

the rr-guiar iuhVviiu program.—PfPD. I.j»ckaye crowds more real acting than Is usually seen in an entire evening, other and a better vehicle these performers are the rr-guisr iuhVviiu program.—PfPD. I.j»ckaye crowds more real acting than Is usually seen in an entire evening, other and a better vehicle these performers are - — The work of the supporting cast is without exception of the highest order, and, entitle.!

MISS MARBURY SIGNS ELLIS taken in all. The Bomb l.s a very distinct acquisition to vaudeville. the bin*~ThiA,e'liHe’Ai*or s - No. 9—Mae Melville and Robert Higgins struck the popular fancy with , genmne come.lian. Their singing is not

Nee York. June 10 Refore leaving for the their absurd Chatter and singing act. Putting on Airs, scoring one of the hits at all bad reckoned according to gi-Hl standard*, faeifi. Const yestepivy for a month's ••Jonrn. of the hill. Twenty-one minutes. In one, three bows. and they ha.-" a genuine gift of huro'r. Fbe

Melville Elllv aianed a contract with Mis* No. 10—Los.s than half of the audience stayed for the dancing number V ’’n-'i** w^tii*'"he priw^^of aUmiMion. Kllvale-th Mnrluiry t.> act aa hev sole reprenenta- presented by I,eo I’imlkoff and Kthel Rose, assisted by a ballet of six hand- Xheir songs. laws sn.I graces make them the •I e Omt s term «.f years. some and gorgeously costumed young women. The act is a distinctly worth- bit. They get four and su encore, and

-— - while demonstratitin of the art .>f terpslchore. and it was unfortunate that could easilv get more if they wsntci. Twelve

. WITH MIDNIGHT FROLICS the position did not allow it to receive the appreciation deserved. Fifteen x”***^*M.Aher Hays and M.>sh<r cios.-.i ti.e S«v s . A-3" „ U .. . fnlnutes, full stage.—BILLY. Mil‘in s full stage trick bicycle net runs >e«r T.,rk Jiii;e » Nor, Payes has ) dne.! - twelve minutes. Tiese three men .b> everything

the merry gr-oin of entertainers with Klegfeld's that ha* been itfemote<i in th.- line of trick Midnight Fndl-S atop the New Amatrntam. BOOK FEDERAL PARK JOINTLY merits of the acts submitted to him by b.>th i.t^yHe stuff, and f elr emedian is n.d the

____ _ circuits, and will pUy the best. Last week least of their attra. t'veness. Two—TOM.

LYT£LL closing JUNE 26 fhjeago, June 12 — flmrles Weeghman's base- had Sltvors, as the feature; Holland and Dock-

ball en’-Wauire «>n the North Side will be N*>ke.l ''ill. so'S'lal added attraction, with Royal Hu*- 4 f\IMTI/YlU A! DPVIPWQ

Albany. N Y., June .t.-IU-rt I.vlell ha. ds- of the .kmiiaPM. ami Ge..rge Van, AUDI 1 lUNAL RtVICWO UH elded to clooe ills atiH-k ctmipany at Harnianiia das Trio. H.dnian Prothers and .krmanto DAf’l. 11

of the hill. Twenty-one minutes, in one, three bows. and they ha.-" a genuine gift or hutot. ine

No. 10—Loss than half of the audience stayed for the dancing number ,h?m'’nw'^lh*7he‘pril^ of "miasion. presented by I,eo I’irnlkoff and Kthel Rose, assisted by a ballet of six hand- Ti,eir aong*. Isces and graces make them the some and gorgeously costumed young women. The act is a distinctly worth- bit. They get four and an encore, and while tlemonstratitrn of the art of terpslchore. and it was unfortunate that could easilv get more if they wante.i. Twelve

the position did not allow it to receive the appreciation deserved. Fifteen xo**^^*M.,IHier Hay* and M.>*h<r ci.>*.-.i tii* minutes, full stage.—BILLY. blil in * full stage trick bicycle pet t'.at runs minutes, full stage.— MILLT. trick bicycle net t'.at runs -- ""*. — * twelve minutes. TTiese three men ib* everything

that has been ittemoted in tht- line of trick BOOK FEDERAL PARK JOINTLY of tbo actA t4> him by both | ^tnff. 1**14) t’'olr c'Kio'ilian i* not t!>o

- circuits, and will play the best. Last week least of their attra. t'veness. Two—TOM.

t'hJcago, June 12 — tTiarles >Veeghman's base- had Sliyor*. as the feature; Holland and Dock-

ball en’-Wauire on the North Side will be N*>ketl ffil- •’'"''1*1 added attraction, with Royal Hua- a rvlMXI/YAl 4 I DCVICWC OM ..... , ,, asr*. Eanebon Sister*. Juggling Norman*. Ron- AUUI 1 lUllAL REiTlEinO UIx

by John Nash, of the .kinitatcil. snd George \ an, „ ,i, i » . » t4» hill iitiN*k Cf'tiipany at Harniinna *1^* Trio. Ib^lnian |tr4»th^ra ami Armanto

Kteei-ker llsll on June 2tl Inalead of running A**.H-lalb'n. Jake Sternad. the amuse Hmther* rounding t>ut the bill. No*plcture* will

thpuigh the summer months s* planned. nient iiixiiiger of the park, will pass on the be'ahown.


PAGE 11.


1! fc II ft

8 JUNE 19. 1915. Ttte Blllboara


On TtiiinMiay night, Jun«i 3, the Pals oele brtte<l “MctJarvie" night in iMiiior of Harry K. Motiarvle. who so siK'oossfully put over Zone Pay at the Kxpo. In adilition to tlie liiindred regulars prewoit some twenty new nien>lH>rs were taken In, among them Mr. and Mrs. Carter

Ib* Haven. Art Smitli, Samuel Howard, liyron Silvers, Sam Uebert, Earl Taylor, Bob .Albright. Tom Kelly, J. W. Voung, Paul Xidan, Koliert G. Fowler, Freileric Ijoula Gerke, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Canilnal, .M. Andre, Joseph Bickerton. Billy Bastar, Dr. M. A. Coumey and C. H. I'pton, city eilltor San Francisco Examiner.

Tile house-warming at the new club rooms was tile chief topic of conversation, and It was deidded that the first meeting In the new quar ters would be known as "Art Smith” night.

A trio of baby leopards was born to one of the felines of the John G. Roblnson Sellg leop¬ ard act. lieing worked by the Princess Olga.

Roy Jm Pearl, the man with the six-cylinder voice, xvlio appeared at the Kmprees Theater here recently, stopped the show at almost every iN-rformance.

Elizabeth, the human doll, has moved from her location in Toyland to a spot on tlie Zone In the Toyland Ark.

ihiha Crutclifield is with the 101 Ranch, witli some new stunts in roping.

Gscnr V. Bobcock, who Is doing his wonderful sensational act on the Zone Plana four times dally, has them all wondering. His automatic¬ ally ofx'uing and closing gap Is a source of keen Interest.

Hayes and K'lves, the clever novelty team, are playing San Francisco and envininments.

Fred Thompson; May the luck you so well dewrve await vou at the end of your trill.

Sam C. Haller has been elected a memlier of Ibe Roanl of (Bivernors of tlie Pals.

Frank P. Siuinloy certainly does things right, especially at th<s«‘ Thunslay night lunchisins at the Coiitinentdl Hotel. Some Pal.

The talkers of the Zone gave a very successful

mas<|uerad' ball and pageant daiisant at "The I>anc«-." near the Filllsjre street entram-e, Wednesday evening, June 2. The committee in charge were .lack Gurry, Harry l.a Brique, A1 Fisher, Eddie \\ hartnn. Billy Coles and Ray Zimmer. Everylssiy had a glorious time, and it U said that the success of the affair portends another of tlie same sort in tlie near future.

F. J. Griffen is g<dng to producj a big Rodeo at Fresno. Cal., in tl>e near future. Thie will be one of the big things In California this sea •on. and tlie prizes are said to be very tempting .At the present writing Mr. Griffen is producing rallfornla sivnic moving pictures.

Don Carlos is breaking In a new act similar to his IVig and Monkey Hotel at Greenwich and Gough strej ts, where he lias a number of dogs, monkeys and ponies.

Joseph Pazen—What's tlie m.itter, writer's cramp?


See Who’s on the Bill With You







Kew York City .Nat Wllla Brichtoo BBBch Sc Le^

NEW BRIGHTON (nbol „ 'Mme. Beeson A Co McKay A Arvllne

Six Musical Germans Hodji Nassar Arab* Four Roeilers Avon Four Arthur Barat Claire Rochester

Coney Island

Four Romanos Haveman'a Animals

PANTAGRS (ml Cora Coraon Nine Bob Albright (Thaa. Wayne A Co. Holden A Harron

HENDERSON'S iiibol Kennedy A Mse Billy Arlington

Barto A Clark .Kellev ft Galvin Mortin Bros.

Mr. ft Mrs. C. Dellaveiil Tacoma, Waah.

PANTA0F.S (ml Six Kirksmitb Siste.-s Cornell Corley Co. PasslBg Revue Trio Three Weber Sisters Halley ft Nobel

Tanoonver, B. C.

Kltner, Hayes ft Mont. Rhoda ft Crampton Cbartrei Slaters ft

Ililliday The Bremens Early ft Laigbt

Bill Robinaju FtidlKiwski Troigw Aiarsball Montgomery Chain A Templeton Courtney Sisters The Bosaireg


M’VICKER'S (loewl Wilson Bros. Verna Meraerean A C<i.'Mallla A Bart Bonomor Arabs B1 Re> Sisters Pirk Rome A Francis Koor Lnkens

I Louisville. Xy.

' FX)NTA1NE reRRA PARK (orphi

I Maxie King A Co. The Gladiators

■Fi-ank Crnmlt The Vsnderkivirs

Montreal, Own


PANTAGF.S (mi Tom Linton A Girls King Thornton Co. Blackface Eddie Rose -Maye A Addis Joe (Joue Tai ijiToska

Victoria. B. C. PANTAGES (ml

(utoi Oeo. H. Primrose A Co. Arline


KEITH'S (uboi . Flake O’Hara Louise Kent A Co. Morgan Dincer.* Adeline Francis Chas. Caae Toyo Troup* Llgbtner A Jordan Kaufman Bros.

Winnipeg, Can.

PANTAGES (ml Maid In Canada Karl Emmy A His Pels Joe Roberts Sullivan A Mason Inness A Ryan LalU Selblnl A Co.


Weathi-r ('oiiditioiis may nut suit some people but tliey liave lieen favorable to the theaters that an- siili open, ami patronage has been nn usually giMsl. Maid in .knierica is taking nice crowds to the I’alace. Some thought that th house was too clowly identifieil with vande ville to lie snoeessful with a musical show, but these iieople now admit an error of Judgment, as the Isnise has been sol<l out at nearly every per forniance since It o(>eiie<l. The Rialto goesipa whisper tliat the scanty wearing apparel of s< me niemWrs of tlie company is one of the at tractions that helps to draw the crowds.

Tom McGnir'- ig here from New Vork to in Jert some Irish comedy into the entertainment in place of tile German, which now fails to make a hit with the public. Will Stanton still gathers lip the Isnrhs during Uie first fiart of the show.

.411 To»-n is doing nicely at the Garrick. Tlie vehicle is not the strong) st in the world, blit Josoph Santley is |s>)iiilsr in Chicago, and that counts for a lot.

•klong Came Ruth, at the Olympic, and Peg o’ My Heart, at the Cort, are going strong and getting their full share of the business. Both are in a lighter vein.

Down at the Prini-<-g-i Valll Valll, Glen Hall, Gertruiie Vanderbilt and a lot of others are drawing well in the light and eolorful offering, Tlie Rod Lady. It is a stiow with spirit and dash, and it bids fair to remain some time, if not th! whole summer

Willie tlie theater managers down town have been rubbing their liands together over the cool, damp weather, the managers of summer parks sod ganlens have been gnashing their teeth. White City, Rivervlew and Forest Park have been too chilly for comfort ami too damp for

enJoj-njent, hence there has been little Joy in these plan-s. Mi<!way Gardens, Green Mill Gar¬

dena. Bismarck Gardens and other resorts have been under a cloud alwi.

First-run pictures bare be<-n installed at the Empress Theater, where the liovise has been

decorated In such a manner that it has become one of tlie handsomest pictnre bouses In the

Countess Van Dornum A Co.

Paul Banwena P itty Bros. C. Alphonse Zelayi Marie Dreams

MAJESTIC (orphi Bmois C'lrns Geo. Dsiuerel A Co. Violet Dale Howard A McCane Norton A Lee Smith ft Kanfman The Langdons Lucy Gillett Bertlsh

Atlanta. Oa.

I'ORiTVTHH (nhoi Helene ft Emelion Bopita ft Hearn Jack Gardner


KEITH’S (ulsM Ernie Ball Doiiglasu Fairbanks A-

Co. Prince Ijil Mon Kim Richards A Kyle Cycling Bninetti-s White Hussars Fsrber Girls Plplfsi ft Panlo Ralzer Sisters


BCSHWICK (iils’i KInting's Animals A Dixie Romance Oknra Japs Red Heads John Ciittv Van ft Schenck

prospect (ulml f srtmell A Harris Claremont Bros. Thiirber A Madison


SHE.\'.S (nboi Dorothy Tove Santley A Norton

Calgary, Can.

PANTAGES (ml Edmund Hayes A Co. Dorsch A Bnssell Belle Oliver Vletorla Fonr Ijidy Allee’s Pets


TEMPLE (iibo. J. H. (^llen

Morfolk Va.

COLONIAL (iihol ; First Half: Holmes A Rnchsnaii I/?ng Tack Sam

' Laat Half: ■ Clare A Flo Gould iBigoletto Twins ISteffv Berko A Co. Schwartz Bros,

Oakland. Cal.

ORPHETM (orphi H.VTnack 'Little Nap .Mary Elizabeth

PANTAGES (ml Richard the Great Marie Nelson. Ranons Col. Jack George

Co. Walton A Boardman Winona Winter Frank Stafford A Co. Barnes ft Robinson Richard Mlllov A Co. Florence Rayfield ,Three Mori Bros.


Hew York City

AMERICAN ibs-wl Evelyn Cunningham Roy A Arthur

1 Stepp ft Martin Stick-np Man

I Arno ft Stlckney Honey Girls Ed Boeller Trio (two to filll

BOrt^VARD (loewi Jos. Dealv ft Sisters

FULTON (loewi Gertmde Cogert K:<owles ft White Sandy Shaw Boarding School Girls Mack. Albright ft Mack Gaacb Sisters

PALACE (loewi Johnson ft Deane Ijemsrest ft Collette Jst. MacCurdy ft Co. Morris ft Allen Cbai. Le-legar

SHUBERT (loewi Stewart ft Dakin Eddie Clark ft Rose Marshall ft Comby

Fern Bigelow A Meahan pg^ASCEY ST. (loew) .

Philadelphia ^ Philadelphia

I KEITH'S (iiboi Gallettl’s Monks .Tlghe A Babette R. Holmes’ Pictures Rajah Bernard A Scarth Booth A Leander Bdw. Blondell A Co Walter f, Kelly Briee ft King

j Portland, Ore.

PANTAGES (ml Sarah Padden ft Co. Dorothv Vaiighsn West A Van Slelon Friend ft Downing Rendow Trio Ishikawa Japs

Richmond. Va. T.vwir- rule,I

Laat Half; Holme* ft Rnchanar. Tack Sam

Salt Lake City

PANTAGE.-* (ml Garden of Raiah Florence Modens ft •'

-Aiken. Flgg ft i> Barber ft Jaekaop Three Shentons

San Diego. Cal.

i PANTAGES (ml .Tate’s Motoring Von Klein ft Gibson

Hartley ft Peean Within the Ijnes Pealton ft Ooldte Josephine Davis Blanche Slosne

I (two to filll

GREELEY SQ. (ioewl Eddie ft Rsmsilen Grace DeWIntres Deland-Carr ft Co. Rucker ft Winifred BogannI Troupe

I (one to filll

1 LIN(X)LN SQ. (loewi ICrtwford ft Bnder'.ck Three Keltona Bnrke ft Burke Bell Boy Trio Aerial I.aVails

,(oDe to fill)

NATIONAL (loewI Glenn Ell .son ITfnev Bov Minstrels

' Bessie Leconnt Sprague ft .lleNnse (luo to fill)

ORPHEUM (loewi i.Mblo ft Nugent

, .John IjiVler Sniit'i ft- Farax-i Moore ft Elliott Osear Ijorralne Wolgas ft Girlie

;(one to fill)

Frevoll (one to fill)

WARWICK (loeni Pnrcella Bros. Shot at Sunrise Ren ft Hazel .Mann Two Tabors

Fall River, Mata.

ACADEMY (loew) Joggling DeLlsle Brown ft Jackaon Valentine Vox Elsie Gilbert ft Girls (one to fill)

Hobokan. H. J.

LYRIC (loewi Does a Million Interest

Yon? Nell McKinley I>es esaadoa (two to filll

Hswark, H. J.

M-tJESTIC (loewi Geo. Wicbmao Joe Whitehead lora Payne Fired From Yale Mayo ft Tally Reddington ft Grant (one to dill

Kew Rochella, M. Y.

IX)EW’’K (loewi Cohan ft Young

SEVENTH AVE. (loewi Jas. Grady ft Co Bryan-Snmner ft Co C-.rooran A Dingh-

AI A Fannie Steadman jJohnaon. H. ft- l.lstettejReckllesa Trio Selma Braatz Freeman ft Dnidum Rankoff ft Girlie Fonr MeloiMons ‘’hS|i Those French Girls

Edmonton, Can.


Tavlor ft Arnold Nolsn ft- Nolan Cnrtls ft Hebard

San Prancisen

ORPHEUM (onihl Mercedes Newhoff ft Phelps

Josle Fl.vnn ft Minstrels jirigher ft Green Juliette Dlka i Fritz ft Lnev Biireb Klein’s Wsr Production'Kremkt Bros. Rice ft Francis Ipsntzer Duo Sllber ft North .Fashion Show Rio ft Norman l''smeron ft Gs.ilord

Grand Rapids, MijS. | PANTAGES (mi

(three to fill


OI.ORE (loewi El Cleve

, Anderson ft Biirt Svengali Ward, Bell ft Ward

I (three to fill)

ORPHEUM (loew) iVeldl Trio Ogden Quartette Ryan ft Richfield

(Anderson ft Golues IClzrence Wlibnr

PAMONA PARK iiitsil Revue Donats Salon Singers jStnsrt Male PsttI Jnlls Cnrtls ! Antrim ft Vtle Hsrrv Cooper A Co ICsrletts Hayward Stsftord ft fo.|F1<»renz Fsmllv Aurora of Light

Hamilton. Can.

LYRIC (iitk-ii I>eonardl

London. Can.

(oho) Grace Twins

Loa Angeles

ORPHEUM (orohi Adelaide ft Hughes


I PANTAGES (m) Ethel Davis ft Dolls

jJessle Havwird ft Co. I Bigelow. CamplH-lt A

(two to fill)

ST. JAMES (loewi Lillian Watson Evans ft Wilson

.Torn Mahoney Frey Twins ft Frey (two to fill)


Bogers ft Wllev Nens ft Eldrid


PANTAGES (ra’l Hanloa Broa. A Co.

Rarden BUOO (loew) Kayaen glsters

lowell ft Esther Drew Owen McOlveney Melnotte Twins Mp ft Turk (two to fill)

Aanle Kent

Palisades Park. N.

(loew I (full week)

Bob Tip ft Co. Five Corsos Great Santelle


Palace (loew) Billie Davis Kitty Edwards ft

Keeorls Foy ft Page Rollero


EMERY (loew) Mellor ft DePaoli Harman. Zaroes ft

Dunn Wrong or Right Three Bennett Sisters (one to fill)

Toronto, Can.

YONGE HT. (loew) (fall week)

Franclf ft Rosa Mr. and Mrs. Caplin Healy ft Barr Twins I*rinceton ft Tale Bnrke ft McDonald Carl Demsrest (two to Sll)

city. Manager Harry Mitchell la now planiiln.: to install a new Italian garden set which win further enliance the beauty of the stage, iiu.. of the nsiat striking featurea of the theater I- the pres*‘nce of tlie Cecellan Maids, an orgaiiiza tion of twelve young women mdoUts. wisi iK-eii|.\ places on the stage and furnish Hie iiiiisi, r..r the sIhiws.


New York. Juno lo.—The Professloi; ,1

Woman’s Is-sgue hsd "Members* Day” MoikIix at its club nsims, 11*1*9 Broadway. Mrs. I’eter C. Blteble, Jr., was the chairman, and pn- seiited tlu- fo’lowing program: Clara Thnsip. in

recitation*; Irma Herbat, piano solos; solos by

Mrs. Harry Kraft and Meta Gre«-ne; monologn, by Inez Banghart. and a play by the Caniti Hre

Girls of Public Bcbool No. 27, nnder the di rectlon of Miss Cosgrove.


Rlmiingham, .41a., June 9.—The season st the Ijric Theater was brought to a do*,. |.ist Hstiinlsy night. It will probably be th-

Utter part of .4ngust before tb<- house will

tie reofiened.


Tlie Rorlcks’ Glen Theater opened th* we<-l. of June 7, with Royater and Dudley of .New Y'Wk City, as the new managers. ’The show f<-r the opening week w-ss The Red Rose. Ttie com pany was hsikeil upon by the theatergoers of K1

mira a* one of the best companies that evi- o|iened the Glen Theater. The cast Include. .4nna Hiissert. prima ipiona; Ulllan Ilsgai- second soprano; Mlaa Ann Boyd, contralto; Tus-iis Stevens, soubn-tte; Miss Kearly; Carl Gantvoort

liaribifie; R-bert Harhe»>n, tenor; Frank Shm i-omeilian; R. H. Greenlagr. I*>onard Hollister. Edwin Emery, Peter McArthur and Casfier Bani-r. The esat also includes a very dev. r singing and dancing chums. The attrartior for the Week of June 14 will be The Plrefli


New York. June 9.—Ned Waybnrn proniiw* *00*1 to become the George Cohan of the mn«l<-al comedy field. The latest of hii revue*. Sidasli

Me—a *>-a*lde diversion in two dips -had it' premier at Relwenweber’s Shelhnme Il->tel. at

Brighton Beach, last night, and was very w< II

received. The piece, ambitloits almost as a Broudway

rerne. is replete with good singing and clever bnsiness. dassy costuming and original llghttii: effect*. The principals are fairly well known

Charlie Daly, the eccentric dancer, with Marie Lavarre. the dainty little singing comedian,

supply the grester part of the comedy. Mi** Evi Burrows, the beauty from California 1*

featured In her classical dancea, and K<Idu

Whistler, from The Crinoline Girl, sings Hlckj Hlcky llol. and other popular nambers. Sam Ash, from Too Much Mustard, the late revue at Rdsenweber’a. duidicates his aucces* In tb«-

former offi-ring. Splash Me. the Hgg'-st of the "ballroom” productlona yet atteiiiptisl

oeeius to have caught on.


Chli-sgo, June 5.—The first annual liamiuet of

the American ’Theatrical Hospital was held in the Auditorium Hotel June 5. Cover* w*-Te Ui'1 N'r 2.'’i«). and the lianqiiet room pre»enteil a bril lUnt si-ene. ■ Judge Cliarles S. Ooodnow was toastmaster, and Introduce*! the ai»eaker* of tli*

evening. Juaeph llopp, president of the aswo- ls tIon. spoke on ’'The American Theatrical II"* pital;” Lincoln J. Carter, "flilcago in the The atrical World;” Judge John P. McGoorty. ’'I

Will;” Dr. Max Tlmrek. ’’The Need of a Tliesl rical Hospital;” Donald Robertson. "CsiOliera tion,’’ and E*lward Mayer, wbo spoke eat<-ni poraniwiiisly. pyld a high tribute to Dr. Th-trek

ami th-* lioapital movement. Ed Rhayne had charge of the cabaret part <•(

the en.ertainment. which conalateil of song* dance* and Instrumental aeleetlona. Zeliya. the pianist, was one of the feature*. Elsie Marie sang a f<-w oonga, Rozella and RoaelU offere I

ec<-entrlc music, while All*'en Rtanley prove<l * big success. IJttle Beryl Felaentlisl danced aii„

Ix)u Clilha offered xylophone music. Rlg». the vhdInUt, was prenent, as was Mme. Rig", wh-- occupleil a place at the speaker’s table. After the banquet the Aoora were cleared for dam-lna


Tlie new alrdome In Aurora, Ill., look* Ilk*' ■ succ<-*s with an even break on the weather Manager Hargrave has provided a ring for ll»' clrcna acta, while the vaudeville artist taken care of with a stage. He boa also taken particular care of the performers, having for nislie*! oimfortable dressing looma. Tliey e*

pe<-t to opi-n In two weeks.

Fliihrer and Flnlirer, character <H»roedy artist-- are with C. R. Casaelman’a Clrcna this s*-ai*’ii

tlie first time they have l>een away from the I. 11. Kanft RImiw since 1912. They are ft-atiirliig Fr«Mlerii-k H Green’s wonderful Irish bsllsd There’s a Little Town In Irelaml, amt Max .4 PawIIgsek’a new sensational song*. Cmldll'*-

Moon and Wamta.

PreparatloDK. are uuiUr »-ay for tlie patrona of tbe Palare to receive tlieir lemonade during Intermliaioo. Klmer Itogem, manager, baa set aalde a large portion of apace close to the stage entrance where the refreshments will be served gratU. The promenade will be decorated with foliage and tbe Boor painted green to resemble

that reason has caiiseil no little regret in fllm ctrcles. Mr. I’hjrsloc has starte<l for New York, ttiere to perfcH-t plans for the future.

dally, being neighbors In tbe suburban city. Rice was all enthusiasm over bis en^cagemeut with the Luhio Company, but be did not api>ear to be In goal health, smi when 1 met Mrs. Kiev the next day she told me that John had already left fur Pbllatlelphia to begin work with Marie Uieasier on a new feature film, and that she was leaving herself that day to Join him.

This (Sunday) morning 1 received a telegram that Rice was dead an<l that bis b»<ly was being brought to New York fur burial Monday after¬ noon.

In all vaudeville ofle could not point to a more is.pular duo tlian John C. Rice and SalUe Cohen, who, fur two full deca<l«e, enjoyed an unlntsr- luptefi vogue at ever-liureaslng salary. In all

those years they never had a failure, producing new sketches, year after year, w'ithout the least

scenic or cvjstiiine investiture of a special na¬ ture, and never utilizing any other players.

Rice hoped to find berths with the Lubin Com¬ pany for his dear Sallie and their idolized liaughter, Gladys, who have been playing in tbe local etock company In Mount Vernon, gaining experience of the kimi her dead father knew the value of so well that be bad planned fur her future career ns a singer, but insisted she must learn to act nsstt of all.

Vaudeville has li«t one more of its standard



Leases the New York Hippodrome a summer ganlen.

Cliestcr Stratton, assistant to E. M. Robinson of tbe U, K. O. offlees. Is operating a moving picture tlieiter at Feldman's, C>>ney Island, for the Bumnii-r,

I'nafraid becauae all former leasors of the cohsisal New York Hippodrome have aooner or later found It an eK*(ibant on their bands. In¬ trepid Charles B. Dilliugliam, tlie highly suc- ceseful manager of the Globe Theater, Mont gomery and Stone and producer of many big girl and music shows, t<M>k over that bouse June 8, upon which date the Forty-third Street Realty Co., owners of the property, concluded their ne¬ gotiations with Mr. Dillingham, and the new

lisaee will take posaesaion forthwith, lie plana to Bubmit tbe building to an Immediate ami drastic overhauling and to have It ready to Is- reopened In September, with hia own luvsluction there of a spectacle drawn bi the scale of the largest playhouse in New Y'ork. Concerning this first production, Mr. Dillingham was willing to say that it would Include a patriotic play called All America, the work of an author uew' to the stage.

“The llipp-sironie under .Mr. IHlIinghani's di¬ rection.” said Bruce Edwanls. of the Dlllingliam forces, “will present a pvdicy of entertainment nHMleled to some extent after the great Institu tions of the kind in Eur>pe, where auditoriums and atages of unusual size are nx-re common than here, altltough m>ne over there Is s<> large or 80 well adapted for coluaaal artistic produc- tlODS.

“It Is too early to annoiinee the exact nature of the princl|ial features Mr. Dillingham liaa in mind to make tbe Hippodrome the moat imiaiatng place of entertaineut in .America, but It la known that be has been aeriirlag imiavrtant and novel acta all over the world, and these will doubtless be intrvaluced In the new produc¬ tion.

The Billboard ventures to predict that Mr. Dillingham will beat All America for a title of his Initial prvMluction before tbe time comes tc dreaa the billboanis.

ROBERT GRAU (Continued from page 5)

The latest cel--brity to sign with tlie Vita- graph Company la David BIspham. who la an Intimate friend of Coniiuodore Blacktoo, and the tw> have met at the opera and at clubs fre- i,nontly to discuss the famous baritone's pos- sil>le scr>-en debut.

l*robably few [-ersons know that RIapbam's fame rest-t less on hla singing tlian on bis act¬ ing. it la'So long since be was wont to trod tbe boards of tbe Metr>politan Opera House that moat iM-op’t- regard Bispham aa a concert singer, wliereat in Wagnerian rolea be baa never liad a peer.

But for the conditions created by the war in Eiiro(>v Itis| w< iild have produced himself


November 1. Brice and King will play tbe

Bnsliwlck, Brooklyn. July 5. After this en¬ gagement they will start reheamals for the review. Tbe book will be written by Irving

Beriin. vieorge McKarlane, the mdtsi baritone, ia

being runtevl for a vaodeville tonr. Trilby, tbe •ls>s of which be was one of the features, closed last Saturday night.

(hk-ar Frlevilander Is acting In the capacity

of stage manager at the Bushwlck. Dave Burk, tbe former stage manager. Is at tbe New Brighton. Oscar will go to Morriaun'a Rock- jesy as soivn as tbe summer season commences zt tlie seashore resort.

Uelne Davies will spend the early part of next season on the Orpbeom CIrenIt Miss Itavles has In her possession contracts for thirty Seeks' work.

Hilda Morris, tbe sweet singer, has dlscanled vindevtlle for tbe summer months at, least. She Is DOW playing as extra attraction to Mr. ami Mrs. Castle, atop tbe 44tb St. Theater, and x-orlng a sensational hit.

John C. Rice, who paased away in Pliiladel- l-hla last Saturday, was one of tbe oxsit cordial felh-ss in show bnslness. His hMis to tbe pro¬ fession will be greatly mlasevi. We ••Her our •incere regrets to the surviving wMow and

daughter. Ben Blatt, uinager of tbe Bushwlck, Bnsiklyn.

--Ifereit an all Dome week bill last week. Those to take part In tbe entertainment were: Valarle Bergere and Company, Clark ami Bergman. Ryan ami TIerny, Seven Colonial Bel'es, l.ydla Barry. James Montgomery and Company, Old Home stead Doable Quartette, The Three Ankers, and CIsIrmont Brotbera. Business wss excellent. <s>nshlerlng tbe warm weather. Van and

Si-henck were originally hooked In, but canceled on account of the death of Van's mother.

Qiieenie Duneden la one of tbe happiest girls In town. She just received worst tbat her sister. May Toarblllton. an English mualcal artist, and wife of Jock McKay, tbe celebrated

Scotch comevltan, la tbe proud mother of a bi*y. He was born In Ixvndoo, Euglaml, and bis name Is Jidin French McKay.

Jack Younger, formerly of Tbe Youngem. artistic acrobats. Is rabearaing a blackface act "Ith Harry Unton. They will also Introduce

several dlfllcult acrobatic feats while delivering their “coon" comedy.

It Is reiavrterl that the wife of K. G. I-arsoo. niansger of Keith's Boston, died In tbat city

,lsst Tliiiraday. Brown and Taylor have revlweil their singing

s.-l considerably. They formerly offered only Is'liular selections. TTie new set will consist

of siras from grand opera. Harry Van Cleve la doing a “rbaplln" with

tlie assistance of hla mule “Bete.” The act was shown at the I’alace last Ttinrsilay morning and recelviHl three weeks' booking.


.Arthur L. A’on Deck, well known In the¬ atrical circles as an old-time musical director, baa been lying in the General Hospital. Cin¬ cinnati, for the past five weeks, penniless and

helpless. Friends of .Mr. Von Deck, willing to lend a

helping hand, can do so by addressing him In

eare of tbe General Hospital. Ward B 3, Cin¬ cinnati, O.


The Vaughan Glaser Stock Company closed

a ten weeks’ engagement at the Lyceum Thea¬ ter, Detroit, on June 5, and o|>enrd at the

Valentine Theater, Tidedo. O.. on June fi, for an engagement of four weeks.

Gertrude Bondhill closed with tbe company at

Detroit, and Fred Kirby joined at Tolevio June C.

Harrison Stedman left tbe cc-mpany on June

Vaughan Glaser has arranged to star Fay Courteney In a new play by Charles Daaey next season.

Herman Tlmberg will be starred next season In a revival of School Days. Vaughan Glaatr

will manage tbe tour. Ida Burt Lawrence (Mrs. Ed R. Salter), wbo

was in vaudeville last season, a|>peaiing In her own play. My Wife's Babies. Is In Detroit, recovering from an operation for appendicitis.

Ed R. Salter, wbo has been Mr. Giasar’t press agent and manager during his Detroit sea¬

son of stock, has resigned his position, and will remain in Detroit.

Tbe Hayden Sisters are featuiiiig Sbaptro-Bernstein Co. soii(r>.


Signs of rigid discipline in negotatioDS be¬ tween stage rtars and theatrical producers are already In evidence, thus confirming the writer's previous statement that before the coming sea- asm Is fairly launched there will be many re- foriiia of business policy.

The first public statement in this plan baa to do, with tl'e temlency of famous stars to make «-xcural-mK fr>m tie stage to the fllm studio, thus adding to tlieir income immeasurably. Now it Is statcil that proilnclng managers fi>r the S|ieaking st.xge are Imsiris-rating a clause in contracts by whl-h such procedure Is proniblteil. at least during the life of the agia-euients.

Cne must wonder, iiowever. as to tlie metliod to bo practl-'ed by ttie horde of stnze pnsliicers who have large Interests In the motion picture

fli-ld. In such cases pb'bahly the embargo will n<>t be placed on tlie ss-reen. but solely on the old eatabllslusl pnsliicers. some of whom are

even atllliateil with the very men who now seek to call a halt. After all. It Is very different w hi n "It strikes home.”

a play written around the life of Benjamin Franklin, wliom the singer gn-atly resemblo. In tbis production Bispham was to have been ex- lil-dtefl as a cone-llan.

Now H ia annoiiiiced that Blapliam will be seen on tlie screen as Beethoven in a A’ltagraph prsinctlon. entitled .\d.-Ialde. Only thoae who know of Mr. Blackton's alms can concieve what BIspliaBi'a engagement really slgotfies. The tw<i are 4if one n-ould. artistically, ami me- llilnks the d.ay Is m-ar when the mualcal side of tbe picture play Is to have serious considera¬ tion.


Chicago. June 12.—On Tuesday of last week James O'Neil was tbe victim of an ai-cident. when a aireet car kniK-ked him down in front of tbe main gate at the Fanama Expoaition at Frisco. It was at first reported that Mr. O'Nell bad been seriously hurt, but a telegram from hla associate, Otto L. Little, and addressed to John B. Warren, president of the Sliowmen's League of America, states that re|iorts must have been greatly exaggerated, as Br' ther O'Neil

was bruised stsiut the bead, bands and foot, but not seriously Injured, as be expects to be up

and around In a few days.

WHO CAN IT BE? The I' rtim ('(-mpaiiy has just slgne«l mntrset whicli entails the largest honor-

or screen t<Hlate. sriiim ever paid on stage Tlie writer la m-t prlvllege.1 to give the name of the artist for whom every lni|>ortaut fllm concern has been negotiating In vain, but 1 am able to say the artist la a woman, and is neither an actres* n-r a singer: In fact if you want to 1o any guessing try to think of the greatest ceb-brity of her sex; «>ne who will bring t-. tbe seiaen all of her womiroua art. omitting nothing as Is the case with famous singers and actors.

Note -Since writing tlie above the fnlversal Ounpanv has annuunee<| the engagement of the

great I'avl-nva.

TIGHTS III all Matwlals—but at Rest Grade sod Make, for all PKOFKSSIO.V- .Al_«<: Pbsliig Ari. iHv- ers. Skaters, (Arcus Pe»- tomifrs. etc. Ps-ldlnf. Fn<<. miake and Monkey Suits. Elastic and Clotli Supporters ind Gvmnss- tic Pumps and Giltefs. Send for (laialnaue B and FRITH SAMI'I.ra

JOHN SPICER. Successor to Spicsr


W WsadkliM Strsst. Brsaklys. N. V.


The studio of the Berry Feature Film at Sw.aits.-a. Dnt.. was <s>ni|iletely ilestroyed by fire

just as I.ewls W. Pbysioc bad completeil hia first feattm*.

So complete was the destruction that It la practically decided not to rebuild. So there >s one less of the ronntless new enteriiriaes recently

launched: but in thin Instance the pmdnctivlty planned was of a most unusual nature, and for


Rut three days ago the writer met Jtdin C. Rice on the train from Mount A'emon, N. T., to tbe metroptdla. We had been meeting almost




('niUmt txvtui April II uxl cfxlKl April SO, Mr. W. i. W.-Walcolt wtiinlni first prUr. Uirou^ music ilcalrr or smil IDs to

W. J. W.-WALCOTT, Muftl# PuMkftlMr

R. SIS Osisty Thssilrs BUfl., BroitEway. Nsw


week by the Meiwra. Shubert, who will 0|>erat« It.

“The pk't Is 140x200 feet, and the lee Palac* will be, therefore, about the aame atxe as the Hippodrome,’' Lee Shuhert said In dtscuaalug the new venture. ”lt will be mo«1eIed after tlie .Ydmtral's I’alaast In Berlin. Preliminary plana

were made by an architect In Europe, after an investigatiou of the ice palaciw of the Con¬ tinent. 1 expe<'t the designs will reach her* leon."

The entire Kiwer floor will b-? devoted to

skating, the surface to be 00xl20 feet. Spec¬ tacular ballets on skates will be given, and in the mornings and early afterncstns and during the iniermlssion the public will be allowed to skate. Expert skaters from Norway, Canada, Sweden and Germany will be engaged, both to Instruct the public and appear In the spectacular ballets.

Tile second and third floors will be devoted’to restaurants and cafes.

The building will have a seaHiig capacity of about 4.00<l. and the prices will range from 25 rents to fl.SO.

Construction work will commence about

August 1, and It Is expected to have the skating palace In running order by the middle of next winter.

1*1S. tinier

Forest Park Also Expected To Close Gates But White City Will Remain Open—Traffic

Tie-Up Will Affect Theaters

7 SURE FIRE PARODIES, $1.00 Os LIttls Hsuaa Upas ths Hill, MIebItan, Tulls asd Rsm, Carallna Ytu Lsve. Tlpsarary, By tks Saa.

I Dlda't RalH My Bay Ta Ba a Salglar, FREE—With each onler for I’amllrs I will send a comic mmiley np IS late «>of hits—Absolutely Fm H. C. PYLE. JR., 1064 St. Nraktlaa Ava.. N. Y. CHy.

Chicago. June 14.—Owing to the strike of

surface and elevated employees. IHvervlew

I’ark, Chicago, is closed until further notice.

It ii expected that Forest I’srk will also close.

White City, in the center of the Woodlawn and

Hyde Park district, expects to do a bigger bustness than ever, and conceaalonalrea are preparing for a boom, figuring that thonaands

of dollars which might otherwise go to the

theaters of the loop will come to them. The Majestic will not be darkened, regardless

of the expected slump in box-office receipts. A prolonged strike will mean the closing of

the Princess, Palace and Garrick. These thea¬ ters will remain open, however, as long as they

are paying expenses. George Warner, manager of the Olympic, taya

he will continue with Along Came Ruth, as long aa they meet expenses. They Intend to

keep the theater and company staff together to the last.

All Jones, Liuick t Schaefer bouses, both vaudeville and moving pictures, will remain open whether In the loop or outlying districts. Aaron Jones has posted a notice telling em¬ ployees that he will defray their expenses at a hotel If they can not find means of transporta¬ tion.

Managers of theaters are figuring out ways and means of squaring acconnts with patrons who have paid money in advance, but who may not te able to get down to see the showa. Out¬ lying moving picture theaters will reap a harvest. Every hotel in the loop will be packed to capacity during the strike. It Is estimated that 13.700 patrons can be cared for aside from the regular guests. The telephone company has arranged to bouse a thousand operators in sev¬ eral of the hotels.

A flrst-clias Theater, a paying proposition In a Hiy ot 4U.U0V: no opposition except moving picturrs. In one of the best towns In the Ontral Stales. Kea-nn. Ill health. Address MANAUIZR OPERA llorsK. rsre llllllMiard. Clnelnnstl, O.

VAUDEVILLE ACTB 26 of them. Ail new tnd up to-lhe-mlnute. Monologs. Sketches, Cumedlea Guo<l. clean mstrrial; the kind you like to use. Also to Parodka; all for tl.OO. JACK U)UE. MsMillan, O

WALTERS AT STAR & GARTER Fiat hanging pieces, full seta, goo<l condition Price reonnaole. Addrcaa R. R. MOSHER, car Ous Sun Booking Exchange Co., Springfield, O. New York, June 10.—Charles L. Waltera,

who for aeveral years was manager of the Gay-

ety, St. Louis, and last season at the Olympic, Cincinnati, will manage the Star & Garter In Chicago for the Hyde Amoaement Co. the coming season.

Ar>TC an exclusive act ti. send Le 1 d DOLLAR BILL AND PARTICULARS.

Great Monolog Hralnstorm and 13 great Paroilles, $l Send imllar Rill Now. tl. E. L. GAMBU:, Play wrlglit. lUst Liverpool, O.

WANTED IDEAS—Write for IJsl of InvrnUooa wanted. tl.OOO.tMM) In priacs offered for Invenllona. Our tour bookleta sent free. Patestt secured sr fss rstiirsed. VICTOR J. EVANS A CO., S Nlatb, WaaklsitMi, 0. C.

log discussed la whether or not the music deal¬ ers of the country are not of sufficient Import¬ ance to Justify the creation oif a Une of popular music which aball reUll at 15 and 20 cents, and be so wholesaled that the 10-cent stores will not be able to handle It.


Has Wayburn Leased Century Theater?

It la alleged that Ned Wayburn haa not jet received hU lease for the Century Theater, be¬ cause he has not yet furnished a satisfactory

bond. It ia alao rumored that Fk) Zlegfeld, Jr., baa not abandoned hope that he may yet euchre

Wayburn out of It.

New York, June 14.—The New Brighton thla wi-ek la celebrating Ita seventh anniversary; in

honor of the event the management la offeritig a twelve act bill.

Amazing Bargain! Bsaulas Standard VMbIs Ollvar TypawvNsr- 'l.r vtvy latest Model 3, with back spacer, tibulator, colot writing-ruling devlru, disappearing Indicator. Noth¬ ing lacking—met a I case, tools, Insinictlnn book Life #guarantee. We have sold 36,600.

FREE TRIAL—No Advsaca Paysisat -^4k-nd a little Ml each month until our eery small nrlce Is paid. No Interesi—no efl tape. Send fsr our smailog

Hsrgaln Offer tnd FREE Type¬ writer Book today. No obUga-


ISia-gF Wabaab A«s.. Ckicags.




Editor The Billboard: Dear Sir—I trust that yon will find room in

your worthy columna for theae few lines of thanks. Very few people. If any, excepting Joa. W. Stern, Eidward B. Harks and Max Marks, their bookkeeiter, knew that my flrat contract with the Stern Company waa only for a period of six months. It had been mntnally agreed uiHtn that If at the expiration of six montba. If either of the parties concerned were dis¬ satisfied, that was the end of our bnelness rela¬

tions. The object of this note is to acquaint you and

the profeaslon with the fact that I have re¬ newed my contract with thla firm for a much longer period. Llkewiee the object of tbit note is to thank my many friends In the profetalon for helping me ancceed in my capacity with

this firm. The success of the ballad song hit. My Little

Ilrcam Girl, 1 may safely say la an eetabllabed fact, and 1 must take thla opportunity of advising you all that I haven’t a case of ex¬ aggerated ego and I know that there are many res|>onslble for the succeaa of thla aong, hence¬

forth this letter of thanks. I am indeed grateful for the support that

your worthy paper has given me. I am grateful for the co-operation and support, financially and otherwise, that Messrs. Marks and Stern have given me. I am Indeed thankful to the many performers w*bo have sang this song to

success, also am I gratefnl to those who didn’t sing It and may have said a kind word for it

or wished me well. To say that I am thankful to the different

associates in my department, the trade depart¬ ment, the orchestra department and everybody In fact connected with the firm ii a foregone

conclusion. In conclusion, want to say that these were

the most delightful and satisfactory buslneas relations I have ever had in my hnmble career in the music business, I can only hope that the next period of my contract with the Stern Company will be as pleasant and satisfactory.

Sincerely yours, (Signed) L. WOIJT! GILBERT.

We are going to issue a ^eat, big, handsome Am msnagi-r In three local theatrsa. playing stork til resr round. Csn sJwtys place Musical. Burlesuue tnd ISrsmaUc Stork Cooipanlfs of all slaea; alto Pro¬ ducers, Cocuedltiis, Straight Men, Prlmt Uoniits. Soubrettes tnd Chorus Girls; alao wardrobe. Write all first letter.

A. NORWITZ. 422 SusiaiR Street. . Telede. Okie.

WANTED AT ONCE To JMn Nagir's Big Vaudeville Review, a Sister Ttsm nr a gnnd Man and Woman Singing and IJanclng Team. ThU thaw carrlet (our to five people only, tnd we work 33 werki in the year. Or will utt t good Mtii tnd Wamtn Mutirtl AcL SetUs every nIghL tmmmniiwrallh, and doing great. Write or wire at once and be ready to Jotn un srlre. Addrcaa to IR¬ WIN \V. N.4GLK, Manager Ntgle't Big Vai^erllle Review, June 17, opera Uouae. UlUaboto, Wla.; June 18-19, Opera House, Elroy, Wla.

Which will contain every list we run, revised and corrected up to the minute.

It will achieve a much larger sale on the stands than an ordinary issue. Out June 29. Dated July 3.


Last form closes at noon, June 28. No preferred position after

June 22. I'll Write You I II VIIIIV lUH boLUM iiu.

And If It Isn't aa good an act aa there la In vaudeville ril return your dollar. CNAS. LANDON CARTER. (Baaiaitr Name), Cabael, Mbaourt.

(MAN AND WIFE) German rorordy preferred. Must be up In all icU and do dancing. All arsaon't work for reliable Med¬ icine People. State loweat salary and all In first letter. 1 pay Iranaporuuoa after Jotulng Address DR. LEO DOWNER, care Blllbaarg, Cklsage.

The aasociatloD executives are Charles W. Homoyer, of Boston, president; Harold Orth, of Denver, vtce-presldent; R. W. Heffelfinger, of Los Angeles, secretary-treasurer.

Next week, at the same hotel, the twenty-flrat convention of the Music Publishers' Aasociatioo of the United States will be held, opening Tues¬

day, June 15.


New York. June 10.—Harry Bailey, who form¬ erly manage<l Keltli'a Bronx Theater, arrivetl from Chicago thla week. It is reported that he has severed his connection with the Joe Sul- llven agency, and will .rpen an office of bic own In the Palace Theater Building.

Mrs. Bailey la spending the summer inoDtht at Far Ruckaway.

WANTED—Wessrlman-Wood Stock Ob., Qcncgal Hus- ineaa I’cnplr, wlUi SpeclalUsa. Man ITaiio Plaxrr to double Hand, Cornet Player. Baritone nsyrr. Tmohmie player, Clarinrt ilayer. Uthcr Muslrisii*. write. L. H WJXtSKLMAN. Palmer. Neb.


playing the M.wa To>ir. At the date of writing. May 23, they were playing the sixth week of an elglileen-week engagement.

MADISON SQ. GARDEN OPENED New York, June 11.—When you are In New Y'oik take a stroll up to the Mt. Morris Theater, One Hundred and Sixteenth street and Flftli avenue, any Thursday evening, and yon will see

“Taps." the wliard of song writer nights. Tills kid la the boy that makes nigbta of that sort a pleisnre fur the boyi of the varlons mnile bouses.

New Y’ork, June 10.—Arrayed In Arctic scenery and transformed for a cool and com¬ fortable place for a summer show, Madison Sjiiare Garden o|>cned Its season, last .Hatunlay night, with moving pictures tnd music. Under the direction of Hchwsrtx A Wirren, the scenic srtists of the Garden, the entire fourth end of tlie big building has lieen given an Arctic at m^wpliere. It Is seml-rirc|ed with a lilg pano rsmt, over which pass moving clouds, while the great screen of plaster, 34i2(l. surmounting an IcelM-rg. is Illuminate,] with inffthern lights. The whole arena la covered with a canopy of blue, which, with s^ift lighting, gives the effect of a moonlight evening.

New features and a change of service every day will the summer bill. It Is lewslhle that some big aerial acta will be added.


New Y'ork, June 14.—Reports to the effeC that owar llaninicratelo woiihl take over Ism-w's

New York Theater for the presentation of vaudeville on th* U. B. O. franchtse, held by him for the Times H<|uare Pletrlct. are witlioul foiiiiilatloi', although It ia said that overtures t,' this end have been made by Mr. Uanimerstclii to Marciia I>.ew. the small time magiiate. II >w ever, finding the New York too valuable an

acquisition to think of letting It go at tl., liresent time, it begins to look as though Mr Hanimerstein will meet with considerable itif fleiilty 111 locating a new theater, tbe luiuwa which would suit hla purposes being neeileil h.v Ihclr |ires.-nt owners, while the recent vslusfhu' placed upon the Victoria by ths Court $1,4511 (MSI-gives an hies of the valiis of prop erty In the Times Hqusre District should le think of buying or leasing gnMin,! on which t' hiilld.

New York, June 12.—The second intiual con¬ vention of the National Association of Sheet Music Dealers, which opened at the Hotel Bres- lin on Thursday, will be brought to a close to¬ day. A number of important trade matters are being discussed and acted upon by the membera

of the association. One Important snbject under consideration Is

the formation of P>cal atsoriarions and the ae- enring of closer co-operation between dealers in their respective cities. Another subject be-


New Y'ork. June 11.—The Curaon Sisters, well- known IrviD-Jaw act, have signed with Bob Man- ctiester to appear in bla prodaction tbe coming s<-ason.


New Y'ork, June 14.—N«-w York Is to have a Continental Ice I'alace, to be constructed on ths

plot west of and adjacent to tbe Shnbert and Iboth theaters, extending through the bbirk be¬ tween West Fwty-fourth and West Forty-fifth streets, half way l,etween Broadway and Eighth avenue. This announcement was made late las*

Is the only Fscs Ghs appUca- THE EMMETTS IN ENGLAND \ der that sUyi on. -

tlnr. lasts sH dsy. Tbe fsvortte fsce pow¬ der of Isdles of re(ln»tnent for 50 years. Bend free ssmples of til Exors prepsrstlant. CHA MEYER (Ett. 1868), 103 W. IStk St.. Nsw Ys

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Emmett write from Etiglinl that tliey are getting akuig nicely.


JUNE 19, 1915.








THE WERBIOW'FISHER CO., Strand Ttiealnt Bldg., 47tli i Broadway, NEW YORK CITY.


mg. R«lDa«ld. of 8t. lioaia. haa anDnoocwHl

tnat after worklof around that ritjr hr will tour tlie Snutii. Cuba and the Bahama lalaniU fir the Oreenwfood Agrncy, featurine J<w hano and IVarl Harper in an original maalral novelty, oarrying nine ladlea, who will aing and perform on varloua maalral Inatnimenta. It la exytected that Reinfleld’a new art will prove more of a drawing rard even than hia Ijidy Minatrelv. Kelnfleld will have a new aong out before very

long, railed Re My Red Ooaa Sweetheart.

The R<«ton & Grant Vaudeville Company dla-

•olved at Oouvemeur, N. Y.. and the Metropoli¬ tan (.Vmpany rioaetl near Tottadam. N. Y.. re-

,>eDtl.r. A. F. Eaton, bnalneaa manager of the IhwitonCrant tvmpany. rontemplatea putting >ut M>metlilng new in the amua.'ment line.

The .ierlal llowarda, formerly Howard and t.uelllta, viatted the New Y'ork offlre of The Killbwrd, June 10. They arrived In New York rerentiy from their winter home In Jarkaonville. Fla., and are going to play parka and faint

for the anmmer.

On the night of May 23 I»ew'a Theater. Spokane. Waah., rioaed ita dtvira for the drat time ainre Ita opening. May A. I90A. Manager Juaeph Muller atatea that the boiiae will reopen ID the very near future with hlgh-rlaaa vaude¬ ville.

.Clyde Phllllpa, proprietor, manager and trainer of Naynon'a Btrda. dropgtetl In The Btll- biwrd'a New York offlee for a vlalt June 10. Mr. Phllllpa will play fair and park daten thla aummer with hla dainty denliena of the tropica.

Victor Oatitt aiul liOllta Mirtlnea. a team of Simnlah danoera. are gaining p<'pnlarity In the taudevllle world, due to their own talent, and the exyierienced aervlcea of Mr. Bader aa their advance and preas agent. ,

While performing on the atage of Proctor’a Grand Theater. Albany, N. Y., recently. George I’andour fell from a platform twelve feet high and autfered brulsea about the head an<| abould- era.

Fre.! Dnprea la gathering the bacon In »<-ot land, and to a recent letter agyt while he !• having a dne time an' a’ that, he wlahea It waa iw\t February, and be was back home.

The Empire Comedy FPur la offering a new akeUh by Jnnie McOee. entitled Trailing A Smuggler. Thw sketch Introducea Joe Jenny. In hla well known German character.

It la rumored that Barker will resign ta aecretary of the OvOperatIve Fair Acta at the next meeting, and that <.>>1 Owens and Mr. Mer- <-er will take active charge.

Thomas J. Mark, burlesque comedian, who It wax reported had dleij recently, says that he is verr mark alive, and U now with Harconrt. the growing man.

Ford and Elale have a new act. enlltIe-1

Charlie Chaplin's Dt.Mile, in which Nat Font la doing Borne clever Imiwraonatlons of Charlie tTiaplln.

Merre<|ea. vnudevilte'a moat aatounillng mental telepathic act. will play the PacIBc Coast t'r

I'heiim Time coniinencliig alamt the middle of June.

'’harler Grayieeln. the baaeball magnate of W<*«t End New Jer«ey, says they are biting ^"od. What, sand Acaa or flahT

Milt rNdllna la reating at hl« home In Nou York City, after a long aiul gratifying boir «f the Onihenm Circuit.

M and Nan I'olniont. prewntlng their c«*m- edy, miiah-xl amt arrohatlr act, an* doing nicely

n the Sun Tim.*

Harry Weber la miw arranging the fall tour f' r The Then. Ilcutllx I’layera.

JEAiETTE DUPRE And Own Big Show.




I’orfomiers, write for your copy—jfrafters, beware.


Wanted—Actors Double Hand. MOHT STEECE UNCLE TOM’S CABIN, Spaulding and UraiTd .\ve., Chicago, 111.

WANTED-Trombone and Clarinet H.VXI) nnd ()R('HF,STR.\. E. J. .\NT)F:RS0X, Bandma.ster, Teny-’s Uncle Tom’s t’abin, Moville, Iowa, .lune 19; Merrill, 20; Hawardeii, 21; Uenterville, ;?o. Dak., 22; Parker, 2a; UartbaKe, 24; Huron, 25.

BURK’S UNCLE TOM’S CABIN CO. WANTS (^iM for ten and ftftem yean of age, or ref7 Mnall Soubrrtte. with sp^'ialties. CAX T'SE a few gitod Muaiolana to •urefigtheti the best 'T\>in Show Hand on the road. Two be*4t. binest cars, waterproof

and doing bla. while others are cnoudalnint. State lowest ^lary and If you oan join at once. AJbert HraKiuon. write. ITvftay telegrams. Addrem C. E. BEYERLE, Managar, 602 Kansas Am., Tataka. Kaa.

WANTED, for 1. DOUG MORGAN STOCK CO. Coenrt to double violin In orrtieatra. Others write. BttCS CANV.tSM.XN that’s not afraid of work: nui»t understand dramatic trnt and seau, and ketp same In repair. If you boose, you won’t do. All wt-ek xtmid..: pay own board.

J. DOUG MORGAN. Maaattr. Msultoa. la., waek Jaas 14; Grlaaoll. la., sraok Juaa 21.

The Whitney Shows Will furnish j>anel front anti new tent outfit complete for any clean nonconflictinji show. Want leatun*!!i for ten-in-one; also white cometist and clean concessions. No gcaft. Norman, Okla., this week; I’urcell, Tecumseh, follow; then comes Drum- risht, the best money spentlinj; city in Oklahoma, and a maiden, beginning July ;id to 12th. including two Saturdays and two Sundays. Fifteen thousand pert- pie, all working and earning big money. R.tilroad just completeil. Drumright’s first celebration and they wdl arbitrate right, .\ddress P. WHITNEY, Nor¬ man, Oklahoma.

MODEL AMUSEMENT COMPANY Wants one or two more Shows with outfit. Can place more f'once.ssions with'neat frame-up. Onlv one of each carried. Write, wire or come on. .Monroe, Iowa, June 14 to 21; Cambridge, Iowa, week June 2.‘i.

National Amusement Co. Wants I*tv4>la fnr Flam. Vtudovlllc. Tnp fumlahrd Pit Shows at all kinds and CVsicvaslods of all kinds. People to work Omcnwlons. If you tre goml. cnooe on. One foo.! Free .4ttrs<-tlon wanted. State all In Snt letter. Can lue Merry-Go-Round, If not a dl.torganlarr Friends write Knockers and would-be promoters, kerp away. .F>w Information t^le HENRY OLDHAM, CloytM. N. M., Jose l4-2g; Ota Mstaea. N. M., Jaaa 22-2t. Would like to hear fmn 4Ui of July OrlehtxUon. Route north to iVitorado and Wtwtem Kattsas.

Orpheum, San Francisco (Reviewed Sunday Matinee. Jnne IS.)

ban Francisco, June 13.—The headline at¬ traction at the Orpbenm this week la the New Y’ork Fashion Show, although honors are evenly divided between Fisher and Green and Bronson and Baldwin. The Jordan Girls, Hymack.

Marie Nardstrom and Adelaide and Hughes are holdovers.

No. 1—Jordan Girls. Reviewed last week. No. 2—Frit! Bruch and Bister, cellist and

violinist, respectively. In fifteen minutea of

mnsic which won popular acclalau.

No. 3—Mr. Hymack. Reviewed last week. No. 4—Marie Nordstrom. Reviewed last

week. No. S—Fisher and Green, a duo of clever

Hebrew dialect delineators along the Potash A Perlmutter type. In The Partners, a twenty-two- minute comedy, by James Horan, held the

audience from the go and kept them In a con- tlnuoua roar of laughter.


No. 6—New Y’ork Fashion Show, a thirt.t- eigbt-mlnute display of fashionable gowna and advertising for modistes and a fashion Journal.

No. 7—Percy Bronson and Winnie Baldwin awoke the houoe from ita lethargy with a Jump and put across eighteen minutes of as clever entertainment as one conld wish.

No. 8—Adelaide and Hughes. Reviewed last week.

No. 9—Pictures.—MAC.


The Cadooa .Sisters played aeveral engage-

nirnta at the New|iort iKy.) Mualr Hall, putting on their International dance number. The ala tera are bard and clever workers.

George Rainey, late of the Great Empire .Hbows, lias returnetl to Olnclnuati.

Frank MHiuyre, business manager of the

Mighty Haag Shows, wsa In our midst on Mon¬ day. Frank bought a tviadster In Cincinnati. He advised os that the Haag Show la getting the money.

Msnagera of amusement parks are not exempt from troubles and worries any more than the president of these I'niteil Htates, If we are to Judge by the suit which has b<s>n brought against Manager I. M. Martin, of Cheater Park. C. F. Hamilton, operating tbe pit show at Cheater, baa asked the courts to decide In hts favor to the amount of I'J.OUO against Martin for damages inenrred when the latter tabooeil

drums ami other Instruments from tbe ballyhoo platform of the pit show. Hamilton also claims

that he waa forced to close the back entrance to hla show. A temporary Injunction has been granted.

The Exhibitors' I-eague la taking the warm atmosphere aa an incentive and a campaign has been launcbisl to gain new members. This was aci*ompl!sbed at a mass meeting of the

exhibitors last wt-ek In the Chamber of Com- UKTce rooms.

Mrs. Clarence F. Brown passe<l through Cin¬ cinnati on June 10, on tbe way to her home

In Hastings, Mich., to have a burned hand

tn'ated. The Injury was tvcelvetl last fall.

Frank P. Mclater departed from Cincinnati this Week to J«>ln the M. L. Clark Shows In .krkans.xs, ss bandmaster.

laws Patterson has Joinixl the force of cabaret 1>erformera at Caney Island, and Is rapidly ba-

' cxHDlng a favorite with the club bonse crowds.

Empress, San Francisco (Reviewed Sunday Right, Jons 13.)

San Francisco, June 13.—The superiority of tbe class of attractions at the Elmpress apeaka well for tbe new Sullivan A Conaidlne manage¬ ment, and the attendance such as tbe best show procurable might be expected to draw.

No. 1—Plcturea.

No. 2—Three Dixon Sisters entertained for eight minutes with singing, music and dan¬ cing.

No. 3—Wilkins and Wllkena, in comedy and eccentric dancing. Fifteen minutea; well re¬ ceived.

No. 4—Eddy and Kema presented aeven min¬ utes of knockabout acrobatics and Injected coo- aiderable comedy into their offering.

No. S—Lee Barth, in a nine-minute delectable dialectic monologue, displaying hla versatility to good advantage.

No. 6—Eight Sllhonettes, in thirteen minutus of varied dancing.

No. 7—Baron Lighter presented eleven min ntes of nut piano comedy and proved the hit of tbe bUI.

No. 8—Her Name Waa Dennis, an eighteen minnte comedy playlet, by Matthew Ott. An exceptional cast Is introduced and their efforts

were highly at>preciated. No. 0—The Two .Alex, eqnllibrists, with

some clever and sensational novelties, gave

an all too abort six minutes.—M.AC.

Tbe many friends of Sophie Tucker will grieve to lesrn that her father passe,! away at Hartford, C,>nn.. May 31. Miss Tucker's loss has necessitate,! s- me changes In her plans re¬ garding her .Australian t'-ip.

’ ^hsolui^ly Ouaranieed

12 X ti e Billboard JUNE 19. 1915.


New York, June 10.—TYie Werblow-Flsber Compau.T, 111 tile Straii-I 1 heater ItuilcUnK, tbla week purchaseil the entire catalog of tbe Mialern Mualc Conipan.v, comprising aerenteen numbers'. Tbe titles are; 1 Want Y'ou. Dear Obi Da.vs, Kreialoui March, ("onie Back To Me. I I.OTe You Because Y'ou're the Kind of Girl My .Mother I'eeil To Be, It’s the Garden, the Rose and Y'ou; The Sonz of Peace. Isvce's Ijmt GtKKl-b.T, I Can't I.lre Without Y'ou, Sweet Nora Magee; Save This I-lttle Nigger From the Rain and the Frost, In Tennessee, the laind Where I

Was Born; Don't Y'ou WUih Y’ou Could Live Y'our l.lfe All Over, The Auto Girl, Danse Romantiqiie, Feast of the Flowers, The Modern

Fox Trot, A Novelette. The Awakening of Love, Tliere's a Bungalow In Dixieland.

Werhlow-Flsher also have two new songs which will shortly be ready, entltleil When I Get Home and a Y’lddlsher character comic, by Ben Fisher and Alex Gerber, entitled Tbe Y'iddisher Aviation Man.


New Y'ork, June 10.—.Ymong Oie acts play¬ ing bwal houses and using Harry Von Tilxer songs are Prince Lai Mon Kim. at the Palace, and .Mayo and Tally, at the Greeley Square, sing¬ ing Somebody Knows and When My Ship Comes In; Mae Francis and Company, at Loew's Sev enth .Avenue, singing Somebody Knows; Ed. Burke, at the Riviera, and Monte Wolfe, at the Prosiiect, singing When Sunday Comes to Town; Lynn Cantor, at the Hamilton, singing When Sunday Comes to Town, and Somebody Knows,


New Y'ork, June 12.—.Among the acts using J. Froilerlck Hanley's song. My Rose of Tlp- Iierary, piiblishe<l by Bernard Granville Pub. Co., are Baiiers end Saunders. Moss and Lynch, Fb-rence and Maseotte, Gertrude Cogert. I>et Gisirge Do It (tabloid). Betty Amerose and Miilvey. and Allan King, of Ziegfeld's Midnight Fr<dics.

Lillian De Vere. Kane and iJtwrence. Mack and Vitt, Billy Beard, Harry Rose and Pauline Saxon are iisiiig the Granville comic. It Can't Be the Same Old Farm.


New Y’ork, June 11.—^Two of the songs In the Kalmar & Puck catalogue which arc worthy of more than passing note are If Yon Can’t Get a Girl In the Summertime (Y'ou Can’t Get a Girl at All), by Bert Kalmar and Harry Tierney, and I’m a Lonesome Melody, by Joe Young and Geo. W. Meyer.


New Y'ork. June 11.—Ben Bomstein. the big chief of the Harry Y’on THier forces, this week received a letter from Billy Fogarty, of Kirk and Fogarty, to the effect that the Von Tllier nov¬ elty comedy song. When Sunday Comes to Town, is the biggest hit of any single comedy that he has ever used.

Kirk and Fogarty are using another Von Til¬ ler number for their finish. Somebody Knows, V hich Billy reports never fails to bring them several encores.

Kirk and Fogarty are at Keith’s, Atlantic Cit.v. and on the same bill with them are the Primrose Four, also singing a Von Tllxer num- lier. When My Ship Comes In.


New York, June 9.—Four numbers from the Shaplro-Bcrnstein catalogue are used, and suc¬ cessfully, too, in Ned Wayburn’s new revue, entitled Splash Me, produced last night at the Shelboume Hotel, Brighton Beach. The num¬ bers are Jane, Mother May I Go in To Swim, Military Band and Wanda.


New Y’ork. June 11.—Richard Nugent, form erly with F. B. Haviland and later owner of the Mialem Music Co., is now associated with Weiddow-Fisher Co. in the capacity of general sates m.inager. The Werblow-Flsher Co. have tcken over the catalogue of the Modern.


New York. June 12.—The Werblow-Flsher Co.. Straml Theater Building, are seeking representa¬ tives for their catalogue in various cities. They have a pr>positior. that will be of Interest t" tiersons familiar with the mnsic business and led afraid to get out and hustle.


Reliable Guide to the Best Songs in the Catalogs of the Leading Music Publishers

Doubles WISH I KNEW JUST WHAT YOU THINK OF KE (Regent Masie Pub. Co., Lake Charlea.

La.).—Really clever. BE MY BABY BEE (F. A. MilU, 721 Seventh Ave., New York City).—Great for double of

the Bryce-King type; Stanley Murphy'a worda; Lewia F. Muir'a mutio—that tells the story. SOMEBODY KNOWS (Harry Von Tilxer, 127 W. Forty-third St., New York City).—Eaoellent

double veraion of clever song now ready, WRAP ME UP IN A BUNDLE (J. H. Bemick A Co., 221 W, Farty-aiath St., New York

City).—Pretty melody; clever lyrisi; effective idea. I NEVEB WANTED ANYTHING SO GOOD 80 BAD (Charles K. Harris. 701 Seventh Ave.,

New York City).—^Better than its title; sentimental double; boy and girl. WHEN I DANCE WITH YOU (Arcadia Music Co., Pateraon. N. J.) —By EllU Lane and

Max Gilbert. LOVE ME WHEN I’M MAD AT YOU (The Halgerton Music Co., Whitewater. Wit.).-

A great surprise long; swell for boy and girU

Ballads DREAMS OF LOVE (Bivarde & Co., Rochester, N. Y.).—Above the average love ballad. IT’S BACK TO TENNESSEE FOB MINE (Independent Music Co., Omaha. Neb.).—Some

fox trot. TAKE ME BACK TO LOVELAND (M. D. Swiiher, 115 So. 10th St.. Philadelphia. Pa.).—

Clever love ballad. JUST ANSWEB, CAN I TRUST YOU IN THE SAME OLD WAY (Phelps k lUrtinez. New

Orleans, La.).—A beautiful ballad that never fails to reach the hearts of the audience. SlirEETHEABT OF MY DREAMS (Regent Music Pub. Co., Lake Charles, La.).—BeanUful

words and melody. MY BOSE OF TIPPERARY (Bernard Granville Publishing Co., 152 W. 45th St., New York

City).—An Irish ballad that is sure to please. BILVEB THREADS AMONG THE GOLD (HamUton S. Gordon, 141 W. Thirty-sixth St., New

York City).—The ballad that will never die; get it here, SAN JOSE (Charles K. Karris, 701 Seventh Ave., New York City).—Leo Edwards has sur¬

passed himself in writing this musk, and that’s saying lots in its favor. RETURN WITH SPRINGTIME, ACTUSHLA MACHREE (Parke, Daniels k Friedman. 140 W.

Forty-fifth St., New York City).—The newest of Irish songs; the mnsic composed by Leo Friedman.

MY LITTLE DREAM GIRL (J. W. Stem k Co.. 104H W. Thirty-eighth St., Hew York City). —Wolfe Gilbert's lyrics to the mnsic of the author of My Little Persian Roee; a great eomhinatioi,

ONE LITTLE GIRL LIKE YOU (The Werblow-IYsher Co., Forty-seventh St. and Broadway. New York City).—Stanley Murphy’s latest and greatest.

Novelty Songs MY BIRD OF PARADISE (Max Winslow, 1585 Broadway, New York City).—Watereon. Berlin

k Bnyder’e new Irving Berlin tong; a hit. CHINATOWN, MY CHINATOWN (J. H. Remick k Co., 221 W. Forty-sixth St.. New York

City) .—Sweetly plaintive melody with dreamy lyrice. Get it. SAME OLD TOWN (J. W. Stem k Co., 1(K>4 W. Thirty-eighth St., New York City).—

Novelty ballad. OH, THAT BEAUTIFUL BAND (Werhlow-Fieher Co., Strand Theater Bldg., New York City).

—Growing in popularity with each day. ■WEEP NO MORE. MY LADY (J. W. Stem k Co., KMH W. Thirty-eighth St., New York

City).—Clever and a hit. MAMMY'S LIL' SUOAB PLUM (Craig-Ellis k Co., 145 N. CUrk St.. Chicago III.). HICKI HOY (F. A. Mills, 721 Seventh Ave., New York City).—Nora Bayee’ Palace Theater

hit; Stanley Murphy’s Itt'jO gems; Lewis F. MuiFs crooning melody. YOU FOR ME IN THE SUMMER TIME (Parke, Daniels k Friedman. 14« W Forty-fifth St..

New York City).—Catchy melody; single and double version. IT WAS JUST A SONG AT TWILIGHT (Bernard Granville Pub. Co., 152 W. Forty-fifth St.).

—One of the best Mr. Granville has ever used in vaudeville. RAILROAD JIM (F. B. Haviland Pub. Co., Strand Theater Bldg., New York City).—A rail¬

road rag, after the order of Casey Jones; and just as good. THE BAND PLAYED ALL THE TIME (Emmett J. Welch, Colonial Theater. Wilson Bldg.,

Philadelphia, Pa.)_A sure-fire hit. A DIAMOND FROM THE SKY (Cadillac Mnsic Co., New York, N. Y.)—Suggested from the

prize photoplay of the tame name, and az good at the pictures. THE LOCOMOTOR ROLL (Buck k Lowney, Holland Bldg., Bt. Louis, Mo.).—By Luoien

Denni, author of Oceana Soil. SUMMERTIME (C. N. Daniels. San Francisco, Oal.).—A summer song that is spreading like


Comic Songs THAT'S HOW THEY SPENT THEIR HONEYMOON (Echo Mnsic Pub. Co., Peoples Bank

Bldg., Seattle. Wash.).—Some jitney song—get it quick. A 'WICKED WAY TO BE (H. Korte, 1056 Oehler St., Cincinnati, 0.).—Ton can bet your

last cent on this one being a winner. HE'S HOT DEAD YET (Hall-Mack Co.. 1018 Arch St., PhiladelphU, Pa.).—Especially ar¬

ranged for quartette. BETTY’S BASTING BELLY BANDS FOR BELGIANS (Buckeye Music Co.. Columhis, 0.) —

Spreading from Coast to Coast. SHOOTING THE BULL (Max Winslow, 1565 Broadway, Mow York City).—Ask Waterzon.

Berlin k Snyder’s professional manager to send you the hMt "war oomie” ever written. Bill Jerome's lyrics.

IT CAN’T BE THE SAME OLD FARM (Bernard Granville PnhUshing Co., I5> W. 45th St.. New York City).—A new comic with great catch lines.

■WHEN SUNDAY COMES TO TOWN (Harry Von Tllzor, 227 W. Forty-third St, Now York City).—Comio satire on the Evangelist "out for the coin."

THEY ALL HAD A FINGER IN THE PIE (Harry Von TiUor, 127 W. Forty-third Bt.. Now York City).—A corker.

COWS MAT COME AND COWS MAY (K) (Harry Von Tilzer, 127 W. Forty-third Bt.. New York (aty).—But the "huH" goes on forever.

BY HECK (J. W. Stern k Co.. 1(H4 W. Thirty-eighth St.. New York City).—Great "ruhe" number for male or female charzeter zingerz.

SQUEEZING THE MULE (Crzig-EUiz k Co., 145 M. Clark St., Chloago. lU.). YOUR DADDY WAS A BASHFUL BEAU (The Werhlow-Flzher Co., Forty-zovonth St. znd

Brozdwzy, Mew York City).—Juzt zi clever zz the title. YPSILANTI (Jeiome H. Remick k Co., 219 W. 4«th Bt., Mow York City).-A Uugh in

every line.

March Ballads brown (T. H. Olander, Norfolk, Va.).—Suwanee River Wedding March. Great. KNITTING (Chappell k Co., 41 E. Thirty-fourth St., New York City).—Hespectfnl tribute

to the woman in war time. Brand new znd hound to luooeed. I'M ON MY WAY TO DUBLIN BAY (J. H. Remick k Co., 221 W. Forty-aizth St., Mew

York City)—Bound to give "Tipperary” Itz firzt battle. ■WHEN MY SHIP COMES IN (Harry Voo Tilzer. 127 W. Forty-third St., New York City).—

New and good. Do yon recall Wait Till the Sun Shinez, Nellie 1 This iz another one of thoao. THE LITTLE HOUSE UPON THE HILL (Shapiro. Bemztein k Co., 226 W. Forty-seventh

St., Mew York (aty).—Czrriet strain of Home, Sweet Home. TANGO. DEARIE, WITH ME (Crzig-ElUs k Co.. 145 N. Clark St.. Cfiiiezgo, ni.). VALCAR7TER—Great Canadian March and Two-Step—(Publizhed by Roger Graham, 145 N.

Clark St., Chioago, Ill.).




I/txilH Muir baa returuni from his "l»>urr m<«iu” trip,

Franklin Wallace’a ztaff, at tbe Keriiarq (iranrille l>ubllaliiiig Co., cousiats of tbe follnw

lug bunch «f live wlrea: iicrlx-rt Steiner, (; bert lUalge, Frank Sturgei, J. Kre,I Hanley an •trthur Jaekoon.

Alex lierlier. of tlie Werbkiw Fiaber Co., la a<; vanriiig serious claims to be accorde,! a pla ,

amiiDg Muairdom’t "traveling” men. Ketumlui; last week from a trip through Maaaaeliuaetta |j, left Tuesday of this week for a tn>'week Iro. tknmgh I>enDa.vlvania. Jack Roth, of the aam. firm, left the aarae day for a trip thn>ugh tie N( w Kuglainl States.

Iturke and llarrla, former farorltes at S< n nett’a In the Rronx. are In vandeville, playiu;: the Audubon Theater last week ami rleaiiing up with the I*., n. * F. numt>er, V<>u for .Me in the Siimmertliiie.

Paul Morton an<l Naomi tllaaa put over very effwtlvely If I Were a Hig Victr la and V..u a Littie Talking Machine, one of the John Franklin I'lihllalilng Co. nnniliera, at the Krlghton last week.

Have (ipiM-nheiiii and Iltd) Ituaaak are placing their coin straight on Jane to be the hig aiini nier bit.

.41 C<«>k. professional manager for 51. WItniark

,V Sons, la taking a well earned vacation.

With the revival of the cakewalk lico. Felal I'Vi.’a famo'.ia Smoky M<ikes Is once more roming info favor.

nick Nugent has started off in reconl.breaking style In hla new connection. There’a no lietter in tlie bualneaa of bringing in orders than Dick

Frankliu Wallace elainia to have a new song,

entitle,! Grape Juice Bill, dedicated to a former prominent statesman.

Charley laing assures us, however, that mui.- of Bernard Granville’s money will be iiient "n grape Juice- iinf'-rmentcl.


New York. June 10.—(Charles K. Harris la issuing free titles, ehonis slides and regiiU' piano copies of the p-quilar song ballads. When It Strikes Home. Those Wonderful Words il I.«ve You I and .My .Mamma Lives t’p in the Sk>. to managers, singers and pianists in motion pi<- ture Uieaters.

Mentioa nie BilllKvird ami send letterhead -t house, or letter from manager, to 5Iey»T Coheii. profeHsi mal manager, Charles K. Harris. Forty- seventh and Broadway.


New York. June 0. Jerome H. Remick ami his family will syu-nd the summer monttw at Glouc.'ster. Mass., where Mr. Remick lias lesse,! s large estate.


Y’ou never ran tell from whence the next great song hits will emanate, bnt It's a safe l-et that J. ratrick Doyle, of Buffabi. N. Y was the latest in Re a -Good Little Chicken and I-ay in My Lap, foz trot song with ezcellenf lyrict and a lively, eatchy melody that will keep an audience In an upmar fmm start t' finish. T’le Business Agent, another one of 1‘at’s creatlonn, hioks like a winner.


New Y’ork. June 11.—Judging from reports Parke, Daniels A Frie<lman have put over a summer bit In just about the shortest time on record, and this, contending against the most backward aeaaon the amuaemeot field haa known in years. Y'ou for Me In the Hummertime. Iho song referred to. Is being anng at practically all of the local anmmer reaorta, and la fast spiesd ing to other aectiona of the country.

Tbe Victor Talking Machine Co. and the Co lumbla Grsphophone Co. have made reconia of this song for distribution on their August list A big window display of the number Is t4> t>e made simultaneously in a number of the fl'c and t<n-rent stores throughout the country esriy In July.

.twither number. I Will Always Ixive Y'ou s- I Do Today, la prvjvlng a big sailer In the West


Anyone knowing the publisher of the two fol lowing songs, or where they can be secure<I. will

confer a favor by advising The Billboard Ron. Information Deiiartment: C»>me, Seven, for Y'< o Certainly Are a Friend of Mine, and HI* Again, or Man. Man. I Ixive To Hear Ton I’l*.»

Jnllan Voo—liSo Feist. 14.4 N. Clark stnet Chleago, publlaliea Are You the (VRcIlly Hhapiro, Remsteln A <59.. 224 West Fortv

seventh street. New York ffity, publish O’Kellly

Is That Yon.


JUNE 19, 1915. 13


I,mi- I>r,*jrr. rblc*K<i nianaicrr for thr Maartrr

Al.ral.«iii» Mu»lc <>■>.. Irft \Ve,ln.»day for Nrw VAN AND BELLE

y... u wlicrr hr will auiat tlir Aliraliaiiii, ataff

III ,1- .1 aroiiiui tlir Mk city. Mr. \VlliM>n \\>'rr

y\it y Ml wan n-lrawtl by th<* atairr comiian)

y,.i U'<k aiKl bniiiiclit niauy liamla fur H<>i>blr

Til. r it Ibv Avouur Tbratrr, Tbia auiiK la

Im-Uo; f'ainreil at tbr Kiitrrtainrr’a Cafr., I’bl

riL" .Iiiriii); lb,- fcInKiiiX of whirb a blK Ong la

I'!:*-ili,T with a pb'tiirr of tlie prralilrnt.

III.I .1 lo-'or faila to brliijc the riloora to llirir


S.'i''i- I'u* krr foiiikl Parke, Danleta A Krle,l ■laii'i Von ftw Me In the Summertime a ratiliny

.1 t'.iiiilN>r for her.on the Sun Time, othera vaiiii: t wKb markeil atirreaa are Hello ollrer.

Pour Marx Itrothera. ami P'raok Muller put It Oier at tho Century Theater. CbloaRo, laat week. Milton Weil la llulnit them up i|uite rapidly, aa be baa aurb a wealth of material that be flmU Do illlflMilt.7 In aulttnit all atylea of pli>ea.

Miiimett J. Welch, the Philadelphia niualc pub- llaiicr, la b'obluc for a irooil aeaaon In bla aony

alM.p up.o «lte the Million Dollar Pier at Atlai tic City Welch'a Mlnatrela, on the pier, are pmx. Icy a bly .Irawiny crowd. Two of E. J.'a latent hita are Wbei You Were Que«-n of the May ao.l

And the Hand Played all the Time.

Rirafde, mualc publialier of Rocbeater, N. Y., baa a new one, Dreama of l/oxe. Miaa Ar- line M'Donayh. who |a playiny In atock in Spo¬ kane. Waah., la featuriny tbia aony, and la yettlny It oxer nicely.

World’s Greatest Boomerang Throwers Have a few weeks open for Parks arnl

y-\ N Fairs. THE ACT THAT PLAYS THE NEW 9^ Tw, .-v* • ^ YORK HIPPODROME. .Mways in demaiul.

Botjked solid on C>rpheiiin Circuit for season lU15-191li.


Elina Archer Crawford waa exceptloTially clever aa .Mm. Ilope-BarrelIton-II<>we, the thrice nomarried, pryiny neiyhiior, who cauneil all the trouble by niimllny ererjb-Mly'a buninean bot her own.

Ruth Pleldiiiy. Rola^rt MacKay, PMwin Cald wall, William David and Maryaret Greene are all yooil In their rarioua rrde*. — FOSTER.



At Liberty for Immeiliate and Future Engagements for Thea¬ tres, Parks, Fairs, Carnivals and Expositions

The biggest, most beautiful and elaborately staged and jjreatest act of its kind in the world.

NAYNONS BIRDS Permanent address, CLYDE PHILLIPS, 18819tli St., Brooklyn, N. Y.


(tontinned from page S. I



It iVon’t make any dilf'renoe If you’re on the road or not;

If you hive f'dk* that “Billy” lovea. you bu.' him on the aiH>t

A» aoon aa he’a ox|M>ae,l for wale anil ne’er regre' the dimea.

For Blllyboy’a the paiN-r of tlieae UMNlern. bua- tliiiy timea.

He leaila you 'iieaih the “big top’’ and anon ••behind the aoenea;’’

lie takea you to the parka—furetella the offer- Inga on “the acreena.”

Si», every week 1 grab him, and In order to en>>y

Him umliaturbeil I aneak away—Juat I ami Billyboy.

And then I browae upon hia atore and aet both mind and eye.

Renewing old aciiualntancea with troupem, proD—and aye —

Renewing many memurica of gmal timea long agnne

I abareil with “Billy’a” people wlai eliabceil liere ami then paaaeil on.

They’re rotten correa|H>nilenta, thia crew that “Billy" hoaats;

Tliey’re llxlng fully where they b,> and drink¬ ing down deep toaata—

To “here and now” ami ' we and ua” "auffloient la the day,’’

They mean to write, but never can—they’rt' alwaya on tiielr way.

.Vn,l ao -whene’er I hunger for word of them

“.Aaaiime the port of Mam, and at hla beeU I.eathe>l in like ImunJa. famlive, aword and Are

cnaich f'-r employuieut.”

Much Ado About Nvithing. Here the piwt tella

oa that THOMAS TRIO.

again. I alwaya turn to “Billyboy” and never turn

in vain.

Note—Dan Gantz (Dan Bechtel) la aaalatant buaineaa manager of The Timea Republican at Mamhalltown. la., at preaent.—The Fhlltora.

-Vriemlahip la «a>natant In all other tbinga Sale In the oBli-e ami affalri of love.” Comedy Trampolin Bar Act BROWNSVILLE’S NEW HOUSE

Aa You IJke It. In tlila refreablng paatoral drama tlie tieauty of (iod't gia>d, green country

U aet up aa a appeal. It will pleaae ua aa a dlvemion fla m city life.

-Twelfth Mgbt. We will laugh at the folllea of manklml, but we will not deapiae them, al¬ waya remeoiberluK that '-the whirligig of time brltiga In bla revengm.”

Jullua Caeaar. The portraiture of a man, not Caeaar. but Brutua.

Hamlet. Tlie eternal atruggle between Ideal and Real.

Trdlua am| Creaaida. War with the gilt off. A leaaoD for the day will come on our way.

Othello. Here we will bate Ikgo and will love t>ea<lemona.

Meaaure f«r Meaanre.' Fhariaalam and I’url- taniam are the tnbject:

8418 Hlpli Street, - - Quincy, m. ™ uuc KNOW HOW dellxer the beat Theatrical Gooda, Coatumea. Tlghti, Trimmings, etc. Our theater, when flniahed. w ill be one of the flneat

nun rrnard cataloguea aent free to any addreaa. Refcnnccs—Our cuatoners. In the Monongabela Valley. It will be built

■■ 0_ Theater at Unlon-

I I I I Um OC town, and is eipected to be completed by 8ep-

19 Wast Laka Straat, .... CHICAGO. ILL. Laigaat Stork In the Coontty for Amateur and School Flaya.


on the at.xli- of the Penn Theater at Union-

town. and is ezpected to be completed by Sep¬

tember 15.

WANTED AT ONCE (lootl Vaudeville or any Legitimate Show. I have tent, front and stage for same. .\lso want to hear from a Baritone Player, Slide Alto anti Bass, at once.

Harry Goppiag, Mgr., Harry Copping Skows, Honastaad, Pa., June 12-17. SENSATIONAL SONS SUCCESS

’ He who the award of Heaven will bear Slh'Olil Im* a* haaly a* iievere. Slianir to him wbowe cruel atliklng Kill* for fault* of hi* own liking.”

10 TO 16

At Liberty After July 31st


The altz Song That Is “Going Over” Big. Copies 10 cts. Free to


Macbeth. Tlie effect of falae arobith'D on a noble natum.

King I.ear. The mind of a mao ataggerlng tx-tween two xrorlda.

TImon of Athens. Philanthropy degenerating Into miaanthropby,

Perlclm. Tbia dmma abow* Shakes|ieare'a

acquaintance with the darker able of the life of the town as It might be seen In our Bowery. He la not afmld to expose the whitest of hi* h'-niinea to auch Infection.

Anthony and Cleopatra. The power of paa- ahm, and Its ruloou* consequencea.

‘Vrlolann*. A choice between the pride of hi* conntry ami tne rl«*r»t of human affectlona

Cynb«dine. TTie ugtlneaa of alander. “wbose «lge la sharfier than the aword."

A Winter’* Tale. The Insanity of jeaPwiay which "leads to blnoily thought* and to re venge.”

The T.-mpest. Tlie beauty and sweetness of llterty.

King Henry VIII. The emptiness of V>Hde "which, when the people have the full view of. such a nolae arises a* the ahroml* make at *••• III a atiif temneat.'*

A UYDIET ORCHEHTRA ODMPOBED OF SOLOISTS DOING WONDEatFUL ENSFMRIX WORK Ezpert- enced In Flmt-claas VaudeslUe and Picture Theater "Pit" work At pnwetit on concert tour. For time and term* address CHAS. W. GOaTZ. I6S Adaait Strsst. BuffaJs, N. Y.

RIYARDE & CO., Rochester, K. Y.





WALTER 6. BRET/FIELO CO.. I3M Brsadway. NEW YORK. Phsas. Grseley 1701.



where she profanes that word; ’-Come to uij womau a hre.xat* and take my milk for gall.” ”1 hare given suck, and know how tender ’tla to lore tlie babe that milki me. I would, while It wa* smiling In my face, have plucked my nipple from hi* boreless gums, had I so sworn a* yirti kare done to this.” To sum up. altKvng!; we mnst admit the cruelty of the man, we must

assert that (In this case only, of courael the is the greater criminal, hence her sneer¬

ing rebnke to him.


Tills short btiY characteristic sketching of each rlay Is sufficient for our purpose at the present time. Next week we will enter Into the Shrine; st-d, a* we happen to consider Antony amt Cleo I’lilra the master wx>rk of tlie master, we will take (hat play as the Brat subject of our In¬ i' I mal stndlM.

«'onttnue<l from page 4.)


■ (I’nd-r this caption we will give every week a short answer to questions submitted to u*.'

Q. How amt why can Ijidy Macbeth assert that her husband la "h>o fnll of the milk of I liman klndn"sa?” Surely w'e And no drop of It In the play.

It. .k wife is a wife. And I.ady Macbeth l'-v,-a iior hiiaband. I<ove, ami nothing else, I* etrangel,- enough what makes her ambition* ami • rimlnal; It la what give* teeth to her aonl. And So she see* In him qnallllea that we cannot and do not nee And then *he la atlll more cruel t) an he It. "Bring forth men chlMren only,”

•ic saya to her. "for thy nndnnnied mettle ahonW eomnose nothing hut male*.’’ .Moreover tlie sweet vsnrd. •’milk.” baa not on her Up# the gentlenesa It hat on other womeo'a. Twice rlae-

Joseph llislgena, a telephone lineman. .Bilwin Caldwell

Howard llentley. the husband... William David Kxvreaeinan of Grant’s Transfer Co. .'..Stanley Stanpm

Officer Caaey, Barnet’ |<eraonaI -.vfllcer. .Charles McCarthy

Offfi'er Doyle, of the Metripolltan Force.... .Kdgar F. Hill

.Matthew Want. Reporter for “The Star”- .S. K. Hines

James J. Barnea. the Great Ileteettve. .Ralph Herx

Madame Zeller, a Charletan. . . . Klon-noe Gerald Charles Whiting, reporter for “The I’lanet” .Frederick Smith

Rowan Taj lor. Mr*. Hentley’a chnm. .Margaret Greene

Mr. Watson, llentley’# partner. .George .k. Weller

Tenants of the Keystone .kpartments. StagiM by C. W. Hunt.

Atlantic City. June .H,—.k representative

audience gatliemi at the ApolKv Theater last evening to nee Ralph Hen. In the role of Barnes, the Great I)et»'ettve. Find the Woman.

Thla farce comeity, which Is the Brat play from the pen of Noel Campbell Springer, a well

known writer of abort sh>rtea. Is pixxlnced by

the Shubert Theatrical Company, who intend to take It to New York for a summer run.

The comedy is a satire on the molern de¬ tective play. The action tskes plaiv in a New Y'ork apartment ii< vis,-, ami the plot hangs upon the fact that mdses heanl through tiie walls of an adjoining ajiartment are m>t always what they seem to be.

All the trouble starts when Mr. ami Mrs. llentley, a newly-niarrie,! couple, start unex¬

pectedly for a husinesa trip to Detroit, with¬ out aaylng anything to their friends.

A prying and garrulous divorcee, living in the next apartment. Imagines tliat the noises she bag beard through the wall were caused h.r Mr. Hentley murdering bis wife and packing her

body In a trunk, which has been hauleil away by an expressman.

Then a series of exciting epis<-«les occur, dur¬ ing which the detective. Barnea, takes charge

of the caae. BUT—the Hentley# miss their train, and re

turn to tholr ai«#rtment at tho height of t'le excitement—and everything ends happily for all. except the great Barnes, who lie# burled beneath hi# theorie# -m> more to rise.

Ral(<h Hen, as the great Iiotectlve Barnes. 1# the central Bgure of the farce, ami his )>e- culiar style and mannerisma a-e splendhlly

adapte,! to make hb> aatlriaatlon of the great detective ridiculously funny.

Florence Gerakl. ss Madame Zeller, the clalr voyant, la an excellent example of the mys- teri-iua and fake fortune-teller.

Charleo McCarthy affonhM mnch amnsement aa the aelf Intportant. hnstling Officer Casey.

Julls Blanc gave the role of Jane, the assert¬

ive and Independent cook, a portrayal that many of the young honsekeepern In the atidience recognlied an Intenaely reallatle.

The most beautiful aud most effective la** toaf | ever written, a song that will never die. I’roftwidouai I copies free. The same ar. ran«*d fw ViaMa, Celia, Plaao, Caraet ar Clarintt —a great eonerrt or hotel number—lOc. Order It to¬ day from

THE H. BAUER MUSIC CO.. IS5 East 34th. N*w Yark City.





Get these numben quick; they ar* sure winners, and don’t forget




OH YOU GIRLS Arnd vtamps for Profewalonal Copits.

THE REGENT MUSIC PUB. CO.. Laka Chari**. La.

m rwwvm mn SU BSCR I BE FOR

RAGTIME ff*G%7M'r^R’‘E*v'.s;^ OmtalDM piano music, lemons in riftlme ami thcattr piano p1a>int. II a yesr, or 9«ni lUc for sample

AXEL CHRISTENSEN. “Crar tf Ra«tlMa.'* $44 ChrMaaoaa Bulldiat* CAloM^ HI*


TYie ••surpriao” *ong of the »*a*«i. Great foe l-oy and f(rl. Bright wonl# set to a haunting, dreamy meiody. A number you shouliln’t ml««. Cooit*. lOc.


l>avU Rlchttr, raiB C<K>le.v. Stmrt B. Itunbar, J. S. ToIJij. Ueoruv Mortian A. UuhhI. J. R. Kallireiii*, John A. Brittain, K. S. Brit tain. M. A. Uiinat, L. A. Thompaou. I). J. iK-a- niond, Ijirry Harrl*. K. I*. Brluctiar, Cliarloa A. MK'ann. Itont 11. RolnTt. M.rioi. K. Wolff. Arthur Auiioaley, Frederic Thoiupaou and F.ii rl<|iie Garcia.

ployee> of the carniTal company. Mid Grant I Alien, a cidon'd man of Aurora. III. j

.Slelu ami Kelly were In the car at the time | of the exploalon looklna for aome truiika for Mra. Miller. Stein waa the luiwt w'rhaml.t liijureil. hla leic tieluic broken In three plji-ea. and It la tliouKht that lie may lie Injured In- ternull.t. He la badly hurntal and hrulat>d. and all Ilia clothliiic, with the e\i-eptloii of one alee waa lilown from hla laaly. Kelly waa linriied nnd lirulaed. hut not aerloual.t. .\llen. the colortHl man. naa ataiidInK at tlm d<air of tin* car. ami eecaiatl with a hurneil face, hut will pnihahly h>ae hla rixht eye. .Mra. .Miller waa I ailly cut In aevemi plaiva. and waa ahaken and hriilai'd. The InJimM men were taken to St. JoBejdt'a lloapital. Mra. Mllh'r waa taken to her car, hut la up and aroiiml tiala.v, tbouith fi'elliiK tin- effecta of her In Juries conalderalily.

An attempt on the part of the aiitlairltlea to diacovcr what caiiadtl the expk>a|o|i haa ao far been fruitless, ami neither Mr. ,tior Mr. Miller aeem to know of any exph-alvea liarlui: lieen atored In the car, and Mra. Miller la (h-sI tlve .that neither men were aim>klnK or bad used Ore In the car.

Chief of F-dU-e Frank Mlchela waa Incllmnl to believe that tin- e\p|oalon had tieen canaml hy gunpowder, and eapm-iall.v so after learnini; that A. B. Miller, the head of the carnival (-ompauy. giive ffreworka displays In varl-aia 1>arta of the country alamt tw«> years ago. Since an explosion at St. lauila. however. In which s«-veral i>ersoua were Injureil. be has not l>een using fireworks, hut tin- Chief tliaiight that this explosion waa caus(-«| by some that ha-l In-eii left over. Mr. Miller stated that he did not know of any explosives being in the car. lu attempting to transfer the couteuta of the car today there was a se«a>nd. but much lighter, explosion. This, it is aald. did not cause any

grounds. As an added attraction for the open¬ ing date a ten mile relay race, using twenty borw-s. was stage/. Wrst nH>ne) went m Tom Mllrlck, of l.os Angeles, and se<-oml lAT’sii to .Miss Ula Privet (daughter of Booger Ueil Allas Privet made one of the gamewt rld«-a ever made In the history of racing.

Cuba I rutchflelil a|>enda all of hla a i.vre

time at the Sellg Wild Animal Show ' We wonder If a (aimhiuatlon of roidug and trained hors.- and (KUiy act will go over for the winter.

Miss .Malwl Cline will te featured in a new telling of

Duke It


Banquets Expositionaires


This big Chicago playgcvsind haa fared no Iwtter than other amusement places througlHUit tlia country, and was bad hit by rainy weather, tut the latter part of last week tbiitgs began to take on a brighter as|>ect.

.\fter a I it of dilly-dallying the apot-the spot joints have o|>ened. It waa at llrst feare.1 that the management would consider this game t<at strong, but certain restrictions have b.-en pla<-e.I on the spota and the games are running siiKs.htly and passing out prixes with mure than the iMual fre<|uency.

The gigantic Velodrome Is now running full tilt, and. had It not been for the rain, would have attracted large crowds. The beat known and siM-mliest drivers in the business are riding here.

The Waterdrome is now in Its third we«'k. and has farml as well as any of the other attrac¬ tions. This show is in the building that bouse<l Creation for many succeasful seasons. Ci-I. J. S. Hutton, manager for the Chicago Water¬ drome Co., planned and supervis.'d the building of this attraction, and baa piaaluced a -Host beautiful setting. This was rather a remarkable feat, inasmuch as Col. Hutton employ^ no blue prints and built the entire tank and set from hla own pencil sketches. He can well feel proud of the results. Joe Taylor U talk.r on the front. “Dad" Washburn on the d.x>r. Win. O’Brien, house fireman; Arthur Cleary.

Miss .Malwl Cline will I, _ (iti'ture to he pr<Kluce.l this month, the nfr of the iiHMleru cowgirl, will support Mias Cline, and aome of ()„ Indy'a wonderful trick and fam-y riding will be shown as an added punch b> the phi>ti.t>lay.

Who gets up St .1 a.m.. takea complete chargr of the show, gets the parade out, works i-v.-ry act during the twrformaiice and never think, of sh-ep until everything Is ready for the I y lowing day. and still no <me errr hears an.r thing about him? Well, the answer Is, that old timer and real abowuian, Ibsiger l(>-d

/.--Ilia, the .’HI .'HI rulie policeman, iierer falls to get bis share of attention. Yes, you are funny, y.oiua. You made Ihike laugh, and Iiukr alwa.vs said that Bill Caress was the only man In the hlisliiess that could do It.

Park B. Prentiss has a niimlM-r two iiaud out now. working tin- ballyhoo for tYlinUnd. Wlit-ii It coiiiea to putting orer that regular iiiiisle stuff, we hare to haD<l It to I’ark. and. In addition to being a n-al baud leader. Park Is a sure-euough tn>u|ier. and the kind that uiak<-s show buslueas worth while.

Mailaine Kills, a mental telepathist a|>|iesrlng III eonne<-tb-a with the "Caidaln." edmaied horse coiiceaalon. Is causing a veritable fun-re ansuig the ahownien on the Zone. Several at tempts liave been made to “i-iM niie over" a-a the little W'oiiian, hut laa far she has aanlwitted achemerw. .Ml of the Zaane sbaiwnirn ca-m-aMle the fact that alie Is a>ne Imi many for them.

The little auto trains that wa-re laka-n a.ff tlie r- lie at the reipiest of several aaf the as-ua-es sla.iiairrs ar<- In aiperatlon again. W A. Braa>ks. manager aaf the till Ranch, was the a-uly shaiw ■nan who refusa-i) taa sign the |M-tltlaaii fiar f elr ra-tllaaial. .Mlal llaaw Bissaks is laughlllg.

.\ |are-s luiia-l as>ii was given In the mess Ih-ase of the IPI Raiia-h Frhlay. June 4. .\l| the h-a-sl Ua'WS|an|aer lliell BItellala-al. allal tile affair was a huge snca-ess. Manager Brasaks pra-vlalas| s fatti il turkey a-f iiai mean |arv>|s rtk-ns.

•Sain C. Haller, manager aaf tiir K. W M « -ao na II attractiaiiis. Is ca-iialiicling a as>u|san rainiest in The tisklaiial Tribune, and getting a wealth of pnl-llcit.v fa-r Creatkin. The Battle of hiirg anal the a-tln-r >ay Xa-iie sliows in whla-h M-- t'ainiia-ll Is Inlen-steal.

Janies F. Kerr, wlsa laine in ttie Pai-lfli- t'.-ast as manager for ('imstaiillno. rea-ently I-ft thr teni|>a-raniental t -nor aitil eiigsgi-al In piitilla-lt.v wark fair Zone Day.

.Ml the talki-rs. s|ili'lers siiil criiiali-rs --n lh» Jiiy Za'iie havi- is-inblnea| In a "Tslkers’ s-a-la iTuh." otaeiilng their airgaiiixatk-ii with a hit niasa|neraa|r ball aiiil ilanssiii \\ tMlnesala> night June J. .\fti-r a niii-in with the I' iinestliiii i-f s lli-eiiHi- tbey iiiaiiaga-al big sBa-ca-ss of the liall. .\| ITslia-r. Ranch, was p^>■nina'lll In the w-ark

M\NAGERS Who tind it cheaper to advertise for new people than pay their

old ones and others who make grrossly exaKjterated and misleading

• representations and hold out false inducements to concessionaires are

misusing our columns.

We consider such misuse an unfriendly act.

On and after this date persistent offenders will he invited to send

their elsewhere.

These are hard times, but they are just as hard on people as the\

are on. employers—perhaps a little harder.

You may not treat them as -saps, simps a»r Kills—not with our


Stack the cards if you will. That’s your business. But be assured

that The Billboard will not deal from that kind of a deck.

Ilf the liil Ilf --rganii

chief eli-ctriclan. and Charlea Wilburn, stag-’ manager.

1 he hill for the first wea-k at the Jlotordrum.- incliiileal The Bertiooa, two men on the slack win-, one straight and one comedy; Siduoiv transforniatioD dancer and singer; The Duryea Bn-thers. log ndlers: IJIIa De Campa. prima iloniia. and Lottie Mayer and j^er six allying iiymi-hs. feature attraction. The show runs about an hour.

C. H. Armstraing has adileal si-verai m w freaks to his 10-in-l. and continues to hill th-^ four-leggiMl woman like a clrcua. Armstroiig's House of a Thousand Troutk-s. new this has ex-celled ex|>ectationa and will be a good umuey-maker. This latter is one of Armatr-aug's origination and U a combination of all that Is g'lasi In walk throughs.—BITID.

>us alamage. Th<- car U now- pailkN-ketl anal nl with the rallnaad seal, awaiting the >'al of the ins|>e<'tora. The explosion Satur was iH-ard for live hhs-ks from the i-ar.

-- a-r-awil illlllla-allately gafhen-al aUal the |H>Ii<*aa

aliltk'iilt.v in ka-epilig them away fniiii IIh- HEWITT JOINS WORLD AT HOME

James T. i l.vile. owner of the W-rial at llaallle Shows. l-llgsga-ll Wui. Jllalklll» lleWlIT I Ki-al iiiil-aiii as assistant general uisnaa- r - f that iiiamuiaath altrsclk-n. Jiim- 11

Mr. Hewitt lift tlie ssiiia- day l-« >alii tbs sh-iw at Sioux l-’slls


tlOl Banch-P.-P.

Till- i-res- ilepartlueiil of the till Uaiia-h. uiidi-r the Mijiert isiou of U<abert Kilgar long, lata- of till- Will. Brsily staff, is one of the 111 -St a-ouipla-te aiiil Ik-sI haiiilli-d departuii-iit« on till- /--lie. Fur origiual stories ami froiil ^age stuff you will all baud It tax Air. lemg.

W. .Y. Brooks has a new show—Tha- Jlliiey Midway—iu other words. It Is a bly ’•o-lii 1." anal all for a nickel.

One of the big aocial events of the sesaim was the big Graiial Misajuersde Pageant Dsussnt. given by the Talkers’ Soa-lal (Tub. under the dlrei-thm of Al I-Tsher.

Filmland has just fluishiM a new three reel pbi>tu|ilay, callfol N'eada of the Skiiix. Duke It. lH*e. Neola Mae Fli’rst and Pedro ls*-in are the prina-ipals. The pleturv I'ootaius several noael aituatious.

The rai'iiig season has opaiieat here anal tiH*

track Is ihh- of the busiest spots aau the fair


It-al-a-rt .Vilstlli. eoiiiiiiunly caKeal Texa> "i is ill the t'lty ll"Splt4l at Washingtaan. wheri- he waaiilil Ilka- taa havc his frla nils him. MILLER MYSTERY

Disastrous Explosion at Aurora AMERICAN AMUSEMENT CO

Chicago, June 13.—4^te Saturday afternoon, at Aurora. 111., there waa a disaatroua amt mysterious expl^ion to one of the box cars used by the A. B. Miller Carnival Company. Tbis waa a large furniture and automobile biax car. which had teen loaned to the carnival ciMii|iany by a railroad while their regular storage car was being repaired. Among tb<>se injiiri^ by th« •vimslon were Mrs. E. R. Miller. Adam Stv-n and George Kelly, em-

Wasbington. la.. June 14 .\t la>t wr art able to re|M>rt a rluinge In the general <s>iiditl->na, ami with the pasting of the rain and cold, boal- nesa has picked up wonderfully and the glo-aa haa changed to joy. At Centerville Is., where the ahowa were for tlie week of Mar .H. we had a splemlld week and with the ahowa located

Frank Burt's Gomlfellowshlp Dinner tendered to the DIrectara of the Panimt-Padflc International KxpoalUon and Conosooianalrei at Toung's Cafa on the Zone, June I, at 11:8> p.aa.

JUNE 19, 1915. e B 16

«iUiu t-rw ot til* cUy ■■(□•re, tv*TJ- h.«i> V ‘ • t*lT »u«r« ot tUt At fair.

^ .. «ltw atpaaaalrt fair t h» Wm'sI nTa H» i»i4>vU uu IU« ell/ sUv^U tvf ttie local KiK i„i.Mrliiieut. oi«uiua to bln crowd# auU

eivelicut uuBiut'M duriux Ui« CDtlr* »rck bad luv dialtucUuu of iMttuf ibc ar>t


rirui»»l that Uaa becu araulad a tMtriuil to abow uu l.'t »t’»-cla «I ta»rue»d for Uia l>>*l

too aauie boiug true of Wa' . 4I011

lurrt- oiHfU today. We *0 from »-:v f auowlug ou tbe Uovaiuabau. ■ •

lu lur bvart of a crowded realdeuUa li ui •ud .u lue midat of o»er tweuty la u..;* aud u-luri«-a, wuicu are to full awlo^.

tl. A l»c Vaua, our jteueral uiauaar - naa- lua daily iuil»ro*euieula lo tbe abow .u,i e^l ibautea have beeu made aincr ny laat latter. Itau Jioper Jolued tuc abow > t , riiv.d aitb a bid lU-iu l, wulcb la conald, ue jf tbe beet abow a of Ita klud oa tbi a J It aa tbouab be will aome 1 lue i iti- Biouey lelWwa a tougb race. Mr .1.1 lira, Co. .>»reury, fonueriy wilU tbe . .Nelly &ti<>»a. Jolued ua at Leutereille wl it ibo- rate JaUe Julut. and are baurlny u arteral other up-to-date comeaa. 1. r. Murpby'a yiaoglee merry■(o-rouiMl le n-atlog luta of eacll, meut up la tbla .. .oirt, aad aim-e tbe cuabge lu tue weatuer .1 uaa beea aettlBg ("Ud play both afteruoua aud erealag. Tbe abuwa have beea furtuuate U> tieoklag aome real lire towua over aa Ideal route wttb aaay and comfortable Jumpa, aad if tbe weather man will bebave lo a reaaouable maaaer we are aure of aome real big weeka. Jobu boelleoberg baa couatructed a oew oiodel autodrooie. wblcb will make Ita Initial opemug here toolgbt. In a prctloua laaue 1 promlaed to give a complete lift of attracuooa. but aa we are about to add aeveral oew abowa to tbe midway line-up, 1 will poatpooe tbla until my next letter.

SOME SROXSt MUItPHVABORO. ILL.. Lagaa Park, weak June 14. HERRIN, ILL., aaaalcaa Egyptlaa Laaaua, waek Jaaa 21.

MARION. ILL., aaialeca L. 0. 0. M., an atraata. weak Juae 24. llila will be a feature week, with a ihrce-day ttb of July Celabratloo. Blgbt weeka more oootraoted In live, up-to-date towna, with auaploaa, to follow.

THE INTERNATIONAL SHOWS WANT A BIO FEATURE SHOW ISPtX'IAL TFIRM.H T<> H.4ME). a Mechanical 8how. a Dog and FOny or a arcus Hhow. A FIRST-CLASS MUSICAL COMEDY SHOW tno onirhe). Lady Orefaeatra preferred. Will fumlw eompieto outnt. Wire or write qub-k SEVERAL CONCESSIONS OPEN: Ulgb Striker. Uevll Bowling. Cut J''1uwrrs, or any pul tlnnreaelun. HONEST TREATMENT aaeured. C.L.N I'SB several (ipetiera and Concea- aloii Agetita Alsu l*Ianutlon I'enple. Kemember, WE ivWN our own Rides, Train, Klectrle light Plant. First-Class Ilaril. FYer Acta, etc. Eight years on the maJ without closing, and don't owe a dollar. Encaigti sr<ll REAL SHOWMEN and HUSTLERS are aJwaya welcome around this ouBt. Wanted quick. Organised Afflcrloau or Italian Baud; also Musldaus. Must be competent Wire or write quick. Address

A. H. BROWN. Maaater lateraatlanal Shews, Murphysbaro, III.

knife rack, roll-down and four-ball tlvolt; Dor Alltel, with dart gallery; .Mrs. .Llleu. hoopla; Mr. Allen, pick-out; Ridge Family, with an ex¬ ceptional Indian act. and Harry Isjreno. cig¬ arette Bend, and ‘‘Whitey'’ Bennett, tatbsu^r. who have been added to HartwlcWs lit Show.

-Manager .Murria Miller, who has Just returned from a visit to Holland and Ludingtun, reports everytliing lovely.

Mrs niton has just received a new banner for her Spider (Hr! Show from the U. S. Tent A Awning Co.

The w-tKde managerial staff of the U. S. Tent A Awning Co., visited the show here, aa well aa in Hammond.


FRANK E. LAYMAN’S GREATER SHOWS On* Block from Chorokoo Stroot, St. Louis, Mo.

JUNE 17 TO JULY I. THIS IS A BIG ONE. WANT OO.NCEMRinNS of aU klnda. WhreU. 425: Ball Oamca. SIO; all other. tlS per week. (Tier- okea Street Fair last fall was the biggest moncT-gettci In St. Louts and lU terrltoty. Concesalons did enormous buslnris. Wt sre located within one block of this street, and will play to same people and (Towda. All are propetiy umrrs .n this district and have money. Oome on, get In on what promises to be tbe biggest nmney spot of tbe season. We have big celebrations to follow, and no big railroad flp. Write, wire or come 00. FRANK E. LAYMAN. La Salle Hetel, SI. Leuia. Ma.






Carrlck, Pa., June 10.—After six weeks of ordinary, and. In aome Instances, poor bnsl- besa. we are having a big week at Carrlck thla week, playing the Volunteer Flivuien’a Convention of Allegheny County. The streets and two lota are being used. A Urge number of extra conceaaiuns are with us for this week.

“Wbltey” Matthews, talker and manager of Charles Kigbtlinger’s Minnie Show, was *•- moved to St. Joseph’s Hospital Tuesday morning to undergo an operation for an abscess. Late reports have it that be la doing nicely.

Tbe Barlean Family Vaudeville Show la leaving next week to pUy summer vaudeville bouaea.

Sunday we make a wagon move to Homestead, where we play under the Firemen, with Car¬ negie following.


For carnival e(.mg>any witb long-ratabllabed rvputatlon of aucevaaful operation. Show now running. Will play Iowa. Nebraska. Dakstas and MlnneaoU. Will cnly place up-to-date Swing, and exceptionally strong Pit Rbow. Addrma NORTHWEST, cart Blllkaard, SI. Laala, Ma. JACK KLINE SHOWS

Owing to the severe storm encountered at Larn.-d three weeks ago the show waa com¬ pelled to remain there a second week td re¬ pair and replace property damaged by the n iod.

Marahall's Happy Days In Dixieland Show was tbe one to suffer tbe worst luas. Tbe teut used lor tills attraction. 40xlUU, was torn lo abreds and found impossible to repair. A new top of tbe same alxc waa Immediately for¬ warded from Kaaaaa City, and aa everything else was repaired In tbe meantime our entire company arrived In Udliersoa looking aa well as It did upon our opeaiug date six weeks ago. Baa.n«sa tbis spring, baa fallen abort of cxpecta- Uooa, but due eotirely to tbe annsnatly bad weather, from one to three days being lost every week so far.

Mr. Marshall conUnues to enlarge hli com¬ pany, wblcb DOW Dumbera tweaty-Bve people. On tbis particular attraction It la nooecee- aary to bally after Monday nlgbt. Quite un¬ usual with carnival shows nowadays.

The MIrac.e Show, managed by Earl 8tan- fleld, cootiauea to please tbe crowds aud U enjoying tbe liberal patronage of the Mc- Pberaon people. All shows are doing well here and IndlcatlouB i>oint to a very satisfactory week fur everything.

Tbe motordrome, managed by Wild Joe Perry, was uafortnaately forced to move on acconnt of tbe City nospttal being just a few bnadred feet dUtant and tbe noise disturbing patients In the oiieratlug room. One nigbt'a bnaloeaa waa lost. However, tbe better location will make that np. Tbe show will exhibit in Tigiekx June 14-lB.

WANTED---For Howe’s Great London Show .Afwistant Iki.w* Ctinvasman, Tov Balloon, Cane and Whip Privilejfes. .\ddres8 JERRY Ml’C.IV.W, Elroy, Wis., June 16; Sparta, 17; St. Charles, Minn., J8; Plainview, 19.

WANTED FOR CLIFTON-KELLEY SHOWS Ifaaordmme, rook-houae. Photo Gallerr. Spot-the-Spot. High Striker. Country Store and Pillow Wheel. Want Amselcan lYimet, Tuba. Bar.tone and Alto. Magician, Sword Swallower and Glaaa Blowers, with outBL Want Bucking Mule, experlencvd Ihillmau Car Porters. Team and Plano Player for Plant Show. Can place Trip to Mars and Mechanical Show. Week June 14th. Sioux City. Iowa. Want Bucking Mule for Hippodrome.


WASHBURN’S MIBHTY MIDWAY SHOWS .\ddresB. week June 14, Chester, Penna.; .Xsbury Park, X. J., week June 21,


Owing to the iwful gales and storms that we encountered at Ijikewood, N. J.. we have decided to play a return date under the P. O. S. of A., and will be lb Lakewood, N, J.. June 14 to 10.

Last week, at Toms River, N. J.. bnsineaa waa only fair, and Captain La Belle’a il-in-1 Show got top money, altbongb Howell A Chad¬ wick’s Plantation Show ran him a close second, aud Princess Fearless and Her Jungle Show proved that she conld still get tbe money, al¬ though money seemed very tight in Toms River last week. v

Tbe concession boys all got a little, but. to be frank, nothing to brag about.

A committee from Freehold. N. J.. called on .Mr. Kline and then and there contracts were signed to play the Big Firemen's Convention at Freehold 4th of July week. There will be parades evei^ day, and Bill Oonnenon will take the Kline No. 2 Show to Manaaquan. N. J., tbe same we.k.

The outlook la very bright for the futnre, and tbe boys all are taking things easy nntll tbe Brat of August, wben tbe Kline Sbowa open tbe fair season at Norristown, Pa.

Cook House, HoopLi, Lonjf Ranjfe Shootin>r Gallery, ^k)ft Drink and Ice Cream Stand, Ball Gaines. Flower Stand, Photo Gallery ana Palmistry. Want to hear from


Stand, Ball Games. Flower Stand, Photo Gallery and Palmistry. «ant to hear from zood Freaks for Ten-in-One. .Xddress HFTH’S GRF.\TF]R SHOWS,

A. H. HFTH, Mur., Ripon, Wis., June 14-19



Fraaklia, N. H.. June 8.—Tbe Jones Bros.’ Advance Car No. 1 la lo thla city tuday billing fur June 23. and we are billing just behind tbe Frank A. ilobblns Bbows.

Thla car Is carrying fonrteen men. and every¬ thing la moving along nicely. Tbe weather baa been with us tbe biggest part of tbe time since leaving 8t. Ijouta on April 14. Oppusitlou has been plentiful.

The ball team of tbla car played the crack team of IJttletoo last Rouday, and at tbe end of nine Innolnga tbe acore atood 7 to 0 In favor of the abow team. Tbe featnrea of the game were tbe pltcblnv of 811m 8aodera striking oat twenty-four hard-hitting braves, and tbe batting of IJbby and Goldsmith, of tbe Jones team, each making two borne rnns. Wm. Gilman, tac car manager, played Brat, and did so creditably. He alto scored two tbree-baggera.

WANTED, CARNIVAL CO. First-class Carnival Co. for week July 26 to 31. Must be big and A-1 outfit. Higattendance. QUEFX CITY RACING .ASSN., Elmira, N.Y

THE MIGHTY DORIS SHOWS WANT Mcrry-Go-Rouml and Fvrris Wheel at once. Want Shows of merit. Clean Con- eeRgions, write Mt. Pleasant, Pa._,


Who can do two or more turns. Must join on wire. Also A-1 Clown. We pay board. FOWLER & CLARK’S SHOWS, June 21, Clarksville, la.

By “HABTWICK" WANTED. FOR DOMINION PARK. MONTREAL. Benton Harbor, Mich., June 10.—Tbe weather

jinx has followed the Great American Shuwa fur the pa«t three weeka. and with added cold has hlndere,! bnalneaa to a great extent. Craw- furdavllle and Hammun,! would have been gixKl. hut tbe rain heat ua out. Jupiter I*, was again In evidence the Brat three days of this week. However, the aim In shining now, am! nice hnalneae Is experte<l the remainder of the week. ■ " the town la a good one and the M^ioae t'om- niitfee a live, bunch. Thla la the Bret graaa lot »e have played In aN<ut ten weeks.

W. 8. riierry. our general agent, droiiped In here for a two day visit, and stateil he has the allow lesikeil aidid until iJthor l>ay.

Next week we play Holland. Mich., with Liidliuitnn and Big Kaplda. under strong aua- plies, to f.dlow; then Into Saginaw for July 4. oh the down town ativeta. Thla will be the flr«t earnlial to play the atriwta in a numlier of years.

An aecldenl ocenrre,! on Monday, casting ghioiii over the entire comi>an,v. While setting np the spiral tower, nisin which Young Archil II" I'hllliiin |,erfornia on a huge glolie. the tower lx came |o<HM>ned and tlpticd over. I’hllllon was iiesr the top, snd fell to the ground with great force, hn'aking bla leg at the thigh. Peter Ser- vis. one of his helpers, was hailly bruise,! and hsit a hailly wrenched back. Both were removed to X local hiwptlal, and at present are doing as »' II aa expected,

“IllHckle. the King of the Kegs." hss fornuxl a psrlnrrshlp with ‘•Willie" Iledron. who re¬ cently piirclisjird Nst Narder’s Interests In sev- ersl joints and stores, snd liss erect<sl a new hncklev-hnrk.

J H. Hildreth hss added another ball gvme to Ills string of eoncesstons,

Mrs. Miller hss just r,'turned fn iii a visit to her home In t'lnchinatl.

Among the Isle additions to the shows are A. K. Bascotiie and wife, with a Platform a'tiow.

Tbs largest and Bnast park In Canada All kinds of living freaks and curtoalUra and sensational acts and attractions that are suitable for Pit Show purposes. .Also want to buy well-broke Trained isogs. lAmlea. Monkeys and Burking Mules, and a big well-broka Bivilng Kangaroo and a well-trained small QephanL Also want to buy monster large Rea Turtles or Sea Cows. Can use and will buy anything that Is clean and up-to-date and merttorloua and cheap for cash. Would Uka to buy good Steam or Air Calliope. Sweet Adllne. Pete Robinson and CapL Rliigmsn Mach, write. COL. W. E. WEST. 1740 Metre Dame St.. East, Leagae Psiata P. 0.. Casaga.

HERE, CONCESSIOM MEN, Are Two LIVE ORES! Grreetlraf. Kan., July S*>th and !7th. Olebrat'.nn and Carnival under auspices of the Brotherhood of Rail¬ road Tralnmeti. I*owns, Kan., July Itth lo Slst. Inclusive. 37th Annual CMebratlon. The biggest amusement eernt In Ktnaas. gl.500.00 wiwlh at smusevnenU have been bought for both places. I will manage and auoerintend btdh. -At Greenleaf will rralrict and give exclaslvet. »>crvbodT gets a sgCARE IVKAL. ^ Addrma RALPH RHOADES. Oowas. Kaa.


Otis L. Adams’ Greater Exposition Shows Took Hiiiisf, lliffh Striker, GoM Gl:i.«s. Knife Ruck, Hoop-l;i. Can place ono'moro show. Wirt'or write Central Falls, R. I., wtvk June 14; Southbridjje, Mass., June 21.

Fireman’s Street Carnival Nyack, N. Y., J uly 12-13-14-15-16-17

Wlsluw to hear from all up-to-date (Ymrevsluns, Riding Devicva. Motordrome, Shows, rtc. Going to be a Mg thing. C. L. WOOLF. Chairman; THOMAS O'CONNOR. Seorstary.


Pocatello. Id.. June 10.—The ann is shining today on both sides of the gtreet, the first time since leaving California tlx weeks ago. Bnalneaa hag not been good, not becaiiae of war or any conditions other than nnuanally had weather, and yet. despite contiaoous rain, snow, bail and wind storms, the setS"n shows a neat balance on tbo right aide of tbe ledger. The show la beaded toward aome bright apota and now that tbat old vet and Prince of Good Fellows. Ed Davenport, has taken tbe advance. Mr. Campbell feels ti'tt a profitable season la before him.

Tbe line-up gives aa twelve shows, aome thirty concessions, ferrU wheel and merry-go-round and none "on the nut."

Major Harry Fink and bis American Concert Rami is creating quite a stir ami receiving ex¬ tended notices In the papers everywhere. The major has a great band, the best Mr. Campbell says be baa ever had In bis employ. Mias Nel¬ lie O'Conner, the Girl Tbat Sings To Beat tbe Band, a statel.v English beauty, is a ivcent addition to tbe band.

Paddy Lynch, for many years prominently identified with the Emeryville ICal.l Race track ami a real old-time sport, baa bonght the '49 Camp, and In tbe language of tbe lot is "mop¬ ping up.”

Mrs. Eildle Aarons is on a vlatt to ber hns- band for a few days, and so<« will leave for an extended visit to Yellowstone Park.

Several allows from tbe Zone, San Francisco, are negotLitlng with Mr. Campbell for en- gigcmenta, and aome will join In tbe near fn- ture.

Roster; H. W. Campbell, sole owner and manager; Carl Beasley, general agent; Ed Dav¬ enport, special agent and railroad contractor: E. L. Williams, secretary and treaaurer; Chet Smith, promoter: Babe Drake, lot superin¬ tendent; L. Powers, boas hostler; Dad Spllkey. trainmaster; Cbria Johnston, chief electrician, with two assistants; Frank Hammond, head portvr, with two assistants; Cowell ami Milli¬ gan, Parker carry-ua-all; Harry Cropp, Ell fer- ris wh,»el: George Hoffman, nx'tonlr roe; 10-ln-l. H. W. Campbell, owner; A. H. Hogan, manager; Arthur Wollett and Jimmy Randolph, tickets. Oriental Show. Jess Schnltx, manager; '49 Camp. Padd.v Lynch and Charles Bennett, managers: Well Sliow. Bill Johnston, manager B'\lng Midgets. Chaa. Allen, manager: Plantation. Burns Brothers and Doc Walrtr-m. owners an 1 managers; Hawaiian Village. Burt Wilw n. man¬ ager; Wireless Electrical Spei-taclc. H W. Camph-'ll, owuer; Oiart’s Illusions. Prof. Oiart. manager.

Wbl!> !n rtah Mr. Camphe'I bonght aome splemlld teams of horses. .Another sleeper, two stock and two flats were a.Idiil to the train equipment in Ogden, making twenty one cars In our train.

Captaoi H. S. Tvler. B.irt Wilson, J. W. Randolph, Ed. Davenport. Chet Smith. Carl Beasel.v. H. .A. Hogan an.i tho writer are among the old-timers bolding oflicial piisitlons witb the show.

MEUKY-GO-RorND Will give srasim's esmtract. Can place one more show of merit with oam top. Frw mors Cimowslona and Wlus'la still open: also Sarlngs. Bi-st territory tssiked all sewson. NO GIP. Write. wire JACK KLINE SHOWS. Lakawsad, N. J.

rr Spearmint at Ic a park to vou Write for eatilog. Halwat Gun Shea. Claelaaatl.

16 X ti e Billboard JUNE 19, 1915.

LONDON NEWS LETTER An all-American matinee la to be Blven at will open Saturday of this week, under the

the London Pavilion on June 3. In aid of the niaiiageuieot of Rugene Perry, who will run Lord Mayor'a fund for l.naitaula antferera. high claaa pirturea.

_ Elrery turn will be American, and every Amer- Among tboae regiatered at the Alamac I*

lean turn baa volunteered to help. I.eon b'rletlmaD, general preaa repreaentatlve for liondon. May Uh (From S|)ecial Corre We<lnesday (June 2), Tag Day. The Tag Day The London Oi>era Houae will, after all, re K!o Kiegfeld, who la here arranging for the

i>{>oDdent, Tliouiaa R<-ecei.—Wilkie Bard laat collection la uaually for the muaic ball ebarltiea open tomorrow with a aeaaon of Uuaslan and premier of The Kolllea.

CTiriatniaa waa playing in a line comedy aial only, but tbla year the movement ia being French opera. .kmoiig the •‘new'ly-wwla’* at the Alania - apei tacular production in Mancbeater. calleil Tbe epread. and a quarter of the collection will go . The Peraian dancer, Armeiie Ter Ohanlau. will Hotel are: k'red Jackaon, author of A i^uii Whirl of the Town. After tbe abow flulalied to Oawald StolPa fund for diaabled soldlera. atar on the leg twirling aide. Ilouae, and hia bride, a Bnaiklyu girl alai Oawald StolPs fund for diaabled soldlera. atar on the leg twirling aide.

and hfc went on hia ordinary vaudeville tour he Klaie, it ia said, will abortly leave The Pasalng entered into negotiations wliereby he practically Sliow at tlie Palace. purchaa<Ml the ctiutmlling interest In tbe pro- Jack Boss, of Boas and Lewia, brother-in-law duction. of Jolmny Henning, baa been engaged by M as’

House, and hia bride, a Bnaiklyu girl

Jack Boss, of Boas and Lewis, brother-in-law Laughter of Fools, of Jolmny Henning, has been engaged by M ss’ Martin Harvey will present next Tuea«lay

Frank Cunon will present tonnirrow night at starreil In amateur theatricals; Kmanuel Daniel

the Prince of Wales Theater a new play. The s|H>rtltig etiltor of Tbe Baltimore Neaa, and

Mrs. Daniel, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben ialwards. Ralph Hera, William David and Mr. and Mr

He will bring it to lamdou, therefore, in the to play on tour rte part Henning baa (June 1) Stephen Pblllipa' new war play, Arma H. m. MacKay are ato|iplng at’the AUniac

tsmrse of the next few weeks, having arranged *-'''^®ted in Push and Go, an lnnH.rtant la-king for it with Charles Gul- Calvin, who have only been on this

liver at the Palladium. «lrpa''y ‘arned a good tlHby Dealya tlniahoa. along with Boav Bap- themselves here and have also lK*en

tore, at the Duke of York's tomorrow night and principal parts in the

created in Push and Go, getldon. Max Marcln, the author of See My Igiwyer Bich and Galvin, who have only been on this H. B, Lrving la to produce The Angel in the md the House of Glass, Is staying at the

side a few weeks, have already earned a good Houae, at the Savoy shortly, the coiui>any In Alamac for a week, but has leaae<l a cottage

name for themselves here and have also lieen eluding Ijidy Tree. in Chelsea, where he rx|>ecta to write several Dolly Mewae and Harry Singer have been in- I more plays

g< es into the .\lhambra bill on the following Moiiday.

Harry Pilcer rejoins her there, parting com¬ pany with Te-.ldle Gerard to do so.

touring Push and Go Company. troduced as a dancing pair at the Gaiety In To- Walter C. Kelly, familiarly known as the Spisaell Brotliers and Mack made their first night's the Night. They do an extraordinary “Virginia Judge," Is a guest at the Hotel

apiiearanoe in Ixvndon laat Monday since tbe re- whirlwind dance, which la called the Red In- Dunlop. We will remain until the latter part cent American tour. dlan Apache dance. of .\ugust when he will go to tbe West.

Manny and Roberts returnevi last Monday to Singer s |>eg-tnp revolutions are wonderful. g l■'X>.STKK the Alhambra revue in a special scene. After his first show this week a dwtor examine*' . ---

cent American tour.

Manny ami Roberts returned last Monday to tJaby and Harry, after the Alhambra, will go Alhambra revue in a special scene. After his first show this week a dwtor examine*'

on the M**8s tvur, and this will be the^ first Harry Gllve an<| Mabel Bunyea's new show him and found hia heart was iieatin: 24'J tiinea otcaslon uiK.n which the lively little French „„ on in the fall la eutitleil When Two Hearts to the minute. Some exertion, that! daincr and conuslieiine has apiwared before the Mabel will not appear in this heraelf. Chin Chin, reportevl an American success. Is Kuglish provincial audieiic-es. she will appear fitted for her, so Clive will due for preseatatlon on this side shortly.

Walter C. Kelly, familiarly known as the

of .\ugust when he will go to tbe West.

E. I•\>.ST^;K


Charles C, Burnham. iMvpularly known as

“Daddy" Burnham, who appeared many yearn ago in Minueaitolla In an exteo'le*! engagem*'0t li. a scene, St. Anthony, with Harry as the assistance of another actress. Marie tblile. one of Ivavld Belaaco's dramas. Mlnueai-lia’ In an exten le,! engagem**m

Mal>el will appear as a single turn and Harry is to be Sir Heri*ert Trees next new play. Ferris Stock Company at tt I Tcddie Gerard, who finishes playing with Uas fixed up a very line scene for her. It is to Marie I.ohr has been engaged for it. It Is the Theater and who has been playin ^ ti l

Harry Pilcer at the en*J of this week, has fixed reniemberevl that Harry Clive in the early I biggest thing she has yet been asked to do. <eum Theater and who has been playing this seaa*>n with the Ernest Ferris Stuck Company at

i.p with Nat D. Ayer, the ragtime composer, to I part of his American career was an illusionist Sealeil Oivlers. the Drury Lane drama, finished Ttieater dle*l June H at u|i|*-ar in a sciig and dance scene with him. land B.ime of the ideas he worked up then will on May Veroulque waa withdrawn on May

his room In Uie Empreea Hotel. St. Paul, of Nat D. Ayer was recently in a similar act be used in Mabel's new act. not as actual lllii-i 25. and Raffles on May Vf. Tomonv.w ‘1"* failure. Mr. Burnham wis a rhsrs'rt,,

- - -- - - I -I-.- -- I Bi^d of the Treshams and Rosy Rapture will ■ ^ srscier with Margaret Moffat, but a split resulted. Margaret herself endeavored to continue tbe

sions but as aids to effect. Albert Cromwell, younger brother of Billy 1 quit.

actor of Du mean ability, having been uu the stage since his nirtb year. He was «o years

act with Ray Russell, an English light come- Cromwell. Juggler, now in America. Is hinmelf Ijiurette Taylor will have played Peg o' My '

disn of merit, but tluit venture soon froxe up. with the R*>ral Field Artillery in France, one Heart a tls'usand times by Momlay week, and Minneapolis Cnhi'ie Theater is one of Ucy went into revue, and the present deponent of quite a legion of vaudeville's connections now the night will be made a si>tivenir occasion, every which has been taken back from the \ier

- -- e_*.**-- member of the audience being presented with a l.v at the moment unaware of Margaret's move- ___ v>*vu*t uj e<*uu n nai ,.,ents. Rastus and Banks report that they o,wned • slgnevl photograph of I-aurette enclc^ In an at reorganlxe*! Hulllvau *

The Versatile Four finish up on Saturday (May great at the Casino Kursaal, Cairo. Egypt, on | tractive case and tied with Irish ribbons. Considine Circuit.

•J*» their sixteen weeks’ engagement at the -!------ Eva I,ang and Averill Harris have *.i.en.,i

cus Uiew VamlevUle Circuit by John W. f. nsi

l.iiiidon Pavilion. They came to that hall un- | known and at the best never ext>ecting more than two or three weeks. The decided hit they uiiide cansetl the management to retain them for the above-mentioned long period, I

.\t the same time they have been working su- ' (.urban halls along with the Pavilion. They l ave nothing flXtHl at tbe moment for Monday next, and propose to go into rehearsal with a new saxoplione act. |

Jay Whidden. the American violinist, who came across here a year ago and made a big tilt In revue, afterwards pairing as a double turn with Billl Kuming, is coming with bis partner to tbe Oxford for a month, starting Mon- <Ia.v. week (June 7|.

.\8 a siile line he has also isiw Jolne*! Stuart an.l Cllffe, as Stuart. Cllffe ami Whidden. In a pr-slucing ami soeg-writing and comiiosing bus¬ iness.

Isssis and Leiuar are playing the Oxfonl, Ism- don, these few weeks, and doing very well there. Tliey have had to hurrleilly fill up thlrty- niiie weeks, which they were hookeii to play on the C<intliient. but which, of course, the war t.t*ipoe<i.

.Mf Reeves, brother of Billy Reeves, who has been over here now for a year, will probably re¬ turn to yonr side shortly. He has bad several g'ssl offers.

Van Hoven has got to town this week, and is playing the Finsbury Park Empire.

I..arry Cebellos and Mona Desmond, who had

lss*n engaged to star with their dancing in Will tvdlins' newest revue imp*>rtation. Nurses, •jultted the show suddenly last Monday when playing the Shepherd's Bush Empire.


All too seldom has The Billboard been enabled to accord with the president of the American Federation of Labor and that organisation’s lesser light leaders, but we have only praise and commendation for the stand taken by them at Atlantic City June 11, when representatives of half a million memlyers voted decisively against a peace at any price movement and in terse statement made by council officials explained that they esteemed it not only a patriotic duty but a special privilege and rare honor to stand by the President and avoid any action likely to embarrass his conduct of a great national task.

Said Samuel Gompers: "The influence of the American Federation of Lalxvr, the workers

of the country, will be exerted for the maintenance of peace, and yet we can not permit to be challenged the Insistency that the lives of Americans shall not be unnecessarily and unwarrantably Jeopardized."

Peace, but "peace with honor,” peace that does not curtail or sacrifice the rights of American citizens.

It was a great day for American Trade Unionism, was June 11, 1915.

April 28. They are uow in Alexandria, and were then due to tour Italy uuleaa the war iuterferei with tbiugs in that country.

1. live euu tVnaidlne Circuit.

---—-- Eva I,aag and Averill ilarrla have open*-*! their aeaaon of stock as leading lady ao<l uian.

t respectively, with the Balubridge Player* at th,

yP Iiyi\1i1af\ ♦ Mlnneapolli Bhubert Theater, the <*|>enlng date

illL llll/ClJul/ 4 •■xl tl>e play. The Tongue* uf _ 9 Men. Eva Lang Is remembered liere a* havlu.;

avra thi.'V 'THIN I •I'P*’**'''* •* ‘•x? Metropolitan Opera Hoiiiw,. SM .\>D THEN J Harris la an olj favorite with

— ▲ K>cal stock patrons, been enabled to accord with the ^ -

of Labor and that organizations ♦ AMERICAN HOSPITAL NOTES ly praise and commendation for T _ Ity June 11, when representatives « Dora Conroy, of Conroy and LeMalre. is mak

ively against a peace at any price 4 log a woa*lerful recovery from tbe serious oi<era

ide by council officials explained I perfor.xied by Dr. Tborek neveral days age

lotlc dutv but a special privilege X Bernard, who has been in the b<**|>ltal

dent and avoid any action likely t “."ir’ ‘•i^r.tlon. u to. ♦ proving rapidly,

lational task. A „„ clement, of The Bliepherd of the

T Hllla C anpany, has left tbe bnapital, in a very t-'ederation of Labor, the workers J g,K>d c<*ndlti.>n. le maintenance of peace, and yet A Mrs. iinxel Adde, «f Afbie t'oultrr (^impsny.

the Insistency that the lives of ♦ singer* and dancer*. Is still ronfined In tbe bos

and unwarrantably Jeopardized." J plt«L hut I* doing a** well that the doctor* pre

peace that does not curtail or ♦ •“ ■ very few day*. 4 Cataltue Oliver was diwharged from the ho*

n Trade Unionism, was June 11, I

T to Chlt'sco. ami ban plarrii hrrmlf nutltr Hh*

(►baervatWm ami trMtnirnt of hr. TfH'rrk.


Columbua, Mias., Juiw 12.--hacar llurrla ha* Atlantic City, June 10,—Now that tbe new sucoeeiled James Newby aa manaarr of tiie Co-

Jack MarkA. back In this country after hU Herenteen-story Ore-proof Hotel Traymore baa lumbua Tbeatsr. Mr. Newby had be^ n In chare** , eight montba* tour In America, opens in I»n<k)n been thrown open and la attracting m mneh of the (Vlumbua Tlieater almost c*>utinii<)ualy

Charle* Cohan in thl* pnoluctloD. by the way. Monday, doubling the Victoria Palace with favorable comment from tbe many vlaitora to (or a period of seven year* la playing Lln«ky, the owner of tbe hospital. GoWe"’ Gteen Hippodrome. till* “Playground uf the Nation.” other hotel It It the Intention of th It It tbe Intention of tbe Coltiinbii* Theater

and getting a lot of fun out of the part. He canceled hia Lusitania berth and caileii 1 are atlrring themselves to keep op 1 Company, the owners of the h*>nse. to make

Hamlin and Mark, wbo are this week doubling I three days after on tbe Philadelpbia. with tbe proceaaloD. aeveral repairs on the theater during tbe next

the Pavilion and Metropolitan, and tbn* present- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eldrid, Miss B. L. Bus- I Plana have been drawn and finaocial arrange- montba. ing tbeir business three times a night, are pro- sell and Mr*, and Gladys Graichen tailed, per | menta made for rebuilding the Sbelboroe at a kas not lieen decide*! wliether Klaw diicing a new act in September when they will Philadelphia, for New York last Wediiesdsy. I cost of $'J,400,(XK). The management of tbe * Erlanger will l*»>k after the booking**. *'r lie Joined by Ernie Mack, tbe American aero- I May 26. Hotel Strand is arranging for an extension at I '*^l><‘tliiT the nianagemriit will book Indepcnd liaCc dsm-er.

The Two Boiis will do the mnsic for this. i Frank and Vesta are still tonring with great

Cecil J. Sharp and Mand Karpeles sail, per a cost of sbont $.300,000, the work on which '»tlT. St. Louis, for New York tomorrow. May 29. will be commenced next September; The St.

Basil Hallam. the bright particular Juvenile Charles Hotel la being enlarged to nearly double Kiiccess. Most weeks the.v find time to entertain star nut of Tbe Passing Show, having Joined its present capacity, and the owners of the Bobller* near wbere they are playing.

They gave a good show to wounded men at I famoua Butt boose. the army, has only a month m<'re to play in that Hotel Rudolph are planning t new mlllbio- YORK & KING

dollar fire-proof building, with twelve stories, to Swansea last week. The injured Toromiea made He baa Jost put on a very appropriate aong be begun September 1 and completed .\prll 1 of a <vollertion and presented Vesta with a band- anent his departure for tbe front, entitled Good- next year.

*• me bouqn.Jt. by. Girls, I’m Through. The Master Car Buililera' Convention openeil Ralph Lynn who came from Canada last year Sblrley Kellogg, it appears, owes her Dublin yesterday with its usual large attendance of

to play light comedy parts in the Empire revue. Town Mg song hit in tbe Hippodrome revue, delegates, wbo attend to business during the By .lingo, has been touring for some f*-w montba Push and Go, to the late Charles Froliman. business sessions and take iHwHesslun of the now with his Honey Girls. He Is booked to He cabled from New York that It was Just tbe P—anlwslk when not In se«slon. star In Will Collins’ new revue. Peaches, which 1 thing for her, and his advice was taken. Siiot Night broke all p<ipularlty records at


Colored Aristocracy

Is due for presentation on September 6. Shirley Kelhicg was singing on the Joy plank. I is with bis wife visiting this country.

tiing for her, and his advice was taken. Siiot Night broke all p<ipularlty records at Frank Albert, the .tustrsllan music publlslier. the Steeplecbssi* Pier last night. The crowd

exceiste*! both In sire and hilarity any seen which runs down the center of the Hippodrome 1.4 Revue Tricobir. the last revue staged at the Pier tills season.

stalls. last week, when slie overbalanced. Her the Monlin Ftouge. Paris, when that fannsis old Owing to the miasiveneas of the pisNlnctlon tumble Into the orchestra stalls, however, did house was burned down a few months ago, has of the Follies this year, the sliow will not iqien her no Injury, and she was able to resume her 1*0*0 brought to London am] will be put on at until Tuesday night, Jnne 15 the Apollo 1’heater tbe I—ndon Pavilion on June 14. being used for the rehearsals Hunday and Mon- The I»rd Ma.v<*r of Ixmd-m has recently opened Jean Fabert. owner of the Moulin Rouge, Is day nights. For this reason the regular Sunday

a fund on behalf of the sufferers from the Ltisl- over here coniluctlng rehearsals. He served In night concert of eight acts and pholoiilsya at the tsnla disaster. A good many large sums are be the French army right through tbe end of the Apollo will be transferred to the .New Nlx*m ing contributed to this and the vandeville pro- battle of the Marne. A sloit through the Theater for next Bnnday night,

fesslon Is lending a helping hand. rlionlder then put him out of the fighting. Rirkel and Watson, the headliners this week Vesta Tilley, male lmper»f>nator. Is collecting P. A. Caron, of Wolllielm’s, orrangeil tills very at Keith's Garden Pier Theater will go Into

onider then put him out of the fighting. Blckel and Watson, the headliners this week P. A. Caron, of Wolllielm’s. arranged tills very at Keith's Garden Pier Theater, will go Into

iportant engagement. the "movies" July 1, with George Klelne. about *200 weekly for this fund from the sale important engagement. the "movlea" July 1, with George Klelne. of picture pcatcarda of heiwelf at the hallt the Watch YVmr Step, at the Fmvpire. Is the big- Trixie Frigsnxa vrill he the headliner at is nla.ving. gest success known In the history of the famoua Keith’s the week of Jane 14. and The War

Elsie Janls will lead one division of smart I^lcester Square house. Money receipts have Brides will he there tbe week of Jnne 21.

music hall girls in the street eoHectlons next tojiped all recordt for the time being. The Garden of Dances, on the Garden Pier,




JUNE 19, 1915. T fi e Billboard 17

lif A. G I C Pnjfrmlofiil Oitalocu*. ISO paces. Bni# on earth. lOc. Superior appa- raiua. Prompt ahlpmenti. Satlafactioo cuaranteed. Kaoapo Acta, Hope 'Hea. Haiidruir Secrcu. Mind Readlnc, and up-to-the-minute work at all deacrlp- tlcai. CHICAGO MAGIC CO. Dapt-0.72W.AdaaitM.. Cklaace, III.


nn U J . «li mllea from Queenatioro Hrldce lorsr .laniv n<»r with dace. iMorllnc alleye. ehiadlnc range, iwairm kllchen I unfurnlehed I. Keen unnl for |il<nli-a. .halla and baiiguete eummir and alnirr tViMilil make rxcrilnil place fur prialmers of nuaing plel urr-e.

FIRE, LAR6E. OlO-TIME RESIDEICE allh gmund on Kruadwajr, laaig laland t'lty. Would make raal motlng picture etudlo.

MOTIRO PICTURE THEATRE (ai Vernon .Veeiiue eonier. Lung l•land fltjr. fan >,e enlarged <utifuml<lie<l|.

F. n. H. CO., INC.. SI7 Aeadaaiy Mnat. Laof lelaad City.

Telepliune, .talorla IVM.

UrCCHIGH GRADE iilOu make-up

llRifori ii Color aod Qiaiity Giarantood

ncri Hamaraadaai Data Baak mtt 1 Baak tka AM a« -Maklat af


ItaByOThaal I kao.

•AM khmH TiN<a?tMa** Mt Ftm.


ciciBtitn CMknBmMCS.





Largtat aaaortaMnt at Ttleka.

Jokea aod NoaelUat In tha world. Send I-rrnt (lamp for Illustrated catalogue.

C. J. FELSMAN. Dept. 22. Cklaata, IM N. Clark St. Mkla ttara. Ilk State

St.. Palmar Naoct Lakky.

A NEW WAY TO PAINT SIGNS Anyone ran paint elgna with our easy ayatem. t'oenplete outfit, containing ten arts letten and Hgures. 2 to 11 Inches high loot printed, but rut out eg duranie auterlal); bruahea. palnta. In- atructloa hook, etc . perpkld. tS.kk. Sttlafactlon guaranteed. BUTTS ADVERTI8IN8 CO., IS WaitIWk Strsat, Kaaaaa CNy. Ha.

HtVE YOU A PERHASEST ADDRESS? If not. reglaler with tha

TRAVCLEBt’ ADDRESS A INFORMATION RUREAU We will forward your mall to any addreaa for one ItBr at Rl.Oa pee year We are aim Agetita foe Ho- tela. Punilahed Rnnina, Apartmenta. Taxteaba and Automobllea TRAVELERS' ADOSESS A INFORMA- TION BUREAU. IW2 Srasdwky, Raam 4I«. Tlmae Sgaara. Naw Vark City.


YOST A COMPANY lEMabllabrd laTk.)

if W. 42g St.. N. Y. CNy (farmarty Phlladalpbia). ET* New, Uilarged, lllualrale<l t'aiabm.

INFORMATION WANTED **,tp whereahouta at Jeanne Hurst, a rtbaret singer and rnterlaltHr, kitown In New Tork. Baltlmora and

Pranrlaco. Rad friend In Baltimore nametl Ethel Leoge: also a linger. Had woman friend In Pan Pranclaeo named Johann or Tollan. Another friend. Mrs. Daeldaon, OaklaiHl. Cal. Pend In¬ formation FOflT ornt'R BOX No. tM. Kansaa City. Mlaaourl.

VA/ A NJ«TFB-B MEN TO SET MEM- wsr M E.iB^ IEHS and eatabllah

laalgra on cnnunlaaliai haala for the owiJt, South Bend, Indiana


OPERil HOUSE, Greenville, Ohio. F^lly niulppml for I’lctiirea. Vaue<lTlllr or Ihiad "how. I'o.mwilim at lan-r. Population. Seat¬ ing laimHIy. .MHi .tddrras H A l>., 434 Ka.l Ihlnl At.. tlreenrUle. tl.

FOR SALE K*Brloa(| of SmifiT. <Ti«Bt>ArailTFl> new; Biao A Mork Irodliig wRiniAirti sNimpletF wanlrD*»r. nnr amt up tiR-date. A frrat (ipp(»rtuiilty. Write r«ir |iar- ttrular*. W. H. SMITH. 7 K. »Ui. tniirliiiiatt. U.


Tlic .tnieriraii Florence Troupe left for aeven weekH oyer the Time. The trou|>e tlien t-Iiena wltu fairs and parka, taaikefl through the \V. V. .M. A. The folka are working tn a brand new act for next aeaaou, c<>in|H>aed of aliiKing, talking and tiiuibling.

.\t laat the ('hlcago crltlca hare agreeil on one thtiiK: they all ailmit the ah.rneaa of clothe, worn by Miaa t'oyerilale. In The Malil In .\merlca MImiw.

Siilllran and Mason oia-ii at .Mliineaisdla for a lotir of the I'aiitagea t'lir-iilt.

Sidelight roni|>any, after forty week, on the road, o|wn for Marcus I/a-w- in New York. Jaa.

F. Ihiwlell Is manager of tlie act for Kolainl West.

Martin Van Bergen Jum|>ed from New York to 4irand Kapida to >>iii the FaahhHi Sh>iw. The act will work the Oridieum liouaea <mi the

I'.iaat. ami o|>en In September at New York.

I-eo Zarrell Trin. haring Just flniaheil the Or-

pheiini t'lr.-iilt. will apeod their aiimmer with the folks In New York.

Ruth R.alen will play a return engagement at the Lincoln and Kogan Si|uare starting June 21. Mlaa Ri.len then will take a two niontlia’ raca- tion. Ruth has lieen one of the hig hita for the W. V. M. .t. tula aeaaon.

firanrille and Mark start orer the Siilllran A Coiialdine Time, hooked through Johnny Naah. They will follov with the .tawM-latlon Time.

Icaila I>.ii.|or. waa given a long route from the \V. V M .1. after lit. api>earance at the

Ilipp. laat week.

Kalla I’aaha. In a new three-act. will he seen ap'iin,) hen* ap.wtiy. I'aaha haa been In picture* lately, but he claiiiie raiHlevllle la eaaier.

.\lleen Slaiile.T, who pir>T«>,l the big lilt of the •eaaon oTcf liileratate Time, came back at the lireat Northern Ilipp.. aiat waa a aniall riot. .Mlaa Stanley ha* changed her act oiiisiderabl.v. haring adde,! a piano pla.rer, ami ifw aln-.-* several hallad*. Alleen o|ien* for the Orpheiini flpiilt early In .\iigiist.

I-cw Butler, who ha* left the Te.1 Siirder f'lUnpany. after a bmg term of service for that Him. U now about to break Into raiHlerille, with

a singing and "nnt" act.

Ijirry t'on>er. the "Bean Bnininiel" of ran.te

Title, has two ne>re we«-ka. after which he will

rehearie a new act.

Will, Harris I* re|a>rled to liars lieen re*|a>n- slble for staging of The Titian Hlrl. It was a dismal alfalT and lacked sle-wnianship.

Kalh'lne ha* unit the raiiderllle game, claim Ing there 1* md enough money In It. She will deride her time to a hiisinesc that she ha* es- lablishe,! here.

fleorae Welwler 1* sttll talking alsait the loop theater he will tesik shortly.

Battrell an,l llalner are laying off In Chicago,

after a anci-essfnl se.rson with Bob Sutton’* Show. Till* •how eV'se,! at fteWItt, la.

P*n*y Kelltn-r will be seen *hortIy In the We*t with a new re|>ertoire of nong* fiirnishe<l by W. B. me,llander.

Ivy Evelyn and rV€>lly CTirUtle haye Jolneil bands an.1 are doing a Tanderllle act. When •• en at the Oak the act sti'p|>e,l the show In No. .% spot.

Madge Isuiiie late a»iibretle with Billy Spencer, baa gone to her home In Kansas for the Slimmer.

Hoc Tb-ll, lat-' of Itollle'a tvdl*. I* now doing a single. Ibu- showeil hIs art to the agent* last wiiek. ami for hi* efforts aecnre.! «lx week*' L'n- tract*. opening In Detroit this week.

kllan Summer* haa been working for the Web-

•trr CIr-iilt ever since hi* return from the East, lie 1* reisirteil to hare lieen a hIg *ncceaa.

laig Johnabme. prima donna, will he seen with The Sunshine OIrla, a vanderllle act that I* line to oiien at McVlcker'a shortly. Errett Blge low acteil as Mira Johnston's agent.

Jame* Dowlell. of Roland Weat'a oflti'e, ami May Silver, of Billy Bonnct-r'a Clrcna, are apending their snare time In getting their motor loat ready for the anmn'er. The boys will Riiend their time In Jamaica Bay. Brooklyn.

Beenian an-l .\nderaon. who are now tonring the Pan. Time, are getting notli-ea from the

different Western pa|ier* who all sa.y oTtie b<"st skating art ever Keen around here." The act will go EuJt next M-asou.

Tlie llulland-Il.H-krill Troiipi- were the fe» tiired attraction at the Fe<lera| Park June !•

Sam (Jerson and Wally Isi-ker are carrying <iii a merry war of publicity in thia city at present. The former la Isawtliig the merits of .Maid In America, at the Palace, while the latter la busily engage,) In calling the attention of the l.ublic t« the Joseph Santley Show, .\11 (irer I’ewn, at the Oairlck.

P.ill.y U sler and Jack Arnold bare dissolved I>artnersliin. Roller will ap|>ear after this as a

single, with the assistance of a piano player, in his character and rag songs.

Dan Kusell has gone to New York, where he will wsin offer his newest act for metrofsdltan approval.

Henry A. Ourthle, of Louisville, Ky.. formerly well known on the Chicago Rialto, has tieen In town in the interest of a Him company.

Milt Kusall Is touring Iowa for a big film is'Di-ern. In a letter recently re<-elved be said:

"I anireil in town and laid out my shirts and mute. I am featuring a new |iair of yellow glorea which, after one afipiearaDce, had the town all agog."

Ji>e ilarrity will manage the .American Music Hall when that houae ofiens with 4'ecll Lean ami Cleo Mayfleld, in The Blue Paradise.

The vaudeville season at the Wllaon Avenue

Theater will begin August .Td. Motion pdctiires went in June 7.

I Jack Idiit announces that he has had a disas Ip us seaiion. ami it la re{sirtcd that he b'st in

j the nelghborlnssl of F-'kl.iSSl during the seawm.

Mrs, Walter Meakin has been conflneil to the IB rnian Hos|>ltal on the North Side, for some

Dexter Harrington, who was identifleil with vaiHlevlll, in Chicago for some time, |s said b> have joineil th“ navy and m>w thought to be b.

cafeil on ti e Rlnsle Islami coast.

Holl.nml and ISs-krell, the well-known eipies trian .i,-t. was the feature attraction at tin-

Bisiuark llanlens last week, ami they did *■> well that the management wanted them for a seisind week. Prior contracts with the Forest Park management made this Impossible. Tlie act was the class of tlie show. Tlie wanlp'bes are vei,T handsome, ami the Isira*-* are the tsH<t

se«n amiiiid here In some time. HollamI and DiH'kp'll n'e Issikeil solid for fairs and parks after which they go hack t« vaudeville.

Bcrn.-iys J, lins.m. the young electrical wliard who 'i».« liitPKlnceil mystic hells at several dif¬ ferent -abap'ls in Chicago, is m w- planning to

enter vaudeville with a singer. She will wear a wireless iiress <>n the stage, which will be com

pletelv stiidde-I with elei-trlc light bulbs of the smallest tyiie.


James (banoery |>osteapls that the OIhrleh Jc

Powell Airdome $Chow has rhangeil hands, but

is still running under the old name. He also

statea that "iltboiigb we are mvt playing to

packed houses, we are still In the ring." The

eompany is composed of Earl Powell. pnAirletor

and manager; John E. OIhrleh. secretary; Jauio.s

Chancery, advance agent; Dora I\>we|| and Cbas.


Moore's Alnlome. Carthsge. III., ivpened May

24. with Jack H. Kohler's Assiv-lated Players.

The alnlome has a seating eapaeity of 2,.>00

and play* atm-k oom|>anies. vandevllle ami pie-


J. E. Searle of San Jaeinto. I* erev'ting an

alplome In Hemet, fal.

The alrdomf at Bmoksfb'ld. Mo., has !e-e.i

thoroughly renovated, and openml under tlio

management of W. S. Owen, of Brnnswlek.

W. H. Wtlb'y Is making pn^iuiratlons for the

opening of his alnloine In Mulberry. Kan.

The Alnlome In Demopolis, .Via., was opened

on the night of May 2S. by Herman Lsmg and

W. E. Michael. Jr., of IViiiojiolls. and W. L.

Myp'e, of LMarton.

The Armond Entertalnera and Moving Pletiire

Show, working through the State of New Yois.

re|s>rta biisliiess as being gisxl. The pvstcr of

the comiwiny Inclmles J. C. -Vrmoml. owner and

manager; Eltxabetb G. Morton, pianist ami

Toeallat; Madame ZeUia. mind renler and

palmist; Ha|tpy Smith, comedian and ban>>lst.


Tonight Bills One aide. 4x12 atxe, black Ink. on assorted paster, ene. two, three or six styles, egual quantity at each style, for

$12.00 Th* beat and most Inexpensive producer at box-

office receipts In the busineas. Union label an all printing Send for price UsL Route book lUc.

The Gazette Show Printing Go. _ MATTOON, ILLINOIS.

JUST FINISHED Half-sheet Lithograph for


ESCAPE ACTS Sample mailed on receipt of Scents

in stamps; also prices for same.






SEPARATELY GR TtKJtrTHEH. Managers apply direct to RICHARD DEHAN. cart Mita C. Powall, Gr.uad Flaar, I2C, Slraad. Leodea, Eaflaad..

IF WAR IS DECLARED on old mAtfTial It can't affect Ydl* If you've fi»t

MADISDN’S BUDGET No. 15 ronteiilA Include 12 rreat MiaiolofUfu. 4 wond^ul .Acta for two malrn ajid 7 Acta for nAle and female. 14 latent I'ariMlU'a. 3 tip'lop Mliutrrl Flr^t l*artjt. a new Tabloid Fart'e. iNndtlea hundretN of oiigliial Gaf«. Sidewalk KlU. He. M.VPI.'AG.N’S IU'IMSKT No. 15 coatA ONK IM>LLh.\K. aiul U guar* anterd satlitfactory (ir nM-ney ba<*k.



‘‘SANDDW” No. 3 THEATRICAL FIBRE WARDROBE TRUNKS \ slae (Ih Inche* deep I. ipeilal FIT.'xt; full slxv (24 liii-h>-* ilerp). regular price «p*cial Write ri«' calali xtie of cur 'san¬ dier’ lYnft-.slisial Trunks.


Dallat, - - Ttxat.

1VIA.GIC Hlgh-claaa. reliable apparatus. Largetk stock In Asaerica. Immediate shipments. Illustrated M-page (dialog sent free. Large 216-page Profeateonal alog No. IS. Just out. sent upon r«cc4pt of lUc.


INVESnilG FOR PROFIT FRQ rOA m MOMTHS. H la woKh StO a 0097 to aay aw latoadlwf to iataal way aaoaay, kowwar Maall. who hio vaalad BDoway waaroftlahlv. or who com aava Ik.W ar moia Mf> ■watke bsrt wbo haaa'i laarwad ik# art lavaaliac fbr paabk It dBamaatralaa tka raal aaraiaf wowm of moaay, toa kaavrV adf# daaaciata aad baakara kid# froaa Ika mawaa. H raaaali tka iwormaaa prodto baakara aiaka aad akowa koar to BMka Ito mmo aroAto. It aa^Ulaa IMW atupaadeoa fbrtoaaa ara mad< aad wiqr uda. kow 91.OM growa to $n,9Bll To labrodooa 1 ■agiaiaa, writo mt fU aaodit aU BMOtka abaolatoly WWKW.

L L UMO. ha' R 171 M a. JMktM a«l. CaCAM Bii-

SEND FOR CATALOG shr3wi&g Ifty orifloal daaifaa. aortaWo for prcfessi'.'Bal gaopU. «aa4fto*illiaaa. ciFCua aaaa. carairaU. «R«. LHtorbaoda priaUd la oa« or awora eoloTB. »i<aaa IztX tor pktdoa Th»B calaliw will »ato .i.aa? dtdlar* aad got bottor URtar- hsadf Iban yoa avar bad Owiar to

graat nalof arodueiat Ikia catakif wo ara cooipaTfad to maka a ehargaof 10a for laaia Soad 10a aad aoa oar arigiaal doairaa. AU oGkar pr ntmi; at low ptioaa

Erasst FsbCbs Cs.. ThMincsl Pristan •27LDewUraS<. EHahUud 1890 Ckcato. amass

VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR will write to order Big Time Acts of sll kinds. WrlT# for terms. N. J. Bl’t'KWHEET, HunUngtoii. Msss.

FOR SALE-COSTUMES l.eillr«’ tVsiumes. for Mii-stcsl Ahesrs; Minstrel Cc- tu. es. ITslr Covers. CiJotilsI Wigs, rnsl condi¬ tion. Sell i*ve ce sll <’i»tumes. I’rl.v rea.sotia.nlr. .Vildrrss R. S MOSHER. Sun Booking Kxchaiige, !N>rliiffleld. (thioi.

Good Printed Professional Letterheads atLowPrices

18 JUNE 19. 1915. X ti e Billboard


Tlu‘ lUllhoard riihlisliiiit' Com|iany,

\V. 11. I>()X.\lil>S<)X.


mU*xurd ItuildiUK, 2.'> -7 0|M‘ra I’lao**.

Ciuoiiiiiati. fHiio,.C. S. A. Ixmtc-DiHtanre TeleplioiM*, Catial 5<>S.’i.

Private Exclianfre, ownncctiii); all department*. Cable Addrexa (Re){latere<l), •• BlllyU)}'."


NEW YORK. Third Floor, Heldellierg BiilldinK. Broadway,

Forty-aeoond Street and Seventh Avenue. TeleplKtne, 8170 Bryant.

CHICAGO. Crllljr Building, .Monroe and Dearborn Streets.

Teleplione, Central 8480.

ST. LOUIS. Nulcen Building, Sixth and Olive Street*.

Long-diatanre Telephone, Olive 1733.

SAN FRANCISCO. 605 Humboldt Bldg. Telephone, Kearney 4401.

SPECIAL REPRESEHTATIYES; Philadelphia. 014 Piue Street. Kan*a* City,

1117 Commerce Bldg., Tel. M. ;ifl{i7. Baltimore.

8.57 W. North Ave. Cleveland. O'JO Illuminating Building. I’ittHburg. 310 Kellerman Building.

1 Twin City Offlee, 1420 Vine Place, Mlnneaie'lia. liondnn. England, 8 Ru|>ert Court. Piceailillv Clrcua. W. Parla, France, 121 Rue Montmartre.

I Tel. 222 61.

i ===========_=

been for three months past unmarked by recession or retrogres.sion.

Conditions are mending—at a snail’s pace—but mendinR. That tells the whole stor.v.

We are cttnvinced that publications which .seize upon every isolated and sporadic instance of revival as an oc¬ casion to let loose torrents of op¬ timism in an effort to stampede people into trade activity are makinR a grave mistake.

There is much and very real danger in it. While there can be no doubt that we were in a state of absurd panic last fall and winter, and that we now see so clearly, there is no sense in running to the other extreme.

It should be borne steadily in mind that up to now we have always been a borrowing nation, with insufficient capital of our own to develop our re¬ sources. Xow, suddenly we are to be¬ come, or have already become, a lend¬ ing nation. Where before we solo our stocks and bonds in Europe we shall in the future buy securities from Eu¬ rope. Where before we financed our foreign trade in pounds sterling, we shall hereafter finance the foreign trade of other nations in dollars.

Where before we negotiated these transactions through London we will hereafter conduct them in New York.

mercial capital, largely credit, is paid >ack rai)idly and can be used over and over, because it is used to pay wages and freight and the other costs of manufacturing things which are Im- niediately sold.

The resources of this country in both kinds of catiital are undeniably great and are constantly increasing, but they lire yet very much less than are re»iuired to develop our own i8>s- sibilities.

That is why we have been here¬ tofore a borrowing country. We have never been able to supply our own wants. Our development has been limited by the amount of capital created by our own efforts plus what we could borrow in Europe. That has not changed in ten months It is still true. I

Therefore, when we buy European securities, that is, when we lend per¬ manent capital to Europe or to Latin America out of the savings of Fnlted States investors, we have exactly much le»i for our own mills and fac¬ tories and railroads. Also, when we Invest money in a merchant marine in order to have for ourselves the ship¬ ping facilities which hitherto we have rented from others the capital remain¬ ing with which to produce the goods to ttll the ships is Just so much less

Trim down your overhead, cut off all exce|)t vitally neces.sary expendi¬ tures. stop every leak, eat cheaper meals, if you smoke cigars buy a pipe, do not drink at all and save every cent you po.ssibly can.

Do this ami you will soon not only be getting by, but getting on.

Readers’ Column .\ii.v<>ii)‘ kitoHliiK tile wlK-reabuut* of Ilarokl

Buttlnifr, kiiKlI.v ailri** lil* nifp. Mr*, it. A. Biittliiier. 1414 BurriHiglui atreet, Saraouab, lia.

Percy Stewart anil Kilille I.unan. of ll<ilbn»k —Please let me know wliy .Tou quit. Very im |M>rtaut.—Ml»» Kilna \\at*on. care Gen. Del., t'alxary, .\lta., t'anaila.

Gi<orse Raiieoiu—Please l■•>mmuoicate wttb Dun at once.

Woulil like to kiH>w the whereabout* of lola Pomeroy.—Raines llowarii, 46 IJncoln Way, West, t'haniberHl>ur(, Pa.

.\ny information cooceruinc the wbereabont* of 11. F. (Curly) O'Hara will be appreciateil by Mr*, il. F. O'Hara, Box 217, Maillsoo, HI.

The aiRIres* of Joiin Parent, who was last known to be with Barton A Bailey, U wanted by Mrs. Amelia Parent, 1332 I'oalfar street, laifayette, Ind.

Mrs. E. J. 8i)armao, 381 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., wisild like to bear from her Min, George Sbarman, last heard of in 1907 sritb llownle's I'ncle lorn'* Cabin Company. He worked under the name of Harman.

Joe R. Selfred, who Is thought to have been in Texas, is reque*teil to write to Bessie Wilson, Madison, Ind.

Martin E. I..utber—Please issue at once to 1418 Grand avenue, Dayton, O. Mary 1* dying and wishes to see you.—Mrs. J. Glamler.

Cut This Out and Persuade Some Other Paper To Print It Would like to bear from Miblred tiarrison,

formerly of the Garrison Sisters, In vauilevllle.— K. D. Scott, care Nashville Shows.

ISSI'BD WEEKLY and entered as seynul class mail matter at post-offlee, Cincinnati, O

ADVERTISING RATES — Twenty fire cent* per line, agate measurement. Whole iiage $17.5; lialf page. $87.50; quarter page. $43.7 No advertisement measuring less than four llnf accepted.

I^ast advertising form goes to press 12 M Monday.

St'BSCRlPTION, $4.00 a year; six mouths $2.00; three months. $1.00; payable in advance. No extra charge to Canadian or foreign sub scri tiers.

THE Bnj.,RO.\RD is for sale on all train* and news-stands throughout United States and Canada which are supplied by the American News Co. and its branches. It is also on sale

at Brentano's, 37 Avenue de I'Opera. Paris. France, and at Daw's Agency, 17 Green street. I.elce«ter Square, London, W. C. When not on sale please notify this otttce.

Remittances should be made by post-otfl -e cr express money order, or registered letter ad. dressed or made payable to The Rillboard Pul. lishing Company.

The editor cannot undertake to return unso¬ licited manuscripts; corresooiulcr.'s should Keep copy.

Vol. XXVII. June 19. No. 25.

Tho height of the ambitions of

those who control Tlie Hillhoard is

to make it a useful |>aper.

I'rogresslve they would also have

It. and entenirlslng and inde|tendent

and fair and courageous in defend¬

ing and furthering the interests of

the iMHipIe of the show world, but

oxer and ahtive all else the.v desire

It to l»e—just useful.

It Is glorious to sha|>e and lead,

but there art* lots of glory-seekt'rs.

Ours let it lie. to help and .serxe,

oru MOTTO:

Kliowfolk! Ma.v the.v alwa.vs be riglit. hut right or wToiig. Siliow- folk!

A CASE IN POINT "Vot should I do?” asked I.sldor. ”If I pay not. the cop he chases

mit me. Und if I pay, mein x'ife she cries dot night, und asks me .hoxv should I gif avay money when mein childer they are hoongry? The pushcart, he iss no t isiness—but x'ot can I do?”

There are 14,00*. pushcart men In the city of New York. Each rep¬ resents an investment of perhaps twenty-five dollars. They .sell every¬ thing from furs and hardware to groceries and meat. Every man of them, directly or indirectly, pays tribute to certain political personages —the x'ery personages who, from time to time, figure in the newspapers as open-handed and soft-hearted almoners to the poor. There are not more than 2,300 outstanding licenses, and for a reason which only th )se who have some knowledge of political conditions can understand the proposition to issue other licenses has been defeated in the Hoard of Aldermen time after time. Licensed, the pushcart dealer has some show of title in his occupancy of the streets. I'nlicensed, he Ls at the mercy of the highbinder who will stoop low enough to rob these men. No gold mine in the world ever paid the steady, dependable, sure profit that these 14,000 hardworking men do to the grafters, i'nahle to speak the language of their new country, unfamiliar with conditions, trained to timidity from childhood up. they do not even dare complain. They only pay tribute to fat-cheeked thieves and watch their wives and children silently starve.

“See,” says Isidor. “I pay—und that night mein vife und mein childer they haf not enough to eat—und I must get mein next day’s goots on credit. Und if I do not pay, then the cop chases mit me—und I do not like to be chased. I am afraid from cops. All the time I am afraid. Better iss Kieff.”


The Public Defender mended that same state of affairs in Los Angeles.

Boost for the Public Defender.

Editorial Comment NO B<K)M IN SIGHT

Reports received last week indicate that most all of the tent shows en¬ countered a distinct and decided im¬ provement in This was due. however, almost entirely to the fact that the public, deprived by weeks of bad weather from appeasing its ap¬ petite for amusement, was dispo.sed to gorge a hit It was a great relief Just to be able to get outdoors again and of course the outdoor shows profited.

Business in general gained a little again, but again the gain was very slight. The only thing significant about the small weekly expansions is that they are sure, steady and have

Trade which formerly we were un¬ able to control is to be appropriated in style, especially that of Latin America. Our self-satisfaction is limitless. People can not talk of American opportunities without ex¬ hausting their adjectives. And if somebody asks how these wonders shall be brought to pa-ss the answers are impatient. The opportunities ex¬ ist. Trust American genius for the rest.

But economic changes are not brought about by magic. Uapital Is not created by optimism. It Is de- rix'ed from labor and self-denial. It has first to be created and then to be sax’ed. It can he used In only one way at a time. And that is true both of the fixed capital which investors provide for permanent works and that which hankers provide h.v credit devices for effecting the production and exchange of good.*.

You have to keep the difference and distinction clear. Countries, like in- dlx'iduals, borrow two kinds of capital. Fixed capital, as for factrirles and rail¬ roads, trolley lines and Isiats, is paid back slowly, a little each year during the life of the investment, which may he twenty, thirty or fifty years. Uom-

than It might have been. And, too, when we emplo.x' the credit resources of the Federal Reserve Bank system to finance foreign trade formerly financed In London we have merely shifted to that use credit which other¬ wise xx’ould be available for employ¬ ment at home.

Yet all of these things must he done We can not dodge them if we would We should not want to dodge them Ever.v citizen of this countr.v should want the United States to obtain en¬ tire financial independence now that opportunity affords.

To suppose it can he done in a day a week or a month, is to suppose miracle. We do not have miracles nowadays.

And so we urge upon our reader retrenchment and e<v>nomles. The highest class entertainment is h.v nc> means alwa.vs the highest priced. The finest show is rarely the most expen sively mounted. The best town does not invariably Involve the longest Jump.

There never was a time when that old saw, "A penny saved is two pen- les earned, ' was so pat and true as right now.

BLITZ—illarrjr Blltx, tbs oriciDsl aoil noly "Haba llaba” man, fur tbs |iast flxs fsars fsatursil Id Pattsrsun'a .Vnnsx sitb tbs Grsat I’attsnMHi SIhiws. dlsil of ty|ibiiiil-|iusanHiiila at tbs Asliur.r lliis|iltal, .MInnsaiMilis, Suailaj nlgbt, Jiius 6. Ill- Isarss a wife ami sna, wbi> rsslds in St. I.oiils.

Bl’RNH.XM—I'harls* C. Bnmbsni. faniillarl.x kmiH'ii a* "Dttibijr Biirubsm." illeil In Minnsav nil*. .Minn.. <m June 8. lit- aa* 6.5 ysars of axs ami lisil Ih-sii on tbs stake for lunrs than bait a •s-ntun .

t'.XRTWRIGlIT—Uharlss Uartwrlkbt. a faniou* Euklisb actor, ilisil rsosntlj in Ltomkin, Enklaii" Hs was well known in Aiiisrica. tiaxinic atqM-arsil uiiilsr tbs ilirsi'tlou of Joseph .M. Gaits*.

CODY—Jains* H. ('<al.v, *«*«s’latsil with R.iss Stalil's i-oiiipanls» for tbs past 6vs ssasoti*. sus-

uiiitis.l to pnsumoula at tbs Bsllsrus H-ispital, Nsw York t it.v. Juus s. Hs wa* a lirotbsr of Martin Cisly, abm an actor.

lOOKE—\V. -X. Cooks, of tbs.Fl.vinit AIIin«. Ilsd Jims 4. at .McKsss RiM-ks. I’a.. from in Juris* rsi-slvsil wbsn lis fsll fpuu a trais-x-

L'lBiks was li-iiiiK tbs frss ittraction wttb the I'ssrlss* Xisi Sb-iw* wbsti tbs aivldsut occurr*-d.

F. X\V( ETT—.Xllsn 45iwcstt. a nisiiibsr of the Mauds .Xdatii* C<iiiipan.r. dlsd at San Franslsoo. Cal.. Juiis 6. Mr. Kawestt wa* a tiri-tbsr of Isoms Fawsstt. wboss wlfs »tarn‘d in tbs .\l

liauKb nisalsr >tt<H-k Compan.v. in Bsltliiiors, Md., a fsw jsar* ajt«.

G. XV—Ularsnss N. Gay. bpitbsr of Olxa Gay (.Mrs. C. Wrikbti. dlisl on Ma.v 1*. Mr. <!*y wa* eni|koy«-d at tbs lloston Globs Tbsatsr prs- vicius to hli. dsatb, whisb wa* cau*i-d by pnsii inonia. lis la aurvlu-d by two *l»tsr*. both in tils profi'sslon

Hl’GIH^S-Tlsiiua* C. Ilugbss. a«si*tJUt *'• (isriiitsnUsiit of Toylaud, at the l*anania-l’aclflc Intsmatbiiial Kxissiltlon. dlsd auddsiily at San l-'ranclM'o Tburaiiay svsniuK, Juns 3. of h«-art diasaas. lls wa* 4* ysar* old. ami wa* for msrly aserstary to the late Tim Sullivan, of Nsw 5ork.

MiMtRK—Rolisrt .Mists, a nisnibi-r of tbs H. T. I’isrson Canadian Show, dlsd in KliiKst'in. Ont.. Can., on Jims 7. Hs was 22 ysar* of aks. and bad tissn alck but a fsw da.«*._ Tbs rs- uiain* were abliifisd tu St. Johna. N. B., (or burial.

O'BUYAN—Mr*. O’Bryan, wlfs of Arthur O'Bryan, died in Uhlcako. HI., on Jun<. 5. She is aurvlvi-d ly her hiisliand ami one daukhtsr. Tbs rsmaliia were ahlpiisd to Mt. Cariusl. Ill ■ for burial.

SWKITZLU ^Xlartln John Swsltisr, kmiwn on tbs stake as John IPmch, dlsd at St. I.uks's Hospital. Ublsako. HI., on Juns 9. Mr. Swsit xsr wa* foruisrly siutiloysd at McX'lsksr- Tlisatsr. and was also IdsnllHsil with ssisril iiilnstrsl triMii*-*. Dsatb was due to an atfai a of acute iinsimionla.


COFFMAN HATTIGAN Harry Oiffiuaii. who has till* flower stand with tbs l*ssrls** Expost_ tion SIhiws. and Mis* Malisl Kattlgaii. of Ford CHy, l*x.. were married on Jims 3 at Nils*, o.. by tbs I'rosliytsrlaii inliilatsr. Mr. Coffman l» miw a brotlisr in law of C. F. Mltcbsll. iiiaiiaksr of tbs sliow*. Tbs nswiywsda were Jlvsn many aultniils presents by tbslr frismi*.

DCMMOND IMtYI.E—Major DnmmomI ami MB* Grass iKiyls, iNith of tbs Grsat I’attsrsoii Show*, were uiiltsd In inarriaks at MlniisaiHill* Juns 3-

FISHER BI RR Bsssis l-'lshsr. who has Is-sn lilsntlfli-il with Ills Fortuns Hiiiilsr, T<si Many Cisik*. and iilbsr idaya, and I’srsy N. Burr ssrs marriiol mi Jims .5. Tbs bride 1* tils dsukbisr of Cbarls* l•5slo•r. an ast<T. They will make tbslr home In Staiiif«»rd, Conn.

JACKSON HOWE l-'rsd Jaska-m. author of .\ Full H-iiiss. now pinyliik In New 5'ork. Jml Miss KI'Tsmi- E. Hows, of New York, wns married on Jnn.. 6. nt Itsvsids, I.. 1.

.MOItITGO l•A'n’F.RSO^ I/oills Morpiik". """ professional, wa* married In Dslpdt on Jims 2 to Mis* Biinislla I'atterson. vaudeville astrss' Tlisy will make tbslr Ihhiis In Casadsiia. Cal.

ICofitlimsiI on psks 34.1


JUNE 19. 1915. T ti e Billboard 19

liHik to tlif PxiMTli-iK'en «>f Flolrher Mnilli w<- «lll 'll' ••*•* tlin-a.l wli.To left ..ft ill t o laioi'- of May J!».


lly f'lotrluT Hiiiith

Al thia aiiiall laitol up In New llanipalilre, on llii> Sunday in qiiralion. I put In tlir tlrat reat- fiil du>. uieiitally, that had oonie my way In a kiaal while. No fiaira of K^ttliiK turned down wlii'U I alanild preaeiit niy onler on Monday^ I .'>|M‘<'t<al money there alao. but .Monday I'aiiie and went and m> money rearhe<l me. KuowIiik that aoni> tlinea the la.aa would aend It a day or two ahead to a town that I waa to make I drove off will full e.Mitldeiiee of tlndlnt; the roln at the next town. 'llie landlord here waa a Tartar. He had lieen atima. oh, ao often, that he met all aaeiita on ll»e atepa with a re relpieil tilll. It waa pay In advaoee or bhnt .aiine other laianlliiK plaee. Kuowlnic him ao well I drove up to the |aiatofllee drat, and whia tied a merry tune aa 1 wallied up to the win¬ dow. Kilt there waa no money there and I ha.l no iiHiney in my p>N-ket. I tlrat thouaht of iPdua bark to the abow, but It waa out of the ipieathm, and there waa <iDly one think to do. I w'.inder If any other airent ever had a almilar exiMTlaore? IPittlnk on a la.Id frunt I up to the hotel, atwaik banda with the land- lonl aiHl put the liomi a In the alahle. They were a aplemlld pair of .kruTdana. and to niy aiirpriae the laiwlloni did not aak me to pay in advan.'e. It waa up to me to do one tbinit or the other of two. I knew It waa uaeleaa to wife for nniney. aa I had tried that before only t.f *et a rail ilown In the next letter. So I nmde up niy nilial to put up a bluff, .kfter auiqa-r, telllna the hotelkee|ier that I waa coink t.i take the eveninx train bark to the abow. 1 walkeil down to the de|a>t ami up the trark In hopea of ha-atlnc a friendly box car for the nikbt. The alert hotel man met all train*, ami for bla benefit I Jumped ata.ard Juat aa the rattler waa pullinc out. Jumpinc off at the 'nauilnK atwait a hundred feet from the <le|a>t. Then out Into the roontry I beat It for a mile or an and loratetl a aoft bed in a hay field —whirb wa« not ao bad, ronaiderlnc the warm June weather. I waa up early In the nad'ninc and ala.wrd up at the hotel anon after the arrival of the tlrat train. I billed the town ami waitetl with fear ami trephlathm for the tlrat mall from tl»e abow'a dirertion. To my creat aiirprlae there waa a letter for me with a week'a aalary ami ex|wnae money, ami 1 never felt happier In my life than when I la'.d my bill with a ten-.hvllar mde ami drove off amokinc a ten .-ent elcar, the «lft of the l.otelkee|N*r. I apaal c'aMl with him for yeara to cnie.

The next >nnimer I waa ahead of amdber • bow. and had f.u- an aaalatant a relative of the U a*. The latter uaed to aeial the boy the ex- |M.n«e money, ami I waa the only acent In the hualm-aa that i-atrle.l a aeeretary ami treaaiirer. In <aie town, whleb waa eapeelally hard to make. I waa hiiatllnc amumi to aitiiare a lloenae and cet a Vd. leavinc the Htliocraphlnc to him. When 1 rot lui.-k late In the I found the lltb.*a under the eoiinter In the .-fflee and the boy waa rone went out ami <lld the w..rk ami-alone towani'dayllrht the i>ext mom- Inr aonieone rap|.e<l at my door. On <T>entnr It I found the boy atandinr there, ami h^lde him waa • yiMinr Ctrl, all amilea. whom he Intro- dm-e.1 aa hla wife. The lad roolly lnvlte»l me to oeoijiiy a ehair In the ofTIre for the reat of the nicht. Till I .otild ret wotxl to the la>aa we had thr«e luoqde ridlnc «'n the waron. When mv rne«aaee rea.-htM him he name on to the advanee, fired the newly we<l. and I »aa my own taaia for t'-e reat of the aeaaon. I waa very earefiil after that to never have an aa- •I'tant who waa relateil to the boaa.

K«I .Salter, wh.. haa been preaa arentlnr and iiianarirr the Vaurhn •Jlaae- .Stoi-k Couipany. ha« realrueil ami will remain In Detra'lt for the •uinmer,


Our iib-a of a human dynamo of puhlleity akltathm la one J>ank Neverat«*pw.>rkln«t Crtilekehaek, tvbc, in kia •• proiiKiter of the ‘White City In Oiierro. bja hllaxarderlx.-d the Windy 1 tty witb utie-aheei flate It waa our Intention to iiae l->ank'a plHito In thia eadiimn tbla week. - but we airew wi exeltetl readliir the facta of Rryan'a realr tuition, while rldlnr down town thin nns-ulnr. that we left the (iboto on tlie car neat. How¬ ever. raiiK, think of arinty, and you'll have tlm lateat llkeneaa of thia hiiatler In your miml. I'lirreiit allraetlona at tlu- White flty prove •■'rank even r”ea into .Africa for bla Ideaa. If you <-an finil a "daul" In I'hicaro that doean't • oniain a White flty aheet of |ia|>er.- we'll tell you the exact day and htwir the w-ar will he over.

I’reparathuia for the openinr of the new iMH-key aeaaon In Toronto are at a atandatlll; forp. Wally Ileeker. of the North Side Itunita I'W Infantry, la delayeil on bla Ti*ronto vlalt throukh hnidiik aci-epti-it the* publicity |>oaillon 111 tlie iliirrb-k In I hli-aro with Joaex>h Santk-y'a "kol dnrmleat dam-liik cimrua In the world.’

thereby aldetraekliir the favorite paatlme of the I'owan llro|lii-ra. Tom Henry and Kil Baker. ii"t forkettlnr K'eel ole .Mill, who la honiepaa 'luce the biirnltir of tlie l*rlm-eaa Theater. If I eoiie I'lrh-h dliln't have the bath tub pri-a« atory cixiyrlkhted. fciir tin- water would >■ luriod oil akaln hr I orp. IV<-k<-r.

Afitr one of the irreateat campalkua cou- dinted akaln«t the Irrational cepaorahlp. The Birth of a Nation rot under way at the llllnola In Clilcaro. and 'Ha rumon'd J. J Met arthy waa rirht on the tirinr llm- dav ami iilrht. It waa a apleiidld triumph to achieve from thoa** who don't rt-alUe that tin- life of .khniliain l.linadn I* fiirtln-r uediled into the Uvea of thoae .Xiiierl i-aiia who love to hrnah ut> thetr rounirr'a hlatory kiiowledre with the exhlhlHon of thia feature film.

Koll-.wliik an im|e>rtaiil Interview- with the fiat ownera of N«-w- York t'tty. John I’rlnee Italy rlae» fo ri-innrk : "Twaa a toiikh aeaaon fivr the aketita Hy I’eiinypaeker can't In- doink Ilia duty thia aiimmer.

DELIVERIES For All Theatrical Merchandise Costumes Made To Order. Manufacturers ut Wigs.

Laijfebt and Most ('omplete Merchandise and Costume Cata¬ logue, 10c Tor mailing—TIGHTS.

CHICAGO COSTUME WORKS Phone, Centol 6292. 143 a. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, U. S. A.



100 PHOTOGRAPH POST CARDS $1.50 100 8x10 Double Weight Photographs - - . $9.00 100 5x7 Double Weight Photographs - - -- $7.00







PuklltiMd avMy WEDNCtOAV AT S TAVISTOCK ST.. Strand. Lmidaa. W. C. l.MO AdvartlMaitati A»M*r Evary WMk la "Tha Era.”

Prtdattlaaal AdvarllMaiaati. (IS Rtr Pata. (3 par Calaaia, 4a par Ipati. Slapla CalaaiR. Aorrlcan Artlati rlaltlnf EngUi d um THE ERA OtDcaa u tbrlr prrmanmt Loodoo addraaa.

**The Era** is sold at Brentano*s, 5th Ave. and 27th St. NEW YORK CITY.

Sla«la Caetaa, by aall, 7 atata. Sabaarlptlaa Rata, wtth Paala«a. tS.N a yaar.

FOR SALE HIGH DIVING OUTFITy COMPLETE .‘Ux IP-ft. Ladder*. 112 fret hlkh. Ilfhtrd from lop to bottom with New EBIrlmcy Ylaxda Globra, 4S of tbrm: box rrfleetnr with four jna w. (lobr* caM* llfhl on tank and aurrounillng vpaer. Ikrund bTEEL. KXtX'K-lK.WX Tank LltiHTTrsT and qulrkevi put up on Ihr road, fan furnl.h the be«t Klrtr .xtart. and rxerllmt «ardr<it>e Ihroatii In. (bitflt tan be areti nprratlng 1#15 with (Jvo. IlryiKiId*’ !»how*. per route. Addrraa ftir partlrularv IPItl, _ IIATT GAY. Nifh DIvar. aar* Tha Billbavd. Claelaaall. Ot


n nninninn rirst Cla$s Rooms SI Day HOTEL COLORADO Oppoeltr Brown I’alace Hutel

nth aid Trimont, Denver. Colo.

IS Beautiful Uo»>in»—.'rO YY'lth

rrivate Baths Mplend.d Service

Anjr 17th St. Car from Union Depot Brines Yon to the Door

MUSICIANS WANTED An Inetnimetit* low pBrh. for fHKVKTTK'S ftvXt'ERT BAND Nt». 1. with i well-known Bl* flty Attraction. »-penlng fhieaiie. June 2«lh; rvhi arealH June 23. I furnish transa-rtailon ami berth*. You Ml'ST «iair yi.ur •alary, aiul makr it low on an-eunt of gviirral hurdnew* (-ondlilon*. .\o ticket*. \V.\.\TK1> Ttl lll'Y—-t -vt of sttxaiel-hainl I'nlftinu* In p**i exanllthm. chrap for cash.

CLATE CHENETTE. cara Claraadaa Hatrl, N. Clark aad Oatarla. Ctileapc. III.

Maurice fain I* up at some lake around New York. suiumerlDg with the Stone-I’illard wonder¬ ful romtlnathm of entertainer*. Stone I* eii- deavofiiig to smuggle a whale into the- br<M>k. • iRh )»4.yaaa it will

atirrh Manriee'a demanfia next aeaaun jimmy liralnger cloaetl hla managerial aea

aou with Tlllle'a Komam-e In Iiavenixirt. la., last wex-k. and ba*teneel to New York, from where he will leap to bla Bockaway reahlence. Jlmmy'a hank ndl caiiaetl a •tampede at the corner of Ftvrty-aeexmd anel Broadway.

I'aiiipitell B. faiead ha* turne-d hi* baek tv> city life thi* *unimer, for be'* at Best llaren l-'artn. milking the cow* ami abaklng band* with tlie atUHwphere that I* chasing away the tiial* ami tril ulathm* of a hii*v aeaaon aheail of I'neler t over. I'ampbell pun-haaeel the farm outright, ami with him I* ileorin- Kranklyn White. wbo*e *|>eedy n-ixivery from reeent lllne** I* ho|ie«l for by hi* many friend* anximl tin- cxxintry. The ehlef farm himl baa been chrlatened ''Kelly,” which mean* that FTanklyn I* quite loyal tt> bl* a*«iHtant. Han Wright.

F. I‘. Sbanley. the Immigration officer for all adrance agent* who vleit San FranclRi'o. *ent hla checkevl «ult to the tailor the otln-r day to hare It pn-wnxl. The tailor catabllKhment burned to the ground the m-unent *ald «nlt caiue In contact with the other ault sent to the •ame talliT by llmm-r I urraii. reiicral offielo of the doing* aroiiml the f->rt Theater of the Colden Cate arena. We knew that *nlt wvuild gel slianli-y Into trouble.

.No aiilimarlnev have l>een reporleil around the I’lttabiirg water* alnee C«-orse .\lnhama Horld.i moved away with hi* eargo of atogie*. Inri- dently, Ceorge I* featuring the anmmer bv d->- lng<- ■tdemlld work for Klee A IVwe'a eomi In*. flon and •till refusing to write a letter to VV-liter Sidi'IMsket Me*«-i)ger.

Before tlie iinmlh of June passe* away—and June Is the hi-st lioi*|iiet month of the .vear— let It lie said that during a box offiee diseiisslon of advaniv agent* In t'hlcago the other nlglit a thentrieal hoiia«- manager, who know* his bnslm-s*. elalmed Walter Slile|*n-ket Me«senger wa» one of the lieat one night stand agents of hl« kind In the eoiintrv. Sli|<>]io,-ket has a wav ahoiil him that make* every native know

hi* troup.- I* eouilng. .Mr*. Jeawie Zehrung. the po|iular wife of l-Yank Zebning. manager of the iHIver In IJm-olD. Neb., alway* declares a holiday for herself when Slde|MK-ket arrive*, '.f *‘•1* ageot iiiskes'l hi* threat to null Ik* PLyn b.aln*ps pnj purchtse a bakery. Iberv’ll be ix-grels out Nebraska wa.v.

Kerry J. Kelly, who haw chased all hi* knock¬ er* into oblivion through the wonderful »ucce»* he made iHit of The I’rlnee of I’llsen tour last ss-ason. will again dliwt this aame organiza¬ tion next season. Between listening to Bill Ste«-ge*’ stories ami enjoying summer life at Creat Falls. Mont., Kerry Is quietly molding the new route Into shape. He >qN-ns at I’tlca. N. Y. ivn Labor Hay. from where he will g.i direet to the Coaat. .Mr*. Kelly is with Kerr.v at the big Creat l-hill* mansion, and 'tis said the t’asv-ade County road* are throwing up much dust over the way Kerry run* ’’that” machine.

Bvery time Fourth of July ndl* around wc think of Hugh Hawisvn. of Evanaville. Ind.. and our gissl frleml* on The Evanaville Journal. Might a* well tell you a »ecn‘t. Hughie—we don't intend to route The Traffic in Bnsio-ville Just yet. but there'* hope.


If Tom leSaue I* «till with The Charleston «S. t .i J>ening Ko*t.

If John < rovo 1* entertaining th«> ghost* at the .Ycadem.v of Music In Charlotte. X. C.

If Brother I'ain I* still city eviltor of The .\»lH-vllle (X. C. I CItlien.

If Claude .\m*den remeiiiler* the night he loam-d u* the dre** suit to attend the opera at Tampa Bay Casino. In Tampa. Fla.

If Bob Kane still whistle* selection* fix'in M.xrtlia while he Isn't nsitlng one nighters.

If Ctsirge Ibsxl I* still l<eeve,|. If It Is generallv known that Charlie Hen¬

derson. dramatic cdlf-vr of The t leveland Kl.«ln Ib-nler Is the fastest Interview writer In the eonntr.v.

If It I* km>w'n that .Yri’hie Bell, dramatic edlter of The Cleveland la-aih-r. I* the most qnoteil dramatic critic In the country onts.1e v>f New York and Chicago.

iCoiitliined on page .34.1

Stock and Repertory .Maiiag>-r James Thatcher, of Ko ;'• St.s-k i'oiii-

paiiy, Hartford. Conn., playi-d liie leading role 111 tjulucy .Vilams .lawyer for two performam-ea with tile Koli Klayers reeeiitly. Mr. Thatcher was the original (Julin-y .Vdams Sawyer, in tlie play of that name, playing tin- p.irt for eight year*. Fivt- year* ago .Mr. Thatriier ahaniloned the stage for the managerial field.

W. K. t'nlhanc and his sbs-k (snnpany are m>w' In their thirtieth week, playing wi-ek stands tlirouglHiiit .New York State. ItusTtiess has lieen very satisfactory. .Vn innuvathm ami proylng to be a big winner is the dlaimmd ring prize gireii on the last night, eai-h jratron nightly re- (s-iviiig a iiiimlM-red tli-ket eiititlliu tliem to a chaiii-e. Ill the company are Clementine .St. Felix. Ileniietta Valli, Charles Weston, Win. 11. Chase. Harry Warner, Koliert Cole and W. E. Ciilhane. manager.

The -Viigell .St«s k C4impany has Is-en out for 130 Weeks, ami Is now In Northerr New York. ITie comiiany reisirts busini-ss fair but not up to the last year stamlanl. lu the company are J’s- .\ngell. owner and manager: Ike Jutrla, Harry F<»ter. Ftx-vl Carmel, Carl .Mulford, Jack Oransby, Earl Newton, .Alice Bowilish and l.illle Morris. .Miss Lillian Desmond chsmil with ,the company at Watertown, N. V., ami is sis>n to be marrleil.

The Otis Oliver Urama Klayers are enjoying a season of permanent stock at the New Urpheum Theater. XJiiiucy, 111., playing to g<ssl business. The New Orpbeum ’Theater la one of the best appointed houses In the Middle West, the theater having an excellent cooling system which will enable the Oliver Players to continue uutll August. .Mr. Hllver has surroundeil himself with a strong cast of plsjera, which include Edna Haly, Ethel Komalne, Esther Welty, Sylvia Summers, Ijiwrence Mncb. E. P. Jerome, Ed Williams. John Justus, Ed Perlee, Edward Krouse, Louis 8t. Pierre and E. E. Thompson. Mr. Oliver and his wife v-ootemplate motoring to the Exposition In Krisv-o later In .Au.ust.

The iJertrude Ewing Company will open the season on .August 1, under the management of Wm. N. Smith. The attraction will be most i>>mplete lu every detail. An excellent routing of fair date* thriHigboot .Missouri, Kansas and .Arkanswi has been arranged.

The Richardson Stock Company opened the Star .Alrdome. Mc.Alester, Okla., on May 31, play¬ ing to good business despite threatening weather. The show this season U playing Its usual terri¬ tory, and reports much improved business over last season. Un June 20 the comintny will open an indefioite run of stock at the Wigwam Air- dome. Muskogee, Ok. The company remalna the same a# at the oi>enlng with the exception of Jack Elliott, who replaced Jack Lowry recently.

The Auditorium Stock Comimny, Kansas City, Mo., revived Geo. .M. Cohsn’a Seven Keys to Baldpate U«t week under rather unusual circum- atances. Manager Meta Miller pixaloced this play four weeks ago, being the llrat stock com¬ pany to play It. the bouse being completely aoW out for the week. Ralph Kellard, who has bee* leading man of the company aince last December, closed with the company, leaving for Is* An geles. The season of the .Auditorium waa to have closeil the following week, but the man¬ agement was besieged with so many requests for another week of Baldpate that they auo- ceeded In hohllng the company together, and ar¬ ranged with Mr. Kellard to return to the com¬ pany. The se<-«nd we»-k of the production did such enornrou* business that the management 1* cvtnsiderlnr running the piece for a third week.

Tlie Grace Baird Company, under the manage¬ ment of J. H. t<»>per, are In their fimrth week of .Vlrikime time and report business excellent. This Is the third season for the t-ompany over the Bell tHendorf Ballard Circuit, and. despite the reporteil bad condition*. Imllcatloo* point this will b*- the banner season of thl* company. The show at tbe chise of the summer season will add a band and orchestra, and a route 1*_ being arrangeil to plav north throughout Iowa. Wiscon¬ sin and The Dakotas. The company J H Co<q>er. manager: Grace Baird. AlAbd* Beall Price. Benlta Gae. Tlllle Balmount. Gale I.e Grew, D. F. Norcro**. Cbarlrs Ohimeyer. W m. I-a Hair, Tommie Hanlon. Edwin tllai-on and Htto Hammer.

The Mac Tair Stock Company, umler the man¬ agement of Charles A. laff, U at present touring Illinois.

The Demorest Stock Company opened the sea«0D June 14. near Atlanta. The company 1* uisler the msnageraent of Bob l»emore«t.

The Eastern Theater Company, under the man¬ agement of Wm. Wamsher. k> at present playing three-night stand* under canva* throughout Illinois.

Jack Robln*on. formerly leading man for the -Allan Stock Co., haa a tent ahow of hi* own.

If you own or lease your own car*, write to Will J. Farley. Nulsen Bldg.. St. I»ni*. Mo., f-ir a copy of the constitution and by-law* of


Japland. a connectinr link ts-twi-en minstrelsy and farce-comeily, written by J»>hn AA’. A’ogel. Is about ready for public hearing. The lyrics are read.v and the *<-ore crlllclseil atsl changeil until there seems no r<*>m fix doubt as to It* aoci*ptance or suci-ess. Tlie offl*-e for the sum¬ mer 1* the bungalow of Mr. A'oge!. at Buckeye I.ake. O., where the autlsx and manager will divide work ami pleasure, which sci'nis as a King vacation in such N-aiitifii! surr*Minillng*. Mr. Ib-Courscy made a hurried trip to Dayton, t'lnclnnatl Clilcago and Kittshnrg. hut i* h.ack at the lake, shellacing nsN, writing Joke* and fishing, for DiHVnirwy can't «ork If he i-an t ft*h. Rehearsals are callc-l for the l.i»t week In Jnlv and the season start* .August ».

The Uric Mlnstn-I* under flo- i..-rs--n*l dl rectlon of Harrv B Marshall cl ■*c,I a »iic- oeasfiil si'ison In Western I’cnnsvlvania .-e cently and will reopen In Scptemle-r for sev¬

eral fair dates.

.A new theater the Empire, ha* hi-en ifiieni-d In Steven* Koliit. AY - . hv A C. Sprafka. Ti..* new hoii*.- ha* I St ,. fi-*! fn.nt. i". feet deep and D’. f.-i-t hi.:;! The s-.-itliig eai«*clt.v I* iSsi all chairs - f t^c finest make on the market. This new fire pr s-f th. il-r sts.nhl pr-ve very niagnetie !•> tie th-aterg's-rs of >tev-ns i’l'liit. .X eltv of n.issi



SOUTHEASTERN FAIR ASSN If you play parks, fairs and book Indeprndrnt write us and let us explain the advantage of your I'ard In this direetory.

to 1(0 adUtil. Uiit with a I'orreaiMdi'IiiiK liuToaac in tlie pr*'iiiiiiiM Hat. Twt[ raui<(UK visitiiiK liaiiJa and aoveral U'-fln-Ktor l>aiiila are eiiKaiced to fur iiiah niuaic on tlie grounds, which ct[Ver forty- Uve acre* of Koclieater’a nillllon-dollar K\|H(i<i- tlon I'ark. and which haa ten larce llreiiroof en- hihition biiildiiiKa.

Several of the iiitportant feature acta for tlie hippodrome |»erf<iriiiance liefore llu‘ Krand ataiid have already been einiaked, aiiioii); them lieiiiK "Nervo,” wboae aeiiKational dive waa the fea¬ ture thriller of the .New York lllpiKalroiiie laal winter; INith'g Auto IVdo. a foiir-niaeliine act: lliinter'a ('harlot Kac<‘a and the Seven IMc- chiiiiii TriuiiH'; alao Clieyenne Ilaya, a Wild Weat oiittlt. The Horae Sla>w la liefore the Kraiid stand every afteriaioii of the llrst week, and the hlpiaalroine iierf riiiaiicea on the even- liiKs of the llrat week and afterieama and even- inks of tlie second week. Inde|(eudent sttrac tions are beink laa>ked for the midway this year, liiateail of havliik a csrnltal company as iiaiial. .\mong the shows already las'ked are Corman's Water Show and llombpaik's Wild Weat Sls'w.

The Rocheater Exposition immediately pre¬ cedes the New York State Fair at Syracuse, so that shows coming to Rochester have a chance to get three straight weeks.

Ngar P. Edwards. ItOO Powers Building, Rochester, is the secretary and manager.

Preparing for First Annual Meet at Lakewood Park, Atlanta, Ga.

A« Gaod ai ths Bast, and Battar Than Any.

BROSIUS AND BROWN Ileal ('oair<b Cycle and Skating Nonrlty. Addreta Klllhoard, New York (Yty.

AERO and HYDRO FLIGHTS Five hlffh-poMerfd Outtfu ■iid AvUtorH. Lotiiiliis- the-Liiop and lattb' ATlatili. HuWKLL AVIA* TION C'O.. 5224 X. Hark St., ttileafo. III.

T!h» Fair AKKt»<‘iatUni. with h**ad- qiiartf^rs in fhainlHT of ('oiiiiik n«* Uiiihliiu'. Ailaiiti. lia.. ir* quit** i»uk,v ih»w with ItH plans aiiii wdirk *»n*|iariiiK f'-r its first aniiUHi me<>t. whicii will Ik* h**l«i at LakewiMNl Park fair urMiiids. AtlniitH. <;a.. tdtlu^r tiie latter part of intolH^r tht* tlrst part of NoveinlHr, llMo. iM'finita* dat(‘s wi’l !«* aniniiinced in a very aiMiri time. This Hss«N'iati4»n has acres uf L'n'iind Niii to usetl in putting; on t.ielr llr.<t fair. Hof«»re tlie (**>iiipl«‘ti4»n of tlie fair th*> niiin.t.;eioent plans to b|K*nd at least a million •i<illar'4 for loiildiiiffs ainl iiiiprov4*ments. The iMiiPiiiiiCs will la* of a |>erinaiient nature. l«ein^ hijilt of st^mo and cement. It may be tiiat a part of the exiiihits In some of the different «iepHrt.*i**nts will Ih* lnmse<! thia year under tf^iits. liie to tile fact tiiat tiie time is too short to build siii-ii iM^rmaneiit buiMiiifta in all of tile diflferont ilepirtiuents. The natural scenery of tlm i;roiiii<ls is very lieautiful; a lake, which «*4»ver> alsmt forty-five acri s. Is a very attrac¬ tive foutnr«‘. A inil^ track is now tiein;;

Shows, Parks, Theatres, Kinks, Ball C Dances, Carnivals, Picnics, Etc.

r ORANGEADE and LEMOINE Both made in powder form. Just add cold water and sugar. A pound makes almost a barrel. Delicious, refreshing and fully guaranteed under the Pure Food Law. Fancy colored gigns. 21x28 inches, free with each order for a pound or more.

Price Only $|.50 KIm Po»tpald. . We will sell you six pounds for $7.75 express prepaid. Packages to make one ^lon. 10c

each postpaid. Money order must accompany all orders. We do not ship C. O. D-


Riisiness at the heailquarters of the (■o-Oi>era tive Fair .Aels AswH'iatioii cntliuiea to liadu. New contracts are l(eiiig signed every day, and several of the acts are Isviked s<dld for the Ht-ason. As the difTereiit fair seen'taries and societies desiring attractions become m<(re fa¬ miliar witli the <(rganizatlon their confidence gn>ws wtr<(ngei', and. in spite of the unfair nietlH(ds (H'casionally resorted U> by those who would benefit by seeing the organisation dis¬ banded, the inquiries i-ontinue to roll in. In fact it W((uld seem as though opiMwItion strengthened their desire to buy acts direct. The members are all eiithiisiastir, and those calling on fair se<'retarles say they are gettinc splendid receptions with every pros|M-ct ot business.

GREAT Wisconsin State Fair



Sho Fr*nrlK«Y>. Jiin^ lO.—Fri^lerlc TlK>mpiM>n. lie of the fertile brain, whom the world si

September 13tb to ITtb* lOltS. Now booking good, clean shows, concessions and

privileges. Get in touch with either CHARLES W. HARTF, Watertovn, or OLIVER E. REMEY, Vidisoi,

Supt. of Concessions, Secretary of State Fair.


GULF COAST FAIR Mobile, Ala., October 26th to November 2nd

Wants to hear from everyone interested in Concessions, FreeWttrae- tions. Musical Organizations, Horse Kaeing. 25 counties eo ojicrating —40(1,(MM) people to draw from. Write

MOHT HIXLblt, Secretary. Mobile, Ala.

Tlie Midway at Roel.e«ter IN. Y.) Exposition.


Richmond,Virginia, - - - July 4 to 27,1915 -WANTED-



turgc liaK t'l thank f,(r more gigantic aniiKwmciit ppMluction. than any other single individual, severed Ills coiiiiectioii from T((.vland at the San FraiH l»c<> KxtioHition recently, and left for \e«- York City YVedne-day. June 2. with idana f<(r one of the greatest and most timely prsluc- tl'Ois ,,f I Ik entire career.

Mr. Tls>mpM'.n'H many sincere friends here feel his departure keenly, amt are iinaninHXis in their expressions that had the directors of tile To.vland (Ninipnny followed Mr. Thompson’s plans In the construction and jiresentatlon of tliclr concessF'ii It would have l(een ((lie of the l>est iii 'iiev-gcttcrs on the Z<.ne.

The detiarture of the genius of the amiis*'- ment world to another eify is the loss of every¬ one connccte,'; with the Fx|M(sition.

Broncho John Sullivan was in town week anj was a caller at lieadi|uarters.

Capt. Max (iniWr writes from Flint. Mich, that he is doing a big business.

Ewing's Band is receiving (sunptinicnts s|l slong the line for the attractive music they are furnishing.

Tlie Ruth Howell Trh. is playing is.tli vaiide. T;lle and fairs. Tliey are Issiked f'[r seyeral weeks yet. ■ ■ JAMESTOWN, 0., JULY 28. 29, 30

' 91rC MT. STERLING, 0., AUG. 4. 5, 6 ^ WILMINGTON, 0., AUG. 10,11,12,13

ll cr<q(s that will he Juiit harvrwted Why bad with the dead ones! . Kxclualyr iOift |tr1iik«. bw Crrsni. Isjncti and Ylcsl*. Wherla. rtc.. tor .ale Idm price foe solid three tiwtiu WIIJ. SKIJ. or will Issik small Candval iVanpanv with free acts and band Write _ W. J. GALVIN. Maaapar. Jaaicftawa. Okla.

Mirano Brotliers have Just returned from Ne braska. where tliey |dayed a two weeks' en¬ gagement. and created a wnaation with tlie Spiral Tower.

RED LETTER FAIR CIRCUIT Mcfllinn. Sutton and Chester left for Hetndt

last Saturday to fill an engagement. They pist concluded a week’s work at the Blsmark (lar- den. Chlcag<(.

Tills .year will is- the seventh c<(nsecutlve one for tlie Uc.I Letter Fair Circuit. Tlie thre.> fairs in this circuit arc Jamestown. <».. Jiil.y 2S. ’J!* and .■«>; .Mt. Sterling. O.. .Yngiist 4. 5 and 6. and Wilmington. <i.. .Vngiist 10. 11. I’J and I."!. Tlie sliifis arc very short, tlie towns lie'.tig ver.y close bigetl er and the circiill is under one maii- ageiiient. \V. J. Calvin. Jaiiiostowii. tl. The thri-e towns are centers of tliriving agriciiltiiriil di-tricts that Iiroinlse idg cp.|is this vear.

I..a Belle Clark has Ih-.-i> playing at the I.a goon. Isidlow, Ky. A letter was rectdreil. tell ing of a pleasant visit to tlie Cincinnati oOlce of The Billboard. Now liookinj;, the old rcliu

11 l>lp The .Ypol’o Trio left Friday of last w

play dates in Michigan. IDAHO’S STATE FAIR

Stewart and Mercer returned to Clilcago after a successful week at Seilalia. Mo. .\ll iK’rotilaiK’ flights (fuaraii-

tccd. \Vc fly, cyclone, niiii or NiiiiNhine. ^^’ritc for our refercnccM.



It has been decided liy the Can.von f'ouiity (Id.) Fair .Yssoolation to make the yearly alTnlr a State affair in-tead of a county event. In line with rhf« idan the name has been changid to the Idaho state Fair .Association, and th" place decided upon for the fair location i< Caldwell.

Bert Shepard omclitiled Ids engagement wltii the 101 Kancli. and. In comiiany with his fam¬ ily. is resting at the actors' colony In Muskegon. .Mich.

Col. F. H. Owens, W. B. Barker. Mirano Brotliers. l.aJol and Cliaries Baiivard were all visitors at tlie Hagciilieck Wallace .Show wlien it pla.ved .Aur>ra last week. It was a case of com. Idiiing liiisiness with pleasure, and the travelers all returned well pleaseil with tlielr outing.


ThP RriohpHtpr. N. Y.. KxfKHiiti#Fn m'ill bp l;pb! thiA .Tfiir fi^nn SpptPni!M*r 11. Till* bijr T^HtPrn Hhf»w wnn “dp of thp pxfpp- tk*nA to the iipuaI rule laxt ye^ir. experienrlnir M’Hfi’elr mir from tlir* |»revfiilin{E FlepreMMfon line to biipWieHM rYiniUtionA finil th<> war. Con-

RfHiueDtlv tlie manatretiient In iroine aheaii a** a}rzr«‘AKiveIr aa ever in arranftin^ for the Abf'W.

Tlie eiri^^'pithtn or>erate>> dar ami nitrht fliiHn? th*. two weeka. Several new de|»artmentA are


The Onlf Coaet Fair, whieh will 1 Mobile, am.. <N't<4»er -0 Pf N<»TenilH*r through Het-retary M'»rt I^xler that

((Vmtinned <»n iiaire 45. >

SEPT. 29, 30 AND OCT. 1 AND 2 WAXT a flr«t-rlaNi Fre« Art. WANT Tent Khowa. Mriry-no-Round. FfTrU Wheel ceMhNia for aale. iVailtlTely no faming dv^lcra allowed on groundii. R. L.


JUNE 19. 1915. 21


II.'IM* lia.. miiruril to till* iloulu'iii of til). I All tile KiioH liiti vaiilHlieil tr<>ui tue . ..:li liliu aiKl tlie mill 1» liiiriiliiK out ■■ It wuh u.'iit to ilo In lM|>l>ler miiiiiiier*.

A. Walter Sllilejr reiiia.keil: "Wlieii tlie Hiiu .iiiiiee you eaii'l k< e|> u* out of llie kale delil." Waller wan JiihI lu friuii tiie "IiIk alioM" — I.I.- 1.. ii 'I. aiSkreaalloii. Men-ljr to |.o.k Ihliika o\i-r anil tell ..ill |ialH to liuek iiii.

K<l<lie Kojaii Uaa liail a atroke uf lin k. l'i< k. be ealU. It la iiiereljr tlie UeatU of an me le. Ilf ciiirae, illlTer>-Iit {motile haik at Diie.'a ililTereiitIjr. lu Kilille'a eaae Ibe afore- >al<l ariitii ula> relative left Kiblie Ibe ratoer ii.-al -uiii of »Jo.iaa» iieit ■M>IkXoI)' ueuiejr. e.tben aiel tbia naturally uiitlitatia bla Ktlef. Tbii i. a ''|ii|>e" but uot a dnaiui. Ibe ailvaiiee rliei'ka are Uot« oU view. Kiblle never forgeta .-1,1 frIelMla.

lleniiau tielaer iihI .\rtliur Fuxel aay that a I uiey lalanil article wltbout a uieiitlou of tbeui l« like Hamlet without the I'rlUi'e of lleiimark. Ilere'a tbeir uieutloD.

Jobuiiy .Neator, the little man with the t>b. \ly VoU^e, aaya that pirklu't are uot eaay. Ill fact, be atalea vebeiuelitly that lluiea are illatincily una.aitl.

• Ill tbe other baiul thuar NIcbola aaya that tiiiiea were never lielter. Saya be la aallierluc »lial bekuiaa to hliu. Which llliialratea tbe .>:il .aw that Ibiutfa are what you make them.

I'bey aay that Sailie. the plump little anttel at Morifau'a cixar caiuuter, la there with the re.vl boueat-to-(uu<lueaa aalre atuff. Htberwlae, why ilo the boya baoif aimuml. Surely nut for (be clgart.

Ilere'a an o<l<l one. Who remembera Hilly I’lliiimer. tlie areateat featherweight ever, with puaalble exce|itlon of Young (Irllfot Well, b.. oM able kick. Hi'uny Mur|>by. tbe man who cime out to Ihla* country with him—oh, ao many yeara ami yearn ami yeara ago—la tbe genuine Johnny on the |i4i at Morgan a ralmret.

S|.eaklng of cabareta. <bi any of you know boa mauy there are bait In tbe raattieaaea of t ouey lalaml? t>r how excellent tliey are> At Morgaii'a. on tb-eanic Walk an<l tbe Boaery, Hr**iii*bt» Hiima an*l Kalph Markee are .hiing a aliigliig turn of claaa. Their leudltlon of tbe I'aibl.T .Sea Kag drew them aerenteen emairea tlie .ither night.

Frank .Markee, of the Harkee Rrotbera, alao it Morgan'a, baa algneil for tbe next aeaaon with tbe farce comeily. I'm Bound for Hrldge|M>rt.

It la rumoreil arvnind tbe aame calmret that Morgan'lilniaelf a<hulta that l,amar and Turner re|»rted on time one <lay laat week It la he- I el ml they atayeil up all night In onler to do It and break all re<>>n|a.

With Bivim-bo Burna pitching In tbe game Morgan'a ball team playeil with tbe rri|n>le<l • l.llden It la believed that Morgan'a ahisibl have a HI If the fleldera bad been on to their >>b.

helly'a cabaret, Ihtn Si-ott, manager, la at .■VeaHlde Walk ami tlie Bowery. Here .kl Sbayne, late .(f Mattheaa ami Sha.vne; The Mebaly Four, William SiHiefer. a aweet tenor halla<>iat; Tony Martin, an Italian character alnge' of cla'a. ami Killth La Mont ‘and Te«aie •iar<tell. In |a>pu- Ivr Honga. make up a n-cular entertainment. Frank Ibwa la the capable planlat.

At tbe t'ldlege Inn are ( .uHiett, Shepard ami Ik.m.van. alngera «if po|>ula- muiga; Sblney lilb- wui. <aime<lian; Cecil Wealey, a lady who pnta cbaracter Into her aliiglug; Mae .McCrae, In lrl»h characti-r •uiga. ami Kee<l ami Tiicker'a s.«-lely Tango On'heatra. J-w R»ne It tbe man¬ ager.

Ai IVrry'a one flmla Billy Sharkey, whom many deilare the premier c«">n ahonter of the c Hiutry; Billy Walah. wIh> baa Jiiat got In from Ibe Coaat where he ma<le a hit aa an iimleratmly t " tdiarlle Chaplin at the Key«Ione atmllo. and who |. ihdng the atulT here to tbe life, ami the Harmony Trio—Hmller. Slein ami l'h|lll|Mi -who ■vre .-ertalnly living up to their name. Cbarlea 'llller la atlll tbe general utility—"Oe day a come.|lan ami ibe next a ballaillat who ran get the aplmallng to|> mdea with the t>eat of tliem.

Mlaa Florence Perry la a recent addition to the Perry SIh>w ; they claim that abe la the Media .if the cabaret. Mlaa Maile l,e Strange • > atlll the favorite ainger of fav«irlte Irlah .mga ,Sung "by her Little Bit .»f Heaven la ..Illy one degree remove.! from the effei'llve- in-aa ,,f M<S orniai'k Mattie l,evlne and iJe">rge Kahn are at the plam>.

'ie..rge Whltlng'a catiarei on Surf avenue haa the Fraxer Riince Miuwn SIngera a male trio that takea aome beating; Mae Sima, In her a|ie- •■'altlea; Jamea iMinn. c.>me.|lan: Helen Perry, a 'iigltig alngle. ami Will Ik.naldaon imd of • “MAi. at the plam>.

Laat, but md lenat. la Feltman'a. the premier place. Jean Bajan haa aecu'fal the folhiwlng cabaret atara for the entertainment of Feltman p.ilrona.

IMIla and Walhank. formerly of Kelaenweta.r'a; Al I III the white Bert Wllllama of the cabaret; Ml.a .Marie Bm-her, ami Mllea «Mga, Klale ami Fmlly. dlrei't from the Mi lmpolltan ballet.

Mai> there are CIKfonI amt l.arnog (the ll-ialonlanaI ami Nan lk*v|e character iNime>ll- eiiiie Tlila la an ar-av of talent that vlea eaally with the tH-ai of the winter |•erforman•■•'a along BtViX.laay.


TIIR (HIIKNTAL VIIJ..\tiE File niilahliig atrokea have lMa.n applle.1 to

I e new biilMInga |n Luna l*ark that ahoa life In the ilrteiit. .k large aectlon of the eaal aide of the |iark waa appropriately a<de<-lr«| for Ihla •'iitertalnnieiil. ahich la calbal .kn t»r>enlal Vlbl- aay. a mivelly In the wav of exhlbltbuia. Iiiaa muih aa It ramveya a reallatlc ami animated Image of Tiirklah life. To pn>|ierly llliiatrate the Idea re<|ulre<| the lni|e>rtat|on of a large iiiimlHir of iiallvea. men. wiaiien ami children, altli their t.Hila ..f trade, material, ilonieatlc nteiialla. weaiama. aniniala abd paraphernalia. Iliilldliiga were ea|iec|ally rona|nH-|e<l to ah.>w the varloua eccnpatbuia ami puraiilta of the Iiallvea, aa well aa their .lally nuitlne and <11 Vera.Ilia. Ill the iHilldltiga are lea.tha. luiaaam nnd alaipa where <«ie may aia* akilbal artlata aorkliig In tin and braaa. .dhv.ra making InlabI tiirnltiin.. allk amt rug weavera with In the atriH.ta. affording vlallora an opiairtiinlly b> •licker with the nativea In true Raatern atyle. There are lea an.l la.lfee hoiiat.a. whirling iHirvlaliea, awoni Aghtera, ve|le<l women, dancing glrla Melnl niualclana. a<'r..|ia|a. wlai juggle miiaketa III an aalon'alilng manner, ami tiiin hlera wImi make all illaxy who alleiii|it to ^>l' I"* with their eyea the lightning like explolta. In the laailha ami w. rkalmpa the nativea will lie engaged In duplicating tlie olije<-ta they form¬ erly inadr In their own vanintry. .knumg the

TtiU "W eaind funny but » I* a fact juat the vame You will hare three caillnuouv daya (4 BIG baaliieaa. SATURDAY, JULY 3g; SUNDAY, JULY 4th; MDNDAY. JULY 5th.

Plcnliw gakirv will be held lai llieae three daya. Parka and mher open air plaiea <g amaatmeiil will be thnnignl with people eager for enjoyment, and

KJLkHY Tl» SI'KNH THKIK MONL“V In varloaa waya. What have you diaie to receive your ahare irf thla nuaiey? Have you iwdered your atock. or will y<aj wait until the very laat minute and take a rhanw on l-wlng

out? Have you the meana on hand <g iwdering your at.»-k where yiw know that voii .-an grt .kLL THF: tPMHtS

THAT Y«»C W.YNT, THK L.kTK.sT MIVK'LTIKS ATS THK hltiHT PRlt FLS, AIX IN ONE SHlPMKNTf In other wvird.a, have you revarlveil a lavpy tg our

NEW SHURE WINNER CATALOGUE No. 63 the ^M^t ami bigtrent tMM>k we ever puhiWied?

You (*an iurt ilo In thi'« line un!ev jiHi have thU Utok. At leaAt. Tim eaii not ilo It a'i well without thU ijook a^ with the Vxik. If T<m are ucie of the




write for our


IHai't wait until tomorrow. Every day cvwinta. Nothing to gain and everything to Ion* If you neglect It IF YOU WANT THF GOODS THAT DRAW THE CROWDS AHD BRING THE MONEY, you ran laX

afford to be without our catalogue. Write for It today.

H. SHURE CO.,s.E.cor.HiiiiiukFtiikiiistt.. CHICAGO. N. B.—To avoid delay, atate your Une of builneaa. Tou know that we protect your Intereate by lelllng to

dMlera only and not aupplylng coniuinrrs. L'nieea you are a worker you cen not get the bonk.

ja ■ I iiriflaN Flifliis aid IiIIni Aaeaasiaaa * Booking Chat. Klnaey.

Dote more atunia than the loop llyen. 4th of July open. Price, t300 to MM. Will fly on percentage la big places. Flew M min.. May IT. Humboldt. Tmn. Refemvcea: Wire our oom- merclal agcnclca. No fllghl. no pay. Write or wire

vvvH X V W’itli fivo k7#»ar«’ lAJkOja Cvmlae Type Headlom AMFJUCAN AEKOPL.k.NB ina, 1. null n\e years lease. Machine f:nhibition co.. p*- mabo nintvlr colo AHHross manent addresa. Humboldt, Tenn.

1^^ iarifliN Flifliia aid IiIIni AacNiiiM

DRAGON’S GOIeMNIC RAILWAY no paj. wniw or wirw

Located in Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y. With five years’ lease. M^mfEMiBrnoN^^*eS!r“'i2? Price and terms right, to make quick sale. Address manem^ddrma^^^umboidt^T^

Till L. A. THOMPSON SCENIC RAILWAY CO., 291 Broidffiy, Nil York Clt| Mfl feet; for rent by the day or week. Located In the baan at Pomeroy, directly on Uie lUeet car Une. cmmectlng the towna at Hohaon, Mlildleport. Pome- ler. Mlnenrllle, Syracviaa and Baclne. Serring a whirling Itervlahra Is one who executes a vron- by the bride and groom, accompanied by cow ter, Mlnecxrllle, Syracviaa and Baclnc. firing a

•lerfiil |>erf.>rtnan<-e, actually revrulving for flfteen boya and HW Irajuula Indians. Ho completely ^ V’r.iot'D* *» "ill , mlnuti-s without stopping, all tbe while juggling will the Western idea be carried out that the flaam^lon _^te to JOHN Amuam^t with keen e.lge.1 swrls. placing the sharp old . ust.Hu uf "the ehase for the bri.le" will be nee.lle like ,«.lnta .m bla eye llda while rapldljr utlllged. Falra, One-Blng Clrcua. Pbny Shows, etc. •Itlfl'nif. - ................... .Mrw.e.


Ja. k—n. Mb h.. June I'J. —Hague Park has ' ' , *•, .* Lie na-t few


RUTH LAW IN CINCINNATI BALLOONS Ruth Law. the original biril girl, with her . ___

Diauager, t'lias., hare siwnt tue past few AIRSHIPS AND ALL SUPPLIES U*?* . f -'<«n*ata, Avlatov. and Wine Walken fumlshevt thdns at O-ney Islaml. June 1, Jn. at whleh ^ LEO BTEVEN8. 28J Stk Ava.. Naw Yark Cll». Av«ha 9l«Mr Y«1i CHy.

Wav oaruivalM ami cirrUfi*»iA. Manag«^r J. Al- lw*rt i^IhII hap ^•^tunat(* In MM'iirln:; f"r thin iM*ai«tD high claRtt attraothmH anil an«l the iKH»|»le of Htiuthern I i k-. .....1' -1... am *..1 .. Michigan are slewing their appreciation In s ' i*^*^**^** should be maile that she Is tue o very practical manner. Tlie nianagero<-nt has *7

Some new uiaebinery has l•eeu tiistalle.1 In Nm M B B the "Flyer." In which the fearless Miss Law BwOB B bIRIMB^MB will do some womlerful stunts In the air. m>te mwww^ma w ww HW ■ ww ■ ww of which should he maile that she is only One to seven parachute dmpa from ore balloon. Bal-

brvMight als'iit a remarkable change In the ap- IHaraniv .if the resort, ami It Is umlersb'sHl that over Fpi.iaai has lieen s|»>nt this season In Ini provenients and new features. Hague Park md only ses-iires |uitn>iiage fivim the city of Jackwn. but Mr. iMell has sue<-ee<leil In making his resurt uue of the lu.wt |a>pular In this so tiou.

girl flyer to feature a paraeluile jump from her loon Races. Nlglit ascensions with flreworts.^ Bull^ aeroplane from tlsmsamls of feet in the air—a n? •nd opcrilocs. RHtlUEN BALIAJON tO.. 4x8 senaatkdial thriller fur a mere girl.


Flying an ei-'htv-liurs,. ,H>wer Sopwltli hlplsiie WA-'^T Altractlona. Carnival Shews. Merry-Oo- s resort one of the lu-wt |»pular In this sec- ,, Hembm yestenlav aftern...n H. <!. Haw ker s?

laat the British altitude r.-e..r,l .f 1 L.'-m feet ***** -- ^ height of over itl.tkMi feet.—Lull

CAPT. SORCHO AT SAVIN ROCK Suse-ieutiflean^^ vague. Did Hawker WilTED-Fint-CIm. CImb CoRCISliolS. CAPT. SORCHO AT SAVIN ROCK

Capt L.hiIs Sori'ho has taken over the .\lr- •h-nie Theater at While City. Savin Kia-k. Conn., where be will present his Hreat Siilv marine Sb-w, whb'li inrlmles many new anti

don dispat'-h. This is uiiseieutitleally vague. Did Hawker

make a record for altitmie or md? Two asi-ents to nH>re than an.isa* feet have lMa*n rec.>rde<l; on l>e<eiuber 'JS, IPI-'l. Legagiieiix. the Fivncli aviator, g.d up to 'jn.Ufal feet, ami .ai June

.\ntelope County Fair. Nsllgh, Nch.. S«1>L 14-lT, ISIS. We get the crowds. 3. D. THOR.NTO.V. JB.. Seefy.

60 TO GRIGGSVILLE, ILL. marine . m-w, w no n inciiiiies ww BDii I jj .vustrlaii. establishetl a ff* I w vv s.i rvomtv icsir Omsia’a HrculL Mld- moel featuros md her. tof.>re Inclmled In his crowi Deep Sea Diving act.

Capt. .Sorclwi has just r<ss>ntly retiirm'd from Kiiglaiiil, where, through the •suirtesy of naval authorities, h,- was given the opisirtunity of stmiying the submarine at first band: tbe In¬ formation thns gleane.1 has be<‘n put into prac¬ tical ns.- by the Captain for hia act.



.kt Scarboro Bench. Toronto, the Valerie Sextette, sensational wire artists, were the Mg free attracrion ilnrlng the week June T. am! pioved a Mg drawing canl tor this residt t>ther features which plesse.! were the I'Si

way between gatm and grand stand. Big crowds. They spend It here. Xo gambling, boooe or i.egro privileges sold. July IT-3e. Addresa AXSDN XDBTH- CP. Supt. Prtv.. or BOSS P. SHLNN, Sec’y. Urlg»- vlUe. lU.

Mg CAVALIER COUNTY FAIR and LA.noDDX. .N'. D.. JI LY JT. 1*. 29. Will make vetr ort. low cctio-ssk^ii rate for good, clean shows for women ism- and children. ReaiD to book concewlons, etc. only

certs by the LJiieen's Dwii Regimental Baml. | F^r In county and draws large attendance. Want and the onen-alr movies. re<-ently a<Me<l imr

S|>rlngfl.-M. Mass.. June 12. Riverside Park manent attraction at Scarboro Is the I.aveiie Is <di the upwanl path, gaining new luitrona Miles .Athletic .Arena. .Artie Ktimiimis. the BALL0ONy|ASCbNSIUNS seas-di by seas..n and growing apace with It* pin-ket Hercules, who gives le«-tiires .m physical for July 4th PRt>». |s>pularity Dll Metiiorisl Da.v. when the rvwort culture ami deimmstratlons of same, and .Amly jj xlUIX' via Mill S» , B«he«cr, X. T. o|>ene<l f.d- the siiininer. the attendance was Hlhmsi. wrestler, are the star features of the DLsIuice Phone: Bell. Malri'625. larger than ever liebire. Over tkl.iaai iteojde show, which I* ilrawing large amllenees. l.asse.1 ihr-ugh the gates on that day. .All c«ro The regular li»l.-> season at Saltair Beach. . esshms were erowdcl far ^y.dHl •'•I-cHy all salt laike City. Vtah. began on May 21.. ami .TrvT^ aiJi a fei sim rv^mablc. 4lM> iDFw c* MHlFr lyuLI not attFiulant^F wa# icivat. Th*» b^avh HKI*MONT 8ISTKKH BALi4N>N CO., W. Illinois til taa** .-arv 4»f th** or«»W4li*. mith Atf trinna crom-Jed on I>«HN»ration l>ay. ami all Chlt-ago. 111. in o|»-r8tt.m ami three cars to each train. The ^ i„„ines.s. Xotw wM^—a^mw-HBBmaiaiiwaiBwwwaaHBmiB park 1* a*l»anlag«s'usj.v place,!, containing over ,hp average daily AND ivs. a. r« of is-autlftil lands,a|H-. ,.nly X att.-mlanee has M-en ab.sit 2..'-a.. OUTING DAY^ANO_

B. GIU>4)M. S«THary.

lew (katruna Mtlea .\th1etlc .\iV4ia. Artie K^lmnmN. ttie BALLOON^IASCENSIONS ee with It* piH-ket Hercules, who gives Im ture. <•« l‘•'yslcal „ Parm-hute Drop. TUn for July 4th. PRt.». n the resort culture ami deimmstratlons of same, and .Amly jj xLUIX. !L1« Mill S»., B«h««cr, X. T.

Si.. Chicago. 111.

of which Is In use at tMs time. Thus, there U plenty of pace for the park to expami aa time advances i.iitshle the new isvaster a new res


tanrant has Ms-ii adde.| that Is first elivss in IlL. at which city the resort Is hw-ated. The every resi>,s t. .Among the new rbles to make company I* eapttalixed at $1.".•*•.•. and Is owiie.l tlu-lr ap|>earsniv In Ulvi-rside this year are The I by K.

Papers of lneor|s>ration for the Highland i*vrk ULU nUIVIL WbbrX .Amusement Company have he*-n tiled In tJulneT. uiujtsPIK'S URc.VE AXD DHIA'IXG PARK. Wal- 111.. at which city the resort Is hw-ated. The ,i,n, X. Y.. .August 4th and 5Ui. Cnocesslmis for company I* eapttalixed at Fl.'.fSSi. and Is owiie.l sale. W.AXTEl.--Ferris Wh<rcl, Merry-Oo-Bound.

Brast, P. T. T<»le and H. L. Brvln'g. Wheel. Tip TA'p. Kiichanted House. Klectric Park, at PeekskilL N.

Swings, Shows, ITlTlIrge Mm. W. C. HART. SMTstary, Waldaa. N. V.

lb tis.. niat Jack Built. Mountain Torrent and ,h, {pi.-; j,„h. jp Harrr Berllnglioff Sk.s- Ball A numis-r of smaller .smcesslons are ' York. I* Us.king the eo'messloiis and also oil tio- grounds. Two dam-e halls are at attractions the dls|ssial of the dan.-ers on,- is.verevl and the _ other o|H*n air. Both halls will acis.iiiiioslate one two or tls-iisand Couples easily. .In e\<-elleni s,-ason P,:*'*'*,*,'**’ JI

CONCESSIONS TO REHT-At new MIdwa, l^k, ■messp IIS ami Jamraiowii, X. Y., un Chautauqua Lake (ipma

June 24. 1915. this Hundred l*lail<-s Bisikisl. W.AVT most jsipiilar Merry-(.o-^vuiid and lahrr .Altractlofia. WILL LI-LASE

pleasure parks wer* o|M‘iie.I on May 'JW when I Boating. Bathing and BefreshmetiLs. tls-iisand couples easily. An e\i-ell.-ni s,-ason • |.,rk ,tii the Cw vtin itak Psrk new Portable Kink Kmyon style. 6»xl3i). fiw rent, or

her of |H*n**mK rnttiU* th^lr iiiitUl trip In iH»ltF 1 arfcA, t>m4 t*. 2d Si., A REAL WESTERN WEDDING I fl»f tliF WFAtlit'r. 1^ fYLT AUIr bi

- Buck.-ye Lake Park, at C-liimbiis. tV. vvas MOFSC PSlk, FFBIIlOnt, NBOTSSIIB

In Forest Park, Chicago

skies kept iiisny iieople away, but a large niim tp™vs«r*- -'••'■r™ " r- h^r rtf mAilrt th**lr iiiitUl trip In iH»ltF

MnrkrtTF I.akrt I'lirk. at O., wa* Morse Park. Fremont, Nebraska forinalljr f4*r tht* HvaHmi 4in Mar «... . V . » .».« i*.,^ twai.*.* Ihinrtnie wa?* th** n\*^t proinliirtiit f»*alun* aa w» U Mrmaiul uir* as the ns-t p.piilar amusement ..f the day. -4 nuies. wln'.iiH-ii ah.sii' Chicago June 14.-The Western wmldliig to «» amusement ..f the day. "r.w fr^ T radl.iTf.ri.v nUles. win '.ipeii .sii

he iM-rforme.1 at FAus-st Park m-xt Thurs.Uy. at M- narch Park, at Franklin. Pa. was oiieneil on ju,,, 1.5. with bathing. ‘Mating, dancing, n-vtiliig. and II.. will take It* plaie a* the flrat and only May '2H, with a g.ssi atteiidam-e. and the va

rv'al AA'estern wmldlng ever solemnixed In Chl- i-ago. aiTorvIliig to reports. It will he an exact

rbsis new .levlces prove,! very popular. add other as raimlly as p.rss|blr Write us If you have anything l,> sell, rvsil, cc play pev-

Other amusement resorts to ,i|»<-n on the last | •’•s'taiP' .liipileatr of the we»Mlngs of the wlbl and wmdl.v I of Ma.v are: tLikfonl Park, lireeiisbiirg. Pa.: land of the (.lalns In the days of '4P. In which! Kxi-'sItM.n Park. Meadvllle. Pa.; Kladwin Park. Charles M. Ilaekney Is the lucky gtvsan and { Quincy. III.; Falms.iiiit Park. Kansas City. Miss Myrtle Akiighn the Miishing bride. The' Alo.; Kingston Point Park. Kingston. N. Y ; latter la km>wn In theatrleal eln-les aa Ikifothy Battery Park. Xew Castle. Del.; tllentang.v Rayiiiond. The piss-essloii will he heaibsl by Park. I'.dunihim. t».: t oiinell Crest Park. l*orf Anna K. Iniiiaii. Mrs. .A. K. A'aiighn. tlm hrliM's Isn.I. Ore.: W.ssisl.le Park. Pldla.lelplila. an-l mother, an.l the mlnlater. Imnnsllately f.dK.we.1 . the t>ak* Park. P.wtlaml. tire.


WANTED Co«i.swsl<ai> an.l J'rre Attractions f.w the "Blf i\>untv 4ih .rf July Celebratijo." held at llani.SI. Kansas. Jtil.v .Mh. A.ldn-ss C. .A. W.AD- MAN. Uarurtl. Ka»_ _

»aw It in Tli#



AND SAMPLES OF CIRCUS AND WILD WEST 6 Sleepers 4 60-FT. FLATS Combination Cars

NO MORE CROW INDIANS wliirli ha* IiK’t witli ii-*-. IlHiiil liaiil.v liii' iinisl, friaii rp.r<".v.,r

of cilntoii. li«a; \V. I'. Klallior^. of l'liti-a:;o; Ktiw. <f Oiiialia; \V. I* Kn^lisli. of KIkLart. Iml.; K. .laiiio*. Slir«-\o|Kirt. lai.. lionliU a Olhor liniNlc o HI in willioiit alviiiK tin- <loia>r'K iiaiiio. Karl 1.. Kiiii:. ImiiilniiiHtfr of tile SoIIk FIoI,, SIiows. wliilf tlial auirroKH

ti>'ii «aH ill Saloiii. t'i;o •Jotli. soiit <111 a ^la^ k of

niiiKir a 'foot IiIkIi.' "(liir liaiul boys wish to ixpross tlioir tliaiik»

t.i tlifso kiiiii pooiilc llio iiwst iroiiopfiiis las^ilf on oarth—ami also |o Tli^ l*lilts*aril f*'r farors sliowii. Tlioy are most lieartily appreoiateii.

For Banda, Show*. Thaatro and Park EmployoM, Bell Boys, U(h> era, etc. \Vc make I'lilforms, (Vwliimi a, Sliow Wardrobes, Min¬ strel Iteguislti'S, Kanners, Flaga. Paintings — EVERYTHI.VG. latt U.S flxure on yrair requlremema. We furnish A-1 goods at the loweat pricea.

For Wild West SHiows. Exhibitions or Expositions

In aeis rdanee wit;i the poli.-y of the Indian lepartinent to distoiiraiie re|>r<slii<'tions iiy In¬ dians of tlieir daiiees at Wibl West shows ami eeb brations in towns in the vielnit.v ef tlie loservall ns. Cp-w Indians will not jtive any of Heir daiioes at tile Konrth of Jnl.T eelebration in IrillliiKs.

Tie subject Is fiillv eoven-d In a letter r*' i-eivid from I'ato Sells, in res|M>ns4- to a tele¬ gram fpmi The liazette of IlilllnKs. Mont., ask¬ ing that a niiinlM-r of the t'piws be iierniltted to conie to Killings to participate In the coming I'assing of the West attractions.

We are Importing Agents for the celebrated (Vaisenon Band Instruments. Write for our new catalog SOUTHERN IRON 4 EQUIPMENT CO

ATLANTA, GA. 101 RANCH GOSSIP 1030 South 4th St.


Ol'R Magic and Trick Hook la the llreot pmp- ualtlon on the market today llluairattw

over 100 dllTemit Magic and Card Trtcfca, and has a flashy corer In oolom to gel the crowds ttell It together with our l*hantoin Card Trick. Fools the people but It's easy to do. We'll send you— I.OflO af Iks BaMit. T ALL FOR I.OM Pkaalaa Cards. k IIS. . 1,000 Dlractlaas aad Ea«al- f F. 0. B.

aoat. I PHILA., PA. SaaiOtM at abava. Ifla.

Write for Pricea and Sampla of— Tba Graatatt Laufk at tha TIaiaa—

THE FLV-KILLEB (Baaipla. Ita).


HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICES Flint. Mich.—Business eery grsHi both after noon and night. 'All concessioner* claimed Decoration Day to be a banner one.

Saginaw, June 1.—Iking parade and a bean- tiful day. The Saginawitea took advantage of the weather and turned out In big numbers.

I.ansing on the 3d was ygioiled ty the glotmiy weather. Tbia town was a good a|>ol. but Old Sol failed to appear. Joseph C. Miller invited all the sbowfolk to see tbe I’anama- Pactfle First Ftomance picture, in Are reels, at tbe Vandette Theater. Dan Dig and Zoma— aome act!

Mrs. Clyde Miller and Mrs. Flarry Miller were visitors at Flint, coming over from Ray City.

Grand Rapids. June 3.—The Elks are con¬ vening here. Are they jolly "fellers?” I shoOil thay •*>. All of the Bills were there with the bills.

A bout was pulled off in tbe dressing room at Muskegon. MIcb.. on the 4th. No, not by Jesa Willard ami Walter Monahan. They do It every day, but were unfortunate In missing tbe speelal. The boxer* were Tommy Klrnao and

Memorial servlci* were held over the grave* <*f tiie victims of the Walter L. Main wreck of Ma.v ."lO, IWL'l. namely, Barney Multaney and IVilliaui I>N-, both oanvasmen. In the Mountain Cemetery, at Tyrone, Pa., June H, by the entire personnel of the Welsh Br<s>. and Ik'ssig Shows. Rev. Bleber, of the German Hef<*rmed Church. ofllelate<l. Several sacreil selection* were of- fere<l by the olrcns band, ami floral piece# placed upon the graves.


Now is the time we neeil the work and can give quick action and close prices.



On September 1, lai-l. the new amendment to the laws relating to tbe affixing of adrertlse- menta in New York State becomes effective, and will particularly affect billposting on high¬ ways without the owners' consent. That part of the law reads as follows; "A person who In any manner paints, prints places. puts, affixes or causes to be placed, printed nr affixed any business or commerrial advertisement on to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, biiild-

38 Ton’ Rtpatatkw Back if Ewry Tn!


Carnival Tents S«aia far C«taIog mmI SmmAMmA LM


TEXAS SNAKES Iguanas. Chlnma Dragons, I*lrTn<f and Animals for nt Shows. All pnisnonus imakr* flxrd •afe to handlt. Prlcru rrtsnnahle. Prompt ahipmmu of all order*.

W. O'DELL LEARN 4 CO.. Raaarsd ts llfl N. FIsrat Bt.. Baa AatMtu, Ttiaa.

WILL SHOWMEN YIELD THE PALM Can supply you with snakes nxr<l to handle. Fresh supply ilwajs on hand. Cheap aa any other dealer.

BROWNSVILLE SNAKE FARM, P. 0. Bea ns. BesenitvNh, Texas.

Perl*li the Tliouglit .\nd to .Mere ilaM*halI MUKiiater^'

When pretty much everything goes wrong, including the weather, a-* it has this season, tent shows can lose round, robust rolls rapidly, and their impresarios have full and free license to vent their disgust vocally with virile and vivid vocabulary.

Something of late has gone wrong with them, though. They are no longer on the job. They seem content to stand around and merely katk daggers from

burning eyes beneath glum and black brows. They have grown weary of well-doing. And it won’t do. The honor and reputation of the craft are involved. Hence we must needs objurgate them. "Go thou to the baseball magnate,” say we, “thou sluggards. Note

Ills line of invective. Get the earnestness of it. Observe its wide range and the new and improved imprecations he uses. Notice the novel emphasis and the fresh inflections. Listen to his new coinages and wonder at the punch he injects into his soliloquies, but above all. witness the application, the ceaseless and untiring Industry of him.

“Then back, in shame and confusion, Itack to the lots and at it again. “Never let it be said that you weakened and gave way before the

pilots of packs of ball tossers.”

C M A C C We ran supply you with Den* at tIft.OO to llBoao. All pot-

•diout snakes fixed safe fnr handling.


(Over Rattlesnake Pete's.I Lsmg Distance Phone: Bell, Main 4tS.

CARS FOR BALE One Pullman, four siatrrtnm-. kltOitn, dining, sleep 39 pe*iple. ntMerraUoii tinl. sftel wlirels and plalftiems, Ind and rolil uatir, rt-llar. eery fine car. prire, t3,3<i0.tH: One Ritgsg*. and *ltep Ik people, steel sill*, wheels, large ei.d d<»>r. (-ellar. etc., price. IJ.msMSi No beOer .*p* In the sins* business .Xddress W .1 *i .No. Raelne .4»e., Chti-ago. Ill Tel . Dlrenny



330 Wytka A«s.. BROOKLYN. N. Y. 23 Minute* from Broadway and 41it StneL

Just at WUIIamsburg Bridge.


ia»W VAN WYt'K. tlnclnnall. Ohio

JUGGLINGindCIRCUS iPPAR-ITt’S. Wire Walking. Roman Ring. Trampo- ine. Mouthpieces. Dutch Figurre Mend stamp tec

jriae list VAPDEVILIJC A CIIUT'8 GOODS CO., 33 So ftearbom 81.. (Titcago, III.


And ererything in canvas. Send for catalog. in(t or other object, which 1* the pn^terty of another, without flr*t obtaining the written consent of »uch owner thereof, or win* In any manner paint*, print*, place*, puts or affixes, or cause* to be painted. prlnte<l. placeil affixed. »nch adrertiaement on or to any stone, tr«'e. fence, stump, pole, mile board, milestone, danger «ign. guide algn. billboard, building or other object within tbe limit* of a nnbllc bIghwa.T is pnniahable by a fine of not less than live dollars nor more than twenty-live dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than ten days, or by both such One and Imprison¬ ment.“

-Any advertisement in or upon a public high¬ way in Tiolatlon of this law may be taken down, removed or destroyed by anyone.

A society of “nature beantiflers” Is said to have sponsored this amendment.

tbe Australian whiperaeker. Toininy won iiit In three rounds.

Burt Shepard cU-sed at Muskegon. The Smith Sl«ter* arrived at ridcago Heights.

111.. June 6, from New York t'lly. Ilsnk Dnrnell is Itaek from I>etrolt after a

week’s vacation. Buster Maek was taken serioiixly ill at Mii'ke

gf'D, and had to In* is-iiHiveil to a life*p'.t.xl. if was at first thought -h*- was a vb-tlin of ap|>endicitts lint the physician said tm. and ahe returned to the sliou at (blcago Height*.

Barney Mel'aiiii. oiir ilown-town ticket *eller. sayi he Is very happy. Do y<iii blame him? Mr*. McCann wa* a visitor at Chicago Ib-lghts.

The .Mnlllgaiis ar»- preparing for ftidr aniiiul session. I.oulc Fried U pn-sblent: F're«| Healey, toearmaater; Biiteb < <din. |•^>lnotw•: Willie Cronin, entertainer; B> rt Fhirli-s. solol-t; Barney McCann, end man.

All of the menilx-rs of the Bee ifo Grav Company. Diamond Dick Wild West Show, which la exhibiting at Kauiona I'ark. Grand KspbU. paid ns a visit while onr show exhibited there

D. V. Tantlinger. an-na director, and Fhlltli T. had many vlsitora In the Michigan .State.

Ony Tantlinger, D. V.'* brother, wan .1 visitor at Chicago Heights. Harry Bandel and wife were also entertained by ih'f Tantllnger>

109-11 South Mala StroM. Ilo for * l*lnc nr Turtle H>ad Snake*. 1 to « fert long .%l*o ctHdre Bull and other Snake*. l.owr*l pvii'r* J lltll’Fr. 33 N. Ninth StrTvt, I’tilladriphla. Fa.


TENTS riORSE and PONY PLUMES Foe Show Farad**. Ada and Advertising purpose* Send for price lleL M 8CUARMBS. (12 ■etropnll- Un Are.. Brooklyn, N. T.

Cable Addrma. Kunkoly. Telephone, T384 Melrose.

< onildnellon SIrtxMng. Dining and llaigagr Car . sill per niinilH-r of nsodlis In adtancr iwr mu*i n e>i ell R R reuulrrmnds I’OWKI.I. IIAKKIS. Hot 1*2. Indcfs-fHlencv. Kan


Tents to hire. Flags and all Canvas Work. 296 East ISTth Street,

Liider personal supervision


Aurora. Ill., June 10.—Tbe Hagenbeck-Wallace Show* arid the A. B. Miller Carnival Co. pla.ved day and date at Aurora yesterday. Tbe Miller people had their parade out flrat. The weather wa* cloudy and tnalneaa tnffered accordingly. Bcdh companies payed to a good crowd, tome taking in both ahows. Tbe Wallace Show can now be pnt In with the rest of the big fellow*, they having enlarged In all qnartera. A. R. Miller’s Show is one of the best condneted carnival companies in tbe mad.

Among tbe visitors in the dressing tent of the Hagenbeck Show were J. C. Mathevrs. Colonel Owens. J. B. Warren. Walter Driver, D. Newman, W. B. Barker, Charlie Kilpatrick, Charles Ban Yard and Dave Beehler.

Ernest Johnson baa taken over the City of Yesterday vrith the A. B. Miller Show. Ernest la snre a bnstler and ought to get big money.

Charles P. Btnm Joined the Miller Carnival Co. a( assistant manager and directnr-ln-general.

The Fre«-hand Brvdhers’ act ha* Improved since last seen, and Barney is looking like a two-year-old.

Killy .Moore, the tromtsme fdayer In H.igen beck 'Wallace’s coloiv-d band 1* one of the oldest and best liked co|nre<I musician* In the game. O-lonel fhaen* haring nnt lilin In the white tofi* thirty-one years ago.

of Max Kunkely.

Id Chicago Height*. Bessie Herberg. who arrived from Ran FVan

cisco recently, la riding tlx- Kentinky stallion Sex McDonald.

Billy Cares* says; "The home folks ain't far away at Ft. Wayne,”


tar OMcwa er Private*. Teat*. Gua*. PlitM*, Sward*. Sakra*. Saddle*, etc., froai Gevernattat Auetiea. (New *r Seeaad-Haad.) If yta waat aaytklat la that llae, WE CAN SUPPLY IT.

Illustrated B. B. ABRAHANS 4 CO., Catalee* FrM. 305 Market St.. Pkila., Pa.

The No. 8 car of the Hell* Ploto-Rnffalo Kill Bhows baa at last left tlie Coast and la on It* way Bast. All on the car are gisd. a* w. have had nothing but rain and cold weafber since stirtlng out. Brother F?. 8 Crowi-ll. however, fonrid the Cos.t mnch to hia liking, aa he left na at Oakland. Cal., to *cc<-pt the position of assistant librarian at the I’lihllc Library at San F'ranclsco.

When the car renchc'l Kcatlle Snndav May .■Ft. we were met hy Kroth'-r Golllphatil who I* In the auto livery hii*lne*« thcr«- at |>rc*ent He placed fSle of hi* ear. at the d|a|«Ma| of the men on the ear for the ila.v, ami we aiin- did ’‘some’’ •Ightseeing around Seattle

Taylor Circus Trunk Number 2

Haa t>esn the moat c*ip<il*r t'lrrua Trunk fnr >wer 3s year* I ivarylng quality and duraldllly ts rrwponalb'.e.

Mail Ordtra C 1/I fin Wrile >br Promptly h'ltUd c„talooita

Taylor Trunk Wr rkt. CHICAGO 12 East Rasd*l»k Street.

NEW YORK; lit Wrvt 44tk Btr*et.


THEBOLTE&WEYER CO. OrtiTtfh. wIk» i K«nr*h at W mm with h#»r th«* Hfirriiifit Ar Itnllfj Sh<iw* w<> (*'rnj>tfptr* Wild Ifa'|>artui«>rit.

a Hand, Or<*K«*ri staff* |irlM«tn inaica zln#*. In ItK Jiin#* ^Iitl<»n rarrl*^! th** :

“In a iKun#. uf Th** UI’ltKra*'i1 wai* rmh ruGlxf) a fr<»fn thi« |»la<’«* band




They are playiOK park^, fair* aixl eele- brathaw. Bob. however, will aicalD be with the white toiw ueat *ea*oii. UNDER THE MARQUEE

By CIBCU8 SOLLY I>>wu in the ^le^»erte^l rlllaie of Daiirille, Va..

you will tln>l these merry trouiiera; li. Vamlewalle playlttK the Kob stick. Heck 1‘resiiell tlckllnx the Ivories.

11. WeUsman sawing cat guts. L. Dresser breaking 111 a <«. woieler.

G. L. Woolley trying to .saw a dog house In two.

K. H. Van.Vbit running the I'nivereal stara from the css>|> In the alley.

When Klngllug'a Circus playeil IVatton week of .May 31'Juue 5 the majority of Its big t>e<>|ile. iU‘ :u<ling practically all the big acta, *to|ip<s| at I'uluam’s Hotel. On Friday evening Manager I'je-I 11. Fiitnam entrrtalneil at dinner General M.iiiager Kreil J. Worrell, as well a« Jolin M. Kell), the circus' attorney; John Brice, de- le.'ii've; John J. Bheeby, in charge of the main entrance, and Charles K Thompson, "flaer.’* .\u extra guest was l''rr<l J. Morrison, of B<MtOD. il was a stiellllsh spread, admirably arranged and spleiHlldly served.

Some Rrice—Eti7 1'of itivi‘ly tU<* ta*st value ever offentl for a flatili. Kxtra heavy (Jolil I’lateil, (Jolil Dial, Thiii .Model M'atch.

with a ifeiiuine ‘20 year (told Filled, (iold Soldered Walde- iiiar or Coat, Solid Link Chain and Knife. In a Handsome \’elvet Ldnsl Case.

Fair and Stns't Workers, Sales Ilttard Operators—Kvery One Who Wants The Hijf Flash—(Jet Busy W'hile They This is only one of our hiz barzains.

S«nd for Our Now, Big Catalog, J uat Off tho Proas. It’s Free.


St. leiuis will nut have a large circus, or a small one either. thU year. The new high license and the pmtr flnani ial condition of thut city being responsible for the attitude of liie ciritua men. Time flies—Jimmie Kublnson. the world’s

greatest baretiack rider. Is now h6 yesrs of age. J >hn Davenport la 88. W. .M. Gilman, manager of the Jones Bros.’

advertising car No. 1, writes. “I am certainly blessed with a good crew this .vear, and we are billing this show as strong as I ever saw a one-train show billed. Tbe rmter of the car is as folhiws; William Gilman, manager; Duke Libby, S|H>clal agent; Gimn Reed, tssis bill¬ poster; Slim Sander*, bosa Itiographer; R. K. I*rudhomme, John Geesina ., I'ercy Sampson. R. B. Toms. Harry Goldsmith. Harry Quinn, Chester Ikald, billposters; Tom Muld(s>n, In charge of banners; Sam Johnson, chef; William Martin, porter and paste-maker.

Tlie Gnu* now state that the cookhouse with tbe Haag Showa Is as good as any they have

ever eaten In. HOLSMAN A CO., Wlioleiale Jewelers 177-179 W. Madison St., CHICAGO, ILL.


rube walked up to Cal Towers the other da.v and a«ked; "What time Is the parade?" "tising to th«> late arrival today, air," answered I al "It will te at IB-.-IO.’’ Why don’t .you l>arade when you advertise?" angrily retorted ■ he man "Me and and my family want to get hack home."

NETTINGS—ALL KINDS C. E. Beyerle says: "I aee COM.\ la gaining

right along, and I dare say a man with g<skl eyesight can see results now. Come on. toy*, let’s make COMA strong enough that we ran eventually control tbe weather with It."

viUs Rosalind I Mrs. Myers) la doing a swell riding act with Sella-Floto.


' Do You Remember

When Tom Conners discovered a new way to pul up tbe ladder to bang tbe St-sheet on Madi¬ son .Square Garden?

When Jack Bbarp lost bis false teeth? When Pat Cosnera went to sleep In a bath

tub and let the water run? When Ben Descbane carried a can of paste

on bis back two miles with coupling pins and link* In It?

When Ollie Ballard fell over a switch in tbe railroad yards at Santa Crus. Cal., rut his bead and claimed be was sandbagged?


Four of tbe boys on tbe IgiMont Bros.' Show have formed what they term tbe Sinkers Club. Tbe anglers are Wm. X. Reno, Wra. Reno, Jr., C. Raker and Bill Riviera |Tbe Flying Dntch- man). Now for the flsh stories. I.«t ’em fly.


BAKER & LOCKWOOD TENT Cp.. Kansas City List your cars for sale with us. We can sell them for you.

Slieaklng of William Todd, W'alter L. Main 8a.V8: "Mr. Todd U a clean-cnt gentleman. He has tbe best two-car luitflt and Is the best showman in bis class that I have ever met. .Most of the sbowfolk know that I started In the game In ’79. and have played every State In the Cnion, every provlni-e of Canada, and visited eight countries of Europe, and. In all my experience, I have never sesn a show like Todd’a. If any of the big show managers get within flfty miles, they would beneflt themselves by visiting this big little show and getting Mr. Todd’s Idea of railroad rates.”

.\u absurd and utterly groundless retewt that tbe Frank A. Rubbint Ithows bad closed, gained coixIileraMe rlrculatlon In tbe West last week. N'dbing In it. Seven-piecv American Bund, small Pony .\ct, one or two Ponies, Dog and Monkey

Circus, .Aerial, Wire, Juzzlinz, Bicycle Act, Barrel Juniper. Musical .Act and Mu- Zician. . Prefer ivrfonners doing two or more acts and doubling brass. Make salaries low. want to hear from .A-Xo. 1 .Advance that can promote benefits. This is a two and three-night stand car show. Owns in September in X'orth- westeni Ohio. Want to lease Combination Sle«‘ping. Dining and Baggage Car.

POlVFLL H.AHRIS, Box IS’2, Independence,

Oil this page ws print sums pls>t<>graphs of tbs Rlcs A Iiors 8h»wt—tbs clri'us that I* dilTcrsut. Indssd.

Ths names of Frs<l Hu*«.v and Frs<l Davisi.n wsrs Inadvertently left out of tbe Hagenbeck- Wallace Big City B-lgaile roster, which ap- I>eare<l In the Issue of June 5. Ths Rimum Show I* now distributing quarter

sheet prugrams over ths country n>uts just ahead of tbs Hagsnhsck Wallace Clmit. annoiineliig the "Coming S<s>n’’ of ths Harnnm Show. It I. rsiBirtsil that R. M. Harvey, of ths Haten- '.»'k Wallace Circus, msy In rstsllstlon resiir reet his former famous hill, eutltk-d "Toe t .' slng S<*>n Rrutbeni.’’

The Gollmar Bros.’ >»how resumed Its tour last week arier being tied up ten days by wash- outs. WANTED TO JOIN ON WIRE FOR LA TENA'S BIG WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS

TdcnMlT Ad» for Rif Stunr, HorinwiUl lUfA. \cmhAtn. fiwal NorHty Wlrv Act; all muM do ttK>ie than one ax’!. ikMul Krer .ArL FhR SlUK SHoW—(>ood Musdctl -%rt, Lady AcU, Comedy Judder rrrfonntng UinlA and Monk**. Fire .Act. S«inrd SwalUrwer. etc., and cihnI Frealni; giMMl Kube to work ('iwdc-Iiia and all thmugh the bit 'Ahtm In clown numherR; f>>met for Mg i^kyw hand: 4. H and 't-horn** Utiren; Wild We-d l>iH»le for concert Name lownit war-itmc Mlaiy .\ddreAM ANORIW OOWNIE. eart La Teaa*t Cirewt. Juat iTtk. Belfast. Me.; Jmm 18th. Baafor. Me.: Jeae 18th. Oaaferth. Mi.; Jvae 2lst, Llaeela. Me.; Juae 228. Old Tewa. Me. MiK KFN*T—lN«tger. Knife lioard. t'ane Keck, l^dl Heck, Keg Game and other Ltiilllmatr IVlTlIegTA r.%.N FL.^i.'E a flrd-iHajM nt Show. lATiat hare you?

Additional Circus News on page 56.

•liver Sisitt was a lllllls'ard caller Jane 9.

KolMTt snd Charles Nelson, comedy contor- t ■•nists, are not with tbe white to|is this tea-


I IkitraiKT Big Hhow. day before o|>e<diia .No. 1 Intrrtor of Waic^ Clti-us. taken da.v b.-ftwe oisfidiif Tlir pisd la l.'x45 fret. No. S—sMdr sUiow .No 4 Tir fle.s. t.sal length. 4ifV f«‘t; total width. liKi 'ovt.

Crfjmy Qiiiilit


w are you flutUn^e thin^ss tliU »i4 as<in. <‘liarley U«»a4ii

*KI citamlby.

climbinir <lowii oflf thr ho\, he <U«1 a cabaret Id their iiiidxt. S4» pleUf^tMl uere they that be turtie<I to a liatMlMoiie Ihmim'. Some lM»y. Hy the way. Nt»el. let'a t»bserve strict nejtrality ami have mmie ra\ings from the aih»w.

with the Moaa ? l^^m't forget

It was last year, when our g^nsl frieml Gt^rge Slater was secretary of the J. tn^irge Ixnis caravan, when the f<»)h»wiiig was overhear<l; 1 he show was t>Iaying Florence. Ala. It waa after the last chump liad stra,ve<l ihune, when G»*<»rg«» was talking to Klma M«s>re. the fat girl. Tin* i|uestiou was this: “Wouhl she marry him or wotihl she double with him as a i>artner so tlu*y could put «Hi a tw<ein-one?** tieorge would put «ui tights and go in the pit as a living skel«>ton. Just then Klma tiirneil her pet monkey mi him. and Ge<»rge f<»rgot his am-

How aNuit the orange bloss^uns and wishllng I»ells« Mattel Jacksim and GtH»rge?

W. J. Zimmer has Just purchase*! for the Arena Amusement Company a seveiitylmrse )M>wer StiMldanl-Hayton car. Stmie autoimdille and some class. Do YouKnow;^rwh‘Te‘S

CIGAR STOCK isliii I’hiladpiphia? Kanj^inp in Priw fnnn SH.,'>0 jt«r thousand and upwanls.


It's an III witxl nliioh Mows flip saml in tin- Bi‘<I.'s pyps nlien lie’s tryins to make eliaiifce

If some folks who run (ssikliouees on camrans wouliJ wateb their business instead of runnina an>un<l the lot it would be tn-tter for all. ami maybe we eould get soinethiivK to eat instead of manieurlni; the sidewalks. tJee. that's a bot one!

Tile second soiree of the Mound Builders of tbe \V. Wortham Shows was held at ropeka. Kan., at tiu* Mas^mie Temple. Neeilless to say it was a iHiwIing sueeess. Tile proftram, niotPHsl ■‘<;<sn1 Kellowship." iiu-liided twenty numliers, hi'adeil by Tlie Billlsiard Mareh. followinjr Baby Imll Uoll. t'liarley l4iwreni-e. i'illow Top Hop I’aul Wolf. I’eek Km Store Ka*. .kll the Imeky Boys. Mitt Headers' Dream. Stanley Sisters, Trainmaster's Move, II. W. Itenipsey. YIddisber Walk. Sam Kelnberft. Step .\Niut Whirl. Steve .K. Woods. Soft Sho«' Step, L. C. Be<-kwith, Knife Hack Shlve, t'bas. tJregory, Is'iuonade Sink. (has. Kidder. By tJum Kaa, Plain Dave Morris, Privilege Car Klip, 1,. B. Henderson, Reildy Koyal Junifi, Fred Collier, Ping Pong (Hide, Dlek D.vkmann, I^ld.v's Favorite Hug. Harry Hofer, The (Jreen Rihhii Slhle, Barney Pratt, Is>aping Tick Tear. All the Brothers. Oeorge F. Ilonovan. Billy Everett. Diek Collins. J. W. Courhiin. H. W. I>em|>sey, Noble Farley. Forest Fay, ileorge I'arley, Xed Stoughton, .\Ivin Fay, Cliarley Jameson, Smith Turner. F. (J. Kenworthy, J. S. Felter, Charles I.awreDoe and I.. B. Henderson kept things moving, and as lightning time movers they are a suoceaa.

Mulligan Is In again. Some imh>i shark, .\rk

316 Market St.


Tri rsuAucs J Lombarti 2124 TELEPHONES ^ Keyatone. Main 840

We also carry a large assortment of CHOCOLATE PACKAGE GOODS for privilege trade, ranging in price from 30c a dozen and upwanls.

W* a4tp goods the same tiay the order

is rsreired.


Peo|)le wlio lire In tents should not play stud poker. Some one is liable to cut the sidewalk or break Into y<mr room and steal y»ur six seeds. How about It, Frank?

Kadi is some hustling Jap. He has a lot of tbe old-timers beat a mile when It comes to business. Ohio Kadi.

Pop Winger Is still running his small merry- go-round and working every week.

Everyone is wondering why Carl I.nnther is walking lame. Tbe truth is that a hop Hend accidently cut him. But be is all right now.

George, roses have gone out of style up in the North. The stores do not use them with caravans any miuv. Why?

Happy BUI Bussell has )olne<I Cap . . Stewart with the Gause Shows to take charge of tbe

■The candy that takes— clever in name, absolutely pure in manufacture, most delicious in taste.


Write for our special attract* ive proposition for fairs, amusement parks and picnics.

Mada only by


Write for price list. WM. Wi'RFFLEIX, Mgr.. 20« S»s"Oiid .SI.. Philadelphia, I’a.. C. .s, A.

Show outflu, Tmu. Organa. Crank Planoa, Pnidinf Chain. Seata. Ughta, Sriteea. Pressure Lamp., Threhes. etc. Send for FREE Bargain BOOKUrr

ASMBRUSTEB MFC. CO.. Spriaftlald. III.

Tile Fearless Greggs, with Ihelr autos that In mid-air, are the free attraction with Zeldman A l^>IIie .Shosts.

UP WB QUARA.NTFIE. Send for Cataloguea front of the tJorllla Sliow. Thie is Happy's

third seasim with Cap Stewart. D»s- C<K>k says he d<Ki’t think he will take

bis caravan to tbe north is>le this year.

Yes, I am putting all the m<mey In my mouth. Safest place to put It; then I know it la all my own, and I ran niftvr when I want to, says Harry Dunkel.

DON’T OVERLOOK thin big. Inexpensive Aerial Attrartlon and Adver¬ tisement for your 4th of July Celebration. Creaiea more excitement than the real flight. Our Airsidps are IJ feet long- your ad printed on both sides of the craft In large, black letters. F:asy to operate, as we furnlsli them romplelr and ri*ady for aseenalon. with directions. Ttils attraelhsi Is a big hit for Parks, Fairs, Theaters, etc. "tlrder your 4th of luly supply now." Six Campiata Outfita, saly .15.00 Oaa Dana Outllta, saly.g.OO SaMgla by Mall, caaialeta. 1.15

Our Catalogue of Balloons, Flags. Fire works, Dec¬ orations, Adv. SSpecialtles. etc.. Is lOc

_ BRAZEL NOVELTY MFG. CO.. 1700-04 Ella 8t.. Claelaaati. 0.

Headquarters for 4th of July Goods.

F>er catch any more of those big ones. Cap Schmidt, of lKs>|i-la fame?

Incandescent Lamps FOR


"One of the worst roads we have ever had the displeasure of riding on is the Presser branch from Concordia. Kan., to Hastings, Neb.,’’ sajs W. J. Kehoe. of the Evans Stiows.

Ask Harold Bnshea how he likes Dixon, ami where be spent tbe night on May 'J9.

All wants to hear from C. W. Parker. Harry Noyes, Herbert Kline. F'. G. Thomisson, Ben H. Klein. Mort M. Westisytt. Geo. Matthews, John Pollltt, C. W. Wortham. Isvnis Bernstein, Tom .Allen, Eueene Cook, M. O. 'niomps4in, F. E. Walters. Ben 8. Benwm. F'd FI. FVlst. Clark McClurg, Dlek Collins. I,. C. Kelley, Ed Hart¬ man. A. E. Williams, D. W. Cotta. Mr. Snlll- van, B. M. Ileekard. George C<inkle, F'Vetl J. Ackerman, Jesse Malone, Charley Bwlifleld, Geo. 11. Coleman. BUI Wyatt. HI Fclwards, Capt. Curley Wilson. J<s- < onley, Norman Nolan and the rest of tbe sheiks.

The Col. Frances F’erari Shows are <h>ing nicely in tbe Flast, and while In Middletown, N. Y., capture*! some eholee press space, which means that things are snostthly kicking alon^ on that nifty caravan.


im>rrRi> pRicT»-«oa Boura, a*ar or Odatwd, ic; •uo Hours. Cirwr or Outored, gic. Ouarantacd. SAFETY ELATHIC f/««PA.Vr, SST-tM N. Daarboni M., (Tiicago, Ill. Old Dad Sheppard says that he still e<M>ks

them right, but tbe war has even reaehol tbe hamburgers. Now somebody crack about Greece being in it!

No wheels are working In St. IxMiis this season, font punch boards are plentiful, as well as roll downa.

The average man usually g<'ts average wages, which, accorfllng to the I’. S. statistics, are F7.71 weekly. If you are only an averarr man and are getting more than that, ilon't kick. Just quietly determine to he a top- Dotcher. Maybe th«- boss won't get on to you until you are out of the average class.

An exchange observes: “Whisky has caused many a man to go to work—to get the price." All serhMisly ikHihts the truth of tliat assertion. Men will steal for a drink, hum one and scheme for «>ne, hut I have never known a man to go go to work for one. The reason men drink whisky Is because it makes them feel e<|ual to the most herculean tasks. What It n-ally d<ies to tliem Is to Incapacitate them—to make them nne<|iial to the smallest nnilertakings.

If you want valua iwraivsd, order from ms. All kinds of TVita and Mexican Bnakra flxed aafe to handle, in mixed dena, 110.0# and up: on* Black IGUA.NA freo with sacb tlO.N order.


$3.00 TO $5.00 EACH.

A manager of a moll-mizz had left bis p<s>t during tbe evening when business was bad, when be wax suddenly wanted. Another attache waa sent to kstk for him. The guy with the aearch warrant was accosted by the manager thnsly; “Where are you going?" On an errand.” “What?" “To look for Mr. Smith.” “Y'on go back to your tent; that is a job for a boy scout!”

THE NEW DERBY RACE COURSE Is a big. fla.shy Pa<ldle Game, with cla's,fately carve*; horses. 14 inches bsig. It Is worked for doH-. (aiidy etc. Pays for Its* If the hrsi week worked. Write foi 1015 Catalogue of Moncy-Makirig < tsii-csslmis.


Tbe artistic temperament of George H. role- man was touched when he read the piece of poetry which was In this colnmn recently. George says he knows he is fat, but be don't go aoHind boasting about It.

The Real Money Maker


Send for Btxiklpt. < >rder at once. WM. H. OKSTERLE AMESEMENT CO., Inc., \orth Beach, L. I.


Ylcrry-Go-Ibwinil, llaiitaihai Hbiiw, ami alt klixls <t Amus*-mciita. Balloon Ascension f*ir July 5th. Nothing ilntiig fir Ihe slrcwig folnl men. To 'Dare |N-ill Jack” Hoar Are you contlng home for Ihe Fisirlli’ Address W. F MIIJJ'Jl, Manager tYmoeailiwia. New Matamoeta, IHilo.

■Mike Tro.v la now with the Metropolitan Greater Sliowa, managing and harkinx for the Water Show, and Mike admita that it Is getting the dough. He has ten nifty girls and one high diver, and is putting it over with a splash.

Paul Hunter—When X <«it of Tezas?

( . W. Parker installed a very Iwaiitifiil ma chine in a [>ark at Dos Moines, la., last week.

Rice h Dore’s press noti<-es at Wheeling, where they got their flrat weather and hiisinesa. were line—yea. aiii>erflne.

Dne of the Kastern showa ene<iiintereil aiiaplees last week, the live wire of w hleh was a wiHiiaii —yoiini. pretty ami unmarrle*!. Kvery Be<I.

Who was It said that advice was the only thing you could get f<.r nothing?

Fnficrsslmis waiite*! ig all kliwla. town. Welle ■•ft»\CF>*MII>NS.'

D/L| I V M Porcupine and Ba- **'^'“** * n W by make a great bally-hoo. Price only 110. Get 'cm for the 4th. .Always an at- traclirai. nj.VT, Nonh Waterford, Ylaiiie. Noe] Carden, talker In front of the Minstrel

Maids, of the Cllfton-Kelley Shows, had a peculiar audience in Cherryvale, Kan., recently. He couldn't induce them, somehow or other, to believe what he was talking abmit. so the germ of ihgeouity jumited Into hit think tank, an*!,

- FOR SALE - SLOT MACHINIK OF ALL KINDS for aale chsap. A.Idress SH'KING MFG. CO., 1»31 Freeman Are.. Cin< Innatl, O.

rjhj am

JUNE 19, 1915. Ttie Billboard 26


\ou can'i / y

my lor Gmm Conr V

All Kinds c< Sizes of

Cones Sell Ice Cre&m

Get Our Prices Con* Depart mml

3i2-V2W Seventh St.. Cincinnati Ohio

French Bros.-Bauer Co.


PILLOW TOPS Felt and Leather Gooda

Al.L sTYI-tUH. «iKAI>»~H AM» ITlirra* Write for (tiniplHr INI

PACIf^P PENNANT 4 NOVELTY CO.. 2M-2M Hr» HUh 8t.. _La Am.*... C.I.

URNIWICHOCOUTES I lb. Net—Looks Like 2 lbs.

A Ivte. flauhr boa. In red. whit, and blu. rlbboo. tied and wrapped In traiiaparent paper.

A BIO HIT FOR 0t»Nf»««10M8T8.

Proipt Dilifiry it 12.50 pir Dozii. Send SOr In atampa for Sample Packaa- Prepaid

ea.t of Mliatialppl Rlree.


;tur Oooda Speak for telrra.

EMIL R. NOFFMARI & SOI Maawtae.rtra a* tka


Sbootinf OillifiM & Tarfih SSIT So. Irrlng Are.,

('HUtAtXt. ILL.

BniM Bend laatnmieBts,

Dnmu, Unifomu, SvpplaM

Writ, for oar bt. rala- oritanla. a tiandf Writ, for full tafomua. tion and tell a. whaB liwtraiii«nt jroo aiw la- tonwiKd la.

LYON * HEALT 39.46 Adama Sc, CMnn—

SHOOTING GALLERIES The liest for the 1/eust Money.

SLOT MACHINES Bin Variety for IVnny Arcades.

DUMOND NOVELTY CO.,ScktMCtld|,N.r. WANT coon caaaivai comtanv

Por the llellerille. Kaiwaa. r-klr. Aufii.l 24 IT. af IrnKMiii aiul eirrtiliif t'lMiiilt aeat. III. ireiil W-wih

wIiHf. ('iNit'rMltBiA tl^tt wiltr. \V K. MatiM«r rtMii’nMlonM, llrMt*vllle. K<in.


Agents and Merchants W# will spnd you sample of our populap

American Beauty Vase Op 15wINCH JAPANESE VASE for $1.00

Note Profit. Retails for $3.60.

REPEAT ORDERS? YES. W* an grtllnf repeat orders dally on our blf Taluo line of NoertUtii and Premium r»tio<la. Jual the thing for the iSmchhoard. Paddle Wherl and Oandval Men. as wall as* tha N'oreliy IValers and Fair worker*. <»« our catalogue. W# will amd aamplcs of any artlclea you may aelect at whi>ltwalo prloea on receipt irf money order covering same. You will bo pleased. w.-. • .n


ahniit the trl<‘k Ininii'dl.t.lj jiaraphraarHl U».<l tRiioii’a faiu.wiH uiot, a'.pl w.rufe AH tli.ih "atif KiiM a One cuiiiiiiitt)'.."

Hill Kli'p'puta ruiirli (11. K.l in hla prean wwrk.

C. \V. Parker and lle<l tinlon Tl»lte<l the I'llflon Ke.lejr m lainreiiee, Kan., and re|a,rt that there la ipilte a buneli of real one. ill that trilie.

In the blow-<!.>«II of Hriinda.e'a No. S, at I.arne<l, Kan.. eTerjIlilii. went Hat but the rarrr iia all. .Maraliall'a IiUie Land top waa blown I lean awa.v.

t'ol. <•. \V. Parker write., under date of June "I am le.avlnit b.lay for a riait with the Prank K. I.a.iiiiaii Sle.wa, and pnihably the l.aila J. Il*‘ath .'4lh.tta, Heane. the World at lloliie. In llnliihine. and podiablv Keuutaly'a ■ Ml the wa.k hoiiii- '

TTe.iufli It raliieal inenty .even ilaya out of the thirty on,- in .May at tYindnnatl. the ba-al f<>re.-aater eaiiie out with a alaleiiieiil. June 1, that the total pre<dpltalion waa ,hi1.t .'t ilt imliea for Hie iiHMith. 'What?” in<|iilre<l a Tlinea- Star paraarapher tiiere<lii|.M|a:y. "Oh! he inuat mean fatleaiie!"

W. II lt'.>v put In a eioiple of data at l'!ne!u- iiatl laat w -. k. powera met him by aje p’llitiiieiil I Irena S<dlv liew lava elahii In item. In He Hill. Irlah ami the I llaTaPal one ami llieir bniieh ao aee hla ■■•diluin in future ia.iiea.

J. I». it'Nell rhief of ia»m‘eaahaia at the Panma Paeifli' K.\|Hmitlon. who wa. kllle.1 June

T. waa a I'bleairoan. lie waa fi>rmerly din'e’or ..f la.iiivaalona at Itlvervlew Park, realaii'nii at the id* .e ,,f laat a4*aaon to to Sail Pramdai'o.

Win. Jmikina Hewitt a|a‘nt aeveral ilaya at the Craiid P.'o llle i liii aKo. laat we<'k and l-'ft

to vlalt aereral ahowa in the Weat. He la aiaHitliiiC for aoim- one. .hut whom deponent

aa.teth not.

H. He Vanx. •(•‘ueral manager of the .Viuiiaeiiient < •>.. haa piirehaai.l a m'W

toiirltia ear. wbleh arrhi.l on the lot at Kair- Oehl. I.X.

Tv.rtider If Ruby Kalotkin ever xut hla tucka? Ilee hilt Kuhy waa aoiv atavut tlioae l.aika belna left liehlnil In New Y’,>rk at the I'amival Men'a .\>a<Mdation bead<|uartera.


tt'haa. lartky and I... tel win .Lnderaonl

We Ilud it tnlshty bard to wait For Tbiirailay'f Billyboy,

With aadneaa we await the date. Then revel in our J»*y.

We relegate nor bualoeaa rare. •Away back In the rear.

And brave Imleed is be wrbo dare. With ua to Interfere.

It'a anrely hani for ua to atate Which aectlon we like Iwwit;

•Lml all ita new. <air Joya Inflate .And brinfa na mental real.

To gaze u|H>n familiar face. Both new and of years paat.

Recall, to mind the many places We .aw them actinf last.

Tic RncIUh lancuaire la tt.) frail It. excellence to quote;

Tliptwnh aea* of Joy oiir pleaaurea aall. .And on the breeze, float.

We reck not of the pa..ina hours. For biialne.. we care not.

.A* over na .von hold such i.>wers. We're happy with our lot.

El>. MYTT: Tianka.

The folk, quickly calh><l a doctor. WImv cave one look and said;

•'Why Ihl* alrl Isn't sick at all, It'a work «he nce<la—not a beil.”

W« are open for a Good, Clean Car¬ nival Company for the week of July 4.


■'Hoc'' pronounccil my case aprlnc fever, ■Aw all Bc.hMilna «et In the aprlna

When they aee the trees a-huddinx •And the blnia bexin to alnf.

Ro I packed my thinxa and atarteil out Jiiat aa fawt aa I could Ro,

And Joined the closest carnival. The FAvllow and McFlellan's Show.

AFRICAN DIPS Oct the miaiey rvrrywhrre. Uulflt. Inriudliit tank, balla. front net, ito rope, and carrrtng trunk. Full lu- .trwrthMis how to set up Nothlne beats It for parka, eandvals, fairs, ri. All tor $4T oe. r. O. B. m- rata line-third rash with orOtr

COOLEY MFG. CO.. 5S7 Waal Maarss St.. CkItM*. HI-


WEKiHT. 15 <»Z MFIA.SI'RFLS 3« I.Nt'HKS. I*iV!*i the l>oU Bti«l It totually lualu* a long. .HicAdy

TRY like a lire B^y.


t:>«<l-h)p. OLD TEDDY BEAR!!! (hMxl-bye. LARQE. HEAVY DOLLS!!! (hM.I-bye, HEAVY


UNBREAKABLE CELLULOID HEAD, t ail You ImSfiaa the Flash Y’ou Han Make? Hu-

aiaa Natura Will Fall fur ThU Dad. They Oaa't Hatp It Your Whola Play Will Be Full of Aatlaa and Life. It Will Be a Plaaaura to Wsrk. IT WILL DRAW MONEY TO YOU LIKE A MAGNET. Tried out in .N. II. and met writh In.atamaiieoua .-UMna...

GET IN EARLY. GET IN NOW. t'.H In while It'a .New. SetiJ In a IMlar fur your Sample, charge, prepaid.

MARKS &. KNORING CO., 130 Pearl Strast. BOSTON. MASS,

SAMPLE SPIEL- Pooe little cldld! I" waiiia to go Itutne with yoti tJlve the ba’ty a home. It doewn't want a bottle. It want, you to buy a paddle. Tlie nhe lady will buy a paddle. IKn't cry, darling, all the paddla are sold, and you will surely gt. a nh« home. (Tlie dull keeps on crying while you are talking. Iar> you want anythhig more elTectlve?)

Your reading matter la supreme. And anawera all desire;

AA'e hive to follow every theme. With pleasure they inspire.

In fact, there l« ao very much That's K».l and nothing had.

That on earth's sphere there la mvoe such. •AH Joy and nothing sad.

Irving fiealand—Margie Ma.a-ui queries re¬ garding your dancing this aeaaon, anggeating If you t*o»b »« ''.America ” that you wear the beads.

Taut Bcrtialeln'a nnitorilronie Nvaala the only lady trick rider In Miss I« .Salle, a very pretty blonde, who <h>ea everything and anything any man ever dhl. ami along with Mlaa Cecil Smith. Hare IVvlI THIl and .SiM-cIy Webber, on auto and motorcycles, the allow la a cracker-jack.

S|>eaklng of the Fox Trot OIrla. with Heinz A Itm-kinann. ILihble Stevenson la a wlnde girl show III hentelf. Mr. Benjamin la nhaking hands with hlm»-df for having l.wiked her.

Rtwt all-year-round PuiiHiboard article uai the market. .Agents are making giwwl, plaHng them on ronaigiimHit, also aelling direct to aroall men-haiit.a fne caati. A proven amxew with Paddle WI eela. tSie operator uaeil S.IHMI Amerh an Hetiillea in aeven wtvka. If ycu don't want the sample, sen-l it back: we will return y<>ur dollar .Adilreaa

G. S. RICHARDSON. N. C. No. 123 West Madison St., Chicaf^o, III.

Little Wonder


When I arowe from be<l this morning I fi'lt so groggy aa ne'er before;

My head and hack aidieil terribly. •And 1 fell trembling on to the floor.

Gasoline Lights BEST SNOW LIGHT ON GARTH. Send for Catalogue and Pilca UaL

Little Wonder Lifht Co., Terre Haute, Ind.

L.ARGE CATALOO FREE. Knives, Watches. Pennants, Toy Whips and Oanca. TElUiS—Half Uepoait, bal¬ ance C. ty. U. Jap Canes, tk.OO per 1.000. best grade.



Neva Krech and Claude Tonrtelol. of Ihe niflon Kelley Shows, were niarrie<l Tuesklay, May 11 at Jo(dln. .Mo. Congrats.!

Tlie TihI.I Slaters i Sadie and R<lna). with IXdly I..v<Hia' Tango (llrla last season, planned to remain in vaudeville through the coming summer playing the Northwestern aectlon of the ibuintry. hut fivun the following vera,>a con¬ tributed by the comely little damsels it Is evident that they could not wltliatand the call of the midway:

SPHIXe, fever



WKT or I*1IY. NORTH or StH TH. RAST .w WEST. sr.NH.VY.S ,w WEEK I>.\A.S. the C.AKRIH SEL that stands the teal U a

DEIMXZEL TTiU hn.4 thp *tiM7 *lnce 1H67 ariAl n I>K\T2KL (URKOrsKL U the <5r**Ble*l Mtmey'iiuklt^g l^erlce ever ln*ta)Ieil In b l*nrk

WILLIAM H. DENTZEL. Mfr. 3MI GemiBiitowii Am., PhlUdtlpkla. Pa.





THERE IS A REASON. W« are getting out a New Price list and t'atk’ogue which describew the latest aiMItInns to nur extesi-

slre line. It glres wime <4 the Importers and JohiM-rs HK.VRT F.LILI'RK when they hear about <air goals and prices- Bl'T IT PLK.LSI-rs THKIR ITSTDMI'ltS—as well as oura, u> learn that we are on the job with some more new (-oea

WRITE AND LET US KNOW WHERE YOU ARE—WHAT YOU HAVE—WHAT YOU WANT. We are In busliieaa for Street men, Conceswionera. Paddle Wheel Men and Fair Worketw, WK .ARK


CUADinn A KARR latportars aag JaMart of Naesitka, Caaaa. Wkiga. Caafattl. Fair rhPSFYrY, Goagt aad StraataMa'a SuatMiaa aad All Klais at StuRag Toys,

320 South Street. PHIL.ADE:lPHIA. PA.

Hoopla Game, cooiplete, 500 Pieces. Prlaea. Hoops, etc. Improved Cana Assortment, 240 Canes, Including 100 Rine. Improved Cana Assortment, 350 Canes. Including 100 Rings. Improved Can* Aaaortment. 600 Canes. Includliig 100 Rings. Shooting Gallery Ouiltts. complete. I.56T ptecea. only. FISH POND OUTFIT, 2.000 ASSORTED PIECES OF PRIZES. ASSORTED. AND FISH. ONLY. ISO FANCY ASS'D POCKET KNIVES FOR KNIFE RACKS. 6000 FLASH. RINGS FREE. 200 FANCY ASS'D POCKET KNIVES FOR KNIFE RACKS, GOOD FLASH. RINGS FREE.

■>5.6# .0.60 IS.Ot 26.60 23.60

23.00 10.00 IS.OO


8y WILL J. FARLEY, Secretary

Tlie execiitivi- olHicrs In tlie li<>aili|iiart<-rt< of COMA are (xniiiilliii); a <«>rre<'t and ooiiiidete re<-ord of all tlio iiarkin;; and nntviiiK tariffa of all the railroada in tlie I'niteil Statea. It ia ex- Iiected that thla taak will la* eiHiipIeted in alaoit ten daya. and aa a'ani aa it ia. a qiieationaire will la* aoiil to the iiieiiihera and the l■<>lllllleneenlent of tho franiiiiK of defeiiae to put Ix'fore tlie va- rioiia railroada will have atarted. The founda¬ tion niiiat lie aolid and will he aolid aa COMA ia riylit—and rlKht will win.

Joliii Arthur Coliiirn. of Colmrn’a Oreater .Min- atnla. ta-.aine a iiieinher of COMA laat week, and thoiiKli Ida letter oontained f::.', for Ida ini¬ tiation and dura hia entiinaiaani waa even itreater than tlie iiKniey aent.

■I. S. Kritehlleld, of the Kadell-Kritehtield SiKiwa. alao joined, and aoiiie very valuahle data for uae of <X)MA has tieen received from Idni.

Usury ClifToni Laird, of the Laird Family ■Shows, entered Ida nieuilierahip on the roaler

of COMA, and with It atoit in hia willlnitneaa to lend hia every aiipiairt to the movement.

We iiiiiat have fifty more memliera on the ros¬

ter of CO.MA hy July 1. tlien wateh out for action. Send |n your application at once. lion't run for the waiton after it iiaa atarteil—yon iidxht atiimhle.

J. 0< irge laaia aent for an application card thie week, and will he a memlier of COM.C hy m xt report. I.aat week’a ItilllKiard tells of lawta’ last experience with the railroad and allows him juat la'w valuahle COMA, aa an or- kaidzati III. can lx- to all ahowiiien.

C. K. lieyerle, one of CO.M.WS moat eothn-

aiaatic menilH-rs, writes that he wanta some route canh, in onler that he mikiit k<-ep CO.MA IS iistantly in touch with Ida route. This la an all inip'ortaiit isiliit t.i the secretary. He aliouM kill XV at till times where to reach ever.v meinlier liromi ;ly. for when action isuiies it will come fast.

W. S. liickey writes that alaiwa are exiierl- encin;: isiiiaiderahle trouble in the Northwest

Ik- iiro.ociited as aiich. the city lieliia liable to iMiy daiiiaice they may incur," said Corisiratlon Cl uiisel Hadley in a (siiniiiunication explaiidiii; why u.> further ordinance was neceaH.ary to pre¬ vent stri-et fairs or carnivals from operatlen ill the streets of thU city. This decision was fiieil and it replies to |M‘titions of the .\ssocia tion of Coiiimenie and the I’eoria -Ministerial .ts- soeiation. w Iki askeil for an enactment which will leirmaneiitly prddMt such eiitertainmeiits fit 111 e.vldbitiiiK in Feoria.


.Minneaiadia. Minn., June k.—Harry Klitr. the •aialnal and only "llaba llaba" man. wiio liad liei'ii a public entertainer for over thirty years, died Sunday niirlit at the Asbiiry Hospital in this city of typhoid pneiiiuonia.

He liud bex'ii ailing for about two weeks previous t<i ills death, but inaiateil u|K>n working until Tuesday night. June 1, when he was re¬ moved to tlie hospital.

For the past five years Mr. Blitz had lieen featureil in Fatterson’s .Cnnex with the (treat Fattena'n Shows. He leaves a wife and son. v.ho live in St. Louis.

The funeral will he held tomorrow, ami the iHKiy buried in .Minneapolis. Mr. Blitz was a ineiiiiier of the Mooae Ixslge of Kansas City. Mo,, and the last rites will be jierforined by the local hidge. with the nieniliers of the (ireat Fatteraon Shows in attendance.


Akron. (».. June 10.—The Kutherford Creator Sliows had a very giaxl engagement at Erie, Fa.,

laat week, under the auapicea of the Maccabees. Erie was the niecca of aliowfolks. as the K. C.

Barkisit Slmwa exhildtetl at the other end of the city, and many visits were exchanceil.

Last Satiirda.v occiirreil the first wedding of the season when Jack Farqiiet. of the Witt Novelty Convpany, was united in niatrlniony with Sliss Margaret I.jinnon. alao of the Witt Novelty Company, which controls eight conces-


Must sentJ reference which will enable us to satisfy ourselves that there

is reasonable certainty your fixtures will be pulled off as represented.






We are net going; to accept business from irre.spionsible speculators

without auspices or backing.

Get that and let it sink into your understanding.


To send copy without reference (if you are unknown to us) will

only lose you a week in the matter of getting your ad in.

We are tired of spending three and four dollars in telegraph tolls

Investigating the representations made in $2, J3, S5 or $10 ads.




getting by with the railroads. There ia one thing iHiHitive and that ia if the abowmen of the iioiintry arc willing to alb'W the railroads to (Hit them "lit of biiaiiieaa they have no one to blame but theniselvea. COM.t haa lieen organ¬

ized for tlie purpose of a united action, and be- aides a defense will carry more weight and lesa cest to each individual than if tried alone. The o|i|a>rtunity to eliminate tliese unjust chargea is before every sliowman in COM.V tislay. If you are willing and aatlsfieil to pay these exorbitant charges and rates then (XIM.V la nselesa to you —otherwise Cl»M.\ Is an abaidute necessity for .VMir nienibersiiip.

S*nd in your application at onci'—<lo It today while it ia on your miiul. It is all iinisirtant to you and every showman—so why linger? .Secretary's ofili-e Is Sixth and Olive streets. St. Louis, .Mo.


San Kranuinio, ral.. —J. IL O’Neil, chief c<»fHeKMiDiiH at the raiiama-l’aeiflo Ex-

waM iM.KHihly fatally an«| a ♦score of {icraoiiH re(»*ive<l inlii'T hurt** yeatenlay when two coupled »tr<’Ot vnrn broke at the top <if the Htcep Fillmore street hill, pluntred down feet, ami c«»lli«li»<| witli two iipI»(^Hind cara. Hoth O'NelFa le>:t* were )»^»ken and hia

akiill in thon;;ht to have lM*en fractured. The catea on the di»wn b<'Uiid car!* were thrown

open at the first pliin'je. and aorne men pas-

Keiiitera leaited. .Most <if the paKHeiitrers t<»ok their chances with the cars. The passengers in the unbound cars, warned by shouts and screams,

succeeded in vacating b<‘f«»r** the crush.


Showmen are requested to l<»*k out for Stanley

L. .simaon. alias .Sam Shretch, or the man who groxva. and Oai'ar Solan, hia manager. After gyjiing many of the attache* of the Jarvls-See- man Shows they disappeared from the stsiw, owing the show some $lkO. after the manage¬

ment had kept them all winter, despite the fact that they had signeil a contract for the season.

When they left they owed every dejiartment of the show that was pcasible.


Feoria. Ill.. June 10.—"IJcenses to street fair* ."ind carnivals were always illegal. They are a nuisance in the eyes of the law and may

sicna with the above allows. They were the

recipienta of many valuable preaenta from the entire company.

Sam Meyers, of irase wheel fame, served the orphans of the city of Krle with crackerjack and Ice cream on Wednesilay afternoon, the day they were the guests of tlie shows.

The Baby Jim Show is a new addition to the Kutherford outfit, and ia getting gisid play.


Flttsburg. Fa.. June 9.—W. A. Cooke, of tlie Fl.vlng Allana, died at McKees Ib'cks, Fa.. last Friday, from injuries sustained In a fall fniiii his trapeze.

His moth-r, of Pallas. Tex., and Claude A Baine, a former menitier of the act. were sent

for, tut arrived at McKees Ibs'ks after he had passed away.

-Mr. Cooke put on the free attraction with the Great .American Shows the early part <if the season, and up to the time of tlie accident had tiev-n with the Peerless Xiio Slwiws. of which C.

F. Mitchell is manager.


WANT JUNE 21-26 BUT CLEVaAND, OHIO Heart of the city, Lorain .\ve. and 26th St., around West Side

Market House. First Carnival ever in the heart of city.)

Auspices Business Men’s Association. Concessions of All Kinds.

.Addre.<5.s CH.XS. HICASLKX , care of West .Side Market. Phone, West No. 1.

^Pn^AtinUfll Frpfi Artt wnterfl.X.S.K.WIP, chairman Husi- oeii5duuiidi neu auii, Market.

^hnwe (Platform in particular). Ridiii)' Devices, all others write or wire as per.roiite—ALLl.XNCK, OHIO, June 14-19; then CLHVKLANl), OHIO.


Bralncrd. Minn.. June 1<».—The Allen Show* played Miiincapoli* la*t wwk. exiM-rbnein-.: four day* <.f g'KMl weatlier, and did big hn*lni-*«.

"Tliree new attractl'in* jnliieil u* at B‘>«’lie*ter, Minn., i. e.. A. B. Schwartz and hi* racing aii- tialnime; G. J. Luca*. x*lth ill* new Trip to Mar*, and Capt. C. iJi Han-, with hi* Fanaina

Cur*i. \V. G. Hoffman, proprietor of the Coniniercial

Amii»einent Co.. aiu| Wm. %V<*df vlalted ii* at lb clientor. Tliey were ezhihiting at Stewart-

ville, a few mile* away. At Mlnneanoll* the »how was vlaltcd hy many

prominent railroad men and »how people In general.

Bnaln-** at Bralnerd ba* been very fair. So far thi* w-x-u ge have had two day* of rain.

G. (liollyl Lvona went to tiie hoapital at MinneaiMili* la»t night to have an iperaflon per forrneiL We all wl*h him a »,>eedy recovery.

C. A. Wortham vlalted tbe *ho»- till* »eek.

He wa» met at the depot by K- IL Sfr»nt'a .Mlll-

tarr Band. A plokel team from oiir ahowa played the

I’attera'm Show team la»t week on tli* Aiwncia tlon Grouti'ta. Mimieapoli*. and defeated tl'eni t i the tuns of 5 to 3. GUI Holland ia aome pitcher.


EAST TOLEDO, OHIO, JULY 19-24 Aiisilce* miteil Spanlah War Vrtcran*. yU-K Toleilo (Mnunerre Club; FyntHYSBI'HG. OHIO, JCLY M 31. aiiaplcxa IVrryaSiurg ilvlc .\«e<«-i*Ik>n Free nii main airm of Iwth citlr*. W.^N'Tyn^ lfigti-(Ya*> Wl'.l West. Wild Animal Arxvia. Hug and l*Wiy. Tin-In-(Hie. yVature Bla<-li Tup. Working World, Hr. All muH be clean, nural. meiiliirious slum*. WANT Big Wheel and ('arousH J B IlHiilrrslioC. Gorgeous Spxetaile. Fifty Years of Peace. 1* the fi-ature attraction. WANT y>tT Arts who can and will double above. Spa.e for llmitixl numtier of C<Nice»<lons with clean frame-ups. Mercbaiiu are girliig away atlmlsekwi tlckH* with cai-h sale, gtssl for pay shosrs and ivwicntnliais Cit>ai1ty biulnewa guarantred rain or shine Figlowli.g pssiple write iw wire; Lucas Bros,, Ktvois'kety, Jis-k Sblelils. !**• Hnwani, ainl any otberw wlio kxitm aa- Addrws J. B- HENDERSHOT. DIraelar, Statlaa A. Tatada. Okl*.



WANTED, GOOD CARNIVAL CO., CONCESSION PEOPLE, ETC. Grafters ai.d gamblers, ktvj) away. We want good, clean show* and concession* on ihe percentage basis, (let in ioiieh with R. L. (IKRSTKNH.M'EH, .Secretary Entertainment Committee, 7ti2.’l Monroe St., Eorest Park, Ill.

-WANTED- For July 5th Celebration Merry-iio round, Fcrri.s Wheel and .small sliows and oilier clean eon cessions. Address A. K. .STONK, Albia, Iowa.


L^ovlnoton. 111.. Auuust IT. 18. 10. 30 Best Milling Camp In .sttate. Fay day August 15. WANTyn* Smsatliaial Fivw AcU. Ftwrls WheH. Mo tonlnunce ronoatAlmui. M(iT> Round ami arNMl ('amlTal.

L0VIN6T0N HOME COMING A&SOCIATION. Hal Fottar. SMratary. Uvlaftaa. Illlaalts


Auspices of Masonic Club. S'.dt* shows ati<l carnival attractions. Send descrip¬ tions and terms—fiat and percentage—.\T (JNCE. T. T HU.A.SI), Jr., Chairman, Urbutia, Ohio. 4

Wanted, Good, Clean Carnival Co. Or IndetPrtMlent Attrartliwis. ASHI-ANO. .vyXi . Al f.rsT 3. 4. S. ( and T. five Mg days. Beat park In this part of NH.rssks Big npnwds every day. Write L. J. CLAYTON, AsAlaad. Nak. Give full .lewTliitkwi tf Isymit In first let ter.


(Ymeewslons t/ all kinds f<w sale. stMSit on Free Attrmtimis. Addnsw ED 0. MacOOWELL. fisa'Y.


Summer slid winter p<-ltl>Hi B<»kr<l s„:i<l si Wblie tlly. Savin K<«-k. Cimn . fr>r Ihe .ummer Msn want three Wiwkli.g Mrti with Ihe slinw Ibxsers and <hss<-T*. ii>*liliig iliiing

CAPT. LOUIS SORCHO, WhHa CRy. Savla Rork. O**.


Any igMKi Slifiw wlili nest frame up, (*«si<es.d<iti. i4 all kinds extepi grift KeiiiiHs'k. suspiies Bsiitl; l.l'«r' nvirr. (Pdiinebl Imalileiil. y>tli<Tilllr. all bma M'lw ibssi nsite li.ikT Wrlle iw wire

W. C. MOfFMAN. Llvarmort, la.. Jusa 21-23; Oaldfiald. la., Juaa 24-2S: Etthsrvllla. la.. Juna 2k-July 4.

Y4« wakt a kM arllk Iks advertiser wbas yau msiillaa wbal gager you saw hit ad la.


JUNE 19, 1915. X ti e Billboard 27

\ll.-ii mill iTKn Siiapimre an* wlllliij t'l so I',, liii'it fur till- Alli-ii Iriiiii.

I:. I', yurr baa iMimbliii'il hla Iw.i |,lt alH'Wa.

iiii.l liH« *a fr"iiia,je «'f mir 4wii biiinlrcil

It .'.TltiiiilT la >••■■■•' bU pit Kbi>«'. \t I.atti»'a iiiiw *• .HpiiiH . rt* ibiliiu a bii*.-

rlnwli-r Wflai* uiiil Altmi |■••t••rI*‘||l ban* lira.' Ilf til,- va«»- win 1*1. aiiil bavr u«t miti-

: liihii'il Ilf biialiic'H Ml far tbia waauii Ib-iinli*

i'liiii'b Miiil l-aiir.t StiM'kia bavr ib<* il>,|| Hlit*^!. x iii.- bU Haab. I'lirk I’l ti-ra aiiil Kiblb- I.*ilM.

nil tl.flr knife rark, an- alwaya in tne riiunliu 111 I ip IlH'Ill-y-tri'tl'Ta. \>'\t wi-ek it'a liuliitb. abiiwIiiK tbe K. of

I'- . .'lie llaniaailil atri llK.


i;. J. k*raenkel. of tin* New Toy Mfi:. I'u.. after :i rear of ex|>erluieutal work, baa ain-iaieileil In la-rfeetlliK a doll novelty that la due to ereate iv mild aenaatbm. So diatinrt a laoelty !« till, doll that It !• rumored J. R. Warren, of Itlverrlew Tark. <■bl^■a|to. la lamteinplatlHa bti.r- iiu the entire output In onler to eonllne It to Ilia atanda. .No biaber firalae than tbia eau la* .tlvi-u a iHiTelty. In the erent that Mr. Warren I. ia>t able to handle the entire output the doll Hill Itt releaaeil to all i-oneeaalonalrea.



WaabiuxtuD. I*a.. June Id.—WaabInxtiHi will 'a* a week of flnancial aueeeaa. The carolral bnaliieaa here baa been at a k>w ebb. It'a eaotla- tic to admit that the Oreater Sbeealey Sbowa. b.r itt bualneaa like metbmla, baa broken down iiiany a Imrrter here. Friday we are playina to the Inmatea of an orphanaite aiipiawted by the i-oiinty. and .Manaxer Sln-ealey baa thrown o|a-n the ibeira to the newatea of all |>a|a-rH and ae- eiir<al free tranK|airtatlon for them.

t'arniral (Moipanlea who ontemplate riaitinx here will ibi well to wateh the inorlnx picture felbiwa. They dialike to hare their bualneaa dia. arranxeil. Write ua if you want more imrtlcu lara.

aid |•lllTeIIe baa been called to Chteaxo by the eerloiia illneaa of hla mother. Kaplan baa cloaed bla tenta ami xone away to other flebU and flahinx xmunda. We all like Sam.

Joe Short and hla ahadow aecurer art* now l-aateil at Cedar Folnt.

l-'rank Reeil la bark axaln. diapenainx pillowa. Slim Clark baa made a reconl with Tom Mar-

tln'a llylnx Jenny. It waa ready fur bualneaa at n-ain Monday, and not a atirk waa nnloade,! nn- til the momlnx of the aame day. Tom haa adite,! three hundred Incandeacenta and a new urxan.

The .kthletlr Show waa adde.] tbIa week. Frank CnIBn. of R. I. a welterwelfbt boxer and flxht. er. la the manaxer. Tom Marvin, a middle welxbt. and Jack McMahan. Ilxhtweixht. alao l>ankie Howard, welterweixbt. from Cuba, are the principal boxera. Younc Papaa. a tireek. Invitee all comers, and the I-ady Jin JItau. Blaucb ItuCloae and Pearl Reid are addevl at trai’tbuia; alao a wrestlinx bear.

W. R. Riittona If a new cooveaaliHier. and ilHienaea the Juice of the apple.

Cicero Small baa Joined Happy Jack. Ha|>pT want* it understood that be Is the Happy Jack who laat year won the x«ld meilal .iffeped by the associated newspaper publishers to eatabilab who waa really the lancest man alive.

J<e Holland, for years boss ranvaaman with the Mnxivan Shows, la <Hir new master of trana- lawtatlon and superintendent.

Nemo, the Malay I*rince. la the late't aibtl Moo to the Ihwise of Many Wonders. Amos t li'kerw Ford Is In cbarce of that exhibition.



C W. Parker and Wm. Jmlklna Hewitt (Re,1 • bibinl were the xueeta of the show re,-ently. and M.|e our train from Ijiwrence, Kan., to Achl- »i,n.

St. J.weph, on the streets, waa a fairly x<aal one for the shows aud com-easbuia. tVe did m>t have any rain to Interfere with business.

Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. C. ITemlnf, of the Jarvis- S.-eman Shows, vialtiil our midway at Council BlufTe. la

.\ 11. Mitchell, with hla customary entbu- •la«ui. frameil a "bair’ srhlle we were In St. Jo-o-ph. and every one waa there danctnc until the wee ama* hours. dance a week" Is now the talk.

Mr. ami Mrs. Sweeney, wb<> bad the Jub'e Joints, left us Sunday, June 0, for the .American Sle.w s

Mrs Ibwa I>aoo had her mother as a visitor la>l we,-k

I. * . Kelley made a llylnx trip to Chlcaco to iii-ke railroad ontracta.

J I andea, »». I,. Tbompaon and W. S Ra-lxer. all of the Ijindea Brvia.’ ,k|a>wa. t*aik :i run over fnmi Wahiai. Neb., laat we*'k to pay u» a visit Ibasl fellows all, and we were ■■ they kum.”

Prof Slauilti. the leader of tilfbui Kelley's bsii-l. iHiw has nfteen men iimler hla baton, and l!,e> have rei-elve,l exi-ellent press mdli-es In tile eltlia we have playi-il. Mlaa Kitty Cherry ;iiid Mrs KIsle Kwell alnx with the ban-1

I* I. •iomea ha's placeil a Jub'e Joint. Karl Rei'bee ot>ened hla -Stadium Show at

■ ’oiiiii'll RIufTs. anil' made a bit rlxht off the '■••el William, the human crawfish, a’so Jolni'd •II Council RIufTs.



lirand Island. N'eb . June 1i> l.aat week I •>iiii,-.l otii badlv at the finish, rain axaln caua- liix ua t, I iH,. four days, and weak auapb'ea puttlnx fiirtb<-r dlfllcultlea In mir path. I.lncoln amad fie loit ibiwn aa anythlnx but a b|i«>mer

rile city Is hiwtile axalnat carnivals, la rule<l by a a4-t >f •ifliclala who try to worry the sImiw- niBii In every |ee<alblr manner, and carnivals will do well to xlve It a wide ta-rth, at least until the nreaent administration la out of lavwer.

We arrive,! here In x^Hbl shape Momlay laat. but lost the day on anniint of the lot heinc rtisMlnl onf. However, owinx to the food ■dUi'ea ami fivinx ahllltv of Smith Turner, who went to iMniha and xof ua iMTrolaaton to use the T, P. R. R. bn. We are comfortably set up ami the

BANNERS-SCENERY Th« Bast That Can Ba Producad By tha Bast of Artists.


Sand for 1915 Nat Pries Lists of Tanta and Bannars. SwMl tor our Caialocue on Rtulfed Text. PUlow Topa and Pcroolatots.


PrsaMsat. VIsa-Praaldaat 4 Trsaturtr.

22Se231 North Dssplainas Straat,


Chicago, Illinois.

£L9SE £L9eE

150 lbs. to the sack. Always good. Clean, live kernels that popl

No dust—no dirt. Less waste—more nickel bags to the pound. The curing of pop corn is an art which we have mastered. “Globe”

brand is the result. “Globe” is the best known brand on the

market—outsells all others put together—satisfies your custom¬ ers—will hold your present trade and attract new business. W9

w headqoarterB.


HERSCHELL - SPILLMAN CO. $8.00000 to 110.000.00 for twenty-alx

wc«ka ar« moderate retuma for Herachell- Bplllman tompahy'a Carouaaellea. Many opera ton report larger eamlnxa. You cau do the aame with one of our up-to- dato maebluea. We build them In aeveral atylea. two-abreaat. three-abreaat. four- abreaat and three-abreaat mounted on wafooa. All of tbene are more quickly aaaembled and taken down than any other on the market. Plicea maderate. Term# eaay. Purcbaaem xuannleed axalnat In- frtnxementa on patents.


I Sweeney SI.. North Tonowando. N. Y.. U. S. A.

STftEETMEN—1915’s BIGGEST LAUGH-CARNIVAL WORKERS BvcrTtxwly wlU laugh and tell their about It. Sella on vlghL Carried In vntt pivket. Alae 3x5 inctiea.

Where To Go After Taking in the Movies Somcflilnx rteb* Royv. g»< next! ifrler a umple. Agenta wanted, .klao big ncture Show .kitvevtblnx CriifMwiiluti Sample b> mall. piMipald l$c. two for tSo.

ORIGINAL NOVELTY COMPANY Box 301 Franklin, Ponnsylvanla

Corner’s Orangeade ami l_E2IVIONA.DE2 (Oricinal Powdei’s)

«;uaraiitre.l to .vuifiwm to all Ffleral l-awv One p.'Uiul makea 10 gallon* of dellcioua drink. Prk.. 12.25 per pmiad: aaaipl* lallM. lOc. Write NitW for Quantity

_the corner company, 250 Pvaatylvaala St., BuRala. N. V.

HIGH STRIKERS ahiMild be wondevfully atrxwig. attractive. lUU amuolh running, qmck to art up and take down, and convenient to park for cbecklng aa baxgacr. All theae featurea and more are nDbnitlr,l In tha N'KW ANWTKRltCBl} WTHIKta No, 4. Price, »50 Op. Write foe ctrculara._M, W. ANSTERBURC. Hmiw. Mlckipap.

SURE WINNER GAME And three other new Oamew that are getting the money, 'nie new apotted. noerlty Clown Hat, that makew a bit with tha klda. Send atamp b>r photoa and particulara.

BAUBE'S NEW GAMES, 621 S. Mala Bt., Elkhart, lad,

-WANTED- All Kinds of Noisltif Slot Maclilnes for Peony Arcade. AddroBB HURTIG & SE.\MON. 1571 Broadway, NEW YORK.

oiitlo-'k f -r tbc Inttor lulf <.f the »t-»-k U cii-

l■..uraxillX. tv- tlic |ilca.*urp of x-ttinx an ,-<li!"rlal

fr-ni tin- oiilv 1-ral na'ie-r lo r.-, om- tliat 1* n-t ill fb*- b.ibit of xiviiix a' -iHiiu-ii iiiiytbinx f-r iH'tliiiix. i->iiiidiiiiciitlnx Mr. \V i-sbaiii on bi*

iittrai tb II*. Ixts* nixlit. al.iiit !* •>'i'b ck. «• hciv vii.ifc-1

by a *ctcri* aloriii. wbl-li bb*\v Tbc Taiix"

I/111* i;*. Mr. W ■rthaiii bn* la-cn in Clri axo ami

wberc all t. c \vc«-k. Icavliix 111.tilt in ebarxe of W'.kI*. wbo i* ever «>•;< 'iii- on t'lc iiiidway. and who know* Jii*t Imw t « run tliinx* in tbc af-*i n"c <if the h-**.

K**lc Kay rc>dnc.l ii* bcrc. after a *i«cll of

*ii knc**. whi-b 111! apai-ltat,-d ber from w-rkiiix tbc la*t tbre*- week*. We wi-r** all xlad lo *••** br-r. c*|»c-iall.v tbc attache* of tbc S'*-ict.T H-r-o- Sbow. If b»ik* quite dillcrciit witboiit tbc fair

K**lc. .\lliaiicc 1* our next etopi'inx place, where we

play the Cattlemen'* Coiiyeiitloii. Krom adyaiu e r>|H>rt* we are In for a bix wi*-k. crowd* beliix ex|>e*ted there for the ee'ebratlou. We are '■n toe piihlte *trcet*. aieither **f Stev,- .\. * ma*ter »tr<'kea of bu*ilie**.

IVadwi.Hl and Itillliix* follow .Vlliaiiie. and that will be a* far We*t a* we will Joiirue.t till* *ea»on. We will then be xetlliix near «oiiie of the bIx date*, and ti'oilie back Ka*t axalii.



IH-catiir. III.. June in.—In *plte of the uii u*uall.r i*>ld weather which ba* |)revailc,l here tbi* week, bix crowd* have viaited .lur midway, and the patronaxe baa lieen fair. The abow* are l<a-ate<l at the race track, quite a little dietance from the bu*iiie*a diatrlct. but the car aervlce la x<»al and by riiiiuinx two cara to¬ gether have lieeii able t-i handle the crowiH both waya In nice *lia|>e^

A big IHtrade. In wblob the fraternal aocletle* and labor orxanlzatioua t<*ik part, featured the oiwiiiiix night, and the liiaiixural cei*-moiile* weri- Intereatiux and impreaalve. hiindreil* fol lowliix the pageantry to the xroiind*. althoiixb a Judicial election wu* held on Monday. Man ninx B. Pletx. promoter for our slmwa. worked hard here for three week*, and all of the native* knew we were coniliix. He pulleil off an ex¬ cellent queen'* conteat.

C. W. Parker paid ii* a vlalt Tiiesilay. and all were glad to aee him again.

Ben IkHlaiMi. one of the read oldtlinera In the carnival bualneas. who now realdea in Decatur. Jolneil the troupe for thU week. Hla preaence brought X'**! luck, a* the weather wa* not bad and the crowds large.

"Fat” Croa*. who asalata Bob Kennedy In looking after the train crew, met with a pain¬ ful accident here Sunday while unloading. The run slipped ami caught him acroan the t-ie* of the right foot. Injuring the big t«e cauialderably, HI* foot waa badly briilaed. and he consider* hlmaelf lucky that It was not cut off.

The Garilen of -Allah attraction I* making all the other features move right smart In the race for ti>t> money each week. Jim (Doci Barry, talker, get* the crowd* Into the tent at each performance, with hi* clean. Interesting expIanatioDS, and kmiw* how to cut in with emuigh giHxl-nattired remark* to keep the apec- tatora laughing.

Amorita. pnqierly crowned “queen of all dan¬ cer*." 1* the feature attraction of the Garden of Allah. Beautiful, petite, graceful, thi* lit tie woman haa earned the en<*>mluni* of the ore*, amt public, '‘he dance* with a poetry of motion that captivate* her audience*, and her be witching »mlle and womlerful Intenti-etatbin of the Oriental dance* are always rewariled by round* of applairse.

Mike ZInney. better known to the •how world a* Giillv Gully Mike. wbo. with Bab* Delxarian. own* thl* attraction, pleases the crowd* with hi* legenlemaln performance*, which are proh- ablv the beat ever *een on a show of thi* kind.

The Street* of Cairo, through which the ai-ec tator* t>a»» before entering the amphitheater, are a rare treat.

Tke r«n T. Kenneily ba*eb*ll team playe,! a game thl* morning with a nine c«mpiv*ed of the Kmprea* Theater employee*, ami It wa* rare sport and fun for pl*.ver* and spectator* alike. TTie Decatur boy* secured the moat run*, but had very little to *pare and were kept up on their toe* *l: the time.



During the m-mth of .April the J-dinny J. Jonc* Exi*>»ltlon Show* experienceil hut one d*v of rain h«-avy en-uigh to Interfere with bu*liie»*. hut May ami that i*>rtlon of Juno which ha* passe-l have been markeil with iinuKual activltv on the part of the rainmaker, to the dellxht "f the riirallatlc dweller ami the dlacimitlture < f the J.-n.'s carnivalitea. .At I-«ck Haven. la*t week's staml. the show* were iir.ahle !•> ••|•efl mi all on Weilneiulay. ami Monday'* o|H-u'ng at the "Capital of the W.wld." Dubol*. Pa.. wa* marr*-d by dark cloud*, which comnit-m-ed to gather lu'fore nightfall, ami ciilmihaled In a heavv downi»>ur at h o'clock, which <-lear,H| flo- lot of tile large crowd of DuNd«lte* wli.> ha I turned lUit. d*-»|dte the threatening a»m-i t "f the wiather. t<» hid welc,'nie t., tl ciy fclh'W town*nian. Joliiiny J. J"iie». Tu«-*il*y 1* . ff--"'.' an Ideal brand of weather, and If *iii-h --"U'll thm* I'oiitiuue there I* every rea*-ii t-- l-ell.-te that the l.*-al eiixagenient will he a pr lltah'e one.

The amount of *]>a<'e twlux dev.>t-d hv t • Ihihiu* ilallie* t-» the Jone* Show* U *•• iiiiM*''al a* to warr-int *i>e<-lal mention, .\tour ••ne ' alf of the front page of The J->uruar* M- n-Iav N-u- wa* . ceu|d,'d hv r-vlew* .-f ti e *how. e-h-xle* of It* pr.q)rletor aud coinplinientar.t incntl-ii of varhni* m*-iiilier* of th,- coiiipaiiy. In add'tioii. the entire paiH-r wa* he*trewii here and ti er*', with abort m'tc* n-feriiix to tin- In.llvldital al tractliui*. John AV Moore, geiieral illre.-tor of puhll-itv i* remainlux haek with f c *h-w t-i* week which, in addlthui to loliniiv J '• i*.|»u

larlty In Dub-d*. >l-'uhtle»* a.-.-.nut* for the

splendlil pr*'** •bowing. Right lovallv did the official* of Ia«-k Haven

tn-at the »la>wfolk during their atav in f at citv. B-*h*ilii* everywhere should know that the IIiMK-rahle George Kreamer. Mavor of l-ia-k Haven I* a true frieii.l to wanden-m. a prln-e of *01*1 fellow* ami genuinely deiiVM-ratlc Iwtth

a small ''d"!. The Trip to Mar*, which ha* been equipped

with many new device* In It* Interior make-up.

(Continued on page 34. t

JUNE 19, 1915.

Our confetti sells itself Display it and people buy it. Made round in shape and in

many beautiful colors and white, we believe it to be the most attractive confetti on the market.

By our special patented process every pound is absolutely clean, freed from all dirt and lumps. Get our price and sample before buying your stock. It will pay you.

Our big free catalorae is yours for the asking. See our line of slappers, canes, flags of all kinds, streamers, etc. Paper goods of every description. Hot air balloons, parachutes and air ships.

The National Fug Co., Cincinnati, o. “Fifty years of knotting ho*^“

WHILE THEY UST!! SOUVENIRS FOR FAIRS, CARNIVALS, Etc. POPUIUE 80N0* (rccuUr *5c •h««t mudc). bj World-riawras AuUion. roiCPLCTB WOEDS A IfTTMtn K A8SOB7EU HITS. Writ* for IM. S.OM LoU. IHe pw oovr; l.M* LoU. le Mr ooM- SM or Um. p« eopr. SLME MUSIC CO. (Dofl. I) |M Wool MtS St. Mm

PADDLE WHEELS 3t Inrfaco in dUmMer. with either

60. 90 or 120 Dumbm. The tM-«t ot thrm all. CT cn KI’fXaAL BFI'XnAL PRICE.SI.SIW

IMPROVED COUNTRY STORE 26 tnchea In dlamrler. oak #0 0(1 niiluh. .al’WIAL I’KKtE

CHARACTER DOLLS Ret next to our Holla Larcer and

Oauhler. You ran’t beat thcia. We don't UT much, but we're there wttb the foods.



OTW OATAiAiarE rR££. SLACK MFC. GO., 337 W. Madison St.. CHICAGO, ILL.

Good Music MEAU Good Business

No. 0ne -54c a Set. No. TwO ’46c a Set.

.Alliiiuy, June t1. The Clark-t'.iiiklin ShnwK. in <'<injunetluii with

the .Maeialwe Carnival, which el-Wil a w«*ek'a eiitt-akciiieiit here lant iiiKht. proved a hi): failiiiv through tne liiterfereine o| i;(.orae H. Went, an

lit of l aw and Oriler la'airiiv of the Xcw York .State Civie I.ea;:iie The fra teriial order he^t ♦."eai. Went made the c.«ii- plallit to the ledlce that );anihliii|: devicea were lieiiiK oinrated and the ehief wnt hla iin-ii to clone up everythin): that Uniked like a fame of chaiK-e. When they f.d tliroui:h nothin;: re- niaiiieit hut the merry ito-r«>iiiiil and aerial MW iiifa.

J. W. Conklin, one of the ownerM of the Clark Conklin Sliow. throiiith IiIm eoiinwl. made an applieatHUi to Jiiattee llaMhrouek to have the Al¬ bany allow eaiiMe their action.

ThiM effort wan made for the piir|KiH«- of know- Inp at otn-e If Went him the rlitht to f.dlow the hIm w from city to city an,l cUiae up Ita lieat attraetloiiM Every o"neeMMion of Mklll waa chiaed hy the jadlce. The attorney for the allow jieople made a iiHithui for an iiijiinetion reatrainliii: the ledice from Interferlni: with auch iraniea known aa "awat the tly." "Inaip a la" and "ai>ot the a|a,t." The argument waa that the faniea were tlH'ae .If akin and acleiice and not itamca of chance. The motion waa opiaiaeil hy couiiael for the iKillce department.

JiiHtice llasbroiick denied the motion.




Ruthrle. <»k.. June Tbia la the Sfth week for the Heed Rreater Sla-wa In Oklahoma. The coudltbua ka>k fiaal. but rain liaa interfere.1 materially with the biiainiiia. The ihow laat week playeil Kl Reno on tbe main atreeta. Thia w-«‘ek It U alao playinf tlie main atreeta In Ruthrle, and llkewlae io Knld next week.

Tlie allow auffere,! a terrihle hall atomi at E;ik City week before laal. kllaa Halay Temph- W at over l.'dl dolla.

F. E. ilanire, fenerat afent for tbe Ree»l out St, liaa a double.Iieader for the K<*urth. one •pot lui the ‘Al and .Td and the other on July .'i. 4, and T. Ia<tli on a honua.

Tbe eomiMny will atari North aa aoon aa the wiather permlta.

Tbe line.up la aa follow a: Rob Jewell'a Motor drome (four rldera), Cialy'a Mlnatrel 8la>w (fourteen imoplel, llaiM-oni Faulkner's lOln 1. Tom Klaaay'a Rlrl In the Taxi. Frank Aaber'a bWlucateil Ihifa and lloraea. Htrlcklamra Wlbl West SImiw, Prof. J<» IleAndrea'a Rami and twenty cnneeaalona. Jack Kelly .and Slim May Wined last week. Kelly with three itorea and May with two.



TIh* MetroiKiillan Hbnwa ex perleiM*e<l their Brat week of Inclement weather thIa aeaaon at Piilaakl, Va., .May 3|.Jiinr 3, under the aiiapice* of the Pulaakl. Firemen and Hoae Company Jiiat wh-n rverythlnf waa In readinawa Momlav evenlnc. It ralneil heavily and rontlnue,! until Hatiinlar, when (Md H<d came <rtit and the mid way waa rrowd«-d with |>e.>ple. who a|>ent their iiKHiey freely. Ihirinc the week, howerer, ipilte a iiimilier of |w>o|ile. carnival hunicry. hrave.! the weather, wearinc raincoata ami carrylne unihr.dla«.

Tlic Cabaret ami Oriental ahowa hare receive.; their 11‘wr tops, li.iy Carey and the writer ha'*' ala<i receive^ tlieir new to|Ni for the (Wdl wlnod and Ball |cmd, rea(M*ctlvely.

II. K. Newman has arrived amt started oet an efieclal proneder ami ipieen <vinteet man Charles Tale |a oiir oflier piswiader.

Reneral Ayenl Marry Ramlnh reports an ev eellent rmife contracte,! fiw this neanon.

Tile Metroiedltan SImwa iMinehall team will |da.v thr,... ,:nniea this week (June 7-12l lliiena Vlata. Va.. where we are ahowlnc umlrr the aiis|iicna of the haeeball aaaoclation.


Waahinaton. la., June 11.—E. R. Ernst has Joined the American Amunenirnt Company as •(leclal akent amt contest man.

The American Amiiaement Company has slam-.l contracts for a Ids Mmaie Carnival and Fete at Davenport, wek of June 21.


Does This Look as if “We Are Getting Away With It?”


The Hoard of Trade, North Toiiawanda. S. Y.. in idaimiiu to Imld a monster street .u-lehratlon on Jiilv 5. Wallace R. Palmer la chairman of the aniUKUuent and conceaaion committee.

Paddle Wheel & Punch Board Operators

Writ^ fnr mir big lUt of real U^tlmnnUl rr(*in prnprlH.ini of large Roller Riiikit. fine i'aiYHiaelii. .Merry ■Kk>-K4HituK etc. Ask f(< our ratak)c\i«* tif late improved

IF YOU WANT FUSH AND VALUE-HERE IT IS Na. Oaa—A set of six. full stie. RENTTNE H.LNT>-PA1NTK1> cups and saucers. In pasteboard display

box. In lota of 60 sets or more at one time, the price Is (INLY 54c a set. Less than 60 seta. Ihe pricT la .59c a set. Aaaorted patlenia, or all one kind, aa you wish.

Na. Two—\ set of alx, full slae. TYPIC.AL J.AP.4NERE cups and saucers. In display box. 60 sets at one time, ONLY' 46c per set. Leas than 60 seta, the price la 49c a aet. All one dtwlfii.

In orderinc, please bear in mind the correct prices for the quantity ordered. Pcwltlvely no Ies.s than 60 aeia of either sold at tbe lowest price.

Catalos of other chlnaware bsrcaina FREE upon request. If you mention your business and Tbe Billtaiard.

TAKIT0,06AWA&C0. ( The Vaee ),327 W. Madison St., Chicago, Eaatsra Display Rsaai. 2S Faili Plaes, Ntw Ytrk CHy.

I.eham>n. Ind. itlitor The BlltlioanI;

Just a few line* In reyard to free passes to (rove that fcood, clean s1m>ws can run without lllim: the shows nlyht after night with dead- leads.

The Wm. Rause Slmws carry e'glit clean diowa. merry-go-round, ferrl* wheid, nnitor- Ironie,' is-ean wave, twenty concession* and a wenty-Bve piece band, ami travel on a api^clal train.' The shows have been out just four *e,'ks. and In that time there have only been dxteen passes given out, averaging four passes tor each town.

Now. If Mr. Cause carrlml a cooche show, a 'airy-lii-tbe-well show and strong gambling rallies, he w.Hild have to fl<sal the towns with (Hisses to square tln-m.

Tliank (J<sl I am with a real clean carnival iiid llkewlae a real clean manager.

Y'oiira respeetfiilly. C.AP STEW.LHT, Mgr. .Angola, the .African Gorilla.




Editor The Billboard.

Cincinnati. C.

Dear Sir—1 wish to congratulate you and voice my hearty approval of the atand you have taken in regard to truth and veracity in tbe future columns of Billyboy. This policy will he the test ever inaugurated by .your editorial staff. Many hard-working troufiera have lost their bank rolla through a "bum steer” aa to eonditiona In certain territory by jumping long distances only to find the boasted proafierlty a "press agent's dream.” We all enjoy the weekly lettera from tbe various Bedouins, and tbe old-timers have little dlfliculty in reading betwe»'n tbe line* of the average press agent’* "dope." Now, let'* all "come clean” and be truthful, eapertally during thia depreased (?on-

ifltioii. Ill tile past a great iiianv of ua han hesItatiHl and refrained fro,,, sem'llug |„ Icttirs iM-.-aiia.- we <sHihl md ddimate truth fully ii|a>ii the tiiriiaway crowds. unaur|Msa,,| features ami general ttiswia-ritr of oiir various orguiilxatloii* >Y,r Ihe past two seasons It h.i. md Ihh-ii a strawlM-rry ami lie ciH-am fes||\.Hl every day f<e the different trieks. and all r»'al show men know It. Wie n hiiaiuesa Is fair, sav so, ami when It's bad In a given territory ..ny so In a like manner. It la no diagraee to'play a hksimer <M-easionally, and when we do, Pd''- lie lamest emiiigli to say so. and isHialtily keep aoiiie brother profeaHloiial from hitting the las-k. In the same territory later.

Wlaliing y,*i ams-esa In thi* new policy of the "nniimxxled truth.” 1 remain

Y'our* reaiM-elfiilly,

W. L. gncK.

Klee A Quick Amusement Co.

ENDLESS PAPER PUYED BANDS All of the late popular, snappy music rraily for quick shlpmevit. Send your wvmi out (Irgaiis to us fur expert repairs. EMimates fundslied promptly. Priors rlrht.

North ToRiffindi Misicil lostriient Works NO. TONAWANDA. N. V.. U. S. A.

was a<n<sliile| for .May I'd. bad b. lie isHdis.ned to w*H-k of .May ;|| ,*■ actsmiit of rain

F.d three da.>a prior to May we had steady rain. Inil deagdte the rain ami wet groiimla, we were all a«d .Ip ami ready to »|ieu May "(I

">* llic morning of Mav M tild 8 1 came .mt In all hla glory only t» Iw put out of business

als.ut ms.n hy heavy hlaek rhmda. and after laying off for . ne day (May 'J.-,, the rain was

with na again, ami It ismtlnueil to rain until Siimlay, Alay .'Id. making tbe iHHiiitry mail* al most iiniHiaalhle t' travel on ami tying up aev era I of the railroad Idaneh lines |n this virinity

With ttie eleinelita against ua. .Air Savhlge dechlcil on Ylay a«. to |iMat|ame our o|H*ulng t - the following .Momlay i.May .11). m. he eaii celml IlksunBeld. .\eh.. wlileh we had eontraete.l f.H- week of May .11. ami we o|Hne.l in Waine .Mom'ay. with the rain still with ua. Ami It cimtinued with ua all of the week.

The tmldy liear ami amsikiini* stand (W A Clark, manager I. did a nlee hualnesa despite the weather. Mr. Clark has a fine outBt. ami It makes a great flash.

.Ma>.r Rani, the midget, also dkl a nl.-e bus Ineaa. aa dkl |). J. (lark iHadl. with hla dart gallery, ami Henry llemdd. with hU vaiimis (tklKVlMliotlfi.

Til#* .\iiluial fxlilbit. th^ niprry-r>>*n>iiii(l aii'l the ferria wli,-el were all well patronlie.1 when tlif Wf*at!ier |H*milttRsl.

Tlie eating "jolnta” this season are a little alKive the average amu with a owmival. partlcu larly the one owne,| by Kehkirff A Braahaw. w’lilch la m«H‘e on the oriler of a mislerti res taiirant.

The Waller Kavidge Player*, in their large canva* theater are the big feature of the car nival and -Mr. Savhlge thia season has a com pany that far aiirimaaea that of any prevkms aeaaon. The a<H-nery has all been repainteit an.' a couple of new seta addml.

The free attractkin. giirrry, (iramly ami Z*1 da. offer a clever tr»|iexe eontortkin act.

Tile bami of sixteen pleeea. under the dire tkm of I>H» llaaaetl. and the orcheatra, under the dlrei'tlon of E. .Arch, fumlah the miiale.

Advancement la Mr. Savidge'a motto, ami he has certainly carrieil It out b> the letter this aeaaon. a* the ramlval la larger than ever.

At thia writing we are all kaided and wall Ing to jump to Crofton. Neb., for week of June 5. it has atoppeil raining and here's hofilng Pt a dry a|H*ll for a change.


Miniieaisdia. on the streets, under the auspice* of the YVeat Side (•oiiimereial Club, was five di:ya. It rained Saturday. June T>. and that cut into the week's r(H-eli>ta. but did m>t inter¬ fere otherwise, as we were <Ki the atr(^ta. and oiir nHivemeiit was leas than two mile* to a d-fferent liM-atlon on I.«ke street. At this writing. Monday night. June 7, It ksika even twttiT than last week.

It la with ppifoiiiid sorrow that 1 this week herald the passing oil of a real troiiisr. Harry Blit* the original and only "Haha Haba" man. w1h> died Sunday. June 4. in Aabary Hospital. Minneaiadla. He waa taken sick over a week ago. and. altlaoigh fmdliig very had, he insisted on working the o|H>ning Momlay and Tuesday I May ;{1 and June 1l here. Tuesday night he gave" up and was removed to Aahiiry HoapltA*- where hla alliiieiit was promainced typhoid pneu- .. Harry had eiidearvHl himself to thou¬ sands bv his wonderful oharacterixatkm of "Tli* Happy 'll.itteiitot.'' He had lieen a [Mihllc en¬ tertainer for over tlilrty years, and waa km>wn all over the wis-ld. Among hi* effect* were hundred* of letter* fmm little children who thought of their "Haba Hal.*" jn*t a* they did of their Santa Clan*. These letters were a source of great pleasure and pride to Harry throughout hi* entire life.

Major Dummoiul and Mis* Rrace Do.vie were iinitiHl In marriage In Minm-aisdis Tliurwlay. June .1. Our general agent. H. 8. Nove*. «|>ent last week with the «ls)w. and entertained Charley YA'llann. of the RIngling Show, and Mr. Ballinger, general agent of the Spark* Show. Floyd King, of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Show, was also a welcome gu(‘at.

Moving picture* were made last week of Major Iliimroond'a flght for life with the untamable Hones*, and tlie Patterson herd of elephants In the water. They were taken by a weekly fllm service company, and will la* exhibiteil thrmigh- out the country. The o(ierator reports that they are very remarkable pictures.

The hew ah ffsvt flat that was demolished In the wreck we had last fall in S^sikane has l«een entirely rebiilN. and Is expected to arrive at Minneaisdi*. This will make thirty car* in the train, ami mine of them less than 40 f(H-t long.

Three performing Shetland p>inles and an iin- ridahle mule were sold to the Maclkmald Circus la*t week. ThI* was some of the sba-k broken for iHdliiig last winter, and left on the farm.



I’n-liiiiliioM arraiiKcinriitii hav*- 1h* ii i-oiuplftrd f. r tlif tuimlriir r.iaiii|>l<>ii»lii|> iiK^t t4i Im* lie il at I .■ I.iiiia 1‘arli Itlnk, <'liarl<-«.t"*n. W. Va.. ulart- Ih;: Jm!)' aii<l I'liahiiK JolT <1- I'rp'liUiil J. K. t r .wU'.v and Cein-ral Vlaiiaa r il, ,.r llif I.iiiia I'ark .kiiinm-iiiciil I'ark. Kill <1 iiatr ..I iliaiiK>iiil otinldml a’‘l<l ■■■•^lal In tlif K'liiiifr of lie cliaiiil'loiiahiii. The W eatmi Skailin: .Va- ..■lat.oii Kill alao aKanI to tlw ktIiiiht of tbr lit.)- a allii-r lovliia i-iiii. Kalp Wan-, a r the I'lihaicv Itollrr Skate t'ouipaii). llili-aao. Kill pi I lip' a allver KiTliiK t-iip anal inealal, t le cup ;; llii: ])■ M-a-oinl plai-e k Inner, while tlie iioalal Kill U- iP-aMl for the lieala air aeiui-tlnala. Ji-aae t'lrer. maiiaaer aif the rink, will put up a a-iip, Kbile the niera-hanta anal oMiem In the akatlns icaine will ihuiate raliiahle priaea to he awanlial t.a the akati ra In illlTerent waja. Kntrlaoa have atarti-al raHiiliic In at a pretty aa <h| aalt. anal an far who have atateil tliejr woiihl aiaii- |iele are llowartb l(a-aiiiiiaint. aif t bla-aa*'. chani- |i|on of llllnola; Kalille Kraho. ef ltetn>lt. a-haiu- lilaan of tlie State aif Mli-faiaan; Caairae llevliie. of Milwaukee. Wla.. rhainphai aaf VViaa-onaIn; .VI I.. I>tta. of Kaa-kfairil. III.; laae t'aplan. aaf l-tttahiira. 1’a.; fharle-. f. Ilutrhlaaan. of .Vhllenc. Kan.. tiMl William K Kiiae. of llila-aro.


It la not to lie taken for aranteal that each toKn that aiipporta a lairtahle rink will he In on the araftliia enal of the aame aa waa tlel- Kein. It., (luiina lha- rea-ent atay In that town lay J. J. Jai-ohy. Tlie rink ilhl a line hiialoeaa f.’.r ten atralaht week*, anal waHihl have ala.veal lianaer anal rakaol In the ahekela hail not the laH-al oflii'lala a<S quite amart anal atui-k up Mr. Jai-adiy for an extra $.'1 for eaah aea.lain he ran. Of laiurae tbia haa ha-en arcounleal fair In tbia way. The portable ran the picture tbowt amt of hiialnoa. anal naturally they atarteii the

nia>irity of |MMi|ile. yet It !« a htialneaa of vaat pro|airtiona In Khla-li Iniinenae aiieaiinta of a-api- tal have la eii. aihl are lein lieiiiic Inveataol. 'Hie roller akatinx amAaeiiieiit la not ainly coiiIIiiihI tai ritlea or townt which aiijitiort huilalliiKa for the rlnka. hut of late yea-a the elao-tric railway avaleiiia ami rallniaal a-iHiipanlea what have eatah- lialianl ainuaeuient iiarka air ri-aorta In or near the |aa|iii|aiiia avntera. have a-reateal a aleiiianil In nearly every luatana-e for a roller rink. Then there la the lairtahle rink tliat la fa«t liriuKlnx roller akalinx to the front, eapao-lally in the aniall towna that can not afforil a hiillallnx to he uaa^l for roller akatinx. The xanie la atlll xrow- inx a ml haa not aa yyt reai-heal Ita limit.


E. H. i'bapman, nianaxer of the .Vruniry Kink, Sprlnxlli'lil. III., la arraiixinx a akatinx act for bla ilaiixhter. Mlaa Marxaret. aeven yeara olal, who will play the aumiiier rlnka thniu.'b the Statea aif lllluola. MUaourl, Kanaaa, Mlchlxan anil Indiana. .Mlaa Marxaret haa h^n akatinx for the laat two yeara In rlnka her father haa ofieratml. and baa already xlven crealitahle ex- blhltlona In St. laiula anal other plai-ea. t'reallt for her akatinx ability la due to Ba>eman ami .Vnderaofi. who are now on the I'antagea Circalt. I.lttle Margaret will ilo a llftea-u-mlnute fancy akatinx act: alao apeaol ekating. In which abe la very clever.

ONK .VKMKIl SK.VTEK ENTERS .VTIII.ET1C8 Max Ileaa. the oneartuoal roller akating

rhani|i|on. better kmiwn aa ".S|iecial llellvery” Ileaa. the Sa-rantam. Pa., wamaler, made bla debut on llecairatloo Hay aa an athlete when be lami- (leteil In the V atbollc Club'a annual meet. Ileaa cainiiieteal In the 4-10 ami HMhyanl eventa, and Hie one-mile run. lie Bnlah^l fanirth In all three eventa, making a aplemlhl ahaiwing, when It la tai be conalderaal that Ileaa waa mit ex-


The atay of Chet 'P. Crawford In -Vmerlca waa of ahairt diiratlain. The man who hea-aine farooua all over the world aa a great rink promoter ami builder apent Jiiat one week in hia baime country, ami aalle<l away laat Satiir- ilay faar lamilon. Mr. Crawforil. ahavrtly after the war broke ont. maale an arrangement with the Rritlab Government to anptdy aaihll- a for the cavalry and it waa on hiiaiiieaa of thia kiml that he came to .Vmerlca. g-dnx on to St. lyiaiia to cV-ae a deal for liai.OiNi aailillea to be dellveraol to the Engliah Oovenrment. During Mr. Crawfonl’a ata.r in New Y)>rk be waa at the Mc.VIpio ami welcomeal many of hia old frlemta. He had Intemleal to remain in New Yavrk a while, hut an urgent cable from I»ndon forced him to depart.


George < allia’ Rink at the Se.H Ba-aoh. C-mey lalaml. had big crowda laat Saturalay anal Sun¬ day when the writer bappeneal to chance in that way.

LILJ.I.VN FR.VNKS PLE.V.SED Lillian Pranka waa the iaieal attraction at

the Sea Beach laat .Satiiralay night and gave a aiitaerb exhibition of clever figure and trick akating which wa« grewtly appraM-iata-al by the large crowd. Many prominent akatera came down from New Y’ork to aee the exhlMtion ami ap- plaml the little blomie lady wlio haa become ame of the moKt popular artiata that thia reaa>rt haa aeen In yewra. Lillian Franka. with her pre-aent rotitine and act. la a big attraction in any rink and will go towarala the promotiaHi of roller akating. McCLEU-V-NDS BC.SY IN POP.T.VBLE RINKS

The McCIellandg have been buay right along in the |>urtable rinka throughout the MUIdle Weat all apring and are well bookeal up thnmgboiit the Indiana ami Illimvia rlnka during June and July. Laat week they were right ckwe to the writer'a liome. playing GaMMlIaml ami Ba>awell with aplendid aucceaa and goavd bualneaa. .Mr. McClelland la featuring a death-defying atunt



.Vfter yeara of atruggling with the one- nightera. O. J, Delta, well-known agent anal manager, haa bought a road havuae anil aaaloam In Sa>. Janeaville, Wla. O. J. atatea that all old frienda are welcome at the .Vuto Inn.

(yrll Smith, who haa a|ipeared in The Debu¬ tante and On Trial, la a|iending a few weeka with hia parenta at Pertle Springa. Warreiia- burg. Mo., previoua to an engagement with the Cnlveraal Film Company.

BUY 4 SELL NEW AND USED ROLLER SKATES— (Nona Such) Roller Rink Floor Surfacer. which makea the floor clean and akatea from allpplng No durt: 4 per pound. Aaiarlaaa RIak Saggly Ca., Saaduaky, 0.

10,000 Sqiari FmI Porlakla Mipli Flaoriof .Vlao aecond-hand Kenyon Portable Rink Building. '.Ixl-Va feet.


Grace Hrlalne and Kdatle Baaartt. wSoae dewr law akating and dance pnalng are attracting the at¬ tention of the New York public. Him Betaine U a alater of the popular actreaa. Billie Burke. Mr Raa- adt won the amateur flgurr Ice akating champliaiablp of Amrria-a. and aliKw benimlnx a peidrMlonal. hr la conaldered by all great akatrva aa the laat eord In figure akating. Mr. Baaaelt la alao one of the Board of (>mtrol membera of the .National Skating Aaaawiatlon of .Vaaertca. I aaeana money In the naan-

Wa can ra-wtieel any equip- and aupply repair paru for

tiv-uble. which enaled In the demand for $3 a ae«alam. Some graft, but this la where the |a>rtable wlua out. Mr. Jacoby moved bis rink ta> amdher tivwn. aa It la cbeaiwr to invave than pay rent, eapea-lally S.T a day extra.


E. M. ('aaa|>er 4 Sa>nn. with heavlqiiartera at Ootiey lalaml. N. Y., have Inatallevl a akating rltik at Olean. .N. Y’. It la a Keoyain portable tyiw with oval rvaif. the rink having been useal at tlie atuuaenient park In Elmira. N. Y.. Mat year. The rink la .Vixl'JU. A large organ will furnish the mnalc. The rink la lav lie manageil by ame of the mama. It la aalal to be the pol|i-y aif the t <a>|mr Arm lav put up a canvaa pairtahle rink In aa-vemi aif the laiwna plckeal aa guaal radler towna. ami If II provea a aui-a'eaa, a more e\|ienalve alrui-ture will l«e btilll iiermanently. Tile <'aMi|iera live In I'nlon t'lly. Pa., but their aiiinaa-iiient heailipiarlera are at famey lalaml. X. Y.


Tlie 0|ia-n Air Roller .Skating Kink at the While v’lty Park, which oiienetl on May 22. at Trenton. .N. J,. haa liaaen well attrmleal on the Maimlay. Wealm-aalav ami Satiiralay evenlnga that the rink haa aeaaloiia. On the avpeiiing night all laallea preaenl were pn-aeiiteal with aonveitlr Japaneae fana. S|M>clal carnival attracthma are to lae fi atnreal on Satiinlay evenings.

I-'ORMER U'K STAR NOW BIKE RIDER lladiby McLean, aif fhlawgai, fairnier Interna

ll••llal amaleiir li-e apeaM rhamplavn. alaai a roller akaler, swimmer, boxer and last, but m>l Ibe lea«t. a profenainnal bicycle rider, la making g<a"l at hia latest venliiiv In the a|a>rtlng line. Bobby la racing at the Velealrome In Rlvervlew I’ark. Cbicago, where they are badallng bicycle raa-ea three times a week.

TILE ROLLER SKATINtl .VMrSF.MEST The roller skating amiiarment bualneaa la very

Utile unileretiaMl or appreciated by the great

The Wilmonti. Sasilhern whirlwtml roller akatera, featuring "Tige," the bnllalog, with “Tex'* Wilmont at the Arkanaaa tramp, ami Mlaa "’naita” In raring ami clog dancing am akatea, were the big attractUm at I'nhin ).ake Park, Millville, N. J., wea-k of May '29 to June 4. They were held over fair another week.

The roller rink, at Harlem Park. In Hoi-kfonl. III., openeil two weeka ago and haa been aloing gmal bunlna-aia. The mana.-ement Intemla tai badal lomc garni raawK after July 4.

Art. Fielding, whai la managing the Carnival Clmrt Caalmi. at HnITalo. N. Y'., ami Mlaa Delhi, the proprietor's ilaiighter, wbai have been prac- tictng fancy akating together, put am an exhlbl- thm fair the Maaima on June 9. Mlaa Delhi la only fourteen years olal. but la aura-ly a cvimer In the akating game.

In Ibe three mile amateur race, held Jime 4. at the rink In Vallabiirg Park, Newark. N. J., laale Caplan, aif Pittsburg. Pa., won flrat hommi by nipping out Mark Ixiaowlck, the Kaatem champion, who waa a done m-iarnd. with Wm. Helna thinl. The time was 19 mlniitea and 'J-.l aeomala. The aea-ood rai-e waa a two-mlle hanill- cap, which Caplan lost to laiaaiwlrk by two feet. The time waa fl mlniitea ami 11 eeaumla. Silver enpa were preaenteil to the winner* of arnch event. Manager Wm. R. Wagem-r la a line fellow fair Ibe rink game, a taamter for the racing game, ami will bohi many gaaal event* during the annimer nennon. He will reo|ien the Palace Ball Raasn and Skating Kink In Newark In the fall and |Hit am iHinie gi*«l race*.

J. J. SrhllUng, of CrawforaUvtlle,- Iml., an ex|ierlenreal rink mayager, leased the hnlkUng where roller skating waa held several year*

It's «ns of tha faiwHis Kenyoo Portabla laiuar uMnt Bulldlngk near making Bonoy for rink, alanoa baU and ptetura show proprleton all over tha ooaintiy. All alua. Coau aux-Uilrd that of pmnanmt bullatlnga of the aame slae. Stnaig and durable. Easily taken daiwn. incaed and tel up again. Sure Booey-maker. You ao where the man9 it. No high rents to pay. Write taiday for free raulog. prices and full Informatlam.


Henley Rink Roller Skates Fitted with STEEL COMBINATION or HIGH used In maiorUy of aU akating rinks.

HENLEY RACING SKATES rse>d knd endvir^l by SPEED SKATERS fYerTwherr, aiut are alen <1ewiraMe for liHttrUtual itee. where the finest aiut iiitMit ixwupU'te ^kAte In the market U vle%ir*^l

POLO GOODS AND OUTFITS Setiil for Skate rataloftie FRKK iMtUial l*ok) .Itc.

JOHN H. WILLUyS. HEBrE?V<i£SirS^Tt. Riehm ond, Ind.

i -Spring V Steel faiot -

plate, will neither bua4le nor break: guar¬ anteed.

X ti e 0 i 111> o a r €l JUNE 19. 1915.

f, -


Man users and perfarmen are respertf Utj requested to oontritHite their dates to thli department. Boutaa must reach The Billboard not later than *11daT at each iretk to Insure publleatlan

The Billboard forwards all mall for p.Tif«a«lomali free of charge. Members of the profession are Inrlted. while on tlie road, to hare their mall atldr 'seed In care of The Blllboaad. and It will be forwarded promirtlr.

- Itowers. Waltem ti Cnstker iralaeet CbleaK"


e e BOWERS Telegrams inquiring for routes not

given in these columns will be ignored unless answers are prepaid. Brasts. seima iTetnplei iictroit 2i-‘ji!.

_ Breiiieiis. The ll'antaeesi VaneotiTer. B. C.l (I'antaa.-si Vletorla 21-26

When no date is given the week of Brenner te wheeler iKsst Kml Park) Memphis. June 14-19 is to be supplied. V.'"'''’•'''"■'•'"I'lx -'I i-*'*.

Br>sdna.v (oiiied.v Four iGaiNleni i^tialla. Mo.. - 171!»; iriii(|iiet Minuea|H>lls 21-26.

.\de|aide & Iliiirlies lOrplieiiml Itaklaiid. Cal.; —a— ttlrplienniI leis .knjieles 21-2B. V

.\lH-arn tc Co.. Chas. (Keith) Boston. Buceeaa With Bbuhert a Winter Garden Bhow.

New York.

ALEXANDER KIDS nir n. r. Weher. Booked Solid V. B O.

.\hern 0».. .‘.cues iKmpresai Seattle; (Enipressi

I'ortlaiiil. (In-.. 2T2(>. .Vlkeii King * to. (Pantagesi Salt I.ake City


Itroiisiin A; Jtalilnlii (Orpheiiiii) San Franeisco. Brown A- Jai-kw-n (.Veaileniyl Fall Hirer. .Mass..

17 111. Briieh. Frit* A I.iiey (ilrpheiimi San Fraiiolseo

14 2(1. P.ninettes. Crel'nn (Keith i B-wt-oi 21-2*1. Brnnettes. ( .veling (Proeia-oti Bns'kl.rn; iKelthi

B..>tou 21-2«.

Hmerican Florence Troupe i six brdwn brds.

Conlin and Steele Trio ••Follies of Vsuderlll#.^^ Dir. •Pios. Fltai>atrt<-k.

(• w. il.-e«i Pali-.ides Park. N. J . 17 It*, t or«-.n Nine. tN>ra (Panlai!e«i la>s .knaele*.

(Paiitanesi Sail IHego 21-2*1. Coiirtnev Sislers i lleinlersolii Coney Island. N

V .. 21 2*1, **rawf>>r<l A Bnslerlek il.liasdn Stj l \. V. C.

17 It* Crawford. * llfton iKelthi Philsdelphia; iKeltlii

Wasbliigtoii 21-'24. Creams. Marie iMcVlekeri Chirago.


Oreatral An of Ita Kind In the World.

Criiiiilt. Frank i Fontaine Ferrv Parki I.oiiisTllle 21 2*!.

IMIlen. James • Fontaine Ferry Parki ls>uls- vllle: (TempleI Hetndt 2126.

Cnnnlngliain. Evelyn (.Vmerlrani V. C. 17-Hl. Cnrtis A llotiard (Pantagesi San IHego; (Pan-

tagesi salt loike City 24 26. Cnrtis. Jnlla (Majestlcl Cbh'ago; '(U.miana

Park) Grand Kapids, Mieh.. 21 26. Cutty. John iBnshwIeki 21 2*1 Dale. Violet (.Majestlri Chleago 21 ‘26. Damerel A Co.. Geo. (Majestlei Clih-ano 21 26. Daris. Helen (East End Park) Memphis Davis. Billie (Palai'ei Philadelphia 17 Itt. Davis A Co.. Ethel il‘antagesi Sisikane; (Pan

tsnesi Seattle 21-26. Davis. Jitsenhilie i l*elan<-ey St.) \. Y. C. 17 It). Ih-Haven. Mr. A Mrs. itlrpliennii Ia>s .Xngeles.

21-26. |lel isle. Juggling (..keadeiuyi Fall Hiver. Mass..

17-P.i. IiePaee Opera Co. (S-dimer Park) Montreal. Can. DeWlntres, Grace (Gr»-eley Sij.) N. V. C. 17-l!t. lieWltt. Burns A Torrence (Sohuier Park)

Montreal. Can.

Ireeiii.vii A Diinlisni (Majestic) Chicago. F(i < (nan A D(inha((( (Te((i|de( Detr-dt 21 26 Frev»dl (Slinhero Itpsiklyn 17 Iti. Fre.t Twins a Frev (St. Janies) B->-t.>n 17 \\ Frldkouskl Tsxipi- ) lleiiiiersoiu tNiiiei InIm

N > 21 26. Friend a Istwiilng (Pantages) Tanmia: il

tagcsi Portland. Ore., 21 '26. Galleltrs Monks il.yriri BIrmIncham- iK-i

Pbilailelphla 21 26.

EDWIN GEORGE Almost a Jugglrr. Dtr. Ed. S. Krllrr

Ganlen of Uajah Ipsntagesi Salt I.ake Cltv 17 11).

Gasch Sisters i Fulton I Bnsiklyn 17.11). George, fol. Jack i It-oileiani) \. Y. C. 17 1p Germans, six Musical (New Brighton) Brighl‘>n

Bcaeh. N Y.. 21-26.

GLORIA GOORWIN With Clifton Webb

IN VAFDEVILLE Wrrk of June T. Krlth's. Boston.

Gllliert A Girls. Elsie (.Yrwdemyi Fall Hirer Mass., 17 II).

Glailiatoro. The i Fontaine Ferry Park) L-aiUtllle 21 -26.

JDHH R. 6DRDDR ••A Night and Daj.^' DlrwUon Rtokar and Blrrbaurr

Glose. .Yiigusta iKusbwIck) Rps>klyn. Gonlon illglilanders iPantagesi Calgary. Cjn

(Pantag<-ai !<|>okane 21-'26. Gould. Venlla (i'antages) Purtlaml. Ore. Gould. Clare A Ho (Forsythe) Atlanta: (U«rlci

Hicbiuund 21-23; (Colonial) Norfolk 24 26.

Fkitiwr R, A C. Time. With ••(Jhln diln.^* Tom Brown, Owner and Manager.

Albright. Bob (Pantages) Ijoe Angeles; (Pan I p.ryan. Sumner A Co. (.Seventh Ave.) N. Y. C. D A-L-E-IW-U-E tagcsi San Diego 21-26.

-Yhlrleli, Mnie. (Orplieum) Isis .Yiigoles. Aliceas Pets. Ijidy iPantsges) Edmonton. Can.:

(Pantsges) Calgary 21-26.

ANGELO-ARMENIA & BROS. World^s Fastest Tumblers.

Anderson A Burt (Globe) Boston 17-11). -Anderson Co., I.eonard (Pantages) Portlanil.


Anderson A fhdnes (Orphenm) Boston 17-11). Antrim A Vale (Pantages) San Francisco; (Pan¬

tages) Oakland 21-26.

ARCO BROS. Supreme Athletca.

.\rdatb A Co.. F. J. (Orphenm) I/is .Angeles.

.Arizona Joe A Oo. (Pantages) Portland. ()re. -Arllne (Ihintage*) Vancouver, B. C.: (Pantages>

Victoria 21-26. Arlington A Co.. Billy (Henderson) Coney

island. N. Y.. 14 16. Arnaut Bros. (Henderson) Coney Island. N. Y'.


Arno A Stlckney (American) N. Y'. C. 17-10. •Astalr. Fred A .Adele (New Brighton) Brighton

Beach. N. Y. Aurora of Light iHomana Park) Grand Rapids.

Mich.. 21 26.

Avon Comedy Four (New Rrightoui Brighton Beach. X. Y'.. 21 26.

Ball, Ernie (Keith) Boston 21-'2(5. Bailor Sisters (Keith) Boston •21-26.


17-11). Biidds. .Aerial (Temple i D*'trolt. Burke A Bnrke il.imsiln Sn.i N. Y". C. 17-11). Burke A Mclbmald (Y'onge .St.) T<in*nto. Can. Bnrke. John A Mae (MaJestio) Chicago. Bypms. Musical lOrphenm i los .Angeles.

Dealt A Sisters. Jos. iBoulevanl) N. C. 17-in.

Deland-« arr A Co. (Greeley Sq.) \. Y'. C. 1711). Deiiiarest. Carl (Y'onge Sf.) Toismto. Can. Uemaiwst A Collette iPalarei Bpsiklyn 17-11). Diamond A Brennan (Keith) Philadelphia.


Bankoff A Girlie (Majestic) Chicago; (Temple) Detndt 21-‘26.

Barat. .Arthur (New Brighton! Brighton Beach 21 26.

Barts-r A Jackson (Pantages) Salt Lake Cit.v 17 19.


Barnes A U-ddnson (Pantages) Oakland. Cal.: (PantagesI Lis. .Angeles 21-26. Sam (King'si Dundee, Eng.. 21 26; (Hlii|s>drome) Isssls 2S-July 3; (.Argylei Birk¬ enhead 5-10.

Banwens. Paul (McVlekers Chicago.

CHABLES BESLY & WILLIAMS -VIOLET Old-Time Skitch Tam. ISi aiiylhin* Hamlet to Hask-ihaw. P.-miaiient a bires., .">4.1 loth S-.. Trav.rsc City. Midi.

Beeson, .Mine, itirplienini le-s Angeles 21 26. Bell Boy Trio (Llnisiln Stj.) X. W f. 17-in. Beiidix Players. Then. i Henderson i Coiiev

Island. X. Y., 21-26.

Bernard A Siartli i Keith t Pbiladeipbia 21 2*i. Bennett Sisters. ,3 (Emery i Providence 17-l'.i. Bertlsh (Font.aine Ferry Parkt I>>nl«vllle; iMa-

Jestlc) Chicago 21-2*1. Big City Four (.Majestic) Chicago.


Direction Jennie Jaco(«.

Bigelotv. Canifihell A Ravrten (Pantig*-s) Sli'V kane; (Pantages) Seattle 21-26.

Blg'dow. Fern A Yleaham (Pantagesi Oakland, Cal.: (Pantages) Ijob Angeles 21-26.

Blondell. |>lw. (Keith) Philsdelphia 21 26. Boh Tip A Co. (I»ew) Palisades Park. .V. J. Boarding 8ebool Girls iFuHon) Bns> 17-19. Bogannl Tnsipe (Greeley S<j.) N. Y'. C. 17-19. Ronan. IT Arabs (MeY'Icker) Chlrwgo. Bond A Casaon (New Brighton) Brighton Beach,

X. Y. B'Sfth A Leamler (Keith) Philadelphia 21-26.

Call. Zella (McVlcker) Chicago. I Canienm A Gaylord (Orphenm) San Francis*->

21-26. Campbell Aliases (Keith) Boston.


Booked Solid. Direction One Hughes.

Campbell. Craig (Keith) Washington. Cantor A I-ts* (Keith) Washington. Caplin. Mr. A Mrs. (Yonge St.) Toronto. Can. Carter, (Jreat (I-yric) Richmond. Cartniell A Harris (Pr'>siiei-t) Brsklyn 21-2<t. Cams. Emma (Orpheiini) Angeles "JI-'J)*. ('US'. Chas. (Keith) Washington 21-26. Cbnln A Teinid*'ton (Henderson) Coney Island. '

X. Y.. 21-26. ( Chartres .Sisters A Halllds.v (Pantages) Van-

<'<siver. B. C.: (Pantag*-*) Vlct*»ria 21-26.



( liihlli'ssl Days Revue (Pantagesi San Fran ' i-isco; (Pantagesi Oaklaml 21 26. I

Clareni'-iit Bros. (Pr'ei>e<-ti Br-oklyii 21 26. Cl'irk A R->se. K-ldle (.«Uiiit>ert) Bps.klyii 17 19. Clark A Bergman (Keith) Washington. (larmn. Elia (Majestlei Chicago.

Clayton A (o.. T'na (Temple) I)*tn>lt. Clown Seal (Temiile) D*-tr<ilt. ('■ilian A Y’ouiig (I/>e») New K<s-tielle. N. Y.,


COLVIN The Master Mind

Direction Lewla A Gordon, Columbia Theater Bldg.. New York Cltir.

(■< gart. tHfrinide (FMIton) Hnsikl.rn 17-19. < onroy A I>eMalre (New Brigbt'ini Brighton

Beach. X. Y. C>s>rier A Co., Henry lB<imana Park) fSraod Rap¬

ids. Mleb.. 21 26. Coriviran A Dingle fSerenth Ave.) S. Y. C. IT-


I DIka. Juliette (Pantages) Winnipeg. Can.- (Pantages) Edmonton 21-26.

Dixie Romance (Ruabwlek) Bps-klyn 21-26. D--es a Million Interest You tLyriei Hob-dten,

N. J.. 17-19. D->nabue A Stuart (Keith) Boshin. Donalila. 3 (Oriihenm) Hoston 17-19 Drsdey Trio. Ray (Colonial) Nfetolk. Va.. 17-19. D<n>|('v a Hotison (Romans Park) Grand Rapids,

Mleh. I Dorsi'b A Russell (Pautag<-s) F>liiionton. Can.;

(Pantages) Calgary 21-26. Dres-. las-well A Esther (RIJou) Rrooklyn 17-19. Diiiiliiris Bell Hingers (C*>lonlal) Norfolk. Ya. Diipree A Dupree (Keith) Philadelphia. Early A I.algbt (Pantagesi Vam-ouver. B. C.-.

(Pantages) Victoria 21-26 EM leve (fJlobe) B->ston 17 19. ElR*-y Sisters iSohnier Park) Moiitrtel. Can.,

21 26.

' Fsbile A Ramsden (Gr**eley S<|.) N. V ('. 1719, I E-lwards A Es*-<»rlB. Kitty lPaIa*-*-i Philaiti-Bila, ' Fl*»ati.-th, -Mary (Orplieumi Daklaii-I. Cal.. 21-


Ellison, tllenn (Xatlonali N. Y'. c. 17 19 Evans A Wat**in (Bt. James) Boston 17 19. Fairbanks. Douglas (Biialiwick i llpsiklrii.

(K<-ltlii Bo«t-.n 2126 Farlcr Girls (Keltlii B.-stoii 21 26,


riTZGERALD ASHTON l’rt-(i*-iit Thcmselti-g-' In (bid S<mi(s an-l Dli|*s-t.

IPKiked s*ilbl. Our Own Dlnc-tbai. I ——a— s ■ Fxsliloii SI:-.W (<lr|>lieiiiii I San Francisco 21 2*1 I FIreii Fpini Ysle iMaJ*-st|c) Nessrk. .x J. 17 t 19. . I’i-lK-rs. Tbr<-e living (Pantsgcsi Vlilorla, B

1 * .; (Paiitag<si T.xisima 21 ‘2*1.

j FIs er A <;reen IOr|ilieiiin I San Francisco 14 26. ntr.gllSsai Bert I Heinlcrson'si I oik-v Island

N V.

Grace Twins (Vaudeville) Is>n*lon. Can.. 21 2*1 Grady A Co.. Jas. ilsew) New K-M-helle, N. Y .

17 19. HalM-y A Nnhle (Pantages) Victoria. B C.:

(Pantages) Tacoma 21-26. Hartley A Pecan iDelancey St.) X. Y. C. 17 19

HAR HALPERIR Dlraetlmi M. B. Benthtm.

Ilaveinwn'a .\nlmala (Orphenm) .San Fnnr|s<si; (Orphenm) Lsm Angeles 21-26.

Hayes A Co., Edmund (Pantages) Ednu-ntun. Can.; (Pantagea) Calgary 21-26.

JOHN and WINNIE HENNINGS lYir ••Kill Kara Conpla.** Dtrartbai Jaa. B. PhinkrtL

Hayward A (o., Jesale (Pantages) Sp-ikauc, I I Pantages* Seattle 21-26.

llaywarxI'Stafford A Co. iRomana Park) Gran-I Kapida. .Mich.. 21-26.


HOLLAND and DOCKRILL Detafan Lake, Wla

Healy A Harr Twins (Y*>nge St.) Toronto. Can. I Helena, Edith iPantagea) Calgary, Can.

Helene A EmlHon (Lyric) Richmond. Y'a.; (F-«r I lythe) Atlanta 21-^26.

llemiin, AI (Romana Park) Grand Rapids, Mich.

DOROTHY HERMAN Character Ringing Ouawnmnw. Boohed golld—Loew


lleriiian, Zarnes A Dunn (Emery) Provl-len-e 17 19.

ilershey A (Ddda (O. II.) HoBrj^ N. Y. IDslJI Naasar Anil>a (.New Hrigl-t n

B.-aih, N. Y.. 21 •26. - * Hoey A (Orphenm) Oakland. Cal.; (Orjilie

null Isie .Yngeles 21-26.

GREAT HOWARD R<'Ottlah Vrntrlinquiat. Dir. M*in1a and Fell

Hoffman. I.ew- i McVlcker) ( hl*wg<'. H*>lden A Harroii (Pantagesi Isa* Angeh's 21 26 H•dlues• llrtiires. Riirt-m | Keith i Plillaileli-lila

•21 26. Holmes A Itncliaiian iC*ilonta1i Norfolk. Va.. 2l

'2.1: (LyricI Rl< Imiond '24'26. IloiieylH-y Minstrels iNstlonsI) .N. V. ('. 17 ID

HOWARD and FIE:L.D&» with Th*4r Dining Car Mlnstrrls.

Cnlqua, Norel. Vintage l»lt.

H •Her Girls (.\nierlcan) S V C. 17 19 Horlick Fanilly (Keith) Plilledelphla. 11 -war-l A MiCaiie iMalestI*-) Clilia.:'- 21 Th*-. HnIdianI City. Tex llyiiins A M< liityr*- (Keith) PblU<li-lpliia. Hymai'k 11 )r|6i*-iim) San Fraiirlstst; iDri-beiiin-

Oakland 21 26.

Iiim-ss A Ryan (New Palai-ei MlnneaisdU

Islilkawa la|h* lPantag*-s) Taisxiia: iPanl.ig>'* Portland. Ore., 21 '26.

Jaiish-ys IXxir iKelllil Plillailelphla. Jo|ins-in A Is-aiie (Palacs) llr*s>klyn 17 19

Bert Fitzgibbon I CECIL JEFFERSOR Comical. DIrretlon Frank Erans.

I1*>reii* Tsxiis-, T<xiy (Pantages) Han Fran<’la*si IPaiitageai Oakland 21 '26.

llyrin Mlnstn-la, Joule (Pantag*-ai WlnnliM- « an : (Pantages) Ihimonton 21’26.

F*>ye A Page (Palace) Philadelphia 17 19

EDDIE FOY And the Beeen UtUe Foys._

Francis A Rexm (Y*inge Rt.) Toronto. Can. ! Francis. Adeline (Keith) Washington 2l-'26.

Maiiagi-r (•■riisdal Minstrel Mabls

Johnson. Hnsvanl A Co. (Pantag<-si San Dl*-g" Cal.: iPantagi-ai Halt lAks City 24 26.

J*>nlan Girls lOrpheiimi Oaklanil, I'al. Jixie gnoug Tal IPantagea) .Seattle; (Pantsg-'i

Vaii<x>iiver, II. C.. 21-26.

Katl)*-li-)n A Capltola (Rnahwlck) Hrxsiklyn Kanfuian liixai iKellh) Washington 21 26. Keane A Window (llen(lera*Ni'a) Coney lalan-I.

N. Y. Kelt A D*-'M*>nt (Keith) WasbIngBm. Kelly, Walter (New Brighton) Brighton Beach.

N. Y.; (KHth) PblladelphU 21-26.

JUNE 19, 1915. 31 Ttie Billboard

f i

Kdton'. a (tJDColn X. Y. T. 17-18. K-'XiKNly A Mar (I'atitavra) Ijua Angrlva; (I'an-

lai!<-»t San IMrri> 21-2«. Knit, .^niilr (lyiirw) Xrw R>>rh«-Ur. X. Y.. 17-18.

3 FLYING KAYS ArriitlaU Hupfamc. Dlraetlon Harry Hprlgrl.

Knit A lAHila,- tKrItbl Waaliliigton 21-2(1. Ki'.V'tnir Trill ti’>>ra7tbrl Atlanta. King Ybiimtiin Co. irantagrai Srattir; (l‘an-

tagi-ai VaiM-iiUTrr, K. C., 21-26. King A O’.. Mailr iKniitalix* IVrrjr 1‘arki Imula-

rlllr 21 2l> KIrkaiiiith Slatrra. Six ll'antagrat Virtorla, R.

<■_; il’antagrai Tamuia 21-26.

Etmi-KIRK Hi FOGARTY-Billy BiiakMl Solid U. B. O. Dir. Max Hayca.

Kli-in'a I'rodurllnn tl*antat(rai Wlnnl|irK, (.'an.; il'autagi-a) Eilmontno 2126.

Kliitnig'a .\iilinala i Hiialiwirk l Bria-klTn 212*1. Kn<'«lra A Wbltr iPiiItiinl Hn»-klyn 17 18. K“ll A llarland I llrnilrrsm'ai t'onry laland.

X. V. Krrmka Hr<ai. (Orphriiml San Franrlarn 1-126. Kriinoiil. liana iKrltbi Boatnn. l.rT.-unl, Itraalr | .National 1 X. Y (. 17-18. lAl'olIrttr A Co. iStarlanill Rramloo. Can. lAKrani-r A Hriu-« iKrlthl Ih-atoa. Lnlroha iKuabwIrki Iti^aiklyn.

FLYING LA MANNS Smaallonal Arriallata Addraaa Blllbnard. Nrw York.

Irll-irn A Diipmrcr tXrw Rrlgbtuat Brighton lU-arb. .X. Y.

lallur (irai-r (Xrw Hiigbtont Hrtgbton Bracb \. Y.

liaToaka il’antagi-al Srattir; (I’antagra) Van- r Iirrr, B. C.. 21 26.

l.aVaiU Arrtal ll.lnroln Sq.) X. Y. C. 17-19.

LANE AND O’DONNELL Tba Utnatlr Tumbltta. "lanplng tb* Bumpa.**

Dir. Jaa. K. Plunkatt.

I.aVam. Daorlng (Kontalnr Trrry I'ark) Lonla- Tlllr

|.aV rr. J*4in lOrphruml X. Y'. C. 17-18. M'-n Klni. I*rln<t- iKrItiil Boaton 21-26. Mngilona. Tbr iHomana I'ark i (irand Rapidf,

MIrb.; iMajmtlri Chicago 2126.


Orlgtaal Iron Jan Smaattan Protrrtad by tha Patent law of tha C. S.

l.rdrgar. Cba*. il'alam Brooklyn 171-8. l>-r A CranatoQ i Koutalnr Frrrx I'ark i Lr-ala-

rlllr. fjrm C.taadaw il.yriri ll•■^• krn. X J.. 17 18. Ia>>nar<ll iVamlri Hamilton. Can.. 21 26. I.rwl«. Henry tSbral Bntfalo.

.Marahall A Cmnby tShiilicrtl Bnsiklyn 17-18. Mawiii Keeler A Co. IMaJeetIri Cbirago. .Ma.Te A .idilla tl'antageii Beattie; ii'antageai

VaiK-onxer. B. C.. 21-26. Mayo A Tally iMajeHtIri Xenark. X. J.. 17-10. Meilor A Del'aula iKnieryl I'roTlilenre 17-18. .M<'I<hIIoii« ebapa. Four ISlii-ai BiilTalo; iTeniple)

is tridt 21 26. Merreile* i<triibeiim) San PraneUro 21-26.

“THE McCLEMENTS" COMEDY DUO In "Tba Earl and tha Girl" and "Good-bya For-

errr." Now touring the Far Eaat prrrloua to rla* Iting the V. R.

M<-r«ereaa Broa. A lieBi-ll il.yric Alnkime) Hugo. Ok.

Merai-rean A Co. Verna (MrVlrkeri Chicago. -Meyer, Hyman (McVlckeri CbK-ago.


McCORMACK and IRVING "Betwean Dacka" Dir. Ed. 6. Keller.

Mllley A Co.. Richard iBouleeard) X. C. 17- 19.

.Mint A Werti (I'antageo Calgary. Can. Modena A Co., Florence Ii'antageai Salt l4ika

City 17 19.


Montgomery, .Marahall illendepe-ni Coney la land. X V.. 21 26.

M<aire A Elliott (tirpheiimi X. Y. C. 17-19. Moore A fo.. VIctorl iPni^ecti Br^aiklyn. Moore A Haager ILyrlci RlrbinoDd. Va., 17-18.


Morgan liaocera iIlenileraoni Coney leland, N. W: (KeithI Waahington 21-26.

Mori Bs-a. .Y i BoiileTanl, X. V. C . 17-18. Miirrla A .kllen il'alarei Brooklyn 17 18 Xaiarro A Co.. Xat (Biiahwlcki Br>">klyD. NaxineiTa iMajeitlcI Chicago.

NIP and TUCK BmAed Solid. DIm-tInn Frank Bohm.

Xelaon. Ranons A C>>. ii'antageai Oakland. Cal.; Ii'antageai I.oa .kng«-le« 21 26.

Xena A Eldrid ii'antageai Siaikane; iPantages) Seattle 21 26.

Xew'h-II A I'belpa i Or]>lieiiiii i San Kraiiclw-o -Jl 26


MANIE NONDSTNOM Xllilo A Xngent lOrphenml X. Y'. C. 17-19. Xlch-'la Xellle V. Il's-aliectt Br>«>klyn. XIpp A Tuck iBl>>ul Bne'klyn 17-1!». X<4tn A Xolan Ii'antageai San Diego; (I'an-

tageai salt Lake CMty 24 26.

Rirbard, the Great (Pantagea) Oakland. Cal.; Ii'antageai I»a Angelea 21-26.

Rlchanls A Kyle (BuahwIckI Brooklyn; (Keith) Boaton 21-26.

RIgoletto Twina iColonlall Xorfolk. Va., 24 26 King A Co.. Julie (Keith) Waahington. Itio A Xorman (Pantageai Winnlje-g. Can.;

IPantageai Edmonton. Can., 21-26. Boblnaone BUI (Henderaon) Coney laland. X. Y..


Pbenoaenal Roprano-Barttnoa. Booked Solid 0. B. O.

Kochealer. Claire IXew RrIgliS'ni Brighton Beach. X. Y.. 21-26.

Roedera. Four iXew BrlghPmi Brighton Beach, .X. Y., 21-26.

Rogera A Wiley (Pantages) Spokane; iPan tagea) Seattle 21-26.

Roller)! IPalacei Philadelphia 17-18. Romanoa. Four lOnibeam) Loa -Vngelea. B<a>ney A Bent (Xew Brighton) Brighton

Beach. X. Y.

Jack—RYAN ui TIERNEY Harn Tba Popular Song Writen and Compoaera.

DlrecUoa U. R. Bentham.

RrMalnea. Three (Oapden) Atlantic. X. J.: iHcmIeraon) Coney laland, X. 21-26.

Roaairca, The (Henderaon) Coney laland, X. Y., 21 26.

Roaa. Blackface E<ldie iPantagea) Seattle; IPantageai Vanconyer, B. C.. 21-26.

Roy A .krthiir i.kmericani X. \'. C. 17-19. Royal Dragoona (F)>rxythe) .\tlanta. Rocker A Wlnlfreil (Greeley S<].) X. Y. C. 17-18. Rnaaell A Calhoun (Xew BrIfCbton) Brighton

Reach, X. Y.

Ryan A Klchfleld (Orpheiiin) B-aton 17-18. Salon Singera Komana Park! Grand Kapida.

Mich.. 21 26. Salt Lake Kellea IPantageai Calgary. Can. Santelle. Great (Ix-ew) Pallaadea Park. X. J. Santlej A Xorton (Slieat Buffalo 21-26.


Direction J. R. McGoaen. Majeatlc Bldg., Oilcaga

Scheff. Frltxl (Keith) Waahington. Si-liwarta Bn.a. ifiilonlali Norfolk Va.. 21 '26. Scotch Ijidi A lAaalea (Keith) Waabington. Seeley, B|oaa<>m IShea) Buffalo. Sen .Mel. Lady iKeith) Philadelphia. Shannon A .Annis (Eaat Eml Park) Memphis.

SLAYMAN ALT’S ARABS 554 West 54tb Street, New York (Tty.

Shantona, Three (Pantagea) Salt Laka City 17 19.

Shaw. Sandy (Fultoni Brooklyn 17-19. Sl.ot at Sunriae (Warwick) Brooklyn 17-19. Sidelights (Shnberti Bd* klyn 17-18. sllher A North IPantageai Winnipeg, Can.;

(Pantagea) Edmonton 21-26.

“MAGICIANS” We are THE HEADQVAR- TKRR tor Handcuff!. Leg Irons, Mall Bags, Stralt- Jaclirla, Milk Cans, and. In fact, eerrythlng In the

Ew-ape Line. Large, new Uluatratvd Catalogue, which also contains a complete line of Noeeltlca, Tricks, Puziles and Illuelons. Jiut off the preea. FRKE. THE OAKS MAGICAL CO., Degt- 227. 0ilikea)i. WIe.


Oeated In behalf of the liraasUe Plofeaelnn, and ■hw maintaining on Staten laland. N. Y., a UoMK rt)R THE AGED AND RETlHl'Ut. Maaibertlilg. par aaauai.$2.06

iN BEHALF OF THE "HOME.” Oaaart .SIOS.OS gar yaar. Patraaa . 25.M Mtiabers . 10.00 "

Prealdent, Daniel Fruhman; Vlce-ITealdent, Jna. F. Grlsmer; Treeaurer. Wm. Harris; Scorrtaiy, E. D. Miner; Chairman Exccutlee Cummltlew, F. F. Mackay.

Offlcea—Long Acre Building. Broadway and 41d I Street, Xew York City.

.All communlcatlona to W. C. AUSTIN. Asalataat Saeratary.


Practice In aU State and C. S. (\Hirta. Adrice Free.

FOR STOCK. REP. AND AMATEURS. Tablotds. Mln.strrls and Vaudeellle Acts. Stamp for CataUacur X" A' I'UAY BI RFUC A AtTHoRS' IX-

CH-AXGE. Tremont Theatre. .New Y'nck (Tty

WIRE WALKER WANTED LAAly. or bow to ilrviM m clrl; nnn\. tvicNfr; n)'60 unilerHtNndt'r. Would like to hear from Iroti-jaw (leople for hlg teeth art State age. heigfit ajid welrtit. AddreM WIKE .UiTIST. care trf The ItlUtAuanl. t'ln- (Hnratl. o

Wanted Piano Player—(Man) Must rra<l and transpnae: Trap Drummer; full line >4 traps; use them. IXtSlTIVKi.Y' Ml'ST RE.AD. Week stands; j<iin on wire. Make salary low: pay own. I'H.AS M.A.NVILl.K, Manager Maybelle Fowler Co.. Roberts. 111.

Vaughan, Dorothy IPantageai Tacoma; (Pan¬ tages) Portland. Ore.. 21-26.

VeWl Trio lOrpheumi Boston 17-18.

Martin Van Bergen Fmfthlon Show 1915. IHr H&rf7 F Weber.

THE LEFFEL TRIO "An Inltlathm of the Nut Club" C. B O. TltwaL

I.e«|a A McA'arthy (Fontaine Ferry Park) I>>aia- Tllle.

I.Igtitiier A Jorden iKeith) Waahington 2126. lint-m A lilrls. T<>m ipantagesi taeattle; ll'an-

tagt-al VancsioTer. B. C.. 21 26.

MADGE LEON Snubreste. IHreetlon F>Tatt Blglow, (filcago.

little Nap IDrpbenmi Loa .Angelea. V-ng Tack Ram itA-lonlali Norfolk. A'a., 21-28

ll-yrirl Kichi»)>nd 24''J6. Loretta Twins («h>hroer Park) Montreal. Can. lyorralne, Dacar lOrphetimi X. Y. C. 17-19.

"THE LITTLEJOHNS ’ "Drtglnal and Only Diamond Jugglera." Pateotsd

In r. R. A. Foreign Patenta Pending.

l.ncllle A Cockle iFA>raytbe) Atlanta; (I-yrtc) Birmingham 21 26.

l.nkena. Four iHohmer Park) Montreal, Can., 21- 26.

.McDonongh. Ethel (Forsythe) Atlanta; (Lyric) Blrmlnghant 21-26.

McGleeney. iHsen (Bijou) Br<»>kl.Tn 17-18. Mdnotte Twina iBIJoiii Rrie>klyn 17-19.

- THE-

MAGLEYS "Rpcrialty Daneefa." Original Dance Reeua.

Dlreetlan M. S. Bentham.

McKay A .Arillne (New Hrlght<<ul Brighton Ib ach X. Y.. -JI ■J6.

M.Kliiley. Nell (Lyric) Hohoken. \. J.. 17 18. Mack. .Albright A Mack (Fiillon) Br<»>klyn 17-18. Mai-Ciioly A Co., James (Palaiei lliSMiklyn 17-1'J.

Three Marconi Bros "The Wlrrlem Orrheatra."

Malnxiey. Torn (St Jamra) Boston 17-18. Mallla It Bart iSolimi-r Parki Montreal. Can.,

21 26 • Matig ft Snyder (Xew Brighton I Brighton Reach. Mann. Ben ft Haiel (WarwickI Bnsiklyii 17-18.

MAURICE The Balancing Boy on the (Ttalrt and Tabita.

Dir. Harry rttagerakl.

Mar<-i.|Ui-e, Great. Ih-iiiilngton Vt.; North .Adams. Mssa., 'Jl 1*6,

Mswiii. AA’Ilaon ft Jonlon (Orphenmi Oakland. ( al

Real Halr.MIlD Kld.ITtlnma. Indian, TSe earn. X'lym. tSc. 5(ip an<l ti; Laity'a Wig. 11.SO up. liiNsirt. (Tiaractefw. II 50; (Hlko T1ghta.ll gft; Camleall'apert'apa. dna. 25e up. Catalog free. Kllppart, Mfr.. 46 Citptr S«iiara, Naw Yart.

AL. NLTXXLE The Largest Rlngle Muaical Act In Vaudeellla.

XonDtrom. Marie (Orplieiim) San Francisco; lOrpheiim) leia .Angeles 21 '26.

XV'nlsirom ft C«.. ITam-ea lOrpheum) Loa An- gell’S.

Xorthlane ft Want (Pantag^'s) Portland. Ore. XorP'n A liee (Temple) l))-trolt; (Majestic) Chi¬

cago 21-26. XoTlkoff iSohmer Park) Montreal. Can. O'Hara. Flake (Keith) Bosp.n; (Keith) Wash¬

ington 21-26. ckiira Japs iBuskwick) Bias'klyn 21-26. O'Neil A Gallagher iShuberti Brooklyn 17-19. Olleer Belle IPantages) Felmonton. (an.; (Pan-

tsgesi Calgary. Can.. 21-26. OIlTlans. The (Keith i Washington. (*gden (juartette (Orptjeumi Boston 17-19. Openshaw. Bennington. Vt.; North Adams.

•Mass.. 21 26.

Padden A (V. Sarah (Pantagea) Tacoma; iPan¬ tages) Portland, Ore.. 21-26.

PnntD-r Duo lOrpheiimi San Francis)-)) 21-26. Parisian Trio (McVlckeri tTitcago, Park. Rome A FVancIs (McVlcker) Chicago. Passing Beene Trio (I*antagea) Victoria. B. C.;

(Pantagea) Ta)'oma 21-'26. Patty Broa. (McVlckeri Chlcag)'. Payne. laira (Majestic) Newark. X. J.. 17-19.

Pallenbers's Boars Paul Taualg. 184 E. 14th RL. New Tork (Yty.

Peals)in A Goldie (Delani-ey St ) N. Y. C. 17-18. l*)-)lro. (Xmswl iMcA’lcker) Chicago. PIpIfsx A Panlo (Prost>ecti Br»>klyn; (Keith)

Boston 21 26. Primrose A Minstrels. Gim, H. (Pantag)-a) Van¬

couver. B. C.; (Pantages) A'lctoria 21-26. Prlniioae F)«ir (Forsythe) .Atlanta; (Orpheum)

JaekaonTlIIe 21-26. i Prlnc)-t)in A Yale (Yonge .st.) Tomnlo. Can. Pnreella Br-s. ) Warw ick) Bro->klvn 17 18. Rajah (Keith) Boston '21 26. Rams)lell I))),) (Hist Knil Park) Alemplils. Randow Trio (Pantages) Tacoma; ii'antageai

Portlaiwl ore., 21 26 Rayfleld. lYo (Pantages) Oaklainl. Cal.; (Pan¬

tages) l.os .Angel)-a 21 '26.

REDFORDand WINCH ESTER The Last Word In Come)ty Juggling.

Dir. Jennie ia)e>Ni.

Uecklless Trio iSerenth Ave ) N. Y f. 17-18. U)>)ldlngton A Grant (Maj)-stlc) Newark, X. J.,

17 18. Rsilhryiils iBnahwIck) Br-s-klen 21 '26 UernoMs A Donegan (Templei IVtrtdt, Hli'sla A (’rami>ton 1I*anlag«-s) VaiD-oiivcr, B.

C.; lPantag)-s) Victoria 21 '26


ROBERTS and LESTER That Whittling Pair. Dtreetlrm Aaron Kratler.

Blanoa Three l Pantagea) IStrlland. Ore. KIih* a Franrds (Pantages) AVInnlis-g, Can.:

(Pantagea) Evlinnnlon, tan.. 21-26.*

AILEEN STANLEY The Girl With the Peraonallty. Direction Harry Weber.

Sklin>er A Castmp (Lyric) Ktebmond. Va.. 17 18.

Sloan. Blanche (Delancey St.) X. Y. C. 17-19. Smith A Kaufman (Temple) Detroit; (Majcatlci

Chicago 21 26. Smith A Farmer (Orphenmi X. Y. C. 17-19. Sprague A McXeece (Xatbiual) X. Y. C. 17-19.

The Lonclon Drunk


ROSA-L^ND IVfAY Maid In -Amerlcw.

Palace Ihcaue, hidehnltely.

Stafford A Co., Frank (IkHileyard) X. Y. C. 17- 18.

StiHlman. Al. A Fannie (Romana Park) Grand Rapida. Mich.; (Temple) Detroit 21-26.

Steffy-Burko A Co. (ColonialS Xorfolk. Va.. 24-26.

Stephens A (o.. Hal (Keith) Philadelphia.

WILBUR C. SWEATMAN Ragtime (nartnetlsL Address 251 W. 143d RL. New

York aty.

Stepp A Martin (Ameriewn) X. Y. C. 17-19. Stewart A Dakin (Shubert) Bnioklyn 17-18. Stlck-l'p Man (American) X. Y. C. 17-18. Stuart (I'antagea) San FVancisco; (Pantages)

Oakland. Cal.. 21-‘26.

Svengalt (Globe) Boston 17-19. Tatsws, 2 (Warwick) Bnsiklyn 17-18. Tate's Motoring (Pantages) San Diego; (Pan-

taites) Salt I-ake (Itr 24-M.


THOMPSON & GRIFFIN Tumbling Coroeillan* -Address Blllboanl. CTiKwgo.

Taylor A .\rnold (Pantages) San Diego; (Pan¬ tages) Salt I-ake City 24-26.

Thtise French Girls (Fast End Park) Memi>hlt; (Temple) IK troll 21-2(1.

Tl'iirN'r ft Madison (Dros(iect) Br'oklyn 21-26. Tighe ft Rabette (Keith) Philadelphia 21 26.

Jas.ind BonnieThornton "The Tnungeat of Old Tlmera."

Direction Frank Evana.

TImberg. Herman (Keith) Philadelphia. Toney A Xorman (Xew Brighton i Brighton

Beach, X. Y. Toyo Tr«)tp«- (Keith) Wasliington 21 26. Ibip'lhy iShea) Buffalo 21 '26 Van Dornum A Co., Connies* (McVlcker) Chi¬


Van A Sohenck (Biishw-K-k) Bns.klyn 21 '26. Vagrants, Threv' (New Brighton) Brighton

Beach, X. Y Valentine A Bell (Biishwlck) Br>s»kI.Tn. I sui'erk.sirs. The (INxitalnc Ferry Parki l.ixils

vllle 21 '26.

Veterans, The (Henderson's) Coney IsilNnd, X. V.

Victoria Four (Pantages) E>lmonton. Can.; (I'antagea) Calgary 21-26.

Vine A Temple (Lyric) Richmond, Va., 17-19. Von Klein A Gibson (Pantagea) San Diego;

(Pantagea) salt Lake City 24 26.

Vox Valentine (Academy) Fall River, Mass., 17-18.

Ward Sisters (Bijoul Bnsiklyn 17 18. Walton A Boardman i Boulevard I X. Y. C. 17-19.

Ward, Bell and Ward Cndcr the White Top. Featuring Adelaide M. Bell.

Want, Bell A Ward (Globe) Boston 17-19. Ward A Fitzgerald (Proapect) Brooklyn. Watson. Lillian (St. James) Boston 17-19. Watson's Farmyard (Forsythe) -Atlanta. Wayne A Co.. Ohas. (Pantagea) Loa Angeles;

(Pantages) ^n Diego 21-26.

ED WARD ft CO. Songs and Dances.

Weber Sisters, Three (Pantages) Victoria. B. C.; (Pantages) Tacoma 21-26.

Welch, Ben (Temple) I>*'tro(t. West A Co.. BlUy (McVlcker) Chicago. West A Van Slclon (Pantages) Tacoma; (Pan¬

tages) Portland. Ore.. 21-26. White H))ssar». Nine (Keith) Boaton 21 26.


W1U..1A.MS and RaXIMKlN Addrta BlUboard. New York.

Whitehead A Co.. Ralph (McVlcker) Chicago. Whitehead, Joe ) Majestic) Newark. X. J.. 17-18. Whiteside A Picks (Delancey St.) X. Y. C.

17 18. Wlchnian. George (Majestic) Newark. X. J..

17-18. Wilbur. Clarence (Orpheum) Boston 17-18. Wilkens A Wllkens (Empress) San Francis»-o. Wilks. Monte (Wigwam) Muskogee. Ok.

NAT M. WILLS The Hapry Tramp.

Vauderille. I'nKed Time

Wlllartl (Bushwick) Willie Bros. (Uomana Park) ):ran.l Rapids,

Mich Will* Xat (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal.. '2I '2*1. Wllmin Bros (McVlcker) ( hieago. Wilson A Co,, D-ris (K-xnana Park) Grand

llaplds. Mleh. Wilts ft- Wilts (Park) Hannibal, .Mo.


CLIFF WIIVEHII_L Of FleMt. Wlnehlll and Green Plr Harr, Splngold.

Winter. Win-na il'antagesi Oakland. Cal.; (PantagesI I"* .\ng<ies 21 '26.

c( . i.tinueil .n i>age .'14.)


32 JUNE 19. 1915.

Miller Rubber Fun Makers

add life, fun and gaiety. Quickest sell¬ ing novelties at fairs, couveniions, masquerades, or as souvenirs.

DlIRRFD QI7flR_Such a Iierfectand nUDDCn lIHLUII realistic imit.ation

that it easily passes being a razor. Flex¬ ible rutjber blade, aluminum bronze hnish.

HATPHFT_advertisement can be nniullLI printed on the hardwood handle. The nlade is fle.xible, aluminum bronze finish and has a metallic appear¬ ance.

A Jl? Write for price list and description of all MUler Rubber Novelties.

I'i^l The Miller Rubber Go., Akron, Ohio


Streetmen Attention

t 6a ClO Worn u 8ui»penders.



... I ■"•I 8loHt Krlla^ilf CHICAGO, ILL. ■ WholeH^le Jeweln*

_B and Optical Houae

2lll?T? Wett M'adiwi Streat. CHICAGO. ILL.

T-in-l PAN-AMERICAN J23.00

lO-in-l Rj||Fn|l|c 24.00 12-iii-l DIIIIUIUO 28.00 Conhiaatiaa. Samples, 25c each. gross.

You’ll never use any other.


Keens Them All Kg' Fitted wlUi (Taiii Leather Strop. Specially

treated for aharperdiix Gillette, Durham Du¬ plex, Erer iteadx. Gem, Star and other Safeti Raaor B^adea, aa well aa all old-atyle Jack Baanra. AGENTSI OEMONSTRATORSI 100% profit lo thla for you. Write quick for pricea and territory. Send tl.OO far aample. Moo- ey back If you want IL


ARE YOU MAKING MONEY? Medldne Men, Acenta and Medicine Sbowa wanted to write ua for aamplea and piiora of our line of Bemedlea. HUT Sl'KI.VGS KEMKDT CX»., 12J -North 4th SL, Minneapolis, Minn.


Do you want to earn BIG

I'KonTSf Theae 2-lii-l Ktveralble .Huftpendera an<l

Bella can be sold at 15c

the pair. A gntal demmi-

atrator can sell two gross a das’ with a net proflt of

aismvimaiely $14.tai. Send

2.50 for a aample pair and

1 convince youraelf. irepoalt

k required on all orders.

Worn aa a Belt. .SI’ETIAL New kVaturea of the above Oomblnatlona

now ready. .Aak for parth-ulara. We are also man¬ ufacturing the Ni:\4’ MENS LEATHini ELASTIC Bin-T.

R. KRASNOW &, SONS, 23 Allea Streat. NEW YORK CITY.


for Today B and


■gordon &l jS,;'fV^:' B MORRISON I GduaM. Skaeta-

Is it true that I><>o Anaeline can't fliuire out an ordinar.y prulileui iinleaa he takea hla auoe ufT and aticka hla big toe in a knot bole? t^uiie one aaid when he wa« a kid in aehtad tliere was a kiH*t Imle In the Hiarr at the end

of hls l)eiu-h Beat and when he studied arith- iiiatic he had a habit of aticking hla big toe down ill the Inde. aa In this ttoaition he could

tigiire out the hanleat probleuig, and ttie habit had grown uii him ao that be atill hunts for kiH>t holes when he wants to figure. We woubi

like to know whether this la on the dead level.

( . G. WikbI. of shoe ladiah fame, has Joimal with W. K. Kiiiersoii and are hitting the ataits in New' Kiiglainl. and report things are little

liarder to work, hut even oil the break. The are doing their trick with tie forms, but¬ tons. maps.

Ilaiit.v .Morris, after working five hours on the main stem in Provideiict-, coiiiibal up the

rake-ill and found Ilia It. It. aiieUed sixty-five cents. l-lii®hed with the real of a conqueror Itaiity Wat it to a hat joint and picked out a swell cheeked hat. and is strutting around b'rd-

lug It over the gang. Banty Is some student.

Owen M<a>re went away Owen M<M>re than be could pay; Owen Mia>re came back t'Hlay

Owen Moore!

Much has Wen anent the sheet writer who fails to deliver the goods, but a word to the agent wIh( forgets lo pay attention to the

writer's orders wouldn't l>e amiss. This Is one of the euiises of closed towns.

SomelMMly said I'addle Smltty got a haircut


E. V. Taylor strikes a chonlant note; ’"I

have always understood that a ‘faker.' in the popular sense of the word, was not a busi¬ ness man. but still it seems he is. for an ad

in a local daily listed <rtie under business oppor¬ tunities. Would you mind letting me know

what has become of the privilege man? This word 'faker' should W combated, as it has

done more liarm to pitch and concession men than any other worvt in our language. It is

without doubt the proiliict of bigotry and ig¬ norance. but. nevertheless, it has a strong power cresting an unfavorable public opinion.

So 1 say, let us all fight it. and denounce it. Tln-re is a vast difference between a 'faker' and a privilege man. Get me?"—8. V. T.4T-

LJ)R. (Ed. Note—With this thought foremost we

have for some time eliminated its publloation and association with the profession. I-et’s eradicate it from our siieech; we will erase it

from our literature.)

W. P. Danker—Your letter still remains un¬ called for In this office. Let's hear from you.

Get off my corner!

It is whisjiered around that Doc Moran has an interest in a grease Joint. He was seen leading a shaggy dog in the rleinity of the slaughter bouses.

Doe Hazlett says: “Much thanks. Harry B<‘cker, fop the steer; it was one good simt."

Here's one on old I^oiie Etzel. which ha;i- Iieiied about twelve years ago: Ismie eaiiie how i.ite on Satiirila.v night after grinding sll •! without haring time to eat. -Lfter putting his parks away he started h> ravage thrxigh the

family lanler and presently dlsi-overed what lie tisik to be a package of treakfast f'«>d—diim;>- Ing the contents into a bowl of milk he griihticl

and retiri-d. Th»- next morning Louie's tietter half had oeeasion to use some of the contents of that siipiM>s*“d “breakfast food' and found only an empty package. she ask>-d Ismie If he had l>een In the pantrv on the tirevloiis evening. He 'fessed up. “What did .voii get?"

inquired his better half. "That uaekage of breakfast f'sid.” pointing to tlie emntv tisclts - “faesar's ghost! That was not hrakfast f<ssl.


that was hiril si-eil,” and b1h‘ went into isMiviil-

sioiis. while Isniie never bMikeil sillier III hls life, remarking: "1 can't help it; it bvkeil the same

to me." and he sneaked off.

IhS' Nat .Misire lias a new lowi wagon smile

iudientioii of |,r<>H|M-rity, or was it Just painted. Doc?

Iks- Hazlett made a pumpkin fair In Soiitii Iowa rei-eiitl.v and was rubbing it in a little

wlien tlH‘ J. P. gral>lM-d liiiii and be was struck for a lialf eeiitiiry. Tls-y friskisl him. but only I'M-atisI a (smple of leans, and. fi>eliiig soriy

for him. a-ked him If be cvnildii't get some iloiigli. “Not unless 1 get out and work." be answered. Well, they assigis-d a deputy to

go with him and set him off lo work. Tlie ilepiity saw th,' Iks' on tls- stand, ami bo-ame excited as the sale progresiwd, and wls-ii stisk was nililiiug low reiiiarkeil: “Too bad .veil

haven't iiHire stm-k." “I have." returned the Iks', “but it's 111 the J. P.’s lent.’’ So with the Ik'^i.'s <a>us<>ut be drilled ibiwii out of tiic

carriage—and went away from there.

E. K.van was sm-n In Webb City, M'c.

rei'eutl.x telling them the value of the wonderf it little knife. Ed l<s>ks g<iod. and is one of the

few Idiml men who pan make a |>it<'h. D's

Hazlett n-ads the pi|>es to him. G<ssl Inek. K.van.

Iks' Bill Mnsson was svs-n changing trains in

Joplin. Iks' bs.ks pros|s'rons and has a nic-* <s>m|Hiny.

"X'nelc Piter—Write. I foiiml visir addn-ss.

Mrs. H. and lk>|||e are well. General Ik-llvery. Miiskogd', Gk."

let’s hear from von. Wallace. The Isijs aic asking continually for yon. Stusit a line.

.4 Sirretinaii was arn-sinl In this rlD tlir iihtr week fis- sellliiz worlhless aissis. Did ymi ever I rtr ig a .sirertmaii lietu* artrslisl for srlllna Ihe ItitlsPq, Siiuatll Haik ig'Neik flat I'ollar lliilloii imaiur ti was wonhlesst NiH isi )our life Sell a iKlilMiale article tiul >•« sill mg be talkliix alksil eliweil i, siis If cltsHsI liiwns are a Issielll lo Visi. isNilbiur s.'111'ia junk (iiir am.latll assl'.is you In sn uitiii a 'ellltig IS mill fiiHii Ihe XlAior Tlie Siiuxni lluiiisi liat... the lie slide easily Mas no |sisi ig Usir, (Haiti's i,,. hiilge. ilias mg lirllale tlie iiiek Issii, solid sinifun can mg liriak. and Is giiaraiilisil to la-l a llf.iiui (kir iffi'laili lenties this Prtiss (;,,;.i p sinl ai »t s‘. p.r aii.i.: Ill Iwe zpiss ligs ami ui>. M ee pn a i-s.. K II It here. Iiieludliig Ihe sanie annsuil <g .liiii band iss'kvls. whleli ellniliiale your ilmsaislraittsi. Sells readily at lis*. tg tliriv fig 2.*s'. We also fiindsli a s'llliig HdrI Samples |ss>ltl%ely Sr.

Our .N'ly 251 ('oahliiailoii 7-bi-l Lsailier I'lskvs Book, made fngn tmubt# tlirefiaklii Irathee, In aa- •oried nrlors amt craliia. Fries, 1I7.M par p's**-

We also make a P-ln-l Cuiahliiatlaai Poikri Hook Friea, II3.M par prsat. 2Sc. and In relani you will rveeirt TWO saa- plrs.


Ijirry Barret, after trying hls luck In the war-ridden countries arnwa the salty drink, lias retiirneil siHiiewhat sort' for the ex|g*iieius' and

is again bark on spud peelers at two bits. I-arry said that although be didn't make a ibdlar In the old isMintry he had some rare tim<>«. hilt was none tlie li-ss glad to get back to the gissi old States.

Get Barret to tell yon about the ITviiig

Jeiin.r whieh he bad In Sardis. Miss.. alsuH twenty .rears ago. It’s rich. It’s a little loo long to publish.

One of the main issues f'lr getting a lleense “.4re you married or do you live in tills town?"

(Which Is the worst?!

.4fter getting the bug to come back Sammy Storeh dr«pi>e<l in to see us last week. aisl. be sides being prosiierms In apig*aranee. Iw Is

pros|g-ngis all tire way through. Sammy ts going to Frl'wsy. but Sammy is going to get a roiind-trip ticket. Give that levy ereillt. He is one wise kid. and is a credit to the game.

His |g><t to all the boys.

Big IMi'k Hardman making a l>argaln: "I will pay VOII twice as iiiin’b as 1 did the last one. -1 didn't iiay him anything, so ymi eaii figure it out." Dick says that hr Is a g<sH| fixer, toil there do happen to be some towns

he didn’t know there were, ami he Isqics he never mi>ets ’em agaii. Dick is heading bark, .vep. liack fp>m FTlseo way. Salt I-ake was his List address, and by this time he's In familiar

eoiiiitry. It didn't take Dirk long to make up hls miisl. Don’t forget that pletiire. Dlik.

Reader for Goldfield. Nev. a centur.T is r month, county; flftc'n easers for three months, city.

.4 g<ssl combination—Doe Harrv C. rhapina.i and iss J, E. Kiillls.m. of T-d'sIo. If fhsio.r

was to stir lip the me<l. game with the amiable

old veteran we fear there would lie some dii.vt

fl.ving aPHind. (Pssl Iiiek to .v<si IsiyB; get togrtip'r.

The Chleag.i lim- iin: .4ndy Watson, with Ins

little s|H‘e<l-’em-iip; F'.d Castelbi. Williams. Jis-

N'siiS'ii. LeClalp' DleW Garrison Kane XIorrIa lloldsteln. <’ris Itolirn. lbs- Howard perry Huntley and some few others. Wliulr (Hds siv«

this Is the p'giilar gang which iisml to play |siker in th.' rear of Ed Hahn’s store. wIp* now

mine down to his place to flirt with hls maiii cure artist and wear out hls rari»et.

Collie on Williams, slssit me a b'tt**r. tjuit kidding Windy OMs.

.4ak powers whv he was nrartlelng the Indian war wIksiiis at alsuit 2 li in.. In a ( levelsn.l hotel reeently. Must be some ball.vh<s> sti.iit be Is'tieliig for the liiiiiianatone—but say.

what's tlb' Idea. Powers?

Billy Gissiwin always chains The Btltlsiard in Ills five and ten-eent store. Guess Billy’s crazy!

Holer Becker says lila name Isn't Herby. iird

to- d'S'sn't wiiiit It s|s'lled fliMt way. ■.'bus.- ns. Herby.

a ruLL "Sl-W uiNt Of


SUPPLIES f>f r\«r% d«44.ripiH»n .tI lovkxwt pr.v«v Wf t-»\c

^oppliffv Kff c>cr\ LinJ •>! mavh'nv jirJ y,

• •nU Jirm in thr I s th«| ^an 4Ns...iutxl4 ihi %

• •rJrfw vumplrlc I'rompl ''^ipmcnl- 4,. j-m-xJ

KuarunlrrJ V^ntr \"f cAtatri anj Pr.,i 1 i«t


Toy Balloons Oonplrta Una. brilliant colarB. tndudlnf rad. rrllow, Mua, gracn, t«c. Alao aretlootl ooaa- btna'Jona at varloua colors. SiwrlAlIy Imtad to tnoura fadoiroa colors snd lough, rlsatlc rubber Lotig nsrkA untforoi In slsc snd oon- •UucUon; sroailcaA ftaapio fumlahad no reoMiiC of lOo lo ooaar aspaoss of astllug sod bsodUnf.

Stnd for PompkUt and Prict LioL

Till Stir Ribbir Co., Akni, Obio.

1 HERE IT IS. JUST WHAT YOU WANT Kitra ihtrk rvmMb, ntra hporjr baoilp.

iiliigrl U orie oC tbc bo^t whcmi wr are fflOfl to numlHT an cine of fmr »ian<*ti frteiMU. lie In a aure-flre wnrkcr and a pipe ahtjizter among the best. No ftmaU'tlmer U U A.

It \n that f'liniker nilatiMtlc Dll <f

.T‘»y f(*r oil. IiIk ma^hliN* ws% »»pi*ii

rdnrlng hl<lo arwl wltti th»* “T/* plllnrn i»ii Sixth arentie. New York.

I et*« hare a4»nie of tinwo wonderful nlfMa.

Vrftf. Klrchner. of Ihniton. Thoa#* alMiiit Ch-T* land.

IkMisre a death notice f»f 9 lady hy the name of I.iicy Fake. cdtnpHed a

Hat of Fakera. which f«dhiwa: *‘Fakera |.U4*t.

Turtle. Kor*fed Steel. Mock I>nck .(nd ShamTK»o.** |k*c'a ifi»t a^niic ni«ir«v hut ' he didn't hare tW neree to ah4M»t 'em.

Sorwt»o4lT aald Thtc Uillr and Mtaaiia fJraT had

returned to oiir 'dd eotintry fnmi Australia'

Onr laat fnHn them, dated ApKl 2^. announced their pn*aenee In ltrl«t»aiK‘ where |N»c waa a^'iMlIng eahlegrarna to tlie King and 'dher ra<‘H hnraea. Ij»*t'a hear a^mie g^awl newa. IKk'.

Hainide. tic, atanoM or coAn.

I14 9YK ^ir quantity of Uirae giaal* t« rap- hlly tllmlnialiltig Wa a4lrlae that you » <M'k up UII theae at onra.


KEY CHECKS YIH' can ba your oom bcoa with uur Kfw Check OuifiL (hssI for 85 s day stamiAiiA names on pnrket kag obacka.

~ loba. ate. Hsmpls (tiock, with your nans and sddisaB, ISe.

FEASE DIE WORKG. Oagl. 0. WIsskaMsr, N. H.


MILL FYlLIis . Grosa, 814 4tl 4 .Wamplp.. issMpald. 50c.

Ask any tA the Issrs alssjl «Kir Hiibscrlplbai ppi|s*l- llun. or srile us Y»wl .'kune pwl coin here for Jou

KEHRER A ARCHIE. Wbelatala Pramisois. Allksla. Ga.

MEDICINE FERFORWERS WANTED Hllixil Arts. Hlnglr Musical -Xels that i an .'baiiS'-. most l>e up III niisl Ilia Wire nr write III HKK A Gi>K DON. Uke ntj. III.

Cards, Dice, Banes, Slot Maebiees, Etc. CENTRAL NDVELTY CD..

40 Ss. Daag4alaaa SIraal, CklaafO. III.

iviedicine: ivieim Gf4 my priem. Can fiimisli It.'rn.e fret* fur Tvnio's we. DR W 7, kliNiKK, Pailucah. Ky

WANTED AGENTS Sulistltute for MiS Mmlilnca I’alraitrsl Sell. >hi ■ Ixht fur tl on nr nowv I■al1lc1llar,. GIHIIA CoM PANT, AiMlrrwai. Iml

Gay "I aaw N Is Tha Glllbkiwf."


e B 33



A • ■ • • I Ii»k.-<l tlM. t».y* 1»<»W th«*y got Into the lYY^nY^fO A %¥

¥0nuOIl • *’** *""* >'"»hliig like eny Information U M Ir M V A 111 ***^^* ^ yrt. (iiiei.. Ih.-y muHt o’ Ju«t In. AAU1\U O /aIY

\ ma forgetl in anil run in. Iiei-auae from all Imliea-

Knife Board Men HPFNFR BiKStockXin Handle KniT*. just receiTed. rmef’*'

Orders sen be promptly filled and shipped. - mo uama how cheap others seo, our Orders sen oe pioutpwj_ YV He «.,rib the name of plt. hman. PRICES ARE ALWAYS A UHLE IIT LOWER.

11. \V. laimh went nxl.tng~'re<-entl.r and caught PTP OIlTItlT a KUake Idle he W letw drinking. A Ll AA AA

ml la.**— —.f All Vlsaalm flually got tired of the aticta db 4 ^ IlOV£ltl6S or All milQS ami clia«-d hi* l aig, lean aelf into ttmaha. -Neh.. ^ I ^11 llUTVamsSeV w« mmmm amuawaw he «a. .-oufronteil hr Cal they, our

_ Clannara Tan Cr(M>k CsnM Panar well-Wno, n uee<tle ihn-ader frieiKl; .\1 tilorer. • DuiteM,Slap]^r8,jap trMHL.anM, Kaper EACH.

AMIS* uiUmIu^ I'lit le ivtt* KJUworth. fvb*i ^ i • , • i t

doiiht »aa at home i>»kiug after the .'Ira. Compare this pnce With others I’ih U* I***tt*. haH bU fauiUj lucitt*U lu _ . , . ^ . * . .

■ uitv Iitllt* wtM're b** be i* j i .*^***?^°^ Stmt Wwk^,

I.. etiek f.,r the winter undeNly accuaed thir inij ^ h^T ““ **““ ' of la.ino Hummer, i They all work one ixarucr—

hut tlo y an- all good fellow a, and they Sod DESCRIPTION OF OUTFIT ‘ ' _ Eiira Heary Oold PUted. Gold IMal. Thin Modea

Mike lieinol.u wa. r...»iitlv ..k.-il what he "•h’h. with a gMiuhia W year. Gold niled. Gold Mike ileyinhla wjh •"“•I .Soldered Waldemar or Goat. SoUd Gold Soldered

tle.ught wan the eaue.- of the eluiuji lu the lUteh ^ Handaane Velret Uued

Ofders ssn be promptly filled and shipped.

Carnival Men! ml la* All *_J _ .Mike Crough flually got tired of the aticka

IsAVPIeICS OT All IVlllflA and elia»ed hla huig. lean aelf into ttmaha. .Neh., llUTVimsmeV w« mmmm amuawwwr he wa. .-oufroiiteil by Cal they. oUr

ciannwra Tan CrfMlk CsnM Panar well-kiio. n uee<tle ihn-ader frieu<l; .\l Glotrer. DuiteM,Slsppsrs jspi.rMHUsnM, paper ^ i Hsts, Blowouts, etc., l»ai ana Atr oaiioons AMIS* uiUmIu^ ssaw I'lit le ivti* KUMWiirtb. wb'i u«>

and Sticks, Jewelry, Watche^ Clocks, douiit wan at home hiking after the .'ira.

• I De.eea Paenra and Ravnlvara I'nele I’ete. .Nailell haa hla family located lu Umel Boxes, K«ors tna Kevoivers, , ,nere he »«.», he i. g-ing

Wslking Canes, Cigars, cubing ijum, t'> Htii'k for the winter iiioteNly accuaed thir

Hoopla Rings and Boxes, Pillow Tops, "f lumg Hummer. I They all work one i-orm r—

Dolls, Paddle WhecU and Serial Paddles. ‘Z\Jn"Lr *" CatalofiM rr*e. -

requlreil oti all C <». I» iirdrr. Mike Key iiolda wa* no-elitly a*ked what be tleuiglit wan the cau*.- of the *lum|i in the |iitch

SHRYOCK-TODD NOTION CO ., hiiHlne*!. and him re|dy wan: "The Itargaiu Itoya! ,,, . «, That gentry who glee ninety.iiiu,. centa wo.-th tat m W4 a. Bta w.. ^ d.dlar. wh.. will iMiuat

ST. L^OIJIS. IVIO. I A'U » tii«*rrb«ut'ii until b** duIm iu a Ip«*Tf


SDANCING GIRL \ Noti Ity ill the ball throwing line. Mgure I. JS tret high ; width. i» lu.

\ \Vh<n ball •trike* tam'Maulne, figure re- I lelti* a iiumioy ig Ilmen, ileneiellng

A|SI ell here of llin>a daieh aMikl.ig

■Mike Keynolda wa* no-eiitly anked what be

tleiiiglit wan the cau*.- of the >lum|i iu the pitch i^nk hunltic*!. and him re|dy wan: "The ilargaiu Itoy*! I'aae. That gentry who glee ninety.niui. cent* wo.-th

of g.HHlH for a dollar. Thiaie who will iH|uat on a mcrclianl'a i-orner until he pul* iu a In-ef that cloH..* tile town, if a man iloenn'l make nlxiy flie iK-r cent on h.« ginnl* he'll eventually

Hirii into a hoim- guanl In a big city.” There'*

Home logic in that. Hut mind you, .Mik-. when

he Hahl what the pr-flt Hh'*ild tie. he I*1I> .\GT nay m-ll lra*h! .Mike ha* iieeu iu the game for twenty tile year*, and nboiild know aoluething.

What * your idea on thin qu*-*tion?

Attention, White Stone Workers We have a big itork of the famoiu BIBG AN'P

PKNN.kVT Brand Scuda and Scarf Pina at

game, well mmle ig map'* R*.e| alth )'«ir** If lull-baik I’aliitel ill bright igl t*>lo«* \.i W.igbt. Ifiu I'W 1‘rl.T. SIS. file- Sy lie- half or all la.b. balaiH-e <’ li |i o|>eii>nl

sycamore NOVELTY CO.. le-ler •

IJfS Sycaaiara St., Claciaaall. 0. *ta.v.

In.laiilaut-a» ra.klhw. |•a.l.tle Wheel*. «‘>iie ^iifTru I'au l*klu. ricars. Uuna* He.

< frw.

fn>iu f4iur ue^IitbiKtr In to »t(al fr* in

$2.25 PER GROSS.

tiT. SIS. ine- Sylienter Syntax ha* quit the game aud C <• 1* oiieiKil a picture Joint in I’outiac. Mich. Syl-

XY CO.. le-ler nay* the town I* dead, hut he's out to Clacianall. 0. *ta.v. Sylvi«l«-r hrok<- in under that a uiat le

la-i—1. olil llmer, Ibn- K. B. .kli*< lme.

By til*- way. where l» old ILn- .knnelir.e „n<l

hi* jitney till*. 1* the little white-winged home

iloing duty. Ikic?

P. S.—Write fur our new IliUalratcd Catalogue, the BOOK of BAROALVS. mailed free. Write for It today.

ALTER & COMPANY Huccmbotb to


185 West IVlsdlson Street, Over Childs* New HeMsursnt,



IS READY FOR YOl Send for Catalogue.



Jtis* llnice r»*fut«*ti the iktateiu«*nt that he wrap ^_

wap*^iiia<lf J>i»* waa tjowu In New Orleans tootiui; AHENTION!—WHITE STONE HANDLERS ATTENTION! ?h!!- imrede.’** J.Z laUI that'Tn spUe of the'l-ld VIXe'Pui^t M'’n'jp IM* MI»».\d”rixGS H«e U a^ n«7eJtiJ?'for"y!!^ m T/u abiwT* time* he ha* left a trail of bumauat«*ue* tbro.igh

Texa*. oklaloma and Kauna*. Joe ia mighty Mu-a.. laax m-n apr/'ixi mativx iii.h .trong f.g* (le-UTie She.^^ ^ ^ Tiffin, ?ole KI.Ng'. set with ^ Karat *iL Great Hariiea, autl be jjAjra thej a^ s ,» « MM iXhiif Htoiie Hrllllanl l*TU-e. per D‘»trb m»rkei>. .*4.rtl >hlpuiaD U «tlll Nitb Joe. E|i iloaeii. 75a; per cruaa. $8.50.

When ymi feel Alt*wn lu the iu«*utJ reiueiuiKT Muaibar 1684 -Ol'R SPK4'IAI. PL.vTIN.\ Hlfh JtkUaIr be « atue out all litfht* # m X m X ^ TllTany Sole Rl.NG. fset with ^ Kaiat 4lae Extra

__ / \ if % X ^ F'liie While Stone BrUllaiit. l^riw, per doaen,

I Halil that Eddie I'a^tello trid»*a a t»a’*e *1 1 | 1 jf 1 80o; per (roM. S8.M. .llcateil ami ele,trlOe.l clrclngl*'* f*>r a I 11 f I f Nuaibar I6S5—OCR SPECl.AL PLATIN.A High an full of human kindueaa ever, turn. V y y y Tiffany Style RING, set with Karat *Ue - ^ KAtra Fine White Stone BiT.liant. lYlce. per

C. E. Willlama nays that be ban cam- _ . ^ "",1^ doaeo. 85e: per grosa. $9.58.

d III and almut I bb ago to fair bualneM. No* 1IW5. te weather baa held bitu down. He will ^ wlJJ **^d a .sample of each King, a.v diown In llliKiraibNi, u(mii receipt of JMv. a aweeidlig UHir of the cltv on the lake . *”5» ct theae Kinga are made of Solid l*1atlna Metal. The Uhh or aeltlnga nf the rtfga

len turn hi. head f new iK-id*. where tue **‘“"TSr iMTifia"!!'.kto the tonw, ^ ihtae KIngH are Hravy Gold Plated, on Stdld Platlna Metal, guaranteed n<4 to tandah.

• _ the stones we Use hi theae Rliiga are of the FtneHl Quality FAer tilTereil, and make the Higgeat FlaQi.

I^N.* C. E. Willlama nay a that be ban cam- l»algD**d III and almut 1 bb‘ago to fair hualneM.

M..r» .lelt<-bim>l> fl,«if»tl ,nd at hnaer prW* than yuu but the weather ha* held him down. H.- will bite Uem qunir-l b«*n<g<*T. Samirlr* will be *e«u to make a awecplng tour of the city on the lake yuu on appUcatioo.

STANDARD CHEWIN6-6UM CD. Ball-Gum Our Specialty

and then tur atiek*'!* grow

It i» *ald that E*ldle Ca»teIlo tridca a ita'M- of meilicated ami ele,-trlfle<l clrclngl*-* for a

milk can full of human kindueaa every turn.

M-M Calaaikla



Try our Special ParawU. W, ran lare you Booey. Nw I—a par goiaa N*. sa— ll.M par gM*a Na. *a— IS.M par gana K% drpoell BUM ba re-

reived with onler All gun*!* prepaid to any part of tho I'. S.. if auney la •rot with order. Send tl! <>• for doaen aaMWted uaipleg.


PklladalpRIa. Pa.

Ik*n't talk war talk Iwmine**.

W.aiM .v**u « all a the ’ in an aer*-

|*laue a high pllrb'

BRACtMAI-WEILER CO., WliHi SIom Spicialnh, ■ 337 W. Madnon SI., CHICAGO, ILL.

PAPERMAN—SAFETY FIRST-PAPERMAR Juat a minute, my friend*, the Ib* t**r *ia* have the only S,\Fr.T1 F1R.--T pngMeltlon for real {.apermen. Work f*>r u-i. and you i-an work In t*>wii*

.*iu*'thlng t*» aay to'- that are r1a*e-l to mhev*. S.XFT.ri FIRST FRGTKfTlriN la what we give *atr agent*, real pmteiglun pa- - permen have waiite*! fur year*, ms pmaUaen and ' bunk.” Three and fmir M.kG.tZI.NKS lii eai-li ilub.

•'ll wa* bark In l*s7. when I ami the Mr*. .STRGXGKST L1-7ITERS t»F ACTHtiRITY ISSCEL. Itew. Canl ami .SAFT-TTY FIRST Work Anywhere R.- Yllllam* left l>enver f**r t alifornla. We nto;!**! ‘T’**’*"- I’l”*- P"’**'*’ "••>te*l to rrprrnetit u* evvrywhepe. l»rop u.* a poMal anil *ee what we will IH> I Sail l.ake Cltv ami thc.len atnuit a week, g *1 1 *■ <*APITV FIRST) OFFRICHT, MaaagM- PaMiStwa CIroulallea 4 Adv«rti*iat Ca.. Oallag. Tria*.


•'ll wa* bark In l*s7. when I ami the Mr*. •'^R<i William* left l>enver f**r t alifornla. We *10.1**1 ‘"P*"

at Salt laike City ami tig'len atnuit a week, g *1

»u.>wl**iiml at Ken*>. biU g**t Ihnoigh to .Sacra menlo In g*»*l ord*'r. It ha.l Iwo-u very .-.d*! with 11* ntitll then. 1 b>»t m> time netting u;> *m*t* In tile rear of a two h*>rw«- pUtf*>rm ruua- t».ut. backe*i up I" the he»t <-'>m>'r. near the

capii.'l. and g*>l real bu*.v a.IJimting my i.iiw*

to a I ig crowd. It wa* a* hot a* Hade*. au*l. 11 *Im*w iIh* native* that I had buckwheat ntraw in my whtnker anil I **iul*l *hake the hay**-*'*! out of uiy clotbew. I um-oateil ami nnvewted,

peeled off m, f**llar and then put both feet

ArMiai Int*. It. keri>liink Ju»t t*» »h»w ’em my Jmlg*- rhl.lAI Thurman hrami of dcimH-racT. uufurle.l ami

• dra|i**l my neck In the f.d.l* of the revhl.-nt of re*l lumlaiia*. an.l I h*'anl one »a.v-. "I' g.i.1

Thu one I* that U the name fella." and other* aaylng that ^ Td from I wa* the naiue guy with mm-b veheincni-e.

Meet Whili • • a— _ w black ban- vl-SS Dmwi din

N'WwIthMandIfig the a.lramw* In the n>u ig •'rol. wc ir* neilltig at the ol<l prtrr* Blgge*i value rwec ■ffiTv-l In the Raai>r line.

Ilrailuuartrr* for Walrbiw, (i.irk*. Jewelrv. Silver

bent F.iigllnb I Well, that night aoun- wouhl call It a bk«>mcr— but I ngure*l It a plain *kunk. S>i»e time

- - before a grafting gny like uiynelf »**hl Hie aame rh*l»T

r .r .-r.; “.S :5 ,;■■»■. “ You Can Always Pick Up a Few ^ *** tU> ramp. aiMl j«ik*T In Iht* ram|» bad H f f

lelo. Silver,l ahead that .Sacramento w*. *.'n.ll;ig LFOllarS it I OU ITaVC V/Ut Sale* IhMPt a hunch of reil bandcl anan-hint*. with niiij.l

letul f*w I **» |M*x, **v**r the r*a*l and t*» l***»k out f**r th**m 4 1 ^ * Ilf courM*. the train wa* met with ■hotgiiu* VealalOKwIC

awlari. ami the tr*«ii|ie. r»*l flag* heih'cke*! fmm the ^ _ o , .

C»*«*** t.fl.iiiant and bulging fp.iii every i*.rth,.le. wa* >,(.VT CUltlOIl jUSt OlT tiu* pTeSS. U Tlte foT a COpV

land for out i"V‘”,Ur^^hlVba■V*'^MVnd it"ont' am'r'iude* toduv. Everything foT Stroetiiien, Pilchiiien, Deiii- ‘*.‘*S.i** ,^dhVn.wiIMan7^:'.kc.M!"n*H^ oiistfators iMuI Camival IVople, at lowest prices.

o*elti»$ levin BROS., Terre Haute, Ind.

o oo o°e

\ A wr- ^

A A ^ ^ I





Manufacturer, of




Nartb Wntwa A**pm,


GET tk, BEST M,aty- Gatter*.

Srml for >wir Catalogue. DOLL RACKS.

ware. Hawn. Illlirohl*, <-uilerv. eir Sale* lUMnt a hunch of re.1 ban.lcl aiiarchint*. with siiiail ami 1‘rrmluni Sup|.||r* of all kind*. Hrii.l tiw lew |w>x. over the r>*il and t.i lo.'k out f.w them itiaiog. free to .Iraleni Ilf coui-m* the train wa* met with •hotguii*

JOS. HAGN 4 CO., Wkalaaata Jaaralari. ,o,| the tnwilie. rv*l flag* heilcckiM fp>m tbe

WR'TR* W. Madltaa SI., CAiaaf*. IB- imuiiant anil bulging fp.iii every |».rthole. wa* turiH*l hai'k In a .lead run. When your* truiy

lioai’t ilelay !• tand for out g.,, ,here the, bail foiiiul It out and Hade*

1915 Cataloflue wa* a |wn>pi»‘ ■'•n.-r. The crowd nhowe.1 it*

Showing ratwirta lln, cF f-th. gn.wh',1 and l -'kcl iiglv. a. though l...klng aa a ai a,* tronl.l*'. an.l, a* 1 ha.l n.» mdlon of grwtl

V^HNOdlNW CDFIIIVAI NOWRIIISS fylug their whim. I gracefuU, *.-11.1 h> y.iiu- uailllffll nUTCIlIQa „„1 »!„, ,1„. ,1,1 of the .invcr

— AND — eacaiN'.l with a whole |H*lt. However. tlw

" ’’I' PuRch Board Goods E'.Jl/oX ir'-r"?:, wn.:”T;"; GOLDBERG JEWELRY CO. ‘ _

MO Wymndotfa 8t.. Kansas City, Mo.

Sm Mark •ayn tbr weathrr out In iVnvrr

X# II ll anjrtiilng but mhat It lUight to bo. Iiaiiny l» t> I Ra X w Y»«>rkliiit th,» aurnMiuoltiitf o»untry and ToIoaH

in Hiiiijr. Kubjr Matt and Ookl. and Orreti and Oold t.» !»«• hail oui J^ntunta? to k»*^|» hU dlnnor

‘••"'•val. •ml Wr;el imnny left hi* wife In K1 Fa*...

IWhw^, TC »«"'« her 111 he*llh Be*t wl.he. an.l !*,.<•* O^rTarT^a.rvr ^ I'anny. The Buttermilk

Twin* are In Iv-nver with Panny; ahov rurlv.v

Warwk'k. the alk-nt vehran. They all w.vrk

Tip ^^.rmA arr .rrai nLmt, m.k^^ IItp Atraloirm thir .\U5IK f«»rm la turn iiaeil hy inany i*f »**”*•* *" Friaco. tile aiioTwaful h,**. an.l we are Ihr mat ufaeturiT* of ' the Iiewl itlk Iwald tie* ku- form*. Write for i rice* They aay there 1* nothing anre -hut death •ml deal ilirv*, «|ih the niaiiufa<-turer ami taxea. How ah.<nt a rea.ier? That'* ante

NEW ENGLAND BRAID MFC. CO.. a, hell. 37 Waat SE SlrMt, Naw Vark City.

rdGoods E;,7S:,'';;,'r.r'-7!';:.'S Medicine Showmen, Agents, I.,., wa- l'eiii«iw mw't* are lorn, hut liar* are. aelf- Palmists and Hustlers

wa* a iwnii.iii’ a.irl.'r. The rn.wd ahowe.1 it*

t.*'th, growhil and l'•>kell ugly, a* though l.a.klug for tnuihk-. an.l. a* 1 ha.l mv mdlon of grad fylug their whim. I gra.'j.ftlll, *«'U.I h> y.iiu- ••ghl.lap," *11.1, with tile aid of the driver e*.'a|N'<i with a whole |H*lt. However. tlw

next night I worke.! tluTe with fair •ins-e**. but I k.-jit niy clothe* -.ti"—C. K. Wll.l.l.kMS.

1.. C. Man.

I'erliaiw i*w't* are lorn, hut liar* are. aelf-




made ^'**1' AKK URMNG SGMK NICE EL4SY MONtrY If you fall to work our High Grade __ V.IAUTRIO B1XT8. AFITJANCFS and Bt>l>Y BATTFailKS oa the *i.le or In your

Paniiv Mark aay* the weather out In IVnver • _ .gfl.'e. .kl*o a nice dde line for prrfarmm maldiig one to *ix-da7 aland*. 5«0 to l.tXW I* anything hut what It ought to be. Pniiny I* “ JX Per cent proflt. Send 15c for Sample Belt ai.d Lecture on Bertriclty. Get net prlco Uat

U M.«-klnir Ih,. mirroMindin* iNuintry and huiW ^ TMr^*PLFrTil*ir lAiirr m fim. imi\ R4irii.«t9a Kmiaa. rnoiiiih to Ik* hail omi :4;itun1aT to k»*^|» hU dinner

PAPERMEN LOOK (3c) AGENTS WANTED Tv'.'rwU-k"' .'t?e’ilk'n7 wV,^’ran*""'rheT*^'ll^w.\Vk •" PO'"'’* out the STRONGEST CLUB of u-tgaalmw ever offere.1 to .geut F.wtr HIGH-CLASS Warwkk. th. alk nt m I'«"• •B ^ ^ AGRICULTURAL MAGAZINES. liicImHng a SHORT STORY MAGAZINE, aud the lurn-lii k. V any place d>ne r<»rnep aud ai^* wnloh la mon* y ^ senwifr^t Aelf-ldentlfylng letter of autliofity. Yn*. we hate thi*M» PRESS CAROS. I^rop 4 than ARune we kn«>w In Friace, ptiual t'ani f«ir parriimiar*

■ ■ ^ HIGGINS CIRCULATION BUREAU. DI»8aUh Aaaex. OtttMhwt. Okie.

PAPERMEN LOOK (3e) AGENTS WANTED one (Winter and are gtritlng by—which 1* more

They aay there 1* nothing attre -hut death

and taxea. H«w ah.>iit a rea.ier? That’* ante

aa hril.

I Yau aiaka a kit witk tha adaartiMr whaa yae ataatlea wkat papar yaa aa« kla ad la.

34 X ti e Billboard JUNE 19, 1915.


(Continued from page 31.)

Within the Lines (Delancey St.) N. Y. C. 17-19. Wolgas A Girlie (Orpheum) N. Y'. C. 17-19. Wood, Britt (Orpheum) JarkaonTille. Wiping or Kight (Emery) Providence 17-19. York A King (Unique) Minneapolis; (Empress)

St. Paul 21-2(i.

BERT YOUNG And Hit Own Musical Comedy tX>.

Blllbeard, ST. LOUIS, MO.

Huntington, Wright, Players: (Shubert) St. Paul, indef.

LaBoy Stock Co,, H. LaRoy, mgr,: Foetoria, 0., indef.

Maceo Stock Co., Joe F. Dunn, mgr.: Tybee Island. Ga., indef.

M(«art Stock Co.. Harry McKee, mgr.: Elmira, N. Y., indef.

Oliver Drama Players. Otis Oliver, mgr.: Quincv, Ill.. Indef.

Price’s Popular Players. John R. Price, mgr.: Saratoga Springs, N. Y.. indef.

Richardson Stock Co., Ensley Barbour, mgr.: Paa-huska. Ok., 14-19; .Muskogee 20. indef.

Turner. Clara. Co.: New I»ndon. Conn., indef. VanDyke A Eaton Co., F. Mack, mgr.: Joplin,

Mo., indef. Wallace. Chester, Players: .\shtabula, O., indef.

Y'oung's Musical Comedy, Pittsburg; Brooklyn 21-26.

Zelaya. C. Alphonse (McVlcker) Chicago. Zoeller Trio. Ed (American) N. Y. C. 17-19.

DRAMATIC & MUSICAL .thorn Oiiera Co.: (National) Washington, indef. Aborn OlHTa Co.: (Ford’s) Baltimore, indef. Adams. Maude (Chas. Frohman’s): Medford,

Ore., 16; Eugene 17; Salem 18; AstOTia 19; Portland 21-23; Seattle, Wash., 24-’26.

Along Came Ruth (Henry W. Savage’s); (Olym- |iic) Chicago, indef.

Anglin, Margaret: (Cohan’s) Chicago, indef. Ferguson. Elsie (Chas. Frohman’s): Portland,

(ire., 14-19; San Francisco, Cal., 21-July 19. Full House, A (H. H. Fraiee’s): (Longacre)

X. Y. C., indef. Burke. Billie (Chas. Frohman’s): San Francisco

14-19; Ijos Angeles 21-26. Every woman (Henry W. Savage’s): St. Paul,

.Minn.. 14-19; Minneapolis 21-26. Girl and the Tramp, The: Tower, Minn., 16;

Ely 17; Aurora 18. Hands Up (.Messrs. Shubert’g): (FOrty-fourth

St.) X. Y. C.. Indef. Help Wanted (Lait A Raftery’a); Cadillac,

Mich., 16; Manistee 17; Ludington 18; Big ICapids 19; Waukegan 20.

It Pays To Advertise (Cohan A Harris’): (Co¬ han) N. Y. C., indef.

Kolb A liill; San Francisco, indef. Lady in Bed (Oliver Morosco’s): (Princess)

t’hicag**, indef. Lost in .Mexico, Wallie Stephens, mgr.: Neosho,

Mo., indef. Maid in America (Messrs. Shubert’s): (Palace)

Chicago, indef. Maun. Ixxiis: (Messrs. Stiubert’s) (Booth) N. Y.

C., indef. M'Mlerii Eve., A; (Casino) N. Y’. C., indef. Montgomery A Stone, in Chin Chin (Chas. Dih

liiighum’sl; (Globe) N. Y. C., indef. Natural I>aw, The (John Cort’s); (Republic) N.

Y. (’., indef. NoIkhIv Home: (Maxine Elliott’s) X. Y. C.,

indef. 0(nar. the Teiitmaker, with Guy Batea Post:

Santa Barliara. Cal.. 16; San Luis Obispo 17; .Monterey 18; San Jose 19.

On Trial (Cohan A Harris’): (Candler) X. T. C., indef.

Paseiug Show of 1915 (.Messrs. Shubert’s): (Winter Garden) X. C.. indef.

Pavlowa Ballet. Inc.. Max Hirsch. mgr.: Port laml. Ore., 21-22; Tacoma, Wash., 23; Seattle •2.’{-26.

Peg o’ M.v Heart, with Peggy O’Neil (Oliver Morosco’s(: (Cort) Chicago, indef.

Santley. Jose|di: (Garrick) Chicago, indef. Sari (Henry W. Savage’s): Oakland. Cal.. 14

19; Oakland '20-21; Marysville 22: Chico 23 .tsliland. Ore.. 24; Eugene 2.">; Salem 26.

She’s in Again; (Gaiety) X. Y'. C.. indef. Sinners (Wm. A. Brady’si; (Playhouse) X. Y

C.. indef. Starr, FVances. in Marle-Odlle (David Belas

co’s): (Belasco) X. Y'. C.. indef. Ten Xights in a Barroom. J. G. Rae. mgr.

( roton. S. D., 16: .\ndover 17; Claremont 18 Havana. X. D.. 19.

Three of Hearts: (Thirty-ninth St.) X. Y. C. indef.

Twin Beds (Selwyn A Co.’si; (Fulton) X. Y C.. indef.

Uni'le Tom’s Cabin (Grant’s). Luce A fthaw mgrs.: Hersliey. Pa.. 16: Hummelstown 1 Royalton 18; Elizabethtown 19: Mt. Joy 21 IJtitz 22: Euphrati 23: Xew Holland 24 Homybrook 2.’t: I8>wington 26.

Under Cover iSelwyn A Co.’a): (Cort) X. Y* C., indef.

MINS^ELS Fts'wn’s. Frank Yi.. Musical Maids; Muskogee.

Ok . 14-19. OeM-eut Musical Comedy Co.. Luther M. <amp

tsdl. mgr.; Bartlesville. Ok.. 14-19. Dandy Dixie Minstrels. Johnson A Black, mgrs

iReputdici lyos .tngeles 14-19. Deloy’s Dainty Dndlnes; .tmarillo. Tex., indef. Empire .Musical Comedy Co.. Fred Siddon. mgr Geiprgla Tivuitpadours. Wm. McCabe, mgr.: Dun

lap. Kan.. ]6: Dwight 17; .tlta Vista 18 .Ylina 19.

Hall’s. E. Clayton. Diving Girls: (White City) Savin Ibe-k. (Onn.. indef.

High Sclnsd Mln«trel Girls. Charles E. Single ton. mgr.: St. Ixxiis. indef.

Orplietiin Musical Comedy Co.. Terry Hickman mgr.: Mc.Mestcr. Ok.. 14 19.

Iticliards A Pringle’s Famous Minstrels (Hoi land A Fllklns’i: Montevlileo, Minn.. 16; Or tonville 17; Walij>etf«n. N. D.. 18; Morris 19 Benson. Minn.. 21: Litchfield 22; Willmar ^ St. (loud 24: Little Fails 25: Sauk Center 26^

Shellpot Park. Wilmington. Del., 14-Jnly 3.

BANDS & ORCHESTRAS Alberti A His Band. Prof. V. Alberti, dir.; Far¬

rell, Pa. Bafunno’a, Romeo D., Band; St. Louis, Mo.,

indef. Broadway Ladies’ Orchestra. Julia Baker, dir.:

Camden, N. J.. indef. Cavallo’s Band. P. A. Cavallo, dir.: (Forest

Park 1,^St. Ijouis, Mo., indef. Chandler.'’^ Xellie B., A Ijidies’ Orchestra.

Chas. W. Goetz, mgr.: Shreveport. La.. 16; Monroe 17; Hattiesburg. Miss.. 18-20; Merid¬ ian 21; Greenville 22; West Point, Ga., 23; Macon 24; Shdlby. X. C.. ’JS-’JT.

D’.Yndrea’s Progressive Band. Joe D’.Yndrea, dir.: Dalhart. Tex., 14-19.

Del-aurentu’s Banda Rossa. Prof. DeLaurentu, dir.: 5.32 E. Xorth Ave., Baltimore. Mo.

Doti’s Boy Scout Band: (Luna Park) Coqey Island. X. Y'., indef.

Fadettes of Boston, Ladies’ Orchestra. Caroline B. Xichols. dir.: (Schliti’s Palm Garden) Milwaukee, indef.

Ferullo’s Band (Zoological Gardens) Cincinnati, indef.

Floravante and His Band; 911 Blue Island .4ve.. Chicago, indef.

Florentina Band, S. Battiato, dir.; (Electric Park) Raleigh. X. C., indef.

Frltch’s Orchestra. J. C. Frltch, mgr.; 54 W. Randolph St.. Chicago, indef.

Gregg’s Imperial Orchestra. Turner W. Gregg, dir.: (Colonial) Lexington, Ky., indef.

STOCK & REPERTOIRE -Mley’s Players. V. C. .Mley, mgr.: N. Y’. C

Indef. Balnbrldge Players; (Shuherti Minneap<dls, in

def. Broadway Pla.vers. O. E. Wee. mgr.: Camden

.V. J.. Indef. Byers’. Fred A.. Stock fo.. Byers A Ingram

mgrs.; Paducah. Ky., Indef. Oiburn Players. The: ('ape Girardeau. Mo.. 16

17; Memnhls. Tenn., 18-19; Springfield, Mo, 21-22; Warrensburg 23-24; lyawivnce. Kan 2.5-26.

Correll-Prlce Pla.vers. W. E. Cornell, mgr Wans<-on. O.. Indef.

Dnbln«ky Bros.’ St<K-k Co.; Shuix City, It Indef,

Eckhardt. Oliver. Players; Regina. Sa«k.. (an Indef.

Forslx--* I'layers: (Orpheumi Xewark. X. J Indef.

Geyer Stock Co.. (Tia*. Geyer, mgr.; Muskogee Ok.. 14 19.


Xow In 3d year, Oolonial, I«xington. Ky. Dalb Omcerta

Corey’f Little Giant Shows. Frank D. Corey, mgr:. Grand Kapida, Minn., 14-19.

Ilohrman Amust-ment Co.: Norfolk, Xeb., 14-10; Niobrara 21-‘J6.

Evans’. Ed A.. Greater Showa. Ed A. Evana, uigr.: Webster tlty. la.. 14-19.

Kerari. Col., FYanels, Shows, W. L. Wyatt, mgr.; lortland, N. Y’., 14-19; Oswego 21’26.

G.ates .tmusxMiient Co.. John Gates, mgr.: Ba¬ tavia, <)., 14 19.

Goodell Shows C. M. Goodell, mgr.: Prlnce- vllle. HI.. 14 19.

Great Amerietn Shows. Morris Miller, mgr.: Holland. Mich., 14-19; Ludington 21-26.

tlivatiT HliawKirome Shows. Will H. Welder, mgr.: Nelsonville. ().. 14-19; I-ancaster 21-26.

Greut PaiMuia Shows, C. Barthell mgr.; Cen- trslla. Mo.. 14 19.

Great Patterson Shows. Jas. Patterson, mgr.: St. Cloud. Minn., 14 19.

Greater Sheesley Showa, J. M. Sbeesley. mgr.: I’lttsburg, Pa., 14-19.

Heini A Bivkiuanu Shows, Friul Beckmann, mgr.: Rhinelander. Wis., 14-19.

Heth’s United Shows. 1_ J. Heth, mgr.: FVind dti Ijie. YVis.. 14-19.

Heth’s Greater Shows, Albert Heth. mgr.: Riiwn, Wis.. 14 19.

Hutchens’ Combined Shows. Jtdin T. Hutchens, mgr.: Augusta. Kan., 14-19.

Jon(*8’ Johnny J.. BxyMailtioo Shows. Johnny J. Jones, mgr.; Mahauoy City. Pa., 14-19; Tyrone 21 26.

Juvenal's Stadium Shows, J. M. Juvenal, mgr.: IVxter, Mo.. 14 19.

Kline, Jack, Shows. Jack Kline, mgr.: I.ake- wisid. X. J.. 14 19.

Kranse Greater Shows, Ben Krause, mgr.: Nor¬ wich, Conn., 14-19.

Lagg’s. Col.. Greater Shows: Farrell, Pa.. 14 19.

Landes Carnival Co.. J. laindes, mgr.: Mis¬ souri Valley. la., 14-19.

I.eggette A Brown United Showa: Giatto, W. Va.. 14 19.

Maut’. A. V., Greater Shows, A. V. Maus. mgr.: Carbondale. Pa.. 14-19.

Maxwell Carnival Co.: South .4mN>y. X. J.. 14- 19; Bellville 21-26.

Metroiiolltan Greater Shows. B<iom A Tice, mgrs.; Schenectady. X. Y’., 14-19: Utica 21-26.

Yletropolitan Shows, C. E. Barfield, mgr.: Hin¬ ton, W, Y’a.. 14-19; Huntington 21 26. .

Mighty Doris’ Shows: Connellsville, Pa.. 14-19. National Exposition Shows. Steve Mulcaby,

mgr.: Mari^ O., 14-19; IJma 21-26.

MARRIAGES (Continued from page Ik.)

PAKgUBT-l-ANSDX Jack Parquet, of (h* Wilt Novelty Co., and .Misa .Margaret lainn n' aliti> of the iwuie cuiuimny, which .•ontrol, elLui conci-saluus with the Kuthcrford Greater Sh were married June 5. at Erie, Pa., when the shows jilayed that city.

PAKUY KISHKB David William Parry is.u. professional, was marrlcl on June 9. lit 'pum sutawney. Pa., to Miss Horence Hsher an actress, who has aplsared with Otis Skliiiier Madame Xaslmova and Walker Whiteside '

TOI’PLEU GLASSF’tlKD -George It. Top.,.., known professk.nally aa Brxuieho George, w « married in Detroit on June 19 to MUa Mil..r..l Ulasaford. of that city. Mr. and Airs. To,>,.|.-r expect to make their home In Tampa, Flu.


Born to Dr. and Mrs. .\dim K. Sebastian, of Cincinnati, a eon, Botierl Emanuel, on June 4 Mrs. Seliastlan Is well known In lheatrl,al elrcles as Babe Clarke, of the Clarke Twin« She was last season with The IVdli.w of the Da> Company.

Hamilton's Concert A Dance Orchestra; Muncle, lud.. indef.

Ix>F0rti'8 Milano Band, F. Gregory, mgr.: (Ex (Hisition) San Francls.o. indef.

Xasca's Concert Band, Tony Xasca, dir.: Xew Martinsville. W. Va., 14-19.

Xatiello A His Band, E. Xatiello. dir.: (Fon taine Ferry Park) Ixmisville. Ky., indef.

Neapolitan Symphony Orchestra. L. Bessell. mgr.: 916 Fitzgerald Bldg., 1482 Broadway, X. Y. C.. indef.

Newberry’s Prize Orchestra: Detroit. Mich. Old Orchestra, Wm. Hipsmin. mgr.;

32*22 W. 23d St.. Chicago, indef. Oliveto’s, Antonio, Band: Holland. Mich.. 14-19 Pinkerton's. Geo. G.. Orchestra: 415 Baltimore

Bldg.. 22 W. (}uincy St.. Chi<-ago. Indef. Post A His Band, D. Posa. dir.: Jamaica. X. Y.,

indef. Rounds’ Ladles’ Orchestra. H. O. Rounds, dir.:

Detroit, indef. Royal Venetian Band, H. L. Lamblase. mgr.:

(Garden Pier) Atlantic City. X. J.. indef. Si'ixiton A His Band. W. H. S<xiuton. dir.: 6337

Ingleside Ave., Chicago, imief. S<iu«a A His Band: (Exposition) San Francistsi,

Indef. Talarloo A His Band. S. Talarieo. dir.: (Ra¬

mona Park) Grand Rapids. Mich., Indef. Tripoli Royal Italian Rand. Alphonse (TiiarelU.

dir.; Alliance, O., 14-19; Cleveland 21-26.

MISCELLANEOUS Bragg A Bragg SImiw, George M. Bragg, mgr.:

Detwuville, X. Y., 14-19. Coyle’s Royal Marine .Museum, E. R. Coyle,

mgr.: St. Lriuis. Mo., indef. Harold's. Prof. Raymond. 18>g A Pony Show:

44.54 X. 17tb St., Philadelphia, indef. KaDell-Kritrhfield Vaudeville Snow, J. 8.

Kritchfleld. mgr.: Monterey. Tenn., 14-19. IJngerman. Samuel A Lucy: Philadelphia, indef. Madam Volga Co.. Prof. H. C. Brace, mgr.:

Utterton. Ont., Can.. 14-19. Mi-GInley. Bob A Eva. <>>.; Oakland. Cal., indef. MItcbell’s. I>eslie. Moving Pictures; Galesburg.

Mich., indef. Xye's. B. H.. Dramatic Ambridge, Pa.,

14-19; Brownsville 21-’J6. Kleton’s Big Show: ClrclevIIIe, O.. 14 19; Wil¬

liamsport 21-26. Taylor. Tom. Show: Brownfield. Me.. 14-19. Underworxl’s Moving Pictures: Trimble, O.,

indef. Walden. Dana: Mountain View, Mo., 17; Kan¬

sas City 21-36.

NORTHWESTERN SHOWS .\n experienced (XhicooIot Man or Snowman takes no chances wiieti he boiAs with this ixenpaiir: he is SM RE of a srlntev bankroll.

Xigro A Stevenson Shows: Pecos. Tex., 14-19; Carlsbad. X. M.. 21 ’26

Xoxon’a Hippodrome Show s. Dave Xoxon, mgr.; Radford. Va.. 14-19: R<WDoke 21-26.

Paul’s United Shows. Fred J. Paul, mgr.: Engle¬ wood. Tenn., 14-19.

Peerless Xpo Shows, C. F. Mitchell, mgr.: Al¬ liance. O., 14 19.

Pierson’s, H. T.. Cansdian Slows. H. T. IMer- Bon. mgr.: Brockville. Ont., Can.. 14 19; Corn¬ wall 21 26.

Reed’s. E. B., Greater Showa; Enid. Ok.. 1419. Keisa. Nat. Showa; Houghton. Mich., 14-19;

Menominee 21-26. Reynolds’. Geo.. Shows. Geo. Reynolds, mgr.:

Xew Martinsville. W. Va.. 14-19. Rogers’ Greater Shows; Montgomery, W. Y’a.,

14 19. RozelPs Famous Shows F. A. Rotell. mgr.:

Lowry City. Mo.. 14-19; Bn'wnington 21 ’26. Rutherford Greater Shows. Irv. J. Poiack,

mgr.: Lorain. O.. 14 19; Norwalk 21-26. Sanger’s H., United Shows: Rtrhmood. Ind.,

21 26. •tmitb Greater Shows; Portsmouth. O.. 14 19. Veal's Famous Shows: Mitchell. Ind., 14-19;

Seymour 21 26, Washburn’s Mighty Midway Shows, Icon Wash¬

burn. mgr.: Chester. Pa.. 14 19; .tsbury Park. X. J.. 21 26.

Whitney Shows. The. A. P, Whitney, Norman. Ok., 14-19: Purcell 21-’26.

World’s Fair Showa. C. G. Dodson, mgr paraiso. Ind.. 1419.

Wortham. C. A.. Shows. C. A. Wortham Alliance. Xeh.. 14-19: Dewdsnsl. 8 l»..

Zeldman A Pollle Showa. Henry Pollle Flint. Mich., 14 19; Bay City 21 26.

CARNIVAL COMPANIES Adama’ Exposition Shows. (His L. Adams, mgr.:

Central Falls, R, I.. 14-19; Sbuith Bridge, -Mass.. 21-26.

.\lken. F^ukius. Shows; Lansing. Mich, 14-19; Flint 21-26.

AH American .Shows, Wm. Mau, mgr.: Engle wood. Tenn.. 14-19.

American Amuaement fo.. H. A. DeVaux, mgr., Ihiven(e>rt. la., 21-26.

■tntlion.v. J'is. A., Sliowa, Jos. A. Anthony, mgr.; Wlmllier. Pa., 14-19.

Arena Amusement 0>., Harrv Dunkel. mgr.: Clalrt-Ii. Pa.. 14 19.

Ballin A Wallace United Shows. I. K. Wallace mgr.: Nelsonville. O., 14 19.

Bark'Sit. K. G., Shows, K. G, Barkoot. mgr. Tarentum. I’a.. 14-10; Homestead 21-26.

Brundage, 8, W., Shows. No. 1: Hastings, Neh. 14-19.

Brundage, S. W., .Shows. No. 2: To|M-ka. Kan! 14 19.

Clark A Conklin Shows. J. W. Conklin mgr. Amsterdam. X. Y., 14 19; Uttle Falls 21 26

R. CAPASSO 'Hie Yfagidan WIfh Coat Pa((ersrm Steiwa.

Clifton Kellev Stiows. L. C. Kelley, mgr.: Sioux City. la.. 14 19.

C^qiplng’s, Harry. Shows Harry (’o(qi1ng. mgr Ilomestead, Pa., 14-19; Carnegie 21 26.

WALTER DUGGANS’ NOTES (tYmtlnued from page 19. i

If It ia known that Daphne IVllard baa tie. u prouiiaed a llfr-lung contract with the Shutieris since her wonderful entrance into the Wluii-r Garden Show.

If It la known that it ia wonderful to get a letter anawered by G. M. Anderson, of Niles. Cal.

If everybody wasn’t glad to hear of Gua Grl«- w.dd’a recovery and to see him back at hia desk in the city ticket othce of the Northsest ern road in Chicago.

If there are any more (Mgiuplar rallrcwHl meu In the country than Dan Clark, of the Michlgiu Central, and Louie Bade, of the Wabash, both of Cblcago.

if Charles Ilayea Summer shouldn’t be con¬ gratulated for plugging away with The Natural l-as until It Ix^ame a big turcesa.

If tbe fellowa wbo can't see gcsid times ah.a.l for show folks shouldn’t be shot at where lee sun rises tbe earliest.

If Dick Meade mlasea tbe baseball team in Tol(nlo.

If Wally Moore will iinMoiae not to lake aw ly all an agent’s salary If said agent promise, (., visit Toledo.

If Ro«l Waggoner ever thinks of .\ndy la w is and tbe Club.

If F!mma Carua realises she made the hlgg*- t hit of any star that vlatled tbe vaodesllh hnuaea on tbe Coast thia season.

If Ia‘<« F'riesiman reallaea he baa alread.r smashed all previous records for The Pinllles ,ii grabbing s|>are In tbe Xew Y'ork dailies.

If Brightly Dayton la aatlsned tbe Iteb wil. tite In Vinton. Ia.

If Yforria Geat isn’t doing remarkable w^k In handling the management of Mist Geraldine F'arrar.

If Percy Hammond hasn't the art of writing a m<*t timely review.

If a clothier would survive If be called around the Palace Theater In Chicago and tri’d t '

diafssw of some clothing to tbe Idea of ti-.' summer show now running there.

If It wasn't decl(ledly rude u/ tbe pirate who stole Raib liee's play When the Angrius It Kinging, and missed Belle Plalne. Ia.

If It Isn’t about time t> go to the hast t.ail game.


; Val-

mgr.: 21 26. mgr.;

CIRCUS & WILD WEST Barnes’, A1 G.; Cheney. Wash.. 16; Rosalia 17;

Coeur d’Alene, Id.. 18; Sandpotnt 19. Barniim A Bailey: Decatur. HI.. 16; I’eorla 17;

Davenport la.. 18; Dubuque 19: fedar Kapld<. 21; Waterloo 22; Mason City 23; Ft Dodge 24. Cherokee 25; Sioux Falla S. D.. '26.

Gentry Brna.; Ptailadelphta. Pa.. 14 19; Wash¬ ington. D. r21-36.

Hagenbeck Wallace: .MInnearKdIa 21 22. Honest Rill Show: Fowler Kan.. 16; Mlnneota

17; K'ngadown 18; Bnrklin 19 Jonea Bros.; MonRiclIer. Vt.. 16: Ri-thel 17;

I.<'banon. X. H.. 18; Woodaville 19. IjTena’a Showa: Augusta. Me., 16; Belfast

17: Bangor 18; Danforth 19. .Miller Bivis. A Arlington’s lot Kanch Jes« WII

lard Shos ; Charleroi. Pa.. 16; Unlontown 17 (Vinnellavllh- ]8; Greenslnirg 19.

Norton Bros.; Ijimbert. (»k.. 16; Y'ewed 17 Knowlton IS; Rlkton 19.

Rlce A ISire Water Shows: Ill|iley. (»., 16; Augusta. Ky., 17; Ijiwr* neetiurg. Ind.. 1" Auroru 19.

KIngling Bros ; S)iringfieM Mass.. 16: Pitta field 17; Altany. X Y . 18: Utlei 19: Syra eiise 21; Boeb<-ster 22; Buffalo 23; Ja(neatawn 24; Erie, Pa.. 25: Y'o(ingato(an. (>., 26.

Sells FToto Buffalo Bill (Hlinselfi Shoss: I/igan, I'tah. 16: Halt lake City 17: Ogden 18. U.s k »I>rings, Wy.. 19.

Silver Family SIkiw: Baneroft. Mteh.. 16: Vernon 17: lannon 18; Swartz Creek 19; F'liiahing 21; New I/.thnq) 22; .Montrose 23; Clio 24; BIrrh Itiin 2.5.

Sparks’. John H.. Shows- Hiitrhlnsnn Minn.. 16; Cambridge 17; Sank Center 18; A(tklii 19; Bralnerd 21.

Stairett'a Clrroa; Glen<-ove. L I, N Y'.. II 19. Sun Br<ps • Albion Ind , 16; Naiqianee 17. Welsh Bros. A I>esslg Show " Alt'sma Pa.. 15 17;

Coslfsirt 18; piinxsntaw ney J9

JOHNNY J. JONES JOTTINGS (Continued fp’m page 27.)

was la>t week decorated with a banner of ttr-'i • attractive lestgn.

"Paint up ami rlean up’’ U a popular m-tto which has been adopted by the Jenea Sls>ss. .Nearly every attraettoo on the midway baa lieeo re|ialnte*l during tbe nasi two weeks, new ran'Sa has n-plare,! ol(L and tbe aggregation las taken on an apiiearance of "Just-opening tlie sea*»ai’’ brightuesa. The "cleaning up" prisesa will d< .ibtless result.

Maba(niy Ctty. In the anthraelle coal mining district, will be played June 14 t" 19. It I* said that this aertlon ts In a pPHi|iep«ua con-' lion. Auspices will be the Eagles




Denison, la., June II. -Denlaoo. nmler the auBjiices of tbe FYre Department Ibis week, baa been the banner week of tbe aeaann for tbe abowt. A amall town but jiromoted in a manner that brought tbe folk from tbe surrounding country.

Webster City la the next stand, and If the pnhllrlty pramotloos tecumi there can be taken aa a criterion. It ahould he a rb-an up A big alxteen page apeclal fslltlon was put out by the Conimerclal Club, nmler wtwsie we are there umler, ami It la the most •••■ni plete thl(u( Id Ibis line I have ever had tio pleasure of seeing Agent Heady can «*el| (• • I proud of an edllkin like the one he proDio(r<t there.

Bain began falling at 7 o'clis-k Salunlay night In Y'ork, and for thirty minutes the d'-«ti jMiur was tbe hardest we have ex|«erlence<l (' season. The lot wta completely Iniimlateil, but. to the aurprtae of all, the crowd was the larg'*t of the week. A tcmisirary bri'lge had to lie bnllt for the patrons of the ferrls wheel, wts* pale until late. TYie mud was ankle deep, but thla did ls>t seem to dani|>er the aplor of tlo- arnnsi-nienl seekers We ri|iertenceil sonic dlf ficulty In getting off tlie lot and did mU lia'i until after PJ o’chn-k Sunday. irTlvIng >n Denison alssit 9

The niuslral cotnmly that Joined us from the Wortham HImiw last week la playing I" »ery giBsl liuslness It A King, the manager. Is a hustler, amt deserves a gissi patPHiagc

Mrs c H Bell has recovereil fpuii her lit lllniws and la again selling tickets on tlo- (PA


Weston. W Va . June 9 Owing to rain fp-iii the tin- the tieorgr It.yisilds .Shows arriol liere Hiindnv (Mav 3(»l. iinill Satiipla* i.Iiiio- Manager Ciurge Beytudds niade arrangeiiu ni- with the M<» le coninilltee to slay here an

JUNE 19, 1915. Xtie Billboard


( III us*-Hiir iiinn- HitlK .''liiiw , (iriml .'^lii)w>, Iri nil- licar fnim vi»u. Coiicf.ssions; Ho<>p-I.a, Hi>:li Striker. I'la.«iter I*ari' Hear Whet'l. Chitia W'leel. !*o|> Corn


XiMiexx a.* |KT nnite, or 1^ H. liU.Nsr, .Speei;.! .\>;eiit American .AmuM'inent To., Kewane*', 111. Route; .June IT to 1!*, inclusive. W'asliin'Zton, Iowa: .lime Jl to Jii,

iiicliixive, l>avcn|iort, Iowa; .June JS to .luly 5, ini’lu.sive, Kewanei*. III. AMERICAN AMUSEMENT COMPANY.

EVANS’ LATEST ELECTRIC LIGHTED «isk. Th- Satunlnj in buMtliog of about !>,»!¥) pt.<i|iIo on a ..MM MMiMr naMKir ujom a <lrizilliiK rain. braucti of tbe I'. I*, ami tbe luain line of tbe I ■ BKi/j IHHBHpH 1/0 SPACc PADDLE WHEEL ^^>f. .\j«.aK lt<i>al Italian Hainl nave a i-oii Uraml lalanil Ac St. K. K. | IU PT 11| tKg T/HSfl I i ■ ■ ||l] ll^'V

—. . . .stale Insane .Vsyliini Located on tbe streeta, in the heart of the f ••• ' .Mia. / IMI

»<sk. Th" «!-iv, .>]M>ne>l last Satunlay niitlit In a ilrizilliin rain.

l'^>f. .\a«.ae Itoyal Italian Haiel nave a eon e*rt for tile iliiuaten ..f Ihe .stale Insane .Vsylilni iaet .Siiiiilay. I’hU Insane lnMiiital has .iver l.'Jta) elt.T, ami. atranne to »ay. m>t one “aiiuawk" ha. Iiulienla all carta of the Slate. Kvervlaaly bapi>ene<l yet, ami they aeeiii ftlad to have the eo|.ne. | with 111* aleov wa» Inviteil to no i ttiroiinli the Institution, ami the invitation wav nlaillv aeeeli|.*.|.

M. itt ti.iy .iia le Ilia tirat illve June 7 alnee hia n> < I lent in Weati riilairt, .Mil., two weeka an*'-

It.'lM'tt I’ane J.iiiie.! the ahow tliia week with Ilia /old nlaa-. ea'ie raek ami Jap ndl 'lown.

N. *kt week the allow no**a l<» New* Martiiiav llle. W \ :i . iiml r tin* aimiili ea of the Volunteer i'ire lie-iartiiieiit. on the main atre* t>.

almw kx-ate in fr*>nt of their place* of bualneas The papera In .\liilene were rery gowl to ua, and mailed lereral copiea of their Satunlay laaiiea to prominent people here, hence tbe pleasure of our re<*eptlon.

general .\nent Clark la busy with the new route and haa eTerythlnf arrange,! for ‘tur summer and fall tour.

E‘l F. Felat Is now ahead of the No J allow In the capacity of agent, ami hia tlret town.

Itevmd.U left the ahow M-mlay nl-'ht. Xopeka. hl-la fair to be a big one |.•.^llld f ir Chi an., t.. .asler new liaiinery f r tli* weather proplwta tell ua that the r.iiiiv I

,1., a.i >w from the I nited Stat**a Tent A .\wn- «,.aaoti la i»Ter. and from miw on, with the big " barreat. this should be a g'»«l seiaviii. - J. U. Johnson i Doc Yikl 1* doing the talking

^ V DiCDCrsivj CLjrN\A/C hiulaelf on the .Vlaska Show, ami hanillea the H. T. KlfcH&ON bMOW5> ^ highly aatlafactory manner.

Manager Krundage made a Hying trip to Klng,*t«.n. tint . Juu.* 1*.—.\t last the weather IjeaTenworth and City last week ,>a

ofiler new liaiinery f r 111

•w from tile Culted State


writeg Engesser of Oregon. Hundredt of others are making big money at home, tnv> eliiig, at fairs, etc., with the new plateless

DAYDARK POST CARD MACHINE taking, finishing and delivering photo post cards on the syiot. 3 card ; a ninute, com^Me —5 size cards. Ex'HTi«'nce unnecessary. 500%pro6t. Write for p.vr- ticul^and FREE TKl.YL offer BOW.

Daydark Speda'fy Co. SL Louia, Mo.

t« Qt to fxivspr UM with m at 1 buAinf‘ii« {N*rtaininK t«i

the ttr«i tlaie Id thri^ w»*ekA. Bu«i- if.H *notber danoe 1 ths* «iin. the IIr«i tiaie Id thri^ w»*ekA. Bu«t- another danee ThuriMia.T nUht last, whleh | ness» ha« I»een Ter) the paat week In waa the «Kie bl*t event of tbe nearMin. The | l*ell«'Tllle. «boi%ina un«l**r the l.%lh Uecinient. program arranKe*! fi^r thla event wa* very a leioviiie. ADowina unoer tue i.nn ueKinieni. program arran2e<l for thU event wa« very The Parker JuminT wa* put out of c<«iHulMeIoD unique an<1 rauAe^I no en^l of iNunment. Thirty Thur»Mlay night. TburjMlay wa< King’s relehra coupler <lanoe<1 until 2 a.m . ami repalre-I tlon. au*l the maohlne wav put Into ssperathni 1^^ cafe car, where a siwzhetti i*up|»er wma


kN'k In tin* UMvrning an,! ran ism* Tin* new Italian cook cinched hl» Job .Advertise with a tiniiouivly uulll Ul:»i In tbe evening, when the ,„,i a reputation for himself that night, break •lowo ■•anie No one hurt, but tbe ma- I xm.ther dance will be given In two weeks.

1 ir most i;.ei OUS Wheel evev 'lullt Tl, lllize.1 i>e.*ti. to He .ml next weex. .... tance oiilte annoving Art'aU' but tlmwe wim rMe t Ssl. a « meesslisialre ran have I'lOnplele, tIM.M; The show regrets Ihe death of one of the bewt , ii.,merer the .meninv was aiisniclniis Siihou, llfj^. II4..W young men -m tbe .mtllt. Robert Mm>re. found li week

Kiaii. Illrycie and I a.htle Wheel, ai < cvmi diia- he-l Momlay afteimsvn. He was one , M.ttle t>eel! eflf.wt Weather Dot overlr

V M «ch’*-Mn .r.<;^ia^;u:'wiein thTT'r*.:!!; woumc^r in mst tie twM lie.. I m iIIJ m- m « m . ! '‘‘■J.”'^ who resides Michigan sure Is a camival clrcns loviu-,* EVANS* PANAMA BALL GAME in si Johns. N. B.. where the remains were

^-V .. ‘ent . w J* F. Diitcher. In charge of dining an.l sleeoing Mot.Mslrome, owne.1 and manage,! by the „„,.i,es. has cut off regular ••skoffs." owing

chin,' has lieen out of c.Huniisslon since. Man¬ ager Kings ey is now at the Parker factory in Ieavenw,,rlh In s.*arch of [larts t,J reiilace titose ,lapiage,l.

Jiginson's Musical Come<iy Company, of four teen |Hs>ple. Jvilne,! In Belleville. Ibis makes e even sbows an,! tw.v bamls.

Imllan J,ie Uontales waa badly hurt last Satnniay night. While rbllng on top of one of the parade wag<ins. be was scrape,! by a kvw brblge. He Is In a local howpital. but ex- I».*ls to he ,mt next week.

Hastings, Neb., week of the 14th.



Saginaw. Mich., June 10.—Is>t on Carrollton B,>ad. mile from city projver. great—but dis-


Greatest Ballyhuu in the Wttrld

F.aatern Miniature Mot,«r<lrome 1 ompany, of Ilf strawberry slmrtcake.

Tba laical (aavr Cc Carnivals, etc A aamc of It, I- coiw aiei Skill that Is allowed any plan Just the I IMn( for Hlfh t'lass 1‘rlars Write for full partic¬ ulars Sliicle o«ini three ba tS* M.

Hllaw Taaa. Whaalv New Saaiaa. Baagy Baara, Charaatac DalU. Dias tag Caras. Gaai s. l, th, M.WIST. LSKCFST. Most COMI*L»rr>; SHOW RihiMs or THF t'tKVIV.SI, WOHIJI

H. C. EVANS A. CO.. Inc.. 7} Wst( Vaa Bsraa BIraal. CNICA80. ILL.

tVnn«yIvanIa. wi* th^ biggest drawing rar»l ,*u,.h th«* wailing fr**m thr hungry ••new h«* I «*n the laai ne**k. Tbe rhl^ra w<»o all the mu,* aii<| re-en»pl*»y tbe chef t«» pr’»vlile nriie« ♦►(Tere«1 In the town f^H* on t dirt regular ban<|iu*ta again. W. ,\. Kllrr Ia th«* track, taking llrAt and Aei*A»nd In all. A vpleDAlId niajorMlnmo and pr«»priet*»r A»f tUem* ln\url* ui*

: mrite up In the li»eal pap^^r* wa» tl>e r^*ult. an*l ^an*. I the tMivw are very pr«Nid of the I'npa ami priteA Fllma m<»veA lDt«> a new. «truate and original- I they wa>o. In-dealgn enohMure with thr aet-up here. Tlir I - — ~ - -— u larger an«l well furnlAbe«l. The c*dor rf-

K. G. BARKOOT SHOWS '^I^.rami Wei*ha11,*,t; of tbe devir. tewllng - alley, caught an elght-po<iD<l pickerel In the

m- JABOW J TtATIB river at Battle Cn*ek last week. Of course ■y CMOUM urn • ^ "Billy-* ’ Flace

_ .... . . 1 I cookhouse I. ami Mr. and Mr*. 11. J. Jolll.**. W. F.**leni OhW and western IVnna.yIvania time |„,.ky ftshermen enk-ye.!

33 I'nlU. sue 34x26x11 In.

B«tt«rThan a Brass Band

f,» tented amnsenient enterprises Is j the savorv iviuist as .mly tlie ont-of-door dwell the tTerage of other Ilml^l can. Mis* Ida Sinclev was the accompll.l.e,

Uher wh«_,l the epicorian feast. .. .. same ga that e\[ier1ence,l In practically all sectlona of the N,>rthern States—rain ami cold.

VBBr B avrjBV BIABB^B ami If be an.shes the ieasoo havtni ^ large den '^ri'ent*. fnvm all .vyer the |1Il I A |LvT Mlllf d Xw ImpAlrrtl hl« rr4»«tght hiking fur th^ Wt Api»t* up this w^k by BUI Sinoiry wh*- Inr LAIlAI IIIIIlLIY m «hlch t., puce hi* .mtat. He win have again »>•* ■ Ilk kn I IbW I IVwVkkI I ,i|.,,uyM,l h's f.weslght ami ability as helms- "i-veral other trlrte* "light a* air —but pa.vliu

vs,i. I. . .-,.11 his"k twa man of a .raft that these nnceHsIn times re pn>|s>*ltl<vns ,


.iiilrr a keen eve an,l sfadv hami P* m.vnage A><*m C.entner* Inlte.! Shows. June S, ,Ii»i.|msl amt successfully guide to ports ,.f sbiimUn.'e train a .snublnatloa that looks mighty

Tills is a small Mark hex ■ 'ran msi o'*—' .ifw a _ iMittmx When a k*^n evi* and At**ady haml t*' m.inagr inai bwtkw to GO«a »ur<*e*Afully giitdr t«> ■‘f ab<md«n*'o y^ prv« the to ami plenty ..f th|. world * g.ssls. The sen, ihr susiery Is x you re- t.egun to calm, ami It I* the hope ,shr aril. ,11 g..,, H..,). r..niie.te,1 with fit., .-sravan liitlir i-uinsv l-rt.v. g^ Halame ..f the season will le phasant gTBMi aa#*A*n mmIiaus.* tesas; 37.Sg aaa-kalf graat. Sbipis.l sani.* lav of .W'lev Mosle tXiamui' tc we have ',vn

however, has tw^gun to ealm. ami It I* the hope f-ur great on.-s >>.«mprlse,l I’hes* Bccht.d. J*d>n of all g,ssl He.l« c.>niie.,te,1 with flu, caravan Hlllettcr, Jack I-omlon ami Mhlge Bechtol. that the halame ..f the season will le phasant .V big toil was in rva,|lnes* for the athletl* and lucrative s.vning bunch. They cvrry their own stage an,l llttings.

Battle Cn*ek last week. Of course I Weighs about a hundred pounds. Played from Plano

n an,I the two lucky ftshermen enhiye.! talalog T. ry reimsf a* only tlie ont-of-door dwell- I ^ p M m a^

Miss Ida Slm*ley was the accv>mpli*lie.l W* V^s o prepare.1 tbe epicniian feast. r\ —_ di.i- swen b ... m

Harry R,,*e. who J<ilned out at Orand Rapbla. D#*gMn Bldg.. 1760 BmpLCMU AvV. haa gone b,>me ft>r a brief visit. He will Join CMICARO 111 IMmC

as at Hint, next *t*>p. ami. with Bol. w rnweewxax.f, ■ i. b. I n\.y I 9 will essav the sale of teiMys In the

• ..- $125 MADE U the record for me day with agy

“liTisibii FortoH Writm'' "Magic Wands." "New Magic Glass Tube." "Gypsy gueen." et* Invisible Reaillngi In must lan¬ guages. Illustrated circular and

. ^ . sample rra,Unga free.

xn.7. > »• ■<>»£". Marai.. Stret. Braaklya. N. Y.

th^ A^mn«>UA«»ur in Ahi»w affairs.

EMPIRE NOVELTY CO.. 1117 Wsslailatler Bl^^_ PrayMeae*. B. I.


' III I'ss.rog.e t ar* II SrI. I'sgtagr an,I

V -n-sthe. Sli,,s tVsts !na,le l,» lu.-I si,v r,»i'ilr*

HOTCHkisS. BLUE & CO., Ltd.

and lucrative .ailing. hunch. They carry their own Tcl.lle Chest,--, manager ,vf the L>vml,>n tnclmllng a flashy re>l banner,

Gh-Sit Show. ad<le.l Ihe .'tha,l.,w of the Ci«*s b> There are m*w two "chlv n his giow the week at -Ishtahula. June 7-12. way. one oomlucte.1 by M ami en},*Te.| a a-’-sl patronage , thcr overseen by \V. .\. Eller.

Manager K >'< lUrko't ma,1e a trip to Kn'X .1 fl,»wer staml was set np in flowering lovell- rllle. Tenn.. week of June 7 t,> h-’k after In nees yestenlay. t,-r.,«ts at hl« psrk ilhllhowe.*!. whleh oiwmsi «*ne of Thi* Fearless Greggs, who d,>es the the season May 17 ',»p-the hsvp turn on auto In m|,l air. siirrere,!

LIVE ALLIGATORS FOR SALE There are m*w two "chlv-racks" on the ml,I way. one oomlucte.1 by M Mitchell an,t the Bablea. 50c; IH-lnch. 75c; l-ft.. SI #0; S-ft., SI.50;

t'hsrles |teresf,,r<l. talker on the I.,>n Ion Gtevst s.,v,*'al briiNes .me day this week. The a,'cl.lent i* wh,, was .>t»rale.| .m In Ihe t'orry d’a '

1 M,,spltsl week of May 24 for itrotisv. Is re. I Klint. Mich . will he tlie next t„w n t gr.s*t I Astusamcat Eatararisas. SM Ghs^ssf ,.rlng ami I. exiw*.-te.l t,. I.e able t,. re>.ln ,n,l wel.sHue the Zeldman .X !-„llle Sli. ws | *"«»«w«ai tatacmxsaa. 560 Chsstaut. St. Lautc Ma

was attiihii'e,! to the ha,I weather c<»n,lttloii- F'llnr. Mich . will he tlie next t„wn t gr>s*t

4-fl.. S2IK»; 5-fl-. S-tmt. Write for prices larger stavw. Good, healthy stock, (irden flIUd promptly. Headquarters genuine .Xllliaior Leather Giesis. ustKY'S .\U.lG.vrv>R sTttRK. JackstaivlIIr. Fla

funilsh .\iira,-ti,sv- ,!f July (VU-bra loo-,

s. Ifttsilcs. Wrhar COMMITTEEMEN,

’ Fairs

,th" slow within llu* next fortnight. Mrs Me’v lie wife of Marreloiis Melrllle. the

aerlsllst wh,- Is ,1, |ng t' e free c f ,>li the slow tills -ess.m s|H>nt the n.s.k of Msv .11 at Krle with her hn»hsn,l returning t, her home at Int, rUken. N V '«sliir,lay tilglit. June



BELLA ELECTRIC CANDLE 1 hi:.... Full -lltiv Sei I> Siril A Winnif »,|||I||S,I slili ,sn.iv In 1-,' '

tui'*-i,i, col* a'l'l cl'*' diS'h tl \ii ., ,.sm,!il*l aii,l li,.ltse'’*,*’'>r aril- Nwr

11,- l,t III. iMiiii,- It, s.l> ter* liista'.l Is tl

t'hlcag't. ri . June 11. 1!*1.*

ri*,r The tllllN>sr,l: The artl,'le In this we.k'« l»sue -tf The Hill stril, iiieler the cspllim, ".Xs 'iiitlon It the right iLqM* Tltose who think they pisdlt

l':.«.^,n. I’j . June 1i* ^♦•'TeraI new shows ■listeria IztsI this w«s*k. including Joseph .X ViitlKiiiy's Six In <*ne, iimler an eighty-fis*t t,v|). nliicli makes a Itiie display. Th., are liere iimh-r the auspl.e* of the Imllan rirder of Men.

Hohhy Forrcsl's trv>ii|>e •vf la,ly minstrels will Is- 'ea,iv by the emi of the week.

Tieniias Brennan, trainmaster of this show.

l.ggO PROFIT IN SOFT ORINKS BUSINESS Ginger SJiertsl. Malt ami H,>iis tT,lrT Kilra. t.s. strawVrry. Has|>»>rro. t<raiigr. Unnii an,I inn.-- atnile t'hlers. suhsiliiite p,,«,hr*. $2 i„i a p • |,,,| ', pouinis. |s. Kach pound mak.s "ei galh>ns. ■-*- • a galkai. Sample. »l: nuKrs 2.', ia::,-;.- I Mi>> S.\I.K„S ft>.. >i42 33.1 St., fhl.-age. III.

i POST-CARDS rrintfLl to ortl*-r fn»fn j»»ur pluvtotfrapha hi hJ*«*k «i xi

Uj ookATA. fnmi l«o up A.hrniv- )x»urH'lf. vnur 4i*t. puihlli)r«. AtiVYi MiviiiN. R»tx-, <4nipl**^ Wriif p4rtU'UIar> .XirttitN

.s II g» - ii..Kt I* A la* 11 « .. 3s..wi.. wsaxiit-xt.M I r>6*ni.v«* nr»»iinATi, iriiinniaATv^r ini?* auryw, nft M ihv htn.llr. i I**, bv nrlUn* Ih^ roofAflliiic buHlii.-i*Fa .Nmilit.iUiH BxorUuw acrhiiMit Tii.-a.Ut lughrnlmi LOCAL VIEWS. 443 Broadway. New Yark City.

r«I.AN.- thr hAiMlI.*. the H«ht U .ft fvillna IheniM'htw W,. nr.' now put* " eeruui.* acti.nni i u. ^kuay nNhrninjt _

.. no grrasr. -a. .. j..., H.., hr higher "'i-:'.’ 'L" DOCT la„a,r ,/ hr, I’rl.s .s.mphie -n.i ",,1.. ' at fil-s ainl .dher •'".t • «cv,re gash. He l.s iimhr the care AA Mm MM

*... vgn.s.rl.e "l.,hrall.m. I'^.Le pnhilsh* I M.*s are honnd of a dm-tor and at the pre^-nt time |. sttowlng * ^ ■ W PW A# TRIG CO.. Sale Aaifrleaa Agasti. 537 536 N. Oaarhtr* St.. ChtaS6*. III.

i-elehrathm* Th,*se pithllshe,! ll,*s ar., honml to Nmn,*e hack at us. an,l the honest pis-ss ac*,nt's agjtregatlow wU; U* hit just as harvl as

_ /,.»■«A •'*' "*.■ l-wF* exaggerate onr ln,*»nie, n*,**elpt* G, XiAZaA ,„.I salaries hack of the hqis IMihllshIng smh

71 Rsaaaralt SI.. New Y*ck. Mfr. np(,h.T dIspUvs wit. capability .w cottgh t-ylln.lff "TJ*"!*,, •‘"f ' neck logic. I'm with y.m. F M

:mh;;ntr’^«: ‘’Kkrimrw W M M.xmsdx. Mt-rrv Oo lli>ututa. Tent *

.0 *K‘"‘RS:^...i,^"n“':;X..d-^ 8. w. brundage shows no 1. hand pttnos. with new musk*. rvduieil prices Work fusrBiilee<l Marysrllle. Kan., June 10.—ThI# week o|«ene,1

with a clear skr. and. but for small FOR SALE I shower Xiomlay night, the weather ha* beer

TVsi Tralnnt Mnikws. Itshisms and 4 Ih'gs: a big. Ideal, and If hsdt* a* though hnalnes* will a* romplet* id. »a» BtlSNAB. 63 13lh 14*,. nilcago. III. anme m>rmal priM»wt|oo*. Marysville I* i

• miin>vem<,nt. Km>wer amt Conner* purchase,! new costumes WANTED—GOOD. CLEAN SNOWS.

'o' their ITIn, e** ZIra Show mini ‘ ‘S'- 'Jt*.* I*'.'' Mr an,l Mrs Hiighev Ma,l,de are "etting their JiriV'JlV '’m’' * “K. L. tl. KKoHN. ,s«.* 7.

•hare »»f busln*s«* with their .Vthletic Stmw

•iniey are *>» 'Ir «ml Mr*. I.each and gig CELEBRATION. JOLT 5th. ISIS Will Ite well Harkins ami Mct.uire. advertised. Want to licsr fr>s

Mr .XnthoRy I* m>w .nrrylng six shows. ,*,w,oe**ioos also .mail hand three rliles. thirty-one oHn-esslon*. two free .Wereriarv. Palm IJ»-k. K.v. a<-ts and a tw'elvc-pie<*e haml, directesi by Prof, Marclnla. BIG THREE OAVB' CELEBR

Want to licar front Free .Xttractl,in ai.d als«> entail hantl. THttw. LtH<.s|M».N,

arclnla. BIG THREE OAVB' CELEBRATION. Vtnlu. Okla.. -—-- July lat. Sd. Sd WA.NTKU—Showa. XXmcwwdont.

_ . Merry-Go-Round snd lYr* At:.'sctlonA Will coo- Sam Rtwenhsum. Iswils Synwtnds ami Jack ai,tor A-I Wild West Show or t-amlval t-oapany wlOi

Marysville. Kan., June 10.—Thla week o|>enes1 “ Mewy-Go-B.'iind and rrro At; with a clear skv. and. but for a small Sam Rttsenhsum. Iswils Synwtnds ami Jack ai,tor A-I Wild West Show or t-i shower Xiomlay night, the weather ha* been Is<mk>a. ftwmerly with Harry Witt's ,s>n,*e**l<tns band. Largvst payroll In N'ortheaMern (iklahaaA. Ideal, and It h«>ks a* though hnsIntMu will an- with l.rTltt-Meyerhoir Shown, mtw have their A,ldims WIIXIAMS A SMITH. All mall pnavUf anme' m>rmal i>riM«>rt|oas. Maryavllle I* a own cont'esslona with the Joa. G. Ferart Shows, toswaml

36 JUNE 19. 1915.

bHlIy danclne; wiMiId lik<> to Join lady or gen- tloinan f-ir team work; aober; age 2fi: height 5 ft. 6; weight 135; good apia-aranee. Tloket? Yea. Refereiirea. Addreaa BUCK D&ISCOLL, 815 12th Rt., Brandon. Man.. Can. BALLOOH ABCEBU0H8—Tr'PLE

CL.A.SSIF'IED de:pa.rx]vie:imx FREE WANmLniATION ADVERTISEMENTS EXCEED 25 WORDS AdTcrdacfnenta ot an aooeptahla natuiv will be Inaerted wltbout cfcarga In the Claalfled Cnlunna. Open to any petaon oonneiM or IdeoUfled with the ahow builncaa. If anawera are not aatlifactory the IliM ttme we Inrlte aa many Inaertiona aa are neoenaiy to plane you. Tbeae oolumna are for the benefit ot the uneeoployed and we do not want you to feel that you are Impoalnf on ua by ualng the eolumna awra than one time.

1WT T~B ETP ¥ T^T atandlng ads accepted, copy must be furnished each week, and you must be ready to loin at once. Write your ad on separate aheet ot paiwr. Ehrma ol«e B 'Ihursday, 6 p.m., for Insertion In the following week's Issue.

NOTICE—Letters direeted te Initials ONLY aro aal delivsred threufli the pest efiles. If InNIals am used the letter should be addmssed In sate el pe'sea, firm, sr peat sAea sea.

PAID ADS In thi CLASSIFIED SECTION WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR AS MANY INSERTIONS AS YOU WISH, BUT NO DISCOUNT FOR TIME BAin FOLLOw*iHG*^H£80^08, '^wpT^HOiCT*^DISPLAY iD^u^nuich OS we do not pliico chafgcs tor ulis in the Clxt-tifietl ('oltimnp upon our Ixxikn wt* n“s|K‘ctfully a«k that ■ ■•nii OTHER THAN CAPS. No’ CUTS. NO BORDERS. jTiu remit the rctjuired amount with eopy.

NO LIMIT TO NUMBER OF WORDS FOR PAID ADS. We reser\’e the ripht to tvlit copy. .'* future time wanted by acts MBwWtrB. ' HELP WANTED.Sa par Ward.l FOR RENT .Sa Par Wartf.





Uooda) .3a

HOTELS iCatrrIng to Thrairtcal l*r<>- fevalnn I . 3a

ORCHESTRAS AND BANDS (Serm or mure).3a



ADVANCE AGENTS, ATTENTION! libektt—dramatic jttvekile oh at LIBEBTT—WEBLET la PEABL; fob mubioal bmithb—oboam. chimeb. ban- »hi. heav.y man; nome lend*; eome char- drcun or carnival, with 2 Mg python nnakce; Joa. tinging, etc.; nwell act f<*r aide »h<>a . r

AdvartiaemenU wHhaea dlapl^ay uadar thia haadlai. actcm; age. 25; height. 5 ft.. lOL, In.; weight, work In pit or no atage; 1 wardrobe; alno Fre,- attraction. MUSICAL BltlTHB. tMld Lain. aa par wera._j..i„ j„vpnlle lead* for Tom Lemon and "The do Oriental Dancing; can Join on wire

a- SIZE TllNT .SHOW ««nlng to New London. ^.“t'lieZn’ "Tli: Hr^.^f’shrS” ... 2.1,<KNt. better MO me; 1 rent place; bent, cell ‘ t" -

tmiur HffhtM lAMt^r K R chua'VH. 232 Ilutt F The Tlilnl I>ejfree. 1D14. A-1

h'j rblraft). III.

ANY SIZE TKyr aSHOW romJng to New Loudon, OcRin.. 25,<KMi. better nee me; 1 rent place: beat, ceii* tral, troller, lights, water. E. R. COidVEK, 232 JefTeraon Avenue.

AGENTS WANTED Advarllaaaieati withaut display, uadar thh htadlap,

3e par ward.

OPEHATOB. BEPAIBMAM—13 TEABB' EX- an>carance ami haliitn; no Kiwciallicn; Join any AT LIBEBTT A-1 BASS; FOB FIRST-CLAB8 iwrlen.-e; any nmclitue; marrie.!; mdier, steady. reanonable mimi.any. Tleket? Yee. BOOTH; 4 vear*’ circ.i* ex'perienm-; can make l•;•ne•t; lent refere-men; eonne.t •m^.wtre. HOWARD, Hammond, Win. goeal anywhere; am aln*. band leader; capstde; y<nir limit. J. L. BAILEY,

have both ntandard and inn>ular mimic. BUCK ’*•' F"' • t weg.i, N. LAUDEK, Canum OIL''. Mich. , --



Samuel and Lii^linge^an. Magkal ami s'‘"Vo;''li.hTnlLnu’. AT LIBEBTT-EXPERIEKCED OPERATOR Vei.trilm|ulal Show would like to ht-'r Jr.m. ,o anywbe‘il; wiUry ^IgbT J.^K. J.. care' Bll '

tor merry-go-nuind or Ell ferrln wheel and park that can furnish nmall building. A.'dnms finclnnati carnival, in putting u;> and taking down; al- PROFESSOR LIHOERIUM. H<M>in 14. 414 dlb ways readv f"' bimines* and no h<M«er or chaser; Str»-et. Newth We*t. Washington. 1>. C.

HOWARD, Hammond, WIs. J. L. BAILEY,

Hotting Powder, guaranteed; by mall. 6uc per doaen; samples. 10c. J*»H\SOX SPECIALTY. Majiufactur- en. Detroit. Mich. AT LIBERTY—EXFERIEKCED OPERATOR

'■ — tor merry-go-nnind or Ell ferrls wheel and AT LIBERTY I carnival, in putting u;> and taking down al-

. . ... . . __ ways readv for bimines* and no h<H«i>r or chaser; AdvaMtoament* undw wire or write. JAY F. SMITH, loll Mtg

ia black lattar. le par ward. nonette St.. Angeles. Cal.

AT LIBERTY — OORHET; FIRST-CLASS; also liass singer, fully c<Hn|>etent in both lines;

HnumiirN. I'lTCHMEN-Seil Wonder Raaor A. F. .M. F. P. KEEHEY, Pa. AT LIBERTY—SALARY OR PERCEMTAOE; Samuel and I.a)cy lingerman. Magk'sl and

A-1 DRUMMEP. AT LIBERTY—ALL TRAPS. bells, xyl'iplwiiie; ex|MTlenoe<l in vaudeville and LIBERTY—SOBER.


PIAM18T—READ AMD FAKE; PICTURES OR vaudeville; exiwrieueetl. Address PIANO PLAY-

T. L. TILLREM, I'J'^O N. I hustling agent «r manager; get the tuslnes: Clark St.. Chicago, HI.

A-I LADY PIANIST OF REFINED APPEAR- ance desires positkiu at a suiiiiiier resort; 10 years' exis'rlenee in picture tlieater, dam-e and concert work; can furnish orchestra. Address C. E. SMITH, 0217 HouOi Park Ave.. Chicago, Hlimds.

A-I MAGICIAN; ABSOLUTELY BOBER AND reliable; latest elTects in magic and illusions; anytliiiig tliat liays salary. HARRY HUN- SINOER. Ureentown, Ind.

A-1 SLIDE TROMBONE; B. AO.; LONG EX- perienee; go aiiywliere; I'S'ate <«r travel; also play Saxoplione ami XyloplHiues and <lo single musieel "act.'' Address W. H. BATER. care 20ti. Century Orchestra, Steamer St. Paul, St. Louis, Mo.

A-1 TRAP DRUMMER; DOUBLE STRONG alto; als<i play cornet and liilgle; big oiittlt ef¬ fects; Im-I1s; salary reasonable. Ticket? If far. Hast i.n-ferreii. WARD, 402 Third St.. Ft. Madison. Iowa.

A NO. 1 VIOLINIST; DOUBLES CORNET; B. A U.; alMi saxophone; and some piamt. 18. goisl musical s|M-cialt.v; leader and arranger; 8«lK*r and reliatde, strictly; tls.roughly ex|H;- rieured In ill lines; big library of standard orchestra music; now at lllH*rt>. Address JOEL SARSA. Box 315. I*vntiac, 111.

ABLE LECTURER — FLUENT. MAGNETIC PIH-aker; ex|M-rieuced in Illustrated talks, special features, u.anageuient and descriptive writing, desires engagement for summer or indefinitely to repr>‘sent bigh-clasa show feature; a "cause'’ or an industry; handle any snbject; higl. record and references. Addn'ss H. C. GAM¬ MON, 11 West 21st St., New York.

AT LIBERTY-PIANIST; EXPERIENCED IN Tiudeville. picture, cabaret work; have strong tralneii singing voice; will travel; no wagon

CHAS. W. BURCH, Keoaauqua, Iowa.

AX JUXAX.AX X—X.XXAAAI-XZ-A AA IX ATV X I p. .... .. Singer: also play iwnet in orchestra; desires j . • * LI-*. U m. O.

EXPERIENCED, location or would manage theatre; ex|s*rlcnc«-d et the business. man. .\ddress PATSY MALLON, Huntington. Iowa. Indiana.


' COMA has been organized since May 5, and since that date I have been in California. Nevada, ftah, Wyoming, f olorado and Kansas. I have made aboot three th<ai«and miles on three different raHnmds. ami want to tell you ismitlvely that 1 believe the raHroails km>w we are anaind. I believe they see COM.4 b>>king at them friuii a distance. I don't want to tell what I know in the oi>en. but I have some g<ssl .lo|w for members, and all the g«»si dope COM.4 baa is yours if y<«i are a member. There should not be one man that can qualify, bold off and wait. Just think of it, a membership for only $'25.00, and each member wilt b»' as strong after B’Ining as all the members com¬ bined. The more the stronger. You can't go wrong, and surely you w.aild m>t hesitate to take a cliam-e on $'25.(X» if .v<hi tlsiuglit it would help your business. You will Imagine one town a little bi'tter than another and pay a double railn«d fare to get to It and tliink mitbing of It. Why hesitate? If you all isune in m.w we may be able to Iinid our railriuid fare to a $'25.(fit minimum, but sure amt certain the railroads are kstking towartis a $."s».00 minimum. Then what will f'25.00 lm>k like to you when you have to pay it every da.v? 1 w'lsh you would ail Just say to y^mrselves. "I believe I’ll take a cham'e." ami send In y<Hir money, or at least your appllcatbm, to Will J. Farley, Secretary. Kisuu 2, Nulsen Bldg., 6th and Olive strei'ts St. Ixmia. Mo.

C. E. BEYERLE, Pro|>. Bark’s Shows.

PLANCK — ONE-MAN BAND. SIDE-SHOW le<'tnrer; <i|>eDlngs; ventriloquist ballyb<s>, pan pimlme down, ruhe; drums In band; act sullalle side-show or pit sh<»w. Wire F. J. PLANCK. Itolfast. Me., June 17; Bangor, Me.. Jum> D. IHiuforth, Me.. June 19.

THREE-PIECE ORCHESTRA—PIANO. Vio¬ lin and banjo; dan<*e ami classical, cafe b"(c.. summer resiwt prcfernsl; anywhere; terms r>x sonatde. OSCAR JENSEN, 6416 I.angley Ale., rbicago. III.

TWO GENERAL BU. MEN—HAVE GOOD wanlrolte; Isdb do s|>eciallies: one d-a>b|es plane S4u,ie; need ticket; Join on wire. .Address H. OBORM, Maorlca, Iowa.

VIOLINIST—EXPERIENCED THEATRICAL young man <>slrea engagement. BARTLETT, 1211 West i:k(. .New York.

WANTED—POSmoM AS "SPOT" tIMOER —Between act ainger or quartette work; bari tone voice; can take minor part*. M. E.

care Stafford Stirlnga. Vosburg, Miss

WANTED—JOIN GOOD CARNIVAL CO. with cnokbouae. 10x12. KOFF A KOFFMAN, Bbsimingtoo. HI.


AT UBERTY-TWO YOUNG MEN; BANJO, mandolin and piano player; play popular and standard music; would like steady posltloo;

lady or gent riders. SOUTHERN BALLOONIMO ro.. rberryville. N. C.


In.; no tssiae; aome ex|>erience: wants poslIlKi strictly aober and reliable. C. E. BRAUN- I thing; good woloist; city or oiuntry. BEIB, I *•••> traveling show or vaudeville; mmclUn FELDT, Danbury, Conn. 23.31 Van r<mtlandt Ave.. Rnsdclyn, N. Y.

AT UBERTY—NB-b TUNA OR STRING CIRCUSES. CARNIVALS AND MANAGERS. ihow"'or"slwping'Tn’tents (^ildered^ plea^ I ba” player; experlenwd in band ^ orchewtra; Attentbm—Do y.m • eWan-cut. ao^r. re

or any part; will alao conahter privilege slai I with sbuw; make me offer. KARL SANTEE, tieneva, Dfalo.

state best figures in first letter; two shows i _ _ dosing in three months compel me to advertise | *• C'> Msnmee. unio. agstn. FISHER, 1718 Cbsrles St., Omtba, Nen.

soler snd reliable; locate preferred. Address I liable, aggressive, well-educap'd. married young I LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE,

u\t? flnJin/^nSdaltv^^dd^s ■'•"Rising ideas, do bookkeeping operate pic- F. A OKXtIUiA Tenor, tor male qutrlHtr. afier * * lure machine and iday piano a little. Have d me August 13; waole,! Wiwleen time, slug rtiher first ,r

Hox 611, sapuipa. iia. parts, butler burglar, etc.; all-r'sind eiperlence. straights. F. A. DKiHUiK. Bov ~ Wife cooewshm worker, cashier; can do small Krule, WIs.

AT LIBERTY—FOR VAUDEVILLE OR MED. parts. Keliable bouses or road attractions Ciw.. .5 (leople; singers, dancers, acrobats and *-(,ePe services of capable and tlinioughly re tHi RiM'ND — Three Abreast Jumping i contortionists; singles, doubles. 3 and i-pcottl" liable man are reaulrevt make me an offer- ws"l» to Wn gwl Fair Cliyvilt. rea*tT afiei acts; change nightly for week: also piano. Ad- will go anywhere- state all In first letter wlli WlUttX, Merbanl.- dress HARRY VAN, AIrdoroe Theater. Warsaw, acknowledge same promptly. Address A. B.

man I26i? (ierman-American ls|ieaka German I Afivw1itt«*a«s irRkaut fiMfg. aafiar tbli haadlsg. anti English fluently); neat appearance; have' done conceiialon work, been advance agent; have

AT LIBERTY — BLACK-FACE CHARUE HART; for vaudeville; agents, write; offers PIANIST. Box 617, Sapulpa. Ok. from indepeislent vaudeville managers alao in¬ vited. Address ltV>8 Wade ttt., Cincinnati, Ohio.

high dive (nett; two good free acts; July 4tb I Indiana, still o|>en. Address or wire C. A. CHAKDLEK, ' 727 Dark Ave.. Indiana|s>lis, Ind, AT LIBERTY—A-1 OPERATOR; • YEARS'

experience; strictly sober and reliable; go any¬ where; beat references; have had experience AT UBI31TY—YOUNG MAN: ACROBAT; »Bere; beat ^lerencea. nave

to Join partner or standard act; do either under- managing M. I*, theaters. E. i etanding or top-ra<«intlng: can tumble; also do Innihla St., ivwamimcott. Mass, rings or trails: height. 5 ft. 7: welglit. l.Vi; ———— experb-nced and reliable. FRANKIE DUOOAN, Endleott. Neb.

ROBNEL. Billboard. New York City.

F. W. KAEMMER AT UBERTY-AS AOEMT or manager; sots-r. reliable and ex perienceil;

ATTRACTIONS WANTED AfivartlsiaMMa wllkael filapisy. ekfier tkk kaafilae.

fie ear ward.

M. P. E. A. HALL. 50 CO- tnmhia ««Jt miiMrott VfaRB. KAElClfXA. 1 JO AtklfiH St., MfeUW 11. f onn.

UVK 5TII or JULY rKLKHRATlON. ntt»»»uri Kail.. auRpIffii Chamlirr nf ('<iaiiDen*F. rlfaii sb«*««

I and <Kjtai<tr atirartIfitiR; roiisl<lrr iemmI iralii^l ajilnial


AT UBERTY—VIOLINIST: DOUBLE ALTO in hand: young and sober. Address VIOLINIST, 6019 Kiggs St., Benson, Neb. VI. u. v„K at LIBERTY-piano PLAYER; READ AT

119 Kiggs St., Benson, Neb. slgbt; traiisissie and fake; double amall parts; - - ilanvllle Wyom AT LIBERTY—ENGAGEMENT WANTED BY ing.

a young man pianist; moving picture stKiw pre- ferred. MABTIN GORNY, 3152 So. .Morgan St.. Chicago.

AT LIBERTY—TALKER. G|irNDER. PRESS few years’ experience, who doee daocing, sing- agent; e<lncated; experienced; reliable; can and Ing. talking, etc., or willing to Join small

AT UBERTY-UVE WIRE WANTS POSI- FIRST-CLASS FIFE ORGANIST AND ™ tlon with dramatic sbwk company f.w the p nnlst desires t-.sltl|.m; wide ev|e-rience and /.l.lrei W H t^lIT»aS’Am exi-rience. HARRY BOWDEN. Box 74. Cuba, h abe-t rwpmmend.tWms alone .w with or- K i"’ih" doiSh llUiKda <ii**i»tra; will l♦•av#* A<ldr«*aa H. M., ______

Bllllsiarfl. 'Tileago. WA.Vn-iD For thr lilg Re,l Men Carnival. Dos Wow and lliiror Oimlnf, Ur<>rfrtimti, 111.. July 2«Uh

HARMONY SINGERS—SOPRANO AND BARI- Hbow«. I-eaitlniatr tone; musical comedy and comic opera princi '"vJ'V.

v?:- wr*:!:r.‘’.srj'?g r:.'".rmer.T.'Tr.j'''’:irer.:i'.' -_ open fw picture theatres, vaudeville, hotel, t WHITK.

AT UBERTY—SOBER. REUABLE YOUNG f”,"' “‘J?: lU” He.-retary man. for musical comedy, vaudeville or bur- 'T *"*!, "•'’•cobe. W. A W., care ftllllKiard, lesque. or will Join reliable young lady with ' toclnnatl.


WA.NTKD For Grand Crleliralbm and Blf Inillan Day Day, lai. Id and 1<I of Jply, Merry (In Round. Freak, and Gvssl Show, of all klmla, ke.INte to draw from: $13,000 aa put Into Indian pay day ainnr TbI,

will get by with your news stuff; salary com- vaudeville girl act; state all In first letter, theater «ir picture lioiiae iiress agent, treasurer; |, the imrii that t^av, has the hla*crowrts Free con mcnsiicte w-tth tlie times. Address MANAOEB Address W. M, DEVUN, Box 358. Jooeslom. joiing man: exi»rlence«l; references. H. S. O., ie«u snd toml upraklns AiMreaa WM J KKN INDUSTRIAL FREEDOM, Plsxa, N. D. Arkansas. care Tlie Bllllsisrd. Cincinnati, O. .NKDT. Canton. fMila.

JUNE 19, 1915. 37

WANTfn^ Wherlliif Pirli, <>p«» Air Art», ftrtua- t] cifll or ’ liMlrpriuliiit tMR>klnii. aim* Wlhl \Vi-^ or olhrf Mhima <iii prnvtitagr htuta; aialr b«-<l r< K -atarlr* and p**f<^ntag«* In (Ir^t Utter <»K1K hI'lHS * l'R.%NK, Hoi t<4. Wlierllng. W Va

W^NTH* .\TTK.\rTlo\S si^n-fc r<.m|kaidr«, in.i atHi \aud4Aille. «tati« IVi; targv «iagf.

sJhiimr Ttitator under raii«a« \V J Mafi¬ as f. Kof»i»t, <>.


A<»trtlMiM*ti wltkayt AlMlay. HsAcr IkU ktaAlaa. 2* Mr aarA.

WVST HAY INN’, (kilrrrlllr. Maw . molrrn hou<r. bathlua. >alllii(, golf, ur'iiraltl. Ixniklrt. E. K I kim'kkk

CONCESSIONS WANTED Aa««r1lMai*alt aNkaat Alialay. aagtr tkla kaaglag.

3a par warg.

Klli CKIJ'IIIK.LTION' M'aiitrtl Irttllmair l'<i)i<v« aii<l Mitrnaliiairiil 3'ralurr%: «tatr priiv

an.l full lhf<amatlfai lii llrtt Itiltr. (*. K ('l..\\V- .saiN, I liilrtiiaii. Nialiigrr, Mo

r»'I.>:HK.ATtON at H)rrMlllr-l'aBtl>rl<lgr Ka.-r TYa4-k. July 3. lUg ikaiigu for l^rlrllrgn.. Apply (<» T F HJ.AY. llyrurlllr. «>

STKAM SWINC AMI (KNCKKHIONH For plfiik-. July 2'aml 3. IH)X 37. ITillllpu. okla

WANTKII All kliols I'onrriMlotm. Hhimii, Mrrry- (;<> KiWkI. Ilirrv day*. W II W l^ig KoHliig aiul l’rlrl*ratl(Ui, July lal. S.! and 3«t, Klrlrhrr. Ilkla AtMrra. J 31 rENTR»;i*S. nTtidirr. Ilkla

FOR EXCHANGE A4varHatg»agta wllliMft tflavlay. va^ar tlilt MMIaf.

B^:^^^nT TYi^:\iKmR dltUai. U*r gtMHl go (7cdr. tla ttrft Kan. MlmcotiW t'urtatn. ll« roll. g« rjr«dr I'urmit Sartr S M tS4M THWt^RlM. I^ritra. X. Y

t't»MKI»Y MA<;lt' A«T. MIimI lUadlnc A«'t. Hand- ruff .\rt. Aidmateil |>ra«lng Illusion. V*niu .%lto Horn: will elrhange for Muton yrle, Hl< yrlm or Bui>f>lleii, for «aiDr. HKO A KirK. Aul»um. X Y

KXt'llANtpK An old VMlii. maile In "1740." In fine r«o«lltl(Mi. for *'lae9ttattfWi’* ait a high cIsa* “Aerial SuM*<’nat<m.’‘ ainl «her hlgh clasA magical atfparatua. C# will aril for rash rK<»f* H W Hla.\NKKN- H\KKK. 1917 Maplr Bt . UwilsTllle. K)

KXt llAM.K 13:3 M» rmlerwmiil KAfolrlng iKipIt- rator <w $•& <'# lYtntlng l^ess and tKitflt for Tlie- atrlcal ^unk TKMI*L>1. Kttrl iNMlge. la.

KtlK HALK t»K TKAHK Hotel ami t'afe: d«ilng a ffiHul huslneaa In a lire R K town, take auto a.A fiart pay. M L. 31«'i’ North Venion. tnd.

Kt>K yJHH.K\tiK Win n.-hangr dlgbtly uaed No IS Rrtnlngton Visible INiieirrlter. with tabulator batdt «(>a4Tr aiol two «^i4<ir libiMsi. $.W (*aAli. or what have you? HR(»WN. 3934 ln<Uai.a Arr . 41)1 .'ago

K\ur. 4»R ^:JC4^IAN4;K K«-Rtaurant will eKi'tiaiigr* for Merry 4S«»-K4«und. llAiure Theatre Write shat y«Hi hare. 4* l^fliuY iT'LVKH. Plqua. tl

liijT uK 41>N4'K?*HH>\ ii.KMVji. ^>aiiK ups. Tents, HVilm-IlMHn-Ught Machine, rtr . sale «ir tratk M'ant M I* Ma<'hliie. Mims and High Striker J.Ntr. K. Hl tlHKM. Ilitrer. Kansas.

l*H(>NtM;KAl’HH. ReoatU. Moving Picture Ma- efilnrw. mms, t'ook and 4'amp thitflts. Tent Poles. f«*r Plate tliass Laughing <;all«ry, Hlaas V^igrariog Machine. High nr Base Ball HtHkrr M' S il»R PKNINH. Hoian 1, Irwin Building, ilarfcsburg. West Virginia.

WllX li3(4'HAN4p|>^>—g No. 1 4HI Lots, over one htork iff gmund. near a prvwrvi <41 fleUi. ran give warranty lived and Hear title, price, lisa go; ggn an iwsli. balance In No I reels t'lsnnltes iw Kea.urrs. R<»X 334. West rnlon, la

FOR LEASE. AgMTllMXktt arNkpat PIkpIky, PkP«r tkl. kaaPlap.

3t PM •prg.

• SoHTilVR TAMtM'H MlNJkTHJUJ* With or with nut outllt. rrPMfikhlr. aMuiry mkkrr. I*ar«ilr Ault. Rir Mir. util tmkr pprtnrr N F.ALJ:?*. Ill Y. thiOKlMk !«.. MytM-UM, .\ Y

FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS Affyarllaamaala wWiatrt diaplay. aadar thla Imadlat.

la par ward.

BKARS. BKARA Two tame HlaHi Rears, partly traliiMl, rasHy handled: will sell to hlghwu tfffer, one twv> years, one nine aamths o4d t’H.tS. II tTLAPniN, Aaunton. Va.

KAKK Mti.NKY 10,»:00 uaed In Chicago l*roa(M*rlty Parade by kIiow f«»lks, our» la the finest: any quaii* tlty; roll. ISr. tllUNHV t'ti . Morgan Park. Sta H. ttilrago. 111.

P4)H THKATKK KQI IPMKNTH AM) AllllMlMe 4H TKITB- -Kuch a« aeafi. ph’ture mw hines. etc., aea I.KAK.S THKATKU HI PPLY Ct).. SOP Cheatiiul HU. Ht. Iroula. Mo.

TWO MONHTKOCH IN)RrrPlNEH. Ild.Od; great bally boo. FLINT. North Waterford. Maine.

WHITK H4iriRRI>ny thily <4ie In captivity. It F HTHtM'B. 131 W Reno. Oklalmma ( Ity. okla.


SECOND-HAND GOODS Admrllaaaitatt wllhaat dlaplay. aadtr this haadisf.

la itr ward.

3x:» I'KINTINt; 7 rads T)pe. « Case^. etc.; great ftw nilliig In dateik an«l printing ianU. iSMt $;r,«si; «rll for $U.«M» WM A TKMPLK. Ki«t Bodge. la.

23 BANB rXI^NHUMH ti(H«| shape: will aell (h*’ap. a bargain, write for desciipthsi. H W. t ANT>:KBrRY. Lanark. 111.

30x50. 40X40. 34180. 40x80. 7<rxioo. 100x150; alao aome umallrr TViita. Above IVnta very low piioea to move them at o«>er. AMLntli'AN TILNT p AWNING Ct).. Minneapolla. Minn.

ABVANt K IT-LtNI'T MAt HINKH- A UA of 40. cheap HRC.NSWICK I'D., the Coln-t)pArateil Ma- <*hlne KXchange. lo39 Hatw St.. i*hlla4lelphla. Pa.

A F>rV4* WARJ»Kt)K»: TRCNKH-Men's and woa)en*a: av-eeral slam, at a saciiftce. AddreM M.\N- AUyjl, Box 381. Hctner. N. Y.

A SN.tP Set (ff BrauneUs’ Mush-al tSIaswee: m <irtaves. IM glasMe*. $5 taktH them. BCBBY OWKN. Hotel illfford. Piatlajul. t)re.

HALL GCM MA4 HlNi> Cinap H4>X 207. South Bevtd. Iiid

Ub IKNOK S.%X(>PHONK-4Na)ii iflnBh 21. silver- plateil, hlgli pitch, single automatic rvglster k«y. In <a»ef» cetder A’asr. list price. IIOS.IM*. without »*.-e will sell f«ir |tio 1*0, if 82 (k» is sevd to guaraMtee experts rharpi't It's a bargain: rasoti f<ir *elll ig. mouth iff saxophtwie Iwid for siiort-sigfitvsl man. but all rigid for anyone: watit low pitch: plating and Pads are gisal yet. KKKT I'tiTTKK. Harptr. Kansa.s.

Ft)H HALE CHEAP 54) Chewing Gum Ventling Ma rhlnes. have only oem uvaed a short time; origlrial coat was 14.1*0: If taketi at nnew villl sell them for $1.45 ea4'h; aent 41 4). I), subject to Inspev tioii. .lihlreiM 3.4KE .HTAKH. care L. Jonaa A Co.. .Na.shvllle, Tnin.

FOR HALE l*eagan Hteel .Marlmhaptione, 2S (n*- tavew. !')w pilch, rilikel plate*! (Vhit racks ami re sfNiatrjTs; full set of hammers and twa* 1m>ws. g<34P>t as new; rvwt $75.4*0 new; bargain at $40.<*0. W S. lUtTHMLUX. .SErfnerfleld. Pa.

FOR HALE OK EXCHANGE Heimnl hand hand In struments for clown or tramp hamls; also Instruments of every dew'iiptlon for musical artlsu. hands and orchestras at reas«inable prices. 4'HKH4*KEE JA4*K. Chestnut and John Hta.. ClnidDnatl. 0.

F4)R H.\LE 4)iie new set Trap Drum 4)iitflt; i-nst $7u.041; first check for $3:3.4>o gets It: gnml Ik new Atldrew) C. T M'LniH. M«irfaidoi), N. 4V

SALE f)w1ng to recent Illness, one No 6 I.eHig tYlMpette 4)utf1t. complete, sllgtdly«l, but guara >- teetl In perfect rondlUovi: gawkllne burners; also one- half barrel iVim Synip. nne-half barrel Ntw 4)rleans MiHasses, 150 lbs. Rice Ptjpconi, 104) llm. plain Bn 13 Waievl Paper: a bargain at $24^. 4*. H. P.4K KKK. Palmyra. N. Y.

F4)R HALE-One Bower's Invisible Fortune Writer Glass Tube Outfit. InclUiles lllmloo I’ostume and tur ban; also five hundml papers. iKHtle a<i«l. all con- j plete. ready for business. llA.tH); also one Hand- > Striker and fltart. 3-way. black walnut and idckel trimmings; a swell joint: almost new. $14.4)4); a bargain; $3.4)0 deposit on either article; balartce C. O n. GEO. ANHLEY. New Erte Hotel, tTeveland. O

FOR H.\LE- 3 octave set of Elwtn Street s Electric Bells. g<MMl condition, with piano keyboard. $25.4)4; will ship 0. O. B.. $r3.4M). with order. J4)HN B i <iri4'K. care Grand 4)|wra, Perry. la.

For hale—14 Vlacanml Htlcks. low plti'h, Htieet make, mounted in form of lyre, on nickel-plateil foor rack: fine condlthm; price, $18.4)0. CLINT SMITH. Oi*eanslde, N. Y.

FOR HALE- 34)xr34-ri. Tent, with 9-0. side wall, poles and stakes: first $35.4*4) takes It. HI RT BrTL>:R. Pleasantville. O.

RANT) STRIKER- Poll make. $7: P»s ket Ikop Case, $3. used one week: thU Is not junk: you can lay up the Jack. C. 41. M4*RR4i\V. 34*4 S 4>nlon St.. Kokomo. Ind.

RAILROAD RATES AND OWNERSHIP One way of describinR the railroad problem which the country has

on its hands is to say that the railways have too many creditors and too

few owners. They owe too much money in proportion to their equities.

For years past the railroads have had to finance themselves by

increasing recourse to the hankimt community for accommodation on

short term notes liecause they could not sell other securities, especially

8t<»cks. to the public to anythin)? like a needful or desirable extent.

So they have become hanker owned.

Xo matter how finely employees may do—every time they meet and

are inclined to felicitate themselves over a specially fine showing and

reisirt some emissary from their owning bankers is present and in¬

variably he says; “Ye.s—you have done pretty well, but next year you

must do b«'tter.”

•And as the owners pay the salaries of railroad men and may tire

them at pleasure they can lash them on to all sorts of expedients and


It is possible that public ire is misdirected when leveled at railroad

ofticials and directorates. Perhaps some bunch of smug. fat. oily

hankers is responsible for the 76 to 240 per cent increase of rates to


('OMA’S attorney will ascertain.

m U. IMMl fnS. nkle. tI3 M. W W W.. AluUn, Mmil.

kXTRA LAROK CIIACklA BABtMIN. |I3« br (ratviTfl Mnair pit Mkm* m a t<sllla. TTnr Mila, Mark. Uirar.yrar oM aara. walchl M It*.. >l3a ta. tiwIiMia. na« ttannar, hamaa, blankau. rtr : Black Fraala Wolf. tM M. lana Ba<l«ar«. akob $.3 M. lana ronuptnaa. aarb 13 at. Umur Monkay, tI3a«. lama

.lama Black Spitlar Monkay, $23 ##: rarr Silk halml Tama Ja|>ai>aar M<inkry. 123 a#: Marmaioat Munkayn. 13a aa pMr. Japanaw Waltaliia Mk-a, tl 3a pair; two lama Wra«tlln« Bla k Haara. tlaaaa. lama Bull Siiakaa, rack tJ ** Snaka*. all kln<la, M cant, up- uafta. IlkTHOIT RIMII STORK. Itatmll. Mich

3'INK I.ARtir. IMTORTKIt ORIIAN For I'anmaal; )ual ratiulll, *lih na«, up lo-<l.ta mualc. l>raiM alarl- nalln .ml pIcrnItM In front, full rtaw: raaa llnlirftail uhlta .n<l tolil. au.r.nlratl lliia conitllliui and Mift. I«<wrfful Iona: alaa aay34i3( lni-ba«; ont nan. |T3b: yiHir. ffia I113 caMi. a l>amaln: will ahlp .ubja)-! to atamliiallon full parUrulan on raqua.! JOII.\NN3;S S <:3;illlAKIlT CO . Tamny. Phlla., I’a.

For S.M.F. Animal.: ona pair y«una llnma<t OwU. Rahim., 3;iuil|{U, Scraw talini Bull llllcb, ra*l.laml and paillfimt: mia Wild Cal, ona l.ais>ar<l Cat, ona CiWiUa. ona lladarr, otia Wild ll•’«. otia .Lrmadllln, •wia Conn, otia paar. yatlow haail aiol ra«l haad Tar r«(., KInalall Monkey. HKFP CITY IIIHII STORK. Hot 3k. Ilratl City, Mich

For SAI>; CH3'.AI‘ 3XIR qCICK S.\I.3: I•rltala Car .larpa |H panu.i. wnaralalv, bulTct tahlr., kltrb- an llHWnuahly anulpfo.!, In Bps clam Miapa In a»wy raapais prica, tl.inkkk: a ram hamalii. wrlla or .aa AT1-\.N-nc tXIAST RK.\I.TT tX3. Ilraanytlla. N. tV

Fl>R RAIX Owaplata Tbaaira Kuulpmant and IcraM; larta Mat*: playa all big ma4l allraaUcna. If In- lanaiad wrlu MHB. W B RNBAD. Daytona, Fla

Bt'RlJ’Xgt'K MAC.IC At-T Mliid-raadlii« An. Raraid Sight An. Straight Magic .An and Spirit CaMnn Mynary. tl3 lakaa thU complata .how of Bra ana; all gnni. guarantaad In flr.t-cHaaa condltton GDI) A BICK. Urpt. 4. Auburn. .N. T

CANDY FLOSS MAtLlINK Cwd only Ihraa waak*: In parfart onlar. pnin iiaw. ll.V. tMit bw quick «lc will taka 1*13; ownaa In othaa bu.|iia.w. t! H (XM,- LINS. Rugby, .N. D.

CATHEDB-AL rmM3:s-2S tuna*, chromatic. F to 3;-Bai. hung from Biia ntckalail Maud, uwd but one* In puhUc, and ara mma a. nan : hara caw for umr: wnnh fully $223.aa; Br>t $TS na taka, tbam C O. D . tiia for iiymphonlr oacbaiura. Will aaml photo of mma, Mar of Maml, ID. * ln« wl4r by « ft 4 hi J R GILUrC, iai3 R«a>h St.. ChliMMi. IIHimAw.

CHK-AP 3# Hoop-la lllock. and 3a Ring* for $3 M, aim Jrwriry OutBt. ROBINSON. P* Clinton SI., Hammond. Did

«NiMi*i>rrt: namk and ADDRtats sTAMriNo OITP'IT Ftoa watch fob*, chai*.. air ; die. »taal Intar. and niwirral.. Irathar wrap* with hurfcle. rtann.: rwl ma $.3*: Brsl-rlana tywidltlon; wll for $13. W .Arnj3I.AN. 4$ Oak St.. Kantwi.

For RAUC—ona Saabum Urrhaatrlon, roal $I.5M. grtra $440. ona Rmal full alar alanrte. 10 or M plaraa. rrwtnd rolla, $3.30: ona Saabum Rtyla B. crat $T30. prtca $300. ona I'aarlam ami ona Rmal 44 nola. mdlam mil, $40 aarb: Knaha I'prlght Plano. $100. niaaa planoa ar* In BrM-rlam miditton F O. R. NKIJION PIANO * ORGAN iX).. 740 K. 47th BL. nik-ago. IIL

For HALB' Mlnlalura Train, 5 can. nawly palntrd mglna: n*rrhaulad : nlckrl-platnl jarkat, atr.: Klgln Outflt. $30*. C B GILKM. tSI5 Pina Groaa Ava., Chicago.

For HAIJI R.AIJjIMIN Inflaiiw. I*ara<-huir. Hois'*. Clamp*. Iliim*. iTiaBng Hag: cheap C F PF.AR- SUN. Altamont. III.

FOR THKATKR Kqi'IPMRNT Rurh aa araU. pir- Inrr marhlnaa. alninma »uppUr«, nr.. *aa IJLAR-S THKATKR Bt'PPLY CO.. 304 ITiaatnut 8t.. St. Luula. Mlmnurl

FOR S.AIA; OR ’TRADE Fw Marlilne« nr anything that 1 t'«n Uivr. beautiful flrotiifl* »ian. “Wmidarland.’' Miltablr for park or alniniiir. 1*OX 54. Manhattan. Kan.

FOR lAALB-Sa# Mahogany Opara flialn. 344 md- Ing Mahogany (Xialn; will wll oulBi for $43A.tO c«ah. Wrlla MBA W. A ANKAD. Daytona. Fte.

ILU'SIONS S.ACRIFICKD; Sphinx Hwaplta'lon. tabir, mlrron. oil palnUng, nr.. 414itO: 'Trunk of MagksI .Apparatu*. $14.00: 4 FIIn». with papar, $15.00; *tamp for panlrulani. CHRISTI. 430 Mar- kn St., HaiTl*bum. Pa.

LfXDT PfaiAtc-l'ornplna. $3 JAMKS M. KL- UOTT, 4210 Kill* Ara., Chicago.

M.AGIC T.ARLK- With large appraring water bowl, neat of hoxaa and table, thrra magic table with drop Ude. hortaontal bar. flying traprar, flying ring*, climbing rape, with honks, rahia, rope and tum- buckle: cheap, or will rxchangr. O. C.ARLL, 2037 W Lanrala St., Raltimnra, Mil

MAGIt'I.ANS— Brand new Slitting DW Box or .Surkar Box. $3. .30; Quick Rrirasr or DlOng Hamt- culT*. $4 3g; Cnmlr Nagm Tantrlloqulst Figure, throw* head hark and opens mtsith wldr and laugh*, hair moyamrnt: a bamMn; juM Hka new: cost $12.Ok; will •all for $.3.00: cirrus man siqtpllad with Rooks and Trick Cants: aim Magic Trick Fan*. Prlte. $1.00 par 100: sand dime for sample: catalog and Mg bar gain sheet of sarond-hand ntagic frra for the asking STI.VIANS M.AGIC PARLORS. 142 Cllfftml. Proal tlam-a. R I.

MAGICIANS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Saw Mtc to 7Sr on a dollar. .Aluminum Floating Ball, $1 30: Flag Brtwaan Hamlkanrhlafs. $I.a0: A’aDat Cloth Metrry. 30c: Multiplying Rtlllani Ralls. IH In.. lOc; Rras* Handkan-hlaf Rail, $.3r: Made Wand. alHwiy flnish, orange tipa. 2V: Olluhdd Handkm-hlaf Rail. IV: CnllapalMa, Xo4»ala** Handkrrrhiaf Pull. IV. Three good sacral* free with arary dollar order. If you ar* lonkinc for RARG.AINS. grt our Ramaln t'atalogua Nix 13 This Ramaln Catakigua lists nearly 30# article at the lotaet price on rarth. and wa guarantee arary trick to be as rrprrsrntasi In this catalogur F.AGI.K M.AGIC t'OklPANY. 1204 NIrollat .Are.. Minneapolis. Minn.

M.AGIO Ol’TFIT Twenty tricks: all new and hel make: only $13 Sand stamp fur partk-ulare. .Ad- ilres PROF Z.AUANO. SIl Marhanlr St.. Ithaca. New Y nrk.

MAGIC BARGAINS—Big aaaoataant: high quality and low pr1r>.<: aatlsfarUon guarantaad; Hat for stamp. GILNOTCO. Mnman Park. Sta. B. Chicago.

M AG in A NS I-Oat my Hat bargalna Magical Ap¬ paratus; sar* money: $ia0.40 new Brooks Trunk Ib- capr. $43 04: TDrk t-aulogua fra*. PROF UND- HORST. $424 Alice. 81. LouU. Mo.

MIMMIFIED n'BIOSITIKA. Machonical Show. Slatu* Turn to Ufa. Doll Rack, Ball Gamro: will rxchang* for Oman or Oank Plaito, or srhat har* you? W J. COGIC. in W. Main SI.. Rlchaaond. Indiana.

MILLS DEWFns. $25 00; Ubarty BrlLs. $13.00; Auto Gum Vmdars, Oikjc at>la. $25.00; Scale, $15.00; Peanut Machlnts. $4.00: Hi>lsnian-Ca>>ot Muturs, new, H h. p., 110 roll.. A. C.. lll.fMt; Penny Gum Mochlnra, $2.00: new Kiactrlc l*lann, tierr ascti, $500.00, with rlolln and mandolin atlacliiuniU: 2.3o Joih Ontury Slot .Machine, $.".'..110; M'atUiiii I). K. Gum Vandars, floor style. $25.ihi each. Tlia abowe grimls are In Brst-class cuiiilltloii. CH.AS. J.AKL, 1703 I.aasanworth St.. Dmaha. Neb.

NIRA’ IUL> VfXVCT DROP—Flrrtl. cost $150 1)0; will saertflee ftr $65 00. LA DDI.NK, 2H»4 Han1>o.i St., Chleto. 111.

NICKKI.PI.ATI'L) RARJTDNK High and low plt4-li: nlte inotirl: ipssi playing iswidltlnn: a bamain: will sail fir $I2.m». H. DC.N.ST.A.N. 21 CaiilanarpSt.. Rlnghamloii, N. Y'.

NINKTY M-ACHINE. MODERN Pirs’NY ARCADE. Including Wurtltjar Klactrlo Plano; cash or trade. RFIX ROWLI.NG ALLFJY. Rrowmsyllla. Tax.

ONE MI.NL’TE C.AMKR.A—Daydark. Dll make: A-1 conditkwi; outflt minpicta; cost $32.00; ftrst $15.00 lake It. JOHN U. FALLDN. 40 Catlln St.. Meri¬ den, Conn.

SIDE W.ALL- .A-oa. or better: from 150 to 200 ft. P A. 3V1EDEM.AN.N. 12 W First St.. Tulsa. Okla.

SILVER-PLATED YORK (X)RNET-F1ne condi¬ tion. Addrea M D WATKINS. Hawarden. la.

SLIGHTLY I’SKD RoX BALL ROWLI.NG ALLEYS —Complete, with balls, etc., $.30.00 each. SOBEL A lAJEllR, BOO Hippodrome RIdg., I'leeland, Ohio.

SLOT MACHINES—Little Chiefs, In flrst-clam coo- tUUoo. $14.00 eaih. O. OITTINS, 1041 Klnkln Ara.. Mllwaukaa, WIs.

SH.AIK)W OF THE <flu».s.s I Palntlnal—Will sell for $135.00. Adilres* tr call. J. E. (TBKIE.N. 224 Franklin St., I'hilatlelphla, Pa.

SHOOTING G-ALLirKY—A mrchankal nutfll, com¬ plete, new motor, guns, rtc.; write fer term-: rare other buslnam to look after. 11 F. E33’.\L1>. Falr- IIHd. III.

8.NAP8 WORTH WHILE—Get them while getUiig la good. Tan Edlaon Penny-In-the-Slot ILtonograph Song Machine: cet $225: sail $40. Weigh Scale, bet made; coat $175; aril $40. Seran RhacaUU. $15 up; lira Standard Booths, goiMl aa new; sararal marhlnaa. It'a moiiay back offer. Sereral Mills’ Ma¬ chine, good for parks, fairs, etc. Write or wire J. P. REDaNGTON. Scranton. Pa

THREE WTCSTYIORELAND ELECTRIC SHOE- SHINING M.ACH1XES—Practically new; good con¬ dition; a money-making proposition: will tell at a sacrifk-a: If Intaretad write for pricra JOE B. GOt’GII. EUisrllla. Mlsa

TWO BOX BALL ALLEYS—<Y>mplala, like new. $40.00; tratad and shipped, $75.00. BERGM.A.NN. 2214 Wabash Are., Chlego.

I’.NDERWtSiD REVOLVING DI’PLIC.ATOR <-iisl $35.00; practkally new; usetl only few times: sell for $24.(>0. WM A Tindl’LK. Fort Ib.lge. la

HELP WANTED AOrarHsamaatt wRkaul Olaglay, aaOar this ktafliag.

3a gar word.

PIANIST AND DRI MM)3r I>>r summer hotel Or- chsstra; dancs- work: mu<t be .3-1; must rag. etc. BOX 207. StHith Bend. Ind.

W-l-NTTn)- ITxperIntcsd Ralltswilst. to make asttii- sltULs rrery Sunday during summer scastsi: we have nur own balksMi: gtkxl iswlilnii for riglit parly: write or wire iiumcsllaiely. .Address WHITE CITY P.3HK. Boise, Ida.

W.A.NTH) — llimedian. General Hasliiess Men. CLAIR TI’lTlj;. Berlin Hvlghts. O.

W-INTLa* Lssiurar: percentage. Oregiai Med. J. C. ARMOND, Gallupvllle. .N. Y.

W.I.NTnv- ILanlst; quirk, young man: read, faka; gissi iwi ragtime: penuanant job, siata salary or giiaraiitae; daiu'a. hotel and job work: wire informa¬ tion. .3. P. H.3LL, Waldo Hotel, ITarksburg. Went 3’lrglnia. >

W.3NTm>—Y'ouiig Girls who can wirk on rinm or trapewa. Iron jaw prKerrsd, but not nn-assao, for first-clasw ladlas' a<^al act: slala !ii first Irttar aga, height, wilght: send photo In tights, whkii will be rrtumed. A.NTON BR.3G4iAAH. rare Hoina Realty Co., .New Bruiuiwlck, .N. J.

W.ANTED .AT ONCE—For long engagement; head- balanoar, hand-balaix-ar, acruhat or tumbler; r«m- muidcaia quick. R. R>;tU>I.NO, 333 St. Pauls Ara., Jersey ILty, N. J.

W’ANTED- A-I Plano Player, Lady, for bigh-claas raudarilla show, to work In arts, do spartalty; long season; salary all you ar* worth. Tlrkatr Yea. W’lra H.ARRY Z. At’STlN, care Alrdoma ThBaatre. Warsaw. Ind.

YOl’NO L.ADY—As a.sslstaiit to magician and lllu- slonLsI; must b* ncot, small and able to tnral. Ad- dram, with full dawcTlpclon, PROF. Z.AHR.AH, 124 Atkina SL, Marldan. Gann.

YtH’NK LADY HYPNOTIC SHOW WINDOW Sl fUBCT-Must be A-1 dam; Mabel Bums. Trixt* Wallin, write. PROF, M. E. HOLTZCLAW. Han- danonTlIla, N. C.

JUGGLERS WANTED AflvarllaaaMata without fliaglay. aadar tkla kaadlag.

3a par ward.

t.l-L’B-Jl'GGLERS WAN’TU>—Tounf man not or* S ft 4 In. in haighL Address MORRIS l-RONIN, 104 EAat I4U> RL. New York ('tty.

LETTERHEAD PRINTING AdsortlsoaMats wHbout disolay. uadar tkla baadlafl,

15d LETTERHEADS AND KN’VKLOPEdt. neatly printed on goml stock, prepaid, for a $1 bill CRtJW’N M AIL ORDER PRINT, Box 45, SUUon A. Columbua,

LETTKIU1K.A1J PBl N’T! N'O—-Good LatOrhaPdib original daslgns. $3.50 par 1.000; will aand new eat- alog. shiwring flfty anginal latlarhcAd daatgna. for lOc. ERNST F.ANTl’S. 525 8. DaariJoni SC. CRl-

cago. lU.

Continaed on ptfe 38.


38 X li e Billboard JUNE 19, 1915.


Advtrtluaieatt without dliploy. under thit headlhi. 3e per word.

10c to 11.50 SKKTCHES, I'AKU1>1K8. ETC.— CaUloc end cndorermi'iiu FKKEI SIARV E. P. THAYER. B-2190 Brood 8t., Protldenie. R. I.

SKHTt'Hl-S WRITTirX-<1 H. CAHI-ISLE. 1114 E. Moiit«omci7 Ave., I’lilladclpliie. *

MISCELLANEOUS Advortleeinenti without dieplay. under thia hoadino.

So par word.

CARNIVAL MEN—We hare Cheap (isars. Bal- loona. Pei'iianU and a General Line of Merchandlee. OlTe UK K call. I. ROBB1N8 A .SON, 230 Third Are.. ITt'shurgh. Pa

■•FINANCING YOIBSKLI''”—Practical Inauuc- tlaus. 25c. A. FUUCUE. 1217 South Hill St., Loo Angelee. Cal.

GREENBACKS—Yrllowhaclu; only genuine etage money allowed to be used; rhiecKt Imitation; lawful; big. flaehy itdl. 10c. WEDGE ilFG. CO., "Ab.," Binghamton, N. Y.


H.tIJAlON—Secondhand, with one Parat'hute and Roihw; I4U; your money back If not iileaecd. CH.kS. W11J,1AMS. 2*20 l*ark. St. LouU, Mo.

BR.\ND NEIV HOTEL CORRIDOR DROP. .(.•ix2<l feet, water color; coot $47.00; sacriflie for $K.1)0; also St-iipu. 2918 Telegraph Are.. Bcrkele). Cial.

DYE DROPS—At rock-bottom prices for thirty days: beautiful, artietlc work; fully guarantee*!: special pnw- **S8; outlast all others; order NOW; send ilimeiLsloitK for e*timate and bargain prices. ENKEBOLL ART COMPANY, Omaha. Neb.

EMPIRE FLOSS CANDY MACHINE— and gas ollne attachment; ase<l <me season: cost $16.'i.00; will sell for $60.00. H. J.tEGER, care Konrad, 322 Colum¬ bus Are,, New Y'ork City.

EXPOSmoN-TYPE 8CI01T100NS. using nitro¬ gen lamps, oaring operators and carbon expenaea; crowning attractlona of the Zone are all fltved wrlth my lamps and effects; Clouds. Warei. Rlpplea. Snow. Rain, Cyclone, Waterfalls, Flr«, Flowers, Angela, etc.; Spot. Ollrette and Bunch Llghu, Dlssolrlng StereoptksMia. CHARLES NEWTON. .305 West 15th St., New York.

FINE TICKIT ST.tND. three IToperty B*»xcs, Tent Bags. Bally Curtain. Hell Board and Keg Joint, 24 Dolls for rack. 2 4Y><Mi Tents; all go>»l property and cheap. J.kMES .YNDER-SON, 663 E. Town. IXdumbus, O.

SLIGHTLY VSED SLOT MACHINES ANTI SPIN¬ DLES—All klmla; send for prices. I'NIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., 1405 S. Sereiith, St LouU. Mo.

STRONG TRCNKS-All makea and slaea; Circus Split Trays. Props.. Steamers, BUI. Costume Trunks: lot Fibre Trunks: bargains always. Write H. MYERS. Old Reliable. Established 1892. 314-319 N. 10th. Philadel|>hla, Pa. Say what you want - always 2 to 309 on hand: no lies: no junk—I buy, sell, make.

I'SED •nill.kTRICAL IXJCIPMENT that's guar¬ anteed to stand up: S.OoO Oivra fhalrs. BisWhs. Ma¬ chines, Scenery, (\>ln Optratlng Maciilnea. fur iiarks, etc.; I sell euuipment vt all klnils and will sare you half on your purrliasew. Special- 500 Oisys Chairs. In shape: replacing with cuslilonol ones: for quick offer, :5c each. J. P REDlNG'niN. Scranton, lU.

SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS. AdvfTtffteiMfitt without ditpUy. uiidtr thU tiMdiiif.

it ptr w«rd.

WANTK1>- and AttractUaiH for 4th tif Jul.v Olrbratloci, and f(»r our Fair. Sa^Hnn- b«T 30 and (Muber l*i: an* In tht* f^lr i'tnnilt: a ftHul |da<'e fm tin* liglit ktiid attrai*tk>iia. THK JM'itTT IHHNTY KAIK ASSO¬ CIATION’S Gate aiy, Va.

SMALL SHOW PRINTING. Advertlseaieiitt wRhaut display, uadsr this hsadlag,

3a »sr ward.

MUSIC ARRANGED—Plano, orchestra; melodies written; poems rerlsed; sstUfaction guaranteed. PAUL ALLYN, 1985 Southern Boulerard, New York.

PARTNER WANTED Advertlssaieata srithaut display, uadar thIa haadlat.

•e par word.

A(;RDBATS—Want partner for comedy acrobatic act; must throw, mount, tumble; weight alMUt 135: steady engagement: join at Ihjstoii, Addreaa COMEDY ACROBAT, Blllboanl, Cincinnati. Olilo.

AMBITIOUS YOU.NG MAN—WIUi $3(IU.(I0. to take half Interest In Fair Ground Sliow and Goncesshms; no better framed outfits on the grounds; hare lumu- good time bo<Ae<l: season opens July 5. J.kMES A.NDHBSON, 66 E. Town St., Columbus, O.

LADY PARTNER—For Musical Act: must slug and play string: banjo preferred; send plioto and de- •crtptlon. 8. D. SMITH, 6401 Eberhart Are., Chicago, Illinois.

FOB SALE- Merry-Go-Round. In gixsl condition, all equipments: no top; price $400.00. S.YLYO ENG Ll.SH, 317 Main, Wlnste*!. CtHiii.

For S.\LE- Miniature Me*'banloal Moving World, for nt Sl.ow; slae. 7 ft. by 4 ft., with 22 working flg- unw. electric motor; use*l one wiwh; complete with slilppliig i-ase: price. $40. M PI.NDAR, Oreal I^uplre .stiow. Route: .kill) .kriior. Yllch., June 15-22.

For sale—20x40 Tetit. goo*1 condition; 6 benchea, $85.00 takes It; two Lecture Laiitmis, $25.00. KAND KOPF, Bloomliigtoii, Ill.

FOR SALE—kllnlature Battleship, II feet long, made at steel; carries aallors. mualc. guns actually being fired, wireless sfiparatua. aearchllghts, etc.: ererythlng In action; Income. $75 to $150.00 per week. Price complete, $1,600.00. Address THE BILLBOARD. HIT Commerce Bldg., Eaiuas City, Missouri.

* FtlR S-kLE—Merry-tlo-Round, ctsuplete; 40-ft. madilne, with new top and cable. J. E. WY.kTT, UlienTTllle. .N. C.

Adrartlsaaiaatt wNhaut display, uadar this hsadlnp. 3e par ward.

I' Kalhla. Ohio.

STREETMEN'S MERCHANDISE. ETC Advartlaeaiaatt wRhaut display, uadar this haadlat,

3a par ward.

DEMONSTR.kTOKS. CARNIVAL AND STKEIT- MEN—Tlie Ajusto Collar Clasp eliminates friHii collar huttoii and all collar trouble: no iiotclies or buttonholes ne*-esaary: a meritorious article that every collar wearer buys at slgtit. and otie that nets handsome profits: sample lOc. .kDJUST.kBLE tXJL- L.kH CLASP CO., 5315 Greeiiway Ave., I*hlladelphla, Pennsylvania.

WANTED TO BUY AdvarllatMtata wNhaut display, uadar this haadlat,

2e par ward.

C.kSH PAID for 0)1x1 setsind-hand Tlieatrlt'al Trunk; slate ererythtiig. WM. .k. TEMPLE. Fort Dixlge, la.

FURNISHED ROOMS AdvartlssMtalt wlthaut display, uadw this hssdlat,

la par ward.

UtiUNTRY .SURRtiUMHNGS. cenlrallj |, x , ixxd. sunny nxxiis: iHlixxt rcaixxiable: write Mlt-, ESTITJJ': H. BAHItV, k'almouth. Mass


FILMS. AdvarllaiaiaRta wttkatit dlsplAV. sadar this ktadlag

la par ward.

A NUMIIEK CF FK.k’n'RES and Single R.-*;. re¬ sale at a bargain. 221 Arcade, Dayton. O.

FILMS FOR SALE. Advartltaaraala wHkaut display, uadar tkla haadlag.

St par ward

MUST .SEU. splendid white slave produitlixi V of Sauii. four reels: film new; never exlilliltnl e\ celleiit suliject for lecturer: will sarrlflce for tx'i kV.kUHS. 352 llliis.lale St.. Brooklyn, N V

FOR EXCHANGE. AdvarllstMaala arllkaal display, uadar tkli haad aa

la par ward.

IMR ILXtHl.kNGE liuffalo Bill. In three reel., gxxl (xHoHlhai: 8 large cuts, plenty of paper, will rx*-liaiige for IWer's 6 Ma<-liliie: junky dealer* .ai- sunux. R. AHGEMIRIGMT. Ainu*. K>

SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER .No 2 F .r fllmx. featurea or ufferi. FILM SUPPLY tji . kkar reu, Ohio.

FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. Advaniamatatt wlthPat display, sadar tkla ktadlap.

Sa par arard.

200 REELS. $4.0t and up: also Power's t.k. EdUx Exhlbltioti, Booths and other equipment liargali- WICHITA FILM A .SUPPLY t'lK, Wichita. Kan

FOR SALE—IWer's 5. perfisrt cutidlihai. 0iarai tre*l. also kNirttlii: make offer L. H WORliEN 134 Boyd 81., tMikosh. WU.

PANAMA CANAL. lLLU.STR.kTEly — AuUieiith lecture, canal employee: 150 colored government views, maps, plana; flrat-claaa Stereuptlcon outfit. Want manager partner, some capllal: liIgti-claM; al¬ ready made good. SWEENEY, Clark, Vt.

PARTNITK WANTED—Trick Bicycle and Unlcyde Act; partner ttTobat or contortionist that ran ride straight bicycle and frame up act. Will split 50-50. C. WHITTI.NGTON, Box 38, Spartanburg. S. C.

PARTNI7R WANTID—Young lady with stage ex- perlnioe; comedy ahd comedy dancing: work bousea 'winter, tents In summer; must have some capital to own tent show; desire one between sixteen and twenty years, not oeer 5 ft. 6. Address JOHN T. PAINTER, 420 Florence Ave., McKeesport, Pa.

PARTNER—For burlesque stock theatre; large house and beat show town In America: profits last srasoo over $2.5,000.00: want partner with $2,500.00. Ad¬ dress BURLESQUE, care of Bllltxiard, Cincinnati, O.

PARTNER WANTED—Genteel, sober man; Moving Picture Tent Sbow; travel with automobile truck; camp out independent of R. R., hotels. I have 20x6t black tent. 8-fL aide wall, 5 Power machine, fitted for calcium, gas or elniiirity, 110-volt rtieo'<tat, knife switch, carbona, condensers, black canvas cur¬ tain enclosing three aides of booth six times, six floor sockets for pipe railing, folding rota, ramp cook; $500.00 buys 3-5 Interest: auto truck, film, seats required: will answer all letters. D. F. MILLS, Billboard, Chicago.

PAKTNiai WANT*:i>—With $200.00, to help com¬ plete a new sbow. Address MANAGER, care Bill¬ board, Cincinnati. O.

WANTED—Lady Acrobat, Contortionist or Aeriallst: middle aaeu performer preferred; to join me In a gymnastic and acrobatic norelty act: gixxl chance for the light person; send photo and state age, height, weight and when you ran join. GEO. MAR- TINE. Tyrone, Pa.

P WANTED—Partner with $500.00 cash, to take half Interest In new Two-abreast Jumper Carousnelle, factovT. North Tooawanda. Have not time for dicker¬ ing or Idle curiosity seekers. If you have the cash and mean business, wire, write or come on. Addrem D. R. C.. 158 Abbott Road, Buffalo, N. Y.

WAVreiy-Partner; one that can do hand stands, oomevly or tumbir preferred; weight about 125; no objecllouK In good amateur: tell all you can do !n first letter. Address tl.VDE MATTHEWS, care Tent Show. tYossrtlle, Tenn.

WANTED—Partner with capital to join me In haiidltiig new game of skill, patent applied for; no toy. ED PERKINS. 2257 Court Place. Denver, Col.

WANTED—Lady or Gentleman Partner, for vaude¬ ville; mUKt Invest small amount. ALBERT BRUCE, 1016 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis.

YOUNG L.kDY' -Neat, small, to assist magician and work in lIIusiniLs; travel, .kdilrtw, with full de- scripOnn. etc. PROF. ZAHRAH. 126 Atkins St.. Mer¬ iden, Conn.

PLAYS AND SKETCHES Advartlacaients wKhaut disalay, under this headlag,

Ic ger word.

PLAYS A.ND SKETUHI^t wrltteti li. ordi-r. GBTjRGB H. CARIJ.SU:. 1114 E Mmitgcmery Ave.. Philadelphia.


AdwrtlaaaMUta wHhout dbtlay, uadar thia haadlag, la par ward.

A 40-IT. Tf>P, with two 20-ft. mbiille pieces, tiest oondltion: bale lings, ropes, poles and stakes: Mar¬ quee, 10x15; Stake Puller, Folding llcket Box. 2x Bendieo, Piano, lYirtable Picture Booth, Wiling, lAtbta, Picture Curtain. Advertising Frames, five re.tlt good Fllma, Machine and Aocesaorleo; complete outfit, suitable for picturra, medldne show, dramatic, vauderllle or drena; will aell entire outfit for $450. no cMh; ran be aeen on lot, now ahosrliig. THE BRUaEZK. 6Ui and HI. John 8t., Altcntown, Pa.

A MERRY-OG-BfXIND AND SIX SWINGS—Good atandlng ')rd<r; gaaoUne engine: will sell cheap ac¬ count of adtAnean. Addreaa LOE8CHHORN. 2»6t Bfdgeway Are., Chicago. IIL

ENGLISH UNIONISM VS. PATRIOTISM English unionists are giving unionism a black eye—not only in

England, but all over the world—that will take It .rears to recover firMii. The spectacle they have staged parallels that of the worot grafting army ixmlractors

and orooketl supply men who In times ag*>ne atoope<l to cheat the men fighting for them at the front with inferior wearing apparel, adulterated or unwholesome ravLios and cheaiiened ammunition.

Moreover, these latter depraved and sordid wretches were few and D*>t the pr<Kluct o( a movement.

The better class of mechanics, skilled artisans and workingmen everywhere hxtk on this exhibition of unpatriotic and mean, low, grasping cupidity in Englaiiil with the strongest kind of disfavor and aversion.

Seeing to what lengths the development of trade-unloaism In England has led. the American public's sympathy will rapidly become lukewarm. Few of us will want to sedaVoasly foster and enthusiastically encourage a movement that will breed soulless ckxU of that sort In America.

Devotees of unionism In the Cnited States had better get busy and sbow the public that they are not beaded In a similar direction.

We do not want a vast submerged and underpaid proletariat In this country. I'nloolsui heretofore has seemed the best means of providing against one. Sbowfolk sre espe<-iaHy Interested in and vitally concerned over this Issue, beciuse audiences are drawn fiom the masses and exploited masses mean poorly rewarded entertalnera.

Now it the time of all times for the thinking men among nnlonlats to retire the fighting men, the glib deanagogues and bone-headed plug-uglies from leadership. the connclls be m.ide of men of brains—men who see far and broadly. Then will unionism not only escape the peril of public susplcloo and distrust, but It

will put on new life and enter upon a new era of greater and wider nsefnlmas.

FDR S.\LE OR EXCHANGE—A 4fl-ft. Merty-Go- Round Frame, Track. Uable. complete except ani¬ mals. Sell cheap or trade for pan* of overhead ma- <*lne. E. e. nuKELL, 10 E. Miln St.. .NoitIk- town. Pa.

FOR SALE—One Tent, 80-ft. round top. no wall: tent has been pitched, hut In fo<xl romUtiott; good for a season or two: first P. O. money order for $40.09 gets It: three bauners, 8x10, brand new. never up. one wild hog. one small horse, one burro. $5.00 each. RF:ED riTY bird store. Box 30. Reed City. Mich.

FOR SALE—New Shoe Trunk and complete Ball Join* four caU, double drill, four doaen IxMinder balls, Utree fasnline torches, incluillng cigars and gum. hood 4x8. not a rip or tear: used part of season; everting In trunk; weight 130 lt)e.; entire outfit. $15.00. Address J. B., 26 E. Fourth St.. Uovl))fton. Kentucky.

FOR SALE—Plintatlon Ou'flt. condxtlnf *g tent. 20x70 ft.. 10-ft. wall, stakes, poles, stage, roll cur¬ tain. wings, seats, two ballj -lxx) platforms, with jacks, two banners, 14x14 ft., and banner ix)le«. nearly new. DWIGHT LINVIIXE. Pleasantvllle. O.

FOR S.\LE Tent. 40x60 ft., will) 7-ft. wall, com¬ plete: stage, seats, poles anil stake*: a tiarraitt ;o quick buyer. MRS PHERIBE LINVILLE. Pleasant- vHle, O.

FOR S.II.E-Shores' Medicine Wagon, gixxl oxt- ■ lltlon. $<;0.n0: can Iw *»*«) at Ritsbmore. Ohio. Par¬ ticulars. PERRY tiRAV. Mt. Blanchard, Ohio

LARGE UONUESSION TRI NKS: cxily slightly use*!; any slxe, $6.<M) ea<'b. WILLI.4.MS, 2720 Park, SI. IxiUls, Mu.

LARGE STtM K OF TENTS—Frixn the Becelver'a Sale of Thixuann A Vandlveer Co., Cincinnati. Near¬ ly all alxea, from 10x20 to 118x320 feet, and alxtut 10.000 feet of Side Wall, for aale cheap. Alao 300 'Tenta, our own make, and a large atock oT coverliig made from aec<xid-band tenta. Write ua for bargalna. D M. KERR MFG. CO.. 1007 West Madiaon SL. Chicago, ni.

LEARS THEATER SUPPLY CO. alwayi hava on band aome allgtitly uaed picture machines, seats and alrdome suppllet at bargain prices. 509 Chestnut HL, 8t. LouU. Mo.

SLIGHTLY USED CHOPPERS—Look like new work like new and just as good aa new choppers; rw- flnUhed, renlckeled cfaoppl^ knives In perfect ooo- tUUoti. Guaranteed and prices right SECURITY MANL-FACTURINO CO., 2 Warren Ave., West. De¬ troit, Mich.

DOG AIT. Trained Monkeys and Ooau. E. S3IITH, care Standard IhiitUiig Co.. SI. Paul, Minn

UGHT PI.ANT FY>B PICTI RE SHOW 4 h. p Gas Et)g1iie and about 2 K. W or tty K W Geit- erator; must be rvasnnable for cad). ITIF.D W HtM>I». Cvystal TOtealre, Butler, Ind.

MIHROROIDE CUBIAIN. 110 volt. 6i) cycle Ft)), and 111) volt. 60 tyrlc Ecnixxnlaer. roll* for ss-ixxe Player i*1ai)o; give list; must lie reaixxisblr. .S. kl SOUTHWORTH. I^r1le•. N. Y

ONE MIISilT BANNER. 8x12 feet; larger or smaller will do; must lie goal aixl price reasoxalile FRANK M IMWiatS. Meailvllle. J’a.

.SUIT GUM YENDUts that pay cbt* ks RllYLER .SALES t'OMPANY. ( annx). ol)lo.

W.t.VTED Setxx)d-band Ixiglne anil Dttiamo; 4 to 10 h. p. Ikiglne and 3 to 5 kilowatt Dynamo: mext lie In first-class ivxxlllloi). f. II TUIJ.Y. Novell), MLssvmrl.

WA.N'TED- Khaki Tent, alxxjl lHg25. bip nxif. svjuarc end: must he In first-class shape anil cheap TEN.NANT AMUSEME.NT UO . Artxdds Park, la

WANTED 2IX) ft rxxl ID ft. S W . Fol.lliig Organ. Organ Player. Ciwnrallan that can le<-lure three i 'abi* week: nn yixingslers <x Ixxpae West l'l)ester. la., week June 14: Haskins, la.. we*di June 21 ED RENO, care Sbow. as alxive.

WILL RENT Black Tent, niX less than 30x60; ftxir moDII)*: also want sevond-hand Minstrel Ward ng>e, Parapl)rri)alla anil Ulxmis Girls' I'osiumr* send lists. P. O. BOX 15. Indiana. Pa


THEATRICAL FOLK Hotelfi, Boarding Houtas* Furniahad

Rooma, Cottagas and Campa, Locatad in or Naar K^untain, Laka, Country or Saaahora-

IglOKI.NG foe a cool, quirt place to spend Ihe hot iDonihaf Try Mountain View Farm: 2.<MI0 feat elevtlhx), folder. J. R. WHITrOIER. H D. No. 3. Oroton, VL


MOVING PICTURE THEATER AOvertlaamaata witkeut Olaglay. aaOtr tkU kaaOlag.

3a gar ward.

FOR QUIUK SALE OR TRADE lY.turr Tlieatre. Iwated Lima, O.. 40.g00 populailvxi: aeatlng 280. two EdU*)r) Type B. mutor-driven machines, mounted, one Grid Rheostat; otte Power's Rewind; large Ele<-trl Sign; lease IS years to run. other equipment. Mutt aarrlflce to give Tent Sbow atlrntlon. Herelpu one year about $<.g00: once told for $3,000: I now ask $600; $400 cash; balance eaay; or $300 ca^. $.'<00 worth lent show propertlra, animals, auto or dlam<X)d bargain gara to first here, aa will not cam out lengthy coiTeapandrnce. If Intrreated. write for par tlculara or come. 8. OTIS DOTSON. *34 So Main. Lima. Ohio.

FOR S.4LE- New Picture Show at Haetlng*. .\eb . c4ty of 15.000; only two allows b) town: aeat 45x. good location, long leaae. fine equlpmet)!. ilolng flna bualnew: come and see for yourself. AL BRIGHT A WHIRRY, Haatlngs. Neb

PH 11 RE THEATRE FOR S.tL$*—No opptailtkx), good tmalneas; reaaonable. "REX." Chrnoa. Ill


ACCESSORIES FOR SALE AOmrflaaaiaata wNbout Olaglay. aagsr tkla kaaglag.

la gar aeard.

$65 00 I*t)WKR S No. 5 MACHINE, complete, guar anieed aliaolutely prrfn-t condition or in*xie) re funile*!. exprewed aulijrct to yixir examlnal|i>' MARTIN FREDERICKS. 3533 North Thirteenth. Phil adelphia. Pa.

100 PA.NAMA CANAL CULURED SLIDES—Cheap, klao StereopUcon, lataat pattern, Inrandeacent plug ayatem, for aaiobeL WYNDHAM. $ Patchln PIa.w. New York.

300 GtMID CtlMMITRCIAL RK»U>S. $2 00 ra. tIMAllA FIIAI FlXl HANGE. Dmaha. Neb

l.ouo USk'U OPERA f'BAIRS-Sierf and cut atandarda. from ahrrtffa' aalta. dragped factory pat teena. ckiae outa. tto.; no srrapheap aluff, hut pnla that's right; Aabtwtna Rvxitha. Mtchlnm and Equip mteit at aiill-trual prices; write me of your wants. I can aova you money. J. P. REDI.NGTO.N. Scrantoo. Peniiaylvanla.

.4 NFXl.tTlYK Ilf "Tlie .tdviviture* of Jack Ken iieib'"; till* i'vmI a'MXil $I.4<HI to make. $.'I<m) lake* " anil the rigtil to all Stall* rxivtit Texa*. ilinv r* < Ilf 3.IMMI fixX; tbit U a bargain J H KKtMl'H FIELD, 3510 WiMxllatid Avr.. Kativay tYtv. M->

AIRDtlMK SEATS kladr of mapla lumlier, anv length, new and slightly uaml, always In stis k a' bargain prtcea. LEAKS THEATRE SUPPLY tD . 509 Uhratnut St., St. IxxiU, klo.

ALWAYS ON HAND Slightly uaeil Moelng lie lure Macblnea and Uhalni, at a bargain. WI^tTEKN FlIcM KRoKEHS. 37 So. WalMsh Are.. Chicago, HI

ALWAYS right 26ii Mabi«aiiy Motlixi l*li ir tOialr*. i*nl $2.35 earfi. f. o. b.; bargain: al*i» 17- ml plusli. ivjwt $4: ixdy 9iir; 3iMi In .Mlitiliai' EM IMRE EXI'H.WGE. I'oniliig. N Y.

It.tKG.tI\.H I'lfwiv'* No 5, rlieiisiat, etc , %•■■■ Eillwxi Exldbltlixt. rti**Mtai, ric.. $4.5: will «blp b*’ i-xamlnallix) ixi re<vtpi of $lii WE;sT'S |•^II^ElT I'livn KI>. Mixiriw, N Y

Il.tKGAIN HI NTERS, F-iRl'ED '.•‘ba. Kii Souls" IX ''Dangers of a Great City," Itt tbm* part* ginMl rutlllltig isxidltloli, $1.', 00; si-tid $'• txi detiosit balatiis* (' i» D Dli'K FAN. New Regent ihx- 14tM) t'liestiiut, SI. Ixxils, Mo.

BARGAl.NH In two and three-reel featurea, gm*) ronditlixi, nxxinttsl naixr NATIONAL FEATI RE FILM COMPANY, Daeroport. Iowa.

IIAKG.tlN Fix some txie alxvut $400 1)0 wixth of supplies, such as mixing picture hrmls. lami>hiHi*e* anil lamiis, slrmqxlisms, rhroalats, lenses, swluiir*. wire, etc Will sell all nr part at about ix)r fourth value; write your wants. CHAH. R. HVI.NNING. 69o7 East End Ave., Chicago, III.

RIG BARGAINS ui allghlly uasxl Moeini Plesure Maohlnm mnd Fllma of itgndard amkaa. WESTRR.Y FILM BROKERS, r S. Wabaah. ChMffu. IB


Ttie Billboard 39 JUNE 19, 1915.

rul>l>l<KI> HTKRK«UTirOX Hl.ll>»>< (tfiljr |'. 0« liiinilrnl. flnrat matlr: •rllliif out 2720 I’trk, HI. I.Milo. Mo.

luMTUTC CAU’irM U«iHT OI TI''IT Wllh Iinirr, 720IHI: apn-lal Ia^-tiirrr'» Oulllt, oor

U I’ Uiu. $4 00 rH-kSK K. HI SMKIJ., Ilna. >U, V Y

I OMI'LI’.I $: SHOW, txi KrtHillt <nir-|>tii Ma<'4iliir, with rirrtrli-al <<|ulp-

iMiii, I-faiUr (ax ntaMnf ipulflt aiul hunifW, lurtalii, 1. ro-lx i< niiu, 2 xH* Max ilhita aixl iirw Mrxh'aii War In-tiirr xr( <if 3o xlhlm; xlilMiril auhjnS to <i- an:‘Tiatl<xi uixai’ r*x*rtpt t4 III* d*-p<inlt. t'Rt-rsx K.NT Ml.M KX< HA.V(I$;. waxhliigtim I*. H.. otiWx

Kill IWTIItNAI. KII.MK Ax flue a rollwtloti aa Max rTrr (atlirml, alxiut xo.iNNi fret, liirluillix

X. -H riiin,'. liiduxtiial. trarW. xrrxilr. xporta, lii- ...■1, aidiital and hlril life, ami haiid-(t>lorp,l xiitt- r<'tx All in rxcellriit to flnr <-<widlll<in. Orldiially aa'hrrrd to rxialdlxti an kxImatlMial Film HrrrW. W'tuld prefer to aell the mllrrthat aa a whfde, at a round flfurr prli-e. but will aell xlngle auhlnda. Send for ll«I A. STl>.N’$:. R. 701, 145 N. 45lh Ht . New Y. -rli tlly.

ELEiTRIC I’lANtW, with keybnarda. IIM; Or- cbeatrlona. with pliwa, $220: tnuat bt aold to rinaa out piano t'ualnna; aeod for eirrular. J. F. HERMAN. 1420 ra are.. Waahln«1aa. D. C

F$:aTI'RE FIUIH for SALK-AIao attifle reeU. (heap: 5.000 rreU. KWANRO.N-CRAWFORD FILM (<».. 14 .N. Oth, HL Loula. Ma

KKATI REH FOR BAIJC OR KXI'HANtiE Rattle <4 tietlyxliurg. 3 reela; flreat Mexican War. 4 rewla: <aie reel authentic European War I'lrturva; want *o<»l Arin> and Xaxjr or Wild Weat plcturra. C. VInico. Iowa.

FllJdS—Slncle reela. good condltlno; poatera; elm- Irx out eery cheap, arnd for Uat. C H. ULARRER. Rlrmlngham. AIa

F11J4R AND moving PlCTl'HE MAt'HINEH—Or anjthit.t elar In that line. WE.UTER.N FILM RRO- EER.s. 27 Ro. Wabaah Arc.. t'Tilcago. 111.

FILMS FOR RitfLE—13 00 reel up: alao Featurea at low prlcea. BOX 417, Montpelier. VL

FILM Ho.Alt MEN Taken for debt: l*nwfl*ten Law or Harr) k Thaw Tracnty. white xlare picture, laie full reel. $7 00: Honnol. the Hemon. nr Auto Handltx of I’arlx. 1 reel. Life and Itraih at Ylaiy. Gueen '< S>xX«. hand-rnliwril. $5, Itexprrate l>f<uikxid llaude flalre. 1 reel, plenty paper. $7: kloth and the Flame.

reeix. pbiity ilWanited paper. $20; Nlgtit Rldeex. ketitucky and Tenncmee. 2 reela. plenty paper. $20. 411 fllmx like new. xuhlert to examlnatbai: exprexa muxt :»• (uaranteexl both wayx. JA.MIX MUIAVLN. *'21 Kaum St . tTmdnnatl. O.

FINE U>T or RINGLE REEI.S. In (nod running cocidlUon, In eirtiangr for Fealurea or other xlngle reela H M .SMITH. ISll Oxford Rt., Philadelphia. I'mnvlranla.

VEHISttlPE JIOVINO PlfTlRE MAfHlNF.—A (lanpletr iwlflt: uaed only for demnnatrallon: head. Uftwr and l(ntrr magaxinea: aterenpHcon and M I*, lenx. Ix>ardf and adjust able legs, with fine Mntlograph lamp houae and lamp. f3.5.M: rheewtat 15 to 00 anii-erex. awltch. wire. etc.: will ahip for rxamlnaihai on .Irfioxlt i4 $10 00 to guarantee the expreM chargee, price. $♦:•( no KART ENU RTITHOR. 0907 East $;nd .4>e . fhlcagn. 111.

Ft>R S.\1J.; giu-KLY—-Kidnaper.” the ' fal- rf< BcauG.” trick and danrlng horxe. alxo trlclt (!•«. Hungarian piaxlle. perfiwmlng with horxe .4d- d»«x I* o. BOX 459. Oklahoma city. okla.

f^rR S.4LE 4"HE.4P Tlie Manxwd Operator, three- reel feature, neeer wax i« the drcult. goixl ax new. 1^ t’f (laper. write f(W particulara R. SMITH. 71xS N Broadway. IHtaburg. Kanaaa.

$A>R SAIJ; ANO RirvT -4.naa feel iTill War. '■eglni'lt.g to exid: Iota paper. J. B. KOPF. Blrxm- IngtiCi, 111.

$'oK SALFe -New Y'rwk Roclety Ufe and ruder world.” 3 reela. Including rlghu to four Riaira and unUmlted dixplay of adeerllalng Addrewa R K. B.. care Billboard. (Titcagn. III.

FOR S.4Li> Rreeral gixal imt and three-reel Fea- turee. eery cheap Alxo xlngle reela, ANOKJlSi.N IT ATI RE ni-M siaivirix 1«7 W Waahinrtai SI . fhlcago. III.

flrR S.4U^ Mrwlng ITcture TYieatre outfit, cotn- plrte. Including twt» Rtiagriex Moelng ITcture Ma- rhlnea. two Oax $3iglnea and Irynaaana. iwie lYnnhl- nailnn $3ectrlc RxrltcMmard. 300 Theatre tTialra. IT- ano. ITiix. Ticket Reglxirr. etc. ST»TA ART U TA Tl M. Atloniey. 34 OrSwald Building. I^ngfleld. O

Fob rale or TRAI>E~A Rulnerl Ufe. three reela. mounted. 1. 3 and 4-aheeta; 3 alnglea: want other fllm. black top. photo tenU G. W. OWEN. Rkydoane. Rleanl. la

For rale—Reeeral good Fllma: price. I.l. $4 and $'■ each <w will exchange frw camera iw other film Addreaa EHW MILLER. 2719 Garland Aee.. Uwdx •llle. Ky

For rale Rebuilt machines. Mnllngrai>h. 1909. $«« rellx,m Exhibition. $05; Power a No. g. $115; Powera No. 5. $75; Motl(«raph. 1911. $125. A 1 ciwi (lltlon gtiarantexel. niany iRbtrx Write for catabw and 11*1 AMI REMKNT RI PPLY fO . 100 H .No. Fifth At. . tlilcago. 111.

I'olt RALE—Mmlel It Gaa Machine, gorxl aa new. price $20 00; iwie irew Weatinghouxe 12-Inch l> t' Kan. hlghext ..ffer takes It. STAR THEATRE. Mon- ■bxl. Wlx

IT K R.4LK The four reel Feature. War i4 the World. alnoMt new; will xhlp t' O It (||msi deprsdL It W HANSON. Ibrghola. Ohio.

For R.4LK Great bargain. Electric Light Plant. |x>rial.|r. weight 700 llw : A 1 xhair, 00 lolla. 40 ■ till*.: PtlS Mixlel. .4-1 Monograph Ma« hlt»e. complete; ' abl,. wire, globes and wx-keta; eeerythlng ready to run; $200 00 lakex recrylhing alckncxa cause *4 sale; a-' giib k •Address Mils B K RHI LAR. «.n2 Mary land \te . t'hicago. 111. •

Ft H H.4LE Reeenty flee reela i4 Fllm. one Oam t'arbl Ught. and two Kdlwwi Machines Address 4.lti5 F.asi I5lh Rt., Kansas tTly, Mo.

ITtR S.4I.$7 IMIsnn Kxhlbllkwi ITcture Machine. uiTs-r and lower magaalnes. Iwo rhenstata. Bauxch A la>mb leiutea. rewind, take up. lmpro>eil lamp h,wixe. like new: $|INI IHI cash, will xhlp xuhlect to examln- athxi If $loiMi detsisit la made JOHN MirTt'AIAT'., Paw Paw. Illlnuta

Fort WAYNE ITtMPKNRARtTt 119 and 220 f., new and xeowid hand, at bargain prices IRA AL- HKN. 539 Iwhigh Are.. ITilladelphla. Pa

FOR RALE—<Nie Model B Gaa Outlll, coat $42.50, used one maith; 210 FohUng CTialfs, good as near; fY>rt Wayne t'umpetixarc, uaed six months; these will be sold at a bargain; write me; or what hate you to Gadrf Wanted Senaid-hand TVnt. 40x80; stale all; write me. UPVAlUt F. BREEZE. Box 325. klayatllle, Ky.

E'tyR SALE--I’uwet'a .Yiorlng ITftui9 Machine No. 5. Golden Fiber S»'n-«i, a front l»rop (Tirtaln, Parlor Rcrne, with xxlnga and dtaira; aboxe mentioned all In line ctxidllloti; been uaetl hardly our year. ETARL B. RtTtTT. Augusta. Wla

ETtK RALE- -liM) reela ETIm at $2.0*1 per reel: leas kuantltl». $2.50 per reel: moxt all hate posters: send for list of this and ishrr ETlm. LtM'K BOX 891. Kalamaatxt. Mlcti.

For R.4LE> true EcllMm .Motlng ITcture Machine, (xwnplrtr. $50.00; one Power's No. 5 Mating ITcture klachlne, complete. $.5ii.tMi; one fkmn E'oldtng Organ, $15.00; all (4 the abtwe la In perfect eoniUtloii. H.4H- OLl> RHARWEXL. I’ O. H<« 1951. .New York *Tty.

GtHIlt PERETItTION GAS .4L4rHI.NE ENIR SALE! ra«'il (*ily thrte wnk-. with burner and auppliea;

$10IH(. part caxJi. halance f. tr. 1>. EHEHy W. HtMiD, t'oxial, Ruthr, Ind.

GI'AR.4NTKi71> - PrufessRsial (Tnematograph Cam eras. ITt>JecUirs. l*erforalora. Polishers. Prlnten. Trl- pnls, Dexcloping Outflts. Dlasoleen, Rewlnders, Il¬ luminators, Lenses. Filming, Ireeeloplng Cameramen, experimenting EBERHARU RCHNEIDER. 219 2nd Aee.. New York <Tly.

LPRITANIA'S LAST TRIP. $50 00: BatUe of Antwerp. $75.00; Battle of Visigea, $75.00; Guam of Crlmlnala. 4 reels, $100.00; Girl of Emerald Isle. 3 rreli, $60 00; (Tiulrrella. 4 reeU. $250.00; The 'Wreek, 3 reela, $I20.(>0; Itanhoe, 4 reela, $250.00; Tra<y. tha Bandit. 2 reels. $5n.u<i; Crime of Uubom. J reels. $45 00; In the Hardanellea. $75.00; Newp^ I'nder Fire, $75.00; With the Armies In Flanderi. $75.00; Yellow PrrII. 3 rrrit. $80 00; Mabel at the Wheel. 2 reela. $70.00: Wlnkaome Widow. 3 reels. $190.00; The $>11 M.en Ho, 3 reels. $190.00; The Shop Girl. 3 reels. $8<Mui: Lew Ml*erablea. 4 reels, $90.00; Nem and R<mr, 2 reels. $45 00. The folkrwlng at flea i$5) dollars each' l•r<4raanr Bean's Bcmoral. Auntie's Watch Case, Tommy at Play, Smith's Hard Luck, Laughing Gax. 'The Isjwt Mine, Elixir of Strength, Caught In Tights. The Hug IWiatcher, The Mission Shadows. 131000 Lote Paiigx, Scandalous Boys, Lma and Her Beaux, 'The .Athletic Ikide. H. DAVIS. 79 R Waxl.tnron SL. Wllkea-Barre. Pa.

MOVING PICTI RE ■niF-ATRE: CHAIR.R EYery- wbere: bargains. B B. 2. 90 East Second St., Cor¬ ning. N. Y.

MOVING PHTT RE CAMERA FOR RALFc Wil¬ liamson No. 1, practically new, 4 magaxlncx. 350 n. each; Carl Zeixa F-S-5 lens, changing bags, fine carry¬ ing caae. 3 masks. 2 speeds for mwmal trick work, etc., tripod tilt and panorama perfect mechanically; shipped subject to examination on deposit; price $200. EAST END RTI'DIGR. 8907 East End Aee.. t'hicago. Illinnia.

MOVING PICTI'RK MACHINI*—For sale and exchange; In flrst-Hass condition. CHICAGO MOV¬ ING Picm-RK SUIT’LT CO.. 37 So. WabaMi Aee., Chicago. IIL

MI'RT REIJ, .AT ONCF. owing to x4<-kncxx and death of my husband, one fine Edison M(«1ng Picture Ma<4ilne. txwnplHr. 4-1 comMHon: full particulars ad¬ dress MR-t E'.AY ARIHITT. Wsllcr. OklA

ncmiE MACHINES FOR SALE-Kdlxnn One- Pln E>hlhttkwi Mmlri. $75 00: Piwser't No. 5. $95 00: Lubln. $50 90: all throe tnachlnew are guaranteed flrst-claoa cxwidltlon, 8rs complete with upper and loxrer magaalMrw, rewrtnd, new Simplex Rheostat and Lenses to fit mekaurementa desired: each machine ready to run a piclure: will ship subject to Inac¬ tion If express chargew are guarantee*!. .4IJTIFJ> GLENMORE:. 1913 Hickory Rt . St. Louis. Yliv

ROAD SHOW JfEN NOTKTT—Comrdy, Weatem. Dramatic Fllma. $2 00 to $5 00 per reel: two and three- reel fealurek, $10.00 per rrel. wlib paper; marhinra and strrmpGowui at astonishing rricra: Ircturw slldrw, $4 00 per set; song slldra. 50r per art: gas outflt. $15 00. J. B. PARKER. 301 Nassau Bldg.. Dmrer. Col.

SErVETLAL ET.A'TTHK.R E'llms and sUigle rtvlx. In g«xxl shape. x.nd f(xr list; pn,e from $3 iw* to $in.i>0 rach LYtTTM FILM KXCH ANTIET. South R,X((I. Indiana

SI'KCI.AL BEATER TYPE MttVING PICTIRE i\AME;RA. with two magaalnes. 2<>0 feet ra<-h. $.32 00 Carl Zeiss F 3 5 lens: line f(*r bx-al and commen-lal w(wk; bargain. $75 00. FAST END .STCDIttS. 8907 Elast Elnd Aee . Chicago. Ill

SPtrTI.AMP." $15 00: Power's Mxehlne. (Xunplete. with lenses to lit V(Wir thn*w. fine txmdttbwi. $45.00 Reels Par 'ITaIn IhOOx rx-. $5 on Tom 'Thumb. $5 00: tTirtaln. $2 50. A Hol.DENHIKD. 2'22 West 30th SI . New Yiwk

GUIL PASTILS «rlth«ut dlspUy. untfK tfilt htailuf.

3c 9Cf wertf.

iiXWs \M» llolePKHH Ocinitnc K4k4$it<: %it fiif $.% Urfk will*. Ait r*w $•< *><» ‘.’.V' •nil »l.V. 4*r»l»T Uuni inew Nl’UKNT. JR.. Uox 771. Vc.

WANTED TO BUY A8«ar1lMaMnU wrlthaut diaglay. usdar this kaadlog,

2e 99r tmrd.

WA.NTED FUR CARII—Musical Comedy Wardrobe. In seta of six; must be A-1 and In flrst-rlais con- dltluii. Address BUX 10, Independmce, Kan.

WANTETIE- Motion p4ctur* Camera; cheap he caGi. Write If you hare g<»«l mie. W. F. GtREURKH. 509 Washingtuii, The imlle*. Oregisi.

WANTEHs Few spill Comesly Keels; cheap for cash. J. H 'TKOEH. Grand Forks. I).

WILL PAY SPOT CASH for Pathe'a Pasabm Play. Holy (Tty, Star of Bethlehem, Ramson and I>elllah, Ufr of .Moses, and all other good religious Unu or A'l Feature Films: state exact condition; lowest price. P. O. BOX 271, Elyria. Ohio.

WANTEID—One and two-reel Comedies and paper; also Talking Pictures. Disc RrconU and Machines, In English, Spanish and Italian language; subject to screen and hand examination: send list, lowest price. FOREIGN, Billboard. New York Oty.

WANTED—Three to ten-reel Features Buffalo Bill, James Boys, 101 Ranch Show, Spanish Bullilght, (Trctis (well known), exciting Horse Racing and Bporta, Roman Plays, Shakespearean. E>uillah and .'N>an tsh History, Operas. Reproductions of lotrd Spanish. English and American Plays. Children's and Detectlre Slorlea. Spe«-tacular. Dante's Inferno. Pas¬ sion (2) Play (3 reels). Manger To Cross (complete). Religious (3) Plays, Eluropran War (no fake); mount¬ ed and unmounte*) 3, 8, 12 and 24-Sheets: originals: Stills, (*uta, few Heralds: examination hand and screen: no Junk: rfieap: send list and synopsis and price for each ftature. EXITIRT. care Billboard, New York (Tty.

WANTED—A few good Fibre Trunks for Musical Comedy Company; must be good and heary. Address BOX 10, Independence, Kan.


ACROBATS AOtrarHtaaieati witkaut display, uadar this haadlaf,

ara gukIRktd fraf af eharae.

ARGE7NHR1GHT ETrxlble contortionist arid e-i|lll- brtst: back worker: wagon show experience: also lad¬ der artist: dlsapfxdnlmmt causr of ad. R. .AKGE.N- RKIGHT. Almn. Ky

RAH PEJtFYIRMERr-Will Join act. straight or comedy. H.AR PE3U»RMER. care Billboard. Cin¬ cinnati, O

CHARLES GAYLOR. ZENOZ TROl'PE—Sensa- tlonal arilaltsts, acrobats, gymnasts, slack wire artista, contortionists: European iHwelty; giant frog act; fairs, celebrations. 769 17th SL, Detroit. Mich._

EQI'II.IBRIST Head and hand-balancing: Europ¬ ean headliner; also Roman rings. Juggling and eloxm; only reliable managers write. Al'O. KANERVA, Sak). Minnesota.

FIERWARD ('ONTOR'noNIST—Will Join any reli¬ able circus or Tamksrllle act; state the highest -alary; age 19; fine appearsneet. ORA’ILLE OTTO, 2443 S. 'Trunbul, (Viicago. IIL

GIMID Tl'MIlLE^R Can ilo comedy and Gralght or do NUlom for Arab troupe: wants to join recog- nlord act GE3>RGR GFILREZ. 112 .N. Pbelpa St . Y(wings(issn. Ohio. 'hIGHTi.ASS OIMEDY ACHOBTaT At Mherty"to Join troupe or recogntaetl act only: ilo tramp, clown or t'harlle Chaplin. Address PHILIPP, 501 S. Mill. Massillon, Ohio._

AGENTS AND MANAGERS At Litorty AMvtrttwintiitt nrftliMit MUflay. iiaMar thlt

MaMiMa Mra fyMitlieM frM eliarfB.

AOVAN't^: AC^T TVnt or hiNjitr iihow; npc^lfvicr. ahUltjr ami %obrifiy, if n^maan': writ^ (iT winp H M. x'^MITH. oaro Rllu' nub. AnlimaTs <>kla.

AI>VA\rK A<!K.\T Thtirmiah ly ad^uaintrd ritlm up In N*'w l\<«inaylTanla. W«at Virvlnla.

Virginia am! N(«ih <'afoltna; fraturt* film, carnival or It Ia. van SYiTCUC. Race JM., Trenton.

New Jcracy_

AI^VAN't'K At'al'INT . Alnrlc; live, aoemwiTe. ftunrHIc: well re<'ommmile«i; neat appoaram'e: •eeba engacinu^nt with reliable (Cf^nlaatliwi. KKKJ>i’nUt'K W. S*nH"K. 41 INrry St , New York

AtlKNT Ymuig. amhttiiHia and a hustler: route and UniA: nne-nl(hter or A -1 rep. H l-TLKNCtlS MVRI’HY^_Hampt*^ (Vttajte. Sx4tk». Tonn.

i *At:K\f~7>K“M;r\At:p:R~«ober. reliable and ex- TNfifmvil Addnwji K W KAYZMMKH. 126 Atkina SI . MtTlilefi, t'lWin

MAX A\l» WIKK Wtaiki like to manaae theatre , nr n>a4l ahow: 27 year^ in ahow hualnev^: will w«»rk on peTtertace X RI SSKUa. 4 9 Mtcblcan Are.. \>r iTciX. Mich.

MANAIIKK A\!> rUK-SS AtlKXT VauiierUle. lU* ture nr (Nirk theatre: no liquor; aalarv rraaonakle; lefrnTH^w MAXAtlKR. H4»a 5, Weetbnxdt, Me.

MA\A<;KH At Mherty: picture, vamieTille. aUi«-k nr t'«*mhlnatlnn hnuae: y«Hini. rellahle: Ii^ny expt'rl flier: refcrrrH'ea R.Alsl*ll 1\ lU MRl.K. 60 W Ohio St . rhlrac«». in.

PARK M.AXAOF31 OH ASMiKTANT MAXAGEBr-- Pnaa afent: 36; alngle; 15 yean’ experience; haodia anything; locate or travel; of refereiioea. G. W. l':.\GlA>31R>7rH. care Btllboanl, nnclnnatl, (>._

KKLIABLK MANAGKK Knr picture ur vaufleTlllc theatre, nuuiy years' experiein'e: wife vlollnlat, or- cheatra and aoloUt. BAKxNKLL, 3852 BouUipoit Avf.. Chicago, 111.

\VANTin>—PoHltion aa maiiagrr or liiatructnr in dance pavilion: pa.>t twa aeaauna Sad'aniUga Park. X. Y.; beat of rt^erenen. W. RAKL Kl.NG. 1H5 Waah- Ingtfm Si., Saratoga Spdngg. X. Y__

Yor.NtI MAN—Wliihea pnaltion an manager or aa- HlMtant In picture theatre; five yean ta^t place; do bouae. M. SCHilKMKS. 304 Henr> SL. Jamaica. New York. ___

BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS At Ukarty Advar1iaa«aata wttkout dla»4ay. aadar tkla

haadiai. art pabllahaM fraa af eharfi.

MI SICIANR” See our 8o«ig liJnts on page 12. The putiliAhera whoae addrenaea are given therein will s«nd you prufiaiiltmal copies of any new Hong nameil if you will write them on theater letterheads and men- Uon THE B]LLiU9AKi>. _

MI SICAIa H0LBK00K» Hlaler orchesTra; live or leaa; open for engageroeiiu. Addreaa 130 Waahlngtun Ave.. (Yielaea, Maaa. _ _ ~siX PIW'E BANl>—At liberty for carnival or te¬ llable ahow; aUte what kind of show you have. Ad- dreiw BAN1> LEADJUt, I>ayton. Ohio,_

SYilPHONY' TRIO—Violin, piano, crllo: open for auimuer engagement In nwoit hotel; have largo li¬ brae (if mu.alc; referencew. MORRIS BOKSEK. 1137 GermaJdown Ave., Philadelphia. 1*1. ^

BILLPOSTERS At LIbarty AdvartlssoiaBts wRkaut 8lt»lay. aadsr this

haadiBg, ara gublUhad Iras s( charts.

BILLl'OSTEJtr—SUxiwn ytars' rxpcrtcfice with big and small shows; all-round man; join at uticr. U. 58. SOI TH, 4170 'Trumbull tst., Brllalrc. Ohio._

BlLLJTES'nCR—Can Join at oni-r; circus, caml»al, plant, or any kind at shows; sixteen years' experi¬ ence; all-round man. H. M. HOCTH. 4170 Trum- bull Rt. Bellalre, Ohio.__

BURLESQUE & MUSICAL COMEDY At LIbarty Advertlaaoiaatt wHUaut diaglay, uadar this

haadlag. ara gabllahad Iras sf ekarga.

BL.ACKFAlE CO-MEUIAN OR RTKAIGHTS- l*ut un ails and make them gu; wife, gissl chorus girl; leads numbers; singles; up In acta. L. ADAM8. 1031 Huron »t.. Toledo. O._ ~BOBBIE Bl'R.VEITT—Jurenlle leads: musk-al fsrre. comedy or Tauderllle; age 27; 5 ft 1(1 la; 1*0 Itw.; wardrobe, ability, experience; ticket. 497 Linden Are., Meraphia, Teun._

Bl t'K AND Wl.NO AND CLOG UA.NCEai- Also bone manipulator; first tenor; quartette, musli-al cem- edy or minstrel. C. C. 8TEUB1.NG. 187 8. Laurel 8t., Haaleloti, 1*0._

ED HE7NS1LAW—Esventrlo Irisli comedian; at lib¬ erty for burlesque. bJ8 tMurtlaiidt Are., New York niy^_ ~GEO. F. HOW.ARD—Comedian: change for week:

join at uoce. Ticketf Yes. 449 Mouth Recond Bt. LoulseiUe, Ky., care The DeWIU. _ ~M.AN .A.ND WoM.AN—Haraauny singers and Kusaian dancers: laily leads chorus: man does small bits, Jew or Italian. B1LJ.Y MA.«AKAKI»*>. ttticago. 111.

BINGEIRS .All the eery latest Msigs are listed In our Bis g Hints on page 12. If you will write the earloua publlaheTS. whuee addreaess are also glecn In the same column, un a theater lettertiea.L and men¬ tion THK BILLBO.AKD, they will send you profes- slonal copies free of charge. 'tab. FExTi'LB--Man and sdfe; straight, general

businees; lead numbers; A-1 hanusiy tenor; lady, A-I churua girl. M.AXI.NE A LANE. 1010 El Forsythe St.. Jadtaonellle. Fla.

the: FAMOl'B HOWABXEEA Heav>-wrlght llftera and wrestlers: Madame Howard, the champion hearywelgtit laily wrestler of the world. EU*. •'SIMKE'' HOWARD. 785 8. LelUigow 8t.. Phlla- drlphla, I’a.__ _

'THE REINIMLN8—Billy and Irrsie; open for uffers; musical tab., .stuck or road; ran produce and bare the bllla. _Wlre 823 8. 19th at, Loulsrllle, Ky. _

YtH’NG M.AN—19; good Hebrew conwsUan: school burlesque experience; fur musical comedy or burlesque, tabloid or stuck; snappy dancer; good rok-e. R D. C., cate BllllKiard. New York.__

CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL At LIbarty Aivartlaaiiaata wRkaut fliaglay. aadar tkla

haadlag. ora publlalMd Iras tt akarpa.

ALMANOY'8 OtEMEXEY DOGS- 'Troupe of 8; lady trainer; wanu posllkm In raudesrllle. carilral or divua. Addrewa L. H. CfSHANBERYR, Girard. Kanaaa.

ALL-ROCND CfEWBOY AND INDIAN GIRL— Good costumes; would like to join Wild West show. Addreaa GEXEKGE SEXIEXIR. General Uellrcry, .Aler- cer. I“a. _

A KR.AL LITTLE MAN-Well formed and a good sntertaliier; smaller than Tom Thumb; bare banners; work as alngle paid attraction. MEX-AS. care Bill¬ board. Cincinnati, O.

AC'rtEDKtAIE DKlVERr-81x years' experience In parks and on road. WILD JAt'K RANIE.ALL, cars Hollywooel Inn, Cropoey Are. and Bay 14th 8t., Bath Beach. N. Y._

B.ALLOON RIDER—Without chutes: wants poaltloit; weight 169: sober; fourteen years' experirme. J.ACK BA1.DW1N. rare Billboard. Ctnclniiaa, O._

DAVID MARKENETTEIB. I'umh and Judy, magic. Irish, rube and blarkfacs-; rarnirals or imsl- idiie shows; make openings; knife and baile sxs throwing. .Address tMcpersburg. Fa._

lEOOLETY AND MARY—Talker and wife; capabla manager; rrife, rersatlle. .Address E. T. H.ALVBl'K- 'TtEN. General lEellTcTy, Ctalumbla. 8. C

E'R.ANK laB.ARR Norelty (ssiioitlon. the man that g<s:a through a l«ad p<si(11. Tliketf Yes. Address care Billboard. Cinctiinail. «E.

L.AIEY—Wants to join caniival: rxp<Tleiiced para¬ chute Jumper: would loop-tin- loop: cotLsidiT dIring and aerotdanr. E^iTHER L.ANG. 1243 iTiesler Are., N. EL, tTerelaiid. (e

MErRHY-fRE-RolND MAN Seren years' expert - ence wrllh Hurscll A l*arkcr Msclitnes: ref*Teiices. J. El RIITJIY, Norman, Okla.__

TALKER AND AU- D.AY GKINDKR Will work fue coiuesaionatre at right penssitage: expert.iKSsI wheel man Addrewi F N Am;^! El J.. ITaia. V D

'THE ErNoRMiR S RtEFEI KING At lib.-rty: can ma be tlesl to stay: dale saian . '.cUht 5 ft. 7. W. C HOOVER. Box 2(.9. Shariei. AVIs.

'THREE^BI'Y*:LE A(T8 I.»PI<t drops, hand bal¬ ancing act and dngis trapeae act; g<ssl wardn4>e. GE3>. IVAREINTlL Mill fresk. Fa_

WE'.tJ. BHOAA" Who will build me one? AVagon pre¬ ferred: mail and wife, rtrw years' exisrltsice with sanu . reliable p.sq>le will nsvire prompt reply. R. C WE'IJ.INGTON. M'.niiespolls. M nn._

CoDiinued on page ,44

Portland. Me., June 7, 1915.

Circulation Manager, The Billboard,

Cincinnati, O.:

Hear .‘sir—I informed the newsdealer that receives The Billboard

in Portland that I would write you in regards to having more sent here.

For the past three (3) weeks the old reliable Billyboy has been sold out

within a few hours after receiving them. Even at Old Orchard, where

the summer season does not get in full swing until later on, they are

having the same trouble there. It is the same old story—all sold out.

There is no use in denying it. The Billboard is certainly forging

ahead ail the time and taking the place long held by other theater and

amusement papers, especially here in Portland, and, no doubt, it is the

same throughout the country. M’hether it is the BIG Increase of The

Billboard that has caused The Clipper to cut their sheet down or not,

I am unable to say, but it looks a little bit that way to me. More power

to you.

In case you have any cards that would do to hang in news stores

and hotels and other places for The Billboard, I would like to have some

to place around.

Thanking you very kindly for all favors shown to me, and con¬

tinued success to the old reliable (Billyboy). I remain.

Yours very truly, C. K. HART.

40 X ti e Billboard JUNE 19, T915i

DIRECTORY AdTertifK-mentH not exceeding one line In

length will lie publlKbeil, proiierly claAsifled, in thlH directory, at tlie ra^e «f $1U lier .tear (52 Inaueal, (iroTided they are of an acceptable na¬ ture. Price Include* one year's aiibucription to The Billlioard.

Each additional line or addithinal claasiflca- tlon, w'itlKiut eHlmcription, $7.50 |ier annum.

One line will be alloweii to advertiser* free of charge for each $100 worth of aiiace used during the year.

Thla directory is revised and c->rrected weekly, changes in firm names and addresses being re¬ corded as sisin as received.

BRASS RAILINGS, SIGNS, ETC. Newman Mfg. Co., 717-721 Sycamore. Cincinnati

BURLESQUE BOOKING AGENCIES, Columbia Amusement Omipany, Columbia Thea¬

ter Hldg., New Wirk City. Progressive Circuit. 1610 Times Bldg.. N. Y. C.

BURNT CORK. Chaa. Meyer, 101 \V. 13th st.. New York City. M. Stein Oatmetlc Co., 120 W. 31st st.. N.Y.C.

CALCIUM LIGHT. (Ox-Hydrogen Oat Kanufacturers.)

Cincinnati Calcium Light Co., los Fourth at., Cincinnati, O.

Dearborn Novelty Co.. 5.37 S. Dearlnirn at., Chi¬ cago, III.

Erker Bros., 604 Olive st., St. Isiiiis, Mo. St, liouif Calcium Co.. 516 Elm st., St. lamis. I'win City Calcium CV).. 2416 Cnlversity ave.,

S. E.. Minneaisilis, Minn.

CRISPETTE PRESSES. C. E. Dellenharger Co., 63 Blasel st,, Joliet, III,

CUSHION COVERS. Rudolph Bris)., 10 N. Fifth st.. Philadelphia, Pa.

DAYLIGHT PROJECTION SCREENS. Simpson .Solar S< reen. 113 W. 1.32d *1.. N. Y. C.

DECORATIONS. Baker A Lockwood, Seventh aud Wyandotte sts.,

Kaiisaa City, Mo.

DECORATIVE WALL PANELS. S<-tielFs Scenic Studios, 5S1 High st., CoIumbiis.O


Botanical Decorating Co., .'svl 5th ave., Clilcago. W. F. Hamilton. Met. Oiwra House, .New York. tJ. .4. Trahan Co.. Inc., Cohoes, N. Y.


St. Louis Plume A Pleating Co., S'JO N. Broad¬ way, St. Isiuls, Mo.

ACCORDION MFRS. AND REP’R’S. John Vacca ic Son. 8.5!) Blue Island ave., Chicago

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. N. Shu.e Co., 2.37-241 W. Madison st., Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

ADVERTISING STICKERS. Milwaukee l.abel & S<*al Co., Milwaukee, Wla.

AERONAUTS. Belmont Sisters Balhsm Co.. 22 W. Illinois st.,

Chicago, 111. St. Clair Sisters, Monroe, Wls. Thompson Bros.’ Ballooning Co., Aurora, Ill.

AEROPLANES. Advertising, 3.568 Mcloan ave., Chicago, III. American Aeroplane Exhib. Co., Humboldt. Tenn Kajs A Flgyelmessy, P. O. Box 366, Philn., Pa. Patterson Aviators. 686 Trumbull ave., Detroit. Thomas Bros,’ Aeroplane 0>., Bath, N. Y.

AERIAL ADVERTISING. Brazel Novelty Mfg. Co., 1700 Ella st.. Cliicin’tl Silas J. Conyne, :i.506 Mcl.eao ave., Chicago, HI.

AMUSEMENT DEVICES. W. H. Oesterle Amuse. Co., 500 5th ave.,N.\’.C. Eli Bridge Co., Roodhouse, III. DeMoulin Bros. A Co.. Greenville, III. Herschell-Spillraan Co., No. Tonawanda, N. Y. Iiiternational Submarine Co., New York Theater

Bldg.. New York City. Novelty Machine Co.. 2 Rector at., N. Y. City. C. W. Parker, I.eavenworth, Kan. Play Ball Machine Co., Aurora, III. The A. J. Smith Mfg. Co., 3247 W. Van Buren

st., Chicago, Ill. O. 8. T. A A. Co., ‘229 N. Desplalnes st., CTilcago.

ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm. Bartels Co., 42 Cortland st.. New York City Carl flagenbeck, Stellingen, near Hamburg.

American representative, 8. A. Stephan. Zoo Garden, Cincinnati, 0.

Llnw»o<l H. Flint, North Waterford, Me. Home’s Zoo Aeraa, Keith A Perry Kldg.,K.C.Mo Wm. Mackensen, Yardley. Pa. Louis Ruhe, 248 Grand st.. New York City.

ANIMALS, BIRDS AND SNAKES. F. Haecker. CTiristine, Tex. Detroit Bird Store. 218 Third st.. Detroit. Mich.

ANIMALS (Sea Lions). H. A. Rogers, 1104 Chapala st.. Santa Barbara.

Cal. Captain Geo. M. McGuire, Santa Barbara. Cal.

ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Novelty Slide Co.. 67 W. 23d st.. N. Y. City.

ARMY & NAVY AUCTION GOODS. Francis Bannerman. 501 Broadway, N. Y. City.

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. 1 Botanical Decorating Co., 504 S. 6th ave., Chl’go

ASBESTOS CURTAINS. Svisman A Landis, 417 S. Clinton at.. Chicago.


C. W. Trainer Mfg. Co.. 80 Pearl st.. B<iston.

AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER. J H. Hallberg. .36 E. 23d st.. New York City. N. Power, 90 Gold st.. New York City.

AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU- it MENTS. A A. Bernl, 216 N. 20th st.. New York City. W Berry-Wood Piano Player O).. Kansas City. Mo. ' North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works.

North Tonawanda, N. Y. M. Welte A Sons. 273 Fifth ave., N. Y. City. Rndolfdi Wurlitzer Co., (iocinnati and Chicago.

AVIATION AND AEROPLANE. Lincoln Beachey, Inc., Wm. Pickens, Successor,

110 S. Dearborn st.. Chicago. BADGES, BANNERS, ETC.

De Moulin Bros. A Co.. Dept. 11. Greenville. III.

BADGES. BUTTONS, ETC. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬

land, 0. Wendell A Greenwcs)d Co., 122 South Fourth st.,

Minneapolis, Mian.

BADGES, FLAGS AND BANNERS. Bent A Bush .3.38 Washington. Boston, Mass. BADGES, PREMIUM RIBBONS, ETC. Ryan Mfg. Co.. 182 W. 124th st.. New York City

BALLOONS. (Hot Air.)

Q. Nervione, 448 N. Franklin at., Chicago, Ill. Northwestern Balloon Co., 2405 Clybourn ave.,

Chicago. Ill. D. S. T. A A. Ck>.. 229 N. Desplalnes at.. Chicago.

BALL THROWING GAMES, Play Ball Machine Co., Aurora. Ill. Sycamore Nov. Co., 1326 Sycamore st.. Clncln’tl

BAND INSTRUMENTS. De Moulin Bmv A Co.. Dept. 12, Greenville. Ill. M. Welte A Srms, 273 Fifth ave.. N. Y. City. Rudolph Wurlltier Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

BANNERS. Baker A I/vckwood. Seventh and Wyandotte sts.,

Kansas City. Mo. Tucker Duck A Rubber Co., Fort Smith. Ark. D. S. T. A A. Co.. 229 N. Desplalnes at.. Chicago.

BASEBALL TARGETS The Base Ball Sboot-O-Graph. Stamford, Conn.

BOOKING AGENTS. United Booking Offlee, Palace Theater Building.

New York City. Weatera Vaude. Managers' Assn.. Chicago. Ill.


SPECIAL BRASS WORK. Hawman^fg. Co., 717-721 Sycamore. Candiinatl

CANDY FOR WHEELS. J. J. Howard. Dept. B., 115 South l)earls>rn st..

Chicago. HI. H. M. I.sikolf. .310 Market st.. Phil.HileI|diia. Pa.

CANES AND WHIPS. Advance Whip Co., ’287 Kim st.. Westfleld, Mass Cleveland Cane Co.. Cleveland. O. Coe, Vonge A Co.. 905 Lucas ave., St. Isjula. Newman .Mfg. Co., 641 Wisidland ave., Cleve¬

land. U. Rudolph Bros.. 19 N. 5th st., Philadelphia. Pa. S. Schueu A Sou. 50 Ann st.. New York City. Shryock-T'Kid Co.. 824 N. Stli st.. St. l»uis. Mo. X. Shure CV).. 237-241 W. .Madison st.. Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

CARBIDE LIGHTS. The Alexander Miiburu Co.. BaltiuHire. Md.


D. C. Humphreys Co.. 909 Fill'ert st.. Phila.. Pa U. S. T. A A. Co., 229 N. Desplalnes st.. CTiicago.

CAROUSELS. Wm. fl. Dentiel, 3641 Germantown ave.. Phila

delphia. Pa. Herschell-Spillman tV, North Tonawanda, N. Y. W. F. Mangels Co.. Coney Island, N. Y. C. W. Parker. Is-avenworth, Kan. Phila. Tots)ggan O).. 130 E. Duval st.. Phila.

CAROUSEL BUILDER. Marcus C. Illhms. Conev Island. X. Y.

CARS (R. R.). Arms Palace Horse Car Co.. R'sim 604, 3.'12 So.

Michigan ave.. Chicago. III. Southern Iron A Equipment Co., Atlanta. Ga.

i.oftls Bros., 108 X. State st.. Chicago. Ill. Reinoli Jewelry Co.. Washington ave., St. l.oult.

DISINFECTANTS. ^ Fulton Bag and Cotton .Mills, New York, St.

Isiuis, New Orleans. Atlanta and Dallas, Tex.

DOLL RACKS. Herschell-Spillman. North Tonawanda, N. Y.

DOLLS .4nierii'.'<n Banner Co., 7»t Summer st.. Il.'ston.

DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS. Ixiiiis .kiutsTg, 32 I'niou Sq., New York City. Art 18,11 A Nov. Co.. 36 W. 'Jtlth at.. N. Y. C. Berk Bros.. .543 Broadway, New Y,u-k City. Dominion Toy .Mfg. Co.. 161 tjueeu at., TiTonto,

Unt., Can. 11. C. Evans A Co.. 75 West Van Buren st.,

Chicago, 111. Fahrlcius Co., 18th aud Washington. St. Louis. Fair .Cuiusemeut Co.. 142 Fifth ave., N. Y. City. Fair and Carnival Sup|ily Co.. 126 Fifth ave..

New Y'ork City. Flelschaker A Baum, 45 E. 17th at.. X. Y. City. A. 11. Hendler A Co., Inttl Market st.. San

Framdsoo, C”al. M Gerber, 727-29 South st.. Philadelphia. Pa. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co.. 86 E. H*th st .N.Y.t. Ideal Novelty A Toy Co.. 4tk8 Broadway. N.Y.C Mexican Armadillo Curio Co.. I6o North Fifth

ave., Chicago. Ill. New Tov Mfg. 0>., 143 Bleecker st.. Newark.X.J Joseph Roth Mfg. CO.. 54 W. 21st st.. N. Y. C. Roval Toy Mfg. Co.. 137 W,s>*ter. X. Y. City. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New York City. Sui>erior IVdl Mfg. Co.. 69 5th ave., X Y. City.


Your name and address in this Directory will bring you much business.

This department is strongly intrenched in the esteem of our readers.

They rely upon it. Frequently The Billboard is bought for this feature alone. Not to be in it is to argue yourself unknown.

' A year’s subscription and your name and address in 52 issues, BOTH for S 10.00.

CELEBRATION SPECIALISTS. W. F. Hamilton. 1425 Broadway New York.

CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS The Helmet Co.. 1021 Broadway. Cincinnati, O. lole<k> Chewing Gum Co., T,>le<lo Factindea Bldg.,

Toledo, O. CIGARS.

Ixxiis DenelH»tm A Sons. 1224 Oak «t., K.C.,Mo. 11. M. l.;ik<>tr. .316 Market st.. PhiUdelplila. Pa.

CIRCUS SEATS. (Mew and Second-Hand.)

Raker A I>8‘kwoo<l. Seventh and Wyandotte sts.. Kansas City. Mo.

U. S. T. A A. Co.. 229 X. Desjilalnes st., Chicago.

CIRCUS WAGONS. Regga Wagon CX)., Kansas City, Mo.

CLOWN WHITE. (•has. Meyer Co.. 101 W. I.3th st.. X. Y. City. M. Stein Coemetic Co.. 120 W. Slat st.. Y’. Y. C.

COASTER CARS. Phila. Toboggan Co.. 130 E. Duval at.. Phila.

COLD CREAM. .M. .Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 31*t et.,N.Y.C.

COMPENSARCS. Ft. Wayne Electric Works, Ft. Wayne. Ind.

CONES. .4. T. Diets, 127 Michigan st.. Toledo. O. Eleetra Ice Cream Cone Co., .'{.54 Elm at., Buf¬

falo, N. Y.

CONE MACHINERY. Lanier A Drleslmch, 248 Butler st., Cincinnati.

CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. A. T. Diet*. r27 Michigan et.. Tolclo. O. W. Z. Long, 172 High st.. .Springfield, O.

CONFETTI. Carnival Costume Co.. .4Hlw'aukee, Wla. Holiday Novelty Mfg. tX,.. 86 E. 10th at..N.Y.C. Bndolph Bros., 19 N. Fifth st., Philadelphia, Pa. Singer Broa., 82 Itowery. New Y'ork City.

CORN POPPERS. C. E. Dellenharger O).. .53 BIseel at.. J<31et. Ill. W. Z. IxiDg, 172 High st.. Springfield. O.

COSMETICS. (Eyebrow Pencils, Face Powder, etc.)

Cl as. Mover, 101 W. 13th st.. New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Oo.. 120 W. 3Iat at.. N.Y.C.

COSTUMES. (Bee Wild Weat.)

Carnival CXMtame 0>., 267 West Water at., MIL wankee, WIe.

Creasey A Wingate, Inc., Det Moines, la. Frita Scboulti 0>.. 19 21 W. tAke at., Chicago. Cbas. P. Shipley, Kantas dty. Mo.

Tip Top Toy Co.. 220 W. 19th st.. N. Y. City. C. S. T. A A. Co.. '229 N. Desplalnes st., Chicago.

DRUMMERS' SUPPLIES. The Dixie Music Hrsise. 40,3 Farrell Bldg., Cbl'go

ELECTRIC BELTS. The Electric Appliance Co,. Burlington. Kan.

ELECTRICAL ECONOMIZERS. I'lndex Electrical MIg. Co.. .4urora, III.

ELECTRIC FANS. J. H. Halll>erg. 36 E. 2.3<l st.. New Y'ork Oty,

ELECTRIC INSOLES & INHALERS. The Electric Appliance Co., Burlington, Kan.

ELECTRIC LIGHTING OUTFITS. (Fixtures and Reflectors for Direct and Indirect

IHnmination.) Cliiries A. Strelinger Co.. Detroit. .Mich.

ELECTRIC MINIATURE RAILWAY. W. F. Mangels Co., Coney Island, N. V.

ELECTRIC MOTOR CHAIRS. Electric Motor Chair Co., 20‘25 .4llrhigan ave.,

Chicago, HI.

ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Continental Novelty Co.. 119 .No, FIftenth at.,

Omaha, Neb. J. C. Deagan. Berteau and E. Itavenawisid Park

ave.. Chicago, HI. J. K. Seehnrg. Chicago, III.


G. A. Traham (X).. Inc., Odstes. .X. Y.

ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS. t'nlversal Electric Stage lighting Co.. 240 W.

Fiftieth at.. New York City.

EXPOSITION SPECIALIST. W. E. Gordon, 19 W. Lake at.. Chicago, Ill.

EYE BROW PENCILS. M. Stein Owmetlc Co.. 120 W. Slat at.. N.Y.C.

FACE POWDER. Chaa. Meyer. Ift3 W. 13th at.. .New York (Tty. M. Stein Oiametic CXi., 120 W. Slat at.. N.Y.C.

FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES. F. M. Barnee. 36 8. State st.. (Tileago, HI.

FAIR GROUNDS GOODS. Slack Mfg. Co., Xrt W. Madlann at.. Chicago, Ill.

FEATHER FLOWERS. DeWItt Slateri, Grand Boulevard and B. Prairie

ave.. Battle Creek, Mich.

FEATURE FILMS, Bclalr Oo.. 225 W. 42d at.. New York City,

4,«sanay Film Co., lat Natl. Bk. Bldg.. Chicago Faimms Playcra Film Cot. 213 W. Twenty-aUtk

at.. New York tlly. Feature Fllma Sale Co., Ltd.. 168 W. IVaablna-

ton at., Chicago, HI. Gaiimoiit Co., 116 44. 4«Uh at.. New York Wty. General Fentnre Film IXi.. IXiwera' Bulldlnn*

Chicago. HI. Great Norlliera S|>evlally Feninre FHaa C*., Tne

Linruln ItatMlag. .New York (tty. Itala film Co.. '23* W. 4ad at.. New York City Jesse Lasky CX*.. 1472 Br*>a<l«ay N. C. Motion Drama Co., rjn W, 4'2d at.. .N, Y. (Tty. Is-wia IViiiiniil Fealnrre. 226 W. 42<l at., N.y!c. Photo-Drama (O.. 229 W. 42U at,. X. Y. City The Big Feature Film Co., Ifliai Bromlway. New

Y'ork CHy. Universal Film Manufacturing Co.. Forty eighth

and Broads ay. New Y'ork City.

FEATURE LECTURE SLIDES. W. Lindsay CordiHi, 'JuS W. 34tb at.. N. Y. C.

FERRIS WHEELS. Ell Bridge Co.. Box 143. Rutslhouae, III. 4Y’. P. .8haw Co.. 1276 t oney Island ave.

Brooklyn, N. Y. *

FESTOONING. CJiiv-ago Flag h Dei'oraliag Co., 1.3.54 YVahaek

ave.. Chicago. 111. Nathuial I'Issne .Mamifacliiriug Co.. 366 Bergen

at., Br<M>kIyn, N. V.

FILMS. (Mannfacturera. Dealers in and Rental Rnrenua.) .4lco ITIm Co., 218 W. 4'2.1 at.. New York i'ity. evauuMfutoflIm Co.. 4Y'. -hith st.. New York City. Darla Film Kx<-haDge Co.. YVatertowii. Wla. Dixie Film Exchange, Gwensboro. Ky. Exhibitors' Film Exchange, 172 W. YY'ashlngtoa

at., Chicago. III. General Feature Film Co., Powers’ Balldlng

Chicago. HI. General Film. '20« fifth ave., .New York (Tty Gunhy Bros., 145 W. 4.5lh at.. New York City! L. Heti. 302 E. Twenty-third st.. N. Y'. City. Itavld H4*niley. 16iai Bntatla'ay, New Y'ork i tty Indeiteuilent Film Exchange, 53 S. Dearborn at..

Chicago, HI. Keystone Film 0>.. 42d and Broadway, X. Y'. C. Laemmle Film Service, '294 W. Lake at., Chi¬

cago; .Mlnneaisilia. Omaha and Des Ylolnea. Murpliy, (*. J.. Elyria. O. .Mutual Film (X>., New Y'ork City. ITioto-Drama to., ’2'20 W. 42d at.. .N. Y. City. Universal ITIm Manufacturing Co., Forty-eighth

and Broadway, New Y'ork City Western Film Brokers, 37 8 Wabash ave

Chicago. 111.

FILM CASES. P. C. -Murphy Trunk Co.. 8|. Louis, ilo.

FILM MANUFACTURERS. Industrial .Moving Picture Co.. 223 W. Erie at

Chicago, Ill.

FILM TITLES, PRINTING, ETC. Guiiby Bros.. 145 W. 45th at.. New York City. Kochestcr M. P. Co., Inc.. Rochester, X. Y'.


The .4ntlpyroa Co.. 170 Green at.. X. Y. City.

FIREWORKS. American Fireworks t’ornpaii.v, Trateler Bldg.,

Boston, .Ylass. Conn. Fireworks CM.. West Haven. Conn. Conaolldated Fireworks Co. of America. Wool-

worth Bldg.. New York City. .4. L. Due Fireworks Co.. Cincinnati, O. International Fireworks Co.. 19 Park Place, New

Y'ork. and Jersey City, X. J. Martin’s F'ireworka. F'ort Ihsige, la. Nick R. Rarnaba A Co., Mfra. Fireworka Dta-

piaya,. 2425 Hoffman at.. Bronx. X. Y. (Tty. North American Display Fireworks CX*., 91f

Olive at.. St. Ix>uis, Mo. Pain Fireworka Co.. W<M>|wortb Rntiding. New

Y'ork. and 1.3’20 Wabash ave.. Chicago, III. Welgand Fireworka Co.. F'ranklin Park. III.

FLAGS. American Flag .Manufacturing Co.. Easton. Pa, Baker A Lockw<s>d. Seventh an»l Wyandotte sta.

Kansas City, Ylo. Chicago Flag A Decorating Co.. 1354 Wabaah

ave., Chicago. Ill. M. Ylagee A Son, Inc., 147 Pulton st.. X. Y. C. V, S. T. A A. Co.. ’229 N. Desplalnes at., Chicago.

FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. .M. L. S<-blueler, 21S5 W. Illlnola at.. Chicago. IlL

FOUNTAIN PENS. Berk Bros., .54.3 Broadway, New York City. Ira Barnett. 61 Reekman at.. .New Y'ork City. Fountain Pen Mfg. Co.. 4« W. B'wty. .N. Y. C. Jimea Kelley. 21-23 Ann at.. New Y'ork City.

FLUTES (Boehm). Wm. 8. Ilaynea. 61 Hanover at.. Ihiston. Maas.

GAMING DEVICES. II. C. Evans A Co., 75 W. Y'an Buren at , Chl’go.

GASOLINE BURNERS. W. Z. Ix>ng. 172 High at.. Springfield, O.

GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES. Lancaster Glass Co.. Imncaster,' O.


Auhnrndale Gold Fish Co.. 1448 Madison at.. Cb.cago, 111.

GREASE-PAINTS. ETC. (Maka-up Boxat. Cold Craam. Etc.)

The Ileaa (o. (Cherryola and Kubyllpi, R<>rbes- ter. N. Y.

.M. Stein Otametic Co., 120 W. Slat at.. N.Y.C. Zander Br«»., Inc.. H6 W. 48th at., N. Y. City.

GREASE ROUGE. The Hess Co. (Cherryola and Rubyllp). Roebea

ter. X. Y.

HOTELS. Caatlewood Apartments. 658 12th at . Oakland.

Cal. Grand Ol»era Itoiiae Ilotid. Eiiro|>ean, William

Hprinka, prop.. Toronto, Can.

HYPNOTIC INSTRUCTION. M. D. itetta, Stallnn G. Jackwin, Mich.

INCANDESCENT LIGHTS. Safety Electric Co.. 5.37 N. Dearborn at.. (Iilctgo Security Electric Lamp Co., 12 14 8. jefferaon

at., Chicago, III.


INDIANS AND INDIAN MEDICINES. Idaho .Native Herg 0>.. Bola*-, Idaho.

INVISIBLE FORTUNE WRITERS. «. Bower. 117 Harman at.. nn>oklyD N Y.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Morimura Broa., 546 Broadway, Sew York Olty. MogI, Momonol A Co., lOB E. 16th at.. S. Y. C. Taklto, Ogawa A CM., S27-S1 Waat Madison at..

Chicago. lU.

JUNE 19. 1915. 41

JEWELRY. (For BtAgo Um.)

Atlrr k C)a.. W. Miiillo<io Mt., Cblroco. III. Ililmi Jt (>>.. Attirboru, Maim. Jituro Iturke, St. I>uil*. Mo. Clark A CooiuIm C'o.. i’roTlilonc-o. K. I. (V«. Voiikf k 0>.. Iki.'i Luran arv.. St. I»iil*. Mo W. I.ot-lt k (<•.. I'SI CbfKtiiut at.. l‘niTliloDre

KImmIi* lalatMl. Sli-kiiiaD k M>il. IS K. JTtli at.. .V. V. City. Shry<K'k Tiald ('<•.. S'J4 X. Kixhtli »t.. St. lanila. N. Sburo Co., 2.T7 241 W. Maillwiu at.. Cliicaso. Binxor Hn*.. K2- lUiwrrj. Xe* York City. C*. (f. Swot k S<i« Cb.., Maaa. Sitniirl WrlDhaua (Vi., 722 rrnii art*., IMttaburf.

KNIVES. Clrvrlaoil Tana Co.. CleTaUnd. (». OxbllxTX Jrwalry to., SI6 Wyainbitta at., Kan-

aaa (Tty, M<i. SbryiK-k T<«ld Co., 824 X. Elybtb at.. St. Ixmla. S. Sbura Co., 227 241 W. 'Yladlaon at., Cblrat<>. Slnxar Br<ia., S2 Bowary. Xaw York City. Samiial Wainbaiia Co., 722 IVnn ava., IMttaburf.

LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. J. M. Xaiifbton Co., Hotal Mayar Bulldlnf.

I’aorla. 111.

LEATHER GOODS. Ftoa Art Noralty 0>., 30 W. Adaina at., Cblrafo.

LEATHER NOVELTY GOODS. Pu I'ont Fabrikold Co.. 120 Broadway. N. T. C. L. R. EiixIamaD, 20 W. I7tb at., Xaw York City.

LEATHER PILLOW TOPS. Ilnlr Art Co., 304 W. Madlaon at., Cklrafo, III.


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Colutnhua IMaao ('41 , C4iiiiuil>ua. 11. J. C. Itoasao, Bartaau auU Kaat KarauawiaMl

Park ara., Cbicafo, m.

Erarat L. Fantua Co., 523 S. Daarborn at., Cbl- rafo. III.

LIGHTS. (Baacoaa. Torcbaa, for Oircuaaa k Teat Bbowa.) Amarlcan (iaa Ylarblua Co.. 527 Clark at..

Albart I.aa. Mlno. Boltr k Wayar, 125 8. Oatar ara., Chlrafo. HI. J. Fraokal. faaollDa mantlaa fur faaollna ligbt-

IB*. 224 X. Fifth ara., tTili-afo. 111. I.IttIa WoiMlar I.ifbt Co., Tarra llauta. lad. Paarlaa* I.ifbt Co., tnanufarturam of maatlaa

for caaolina llfbtinf, Cblrafo, m. Tba .Claxandar Mllbura Co., Baltlmorv, Md. r. S. T. Jt A. Co., 220 X. Paaplalnao at.. Cbicafo, Wladborat k Co.. 104-104 X. 12th at.. St. Loula

LIQUID MAKE-UP. Tba Haaa Co. (Youthful Tlntl, Rocbaatar, X. Y.

MAGIC GOODS. CMiiraxo Mafic Co.. 72 W. .Cdatua at., Cblrafo. C. J. FrUtnaa, 144 X. Clark at.. Cblcafo. 111. Tba Oaka Mafiral Co.. Osbkoab, Wia. Clyda W Powam. 229 W, 42d at.. X. Y. City. Baa.l Jc C4«Tart. RIO E. 4.1d at.. (Til.afo. 111. A K<'tart>arf. 151 W. Oatarlo at.. Cblrafo, Ill.


Aniariran Bri hall Co., 124o Vaa Buran at.. In- dlaaa|H>lla. lud.

Armitafa k Guinn. SprinfTilla, X. Y. Ell Briilfa Co., RaaMlItonaa, III. IIrr>rliall Spillman (o.. Xortb Tonawanda. X. Y. W F. .Matifala Co.. Conay Inland. X. Y. X..Talty Marh. Co.. 2 Rartor at.. Xaw York (Mty. C. M' Parkar. I-aaranwortb. Kan. Tba A J. Smith Mff. Co.. .1247 W. Van Buran

•t.. Cblrafo. III. Thnmt.m'a Walti Rida Co.. 140.3 Bn'adway.X.Y. IVm. WurlBaln. 2t>R X. at.. Pblladalpbla

MASKS. (Maaquerade. Theatrical and CaralTal.)

Kllppart. 4*5 C.«>par Squara. .Xaw Y’ork City.

MATERIAL FOR ARTISTS. nirk k FItzfarald. 20 Ann at.. Xaw York City. Millar. R21 l.4>ofarra Bldf.. Xaw V<’rk (?lty. Clyda Pbilllp*. Ft. Tbomaa, Ky.

MERRY-GO-ROUNDS. Hararhall Spillman CO.. Xorth T«-nawanda, X. Y. C. W, Parkar. I.aaranwortb. Kan.

CARL FISCHER Uaatlquartrra fur ararythlnf In Mualr. t atalof frra.

4f.}4 Caeaar Sauart, New Vark.

l-uula M. Malat kl k Co., 337 Wabaab ava., Cbl- rago. III.

ARTHUR H. MILLER Mir. el CliInMa, Balia, Draait, Trapa. Etc.

J3J Waat 44tk Street. Ntw Yark (aty.


F. L. Flark. 51 E. Markat, .kkron. O


A. Barnl. 214 W. 20th at.. Xaw York City. i. Krajrl k Son. 1440 Barnaa at.. Baltimore. Sid. Lyon k Mealy. 202 S. Wabaab a»a.. Bhlrago. III. North Tonananda Mnalril Inatnimant Worka,

•North Tonawanda. N. S'. C. R Plal«ar. Ablirna. Kan. M. Walta k Sona. 27S Fifth are.. X. Y. C. Rndadpb M urlltiar. Cm.. Clnrl inatl and (Mileage.

military goods from GOVERN¬ MENT AUCTION.

B B .kbrahama, 600 Markat at,. Pblladalpbla.

MOVING PICTURE CAMERAS. Mlnoaa Clna Produrta Co., soo X. Broadway,

St. Ivoula. Me.

MOV. PIC. ELEC. LIG.'.TS OUTFIT. Patrolt Rnfina Worka. Patrolt Mlrh. Chaa. A. Stralingar. Patrelt, Mlrh.

MOV. PIC. THEATER CURTAINS. Amartran Tbaatar Oirtain CSi., 106 North Main

at.. St. Ixinla, Me.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Amnaamant Supply Co., 140 B North Fifth ara..

(hlrari. Ill Atlaa Moving Ptrtnra Ce.. R<»>m 2S0. 604 Bouth

Paartairn at.. Cbirago, III. Maria Film Etrbanfa ('o.. Watertown. Wla. Maarbom .Xoralty (>... 5.17 S<.uth Paarbom at..

Cbirago, III. Entarprlaa tlpllral Mfg. Co., 57o W. Ramlolph

•t.. Cblrafo, III. Fihlbltora' Film Rirbanfr. 172 W Waahlnfb>D

at.. ('Mrtfo. III. lUrharh k Co., 112 X. Xlnth at . Pblladalpbla. t.aammla Film Sarrlra. 204 W I.aka at., Chl-

rafo; MInnaapolla. (Imaha, IVa Moina*. ■•aara’ Tbaatar Supply r>>.. .V10 Cliaatnut at.,

Sf. lainlo. Mo. M<aira IliiMiall k Co.. Maaimlr Tamplr. Chlrafo. X is.war k Co.. 00 (hdd at.. Xaw S'ork City Prarlalnn Marhtna Co.. 317 E 31th at.. N V. C. F.l>arhard Srhnaldar, 210 Rarond ara , X. T. C. Chaa M Stahhlna. 102S Main at Kanaaa City.

MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES Chaa II Bannatt. 60 X Xlnth at . Phlladalphta. Pboicqday Co SO W. Laka at . Chlrafo. III.

MUSIC ARRANGERS. william Glaamann, 12(M S'Ina at,. Clnrlnnall. O. Fiicana Platrmann. Broadway and Iklrty ninth

at.. Xaw York City

MUSICAL GLASSES. A. Rraunalaa, 1012 Napier art., RIcbOKiiid mil,

X. T.

-Xorth t'onawanda .Miialral Inatruniant Worka, North Tonawanda, X. S’.

J. P. Saaburf llano Co.. Cblrafo, lit. M. Walta k Soua. 273 Fifth ava.. X. V. City. Uuihilpb Wurlltaar Co.. Cluriniiatl and Chicago.

MUSIC PUBLISHERS. Carl Flarhar. 50 Co«ipar Squara, Xaw S’ork City. Cbarlaa K. Ilarria, Columbia Tbaatar Bulldlug,

.New Yi.rk City. Shapiro, Baruatain k Co., 1414 Broadway, Xaw

York City. Jaronie II. Kamirk. ’221 W. 44th at., X. Y. City. Hurry You Tllaar Muaic Pub. Co., 125 W. 4^5d

at.. Xaw York City. SVlIl Von Tlliar, 145 W. 45th at.. New York City Wataraon. Barlin k Snydar, Strand Tbaatar,

Xaw Yoi* -Tlty.

NEW SOLDERING COMPOUND. BaziaiialH k Co , 407 S. Edan at.. Baltimore.

NOSE PUTTY. M. Stain Coamatir Co., 120 W’. 31at at..S.V.C.

NOVELTIES. Art Matel Worka. 7 .Mnlbarry at., Xawark. X. J. B«rk Brotliara, 543 Broadway, Xaw York City. C<ia. S onga 4k Co., 905 Luraa ara., St. Ij>ula. I. Elaaiiataiu k Co.. 44 Aun at.. Xaw York City. Fahririua Co., ISth and Waahington, St. Loula. Una Art Xovalty C/O., 39 W. .4dama at.. Chicago Flarliar Br>a. k Co.. Newark. X. J. M. .(JarlK-r. 7’27 729 Si>utb at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Gophm A Murrlaon. 199-201 Eaat Madlaon at..

Clilr-ifo, III. Karl Gugganhalm. 531 Bt'>adway. X. S’. City. Ed Hahn. 35S Waat Madlaon at.. Chicago, HI. A. II. H•'n<llar k Co., 1061 Markat at., San

fraiiriaoo, Cal. Janiaa Kall-y. 21 Ann at., Xaw York City. Holiday Xovalty .Mfg. Co.. Ml E. 10th at..X.S’.C. lainraHtrr Glaaa Co.. I-ancaatar, tl. Xadal k Shlmtnal. 1.12 Park Kow. X. Y. City.

Balait. k Co.. 325 W. Madlaon at., lliicafo. Ku.hdph Bow.. 19 Xo. Fifth at.. Philailalpida. X. Sliiirc v’o.. 217-241 W. Ma<llaon at.. Chicago. Sliifar P.n'th.'re. K2 Bowarj. New York City. S<in Bme. k Co., S49 .Miaaion at.. San Fraiiclwn. Cuitad Souvaiilr k Novelty Co., 1150 Markat at.,

•San Francla.'o. Ckl. W. bb Frayaclilag Marc. Co.. Kanaaa City. M<». Saiiinal Mainhaiia Co.. 722 Penn ava.. PIttahurs. A. B. w’lthay. T2() X. State at.. Chicago. III.

OLD HOME WEEK SPECIALIST. F. L. Flack. 5] E. Markat. .4knm. O.

OPERA CHAIRS. American Seating Co.. 14 Eaat Jarka.n Blvd..

Clilrafo. III. A. H. Anilrawa Co.. 115 Wahaah ava.. Chicago, ('ariiia <h>udla .Mff. Co.. 307 |h-Iawara at.. Kan¬

aaa City. .Mo. I^-ara' Ttjaatar Supply O., .Vk* Chaatnnt at , St.

I»ula. Mo. Maaelllon *’halr k IMak Co.. Maaetlhm. O.

tar k V<Ja. .Arlington Haifhta. III. St<-al Fiirnltiira Co,. Grand Raplila. Mich. E. H. StaTord Mff. Co.. Chlrafo. HI. Wlac<infcin Saatlns Co.. Xaw I>Midon. SVia,

ORANGEADE. Charlaa Orangaada Co.. Gartlald Sta.. Chlcafo. The Corner Co., 2-V> Pannaylvania at.. Buffalo,

X. S’. Chaa. T. M.>rrlaa"y Co.. 4417 Madlaon at.. CtiPfO Stuyvaaent I.ab«»ratorlca. Boy ’JtG. R.»-liaatar.X.Y

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. r. F. Bath. Abllana. Kan. A. Barnl. 214 W. ’JOth at.. Xaw S’ork City. I.yon k Haaly. 2>)2 S. Wabaab ava., Chicago. HI. J<'hn Miixxlo A Son, 178 Park Ri'W. X. S’. City. Xlagaru Mnalcal liiat. Co.. Xo. Tonawanda.X.S'. Xoith Tonawanda Mnalral Inatruniant Worka.

N irth Tonawanda. X. S’. M. w.ltc A Sona. 27.1 Fifth ava.. X. S’. City. Riid<d|di Wurlltaar Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.


PENNANTS AND PILLOWS. Amariran Pennant Co., 40 Graana at.. X. Y. C. Flue .Art Xoralty Co., .19 W. Adame at., Cbli-ago. A. 11. ilaodlar A Co., KMl .Market at., San

Francla*-o. Cal. Prudential Art Co.. 119 W. 23<1 at., X. Y. C. La ('nisaa Pennant Co., La Croaea, Wla. I-anxrrK-k Bn>e.. 35 Ormond Place, X. Y. City. .Maxiran Armadillo Curio Co.. 140 X. Fifth ava.,

Chicago. HI. PariSr Pennant A Xorelty Co., 244 Xaw High.

Ixia A Of alee. Cal. G. II. Rohlnson A Co., 0 S. Clinton et., Cbiragu. Thoan Broa., 34 S. Sixth. .Mlnnaaiailie, Jllnn. I'. S. T. A A. Co., 229 X. I8-aplalna» et., Chicago.

PERCOLATORS. -Aluminum Produrte Co.. Lagrange. HI. .Aluminum Go<Mle .Mfg. Co., Manitowoc. W|e. The W. Priek A Sona Mfg. <3o.. YalaeTtlla, Conn.

PHOTOGRAPHERS. t'ornmarcial Pbobigraphic Co., 115 Brady at.,

Haranport, la. Frol Harte<a>k, San Franciero and llaklaud. C'al. S’oiiOf A Carl, 7th A Vina ate., Cincinnati. (>.

PHOTO BUTTON CAMERAS. .American .Minute Photo Co.. 2214 Ogden aye.,

Chicago. Ill. Baneon Camara Co., 23 Dalaocay at.. X. Y. C. Chicago Ferrotype Cio.. Ferrotype Bldg., Chicago. Intarnaiional Metal A Ferrotype Co., 1223 W.

Twelfth et.. Chicago. III. .X. S’. Fam tyiia |1::b s. Halatcd. Chh ago.

PICTURE THEATERS FOR SALE. Barriet A Co.. 214 X. Stb et.. Pblladalpbla. Pa.

PILLOW TOPS. I8Mar Mff. Co.. Inc., 107 Oak at., Bulfalo.X.Y. L. R. Englaman, 18 W. 17th et., Xaw York City. H. C. Evaue A Co., 75 W. Van Buran et., Chi¬

cago. III. Fair .Smiieamant Co.. 142 Fifth aye.. X. S’. C. Fair A Carnival Co.. 124 .Sth ava., X. Y. City. Green Mt. Card Co., White River Jonction. S’t. I. angrock Broe.. .15 Ormond Place. X. Y. City. New Toy Mfg. Co., 143 Bleacher at., Xawark.X.J X’orthwaatarn -Art Co.. 148 .Auetin at., Chicago. Oregon City Woolen Mllle, Oregon City. Ore. Pennant Novelty C>>., 144 Monroe at., X. Y. C. J<*eph Roth Mff. Co.. .54 W. 21*t at.. X. Y. C. X. Shore Co.. >.17 41 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. G. W. Stlvera A Co.. New York dly. Thoan Broa.. 14 S. Sixth. MInnaapolla. Minn, r. S. T. A A. Co.. 229 X. Dcaplalna* at.. Chicago. Waba<h Pennant Co.. 297 Waat Michigan ava.,

rhicago. HI. Weatern Art I^'athar Co.. Tabor Ojiara Hon».

Bldg.. Denver, Col.



Jameatown Ferrotype Co., 1124 .South Halatad at., Chicago. III.

Star PImto M. A S. Co.. 8»W South at., Phil*.

POST CARDS (Local Views). Tlchnor Broa., Inc.. 251 Cauaeway at.. Boatub.

PRINTERS. (Of Pictorial Poaters, Big-Type Standa, Straaa-

era. Etc.) American Show Print Co., Milwaukee, Wla. Donaldaon Lithograph Co., .New|Mirt. Ky. Hennegan A Co., 311 Geneaec Blvil.. Cincinnati. Hoht. Wlloiana, 1704 Commerce at.. Dallaa, Teg.

PRIZES. (Vnaea. Ohina, Steina, Etc.)

Pitkin A RnH.ka Co.. 124 W. Laka at., Chloage.


Altar A Co., 165 W. .Madlaon at.. Chicago. Ill. It’S Barnett. 41 Baekman at.. New S’ork City. BrackmanWaller Co., 3.(7 Weat Ma<liaoD at..

Chicago, HI. .The J. W. lloodwin Co., 2949 Wcat Van Burao

at., Chicago. III. Moa l-avln A (»., 337 .T» W. Madlaon at., Chi¬

cago, III. N. Shura Co., 237 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. Ill. Tba Touralne Confectkinary Co., 251 Cauaeway,

Boaton. Maaa. Thoan Broa., 34 S. Sixth at., MInnaapolla, Minn. D. S. T. A A. Co., 229 N. Daaplainea at.. Chicago. Watllng Mff. Co.. Jarkaon Rlvd., Chicago. HI. Samuel Welnbaua Co.. 722 Penn ava., Pittabnrg.

QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES. Bittlamayar Prloting Works, 1331 Vina at.. Clh-

clDDati, O.

ROLL TICKETS. Arcus Ticket Co., 433 Plynmuth Court. Chicago. Ib.naldaoD Lithograph Co.. Newport, Ky. Natkinal Ticket Co., .Shamokin. Pa. Royal Ticket Co., Shamokin. Pa. Tile Triinoiint Preaa, 87 Albany at., Boaton.

ROUGE. The Heaa Co.. Rochaater. N. Y. M. Stein Coametlc Co., 120 W. 31at at., X. Y. C.

SAFETY RAZORS. Burbam Safety Raaor Co., 44 Murray st..X.Y.C.


SCHELL’S SCENIC STUDIO Sai-M3-Sas Saath HItb St., Calaaibas. 0.

SAlVIUEILo FRENCH ratilnfue Free

it Wttt 38tk Street. New Verk CHy.

PLAY BALL MACHINES. Play Ball Machine Co., .\nivira. HI.

POCKET BOOKS (7-in-1). A. Roaanthal A Son. 224 Tramont et., Boston


Superior Leather Goode Co.. 175 Waehinft"n et.. Boston. Maes.


Acme Toy A Mfg Co.. 141 W 17th at.. X. Y. C. Adrence Whip (To., 287 Elm et.. Westfield. Mee«. Art Doll A Toy Co.. 14 W. 20th ef . X. Y. City. Berk Broe., .54.1 Broadway. New York City, ramival Toy A -Mfg. Co.. 99 E. 19th st..X.Y.C.

FAIR AMUSEMENT CO. 142 Fifth AMBue. ear. IMh St.. New Vert CMy.

Fair Amneement Co.. 142 Fifth ave.. X. Y. C. Fair A Carnival Supply Co.. 124 Fifth ave..

New York City.

GERMAN NOVELTY CO. 113 Weet 17th Street. New Verk CKy.

R. Fleiecher A (5>.. Inc.. 65 Walker at.. X.Y.C. Holiday Xorelty Mfg. Co,. 84 E. 10th at.. X Y.C. Mexican .Armadillo Curio Co., 160 North Fifth

are.. Chicago. HI.

SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE. Amelia Grain. 819 Spring Garden at.. Phtla., Pa.

SCENIC PAINTERS. (And Dealers in Scenery, Ete.)

M. Amibruater A Suns, 249 Front et., Columbus, Ohbi.

Dudak A Ebert. .Milea Theater, Plttaburg. Pa. Enkeboll .Art Co.. r>.Kj5 N. 27th at.. Omaha. Neb. Frank .M. Grven S<’enic Co., -108 Fifth at., l-oula-

rille. Ky. Jidin Herfurtb. 2183 Boone at.. Cincinnati. O. The New York Stiidkai. 1001 TImea Bldg..X.Y.C. Scbell'a Sconio Studioe, 581 So. High at.. Co¬

lumbus, O. Sosman A l-andia Co.. 417 S. Clinton at.. ChCgo. Toomey A Vollaivl S<‘enlc Co., 2412 Market at.,

St. Ixiula. .Mo. r. S. T, A A. Co.. 229 X. Deaplalnea at.. Chicago. The York Scenic Stmlloe. York. Pa.

SCENIC RAILWAYS. W. F. Mangels Co., Coney Island. X. T.

SCENIC STUDIOS. Austin Ib well, 1215 Fifth ave.. Plttaburg. Pa.

SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS. Crescent City Film Exchange. 83l> Penlldo at..

New Orleans. I.a. Dixie Film Exchange. Owenabero. Ky. r. s T. A A. Co.. 2-29 S, Deaplalnea at., ('bleago.

SECOND-HAND TENTS (Bought and Sold).

L. Nickerson Tent. Awning A Cover (X>., 173 State St.. Ihiston. Mass.

SECTIONAL BUILDINGS. (Meriei, Rinks and Dance Halle.)

R. I.. Ken.voa. 48.1 Albart at.. Waukeahl. Wla.

NEW TOY MFG. CO. 143 Blaaektr St.. Newark. N. J.

.Advancr Whip Co.. ’287 Elm at.. Westfield. Maas E. M. Davis So.ap Co.. '222 No. Deaplalnea at..

Chicago. III. H. C. Evans A (V.. 75 West A’an Btiren sT..

Chicago. HI. ■A. J. Keniplen A Cc., St. Panl. Minn. Kernan Mfg. Co.. 115 8. Dearts'm ai.. Chi. ago. Slack Mfg. Co.. 3.17 W. Madlaon at.. Chbago. A. J. Smith Mfg Co., .1247 W. Van Buren at..

Chicag.). HI. Tip fop Toy Co.. 2-20 W. l»th at., S. Y. City. P. 8 T. A A. Co.. 229 N. Deaplalnea at.. (Tilctgo. H. C. Wilbur Mfg. Co.. 32 \ .'.th *t.. Phlla

Xaw Toy Mfg. d).. 143 Blceckar at., Xawark.X.J

JOSEPH ROTH MFG. CO. 54-12 W. 21 at Street. New Verk City.

Rmlolph Broa.. 19 X. 5th at., Philidalpbla. Pa. Shapiro A Karr. .120 South at.. Philadelphia. Pa. X. Shura C«.. 237-Jll W. Madlaon at.. Chicago, r. S. T. A A. Co.. 229 X. Deaplalnea at., Chicago. Singer Brothers. 82 Bowery, Xaw York Wty.

PARASOLS. Frankford Bros.. »04 Filbert st., Phlladalpbia.


POOLS. ETC. Grintha A Crane. IJppIncntt Bldg.. Phlla., Pa.

PATENTS SECURED. victor J. Bvana A Co.. Waaliington. D. C.

PEANUTS. ALL VARIETIES. S. Calanaam A Si>na, InC., IVnn ava. and 22d

at.. Pittabnrg. I*a.

PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES. Klngery .Mfg. -Co., Cincinnati, D.

PEARL NOVELTIES. Pearl City Novelty Co.. 317 West Front at..

Miiacatliia. la.


TIP TOP TOY CO. 22* West I9lh St.. New Verk CNy.

Tip Toy Top Co.. 2-20 W. l»th at.. X. Y. City.

POPPING CORN (Th* Grain). American Pop Com Co., Sloug City. la. Bradshaw Co., Greenwich at.. X. Y’. City.

SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. Berrv W’ anl Piano Player Co., Kansas City, Mo. M ivelte A Sens. 27.1 Fifth ave.. N. Y. City. Rudolph Wurllticr Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

SERIAL PAPER PADDLES. S. B. Paper Paddles. 559 W. Laka at., Chicago.

SHOOTING GALLERIES. Beat Shioting Gallery, 510 Cbsimber of Cem-

merca. Detroit, Mich. Diamond Novelty Co.. Schenectady. N. Y'. E. R. Illppla. 809 Vine at., Philadelphia. Pa. E. R. Hoffmann A Son, 3317 South Irving ava..

flilrago. III. ^ W. F. Mangels, Conay Island. Xaw York City. C. W. Parker. Leavenworth. Kan. T. A. J. Smith Mfg. Co.. 3247 W. Y’nn Bnran

at., (’hlcago. HI. Wm WiiHBaln. 208 N. Sa^nd at.. Philadelphia.


ALBERT DICKINSON CO. Chlaaga. Illlaoia.

AC'karinann-QuIgley Co.. 115 W. Fifth at., Kaa- sa» City, Mo.

Planet Show Print A Engraving House. Chat¬ ham. Ont.. Can.

B«rk Bros.. .54.1 Broadway, New Y’ork City. lUabm Nov. t\>.. 44 Hanover at.. Boston. Mass. Chicago Flag A I*ac«ratlng Co., 1354 Wabash

are., Chicago. HI. Kllery Mfg. Co.. .585 Market at.. San Francisco. A. W Hannlnglim A CV>., 141 Grami at., N.Y’.C. Holblay Novelty Mfg. Co.. 84 K. 10th at.. X.Y.C. l-angroek Bros.. .15 Ormond Place. X. Y’. City. Mannfactnrars’ Premium Co., '29 W. Idika at..

Chicago, HI. M. Xawmaa. 881 Markat at.. San rrmnclaco. Cal. Rudolph Bms., 19 X. .5th at., Philadelphia. Pa. N. Shura Cn., 2317-341 W. Madlaon at.. (Tilctgo. P. Starnthal. SSS W. Madison at., Chicago, III. B. P. I’sadoai. 4343 Lincoln. Chicago.

Sam Xalaon. Jr., Co., Grinnall. la. Shotwall Mfg. Co.. 1019 W. .Adams at.. Chicago.

POPCORN MACHINES. r. E. Dallanbargar Co.. 5.1 Blaaal at.. Joliet, Ill. W'. Z. Long, 173 High at., Springfield, O.

POPCORN POPPERS. C. K. Dellenbarger CYi.. 53 Blaael at., Joliet. III. Klngery Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, O.

PORCUPINES. I.lnvrooil II. Flint. Xorth Waterford, Me.

PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS. Ell Bridge Co., Roodhouaa. HI.


DER CANVAS. Tramlll Portable Skating Rink C».. 1323 .Agnes

at., Kansas (Tty. Mo. POST CARD MACHINES.

Chicago Ferrotype (V>., Ferrotype Bldg.. Chi’go Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bldg., St. Louis



Runry Show Print. Rnnay Bldg.. Cincinnati. O.

SIDE-SHOW CURIOSITIES Xalaon Supply. 514 E 4th at.. 8. Boaton. Mass.

SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS. Enkeboll Art (>0.. .5.1*16 X 27th at.. Omaha. Nab. Xlchola Co.. iJike View Worcester. Maaa. Auatin Rowell. 1215 Fifth ava.. Plttaburg Pa. V. S. T. A A -A. Co.. 229 X. Dasjdalnaa at..( hlcago

SILVERINE SCREENS. Pbotoplxy CO.. 30 W. I.aka at., Chicago. III.

SKATES. CTilcago Roller Skate Company. 1123 Waahing¬

ton Boulevard. Chicago. HI. John H. Williams. Mfr. Henley Bidler Skates.

RIcbinon.t. Ind.

(Continued on page 46.)




Concessions and Shows Wanted CHESTER I. CAMPBELL. Manager 5 Park Square, BOSTON, MASS

llam-Nord—Wolfe Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14. E. O’Bready, »ecy., Wotton.

Jollette^oliette Agrl. boo. Sept. 14. J. O. tiuilbault, aecy.

Lambton—^auee Agrl. Soo. Sept. 14. IMerre IWtler, aecy.

I.apralrie—iJiprairle Agrl. Soc. Sept. 12. Arthur iMatte, aecy., St. Conatant.

L'Aaauuiption—Agrl. Soc. Aug. 24. I. J. A. .Maraan. aecy.

1/.4>'enlr~4>ni»aia«d Agrl. So<-. Sept. 21. J. St. Amant. aecy.

Ixiniarllle—Maagiaonge Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14. C. (•aroa, aecy.

1'b‘aatavllle—Megantic Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14. J. B. Vallee. aecy.

I*ont Chateau—Soulanges -Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16. U. K. Vernier, aecy., Coteau Landing.

Rougemont—Rourille Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21. A. Area. aecy.

St. Alexandre—Iberville Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-8. E. S. Lalanne, aecy.

St. Barnabe—St. Maurice Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21. E. Bellemare. aecy.

Ste. Famine—Montmorency Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21. E. Letourneau. aecy.

St. Oregoire—NIcolet Agrl. St>c. Sept. 7. X. Levaaaeux. aecy.. Ste. Angele.

St. liyaclntbe—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1.1. Rene . Morin, aecy. St. Jean—Agrl. »><•. Sept. i». J. A. I.ueaicr.

aecy. St. Jean de Matba—Jollette .Agrl. Soc. Sept.

14. J. O. Leville, aecy.

ILLIKOIS Auguata — Bluomington— Cautoo—.Auapicea Moo->c l.•Mlge. July 1-3. t .

E. Stodda^. aecy.. (124 E. Cheat, at., I'anton. Clifton— Ileland-- Dixon—July 5. Chaa. E. Miller, ae<'y. Kdwardarille— Ft. Sheridan—K. of P. I*icnlc. July 3. Police

Magiatmte Boyer, chairman. Pmnka— Galena— HllUburo—Owla' Picnic. HuntavtUe— Kankakee—Geo. M. Swain, chairman. MKi Cobb

Bldg. Kewauee— Little York— Maywood— McHenry— Moriia— Dakland — Pearl City— Peoria— Quincy—Central State, R.oaing Amu. July 3-9 Sandwich— Somonauk— Sterling— Towanda—July .1. S. S. B-oitlon. trey. Vandalie—July .1. Waukegan—

IHOIAMA Couverae—Will W. Draper, ac-y. KIwiawl — Bcdforil—Jul.T .1. W. R. Itcciii. aecy.

Anaconda— Bllllaga—Pr DtBuo— Hamilton— Uetagaton - Mtaaonla— PlOTtywood-


Kanmey—Buffalo t»unty Orange. JRimmerSeld -

HEW TOBK Buffalo—

MOBTH DAKOTA Dunn Center—July 1. E. W’. iBoyd. ae<'y Elgin— l,ee<la-^uly 3. A. 3. ilrace. aecy.

OHIO Findlay—llantna k Co. Sunday School Aaan. July

5. Mra. Marlon Vaughan, aecy. c.iba.inbiirg—July 1-A F. L. Flack, ac-y.. 51

E. Market at.. Akmn. O- ^ ... Harrlmm—.Auapicea ilarrla»n Fire Co. July ., logan—B. P. O. K. July 5. L. B. Engle, t^-y


Raker—Walter E. Mexcham. aecy. llllUl»>ro— Ontario— Salem — Waaco—.Auapicea Biialneaa Men. Yaiiihlll^uly 5. C. W. Etiatice.


Clearffeld Auapicea Firemen. S. Boyd Smith.

Phlladeipbla—Fourth of July Celebration J. F. Natll. chairman.

Vamlergrtft July 5. J. C. Dickie, aery.


Vlborg-W. O. W. Intereated.

TEKKE8SEE I.<a>kout Motiiitaln—July 5. E. J. illlluian. aecy Memphia—

TEXAS Beaumont— Clarendon—Ba rbecue. llollatOD— Sau .Antonio—


Narn-wa—F. II. tunnlngliam. chairman. Pennington Gap—


' Anacortea -Celebration. July 8-4. .Arlington —Roy B. Teager. aecy. . , , Chehalla—Evergreen Valley Feat. July 3. D.

J. .Alliera. chairman. Hackinaon — llwaco— , . L kelao-Jul.v 5. Auaplce, C<Mnmerclal Club Morton— North Yakima—July 5. S|K>kane J. D. Fella, chairman. Tacoma —Rev. Frank Dyer, chairman. Walt-dnirg—A. t*. I'. W. Picnic. Waaiitucna— _

WISCOHSIH Antigo— Caaavllle— Milwaukee— Moalnee — Spring Valley— Sturgeon Bay— Superior— Two Rivera-Tleni. Gagnon, chairman. Waahington—


Rea' ahoa hoRiev lhr>' haik It aii<l an It

IDAHO L. T. Wright chalni^an.


Ste. Julienne—-Montcalm -Agrl. S<m-. S<*pt. 21. J. F. Itanlel. aecy.. St. Eeprit.

St. Igxare—Vaudrcull Agrl. S**-. Sejit. 21. J. Ibmia. aecy.

Ste. Martine—A'hateaugnay Co. .Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7. X. Mallette. aecy.

St. Rcml—Xaplervllle Agrl. S<k-. Sept. P. .Arthur toilette, aecy.

Ste. Roae—Igival Agrl. Soc. Sept. S. Jo». Gag non. aecy.

Ste. Scb'daatiqiie—Deiix-Montagtie Agrl. Soc. Sept. 20-23. J. FV>rtler. aecy.

Ste. Theodoale—Vercherea Agrl. !#oc. Sept. 16. J. E. Meaaler. aecy.. A'arcnnea.

St. Tbomaa—Afontmagny Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16. .A. Proiili. aec.v.

Ste. Vlctorle—Ritiielieu Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21. J. lieajardina. aecy.

Strathmore—Jacquea-Cartier Agrl. Soc. Aug. 23. J. S. A. Aahty. aecy.

Vlctorlavllle—.Arthalaaka Co. Agrl. So<-. Sept. 21. C. R. Garneau. aecy.. Arthibaaka.

Waterloo—Sbefford Agrl. So<-. Sept. 14 1.7. X O. Rockwell, aecy.

Firemen’s Tournaments ) IOWA

Iowa City—Flremen’a Ti>amament. July 20 11 E. E. Paraona. aecy., Marlon, la.

8ac City—Maple A’ailey Flremen'a Aaan. June —. E. W-. Moyer, prea.


Pine Clty-Juna 8 8. Virginia—Range Flremen'a Toarnament. Augual

10 12. HEW JEB8ET

Rabaay -July 2-10 C. A. M«»>re, ae--y

MEW TOBK I X. Y. A'ol. FIrem Tboa. J. Murray, ai

. .... Cortland. X. Y. . L. 1.—Aoutbera N. T.

Aaaa. Jana 8-10. Joa H. 211 DnOeld 8t.. Braiklra FalU Wealern X. Y. A'ol. July 27 2S. Chaa., A. Ka

Oaage—July 3. T. W. Jackaoii, chalriiian. Pocahontaa— Hioux Baplda- Slater— Waterloo—

KAHBAS Norton vllle— Summer6cld--July 3.

LOUISIAHA Jefferaon— New Orleana—T. F. DePioIl. chairman.

mCHIOAN tlielKiygaii—.Auaplce, tliamtM-r of I'omuier'e

July .7. Coldaater— llaatinga - Howell—July 3. Maiilatei— Marquette—Sam R-p«e. chairman. Red Jacket— St. Johna— Traverae City—


MINNESOTA O* mfrey— Duluth—R E. Dennold Intercalct. Eveleth Commercial Club Intereated Farlbanit— Glencoe — Hoffman — I.auiinm— I cSiietir Center— Mora—K<*nrth of July t elebratinn Auaplce

Kanabec Oninty AgrlrulIQrat Society. Norwood— Oaokla— St. Paul— Sauk Centre—

Coriiink < entral July '27 at. portnataoii at.

Hempateid, men'a aecy.,

Niagara .Aami.

Vol. Fire Dtwolng.


Oregon—Ogle Co. .Agrl. Aaan. Sept. S id. Z. •A. Laudera, aecy.

Fourth of July Celebrations ALABAMA

Dothan—July 5. F. Tboma'. iwcy.. P. G. Box


Graaa A’ailey— Grrenvllle— .Maryavllle— Rialto— San Lula Dtrlapo—D. J. Riley, aecy. July 2-4. Stratford— AA'ataonville—July 5.


Kiaaimmee—W. J. Seara aud Capt. Clay John- a>io on the committee.


JUNE 19, 1915. Xfie Billt>oarcl

Dairy f Poultry Carnival On the Streets, Day and Night, Grand Military Reunion, 60th Anniversary of Effingham,

JULY 5th to lOth laf A _Ferris Wheel, Parker Swing, Stock Companies, Old Plantation Show, Good Girl Show, other ww I bV shows apply. A^o concessions of all kinds. Fourth of July week will be a big money week here. Write or wire CARL SARGEANT, or G. E. MEEKS, Effingham, Illinois.

MitceUaneoat £?eDU


Pr**ix>tt—Frontier Onr* CelobratloB. Jnly, —. Mclcvlm A. Fraser. Mcy.

ASKAVIA* l.lnir Hi«-k -l.ab«r l»ay tVIrtwation. Srpt. 6.


Corning—Fruit FeatlTal. Aug. 18. San Franclaco—Btatrddfod Work. July 38-31.


(>rD«rr—National gaengarfrst. Jnly 31-24.


rorrlngton—Fair A CamlTal. July 8-10. 8. 8. Merle*, bus. mgr.


kMflll*—O. 8. tlieimiaat BAmC. Oct. 1A18.

QUn>-y -Frooperlty CalabrattoA. No*. 4-8.


Msbo Falls—BMMcUln Cauty Fair * War Buaaot koaad-Uo. Sagt.. —. O. W. MaUa- gren. ascy.


Abiogiloa—Hoais-Coalag. inaa —. H..>Miilngl.iB—Trartur Kxblblt. .tug. 23-34. Blue Island—lUlaols Flrsasoa's AaaiL /aly

37 3». Caraiel—Horse 8bow. 8ept. 34-38. Caml—Stoken Cbapel, If. B. Cburch Ontaaalal

lelebrathm. Aug. 11-18. Kenanre—Kiiarorth League. June 24 27. Kraaiiee—H••nle■t>•allBg A 1‘eare Cxposltloa.

June 3a-Jnly 3. Medora—Home Coaling. Aug. 8-8. . Mt. Vernon—Night Horse S^«.' Sept. 2B-Oct.

1. < baa. R. Keller, secy. PitteOeld—Me. C. K. C. Aug. 8 ». Harry W.

Rowe. 144 NIrbnIs at., lewlston. Polo—Fifty Veara' Dry Olebratloa. Jaly 3-4. IJnlory—Boat Clab Regatta. July 8-8. Mo-nghurat—I. O. O. P. Picnic and Ilonsa-

Coioing. July 23-34. Oias. O. Wag, secy. Toledo—I'oledo Mercbaata' Hoaie Coming A Car-

nlTsI Assn. Aug. BO-Bept. 4. W. If. Lovlns, aecy.


Carlisle—Centennial Celebration. June —. Uarreti—Oarrett Business Men's Assa. July 8.

Monte L. Ureen. aecy. Oi-sben—Fall Feallsal. Oct. 31-38. Hartpird City—Farmers A Merchants' Fall Fea-

tlral. Sept. 2»Oct. 3. J. M. Ueber. secy. Princeton—Home-Coming. July 4. Houtb Rend—Fifteenth Annual Annlrersary Cele¬

bration. July — Wlnalow—Celebration. Aog.. —. John A.

*tepb>ns. secy.. Bog b

IOWA ClarksTllle—Boalueea Men's Aaan. Joly 34.

Fred Belts, aecy. Dot Molneo—Tbe Oldeont. Jnly 23 28. J. W.

Weakley, aecy.. '32 W. Qniury at., Cbicago,


Cberryiile -Roothem Kanaae Old Roldleri' Re¬ union. .4ug. 23 28. C. C. Kincaid, aecy.

LeRoy—Is'Roy Fall Camlral Amn. Aug. 1318. L. V. Watson, aecy.


Burlington—Tblrtletk Boone Conaty Harscot Hume Rent. 11. Hubert Conuer. secy.


Biopm- Am. Peony 8oe. June —. A. P. Bauuders. Clinton. N. Y.

WearSeid—neld Day A Caroteal. Joly 4. Cbaa. J. Rooney, aecy.

KICHIOAK Albion Home t'omlag. .Vug. 17 20. Alnmac—8t. cilalr u*. I'looeer Society. June

22. tJeo. w. Howe, aecy.. Port Huron, Mlcb. Detroit—Detroit Drlrlng Club. July 27. Oeo.

D. Omner, secy., 003 B<’wlea Rldg., Itetrolt. l>rtruli —Memorial Day Colebratlon. H. T.

BtfSing. aecy. Hllladale Home Coming. June 11-18. Isiirinm—Annsal Mid Rummer Camlral. July

4 lo Harry Hermann, aecy.. Bog 2«7. Montague Home Coming .%<ig 4. C. I. Ooe-

• er. .ecy.

P«>ctlas—Mardl Qrao. Augnat 20. P«>ctiaa—Mardl Qrao. Augnat 20.


Dulnth-Jlwedlah-ADH-rlcan National I.eactto Cel- ebrstlon. June 24. J, O. lairBim. secy.

MlllTlIle -Home-Coming. July 8-8. MlniM-ais.lla-N. W. Bible tVwif Aug. 18 20.

Bamiiel K Rotb « K. lltb at . MInneapoIla. ••rtonrllle -Com A Alfalfa Egpoaltloo. Oct. 18-

nSSOURI (ilenwo-Ml—Q|i nwood Intorslale Reunion. Aug.

2S 28. o. TlM>mpoon. pres. Hannibal —Mississippi Valley Power Boat Assn.

Kegatts. July 8 7. Ja. kn-ii I'afie t'isinty Home Coming .\iig. 19-

.-I -1 <• Piitl. aecy. neatberby—Weatberby Picnic Aaan Aug. 11-

1*’- P. C. Rbehnan. aecy.

MONTANA Ml,.-, nt.i Hoiimi I p. July 1.1. .8. tHta.

Mlaw-iila - Remi Centennial Celebratloo. July —. J««. A. Walsh, secy.#

NEBRASKA Dmal.s-Ak Rar Ren Camlral. Rept. 30 Oct. 3.

J. B. Wearer, aocy., |T1T Douglas st. Orleans—A.aftclatlon of Pioneers sad Old Rat¬

tier.. Hept, H 10. R. R. B.idlen. aocy.

Rhubert—Rtreet Fair. July 80-81.

KEW JERSEY Sea l.le City—Old Home Week. July 12-18.

NEW YORK Cliff Haren—Catbolie Summer School of America.

Juno 8-Oct. 1. Elmira—Homo Show A Camlral. July 28-81.

Jai. M. Falsey, secy.. Lycepm Bldg. Leslersblre—Red Men's Old IDuuc Week. July

3-10. Llroula—Stb Annual Urlugitoo A Ontario Car-

nlral. Joly 28-81. E. R. Bolloa, mgr. New York—Beat Harlem Camlral A Fair. Joly

5-11. Cbaa. Wasebmirth, aecy., 178 E. 124tb at.

New York—Electrical Expo, A Motor Sbow. Oct. 8-lA ■

NORTH DAKOTA Jams, town—Camlral. Jnly 19-24.


Elldg-'Ellda Pioneer Society. Aug. 13. Findlay—O. C. Y. P. A. June 22-24. Mlaa Rose

I. Kraus. Flat Rock. Box 11. Ft. Recorrry—Tenth .Annual Harrest Jubilee.

Aug. 11-13. E. W. .McCUsawk. aecy. IivatoB—Appio dbvw. Bopi. 44-4*. L. B.

Howell, secy MsBeAeld—G. A. R. June 21-23. Mansfleld—Woman's Relief Corps. June 21-23. New HoIlsDd— K. of P. tod M. W. A. Jaly 39.

Clark Rryaat. aecy. Qiiaker rlt.T—Fall KnteHalnment. .Vug. 28-28.

H. .M. Smith, secy.. Bog 184.


Enid—Cherokee Strip A Home Coming Colebra- tioa. Week of Sopt. 18. B. W. Wirt, secy.. 108 8. Oraad at..

Supply—Trl-County Farm Products Exhibit. Rept. 8-11. I>r. H. E, Sle<-ber, secy.

OBXeOH .Vurura—Moawe Club Camlral. June 36. Pendloton—Northwestern Froatler Amusomeat

Assn. Sept. 23-28. C. H. Marsh, secy. Portland— Annual Beonlon of Oregon Plo-


Bellefonte—Centre Oo. Old-Home Celebmtloa. Jnly 3-8. Edw L. Qatea. secy.

Kutxtown—Centennial. July 1-8. Pbllsdelpbta—Bryn Mawr Horao Show. Sept.

27 Oct. 2. Watnnatown—t>ld Home Week. Aug. 23-2S.


Newport—American Sweet Pea Society. Jaly 8-9.

Newport—American Oladlole Society. Angnat IS-19.


W<w>nsncket—Water Camlral. June 18-18.


Brenbam—Malfest. Fire Chief B. P. Darla, aecy.

Oalreston—.Vnnnal Cotton Camlral. July 23- Aiig. 1. Q. H. Sapper, chairman.

Houston—No-TsO'Oh Atsn. Nor. 8-18. M. L Morria. aecy., 818 Main St.


Salt Ijtke City—Wlsard's Celebratloa A Pioneer Day. July 34.


Rntland—Rutland Rrening Camlral. Sept. T- 10. A. C. Mason, secy.


38-27. J. B. Glenn, secy., Harrisonburg, Ta. NarrowB—I. O. O. F. Home-Coming Week. July

8. W. A. Smith, tecy.. Box 38. Norfolk—labor Day Celobmtlon. C. H. Perry,


Brtrett—Kla-How-Yla A Yacht Races. July S-S. Ererelt—W. O. W. CarnlraL Jnne 2S-July 7. Iloqulam—Splash Celebration. Jone 2S-Jaly 4. Olympia—Baorbsll Club Camlral. July 8-10. Rltsrllle—Rlisrille Commorclsl Club. Date not

set. W. D. Smith, eecy. Seattle-^. A. O. N. M. E. July 18-18. Sol.

Frledentbal. secy., 719 Aloak Bldg. Seattle—Western Stamftede A Bound up. July 11-

17. W. W. Klenert, eecy., 0(M Second nro. Seattio—Yacht Bsces. July 11-18. Seattle—Western National Dairy Show. Nor.

R-IS. Seattle—W. O. W. Camlral. June 18-28. Spoksne—Eighth National Apple Sbow. Nor.

1.3 2t> Spokane—Eagles' Camlral. July 2-7. Tacoma—Montamara A Speedway Races. Jnly

14. Tacoma—PacISc Indiana* Annual Shoot. Jnly

1933. Tacoma—Race* A Camlral. Jal.r 8-8. Vancoiirrr Battle Group Fair. S»-pt. 12. y.lllsb Koun.1 Ip S.-|>t .38.


tvxlgerlllr—Dodgerllle Park Assn. Aug. 11-12. A. R. Jones, secy.

Franlniore- F< nnimore Big Dsy A*sn. Aug 8-8. R. J. Roetbe, eecy.

Fimd do l«c—Commercial Clnb CelebratloB. July 4.

Kewaaknm—Home-Coming. Jnly 24-28. Oeo. 11. Rchmidt. aecy.

Madison—Memorial Day Celebration Sturgeon Its.r Home I omtng July .1 8. Rnperior—Cnmiral. Jnly 8 10. WsDsau —Runtmer Race Meet. Jnly 8 8 J. D.

Cbrlstle, secy. WYOMING

Ijiramie—I^iramle VTiamber o( CommerSe. July 6-T. 8. H. Campbell, aecy.

Bberidan—Hberidan linilan A Pioneer Staoipodo. Jnly 1-8. M Steele, secy.. But 701


New Westminster—Industrial Exposition. Sept.



CarllDTille—June 24-29. DeUnd—Jnly 2-8. , Elmwood—June 22-27. Genoa—July 27-.Viig. 1. Lewiston—Sept. 1-6. Mackinaw—Jane 25-29. Maqoon—Jone 29. Msquon—June 29-July 4. PrincetOB—July 18-28. Rochelle—July 20. Rusbrille—Aug. 30-8ept. 4. Tampico—Jone 20-24.


Betearllle—Sept. 9-13. H. F. Buck, aecy. • Oeeului^uly 14-21. Gleuwoed—July 10-23. Gosben—Joly 19-27. Greencastle—.Vug. 13-30. Lagrange—Jnly 38-.Vng. 3. Shelby vHle—Aug. 8-18. WInamac—Sept. S-IL


Delta—Juna 18-24. ftenisoD—July 19-25. Iowa City—Aug. 1-8. Lake Oty—Jnly 18-21. Mount Ayr—.Vug. 18-16. Odebolt^uly 16-22. Oetwein—July 20. Sac City—Sac City Cbautauqua Assn. Jane 20-

27. Dr. Alfred K. Cmig. eecy. Storm Lake—July .1-11. Warerly—June 17-23. Webster aty—July 18-20. West I'nlon—Jnly 3-9.


Ottawa—June 23-July 2.



Denrer—June 30-Jnly 2.


Windaor—July 5-7.


Wilmington—Jnly 21-23.


Aurora—July 13-18. Galesburg—Jnly 3. Macomb—July 27-30. Mattoon—Jnly 8. Meudota—July 8-9. Ottawa—Joly 20-24. 8 tree tor—July 27-30.


ralrmoaat-r-July 14-lA Lawrenceborg—July 14-17. Marion—July 27-80. Middletown—July 27-30. Moatpelier—July 13-18. North Yenwo—Jnly 27-30. Osgood—July 20-'23. Petersburg—July 27-30. Warren—July 20-23.

Bardstown—June 28. Bowling Green—Jnne 27 July 3. F.«ldyrUle—Jnly «-l«. I.enoaster—June 13-18. Marioo—June 17-24. Morganfleld—June 17-23. .MobolatTlIle—Aug. 20-23.

MICHIOAN Elsie—-Vug. 17-21. Flint—Aog. 8-12. Grand Rapids—July 6-11. Hancock—July 21-3. Hastings—.Vug. —. Jackson—.Vug. 23-28. Mnnlslng—July 20-25. Pturkuey—July 21-23. IN'rtlsnd—Sept. 1-5. Schoolcraft—-Vug. 28-31. . Sr Johns—Aug. 14-21. Taws* City—Aug. 23-27. Wyandotte—July 15-17.


-Vustlo—June 22 '28. RemldJI—Aug. 2-7. Cass lAke—July 11. OookstoD—June 28-Jnly 4. Falrmonnt—June 29Jnly 8. Hutchinson—June 23-27. Ijike City—Jnne 24-.10. Little Falls—June 2»-JoIj 5. LuTerne—July 4-10. Marshall—July 1-7. Owabmna—Jnne 23-29. Proctor—Aug. 11-18. Sauk Rapids—Jnne 21. Staples—Aug. 38. Wllmsr—Jo'y 2-0,

MISSOURI MsryTllle —.Vug. .1-4, Cixark -July 1.V19. St. Joseph—.Vug. 8-18.


Dickinson—June 28-Jnly 3.


Kenton—July 23-.Vug. 1. Mri'onneNTlIle - .Vug. 13-22. J. E. Torbert. secy. Plain City—Aug. 8-l.V


IVIl Rapids—June 13 17. II. V. Harlan. se.-y.

TEXAS Denton—June 28.

UTAH tigden—July 11-18. Salt Lake City Jnly 11-19.

VIRGINIA I.ynchburg—July 7-13.

WISCONSIN Antigo—July 11-18. .Vpfileton—.Vug. JtV.Hi. RayflcM^uly 22-27. Bbsmiingb'n -July 3 .8. ETinsrille—July 2<V29. Gran<l Kapld« -July All. ladyomlth—Chautauqua Jnly 13-18. C. H

Ssnnders. secy, lake Genera—June 20-10. MsrshAeld—Jnl.T l-A. Mineral l*•dnt June 'Jit-July .1. Monroe—June 1.1. UI|<on—July 9 14. Stoughton—Jnly 7-14. Two Hirers—.Vug, —. WsnsHu—Jnly l8-'25. \Ve*tlield July lA 21.

Algous—June 22-24. Bedford—July 28-29. Carroll—July 8-9. Corning—July 19-22. ' Jefferson—Jnly 1-3. Mason City—Jnne 15-11. Roekwell Oty—July 27 30. Vinton—Jnly 2-3.


Council Grore—July 20-23. Herrington—July '27-30. Howard—^July 13-18.


Cbeatertown—July 27-30. MASSACHUSETTS

Harerblll—June 23-28. I>enox—Jnly 27 28. Medford—June 16-17. MedfonI—Jnly 1.V17. Northampton—July 27-29. South Fromlngham—June 30-JuIy J. Rprlngfleld—Jnly 14-18. WeatfleW—Jnly 21-23. Worcester—Jnly 5-7.

MICHIGAN Detroit—Jnly 5-8. Detroit—July 26-31. Jackson—July 13-17. lapeer—July 27-28.

NEBRASKA Beatrice—June 22-24. FYemont—July 13-15. Kearney—July 1-3. Nebraska City—June 16-1 <. Tekamab—July 20-22. Waboo—Jnly 27-29. West Point—July 7 9.

new JERSEY Flemtngton—July 3. McAfee—July 3. Salem—July 5.

NEW YORK Elmira—July 27 .10. Potsdam—July 27 29.

NORTH DAKOTA CooperstowD—June 29-Jnly 1. FArgo—Joly 27-30. Grand Fbrks—July 20-24. Valley City—July 5 8.

OHIO Bellefontaine—July 2-5. Clereland—June 'Jb-July 3. Clereland—July 19'24. Coshocton--June 29-July 2. Findlay—Jnly 27-30. IJma—Jnly 20-'23. • Marlon—Jnly 5-S. Rockport—Jnne 22-25. THBn—Jnly 13 18. Wayerly—July 28 11. WellstoD—July 27-10. Youngstown—July 11-18.

OREGON Independence—-June 21-28.

PENNSYLVANIA Bearer Palls—July 5. Bradfonl—July 21 23. Conneaut lake- July 5-8. Corry—July 27 .10. Warren—July 11-16.

WISCONSIN Wausau -Jnly 5 8.


Bramlon—July 19 '24. Calgary—June .TtiJnl.y 7. Carman -July 1-2.

ONTARIO. .Vylnie- -Jnne 23-'2.%. Chatham -June Hi Jnly 2. l4»ndon- July *28 .10. Seafortb Ju'y ■.'0-'22. Stratford—Jnly 14 1A. l.lstowcll -Julr A 8 St Thoms* June 1A IS

SASKATCHEWAN M>s<MeJsw—June 23 2A, Regina -June lA 19. Begins-July '28 31



44 Ttie Billboard JUNE 19, 1915.


(C«nt1nu<^ from page 39.)

MUSICIANS At Ubarty AiMrllMataU wtttiMt aiiAtay. tkli

ar« MklltiMA fra* •( ekkiK.

A ) ’HARIT<)Mi~riiAY»:Jl~ l>»uble~ and rrllible; uiir-iil(hlrr or irp. Tlikrt) Yrn. Ad- drt-iw KKJX'E .'»HOVKK. R U. 2. Box 3, Sapulpt. Oklahoma._ _

A-1 n.ARINl'msT—IK-«lrrs work In tlnatirr br- 1 tel. cabaret, band, etc.: marrletl, «>b4‘r anil reliable;

__I age 2S; ten yearn’ experteiu-e. R. 11. tilUltl.Nti!*.

WUCTX MAX Maiiaaeil nlieol la.t Uiree a<ois: tl«ifr«l l>ellrer>. Jackion. Mlaa.__ of this ad. Tliket* Ye*. BKRT


Ytll'Nt, M.W 2ti; neat appearance; .seeks enicag> merit with rtrnis or eanilval as iKxikkesnHv. ticket Heller <ai <s>ii<ssislon. or assist In aeiieral. A. B. KOBBkX. IlllllMMird. New York.

YtH'Xt: XIABKlKlt Cttn’l.E Beiiablt; neat i.ress- ers; well eiliicalisl; want to join nionex Kettina c<n- issrsloii: exiieilcnceil: state all first letter. B. ROBBKL. care Bllltioard. New York (kty_

COLORED PERFORMERS At Liberty AbvertiieMtnta wltbaut blabiry, yadtr thia

kaadlitfi, art Mkliahed frta at ckaria.

~!•(BVtrR’S I’l..aXTATION SHOW —For celelirailon.s and fairs; all coloml perfonneni; made cikhI last year. O. PtJWKHS. 49 E. 2Hth St., Clilcago, 111._

DRAMATIC ARTISTS At Liberty AdvartlaaaiaBta witkaut diaalay, aadar tkla

baadlat, are aukllahad traa at ekaraa.

A-l I’-RllPI-IRTY M.L.N—|sartH and apts-lalllea; join at once. BE.NXIK_HAlj:, Xorthfield. VI.

ANN LtX<TEU—Leads, Umenues; 23; 5 ft' 5; 120 lbs.; Hugh Lester, isimeib, general biLsIness; 21 ft. 6; 130 lbs.; speiialtles. wardrobe, ability. tSeii- eral IMIvery. Olereland, O._

AT LIBEKTY—Kor summer stock, rauderille or dramatic ismpany; reasonable salary. tlKtlRCE H. CARUSUC, I'lavwrtght, 1114 E. Montgumery Are. Philadelphia, I’a.

AT LIBERTY—Eor light comedy, jurenlles. general business; 21; 5 ft. 7*4; 14u lbs.; sioi-H or rep. singing spis-lalty; ticket. UIXIRLK Hl’NT. 57 .Nor- way St., Boston, Mass.

A-1 CtlRNCTlST AND DlREfTDK B.-st of refer ences; prefer location in West; hand or orchestra. Address t’tlUNl'n'lST, 104 \V Isx'ust St.. Shelby- rllle, Ind. _

tll’HK.XTHB AiwhI mechanic; long exi>erleni*e. ener¬ getic; sillier and reliable; wislies jMsUllon where tliewe qualities are rei-ognlanl .4. STIU'.NK, 210 North

aulliia St.. tTileago, 111. _ _

Dl’EK.LTOK AND El.ElTBU'lAN Wants isislllon; familiar with all equipments, eight years’ exiierlrnie;

ate all In first letter TIlllMAS TlltlUKlLDSttN. n. Del., liullanaiMills, Ind. _ _

Il’KK.L’foll .\t lllierty ; any niaclilne; go anywhere; always reliable; those who apprtslale gissl pniJeitbHi

rite; eight years' enwrleiiie: state salary, f. W MiSTUXIKlH. Mo. Valley, la

lll’KH.XTDK lyeslres immIiIihi: five years’ rsis'ii- enie; soler, reliable; primer steady immIiIihi: age 21; state salary ; ticket. JAS K ZBtiYtlVSKY. Sir. K ’Tlilrd St.. South Bethlehem. l‘a_

A-1 DKl MMim At Hberiy; all Iraiw. bells and xyloplKMie; experienceil In yaudevllle and pletun

TlLBl’.N, 1220 X. tTark St.. ITilcago. Ill

.4-1 (IIU’HE.STRA LLLLDER Vlcllii and barllo fine library; troupe or locate: .4. K of M.; sisie your limit. liEI). R. YOl'N'd. 56im Broad St LXid, Pittsburgh. Pa

"a-1 slide TRtlMBONB—Italian; circus or canil- ral Address JDE OIRILLD. deiieral Delivery. Ath¬ ens,

OPER.4TOU DR MANAtlEU Kor picture show; sillier and reliable; wife, gissl piano player or ticket seller. SI HENRY, 2520 W Alli-glien; Are.. ITilla ilelphia. Pa __

A-1 SNARE OR BA.SS DRfMMKR For -drcits or carnival; go anywrhere Address F. SNEDEKER. General I>ellrerT,_Athen8, O._

A-i’TRAP DRVMMER-BelU and effects: experi¬ enced; sight reader; A. K. of M.; state hours and aalan HOMER WATSON. Oen. Del.. Xluncle. Ind.

A-1 TR.4P DRl'XrMER—Bells, drums, traps, itc can also manage picture house; si.iwr and reliable small town preferred. D. V. I..4WREN<’E. Kenwood P^. la _

A-1 VIOLINIST—Double alto: good library of mu sic: experenceil In theatre work. OKL.4NlH> HOL- L.4ND, 530 Jefferson St.. JiHiesboro, Ark.

B.4RITONE—B. A O.;*trouper; can loin at once prefer repertoire; do bits. Address B.4RITONE, care Billboard, Cincinnati, O. _

OPirR-XTOR AND MANAGER ExiH-rlisweil: an sigier and reliable: gissl live wire: can bs ate at

oni'e; iki sign work. 44’rlle or wire H ANETY «'ON.4NT. Bristol. X H_

OPiniAToK Have machine and 22 reels film: gas outfit; salan *1.5.iHi per week and expenses, pre¬ fer tent .show FRED MAXWWJ.. 4111 N Nell

.. tTianniaIgn. 111. _ _

OPER.XTOR Seven years’ experteiiie as mierator and manager; any machine or current; go anywhere references: ticket if far. GKO. TOPE, XVonilerland Theatre. Tiacy. Minn. _

CLARIN'ETIST—.4t liberty for summer engagement would consider good offer on road; must have ticket CLARIN’ETIST, 174» E. Oak SL. New Albany. Ind

CfHlN’ETIST—Age 21; experience B A O ; can lead; also sing and play piano and drums. .Xddress WELsSON R. TAYLOR. 231 Fountain St.. Pawtucket Rhods Island. _

CORN’ET PL.4YE*—Band and orchestra: 5 BOBBIE BI'RNE.TT—L«ad.s, hearies; can direct; I experlMvoe; troupe or locate; single; age 21

age 27; 5 ft. 1044; 170 lbs.; wardrobe, ability, ex¬ perience; ticket; go anywhere. 487 Linden Ave., Memphis, Tenn.

~t’HAR.4(TERS. CH-4R COM., CH-XR HE.4V1e:.S — Anything cast for except leads or genti'el hiavliw; five speclaltlia: age 36; quick study. 1025 N. 19th St., EXst St. UhiIs, 111.

CH.4S. D. RHEA—Prmluci and dlrei-t tabloid; twenty high-class five-people scripts; do straights, characters or comedy; ticket If far. CH.4S. RIIE.X, Newton. N. C.

EXPraiErxt'ED, RELIABLE ACTOR—Play rny thing cast for; 15 years’ experience; stock, rep., or one-piece; write or wire. WE4RLKING. 183 Wash¬ ington St.. Saratoga, X.

GENERAL Bl’SlXKSS AiTOR -Specialties; sober, reliable; lop salary. SELBY C. RICHMOND, Gen. Del.. Vlnlen. HI. _

GORIMIN McDirWETIX Sliaracters. comedy, obi mevi; gisvd comeily specialties; conipetnit director quick study; sober and reliable. 375 Manning .Are.. Torento. <hit.

LILLIAN XKIRRIS Age 25; 140 Ihs ; 5 ft 10. genefal business; giMsl wanimlie; experience; can join on wire. Address 918 El. E’lfth St., Mishawaka. Indiana._

M.4N .4.ND wife; Mati, any line; wife, characters; goisl apr aranre; 15 scripts; reliable managers onb stock, rip.; ticket. mil H. HEELX.N. 21644 N. Main St., Ma.son (lily. la.

M.XRIE. Li.Z.XY—.41 litverty on account ot company closing: A-1 character woman; specdaltles; ability; quick stuib’; gisvd wardrotve. Tlckrtf Yes. Address 216 Stillwater .Xve.. Dayton. Ohio

PHIL HEEL4N Rip., stock; script.s: reliable ('or tie Heelaii. characters; good studies; ticki-ts. 216*-, N. Msln St.. Msson City. la.

ROBKUT P.xA'TON—Hearies and characters: dra¬ matic direi-ior: furnish scripts If needed; can join at once. Address XI.MLXRA HOTEL. Toledo, Ohio.

SINGE:!^*- .411 the very lati-sl sewigs are ILsteil In our Sisig Hints on page 12. If you will write the rariiwis publfslii-rs. whose addresses are also given In the same isdiinin. on a theater letterhead, and men tlon THE, BILIdlO.XRD. they will send you profes aicsial popli-H fri-c of charge.

34 M MEUJloi’RNE - Characters, heavie.s, special¬ ties; have number short-ca.Ht scripts; will illreci; age 3u; 6 ft.: 160 lbs.; go anywhere. .Xildrisw Keiinetl, Missouri.

WoM.XN - iiiaraiiin, heavies or ingenues, good pi¬ anist: man. heavies or geni-ral business; sotwo-, re- llalde; isie or three-night prefc*iTed. .SI HENRE’ 2520 W. .Xllcghisiy .Xre., nilladelphia. Pa

INFORMATION WANTED W Lfkerty Agvartlscnaata withmit 4la»lky. gafiar tkh

V heaglaf, ara gukllthtfi frta gf chargt.

ANYtiNE KNOWING TTIE WHEREIAHOITS Artie XVlIlUm.s. who was with the Younger ment Co. sc-aaiiii, siniliv communicate with 41. BI TTs. thsieral Delivery, Portland. Me


917 Cambridge tit., Kewtnie,

DRI’MMEIR—Full outfit: esvneert xylophone; sight reader; union; long experience: join anywhere; re liable managers only. RICH.4RU Bl'RNS. 926 Normal Ave.. Stevens Point. lA’ls.

DRl'MYIICR—Traps and bells; sight reader; sober reliable: fifteen years’ road experleni-e; ran join on vrire. A. N. LARSON, 593 N. Alabama St.. In dlantpolls, Ind._ _

EXPERIENCED IJEADER i Violin l—.xiso hand theatre, dance or hotel: large library; dependahle parties only. H. N. LENZ. 5U 44’alnut St.. St Loula. Mo. _ _

FIRST-CLASS BI’SINESS CORNEmST — Teo years’ experience: either band or oecheelra. .Xildrews JOSEPH GITADAGNA, 16 Illinois Ave . l>anvllle. Ill

niLST CL.4SS VIOLINIST AND DRI MMER — With bells, xylophone, mtrimbaplinnes and traps exp^enevd all lines: lorwiic-i only: go anyw' two people M. GABLE:R, 3132 X. lieavilt St . ( id otgo. Ill.

FLITEI AND PICOOLO—Dc-slv-es summer engaj- ment: A. F of M. : best of references, H.4RRY PORTEm. 529 E 3d St.. Mldillilcvwii. O _

FLTTE AND PICCOIjO- For concert band or cr chestra; part, hotel, cafe or summer resort: will leoupe up In popular and atanclarcis. .4. D GRETER. Box 644, Oarrollton, III.

ilAN AX'D 34'IFE—Violin siicl piano; vdl Iccate i or travel; will take dance crciic.ura work. X.

KIOJ/OGG. Fond du Idle. Wis_

MAN VIOLINIST AND L4DV PIANIST -Capable of directing: also violin specialty .Xdclnsis L. CHESU-n', 19.32 Part Are . Chicago, 111._

M.4NIEOLIN PI-4E’ER—At liberty for orctu-siri hoiei. dance; like to join mu-sical act. JoHN CIJE.XT, Rockford. la. __

ME'IiOPHONET—Sight reader. wUhrs to travel with rhautauqua band nr circus; name highest saltn' TieketT Yes. ALTN). 801 South Seventh. 34’ac-o. Tex

MC SIC I.4 NS—.See our Song Hlnt-i on page 12 Tii publishers whoeve addressew are given therein will sen- you profewslonil copies of sr.y new song named you vrill write them on theater Irllerhc-acls and men Hon ’niE BIUJ30ARD _

ORCHE’.TR.4 LEADEIR (3’lollnlsil Fine Ilbran’ experience In all lines; permanent posttinn with liable managev only: A. F of M L.4WRE7NCE E. JElNKINri. 117 Colciwell. Louisville. Ky._

TR.4P DRCMMER—Play bells, effects, etc : travel oe locate: cntpevleneed In all lines. O GROSS 404. Ceilarlocsm. Ga. _

PIANIST ’Thciniughly exiverieiiced piciurew, vaudr vllle. musical csiroedy. etc.: first class lefereiic-i-s

ould Ica-ate; uiiclerstancls maiiagrmriil large or small house thonmglily. IIEl.MCND, llcilland HcSel, Seat

le. XVasti _

PI.4NI.ST XX'aiits rngageiiieiil with hcilrl -ir ih. s tre orchestra: sight reader: classical and lagmlar music; can arrange and liiiprcwlse. .4 E' eg M MI SICI.4N^17 E Ejlghlh SI . tin^inml. t)

ANIST X’audrsllle. orclie'lra. (ilc-tures. reader: do not fake; always cwi live juh. want siea-:v IMMttIcHi: will noi travel. .4 .4. IIEINDEIU, Ih-ii I>el.. Hanover. Pa_

I’l.XNIST Would like iMMltlon with traveling show niecllc-lnr show preferred: do slrcsig s|crclaliy weerk. ran change for week SIIE'.l.I.IEI Boi.EIN, Mi Blanchard. Ohio.

3’Ol’NG I..4DV PI.XNIST I’liusual nieaao scgirai~ volc-e; five years’ vauilrilllr rxperleiwe. wants to )c6n msgiidaed nmsi. al or sliigina geS In taudevllle 4’ODVII.I.. rare BllllsMircl. tinclnnail. o

SINGERS At LIbarty Agvsrllaaniaals wllbaul filsglay, aairr Ibis

baadiag. art puMIsbad frta •! ebarta.

UIW BARITONEI Past artson with wellkiiow^i music-al fsimeily on llnvadwtv . s|s>illalit soegx p{ lure or yaudevllle house. II.XItlToXE?, 113 \la-lli.>.

Wamsisburg. Mev_

PARKS AND FAIRS At Ubarty Advartltamaatt, wltbaut diaglay, aadar

tbit baadlat. ara •uMlabad traa at ebartt.

AT L1BE:RT\'-E'or parks, fairs. cwIrbratEms: tl.ii single acta: ladder clm4>s. hand-htlanclr g. single flying trapeae act. ilEHt. P.XREINTS. Mill lYcwk. I’a

AT LIBERTY—For part: can show In small build¬ ing; salary or percentage SAMI'EL .4ND LCCE’ LIXGERMAN. Ventriloquist and klaglc-tan. 79.3 Fifth St., Philadelphia. Pa.__

BALLOONIST AND IIHIH DIVER -Single and double parachute leapa; 95 ft, hlgtc dire ineO: two gocyd free acta. lA’rite car wlrw- C. .4. CH.4NDLER

17 Park Are., IndlanapoUs. Imt_

BALLOON'IST—Parka, fairs. Vatetcrallcsis. etc.; a feature art: experienced aermiBaas. either lacty ^or gentleman; write for terma and particulars. ED DALTON. Climax. MlcK__

BALLOON ASnW.SIONS FCRMSHEIW Night or day; parts, fairs and crlebratbms; lady or geiille- man aeronaut: triple parachute drops, satisfaction guaranteed C. W STEPHENS. 70* Rlngo. Utile Rix-k._Ark _ _ _ __

B.XRI’roNE-I’ast season with big musical ssnob on Broadway; will sing with band or orchestra; rea sonable A. SINGEOl. 113 MacU*on St . Warnris

burg. Mo.

CHARLES GAYLOB. ZENOZ TRtM PE FAingieaii and American novelties; amsatlonti aertallsts, aero bats, gymnasts, rqulllhritta, conlorilicnlsts; slack cslre artists; fairs, c*elebrailons. 768 17th St.. IVetmit

Mlc hlgan

COMEDY REVOLVING L.4DDER XtT Also com hinatlon Roman ring, trapeae and Iron law act fes fairs, crelehratloos. etc THE L.4THAMS, I«bl 12th Ave.. Rock Dltnd, Ill.

EXPERT SLACK \4TRK ARTIST—’The act with the rigid price; booking carnivals, parts and fairs SCHLOSBERG. 174 Elldridge SI.. New York tily

FOCR .4CTS- -tiymnasis. eonlortlcwi. sllde-for life acrobatlr posing and lumtdlna: featuring Haaeline Lamont and Zena: fair secretaries, write; sailsfartlcgi guaranteed. THE STIHEIAVALTS. China Grove. N I

SINGETIS All Ihe very latest scwi^i are llstcsl In cMir Song Hints cm page 12 If ycwi srlll write the varioas ituhllslicvs. whowe addresses are aNs glvisi In the same cwltimn. cm a Ihealrv Iriteriiead. and men Hon the: HILI.R0.4HD. they will send you prge. slcaial copies free of charge_

Top TETNOR Berne maidpulalor: buc-k and wlui and riot claneer. minstrel, quarietli, musical csgmsly reliable peigile cmly i’LAREINCK STEIRI.ING. 218

l.aurel St., Haaletim, Pa__

XX'.XNTED To join mualcal nr singing act. vaudr vllle nr mualral mmedy: ladv with unusual Vc4,-e expriiencnl pianist: gcHsI appearance: three years’ atage experience SINGER, care HilltMiapI, iiivin- natl. Ohio. _

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS At Liberty AtvartlaaaMbta wRbant tiaplay, aatar tbia

baadlat. art paMItbad traa al abaft*.

A-I LIGHTNING P.4STIL ARTIST IllusiraUtig ballad and popular aonfs; a bit Ihini few a sloa Int or rbcwut act. samples vent. Ilcbet IMIN LIT¬ TON, Beaver City. Neb _

at LIRERTY 4>n account of cllsappoiniatent: mustc-al act: double: wife, ctcdiit slncle specialties also atmnt eomev ami hand leader CH.4S DE: LE:<tX. Gen Del . Film. Mleh

BI’CK AND WINfl AND CUMS DANCCH 41a> bone manlpulaioe: find tevHW quartette, muslcml remedy or minstrel C C STT1RING. 167 S Laurel fit . HaaIrton. Pa

CHARLEY i’HAPLIN litPERiaoNATtER XVlshrs pnaltlon with film moqiany. vaudeville aiS. nr advrr- Hslni parks or rarnlval Write JOHN FUISSIE. 5t Gifford Are.. Pcwigtikrepalr, X Y

FREIE .4TTR.4CTDEN Walking on water bv Llrul A. Hitchcock. avsLstcd by Mile PsirIcI*: drawina

card for parks and home cnmltcg- .Xcldress It Ilurchstcad Place^Lgnn. Mass

"hIGH-DIX'ING act—Best ladders and tanks: open for fairs and celebration*: eommlllees write CH.4S WILLIAMS, 2720 Park Ave.. St. Louis. Mo.

L.4DY BALLOONIST—Ballocsi ascenslcm* and part- chute le*;>* or jump from aeniplaiie MLLE:. ES- TEl.LA DeBAR. 1502 Fulton SI.. Chicago. III._

~M0NT.4ZE:LL BROS Comedy revolviiig ladder, slack wire and trapeae acts, for t>*rks. fairs, and 4th of July celeltratlon*. Acldres* GEN DEL . 44’ater-

rille. Ohio.

PATTON. HIGH DIVEIR-.41 lllteriy for celehra- Hon*. fairs and parks: liest laildrrs and tanks Ad- dres* HIGH DIVER. 2720 Park Ave . St Iswits. Mo

CoMEl»Y SKETCH T>’..4M Man and wife: pen during cnaustlan, Irish, black and Ivulcit: change foe week mcci show or vaudeville: salan your limit THE DXLYS. Boswell. Ind

COMEDY SKETCH TE.4M Man and wife, change foe week Mackfaie, Jew. kid and Ctitnese spis*1altlc« rxcrilml wardrobe SKYMOCR AND Ml HISM’K. 5tl S Mills St . Massillon, o _ _ _

DEXTERITY. OlMKDV AND MI SIC Comhtn* Hon art. Inlrnlihing nsenirlc jiigtllng. balaitiliif. manipulalltms of various otijects. elerev riiwln sohw laily and gent H.4KNE1.1.. 3A32 Southport .Xve^ i-hlcart. Ill_

int ’ SPIKE-’ Hi*W.4RD HoMee i< wort.!’* rbaia plon gold ine<1al for spike hrekking with teeth. In a wvmderful ishStilbm of wrrngth and wreiuting

S I-elthetwr St . I*hll*'leipbt*. Pa

'PEARSON’S FOCR TRAINED BEARS Fov fair*, carnivals: large brtNiard steel amia: new pmiwrHes: prices reasonable. C-XIT. C. >: PE.4HSON. .Xlta-

mont. III. _


TR.4P DRI’MYnCR Experienceil In all lines- soiier and rellalile. Address H.4RRY .SHIETR. I>‘xiiigin:i, kllssouri. _'_

TRAP DRCMMER AND PIANIST-Iteslre position n small picture house oe small danc- orchestra:

•trictly sober and reliable. Address H.4HOI.D A. NE1J40N. 21 Oak St.. Exeter. N H

4101.1X7 TROilBONE AND DRCMS-At IHiertv for plcture house or road show: salary low; single or joint. LI'CICS JENKINS, care Rex Ttieatre. Way- croo*. O*.___

YOl’NG 4'IOLINIST—Manv years’ experieme In

At Liberty Advertitemefiti Vltheiit dleflay. ueder tlil» I dince eml th^tre wotk: in •umm-r

MISCELLANEOUS kitvertiMmenti trltheiit dleflai

headini. are published free ef eharpe. rmort: ran fumieh dnimmrr end jdanlst I {^KNBFKr.. 6r>| 2r»th St.. Miiweuke^. Wi«


KXPKKT sAUi A1»K RKrAIKMsW A.Nif .SUIT I MA<*HIXK MI-^ HANIi* Would like to menege largt* f treads* or large nnite of *4l<>i martilncs to repair W. ROBi-ntTS. 43H JacfcHjm St., Aurora, III.

LB<TI*RKIl—Fluent, luainietic Hpeaker; experien<*ed | In travel talkit, Hpe«‘lal features and nunagemenT; de- eires summer engagement. H. fiAMMON, 11 W. 21et St., New VcM'k City.

LFXTTKKR AND ttFFK'K WtlRKKU Puts acta; <H>rralea mactiine: owns reels, registerwl Ohio. West Virginia arid Miidiigan. DR. MtH>RK, BeedsTille, Ohio._

MAN s\ge 37: at one time perfurmT: unable U; do heavy work: wants position; saalHT. h<Niest; ^mall, aure salary: tU*ket. JIM VARI)l-rrT.\. 1«K West St., Aleiandiia, Va.__

ST.\<;K MA\.\<;KR—Deeres pfiHltlon; five years* experirtioe: sober, rtdiahle: prefer •ita-ady iMasitlon; age 21; state salary : th-ket. JAS. F. ZRDVOVskV, 315 K 3d St., S<»uth Bethlehem. Pa

TRKASritKR—Fire years' experience; yf>ung; beat of refereijces: a**cept ptisltlon anywhere: lialao’ y<»ur limit. h. Q. MARSH, care Savoy Theatre, San IMego, Cal._

MOTION PICTURE ARTISTS At LIbarty A6vcrtl*e«*at* artthwit fiiitlay. uafiar thIa

baadlat. art tabliabafi frm af ebart*.

PIANO PLAYERS At Llbmty AfiyariltaaMati withaat fiistlay. aafitr this

htkfilat. art tukliakad trm tf ebart*.

A-1 LADY PIANIST E.xpcriineicl all lino of or (hewir* work: sight rra.ler: will not play ahaie L.4DY PIANIST. 333 Mmiroe .si . Paducah. Ky.

A-1 PI.4NI.ST Would like stiadv poslll.m In (Irst- claai picture theatre: with oe without iwiiiotr* (or ehrwlr* preferrcD •n.-kri* Yo HAURISON OS TR.4NDE:K. 10 Niwlh .•Vcnnil. Hudson. N Y.

A-1 PI.4NTST Sight ri-*drr: iWmble y*ss. sli«-k or summer rewort preferml. C E’ BE-UR4, St Paris. Ofilo _

OPERATORS At LIbarty A6«eiil**ai*ats witbaut diatlay. aadar tbit

headiai. art tuMitba'7 fr^a af ebart*.

YOr.NG il.A.N —19, 5 ft. 16; 155 lb*.; watit* to Join reliable film company: had year’* rxperirvice In juvenile parts; write at once. BILL) MtEKTON, General Delivery, Dallaa, Texas.

AT LIBERTY—5f*r of ability: manaarr. rqierator. billposter, stage earpenter. etc.: no h ■iwr or chaser: best of references. BEN BNYDKU. 1220 Halsteil St.. Chicago Height*. 111._

A-1 GPE;R.4TtlR Eight year.’ exis-ri-ii'-e: any machine: married; strictly s«h-r and rellatile: Jwilon guaranteed. Addresa GE>1HGE: NKI.SGN, 7673 BayJli^St,. Brt-nham. Tex._

■am’TiPERATViR. En-EXTRItTlN AND ME.<T1'NIC —Any make machine; long expi’riincc soti.-r and re¬ liable; goo.1 rf<ikwces. Addriw* BE:N C, r,4S.4D, 326 R. Line, St. Man*. Ghlo

A 1 firaiAToK, ELEV-ntlCI AN .4 ND MEi H s Me —Any make nvaclilne; marrieil. sotier an.l r-ll*iilc; stale all In first letter CI.LI’DE: BK<S’K. Ii'7 St I.*wrenc« Are . Beloit. Wls

A-1 OIT-IRATGR -Any macldne: gti any place: salary reasimable; vrife. experienceil cashier Address H B KEI.l.Y. General Dellrrry, I.liindn, Neb

e:xpe;uien(’e;d mdtidn phtche; <h‘4R4T<ir —Want* position: vrill Im-ale nr travel. Address C. ). FRY. 8.3.3 W I2th St.. I)e* Molne*. la.

EXIT.RT nPE:RATI(K 14 years’ exfierience will acrept anything; sober: have Iransimeiatlnn. JAME:s

> ABEHi. Gmeval Delivery. St. I>wils, Mo

M P. fHeERATOR At liberty; ten year*’ expert• [ence: will go anyvrhere. Addreas B. DWYETR. 2'9 Jc'len Are.. Dubuque. I*.

,4. R KENNEDY lianlsl; six years’ experience vrilh phiures and atoi-k; reliable Adilrrsa Mrila Texas.

E:NGAf:EME:NT 4VANTED Bv a yisin* man pian¬ ist: moiiiig picture allow preferred. .M.4KT1N GGRNY. 3132 S Moraati St., i’hlcago. III_

EXPEKIENCED i'ACDEVILl.E PIANIST Ate 25 giasl reliable revi show preferml; slate rondlllnn ainl salao’ PIANIST. 616 .Nortli ls-*rla>ni. (Tih ago, III. (Tel. Superior 7468.1_

Ii.4DY n.LNI.sT Wishes positliai In picture Innise: 6 yeam’ experience; marrieil; husband .4-1 i-tarinellsl work joint or tingle; age 23. .iddr-ss 2iHi North Si . Jacksiai, Miss._

L.4DY PIANIST—Exiierienceil pli-tiirr and vaudr rille player: wants imslHisi; prefer ai-cisiipanvlng rinlln In small town: stale salary amt hours. PIANIST. Box 2.32. I-ewlsburg. Tenn

L4DV PI.4N1ST Elxiier'eni-eil all lliirs on-li.-sir* work: nonunion; sight reader: reasonable salary- MISS LGI'ISE; B.4IUD, Harrison ,4»e.. Ji-ffersomllle. Indiana. _

male: pianist a. r of M : ciwiuirienl. rdlabli experienceil In vaudiwllle. miisli-al i-onush, ph-iurr- locale or travel; Mn on wire PI.4\IST, HI5 ■soil St.. Iiogaiitport, Ind.

PIANIST See our Sisig Hints on page 12 T3 puhllsliers whose addrewsi-s are alvt-ii tio-n-tn will sis yiwi (irufcssliaial copies of anv new osig iiaiiiesl If you will write them on Ihi-aler Irilerheail* and iiiin Hon ttie; IHLLKGARD. _

IHAND n.4YE;R Wants rnaagcfiiisit with reyi , ntisleal cometly or plclure tuHisi-: slaht reader; thornsiglily experienceil; reliable: no Hi-kiS E’H4NCE!S L. CHAMPE;. E’alrfai lliSel. I>. troll. Mli-fi_

PIAND AND DHCMS Deslri-s (losIHisi In vainle vllle or picture house, experienceil and drjevidabte union men; drummer plays liells: pianist aim organ 1st. V. L. JCDSDN, Itoi 145. Bristol. Cnnn_

IRVING fi UING. Box 13.3. Washington C H . ■Piivie funny minstrel hcer,. playing vtudcsille

houses within 36 miles of ahewe citv

TiDV VIOLIN soloTst and chTr 4cte;r SINGE^R itpen foe rncagenienis In and near Chb ago pmfesslnnal and experienceil L.4rRErTT.4 H.lRNEI.L. 3H32 Soulhpi’ei .4ve . Chicago. Ill _

I.ADV Plais tMmIssie and bass stioplinne also giMMl dancer and talker: would like to join *1*1 «e ronipany_«’.4LB4'. l-adv Must Ian, Aumea. Minn

M.4I E GC iRTETITE: E-ipertemssI In esrrs n-^ieci best of apprartner: isenplete wsrdnSie b si V nfer fvices: pholiw on request JNO 11 MoRIllS, 223 Fjisi 4llili|le. Beliti. Wls_

'man and wife EAw m"l or rauilevilie •'.iw efiange strong for week up In all aria HoLI.IS A D.4Y. rare (Veil Keilev, Iliwwell. Ind

MAN AND WIET: Harmnnv .Inters an.l H isnto dancers l*i|y leads chorus man ilo-s small bits. Jew or Dalian HIIJ-V 4I4SKOTT. iTilctr>. Ill

”mE':RKII.L I’OMEJIY THRE’-E' an.l d*r cers: up In 11 real ai-ts ladv plavs piano. .Ii iss In .Lrkaiisas write: vtiiilevllle. mcl . tab two men nne ladv (>tievkl Irellvery. Camilen. .4rk ___

MI'|iII’.4I. TE;a4I Eight Inalnimeni*: diiii-e sing, magic: man. plavs parts: ladv. hit*, ages lo and 36 MOKKLS AND MORRIS. Crin I»el.. Tole.l.i,_ohlo _

panama can 41. Illusiratril**l'lo-ture 1.36 colornl gns Views, first-class i*ali-luni strrisipil. rxiiertem-eil. S44'E2ENEY. Clark. 4't _

~i’KOFESSOU "or D.4NCI’4<r \4ishes to lis-tir will, reliable romptny: vtii.lrsllle, burlesque or .4.-*.lcn.v *g Dani-lna .lo miMleni .lancing, age ti A-Mr.--- PIloF BROWN. 2186 E Norris St . PIdlad.’llJil*. Pmiisylvinl*_

SINGERS 411 the very latest siwig. are ll.'o' our Sisig Hints .wi |i*ge II If vou w'll wisie ''

various piibllaher*. whfise a.l.lrvsaes are also gt'rn h the same column, isi a hi-atrT li-tlerlieq.l. an.l m—■ Hisi THE IHI.LBOAHD. Hies will sen.l tsu pn4.s aliwial isqiles free of ^argr__ _

Solai Viol INIST Fis- sisdals partle*. ei. ' ' ■esa ED IIRIVKLIAN 3iHi 4V l|.3Hi s- . s

York (Tty

.HTIIENGTHEN Vofll AIT Eirst . la.i” (’tiapllii” lm»s-rsonalor; iqieii lo ban vau.lcsH ■ tri ig musl.-al dsneili persisiaMiv. .la.-. t’.IUn .4 H 1-4 PoIVTE;. 1 |•rl■sllgl S( . Wor.s-sier Mi

THE GREAT P04VERS A CO Lllii.l rea.I.-rs ami tlliislonlsla an ai-t of oiiallO .es-n for all ." ’• slisis A.blress THE GREAT P044E.RS. n.|il.l.r.

Illliiris _ _ ^

'traveling' Movie Men lvrite: m. siss-lal feature fills Ihe house every iilriil seisire no serrices now R R YOl’NG. Ilaaeti, N D

’ Tint h lilt Yli.K AND I NH VI I E RID» R Win b|.-v.-les an.l iiiili-y.-les. to bHn a *i»«l i-v'le a ' '“v will work sinale In vau.levllle C WIIITTlNilToA Hog 38. Spartanbiiri. S C

T440 NOVELTY JCGGLING AND IILLAMiNG .iCTH .4Iso .-t'ararii-r tn*i»-rsi»oairw'.i. 'hr artist, romeillaii: tdav • laiio oeeaii i-bange .s.- week: w.wk aids III AS ARAIo'l^^l D Will I*

LVANTE’.D hi trio r. flneil v.siii* ladi-- first*.-lass plablst ami ^gers: cafe, ihi-al^ or ‘D'* wqrk: ten years’ exiwrieitcr. Ave.. Chicago. Ill

PIANO ITiAYEni A-1 faker, cue (ilriiirfw: mislegi 'lances PIANO laiAYEK. 113 Mtdlsun St.. War reiisliiirg. M'>.

A.hl^esa 6217 S Pa'E

YOI’NG MAN lieslrrs |*« sinwit hys haiitimr «i!i*rr; flfMihle In H«»w| »'• • rr ftw •tiHifiT Wiifk niltljY YiM’Ml, '

rtilrigo. lil.

JUNE 19, 1915.

STAGE ASPIRANTS T..r followiBff tiSvartiMnitBU ax* from AnitU

«b* frankly diaclaim lonr capariance. Tbay will ba found willinc,

oblifinc and raaaonabla.

ACROBATS. At Llbarty AdirarllMniantt atHbanl dhalay. aadar tbia

ktadlnt, an aabllthad Iran al cbaraa.

\«»l N<« \\ 17. BiaMl iuum*uur . & 115 . sitl pniiMd«lil4i«i i^Ni«A«l*‘rt*il. lilAKLKS

K I ril. (Miitral lirlhtn, Ua«^

burlesque & MUSICAL COMEDY At AivartlMMtaU itoplaya naAaf tUlt

usadliit. art frsa •! charft.

\«d MA.N 17. i ft (li-slrvs M miteltsl i'oOM'kb uc burlrM^ur sh«m < Ural sp- twaraibtv. Il(tl«* «kp«r1«tM.*r Aililma NAT <*OlJ9 \i\N. _

\tt\ Mi MAN IP. 5 ft. 3. «iiuM Ulu to Ai>lii iuu< «; al of burIvwilM' iNrtupaio . gomt rUA*iit|iMi> I*' mail** a>«Mi <ii>ui««1aii HKll.M.tN H.tKNfc.?. iKi lUnsfil ?*t . MaUKu, M*ia»-

\iH Mi M.%N 32. wmUU like to >oAn burlrajur Iff miliMnl , gtMMl Ii4jm llttlr rKprflriMY. .t, >.411 «l mMY. IIK4»WN, 25.5 lAg.Mi Air, Jrr»r) iM>» S. J

DRAMATIC ARTISTS. At LIbany AdnrltMaMnU wHbonI diMMay, aadar thia

b*adlaa an aaMlabad traa a. abarfaL

till Mi M.%N -1., •silts piabitloit •Ub sUM’li. isuilratllr cr pkturv .Nioipatiy. •msU Irsds Slid Hisf*

g..«| o4ur.llsii. Til-Art f Yea. C. J BAK^Jt. iTth HI . faBo. m_

MOTION PICTURE ARTISTS At Llbarly AdanrtiaaBMata witbnut dtaplay. aadar tftla

baadlot. an aaMlalMd Iran a< aharta-

\)>l Mi U.1>Y In, S f1 J. 12a Iba.. >l«alir» rfi- aif<aw<ii alUi flim or »i<N-k naapanr, tnnia'nriuanl: hair Bhlllty anil laiiablr at Iraniliig. tirkra. li. U. riLK. Oaairrat l>rU>«ry, liirhflrid. Minn.

DK'.M! MAN Wania to )uln Him n.mpani, vlU amit pbiAo and daarrliKlun, aiaairur rsprrlriH'r ..d- drnt «' H .^.aV.Aiii;. Hox dia. Wlrhlla KalU. Tix

lOl'M. MAN 17. i ft. a. (laal iMirarani'r. B:<hra laialUuu with motloA ptrluTr matwid. alll ;<au at uiMnr MIKK J.At'KSai.N, la*-' Hiafiaiiaii •lir , At Joarfdl, Mo. 'Vol'NIi MAN- la. i n. 2. 12a Iba . aanta lo xdn Dim iiwuiaiiy. attrmpi any hlah-dlir or dancmnia latm al«u rutilunkH. and i^Hamly parta. KHllMo.xT Ki»SW. 17 Baatrr At . Kutland. Vt.

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS At A4>»fttws«U wItliMt tfli#la9a tAU '

Asatflat. m »«M1sIm4 ffM •! tliarts. I

A t AMATM it 4'Wlf«r nlaa-AllOCI . DISa-kTSiT. I rii'tr, «li»g In i|ttsn«(U. •urti tn stAs: le* ' bs»k PAI L SHI LKNHKKti^Ji. I'hlna lann^ ' Viftt. 4'smiitts j

WlATf l H t UPWN Agr 1*. J ft. 1. «snlii iiMil tioti •1th Itiit shiMi isr isutlt^Ulr tmupr, stMUP rApr- | n.tirr •lllltig wiiChrf Tlidlrt f Yrs. M* A. \K\% j TMV. ?*trtrti% I*i4lit. M'lr

AM \TKI K M»MKImTn Smom* »l7i5 rApTrlrti.v. Sir :m. 5 ft 5 Atklri'M l> 1. Ll\I.M^*«T«*.\. Nt« srk 1 siky N T.

ItttY 17. '• ft ’. «l«hr« to loin ▼su'kTtlk ; rtivnaSMY s* I'ViOM.tlsii TY.'A«t* Y'rs Will hdtt SI .MHT_UdlaUkK. .Hpsits. Tfiui.

TH<» YtM'Mi MKN Is. •siit piMliliNi •tih trs« r ii.g tsutMllk .'•n«s«. ur rir«u%. .'hsrsitrrx

H HKMPIIlUa. m W 15th At . KS4iMI«

— ' Mo Mi l..%l»Y Agr IS •siiU mgsgininit rllh

«S'iik«llk *11.Ri iiu «S)R4inM'r. gtaMl fol<*p. 5 ft 4. 115 |t>« rrlts'ik mstiAgrr« .kiU MIAA K PKKKY. 127 K M's*h St, Ki»rt Ws>nc. Iml

\<M Mi MAN |s. •snu HigsgiOMStl «tth vsipk- %ilk s«A lie tiurk«4|OP r««upsiiv. gi«Ml gniuii.l tumbkr, 5 ft 3 ii«st s(itN-«rsni'v KILWK 1M»UIN. f2 Ms 1 ••• 4ir a Hsnfofil, _

mT\ iv” 5 ft *. 145 !*».. wilt S'lihliig ftMMl I*h44«»! Yt« Aibtirr sti.l rrlls'4<. H

GULF COAST FAIR, MOBILE It •• from paar llli. I

|o- |> f..r a i:rrat fair arr llir iu<a«. |ip>inlalnK In- haa firr arm. Tlila fair will batr for It* !• rrltor* taml} Bar n.iinlira In Mtaalaalppl.

•Vlaliania ainl Kk.rlda ainl a nioat tlairoiiab i<r- aatilxatlidi to art-iirr I'l.a.iH'ratbin haa l»rru lu proKrTaa f.K’ tlim- naiiitlia. To auakrii an In Irrr.t In tlir a..rk of tin- M.ddir f'alr lla dinn t ora apiiroprlatnl $.‘>..*aai. to la- pat.l out In tbr illff-n-til <a>nntlra to rnahlr Ibrni to la-hl aniatl < Minti falra. uiil.b «lll a«-ii,| Ibrlr rxhibll to t .r \|..hl|r y'air to coiina tr for prrniliinia T* xn |n>'|>lr lnl■■^■a|r,| .-arly forl.a Bar iirat a|.a|N-r> • ••n- Hard lo raplalii llir offrr ami print tlir l'i>-iiiliiina TIh- rraiilt la that Bftr«-n laMintlra • air slrradi pr-nilar,! to bold atiiall falra. at '•■■bu tbr liiilf tN-aat fair arlll pay llir aicri

• ami bortlniltural prrniliinia. ami thi-aa- • oiini, rabllilta will rrmain In MoMIr for tltr

Wllilor aa llir l.aala of a land alaiw. athlrh will

»oow wlui.r alallora what tbr I'-Minlry alonii tbr linlf of la yiaal pT. .\a a rraiiH of

I la -Hiraiiliatb-Ii work aoinr of tlir amalirr car nlial coiiipanira will Bml aimir itiaal o|irnln(a 'liirliia ib iolar al thrar aniall falra.


Tin* dat«‘s 4if thr Ugh' i'ounty Fair, at

Ml . hsTp k'pn rtiaiigeil t‘» .Hd'|»triiiU'r s h* .0. Il'ls Iiii« ti» gi't awav fin* St4tt*

Vsir (latm. wbh'h ba\p N*pn <'liang*Nt liark Wi'rk.


I II#* FI«'>(1 F.iunty AKrlrulfiiml and Mtidianlral rtN»rgiiii||«a,| rr«'«*iitl]r ati#! starttMl

idatiM fair • fair tti t’harU's rlt> • Sinsdal att**n

M“ii will t#» a«*«*iiring PYlillilts fr#»ni M»p far'iirm an#! th#» fM-limbl rhlMr«*n. In which • l•i•arttll«*|ltR thf* iiU'mhima will l>r given.

Til*' araiMm «if 11*15 proinlM'H |«» l»r a Iniay «»im* In tlu* way of cdtuntj falm In l«iwa. TN» date An- nxMiM t'iiu'iita ,»f no |««Mi than ninety #>n*» have

niiidlr iMibllr. and there will d<>nhtleM« l»r a f«‘w iiinr** |.» r<>nie Into line. Tlilrti'en iNninth^s *^111 ham tw«i falra each, two eibiintlea will ImM Ihf^ each and llft.v nine noiiitlea will hohl #»ne.

Thf. \llanialiee iN.tintj Fair ARWH-latloii will Tn* oil the Miage twice thIa year. Hatea for the

ni«t slb#»w are Angn«t li> 15. Then In nisler t«> "iimnNlate the farniem an«| allow them t«*

n»ake | fnn fxididt «*f farm 4»r«Nlm*ta an agri*

enlfnral mIhiw* will l»e given Uct*»l»er 7 s. The fair asiMictatlon at IVlIa haa lieen re#ir

aanlreil «»n a new l»aala. ami everything la pr#>m

T li e Billboard 46

lalnx for a icraml. |Ciai,| ahow thin yrar Thr Wonian'a Fnlrratiil i'liil. Ima takru Irdd of thr p^>l■Mltton.

Thr fair date/ at .Mairrrn harr In-rn cliangril from thr Itrat wm-k In AiiKnnt. aa orixinally aii- loiim-ril, to July rj 1.',. Thia waa dour In orilrr to aci.iiiinoalatr ownrra of harmaa Inirai-a w1h>

plan to Bttrmt thr iiii-rttiiK at llnialia, w'bicb faiu thr Brat wrrk ill .Allltliat.

Tbr .Mlaaourl Vallry Tiiiira itlrra a bit of Kiaal advi-'i- to ■••Hintr fair iiiaiiaKrra wlirn it rilKKoata thr .irrd of Improving; tlir Kriirral ap- praranrr of thr aroiiiida liptwrrii iHiw ami fair

tln.r: that hiilldiiiica alioiild Im- rrpairni and painlnl; thr lawiw clraiird and ui-'Wr.l. tm-a

triiunir-i, tiowrr bmla iiiadr ami plaiitnl; and la- llrri'a that If all ti.rar thinua ami liiorr wrr»- at Irtidr.! to .'ar'? In thr araa-iii iiiatrad of walttliK. aa not a frw aaMH-latlona iki, until thr laat laia- aildr day tirforr -tartliix t>.r I'lraii-np. that It would lirip aniaxiDKiy In tlir irnirral ai-hriiir of



Thr third of thr annual rxUlhltlona In Prince Kuprri, II. c.. «‘an., will hr hrUi S- ptruitier 21, 22 and 23. l-aat yrar'a fair waa xery aucceaa- ful In aplte of thr srarral drprraahia cauaed hy thr war. Thrrr waa apppixiuiatrly 2.7iOu ex- hlhita, tbouKk the atormy weather preventeil many of the natlre huata arrlrlnK In time. In addition to the aplendid xricrtable apM-lmena

from the Lakelae and KItaumkalum Valleys, fi«im the (Jurea liiarlotte lalamla and Bylla I'oula, the aaaociatloo alao had an Intereatlnx mineral exhibit collected from .Vtlln. Haseltun, liranby. Hay. Stewart, etc. The flahery exhibit wax not aa (<>»l aa It should bare been. .\r- rancenieatt are helD( made to bare a demoo- atratloo of dylnc by an expert at the next fair. Mr. Blakeley, of Prince Rupert, wbo kas ackleml fanw- la California, may brine bis aeroplanr. Tbe Indian band competition for braaa bands comp-aied entirely of natirea is always a featnre of tbe erhibttloo. L. Bullock- Webster lx secretary of tbe fair aaaoctation.

Tbe datea of the BoooeTtUe County Pair and War Bonart Hound I'p, at Idaho Palls. Id., are set a little earlier this yrar than uanal—.Aueuat

23 27—but tbe cropa this sraaon are aereral wreka early alao. and It la bopeil that tbe weather will atlll be warm rmiayh to help thr nincr.«lofi men out. The usual nMind-up fea-

turea will be atafed. with sotnr new ones addeil. Running racea will also be a part of tbe pro-

yram. and ala.> a race between an auto and an aeroplane, u. W. Maimfrrn U secretary of tbe


The fox filler Fair, at .Appleton. Wla.. will

be held this year from S«-ptenilier 7 to B>. with a m-w reiitiire tn the way of a nl^ht fair. Twenty thousand tickets hair already hern sold, rml It Is e\|«e<-te.l that there wHI lie an attend¬ ance of iM-tween 2<>.*niii and Hll.isat each ilay.

The iirrniliim list has lieen reileeil tl r'intlHUit. haiini; he-n ralse.1 considerably In all deoxrt luents. The attractions will consist of Black ami White, t'orlell. and loH-ilon Brothers. Va rloiia coacesslons will al<s> t>e arranateil f«ir later. John M Balllel Is sn-retary.

-At Iron Mountain. Mich.. Ia«t week. It was decldeil to bold the fair on Septemtier l-V 16, 17 ami IM The w»rk of repalrinc tbe race track Is DOW In progress ami It Is tlie Inti-ntkm of the manaKenient t.i se.-ure some fast horses ami make racinit the leadlDK feature of the fair. The committee on attractions will try and se¬ cure a yooil camiitl to he Im-ate.] on tbe fair Kioumls durlna tbe week of the fair.

Supple. Ok . a t-'wn of ab-mt 6ini sou's, is makinj elxhorate preparstk ns for l!ie Tri-C<ainty farm Pnlm-ts y>hlhlt. which will take plnce on S<-pteniber s i| Inclusive. Nezotlatk-iis will s>»n

he nnik-r way for a ipssl .-amlxal cimipany to make the town ii|»--n the ilates. It is said lor Its sixe Supply Is the b.-st sIh-w town on i-arth. B Million Is chainiian of the Kx en¬ tire Committee.

J. C. Tune. se.-r«-tsry of tie Be.Iforil County fair .Ass-s-l itk-n. -if Shelb.vrille. Tenn . has an- muim-ecl that the fair will tie hekl this year

ftiim September 1 t-i .7. Inclnslre. The asso¬ ciation exiiects to hare the best fair of Its ex¬

istence ti ls year, are plsnntni; to -uien neso- tlatkms with an Aeroplane company ex hltdtion 6i.:hls. ami will also mintract for .dher attractions.

Arthur f. ottniann, secretary of the fall lllor Coiintr fair .Ass.iclatk'n. of Kdiccncnt. S. It , has nniKsiiii-e-t that the dates this rear have i>e«-n set for September S to Ht .All plans have md ts-en .-ompk-te.l. hut It 1« assured ther will Include h«-rs«' ractnir. auto races amt an aitrlciiltiiral llsplar.

A Wild West Show will be the blit feature of the Columbia Hirer Interstate fair at Van- ismrer, AA'ash., to he hekl Septemtier 6 to 12. The (ilrectora of the fair hare r.ite.1 t-i ciiar- sntee the show fH.inai. ami to m t aside about kf. inni for prixes for Wild West events.

The Guernsey Xohle fair, at S-necavHIe. O.. will he held this yi-ar from Septemtier 14 to 1”, Inrliislre. with racs-s on thrm* of tlie days. CoM miisie. free attractkuis am. other aniiisenients will fie In evldenee. II. M. Beyiiier Is secretary

of the fair association.

The .Aneta fair .Assis-latton. of .Aneta. X. •*.. will lie held this year on JuLr 2 and 3. W. 11.

Smith. s«-cretary. has anmuiiu-eil that Pick llarler baa Hve horses tralninc at the tn k. and that S. <*. Swenson Is tralnins two.

8.1 siiccessfiilly did the Butte C.siiity Sprins Kxhihttton. at Chloi. t al.. turn .uit diirlnit the

last wi-ek In Mav that It Is exfiected a rear’y event will be establlaheil. .AN>iit 12.iak» puld Mtnilsatons were totaleil diirlnc tlie fair.

The dlreetora of the Conmhia Pair, at Coliiin- hla. Kr., hare decide,! to hold a fair thia rear.

lexInnlnK .Aucn<t 17 and isintlniilnir for four daya. || \. Walker was ekvlml pn-aident and

J B. (iilTey. aecretary.

The td-wly foriiK-it Masonic Clitli. of Crba-ii

«>., plans a monster 4th of July i-elehratlon at the county fair aroiinda. the |ir>H-,-e,ls to c-i

towaril Bttinc np nuartera In the new Mas-mle Temple, now In priM-eaa of construction.

Malcolm .A fras,-r, aecretary of Northern .Artaonx fair of CresiNitl, has n'slune,! to ac i-ept a |s«alf|on with the Kl I'tso. Tex.. Chamher of Commerce, as secretary. It. X. Pnslerlcks

lx presl.lcnt of the fair nas,s-tatk>n.

Kwlny'a Xoiiave Band haa been emtacixl aa i feature attraction at tbe Ohki State Pair.

The Tenth .Annual fall Kiitertainnieut will be held In tjiiaker City. O., .Aiiaiist 26 2S. II. M.

Sinitb la aei-retary.

DIRECTORY (Contin-Md from page 41.)

Ricbanlaon Ball-Bearing Skate Co.. 154 E. Erie ■t., Chicago, Ill.

Union Hardware Co., Torrington, Conn.

SKEE-BALL. J. D. Exte Co., l.'>24 Saneiim it.. Philadeipble.

SLOT MACHINES. (Manufacturere and Dealers In.)

ItiaoKind Novelty Co., Schenectady, X. Y. National Vending Mach. Co., Mlnneapulla, .Minn. Uniteil A'entlinx Machine Co.. Cleveland, U.

SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. Exhibit Supply Co., 524 3. Dearborn it.. Clil-

cagu. Ill.

SNAKE DEALERS. .Armatrong Snake Co.. San Antonio. Tex. Brownsville Snake farm, B«>x 275, Brownsrllle,

Tet. W'. A. Snake King. Brownsrllle. Tex. W. O'Dell Learn, San Antonio. Tex.

SOLDER (Compound). Baxsanella k Co., 407 Eden. Baltimore, Md.

SONG BOOKS. Wm. W. Delaney, 117 Park Row, X. Y. City.

SONG BOOK PUBLISHERS. W. B. Ilubbs, 32 Union Square, New York City.

SONG SLIDES. (Ter niaatisted Boage)

Laemmle Film .Service. 204 Went L«ke it., Ckl- cige; Minneapolla, Omaha, Dea Moinea.


8IEGMAN & WEIL It 4 M CaM 27th tt.. New Yarh CMy.

SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. Singer Broe., 82 Bowery, New York City.

SPIRIT GUM. M. Stein Coemetic Co.. 120 W. 31et it., X. Y. C.

SPORTING GOODS. H. C. Eranx 4 Co., 75 W. Van Buren at.. diUgo. H. C. Hunt 4 Co.. IW X. Fifth are.. Chicago. Illlnoit Sporting Goode Co., 160 X. Fifth are..

Ckicago. lU. Kernan Mfg. Co., 115 S. Dearborn at., Ctiicago.

STAGE HARDWARE. J. R. Clancy. 1000 W. Belden are., Syracuae,

X. Y. A. W. Geratner Co.. 634 Eighth are., X. Y. C.


SIEGMAN A WEIL I* 4 36 Eaat 27th St.. Maw Yart City.

STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. Kliegl Broa.. 240 W. 50th at New York City.

STAGE SHOES. Xeely Broa., 720 W. .Madiaon at.. Ctilcago, III.

STEREOPTICONS. CTiaa. .M. Stebbtna. 10*28 Main at.. Kanaaa City.

STEREOPTICONS AND SLIDES. Moore-Hnbbell Co.. Maaonic Temple. Chicago.

STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. E. Block Mercantile Company, - 241-243 Market

at., San Franctaco, Cal. Berk Broa.. 54.3 Broadway. New York City. Brackman-Weller O.. 3^ Weat Madison at..

Chicago. III. Cue. Yonge 4 Co., 9o5 Lucas are.. St. Louie, Mo. E. M. Daria Soap CO.. ‘220-224 No. Desplalnea

at.. Chicago. Ill. M. Gerber. 727-29 South at.. Philadelphia, Pa. Goldberg Jewelry C\>., 816 Wyamkitte at.. Kan-

aaa City. Mo. Gordon 4 Morrison. 199-201 Eaat Madison at..

Chicago, III. Ed Hahn. S-'iS Weat Madison at., Chicago, III. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co.. 86 E. 10th at.. X.Y.C. James Kelley. 21 .Ann at.. New York City. Langrook Bros.. .35 Ormond Place. X. Y. City, {.erenthal 4 Wohi. 58 Orchard. New York Clt,r. I. erln Bros.. Terre Haute. Ind. Xerrman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland are.. Cleve¬

land. O. Pletce (Themlcal Co., Pierce RIdg., Chicago, III. U Relaa 4 Co.. .325 W. Madiaon at.. Chicago. Ill. Rudolph Bros., 19 X. 5th at., Philadelphia. Pa. Shapiro 4 Karr. .320 South at.. Philadelphia. Pa. V. Shiire 2-37 West Maillaon at.. Chicago. HI. Shryock Toild Co.. 824 Eighth at.. St. I.<inla. Mo. Singer Brothera. 82 Ik^wery. New York City. Snugdt Collar Button Co., Ymingatown. O. Samuel Weinhaua Co.. 722 Penn are.. PIttahnrg. Yankee Xorelty Co.. 94 E. 10th at.. X. Y. City.

STRIKING MACHINE MFRS. >f. W. Anaterhiirg, Homer. Mich. M«'re Bros.. Lapeer. MIcb. A. J. Smith .Mfg. Co., 3247 Van Buren at..

Chicago, III.

STRIKER MANUFACTURER. Herachell Spillman. North Tonawaoda. X. Y.

TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Piof. J. F Barber. 70ty Bniah at.. Detroit. Mich, frank Howard, ISl Court at.. Boaton. Maaa.

TENTS. American Tent k .Awning Co., .307 Washington

are.. North, .Minneapolis, Minn. .Atlanta Tent k .Awning On., .Atlanta. Ga. Baker k l»ekwi>od. Seventh and Wyandotte ata.,

Kansas City. Mo. George H. Dial k Son, Coinmbna. Ohio. George B. (7ar|>enter k Co.. Chicago. III. Cleveland Tent k .Awning Co.. Cleveland, O. Odumbua Tent k .Awning Co., Columbus, O. Camle-Goiidle CV>., .307 Delaware at.. Kanaaa

City, Mo. Dougherty Br-w.’ Tent Cx>., 168 South Main at..

St. Louis. Mo. Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills. New York. St.

I.<vula. New Orleans. .Atlanta and Dallas, Tex. J. C. Cows 4 Oo.. Detroit. Mich. Geo. T. Hoyt Co.. 52 S. Market at.. Boston. Maaa The Kunkely T. 4 A. Co.. 296 E. 157th at..X.Y.C. M. .Magee 4 Son. Inc.. 147 Fulton at.. X. Y. C. Murray 4 (>.. Inc., 625 W. F^ilton at.. Chicago, L. Nickerson Tent, Awning and Cover <3o., 173

State at.. Boaton. Mam. Thomson 4 Vandlreer. 816 Pearl at.. (Xocinnatl. Tucker I>nck 4 Rubber Co., Ft. Smith. Ark. r. S. T 4 A. Co.. '2*29 X. DespUlnes at.. Chicago.

TENT AND FLAG POLES. Boston Flag l*«le Co., 169 Broadway, Boston.

TENTS TO RENT. M. Magee 4 Son. Inc., 147 Fulton at.. X. Y. C. U. 3. T. k A. Co.. 22# X. Desplainea at., Chicago.

THEATER SUPPLIES. Lears' Theater supply Co., 509 Cheatuut at., St

Louis. Mo.

THEATER TICKETS. (Roll and Reserred Seat Coupon.)

Ansell Ticket Co.. 154 E. Erie at., Chicago, lU.

THEATRICAL COSTUMES. Eares’ luatunie Co.. 110 W. 4t!th »t.. X. Y. City. New York Costume Uo., 188 State at.. Chicago. Wolff.Purdiug to., 20 Elliot at.. BuMton. Mass.

THEATRICAL COSTUMES & WIGS. Chicago Costume Works, 143 North Dearborn at.

Chicago, 111.


Kallajian Expert. 817 Col. are.. Boston, Mam.

THEATRICAL ATTORNEYS. Perguaon k Guovluow, 10 L« Salle at., Chicago.

THEATRICAL TICKETS. The Trlmuunt Press, 87 Albany at.. Boston. Maas

TICKET CHOPPERS. H. V. Blight, Prospect Bldg., CTereland. 0. K. U. Langalow Co., Rochester, X. Y.

TICKET PRINTERS Ansell Ticket Co.. 154 E. Erie at, Chicago, UL Arena Ticket Co., 633 Plymouth Court. Chicagn. National Ticket Co.. lAamukin. Pa. G. U. 4 A. L. Xlchola, Inc., 545 Waahlagtm

at.. Lynn, Maaa. Royal Ticket Co.. Sbamokin, Pa. TTImount Press. 87 Albany at., Boston. Mass Weldon. Williama k IJck. ft. Smith. Ark.

TIGHTS. Walter G. Bretxffeld Co., 1360 Broadway, N.T.O.

SIEGMAN A WEIL 18 4 26 Cast 27tk M., Maw Yart Cttf.

TOY BALLOONS. Faultless Rubber Co., Ashland, O. Eagle Rutber Co., Ashland, O. Ed Hahn. 358 W. Madison at.. Chicago, Ill. A. H. Headier k Co., 1U61 Market at, 4aa

Francisco. Lloyd Martin, 1807 Young at., ClDcinnati. O. Masalllou Rubber Co.. Massillon. O. George A. Paturel, 470 fourth are., X. Y. City. Rudolph Bros., 18 X. 5th at.. Philadelphia. Pa X. Sbure to., 237 241 W. Madiaon at.. Cbicagu. Shryork-Todd Co.. 824 X. 8tb at., St. lionia. Ms. binger Bros.. 82 Bowery. New York City.

TRANSFORMERS. Thomas A. Edison, Inc., Orange, X. J.

TRICKS. MAGIC, ETC. Martiiika k Co., 493 Sixth are., X. Y. City. Voat k Co., 2-29 W. 42d at.. New York City.

TRUNKS. B. , B. k B. Trunk Co., 447 Wood at.. Plttabnrg. Herkert k .Meiael. 608 Wash. are.. St. Louta.M.r P. C. Murphy Trunk Co.. St. Ijouia. .Mo. W. H. Newton k ^••n. Cortland, X. V. Rose Trunk Co., .Ctebiaon. Kan. Syracuse Trunk Co.. 44 S. Salina at., Syracuaa.

X. Y. C. A. Taylor Trunk Works, 35 E. Randolph at-.

Chicago. 111. TURNSTILES.

(Registering and Coin-Coatrollad.) Amusement Sales to., 995 Woodward are., De¬

troit. Mich. H. V. Bright. Prospect Bldg.. Clereland. 0. R. H. Langslow Co., R-n-bester, X. Y.

UMBRELLAS. Frankford Bros.. 90*) filbert at.. Phlla.. Pa.

UNIFORMS & THEAT. COSTUMES. De.Moulin Broa. k (o.. Dept. 10. Gn-enrUle, IlL Harding Co.. 211 Tremont at.. Boaton. Mam. Kuaaell Uniform Co., 1660 Broadway. N. Y. C.

VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES. ' Ben Hobson, .ide W. 184th at.. New York (ity. Theo. Mack k Son, 621 S. Clinton at., Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. F. M. Barnes. 36 S. State at.. Chicago. Ill. Theo. Hamlin, MinneaiMHia. Minn. Jones. Llnick k Schaefer. 110 South State at,,

Chicago. III. Sullivan 4 Consldlne Circuit. New York City. United Rvaiking GiBces, 149.3 Brosvlway. X. Y. C. Western Vaudeville Managers' Aaan., Chicago.

- VAUDEVILLE (Mail Inatructiona). Frederic I.a Delie. Station G.. Jackson. Mich.

WATCHES. •Alter 4 Co., 165 West Madiaon at.. Chicago. lIL fUgg Watch Co., 165 Tremont at.. Boston. Maas. M. Gerber. 727-29 South at.. I'hlladeliibU. I'a. X. Sbure C3>.. 237 241 W. Madiaon at.. Chicago. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery. New York City. United Watch Co.. 5 Wabaeb are.. Chicago. Samuel Weinhaua Co., 722 Penn are., Pittahnrg.

WATCH MANUFACTURERS. Hiiip. Didlabelm k Bro.. 54 Maiden Iwne. New

York City.

WAX FIGURES AND MODELS. Elbert H. Roaciw. 413 W. St. Joaejih at., lana-

ing, Mich.

WHEELMEN’S CANDY. The Tooralne Confectionery Co., 251 Causeway,

Boaton. Mam. WIGS.

Carl Kettler Wig Co.. 58 W Washington -t.. Chicago. HI. _

Zauder Bros.. Inc., 113 W. 4.8th at.. N. Y. C.


Carl Hagenbe<'k. C .A. Stephan. .American AgL. Zoo. Cincinnati.

Louis Ruhe. '248 Grand at.. Sew York City.

WILD WEST COSTUMES. Chaa. P. Shipley, Kanma City, Mo.

XYLOPHONES. J. C. Deagan. Berteau and K. Rarenawood Par#

are,. Chicago. III.




JUNE 19, 1915.

ir •


Under Lasky Banner

International Star Will Appear

in Series of Photodramatic


N.** York, Juno 9.—Ixiu Tollegon. tile Inter-

nationm ruuiantic Ktar, who made hi« firat j

Anierlean a|i|>earan<*e ax leading man for Mme. ^

Sarah B<'mhardt duriiiK her laxt tour, haa en- ^

tereil iuto a oxuitraot with the I-aaky Feature

Play Compaii.v by the term* of which be blnda

blniHelf to apiiear In a aerlea of photo-dramatic

offerlnits to be protiuoed by thia concern.

Mr. Telleiten, who haa never before apiieared

on the »or»‘en. decided after a moat i-areful

Kurvey of the altuatlon that tlie I-Jlaky ('ompany

waa the <ine oritaiiltatlon with which he could

lamaent to ally himaelf. The terma of the con¬

tract between Mr. Telleiten and the I.aaky

Company are of. auch a nature that the dla-

tlnKulalieil artlat will be aeen hereafter ex-

elualvely In Ijiaky prwluctlooa. it beinit. never-

tbeUaui, uialeratoiMl that Mr. Telleicen'a legiti¬

mate eniin.Kemeiita are ia>t to be interfereil

with unduly by the time devoteil to pboto-

dramatlc poainc.

Mr. Telleiten will make hla tlrat apiiearance

before the I.aaky camera In Hollyw<aal. Cal.,

tbia summer, and will devote a protracteil period

to thIa work. The playa In which he will ap¬

iiear aiHl the ndea which he will enact will be

definitely aeleeteil within the next few days and

formally announced.


New York. June 10.—The great number of

admirera of Betty Nanaen will shortly be af-

fonled ail unusual treat by seeing thia promi¬

nent star of Kuroiie'a galaxy in a master work

pnalui-eil by the iJreat Northern Film Company,

110 \V. FVirtleth street.

This la a moat elaborate pictnrizatlon of the

drama, entitbsl \ Revolutionary Weildlng. by

the fanoiiis Ilaniah author. Sophns Michaelis.

wbleh. under the title. \ Son of the People,

had a long and auceeaaful run at the New

Tle-s'er. New York.

Critics, at the time, praised ver.v highl.v the

author's selection of an Interesting variant of

^ the ordinary drama of the French Revolution,

with Its eondenination of aristocrats and Its

eeiiiratlon of true, loving hearts.

With the superb acting of Betty Nansen, as

.Maine ile I.’l^toile. and Valdeniar Pailander,

the monarch of the silent drama, as Marc

.^rron. the rich and beautiful settings of the

Oreat Northern Film Company, thia production

should meet with great success wherever shown.


Word conies fr-m the American Film Mfg. Co.

studios at Santa Barbara that the vivacious

Helen Rosaon liSii j<dned the American forces.

.Mthougb only seventeen years of age she con¬

vinced the Aiiiericaii directors In her first pic¬

ture that she is a ls>rn actress. Miss Besson

has played many Juvenile parts in legitimate

siici'esseg and lias already gained an enviable

screen reputation.


New York, June IW.—Harry .Myers, l•ome«ly

director of the I'niversal Film Company. Iwated

at the Coytesvllle studio, received a rather

pathetic letter recently from one of the soldiers

in the Allies trenches In Belgium, asking him

to forward some of his come<ly pictures. Mr.

Myera turned the letter over to Mr. Carl

Laemmle, p.'^sident of the I'niversal Company,

with the result that a cablegram was sent to

the London Exchange, ordering them to supply

all such films gratis. .k Power's projecting

machine was pnsiired. and now. when the first

line men are relleveil and are marched to

the rear for the customary thre«- days' rest, the

monotony is r«‘llev«sl by tliese pictures, ami

Mr. Myers will, ik> doubt, receive an exiin-sslon

of gratitude in the near future for the Interest

he has shown in the matter.


New York. June 10.—Victor M<s>re Is to lie

the star of Chlminle Faddeu. which is to b«- re

leased In picture form by the Igisky Feature

Play Co. on June 'Jb. and which will umloiibteill.v

In- oiie of the most immirtant (s-mcdy piSNluC-

tloiis ever offered in this o-untry.

Chiinmie Faddeii was created nearly a ipiar

t*r cf a lentury ago by E. W. T-wii^tnl. now


Alee B. Franda la a widely knosm film player. He la with the World Film Corpnratliai.

a iiietiilH-r of the I'nitcd States Congres- fruu

.New Jcrs«-y. .Mr. 'IViwiisend was then on the

staff of The New York Sun. ami from time to

time wrof* aketclies for that pa|>er isuKeriiing

tl.e dee's ami evpbilts of "Chliiimle." a char

RCler wlsdly iiiiagliiary hiil so true to life that

many efiorts were made to Identify hiiii as

‘lie of the aclusi Bowery ls>,ts of that dai

These skeli'liea were the fmindatloii of a lH>..k

that s‘dd into linmlrcda of tlr‘iiaanda .if mailes

a phenomenal reisinl In tlsHW- days—ami a play

wiilch was presented many tlsiiisaiida of times

Vlct ir M<sire first playnl "Chlmuile" when

he was a rneiiilM-r of a st<N-k is iiipauy In New

ark. The .-haract -r fits him like a glove, as the

saying Is. and tiir lasky C<iui|>an.v has uiaiU-

the most cMrenie efforts to make the pnaincth n

ue re than lest a comedy picture -a verltahl.-

picture of the old Bowery aud tlie tyiies which

Ilia le It famous.

Camille .\stor. a new recruit to tlie Igsky

forcea. haa the diatluctlon of playing tlie roV

of the French maid, wlsim "Chlmmle" calle.l

"The ItiiclieMi.'* The production haa been nuKle

under the |iersonal dlrecthm of Cecil B. l*e




The I'niversal haa ctimpleteil the foumlatious

of a spleiiilld sBHie isait olBi-e at I'nlveraal City,

t al., whicli will be turned over to I'ocle Sam

upon Its .simidetloo. Poatmaster l-Veilerlck

ikmaghy, wls, was appolntisl by tbe Fisleral

autliorllles re«-ently to bamlle tbe great v,dume

of business at the only awivliig picture munic

pallty In tbe w«wld. Is now ftn-mally

Insialbsl lu bis ti-misimry post ofil.e.

.Mr. ibiiia.hy is also keeping an eye ou

the construction of the m-w lust office. M

IkNiagliy iH>w baudb-a, on an average, Bte

llsHisand pliN-ea of mail a da,v. Mr. Ikmagby I*

asslsteil by C. li. l.ow, i>ost offl.-e Insiiei tor lor

tile las* .tiigebw dlatrlct.

The issit offl<-e being ere<-tc«l at I'nlve sal

City will be preseiiteil to the Feib-ral Isisl olb.-e

authorities arouml Chrlstniaa lluie. when me

volume of mall arriving lu I'niversal City sill

niidoilbte<ll} reach the huge total of

seimrale idei-i-s a day. The pr»*seot ,»ffl‘-e Is

overcrsisdeil ami la m>w tieliig given a ttsin-iigh

overhauling In order to provide ailmiuate a-

'sHiiniiNlathins ftw tlie exisslltlous haD«llliig "f

the mall.

Mr. liiHiaghy Is aeslstrsl in ‘Icllverliig hl« null

h) two I'nlviTsal City ivstmen Piese car. • •

make their nmmis In a little runatsmt th-‘*e

times a day. Nevertheless, there Is wav-elj a

minute of the day-that some I'Tor, actress or

other eiiiiiIoy**e of the big movie town W md

at the little |sait offli-e wlmlo* imtulrliig 'or

mall. Itei-ently, as a >die. tl*e a.s. men

plseteresl JuuiImi, tile first U,rn elephant m

Cnlvi-isal City, sltli ‘‘aiK-eled isntage Staiuie.

and r‘s|iiested Mr. Ismaghy t‘» semi the elephai’l

by parcs'l tsmt to J‘n- Brandt. In Nes iorL

Honaghy, sho formerly sss deputy sheriff !ii

law Angeles. |<sike<l tile baby eleptiaiit over a“l

threatened arrests t*tr a vlolatlmi of the p-s al


In Wild Olive, featuring Mvrtle Stedman and Forrist Stanley, Scene III l^arry O'N'i^l. Oeiithman. Ihe Cnhrrsal pmgri


Wm Supply Frtah Ea$tman Negative. Highett Grade Stock and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed. PRICES. REFERENCES AND FACTORY DESCRIPTION SENT RV REQUEST.


LADY MACKENZIE I <'•>.. In itrolurtiuDs he will tppenr a» I the I.aHkj atudlo 1% lIollywiXMl (juHt outside o{ I eeireil on this remarkable emotional actress, the - inaM'iiline lead for an iiideHnlte period of time. Ijm AiiKeles) for a |>eriod of eight weeks, and it release slhmld prove a most popular one.

Hunting Films—First Showing at Ly- Holding, although ^oung in years, has had is now offlcialljr announced that the flrst vehicle On July IP the first proiliiction of the newly- caum to Big Housa l'*'! > distlgnlshe<| career as an a<'tor. and has ^ for her use will be a dramatic version of Car- formed ljuaiity Pictures Corporation will be

- "on signal succes.. Isith In England and the men. seen on the Metro roster, ljuaiity pictures con- \ ■» tt>rk. June i*.—The lady Mackenale Cnlteit States In a numls-r of uieiiiorabie r»dee. Ce<-ll It. I»e .Mllle. director general of the tain the prominent scre«-n star. Francis X.

Ilniittiig Films had their very Brat showing to tl,.. prominent stars for whom, at va- I.asky Company, will himself take full charge Bushman, supportetl by Marguerite Snow, and I e.« or public at the Lyceum on Momtay night, rlous times, be has ts^n the leading support of tlie F'arrar pnsluctions and has. as a matter an all select cast, and the llrst pr<sluction. now

I he house was a<dd out long before M .K). the Kendall. Sir M. Beerbohin of fact, been making preparations fi>r Carmen In its Snal stages, will be Charles F'rohman'a

tune set for the showing, and It was evident Tree. Ite<gge .klexainler and B*lward Terry. For ever since the day the contract with Miss Farrar former stage play. The Sei'ond in Command, feoii tile apl>earance of the gathering that the several seasons be ap|>eansl at the Duke of was signetl. which Mr. Bushman perwmally selectnl for uew« of the en-elleiM'e ami unh|iie i|uallty of York's Tlieater. In ls>n<K>u, umler the manage j It will be remembered that Miss Farrar's Initial release from forty available plays.

I ,.-»e lilms had gsme bfs>adcaat. meni of Charles FTohman. | greatest suis-esa of the last season at the In addition to Bushman and Miss Snow the T..e> are woinlerful pictures. It was the gen- Holtllng Is prlnc||>ally known In this coun- Met^>p<dilan 0|>era House was in Carmen. It cast of TTie Second In Command will contain

»rsl 'plnlon of the U'use that neither huntress however, tbr<Migh hU unforgettable char- is thereP>re particularly appropriate that Miss Messrs. Cllfforil and Cuneo ami Misses Dunbar I-r aiuerinian displayed nerve. If they had acteriaatlon of the title role of Ben Hiir, In Farrar should make her Brat appearance on the and Moore aii> nerves at all they couldn t have taken the wrhich produetton he ap|>enred for Klaw A Er screen In this same role, which Is fortunately re- The Board of Directors of the Metro Com-

plctun-s. langer, during the greater part of its pliennm- plete with the finest opportunities for dramatic pany are undecided as to the fourth July re- Ttie plcfirea of wild animal life Imrtlieest anally l« Mr. Holding's m'wt recent action ami elabi>rate production effects. lease, but in all probability It will be Oeorge

sii-l wlhlelieest. telwa and elephant, giraffe ami stage engagement covered a perlo.1 of thirty- Miss Farrar started on her trip from tlie Jer Ade's great Southern play, Marsa Covington, in aiitelo<ie, ami their arch enemy. King l-eo—are eight wo-ks with Elsa Kyan. In Peg o' My sey City station af the Is-higb Valley Railptad which Edward Connelly, original star of the sh‘>nD as they live close up and so Intimately Heart. at 11:30 Monday morning. The prima 'hmna stage veralon, will play the title role. & n-i other pictures have shown them. But It Altliough. like the majorit.v of the cast in The and her party occupie<l the private Pullman car For August another strong quartet of plays Is md the mere animal life that furnishes the Kternal City, this subje^-t provided Mr. Holding "Superb.” .\ccompanying her were her father and stars are aligned. Ethel Barrymore will |..rills of the pictures. The thrill comes when «|t|, screen nde. he manifeatnl such an ami mother, .Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Farrar: Morris pUy In her present stage starring vehicle. The

<'De Be»j a wsHimled lion auildenly straighten extraorilinary aptitude for effective pantomime CJest. her personal manager, and Mrs. (lest: ithaiiow. Emmet Corrigan, the virile .Vmerican l.ts isiursinga and bound with unbelievable s|>ee<l ,nd p isseseeil such aa attractive s<Teen presence Mrs. David Belasco. Frank Connors. James Sul- actor, will appear In Frank L. Packard's tale, straight at the two hunters, brushing tlie woman t| Famous Players deem his exclusive livan ami Wm. Page. Greater Give Hath No .Man. .\nn MurilockI sekle aa he speeds after the Tnan. wb^i turns | ,„|.v|ce« a valuable aciiuisition to his a<-tlng —-- - will be seen in Prohman's \ Royal Family, and

in uselewi flight, one has heard of the speeil of METRO PROGRESSING RAPIDLY I Etimnml Breese will api>ear In bis second Robert a w.Minde<l |l.«n. This thing bap|>ens like a flash H.d ling's next apiiearance before the - w Service tale. The Spell of the Yukon. of llgot. (ine moment the animal Is lashing camera will be in an opjswite nde to one of the New York. June 10.—That the directors of The following pnuntnent stars are permanent anoin.1 In linh-dslon: the next he has startril. Ttmims Players' feminine stars, more pnvbsbly the Metro Pictures Corporation are fully aware pnsiaesslons of the Metro Company and Its allien, and In a breath, almost, is leaping at his varguerite Clark or Haiel Dawn. of the Imiwrtance of maintaining the standard and will. In the future, appear exclusively on

the Metro Program: Almost In the same fashion a rhlms^r.* and.s.aaaaasssssssshSSRShShSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Emily Stevehs. William Faversbam. Jane

mate are caught by tie camera a* they catch .. J.dmson, Ethel Barrvmore and Olive of tlwlr t.wmentors. ami decble b. charge. ,, Ww-,.,e«^rhl A R r\r> '1*1 IT' llfT-l-ir t W.vndham. with B. A. Rolfe.

It. I.rtl ult to believe that a rhiDoceros can out- o EDITORIAL OF THE WEEK t Mme. Petrova. Florence Ree.1. EdmumI Breede run a Isu^- IMUclt. that la. unless one sees o ♦ Corrigan, with Popular Pla.vs and him .l-.lng It. T ds one charges straight ahead " VI-'W I P'avers au.I'l. I^.ug|.| t,. his ki.e.w by a shot from I.ady K>TKKPKISK ♦ t tv. .s , , vr

, . . . * . A w. IFnim N>w Yurtt s*inl T MunUx'lt. Di>rotb.T I>i»nn**llT ami J. MucigeiiiU-a f'*ini|>atil«in. He atrufsleft to bU .k irToni iTie .-xrw idtk :Mjnj 4 » a. * %f * * * , _-a n * . * . V . I Johnston. Metn* stam at large, srhlle Jane

t aiiil i»«*r««*T<'reiR but ia br«uiKht l«>w alrD*>«t o T /'* . m ii< t t i n a » U tiH- Instant by a shot from the rtfle .of thu <> There have Iteen many indications in recent months that Govern- 1 «"''ryiiior.\

fi .'.ries. ne.teni Diana. o ment has heRiin to Sense the cominR change and to feel that the time is ? "nterTais** ' * ** ** Msck iixl-'s safari eta.reil over a nemth arriving to ask the business man what he wants and to try to Rive it I 'Q„siity pictures' stars are Francis X Bnsh-

ai ,,.d the Marsabii desert In onw to ,, ^im; that the time has Rone by for Government to take the position 4 Marguerite Snow. of wismi win!

site tie . anieraman every <p|s>rtunlt.T to select^ <i toward the business man that it proposes to tell him what he is ROinR T 1„ the future, for a long term of .rear*, appear

* 1*1. * *1 ^h"*.***^'*^ ",** !! to Ret. SiRns are multiplyinR that politics has beRun to understand I solely in Metro reieas.'s.

Ill Tm*! T* .*i’^ there is no salvation for the tribe of ortlceholders i Among the to be seen with th.-se stars

t - m-t v«ri.-i and rngnuising views of the In Country Rets back to work. beRinninR with the real workinRman who I ‘‘7'’

tn.-,!.- life of t;.e East .vfrican ai.wigli.e were o has been RetttnR out of employment of Governmental antaR- X ‘‘’p ^ Tr" n /r'’

(■•►■en o onlsm. the man who makes the work and provides it fi>r the workinR- T , n k . ' i*" .7' *»" ^ ^ o ... ♦ Midonna. Barbara Frietchle, an.l .dher famous

I.a.l.v Mackeiixie came In to sit in a fl- wer- 7 .man so called. 1 boivks and plays

I-Iiilv.wrmi u.\ during the i>crf<Tiiitn<-e. ami wa. I f^l- gg the war ROes it is furnishinR the opportunity for new t Joseph N. Engel, treasurer of Metro, and

r'.i'MT with* lin.'^nd T 1***1*^ *• »*h 1 enterprise. For proof of this in one direction consult the reports of the I one of the directing heads of the Popular Piaya

eiTe^^t .f t e'excellent iini'je. Hon'"wa's gregtl.r ♦ Pan-American conference last week in WashinRton. The war is also ♦ ■"'l Pl^yera. is in direct conknninication with etg.iteii,..i ♦ providinR the means for the prosecution of new enterprise. For proof i famous operatic star. Mary (fanlen. with daiiv luipers remark especialiv the fea I of this Consult the foreiRn exchanRe market, the movement of Rold I *'“* ^ ^ 'j* '7

-re ,f the charging lion. Ti.ey all mdice that i into the country and the facts of the domestic bankinR position. Re- ♦

laid. Mackenale sMnds lorfectly still a. the ♦ sponslhilitv Roes with the opportunity and the means, but American I ,he temperamental blpls to'appear

II n fiB-iih* bnwbinc her ••Me ami wn- T Hnance and business are ready to assume it if politics has learned the i for seven weekv in the •peeta.nUr pn*.iuptb*n.

Iiuiu tie rbvve rteein* <'«Hnpanl<>n. The I hard lesson which the war has taURht, that too much Crovernment re- T 0i>ntempl«te<1 of rhu hUtorlcal maeterplere. rce, -emxrks: "To staml perfectly .till while ^ ^,riction Is had for trade. I If sucesaful. work will begin August l.%. and « U-m charge.. .. . measure of safety, t. ♦ J November.

. -net dog „ ^meml^r. • t ♦ g g g g g g g g g g « a a g g g g g g g g g g g g g a g g g g g a a g a a g g g a a a a a g g g t g g B«rb«ra Frietchle will be stage,! at Frederick. ..umlrsl neml-r. of the Cam,.Are Club. ♦♦♦»••••• f g t f ♦ g g • g g g g •• g •••••• t t t t t t t B t g gg ^

1 •. «. rid S m.., „cl.«lve big game hunting or. _ _ , number of State historian..

Hunting Filmg—Firat Showing at Ly¬ ceum to Big House

a n'Mindr<l ll.m. This thing liap|>ens like a flash

of llgiit. one moment the animal Is lashing


.XIiu"St In the aame fashion a rhlnoceroa and

mate are caught by tie eamrra as they catch

s abt ’•( tlieir bwroentors, an.! decble to charge.

It > liitl-'ull to b<-lieve that a rhlnocema ran out¬

run a Imo-s*' PIflIoilt. tliat Is. unless one sees

him d'dnw It. T'ds one charges straight ahead

and'Is idV'Ught t.i bis kiie,* ty a shot from lady

Ms. keiisb 's i-mipanlon. He struggles to bis

r<-< I ami iierM-vcres but la brought hoar almost

<11 IIh- Instant hy a shot from the rifle .of thU

fi .vriess nesleni Diana.

I.aitv Mack -iisl-'s safari eta.veil over a m->ntb

at ••lie |s»d III the Marsabii desert In onler to

sivs the < anirrxman every «plsirtiinlty to select

hi« «iilij«-i-i*. That tliey were well B»‘leete>l was

• 'h'en.-ed b.v the exclamstlons of the tensely

iish* siidleiice In addition to the animal life,

t - III «t varii'l mill engrossing views of the In-

t nolle life of the East .Vfrican alstrlgliie were

ris-e n

laily Mackeiixie eame in to sit in a Ih wer-

eiiils.sereil Isix during the i>erforiiiaiii-e. ami wa.

ai pismirsi to t 'e eeh,>. Tlie stage was s.< ar

r.iige,! witb palms and tropical plants thst the

effe. t ..f t e exeelh-nt projei thm Was grt-atl.V


Toe dally iiapers remark especially the fea ,f the rharglng lion. Tliey ail notice that

I-sdv Mackenale stands [lerfeetly still as the

li n fla.'ie* past, brushing her ashle ami con-

tliiiiiiir the elixse of her fleeing isunpanion. The

'I fie. -emxrk*: "To stami perfectly still while

a Ih-n charges, as a measure of safety. Is

•■siiet'dog to remeniher.”

• •lie liiimlr .1 ne-mtiers of the ramiiflre riiib.

1 norld'. misit exelusive big game bunting or-

-ayiilvat<->n. attemle<l the flrst performance.



There have l>een many indications in recent months that Govern¬

ment has lieRiin to Sense the cominR chanRe and to feel that the time is

arrivinR to ask the business man what he wants and to try to Rive it

to him; that the time has Rone by for Government to take the position

toward the business man that it proposes to tell him what he is RoinR

to Ret. SlRns are multiplyinR that politics has beRun to understand

that there is no salvation for the tribe of ortlceholders unle.^s.the

country Rets hack to work. beRinninR with the real workinRman who

has been RettinR out of employment because of Governmental antaR-

onlsm. the man who makes the work and provides it for the worklnR-

. man so called.

So far as the war Roes it is furnishinR the opportunity for new

enterprise. For proof of this in one direction consult the reports of the

Pan-.\merican conference last week in WashinRton. The war is also

providinR the means for the prosecution of new enterprise. For proof

of this ciinsuU the foreiRn exchanRe market, the movement of Rold

into the country and the facts of the domestic bankinR position. Re¬

sponsibility Roes with the opportunity and the means, but American

llnance and business are ready to assume It if politics has learned the

hard lesson which the war has tauRht, that too much Government re¬

striction is had for trade.

“FLYING A” SIDELIGHTS I ef quality of pnidnctioo thnxigbiwit tbe hot - mouths Is amply proven by the anuouncement

Eugenic Fiinle. Gittle i'lrkfuril and Ge<<rge that during the months of June, July and

I’erliilst. who are apiieariiig In The Diamond .August the Metro Program will attain Its bigh-


New York. June 10.—Tbe complete cast of The Hamid IxH-kwocri who acred a big hit In '-’"'•"d a rousing reception irhen eat form. complete cast or me

1 .. line „f the'Mask. Is cast for the leading kn-ive,! at the Ph-toplayers' Dinner, at Metro pictures, during the seven weeks of Arab. In which Edgar Selyn makes his debut as

r In th# rominf Amerlran fettiirv The Fml Lerey *. Anffelee. The trip wa* made In it* relea*ing activltle*. hare achleTeil remark- • La^kJ includea. in addltMn t»> Mr. Sel

. r the Tad^T fltm T.Uptatt<<n r-*-*"* sble result. General Manager Richard A Row- ^yn. Mrs. Theodore Roberts. H. B. Carpenter

|s iii>e||y's famous play. May Allison will play * ••■'’’•d Gs-kwissl. Flying A star, wrenche.1 land, speaking for the eighteen participating 'illton Brown. Billy Elmer. Sydney Dean. Park |s iii>e||y's famoua play. Mar Allison will play * ••■'’’•d Gs-kwissl. Flying A star, wrenche.1 land, speaking for the eighteen participating 'illton Brown. Billy Elmer. Sydney Dean. Park

.:.|.Mite Ia>rkwn<Hl. aaslste.! by a ape<'ial cast. ankle while staging a thrilling fall down a exchangemen who control the destinies of the ■“'! Raymond Hatton. The only feminine

Mr Gs-kworsl has contracteil to appear excin. f.ountaln side. The scene was being taken for concern, anmninced In a form letter to his among the leading rharacters Is entruste.1 t.

y henceforth In American pictures. • coming four-reel drama, rarions distributing branches that business In Robertson, who appears as the daughter

_____ The House of a Thonsand Scandals la the every territory was satisfactory, an.l the volume ***' missionary.

PPP-. rsein«mu XAfixu aa a ***'^ a coming P>ur part American feature. ,h>ne from week to week on an average was

OOBSUN WITH M.-B. K („ nimored that two of tbe .American stars greater than was anticipated when the coo-I TROUBLE AHEAD FOR ELOPERS

I r.-.! ISdssm. ,me of the oldest an.1 best k.mwn I'!*""' Announce.nent oern openci two month, ago.

successes, appears b> great advantage In .V

IVal In Dlamomls. intixslnclng the Program, but to our surprise we This Is a great secret. s.> we w.>n't

are '»n velvet.’ Of coarse, our overhead expense reveal the names. Ilowexer. all their fell ‘w

... me. In -the business ha. b.«en engaged ’'‘'“''i have been content." said Mr. Two of the "Flying A" stars, wh.sw names

at ti.e Momsco IVwworth studio. "Ih*” Rowlan,l. "to shoulder some slight lows, while hnown In every hou«-hold. are planning

h. G p„ul.rly known, .tartcl with the motion •' Infxslnclng the Program, but to our surprise we ‘ Th.r fll'i",' pi' lure Industry In ImRH with the Blogranh and *'*"* *" * *■"*•'"'**■ are '»n velvet.’ Of coarse, our overhead expense T*"ki the names. Il« wexer. all their f P«l ..ver Mg thing. f!w this cmcern •'"«>«’ Amer ,, , minimum: nevertheU-.., we are now ‘now all about their plans, and have «-sMy the sensational fllml.atton of the New H was written by Be.tri..e Van. an airange.! a ‘"r ‘7 \ wi. fl ..... s . American *tar. km* wh^n th^y make the break. Tlieir plan* leaked • 'trk %iiiiwBT whlf*h wmb twinfbKksi hv m Angv^isi v ptit Q*« anti we owe our aiiece** to notnina out * » II Ic at the time In The^clentlflc Vme^Man "»«ht rehirn „eellent quality of pictures given us by o"* ♦“la way: Irving Cummings, the hero In

H.' slw. pixsluce,! single hande!l that Company’. *'"■ •••*•* *" * *7!. "O'- Pr<xtu<’init Tv'm the sky. happene-t M over, spectacle -^e San Vlsncl.s. «. **• t»^i»<’'«F a favorite. She was acc^e.l a beginning “ear the l.xvers making their plans and Irr.

'«. I xs tl^fllm ;xtT.1.g.nsg llunpt, Dump.V "•‘'''"'t reception, hut declared that she pre- ^ kept the secret-md. and now as old Mammy llln^extrav.g,n.g^.m.pty Dnmpty ,„„r other well- »'<“roln. the white haired <s<lore,l who

One Woman's Way I. a splendid single Amer- minimum- neverthelt-ss we are now P'gT'ra know all about their plans, and have

lean drama. It was written by Beatri.d> Van. an thought'it w.mid require a rear to «rrange,l a very exciting time bn- the cMio-rs

American star. nothing but ’rhen they make the break. Tieir plans leak^

Vivian Rich re.xntly made a one night relurn „eellent qualltv of pictures given us bv o"* *" ♦»>'• *gy: Irving Cummings, the hero In

to the legitimate stage, tn a part In which she prwluclng allies " The Diamond Fr.>m the Skv. happene,! to over-

ws, formerly a favorite. She was accorded a beginning •''*r the l.xvers making their plans and Irv.


Obtain Excluflivs Servicflfl of Thom*# Holding

^ "X 3,>rk. Julie U. Tlsmiss HoMIng. wliose

■ ■ ' ’ km>wn plays, with sbs<»Iute Broadway stars In

ON HER WAY TO LASKY STUDIOS the leading roles. IVondhy Donnelly and J. W.

Johnston In Sealdl Valley will he seen June

New York. June !». Geraldine Farrar, tbe L’S. while during July these four pla.vs will be

world's greatest o|s-ratic star, left New Y"rk sent forth over tbe Metn> route,

last Moiidav on her sm-clal car. siirroiinde ] by July .’i. William Faversbam, In Sir Glll>ert N "x l.irk, June l>. Tlsmiss HoMIng. wliose last Monday on her a|H>clal car, siirroiinde 1 by July William Faversbam, In Sir GllWrl

ii’ii'-ii.x’lv «lg'.rolls, svnitiathellc and spprot>rlafe an rlalsTSte entourage of insiisgers and at- Parker's The Right of Way. July 12. Mme

I-rirmal of Davl.i K.iaal, the loxer of IXonna tendaiita Petri'va. in Clyde Fitch's The Girl With the I Just completed their studios In Flushing. I.. I.

•> IS In Thr Flernsl City, singitsi him ont for Miss Farrar will arrive In l<>s Angeles. Cal.. Green Eyes, which In Its screen form will be I The cmipany Is iiow prsluclng the Regent brand

li"T' second only to tlssw won by Pauline where she is to have her first exiierlence posing entitleil. The Man and Woman. This will be fx'r the I'nlte.! pr'grani. Is-sl.lcs preparing ex-

1 re '..rick herself has been placnl under ex- lo-fore the eaiiiera as a I.asky star on Friday Petrova's sei»n<l app«‘arance on the Metro Pro- j tensively f.>r large pr'slii.-tioiis on ais’thx-r pro-

• luslic is'iitract by the Fanwuis Pla.vers* Film afterissm at 2::ui. Miss Farrar will remain at gram In eight w»H‘ks, and. from repixrta re-I gram.

kx'ks after I/ottle Ptckf'iril. sums the situation

up. “laiwd pity dem two .voting fokes." And

we judge Mammy Is right.


New VorK. June !».— Kamo Films. Inc., have

48 e B

■'/' 36^]



3 fa 'o


»T FEATUB :s I t'\ AYE AO j



or Twc rAinous ncLODRAMAnc concoyF


p/tootifeo oy thc.

ADOLPH ZUKOR..PresidcAi. Daniel Frohman, KAUACina Director Edwin S. Porter, General HanAfer

Executive Offices, 213-229 W. 26th Street. NEW YORK.

Canadian Distributors—Famous Players Film Service, Ltd.


ROLL TICKETS JaJ Five Thousand -.$1.25 III Ten Thousand.2.50 O Twenty>five Thousand - - - 3.50 QC Fifty Thousand - - - - - 5.00 ^ One Hundred Thousand • • 8.00

THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE Your own Special Ticket, anr printing, ang colon, aocurateb numbered, every roll guaranteed. Coupon Tickets for Prlae brawino. 5.000, tl.SO. Stock Tickets. 6e per 1.000. Prompt shlpmenu. Cash with order. Get ibe samples. Send dlagrcm for Renerred Seat Coupon Tickeia. Suie how many seta desired, aerial or dated.


MOVING PICTURE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT I'setl anti highl\ endorsed by the United States Army. BIGGEST SENSATION IN THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. Can be ojierated by a boy 10 years old. One customer writes:

"Plant runntni Uks a top and delirerlng the 'juice' right along aecry day for our moving picture bouse. Coata us about one-tenib as much as public aerrice. Also pumps watee to all our buildings. 1,000 gallon* per day."

WMfe tnriav for Riilletin 101. It l« a mlabtv IntereMlng booklet


INTERNATIONAL. AUTO RACE IN SUIDES Held at ln<liaiia|K>n<«. May 31. 1915. A hnaiie-packing feature intleed. nhoirltig all the Important i4 thU great record-breaking ra<*e. Per Set of 21 Hlhiew. f5.bO (plain onlyl; <>iie-pM»eels, Tk- eaHi. Kaniierae

each: prompt Rhlpmenta. A deposit W required on all orders. Addre«« THE CRESCENT CO.. N^w Laadaa. O.

owing Picture Machines and Supplies

We ran rouip your theatre complete with the tteal gtods on the market. Let ua figure on your new equipment. WE C.tX SAVE YOf MO.'>;EY.

We are dlYtrlbutora of the Ediaon. .Mottograpli, Power, Standard and Simpler Moving IlHure .Ma- /4,lne. an,I GEVI'IVK REPAIR PARTS

BIG BARGAINS Motion Picture Maehlnew and all Ruppilea, Stereopil- oona. Announcement Slide*, 15c each. Poae and Str- pentlne Slide*. Leeture Set*. ino.iHto Rnt] TYrket*. tfi.25. Gaa Gulfita, Oxone, Lime, Ether, Spot Llglita and Gelatine. Send for ilata.


ELECTRIC PIANOS For Picture Show*. Am ckxtng out my bualne**. They are all guaranteed In firat-class condition; have nirfcel slots. Send for my bargain list. I have ten small motors at $7.00 each.

J. F. HERMAN. 1420 Pa. A*t.. N. W.. Waahlaftoa. D. C.

Chicago Camera Chatter By WALTER

On Saturila.v, June .I. t'arl I.aeninile. Joe

Itraudt and the fnlversal tieant.r <-<>nteHtant*

«t<i>|>ed over In tlileago while eii i»nle In I'nl

vernal fity, the rest iHdiig made the ,H'casl<>n »f

a Idg ta'lehratiou; a lair party at the tlrand

t»|KTa llous,, that evening Itelng the first fea

ture of the program. .\fler the |ierforiuBnee

Mis* Angeles presenlral each Is'Hnty with ati

.Lmerican Beauty post'. The party then n'lurned

to the Shemiun House, and were enferlaln.*!

with a haiKjnet at the Odlege Inn. Till* was

followetl by a danee, which illd not hroak np

until daylight. The kdihy of the Is'lel was

handsomely ileeoratetl. an einblem of each Slate

iM'ing one of the features. The ftdiowing Sunday

morning tho (*>mpany was entertained with an

autti trip throughmit the city, after which they

relurmal to the Sherman Ilou'.r for Iniiehts'ii.

and were met by the Mayiw and inemlMT* of

the tsoineil. The autos wer<' again railed Into

s,'rvlee. and, pre<‘e»led by a band, they were

taken to the Santa Fe depot, where they em¬

barked for railvernal (.Tty. Sto|M>vers are to Is-

made at Kansas City, beiiver. .MbiKpienpie.

Grand Canyon and I>>* .\ngeb «. The party leav¬

ing for the West consisted of alrty llve ladle*

and five men. There were eight cha|>erons and

a laily physician to K'ok after the wants of the


Work on The Woman Neat IVsir, Owen Davis'

famous pla.v, was startevi last week In George

Klelne's New Y‘<K-k studios. Irene Fenwlek will

lie seen in the leading role with a snpisirttng

east of Broadway players. Including Della O'n

George Kleiue has Just gotten out a handsome

new catalogue containing exhaustive deseriptbins

of the largest and cleanest storks of eilncatloiial

pictures offered for rental purismes In this

country. The films have lieen carefully Indexol

ami classifieil, and include a great variety of


Irene Fenwick, star of tills m-ason's greatest

Broadway sncce**. The Song of Song*, finisheil

her long engagement at the KItInge Tlieater.

New York, last week, and during the balance

of the summer will devote her talents entirely to

the forthcoming Kleine features.

.\n interi'sting scene from Dr. DPs«-y’» China

picture is a Chinese liarl*‘r working diligently op

a customer. He uses a raior. the outer blade of

which descrilies a cin-le. He s<Ta|ies merrily

away, shaving face, ears ami even the forehead,

but does not use any soap or lather, and th,'

tortured appearance of the customer, as shown

on the picture, pauses one to lielleve that It

is not a pleasant o|ieratlon.

K. C. Florin has found something nsire re

muneratlve than films, and Is miw umpiring

basi-ball games every Sunday at La Porte. Jack

G'T<s>le. please note.

Jack ('hnmberlin will furnish free entertain

ment at the next dinner of the Reel Fellows'


E. Simon says the boys at the Mntnal need

not get np any more games f<ir his entertain¬

ment. Tlie last one came too high. It was

called ''Ppeko.'' hut sounds like eighteen hncks

to him. No one In the office will admit having

invented the game.

William Hershl>erg. president of the General

Feature Film Cvimpany. was In New York la«l

week on busineaa.

Nathan Anderaon. brother of "Broncho Billy''

Anderson, wisi has lieen on the Coast and whe

has been mixed np In the film gsme for some

time, has arrived in Chicago to remain. He

is now Jevoting hla time to magixinr writing.

George Magee, of the |■nlv.»^sal. spent several

f days at Springfield last week. In eonnectlop

with the State Cenaor bill. Practically every

tiLn exchange in the city wired Governor De

■ ncen, protesting against the bill.

O. W. Brickhoiiae la now said to he a subject

for conrratiilstkins; the report Itelng current

- that be ha* married one of the belles of Psoria


New York. June 9.—Charlotte Ives, one of the

m<«t popular Ingenues of the .Lnierictn stage,

, ami w-iio will he remeinliered by exhlblbTs and

the pliotvfiilay public through her natural Imiwr-

Minatk'U of the featured rfde In Clothes, one ,if

F the early prsl'ictiona of the Famoiia Players

I Klim Co., has been re-engaged by that coni-

liany, and will appear in the siipfsirt of John

Barrymw, In The Di-tator, the Phranxnint re

'• lease of June 21.

We Buy, Sell en<l Rent

I WANTED PIANO PLAYER AND TRAP DRUMMER Tcaa. ! Who can play the picture*, doubling brta*. WIrr

quick; no time to write; date age and loweat salary

Second-Hand Picture Machine*. Films and ObaJri. For Musical, Vaudeville and Picture Tent Show; week I , , seen n msi motion nlcinres * THEATRE BROKERAGE EXCHAH6E. standa; eat and sleep on lot; room out. it desire; V"'' " * " li.msi motion picinrea a

44* S Deal here •(.. R*em 571, Ckleagw. III. I generally useful. M. L. MITCHELL, Ireton, la. ntarly lO.fSai.tgift feet of film.









Thanhouser Film Corp. N«w Roch«ll«, N. Y.

ypusuffA tiriLMSn



From Nrwwaprr Oils, IYmI Cants, etc. An- nouiic* mefit Hlhitw, Advertising Mld<*. Rllde* from l‘<4ltlral iMIlcr Meeker*' Cards, just (he thing toe rleetlmis. Mlldss can be ma<lr In a few mtiiuus, plain nr In cvdoni. Whe-e coltwed picture is usnl, coloni will appear on sible same as In original (XHnplete outfit and ,1lrrcitisi*. II na

MIDLAND TRANSPANENCV CO.. 114 Raaige RIgf.. Deft. B. OMSha. Nek.



LIGHT 24 TIMES. We rarry them and all kinds of Projertkm Goods

E. E. FULTON CO.. IM W. Lake St.. Cbleaf*. Ill-

...URSillS II FILMS AID S0R6 SLIDES... 109 KrrU Kllra. rii'MHitt ciHxtltlfili. prr PiyI Up: loo HfiiH Himic Hllilm, prftn*! tiMHlHloai. $1 ^ Net, w|Yh muftlr. piMtal IIaIa p»'”»

fiinilMlKil at ln«r«( In the >*ur pItfR. Hargaltut In nrw and Mnivnl-liaiiit M I* iHilnm and tlan Making i>u(llt%. Mai-lilnr6 ami fItA (if all ktmU (MMigtil. What harf )r<AiT I* IlOX 1099. Nrw <>rlp«n«, l-a

In mnrr than fisp yrara Mm. Ilarhara Onoiit

E*rt haa mlaiird two idghta In a Ht.

Other B. A O. people (krfng eperlalUea, write quhk I * nH»Tlc** h«*iiAe. Hhr alwa.rN haa aat In the aani**

•aw N la Tka tlllkaarM.*’



SunilNy—L. Ko, MumUy—Imp. Joker. Victor. Tureiliijr BIk U. tioM »e«l. .Neetor WnliieiMley—Anlniate*! Weeklj. 1.. Ko.

I.aenimle. Tl iin«l«y HI* r. Ke». r..wrr«. KrliUy—Iniii, .Ne»tor. Vlcpir. Satiinlar—Hlaon. Joker. Poaera.

AMIMATED WEEKLY Miy— i»- .%iiln>ated Weekly No. 1A7 iDewa).... JA—AnliiraleJ Weekly No. llM «ue»ai....

Jane— 2—Animated Weekly No. Ifl# tnewa).... P-~Auluiate<l Weekly No. 170 tnearel.

!«;_Animated \V.-ekly No. 171 (newai. Animated Weekly .No. 172 inewal-

JO—.Inimated Weekly No. 173 (newa).

BIO U May- Id—When Rralna Are Needed (drama) t.

ttwo reela. 2«—t>leate (drama) . 2S—The Old Iko-tor i drama I (t»o reelel.. 27—The Memory Tree (dramaI . SO—A Mnilera Enocb Arden (dramai (three

reela) . Jane—

A—The Swloflng Itoom (drama) (two reela I ...

to—In Ilia MInd'a Eye (dramai . IT—The Mreond Beginning (drama). 20— Her Own Blond (drama). .'t -The Tinker of (ttiibtdnrllle (drama).... 27 Thelt ite<-ret (dramai (two reela)....

BISOV May— IS—The BmufCler'a Lana (drama) (two

reeU) . Jnao—

i—The Smoggler'a Loan (drama) (two reela) •.

12—The CIreoa Olrl'e Romance (dramai (two reela) .

in One Man'a EtII (dramai (two reela).. 2d Tlie Teat of a Man (drama) (two reela)

gold BEAL May— Ik—The Dancer (dramai (three reeU).... 23— Shattered Memurleo (drama) (three

reela) . Jane—

1— Tnder the Treocent. Adrenture No. 1 (drama) (two reeUi .

k -Tnder the Creocent No. 2 (drama).... Ll-rnder the Creocent No. 3 (drama)

(two reela) . 22 I mler the Treoceut No. 4 (drama) (two

reela I .

na May-

17—lieoDny'a Tmmp Card (drama) . 21— Court Martlalfd (drama) (f<mr reela). 24- Klng Baggot. la rifty-rifty (comedy) St)—Yon Can't Alwaya Tell (dramai (two

reela) . 20—The l*araall Eternal (drama) (two

reela) . St—The Alibi (drama) .

Jane— 4—King Bagfot. In A Ufa la the Balance

(drama) (two roela) . 7—The Elerrntb Ulmenalon (drama).

It—A Strange Dlaa|>pearaace (drama) (three reelai .*..

14- The Kiddle of the Silk Stocklnga (comedy) .

t«—Tlie White Tenor Idra na) (four reela) 21 -Mlamated (comedy) . 21 l.arry O'Nell. Oentleman idramai

(twu reela) .


17—A Day at San Idego Fair (comedy)... 22— The Lady Doctor .if Urlaaly Ouleb

(comedy) . 24 -HIram'a Inheritance (comedyl . 2i)—.No Hoop (c«me>lyl . St—llaarta and Cluba (coaedyi .

June— 3—The Ixreer'a Locky Tredtcament (com¬

edy) . 7 Ilow Bllty Oot nil Kaloo (comedy)

(apllt reel) . 7—The Fhi llunt (rarham) (^illt reel)

12 —W)iere Ignorance la Hlloa (comedy)... 14 -A Duke fog a Day 1c»>medy). ID At the Hlngvllle Bmwtera* Bnrbecna

(comedy) . '2)1 When S<-hiilti TasI the Orchealra (o-m-

edy) .


lA -Kate'a Alibi (drama) ... 1#—From Italy'! Shoreo (drama) (two

re< 111 . 25 -One Kliid of Friend (drama) . 2A-Trickery (drama) (two reela) . *»—The (loMen Weilding (drama) .

Juno— 2— The Silent Command (drama) (four

reela) ... D -From Dot of the Taat (drama).

15— little .Mr. FSglt (drama) . lA—The Stm>w (llrl (drama) (three reelii 'J3—A R<M>h'a Romance (coine<ly(lrBma)

(two reel!) . 27 —F.Ieten To One (drama) .

L. KO May —

'A—I.o»e and Sonr Notes (comedy). 23— No rrleaie thli week. 2A—Hroken Heart and Tledgen (comedy).. 3D —No releaaa ...

June— A--I»arlc Jnhnnlei (comedyl . 9 -lltll'i Blighted Career (come«ly) (two

reel*) . 'JO—nine Blood and Y'ellow Barka (com¬

edy) (two nwla) . ‘23 - Dlamanlled* Beouty (comedy).


lb—When Clipid Crooaed the Bay (comedy) 21— They Were lleroea (comedy). 25—When Her Idol Fell (coiuedy). 2S—With Fatbar'a Help (comady).

Jane— I— Too Many CTooka (comedy). 4— They Were Collem Boya (comedy).... 5— Their tTlend. the Burglar (comedy)...

l.">—On Ilia Wedding Day (comedy). D*—The Downfall of Totta (comedy). ‘22—.4 Teai'b ami a Talr (come<ly) .

FBWEKS May— 13—Frinieil (drama) . 22— Dlauxind of Fate (drama) . 27—Lady Hafflea and Detectlre Duck 111

the Myalerloua Female IlalBea (com¬ edy i .

20—The .\mber Vaae (drama) . Jane—

S-Shnnid We Eat Tie (comedy). S—T)ie Better Way (drama) .

10—lAdy Bafflet and Detective Duck, in The Stgu of the Sacre)l Safety Pin (comedy) .

12— The Woman Hater'a Baby (dramai... 17 The Panier Trouiie (raude.) (aplit

reel) . 17—The Witard of the Animala (educ.)

(aplit reel) . ID—Her Myiterlona Kocort (drama). 24 -The IS-tarrot Myatery (comerly). •JA -I.e*rnlng To Be a Father (comedy-

drama) .

KEX May— IS—No roleaae this week. 20— A Fireside Keallaatlon (drama). 22—When I»va Is Lora (drama) (two

reela i . 2-3—No releaae this week. 27—The Trail of the L'ppcr Tokos (drams)

(two reels) . Jane—

1—The FVtrce of Biample (drams) . S—The Heart of Cerise (drama) (tbrea

reels) . S—T3ie Stmggla (drams) .

in—The Valley of Silent Men (drama) (two reels) .

13— -The lji«t Act (drama). 17 —Into the Light (drama) (two reela).. 22— .3 Mountain Melody (droma) .

▼KnOK May—

17—Baby (drama) (two reels) . 21— No releases this week. 24—Mary Fuller. In A Witch of Salam

Town (drama) (two reels). 24—.4 Nightmare of n MotIc Fan (comedy) SI—The Hons# of a Thoosand Belitloas

(comedy) (two reels) . Jnne—

4—Mary Faller, In The Jodgment of Men (drama) .

7—Mary irnller. In A Daughter of the Nile (drama) (three reels) .

II— Mnmpa (comedy) ... 14— The Ojater Dredger (drama) (two

reels) . 21—(Ireua Mary (dramai (three reels).... 23- The Rcmetly (o^meilTi .


Monday—Americao. Keystone. Reliance. Tuesday—Beauty, Majestic, 'Pianboneer. Wedneotlay—-kmerlcan. Broncho. Reliance. Thoeodae—Domino, Keystone, Mutnal

Weekle. Friday—Kay B<e, Princess. Majestic. Baturday—Keyah'ne. Rellam-e. RoyaL Bnnday—Komlc. Majestic. Thanbousar.

AMEKICAK May— 17—The Oreater Strength (drama) (two

reels) . .SOOO ID—At the Edge of Thinga (drama).1000 24—The Purple Hllla (drama) (tw# reels).2000 2A—Reprisal (drama) .1000 31—The ReoolTe (drama) (two reels).3000

June— 2—The Golden Rainbow .drama).1000 4—The Gfildlng Light (drama) .1000 T—The Right to Happiness idrama) (two

Jane— 3— Bcalea of Juatlcs (drama) (two reels).20U0

10— The Strike at Centipede Mine (drama) (two reels) .

17—The Soul of phjra (drama) (two reels) .

24— Hearts and 9worda (drama) (two reels) .

July— 1— The Failure (drama) (two reela). b—The Are of Ilearta (drama) (two

reels) . IS—The Burglar's Baby (drama) (two

reela) .

FALSTAET May— 21—The House That Jack Moved (comedyl Cb—It's an Ill Wind (comedy) .

Jnne— 4— Truly Rural Types (comedy).

11— Hia Guardian Auto (comedy). IH—Eheneaer Kxidaina (comedy) (splllt reel) Ls—Little Herman (comedy) (apllt reel).. 23—The Stolen Antburium (comedy).

KAT-BEE May— 21—Bad Luck of 9anta Tnea (drama) (two

reels) . 28—41er Easter Hat (drama) (two reela)

June— 4—A Piece of Amber (drama) (two

reels) . 11—The Pathway From the Past (dramai

(two reels) . lb—The Secret of Lost River (dramai

(two reels) . 25— The Floating Death (drama) (two

reels) . July—

2— Hla Mother's Portrait (drama) (two reels) .

IS—Mias Fatty's Sessldc l2>vers (comedy) 20—He Wouldn't may Down (comedy).... 22— For Better But Worse (comedy). Ill—Thooc C'llege iJIrli. (come<ly( (two

reels) . June—•

.3—Mabel Lo-*! and Won (come<ly) .

KOMIO May— lA—Ethel’s Komance No. 23 (comedy). 23— The Rivals (comedy). so—OasoUna Goa (comedy).

Jana— A—Brave and Qold (comedy).

)3- I'nwinding It (comedy) . 2))—Where Breeae* Blow lcome<ly). 27— Beautiful Love )come<ly).

MAJEBTIO May— lA—At the Stroke of the Angelas (drama)

(two reels) . 18—The Electric Alarm Idrama). 23—Elevan tbirty P.M. (drama) (two reeks) 28— IJttle Dick’s First Casa (drama). SO—Out of Bondaga (dramai (wo reela)..

Jana— 1—Her Fllmlaud Heso (drama). A—The Uvlng Death (drama) (two reels) 8—Dirty Face Dan (drama).

13—The Burned Hand (drama) (two reels) 1.3—Pirates Bold (come> . ‘20—Tie Woman From Warren's Idrama)

(two reels) .

SnXTDAL WEEKLY May— 20—MuDial WVekly No. 20 (news). 27—Mutual Weekly No. 21 (news).

June— 3—-Mutual Weekly No. 22 (news).

10— Mutual Weekly No. 23 (news). 17— Mutual Weekly No. 24 (news) . 24—Mutual Weekly No. ‘25 (news).

July— 1—Mutual Weekly No. 26 (news).


15—Added Fuel (drama) (two reels). )0—Orlgley's Wife Idrama) (two reels)... 22— The Huron Converts (drama) (two

reels) . 20— The Huioa Convarts (drama) (two

reela) . 24—The Deadly Focus (drama). 2D—The Man of It (drama) (two reels)...

June— 5—The Rare I/nve (drama) (two reels).. D—Payment In Full Idrama).

11— The Ten O’clock Boat (drama). 1‘2-Hearts Cnited (drama) (two reelel. 14—The Old Batch (drama) . IH—The ll^'uaematd (drama) . 10—The Old CUithea Shop (drama) (two

reels) . 21— The ClHdr Boya (drama) . 23— The Silent Witness (drama) . 2*1 - A Pad Man and Others (drama) (two

reels) . .

BOYAL Mav— 111—Caacy’s Trlhiilatlons (comedv). 22— When Beanty fame to Koakob (com¬

edy) . 20— Oh. Baby! .

Jnne— 3—Hla Twin (drama) .

12— An CnlncliT Sbdtor (comedy). 19—Not a Ghost of a Show (comedy)_

THAHHOnSEB May— 1A—The Three Roses (dramai . 18— The Heart of the Prlnceaa Marsari

(dramai (two reelal . 21— T3i» Refugee (dramai . 23— DaiKrhter of Kings (dramai. 23—Fairy Fern Seed (dramai (two reelal 311—The Angel In the Mask (dramai.

Jnne— 1—The Girl of the Seasons (dramai (split

*eell . I—The Baby Benefactor (comedyl (split

reel) .

•—The Deni of f)>e 3’aae (dramai.10(U* 14—Hla Gtdlratlnn (dramai (two reels)..2000 lA—Her Moaical Cook (eomedy). past

BEAUTY May— ia—Nanghtr Henrietta (romedy-dramal...KWI 31V—Tbs Stay at Homes (dramai.1000

Jana— 1— Tittle Cryatantliemnm (dramai.1000 a—The Redemption of the Jasone (dramatiooo

1.3—The Mollycoddle (romedy-dramal.. ..1000


ID—The 0)>erat'>r at Big Sandy (dramai (two reel*) .

2A Shorty’s Troubled 9Wp (comedyl (two reels) .

lone— 2— The Conreielon of Froety Blake (dra¬

ma) (two reela) .2000 D—mi# Tavern Keeper's Ri>n (two reels) 3000

I A—The Superticlat Wife (drama) (two reels) .

23—Tha Shadowgraph Message (dramai (two reels) .

DO—The Sea Ghost (drama) (two reelal.. July—

7—Tools of Provlden(^ (dramai. 14—The Kiioe (dramai (two tvelal. 21—Caah_Parrlah’s Pal (dramai (two reels)

DOIOXO May— 20—Her Alibi (drama) (two reels). 27—Hostage of the North (drama) (two

reela) .

8—A Freight Car Honeymoon (comedy* drama) .

8—The bli-(-eut I>t>af (drama) (two reels) .

13—2'Urvugh Edith's Looking Glass. 15—I'he Country Girl . lb—hi the Valley (drama) . 20—The Two-Ceut Myatery (comedy). 2*2—Which Shall It Bel (drama) (two

reela) . 27—luuuceuce at Muute Carlo (comedy).... 20—Crooeed Wires (drama) (two reela)..-.


Muuilay —Blograpb, Ediaon, Eaaauay, Kalem, l.ublD, Sellg, Vita);raph.

Tueiolay—Bi»);raph, Ediaon, Eaaauay, Ka- leiu. Luhin, Selig, Vitagraph.

Wednesday—Ediaou. Eaaauay, Kalem, Lu- blu, Sellg. Vitagrapb.

Thursday—Biograph, Eaaauay, Luhin. Mlun, Sellg, Vitagraph.

Friday—Biograpb, Edison. Exiuiuay, Kalem, Luhin, Sellg, Vitagrapb.

Saturday—Bio^raph, Jalioou. Kaaauay, Ka- leia. Lubin. Sellg, Vitagrapb.

BIOORAFH May— m—The Oriental Ruby (drama) .1000 17— The (Canceled Muitgage (drama) .1)08 18— Felix Holt (drama) (two reels) .2101 20— For Her Uappiuess (drama) .lOUA 21— Bobby’s Bargain (comedy-drama) ....1003 22— The First Piauu In Camp (drama) ...1012 24— The Avenging Sea (drama) . 1)00 25— Capta'D Kracaaoe (drama) (two reels).2013 ‘2>—Gratitude (dramai .lUkl 28—The Candidate’s Past (drama) .1001 2D—Truth Strani;er Tlian Flctton (drama). 1001 31—The Buckskin Shirt (drama).SM ,

June— 1—The Maid o’ the Monotalns (drama)

(two reelM) .30M 8—Tha Heart of an Actress (drama).1002 4—Her Dormant Love (drama).900 3—Fbr Her Friend (drama).900 7— The Tear on the Page (dramai.1001 8— .Man and ills Master (drama) (two

reels) .IDDd 10— The Divided Locket (drama). 1)08 11— The Battle (re-iaaue) (drama).lOOA I'J—I-lfe’a Changing Tide (drama).1000 14—A Romance of Old Callfurnla (drama) WOO 1.3—Mr*. Van .Alden'a Jewels (drama) (two

(three reels) .3000 , 17— Hla Ward'! Scheme (comedy-drama).. 1000 18— Love in an Apartment Hotel (comity-

drama) .101A ID—The Way Out (drama) .1000 21— The Coudemnlug CIrcumatance (drama) 900 22— The Wives of Men idramai (two reela)2077 24—Her Convert (drama).1000 ‘25—JiYgbting Blood (drama).1014 28—The Girl Hater (come<ly-drama).900

15— His Peasant Princess (drama) .1000 18—Their Own Ways (drama) .1000 ID—Chinks and Chickens (comady) .1000 21— The Wrong Woman (drama) (t^ea

reela) .SOOO 22— A Haiardous Courtship (comedy) ....1000 24— Sallle CastleVon, Soutnemar (comady)

(three reels) .3000 23— All Cooked. L’p (comedyl .1000 2A—The Man Who Could Not Sleep (drama) 1000 28— According to Thalr Lights (drama)

(two reels) .2000 29— Tha Dumb Wooing (comady).1000

Jnna— 2— Cartoons in the Barber Shop (comedy) 1000 4— The Test (drama) (three reala).3000 5— A Chip of tha Old Wock (drama).lOQO •—Cp la tha Aalr (comedy).lOOO

II—Cohen’s Inch ( (fonr reelal,.4000 i*»-McO**ad» »f *)<• Te.av. Ainad (drama)IOIIo 16— Cartoons In the Parlor (comedy).1000 IS—The Working of a Miracle Idramai

I three reels) .J0(*0 ID—The Corporal’s Daughter (dramai.1000 23- A Sport of Circumstances I comedy I... 1000 25— Through Turbulent Water* (drama*

(four reelal .dO**** ‘26—The Breaks of the Game (dramai.... I'lOO 30— Cartoon* in the Hotel (comedy).1000


IS—The .Awakening Hoar (drama) (three reels) .3000

17— Manners and tbs Man (drama) .1000 18— A Leoaun In Bomanca (drama) (three

reela) .3000 ID—The Fable of the Two Senasttonal

Failnraa (comedy) .lOOO 20— Sweedlc’a Hero (comedy) .lOnO 21— The Revenue Agent (drama) .1000 22— Otherwise Bill Harrison (drama) (two roela.2000

24— The Secret’s Price (drama).1000 2R—Above the Ahys* (drama) (two reels).2000 26— Tha Fable of tbe Intermittent Fusoer

(comedy) .I'lOO 27— A Bunch of Matches (o*m«*dy).1000 28— Bachelor's Bnrglar (drama) .lOOO 29— Vengeam-e (drama* (three reels*..3000 31— Tbe lyouger Voyage (drama).lialO

Jur*«— ' 1—The Coward (dramai (three reels*...3000 3— Sophie and the Faker (comedv*. KAX* 5—The Clntch of Circumstance (drama)

(two reelal .2000

7— The Gilded Cage (dramai.1000 8— Tbe Rita*an<'e of an .American Duchess

(drama) (two reels* .'2*00

D—Ix>at In the Jungle (come<Iy) (ajillt reel) .

9— .A Close Shave (coaiedyl (spilt reel*... HI—8wee<lle'a Finish (comedv*.KaiO 11— The Wealth of the Poor (drama).1000 12— The Greater Courage (drama) (three

reel* * 3**0** 14— Who**' Wa» the Shame? idrama).1000 15— The T.ittle De*-elTer (drama) (three

r.els) .ilOOO


▲ ^

24— Mr. Jarr Visits His Hocne Town (com¬ edy) . 1000

25— Tlie Estcrbrook Csse (drams) (tbree reels) .8000

20—The Story of a CHore (comedy).1000 27— Hilda of the Slums (drama) .1000 28— The Starring of Flora Finchurch (com¬

edy) .1000 29— Jane Was Worth It (comedy) (two

reels) .2000 31—Mrs. Jarr’s Auction Bridge (comedy) .1000

June— 1— riaying the Game (comedy) (two

reels) 2000 2— Runny in Bunnyland (cartoon).1000 3— Sunny Jim at the Mardl Gras (comedy)lOOO 4— Jonee’ Hypnotic Eye (comedy).1000 5— The Way of the Transgressor (drama)

(three reels) .3000 7— Mr. Jsrr and the Beauty Treatment

(comedy) .1000 8— Love. Snow and Ice (comedy) (three

reels) .3100 9— Spades Are Trumps (comedy).1000

10— Mr. Blink of Bohemia (comedy).1000 11— Fslr, Fat and Saucy (comedy).1000 12— Four Grains of ^ce (drama) (two

reels) . 2000 14— Mr. Jarr anl the Ladies’ Cup (com¬

edy) .1000 15— ^Tbe Little Doll’s Dressmaker (drama)

(two reels) .2000 18—Philanthropic Tommy (comedy-drama) 1000 17— To the Death (drama).1000 18— A Mistake In Typesetting (comedy).. .1000 19— (Miss Jekyll and Madame Hyde (dra¬

ma) (three reels) .3000 21— ^Mr. Jarr and Love's Young Dream

(comedy) .1000 22— Rector’s at Seven (comedy) (three

reels) .3000 23— An Intercepted Vengeance (drama).. .1000 24— What’s Ours (comedy-drama) .1000 25— Their First <)uarrel (comedy).1000 26— The Silent W (comedy).1500 26—When We Were Twenty-one (cartoon) 450 28— Mr. Jsrr and the Captive Malden (com¬

edy) .1000 29— The Hand of God (drama) .15.50 29—Oallfomla Scrap Book . 450 SO—The Evolution of Cntey (comedy).1000

16— Dreamy Dud (comedy) .1000 17— The Broken Pledge (comedy) .1000 19—Vain Justice (drama) (two reels)....2800

KALEX. May— 15—A Fiend at the Throttle (drama).1000 17— The Lure of Mammon tdrama).1000 18— The Liberty Party (comedy).1000 19— The Closed Door (drama).1000 21— Jean of the Jail (drama).1000 22— The Broken Train (drama).1000 , 24— Rivals (drama) (two reels).2000 25— "llam," the Detective (comedy).1000 26— The Figure in Black (drama) (two

reels) .2000 28— Prejudice (drama) (three reels).3000 29— A Railroader's Bravery (drama).1000 81—Wife for Wife (drama) (three reels).8000

June— 1— Ham in the Nut Factory (comedy)... .1000 2— ^The Secret Well (drama) (two reels).2000 4— The Bell of Penance (drama).1000 5— The Human (Thaln (drama).1000 7— Her Husband’s Honor (drama) (two

reels) .20(K) 8— Ham at the Fair (csmedy).1000 9— The Money I.eeche8 (two reels).2000

11— The Haunting Fear (drama) (three reele) .3000

12— The Pay Train (Hazards of Helen) (drama) .1000

14— When the Mind Sleeps (drama) (three reels I .3000

15— Raskey'a Road Show (comedy).1000 16— The Vanishing Vases (drama) (two

reels) .2000 18— Rival Walters (comedy* .ms* 19— Near Eternity (drama).1000 21— The Missing Man (drama) (two reels).2000 22— In High Society (comedy).1000 23— The (drama) (two reels)2000 25—“Honor Thy Father”— (drama) (three

reels) .8000


9—The Kick-Out (drama) (three reels)...


17— The Substitute (comedy).1000 17— Road o’ Strife No. 7 (drama).1000 18— A Lucky Strike (comedy).1000 19— In the Dark (drama) (three reels)....8000 20— A Decision in the Conrt (drama) (two

reels) .2000 21— Just Retribution (drama) .1000 22— The Club Man (comedy).1000 24— Road o’ Strife No. 8 (drama).1000 25— Mathilda’s Legacy (comedy) .1000 26— Her Other Self (drama) (two reels)..2000 27— On Bitter Creek (drama) (three reels)8000 28— Nobody Would Believe (drama).1000 29— Out (or a Stroll (comedy).1000 81—Road o’ Strife No. 9 (drama).1000

June— 1—His Pipe Dream (comedy) (split reel) 1— The Actor’s Boarding House (comedy)

(split reel) . 2— The Darkness Before Dawn (drama)

(three reels) .8000 8—The Inventor’s Peril (drama) (two

reels) .2000 4— The Decoy (drama) .lOOo 5— The New Butler (comedy).1000 7— Road o’ Sftrlfe No. 10 (drama).<000 8— He’s a Bear (comedy).10<)0 9— Tap! Tap! Tap! (drama) (two reels).’JOOO

to—Courage and the Man (drama) (tbree reels* .8000

11— ^The ciornet (drama) .1000 12— Nearly a Prize Fighter (comedy)... .1000 14— Road o’ Strife No. 11 (drama).1000 15— Capturing Bad Bill (comedy) (split reel) 15— Caught With the Goods (comedy) (split

reel) . 16— The Insurrection (drama) (three reelsl.tOOO 17— From Champion to TVamp (drama)

(two reels).2000 18— ’The Bridge of Sighs (drama).1000 19— A Safe Investment (comedy).1000

MIHA May— 2(>—Where’s Ollvar (comedy)..1000 27—Once Is Enough (comedy).1000

June— 8—Life’s Mysteries (comedy).

10— Father Forgot (comedy).

Week of June 7—

—New Exploits of Elaine No. 24 (drama* (two reels* .

—The Japanese Mask (drama) (three reels) .*

—Police Dog No. 5 (comedy) (split reel) —Jeypoor, the Rose City (scenic) (split

reel) . —School in New Guinea (educ. * (kl)lit

reel) . —Picturesque France. Lower Brittany

(scenic) (split reel) . —Patbe Dally News No. 46 (news). —When the iJon Roared (comedy). —Who Pays! No. 9 (Balboa) (drama)

(three reels) . —Patbe Dally News No. 47 (news).


8—The Spanish Jade (Fiction IMctures) (five reels) .

12—Snobs (I.asky) (four reels). IS—May Blossom (Famous Players) (four

reels) . 19— Captain Courtesy (Boswortb) (Sve

reels) . 22—The Chptlve (Lasky) (8ve reels). 26— Nlobe (Famous Players) (four reels) 29—Help Wanted (Morosco) (8ve reels)...

Hay— 8—The Woman (drama) (Lasky-Belasco)

(&ve reels) . 6— House of the Lost Conrt (Edison) (Sve

reels) . 10—Fanebon. the Cricket (drama) (Famous

Players* (five reels) . 18—The Moth and the Flame (drama) (Fa¬

mous Players) (6ve reels! . 17—Betty In Search of a Thrill (BosworOi)

(6ve reels) . 20— Bwtlea Baby and Han on the Case

(Paramount) (six reels) . 24—Stolen Goods (Lasky) (Ove reels) .... 27— Wild Goose Chase (Lasky) (four reels) 81—Pretty Sister of Jose (Famous Play¬

ers) (Ove reels) . June—

8—Jim, the Penman (Famous Players) (Ova reels) .

7— Dawn of a Tomorrow (Famous Players) (Ove reels) .

10—Brother Officers (Paramount) (Ova reels) .

14—The Arab (Lasky) (Ove reels). 17—narissa (Famous Players* (four reels) 21— Seven Sisters (Famous Players). 24—Wild (Wive (Morosco) . 28— Chimmie Fadden (Lasky).


—’The Kev to the Mystery (drama) . —The Coluers' Game (drama) .

May- —The Pearl of the AntlUes (drama) ...

y.-L.-8..E. PROGRAM Hay—

8— Carpet From Bagdad (Srilg) (Ove reels) 10—The College Widow (Lubin) . 17—Island of Regeneration (Vltagraph)

(six reels) . 24—The Slim Princess (Essanay) (four

reels) . 81—The Millionaire Baby (Selig) (six

reels) .

o outscwiwntimoorMAcmig > ItAKS OlMw HCST

IMCOt'nfTt 5 Tw^TiuvtLmc i

rot STHoou 7


m SMAU c i lownt > VANfOAUY^


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—The Pageant of San Frandaco (Special) (Ove reela) .

Marcb— —Tbe Pageant of San Pranclaco (drama)

(Pageant) (6ve reela) . —’The Lone Star Rnah (drama) (Qlmax)

(Ove reel!) . April—

—Beulah (drama) (Balboa) (tlx reela)..


Week of May lO—

—New Exidoits of EUalns No. 20 (dra¬ ma) (two reela) .

—From Oxford to Wlndaor, England (acenlc) (apUt reel) .

—Giraffe Hunt. Africa (edne.) (split reel) .

—Some Interesting Birds (edne.) (split reel) .

—lAdder of Love (drama) (two reels) (Balboa) .

—1ms aimp. Goat (comrdy) (split reel) —Tbe Bay of Ha-Long, Tonkin (scenic)

(ipUt reel) . —Patbe Dally News No. 88 (netrs). —Wbo Pays? No. 5 (drama) (^Iboa)

(tbree reels) . —Wbiffiss and tbe Emperor (comedy).. —Patbe Dally News No. 89 (news).

Week of May 17—

—New Exploits of Blains No. 21 (dra¬ ms) (two reels) .

—In tbe Vosges. France (educ.) (spilt reel) .

—The Otter (educ.) (split reel). —The Agouti (edne.) (split reel) . —Father’s Brilliant Idea (comsdy). —Eyes That Can Not See (dramatie)

Balboa) (two reels) . —Patbe Daily News No. 40 (news). —Who PsysT No. 6 (drama) (Balboa)

(three reels) . —Whiffles Wins Out (comedy) (spilt reel) —Pictusesque Caucasus (acenlc) (split

reel) . —Apple Industry In the State of Wash¬

ington (edne.) (split reel) . —Patbe Dally News No. 41 (news).

Week of May 24—

—New Exploits of Elaine No. 22 (drama) (two reels) .

—Tricks of Pate (Balboa) (drama) (tws reels) .

—A Stone Age Adventure (comedy) (split reel) .

—Microscopic Marvels of Fresh Water (edne.) (split reel) .

—Tbe Rnina of Ancient Rome (scenic) (split reel) .

—How Building Stone Is Qnanied (edne.) (split reel) .

—Psthe Dally News No. 42 (news). —Baby’s Trumpet (comedy) (spilt reel) —How Troops Cross s Elver, Sweden

(educ.) (split reel) . —Who Pays? No. 7 (Balboa) (drama)

(three reels) . —Patbe Dally News No. 43 (news).

Week of May 31—

—New Exploits of Blaine No. 23 (drama) (two reels) .

—Madura and Its Pagodas (scenic) (split reel) .

—Stock Farming In Brazil (Split reel) .

—Chutes and Rapids of the Slvasamud- ran (scenic) (split reel) .

—The Nem«<ls (drama) (two reels).... —Tlie Vanishing CUnderella (comedy).. —Patbe Daily Newt No. 44 (news). —Whiffles Goes ’Two Ways (comedy).... —Who Pays? No. 8 (Balboa) (drama!

(tbree reels) . —Patbe Daily News, No. 45 (news).

Csaislats la 2 Rselt ssd IM SBBss. These are real War Pii-turea and five ths best of

asUMsetion. BEN W. COLLirR,

711 Nsvsits BaiMlat. Bl. Lsob. Ms.

Bargaint in used Machines. Bend for our UsL b>- cloaed Rewind and Cnderanlters’ approved Film Boats. EVERyTHi.N'Q FOB YOITI THEATER.

ILLINOIS THEATER SUPPLY CO.. 124-I2S N. Ls Salle St.. Chlssgs, III.

SLIDES FOR ALL PURPOSES Fair Slides a medslty. Write In for prlnU. MAtiARA SUDE tXlMPANY. Lockport. N. T.

15— Tbe Stronger Mind (drama) (two rests) (United) .

16— Wbere Can I Get s Wife? (comedy) (Cameo) .

17— ’The IJttle Band of (jold (drama) (tiro ree)a) (Ideal) .

18— Davy Crockett (comedy) (Supsrba).. 19— Tbe Siwnder (drama) (two reels) (Em¬

press) . 20— The Gbost Fakirs (comedy) (Starlight) 20— Tbe Poor FIzer (comady-drama) (Luna) 21— Tbs Curat (drama* (two reela) (Pre¬

mier) . 22— Allas IlolUnd Jim (drama) (two rsols)

(Lariat) . 23— Can a Jealous WIfs Bs Cured (com¬

edy) (Cameo) . 24— Red Tape (drama) (Ideal) (two rsela) 25— Bumped fur Flilr (comedy) (Snperba) 25—War at Home (drama) (Orandln) (two

reels) . 27— She C'ouldn't Get Away nom It (com¬

edy) (Luna) . 28— 17*# Smuggler’s Daugbtsr .(drama)

(I’reml. r) (two reels) . 29— Canned (^nriaalty (drama) (Pyramid)

(two reels) . SO—Bnalneas Is Rnslness (comedy) (United) 81—Man In ths Law (drama) (Idoal)

(taro reels) .

Jnns— 1— A Diroe Novel Hero (comedy) (9o-

perfoa) .

2— The Vlvioectlonlst (drama) (Emprsaa) (two reels) .

8—Amatenr Night (comedy) (Starlight) 8—Aunt Matilda Outwits (comedy)

(Lana) . 4— The IMcture on the Wall (drama) Pre¬

mier) (two reels) . 5— Navajo Jo (drama) (Lariat) (two

reels) . 6— Tbe Mystic Well (comedy) (United).. 7— Stepping Westward (drama) (Ideal)

(two reels) . 8— Almost Luck (comedy) (Sn[>erba>

(si.llt reel I . 8— Mixing the Cards (comedy) (Soperts)

(spilt reel) . 9— The Sfilder (drama) (Grtndln) (two

n-els) . 16—Helnle's Millions (comedy) (Starlight) 16— Tbe Ne«r ( si>ture of Jeans James (com¬

edy) (I<una) . 11— At Twelve O’clock (drama) (Premier)

(two reels) . 12— Tanned Curiosity (comedy-drams)

(Pyramid) (two reela) . 13— love’a Strategy (comedy) (United).. 14— Rrarwt Riottcra (drama) (Ideal) (two

n-ela) . 15 -The New Photographer (comedy) (P)i-

)>erba) . 16 Tbe Turning Point (drama i (Empress)

(two ret'ls) . 17— ’Tlic Hungry Roardern (comedy) (Star¬

light) . 17—An Accidental Parson (comedy) (I.nns) 15— I.llv of the Valley (drama) (Premier)

(two reels) . 19 - Out of the Silence (drama) (I.srlst>

(two reels) . 26 -Horseshoe I.nck (comi-dy) (United)...

7— Tbe Sporting Duchess (Lubin) (five reels) .

14—Sins of tbe Mothers (Vltagraph) (8vo reels) .

21—’The White Sister (Essanay) (8vs reels) .

28—Tbe Rosary (Sellgi (seven reels). July—

S—Valley of Lost Hope (Lobin) (Bve reels * .

12—Oookt Scruggs (Vltagraph) (ffve reels) 25*-A ’Texas Steer (Sellg) (live reels) ....


5—The Mau Wbo Found Himself (dramal (Brady) .

12—Hearts in Exile (drama) (Sbubert) .. 19—The Fifth Commandment (drama)

(World) . 26—The Lily of Poverty Flat (drams)

(California) . May—

8— Woman and Wine (Brady) . 10—The Butt.rffy (Shobert) . IT—When It Strikes Home (Harris).

24—The Boss (Brady) . 81—A Phyllis of the Sierras (California) . 7—Little Miss BiY)wn (Brady).

14—Fine Feathers (World). 21—Tbe Moonstone (Sbubert). 28—Tbe Face In tbe Moonlight (Brady)..

July- 5—A Phyllis of the Sierras (California)

12—’The CUb (Brady) . 19—After Dark (Brady) .

K15—Tiger Balt (drama) .1000 ■ 17—'ihe Jest of Jealousy (drama) (two ~ reels) .2000

17— Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (new#)..1000 18— Across tbe Desert (drama) .1900 19— I<ove Finds tne Way (drams).1000 20— The Two Natures Within Him (drams)

(three reek*) .8000 20—Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (news)... 1000 22—Tbe Jaguar Trap (animal drama)... .1000 24—IJght o’ Love (drama) .1000 24—Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (news). .1(X)0 26—’Two Brothers and a Girl (drama) (two

reels) .2000 26— Mother’s Birthday (drama).1000 27— ’The Quarry (drams) (three reels)... .3000 29—In tbe Amazon Jungle (animal drama)10(M> 31—The Blood Yoke (drama) (two reels)..2000

Jnne— 1— Polishing Up Polly (comedy).1000 2— Red Wins (drama) .1000 3— How Callahan Cleaned Up Little Hell

(drama) (three reels) ..3000 6— Beantiful Belinda (<?omedy).lors' 7— The Web of Crime (drama) (two reela)2(Ki0 7— (Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (news).. 1000 8— Saved by Her Horae (drama).KXiO 9— Willie Goes to Sea (comedy).1000

10—Pals In Blue (drama) (three reels)... .3600 10—Hearst-Seltz News Pictorial (news)... .1(>00 12—^The Journey’s End (drama).lOoO 14—I..etterB Entangled (drama) (two reels).2600 14— Haarat-Sellg News Pictorial (new8)..10o0 15— The Heart of the Sheriff (drama)-1000 16— A Tragedy tn Panama (drama).lOYK* 17— His Father's Rifle (drama) (three

reels) .3600 17—Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (news). .lOYf) 19—The Angel of Spring (drama).lOOO


16— Tbe Valley of Humiliation (drama) (two reela) .2000

17— Mr. Jarr and the Dachshnnd (comedy) .IfiOO IS—The Awakeiiing (drama) (two reels)..2660 19— Almost a Hero (comedy) .1000 20— Dimples, Auto Sal(>sglr1 (comedy) .1000 21— CYipId Puts One Over on tbe Sbatchen

(comedy) .1000 22— In the Days of Famine (drama) (three

reela) .8000


HAMILTOK PICTUREB April— 24—In the I.and of tbe Semlnolea (drama)

May- I— Idol of the Gods (drama). 7— Harbor of tbe Son (drama). 8— Tha Angel of the Trail (drama).


May— 7—The Other Girl (drama) (two reels)

(Premier) . S—Told In the Rockies (drama) (two

reels) (I.ariat) . 9— Can I»ve Grow Cold (comedy) (Cameo)

10—A Country (drama) (two parts* (Ideal) .

II— All AlKMit a Baby (comedy) (»n|>erha) 12— In Her Daddy’s isootatepa (comedy-

dOima) (two reels* (Grandln). IS—Tough Luck (comsdy) (two reels*

(Starlight) . 13— How Allopath Conquered Ron<v>i>ztb

(comedy) (Lana* . 14— The Education of Father (drama) (two

reels) (United) .







A mounUiu nustcnr photoplw. fe«tiirtii* Wl.V.NlFRED OREENW'(X>U and CH.XKUCR ILARTLETT,




American Film Mfg. Co. CHICAGO, ILL. ^ D'stributetl throughout the United State.s by the

Mutual Film ('or|)oratioii.





A Good Businoss Doal A “FLYING A” DRAMA. IN ONE PART.



William Russell

JUNE 19, 1915.

New York, Jane 14.—Out of the Weat came

tbe warnlDg blaita. Tbe Billboard was on tbe

Job, and Ui booming ntren and roaring red

rockets bare at last been beard and becded.

Brongbt to a realisation that tbej were

rnsblng rapidly npon tbe rntblesa rocks of ruin,

speedy and radical measures bare been

adoptid to arert Impending doom—and Just in

tbe nick of time.

Radical retrcncbment and reorganisation la

tbe order of tbe day among tbe larger motion

picture concerns. A big “split” In tbe Mutual

raukt will reveal In tbe new line up a com¬

plete change In tbe GrilBtb-Altken ptMltioo. Tbe

success of Tbie BIrtb of a Nalloti la tbe basic

college city la already tbe scene of tremendous actiTlIy. KLg annoaucements will come from tberf soon.


In a lab»re<l. wordy and much-involved edi¬ torial apssm on EdiK-ationals. The Motion Plc- tnre Spews ei|>ends a whole page to prove that

“You can take a narrative of a purely informa¬

tive nature the story of a building, of a plant, of a mine, of an animal's life, of an industry— translate It Into pii-tores, ami It will not only

Im- aa entertaining aa it U in tbe form of an article in tbe magaiine, but many timea more-

«>.” .\ll of wlilch is not only true, but patent, olrtloiis and trite.

But you can m>t get folks on pleastire l>ent

Roused at Last From Their Opiumated Obses¬ sions the Captains Spring to Their Wheels


Seven chapters of '"nie IRamtaid FYom the Sky" are now appearing. A new t«u-rerl chap¬

ter la released each week. $l«,noe Is offered for a teuuel to this great photoplay. Kshibliors: If

you want an eX(Vpllonal attra>-(l<si with eaatlauvd Interest—constant bo*-ofllce receipts throughout the sumnur bosk "Tha Diaoiaad Frsn tbs Sky" NOW! Wire, write or see the .North .American Film t'orporatlon's represetilatlve at your iiean-st

Mutual Exchange, or write us.

^ North American Film Corporation « JOHN R. FREULER. President. 4 Easeutive OIRces; 222 S*. State St..


^ Xorth Am*riran !{• ,irf»rntatirt» \ at Kerry MutuaJ Krchaitgr

tit Amrrica.


And the Whole Fleet Put About Suddenly and Almost Without Warning

i-ause of a new |H>Ilry, wherein tbe two ilollar-

a-seat pbotn-apectacle will provide for tbe fu¬

ture productivity of the Fultou Klim (orp.

Tbte meana that .Lllken ami GrllBtb are aatts-

Bed to coulliie Ibeir output to two big features a year.

Ab alBIlatloa between UrllBtb aud Tom luce la already announced, and tbia combination will mean a whole lot, because of the Ire-mendoua cbtngaa In contemplation. In fart, before Sep- temb)-r flrat Is here the New York Motion Pic¬ ture I'orpontloa and the GrlOtb-Altken Inter¬ est! will be releasing features solely Inteudeil for flrat grade legitimate tbeaters, at regular

theater prices.

TTie Vltagraph Co.- la already making ex- tensive changea, an exixloa of directors and players la Imminent, but while some of the long.accepted favorites are to leave, the new BeBOtm will bring a perfect galaxy of tbe I highest grade stage stars. Much la expected j of tbe David Blsphaui engagement. i'omiDodure Rlarkton has long wished to film the works uf the great matters of music.

K\»r over a year he has been holding confabs with the world's greatest musicians. It la even expected that as a result of the Vlta- grai>h'a prop<we<l Innovation, such <R>era bouses at the MetroiMdltan will at last have a metllum through which th<-y can be kept ojwn all the

year round. William Fox |is>nis np as strongly as any

one of the group of big Him men, all planning on a new ai-ale for supremacy. Fox la signing np directors, alara ami aulhora ai> fast that one

can only womler where be will atop. Tha Whartona, at Ithaca, are worth watch¬

ing. Their dream of a Him city In the i-ollege environment la already reallied. They are now

mooarrha of all they survey at Renwick Park, and their plana are to present big features with stars, of the highest poaaible caliber. The

and seeking entertainment pure and simple to witness tbi-m If anything better offers.

iCiigar-caat your pill never so deftly—It still remains a pill, s

That leosona or preai-hmenta may be made

Interesting is so palpably tme as to be almost axiomatic. No one but an ass would deny It nor see reason for affirming It especially te<ll- tMisly and at great length.

The point Is just here; tbe principal appeal of an educathmal. If it be in, truth an educa¬

tional. la adilresaed to tbe Intellect and Involvei more or leaa effort upon the part of tbe ad¬

dressee to get It. The principal api>eal of tbe entertainer Is

addresae<l to the emotions or rlalbilltles. and no

conacloua effort on tbe part of the recipient la nspilred to get It.

However, f<s>ls will fulminate and .fiilmlna- tlona will f«s>l.


New- York, June 13.—I'MI MIndll. buaiiiess

manager and dlrecb>r of publicity and adver¬ tising of the Igidy Mackeniie Film Company, lesigneil hta position last night.


June Issne of F.X|s<rt .kniertcan Imlnstries con¬ tains an article by .Lrthiir J. iJing. of the Nicholas IVmer Co., dealing with the subject of nio'ing plctim-s and submarine photography.

Mr. fang In his article dwells at length upon the achlevemriils of the Williamsons, ami pre¬ sents clearly ami c«)mprehenalvely the p«>ssl bllltles o|>ene,] to oceamvgraphlc science through the womlerful invention of Captain Wllllanisoii.

A* the Y'ears Go By has N-en selected as the vehicle In which Cyril Maude will make his

moving picture debut with the Oliver Morosco

Photoplay Company.

Rmie In Rrandal. I'nivrraal Bve-reel production

William KuMell'a poatiTuI acting, hla remark¬ able strength and his forceful personality, have contributed greatly to the wonderfitl suci-ess << the American Film Mfg. (>>.'s stupendous con¬ tinued photoplay—"TTie IHamond From the Sky." Tbe ipplaase that greets the appearance of Mr Kuasell In each i-hapter of "The lhamtaid From the Sky" Indicates the popularity he hoa woo. Every member of the cast litterpretlng thla mag- nlflcent producxlmi L« of the same nigh calibre— i Lottie lirkford. Irving Cummings. Eugenie I Fiede, Cbariotte Burloo. flwirge Pevlolal. W. J. |

Tedmarsh and Drral Humplirey.


A. A

fpet. smalli'i ami not tbr qnalitT of tb^ Shah Abbaa. brought $.’<7,000. Thr Sbah Abbaa nig, therefore, la worth a fabnlona aiim. ami tlioae

who have often evpreaaej their hopea of viewing thla wonderful antique will aoon have the op

portnnity of aeeing It In the B"aworth. Inc..


booka to control the picture Indnatry without having a apeclal board.

It waa averreil that the powera of the board were too eitenaive and that dlacrlmination conid

A campaign of edncatlon along

were made by W. Stephen Bush, Sew York; J. W. Binder, a member of the National B<^rd of Cenaorablp, New Y’ork; Fred J. Herrington, Plttaburg, national Tlce-prealdent; G. W. Shan-

ner, Pittsburg, State vice-president; Marlon 8. Pearce, Baltimore, national president.

be practiced,

the lines pursued by the railroads In the fight for the repeal of the fullcrew bill waa ad¬ vocated. It waa suggested that this campaign

begin immediately and be continued up to the of file 1917 I.eglalnture. convenlm

The report was unanimously adopted. On Tuesday morning the subject of lengthy

film productions was discussed. The association voiced Its opinion unanimously In favor of not more than one reel, and voted in favor of cur¬ tailing the slie of features, the argument being made that the public wants the one-reel film. People in the motion picture industry took this to signify that the death-knell of the big picture features Is to be sounded.

Tuesday afternoon was whiled away In an automobile parade, which was led by Sigmund Lnbin, bead of the I.nbin Manufacturing Com¬ pany, of Philadelphia.

Tuesday evening many motion picture artists Journeyed here to take part in the annual ball at the Auditorium. The affair was one of the most elaborate ever given In the State, with over 5.000 people In attendance. Clara Kimball Tonng and Olga Petrova led the grand march, which was started at 9 o’clock. Among the




dinner recently given her and Mr. Pierce, which stated that the affair marked the occasion of their “fiftieth” wedding anniversary. This should have read fifteenth anniversary, which fact la re.idily liorn out by the youthful ap¬ pearance of .Je bride of fifteen years ago.


a wedding to an avalanche. Arthur Stanley Is now in the West a fugitive from the Virginia authorities. He overhears a plot of bandits to rob a train, and In attempting to prevent the bold up performs a daring feat of horseman¬ ship by riding full speed beside a rapidly mov¬ ing train and drawing himself through the car window.

Blair Stanley now has possession of the dia¬ mond and is hastening to Vivian Marston, the adventuress, who has promised to marry him If he could secure the diamond for her. Just as the ceremony is conclude.! the door is burst In and Detective Blake and the pawnbroker rush In. During the ensuing fight the lights are switched off and the struggle for the pos- seeslon of the gem is carried on in the dark. Detective Blake is finally woieti-d and his com¬

panion put to fight. Other scenes of Interest Include one showing

Arthur as a sheep herder with 40.<lfk» head of sheep banked on the mountain side. Tills scene depicts the herding, dipping and she.srlng of sheep.

The avalsncbe is very thrilling and an entire

village Is wiped out.


Wilbur Higby, best known on the speaking stage as the creator of types of eccentric char¬ acter, has been engaged for prominent character parts with the Griffith players at the Beliance-

Majestic studios. He has been cast for a type part In support of PVancella Bllllngton in the Maji-stic feature. Children of the Sea.


Lasky- ProduG.tions Always Please


Motion Picture Men of Keystone State Get To¬ gether in Reading—Censorship and Length

of Productions Chief Topics of Discussion

Beading, I’a., June 10.—The Motion Picture

Exhibitors' U'ague of Pennsylvania brought Its three-day convention to a close last night with a banquet at the Berkshire Hotel.

The principal subjects taken up during the three days’ session were the censorship law and the length of film productions.

On Monday morning the visiting delegates, in addition to representatives of a number of picture manufacturers of the East, were given

an address of welcome by Mayor Ira W. Strat¬ ton. and responses were made by Ben H. Zerr, president of the State Is'ague, of Reading, and G. H. Zahner, vice-president, of Pittsburg.

In the afternoon the I-egislative Committee, of which G. W. Sahner of Pittsburg Is chair¬ man, presented a report in which It was stated that the league was unalterably opposed to the censorship law. It was contended that there was no necessity for a Board of Censors and tliat Hiere were snflIcieTit laws on the ststnte

Other performers who participated were John 1 Barrymore, Mary Charleston, Pauline Fredericks, Kempton Green, John Crane, Mary Charleston. Emily Stevens and George Soule Spencer.

At Wednesday’s session resolutions were adopted decrying State or municipal censor¬ ship, and favoring the placing of this power

exclusively under the control of the National Board, which Is sponsored by civic bodies and other organisations.

It was decided to continue the present officers, as follows: President, Ben H. Zerr, Reading;

I vice-presidents, G. W. Shaner, Pittsburg, and G. C. Miller, Plymouth; secretary, Jas. Delves, Pittsburg; treasurer, Charles Segall, Philadel¬ phia; publicity agent, Frank A. Gould, Reading.

Philadelphia and Pittsburg were suggested for the 1916 meeting place, and Philadelphia was finally chosen.

The meeting endtsl with a banquet at the

which the discovery of certain mysterious con¬ spiracies in tim.w past has remletvd advisable, and the visitor wlsim the owner Ismors with an Invitation to see It may count himself lucky Indeetl. It is this wonderful antique that has been loaned to the Bosworth, Inc., the 1/oa An¬ geles film prislucers. to play a pn.mlnent part in a forthcoming release. The Rug Maker’s Daughter, for which picture the famous classic dancer. Maud Allan, has been engagetl.

The rug is a great, magnificent mass of pure silk, warp, woof and knot, eight feet, four Inches wide and ten feet, four Inches long. In every one of tiie 12,400 s<]uare Inches are SIO tiny, band'tiej knots, a total of 10.044.000 knots in all, which one man tied by hand, one at a time. The weaving of this masterpiece, over three centuries ago, took one expert rug maker over sevent»>en years to complete. .At least two of the dyes displayetl in this rtig are lost to the world. They are a rich Tyrian purple and a royal blue. Tlie central inscription presents

the private sign manual of the Sultan of Turkey, and stamps It as a personal gift to one mighty (•otentate from another In days long dead and gone.

The Ixftiis collection of leis .Angeles presents some exceptional specimens of the early art of the Orient, and their values, particularly In tlie case of the Shah Abbas rug. are difficult b'

compute without underestimation. In 1906 an eight by ten Persian silk, owned by a wealthy New Yorker, was valued at $40,000. It is prob¬

ably worth thr*'e times as much bslay. In the sale of the Fhimous Yerkea collection wime lime ago, under the auspices of the American .Art Association, one small rug. about six by seven





Artistie ExeellcHce Popular Value Permaneut Worth

Dr. S. S. Goldwater, city health commlsBloner of New York City, began, June 11, a campaign against the abuse of intoxicating liquors. He announced that he had directed the advisory council of the Board of Health to organize a special committee to conduct the fight through the medium of illustrated lectures, moving pictures, posters and per¬ manent exhibits in various parts of the city.

"This campaign,” he said, “is one necessary for every Board of Healtht to adopt. I hope every city in the country will follow our lead. It is as necessary to battle drink as to fight an epidemic. It is as much the duty of the Board of Health as any other phase of its work. This is the largest Job the Health Department could undertake. There is too much liquor drunk in New York City. Too many people are Ill from it. The work of the Health Department in this field will be systematic, aggressive and unremitting."

Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co.

j 120 W. 41«t St., New York City


SAMUEL flOLOFISH. Traas. A fiaa. Mgr.

CECIL ■. DaHILLE, Dlrartar-Otaaral.

Mr*. Carl H. Pierce *trenuou«ly objects to an error which appeared in an account of the


.After twenty yeara of atage life Tbomaa Macljimie, the character actor of the atock company at the famoni Burbank Theater, Loa

Angelea. la having hla firat experience “acting

on the dime.'* “Acting on the dime,*’ it might be explained,

ia alang for acting in pictnrea. and ia derived fr.Mn the fact that the actor has ao much leaa

apace in which to perform than on the dra¬

matic atage. Atr. MaclJimie ia meeting the many new

phiaca of the new pmfeaaion with dellberate-

neaa, and at preaent ia engaged in digeating the first and aometimea the moat formidable of all, that of getting np in the morning.

Hit Chris Ford, the uncle. In the Bnawortb- Moroaco production of the novel. The Wild

Olive, la another one of hia clean-cot p<T- formancea.


New York, June 9.—The Famona Playera F’llm Company hare secured the motion picture rirbta of the famous and nniqae novel, Molly Make-

Belleye, by Eleanor H. Abbott, tur fortheomlng prodnctlon, in which Marguerite Clark will be presented to the titular role.

Thla dainty and novel comedy romance pr»a- aeaaea the exact qualities adapted to the fas¬ cinating talents of the popular and dimiontlye



New York, Jnne 9.—The famous Shah Abbas rug. the masterpiece of the noted $250,000 col¬ lection of FVank L. Loftua, of I>« Angelea.

though famed for many years in the rug lore of thla country and Europe for Ita wouderful beauty and history, has been seen by but few people. It ia kept ia a vault under kock and key.


New York, Jnne 9.—As the Initial motion pic ture vehicle for the well knowp theatrical ata-, Cyril Maude, the Oliver Moroaco Photoplay Com¬ pany has aelected As the Yeara Go By. c<mcede<l to be the biggest production ever attempteii a1 the Moroaco-Borworth atndioa.

Tile drama embraces tlie world wanderings of a poot-touled adventurer and will accordingly prea« nt scenes typical of every clime and peo pie. One of the’innumerable details taxing the rvaonree of the directors Is the special train, which will take a small army of principals and extras to the Imperial Valley for the desert scenes alone.

To appear opposite Mr. .Maude the proilucera have sheeted I^eonore I’lrlch, the prominent star of The Bird of Paradise, whose first motion picture subject. Kilmeny, produced by tlie Oliver Morosco Photoplay Co., will be released the Ist ter pirt of July. Other prominent srtlsta will lie inclndeq in the exceptional cast for As tlie Y'<ars Go By, among which ia “niU’’ Itesmond. the popular mitinve Idol.


New York, June lO.—Sir GIIi>ert Parker has consented to the filming by tl»e Reliance <’oiu pany of bis novel. Jordan la a Hard Road, and

it will t,e made into a Mutnal Maateridcture at the Hollywor,$ stiidlon. The cast has not yet been determined. The scenario from tlie book is being r>repared by Mary II. O’ConiKir, of the Mutual acenario staff. It will be pictured Id four parts.

The Btory deals with the life and reformation of Bill Mlnden, a train rolilier. Ilia daughter a lovely girl who growa up in Ignorance of her paternity, ia in love with an English lord. In the end Bill gives bis life for the sake of bis daughter's happiness. The story is full of powerful ctlmaxes.

JUNE 19, 1915.

LARAE QUANTITY FILHA AT $$.$• PEN NEEL “Ssved fmm ths Ses," $ rarls.$11$.M "Eire at Has,” 1 rvebi. ##.1$

Send U% deposit ECONOMY FILM CO.. I$$ 4tt A«t.. PHtakMW. ^


FORREST STANLEY Atiitpifil fnun lh<* <q‘k‘l)nit4‘<l

Novfl Ilf Husil Kinj;, Ly Oliver

.MoniKPo l-iliiier Hurrih.

[ Releated June 24th

Los ,1n(eles Xru' York







XHIBITORS-Hereisthe! The haaillinK of the -leTen kidiliea ia cbarrulnf!. anil Kana Williams, as their mother, girea a eunTincing [lerfurmaoei . When a newspaper

man. too. ennfesieH to cenulue tears the eri

ilenoe is eomplete.


It on a National Scale To Increase Attendance at Moving Picture

Theaters most amazing plan ever heard of in the

history of the moving picture industry Backed by the mighty resources of

*Onii^eraa/ Film Mfg. Company

-4 "Packed houses at every performance.” *;l

- r *'i'rs fit^ f * That’s the sloRan of this new plan: worked out ^^.nvtcocTADMiaMw In every detail for the sole purpose of helping

Jscilia., you, Mr. Exhibitor.

-J Here’s the plan in a nutshell. Nothing for you 1* J-jr ~ yr; to buy. We have nothing to s«‘ll you. The crowds SL’TSHiyiV' ' 8 that this remarkable plan will draw into your

"*mV* theatre will come without the spending of one - -<3 single, solitary penny on y<»ur part.

\,*w V. rk. June 10.—The I'liUerRal Klliri

.M.iiiiirii<-tiirlim ('•>. nave arraiiKeJ with the IC.'lo II Kaiider Miole TIeket l'or|ii>rati ii fur a

II. « i.r>iH.sitl.i|i that in flSiTeil to liirreane va»t l.« the ati.-iHluiiee at movliig picture theatem.

ati.l thiH wUli'rtit extra eeat aliil with Terjr lit lie tpiiihle to the exhibitor.

The llob.Tii Kai .ler plaii l* a roocrete hitchiip . f the iiiaiiiifaetiirer anil the retailer to the niovliig picture It la a xisantic coniMin, or preinliiiu plan, akiux the lines of the familiar tra lit!.; at iniii, which haa proved so suci-esafiil in the (M'.ltnar.T niarta of coinmerce. Toe Kobyn- Kander t'orp. la lem arrauxiog with manufac.

tiir>'r< of iintionall.r dlatribnted xooda, and with |..l■al pjckera of euch articles as soap, starch,

i.offeiw. tcaa, br.-ukfaat fiaMla, etc., to |iack a ruii|ion or a fraction of a five cent admission with ench one of tlie pnslucta that la put out; In addition arrauxenienta are being made with l.nal retailers in practically every city In the

conntry f ir the c.iuisiiia to be given away over the counter, the asm.- way as for years the

I'nlted .(’Ixar Stores ^ave given away cimpons over the counter The only thing different alHsit this IS.upon Is that It In only g.MsI when

made up aiitoinallcally Into a oimplete ticket on an adniisshin to the theater.

The exhibitor takes these tickets In, saves

tliem until he gets ten, one hundred, or as few or aa many as he wanta, an.l then sends them Into the manoit I'niversal exchange, wliere S< receives their fx<-e value in easli. supplies. In

fllm, or In any way he wants, for theaw ticket^ will Is* aa giasi as live centa at any I'nlvenwi ' exchanxe.

The Ikiiveraal means by this that tbe flve cents for each ticket will be liald to any ex bibitor, whether or not be la using tbe I'niversal prig rams.

The history of tbe premium proposition is that a person buys with these conpona, or trad- log ataniiMi, In atiditloo an amount of gooilt more than they nrdliiartly buy—In other wolxis, ata llstics |ir>ve that a person wls> Di>w attends a

theat<>r three times a week will by saving tbes. ticket fra.'tiona be able to atteoil fonr times a week. It won’t eost them an extra penny, but It will mean one more nickel In tbe exhlMtor’a rash Ts>x. |f It is a ten cent house, the can

pirle ticket can be turned In and applied f^a a nirkel on adnilasloD. or the imbllc ran save two tickets for a ten cent admission. Robyn Kander state that they made tbe nntt Bvr rents In order to make it more convenient for everyone.

The tick't consists of a heading ami twenty little fracthma. bat when presented to the ex bibitor they all come aa one piece. A mann

factnrer nr retailer buys fn^m the Kander Mcvle Ticket <V>rp»ratlon a coupon made up of the ueadine, which la the explanatory matter and one. two. three, or aa many of tbe 1 'Ji> fracth ns a« the raanufactarey or retailer wishes to glre away There la a gximnied stHp K- Iween the ticket fractioos amt the Is-adlpr s., when a i>erson haa started the ticket with -ne set <.t fracth'ns they destroy the beading on tl,e next set an,| attach ih.we fractions to the ticket starlet hy using the gnmme.)

strip. The exhibitor will haxe mdhtng to bold up his Mnc, f„r he will have no rsmisms to count ami Ih-n lssa» hla ticket against; be will simply accept a atrip of paper about ten Inches long pot It In hla cash drawer, and semi his hale in every week «r every day to the nsHirest t’ni Vernal exchange nr the home offlee amt get Bve rents witbotit any dlsnaint am each amt every ticket he turns la. Radiyn Kamter will

proylde a standard measuPe or cash till faar the tickets, ami will be glad to semi slhles ami ad vertlaing matter to any exhibitor reganllewa whether a»r not be Is a I’niversal cnstaHner.


New York. June H>. Altlsxixh the Itmiaway June caiiitest ahs'S m.t elasae until Sept>'iiiUT uml present State leuilers may lie up-e-t, there are i-ertalu very defliiite imtii.atia ns as to what tyi>e of waiman is (sipular in a given State. Tliis daies not mean, however, that there is as

yet any certainty as to the identity of the lucky

women wlio go free to the I’aiiama raclAc Kx iseltion and the San Diego Exivwition, for the exhibitors, running the isintest, rejsirt that re

suits are chaie in their theaters, many leaderg being neck and neck.

Misa Lottie Marguerite niiokWn is leading, at

the present time, the State of Nebraska. She was nominated in tlie Empress Theater. Fre¬ mont.

ExUihitora will be interested in tlie faef that tlie Nebraska lead.-r tsunes from a city of 8.7IS. thus demonstrating that the atuall eity has jost as much chance us tlie large eUy. It could not he otl'.er''’Us, It may be note<| in passing, for eaeh balbitiiig in a theater, whether large or small, cxMints one in the Anal result for tbe

thne women receiving the hlgliest nnmlier of votes at that halb>ting.

In endorsing Miss Ilu.-kliu, Neliraska photo play fans have established their preference for a number of things which mean niueli in Amer¬ ican life. .Miss ItiK'klin is an all aroiiml athlete. She swims, skates, dances, is fond of rowing and all forms of oiitd.s.r r*-creatii>n. She is also a musician and is a painter. Indessi her greatest ambition is to be a Anely traine.! musician.

The pnxw'nt lea.ier in West Virginia is Sllss Susie Beggs of Cassaway Miss Boggs is having a hot Aght. however, for Miss Mattie I'ampbell

Kohyn Kander Movie Tickets will be packed in the pack¬ ages of the world's greatest manufacturers. When a man or a woman In your town boys a package of crackers, or of oat¬ meal, or soap, or starch, or bluing, or coffee, or tea, or sugar; when he or she buys any foo<l proiluct In package form; or any drag. <h- other ner-essity, there will be packeil in that p.ickage a portion of an admission ticket (iisnally one-twentieth of a Avc-cent admission), and when the buyer has saverl enough to make up the price of an mlmission to your theatre, tlist Is for a Ave-cent ailmlssioo, or 40 for a teu-ceut ad- nilesion. you are to accept these tickets the same as a cash admission.

tU’kcts will be redeemed at their full ea-sli value by any Universal KxehanKc or by the Home oniee of the Universal I-TIm Mfft- Uo., 1600 Hroadw-ay, New York. Yon have your choiee of < redit with the Uxehanice for floods or supplies or ffir Film Servke. if yon are a Universal Exhibitor; OU YOU CAN HAVE THE AMOUNT IN C.\SH.

Think of it! People will pack your bouse day after day, and night after night, becaose it costa them nothing to see your show, still you are paid cash for every admission.

You will welcome them. BECAUSE you are going to <-ollect full admission In CASH for every ticket turned In at door, AND THE WHOLE TRANSACTION WILL NOT COST YOU ONE RED CBKT. Your Universal Movie Tickets are as good as cash. C-A-S-H—NO discount. Full face value a» DO cxi>ense to you.

Everybody In tbe Amusemeut business knows that people would rather have a free theatre ticket than tbe same amount in rash. It la that spirit that is going to pack your bouse. If is actually giving your patrons "something for nothing."

Now <)o you begin to grasp the wonderfnl power of this remarkable plan to pack your house at every performance?

Write TODAY. NOW. IMMEDIATELY for FREE literatnre and full informatioo regarding this marvelous plan to the


New York, June 9. —S. I.,. Rothapfel, man aging director of the new Rialto Theater, at 42d street and Broadway, announced yesterday that he had placed under isHitract as organist for the new theater Alfred <». Robyn, the well- known composer and director.

Throngb his mnsb'al eompnsitlons and bis direction of many symphony societies Mr. Robyn is probably tbe best known organist In America. For many years he was director of tbe Apollo Club, Amphkm Club ami tbe Sym¬ phony Orchestra In St. IavoIs. He came East dednltely Bve years sgx> to succeed Clarence Eddy as organist of tbe Tompkins Avenue Con gregational Chnrch in Brooklyn. This post be held for two years, and Is at present organiwt of St. .\ndrew*s Episeopal Church In this elty. Mr. Robyn Is the I'omposer of the comic operas. The Yankee Consul, Yankee Tourist. Prioctsis Beg^'ar and Jaeiuta, for Henry Savage; for Sam Bernard, .\II for tbe ladles, and for Kitty fJordon, Pretty Mrs, Smith.

file week a Billboanl retin-sentalive was si-

accidental spectator at a private view of a two-reoler. entitlevi Which Shall It Be? This

is founded on tbe old home-circle anonymous IMiem of that name, in which a wealthy man offers a poor coujile comfort for life if tts'y will give him one of their seven children.

"Which shall It be—which ahull It be? I blot at John, John looked at meV

The little poem Is patiw’tic, hut the Aim version by Director Warde is a striking instance of the opportunity of tbe Aim as compared with words. Mr. and Mrs. Tbsnhouser, Mr. Ward'-

and four more spectators were In tbe part.v. and m>t an eye dry when only half of tbe drat reel bail been run. For dramatic effect, gx'nuine patboa and sweet simplicity of action this plctur*' will king be remembered.

Hntchlson will change the jiollcy of the Superba Company for a time at least. From henceforth tbe United Program followers will see Superba camedlra In which there will be large casts rather than two or three players. The regular stork company, composed of Edith Thornton, I«n iHivIs, Cora Berker, Suxxanne Willis. W. K. Browning, Joe Burke, Max I'ligb ami Will Risiser will be augmented In future pictures by a large number o new players, who will m>t be

chosen ontll they have appeareil in some of tbe new eomedlea.


New York, June M). —tleorge Pltamsnrtce, formerly Pathe si-enario eilltor, ami later a di¬ rector for that company, has retumoii to the scene of his Arst motion picture work. He will lllm one of the Arst of a long line of popular novels and plays, which have been bonght by Pathe for plcturization -the famous play. Via Wireless, which had a remarkably successful run on the New York stage, amt later f«tr two years on the road. The original New York pm-

tlnefbm will be reiueuibere<l as a "tliriller" from start to Anlsh. ami was played by Edwin Arden tmiw with Pathe). Muriel Starr and John Mintem. It was written hy Winchell SmHh sn,1 Paul .Vniiatrimg. Among the strik Ing seene< are an Ir m foumiry casting a gnn. wireless rooms on battleships, and tbe blowing up of a steam yacht at sea.

Mr. Fitamaurirt' left Pathe at the outbreak of the European War. and sim-e then has ?>een a Klelne illrector. with such piotnrea as Stop Thief, The Commuters and The Battle to his credit. He made two very snci-essfiil pictures tor Pathe—The Quest of tbe Sm-red (lem and The Bomb Ib'.v.


.New York. June 11.—Edwin ’Thanhouaer has a peculiar knock of getting a great deal out of the most simple of tales, and during


New York, Jane 9. —Harry Hpingler. who re ceived praise from the reviewers for hla treat nient of the rxde of IMck Townseml la The

Plunderer, has been selectcsl by the Fox Film Corporatloa l» istrlray tbe role of Michael Son bs'k's In The Bondman, pIcturiSMl fisMO Halt Cain's widely read novel of the same name

The rsdi' of Snnbs-ks Is sn unusual one granting vast sco|ie for the display of atrixig


COUPON BOOKS New York. June 9 — F««r tbe pnslucibm of a bnrlesiiue on Trtihy, the revival of which «»n the dranistlc stage haa crealol aoch Interest

this spring. Charb-s llutchloon, director of the Snperba ('ompanv. has galherol together a apten did cast of Afly players. Tbe role of Trilby Is plaXfsl by F,<tllh Thornton, the pretty leading lady «»f the company, whi> plays her |>art with 1 pair of feet 24 Inches long. 'In the rvalaurant a<'cne Inin which Trilby waiolcra to sing there are Afty iienple, and the netting haa been ar tlsilcally and expensively made W R. Brown Ing. J<ie Rnrke and Mai UBth are tbe other principala of tV comedy. With this picture, which will appeur om the United Program, Mr Arms In One Woman's Way. a 'TlTlng A” rtleaae. June JS.

54 Xtie Billboard JUNE 19, 1915.


Scandal, a Five-Reel Subject Forcibly Drives Home the Precept of Mind Your Own Busi¬

ness— A Distinct Triumph for Lois Weber and Phillips Smalley

N«w York. June 10.—The return of LoU Weber and Phillips Smaller to the Universal ranks la marked by vbat ia admittedly the greatest photuplay this remarkable man and wife, artist and artiste, have prodnced. Scandal, a fire-reel snbject, ia as powerful as Bypocrites, and its appeal wider. It baa a message for every man and woman of every station and caste.

No mere moneY lure conld have drawn the Smalleys from their foigner connectlOD. It was

Carl Laemmle's pledged word that In their work they could So as far as they liked on the high road to excellence; that tlie keys of Universal City would be banded to them; that

the millions of the Universal would be behind their productions; that every facility to make ■nper-photoplays would given to them.

Ont of an avalanche of Ideas and proffered ma¬ terial Scandal was selected. Its choice was accidental. Lois Weber, scanning The Los An¬ geles Examiner with her ngual receptive, wide-

that some of the characters resemble certain people of the type who have been entangled in our own lives.

This photoplay will develop the healthy tend¬ ency in folks to keep their mouths shut when next there is an opportunity of “spilling dirt"

about someone of our knowledge or acquaintance. Its salient moral is to mind <mr own business, that beautifully practical precept which phil¬ osophers bare taught throughout the ages. Oon-

fnclns, in China, back in the dimming cen¬ turies, taught it; Christ benignly moaned it from the cross; Martin Luther heralded It through religiously upheaving Germany; Sav-

aranola expressed It to his fellow Italians ere they pot him to death, a victim of misunder¬ standing. Lois Weber will tell It in a few weeks through the medium of the Universal program.

It is the writer's prediction that Scandal will become one of the most-talked-of films of the day. And the talk will not be scandalous.

IScaneAl A 9RAmA

sou’ll roR6CT K A Life Drama—announced for early release on the rtgular Universal U Program.

An unusual story. Adjectives can not do it justice. It Is too real, too V human, too big for mere words. W It hits youl It hits mel It hits our neighborsl It toucttea ,lhe qulckl f It mskee us teoember (and regret) even word of idle gossip we have ever ' repeated.

Not scenioally spectacular—but emoticoally superb.

Written by LOiS WEBER, Author of ‘‘Hypocrites” And bigger than "Hypocrites." it la the biggest thing that this wonderful woman

has ever done I She has taken common people—you and me—and the folks next door—and put

us all into a play that simply keeps us. and all the test of the movie fans, up to a high pitch of emotional tension for five full reels

There's not a break nor a breathing apace for a full hour of solid umvlng plcturo enjoyment in the swlfl and unexpected plot deveiopBMnt.

Direction of LOIS WEBER


Scene In Scandal. Unirersal fire-reel production.

open mind, read and assimilated an editorial by Arthur Bresbaue on the subject of gossip and its bad, big brother. Scandal. Here was a cruaade theme. Everybody talks, moat of us too much, and frequently to the disaeminatlon of rumors which hurt character aM reputation. FT»m this germinal thought Scandal was written

and produod.

The Universal does not anuouDce the release date of ScaudaL But inasmuch as it is a

five-reel pr:>dactioa it ia nndentood that in whatever program it appears there must nec¬ essarily be a twenty-nine reel program that week.

In putting this subject oo regular service the Universal fnifilli tha promise to make Ita service not a service of the less but of the great The Smalleys are stars of extreme coat- lineas. It was freely argued that Scandal was too big, too good and too expensive for the regular program exhibitors. But the Universal turned arosind three times and sat down, with tbe deterrainatioD that there is nothing too

good for the Universal exhibitors and the pa¬ trons of Universal pictures.

It being easier to grasp the tough evil when personified, in tangible form. S<'BDdal has been vtsuallxed as a horrible figure, repellant. gro¬ tesque, ever standing in a pool of murky,

black all ne. Ita body la composed of arcumula- tlocs of mod, which filth it constantly slings about it, besmirching tbe characters in the play.

Shakespeare used tbe conception of "the poison monger" in hia character of lago in Othello. In Scandal the visualization is brought to our own back yards in our today.

There is a aomething about the lesson it teaches that teaches tbe innermost soul. It makes one think, and in doing this it cannot but help work a great good. After seeing tbe photoplay it will indeed be a hardened person who is not influenced for tbe better in his or her future conduct regarding tbe affairs of their fellow men.

in his lectures, lays itarllcular

We would like to represent one or two good Feature Film concerns for this territory. What have you to offer? .Address

HARRY SCHWARTZ. Gen'l Mgr. Star Fiitire Fill Co.. 607 BOSTON BLOCK. - . MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.

Billy Sunday, stress upon the results of idle gossip. Tbe photoplay drives borne the story more convinc¬ ingly In its silent picturixatlon than Sunday,

with all of bis magnetism, with ail of bis force fnl command of language, possibly could. A week's showing of tbe film in any city will have a greater effect morally, in thla particular con¬ nection. than would a three montha' stay of tbe evangelist.

F>om a photographic standpoint Scandal leaves nothing to be desired. The acting is very good, and particular attention has been paid to de¬ tail.

It ia a triumph for tbe Smalleys and the Universal.

Complete Road Show, $100.00 HOwrr's Machine, complets and guaranUsd. fitted for gaa and electricity; Leader Oas Making UutilL Trunk. Klldra. (hirtaln. 3.000 fret ilrturce. Will itod Suh- iert to examination on deposit of tlO.OO.

n <1 WirmoRK. l Park Square. BoWoti. Ma ’

Some time ago Samuel Webber, proprietor of the Globe Tbeater, made arrangements to mo a “popularity conteat'' to boom bnainees at bis theater. A vote wai to be given with every ticket sold and the persona receiving the moat votes would receive prizes. Exactly tbe same scheme bad been operated by a local store, but tbe Police Department objected to tbe plan when it wai presented by Mr. Webber.

Edward L. Knight, manager of tbe Bijou Theater, met with a similar experience this week. He bad made arangements with a local company to give with each ticket sold a coupon having cash value of a fraction of a cent, to be exchanged for rash. Tbe ssme scheme Is in operation lu several different stores In Spring- field. Coupons with a cash value are given sway with cigarettea, and several elgar stores

are i»erniltfed to give away couiMma which ran be exrhange<l for presents.

Tbe plan was presented to Inafieetor Norris and be promptly tamed It down. lie maln- talne.! that while tbe Bijoa Tbeater plan might be all right, other theaters would soon follow tbe example and dlaboneaty might creep in which would entail much work for the Police Department to supervise the systems.

The theater manazera are angry that they are not considered as honest sa other busIneM men, and tbe situation cauaea the tbeater men to brand the treatment they have received as dlscrlmlDatlon.

The I'ROJBCTOR that recrlvrd the UNAMMOUH Al'iniDVAl, of the U. S (MtVEH.VMlLNT WAK DK PARTMENT. Rend for Catalog "B."

THE PRECISION MACHINE CO., INC.. 317 C. 34th Strast. Na» York. N. V.


Say They Are Discriminated Against by Prohibition of Coupon Schemes

Motion picture theater proprletora are aroosed over what they term unfair dlscriminatUm by tbe Police Department against advertlainx projects to boom business at tbe theaters. Thus far they have not been able to obtain any

satisfaction, and there is tbe talk of enzaging counsel to fight the matter to a decision.

Tbe movie game here, as elsewhere^ has been awfully poor of late, and the competition keener than ever. Managers did not dare rat down tbe number of reels they have been showing. On tbe contrary, their ex[M-nses, •m account of Increased advertising, have been getting higher and higher. Rome sort of

stlmalant was needed.


New York, June 12.—The lnstsiitaiie"ua am-

cess of the Great African hunt pictiiri's st the Lyceum. couple<l with the extrsorillnarlly f' vorahle critical omments In the New York I'ro* have dfclde<l the management to o|ien up i*(

least another Broadway theater for the sci-om nxMlstlnn of the public demand for the flitiis

Besides thla additional Broadway lioniie .. will be ahotriiigs of the films at several oiitlylm:


Dramatically and characteristically tbe plc- tare ia strong. It bugs tbe sinuous Hues of bir- man strengths and weaknesses. “Of real peo-

.gle, fleah and blood; not of exaggerated pup¬ pets," Mias Weber writes. Tbe folks in gcamlal are mot atretched ont of all human proportkma to attaia theatric endsi. We can easily imaging

from NaHhTllIv, Tenu., June 2: "In resard to the article that appeared In The Billboard ra- Sardina the Soancial diatreaa of tba MlatitF Haas iibow. I rial ted the atk>w In Mt. Pleaaant. Tenn.. acme weeka ago and found thinga la good ahape. brand new big top, matinee fair and night bouae parked. Ate two good meala In the cookhouse, and spent a rerj pleasant daj. As I hare been a performer all my life a^ knew many people with the show quite weU, they talked with me very freely. All eeei^ contented and had money and no wrinkles la the stomach. They were put op In the best hotel In town for the night and breakfast. I pot In seveml seasons with Mr. Haag and r«- ceWed my money In full erery week, as did erery one else.”

BUI Todd writes; "I had Oleu Jean made last week for this week. Friday night I receWed word that the mines there bad been cut down to two days per week. I canceled Saturday olght, hit the trail Sunday, landed here and billed this town (St. Albans, W. Va.) Monday for Tnesday, and here we are. Had to blow Monday (first day or performance we lost this season). In the meantime 1 had to wire my adrance agent the route of the abow."

Elma A. Jones, wife of Raymond W. Jones, well-known theatrical man of Los Angeles. Is suing for dieerce on itrouoda of noosupport. The Joneses were married while Mr, Jones was with the Gregory Royal Marine Band, and were separated shortly after. Mr. Jones is now with tbe A1 U. Barnes’ Circus, and states that he does not Intend to tight the case, but will make Los Angeles his future home.

B*rnum ft Ba!l«j Show pUjed Jackm, Micb.. June 3. to verj food boeineM. Jaf BUI says tbe show has been doing rery nicely dosplts the nnfaTorsble weather. Regarding the Toledo incident, tbe show bad no Intention of aroidlng payment of license, and does not anticipate taking any further action in tbe matter.

Tiger Bill’s Wild West and ’Trained Animal Show Combined, considering tbe weather, are doing fairly good buafbess in the ricinlty of aereland, O. Tbe baggage is carried by wagons, the Wild West people ride their own stock, and the performers and prirllege people ride in automobiles.

Col. Joe Miller left tbe Ranch Show at Val¬ paraiso, Ind., and took a long Jump to San Francisco, where he will stay about two weeks. Col. MlUer and his family will spend part of the month of July in Ban Francisco and Sontbem California.

D. H. Bickerton, bead billposter on wagon No. 1 of the John T. McCaslin Pwrleas Shows, resigned at Capitol Heights, Md.. June 0 and has been succeeded by John W. Berry.

EXISTING ON ITS MERIT Endorsed bj Committees and Press Wbererer We Have Shown

The Famous Aiken Shows -- “COMPLETE”-


In spite of the unpleasant weather eondiUons throngbout tbe country, tbe W. H. CurtU World’s superior Shows hare been playing to eery good bnainess. The abow bae been play¬ ing central Obio for the past few weeks, and will be in tbe neighborhood of Columbns for several months. Tbe abow carries ten wagona, twenty-four horses, one male, six ponies. Tbe tent bas a aeatlng capaelty of 1,300. Tbe roster la as follows: W. H. Curtis, proprietor and manager; C. N. Dunnington, agent; W. Scottle. treasurer: Sid Krlddela, producing clown; Ed Taylor, b^s caneasman; Yellow Brown, chande¬ lier man; Red Headley, boss bostler, and J. OsTlson, in charge of the cookbonse.

Charles Shill’s Show is making a big hit tbrougb Ohio with its troupe of educated pontes and dogs. Charles Shill is manager and trainer; Mrs. Sblll, owner of concessions and wire per¬ former; Charles Sblll, Jr., and .Miss West, singers; Harry Fuller. comedUu; Ray Sblll, bosa canvasmao; Re<l Welgsnd, cometlian and singer, and Shine Baker, candy batcher.

Me.rera’ Big Xovelt.r Show oi>eneil the season on May 14. at Fatrmoant, N. O., but baa met with rold and rainy weather nearly every day since the opening. ’The rooter of the show fol¬ lows; K. E. Meyers, owner ami manager; Ber¬ nard and Stella Keli.v. come<ly artists: Walne Ollila. slack wire, contortion and nnlcyclc; Billy Devere. singer, dancer and comedy roller skater; May Devere. rolling globe and piano; lUancbe Meyers, contortion an<l acmbatic act; Ed Meyer*, tralne*! d<vs and magic; Jack Kena- hnick electrician; Harry Webb, band leader; Swede England, boaa canvaaraan; Louie Grover.


Editor Tbe Billboard: •in srtlele appeared In The Blllbonrd of May

39. B|ieaklng disparagingly of tbe conditions with tbe Mighty llsag Show. There Is not a person with the show who does not feel the injustice of the article mentioned. As one of /he many people amiind this show, I am glsn to Inform the readers of The Billboard, especial¬ ly my friends, that the Haag Show la doing real g'Hid business. We get our aalariea every week, the stock la In excellent condition, and the tahlt*a in our dining tent are spread with the best that esn be borqtht. We eat breakfast St hotels, but the meals serred In our dining tent sre su|)erinr to some that we eat at hotels.

I hsye had quite a number of year* of ex perience ts a circus employee, and 1 can trnth- f'llly say that tbe people with tbe Mighty Has’ Show seem to be more satisfied than tbe people sllh any show with which I hsTe eyer trooped.

Very truly yours. BILL FARMER.

The boys on the No. 1 car of the Frank A. It'khhlns Shows were royally ent**rtsliied by the Aerie K O. O. M.. So. IOS0, of Berlin. N. II.. Sunday, May SO. while In the eyening the F. •> E. ahuwe<l their hospitality. .As one of the h«>ys on the ear puts it: ’’Brcther Fred Mow;-, "f tbe Mooee Insisted on fhe bunch staying for dinner, and, belleye me. It was si'nie dlnio'C; everything from sonp to nuts, and mnsic as lore."

WANTED—For Eldridge & Embree Combined Show Ftor ble show PKiple doing two or more turns. Good Singing and Talking Clown. MusU-lant for Na 1 B«nd. For Sl.le-show: Freaks. CurtoslUrs. Grlmtsl Dancers. Man for I’unch and Magic. Cnndy SUntta for s^«i Musicians address I’ROF. R A. REIX. Side-show, address T. t>. XEW^.ND. All others address ELDRIDGE A EMBREE COMBINED SHOWS. Cesway. 16; Lsnex. 17; Ksst, 18; ITstsoW. If; Carslst, 2|; Nsdssrsy, 22; Vllllsea. 2S; Srsst. 24: all lewm

MCDONALD BROS.' WORLD’S BEST 2-CAR SHOWS mt MuaMsnt for Big Show Band. Cnmri. ’Trombone and Bass. Good, sober Four-horse Driver, Md ex- iwicrd Woridns Men FDR THE S1DE-SH<*W—Man to make announwmmta and opmlngs. Prefer one a can do Punch and Magic, tirtental l>ancer, Al Mantead, Lewla Arndt J^n landes. wire. SUte y,ii do wdlllwU <lary In flr^ l*rw Tour wirra .\ddrwa MsOONALD BR0«.. Daw Rhrar, Joss 17; tasmt IS: Flaafwsad. If: ColsralBa. 21; Bevey. 22; all Mlaasaafa.

WANTED-PARK ATTRACTIONS AND CONCESSIONS summer rsaort dty In the South—25 SUte convmtloot booked for sjaOT. Three niootlts of real part ma ^ly amuaeinent jwrk In city of 55.000. Would like to hear ^ BDod atook ooamanlea playing i—.ii. KLUTTV A PDLLABD. RIvaraitfa Park. Aahevtlla, N. C.

PUDIE WHEEL MEN AND PARK CONCESSIONERS Paraaola and Ftddlng Umbrellas srill get money for you on wheels or

other games. We hare orer 50.000 PARASOLS AXD FOLDING UM- RKELX.\S which we are ready to cloae ouL All perfect and dean looda. with eaae and tamel to match, with a beautiful aelestlon of bandlea

No. 1 and No. 2 Parasol (55.40 and flS OO goods), 5197.50 per gmaa No. 4-S and Na 5-S Folding Umbrellas, men’s and ladles’ (515.00 snd 112.00 goods), fISf.SO per ginsa Bent prepsld if you will send tbe full amount In advance, or F. O. B. Phlla, If C. O. D.

No toads will be sent without a deposit of at least 55%. M we are telling these goods at less than coat and can not afford to lake dianora.

Ord-y at once, aa this offer may bo withdrawn at any tlma



SUIT (Cootlnncd from page S.)

pany bad been refused space on tbe association boards, owing to tbe fact that they bad placed tbeir business tbrougb an opposition agency. Cross examination of Mr. Canning resulted in tbe fact being brought out that this company bad placed buslneae with tbe Sulliran Blllpost- ing lompsny of New York, and that some person, or persona, bad destroyed or mutilated a number of them. One Insunce be cited was tbst of a board placed on the Hearst property; this bsd been destroyed. Mr. Stoddlnger. ad- vertiaiDg manager of tbe Anbenaer-Bnsch Brew¬ ing Company, said that bis company nsed boanlt in stout 3h5 towns. They do not recaire any assistance from tbe solicitors exerpt possibly In picking out tbe towns and nse tbeir own artists to do tbe work. They apparently follow tbe line of least reslsUnca and arold any tronble with the aoaoclstloo by taming the hnslness orer to them almost entirely. C. B. Dryer, of the National Carbide Company, mann- facturers of the Columtla battery, said bis com¬ pany used boards In between 250 and 500 towns, and spent sbont tlOO.OOO a year, bnt did not know tbe difference between tbe dass "A” and "B" boards, or. la fact, rery much of SD5thing about them. A. M. Demnotlewsln told of tbe cost snd system of printing.

Iliiry FWd. form ’rly of the thslmers Anto- moblle Company, and now adrertislng manager of the Baxoo AotoniiAiile Company, attempted to tell of tbe wonderful things his pe<gile w<*re doing in tba way of adrertislng. but when rrnis ex imioad by Charles F. Clyne. D. h. District A’tnraey, admitted tbit be did not kD'iw bow '-oards art put up. whether they are of wood, steel or paper, la tbe different towns, rlasslflcttlnn or. In fact, scarcely anything at ill sbont tbrm. Mr Ford Is also in town for tbe punKioe of lecturing to tbe students of the C. of C. on systems of sdrerusing.

L. R. Allwell, advertlslor manager of tbe Cbtimrrs Aatomnblle Company, testified that his company spends about $3,000 per month for this form of adrertislng. RIs ertdenca did M't ap(iesr to be of material worth and tbe cnmpanr seems to follow the line of least resistsfice In iwder to arold trouble with tbe isaocistlon.

James L. nimlltnn. president of tbe Alabns- tlne Company testified that bis company were large users of blUpostlng ^lara and conlMdered It a good form of publicity.

Frank W. Ilardway. adrertislng mtnager for IVHwIy A Lederer. confined bis testimony slmoot exrluslrely to tbe relatlre cost of paint a* applied to billboards.

D. G. Wilson, of Kanffman Bros., clothing people, said that bis company wera Urge users of billboard space.

Barney Link wie expected to take tbe stand this week, but It Is now thought that be will not be called upon to testify.



See our display at Electric Park, Kansas City, Mo., July 5, 1915. We have a few open dates for Fairs. Write or wire at once, as wc are fillin;' contracts fast. AddressCHAS. H. HOUR, care ELECTRIC PARK. KANSAS CITY,MO.


WANTED for Big Prosperity Week Under the Auspices of Liberty Fire Department of Pennsgrove, N. J., July 3rd to 10th.

Riding Derievo. couple of good Show«, snd all kinds of legltlmste (Vmcesflona for ula WUI furnish tops, and front for any sood show. Will bmr or place Merry-Go-Round. Want Freaks tor Ten-ln-One, Fst repple, MlugtO. GlSiits. etc. I want live wires. Can place good Glaas Bloater; bare entire outfiL Get In on ground floor; no time to lone. Write, wire or come on. Notice!—NoOce!—NoGoel—We are makijig plenu it powder at lUpont’a Pivinagrove plant: fifteen thousand men working night and day; 5200.000 p«v-r»U on pay day, with bonua mono, and we get two pay days—3d and the Tth—and men coming In every day to work. Another big plant )iwt finisbed. Boata fraut Wilmington every half hour to Pennagrore and Cameya- polnt. Wilmington, Del., poi^atlou 500.000. Pennagrore U a boom town; jumped from 3.000 to 15.000. Beached by boat and roll: rrfrybody working and have plenty of money, with no place to spend IL Addreas JAMES C. FINNEBAN, Gaaaral DIrasIsr, Usltad Gala Wtak Campaay. t3l Arsk Btrae*. PhlladstsbU. Pa.


HAUNTS (Continued from page S.)

t,, r,,ni,> show, so all tbe nearby shows were c.mtK-d by telegraph and long-dUtauce.

WUeii no witrU of bliu was aecure.! In tb.s wiM- tue Ultlcago dallies were Invoked, and they flit ttie bile and cry broadcaat.

»till there were no results. I'lieii Mr. John B. Warren took bold, and In a Tt time bad almost tbe entire Cbb agu de

tiitive force working on Uie case, but up to Sunday eveulug. after four days’ exhaustive M ircli, tbeir efforts had proved vain.

All 'i*>rts vf rumors were a«vin afloat, and to •ileme one of tbeae 5lr. Warren wants It made 4II.IMU that Mr. Patrick did n»t have accem to tie funds of tbe Bbowmenw Protective l-regue and Liat tbera cannot pooaibly Iw any abortage.

lie bandied but little luuuey fur tbe uuhllca- tion be repreeeuleil, ou tbe large aum of money be bad In bU pueaeiuiloo Ifiv.uuo acme of the pai-ers placed it at) U dUBcult to account for.

.Many of bla frienda. who at first were ptooe tn account for his dropping qnt of sight on tbe aavre of conviviality, are fast changing their u|dmoiis.

Tlic theory of aulrlde Is scouteil on all aldea. Hence tbe worst Is feared. Alliert J. Boris arrived in Chicago Sunday

eiening. and Mooday, June 14. wss In charge of Mr. I’strick'a udlce, records, files and papers.

lAte Mfinday be gave out a statement that he assign no reason for Mr. Patrick'* tetion.

.None of bis intimate frienda have ever be¬ lieved for a moment that his accounts would be fonuil other than straight and correct.'

.LItbough tt Is eight days at this writing since he dlsap|>esred many of bis friends still con- lideutly preillct that b« will turn op smiling shortly.

Others, however, are peoalmlstlc.

k (S OUR AIM ~~lCa ** intPTPfit you concessionaires to know that it is the aim of this company

L. * it^ to give you merchandise of the highest possible standurtl at the lowest |>o.ssible 4 IK price consistent with good manufacturing, which means the elimination of glue,

* resin and piaster of Paris.

LIGNUM-FIBRO Ts a wood composition and is guaranteed not to crack, peel, meit or shrink.

If it is of interest to you to know what dolls most of the biggest and most prosperous concessionaires are using today allow us to make you up a trial assort- ment. Our line consists of the original guaranteed CUTIE KID, and the following

W rilTIF 30-inch character dolls. All are made of the wonderful wear-proof Lignum-Fibro (trade mark) composition.







Main Office and Factory, 143 Bleecker Street, Newark, N. J. CHICAGO WAREHOUSE—29 Saoth Martat Btrssl. H. 0. MtlvHle, MaaaBtr. NEW YORK BALEBROOM—221 4th Avsaao. saraar ISth StraoL PITTSBURGH WAREHOUSE—A. StraartorgM' Ca., 925 Fifth Avaaae. NEW ENGLAND WAREHOUSE—Advmaea Whig aad Nevslty Ca.. Weatfield. Mast.

JUNE 19, 1916. T ti e Billboard


For Gentry Bros.’ Shows Address J. B. AUSTIN, 1207 W. 4th St.. AndTSon, Irtdlana.

JUNE lat m%

Circus and Carnival News TRIBUTE TO EVANS t Walter C. Van Horn Joined tbe B. i*. 6. £•

I at Ann Arbor. He waa a member of tbe In-

Great Empire Shows BEN KLEIN. G«n*ral Managar. .

Hagenbeck-Wallace Elks and Streator j 325^^^ THE SHOW THAT HRS STOOD THE TEST CH<a Combine and Visit the Grave

of the Late Minstrel Star

*rhat George (Honey Boy) Evana ba<l friends

suiiper was served, attended by all tbe Brother Elks with tbe show. Van non- wears tbe em¬ blem and a big smile.

Kendallville, Ind., June 4.—Rain again. I’a-

>^»ery where was demonstrated'at Streator. III..

CAN PLACE om* or two REAL inoiiey-tirttiujf sliows with neat and attractive frame-i^.


.ben the Carl Hagenl.eok Wallace tircua e** '{‘‘I w -.ihi-toa on TniHiriMv Inns R I diana City wek'OUKH] bome the H. & W. Shons. 'iibited there on Tuesday, June 8.

As Bert Cole, announcer for the show, was Goshen. Ind.. June 5.—Hurrah! Second Indiana

’making his dally visit to the merchant! Oue of bank ^siness at the afternoon

>thesi. Mr. WlUiama by name, mentioned that Vhe «hoU at Ken Mtreator was the home and last rearing place dav. at h« lJ>.ne fa trf George Evana. At once Mr. Cole began de- y"'*'"';-

.1 wi ...tth .k,. t .wii™ vf h'lka Vn I eru. returned at Kankakee.

iStreator was the home and last rearing place ef George Evana. At once Mr. Cole began de¬ vising plana with the Local I/>dge of Elks. Ny. 591, to vlait tbe grave in Riverview Cemetery after the afternoon’a performance.

Before the afternoon performance had com¬ menced thirty automobilea had been arning-.-d f<v, including a large auto truck. donute<l by Mr. William.*, for the tig show baud. About

Enuna Donovan and Jim aud Rose Sullivan 8|>eut Sunday in Monticello, III., as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrews.

Eddie Ridgley, candy butcher, who had two lingers crushed ty a sledge hammer at Ashland. O.. and went to his home in Terre Haute, re.

OPENING for EXCLUSIVE Caiwlv uml l^*^^t^laU>^^VIl(‘ol^^. .-MXO ft>llowiiH( concessions: I’ulinistry, SjioL ilijfh Striker, Photo (jallcry, Ciitarette Shtvrt- ino CJallerv, Hoop-La ami other Conet'ssions. PRIVILEGE AND DINING CAR FOR RENT (Right). .Alldress BEX H. KLEIX, Cleneral Manaj^er, Ann .Arlxir, Mith., Juiw Lansinjr, Mich., June 21-2(i.


companies •ng a pr.K<es«ion four blocks in lengll.. Publllonea I ^ WW ■ ■ MM B W M W W ■■■ ■ IW ■ M W At the grave the Reverend Rleves. of tbe ' * * “ , ^ ^

Ooogregatlonal Church, said a few prayors, and J “*■ J*? “ bia^smlle and was smoking James Snlllvan snd Freii Edgar sang Nearer r My God To Thee. The sight was an impreaaive one. snd many teasa were abed.

From the cemetery the toys returned to the

Hsivp "“e of those Cuban S|)eclaU, whiob measured twelve inches in length.

the ^ t'*!’ ■rrlved for the commissary depart From ine cemeierv rue roys reiuruen lo lue -- , . . rjn,-a i.r Mr

Elks’ lodge nsims. where the show band played I? ".*• “ ^ ^ ^ ‘ He Is Gone, But Not Forgotten. uavls. f IS uone, oui .voy rorgorreu. Streator. 111.. June 8.-Weatber cold and dls

agreeable.' Business only fair. See story in BASEBALL HARDER HIT .THAN another column about our visit to the grave of

SHOWS Honey Boy Evans. _ Aurora, Ill.. June 9.—Tbe bome of Victor

A n’|s.rt which has had, an astonishingl.v wide eow' d’av'* an^ ;:i;fs\eT.; frrcratK^ >-«.“r*'"**;/**: and other large cities is that ’basehall is done.” ^ere was freW.Sent of <fr<M»t^<vkrnor iMbMiiniiKtM. who cBrrv thp world tiouw*. Mudtnip Bedlni was the r^lVM nt s^treet-uoruer iiessimists, w’ho carry the world house. Muoanie «eaim was tue oi upon tlielr slmulders and nothing in their several feral |decj^ a^RiupT^Show- |H)ckets. have auni uuced tlie utter downfall of ^*^‘* .^** the national game for lack of patronage. Other John Warren Driver. Mrs. Jack Suttin people, who >>yfully reiieat any noise that and Company, Jhe Tasmanian 4 an Dieman sounds IraiKirtant, have carried tne report along Trouiie; J. (. Mattliews. *■ rank U AUiert and from btrrooBO to harrsHim. We have been t<d<l Joseph Bauman were callers at Anis>ra.

Htfenbeck-Wallace Circus Elks and .Slreator (111.) Wks risltliig the grave of (itorge (Hones Bov I Evans at Blrcrvtea Cemetery. Streator. on June 8.

tliat the season is to be cut short, ttiat some of the cluba in the big leagues will be unalde to meet their obligations, and that it is doubtful If baseball, as organized at present, can eon tinoe next year.


CThieago. June 13.—Clarence A. W'orthani was a visitor at tbe Chicago office of Tbe Billboard Saturday, having left his sliow at IJncoln. Neb., for the puriKvse of visiting a few nearby shows. He will re^in big show at Grand Island. Neb., on Monday. Mr. Wortham says the show Is getting by. and. like all of the other sbowa on tbe road, ia lucky at that.

H. A. DeVaux. of the American Amuaement Co., and J. A. Sullivan, manager of tbe vaude¬ ville show s’tth the same comjiany, also stO|>ped In to gay “hello" to the Chicago atadT of The Rilllxwrd on Saturday. The men were on tnelr way to Kewanee. Ill., to make pre)>aratlons for a promising date in that town, which they play June 28 to July 5. under the auapicea of the Elks, and on tbe occasion of a big Home-Coming Exposition. W’hlle in Chicago Mr. DeVaui )>ooked a eonple of additional attractiona and aecnred two more cars from Hotchklsa, Bine A Co., as well as making railroad arrange¬ ments.

Roi;kford, 111., June 10.—Ijite arrival, long haul and late o|K‘nlng. but a good day's busi- nesB. Master Ray Jones, solo cometlst of fourteen years, has Joined Captain Jack’s Band. He offers a beautiful comet solo in the concert before the opening of tbe big show-, and never fails to get a big band.

Beloit. Wls.. June 11.—Short run to Beloit trough! us in early, and. despite the heavy rains of tbe past t«-o days, tlie lot was One. A big crowd is in town, and the largest matinee of tbe week was recorded.




Ann Arbor, Mich., June 2.—Bain all day, but the city turned out to be a big surprise to every one.

Andy Dobbins, for many years superintendent of ring stock returned to his old position at Detroit, and took full charge of the stock at Ado Arbor.

James Davis, superintendent of the commls- ■ary department, gave a banquet for the I’n'ss dob of Marlon. O. Covers were spread for sixteen. The dinner was in charge of Chef Fred Gilbert, assisted by A. M. Cooper, pastry cook, who prepared a layer cake with the wordA ’’Complimeou of H. and W. Ebows, seasrm 1915.” worked in the frosUng. Our genial ad¬ vance manager, R. M. Harvey, acted as toast¬ master.

Tbe Ortons are rehearsing daily a new wire act. which they will present in vaudeville the comiug winter.

That live-wire banner solicitor. M’m. Willi, mantle Green, coulq in truth cal) their attention in Windom. Minn., to ’’that long line of ban ners.” He advertiaed about everybody in town but tbe nodertaker.

The Great Eastern Club sends greetings to Comrade Orcutt and the rest of the G. A. R. boya w(th tlie I.aTena Hliow-.

It is a sure thing that even the smallest Rill board ads bring results. Jack IfiiilHps was kept busy all day at Winnebago, signing the W. I’, book, and he conld hav* secured another c<'m plete band before night.

By actual count there »ere 110 aiitorooblles lined up on the lot at Winnebago. Minn.

.Mrs. Rislney Harris closed with the Park and Ranks Hhows and jumfied on to the show fn’m Ogden. Ctah. to pay her husband a visit, Sun¬ day. June 6.

•’Doc’’ Grant spent Jnne 8 in the depot at Brookings, N. D., studying a funny sheet, and sprang a new monologue on the bunch Monday.

Jack O'Rrlen. who had tbe novelties here last seaivm. writes that he ia managing the side show with the HodginI Show.

“Joe" Rohlnson. contrarting agent of the Gollmar Rbow. was a visitor at Tracy, Minn.

Another cold apell ia upon ns. It was 42 de grees at Tracy. Tuesday. June 8.

Jim Jacobs acknowledges that be haa lost hla reputation. A bad lot at Jackson wsi tlie cause, and forty boroes bib-bed to tbe pole wagon buried it even with tbe bottom. For


New Mexico State Fair, Albuquerque, Stating what you have and terms.


Will do business only with the liest in the business.

Centre Co. Centennial and Old

Home Week Celebration Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, July 2nd to 8th, inclusive


All this territory has lH*en working day and night since the war liegan. This is one of the five districts in the United States that has U'coine prosperous through war orders. WANTED—Mid¬ way Shows, Hiding Devices, (Amcessions and all kinds of Games. Terras reasonable. This celebration is promoted and supported by the Commissioners of Centre County, the Major, leading citi¬ zens and associations and nicrchants of Hellefonte, Henna. Spe¬ cial excursions on all railroads arranged for. Write or wire.

THOS. BRADY, Inc., 1547 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. ITione 6343 Bryant.


RAPPS, 51 Belmont Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.

FOR SALE 9*ww white, pink akin Arabian aurr; wrlght. I ti>a

w Jk 1 •'“* • Pcrfact Vauo Worked ImmIi rin-u* and raiMirvlllr. Dom plekout. p<»liia mu«l«- wallatnc: in rvmr aar an all-r»und. wonilcftul iHirw Dor* a nm^rlr ririua art. al*<> an mtirri) dlffrrmt vautirvlllr art. Ftnr for paik.. ralr* and frrr attrartlotw. .\o prrttlrr, no brtirr rii- t^xltirr In the world. An tgitfoctunlty u> buy a real horar If you ara Inirrtwtrd. Alao ha»r ^t-ral allow white Araidan culta, unbroken, and a few poiilra. Addrtm

BUCK, 224 E. Stk St., Clieluitl, 0.

626 W«st Fulton St., CHICAGO. ILLINOIS MURRAY & CO., Inc. C mCAGOr yLU Nots


Tents and Marquees

CIRCUa CANVASES Polee ead If me. tXATt, Vleae. Bt*

A large^ ntock of Second-hand Tent*. A few Second-hand Carnival Banner*. Write u* what you want. Send for Cat¬ alogue.

WANTED—Six Piece Band I’lanI I’rople. Can uae one more clean Hixm. alao Camuivl All iVwirrwdnn. open (irlfter* and .ull-caae mrrrtianta, ia>r .lamp*. I'm! Ganbdll. write. Aiklrew PRESTON HARRI*. Manafar Harria Aaiuaaaiaat Cbaiaany. wack iuaa 14, OaedwIII. W. Va.; ataak Juaa 21, Maybaury, W. Va.; waak Juaa 2i. Elkliara. W. Va.

Marinette, Wis., Wants Mefry-Oo-Briund, Ferrli Wheel or other Riding Uevlam, for July 3d, Ith and Sth. No Rlrert Fair nee<l ap¬ ply. Adtlreae W. J. RAICHE.



MEXICAN TYPICAL FAIR At Tijuana, Lower Califomia-Mexico, Near San Diego, Cal.


Make your reservations today for grounds. Secure your Concessions for Cabarets, Restau¬ rants, Dancing Entertainments, Bull Fights, Boxing or any other kind of amusements. Write for full particulars today to LOWER CALIFORNIA EXPLORATION CO., P. O. Box 524, or American Bank Building, 911-912, San Diego, Calif.

the flnt tim. in thirt/ jt-ar. hr favr It up. aotl Ihr wafoo waa unhiadrd.

Jack I’bintpa rrrrlrrd In anawrr to hi* rrrrnt 'ad” in Thr Billboard a Irttrr written In Italian, and h. haan't found out ;rt whether It waa from a clarinet plajer or baaa drnnimer.


By ED M. JA0X80K

We are at laat harinit a touch rf real clrcu* weather, and bnalneoa baa abown a marked im [irorement In cmiaequence. In Beattie, on the npunlng day, wr had a bly turnaway In the afternoon, and at nlicht had to apread atraw for them to alt on. Louie Bern and Tom Oullt- fan were elaitom here. A military rec<^>tlon, followed by a rrslmental band concert, waa leudered Col, and .Mra. Cody by Commandliii: • NUcer Roblnaon at Ft. I.awtoa. ja«t out of >e»ttle.

<*or performanc.. thia aeaaun la par riielleu^-, and eliclta much faror In the eyeu of the pntdlc.

The Wild Wevt portion of the clrcua pn>- cram la ra|>ecially atrony and embrace* wane of the real Cheyenne Frontier Day fariwlte*. Inclodinjt Eloiae Koi. Iliich Clark. FV>yd and mnk Irwin. Bob Lee. Art Boden. Mike ilaatlna. and Flo Deneen.

Rlnida Royal ha* a bnneb of menaae boieea. Including wreral Arabian *|>ot« that are truly wonderful, a* are hi* atatne horae*. preoentlng a aerie* of |>oaea new to tbe rlrcu* arena. Rhoda'a Itaby eleidiant. Billy Snnday. I* not only the menagerie feature, but hi* act In the Ng abow. lntr<idDced by Mr*. Royal, anrely h*. ererybody talking. Ijirtg Zor*'* big berti of elephant* are preaentlng nome new thing* In the line of puoe* and drill*, hard |.> be e<|oaled. The heaid of hyneya, wnrke<l by .knatin King, come In for their ahare of apidaiiae dally, and. owing to the oddity of tbe animal, eiclte a great deal of riirkwity.

The pit ibow. nnder tbe management of Maj Klaa*. get real money eeery day. a* do.-* Tom '•**t^’* Trained Animal Annex, featuring Capt. and .Margaret Recardo. (barley Antlre** actually bad hi* carry.u*-all broken by an orerlnad In .tberdeen. Long after the big abow waa oxer they were clamoring f.w ticket*. Bv the way. Charley'* organ went to the tad tbe other day. and It la rumore.1 that Tom Moore had nome thing to do with It. Of courae, tbla I* not authentic.

Clown number* with (tell* Floto Buffalo Bill; 1— t'hiwn Entree. Rill Ijingber'* I’ad l»og 2- Horace Webb'* Elephant and Big Chain;

Harry Bayfleld'* IJye Bird Shoot. No. 3—Marry Kayfleld'* Hnrle<|ne Statu.-* on lllpp. track. No. 4—Dr. Yankem'a Dentiet Ofll.’c. hr Fte! Henkel ami a*i*M-latc cl.»wn*. No. b Horace Webb. Riirle*<|ne J.M-key walk arnund. N.>. ft— Harry Bayfleld'* Tango Qii.'en*. .led tv la<k tIMon. Walk around number* conalating of Hill laingher'a Rnnater. Emeaf White and Jack Xlhtoa'a Walking Saloon. Krcl Henkel'* Bit t1»h. Harry llayflel.r* x rav Gown, with Jack Harria. aa«l*tlng; Art Monette’a Two face.! rigure. The DeMars and thetr .-rylng baby, and Carlton Emnrr and Joe Mnlllgan it'barlle Cha|>- llnl with tlielr Made.In America number. No. 7 Hanging the Chleken Thief, with Fred Henkel and a**nclate*. No. i)—F^l RIgga and .Xb Johnann. hurleaque boot, dreaae*. No. ft— H.wace Wehb'a Alrahip. No. 1(1—.4b J.diuaon, Jack Albion and Snowball on hlpp. track. No.

RevolTlng table* with Jack Harria, .\rt Xlonette. XX'ard Wright. C*rlti*n Emory. J.w Xtnillgan. Harry Bayfleld and Harry Hall. No. 1'-' Harry Rayflel.l'a Riirlewine Eo.iare«. with Jack Harria a* ( aptain and twelve clown aa- -**l*te*.



Ka’I* City, Neb., June 10. —Deaplle the fact that the ererlaat'ng wet *|iell that tbe Kanaa* farniera enjoyed atilt parane.1 na, Alchlaou. Kan., turned out to be a very nice ataml. Everyhoily In the town waa for a* atrong, Mr. Seeman receiving aome of the beat teatimonlal* we have received thia aeaaon *b*olut<‘lv nnao- Hcited.

Mlaa Mary Haeaell and one of her ow- •’'rkera of the C. W. Parker f.wce# In I eaven- worth paid u* a call laat week. ' Mr. Seeman 'howed Id* appreclalUm of the vlalt bv m.-etlng them at the atatl.m with the baml an.1 ahowing them a roval good lime.

Rimer J<dned the nudonlnmie l*«t week. an.1 I* making good.

Harry Scott had to lay off all week on *c- '*uint of * had caae of tonalllll*.

Almoal had an epidemic of acre throat* laat ■eek.

Harry Dixon Joined the Athletic 8h«>w to make opening*, and la anre livening up thing* with

AFIIMII BIPGets MOIIEY EVERY WHERE Sraatlir Pirki,Carihals ad Flirt

If you hav* aecn thU dcrlor In operation jou know there la nothing hko it for a steady grind money-getter; but for thow of you who are new in ihe aiaUM-ment game we will explain. It la a ball throwing game. The oi>-

a jef*t nf the thrower U to hit the target, which releasee a seat. Uiereby j dmppl'tg i*onti Into big tank of eater, giving him a good duHMng. You

^ give priaeH nr dgars for a rrrtalii number nf Umes cs>oii la I Keat (Wu be made easy or hard to release by adjustable trip.

! AYanplefe outht. as Illustrated In cut. oonalstlng of pipe frame work, i ISM0oow^wSccS9bi heavy canvas tank. 4x6 fret; front net, three d<iaen balls, guy rupea. and

packed t'occpartly In atosit carrying box. v the whole thing may be car ** baggage, all for $47.M, K. O. H. t^ii-agix

Weight of complete outilt. IT-'r Iba. l>eponlt of IIS.OO required lyn


KUrZTOWN, PENNSnVINIA, CENTENNIAL Free On Streets. I Streets. July 1st to 8th.



HENRY MEYERHOFF, INC., • 140 West 42biI Street. N. Y. C. TELEPHONE, H'25 BRYANT.

WE WANT MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS (oliinihia County Fair, (’hutham, N. S««|)t<>niI>or <ith to 10th. Spif'ndid indticN?- ments. A«idrp.s.s \V. .\. DAUDKSS, Secy., (Tiathain, N. Y’.

SAGINAW COONn FAIR, OCT. 5-6-7-8. Wanted hinh class ('antival Company for above. Con<N*ssioiLs wanted. First Fair 1014, attendance 25,000.

F. F. KLEINFELD, Secretary, Saginaw, Michig-an.











(NdflU and br*l Fair In th« Soulbanst. We want Show*. CXmcvaatona and Frr* AcW. Grand Stand Prlvtlvgr* let to th* hlghmt and bmt Mdakr July tat.

E. L. NETTLESMir, Chalraiaa Cmi****l***, FayatlavRI*. ArluuiMa.

bia riasny Moaa in the way of a Iwtnrw. Douglaa Bark* has been carrying a mcan-

Tooklng ahlncr a.* a rvault of a match with a local lighter .at Ue Athletic Show. Parks says be hua to let tflem bit him aomctlme*.

Mrs. and Mis* Barnes Joined laat week with their knock down ball xame.

Tbe baud, under J.din I. Mahon'* cipabie <t1- rectlon. baa been working overUme all we<‘k playing wrenadedr

Ye Scribe made a Mg hit with the Dew*p»p'‘r folks in .\tcbiaon. The girl idea waa a Dew- one to them, but they took to it floe. Got aome swell free "dope,” and the Atchiaoo paper* aren't "easy.”

Kntertalned the .ttcblaoo newsboy* Thurs¬ day night, and they turned out a mighty flue lot of gentlemanly kid*. Incidentally aome of tbe Atchison "newsboy*” are girla.

Mr*. William B. Jarvi* paid a three daya' visit to Omaha thi* week. She report* that proMpects for the •■onilng week, when we play umler the auspice* of the Bouth Omaha lloapttai Association and likewise get the Ragles' Cod- ventlon. point to tbe banner week of the season



We bay,- bad some bad weather and a little opposition, but it did not stop the natives from extending a hearty welcome to tbe Barnes Show.

A new electric light plant was delivered to tbe show 'at Baker. Ore., making two complete electric lighting s.vstemn used ty this eoter- piisa.

Sup<’rinteudeiit I harles Cook la a very busy man. but always finds time to originate aome new tSeas that are of value to tbe outfit.

Steward George Darts is still holding bis repn- tation a* a giMtd man in tbe right place, and good meals, on time, keep the troupers In good bomor.

Charlie Young has the canva*. and it'* np on time dally, snd. as usnal. he keeps tbe "rag” Id good condition.

Ihe srriter bad a long talk with tbe bo** hostler. Rrnie Houghton, tbe other day. and wa* surprised to learn that Ernie started In the circus business in IPSl with the W. W. Cole Btiows, and remaimd there foor seasons, ami has is'asons to clatpi that be was tbe first showman to sell sandwiches with a cirens. This was with the Cole Show at Bismarck, N. D.. In 1S83. He also claim* t« be tlie first to InfrodiM-e Ice I'reara on a clrcn* lot. In tbe year nf 1900 with Pawnee BUI.

During Ills engagements with W. XV. Cole. Walter I,. Main and Pawnee BUI be invented steel run*, continuous gunnel*, sei-ret feed box. moving the show without body poles and taking the harness weight off of iMWses.

Mr. Houghton has been connected with tbe Bsrm-s iffiow m-arly fmir year*, ami during that time he has lost but one horse through slckneas This is a reciml to be pmtMl of.

Happy Jaek. known In private life at John Hickey, one of .Araeric*'* best long-string drirers, has again cast hi* lot w’th Ernie,

Side Bbow Manager Pete Btanton ha* a ssrell Annex, and Is more than getting tbe nsnal percentage.

Tbe band of twenty six picked muslciana In nnder the iHrc-tton of Ed Woeckener. and that's a goarantee of tbe high-class mnsical aeles'tlon*. This la Ed's fourth season with this show.

Al G. Bame* and Manager .41 Sand* are highly elated over the very promising sncces* of the season's business, even in the face of tbe dis¬ couraging reports from other show*.


Kokomo, liid.. June 12.--John and Kloren<-e Barker Noblesvllle Iml.. broight ault for damages against Williani Gause. proprietor of the Wm. Gause Shows, in the Kokomo Circuit Conrt yesterday as a result of the displaying of the body of a deformeil cbild which Barker and hi* wife say bebrnged to them. They allege In their ault that the Nsly was stolen from a grave, and that It has N-en shown bv the car¬ nival 'company to the humiliation of the plain¬ tiffs. The rivil «uif billowe.1 the arrest of Gause ami a aide sts'w manager on a charge of receiving a stolen b<*lv


Washington I*., June 12.—J. H. Dann, well known in amusement circle* as an agent and promoter of outtbsw events. Is now district dl rector for the liO.val Order of Moo«w. and Is engineering a red hot organlilng campaign throughout the States of Netrask* and K>w*. H« la mm at Wa*hingtoa. rounding op a new Moose herd.

A big shake-up In srenie circle* I* scbednled for Denver Col., shortly.

■•’ STANDlNCr ANnW.DDY BKAUS IN ALL COLORS, LF.ATHKR IML- XiOW TOPS, KXC. AVrUf im»w ft»r Sample and Catalog.

NEW DOLLS.FOR OLD!! . WE BACK (itTR C.UARANTEK by giving you NEW IMlL for any

‘Broken or P«“el»‘d ojioh. Th»! goes for either Chicago or New York sales.


S3S W. Madiwa St.


1*651 St. aa» Am..


MARTIN A. KATZ. R»«rM«*latlM.


Ducks With the Coin, Leaving Two

the Boys Penniless and in Quod

JUNE 19, 1915.




JOS. ROTH MFG. CO. Hfre In what you nhMi wrttm and other

fountain pen worker* have been loohlnf for. Tlie m<Nii popular end loweNt-prteed nrlf-flUlng >\*uiitain IVn f^er placed balorr the public.

The Hlriger Hrtf FllUng rmintaln Pen lonks better, wear* better and work* better than the Auatrlan.

Ywu don't have W pick ant a worker - everr one work*.

S8.00 PER GROSS Wp tlMi ramr the Rall-Pntnl«l Snul u. a Mirr-Eiraa or bill or woMhliit

fmm Muno orhor whnirul. hueno to fihnw lu (tiat you arr not a cn«i«uiiH-r and «r alll mid you (Mir bit rataincur u( Uit nm«.t norrilM* and tpecJalUas


335 W. Madison St. (The Carnnal Corner), 10$. W. BECK, Our winning combination; Mr. Beck is Secretary and Tretisurer of the

Carnival Men'a Asssociation; he knowa the buBiness and he will ship you the Gold Medal Baby or anything in our une«^ualled line THE DAY ORDER IS RECEIVED AND AT NEW YORK PRICES.

; ALL DOLLS ARE GOOD—OUR DOLLS ARE DIFFEREHT! THAT’S ALL! , The GOLD MEDAL'BABY Bhown here is a GREAT NAKED BABY, unbreakable, jrorfect in form and coloring, perfectlv joiiiteil, light in weight and with laviutiful features. FULL 26 inches. S.\MPLE, Sl.iiO

• -.* The Roth Mfg.'C/O.'s line of (character Dolls is unicpie and coniplete— in- ^Chides Clowns, pallors, Sollticrs," Yankee Boys, Jockeys, B:ise Ball Boys, Eire- ni^h, etc. .Ml 32-inch size. l^.\MPLK>?, SI.25.

Carnival Men !!! 2-NEW ONES 2 ^ ' big lOe SELLERS AT BETTER THAN 100% PROFIT.


7b6 liotlyMt M'lliT M ]'1rrin(9i‘ii LVIrbratlons, Fairs and C'ar- v* 7 ' liiyals, Kt^fpItflrrmaii'aUelmelwlUisblrldanduum- WA| /

brr. and wRh rubtiar band fur sreurtU' In wpariiif. ; THE CHARLEY CHAPLIN

Tills fM( ayerywhere. Illack Felt rrlUi Photo- i, ^ graph (I* ITiarlry Chapliii mi Kaiid in FrtMit —a

Ha( Oaa. Hat seoured by Rubber Band.

Sfwl 10 ctt.for tample. GROSS, S6.SO. *5% on all orders; balance C. O. D. CROWN HAT FRAME CO.. _30 GrMl Jones Street_ _NEW YORK CITY.

m\ n LOOK OUT! YOU'LL BURN YOUR FINGERS. A m\\ DaIT^ •'*''* ''** t'orcfuia—It's a "hof one. This is the wonderful lltrleN:' ; S y/ROS&i'"■ idSfiSv* daiie* r spoken of sotilghly by Build In Lis ItalUhoo. "Stip a liii:e ■ T do (.r. ladles and gentlemen, as La Belle Fatima Ls about to do T • i I hff da-KC.’' Tills b- a gum-fliiidied Wa-.h ” 1 ^^>|RXRAa^Ejai^VsNv'I If _ 'Charm, and when you move a Ilghttd mauh l-.i 1 * iV 'iiIPmW bacM of it the Oaure ulil do her dance In a n. st g

IF'r* a'.lstic manner. If yxju know what a goml tl. < nri B '' iylR. Is you will get li:p to thi.s. We are (irig:ii :1 MB ” IvSL Diaiiufarturers, and to buy frmo us nnaiis to y.t W

''^Br 7#>ril\ •' loiv't price. .Send 13c for single sample and priies. o-. JM| ilrC^ better yet, shoot u. a dollar bill for fifteen saniphs. As a He seller tli

__ Bears aren't In It. Sind for our FItKK Ulus, t'alalox of ad ki'id. <f V Norellies. Canes, I'etinani., Itn:i<, Kiars, Cmifrul, etc., for Carnirai.. V

• ^ Celehr.rtiMis, S<a«h<e'»'. F'a'rs, Conventions, etc. I HOLinav NOVrLTV MFC. CO.. f6 E. Ter'h St. NEW YORK CITY »





Want Paddle M’heels and a few mon* concesBions. BUT DON’T WANT knock- .ers, fixers or disorgaiiizers, as we just have unloaded a few of them. M’rite or come on. Cleveland, O., June 14-19, ()ld lionie Week; Kenmore, O., .Auspices Business Men, June 21-26. THE SUPERIOR UNITED SHOWS.

WANTED—SMALL CARNIVAL CO. OR GOOD TENT SHOW (wtttMMit Merry-Go-Bound or Refreahment HUnd) for OUVE HtLL. KT., CFnjCBRATfON, JCLT S and 5,

*. T. 3. S. 1*. 1*.00* population In a radlua of Ore mlUa. Four paydaya; all works runidnt. Wiit« or wire

u. k 0. TABOR, Maaapar, OIIm Hill, Ky.

THE INVICTA AMUSEMENT CO. WANTS Pwo aood Showa and a few legitliDate Ooooeaidoiia. Will furnish new ttafdl top for any real ahrnr No pioturM wanted. No grtft. We are playing pond teniton' and hare two lire wet towns for July 3d and 3tli. Get Id oo theae. State all In first letter to ED FRANCIS, lavleU Aaiuiaaiaal Ca.. Halal Nartkarn St PaiU, Mtaa.

The KilllMiard deplnres the necc-Mity of piih HstiiiiK the following letter. We don't want to punish any one. tlKpeeially do »e find It dlHtuMteful to do Ho (sddly and delltH-rstely.

It is a duty, however, and m* pa|M>r that le worth a damn will ghlrk lt» duty.

We Dotitled Iledriek that the letter was In our hands in last week'H isHiie. and a>ked him to show pause why it should not he putdlshed.

He ignored the notice. Also we consulted J. I’. Bschnisn, who replied

as follows: "Y(*s. llarld Iledriek. tlie ^-(-called Bxer, (ltd disapiiear lietween two day*. leaTliig

the men as mentioned and an unsettled aees'unt from the privilege car, candy stands and con¬ cessions amounting to several hundred dollars. —J. I*. FX'lkMAN."

1 Reliance. 8. H.. .Mar 2'.'. ittl.'i. IMltor The Billboard;

Dear {Hr -I’lease publish this letter In order to warn and protect others.

IHiTld Hedrick, the legal adjuster with the Rschmau Show', when the show exhibited at Miami. Ok.. April ‘J4, was doing tlie fixing and put two Joints to w<wk and told the boys every¬ thing had been “fixed.” The Joints had not been opened five minutes when the constable pinched both men lehind tliem, |>ut them In Jail and placed a charge of “running a game of chance" against them, which Is a felony In OklalMuna, and conviction means not less thsn one year In the penitentiary and a fine of not less than $.'100.

After about ten daya the prosecutor rec«>n- aidered the matter and thought it would be better to make It a charge of “misdemeanor" and let the boys pay a fine. 8o their lawyer told them If they could raise one hundred dollars and (data they would be act free. They bad no money on account of Dave Hedrick haring taken all they bad from them In the Justice’s court, when he told them be w<Mild bare them out In a few minutea.

It wag afterwarda revealed that Iledriek hadn’t seen tnylKidy. much less tried to help them, but bad left town after he had gotten every penny they had. Hedrick also ran away with all the money tielonging to the show thst be had taken In on candy stands, and even took $1.', that he was keeping for a negro porter. One of the boys got money sent to him from his wife in rtnelnnatl. while the other (Ark. 8llm) was aiirnog by money wfaieb bad lieen collectsd by friends around the show. They would have been out a couple of weeks sooner bad not Dedriek run away with the money.

I am writing this to warn all iieople In the tiiaineaa against such anakea as Hedrick, and It anyone doubts any part of this statement. It can be yerifled by writing to anyone with the J. n. Esebman Bhowa when they played 3Ilami, Ok.

Very reajwctfullv vonrs, J. T. MAYNAllH



BOUGHT AT AUCTION Fraai Hartaklae-MeKIttriek Dry Gaadt C*. (Ratirv*.)

Cast. Our Priea. ITS Fibre Tniiika. 34x2fxS3.$20.00 $ S.OO IMt ITbre TTmika, J*xUxl«.:_ 10.00 7.50 25 KTbrr Tniiiki. 3»x23xX3. 22.50 12.00 2.3 Fibre Trunks. 24x22x34. 21.00 10.00 40 ITbre Trunks. 27x2ux21. 10.00 0.00



Catl. Our Pric*. 2H0 3 ply ranvag Corrved Trunkj.

34x22x25 .$14.0* $4.00 122 S-pb ('aura* (Yweml Trunks.

2:x2i.x23 . 12.5* 3.5$ T<g> Tray*, for any slar. 2.00 Urns Trays . ••**

Send 1’. (1. Ilriler and liow to ship. .No goods wut I'. (I. II.

HERKERT * ME!SEL TRUNK CO. 010 Waaklagtaa Avaaut._ST. LOUIS, MO. t H1X1X1. l>AN—ThU la Mika

talkin’. Sure, we are aoing k lo itffer the same priae for 4tli * nf July rm'lpta that we al- 'T ways hare; tlO In caali for

I the latgtsl. and 55 In cash W*. for aeriMid largest receipts on

an 531 Wheel on July 4Lh, f and 55 for the beat (utograf L taken on that day. Every

Kll nwiirr ellglblr to enter. IA and It dorsirt coat you any-

thing, only to write a p>wtal . -- card, and say that you want

iM^aii nwiOGa coswwmv » .sss-MW-^.M However, as July 4Ui («ma

Bm 143 B. oti Sunday Hila year, what¬ ever day tba (wlebralion takai

place will enunt. whether Saturday or Monday, tlna thing, these reptjrta friHn <Hir wheel osnrts must be certUhvl lo by the ownty and by the treasurer han¬ dling thr finance Tldg Is to protect every honest man against uia tHsolble cr.Rdt. J. L. I.aiidm aerurrd the first prise last rear, with gnsw recelpta of 53<>1 04. at Charltoii, la. Ikd>^ R. Wltmer, with the Wcal- oolt shinrs, got aecund, with 53*<l 54, at I^uhum. Mich So don’t fall lo get In on this. Somsbody la p>lng to get this money.

Wa sure have the laugh iwi the '‘knorkera,’’ for we ran our shop full foive all winter, and arr now on rasy nrrcl, and our biialnewa In March, April and

I May. 1915. MURK THAN IMH'Rl,Ul the same time in 1914 Si>, thank yiMi, we are reelliig flue. Send for (Mir Dew 72’Page catalog.

ELI BRIDGE CO., ' Box 143 B. Raadkauw. III., U. S. A.


Coiinrll HliiffM. la.. June 12.—I'aiilalii 5're<l Delinar, lion trainer with llano’s Trained Wild Animal Hh<>w. of Uie Great t'llfton-Kelley Rhowa. wa* attacked bjr a lion during the iierfnrmanre yesterdiT. Ilia face and body were badly lac¬ erated.

Get (Nir price list and gamplea before contracting for aeOMMi New I*r1ce IJst nina rra(b. Big asaortment at(M4i brands Alao private brands to order. Twenty years’ rxp<nrnce serving Medicine Men.

CRESCENT SOAP CO. (Sasaataara W. & W. Saag Mfg. Ca.). Oagt. B-7.


ALLIOATORSIII l*lt Stiow. 515.00, csmslslliig of one 44* lo 5 ft., one 5 ft., Iwn j ft., three IS-ln.. fiMir babies, one rgg 111 slinw, 510.U0, mnalatlng of (me 4-fl., (»ne 3 ft . one 2'fl., two Ut-ln., two iMtldm. (Sie egg TIIK FlXlKIHA AIJdGATtlR FARM. Jackson-

DCin DIBCC Beautiful llpals. Ruble*, etc., 54 00 per DCBU niRDO ion. Hample, 6c. Suppllea. Wa will start y(Mi In buslnrsw wllhtsit money Inquire A riF,HIM. no Spencer HI.. Bnaiklyn, .V Y


40 5-Stick Pkgs. to Box, 40c, Stamped. U. P. G. SPEARMINT •?«

5-Stick Pkgs. to L, 22c, Stamped.


UNITED PEPSIN GUM COMPANY, 263-265 Washington Ave., NEWARK, N. J.

t - I


.\r" mm frltln* mnrr molin' around Stm York than ■II iiUin nil artkiM In the rouiilrjr. mpniallr whni

, laii »lir wrlum fuaraiilna «llh ryrry pm<.il. and If inii'l Ihn are made (laal nllhnul anr quuUlima i. IVtirila are maile out uf hard ruhim (not ni l. »ll»rr iiiTallra. Now jrou umi nmi. art huay. Ti. . :.l nWd <-an be cunr iwn aaain with thear I'. Stud Mr cwtita In atanifM for 3 aamplra. Saw f. iiiurai'lf Iwfiira buying. Pricea: tirrwa lota, SIS.UO, tr; I'M. 1-4 Iki S«id for nrw I’m I'atalog.

KELLEY. THE PEN KINS. ISI Eait Twoaty-thlrd Stnat. Naw Yarfc City.


|i!n--1l<M, sanduaal liualnraa Mm'a AaanciaUan,,. ILL.. .Util'HT II. 1*. It. 3(), ltl5. •a>iiihi-rii lllinnia' Hltfiat thitdoor Ermt.

FIEC ATTRACTIONS WANTED AUo Showa. 1 OiKwwalaiia. I>ull Whrrit. Norrltlra. Urm <io Itoinid. Hear and t'andy Mhrria. and all aiiiiU id clran. high-rlau Cmimatona. Write nulrk.

N. 0. WATT. Cwaaaiaiaat Caarmlttaa. ED B. PURNELL. Sacratary.

WANTED AT ONCE—!• to to A1 Mrdirtna Lrr- lurrra. Wiak the yrar around HaJan tl5 «• prr warA and tranapnnatinn after joining, nr n per rent id all fnnt moiicy. Work from platfara. In front of and through IWucalMa If you are a gnitlrman and ran •land pnearerlty. kindly anawrr If not. Mra atamn* .tdilrrm UPI; Tt»\K MKI>II*.\L ASStUTATION. 1443 iAniih Ir-riare Flare, Mrmplila. TVnn V R.—We nerd r»l Lrriurera at all tlmeo, ao kindly Ua rat- ad. an«l write ua when at liberty.


Paanla Ibat rou doubla; alaw I-gtrew Bond. Slaw all la Arm letter. WILL Bl'T Hog Aet or miy amall An- tmal Act. 1^ na bear from you. stkow omwia July 3. Wagon alana. WAUNDt B HAWLEY. Letla. la.

TWO tOX tAU lOWLINO ALLEYS \Mrly new. at a bargain for aulrk aale.

IIM C. Stk Bt.. Malta. Ha.

DOGS—AND MONKEYS—DOGS .All kind and alar.

.NEW TOHK KENNEUt. US Eaat Nlntli St.. N. T

CURIOSITIES *“« “•*" *»ut Wtibout bannem. all

r<*d> to ahig day order cornea. dSloe Liat FHOL NELSON SUPPLY,

lU E. Paartli Btrmt. Baataa. Hnaa.

Wiitid, For Ajfir’t Aito OtirliN Slows, Jrtcb Tram, mao and wife: alao Chararler Cimaedlan. nano Player; muat double ataga. Slate all you oan do and lowaai iwy ereiy Saturday nlghu I furnlah •“ Addroaa

s SWsiya Wsfca


Merry-Go-Round 'P attraction and cntietaalona. at Blaefe Barth Homecoming. July 4 and 5. IVrina reaaooabla Ad-

Athletic AaaoriaUon. P. B, DRAKC^Troataror. Blaak Cartll. Wla

LADY MUSICIANS WANTED • irohroira and Comet Sololat. Solo VloUnlaf and Cbn- .m Mlilreaa. Orrheatra Planlal who U (MMID wscallat

hotel work, cummendng July Itth. airr-*^ INBTRUNENTB. HURT BE BOOD MU> 1151^'** or eooo appearance for produc-

vaudeville work, tne work 8UARANTH0 M

•ALAVlEr**"*’ **■*■ "O •***-^ f^d full particular! of paat eipertencw, age.

height and weight Phntivrapb. which will be re¬ turned CHA*. W. 60ETZ.

• •MAda^iBtoaat_BUFFALO, N. Y.


Wblu Hand. HlhSw Tmosbnnw. Alto. Othvn write Kof <V4«WYd liAnd~r«wnet, T^s, Alto, (tart-

RaiitntMi and I^nimn Adclrm M. M. WCLtH. MRaafar, Altawma. June 17; Oralport. IR; Punxsuuw* 2^. I»; ration. J1: Bameaboro. 29; All Id Pwui Houkt Ilka to hear fro« Wm. Hulllvan.

TERRI'S TEH HI6HTS CO. WIHTS Violin to tloAiblw claiinet In band Mow rltchl.

tiao Tuba Uw H. A to Wire or writ# E. C JtiNF^A. Manaarr. npr^toiie. Minn. June IT; HaHwlok. Minn. IR: Uhimip. Minn.* It. Round laAke. Minn..

Uke Park. Is.. 19. Round Squawkers

\N lute Stems. SoUd colora. aaeorted—Bed. Blue and Green, at $1.5«. »2.#C. $2 25. $2 T5 and $3.0« groak. Saiiaagr-shgpad Squawkerv antL-eptlo white atraan. aolld cokwa. at II.W and 12.75 gnwa. Two-color Round Squawker iwa out) Ak il.tta $9.7«^. 14.00 fItMA. •n-c^tlmefer Air Balloon, frww.$2 W •O mitla*rter Oaa BaMoon. M-iwaUiBeter 2 color Ball..,i. grwa. J M W-cetiUmMer Gaa. mtra heaey. groaa.I.M

SEND TODAY FOB HY CATALOOUE. IF* TNE BEST EVEB. (He Trrsta You Right) 3S8 W. Maaiwon St.. Ctklcaao. ED HAHN

-W _ wanted—HEOICINC PERFORMERS ketch Team, man ainl wife; alao tlnglea. Slate If

you play piano. Tell all you do In flrat letter; aUo l'•■rol aalary. Par your own hotel No lime for WIe corTe-ati<m.le»ice W (I. MAtUillAU.. General IMlfery. IjeHance. Ohio.

WANTED-GRANGE PLAYERS F*^/tornirra and MiMkiana. l*rTfrmw^ lo thnne d<4n( ^HTlaith^ and braAA. Kht» ondrr csnvaA. Halarr In ■♦▼pliif with tlmrA. TrII all and plioto llr»l iHtrr. g^llelj KKHIIeKT. KInroundy. 11!

IWANTEO- MUSICAL COMEDY CO. ii’- ..i| ,r iiHiil enmpany for BatunlAj, July 9<L Ad- drfk8 O K .MYKUH. Mar , Hiamf. SlirKhm. Itmt.

u >:cuir«t HirrrNot Afp^i ul* —ly uT thA'iw.

WANTED FOR LADIES' ORCHESTRA t'- U Miult'lan* OcT»rt, nartnrf, Tmenhiwie. iHum- m^r. with IMU. all muNt hr rapablr Hummer h.* laK* nwyil HtiN'k Inwiar iilatitN only No HundA' *'Miijt 4»utNl<tp wtirk Wirt* nr wiitr tmnM’kllairly

llRiWKWAY Ar.'VriN. .iAhrvlUr. N t' Black, writi*._

Rentfrow's Big Stock Company Niriloiiif, Hot S|»rin>rs, .\rk., ifulefinittv

" \.\ I'l!!) MusiciaiiH tliat (ioiitile Mtacp;

\( iurs lli;it liitiililt' Itaiul; H A' • >. I.eailer

aiiii full nreliPhtra; ii><‘fiil i),'i)|>le in all

I'lM's. .\.l.lre«s .1. UK.M’i 1M»\V, Mjjr



SPECIALS AT S7.60, SI0.50. $15.00 DOZ.

POLAN, KATZ & CO. 24 S. HanovBP St.



KiIII'T The ItilllMianl. Aa a render of your ealiiahle paiier I wiah t<>

c.ngratiilate you on your aide eilltorial In yoiir lanue of 'file .'.th liiat.. entitleil •‘The L'amlral Game." It la the lieat and triieat thing 1 ever read on the Huhjeef. Itiit how many of tliein will r,’ad Giat |ile,'e and profit hy It* gooil ad¬ vice? That la the ttymlde with aleiw imople; they <|on‘t'think eiMniith; neither ilo they hire anyone to i|o their tliinking for them. It la the only biiaiDeaa wher, aerkuia tlawiKlit d<wui not iNiuiit. But. aa you any. "If they don't be- kln to lliliik pr« lty *H>n. aihl tone down a little on the Hot >iinta and ciaiche hlow..ifra and "J<dn- Ing 'em out.’ the buaine.a will be ruined."

There la no reamwi why the atiow bonineaa cannot lie run an any other hiiainean—in a clean, atralghtforw ard manner -tnatead of le-tiig a 1-t "f fnglltvea fivim Jiiatlce and tram(*a. Let It la* ralaeil to a level with other legitininte linei. of biialneaa ami Ita people to a level where they will at leaat be kaiked ii|a>n with common re- »!>•■<'*. OLIVKIl ElIlWAUIlS.



Swe.twater. Tex.. Jane 9.—Ijist week, at Coleman. Te*.. under the Fire Ilepartment. we had ail daya of Ideal ctmlral weather, and a Mg Itatorday: In fact. It was the banner stand of the leaaoD.

Sweetwater, thtg week, sad with aa eicen tloaaUy large erowd on the W*t Monday night, the abnws did a alra business. Hnweser. bu-l- neaa has fallen off slightly ainre then, owing to heavy sand sterma.

Texas Bud and his partner. L. P. MeNeeae. were visitors to the show this week. Manager Nlgro made them a profMwitlmi to book their Wild West Show, and It la believed they will accept and Join In the next town.

Oeneral Agent H. B. Danville has the com¬ pany booked op to Angnst 1. with FOnrth of July celebrattona at Arteata and Clovis. N. M. He reports this territory In good coodttloo.


-BIG HIX-— The "(hhi (lao Kid" is the very newest thinj? on the nurket. It

st.Tiids eighttM'n inches in heislit, is tlressed in Dutch costume of all wool velvet finish felt of assorted colors, guaranteed non-hreiikable. Face and lu'ad verv eleitant ami hijth jtnule finish. Your line is in- evuiiLlete without tliem.

CATS. NO. A1. 18 INCH. PRICE. $9.00 PER DOZEN. Send ?1.1K) for sample pref«ii»l any place in the I’nited States,

t'ompan* ihem with the ones you an' now usinsror hapjHUi to see and we an* sure vou will ajiree with us that th'*y are the Ivest thing on the market.

SUNSET SPECULTT CO., 149 Soaih Main St.. Los tnfoln, California.


Thg Hand Writing on the Wall and Is j Capable of Interpreting It—Any


Leather Pillow Covers

HAND PAINTED ^ Furnisheit 'in Y'i'it’b'? lutifiil as

sorttsl d**si<ins.

Leather Satin In¬ laid Pillow Covers BhbI Grad* $125.00 par


These are absolutely the beet I.eiitbcr Pillow Covere ever shown'on the mid-way. Sup- ^ plieil with any name, assortra . subjeetR and fraternal iwderB. <

Semi for newest circu lar. PUuDB . your orders at once to insure prompt shipment for 4th of July, .

likN6R0CKBR0$.C0MPaNT- 35-37 Ormoml Place

NEW YORK CBTY Borough of Brooklyn- ,

FKLT PILLOW CXTVERS from Sit) *H) to *IN.'>.00 per hundred.

FELT PENNANTS from f‘i.50 per hundred up._ ••

We opened our "ekioo it Emernoo. Neb., but. owing to the bad weather, bnaioeiu, was not aa good es It might Iiave been under more favorable roodltioea.

Mr. Dobrmtn has the beat lloe-np of attrae- tloiM be baa ever had. among inem being T?'j Veil Deering'a Dramatic Co.. Cipt. Sawyer's motordrome. Will Z. Smith's Clrcns Annex, featuring Prof. Clarence Olds, tbe one-man band; Dohnnan'a Merry Whirl and Parker carry-na-all, and La Porte’a Hnman Flab.

Among tbe rooceealons are Oacar Rloomkbnrg'a twenty-foor-foot Jan alley. J. T. Carrier’s long- range abooting gallery, high striker and doll and bear wheel; Sleepy Barkaon's ball cames. BUI Plelae’ knife rack. Penny and Kelm's Teddy bear wheel. C. H. Stowe’s refreshment stand. Jack Wamke's photo ga’bTv. Gibbs and Nagle’s hambnrger stand. Mrs. Will Z. Smith's boopla. Dad Willis’ conntrv store and BP-oius tnrg'a noveltv shooting galle.-y.

The free acta constat of Capt. S-d.lner’s fly¬ ing trapeie and Soanish wire act. and Prof. Jacobson's eleven-piece Concert Band.

We carry alxty-flve people, all told, and not one carries f dog as a pet.



Handwane PatrloUc Pl.aure. Slxe 10Hx31. Belter seller than ■SKITIMB™ MORN." aimed. lYlce per hundred. 115.00. Price per 500. at lit 50 per humlretl. Price per I.ihh. at EW.Ot w handred. Send 15 cent* h, stamps tor sample.


WANTFD AT ONCF nia<-kft<'r I'lmw-llaii for Me.1 niu.t (>,■ up i,> iiair In arts. a>s«l sinale sjw

■'sltlfs. eiih aissi videe; i liaiiar foe mie week. >lou t"e («aaii. sork III t«iii. pav roue own Slate all 111 first I, lie, .kihinsui UR H J ATM NS. Hnsla. 1- Hi

On December IT, 1014. the toss of a coin decided, what baa proven to be. tbe most profit¬ able venture In tbe show buslneas this yeer,

Tbe Convict Ship. "Success." was that day lying at tbe foot of Market street, Philadelphia, and Cgptaln D. II. Smitb. her owner, com¬ mander and- manager, was trying to decide be¬ tween two dtlea. both of which bad been con- sWntty, for two months, advancing varions reasons why each of tliem would be the proper place fur him to exhibit bis ship during tbe year 1915. San Francisco playesl as her trump card the P. V. 1, E., New Orleans used the MardI Grns as hers. Not wishing to offend either one of the cities, both of which had a personal representative on tbe scene, the goddess of chance. In the form of the toss of a coin, was appr'aletl to with the result that to the satisfaction of 4 aptain iCinith and hU entir* crew San Franclscii's gain was Sew Orleans' loss.

Box-olTIcr returns, since the old vessel has h>>en on the ('oast, have more than sa'lsfled the energetic little captain that !»an Francisco la not in the financial slump some iwsalmlats wish to Imagine.

Previous to coming to Fris<M> the old "Snccess" was exhibited In eighteen Eastern citlea from Ito.fon to Norfolk and we have yet to rvvort a fallnre.

Our first and second Snmlaya In Frisco regis¬ tered ten and eight thousand paid admissions resjiectlvely at two hits par. and. after three nnmths. although business droi-iH-d off a bit. «e atlil continued b> turn them sway, and now thaf tbe oM ship, after k iiu*nth*a s|.le trip to (lakland. has. at the earnest s-d'cltatlon of s.» ihany Influential |>eople. lH>»h In 4'ollfornla and Inland States, ahandon.'d for the present Its proi>osi-d voyage hi Portland, and again n'lurne,! to Its ('Ll berth at the f*wt of .Mission stix'et. l-'rlsco. bistnrv is n*l>*‘atlng l|s.-lf agxin. ami we have nothing to report hut business.

The full roster of the crew Is Captain D. H. Siiillh. owiwr am! mansger; J. Edwanl Coupe, purser and trea«iir»-r: K \V Nottingham Mali Morgan. Ibdiert Oldman. Frrsl M Weldmann ami F Mall. h*ctiir»'rs: Mrs. J. Edwaril Coupe ami Miss Pliiilra Smith In charge of a.»uvenlr c.Hint>*r Walter 11. Stirrup ticket seller; l.eslle Matthews, tleket tsker; Walter Twiss, outside sdvertlser: Itert 1 vrlch, Nsiks.

Among the many dlstingiilshe,! visitors to the old vess-'I. apart from San Franclstsi's entire ofilelal staff, have town the entire Sellsnobv- IlMffalo nut Show, Mai John M. Burke. Guy W.Hslwar.1, of Kolb A Dill to.; Art Smith. Sam Mailer and almost exerv professional who has visited San Franela<s> slm-e our ■>penlng.

There will he doings at IVnvcr—spectacular doings a little blisl whistled to me.

A. »

Unbaiia. Ktldla iiatf * Wbltv **i<allaxber, U. J, Uallabcr, C'baa. \V. *UtlTtD, JobDo; *(]alTlu, W'ui. Uauuuo, E«ldle UauK, Earl UanllDcr, J. H. (■art-liiettl. Albtrt Uartluar, Kred UarDcr, W. B. Uarrett, Kuj Uarrrtt, Cbvt. (larrrttaou A (jarretson (jarringer, II. L. iiaatim, Albirt *(jatcb, Ueo. L. Oati'i Jobiilr IJay, !>. UtH-r, Edward 'Ucigrr. Jobuuj tfplgrr, Jubiiny Ijeurgeatuur. Wllbrlm

:le Sbirley. Mra. Emma lieleo Sblrley, Mn. Tom

i>rla SllvertoD, Opal . VTc Suially, KUa Gertrude Smith, Alice Little Smith. EiU May

ith •••Smith, JeDnie «e Smith, .Mra. J. Lacy 1. I''r«*d Smith, Mildred . J. 11. Smithley, Elma lel Sneider, Mra. Evelyn t. Ella Snyvler, Mra. Charlie • '••'ue Stalker, Miaa Ellen dly Stanley, Mra. Pete ra. Marie Stanton, Mrs. Bertha , Mrs. Belle Sterling, Nana II I Uapman Stiera, Mra. Helen

St. Claire. Mile. Anna •St. Clair, Eilith

Stukea, Mra. Jannita •Stokea, Peggy Stuvart, Mamuiie L.

Mra. Jennie Swift, Mrs. Buy Teer. Clara

Helen 'Tliomas, Grade Mary Thomas. Mrs. A. R.

Thomaa Mrs. Anna Thomas, Stella •TiKMuaa, Susie

Remaining uncalled for at our office up to last Monday noon. Please make forwarding requests on postal cards only.

The Billboard’s letter forwarding service is unequaied for promptness. Have your mail addressed in our care, and keep us supplied with your route.

All mail advertised in this list is be* ing held at the publication office, Cin* cinnati, O., unless otherwise indicated by the characters * (New York), •* (Chicago), *** (St. Louis), S. (San Francisco). ,


••Acker. Mrs. M. •••FToretts, Princess Adsnifi, Mrs. Bay •Fonda, Maybelle ••Aldrich, Mrs. Shermsa FV>rd, Bertie Alexander, Mabel Forste, Mrs. Pay

and Fred Foes, Stella Rogers •Alliaon, Virginia Fueter, Mm. Lula L. Amy, Mile. Fug. Elisabeth Ana. Madam Frank, Mra. Billy Anders, Ethel Franklyn, Blanche Anderson, Ruby Freele, Lens Andemon, Mm. B. •Calami, Mrs. Bessie Andrews, Marlon Gwrrett. Margie Andrews. Mm. SIIts Gasaway. Blond Anrella, Qneen Genaro, Mile. Marie Asom, Tbelma George. Gladys ••Barker, Ethel May Gibson, Nora •Barton, Mae Gilpin, Mrs. Ruth Baskins, Mm. L. R. Glosser, Samb Batchler. Katherine Goo<lmau, Mori ••Bell, Battle Gordon. Mae ••Beunette, Byllye Gmnt. Aimee Bentley, Florence Graser, Ethel •••Blair. Miss ••Hall, Agnes RUnebart. Mias Harding, Josette ••^Blinm, Ida Harmon, Mm. uttie Board. Miss H. Harris, Bell Booth, Mildred Harrison Sisters Bowie, Snsie Hart. Muacle Bowman, Mm. G. Harvey, B. Loyd Bradwich, Mrs. Jimmy Heatd, Anna Brady, Mm. Jessie Healy, ^'rtrud<- Brice. Bobbie ••Hicks, Rilla Brigbtman, Mm. Maggie Hielderman. K«loa •••Brinkley. Irene ••Hllger. Elsie Brown. Amy Hill. Amelia ••Brown, Anna •Hill. Mm. L. Brown, Mm. Frank ••Hlnninger, Haxei. Brownell, Mabel Hoffman. Frances Brunaon. Mm. W. W. H'>ran. Mm. L S. Bryant. Leona Stater •••Holme*. Mav Buohgnan. Mrs. NelUe Holmes, Mrs. M. T. Burdett, Mm. Franda Hood. IJllian Bums. Beasle Howell Trio Ruth •Bnrton. Basel Hubl>ell, Mrs. Jack Busch, Mm. A. 8. Hudson, Lillian

-‘•''•el tSadre Hudson, Mm. B. L. •Canta, Mra. Lyle Humphry, Mr*. \V. L. prison. Mm. Clara Hunt. Mary B. ~W^yt Ida •Hurst. Katherine Carter, Edna H.vatte, Mm. Roy ^*tle, Dullle Ingalls, Grace

Mm. Rnlah Irving, Mm. Eva Cbambem, Mm. Madge Jermon. Elsie

Jettee. Mm. o P. Claire Alberta •••Johnson, Mm.

C aim. May Frank B. Pearl •••Jolly, Mr*. E

^rk Mm. Bose •••June*, Mht* Don Jones, Mm. Minnie

Mm. Sadie i.SlJonea, Pat*.v ^le. Beatrice Josselyn, Mm. R. A.

W. E. ^nley Mm. Frank Kehoe. Mr*. Jennie COnnelly, Mm. Grace Kemp Marie iMDom, Helene Kenney, Ethel

t^noi^ Ixtttle Kenney, Evelyn GorWa, FTossie Kerner, Hattie jwtasy. Fay Keno. Nellie Courtney, Minerva King. Mm. D. ^nalna Mm. Lottie King. Dorothv Cmlg, Miae E. ••Krenieer, Clarre Coming*. Mm. T. Knhin. Mary Cummina. Mr*. M. U LaBlancbe Flossie

^mmtni. Ida •IjiEmma. Mille ^tler, Nina •iMEstrellelta

k imje. Adelaide •LaFrance, Wionifred 1 j^Iey. Mra. Marie I aG-ecIa, Mias m I'i’leT. Mm. Jas. LaNeta. Marie

iKM'k, Sam ••IKKld, \Vm. Dodge, bauford Ihdiruian Amuse, Co, Donahue A .'riewart Donnelly, tlweu Donovan, iKioley Dooley, Janie* Doran, Harry Dorney, I'rank P. Douglas, Tummy ••Douthllt, IV. T. Dow, David ••Dowling. W. ••Downing, J. U Doyer, Joe Dresser, Herbert C. Drew, Clay Hrowiaky Alfred DoBoU, Wilfrid Dunn. J. P. Duacan. O. A. Dunse, Harry Dunamoor, Guy Durand. Bill Durrett, Dave Dyer, Fraurt* Dyer, W. A. Dyer. W. W. Dyer, J. W. E^ls A Arrow Kakin, J. Herold Earl, Frank Early. J. B. kMst, Fred Eckard, Torn ••Eckert, Tom •Edmonds, C. T. Edward, C. J. Edwards, Roy Edwards. On* Edwards, HI Edwards, Ralph Egdirettn, Wm. Kick, Buck Ki*Ie, George Elliott, Max C. ElUott, F. F. Klllson. iS-ank

•Nelson, Wilda Nock. Mm. O’Neill, Mrs. D. •Obrey, Beairlce Oatman, Dot Ollvt'r, •Panther I’arsoD, _ •Patterson. •••l*atter*on. M. Pelman, Una Perry, Mr*. Wild Joe I’billipa, Florence •Tilton, Lncile Phillips. Mrs. C. W. Todd. Fay •••Phillip*. Mr*. D. A. Todd Slatem Pindar, Claudine Thompson Mr*. Fmncii Poole, Babe (BlTbompon, Louise M. Pope, Pearl 'Tbomaon, Gertrude Potter, 'Martlicr Thome Bessie Primroee, Mm. Anita Tonneberger. Acne* •Prince, Irene • Torrey, Marguertta Rae. Dot •Toy. Mm. Ben Ramsey, Martbs Trafton, Mra. Frank Ray. Edith Trevaioa. Mildred

Gerand, Jack Geroge, Frits Gealand, Irving Gibbons, Jubn Gltbona. Jack Olbion. Jim Ulbaon, Jack A Jessie Gilbert, Doo C. Gilbert, Jack Gilder, Bam Giles, Claire 8. Glllespla. D. U. Ulolli, Uldlo Giroux A Leona Gllck, Joaapb Glover, William Uluskln, Bam Golden A Grant Golden Comedy Co. Uoldy, A. 8. * Oollno, U. Uomea, Gene Uoodheart, Jack Gordon, Carl ••UordM, John R. Gordon, Lea Gordon Brothem Gorreoo, Carkia •Gould, Mr. Felix Orabam. John •Graham, Cbns. ■. Orabam. E. B. Grannla, Paul Gray, Robert Omy. Dongla* Gray. Bea Ho ••Gmy, Bart ••Oreely, Tom •••Greer, Robert ••Griffin A Tbompaoa Griffin A Bmmert Griffith. Frank T. Griffiths. I'red L. •Guntber. Jack Ilackley, Bam

Freil k A. Ilagerty. G. O. Haggatd, Anbry Haines, Harry B. Halke. R. 8. Ilalke. R. 8- Hall, Tom Hall Harry C. Hall. D. D. Hall, K. F. Hall. Harry F.

X^oc •••Hamilton, L, C. Hamilton. Charles L. Hamilton, Charlaa B. Hamilton, Scott llanilltou. C. F. Hamlin's Shows Hammond, Ralph Hancock. Sam Handy, J. C. Hansel. John Harmount, C. B. Ilanwr. W. 0. Harr, E. W. •Harrlgan. Patrick Ilarrigan. H. R. Harrington, W T, Harrington, lelghton Harris, L. Harris Bros.’ Shows Harris, Leon Ilirtrick. Ed Harter. Walter Harter, Bob ••Hartley, Albert N. Harvey, H. A. IlMu-all, Ism llatcb, Ed Haven*. C. G. Hawkina, Cbub

Maurice •Hawley. George Hayden. Frank L. Hayden, Doc Haye*, Walter J. llaye*. Th<». Itayne*, Arthur ••Heath, Karny Heather, George Ilecklow A Duvall He<lgea Bros. He<lrtck. At A Dot Held, H. C. llemleriMHi. Wm. Heniiessey. W. J. Henry, Mott Henry, Mr. Herman, prof. ••Ileyde, Phil II. •••Highland, Happy Hill. L. A. Hlltnn. Johny Hlnckle. Will Hinckley. I,ee Hinkle. Milton D. •Hines. W. W. (S)IIita. J. C. H'sige. Oscar F. Holiday. J. W. Holland, l.eonard Holland. Ja*. T. Ilollendcr, Jos Holloway, llsnier Holton. Cha*. Il<rmburg, Henry •Hood, Ham Hoover, Bert Hope. Wm. P •Hornbroi'k, Goa. Ho«mer, J. Ed lloughtM. Joe H. Hoaltoa. Dad Hoover. J. 8. Howard. W. U

^Collins, James P. g Collins. Eddie B. ^•olllna, J. C.

let Amuse. Co. James g'dndon--

Cooewehah. Chief

< onnolly. J. R. (onklln. Edward •Conklin n»rry Conley, M r. Conroy. Jno. F. Consolidated .4mo*e

Cook A Oatman Cook Comedy CO. Cook, EuTene C. Cooiier, Paul C. Cofieland. Nick Coiteland. Ed Corey E. S. ••('"•grove. •’ II Coty, P. H. Conlson, Harry ••Cousins. Jack Covill. E. A. Elser. Oe<

Emerson. ••End re**, Enseuberger. G« Erickson, C. L. Erwin, Flo.vd Erwin, John K»te», O. A EUel, J. T. 'Eock, M. J. Evans. J. J. Evans, Eugene - Everett. Billy A Gaynell HalL Kylward, Jambs ' Falrman, George Famon IVltoo, King F'eltua. Roy Ferndon, Dr. Jim Femer, 1^> Fermnte's Bami Ferrier. R Ferris, Wiley Ferris, Jim Ferro A West •Ferry. Clinton P. Fetter. Adam nelding, C. R Filklna, E C. nilltag. H. A. Mne. Fxl nnkel, Billy ITnkle, Billy Finley, Bo»‘ •Finnegan, K. Finney, C. W. Fisher Show* Fisher, 1 oiil* Fisher, W. L. Fisher Show* Usher Cnrl iDutcbt Fisk*. Musical •••Fittgersld •FItapatrick. Peter J. ••Flaig, Angiiat Flanigan, John Flash. C. I/Ml Fleming Ralph Fllndt. Emil •Flint. E. C. Hood. J. J. ••Flynn, Wm. S. ••Flynn. Chaa. Foley. Tho*. H. Folev A Bnrke Ford, H. C. Ford. Edwin Forrester, Hldnev Foster Comedy Co. ••Foster, H. M •Foster. 1. F. PiMiriner Show Fowler. Edgar Fow, Shorty Fox, Albert Fox, W. B. Fox, Phil Foy, Eddie Francis. Don •Francis, Mr. Millard Fmnc'a Minstrels Franklin, Bennie Fmnt. John M.

Direction H. Trufiurt (Pat c:aaey Agencxi

Benella, Best Girl Ban joist in the World

Cowan. Tommy Crandell. Harry K. •'. rane. Janies Crawfoni. E. T. (I'ad Crawford, Cy CripiMi, Alfn*l G. Cronin. Nell t rooks, Barney L. ( fsihy. 1*0*1

Crouman, Link ( Tousber, W. Crowell, Edward •••Crowell. Edward Cuff. R. Culp. Arthur f nnilmngs, K. C. •Cnmmln- 1. T Curtis, WaPer I*. Curtis, H. F. Cnrtis, Ham J. Custer. Gene Daghner, Mona Dalcon. R/ihert Dale A Ro.vie I»alpy. James A Mari Daley, Cook A Daiues Halton. Morris ••Dalton Broa.

••Worth, Charlotte Young, Mrs. Lacy Zerkor, Ethyl Ziever, Madam Von

Hevora, Norma Shafer, Mr*. Fred L. Sham, Mm. Dave Shea, Daisy Shepard. Babe


Randy, Frank A Hnbert Barter, Tom Barebam. Samuel Barie, Claud Barker, Bothy Barker. Tomie Barr, Ai Barrett Harr.v Bartells. Albert C. Barteoo, Harry Barter. Elmer Bartlette, Aerial •Barton. John Basinger. D. L. Basinger, David L. Raston, Thornton Katchelden, F. F. Batchelor, Billy Bates. Ft^ J. Baugh. Jim Ransober. A. C. Baxter. Wm. E. Raylesa. Wm. Baynard, W. A Rayrooty Bros. BeAno, J. C. Beach. Frank •••Beadles. B. C. ••Beaming. E. C. P.ean Harry Bean, John Bear. Chief Boll Bear. Samuel I»ne Beasley. Chsrley Beanmont. Chas. Beeseh. A. 8. Belcher. B. (. Bell. FVank A. Bell Cha*. Benlalre. Capt, Bennett, Joe J. •Bennett. Chs*. g Bennett. Billy Bennett W. A. Reno. Ben Benson. O. A. Bentley. Charley P.entley. W. B. Rentnm. H. Berarero, Joe Berger, Bud Remal, W. J. Bernaoer, W. A. Bernell. Back Bernhard. Jake Remstine, David O. Bctttnger. L N. Rettinger. Jjtrrj Bheabam. Chnek Big Foor Com. C*. PIsra. Dave niglay, Jcoa

Abbott. C. A. Abramson. I. ••A. C. .Ackerman, AI Adams Floating Thea. Adams. L. W. Adams, Jess Adonis. W. H. ••Agee, John R. Aiken, Jay Aldridge, Tom Alexander Bros. Allen. Ed •Allen. Sam Allen. Max Alien, Max A’len. B. E. Allen, Harry Allen, A. G Alley. H. R. Alliger, Doc AlUn, Orlando Allman. Jack Allread. N. W. Altman. Max .Alnmini Alvin, Tom American Floating

Thea. Anderson. White Rat Anderson, E J. .Angell. J. 8. Anthony, Geo. Anthony. T. W. Applegate A Mansfield Aptiles. A. A. Argenbrigbt. Roy .trington. Walter Armond, Ted Armstrong, Ray Armstrong. Hsrry G. Armstrong. R. .trnold. Edward Arnold. George Aronson, Ijew Arthur. Albert G. Astor Quartette Atkinson. Tom Anghe, John C. Ausley. T. J. Austin. Neil Anston, Robert Antbor, L. R. Bailey, Allie Bailey Ollie Baird. W. B. Baisb. Fred Baker, Toney Baleom, Earl J. Baldwin It Oo.. Guy Balentine C. O. Batdy, Jiff

Campbell. Paul .. Campbell's Wagon .Show Galy. Campbell Bros. ' •Campbell. Chas. r.‘mp»«ell If W. Cannon. C. E. Cannon, Julian K. Cannon, T. J. Cantaldo A Ciirtli Canto, TIm*-. P. Cardwell, Walter Carlton. H. K. Carpenter. II. L Carrano, A. ( trrayt. The Carrigan, J. J. CaiToll. ■ Carrfdl. Caraon. Carter, Carter, Cirtner, Cartwright. W T Cary, fhaa. I. Caae, Edward •Caaey, J<ie Casey, C. M Casey. Tom fasmore. Vie Caatem, Fonr •Caatle. J. F. Castle. Catalano A Denny Cate. P, B.

Bandar, .Michael Daniela, Harry Hanley, Howard I'-nker, W. P. ••I*arnell. Veriwm Darvlllee, The Dashington. J. j. T>aiim. C. Fre«l Daiistin. Jim Davies, Gomer Davis, T. L. fS'DsvIa, Earl ••Davla Arthur ••DavU D. D

_ Davis. J. O. Keating A Fay Davlaon l.eonard

Day. Edgar tfeRelle Bros. DeBolt’a Comedy I»eBrti1n. n

D. Il'S leo, Harry Dellaren A NIee Delong. W. I» IfeNoyer, Eddie IleRost. Harry ne.silva Fred F DeValgine S fleVak. Ralph DeVere. Billy

Bcoot ••DeVnie. Js-k DeWolfe, Linton Iteam. Doc. K. M.

Canble, Albert Deering. Dsn A Walter Cayana Duo Deering, Dan Csvtnangh. Jack Ifelaney. n«e Celeat I*elaf>orte, Wm. Chafiel, Chaa ••Delzaroa. Kenaatlonal Chapman. R/»t fl. I*eII. Dock Chapman. Ie«lle G. I*emareat, B. H. Chapman. WhIty T»enham. Flhert H. charhlno Bros Ihsinla, Walter

••Lee. Beth A. Norma I.eDard, Jennie I eonard. Mm. M. P. I^vee. Carmen I^evoe, Madame leyole, Carol I.ewla. Teddy Lines. Mr*. Harry I Inn, Mrs. W. T/r>ckwood Mae I owry. Billie •Macl,aren. Mrs Marj McCsrthy. Rita •McGee, Mr*. MeOnire. Era McIntyre. Mr*. Bert •••McKenna Hazel McKnlght. Fay McLaughlin, klrs

RandaU McPond. Gladva McWilliams, Mrs.

Blanche Malewtic Mando Mallette, Mra. F. U Mamay Alma Mannem. Margaret '•snning. Franclt ManafieM, TJIllan ••Martin. Elale ttsrino. Bertha Marltan Billie Mary, Mm. Mason. Mm. B. O. xtssnn, Bonita Matteson. Daisy A. Matthews, Nela

Il„aard. Burt I.andu4lale, M. 0. Merveldea, Jaun Howard, Curry l4ing, J. Lealer Meyers, Arthur Plrrl, A. lliiwe. E. J. •Ijiiigford, Joe •Meyers, Chaa. Hoyle, l>kr# DeTlI LarconUna, The Meyers, Frank F. mini. Illtshurg Slltn ••Ijirtle, Kay Mlchener, 11. A. •••Polk, Ollln Hunt. Jack Ijitell, Billy Mlgdall, A1 •Pope. C. F. Hunt, Chas. F. lathams. The Mike, Monkey-boy mint. O. M. Ijiaooe, Elmer Milano Duo, The Poratb, Waltsr Hunter, Paul laS'omte. Fred E. -Millanla, Ttire* Porter, James B. Hunter, Herb. I.eNoIr, Jack ••Miller. J. S Potts Bros. A Co. HuHwark, Hik lA-ltoy, Doc C. K. Miller, Harry C. Powers, Joseph HulClllUWHl. J. n. LeUoy A Elolae *S)MHler, Frank Powers, Skidoo Hyde, Harry l.eVoe. Kay Miller, Jack Powers. D. A. Hi mao, John, Dick Millette, Ira Price, Cspt. E. A. liigalU A ItulBeld lav. Nat Miunif, li^urj Proctor, Chas. F. Ingraham. 0*min •••Lee. James Minting, Marvel Proctor, Earnest Ingraham, .Mich. Lee. Albert Mitchell, Elbert ••Quick, H. 8. Irvin, J. K, Uaftun Lee, Charles K. Mitchell, H. Sydney guLley, Ed Jack. Artxona l.eeper Frank MIzuno, N. QuILln A Gibson Jack, W, E. l.enolr, F. Monclno, Jimmie Kafael, Dave Jackson. Thomas B. 1 W . D. .Monroe, Audrey Kamage, Orben Janies, W. H. Ia*roy, W m. Monroe, Charlea •••Kamtxmnet. Edw, A. James, J. T. Levy, Sol Montgomery, E. P. Ramsdell, Ix>n B. Jaiuesoo, Chaa. R. Iwy. George .Mooney, George A. Kaiidall, H. V. JaiuenKAD, Kutlnf Leaia, Harry M<M>ney, Ste[»beQ Uapheal, C. J. Janike. Ilsrr.v •la'wla. W. 11. Moore, R. V. Itapheal, Panl Jarrard, B. II. Lewis, A. H. Moran, U. \V. Ka.vmond, Billy •••Jarranl. B. 11. l.e«ia, Owen Mornlock A Watson Kaymore, Earl Jenninga. Calvin •I.eylaiKl. T. W. Morey, M. lledbird, Joe Jerome. J. A. IJocb, Tom Morgan, Cecil • Kee<l. Francs Joe, Arlxonn Llncol, Joe Morgan. J. Itoug. Keed. Bill Jobnoun. Harry l.later. Will T. •Morgan, Lew ICeed. Geo. H. JoliDiMKi, laOUia w. ■Little Joe's Sltows •••Morgan, Slim Leed. J. R. •••Johnwoo, Frank IJtllejoho, John Morris, A. L. Beeves, C^a. •Johnson, S. Dick Uvio, GlolU Morria, Ike E. Reeves, A1 JohoaoD. Fre,| M. IJoyd. J W. Morrla, Eilward D. Reeves. E. L, Johna«>a. IVrry lamdon HIpp. Shows Misrls. it. U Keglater. Pete Johnson Chick A lajiig. Pat Morrtaon, H. D. Kt^ichbach, B4*q

Emery lamg, J. it. •Morse Bros. Show Keifner, J. H. Johnson. J. W. Longaworth H. it. Morstead, A1 Reilly, Johnnie Jolsoa. Harry latraln, Philip Mort. Pets Kelnman, John R. Jones. Perce M. Ix>renao. Charlea Morton, Will Kemberg, Cbas. Jones, E. B. I-orman. John Moseley, H. P. Rennie, James Jones, George G. Ix>ve. Wm. Moseley. R. B. Reno, F,d Jones, James A. la>ve, Ralph Mown BrcMi. Shows •Rex 8tock Co. Jones, R. L. lowery, P. J. •••Mosa. T. 0. Reynolds, J. H. Jones, Bill Lowry, M. W. Mudge, Lelsnd H. Rhea, John L. Jordan. L P •laywther, B. Mnlhail. Texas. Rhoiles A Rhodes •Jordan. lawlie I-oxino Troupe Munro, B. D. R. KlMsIea, Walter Josselyn. K. A. I.ucaa, Albert iSiMnrphy, Horace Khul, Curley Julian^ Karl •lailgl Roma Troupe Mnrriy, H. C. Rice, H. R.

laither, Martin R. Murray, Francit Richards, Cap Jnnn, Frank B. McBeth. D. C. Nilbandlan. Jaks Richards. B. Jnatlce, Sam MeCaffery. J. C. Nanonka. E<l Richardson, J. E. •••Kisl. Francis K. McCain, George Napier, Victor ••Richmond, \ In Kidy, I-eroy McCarthy, Justin Narin, B. W. Klngens. P. J. Kalberg, E. M. McCIary, Donald Neal, Bart RIppel, Jack Kane. C. Francis McClamly. Harvey Neel, Earl Rlppel. C. A. Kaufman, Waller R. MeCtay. Henry Xeenan. Ge<»rge R«>sch. Charles J. •Kavaoiu, 8. I.. MtS'ormac, Earl NelHun, Curly •R<iark. 8amnel E. Keefer A Alberta McCoy, laKtoanl Nellaon, J. 1. Robbins. E. U. Keeler. Harry W. •McCricken. J<»hn Nelson. N. 0. RobartMD, Geo. P. Keelera, Flying McCroaky. E. W. N'evsda. Emmett Rohinaon, Carl Keetrb. R 11. McDaniel. Eddie Newberry, J. Norman RoblDson A Keetch Keith, Ralph •••McDonald, Ted ••Newburger, H. R«>binson. A. C.

McDonald, Geo. W. •Newell. Tlamle Robinson, Howrard 1. Kelley. Frank McFsrlln, George NewlstMl. T. Pewltt John B. Kelly A Plitol McIntyre, U. C. Newman, I'reeman ••Rockwoud, Ray

Sludrl, tlarry

Smltb, Jubu K. •Smith. Kraok Smith, Kubt. M. Suiitb, Will Z. Snider, t’aiit. H. ••Snytler, B«-n Snyder, Billie •Soldene Sorif. D. W. Spangler, J. F. Speara. Eddie •••S|)eucer, Wm. K. •Springer, W. P. SpriHige, Jack Spyker. Iro St. Clergy, Obie St. Clair, Eddie Stanton, Peter Steel Kefreabment Steiner, Harry K. Stella. Robert Stephens, Fre<l Stepbens, J. M. •Strpbena, Tboa. O. Stephenson, C. B. Sterling. J. N. Sterna. Jack Sterena, I^eo Stesens, Norman V. StcTens, Ed S. •Stevenson, Bert Stewart, Bert Stewart. Ike Stewart, Dr. W. E. Stokes. Jas. Robert Stokesbnrg, J. C. Stoney, J. R.

Stout, Frank N. Strelff, John •Strong, Eugene K. SulllTan, J. H. .SulliTau, l.eo Red Sullivan, Lawrence •••Superior United

Shows Sutter, Jack (S)Sweeijey. B. J. •••Swift, Herbert Swor, Jim Tate. D. Wbltle Texico Thomas, W. Thomas, J. B. Thompnou, ('rank 11. Tliornton. Arthur J. Thornton, Jerie TTiursby, Dave Thurston, W. K. Tierney, Ed Tiigue, Cbarlea Tolblve. Alx. Tomkins, Charley Topler, Wm. R. Tracey. Billy Trimble, Harry Trexler, Panl Trover, Floyd •Trow, Don A. True, W. W. iSiTrue. W. W. Turman, L. C. Turner, C. B. Tuttle, Robert Valane, E. O. Valerio, tlus Van, Billy Em|iey Van Dyke. H. Walter Van Horn, W. C. Vsnce. Art Varado, A1 Vaughn, Frank E. Veleto Vetb, John Vitagllem. James Voerg, Frank Vonora A Young Vnrplllat. W. M. (SiWacbenbueen, A.

Wagner, Fred Wagner, Bill Wagner, Ueo. E. Walker, L. B. Walker, R. Hilliard Walker, J. Richard Wallace, Johnnie Wallace, Jack Wallace, Lew Wallburg, 11. W. •Waller, Jack Walter Harry B. Walton, R. E. ••Wampach. Henry •Ward, Thomas J. Ward, Howard Waring. Oscar Warring, Andy Warner. Cbas. E. Washburn. Henry C. Washburn, Chas. A. Watson. Billy ••Wayne. Charles ••Weadick, Ouv Wearley, Floyd Weathers. Ed Weber, Cbas. I). ••Weber, Tommy Weltch, Essie West. Boy •Wheeler. Morgan W. Whipwortb Pyrle White, Grover White John White. Allen H. •White, Geo. G. White. Frank •White. Clayton A Co. White, Robert C. •Wbitebawk. Chas. Whitlow. Clyde Whiting Homer Whitrell. J S. Wlckes, John ••Wilber A Pearl Wilbem. K. V. Wiles A Nelson Wile.r, J. B. Wllholt. Jack Willard. C. D. WIlkeraoD, Bones

Wilkinson, F. C. Williams. B. N. 0. Williams, John Wllliania, Bob •Williams, Roy U. Williams, Edwin 1. Williams, Kent Wills. Artie Wilson, George Wilson, J. B. WlLson, John •••Wilson. Cbas. 0. Wilaoii. Millard K. Wingate. Robl. Winkler. Otto ••Winters, Roy Wireback, Mam Wolcott. F S. Wolfe. J. A ••Wolfgram, E. A. Womack. Claud Wood, Roy Wood. Britt Wood, Verne •Woo<l, Britt Woods. Claude WishIs. Frank M. ••Wrswter, .\llle T. Worden, George Workman. Percy Wort. Ed Wright. Earl Wright. H. L. Wrothe. E<1 I < » Wyatt, Tomir j •Wyman. Ed Wynn, Edward A. Yager A Delor Young Bros." Mbowa •Young. Walter W. Youngers. The Younger. W. B. ••Zarrell, lax» ••Zat Zams. Tbs Zeerell. Dad ••Ze auotr Troupe Zelgler. Mike Zerm, Cbas. A. ZlegfteM. Monty ZIngbIni, L.

♦ O.-WK a cent in postage and consult our convenience at one ♦ O and the same time when you are writing for mail by

♦ writing on ♦ A POSTAL CARD ^

I You need not enclose stamps. It is not necessary. PLKASh I WRITE PL.-MNLY .\N1) .ADDRESS YOUR POSTAL THUS:

t Mail Forwarding Service, The RilllKiard, Cincinnati, Ohio. ♦ liCtters are held one month after advertising, when, if they have

A not liCen inquired for, they are returned to the dead letter oflice.

krlly, James B. Kelly Bros. Keuueily, Floyd V'. Kenm-dy, W. 11. Kejipler, C. J. Ketchum. J. J. Key. Mike KIrhie, Toh>u Kiefer, « harles Klley, Bob Kilgore, Harry Klillou, George King, H. King. Stanley King, G. F. King A O'CoDuor King. J. K. King, Magician Kings. Musical Klunle a Mbowa Kirby, c. E. Kirby, .Mickey Kirby. W. W. KIrcbman, Charles KIsters, Aerial Klasset. I'"red Klein Trio, The Kuetsger. l.«'w Knight, judaon Knowles, George Kuowlton Stock Co. Koi'h. Eilward 11. Kidder, Oias. O. Ku.Iiiisd, George Ktenser, Adam Kuhn, Jack Kiiehbacb, Bernhard I.a Berta, Itotiert LaBerta. Gtia [alure, Carl LaFrance, Freil IFrance, K. J. la.Mar. Chas. E. I aMarr I),^. |»

LaMiInte, Reuben UPearl, 81 •••IjiPearl, Roxy ls«ota. Milton •leTell, Maurice lAVane, Flying l.aVeen, 8 W. laWsviie Cerl l.ackey. I.eo ••lades, n.vlng I alnl, Jtm«« lake. Harry W. I.aml>ert. Harrv lanibertn. J, tami>ey Broe. •I.ancasler, Dick

Mi-Gavie, C. O. McGuire, Michael McGuire, W. E. •••McGraw, J. W. McHalBe. Bari McKenna. Kngene P. McKensie, Earl Mel.ncaa, J. O. McMahon, Chas. M. .McMahon. C. A. McNair. W. P Maclbiugall, W. H. MacNIckle. F. P. MaePherson, Bert Maberry, C. E. Mace, Curly Mark, Wm. H. Mark, Frank J. Mack A Davis Msdlson. Billy ••Madleon. M. W. Maibtx. Dirk Maguire. J Main. Harry Mslferrarl Cesar Mallory, Clyde 'Isloney, Joseph Manchester, Edward Mangesn. Jack •Manning, John Mansfield. J. L. Manual, Jean "Maiinal. Jean Maples, (arl Markwlti, Waller Marie. Val. B. •Marks. Bill Marriott Twins Marsh, Ixtn Marsh. Boy •Mtrwhall. Billie Marahalle, Roy Martin, I'has. F. Mason. Fsidle II. .Mason, Harry •••Mastlan. M J. Mattheww A Bhiyne Manl. Ed May. Roy •May, Arthur O. •Mayer. Jack Maynanl, K. B. Maselta, Jack •••Mead. Wlot Mi-ek. George L. Mella. Marvelous Mclnntte, Hugh Menkc A ("oleman •Mcmda. Eugene Merrlam, H. B.

Newman. Nathan •••Nswiiort Hal Newton, Clint Newton. Other Nias, M. Nichols, Iiew Nichols, George B. NIrbolsoo, J. F. Nicholson, W. M. Nicola A Sherwmid NIxson. Bert Nidi. Pete Noriis. Black.v •Nugents. The Nunn, James •Nve. 81 O BrIen. J. C. tCBrlen, George N. (VBrlen, Nell tVBrIen Bros." Show O’lVHinell, Jack O'Hara, Harry O'Mara, Barney IH>erflelil. Chas Olbrlch, John F. •••Oliver. George W. Oliver, Prentls Ollveto. Ton.v Oiler A Wheeler OntIvenM. .\gustln Orpheus CiMneily Four Owhorne. Bud Otto, Big Owens, John T. Owens, Norman Psch, Emil J. Paine, William Palmer. Harry J. Parent, J<din Parento, George Paris, Harry Parker. Peter Parker. Harry E. Parrott, Beech Psschtll. Herbert U Patt. Tony •••Payne, Hume Payne, Ollle Pearl. George H. Pendleton. l•alIl Perkins. Joel Pester. U C. IVferson, O. A ••Petrll, Will K. Prssonla. Frank Phillips. D. P. Phillips, T. K. PhllMpa, 0. A. PhllUpa, teonard Ph later, M.

•Rockwooil, Arch '••Kislw ay, Joseph Rogers. Dewees Rogers, Wm. F. Rogers, Gay R. Rogers. E. J. Root. George Rose. 8. F. Ross, Monroe Ross. M. F. Ross, Eildy •Ross, Eddy Rostand. Hsnrl Rotner. J. B Riiselle. F. A. Ruby, Big Jim Russell, Robt. L, Ruth. Charles Ruth, Si*ott Ryan. C. J. •••Ryan. James Ryan. Glen Sanfonl. Mont M. Sanllello, O. .Nassman, W. .4. Schsller. Jack s<-hnman A Schuman Scott. R. R Si-otf, F. Graham Sisdf, J. O. Sisdt. J. 8. Scott. W. H. Si'ott. Dennis Sears. Gei*rgo B •Sebring. John B. Senior. Bob Senters. Jack Shaffer. W. C. Shaheen. Sam •Shaheen. .kbraham Shale A Cole Shanks' Vaiide. Show Shanmtn Stock Co. .sbaniKtn. Beldon Shaw. Harrv A Billy Shea. Shiwty • Shea. W. H. Sheefer, M. C. Shefflln, Jack Sheridan. Homer Shlelda, Harry Shields. P. A Shipley. James Short. Charlie 8hrot»ahlre, 1.. G. Shiigsrt. Robert Slegfrle<l. J. R. Simon, Is>aLa ••*Slim>soii Geoegia A. SlmpoM. ChariM


Odd IVllcws' Bis Picnic end CelfOrttloti. Jul.T 3; thru ofi the main July 5 anti all the halanm* of the under the Odd FVIiow^ and BimineM Men combined. Bif celebration on the drectA the 5th atBenbied like a ditiM. WILL l*LiA('E the followinf at Taylcf^irtlle for the 4th, or at once; after then "ttateen draight wt-elta \^t county fairA. darting in Ohio the laju week in July. Real money for n-al Shown. KitU'A and 4\»ncemlon& W*ILL PLAUK one more up-to-date Riding iKflte, Wild W»m Show. IMantatinn Slimv If you hare a money- getting Show we hare !•»! the ^pot.^. ShoAA at «l Rltlen. 4* : we furnish all. opening for Shooting <»allery. I*almi.d. Knife and Cane Hark, *'‘^pot-the Spot, Va»e Wheel, IhigA atxl T»TMy Bearn, t'lmnfry Store Wheel*. Ball (aamr». etc. (’onoe*eion*. tel: ue what you have. You kiMvw what diteen dralgltt fair* meeo. All eaieptlon&lly good opening at Taylcrtwllle and at m<e«t the fair* for all kimlA of Kefre^nuiitA. (^dy. Noreltles and C\>ofetU. A real live propoaltloo fur up-to-date Riding Uvricca and Sh'wra. Addrees ail camr municationa to

CUMMINGS 4 BURCKART. tkla week. Ctkdale. W. Va.; aaxt week. St. Alkaea. W. Va.



JULY STH TO IBTH. 1915. The Bewl Show Town in the State. 200,IHM) IVople to I>raw From.

WANTED- Merry-Oo-Round. Motordrome. Ferrtu Wheel, (Yrrie Wave. Giggler, Show*, and other Legitimate CoiKeaaiatia of all kinds. Big manufaiHuilng center. Factories working night and day. Tlie biggest borou^ In the Vnited SUtea. S. S. MERLIS. OIreeler. B. L. RCICHs Superlateadaat el CaoeeatAeiit. Terriaetea, Coaa.



Good, Entertaining Shows Address Cortland, .\. Y., week .June 11; Oswego, Y., week June 21.

NARTEO FOR JONES BIOS.' CWCIS Man for Imilde Lecture. Magic and Punch and Freakv. Grlenlal Dancer. Write Bohhy FtHuitaln. Managtg Ann«c. lidy Petfocmera and Calliope Player. FtlH 8.VLF— Bauage t'ar. Slreptiig CUr. Big Male Llea. Young UoneM. Will buy Pit Anlmala. Address J. AUGUSTUS JONES. Llttletea, N. H.. Juaa Slat. Laaeala. Franklla, Ceaeerd, MaMli.ftar.


World’s Greatest Shows Can place exclusive Cook Hnu-ie. Week of June 14. New Martinsville, W. Va.: week of June 21, 8t. Marya. W. Va., on the main atrecla. auapicea Volunteer Fire Dept.

NEW CBYSTAL MAZE FOR SALE new, iiortabie Crystal Maze, just complete, will lxH>k with the ^"st carnival

playinj: the big State Fairs. Wire or write CH.\S. 11. K1LP.\TR1CK, Riverview

rark, Chicago, Ill. __


CENTRAL CITY, IOWA Aug. 30, 31. Sept. 1. 2, 3. Come this way. We get the crowds. S|>ecial Dsiys—Pain’s Fin‘wt>rks. tor l*rivi- Icges, Prices and Space reservation, addrt'ss K. E. HENDERSON, Manager.


VANCEBURG. KENTUCKII. August 11-14,19IS AU Prlvliegea and CooccaitoiM for sale. Shows waated. Fer Keataehy.



umke caiiltal Uaiatera. Vlrgla territory la hard to dull, aud a tbliut that uiauagers lu (he Utate* would b«‘ utore than pleaatKl to atuiuble on to. Here la a great cvuutrjr. but It takea braioa aud iiioiii'y to put It over.

There were Juat a few up there la«t year, waau't there? Thvut maa the balmy daya; them waa.

ALA BABA SAYS The Tango Glrla, with Allman Broe., have

aome Blroug bally—twenty-two peoide, moatly

girla, aud they aure cau aiug. ilome atyle.

Joe B ake baa the front.

Bud L.lun has eix conceesloiis on the lAyman

!$bows in St. l»uU thla year, and all good onea. What haa become of olil Negro Jim, the ever-

Huilllug waiter at old Wellington Hotel?

I.«Klie Steveiiaon, on N<*l)le Farley'a Pit Show, with C. A. Wortham caravan: "Xou aee all of

these ahowa for ten cents.''

Bill Aiken said twenty-two weeks when be atartisl one car t>r more. lie la now in his

seventh week, with seven more bookeil, and carrying seven ears. All believes, for one, that when the season ends, the Aiken Showa will still be on the list of those presv-ut.


Harry Clark, a protege of G. 11. Coleman, on

the advance of t ol. Perarl Shows, says; ”1 played rube with circuses fur years, and have just woke np to the fact that I was not playing It, but was one.” Harry says so-lung circus, and hello carnival; he's strung for promoting. Any¬ way Harry has made goutl.

Middle of June scene in moat any town—“Say Mister, where kin 1 buy a |>alr of ear ninffs?' Cheer up; we're getting used to It.

Johnny Pollltt. with S. W. Brundage, want* to hear from Whltey Tate. We believe that you've got the guisis thla season, Johuuy. Tell ua about it.

Madam Zelka comes in for a few honors on the spieler's stainl. They say she can be beard

for ten miles. Where is the little Prince? The followiiijr letter, enclosing picture above, was --—* reeeivetl on June 5th, 1915:

C()RXF..\r & ('().— Gentlemen: Knclosetl find picture of myself. I am huvini:

wonderful succes.s. Your Koko Wheat ('risp is a winner. KverylMxly wants more. .\ll my customers tell me it beats Pop Com, Cris|)ettes or any other confection they have ever tasted, .\fter five wt'eks of hard work I have made a clean profit of ?l,lXK).(Kl. Knclttsed please find order for U),IKK) ('risp Bags; please hurry them along. With kintlest regards, I am. Yours very truly, G. B. DIKTHICH, ‘224 X. Harvey .\ve.. Oak Park, 111.

What we have done for this man we can do for YOU. We are receiving HUXDRKDB upon HUXDREDB of letters each day all over the countrj’ from our customers telling us how much money they are making.

SUCCESS is YOURS if you let us start YOU on the RO.\I) to WE.VLTH.

C. J. .Stnrgis, an uld-tlmcr in the carnival

field and the first man to show moving picturea

in Old Mexico, is living in West Park, O., in retirenn it. Best winli<-s old vet., and let’s bear from yui

Whity t'ain doesn't like nHsintain climbing but, then, it ail dependu on what's on the other side.

Mrs. Mac Brenner, champion casino player of the t'ul. I.agg Shows, sends out a sweepiug challenge to any lady In the carnival business, at any time aud at any place.

The two fat girls in Al Pert's Ten In-One. Happy Kmnia aud Kve IjiKrance, had a lUO-yard dash Ilecoratlou Hay. Happy Kmma was the winner. This bap|>ened at Blwooil City, Pa.

TTie terra firma waa greatly dlsturbeil. and it was thought for a while that an earthquake bad taken place, but say, those girls can sprint.

.Mind th time, George Johnson, when PblUlon

hurt Ills I lumb and couldn't ascend the spiral tower?

Art playing Cleveland again this year. Doc Harry Simms? Your Mulligan freijuents seem

to be less talkative. Is Cleveland closed, or has Burdie stopis-d <-ooking?

Harry K. Dixon left the Wortham Shows

about the fl.'st of June to Join the American Amnsement Company with two shows and two concessions.

Sydney Wire aunnancea that be baa captured for the .\merl<-ao Amusement Company the con¬ tract for the big Home Coming ami Peace Rxpo., at Kewanee, III., to take place June 28. Syd. says there were a bunch there, but be bad his rabbit fis>t In his left iiocket, and he's tlckle<i

all over.


You neod no experience to start in the KOKO WHF].\T CRISP BUSIXESS. It sells any place anti anj where. F^verybotly likes it. They come back for mon*. Xo matter if you live in a tt)wn of 500 population, you cannot fail to succeeti. are LOOKING for the right man or woman in each ctunmunity. We have th< money-making business for you. We want to offer YOU a splendid opjKvrtunity This IS YOUR OXF] CH.XXCE in a life-time. WRITE NOW—TODAY —for FREE PAR¬ TICULARS regartling this BIG MONEY MAK¬ ER. SEND FOR LARGE SAMPLE ('AX OF THIS DELICIOUS KOKO WHE.\T CRISP. IT IS DIFFERENT AND SELLS EVERY¬ WHERE. Send this coujxtn NOW—TOD.\Y.

A recent letter from G. W. Fairley aaya the the bank report* of Kanaa* abow larger deposit* than ever before. True, they must be putting it tomewbere; they are not s|)ending it.

The Mound Builders, a aoclal club, was re¬ cently organised on the Wortham Showa, with Oeo. F. Ib'novan, president; Billy Kverett, sec¬ retary; Dick Collins, treaeurer, and Skeet ierard, chancell*>r.

.kll the show* on the Tom Allen caravan are doing goal buslnewa. U. J. laicaa, with bta Trip to .Mar*, la one of tbe late arrivals. B. F. Karr sprung hi* new one- his Jitney pit abow.

Congratulatloos are lu order to James R. ami Mrs. Rowe, to whom a baby girl was bom May 'JI. Jim aaya be la some bappy. Mother and chilli doing fine. Accept oair aincerest, Jlai.

CORNEAU A CO., Dsft. S. S55 N. Parktid* Av*.,

Chlsags. III.

GenUmim: Pleaae aend me ITIKK. without (list, full detail* retarding >i>ur WUXI>»»FCl, MOXinr MAKING KOKO WH»'-\T CRI.HP MACUINK.

I enclose IVc for large sample <an of your KOKO WHF-\T CRlSiV

Rllmburger Ham Is now Burk Shows.

Col. Westlake—How about the capital prixe with the candy wheel at Walla WMla. Wash.? Dnderstand you didn't enjoy the hotel you were stopping at there.

H. C. Wilbur—Did you explain to the eighteen- year-old atenog. at Eureka bow tbe elephant stood the cold weather without any hair on it* body, and how it ate bay with its nose?

Charley Willard—Some do say that Frank

la your father and not your brother.

Re|>ort comes from Marshalltown, la., to the effect that that city is closed to camlvsls auJ

Jubilee singers.

Steve A. Woods says: "The way of tbe double ernaser Is tongber than hades, especially when be has to eat bis own words or be shown np la bla true colors." Some truth la thla, Steve.

Get into this field that is not owrerowded. Leam all about our KOKO WHEAT CRISP MACHINE.


555 N. Puluide Ave., CHICAGO, ILL


It It a tough proposltloa to tell which of the two. AI F. Gorinto or Barney Oerarty. tbe genial, revered and educated treaanrer of tbs C. A. Wortham Hbows, Is tbe more popular with t^ ladle*. We are putting our dongh oa Bar¬ ney, as AI la hatidloapped now—he's married. But Barney—well, Barney plays no favorite*; he

lovee them all.


Some of tbe*e days a certain Cleveland bm<l- Deea man, who was one of the first in the car- alval game, promises that be will kirk In with aome g<io<l literature anent the palmy days. Come, ye scribe; we await your pleasurei

By Heck, of the Pierson Show*, says: "Tklk about playing under the menagerie, etc., week before la*t. I bad a committee and played under the Turtles.”

The game thfg are all taking about—gK it while It’s new. An Aulotnatle Mtwlng Ring 'niiowlng Game that Is bound to piove a aensaUnn evrrywhere. Nuthbig objeMon- able; work It ajiywhere. Thrre Rracb Beau- . tlrs. cleverly rrpreaenird In all the color! and animation of life; their beautifully- formnt limbs swinging backwanla and for- wanls in a truly Hfe-llke fashion. Works automatically; no motor. The Idea Is to put thr rings orrr a pair of limb* to wtn. Give silk stockings or any prise you like. The silk stn-klngs are the big hit; we sell them at per d<«ni pair*. They come In black, white and thr ixipular colors.

Wornl hgurrs; full llfe-«l*r. Perfectly mmlrled limbs, made of •troiig and durabl* matrrltl, finished In Be*h color enamel. Outfit takes si>sre of eight fei-t In width. Cnuu* apart In metimi* for siilppirig, and

John Meta Is framing a very neat ten-ln one. which he has contracted with tbe Col. Ferarl Rbowa. These Meta Brothers are, tll of them,

real ten-ln-one boys, and John can be counted em to be beard from toon.

STOCKING GIPLS Doe* Bill Aiken recall the time when he had

hi* man book Mayavllle and canceled to play Ia>alsville for two weeks? Some time to square

O. Ijrry lAramore Is at last loc*te<l per¬ manently for tbe season with Con T. Kennedy.

LAGG MEMBERS JOIN MOOSE A bloomer now and then.

Is appreciated by the best of men(?) Y'oungstown O.. June 11.--Colonel M. B.

I.sgg. Rnhy Kalotkin. Harry Kalotkin. Wllllain lAite and Reorge A, Gilbert, all of the Col. lAgg Greater Showa. became member* of tbe Mi>o*e Igtdge of Youngstown l*«t night, after the abow* were closed up. A* the Colonel put*

It; ".^nd we had a merry time of It. too."


No more will the Arabs, sheiks and nomads. Rub their rotund paunch In glee

’Gainst tbe bar and quaff tbe viamls At old Wellington's iKiaterly.

Back In history, dark and musty Yet in menK>ry sweet to all.

All the Douiads of the desert. All tbe moguls, sheiks and .Arabs, All the roughneeks, hick* and has-beens.

I.«ve its mem’ry and mourn its fall.

The Tipperary pup is a good novelty In Can¬ ada. and you see a number of visitors with them •very night.

Texas Bill .Aiken showeil the stuff he w*as made of, and rcfuiM-<l to let a few bbsimer* down bla show.

ST. PAUL I. A. B. B. & B. No. 45

THE AFRICAN SLIDE lattesl and best device f*i the .Afrtrsn Dip ld»-*. and the liest hall

game proposition before the public today. -A ten-foot Stairway, three feet wide, with step* thst collapse when target 1* hit. The step* re*<-t

themselves automatically soon as man falls. I'sed etther with or without water tank. A lively man can do more funny aiuiits on this machine and can lolly more nickel* cwt of a crowd than mi anything of the kind ever invented. An attractive-Imiking frime-iip, and a -ure moiiei-mikcr whcrr.rr there Is a crowd.

Latest Improved macliliie: best <if nistertsis and workmandilp: tmth- liiv to break or get isM >g iwdcr: easy to set up or take apart and slilp: shlptJtig welglit ft U pounds. Price of outfit. Including rope netting for the frmit. raiirt* hack-stop, with netting wing-, and one diiaen base hall*. SSO.M. Best waicr-prmif canvas tank, $0.00 extra

We vrlil ship either of these outfits, V O. D., on rvss Ipt i/ 120.IMI iltymsit. Prrsnpt shipment guarantevsl. Grdir nust and be ready fur the Fourth.

Oiir old pal. Spike "DlNtellskle." billing for

the Kmiiress Theater, refuses to bill any location owned or rentevi by a German. iRilke riaimt be la for Itussla. as he was bom at St. I'etersbnrg.

"Whltey" Malm weighs |•oundt .All bill car* are lucky that lie Isn’t tis-iipln* this year, a* a s|>eclal berth wou|,| have to lie hiillt for

htm. t'liarb-s Bis-*Iauer went fisldng last week

and brought In n nice mess. We illw-overed

the nthar day where he Isniglit them Some fish) rni in!

Mike Newman Intents setting up a Juice stantl on the lot when the Itanium A Bailey trmipe arrives.

Kre I Smith expect* to start for Frisce anon. Ho has twen going for two .tears

Earl Sisitt Isn’t tnniping this seswm He's new hilling at the star, aa the Griihenm I* cb-ved.

.TIinniy Dnnsworth. agent at the Star, IS’W running stm-k biirlea<|iie. ha* U>ii-.-ht s farm near St, Cloud. Minn., and I* going to ralss hog*. Jim would like to bear fn>ni I'st l.angsn, as he can place him at the "scale" on the farm.

Fred stcwiirt bn-l I’at I.angan esn tie found on the No. t si-ll* Flobi Biiffalo Bill Stwiws. Ti-cy both write thst IT's the liest truipe th»'y

were i-ver with, and thst Frml McMann 1* a ri-i.->il*r fcih'w to wi>rk for.

Kht wiieeler. Jr . has slarti-il to tsik at the age of 22 m- nfl s. *» now when the bill car* ar¬ rive in SI I’siil He ran find out If Kid.

Jr., cm hiiniTle i-tiafler like his dad. 'Tile idant lo re I* In the finest rn'mlltlon It haa

)0)-r Is-en. i.wlng (he fact that Jack Hart. H e fairemiin. lias a fine erew of men. and always ki eisa Hi)-ni hustling Tl e simp i-rew are Fa' Triilson and J"l'ii Zliiimermsn. avenue route;

Bill Garvals an.l Perev Klllngson. hill Poute; Mike Welter hii,i .AI r.*rg. lower town; Gmirge bugler and IH’I Hess center niiile. AM tsiarda are 21 sheet panels. Mike Breslaner.

plant owner. Is confin)-)l In a liisqdtal at lloch- ester, Minn., iiaving iimlergoiie an <>|ieraHon on hi* throat. .All ineinhera wlah him a apeeily


Doe* George Westerman remember the day* when he ran the Turkey Burlesqiiu In S<mth Bend, and the night Mr. Cassiily sloughed the feature act? Happy days, George, and we haven’t met since that time, but siuiie of tlieae daya we will talk over ttie o'd-tlmerg in the Central State*. Your*. Phillips.

A. Gar .Tobnson. one of the Is-st pitchmen In the business. Is intercsteil In the Pierson Sliowa.

Gar likes the earnlval game, and sav* he Is In It ti> stay. He savs that they don't hold them up here (Canuck) like they do In Peoria.

A satisfied feeling 'n the town Just vacsti-d Is a recomnien<latlon highly cherlsh)-<l. It’s Just

as easy to get and a darn site better collateral.


When- are thi-.v now—Frank T^uicks. F.ddle Sinclair. Geo-ge Peese. Sam Aiken. Eil.lle Even

•on Bay Siulrh. H. H. I.ininger. Cap. Rlcha-ds ■nil others of tlie old .Aiken caravan?

There Is still a chance for the bentiecke.) advance man to get Into print,, and. as wa- adeoTW the poou'ar srsirt for kings. wh.v not go t)y the far North and start a revolntlon anw»'og tbe resident* of the North Pole and mn fo-

presldent? There wonld no trvinble In finding a )v>nip!ete cab' of oflli-ers and treasHre- ou*

of the republic—there *<-em* to he a lot *,f bov* on • vacation now. (Si-arcelr andible from the far rear, "I aecond tbe motion.")

('(it l.'ijIcH, HdIcIh, I’.();i1h, !’i;tzz:iK (ir

('il.V Homer. Kevers- ilile am) (! Ilai';itlleeil I'lirT Colors. ('le;m, Lik'lit Tiiid S;iml:iry.

l*o|iiilar ilcsiirns.

I, Rntilrlreel's ami

(loZ I . < ). R. Ro.-fOIl. 'v;., ^

.\sW)rte<l I’.itteriir.

>eml XI.(N) for sam-

pie prepaid.

Refereiiee; Rovlstoti .X'd rtfi.'d R: Some class to the meeting of ccunlttee* In

Canada. The mayor, council and dty clerk all

attend the big doing*, and ars very skeptical for a while, but when they are convinced they


JUNE 19, 1915. e B 63

Ncrnah, Wla.. June 10.—Rain, and then anme

LOOK} GOOD TO ME! (2t aamat in I.)

A rral iioaeltj. .t''t<>lulrty r(w. IIJ an hiHir. All i-atb; all profit

all the Trar round THE CHICAGO NOVELTY BAtE

BALL MACHINE iri4lil>'d Mn a ■■baltln*"

martilnr). i>l>.-ratort aiol liatr Acniit. urllr

T. M. WEIT, S222 Wladter Avtaaa, Ckkaca.


HhniH In Tour ordrn now for (hr Hafe and Bane Htiarhirr. lac Mellrr. FUurtb at July Mrlirr. Burrpa the couiitn. JuBi haitd 'rm out. K«rry rlilld mual Tiate imr lAe Helirr, $7 JO per (rma. fUUtrR MTG. I'M. 51A K 23d !M.. New Tork Oty

W Ain T E D Morr>’-(fo-Round, Hninll Shown and Con- AHYtsionn of all kindn for 3ni of July Cel* ••bralion. lAveTown. 70 niilefi out of ('Ikiruzu on I. RIk CrowtU. Addre«s

Riktrt I. Ukstir, Sk'j, lanclNr. III.


Try anr 110.00 Tit, Ba eoaelnoaB. Wa gtaa maat aalua for mOBay, Lifbt orataa. BAW80V * SWIMVET, Proprlatora, 411 IobU Oakaa BL, Baa Anyalo, Tas.


Big July 5 Celebration Knightstown, Ind.

EVERYTHING ON MAIN STREET Hhowm FVrUt WTbedl, Mi*iTT-0«>-1lminit.

gti th« crvmtUi. Addmus in«Ari>B RARKKR.

WESTCOTT SHOWS alt mall tA mir 0«fifrtl tNllor, Criitjr Bldf..

(^Icaco. Ill


Can place xiirm and flrat-elaM Hhowi and Attrartlona. Have lood pmKMtloti for Flrr or Tm-ln-One Shtm. Want to hear rrv>m rrerts Wheel, Craay Houae. Athlrtlo Show, Worhtnc World, Plan’ailao. Platfcrm or Freak Showa. Hare opriilnc for clean Coaceaakma. Thla ahoer haa the real Apota where the nvoncy la.

Addreaa H. BANGER, Raad HaM. Claclaaatl. Ohia.

WARTED—Good, CleiB Pay Attractions FOR BIG 3 DAT CELEBRATION AID CARNIYAL, CummintTilla, Cincinnati, 0.. JULY 29-30*31. Can aLw uae one or two hlah-daaa Free Attrartlona. Write quick. CONCESSION COMMITTEE, eare Narth* aida Butlaeie Cluk. Ctaelaaall. Okla, and atate all In drat letter.



WIM Weat FToatIni Theater. Frana Steiten- tlialer. n»*r.; I.eon. W. Va.. IB-IT; Ambroala If) 10; rt. rleaaant 21-32; OalllpoUa. O.. 23 20.

TOUNE MAN NAS MONEY Ktand In flrat-olaM Park or <\M«t Reaort. Send full partleulare lo HnJ.. 20 Oifnrd m., Thmnto. Canada

When the Denrer ahow leaeea Denrer there will be many changea.

MOUNTFORD PLATES IN CHICAGO Sfrref Picture Mm. we handle the beat leading braiida of platea:

“MOUNTFORD.” “BRODY GUARANTEED." and the Red Star Plate*. If you are troubled with plate*, send fiw a trial iwiler and be conrlm-ed. We fuarantee 5<> plates, 3U picture*, or your monry refundr.1.

Send for free sample, and Iate»t catalogue. Would like to hear from all my old friends and customera.

M. K. BRODY, Geaaral Macagar Jaaiaatawa Farrotypa Cu..

1126 South Halatad Straot. CHICAGO. ILL.


SMyoatlaa. Papar Hat*. Holta Makar*. P*aay Gsad*. Natloak

Stiwot nd Caavanar*'

Inifn nnd Cini Rack Supplim GAS BALLOONM


SI.BB to S3.44 Gro*a. P»r Grata. $3.50.

TEOOY BEARS A rx Na. 1—8*3. dot..S2.0«

Angora Dogs Si We are the oldrat StreeUnm'a Supply Ilou-e In the

C H . and hare thmisand* of aatlsfltsl (UstAimer*.





THE HYDRO-PHOTO PORTABLE LIGHTING MACHINE, whirh makra Br«l-claaa night ptMHugraphy practh-al and proOtablo.

Write for 1815 Cataloguo. DON'T niKOCTl


Rastem trade aupplled by THE GLOBE GAS LIGHT CO..

25 Uiitoa Street. BoMag. Maeo.

There Are Good Lights

But none equal the "PRIMO" UghU for the KHoW end CAR¬ NIVAL liuslnree. We made the Brst portable gaaollnr auntie Ughta fur the allow trade—and for tha past IV yrara hart aupplled 75% of all used by ibr trarellng amusc- miiit niU-rprliM of America. There are four good rrasuns why—beet In dnign and emirenlrnoo; b^it In atreiigth of nmetructliNi; best n tnmi-iidoua candle power; beat d> using punk gaaolliie.



All absol utely high* gratlp Knife, inatle with rolletl Roltl-filled sides, handsomely engraved, bright I'niflish jfoltl fin* ished; hiiihly [lolished tempered steel blades. C o m p 1 e t e. with full length, gold-filled, snltleretl link chain. Each }>iit up in neat plunh-lined box.

If s;tmple i.s ortlered, please include postage.





Week In WuutlatiK'k. III., wraa ralu and r<dd weather, and the flrat week in Freeport, III., wa* just tlie aame, ao on account of the bad weather we stayed the lecond week, when the wertlier waa Ideal and busineaa was far above exjiectatlonii.

A. It. .Miller paid our aliow a ylait laat week; also aeveral tituera from that rompany. Aud lo our lurfirlae wIki ts-uneed In oo na for a few iMiura' visit on Saturday but Ke,l Onion, lie was en route to the Windy City oo some very Ini- isirtant bunlness. therefure he had to refute the invitation extended him to accompany the sIhiw to Neenab. \V« left Freeisirt early Sunday neiriilng r r the above town, and we pulled through Itelolt. Wla., juat as the A. It. Sillier Show waa pulling out. The two trains were tinlleil up tide by aide, and everyone bad occa¬ sion to renew old auuualntancea.


.Monday night the ilelnx A Beckmann Show ar- lived here, and are playing Juat acroaa the river at .Menanha, ao thia la quite a reunion, rp to thla writing tbia baa be-n another cold, rainy wi-ek.

(leorge Stevenaon left the abow laat week for Sterling, 111., to H|>end the aummer with hit aia- ter.

Ameriean Amuaement Co.; Waahington la.. 14 19.

-Ltkinaon'a, Tom, Dog h I*on.r Show: Rose- buab, Mich., 19; Weidman 21; Brlnton 22: llarrytoD 23; Chipi>ew'a Lake 24; ETvart 23; Mersey 2B.

.Liken. IJIlie Belle, Shows: Bicknell. Ind., 1419.

.Lllen. Tom LV.. Showa. Tom W. Allen, mgr.: Duluth. Minn., 14-19. -

-Llmond, Jethro, Show. Jethro Almond, mgr.: Uaatonla. N. C., 1419.

Butler'a, Billy B.. Novelty Shv.w; Sutter. Ill.. 14 19.

Capital Amuaement Co.: Red Wing, Minn., 14 19.

Cavanaugh'a, Jack. Tent Show: raysoo. Ok.. 14-19; Daven|H>rt 21-28.

Cotton • Bliwwom Floating Theater. D. Otto llitner. mgr.: New Boeton, 111.. 18; Oquaw-ka 17; DalUt City 18; Nauvon 19; Ft. Madison, la.. 20; Montroae 21; Warsaw. III.. 22; Ia tirange. Mo., 23; LPulsiana 24; ClarksTllle i'l.

Campbell'a United Shows. H. W. Campbell, nigr.: IRlIon. Mont., 14-19.

Contra Pamona Band, Sam Conti, dir.: Nor¬ wich. (onn.. 14-19.

Dancing Around, with A1 Jolaon: Salt lAke City 17 19.

Great Eattem Sbowt. L. II. KInsel. mgr.: ntgblandtown. Md., 14-19.

Iluntingtoo't Minatrela. J. W. Weat. mgr.: Galena. Kan., 18; Joplin. 3Io.. 19: Carthage 21; Cartersvllle 22; Granby a; Webb City 24; Srammon. Kan., 2.5; Mulberry '28.

International Showa; Murphysboro. III.. 14-19. Jessop A Maxwell Shows; Marion, O.. 14-19. Jarvla Seeman Sbowa: Soutth Omaha. Neb., 14-19. Jefe Amuaement Co.: Marysville. Cal., 18-19;

lied Bluff 30 22; Redding a 28. Keen A Shippy Model Sbtvwa: Hudson Falla,

N. 14-19: Whitehall 2128. Kennedy. Con T.. Show; Champaign. 111., 14-

19; Branavllle. Ind.. 21-38. liberty Sbowa: Suaqaehanna, Pa., 14-19; Ooe-

onta. N. Y.. 21 28. Ixvrenao’a Royal Italian Band. Prof. FTank

lorenao. dir.; Honghton Mich.. 14-19. Mlller'a, A. B., Greater Show*. A. B. Miller,

mgr.; Sbebo.rgan, Wla.. 14-19. MarranalnUa Italian ffoocert Baml: Lorain. O.,

14 19. Murdock Bros.' Show. A1 Murdock, mgr.: Cbat-

tamvoga. O., 14 21. Nashville .Lmusement Co.; Marytown. W. Va.,

14 19. Nrsi'a. Carl. Band; Meheirln. Va., 14-19. Newman'a. Dave. Tahaiin Glrla; Memphla.

Tenn.. 14 19; Lexington. K.v., 21-38. Oldneld Pla.vera. Wm. N. Smith, mgr.; Black-

bnrn. Ok.. 14 19. Skedee 21 28. I’eople'a Amuaement Co., K. A. Johnsi'n. mgr.:

Scranton. la 14 19. Shnrey. Kthel May Co.: North Conway. N. II..

Indef. Tront'a. Taylor, Vaudeville Show; FT. Mill.

S. C.. 14 19. Tisld, LVm.. Show; lonisa. Ky., 14 19. Uncle Tom'* fahln (.Ltteberv A Ferguaon'st:

Goodhue Minn.. 18; Hampton IT; Isanti 19; ‘Camhrldge 21; Hlnkley 22.

Flower Parades

Our catitloit is rsitecially adapted for Premium, Punchlniard, Knifeboaid, Paddle Wheel and Carnival Men, Auctioneers, etc. It is free for the asking.

Our prices are lower than elsewhere.



722 P«nn Av«nu«, PITTSBURG, PA.




For Parades


WRITE FOR OUR LARGE COLORED CATA- LOOUE AND “BOTANICAL FLORAL PARADE BOOK." This book contains 80 pages of designs and description, also tells you how to orgtuilse a Floral Parade.

FAMOUS BOTANICAL FLORAL SHEETING, fpVR°y°A'-R°o':-75c CHRYSANTHEMUMS, any color. Per groan.$2.50 SNOWB.LLLS, any color. Per gross. 2.50 CARN.XTIONS. any color. Per gross. 1.13 •I.VP.AXESE WISTERIA. Per 100. S.50 Ail colors or tinted at same price. All other flowers and decorative materials

proportionately Inexpensive in large or small quantities.

The Botanical Decorating Co., Fi^h Avenue. Chicag raCIFIC COAST AGFMT, KASL STERN. SIS S. LOS ANGELES ST.. LOS ANGELES. CAL.

.Mrs. Hcth is back on the sImiw after a week'* with brr nuither in CTinton, la.

N. R. Benjamin ha* taken charge of the Tip¬ perary Girl*. Fay Knight, the Girl That Sing* To Best the Band, I. also a new member on the «1m>w.

Noxon'i Hippodmme Show* played their aec- ond week_ of spring falra and race meet* at Gallax. Va., last week. T'je company now conaista of Noxon'a Old Plantation Show. S-ln-l. featuring Prince William; motordrtime. with Harold Decker riding; Wild We*t and l^n’ier Daya 9hvw. with Cheyenne Charley, announc. r, and Busty Tulk, arena dltvpctof; ten-piece American band and twelve concesaiona.

The Herbert A. Kline Shows exhibited at Jackaon, Mich., week of May 31. under the auaplce* of the Maaonic Lodges. Buslnesa waa gosMl. Mr. Kline baa a well-balanced aggrega- tlon. and reporta that the issqvle are taking kindly to hi* New Idea Show (all under can¬ vas), ami that cooalderlng the handicaps be ha* been laboring under he baa been making very satisfactory progreas.





JUST OFF THE PRESS. Thla la the tllckrst and t>«st Issue we ever printed, euitalnlng a Hat of DomesUc and Imported rral, live Street Merrfaanu' Sup¬ plies. It la the only raiaiofue right up to the minute.

(Roys, this youngster la just bom. Red hot off the pressl) We handle a line of DTjerrhandlse at prices that are not approached by any other hrm. We can supply some exclusive Imported and Itomestlc Novelties that no othee Importer can even get a picture of.

The best valuta In ■'Kreetmen's Supplies. General Mcrclianta', Auctinneera'. Variety Stores', 1‘rcmlum Uovues', Ibc and 'J5c Stores’ Mcrchandla* can b* found In this Catalogue.

Avlatiaa, Yaata-Ysaia, Saaaksy-Oaknat. Bathlsi Gbl. Uael* Sam, Peiie*. Claws. Baa* Ball, FIraaiaa, Sailer, Seoteh. Jaekty aad Rough RMsr Oailt. Bear*. Baby Saajt. Fait aad Laathar Plllaw Tea* aad Par-

i colatara at $18.08 a daiaa.

For Fair Worker*. Camlral People. Knlfettoard, Cane Rack. Circus IhrlTlIege Men and Notion Workers, our latest Oatalogvie la the very HIGGlSfr FVKNT OF THK SHtSOX. IT MF..\NS MONEY To ALL. NO BI.IHlMimS. .Vo CatatofrueH srnt lo rutiswairra, so don't tcrite. e/aimina otkertcim


IVf. GERBER, Cutlary, Ihwalry, Naliaat aad Naaaltiat, laiaarted and Manufaeturad.

727-729 South Straad, PHILADELPHIA, PA.


THE NEW SOLDERING COMPOUND It mends tin, aluminum and enameled ware without the use .itf arltl* or «>lileri:ig Irons, simply with Uie heat if a candle Per gnaw. $2 5*. Samptr. Her Send your ordem In before the price rs>* up.







Hiram Lord from Wellsboro, He bought a Ford a week ago.

And paid for it in reg’lar dough, Then took a trip to town;

While goln’ up the big main street A man whose nerve could not be beat

Jumped right up into Hi's back seat. But Hi, he slowed right down.

The man said, as he held live cepts, “The Jitney bus is sure"

But Hi, his anger was intense As he turned to him and said: “Get out! Get out! I know you hate to walk. No doubt! No doubt! But 'taint no use to talk!"



I didn't raise my Ford to be a Jitney bua So don't humiliate my poor machine.

Henry Ford made walking a pleasure. But don't take my little treasure.

Or I'll run you out of gasoline. You'd better take the street car right away, sir.

You’re the meanest man I've ever seen. You’re in an awful pickle.

Take back your goll-darned nickel, I didn’t raise my Ford to be a Jitney.

r«n».rTi«ht MCMXV. toy Frmnk K. R.n.i a r«. BritlEh Otprristot Seruml.



















The sun was sparkling brightly Upon the ocean foam.

The Lusitania, speeding fast, was very nearly home;

Then came the blow so sudden That pierced the vessel’s heart.

But while the crowd surged o’er the deck A young man stood apart.

Copyricht. MCICXY,


He thought of the girl who loved him. He thought of their wedding day,

As he looked on the angry ocean Eager to seize its prey.

He thought of his poor old mother In a little Southern town,

And sadly he sighed "Thy will be done!” As the Lusitania went down,

by rXAVK X. SOOT A 00. BritUh


He stepped into a life>boat. But ’ere it left the deck

He saw a woman and her child Upon the sinking wreck.

"Come, take my place," he told her. And, as she stepped inside.

He thought again of those he loved And, like a hero, died.

Oopyrifht BaonrsJ.


80 Fifth Av«.


Centinontal Hotal.