The Billboard 1910-03-26 - Wikimedia Commons

» SEVENTY-TWO PAGES Ai3xisei»eDt Weekly REGISTERED IN UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Volume XXII. No. 13. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO W. E. Franklin (General Manager SelF-Floto Show) and Family. Mr. Purcell is Mr. Franklin’s Personal Representative

Transcript of The Billboard 1910-03-26 - Wikimedia Commons





W. E. Franklin (General Manager SelF-Floto Show) and Family. Mr. Purcell is Mr. Franklin’s Personal Representative

MARCH 26. *,910.


hr PRICE, 50 cents to $1.50 Per Roll 1^; 60 pieces 80 new every month that they

are old by the time others produce them

S«nd for Catalogues and Bullatins

1939-45 N. Wistiri Avi., CHICAGO, U. $. A.

We are headquarters for all the latest novelties. Send for our catalogue oi

Confetti, Canes, Knives, Coods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gs.


We are exclu.sive agents for Clnclnnai and vicinity for I. Gisenstein &

Prices in Cincinnati same as in Nev


Id t>cttt-r rtMiIltloo tbao anjr aecoDd liaiiil tllnii on tbf market. So aatoDlablnicly gi>u>l tbat wr mill gladlj aend mltb lirlrllt-Kr 'it acreen rxamlnalloo. Send for biiKe Hal |,> aelert from. l’rl<-<*a. 1. 2 and S<- a fool!!

Our 1r kind la InSnllel.v l>etier tban othera aell for ;{c. Our 3c klud la better tbaD otbera a<-ll for Ac a foot I Send fur lla! iM'forc jrou forset It! ilundreda

and biiuilreda ut aubjecta fur almnat nolbluc!

Largest Mabsrs In the Worid

122 R. Fnarth Street, Clnclniuitl, Olilo

BIG ELI WHEEL You all know It. T b e old reliable

'"n - money getter. Im • vT / / /V X pon'ed down to tbe

V I I/ / minute. Better then *1,070.80 re-

i| celpta at one fair. $2r>0 In 5 boon at

' IL another. $400 In one /; SR N. / jj day In a park. $730 V Plik\ ' 1“ 3 deya at a cel- C A |v^ • ebraUon, $1,268.78

deer proBt at 5



at loW) at prlcea ever <|uutnl. Kvebangea ever> where, aend In your worat reel and me'll Ax It up KIIKK OK CIIAROR to abuw otir work. Our own aecret i>roceaa of cleaning makea competition lm|>oaalble. Send tbat reel .VOW!

WE MAKE TITLES! All th« V«ry B«tt Foreign and Domaatle Films pur-

ehasad waakly

Maehinas of all makas oonatantly roady for shipmont

Writ* today for our big Film List

_.'alra. $208 at

r t ii O'*' *11* of *“17 M ehratlon. $304 at Ms another. $28,000 re-

' — celpta of one MLI WHEEL last season. ALL FACTS; we bars the proof, you want It. Write for new 48-page catalog full of facta, figures and pbotograidia. ELI BRIDGE OOKFAITY, Box l4$-B, Bood

Giving i|uickeat pia with highest quality.

ble service comblne.1 _ .,-, . Exchanges and manu

facturera everywhere are delighted, amasetl and overjoyed with aur work.

MACHINES. OLD d NEW! Rjiight and Sold! All makea! Atao com¬ plete atovk uf alandard parta for Edtaoo. Power’a, Palhe. llotiugrapb. elc.. etc.- GKEnA__CIIA_IR^ new or aecond hand, at

rock bottom figures-SI.IOKS AND STER-

EOI’TICOXS at prices uui>arallel<-d for low-

ne*>-IMJ^K^J^TAT^ new aud ueed, bought

and sold, all gradea. makea and qualltlvw- SP<>T_Mt2£IT^ of every dew-rlptlon-ro>^ t>KNSF.RS. CARBONS. FILM CEMENT.


ANTI-TRUST FILM CU. 77*79 South Clark St., • Chicago, III For MERRY-00 ROCNDS. SKATING RINKS.

TENT snows. ETC. A few medium aixe re¬ paired and rebuilt with NEW. d’ TO DATE MI SIC. offered at a LOW PRICE. We MANU FACTURE. REPAIR ai.d put NEW MUSIC on ALL KINI*S t)F ORC.YNS. State your wants fullT. Eatahllahed ’8!>7. JOHANNES S OEBHAilDT CO., 3024 Law¬ rence St., and 3027 Orkney ?t., Philadelphia. Pa.

at retulutluoary privea

.Wn LAMP IIUUSES. new or a

-lilnV<d;l{.\lil.S~~ uaed. Coll

TICKET SENSATION! Over 78 per cent, of the finest tbeatrae in the Doited States and Canada are fomlebed with them. They are used in 818 of tbe 4US moving picture theatres in Chicago.

TV) meet tbe growing demand for

LOW PRICED OPERA CHAIRS we have originated a number of styles which, though Inespeo- alv*. are characteristic of

ANDREWS QUALITY Write to department F. for our large catalogue No. 1. Ulua- cratad tu colora, which will guide you when contemplating the purchase of opera chairs.

Gulf Coast Resort Town Ex<-i>ptlonaI opportunity. For sale, or would

possibly rent to right iiarty. Pier and Pavilion

In coast town. Great excursion center. .Apply

“PLEASURE PIER," care Billboard. Cincin¬

nati, Ohio.

Idvweat j>rlee In the world on admission tlekeia 7c per thousand when ordered In KNi.iaN) lots. Others ask 8. 9 and lOe for •pislilli-a vastly inferior. Gel all your M. P supi»lles frotii us and we*II save you every IMwsible iwnny that can be saved!


173 North Green Street, near Lake Street, CHICAGO. ILL.


Sells like wIMfir** at parks, fair*, carnivals and all (lublie gatlu'ciiigs. Enormous profit. MaehiiH-s $10 to $2<i. Big sample box of ••Hire Urlsps" ami literature. lOo. SHAW MFG. CO., 904 Laguna St., San Francisco.

The New Atlas Performera, Musicians, a good Musical Team.

State alt in first letter. ELSTUN BEOS.’

UNITED SHOWS. 18th and Parallel Ave.. Kan-

xas City, Kansas.

Kor alt piirptMes !',«> our brand. Get samples anil prlees HELMET GUM SHOP. Cincinnati

CABINET PHOTOS~~$2.50 per 10( Ironclad, 32 inch ......$ 10.00

. 36 “ . 11.50 38 ** . 12.25

“ 40 “ . 13.00 THE BELBER TRUNK & BAG CO. 1641 N. Hancock Street PHILADELPHIA, PA.

AMERICAN FILM BROKERS. 147-187 4th Avenue, N Kllma, new and a,-<-niiil hand, song all eliiiies. aer-esMorles very rbeap. Write

Send your negatives to print from or a photo to copy. Future Husband or Wife Photos, white, black, visible or invisible. $2 per l.tSNi. Send for sample. W-ENDT, Photo., Boonton. N, J.

photon J"" •‘in*-'S. $2 -'-o |H-r mo. • • -Nw • V fards. $2 .Ml (ler 1(»),

eoidml from any iiholograpli. Sample doaeii either style. .Ml eta Sample, and ealalngiie foi ataiiip Aitdreas REPRO PHOTOGRAPH 00., 259 West 42d Street, New York City.

PATFNT^ SEUI KKI) OK KEE KKIl It.V ' I t n I O Ejj. Free report as to patent ability. Illustrated Guide B<.>k ami list of in vent Ions w anted sent fie<>. VICTOR J. EVANS tc CO.. Washington. D. C.

A new- .Airdotiie will <i|».n s,.in in Mangnin. Okla. (esHl siiinuier stork eoin|iatiies wanted. From one to two wei-ks stand each. .Address SHAW tc SLOCUM. Props., Box 283, Mangum. Oklahoma.


RUBY AND GREEN GLASSWARE WANTED—M. P. OiM-rator; slate exisTlcnre atid salary first letter. Ilon’t misrepresent; If yon do yiiii’t last long. CH.A.S. IIOU.SEH. Elertrie Theatre. Kratikllu. Ohio.

ale The aw’elleat 1 h. p gaaidine en ade. two ryl.. r<dl, batteries, everything order. Water e<a>led; engine la Imxi^d,

ndb-a, Isix painti.l and tiiaile esiK-elally e road. Ilaa Im-.-h ns<.l to run large t organ. foal $|IN1; the first draft fnc ta It. Slori-d here In Omaha. Nebr. Ad- MM'K MO.\ 712. !• S. -Jnat the thing

lie up In date ahow man.

Suitable for en^iraving namc-a. We alau have a fine line of

IVORY DECORATED WARE WANTED Black or white lent. large or small. In g<».| r-ondition. Also rounil toil. Slate siie. piiee, full details In first letter. Jeffries fight films wauteil. C. J. MURPHY, Elyria. 0.

Repertoire Companies Send In vonr ois-n time. Ki-ating rapaeltv l.tififi; drawing eaiuirity IT.imhi WONDERLAND AIR- DOME. Bloomington. Ind.

THREE HOTEL CARS FOR BALE Fine large t<-n e«-nt Itmatre with all m<Ml>-rn iinpniveinents and doing fine bnal- nesa JOHN IIAHHINF.. Jr., Allen Building, Xenia, tl. Bolli telephones. Sleeping capacities, 11, 23'and 25 aingle.




1221 Market Street, fit. Louia, Mo. .4 respoiisilde man with Repertoire roinpaiiies

to IxMik an .Alrdonie Circuit. Twenty w«-ek*

work. W. .A. BUISSENIllIN. Bloomington. Ind. FIH.ST SF.AStlN- THE DIXIE AIRDOME

Management H. M. Hoffman, Carutheravllla, Mo. Wanlisl to o|M'n Ural wi*ek In April, first riaaa Hep Co.; aliarlng terina. Sa-nd In your o|ien lime, H^■^l.. .Miisieal and Vaudeville Co. for Slimmer seawm. Wanteil Plano Player who can aing, long summer season.

AMATEURS WANTED ,-v**ryw Imre to join the Amal,-iir .Actm-s^ la-ague of Ameriea. l!rt:i Kpiadway. New York. We help you to realize .vour theatrical ambitions. Memls-rs placed ppi fessioiiHlIy. S-nd 4-- stamps for particulars. WTiy not get the beat? SO.SMAN A LANDIS CO., two great acene painting

Studioa, Chicago, lll.i Main Office. 417*419 S. Clinton St. I-^. 1K75. AGENTS WANTED -S«*UIn(r st\ N« WiiUt, Sii;!. Mini iTliM-**-*** |•ht1♦*rll'•. S$«rf>. Ng\ pitit'ft. Silk ami W'Mil Shawlx. Hi}: iiion*\T fur V'Hi. No ra«ih r*’«Miir«ML NVrito for falalosnip H LEOPOLD KANDEL CO. 721 Broadway. New York.

ORGANS ■^'•".CAROUSEL JOHN MUZZIO A SON. 178 PARK ROW. N. Y. TiiK iiuYi:us' DiiuicTOKV 'n-:ixs vt>u WHO .\.m> wiikui

Miss Leah I^anKtry, who. In private life. Ls Mrs. Ed. I)e Groote. tells the following .story at the expense of her husband:

Mr. l)e Groote's cunipuny, playing Winning a Wife, closed a season at

—-E-1 Jackson, Mis.s., February 22. Wash- jl POSTOfTiCC I ington’.s birthday, after playing a .sea-

■j 11 one-night stands in the smaller

^ ' cities and towns throughout the

11* ‘^T-^'‘ " Says Muss I..angtry; "Every one who

'QgBV "n-' .„ knows Mr. L)e Groote intimately, fully /h^ appreciates the fact that he has very

Mal1{a|m little in common with the ‘hayseed'

(Sf<fe*Ef*tr y/\ attd ‘country- gawk.' and he has in -“ I i/f- ts_-• times past been frequently heard to

remark that the aforesaid ‘gawk’ does not know that George Washington Is dead. i>n the day of his arrival in Jackson. February 22, it seems that Mr. De Groote had gotten his dates somewhat mixed. At any rate he forgot all

about its being a legal holiday and proceeded to the post office to call for his mail, but on his arrival there he found, to his chagrin, that the office wa.*-- closed. After waiting impatiently for some moments, he hailed a ‘seedy’ indi¬ vidual who was passing a window and inquired:

" ‘Say, my friend, can you tell me at what hour the general delivery

window will open?’ " ‘Why. pard.' replied the fellow, apparently much amazed at the stupidity

of his interrogator, ‘that thar window won’t be open a-tall to-day. Don’t

>ou know it’.s George Washington's birthday?’

"Sime then Mr. De Groote has said nothing concerning the “country gawk" anti his ignorance of George Washington's death.”

^ \ d. \ the result of scieiititic d»‘velopnient. while the other contended it was a

'' triek. though they faileil to locate the ir 9 trick. Knt*'ring a hotel cafe with the

house manager, we founil argument-s

jAl-JP' running high ami. as is usual with me. 'X I fought shy of lieing tlrawn into a dis-

cussion rt'lative to Ita s work, so re- mained silent. t*ne of the town celeb- Titles a t\pical Irishiuiin—was volun¬

teering the information that tliough he liad not witnessed ita's performance, he knew Just how It was done; i. e.. with ti verlial code, or the way the assistant talks

As a mtitter of ftict, ita's work Is ne.irly all silent, and another of the group, wlio had se<-n In-r exitlliition. told the Irisliman tliat he hadn’t hearii me speak to her at all. tliat 1 might lie detif and dumlt. and at the sitme time pointed iiie out to the It'Ishmati who. <-oming over to tiie. said:

"Say. now . tell me tlie trutli isn't tile thing dom- liy the wa.v .vou talk?" In order to carry out tin' |>art. I t>retended not to understand the man.

and iissuming all tlie g<st\ires and guttural soutids common to detif and dumb

1‘eople, I naturiilly iiad the Irislttnan guessing. For a motnent ho w;is luin-

plussed. but not to l»e outwitted 1)> his friend’s query as to what was his

extiinnation. now tliat h*- liad found me to be a mutt', ht* tlnally ejaculated: "He gob. I have it. It's the way lie grunts”

1 matle my t'sca|ie without any further cx|>lanation.

“At the time when Dion Boucicault, who died in 1890, was at the height

of his fame as a great playwright and a popular actor, 1 had occasion to.

call upon him one morning at his apartments,” says a correspondent of The Stroller. “He took up his residence in \ , ' __ ' j this country in 1876, you may remem- |i i(«««=.ww»5r

ber. But though the hour was close ' i

to noon, I was informed that Mr. Bou- i 1 cicault w as just preparing for break- | fast, and was asked to wait until he had finished the meal. i* ^ ’y Jk:>

“In a moment or two, however, a

cheery voice—that of Boucicault him- lUJlUff t -llTl_ .self—sang out: ’The top of the morn- ^- / ifJJ!—

ing to you!’ and I was shortly u.shered --1-'—- into the breakfast room, and the presence of a man dressed in such fashion as I had never before seen at a breakfast or any other table. For Boucicault was incased in a long dressing gown, made apparently from Lamb’s wool, bordered and trimmed elaborately at the cuffs and around the neck and

girdled around the waist with a scarlet cord, much betasseled. His feet were shoil in white slippers without heels—^.something like Chinese slippers,—and upon his head was perched a skull cap. concealing his baldness.

’’.As we talked over the business that had taken me to him, Boucicault.

between his rapid-fire answers to my questions, made away with the substan¬

tial meal that had been spread before him. Then he motioned to the attendant, who left the room, but .speedily returned, bearing a tray upon

which reposed a single saucer—and in that dish was the largest block of

ice cream I had ever seen served as a single portion—a block that seemed,

in fact, to be sufficient to satiate the ice cream appetite of at least three persons.

“Perhaps I involuntarily showed my surprise both at the unusual

breakfast dish and its size. At any rate, Boucicault turned to me with a

merry twinkle in his eyes. “ ’You have found me indulging in one of my peculiarities.’ he said.

’Do you know, I am a firm believer in the value of ice cream as an in.spira- tion of influence? I actually wrote The Shaughraun under the in.spiration of

it. If I became a little thick-headed while engaged in producing thiit play, or wasn’t clear about the treatment of “Gon’’ or any 'if the other characters.

1 called for a plate of ice cream, and a large plate at that, and when 1 htul eat 'n it. everything cleared up for me. and I was able to get the right results.’

’’Between sentences, Boucicault was t.ackling vigorously the little moun¬ tain of coldness. ‘I always have it on hand.’ he continued, ‘and 1 could go

without my coffee for breakfast with less regret than 1 could do without my customary portion of ice cream. .Almost everybody else keeps ice cream for

an after-dinner de.ssert. and Sunday dessert at that. But if I eat it in the morning it clears my brain, acts as a sedative to my digestive organs, and is a wonderful exhilarator for my whole system. .And 1 can’t get enough of it.’

“AVith the last spoonful of the huge portion disposed of, Boucicault threw himself back in his chair like a man who is content with himself and all the world. ‘.Ah,’ he sighed, if I were a poet 1 would sing the praises of Ice cream. To me it is what tea was to Dr. Johnson, a cigar to Bulwer-Lyt- ton and what absinthe is to some of the more famous French writers.’

“.And the great playwright smacked his lips, probably partly reminis¬

cently and partly in anticipation of the next huge iiortion of ice cream that

would he set before him.”

If you want to get a glimpse of the humorous side of human nature,

stand before a box-office window for a little while and listen to some of the remarks maile by purchtisers of the pa-steboards. Some day. when yoe

want to while away a little time stop i ■, ' _r' 'I ' ‘~1

in some theatre loldiy and "hang "p^icF^ around" the ticket-tdfice window. p., j

A’ou’re Ixiund to hear somi'thing 'Tn'T! ^

Jack F. Truitt, acting manager of - the Majjestlc Theatre. Topeka. Kan- |~—

sas, was standing near the treasurer’s -■ — -*7 iT,-“

little booth, when a man. evldentl> a | || | member of a gang of laburi-rs. etitered ' ^ ami approaching the bux-otlice win- ' ’ ^ dow, inquired w hat the price would be for a half dozen tickets.

“Seats in the bali'ony are tw*‘nty-five cents, or three dollars a ilozeti.

returned the box-otfii'e man, sizing U|> the prospective customer.

“Give me ’em.” returned the man. As he reai hed the door to leave, he suddenly turned, as if he had for¬

gotten something, tloing up to the box-office window, he bellowed: “Say, put ’em in u .-ack. will you?” meaning a small ticki't envelope. After the .stranger haii departed. Truitt offered the remark that the

fellow seemed to be umbr the Impression that he was purchasing eggs or

something of the sort --

l*r. It. H. Itinaldo tell;- the following, and vouches for its authenticity;

While Ita. the Girl Meiitalist. was recently playing Tecumseh. Michigan,

her work created a great deal of discussion as to how it was accomplished. I tine taction was satisfied that it wa.- "t’anada and Maine have been one awful time for the Sextette." volun¬

teered Miss (^ora A'oungblood Corson, leader df the Corson Sextette of

musicians. .A terrific storm on our way from Boston to Halifax; a snow

storm in which we got lost going to ■ ^—TTS—1 .Tfc the tlu'atre; train wreck at Moncton. and not mentioning a few cold day.s V with till' thermometer registering ^ /

twenty and thirty degrees below zero; — fl missing connections and late trains in ^ Waterville. Gardner and Rockland.

S<ime vicissitudes that would try the ^ 2. v

"But. with all. we got a laugh now and then lu'cause of the action of some ~ " manager or house employe .at the the.ater we played; and I think the best laugh was enjoyed iti Rockland, Me., when we reported for rehearsal.

"('ur manager, Mr. Spahn. had sent in the property list, calling for b.aton,

liner, electric fans, tripod, hall tree, also wood for camp tire used in the

Indian scene. Can you imagine our surprise when we landed in the theatre

to find all this .stuff piled in the center of the stag**’.’ .Vtid what met our I eyes first and set us thinking was a big pile of cotton hatting. After going

lover the list. Mr. Spahn I'alled the manager’s attention to the fact that he

would ne»'d six of the batons above in order to hang thi' scenery. The Hyman

' made a rush for the Hies to let down the woo 1 upon which to take the drop. The manager grabbed the bunch of cotton batting and tori- oat of the stag.-

I entrance, but not before there was one big laugh from the .-extette."



4 r fi e Billboard MARCH 26, 1910.

THEATRICAL GROWTH CONFIDENCE OF CAPITAL Of Omaha, Giving Data Concerning Important Personages

Arden Once Invited All Ft. Omaha

to Theatre

Number of Companies Incorporated in New York for Instituting and

Operating Amusements of Various Kinds—Increase of Such Incorpo¬

rations Indicates Capitalists’ Confidence in Future of Amusements.

Otuaha'a flrat theatrical attractloo waa a tbre<‘ night aland bark In the early SU'a. Thia I la a dlatlurlion which every city can not tioint ! to. I

Away hack In the early .Wa when there ' were three timea aa many Indiana aa there were ■•alefacea living In the frontier trading poat|Hwt cant'd Omaha, hundreds of miles from the ahrjek of the locomotive, the sturdy buffalo hunters, adventurers, gamblers and furtune- •eekera were one day auntrlaed to see ‘•show bills,” actual “opt-ra house play bills,” autck tn> on fences and barns. There they were, hig aa life: “The Great John Templeton Company In Reistrtolre.”

And so Omaha’s flrat theatrical attraction was bllletl. iTince thia time there have been Brulslignaglan stride* In the theatrical life of thia city, boasting to-day of eight theatres, among which is the New Itrandeia Theatre, a half mlllion-dollar structure, and admitttsi to be one of the finest playhouses in the country.

But we are alighting our “first night.” The hardy frontiersman gaae<l at the “bit* of civ- illaatlon” through tear-dimmed vision, thoughts of the warm home back Bast, the comfort, the pleasures, surging up and choking them to a realisation of the wildnees of the wild West; and as they smiled at the contrast of the old home and the wild west surroundings, they re¬ solved to “see the show.”

And so The Great John Templeton Company, Omaha’s flrat legitimate theatrical, played the boards here and won a barrel of money, sticking It out for thrt'e nights, to the great Jov of the marooned adventurers who made the forsaken little post their home. And ft la a source of home pride for the old-timers and the youngsters to recall the fact that the hardy John Templeton and his company played three nights to “stand¬ ing room only.” The old court house served ad¬ mirably aa a theatre, and an Improvised stage wa* eagerly thrown together by many willing bands. So the distinction Is ours of not only having a theatrical attractloo when so very very young but a three nlgat-sland attraction at that. Settler* from miles around jumi>ed on their bronchos and galloped over the prairies to “see the show folks ’' It was certainlv a night of nights for the frontier town. The In dians. eager to see a pale face show, traded hundr»“dK of dollars worth of horseflesh for the price of those pasteboards which bear the magic wonl*. “Admit One.” Omaha’* “first-night”

audience was a motley crowd. Frontiersmen, grizzled and grey; gamblers, the scum of the earth, desperate, persistent, preying; fortune- seekers, “tenderfeet,” with sad. faraway home visions, all clapping the same emotions exhibited by the company, the same law of nature proving the mother of them all, Indian, gambler, front¬ iersmen, fortune 8«‘eker*.

Our next visit by the followers of Thesitis was the attraction beaded by the old-time favorite, Julia IK>an Hayes, but the name of the pro¬ duction baa been lost In the shuffle of year*. It must have been one of those early Elisabeth- lan period productions, with little or no precision as to effect or atmosphere, for the records of the city fathers show that the stagi' manager bought from Tootle and Jackson’s dry go^s

(ContlmuHl on page 64.1

IncoriKtratloiis under tls- laws of New York, at Albany, during the week ending March 12 were as follows

Dramagrapb Comiuiny of .\merlca. New York; capital, $30,UIM>. To own and conduct theatres, to furnish dramatic and musical productions; to deal in muring picture's, machines, films, allile* and a|)paratus. Dlrt'Ctors: Samuel H. Shaw, 306 W. U5th street, Henry L. Von Steuben. 16 W. ItHMh street; John M. I’endle- ton, 6'M street aisl Madison avenue. New York City.

Bradford Booking Agency, New Y'ork; capital. $I.(KMl. IV cimdiM't a g4-iM‘ral theatrical and amusement em(tloyment agency; to deal In plays and art as agents for authors and ctunpuaera. Pirectors; Thomas K. McMahon. I’bilip Bar¬

nett anil John J. Karl, 1403 Broadway, Nen York City.

The Greater Amusement Ciaupany, Brooklyn, N. Y.; capital, flO.Oiai. To own and conduct general amusement enterprises. Including cir ruses, parks, theatn-s and tlieatrlcal perform ances; to leal In horses, wagons, costumes, etc. Directors; David Siiatl, 114 Chrlsbipber avenue, Briatklyn, N. Y.; J. Montgomery Reilly. bOii Dark avenue. New York City, and Felix Reif Schneider, UI Fulton avenue, Hemstead, L. I.

Gordon Nortb Amusefuent Company, New York; capital, $1,000. To en-ct ami lease the atre*. produce dramatic ami musical play*. Dl rector*: Cliff Gordon. Bobby North. Gaiety Theatre Bldg., and Aaron Hoffman, 14<J3 Broadway. New Y'ork City.

Jacobs Forrester Amusement Company, New York; capital, $1,300. To operate, own and lease theatres, and to produce all kinds of plays. IMrectors: B. E. Fom-ater, Empire Theatre Bldg.; Miwtlmer FIhIp'I, 43 Cellar street. New S’ork City, and H. C. Jacobs. Rochester, N. Y.

Hill-Yale Enterprise. New York; capital, $.’1,000. To lease and manage theatres; to ae quire, lease and dispose of all kinds of Ihert rlcal prahictlons. Directors: Gn* Hill. IS-'s Broadway: John J. Sullivan, 3o3 Broadway. New York City, and Chas. H. Yale. Orantwood.


Claeoo Point ’Twin Coaster Co.. New York; capital, $40,000. Devices for amusement pur poeee efi|>ectally the twin coaster apparatus. Directors: Altiert E. 'Turpin. 300 Broadway; Wm. M. Pollard and Sylvanus D. Ward. 6:1 Wall street. New York City.

J. Fred Helf Co.. New York; capital, $.’1,000 To publish and deal In musical coax(s>sltioo* and productloa* and to copyright same and do a general music publlaliing business. Directors; J. Fred Helf. Bessie Helf. .34S W. llbth stre. t. New York City; Chas. 1. Frhsimau, 104 Tin Eyck street, Bnsiklyn. N. Y.

’The Stockholder* of Borough Blll|s>stlng Co. N. Y.; 'o Increase capital stw-k from $a).000 to $1(S>.ISNI. Isiuls Hess*-, Joseiih A. Kei-nan and Joseph J. RIekt r, dlrectiva.

Pierce Company Buys Lyceum Studios

Vesta Victoria Returns to America

as the i.yceinn Srwnlc Staslio* of Ihiluth. Minn., ami' at the close of the tour of In Wyoming. Darrin, who ha* been In advance of tills attraction during the past two season*, will take to tb«' road during the summer sea son. Interviewing the om- night at ami manager*, securing orders for an.vthlng ami everything In the ao-nlc line. He will travel with a fully eqnlp|s‘d and moilel stage In onler to give the local msnagiTs an Idea of the work m>w being turned out by the artists in the employ of thl* firm.

In Wyoming will be In Clilcago week of March 20. after which It will olay a abort season In the East, closing May 1 In Warti- Ington. D C


Mr. Charles Duffleld. the active and valuable assistant to 11. B. Thearle at the Chicago of¬ fice of the Datn Dymtechnlc Co., has returned to Chicago fniro an exlendid trip over the country, filled with enthusiasm over the out¬ look for 1010. Mr. Duffleld ex|we**ea the opin¬ ion that, from hi* pyrotechnlcal vtew-pidnt. the Impending s<>a*on Is replete with pmmlae* which should niaterlallae In one of the biggest years In the history of fireworks. The Dain Company will this season revive their I.**t Days of Dom|»e| for use In the middle West, and will again expbdt Iheir Battle In the Clouds, which was so |M>pular last summer. They also are making a a|>eclal feature of pyrotechnlcal attraction* for the smaller coun ty fair*, and will give much attention to this field. Mr. Thearle Is working between the New York and Chicago office*, tnd Incidentally I* devoting much time to Aeniplam**. which he believe* to be the coming feature* for fair* snd other out ibsir gathering*. Mr. 'Thesrle Is msking a thorough stixly of the altiiatloo, and when he does come Into the field will be e<)ul|>|M'd with the neeessary kmiwledge of It* condition* and reqiilreinenla. Ixist year the Daln Company had displays at the following places; Alaska Yukon; tludsno Fulton Cels- bratlon; Taft’s Inaiignratlon; Dortola Festival. R. F.; Cal. O. A. K. Encampment; Kalt lake City; lake Champlain Tercentenary: Indlan- aisdls; Daven|H>rt; Detroit; Itrnver; De* MoIim's; I.Incidn, Neb.; Coliinibiis, O.: I.oiils vllle; Memphis; Itsllas; Ran Antonio, and many other |Mdnf*. Thl* year they say their reeord of achlevementa will be biggi-r and b<-lter than •ver.

Showing the interior of what w*» formerly The Great Northern Theatre.


Washington to Have New Dramatic Club

Mrs. Southworth’s Ishmael Produced

(^mberland. _ Md.. March 15.—On -. —.— Monday morning at the City Hall of Cumberland caught fire and was completely destroyed. The building contained the Academy of Mualc, man¬ aged by Mellinger Broa. Tlie loss to the city is $‘Ji.ti0<i. .Mellinger Bros.’ loss is $15,000. with no Insurance.

TiilB theatre was built In 1874 6 and opened b.v John T. Ford, of Baltimore, on MarA 7, 1876. the attraction being Big Bonanza. An address was made by Frederick B. Ward. Mel¬ linger Bros, have managed the theatre for the past fourti-en years and hare been highly suc- cessfnl.

Mellinger Bros, will at once start to erect a new j.fsiem theatre on their property on South M«-t-#nle street, to seat 1,800 tiersons and will havtj same ready for oeenpaney December 1. Th’f Is an Ideal location and will avoid all

of scenery, as they will have a rsll- tear of the building. The

p.«ey of the new house will be inde|>endent and om off nights vaudeville and pictures. The cost

the theatre will he about $80,000. The b.t a frontage of 65 feet and a depth of 206

;fwt. The city will not place a theatre in

Washington. D. C., March 18.—Diana have lieen formulated by prominent local residents here to organise a chib to lie devotid to dram atic art. It will rem-mble the I.ainti*’ Club of New York, exeetit in that It* memberNlilp will not be drawn from the ranks of the pn> feasional actors. A site baa been sidected and a Hiiltable clubh<sise will be ere<-te<l with large auditorium and stage.

Among thoae lntereat«-d are Mr. and .Mr*. Drewton Gilsuin, .Mr. and Mrs. Claren.-e .M<Hir*, Mr. ami .Mrs. Gllison, Mr. ami Mrs. Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Ijsrw Anderson. Miss Grsce Bell. Miss Katherine Elkina, Murray A. C<itib, Mr. and Mr*. John Story. Gen. ami Mr«. Clarence Falwarda. atxl a numlier of oHx-rs well known In W’asbington society.

Tlie club will l»e callid the “Dlayboiiee,” and while It will lie a anclal club It will alen have a H*-rloiis piiri (sm-. that of aiding charity.

Tlie Initial performance of Ishmael, written by .Mrs. D. E. N. Soutliwortli and dramatized by Grace Hayward was given at Rockford, III.. .March K.

Tlw play I* a dramatized version of two laioka—Self Ralseil. Iwing used aa tlie prologue and Ishmael for the thri-e act*. The prologue reveal* the clrcumst*nci-s of labmael’s birth.

The melalramatlc aiqn al dcjiend* on an un¬ seen murder, with the Impertinence of a negro servant as the only eomi-dy rell.-f. Aside from tiles*' two. all characlers are lieayy. thus re<luc- ing Its adaptability for Kt*s-k comi>aniea.

Tlo-re is a gD'St <l*'al of strength and tniman apiieal in Ishma*'l and seems a likely su' c. as.


Dueblo, Co.. March 21.—Tlii' Grand tlia-ra House has dropjie*! vaudeville and lias <z,H'ni‘<l with the Arlngton Stock C<impan.v. Van •levllle will l>e rooimid n‘'Xt aea'cin on .\as<H'la tion anil S A C. time.


Definite dates have been aet for the pisieenta- tlon of G«Hirge Ade’a nf-w play. ’The City Chap, tiv the Harb'qnln Club of Durdue Cnlveraitv. Th< musical (asnedv will be staged In the Dri fns ^Tliealr*'. Lafayette, on the erenings of

TRY-OUT IN OPERA. ('♦.(lar Ka|rl<lH. la., .March 11*.—Winn Trim*

ilal*'. maniigi-r of llie No. 2 Trousdale (Vsnpany, pla.ilng the Man on th*' Box, which siiffi'n'd the isitir*' I<*is of warilrols'. scom-ry and propa, in a rissut fir*' al Siilllian, III., will ri'organlze Man'll 38. at Iowa City, with a iimiplete now oiittll. Th*' No. 1 I'lsntiany la now touring Mli'lilgan. Boy*l B. Tnsisatale has purcliaaiHl the lights for Halvatlon Nell, ami next season will star In that plios-. The Tr**us*|ale Bnai. now hare a stis'k *'*snpany at c*-ilar Itsplila, Iowa, two Man on the Box ('om|>anira on the mail, sibling anollier next wsson. and willi the siblltlofi of Salvation Ni'll. niskis unite a r*'|M'r folre.

.New Risiiell*'. N. Y.. Marili It* Miss l.llllsn V. tlreene, who ha* sung In vamlevllle. In thiw rlly. gel* a try out at Ih*' Maniialtan Dju'ra House, New York, n*-xl w*'*'k. If auceimaful, she will enter <m a can'er of graml oiier*.

I.a Dorte, lull.. March 31. — Wilbur Hall, inan .iger of ilall’s Tbiatre, has given up bl* is*»l tli.n a« nianrig-r ami will enter th*' *-inploy o' John C**rt. inaii-iging on*' of the Curt Tlii-alns on the M estem Coast


S-ivannsb. Ga., March 14.—Bio'ause Managi'r ,4rtlmr M. I.uca«. of th.' Cozy Thi'atre. here. dl*l not c<msl*ler th*' s*o<'k eisnpany which was to *>r.‘II yi'wti'ntsy. of Kiifllcleiit merit the com pan.v was eanei'lb'd. Manager I.liras «*w t'e (•ompanv’s rebesrsal and then lalb'.l off the *'n gagenK'nt. The Ikhisc is no*- itark

'Tlie Drier and Butler Cssiipsny Iniiudea R><i> set J. Boalime. Fnslerlrk G. Ksrle. Roliert Gray, llatTv Disighi'rlly, I'red Roth. Gwen WllUainii. Margaret Rngan. Kthol Kbnerly fries. Wm. G Dries. Giss-ge Itutler and Fllta- bsth Karls

W. I, CoIv<'Ss<'l Is a late aiblitloii l< ter of till' Dreaton Brl«k*-rt Majestli playing an *'iig'*g iiii-iit at Ft Wajn*.


PRESS AGENTS. ETCETERA Tom North Amusingly Describes Their Little Eccentricities, Foibles

and Personal Vanities in a Manner That Will Be Offensive to

None for He Is One of Them and He I'ells His Story.

NEW YORK V^DEVILLE Description of the Bills at the Several Variety Houses in Gotham

With Reviews of the Individual Acts and Personal

Notes About the Performers

1\i you who aro jiroKa afCouta did you ever li«-ar lh*‘ followliiif take place tM-t«eeii a draiuatic critic and a preaa aKcut with a atory:

1). C. “L'tthi lu-iKht leave it aud I’ll see what I can ilo for you.”

1’. A. “Many thauka I ahall do no with (ilraure hut In the lueau time would like for you to kia>w very much how itrt-atly 1 a|>- preciate your kiudueas. You are very huay now so I'll aay tliMMl day aud call later when you bare more time aud I should like very much to have a chat with you. Good day.”

You know, as well as I know that that chap "planted” that story. Why? The answer la simple. To begin with he knew' exactly how¬ to time aud read that critic. ile knew that couservatlveueaa such as he displayed took root. He knew that when he uttered "when you have more time” that the critic knew be bad ex- l>erirnce aud farslghtetlnesa such as only years of dealiUKs with critics can give one. Slany and many an agent loses out many and many a time by staying too long. Even during tbe stay the critic may be as pleasant as (sissible for a critic to b<‘ but on the surface only. lie will be saying to himself maylie, “Wonder If this fellow thinks I am at pn-seiit time on my va¬ cation anti hare nothing to do but listen to bis chatter tbe likes of which in many forms and styles I bare heard many aud many a time. Guess I most do something to shake Um off”— and he does, ami Mister I’reaa Agent wbo has not had experience enough to read when to re¬ tire loHi-s nicely and when be dtxipa around the next season to meet the same critic no matter where Im- may be (daced In tbe meantime. Mr. I'ritic rememlH‘rs and knows just how to handle Mister .\gent. I hare seen it exeniplltled time and time and again. It's ability, experience, reliability, endurance, action, personality, con ddeme. ar'iualutanceahlp—these are some of the main essentials In the press agents pyramid of suc<ess. and which are necessary If be would get re)>utatloii for himself and dollars for hit attraction and by accumulating both advances bis worth aud salary, .\nnther one of tbe Im portant things for an agent to do if he would win suctess Is to get go<sl sound rest. We bare many allurements. It Is tme. but when you go to your hotel and retire, leave your troubles alone. l ay lln-m <h>wn just as you would any other burileii. I'll admit there are many times when we absolutely cannot do this, but the

Manager Complains of

Fake Window Sleeper

Koani>ke. Va.. March 14, 1910. Tbe KimsMinl.

ITiw'Innatl. G. Gentb-men. Kindly iiiil>lish this letter as a

warning to otle-r shovxinen against one I>avld Amlerson a hypnotic window sles-jier. I sent bim $17 by wiri- to pay his railroad fare from Aaginaw, Mich., to Wliuton Sab-m V. C. He accepleil this money and b-ft SsgInnw without ever coming on to this slnnr This Is not the only css»' w h»Te he has d<sible cn>ss«sl a com¬ pany. l ast S.-ptimtsr. «». B Grifflth. of the Orttfllh liypiHitIc ('»mie<ly t'o.. gave him car fare and exp<‘nse mom? to g>i from Iaim*lng. Mich., to TlIBn. O. Anderson ti>ok thia money and left for parts unknown.

It Is a pity that we have no law that can reach iss^le of this kind without a world of red ta|«e.

Yours tnily, W. H. RICE.

.Manag>*r Nnrwo<al's tireat 8 nsstlon.


Baltimore, Md.. Marrti 21. The Wilson .Vmnse ment Ounfiany. wiilch controls the Wilson The¬ atre on Bi St Baltlniore street, baa begun nego- tlatlonw for Hie I.nbln Tlieatre iwojs'rty on the same bbs-k. The I.nbln Theatres were r«H*ently closed.

The comiiany ex|s‘cta to acquire tbe Albaugh Theatre pri^wq-ty on N<irth Charles street. This b<mse Is owm-d by the heirs of the late Joliu W. Albaugh.

It la their Intention to igierate these houses with hlgh-rlsss vsiHlevllle ami moving pictnres.

Extensive altersllons will be made to the Wil¬ son Theatre and a new gallery will be In- clmled In the plsnw

Mr, Joneidi Hlllon. manager of the Wllaon Theatre, ami a memls-r of the amusement c<an pany. wild fliat Hie sui-cesa of the Wilson Tlk'a- tre (irompteil this move.


J. C. Itesgan. Inventor and msnnfactiirer of tmiwleal bellw, etc . at .'Wtis ;WtO .N. (Tark stre«‘t, (hlrago hss broken gnsim) for s new fmir- ■tiH-y fsetory sdjsecnt to ttieir pM'sent loeatlon. n hen owiipleltsi they will (MS-iipv simost a half block of gnsird . The new addition will have W.tSkl si|iisre feet of tlisir s|iace ami will coat

The iww fsetory will (witipy the i-omer of ^ark and Grace streets, ailjiilnlng the iimwnt fanory h»* eris-ted six years ago.


■^bany. N. Y.. Msnli 'Jl —The New Clinton Theatre, which hss Imwu In pnsi'ss of construe tU* for sinne monttis and whlili was exiiectiMl to lie o|i.m by March 1. tw mill far fnan cimple •Iv?* •f’l will proltslily not msMi to the piilillc till fall. II. It. JaeolM. who Is building the theatre, has had dlllleulltes with Ills backers, and fiirlber progress d«<lH<iHts ii)M>n the mijnst ment of t law suit, wlileh he lias brought against sn Alliany tmiik

majority of the times we do It when not necessary absolutely. Try to think that your time has been put in, every minute If it honestly (kang gmsl work. It's a pleasure for auy of we’uus of tbe press agents clan to pick up the morning paper or (lapera at tbe breakfast tshle and si-e our story or stories nicely placed aud illuminated w-ltb cut or cuts, isn't it? •Many a time 1 haven't waiteil, (fact I couldn't wait) until 1 had arranged my dress aud gone down to tbe hotel news stand to look over -the morning papers. I bad 'em sent up to my room. Ever do It? Sure you have. The neatness of an agent Is another consideration. 1 do not mean the overdress kind to tbe extent that one's time Is taken up trying to be a

Hospital For Insane

To Have Theatre

Wawliington. I>. C.. March IS.—Saint Elisa¬ beth lloiniltal for the Insane, under the auspices of the rnltisl Stales Government, will soon have completeil a first-class theatre, with a seating capacity of l.'JOd and a stage large emmgh to accoiiimivlate the largest troupe. lYte building cost about $ld0,0i)0 ami is a large briek struetnre. In Italian Renati*«ance style of architecture. In ki'eping with the other hnlldings of the hospital gnaip.

i Itances. tlwHitrlcals and entertainments of I varlisis kinds In ttw' past have been held In tbe

basement under the cha|iel, but tlm number of Inmatea hss Inercaned so ra|ildly In tbe last few years that It hss lie*'n ImiHMsIhle to give them smiisenHUit In suoh small quarters.

A dramatic ami gb<e club will he formed at the hospital, which will combine with the liiisiillal orets'stra In giving enter!ainmenta ami will oft llnies tx“ sssIstiM by professional talent.


Cellar Rapids. la.. March 19.—tYiaa. Hugo, brother of “Vic” Hugo, manager of tbe Ma¬ jestic Tlicstre. and Bruce I,. Baldvln. better known as “Cirrus'’ Baldwin, ar-* mtking ar- rsngemeiits to trnir the Orient with the Great Nicolo. wonder worker and handcuff Mag. the former as biudness manag<'r .iml the latter as pn-ss agent. Tlie company has crqiaged trana (Mirtatlmi on the Mongolia from San Vrancls<-o. May '24. playing Ilonolnin first and thru Japan ami China. "nie company will Ik« on tour eighteen months, per omtrart. rciuinlng via Euroiie. Mr. Hugo made a similar four two yearn ago with Carter, the Maglyiin, ami met

I with sneresa thnnigbont the trip.


Annette Kelb-nuunn Is back at tbe Fifth Ave¬ nue lYieatre this week. That annouiK-esuent is packing the theatre at every performance, for if ever a vaudeville star was an overwhelm¬ ing favorite at any oiu- tlieatre. Annette Keller- inanii certainly ascends to tua<. proud distinc tlon In so far as the Keith and Proctor Iwnisi- is concerned. She is truly the modem Venus, a joy to the eye forever, and tbe embmllment of tbe Ideal physically. That piquant comedienne. .Margaret .Moffat, assisteil by a dandy little eiimpany. apiieareil in Swell Oyllins’ gay gam tsdietta. Awake at the Switch; Wright an<I Iiletrich. a bat<ib of original mirth-provoking ideas and numerous songs of splendid merit, sidy rendered. Tom Edwards, the English ven- triloqiilal farceur, had a novel way of saying

Rehearsals Begun

For The Norseman

The first rehearsal of B. B. Sorlin's new pla,v. The Norseman. In which .Arthur Donald¬ son Is to star under tin' management of Gns Hill and tTiarles 11. Yale, was mlb'd for Tnes-

^ day. March I.'). The aiitlior will stag»> tbe play. There are

eight new songs written especially for Mr. Ibmaldson. wls> originated the part of the Prince

i In Tlie Prince of I*ils<>n and played the part over fourteen bundreil times, will play the part

, of the Swe«le. The Norsman opens Its season Easter week and

gix's direct to the coast, returning In the fall for a run In Chicago.


Bayonne, N. J.. March 19.—^The Bijou Thca In* haa nmlergone a change of management

: Bert D. Howard, who has l>e«>n managi'T of I this house for the past year, was s»-nt by the I BI|ou Circuit Company to oi>en the Academy

of Music at Si-ranton. Pa. The staff of the Bllou tendenxl Mr. Howard a r*'C«'ptlon ami nri'sentml him with a gold ha ml led umhri'Ila. The new manager Is Mr. J. C. Sntherlaml. who was formerly manager of a road o^mpany with the Mlftenthals. and also with Stair A Havlln.


and doing novel tilings and he jointxl the rest of the headliners in a sort of “Home .Again” week. Bowers, M altcTS ami Crooker. the Three Huiies, are also coine-hacks, and made the raft¬ ers ring with glee wln-ii they anieared in their acrobatic and Instnimental uonsens*-. Charley Case has dug u|i some new m-amlal about his father, and told it right out. Uevora Trio of singers and dancers show'tsl to ailvantage. Lane and O’lyonnell. as 'lYie Lunatic Tumblers Looping the Bun»i»s, comiilettsl the bill.

4’ tX)U)NLAL 'niEATKE.

Headline honors were pretty evenly dtvldeil this week. Harry Bulger, tbe eminent musical comedy star, offervxl a choice selection of up- to-date character songs and jokes. In Jesse L. I^isky’s musical concoction. At tlie Country Club, there was a faithful de|>i<'tion of the amusement indulged in by the exclusive set of fashionable society, and their doings are merrily Illustrated by ten young men and women, each of whom are gifted singers. Edwards Davis, a fimner purveyor of the gospel, preseuteil a con¬ densed dramatic version of Oscar Wilde's famous novel. The Picture of Dorian Gray, in which he was sirpportml by Miss Adele Blissl. a beautiful and charming actress, and Templar Saze, an ac¬ complished actor. The Mlllmau Trio, premier wire artists, featurtsl .Miss Bird Mlllinan, who la heraldexl as an aerial dancing wonder. Wat- erbury Broth«TS and Tenney, musical comtsllans, combine an uproariously funny vein of omiedy with the playing of catchy music on a variety of instruments. Barry and Wolford, (smiisiy par- mlists. ami Leo Carrillo, monologists. comjileted the bin.


Miss I»le Fuller's Ballet of Light Illuminates the .Alhambra Th»-atre this week, and as a (sm- se<iuence Harlemites were treated to one of the most irretentions dancing acts ever presenter! In vaudeville. This prorluctlon was formerly a bal¬ let feature at the Metropolitan Opera House. The jovial Tom Namn. with a callable suiiportlng company, presented a Celtic sketch, entitled. Pat Was King, wlilch Is overfiowlng with gisid Irish come<ly. Edward Jolly and Winifred Wild offered a musical comedy sketch. The .Music

(Continued on page 64.)

New Management

Takes Theatre

Mr. L. R. Lefier. who has been manager of the Metropolitan 'ITieatre at Rochester. Minn., for the past year, has left for the South on aceotint of the health of his family, and the theatre Is again under the management of Mr. J. E. Reid, who has br-en Its manager since he built the theatre In February. 1902. with the exception of the past season.


'The Majestic Tlieatre. Glolie. Arlz.. owne«l by Mrs. L Jones, and leaseil to Qninn Bros, and Mrs. CTias. Martin, for a picture house, caught fire March 9 and burncl before the fire department could gain control. .Mrs. Jones lost a lot of theatrical effects besides the house and tbe lessees lost all their pletnre parapher¬ nalia. etc. Origin of the fire not known. I»aB estimated at $12,000. The Iris Theatre having elosi'd Its regular season. Qninn Bros, and Mrs. Martin op<'ne<l there without any time being toot. The Majestic was the oldest playhonee in the town but was of a flimsy construction.


Mt. VeTmm. N. Y., March 14—The New (raiety TYieatre wafi last nlpht to • Tcry larpe and faJ^ilonable aiMllcnce. When the ll^lits shown on the white and jrold front for the first time the crowds were packed for a whole block. The <traph!c Amusement fo., of New York, has taken this hoiis*'. formerly called the OrplH'um Theatre. Tbe Oalety Is one of the first of a chain of new playhous»»s which the Graphic Co. Is openinsr in rarlons places.


Denver. Col., March 21.—Wm. Morris will have no theatre in Denver. The offer of Morris to n'nt the .Andltorlirm Theatre, which belongs to the city, at $A,0<» monthly, whl.-b wo*iId net the city $'21,000 friim April 20 to November 1. has been turnoil down by the city. The n-a son given Is that a number of Mg public gather¬ ings are schedulei! to be held at the .Auditorium, and shisi’d It he nse.1 a« a theatre, wonbl Infer f..n- with tls'se gatherings.


TYie coropan.v playing The Wolf In th.- C- tral States, eti'se.l at Fre.‘port. 111., after evening performance on March 12. Tlie : crib's were purchased by George Gatts f -' Grace llaywsnl .Asa<>elate Players, who nil' dnee it In their rep*Ttolre for tb«' ' March 21


■ .-.-il

I •: -e

■ •••■I.

.AIexan.tria. Iji . Man-h 19 .Ml this-e .*f the: Edwin W R.wviaml an.t Wm. T moving picture houses In this citv have dtsvon | offer Hugo B Koch In Edwan! tlnucl ttie vaudeville fealuies They olahn that ; of Mertslith Nlcl: 1 the expense was rather heavy, amt gvvij acts The Port of Missing Men. haril to get at this tUne of the s.>as»tn They ‘ spring four will begin state, however, that they ex|<e.'t to 17. with iTxleago. St.

' follow. up thla feature In the msar future.

(Continued on page 13.)


Mr. John Griffin, preaident of the Griffin .Amiis<>ment Oimpany. and manager of tbi.s tliealie. is wcond from the left In tlie group.

MARCH 26, 1910.

THE WEEK IN NEW YORK Sister Beatrice, a New Play In Three Acts by Maurice Maeterlinck, Opens at The New Theatre—Syndicate

Purposes .To Reduce Singers’ Salaries—White Rats Play Ball—Other News.

in ttiv plaoc «r IIh' kIh* now aii«l «i!1wt stiirK will cxiMTifiu-** the aaiur proportion¬ ate enta.

lint if liiix liapiM'ii*. ^a.\« Oarar llaiiuiKTateiii, tin* Manbatlan t»|irra l'<iuipau.r wiil ut>tain tin- w<irl<i * (cr*-al<iil »ln(:ei>, fur the Thirty f.airtii atrret inipreaario ilrelaretl that he would not d«‘viate fr<aii hia iiretvnt |M>liry to pay the |>re\allinK market prieea for any aiiiKem who rairk at the head of the laMfeawimi.

“You may la- atire we aliail enter into no aKre.‘ment with tin- Metioiailitan to biiiiK down Uie nalariee of KiiiKera,'' aaid .krt ur llaiumer stein last nittht. "So ionic aa there ia eoai jietithai I am of the opinion that it wili ta- diffi«'ult. even, for the new o|>era truat to icet flrwt-elaaa ainitera unieav they meet ua In hid diihC for their aervicea.”

Manain«r Kuiweli aaid laat nicht: “What we want to hare umbTatooii ia that our aim is to

eapaiile eonipany it > .Mild In* aa euniiMdiliiK aa At the Tele^thoiie <m 'tlie Sulmiarieti. two other plays fciven to the ataice by the littie I'ariaian playhouae. .\a iireaeuted here, the moat dra¬ matic aituatiotui were irreeted yeatenlay with laufchter.

nie play ia calleai Aftiw the (>iM*ra. It tells the tragic enimiuat.'oii of the llaaoti tH-tweeii Mme. de tTieiille. playeai by Ml«a Violet Knl ton. and her sweetheart. acte<t by Kdnard Realinoud. llie nitln In the afteriMNXi has boTi'ewed “(i.iaa franca fr<au the huslwnd to pay up a sum of moiM-y he has ewlH>cil<>d. In the evening he visits the wife clamiestiaely. He hears soiw one enter the house an<l flees througti the window. Instead of lieing the husiiand. the new arrival la a burglar, wiio murders the wife. Tlie huabaiHl entera and hears the man. who has been brought back, confess bis relations with the woman. Tiie husttaod then deacribea

fonii eight to ten weeks. Tiie iwiHluctlon will ta* made under the supt'CvialiiQ of Mr. tie.jrge Kus ter rialt, producer of maslem tlramaa at the New' 'nieatre. atMl the musli'al setting, which la exee<slliigly liu|Mirtant. will Im* arranged by KlUolt SelieiM-kl. Ita musical director. Both men will n-tualn in the city hr some days af ter the prisluctlou. when they will Join the (sniipany. 'ns- only member of tha special com pany thus far aiimninced la Mr. Ihinald Bob ertaon. win* has Imohi aniearing fiw aaoreral sea MOOS in claaalcal ami otiter dramas at the Art Institute, t^lcago.


The third annual prize masque ball in aid of tlw charity fund of the White Bats of .America will b»‘ held at Terrace Harden Tburaday night, and already there la the great ewt of excitement thmuglrmt tlie thaiiain of th.- White Bats, known aa Batland, In preparation fur the event.

.Ail boxen have be<-n <lla|aansl of. and tickets sold guarantee an atteinlance of S.iasi. Vaude vUle iierformera will attemi in the costumes tlwy wear oo the stage.

In yeaxw gone by. this tiall has always witnesHeal the gathering of all the Bnjadsnay <sd«-brltlea. This year's ball promiaea to over nliHikiw' all th<Mte that have gone before. laNh in matter of magnitude and novelty.


Amy Lesser, who plays Millie Sui¬ ter. of the clKwtiB, In James Eorbea' comedy am

. cess. The Chorus I.a<ly, in whlcfa Bose Stahl I ia starring, la. and baa been the underatudy

for Miss Stahl ever aliwe the <v|>eiilDg of the play. She knows every "if." "and.’’ and "but"

I of the part; every entrance and exit, every bit of "business.” In fact, knows every line In ev ery part in the play, but on acciMjnt of Mias Stahl's extmne g<sid health, idle has never In ail these years had an oj^wtunlty to step to the front and play Patricia. She has been the butt of many a sally of wit at the bands of the other m<>mliers of th>' company, but with a determlowtlon that flmls ita counterpart In the b^l dog. she has reaolved that abe will bang on. and that sooner or later the long waiteil foe opportunity of playing Patricia will be hers I'nknown to MIsa Lesser. Mlw Stahl has c«n flded to friends that the fast perfoevnance of the play that she gives she will let Mlaa laoiaer lump in ami play one of the acts, and she will take Miss Leaaer's |iart of .Millie Sulaer.


Little folk went wild with dellgfht at the HlinMsiToiiie Momlay. over Hernun'a Euro|>eaii Midgets, who ap|H>areil for the first time In this (VMintry in a ajiectacular circus performance

Tliece were fifty of these tiny people. Tliey came on to the stage In glliled coaches drawn l).v lls‘ smallest ponies Imaginable. The men midgets were dresmsl In U>|i bats ami dress

; coals, and the little women wm- attired In eve ning gowiie.

t»m* of lUe aniallest of them Introdtwed the ! c<an|iany in a runny little voice, that soundest scarecly buman. He said there wen- fifty of ttiem ami that they were from eighteen to fifty

I years old. "nicn the is-rformsnce liegaii.

I In three rings the lAlllpiitlins |ierfonne»l at ors-e. While one little chap drew a colored chalk picture c»f a heaiillfiil cuttage. two wcanen acpilNits walked up a tilting tniani on larg*' wvsslen lialls. 'Hn- little folk walked tight roi>es did marvc-JcHis feats or strength. dsnce<f liallets, luggic-d tml dkf all acwls of tricks.

<*ne of Iheni was a negro Some were Eng Hidi, siptm- wc-re Herman, and sesne wc-re Span


BBAND.—Act IV Brand. Agnes. Major. Gypsy Girl .. ..

By Henrik Ibsen.

Lee Baker . Annie Russell Robert Hanans

Thais Lawton

T Is not surprising that In I seeing such a work as Siwter Best-

. A rice upon the stage one Is Imprease-d tnege than ever with the actual fu-

126s Hllty cf the merely literary, so fsr as the theatre la concerned, Slater

^ Beatrice, as It was acted at the- New Theatre last night, was tanpresslve, and held ail aiMUenee in a fair degre-e of rapt at¬ tention. but not because of Its literary quality, but In spite of It. Its language is beautiful, its imagery exalted, and as poetry It has un- dmbtedly a lasting place. But these qurJItles alone. Important as they must be In a final

Miss Oonstance Collier, whose per¬ formance of the DiirheM of Hrousy In larcMti. al tlic- Olterlon Tln-alre. was one of ,,ie distinct drsiiMlIc succ-ewcM-s of tlie early pTew«-nt aesson. hail tiei-n InvHnl to play Viola In Twelfth Night. aiMl the Qiic-en in Blchar.l II at the eomlng Sbakes|ieare Fratival at Stmt foul on Aion. Hb»- haa alao received an Invilalion fnaii the Brit Mi Biniilre Hhakev|iearr Society to give a read Ing of Antony ami fVot>atra during the few tlvsl. .Mlaa CoIIIit made one of Imt gr«-alesf ancceMu-a as ttleiipatra In II IleerlMilrm Tiee'a IcnaliM'tlcsi of the play.


Donald Ilrian, w'ho plays Freddy SmytiH- In the miialciu conieily, Tbi- la.|lar Prln ceaa. mnv current at the Knlckertua ker Iheatre. waa married last week to Mm. Cliarlea H. P<»l>e. wtio waa MHca norence MesgSer cjleaaon. at 40 .Scaitli Waalilngtcm Square. The nisrrlsge la the cHitcome of a hmg engagement. Mr Brian, aa iiiaial, a)qH-ared In hia part of Ereddy Sinytbe at file KnIckerbcM’ker laat night. Tlie lamcTr nicMin trip fer Mr. and Mm. Ttriaii will ta- |MHttiMMical until the end of the \i-w Y-Tk Bun of Tlie iMtllar l‘rlncean.


I The TurnlitK Pcilnt will reiniiln at the Hnckett Theatre for another wce-k after thl«

, the fimt apiMNirance there of John Maacsi In .A I Siiti of tlie l'c-cr,ile having tas-n piaitpisK-d until

M a rch 2S.

Genera, .igeut Hagenbeck Wallace Shows Comlduc-d.

to the police the nicmey and the purse which give tlie public the la-sl <qM-ra |Maiallile ami the be gave to the lover, swearing that he him- liest singers. By this I mean Uiat we sball self hacl given it to his wife in the afleriKssi. nialertske to H,-cure aide singing talent whlc*h t>f course It la found on the lover, and with will satisfy, even tiiocigh It may not lie aa well this clrcmmstantlal evidence on him tie- nmn known an some with grc-al repiilations.” kllla himself, falling acros the dead Issly of the wife.

t'nless placed In more favcrahle iiands the play Is little likely to diiplic-ste here its run of ' forty-tliive wee-ks In I.<iimI<si simI of thirty weeks ■ t Le GratMl tiiiigisd.


When the new Opera Trust Rets In full werking order, singers who sing st tlie MetrcqKilltan. the Bci-ton ami thicago cqs-ra bcMises will find their sslsrice cut to what man age-Ts claim leasonalile figures.

Aceordlng to Henry BiisMell, manager c>f tlie Boston csMiipaiiy and the new advleiry asso¬ ciate of fSinIci Gatll Casaata, whose- niettnsl of bringing the pri-s«-iil liigh prlcvsl songsters to ac- ceptlng smaller sums will le the throwing cqa-n of tin- Oisra Trust's stages to all slngem wdio can make gcssl. wuetlnr tiiey have repiita tlons cr not. Tills, dc-elares Manager Bussell, will fisv-e tiie Eurofiean artists to tios-t tin- pro- pewd reduction of salaries.

In the esairse of time the existing scale of salaried will lie sliacUsl. It is tH-llevec|. fiy ‘JO jier rent. Thus (‘ariiso. Instead of drawing $2 0t»0 a night, will nrel.e l.iit It.tViO Ear rar them will find $<il<i In her pay envelojir

The- Nc*w Thc-airt- .'innciuncoH that Rem- Eaiic-isils' ilrstiis, lUs-tlnneii wlU lie jrie cliH-isI Mocslny evening. April II. tiy a a|H-claUy eiigagiil einii|iany, Ulster tin- direction of tlie dlreetors of the New Tlieatrc- Mr. Isaiald Boh ertsoti. a .Sisitch actor, has Iss-n engaged tii play • lie title role.

'nie iirisceiitatlofi was to haie Is-en made liy tis- resilient csanp.itiy of tlie New 'lliealre lait It was <|iM Idisl to create a se-iarate organlxallon that till- resident coiiipatiy miglit Is-gin Its lour A|irll 11. Instead of A|iril 'J.'i TliU will «x lend the lour of tis- Nc-w Tliealre I'csniainy

Tlie HliiilM-rla anissiiice that Mme, Alla Nai Imova wiHild ojien N'aximova’s Tlilrty nliilh St Tlieatre with a is-vformance of Iliwn'a I.Ittle K.voif the fimt nf the re(sTlolre of five plays sin- Is to present In New York tlila spring.

(rontliiued on page 48.)


THE WEEK IN CHICAGO Wm. A. Brady Produces Mother at the Grand Opera House—Adeline Genee Holds Court at the Colonial Theatre,

The Easiest Way Creates Much Comment—Mabel Taliaferro Soon to Be at the Chicago Opera House.

rnd BriuTiMi* i.lirutlaiir.-. In tli ■ Journal. O. 1.. Hall nyt of Ktiuontr \Valt.-r’a |ila.v; '‘Krimi t!ie riainK of the curlaln. which rcvcalcil a neon*- in the L’t«* I'aaa, of Colorailo, of auch b>*auty anil viTlalniilltude that It iIItIiIciI atti-ntloD with the players. The Kaaleat Way twIil Ita tenaity liy Tlrtue of ita womliTful technical conatriicllon rather than by clever devlc«« from the Belaaco bag of trlcka ami the very gmal work of aiaiie of the meiiibera of the caat. For even atrlpia* ! of th latter Incentives to attention. Walter's play atanda remarkable for Its ev|B>aitlon of the ‘particular phase’ more I'enerally known as the life of the (Ireat While Way. Its revelations of rharae'er. Its Inteiyilay of motives anil Its tight eninz of the tenslim by the (iresentatlon of one scene after another of cumulative iwwer.”

James iFItonnell itennett salil, in the K<-coril- lleralit: "Miss Frances Starr, as l^aura, was excellent In her depiction of the unfortunate's

This means that we have but little more time of The .Man Who .Stiaal Still, which is the pres¬ ent i>C(Upant of -McVlvker's. This piece is made noticeable by the presence of .Mr. Mann. The newspapers say of it:

Amy I/e*lie, in The Daily News: “Mr. Mann baa an excellent coin|>aoy, (lerfectly selected as to |K-raonal adaptiveness, and Immediately fol¬ lowing the star's line of action and art as well as the author’s Intention and the prialucer's I lalMH-ations. In some respects The Man Who Stooil Mill, after Its rough shod treatment and ita precaiious career, bas come bark to us a beautiful contribution of botnely propriety and wortn ”

o. L. Hall, in The Journal: “The Man Whs Sbaal Still is a very interesting little comedy of life among the lowly. It bas character and it bis point, and it contains a very appealing picture of a line old fellow who couldn't keep

much favorable comment. It tells a story of newspaper life and is replete with moments of intense Interest and sulheient cometly to well round out the general scheme of entertainment.

The Girl In the Taxi continues at the Cort Theatre to amuse those who delight in thi« sort of farce. The play is a bit risiiue, to be sure, but the box-offlee barometer indicates that Chicago likes it.

The Fortune Hunter is a play of proven ex cellentte. It Is interpreted delightfully and is being locally exploited by Sam l^-derer and Wm. K. Semple In such a manner that every one in Chicago knows about It. To those who so far have not seen it at the Olympic, it is only s question of time when they, too, will follow the merry crowds.

MiiTHKK -A play In four acts, K, kerl Gomliuan.


M:« Katherine Wetherlll, "Mother". .Miss Emma Dunn

Wllll.iin Howanl Wetherlll.ITedeclck I’erry W.ilter Thom|ison Wetherlll.Albert Latscha J. me. Klngham Wetberill... .Master Arthur Ross Jaiiie. Walton Wetherlll.Master David Ruse

Twins, Ar.lst.i Wetherlll.Miss Ninette Barrette l>e..u*re Wetherlll.Miss Marlon LTiaiunan John Rufus Chase. James Bruphy llirry Lake .Walter Greeue F.liia'nih Terhune ..Miss Jane Corcoran Agatha . Mias Juatine Cutting

I'lay staged under the direction of .Mr. Jtank Hatch.


The stene Is In .N'ew York City; the |>erlu<l U today.

Art I.—Setting Sewing Room at the Weth erlll's.

Act II.—Setting: The I arbir. The Next Day. Art III Setting; "nie Parlor. Tlie Next Day. Ac? IV.—Setting: The Boys' Ib.lruom. Tin

Next Night.

LYRIC THEATRE—Sam S. and I.a'e Shubert tine.) present Frank Daniels in the I»ndon mu siol success. The Belle of Brittany, written by Leedham Bantock and P. J. Barrow; music by Howard Talbot and Marie Horne; lyrics by Percy Greenback; staged by Frank Smithson.


Mtbe Grand l)|>era House by William \. Brady, was written by Jules

HiBMgl Kekert Goodman. It tills the story I of the home, not the speciallseil

home, but the Ismie of practically every man. woman and child. Ihiims

Dunn, who has the title nde. I. rememlM-reil hr Iter work with RIehard Man.tleld and her .evi-r il ch.nriirter xaflon. in Bela»,vi pr'sluetions.


Mr. David Belasco was in Chicago last week to witness the opining performance of The Easiest Way, now apis-aring at the Gar¬ rick Theatre.


John Dn’w annes Martin Sabine

Fn-derlrk Ttden xe'« valet Rex McDoiigal . k'.rdemT \V Soilerling sn's Bi-mard Fairfax

the Cs.Ino R'doTt Sehabb* Mary Boland

vniies . . lasitse Drew lie Jane ’.aurid I. a mu.le hall slngi^r . . Desmond K>dly e ... .Marie Berkelev ni.iml . Carlotla Do'v '• maltl Bins SiHlerling


Ml.s Maude .Adams will not appear at the Illinois, as nimonol, but Instead will be seen at Powers' Theatre on March ‘JS. f.>r a two- weeks’ ingagement. The success of Neven Dayr at the Illinois was the cause of this switching.

It is said that The Chinatown Trunk Mystery, last week seen at the Bllon. very iriich resem bles the recent Siegel mnnler casi' of New York.


The executive staff for Sam S. St I>ee Shubert’s The Belle of Brittany, appearing at the Lyric. Is as follows: Robert W. MacBrlde. manager; Fred Grant, business mansger: .AI. Wilder, stage manager; Lnke Qnlnn, carpenter; Luther Sfoutb- ern. electrician; D. K. Sims, properties; and Miss Niles, wardrobe.

The sorond weok of John Drew and as.spii nt Fiicr.-s* |s under way tt Power*' estre. After this engagement Is terminsteil isrl-s Frohman will prps»nt then* Maude Isms. In J. M Barrie’s What Every Woman tows Mis* Adams was to have b<>>ktng at '• IlllnoU but the enduring |M>pul.xrltT of Ven Days at that theatre enaldiil Harry iw.-rs to play this sttraetlon Mr. Powers Is leeil fortunate, for Miss .Adams Is one of the ■“* I**pulsr of Ameriran srlres«,.s The en geinent of What Kverv Woman Knows will he xitgiirsleil on Mondsv, March 2S, and will ntlniie f.w two wo-eks. If Is nii-illess to say much more about ven Days, for the many who have seen the rce have sjinken their praise so that every one * heard of It. and those who have not sei-n It fen,l to The answer Is that It Is one of " I'reexlest and awlfteal latigh ahowa In the •lory of local theatricals.

Press Representative Gollmar Brothers' Shows.

up with the prois'ssion. Tlw star la a fine iietor. made so liy a very pronounced gift and by wide experience. His store of feeling siM'ms In exh.ati*! hie.”

James tl'Donnell Ib'nnett, in The Rt'cord Herald; "It is due Mr. Mann to say that be has oon»l,lerabl.v miNlitled ills style siiwe he first nseumed this role, and th«' play. t«Hv. has be?Ti made nnwe compact In matter and swifter In movement. Th-' line actress. Madame Matbllde Cottrdly. still is a menitwr of itw' cavmpany ami still iii“tnicts ami moves tN' beholder by the ilemo.isirntion of her opulent but correct niefhotl "

Fro leriek Ilat'on. In The Ihwt: "TTx* resusel- t.ated The Man Wlsv Sfoisl Mill exhibited re¬ mark <ble vitality at McVU'ker’s Theatre. The play, orlgln.illy iiri«lup«sl as The New Generatbvn. was voi%>d a failure but a m'.ason ago. but. w hin.o li Into form and given eidierence. It can now Is' safely pronounced a strong, popular success "

iliinib iiii'i-ry. like Hie pain of a pretty, pettisl animal. In itie s..rdld tmanllng house scene, and she sfirang. Ilierall.v. with passiivnale vehi menee Into the jiassages of hysterical tirade an,1 gave them a tnn- s.'iiitdance of impotent wih' whieh, like her flurries of nsfdration. were pa thelleally ebaraeterlsllo of the wiMiian.”

"Easiist Way a riasste." said .Ashton Stevens.

■A '•ommiftee appointed by Mayor Busse to In vestigate Chicago's theatres. r.s to their sxfpty. etc., ha* placed the Trocadero on the unsafe list and ordered the same to be closed.

The executive staff of The Easiest Way, cur rent at the Garrick. Is as follows; M. A. Tack, bnsln.»ss manager: Ilenr.v C. Shelley, repri^senta tlve In advance; Wm. J, D»'an, stage director; end I..angdon West, stag" manager.

MeVICKER S THE VrUE.—Mr. Wm. A. Brady annoiiiieiai Mr Louis M.anu In a play in fiHir acts, cslhsl The \Vlni StoiNl Still, by Mr. Jules Kekert GiMMimaii. Play stagial by Mr. Brady.


John Krau«s ..Mr. Maim Mari* Kraus*, ills .laughter. . Miss Emily .Ann Wellman

Katrina Krtii*s. his sister. ..Madame MathiUle Cottrx'lly

Edward Spiegel.l.oiila llendrleK' FusI SVIeg*'! .Leslie P.ass«-tl Alice Spiegel . Miss Lillian Slnnott

His eli'.ldren. Marlin MaeFerguson .K<lwln Maynarl I'N’ank MaeFerguson. Id* son.H .A. I.aMolle Jo*<'p'i .Alirams .Jidin Charles A Crtwsing Swee|M'r .Frank Jiilliii Emma . . ..Seaw lllow J<ihnson

During the run of the newspaper play. The Fourth Estate, at the Stndebaker. Richard Gar¬ rick. stage manager, who, several .rears ago. appeared In opera. Is studying at the Chicago Musical Ccdlege with Herman Devries. II GMlKlrK THE ATRE — David 11. la*co pre

'*'•* •■'^anoe* St’rr In The Eaaliwt Way. an itiM'.ean iday eon.-ernliig a parli.iilar phase

New A’ork life. In fiwir act* ami four ■•■lies, by Eiig.'ne Waller.

Harry Corson Clarke, who anoeared with Sam Bernard In The Girl and the WIr.ard. when that play was housed at the Garrick, has severed his connections with that company ami will soon enter vaudeville In a sketch called .A Few M-3 ments with Harry Carson Clarke. It Is said he will play the western vaudeville time.

Th.» last iwrformanoes In Chicago of Miss Gertrude Guinlan and her company, who are I xploilmg Patsy at the Chicago Opera IL>use. are imw being wilnisx*.!. Soon this ISHis.' will Im* oeoupl.'d by Miss Mafsd Taltaferro end her ass<H-lale pla.vers. who will. tH'ginning on E.istir Sunday, there ivriw'nt a nro»lem so¬ ciety ilrnnia. Tlie Cali of the Cricket.

Th* Stndebaker holds The Fourth Estate, and and the crowds who are lnter»-st«l in that ex¬ cellent plis-e. The plav 1* being received with deeld.'il enthusiasm in Chicago and has created

E<lward II Robins Jiweph Kllgovir

..William Samiimui ..Frances Starr

Beatrice Morgan . . Vlidel Kami

.At the New Criterion, Klimt A Garxolo .are offering the New Criterion Stock Company liv Faust, with Miss Estelle .Allen assmnl'ng the leading female role.

(Continued on ptgs ■».>

The iiniioun»'«*iiu'nt Is made that coniniinclng Sunday. March 27. and for tw.> week* Chaiine.'y Oleott will apivear at MeVieW er'a rhealre In the Irish Idyl, Bagged Koiiin.

The FTnslesI \Va •t the Garrick Tli.'atri'

ill Its st'CNvnd week • ns-.dvlng much notice

8 X ti e Billboard MARCH 26, 19 fo.


Gossip of the Doings and Intentions of Variety Folk at the Queen

City s Several Houses Last Week, Together with an Outline

of Their Plans for the Summer


Clyde MrOlalo, TaiideTlUe ainiCFr, w«* one of tl>e Auditoriiim'H recent beadllneTB. He hen Ju«t completed bin forty eeoond conseciitlTe week on tlie Bun Circuit. Hie tbree bik hits are: Ttiia !■ No Place for a Miniater’a Son, Jeraey Side, and Ain't It Funny Wbat a DIITerence a Few Houra Make. McClain la about to combine with Almaml in tbe presentation of a new faahiun- plate double act.

♦ Manager Overpaok, of Robinaon’s, is a man of

Ideaa. Several dajw before tbe arrlTsl of Qladya Vance, «'tio playt^ at Kobineon'a recently, Mr. Overpack announced ber arrival to hla patrona by aendink each a communication written on a blank cloaely reHemblink Uie regular form used by the Weatem Cnioo 'Telegraiih Oo. Thla unique bit of publicity promoting caused much comment, •nd as a consequence btuioess that week was ex- eallent.

♦ Undbolm. Oreagban and Co., who present The

Man from Minnesota, a Bve iieople farce comedy act, were In Cincinnati on their way to Ctal cago, where they will fulfill a three weeka’ en¬ gagement. in four weeka playing they have broken two bouse records of five yean*’ atand Ing; one at Minneapolis, tbe other at Duluth.

4 Morris Abrams was once more in Cincinnati,

his third appearance in all this season. This time be is in vandevllle as a Hebrew comedian, and has spent hia fifteenth consecutive week oo the Sun Circuit. His farmer apiiearances were in burlesque with the Coay Comer Girls. He played his last engsgement st tbe American.

4 Ed. Gallagher and Company. last week at tbe

Bmpress, are now in Flint, Mich., at tbe Bijou. The admiral announced hia local engagement to be a very succeasfnl flnlab of twenty-two weeks of Sullivan k, Constdlne time. He Is now com- mauclng a twelve w*.>eks engagement on West¬ ern Vaudeville Aanociatlon time. |

4 R. A. Bolke, presenting Oreo, played hia local

engagement at Robinson'a on the Coney Holmtw Ctrenit, over which be intends working east¬ ward toward the metropoilis. He has spent a very sucesaful season, having played both tbe Orpbeum and Inter-State time.

4 The Jeimlers. last week at the American, do

one of tbe most clever acrobatic sets booked on tbe Sun Circuit. Their season in vaudeville will Bouu come to a close, for they are engaged to open with I’ommler Bros.* Amusement Enterpris¬ es on tbe last day of April.

4 Bobby Gossans, tbe minstrel boy, last week at

the American, is meeting with much success in vaudeville as he is surely cut out to play the role in which he is now appearing. Mr. Gos¬ sans wll be connected with me of tbe large minstrel shows next season.

4 Emerson and LeClear passed through Cincin¬

nati recently, and stopp^ off long enough to pay Tbe Billboard office a visit. They have per¬ fected their act with some new special scen¬ ery, and are now prepared for a successful sea¬ son. Their sketch is a particularly clever trav¬ esty ou mral life.

4 The Cycling Hoffmans. In The Cycle Danle,

recently entertained andiences at Henck'a The- stre. The team has now passed its twelfth con¬ secutive week oo Loew time. Their act has act the local vaudeville patrons going, and their performance will surely be remembered by their audiences.

4 Montrose McCoy, one of the Auditorium head¬

liners. has one of the best singing acts seen by this theatre’s patrons in many a week. His latest aoio hit Is In the Silent Deep. Other pop alar hits are Foolish Qiicstions and Twilight.

4 licw A. Ward has been playing Western vaude¬

ville for the past two seasons up to his present engagement at Robinson’s. He has been meeting with greet succeiw, and is now on bis way to the East, where he expects to arrive about May.

4 Gladys George, tbe clever Ingenue of the

Holden Stock Company, has earned great repu tatlon as an actress in the last three yearr. Her p<pularlty baa been attested by the hearty re¬ ceptions she Is given at every performanc.

4 Schwab and Knell, lately aeen at Robinson’s,

are earnestly eoutemplating putting on a three party act next season, to be known as Thi Versatile Trio. They placed an order with a local firm for eighteen costumea.

4 Kunta and Whitley. In their sketch. The Maid

and the B*dlho.v, spent the past week at the American, where their act will long be favor¬ ably rememliered by those who saw it. They certainly received the encores.

4 TTie Three Mnalca] I>orettas and Master Julian,

while playing at the American Theatre, an nminced Uiat they have played Sun time for tbe laat forty-two weeks, and expect to continue ♦spially as long.

The Foitr LaVUlas. last week at Robinson’a. bad a very short Jump, having move*l over to the Kentucky aide, to tbe Colouial. Covington. Their burles<)ue on the baaelMli game baa made a tre- meodeua hit.

4 Napolon Deruniont, the celebrated Pariaian ar-

tlat, last week at the American, announces for¬ ty-two weeks of solid tiooking on tbe Sun Cir¬ cuit. Ills act was a headliner at tbe vaudeville bouse.

4 Hanley and Jarvis, tbe talkative raa:<>dlans,

were seen at Hetick’s Theatre on Ixww time. This marks their twelfth conserutlve week on this circuit. Shortly they will present a ties' act.

4 George Atkinson has been a(>endlng the last

three weeks In and around docinnatl, on the Coney Holmes Circuit. He has utilised his spare time In vlaitlng many local acquaintancee.

4 Hetty rnna spent a week in town oo the

Isiew time at Hencfc’a. She brought her ebar- aeteaistie snap and ginger with her. Misa Ur- ma will be recalled as one of the Three Urmas.

4 Report has it that the Loew Bnterprlaea wtU

add two new Cincinnati hounes to their chain: The Orphetnn. and another sooo to be named. Henck’a Theatre is their present local house.

4 The Poor Wrights appeared at Robinson’s last

week. This troupe has been working regularly and because of tbe merit of their work will undoubtedly <Mntlnne their deserved soccess.

4 Frank Hall, last week st the Andltortm. re¬

ported the purchase of a 116 triple steel reed bandonlan. which be usee in bis act, the sec¬ ond successful one oa the Sun Circnlt.

4 Loughlin and his Atrlsl Performing Dogs, were

In Cincinnati last we<>k for the first time. He bos been s long thne on both the Sullivan ft roneidine and Psntagee circuits.

4 Al. H. West, the well-known black Napoleon,

was in Cincinnati recently. He held out at the Ameiicsn, where the clever little comedian won many an appreciative applanee.

4 Meek Edmonds and Jack Healy, who were at

Robineon’s Theatre recently, report that tbey have been very sncreasfnl and that tbey are booked solid all summer.

4 Manager Bressler, of the Auditorinm, has

adopted the semi-weekly scheme of booking, ex- cbenging with The Plaxa. of Norwood, a recently erected vaudeville bouse.

4 Barbee and Hill, lately seen at the Bmpress,

are now playing at tbe Majestic, St. Louis, on Inter state time. On thla time they take a three months’ sontbem trip.

4 .Manager Holden, of tbe Holden Stock Co.. Ly¬

ceum, reports a steady Increase in brndncHs. Laat we**k they produced David Crockett to ap¬ preciative audiences.

4 The Singing Moraa. Alherto and Emma have

closed their local engagement at the Bohlnsnn Theatre. They are now at their New York iiome near the metropolis.

4 Mr. IvaValle. of LIndholm, Creaghan and Co., |

Is going to Identify blmseii with the laiBnin Grand Opera Trio In Denver. He Is well known in operatic circles.

4 Albiirtns and Altns have just fintObed a long

tour on Orpheum and Inter-State clrcnlts. The team is contemplating burlesque for next season.

4 The Mardo Trio, recently at the Empress, have

but two more weeks in vaudeville; they are to join Rlngllng’s Clre*M for the coming season.

4 As his headliner. Manager Overpack. of Rob

Inson’s, had the wonderful illuslonlat, Creo. laat week. He mirely caused the desired reatilts.

4 Maxwell and Shaw, who entertained audiences

at the Auditorium, have left I’nlted time and are now siieeessfuUy playing Gua Sun time.

4 Ed. Diinkhorst announced that be was booked

to open the new t’niqne Theatre in Mtnnea{K>lln, on SiiIliTan ft Oiasbline thne. In April.

4 Greetings! The Cox Family Quintette were

once more In tbe Qii<-en City. It was their return engagement at the American.

4 Roseoe and Sima filled fh«-lr thirty-third erm

seentive week oai the Gn» Sun time by playing at ttie American laat week.

The Casino Oanpany has adih*d another tlieatre to tlielr chain. Tlie new houae la at (hllllcutiie, ami la ealle*! the A|miUo.

4 Tlie l>avls Itnw., lately at tlie .\m*>rlfan. have

a<lde<l a thlnl luirtm-r. They will still l>e known as l>avia Brothers.

4 Ib>rothy Benton. s*-en rm'ently at th«* Amer

I lean, anm>UDC«vl a lung eiigagetneiit thnnjgh Dhlo.

4 The Three Itresmcrs arc now at the CiMqier,

Mt. Vernon, t).


TTic Kramers, Annie and .Maude, have clotted thirty two weeka over tbe .Muss Klull tour III England. ‘<hey go over this tour again next year, playing for six months. Their laleaent trip riosetl at the Ixndon Collsnim which they playetl *m three a-casiona iluring tlielr thirty two weeks. They iMitle<l for Am«>rlra Marcn f-. and otnm on the I’nlted time imnie*liatoly I'lwn arriving here.

4 Glenn F. Beach, aaslatant manager, and Rob.

Hannon, treasurer, of tbe Alpha Theatre, both realgned their iHwItlons laat Saturday night, March 5. Tbey left tbe same night for Chicago where tbey have accepted iioaltluns with a large advertiaing bous«‘. They will work between Chicago and Denver. Their old positions at the Alpha have not yet been filled.

4 Marvelous I aShe baa closed a teu weeka

tour of GoOilwiu’a Northwealem Circuit and bat gone to hla homo in LInwood. Mlc^, for a three weeka r*-«t. fie opens .kpril 4 on the Frank Q Doyle time at tbe Pekin Theatre, Chi¬ cago Ilia sifter, Mac l..■tSbe will be with him in tbe art.

4 Wunrauth and Ramar.y, singing and dancing

eomediant, opened on the National Vauderille Man.-igers’ Association Circuit at the Majestic Theatre, Paris. Ill., week of March 7, after seven weeka on the Chas. Doutrick Circuit.

4 Manager Oarktoo hat told hla Int-reat In tbe

Palace. Pueblo. Colo., and will take hla electrical art to Chi''igo, to open on the Gn^ Sun tlma. Mrs. Oarletou (Zoe Lewis) wl’.l remain at leader of tbe Palace orchestra.

4 SIg. and Edythe Franz, cyrllats, wiH shortly

increase ther art. making a troup-o of five people. Tbey are at present working the middle weei, and report meetlag with big aucccoa everywhere

4 Boyale and Stearns any they are doing nicely

on t^ Western Aaaortatlon time through Mich Igon. Mr. Royale was made a member of tbe T. M. A. Lodge at Flint. Mich., last Sunday.

4 Ardell Broa., athletra. will be seen in the

East thla coming aeasou with a new and origin¬ al gymnastic act. carrying all special apparatja and aattlng. Alfred T. Wilton will hands it.

4 Legarl and Allen are now rehi-arsing nov

•1^ skating acts, to be played on aoutiK-rn time. In large rinks. They will bttnk through Swor Bros ft Dickey, of Dallas, Texas.

4 D. J. Woods has left Luken’s Pony act and

is taking out hla own act known as Dave Woml’a Animal .ketora. He op,»n*d on the Po lack Circuit March 14. at Dnqoeane, Pa.

4 Davis and Hodge, comedy entertainers, have

about completed eighteen weeka of Jack Dickey time, and will soon u|am on Bert Levey's Clr- cutt to play his California time.

4 The Three Oaaads write that they are having

big Mceess In their new art. Everyday Life on a Railroad. They have jiwt finlabed fortv- two wseka’ bookings lu the South.

4 Lsndln and Kol--rta have juat closed twrivs

very auccpa*fiil we<k« on the Wcbi>r time tbrotigh Illinnia ami Imltana. and have opened on Goodwin’s time for ten we* ks.

4 Miss Pearl Mack, of lieVoe and Mack, rater

talned those on tbe blit with her at the Oomiqiia Theatre, Detroit, with a liim-hron sftar the show last Wtdnesdsy evening.

4 Oeoero and bis Venetian Gondolier Band, went

so well on th<- Butterfield Circuit time, that they wrare offere*! return time, wbicb they ae repged, and will fill In May.

4 Belmont and Fernell, akrtrli artlata, are In

ibeir fifth aiireessfal week for Ed. J. Flaher *in their way to the coast. They are booked solid until •)cliil>er 15.

4 Jos A. Hardman, the comedian, says be baa

arranged for tlie WelM-r Family of Aornb.its to do a specialty calling It the Six Wblla Rats, using apoclal lU'ttliigs

4 Sjn ami Mnirny mad*- a idiange in the man

agement of im-lr Zam-avllle, O.. house. Ed. Paul, of the Marion ho*ia<-, s*irre<-da II. L. Ham lltnn.

4 Pauline Slos-mn haa jiiai finlabed twenty weeks

! for W ni. Morris ami la row flillni; a eontr tet I for ten weeka for Hiilllvan amt iVmsIdlne.

4 Miirvllto ami Marriott ufter 67 wieka In ’he

South are no*v r<-lurnlnc to Clilrago via tl^ Morris tiiiii, pPoted by Ham D*i VrU,

4 'Hie llawth-nmea hive jiial finished ntnetsra

weeks on Ja'-k Dlrkey’a lime, and opened on Bert I.e«'y’s Clmilt March 6.

4 Blair and Crystal are mw mi llie 0«o. II.

I Weliat*-r time.


Of a Personal Nature and a Few

Notes of Interest From



The one great absolute essential of a aucceas fill vamlt^lTle sketch Is that comedy and pathos Interrupt each otlMw at tbe psyrbolagicai mo ment. Juat at tbe time the tentlon of a tragir situation reaches a climax, there must be a touch of humor to transfer Instantly the thoughts of tbe audience Into a happier channel. Mlm Nannie Flnebarg and Co., who prea«>Dt a one- act play. calle«l Tbe fibopllfter, hoe a sketch which has these qualities combined In an ortls tic construrtkio that jumps from laughter to tears and back to laughter again. With aarh a sketrti as thla. the company nerer need worry, for they will always be a htg hit. as tbey were over at the Ktar laat we*^.

4 Devitt. Hall and lievttt. barrel jiunpera. ncro

bats and ttunbiera. have one of tbe cleTcrest acts of It* kind in tbe business. Hall ami Mrs. Derllt attend to the refined and straight end of the entertainment, while Ikevllt blniaelf far nlsbes some of the best laugh provoking altoa- tlcms Imaginable. ITtey are undeclited light now wbetbrr tbey will take tbe Keefi- or the Aaao- ciatlon thne, but they have plenty of time to decide as t^y are booked ao!l*t right m>w at the Doyle bouses here In Chicago.

4 Trxico will api>ear at tbe Biiab Tem|»le thla

week with hla mw cr*>atl<ma as a female hn personator. Splitting the Comedy Theatre, as Is the custfsn with most of the acts a|>peaiing at either of these bonst-s. a piw-ullar rirvomatance arioes. that of two arts of this kind <*« the same bill. Pbaama, tbe Goddess of IJght, Is beadlinlDg at the Comedy, and although of a different nature to a great extent, still It Is rather a strange coincident to find I*haama and Texlco on the same program.

4, The Weber Brothrra aerured an Injunction

against the Empire Theatre 0».. In <wder to pre¬ vent the use of the Wolgasl-Nelitim figlit pic¬ tures at tbe Empire last areek. The Injunctloa was made out last Saturday evening, but oo Monday. Eugene Garnett and Fre<l U>wrathal. reprewenttng tbe <lefenilants. ba*l it dlsaolvad. T^ pltNures. after appealing at the Emplrs. wlU be seen at tbe Ftdiy, and then the Weber Brothers get them.

4 Mr. HUIlard Oangibelt. manager of the Amer¬

ican Th-‘atiicnl and Vandevllle Aanociatlon. In having hb* hands full attending to the wonder¬ fully Increasing buoineasi of that new corpera tioo. Several familiar faces, formerly connected with other hntftlng nlfirea around Chirwgo. have been adder to Mr. Oamph*>U’s force**, and thrae srema to be little doubt that this latest venture In tbe tbeatrlral world will prove a most suc¬ cessful ooe

4 Phasma, the GoddeM of Light. *rbo played tbe

Apollo last wrek. It* mirely one tbe m<at opec- tacnlar acts and one of tbe bewt drawing cords ever In Chicago. Headline*! at every ho*ise. Phaama's act ha* broken nearly every hmiae riwvrd where It ha* play<>d. An improvement ha* been ma*le since It* appearance at the BuSh 1Vm|ile. In that a new purple plu*h drop baa been ailded to the already beautiful setting* used In tbe act.

4 Justice Romalne ami fio. ma«le a di-cUled bit

■quitting the Columbia ami tlie C-medv last week with th<‘lr Kiisalan •ketch. call«el CVirnova. The act. which w*a written by Harry Sheldon, ileal* with revoliitlcmary tlm*-« In ^iKala, with a sweet little brother and slater love story In connec¬ tion. The line* sre exceedingly clever •nd were v*>ry ably actml by the cast a* It was present ed st the Doyle bouse* laat week.

4 Bert II. Colton *v** taken smldenly III while

playing the BuSli Taunple Tlieatre last w<s*k. but h** iv*-oven-d sufflrlenlly to fulfill the real of the Doyle Imoklngs he ha* contracted After that he will iwihably be found on the I’nlted. •• he haa aome mighty tempting offen* frisn that agency, which will complete hla Hat of nolld lesiklng* for thI* ■earnm.

4 Elsie Creasv ami Co. are hooked solid up to

Jtily 25 ««n the I’nlli-d time, with the new aketeh ralleil Tlie Re<l Pamit, by Will M. CYes ay. Thev have thiv-e we<>kw still to play on the Ke<-fe thne la-fore ntartlng o*it for Alhee. at which time Mlae cyfooty will atr*-ngthen the act by the a<hlltl<ai of Mr. Rolmrt Preston to the cast.

4 Clia* F lIcnderMon Ju«f conipletfMl arrange-

nienla for several new eimlunie* for hi* Isi Bell* NsfaUI Tr<an>e. which an- to l*e ma*1e by the S<-hnel<li-r Cosliiine CVv. This firm I* the asm*- one wiilrh ha* done all of Hemlerann’a work, aral tlw «tiiff turned mit an far certainly n-verla laily cre*lll to ttwir ability a* c-naltimera.

4 Paiiliia ami Isaig have a new act whlidi they

an- Im-Rking in up *t B<-ntim llarisir and Mna kegon, prlia- to aigiearlng here on the S. and C. time The name of the new one 1* One and a Half In Ooe, aial anyom- who knnw-a Pauliis will fx-allse Ikiw aptinqiiiate the title la.

4 TIh- Eilney Brother* ami fVi. recently appeared

al the Ami-rlran Muair Hall, ami ma<le an good In faal oanpanr that aeveral booking agrats have naiiKol (hem aome tempting nffera.

(Cnnllnti*-d on page 18.)

march 26, 1910. X ti e Billboard 9


i\ew lo ihe 1 heatres of ihe Great

Metropolis of the Middle



RoMAINK a.nd mahkl va.-.. I'UKSKNTINU THE ( ASIIIEU.

\l»rlo»e Tli< «tri*. No. •»; fu'l *!>«(•, •p*‘< luJ w-.niT)'. luliiiitfit. tiiir of llic OU' tri ilranix lu v»u<l«-vlllf. The »h>ry ulih a liaiik caahliT who ivtelTra

returns from the rlty. ami flniUuK the *lrl act- InK rather frw amiiiul the place accoets :in«l in

suits her, which Is only kept trotn being of a aerlmia nature by tlie reajitiearauce of the ol<l

man. In the excitement, the glrl’a locket la an Important factor, and proves to t« the gift

of the old man had given hla son on hia lilst birthday. Of cour'c the rllinax la cloee at

baiwl. tlie white lialrtNl old character being tin-

grandfather anil her wan-h tlierefore over.

Jere Hrady an Joe WlllianiH, the old man

waa extremely gootl, bln every exit from the i stage bringing him a deaerved round of sp I plauae, while .Mian Carpenter’s work as Cherry

waa also beyoml crltlciam. In that hera In an original style and character w-hbli only nhe

coiihl [Kirtray. The sketch an a whole was ver>’ well recelvsil on .Monday night, and deaerved to

I tn- iiioTial stUI lower on the bill.


' American Music Hall. Si-en matinee, March ' 14. No. 2; full stage, showing miniature stage,

I'J mlnutea. Th»“ .Mayvlllen pn-sent an offering

that Is dtsitined to b<-come a most popular

form of entertainment. A amall atuge Is cmi


Points of Merit Discussed and Apparent Faults in Acts and Per¬

formances Pointed Out During a Week’s Round

of the Variety 1 heatres




frlUnic biui that li*' m^t acwuut fur « iioultlonn ar* attaiued while danrlng. Their s.irih of ctdlaleral in the shape of forged notes, d,.„( numjirr, Wln-n We Are Marrleil, Is very

and altbisigh liim^ent of ths iTlme. he ^al.Ms f|,.v<.rly carried out sod flnlsbi a with a dance be haa no proof and prepan-s to take th* pupp,.t», Thia was keenly appreclateil

easic-t route sulchle. The pri^ptlng of this Interested smllence. lu the next rendl- 1. only through the love fiH' hla wife, whose ^ M'-dest Maids. Mr. .\la>Tllle appears

hai>tilueHS he holds eboye everything c a- and o,,. puppet body as an Innocent maiden

she. never sua|>ectlng the real of hia sihlle Mias Mayyllle'a sweet countenance ap- worr> prei>arra to play a Ji«ke on him and °>4ke p,.,ra aa nature made It. TUla numWr would

him forget hla bualneas tiyubles. DlagiiHlng have gone much better bad It not been for the hirwlf as a burglar, stie enters by the window MayvIlle’a silly remsrks were but la anrprls.ll si the wely^e rei-eptbm with j^elr p«H«T place which detracted

which ahe la gteet^, her husband offering all the aweetneas of bis partn-r'a ih ver fi-n- the valuable In the omae on cood.flon that They next appear as Salvation Army atw ah-^t him thn.ugh the heart. 1 pirn bearing ,|n^n appro,,rlnte number,

the real naaaim. she deHly relieves Wm of hla ,hlrh la cleverly done and ncelTi a good hand, own gun Juitl »* Jhe iibone rl 14a and the mes xYielr beat effort, however, was realized lu •age la pivlveil Ibat the resident of the h«nk Scotch numbir. In which I Lore a IjisbIc

.. . o. > .. rendered In the true “HI liiil” manner.

The exponent of true variety was realized last week at the Music Hall lu an entertain

jtiurted upon the original stage, amall dummy , ment that pleated the coterie of the critical b'idlea are uneil with the orig.nal fa ea of the ; Momlay^ afteruum type. Mayvlllew. Theae dummies are worked by .. . . ... .

coni arrangement ami many very humuroua

had cuiifeMHil all. fmdng the young cashier

of all accusation. As the cashier, Mr. Kleldlng baa an Intensely

strong |Mirt. sml hamilea It In an admirable ■ranm-r. avoiding the mebalramatlr style as uoidi at piwalhle with an easy grace that aKgura w>ll for hla future aucccaa as a portrayer of

heavy parts. Miss Vin alaiv won a place In the hearts of all lovers of realistic acting and her

natural manner aldml materially In the smooth nets of the flrwt ajipearaoce of this akstch. Such acta as The ('aahler will always bs wel-

cisne In the vamleville world, for they are not only of an entertaining nature, hot carry

This was followed by a clever Scotch dance number that went big and galniil for them a hearty round of a,>plauae.


American Music Hall. Seen matinee, March 14. No. 4; olio In one, 23 minutes. An or¬

iginal opening In the garb of an Indian Chief shielding bit fare with a red blanket, gains the Interest fnen the start and upon disclosing bis comical make-up the Hebrew causes the au-

_ __ _ _ _ dience to double up In flta of laughter. He

moral which Is vlvl.ily' (lortrayed thoii^ 'not »*“*" ■ Yiddish Indian number which la very tw plainly emphasized. comical and adds materially to the humorous

aituatlon. He next appears as an Italian and Al.BER'S l*Ot,AB REARS. gives a clerer ivcitation In “Dago dialect” In

Marlow Theatr cage Burruumted minutes. Though

it cannot be truly Bears Is a moat pleasing one, the continuous

flrlng of hla revolver and cracking of bis whip Jarring slightly on the nerves of the more re- floe<l coteries which usually attend Taudevtlle p.e'f.>rmaiw'ea. Allier baa ten large pdara,

and three of these being of a rebellious natura. causes him no end of triuiMe In keeping tba act free from objectionable features. Nutwlth- atandlng the apparent disadvantages nmler w-hlcfa he la compelled to w.wk, be uff -rs an eo- Urtainment that shows many hours of hard work at training hla aubjects. these dnmh trutes coing lliiough many stunts extr i-iely

foreign to their nature. After the whole trou|>e sliding down a long gangway. Altwr himaelf alMsvta the cbiitisi astride the largest of bis

roUertlon, dlsa|>pearing In the wings as the cur¬ tain falls on this circus noT»ity.

ii.iml, wondering at and atlmiring hla clever¬

ness la frvteiug himself from the at'emiugly Im- IKissible trails.


Cordon Walter Cumpitn3' pI"^euled a sketch —name not given and prolv'iil/ iini neccssjrj — which failed to make any impressi-).!, the suiiil hand given It, seeming to come through sym¬ pathy rather thau satisfuctiuu. Davis and Cooper weut big, for as pleasing entertainers they are there and then some to be on the bill

where they were. Miss Cooper’s best effort was

ruly aald that AlUr’a .’C.r

bs galna moat of bis applause. HU clerer

parod.r song, eotitleil MrRoseobanm’s Scotch

High-Ball, was a truly mirthful tnse and woo I for him a good hanvl. He followed thla by an¬

other parody, entitled Sly Jewish Bt^y. which

closed bis act. Sam Stem has an originality which will take wherever he goes, for In It

he Introduces comedy that would cause a Sphinx to Ungh.




American Music Hall. Seen matinee, March 14: full stage. No. 9. 12 minutes. An act

; which displays a cleverly decorated Ctllege I Boy’s den and In which some marvelona Jump-

I.ITTLK UH.I.Y, THE SMALLEST OF Cv*M- <ng la done. ’TTve first exhibition U that of EDIAS'S ' lumping over four chain, then over four bar-

. ‘ ■ ' rels then the barrels are Bepar..t>-d and I.,e Majestic Tljeatre. No. 7; olio In pus, 13 Page Jiimpa from ope to the other with start-

mlnutea Billy la one of the cntcat things evar. ling daxteritv. They next offer some clerer

He alnga two songs ami dances In a manner novelty Jumping wherein a Jump U made from that seta the audience wildly enthualaatlc over the fionr onto an apple stuck on the blade of a hla Juvenile efforts. Ivressed as an InelirUte knife, the toudv of the foot on the apple U

^ell. be toddles <iut ami alnga Walt! Walt! ,i|,rht that It merely cuts It In half and the Walt! and Ihe way this little comedian wad- . - . . ...

dies bark ami forth brings peals of laughter

and P'Und after roumi of applauar. Ills next tpis-araiice shownl htra attiml as a little Scviirh hlghlamler and following hl« song.

Jump Is finished o,Ter a high obstacle. Several deviated forms of this skill are lls,>iayed. Thev

next ring a set of bell chimes by Jumping ov«r a table on which they are set. and tipping them with their toes. A bsrrel Is placed on

Scotch Highball, be did the highland fling In a m elevation one of tha troupe stamU Inside manner which wonhl make one think that be while Ihe other two Jnmp tr.vm the floor to the w« surely a native t^m son of Ihe land of h„rrel landing In It wlth.vnt disturbing the kilts, and a rv-markably clever one at I’lSt. other. Th.dr best display of skill Is presentcvl He cliwil with s hmk sml wing, and the way their closing atnnt. One of the compsnv

he shakes his fender little llmlw Is a alght to ^^tends his Ndr over the bsck of a chair ^boW. Oiva thing noticeable almut the way ^hlle the other Macks the sole of his shoe and Little Blllle was receive,! was that hla cute , extended leap snceee.'s In placing a smsil nes, SIMM) was f.-rgotlen ami Ihe nee found | m^^k spot on the nore of his paHner. T*>e themselves aindnndlng his ability and clever 1 rrl. vf.itnment Is s clever exhIMflon of skill ness alom- IXsreg.vnllng hla sire entirely, j the Interest of the aedlence sn l Hilly la one <.f the entertaining acta Been' , hearfr mnml of applause for the eff ris. at the Majestic. 1


Murphy ami Francis oi»eiuil the bill with a clever and muwt entertaiulug giugiug, dauclug

and talking specialty In which Mr. Murphy in troduces some original creation.s in the art of wixden shoe dancing, while Miss Frauds us

slats him In soft shoe work and siivging. .Mur¬ phy’s costumes add to the comedy which re¬

ceived appreciation at th« hands of the audi¬

ence. In a clever offering of an up-to-date version her rendition of .My Southern Rose, while

of the old-time puppet show next came the ' dancing Davie (as he is billed I seemed to show Mayvilles with their novelty. The Dancing ■ lo best advantage with his Urizzly Bear num-

.Marionettes. which is descrlb^ in detail on , her der the beading of new acts. I The Renowned rour rlissls, acrobslie merry

A novelty which was a cogent offering f(W ' makers, were fltttMj to spot three and with their a songcrazed city like Chicago was next pre- 1 mechanical comedy had the house with them at

seated In The Profession Song Publisher’s ' »ll times. 'TlM-ir biff hang work with the Contest, which was truly a “War of the Sea , bladders would make the worst groueh laugh son’s Song Successes” with a prize of $500 at “O" Ihe way they handle themselves as scro- stake. A full account of which appears in i bats brings enthusiastic applause,

this issue of the music page. , Miss Rosa Crouch and Mr. George Welsh are Numlier four on the bill appeared May 'Tully ] aptly termed “the lively pair,’’ for there Isn’t

and Company, In a clever sketch ’.vliich openul | a moment when one or the other is not palling In one and flnislied full stage. The lines I off some lightning-like stunt wliii a |,oji|K'r-

tell of a young c<sxntry girl whose ambition, in- | lab snap that made a decided hit with the aii- Btlgated by the promises of a b^dsome young 1 dience. TbeD work seemed to exhaust them actor who" had visited their town, directs her | just a trifle, for a tthe last there was Just lh<» future toward New York, where, like many slightest lagging perceptable.

others, she exjiects to become a famous star In j Mr. Clement DeLlon followed, presenting the a short time. -May ’Tully. In the role of the ; mystery of the twelve billiard balla He Is stranded troxiper. appears on the sc^e and af- 1 simply a manipulator of the Ivories, palming

ter dramatically i>ortraylng an e^ry-day life ■ seemingly no less than four of them at one Incident, the yoxing girl is persuaded to return time. His act consists of making twelve of to her true lover snd home after giving her | them api>ear from somewhere—use your own ticket to the strsnded actress, who. of course, | Judgment—lo which lace they return at the Is more than delighted with her work. May 1 close of his effort.

Tully presents some clever Impersonations rep- Lillian HerWIn, the late feature and prima ree<'ntlng simie of the well-known actors and | donna of The Rose of Algeria, was niiniber 0 actresses of the day as they would sing songs | and In two and full stage, Lillian entertained that are common to the whistlers. The act j us by singing Miss Manhattan. After Tetraz- Is a clerer one and was well -received on Mon- 1 zlni’s Job. Eyes. Eyes, and Swim, Swim, Swim

day afternoon. May Tully is assisted by Miss ' The song with the snper-sii[>erlatlve of eyes for Carol Elliott snd Harry Keenan. the title, brought her the most .applause and

When an Indian appears on the acene danc- w-as best acted by .Miss Herlctn. bi.t mote at- Ing to the bewitching strains of the native pow I tempt to make a lilt was made by her on too pow we naturally V«ik for something startling. ^ closing number. Swim, Swim. Swba. for which We are more than startled for when that In , special sev-nery and a form fitting bathing cos- dlan throws back hla blanket we view th - i tume was used.

comical face of the Hebrew comedian. Sam . Frankie Carpenter. Jere Grady and Company, Stem, whose act Is s new one to the Windy ■ -

City and under which head a detailed account

will be found. ’The TTiree Dumonde came sixth on the list

with a novelty In the musical line. Tlieir act Is presentrtl with a little too much of an comedy which detracts from the serenity of the high-class ta'ent which they so cleverly offer. ’Tlie atillence overlookul

this fact to a great extent and seemed to ap¬ preciate their musical offering.

Bmnshy William*. England’s dlstlngulsh>‘d character actor, portrayed Dickens’ fsvortte ffiiaracters In an antbimtlc style. His act was Just 1 little long and grew a trifle iionnpvnous hut as his Impersonations were perfect and ctr-

rWiI sufficient purport to render them Intensely lnter<-«t1ng. the act could be aopn-clsted by lov»nv of literature who favor Dlokens' work

In their readings. The act went so Mg that an encore was necessary In which Mr. Williams’ cleverly portraycl his conception of the okl time sliowman of the “Hamlet type”

.\1. Fields and Dave L<-w|s do not lo*e In

popularity as their stay In Chicago lengtl'en*

and were Just as funny and a* well n-celved a* a week previrms when a more extensive aceonnt of their humorous dialogue was given In these ccliimns

'The Great lA-Pagxw offer a m-w act to Chicago

which Is given spuice under the appropriate heading of this Isstie.



Malestl- ITieatre. Seen evening March 14.

Iliyinsrket Tliratrc. No. S. In one. 11 min- j In on«> act twenty minutes. Greefe<1 with an ule*. Coming as stie did during 8t. I’atrlck's ovation which would have d-me Justb-e to Pri-s-

week. .Madam McGrath waa very well r>-celve<t | tdenl Taft hlnis,'lf. HithSanl proi-ecVil to turn ami sas rom(>ellrd to respond to numerous en , laughs out of grouches hut his list of sxihiects

cores ami Ihiws K>ervthlng waa gr-en In her; sen- small, the su-lb-m-e n-alDIng that as his act. nietumi-a, songs and all. even down to the, aim of life and granting him suc^i at the start.

h«H|iM-t with xrhIciT she was presented on Mon 1 Mr. Taft was not on the sam,' hill with Huh- da.v matim-e In orcb-r her songs wore: I>ear j bsnl the f*crmer not being hc-ok»il tc> sT*pear un- I.lttle Shamrock. Klllarney and WM-re the | rll Tliur«itav. St. I’atrlck's Tiay sml at the

Hirer Shannon Fh-wa. the last of which she , Hofei IsiSallc Inatead of the Malesflc. Nit we remh-red so sweetly that If looked for a time that she wcsihl be unable to leave the stage Msilam Mctlrslh does not preeent the most pleasing appe-arance of any woman on Ike stage hill she sings and entertains about much belter than ninety per m-nt of them.



Majeatle 'Theatre. No. 8; full stage, afteclal •cenery, 19 minutes. The Toll •triclg*. a com ody ilrsmsllc sketch by Jimmy Harry, tells a pretty little story of an orphan girt who escaped from the fMior house and «xa In sr >r«h of her wealthy gramifather. Sho met thla aged relative of hera not knowing who he wsi c xceptinii that he was Ihe wner of the toll Icr'dge and waa aa stilliN>m 1.-il mein as he waa

old. And he waa very nil lit f 1-t ns Chrrr> the little orphan girl said, h# was s white haired lid man playing hookev fiom Ihe glare

Tho old man. at last won over by Ihe wava e-f girl, leavaa her to make herself at Homs

and retires to hnnt for hla llnsment. TYi*

of the bridge, a young fellow ahont 3S

feed sure that our pn-shlent had a g-nsl Nngh

on that night when N' hesrit lliihhsrcl tell hi* misimfnl tale of mirth producing woe. I.sueb sml you have company Is a slogan with him. ami you have the entin-ty of Ma act In hi* own PifUiWhm. “T think the Mah-ctlc Theatre doc* more- g>»i.t than forty doctors hv making people laugh." Every one waa pleas»'d to have got a good I.sik at the caiia.- of so much Journalistic merrlnienl. snd Mr, Kohl can n-*t assurcil that he did not ovenlo It hy headlining Mr Huh-

hard Ia*t we,d( even rtnatgh he Is no vaudevtlle fierpirmcr of note.


RIV Raymond who t* featured lu nie Girl Prom the U. 8. A thl* season, will he am-n

next se-son In Th- Girl In tho Taxi, which Is having a run af the ,in-sent time at the Corf Theatre In Chicago. Mr. Raymond will

have the stellar oart Mlaa Floasle Main will also he Includi-d In the ewat.

number 8, gml Elbert Hubbartl. nuiutier 9, fol¬ lowed In order, both of which are pew acts In Chicago, ami found under that tie.i li,.i; of tills Issue.

Dan Burke, ggslstexl by Mollle .Molier and the Wonder Girls, preaenteil a noveltv uiusioal ilancing and aceuio production terme-1. At Lake WInnipesaukee. The Wonder Girls, the Misses Craig. Densmore, Russe. Carleton and Boyne

are all very clever little artists and «-e real¬ ly all of the act. Mr. Burke .ano .Miss Meipe have some single dancing numbers and r*-- celved well, but the real feature of He act Is the playing of the bells by the entire troupe

—Mr. Burke excepted—with their feet, while lying on their backs.

Ray L. Royce. tho character actor, etiier- talned for twenty minutes, with bis artistic sketches of eccentric characters, which e.3D*l.*t- ed of imitations of Nith a lawyer and 1 Judge

In a district court, the chairman of the school board, the school master, and the elocurio-iist af the village school exerclm-s. All of bis work was very good and pleased imni'-nsclv, of the only seeming exaggeration being the Imi¬ tation of the school master.

There are dog acts galore, but It Is doubtful If there Is a better one than that of Zi-rtbo, and his wonderful erlucated collection, which closed the bill at the Majestic last week. Hla act Ofiens showing him In bed with not a dog In sight. -At the proper time, however, they start to appear from every Imaginable place, the bed N'Ing full of them, the drawers In the wash stand and even the waste basket. They leave no dog trick undone and clns* by form¬ ing a long line of march standing erect and

ranging In size from the young gre.yhotmd to the little toy Mark and tan.


Mr. T. J. Carmody offereil a very satisfactory hill of much merit last week which opened with Frank and Tnie Rice, billed as trickv, talkative tumblers. Miss Florence Geneva saiig several popular songs the N-st of which were

On the Boulcvsrd. Soft Pedal. Yoa Can’t Poo] Me. and Harem Scarem.

Reed St. John and Company, the colonials, offered the following program on the viola, cor¬ net. French horn, organ and piano: Ylelody In F.. Sextette Lncis. Silver Tlireads Among the Gold. Tranmerl and Melody of Ixive. Their

Hal Merritt, the college chap, opened Man¬ ager Newkirk’s bill with a volley of I and cartoons that brought Jnst enough appLiuse to show that Improvements mlgiit I,*- n-adc along certain lines, before the act will ever t-ecoroe a riot. His pleasing appearan-o v a* the only thing that won for him the lo ner of not being out classed bv the other acts on the

hill. Freil Rouen, an excellent aerial artist, en¬

tertained for only eight minutes, hut w*« appt-e- | clateil to an extent that showed he might have | stayed twice that long before becoming tire¬

some. Madam McGrath was third: See new acts. TTie Two Dx'Coraas, globe trotter and acrobat. 1

frlloweil. an account of whose act was run last I

w.vk when they appeared at the Star Theatre.

Quinlln snd Mack followed with their own I ... _ _ . original repertoire of comedy and fun and y** work was excellent snd received well, the one big hit of the bill. One as a dentist. um,, IN' other his colored patient, they pulled off . J ^ I, to

some of the m<i*t humorons situations snd big ’ .Iw nnw i.mT ge*t laugh ppsluolng predicaments imaginable. 1 with n ft nut During the homhaniment of mirth, the T.r^rn?^n„fHnt nrir faced artist. Introilnclng facial contortions original style of putting over his I re of talk^

which •w't the m^licncc into atmont Tiolcnt cn- , The MaMa and The Middies, an account <»f th«n!a!»ni. aanjr Meet Me at the Sea. and Happy, ^-hoae act waa run wjhWt nw acta w^en they Happy all of the Time. I appeared at the Majestic week before last, was

F^twin SteTinia and Company preaenta a clerer nnmher 5, and made a hit with their operetta

little ^ctch called Gnardy. an account of which : of pretty aonga and glrla.

waa run during their appearance at the Ma- 'phe Amaterdam Quartette, oonalatlng <f Bar- Jcatlc. I rlngton. Barnett. Arnold and Orr. who were

The Four Oook Sisters, as a ausrtette, sang lately featured with The Meet Me Tonight In Dresmland. Drifting. Put ; were the real hit of the bJB with ‘heir tTOl- Your Foot on the Soft Feilal and B. antlfnl | lent harmony and solos. T^’r h^t qnsrtclte Eyes. The only solo was My Southern Rose, s : number was Angel Eves ^d the best solo. It

mtmher put over very prettily which won enough 1 h*d the World to Give You.

appNnse to show thst more singles would have Martini and Sylvester, the funniest of acro-

strengthened the set. | hats, closed ths hill, an account of whoso ’J ’tk

Mad Mlllsr, the strait Jacket artist, closeil has been ao often made In ‘he^ '!i?i the bill and with his many mystifying tricks,' fin-ther comment Is onne^ss.i.y -They ate

sent the audience away In a happy frame of still as good as ever—that m-'s-ilng gre. ..


10 Xlie Billl3oarcl MARCH 2C, 1910.

BALTIMORE, MD. IjiwTFiK'e Ir\lU4; and Malx'l lIa<-kiH')'. In The Atlinlly, Ik tin* altraollon al tin- Maji-atlc.

Hlaiiflic Uatc* In The KiKlXini: lli,|i<v waa tlta attraction Itcrc laat week .Suu.Tay i^imvrta are

t't-ry |H>|iular at tUla liouae.

IJttIc Nemo waa wen for the tlrat time In Itrodilyii at 'IVllcr'K ilroadway laat wwk. The

'nUril l>e*:r<v oiMMied there Mtanlay nlk'ht. Tlw XJenlletiian frooi MImkIk-IiipI coiim-k the ««-ek of

ami Ih-n Hur w»K‘k of April 4. ITie "Hiree Twina Ik the attnK'tlon at the

(iraiHl Hi>era llouw. Victor Mmwe. In The Talk of New York. pla.VK h»"o- next week,

Tlie annual «|<rlnt; eiik'aKeinent of the ANim Kiiidlab tlraiul <liM>ra (Vmipany at the GramI tl|>era liouw. lM-,:liinlni: Nlomlay nlirht. April 4. will be llmlte,! ti> live winwk. and each of ttie live offerlnitK wleel«-il w 111 run ft>r an en¬

tire week of nine laTforinam'eK, with two caatM

n>e Itlll at I’erey U. Wllltania’ Greeii|M>lnt laKt we,'k waK: Simon and (iardm-r. t'laire lli> lualne. I'amllle 'I'rlo Kortune nnw., Joijn itlrch. Great le'KtiT. Kerrell llr>a<. I'ounoil) and Wehh

nie lod’len t'rook Kxtravasania to., with Id.i I'rlKid aiMl Hilly .VrlluKion, waN the attrai tliMi at tin- liayety laat »ia-k. where It pleoae<l

uiiUKiially lari:e cruwda. .Ham S<Tltmer'a 1<1( >4liow la llu' atiracihm there thia waa-k.

'llie tVaekaH- Jacka aa|K-nast at the Star Mon

d.'ty nik'ht tia (lie iiMial pai-kial lioitaa'. The Hon TaNiH are hillaal for iia-xt >a-ar.

'nm bill at the INiltian laat week waa: Km pire t'lty kNaiir, ilo|ie Itaaath anal I'o.. WUIIam

IhllaHi, Kmniett IteVoy, Wlnaaar Mct'wy

t'aliie and (Maan. h'raiiklyn Gale ami Co., Y'he laniilaarala, Mamie Kenton.

.Manager William TrimlMarn. of the Kulten

Hwatre. Imk many of the la-at vauala-vllle head lim-ra laadaeal to a|i|H*ar at Uila theatre during tlie aprliu: waaon. Tlie Kulton liaa iH-eii draw hut a'Xi-adli'Ut tTaawala thla aaaaaain. and evanx dur ini; Lent the houae liaa tieen aolil <miI eva'ry

nlilUt befaire the curtain wax ralMtl and tlie patroiiaite luaa Im-cu larKe at the iuatlna-e«.

itaniey Gilmore, In Ihiblln Han. waa tlie attrncthan at the (liurt TlH>atre laat Mwk.

I'lie .\ila>l|ah 11111111111 t'o. waa the attrainiuo at the .\iii|4iion laat wa-a>k, and IiukIui-wk waa unuaiially larite.

Tliere la no let up to Inuaineaa at I’a-rcy G. \Vlllt.ama' tkvwent Tlieatre, haaue aaf the <Ye* ca'iit StaH'k t'o.. Shaara- AaTeo waa preaeuteai thia wa-ek. .Manaicrr la'W Parker annouDa'va that tie luiK In preparatlam many of the lae*t Hruad

way Kuiveaaa-K, which wlU lie pnaluced In tba- near future.

Ilarnum ami Ilalley'a CIri'ua appawra In Brook ly II wau-k of .k|irll Xt. which la the tlrat atand uiwler I'anvaa. (he ahow cavnlnit here direct fraKii .Maalnain Sajiure Gaixlen.

Krealerlc Tliiani>auo U making many chaugea

at launa Park, the worM'a greateat playground, and when the |aark otaeiia May 14 the putillt' will lie aniaaeat at tla> large muiila-r of new attractloaa and miveltlea.

Stee]dr itiaw Park, at tVoey laland. will aaaio be ready to opa-n. Manager Gaaorge Tllyou

luia aalded a large number of new attractkina anal amuwuii'Ot derlcea, amt the aeaaiHi of luld will, no duutit. be the uioet profltable It baa eva-r bad.

Tlie 1.. K. Thofupnou Sa-enlc Kallroad Co. la making big prepara I Ion a fur large iMieliiawia at

their many acenlc ridea at Coney lalaod, and otlwr nearby parka.

'Pill- Prank C. Ibaatock Wild Animal Slxea whiah haa Ixad anch a miavanieful wasuo In Kuro|ie, la exiiecteal here next month, where It will be one of the big attractlauna of Dn-am laml (Vmey laland. Mr Bietock will prraeirt M-veral new wild animal acta thia aeaaon

Itnwmlaml la ratihtly lielDg gotten Into ahape

to op«'n alamt the mbklle or May. Many new attractloua are iMdng aihled and Itreamland will be aa |H,|iular aa ever.

.H«'Teral new altractiona are b>‘lng built on the Bowery, ami on Surf atn-nue. C<aH-y lalaml.

J'eeidx Kenmaly, wbo haa tieen connected with the Mootauk Theatre, aa aealatant treaaurer. Imk tieen offeretl a,-veral piwitloiia at Twrliaia [Mirka. Mr. Kenm-dy l« undecMed wltettwr he

will aoeept ttie mamgement of a park In the MIddb- Weat, or remain at Coney lalaml


mayor and the chief of iMillce that the play. Strife, which waa to have been prialmt'd here on Friday afternoon by the New Theatre Com pany of New Y'ork, muat not Im* prialuciHl at the preaent time, owing to the atrife ramiiant In

the city, and the strike aitiiation now at an acute stage. The play deals iiraetically with the came elements that the tyiiaker >'ily la now

dealing with and they feel that it will not he ■afe. .Mr. Sanford aumMinciHl that the iierforui- tnee would he iioaliHin's! until aoiue time in

April. Mr. Rudy Heller has Just completed a circuit

of bis |>arks and looked carefully over the proa pecta for tb' coming season, ile n‘pc>rl8 every

thing very satisfactory and Uaika forward to a very big season.

Al. White, th<‘ dancing master, has made

many new improvements in his academy, and

Various Items More or Less Important News,

Mr. Tunis F. Dean, the Baltimorean entour with Blanche Ratea, celebrated bis birthday.

Manti 3. In Toronto. He received telegraphic greetings fnsn hia many friends. Miss Bates

gave a KUp|>er party In bla honor, at the Bt. Oliarlea Hotel.

Prompt aetkn on the part of the manage¬ ment of Bianey't Theatre, at a matinee per¬

formance last week, and the good Judgment din- played by the aiMllence, quickly dispelled an exciting incident that might have resulted se¬ riously. A Are started in a pile of rubhlsb In the boiler room, and the theatre began to fill

with ntnoke. It happened Just after the Inter- missbm. and the orchestra waa playing the overture for the next act. Manager Sbapler burriisl to the stage and assured the audlenoe that there was no fear of danger, and the peo¬

ple nHiialned seated. The orchestra played until the trouble was over. The damage waa very

altgi.t. and the Ore traa put out without send ing in an alarm.

A hill has been introduced In the Uegislature to establish a Board of Electric Kxaminers. It Is authorised to airpolut an Inspector at $l,50ii

per annum. The Board is authorized to make and prescrllK* reasonable and pr<ti>er regulatkms f<s- the control and methods of operating mov¬ ing picture shows.

The Ifreamlaod Ampsement Co., composed of Uh-sI pcomoters, has leased Idlewlld Park, a

tract of thirty acres, at Betterton, on Chesa p<‘ake Bay. It will be Improved as an attrac¬ tive amusement resort. Steamers will run to the park, and tliere will be two trips a day. It la exi>ecte»I the opening wtll be June 1.

The completion of the season of grand oiiera at the Lyric la still in d<mbt. It la doubtful If there w 111 be any opera at all next sea»>ii. Mr. L'b-lch will manage the Chicago Opera Com¬ pany, at the Auditorium. CTileago. and will also manage the Lyric in this city.




Fourth Week of Car Strike Finds Business Good.

mee lnj will, niirlted success. The Cheatuiit Street Ojiera House has Tts-

Barrier for the next two weeks. Theodore Rob

erts, surrouniled by a clever company of artists, has created a profiaind Ini|iresaiou.

Irene Kraukllu, "the Queen of Vaudeville." played a return eugageun-ni at Keith's and proved her title. The reel of the hill la made

up of Iasi Anger. McKay and Cantwell, Margiie rite .MorTat, .Vinoios Sisters, Brady and Ma¬ honey, the I'our Pianos, "Tiny Wilson and Ueloi w.

A new play. In fotir acta, entitled W.aste. by Port >r Fkiieraon Browne, waa presented at the Broad Street Theatre, on Monday night. Waste Is t dumiwtic story, written along broad lines, with a [dot built atssit a prosja rcaia biialnesa man. who Is ruimal by the extravagance of hl» wife. Ills love for her has tieen too strong and he his las-n t<ai weak to resist conditions. Wm.

M. M.irk played the husband and Thais Magrane. the wife, with supporting cast of seven iveojde.

Marb Hressler began the third wi-ek of her en gagemeiit at the Adeliihia Theatre In Tlllle’a Nightmare, and again compelled continuous

laughter. Ik- Wolf Hopp<-r entertained another large

audience at the Forrest, beginning the second I week of his engagement. I

The Gmhless of Lllierty entered upon its thini

end laat week at the Walnut Street, with Jos.

E. Howard, comiiotier of the music, end Stella Tracey, the captivating prtma donna of the cimipany. In the principal roles.

Rols-rt Hilliard began bis second and last week at the Garrick In A Fool There Was.

Heartease was reviewed by the Orpheum Play¬ ers at the Chestnut S'reet. and proved an elab¬ orate and «ffective pnaluctlon. Wilson Melrose

and Uotiert Cummings seorisl heavily In their reapiM-tlve parts. Marion Barney waa properly winsome and Ingratiating In the pivotal femin Ine role. Other parts were Intmsted to such eapahlv pt-rformers aa I.eah Winslow, George

H. Parki>r. Edwin Middleton. Kathleen MaoDon- nell. Peter Land and Heh*n Relmer.

Gnufterk baa retiimi-d to the Girard Avenue where It has achieved more than ordinary suc¬ cess.

Ihi-nor.t's Minstrels, st the Eleventh Street OiM-ri Hims*'. rejieated their exceptionally amns Ing urogram of minstrelsy, burlesques and ape clalties. Including Settle the Car Strike, giving the I lughahle side of the controversy, and St Hm Ob. a mirth provoking travesty on the play. Songs, ballads and cpeclaltlea are the beat avail- aide vnd In line with the honorable history of ttb- house. I.aught.’r reigned supreme during the perfonnsnee and there waa a liberal amount of appi i jre.

Tile ohi favorite langh proilucer, McFadden’s Flats. Is St the NatlonsI Theatre, greeted b.v large end enthusiastic aiidlenci-e. In the present pro<1ii.’tlon new songs, miisK- and specialties are introrlueiHl.

James K.vrle MaeCiirdy, capable In himself and

sid'-d by a well balanced c ompany, pnt on a drama of sc'ntlment and sensation, called A Lit tie Girl In the Big City, that met the warmest

kind of a welcome at Hart's Theatre. Brewafer'a Mllliona waa enjoyed by entbnsl-

aatlc sudlc-nces at the Grind Opera House.

Walter Sanford, manager of the Lyric and Adelphi theatrea. recelv-.-d rotlflcsllon from the


Willis-Wood Theatro Will not Patg to John Cort.

lisTe was a ruDHir sfl.-at In KaniMi« Cll.v theatrical circles that jedm Cort liad aeeurcsl frcsii Wcaalwanl and Burgess ttu- les*,. of the Willis W'Msl. which Wcsalwsrcl aisl Burg, mi of, erate as a Aral elasa theatre <• l> W.«alward.

the manager. iMhI. In an Interview ' M<a.t |■lnplMtlc'nlIy we have n<>t sold our leas., on ttir Willis W.asl Tlieatre. niere Is n dhliig to dcMiT,

aa tisvw Is aliaolutely nothing In tlw niiisir. We have a twelve years' h-ase on tl;e ttii>alre ani arc* going to maintain the high slaislard cif the |iaal Vcsi may say for me nusit |aialtlvely, we iMve not do not atal will not nasdeb-r sell¬ ing isir lease"

Maisle Allen Is to aiqa-ar here fur ish' |M<r foniiance laily. In ttw afteTisam of March 'JU

Sam llenisnl. In Tiie Girl atsl tis' Wisard Is at llw .Stnilcert It Is making usus-y feg the SlinlaTl

Bailey and .luslln. In Tlie T'qi o' tlie World, are at rtie Grand laiat season tliey aobl call the tiraml fur every iM-rfcaiiiaiHe. aisI this week Mds fair to reecmi the same siics-ess.

Gecs-ge Ksstiti. dcH>rkee|M>r on tlw main ih«cr at tlw tlrplH'iiin Tliealie, conlcaiiplales gidiig to Itenver 111 the very m*ar fiiliu'e to N- with a icsrk tliere. F>l IXsrl will Is* on tlu- cbsir Mr. Ihirf Is acK-ndsry sml rinh manager of Kan Has ( tty laslge No. Ai T M A . aiul will

tw Is-re until the parks i>|sni In Memtdila where he thinks Iw will Ice thia siiiiinier

Tlie .liHlItorliiin Tiwativ oiwtssi with gre-at eels I Msjidi 13, with llu* new .4 ml I tori inn SliH-k ('aiipany under illrisilon of Sylvsin lllimi Mary Hall, leading lady with lls' new rianiiiin.v Is addliig new Isiinds

\ feature- of the tinshirt hens at the .\lidl tcs-hini will In- a'l orilH-slra of nine pleei-a nn der tlw gi*neral dIriTtlon of .Hc-imr M \ I/eiige. Ilf llie (rridii-nni tlniiiietra. and the aiilve lead iTshlp of Isiiila J Klein. SenoT Isuige Is Hie rapniile rondiirtor of the Hrphc'iini Tliealrr'a wpienilld ecsiei.rf ciriiiestra. and will jirwonally direct the fiinste of the .kudltcsdiini

At Hie Glllla. Hie weedt of March 1.1. Is Gev Weill Go Miduiwk The play waa s laivelly. hut eaiigtil on and husIniMS was large

All Wolgasi the iH'W idiamidiiii waa at Hie (V-nliiry lari week wirh Tis* Merry Maidens Co The iiri-seni'e of Hie ''l•hsllll>'' addeil to tlie Cenltiry's Isrge erinvdw. sisl It was iiervasary St Htni'W In |>irt the |wii|>le on Hie stage Jack

•TiAiiiwimi. Hie oHwr (l|iamt>ton. !• at Hie Oentnyr Hita Week with The Folllea of the Hay Ciaii pxny.

MeiniMqw Ilf ttie elnnia of Tlie Peiitnry GIrla (isnpany, playing at Hie O-nInry Tln'Slre wvw'k

of March d, made np a purse so that Hollle lisMar, one of tfielr tinnitsT, eonid haye med leal and hiaa|>ltal attention and not Is* sssn (M'llisl to aak idvsrily. Mlaa l.smar Jided the

show at HI. Jiaieph, Hatiinlay, March A. ani

The Arst Are pna f vaiileville I'lewlre wiiirh nis-nisl In the dowiiti Are. Alberon and I>-ahy are proprielora ami nianagi'ra playing The bouae o(iened In April, Its !l. with a nesting rapacity of l.ikitt.

street. Is-tv'eeii Third and FiMirlli. right in the h.-.irt of Hn- city.

II cINirl. t after the big idepelldellt'' Va Ulleyllle.

la allualeil on Market

now baa a profewKlonal ib-parlnn nt. >vhiTe lu-r form-ra visiting the city can praiilee new ate|ia.

Hwing to the atrike. a numlM-r of old picture houaea that have bi-en elosed bare o|s-nis1 up and

are doing a nice hualnesa. The |ieii|ile patronize their home alK>wa Instead of ri-king Hn-lr hej !> by riding down town In a airei-t ear.

Th.‘ t’hi'alniit Street Hia-ra House has The Barrier for the next two wis-ks. Theialure Boh • rta, siirpniinded by a clever company of arH>ta. crest"! a profound lmi>r<-sKlon with hla auditors The Barrier la a draniatlzi-il verahui of ll-x

Beach's novel of Alaska. Mr. ItotaTts' Inter- polatl'm of the role of the man who baa ts*en a fugitive for eightis-n years is a neat, artlatle

piece of work. The n-st of the caal are ver.v strong In thiir different parta and the ppialue- tlon Is of a very elatairate eharaeter.


of prtniinala singing alternately. Hiey will

eonAne Hnir aeleiilntis to ttie mi«t favored of Hie iwquilar rlaaslcs. Hie llwl liMiudIng II

Trovatore .4lda. ( amn-n Cavallerla llivtlcaiin I I'agllaeri ami Martlui. Many former Alewn favorites will tie In-anl again, and by thdr idan of eTchangiiig artists with the Boston On ers llisise ami other Hniatres where Hn-lr roan rianlons are to aiipi-sr. will laing aiane new

and notable volri-a to Hn- Ala-rn prograiiia tH<ri-

rollM-n Bawn waa pri-si-iitisl by Hie t'orwe

Hayton Bltisi Stock i'o last wi-ek Gi-raldliie was |>ri-M-nti-«I by the i'orsi- Payton Stia-k Co at the In-e Avenue Tts-atre last wis-k

The ti. A. Kortn-s St>M-k Hn pri-setiti-i| ilhar lotle Temple at Hh- GoHmui last wei-k

The Yankee Ikaalie fJIrla wen- Hn- altraellon at Hie F>npln- last week where Hn-y pli-aaisl ra parity hnti-u-s. Tlie Town Talk Ho. oia-nisl Hu-re Momlay niglit to tm- usual parki-d Iioiiim-.

Tlie Town Talk to pn-seniwl a ralHIiig g<aal vlniw at the Hawimi last wi-»-k Tin- Nelaon Wiilgaat Aglit pirtiinw iwoti-o to ta- a very aftsing drawing card. Ham Th.yere'a Bur lewi|iie Show Iw laaiked tliere for wia-k of 21.

TTie Big Review la taaikeil for week of 2H. Manager Ix w Parker la quite elated over the

aiieeesa of hlw Hiinda.T night concerta at Hie fVearent. Tliey bavr grown In laqiiilarlty ati-ait

By Minis- Hh- IrMiigiiral one titiHI now Hn- Hi-k eta are In great cV-maml.

Tlie Mil at the Ortdieiim Ia»t we«-k waa- Ger tnide Hoffimin Violet Black and <'o.. Hadela de Gaacogne Kauffman Brothi-rs. FnsI Ihipri-z.. IxF|M-* atal l>qa-*


Marked Activity Shown Juit Before the Annual Park Openings.

Grace leiRiie. In Mias Molly May. ota-iiisl at

the MiHitaiik Mombiy night, and made a de cliVsl hit. Tne attraction comes from rititcago. whiys- It had a siiri-eaafii' rnn at the Whitney

iHanw Hiame. Ttilx tmaliirtlon will no doubt make a great hit when It atrlkea Rroadwray.

Henry MIHit's Aiwa-lati-d Players In TIh- Serv¬ ant In the Hiaiee. did well M-re Ia«t wei-k Thia play baa liait none of Its popiitarily.

1 if’ u . V I. t H i : 1 h £

march 26, 1910.

n-[irHwntati\o for tht* fund here. William T. (ImvVr. of Uo- Ami-rican .Music llaJI, ami Man- a*;er Jules Hlsti^s, of lie- Oridaum, will send acta over. So date has tieen n;uu»sl.

New (Wleans will have a big .Motor-cycle race during Slirlm-rs' wmk. Jake I>e K<isaier, cliamjiioii of the world: Fred C. Hiiycke, ama¬ teur champion of the wi«rld, and many other ri<h-rs of note are here for the nus-t.

(itsjrge I^imrose and his uiinstrela are at the Cres<-ent, playing to capacity business.

Vlctw il. Smalley, pn-aa ri-presentatlve of the (>r|«beum, has written a march for the Shrinera, entitle<l Over tlie Hot Sands, which will be plajed by the Orpiieum Orchestra under the direction of I’rof. Tuaso, during Shrluers' Week.

Ludwig Wullner, the Interpreter of songs, will be heard here March 121, at the Athenaeum.

A sixty horse power motor Is being installed in the I>oiiis Iteynaud biplane, and efforts will made to tly the machine Shortly.


Sihklenly taken ill at the ebso- of tlie fs-r MWe, March S. ajvl was a,sit to Ht. J<e

.’s llixpltai tills city. Miss lai Mar's home II ('tm'iuuatj. She was with 'Hie (lolden Itut- I, .Miss Van Sliiddlford's vehicle, prcvlnus

' ■inli'g out with 'Hie t'enliiry tilrls. .iii.igcr Itraddis-k. of tin* tiitiis., atinoutn-«*s hatige in lexkliig agents .March 'J<>. Hal ilwln. the isN.king ugeiit, t.nik ov<>r tin- -Ink for tile tlicatrc. 'llic (ilots- has given r.ent vaudevine. aiwl It la Iio|mmI that tlie Issiklng agi-nt will continue to give as ei

, „t Wlld.l AM W. SIIKM.EY

Eugenie Eougerc is rcisirled to having signed coiitracta to apis-ar at the I’ortola t'afe.

Saiu|Mou and lamglas left Muiiday, l.'i, for East St. Issiis, to play the .Majestic. They were forced to refuse more time here, owing to previous contracts.

.Mrs. Arthur Huston l/Inka I'annal gave birth to an eight |siund girl liaiiy March l».

.Mile, laiuise ICattiu increased the isipulatlon of .Sacraiiiento. .March d. A nine pound Imy.

Miss Myrtle Eloyii. the accomplished pianist, was greeted by crowded Iniiises at the (larrick Theatre where s|n- gave three recitals and waa votisl a real artist.

J. Alliurn, of .\lburn and Is*ahy, proprietors of the Portola and Hrand Theatres, left for a trip East this week.


The Oommittee on Organization, of the Ixvcal Actors’ Fund. ha.s selecteil TlMirsiiay afteriKsm. April 21, as the date for the monster heneflt to be given for this great cause. It will take place at the Olympic Theatre. Dan S. Flshel. of the Garrick Tlveatre, and John Fleming, of the American, were appointed on the press committee.

The Household Show, which closed at tlie Coliseum last Saturday night, w.ts attendeil liy over 200,000 people, and the success was much over anything anticipated. On the clo.s|ng night. Manager F. W. Payne was presented with an en graveil set of nnolutlons, signed liy .Mayor Kreis mann and eacii exhibitor, congratulating him on the success of the sliow. Man.v other shews of a like nature will be arranged for and l>e made annual affairs.

Kuth St. Denis, In her repertoire of HlmbN. dance pantomimes. Is a decidwl novelty at the Olympic Theatre this week. The four matinees at which she only appears, have is’en largely at¬ tended. and all who have seen her have words of praise.

Pete Raymond closeil last week with The Golden Girl Company, ami this week .loins the Imperial Stock Compay here, as Its chief onie- dlan. He is scoring a hit this week as Rake, in Under Two Flags.

The benefit tendered Leo Reichenbach of the Standard Theatre, March 14. was a big siiciess. .4s early as 7:30 they were turning them away. The New Century Girls furnlsiied the attraction.

One of the hits of the vaudevtlle bill at the Columbus Theatre this week is the sketch of John B. Hymer and his company of ten. entl tied The Devil ami Tom Walker. It is per¬ fectly staged and the best thihg of its character seen here.

Announcement is made that Baehniann Rros. have again leased I>“'mp8’ Park for tlie coming sinnmer. and will comluct a htgh summer garden in conjunction with vaudeville and drama. The park will open about June 1. Immediately after the acnual Spring Carnival.

Rube Strickland is the big hit of the vaudeville bill at Manager Joe Erber's Majestic Tlieatre. in East St, Lovils. Mr, Erber has given his patrons uniformly big shows all winter, much better than are seen at higher prieisi houses, and his Judgment has brought big returns at the box oflBee.

Tom Ranktne. late of Bamrrm and Bailey and Hagenbeck-Wallaee shows, and who will remain all summer at his present place as assistant to Manager Max Marcus, at the New Bijou 'Ttie- atre here, has discovered a throat spray that has proven Itself to be the best ever used by talkers and those who sing or use their voice much. Mr. Rankine states that in his career as a talker he has had dlffinilty in retaining his voice, and not unt! he had dlscoverevl the above reme^ has he been able to eontlnunlly enjoy his vocation. He Intends to allow his friends to profit from his discoTery whenever the opjior- tunlty allows him to do so.

Elmer Ftetx, the popular treasurer of the Co¬ lumbia Theatre, has made many friends during the winter. 'The press of the city are loud in praise of his hospitality and business capac¬ ity. His office Is one of the busiest In the city, and during the many big weeks business done at the Columbia he has succeeded In avoiding any complaints or dissatisfaction.

The J. H. Boyer Shows, which have been playing in the South all winter, have is'en cootlnually reporting big bnslnees. Tills time of year, when all are finding business slow, a telegram to home office reports a business done last week of $1,200. Surely, this Is not bad.

The ground was broken last week and a force of men are busy getting work started on the New Shubert Theatre. It is to be ready September 1 next, and will be under the man¬ agement of Dans S. nshell, of the Garrick and New Princess theatres.

The Mnllhall Wild West Show will give a monster exhibition April 7. at the St. Ixsiis Coliseum. It is expected to be reidete with novel features, and xvlll be under the sole direc¬ tion of Jim Gabriel.

Articles of incorporation were filed here last week by the Riverside Amusement Orimpany. which is capitalized at $1.1,000. 'The Incon'or- ators are Charles 'Troll. 120 shares: Henry Pfef- fie. 20 shares: Anthony Hoehendorf and John Gabelman, 5 shares each. A moving picture theatre, bowling alleys, gymnasium, etc., are to he installed and operated, and the theatre will be opene<l about May IS.



The Golden City Still the Busy Amuse ment Center. NEW ORLEANS, LA,

I..." Merry Widow, at the Onlumbla 'Theatre, II d'> a big two week's business here. l(..|ieri E<1< S.IU and foinpaiiy. owing to de¬

lated trains, did is>t oih-u at the Van Ness Tlo-atre on Monday night aa a<'hedul<-d. but ap- |.e .red Wednesday to a packisl Ikhis.'.

The lilngi-rlmad .Man. at the Savoy Theatre <lurliig the week, was of the m-as<>n‘s sue rrsu a at thla bouse, although It has iH-en aeen In this city on two former <s-casUitis.

Tile Biirles<|ue .Merry Widow, at the Princess, with Kolb and Dill, ia attracting conalderable ati> ntlon.

William l>esiiinnd, the leading man of the .Meaiar St.s-k I'omi'any, met with much succeaa 111 riaasmates. hla first week's showing.

I .tile Williams Is headlined on the Orpbenm billing this w<vk. and a«slsti*d by her clever

■ ■nipaiiy. presented (hi btmng Ground, which was well r<*celre,l. ('barles Abeam Cycling «'-.m<-<i ans are ail t« the gissl. Charlene and i liarleiie, ttw juggler ami xyloi'bonlsi, were a hit, .Mark's trio of clever bllllarxl eiis-rfa were a moeliy and Interested i>eo|de who like the game The 'hold overa Incloded Winona Win tirs, Felix ami Barry, Reynolds and Donegtn. and Clara Belle Jerome's big singing art.

There's a reas..n w b.v the National continues to tsdd its big bulsne«.«. The following bill is g >.l eiHoigh for any house trpi-sisH'tlve of ad III sslon prl«-,-« Henry and Alice Taylor. Hath away and S.egel. I>id|>h ami Susie l/evlno. Bniwidiig and I.avan. Atihle Mitchell and Ger aril. s..iisatlonal cannon ball toHS«'r.

.(ugusfns Neville and Co. in Politics and Pettlcials.. although playing his fourth bous<- 'n FV was liy all means the hit on the 1.. the American Theatre, and was re railed several limes. It is by far the beat dramatic idaylet ever men in this house. ITo- bat. The Craigs. Columbia C«ime*ly F'our and Jack Golden's Company made up a most attrac¬ tive hill.

Montrose Tronte. Herbert. WlnnlftvM Stew¬ art. FUsle Harvey and Ibiys. Jim Rutherford, ai-d Matthews arid Bannon are at the Wigwam th s week.

Manager B. n Mlcbaela. of the California, offered an exceptional bill thla week, and was Well n-paid my Imiiieiis.* audiences throughout the week Tareat and It'Allia. In their original com*sly act. was a m-ream No«>ll. a novelty rharai-ler lni|MTs.inttor. who dales a turn "a la Julian Elttnge." displays a lot of rich ward rob<-. s.ngs catchy songs In his natural voice, and finishes with a skip pojie jig dam-e. He • aught on and received many curtain •-alls. He had them all guessing until be renxived his wig at the finish. ♦ Ah Wing, s Chinese prise fighter. .4lfre<1«i. trsmp muslclsn. snd Msisn snd McGrstb siso tpi>eared. Young Buffsio was an added attraction.

Martlnettl and Geossl. tbow surj>rise novelty mnstclana are the big hit at the Portola Thea Ire this week <Ju«vr and (^iialnts. The Kltters. Travells. .kiman and Nevens. Adeialne Rogers, sisl llultsTt and Delang were also on the bill.

At the Grami. this week. The Hawaiian Don, snd Annie Palmer were on the bill.

The wonderful |sipu1arlty of I,a Estrelitta. the .•ipaiilsb dancer, at the Portola Cafe, con tlnm-s. although she la now on her eleventh • 'oris.s-ut|Te wei'k and It Irioks as If she will re¬ main many weeks more. R<1lth Mote, the Cnll- f iriila rantratice Is amdher big fav«)rlte who la «>n her eighth week at this bouse and grows 111.. re (sifiular each succ.*e<lliig we<-k. The l(ap|<n Sisters and all the other high class acta keeps • ills Immense bouse pack<-d nightly.

I'antagi'S Is sending excellent bills to the I'htites Theatre we^'kly and the attendance Is 11.. W steady and ciMistantly improving. This wis-k Friend and Iiowning. Fielding and Carlos. Bartlett and C<illins. The I.aiiaro Trio, ami •iiilllTera l.llllpiitlana ap|M-ared, each act mak ing a decld.-.! hit

Gardner. Hinkln and Gridin, musical trio, '•'ft San FVanclsco for Vancouver, to catch a •learner leaving 2.'i. for Homdiilii. where they liave Iteen by I. N Cohen to play the orpheum. and then procissl to Australia to play Itirkards time

Harris ami Vernon, a versatile team, leave San F'Vanrlsc.i on st.>amer. 'Jrt, to play a six Weeks' seawiii sf the Itridieimi. Homiliilii This act was also twsiked by I N Cohen. Westbank Building

I.Irhi'iisteIn and llerr.'g have piui'liasmi the '■vrliislre rights of the Wolgasi fight lihlnnw F>lai-o |s blllisl like a circus with • he^ aliove attract Inn.

Graiimaii's low theatre on Market s|re<t. la • i' w nearly (suniilelasl and up !•• now the jsdlcy >'f the hi>iis«. is iindetermliHwl In Ma.v the house w 111 t»e r«*ait,v t«* o|H*n

Miss Craee Carlyle jnst underwent a surgical '|.i.rat|oii. and has been c.infimsl to her txsl the past six w.s'Ws Her friends will be pleased t" learn that sh*. Is now •siiival<*«<'lng and will -''•n tw able to rt'siime h<'r engagi-meiits

Vesta Victoria Is Ixsikisl iiver tin* Driihcmn t'lrriilt nil.I opens Is'r sesson in .4|>rll This r-ws was ealded hen* from EnglamI by Martin

Miscellaneous News Items, Showing Active Amusement Conditions.

Under the cbainiiansliip <if Blumstcin, tli*- FYatenial Gnler of Eagb-s gave a Idg ls>p Mareh IK. Vaudeville, music and refn-shinents Were features.

Tlie City I’ark will give its annual F'estlval .4pell 24.

.4 big aviation meet will be held here dur¬ ing .*(lirlnera’ wtv'k. fnan .4i>rll 11 to l.’i. under the aiiaplc,* of the New OrltTins .4ero Club, and tlie Sisiiliem .4ero Club. K. L. Bernard, msn-

Good Attractions Yet to be Seen.

Though we have exiieriencml a falling off In the box otfic«‘ during the last seven weeks of Lent, yet we have had most of the best of-


The outside of the Virginia Theatre Is comisisw'd of bevel lmi>ort»‘d mirrors. To gather the Idea of this grs-at undertaking it is m-cessary to state that the biillding was started on the lllh of JuD«- and was not fully coniplet«d when opemol on the 15th •if December. The entire bouse is comiHHwal of steel and concrete, no woid b*-ing us<>d throughout the entire building. The stairs are of white marble and the trininiings Italian marble. 'I'be theatre has a capacity of 44ki. Four shows nightly of vaudeville and during the day moving pictures Is the policy of the house. The theatre Is owii«'d and o|ierated by Mr. John J. Noonan, of Cincinnati. Ohio, who at one time •iwned and <iperated the Lagoon and Wootlsdale Island at Cincinnati. Mr. William Alrey, one of the original pioneers of the five cent moving picture business, is the general manager of the several theatres ownetl by Col.^ Noonan, and has made quite a success of the Washington bouses. It Is said the cost of the Virginia when completed will be $4rt.''>,(kX*. making it the hand¬ somest and roost exiw'nsive htwise of its kind in the United States and the only bouse to be built of mirrors.

tgxT for Glenn H Curtiss. Is here making ar rangements f<w Mr. ('urtlas' apis'aram'e. Tlie m<>et will be held at llw F'alr tlixsinds.

I.«ke Ctiarles, will have a new gto.iaai rh<uilre, which will be ownpleteii tor next sea son.

The new Warfield Theatre. S^Tant^ai. Miss., s-aa o]M>ne<l with Georgx* .M. ('•’ban's F'<’rl.v five Mlmit<>s from Bmadwsy. with Miss EIia.xtH>th l>rew In the lead as Plain Mary. .4 paokml house wltnesmsl the opening.

.4prll 14 will be Shriners’ ('smlvsl Day in New Griesns, as Maytw Marlin Bi'luvnan has Issued a pris-Ianistlon p«'rmllting jiromlaicuous masking. Ttvre will be a N»autifiil tablenu pageant of iNwit twarnty-five floats at night.

,4 •lel«'gatl<>n <>f fifty reiiresentstlve mevi trf this •Hty ami state left iu'tx' Mar<4i I'J. for WaslilngtoTi. D. ('.. bi eall upon Prx'sldent Taft ami <'ongr»««aa to sanrtii’n a WorUl's Panama Ex|swlt1on h«>ie, some lime In It’ll. 1916. 1917 or 1HIS. The ciwnmltti'e la h<Mi<I)a1 by Govern¬ or J Y. Samlerw, Mav^ir Martin Behrman. T. P. Tisimpson C H Ellis. Phillip W.-rleln, FJmlle INTTln, John (1. Ganmin. Hugh McCIoskey, ami •ithers.

March 19 will h*' Tulsne Night at the Ttilane Tlieatre William H Oane. In Father ami the Bo.’-s. will b*' th*' attraction. .4 few* extra vaii- devllle mimis'rs will ta» a*l*le*1 hy IN' Tnlane bova.

44' J. Swraln's Uosd Show la wintering here f*ir the winter.

F4irm«w tlovermw David R Franela. of Mis »<wiri, will talk hert' ls'fi>n' th*' Progressive Union, taking his subject Th*' Panama E\|xisttl<in.

Mr. Isaac IVIgatlo, New Orleans’ gnuit jdil laiilhr<M*l»t h"» given the City I’srk $l.’M’,<k’o wHh which I.’ tniild an .4rt Mnw'um.

Cix'si-ent Park, tlretns. La., nnth'r th« nian- air*wiient of Billy .'Myles, will s)x'n Mspili 27. with vaisVi'vlIb'. moving pieinpes. music ami daiK'tng Manager !<t.vles Is fixing the place ifii nl<•^'I,r.

.4 monster Ivnefit wlil he given at the Tn- hine tor the Actors' Fnn*I Fair T. C. (Nmp- tiell. manager *»f the Tnlane and ('res^-ent. is

ft'rings of the year. In the remaining few w*'*'ks of the pri-wnt season, much is In store, as Olga Netherwoie. John Drew. Henry Miller, .4deline Gent'e and others will be seen here. 44'llh tlie balmy days alix'ady setting In we are IsKsaiilng mixli lnter>'ste»l In onr summer parks, ami a visit h’ th«'m last week found a vast army I’f meehanies busy rebuilding all of them. At Foert'st Park Highlands, Suburban Ganlen ami I>>'lmar Garden the immense new riding de¬ vices and han<ls<imc concession bniidlngs are rapl<Ily m-aring eompletlon. and the first of May will fiml St. Louis with the finest set of amumx ment parks in the United States. The same comiltlon exists in East St. Louis, where the most extensive Improvements are being made In I.ansiiowne Park by Manager Hugh Morrison. We ksd: for a big summer among amusements In St. Ixmls. and kmuxing the ready response always given to things of worth, most of this vast Invx'stnx'nt ami improvement will be paM •’ff ere the fall of 1910 Is ciost'd. Tlie week has b.'en very quet theatrically, and with Holy Week next, large rxx-elpts are not looked for, th*’ugh none of our vlsltere have lost money.

Tile north end of the clt.v was Ire ted to a novt'Ity tills wts'k in the ojiening of the Clrxle Tis'atrx'. It Is the largi'st canvas theatre in the clt.v. being 60x100 fm't without a center pole, ami the largi'st tent showing motion plc- Din's. It has a seating capacity of 1.600. and Manager Jim Gabriel, on •’penliig night at two sh<*ws park<yi in l.iVtl aiFnilsslitne. .Mr. Hen¬ ning, hla partner, was the ois'rator. and they have plcke<l up a geM mine for the summer. The tent was hullt for rtiiun hv The St. Ixails Tent. Awning and Fish Net rv.'. and Is a mas- teri’lece ef tent hiithling. Mr. Gabriel has Im- nw'nse arc lights in front, and flags of all nations around the entire tent giving it the ai’pi'arams' of a mammoth circus tent. The wrhole liiea is m'vel and catchy. an<i with the excel¬ lent service in pictures ami vauderll'e. he baa not had a hislng night since the opening, and states that with a e<’ntlnnatloii of the present business, he will have his lnv*xitmi'nt cleared at the eml of the pn'sent week.


ty G(x>cl Attractions and Box

Office Receipts Corresponding.

Gra<w Van Studdlford. in The Golden Butter¬ fly. appeared at the Brandeis 11-12. to fair business. It was one of the best singing ami most elaborately onstumed organizations seen here this season.

Beverl.v of Graustark mafle Tts si'eond ap pearanoe for the season at the Kmg, 10 11, and pleaeed large audlen*'es.

The Wm. Grew Company presimted Is Mar rlage a F'allure at the Knig, 12. to fair busl ness.

Fred Hatfield, of Campludl Bros.’ Sliow. wa.s in Clmaha the past week on business connected with the show. The sesson will open early In April, ami every thing is in reaillnesse at winter quarters.

The Servant in the House, at the Brandeis 13-17, to fair business. The play was well received.

The Isle of Splee seems to have lost none of its popularity, judging from the large nud leneea that attended the Kmg the past wj-ek to see the produotlnn, which was well pn' sented by a aplen<lld company.

The Brandeis has boi’ked a splemlld line of attractions for the balance of the season, among them: The Fair Cki-Ed.. The Servant in the House, Mias Patsy. Margaret Anglin, peorge Arllss. Such a little Queen. TTie Merry AVIilow Mrs. Fiske, Mclnt.vre and Heath, fhas. B. Han¬ ford. Digs Nethersoie and Otis Skinner.


\V!ils.,nvl||,. nlll lia«i' a m-n ojx'ra house to •••nl I iNMi sMd fully ei|nli>|s>d to handle all

■•«.1 sIsiMa that travel rallfornla. Til.. I,aiiiliardl I’ls'ra <'*>nipany Intemi pefnrn

• ng to San F>anolse*> as s<s>ii as they are fltiiahtsl with Ih.'lr Northern IsHiklnga. and ar*' due here 'n April,

The iiiaiiagemeiit «if the Wlgaatn Theatre ae ••need the righta for the first showing of the Nel<s>n W*ilgast fight plctim's They sere adii<'il to the regular hill March l.l. and dix'W Im •nense honses

12 X li e Billboard MARCH 26. 1910.

ISSfKK WKKKI.Y. atMl ait Secou.l Uasa Mail Matt.r at INwt Offipo, rinrlnuatl. Ohio.

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Saturday, March *26, 1910.

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The Uniform and the Theatre. Sentiment plays an Important role In the lives of most people. Fortunate

Is he who reverences things good and true which make for the best things in

life and high living. To honor one's parents is scarce less obligatory than to

honor one’s country. To respect the laws and the guardians of our liberty

is imperative in this country of law and order.

In America, the “land of the free,” where practical men deal with most

subjects in a practical manner, sentiment is far from dead, but much of the

maudlin and subservient is relegated to those of other countries whose wor¬

shipful attitude Ls hardly in keeping with progressive ideas and the assertive¬

ness of intelligent freemen.

Recently, the management of Chase’s Theatre, Washington, D. C., it is

charged, refused to admit to that house, enlisted men of the army, navy and

marine corps, in uniform. Thereupon a great tempest was raised, and the

action of the assistant secretary of the navy department was sought, not

because the flag had been flred on, not because some insult or indignity had

been offered the nation, but because of the .same hysterical obsession which

possesses such people as Representative Heyburn, who sought to wave the

bloody shirt in the National House of Representatives a while back, and was

treated to contemptuous silence of his colleagues. Such people seek to

parade their patriotism for self-glorification. Few are deceived by the pre¬

tence, and most good citizens turn their heads away In disgust.

Manager Chase is to be commended for withstanding threats of revoca¬

tion of his license, and such action would give rLse to general indignation and

possible complications. The reason assigned by that gentleman for refusing

admi.ssion to the men In uniform commends Itself to every theatre proprietor,

whose capital is invested in the business. “It is.” says he. “the rule and

regulation put into practice In this theatre, as well as every other recognized

fir.<t-clas.s theatre in the country that only persons In civilian citizen’s dress

are either sold tickets or given admission to the boxes and orchestra, or

first floor. This does not apply to soldier, sailors and marines any more

than to war nurses, hospital nurses, letter carriers, policemen, railroad men.

the Salvation Army, football, baseball and golf players. It is not a question of

patriotism, nor of alleged insult to uniform, but simply a matter of good

taste and propriety of dress for place and occasion. • • •••The

play is the thing, and the attention of the audience should not be distracted

by the appearance of persons in the seats, conspicuous by reason of their

exceptional dress. There is no per.son wearing any sort of uniform but that

is permitted to change to citizen’s dress, and therefore no hardship is placed

upon any one by the requirement that he or she dress as do the great

majority of their fellow human beings who seek amusement and recreation

at the theatre.”

The foregoing will not commend itself to the minds of those whose per¬

sonal ambitions and love of the noise that sounds like patriotLsm are enthralled

with sensational glamour, but doubtless will be sufficient to convince those

good Americans who count and are worth while.

The Decay of Vaudeville. Under the above caption The American Magazine, In its current issue,

arraigns the vaudeville stage of to-day, claiming It to be In a stage of

decadence, having departed from the good old days, before organized variety

entertainment under the general name of vaudeville was known.

In proof of Its contention, it goej? on to cite the cases of s«-veral ques¬

tionable acts which have, unfortunately, been permitted to disgrace the

boards, and emphasizes them as typical cases of decadence. As It takes

“more than one swallow to make a spring,” so the lack of greater corrobor¬

ative testimony really leaves the allegations to fall almost of their own

weight. It may be admitted that some objectionable acts find their way into

the bu.sines.s. It Ls conceded that there arc some artists of other

days who tlo not find the same welcome with vaudeville audiences that

greeted them in the long ago. but that the present high standard of the

bu.sine.'is is not a wonderful advance on the quality of production.s of years ago.

Ls unbelievable, and the critic should get a better vlewiioint, where there are

fewer angles to his vi.sion.

It is probably unnecessary, and will be considered a bit of gratuitous

information when we cite tlie present perfect organization of vaudeville

Interests, making possible the payment of high salaries to artl.sts of the very

first rank. That men and women of the highest hi.strionic ability and personal

standing now do not oonsi«ler it beneath their dignity to aiipear on the vaude¬

ville stage. That without the high quality of offerings at such theatres it Is

possible that professional amusements would fiml them languishing, without

the vaudeville backbone to give strength to certain weaknesses known to the

business in general and some of the outside public. It Is asserted with confi¬

dence, that filth and slapstick methods are no longer demanded upon the

reputable circuits, which comprise the vast majority of open houses. It

would be possible, if space permitted, to enumerate hundreds of productions

made within the last year or two. which for artistic conception, sweetness

of story and purity of teaching have never been equaled upon any stage, in

any period. Can the critic point to any earlier era of which the same can

be said ?

New Era for Press Agents. It would appear, from familiarity with the matter ground out by preiii!i

agents that a new era is dawning for them. All their tricks have become

hackneyed, and the more alert managers are now demanding adherence to

the probabilities. The gullibilities of the public have been so much imposed

upon in the past that the conventional yarn about .stolen Jewels, milk baths

and infinite other novelties originated in the early days of press agency as a

profession, are now devoid of the sensationalism that was the only excuse for

their inception.

The press agent who would now exploit the attraction with which he

Ls identified must go back to first principles; his stuff must be “straight” and

.egltlmate.” Newspapers Join with managers in enforcing this cunditlim.

and they, furthermore, seem to have reached a tacit agreement that the

pros.s agent’s own personality is of no especial interest to the reading and

(incidentally) the theatre-going public.

Time was when a Tody Hamilton could enlist the Interest of the public

for his attraction by filling newspaper space with talk about himself—the

peculiarity of his clothes, the eccentricity of his diet—but that time has


Probably It has passed because the originators of this style have them¬

selves pa.ssed from the public eye. and imitators can never successfully

clothe themselves with the glory of those they ape.

However that may be, the successful press agent of to-day Ls the one

who keeps himself in the background. It Is he. also, who, knowing his audi¬

ence, strives not for the semsational as it was known to his predecessors.

His "stuff” has the ring of truth and .stands the test of the acid of scrutiny.

Grand Opera for the Masses. A tempest seems to have been started by Milton and Sargent Aborn in

their suggestion to the city of New York that they be allowed to build an

opera house on the city’s property in Central Park—a that howls an

equal amount of and condemnation, for the widest variety of opinion.**

have been expressed by the pre-ss. As soon as the news was made public

that Messrs. Aborn had offered to build, at their own a temple of

music for the ma.sses, where school children would be admitted absolutely

free, the city authorities to have five thousand seats per week to distribute

gratis In other quarters, while nominal prices were to be charged to the

general public to defray running expenses only, a number of New York dallies

announced the proposition with large headings in their news columns and

then proceeded to comment upon It. pro and con. In their editorial pages.

In any other country than America, this plan would not be con.sldered

remarkable, for it la only a modification of the system of supplying grand

opera to both the cla-sses and the masse.s In all the larger cities of Europe,

where the opera houses are sut»8ldlzed by the government, and the presenta¬

tion of this art form is supported by the municipal or national treasuries.

However, in America, the land of the free, grand opera Is anything but

free, and has to “go it alone.” depending upon the patronage of the general

public or the caprice of society. That it thrives so well in this country under

these conditions is remarkable, and gives a d*-clslve denial to the oft-repeated

but false statement that Europeans are more appreciative of the higher class

of music than we are.

Complaints Well Directed. If those who are forever railing against the sins of the railroads as

affecting the amusement profession would devote the same degree of energy

to a consistent effort at their elimination, the causes of the clamor woubl In

time be greatly diminished, if not entirely eliminated.

Here Ls what a general agent of a carnival company recently accom¬

plished; M. T. Clark complained to the railroad commissioners of the State

of Kansas that his two hill trunks and two electrotype trunks were receiving

such rough handling by railroad employes that the S. W. Rrundage Carnival

Attractions, with which he was employed, were suffering a constant and

entirely unnecessary

The causes of his complaint were Immediately Investigated by the com¬

mission and within two days orders were lssue<l from the general offices of

all railroads operating In Kansas which served to put an end to "baggage

.smashing” as It had been practiced In that State.

Mr. Clark had previously complained to the railroad officials and to the

baggage men themselves without result. As soon as he carried his grievance

to the fountainhead of authority the abuse was stopped.

His plan might bo profitably emulated by many who complain promis¬

cuously and without effect.

13 march 26, 1910. Xtie Billboard

WITH SINGERS AND PUBLISHERS Notes of the Week Pertain¬

ing to Songs and the Singers of Them


\ii •■'■••lit III IIk- |l•t.>lllHrlIlllJ{ of • i>^> »•■>. l•lo•lk'lll Hlioiit liiot "•-••I, at tb** Aiiwr ‘ I III .'lin*l<' Mall III Ibo l'roff»»li«ii«l Hiaiic l‘'ili

•foiil*-»l. "hlrli »aa truly a war of Hi** I ... af^Hi'a ai»iitf with a l.'fta) (irll**' at , >iaki- .Ml tlx- ua-ll kiX'Wii niiixir |>iibllabera till t'lilt ait'i "•■rf nniriwi-nliil l>jr at»l<- iMiiiitatiTa. wtio i r. lali-tt-al tlu*lr ii'HiiU'ra In a tniwt catcby atyl«-. | l:••u>■ tlTfa-n a|>|M'ar>‘<l aa a >iir|irlM. to tbe aixl ^ IriKv, for hla na«ir ilbl not a|>|M-ar on tbx Hat of I omtcatanla. Ilia n'tMlIllon waa ao rl«»»«Tljr ami lalxitially olTi-r<nl tliat In- waa atiplaualial lai atronidy that It waa a liii-uloiit fart that hla xaiK. Kina of tlir Itniittabai, waa drwtlmal to hr tlir wlniwr of tin- raintrat. Mr llottrm. man- ait'T of tbi- tniiair hall, aaw In tirnr a itraw ina ran] not oftmi foumi In a aoua la^nilaiitrr. anil ! baa mailr bitu a ■•brniaiirnal olT>-r to alna at tbr ' Xlualr llall rrrry wcdt aial aii|>|>ly taxirab arr* '

!•▼ to iwaairr hla a|i{a-arau<'r at rai'h |a"rfonnaiM'r. j for hr •mt*Ttaliia tlir |>alron>i of hla own rbratrr. , ilw tlrtn, l<a'al«xl at .'tilth atm-t ami Oittagr iJrovr aT*miir Tlir Miiatr lloimi. of Iiaiwiniilr | r.-rtalnly attalnril a wlnnlna |ailnt In tbr < . by aiiairlna tbr arrTl<-rw of Mr. llrn-n for hr I •'•aiKI rlilr any aona thnaiab (Hibllr illaa(>|>roTal

• ml •>ul Into tlir lli’lil of atirrraa 'Tlir Sunllftbt Miiair Oompany llliitninattal tlx'lr

«.an am-f^aa. Trnnrwwrr. with the wtmntt. rlrar ti*nra of fliaa. K. Ilay'a roirr. wbrnir tvmlltlo'i waa krrnly ap|>iv<-lat<al.

Uilaaiitha Ktillrr aanit Tilf Ymir Foot .ai tbr ] Soft. Soft r<><lal In tbr Intmnt of Harry Von Tllirr. Mlaa Pullrr’a rfiarartrrisatlona aibhal matrrtally to tbr mwrrawi of tbr numbrr ami \ (almwl for hrr a hrarty ai^laiwr from tbr <■•► tirir of Motviay aftmuaw. I

Tnl Snytlrr'a Mrwmrrixloir Mrmli-lawohn Turn- j waa clr'-rrly lnt«^>rrtnl by Jran Jiin-mlr.

Tbr Victor Kntnrr rom|>any withdrew thrlr natnr from the contrwt.

Jrromr II. Ibsnick waa ably n-pr»twmtral by krthiir Rrllln alnjrlnit I'll Makr a KInit .knaiml Ibwir


Ted Itamm. oiatMirrr of the M. Wltmark mu- ale h'aiar, (Wrarntral l.on la-erer tbr Nrw York tinor. an tblr heailllner of tbr rerular w*«rkly bill at tbr <'liih«ir Club laat wiwk. who fraturrw To tbr Knd of tbr World WItb You. tbr artwnltiKly •■Terlaatinc balla<l. Mlaa Vlra Rthrlla. a wrll- known prima donna, ami Mlaa llrltm M<wr»n alw' •■ntrrtalned. ami were romp«-llral to reapond to many rm-orra. Alt>«rthrr the rntertaltmirnt waa rotial onr of the brwt of fbr a«-aaon.

♦ Caro K.wna waa a welcome caller at the of-

llwa i>f M Wltmark ami Smin laat wrrk. She .lro(i|Ma| In oi hrr war fn»n San Praoclaco to N'.w York with «<-Teral nrw maniiacrlpta. which are aabl to la- rr»'n iwtter than anmr of her re •■rnt aiircaMia<H«. aiich aa Krwlrnatbm. Failrr Roar ••tr. Her latent rlTort. whirh la ahrrwdy brfnit fciinr all oTCT the country, la callral In tbr Car •Irn of Mr Heart.

♦ Mlaa May Fllnorr am) Ipror Jrrmon. who ap-

paarra) at the Majratic Theatre laat wrrk. and who are atlll on the Otphrawn time, are nalnir a medley of Wltmark'a niimbrm comprialnr I Tniat My Hnaband .knywherr. Juat bw a Olrl, and Tie Y'n«ir IJttle Rnll Ontalde It la nrrdlrna to way that they are cmtupelled to rrwpoml to nnmerona rncorra at eT«T7 i>erfonnancr.

♦ •kmoiut the man.y callera at the Hmiar of

fbrlato(ibrT. rrportlnK auccraa with numbem from their rataloaur are: The Troy Comnly I'Vair. Y’<am* and Phelpa. Traak and Oladdrn. I'ellrflrld TVIo, Sylvia W<*aton. Ball ami Mar- ahall. Tlie Star r<air. S<«nr Quartette. I.eroy and niatnond Beanie Babb, .kntb^y ami Bernier and TTie tVmrlii'ni Quartette

♦ Mlaa .kanra Mahr. who will ahortly be a«a-n

the tlrpheum Circuit In h<T new dinrlnit m>Te|. ty. calk'd Captain Fluff, la featuring Tempta¬ tion Baa foy her Plernd number, and I'aaldy W'aa a Crand l>kl Man, a atlrrln* march ••n». Mlaa Mahr created a aenaatloo at the Majentle "nieatre. Milwaukee, laat week.

♦ Mlaa Katherine Martin the novelty aln*er. In

meetlnj with nii'h aiicceaa at the Bmpire Tht'a. tre. Montfonwry, .kla.. f<>wturlnic Bob Whltr'a Uteat bit. ca11e<! rrery Ctrl 1 Oot the Other Fellow StaHila.


To wbian all iierformers refer to aa ••Jimmy." When "all the performers” Is said It U not piitliiiK it atr'ini;, either. fi>r when it comes to being on the job all the time, be has a bat¬ ting avi-rage of 100 |>er cent. Mr. Sumner is actively coanected with Will Roaslter. the Clil- cagu music publiaber, and to a large extent the success of that house may be attrlbutevl to hla .vggreaaive efforts. It Is Sumner's boast that be never “loees" an act, a^ the fact that his w'Wk is in singing evidence all the time bears out bla claim.

I Mortlmore Sisters, who have been headliners at all of Boyle's hotiscw In Chicago, are singing My Caroline There Is Something Fascinating

I .kbout the Moon, ami You're All Right if You I Have the Money, as are also Arnold. Williams I and IHincan. wbo are billed The IVkin Trio.

♦ I Sylvia Weston Is featuring Ted Snyder's big

hits. Ogalalla. Mendelssohn Tune, ami Sweet I Marie. IHnce a Rag Time Dance Wtd Me. Miss

Weston was formerly featured with seviTal of the burlesqtie shows ami was formerly known as ‘"Ihe Girl from California.”

♦ TInney and Adamson, who op.*msl recently on

the Webster time, write that they are scoring the hit of their career with TTxanpson's new pit a put song, calletl Rlick Eyes. Good En<nigh foe Me. another Thom^ison nnmbee. Is the one big hit of the JoIIv Comedy Four's repertoire.

* The Hawaiian B<->ys' Quartette. The Harmony

Four, are featuring To the Eml of the World i With Y'ou. Shaky E.v<>s. Tie Your I.lttle Bull ! Bnfside. ami Ev'ry Bay. all publl-Vhed by Wit-

mark amt Sons.

♦ Pat Brew. Hebrew. Italfan ami coon shouter.

I writes that Boh White’s Come Right In. Sit I Right Down, and Make Ymirself at Home Is go I Ing great for him at Mmnphls, Tenn.. this week, i

Lord and Meek, presenting a comedy sketch, write that Oh. Y'ou Jeffrie# Is their winner all

I up and down the Coast. This same song is cre- ] ating a riot at every pecfopmance at the Star I A Garter right here In Chicago. Bob White Is

surely lucky and Justly proud in being the pub¬ lisher of this song.

♦ Wltmark reports much success with the beauti¬

ful Irltto ballad called For KUlamey and You. which was written by J. Brandon Walsh and Miss Louise Teasdale.

Bessie Browning, the clever impersonator and mimic. Is at the Family Theatre, Rock Islaml. and reports tbat Mendelssohn Tune Is the great¬ est ami biggest hit Mie has ever used.

♦ Miss Mae Melbane Is featuring with great sne

cess Ernest .Ball’s song. The Boor of Hope. This Is ope of the greatest songs of Its klml since The Holy nty.

♦ The School Bays Cempsny. which played the

National last week. Is feitnrlng Harry Von TUier’a Ylddlsdia Rag.

•!» Shapiro will pviMIsh shortly Walsh and O’Bri¬

en's new simg. called the Yoilllm and Zulu Rag.

Also a Few Items About Those Who Provide

The Songs


Miss Emma Cams la featuring cme of the Ted Snyder Music Co.’s latest hits. Call Me I’p Some Rainy Afternoon. It has b«H?ome very popular Mnce Miss Caras introduced It In The -Motor Girl.


Call me up some rainy afternoon. I’ll arrange for a quiet little spoon. Think of the Joy and bliss: We can hug and we can—talk abemt the weather. We can have a quiet little tal-k. I will see that mother takes a walk. .Mum's the word when we meet; Be a Mason, don't repeat. .\ngel eyes—are you wise?—good bye.

♦ The Morning After the Night Before, one of

Helf ami Hager's latest successes. Is being featured by Lew Dorkatader.


The morning after the night before; flee, wbiz! but don’t your head feel sore? You grab your water pitcher, and you let the

water pour. The morning after the night before.


May Irwin has Just paid $1,000 for a song which she thinks so well of she doesn’t want it sung by anybody but herself. It Is called My Wife, Brlclget. and It’s going to be a part of the entertainment known as Mrs. Jim, sched¬ uled for production by Llebler A Co.. In a cou¬ ple of weeks.

Mia# Irwin bought the »ong outright from the composer, Irving Berlin.

♦ Norton and Nicholson, the well-known comic

opera stars, have accepted s limited numlW of weeks on the Wm. Morris Circuit, before going Into one of the big summer productions. They were at the American Music Hall last waek, where Mr. Nicholson scored with Alfred Sol- man’s new comic S4)ng, Follow the Oar Track#.

♦ Miss Annabelle Whitford scored a big bit at

Hammersteln’s last week with her feature song, entitled, Betty, the Latest Olrl, In which she portrays Miss Nell Brinkley’s original crea¬ tion. Betty, which appears daily In the New York Evening Journal.

♦ I Rich and Rich, at the Savoy Theatre, Syra- - cuse, N. Y., have added Chris Smith’s comic

coon song. Come After Breakfast, to their rep- i ertolre of com«>dy numbers. They tell us that i this song never falls to get an encore at each i performance.

♦ i Ijiwrle and Aleen. at Poll’s New Haven The

atre. And I’m Not 'Hist Kiwi of a Girl and If the Wind Had Only Blown the Other Way, the hit of tbelr act. These songs are without doubt the soubpettes’ songs of the season.

♦ 'The WIMIam# Slaters are making the hit of

their career with Ballard Macdonald and S. R. Henry's novelty song. I’ve Got the Time. I’ve Got the Place, but It’s Hard to Get the Girl.

♦ The Belmonts have introdwed Arthur J. I.4imb

I and S. R. Henry's new march ballad The Wreck 1 of the Good Ship. Love, In their comedy musical

act, using this number as a duet for cornets.

I ♦ Miss Sophie Tucker Is meeting with great s»ic-

I cess with that well-known rag hit. That Loving - Soul Kla#. Mis# Tucker #aya It Is good for , repeated encores; In short, a riot.

♦ Etta Hastings Is meeting with great sucees#

on the Poll Cirenit with Joe Morris’ well-known ballad. 1 Am Longing for To-Morrow When I Think of Yesterday.

••» James Kelly, of the Herald Square Quartette.

' Is featuring -with great snceeas 1 Am Ix>ngtng I for To-Moirtw When I Think of Yesterday.

♦ I Miss Lillian Shaw has added another sure I Are In her repertoire, entitled Irish Rag.



• tVaitIniMsI fnmi page S.)

It'»usl-w- Fle'dlng sill Malicl Van. who npenni l.-tat so-k III iTilcago. tisA an unerpecteil Jump •o Mlln-Riik<-e, fnim where they Jimrneyeil to •’leM-Iitu 1, where they play the liipiMsIrocne next ”' ek .\n aceoiint of their new set. <*sll«sl TTie < sshtiT, iriii foiiwl umhT new arts,

♦ Mr. thaa. Rerkell, manag>-r of th<- kmericsu

'liisir Hall, at Davenport, and Mr. William IVa iM *" bolKIIng a new theatre at Zanew

vHle. B.. were the guests of Mr. Matthews, tl#' w •"•tern re]in-#entatlve of the Wm. Morris Inc., last week.

♦ Harr and Relne. the meswngcr boy ami the

I'laiMi Aeml. are on Ihe Western lime, •us-stlng a nanu* Tiw lhisn#elves whieh means miieh for tle-lr Murr hooking. AI th«‘ Gayety. Smith Chi- '■■go, last areek. they f<»>k Ihe hootirs aa laugh t^lncora, and came cKiae to being the hit of the bin.

♦ rmii.y H»lmi-a hiat one theatre ami ssimsi two

last eei-k TTie r<ilonla1. at ,\s|ila'x1. Kv t'lirm-d to the grmind. Init while inonrnins this

lisui. Mr Holmes o|M>noil the Park TTieatre. at ErWv Pa., amt Ihe Grs'xl Theatre, at Cohamlais. ■ O.

••• I<-w Welsh ami Co opened last week on the

Sullivan and Conahllne time at their Winnliw* hmiae. Rlee and Prevost were to have opemsi there also. Nit owing to Inpirle# to Prewost. they opened at the Duluth hmiae.

’’’he CoInmNis Tliestri' will he hmiki-d hy Frank Q. Boyle, starting this wmdi. sml If the Trocs ilero is p«‘rmltle<I to i^ien It will also he a Itoyle Nnise The Trocstlero has N'en eon •lemni'd as nn.aafe.

♦ MIsa B f Schimisn will op«>n s new aet

portly on the Unllml. booking only In eon Junction with Mr. Colton, who has made sudi a name ^>^ hlmwlf as a society entertainer.

<•> A. .\mleraon. wN' has charge of Little lllp.

Is lying aick In the hoapltal at Mlimeapolla. with a severe attack of typhoM fever.

♦ ■kllen Summers ha* a new art and |s appear

itiff on the W V .\.. which will bring him to riilciigo nithin the next threa weeks.

Jake Stcrn.-id wi'l be the nqircs<-nfafIve of the I Wi-eltui WN-el next ,vear. j


iContlniK'd from page .1.1

fashion plate. Neatness shows the caliber of an ag<'nt. It costs lltle to wear a clean collar.

; to hare shoes shined, and It nieana much not I only to the agent but to the attraction he ; represents. There’s many a manager and critic ! been Imbued without a good won! or least bit

of eonAdence for the worth of the attraction 1 that a carelessly III dressed agent represented. I Many of them. Agents should also cnltlrate

observation. It trains the mind, quickens the sense# and forms a very valuable asset. It give#

. him the power of knowing things. Some agents j go about so heedlessly that they never watch

what Is going on about them at all. Concentra- j tion Is amdher point that must not be over- ' looked. Some agents I have met are prone to i let their mind ran away on one thing when they I are apeaking something else. Majority of them

allow their minds to drift on the ”glrl question” and don’t seem to think that miceees depends

I on doing one thing at a time and doing that one thing well. Many an agent has also lost

I a golden mmortunlty by not remembering the I name of the critic or managing editor or

oltv editor at s er tleal time. That ’’remem berlng the name.” Is a great asset. It mn«t be developed. In some respects we are all created equal and can have these gifts If we hot exercise dillgenee. The bugliear of doubt has kept more agents down thnn most anything else I can think of. When a Arm employs voii it 1* becanse they have faith In you. When yon apply for a position yon certainly should have faith In yourself. If yon bare no faith In yonrself how can you expect others to have faith In yon? Be loyal to yourself and your employer# by doing snob thing# as will promote your own Interests and theirs. And don't for¬ get this great big point that Is coming to the issue more and more every day and that Is: "Be honest enough with editors and critics to represent thing# exaetl.v as they are.” No ’’story” or ”ent” Is proAtahle unless It Is pr-nAtahle to both sides. .knd as a closing point for your personal self. "Traetlce eeonom.v. save something.” TTie wealthv managers of this conntry have given us examoles of th's. SO.


Miss Minnie Ferguson Nell ami hiirhand. Ear! L. Nell have cloemi a most #u>-cessful seri-n months’ engagement with the Mnlestlc Stock Company at Grand Junction. fV-lo.. and are taking a rest and visiting the form»T’s father In Colorado Springs


14 X e B i 1113 o a r d MARCH 26, 1910.

* T T acrli-iiltuM*. lH)rtlrnItiirc, afTonutatloD, aimrt ami I to thf iIlKliiim-xt aato by th«* imanlM- of tti«‘ Rain I ■ ■ 1^1 I ■■ ■ 1^1 tiHliiiiR. alinK-ulation. iiilm'a and iiiftalliirRy, | It will liriiiR tht-iii. Kvi>n WIiiIit h ><miiik wife, B ^\. # I ^ d«-<<irution and rurnlHlilUR. t•'XtiI<'a. rliftnical In- »h<> (laa fiaintl caiia*" In hla iiiiralthfiiliwMi l<i

^ ^ dnulrb-ji, varbniH trad<-H and liainlirrartH, aoclal w*-k a dUi«nv w-til<*li mailil kill bU rliHiii-** of ••foiKiiiiy. (idonlzatlun ami arniaiiK'iit. I iv rh-i-tlon to l‘arllanii>nt. I* hIIimm>-<I by a

CT _ l'> tli** oiitil<K.r aiiins.«itU‘nt aide I tiir.‘at to dhtilRo an IntrlRiio of h.T ..wn, Tli.- 1 ne /\ngl0-japanese Lxnibltion. it U dittl<'nlt to aay aa yi-t wIicMut tlii-r* win dlrm-tors IiikmIw inkcil and brlla'.! l.v WIiiI.t'h . W • 1 I'l f I obaiiRo from pr. vlona years. I'tr tbe I plansible |.rc«iilMs, liava yIel.U-d asM-nt to the

/\ vjrand CaUlirnol 1 heatre tor 1 on- '*"* shows worth sjM-aklnB i hhU-, mm- on nm of isanitlotbai when the 6 alx.iit have Uen those lniis>rtisl from .Mne!;ca. | -lenth man, " K*«h1, bars the wav. He has

J„ri_VIoiirrkm’c I atoct ' that of will m aRtln f|„t Winter has np the QOn nomCrSCl iviaugnam S l..ai6Sl -..-en this year, l.nt it m.t S“»m rear mlnliiR shares by pIrrIi.r the market with th.>

PARIS to Ak .vi*t wiieMjiT lUi r* wm luKMluinkiM aiuI UrlUM l»v WliiitT’n I r; !.• c 'I'L’ \ ♦» from pnvlou»» yoar#. Tor tlie 1 pUuMblo pniiniMH. have yloliUnl aiiM>nt Ut thoirCW iNOVClllCS r>een 1 nlS Week OH »na th*‘ only nhi^wn worth s;M‘akini; i hhU*. now tin* ••vo of I'tanpUMloii whoii the | i t t i\ en tIniM* iin|H»rtMl from .\in»*?,oa. “tenth man.'* K«aN!. t^ara the wat. H»‘ Iimh I np ijOarflS Here i 37 Ferrer that iiH.Kt of timse will a^eln that Winter luia iMkUi^nil up the! * l><>ciru> I ILIC I I CrrCf,

-ikely Failure.

I.l. iutep-'t In out.I.M.r amusements this y.-ar :ii tills little vlllaRe w-|ll

-..en tills year, but It m.t s“>m e’ear mlnliiR shares by rtRRlliR the market with the [ ‘w.-aln’e wli. th.-r we are to see any Jai.aiieso ainiis.- pnssssls ..f Is.ihIs to him f..r .l.‘is.sli L'aUgnltr OI Oj)din S U.XetUieCl I\eV ni.-iits over her.-. It may Is- that 1 >'•>’ have ,, u,p ami Piw.I .I.M-llm.s is.tiit blank t.i Is- • . . . .. .||

’’wlVieh r write" miel" '* * * eiKiseiit I HR part} III aldliiR or aU-tlliiR this dls olutlOniSt, I laVS Camille, n|Miii which I iH.iK to writ, lat.r. Iwaiest transaction. In vain Winter bluffs. plea.U, ; ^

4. I lnipl.R>-s btm to yield, but K.n-.I Is a.lamanl. ,

We hav.- ha.I r..iM.rts here of Alfr.-d j rl'i'7 r* f . _ . 1 ms lett.-r will Is- a history ..f whaf .ie«l with reesrd to the -rontiH the worlH "«■ ‘’‘."lb ■"<1 « I>HroX.VI<m ..f paS I I ... .. _

We have ha.I rejMirts here of Alfred

tne oaiia. ami r'a^.i .i.M'iin..s is.ini iiiana i.i is- ■ , . • .. .|l

iMisentliiR party In al.lliiR »r aU-itluR this dls olutlOniSt, 1 laVS Camille, est transaction. In vain Winter bluffs. plea.U, | •' >l.R>-s him to yield, l.nt K<.r.I U a.lamant. , ■ninally Wlnt.M- r.alUes that It Is no r..h1. y .ims letter will U- . hU t tiK* KAUio is Up, aihI in a pHroxynm of pAs I I # i* fp t i into 4l<^|»erHtton. iiuM'klnK his wifo us dio I I I ooiim*. i lu ArrAiii. IS him with a taunt that Im* will loavo hihr I A I *’“|**** P**^**,.^**. *

I I aroumi the Krvat Japanese Ex- Itutfs ihal with ro^rani to tho “round the world , * , t P^roxjwu of pas liihiiioii which is to be held at the" but somehow no one puts a (fieat deal ! t V. >"<»<'klnK his wife us i4o'

HtmiSil 'Vhili- City this summer. Incident- of lb It. The ^ceueral lmpr-*SHion Is i i "*’* .^*"* that Iw will Ww her ally afit'r th*^ terrible exi^erience of that It amounts to little more than an un- h«*r U»Tex. nislw's from ibc nsun la-t y. ar. everyone is praying that derstanding to exchange b4‘tw»M*n the Butt l>e I ^ .V » .

we shall have at least one or two tine days this Fn^ct* combination in England and the Oriiheum Altlumgh lnt»*r«‘silng enough In a way. tls

T' \ Ills lelt« r will Is* a hial<»rj of what'a I.. cum.-. I'm afraid. .VnlhlDR new has cum.- lu |.asa s.> far this wrvk

sBV Ki.-rythluR la allll In the futur*— |<sl In tin* way ..f new prisluc, a» I't waste tiincb time ..n ih.-m.

tloiis have been laid under tribute and even that such an arranR. ni. nt would be welcome.! Ihe r..«t of the oempany are excellent, hut I I Vhl ..i. . i m Cl.l lo is. verv the i.rinclpal t.-mi.les which contain so many U‘re be<-anw‘ It would act as ch.-cC on the |K)w-- .baibt If the play lts.-If Is R.sal en.aiRh to U>l.l \ir Chari... works of art have Riven of their beat, erful M.m«s .St.dl eomhlnatlon. Thla of course la out many b*n*es of sm-cess. ” ' ^ 7^“““ The Japan, se collet-tor never dreama In the subject to the llkellhoo.1 of the latter In the * Tca'^ I. 1 i7.c, .h.^ ..r.llnary way. of exhibiting hU valued poa- event of the succ.‘sa of the Butt arrangement * '/*• Cl.^hC’ hi» ha.m. C »I.*'^h\ s.sslou in i.ublic. tine or two may lie bung, neg<.tlatlng with, say, William .Morris to coun ^h'me w.ssks ago I wp.le on the atibj..ct "‘’'I',.i",, J*'. '’T but 111.- r.-st ar.- withdrawn from their ai.lken t.-ract It. But lu any case we are aceptiral "f “b.H:us manag.Hii.-ut" in regartl to tliealrea. i ‘ wrappings only on s|.eclal occasions and then her.- as to the chance" of any scheme of this In returning to It. I h.n« n*. a|K.l.>gy Is !”*’* un.ier lue only for the rev. p-nt examination of th.ww> w-U. kind ever U-coming a living fact. We have Uxwuse It is a burning question over Iwre at ! * iri,in. are c-rtain to appreciate them. The Idea of heard so much of them In the past an.l the I th»‘ motuent, and It la we that affects tlie pr.s , , .....p semliiig ili.'se a.-riws the seas to a foreign failure of I.ayfayette’a rec'nt attemi* to bring fession w-.«-ld wide. : I.A KI.AMME

.siiiiitry Is (h.-p-f.«-e one of the greatest lunova- William Morris, Tom Barrasfor.1, Harry Kick- An extr..mely flagrant case whl.di hia Just .«•- S.Hue years ago. an Italian young man. having tools that even Japan has inaugurated. and aome continental halls Into an ar- | curred tier., baa .Irawn the attentbn of every- .sinclud.-d hla studies of law- lu the Spanlah

111.- Japaiies.' .'Xbiblt will iuclude not only raugement of thla klud la so fresh In our minds . laie towar.l the matter. A we,.k «r two ago! rnivertliv at Ib-uii.M Atrea Imar.I.M a liner paintings but sculpture, architectural models, that we want to a.-e the thing in existence be- la Mr. Ilobert Hilton, a g.-nlleman quite tin fw the tovage back to Itilv. by way of k-rance m.-tal w.irk. arm aud armour, textile fabrics fur., we can put any belief In It an.l iie.'illework. isittery and that characteristic Many jMM.pIe have long conteii an. hanlly kis.wu in England outside the col 1 was a public In Ixiiidon for the lei-tors, la.qiier. The imlntlugs. above all. will I theatre after the liii.-s of the

nown In I.omlon. etigagwl the .><iraml Theatre f.w tin board "was the then .(ulie y.Ming actress. Oa hn-e montlw,. His pr.imiui was an aJiihitl.Kis ; hrielle K.-Jane. rs-turulg from her first success Many iMs.pIe have long contended that there thn-e montlw,. His pr<irraui was an sJiihitl.Kis ; hrielle K.-Jane rs-turulg

was a public In Ixiiidon for the "one act play" | on*'. It c anmenceil with Kl.-h.dleu. and was to |d .S.sith Vm.-rloa theatre after the 1mi.>s of the Brand Gulgnol : ira lude a revival of Ilavhl tlarrlck and a v.-rslon Eager t.. talk with tl>e great actress, tbs

Japan, wlmse works the West w-ill have an op isirliinity for tlie first time of seeing.

TV.7“*rs'..-„ .. .h. I *'"• ev.-ryUiliig was as the stage, and th.-n an.l lher«- be determined to Mrh Ifir ^rnd^ Sw-?v’^lw.**^li>st I ""’“•‘T nothing In cwiMvlI.m stop off in Baris, learn the lauguage iwrfectly.

....o.... .....isex tue niiiuw |>attern goers who want something to tickle their Jade.1 -...i _ Tx.— W —il ---- plate” variety, planting myriads of small and palates and which will come as something new *"1 Vtll* ^ .s’i^ a iiiiiuh.r ..f large trees, and altogether to the connoisseur. UT notice went ^ w the doors of the self, gave me an Idea of h..w bis plsy goei preparing one of the most delightful f.atures "Mr. Begge has already about fifty plays on Sj*"*’"" would b». no performance, a rare thing with authors In this town, before of outdoor smuM-ment that has ever made hand; some are iwptone dramas and fiesh creep . .r'"'x ..... . ... tH-autlfuI. The Japanese garden will ers w-hlle others are oapsulold farces of the , letter by Hilton to the newspapers There are only four characters—two men and have a backgroun.l of scenery such as It would hr.iadest description. Most of the former, 1 explained that his backers had ih^erted Wm. I ' two women. The scene Is a f.irmer cloister, coo- have ill Japan Itself: realism Is to have full understand are provided by the Journalists en- "hould very much like to know who they w.wv verted Into s villa, on the abores of the sea In play. Wisterias will cover, with their bean- gag<d in the entertirise. After all no man ■"‘I ’I"* tnanner of assurances that he received j Sicily. These four people, rich, highly Intelll- tlful teu.lrlls and heliotrope blossom even the wes as much of the drama and comedy of life ft'*" th.wii. But up to now I have not he«-n sue- gent, suddenly find themselves In the very midst beauties of the buildings. Azaleas with their as the Dew-spa|ier man and many of the plays cessftil In discovering either. But what I do of a whirling, paislooate drama, which the new b«-autlfully variegated hues will make the place that w-111 now be presented will be founded on know Is that a large oiwnpany was engaged for ' surToundlngs and strange atmosphere se.-med to one huge blaze of color fact. several w-e*-ks In rehearsing and received noth- make inevitable. As suddenly as the atorm

The eight huge buldings near the main ea- The theatre will Just be opening when you j It*K; «t>d also that a large orchestra and staff 1 came. It leaves, one of the f.air finding her nor one huge blaze of color fact. ' *■'■^•'*1 we*-ks In rehearsing and received noth- make inevitable. As suddenly as the atorm

The eight huge buldings near the main ea- The theatre will Just be opening when you j It*K; «t>d also that a large orchestra and staff 1 came. It leaves, one of the f.air finding her nor trance have already been seized by a amall receive this letter an.l the first week’s bill In- were In a similar plight. ttsaigh In this case mal aelf again by a treoienihma effort of will. sniiy of Japanese workmen and In aome of them I clo.les: s.wne of them were fortunate enough to get a ' saving the quartette of them twfore the flame. the lieautiful sc-heiiie of color la already com- Sniller's Watch, a strong and thrilling play few shillings. Mr. Hilton has since state.! that which was about to consume tb.-m. wholly sue pleted. The famous Temple Gate of Nara, the by F. B. Bone. Topside I^g. a roaring farce I he hopes to meet his obligations. I slna-erely i ceeds. And there la wh.-r«- the name rmnes ancient capital of Jaiwn. for Instance, is al by the same author. The Night Before, a strlk i h.qw he will | from—The Flame. Tala piece, also, I bear, ready rhariiiing In Its curious architecture, and inu ,i).l eerie story by Edgar Wallace, the war But here are the farts. A man has come ' has been s|ioken f.w by an American manager bright with the decorative effects of native oorrespoudent. Ih-lest and Man, by Henry along, and with absolutely nothing to Justify name I could n.>t g.-t. workiiieii. The Utter are a curious and In- Murray him. engaged In a serious and extcmdve under i terestlng feature of the show already. They The programme will be changed each week taking He has ralise.1 all snrts of hopes In are dn-ssed In their blue and white coatumea, and the company will be a No Star company, those he has engaged and has failed them nt- ' each having on hla back a description of bis That Is to say no member of It will be atarred; terly. 1 know that the Actors’ Aswictatlon warns ' particular hraueb of Industry or art. It will be a stock company on bom.igenoua its members against taking part In ati enter '

Every one of tliew buildings has been pre- lines. So far as Is possible the French tradl- i.rtse of tills kind—but what Is the goo<l? If a parid in Japan, and Is being fltt^ together tlons will be carrli-d out. Immediately a pUy ^ man Is out of an engagement, aisl s»s>s anv hy an Ingenious system of dovetailing with a i, flnlsb.-.l the stage will be plunged Into Cira chance of getting one. vou can twt vour Iss.ts wlerlty and a quietness that astonishes all who ...erlan darkness, during which the curtain will that he will qnlcklv either Muff hlm-elf a. to i have seen other exhibitions being got ready, invisibly fall. Th«*re will be no Individual rails I the prospect* or else allow else to

Surrounding the Temple Gate there will be a dead man will not get up and bow smilingly I ' ^

.lark (Sdars. ancient st.ine Unterng. ^d beau- to the audience. If th.-re are any calls th.‘ ^.^e worst of It U these fallur.** don’t r.-.l t ful Ironwork of centuries ago. There are curtain will show the actors and the actresses ijt t^T oeJor EveTv rtoe^.H, an also to twelve fine tableaux staged, present- ,,„t as they w.-re at the final tableau. The , h^nen* evcT^anarer 7n IxSldon mff.^i-s mg with minute care and accuracy the last Pr.-nch signal of giving three dull knocks as a 'TTdTL.r’t

-‘l.-.I fo^the cfirtaln .to rise will alw. be ^ f^^


Mme. Rejane is n<.t playing Ibis week. She


Kri-lay night will Inaugurate another now

and ivrf»-ctlons of its exhibition. In all. there | ,rc designed to last for about twenty five min 1 managements are unwound, will be sixteen groups, relating respectively to j utes. ‘ nfnrtunately we have had a the fine arts, liberal arts, civil engineering.


uje rnfortunately we have had a run of disasters Mr. Bagge has had considerable ezi*erlence In of this kind during the past year. At l.-ast

the theatrical world and was for some time »lx Instances of iJiese breakups of iinso.iri.l man- leading man for Fannv Davenport. Tlie g.m agements have occunwi. and the notion la g.-t oral folding is that the enterprise will be a ting abroad In the minds of ttie inihllc that all

(Continued on page .*>7 i


great success. theatres and all managers are alike I mipjsxw everyone wlio has N-en to I/ondon i than this, for every case of the klisl that hap '

kts'ws that big ' vacant waste lot whU-h has pens In I»ndnn. at least six hapiien In rhe pros stood In the middle of the Strand ever since Inces. As a rule, we don’t hear much alKsit the T»n.lon County Connell, some ten years ago. them: the jsior actor and actress, pertia(« strand finlidie.! their Central Improvements. Tlie ed hundrcls of miles frnm home without a p<‘n rent and th*- con.liflons of holding have been loo ny In the w-tadd. has no medium for the expr<‘s much for ami so this big tract of slon of his or her grlerance. and simply ha« to land, tlw rlcliM.! site in the city, haa be«>n ly- suffer In silence. But a remeily must h.- s<s.ner Ing waste and has l(e.-n utterly useh-ss except or lat.T fmiml. and the<>r the Ndter. i as a flehl for botanists. There are two classes of offend.a-s to deal miw. f.w the second time, a cotirag.-osis with. Tli<- one that starts out in the pnwinces Frenchman. M. Ernest Girard, has com.- along with a tonring ompany. and the spm-nlat.s- who] ami applied successfully for an option to take takes a big I.oodon ttieatre. If would not he a i a lease of the central portion. Tlie latter has difficult matter to deal wllu them hotli. paid d.«w-n a sum of €S.ono. and subject to his In the first case tlie advenliiper starts out entering upon a building agrtsmient within the on the smallest p<"«lhle capital More often next six months, the site will lie lease.! to him than not If Is made np of the premiums recelve.l for a t.-rm of !W years at a rent (after the from young amaieiirs to wVm he has promised first f.sir .vearsi of frgi.hno a year. I under a lengthy and lucrative engag.mcnt He pays stand the Intention Is to erect a verltahle palace m.thtng for rriiearsala. He gets scenery and ac of pleasure right ts-re In the heart of I/widon. ressorles practically on credit. Then tw starts Tliere will le open air cafea and or.dicstras. a otit. Beivdiancc he may have atnick oil an.l dancing hall and a tln-atre on a small scale, the play takes. In this event, sn long as pixw I»mlotM-rs are to he given the opp.wtunlty p<Tity lasts, the company stan.ts a r.ksI chanc Oiifdmw . Iijo.vment after the style of I’aris. and of noelvlng the salaries due. But If. as Is more from all that I have heard on the suhject. I lie often the ease than not. tlie piece Is a failure lleve th.-y will heartily welcome the jiroject. then the poor artists have to inil np with no

' . money at all or only a portion ^ .\n.l hor.-ln cmnes another evil. Every man

TIm- T.-nth Man. S^snerset Mangliam’s new ar«w o fa provincial theatre knows the fr.-.pienev play. has an enigmatic title until explained. It with w-lilch he gets requests from the e<mpanv im-ans. proverhlalljr. that there la at least tme which Is to plav In his tlnmlre |o f.wward tlie iKnicst and lne<irmptlhlc man In every ten, Sneh fares from tlie place wh.-n- tts-y are playing. H*- a man Is Jolin For<l, a director of a mining knows fierfectly well what has hap|s>md and csiii.any i.r.anot.-d by G.Hwge Winter, a ; that he Is dealing with an Insolvent csiipanv. of I’arllament. and the only man on the Isiard Btif hetx. he Is on the horns of a dilemma. If with the honesty to resist tlie financial mag he does not advance the moin-,v tlmn his theatre nate’s Tir'qi'mal to realize a fortune by the sill Is* iin<ip.-ne<| ihirlng tin- en«nlng week, and fraiidiil.-nt «ale of the mine. auecessfiiHy nego- he will break faltli with the piihllr who have tlate<1 by Winter after Ford’a accidental dlacov Iss-n led to exp«s-t a certwln play If on the i-ry of Its w»M-th1essness. other han.l he <hs-s semi tin* mone.v, he Is as

*lne of the ni.sil charming of I.ondon mualeal Winter. eltM-r by iswsiiaslon or threata. sue

rtferly iini.rlnelpled, witli a h<Jd ! sisting a tsarns ami Insolvent management to mm nature, under an air of frank Ism h<»nle, i tintie Its n.’farloiis rare**r iindiecke.!. More often

coup-dy actr<-sa4-i •<1» In ti-mplltig liis fellow- dlr.-ctors to agree ' (ronfiniied on page f.T.l

nir Ilnbert Keerhnhin Tree’a leading lady In Til.' tl'KIyiiii. iiuw running at HU Majeaty’a Theatre.


march 26, 1910. Tt\e Billboard 15




lu mubarcblfi wbprc Lradltloo li a» cloMly ‘ (oUuWfil it» Ih MUCi'i'bHlou to tbe tbroue, louK- I •Titj uf niatftial tbtiiica la luuki-d for. luatl- I tulloua uf (‘imiiiirrot* aud tbe |>rufraHl<>iia are baudi-d dowu fnmt fatbor to nuu fur KeurratluDa, I oue buu<lr<il jvunt are traverw-d, WbUdarUMUt j aud aduilradou bll tbe muid.

lu tbe deiiMM'racy of Aiiierlea tradition la ' loaf alKbt uf. It la uuljr tbe bttlUK that aur- elvea, aud lu liaikluK uver tbe career of tba Waluut street Theatre, keepluK lu uilud Uta | Tlciaaltudea that from Ita beicluolUK. followed i tbe theatre In AiiierU-a. Ita preaervatlou aa a temple uf tbe dramatU muHe la auiazIUK, aud to llud It atm lu tbe euiidoyuieut fur wblch It waa erecteit lu IbUb, la a matter fur coUKratula- tlou by etery |H'ra4>u tu wbuiu the theatre ap- in-ala lu the nliKhteat decree, aud particularly ao to I'blladeipbia, which la rich lb blauitic^ facta.

The Waluut Street Theatre atauda aa tbe uideat theatre iu America, tbuugb tbe earlleat > bulldiuK of a theatre lu tbla country waa lu i Auuaiadia, Maryland, about ITuU, on gruuud | leased fceiiii tbe I'ruteatau Eplac<.l>al Church. |

Wheu the gruuud leaae tbe eeatry ra ; fuaed tu reuew it, aa they dealred the bricka uaed by actura to huuae the drama, to build a church tu houae tbe wurabi|>iier8 uf UiTlue aeni' Ice. The theatre waa therefure turn duwn lu IMS. The aecuud building erected for perma nent theatrical puriwaea waa tbe Walnut Street Theatre, at Uth aud Waluut Sta., aud opened Tburaday. Keb. 2, lM.iV by Tepln and I'rcac'bard aa a circua, aud conducted with Indlffarent auc cesa, principally fur tbe reaaon of tbe remote lucatlou. then on tbe uutaklrta uf tbe towm. tbe ticket otbee being lu the clty'a center on Cheat nut St., abuve Third St.

The lufurmatiuu acceaalble to th.a writer at thla time doea not accurately diacluae tba blttory of tbe houae bi'twea'n Ita couipletion and tbe year IbJu. That tbe buua* waa aoon tamed ocer tu dramatic performancea aoon after Ita o|ienlng la aure. fur tbe public aunouncemebta of Ita re oia-ulng In tbe fall of atated. “tbe atage bad been brought forward aereral feet," and It la to be regretted Willlain B WuimI, ao actor manager and an able man of that time, who might bare written tbla blatory. In bla "rerauual Kecollectlona** of tba atage did not extend bla wrltlnga to coeer the actlrl- tlea of cuntem(ioraDeoua effort. luatead, he cun Sued bla recollectluoa entirely to tbe Held of bla peraoual luduatry aud decried erery other theatre aud mauagemeut. Tbe Cbeatnut Street Theatre, at Sixth A Cbeatnut Sta., of wblcb William Warren and William H. Woml were managera. waa loat to them through deatruc- ttun by Ore In A|>rll. ISJU. aoil they took a leaae of the Waluut Strwt Theatre for eight yeara. oiN-ulug the bou>e on November lltb of that year, aa .Mr. Wmal facetloiialy wrote, apps>prlalely enough with the ••|•oor Oentle- man". Tbla, proliably. In view of the fact that .Mr. Wiad bad loat hl« all In tbe Cbeatnut Street lire. Tbe o|ieulug of the Waluut under tbla mauagemeut waa moat auaidrinua, awl au Incident of no lm)urlance to tbe mauageiiieut, but of tbe utmost lui|a>rtaoce tu the atage or curred Immediately after tbe rommeucemeut of the Warren awl Winal directorate.

Aniaiiiiv dramatic clrclee of 1‘biladelpbla at this time were euthua.d, and In many luataacea atirred In emulation by the achlevementa of John Howard I'ayue, a writer of playa who bad taisime au actor. In tbe rank of tb<>ae amateura waa Eilwln Korreat. a youth wbo bad been acviffed aud Ji'ertd for bla ludlef In bla own ability to recite and art. Nut dlauiayasl. be applied to MauagiT Woi>d for a trial per- furmance uf a aliigle night, and while lie galu-<1 (lermlaalon. tbe mauagemeut evidently feared to entlndy trust tbe youth for on tbe bouae pMgram, berewlib repsdured. be waa announced aa "n yuung gentleman of tbla city."

Colwell, Immediately Inaugurated an aggreaalve policy that attracted Immenae patronage. The proceeilure dlspleaKed Mr. Wood, wbo could not conceive tbe Waluut Street Theatre aucceeillug, with tbe new I’blladeipbia (Chestnut Street) Theatre In tbe heart of the city, iu oppositlun.

In 1S35 Kotiert T. Conrad, a brilliant lawyer of tbe I’blladeipbia bar, and wbo afterwania waa made Judge, aud then elected Mayer of tbe city, at the auggeatlou of Mr. Wemyaa, who waa then manager of tbe Walnut Street Theatre, wrote Ayluiere, afterwards called Jack Cade, one uf tbe beat ilramaa written by an American up to that time, or, fur many yeara afterwards. It was designed for A. A. Adama, a po{>ular actor in .Mr. Wemyas' company, but uu tbe night uf Its intended prisluctioo, Mr. .\ilama was stricken with a malady that after-

Walnut never again felt her rule. While Miss Cushman held the managerial reins, she bad her (itlice iu tbe siijall room back of tbe Iraxes on the balcony flwir on tbe 9tb Street side of the theatre, from whence she could quickly step to tbe stage, aud tbe desk she used at that time is now doing etUcieut service in tbe writer’s olllce.

Mrs. .Mowatt, descended from F'VancIs I.ewrl8, a I'hiladelpbian and one of the men to tlgn tbe declaration of Independence—whose plaj. Fash¬ ion, awl her novel, Tbe Fortune Hunter, bad already maile her name famous—to assist her husband, a publisher who had lost all bis means, took up acting, and came to I’hiladel- phla, in Oetols-r 1>‘4."». and commenced an en¬ gagement at the Walnut Street Theatre as Juliet, in Komeu aud Juliet, that was an



Monday Evening, Nov. I!tb., IhDO.

Will be presented tbe tragedy (In !i Actal called, iKiuglass; Or Tbe Noble Sbepbard. Manager Walnut Street Theatre, I’blladeipbia.

Young Nurval. .. .. By a Y’oung Gentleman uf thla City.

tx>r<l ItaiHlulpb.Mr. Wbratley. Ulenalvon.Mr. W. It. Wood. (Mil Norval.Mr. Warren. | Norval'a Servant.Mr. Martin. First (tffleer.Mr. Scrlvenar.

ttfllcer.Mr. Carter. Third t»ni<-er.Mr. Parker. l ady ItaiHlcdph.Mrs. Wllllama. A luma.Mrs. Jefferson.

Yimiig Forest pleased well enough to be given several is-rforiuaucea, and while It was not de- i nhsi by the management nor bla friends that i be displayeil talent fur bla chosen work, they advised him to go west and gain exin'rlence. He became a drat class ground aud lofty tumbler In a circua, and tbe puldic of today know Ed¬ win Forn-at came Into bla own aa tbe greatest actor known to the American stage.

Eilmuiul Kean opem-d on Dec. 4tb |•rrsenttng Itli'liard HI. King leer. Merchant of Venice, Hamlet. MaclM-tb, Tbe Iron Chest, Rule a Wife. llerlram, and Town aud Conn- •rj' Mr. Kean gave sixteen i>erform- aiii-es for which he ivcelveil aa bla per- •“lial recom|>euse, yjflo each performance, In- dlcalliig lu a aubatantlal way, our cltlaens of • hat time went to the claaelc, strong, and they grew so enthualastic over the complete art of thla actor, they caul'll him before the curtain at the eiid of every act, when Mr. Kean wonid often arise friHii a splendidly acted death •cene and walk before the curtain to acknowl- «lge the applause, ver.v much to the diaguat of Manager WinnI; that, after convincingly idctnr- Ing the last stage of nuirtal dissolution, and the curtain had desci-mli'il on the m'ene, for tbe actor to pick himself, and stalk, howltig and •nilllng before that curtain, sei-meil entirely In- I'otigriiona to the academic managi'r

M'arreii and WimmI sublet the Walnut In 1823 and r<'turne<l to the now rt'hiillt Chestnut Street Theatre, and the im'W manager ttf the Walnut,

wards causesl his death and tbe pity was post- | IKtoed. Then Jmlge Conrad re-wrote tbe play, | gave It the title of Jack Cade. Edwin For¬ rest p^HIuc<'«t It and was oftenest use<l by him of any play In bis rei>etolre. 'Thirty five years afterwards Forrest was still playing Jack Cade and gave his last (lerformanre of tbe play In Philadelphia on the stage of the Walnut Street ' Theatre on tbe night of Sept. 22, 18T0. to an audience that (tlle<1 all |>arts of tbe theatre. Huring this eiigagianent—wholly unlike Fbrreat— aiMl probably the work of some umlerling tbe following brutal note was Inserted In tbe pro¬ gram;

“Vlaltora are requeate<l to remain seatctl till the close of the Play, as the noise oc- caaloneil by tbe Imimtlent few, mare tbe pleasure of the more Intellectual portion of tbe audience, that wish to wit¬ ness tbe completion of tbe iM‘rf>irmancc."

The notice was continued for the following two weeks, during I.ucllle Western’s engage¬ ment. It has not aiqu'ared slt)c«'.

Charlotte Cushman waa the manager of the Walnut Street Theatre In 184.1. and offered a prise of $.’M> for an original play on any sub¬ ject. and agreeit to pisstuce the play selected by the comml'tti>e. Among the ci>m|>etltora waa John Howard Payne wbo submitted hla beantl- ful play. The Italian Hride. The Intelligent committee tunuHl down Mr. Payne’s work, and selectetl a mebslrainatlc play of three acts ralle<l love’s Frailty, that writers of that time described as trash, and It deservedly fatl- e<l Miss Cushman was not one whit lu'hlnd her pr*sleceaaora. and further evidence of her agrea- alveiiess was shown by engaging the great Kiigllsh actor Macready to play with her. and he In turn was so Impressed with the brilliancy of her acting, he Induct'd her to go to England whert' she won a niagnifleent triumph, and the

Immense success, and from whence her fame as an actress, spread even to England where she apiieart'd at the Prliict'ss Theatre In Lon¬ don, as Pauline to the Clamie Melnotte of E. !>. I>aven|>ort. another actor—bom In Boston. Nov. l.t. 1814—wbo owetl much of hla histrionic op¬ portunities to the Walnut Street Theatre.

Joseph Jefferson playetl Rip in Rip Van Winkle at tbe Walnut for the first time In Philadelphia, on June 13th, 1871, though Jeffer¬ son had played tbe Innkeeper in tbe play at tbe Arch St. Theatre In 1849, and a still earlier production of tbe play was given at the Walnut Stewt Theatre on Oct. 30th 18’J9. the Rip being a William Chapman with another Jeffer¬ son in tbe cast.

Mary Andersavn, after making a success of her western tours met Charlotte Cushman, wbo said to her: “My child, go to Philadelphia, early In your career. If yoti succeed there you are safe." in October 1879 she commenced an en¬ gagement at the Walnut Street ’Theatre, and as can be recalled by many theatre goers of to-day, waa artistically, financially and socially, a complete success. Aristocratic Philadelphia mobbed the Walnut in frantic endeavor for clivee obst'rvance of the stage, and Its brilliant star, creating another epoch of popularity for the historic Walnut. ’This, of course. Is a digresskvn. but In writing of tbe Walnut Stmat Theatre, it Is not (Kwalble to dts-aasoclate It from the names of men and women wbo have all too briefly trod its stage, and wbo have alnca beo'me famous, and being cognisant of farts that often sound like fiction unusual or romantic as may be the Incident. It would be witholding balsam not to stieak of them.

While tbe (lower and genius of tbe dramatic stage of Itoth thla and the old countries aidetl In the continued popularity of the Walnut—and without the attraction no theatre can be popu lar—tbe stars of the lyric stage contributed In

no small way their share of attractiveness for this playhouse. lu July. 1847, Verdi’s operas. Were beard in Philadelphia for the first time, sung on the stage of the Walnut Street Theatre by the Italian Opera Company, of Havana. Cuba, who presented the works with an adver¬ tised corps of l.’lt) singers, and at tbe price of *1.00 for boxes and 30 cents for the pit, cor¬ responding to tbe parquet of to<lay. Armstrong, wbo wrote. In 1883, of tbe opera in Pbiladeipbia. says: “Tbe Havana Italian Oiiera Troupe was tbe greatest company we bad heard In Pbiladel phia and It has scarcely since been excelled.”

'Tbeir engagement was a brilliant success lu every way.

In louO, Mme. Anna Bishop, probably one of the greatest prima donnas of her time, was first beard in Pbiiadeipbia at tbe Walnut. In 1833, Mine. Grlsi and Mario were beard, aud on Jan¬ uary 14. 18.3(5, II ’Trovatore was given for tlie first time in Pbiladeipbia, Brigiiuli, a famous tenor ap|>eared. The great Tamberlik was also a member of this cumpauy but did is>t appi ar in 11 Trovatore. Opera had bwn given at tbe Will nut as early as 1831. Caroline Rlcblngs Com pany, aud .Mr. and .Mrs. Seguiu’s couipauy gave several seasons of Euglisli operas, that were always fashionably aud numerously patronized.

The career of tbe Waluut Stre<'t Theatre shows an unbroken accomplishment of its created purpos*', and not au actor or actress of Import ance to the stage of this country but what at some time or other bas tro<l Its stage. The highest in the scale, as well as those nut so high, have here dune their thespio devotions, while the managers, the succession of men who were resiionsible for Its being and continuance have been but little thought of. That many of them were actors with small financial means, wbo struggled aud fought to give the public their desire inisde the theatre, and when they failed to please for a week or two, public In¬ difference kept them from tbe Just reward of their labor and the little board soon vanished— the public cares not. Cause does not enter into its consideration. The effect fastens its Inter est. arouses its enthusiasm and luoaen Its purse strings. The actor and the play win the ap plause and establish fame. Tbe power that has shaped It ail and brought Into being Is not seen and hardly cared for, though It cannot help but be felt. Victor Pepin, the senior partner of the firm who were respivnsible for the building of the Waluut Street Theatre, was observed twenty-five years afterward. In a minor acting capacity of the company at the Arch Street Theatre, then managed by Jones, Ibiffv and W. Ftorrest, the latter the brother of Edwin Forrest. William B. Wood, of the finn of War ren and WismI, wbo manai^ the Walnut from 1820 to 1822, was not only an actor of great merit, but he w-as also a stage manager, and by his own works shows he waa a man of busi nes slntegrlty and financially careful. He amassed quite a fortune for that time. This manager Is probably the only one of the dlre<'- torate of the Walnut Street Theatre, who was ever given credit by its patrons for any part of the satisfaction they derived from visits to the theatre. Woo<l was forced Into the man agement of the Walnut Street Theatre. He never believed In It. never conscientiously worked for If, but which succeeded when Mr. WissI left It for his pet theatre, the Chestnut Street, then rebuilt, and when that failed, and direct¬ ly stripped him of his fortune, the irony of fate decreed the Walnut Street Theatre should be the means to make smooth bis last years. Mr. Collins, an Irish comt'dian. In 184<i. ami then manager of tbe Walnut Street Ttmafre. tendered the bouse Its attaches and appurten¬ ances without cost, for a Is'Uefit to .Mr. W.smN which he gratefully accepted for the night of November IS, of that .vear, and Mr. Collins further appeared as .Sir I’atrlck In The Irish Ambassador as a foktor.' of the hill.

The Inauguration of the comhination system, deprived actors of theatre management. Men who had been treasurers and ticket sellers, without knowledge or exi>erience of the stage came forward as managers, many times allied with merchants who supplies the finances, a id who were willing to invest In theatre manage ment. After the popularity of the stock com¬ pany bad wantsl. play bills of the Walnut Street Theatre seldom mentions the res|s>nslble head of the theatre. It Is in evidence, however, that every management of the theatre di'ter- mlned to keep the bouse In the van of progress. It was the first theatre to do away with oil as an llluminant, and install gas for lighting purposes. It was one of the theatres then built, to have a complete electric light equliuiieiit which tbe present management estaldished In Sept., 1893. McVIckers 'Theatre In Chlcag". was the first theatre to entirely abandon gas for electricity.

Today, on the dawn of Ita second centtiry. the W’alnut Street Theatre shows to Its iiatnuis an exterior substantial but severe architecture, the original design, and an Interior of colodai aiipearance with the comfort and accessories of the most modem theatre and an abiding strength In the affection of airusement seekers and the members of the theatrical profession.


Editor The Billlioard. Cincinnati. O. rV'ar Sir: 4t the last mei'tlng of this A cso

elation the foll-vwlng waa un.sniinotislv .adoiiteil: RESOI.Vrn- That the Idll .N->. 4fi7, iiitio

duced In the Sv'nat-' by the Honorahie (Jeorge H. Cobh, also Intifsliiccd bill No. 913 in tbe- Assembly by the Honorahie George .A. Gr'M-u. la In our Jinlgment unfair. Ireqiiitable. uncoTi- atltutlonal and In restraint of legitimate busi¬ ness.

.And that we pedest against a bill whifh, will not permit legitimate agencies to earn ar. hon-'st living.

Attest—MONTGOMERY H. THROOI*. S«'<'retary.

Bu.iklng Apen's Board of Trade.



b** iHi iN-rfornianr^ on Ttood Frlilay. till* <!«jr ALTON.—TKMl'I^R TIIKATHK (Wm. 8au alwayi harinK bo.-n oliaonod by Mr. Jak<- WVlla I vaicv. micT.» Vainlrvlllr wrok of Mart-li U In In all hla Intoreitts. Frank IlatciH- 1* aHalHtaut rlmlliiK Uo«l|>ath .Na|>an<-oa. Mina I..«('ran<l artTortlaliiit aKoiit of «li.- Hljou aiul Mr. Harry doll, Mirrla Millard and Julian aD<l Dyor U lonmard In cblof advcrllnliiK aK.iil, «:.»i.l work |i» LYUU' (Wni. Hauva«.-, tiiitr.; \V. V A ( III doiK* by thine two Imyn THE tlltlMIEl M Itiirim ainl Clark ami iiletiirea 14 111 TIIEATKK (Jon. Wlleunky, iiiitr.: AKeiit BEAEDSTOWN. H’EUA Horse Interntate Clrrultl Expolleiit nhow thin wi-ok. ' ,\v H IkTI"-. uicr.i Two Merry lYaniiM h to caiiaolty bimliiesn. Valolne Krothem In featn fair nliml aiidleiH-e M’lnnliiKiT Hrotbera ai Wl' of band balancIliK. are the bent ever ne, n here. ,jkM ttii.blell A llarrin, ln»m I I’letiirea ami 'Vr'. ^ nmiriMl ■ K«Hly nhare of applaune »,„,Kn. HKEAMlJkNH iChan. Quaiitaniv. mar i with bU piauoloK^H* ^hlch It rl«*rer tbniuicb«»ut; ivituret ttMl and Havln were one of the bita of the BLOOMINGTON.—NRW C II A T T E U T O N


act. au|>erb. BKOADW mitr. 1 Week of March :

GADSDEN. — HAYDEN DAKE THEATRE ”‘„‘,'VVl.lV toeorin! i ISauil. Uom-nbaiim. iiijrr.; K. A E.. biMikiiiKni ,.|,y ,p,. Walton'*^ niri? emn" Hunter Itniwn K.. AMUSE D (J. Honenbaum, „|y nt^tch; Tom Eilwardn. character nketeb Richard Smith, flrat FukT liie'•ii.'ckVri'are m^u liT a m^'r.l Movinit plcturi-a and vaudeville week 14: MAJi:.STIC OPERA HOUSE i\ Tor’ ^ "•‘I*” «"< acU Auntlu WalVh In a ri.iiVv ii

*nO^^Jia^«ni^^^*Raluh‘^l"-nm’ta*n*^a'^^^^ n»‘r. «'*Kr.) March 1.3. Alcaaar Tourltm Coinpany »>»rttoue; and David Morrln. bann. „,,,; AriRddo n ^.e,u.ardn weSi .r r, InH ?h. s^hitol nirl S*- Klmo; Maud Powell, fainoun violin Au»tlu Tapn orcheatra and motion picturea com ; niie; week 14 lU. IlunlueM. .till contlniiea fine.

In a coineily The Italian and the ^hool Olrl. y, ^ -jj,: ^ ^ ‘ ,,iete the bill NEW AI.AMO. Movlns picture, and vaudeville The Al.ak.n March ReS Mill March S! week 14. ADiTcvajA "iPl- Woman and Sonft March 30. AUGUSTA.-

ARTHUR -M. ROBINSON. ■ THE UOl.UMlilA (A. E. Warren, luitr. I Vaude- I vllle and iilcturen 14 lU. THE UOIAINIAI. (Wm.

ARIZONA. ^e. Woman and Sonu March 30. AUGUSTA.—ORA ND OPERA HOUSE (U. W I Piiemon. mur. i Motion picture.. THE MAIN DENVER.—BROADWAY' iPeter MoCoiirt. Rex. ni^r.) The Time, the Place ami the Olrl ST. (Ouy Strickle, inur. i Sonan and picturea.

>; ciNMl buninenn. AIMIKtMK tyuinn uroa.. oe** me vianowa weea or't; nketcli artlaln; Bert .Memhaw. eiaueillan: IVca ti>ooii. i>ynari * fierce, mitra.. Jame. Wing I O’lb-11 and Co. In farce comedy, good; (J- Knnh Bronson, mgr.; Sullivan and CounI- tur Sinters, dancing: Tom C«>rln‘ll. weight lifter. , Held, booking agent! .March S. Wolf. goml. to

urns, aome dancers; pictures and songs; dine Circuit! Romany Owra Co., Paulinettl and March 1»!12. SUPERR.A <E good bunlnenn. PIquo, Three Keltonn, Tralnor and Dale, Oer- mgr.! Vamlevllle. ai>ngn and picturea 7 12. AR In'ved a Issnlr. April 20. Traveling Salesman

GLOBE.—DREAMLAND (John L Alexander, trmie van Dyck, Whitman, ami MaJeatiaco|>e CADIUM (J. YV. Kaufman, mgr.! Pictures. i'lAJESTlC tTabor A Babcock, mgra ! Yiotloi mgr.) Uncle Jonh Perklna 16; balance of month week of 12-18. OKITIEUM (A. C. Camon, aonga and vatidevllle 712; drawing well. ’ I (deturen; fair hunliiean. ARMORY IIAIJ. (It akatlug and dancing. IRIS (Quinn Bros, and mgr.; Orpheum Circuit) Swat .Mulligan. Avon warciv_nnsvii < iv f ■•hini .. o.— • k !” Rorabaugh. mgr.! Boiler akatlug; g<HMl bual Mrs CTiaa. Martin, mgra.) Pictures; bualnens Comedy Four. Dooley and Saylew. Clormmfa . ' Vi,‘l V-

Circus. Klos Slatem. Jlmmv Imcaa ami Dniielaa ^ ■ booking agta! TYw' Talk of New York DANVILLE.—OH AND OPERA HOUSE rinm..

gvK>d business. .March 16. Alice Y'orke In They

ARKANSAS. Circus, Klos Slatem, Jimmy Imcaa and Douglas and IVviiglan week of March 21. March 0: pleased good-nlKs) audlem-e.

I Pictures: fair tmsliieas. ARMORY IIAU. (It. I S'. Korabaugb. mgr.! Kuller akatlug; g<HMl bual


for the aeason. LYRIC THEATRE III J. Al LONGMONT—DIOKENS OPERA HOUSE (W. ACE, TIIEATORH M ami LYRIC. Pl'lures; i , Week'of March 14. flrat half: i'bar

CON'WAY.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Hugh C. (^Nilehan. mgr.; Peter UcCourt. booking business Peoec, mgr.) Fulton Stock Company Marcb 19; agent) The Musical Camerons, musical act, ex- Figbtlng Parson 21; Fulton Stock Co. 2ti. cellent; Marttne and Polk, knockabout come- : CHICAGO.-

ILLINOIS. tress Slaters, whistling, singing aiwl character changes. g«ssl; Crane Finley Co., sketch fair;

Fighting Parson 21; Fulton Stock Co. 2Y. cellent; Marttne and Polk, knockabout come- : CHICAGO._AUDITORIUM (Mllward Adams Rube Strickland, the musical rulie. gissl; The ELDORARO.—JOHNSON'S OPERA HOUSE dlaus, good; Alts, i dsnee act. was nearly as mgr.) Dark. I'antier Trio, comeily acndiatlc act. excellent.

(A. O. Howard, mgr.) Little Johnny Jones 10; good; The Dantes, cabinet act, the best yet. , CORT (U. J. Hermann mgr.) tJlrl In the S^’mud half: Wolf am’, /.arella, original comedy fair house. The Fighting Parson 18; picture* March .Y. L. Barlos, with flve Filipino dogs, ' Taxi- tenth' wwk **""1; May Wallace, fair; Harry Julaon. on eff nl^ta. QUEEN CITY (R. G. Garrison, very good. 9-10; Musical Altea, very good; Pra I tXH.OMAL |Ue<Rge Lederer mgr ) The Sliver I f*”" comedian. ex<-ellent: Karl Emmy’s mgr.) Pictures. It*’'' Sisters, song and dance act, fair; The ! star- first week Ih'ga. good; and the Uameraaoi|M'. Picture

CALIFORNIA. SAN TRANCISCO.-^OLUMBIA (Gottlob, ey, cooievlienne, very dainty; Les Valtslorns.

Marx A Co., mgrs.) Second week ’The Merry one of the best cyclist acts seen here, March

Hoeys. comedy sketch, very funoy. Sherlock CHICAGO OPITR \ HOUSF (George Kings house* and (be Coliseum skating rink rejwrt

set: good; Ooy de mck- bur.v. mgr.! Mlsa'pitay; elghJh week. vuw -rv.Evo-oe n

Widow week 14. VAN NESS Gottlob, Marx 4 12; goo*l attendance. THE ISIS (C. M. P C)o.) Second week Robert Edson In A Man's a mgr.) Forjw Singom March 9; pictures Man wwk 14. SAVOY (F. Busey, mgr.) songs week of 7 and 14; business good Wine. Woman A Song week 13. PRINCESS PUEBLO.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Grand Mot^'r^ flret'wJS'k ^ (Harry Aakln. mgr.) (8. liovlck, mgr.) Kolb A Dill In Burlesque Theatre Co., mgrs.) Denver University Glee LYRIC (Harbeit C Due- mar ! Belle of The Merry Widow we.’k 14. ALCAZAR (G. H. Club. Mar. 12; Max FIgman In Mary Jane’s RrVt,,nv- wlconTwe..k' Davla. mgr.) Stock Co. In The Light Eternal Pa 14; Blanche Walsh 18. GRAND. Arlngton T , gAIJF (Ha^v Slnaer mer » Flirtine week 14. ORPHEUM (John Morriaey. mgr.) Stock O).. with Leon McReynolda In ^.ra Prln-es. ^Ltleth^eek ' ‘ * Flirting

Va.llga* tkainn A- nimvlakr ITIuIa PmVA \li11*r TK/YmA 1*1.1A* RksAwn aF KlmA^.asi4 1A tO T> A V. “ WO^E.

Ijottte WlllUiuB week 13. NATIONAL (ZIck dancers; lltrUnd & RolUnaon. mualclana; j ^ Pt>w«ra, mcr.) Inconstant Abrama. mgr.) Lea Theodore, Lambert A Wll- Panky A Cook, singing sketch; Bessie Lyons. ■v i_• Hams. Carlyle. Jloore, Etbylyn Palmer A Co., songs; Hamilton. Coleman A Co., sketch; pict- | -J,** a, , ^olx«J' Alf Rlimn. Collins A Brown. Pero A Wilson urea. CENTENNIAL AUDITORIUM (E. J. i and moving pictures week IS. CHUTES (Ed. Scott, mgr.) Walter Eccles and College (llrls. . ^Inran. mgr.) The I.evy, mgr.) Rembrandt. FMur Slllvan Broa.. 11. MINNEQUA RINK (J. J. McQuillan, mgr.) . . „ Dave A Percle Martin Yosacary, Davis A Business good. MUSIC HAIX (Mr. Grovar, mgr. i Walker. Don Fa.vblo and others week 13. CONNECTICUT. ' AMERICAN (Ed. Homan, mgr.) Marlow A Oo.. HRTDr.FPOHT ACK’qnvq riT« w J.ek i TtMl LK (M. P. Shaver, mgr.) Y aude- EI.I. H...-.W Jk B..Ta Ts xriiwtte A Partner. BRIDGEPORT.—JACKSON S (Ira W. Jack-I vllle.

Walker. Don Fa.vblo and others week 13. CONNECTICUT. AMERICAN (Ed. Homan, mgr.) Marlow A Oo.. hrtdofpoht_lAncqnva riT« w J.ek i TtMl LK (M. P. Shaver, mgr.) Ya Piafp lf*rTpT A IViTs T..a A Partner BRIDGE* ORXa*"^JAOivSON S (Ira w a Jack* I vllle. Jim Hennesey, Jack Golden’s Co. and moving Erans and hla Howy Boy (XILUMBUS (Weber Broa.. mgra.) Vaodev plctores week 13. WIGWAYI (Sam Harris, HAYMARKET (Wm. Newkirk, mgr.) Va mgr.! DeVelde A Zelda. Hathaway A Siegel. 1^1»- 1S (Lewis Garvey, mgr.) , vllle. Hickman Broa. A Co., Slatera DeFaye. ^rnard Ralfooloo^ Bert l^ry, L^e«oe. Byera and t GLOBE (J. H. Browne, m*rr.) VaodeTllle. A Orth lAwrence Crane A Ck>., and Nelson- Herman and picture* week of 14; espadty busl- | MAJIOTIC (Lyman T. Glover, mgr.) Va Wolgast flght picture* week 13. POBTOLA _- _ . _ .

iry. mgr.! Mis* Patay; eIgbFh week. °”{ippA*TirB tiix-atof I'Tk... n iniy; vaievbWM. GARRICK (Herb.rt C. Duoe. mgr.) The F.a*i eta aeetj hens Mart* Wov aecond we*‘k Booan. lufr. i K«*nrr<m a O'lnnly 1V>. In rrper

I '• »?;."■ ;r'7:2, V“,";'”v..5iir=>.'^'“.:w’s?‘

I VRir r niic. mrr \ n«li. '*‘*1’ (A .Xlgfrbsl, ingT.! Dan Sherman'* Big

La SALL^ (Hlt^y Singer, mgr.) Flirting

i?mCKFM*'rGTO«7^C Warren mrr ) The «'ENT BIJOU (A Slgfrled

an Who sl^^StUL se^vnd ^ ?w' *n’* ulIT mrr'lU-INOI.S

iiri^-^^'ond*w«-k ■ Inconstant ZAST BT. LOUIS.—BROADWAY niEATRE Pliivnr«« (\fnrt On... V vn— v»k~< (Mias M Cox. mgr.) Week of March 13. Ilumaa

Hearla; The Yankee Doodle Boy March 21. Then

OTUDEBAKER ‘ (*Ed ^.IMvan mrr! Th. T**** Ulsnsman. and *e,h The Ri, Hopkin*. MAJISTIC THEATBE (Jo*.

’Aupoif 1 ixi n Erber. mgr. i Week of March 14. vaiMerllle a* AMERICAN MUSIC HALL. (Mr. Grovar, mgr.i follows; Musical Tolans. Bergen- Msteiw. PhU *oi-au V /«• n a>. v . Mills and Bessie Monlton. Knbe StrlcklaDd, BLSH TtMl LK (M. P. Shaver, mgr.) Y aode- Orlll* Barbee. Arthur Hill and Company, motion

T-uor-a w pictures. AVENUE THEATRE. House dark t^LIMlHS(Weber Bros., mgrs.) Vaudeville. temiM-rarlly on account of Are. HAYMARKET (Mm. Newkirk, mgr.) Vaude- ELGIN.—EIAIIN OPERA HOUSE (Fred W. tiAi.MAiuvi:.! (vvm. Newkirk, mgr.) Y aude- ELGIN.—EIAIIN OPERA HOUSE (Fred W. ll»- ^ Jenck*. mgr.: C. H. A K.. and F. W J.. book .. tngr.) Y’andevllle. Ing agents! The Flint* opened 14 forweek to MAJIOTIC (Lyman T. Glover, mgr.) Vaude- good attendance. Lyman H. Howe’s pictures __ 23 26. STAR (Thlelen A Prlckett. mgrs ! Cha#

THEATRE (Album A Leahy, mgrs.) Small. D^BURY.—TAY^R OPERA HOUSE (P. ' TREY'ITT (W. 8. Qnlnu. mgr.) Vaudeville. I^eutrlrli. hokoing agent) Vaiideillle and pie _at.- v-vY_ ■_ rx^t__ a. IP \f 4rtln merr. k rVi Mf/krni* Olrla* \f firgxh 7 • hlivi WAiir/’kTr't.'' tvf. a9B.ta.i.ia ——a...itx. \ . .. .* . .r . ' Sloaiie A Shenllan. laVere A Palmer. Doranto. f- Msrtln mgr.) Callfonda Girls’ March 7; big

Lakol* A I>oraln. Annie klorris, Hnrlbert A biislnetw. fair company. Harvest Moon 16; Soul Deliong A DeIxmg and moving picture* week Ivl** 17. MAJESTIC (F. A. Shear, mgr.) Ple- 13 GRAND (Album A I>eahy. mgra.) Alan A tnp*» tind songs; good business. VAUDEVILLE Nevlns. Trsvelle and others week 13. CALI- (Cha*. Carsoesa. mgr.) Pictures and •ongs; big FORNIA (Ben Michaels. mgr.) Torcat A

MARI OWE (Mr. Shields, mgr.) Y'audevllle. AC.YDBMY’ •<M’m. R->c)ie, mgr.) Texas Jack.

tnrea drawing big hense*. TEMPLE (Thlelen A I*rlckett) Moving pictures. I.Y'RIC (C. T.

BIJOU (Wm. Roche, mgr.) In Wyoming. Smith, mgr.) Moving pictures; good business CRITERION (J. Pilgrim, mgr.) Faust GlJtRE (Jas. Siillvan, mgr.) Pictures. COLI CRttM’N (Paul Ricksoo. mgr.) The CYansman. SEUM (C E. Aldrich, mgr.! Revival meetings. Otr.LEGE (Chas. E. Marvin, mgr.) Dark FREEPORT.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (H.

D'Allaa, and others. PORTOLA CAFE (Tony HARTFORD.—PARSONS THEATRE (H. C. 1 NATIONAL (J. P. Barrett, mgr.) Newlywed* Flannery, Jr., mgr.! House of a Th«sia*n«1 oian Lnhelskl. mgr.! lA Estrllett*. Edith Helen*. Parson*, mgr.) ilaude Allen, classic dancer, , and Their Baby. Idle* 16; njeT Ix-ved a I-asele 17: Girl of the Edith Mote. Rappo Slaters, Krlstoffy Trio and **®“*^’ J’ Fblll>»™ionlc Concert, , PEOPLE'S (Chas. E. Marvin, mgr.) Tempes* ' Movmtalns 18 BIJOU (Moirtioir A C*#*utt. others week 13

RUBE COHEN, Westbsnk Bldg. good; big business 8. Italian Oi>era Co. drew ^nd St-nsblne V- 7 .■ ■ ■ —« . . pn>|>s.) Kcnnanl SIst-w*. song and dance, very fair ^use 9. William Norris 1® ■ 1 ALHAMBRA (Weber Bro*., mgrs.) Marathon gml; North Goodwin and ry>.. comedy act

BAN DIEGO.—GARRICK (Dodge and Wyatt. I TnEATRE'’ (S Z^ P^V mS ^ ThV'^RoIfo^Uns'^ ® -tv t « mgr*.; K. A E.. booking agent*) Robert Mantell i EMPIRE (H. J. Herk. mgr.) The Faahl in Hamlet and Richard HI March 7 8; m«B®lfl-I Trio cent productions to good business. _Bon!ts_snd , 5?“^^”“; J*‘;.’,.r^ Si.tljl ’ ‘ “•'I' Th«* fmplre. Co. In Wine, Woman snd Song March 9-10: | SH’ J- EUSON’S (Sid J. Euson. mgr.) Th large and appreciative audiences. McIntyre , In'd’ ^7nn*^**®'’**** **•'’ ■"<1 H«ft'’t SBiow and Heath In In Haytl March 18 19. ISIS “neJ^bnsl’neS R^ne^ a?d „ GARTER (Wm. Beebe, mgr. (Wm. R. Gross, mgr.:

Morles^”' well: Alfred Jackson. ! olndlng HsrI.n Knight and Co. In , n™";, 'I*

Irla. good; Kart EnMny's Pet*, gorsl; pictures. M.4 EMPIRE (H. J. Herk, mgr.) The Fashion JRSTIC (L. M' Giiltaesi. mgr.! Picture*. LY’ late*. BIC (R. S. II<g'I*er. mgr.! Picture* to good I'YIDLY’ (J. J. FVnnr-*«y, mgr.) The Umpire. biisine**. SUI’ERRA (A. R. R-dierts. mgr.) SID J. EUSON’S (Sid J. Euson, mgr.) The PUtiir-s>. reat Star and Garter Show HOOPEBTOH.—McFEKREN’S OPERA HOrSE ST.\R AND GARTER (Wm. Beebe, mgr.i (M'm. McFerren. mgr.! The House of a Thou- Inger Olrl*. sand Candles A(iril 7 THE VIRGINIAN (Max MOLINE.—THE FAMILY (H. A Kodinl, J'’*'*'*®- T®*’ White Company, song* gr.: Sodinl Circuit; w-’atern Vauderllle Aaao , ""^aV-VBOVViT T F —nit » vr. oi-fo v iinr-i.F s>klng*i First half of week 14;FBmllyiicope, JACKSONVILLE.—GRAND OI ERA Hor8E test motion pictures; West and Denton, com "**'' * l^*"*^*, ^^*’^7’ ly singing sketch; Sally and Unsay, comedi ' Clair, snd ( ha* J. Nellaon are is; Martin and Gresham, roaring comedy VAp letch; Primrose Quartet, worl.Us greatest ngers; FamllyscotH*. motion plrfiire*. I*st *;? . I •''"'■F * Th" M'hts.t* In comedy Ilf of week. Csvans. novelty Wire set; Ortce "I"* rma sis toot of ooo^oA, F....11—«... —„ business. (.AIETY (T S. Scott, mgr ! Motion

song* to crowded house* week of March 14. "trels 16: The Harvest Moon 17. f RYSTAL THE I GRAND (R. B. I/>o*. mgr.) W. H. Knox In (Pindar snd Rndloff. mgr*,! P!,dure* and songs. Illustrated songs: feature film* week of March STAR (R. Halllwell mgr.) Picture*. I*dl.>*’ or 14 to good bimlness. PRINCESS (Fr-d Bal- I eheMra songs: good business ' lien, mgr.! Mme. Vlsesya. Gvpsy vlollnlste. | ROCKVILLE.—IMPERIAL (John H. Tost, Fi,la ' enthuslastleeally reeelv-sl: Golden. Ardath and' mgr.) Picture* and songs to big business. Guy ‘ Golden In plaviet Professional Jealousy, accord [ Bros.’ Minstrel* March 17. TURN HALL (E. — ed hearty applause; motion pictures; turn- S. Sherman, mgr.! Pictures and songa every away business week of Msrch 7. Vaudeville. ' Sunday; businesa big. Quinn, lllnstrat-d song* and motion picture* week of March 14: excellent honse*. BIJOU. UNION and JEWEL offer good motion picture bills to fair btisln<-*a week of Mareh 14.


mgrs.) Gagnon-I’olloek Stock Co. 17 19. CRY’S

ROCK I8LAND.—THE FAMILY (J. P. i March 8; S R O., one of the t-esl show* linn, mgr.; tA<-*tprn Yaiidevllle Asao.. liook- of the n-ason. F-mpIre Dramafle (V>.. 13 19

SAN JOSE.—THEATRE JOSE (Redmond A TAL (H. "T. 'Titus, mgr ) Pleturea ami aongs; Warren. mgraO E-1 Redmond Co. In The Sqnaw Ettherlne Martin 14 .91

GEORGIA. Man. wts-k of Mar. 7. Splendid production to large audiences, Kleman ('ripp* score* heavily, I Howard Foster’* work flne. GARDEN (Calmy . A letsivlt*. mgrs.) Florence Robert* In the | ’ Transforinatlnn 10. Excellent production to fair j ”

SAVANNAH.—NEW SAVANNAH 'niEATRE Mr* Mse Rlehard Casey. Illnstrafed song (W. B. Seesklnd, mgr.; K. A E.. b-sikings! Rnsl Estelle Hamilton, singing eoiiiedlcnne; Fr<-n

■SICS' im...on p,en,r.-s i.a*t nsiror |,||Ilng- return, bit pletnre*; )....tne.«. goo.1

5'ii musleal and yiaJESTIC (W J. W«-»d. mrr ! Vaiid-vine and singing^ Wolf and Zadel^le, plrtiir--*; bnalrwini g.ssl DKEAMIJIND (Chri*.

u.Jii.on iTarl-w. mrr! Picture, snd -ng.; 8 R O

sized audience. f'rtf no Ar\r\ royalty plays, well presented. Change o

' grim nlgbtlv. Forty Five Minutes from URREN OPERA HOUSE (R i way 19. THE BIJOU THEATRE (Wells

Knarhler, Iny Stork

P. Penney, mgr.; K. A E. booking agents.) mer and Vincent, direction; R, C. Herndon. Moving pictures showed to good business 710. 1 mgr.) Twelfth sneeessful week of tlie RI]ou

Mrosfl nigr.; j-si, iinpp -ircnii.i 1 oniiiiuoiis m«iiion — “ n -1 s- ' n - . Wll i-letiir-'S and song. House d<dng g<«d •■■ill""**. 1^' '‘•"r'lll?!,, r*i^hIn!IL

■mdon. THE IIOPP (Harvey Fulton, mgr; J-w. IIo(ip LYRK (It D > *rrish I'"?'' ’J "I’ll"" Bijou Circuit: S'lilllvsn and Considine tsKikliigaJ and pleturea week of 14^ ’’*’”^ *^**

rsJon Wm-k Of the 14 The Four lllo Brother* aVn. "TAR

TTie Climax 14; Max FIgman In Mary Jane'* mlah. John M. Bymea. Harry singleton, John motion pletnre*. THE ILLINOIS (R. Taylor, I '"tve audience*

mgr ) SI nee, g-M-d

R. nark ; drawing

P* Ifl: Moving picture* 13-18. Majeatlc Vaude- ] J. Carroll. Cyril Raymond, Elherf Benson. Harry 1 mgr.: Chamberlin, Kindt Co. Circuit ROCKFORD.—GIIAND OI*KnA IIOUSR (Geo. vllle 19 . Bailey, Forreat Beabnry, Effle Darling, Rita I booking*.) George Arllaa In Heptlmu* II; an l.aekrtt. mgr.; K. A N., hooking*) March 18,

CHICO.—IRIS' (Fred Worrtll. mijr.) Week! Knight, Salome Park. Eli* Fontaine, snd Irene | srtlntlr performance, well staged and pre- They I/>ved s l-anate nrsce Hayward Asso- of March 14. I.gncaster and Miller, comedy 1 Timmons. Next week The Sign of the FVinr sented by good eompsny. Urge snd fashionable elate Players In klsn on the Rot wreh of March sketch; J. Wood. Irish comedian, excellent: will be presented. It has been anaonreed by audience; A Pair of Country Kids 21 sketch; J. Wood, Irish comedian, excellent: will be presented. It has been anaonreed by audience; A Pair of Country Kids 21 Powell and Yftnion, topllners in a com^y piano 1 tbe msnsgetnent of the RIJon, that there will FRANK R. HILDKBR FRANK R. HILDKBRANDT. (Contimted on page W).)

MARCH 26, 1910. X ti e Billboard 17




At a rrry rlliiiax to on** of tbt

mott tuii('<'***tful iu*tm>fis known In i*blla<l<*lphlt In nitny ^•■art. tb** prttfnt ttr«*«t rar atrlke,

with Ita *.vtii|>atbi*tlr aiipport. hat almoat da-

ooralltrd tb** butln*-**, and w*Ta It not tbat tbr

iirlkr to far hat not l>r«*n a dirldad au(X'f*at, to tba rxt**nt tbat thajr harr fail***! to tla up tha moat Important lima In tba city, w** would bavr a niiml><*r of dark bou>**« on our btnda. and lltTrrant |M*rforni*T» wouM ba»a r**calv**d an

anforr*^t boilday at a Xfty lnoti|Mirtuna tim** of tba yaar It la owing to tha wltar and niora ronarrTatlva of th<* laadara of tba mualrlant and atag*' marbanlrw that tha tbaatrea wart abla 'o f>pan tln-lr il<«ira laat waak. It waa ra

p<irtrd that all niiialclana and tbaatriral ataga amplojet wara t<i go mit In aympathjr with tha

«tra*'t rar man an*l tlo- I.M-al managara ware praparlng for any ainarg.-ni->. In tha maan tima thay rallad att*'ntlon to tb*- fart tbat undar

thalr pTaa*'nt agra.-mant tli**lr walk lait would ba a Tiolatlon and tbat thay w->iild ai*ak radraaa. but tha raiitl*>n waa uitm-raaaary. for tha man

raalli.'*t thalr lawltlou and that of thalr fallow work<*Ta anil *larld***l that thalr aaalatanra by walking out could not to* aa much a**rTlra to

thalr atrlking brathn-n aa *halr llnanclal support • twNild thay r*'iiialn at wiwk

After a *.-ry atr*-nuo*ia Sumlay among tbaat riral p*>oiila of tha rity, tha man ijulatly and 'liiii'kly tia>k up thalr w.irk Ju»t wh.-ra thay left

•ff iiu Saturday. an*1 th.- i»-rforiuanca w**nt on tha aama as If nothing ha.1 avar happanad. Ihit idda <.f a faw aarrastloal ).ikas at tba city's

|ir<im;n* nt i>dltlcal haad«. ona wimiI.I narar know tbat than* waa any dltllculty ta-twaan employer ami amidoya,

y'oiiaamlng buslni-as In tb*- aniusamant line. In g-naral. In tb!» city. I can only ralt»*rata my atatamant at tha li.glnnlng of this article, as Wall as that In my article In tha Christmas

num'a-r. that business Is and has b**an better hare than In many years past. Crom tha high *st 'o tha lowest ami from tha bt*st to tha

rb,*a[w*et. the ona statement Is that business has

teen Nyond exi>aclatlon. and tha pTosi>ects for the bslanaa of tha s«*as«n ibarr'.ng tha rsintlnua tion of the present latsw contantliuii are of tha

bast Wh<*n tha s**ss.>n o|M n<s| last fall It did so with s rush, ami In a way tbat caused the most rt>ns-rratlre of tha mamig.-rs to pra|iare for tha •lump that was to fidlow Hut It never came. fi*r Ihi class and ipiallty of tha i>arfi*rmancas •iffarsl by traveling nianagi*rs have rreata*! an ntar.-s* In the puldic mln.l ami the theatres

ba*a |.a, n supporta.l to tbt* full**st extant. The ■m- most notabla fact In reference to tha dlffac

■•nt tb<atrlral managers and thalr btislness as sorla’es Is the lack of contention ls*twe**n them

Th*-y work In unison and assist one anoth.T In • vary way possible, which, of ro*ivsa Is charac t.rlstic of l’bllsdal|iblans In th<-lr •'City of

Hroth*Tly I»va." Tha strang.-r within our gates cisild hanlly raalln- It at the [iT**sent

writing ewp«*clally If he were f..rc.><l to seek shalti**. or do.lga a brick thrown by a hri»th**r. In demonstration of his love f.>r anoth.-r who has taken his place alioanl a car. but nav«*TtheIess

It Is a fact, the f«*ellng of frlan.l«hlp and the busln>*«s cooperation of th<*s*- wise business hi-.vils have bnsight the theatrical b\is|nass up to a high standard.

Of th*' la-rformars In all hranch. s <.f the line, there Is nothing to glv** but the hlgh<'st praise, snd they have been amply raw anle*1 with appra • latlon

<:r>*t preparatliwis ar** l>*'lng mad*- for th*- • oining siiinmiT s.-ason Tha vaudeville ho*is»s

«re arranging to remain oja-n all summer and tha iwrks will opi-n on a tnu<*h larger scale than • var N-fore. all playing vainl.*vlll.- ami idcturisi. while tiKM-e are to N- at least three alrd.wnes playing vamb-vltle ami hliusslronie acts If Is

c*uis.Tvallvely estlniate,! that as many. If not

more. *aud<-vllle |M-rf.>rme*si will t»- <'ngag>><l in this city and surr.windings this coming season than at any place < lse .Alr**ndy cfintracts have tM-. li sigmsi f.>r a numN*r of tilg and 'aud.-vllb- acts to apio-ar h.-re,

Julia Marlowe and K II S.«lh.'rn i»iH*na.l th.-lr engsg. m.-nt at the I.vrlc In Ib.m.-o and Juli.-t In spite <.f .all the dinii-uitti's of cl'y

trsns|M>rt. the la.iise was full sav<* f.«r a fringe •f back s,.a|s, an.l It b.-I.I an au.Ilemv grown to

••a charact.’rlsilc of ih*-se iM-rformnm'.-s It was

idaasint to see an.l It Is inspiring to r<*cord this .'oncMirse drawn, not fiir m<-re Im-l.b-ntal <u* ac cPlcntal aniusi.m**nt, but to share In si-elng a notib- play well presenttsl

I*.. w >lf llofUMT at the forn'st. pr.-s.nleil for ih<- first time In this cllv his m-w musical com

ed>. A Mrilliu'c I.l.d That the com.dlan has a large following In this city was ma.le avl.lent In the lilg an.Hence that laif to bl.l favor !■> his n**w |i|ay, and to call him out at the end '*f the ilrst act and give him one of those pleasant l|..p|M'r r.cepflons To this Mr Il.»PI>er r*s.|Hin.I>-il with one of th.vs,. happy curtain • p*'e<'i.-s f.w which he has a r<-|iutatlon second to

no other actor I'or full* Il*e minutes he kept 'he .iii.lh-na-e tn *-onstant laughter hr his de ••■rlpll..n of thi- ci.iupany's e\p**rl**nce on the '■■s.l this

'f'er an ahsi-m*.. of m.*r.- than twenty rears, "tlr I'ji.-rb's Wymlham a Hhllatlelpliia i-n

gagement for .ho- **.-. k at th.- Hnia.l Str.-et The sits- In nil- Mollusc It nmains a wis-k an I will no ibailif Im* well**ctat*s1 by th.»se *h-> Ilk.''ilv of that s.*rt

Mrs Palrl.k t'amphell headed the Keith hill

'his wi-ek It la her Oral vau.l.-tllh* apix-ar "ice n this city, and. In fa.-l, h.-r Orsi I’hIla.Iel I'hia apiH-ar-.ii.'i* l-i s.'veral *.*ars \ l.irgi- .Icle

gall.>11 of ihi- f..iir'.l was on han.l l.» hid lo r **. I.'oni.. an.l h.T iM-rf..ruinii. e, alth.wigh

-■nii'uhai al.l.revlal.‘.l In lime. **as v*«r.v g.s.-l. .'i.l a pr.>r.>uu.l lmpr.-ssl.>n itth.-rs .ai [he Idll wi-re. Im-s Cud.-Is d.* * Pr.>f Ihin.-an a IriHip.* of S.a.|ch Collies, How.-rs Wal ters Mi.l Crasikera. Mr an.l Mrs ilar.lner Cram-

an.l ('..nipany. Iliil.v It.-> mens an.t C.>mpany and th.' Musical \|.**}r.'g.a-s

Ma.*li' Ih-esaler iM.gaii hi-r s.'.'.iuil w.-.k at the 'delphl In that al.l.. spiming fun sh..** with musl... Tlllte's Vlghtiiiar.' It Is hati.ts..m.*lv mounlcl h* I.,.w Kl.'hta ami furnish.s the live

I lies! kind of entertainment lnterapers<*d with ' singing of exceptional quality by Octavla Broa

ke; character com**dy and dancing by J. Clarenca llarv.'y, and an Interlude by the English Dancing Ih.lls.

Jos*iib E. Ilowanl, Stella Trocey and tbeir aa a<M-lat**s began the sectmd week at tbe Walnui i .Stre.*t Theatre In The (lodd.*sa of Liberty. The : large audience gave abundant evidence of Its ! appreciation. l

The gui-en of the Moulin Rouge entered on ^ Ita s.s'.Hi.l and last week at the Chestnut Street ! itlM-ra House, with I’hll Ryley as the principal j

<..iiieillnn. an.t a reprisliiction of the sensational | f«*atures of Paris by Night, which have gained , a.1 iii'ich notoriety for this iwcsluctlon. ,

ItliiinenthaPa sparkling comedy. The Glass House, which was given Its first performance ; in America by the slock esunpany at the Oer man Theatre this week was repeated successfully and ctinflrnied the good iiijallll**s. Paul Nelvs will have bis benefit when the operetta. Lei , Dmg'Uw de Vlllars will be sung.

The House of a Thousand Candles was acted ' by the Orpbeum Players at the Chestnut Street | Theatre. Earlier In the aeason the play waa given here by a traveling company. j

R.>bert Hilliard relumed to the Garri*^ In ' A Fool There Was. He repeated and strongly i accentuate*! his Impressive jHirtrayal of th.- i leading ride.

Tbe enti rtiinment at the Eleventh Street I Oiwra H.mse had much that was funny In the skit. The Funny Side of the Great Car Strike. | offered by Dumont’s Minstrels. Richard was a i IfcUgbable motorman and Gibson saw to th^ humor of the conductor's end of the car. The |

’ Stale Ib-fenclMes were most amusing fellows, i On the bill were also other sketches of a langb | making sort. !

! Ethel Vernon, vocalist, and other ent*Ttalnera I offered a g.sHl bill at the Liberty. I i The attraction at Hart’s Thentre was Money

Mid. At ‘he National Theatre. Beulah Poynter In i

Ix*na River*, was seen. There had been sonic I

doubt as to giving a performance at this house, but at noon decision was made to o|w*n the the- | atre. The play was present**d with considerable i ability. j

' Mr. E. L. Perry, manager of Steep!«*chase Pier at .ktlantic City. X. J.. was a Billboard i

: caller Irst week, and stated that be was making ! many chang**! as well ss booking some hlgh-clasa I sets fiw the coming season. j

j l*Tofessor D’.Avlno, leader of the famous band j ! of fifty, that has been ph-aslng the music lovers I I In B>ision. has decided to Invade new fields this coming *»csson He was In Pbllsdelphls and .Atlantic City the past week, arranging for dates f.*r the roming season.

M Ruddy Heller has added three new parks to his list the past week and Is now hooking eleven In all. He has a number of large acts on his list snd Is signing more every da.v. Th* pr«*sent outlook Is very encvMirsglng to all con¬ cerned.

Two well known local performers beetled the csll of the svmpsthetlc strike an<l failed to show up on Satuniay night at a smoker st which they were booked. They found out that their broth^ memh.-r« were not In sympathy with 'he cause to the extent of giving up their livelihood and returni'd to the booking agents on Monday and pleade*! sickness, with the restilt that they are sadder but wiser no**-


be the right spot for tbat line of amusement. , 'The Portola Cafe, a handsome, expensively equipped bouse, with Its l.-VK) seats. Is doing an Immense business and has a pay-roll of from $1,000 to $1,000 per week for performances alone. Thla exp<-n8e Is exclusive of Its other natural i expenst*s. The other blgb-class cafes have matched this one and all followed suit. The Bis- | marck, Techan Tavern, Tate’s, all on the same . order, are offering similar splendid programs, > which usually appeal to the better class of ; patrons, for here you can hear grand opera sing era and only high-class singers. This opens a field of employment for the better class of per- ; formers, who demand a much larger salary than ■ usually received In vaudeville houses, and the bookings usually run for four consecutive weeks or longer. A chain of cafes all over the coast has form**d Itself Into a circuit and a long en gagement can be secured by suitable artists.

The booking business In l?an Francisco has deveIoi>ed Itself very largely, for fully fifteen real bfw>klng offices are doing business outside of the Orpbeum. S'uUlvan and Considlne and Pan- tages’ Circuit, ail the balance are Independent, and find no trouble getting acts for their respect Ive houses at decent salaries.

The film exchanges also have developed Into a big business **-lth a vast amount of capital Invest***!. Four are handling the output of the Moving Picture Patents Company and three hand¬ ling Independent goods. Several new Class A theatres are In co^irse of construction, notably the Granman Theatre, on Market street, which 1» sch*HlulPd to ofcn In June, and the .American Music Hall, on Ellis street, to open In Septem¬ ber. The Wigwam, in the Mission district, will tear down Its present house, which will give way to a handsome fireproof structure, to be ready In August, and nimor says that directly opposite, on Mission street, a new fireproof theatre will be built by the Kell Estate. In addition to the above, three houses will be opened In the residential districts, so that San Francisco will be well supplied, and whether all these enter- prizes will pay the InvestPTS will not deter the performers, stage bands, musicians and film ex¬ changes from enlarging their field, for all will have ample capital and give employment to plenty of people.

The nsnal <H)unfy fairs are all being framed op. and with the large farming crop outlook all will be good mone.v makers. State fairs will be larger than usual this coming season, and the new aviation meets thrmighout the c*>untry will bring the people from long distances. Like all other large cities, and especially New York, of which San Francisco Is a pficket edition, the office people connected with the show business are more concentrated than heretofore, for at present Market street Is the real Rialto of San Francisco, as most every line of show business Is now located on Market strt*et between Fourth and Eighth streets, particularly at Market and Ellis streets. In the Westbank Building, where some eight offic'S can be found, including the Pacific Coast bran.-h office of The Billboard.

In Oakland, aenns the bay. Idora Park Is put ting on Its new dress for the coming season, which op«Tis .April 3, and In addition to Its Mg line of attractions, will add a human roulette wh<**'l. devil’s slide and the funn.v flirter and other smaller concessions. Band concerts and concert slng«'r> will be featured throughout the season.

RPBE COHEN, Suite ffill Westbank Bldg.. 8.30 Market street.


California, unlike the East, runs almost all of Its amusements all fhro*igh the year and only In the past few years the park managers de elded to close for a few month* during the win ter as the climate seems to have grown colder each successive wlnf«.T Outside of the o*itdooT amusements, all other lines run three hundred and sixty five davs each year.

The prospects for the coming year, especially In San FYancIsco. are very encouraging. There are manv reasons for this, namely, the con •tanf rebuilding, which go«M* on steadily, and parflciilarly In the spring .Another facf(W Is the high wage* paid for all classes of trade* and lahny. and a most Important factor Is the shundance of ready monev on hand at nominal Infereat San Francises* Is destined to be the Paris of America. Its location, with Its all night cafe*, harher shops, banks, etc. It Is a real Bohemian town, owing to I's cosmopolitan popnlaflon and Is at all times full of transient amusement seekers

At present, running In San Franelsco. we have the New (Vlumhla Theatre. Van Ness Theatre and Savoy, all playing eomhlnatlon. with everv prospect of a stieeessful season. The local stock ho*ises are confined to the .Alcaxar and Princess theatres. Vaudeville Is the hie thing In San ’Prlsco. The Orpheum. a verifahl" mint: the National, another gold mine, which 1« an S AO house: also the .American and Wig warn, which are bookeil hr the S. A 0. p.'ople Indep.'ndent vaudeville Is getting a strong h.*ld here. The P<*rfola. Grand. California, I.yceum amt aeveral hntises loeatfsl In the different r.'s| dent locations The onlv o*it.l.*or amusements Is the Ohut.*s. located right In the C'nter of the rillm-'re business district, and Is a< complete a park as seen anywhere If ci*nralns a voo, aunarlum and everv concession In the riding line fisind In every first class park Tn addition, a new Class A vsudevllle theatre, with a seating capaeltv of 1 .A*V> In which the h.>st of Pan tages’ Circuit acts arc seen. The Chnt.»s man agement la v.-rv Hh.-ral in all Its dealings never sparing anv amount to Impnvve. The roller ""katli'g business, while not an etensive as heretofore Is <n*nfip.'<1 to Dreamland Rink, with the C.»Hs.*un* r*n-.'nllv desfpiyeil by fir*', being rehiilt* ami will r.'sume again

Moving Picture theatres Include fnllv seventv five hous.-s distvihut.'d In all s.>ef|ons of the ellv «n.l most all have a s.*.'mlnclv satisfactorv hitslnnss A new d.'Parture to amuse the puhllc has s.-rung Into existence the past few months. Is the perfiwmanc's glr.-n In first class caf.'s, smt from the lorvks of things Is securing a firm hold .'n the puhllr. as .San Francis**.* seems to

Amusement parks, as viewed from a financial standpoint In this great city do not meet with hearty approval of men of finance capable of promoting and featuring such enterprises. Ex [wrlence here In this line has been a dear teach¬ er to a goodl.v number, and not until the strict compliance to the law covering Sunday has been overcome will anything again ever be attempted here.

•As far aa sp<yrt loving Is concerned, we have demonstrated the fart that ftw the population we can m.ske the showing that will put any oth<»r city In the shade. 1 am attributing this particular loyalty to our great ball team, the Pirates: neverthclcs.s wc have some beautiful park*, none of whieh we ne«><1 be ashamed. an.1 really of such grendenr that one would be led to bellev" that nature Intended th.'se particular spots for lust the purposes they are used for.

If is true we are now shy three parks that *»hen prolected gave promise of wonders from every s’andpolnf. These Include Coney Island Dream City and I-una Park. The latter was the last to desert, but the same conditions pre- vall**d here that were In evidence In the others --Sunday r.'sfriotlons proved a great factor In causing them all to clos.*.

Wc have three parks that are worthy of men tIon .islde fp*m their plctnr.'souen.'ss and Ideal Ifvatlons. First among which Is Kenny wood Park. 1i*eat.'d .lust otitslde the city limits, and oi>crat.'d bv capable and competent bn.sin.'ss men. Plenics aro a great fea'ure h.*re. and with the ronipleflon <*f the n.'w racing device whicn will this summer N* Installed (now being built bv the Tngersoll Construction Co.I, as *veH as the "uimber of other Improvem.'nts asid.* from the r.*i1i corations and enlargement of certain de vices, nothing will b.* lacking to cmflnne to make K.'nn,v*»<v**1 the same dra*v!ng card It ha« been f.'T years. This ne*v racing device will h.- the largest and longest In this eonntry. .At Kenny*vi*od a larger number of picnics than ever before have already been booked.

Tn the large arena where Wild W.sts held forth hitherto, this large racing device will he ec’ct.'il. at a c.*st of $4<',f>*a(> It will h.* the thir.l .*ne In this c-ountry snd will he .3,(V**'> fe.*t long Bo*vIIng allevs n-lll he ad.l.*.! In thl« struetiire. and another feature will he the Hln polr.wne. which will he bo-.k.*.! through the T>l State Amusement Co. (Mr. Cliff Wilson and Pol ack Vaudeville Clrcultl 'This same concern w-IIl .io the hiw.king for the Air Ih'mc at Smith cm !''.rk. Ki>nnv**ixsl and Southern parks *vill open the ’attcr nart of May.

W.'st View Park has beeome known as the picnic park More picnics ever arc a1

r**ail.v bmiked, and the outlook for the coming season at W,*st View Is particularly gratifying. Many improvements are under wa.v at this iK>p ular resort, particular among *vlikh Is a gravity sfruciure built by the T. M. Horton Co., for which as yet no name has In-en deciil.**! on. This Is a new coutrlvance, and will be the largest stnicture of a gravity nature In this country. This season vaudeville w-Ill be amongst the new featu.-es added, and will be book.-d thrmigh the American Vaudeville Circuit. Ever.* building will be repainted. Improvements tn the ap[>«-ar ance of the entrances as *vell as the grounds will be given attention, and other details that will be of benefit to the general public will be carefull.T looked after.

The greatest undertaking ever promoted out side of New York CIt.v, had Its conception last summer In this city, the success that followed will be the means of this project being featured In every city of any consequence during the coming season where jirofesslonal ball Is played.

The fertile brain of John P. Harris, who, bv the way. Is Interested in a number of enterprises In this clt.v In connection with Mr. Harry Davis, and In other enterprises as well, developed the Idea of the nippf.drome. which w’as the success of the season last summer, and which was made so hy the daring spirit of the enterprising pro moter. Of course, the beautiful stadium and ev ery convenience of Forbes Field (where the Pi¬ rates won so much glory last .vear by winning the championship of the National League, and then the world’s champion.sbip by defeatlpg the Detroit Tigers i must be taken Into consideration aa well as the location, for It Is doubtful If this same success would have followed at the old ball perk. Nevertheless the enormous project seemed to strike the responsive chord and Im mediately with the Initial performan*^e success was assured. Mr. Harry Davis Is the director and Mr. John P. Harris manager of the Pitts burg Hippodrome Co. It would be a difficult matter to go Into details as to *vhat great acts that are rare to this oountr.v are secured, same are mostly foreign, and with the prospects no*v exceptionally bright as to this project reaching to so many other cities, that It will be an easy matter to secure larger and better acts as the opportunity will then be given the promoters to book for a period that will enable talent to fill the time to advantage. It la impossible ro learn at present .lust what cities will he among the many that will install the Hippodrome In the ball parks, the only other one In addition to Pittsburg that would be given out as to a oer taint.v was Cincinnati. However, there Is be Ing done at present a great deal of work to wards lining up the larger leagtie parks and with the opening of the baseball si*ason it Is pos sible that a Hippodrome, as featured In this city, will be under wa.v In every city where the National Iveague, aa well as the .American, have grounds, and it would not be surprising to sei- other cities Interested where professional hail has the support that has w-arranted the owne/s to build grand stands sufficiently large to ac commodate the thousands tbat will clamor for admlt'ance. Man.v bookings are still under wav for the HIpptMlrome. and although all winter bookings have been given attention, there la a1 ways room for more. No act Is too large or too costly. The truth of the matter la that the larger and more costly the better the chances of being M'oki'd.

The season last year was short, as the un derfaking was not put Into effect until late In the season, and onl.v run for seven weeks, and to show ho*v the puhllc appreciated this en terprise. a nightly attendance of 12.(XV> was In evidence. A better Idea of the enormous space used to feature the attractions can he gotten from the Illustration. The lighting of the park Is another feature that Is In keeping with the grand project, and with a seating oapaelty of .30,(¥l*>. th.“re will never be an.v occasion to hang out the S. R. O. sign. When there Is an over flow. *vhich Is possible, but hardl.v probable, there will be plenty of room to seat thousands Immediately In front of the grand stand, where seats have already b«*en built to accommodate the overflow, which was the case during the world’s s.*rl**s. and the Initial opening of the grounds.

-A strange happening la reported, to the effect that four circuses are to appt'ar here during the last week In .April or the first week In May. 'This will he an event seldom If ever the case before, and *vhile It Is possibly onl.v a rumor. ho*vevi**. circuses of any ron«.‘<|uence have always playfHl to capacity. In fact, my experience for the pas' fo*ir or five years Is that every show of an.v con ***.iucncc has been unable to accommodate the crowds. With a rcTum of prosperity, there Is no rea

son why all of our outdoor amusement attrac¬ tions sfimildn’t have their banner season. Pitts burg Is again herself. There seem at present to be no obstacle In the way. The poorer parks that fell bv the wayside will He there and rot. anil 'he survival of those that deliver the goods will give ns sufficient amusement, especially with such a great enterprise, and with the as surance that thfs season’s offerings will be Mg ger and better than last season. Then the Hip podrome will be all that cotild be wlsh.-d for.

With the opening of the park season, the In door amusement enter|>rlsi s. such as the roller and lee rln’is will close. Tn fact, ere this goes to press, the Ice rink 'slll have closed for the season. The roller rinks will conflnue until the park season opens, and they *vlll have enjoyed prosperity, as I have the assurance that there seems to b.* a certain following who prefer the roller rinks to any kind of amus*'ment or en tertalnment

The booking agencies, and we have quite a numtv'r now. are all prosp.*Tlng. There seems to be any amo*int of talent In this sectl«*n. but none that has any merit need mis* getting on gi>i>il time. The vaudeville houses playing cheap er prices are doing gi*o.l business, and with the return of nice weather the moving picture hons.'s will again be packing them In.

.AH of the parks will this season pr.>sent van deville bills. Mr. diff Wilson (r.-sldent tpana ger of the I.ycetiml. In connection with Harrv Polack. of ttie Polack Vsudevllle Circuit, will

18 e B MARCH 26. 1910. X It lllboard

have the Arena at Kennywood Park, aa well aa the Air Dome at Southern Park, and do the lev.king.

IXNA PAKK Luna Park, as conceived and planned by Fred

erick Ingorsoil tof the Ingersoll Eng. & Con struciion Co., of this city), and built under bis direction, was thrown open to the public during the summer of 1906, and gave promise of prov¬ ing the greatest as well as the most successful outdoor amusement venture in this country.

The opening day. June 5, lOUb, although for go:ten by the thousands who marveled at the beauty of the park, spoke so highly of its cen tral location and easy access by trolley and pre¬ dicted so much for parties Interested, can now recall that at any time this great waste of bar I ren ground, buildings that show decay, machle- ery and etfectr that brnkight w> much pleasure to thousands, ss well as the good wishes that were then fostered, that what promised so much has proved so little.

With nearly 100.000 Incendescent lights and ever.T conceivable device, as well as the beet bands that could be procured were here to help entertain and make merry every visitor, that this was the case the first season can not be dispnted, from the fact that during the season of lt¥»5 there were over 800.000 paid advls slons. which netted the company $100,000.

This season Mr. Tunis F. Dean, the popular manager of Miss Rlanche Bates, wag the park manager; he was also manager the following season, and a more popular manager could not have been secured. His popularity Is still In evidence whenever he visits us with Miss Rates and her company, which makes the combination a hard one to l»eat.

Although JSOO.Otg) was spent in preparing this park for the benefit of the critical Pittsburg public, each season additional sums of quite some consequence were added and efforts put forward to give the public all and everything that their hearts could desire, snd while the second season was a money-maker, netting ffld.dOO. the falling off was unpleasant to the management.

This park has the distinction of having Intro diicid features In their endeavor to win back the losing prestige, that no other park would undertake, among which were devices that can be seen here that were never Introduced else where. The first ballet ever given In a park was pot on here during the year IftOS. IntrtMiic- Ing at one time on the Immense stage over 100 girls. Imagine, If you can. 100 toes pointing skyward at one time, and a beaming counte¬ nance of each of the hundred participants star¬ ing at yon from thia long line, with an expres alon that would Imply, Can you beat It?

In loot) the management of the park was as aumed by Mr. E. E. Gregg, and the park thrown open to the ptihllc with as much splendor as on previous openings, and noticeable among the In terlor were tmprovementa In many waya looking to the comfort as well as the pleasure of the thronrs that were expected. However, this season proved a loser, and each year thereafter proved that what promised so much was destined to he only air castles.

One feature that has worked exceptional bard ship .m all of our parks In the city proper Is the fact that Sunday restrictions are "so exception allv severe that with the exception of the dry parks. Highland, where the Zoo Is located, and Schenley, with Its beautiful driveways and the conservatories, as well as the Carnegie Li¬ brary and Art Museum, no other parks are open. This is really the main reason that Luna Park has proved the failure It has.

The seasons of 1907 snd 1908. while still of no consequence financially, were nevertheless of considerable Interest, particularly that of 1907. and Messrs. Messmore and Morris, who had the park for these two seasons, deserve a great deal of credit for the efforts they made and the manner In which they strived to retain the wan¬ ing prestige. However. It seemed with all that these live, enterprising and h.trd working mans gers done, sufficient life couldn’t be Installed to bring It to a paving basis, and the panic which was on In full blast during the summer of 1908, was the death knell.

Luna Park was alwavs a favorite resort for picnics. August 28. 1907. when the Garfield Cir¬ cle Ladles of the O. A. R. were In the midst of the glories that go with these festive occa¬ sions. three Hons escaped from their cages, or rather, from the one cage, as the Hons were driven by the cage cleaner Into this particular cage In order to enable the cleaner to finish hl« duties, end through carlessness the door was left open, which permitted the escape of the Hons. The fact that three Hons escaped was never admitted before, yet It Is an absolnte fact, and unfor^lnately the excited attendant lost his presence of mind snd allowed the accident which sent thrills through the public at large as well as the hundreds who were eyewitnesses to the terrible happening. The careless and negligent attendant was apprised of his negligence when he he.trd the upsetting of chairs snd loud groans from the Hons coming from a different neighbor¬ hood tban that of the adlolning cage, and re memberlng that he had forgotten to close the cage door. Immediately sought to remedy the negleet by running after the Hons In order to chase them back. This he was successful In doing In so far as two Hons were concerned, bnt the largest one had gotten too far sway to he overtaken In time to avoid the terrible disaster. The Hons caused a noise In the theatre by over¬ turning the chairs, and although It was dark In there, Ike rhspoelle. the boy whose carelessness had permitted the escape, was able to scream his InahllltT to handle the affair to the trainer. Mr. Frit* Waldo, who dashed through the andl- torlum In sn effort to catch the Hon before he reached the open, hut without success. The af'erneon p<‘rfoTmsnees had closed, and Mr. Waldo’s duties were thought to be over, yet he was near enough to have been of sufficient t.eneflt to have avoided the accident had Mr. Oianoelle been In a normal state and acted mor*- quickly,

'The WIncherman \n1mal Show waa giving exhibition In the .Arcadia, and the escaped lion walked along the side of the building com¬ ing out bv th" side of the building called The Glass Faetoi-,. almos* facing the aide en’rance to MvsMe River, at which point the Hon came tinevo cf.div and Immedlafelv upon Mr«. Tlncke The suddenness of coming face to face swmed to c.fise both the lion and Mrs. Hucke to gasp for bvf-ath. and the Impulse of the moment wl*h all loss of self con’rol. caused Mr« Hucke to throw up her hands. This was met hv the Hon rearing up. and together they came down In a heap. The claws had scratched Mrs. Hucke. aud caused the blood to flow freelv from her wounds This !t Is claimed had a great deal to do with the Hon becoming fran*'c. and he Immedlatelv attacked her, sinking his teeth deep into her side.

The report that a Hon had escaped seemed

to have eircniated among the park patrons as If

by magic. There waa a rush for whatever of fered the least kind of protectktD, and It was a fortunate thing that with the throng in evi¬ dence no accident* happened.

Wito the report of a Hon escaped, and the attack which was in plain view of all facing the Mystic River, assistance seemed to be Im¬ mediately offered. Almost with the first scream still ringing in the ear* of Chief of Police W. A. Downing, he seemed ready with bis trusty revolver, and without hesitancy Immediately be- gan firing. He was soon surrounded by other park police and the city police as well, and many concessionaires, who came to the rescue with tevolvers. AH of the guns from the shoot¬ ing gallery were presaed Into service, and in leas time tban It takes to tell the story over two hundred shots were fired before his certain death was assured.

A medal was voted to W. A. Dowling by the City Council, In consideration for bis bravery. The other officer* who took part wfre Jack Brebne and 8. L. L<‘nbardt. park (>oHce, and city policeman. Geo. O. Rherldan.

Mrs. J. E. Beck, who had charge of the tick¬ et office at the Old Mill, spent a few trying moments when her eyes met the scene. There was no chance for her to make her escape. She remained in the small enclosure and witnessed the disposition of the animal.

With bis tall lashing bis sides, and a series of bowls that sounded like peals of thunder, this mighty beast of the forest, after wlthatandlng the hundreds of shots, fell dead, to be a prey of souvenir collector*. Almost before death hi* teeth were hammered out, bis claws extracted, and every available thing that would answer for a souvenir was taken, the crowd even going so far a* to cut the skin where the patch would show a bullet hole. The hide was so badly dl* figured that It waa of practically no good for any purpose. The needless firing of shots Into the hod.v after the animal was dead, left the skin when taken from the carca* a companion piece for a selve.

•The hysterical crowd, consisting of fathers, mother*, children and babes In arms, soon re covenxl their composure after the death of the beast. The ho»ir for the evening meal was *1 most due, the accident happening about 5:30. and before fi o’clock the park was deserted.

Mr. Kirby, owner of the snimal. placed hi* valuation on same at tl.OOO. I have heard that after this accident Mr. Kirby disposed of his show, and that the remaining animals came Into the possession of the Johnny Jones Carnival Co.

The season of 1908 had a bigger deficit at the end than any previous one. and Messmore and Morris threw up their lease. The season of 1909 was short lived, the park for that season being opened very late; In fact, to all appear ance*. It looked like the park would he closed. Mr. M. W. Taylor, of Philadelphia, came to the rescue and did all in his power to revive the enthusiasm and bring this pleasure resort Into popularity again, bnt to no purpose. Mr. Tay¬ lor sank a nice bunch of money In hi* venture, and almost Immediately after the Hippodrome opened In Forbes Field, where the Pirate* won the world’s championship. Luna Park closed, to remain closed as far as park purpose* are con cemed.

Alongside of Grant Botilevard. In the heart of residential Pittsburg. In close proximity to the Pennsvlvanla railroad, what remain* of this beautiful landscape and picturesque scenery, as well as the monuments standing in the shape of device*, showing where thousands of dollars are lost, and all that is left will soon cnimhle. destroying every memory of dear old Luna Park



If coming event* cast their shadows before, the approaching season will be second to none of Its predecessor* with respect to financial magnitude. Present condition* pressage a pros perous summer. Candidly, It may not be a rec¬ ord-breaker. but the managers almost to a man would have you think that It will reach the top notch, "rhey speak as If In earnest, and probably they are. Anyhow, the most pessi mistic grouch must admit that Washington will hare attraction* galore, stilficient to satis fy all the resident* as well as the thousands of stranger* within our gates.

During the summer month* many, of course, leave the city on their annual vacations, bnt more than that number of visitor* arrive here, and the majority of them are on pleasure bent, and are good spender*. They come for a good time and get It. Consequently all the place* of amusement do a land office business.

Whit class of amusements take the lead! Well, that I* a qnestlon that few will venture to answer. Probably no disinterested individual would go on record with a positive reply. If you go to the steamboat wharf* you will be led to think that the majorltv of people are off for an excursion bv boat. Go to the railway sta tlou and It I* ditto, only they go by train.' The same apparent condition pveyall* at each of th» parks and other place* of recreation. The big soo 1* even more popular In summer time than In winter. Aside from It* natural attractive¬ ness It must also be borne In mind that It I* free,. an»Important Item with many.

Confining ourselves strictly to outdoor amuse menta, we will first consider that of band con¬ cert*. More than sixty year* ago the I’nlted State* Marine Band atarted to give open air concerts, and the custom still continues. Begin¬ ning In June and running through September, the band on each Wednesday evening play* to large crowd* at the capitol. and on .Saturday* to assemblage* fully as great at the White House. Last season, even before the summer had set In. Mr*. Taft, wife of the President. In augurated a series of concert* by the same band on Potomac Driveway, and they l>ec*me at ouce 1mmens<Iy popular, and will be continued this year. It may be In place to here state that T leiitenant 8antelmann, the leader of the Mar'ne Band ha* begiin the erection of a twenty five thousand dollar residence In this city.

The Fifteenth Cavalry Band stationed at Ft Mever. give* regular concert* at that post, and during the summer plays In one of the public park* of the city. 'They sre very popular, and tho«e at the post especially are attended largely by socp ty. The Engineer Band, stationed at the .Arsenal, now better known as the War College give* at least two concerts each week In one of the public parks. The Roldlers’ Home Band plsv* rrinclpallv In the Home grounds, snd theli concert* draw large crowds.

In rtspect to the park*, attention I* directed to Washington I,nna Park, already mentioned In the advertising column* of "The Billboard There I* no qnestlon *a to that retaining It* strong hold on the public. The management ha* always pursued a most liberal policy, and It ha* t>een a paying Investment.

Glen Echo Park and CJievy Chase Lake are two extremely popular resorta reached by the electric railways under the management of Gen. George H. Ilarrlen. The former la noted for Its natural scenic beauty, while the latter Is lo¬ cated In the midst of the fashionable club sec tion.

Cbestpeake Beach, under management of Paul T. Waters, Evans Building, promise* to outstrip all fom er season*.

The river resorts, especislly Colonial Beach and Marshall Hall. will have their tens of tboussnds. Colonial Beach Is the rncenral home of the Washington family, and Marshall Hall, lying on the Potomac, almost directly opposite Mount Vernon, was formerly the estate Iwlong Ing to the celebrated Marshall family of Vlr ginia snd Maryland, that family of which th* great Chief Jusilce was a shining light The steamer. Charles Macallster ha* recently been overhauled and will resume her trip* to Marshall Hall and Mount Vernon. As all roads lead to Rome, so do all visitors to Washington go to Mount Vernon.

The Norfolk A Washington ffteamship Com pany will run their palatial steamers. The Routhland and the Northland, to Fortress Mon roe snd Norfolk. For comfort and luxury this line 1* unexcelled. A feature that ha* long been po(iular Is to leave Washington at six o’clock flaturda.v evening, spend Sunday at Norfolk and return Monday In time for the day’a work.

The New Norfolk Line, operated by the Poto¬ mac and Chesapeake Steamship Co., run* the stesmer Saint John every alternate day. except Monday, making three trip* a week, at $2 for one way, or $3 the round trip.

Another favorite water route I* that between Baltimore and Wsahlngton. controlled by the Maryland, Delaware and Virginia Railway Co.. Step'benson A Bro., agent*. They have fine hosts with latest Improvement*, and only a few day* ago added the Three River*, which ha* Just been completed *t the work* of the Maryland Steel Company at Sparrow* Point, near Baltl more.

The sightseeing motor car* seem Indtginous to Washington. They are In evidence In all large cities, but the remark 1* general by those who come here that they sre more largely patronised proportionately than In any other place. »>ne reason for this I* the condition of the *tre<-t* at the national capital that make* them Ideal for motor purpose*.

Practically Washington live* outdoor* during th* summer month*, and amusement manager* who want to make their enterprise* successful cater with that object In mind. They have learned to know this fact, and are generally willing to meet the people half way. TTie plea* ore seeker will find plenty here to amuse him. and the capitalist who has amusement* to offer will as readily reallxe ample harvest for hi* In vestment. E. S ARNOLD


Kansas City I* a very busy and lively city these day*, prepsratory to the summer smiise ment season of 1910 at the park* and various recreation place* here. A visit to any of the park* evidence* this, and one visit makes one reallxe that Kansas City I* expecting the biggest season ever In summer amusement*. Just a* soon as the season close* in the fall, the prep aratlons for the new season are set In motion and during the long winter month* these go on without the public reallilng what a mighty task It Is to dress a park In entirely new at traction* and feature*, and when the opening days come, everything Is In readlnens and It all seem* so easy. A visit to the park In rehruarv Is not quite like going out In August, bnt this Is necessary. In order to tell The Billboard’* readers Just what Is going on In Kansas City, and what the parks here are doing

Electric Park, called ’’’The Coney Island” of Kansas City; In fact the Coney Island of the big Southwest, will seem like a new park to Kan sa* Cltylan*. and the visitor* within our gate* this summer. Many have marveled over the greatness, beauty and scope of Electric Park and said that It was handsome enough for a much larger city, but Mr M G Helm, owner and proprietor of Electric, always act* iip>n the principle that nothing I* too big or ton nice for Kansas City, and ha* exp*.nded hi* time, money and brains towards making Ele.- trie Park what It 1*. one of the show place* of the Pnlted State*, with all the latest devices for the public’s amusement, and all the nes and up-to-date feature* now so necessary for i high-class amusement resort, and Electric Park I* both for the masses and the classes; there I* nothing cheap. In the common understanding of the word about Electric, and yet one can feel that there Is no ’’highway robbery” there. A visit out there In the season cost* so little, that for the results obtained In the way of reeve ation and amusement, one feels It I* hardly worth thinking about.

The season of 1910 la the fourth In the New Electric's history, bnt the twelfth year that Mr. M. G. Helm ha* had an Electric Park, a white city, for Kansas City, and even Electric’s present handsomeness snd magnitude, this sea son will be a perfect r»-veIatlon to the park’s admirer*. Tliere will be ten new rldi-s snd at tractions, three of them coming direct from Coney Island. New York, and mme of these ten with the possible exwptlon of two. has ever been seen In the West before (tne of the new ride* wlli be the spiral coaster, which baa tieen building since January, and will te- ready at the park’s ojiening The Hpiral Coaster I* to take the place of the Shoot the Chute*. Then nin ■ of the finest touring band* In .America and Kii rope will lie feature sttrsctlon* at Electric this season, among them some old favorite* with and In Kansas City, and some never heard here he fore. It I* horded that The Banda Blanca will come to Electric this season. ** the leader of The Banda Blanca I* our Senor Mlchellno Angelo I.enge. of Kansas City, and known snd admired by all musicians and every one In Kansas City

Ther.s will tw- required forty one cashier* snd fifty three fjcki-t taker* *t Electric, this giving In some degree an idea of the many attraction* at the park. Will Rose’s Orchestra will plav in the German Village, where the vaudeville la to he. as before and William MorrI* will fur nish the vaudeville as heretoftire and that name stands for the best In vaudeville, and Kansas City can he assured of entertainment of the highest order this summer, Devinev’* Orche* tr* will discourse at the Itance Pavllbin and In the past year* pleased every one with the music P. F. CavlH will tie In charge of the Natato rinm. aa last season Mr. Cavlll will he re membered aa one e>f the finest swimmer* ever seen In Kansas City.

Mr. M G Helm, owner and proprietor of Electric. Is at present In Florida and will be away from Kansas City until April Mr. Helm

ha* contractfxl for an especial feature attrac tion from Florida, to be at Electric Ihla season, but Mr. Sam Benjamin won’t give out Just what thia ttlractlon la Iteyood the fact that It la “not sea cows, alligators, nor crocodiles, and that it has never been seen In Kansas City.” This *• anon, by the way Is Mr Benjamin’s thirteenth season a* manager of Electric Park, and he la a hustling manager, always with the park’s liest Interesta up|>ermo*t In bis ar tive brain.

Electric Park will o|H'n •Ither the last week In Miy pr the week liefore. It Is given out that the miialc alone, ami by this Is meant the band* that play Electric, will c<«t $lV).ia»tl for the short season of aeventeen week*.

Tijen there Is to be a splendid pyrotechnlcal display given aero** the lake In August, but Just what the nature of thia Is I* not |B-aslb|e to teil yet, but It la promised that It will surpass the grand displays given in the prevloti* years

Mr. E. Sohiberg. capable stage manager of the Orpheum Theatre, la to be again this season chief electrician at Electric.

Mr. Frank Allen, the |>opular properly man of the Orpheum, who had that Dinny attraction The Jolly Bachelor, at Electric last season, ha* not decided what he will do this summer. H. may premml The Jolly Bachelor again

Mr. M G. Helm ha* scotireil the smiisf- ■nent field In a |ter*onaI hunt ami Investigation of the actual merits of the attractions and va rioua prt>po*ltloo* brought to his notice, and promises Kansas City none but the best snd those really worth while

Now for the fair at Electric. ’This will b- the s.-cond annual fair of the Missouri Valiev Agricultural and Horllpultural Society of which Mr Helm la treasurer. This year It will b.- for two weeks, beginning September 24. and last Ing to October 9. Inclusive It will be on a larger scale In every way tban last year'*, and that was voted a genuine success by every one so this one ought to be the real ’’money maker” and pleasure glv«r. Of the forty four hoo’h* twenty eight bare already been sold, snd It I* thought the others will be gone by the time the park open* Preparatloo* for this gigantic fair have N-cn going on since the cloae of th-- park In October. 19<<». and with fifteen thousand dollar* In cash prlie*. blue ribbon* galore, the second annual bench show, potiltry exhibit, ete this fair will surpass anything ever seen In the Southwest. Then there I* to be an auto mobile *how. a boo* fide automobile show, given under the direction of the Mo'or Car Trades Association. In the Music FavIHon: the German Village, the home of the hortlctiltural and fioeal division; a special building to be erected for the merchants* dlaplay, and 1**1. but nor least six acre* back of the scenic railway t•elnnglnc to the park, but never In usage iinlH this occ* Sion, will be ntlllaed for a two ring circus Ju«l what circus will be here I* not known a* th<r<- are several In contemplation, but It will N- a sure-enough two ring clrcu* <*f r'-citgnlie)! stand Ing and ability.

AH during the summer the management of Electric Park will work with the aim In view to make Electric and this big fair the "talk of the town.” and with *11 the resource*, natural advantage*, time, place and the show at their disposal, Kansas Pity 1* looking forward to this a* the supreme climax to an unusually pleas ant summer

Forest Park, controlled by the Forest Park Circuit and Realty Company, with park* In v* rloti* other cities 1* another of the large amuse ment park* of Kansas Cltv Etervthlng I* In ahevance at Forest, owing to the fact that Gen eral Altnager John D. Tippett ha* resign'^) from the company, and no plan* have definitely been made for Forest beyond the fact that In all probability Forest will reopen this sexs.m l*Tr*-r and more attractive than ever .All winter there ha* been building and putting 'n place manv new attraction* and ride* for the pleasure ot Forest’s large clientele Mr Frank O’Donn*-!! was manager of Forest last season, htit whether he will be there this year has not been decided upon

Mr Fc1 C Dart, assistant manager of Forest has been In Kan*** Cltv all winter, and he I* the sole representative of Forest at present In Kansas Cltv; that I*, at the time thi* article Is twine prepared, and Mr Dart can give nait no further information but that the park 1* making preparation* for a grand opening Air Dart, during the winter ha* tx-en aecrelary and club manager of the Kansas Cltv Ixadge. The atrlcol Mechanical .Assoctatbrn No IS

Mr W F Smith wtll not Iw at Fairmont Park the season of 1919 Mr. Graham Reedv aeciirsd Mr Smith’* five vear lease on Fair mount earlv In the winter, and he will un dertake to run Fairmotint a* a high cl*** amuse ment park Mr Thos L Taafe. manager of Falrmount Park last season will again handle the rein* there this vear and *• he 1* a thoy ough showman, and ha* proven to Kan*** Cltv that he know* how a park shmiM Iw and I* nin we can feel assured that Falrmount will be one t*f the pleasure spots of the eitv Last season the bathing beaeh. an e*p«-cl*| feature of Fair mmint. accommodal<w1 twelve hundred but this large capacity will t>e enlargtxt foe the rstmlnr "swimming time.” and the bathing beach at Fstrmount Jiisflv famott*. will lx- alxuit the tx-*t thing the park naild offer the public Of course this doi-sn’t mean that there will lx- no at traction* at Falrmount thI* *<-**on for there will Iw many and varied, but they will all b of a high order, and the park will not cater l" small concessions such a* cane racks e|r

F*1-mixint will offer an extra Inducement In the wav of free vaudeville furnished bv 'he Ted ffnarks’ A’audevllle Circuit of Kansas Cltv the big pofiular [u-lced vaudeville circuit of the Sfxithweat,

T7icr<‘ I* to lw> a gate admission of ten cent* this season at Falrmount This I* something the nark ha* never done Ix-fiwe, charged *d mission but this I* to raise the standard and then there are ao many things given gratis bv the management, that thia amall admiaslon prlci- won’t lx- thought of twice

Falrmount Park before II was known a* an amu*«-ment park aa one of the bn-atblng eoo’* of the cltv Its many natural lx»autles made It particularly desirable for tdcnlca. ri-st and a a'lidv of nature Init now It ha* all these ad vantagf* of Na'iire anil those of man Fair mount Park ought In tw a genuine surprise and treat this season

Tlie Ind'xw amusement field I* not to lie neg lected In Kansas Cllv The #;|otie Theatre wtll run all summer In fact, the tllobe la an all the Vos* round his*s'- and w-lth It* peiax-nt high class tifferlng* In the wav of vaudeville and mo tion picturi'* will continue during the warm weather to duplicate It* suceesa during the time If ha* hei-n running In Kanaa* Cltv, about three nionth* now Mr O F Braddock I* man ager. and he I* devoting all hla time and energy to making the Globe a suceeoa, and he Is doing

,t Ihe viuilevllle It bjr Ted Sparks' . irruit. and U «lK>ve the »«rl uf vaudeville pop¬ ularly »iipp<'a<d lo be at a popular priced vaude-

(Hie bii-iae. 'nje clever acta put »o bi-re are wbat IMB i-iuc luwarda luakluK Ibu tilobe tbe well- .iHiruuUed and pojiular buuae that It la. Tbe I'.i-rl-aa .Motion I'lcluru Couipany, of Kanaaa til). BUiipllea Ibi- reela for tbe Ulobe, and they .re ’iluaya clear and dlatluct, and uew and up, aud very lulereatlug. There are Ibree

-t-elB ind three acta at each at-aalou. Ity that la .man;, that while tbe abowa at tbe Ulobe ars ..ut.iiuoua. there la one a«-t of acta for tbe

ui.Huina. eullre cliauge for tbe afteruoun. and Ili.-ii 111. iiiorulug ouea go back agalu for the .ti-nl.ig |i< rforuiaiicea, tbia being cbaugetl In the

...ddl.' of the week. Conaequeutly there are aix eiB .ml B.» reela at tbe Ulobe each Week.

.Ml tta- inoll.Hi pi. lure bouaia will be upon nur- rni; till- Biiininer. au.1 they have a woud.-rful

UI.UI BB beie. there are a great number uf tbla .11.1 ..f Ibeatr.a in Kauaaa City, both down town

11.1 n the reBideuce diatrlcla. Among them are the .Subway, the Lyric, tbe Palace, tbe Electric lh.-ati<. l'<erl<i>B, Empreaa, etc., etc. It la ea .uia;-d that there are over one hundred of Ibeae

Ih.-ntiea 111 Kanaaa City, aial tb.-y all »wm to be ihiitiiig. Ihe molh.u picture bualueaa baa come '... Biiy lu Kauaaa City. Aliout all tbe big clr .iriuiaa want to come b.-re aud play capacity, . tune when the liceu>e waa ao .-xorbltaul that Ui.wl of tbe abowa did not care lo pay It to abow .11 K luaaa City, but now tbla baa hwn reduced, <a Kauaaa City la a goiKl ahow town, the , ircvi--a wa-vt o come here ami play capacity, i .r Itiat la what they all do lu Kaiiaav I lly. It la ihiHigbt that Ueulry Hmthera' Sl.ow , .Sella Kioto, Itiugliug ltr.>tb«ra, Itanium ami l>alh-y, etc., will loiiie to Kanaaa City, au.l the U*1 Raucu Show, It la uudi-rdooil. will Ik- ber>- In Aid'll.

The leller akatiug rinka will all be cl.iaed for tb.- auminer aeaaou. 'tbla baa come to bv- recog ii.i.-.l aa a winter bualn.aa. aud that In the aum .m-r the public wauta to dance.

Ev.-ry thing .a bright aud roay lo Kauaaa Oily .11 ..ul door amua.nueut euterprla»-a. and there - .1 III .at auai.icioua auguiy for tbe aeaaou of

I'.ilii to b.' drawn from aollcipalloua and prep t,r,.i.. \V1I.I.IA.M W SHKLI.KV.


.\l'h. <igb my hft.-eu yeara' evp.-neuce or aaa.!- lailoii with lh<- i.rof.-aai.Hi. would let me unfold

- tale ..f uior.* or 1. aa inl<-r» at to you. 1 aball

aly try to l.rl. lly give you a general Idea of what St Iwaiia baa doue, la an.1 will do .11 the held of amua.-meut. .Much baa been aald at varioua tim.-a of tb.- eajK-cial acbievementa of our city, that a mere mention of the paal .-v.-uta will auai.-e lo make our year's Journey lu tb.a 1.--lew i.HiipIete, aud. 1 Intel.atiug.

Il.■g.l.ul0g with the ivcent Centennial C.lebra

':ou of laal .>ctob,r. which prov.-il a record in : .tb ail. o.p.ncr and tbe eUK-ndlture of money. ih. - WILI.T a aa..u baa proved a m.iat n.vtable one. Me gave li.K-tor Cook $'Jo,.ai<i to tell ua that oul h. 1,1) .v,.eded that of any city be ba.l

..■•1I..1. y.-t Ih.a otily prove.1 vnoih.-r ucldenl that ab..wa that Sd. lo.uli baa ever Ikk-u ready lo ..itl Id lla nvala for any eut.-rpriae- that

eboiil 1 l.-dt w..r:by. Me aupi..a-|.-d the lloal.m tiraud t»jwra Com

pauy It January laal in the aum of nearly a.j,...aa. and f.dh.w.d It the next u.gbt with a beHia.' f.< Mme. Telratiunl. at the C.dl

a. um. aud again followed a w.-. k ..r ao lat.i with a tog w.-ek'a receipta for the Kr.-m-h tiran.l "iara i.aupauy at tbe tiarrick, then all our ilieatria have done a goeal buaiu.-aa'on tbe a.'a ...u 'la far. and wb.-n we beg.n t.* aum up ou*

. . . .l.t-, lo New York tbla aumm.-r. we will iiii.l l.t St. Iw'Ula baa treal»-d the hslger nicely with pi.dlta I do not think It u.s-.-aaar) to .miu.-riie in .lollara and n-nta the actual bua.

. .|.o. - .>r what tile ■e.'.-liKa have lawn at aoitie ■ I Ilf 4ttri.-ll.aia ..Itwr than lb.—- uam.-.l abov •

ii.l tl-iia aave a I. tig I by article of what i> xi.ow I t.y moat of tb..a, wh.» may 1k> lnter.-«l«'l. t.iit l.-t me ahow you wbal la tb.- Imal pr.aif of the . di.illy of my r.siiarka by b.-r.- giving you

the anaw.-r to the year'a l.uaim-" .hai.- lu n. vt S.-i.temlH‘r au.l o.-t.dH-r we will bav.-

ihe lialloai an.l alr'li.p c.ait.ata aa laat aeaaon. i. ringlng all the ool.-.l avlatora b.-r.- fr..ui all •v.-r Ih.- w.,rld. lb.- ail. c.-a» ..f lb.- Ih-al.m tiraud

.*l«-r4 t*.ant«ny haa .-aiiaewl a twoia II.le move ii. -ul f.a tb.- er»<tioo .»f an ,.p.-ra lioiia." ..f aJ

• •lual" magnitude f.T Ih. i.r.swr pr.». niatlou ■f p. rmaii.'iil graD.1 ..iM-ra in tbla city, again ihe all. 1. aa ..f the liarrl. k nn-alre a.-aaon haa

Vila .1 III.- .Shulw-rta lo furn.ab aliracilona for .\.-.v l*riu.'. aa Tb.-4tr.- n. It a.-aa.«i, an.l tb*

. B,s-tiou id anotb.-r play h.Hia.- on I'w.-lfth an.l l.-a-nai alr.-ela. lo Ik- r. f.>r .ia ulng u.-\. sey.i, .i.i iT. ninking three Sbuln-rt allraci.ini ihiwtr.a feK- 111.- anpiMirt of .SI Iwvuia. Ih.. auc

■ a. .f V aml.-v III.. Ill tbla elly It n.-cea ■ arv lo wn-. k .wir .d.l tiran.l ttp -ra H.hi»i'. an.l

h II- pla.-- 4 N .w ilrviial i>|« ra il.niae will i a., an.l iiiiothi-r vaudeville theatre. It la fur itn-r riiin.w. .1 wl'b much f.Kin.lallivn. that M'm VI-HTla Will bav.. a v atl.lev llle theatr.- on Sixth .ml I'h.atniit atr.-.-ia, again we ar. at i.r.-aeiil •|..'n.|lng aiMiie giiiiNMi ill .-rectliig a niovahle

-tage at tb** t'.vlia.-um, f..r the ua.- ..f tb.- M.-tr.v |a.|lltan ilranil i>|arM |■.>lllp■vtly, Jii«t f..r f.wir iw-r i 'rTi..n. i-a I'll.-., fa. la hI.h;i- are enoiigb to ali-.w .-nlt-rprla,- an.l pr.a.f |MMitlv.- that St. Iwmla

a III.- .--Hiiliig c.-liter of lb. atrlrala in tb.- M’ Vgain let Ua atal.- that we bav.- 111.- nnwl handa-iui.- nn.lloii |.i.-tiir.- theatr.-a In the t lilted

Slat.-a. an.l w. are hinl.llng niiWe each w.-.-k M h.v ■ 1.. .-ana.- ih. v ar.- milking money an.l provliii; aa g.aal an Inv.alinent aa any real ea

I lie M...I ..f tli.KK- l.iilhllnga ar.- i-.wtlng fr.a-i (.111 taai to $-jiai .at... .an,| are rl. h In arcbll.-v-

liirv- M illie tlK-a<- th.Ktlrv hav.- . a har.l Id-.w III .liber .-lllea to the m-Hl.-rate prlis-.l lb.-

tr. a. h.-re In SI l..>iila Ih.-y bav.- not l»-.'ii con

-i.l.-r l a a,-rl.wia hamllcap t.v tin- aame claaa of li.-atr.a. an.l y.-t It la a fa.-t that ..n.- ..f ivtir !! "il-Hi pl.-itir.- ih.-ivlr.-a $Ui. laai laat

v. -ar. . n.ling January I, IPItt. ami nn-re .>f .wtr

I-l. liir.. tin-lir a .-an aln.vv a i-r-.lll than a l--aa lima. I aay. we ala.> are one -.f lb.- h.‘at. If inu tin- h.-at pictiir.- .-Ity in tin- I'lillval Slal.-a

■ laving gtv.n a l.rl.-f al.w-y .vf .wir winlec

-.-aaon. h-t iia |.»>k Ini., tli.- .-oming apring. a

on. ,.f III-- vear wli ii w.- an- all mi po***! term i w. lli iMira.-lv.-a. an.l w.- will again lln.l that St I .Mila la \,-ry miicti In fr.Kil .*f Ih.- r.-at with l'r.~p.-.-la. N.ii aim-.- tin- l.iillding .'f iHir flrat

.11.1 n r |Birk. Iiav.. vv.- vv Itn.-a«.-al tin- va«l re hull.ling that haa I.. . n In pr-ntr.-aa In .'iir parka Ihia will!, r Ml 111.- iiiaiiag.-ra r.-allr.- lhal th.* a 1.-. g-aal. aiid lhal In or.l.-r lo get till- piilr.iiiag.' Iln-lr atlraell.Mia iinial ah-vw merit. .'.-I -V-- will tln-refon- Ik- provli|i-.l with Ih.- la-af II the i-.Miiitry In ainila.-mi-iila I'hi- .a.iiilng

'prliig wi- will gel iMir Ural gllm|.ai. of the aaw

■I'l-I with III.- o|M-nlng '.f III.. Ill] Uaii.’U M’ll.l M'l-at Show a, ..arly III Vprll. I.' h*. follow.*.! bv

lllngllng llnva * (Irciia, llag.-iihiK-k M nllace, Itnf

falo Itiira Wild West, and two otbera, and It la a safe prediction that all will take away much of St. I.w>ula' money. We bold an eapeclal Intereat lu tbe lUl Uaucb Wild Weat Sbowa tbla aeaaou, from tbe fact that they have wintered among ua, aud we have daily watched them re¬ build tbia gigantic amuaemeul macbiue from tbe botto.u, aud with all tbeir equipment being moatly uew, tbeir Ural appearance on our atreeta abould pri'aeut a apectacle uf glittering beauiy. Then probably what will be tbe Ural carnival of tbe aeaaon will be held In Eaat St. Loula by tbe Eagli-a, with tbe Lireat Cuamo^litau Carni¬ val Company furulabiug tbe attractiuua, aud like lUl Uaucb, will be newly det-urted aud equip¬ ped.

Ah to tb- aumci'T parka here, we muat give drat reciBgulliuu to Suburban Tark, from tbe fact that it la eutirely rebuilt, and will be one of the Uu.-at amuaemeat parka in tbe country. Tbe management, Sul aud Jacob Uppenbeimer, have undertaken tbla great taak, and will open about May Id, at au expenditure of (liou.uuo, and ev¬ ery fact gained from experience lu the operation uf tbe park will be utilized in tbe conatructlun. A Caxibu, that la modern in every respect, and being dUU feet lung aud 100 feet wide, will bouae all tbe variuua cuuceaaluua; alau an Arcade build¬ ing, dOxUO feet, will be furniabed with attrac- tlona. 'Ibe tb.-atre, rebuilt on tbe moat modem (ilaUH, la lo be tbe borne of tbe atock company. Ita dimeuaiuua will be loll feet lung and lUo wide, tbe auditorium proper being -Kl feet In beigbl. Tbe stage will have an opening of 4Ux 'JO f.—t, aud U feet in height over all. lia actual l.-iigib aud height la Tox-lo feet. Sixteen dreaxi.ig rooms, all above ground, are titled with every c.Hiveuieuce; tbe stage mechanism in ev¬ ery letail la bulb uew and modern. Steel and coui-r.-te are tbe only structural Items employed, making It abaoluU-ly tire proof. Tbe il.iloo new ibali-s, eacdi J> lucb.-a wide, are to tie plnced lu the tlM-dtre, with comfort the rtrat object Uesidt-a tbe lake, sunken gardens, fountains, and other n-atful .imma-mcnta, tbe l>i>p.-tibelmers are iiiaUiliiig tbe u.-w. Anti Collide Automobile Hy . tbe brat one built iu America. Tbe stuck com I-sny eng Lg.Ml, comprises many of last .vear'-v ex celleut lompxny, sad, ss bss always been tbe vKitaliliHtii-vl, Uie upeulng star will bv- .‘m'lia liliigbaiu.

Next In point of recouatruction will be Kor eat Park lllgblaudt. Here we will bnd the lluett scenic railway ever built by Mr. Tbomp- tuu. lie baa bad the work in band all winter, and tbe opening In May will bud tbe park al must completely changed. Tbe band stand auJ .-utrance gate will be models of beauty, aud, as f.w the past bve yeara, Cavallo'a Band, of So muaiciana, will furnish tbe music. Tbe mauage ment will this year fall into tbe bands of Leo .McYlanua largely, who baa gained a world of knowledge under tbe late Col. Juo. D. Hopkins.

Ibimsr Carden, like others, will see a vast amount of ebangea. chief among which will be tbe -Verial Automobile Railroad, which has been building all winter, tbe concessions will be moatly all new, and the immense theatre built last year will house some splendid attractions, .ks in past yeara, tbe chief attraction will be light ..(wra and musical comedies.

Another new park will be opened this year, to Ik* known as Urind Park, and will operate ex travaganza as Its chief attraction. Manager Itott. M'ebb IS reconstructing this park from end to eii.l. and when Ibe gates are o|.eoed to tb.- pul.lic, nothing will be visible of the once llaHliag.-n P.xrk. under which name It was ones .•|»riie.l. Kv.-ry .vvailable concession will be In stalled.

Ibe iKilicy of M'est End Heights has not yet Ikk-u announced, but will be about on tbe same liuea as other aeasons.

Maouion'i Park, in the extreme south end of the city, will again play vaudeville, booked by Ihe Mestern Vaudeville .kssocialivMi. Eclipse Park will agalu play tbe Svtanley tvtock Co., which have gained an enviable reputation here tbe list live seasons. Lemps’ Park has not yet announce Its ivollcy, but will run much as In past seasons.

Tb<- rumor here bas it that St. Louis will at last 'bis summer see tbe erection of an amuse iiiv-nt |>ark devoted exclusively to tbe colored |aq>ul.itioa. with all the riding devices that bavi made the other parks of Ibe couuutry famous. Phis should prove a money getter here, and It haa -Ks-n anxloualy sought for several seasons, sml nor until ibis yesr bas a suitable locativvn l«e»-n fouml.

This. addvM to tbe many s{>ecial celebrations, will kv-ep lip ,'ur re|vutatlon for the center of amus,-m*‘nls. M't- need not ask why all this mon.-y is Iw-lng sclent in St. Louis in one season, by park iiiauagers. as It can tie readily figured that their iuveslaicnts are safe. I^-t us pius< liHig I'livHigb to rotlect, aud ask ourselves if this IS ii.vt a city, with tbe mosi bTllliant future for aiiiiis, 11 eiils In the wtvrM today, and it might be sail! Ili.-it most of this coovlltitHi has bvs-n cul tivst -.1 and forced to the front tbriHigb tbe ex • elleiii nianagi-nient of our theatres and gar ,1V IIS. which arv- among tbe very best in the world. Hiivl SI. la'Uis. dear readers, extends her band lull of iinvney for what you have in tbe aiiiiia- loi-nl line. If it is goial. and if it is not. wi-’d ritlnr yviu would not come with It and be illa:«l>,>.v,n:eil at your rvs.'eipts.

WILL J kaki,>:y.


"tf|ir ng Is here all right." remarks ye firs; v'itisea to ye secoud. "Well, well, have you heard a robin's Innefiil lay so soou?" auswers ye s<H'ond. "No, ImUs-d, Is Ihe reply, "but 1 saw Kn d Camp burry Ing along this nuvrning with a mowl pre iK-cnpitsI air. anil If that Isn't «|vring. I don't know wbal is!" Kor ewrly thvHigh It was. Mr. C«nip. the capable and ener getic manager of Twin City M'onderland Park. Is slresily dvs-p In his plans for a bigger, busier and more attractive season for Ihe park than It has known iH-f-ire All the slandnrvl m vney getters, siii'h as Ihe Scenic Railway, the Chutes, Ihe .Airship Swing, etc., etc., will be retalnevl. while man.v new snd entertaining amiisv-tiicnt dev Ifes w ill be advUsl. The iV-wer bvsls, whieh have always d«>coral«sI the park will again N* a siKs-tal feature, while the <Hit of divvvr vaudeville acts will lie up to Ihe standard If not iK-ller than those offervil during Ihe pre- vlmis existence of the park, and the man.-vge- niv-nt haa ev.ery reason to exiaa't that from the igH-nlng. which will ivecur ahvvtil Ma.v ill. to the end of Ihe season, they will eell|vse sny of their f.irmv-r elTorts to sninse ami entertain the Mill City putnviiH.

With dllTerent ziivvle of entertainment. Illg laland Park tat I<ake Minnetonka) |vrom la. s "high Jinks." or. In fact, any one altemi Ing. a royal goval time, as there Is s ctvmmo- tliiHis ptenie gnmnd isjiilpiKsI with picnic kltch ens. Ice. etc., sml fsmlly gstherings tre espe

dally encouraged. Although Big Island Park will retain many of tbe old forms of amuse¬ ment, such as tbe Roller Coaster, with its hundred thrills a minute, tbe Mystic River, Trip Through tbe Yellowstone, etc., tbe space for¬ merly ocupied by tbe Electric Theatre will this year accommodate a Shooting Gallery, and there will be a uew restaurant and possible bathing facilities. As tbe trolley lines runs from Min¬ neapolis to Exceision every half hour, and there is constant ferry service between there aud Big Island, Manager P. J. Metzdorf, whose genial personality bas contributed much towards tbe popularity of tbe park, feels confident that be Is well able to take care of the 'Twin City, as well as Lake Minnetonka patrons.

Still another pleasure resort and one of espe¬ cial Interest to East Slders, being situated at Columbia Heights, a suburb of tbe Mill City, is Kort-st Park, which, with its brilliant electric lights and wonderful electric fountain, shooting colored sprays a hundred feet into tbe air, pre¬ sents a most dazzling appi araiice. Fores: Park bas tbe usual amu.semeut devices such as tbe open air theatre, carousel, refreshment pa Villon, caue rack, etc., and a dance ball wbuse fame for novelty dances bas spread throughout tbe Twin Cities. Barn dances, moonlight dances, and masquerades are some of Its specialties, and wbal with a splendid orchestra, smooth door and Competent reception committee, bun dreda throng tbe park fur this mode of recrea tiuu. Forest Park caters also to family picnics, aud bas spacious picnic grounds, benches, swings, aud a grove of luzurlant shade trees.

Mr. tv. H. Kahn, who so capably mauaged tbe park siuce its opeuiug, three years ago, will agaiu l<x>k after its interests for tbe cumlug season.

For tbe music-loving public. Lake Harriet, another of our "beauty spots,” otters a special imiucement wiih Its dally taftermvon and eve ningi concerts of both classic, semi-classic and popular si-lections, rendered by the -Minneapolis Park Baud, under tbe direction of \V. Warville Nelson, tbe season commeuciug June 21st. As other attractions for tbe pleasure seekers, Har rlet boasts of a puny track, gasoline launch, boats, bathing facilities, restaurant and family picnic grounds, w-bile tbe boulevards are favorite promenades. This park is among those op eratvd by tbe Minneapolis I'srk Board.

Ye who love tbe haunts of nature will not go amiss when In tbe Mill City by visiting our must noted park, Miuuebaba Falls, made famous by 'lenry Wadsworth Longfellow, in bis world renowned ' Hiawatha," wbicb is also under the management of tbe Minneapolis Park Board. This beauty spot, rich In legends, is tbe scene of many family picnics aud gatherings, while trar.sienrs, cameras in band, are always to be found here.

.Adjoining tbe park, and thus most appropri ately named "Longfellow Gardens,” is a zoulug leal and botanical exhibit, well worth seeing, which is owned and managed by R. F. Jones, one of Minneapolis' pioneer residents. These gardens contain more than a thousand wild and domestic animals and birds, while green lawns, well kept Uower beds, rustic twldges and num erous lagoons lend mucii t(<wsrd tlic beauty of tbe place. In tbe gardens is an exact repriMuc- lion v-f Longfellow's New England borne, as well ss a magnificent marble statue of tbe poet. -As an additional attraction, many performances are given dally lu tbe little open-air theatre, w'berc tbe mammoth elephant, Jumbo II., is pul through bis many tricks by Miss Mabel Hall. Giber trained animal acts are added from time to time. The opening this spring will mark tui- fourtb suctvssful season of tbe gardens and It is lo be expected that, under tbe capable man agement of .Mr. Jones, it will continue as a lK-rm.inent feature of tbe Mill City's summer HiiiusvMiienIs.

Thirty fourth street and Fourth avenue, Soutb. marks the site of our large circus lot, where such attractions as Ringliug Brothers, Barniim ami Bailey. Forepaugb-Sells. MIIKt Brothers' 101 Ranch and other wild west shows, drew enor iiious crowds, while Gentry Brotliers' Dog and Pony Show- makes Its beadiiuarters at Thirteenth street and Nicollet. It Is also rumored that Herman Smith is ivlauning an indoor circus tor this summer, to be given at the .Armory.

•As regarvls indoor amusements, the MetropoII tan. Bijou and Orpbeum rheatres will close thv li regular season early in June, while th-.' Dew..y iWestern M'bwli, and the Oayety (Eastern Wbeeli, will continue their performances until .August, when they will both close for a month, oivening again for the regular fall season. In spite of these facts, however, theatricals will not suffer a complete ecliivse during the warm wearher. Both of the theatres booking Sullivan Considine attractions, namely, the Miles and tbe l'nii)ue, will remain o|veu ibroughont tbi summer, while there will undoubtislly be keen comiK-titivva iK^tw-eea the two rival stock com panies. which will hold down tbe boards at Iht Lyrric and Metro|iolitan theatres. The Metro politan will oiK'n a summer stock season aflei the closing of rhe regular attractions in June, vvhi!.- Ibe r.yrlv' Stock C<.nipt.ny. which has beeu "ni.xking gvXHl” during tbe spring engagement, will endeavor lo win fresh laurels for Itself during the summer.

What with its many suburb.-in summer resorts, lakes, amusement (larks and theatres, as per manent features of entertainment, bi-sides the visiting attractions in the sb.-vpe of cirenst-s, wilil West shows, etc., the laassibiilty of an aviation wts-k and the big state fair IiHvming up iiright on tlw fall horlzivn. Minnea|a>Iis Uv-ks fivrwar.l lo a sumiiuw season for 110 which will surpass any of its provUms efforts and extends a most cordial Invitation to c.xch and every one to "come out to the Mill tTty and enjov yourself."



TTie managers of the different simimer amuse, ment parks In Denver are vrorklng hard and making great preparations for a big 19t0 season.

Out at White ("Ity a force of men are at work, under the direction of Manager Burt, building i a large theatri' where musical conitxlles will | luxibably be the attractions for the season at I the ixipuUr I.akeside resort. The old buildings an* all N.|ng remixleKM. painted, etc. and will pros«-nt a bright aiwl new aiqx.aranoe on oiK'ning day. May .A lot of new concessions will be addevi this summer, so that the line of attrac- i tlons at White t'lty will Ih* one of the largest i In the West.

Luna Park Is the latest summer amust'ment entonwlse In IVnver. It Is being built on the j site of the historic Manhattan beach, and a few ■ of the iK-st Manhattan devl(.es will he us<h1 in conjunction with many new- features to be Intrxxliiceil. The big drawing card for Lima ^ and an absolute novelty for the Rocky Moun- I

j tain region—will be a double-deck, alde-wbeeler I excursion steamboat, 110 feet lung, with room ; for dancing and tbe serving of refresLmeuts on I tbe upper deck, aud with a carrying capacity of j 700 persons, wbicb will be operated around tba

Luna Park lake. Luna i'ark will also possess tbe largest and

I only Sans Souci (lavilliou lu tbe city, a bathing j beach, a fine cafe aud an athletic field with ; grandstand seating capacity of 2,000, besldaa I many other good attractions, among wbicb will I be a shooting tbe-di(>s. Tbe old .Maubattas I theatre was destroyed by fire about a year ago, ' but negotiations are pending for tbe erectloa

of a modest playhouse lu tbe park for short vaudeville shows with pictures. Alber Lewln is pres., S. K. Hoes secy, and auditor, aud Cecil it. Connor Is publicity ageut.

Mary Elitch Long, manager of tbe Elitcb Gardens has Just returned from a trip to New Y'ork, where arrangements were made for one uf tbe strongest stuck companies that bas ever app«-ared in Denver, to fill tbe summer's en¬ gagement at this popular summer garden. Tbe strongest line of plays were also secured, rep¬ resenting tbe recent success ou tbe Americuu stage.

A lot of new landscaping bas bi-en indulged iu: new walks laid out among tbe trees and dower beds, so that ou opeuiug day, wbicb will probably be May 29, its patrons will have an opportunity of seeing one of the prettiest luni- mer gardens In tbe country.

Tbe Moulior A Merrimac show being con¬ structed now, will be the largest of that kind that bas been built anywhere. A uew coaster bas also been added for this ai-asou, iM-sides a lot of other new attractions. Tbe popular sym¬ phony concerts will also be given during tbe season on Friday afternoon of each week.

The Broadway theatre has a line of strong plays before tbe season closes, wbicb will carry tbe season until about tbe middle of June. It It possible that a slock cumiMuy will bold sway at this popular {daybouse during tbe balaucu uf tbe summer, though arrangements have not beeu made as to Just wbat will be doue with tbe Broadway after tbe regular season closet.

Tbe Tabor Grand also bas a lot of good plays before tbe season closes, nor have arraugemeuit beeu made for tbe disposition of this buuss during tbe summer mouths.

'Ibe Orpheum will close on June 5, and Man¬ ager Carson will bare completed one of tbs most successful seasons that tbe Orpbeum bat ever enjoyed In Denver. Treasurer Elder Is due for a good share of praise for tbe courteous manner In wbicb he bandied tbe public. Ar¬ rangements for the summer season bare not been decided upon.

Tbe Majestic Theatre bas enjoyed a very prosperous seasou, aud will continue to ruu right through tbe summer seasou, and .Man¬ ager Bronson assures bis patrons that be wTll continue to keep up tbe high standard acts.

.Manager Darling of Tautages reports a nice increase in receipts and will keep this popular bouse open during tbe entire summer season. It is possible that a new entrance will be put in, oue that tbe Denver public will be proud of, so that tbe opening of tbe fall season will and the Damages one of tbe most attractive theatres iu tbe country.

The Sells-Floto shows, which bare beeu wintering in Denver are making great prepara tious fur tbe coming season. All equipment is being overhauled, aud rehearsals are under way for a lot of uew features wbicb will be added this year.

Out at Tuilleries a lot of new coucessious are being added this year, besides a lot of strong vaudeville acts have beeu buoktsi, wbicb will make this puimlar Soutb Side resmt more pop¬ ular than ever.

Charles Jacobs will be tbe bustling manager of this amusement |iark Ibis season.

The Curtis Theatre expect to run through the smumer months with tbe Van Dyke Stm-k Co., to tbe Denver public, but will no duulit make as tbe attraction. This com|iauy is a u>*w oue good and give tbe Curtis patrons a gmd ruu for their money.


Omaha is becoming a great theatrical i-icy. with five rtiestres now doing busim-ss anil jiie iu Ihe course of eoustructiuu. Tbe Boyil, de voted to sfock pnaliictions; tbe Bn ndeis, K. A E. .-iltri'Ctions: tin- King Stair A Hiivlln; The Urpbeum, vaudeville; aud Gayety, Columbian .'musement Co. shows, with the new- lions.-, wlxl.-b oiM>iis in May. will Morris vaudeville. 'VlMi six theatres wo will be iK-lter iirovi.led Ml the wa.v of amiist-nii-uts than any eity of Its size In the west. Init for ourdmir 'iimincT amusements, we prai-tically have ni'lli ing at the presi-nt fiine. w ith but v. ry ill tic prospect of an irniis. m.-nt pare tbe coming 'ceson.

Since the closing »f Kiug Dark, two years ago, wj have beeu without a flr-t cia'S park. W'm. D. Byrue will have Ihe management Lsk-* Man.awa. loc.ilisl two miles In lew- Cisincil HlnP.s, I-i., and one of live mi>st deligbifiil lak.' resorts in this vlcjni:.v, which is very popular with Oin.i'ia tMs'pIe. Jii': what ini proiements sr.- 1-. be mnle st tlii' resort will not be decided on until later In the season, hut in the past Mr. ItyriR. has always added some new feature, and It Is very likely he will have new- for h.s patrons wh.-n the park opens.

Jteymonr Lake I'ark. which Is lociib'd iieai- South Omaha, will be under new managimient snd usisl mostly as a picnic issairt. Tb,* p.srk contains several niiius.smciit devices an 1 with the lake for boating, makes an ideal place tor parties to spend the lay for recreation aud pleasure.

\Ve arv w.*!! provhieil with deiiehtfiil city (.arks, two of th- most popular being Hans com a*i'l Riverview. The city milliorities will provide bind concerts on ccif.-viii days, and thesi* N.antiful nature parks are thronged on Siimla.v s a-vl evenings diiniig the sunircer m.-viiths

Or ihii should li.vve an up to dat.* cmiis«-meui I srU, ami vvb.-n one is locatevl hire. Its sp,- cess Is ivssiimhI. an 1 It w-oiiUI mx* Imk any pat r .nsge with a population of 2dO iski to draw from

Tbe Gaycly will offer its palnsis moving ide Inrea and vaiid.-ville .it. the conclusion of the regidar seivs.m. and the Boyd will (.lay sto. k provliictions iliplng t» summer iiion’hs.

The .\k "sar Hen a'd Strv.-t Fair, which lak.« place in S pt.-mher. has h. coin.* so popular tt*<wis.ii-ds aic xffrscted lo tti* city from siicvoiimling towns. Tin earnivsl. under the ni.iusg-'ni.'iil of D.ic Dreed, is th" largest of anv tli-ongh iit it;e t'nited States I.-’sf .year's ilf.-nd.iiiee iK-ing ov<T 'Jikt.cS'Hi.

.Avrnngemenfs- * Iven made for a big gather ing of S'lites troops wlilcli will b.- a big feature -vf this vcsi's earnlv:>i.


20 T ti e B I 111> o a r d MARCH 26, 1910


Id tlit* outdoor atuuKiuifUt tifld at Itocbi-ster, during tbe coming i><-a>ou, tbe “old reliable'’ Ontario Iteacb i’ark will, practically, bold away alone. Kollowiiig tbe i>olicy of laat aoatiou, it baa bi-en decided not to place altractiona at Ulen Haven, while Sea lirecze, admirably adap ted for tbe purpoae, will b»- given over i*nllrely aa a picnic park for cburcb orgaiiixationa.

Signa, wblcb are beginning to make them aelvea manifeat, all indicate Ibat more of tbe ■■I'eer” ayatem that cbaracterlieil Ibe oiwratiou of Ontario Beacb i'ark laat aeaaou, will again form tbe baala of conduct of tbe cidebraled recreation place during tbe aumemr of IblO. Tbia dlatinction eaiata, however, that tbe rad¬ ical departure from atereotyped metboda abown In tbe paat appear on even broader lluea in tbe plana now in tbe making. Underlying all prepa rationa remains tbe adherence of certain funda mentala, wblcb aeem to b<‘ part and parcel of 11. L. Beer'a managerial make up, chief among th<jae, that condition expreaa<-d by tbe alogan,

■UUEAX, CUEA.NKK, CUEANFiST." While realizing tbia policy to be tbe fountain

bead of tbe park a aucceaa supply, yet not alone on tbia phase do tbe olticera of the Ontario Keacb iiolel ami Amusement Company real tbeir bo|M-a for tbe making of another record in tbe park's attendance. Many elements bare cous|dred to warrant tbe assumption of the season soon to arrive aa being awarded thi (tanner position in tbe two decades of tbe re¬ sort's successes. Primarily, there exists the t>ver tvtsi feet Of sandy (teach, with Its spacious (trumenailes and inviting teraces, from which one may view tbe glorious panorama of shifting water-cclor effects, relieved here and tber> by tbe white expanse of yacht canvas, gor geous sunsets, or tbe Canadian vessels that ply into an almost continuous link between tbe in battltants of tbia siile and our "over ‘ome’’ cousins. Kormitig a background for this Is-au tiful natural setting, stretches tbe half square of tmildings with tbeir strikingly varied arcbi lecture and faced tty wide spaces of lawn, (lower t>eds and gardening effects. On the .Music Shell are given, twice daily, concerts, while on tbe largest free open-air stage (siastet. tiy any amusement park in tbe country, are pro duced tbe cream of novel and spectacular acts, this i>ortioa of tbe park t>eing known as the ■■Cirque de E’air,’’ and proving a potent factor in attracting immense crowds daily. I’icnie grounds with pavilions, attendants and complete equiimieut are Dumliered among the '■crowd lure" features, in which department a force is main tained throughout nearly tbe whole year, foi tbe purpose of securing tbe outings and special days of organlzatioDs and societies.

Of particular note is the fact that, scheduled for Kochester during tbe coming summer, are altout 50 conventions of State and National or ganizations, tbe main feature of the enter (ainmeut of w bosedelegates, will, no doubt, in conformity with arrangements inw in course of ■completion. iHi'ur at Ontario Keacb I’ark. .kpro|ios of (tig. spis'lal affairs held at the r< Bort. la ■•Children’s Hay.” I.«st year fully 40,«sa> little ones of all ages, sorts and condl tloDS, together with fathers and mothers, took liossessiou of tbe park. At different times tbe crowd became so dense as to ne-cessitate thi cloaing down of tbevarious devices and attrac tlons in order to avert chances of accidents. Yet this la but one of the many instances of days arrangisl by a resourceful department foi kee()ing alive tbe interest throughout tbe season.

Prmiinent in tbe list of the park's attractions are the scenic railway, Virginia reel (the largest of Its kind ever constructed!, dancing pavilion, circle swing, giant carousel. Hotel Ontario, Jap anese village and bazaar, illusion theatre, Ger man village, auditorium and tbe one hundred and <Hie minor concessions that go to make up tbe merry whirl of tbe well regulated summer park pro|>osition. Incltidetl in tbe innovations fur tbia season are wireless telegraphy stations, a line of miniature battleships marking tbe lake front and. |>erhaps the most pretentious feature, the eliH'trical and s<’cnic iiroduction “Out of the North,” to be constructed in the auditorium building, where was formerly the "Johnstown Fltsal.”

Tbe story of tbe latter Is bawd upon tbe niemoral)le events of the Greeley Arctic Exia'dI tion, one of whose memta-rs, the lamented Lieu tenant Frederick F. Kisllngbury, being a former citizen of R<a'bester, N, Y., and who played a lirave and conspicuous part in the episode, Eieuter.ant Kislingtmry’a records and paiaTs were found at (.'ape Conger tiy Eleutenant Peary and tiy aim returned to Lieutenant Kislingbury’s linitber. who resides In the Flower City. Upon this authentic data is Ibe spectacle now being constructed, uniler the supervision of the theat¬ rical builder. John Fromm. The “Canals of Venice” will la* replaced by “Adown the Swanee.” a scenic water ride created by Man ager William It. MaeCallum, of the Broadway Theatre, Camden, N. J., and Manager Poor.

When asked as to bis plans, and particularly as to what he attributed the success of the l>ark last si-ason. the fonner publicity man re [died :

“It’s as plain as the lake out there. First, tK- clean and hon<“*t with your imidic—then have •<-thing doing' all tbe time.”

Enrolled In the iM-rmanent staff are CTiarles W. Nelson. 3St L>well street. Rochester, X. Y'., tmoking agent: Lieutenant R. H. Staines, ex curaion managi-r; James Grady, suia-rlntendent; J(*hn Gilbert, director of amusements; Francis In* Foy, designer and imblicity department; Charles Ford Bemis. assistant superintendent: I'harles Peaw. iKiblicity department; Charles Wehbrlng. accotintant ami chief of office force; Haviil Carr, electrician.

CHA.«. W. Nin-SOX.


'Ibe amusi'ment situation in Toleilo is in a s..rt of lethargic condition and as far as the big theatres are concerins! busim*ss has lM*en far from encouraging. The big attractions play¬ ing the Valentine, the big syndicate bouse, have met with very |nair business and the atcndatM'e at siane of the shows has Iwh'D dls- bearteniug. A few of the tiig favorites have ieft town with some financial satisfaction, but generally siieaklng business has been far from go. si.

•kt the Auditorium, the .*vliubert bouse, con- ilitions have tx-en equally bad. and in spite of the untiring efforts on the part of the very <'om|M-teDt manager, Otto Klives. it has bi-en impossible to .Iraw like g.sid houses to tbe excellent attractions Uie Ismse has played. Toletlo has easily proven itwlf to be a cheap town as far as the theatrical buslueH Is concerned, and with the existence of tbe many mualler vaudeville and picture bouses.

there seems to be little hope, at least at tbe lireaeut, fur tbe higher class and Indter attrac¬ tions. At the Lyceum, the Stair and Havlin house, business has been excellent and many of the shows have played to danly sell outs, even on week stands. A deal of tbe success of (bis impular little playhouse la due to tbe nmiarkable work of Jt'a enterprising and competent young manager, Edward Kelsey, wlio has, by bia orlg.ual methods and clever puldlclty, made tbe Lyceum, Toledo’s most ts.|>ular resort. .Manager Kelsey la a former newspaper man and press agent, and is not a writer of bright and catchy material, but uiqs'ars to pvissesa tbe faculty of lauding tbe stuff he writes, and of getting more free i>ub licity than any other press agent In town. The Emiure (Eastern Wheel) burlesque is do ing well, and business is improving all the time. 'I'be lamse is under tbe management ot Harry Winters who has made a number of changes in couditKius and who seems to have done better w ith the theater than any of It’s furmvq- managers.

'1 he Arcade, for so long a white elephant In local theatricals, is at last a success, and a ileal of cri-dit is due to It's enteriirlslng man ager. Will C. Bettis, fur the phenomenal change in couditious. Fur several seasons thi house was a “juiiah” and although every form of iiuUcy, from Stock to moving pictures, was essayed, there seemed to be no chance of mak ing the unlucky “show shop” (wy dirideods. .Mr. Bettis, representing the IK-ttls Amuse ment Co., then took hold of tbe theatre, auu opened with pictures and vaudeville, the acts being Ituoked through Gus Sun, and from the start business went up with a boom. The house has a ca|iacity of over ll.UUO, and it al ways packed at every show. 'Three shows ari given daily and some really good bills ari offered. An orchestra of seven pieces furnishes the music, and the house is now cousidereo to be oue of the biggest money makers in the ten cent vaudeville business. The Americau, formerly Burt's Theatre, is also under tbi manageuwut of .Mr. Bettis, and is enjoying It’s tirst siK'll of iirosperity, since the iialmy days of .Al WiHsls and Blauey melodrama. The I’aycen Stuck Co. are furnishing the attractions, and are giving some satisfactory shows, draw¬ ing large houses, with daily matinees. There is a new ten cent vaudeville theatre here, the Urpheum, located in tbe same budding as tbe old Crystal, the former Ammon's A HuboU iHiiise here. It is being operateil by Chas. Nassr, the forumr owner of the Crown here, and has every chance of doing well. .At present the programs are hardly up to tbe gtaudanl. but It is uudersloivl that better acts are forth coming as soon as satisfactory arrangements ■ an be made.

(hie of live features of the show consists of short travelogs which are given by an Interest ing young talker who describes tbe various travel scenes In an able manner.

'The nsiviug jilcture theatres all apfiear to be enjoying prosiierity, and several houses have started In the past few months. The Royal, tormerly controlled by the Casino Co., of Detroit, has been acquired by Frank Kraily of the Triucess. Mr. Brally, now i>ractlcally coo trols the picture situation in Toledo having ob tained |>osses.sion of th** three most profitable of the smaller bouses in the city. These are the Trluces, the Royal and the Oown. Man ager Brady is (smtemiilating a big theatrical deal In Toledo but aiqiears unwilling to dis close any of his plans for tbe time being.

TTie Coliseum is being otierated as a skating rink ami several exhibitions and commercial shows have been given during the season. Ihese include electrical shows, food shows, (siultry allows, dairy exhibits, automutille shows and other similar expositions. TTie Coliseum is iiiuler the management of Frank Uakea Roue, the well known stiectacle producer who Is as sisted In the management of tbe mammoth building by B«*rt Dunn, formerly of Bellvm Tark. At Memorial Hall several conventions and trade exhibitions have been given includ ing the re<'eut hardware show which was a big success.

Ttie outliMik for the summer jiarks is none too encouraging and it is doutitful if any money will be s|>eut this season on Improve luents or new attractions. White City will re-ois-n early in May, but there will be no charge for admission, and the management will detM'nd largely upon the swimming l>ool and dance hall for It's end of the (irofit. Regard Ing the Casino and Ijike Erie I’ark tiut little information ran be obtained, and it is not yet certain Uiat the park will b? o|»-ned during the coming season. The annual carnival In aurgurated last season, ami intemled to be an annual affair, will protiably be held some lime during the fall. It Is kmiwn as King Wamtia and was. from some stan<l|>oints, a success. It is a municipal affair and was large ly in the hamis of local (sdltlclans wlm sadly mismanaged many of it's most im|>ortant features, ami It Is rumored that theflnanclal results were far from satisfactory, and that a deal of the money went astray. Toledo Is a pros(ierous and thriving city, ami is yearly becoming of more imiiortam-e In tbe amuse ment world. It is a favorite convention city and Is a wide ofs'n town. As a circus town It has a big reputation and Is rousidered to be one the tilggest winners in the middle West. It Is a big railroad center and Is one of the busiest shiiqiing |M<rts on the Great Ijikes.

There are several Motion Dlcture Film Ex changes in the city only one <rf which is hand ling association films. This Is the Kent Film Supidy Co., which a|q>ears to lie doing a big business. The oldest ami biggest fs.ncern in town is tlie Toledo Film Exchange, miw an In dependant firm wKh siiaclous offices on Siifierlor St., one of Tolislo's main thorouglifares. The Toledo Film Exchange is managed tiy B<1 Smith, one of the tx'Ht kmiwu men In the picture In dustry ami llieir shliqilng rooms are a p«n demoniuin of tieehlvelike activity. A. A. Gott slial Is the m-cretary and treasurer of tbe firm and Is a (lofiular man In town. A new branch of their business Is tbe art department where posters, signs ami announcement slides are made tiy the btindrtsls. Tills di-partment Is under the direction of W. S. niorjs-, who Is turning out some original and artistic work.

There is a smaller Independant tlmi In town, known as the Superior, but very little news can be obtaine<l coiicemlug them, and It la stated that the business la shortly to change hands.



Even at this writing, the blue bird, Ibat tiny press agent of spring. Is chronicling tbe arrival of natures most tieauliful pnslucthm—

I sumnicr. But a few weeks more, of Inclement weather Is expeceled. after which spring with Its warm days and |>leasant nights, will be given a welcome, such as It has not n-celved

by us for many and many a season. TTie past winter has been tbe must severe that has via Ited us fur many years, therefore, that fair weather will be received more joyously than usually Is obvious. Notwithstanding the cotu weather that has prevailed for tbe |>ast sev¬ eral months, the theatres were llbi-rally pat runized and show an increase in earnings over last year. Neither has the |iark manager, been conquereil by the cold blasts and chilly air. While u|N‘ratiuus were sus|H-mled, ami tbe uec essary imptruvemeuts delayed, all the resorts will be ready fur a gala oiieulug aa early this season as they were in IMV. Tbe Hue U)i of vjueen City Summer amusements Is practlc ally the same as it was last year. Coney Island with Its wealth of trees and shady lanes, has been umlergolng a series of lm|>n>vemeuts tbe past several months. Every building, from the clubhouse to tbe iteket otllce of the merry go-round, has been redecorated, with I'uplous portions of paint, and tbe com-esalous ami larger amusement devices were either strength euevt or rebuilt. Tbe same general policy In vogue last year will be followed. Tlie Island (Jueen and I’rincess the two must elaborate ami commodious steamers that ply the Dhio River will be In commission again to convey the crowds to tbe popular park In tbe wvhsIs. Vaudeville, and free attractions will tie of feted as heretofore, by amusement manager. George Wellington Euglebretb, wb« fur (be past Several seasons has prois'lled tbe smuse ment end of tbe liark, and who has (H-eii re engaged for tbe coming season. A numlM-r of tsipular features. Including a circle swing chute the chutes, and elegant cluti hoUM' make this resort oue of the most fatuous In this section of tbe woods. The formal u|K‘ulug of Coney IslamI will take platv on May kt*. follow ing the siweial day for the Shrlm-rs. who for the past several years have usiil the |iark exclu sively for one day, usually tbe day previous to tbe (lUblic inauguration. Sumlay excursious will be run down the river to Fernliatik. .Aurora and Ijtwreuceburg every Sunday until the sessisi starts, commencing March 1.’*.

Chester park is really tin* largest amnseiiieut resort In Cincinnati, if the uumtier of amuse ment devices ami concessions count for any thing. While this park iloes not oiver as much ground as Coney Island or the Ixigom, it em ploys a larger uumtH*r of attractions. By far the liest feature is the Stock conqiany which i>reseots light and comic o(sTa. lAst season, a numts-r of |Bi|iular o|>eras where re vivevl, much to tbe ilelectatiou of Cincinnati's music loving |h>pu1buiv. To prove that we of the tjueeu City are lovers of music, large aiidl cnees greeted, at nearly every |s*rformance of tbe season, a company, that was first class in every respect. It is to be ho|ie,l that Call. .Martin, tbe genial manager of Chester, will maintain for tbe si-asou of IttlO, an opi-ra company that will be able to duplicate the success made last year. There are other feat ures of this park that In themself would be sufficient to make tbe park a success—but we want o|iera, Donald Dunbar, who is handling tbe publicity end for (he Diyibeum Theatre, assumes (he position as press agent, and being a well known and popular newspais-r man. the suwesstul advertising of the park is assured. Boating, bathing, dancing and other out door amusements, have proved singularly succ>*ssful at Chester, and will again be n-gular features. Tbe opening date will tie the secoml Sunday in .May, tiy which time all imiirovements will be complete.

The Cincinnati Zoological Garden In addition to offering naturalists every tqitMirtunity to (lur sue their studies, is also very popular as a summer resort, and is patrouizevl by the best (Msiple of Clnciunatl and the many contiguous towns and villages. Musically Inclined ix-r sons are attract^ to this park by the large transient bauds who render concerts every night during tbe summer season. Creature. Vessela, Brooks. Weber, Sousa. Innes. I’hilliplnl. 'Thaviu, and The Kilties, are among the musical organizations that are tssiki-d. for iHie and two week's engagements. The |>rogratumes are usu ally diversified, and range from the most classic compositions, to the (Hipular and semi classic and ragtime uuiub<-rs. Very frequently s|H-cial tsipular programmes are arranged, either liy tbe band or the |iulillc. 'Ttiaviu while at tbe Zoo last year had oih- evening on which tbe entire programiiie was made ui> of selections requestetl tiy tin- |>uldlc. This IH'rformance proved highly suci-essful and it is to be hoped that some of the other large orgauizatioiia will arrange sinilliar isividties. The Z<si Is tbe largest of Cincinnati I’arks. that charge admission. Ttie entire park Is covereil with magnificent shade tn-es. each tieing latxded with tbe name and native h<Hne of the tree. The collection of animals. tilriH*. and re|itiles. Is one of the largest In the United States, In fact, nearly every spi-cles la re|ires«nted. Tlie clubhouse Is a very Imisirt ant factor in the succiam of the 7.>m<. S|Hs-lal dinner parties may be s<-en any evening. In summer, occupying the spacious verandas (hat entirely stirroniKl the clulihonse. I'lie cuislin- e<|uals, if not excels, that of any of (he hs-al hotels or cafes. *1110 Zoo la an all year round pro|sisitlon and is never chaied.

Oue of the prettiest parks In Kentucky Is the Lagisin, which lies iM-twi-eii two wissled hills, just <i|i|sisile the western eixl of Cincinnati. This park is the |M>t lediby of J. J. Weaver, well known all over the country as an ex|iert civil engineer. Tlie fact that Mr. Weaver owns the park argia-a well that hi- would do everything possltile to Increase its isipularity — and he does. laist season he Imllt a new de vice known as automotiillng In the tree io|m. This concession Is what Its name Implies, an auto track luillt fifteen or inor»‘ feet fnaii the ground clnling the entire park. The cars, very lutich the same aa a regular touring car. soar through an avenue of trees thereliy afford Ing a ride that Is extriunely novel as well as enjoyable.

The parks that have tnu-n enumerated atsive. form the principal n-creatlon for bs-al amuse ment lovers, however, there are several liathing beaches and a nuintier of smaller parks and gardens that conie in for their share of patron age. A new company la Is-ing f'loned that will erect a pleasure resort in CiucInnstI, hut as their plans have isit as yet lieen divulged, it is protiable that their park will not lie ready In time for tbe Ittlll si'ason.

The theatres still continue to do a g<sid business, as the Is'liteii sessoti la isiw over. Many persona who denied themselves tlx* pleas lire of the theatn- during the holy (line, are again aiixuig the familiar faces seen at the sev¬ eral playhouses.

It Is very probable than an aut'snolille track will Ih' constnicteil In Itosixlsle, Ky., a (own five miles south of Cincinnati. Hi'veral well known tTIncInnatlans are hack of s movement which. If successfully carried fsit, will convert a large trset of land at lUsu'dale Into <ine of the best one and one half <ir two mile tracks

now otwratlng. 'lYie company has already been lucortsirati d fur a sum of f|tt,(NSi, with autbur It) to raise same to fjtsi.tasi Eleven tbousanil dollars’ wis-th of slisk has already tx-en sun scrltx-d for, and wllhiu Hie next few weeks the full aiinxiiil of yjtsl.isai Is exixx-ted to be raised. Two of the richest men In Ibe city have prmnlsed to lake a big Interest In the track.

It has not yet Ix'eU derided whether the track will lie t-ullt of brick or Imard. 'The At lanta Npeedwa) Is a Ixiard track, and as it has proved more satisfactory than the lirick track, the (xurds will proiialily hold forth. It la as sured that (he first meet will take place uu Jill) I, and if the m-cessary capital is gut to gelh-'r, work on the track will start Ix-fure the first mouth of spring la over. It will lake no loiigi-r than two months to have everything ciMiiplelisI, and if the plans do not go amiss, like the former ones. CiDcinnatlans, as well as Kentuckians and other uearliy townsmen, can look forth to some real auto racing



AUautii 'I'lit* **4;a(e Titj'* U arkiHTHl»> all tli«* tlM'atrlral tu U* tti«> Kr«'ati‘<ki aliaw town in aial Artir i»f ili# lfr«*at«‘»t Auj«*ri(‘a. an an aiiiua<*iui*nt lovlni; aUll tln-ri* ar« (HH'uiiar rin‘uuiataiM‘t*» ai^ a<l\aulaie«»ii tiia' auiniuni tUU fact.

t Ik‘ tli«*atr« a anil olb**r aiuuM‘tn«*nt« il«t ik«»i Ua\<‘ It* «‘ntlr«*lj u^Mtu a\tlauia tni>4i*‘> for aft* luanjr tirain’b of «>aHUTU b«iUM*ii. OAM^HiratlAkiiK aiwl iiMiu^kiru-* ioi-atinl tirinifiii^; «*aat4‘m UiA>n«*jr In tb<‘ ua> of iAalari**a to r«‘|»rt*iM*ntativ«*ii wbu art* UMtl It* and aiHtrt*i*iatt* atfractit*n«*.

It in t*ni>' a U)altt*r <»f tiuu*. nlit^n in adtlitiou t4» t4i iutfrurt»aii lint*ik. «*itH‘tric liikea mili con iH-t't Aliania %«itb rbatlaiii>A»i;a. Mat^iu ai«l .\ui;u»ta anti Atlanta >«ili nval lDdianapi*lla aa au intt^urlNin tvnirr. Tbcn, too. ail t<mna «^iirrt»ti.Mlihte .Atlanta atmtb tir Mi»utb(‘aat, ttbt*

.\tlauiit' t'«*a»t Statcai are tributar> tt» .Vtlauta. tnakinit a urB^luik inipulatiuo for ainuiM* uientH of all t'bararier t»r wb**. like u)«»tbii tu a ttauu*. are drai^n b»*re to tb*- iH'ict altraction** <mi t»f N«-m \t»rk aiui tb** eaai TtiiH Ik inatlc |H*wi«siti|«s |»\ th** el«*t;aiit train a«>ni4‘**« of b**r tnaiiy niatU and tb<'lr read>

' atMi li«‘arty «it**>rati4»n in runnli*4f MtMTial**. tfiviii^' rateh. «*tr.

.\tlaiita lia** t«* t>«* an lu)|H>rtaut r«la> (■>lnt f**r ^aiideviil** |M‘rf«»rtn«*r** n***'*aaar) to tCAi tlinmicb tb** "tiat** t*it>'* fr«*in eitb**i iu>rtb «*r ea«*t t«* the wditb aiMl A4Hjlb**a*t.

U*aliiliig tbe*k«> many atl\ai»tat;**'« ami Miiii that 4*lvic 1^*141*' ami «4iirit that inak*'» an> i*ity ^r«‘at. Atlanta |>re*>*nt«* tb** \**r> lM*«t in any Itm*** 44f aiuuM*tii**nt*>

In an int**r\i4*u H.tb .Mr. i m iaii \<»rk4'. in'H aitti Uii’b Hrua.. but ri«'*M-|> aK*MH*lat*Al miIIi tbe tarimr tli«*airi4*ai biiAtor) «*( Atlanta tb* \vrit**r learii** tbal« altli<»utrti tbere Ha'» a ball 4*u iHM'atur Str*tt. ^Aln-r** 4tirf4*r*‘nt atiiU'«*-m«*nt» w**r** Kl^eii. tb*- tir^t oji^Ta II'MI'h* of Atlanta Man built !•> Mr. !«. I^**^*.^** ai*>ul 1^74. r« iiMiininic tb** t»nl> iifM'ra Ikmim* 4tf tb** 4*tt> f4*r *M»in** tw«*nt> tl\«' >**ar>4. It »a«* at tbia tlH-atr** that lUMftb ami llarrett iklay*-*! t«<i iut:bt» ami uiatimv. iflvlniT llaiulet. Juliua 4*'aaar ami (Mbelb*. I'bia ladniC tbe A»cily tin*** that tb* tuo |»lay*Nl t4»getber in tbia cit>. ttiln-ra of tb«‘ir *la> aurb aa Jm*. T Ua^tmual in («*lonel MuitNTry Sellara. U<4»min amt t'rane in M«‘rr} \V|\**a 4if Wimlaur. Mm. I». I*, liomera in V'n*«*n Klital»etb am! Mary St«*iiart, ainl Mr. ami .Mr> \V. J. Kl**n*nre in Tbe Mlifbty Ndlar. pla.^***! at tbia brat lb**atre <»f s^tlanta. In l^br* during th«* KxtMTttitlim tbe name «a« obaiiK'Nl to tb* ('44uinlda Theatre, ami later atH»ut ItMiit t<* tb*' Hijuii.

ANnit tbia aaiiie time tbe I yoi'iim fia» built. niiinliiK *vi*\*>n to ten y«*ara. ta'lnic maiiaic***! I»> t**»ley Amlerai»n. 'rhla little tb«*atri> (*Hiiiir t.. tb«* fa<-t that **tli*'r tb*‘atre«> w**r** «'T^>H«l***t iliir I14: til** Ki|H»aiil«m. Iia*! the In'iatr «»f batint: a**ni** *»f tin* t;reat4‘al rebdirltle** |day u|*4‘n Ita atatfe. Itbbard Manab**!*!, lailliaii ICu*hu1I and otlifH* Hbiiwinit tlmre. 'I'h** l.>«***utn wa** burn***! ami never r«d>iillt Ab*»ut reallilni: tb«‘ iH'eil of a larifer tb«*atr** in .\tlaiita. Mr I., heiiUe tiiillt tile tfraii*!. Htileli tb** laric****l theatre In tlw at>iith and «>m* tkf tb** lari;e«*t In tin* I'ldteil stat****. havlmt a «uatiiii; *-a|ka**it> (*f aifoiit The lo«k*T f\>mT ab*m* •tafliiK

'|’h»* (tramt i*laya tb** tery biicbe««t Ha**** **f attra4'ti4»ni» am'h a« the tf**iitl«‘iiieti «*f \1 •* «i«*«*ip)»l. Littel Sem*». litkiNTt Mant*ll. 'lb* U4*umlu|*. Tabl In Pull, tllrl fr*>m tin* ibiblen Weat. 'Hi** 'Iblef, Virt*»r M**»*re in tin* Talk of N*‘« \ork ami <itln*r« of equal lait** Mati> <»f tli4'*M* |ila)iiii: ••m* M**ek eiiKait*tiH‘nt« 'I'ti* brnt allow that waa play***! In tin* Craml wa« Itaiii**! Pndiiiiatra 'rii** Wife, the a4>*a»nil <4iow w*aa l*rtliir<»«4«‘ A Weat'a .Mlnatnda Aiaither amall tinatre iMillt a f«‘W yeara at;** waa the Mar I'iieatr** on K«lKewiaMl A^eiim* Tbia waa built and inaiiat;***l by \lr. Idiomiiaon. wli«» al*a* t»iillt the 4lr]>beuiii. The Htar ‘Itn'atr** waa u«**1 aa a variety th*‘atn' ami waa aft<*rHaf>la dU fai|itinii«M|.

AlHkiit IImO the Oridieiiiii waa built, ami at brat pla>e<l a at«a-k 4*<*iiipany. wbi«‘li waa not a au<’e«*aa ami Mr. 'nH>iti|*a«»n. th*' tkiifider amt •*i%ner, leaa4*d it tu Wei***r and Kuab of N*’W V«»rk. wt»o ran \aiidevllle f4»r al»<»iit tw*» ikea***Mi« iimbT the maiiai;*'iii«*iit of Mr. lien Kalin. whi«'li alao pn»«<Nl tinain'*'aaful ami waa then leaatal t*y W«‘blM'r ami Itiiali to Mr. Jak*' W* lla and 4'oiiipaiiy. ami iimb*r the *‘ftieleiit matiaK*‘im*nt (»f .Mr. lliiffh <4inbiMi baa pn»veti ••iiilnetitl> am reaafiil, playliiif to rr<*wd«'*l hoiiaea. laitb inatlii**e ami evenlnir ami *»ft*'n hanicliijr «»iil atamliiMC nM»tn <*nly. Tb*' Or|ilietiiii baa the aain* a<*ta aa tin* lN*at <if the lartrer I’lfb'a, playlna N W. Willa, (ilia IMwarda' Kelnaddaya. Witnii wtwMl'a Traln«*d Atilinala | ady Hetty, Tin* Hu man M*»iikey and (»tber lilcti |trb*ed aeta. mM •ayliMf ao iiiiH'li atl*-iiti4in t«> featuring liea*l liiera «»n areount «»f tin' fart tlMt name are

iMit au iilg an atlra«*tb»ti In .Atlanta, but eti deart»rliig t<» make e\ery aet a g<MM| 4»ne.

Aftt«r Mr. Jake Welta atai e**iiifiany <*aiiM- iiitn th*' belli ami arrangeil t** g«> In with 1. IteOive, tin* tN*aiitlftil litflo family tlieatn* wltli a a«*atltig lapai'lty 4*f Kkai waa built, ami nmtir the tnatiagi'lin'lit «»f II |t«*(}lve ami II (Ninluna baa pMv«'n tlatnHiglily «iti'4*eaariil giring tb*- Imat |»i>piilar i>laya. aiieli aa Want A V<»k«*«. (ieo. Mliliwy, llanb»ira Sii|H<rt>a. Mra. WIgga i»f the f'ai»bag«' l*alrh. Pe«*il (Vioper ami utbera «»f like rf*t»utatluii, and playing tu er*4wde4| euiitliinaily.

N<*w' friMii tbe fael of tin* rapbl gruwtii of At lanta aa an aiiiiia<*iiient (*«'ni«*r. ami Hi*' fart that Atlanta la deatliied to |»e a elty of friun .'Mmi tii r^gt flmuMiiut 111 tin* mar fiititre, atlll atM»th**r beautiful tlmatn* (Tin* N*w Piraytli 'nn*atrei «aa biHIt.

<(VHitliMi*'4l on imge sVIi



MARCH 26. 1910. Xtie Billboard il



1 h< <lly <if Clilrm:". tliruii.;li Hi. l'■■r|«lr■tl<lll (■••Iini ll. l» ri-OHlfy 111*! iIh- rily uriliiiaiii'fit, ■■ t. iiii.|iiiiiur) mImiiii <>ii> f.iiir nr Hm’ yn«r«. ■ ml Itii) ri'i-ciilly ■■iiin in ■ iIIvIkI.iii „t thf I..!.-, wlili'h c.niTi. "Ka|i|< >l«i-i." Iliii. till- rmnuiiiK'iiilatlnii nf tlif lira- •l•■|lH^llll• lit, ilirouKU »li' «f limiK-rllull Itin ' orilllialM wan rt^-uui III! Ililml l«i Itli* i'nri«-latlnli oiUlirirM nftloa*. for liai-»nk'i' mi mtiiilar ami k' H'ral ''Kiploalvra,"

far ■« ll»i-y |H-rtaliii-il to umrluu |>lctur<- niuia.

1 III* onlliiaiii'i-. |>art nf uli.rli naa already a part nf lllr en.|e tnl tIm liai.l iHn yeant, cou- lalim a iinirlalnii ibat lai in-rmni aliall keep or ■ tore iimre lliaii Ibme liiiiidred feet of luovliiK plcliire niui 111 any build.iiir or |daee witblu Hie rMy nf I'lileaitn. uiileai. aiirb |M'rann Kball make ■ litdleatlno to tbe tire iiiarabal to liiH|>e<-t the bilildllik' and rerniiiiiieiiil tbat tbe lleelia*- lie ta^uml to lliat |M*rie'ii. 'rile IIcimiim' r*Miuir«‘a a liayiiienl of $•’% for alnraicn nf iuovIiik pic¬ ture ttlma. to Ih- ke|i| tinder till- Inaiieelton of the elly and under tin- JurUdleimii of tbe city cniinell. 'nil- lire iiiaralial aball U- tbe Jiidite of tbe film, aa to laiW' It nball la* ki-pt. anil be. In turn. ri|«irla any violation nf tbe ordlnain-e for lni|>».lioii of tile la-nally nf IhImio-u live and one biiiidrial dnilara. plam-il aa a in-nalty f.T any violatimi tbere.if

Tlirei' Ibouaalld feel |a Ibree reel* of film, lU other wnrda. If a theatre altnidd attempt to run more than thrv-i- reela or e\eu keep or atore It In Ha o|ieratliia riMHu wllbout a llcenai- or permit and upon payment of a fe«- to tbe city for no dolnc. they will have violateil tbia nrill nance ami be aubjrct to a line. It la a well known fai t that twenty jar i-ent. of the picture Ibeatrea of Cblcago have from Ore to alx thou aand fi-el of film at all timea, during a ahow. and an- ex|Mialng from three to Ore thouaaiid feel at each ahnw. I'lnb-r Ihia ordinance they Would not la- |N-rmHled to do ao and wimld mu the haiard of bariiig their llceuai'a revokeil and Ibeir abowr clnaiil. aiiil If tbeir bnuai- ahnuld la- adJnlnliiK Mime iimia-rty of great value, any Ja-ranu fieliiig that It waa emlaiigerlug the ad oliilug iirmierty might priweed umler thla ordl

bailee to have the |a-nalty Invoked agaliiat the violator.

Anothi-r ai-ctlon of thla ordlnanci- pmvidea It ahall be unlawful for any |a-rann. Qrm or cik- |H>ratlon to kia-p or at.ire moving picture Him in the city of I'hicago Hi any other manner than In tin cana nr metal lain-a of galvanlual iMn. amt ahall la* at all timea atori-d In fireproof laulla. Wlieii linn inllaiiunable material la uaed. Illma nei-il not In- atoreil In llreiiroof vaulta. and here the city attem|>|a to diatingulah between nammable film ami imn Inflammable film, to tbe iM-m-tlt of the n-m Inflammable material.

It la a Well kiaiwii fact that all film uai-d by moving picture manufaelun-ra la ev|dia>,ve and tbat tin- gaai-a that generate from the Him when eiiclnai-d or when heatial will caua.- combuatlon and ex|ibale. It la under the divla.on of •'Kx plnalvi-a,” of the i-iale. that thla ordlnanci- la now tielng (ihraaial. and yet the ordinance t>ro vldea that thla tllm. without mentioning to what di-gri-e It la Inflammable exeinida non liillammable material, when aa a matter of fact, the only n-i-niiimen.latli>n mm Inflammable material haa la that it will imiI au|i|airl Ha own Co mb nation.

Amithi-r provlabiu of the onlinance provldea that not to exeeial twelve la-lllllold nr other highly Inflammable fllina aball tie iwmiltteil to aland on abelvea. while the aann- la being In atw-cled. pur-haai-d by cu«touiera. or In the tilling nf orderw Thla provlalon hlmlera a film exchange with a large numlM-r of cuatomera from handling with any degn-i- of cleaimtch. to auch an extent that If they were attempting to get out two hiimlreil ahlpineiila a day they could mit carry on tbeir biialiie-oi and make tbi-ae ahlpmenta and live up to the n-alrictlona placed u|ain them by the onllnani-e. oolwlth atanding the fact that all Illma are m<w being received, and ahlpi-eil In metallic tnixi-a and paeke.l In an additional fibre caae or box for thi- (irotectlnn of the eX|trewa companlea.

.kmitle-r of the ordinance reijulrea anil exai-ta that the film exchange ahnuld aiili nilt. fTi m time to time, aanipb-a nf the Him keju In the exchange to the flri- marahal. fhu» making It a duty of the fire marahal to Inaiwet each and evi"ry film at leaat once every Iw.i montha. and tlie laat provlalon nf tbe orillnanee protidiai a penalty fir any violation of the aame, which ahall lie fr-mt five to one huitilreil dollara

Itut there la a clanae that atati-a that when auch moving (deture Illma are made from mm Inflanimahte maliTlal. auch material not be •toreil In flreiu-iwif vaulta. It ai-i-ma very wtrange that a city like t'blrago. through Ha rom'uon Ciainell. ■h.iuld broaden an onlinance that l« a-i illfferenl fr-an any ollu-r ordinance In the covin try. .\one of the city*council haa dlatlngiilah-d lieiween the non Inflammable flint and the In flammable film, an far aa the danger la cou cerm-il. n-ir In the fact that they are com bualPde. but that thi-j are exploalve. and f'-r that ri awn. wlah auch an onlinance to be paaaial thr-Highoiit the country to aafcgtianl I’l - Intereata of the pia>|de an-l the llvi a of the Hreiiun In caai- of Are

The Natbmal Indt-iH-ndenl Moving riciun- .\1 llance, through Ha aiH-n-lary. William II. S'wan ai>n. haa tus-n kept bury In t'hltag.i and St. I.mtla ailvlalng the iMiiimllteea In tbe cll.v ciMinell ib- parlmenta on the framing of the ordlnanci a that Would applv to the regulation of thla Imalue-.a and laat frlday the llcena.- i.aiimlllce at H» meeting at the fllv Mall In fhlcago, t.a-k up f-ir the aecoiiii tint-- the ipieatbiu of the amenil mi-nt to the ordinance, and llatiiuil to the dier enl ’om|dalnla|T Cimi-ern'ng llu-ai' vlcbata enact menla and protlalona agalnat flint exchangea who ninti nd Ihil the ittot Ittg picture bualiieaa In the laat year bad gr-iwit betoiid conleittpiv tb-n of the ordinance now In f-irce, and wouM grow mneh itfire rapidly wllhlti the tievl l».> veara, and that thla ordinanee wiuibl hate lo be tlllended III onler llial Hie biialneaa might

laindueleil vvlIlKHit bi liig nitre a a-oiabl I r- • irletial .till the lni|Hirtanee of having a fair ordliianee paaaial In I'lileago lit Ihi- city council can be bi*tler tinderat-aal fr**nt the fact tbit there la a city iiHliln a r-idlna of .'iiai mili a of fhlcago. w lib It |a rniHa Ha Inna lo be r- fonttial after they are pa>«ed !•> lit.- cHv ..

"hen ladlce cenaoralil|i W .la llrat lilt rialnce.l In Hie city of fhlc.igo It waa llirongb the elTorla of Mr .vfwanaon. ami naa found to be of gnat

•" Ihi- nioving pb liire Inter-'aia In gen-ral " IHiln a year m-arl.t evet.v city In the nea|erii|

: country had an ordinanee providing for cen I Hi.rahl|i. almllar lo tbe one paaaial by the city j conn-II of Chicago. I'iileaa Ibeai- mattera are

balked after by a-nue <me who la familiar with He- niiKineae. the city ciamcil. n>it knowing bow im ordinance might apply lo He- working of tbia gr*-at indtiatry, would paaa an ordinance tbat would aerlmialy bam|ier Ha growlb. For In alance. tie- ordinance |iroblbHlng any one to inter the oiH-rallng l»H.ib except tie- operator ■luting a la-rformance. Tbia urdlnance haa caiiM-d the im|airtalbm Into tbia city of nearly every uiH-ralor working today in the city o,' tlilcago. for the reawon that aiiiirentiv-eabiii la unknown. Itut the O|e-rator. learning In Klg*n or Aurora, comv-a Into t'blcago, jiaaai-a an exam- Inatio-i, geta a cerllBcate from the city council, and giH-H to work here, wbile the young men. aona of the |iro(irietora anil luauagera of ahow boiiaea. are di-nli-il the prlvlli-ge of li-arnlng thriMigb the provlalona of thla atrange dly or- dlnattci-. It la juat aa |Miaeilde for an oja-rator I" leant to o|H-rate a machine and atudv Its conatriiction while not in action, aa It la for an eiiginei-r lo learn to run a locomotive while It la alalioni'd In tbe roundbiyuae.

There are a gn-al many ordlnam-ea tbat are tielng paaai-vl tialay. and will la- paaai-d, regu¬ lating the different department a of the biial- neaa. am; It la fortunate for the abowun-n. manu factiirera and Him exchange men that tbev have aome laii who U familiar with the bu'alneaa. «i-nie one who la Intereati-d e-iougb In thla liiial- rii-a to taki- their part in the paaaage and adddbin of theai- ordlnance>.

tors. Tlie Kaaanay Company state* that while at prew-nt Ibi-y have no organized stock com¬ pany, contracta are now being signed by a num¬ ber of actors who are well known In theatrical circles, with a vb-w to organizing a very strong and capable slm-k company.

Anniaim-ement Is made that C. M. Anderson, tbe Kaaanay Comi>au.v's Western proilucer. is preparing a big Western drama.


Pathe Freres Not in Trust.

An iniiiortant case has just la-en decided In the Court of I'ommon IMi-as of Woml Co. (().) In a matter In which 1‘aHie F'reres and other film inanufacturer--s were allegi-<l to Is- in an un¬ lawful <-ons|)iracy In restraint of trade In vio¬ lation of the Sherman .Vet and tbe Valentine .Vet of the State of Ohio.

About two .vi-ars ago. rathe Freres entered suit In this c-airt against the Co (>]s-ratlv-e Film Syndicate, of North Ilaltimore. (I.. for the re covery of tbe purchase price of films sold to tbe defendants. Tlie defendants retained <lt-o. M. I'heliis. of Findlay, •>.. wls> Is well known In this state as the “Trust nuster.’’ Pheliis. who drove the Standard OH Co. front the state, to file a petition si-ttlng forth that Pathe Fre. res were part of the "Trust,” and. as such, asking damages against them In the sum of iJt.isio.

storage of films be so constructesi as to not dis criminate against the Indeiiemb-iit issiple using Infiammable film. In olln-r words, as thi- mat¬ ter now stands. It is the voice of the i-ommit- tee that laws governing both the non inti am raable and the infiammable film be the same, ami the non-infiammablc be not favored despite tbv- claim- of its advocati-s that It is far less liable lo lire. The infiammable people were rep resented in a speech bv \Vm. Swanson and Ku- gene Cline, who in meaty sentences said things vvhleh threw the scale in their favor. The N. I. people w«-re ri-iiri-sv-nted by Attorney Ver Hoveu. who spoke speclficallv in liehalf of the Essanay Film .Mfg. Co., and the Si-Ilg Poly¬ scope Co. Ernest .Magerstailt was brought into the argiunent. and It was his stirring address that prove-l the most |>otent factor in swinging the committee.

♦ The Montana Motion Picture Company write

In to us from Detroit and reisirt that tliey are iiK-v-ting with much success in their tircsenta- tlon of the pictures of The Creat Custer .Mas- sacTC. This thrilling subject Is ac<s«m|ianievl In the showing by reels of Indian si-enes. deplet¬ ing incidents in the actual life of the Crow res¬ ervation in .Montana. The comi>any are now- showing in .Michigan, but are also disposing of state rights in other parts of the country.

♦ I'orty hand-<-oIorevl slides typical of stirring

Incidi-nis In the life of Detective VViKildrIdge, are now being put on the market by the .Amer¬ ican Vending .Machine Co. Tln-se slides show sensational events which actuallv occurred dur ing the active service of Mr. Wooldridge as » detective In CTileago. The .Vnierican Theatre, the Star Theatre, the Virginia Theatre ami the .VIcazar TViealre an- a few of the houses who were among the first to take advantage of this novelty.

4» The .Vmerlcan Film Service have been upheld

by the cmirts in their contention that a rival concern was trading on their reputation by using a name similar to theirs. Mr. I. Van Konkle win pushed the matter with his char¬ acteristic aggressiveness, says that he Is now assured that he will rei-eive the tiroteclion due his company umler the laws of the State of Illinois.

4* Mr. Pushy, of the Victor Film Mfg. Co., has

returned to Chicago from Oklahoma where he has Is-en directing the work of his several cam¬ era crews who are in that part of the cotin- iry. working on Western subjects for this firm.

♦ The offices of the Igtemmle Film Si-rvice have

been altered and rearranged so that now they are laid out to much better advantage than !«-- fore, and are augmented by additional facll it leg for business.

4* Mr. F.ngel. the hustling young man who did

such gooil work as manager of \Vm. Swanson's St. Isiuls office is now holding down a ri-spon- sible position with the Hlobe Film Service.

4> Mr. Spt-er. of the Hid llelialile Film Reno

vating Co., reports that additional to their reg nlar line of business they are now handling ac c-essories for all moving picture people.

4* Mr. I>-e Mitchell, who Is now connected with

the .American Film Service, has btit recently re- covertsl from an Illness which confiened him to ills rooms for a perbsl of several ilays.

4* The Chicago Filmers have on hand a largi-

stivck of usi-il .Auxetophones which they are desirous of closing out uiilck at bargain pri<-i-s.

♦ Mr. Dan McKinney, formerly of the Interna

tlonal ITojectlng A: F’rcsiucing Company, Is now locati-d in Denver. Col.

4- Mr. J. B. Clinton, of the Unique Film A Con

structlon Co., has left (^icago on an ex tended Intslness trip.

4i .A. G. Whyte has oiieni-d an office in Chicago

In the Interest of the Im1e|>endent moving pic¬ ture people.

4* The Chicago Film Exchange are selling at 'Jc

a foot tinted blank film. +

R. G, Bacbman was out of the city last week on business.


IK-casloiially theri- ciHDes a woman into the show world who surprises all with her executive ability. In an atii.osi la-re which has for years b«-en of man's making, a woman who braves Its di'uslly and iiiikuuuu quality, who asks only for fair play and no lavors; who fights the battle as -he finds H and gaiii« in strength and biisliiess following, deserves all eri-dit in the world for hi-r suci-i-ss.

/ue Mi-CIary. of Xi-w A'ork City, who has for years condu<-ti-<l the only park and fair booking offlec in .America, owmd and mauagml by a woman, has been engaged liv the United Ib.oking HIBces ami has miw taken aetive charge of their fair department.

The greater part of Miss .Mi-Clary s life has be- n spent In lyceum and theafrleal work. In 19t« she op-'iH-d a Nioking ottiee In New York City and for iIm- past five vears has devoti-d her lime to ontdmir allraclioiis. Miss MeClary holds Hi - disHiu-tloii of l«-liig the first agent to bisik attractions for the .Atin-rlcan Gov.-rmiient on the I'anama Canal zone, during ItkiT and It*).*! she sent artists to 1 auama each nionih. For s«-veral years many big Eastern fairs and exiiositlons have given h- r Ihi-lr entire contract for amusimi-nts and last .vi-ar. in addition to bisiking free attrac-

mcn w^mld\'esH«;e iS “ ■•>'*I'«“*»«ility which many

.‘SiI’'"'!'" * ^ucci-ss and the w.anan as a bm.king agent has been r * dlstli-ct improvement over men. The Billboard wishes Zue

.Mot. ury all .n her new

Falr''l*a.'t”'xo.'rVil iV.*'-'-’ir'i '""A "'•♦■'sr.v is n-i^-iyii g the privilege tickets at the Sew York State f.-i-t bleb ■ Iiml..r"'ih ' '»**o o 'h'’’* >"tunts at the toji of a pole sixty-two from thi flrv'^' -i V"''xr/ “i/L.,**""'"'''' ^ he gentleman had just procured the tickets irora tne si-cfi-tary s ofr.ix- for Miss MH larv.

I.a«l week an i.rdlnici-e n.xs intr-slins-d la-fori- the lily isiiimil III SI I.Mils for the tegnlalloii ■ f inoxi g plmir-s. sn.| i-i-iisor-hip bv the polloe -let.artmenl I his t« n -w being bs.kisl after Hirotigh the secretxr.i of the AIIIsihi- who has ■sii|di .ii-.I is-iinsel In SI. loMiis. 1,1 tigiii ii„. pri- si nlisi proiHis,.,] oriHiinni-i-


Allcliael Str-igoff is slated fi>r release .April 1 'Pie action taki-w place In Rtisala.

R.-y Norl.-n's San.l.\. the Siitvstitiite. and Her First Ai»|»arance. bv Richard Harding Davl*. will Ih- ri-li-asisl .April S ,and N. ri*spi-cllx-el,v,

Gallegher. Rlcliard Harding Davis* well known story. In plclttn- f.M-ni. will |m- releaseil the latter part of April.

Si-veral m-enarlos have bi-en forwanli-il from Ciilia by Hie eonipanx s n-pri-ss-ntatlves tliere and are N-Ing pri-|iari-d for earlv release. It will Im- n-niemlM-nsI Hiat |>art of the Kdlson Siiiik C.Miipan.x bus tM-en In the West Indies uliii-i- the earli part of January, w'orking on •eenarloM e«peelall,\ written lo N- workiM out with liM-al 1 olor.

Sales Manager Felzi-r has returned to the fac lory after a Ihns- wei-k«‘ Visit to the largi- cHb-s of Ibi- middle AA'est.


Featured releasi- .April 2 Is an Fssanav "'eslisrn drama, called The Flowi-r of the 1! llieh.

Tlie Essanay Guide of reb-ases for Hu- first two weeks i.r .A|1||I eontalus siilijeets of a ciMii isl.i nature wHb onlv one exei-|<lIimi. that of Tlie n -wer of Ihi- Ranch.

Answi-rltig msti.x Inquiries, the Ess.ansT Com pan> aniiouiiis-s that It d.M-s not fur-ifsh' i-xhili Hors with loliliv idiotos of their priu i|>al ac

Pathe Eren-s were represented by Thomas F. Howe, of Howe A Fonlham. of Chicago, ami Kn-dcrli-k J. Flagg, of Tolislo. O.. In addl Hon to bval counsel In Rowling Green. Tes timony was taken In Chiciigo. a nuuilM-r of mi.nihs ago, ami the casi- was e-illed for trial at Rowling tirei-n a few days ago.

-After a lengthy trial. In which the de fence intriMliicisI considerable evldenee to sliow that the plaintiffs were a part of an al'egi-d "triist." th ci-nrt. on motion of Pathe Freres* attonie.vs. Instnicti-il the jury to disregard this claim in the defendant's pi-tltlon an.l rc-ider a^ Judgment on the merits of the original action. The jury returned a judgment In Pathe FYeres' favor for go.uls sold an.l dellven-il.

'Till- pis>|>Ie of Ohio have been "tnisl'' mad for sometime and that p.trt of the statutes of that slate known as the Valenine act is con sideroil the most drastic and far reaching In exist,-mv. It lias alri-ad.v bi-cn upheld bv the Su|>ri-Iiic t'oiirt of the State and there have been many eonviclKms tbereuiidcr. n-snifing in the fine of coriMiraflons and Imprlsunmeut of their olfii-ers and managers. N'otab’e among these easi-s have lM-«-n llp-si- of the Ice ilealers and lumber dealers In T Iislo.

'This Is fill- first case of this nature. Inv.dv Ing the film manufactitri-rs. In wblih a dcri-lo- has iM-i-n rendered and, coming from a court of this State, the decision woiibl seem to elTeetiial

j ly dlsiHim- of all i-hanee that ilisgriinl'i-il ex J changes or exhibitors may ben-after evade |>a\

mint of their legHImnte bills on Hie griMind I thvt the Ilei-nsisl exrh.inges are an unlawful mon I 'M"'l.v.


.At a mei'tliig held at the eiaiimitfoe chambi-rs , of Hie ('hleago «'lty C.miiioH. last Frldav. the i igdnion was expn-ssed l>y Hu- abb-rmeii' jin-s

i-nt that Hu- |>ropoMed ordinanee governing thi-



It 1* expe<-tid that Sid Hester and his as doclates. who have set-nred control of the Nel¬ son AA'olcast fight plotnres. will reap a fortune from this picture story of the light weight ehamplonship battle. Sid Hester and his com¬ panions, who also staged the fight, have se- eured. so It Is deelared b.v those who have seen the pictures, one of the most remarkable film reproiluctlons of a prize fight ever shown. Ex¬ hibitions an- now being given all over the countr.v In charge of experts.



AA’oreester. M.sss.. .March '21.—A*h'ef of Police David .A. Matthews of this city, has app-iintcd I.ieiitcnant Hill of his force as motion picture censor. His duties are to visit the theatre the morning the films are to he changed, and all auggcstlve plctiin-s, or films contaliilng stabbing or duel sci-iu-s are to b.- omitted by iiastinc a tissue on the face of the film, which the censor thinks ought not to hi- shown. No olctiin-s that relate to the destroying of human life an- to be shown oil 'he s>-rcen. The has had no HI effect on the business, but the blank st>nia-s for several Inti-nals on the sen-cn kept iHsiple wondering until they were infornie-l of tlu- consorslilp.

*nie Elite Tlea'r-. the oldest picture ho>is.- In Hutchinson. Kan., changisl bands on M t-b

!>. Evans atvl Green si-lHiig to Kerr api! Kliiu-r. .A day afterwerd ''r. Fvans Ix.iight tiack naif Interost from Me. Kln-er K'..-r an’ I'vsn s-i-i

put In a new big front with more Illumination,

ami after Man-li II '- H' me tiu- I---- tores and will a-'> a • - I -,-.. o-cbe<ira um'l-r

the direction o' Dr H-rri E. Ho'ulav.

PhoD* OuiaJ t0M.

THE WHITE TOPS News of the Week With the Various Circuses and Tent Shows—Prep¬

arations in Progress for a Big Season Everywhere—Sanguinity

Prevails and Those Who Ought To Know Say It’s Justified



Hy till’ thin- till* n’aolii-K llii" ri-adpra of The KlIltHturd III*’ iiri'at l'aiiii>lH-ll |{nitln'r>’ Shows will have ihvliliMl iiiam their o|H'niii;t date. Tlie work of ri'lHilMiti^, paintliii; of wauunc and cars Is ala>ut conitdi’ltsl. aial If It w.-re n*H><‘«>ary tliey cotild lx* on tlie roail within ten days. I

Tills W'asoii the show will lie tUi* larjrest and i best vWT put out l*y the ('auii»l«ell Hrotliera; In I fact. It Is ihe <’ftort >f Ihi’lr Hw-. The train I will consist of fourl •* n flats, eight stix k. six Bleep.’rs and two ad\ati<-e cars. TTie hig top will be a hundreil-snd flfiy f<Hit round top. with four flfty-foot niidille pi<’e«'B; menagerie top, an tlfhty-foot rounil top. with six forties; dressing i room top, aixty-fool top with two thirties; side show will be a s*-venty-foot with two forties; horse tents will lie an eighty fiait top with three f<»rtles, and the dining-room will lie a fifty with two thirties. This will be the largest spread of eunvaa they have ever carrli-d. They have one humlred and twenty-five head of bag¬ gage stock which Is in excellent condition; fifty- five heed of ring and hippodrome borsta which are the very b<-st, and are tieing worked daily tinder the [lersonal supervision of Mr. Dan I><-oa. the e<piestrlan director. The big three Ix'rd ele¬ phant act will lie one of the finest and most fiiilsh*’*! acts of the kin<l ever presented. The

was ill the Sir>. ill th.' gisal old wagim road on*’ ring circus days.' when such present aggrega tioua like Kingling's. Sells and olliera wtre dreamed of only by the late i'. T. Itaruum.

••Joe” also sueeessfully walked the tight io|x* to the iviili-r isd*- as a fna' iHilshle exhihl tlon twice dally for many seasons.

During his cireus carei-r, “Joe” traveled with many ctrcii.M-s —Dan Klee's, Dan Costello's, Vaiikee It diinsiMi's. John llobinson's, Orton's. | Howe's Cireat London Sbowa, Korepaugh'a, llar- num's. Sells Ilrothers' and others. •

In hit later years. Joe Tlnkham was well known ss tx-ing one of the best horse trainers In the business, this being one of his last acts in his circus career.



The Smith (ireat.T Shows will op«’n the se.-tson of 1!)10 in AnuiHt.Ki. .\U., March 2s. under the auspices of the firemen. The abow has Ix-en In winter quarters in Middle for a little over three moiith*

The \klhl .\nlaial Shi'W has had many featur.*s added during the stay in .Mobil.*, chief among them being a new’ gold ami white front, painted by Manuel, til'? Rraxillan artist.

The Hurdl*rx. a Jumoing horse riding device, has been completed; Eil. K. Smith design*^ and bnilt It.

MURRAViiCOMPtNY 640-648 Meridian Street, • CHiCAGO, iLL

Oor Immense Mock of second hand Tents Is always moving, bat ws buy ss fant an ws nsll,

no that yon may be sure at nil llmee of getting in touch with real bsrgsinn In nbow sqsSp msnt by getting each week


30 Tims REfuTtTlOk ItCR OF t«(IIT TENT



FLAGS Waterproof Cover*


Tents 8PEOIA1, PKiox* ov Au. vrw AjfD ooon HAND Tzirr* Diniaro txb vxzt « dati TO REDUCl ITOOK. SPBOirT ftrVT WmAT TOU WAVT.


MARCH 26, 1910.

■args stock on haitd. All poison snakes flxsd safe to handle. If you want your orders to arrive on time and In good condition, order from the old reliable. W. ODELL I.EARH, Tit W. Oommeroe SL, Baa Antonio, Tex.

Wilfio. biixl'Jt*. t'x» ft. Round T>ip, .SOiMi. SUxflO. 3iii.*xi, 'Jiix.'iU black. 'J<ix:UI, ^UNl camping lenti and 'J.INNI ft. of 111 ft. aide wall. D. M KERR MFO. CO.. 1007 W. Madison SL. (Old Mo. ttO), Chicago. Long Distance Phone Monroe 2t4S.

Circus tents WE HATE FOR LEASE—CARS. SO ft. long, xbippliig acem-ry. autoaixhib-a. advance, baggage, iq’ivUcge. stuck bimI merry go rounds. IVKirahle

LARGE AND SMAIX. ALL DESCRIPTIONS. "**'** •"'* «'lrc'i» ciniiianlea IteaixHiahle . rat*'a. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR CO.,

Manufactured by 12*0 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago. Ill.

W. H. LUSHBAUGH, Covington, Ky. IVirVI Cl


Wild Animals, Iguanas and Parrots for sale or rent


CARS FOR SALE. LEASE OR REHT—Have 2 Pnllman's, 0 steel wheel trucks, one 08 ft. com¬ bination, other 00 ft. aleeper. Dasn all tnaiieC’ tlon. Don't write, come and eee cars. Notify me at Box 702, Jacksonville, Fla. PAT CHAP- PBLLE, Owner.

TENTS Horse and Pony Pluntes For Show Parades, Horse and 1‘ony Acts. Ad vertisiug puriMses. etc. Send for price list Manufactured by M. SCHAEMBS. 611-814 Mat ropolitan Ave., Brooklyn, M. Y.

X —

Rector Building,


Show Tonta. Blaak Tonts. Candy Toga.

Manr-Oe-Roand Cevsrs. And evafTtliiag la oaavaa Sand for oatalogno.

DOUGHERTY BROS. TENT & AWNING CO 106-11 Bonth Main Strost, BL Loala, Ha.

It BEAXITITUL POSTALS, extra floe cards. Beautiful Women, etc., ixjstpald. for 2&c allver; 75 for a dollar bill. Adilrem W. 11. DITTTON. 7u2 Weat Markham St., Little Rock, Arkansas.

Sole owner and niaiiag*’r of Starr*‘tt'x Circus. The Ih-iiteiiaiit owe* his circus training to the army where he learn*’il Ihe nature of hors,‘s aii*l iik’Ii. Many of N*‘w Yiirk's niiMinte<l |xillce- men were trained by him, and he Is very ixipiilar in Gotham.

riding, aerial and acrobatic acts will be of the I hlghe.,! class. The |mrade this season will be over one mile In length. In It will be the deco¬ rated ois n animal dens, for the Campbell Brot’uers will for the first lime exhibit all their wild animals in the parade. The fiwir hlg bands, eleven iionilerrxis elephants, the big twv’lve camel team eaprlsone*! in silk anil vel vet. with silver mounted harn*>ss. drawing * maniinouth tableaux wagon, with a company of lady Z<mav<x« in full fi<-lil uniform as an escort. Sacrel cattle, wat. r buffalo, rebras, llamas anu tiny ponies. C<*sarks from the Russian steppes. Indians. cowtxiys. <-.ioigIrls and Clngebxie. which will make a paraile not excelled. Wl'b one of the best exi-cutlve and ailvance staffs (glv.-n In anothiT di'partment of the paper) and the most <’<Hiiix’tent bossi's in the various i departnients. Caniplx-ll Ilrothers Iix.k forwarL to the bi-st season tiny have ever had. 1


Resting peacefully In the little cemetery of Cottage Hill, a suburb of Dubu'iue, Iowa, lies : II that w:is mortal of “Jix. Tlnkham” w ho. In his prime, was a h<*adllner as an acrobat ami wire walker for every elri’us he was with, and some of the oM tlmi-rs and readers of Tbe RlH board may liav*- jib-asaut ri'eolleetlous of lilm.

H* ing ipilte pr.ifi lent in gr<*un<l and lofty tumbling as a (loy, at the age of twelve years be ran away from home anil Joined a one-ring wagon cireus, I Miink It was August Main's rlroiis This was in ls4.' or lAkfl. he continuing In active cireus work until 1F<*F<. whm he re tired, living at tlie age of t;7 years with an set- Ive cireus life reeoril of over forty years eon tlnuously.

Mrs. Tinkhani was also a light rojx’ perform er and eipiestrieniii’, and traveled with ”Jih’” many seasons.

Mr. Tlnkham was the first repulixl doutde somersault vaulter. doing The “double-turn” In the L'nited States, a elaitii. so as the writer knows, that was never disputed. That

Henry PalK'se:) has thoroughly leiinxli’lixl his Busy Little City. James F. MuPidi.v has wix-ked all wlnr-ir on hU Pleasure Wbix-l an.l has it In fine shape.

Did J’lnes h.’i* 1x«en with the sli-iw all winter, with bis Crixy Iliwise.

James Mi-Cliire and J. B. Cullen have eaeb completivl ix‘W xbowM this season and are al ready ‘‘lutt’.lng” about top n oney on tlx- sea¬ son.

Bill Martin has bin attrnctlim toady and >s •pending a few- weeks at Hot S(>rlmrs.

A mini'ix>r of n »w attractions hav.i Ix-en addel and wir. Join at the opening staixl.

Tile press -lepart-nent will agair. Ixxiie the "Squawki’r,” an eight p;.ge rxirx-r devotisl to tlie happenings anemd the show.


The w lnteri|uarlers of tin- I aMont Urns '

•Show at Salem. III.. Is tin- si-ine of much activity at pri-si-nt. ami the work In the varl nils departnients l« going on vi-ry rapidly. Tlie show this seasiiii will not lx- i-iilargi-d to any great extent. .\ c-ainel and i-lepliant are the latest additions.

It Is tlx- liiti-ntlon of Mr. I.aMont to make his one of the finest and tx-st I’liuliifnsl wagon slxiws this si-asnn. Kverylliing Is being over j liaiiliHl and repainted. j

laMont has also addi’fl this season a clown band, wtilrli Ix’ i-xiM-els to make a feature of tile parade.

Ex. Ex. Striicht Bora Clrcos BrnaA, $.7.75 sack. 142.0(1 per diw. Beruard'a Cold Water Paate, 50 lb. box. $3.00; '200 Ib. bbl., $10.00.

WILLIAM BARTELS CO. Dealers In Wild Animals.

160 Drseawieh Btrsnt, Hsw York City. Iinprovisl Acetylene for Tenta, Circnsi's, Parks.

CF'CMCDV AMn CUnW DAIMTIUr'C the ALEXANDER MILBURM CO.. DLEJICiKI AIlU atlUfT rAlNllrKjd 507 W, Lombard SL. Baltimore, Md.


116$ Boone Street. Oinoiannti, 0.

CIRCUS & JUGGLING APPARATUS Cliiha, Batons and Novelties. Stamp for cata¬ logue. EDWARD VAN WYCK. Cincinnati, 0.


7^ Monster Snakes and Wild Animals of every idrJ description. Cages. Banners, etc. PUT- ^

NAM'S WILD ANIMAL STORE. 490 . Waihington St.. Buffalo, N. Y. C * J _ C L _ _ D _ ^ _

EaUbUthad 1$I6.

Thomson & Vandiveer MANUFACTURERS OF !


81« East Pesu-l St.. CINCINNATI, O.


Tralix'd to work together; also IJons, young I'antln-rs, Bintiinuig. Cassowaries, Monkeys and

other animats aixl birds. WENZ A MACKEM-

SEN, DepL B., Yardley, Bucks Co., Pa.



106-110 Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y



TIE BOLTE&WEYER CO. • K. Michigan StraaL




SideShowPaintings SIEGMUND BOCK,

723 Bluo Island Ava., Chioago, Ills.

TENTS |( ',\KM K - (i()rI )l K \| F( 1. (J,()1|

Kansas Cit5; Missouri Iwpite fopQur ShcwTentCatalo^l


For all piiriXKSc.s, CIRCUS, Car¬ nival, Cage Covers. Huv where C()'FT ()N grow.s uiid DUCK is made. I'Vcij'lit.s saved two ways. De.sii'iis |M*rfect. Hand sewed.

Sanders-Giover Tent Co., Rome, Ga.

MARCH 26, 1910. rtie Billboard

Mr. Tajrlur will liii\i- I'liartcf »{ the advaure witb ttircr aHkIatalila, with a i-oiiiiiletv Iluv uf iii'W a|M‘<'lal paiKT.

Ikili Atterhurj’ will havr t'harKt* of tho C'UO’ ri'iiHhiiia au<l u|i town waKoii.

Thi' ahuwr will tour lli<> alaica of lllliioU, •Mlaaiiurl, Kaiiaaa atul Iowa.


'Hm* OrlKlniil ’I1»!<T Hill Wll.l aiwl 'rralio'^l Aiihiiul Show will )m- out- of the tlii<—t ll\f <-«r railroad hIiowm ihi IIk’ ro«il llila wanoii.

tifioral IliiHliH'aa .MaiiiiKor I'Yaiik Uiiurtiotthaiii haa n-tiinwii from Mllwaiiki-o. Wla., wlwri- Iw haa arraiiKial for all aiaalal (lajaT.

'I'he following iMMUih- liatr iMaui atKiinl for tho Wild Wrat l>i'|>artir.ciit: Jo»* Kuhtht. t'allfonria llaiT)' and Itlif Walliirc, roia ra and rld«Ta; Toxaa WoudiT, Irlrk r1d«-r ami fam'jr rota* aidauinic; ItroiM-o tliarh-;. rill.- ••»iM-rl; Mona, lhanonia ami hla iHiiK'li of M.'Xlraii roja-ra. rhl.-ra am| kiilf.- Ilirxrwora; Mlaw I,II) KhIkIiI. I’ralii«* Noll, ilkla taana t'lara «i.w Kirla. Il•■ml4al hr .Mlaa Ileli-n Wlltai-.-; Krial lhik<-r. t'olorado Ilala-. i:»h>. Klrr-h ami III- llaw. hrma-la twlaii-ra: Tl|{.-r Kill and hla •alnoatml hrom-li... .Max: tTlilef l.lltlo Htalllun aial hla hand of f.ainoon Shaix Imllatia.

KDitaK>'d for fin- rlrnia •hiiartnn-nt are Mlaa May K.ailer, f.-nial*- rh.wii. .Ma.Iain Kr.aa-u. |M*reti ami K.aiian rliuta; Kn-nHi Kainlly. ai-ndiata ami aaa-lai arllata: Kohl. Sale, wire arlUt ami ron torthadat; .Ma<lain I' ami her hlirh arhiad lairaea.

Harry lYanela liaa ta-.-n laiay laaiklni; free at- traetloua fi>r Mh* aide nli.’W.

The allow will carry t-lKhl ilena of tralmal wild aniinala, lia-lndlnK tiie faimam ntchtlni; Hon. Wallai-v. camel aial aarn-d cw were aiVhal to tie- niimaiterle .lurliiir the wlnt.-r. MNa .Mala»l Hall ami h.-r ehtihant Klit Charier, will be a featur.'. nVenly f.air head of t.iii:ira(r.- atock. twenty elifht head of aaddte atock. ehtht

ori-rlianleil ami put In readlm-aa for the cotniiiK ai-aaiMi'a tour.

Aiuoiik Uie acta already eugaK'-d for the wa aim are; Henry Clark ami wife, 'ITie Clai ka. Al. and Haltle; Dm- and .Mine. Kenzo, I>iw'e and 'llieri-Ba, Jia- Kdwarda. Bnill .McKae, Clever ^railo, Valirro, <!eo. I'arento. Jaa. Kradford ami A. 1». .McCani-phi-ll ami hla hand of fifteen Idmea.

Kxiaullve SlalT: Ihddiy Kiaintaln. inanaKer; IMIII4- J. Kenyon, general aKeiit; Kd. A. .MlU-hell. treaaurer and preaa UKenl; Jia- halwarda. man- alter of aide allow; lha- Kenzo. rea«-rve and'rl tlrketa; Win. I'lja-r, prlvileicea; Andrew 1.. Haley, auiierlnleiident.


The will tipen their third sed- a.m nml-r eanv.a.a the l.aat week In .May. Coonie .Malaaiii, w lui haa in-uiaKiil tida ahow for the Laat twi> ai-a-a n-.. haa Jidm-d tuinda with W.

uftnn. The ale.w will lie enjaritexl In all Jo (lartmenta, aud will travel In alx wnit'ais. A new bit; toil, home and eoidt tent have he.-n piirchaaed The ro-iter: Carlton Mal.oon and W. A l.nft'Hi .iwnera and nianaip-ra; Iioc Johnwin. advain-i-; Diirkr Harlean, hoan eanve-*- inan. The lerforinera Imlmb- Coimle Malaai.t, The Dah-a. Th.* la-atera. Harry Cmike, Marlowe, maitlrlan. Irvin Nlehola, la Clair Slat>r« and iTof. Jea-*.- r. Kol.-n and hla t» n p.ece Imnd. MrKenney will not take the Ulan-h ‘ Ml Kenney Wild Wert and Hippialronie on the ro-iit thia w-aar.n. but ln«t*ad will devote all of her time to her fri-e attractlona for fair-i. bhi' haa ad.|eil aeveral m-w features to her fiTopran., Im Iiiilini; TwIHirlit, h<T hiirh aetniol lior-i.*, that haa hia n achmileil this winter by lY-if fc-.i. .kml-raim. the wtdl known traltier of Kanaxa City. Mlaa McKenney will also



"till., llh. looki-e. Over there and here, too, and there. -ith.'o and then-'a another.

".Ml of 'i-iu dani-luK. The white horaea and the black horses and I Ih.' eh'i'liaiiTs .laneint; on tiitia and the doKs dancing! Ob, Ob, miw. I |.«ik.-e. the lee-o He uioukey he’s danclnk, too!

. "Say. dad, ain't thia t;<a>d? .Ain't you klail you brunk me?’’ ‘-|'•'annts. |••allula: evi-rylaMly at a i-lrcua i-ata peanuts.’’ ‘T’nipli. this is Just the same kind of a cirrus I saw when I was

a shaver Same rai'k*'t. same spatiKlea. same clowins. 'They don't tia.iroM- mni-b in rireus<-a.’’

.And when you i;o iiutslde. I’m wouderini; If you won’t ffrumlih* iH-vaU'i- th" same stars are ahlului;. with the same old round tmam. Ihr saiio' -lid wind, amt tomorrow it will Ih- the same old blue sky. iIh- same old i:reen And yet you are always tellinj; me that the w-uiieii I'haiik’e styles tisi often. A'ou find fault when things stay the same, ami when they change, you grumble too.

•‘Oh. dad. dadille, ain’t this the N-st you ever saw? I wisbt 1 could see ’em all. Four to om-t, all over, aud u.i in the air. tmi. ami. oh. see the lady slappin’ the man. My, she knocked him ilown. Sny, dad. was he hurled? Now she steps on him. She Isn’t very iwltle, la she. mother?”

Krlght-eyed eiellenent shone from a pair of big. round, brown eves as they darteil with rapid, blnl like gl.ims-a over llo- big arena at the circus last night. The antics of the clowns, the |s>uderoja tricks of the big elephants, the agility aud grace of the horses In the two farther rings, with the small imules aud dogs In the center ring, all goiug on at once, doubtless guve the youngster a weird, «ju»-er fwllng of unreality. He clapiie-l bta bands In the abandi-n of au|ireme delight amt then hiirityl bis htmd for very Joy.

•■Had. why don't they have circuses every day? Ain't they fine?” That la what a big teiilful thought last night atauit the circus. Kvery kid In town

was tbi-rv, ynnugsters and grownup on<-s. hollering with lusty hilarity, while the women looked on with frank approval. It was tie- circus <if the itnys when the world was very young and wonder c»lore<l and illiinilnatisl life. <Y*'<lulity and imagination gave a wonder¬ ful vista to young eyes, so womlerful Imb-etl. that tlwre was not the least dlscrei>ancy noticed b<‘twe<-n the thrilling cirrus |ss>ters aud the circus Itself.

The sublimation of thrilling enjoyment to be achievisl when the big circuses came along with their thn-e rings of wonder acts, but the circus last night went this at least one better. Thi-re were four rings of animation and grotes<iueries. of nlmlileness and agility, and like a funny ring around a rosy, every ring had Its outer ring of clowns that k«-pt the teiitfnl of folks In a eontiniial tltl*-r. Knnniest of all, a real "lady clown” ami her boxing bout with th«- big clown and finally with the referee. ktKx’ging them both out. was a dixry scream.

Kut niftiest, newisi and swaggen-st <’f all were the “laily ringmasters.” There was a pair of ’em statnes<pie. haughty.Imiking bnim-ttes In red coats, high boots and silk halB, and zip zip xip, how Ihi-y swNhoil lh>-lr long Macksnako whips around the arena ainl how the baiidsono'. stsiw wlil*e h->rs»-s did prance amt gallop. And instead of the awkward flunkeys who h<-l.l the h<s.|s< for the damsois with the tSHiuettlsh tartan skirties, there were trim, bright little girls in velvet ami spangles.

Haa the cln-ns Improved? Just g€i amt s.-e. |)|d yon ever s.-.- a man dam'ii>g on golden stilts across a tight wire

sns|M-nde<| across the ars-na? I>til yon «-ver wo. In your sam-. mirinal moments, the spectacle of a live Aistllo ilaneing on his teeth? I»ld you ever s<-e a lot of ban<lsoiue horses turn on a siHvt no blgg'-r than y>oir tw<i hands. Just Ilk.- soldl.-rs? t>h’ sav. von missed It sure enough If y.Mi .Ihlii'l s,s- tin- i-lrcns last night.

Chan Spalding: will not be identified | with tl-- W-illuee Shov.-. Ho has sigmsl with i

tile Howi’.s (;r‘ Loiiilon Shows, leaving the U>iie.-n City .M.-ir'-!i 7. for Jacksonville, Fia.

Jean Jae< ks, animal trainer, for sev¬ eral years with the J.diii Roliinson’s Ten Kig I Shows l'<ind>in<-d. Is mivv c-.iim-efod with the ' J« ff.-rson Hotel, Walnut St., Cincinnati. |

Pert'';ivelte. last sea.son wth! GoUinar I’ros.’ Show, will be st-en Uie coming 1 season with his sister with II Kros.’ I Shows, In their .kHitile traisz.- r.ct.

Harry Craig will not be with the [ Yankee Kol.ins.m Show this sason, as has licm ' reported He will Join with the John G. Robin- | ton Shows. H goes as steward.

Jifiss Teddie LgiMarr, | who has been >-<-rv ill for the past few- weeks at I the h<wn.- of h.-r si.ster In .MiLskogee, Okla., has somewhat recover.-d

Henry Richards (Dutch Dick) is! t|a:Dding the winter In the (Jm-i n City, and w-lll be coim.-otc I with one of the hig ones this sea.son.

The many friends of I.ittle George tints will le» sorry to l.-arii of hiv d-fective eyesight H.- Is confin.-d in Is.ngview Asylimi. Cincinnati.

John (Hue Jay) Derham, formerly part owner of the Sella and Downs Show. l»a*s retired to farm life near Faribault, -Mlim.

James R .Fleming will have charge of the aleepirg car department with the Fore- liaugh Sells Br is.’ Shows this seasou.

James Howard left Cincnnati for Ev¬ ansville. Ind.. to a.-islst AATiitey Lyklne with t'.ie slock of the Xorris and Rowe Show.

E. O. Ferguson will be connected with A'oung B iffalo’s Wild West and Da.vs of ’49. during the Coming season.

Jas. Finnearan, Jas. (Shorty) Galla¬ gher. and Jus. (Irish) KroQ will be with Dusb j King of ttio Haag Show. |

Sam Smith, boss chandelier man ] with the Colo Bros.’ Show, Is spem'ing liis va- j .'Btlon at Faribault, .Minn.

C.apt. Tho.s. Leroy, wild animal train- j er. is at .Atl.inta, Ga., breaking in a den of Hons for an act.

Jean Durand and Harry Wheeler, eomi-lians. have been engaged -with the John Fobinson Shows.

Jack Connor will be on Car No. 1, of the Adam Forenaugh and Sells Bros.’ Shows this season.

Tho Wheltens, contortionists, have signed with the GoUniar Broe.* Show for this season.

Chris Bell will have charge of the privileges with the Forepaiigh-Sells Show this season.

Frank (Hop) Adams Mill be boss billrs'-iter on the No. 1 Gar, Norris and Rowe Show.

Fob .\ltman .boss property man tvith the Gollmar Bros ’ is w 1th the B- hman Burlesque Co.

Frank Palmer will be assistant boss chandelier man wldi the Foreimugh-S.-lls Show.

Frank Miller will be equestrian di¬ rector with the Mighty Haag Show this season.

James I’.nbcoc’K is at Evtin.-iville, Ind., ready to go out wi^lie Norris and Show.

Arthur Quinn is in charge of Frank MiU'-r’s ring sto--k with tlie Haag Slicw.

Fete Rodgers is handling the canvas with tii'j Ifarkojt -Anius. iiient C<i.

Frank Dempsey is handling the ad¬ vance witli tl;e Rted Br-a-.’ .Show.

‘ Silent Red’’ Sowards goes with tlie Brom-ho John.

Harry Craig has gone to Corry, Pa., on a biisim-ss trip.

Pnil Mclr.lee has not been engaged for setisou 1910,

UNIFORMS ^ For Bands, Military,

Minstrel First Part, W Minstrel Parade,

mW A Ushers, Bell Boys, |B Base Ball, Foot Ball,

Basket Ball, etc., etc. . ScBd hr CATALOG.

IHH Be Sure and Mention IH H Kind of Uniform Wanted.

11 Western Uniform Go. B 214 8. Clark ST. Chicago


PRIMO Show Lights The latest and best for circuses, all kinds of shows, carnival conces¬ sions and street men. —^'rhousands in use with the best shows, etc., in

the country.—Prices from $9.50 up. Write at once for new catalogue, now ready.

PRIMO LIGHTS Have the class and reputation.

WINDHORST A. CO., 104>6 N. 12th Street, St. Louis, Mo.



mulf^ «InI SliCtlMIhl will Im- IlMtl

In tin* |»jirM«l«-. I‘n»f lin>wn nlll Uhm* » hIx- FhihI.

Tli«* Nt F?\j«iimv|II«*. Wl.M,, Mny 7.


.til iiiiportitnt fierfor In tin* Wild Wi*>*t Mhow FmiiIih-sm i|h» c.Niitni; will !«•* th#' t'HrllnU' IINt(»rl«*fil Wild Wftf mid of UtmiKh RldrrK Mild Indlifi VlllAArc iRhl«*h will on tho r^mA »*MrIj fhl* under the exelu'*lTi' nimi- • *»MiH*nt of U t'eirliitl#', kn«*wii •*« Wh’hltii Jack

Tlu* nhtAW. n1i|)*h wnn the f«*iitiir»' attrarthm at the I'aMmmh'a .Vntii«M'ineiit Park. 4*|»|N»Hjte N«*w ^ork Pity f«»r an #'ntln» t*eaH«»ii will Ih* en Iarif#*i|. rarryltiir iH-arly i»!h* huhdr#s| head «»f af<Bk aiMl <me liiiiHlrtNl amt twenty live |Ms»|»le. <'ar!Uh**a h>nir oiaiiM'ethHi with the llanHttii A Itall«*y Hhow, U«*l»ln4*»n*a Ten \\\g SIh'Wii foiiihliHHl, tv W. ParktT .Vnni'Mincnt tN»in|*ai»y. aiMl lant a«*aa«wi aa aiini««Mni*nt dlr»*cfor «»f tht* Pati«ade« AiniiNeineiit Park. <)uallfy him to make ir^Hid |n any iimlertaklntf

Ttie iterwoniH'l t»f ftie aKi?rei;atlon la alm<»*<t ef*nit»let«». and the wlnf«T iinarter** ia a Ihi^v •p'd at preaent.

Tlo* a4l\Mnee f*»r<*c nlll Ike iiinler tlie mildamv of i»tH* of the Iieat aATetita ami iirtinn'IerM In thi* lMi«»lnt sM and fhe e\iH*iitlvi* atiifT will Im' a aur pr1a«* to i-ln'tiM tM»4«|iIe III ireiMTal OinHwithm will not Im* Mikiiirhl, hnt If ♦•neikunteri'il. will he in#*t with ain|»h* afreiiKth.


I'Im- B-I.Ih I'ihmiInIii Itnllroial .'Vlinn-. «lll giv,-

thi-lr liillliil ii.-rr-.riiiiiiH'.- ..f tin- «i-a«i>ii al Clin t.*n. Ml.,, .a lilt.-r .|iiiirl.-ra ..f tli.- ali.*\v, nii.h.r tlic an«pl.'i-H ..r III.- B I’ O I! Ni> lull

’Til.- I*iilliii;i.i H|.-.*|M-r. Murl.'. lia-v tw-.-n rc liim.-.l ft-.Ill till- aii.i|Hi. .-nili.-Iv r.-n..v ;.l.-.l and .I.-c.>ral.-.l 'I'll.- Baggiig. I'li--. an- m'»-> t..-lng

have I’n-f. Biirl.-v Tut-b an.l hi« gnldv-ioss run tiers with tin- c.inbinatim., .Ail ihe at-«k ia 1 wintorlrg at Micli’g.m A'all.'y Kan. I,. .M. H'lnfer will n. f a-< g.-n.-riil ag.'nt f.-t Mis. Me- ' Kenney, ;in.i Bnrl.-y Tnl.b will Ik. manager. [

The Dickinson and Penile Wagon i Show »(Hsi.-.l its-lr a.--.F»n at l.-Ulca^t«■r. Tez., Manh r*.. Tw.-nlv i>. -pi.-, iin-luding a baml of eight pic.«-« an- carrlni. Kid All.'ii haa ."hargo of tlie canvas, .-i al'ty li>ot top with a thirty f.v.t ml.1.51.' p('c.>, l*r.'f 'S.vlna is han.l l•-ader, an.l (Jco. Iliiuh.-a. .-idvancv' ag. nt. It is th»' In lenll.m <»f .M.-'ara, |lii'klns,>n «ntl I’.a.le to wiu-k N.-rtli Into 'iklali.aii.a aii.t K-tniuis.

.\. H. Myers will be witb the advance of llio Y.aing BufTalo Wild West tin' coining a.'a atm. Mr. Mv.-ra w.aild in' plcatasl to fiv.n "Buga" Raial.ilph. or anylaaly who was with IIh' a.ivant'e of Sparka Sli.>w in likal 7. ami Biinia .c Jain.-M Han.ll.>. wh.v w.-r>' with rlu' toil' Sliow In I'.akl. A.I.Inasa. Tonait... t>.

Ceo. P.. Iterkley, the well-known oir- ciia arv'nt an.l . ar manag. r. n.iw ahea.l of Bar- low an.1 Wllaoira Mlnalr.-Ia, has b.-cn engaged t.y the Sun Bra..’ riniis as .nanagi-r of car niiii.b.'r 1 for fhe coming a* aaon.

J. FVank Weltzol (iSheney), formerly with Chintb.'II Bn a.* SIiow as l-.vsa proiiertT ! man for a nntnla'r ..f y.-ara. will ho connected , with th.' Ji-hn Rohln'i.m Shows Jn .1 like rapacity the forthcoinlng acaieni.

RlchanT .1 in(*s. who been con- nrrtiil with th"<l «V|a'ra Il.Hia.' at Madison, Ind. for a nninln-r of years, has a.v.'ple.l a po- atrion aa I.IIIim.i.t o" ."nr No. t of the Hagv'n I berk AA ali-ir.' Sti-.wa.

The DiGomn.s, Avbo IvtA’e been spend¬ ing the vvinl.r In Niw Il.'caMir. .AI.i., will lime.' iilanit .Anrlt 1 for Kvanavlile. in.1., wIhmv' tliey will |.»ln 111.' Norris rn.l Rowe I’in-ua for the

For Showmen to write us at once anti get our new 1910 stock list which is now ready

and shows a complete line of everything you \s ill

need this season. Do It Now !


Write us what you need. (Tet our prices, and you will give us your business. .\11 orders filled and shipped on the day promised.

22-28 North Desplaines Street, CHICAGO, ILL.

fe Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE

On 30 z 30 Marquee .$ 15.00 9 ^ 50 z SO I’uah Pole top only .

z 00 z 90 10 foot AA’all . ffv fiO z 110 10 foot AVall . ^ 70 z 130, Top only .



00.00 ’ 125.00 115 00 00 75.00

^ Baker & Lockwood Manufacturing Co. tzs Kansas City, Mo. ^

OQ Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker ^


The 3 Browns and Their Famous Performing Dogs Now playing vaiuievlll.-. G. E.i. Brown, t'ornet. Han.) l.en.I.T or Slide. als.> B. F. or olh.'r parts.

K. J. Brown. Honi or Bass Drum, .hnibl.' small pa.-ls. Miss .I.-uiii.- Bp-wii and In-r Trollin' of

Fam.'iis I'.'rformliig lings; eiglil of Iln- iH'st tralii.-.l .logs ..u ili.- r-.a.l. Woiil.l im-fi-r g.»'.l r.'-

llatil.' AA'agon Sb.'W. AV.'.'k of Mar.-li 2S. Dunkirk. Iiiil.. .Areaili- Tii.-alr'-. I’.r .Aild.. Billl.oar.l.


X ti e Billboard MARCH 26. IC'O.

TulKirc IM rPNPRAI I ■ trip to KukrU with buuu* kind of • wll.lwmt fn‘«* iio ii. l-l u> >:aii.l .r.-tt hikI !■ 1.11,1 tl..- 111.01114; plriui. o.. ... 14.. 1 iniiMUo I r'l ucmcnMu. Ooud lurk Jm-. I.<”1 <I«muhiuI mir nii<1 in^M laim In

* 4, I to all tbt* workl. an lu tin* lH««'lar«tion uf ! '1^14‘im1ii> iilKb^i Man*h If*. Um* iiiiirh talk«'«l of By GUY WEADICK. rummln. Tf wild woKt fauir wh.. ' I'id. I»iid..ii<-.-. 111.*.- rlKlitii ot.laln.-.l ' till.. pr.Hln.aal l.y tUi- Mlll.-r llrotli.-r, ou .lit-

- ba^^UtlivV^rcoidmlU^^^^ 00 tt.. b.ttlofleld, of tW War of th,- tt..volutl..a I-.l lUmh. ....lllW Th- Fall U.aiud lp. h., Tbe Billboanl arrivetl In .« <;reiit Hritain in ^rrport*^! t»> lH oTKan •*«<> wrUl» u wUU lb*- HacrvU bhNni uf \N a^bhiK > ibrowa «m IIm* rau\a» at lla- ranch bj*a»lquartcra tlmo. ItK . li'Kanr.. and [X* 1 n^w wll 1 w abow ^ thJ otU.-r I «"<• "I- ""-‘f «“ f'-r Tin- |.r,a, n..ll».. of lllii. l.r.a.,tJ.t buudr.-d.

•d any pr.-vlona .-fr.M-ta. " that . t. rnal prlnrlpl,. of fiv,- K.o. rn.... i.l. Ta\ ! to tb.- ran. b fr,.iu tin- aurr-aindluK town, and

Fbe Spring .sV-clal of The Billboanl arrival In N**w York I’iiy in due time. Ita elcKancc and (H.ignitud** far aurpa^wd any previous eflftirta. and notbinn: but vvonU of praia** could be beard for iit. piiblisberH on all ►ides. l**M»ple in ail .ri* V - Ti it I..4...!.. iti tall >'• II- Kennetiy. or tin* a i i icancu, at Miti for piiblisberH *•» *;l*j: ‘* nyside. N>w Mexico, ba*. bis wild went all ready , lan-b... of In- allow tmaim aa are Wlnnl K I.res.l.-n. Tenn., aomo tlmo thla awako to tbe fact mon-b. Itlll tak...s bla aKKn-Ratlon to I'almt I.i. nt wiM kly dovo .-d to "«‘“f I-ark. Milwauk.-o. to oin-n thoro May ‘JS f.» an

l.n.lin as, tint ^ f„r oa. h Ind.'tlnlte run. Tbi* ahow baa playod tln-re la*- ■ iiiiis*‘Ui<‘nts. with spe<dal corresp<maents for each - , . . .i,.* ti...- ..... ..,.1.... au..... # —

T» t' I * .1 1 fi^ i> » * wj atlon wltbiHit n*pre»*entalloii is illeie*^!. *»'*d If | iHaiu*r.\, an 1 while iIh* exbildtimi was lelveu In ti **• . * iTi ‘ 1?' I It s«*cun*K a htilKuient In the Temple of Juntloe, tbe o|»»u, slamllnic riNHii wae at a premium,

■aide. New .Mexico, baa bia wild w.-at all ready j „f i^iutiv will 1m. atraiiKle,! by a Tula t.lni. liaxlna Immii iir.MlmMMl on tbe lol “P'“ i* n .'“*'* iadlceman. and ber otfsirt-lnt; iMonne sla\ea for Itaucli. tla- .filter of tbe cow Imln.lry lu tlkla

Ki-Hx-ctfully yoiira.

^ iiiiiai-uienta who .imm i.. *”■ for,- and the fact that they are itulnit tb*‘rc for i'l'.incb lo<‘al«‘<l In e\er> <ity and town of im- elirht wtH^kx KUiriresta that Kenm^lv has .orlaace in the world. t»f late tin* vaink*vill»*

A. a. AUaKN.

. » 1 ai 11 » * r. .r. .«• ...4w« «-itK ■ K<>od wlM w«*st show, and that tbe Milwaukee

s.i' h r marked dc;r.f of ^.Trmla and rea^ 'f.f* ‘<» «*>' j 1.. •.^sy reaulta that on different oci-aaloua 1 have li.-.ird tbe remark. -‘Wby, 1 never knew before ♦ 111 It The Hllllaiard waa any other than a clrcua The Karniim and Halley Miow arrlvwl at Mail l.aiM T,” which ttoea to ab.iw that the huatllni; >»on S.iuare tiarden Saturday evcnluK. March ll*. 1.1. lliiala 4.mi)l<.y,.d lately to all branebea of the Tbe l.UKle will lie blowing to atari the I iislut.aa have not b,.,*ii in vain. I'arade. Ihlnga in the varloua winter quartern

at least eigut wifKa auKKesis mat Kenmaiy nas x/rtiiKirs diippai VA/ll n \A/peT a good wll.l w.Mit ahow, and that tbe .Milwaukee tOUIMIj HUM-ALU WILU Wt&l. folk, are iu.'liiH-d atroiigly to wild weat exbi- bltiuna. Y«Ming Huffal,i \Vlld \V,.wt aiM Frontier Hays.

4. form Tly Imiie Hlll’a Wild W. at, with geiii ral The Harnum and Halley Show arrivni at Mad offlcea at It*, hast Madiiuin BmM’t. tbleago. 111.,

laon Square tiarden Saturday evening, March 11*. winter ,|uartcra at l.-orla 111., la^ an or Tbe bugle will aoon lie blowing to atari tbe F''iul*Hion that will bbl for tbe publle a fa\o, parade. Things in the varloua winter quartern *f*‘,* Z**!'’*^ ** *1*^ *)*"* «orkl tbrougb- ar.. all Just almut ready to move on tb*. lot. ' nltial States ami 1 anada.

The I’hlladelpbia atrift oar strike baa injured .1* abow liusliiesa in that town to a great ex-

l.'iit, Ihe local managers will no doubt be glad niK'n lent and tbe strike pan. away.

Here’s boiling they all have a nice, dry. sun (fimiwiiy was InciiriMiratid under ahlny day to iqM’n ami not too much rain an.l ,on**w-iV^ **!** mud to follow. sorlH-d the Ixme Hill Wlbl Weat Show. - - ,1.

V. C. S,.aver, pr»aldent, well km.wn for yearn getting the al<«k lu abaiH- f>«- tin comlug lani in the amua<-meDt line, owna aud i^M-rates tin IMilgn. .. . ___ • .\lcaiir nn-atre. II,sue of the FIim- tUgan, N.>. «;e.sge \y.rmald. 1-M.a me MadltMiD atrv,-t. and the Tb.-storlum. “Hinkle Webb, assist ant la.«i ,au,aauian are No. 14 State atr,-et. Chicago, ill ; Frlm.-an The bually .'ngag.Ml lu '7*''** atre. Cr<«,-ent Theatre and beautiful .\l I'veaco They will get a cMiiplele ue ’'**'* *’ , .,n,« I-ark I'toria 111. 1“ ••>«* spriug. the order for the various tenta

Hamli. Ha- ,filter of Ihe eow Imlualry lu tIkU h.iiiia, ban a reality and geiiuliieiiiaa that a nim pnalue,-,! In any other locality could not hate. u.-al cowiMiya. real longhorn eleera. an I a real roiiii.l up It la all real aud notblug la nose (flit 111, lug than reality.


From Winter-quarters of the Greater Norrie and Rowe Ciixus.

-•Whllt-y" itM.i l.ykiiia. who baa lieeii en gag,-d aa bona hoatler of tbe tirealer Norrla ami Howe Clrx-ua f<s tbe c.suliig s.Baon, la at tb.. Evaiiavllle winter quartern .if tbe abow.

Iiuke U. !>.e. one of tbe bronebo buatera of | city *tnd'^'I'clnlty ‘‘“Kag t.i>. ml Kancb Show, in touring tbe Southwest, j • 'Miibiling the flim allowing tbe Cowlioy Keunion. b.'ld in (Iklalionia City on January 1, 191U. Tbe r-atiire of the picture la J. Addiaon Carrol, the champion steer toimt uf tbe world, roping a 'leer from an automobile, lluke says be is get¬ ting some big money with tbe film.


En route. Mount Ulive, .Mias March 14. 1910.

The Stadium Trio la nus-tlng with >>)« >* ] ,, of ,he I-Iih- tUgan. No. nis in New York j„t, E.isl Madivun atpe,-t, and the -nu-slorlum.

No. 14 Stale atr<-et, Chicago, 111.; I•rlm'^s^a ITie ” atre. Cr<«,-ent Theatre and beautiful .41 l-reaco

TO TRAVEL. « “^k. 1 ,orla. 111.

Venter I'egg wTitea from Ruenoa Aires, South I'xlltor The HllllMiar.l: •kmerlca, that Ihe I X L Wild West Show, com Ib-ar Sir—1 wlah, through your columns, to

C. 'r. Gerilea, treaauifr, has Unn .-onne.-te.l 1 having already iM-en placed with proiiilae for June for y.-ars with different ammu-meut enl, rprim-a. 1 d»‘llvcry. _ 1 . ,1.. t...

C. F. Ub.ales, aecretary amt manager, baa | Walt.-r A. Shanmin iM-rn.«ialIy *•’1''' been with ex|>oaitton parka and tented I cam of heavy draft ***"■•' l''•'J' J/.*”,, „* ..rganlzatiuna for many yearn, both in .kmerlca , Ml.Iway slaM.-n ,if Ham-tl ami Almuu . rnd abioad 'SI- •’•"I- Th’'r>‘ “V

Vouug Huffalo. a white man. wb.. was rala.-.l 1 be ahlpiie,! In two Anus I'alaoe llorm- larw bv the Indiana from iufam-v. la a man of au- »bleh will lie n-talm*,! fiw Hm- aeaa.m l.

laed of many arena p,s-formera from tbe 101 the attention of traveling showmen, and I •’>’ the Indiana from lufam-y, la a “•»“ Th.-ir arrival ’*^W*hIV»-v'' ' I vklna leaies Ibla _u _ _ a-...,. c.i._ .. .MOMwi.iia- I...., ... uerb uhvalaue and great courage, lie la tbor- Ibelr arrival. wnii.y *-.’“‘“7 ..

borae falling with him, bat is again all O. K. Show licenaea have liien going up, not gradii I _ Huffalo ''I'd "»-'*t *' *"j | vl^urjll' -iv^ car af til** (>(h**rK tiail iAtis/>k*i uf f*av*»r_ . I allT. l.ut bv IcaPM anil bountlft. T*»n v»*arA mrn ! v*arr> li*urlt*\ u cam aiiU li5 jHt^ plt*, UkIuiIIu^ . • _ .»i*. .viiue of tbe others bad attacks of fever, etc., ally, l-ut by leapa and boumla. Ten yearn ago

but none of them are In a serious couditluu. tb," license on niy abow, which Is a mlnatrel .-iammy Garrett, tbe boy WiMuler, has improved show under canvaa, average,! alaiut IlHsi p,.r

the NuuiImt IVo car. Holh ,am are out of Ihe Mb.ip*. lb,irougbIy r,-.-quIpiMil paint,-,!, let-

Rogers, America's champion fancy and trick show. r..,.,-r, who la ajipeariug in va idevllle over the 1“ many plac-a througb,iut the South, the I uited time tbia seasou. R.<gers spent all larger clrcua,-* are comiH-lled to pay $,-asl and iiH.iitba lu tbe .krgentine Kepuolic some years . *• high as $l,o0o p,-r day. ITohibltkin baa b,*,-n ago, working with tbe Gouebua. 1 spreidliig very rapidly throughout the country.

Tbe parade will be a novelty and a f<*alure. vmal, Mr. Myera prepanal all Ihe advance IJf'-'** thre,. bauds, calliope, cowboys, cowgirls, Mcxl material for u»»- all, a<l ami back, aa well as cans, Cossacks, soluicrs aui six trib,‘s of Nor.b the ap,-*'*! atorbw snd f,*alurea.

apreidiiig very rapidly throughout the country, jIndians, w agons, stage coach, prairie -’*»• .'T.r' arrived "ft and csia-cially through the South-mit prohlbl ! «*«"'*"- “V'^- b-cmmai and aU ,-quip tton i.rohimta i.o, rovo,iKi1.2^ »M.tlu.,-ut, la-ugbl esiit-cislly for the VoLi.g iiulfaio Nan 4Trncls,-,i Mann m ye,?rlve *,he' ".mm‘*;oon",l I'” ‘“"r " Ud " es? Sbo2. W. K Fergusi.n. gelw-ml .gent._ 1.

J«1. Hyde was tb,- first of the bllUKistem to r,-iiort fia- dul.v. having arrived from far off

Tbe White Rats of Americs beid tbeir third iiiiual charity masque ball at Teirace Garden I ‘“d city governments

W. E. Ferguson. ge,M*ral agent, is bually en gag,-,I In his f,sx-,-*, attending to the

New York Oly M.r,-b 17. Many hsads.m.e amt X rmlTlng'Xiwt'.mn “in owof‘tue t’eul,ii"“vorli" iblTnilng ..f priullug. -tr valuable prUw were given to those In costume. It Va mlv nSmml the, «“d complete charge ot the au E,efy wag m In q,iart.o> baa m.w b.-,-n lurms l.eae.s aold like hot cak,-. and tbe u.adertaking im.uld lur^.« ua to mire^ uV 7he .i-m-b-m-V i ‘-“d will pilot the show out of tb- sbo,.. r,.m,il..t.-l> m-alred amt w a. a wKce*.. Again Tn m«v "nst«nc.w high IlwniJr la iX.; I ‘ -"cKeuxie i. meuager of NuuiIm- Cu. far. paint.-u. and tb.- army of paint. r> are now turn

^ Of lirniM-aDce urViuillce or ivli»iUK fMnMtiriHm' ' cUArgt; of tbe ADoex* where iu*: tbeir atifUlltKi i*» lb** Jobuuy Ray. crack riUer anil all aroun*! delln ami If Mmu'tbini: Ih not iKine ^bd'v will ilriv** curioua people from all parts oft Tbe (jrt*ater S*»rrl'* ami R.»we Show* will ba\e

. at.H- of c-owU.y H>or!«. baa witL Jones all out of the I km>w of exmouiou. | Uo oim wi b the Klem. tw.. aiBam-e cara anJ Brotbera* Wild W’eat for tbe coming seasw. „,jod al own that have butt mimcv ths* «..« * Uaxiug lad> bucking borae aud buck- | a a|PK'ial brigaib*. All tb*- advance baa In-en

ibe Alpine Trouia-, wire walkers and iicr,.- ami aiHiie of tboa,- who did make m.mev did a.p ' ‘'“V ** n *7“ aa i aj aj c a orvi le i A B D A R nc A bat*, are at Keith’s, 1‘hlladelphla. tbls w.«k. by cutting .lown aalariea ami otherwise' curtail *‘d,- *ik w w dl bav,- a MINNEAPOLIS I. A. B. P. A B. OF A. 1 Ii.-y have oue of tbe prettiest dressed acis >f Ing exiiensi-s lu ord,-r to me,-t the d,-mamls of for the show foils, tbe Imx-e lu Ouc • i.s Sind lu tbe busiueaa, and their work has th.vt tbe Ilex nse grafter. Tbe biatory of the world i-uotber out of tbe ordiuaiy ; tb,- Haxaar, Sw-clv Yeager, who baa charge of Ibe North snap and gitig.-r which, combined with their prov,*s that wherever taxation has l>,-,-n levb-d uude,- able mauageuieut, wut-ie the public cau •nuirulay |Maite,l ,ai one t.ianl *0 pleasing personality, make them Instantaneoui wltbou’ n-prewntatlon. It has l,-d to „ppr,-a.sion. I **''**‘'' ** ‘••up ol tea, visil many alauda of , |0„-_ ,nd finlalo-,! the day with nearly !«»• *b,-,-ta. ...loo'viil, taviHiiea. ’Ibey go with the Fore- ami 1 am sure that we can relieve ourselvi a of uifien ill ualious. oi to take part lu aiiy gam* i» gigng s-mie ,ai a wlmly day. paiigli-4iella Circus the coming seasoo. | this burden by making a fight fi*r our rlgbta soo"** R' ‘•'c American public to while awuy I.,angvay I- doing lb,- adv,-rll*lng for

Joiinuy Kay, crack rider and all around delln eator of cowUiy ajiurta, has sign,-,! witL Jones Hrutbers’ Wild West for tbe coming seasxn.

of Ignorance, prejudice or rellgoua fanatU-lam. and If Miiuething Is not done they will drive iMi all ,iut of the buain,*ss. I know of several

W. E. Hawks, tbe well known Idaho raneb-

thls burden by making a fight fi*r our rlgbta These lic-nses are levied under th,- pretense of lollce service or iiolice jiower, when, in reality.

,.ppr,-a.sion i i long, and finlalo-,! tb.- day with nearly !«*• sli.s ta. mmelv.a of take par in aiiy gauo |,.!, g.ang s-mo- ,m a wlmly day. our rights R ‘‘R- public to while awuy |j„^vay I- doing lb,- ad v.-rllalng for

lu III, is ,-oll<-,'tiug all the obi cowboy songs ob- 1 tl--*-}' are a tax for revenu,- and nothing el/~' talnabie and having the words aet to music, and •'* • '•-‘4 fur reveuue th,-y are cmirary to th.

au a.ieiuoou or eieuiug. i ,b,. Audlbrlum. The show will bar ujtblng that is 1,-gillmat *. ||«rTj Edwanla Inl. ml* to go iMj liU finu

cue siMClal ear, just for novelty people, aud only | ,b^ tlrphi um sea~.n capable meu w uo uuderslaud ibeir busiio is j M. is.n.M i. w-rvliig on a im-II) jury

employed as beads of Ibe iiiauy and vari.iiis y,,,,. n„„t d.-s* not Intend to Ir-aii-- ibis s.-s itio. uls im* buxx ot be saw slid the q,..* KlUj. |„.,uke. Hob are working d of the l-aiumt-ra in wlulir quarters Is stag.- 1C tliat tlH* ►hjw folk* low lo hw. i luviiUoo. Ia4^* Harl «ml IVrt.tiy UnnitHl

---—-- - - 3‘*iu Ktii»’i*»uiEli S**il» SU«tw at t'ii*'••Isiiiti, Mar. '.W.

01 RANCH WINTERQUARTER j NOTES, i to tlx- slick and tirusb again — I Fay Hardwell, f<ir<-uian of the sluqi. Is bsiklug

for .-MKiie m-w wagon men. as two leave to Run Itb tbe opening of tbe buds and the buxxlug shows. hi- bouey bee-a result of the Due spiiiig Harb-y While bad Ibe In.I l.sikiug route last Lber—the show “insect" has also bcfun lu uiiug oil lu.- 101 uuucu oi lu- ... > I Weiner will l»- foreman of tb.- »t l‘aul winter quarters ou tbe largest of large, di- *i„.„ Wh.M-ler bav.s to join Ihe 101

Ihed farms, which has 1m,-u in a s.atc -f ji.Qrii argy for tbe past few mouths. Is no lougar , j^iq nagg.-rn.-as Is w.»kliig mi tbe .s-nter naite i uormaul stsle, but is fast r. a. uiug .u 1,1^1, *iii„ail tlx blank ax of activity. | m,., |vtll. picas,- writ.

is putdisbiug them. .Yny «u,- kmiwiug any of the I*"' of the United Stat.-a, umler a decision of ‘‘‘“P'ojed as beads of the iiiauy and vicious 01.1 .-uiige songs, send the Words to Mr. Hawks, I-’- Justice Hradley, who nile,l that a *laie. uepartio, uis. iix? buxx ot b<- saw and the care Two Bar 70 Livery, Bennington, Y't., aa he undei- Ita ixiwer, bad the right to regulate ►ouiul of tje l-ammers in “In'T quarters U

-■ ir.viiig to pres,-ive Ibe old legemls, etc., uf •* 'o si-curlly of life, limb aud the protection of the fast disappearing cowboy as he was. proiH-r.v, but in making such internal r,-gula

,|, lions I state can not impose tax,-s u|ion p,-nioD« A.I.-Ie Van ilbl. Jlmmv Parker. Art Ibalen, f”** propvrty |iassing through Ibe state, or com

a-'isl.-d by a cowlH.y quartet. I.K>k a uliinge into U'.*' m.-rely for a temporary pun--*,-.

.•1I.V .1X1 made a goiMiTuiVression ...VTiVTuX "" ’'I “P weather-the .how "li^t" ha. .Im> befun lU aiip,-arance not o.-dy from a bualoeas atandpolnt, humming ou lu.- lol vi im ..i,,, . .,i->

- but aa patriotic t'llu-ua. Waabiuglon aud bia »•«' winter quarters on tbe largest of large, di- “ palrin force* secu.-vd f<ir us our lualoualde i veisihed farms, which has Im,-u lu a s.aic -f

T.-\da Tex, foriin-rly <-oune<-t«-<l with one of tbe rights at Yorktown; Limoln told us that wi-iR-'hargy for the past few mouths. Is no lougar liirg • wild West 'hows, la back on Ibla side >f .v'uld i keep them bv et.Tual vigilanc,-. For '•* » uormaul atale, but is fast r, a> uiiig .u ■

music that tbe sb^w folks love to bear.


result uf the Due spiliig

birg - wild Hi-st 'bowa. la back on Ibla side >f .v'uld i keep them by et.-rnal vigilanc,-. For » uormaul atale, but is fast r< a. uiiig .u ■ 1,1^1, aniHail tlx- blank. Hie water after au absence of fiair years lu my I have been waging a relentless war ‘■'"lua* activity. | pbas,- writ,-. I.IIIOIM-. He came over in the liitereata of Mr. ' <>n high lii-<-u»e the pant year. 1 have proven I Hostlers aud leamat.-rs are pulling forth most | j yy Whitehead tlx- jssil chaiiiplotishlp I'arl llagcnbeck, and baa secured the services of lu t'x- miuor ,-<Mirta that no city could arbitrarily 1 atrv-uuous eOuru to se,- that the eigni u|si ' I fp,^, Holines 'IbiirvMU.v •-vening. Mar. Ii. Ho- following iM-ople, who will lut ou a wild n-fus- to grant a licenai- without cause auil the ' gt'eu ov,-r to their Jiaj-tlcular charge, are lu tue j l’«irl,- la tin- staff pbo.ograpbcr for West •'ibibitlon at Tierpark. Hamiiurg. Germany, only csumm. for which a license can be r,-fua,-d P*“'‘ condition In ample tim<- beloie lb<- souml : |^„.,| _\u jo for a season of ;!7 we,-ks. comm,m-ing April 'l. are immorality or that It la calculated to Incite '“If '•f '^ugle at the big u|M-uiug lu St. | I, ' j,,,,,., 1, .till king of tlx- misHcine 191*1. A lisiid of Sbsix liitlians. utiib-r the leader- t^ f'"' “f disturb the peace, when a contagloua laiula April 1*>. . nx-n. Jou«-a la the advaiiee agent fiir Foley's 1910, A bsiid of Sbsix liiilians. umler the leader- to riot or disturb tbe peace, when a contagloua l-aiuls April Hi. . i„,.n. Jou<-s k ehlp of Chief plotted Weasel, from the Pine disease U in Un- isHuiuiiuily lu epidemic form. | »“ow slo, k la lu js-rf,-, t cuudlliuu, aud .M,.,|ieiue Show amp of Chief Sjiotted Weasel, from the Pine disease 1* in Un- isHuiuiiuily iu epidemic form. ( »“ow slo,k la lu js-rt,-, l cuuaitiuu, au,i .M,.,|ieiue Show. K.ogi- AgeiK-y ; xiwboya Tex. HerlM-rt, iKic Cro •' ,ir a st.,te .-an not prohibit a show by I }*’*f “otlt »t<Kk iisi-d , an not In- ex j ||,,««rd .M.-foy I* nov II.n. Hobby Hrc-niiati and several other*, umler *‘i!fh liceus,-. \Vbenev,-r a license lM-<-omes ex ! t'elb-d by auy show iu exuH.-me. Heavy, glossy Zacli laickeua'leaves Ibe oouiniand «if Jimmy Stal,-y. chief of tin- c.-axive and luobiliitory in its requirement*, R bUek* will do in. heavy w.a-g on lb.- su-m ibis | along with Sir lalw lowboys. .S,'tiorita La H.-lla I>t-1 Rio Grande, di '» ilb'gal. 1 have prov,-ii that wh.rever a' 11- JVAf. •“<! ''“'J carefully s.-!.-, l.-il from p,],,. j.ijj, tbls siiiiiiii.-r reel from ,>1<1 .Mexico, has an iiiiisirlant arena '•■ns*- makes a .liscrlmiiiatlon tM-iwe,-u a i<-sldcut maiketa lu in.- cuiiutry. lb,- Mlllcra li.e-iiioa In b<-r riding act. Tin-y are taking over “Ud a imu ii-sid.-iit it is ilb-gal aud 1 am sail* ' cxceptioually pr.aid of ibis feature of Ibe LICENSE hIsiuI 4c bead of gmal stiM-k. Tbe outfit should '"',1 iLat all stale aud eiMiiity li(-i-in.,-s i-aii b- show. Im- aiile to give a g.s.l, suappy show w ith lb<- kn,M-k.<l lait on tb.- griMiiid that Ib.-y ar.- a lax ' »» *'•" *“ •lors.w. ar.- , .Miiiiig <.ul of -r,.pp,. Haute liid . on.

Heard .Met'oy I- now with iIh- l.lg slxm- Karb laick.-us b-aves f.*- his farm in W ls,-oii

sin, along with .sir E,lwin I'lark, wb.-r.- ib.-y will


M.-n, as wen «s nor.M». are . ..ul of ... the winter sl.M-k aud proix-rly coudl , „,p w.-.i, will In all l«- turned. Ibe men at tb.-s.- quartets uullke , ,.,p,.,^ ..f tlx- the- of m.iny o,m-r show wlu.i-r quarter^ lu I j ti„.p,.am. of tlx- i-lri-us license by Uie s esd of r,-, .-.v iiig aud Ib.-lr biix uil for , jp.,,, »:i.*i. Ib. ir s,-rvic,-s nml.-red during the edd wliil.i j „( ui„^||„„ „P,a, - show monlbs have Im-.-ii r.-,vlviug Ib-lr ngular all p,,pp,, „ie first .rf the year and ,M-..d. and at im- first pay .lay "“ the show a the n..,.,,...<-,-,l staniiM-,1. oil Ifie pay w.g.Hi w ill Is- «*old. d , . .. Anutfii*r t»f Ihr iiIkiw

t::l» nt thvy lia\i ami aiaki* gwii in Ihi* lam) of revt nu<*. I* \Ii*il on a miu nmMvDt and that hilMTiJ«tU»ii, ali^t^k aud pruiM-rlj cuudl Ibe Kaieer. we are no more liable to a tax for revenue than Tbe ui»u at quarieia. uuiike

We jaV liable to a |M>il tax. The DanriiiK a weatern danoln;; j ll0'D>***»* In of a reaaonable

t«*aru. arri\4 d a few weekK apo and have I »*niount to eover artiial indice i«»*rvlce la illegal. •»tart‘d ►otu«*thing. ITiey are playing Bennett*# What I i»r'»|M»M* to «lo ia :«» luak** a lea ra** • lloMiri. Ilaiiiii iKi. Oil .. tlii.'w wiM-k und an* a l''<*«l‘'ral t^oirla. I have a|»ent i|ulte a riot. Wait until lh**y ^lrik1• New York City. !»***”* niouf.e* l. jr-il jidvi. * an-l 1 .nii •‘ur- <»b. >«'‘i daiiierK! * i ''A* will win if we make a atasid for our rlgbta

0!‘4» Kreiiiliriiik. tlie rld.-r. iuv* M-veral 1 *, new iu Jill.* that he will pa'«*a out w'.th rin- ii»i Ranch Show during tbe coming ***** "* eejiKMi :n'*ie, lari

• all <honld ^ , . , . . < ‘i’l!ribii N- \.* .i n.'w eoutMrU haw- I.. en^agiMl f.a* hoin.- addn

he M.ming --.istyf, A Hurprlv.. j,; in ►:ore f.»r oi tm- jhiMm- ill tl.. of two or lliree irin-» lontrlbutor >ati*>iiK in Tie- wil«| w»*«*t Hue !»y M^'^eirs. Arlini; tour*: ler a I'jri ami Mll!*r. two huHtliTH liave franieti inu>t liuht lip an f.»p tile roiiiiti^ reason to be pnaid |f of. and the r^itlng already arranged by Mr. pji,.

►inn of iiion ^ f.e- jidvi. * ami 1 .nii •^nr. ►laiiiintle oij tie- p-ii wagon will m- atoi«lea i wlllioiit Another aa* nf of the alH*w we will win if we make a atasid for our rlgbta |H-,«US.- of .lie buig gr.-. n tlX k.-d avv..y lu "j" | ,i*ll.-.| tlx- city lb.- fir«l of Mar.-b, aixl iiH-t th. a* tb \ *r.- giiaran;<-.-<l to iis uuib-r tlx- cousti Irous-rs of tlx wln.<-r .pisrli-rs nun. ssv.d whlb- \|,y„p ,,„i (Hv I'.iiii.iil In an effort to scrut IUII...I. II will CMi «i b-sst »!.<**• for allor 'he nx r. iiry w«* playing with In- 1. .H..111 ip.. p„,,,„.,|.M, t,„| 1.. 11 He .1.-. lar.-.l Ihi

Irous'-rs of the nx rein

1... s to ,**rr.v a 111.1 vv.' six.111.1 iia,.- til'- b-St sli.*rn',vs tlijt '*'**■ b.iiii s-. iiiak.-rs wb*., f*.r lb past llir...- j ;ii.. i... i.’iii i.r<M-iir... Wiiat Is of g-ii ral" I. n- nt uciitls, bav.- 1..-. u iiiskliig lb-- ix w s.x.w par.! ^|| all sboul.l lx- willing to pay for. Tlxse- wishing pb.-inali* f.*- ;b.*«- s, Iimw- «Ismi. i.Mipn-i.s; to <•.c1trll.11 .- to tlx- fiiii.l can .Kl.Ircss nit- at m- .ix.r work, .iixl ix. in .g i« l.xking lbi« y.iii. lioin.. «ililr.-s-, Il.iif ii. .\ik. aixl I v ill piit-lfb tlx- and no cXImiis.- ha* Ih-.-ii spiir..d to iiiak.- it lb.. i.iixMxits of iixMx y r.'C.-lvi.l ..ixl Iix- iiaiii. s ..f tlx- '“ sl six. ii.>i>iiii-si Ixi/s.- .Ir.-ss Ibal .-v.-r gr*. . .I ••onlriliii;.>rs. It is tliix- ... t.. the back of a sU.w b.iis...'x*r an.l <|uit llglitlng ,Mx- aixitlxT. If w.* 4. 1 . .Vlill.*r b .s jiisi r.^tiirix-.l fr.aii I ..rl must light. I.-I us light Ibos.. Umt o,.pns« n-. \V..rlb. 'I.xas. wb.-.-,- Ix' llx’ If w.. an- slavis. l-l iis ...n;inn., i.. simrl sixl borixsl atcer extant. II.■ waa ofT.-r.-d k.’.'at.iai f.,r I hi!., at on*, aiiotix-r Ilk.* hungry .loga In a k.*nix.l. t'l'- lioriia <.f Ibis ..iiiiinil wb.ii lIx* Ih.,iix- <I>

Giv" tlx- r “ I v.-.l s...its |., :ii- tin - ar l.rig ..I. parts ovxr tlx- .llvlib- from wlixn. .. ix. al.-.-r rc wblb- w.. g.. ...1 si.l.. :iix! <b. gii ir.l .Inly to k.-i’p Iiirn.-tb, but lx- liirix.l tlx- off.-r ilowii. aixl la

to t'l.. yiiipi. III. ( oiiM. tlx- Iberinoiix.l.T

K.l.|;e .Xiliiig-on l..<ls fnir I*, lead t*. wlx-rc lb.- nx.ii.y Is. right from the go-off.

to l o-itrll.ii .- to tlx- fun.l can .a.I.Ircsa nit- at m- ngag.-d liom.., H.i)’"ii. .\ik. aixl I v ill piil'l:-b tlx n s:<>ri- for i,>it» of iixai. y r.-c.-lvt.l ..ixl lii.- iiaiix s ..f tlx tlir.-,- ,-onlrltMi:<.rs. It is lliix- sii..., ni.-n t*. g.-t sr*. .Yrllng tog. i x-r an.l .piit fighting <«x- aiiotlx-r. If w. iiv,- fraiix-.l must light, b-l us light ilx.— - that o,.pns« n-.

Ibe ,-lr..|i* w.nit.l ,iil Terr.- Haul.- off Ibe r<Mi .IT aet-urc a bit *iiils|.|4* xf tlx- i-lty lliiilta, Iniyll* all Miipplli-a .ail of tlx- city.

RIngiing Bps. ■ clr.iis waa r.aitcd lx apiM-a lu Ti-rn- Haute May Hi. aixl tin- Kor.-pniigb .H.‘1la Show waa IsMiki-.l a ilatx 111 Aiigual but unless till- t’lly t-.aiix II i-.aix-a to l.-niia, Terre Haute will In- wltlx.iit a clrcua


■tl ►e.if'a tif :h>* till «.Mr bri;; id* de do trirml duly t<* ke«*p f'liptnln Korg<dt*‘ii. y\ filtnekitl tiv hl»

tbe fKi-ks. hill bllHen and thiigi* fnmi cutting •**Iihiiii*<! to -vtnh- tie- value pliieed ii|hui the mnu ||oti. TtiumbT. nnd wl» Mevii-hii II*N.ker \s in S*tuth AmerlfJi ti|,. rt»p«*s. Let uh coijilniie t<» give imr Ih^I hendgeiir ff thin imliv#- of 'l»‘XBh. itn ilil» trip

with Miv I X la Siiow I liejird It remark'-d th** v. * fn-*- 4»f i hjirg*'. to eif> hull «ri.! e«Mi:: he hIho nnm-ved* ji tuim-h of ilu* !► t»reiie other d;i> •ni.i ll-.f pm m,.». ju tli-- ;;rHf.»r*< lire! prepare to give tliem ilo* ‘••er.iteberH** mu! ro|H*i« to m- finind in

I U-'irie'ev.

.!<►• lonrh, W4-11 knovMi diriMttir wiili differen'

wild wv**! ►how*** !► ill KiiglHiid Kud pimniitig uo“»*

l^ui-se lire! prejiare to give tlieni the gro«**i re<'«*ipt»k It Ih only n iiu*** foil of tlu"

until tbe> will demand tlH'm, anywiy. Wb#D wc HTe jej ti nnd gone our whe«v miiu ehilureii « .m

utarv.* or go to the |mmii lion,«e, |»nt if we nr**

"•er.'iteberH** mu! »<•••• r ro|H*i« to In- finind li any land.

Bi'Kidew g**ttlng ready to iitirt the big «ho*T miothe:* feMture llmt \n intereM Ing tlnme at th- V. .11 e, 4|ii ir:» * I• . I • I’ k: 12 ot nen pi-ture-

till# trip Him biidly forn. i* ►qn^edll.v progr»**«»»!iig l^i p»* •vl iiroiie rovery In Ih** Kinergeiny ll<mplt>il New Y«#’k. f<»uiid in It wim fenn-d thnt bin nnii woiibl biive to Im*

xiiituituPd Ifiil IiIh p)i>Ml«-lm»« rlnltn If gnu dg whoa, greiie d«M>« no! M‘t III, llo otli4*r eofiitdlentb»**M n^e

M* at th* ptHttviltle 1I|m fiiHiiy frleii«l« h(»|H* liml on li will pi''li|f*«-- riol Im* III** I'Rpe

MARCH 26, 1910. Xfie Billt»oarcl 25


A r.-i'ic •I'lilMim* of Till- llllllxiiinl W i-il <*r liiot wi'i'k lit the Hariiiiiii hihI llaili.i

wlutir iiiiiirliTK. lirl(lK<'|H>rt. foiiii, m licri- wliul X to >»' ■li*' iiioKt xtil|HMiil<>iix >i: KatilzMliiHi

»Ulili ImH I'liT Iraifleil uihIit tin- fiiiiiiHiH I’ir'iu nnii'x iiiiiiH- lx now ni’Wiliijt tlo- nnlKliliiK

Iiiui'ln •

III iiixiiy ri«|H<ix III.- .•irciix |ir.>|>iTt>' will 1m-

••11 lr-'l> ii'-w (-,irx. lii.-lii.lliiK w-dtuI xl>-.-|>liii: .•oM.-li-X. niiil llin-.- in-w mlt mi.-i. ail\>-i' iixlni: rarx, will I..- .iilil.-il to tin- richly iilii.-

r.'i'Ui iiK llo' rallwii} .■<|iill>iii.‘iil.

ru- li.-a.Ix oif tin- wanlr.ilM- <ti-|>nrliii.-iit. wi<li .lU ariu.i of w.irkiiii-ii aii.l arllMMiix, Iiuim •-<>iii l-li-t.-'l till- iii'.xt .lazxlliii: i-i.ll>-<-ti<>u of .'.Miliiiii.-K iimI m-t.MiNr.-iii.-tilx fi.r tin- i.arn.l.- hii.1 Hi.* o|h.|i

-Uii iirau.l .-atn-.-, wlil.-ti tin- writer liaa i-vmi* !m lii-l I

A miiiilHT Ilf Ko<K"o<ix|> iM-aiiilful i-liarlutx,

..leiix auil all.-icorlral Itoalx for tin- xlr.-ct |iaK''ant

ball- Im.-ii limit iliirliii; tin wliiicr. ninl x.-vi-ral .-Mix.iSiino iitx .if atiliiiala fr.>iii Axla, Afrlt-a aii-l Kiir'.i>e liaii- arrlMil for tin- aiiKiii.-titatl.iii of III.. ui>-u.i»:iTlf I In- oin- r.-al m-ii-aatlnnal ar

rlial. I'l.-r w liii-li .-iiT >.Hn- ix,innTl**.l with tli*

xhi>.> lx III ra|>tiir.-. wax hr.MiKlit liy l>r. St.a-k - .1 hall yitlralTi-. w .,x Uirii at ItrlilK.-ixirt winti-r iliiartiTx Jaiiiiary It I In- lllll.- f.-llnw la ali\-

with th.- ajilrll Ilf llfn. anil ax play fill aa a kllti-D, tin- iinitln-r lx a wali'lifiil. tninliT nurai-, ainl X.-.-I1IX 111 Im- itlail In xUan- li.-r liapiilin-xx with all who wlxh In i-ari-xxi tin- hahy. Only mn-n Ix-fiiri- 111 tin- wnrlil’x hlxinry- hax xiirh all i-ii-nt lx i-u know II. Ill IS.‘i4. at Iln- ImhiiIoii /ixi|iikI<-..1 li-irili'Ux. a hahy- a-lralT.- waxlxirii. hut It Itv--1 f.-r a fi w ilayx only. To x'lianl acalnxt an.v

inlaliiii III.- hahy al Itrlilxi’lxir' hax mi ii-xx th-n four uttniiilaiitx. two \nii-rliiarlaii xuriri-iHix ainl two ax. Ixianix. who iliihh- tin- J4 h.xirx of nai-h

xla.T Into waliln-x. an tin- kiiiiIiiik iiilml of ram fully tialii'xl i-kiH-rix |x ixiuxtantly iiinmi tin-

I x-k on: .\t tin- riilliiiaii x|mi|m.. a |iaiii|i-il rar • h-iua hiilll. M, that tin- iiiotln-r. hahy. ami

Ibnlr allnii.laiitx w-ill ham tin- ailvanlaKi* of i-ii-ry <x iiti-nli-in I wh.-ii It i-.un.-x tliiii- to iravni liT ra.l Nil royal iirlin i- i-mil.l In- iimr.- wati-h lully i-xrix| fiK-. ax th.- hahy itlraffn lx r.-Katilnil

hy thi- llarniiiii ainl liaili-y nian.ii;inn-ut ax thn iiKiat fnrtiinali- ai'i|ulxtiloii tin- xhnw ixiuUl |nix

• Ihly l.x»i- ihi tin- will.- wikIiI m.-r ami llx llko

ooulil mil Im- fiiiiml Thi-ri- I* a ixx-ullar fam-lna flno .iImmiI thi- lllth- l•tl•atllrl- l*i-rxoiix vixltlnit

Ihn .|uarli-rx llin.-r alxiiil Iln- ttlratfi-x' i-ni-Ioxiin- UDlIl Ih.-y an- ohlltiixl In iiiaki- way for oihi-rx who ar- :in\liHix f.a- a |n--|. I'lnxl.- wb-i tian-

iMi-n fortiinati- i-tnuik’h I.. ihi- hahy x'-raffi

luvjlfl that It will Im- tin- otn- x'ri-att-a't fnatiim ^ulni il at rai-lloii tin- l•lrl-llx w-H-hl h.ix ,-ii-r Vdow n.

Tlin forty i-li-|>haiilx x.-,-iii i., n-allzr that imj- nuta. ranilli-x. au-l tin- xiiiall Ix.y arn alxuit ilui- for t*ii' ilall.v vixli I'rof M-n.n- hax ilm i-lii|M-tl

an rntlmly n.-w ami xtartllni: ai-t for Ihn rlmr l-arhyilnimx.

Thi- wi-vi-n hiimln-il borx x an- tx-ina rurriixl ami rnaimml nvi-ry day. ami ar.- •xiiinn.-in-ini: to lixik thi- |i.irt of xini-k rlrrux linTxi-x. Tln- tlnj a iH-k ito IhrxiiiKh Ihi-lr Wiwk Iwlix- .-aoh day >B tbn rlns harn and many n.-w and xnnxatlnoal • ijuratrlan f.-atiin-a ar - iir-unlxi-il

Moxt of Ihi- i-hiro|M-au moi-liy fi-atun-a ha\i- ami an- n-bnarxlna ih.Hr a.-ta. fhli-f amnnc tin (x rformi-rx i naaK'-d for r.*Iii am |ii-x|M-:. llo. w ho dims h.-a.l fiin-tinixt fnan thn •lomn of Ihn Madlxon .>ii|uam liarih-n. with hix anna ralx.-,i ovi-r bla hnad In th.- iuxlllon of -x wali-r dUi-r l>nx|M-rai|ii atnadl.-x hlinxi-lf for ■ n Ina'aut and |ilnnai-> fiwwanl ax a div.-r w-uil.l In i-ntiTliia th.- wainr. Inxti-ad of water, hi- landa In a xkid l.k.- chute of xiinxitb plank, “trlkliig ii|M.n hlx cb.-x- A llaali and he la on lilx fe.-t In the anna, iiiln-r actx am WInxton'x lk|ueairlaii S.-alx. In a x.-rli-x of riding and Jug gling f.-ala, ii|x.n itn- Ita- kx of awlfl flying hora.-a: Ix-a Ii.-k-e. In Ih.-lr .-uulllhrlxtlc atalr act: Taula |■.•l.-r■x TriMi|H- of M-uiki-va IXiga and J.x key llalx.inx Thn A|.dl-. Trio of (ioldm

Statuary tiyninax!. . t'harl.-y tin- I'lrxt. an ixlu

•at.xl I hlinpaniix-. fn xl, fnun hating rr.-al.xl .X ai-nxat|iin at the I'xrix II.|i|Mx|r-iiin-: a tnuipi- ■ •f niuxiral elephanta; Ju|>lt.-r. th.- hallix.ii hors-; la It.-lli- Viitorla. ijii.-.-n of th.- gol.I.-n rlhlx.n:

rr tin- Vouturki-y. xi-iixallonal w|m apit-ialty; rill- Nx'ili- I'arndl Tno. 'nn- rmir In-lke Six lira, wire roni-irtloirxix . The K..ny.'ta and

their tn-aiitlful horai-a In xi-iiaatlonal feata of •--lUi-xtrlanIxni: Wllllani \Vln«low and W C. U.d land.^wlwi pn-xi'iit an ix|tii-xirtan not.-iiy ; tlrrin

Hid Vletorla l>ati-n|Miri. ..nllng th.- advaneixl nii-lh m|x of grai-i-fiij tx|iii-.trlan:xin: Sam Iti-nnett a id Vrlhiir Jarvix. hurli-x.|ui- hiinlle rld.-ra: lllll -nil and Ih.-lr tralneil inuli-x Klla na and I r.-d lii-rrli-k. In a flnlxh.xl rrl; Kdwanl Shlpp'x highly illa<-ipl|ii.-d ela.. of h'gli s-I ixil n|u nix: Julia Ix-wamla. In a xi-naa ti-itial I an hack riding act. Th. r.air lot Kalllea. imxli-tn lleri-tilea. nie Knur Ix-x Jardtx. acroliatic

p.-rcli muelty: Can-ln.-tll Iln.ih.-rx, Ixiundlng ta Ide i -ndiata; Ttn- niiri-m-i- Tr.Hi|ie of Old World lllxl.-v IVrforiiii-rx; The Thno- t'orellla. comedy -rotnla and i-lowni: I'.iur foniradi-x. hiirlexi|-ie

-alhl. t.-x; l ax.lo Tl.MliM- of ir.pllllhrixtx: The

l>wi-rnix. aerial frog end dragon. I.a Mar Troitp.-. !n Ih.-lr xky hlgn flighia The rite N. a|M»lllana. fl’lug tra|H-re i \|M-rix. Alm-n. 4'ax;||lan arrohat.

Itraro uf T% n Mi*n an»l In •iiTotntlc and at ninaxtl.- explolta. Ah-xandi-r x|a|.-;x. dimlnilllte ai-rohalx. Ilarrarettl Itn*. . hiirli-xipie iM-n h act; The Sl.-griat I.IINma Im iM-rial VIenni-xe|M-. eoiiiprlxlng ten e\|M-rl aerlalixtx. who hati- won tin- hlgheat pralxii In tin* rapifiilii.

The f-lown eimtlngi-iil i-iindla IIm- Two guea,-ii eltla, the Two l■l-roml-x. Wlnxlow. yiam ll.-nnett.

I’hk lord. Jam.-a Ihirall. II |i Shinn. Harry '••■•rl. III. It Xli InliMih. !• H Darling Jam a

^'l■ed \ aldo. Harry rii-mi-iii-. . t'orellla. »' dl S'-oii. lllll and U-dilnaon. .XI. ollfant. .\rl Jan la and a hand of fun making, iiantomiml-* <x-l.hrlli.a


Kverythliig la alMiiit In n-adlni-wx for oix-ii liig of “that wexti-ru xhow,’’ whk-b will occur In tlklahiHiia. Aiirll !i Tlie xhow train li-ave> Kalrtiury, .N'eh.', the wlnterijuartiTH April 5, and will rehi-anu- two days In the opt-ulng town.

W. I', illlgdi llraxw Itllli 4'amphi-ll n-jiorti-d for duty the paxt wia-k. ami wax sent to Okla Ipaiia to do the hx-al lauitraetlng until the show o|M-nx. “High iJriiss” lx well known In (Ikla lioiiiH, and la the fast hoy in getting the ton trai-tx down thi-n-.

Ili-mian Josa-ph. who xi-ored all last xummer riihlng the Kirir-ta and the “come In,” con eluded bis engagement with the Khoda Royal .Show- rma-ntly. and lx here waiting foe the big thing to oiien.

I’rof. I’erl lx xuccexxfully breaking In a bal¬ let which will Im- a feature of the show- this xiKiMiier. ITilrty live glrla are now- umler hll tutelage.

('. H. tillliertson stopped over and visited the show trllie for a few- days on his way to the Si-llx Kioto Show recently.

new No. 1 advance «-ar arrived this week f^sn Krle. with a carload of new paiM-r.

tins (iMiggeri llentry Is hen- and has an xwereil pmxent to all the tr<H>|M-i>.

• oxirge Arlington It was spi-clflid that the lights must pnxluee double the candle i>ow-er conipan-d with the “H. 4c \V.” lights made last -M asiai.



Wes. K. I’lke, who for a number of years was treasurer and secretary of tbe Hargreaves Shows, and season 1!*0K with the Frank A. Bolibins Shows, will be seen In the red wagon with the Two Bills Show this season. Mr. I’lke Is at prew-nt managing the Grand Opera House. Chester, I’a. He will report at the Garden for the opening on the 2oth of April.



t'ol. J. C. O’Brien, widely known In the show bii'lm-ss. and for many years sdliister for Camp- tiell Brothers’. Is now In Horton. Kan., super¬ intending the preparations for tbe approaching s.-Bson. He will launch two one-car ’shows, both opening early In .April. One will hear the title of J. <'. O’Brien’s (k'lirgla Minstrels, con¬ sisting of sixty colored ix-rformers and musi¬ cians. They w-III show In a mammoth new can¬ vas theatre of the very latest construction and d*-slgn. TTie entire efpilpnwnt will l>e brand new- and of the very best. Many new ape<-tac- ular features will be Introduced. Col. O’Brien will own and manage tbe minstrel show per- siKially. His staff will be Mrs. J. C. O'Brien, treasurer: W. .A. Rhodes, press agent: Harry Busenbsrk general agent: John Stilllvan. supt. of canvas: Charles Holloway, musical director, and Eugene Clark', stage manager.

The .American Girl, a musical comedy pro- dvictloo, also umler canvas, will niimtier 50 people, which will Include band, orchestra and a w-ell-rtrllle<l chorus. The talent engageal Is above the average, and the wardrobe wll Im- the best. The production will be staged the same as In a city theatre, with msgnlflcent settings light¬ ing and mechanical effects. Fred Poole will he manager: John McDonald, business manager and treasurer: J. M. Derker. general agent; G. D. Hayden. mu«leal <Ilrect<T: Jas. Harper, super

j Intendent of canvas TTie winter uuarters of i lM>fh shows are at Horton. Kan. A large force j of men are at i>rex4-nt engaged getting every

thing ready for the o|M>nings.


nimal trainer with the AI. had a narn-w eseajie frt)m

W-atli at wtnt<-niuari»-rs at Oxford. I’a.. March

I Csntain Snvder. ' F Wbrn-ler Sh-nv

14 Willie s«'ateal In the animal cage eating his '

hrx-akfast. h<- was attackixl from Ix-blnd and j I kmaki-d down by a savage hvena. a new ar I I rival In the menagerie, w-hbh had <-s4-af>e<l from I Its temporarv cage. Mr. .'4ny<h-r was lying 1 |»-rfi-ctly still while the lM-a«t stixxl over him I waiting for the slightest inm-imienf o»i the | - oxrt of the tralD«T, when the unexpected hap-

pi-niMl 1 Cageil close by was a 11--n who had si-en the ; attack by the hyena. nils Hon. which had

kllbsl two km-m-rs and woundeil s.-veraj oth-rs. had become (jiilte attached to Captain Sn.vder ' thn'ugh his kiml tix-atment tow-ard the animal. 1 S<-e1ng tie- trainer In his i-redlcament. the Hon enilesTored to get out of h's cage, hnt wlthont i siicca-ss it then croncheal In "tie comer of the j •■age and sprang with terrific force to the other sld*‘. nnxi'ttlng the heavy cage ntxan the hvena. pinning It to the gnstnd Mr. Snvdcr's |

I log was stnick bv the fall, but not Inliir-d ; to ativ extent Help was summomal. ami the animal capinraal and put Into quarters |



Say Isa. llss,-n now. sof (x-dal. While I pl|s> my roiimiclay;

1 have g-*t XOIIM- wehxitn,. na>ws. kid. Makes me fiad gixxl all the day.

When 1 woke tliix niornln' early. Right liexide the wiiiikiw pane

Sang a ri4>in readhreast softly— One grand. gl->riiHix n-fraln:

Siimiiier'x calmin'.

Ixanly. dlalja know lutl. that that Misiix a lot to me?

I've Ins-n stalling 'long all winter Like a traiii|i ax ton can -sa-.

W'hliue I glaal that suinma-r'x a'ouiln'? .Saa, Jiixt think pal. what that means.

Wa- a-sn sll Im- wolkiu' Mxiu now .An' tiaaa- iinsia-.a in isir Ja-nns.

Il-xiray. saiiiiiiH-r!

I'ae txa-li trixqiiu' now ten allllliuers With tlx- laig ami iittia' ones;

Sa-a-ms to me It Is a lifetime— rtist showx how Ilia' Ma-asaHi runs.

Well that big top gits to sailin' In tlla- goisl add xuilllller's lirta-xr,

Gia-, iIm- gixxl tinia-s smi Ilia' warm alays I’lila. iMna- iiiaK-e. my h- art at case.

Oh, yam xainiiiier.

'Ml.* ’Ulir Shnw” Il f! |lr!ilici iHirt Mnrrh iMh. \t»rk till* niitiii’ «fti*riiiN»n, wliiTr.

■ firr ili-irnpilnt;. thi* miltnn!* nml pnmphcnialU ^♦•ri’ nlli’il In Mni!i«<»n S>|ii:«ri* <2iirili*n «!

^ lilrh pliiri on ... nf I’liiirnil.n . M irrii r.x!^*' wtt*! Hiilh’.Y rlmi** fii*ii««<iii of • •MO MUM hi nitftirHtiil


Will tin* hnuil Mtnrtu to piii.\in*

All tiM' ttitn**« ><m llki* to hour. \\\ i»h* hi'firt jn*«t n

\}\* A thunipln' i;ah*«( my our. With itH lllll* mill thiM)*>ani| hoi>pliiH

III ri»iii;liMni*riiti'il Jo> .

Summor trm^pln*. ItIU. for mlm* 1*11 Jont tiiki* tn^^ilii*

'Hmt’H luy only x^Kli. oh! bi»y.

SuiiiiioT triH»|»hr.

kni'un In lii*r ilnv nn thr Ti n 'nioifamiil l»i»llHr lii*mity *’ ithsj Nt hi r

tiiiiiM* In Si’w York t*lt> nftiT m llnirnrlnir 111 111***. Muri’h IV Nt till* Nifr of f1f|> oin*

I^MiUi* Motifnirtn* ikn* lironictit Into prinnln ••mv iiiNii.i iiftitk Hgo hy th«* Uti* A.Ihih Kon* pMugh J^ii* to«iti*i| tih* lonntn 'ilth th«' Korr I'nogh f.»r %,.nrv


TIu* llolti* A- Wi»yi*r To. tiNM ad or ih'r f«>r H miiiploti* now *ot of Ar«*na lights, from Mlllor Unw * hM Itinoh Ihi Wi^t }<how IIh* m't will iiHiHlHt of goiiorstor* with thn*i* r* I’NiHth* jiowor Hi'nf'h llght-n nIInoIm^I to oftrh. niAking a ti.^al of .TJ4'kiO rmnlh* |M»%M'r. In maktiig th«» tontraot wl*h >ii.

The Jame.s Adam.s 'Vaudeville Shows No. 1 unaler canvas, are now touring the South to giMsl buslua-Hs. Roster is as follows: Jas. Adams, [irojirietor and manager; Mrs. James Adams, the Three Snyalers. The Aerial Rivards, -Miss Beulah Ailams, Baby Ethel Allen Aalams, FTed Salmon, I’rof. Neel’s band Including Fa-Hx Kivard, Heck I’resnell. Arthur Caton, Billy Snyder. Fra-d Salmon, Harry Van and Frank Delaney: Jim Caldwell, prois-rtla-s; Joe Kesser, boss caovasman and sa-ats; Henry, head chef; Eric Sandburg, assistant chef. This show trav¬ els in their own private cars.

Pred (Blackey) Rose will close his bungalow In Baratxsi, AA’is., on March 28, in order to Join the Barnum and Bailey .Show. The following peaqile have spent the winter with him, Adolph Steinfeldt. Whltey Nelson, A. E. Kennedy and Dave Chadwick. Dave ChaafwU-k goaua with the Ringling Show; E. A. Ketinasly with tbe Yankee Robinson Shows, ami Adolph Steinfa-Idt with the Barnum and Bailey Shows.

Claude C. Silverton. of tipht-wire fame, has Joined Miss Bird Millman’s new act. which Is m)W- playing United Time. Miss Mill- man is of the original Millman Trio, while Mr. Mlverton is of the original Silverton Trio, he having played the female character in that act with circuses for several years. They have solid tnmklngs for nearly two years in this coun¬ try and Europe. The act Is known as the Bird Millman Company.

The Big Otto Trained W*lld Animal .\rena. now tbe stellar attraction of the Great .American Shows, is having the greatest patron¬ age of Its entire career during both tbe I’anama Canal Celebration Just past, and the Firemen's Carnival at Key West. Fla. Koster: Big Otto, general manager and owner; Thos. J. Hurd, on the front; Chas. B. Murphy. Mile. Essie Fay. the lady of U-opards; Mrs. C)lga Murjihy and Re<I Murphy.

Mr. Joe Wallace and his wife, Sadie Connies of the Hagenbeck-'Walace Shows, have removed from Peru to Cincinnati, and will wait In the latter city until the 0(>ening of the cir¬ cus season, when they will be found with the John Robinson Ten Big Shows. They are now registered at the Galt House, Cincinnati.

Sam Cohen, candy butcher and ticket seller, for the past six sea¬ sons with Frank A. Robbins’ Circus, w-ill again go out with that aggregation In Aiwll. Mr. Cohen has been conducting the Boston Amateur Bun-aii and Booking Agency In Boston this winter, and reports doing well.

I’ower’s Hippodrome Klephants have again be»-n engaged for two weeks. March 21 and 2S at the Hippodrome. Cleveland. Ohio, making ten weeks that his eelphants have played that theatre. This act has lost but fifteen weeks in the p.xst five years.

Tom Murray, .slack-wire and mono¬ logue artist, who was to have op<-ned with the J. E. Henry Show March 12. at Stonewall. Okla., has da'chbd not to take to the road, at least for esveral nsmths. He Is at his home in Valley View, Tex.

Marvelous PeCleo, aerial gymnast and novelty Juggler. Is relearsing his new act In which he will N* seen with one of the leading clrcus*'s the coming season. He r.'- cently clows! nlm- c-'iisis-iitlve weeks on Ih* WeN'r ripciilt.

Harry Janlcke. steer rider, has left the Ben Holmes Diamond Bar Ranch Wild West Show. He has slgmsl with the Barney Demarest Wild West and Hlproilrome Combination at Hillwlale Park. Belleville. N. J.. as a bucking steer rider.

J. F. Ke.sser. boss oanvasman. bettei- known as Deafy. has closisl a s.s'nty two weeks' engagement with the Jas, Adams Show No. 1. He will open at Corrv. I’a.. .April 22. with tin* J. .Augustus Jones Wild West Show In a like capacity.

After a successful season of thirty weeks with C.duim's Mlnsfix-ls, closing with the show at Columbia. TA'nn . Marx-li 14. the Gaix'ln etti Bros, will ofM'n with the Ba*niiiu s-id B-'lley Show Atadlsim Squara- Garden. New Yi>rk City.

William Milliken. .1 well-known cir¬ cus clown In years gone by. and this season stage manager for Wm. McCaiile.v. will retlrx* to the wilds of Montana at the close of this sea-sui. He has purchased a large cattle ranch.

After a suoces.sful entraaretnent of six ne<‘ks on the Ixiand of Cuba, the I.aTell Sisters, aerial revolving Iron Jaw artists, and the Fi'tir Kellvs. wire artist*, have returned to their N'lne. They have all h-x'ii engaged with Gentry Bros.' Clren« f.vr the coining season. |

Texas Kid Is in his twelfth week, didng his fancy rlillng and trick'g a* a fix'e attractl-'n «lth the C.sin'y Sheriff Com¬ pany. Te\ has several new triek catehi's that are great novelties ami repiu-ts Imsin g.x>,l !

Mrs. ,\rthur Nelson, of the Great Nelson F.-imlly of acroliats. had the pleas-.ire of sa-elng Ivr mother and sister. FI->ra. aftir an aliseno' -if foiirl>>en years They arriv'd from Ixmdon. Knglaml. Man-li 10.

Fred G. MeM.inn. who has he*n sp«'mHng the «Piter In Tiun-ka. Knn . leaves Mareh 1!» to loin thi' S. lls Fl.'fo Shows, m-., ver. Col, Fri'i! «IH lx' with one of the adver tixing ears the latining s,'ason

Johnnie Ray, steer thrower, from the 101 Bunch, has signed with Junes Bros.' of SpriugUeld, Ill., for the coming season. He will do fancy and trlc-k roping and spinning, and throw steers.

Bob Tyler, conuei-ti-d with Walter L. .Main, when that show was on the road, in the ca- paelty of elephant trainer, died at the Belle¬ vue Hospital, New York City. .March 11.

John Quiggle, last season boss host¬ ler with the Dixie Fisk Shows, goes with the Forepaiigh Sells Show as assistant train master. Ills wife will do an aerial act, also a tui-n in the concert.

Fred Gollmar, of the Gollmar Bros.’ Shows. s|M-nt several days recently in Ohio cit¬ ies. ami it Is probable that his sliow will have a few clashes with the 101 Banch and the Rob¬ inson Shows.

D. M. Spayd has again signed with the Yankee Bobiiisoii Show as chef on advance ear No. 1. He acted in a like raiiaclty with the Circle D. Ranch Wild West last season.

The Bealls, Howard and Dora, have signed with the John Robinson's Ten Big Shows for tbe season 1010, to do their heavy weight lifting and cannon ball Juggling act.

Whitey Nelson, formerly trainmaster and for years with the white tents, has opened a btiffet in BarahiMi, Wis., where he will be ideasisl to nus't his old friends.

The Great Signo, balancing trapeze and slack wire artist, with the Cole Bros.’ Cir¬ cus. sea-son HlOfl. has been engaged by Campbell Bros, for the coming si'ason.

Ed. C. Brown has returned from a trip to Denver, and Is at Richmond. Mo., win¬ ter quarters of Pommler Brothers' Shows, get¬ ting his privilege stands ready.

C. W. Ander.son, Avho has been back with the Little Homestead Company, will be connected with the op|sisltion forces of the Sells-Flto S'how this season.

Mose Berman, of the Sun Brothers’ Circus. Is very ill at his home in Columbia, S. C. Mr. Berman has been connected with the Sun Show for ten years.

Duke R. Lee, cow-puncher, has slgntsl with Jones Bros.' New Sliow as top broncho rider. Mr. Ijee was with .Miller Bros.’ JOl Ranch last st-ason.

Heber Brothers, of Columbus, Ohio, have purchased the Great Wagner Show of Indiana, and will operate It In connection with their own show.

Harry F. Curtis will close tus man¬ ager of the Guy Stock Company April 16 In or¬ der to Join the Forepaiigh-Sells Bros.’ Show.

Tom Smith, of Beaver Fall.s. Pa., is In the Middle West looking for horses for the Buffalo Bill I’awiiee Bill Combined Shows

Charles Hilderra. aerial contortion¬ ist and clown, has signed with the John Robin¬ son 'Ten Big Shows for the coming season.

Al. G. Frasee ha.s resigned as .stage manager of the Rapids Theatre, Alexandria. I.a., to go with the Wiedemann Shows.

\V. P. Carl, strong man, has closed with the Jas. Adams Show No. 1. In order to Join the Howe’s Great Ixmilon Show.

R Is reported that the Buffalo Blll- I’awnee Bill Combined Shows will not exhibit in Brooklyn this year.

Mr. L. H. Heckman, contractor of the Robinson .'<bows. began bis road work for that show thia we«‘k.

Lafferty. the Frog Man. will be with the Adam Foreiiaugh and Sells Bros.’ Circus, season 1910.

Bill Backell. with Cole Bros.’ Show last season, has signed with the 101 Haucb Show.

Al. G. Frazee has signed with the Wiedemann Bros.’ Shows fur the coming sea¬ son.

Dayton, t)., will have two shows In two succeeding dsys this spring.


Much Opera Fills Largest Niche Week’s Doings.

The Lambardis Grand tqiera Company ojiened at the Moore Theatre for one wis-k's engage¬ ment. La Giis-oiida was the tlrst oix-ra of thelr re|M'r!oire. This compan.v has an adixpiate orelie.sir;!. a large and gisxl chorus, and new In several imixirtaiit places.

The National Ois-ra Company made its Ini¬ tial bow to .xh-altle lovers of ois-ra. at tbe Alhambr.H. week of Mari-h 14. lii Martha. Mile. -Aida lleiiimi sang Martha and Elvla Croix Si-abnx-ke assiimi-d the part of .Nancy. Herr Franz .Adlemaii heads an aiigmentixl orchestra of fimrteen pieces.

The Grand was dark week of March 14. open¬ ing again .March '.’u. In Tlie Ilisise of a Thou- xand Ciindli-s.

Her .Mad .Marriage holds the Ixianls at the Seattle Tlieatre for week of March 14.

The Lawrenc*' and S’anilusky I'layi-rs pre- sentixl Winrliester. at the I-ois Tln-atre, to gixxl Imsiness all week. -An innovation in the wa.v of pric<*s was intnxliu-ial for the spring and Miininer. which will be I.",, '-il and .'lo cents.

.Marguerite Haney headed the Drphenm hill week of .March LI. in The I.x-ading Lady. .Miss Haney is supixirtixl by Ralph L.vnn and Ed. Cole¬ man. Dther well known artists wer»- Cliarles F. Si-nion. Barm-s and Crawford. Berry and Berry, the Blnilxxi. Cressy and Dayne and the .\L-Ginnia Brothers.

One of the finest assi-mtding of high-olas* acts e\<-r s,'en in this city was at I’.-intag<-s’ Theatre, week of l.’i: Uiva Larsen Trou|«'. Kr, d Wyckoff. Bifayetto’s Dogs. Ames and Corliett, Maddern and and Helen Ixwve.

■A highly artistic hill was pri'senttxl at the i Tronix', ' Maji'stic wi'i'k of I4t Till* Five LagaanI

Mr. and Mrs. James K. .Mi-Cann. Gn-se. Kane and Kanlor. Fox and Waril and Frank Whitman.

Edward .Armstrong Mn~i('til Comixl.i Company. In 'I'lie College Girls, did a tilg Imsiness week of .Mareh I.’..


Mr. and Mrs Hugo linig haie severed tue-lr Cimnecrii'ii w ith the Winning* r Brothers' St-vrk Company, anil will return to th.' vindevllle stage. Tliey are sojiwirning at tiielr home lo Sheb*>ygan. Wls.. at pri'S<'nt.

26 MARCH 26. 1910.

METROPOLITAN RACES fU‘ld off in onr brat, anil aa a rcaiilt. tMilve

I racora ooiuiMiaod tbo flcld lu thi> tliial rliam't* for qiiallfyliiK- Tbo iMiya atartiil out aa If to


Dnyloii WcaliTti SkatliiK I'liili bolil lt»

X ▼ XA X ^ X ^mJX X ^ XX ^ X break all pn*%’loua wltU Kraiik Heii- I l^**®** aiiiiiial itkalliiK party ami ilaiiee at ttie lienny In the leail for the flrut four lapn. lie waa • l-aWe»ble Kink. Mareh •!. ami fnHii re|Mirta, It

“ followed by t'haa. Smith. wh<> kept up the heart* J*** • icreal nueivna. K<»ller raclnic held the ^ « -• , rr-.! .-.ri t ^ . If breakiiiif pace and after lleiiKHt ami Kehwarli ct>»^d In eirlteinent uamt of tin* tliiie.

Winner Does a Mile in Three Fifteen Two-Fifths and Surprises His fi.

Contestants—McDonald Was Not a Favorite, but Instead of Fin¬

ishing Third as Was Expected He Came in First.

a iiriKfaalon on St. 1‘atrlrk‘a Day, am! ueltlmr L’,'*’** of Ohio, am! Jii«* Aloii. of liiillaiia|Mtli*. of th«‘ boya oxtemlml bliiim-lf until the laat lbl» fair *aa iiiatrlo-il to akato a uillo, ami two la|>». when Al. ID-iifCHt am! IVauk HciinvtiKy aftor Slartor T. A. ( l•■lllrllK bail Kot tbo laiya rac»*»l uiH’k ami nock until a few yarda of the off on tnetr Jourm-y, Aloii tmik llie lead followitl taiH‘ when Henitat aliiUMil ami llennetiay croKaed I •'loai* by tiordou «lio trlml ai'veral tliiiea to the line a winner, with lleiiKat aecomi, Si'hwarts third, and Smith fourth. The time waa alow.

aaa but fallml ami aa a n-ault loat the rare y a aiiiall iiiarttlu. The time waa 3:<»4 and la

the boya kept u|( the pa«-e they atartml out with. RACES AT METROPOLITAN. | BUSY IN OKLAHOMA CITY. ?he ^ kei^ui - i - all nicorda for aiiiateura

In the flrat race of the aerlea for the F:aat- ... o. ... .. would have lM>en broken. T em ('hampiiniahip of th<‘ National Roller Skating ttklabonia City, March _1.—Since Tmler A Hi-c- ..p, have elicbt and the- Sana Aasoclatlon, ileeidiK] Mondav nlfrbt. March 1-1 at I *"•' Iva«al the- -kudltiM'lwu here last nemth a two racers In the (trand final, the Metropolitan Roller Rink Rroadwav and ' ‘n>l>o«ia baa laa n irlven roller akatiiiK. The Fifty aeiN.nd street. New York Cltv. the foniier ; 1'"* k’-sM anape. am-onnmala- BECKER WINS FI N. Y A. cJiamtdim ai.raue a aun.rla.- on the patroos provided mal eooalderal.Ie unm v. _ . » hl)f fi. ld ami rolled home- a victor lu tlw* (fisal | "'•'•■«lalmr The leaulta are Justl | heejdhK up hla «f<‘nd.-rfi

! amt the dlatanc<* waa iM‘K«»tlati'd lu Had I <^»i*aldrr«‘<l fa^*! for a 14 lap trark. ^1*** aeri»ml race ou tb** proieraiii waa btdwei'ii HiairKe Me

all n-oorda for amateurs ami pr..f.-aal(mala Aarou Amleraou. and would have lH>en broken. The RIvervlew skat- liV.T,, u 1^," ..'"'J'* *■* lakeii hy Me- era have elicbt and the- Sana SoucI skaters have Williams, who held It for twelve la|»a. when


KeeplhK up hla wonderful performance's of

Sliyder starleal a sprint and won the lamltlon after a atriiiCKle ami held It until the ttulah. McWllllania llidalo-d m-eomi, ami Mclhiuald third. The tlmi' waa

Aiadbe-r iuterealluK event on the |irugram waa

b.v alauit two yanla. Harry Riirke, of Rridi; to novleea in tb«> aftensania. Eueh nlicht mane ajM-edy rarlnic »*vent ,er trick exhibition la

fTniihe.raerfllid'’ wiV‘"mnk^’i^ow\%*’’'‘al^‘‘7,f ' ^>'Td off**’TTh.- r7ilk‘*la '.'a n t<J flH*‘‘JmbIlc after* \ m-"* 'Th’‘‘t‘h*'‘ Rrldsa-,a.rt. thlnl. and 7. .Mor^^U. the Italian ; *•«> »‘> lu.lli.K Sunday. , ^i**S^*^ VieS’wa7*5?^sT.V ^ “ AS YOC FT»AT AI.DNtJ ON Yi wonder, from Cleveland, O., fourth. — * -

Hie race for the two and ooehalf mile East- ' BIRKHIMER ISSUES CHALLENGE, em roller akatlne cliamtdonahlii. held last Tliurs I . . _ dav nlirhf. was mark.Hl l.v_one of the m.*t SIKH'- Rlrklilmer. who au.h a bii;

captured by Flank Ilenii.'say, who was ill and fe.'t. .kfter the races a .lance foll.twed In which did not comia*te ami the third went to Oeorce thr.a- bun.lred cuple t.atk part. Schwartz, the human iiaciiiic machine. The time for the two mllea waa 5:2S 1 .V AS YOC FT»AT AI.ONtJ ON Y’OFR ROl.I.ERS.

In betwwn the heats and the final a novice ram- waa run ami W. Welaa waa r.-lumed the J***^"**: ^ imteuh.- fer, one of Chl.-a«.. a roller winner’over a field of fifteen. This entitles /*','* J**" ****i^*. * •'’***‘J »kalln* aoiiic Welaa to connate In the final for the silver which I h.'rewllh print one stanza and the ...... Th.. tin... 3-iL^ : cborua;

tu ..iL, t V.T . « . T Route Rlrklilmer. wiio au.h a 1.1k "'‘loa to roni|«te In the final for taei lar ami pmttleat flnla«u.s that Ims .-ver at , „ r-.v.-inent In form durltiK the na-.-nt chain cup. The time waa 3;ti5.

cs.-ca at the N. w M.iale Hall Rink. 1 tOK* her, laji after l)u>. Harr.x MacDonahl. finclnnall. a t tins* mile race at Smith's' RACES AT IXN.k I .YRK.

of N..W Y’ork. amt Harrv Riirk.'. of RTlditeiKirt. f.aiK'ht It out atuhlHirnly for first h.mora. Mac¬ Donald up till the last lap. wiien with a *ii<hl.‘n ajn.rt, the diminutive Rri.lKeiairt skater aw<Ki|sal ar.aind the track, ami iM-f.ire MacDoii al.l lui.l n..'.tvere,l from hla aiinirls,-. Rnrke had

Rink, C.diimhua, last Suu.lay eveninK. asalnst three I.a-al skaters, eath of whom skated on.- mile.

'' I S.aiie like In K" t.i the hall Kame, RACES AT LENA DARK. «'her"

I like the soft hall PM.m, MauaK.'T Jim 0'I.eary oia-ne.l hla Luna Dark j Rut I w'..ul.lii't k.i th.-re If I cvHild.

Rink to the roller racinK fans of the South I Ilk.' the hami playiiiK Kally, Side when be i.ut .m two heats of a half mile { F'aeb Kirlle Kirl with h.-r la.y.

RlrkhUii.r left M.mday m.miliie for Detroit, b.>twe«‘n North and South Side skaters, to .smiis-te in tlie chamiil.malilp races held there the r.-ault that the flrat heat waa captured

With cheeks (rv.wtiiK rosy ami ey<-s sbluluir hrlKht.

ealiiJd* tlm ierd aiId‘^o^*'»he '•"'■. h 23-Jrt. He returns h.aii.- March 27. in or by Henry Recker. of RIvervlew. with Howard And hearts fiowinc over with >.y. hv ^re v a ^ KlTTT^ ,1 ^ t't''>'n’l">"'le« to he put on R'-aumont. of Sana second, and W. De.ii hdost .iLd " *» ^tilth's Rink, Columbus. Marrti 31 April 2. mliiK third Time. 1-.47. CIIORFS. third, and Frank Rrower. .,f RrldK.-port. r,,.,. ,.„i b..’fr.-e for all. Ilie akatera finish- HMirfh. TItne nf tho winw*r was S:0l . .i« In ♦‘•oh raoe jV^*’ .a. 4 for tj»e BAHteni fyiiiK to nj4‘t‘t Kirkhitner io • six mile rela:

Ininb' Th** necond boat w«*nt to Carl Cart^m. with Aa you float altuiie on your roller*. 4iialt- I Nip Melzer Mecond« and Frank 11enne«i«y third. And tbi* baud playa dreamy and ^Wfo-t relay Time for tbia beat waa 1:5**). Tbere*» no tku<'b Joy for irtrlte ami laiy




yliiK to meet Rlrklilmer In a six mile relay Time for this beat waa There's no such Joy for Kirlle ami la.y. __ __.ks you circle around keeptuK time with y.'ur


1 .ka you float alonK on your pill.-ra.

It is to your advantage to be represented in the Skaters' Route' This SOUK la the flrat work of this kind ever t*. te « . 1 .tLlltl ' done by Mr. Dlttenhoefer. who la a very |>opalar Lista It you have no route cards, use the blank below. I skatinK fan around ChlcsK.'- The a»nK has been iaunK In some of ChlcaKO'a larKcat rafea and skat

Inc rinks aii.1 has met with crest success. It la de.lieated to the Western Skatinc Aaaocla

M tion, ami tii onler t.> assist the association In a riamC _ _. . financial way. Mr. Dltlenb<Hfer hers-hy announces

to the that m.ples .>f this s.>nK may b<- ohtaln.'d from Julian T. Fltzcerahl. secretary of Ilic W. .S'. A., |B.stpald st 1-'t cenfs a ropy. (S|s'eial rates to iiiaiiaKers of rinks and dealers.)

Week Rink City State SK.kTINi; C I R IIOI.DS CAKNIVAI,.

The Western SiH-e.! Skaters' Club held Its auuiial skstliiK camlval and dance at RIvervlew Rliik. Mareh ID. the same eveninc the five mile city rham|.t..iishlp ev.-nt waa run off. F:v.-iits on the pri.cram were a bicycle rare

_ _ _ with tw.-iity starters, a motorcycle exhibition. a five mile n.ller rats>. a la<ll.-s race, ami two matcli ram-s. .kfter the rar»‘S a dance followed, with a ismfettl shower.

__ _ INJFRF;!) skater recovfhhno

Sidm-y Ralderniau, memU-r of the Western S|H?«sI Skaters' ('lull, who .was shot at one of the local rluka about three w.s-ks ac". Is Im pnvtuc ami ex|.ects to Im able to cet amuml In a few daya. Ralderman waa Just roiimllnc

- Into form after havlnc from skatinc for some time, and lia.l (|iiallfle.| In the half

race Easter Sumlay. Blrkimer Is to skate MX The final <.f the half-mile was won by Melzer ,,„} two mile city chaiii|>ioiishlp racs wie-n be miles Willie his CfHnpetltors skste one mile esch. with Carlson siss.nd and W. Demmliic third. At n„.t with the accident.

A challence Is Issued by Blrkhlmer to meet the first turn of the final, Ri'cker, of RIvervlew. ‘‘Pony” Joe Altman, the Cincinnati ltd. in a and Beauuwmt, of Sans SoucI. were pushml RFl.kl'MONT ONFl MlIJ'! CITY' CH.kMI'IDN series of races, best two out of thnn*. distance Into the rallliiK by the other akatera. ami aa a Howarth Heauraont, of Sana Somi Rluk. w.m

chHiii|i|..nstilp will h«‘ next Misslay eve 1 ' 'I nine when the five mile chnniplonshlp will t»- —-- deehl.Bl. Results will lx- aiiiiouncisl in Tlie Rill : w nwwm * w w w w i ji _w n -» w r-m


people crowdssi into Riveniew R U to youT advantage to be represented in the Skaters' Route Skatinc Palace. Milwaukee, on Sunday eveninc. ' a. ie , i March 13. to witness the pnhiic niarrisBe which ■ ijst. If you have uo route cardt, use the blank below. was a crest success, and the crowd went away 1 ’ more than pleased with the pmcrani. Manaccr ' M iinch had arraiic*'d for the eveninc. ' I I

Refiw,- ttm marriace eeremony was t>erformed, i „ Miss Cladys linnih. the pomilar little Chicaco NaTTYA favorite triek ami fancy skater, cave an In- ~ tereatinc and entertainlnc p<-rformanee of the little rollers. Slie r<s-elvi>d a creat ileal of ap- platiai- diirinc Imt entire per form a nee. fl and will play a return encacement N'fiwe the close of nr , n • , es", c. «.e sea^n Weck Rmk City State

-kt 10 o cliH-k the flisir was cleareil for the ■' eeremunv. ami the Famrms RIvervlew Rand atniek up Memlelssnhn's kk'eddine March, and the prof-ioislnn sfarli-d IwaihsI hy Manacer Mnniii and Jnstli-e Riirke. wiio piTfomied the marriace ceremony. I mzneil lately after the knot was thsl. the hriili' and croom were show-er<"d with-- — rice, ami after leavlnc thi- rink the hamiy cou¬ ple hoarihsl a train for St. Paul. Minn., to spend a week with friends ami relatives, and will return to Milwaukee to reside Ix're. __ _ _

The city amateur one mite championship races started at Rlverview Skatinc Palace Momlay eveninc. March 1-1. and will continue for four da vs.

Emil Elchstedt Is the i>res<>nt holder of the title, ami Is exnected to carrv off the title aealn _ tills season. Fkill details of the races will lie I sent to The RII1ls>anl for next wis-k’s Issue. race Easter Sumla.v. Rlrkimer Is to skate six The final of the half-mile waa won hy Melze

REAI MONT ONE MlIJ-: CITY CHAMPIDN aerlea of races, best two out of thnn*. diatance into the ralllnc hy the other akatera. ami aa a Howarth Reauraont, of Sana Somi Kluk. w.m of from one to five mllea. Rirkhinier saya he will result did not have a chance to show, they the crand final of the one mile city ebam

Hacerstown. Md.. March 14.—Fire di' skate Altman In any rink In the country. He lieinc concedisl first and aecond place. ploiishlp at that rink. Thurmlay eveninc. Manb the .kiHlItoriiini Skatinc Rink, located on North claima that he waa fouleil In the finals at the _ , _ 10. Is-fore three tbouaand peojile, from a field Mullxrry street. Hacersforwn. entalllnc a losa of Music Hall Rluk. Cincinnati. He he pasaeil MILVkACKF^FI CITY' CHAilPIONSHIPS. of six of the fastest amateurs In this part of about ClO.Oia), partly covered by Insuranm-. Altman clean on the stretch, anil when hi* and vvi.., orott.iM... to i... . ni.. k.^.o. m ii..e llo' state. The flrat heat waa captunsl hy Nip

Altman hit th.- ewner. Altman dellUrately * 7, Melzer. with Carl Carlson a.-coml. and Flank mish«l him off th,- corner, with hut one inore | ’•.‘'I ^I^rT . Henm-ssy third. The lime was 3;2S 3 .V The

Altman clean on the stretch, ami when b.- and milwackf;f: city cha.mpionships.

What promises to lx- a blc boom in roller

cellar of the wtnictup-. O.-orce F. R»-nd<»r. of Plttslxirc. who owmsl


The akatera with the endurance and wind had final to be one mile.

the cram! final will take place. Tlie prellmlnar- lea will be skated in half mile beats and tli.'

the aixlltorlum and condneted the place, said g chance to show their ablllt.v at RIvervlew sa nmt he was iiiialde to explain tlx- oricln of the Rink when Starter I/>uia Winkler lliieil up ten nn-. uiih^s It was dm- to cross.-il electric llcht fgsf amateurs to try conclusions in the five wires. Tlx* taiililinc 'was a larce frame stnie* mile cltv championship races which started Din-, n-moh-leil ami enIs_rB<-d afxsit two years March 4. for the JoiM-ph T. Keane cup ami ten aco at a cint of ov.-r C.I.OOn. valuable medala. In the first ev.-nlnc’s racinc I f®

Henry Becker, of the Western Sixx-d Skaters' I M-

TORONTO ROLLER RINK OPEN- 1'*^ ***‘*„III.*’'’? ■ b^‘ flnl*h»Ml tlrnt about flfty In th<‘ loafl. >• 1^^* with Jnlin Jdlin Viitik. third. Ill

nml th«‘ rlKbt iwilnt* for flrat Rlart* for tbr Joa. T. K«’aii** ru|». Th«* rar«* waa to .-I h. - I_7 \ *• K«’aii** ru|». 1 ho rar«* waa to

lal to b<* <>11** inllt*. Tbl‘ rat't*a bavt* iM^t^n » fitas, Qt<lsa m »s,aaavlx nctliimsi hv the Western Nkstlim Assix-lstliin '***'l“'t- ••»' North Side Ix»y. hut a little rouch nctlomsi ny tii< western .Mtatliic Assixiatlon. Melzer him from


Skatliift 111 th«‘ aame atyle that niado him

work Oh Ihf* |»art of MeluT pr#‘Vfnt«Nl him from makinit a lodtor alHtwIns than third jdaca. S«‘roiHl plaro went to Frank Ib'iiiM'aay. of RIrrr* vli*w', third to K»*rk»T of tlio aam«* idaro. fourth

Tlio I'arkdah* U**l!or Kink, l*«»r»»nto. Canada, D^niininie, fifth and aixth, th** last two b^lnR and aa M<*<’arih.T waa not forr«‘il to ♦•xl«*!»d bltii ' * * > r* • »r.uAie whioh oHtors to M and ai^Wt ollent«‘l4*, from Sana Kluk. Tho tim#* for thla race aolf he n*‘ftotlato4l th** diatanct* lu “

for tht* ‘**•*'*-►•1 Marf'h IT. with croat ci*r waa 14:01 2 5. Mrf'arth.v. whih* In Chlratco. made a gianl PENNSYLVANIA RINK NOTES, enuiin. HiD Diik Is <xx* of the thn-e rinks In Saturday eveninc. March 5. another atrlnc of 1 name for himself, dolnc mirnt of his racinc at ■Ymerlca wlx-n- tlx- mds.. |s nslu'-ed to a min- »,o.vs start.-d In the ae<sind heat in order to i RIvervlew Rink, cotialilenxl alsuit Hu- tx-sf track Wiiiiiii. ' nd N up tl.D vesT h..tter than ipisUfy for the Brand final, and aa only sill for s|Mx-d racinc In the West. Since lesviiic IVaym-l.iirc Ps.. will have an iiptodste ever. Many new featiiD-s have l»-.-n Introduced , were ellcihle to compete In the final which Is ' the Windy City, McCarthy has traveled to skatinc rlok. a* .ssitrsH has Ixeii let for the aml with the noiseless floor, flni-st antl-allpplnc lo lx- held .March !!♦, some c"'sl racinc was Ih-tndt where he made a C'sxl n-copl. and to- ere<-ll<xi of It on Morris atris-T. m-ar the |x>al siirf o.- -11:11 i-\rs-||enl hand, the rluk Is sure witnessed hy the larce of roller fans, .ka c-'lher w ith F'nsl Tyrrell aa a partner, skati-d ottln- loilldliic J. Hein I. of llruw iisville. Pa . to draw a hie patronace. Maiiaci-r F'msl J. Rvan a five mile heat and final are a lltth- more i In s.-vcral team races throuchoiit the Central ri-im-si-iiiliie a is>r]iia'alliiii which will cixttnd a has Usiki-d iiie Vernons. F:. F'raiik ami I.ilian racinc than should tx- Induiccd In one eveninc. Stales and weri- returned victorious In all of tni.iilH-r of rinks, will hiin- llu- full charce ciT for tlx- wei-k of Manii 21. Manaccr Hanixiu decldml to start the larce, llx-si- events. the saiiic. 'nie tiullilhui will Isi .'xixtiai fix-l. aral

• flx-msl for the s4-a-s,ii Man-h 17. with cTeat cer enioriv. Hds rink is one of the thn-e rinks In ■knierlca wlx-n- tlx- mds.. |s nslmed to a mln- Wiiuiii. ■ ml Is fitt-sl lip tills vesT hotter than

for tlx- wix-k of Ma-nii 21.

IVayni-sliiirc P will have an up to date

the satiic. 'nx- tiullillnc will .'■Ilxtiai fiel. aral

CHICAGO SKATES are RELIABLE ^T***^*lff^ ,^1 Our new Model “I” Skate equipfied with 2K‘in. red fiber wheels

is the l>est rink skate that has ever lK*en mannfartnred. Its strength ^ will withstand the combined weight of two men standing in the

2'XAl.l MINI M ROLLER Write for catiiloK. Tells how to opttnite rinks. Wertirryafiill linetjf rink stip- plies. We are the largest manufacturers of rink and sidewalk iikiites in the West.

CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO.. - 1123 Washington Blvd., CHICAGO. ILL.


MARCH 26, 1910. Xtie Billboard 27

nlll tH- ntliil up In tlTMl <■)»«« iiiaiiticr, U-liiK iiHi-d ■* a rliik It will Im* ku cuiutlrui'lt^l

111 Ih- iiwil for ilaiii'i'K. liaHki’t IhiII. •■tr. TIm- 1x11111111^' will I"' oi«' »lor>. aiat ixwt tlu- oHm-n. alHiul f.'l.iaat. Tlu* o|m'|i1iik <1hI<' liaa Ixx-ii mo for April 1.

♦ Tilt* rink «l I**., afier liaTln^

•cUimnI f«»r Mitiio tliiH*. ii«i« Im*4«ii l»> ny Mini UitHklii. of 4»n***tt% IIU*. I'M . nikl tin* r<i|l<*r >>kf«tlnic will In* nion* n*vlv**«l In tin

PITTSBURG, PA. ; LEAHN TO BE AN OPEHATOR. or. If jou al | WANTED AT ONCE For th.- A.l.lisou tlianla rt-aily ar.- on.-, la-coim- more pndlclent and able i Miuil-al Bast-ball T.-ain an.l drt-at Mt-llalt- a

i A Prophesy of the Largest Week of ,iaii t(» iMHH any St'Qd $1 for Lin | Vainlt villp rotiihination. hull |tlayt*rs that

The Season.

Wlmt in-oiiilHea to lie tbe larip-at wet-k'H at all f»f IIm* liotnwvk Ih in aton* Uiin

w*‘t*k, an wlUifMit au tbe ofTt^iujfH arc fur al>«f\c th** av«*rH4;c.

a Han(lhfK>k of Valuahle Information to j fhaihlc in hra>s; iiiu>t he ir«»<Hl in both; OiH?rator» and receive alao free coplea of leading; * !»Iack comedian, al'^* kn«M'kalMkut team inoviu); picture journalH. i*atbe I'aKsion Play, 4 fur vaudeville anew; iiiunt double in brans; work reels, with Jloly City Klidea, $10 for 2 days, halls all seas-.n; •■hfNkze rs. save stamps;’* loidf

<L K. LlNIiALL. Bar Ilarlsir, Me. scaso-i; state all in tirsi letter; no time to iliek- »r. .\ddress <;Ko. K. BoSTWITK, M;;r. A. it.

WANTID Younj; lafly to sell fruit in day time P- P»- Team. A«ldis4>n. .Mi<*li.

Tie- Warren Lnleri^i»M* r«anpnn> a r»*ei irt eor , # .4 iHiratlon. has r«seiilly taken o\cr the only van coiii»s|> of U)4> seaMai. .hoille tlM'aln* In Warren. Vi B.-hhs owning; , Olww-r Iw at tlu* AlvUt Hi Uer new i,k.ay. .iial ‘HHTatliiif flila theatr**, liny h:t\c pureha»*«s| Just om* of lb*‘ lh»>s. tin* U*Hrt tiling

.Vtb-llue 111 The silver .Slur, the [ilay jiiaiio at nlitht In airilome, startlnc * altrai lion. .ne-iif<l M-nalay ulifht to <-apa<ily | tlrnt »M-k in April; all auinmer job; also, voum; liiiMii.-ss. JiiHt Ih Hiithri.-nt to i«ck the ; ,„an to work in cafe In day time, run machine L! Nix-.ii, ji-l Blekel himI \ValH«Mi eltan- honors j at nl;;Ut; miiHt he electrician; will buy a KOf.l tl with tl«. hlar in IIm- moat iil.-aHliii; miieieul F:i|iHon machine, must t«* ch»-at

.\n.v one knowiii;: whereal«>uts of EDWARD LE1GH1LE. staiii- eb-etri<-iiin: or l->l\vard l/<-i(;U- tle hill -e-lf, pleas.- eoiniiiuiiicat.- with Karn»-», X«-w Ac KrauthofT. attorneys, Wat.-r Works HldK.,

tin- .-nitre W'SHlanl ItliH-k, miiHlMiiii; of slopi- '■'•‘V 1 lie fai-l that Mis* tilascr la r-NHiis, iKtIci-w. dan<s- luill bihI n.II.-r rink In " pr. .nil - I I'IiisImu^ liail w.-ijjht in paekiiiK n.ldlll.xi to the It ..wiia lb.- larK- l.lllUr.l I Sloiwlay iil«1it. and ImUcatba*. an- hall an.1 i»Hd timmii. with an up to.late etirar ‘ •* '**« w.' k a Imisiii.^ slan.l. IIiIh iiaupaiiy will l•<Knlll.•l|i e tuiiii.sll i.raml liaa a itpl.-u<lld bill again this ai.-ly rti.‘ .-r.s-lli«i of a larg.- tiasb-rii roll.-r rliik. ''■''■k. In k.-.-plng wlih t'U«- l.iUs of exe.-ptb.iuLi i'he l.iilMliig will le- I7.■.^7.'. an.1 is.t the slight k'aim.l ttu- r.-putaUou ..t .h-tall will IM- In Its caiatria- fw l-vli«, and nclmle* I’he o the World, lion whieti will N* to etuiUTe Its usi* In Humiiier **'. ^f**^’**'*' kathel>iiiu' as well as the winl.-r,xi It will ts- Br.i.lf'.ril bimI I .... lllxU-j an.l 1 ink. Warren 1.0 also f.a- a <s>ii\eiill<.ii hall, as llu- plain, call f.a- Hyiug Bau- entrawss .m f.xir sbb-s. ^ '''nJ-nl MKlar.Us, Samu.-l l»-lv.

ami III-»lug pl.-iur.-w. All ..f lee t..iif..rts ..f It-anc Is tin-

.-.-.s.e. n.s.e. l*'i*iuesuc. n-ialeped by thc l>a- SKATING RINK NOTES. .m ni-sL I'.auiHiiiy, t.. .-aiui.-lty bUHiues...

_ Muffy Kulll.-i.. wlrli Kiiir.-ii.s- i;«ir in the til... r ..«■ Hist a .-ap it.’*. <saupali,\. are at the

Mr. TJioinas ('urlHon i-los.-d the tlar- l..><.-uiu. ami ur.- ii>e..iiiig wiiii i.ig sui<>-". . Kluk, la.iigim.iit. t'.d.. a few ila,.s ag«.. l.a.k Busli..-.s4 at tb.- l.>.-.-uiii .-.‘ry t..


age Kluk, la>iigiii<.nl. t'.d.. a few <U.\s ag-.. I. .rf taislin-*., h.- sajs. Is ti|« r.-as.xi f.a- d.niig


Will Have a New $250,000 Firtt-Clast Theatre.

After a w.-ek tls- Melr-.(H.litii-

the manigemeot ami Um* class of attractions | mo. s|.|x-aring sre of superior merit.

... ii.s-i .er-c. ar.. p.a.viiit: al Im- Uay.-ty. Sam T. Jack's < om|Hiny Is at tlw- .\i-s<|.xii.t.

t'.«-a la.ivgston, the woman wrestler, is a f.-a- liir,. altTacti.ju.

Tin* l-hiiplre, wh.-re vau.l.-rilb- Is now li..l.liug f--rth. Is iiM-etliig wltti su.'oesa In a new hebl. 'Hie low prices axe attractive and the bills ar.- .-x. .•Il.-lll.

.\l III"- Ki-iiy.«i. wiMU-e vauileville Is als.. in • -vld.'ii.a-, iMisim-MK Is kc-piiig up well. Tills .asil.l h«r<II> l~- ..tln-rw 1»-, c-snddering rhe fea-

C. COI-EY, Erwin, Tenn. | Kans.ts City, AIo. .Matter of liiiiH.rtaiice.

HENLEY RACING SKATES Convincing Proof of Their Superiority.

I.atest Model Ball Bearing Uiiik Skates, Club Skates, I'olo Skates.

S*-nd for CataUigue.

M. C.

HENLEY Richmond, Ind.

has Tt..- i;.sM..«« ..f l,ilM-ri\. Next mbv attra.ll.Mis ami the le-auty ami (saiifiwt tan Stu.l.llf.w.1. ..f this l..v.-ly h.uis.-,

Twai,e. <iw m r of th.- I-.Tlc 'nw. Family nnuitr.- will oje-n tills week, at

iiiy has a m-w li-a.llng ter Isdng tb-wsighly g-me ov.-r. The lire <li<l

iira.s- tan Stu.l.llf.w.1. I'Uaa. KuMTMiai,e. <iw m r of th.- I-.Tlc

.'ira.di *'.au|Miiiy lias .-ngagml a m-w li-a.Bng man. C.dlls ijd. s, r-u-iii* li) of the K.-ith St.s-k .tauimii,., of .'Icelaml, t.. tak.- tie- pla.s- ol I os. .-vsile Sin-iHs-r, by Henry B. Har- ri». In ..|.|s-ar 111 rie i ..iimuil.-r

Tlie ll.-arl ..f .tisska Is wliii.lng ap

-'•.imbl.-ral.I.- .laiiiiig.-. y.-t with tlie kn-.wl.-dg.- galmsi ami tin* <TT«rtui»By for lmpri.viaii.-iit ..(T.-re.l. pa trims will timt rheir has Ixs-ii taken till.. .-iMKibb-ration.

"nie Is.g .SI1..W Is am in full force. It la al lir.vat at tlm Itljmi Next w.-ek. at |s.|.uiar wiiys pl.-asiiral.Iy Usdie.! fimwanl t.i pn.-.-s. .Mrs. tVIggs of the t' Batch. Bitlslsirg. rs, ami afl.T tlie i.r.-s.-ut It

WUliama' lm|»-rUlH are drawing iT«.w.l.-<I will 1«- a .-aw- of l<>-king forward to Uie .\uto- lemses al tto.- In-w.-y, with tw.. lt.<dy l.iirl.'t I imit.lle SIs.w, which will be tbrowrn oi>eii

ALICE TEDDY taa ami a stismg ollr>. .Next wr>‘k The Km | to tbe puldic. LOCKS L. KAFFM-kX. |.lrv Bitrlemjucr*.

I'laylisc a r.-turu engagement. Ollr<«y. Haynea and M>mtgimi.-r> ar.- again pr.-s.-i>Uiig tlielr m • m clever travesty, 'nu- Ship .Nam-y lae, H I I mM

at the M.ies. Other acta are. llheniel. Smith Mm M I I * I I ■ I W and>. Bartlk Triaiia* of hve Kiiwlan aiiig ■ I I _ I I I I I W •Ts amt dau»i>. Kl.-iii and t'llft-ai. ami th.- | | |

Mlaa Kva Tayl.w. well r.«n.uiiber.xl here. Is drawing -••pacliy lyamea at tlir Or[i4).-imi. pr.- The roller akatlng wonder of aenting tla- fare.-. M<.t<.rlng. orhore im tin- bill - are Kllimre ami J.-riii-.n, <:rlg<.l.>ttl'a .t.-riai Ballet. Klln-I Y.aing ami Kramer and Sh.--k 1 X.*xt w.x-k the Big Oridw-um Ibmd Show.

At th.- Saitheni. the bill Is w.-ll wisib ms- tug. Manager W' Kelly liaa a ehlblren'a nmlln.-e <m to whb-h rhll dren ar.- at a mmilnal adiiilssiim ..f lire eenta. wtilch Is )M-iniiig a gT.uit hucc.*bs.

Battling N.-ls-m la an atWhsI attracti.>n with liarry Hastings Big .Nlvnv at tti.- t.ayety. N.-xl week. tTiarles Kt4.liiwm t*<m»tainy,

tiny A I'h.aiiaa, of this city haa an <n.tion m th.1 isH-ner ..f linn .kv.-nue. Sortli, amt S.-v enth sir.s-t. amt .-xissts t.. .-r.-ct tlo-r. a |■J.■.o.'ss. tlaxitte. Mr. Tliiaiias si..ii,.s tliat Is- is not at llls-rty to .lls.-bm- lh.‘ naiu.-s of tlios.- with hlui In this i>roJ.s-t. mr tli<- clrcull, tail says that ..lily Ih.* Iiigliewt class at trartbav. will Is- otleissl. .Manag.-r of tlw- Metn.(B.lltan 0|s-ra H-swa., stat." that this pn> Ject Is not ermnimtisl with hla tks-atre but thnl wh<*n the m-w Ihsmsi- Is lailll the*m.‘tit of the Mctmis.lilan will ta- pl.-aae.| to bs.k ....*r It with a X W w of leasing it.

Manager Kaeci. Is enjoying the u«(ial run of g'ssl lutromag.- at th.- I'aslm. UoII.t Itlnk

The rae.*tTlc K.JIor Itlnk has cl.sosl on ac c-aint of Insuffl- l.-iit psironagr.

.M*raic.>r laiml of tta- Isis. No.elty ami Won *-• derlami wis. has Im.-n til f.a- sex.-ral ' FOR BAI.E, Hanlay Bkataa—200 pair Hanlaj w.-eka, haa tak.m a aleai lrlt> S-aith to r.-cu Skates, In good reixalr. for sale at any reason isawle. able offer. PARK ROLXER RINK. Ho. Tons-

All of the ba-a1 Tii«.ll-ai pb'tiwe tlaattn-a r.-isai wanda. Naw York, excixllent n*tums.

Hie I'niipie Tli.-alre la a* liaual this BUY—ROLLER SKATES — SELL »vs*k. ami (aitr-.ns ar** enjoying an exc-lbaif 1 s • _■ rau.levllle 1.111, liea.lllmsl by Ul.-e ami |•Tx•lse^t I make*: also link Omr ;»wd«r. tohi.T mitnlH-rn .m tla* l.lli ar.- Uislw.ssl ami AMKRICAH RIHK BXTPPLT 00,, Bandsaky, 0 ibaiVai. Tuiib* ami Mar. Mr ami Mrs J w L-ngw-rth. ■..u.'w aiul m<.ll.*i ptc '*nly Skating Kink In town for rent or sale lure* KtlHKKIB STE FT.KI'KE. 1 ■"■J lake part trade, i'oliwum Building, Kom

L r

The roller skating wonder of the world, a real live clnna mon ta-ar. Alice skates llk( any lady or gentleman. and disw wonderful tricks oc skate*. Boxing and wrestling exhibitions; is bninan in Intel Ilgence. A novel entertain ment, something entirely out aide of tbe ordinary. Tbe gr.-ate*t attraction for rinkf and vaudeville. Write for --pet time. Ad.tress GEO. B. CRAP- SEY. care Richardson State Co., 311 Michigan St., Chicago ni.

ORGANS Py>r CaroQMls aitf

Skating Rlnka Man nfacturer of card board mnale.


tto W. 14th BL, Mam York. Tel. «38 Ohalasa.

FOR BALE, Hanlay Bkataa—200 pair Hanley Skatee, In good reixalr. for sale at any reason- | able offer. PARK ROLLER RINK. He. Tona-


All meke*; also rink door poxrder.

•th. lllu« ■..u.'w aiwl im-lbai ptc '*'ily Skating Kink In town for rent or sale; KOI*KKI<’ STE n.KI'KE. I may lake part trade. Coliseum Building, Fond I

I dll, Wis.. itOxl."H>. Value FflO.tXk.'. Inc. 1 -- - »II.S.«I Hue mi.T. Addr.'*s P. L. M., 4547 N. |

Paulina Street, Chicago, UK TORONTO. CAN.

The Beauty Spot and Ben Hur Cap* AT LIBERTY! ture the Town. 1 4 II J Hil

tt he K . t,—T X, s. Good, All Round Man. .\i !m» H4*va1 MKniiir»r Surnun ' bait a allracll-ai f.-r lit* large ami m* Novelty Miiaical .tot. Singing and Talking Co '.•ct cl1i.t,ti'|,‘ In 111.- baig . xisa-lisl niusifal Ir.-al. lu.sllin; play ri-a;s.n»lblc (uiris: sids-r and r.-li TTi,- lU-auty S|s.l. xxllh s big an,I cxi-clb-iil itwii sl.b-: ii U'icil coiiu-ily an.l biirlcsipic? y.'s; nitn ^ pany, hea.Ieil by Jeff.-rai.n I><>.tng.'lla. stn-la? n,>. Mt'SIC.Vl, WIXTEKS. •22'*i'i Siiica-I i

'I hi' Brtm-rs* .ti.l a r.sxaxl l>uslm-»s with th<- .tvenue, robslo. Ohio. •(n|a-mbais pr •IIK-I Ion. lU-ii lliir

Tl,. ii.jMti. h..i . ,11- -.111, Ki.i..h I Atif I iiiffIf YY Rnfpq -iT.-w crow.bsl b-usi-a wnitaiii M.MTi« gr.'al A VllL B*KK Kfc T-*d (saiipaiiy xxaa the magnet. Taxl.a- Bran ..... . . ,,, . vllle and C,. lu lis- Star B-ait Tl..- iip-ml.w Suitable for Il.'iH-rtolre; will pay cash; slate md real Paris fl.ssl xl.*wa, w.-re a.Bn.- .-f tli.- all. W. L POTTS, care Latimore and Leign tim- f<.nlun*a Co.. Fayetterille. Ark., two xveeka.

Mrs w M Ia-s)|c. wif.' i-f tiM- p-M-ulitr l.s'al tnan-gm- -.f tin- Mal--«tli-. I. fl f-*- o-iiatia r-- I |1M> l.iiys do ft. Ilouiul Top with 2 ;U>-ft. middle

<ai arcmini of Hie si-rl.aia llliicaa of her pbs-i-s with H liiiii exl.-nsioii .-ax.-s; loft, si.le ! wall, top paralliiu'it Hint in go-sl o.iiditlon. If

At Xlixa'a. Al lllld.i iii--Mia« amt I<ai xisi haxc not 111.- cash aii-l .l,ai't mean bii-.iii.'S Mail, ami ll.rl's Balbl-ig illrl* w.*re d.m't writ.-. First come first s.-rved .Vditrc “ivi-lal* of a I.ig 1.111, wbl.-b ilr.-xx .-aimcll.x F.llNikSI' H KB I M.'l>>N. Princeton. Ind biialnrxs

... Popcorn Wagon For Sale ! I.<lniiai,| Hix,.* In Tiir liiiplr.-. <11,1 finely at , " ......

'be star >l»d; Crelor a No. fi; Juat new. W ant to buy tgn.-a Hlns-I bad a I.ig bill of fandy Machine. HAKKY PlH'OCK, Jr..

vau.l.-vllle amt pli*turx

The Championship and The BillhoanlClip won on I lenley Racing Wlieels at the New Music I lall Kink, Cincinnati 0.,Mar. 12,T0.


Made to Surface Rink and Dance Floors OVER 1,000 IN USE.

.Made In Three Sizes.

For KoIIer Kinks. Aiiiiiseuient Companies, Dance Halls, Contractors and Builders, everywhere. Built on the only correct principle. Guaranteed to be the BEST niachiue with which to pnaliice an even, sm<K>th surface on any kind of wood fl-sjr. old or new, hard or soft. Will surface ."i.iaai to 7.iaa) s-i. ft., once over In 8 hour*. Two or four times over will make It siiumth and level. Send for our FKEE TKIAL PROP¬ OSITION.

M. L. SCHLDETER, 103-105 N. Canal Street, Chicago, III.

Professional Roller Skaters’ ASSOCIATION •—

Organized to give greater prominence to bona Ode Profeaidonal Skaters—tboae who have a finished act to offer Managers seeking Exhibition Skaters—and to promote Roller Skating in general.

Address SEC Y EARLE REYHOLDS, 1440 Broadway, N. Y. City, care The Billboard.

All the Stars of the Skating World ARE MEMBERS OF THE OROAHIZATIOH.


America's most marvelous exponent of Ice Figure Skating. Appearing at principal Ice rinks. For open time address W. L. PRICE, care Bootell Bros., Minneapolis, Minn.

JACK FOTCH German Comedian, Fancy and Speed ex

pert roller skater. Presenting tbe most

entertaining novelty comedy act before the

public. Address Billboard, Cincinnati, O.


In her marvelous Fancy and Trick Skating Exhibition, concluding each night with a race against any man In tbe Rink. Ad¬ dress 3347 B. OGth at., Cleveland, O.

VAN FRANK Peatnres of 27-in. Top Cycle Skates, IS-in. Stilt Skates, Coast of Death on Alnch Cycl* Skst*. High and Broad Jumping. New and np-to-dst* Speclaltic* on Rullera. Fnmiahlng my own lithograph; playing Rinka and Vandevllla*— something new. Addrsas, 820 E. Washington St.. Indianapolis, Ind.


Their Gorgeously Artistic Scenic Novelty,

A SCENE FROM TOYLAND Wm. Morris Circuit.


In Artistic and Graceful Fancy and Trick Skating, preaemtlng msnv new. original feats. Address RICHARDSON SKATE OO.. 501 Wells St., Chicago. lU.

H. A. SIMMONS iWln* eii><>n<*nt of the art of rAtlnAge—

Sui»ertor ArtlMIc Trivk ami Kt*ure Skating —Aifc- tontKhtng Stilt Skatlns— MarTeloui* Skating on toy wAgtmit. The only real FANCY SKATING BCR- LKSUI'F. iRerfomier. Managen* will kindly a rite ewrly for NH>klng. Addrwe 73 Hrt>ad St*. N. Y. City

The original Anna Held premier# Skat# DaDcer* featuring Buck and Wing and all tbe dancing #tep# familiar to muatcal comedy. Act original and upta-dmt#. Beautifully costumed. Home addre##. 73 State St.* Seneca FalU* N. Y.

THE HARRAHS Presenting their latest success

R I N K L A N D with Special Scenery.



Featuring her Giant Skate*, weighing U Iba. with ( in. wheels, doing the most dlBonlt staps known Spinning on heels, one toe and two toes, etc Also many novelties on the regular ilM skates Is known as the Girl Top playing Blnka and Vandevllle. O. L AYER. 140 Engenle St., Ohioago.


The Billboard will not print challenges, either in its

news or advertising columns, unless suitable bond

or forfeit for appearance is named and proof of the

deposit of amount accompanies challenge.



28 X li e Billboard MARCH 26, \4^0.


(►lu- <>f til • iiKi'.c iiiiiiiue |irot;r.Hiiis ever plaot^l 1 before a akatiiii; imiilic was im-si’iited to tbe i (latroiis of Mailisoa (iartlens Uiiik, Wednesday I

niicbt (Si. I'a.riek's Kve. i, when A Ni^ht In I Ireland was acted in every resiMS't to iswiulile i the scenes and times of the daiiKhters and sons | of k'ssl old Krill.

Tile evening's jiroKraiii ojH-ned n|i with Sousa's March. Stars and .Stri|H’s f<a-e\er. liy tin- (lar dens t»icln>*ura, foliowisl li.v Two Step. Sullivan; Walt!, Killarney; Two Ste|i. 'lop o' th’ MorniiiK. Hridget .Mei'iie; Waltz, .Sweet Kosie tt'tJrady.

In la-twis-u th<‘ Ural and seismd parts of the i priigram, Hainty tlladys laiinh, .America's must graceful skater, gave a womlerfiil exhibition of fancy skating.

follow ing tbe exhibition of Miss I.amb, the ( second section of music, with the following se i lections, was rendered; Two-Step, .\mericaa Ue- i public; .March, The Wearing of the (Jreeu; Waltz, The Irish Swell; Mar<'h, Irish Echoi's.

Iteiween the second and third intermissious of the music, the (iaelic Junior Itanciug Club, com- IKSKsI of .Misses .Mary McHugh, lairetta Martin, Anna liagerty and Mary .McNamara; Messrs Wm. liagerty, Vincent Sloan. Michael (irabam and Joseiih Itrown, under the leadership of John Kyan, pn'sented some of tbe best Irish dancing for cbiidren eviu" witni'ssiai in Chicago, in the fia-tn of the Kight Hand Kiad, IIo|iJig, Rinnce Kada tor counity dance). llompi|H- aud Jig. and made a bit with the great crowd iwesent.

Following the dancing, the third si^clion of the music was rendered, as foilows: Waltz, Sweet tJlrl of My Dreams; Two-Step. Uarrigan; Waltz. My Wild Irish Rose; Crand March.. The Irish Flag. Here tbe grand march w as held on roller skat«« and each lady was presimted with green and white fezzes (apronsi, while the gentlemen were presented with a green bat aud flag of old Irland. and when tbe march was in full sway the sight was one of the prettiest one w<Hild wish to witness.

Following the march. Miss Marjorie (FRrlen. tbe original Megaphone Girl, sang Wht>re the River Shannon Flows, and other isipular se¬ lections, which were well apfilauded.

The fourth and last selections rendered by the orchestra were as follows: Waltz. Ramey Mctlee's Making Sheep's Eyes at Me; TwaStep. RIaze of Glory; March, Gate City, and Grand Finale, 0<sl Save Ireland, and My Country 'Tla of Thee.

Eiery fifteen minutes during the entire even¬ ing thre«* reels, l.tkk) feet each, of moving pic¬ tures, with Irish disscdving views, were run. B. J. Kenn<-dy. the popular cashier of Madison Gardens, who has lH*en' with the rink since It o|ien<>d a few years ago. gave out the following ■latcment at p. m., and they were then still coming in cisiples: Paid admissions. 1,347; skates. 7i'>S; which shows that skating will al¬ ways be |s>|iular as lung as pro|ierly conducted rinks are kept up.


.Midge Slk'rnian, John Flannery and King, in which each man will skate one mile while he , goes the entire dis anee, which ought to make a ' Very fast race and one well worth seeing. Ham ilton has always made a hit at the Pittsburg rink, and holds the following ret'ords on | track: tine mile. 'J.t'J ;t 5; two miles. .^:;tS 40; ' three miles, five miles, 14:4!* 3 fi; ten miles, 2!*:.'>ii U Hamiltim may, tn the near ; fulure, be nialehetl with Harley Davidson. '


■Vfter dinner. .Monday evening. March 14. at I Chicago. Harley Davidson, in compau.v with .Vilen I. RIaneh.ird. president of the Inlermi ilonal Skating Fnion; S.‘cretary Fitzgerald, of the W, S. .V.; Jack Fotch, C^iicago's favorite I comiHlIan on rollers, and team mate. Miss Jack sou and friends, were escorted out to Madison Gardens, as the gues s of Manager McCormack for the evening. The evening was well s|M-nl, as all In the party had a fine time skating, and Davidson and Fotch did s<i(ne fine work in the fancy line after they gt>t warmed up a bit. puil Ing off a few stunts for the benefit of their : friends present, which were recelv»«d with greal 1

a|>|daiuM- by tbe spectators, who bad not lookisl for anything of this kind, esiiecially from thee.- ' noftal skat(>TS. Sis-cial moving pictures we- ■ also mn for the visitors and they were appre elated very much. Manager McCormack has won the good will of the professional skaters, sev j eral of wh<an have been taken c%re of in the , same way the past season at well as the pres.*nt. and they all enjoy going out to tbe Gardens whenever they sto|) off in Chicago.


VV. G. Heliker, head of tb** proposed Artificial Ice Palace, which is to be built in Seattle. Washington, in the near futur*', hat opened oltices In tbe .Vlaska Ruilding. and writes that tbe stir of rinks in other cities looks good to him, ami says be will s<ain Is* able to tell someibing definite regarding his (iroposition in Seattle, as evi-rythlng is coming along very nicely.


Secretary E. G. Kui'chenmeister, of th<‘ WIs | emsia branch of the Wt“t:em Skating .Vssixda i tlon. has notified the secretary of the W. S. A. ' that Hubert WIttentmrg ami .\rt Thomps< u 1 hav“ bi-en suspended for a period of one year, beginning January 15, 1910. and terminating I January 15, 1911. These skaters participated In races not sanctlotMal by the Wisconsin branch.



OF PROFESSIONAL ROLLER The imalals for the western mitdoor ice cham ejr j^*rppg ploushli>s, that were run at Garfield Park, till _ ' cagu, January 23, have lieen r<"celved from Dlege«

and Cluet, and will tw sent to the winners as Harley Davidson, who d**f(“nded his title of mM,n as |M*ssible. Th(*y are the flneat set of

International (hampion Ibdler Skater (which medals ever aw-ardi-d by the Western .Skating title he won at the t*l>-mpia. I»n(lon. England. .Vssoclathm f.»r similar evi-nts, tieing 17 in last February , lik*!*. when be w<»n the diamond- numh«-r. • tudde-d UKsial. valued at $4(at.(ai( against Pony _ _ J. Altman, of Cincinnati, at the New Miinic a... Hall Rink, Cincinnati, March 10. 11 and 12. HARLEY DAVIDSON GOES TO ST. ought to receive all the more credit for bis PAUL, wonderful |i,Tformanc»> under the circumstances.

When Harley tvtume<l to this COtlntry in ll.rlee I>». eh.m.Uen .k.tee of the


. New Balto. Fiver Write for our^ Rink Managert*



Surf Avenue, Coney Island, NEW YORK.

Two large connected huildines: one haa a frontage on SURF AVF'.NUE of 35 feet and

a depth of 110 feet; walls‘JO feet high. The other has a frontage on SHEHID.AN’.S

WALK of 85 feet, and ia 50 feet wide by 85 feet long; two Btori«*a; walls of each itory

'20 feet high. Full depth from SURF .AVENUE, 193 feet. These buildings are so

arranged that they can be usetl separately or together. The location is the best on the

ISIAND, between DRE.AML.ANl) I’.AUK and LU.N'.A P ARK, and on the popular side

of the street. For particulars. —.Address—


FOR SUE, CHUP Scenic Railway at Coney Island Best constructed ride in the world. Eight years’ Lease of the Choicest location on the Island. Apply,

vS ^7'**^**^^ .'^ *5 c^intry tn Harlp.r DaTldiun). rbampioo rf»lUT ?*kttor i»f the I p(x cmbcr to ' l((lt hlz nlzter and friend* r(‘«iding world, who has been vDItlng frlcml* In Chicago i In New \<irk State, he wa* at <mce made a (dnee hi* vletory over Pony R. .\ltman at the) target for ehnllcngeri.. from the b«jftnn(^ to y;,.w M(i*ic Hall Rink. Cincinnati. Ohio, will go the «lar*. •••*'•>■ of these thinking that Harley Paul. Minn., for a few da.v«‘ vlalt among ( had eccn hi* •»‘'>t day*, and that they would old time Ice akater*. and will atop at Chi- I

‘".rr ‘•“■y <*><1 hook up „„ hi# return eaat. with him. ___

Harley had not been doing any akating Mn^e he left I-ondon. and when the match wa* offered him liy the manager of tbe New Mu(dc Hall Rink. It wa* accepted with tbe underatanding that there would be an elimination race among the many skater* who were anxiou* to me»‘t Harley.

Tbe match wa* made ami while the ellmlna-


Sanctlou wa* Isaiied the I.akeaide Park Rink for a match race between Roy McDonald, H. Knyder and George .McWilliam*. to l>e held at

tlon trial* were going on Harley got the onl.v *he DakeKlde Rink. Da.vton. Ohio, March 17. to I training that he had #lnce feavlng England, defennlne wlio I* the *pe,-dle»l amat(Mir akater 1 and wh*‘n bia match with Altman wa* called the*e three *|N*edy ekater* of I*a.rton. j he wa* *u|>|x>#ed to be pitted again#! the beat in -- i thl# country and. not taking any credit away R Pransev manaepr of tha 1 from Altman, who put up a game race, all due oeorge B. crapsey, manager OI llie credit mu*t ta- given to Harley for the wonderful f*"* *• VA" ^ ‘I 1 race he imt up. JVnd to think that thi* is *’*!'*'’•, attTactl(m 1* making a big bit Pavldaon'a twenty-flrat year a* an athlete and ever.v # mTe. j never, in the twenty-one years, ha# he Iteen ' out of the g.-uiie for one #ea(«>n!

I raced again*! David*on many years ago. ai#! PT V when he was a star a* a bicycle rider, and re- * • V# Vr T)Ay ' memls-r hi# also In the olden day* a* an Ice Tl%« D A 4 ** skater, and In all my exp«‘rience, which cover* _ ID# KaCOfO Ol ID# the same period a# Davld»im'«. I have never _ ae,-n an atbelte of Davidson’* eallbre, and I CAMERA'SvOtC don't think, after the race Harley put np at Cincinnati, many of the slfater* are over anxious And we can prov- to meet him at tbe present time. It. Any one ear

—--- eperafe Make* AI Wl ATH ^ finished hnttnr

FLATM. ^ photoglyph, a mtti \\ Price of Cam

.41. Flalh. one of the moat noted manager* and 1\ era Scope, with pr<>niot( r* of the roll<T game, announced that U •nnplle* for oiak he h IK sever' d all connection* with the Hippo- a Ing 3nn pictnre* drome Rink of Milwaukee and gone out into the ^ fenongb to pay for Country to take a long needed rest. Mr. Flath I ^ the complete rart wa* one of the many manager* of the Hip. hut I % fill. the only on.> that Ktiick to the p<a<ltIon a* long I * _mv a* tie illd. Flath went to Milwaukee just one % year ago to accept the position as manager. D Extra hntton* H and from all rei>orl* from the newspaiwr men hnndr^; extra In Milwauk<*-, made the Hipixalrome what % frame#, ft so pe, It Is today. Al. said last wwk. that H 1 indepen ho Intended to return to .Milwaukee after \ dent and m a k > hi* rest as he had several other propositions \ y^r that have tx-en offen-d him, and he ha* taken \ unite a liking to th^Cream City. ^ \


$84.00 Th# Racord of th#

CiiERi-SIOfI And we can prov. It. Any one car operate it Make* fi finished hnttnr photograph* a min ofe Price of Cam era Scope. with •nnplle* for oiak Ing 3no ptetnve* fenongb to pay for the immplete nrrt fill.

—188 00—

Extra hntton* H pr-r hnndred; extra frame#, ft SO pe, gro#« Be Indepen dent and m a k • money for yonr •elf Write today W B. Monntford 100 Maiden I^n* Kew York, H. Y

IinrUI’C rilTrODDICrC Columbl. ThMlro-BuHdlng, I LUlII 0 LlllLKrKIOLdy 47tli street aid Broadway, KEW.YORK. I

— ROLL TICKETS — Your Own Bpecial Ticket, any printing, front and back


10,000—$2.50 25,000—15.00 50,000—$6.00 100,000—$9.50 Quick shipment, accurate numbering guaranteed. Cash with order, no C. O. D.


ROYAL TICKET CO., - Shamokin, Penn.

900,000 PEOPLE TO


IlMmiltim. th** (ir«»f«*«sional ukaUT 1 M ^ wh<» hnv iMH-n t»Mit»**1 th** Kkat«»r lo niak> I ^ I M"J Harlny '•kat** to win **v»*r him. V V A mA w A Iw at pr«*s**nt In l*itt'»l»tirjr at th** ••Kxt>o’* Ro1l**r - - #i#b

r«’:.'^g*rit"^'vra„:,'ir^^ for Illustrated Sores going to put on a six skating race <Fn fli' ! , ® ® 23d of this ncmtli. which will lx* run 12 h<air- i Also iitl < X|# ricli('r-(| pianist Pfrilialicnt a day. and that It will tx- a prdtv big event. ti- ii i i . , ■ i Hamilton ha* a match race to skate next Sa‘ (Stsititili. Will ailvalicc ll•■k*•l. address

nrday night at the •F.vtx..” wtxn he skate* < iHlYAI TMFA'I'RF ('illlliiel Midi three mile race agalnat three men. | ‘

26 minute# ride from 8t. I/nnl#. with a paved atreet right to tbe gate. Have room for oavaral

mora Riding Dyylcea and one or two more Foncesalona. Only park open on Bnnday arltbout r*

atrlctlona. Will rent fully equipped, atige 40x38. for AIrdoaue, with eiclualve tbeatra prlvllage

Cheap. Great chance for big money. Write quick. HTIOH MOKEISOll, Oenerwl Manager.


Grace Tieden, Secretary _1402 BKjadway, NEW YORK_

SCENERY Will iidvuiKc tifkfl.

And Mechanical Effects of Every Description. Props to Ordar.

ARTHUR W.CORBOULD STUDIO of FRANCIS C. DWYER. Manager Sconic Dopt Offica 251 E. 14th St., NEW YORK.

FOR BALE 1 Hhow Boat. I Tow Hoal. I I’l'tiiiy WANTID For Mtialcal ('..medy, I’rincipal who \ Ar<-a<lc. I fflxxilliig Gallery, I Bowling .\lle} . (a-lxi can lod on minilM-rs; ex|H>rlcnci-d Chorua i.tour I rice 1» mine, .tildress GlrU Fix.k. «((il l,.»rle« l‘.\l{MFI.O. WIerengo ! F GK\T. Marlon. Ill Hotel. Ml<l(

march 26, 1910. X ti e Billboard 29


26: Ii'ilCtli. —.\ (|r>Iiu-»tlr alttTPiltioii Is the of .\[rs. Ernost Siiemlqiilf-k's ov Iravajtanco In the piirchasp of a now hat. which Is not lessened hv Mr. Sis-ndnnlek's sudden de sire to ae<iulre a grandfather clock. Ills wlf<- sharply rejiroachea him In her turn and leavi’s . .Y/i • 1 ■ ii • I sharply rejiroachea him In her turn and leavi’s

In ihc Latest of Keleases. Synopses of Which are Given Herewith. ,;!i:ie‘’b^Mr"!',niek.‘’f:;:r

May Ik* hound Subjects of Interest to Any Audience—hilms of a I wife. .Mr. Snendunlck divided Is-tween adinir . I 1 t" • N’ C PI CA 1 atlon fur the time piece and the channs of

L)raniatic, Lomeuy and ocenic iNature are supplied tocJrder. : the lady now owninc it. nnds her addr. ss. trai js ^ * * ' a<Iinlltance to her ami Is suhsei|uently hldd>'n

' In the clock to avoid nKs-tintt with her hits I t>and. Tile ri-siilt W the disk (rets out of or¬

der and Is si'iit hack to the shon. Meanwhile ' Mrs. .Snendiiiilck has is'en lolned In her walk by

nr III N. ness.

V .MiflTIKIl’S IIK.MIT lltrama; releass-d •*!** M .tell 21; leoKth. OoTi f.s-tl. In thla nira. a ”'• wife and mother, ttndinie Inr husliand consult Y' Inc with his His'wrlter. Is-isanes Insanely Jeal d'ss oils Tills ainusi.s tin' l.tidsl. who slHis a lov ‘■"y Ills’ note In the husband's issket. 'ni<- wife ttndins’ the note. di sorts her husbaisl and two * "o .'hlldnn. and olitalns einploymeiit as a |!o» .riiees. Her ••iiiplo.xer. iruesslnc the tnsible. lias phn

her SHI write to the i.Minc s..n of the c«'ern- rss The repl.i of the last nano-d lail etplalns eierythlnit and the el.mliiK picture shows a

happy rennhai.

nessisl the duel. Iklna Is the irratiddauirhter of the vlllace blacksmith, who shortly after dies. St. Elmo's mother adopts her. Five y.-ar* later a centleman ae.piaintanie. who callantlv buys St. Elmo returns. Etltia reeiarntzes him tint he the crandfather's ebs-k for her. Mr. Speiid- d'ss not rememis-r havlnir met her. He dls isivers that he lo\**s the irlrl. Eilna rejis-ts his suit, deidarlns' 'he would never marry a man who has taken human life. In <l<-s|ieratlon St. Elmo attempt' suicide. Isit Is swiTvtsl from hi'

ipilek tin refores finds himself Ismeath his own roof.

\ OONQI'EST (Comedy; released March 2i’>: length. ;is4 feet I.—(Jeorc... passlnir a pretty wo

b.i Elina, who relents and promlsi'S him . „.,m jjg.. recourse to the trick of drofipin;; liN and svmiuitbv


JtlllN HAIlliYS INVEN'I'ION (Drama: re

own handkerchief, and hurrylnc after her. mak¬ ing her Isdieve that he thinks it hers. Despite rebulTs. (leorite keeps after the Is-auty. ready to offer any assistance, and we tlwrefore m’c him arrlvinc at the lady's house laden with

thief to hla pals. 'I1iey start out to hs-ate the hidden lisit to which the note inakett refer eni-e Notw IthsiatwIliiK many dltficullles they is-rslstriitlv s<-arch for tlie treasure. They enter a hoU'c. otMHTVed by the janitor, who lalls a liolh'eman. A chase follow, eniliiiic In the i lass nsiui of a physical ctilturNt where a nuin 4*llK» riMPUl «« u<'l r* ■ likiiii . . .

1st of iiHinK wonwn ats- eiihaiicInK their (traces “*■ '

holda flnnly. Hla wife, enthusiastic. Isdlevis* It a much neislisl Invention, therefore arran(tes O.kU.MONT. with .Mr. Malbs-k. who Isiys ami sidls Inven (OeorRe Klelne.) tbM». to have him look It over. Haisly a<sl asm.- i.i-t'ov 'mir stinoon dentally comes on the note maklnit the arrance- THE OT •'-I'-N .VND^THE MIRROR (I.ei.ind- meiits for the meeting, and. d<sibtln(t his wife. ■■71 releawd Man-h —: lenttth. i.U feet). In aelx.-s a pistol and rushes .mt. On the way of old. a .sKtntry nhablti-d by a nation he Is struck bv an aut.anoblle and Is taken home then known as the luKenll. or Incenlous People,

««lih 1^‘lMirte m<»\>‘Ti)entK

oArtt*!! ofT to Jtll. tb** two felloH* ni>roii*»rlnuia. 'Hk' m*xt <!a.v h** \* -as., ... , .u. x i

up. Ills mWe wife Is at his side. He raises was so ucly that she was known as Queen his hand to imsh here away. Imt ahe pla.-es In HomellmuK. Never was she pemittm to see his hand Malle, k's agreement to pay ten th.m her own face, for if she did It prove

ble to sit "'** ruled over t>y a fiery temp.Ted .jiieen, who He raises was so ucly that she was known as Qm-en


THE EliDWEK HE THE RXNCH (Weatera drama, release .Aiwll 2; lenctb. 1 (SS) feeti.— Erislerbli ('hiitali I'Hiies W.-sl for the N’tter- ment of his health He carries a letter of In trishictloo to lYank Wen.lell. a ranchman, also the sheriff of his cminty. Wendell web am" him. .k month « so haa elaps..!. Dne eveniuc

san.l dollars for the invention. Now Hanly iin d.TstiiiHls. an.l h.- l.-C' ami riselvew her forclve

a-hman. also PATHE ERERE-N. 11 web .an." .k WOM.kN S REPENTANCE (Drama: re Dne eveniuc bas.'! .March 21: lencth. S'rf) feeti.—.k cHin- Ife haa C'lic try la.l Is In hue with a pretty fh<mch frlv- wlth ol.sia cirl. the daiichter of a nearby farmer. A

returnlnc home, kk'cnd.dl flisls his wife haa C'lic try la.l Is In hue with a pretty fh<mch frlv- East w ith Church, taking hla child with ol.sia cirl. the daiichter of a nearby farmer. A . .i. li'Ti. V- Aft.r a lonr lairsult. he oiertak.o. the parly ,..,!,h, i.amc man from the city hapis'ns aIon(f and forces tlie return of his chlM. Ik.rothy. hhI strm k t.y the cIrPs Is-auty. .bdermln.-s to ' i rG ooICts**'to Then he ..mwnanils Church ami the unfaithful win h.-r H.- ..Is In Induolnc her to leave 'nle Jusrsls are out to sleeo The wife to pr..e,sl Two rt.>. later. t-r h.-r b.m.e for the city. The ,skw csintry lad. fictnlac his .tiitbs kkeo.lell la shot and heartbroken l«-.sBn." III. an.l when he arises s* Before he e\|.lres be aeeiir>-s the prsHni-s- .>f from his Issl his niiii.1 has left him. Wand.-rlnc t’****’"' the cowls.ys to r.srv for hla diuchter The aNsit In- iias'.' thr.aich a park. Stnnitdlnc an.l 'i I’**'" *” are tnie to their pnnnlse and call tie- falllnc. h<- strlk.-s his head acalnst a stone ,y’*\ ” little Ctrl “Ihe Ebeaer ..f the Ranch." T.-n .sipinc Near t.y 1“ the csHintry cirl and h.-r , yearn later, we find Ibwothy a beautiful yiainc new f-Himl loi.-r. .klthisieli she .bs-s not r.-co« lA aevent.-en. Df her many a.lmlrers Dick nlie him at first, she hlirrl.-s ..v.-r to help the "U** I* ITaylon Is favots-d. Dne day Kre.lerb k t"hiir< h ' unfortunate man. kkTi.-n she discovers who the

fatal to her. Dne day the Queen an.1 Court went out f.H- a walk. .ks thev down a countr.v Ian.- they foiin.l a yoiinc c.Hiide in:ik Inc love. Tin- y.sinc lover was tellinc the Cirl that she was mor.- Is-autlful than the ipi.-en. Df emrse he had never beheld Her Ma¬ jesty. The Qiiei-n. .iverhearlnc this, had the younc man tlirown Into nrison. The younc clrl runs to a wis-- woman or ‘-witch.” who elves her s.mie flowers which have the property of

relitms to town. He hecmies smbtenly aff.-c ... .. rl'>natr to her. ami D.w.>tby later pronils.-' t» suit of h.-r unfalthfiilm-as, she cently leads him THE WILD fo.kST OF BEI.l.E ISLE (S.en- h«-c.mi.- hl« wife .k dav nr two later they ha>-k to the .d.l farm house Recalllne famll- Ic: released Mar.-h 22: lencth 2Tt fe.-ti.—This start for the Enist Hardlv have tti.-y c Hie |u- .dijects to him. his Intelllccn.-e Is awak film shows the wll.l l.r.-akers dasliinc "ver the Wtien the sheriff nishew up with a warrant f.H- ant h.- with the cirl to return to ns-ks and piers. Sublime eff.-<-ts are pr.sln.s-d ktinrch'a aris-sf for wife ahandonment. 'Then j the simple Ilf*- .«f the country. Tills she d.s-'. as the breakers hurl tli.-mselves In vain anc>-r there Is a chas.- between Church In hla anto , and the last s.-.-ne sliows the two happily em- acalnst s.dbl walls. Fin.- eff.-cts are pr.sbice.1 ami the rowN»v« monnt.*d on their p.>nb-s 'lYie 1 bracetl. In the cloelnc s.-.-n.-. as the treni.-n.l.>us wav.-s

Injured man Is and realties that It Is the re¬ sult of h.-r unfaltlifiilm-as, she cently leads him

h«-c.mi.- hl« wife .k day nr two later they ha>-k to the .d.l farm h.sise Recalllne famll- start for the East Hardly have Hu-y c-Hie |ar objects to him. his Intellicen.-e Is awak wtien the aherlff nishew up with a warrant f.H- ^ and he with the cirl to return to ktinrch'a arn-sf for wife ahknd.Hunent. 'Then j the simple Ilf*- .>f the country. Tills she d.s-s. there Is a chas.- between Church In his anto , and the last s.-.-ne sliows the two happily em- aml the eowN.ys m<Hint.-d on their ponb-s The brare.1. Is-ys overtake Chiireh and for a time It seems Ihvt a Dnchlnc will take placv twit the sheriff .rilF H pb-ailw that the law tie to t.ike Ita s-)- le'ncll c.sirse Ttie si.H-y emls with l»>Hs>thy i«n»m)s p-ineesa Inc 1.1 h«- ttie wife i-f the now happy Dick Clay drean

'"•t . to release Inc p.krty

Ik| kkJIN kTiDN (, rele .se April 6 casts a si let'clh. 642 f-s-tl.—T-Hii Perkinw Is a physical ami on f-

sp.-nd thorns. Ives iicalnst the

THE HORSESHOE (Drama: released March **"■ '*1”'*.' .lls|H-rse.l |n .-very dtr.-ctl.m.

2:1: lencth. .'.74 f.s-tt.—In a lom-ly castle, the Prlncosa Alice iiass.-s h.-r days In wearine" She dreams of a handisinie who will come to release her. Fr.'vm another chateau, a hunt inc part.v starts out lYlnce fharmlnc’s hors.- casts a shoe. Returnlnc with his m.Hint alone ami on f.s.t. the Prince Is surT.Himle<1 by hri

him th- :V^-’ ’’.'■.n r "l-riM‘‘ L'Tth tlie flneerw of a man's hand and wrote

Tln.>e«l that ih.- (1 w.-i" sts- f-ir Ills fun.-ral Hnrrvlne h-ene. he pmu.sllately c-l' I-- hl« In-.! .k i!..-t.H- ais-ieiipsubst tiy tt.e thr.-i- jok.-rs. ar- rivi-s, ami riv.-s T-hii a verv hllt.-r but harm b-s. niislicbi.* t-.if the Is-rs* laiicbter and the

I nnrs.-s him ami in doinc w> has the haiHdncss of realliinc Cnpbl'a pr.vcnostlcatlon.

EDR THE KIN<; (Drama: released March '—t: ii-s. niisllctm- I-UI the t.-vs .aiiciiter amt i^ncth. I'M fis-ti. A |s-asanf. heine pnrsnisl f-.r d.sTor s co-.f. ^l Hi cures ‘he patient ami with | ^ s.ddicr of the republic. s,-,-ks

a h..wl ..f rac- h- cha'c. the b*-r. tbr-iieli 'he i h..,,,,. of a brother vemlean. where «n.r •tknlnlMrrm « .fntb ^

.\ i»nrj»n»sl f.*r the the klng»t.«n.

bltic to i-a.-h --f IliiHti cret dtsir. Enf-irlunalcly. In his haste to .sm- i real hl« friend, ih.- ven.b-an ibs-s not notice that itieorce Klelne.) an ear .>f c.n-n Is caiicht In the ibsir. and owlnc A MAID DF THE MDENTAINS (Dr.ini.i: re '■

this .iverslcht on Ills part, the jss>r ix-asant leasis] March 'i't: lencth. f.-ct).— \Vc 'e>- a i i;is.-.'vensl by the sol.llcrs and tocethcr with fair shcpls-rtl mal.b-n courted by a youth of the .

host, !• scntenc«sl to In- shiM. hills, wls* Is most tnie In his devotion to lier. | ^ In the s.-coml si-cm- wo s.'e a stalwart b<‘au :


HENRY S NEkk 11 kT .C.Hue-tv . reb-as.- kprll ,.sr of c.vrn !» caucht In d: b-nctti. ir.s fc. i. Henry K a d«|>p.-r f--1I-ov p, ih|s ovcrslcht on b|s pai with cr. .1 prbic In his is-rs-Hial ai.iM -irame |, dls.-.'vensl by the sobllcr- I'nl his hat his cl "'<-« ami hi* cam- ar.- al-*> hla boat, !• acntenc«sl to la- ahiM. the fun of the rest of the ollw-r bovs In bis .|, ofll.-e Henrv res.dv.-s to Imy a n.-w hat kftcr TRIF1 INC WITH much tr.sible be finds .me to his llkinc. a shiny r,.,33: lencth

om.-e Tt.e hatt.-r. No arrives there '.’f ^.-r affection for IVrdIcan

\ J ''.7""*.' In .b-spalr IV-stl.-an r.-s.v|ve . .’’‘Ta '7' 'Tw Rmu-tte. Camllle-a foater-sl

panlon. In the -’^.•0 take a l.svk the jealousy .if n-al love. Pb.. S.,re tbcvll hay. fun w h H.-iirv a note b.-cclnc h Acy.nllnclv Lev car..f.i Iv ts-move the hat ^

il^nrr rrtiTTn* T!>«* |n»t« ii«k |4» hN now i ,.t«...v h.xitr

NO TUIf'leINO WITH ls4>VK iKllm irart; of Iho noarby villag** atfoim^tlne to win th** .Vk'i fiM't*.—IVrili Tlu» rivals havo a wonly

iib'a* to n*ni>nn4 0 counter, whirh Icails to a challonci' an«I aivept



? m

j ^

1 M0YIN6



TIIK FALL OF HAUYLON Mtitilloal ilrama: i roliMsiM March -»?; bnirth foot*.—lU-Ishaz aar. tho king, made a gr*»jit fea^it to a lloni I aaml of his lonN ami drank wine Iwfore tho I thousand. Ib-lshazzar. while he tastisl tli * j wine. cim>manded to bring the goblcn anil silver j

Have you investigated the Wurlitzer PianOrchestra ?

The leading Nickelodeons are putting in this man'elous Autonoatic Orchestra. It furnishes better mueio than a regular orchestra of 5 to 25 pieces, is always “on the job,” and cuts out the enormous exfjcnse of mu¬ sicians. The money saved pays rent.

Easy tsnna, Icsa than paid to ranatclani. We lupply the L’. 8. Gov't, with musical Inatniments. Write for blc 96-page catalog A leatlmonial booklet abowinc Wurlltxer PionOrchestras In leading Nit-keluUeuna.

RjJDOIPH WljRLnZER Q) World's Largest Mfrs. Automatic Mas lasts


2S27 W. S2d 117 121 E. 4tb 2IK-2B8Wabaab

Don’t Get a HALLBERG

Economizer If you want to

Bduander money la ex.irbltaut electric bills. HUT If yoa are on the JOB fur all there la In It. TALK TO MB.

Ask about my Fllckerlcsa M. P. maebioe. 4,(X)0 C. p. arc 1 a m p a, EI.ECTRA Fink Label carhona. H|Hit llchta, ex haust fans, aahea- toe cahleti, lenaea. cvlorcl a lAOunce ment Slides, and all kinds of sup¬ ines. Write for FREE Fatxlogue No. 16.

J. H HAUBERG, 30 OnoBwiek Ati.


thiUi art In the hal.-(ni-e and art f.-un.l wantinc. Feres—thy klnc.lom is dlvhled and civ.-n to the Meili-s and Persians” In that nieht was Belsharaar. the kinc of Chaldea, slain, and

h.-r affection for IVrdIcan ami lake the veil. 1 nnre. in- v llace dwelb-r. with an accompi cc. In .b-spalr P.-stb-an r.-s.v|vps to make love with Plans to waylay his opponent In the mountains. , Rosette, ramllle’s footer sister, thus aismslnc h''W'-ver. In carryinc out his plan, m.-.-t

of n-al love. He thercf.vre writes it.-, h.'ccinc her t.i m.-et him at

with a serious accblont. but .lo.-s throw the blame upon the v.-ry man he had intend.-.l to de-

also «v>nds a I.-tter to famllle at stroy. the mountain lover a ref

_' ..12 " . " ; , ,, _ I the same lime niakinc lenrv retiu-n. -nic l«.v. ».k to .1. t ew , lal Ibnry smtiincly .>|H-n« tb.- Ih-v. but b-ts , . sit a Voll ..f race wtien he fimis lb.- dllapidatjsl ,„",I.-rs.lf. bbb-a js.

same lime niaklnc a rcmleirv.Hia with h.-r m-Ve froiii Jnstlee a time. t'p.m Ids return he same ida.-.- and h-mr But ( aniHle la *<\th.- vie nltv of his sweethearts h.ime. he

mibm of IVnllo«n*i» n»'Xt rtnds that during his absence her noart Is glvon ^u^oT llttlo Uo'M^fto bohln,! artWt. As bo !»» about to attack tho ar

BiTATir rtf bosrt At hoar fluds his InfondiNl vlotlni is a man wIh> skvpiece. Still Taring he trlephime. to the ^ Snff.-rinc agonv of heart at hear »l*» A'"'* b"* victim is a man w^m- battir and d**niMino»»s that worthy folb>w In . |'or,lloan> dunllrlty. U‘>M'tto hurrlos out hol|H*«l him to osoapo his formontors. Ho tb^ ni«'an titno, il>o Isita havo r«»m«*v«*»I tho old j idungoA Into tho lako In tY>o moantlm*' relonts and goi's bndcon-hearted to his mountain

bat an.l repbicnl Ihe n.-w one amt th.-n a.tvl«e j, „„ the estate nottclnc her hiding Place.

M-nrv to hurry ..v.-r to the hatt.-rs wdilch he ,etb.ns Inform, the famllv of what he has .bs-s. throwing tlM- tv.y In tbe hall.-r • fa.-m ^ p.-rdlcan. ('amlllc and h.-r fath.-r rush (>VFR TH Ho- merchant o.^.. the hat l-vv and there lake, where th.-y find the ,-old iv kvceR-

Hi-nry to hurrv i»v«‘r to tho hatfo!*A, widrh ho I ^ai. vn •bs-a. throwing tlie hoy tn tto- halter’s faec | ' 'Ho- merchsnt ouci. the hat t*ov and there la \ -..Vo- .„ the new hat! TTie hatter pitta him out. and tlie r<ini-1na1on cHni*. when the hat la tramyib-d un.ler the feet of a crow.l imrsnlng a atveel I thief. THE t'k

llcan. ( amlllc amt her ratli.-r ni'n OVER THE APPENNINES OF ITALY. OR the lake, where they find the .-old i.;xrt’RSIO\ THUOT'GH ABRI’ZZl (S.-.-n - Ic: rv-lcaacd March 2.3: length. 3.'1 f.-et'.—Rug

"" C.-.I monnfalns of the .kpia-nnlne range Intersect THE BkNKS DK THE GANGES iS<-.-nl.-: rc the whole district and the panorama d.-plcts

leaae.l March 2S; length. 426 f<-ct).—Bv-narcs, with marvclmis effect the d.sngerons wlmllng

'niANHOFSKR tie- a-M-Icnl caidtal of Mtn.l.«<stan. Is the city iiasscs. sheer .lesvcnts and itntro,1dcn helghta. ahown In the vb-wa. The Imiavslng hurnlng There are no plain. In .khnixzl. plcture«nti.- t.vr

ST ELMO (IVrama: rclraad Mar.’4i 22: length, ghat, w-li.-r.- the Brahmins tnirn tls-lr .lead, after rents only se ’-•lo f.H-t) BI. Elmo, a w.-allliv young man Is t»etTvitlieil t.i hla c.iualn. .kgn.-s Dick Ham nioii,l. a voung man St Elm» ha« iH-frlcn.lcl proT.-a falae. ami (M-cretlv makes love to .kg m-a St. Elmo .llacovera this a iliiel f.dlowa I- wld.'li Hammond losea hla life SI Elmo ftireed to flee. Iklna. a young girl, haa wit

liv voung man which th,-lr sihiN an- snp|>.>sed to iMs-ome Im -s ' Dick Ham mortal. Is thrown Into pnHttln.-nt n-llcf as al has lH«frlcn.l(sl so the licaullfnl moauucs, ami t.-rra.-cs of mar j i-s love to .kg hlc. (Yowils of (veoidi- cla.l In clolhca .vf hril ilucl f.dlowa 1-1 Rant hm-s awarm aliHic Ihe banka, giving .me

SI Etm.i 's I a vivid tmiir.-asl.m of Hindu life as It exists

girl, haa wit today.

rents only seem to se|>aratc the mountains one fnvm aivoth.-r. The natives of .khrnzzl are very primitive, and rmly of recent years has the whole .llstrlct h»-»'n fre.-.! front the ravages of brigand., who formerly nia<tc this district of Italy mitorlons.

((Continued on page 36.)

MR. EXHIBITOR! \Vh(-ii yon iiiake tip your mind to use Independent films, be dead sure yon d.-al with an exebaoge that .-arrb-s the newest siihj.-cts every week. Tbat'a me!

CARL LAEMKLE. President.



Minneapolis, Evansville, Omaha, Portland.

Salt Lake City.

Take-up Troubles Terminated

■xehaiiCM. Bxbibitora and M. P. Operatore will do weil to communicate with ns NOW.

WOODWORTH & CO., 907 Wells Street, Chicago, Ill.

If your siipply of routo ojirds is ex¬ hausted, ask for more.

WORLD’S FAIRS To be Held in Various Parts of the

World During the Next

Few Years



Consul Albert II. Mlebelson writes that the construction of the buildings of the Interni- tlonal Exhibition of Industries and Labor to be held in Turin during the months of April to October. 1»11, is now far advanced, and will without doubt be completed well in time for the opening date of the exhibition. The consul's details follow:

One of the buildings, the large machinery hall, is to serve for the Annual International Auto moliile Exhibition of April, IttlO.

In view of the progress made and the prob¬ ability that the exhibition will be entirely ready by the date set for Its opening. American manu- i facturers are urged not to delay forwarding their applications for admission. These appll cations sh'Uild be received by the Turin execu¬ tive committee (Oommissione Esecutiva per 1’ , ^posixione Internaxionale dl lull, Torino) not later than March 31, IfllO. They may either be forwarded direct to this committee or through the International Exi>osition Bureau, 16 Produce Exchange Building, New York City. This bu¬ reau is in a position to furnish full details and information regarding the exhibition, and to offer valuable advice to manufacturers. Appli- i cations received by the committee after March 31, llMti. will In all likelihood be accepted until July. 1910, or even later, but the execu¬ tive committee can give no assurance that the ^ amount or location of the space applied for ; will then be at its dis|>osal.

It is important that American manufacturers ' be well representeil at this exhibition, both because of the great rapidity with which Italy continues to expand industrially and because the exhibition itself will be purely industrial in ; character. American manufacturers have prob¬ ably not yet been offered such an attractive op¬ portunity to enter Italian markets and to make their wares known under the most favorable conditions.


AGENTS. A large number of foreign nations have sig- I

nIOed their intention of taking part officially in the exhibition. Among these, England. France, - and Germany, with buildings covering in areas of square feet of 3‘Jl.OUU, 258,000, and 155,000. n-siH-ctlvely, will make special efforts to turn the opportunities of the moment to the advan tage of their commerce and industries. Other large buildings will be (in square feet): The Machinery Hall (215,000), the Palace of Elec¬ tricity (150,000), the Hail of Agriculture (195,- 000), and the building representing the activi¬ ties of Italians in foreign lands (97,000). The total area under cover will be 64 acres, and the total area of the exhibition grounds 247 acres.

The executive committee states that building and other contracts, representing over $1,000.0<S), nave already been given out, and that the re¬ ceipts to date amount to about the same sum. The total ex|*endltures will not be less than 12.500,000.

The consulate has been asked to inform Ameri can manufacturers that the f<dlowing firms and persons are prepar<*d to retires**nt them at the ‘ exhibition, to take full charge of exhibits from the time these arrive in Genoa until they are resbipped from there or sold, to prepare appro¬ priate ‘‘stands” for display, and to see that responsible persons shall be in charge of these ‘‘stands” during the whole time that the exhl bitlon remains open. In each case tht-se firms and persons state that they are in a position to furnish satisfactory guarantees and references.

Giovanni AmbmsettI, 10 Via Petrarca. Turin; Socleta Nasionale Trgsportl Fratelll Gondrand, 20 Via Roma, Turin; "Lebet & Curtl, 17 Via Arsenale, Turin, are ail general for warding agents. The first-named firm is the official forwarding agent of the exhibition. The following are general commission agents: C. A. , Andrina, 25 Via Gwlliari, Turin; Audino A Co., , 13 Corso Re Umberto, Turin. The following wish to have charge of exhibits of machinery: ; Ing V. Marzocchl, 5 Via Donatl, Turin; Ig. I/ulgl Moreno. .32 Via Principe Amadeo. The first named of these latter two Is also prepared to undertake the construction of small buildings or ‘■klos<iues.”



Henry C. Ide, American minister to Spain, forwards a copy of a royal decree on the sub¬ ject of a national exposition, to be held at Val enela during 1910, on which he comments;

A regional ex[>osItlon was to have been held In Valencia during lOtKt. but owing to the war In Morocco and the disturbances in Barcelona this was not a success, and it was decided to transform this affair into a national exposition, and the Government will ask the Corti-s for an a(>pro|>riation of $:(.■».U<iO to aid this prvpject. Tile eX|sisltion will b<- held under the ausiilces of the Ateneo .Mercantll de Valencia. This ex jsisltlon may lie of interest to touriste and bus Iness men traveling in Spain.



NANYANG. Vice-Consul General Hamilton Butler, of Tlent

sin. forwards cofiies of the regulations for foreign exhibitors at the First Industrial Exhlhl tion of the Nanyang .Administration, whch Is to tie held at .Nanking, China, from May to ttctots-r ,30. 191(1. These pamphlets will be loaned to interested (irms by the Bureau of Manufactur.-s. The consulate at Nanking has alrealy announce*] in Daily Consular and Trade R'-ports that exhibitifin space for 10 American firms at Shanghai had tiei-n arrangt-d.



Consni-Geiieral J. E. Jones invites attention to the fact that Wlnnlis-g is to have a Winter Carnival, an l that the first one will be held In Febniary, 1911.


A street-man stood on the hurrican deck Of a dray on a corner at night

The air was crisp with autumn's chill.

With a warning of winter in sight.

His cheek was blanched and his coat was frayed, As he stood 'neath his notions and ware,

A shiver ran through his weakened frame,

'Neath the light of his “Baker's" glare.

He started strong on his opening “spiel,"

And the crowd was attentive, and bound

There was something desperately earnest in him. That his humor could hardly drown.

He held his crowd with a grip of steel;

Inspired, he seemed, that night— As he finished up his opening talk.

And not a dead one in sight.

A smile lighted up his pale, wan face. For he knew it was good as gold;

He could read a crowd as you would a book.

His goods were the same as sold.

His small leaders went, like corn to the chicks. The nickels and dimes came in fast;

He led the push up to the big stuff to come.

For he was sure they would stay till the last.

It meant more to him than a mere passing “pitch."

It meant home. Nell, baby and all; If he only got off with a get-away roll.

He would call it all off for this fall.

For his luck had been bad; his health had been poor. His “readers” had drained his small purse;

He hadn’t worked hard for over a month. And was going from bad to the worse.

He paused for a moment to catch his breath. Ere he opened on his one great feature;

On his face there seemed a palor of death. As he picked up the silverware “kelster.”

He talked on their merits, then paused for awhile. As the crowd drew in closer to see;

They were ready to buy, as he sighed, with a smile: “It's a clean-up, and home, now, for me.”

But. no! a man from the edge of the crowd. Came wedging his way to the front;

“What fake is this? Let me see what's the graft. For I'm out on a gold-brick hunt."

The street-man faltered and swayed on the stand— His strength had been taxed to the limit;

But the knocker continued his fatal harangue; “A sucker is born every minute.”

A ripple of mirth followed the last remark. But it froze as it grew to a laugh;

The comedy took on a tragic effect.

As the knocker continued his gaff.

The young man staggered, with hands to his heart. 'Twas the “knock” he always had feared;

His strength was gone, he couldn't go on.

For he knew that hLs sale was “queered"

With a cry of despair he fell to the ground.

His lips were an ashen gray; Kind hands helped and laid him down.

With his trunks, on the back of the dray.

He aroused himself, with an effort to smile As the crowd called for an M. I).;

“Never mind, boys, there’s no one can help.

For it’s all over, now, with me.

I tried my best to make good once more. For the sake of my baby at home;

And my wife, who is waiting, will wait in vain.

For the “knock” wouldn’t let me alone. She will be better off. not to hear of this deal.

They will realize in time, don’t you know?

It’s better thus than a sudden shock.

And Nell never could stand the blow."

His breath grew short, the tears rolled down.

As he paused with his thoughts of the past; “Never mind who I am. Just plant me right here.

In the town of my blow-off the last.

I’ve made my last “pitch,” I’m going, good-bye. And In judgment I’ll sit without fear;

And when God, In His wisdom, harks to my plea,

I will hope that no knocker is near.”

n.. . IIK- t iiriiiiB I lui) or W loDlpvK ba« ■nuually bvld la February a “Booviiiel,” anil Ibla baa Brown In Iniimrlanre earb year until It baa bi-rmue n-i*oBnlzeil aa tbe blB winter ahow of weatern Uanada. Valuable prizea are offered, and an Internallunai tro|iby, wbicb brlnsa to tbe cuiniM-tltlon many Amerlran curlers from tbe neartiy States.

Tbe proJeeti>rs of tbe Bons|>lel have now come forward with a |iro|i»sltloa to aulwtltute. be- flnnlns with 1911, a Winter Uanrival. dealrneil to allow winter s|iorts of all klude. and to make Wlnnipi'B during tbia |>erliMl a cunventloa city. It la argued tliat tbe time Is |>ro|>ltlous because at tbis season of tbe year tbe farmivs are not busy and have ample time to visit. Tbe propo- sltkin baa met with universal Indorsement and 1911 will no doubt witness a Winter Carnival at Winni|>eg.


By W. 8. WRIGHT.

Is tbe raroival business gidiig to tbe dogiv This question I will try to answer.

Thesi- days, the world at large Is clamoring for amnseun-nt, ainl the qiiestl.m Is rl|ie to pick The boiiest purveyor is often fomtl to defiend u|>on a class that has no scruples, car¬ ing as little for a rsvntrart as they do for a

, burnt match. A busin«-ss that la far nnire reaching than vaudeville lias be,-n allowed to degenerate to an alaniiliig extent, tn-cause there hasn't been a Keith or a Be<-k at the head of It. The rut It Is In lisiks, to the busy man ager. as If If has gone to the dogs. Grafters and thieves ar>> hanging on. as other (Vsirs are fast closing. The honoralde manager must auf fer In consequence.

These fellows flutter In a town of five thon sand or mor«-. frame up without paying for any thing. If ftn-y are tn luck, then s,-parate the town's [H>ofde from their money In any way con <>-lvable to th*-lr scheming minds. Thev gen erally leave with a scire of bills unpaid. an<l. In some Instances, become public chsrges. Can yon _ Imagine a man with a gooil r«>cord, who won’t stand for rr<s>k,il business methods, cull¬ ing to that town? Me wonders why he (loesn’t do business; the b,-tter cisss shuns his shows, and the last day he Is told the reason. Tm late; the damage la done. The towm Is event nalty black lisfeil hy the reputable manager anit concewsionalre. when. In c-atlfy. It Is gotsl pay ground. In many cas,>s. the promoter falsifies his statements to the cin(*essinnalre, who. In turn, leaven him In ttw lurch, and the word ‘‘camlval” hcc>mes a huge Joke In the town.

Then, again, the <*onc’snlonalre amt showman are working on a sh<iestrlng. and at the eleventh hour wires tbe msnager or promoter Ihst he Is without funds. It Is then np to the msnager to advance railroad exin-nscs If h«* wants to got out of the hole and save bis reputation as well Thi-re Is very little honor In a niirntw-r of these people, and the law. In many cases, has to step In. as was demonstrated last Oefoher In Pur ham. N. C., when a promoter was locked nii for looting the ballot hox,.s for a voting cintest. and also failed to have the prizes on hsml at the aiipointed time. I f.dt their hand the same month. After onr camlval at North Beach. Island, I was engagtsl. with my manager. Mr. Abrams, to promote s camlval and voting (vmtest In Haversiraw, New York, and con- trart<d for twenty live shows and cmcesslons. The majority of the attractions were not from the Beach. Two promoters, who w,Te then lr» Newburgh. New York, had fire of the shows who broke their eonirscis with roe. and hmiight fficm to Kingston. New York .kfter Iwentv

■ four hours Ih,- entire lot of shows was stranded. . One of these pronmters had the unmitigated

nerve to cune to my town and ask for a two. hnmind dollar Isinns and a i>*-rc*ntage to return the shows he hsi| st<den from me.

It Is nnnec-ssary to say that I handled the pro|insltlon without kl,l gloves, and dn>ve him off the field Th'-se grafters from New York. Newburgh ami Kingston, almost floored me. After a hard battle I won out amid flying cdors. with no thanks to them This exper tence has glv<-n me a further Insight to lh« hnslness. wher*- iintirlnelfd,d m,-th(sls are nsi-d all around, the main aim Is to hle,d the pnl> lie. DO matter how it Is done. The world is wide and thes«. grafters ke,>p roving. The day

^ Is not far distant when they will si,fi off one ear an,| be t<dd to take the next ear out. This diM.s not aiqd.y to the honest man

All this ran he otditerated and made Info a healthy hnslness pmisisltlon Inside of twtdve months. If th,- honest pemofers and managerw w’lil cfuiihine for miitnsi proti-etlon and advance¬ ment. It ran b*- done, amt the sooner It is done, the better for the eommnnity at targe and thi* h,‘ft,.rment and advsnretnenf of the carnival hnslness In general.


Yo(i imk wtmt fiifiim fli#* tw with ilrawlnir fain* arxl

I fbr fl^maml m’lll rr**ati*r than It m'ai* f'C hall«ii»ri«. r»»r riiowt faaotnatlnir alKHif a r«*al ami

r*>Ttalnl,T Tvrw tliaf fh«» fl.rlnr tnarhln.* Iiaa tn*

rntno a n*allt.r. «nfl ttwr** la IHtli* Wft for iiian to r<»n«im*r

F*>r hiiiwlr«'»N of ^4>ar« It tian Iw'cn man'a i1f»»aTn to naTtffatp tha air. learHl anri watrr

t».T rarlotiM THitrlrN. tmt th*' air h^n r«*tnaln«H| an iintraT*‘l#iil «|»aoo •infll m^w.

than a^o a fitieirt with a h«>avt<*r than air marhltw* m-n* iinhrard *»f: In fact It |« cail.r mithin fli*» ihaaf iw«* yaam that

#hf an.r kln«l hara tMH>n fna«h* nr tho

prarfl^'ahtlltr ^'f tlila rlwrai-tiT of n^ilrla l»r*rY**n.

ttn*' roar airo. wh<*n Itli-rloi mailf* hi* ahip niirht aiTviaa th«* KnvINh Chan*wl. hla arhl#'Tian«‘nf mark«Nf an #*ra In aerial rraft,

Th<' morM*a |»ow«<ra aaw tho i»#*aiilhnif)r »f an

lnraah»n hr a hoHt||«* for<'a. and ttw' lann'otathma mhlrh af^»ar In Ktiirland m^arlr «lrowna<l Krano**'a Joy m'h**n flNTlof ri'tiirn(H) Thaa waa th#» rlnrHnir. and a«>r!a1 flifflit r<a'or<N havn

nia*h*. I»r<»k<*n. arat hrok#*n arain mifh rraalnr

rapidity than 1h*» martiliH'a lh4'fiia4>Wra ran hr4Fk«fi and r»»palrod.

It mnat not t»a pr*»«*iim**i|. ta»wf*v*»r. t>oraii«a a half dor«>n man thronrlKMit Ih*- w*«Tld hara ana. aaa^Pfl m'lfh a tiring maahlnn. that anyona ran •lao a ffw aft«*ka »»f a^iriirp and hamlMw to- £*-thar ami afwar thorn nith rioth, fit It with «*mta kind of a motor, and maka a filirht. Far fr»an If yat It will ha an- tln-ly dna to th*- maahania with mora aaal than ahlllty, and to tha Imfihinr arant with mora an- thnalaam than hn"1n«<«ia jiidroH-nt. If tha aaro

I fdana raralraa fha ».ama '*htaak aya** that tha j almhlfr haa rndM-ii plaaad In tha hamla of lna*wn-

prdant aanmaiita. K»an tha f«-w marhln«*a whl»4i

MARCH 26, 1910. Xtie Billt»oar<l

<1i«iM>n»tTa1e<l ttn-lr iir»< ll<«li111ly have only -loin- no niiUo In tin- liamln of vfihoihM avUliCH, ,i„-n wbo kn<»w air <nm-nlB. wind ri-lorlty, anil 1.1 »1iom rvory |>art <>f the iTaft la kinmn.

AnotiM-r factor inuat la- rcaaoniat with for wane tlnw. aial oik- wlili-li offrra tlie Krcatinl -■aiiK'f I" ’*"■ l*nill«l apac*- arallalilr In na>al jiarltM or fair Kroiiixla. An a«T<n<l»i"-, >.ai uial- ralatKl. la atarltal on Ha- )rr-«in-l. and travcla aloiiK on Miiall wli<a-la until It attalna llic a|Ha-d of alaait twenty intlea an liiair. wlicn It rl'afi In Ita- air—tliat la. If y<ai lian- a B'aal mainline. Tin- dlatance travclcil on the Br<amd 1« lUUiallT ataait •J«a> fin-t or tiiia-e, althoiitrli Mr t'urtlaa, I’aiilhan and the Wright Hrothi-ra all h r-a-iwda under thia dlatance.

I am alnijily atatliiK facta wtildi are not Ri-n -rallr known by tlaaa- who wlah to eiiKaKe an

.-■•.I'.lane aa an attraction. Tor wane time 1 haie la-en IdcntltliMl with thIa form of attrac- lli.n. an.l am protiatdy tla- llrat om- In America lo li-a-k an aeroidane at a fair or exiaadtlon.

I have M-en the dlaa|i|a>lntnient of the patrona ind the ciamnltteea ta-eaiiae ttie inaddne falbal I,. 11.1. y«-t to have ma«l»- an attempt In llmiteil alivee a'ould have dmililleaa meant the amaalilmt • if th«' iiiadilia-, and i-rolMildy aerlmia Injury to the ailator.

Sim-e Htartlnr my pre-*ent tmir over the Or olieiim t’lnnlt with the t’urtlaa aen.plane, I have ;,..| .everal mei’hanica who have blplaiM-a warly .nipl-'li-'l. while I have fmind otla-ra all rea<lv

f.-r tla* motor. Tlie mechanhw of today are pr-.ftl ti*.- l-.v tlw exjierleme of thoa,- In the pa»t. m-l Mic-e«« will come with fewer accldenta and

dl-ap!>olntni-’nt«. It « un-louhiMll.v true that there la no aincle

iltra< t1cai to-lay whli h haa (treater drawinc l«>-»llilllt|ea than a aueeeaaful aeroidane ban d-vl hy an ailat-a- w ho haa had flyinit ex|M-rl en-e anil In wh<an th-’ te‘ni'*<* have conlVIenci- of c<airae thia year lt»-re will he two claaaea In ilie fi.dd. ttie kn.-wn ami the unkmiwn. Tlie firat win d-anaml hlit i>r1ia-« ami t“Tform at the Idc B' -il faira an<l e\i>o«ltlon». wldle the a>-coml will !»• Nokisl at the atnall-T (tatherlnita. ami in many ca-e-* prove unaalNfactor.v. In the main. howev«-r. the a<-r-idane haa to-eome a facti-r a« :in atraetlon ami will iim1<ail>t«ally have a (treat er nin than either the hall-a-n or alr-hiin for It .omtilnea md only the thrill of a t«aly flylnit ihroiiith apa--e. hut ad-N a (treater eh-ment of daniter to the mortildly ciirhwia, who are alwaya hoplnr mdhlnit a«'rliaia will hai-iam tmt If It '■•ail.l. limy want t-e iweaent.

ruAUi.f^s uoi.TMu:


Uih-ldi. N r . March 21.—Ttio N-rth Car-- Una Slate fair will t>e known thl- y-vr a« the great «eml centennial Jul.llee aiate fair a-al teanc coming, ami Wmlneada.v of the fair w«a-k t(Vt, 17 2rt» win »n»-«dally la- d«’algm-.1 a* Mom.' I omlng Hay,

The growth of piildlc Inten—t and the In'-reavc of eahihita In almo«t everv department of th-' •tale ha« he-m ao phenomenal In recent year-

t., deman-1 the erv-cthm of a large Inill-llng thl« year for the evdualve dl«pl».f nf agrlciillun- ami h-irtlnilture.

Tld« hull-ling will he k-iown a« the .kgrlcul tnral and Ilortleiiltural Hull-ling, and will 1h- «k-\2<k> feet ami will l-e paid h-r In full out --f the B-'ciimulat-nl aundua now --n haml. k2.V»*'1 will he -vffered In tb-- -vpen ape-.l daa-e« ami f,.iir yvav piirw-a In early eh-alne atakea ami .,•1.. Ji ■>ai atak-- raee f-vr t’i»-n Hi-- wli -l--. Ih-- outh">k for the cr--ate«t «*ate fair In th-- fif'v v.-am' hl«tnry of the -.Ht-ly—It la the vear f-*r a r-‘-avr-l hr-‘aker of h-*althy dlm-'n-

Ihiiitiac. Mleh., ra-a-il und-T the wire In 2:0H wiildi during the early part of the aeaaon of ll«ai watt l(eaten at lioth t'larkshiirg and Wtieel Ing, \V. Va. Hut at the Fairmont Fair, In lOOli. W. H. .Mallow, of Watdiington C. H., O., jiaceal tha- oval with hla go-al h-ri-e. Major Mallow, In the faat time of m>t only lowering flu- atate r<-eord, hut eatahllahlng the world'a record for the waaon of llkih on a halftnlle track.

'PiIk aaa-H'lation will alao give a race in--et- Ing July 7, aamalatlng of ten harneaa races ami a run each day.


Prof. Jami-a Wright wrltea that he returned to hla hi>m- In Ihiylon, C(.. .March ir», aft--r a tcair of ll.iaai nilh-a, which <«-cuplial a i-crtod of tliiK- fr-aii May .’I. IlHfi to Maridi I.'. Iturlng that time he ma-lc l.’)7 au'-ceaafiil latll-a-n am-en aloiiH. He aa.vK thia was hla haiincr season. Me will r-niialn In l>a.vtoti until .May 15. when he will oja-n with the .\m«Tlcati Amiisvment 0>. at Ijitirang--, Iml., -m a twenty w-a-ka’ e-aitrad.


(). Shelby, of the Shelby Amusement Oo., aiimaincea the o|>culng dales of hla varioua ittraotloiia aa f-dlowa: Slielhy St-a-k Caanpany iimh-r canvas, ojM-ns June 5. with Walter Shelhy aa manager. Th«- Shelhy Ml-lvvay 0>mi>any. with eight sliowa ami numerous conocsaloas. riding dcvl-a-w, ami cv-ncert Imml. opens Ma.v 2. Otto ' Sls-Itiy will han<lle this outfit. Tlie No. 1 Fire- , works (’--mpany will Is- iimlcr the management f>f t'at-t. Jule Sh--Ihy. ami will play parks. Shel hy's Fair Clrmilt --i-ens .August 2. with m-w at tracthms. Ttu- t««>klng of the attractions la lii the hamla of I,. N. .McNeal, Mt. Vernon, O.

The Harvels (Marionettes) are tak¬ ing life easy In New Orleans since finishing Wm. M-arla’ S->uth--m time. Mrs. Marvel haa re- I turne-l to tlH-lr liome In St. Ixsila.

Cai>t. David I.Atlip, the high diver, la hull-ling a is-w high diving outfit. Me will atari hla a« a--on in H.-aton. Maas. The outfit i thl- a.aa..n will la- ninety f--et high. I

J. K. Ooodinp has hooked his merry- ] go r,-am-l, F--rria Wheel ami Muiiian K-ailctte |

‘ with th-- Jolin II .Smith Sle-w and Huffal-i Hill WiM W.-at. ,

Mr. TI. H. Tipps. of the RoatiI .Amuaciiient r-anpany, left Maivh ll> for Hii -ago. wh.-re he will frame up for the coming

j aeaaon.

i Nina, the famous painting, closed ■ their eiig.igem«-iit in N'.-w Orieana hist w-a-k. | j having --xhlhlt-’il -m Canal strva-t ain-’c Mar-H " I liras. I ^ .T, tioorge T>*os is In charge of the |

Plantation, ami Marry la the- big t--p j Plaiitalh-ii man. with Young Hros.' Carnival 1

<>>, I

Mrs. Frank Blitz has made arrange- i menla to hav.- the Idtlle Kigaslan Prince Join ■ I tl(c W.-stcott Fnlt.-d Shows. I

I A letter from Jack Shields, now* In I Hritiah M-'n-hiraa, saia that he will lami In N'l-w

Orh-aits In a f-w -lays, |

F. M. Sutton writes that his company : will oian .April 4 In S aithern M..aa-airl. j



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LARGEST HOUSE IN AMERICA We send no cstaJogue and ship no goods to consumers. Have you got our catalogue, “The big one?"


BtrMtnMO, Vendors, Oftiia B«ck snd Knife Bosrd Men. High Fitch end Fish Pond Opsrstors. Street Fair sad OsmlTsl Workers, Trsyellng Medidas Bbows, Clrcnses, Anc- ttoneers, OoaceasloD- slrM, Premlnm OIt- era, Bcbemlsts, M. O. Men sad Oeoersl Mer- chsats.

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And there

Is nothing









Mlddl- t-urv Vf . Mar- h 21 -*1 .'-HO in rarv- vrcniltmi**. two ri^c**** g

fr.-.* «!1. ni»it tli*. of n of fn- tnritr «tiiKp rni'%'* f'»r rogr oM colt*, or ten r*icr« In will N* nmonir tho f*‘*tnro« of th** t'fHintv Fiilr, whi'h to b#* tn’M ] liPTf .\MCH«t S*'t't**Tnt***r C ThW I

♦ho Orpen Mountain ('Irciilt Ii*cln4t1njr : MIMIphiirT.«1. Viilr llarpn. Mancho^tor an.l Smith \Valllnirf‘iril ofT.rlnff an airirn'catp

«'f altoitt In lil.iaat t<» HI ho «iH nt a* n«oial

on afk*>r1a1 attraction^. Ttn* aivflptv !ia* twenty

eiiriit T'cT^anrnt lailMInc* an*! a ra*ti fitiTovt^s lM*«I«1«>a aiWMflo'tal cr-Hintla. which

will l»e ofx«n*‘i1 to tho |nihl|c for the flr*t time

thl* T«'air. *<»nie «»f the hiilhlinir* Nine Tnttml to the a«Mlrlon In or*lor !«> apace N*

♦n'-^’n tlH*tn. Till* T»nrk «*f the aA«*lctT I* h^atei In the

heart t'f NfliMhiktirr illlag*' givinc to the fair an linrIraliHl location Tiie r«‘c»in!* of thl^ ao d.iy ar.‘ $n ota» flMaa> annually


Till* \i*ar’* man^ir**n»ent of the Mi'hama State

Fair, to Ikc h»’M at lllrmlnehatn. Ala . (Vti'her <1 1* le pu*hlnc the prellmlnarr work.

Frank T* Chance. wh*v^ a.hlreaa I* No *’h »nlM-r ‘‘f t'ommerce tlntltllnc. IlItTnlncham. 1* tlH» aecfctanr.

The' \1ahama State Pair haa niaie a ierl«1*'*1 Incpi a^e In pretnluni* haa an up to date and ^*•11 (Hiulthp***! rrounda. and ofTera a fine opiwir

tunitv to «how iM'ojile ami roncea*lona1rea who

Inten,I maklnr tiie S<i*itherT> Fair rirnilt thia A*'ar rlrnilt la 1a*uIavHle SeptemN'r 1? IT Na«liTnie. S**pt 10?.*; Mi^mphla Septotu '•* r ?7 i^'t 4: Itlrmlneham, iV’toiw'r d if^: and Montg..Turry gnd Miintwrllle .Ma.. and Polumhua.


Terre Haute Tnd . Mar.’h I'' \ fl Tl en * 'mr»ment nlll h*'td In Terre Haute. Mar • .V* et»cRnunu«'nt prt»t*er la to Ite held

”e data We4ln«**«lar Tiuir^lar Frhiar .‘f the Week of Mar 20. hut the bu*lne«a men have ^•’V,»n h«»l«l of the affair with tl>e Intention of ^ •’Vlng the ••ntire x\ o«*k a ifala eT**nt ITu* ilcil V it'on of the Mo1«1ier*a monument a monater pa ’ naval dUpla.v atnl hattle will l*e amonif th,- foaturea.

records made at FAIRMONT.

\V Va Marr-h 10 Tli.- third au ■.nniinl f.i|r ,.f Fatnn-viit Fair 4a.--»*!atl-»n will

glv-'ii M..|.t r. s Whll.- rtila aaa.<.-lall..n l« ■•’’v tlirra- yi-ara nld. yi-l tli--r havo mail- r— “r»la -a-'h y-ar aln-a- th- iwganlvalh-n TIh- firwt '■'■r that -if tiMHi ttita na.-a-latl-Hi -atat<1l«hi'-l a r-’w ra— r—-r-l f—r IIm* Slat-- —f \V-«t VIr ginla. wh-n D-wi-v ()., -Irlv-n l-y Jaa Hiirna. of

Fa.<ston, Md., expects to have the gtv-al-at fair In Its history this year. Tlie P-nnaylvanIa rallr-vad will run exoiiralon* friwu Ik'Iaware during th-* fair, which will In-'r-as.- th- att-mlance ctm-ld-rahly. Th- dates are Au(nist 2:t 2»>. M. H. Nlcli-ds is w-tTCtary.

Secretary II. C. Kruse, of the Ben- l-m C-sinvy Fair, whl-^i Is to b- h-ld at Vin¬ ton. la. .--.-pt. d 0. sa.vs that more than $l.iaa> will b-> si-ent for frt-.- attracthms


Tlie su-'cess of a scenic production d-i—B-Is on many jieople ami the way In which th-y wiu-k t-v-'ther. Hut -vne of the most Imisirtant of thi-se Is the artlsis. Two of the imiet prac- tleal ami evi-erlcm>-<l wenlc artists In Chicago arc P. J. IhvnIgan an-1 his brortier. L. F. Doul- gan. The DonIgan Brothers are reaiwnalble for the aid-nill-t st.s'k pnaluctlons sh-»wn f-w the last five seasons at tlie Hush Temple and P-sv plc'a TTicatrc St-vek C-wnpanlcs. With aoiira-w of th-lr w-irk and the fine c-dorlng an-l atten- tl.m to -l-talls. P. J. IVonlgan and L. K. DonIgan atv- well kn-nvn all over the c-aintry. TTiey slarfml their professhm In Chicago ami have ha-1 • vast eviH-rlenee In the leading studios , ami th-atr»‘« of the rnltisl .siat-s. .\t pr->s.-nt Ihi-y are pr-alu-lnc s—nery for all theatrical an-l amuv.«ment piirpom-s at their own studio In fhi -■ag-t.


TTh- Worlil's «;r«'«tesl Novelty Company, of tTneInnatt. O.. wish to announce to the Park an-l Privilege pi-ople. that their adv<wfIsemenf. which waa lnsert«Hl In TTie BlUh-utnl Sjuing Sia- elai. illd not c-mtaln a cut of their new .\u l-wnatle Baseball Came. On amUher page of this numlHT, an Illustration In the ad pictures this amusement d«'vlce. wlileh works aiitofnatically. Is sut-stantlal and p-'rtahle. Mr. J. E. Oar rette. gi-n-'ral managi-r of the coanpany. wouhl like to hi-ar fr-wn all hla frlemls. who folhnv tlie park husin-'ss. an-I glre full partl-nilars re ganling this new amusement d»‘Tlee.


James H K-lly, formerly manager of the Winter Oapli-n at New l>r1.>ana and n-eently ii-anager f-w th.- Sullivan A C-wishllne Circuit In the Southwi-st. haa eonneetml himself with the National .\mns<>ment C-v. of M-wtston, T-v.. and In future will act aa n-s|d--nt mams-r of their new the.itr--, the Imiw-rlal Orande.

Adolih Sehwarl*. general manager of the National .Amnai‘m--nf Company, has recently h-s-n on a f-atr of Investigation and will shortly purchase m-veral new theatpes In the larg-r eltlea of Tevas.


AZ-U-LY-KIT Wrile for samples and prices.

NATIONAL CANDY COMPANY, Chicago. We also make the new style Fan Pop Corn that

sold so last summer

WANTED-IN LUNA PARK, MANSFIELD, 0., A few high-class amusement devices In Luna Park. .South Side, Mansfield. Ohio; also practical

restaurant man to build and oi«Tate restaurant and general refreshments. Exceptional inilueeineuts

offered to practical park men with good propositions. Address G. W. BAHL. Mansfield, Ohio.

SHOW Bost For Lease I or sale. S.'atlng capacity 45u; electric lighte-l. ' ““““' ' - n n Now <,n the Mississippi river. Address MLR- TELL, 419 Victoria Bldg,, St, Louis, Ho. f

WANTED—A g-j-Hl Calliope, new or second-hand. imSt

Write price and full particulars to THOS. FOGG, 4

• care Show. West Point, Georgia,

MANAGERS-.-NOTICE I ' , JM We have an Opt-ratlc Musical Comedy Co., or- « . - • ganized 4 years; now playing. I..arge repertoire. i First-class comiiany. I’refer parks. Traction !* coni|>aiiy and alrdome managers write. Address 1 - _•... RIGGS-BURGESS CO., care Family Theatre, f * Brazil, Indian(n . l

We have on hand and for sale, at greatly re- duc-'d prict-s, second-hand weighing scales, card,

pltH-trlc machines. Write for lo UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., 1407 S. 7th Street, St. Louis, Ho. —j

GRANADA & FEDORA IH'Us»-s banilling ths-m. Fine side line for show aaB so •■ra • wm ■ p->>I«Ie, agents, and drummers. ELITE NOV¬ ELTY CO., 401 Navarre Bldg., St. Louis, Ho. <Ireat-st drawing can! for parks and fairs. The

Miinian Elephant on the high cahh-. .Vhove cut THEATRICAL SUPPLY HOUSE shows the male niemb*'r of the duo slliling -m his Coatumes and Wigs In atock and mads to or- head on the cable. A-hIr-‘Ss MEKR <;UA\.\DA. der. Bai>ecially equlmted for aupidjlng Stock Graiiida Villa. Akron. t(hio. Eastern ad<lress, and Rr(>ertoire Coa. ROBT. SCHHIDT, S06-208 207 sth Ave , New York Citv care Cohn’s S. Fourth Street. St. Louis, Ho.

R™.,,??'- Wanted-Musicians and Performers »11 ‘‘In,Is. who double brass; Band I.eader in-’ii. S»'n,l to day.

LINWOOD FLINT, North Waterford. Haine. ‘’la*"* ‘‘la.ver. Okolona, Miss., March 21 23; .“tarksvllle. Miss., March 24-20. We pay all.

IVrformlng IV>g8. Addri'ss WMimoX A C.VNNOX’S MUSICAL .STIX K CO. t-KO. »>1{.\M, Ih-an, (>hlo. F->r sale, waterpr,s>f Tent. 2ttx('-.'>. S ft. s. w., i-des and stakes, J4.5; »1.'. .town. halan,-e C. O. D. BAND ORGANS FOB SALE. ETC.-48 key N.

T-m. make. In fine shape; pin cylinder or pai-T WANTED—For J,nies Bros.* Wild West. Side PlH.v**r. same make; have two and only m-ed oii«-;

show attractions. lady contortionist, musical WANTED-A'TJaV^ D act, cnrltisitM's and oth«'r CDtcrtaluinj? piaiH* pla>*T, who pla>s vaudevilh' and pietur**!*; f«'nnan<*4‘>»; aNo one more oriental dancer. JAS. wno can sin>r ilhisirat»*<l W. BEATTIE. SOS E. Lewis St.. Fort Wayne, *1"-' '* K?*”' Irish dls.solv,-r. W..,ild like to

' hear from shows an-l acts <H<ming this way. Indiana. Will take on a live partner, as my printing hus-

Iness -It mands my attention. J. MENKEI. MEN- FOR SALE—1 TiM-rmometer, us-al one season In RY. Winchester. Va. Five peanut, candy, choc park; cost JUa*. will s,'ll for $10tt cash. Great olate and chewing gum comhlnallon vemling ma- money g--iter. J. E. NELSON tc CO., 48 River chines for sale real cheap, at less than half; Street. Chicago. good Uhuiey makers In towns where allowe,!.

BAND ORGANS FOB SALE. ETC.-48 key N. T-m. make, in fine shape; pin cylinder or pai-T play-U', same make; have two and only n-'ed oii<-; als-i hlg electric sign. “EMl'IRE." for sale: skates, etc. W.WTED—.V Trap Drummer and l>laiM> i'la.>-‘r, who plajs vaudevilli- an-l inctur«-s; one pr-f-TT-tl wno can sing illiistrat-'d songs. Will huj a gsvi Irish dls-solver. Would like to hear from shows an-l acts <H<ming this way. Will take on a live partner, as my printing bus¬ iness -It mands my attention. J. MENKEI. HEN¬ RY. Winchester. Va. Five peanut, candy, choc olate and chewing gum comhlnallon vemling ma¬ chines for sale real cheap, at less than half; good Uh-iiey makers in towns where allowcl.

32 X ti e B i 111> o a r d MARCH 1910.


Val<l<mtii, (f«.. Man'll 14. Kiiitor The I!lin»>ai<l.

4'iiii'liiiiati. Ohio. Sir I'ti'ani' all ctinfrlhulioii'i to the

I.ano auil Williams riiml. Howe's tlreat Ixnilon Show nianattomont pot our Mr. I.ano, atul a oil- lection triHitrihutloiiB acknowltilpoil hclowi aa sistoil .Mr. Williams. Wo won the cam', hut Wire fi nnil piiilty of not replsterlnp ami were tlneil nine'.v lia.vs or thlrt.v five iloliars.

'I'll inks for, all your kimlesas. Voiira very tnily,

1). I..kNO.

C. II. I'r Ms. Siiiis. liilljHister Mr. Uoliiii'oii .

I'lckert Co. .Mr. Kicks, o|ier.i lio Jimmy .\<lams . K. I’. Karl . I.a Vanls . H. M. Van . Tom Ki.elini n . Ciisirp" Ware . Snjihrs .


Ion. eili ileteellve, Valiln ita. $ l.OU « Oil 2.00 9.00

1.00 11.00

1.0;) i 1.00 I l.OO 1.00

1.00 I

l.OO 1.00

! Hill.v Williams and his wife, Mamie, of faniona Mamie Show fame, after s|M‘iiili'ip a oiuple of iiKHiths on llie fanii. ilown In Imlia'iH, are m»w at Col. Kerarl's winter iiuartera in liar- rlsbnrp, prenarinp tlu'lr show for the i-oniiup season.

Princfss Dixie. the well-knowr. la<ly animal trainer, haa joiiMsI Col. Kram-is Ke

! rari's Tralmsl WHO .\nlmal .Vn-na for the coni > Inp m-ason. ami is now at Ilariistmrp. trainiiip

a proitp of animals which she will pn'si'iit on IIm- , n>a<l.

\\'m. Dwver, of the Smith Orealer Siiowa. la takinp a course of hatha in Mot Sprlnpa. Dwyer was Kitten hv a larpe python several weeks apo. ami hIs trlji to the Sprlttps w-ta marie uiion the aOvice of his physician.


■*I>eafv" .. Mr. Whlteley . l.OO lli'nry INjok . Dean . .Shorty . Capt. Ameiko . l.l

Total . $;i!i.:

. I

Col. Franrd.-t Ferari’s No. 2 Show, I wtilch has Ini'n In South America for the past ' nine mmiths. has lieeiaiie om‘ of the talks of the , cimnlry. Kots-rt McPherson has marie a hip i fait witn Ills proup of lions.

' Glrdia May Pavi.s, one of (he larjfest ■ wrmien In the world, iimler tue nianapenient of

Sam J. Dulaney, will either play .Atlantic City, ' or join a carnival eompan.v tbia aeason.

SIS TO S3S A. DAY Thit la what yon



Krii, Pa.. .March 10.—Rahv Jim. siiihmskhI to he the larpest man In the workl. is rai exhihl- tlon in Krle. TIk' et>nipan.v of five [xHude ar¬ rived in Krle last Tliiirwilay ami ois'ned up a nniseuni on State strr-et. Hiihv Jim. whose name Is Janies Simmons, was Isim in Ih'amnont. Tex., and weip4it-d thn'f isninds at hlrth: at the ape of six niiHiths he liepiin to take on fiesh. and has been dotnp so t-ver sime. He Is at pres ent. 22 years of ape. ami welphs 79.5 pounds. He was welplieil on the elt.v scales last week before The Bllllioard re|>r«“sentatlve. HIs wife, wlio is at present with Jim. leaves Satiinlay nlpbt for Beanmont, Tex.. thr>lr old Isaite. wliere ■IS' will visit her old frlenrls.

f'harles Klopot and J. OuK'r are with the ahow.

CTesswell Jonea la the treasurer ami manaper of the m'W miisetrm. while Josejih Schlelwrl Is Bahy Jim's manaper.

Mr. Sctoldierl ami Baby Jim have Isu-n playlnp time on the dlfferrmt vaudeville elrruilts until Mr. Jonea enpaperl him to iM-come a part of the mnaeiim.


can earn by op¬ erating our 1910 Model Telo Ca ai era Stope. and we can prove It. Thla machine takea and deliver* alx picturea In one minute. Price of complete out¬ fit of Telo Cam¬ era Sco|>e. with

•r V auppllea for mak- |i A Ing picturea I ■ I (enough * - for the complete

outfit, with a pro¬ fit), $25.00. Out Wonderful Ferro¬ type machine makee three atyle* of picturea on

plate 1Atx2^, and la reversible for takinp groiipa on the length of plate, and button pic¬ ture*. Button platea to fit any button machine. 9Uc per 100. Framea, $1.50 per gross. Mount*. 20c to SOc per 100. Developing powders, 20c per cet. Send $5.00 deposit with all orders; halanoe C. O. D. Write for free catalogue. NFW YORK FERROTYPE CO.. Dept. A. Ealancey Straat, Hew York, H. Y., TT. 8.

Mason Citv. la.. March 14.—Cooeesaion man¬ ager* from flfte<‘n or sixteen Northern Iowa ami fksithern Minnesota town* will he h<>re March 2». The**' fair maiwpers wUI hold the meeting for the purpose of petting topetlier for the aeeiirlnp of aniuaement attractions for next iwa son's fairs. The various hooking apt'iicie* have been notified of the date when this meeting will be held, and their agents will gather here to confer with the managers.

The representatives of the fairs present will gather in the evening for a rmimi table. This will tie a valuable feature of the meeting. At this meeting talk* will be given b.v the men a* to their varloti* exnerienee* In seenring attrac¬ tions ami eoneesslona.

Varlou* matters iiertainliig to the coodurtlng of fair* will be dim-iisse<|. This feature should prove of great worth to those attending ami to the fair* they represent.


“Get Busy” “Thla gets the top money." Order quirk. Price $.1.'i until A|>ril 15; after that price will l>e $.5(1. Each machine guarantaed perfect. I’atent |iend ing; Infringi'ments will be prosecuted. Address. African Dip Co., Box $4. Zanea- Tills. Ohio.

\V(* aro hpadcjiiartcrs for till kinds of pocnls for sclicnu' intii, pn'iniuiii users, etc. Ilcre is :i ptirticukirly Ktronji item:

Columbia Shaving Outfit ronsistinK of (<iliiiiil>i;i llollow- pnHind Hiiijiinj: Steel Ha/or, Ha/or Strop, Shaviii): Soap. Hnisli ami Chimi Miiji. XothiuK on the in.-ir- ket to (spial it at oiir s|a*eial price I'aicli in leatlien'tte ctise. Price, .*>8.00 pep dozen sel«.

Price, per set, 75c. inKXI) I'OK oi’H ('.\T.\i.(H:n:




242 E. IVIadison Street, Cliicago.


e s t u z z 1 e

O n Earth You’ll Find it the And Then Some.

Don’t let the other fellow get the cream of this new propositon—send 10c to-day for

samples and get in first. 5^ MOWRY, Puult Maker, Middletown, Conn.

$48.00 IN THIS FOR YOU 771

^^Tspearmint Pepsin Cium


FOR 1 CENT -each slick sraiqHd mparately Packed '20 |mrkage< to lh<' hux -do Ihix*-* to the ea«

In a pink wrapiH-r. 1.200 .5r (laekages e««l you only Sl'J.iai -you sell It for Sue i*i. .YOUR PROFIT $4S.OO.

We pay freight.

DI-GESTO COMPANY, Rochester. N. Y.

Vincent J. Quinn, the well-known clreua and carnival agent, la*t summer ahead of the PII beam Amusement C«.. and thla winter ahead of .McDonald'* Ea«t Lynne Co., ha* signed for \

the coming season with the Welder Amnsement Co. a* g»»neral agent, opening May 2.


The Paiifjcher Carnival Comnanv i <qiene,i its siirnmer season at Cland. Ml«s. Man-h 7. .tmong the sho-w* are Carl Beasley’a Big Snak*"*. Slg. Bassay Lunette. Porester’a O’ass I Blmvers. MIkiilaky'a Vaudevlle. Mlller'a Min- j atrels. Slim Ellson'a Eleetrie Theatre, Bauscher’s ; Stadlirm. Branyan’a Jungle Show. Barnett (Vtii ! pua. Two Vans high divers; Stepheno'a . Band, a numls'r of eoneesslona and riding deeieea.

F. H. Patrick, the well-krown car- ; nival showman and agent, will he general repre sentative ami manager of Col. Ferarl’s Traln<si Wild .tnimal -Irena for the eominc season: last , season he was ver.v successful In nlaclng the f'olonel'a show in many good towns. Thla winter ! he ha* been managing the loo for Col. Ferarl at | Harrishnrg. Pa., which baa been hla most sue- j eeasfiil winter xoo In many seasons.

J. H. Johnson Is completely over¬ hauling hi* penny arearte. and It will go out looking like new thla season. Hla Merrimae and Monitor show will l»e put aside and the front entlis'ly remodeh-d ami done over ami one i of the best high-class vaiiderPle shows In the I carnival Imsiness placed tvdilnd It. Tlie work I 1* b<'lng done at the winter quarters of Col. j Francis FiTarl. Harrisburg. Pa.

Walter H. Reed, director of the Boat Club Clreiis. which I* to he held at the State .Imiort'. Schem'ctady. N. Y., Thursday evening. March .51; Erhlny evening. .IprP 1. and Ss.t j unlay aftemofst and evening, .\prll 2. la In New | 5'or): City looking over tlie field ami signing m> contnaet* fia- a numlier of tdg acts. Vic licvltt Is hi* local representative.

The Knoxville Police Relief .\ssn. of , Knoxville, Tenn . has aigm'd a eonuitlonal e*in I tract with Johnnv .T. Jones' Ev’ioeltlon Show* | and T-alned Xnltnai Evhihitlon for the week of Anrli 21 2*'*. .\ eoimnltl<'e frr«m the .Issis-latlon j will visit the (vaupany at .lohn«on City. Tenn.. I where thev will he .\prll 19. when a final decia I ion win )s> n-aehed. I

Col Fernri’s grrotip of i'«»or.".rd9 and iagiiars. with D-on Sostman as tra'ner. has ' Is'cn plavlng a nimitsT of moat aueccasful vaud**. '

rlBe dates thl« winter, and ha* been the hit of every hill the act has heen a part of. They have a4'veral weeks hooked yet. tiefore eum- menelng the n>ad a«'a*on.

Wintermute Bros,’ Wagon Show.

iW.VNTKD-.V few Performers doing more than I one act suitable for a small wagon sliow; season

o|M'ns May 7. Addr.'ss HARRY WINTERMCTE. 1 Fort Atkinson. Wia.. R. F. D. .No. 2.


Want Performer*, man and wife doing two or

iiior*' art* In Rig Show; .Nllile TVomtsine and

Rarltotie for Rand. .Vddress KEN.NEDY BROS.'

SHOWS. Tii.scunil>ia, .\la., till Aiirll 1.



-For terms, address —

C. A. HOFFMAN, 473 Eighth St., • Oakland, Calif.

WANTED —For town of 2.50<i, a few dates with small st<M'k eonipautes; also vaudeville acta to run in connection with lectures; lots of op*-!! time. D. .\. HL'TCHIXSOX, Magnet Theatre, lionok •. .\rk.

UNION MOVINO PICTURE 0PERAT0R8 -K>-a<l again, and SEt: RKiCJEU A BIIKIKK adv., page t'rlg Bllllioard Spring Special; It’s money to yisi and them too.

WANTED—For high-<'Iasa picture theatre, .Man Piano Player and .Singer, orchestra work; steady ismition: g<Msl wagts to right man. IDLE HDI'R THEATRE. Als-rdeen. S. D.

NOTICE ! HAROX A. DE BARSCY. 5.51 East .5S|h Street, XEW YORK, hereby wlshea to state that all mail from January '2Stb until March .5th, Itelng aildressed to him has gone astray and deslr*-* to bear from all that have written him to eoiiiuiuiiicate with him again. HIs two first elass FYeak*. the Hungarian Bearded I.ady and her son, XICU, the .MHHiET are sllll avallalile for summer season 1910.

Wanted-For Nathan Bros.’ R. R. Shows Coiut'dy Bar Act. woman to do Iron Jaw Inside and high wire ontside, Tron|>e Doga and Ponies and Bucking Mule. Few more gmsl cirriis ao>* write. Want strong free attrartlon, Bosa Can vaanian who can handle lights, also Workingmen. BIII|Kmters. Will liny, nil, white and bine Marquee, small iiusb |sile tdit and stake puller. Bolle A Weyer light* Few prlvllegi-s to sell. Show tqien* April 1.5. State lowest salary and all In first letter.. IIARX B. NATHAN, Managsi, Box 127, Wilmington. North Carolina.

AM CHANTICKLER Park Manafiers! Concessionaires! CiO INTO THE C:HK:KEN Ht.SINEVS. CiET


Carnival Men! I am Chanfickler't

Good Hin


Por Parks, Fairs and Carnivals The (IREAT CRAZE, Fl’X MAKER and most SEXS.tTIONAl* walk Ihrruigh amnnement device ever pn-si'iiteil to the amusement world. A ronlliimiiis rolling wave of ITN. LAECHTER. and GOOD CHt:ER from Is-g1nnlng to end, and a CRA'/.E after.

To be a R4)OSTER, or HEX, or even a DL'CK for ten niliiiite*. will make yon I-AIKHI a« you never LAl'GHED iM'fore. The tiallyhisi i-clliiws anything heretofon- known In the amiiM'iiieiil line CHAXTICKLKU will iiay for lls<'lf within s<'v< ii day*. It will repeat Ilk*' a gissl HEN It a HOT STCtT. A CORKER. A WHIRI.WIXD MONEY GinTKR.

FOR BALE-RIGHTS, PI.AXS AND SI'KCIKK'ATIOXS. Mechanical features eov< r<'d liy [tending meehanleal aiul design patents Literature and niollo»-s cstvered by I’. S, isiiiyrlghts. ami name pivitected at a trade-mark.

-For further Information, address-

Copyright! L. Xi

<1 1910, by gley A Co. S. L. NEGLEY & CO., 3844 Osgood Street, CHICAGO, ILL.



MARCH 26, 1910, riie Billboord

H. C. WALKER DENIES IT. i.n.l Tti.’ I.iviiiKst.m Trio, Tlo WOULD NOT CARRY ANIMALS. M;iiil<»s. '111.- I'anniti Troiipf, iiml Iho Irlo o' ■ *■'•""* •■illolli-. , j Tlw I»aiiiil l{<Mjiic oil Hit- 'Irail t'o. lia<l a

Wl'li aiirli a larKf arra} of tali-iit as ''•^l uaiili asaiit fxio rit iice a f< » days aH ’ lln-ro, it Is oasy to JuiIko of tla- wit of «ill, i,,,. (;iuij,| 'iruiik U. K. to., at llattlo lalilo ri marks ami tin- iin rit of tlio iiiaiiy toasts ^ j.

Tin- Bllllswnl Is 111 r.-o. li.t of a i-ominiiiili'a il.m from Mr. II. f. Walker, asking that the folIiniltiK news HltiT.v. w till'll aiiis-arod In a ro .•ont Issue of an alliirisl unils'-iiient paper, tie ileiileil ovi-r his Hlcnatiire



iivi-r hls Hlkn.lnre " n'rs: ''o7‘.iir"'.ms,' he nientiomsl fharles Uol BIO PICTURE CIRCUIT FORMED IN THE lalre, who oltinatisl as master of eereiiionU's,

WEST. atnl n lohliiioii to toasts, ititroiliietions and - - hii'iiiess remarks, displayed his skill as an 11-

One Hundred One-Nnht Stand Theatrei on the liisionls!. lo r inemher the order of names

Two Wolves are a part of tlielr production. wUleli the railroad refuss-d to i arry, uecessital iiig maklii(i one statid witlioiit them, ami ar riving' late for the Jackson. .Mhli., euKaKeaieiil.

J. W allace Clinlon, maiiairer of the Company

Merry-Go - Round FOR SALE!

Walker-Jencki Time Plan Summer


, . , “ ua. „ j,., carried tna animals thirty weea.-. of the many who res|H, with hiasta wouhl e.vpeiienee.l no .lithcultv la-tore, am lie an ini|os-.|ldli.y. hut a few of '•“'ni can cotisiiieis ttie union of the railroad a rank in in*t Justly b»* Mr. .Mc.Mahoii was rea<!.v ju.niirf. at any uml all to s»*t ll»<* In __ _ linitflit.r. TliMi. uli> will for«*i the p sihmi«o*s 1 oLid^vA/ r-/^r» vAi 11 ■--a. .-v^ nf \VaIt*T SliaiiiioiiV (Jforj;** Atkinson al>o tliil I NEW SHOW FOR THE WHITNEY, Ills -hare of tin- merry makilii:. Doth the till | hties pie-eiit. .VI. stid fharles. came forth with xhe Whitney tliiera In Chicago wil, Stiiiising sfon. S. while Iloh .Stickney, tin- veteran | he or-cuid.-d on March 'M by William .Norris.

-.isi Ilerscliell S]iillinnn Carousel, u.sed only 10

l..y-. e\, ry till.ig g-esl as tn-w; com|dcte with

■ • '-r ami organ. SJ.issi o’ash. Call or adilrcss

of the railroad a rank in

« r.-snll of n conferem-e la-lwn-n 11. C. i„|,ci,,..r linn. win. will forg Walker, of .Vts-nlecn. .^t. !».. who la at the Walter Shannon'; loorg.- .1 lu-ad of the Walk.-r TlinitrIcal Circuit, which pi.. -hare of tin- merrv making emhraces alssit rtfty Insi—s in Miiiin-Kota and pi.-ciit. .VI. stid Charles, the n.-ikotas. a'Hl viaurhs- Ji-mk-. of Iowa (1ly. while Ih.h .Stic! la., wlai directs the imocmeiits of the Jencks ,,, „,„i nr vt.e.- I,

H. H. G06dWIN, Point of Pines, Revere, Mass.


A CLOWN ! Iio-ikinirs In the fall and winter. tin-se


■It Is underst.ssi that lls-re will U- no van derllle arts featuiasl at an.v of the houses on this newly f-aniie,! Wslkcr Jciicks Moving I*h tnr.' Circuit istt a program of pictures and 11 -j- Instratisl si.ngs will Is- offered at live rents ad mlashtn. The minMiier esnipaign as planmsi hy Vlesars. Walker and J«-m-ks hsiks Ilk.- a g'»-l thinjr for the l.mns where ttn'lr tln-atres a-e Inraltsl. aa many of thetii are practieally with nut any fivmi of atiitisetnent during the • nvmtha. FVirth.Tniori-, the f.Hisolldatitm of tin- '' *’* elrnilts for thia picture will mi-an an evcluslve amingesnent with leading film isai To cems to furnish first nin atthj,s-ts. (

••m U.ST IN OllAKCK HERE. . hat «•

•Trank Ilurat. of tTitcago. will h>ok after tl»e ,j„. interests of the clis-ult here. s.-Ie<-tlng the prln .-ngMi elpal flhns, attending l<» their shlm.lng to tlie Walker Jencks liouses and dlsiswilng of other pn.f. taisinesa that wisild cswne iimW hls Jiirlsdlctl-.n helpl The joining batwls by .Messrs Walk>-r and Jeneks ,,im. meana that the tow tis In whb-h they operate '

ampers miieli m-«-e freipiently than It Snow, .Vlabel .Vlordauiit. .Vlyia lliooss. VVil.i. lirowii, .viuiii'iii ami St. Clair.

Call place a good knoi kills-lit c|o,\ n with hig show this s«-iison; slate salar.v. experience, etc. -V.Mres- J. 11. U., iloitl Imitana Ave., Chicago.


oj'.'l To Road and Stock Company Man-: ''ITJl” me wkiiier amcsemknt ro opkn.'J. .r . , , , . '-M KSON. OHIO. ON STREETS. APRIL AO to

le-l by agers. . Ann-sinei-ment is iiia.le that on Ibe night ol maV 7. First in tie.- y.-ars; thev an- all Imn 1 g'ssi - Muri'i-'ou "111 pi's.uce at gry; Tii.issi to draw from. All aii-w'.-.-

"w-lMi** Registration Itun-au of the Actors’ Fund liar, i." rulif.i i In- **1 p-Iart ^""vt I'-r'iliii *'piee' e'lio I* *lf i ri "I'l "'V,’ >-’'"“1 l'•■v ami '*■*'; Ibe following .-ireular letter vvbl.-h pas bud its run. Mr. VVii.iam'k. Zi.-gfeld will \Vr .- .'p.ick weTri.n'Vv 'wi'JV IT VVn iFR of the " ••‘'I-' k-m'tall.v read and aet«l ms j”' ' " "l-.ll'I.R


C A^LL ! iLOO K !

Anii.sin.-i-ment is iiia.l.' _ .Vpni 11. liei'iriini llurrisoii will pnsiuce at

„ _ Tbi- Zlegfe.d, a tliree-aet eum.-iU i.y Ih.ima- Tlie Registration Itun-au of the Actors Fund har,y. . all. ,i i m- i psiart. .Vti.-r iliis piee.

It Is li<.|Hsl will Is- g.-ii.-rally read and aetesl uis Coal ton. Ohio.


oVvM-.vNiEs':’^'^ CEDAR RAPIDS LODGE NO. 94. The Actia-s' Kum! makes this ap|H-al. We

hate on .sir Issdis .’.Tssi register.-d meaiitaTs of t eilar Rapids L.alge No. 114 will give Us Brst th.- .V. t.irs' Fuml. many of w-Is-m are o{s'n for annual ball at tbe Aiiu-rieaii .Vu.lltorium, Manb ••ngagesneiits f.a- the Kiimm.-r ami e.aning seaaon. Jii. Extensive arrangements liave b»s-ii mu.k-

( eilar Rapids L.alg.- No. 114 will give Us Brst


For Proctor’s Western Shows! tw^th ni«*n ami

in all hraiiwbe?* of tlK* i ami tli*» hMlirationn imini tuwarda a larji^e at- Th*»j arw» tfUiiam-

hi*Ii»ink; to mir irr«*at <iiarity. anil in rr> turn, tlw* F>iihI Is ilwslnais of them pr*»p-

Tu<» hiKli bark l«‘utb(T illvana have bt*i*u adil- *<1 t(» tiH‘ ruimiH. making a cozy and ci>m-

fh^lr legitimate NHkkinjr* «Ill g»*t tli^ *r**<*R* I to m»iiila>ra f«ir engag^'iiientH through 'HkkTe are no f^aiMuiKsionA cbarg*Nl (wrfoi niamt* fouiMl the WfUiHUt* mat out.

•:na w**re hUiNl with m<*ml»era of tbe

?.a»Try fiO Round Ijurnplng pr»*ft*m‘d>. (im <no graft*, twn in«»r«* tint tlnn’t

ri»nrtlv’f: singli* fn*»* a<'f. n»!on‘d iHTf'»riin*n<, ag»*nt oapabl** of gottliig iirograiii nml ad ban n»*rs; writ** nr wim <;Kt». I!. rUiH’TtMt. IbNme

tbe mmlng picture flhiui ami Inrld.-ntally prore Biir.*au. Tlie pmfewbm baa Kh.wn what It (;ra.e Van Studiiiford Ujara Company, whor‘d'*'- Manb 21 Jti a barrier to any pn>p»#e«l tennire of oth^ man- I ^'{n unfortunate nietnbera of Ita play«*<l at cire*'i>e*a on the I5tb, aud after tbe ag*Ta to install alinllar o|M"»«ltlon In theae I calling. wh»*n ttie aubject In put hef.kpe them In plaoea wi^lch wmiM not <mly nin <lurlng the aum- I pro^aT light. Many of tbe large proiliudng mer. but might c<uillnne through the winter. I manager* have agre«*d to nend to the t'und Bureau

>‘rf4»niianee fuuial tlie welcome mat out L. M. (jiraveH be<ame a member on March Wanted-A Musical Director!

and put a crimp Id the Nn receipts when making up tb.-lr the one night aland attractions, A stitch In I ii, itself, la very en.-.airaglng. but we time sav.-a many a .b.llar for the theatre man ager. and VIessrs. Walker ami J.-ncks are of thf opinion that they bail letter make one fell sco.^

m-e<l tlu» assistan.v of all managers In firder t.> make the m-w departure a succ«w. surli as It des,TTes In Itw efforts to Im-rease tlie mem-


hefig-e othera twat th.-m lo It *° ’*•*• I liendilp of the INind. (In<-rease of lliSi per cent ♦— -—— amus<-iucDts. other circuit- h«re i . ... been asked to Join In the West, and their „

sln.'e the ..(lening of the Bureau, one year ago.

Msmers are h.-liig anxiously awalte.! by the ^ ^^n,.raUy known that the Fund Walker Jencka Interests. have an Imtneiw htiildlng In tbe near fu-

Mr Walker aaya thin la aboolutely xrlthont ture. fp.m which a sufficient revenue may be Iindatlon that he has not even consldere.1 such -lerlve.! to pay the .-urn-nt exis-iises of our

I iimlierlaiid Lodge. No. ltd. T. .M. .V., held e iiieeiiiig iu regular form kumlay, Alareh 15. Some leiy interestiug business took plaee during the me*-ting.

Tbe T. .M. A.'s are giving a grand masked ball at gueen City Rink. April 12.

Cuinls-rland lesige belli Us Brst meeting, eleete,! idheers and Installed tbem in tlie City

i For Dog anil Pony Show In op«-ra houses and 3. : parks, one that eaii play idaiio; also a team

I that can do two acts. E. R. CR.V.VIER, P.NVS held iNaiglaa Ave., Wichita, Kans.

At Liberty-Announcer! Mr. Walker aaya nun la anmnuieiy Wltnotll lure. .rom wuieu a eumeieui ve.euue uia, oe ... .1 .... U.,. J I . 1,^ ,

ftaiDdatlon that he has not eren consldeml such -lerlve.! lo pay tbe .urn-nt exis-iises of our ele.-te.! idheers and Installed them in the City a move and who ever acared up this Item g-d great i-harity. FVir that reason we woul.l like Hall. wl.Uh burned .March 14. Tbe Acailemy of <i|»-iiings. aninsinee concerts, talking and It fnun unreliable s.nir.-es The Walker Iswisee all tnanag.Ts. both great ami mnall. to Join us I .Musii- was In the buililiiig. There was a spe singing clown. |iut on cl.wii acts; work In eon will play stork and Mad attractions this sum




in the great uidiuildlng of tbe membership. It I rial m ean be a.s-ompllidie.1 if tbe managers woulil give (osirge .\ctora' f-Niml Members the first chance when making up their cuin|>anles. In other words, memliersblp In the .Actors' JAm.! shotil.i he the first n-i|ulsUe to granting an Int.-rvlew to the actor, actrei*.. or .ithors In the ppifesslon when Edw

■lal meeting held .Vlari h 11. lo initiate William cert, hanjii. juggling act. etc.; part salar.v and of Washington.


part <s ncessioii. (JEO. .M. CRCK’KER. 2ir son Street, tireenshurg, Indiana.

Edward W. Towuseml's story eutitled. rhe

A hill was IntriHliicisI In the legislature of tbe rank and file of tbe profession. Can you Mass II I.iiw-tis by M IkiaigUss Klallerv. sitor not see your way to assisting us In this great ney f.w Wni. Mi’urls. Inc., to m-sllfy the Mi-«n- wiwk. by sending thnaigh tlie Fund for a* many Priicewi law. hy making it n.-cis>sary for the of your people as la ponsiMe. for both tbe

s.eklng eiigagi-tiients. We have among our mem- I .Mystery In pictorial form, will be re tiers both stars and working staff as well as - h-as.-d .VLareh 2">.

Don Fuluno. tbe educated borse, performs hit not see your way to aseistlng us In this great i usual marvelous feats in Badfonl's Claim, a w<Tk. by sending thnaigh tlie Fund for a* many j tin, which has Its rel. ase March 2!i.

Romaine Fielding and Mabel Vann

plaintiff to b.' an aetutl r.-s.denl of that s-ate or that the omtraet shall bate Iss-n made Ihi-r.-, By the pres4-nt law It Is |sa«>lUle for th«- idaln tiff to a|>|R-iiai-h Ibe defendant at tb.‘ m-sit era liarrasslDg moment for tb.- latter, either just as be Is sImmU to iMitrd a train f-a- an Uii|Ma-tant Journey, or to step ui-ai the stage. If he ho a perfoniM-r. and they must i>Uh.-r pay up. go to Jail or secure iMimlsman. whieh means delay. It may Iw readily wen that In such cases, a ■ lalni. whi-llH-r Just or ii-il. may be paid rather than forfeit a stage |h rfonuanee or a m-eesear.. Jisimey. JtHlge Brackett, who conduetisl the hearing for the is-tl: baiers. statist that the la» Is-ars bard on |M-rformers who. as strangers. • an rarely seeure l«sii!«nien and must i*ay e\

- . I April 1 Is the n-le.-ise date of Michael Strog- XT U spring, siinimi-r an.1 cisiiing winl.'r s.*asiin? j pff^ Jules Verne's storv of the a<lvcutures of tlie " "

Thanking you In advance for any csirtesy you ; Cxar's courier on his 'secret mission. TV.;., ..-.w L- may exteml to the .Actors’ l-Nind. lielleve me. | Espesially arranged for Edison proiiuction by 'n'»"«h.|

U«‘»p*H*tniUy rin)r%. Nt»rt(>n, ift Saoily. the Substitute, which THOMAS M(;GR-V'rH. ■ will lie n-leased .April H. Three Am

Registration Bureau Richard Harding Davis’ Her First " ‘ ..

In their one-act dntina

T H E .• C AS H I E R” week, .... (ir.ind, Cleveland.

Three AmeTican, .1(» ft. Box Ball Alleys, Richard Harding Davis’ Her First Appearance. new, ?t>(i each, f. o. b.; 1 .'(O ft. -Alley,

a special a-laptation of his famous story by the ^ *'‘1*1. *^15''** f- <>• b. WM. J. HOYT,

NEW PLAYHOUSE FOR DuBOIS. > author, is to be releasi-d April l.">. Box 467, Haverhill, Mass.

DiiRois. I’a., March 19.—DuRols Is exi>erl- enciug a Nsan tls-atrical. the outcome of which will be walclu’il with more than onllnary Inter est. Igiat week Jolin Brink l>egau Ibe dlsnian

I tllng of the restaurant building on hls Ising

COURT GRANTS INJUNCTION. FOR SALE -.'lO I’enny Arcade Machines, all

kinds, and electric idano, cheap for cash. E.

HILL, 6C7 Market Street, St, Louis, Mo.

After several sessions before the court In

orhilanr fees or go to Jail, and he Ihonght It property, and the Installing of appurte- Robinson and Reilly, of the American nim Ex unfair to allow a n‘«lilent of the state to merely nams-w of a motion picture atsl small time vau- change, I'Ittsburg. The ruling was that. Inas say he inti-nded to n turn and llien iM-rh.ips r.: .-o e i ’^e Amwlcan Film Service w^as i

Chicago, an Injunction was granted In favor of ; -Singers, si-iid stump for "I the American Film Service and against .Messrs, i " ouder What Iliey re Ihtiug t p In .Mars,” the

main away a nunils-r of vi-ars. while the actor, who cisild not make such a slatemint. niu«t Is- arnwlcd and sandbsggisl Into «•!tllng a claim.

HarxMy had the siwind of tbe carpenters’ tools | corporation under tbe laws of the State of Illi bei-ti iM-anl on the Brink building when a deal: nols, they should be protected against the use

I waa consummated whereby the American Vaude- of a name so similar hy an Eastern concern the basis of which mssl not N- shown. It was. Coeiipaiiy began negotiations with Uwal i>eie Mr. Robinson, of the .American Film Exchaiig

[. ; best cs-niedy song in print today; nmliitig like 1- It; and it's a big biisinesagi-tier for you. We a also have "IF I KNEW,” "Dnamiiig iu the Did

; .Arm Chair” and "Just Because I Live Yiai.” i,. three of tbe big headliners for lltlli. E. J. 1. i Ul'RDICK, Ixs'kiMirt, N. Y.

statisl at the hearing that certain lawyers of | aoiiilsltlon of the Beuslnger lot on of Pittsburg, says that he will take the case ^ WANTID - For Boyer Jiitni-s Show. sMs-r

Boston make a business of tlw i«olleeilim ol such claims, and Issue wis-kly a list of al actirs (ilaylng Boston for the Is-nefit of thosi who have clalma In coHis-t, and In many In unjuat clalma were clicil. Mr. Flat 'cry and Judge Rrackelt are its' fathers of tin bill to allow chlliln-n on tlw stage.

if tlw isilicctlim of 'Vest Iswig avenue, adjacent to tlie Hotel Ihi- is-kly a list of all Bois. Carl E. Carlton, repn-si-nrlng the vaude the Is-nefit of those vllle syrwUcate, effei-ted the deal, and gave out I and In many In 'he information that a nmdiTn playhouse, seating e' clii-il Mr Flat pootile, wouM be erectesl at once and would

Its. fsihi-rs .if Dll- Iw umli-r the iiiaiiagi-ment of the Lyric TtieafD'

to a higher court and Bght it to the last stand.


steady billisister; money sitre; year's work. .Ad¬ dress Prangap. Tex., March 2.-i; Lailiiiiia. 20; Honc.v Drove 2S. Clias. .St. Clair, wire.

Fall River. .Mareh 12.—Wm. I,. StiH'ker. man (Nmipany. who It Is claiiiu'il. controls a hundnsl | ager of the tJoenlc Moving I’icture Ttieatre. was or iiuio' housi's in Its- isunrtry. Butler being the fined f25 in irourt by Juilge John J. McDonough. m-arest to Ihi Bois. It Is roportisl that Punx-

RATS SCAMPER IN CINCINNATI, siilawni'y will Is' aiKbst to tlie list, the Star I ivnse - 'llieatre having bis-ii iwin-hasist at that town, it ws

Wntt.' Bats, If yisi were not In Clnclnnall Inst Frblay night. March IS. you nilssisl ont- • •f the Jolllcst timi's of your life, when lh<ss' of lilts thi atrical sis'lety who ha|iiM'iiisl lo Is' in t-iwn gave one of Its well kn'iwn soainis'rs at he Hof.-l Ji-ffiTsoii This was no seamp "scsmti

for inH'ratlng a plotim' machine without a li (vnse. .Although Sti'cker'a act was excusahlc. It was a violation of law. and the court was conilielleil to adminlsti'r a fine.

WANTED For Fracciim's Plantation Stiow -Col ored tfingi-ra and Dancers that cun ilouldc liaml; also .Musicians for on-histra; atate lowest salary and all in first letter. .Address .A. .M. FR.W Cr.M. Mgr.. Csillettsvllle. N. C.


WANTED AT ONCE—Colored Perfomiera for Minstrel and Plantation Show; must be g-'od singers and dancers. .Address CHAS. LEWIS, Deleon, Tex., until March 26; Baird, Tex., March 28 to April 2. WANTED -Manager for Moving Picture Thea n- ; March 28 to April 2.

,, in town of B.iHSi drawing population; one that ' .Atlanta. C.a.. Man-h 11laiiriMit IMitve, the ,_,i;e an Inten-st in the husines-s pn'fi rnsl; i FOR SALE —.s'l vi ral Merry iio Round

cr" Dhl-r f.w*'ur«'^''u.nrrr.?'’ McMilrhim * and Allaiitas tlwalres. dlisl this rooming „u.u,.iod.s.n In the town. Address \V. Vn Bros^ Kollain . Mi MscIwn and Fla. Mr Ixsilve Milll IsUh the I>e- I'li \| FXCHVNtdF Piedmont W Va

'rial iiray made ample preparation I"' half t;|ve Dis-rti H'si-e. now the Bijou, ami TTie liiindri'd or more that allenili'd I Grand, the first In 1}»74, and has been promt- PIT SHOW FOR SALE—Red Striped Tent 12x14

FOR SALE—Several Merry-ibi Rounds, with or without privileges; also jum|iing Isir-c macliinc. cheap. DSK.AR BFCK, s.'i Fulton St.. .I.iniaica. U I.. N. T.

Together with .lake Wells.

Ill the last few yi


identy to eat and drink, as is always the cas-' idciitlBisI with .Atlanta's tiM'atrcs f aeani|M"rs. alMint forli M-ar-. Together with .lake AVel

llie merry making and fcaallng cimimcncml al loiitrol of the Lyric and OnitW'Ui hat ii-st of baminet hmira. ml.ln glil. and con ,, Is-.-n at ttH> hel

llniU'd without lull <»r Intennisslon until two , , , , - irs ■•■ l.s-k In the m.wnlng. Mr. Rollare prcM.sI m.l raw that both feaat and enterlalnnicnl - Wire kept moving.

All the AVhlle Rata Ibi-n in the city turned BEAUTY SPOT CLOSES. 'It. with the exception of Mr. Fred Gray who. -

.s,ui:r.;r .'I-.':: :.o,:,!r:; _r n.j .;r,:,"""*■"""

‘dent aoi'lety waa not Ih*' oiil.v fraternal organi ’ I’Ion repreaenltsl, for, gnuipeit alssil Iho ban ---

tables were lo In' fmind a number of T NEW CHARLESTON THEATRE '1 A. ami niimenHis of the ’'anllerisl herd. _____

•Julie a pleaning feature of the event was . _» v tin- g.Mid re|»res.'ntatlon of the gentler nn'iiibe'-s fliarb-slon. AA . A a., Mari'h -1. Tl-e Kai f the profcMloii who aecoiiipaiilisl Ih.'lr liiis wha Theatre Comjtaiiv has broken groumis

bands so na lo lhare the g.ssl lime Then. Imi. Us new Ihealri' In Quarrler street here. 1 the large numlM-r of clreiia iw.Mde In allemlane.- building will ocoupy a site 70x20D feet. 1

^"V ft.. 6 ft. side walls and swell iiiiinimlBed Mcr maiil. with painting ; r.-i-d t w.-. k-; price, $l C. !».. tvr $X*i fisli with tU’ihT.

TKUKY OWKNS, Gon. O**!. Ware. Mas

FOR SALaR (’anN jn-r M. s r»*“l< of Film, one lot. St-rnl a il«*ji«»sit, will ship. MItS. S. M.WKK. loos Vifkeroy St.. Plttahurg. Pa.

VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS’i CIRCUIT. Toronto. Ont.. March 21.—The Reality Si>ot

closed Us si'asou at the Royal -Alexandra Thea¬ tre. here, last Saturday night, but after a lit- II.' over a wis-k of rehoasrals 'he company will iffs'n In Plttslmrg In a new musical comedy called TTie Gay Lieutenant.


AA’anIs Standard A'audeville .Acts of every description. AAV solicit corr'-spoiidcnci- from all r liable managers In this territory and Invite i-'-rformers to make our offleca tin-lr tn-aduuarters. Write now. 423-424 MURRAY BUILDING, GRAND RAPIDS. MICHIGAN.


fliarleslon. AA". A'a., Mareh 21.—Tl-e Kana¬ wha Theatre t'oinjiany has broken groumis f.>r Us new Ihealr.' In tjuarrier street here. The building will ocoupy a site 70x20d fet't. Tlie

• ** 14*r7 n^Hi'Worthy» ■in«»nc inh**ni u4T«* lh*h | 'M'nflnjf cApicIty will N'

The Smith Greater Shows


f,>r Season 1010 opens Anniston. Ala., March 2S. tinder the auspices of the Firemen, featuring the Tbe 1 Great Qnlncy. high diver. .Arnold the aeriallst. Prof, Alfonzo Scelsl’a Royal Italian Band from Tlie 1 Naples. Train-d AA'ild .Animal tTrcu«. The Hiirtllcrs and twelve other high class attractions. Can

us.' a first class show that does not conflict. Address until March 2.". Aloblle. then as per route.

X e B i 111> o a r d MARCH 26, 1910.


Maiia^ra aiMl IVrfomKT* an* r«>ap*ctfully raqwsfad to rontributa their datea for thla depart¬ ment. Route* must reach The Uillboard not later than Saturday of each week to Inaure publication.

Bentley, Mualcal (Majeatlr) Pt. W.*rth, Tex.; , t'IrcuiiiKlantlal Kvld.m-e (t'oliinibla) riuclnnatl: iMajeetlcl UallaH 2S Apr. 2. | (New (iranill Kraiiavllle. IimI., 2K Apr. 2.

Italiot, Tony A Kma (Orpheuiu) 8t. raiil, 2S Clark A Verdi (Ilijou) Sii|>erior, AVU. A|>r. 2. ChleaRo NewaNiya Trio, OriRiiial (Orjiheiiinl

Boya In Blue (Brand) Indlanapolla; (Coluniblal ('anton. O.; (Odoulali Krie, l‘a., 2K Apr. 2. Ciurinnatl 2S Apr. 2. Carlin A Clark (Orplieiini) Mobile, Ala.; (Or-

Buckley. l.<>ul«e, A Co.. (Driiheuiii) liunlliiR' pheunil New (trleann. I,a., 2'> .kjir. 2.’ Cheater A Brace (Teni|de) Brand Itaplda, Mich. ClermonCa Jean. Clrciia (Oridieunil iN-nrer.

(Burlew) Charleaton 24

BnotE. S.lma (Hathaway'*) New B<-dford. CIKT, I.addle (Orpheuni) Bnaiklyn; (Shea'a) .Maaa.; (Ilathaway'ai latwell 2S .\pr. 2

Barry A Wolford (Colonial) N. S'. C, pheuni) Br<a>klyn 'Jb .\pr. 2.

Bryant A Jonea (I'ekin) ChlcHRo. Bowman Brua. (llathaway'a) la>well,

(Sliea'a) Toronto. Can., 'Jh .Ajir. 2.

BufTalo 2b A|>r. 2. Croaa A Joaephlne (Orpheuni) Mem|>hla, Tenn.;

(Oridieuin) New Orleana, 2S-Apr. 2. Cotton, lado (Temple) ^'t. Wayne, Ind. Chapin. Benjamin ((.Vduinbia) 8t. Ixmla;

(Brand) Indianaiadla '2b Apr. 2. IVuiald. A Co. (Oridieiimi IW Moinea, j Cameron. Klla. A Co. (BijouI Brwn Bay. Wia

The Billboard forward* mall to all profea8k>nala free of charRe. Memberw of the profesalon Banta Bros. Four (l‘antaR<-s| Tacoma, Wash.; are inrited, while on the road, to bare their mall addreaaed in rare of The Billboard, and it (I'antaRca) l'(wtland.. Ore.. 2b .\|ir. 2. wlil be forwarded firomptly. . Brady A Mahoney (I’roctor'a .•>ih .\ve.) N. Y.

- Brown. Bll (Emiuves) Cincinnati. C.; (Hathaway'*) New Bedford. Maas., '2*

Telegrams inqijiring for routes not Newsboys' y.mrtette (Orptieun.) Newark. ^ Apr. ^ Wlnni.aR. Can.;

given m these columns will be ignored Bland, Mile. (Olumbiai Clncmnatl. (Bijoui Duluth. Minn., ^s .\pr. 2. unless answers are prepaid. Ballerlni's 1>.«bs (Columbia) Cincinnati. ' BalhlnR Blrl*. Joe Hart'* iBraiuli Syracusi'.

Performers en route with burlesaue U‘irry A Halvers (Columida) Cincinnati. ?>■ V.; (Csdonlal) N. V. ('.. 'Js .k|.r. 2. l-errormers en route Witn burlesque ^ (Majestlo j,d,n-stown. I'm. Bootblack Quartette (Brand)

and mscellaneous compan'es may be i Itoxnton A Burke (Poli'sl Wllke* Itarre. I’a. (Haymarketl Cbicapi 2b .\pr. 2.

Carmen Trou|ie (Orpheum) .Mempbi*; (Orpheuni i New Orlean*, 2b A|ir. 2.

Coleman, Win. J., iQinsoi) San DIeRo. Cal Crouch A Welch (Majestic) Milwaukee;

(Keith's) Ctduiiibu*. O., 2b A|ir. 2. ConlMiy, Kelcey (BIJoii) Breen Bay, Wl*. Cressy, Will, A Blanche Dayne (Or]dii-um)

I'ortland. On-.. 'Jb Aiir. 1). CunnInRhain A Marlon (Brand) I*ttt*hurR;

(Keith's) I'hlla.; 2b Apr. 2.

found n another column


llMlIanaiNilla; Caidtalne, Alclde (Keith'*) Ibiaton; (Pull'a) Si'ranton. I'a.. .28 Apr. 2.

iim) Ib'iiver; Cochran. Jaa. S.. (HI|>|NMlromr) Cleveland, 21- Barrelt. .Marjorie: 4.>)0 Fllniore St., I'ittsbiirR, Brown, Harris A Brown (Or(iheum) Ib'iiver; Coehraii. Jaa. S.. (HI|>|NMlromr) Cleveland, 21 I’a. (Oriiheuml IJncoIn. Neb.. 2b .kjir. 2. Apr. 2.

Bassett. Mortimer: 27o W. .'MBh St., N. V. C. ' Blnns, Binna A Uinns (Keith's) Boston: (Boll's) ('Isyton, I’na. A Co. (Oniheum) IJneoln, Neb. Beauviliier Bro*.: Victoria Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Scranton, Ba.. 2b .\pr. 2. (OridicumI Sioux City. la., 2b'Apr. 2.

(.\itH‘rican) Atlanta, Ba. Barnes A Crawfonl (Oridieiimi Bortland. Ore. “ _ I Bell. I.ueille: Houston. Tex.

When no date is given the week of A Connelly: Hotel Bookery, Kewanee,

March 21-26 is to be supplied. Bradfords, nie; 41S Corlw'tt BldR., IVnlaiHl.

Addiimn A I.ivInRston (Balmetto Beach) Tamiia, Fla.

AlhrlRlit, Kriiest: Mt. Vernon. Ind. AltkeiiR, Two Brcat: 2219 Bravler St., New

Orleans, Iji.

HI. Bradfords, Tlie; 41b Corlw'tt BldR., I’orllaiHl.

On'. Brewer. B. U.: 991 Mill St.. Salem, Ore. llrvHiit. Will.: BalUtln. Tenn. Binlds. Aerial: 12« K. Third St. Dayton. O. Burjess. Harvey J.: ()'27 'Trt'iiton -kve., Bitts

liiirR, Ba. Al.b-rf.'r, CUas.; .M8 E. Jackson St., Brazil, Ward (Balace) IlaRerstown, Md

Did. AldridRc, ( has. H.: 15 W. Main St., Union-

town, Ba. AH. Sidl: 9<»l SiirliiR St., BlttsbiirR, Ba. Alonzo, Breat: BittsburR, Ba. .Mien A Keiiiia: 12'> Brewer St., Norfolk, Va. .\nsild, Chas. S.: Smith Show*, Mobile, Ala. .\iistln. Harry Z.: Salt I.ake, C. .\'lil)orn's Bony A Dor Circus (Broctor'a 12.'>th

St.) N. Y. C.; (I’roctor's) Troy, 2b ItO; (Broc- tor's) Cohoea 31 Ajir. 2.

.\dams, Billy (Teinide) Buffalo. Avery. Mary. (BantaRi's) Sjiokane; (I’aulaRct)

.Si'atlle 2b-.kpr. 2. Ailams A Alden (Castle) BloomiiiRton. III.;

I Oriiheuml Evansville, Ind..>r. 2. American Dancers, Six (Breenisiint) Bnsiklyn;

(Bns'tor's) Newark. N. J., 28-Aiir. 2. .4yer, Oracle (Majestic) Beoria, Ill. .Mieiii, Dan (California) San I-Yaucisco. Abrams. Morris (Columbia) .\sliland. Ky., 21-23;

(O. H.) Catlettsbnrp 24 'JO, (HliUMidroine) l.exitiRton 'Js Ajir. 2. |

All. (li'orRc, A Co.. ((>>llsei;mi Ixmdon, EnR., 21 A|ir. 9. iBraiid) BirminRham ll-ld.

All. SI Hiissaii Bell, .\rabs (Trent) Trenton. | N. J.; (Boll's) Worchi'Ster, Mass., 2S Apr. 2. j

Alpine Tniiiis'. Five (Keith's) Bbila.; (Brand) , BittsburR ‘Jb .^pr. 'J.

Arnold A Blekey (Hljipoilrome) Charlestown, W. Va.; (,\mericanl Cincinnati. O.. 'JR-Apr. 2.

Atiilallnl'S. Six illr|iheiim) Mem|ihls, 27-A|ir. 2. Ardell Bros. (Coliseum) Bhoeiilx, Ariz.; (Irlsi

Blots' 2b Apr. 2. Altos Bnis. (Orpheum) Salt I.jike. U.; (Or¬

pheum 1 (iRden 2b A(ir. 2. Aiiislle. Charlotte (.Mhambra) N. V. C.;

(Colonial) N. Y. C.. 2b .\|ir. 2. .\dair. .\rt. (I’nbpie) D<'s Moines, la. Ahearn, Chas., Trouis' (Oriiheinn) Oakland. Aislale's .\nimals (Temple) Uis-hester; (Shea's)

Buffalo 2b A|ir. 2. I Arnold. Haw'l (()rpli<*iHn) Bortsmouth. O.; Arkansas. Constant (Columbia) St. Ixmls;

(Orpheum) Memiihls. ‘JS Apr. 2. AnRi'lus Quartette (Or)>heuni) I.ima, O.; (Star)

Muncle. Did., 2b Apr. 2. American Newslsiys Quartette (I,yrlc) Ft.

Wayue, liid.; (Trevett) ChlcaRo. Ill.. 2b- Apr. 2.

Avallon Family. (Orpheum) I.ima, O. Aherns. The (l.yceiim) Minot, N. D.; (Brand

Family) Fhtro 2b-.\iir. 2. ArmitaRC Slsb'rs (Star) Nelsonvllle. O., 21-23;

(Electric) Athens 24 26; (Brlnccss) Colum¬ bus 2b .kpr. 2.

Alton, Ethel. A Co. (Mary Anderson) lx)ula- vllie. Ky.

Atlantis A Fisk (I..vric) Wichita Falls. Tex. Arnold. Florence (T'nlijne) Ib-s Moines, la. ArllnRton A Helston (Blobe) ChlcaRo; (Cleve¬

land) Cleveland. O.. 2b-Apr. 2. Ansilda. Chas. (WasbInRton) Bay City, Mich.,

2I..\iir. 2. Ami rican f isiibines. Three (Majestic) Cellar Bap- |

Ids. la. Alhtr's Bolar Bears (Rmpn'ss) Cincinnati. .\von CoiiMsly Four (Orpln-nm) Ib'nver. Adi'laldc (.Xmerii-an) N. Y. C. Awake at the Swlteh (Broctor's 5th Avc.) N. Y. i

Atwood & Teiry (American) New Orleans. | Ashley. I.illian (Brand) Imlianapoll*. i -kiiR. Edna (lla.vmarket) ChlcaRo. .\diHson. Mae (Columbus) ChicaRo 24-26. .kHdnl (Wilson .\vi*.) ClilcaRo 24 26. .klleai. la-im A Bertie (Crystal) fhIcaRO 24 26. | .\rRyle Fisir (.\sbland) ChlcaRo 24 26. -klbrlRht. Bob (Maji'stlc) Hiaiston Tex. | .Vdb'T. Flo A Boy (Fiimlly) I^aFa.vette, Ind. ^ .kmerlcan Ftsir, Breat (Maji-stlc) Jaeksonvllle. ;

Fla. i Broekman. Slater (.Stan ChlcaRo. , Bland A Jones (Bekin) Chtcaco, Buford. Ib'iinett A Bufonl (Bush Temple) Chi- |

caRo. Baker A Connella (Bush Ti'mple) rhleaRo. • Ttunehit A -klRer (Crystal) ChlcaRO 24 26. Ill'll. Si'nator Frank (At“11o) ChleaRO 24 26. I’-TRi-re. IVlRar (Maji'stlc) Ib'nver. I’.'iRaiiny Tnsiiie (Maji'stlc) Denver. Blount Bros. (Maji'stlc! St. Baitl. Bai-.m B''“sle. A Co. (Bijisi) WinnIis'R, Can. T’ennett Sister* (Malewtlc) Dallas. Tev. Biirluim .V Bns'nwood (Bijou) Dtitiuuuc, la. T’rownlnR. B<-ss(i, (ItIJoii) IbiTiufirie. la. Banks Breazllle Duo ((>r)iheiim( Savannah. Ba. Brittons Thi* (.\mcr1can) N. Y. C. Buvv,.'n Is>Rs (.American) N. Y. C. ItiiliT'-r. Harrv (Colonlali N. T. C. Bal’et of IjRht (.\lliambra) N. T. C. Bin-b. John (Bronx' N. V. C. Bradb-i'. Martin A Co. (Brci-nooint) Brooklyn. Barry. Mr. A Mrs. .Ilmmv (Ilammi'rsti'ln's) N.

Y. c Bntli-r A'ictt (Ori'lienm) New Orleans. B.i».tn.|iM'«t. Ben.. A- fo. (Maji-stle) ChlcaRo. Ballis'n Blrl (.Xmerlcan) CblcaRo. Boyer. .Vili'linc' (.\merlcan) Boston. IlrownlnR. Bi'ssle (.Majestic) Cislar Rapid*. la.,

2b .Vpril 2. Bntler. Amy A Co. (Orp))enmi Memphi* Teirn Bertram, Ru'd.. A fv>. (Empress) Cincinnati.

(Oridicum) Sioux City, la., 2b'Apr. 2. Carmen. Helen (Brand) ‘Tacoma, Wash.;

Boyd. Mazle (I’alacci Dallas, Tex.; (Su|N'rlor) IBranili Bortland. Ore., 28'.\|»r. 2. WeiM 2b..\pr. 2. Cllffonl A Burke (Keith's) Bhila.; (Oqiheum)

Bartik Trouis* (Mill's) Minnea|«dls; (Bijou) IlarrisbiirR 2b .kpr. 2. Mason City. la.. 'Jb .kpr. 2. Corson. Cora YounRhloisI (Victoria) Bhila.;

Barry. Kichards A- Co. (Broi'lor's) Newark. N. J. (Balact') ItcadliiR 'Jb .\|>r. 2. Bachelor (Tub (BaiitaRes) Bortland. Ore. Casad*, Three (I.yoeum) Bort Arthur, Ont., Barheau Family (O. 11.) Bristol. Conn. Can. Behan. BisirRe A Co.. (Broctor's) .Mbany, N. Y. Cooke. l(ayn)ond II.. (Brotto) BurlinRton, N. Bi'Rrs. Is'i*. a ('o. (Temple) IT. Wayne. Iiul. I C,

Bimm. Bihuiu, Brrr (Majestic) BlnnlnRha)ii, (lark, H. H. (IWnnett's) Ottawa, Can. Ala. Carroll A leslle; ('nmberlaiid, Md. Camdl A Is'slle; ('nmberlaiid, Md.

Bush's. Joe, ElRht Happy YouURSters (Jeffers) Bonm'tte, Vna (.Auditorium) Johnstown. I'a., ('avaiiaiiRh Iwni'aster (Bijou) Sui>erloT, Wl* SaRinaw, Mich.; (Bijou) Flint 28-Apr. 2. 21-23; (Oniheum) McKei'sport 24 "26.

This blank is available for route data in case you have no route cards. Cards will be mailed upon application.


Week Theatre


If you are unable to give route, and desire to have your per¬ manent address listed, kindly provide the necessary information, using this blank.


Permanent Address

BIsmpbln A Hehr (I.ynch's) Woonsocket, K. I. Brott, I'orry 1... A Co. (Bern) Idincssti-r. O. BnibiuR, Bert (Blnky) Toledo, O. Blsbcc A Connelly: Cleveland.

Brand, l.aura .Martin (K. A K.i So. BittsburR. Beck A Evans (Star) YouiiRstown. O.

Brabm's I,«dle* Quartette (Unique) Des Moinea, Boudinl: Bro*. (Broctor's) (Castle) BloomInRton. HI., 28 Apr. 2. ((iayi'tyi Brisiklyn 2b A|ir. 2.

Bowers. Waller* A Crooker (Broctor's 5th Ave.) Bush A Bi-ysi'r (Empress) Cincinnati; (Clrcb*) N. Y. C.: (Breenimlnt) Brooklyn 28 Apr. 2.

ItrowniiiR. Arthur (Broctor's) Troy. N. Y.

Bennett Bros. (Oniheum) Zabcsvllle, O.; (Or¬ pheum) Canton 2b-Apr. 2.

Blair A Crystal (Gera) Biamarck. N. D.. 21-23; (Topic) Mandan 24 26.

Brown A Farlairdean (Hap|iyland| Auburn. N. T.

Beverly A fTiallls: Buffalo; Syracu*** 2b .Apr. 2. Barsbaw, AA'alter (.Shoaff) Baris, HI.; (Bark)

Haiinihal, Mo.. 2b.Apr. 2.

ChIcaRO 2b Apr. 2. Brisson. Alex. (l*ros|iecl) Cleveland, O.

•nnett Bros. (Oniheum) Zabcsvllle, O.; (Or- „‘‘'i*,* "xti- .x.ii i iheum) Canton 2bApr. 2. Boutin A Tlsiint Bijou) Duluth. Minn ; (Miles)

iair A Crvatal (Gera) Biamarck, N. D., 21-23; *' /ci • n • n (’Toole) \f*n<ian ”4'Tt CainplM'll-Clark Sisters: (( larembm Hotel)

ChlcaRo. Chaimiau Sisters A BIck: l('i29 Mllbiirn St

Indianapolis, Ind. Clacks, TTie: Box S-'iS. Chariton, la. Claiborne, Kay C.: 224 Sey'urity BldR.

.AHRele*. Cal.

Tex.. 28 Apr. 2. Bells, Four DanciuR (Mission) Salt I.ake. I'

(Majestic) Itenver, 28 Apr. 2. Blmlios. The (Oniheum) Bortland. Ore.

Bri'non, Herbert, Helen BmwniiiR A Co (Boll's) Worcester, Mas*.; (Brandi Syracuse, Chaio

San lYanclaco 28-Apr. 2. C<»ik<-s. 'Tlie (Brolto) BurlinRton. N. C. Carter*. The (Brand) KniRhtatown, Im

(Brand) Bern 2b Ajir. 2. Casad A D<* Verne (Novelty) To|i<-ka. Kan

I- N. V., 28 Apr. 2. Brinkman, Ernest (Era(ire*ai Cincinnati. Brinkleys. The (Broctor'a) Blaliifleld, N. J. Butler. Tom (Orpheum) New Orb-an*; (Lyric)

Mobile, Ala., 28 Apr. 2. Buckley, John (Ibmilnlon) Winni|ieR, Can.;

t (Mile*) Minneaisdia, Minn., 28-Apr. 2. N. ItlessiiiR, .Mr. A .Mrs., A Co., (.M) Columbia,

Mo. ; Be Bar Sister* (Boll'*) Hartford, Conn.; (Boll'*) j New Haven 28-Apr. 2. 1 Boyle Bro*. (WaahlnRton) S|>okane. , Bindley, Florence (Majeatic) Chlc«Ro.

la., I Berry A Ib-rry (Orjiheuin) Bortland. Ore. I Baader La Velle Trio (Star) Monessen, Ba.

IT). Bum*. Harry (BIJoii) Mooae Jaw, Can.' (Eu¬ reka) I,etbbridRe 28 Apr. 2.

Carma (Deandl) Amarillo, Tex. Crolly. Beo. (MaJi-stici Little Bock, Ark.:

(Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex., 28 Apr. 2. Cisik A WelRand (Bijou) Woonsocket, R. I.

2123; (.Music Hall) Bawtucket 24 26; (Tauii (on) Taunton, Mas*., 2b 30; (O. H.) AHle 31 A|ir. 2.

Conroy, Ik- M*lre A Co. (Keith'*) ITovIdcnce It. I.; (Alhambra) N. Y. ('., 28 Apr. 2.

Cox Family Qiilii1<-tlc (.kreade) Tob-do, O. (New Sun) SiirliiRheld 2b Ajir. 2.

Cordiia A Maud (.4merlc*ii) New Orlean* (Colonial) lndl*ii*|Kdls 2b Apr. 2.

Caiiheld A Carlton (M*ln St.) Beorl*. HI.

Chasslno (Brand) Indlan*|M>H*. _ Christy A Willi* (Haymarketl ChlcaRo.

Clarke, Harry Ctu'don (KliulM-rt'a) Kausaa City, Mo.

Clayton A Drew (American) Davenport, la. Clans A RadcHffc (Auditorium) Albert I>ea.

Minn. Cleveland. Claude A Marion (I’antaRea) Ta-

I coma. Wash. ' Conm'lly A Webb tShulicrt) Utica. N. Y. i Carre A Carre (Family) Salem, O.. 21 23;

(Luna) Akron 24 26. Cates. Four Musical (New Robinson) Cincinnati. (’>l A (bsslwln (Majestic) «'edar Rapbis,

; la., 'Jb.April 2. „ I Clarence Slslerv (Bnipre**) Cincinnati.

I Cnilfornia lYlo (Orpht-iira) MTnnea|K>ll*. ! Clievrlcl (Mile*) Minneapolis. i Cliarb's th«' First (New BraiwI) Evansville. Ind. i(V>x. Uav (N<'w Brand) Evansville. Ind.

— ' ('atnllle Trio (BoH's) Wilke* Rarr.'. Ba Caron A Herl»*rt (Hetick's) Cincinnati. ('arrilo 1ks> (Colonial) N. Y. C. Cas*' Cliarley (Broctor'a 5tb .We.l N. Y C.

_ CBadwlck Trio (Brand) Indlanapoll*. Condon. Kale (MaJ«'stlc) ChlcaRo. Caine A (blom (Amertcanl Boston. CralR. Marsh (Harmarkei) OilcaR... C.H>k A oak* iHiytnarket) CbleaRo.

— Cullen, James W. (Trevett) ChIcaR". Christy A WIHl* (Star) ChlcaRo.

i CopiK'ns. IJord (Majestic) St. Baul. i Crotty. Beo. (Majestic) Little Ro<'k. .\rk.

I Doli n. E’hllc (Majewtlcl Denver. — I Du(ir«S'. Jeana'tte (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.

' Ibs'kray. Will (M*Jcstle) BlrmlnRbam. .M«. iN'Haven A Sldm*y (M*J<'*llc) Jaeksonvllle. Fla. Dtiir. Bus (Fulton) Brooklyn. DarlInR's Cln-us (l-'nltoni Ilr«okl>-n. l»lvln«> Mymia iBIara) N. Y. C.

■ De Mont. Roliert. Trio (<;r«*T*iipidnt) Br<K« De.xm*. Sydney. A Co. IHamniersleln'a) N. Y. C. D«*mate*t, fllTte A Cut’.iT (Mal<s»tle) ClileaRo. Dorla OjM'ra TYlo (.ktiwrlcan) Boston. Danes' of the Nympliw (Orjdieiini) ('Inclnnatl. Dynes A Dyn*** (Majewtici (N'dar Rapids, la., 28-

Atiril 2. Duncan. A. O. (MaJ«-*tlc) C«slar Rapbl*. la. Dark Knlcht*. Ten tOridietHii) Mansff'dd. O. 18'herty Slater* (Columida) (Tiicinnati. Dartik Russian Troins- (Mlb-«i MlnneaiHilla. Donald A Carson (New Braisl) Evansville, Iml. IbsiRlaa A IbaiRlas (()ri>h<-iim) Denver.

Dooley A Sale* (Orrilteom) l»«'nv<>r Daleys, The; l.VVl llroailway. N. Y. C.

* DarraRh, MsIh'I; (Colonial) Oklahoma City, Okla.

D<* Mario: (Hli>i»slr<mie) Ixindon, EnR.. Mar. 1-31, (Clrcua Varlete) Rotterdam, llollaiMl, Apr. 1 30.

I)e Onzo Bros. A Friday: lominn, EnR.. Indef. |)<'«nMind's. Bob. Ijidy Minstrels; (Majestic)

New Orleans. I a. De Veaiix. W*'ll* B.; (I'antaRi-s) Seattle, Wash.

irR- D<' WIndt. M*>'rb' ('.: 'Jofi VlrRlnl* Are.. .\tlanta City, N. J.

Y. Dc VouiiR. Tom; l.'.n K. 113 St.. N. Y. C. I Dill. Frank A Helen: Ib'Iaoare. N. J.

'!'') j Diriilas. The; 142 E 5th SI.. Manaffeld. O. Doisivan A Markin: 1130 Taylor St., IT. Wayne,

re* Ind. ■ Downey, lesllc T.: (Cryatal) Oconomowoc. Wl*.

les) ' Isiwnev A Willard: 41 IJiiwo(mI Ave., D«'tn>lt. Mich.

b-1) I Dunlap. K. lec; (Lyric) Iliickhannon, W. Va. |)c Knssi.||. Maymc, Co.: AiiRusta, Ky.; New

St.. HIchmond. O.. 'Jb Apr. 2. Deloys. Three (Bern) Bismarck, N. D.

I Dirk, Bay (Family) BIIHnRs, Mont., 20 23. los I*. (‘oiiiH-, Zelda (lllpisMlrntnc) Cleveland 21-

Apr. 2. *an. |s-rd<'n. Dave (Balace) Omaha, Neb.; (Orand)

Chllllcothe. Mo., 2b Apr. 2. 'lie I DcmInR, Joe. A Co. (Majestic) Lillie Bock,

1 Ark . (Majestic) F( W.irth. Tex.. 2b Apr 2. Ilia I !)«' Veau. HiiImtI (Majestic) Jarkaonvllle, Fla.,

2b Apr.2 ' D<' Fare. I.lane A Evelyn; Sarran)entn, Cal.

«n)) im VHbl*. Bisat (O. H ) C.ddwaler, Mich.; (Branil) Sandusky, O.. ‘.’b Aitr. 2.

Doiiin-r, Dainty |)orla (Or]dicum) Mansffcld, O., lid.; 2123: (Family) Marlon 24‘26; (New Sun)

S(irlnR6i |d 28 A|ir. 2. 1). Ih- Mora A Braccla (Brand) Bueldo, Colo., 28-

A|>r. 2. rk.; Dressier, JurrIIur (Iloy) St. l/uila; (Orand)

St. L.iila '28 30: (Star) Kt. I/ml* 31 Ai>r. 2. I., De Velde A //'Ida (I/>a .\nReIe*) l/>* AURelea.

inn Dlrkelsiilel'a Christmas (Hammersteln'ai N. Y. lib* C.; (Bre<-n)iolnt) Brisiklyn '2b Apr. 2.

IiiK'kray. Will (Majestic) ItlrmlnRham, Ala.; nee, (SiiiH-rba) AiiRuata. Ba., '2b .4pr. 2.

DarmiHly (Brand) Massillon. O.; (Brlncesa) O.; YouitRslown 2b Ajir. ‘2.

Deiitim A I/* Boi'iif (BantaRcs) Bortland, Ore. Ilia; liiiiin. .las. A . (Alrd'Hiie) ChallanioRa, Tenn.

De HolH* A Valor* (Orpheum) Kanaaa City, Mo.; (Oridii'iiiii) Omaha. Ncli.. 2b A|>t. 2.

Wallace (Brlnceas) Coshocton. O.. D<inoran A Arisdd (Orjihi'iim) Mllwanko*; (Ma 2123; (Family) BarlM'rton 24 26; (lIlRhlamll Salem 28 30; (Family) E. Bilcatine 31 Apr. 2.

Ji'atlc) ChlcaRo 2b Apr. 2. Ib' Coi*, Harry (BenncM'a) Hamilton. Can.;

(Beiinclt'a) Ollaaa 2H Apr. 2.


MARCH 26, 1910. Xtie Billboard

SlHtiTM Trill (I'oli'iit Ni'W llavi'ii, rmin. I''i)-lila, Will. II. (Ilijniii Iti’iitnn llarlMir, .Mich. DfUiiiaU, Uiulw (Ni’W Sum .S|irliii;lli-lil, n. Fuy, .Martiari-t (Aciuli-iiiy) .Siirrulk. Va.

.Ni'lwiii (.Maji Hi ir I IJIIIi- ICiM-k, Kri-viill, hVi-il. iMaJi-^tic) .Mailiauii, Wla.; (Co- Ark.; (.Maji'allcl Kl. Wurtli, 'I'l-a., ‘Js .\|ir. ‘J.

IHIIa & Ti‘iii|ili‘tuD (l‘aiilat!i'oI 'I'ai'oiiia, Waali.; (l'aiilaK<‘*l I'urllaiKl, On- . Apr. 1!.

luiiiliia) Milwaiiki-f ‘JS .\|ir. KiilliT’a I'nif. Kiliwali-il llorM- iCi-ntury) Ilixou,

III. I>U|ir)*x. t”r<-<l. lAlIiaiiitira) .N. V. (Ilru-n j Firiloii, Jliiiiuy 4 (Ii-rtriiili* (Kijoul St. JoK«>jih,

jiolntt Itnaiklyu. US Apr. |»r<-w, Dorolliy lltriilii-uiii) Kaiiaan City, Mo.

((trplii-uiii) Onialia, Nrli., ;:s Apr.

.Mo.; lOrplii'iiim Slii'iiaiiiloati. la., 1*8 30; ll’alinl Oiiialia. Ni-li., 31 .\pr. 'J.

Kliiion 4 .Ifniion lOrplu-iiiiii Mlmii*a|ailia. |ia»;''*’ll Slati-ra IMaJcatU-I .Mllwaiikie; I.Ma Krrli-kmin. Fiiiilly, 4 Co. (.Now Craiiil) lisliaiiair

Jrallcl CIllraKo I’S Ajir. 2. olla, IihI. I>ri-aim'ra. Tlin-c (tiraiiill llaiiilltoii, <t.; (New Fraiwols. C4toI1<- (Maji-Hlici Ciitar ICapiiN. la.

Suu) SVrtiiirtl<’l<l 28 A|ir. 2. Fii-Ma 4 I>-wIh ((tTplK iiiii i Ciiii iiinuti. I>aley. Coll. K. (.Maji-alln Coliiiiiliiia. 4!a. KonI, Jotin. 4 Co. lilrplu'Uim CiiK-liinatl. Paile, Mile. (Keltli'a) 1‘hlla.; (Kelth'ai I’niT- (JIliHon Itroa. (MaJi'Htiei < <ilar Uapiils. la.

Iileiiee. 2S Apr. 2. (ilrani 4 tJardm-r ((lr|ilH-iKii i I liii-iiinatl. Iiiuilta 4 Co. (.Majeallr) ItIriiiliiKliaiii. .\la.; (lee Jaya. Tlie I(trpli*‘<X'i' Newark. O.

I.MaJeatIrl Cliarleatoii, S. C.. Cray, Kiilil iCrplieiiim .Maiiatield, O. Pavla, Kilwarila (Or|ilieuiii( Itrooklyii; (Colonial) (Jrljfol.itra Aerial Itallel i< ir^ilieuin i MliiiwafiolN.

N. Y. C., 28 Ai.r. 2. CleaHon, Utile U w; .■|<;42 S. State St., Cbi- Piiiiti. Artliiir. 4 Marie Claxler (Orjilienim Se- eauo. III.

attle; (Onil>'‘<iui) I'ortlaiHl. (Ire.. 28 .\pr. 2. Calloway, Itertraiii; (I’alaeel SteniM-nville, O. Pe Wolfe, l.aiiler 4 l.inton (OrplH-itni) Porta- Canlliiera, Three: 1!».',8 N. sth .st., Plilla.

mouth, Va., 212.3; (.Majeatirl Norfolk 2t 20; Cay. Croat; ."2 Chleaico St., Kn-e|Mirt, III. (Itelll New)Hirt Newt 28 30; (.\iiierleau) Ceiiia. Julius; Neosho. Mo. Plss-tiua 31 Apr. 2. Coiizales. A : (Monarehl I.awtoii. Pkla.

Pe I.loii. Clement (t)niheuni) l.lneolii. Neb.; Creen. Winifred; :iol W. 4.'i St.. N. Y. C. (Orplieuim Kansas City, Mo., 28 .4pr. 2.

lie FYankle, Sylvia IKainllyi .Musatlne, la.; (Carrirk) IturlinKtun 2.8 Apr. 2

Is- Varo 4 Zemater (VictoriaI Wlieellnii. W. Va.; (.\inerlean) K. I.lveriMsil, (i.. -jv A|ir. 2.

Cun. U-oii P.; Is-InMuit Motel, Marshall. Tex. Coff 4 1j‘ Ilov (Cheiiev O. II. I Uiiinforil, .Me..

2123; (Johnslon C. II.) Cardlm-r 24 JO; (City (). li.) Watervllle 28.30; (.AiiKUsta O. II.) Auausta ;<1 .4pr. 2.

Dove. Hoy (Star) (Vdiiinbia, .Mo.. 21 23; (Prln- CeorKe, F'rint, 4 <’o. (I.yrle) Panville, III. cessi It(vstkt)**ld 24 2*1. (Temidei Muskeiron.

ISivle 4 Fields (I.yeeiiim Mlisd, N. Pak.; Graham. Itllly, 4 .Anna U- .Moyne (Star) .Mo (West Knd Star) Piiliitli. Minn., 28 .Apr. 2. iiesaeii. Pa.

Pe Chantler Twins (Calety) .Asheville, N. C. (Pailiiians. Musical (Trevett) ChIcaKo; (.Ma- PtrliiK Parts (Crystal ( .Mllv jestic) Kalamazoo. .Mich.. 28 .Apr. 2. Prew', Pat (.Majestic) Meinpliis, Teun., 21 Apr. Crantley, Helen (Orpheum) S|>okane; (Oriiheum)

2 Seattie 28 .Ajir. 2. Pavls Pros. Tlir«-e lOridieum) Caiul>rldi;e, O. Oiasatis. ISddiy (Orpheum) Portsmouth, O. PlX'Ui 4 Nelson (Crystal) Itradihs-k. Pa., 21 23; Center 4 Cllinore (Itijou) Creat Falls, Mont.

(I.llo-rtyt PIttshuri; 24 2»’i: (.star) Tarentum Garrett ISph. (Majestic) .Als-rdeen, Wash.; 2s .3((: (Start New Ki-nslnitton .31 .Apr. 2.

Pe Vaull 4 ledta (Coz.v) Il'Uiston. Tex. I)e Campe. Guy (.Acaib-tn.v) Undsay, Out.. Can. Eadors, Two; Noldi-svllh-. put Evans. Kvan (Ceiiii Washington. ('. II.. O . Gardner

(Pantairesi Seattle 28 .Apr. 2. fbslfp-y. Ilal (Oriiheuiii) New Orleans; (Or

liheuim Motdle. .Ala.. 28 Ajir. 2. Golden 4 IluKhes (Family) Shaniokin. Pa.

Get In L-ilne For Xtic Big Money! The approach of warm weather means a profit of

S50 to $100 per VVeek to the ois*rator of the

WONDER CANNON CAMERA Onlv needed to start this blK money- wi((j (PCX mating business. This pays for complete outfit consisting of WON- PF.K CANNON CA.MERA, trlissl and su|i|ilies for making 400 finished photo buttons. Additional button plates $1.00 is-r hundred. Additional gilt frames, $1.25 jM-r gross.

Cannon Campra “tskes 8 finished photo bannon bamera buttons in one minute, ready to wear. On atreet corners, at fairs, carnivals, picnics and at all out¬ door celebrations, the CANNON alwaya

I gets the big money.







67 So. Clark St., Third and Madison Stt., [1117 and 1185 Marlwt St, Til a..**!. Tir..v Amer'oan Theatre Bldg.,

Chicago, m. Seattle, Wath. g Franoiaoo, Cal. PAUL OOUDBON. MAURICE J, BURNS. W. P. REIOT

Third and Madison Stt.,

Seattle, Wath. MAURICE J. BURNS.

21-23; (Gem) Uoiraster 24 2(>; (Family ( Kartierton 28 ,A|»r. 2.

Emerson 4 Is* Clear: A'lilaml. Ky.; (23 Beech Ave.) Grand Itapids, .Mb-h . 28 .Apr. PI.

Eldon 4 Clifton (('Irelei Cbb-ngo; - Novelty i St. I.u(ils 28 .Apr. 2.

Earl 4 Wilson (J,-tTers) S.'(giuaw. Mleli., 28- Ai.r. 2.

Ellsv(..rlb. Eug'-ne. 4 IMiia E^(rlle I.lndoii (Ma Jestlri Ft. AA’ortti. 3‘ex.; (Majesti('( Pallas. 28 .Atir. 2.

(CraiuP Indlanaisdis 28 .Ajir. 2. Ceorgi- 4 Ceorgle (.Majestic) Pallas: (Majestic)

Ilouston 28 .A(ir. 2. Cardin City TTio (Cvdumbia) St. Ismls 28-

A|.r. 2. Gardner, (binrgle. 4 Co. (Pr'K-tor'si Newark.

N. J.. 21 2^1; (ITis-tor's) EIizals‘th 24 2*!. Crealrex. Helene )B,-nnelfsi Ottawa. Can.;

(Bennett's) Montreal 28 Apr. 2. Cordon 4 Henry (OrjtheuuK l.inia, O.; (Star)

M))ncie, Iiid., 28 .Ajir. 2.




Ebreudall Bros. 4 Putton lAlaJestlo Montgom Crntters. Max. Anln)als )*lr(iheum> Memphis; ery. .Ala.; i Majestic; Little Ko<k. .Ark.. 28- Ai.r 2

Edwards. Tom (I'ris-lor's 5th -Ave.) N. Y. C.; iPoH'si Scranton. I‘a., '28 .Apr. 2.

Erlck-oii. Kiiute (Temple) Itochesti-r. N. Y'.: (Grand) Syracns.- '28 .Apr. 2

Evans. May (Crystal) .Anderson, lud.; (Star) Monde 2s .Apr 2.

El C»ila )Shea’sl BulTaIn; (Shea's) Toronto, Can.. 28 .Ai«T. 2.

, )Or|ihe(iin) New Orleans 28 .Apr. 2. ! Guidon 4 IMckens (Bennett'si Montreal. Can.:

(Shea's) Buffalo. N. Y.. '28 .Apr. 2. I Galetfis Monkeys (Keith's) I'blla.; (Maryland) I Baltimore 28 .Apr. 2. ' Gennaro's Band (Majestic) PalLis. Tex.; (Ma- I Jestir) Houston 28 .Apr. 2. I Granville 4 Rogers (.Audltorlnin) I.ynn. Mass.;

(’Trent) Tis'nton. N. .1.. '28 .Apr. 2. : Gallagher. Ed. F. (BlJou) Flint. Mich.

Eilwards. Gu«.. H"llaiii| Hein es (Bennett's) ‘ Gilroy. Haynes 4 Montgomery (Mile Montreal, Can.; (Shea's) Buralo, N. Y., 28- Apr. 2.

a polls. Gilmore 4 Castle (Mab-stic) I.a Crosst*. Wls.

E-lwards. Gus.. Kountry Kids (Orpheum) Salt Goldsmith 4 Hoiipe (Bllou) Battle Cre(-k. .Mich. Ijike. V : (Oniheiimi Ogd,-n 2s .Apr. 2. I Gardner 4 Vincent (Oriilieum) Easton. I*a.;

Enie»ts. niris- (Keith's) Boston; (Froclor'i (Temple) Ft. Wayne. Ind.. 28 .Apr. 2. 5fh .Ave.) N Y. C.. 28 .Apr. 2 Gr(i(-t 4 Cruet )Kedz|e) Chicago; (A'arletles)

Ellls,-s, The (Elite) .Anniston, Ala.; (Elite) , Terra Haute, Ind.. ‘2.8 .Apr. 2. K<Hiie. )!a.. '28 .A(iT 2. ; Grow. Herbert (BlJou) .Atlanta. Ga.

Emmett 4 lower (TIu-atoi Richmond. Va. I Grahams. Four (I .vric) Winston Salem. N. C. El Barto (Graml) Clevt-land. O.; (.Alpha) Erie, i G.»ldi-n. Clamb* (Plata) N. Y. C.



Th* Motiograph Motion Picture Machine is A Wonder. INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS. It projects FLIOKBRLESS,

steady and WONDERFULLY BRILLIANT piciurea, has patented Ihi- minute rewind from main crank, revolving magazines, automatic flre-

i[ proof abutter, etc., not found In other machlnee. WILL W'EAR TWICE

\ C. H. b.. of Keokuk, Iowa, writes—"Motiograph M.AKING -A BIG BUSINESS INCRILASED WONDERrULLY.”

!■'- Chicago, Ill., writes—“Uaed every day for seven months J 7 7 1y^?F AIRS."

V-J ” A^-se p J ^ Kansas City, .Mo.. wrlt(?s—"Operating Motiograph nearly two years. Have operated all makes, but NONE lY) COMPARE with Motiograph.”

PRICES, $150.00 and up. The Enterprise Calcium Gas Outfit la the only tstisfactiwy lubetitute for electric light. Write for catalog to-day.


Pa.. 28 .Apr. 2. Edwanln 4 Kern«-ll (Roblnaun) Cincinnati, linpln- City Quartette (.Ann-rleam N Y'. C. Evisxltlon Fisir (.Alhamlmi) N. Y. C. EI(trldge (.American I New Orb-aoe. Edwards. G(i« (MaJ<-«tlei Chbagu. Kiting--. Julian (.Ann-rb-an; 43ilrago. Emerald 4 Dupree iMaJ<-*tlct Denver. Eair P1-««1p (llaymarket) t'Tileago. FY».v 4 ("nark (T'b-vell) Clilcag-* Fergu-d-n 4 Mack (SIttner’s) 4'tilcago 24 2*1

Griff (Rronv) N. Y. f. I Grav 4 Graham (.American) Chicago. I Gallando (.American) Chicago. ■Gleason. John 4 Ib-rtha (Haymarket) (Tiioago. j Gofvictn 4 AA'est (TVt-v,-tt) Ctil«-ag,». Gall Sisters (Colutnbus) Chlcag*i 24 2*1.

I Gibson. Te<L 4 Kate ).MaJestl,.) IMlIas. T«-x. - Hornamann (Star) Clilcago.

H.v.vdens. Four (Orstali CTilcago 24 2*1 Haverly 4 AA'.-lls (Biion) WInnIis-g. ( an.

I Hamilton. Hill (Bllon) M lnniin-g. Can.

SOAP-^orACENTS Get o«r prteaA oa eoap and toilet article*. They wlH interest you. Onr advertJatag

aaaertad patekkges with valnable premiums have the flash and raliie that get the money. Bvwybody iMse them. MAKE GREAT SOUVENIRS FOR SHOWS. 0ARN1VAI,S. ETC. Money getters for canvaasers and fakers. One young man cleared $t,00R.U In 6 month* atraigbt on a honae to boose eanvarn. .Are too doing as well! If not. aeod postal today,' We win toeeh you how. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO.. SMUnion Part Court, Chicago.^ Field's. Herry, S. h>«>I Kids )I,y(s-umi Oil- ago I Hannaber's G-mTs (Mab-sllc) Riniiingham. .Ala.

'24 2*1 I, Gertrude )Br>*tivi N. Y. C. Fl--Id*. AA'III H (Garfield) «3ilcag<>. 24 '2*1 j Haskell. U>n*-y )Gn-<-tn>>>int) Biaokl.yn. F-pguson. Seaman 4 K'Vrgtison j.Aisdlo) «3ile.ago | Ughtning (GnvoiMdiit) Bns-klyn

21 '2*1 Harvey m- \'<«ra Trio )l“T<s-for's i Fremont. I.. W . 4 Co. (Majestic) Dcnv,-r Y. C. 4birr.--.t,r 4 IJoyd )Mab*sltci Ft. AA’->rfh Te\. | How.ard 4 Howatal (Grand) Indian F1«.ber A B)irktiar<lt iPlsta) N Y C ; ||,in 4 Earb- <.Anurb-an) B<rti>n. Fb-tct-er. Cltas I.,s>nanl xtridn-mn) Bri«* Hathaway's M.aikeys t.Amerb-an) Franklin Ir*-nc (llammersteln's) N Y *' ; Halstead. Wlllani; 1<X'4 M. Chari F'sit K**nls •Majcstici Clilcago Orleans. la. Fl.inagan 4 IMwanls (Majcstb-i Clilcago. Hart. IJttle Kathryn: 344.'i Pine > Pav. Eva (Keltti'e) Bi«ston. Mo. Payi-. Harry; 1017 F. Main St . C>-«h*>cton. O Harveys. The; 302 Ninth St., Mu Fayne. Faina (H->lcl Meridian i Merbllan. Miss. A’a. Klefcticr. Carl (Noveltn T>>is-ka Kan Hatch. .Al. G.; (Temtde) Colunibns, O. f-Tt-tcher 4 La Pb-rn-: *’2ld AA'asbIngton St.. Hayden. Virginia; (Klelcber) H.artvllle. Wyo.

8>an I'rancisco. Henr.y 4 Young; 270 W. :l0lh St.. N. Y". C. F-'re<-. Johnny: (Trayiisire Casino) Baltimore. H*'rbert's Ibvgs; Wyoming. I8-Ia. C-a 4 Snininera: .'17 N loth St. Saginaw-. Mich. Higby. Earl: (Gillette) Klinllay. Fielding. Romalne. 4 Mats-l Vann (Grand) . H<slges. .las.: (('rawford’s Noyelt

Cb-vi-laiid. *)-• I H"b!en. (K-b-n Mns--,-) N, I>*sterlrk«. Mnsleal (Poll's) \A'llki-« Barre. Pa. Howze Sisters; Jacksonyllle. Fla. F.-|s,,n, G*-rtrude la-*-. 4 C** . (Hem-k’s) CIn Hanininlons F*inr; )G*'m) St. I *>1)1

clniiatl- iGIiJm-i Cbli-ag->. 'Js .A|ir 2 Hamilton. Esti-Ile B. iLyrlc) Ft. Fills Billy A ( Area*!,-) Cam* gb-. Pa )Tr*-vi-tl) Chicago. III.. 'J** .Ai>rll

Ilownj:, 4 Howar.! (Grand) 3 I 1 JLJ JtI A 1 IV.^ ijHj R V 11^Hi n.. ' h. & h. film service company

Hart. IJttle Kathryn; 344.'* Pine St.. St. I/>nl». .Monadnock Baildlni^, .... CHICAGO, ILLINOI.S ev. The; 302 Ninth St., Moundsville. W. ! ‘‘Th* quality of II. 4 H. Service la spoiling the managers. It makes them dissatisfied If they

(('rawfonl’s Niiveltv) St. laiuia. (K.l.-n Mn«-e) N Y. C.

try elsewhere."

*‘I.arge stock of M. P. Machines and Supplies for Immediate delivery.’'

Hainllloii. Esti-Ile B. I Lyric) Ft. Wayne, ind. )Tr*-vi-fl) Chicago. III.. 'J** .Ai>rll 2.

Kllzg*rabL Mlcba*-l E . )Miirray) Riibnionil. Hilib-rra. Clias (Zavi) Harrlsbnrf. Pa.; (Orph-


Union EleYator&niacliine Co. 216 and 217 Wait Ontario SL

CHICAGO, - - ILLIHOIS Inil ; iSutii llAiiiltton. O . ’.*** Apr.

I'riirv. Jnltii < XlnJcMtlr) rhlmirtt

Krrr i'n. (.VuMIti^rhitn> I ynn. : < N. Y a* . Apr C.

^'|^v A r*t**!»T I Wur’tnw, ln»!.; (M* ntT. Ill . :u»

n»*l'N \ <Vn*i» (Hlftiui SiiiHT!«*r. WN . iMIl****) XfliitM'NfHilU *.»'» Af»r 1?

rNL’iiH. ^ rnxtoii jXlnJ««t!r> Hultiv IVrrv il*i>ir«) . <’4*nn

SiTBnton -S .Xprt! n!i:h I if** in .lail IV)ston; (Keith’s)

l*r«>vM**nc*'. It. 1,. April 2. HiillH'rt. I.HiiM. aA Mmllt* IV Ijonir (Droadwa.r)

Onklnnil. <'aI llurvfv. KNi*'. sA n«*y# (T/**** .\ne**l»'A) T*ns .An-

iQutM'n'n) San 2'^ April 2. Ilcynifin Sl*it**r* iF«mily» IMtt**hnr>f. ||l•n^i•‘^♦‘n »A Th*'in«H rhlontfo; (Clere-

l«n«i» ri**v*‘liin*i 2S April 2. tr. Krnnk iOr|tli«’iiiii) Kiin«.i<« t'lty. Mo.: ||>irrN**n aA Xllffl’n illunmeri n«n«>ver. Vn., 21*

'nn»h«niiu Si'»nx Fity. In . ?'* Apr 2 F*‘llx »V Hurry Hkrpln’iiin) OnklniMl; iOnih«'U!ii»

I .Xn4:**lr*i 2** -Xpr I *h**r. Mr. A; Xlr*». l***rklnH iT*inpI»*> U*H'h*‘*»

t»r. rmin’T. Xlmiil A tJImiV’* HJrniMH ritlHpnrtf;

• r*fnpl.'i H.’tn*lf 2** Xpr. 2 r-li1lnit aX M'rv^tHl) |>**in* r: (rHiitrt»r* w>

2*^ Apr 2

2*'’*: iHlnek Cnt\ HaltlnH>r»* 24 2^: iKnrek*) HAlflm«*r«* 2'*

Hull Hr**** iSht'ft’H) Tori>nto. r«n llnhv *A lUI*‘r h?«t**Ivi SVrin»:ft*‘M. Til., 21*

2:i; iHIJ.'Ui IVentnr 24 2«1: (1127 IMerct* IU.|«.) Sr l<»nii*. M«>.. 2S .\|»ril 2.

Il♦*^l. .!nl*'*». Hinl Hij* Soh«»i»l Hoys *n*l (airl* il.vrle) .lsim**stown. N. A'., 21 2^1: (Family) XVarr**n. Fa . 24 2tV

F‘X lUrry A XIlllcrN|i)|» Sister** iOri»h*‘nm) ; Itiin1«*v *A Jarvis (Fleveland) Clevelan*!. O.; !»♦•** X|.»(tH*t«. In,, lOrplKiitni X|liiu»*H(**»ll** 2*» I <11ak<'r) U****h«**»t**r. N A’-. 2** .April 2. _

I'nM.H," . .., J '''*'*^'7 * .1 M C..m|vlete Giggler can Ih's.-en at Coney Isli I'lMirltv Wlniiep. J... Harts . Pn..l..r . j n»n>beum) W Innlp.-g, ( an. J8 .\prll J

C )V VV^ . V V- V . I. 1.1 - > i ""/'"'I . • o'"'! * *•'■ build, r. .Vldress PATENTEE. 509 Johntto l"l•N. \\ C. (.Mbatniira) N 3 C.: (Ki-llb.) Pn>vl.l<-iie*-. R 1. Phlla . '.*8 \,,r -J Hanllggs. 1'hre*- .lugglliig (Howaril) Boaton.

' -V Frllzl (Vale) Kansas City, Mo. I ll.irrl. .V Randall (Varlet.y) .MIegheny, Pa.; 1 •' ’I'wii ,v I'hv (Orpln'iiin) Evaii.vllb-. ()!*-m) Moiii'ngabela "S .\prll 2.

1(1*1 (Orpln-iun) MllwanI**-*- 3|*r 'J PinloK's. J.**., .\ibl*-l*-. (Star .V Carl.-r) Cbl (C«iitiii(i(-d on j'age 38.)

' ig>*: (()r)>b*'(i(iil Hainllt**n. <• . '.'8 .4|ir. 'J. 'd(**M. I law klnavllb-. Ca

»'*'eb|, 4 Hame.n (Bradford) Bra.lfor.l. Pa . _■ __

■8 ((nn* l.) .la(i(*-.'own, N 3 '> .\pr. T|^^5TETN>5 PCaKE XJP 1 aDow 4 K..wl*-r (Pala.e) A.bevlll*-, N C -

A^Ig'n")!'* )u'’'''TH'3pr ^•* ' ■ AB80LTTTELT GUARANTEED

“TICKLER” AMUSEMENT RIDE Complete, In running order, can be operated In Ita present location or removed and re- erected In another location; price very low, part cash, balance on time. For particulars, addn-se W. F. MANGELS COMPANY, Carousel Works. CONEY ISLAND. N. Y.


Provld*-Iie*-. R I Hanllggs. 1'hre*- .luggllng (llowanl) Boaton. H.irrls .V Randall )3'arlet.v) .MIegheny, Pa.;

(G*-m) 3loiiongabela 28 .Yprll 2.

lCoiitiii(i(-d on I'age 38.)



mey Island, Cim-in-jatl. O. Third sut-t Its $2.7)8) to build a fortuii*- for soiiie JohnttoD Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.

s-<f)il season. R*-cord, Vid*- awake auius.-meiit


THE GRIFFIN CIRCUIT Has plenty of time with short jumps. Booking more houses In Canada than all other agents put

together. Booking OtAce, VARIE'TY Theatre Building, 'Toronto, Cana(la. Can use a few more experienced road or field men.


36 X e Billboard MARCH 26,'1910.

Pictorial Stories (('uutiuucd from liage 29.1

Tlic Klrl lias a lovor. a line. i-IeicaDt young cUap with tlielr (laiiglitiT, «lio grows Into w<i of tier own station in life, who takea bis liors«> ingngf,! to a M-r.\ WiTtli.\ .Msiiig to tlie same smith. One morning the two young fellow, who hriiigs his father to ims-t liis peO|ile liMve separated after their ride, the girl’s swts'lbeart and tier fattier. Wtien llie two uiount runs away, tiirowing her to the ground. Tlie riderhuis horse runs straight to the Mack-

older men meet, the .louiig w (Milan's rei'ognires the fattier of tlie .leiing man

'llie smith sus|>erts something treaeheroiis friend who had shot and rotdied lilm TIIK Si'IT C.tSE MYSTKUY (Comedy-drama; ' ** wrong and mounting the horse rldt“s liaek years ts f.jre

released .March I’.l; length. itX'i feeti.—.k .iisrig draftsman loses his position by reason of tiie

to the driveway, where he dnds the girl uneon tM'iuus. lie bears tier home and suiiiiiioiis a dis-

fact tliat a prolonged strike has elos<al down Another |4ijslelan is railed In and a eon tlie works in whl.h he has In-en employ,si. Ite i I'Wd It is a,inounre.l that the girl turning hoiin- he Is struck by an automobile In 1 I"** weak,-ned liy l,e.s of bloiM. and which is the assistant tiavniaster of a large con- Vi*'''*sr**'t* »*** transfus- )r((eti(o. «i,(i „ •.oi, ease fiiti of inoiiev r"> blood of another. Naturally she turns trgctiiig concern witii a suit case full of niotmy. nie sudden sto|,Itage of the maehine throws tlie suit case out. ami in the mix-U|i the two suit cases (one carried by (lie draiightsmani Identical in appearame. ar,- ekchaligiMl. When the young draftstiian discovers tlie mistake he hiirrl,** to the IS,lice station, wliere the money is returned. Tile eonlracl<T. who has raeognlaed in the young draftsman's motlwr tlie widow of a friend of his younger days, gives him a good (Misition. The draftstiian has also met the pret¬ ty sist(>r of the assistant oavmaster, and, of course, there is the usual happy ending.

to her lover, but he is displeased, and he se ,*”1 length, Uto fivtl.— I'lires the blackMiiitb as a substitute. Then the kuest of the Count operation is successfully perfoninsl Tin- viHiiig lady is now eonvalesclug. She thanks b(‘r swi-et heart for his saerltiiv. but he knowing that

false friend. Ttwy agr,‘e to k,vp M-en-t lii' villainy for the sake of tlielr elilMreii. Ixit with the distliiet iiiiderstandiiig that lie will leave them forever.

+ A ItKdKEN sri:U( (Urania; releas<sl March

20; length, U7o fwtl.—.V eelebratisl pi.aiiist is the guest of the Count. A r,H,“iitlou Is held, and after tlie guests have departed, es.s-rted by the liiisl'aiid. tile miisieiau iind tlie wife are left alone. The pianist declares his love and

she will eventually learn the truth, tells her l*«ssi,Miatel.v kisses the wife, who, wh,'ii leaving I that it was tin- lilaeksiiilth who gave his Id.ssl '1“' throws to him a ro-w- whiih slw

“ as a contribution to her health. Amartsl. she ‘**r Iswoiu. I uder tlie s|m-.1 which leaves h,T home abruptly, hurries straight to niiislclan has east ov<r her she retlr,-, the sbo|i. and what transpires there hIiows very ilie night and dreams of the events of plainly that the blacksmith has not made his saeritlce in vain.

BRADKOUIfS CI-cklM (Drama: release .March IIAKD C.ASH (Itrania; release March ni; •Ji; length. T.’IO feet).WIm Bradford, a band length, IHWi feet).—The banker'a confidential ixaiie vming cowlMiy. acts as guide to a New man is a heavy unsuccessful gambler and it York millionaire who has purchased a cabin In means something to him when the newspn|>er the nKKtntaliis of C<ilorado. Jim. dls<-overlng announce that a certain firm has failed, for that he Is falling in love with Estelle, the It will also effect hla bank. While he and his daughter of the nillllonaire, and reallilng the employer stand aghast at the news, ami old difference In their stations. d,“cldea to go In aea captain enters with a vbmoslt of J.-si.ihsi,

a r<mgh oart of the countrv as a nrosiiector. He which is acceiite,!. and which practically pes- Ieav.*s Estelle to keep his Iwautlful black saddle cues tbe concern from failure. '1 he sea eaiKaln

evening; she dreams that tlie bus|>aii,l and tin musician are lighting a duel, .iiid rushing te- Iween the two to |irevent bUsidshed. the heart of the wife is pierced with -the sword. -At

next morning while the i\>miH>ser and the Count are at'aliHl at breakfast, the isxnisiser rtx-eiviw a telegram calling him away. The Count leaves the nsxu to secure a time table, and while doing this his w ife enters ami is approacbisl

horse Don. Bradford tlnallv locates a valuable later reads of the failure, and knowing what vein and posts his location notice. He has that means to the concern with which he has been somewhat dllatorv, however, in recording deposited his life's savings, goes back th,-re

? mmcern from failure. '1 he sea eaiKaln •nters amt is ■ad* of the failure, and knowing what ‘‘I .fP.h »*'™- Th- lius •ans to the concern with which he has 'l*";'’ f'

a copy of the notice. On the last day on which and trii-s to get it r-,, .......i ... this is ismsUile he starts for the recorder’s of- the shook kills him The clerk tak^ the re- ‘ lice. After his departure, four claim Jiimiiers celpt f.T the money from the ^y. Some years fLm th^ w fe who can only ^ destroy Ills Io<atlon notice and plan to reach tbe then elaps,- The numey has been the means of ^ ^ ™ recorder’s <«lce w ith a notice of their ow n the concern a staying In business, and the bank • ^ ^ r uuat, aiK trvnu b« r own trail Ix'fore he does. One of them overtakes and er baa waxed rich again. He baa fallen out . waylavB Bradford. Bradford, however, makes with the gambling clerk, and the latter ia dis ^ his em'spe. and arrives at the Stevens cabin charg,xl; has gone West, gambled more, and 'THE INDISCRETIONS OE BETTY (Itrama; ahead of them. After telling Elstelle of his tben, a human wreck, now returns to the banker release March 29; length. 9'l^ feet).—The fsmil- adventure. he faints and is cared for by Es- for aid. He is refused, but tbe clerk shows lax story of a woman living bevund her means telle and an Indian girl. Ewtelle looks at the that be still holds the receipt. Now follovv a is told In this picture. In the first scene a (taper on the floor, and determines to record it neriee of attempts on the part of the banker glimiwe of the roeial set is furnlslied during herself But the' claim )umt>ers capture her to get the receipt. He sets fire to the house which the woman and wife is inir.slueed to an and bind her to a tree, after taking the claim occupl.xl by the clerk, Iwit the unfortunate man .Austrian Count. The wife receives an invlta- from her. Don standing by his mistrew, is is rescued by a young fireman, who takes him to tlou to a svH-lcty event, but diHlIn.x. iMs-ause urged to "steal a n'volver from one of the cow- his home for attention. The clerk is now .julle nlie says she has nothing to wear. Her friend boys Thin he does and gives it to bis mis- well, and arising from his bed looks alxxit him tells her that she will intnaluee her to a dress- tress' TTien the girl Indicates to the horse that at Hie home of his benefactor. Suddenly his eye maker with whom she can have a charge ac- she wlHlies him to untie the rope with which the ftH* on a portrait on the wall. It Is that of count. She acts upon the miggestiiNi. .At tlie is lasbevl to the tree The horse nobly re- the old sea captain. The fireman tells him that event she is tbe cyncxwure of all eyes, iiartle- sponda Fr,-e and arumd. and mounted on Don. It Is bis father. Tbe ex-clerk Is overjoyed and ularly the Count’s. ’I'he creditors pr,ss her f..r

But he is too late, and The clerk takes the re-

fectlonalely by bis wife. Tlie musician takes the rtwe given him by tbe wife and throws It

i>n the table; acconii.anlixl by the C.xint. he takes his departure for I’arls. without so much as a nod from the wife, who can only contem¬ plate her fortunate escaiH* from ber own frail-

falls on a portrait on tbe wall. It is that of count. She acts upon tbe miggcstiiNi. .At tlie the old sea captain. The fireman tells him that event she is tbe cynixwure of all eyes, (lartlc- It Is bis father. Tbe ex-clerk Is overjoyed and ularly the Count’s. ’I’he creditors piess her f..r with added incentive plays well his game of payment. A caller is annoumxxl—tbe Count. the girl covers the men with her gun and forces with added Incentive pisys well his game of payment

them to give her Bradford’s notice, and makes vengeance with the banker. Noticing her agitation, he asks the cans... and her escaiH- A desix-rate chase ensues, but Es learning it. offers checks to pay the bill. She telle reaches tbe recorder’s office before the VlTAORAPn accepts them. Now the Ctxmt feels be has ber cowtMivs <tn her return to her father’s cabin. „ jmwer. He pr.x.umes on this, calls on her escort*..! bv the sheriff, she relates to Bradftvrd daurtter of a I while she is alone ami forces bis attention. She


her thrilling adventures. itealizing her l.ivc. capllallst and manufacturer U courted by a repuls4.s him and screams for help. Her bus Bradfix-d's sbyn.x*, is overcome, and he tells young officer of tbe militia, and at the same l>«nd hears her and rushes to her aid. driving Bradf.x-d’s sbyn.x*, is overcome, and he tells ber that slie is all and all to him. .

j. 111*, military man Is'cause she says she prefers THE CAI’TI BE OE THE Bt'BGIAR (Com- • *“•«> who does things to one who sim \

edv release March ’dSI; length. 270 feeti.—Two preach.x. them. Later we s^ there is dtssatls- voung girls, slst.u-s. and their little brother. f«ctlon In the manufseturer’s plant The pro 'are left abme in the house one evening. They I’O’ior will grant nn .-.mcesslons and there is a an- startled by a loud noise, and conclude there strike TTie mjffi turns to the borne of t^ Is a burglar in the Isaise. They reach tbe The youiig .vffiwr is visiting the i

time by a young clergyman. She to fHv.»r the raaoal fri*m the hotjas


Essanay Comedies, of Course!

Here arc two iiion* jiri/.f wiiiiicrs!

Release of Saturday, March 26


(A \\M>;rKU.\ COMKDY!) (lA’iiKth, approx. G51 feet)

‘‘The Airship Gaze^' (IxMijfth, approx. ;W9 feet)

\ii(i still aiiotluT'

Release of Wednesday,'March 30


(I.eiij'th, approx. ftft)

If your (‘xchanft»‘ iii:in is not n-iitinK

th(*«* filni.s, step softly, he'll Is* anjtrj’

if^you wake him up

Order Essanay Posters I

Write for “ The i-Lasanay Guide.

Essanay Film Manufacturing Co. 435 N. Clark St. CHI SAGO. ILL.

fr.xit steps, send their little brother In one dl rvx-tlon and tlnwiselves start In the opposite Young Mr. Jones, a friend of the family, volun

antl.v .xxifcsx-s her ln(ll«<ri.|l(Mi». h.-r hust.and f..rgiv<-s her and reps.'s the ( .aiiit In full.


' THE MAN WHO WAirED (I»rama; rcl.-sa," I March 2!i; length. 9.*s> feeti.—Bob Sterens, a

young farmer, la In love with -le Jones, the daughH'X, a^ she appeals to him tx protecOon young fariier. la In love with -le Jones ’the an.l asks him to Interccie with the nndi. He jj|„ neighbor. .A rich young N.-w dares not face thein single handed and prom york.r naimxl I.ang.lon an.l wins

FOR SALE Ellm. $tl>. fix per n-el; Lu- hlu, I’ower, Edison ma¬ chines, $4(1 to Sik); new, kliai; Black Top. $71; Bal.y riaiHi. $(’..; $d<a) IJviug Wagon. Iliai; .M.xlei B. gas outfit. Youug Mr. Jones, a friend or tne ramiiy, voiun- lorkcr naimx] l.ang(lun cm.-s along and wins ^ai i..,.’. ’

t.x-rs to luvestigste. A German baker Is also t® girl’s affections. Laugdon and the girl rent-^ (sai* ft ’ KiVn. *-T induced to eome Into the house. Still the leaves The mob attacks the home. While the marrbd. But unknown to Kate. I.ang.lon *1- ... m . ' o' ^ vv t'* noises continue, each time interrupting the fury of the mob is at lU height the .V(,ung min- has a wife living ad wIk. he has sued for dl ElVm fa. V 0111^!^ ‘T . i vVx work of U.e investigators. After going thnxigh Ifer rimlms into the room, ch^ks and stlen.x.a i^ngdou ixx-elv.-s word that the dl- ' M DA\I.x. W.t.-rtosn. W - many incidents amusing to the spectator, it is the strikers, ami csins fr<>m their e^iloyer all voree has not tKx*n granltxl. and believing It fiuaflv discovered that the cause of ail the *’*''**’ J^ivlleg,^. After this has iax-n , would mean sure death if the matter rea.-he.l noise'is a large tabby, which in crawling along young offlcCT ^tums with hla regiment , b„(, |, ,.ars, leaves Kate wltlmut a word. A few a narrow shelf in the conservatory, baa Isx-u hut there is no n.xxl of his se^lces. llie min- | later he writes Kate. prtMiiisIng to ix-turn kncK-king one potted plant after another from Ister has won the respect of the capitalist, the . when free. Ib.b is determined to have rev. nge. its place. '■,7’' y*""* , He thacks Lang.lon to a small hotel In the

■ I Mcbarphla tmemsev- eearlsgc’h ET.AdIN T.AOI.N SELIG * nnxintalns. when' Lang.lon Is lying 111. Boh en-

'TUP OP 07 (Ealrv story- released THK HAND OE E.ATE (I>rama: released ters Langdon's r.M.m. plst<4 in hand. He calls f (iai fiitl071 feet*.-Striking it rl.h to him. but a mightier hand than B .b a has

•lift f’slrv tales have followed ciilld- West, the hero of this story starts for taken l..angdon s life. Tlie d<M-tor enters, and ends, “Jths a for every bealthT 'he city. Init on his way Is robbed and wounded hears them de<'lare that Ixuig.lon Is <lea<l. h.MMl through ‘he agi^. for every health ^ e^mipanlon. Whli; he Is taking th- m x... Seven .years pass. We s.x- Kate playing with

f.a-"s^.ries‘^tantasi?c.' marvelons and manifestly tbe thief unconsciously drops his watch. The her little daughter. B.4. enter, and the .-hlld f.a- amries fantastic, marvelons and manifestly ^e thief unconacltmsly drops his wwteh. Th. utTreal. The winged fairies of Grimm and An- h<«-«> of the wonn.bxl man returns to town rl Zr.,7n have brought more bappln.-t« to cblldiah fferless. Susplelon are ar.aised aii.l the M-ar. h der-x.n have brol^ght more bappln.-sit to cblldiah neriesx. .xusp.ei.xi are a^a.seu an.. ...e M-ac „ he^l" than all other human creations, in the ‘"f P*'''-'- which la aUrted finda the umxm Wizard of O* tbe Selig release, one of the ff o;>» J, crowning sueoesses of the season ia revealed. Iain’s watch, which they think belongs to their

wounded friend; they place It in hi. ixx-kel ant THE TBEA.SUBE IH^NTERS (I>rama; release send him to a hospital. WTille in the h^pltal

Mar. h 'JS: length l.Ckk* feet).—Tbe old sea cap- *'*’ ^alls In love with a nurse. \\ hen be re¬ tain. Vho f..r f.a-tv years has steercl his craft ‘he wound his i^ss<-.slons ar.- re thrmigh many a storm, is now on the eve of hla «mong whl.-h is the watch that la.t ...illi.g that to the Great Be.vond. The was droprx-d by the robber. At once the hero family «lwtor and the two nephews, Horace Uie name of the thl**f IiM*«rilM*d In and D .rre'I are at his side. His will is '*"7■'I"'"' "®'' passed to Horace, and read, and before the last j '® ,"»■ '® ^re.h start. VO *• .v , I I, with him once more. He marries the word has left ills Ups. the seafarer Is no more. ' Tl.e will tells of tlie hidden treasure on some 1 distant .South Sea island. tVe.-ks later finda tbe nephews sailing in search of the unknown land, the finding of tbe treasure, encountering danger, sensational escaiie and return home.

+ THE CL.VA' BAKER (Drama; release April

11; length, -*.—Deter Denig. an old German : (Sitter, hlnuxdf tiennll. s.. after having sis-iii a good portion of his life building up a for tune for hla employers. Besld.-s Iienig's little daugliter is blinded by acid which Is thrown l.y Denig’s emplf.yer Enraged. Denig destro.vs the models he ma.le for his opiiri-Hs<irs, and tak Ing bis child, leaves. He iir.-pares to make Ills last expi-rlment. )xit overeme l.y hunger g<a-s out in search of food. While away bis former employers enter and break holes In one of his kilns anil ruin Ita contents. Returning. iKmlg drives them away with an obi army musket, and turning to his one remaining oven s.x-s Its walls burst before him. He is about to commit suicide, hut la prevented bv the auiwarancc of an old maiden lad.v. a friend of his iK«yhoo.| .lays. By shix-r accident he finds the secr.-t h.- lias tolled and slaved for. Tlien coni<-s the turning (Xilnt of hla life, his elder daughter, j whom he drove out In -the tM-Ilef that she was a thief, la restored to blin. and he ends his life In ix'ace and iilenly. with the aweetheart of hla lioyhood days.

IMP. (Carl I.aiemimle.)

TRANSEI'SION (Drama; release March 2f>: length. I»do fts.!*.—A girl wtio takes her fine little mare to the blacksmith’s for new foot¬ wear. does not know that the strapping, slnewy ■mlthy hat a warm spot in hie heart for ber.

pretty nurse, who afterwanl dies ami leaves him 2tl Seat Urd Bt.,

hugs and kisses him. in a utii.iue manner the child l.rlngs together her mother and the in.-in w ho waltcl.



NOVELTY PUZZLEHES Write for Information. It’i free.

MOTELTY SLIDE COMPAITT. Stl Xert Urd 8t.. Raw York C

BIG IVIOIMEIY Is iH-lng made exhibiting tbe

genuine Mept. 9, 19(9.


21 nxiiiiU (xiinpl.'te from train lug ijuarlers to kiiix-kout.

Writ.- for our low r.-utal terms.


BRANCH OFFICES; San Francisco, Denver, Salt Lake City,



12tl Market Street. St. Loais, Mo.


\ <▼ s« C0*i»'»»0 - •T / \ tv 7«rrC»Av Owvwt // \ NATFLf» F.x<« •» «>r TWf // I ^r.-Ykfissc c0 // I MWAAL of S'fMWtA'e AMD MAMri //

State Rights For Sale -OF THE—

^ Custer Massacre £« And Actual IndianScenes,taken on

the Crow Reservation in Montana.

3,500 Feet of Exclusive Film.

Don’t Bother Us If You Don’t Mean Business.

Theatre Managers “"sSla lithographs and souvenirs.

Montana Motion Picturo Co., 408 Hodgas Bldg.. DETROIT, MICH.

march 26, 1910. X li e Billboard 37


27 I'll*'


1 u»l Dml . Foot

5) I'll'' riulAtor’i* Tniicb inrnuiJii . IKO


.! Till- Woiiiiiii from Mi'lloii. iDrxii.vl I’.t t


7 Till- t'oiirho of T'ruf Iajio < .... t>s7

111 Til.' Muk***t4 I'Imii iPraiiiai . Os.'i

14 Dll.- NUht, mol ‘Do'U Ihrmnai . W*2

17 Til.' FiiglHIiiiiiiii mill tlio liirl Iroiii- I lly I . . IIT'i '

'.'1 —IIIk I.Hill lliirclnry iltrMiiiai .IK*.', '■ '.'4 ThiiiIiii: a llll'l>■llll lltraiiiM) . ' J'- 1 Ih- Final Si tlli'iiii-iit I Urania | .H"! '

Mircli Fei-t Nt'U ly wi-iIh l(‘<iiiii-il]ri . lt>>l

7 '1 Ilf Tlin-Hil Ilf lii'Miiiiy iliraiiinl .HTT 111 In Olil t'allfnnilii illiaiiinl . IHH 14 Till* CouviTtii iliraiiiai . li'-il 17 -Thf l4JVf of Ijoly Inna ll>rama| .... '.•‘■m J4 1 Ilf Twlaifil I rail.liss

.\K\V VtiKK .MOTION rUTrUK CO. I lllnou. I

F'liriiar} Fift 11—Tlif Ti ll of SpailfH, or a Wmlorn lUf

Ilf I Urania I . 11 -Voniii; liii-r'a Oratllinlf llirauiai . 1.* Ooifriiiiifiil ItatloiiH illrainai .

For lli-r Fallor'a lloiMir ilirauia; 111- aolll .

i'l Thf Two Moihora I .\iul>ro«ioi. £1—Thf Myalorlona Tinlt (.Kiiibroiloi.

liiN.Ify Itfffnaa tlif KIk FTkUI llllMinl '.av —F'>'liilifail al llif Hall lltalal . Jtl Tbf Hiis of I Ilf Clifrafiuoiiicfr 11 tala i !

Man li FiH-t 1—Tbf CowlMiy and llif Si-bool Mann.... ^—Tbf Indian and lb,- Cowirlrl iHraiuai

11—1bf Itoiw of ibf Uanrb lliranial. 15 For Ilia Slaor'a Ilutiur. i 1«> \ Mi-xoaii * Ward . |

EHIMIN M.\NrF.\<'TfKIMl CO.MI’.tNY. Jinuar.y Kiad

1. 'i .4 Woiiian'a Slralt-uy . »'i4 Sv—.4 <;i.iiri:la I’oaniiii lluni . H<|

—Tbf Skiinifr'a Varu . iCai Ffbruary Kii-f

1—\ Ja|ianfiu- IVarb Hoy I fairy atoryl.. lOn 4 -Ilia Jiial HfMirta I.MflodramaI .TtWi 4—Tbf Siiriirlap I’arty iCoiiHilyi . :mV> 4—Tbf Had Man fMiu Hllfy'a Uubb

iCono-iIyi . 2*V1 *—Tbf I.IrlUKaloii ('aaf (IVtrct.rf Story I WH.'i

II—.\ii l^iuliif llfm iHrainal . 7'J.5 11- -.4 yuifu of tbf Hiirlfaiyiif ironifdyl labi 15—Tbe I’n-aldfiit'a Siwrlal I Mfl<alraniallrI l*'i<l l*f-Tbf Mlulaturf ilirania) . 725 la--.4 Trip to Mara iKautaayi .2115 22—.4 4'lrtiin of HrldjCf iSoi fty Hratual IKai 2. *—Iioat and UrKalnod lllrauiai . 445 25—1bf liirl of IMxou'a lliranial . 475

Mairb- Kfft 1— Hanaon'a Folly .liaal 4—Tb«- ElfTfiitb Hour . inai 4— Tbf Man I'mlfr tbf Hfil . 2<t0 a—Tbf Ulaht Hfflaion . mat 5— My MClliifr a Hill . 4iai

11 —Ilia Firat 4'alfiilliif . 770 11 —lovf liropa . rwi 1.1— I'rnlt (JrowInK. liraiij ValU-y Colo.... .170 15—.4 Mountain Hllizard . 42.1 la FraTikfn-tfin iPramai .075 22—.4 Wi-atorn Koiiiaiirf Ipranial .iBai 22 Tbf Man wTib tbf Wfak llfart (Com

fdy I . . . . ..10.1 3.1— Tbf Suit Ca«f Myalfry lllmnaly-

Hrainal .01.1 21* —Hradfonl'a Claim lT>ramal . T'Ul 20 -Tbf Captun- of tbf Hurglar iCoimalyl 27o

KSS.4N.4Y. January' —

20 -Tbf MiaO-rn Mf«afn«fr Hoy 20 .4u liiitlaw'a SarrIOof

Ffbruary— Ffft 2- -nif Vl’minr Man (Comislyl . .1.14 2—.4 4’olf,. from tbf nrf ITan* (Drama

tin . 4a0 5- .S,.uaatlotial I.«KKlnir (Sofnif and Edu

ratloiiall .lOikl ♦—Tbf I’rlff of Fame iDramatIri .liaai

12— 44'fatfni Cblralry iConnalyl . .10a 12—Hlltor Swf.'t (Conifityi . 4.10 10 .4«latlon at I^ia .4nicflfa, Cal. Ifdiira.

tlonal I 10 -Haby'a Firat Tiadb iCoimalyl . 10 -Thi* Cowfair and tbf Sijiiaw iPramal.. 21 4*. So SIrk (Coinialyi . 25—Tbf 44'lnnlna of Fatbrr . 2*1 Tbf Mfxiran'a Faith (Drama)

Marrh Fift 2 Tbf Kira Triiat (Connaly) . 2 Itaaa. Old Iron Itlmoslyi . .1 Tbf Oatrirh and tbf Ijidy (fdiira

tlonal) . 0 .4n Inlfrrnptfd Ilonoynnain . O.Vi

12—Tbf Hatifh lllrl'a I oaar.T iConifdy) 12—Tbf Ffiiff on Har Z Uanrb . 050 10 Tbf Invfiitor'a Meal,.I I Drama) . 10 Mflhial In hla Madiifaa (Comfdy) .... 10 Tbf liirl ami tbf Fiialllrf iDrania).. 25 Tbf Hand of I’nrif Sam Idraina)... . liaki 20 Tbf Atrahip l!a»f IConnalTi .liaal 2*1 .4 Itanrhman'a Mladnc IConifdy) .... 50 Ilia linntina Trip ICoimnly) .

April - Fift 2—Tbf Flowfr of tb«* Uanrb i Drama) ..liaa* O linaalnallon IConifdy) .042 O llfiiry'a Nfwr Hal iConifdy i . S.'s O Th>' Uanafr'a llrlilf l(■oIlllal,T) .710 0 .4 Wlaf liny IConifdy i .275

15 Thflr Sfa Voyaai- iCimnaly) . liklll

F.XCI.CSIVK FH.M CO Ffliriiary Ffft

5 Strlkina Urai'inblanrr IDrania)

OACMONT. IliiMirkf Klfliif.)

January Fmd 25- Tbf Drlrf of I'airbdiam iDraina) ... .174 25 Sfa Mdf .4dvfntiirfa at Hoiiif iCoiii

f,ly) ..571 20 Tbf lirfal DIvIdf I Drama I . 741 21) \4'llil \4'arfa al St. Jraii df I lit iSi'f

nir Trayfloiriif) . 24.5 Ffbruary— FffI

1—Thr tloldfn I.lly (Sarrrd Drama) .702 1- Aa<.fnillnB Ihf Jura Monniatna iSrrnIr

Trarfloaiif) . 2.VI 5 Civil 44'ar IDrania) . 040 s s,.rvanl from Ibf Conniry iConnaly I.. .100 s Sfiii,.,| flf Court iDraina) . 41.1

12 A Uait Uarf iConnatyl . . 11*7 12 Thf Danildfr'a IVann IDraina) . soil 22 Hla Fftra ConOrnifd (DramaI .4S1 ‘22 Dn|Hal (Farro Drama) . 401 20 llliir Flahlnc Nfla (Scfnlr Induatrlal) 2.50

(tVintloiiial un paRf 52.)



(—W’c pledge you our word that the story circulated throuffh the newspapers to the elVeel that .Judj'e Xoyes’ decision f^ives any one “e.xelusive rij'lits to nianufaeture inovinjt pictures,” is a hald-faeed, black-hearted lie.

(2ud)—There is not the remotest danger that we will be compelled to close our Imp factory for even the fraction of a minute.

(drd) —Imp films will 1m* released regularly forever. Xothiuft short of the sudden death of our whole factory force can prevent it. We are violating noj^laws, nor do we ever exix*et to.

Independent Moving Plcturea Company of Amerlfa 111 K. 14tb St., New York. Carl Laenmilf. Cres.





Getjhis Imp Film if you have to Beg, Borrow, or Swipe it!

‘ TRANSFUSION ’ (Released Monday, March 28th. Length 960feet.)

This is what I call a film classic! For it not only tells a beautiful love story but is educational. It shows the process by which blood is transfused from a healthy person to an ailing one. All this is worked in as part of the love story. The whole plot is intensely absorbing, the acting is pluperfect, the photography clear and distinct, the staging masterly! Every film like this, used in your theatre, adds just that much to your prestige and your box office receipts; and takes away just that much from your competitor. Beg for it. Borrow it. Or, if necessary, swipe it!


(Released Thursday, March 31st. Length 970 feet.)

This is another you will appreciate. It depicts one chapter from the world¬ wide struggle for hard cash, and is full of suspense and surprises, the two factors so necessary in a good play, whether pictured or otherwise. If you have not had “Mother Love” (released March 7) and “The Time-Lock Safe” (released M^rch 17) sit down this minute and write a strong letter to your exchange. Keep ding-donging at ’em till they give you Imp films regularly. We honestly think Imp films are now the best in the world. And hundreds of exhibitors say that very same thing.

LISTEN TO THE CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE: ’*Wo think tivit the IMP Company are tlie best .American Manufacturers in the

business today. We think you are llu* eominj' people, and will make them all straighten up and take notice. .\ssurinD vou of our eo operation and with best wishes, we remain.

Yours very tnilv. CIXCIXX.VIT FILM EXCll.AXGF.”

38 X 1\ e Billboard MARCH 2S. 1910.


iCoiitiiiiK'il fmiii pat;*' 3r>.)

Hawli-y. E. F'i’oliTir (Eyrie) Daytoii, O, Ilain<-i< A Viil.i<-<| il'oliiiiiliia) Ciueitinati: (Mary

Aiiilerwiii) llle, Ky.. April Ilaiiillii A. NoyeK (OrplieiKii) Savaiiiiali, Ga.;

(MaJ<-Ktlr) Jaekaiinrille. fTa.. I’S April IlaywiMMl SiMter* (New Son) Spriiictielil, O. ilowanlH MuKieal I’liiiieii A I><>t:s <llayiiiarkrt)

(hiea);i>; (Coliiniliial St. lyiuia 2S .\prll 2. Hoyt A .Me|(iiiialil (MaJeKtirl IJttle Kork.

Ark.: (Majt'atlel Ft. Worth. Tea.. 2S Apr. 2. Ilarrican. Jaa. (Orphemn) OKden, I'.; (Ori>li-

«M(iii) Deliver 2S .\prll 2. Iloltiian, Harry (Court St.) Rraiklyii. Hall. E. Clayton. A Co. (Or|>ht>umi SI. Taul. Hawtlioriie. Hilda (I'oli'a) Sprintrlield. Maas.;

(I’oli'ai Hartford. Conn.. 2S Ai)ril 2. Haniiahan'a Goata (Majeatir) Biniiliiitliaiii. Ala. HolTiiiaira, Cyellu){ (Cleveland) Cleveland, O.;

(Baker) Bo«dieater, N. Y., 28-.\pril 2. Hanna. .4lex: Dover. Del. Herla-rt, F'roKinan (Madiaon Sij. Garden) N.

V. C., 24 April 2M. Hamlina. The (Bennett'a) Hamilton. Can.; (Al-

|>ha) Erie. Da.. 2S April 2. Hurley, hVank J. (I.yrie) Mt. Dleaaant, Da. Haney A Iniii); (Bijou) Atlanta. Ga. Hillman A Roberta (I.yrie) Joplin. Mo. Hannon A Ford (Ctdonlal) Warsaw, Ind. Hatch, E. Warren, A Co. (Orpbeuiii) I.iiua, O.;

(.\r<'ade) Toledo 28 Ai*rII 2. Haftui', Prof. (St. Denis) Toismto. Can. Hu(1aon, I/uilao (Dalace) Asheville. N. C.;

(Grand) Auftiiata, Ga., 28.30; (Grand) Colum¬ bia. S. C., ,31 .^jirll 2.

Halaou Boys (Faniily) MoIIim'. 111. Hearn A Rutter (Keith's) Boston. Holt. Edwin, A Co. (ilrtiheum) Si'attle. Hennanns, The (Majestic) Council ItIutTs, la.,

24 '26. Harder. Dolly (Grand) Hamilton. (). Hall, Frank (New Murray) Rlehiiioiid. Ind.; Hill. .Murra.v K. (Majestic) Jolinstown. Da. Hoffman. la*w (Heuck'a) Cim'innati.

(Star) Muncle 28-Aiir. 2.

Ita. Girt Mentalist (Vaudette) Grand Haven, .Mieli.

Imperiai Musleiaua (Doll's) Worcester. Mass. InKram. Beatrice, A Co. Kirand) Svracuae,

N. V. Ito. Mrs. K.. Jai>s (Disiple's) New Kensinetoo,

Da. Jolly. Wild A Co. (Alhaiiihra) X. Y. C. Jones. Maud (Colonial) Cleveland. (). Johnson A Marvelle (HipiNsIroine) Cleveland,

O. . 21 Aiirll 2. Jackson. Harry A Kate (Hathaway's) New

Ihslford. Mass. Johnson, Honey (Majestic) Toronto. Can. Jarrell Co. (New Com<>dy) Chicago. Johnston, I.. 3'. (Majestic) E. St. Ixmis, III.,

21 April 2. Johnstons. Musical (IVdl's) S|iriu);fleld, Mass.;

(Bronx) N. Y. C.. '28 April 2. Jewette, Boll J. (Harris Fatuily) Detroit. Jeiiniers, The (Grand) Hamilton. O. Johnson A Carlisle (E.vrici Wichita Falls, Tex.,

21 '23; (Malestlei Gainesville 24 2*1. Jenninits A Renfr<*w (Maji-stlo Cellar Rapids,

la. JuKKlintr Girls. Six (.kiiuidcan) Chioako. Julians. Tlw (E.veeiiml (Tileatro 24 2(1. Janu-s A Ellis (Bush Tem|de) C3iieaRo.

Kieman. Walters A Kleman (Slttin-r'si t'hleako. Kelleys. .Australian (Slttis-r's) Chli-ak**. Kane. I>sMiard (Marlowei Chicairo. Kessler A Dttnn (llammersteln'si N. Y. C. Kelleniiaiiii. .Anm*lte (Dns-tor's ,">th .\ve.) X. Y.

C. Krauier A Slws-k (Ondieum) Minneapolis. Keeley A Darks; 1.33 W. 100 St.. X. Y. C. Kelly A Henry: '27.3^ Frankford Ave.. Dhlla. Keiiworthy A Duffy; Xo. 1 Tuxedo DIace,

Denver, Colo. KImhall Bros.: (Majestic) El Daso, Tex. Kluker, Mattician; 110 I.udlow St., Bellefon-

taine, O Knisely A Reardon: .Arlinkton Hotel. Akron, 0. Kolar. Hasel; Maywwal, Ill. Kramer, Fred.: (Grand) Sacramento, Cal. Kennedy A le'e (Oridieiinii Chillhsdhe. 0.;

(West End) Cnlontown, Da., 28-Aprll 2. Kramer A Ross (.Majestic) Coliimlius, Ga.; (Ma- |

Jesttc) Montpituery. .Ala.. 28-April 2. Kamplain A Bell (ilipisslrome) I'tica. X. Y'.;

(I.yrie) Jamestown. 28..Aprll 2. Klos Sisters. Thns* (Oridieum) 18-nver. KItamura iSvxiih' (Hi|i|ioilromel Cleveland, O.;

(Bennett's) Montr»-al. Can.. 'JS-Aprll 2. Kaufman Brrai (.Alhambra) X. C.; (Green

l>dnt) 2s .April 2. Kokin. Miknonette (Keith's) Dhila.; (.Maryland)

Baltlmori- 28 .Aiiril 2. King. Violet (Oriiheiim) San F'ranciseo; (Orph-

euni) Oakland 28-April 9.

Klein A Clifton (Miles) Allnneaisdls. Knight Bros. A Sawtelle (Orpheuui) Birming-

haul, .Ala.; (Orphetmi) New Orleans,, ‘28- .A|iril 2.

Kenna, ('has. (Or|dieiiiii) Oakland; (Orjiheum) Isis .Aniteles 28 .April 1*.

Kelei-y Sisters, Thn-e (Or]iheum) Eau Claire, Wls.

Koiierz Bros., Four (Ondieiuu) Brooklyn; (Shu- Is-rt'sl I'llea 28 .April 2.

Kolllns, Stuart, A Banjo Girls (Majestic) To- Miito, Can.

Kelley A Wentworth (National) San Franciaco; (IWII) Oakland 28 April 2.

Kirk. FYaiik (I'amily) l8-s Moines, la. Keiineil.v, Jim*. (Drineess) Cleveland, O. I.a Croix, Daul: (Empire) Ixindou, Eng., Feb.

28 .Apr. 9. I.afayette. IlalM*; 330 St. Mary St., Marion. O. lai KurriMi, G«*o. C.: 12.37 Windsor Ave., Bristol,

Tenn. I.avelle, Geo.:: 01 Venable St., Atlanta, Ga. lai A'erne, Dearl: Cleveland. O. laiwreuce A Wright: 1.3.33 Broadway, X. C. IxMinora. lai Belle: (Scenic Temide) Willltnau-

tlc. Conn. Ix'slie, Beatrice: TiOl Keith Bldg., Dhila. Iji Clair A West (O. H.) Concord, X. H. lai Villas. The (Grand) Xashvllle, 'Tenn.; (Bl-

Joui Atlanta. Ga., 28-.April 2. La DIace A R'lvi's (Bijou) Brainerd. Minn.,

21 23; (.3th .Ave.) St. Cloud 24'26. I.ingermau. Sam A I.ucy tSunirise) Wash., D.

Ix*ighs, The (Bligh) Salem. Ore. Ia Keane Four (I.yc«*um) Littleton. X. H. Luclfers. l'hri*e (.Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex.;

(Majestic) Dallas 28 April 2. Ikiurant, Marie (Colonial) lndiana|Mdis. IxMinard, Ixxiis A Gillette (Crystal) Chicago;

(Kush Temple) ('bicago 28 April 2. lx* Von A Warr<*n (Vaudeville) Daragould, .Ark.;

(Dalace) Memphis, I'eun., 2s .April 2. I.e Grange A Gordon (2823 Washington .Ave.)

St. Ixiiiis 21-.April 2. Ixine A O'lhinnetl (IToctor's 5th .Ave.) X. Y. C. Iji Dearl A Ibigert (Oriibeum) ShenaiMloah. Da.,

21-2;); ll.iiella) Chilll<8)the. Mo.. 24 26: (Crys¬ tal) Marc<*liue 28-30; (Eb-ctric) Kansas City 31 April 2.

Ix*ach A Vance (Csdonlal) AA'Ilklnsburg. Da. I.lndner, Helen (('r**scent) Xashvllle. I'enn. Llttlefleld. C. W. (Americani Chicago; (Amer¬

ican) New Orleans 28-.Aprll 2. Iji Celles. The: Raleigh. N. C.; Newport News,

Va.. 28 April 2. Iji Xole, Ed. A Helen (Music Hall) Dawtucket,

R. I.; (Scenic) Marlboro. Mass.. 28 Aiirll 2. IJoyd. Hugh (Grand) Dittsburg; (Keith's)

Dhila., 28 April 2. Lest*T, Nina (Lyric) Natick, Mass.; (Music

Hall) Webster 28 April 2. Lahl. Cecil A Avery (Dantages) S|M>kane; (Dan-

tages) Seattle 28-AiiriI 2. La Delies. Four Fantastic (Varleltes) Canton,

Hi.; (Bijou) Pn-ejMirt. 28-AprlI 2. I>atina, Mile. (Jeffers) Saginaw, Mich.; (Bijou)

Flint 28-Aprll 2. Ixivenberg's, Chas.. Ixi Petite Revue (Or|iheum); (Alhambra) X. Y. C., 2'» .April 2. lieightons. Three (Colonial) X. C.; (Orpb-

eum) Brooklyn 28 Aiwll 2. lA Vlne-Clmaron Trio (Ondieum) Seattle; (Or-

pheum) Dortlaisl, Ore.. 28-April 2. Ixiralne. Oscar (New Temple) ItiM'hester. X. Y. Ix*slle. Gi-o. W. (Bijou) Ix*wlslown. Idaho; (Ly¬

ric) Bozeman. Mont.. 28-.A|>ril 2. Ixiisset. Kathren (Ha.vmarket) Chicago. I.intou. Tom. A Jungle Girls (Marlowe) Chicago.

: I,a Vine. (Sen. Ed. (Mary Anderson) Ixiuisvllle. I Ky.; (Columbia) Cincinnati 28-.April 2. I IxiiHlon. Jim (IlipisMlrome) Charleston. \A'. Va, I Ix*slle, Bert A Co. (Oriiheum) Ixis .Angeles. ' Ij Titcomb Kh'iiheum) I8‘s Moines; l()r|iheum)

Minuea|iolis ‘28 .A|iril 2. Ijingdon, Lucille (Majestic) Charleston, S. C.:

(Orjiheum) Savannah. Ga.. 28 .A|>ril 2. La Blanche, Great (Stan Cislartown. Ga.:

(Elite) Roanoke. Va.. 2S-Atirll 2. Ijveen. Cross A C'o. (Orjiheum) Ixis Angeles. La Vllle, Rena (Lyric) Cambridge, Md. Iji Grecia (Majestic) St. Daul. Leonard. Eildie, Mabel Russell A Co. (Orjiheum)

Kansas City, Mo.; (Orjiheum) Denver 28- April 2.

Ixing. Warn-n E. (Theato) Richmond. Va. lA Rocco, Rox.v D. (GIoIm*) Chicago; (Cleve

land) O.. '28 .Ajirll 2. lAiicaster, Mr. A .Mrs. Tom (MH'ue A Cahill's)

Brockton. Mass. lAsky's At the Country Club (Colonial) X. Y.

I C. I lAsky's 3'he ImjM-rial Musicians (Doll's) Sjiring ! field. Mass. I lAsky's The New Dlanojihiends (Keith’s) Bos j ton. I Lasky's At the AA’aldorf (Temjile) Kis-hester,

X. Y. I lAsky's Tile Tbventleth Century (Shea's) Biif 1 falo. 1 LawTenze. Bi*rt (Grand) Dainesville, ()., 21 '23; i (National) Cleveland 24 26.

1a Si'rida (Oiluuibia) Ctica, N. Ix-vlmi. IHilpb A Susie (.National) San Fran

cisco. l.ukushlmas. The (Kiiijiire) Nottingham. Eng.,

28 .Ajiril 2; (Empire) Coventry 4 9; Walhall, 11 16.

Iawsoi). (3ilnes<‘ (Rotiinson) Cincinnati. Ix'wis A Harr Co. (Garrick) Wiliiiiuglon, IVI. Lucas. Ed. A Hazel (Fifth Are) Nashville,

Ti’UU. IxM, Arthur (Deojiles) OwenslMiro, Ky. 1a she. Marvelous (lola) Chicago; (Casino)

Chicago: '28 .Ajir. 2. Ixihse A Sterling (Victoria) Dhila. Ixmdlo (Orjihiiom) Newark. (>. Luigwlrth, Mr. A Mm. J. W. (I'niijm*) Minnc

ajMilis. Ixicas. .limmy (OrjilMum) IV*nver. Levy, Bert (Doli's) Wilkes Barre, Da. LeonaiAl. Jas. A Sadie, A Richard .Anderson (Do

ll's) Wilk«*s Bam*. Da. lAuder. Gtsi. S. (Heuck'a) A'ltwinnatl. Ixo*. Henry (.Anmrican) X. V. C. IJtsl. lUaiier. A Co. (Bnaix) X. Y. C. Lester. Great (lladMuersteiii's) X. Y. C. lAUrent. Marie (Colonial) lislianajHilis. Leroy, I.illian. A Co. (Star) Ifilcago. IjimIi.v. Hutch (SiitiH-r's) Ctiicago. Luttringer, Ixicas A C»i. (Wllsiai .Av,*.) Chicago.

24 26. La Adelahb* (Garfield) Chicago 24 26. Lindbolm A Co. (.Marlowe) Chicag*i. Lora A Dayne (Bijou) Wlnnljs-g, Can. Ix‘onard, Graw (Majestic) Monigiaiwry. .Ala. lAnger. Will (I'amily) La Fayette. Iiwl Leonard, B(*rt (Orjiheum) Savannah. Ga. Mann. Billy (llaymapket) Clilcago. MiUers, Juggling (Majestic) Chicago. Mack, Floyd (Tievett) Chicago.

I Melliane, Mae, A Co. (Coliaubus) ATiicago 21 26. Mascotts. Six (Dekin) Clilcag**. Morgan A ThomjitsHi iDekliii Chlmgo.

I Mexicias A Mexlcias (.Aslilandi (3ii>*ago 24 26. I Mack A Wilson (.Aiadlol (hicago 24 26. I Mann A Franks (Marlowei (Yilcago. I Malvern ’Tnmiie (Majeetlc) St. Paul. I McXall.v A Slavin (.Majestic) St. Paul.

Mills A Miailton (Maji*stlc) MoutgiainTV, .Ala. Mack, lhaigal A A'o. (Maji'stic) IJ(t1e Rock.

Ark. Moore. Great (Majestic) ILamton. Tex. Mills. CYiarb-s (Maj<*sticl Birmingham. .Ala. Mldgley A Carlisle d'nlton) Broiklyn. 1 Mortons. Dour (.Am<*rlcan) X. Y. C. .McGiiln*. Tiaii (.American) X. Y. C. M« (r<*se (DIazai N. C. Mlley, Katliervn (Plaza) X. Y. C. Mlllman Trio (Colonial) X. Y. C.

, MclKmald. Crawfonl A Montr*** (.Alhambra) X. ' Y. O. , Martins, Flying (.Alhambra) X. Y. C. I Melrose A Ki-nneiiy (Bronx) X. Y. C. I Matthews A .Ashley (Orjdipumi Bnsiklim.

McConnell A Simpson (Orjdieum) New (irli-ans. ! Motoglrl (.American) New Orleans. I Murjihy A Francis (Colonial) MtnneajKilla. I M»*Cay. Wlnsor (.American) B<*,ton.

McCoy, Xellle (.American) Boston. Migiain. Iia Petite (.American) Bost.m.

' Moots*. Tian A Stacla (Orjiheum) Cim-innati. Miller Bros. (Orpheum) Citn-lnnatl. McA’aulle.v A (Vinnell (Oi-ptu*iu)i i Newark. O. Mudge. Eva (New Grand) Evansville. Ind. MeConnell, .Arthur: (Star) Erie. Da. Melbinald. O. L; Sis .8ii|H*riiir St.. Toledo, O. Manning Trio: 70 Clancy St., Grami Bapida.

Mich. Mavue A Mayne; New Caslli*. Ind. Meats. The Bugler: White Bats. X. C, Meyer. Daviil; )Gem) Kan. Monson, B. Thus.: 918 W. 48th St.. Ix'S An¬

geles. Morris Cora; (Grand) Salt Ixike City. C. Mardo Trio (Gayetyi IndlanajHiIis; il’aris) Darla.

in.. 28 April 2. Mullane A Mnntgimiery (Dalais*) Sall*hury. X. C. Mooree, Mabel Valenteene (Drosjss l) Cleveland,

Ohio. Mi*sser. Helene A Corrinne (Siieisjy'si H'dyoke,

Mass., 21-23; (.Mkhllew-x) .Mhblletown Coon., 24 '26.

Merritt. F' R. (Msjestle) Hot S|iiings. .Ark. Marshall, Geo. D. (Stan X«*w Caslle, Ind.;

(Star) Marlon 28 .Ajiril 2. Martin. Dave A Denie (Danlagi-s') I8*nver 28-

•Aprll 2. Morris. Billy. A Slu*rwood Sisters (Dantagea’)

Dortlaml. Ore. •Mays, Eoiir Musical (Orpheum I Mariim. O.. 21-

'23: (Orjitx-titn) Mansfield 24 26. Martella A Aspril Bros. (Faniily i PittslHirg. Pa. Marimlsi Kami. Mexican (MetrojMilltani Clrcle-

ville. O.; (Grand) Massillon 28 .Ajiril 2. Mclkmald Trbi (.AinlouM*) (hattaniB«a. Tenn. Morton J<»well Trisijs* (Doll’s) Wiiree**ler, .Mass. Mikiiv. (b*o. Austin (Keith's) ColiimiMis, o.; il»o

ll’s) AA'Ilkes Bsm*. Da., '28 .Aiirll 2 'IiMii-II A SliHW iGa.vetyi ItHliiinajsills. Mfi'o.v. MonlPwe iLyrlei I'alleltsloirg Ky.;

(Virginia) Wellstonn. O.. '28-Atirll 2.

Malvern Trmipc (Majestic) St. Daul; (L'ulqua) .MiniieajHilis 28 .Ajdl 2.

Melville A Higgins lOrplieiiuil I8*s Moiiiea; (Or- jils-niul .MInnea|Mi|ls 28 .A|>ril 2.

Mank'a .All Star Trio (Majestic) Chicago. Martin A Fabrlnl tVaudevlllei li.vmiMilh. .Maaa.,

21 2,3; (Scenicl .MarllMiro 24 26; (Darlllun) Barre, Vt., '28 :i(l; tGiuiii Berlin, N. IL, 31- Ajiril 2.

Murray A Linn (Doll's) AA'on-evter. Mass.; (I'o- li'sl Sjirlngtleld 28 .Ajiril *2.

Masw*,v, .Al. J. (Oriils*iiui) .Newark o.; (Family) BiirlHTliMi 28 .Ajirll *2.

Makiro A Co. (K<*iiyoiii .Alleglieny, Da. .Mario .Aldii 'IVio (3Yis'adi*nil I’lilla.; (Ixizerne)

Wilkes Itarrv* '> Ajiril 2 MiMitrose I'nsijM* (.Ainerleaii I San Fraiw lsoo. M.iil'leii A Fitz|iatrick iKellh'si inilla.; (I’roc-

tor's otli .Ave.) N. Y. (’., 28 .Ajirll 2. Maek A Iiiigal Co. iMa>*stlei l.ltlb* Kis-k. Atk.;

(Majestlel Ft. Worth. Tex.. 28 Ajirll 2. Mil-* oriiilek. Jas.. A Eleanor Irving ( .Majeatic)

IjRYoss,*, Wis.; (Orjilieiuii) Eau Claire 28- Ajiril ‘2.

Minilgoniery, Marshall (OrjilieiMul Sjiokaiie 28- Aiirll 2.

MeGarry A Mislarry (Majestiel Dallaa. Tex.; ( Majestlel Hisistnn 28 .Ajirll 2.

Mavim's Mislels, Co. A. 1 Majestlel Ib'ainuont, 3'e\.; (Orii4H*(Mii I New Orleans. La., '28.Aiirii

Misire. Great (Majestic) Hisiston. Tex. Morieliinl. Maiirlela (Orjilieiitu) San Franclaru

21 .Ajirll 2. Maratiliil. Gn*at (INill's) New Haven. Conn.;

(Doll s) Bridgejiort '28 .Ajirll '2. Mankin lOrjils-innl Salt Ijtke City. ‘28 .April 2. Merritt, Hal (Orpheum) I.lneoln. N'eh.; (Orph-

euin) Kansas City. Mo.. '28 .Ajirll 2. Mallia A Bart lOrjilw-iim I .Atlanta, Ga.;

H'has. 'sl Wasli . D. ( ., '28 Ajirll 2 Mlilnian Trio lOrjils'iini i Portland. On*. .Mark A AA'alker )l'i*tujile| i8*troit: tTempIv)

Rm-hester 28 .Ajirll 2. M.v<-r H.vman (Orjiliennii I8*s Molnea; (Orjtheum)

MinneajMilia 28 .Ajiril 2. Masi-agisi Itr-x. lOrjilM-iiin) 18*s .Aloliies; (Orph-

eiinii Mlnis'ajsilis 28 .A|irll 2. MsS'iain. *'lvite (Orjalieunil Zanesville, O., 21-

2:1; (Victoria) AVb.*ellng. W Va.. 24 28; (.Amerlcani )jist I.iveriHsil. o.. 28 29; (Na¬ tional) SIssilHiivllb* .31 .Ajirll 2.

Mirton, Harley (Orjiheunii .Allintw-e. (),. 21-2*3; (Grathl) Maiwlllon 24'26: lElri'Irk*) .Athena tM); (Stan .Nels-invllle .31 .A|ir)l '2.

M,r*s1<s'k A AA'alson (llnnan's) Texarkana. Tex.; (.Majeslie) Hot Sjirlngs. .Ark.. 28 .Ajirll 2.

Mensllths. 'ns*. A I8ig SnoiK-r (Electric) Enid. Okla., 21 ‘23; (O. H.l Di*rry 24 26.

Morton A Keenan (Mhbllesex) MMdlelown. «'ixnn.. '21 2.3; (Slieisly'sl Holyoke, Mass.. 24 26.

.Ala<-k Tiun iCohsilal) Kb-lmsiml. Va. Misitrell. Cliaa. )X*‘W Btjisil Duliinjne. la. Mtirray, Mr. A Mrs. H. J. (Blograpli) .Alton.

HI. My.wotls Slst,*rs (IVi*nn<*lt's) Hamilton, Ont..

Can., 28 .Ajitil 2. McXeal. Isriis* iroloniali Warsaw. Iml. MargiKTlte A .Ailriel o;iots*i Clileago. (Cleve-

laiull nevelaml, O '28 .Atirll 2. JfasM-y A Kramer (Elyria) Elyria, o. Martinette A S.vlxest«*r (Olyniidc) ('hlrago. Moran A AA'lsi-r (.Ajsillol Berlin. Ger., .April 1-

SI. Mocard, Fred A Eva (Trevett) Chleago. Muriihy. Mr A Mrs. Mark (Keith's) Boston. Murtha. James lO. 11.) Kuinfonl. Me., 21 23;

(o. H.) Ganllner 24'26. Marrell A Is*Di*tl iKIJou) Bay City. Mich.;

(Bljon) Jacks,in ‘28 .A|ir. 2. Menetekel iBi>iui .Atlanta. Ga.; (Bl>iu) Birm¬

ingham. .Ala., 28 .A|>r. 2.

Nemo, Carl liUjijsslnaiM*) Cb-veland. 21 .April 2.

Nelson A Otto )Dns*tor’si .Allsiny, X. Y.; (PoJ. I’s) Scranton. Da.. 28 .April 2

Xoases. Six iHathaway'si Uiwell, Mass.; (Co¬ lonial) I.a«Tenre 28 .Ajirll 2.

Norrises. TIs* (A’anib*vtllet Dlvmoiith, Masa. Xlehola. N'elsoti A Nichols (Majestic) Savannah,

Ga.; (Majestic) Colimilsis 28 .Ajirll 2. N«ss*tle (Orjds-nni) Osklaisl Cal . '28 .Ajirll 2 Xawn. Mr. A Mrs. Tisn (.Alhambra) X. Y. C.;

(Colonial) N. Y ('.. 28 April 2. Newell A Xllilo (Majestic) Siattle. Norman, Mary (Keith's) (Ntliuubu*. *ia.. 28-

April 2 Nugent. J. C. IMa>-st|c) H<aiston. Tex ; (Ma¬

jestic) Galveston '28 .Atirll 2. Nevbui A Erwiss): S|irlngfleld, Ill.; tllaymar

keti (liieago 28 .April 2. NeitHilftans. Isiventierg’s. Marion IJIelifield. mgr.

I I.Andtioriiim) L.xiui, Mass.; (Hatbiiwax'si |x>w. ell '28 .Ai»rU 2.

Neville. .Angnstns. A Co. ((^iiis-ni San Diego, I Cal.; (Mission) Salt Isike City, 28 .A|ir1l 2 I Nadeii. Is-w (.Aeaib-my) Lindsay Out . Can.

Xewon. Glailya (Majeattr) Metnjibla, Tenn.. 21- I -Ypr. 2.

CANDY FOR CASH! Darby of Baltimore - The Cash Candy Man

I Make the be^l Chocolates in the United States, ^ and maintain this reputation at all hazards. My plant occupies four city blocks in the heart of Baltimore. I employ upward of five

hundred hands the year 'round.

I DO A STRICTLY CASH MAIL-ORDER BUSINESS This plan of selling enables me to offer you at the very start the

Lowest Possible Wholesale Prices; eliminating all expense incurred

through losses, salesmen's commissions, disx ounls, etc., usually figured in

the cost of selling hy the manufacturer.

IF MONEY TALKS, READ WHAT I OFFER! S< Pkt* Axst. CiMMOlstex, 2 do/to box $ .7S 1-4 lb pkix Whipped ( rrssi (iHMolaIrA, doi tl .OO

1®* “ 1 " " .75 1-2" " AxkrI. (bwoUlrx, 51.501# $1.00 doj.

15* " " " 1. 1 00 1. " $2.50 " 512 00 "

l-argrr si/e packages from I to 10 Ihs. in handsome lithographed

and emhosse*! imported boxes all at proportionate low prices.

I r annot afford to fill orders that amount to less than $10.(Ml. If you < aniiot make up an order for $10.00, I am prartirally no gon<l to you. likewise, your axouni woulil he loo small for me.

I make no C. O. Ij. aliipmenis. Kemil hy Dost ( )fhf e or f.xpress Money Order, 1 )rnft or Certified C her k. ( flrau Htl / ItfiARlf*' ti-/*ra I'errtnz rr trjmng.)

**Darby of Baltimore”_THt DARBY CANDY fOMPANY. Hillwi. front dfid Bdlh StrertA, Bdllimorr. Md . U. S. A.

DARBY Pays The Freight

(. mmuniititf ‘litf' mt re f.\2fin£

Tiirrs. I muie a thousand and t0ne

varifttt. -* (jn:*. Jf ! run't saie ti,u

mnn. I vant %9ur/unness.

I deliver all goods FREE east ot the Mississippi River.

march 26. 1910. Xfie. Billboard

.Mtilo * ll<-lll.v (IliiHk’Bt rinrlniiall, O. Kiiiir (I'lilliiii) Krooklyii.

M.'IioIkoii ic Norlini U'laxM) r<. Y. C.

Naiiila 'I'nmiM* (Ori'lK'imi» IVr>«>klyii, NoliN-. 4'arl (<irau<li Iiullaiia|a>lla.

ojaTati*' Ki-allval ((in-«Mnailiil( llnN*lyn. <»]M'rat<’r, Tlw (('«loiilal» ItxnaiM|H>fla.

<) l»>-U iL <illni<>n‘ NfWark, <>. (I K.iiirk)' h Alklliaidi; lk4S K. *>.'>111 SI., Clfve-

laial. iMt.. ItroH.: •Jki W. f.i: St. N. Y, C. Oxrrtlflil, .Aialrt-w: :iliU lil<-liuwiH><l Avt-., liuf-

falo, .N. V. D N**!) 'lYlo (K«Miy<>nt All<-*flieny, I’a.; (l.yrlc)

Kaat l.lHTjHiol, O., .Ipiil ‘J. Ortiaaeny'a. Inua, l'<a-kal<a>a • liatltaHay'aI New

Ili'Jfonl. .Maaa.; (llalliaway'at U>wi'll ZS .k|irll

(kilt a (l<•■nn<■lt'N) Montreal, Can.; (lleiinelt'a)

Olawa 2. iil.'oit, Charlie (llrikieianl .\llaiita, Ca. O'ltay, Ilia (llrptieiiin» Itea Moliiea; (OriilHiHu)

Mliitieapolla 2S .April 2. Ollvoiil 'lYiailiailoura lOr]’l>*‘»tr> > iMiialia. Neb.;

(itriibeuiul Denver 2S April 2. ()neii>. Itllly A .May 1 Dixie) Atlanta, Cla. (il'.miHir, llerbiTt, ii C<>. (Coluintaia) CUii-aKo,

21 2il. I'anirer Tr«>ui«‘, lire (Tn-vett) (bleatro.

I'alnier Jk Dim kiiian lllaxtielii i Chleatro 21211. IM-'T A Daye; Itlianiitlelil, la. I'.illilt. Walter II.: iDinpIrei Sail .Antonio, Tex. |•e^llane Itroa. I Mary .Aialeraoni lamlaville. Ky.;

II oliimbla I I'lneinnatl 2S .April 2. I’ower'a IIipiMulroine KleiilianiJi (IllpiMalrmae)

I'letelaiiil, O., 21 .April 2. PolrierM. 'ITh' (l.yiviuii) I’ort .Arllmr. Can.; (The-

atorliinil I't. Wiiliafn 2^ .Ajirll 2. I^■tll> Itriw. A III. 1 Iteiineii'Mi llaniilton. Can.;

I lU’iiiiett 'ai Ottawa 2>> .April 2. Pike .A Caline IPantaitea'i St. JiMw-pli. Mo

|■..ller A Mania (l...vrle) iYiHiiipHlt:n, Ill.; tPam 11} ■ Clinton, la.. 2S .Aiirll 2.

PepiM'r Tw ina l Vauileville i Dallaa. Tex. Pui ki. 'INvo iiJn l•llIM.illt 1 ltr'>ikl}n; i( olunlal)

N V. C. 2s April 2. Ptillli|i' A .Newell lorplieiini I Klnk:'lon, Ont.,

Can. PrioTM. llie illiani MInmaiMilla IVaree .Si«l<TM. Tlire,' 11 irplieiiiii I ItaratMMi. Wla.,

21 22. lO. 11 I \Vln->na. .Minn.. 2t 2ii: III. II. i

K.a-laeter. '2-'' .April 2. Paniliir llotiby. A Ilro iiJraieli Kvanwvtlle. Iwl. Pi lot. Preit. A -Annie iilaleti i .Minnea|>oll«,

Minn. Prli-e. Van U.. A Co. iHranill SJiarnokln. Pa. PinlX4-r Trio i M.iji'»llei Collar IDipliN. la.. 2N

-April 2. Pei|er«‘Hi llroM iMaji-'tlei Ji4it)Miown. Pa.

I’antrer. W illie. Co. iColuiiibia ’ Clnelnnatl. Pri: t'e A Wliitliii: iP.r.Mtx) N. V C. P'Ik A polk iCiiliailali Initiatui|M>llji. tjuliiv. Tho> : lOntrieh Karim JarkaiinTlIle,

na' gnlnto Will M A Vienna: 2.29 Ceorge St.,

poiiMinie. Pa gii'.g'.e} A .AiUlr iPli-kwleki Winatiai Salem. N.

gnaker t'itv Trio i\ew MajeMtle) Iji Cp..»e j

WS ; il niipiei Mlntiea|H>I|M. Minn.. 2*5 .April

gilnlan A Maek iMary AinliTa.ini I^oilavllle !

K> . April 2 Re.lnionil. Kota ilNiIt.ini Ilr'-iklyii. | lt:i il'lo i.Atiierieani N. Y C i

Kov.,1 p .1., Te.Mti iPlaiai N. Y f. Ui»iialtv iTalre ip.ronx) N. Y C K-i 'ii v A Hint I llainnietuti'I'.'M • N A" C

Kanilall. I.lent i .Ann rlean ■ New Orl.-aii' Kehn. loo. A K'laa: iCelotilali ttklahoma City,

okla R.viH.lila It — ■ 2P> Italtlr St. Hr.a.klyn.

Kieh.vr U Kalph: Kill Porter St . Itetrolf. Mlrh. Klehiiioit.l I aura: icip-iilti Taei'ina. Wash. UoIm rta A l.lttle: ItPick lalaml. II I ! Uotn-la. Iloli: 21'> Tiirtier St.. Zaiieavlllo. O. i Riirker. Korreat .A. iCrT»tal Pala. Torvofo, ;

Can. I Rlti le Duo i|(i].H|i K.nlne, M 1».: i Ilijoii .Ap ■

plet'it) 2^ April 2 ' Rev CoineiD t 1p'II« iCbaw'ai W'a'h . D C l

nil W lYl SI 1 N. Y C. I R-4.ln*on Trio iStan Ithaca. N Y R itilaon A Parteloii ipavllli.ii: Newtieprv. S. C I

RiTilM‘1. Jack A Nellie iKIretrii'i IloMvar. Mo. Tbi.v J J It) II > Ilerlln. Wla. R 'Vale A Stem* illi)iaii r«canaha. Mleh R.Jien Kri'il il'oliinibla 1 St. lanila ■

RimmI, St .Inlin A <'•> iC,nin.l) ITilcago: irnluuc) !

Ml<inea|M4|a 2S Atirll 2 i Rilllr. Pat A Co il inicre«e.i Pivrtlanil. Me. RiImIm.w siMtera l Alrihmiei niatlano-ara. Tenn , '

2k Aiirll 2 Ho>«Tt« A IkiwiMW iUnrlewl CharIi'«toii \V Va.:

I Ro)>|nwi.ti’« 1 C1n<'ln'iall o . 2^ April 2 , Rolaml A Maek iClevelaniD t'leTclaml O : iRak- |

er a I K.M he'tiT. N Y . 2N April 2 I Relff I'lavton A Helff II rvMtal) Amleraon. Itnl.;

iilavefi 1 ln,liann|iolla 2k April 2 Rol.ertM A KoImti» iComlipiel IliifTaln 21 22;

' AP'ailei Niagara Kalla 2t 2*1 i Roaa K.I.lle <; Illltoii) Stn-ator. 111.: (Tp'vett)

nilmgo 2k April 2 I Rlvoll. CaiMir A lMa|e«llcl Kt Worth. Tex.;

'Mi|e»tlri Dallaa > April 2.

Riialleana Trio iCriatall Trlnblail. Col RlaiHMi Koiir iPr'M'lor'ai Newark N. J : iPrnc

tor’-i AllianT 2k April 2 Riamcr. Kathliam iKollv) Oklahiwita Cltr. Okla.:

iOri»heimi) la'avetiworth Kan . 2k April 2 Rii«*.-ll. .|, -«le. A (iPantagea") St J.»*i-ph.

Mo ■ IMaleallcl Maiinllial 2*« April 2 R.4.I..,,,. p„), * Harellc I New Ma1e«llcl Krann

rllle linl : llliiipre»a) Cincinnati. O.. 2.k

.A|>ril 2 Ranf cinml.- IAIale«tlc) Ft Worth. Tea : iMa

leatle) Dllllia 2k At»rll 2 RlcliatkU ilri-at iKatnIlv) la-hanivn. Pa ; (Kam

llvi Slinninkin 2k April 2 11* lal lti>»a iiirplnainri 1mm* Ange'ea 21 At^ril 2 UntM*nM. .1 iShra***) Itnffalo: iSliea’a) Ti'paito.

Ciii 2k Atirll 2 Real ,1 Karl lllriiMli Maryaillle. Cal.; Illp'atl

Wav I Ihitiai 2k April 2 R’v 1 arven TrotiiM* iPanlage«‘l Taeoina Wnah

* Pnnlag.-v* I INirtlatiil On* . 2k April 2. R-itnion.l I'reilrleka. Trio iMarv Atwleraonl ImWI

NMIle Kr.

Ill'*' A Ahem tlNiipIrel IMmonton Can ; (I'.an f:ig««') SiMikatM* Waali , 2k April 2

It* iti A White ICtia-e'a) AVaah D. C. 1 I Krik' » «r a) Altiam, N Y . 2k April 2

llvan Th.ia .1 niehnel,l IN. 1 Ori*b«w'h'' S* I'liil.

Ui*amora. Snranne (PoIKm) W'Wia'ater. Maaa ; 'K 'lra) Wllk. M Parr.. Pa 2k April 2

U:.hlh' ,A 1th.ato* iNlaka) Ath.'itH. t) ; iKanilly) tlarhi-rloM 2k ;10 ilYlMia >.,t iNeihiM'ton 21 April 2.

UnlhiTforil. .Iltn M .1 t'o (Imm< Angelea) lav* Angel,'M ii}iie,.n) San Diego 2k April 2

lli*itinMi,| Mninh- 111 ainnnTateln’a) N Y C.. 2S 'pril 2

Roeher'a MoiiVera lOrphcmiri I*ea Molnea la ;

lOriiheiiinl AA'ItinIpeg. Can., 2S April 2

Kolonlana, Tlie «Nrl<Alal) N. Y. C., 2S1 April 2.

Ibaiartls, The (Cbutea Park) I.rm An((ele« 21- Aprll b.

Ka.vantmd, Alice, & Her PUyera (Umpire) 1*>1- Inburx, Hcotland. 2S Ais-il 2; (Umpire) Olnt* girwr 4-9; (kliiriilre) SutMlerland, Kn^., 11-lfi; (f>nplre) South Shield* 18 24; (Hippodrome)

I/odon 2S-31. Keynolda & lA.negan ((>rp))eura) OakJand; (Or

Idieiim) Ixm Angelea 2k-April !).

Kyan A Dtjuglaa (TriM'adero) Chicago. Uiam Slatera, Three (Lyric) Dyeratnirg, Tenn. Klvent)all. I're*!. (Ghdie) CTilcago; ((^levelatwl)

Cleveland, O., 28-Aprll 2. Kaymond, Ruby, Ac Co. (Ilathaw'ay’a) New Bial-

fonl, Maaa.

Retlf.«-d A Wlncbeater (l.yrlc) Dayton, O.

Ritter Ac Foaiter (Sh«re<lltch) lamdun. Eng., 2S- Aprll 2; (IlipptMlrome) Khl.w-ale, Walea, 4 9;

IIlippotirtnne) Oiienahaw 11 16. Ricliarda. Wm., Ac Co. (Proctor’a) Ni-wark, N.

J. Rleb, Gladys (WatAiIngton) Ibarton. Rajan, John (Oriibeutn) Scranton, Pa., 21-2.'5:

iKavinl) Jeaaup 24 26; (Dreamland) Nanti- eoke 28-30; (Star) CarlMinilale 3lApr. 2.

Rotiluaou’a Pickonlnlea (Victor) Kanaaa City,

Kan., 21-2;i: (Yaudette) Ft. Scott 24 26;

(Yale) Wichita 28 Apr. 2. ReKT. Clayton Ac KelCf (Arcade) Tolclo, O. Reading Slatera (Family) WllllamaiMirt, Pa.;

(411 \V. 30th St.) N. Y C., 28 April 2. Reldy A Currier (Majestic) Johnaifnvn. Pa. Rice A Prevtait (Unique) MlnneaiM.Iia. Redwood A (ronlon (Unique) .Mlnnca;a>Ila. Ra.vmootl. Lizzie (Ileuck’a) Cincinnati. R.-ea, Tbomaa (Wilaon Ave.) tYilcago 24 26. Rnmnlell Slaterw (Wllaim Ave.) Chicago 24 26 Ray A .Manning (Lyceum) Chicago 24 26.

R. ati)wl.‘ll Slatera (.AahlaixD Chicago 24 26.

Rapaley. Ralph (HIJoul Wlnnl|>eg. Can. Rlwll, Caesar (MaJewtlc) Ft. Worth, Tea. Robey, Dan (.Majeatlc) Dallaa, Tea.

Rnasell Brew. (Majestic) Hmiaton. Tea. Ridilell. May (Majeatlc) II<a)aton. Tea. Sliarp * Montgomery (Trerett) Chicago.

Shantam. latrinia. At Co. iStar) Chicago. Si-linyler. Elaie tStar) Chicago. .ktraley Trio (Sittner'a) (Tjlcago.

Steinliler. Sallle (MaJewtlc) I)envor. Stellinga. Tiw 1 Majeatlc) St. Paul. SaniiMMin A- Dmiglaa (.Majewtici M'.ntgioner.v. .Ala. Splllera. Five Muaical IKanilly) I>aKayett**. liul.

Siaot A Daala (Majeatlc) JacktvonTilh*. Kla. Sully A IDlway ) Majeatlc) Cellar Rapid-*. la.. 2S-

.Aprll 2. .S.llgninn A Bramwell ri>rplieum) Memplila.

T< nn. Sala*I. Jiaw'phine (Orpheum) flnoinnatl. Sl-Tena. Paul lMaJe*itlc) J*>hn't*>wn. Pa.

SaaoT. Taicllle I Majeatlc) J*(hn*to'wn. Pa. Swat Milligan )t)r}iheum) l)<*nTer. Sv'sra. Gladra; 2.'k \V. 26tb St.. N. Y. C.

.kcUilnl A 'Grovlnl: 16T.'> 72 St. Homewood, Brooklyn. N. Y.

Shaw**. .Aerial: (Clrena Shiimann) Berlin. Ger.. March 1 31; (.Apollo) Yi,*nna. -Austria. -Apr.

1 .10. S, *an**a Kamlly. Miiklcal: ll" Glenwood Are..

Btiffalo. N. Y. Si Yad A Inez: 2301 Normal St.. C*-dar Falls,

la. Sizemore. iMtgan; (Grand) Ft. Worth, Tex.

Smith, ('has. Cecil: (Empire) Tul'-a. (Ikla. Spatilil'ng. Dupre** A Tetl: ll*>x 2k.'i. Ossining,

N. Y. Sanlth. Mr. A Mrs. J. Murray )K*iv.von) -Alle¬

gheny. Pa. Sik-hy A Earl ) Ml A'ldumhla. Mo.. 21 21; (Ly

ric) S^klalia 24 26. Siwnniers. .Allen iBlJotl) Ken*'sha. Wis.. 21 21;

(Barrlsom Waukegan. Ill.. 24 26. SamiMton A Sampson (Crystal) .Alva. Dkla.. 21-

21; (Electri. ) Kiowa 24 2*1 Steaenw. E.lwin. A A'o. (Gran.D Indianapolis;

(Coinmblal Cincinnati Ok .Ai*ril 2.

Stoddard A Wallace (MaJ**stlcl Angola. ImU Stagik*b*s. F'Hir )Id*'a) F)*n'l du I.*«c, W'is.;

(Unl(jue) Sli)*Niygan 2S-.Aprll 2. Sfaintiwvs. Th** iGavely) Bangor. Me.; (Mtislc

Hall) lewlst*vn Ok April 0. St. Alva. .A<l)lle iN.Tka) .Akr.m, O. Slutzman ,A May iMalestlc) Dall.vs. Tea.: (Ma¬

jestic) Houston 2k .April 2. St. J.>hn .V Br)<lges (Unique) Des Moines la.

smith Jfe .Arado (Miles) Mlnm-apolls. Shllnl; Rome. <18.; Ohattan.siga. T('nn.. Ok

April 2 Sisssardy's Paul. .AcroNitlc B«'ars (DrplW'Uiml

Cleaeltnd. O. Sant)vr)i. M(4(. A- Co. (Majeatle) Madison, WIs.;

(Templel Ft. Wa.vne. Ind.. Ok .April 2. Strickland RuN> (Majestic) M.mtc*imer}. Ala.:

(MaJ.'stIc) Llltic Roi k. Ark . 'Ok April 2

Scsrl)>s. .Arthur (I.rric) Jam)'wtown. N. Y.. 21-

21: (Family) Wamm. Pa.. 24 26 Spalding A RIego (Chase's) Wash., D. C.;

(Tik-nt) Trenton. N. J.. 2k .April 2. Scintilla (.Arcade) Oameglc. Pa. .knsana. Pr1n*'css (Marhvwe) (Tilcago; (SlttmT's)

(Tilcago 2k April 2, Sllckney's, I.(s)|se. D*>c Jt Pony Noai'lty (Grand)

Portland. On*. Somers A- Sl*>rke (Majestic) Shwty Falls, S. D. S*sin«cn. Clirls (New Ma1<*stlc) Iji tY.wse. Wis.;

(UnbpH*) Minncap<vlls. Minn.. Ok .April 2 .kpN«,*II Bros A (••. (Maryland) Baltimore.

S.hlav*>nl Tr*‘nis' (Nnllimal) San Francisco Ok

.April J. S*>nth S<'a |slan*l .b'c ,V Wife Reno (KiMth'a

Hlppolroiiie) Cleveland. D '21 April 0. St>**n<s*r A- .\n«lln (Orplw'nm) Sidney, O.; (B1

|*M)) Ai(d«* Ind., 2k .April 2. Sltvi*(s< A *'*> (Y.*n*hm(e) W a(kv. Tea. .kton** A Hayes iTenipIe) GraiwI R.splds, Mlc4i.:

(Blhsi) Kilnl 2k April 2. kiitt*'n A kntton )()n'h*‘nin) Atlanta. Ga. k|<nd*>ni Pan! (Omhennil Kansas City. Mo.;

(Malestle) I8*s M.dnes, la. 2S Aikll 2 klsn*llsh M|s.ieH () iiqkienn)) HaiTlsbiirg. Pa.:

)K<*llh's) I'hlla . 2k April 2 .kte|«p. ALdiUnger A King (Colonial) Norfolk.

Ya . •> April 2 Snialletta. Kdward (Hii>p<'*lr*«ine) Cleveland. O..

21 April 2. klzem*>r<', Arthnr ((' H ) Tipton. Ind. kt<n)e I* Belle (National) ktenls-nTllle. ().. 21

21: ( American) Fast l.lverisvol 24 26. Sl)erman. IV K<*resl, A CV*. (Majestic) Ce*lar

R*(phls. la ktnnnels .lack (Hlpp*slronie) R**ok Island. HI.:

(Marlowe) (Tilcago 2k April 2. kavov A- kaaoy (Milo) I.lttlo Kall«. Minn, ktnilh A- Brown (Bllou) A'lrglnla, Minn.; (Brlnk-

(nanl BotnhIII 2k April 2. k,-ott A Davis (Majostlc) .lacksonvllle fTa.

kolillling. AA'tn (U.S'w's) Kllzaheth. N. .1.

(Coiitinm'd on page 42.)

—t >01.1) rmrvmu t—



Michael Strogoff A Superb Motion Picture of Jules Verne’s Famous Story

To Be Released April 1,1910 Order It Now So That Your Eichange May Have tt When You Want tt


BRADFORD'S CLAIM. THE HEART OF A ROSE. A Strong Dramatic Film. Dramatic,

No. 6608. Code. 'Violiniite. App. Lgth., 730 ft. No. 6611. Code, 'Vioolboom. App. Lgth., 670 ft.


An Uproarioualy Funny Comedy. Comedy. No. 6609. Code Violoruque. App. Lgth., 870 ft. No. 6612. Code, Vioolhara. App. Lgth., 330 ft.


MICHAEL STROGOFF. Dramatized by Roy Norton from hia “Whiatiing Julet Verne's Immortal Story. Sandy” Stories.

No. 6610. Code, Vioolblok. App. Lgth., 995 ft. I No, 6613. Code, Vioolhout. App, Lgth., 990 ft.


Richard Harding Davit's Famous Dramatic Story Arranged for Edison Production by the Author.

No 6616. Code, Vioolinar. App. Lgth., 990 ft.



EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY Main Office and Factory, 71 Lakstide Atoium. Orange, New Jersey.

New York Office: 10 Fifth Avenue. Chicago Office: 90 Wabaak Avenue.

Office for United Kingdom; Edieon Works. Vietoria Road, Willeaden, London, N, W,, Eng.


Geo. Breck. 70 TurA St., San Franoisco. P. L. Watera, 41 E. 81st Bt., New York City.

Howard Moving Picture Co., 564 Waahington ‘ ,* 8»I»^

St., Boston. , Cnlehuff, 4th A Green 8U., Pkila- Yale Film Each. Co., 688 Main St., Kansas City. I delphia.


UNITED BOOKING OFFICES OF AMERICA Putnam Building, Times Square (149:1-150.) Hroiidway), New York City

- w A IM X E D ==""• • '

Good Clean Shows For Midways. -BEST CIRCUIT IN THE EAST-

Can place Riding Devices manager

and Privileges, ^ Fair Department.


ROY E. FOX’S lONESimimLS Under Canvas


I'Vmble Trapeze Te.ym. kketeh Team. Novelty Acts. Musical .4ct, two good Singing and Dancing

CmiKHli.yiis. Stale If deuble band. s*il«. clarionet. Other musiolans write. I.ync and Bell.

George I'arento, J.yck Hunt, Mustc.yl W.ylker and John Mang.Is, write. Gntvetun. lVxa!<. Mare'i

2123; DIN'D. '24'26; OnaI.y$k.<i. 2S .30; Livingston. 31-.4prll 2. Show goes to (’oh'rado this siiniiiier.

For Al. G. Barnes’ Big 3-Ring VV d.riL0Cl Wild Animal Circus

I'laying tlinx* .lay .and week stan*!*—Muslclana. Talkers. Expres.s .Vgent. EIeelricl:ins. B*issi Canvaaman. Man ex|>.'rl.‘ne.s! In llolte Weyer and Prlmo lights; also us**ful workln);men In all" ila|>artment8; can place Human R'kilette. Kerris Whet 1 an.l Merry Go Round. Show opens

SiH'kan.*, .\i>ril l.k, .'ne W(H*k on the stris'ls. -Vddress AL. G. BARNES, Spokane. Wash.


I .\t a n'aort that dn>w (wer t’aa).0()() jicople last aunimer. Tlieatre did big btisin(*S5>. S»'at9 150.

Complete throiijrNnit. Bargain if s.'ld *iuickly. R. 8. PAYNE. 804-808 Sycamore Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO.


40 Xtie Biilt>oarcl MARCH ?6, 1910. I

THE PARK SEASON Soon to C){)en— Managers Are Optimistic, and All Indications Point to!

One of the Most F^rosperous ^ ears in History

of Outdoor Amusements

SUMMER PARK OUTLOOK. l m-l-l.-l «1..1 f-r a ii.-« f.-alur.-. III.- Hr-.! SUMMER PARK OUTLOOK. I ttixl nil'll for » iww ft>dtur<^ Uk* hr<t _ ill Muy jMrk in AunTlrd, kno\%n Ht* Uu*

R JOF PAZFN Hm.’* mnKt lauKUdblt* and rullcuUni?* uy JUt rA^£.n.

Tho SUo«»t U)«* rUut«*s ; an lot tliHik tli»* iiiWI of a «|uartt'r of a iiiiK* of wattTwav

■ iiniM iii.-n iircM.lTN at .it woiilil 1..- ami will l«.- call. .1 llic Cav«> of I.. Ilml. Ill 1.11 of till- citi.-K .-ast of III.- Misala i^n,. aii.l .Mit-i.r.i, ail>|ii r.i.-r. iii.-lii.liii); til.- iiiaj.a-» <m tb.- |„ uj,. ita^aar th.-r.- will In- iiiaii.v now ganify .\11aiill<- M-.ilNiaril. Ili.r*- ia a liiiatli- ami -..-iiiry ami aoiiv.-iiir atan.U. .Ill 111- part of i-x.Hiiilv.* m.ard ui.-iiilH-r> aii.l pr.. -jl,,. itall Komi, aurr.Miii.l.-d by iiiii;bt,v .laka, iiioli-ra tlial lias not b.-i ii in .-viil.-noi- sin. - lla>4. wlii.-b aiainl like a. uUnols. an.l tlow.-rs ..f .-vor> Ibe iii.«>t liiirallii- y.-ar In aniiis. in.-nts j,,,,. gn,| oUnn-, with Ib.-ir iM-rfnnio. will liol.l nii.lillo wi-s.i-iiii-rs ban- in lln- i>aat ti,e .lan.-.-rs and .-utrano.-d. like visiting iinarl.r .•.•n-.iiry. anotb.-r worl.l.

lb.- raiait. s of tb.- «l.-m.-nt« durInK tli.- past a larp.- I.-i.-l pl.>! ..f ifr.aind will b.- roB.-rvo<1 r.-al winl.r w.ll. to tb.- ira.ll- .-s|iooialTy for bas.-l.all an.l football itanu-s. ti.ina. a sniiiiii.-r that will In- id.-al In warmtb (•_ KliilliK-t ' an.l siiiisliim-. Witb ibis |s>t.-nl f:i.-;.«- in bia — i fai.T. .ntlmsiasni aniotiK tb.- maimir.-rs and SIX AT MADISON SOU ARE GARDEN .■oiii.ssK.iialiss is at f.\.-r pitch. __

'111.- >.-arly r.-ntals f..r pr.vil.-i:.-s have tak.-ii , ...... ..... (HI a b- alibv Iss.iii an.l judging from tlie obarp II irrj b.v. la-.-nil.-r high 'H'er. win. has Just r.iinp.-lillou In bi.I.liiiK Jove biiua. If must have from i s. y. n luo.itb* of ab. iwn Klads.inic tidings to Ibe many "buneb” Auit-ii.-a. a.imuii .s that h.- will return to Itraxil .CIS beftt .smntri.-w this fall for an ev

itaiiil agents who repre«»-nt ‘‘artistic. e.-cen- ten.l si . ngagenicnt. His cs.ntracts arrived on I trie, piclnn-sque. stately, soulful, Ibis w..-k s stcam.T. Mr. Six t>out.-mplates en Uivabl.- an.l fete.1 dlrecl.irs w'ho .Ir.-w- all the larging bis a.-t by a.l.ling t.-n w.mi.-n swimmers m. ai.-y at the r.-sorls in which they apiK-art-d. "*** take along s.-v.-ral .Mber acta un.l.r • after rival bad nearly ruin.-d busln.-ss.” bis managenicnt. . . tilt ill an.l out, outstripping In el.Kju.-nce an.l \ * having a n.-w lower built, made entli>-ly number the mon- shrinking Imiir.-warios who “f aluminum, an.l In place ..f .bree have ' something n.-w.” Just ImiHH-t.-d from the *'•'1 tlfly ebs-iric lights will use u.-arly .m • olh.-r side. If the IndlviduaU wb.. Is-slege the Ihousan.l. inclu.llng six .-n< as. .1 siibmariue ar. | park h.-ad.iuart.-rs woul.i d«-vote more of their lamps and a glass tank. The i.lea is a new on - ' tlin.- to lauding their own g.ssls and r.-fraln "It^l "HI .lem.instrate the .lang.-r of making a . fr.>iii using sle.lge hammers on their conl.-m high dive into shallow water. 1 |H*rarI.-s' ilrawlng ability, they w.Hil.l Iw- mor.- ^ Ibis sumni.-r Mr. Six will apfiear at Ma.lis.»u su.-c.-osful in getting emtracts. >i.>t Inclii.l.-d in tt.ptar.- (ia.~.l. u. uu.'er the management of the tlxis cat.-gory of anvil workers, however, ar<- .km.-t-icun Iiipiaslr.iin.* (..aupany, an.l will play I.ieutenant I'arle I'arleton. of Itritish tliiar.! f”’’ ten w.-eks as a feature act. He will iliv.- Ilan.l; FTank, of the Russian Im fr.Kii the .l.aue of the roof. |H-rial Kau.l, .ir Carle E.louar.le. who l.siks after Itt llb‘ isprlng muntx-r .*f Tlie Killboar.l, an the Inter.-sts of bis own band. Thi» trio la In giving .Mr. .Six's is gr.-at onirast to the babbling bunch that have l-K*- Br.»a.lway. Mr. Six s is-rmuuent a.l.lrcta. Is few words any but themselv.-w. 1440 Ufoa.lway, Suite |i, wb.-r.- all ui.iil

Sp.-.'tacular events, such as l’ain‘8 Rattle In should be addr.-sta-d. the CI.Mids, wild w.-»t shows and aviatorlal con- _.TT7^T.T.'_ -TI tests are most In .lemand. BUYS WHITE CITY.

.411 .»f the park managers are giving onsld- - erable alt.'-ntl.m to the devel.ipment of their N.-.v tirl.-ans. I,a.. March ”1. — While City will athletic h.'lds and which, until throw ..fs-n Its gates to the laiblic -Vin-il *.«. This this seas.>n. have been almost entirely diare- park. I;n.>wn as White ICty. has be.-n purebas.-d gar.le.1 fealur.-«. tieneral .Manager Salen, of by Kenjamin J. M.-ggius.iu from the Pbila.lel- I.iina Park, Clev.-laml, ia having a gran.l stand pbia .Vmiis. iin-iit an.l Co islru(*ti<ni C..m|iany. an.l Install.-.l that will lu-at several thousand (mople he will run same bims.-lf. Since Mr. M.‘ggins>>n an.l will afford visitors an excellent viiov of all baa returiii.l to the city he has starle.1 work -tn cont.-sts without Interfering with the playera. his p.irk an.l is making extensive repairs. Cor and will also net more or less revenue for s.-ats, the Casino. .Mr. M.-ggins..n has s.'cured a tlrst cuKhions. score cards, etc. class ..i..ra .-..mpany, which will |>r.-s.-ut .he

K.a-i-st Park HighlaD.l8 and West End Heights, best o|H-ras aii.l musical .-.Hiieili.-s .luring the at ST. lawiis, are rem.aleling. to give «v.-r space seaso.i. .V military band will give out.bss' <s.u for athletic events. certs nightly.

Ri.ling .levlces, .-siwH-lally d.-signed to -


of Providence, R. 1.

MR. BOWEN R. CHURCH, Conductor \ permanent orKunizution since 1S.17. Igiiye .Militar>' Hand, or Igirge String I Irrhostn, of

any size, can lie fumishetl on application Ora laiye orjcainztition thtit can play both in string and br.uw, thus affortling l>oth a band conct'rt un<l an oiTli**stra concert during the same evening or the stiine engagement. .\<ldn*.s-s all applications to

HOWARD PEW, 121 W. 42nd St.. NEW YORK

PROF. Engaged with

ANTONIO Robinson’s 10 Big Shows

OLIVETO for Season 1910

AND HIS BAND thrill, have pres.-nl<-.l little that sav.irs ..f n.-w KINSILA’S BIG VENTURE. I n.-ss .ir has novelty featnr.'S.

.\l)e Shapiro, at Tid.-d.i, Is Isaiking a numb.-r a big ..pen air park will be erected In ^ of an.l fre.' acts and In all iiT..bat.Iltty will R4.unos .\lri-s. South America, by a company of have a f.-w of the alrsblir. for which tin- i.twn promlis-nt c1tia.-ns. with E.lward B. Kinsila. Is not.-d for attrscti.ins. h.rmcrly managing illrector of I>reamland, t'oucy

l*rofess..r Tr.tstbT Is visiting New York and Island. New York, at the lielm. The venture I surroundbnrgs at |»r.-s»-nt in the Interests of The «iii hp along elalsu-ate lltH-s. and It Is an S.'enlc BallixHMD, on which he has Just receive.! nounced that ll.iNNt.taa) will b.- sp nt in co:i- pat. nts for the I'nlt.-d States, n,. i» in 1-..111 v.-rtlng t e Hte se nr-d Into a most preten i munlcatl.m with Paul I). Howse. .\ntb<my St.-u- tiort playgr.^al. ver. 4'rank .M.-lvlll.-, laiiiis t»t»-rt an.l .itln-rs ' - for the bnlMing »f his attraction f.w th.- latl.-r PROMOTION FOR HAWKS, part of this season. :

--- I W.-IN Hawks, who wa« 'ast seas..n pr.-ss RIVER VIEW ADDS THREE NEW "f Ilr.-aler lir.-amlan.l. has Ixx-n nia.b- tli.-


Ig.-neril pr-ss ag. nt all ..f S.*nat.>r William WONDERS. H. Reynol.l’s .-nterprls.-s. ITils will in.liiil.-1

- l>ong B.-ach. tjrealer Ilr.-amlan.l, B'lroiigh Park, j ('hicago. 111.. .March 111.—The latest announce- Westminster H.-lgbts, Vanderveer fT.issiiig.

m«-nt fiom lb.- Kivervlew headquarters is to etc. Iiiiring the summer, Mr. Hawks I the cff.s-i th'it isiiitracts have Ix-en cbawsl with will dhll.le his time itrincipally Ix-tw.-.-n Is-ng the Pii.-iimiiti.- Tiilie ('..mpany to build a glass Beach an.l I>r.-amlan<l. .\t pr.-sent, be is .m fh*- tower 3<a> f-s-t In height, with a capacity of road In cliarg*- of S.-uat»r' l.-ctnre I'sir. l.'io l!oo pi-r-s>ns. 'J'bls tower will Is- cm- - struct.-il on much the same iirinciple as the PARK NOT'^S pn.-ninallc Inis- ride, .-xcept that It will Is- of ^ ' solid glass and will be upright. The small car I ._ . . will be ralB.-d upward by air pressure and will S. Z. Hero, a well-known, affor.l a novel mettsal of obtaining a birtl's eve fovni-rly princitMl bass playt-r with Inn.-s view of the city. Brooks, CTilcago Marice and Phlnn.-y'a jamet-

The Victory In the Clouds was also given out town Kxt>osltl.>n, who Is now locate.l as last week as one of the new attractions for the director at the Kansas State Industrial Bow.-ry at Kiverview. 'I’hls feature re|nvs< uls Reformatory, has <irganiz.-.| a band of 4o pl.-c.-a, a sniail town or .-oiintry In about the year l!t:t<t. H.-rb has slgne.1 a contract with the man- when airshl|is are suptiosed to be In common use. sker of the Rlversl.l.- Park. Hiitcbins'ui. Kan The town is by the .iffen.Ilng airships furnish iMin.I cono.Tts for the entire and her fle.-t .les:roy.-d by the aerial Isunhs aeason of IHB). which ar»- .ir<qiM-<i. All the m.aiem impiem.-ni« The manager of Lake Cliff Park, of war are used, such as the air Uirpedoes and lialia*. Texas. Is Charles S. Mangold. He Is at 1 the fani.ius llratolt air battery. ‘Ttx- vIct.K-y pr.-s.-iit In Chicago an.l will els., go on to New la won by the defen.ling t.iwnship upon the York, making Iss.kings f.-j- the .sMiilng s.-awin arrival of h.-r fleet of airships which, tielng n,. t.i pnaluce musical and fresh fr.Mii IIh- clmnls. succ-ed In .Irlving Itack * light o|»Tas at tin- Casin<x with a <ick .-.mi|ianv the f.uv.-s of the enemy and saving their native ,„,i vaudeville at the Th.-atr.-, whb h N soil from the ravag.-s of the offenders. I.ake Cliff.

The in-rti.i. a iiioiistri'iis ride which has been _ ^ ... recently at th<- Exi««ition, la d.-s Stanton Park, Steubenville, Ohio,, tlneil to be the “wlnn.-r” with the “Joy riders” will ois-n Ils- seawm .Ms.v .'PI. with all the tisiiil of the summer. The ride la the fastest tnd the I^ttk attracti..ns letsting. iii.-rry r.db-r . longest ride ever built In any enclosure and ita coaater. IsiwIIng alley, sh.s.ting galb-ry . .lan.-ing many twists and .nrv.-s a.I.l tie- thrill that hall, hand stan.l. .-tc, Harry .^nnstrong Is man brings the chills of delight to thiss- yoting ag.-r. St.-nle-nvlIIi- and East I4v.Tp.s>l ‘Tracth.n

\ND HIS DAINU arrivtMl .111 •• KiiiL' (icrniaii Lloyd from Najile.s, Italy.

At Parks, Fairs, and Amusement Resorts

EVERYWHERE The Hr. at.-st Enn Maker and Mois-y .Maker Is

-sir I.anghing Mln.>r Sls.w. B.-st Pr.>|e«lllun

.-v.T ..ff.r.-.l the .4miis.-m. nt Mansgi-r. Write

to <lsy for full particulars

J. M. Naughton Amusarrant Construction Co.

Ilotpl Maypr Pporla, His.


Million Dollar Park of New England One million jieoplc to draw from; oja-n 7 daya a week, Oiieiia May 'J"*. I'.UO, The following c»iic.-ssl»ns for sale; Knife Back, Wheel. Bird Wh.-el. Ctd.igne Back. Cane Board. Plate Oaiiie, Ice ('r.-aiii I'oii.-s, l‘o|»-.irn. Krankfiirt.-rs, Pi-aiints. Is-in.ina.l.-, Ping P.iiig. .Shoittiig liallcry. Photo (iall.-ry, tilass Blow.-r. T1iiI.v|m-. W.-lghIng Macliliie. 1‘aliiilslry. .-tr. .Ml tli.-s,- .sinc.-saloua sol.l on flat r.-iilal. It linll.lings Rixs.i, for on ^-rc.-nlag.' tiasla, also 1* hnll.tliigs for Illnshin Sliows .111 |e-r>s-titag.' <o-t hii>.. an.l a.l.ln-ss LEO 8. MEYER. President and doaersJ Manager Mew Vanity Fair, Providence, R. I.

tlneil to be the “wlnm-r” witb the “Joy riders” will o|M-n th- seas.m .May .'{<1. with ill tin- iisinl m m m ia | mwb Fr^r>UUnio*e \A/nrlH'« Rottt of the summer. The ride la the fastest tnd the I^tt-k attractions letsting. iii.-rry roll.-r . aJEC f\ |V| I L I 1 ' a VVUI lU a WCaL longest tide ever built In any enclosure and ita coaater. leiwllng alley, sh.etting gall.-ry, dan.-ing wW I ^ I Anri V many twists and .nrv.-s a.I.l tie- thrill that hall, hand stan.l. i-tr. Harry .^nnstrong Is man Cl 11IJ • WiM I W Is W VT W

r.7c.n‘?i"o ** . IKiri. Manag’Cr Ed. S. Ilaker, of Drf*arn- turn, for himI orplip^tra. h** li«<l « haiKllintf


.M I'r.-sco Park Is at P.-orla, III.. lo<-atcd on i Mr. Kdw Hnymc-ntl, now m.i.n; th.- Ii.ank- .-f th-- Illinois river. nf tlie New Mi|estlc, at Evansvllie. Iisl.. will

i . ( . S.-a\iT 1“ thi- pri-sident ami general man 1 manage Oak Summit Park, ttiat city, .luring ag.-r. 11.- Is k.-pt busy lor.king over plans, sd- rlie .omlng sntnm.T. vising, ami sniterintending the itany ' . t. a . new mivi-ltics for the coming year, .\bont two , J. Hrown, manager Of t

land 1‘e.rk, Ib-.-atur, Ill., has returned from his small Railroad Show. S.le-r. I'Xis-rli-iii-e.l |M-opl.- waiitisl Nsnu- low.-st salary. b'h.iw trip in Oklaboiiia, ami is arranging for .-pcnlng o|>eiis Melina. N. V.. 1st ..f April to buy. small Tahl.-an. Band aii.1 Ticket Wag.m. of tbia ban<ls<ane park .May I. two small slre.| Railroad Baggag.- Wagons, .Sh.-tlaiel Poll. Harii.-as. Mliilalnre l>.-ns, Cag.-s an.l

„ Tahleanx. Pony ('harlots, and ('alll..|s ANDREW DOWMIE. Medina. Maw York. All Mr. Kfjw rt,T> mc-ntl, now nhinajfPT of p.-rformers umst do more than one act.

ager. 11- Is k-pt busy looking ov.-r plans, sd I rtie .omlng sntnm.T. 1 W I ^ V vising, ami snis-rlntcndlng the itany I a ... .r. ' M ' a / ^ M ■ M M ' . W / ■ 'm. X new nov.-iiics for the coming vear. About two • J- Krown, manager of the Or- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ‘« ^ m m. • thirds of the S.1.1.-.1 span- to the park baa lavn I'licu n Th.-aire. Iiallas. Texas, will ts- fh.- mat. A LIVE CONEY ISLAND IN THE EAST, AT OI.D ORCTHARD BEACTH. ME.

f.rivn;1e’m-onT'"’‘The ^.^thl^T'^. h‘‘Tl'll'' Theatre, that city, this staml.rd nalnrsl t-ark. Eight y .r.‘ iH.m.rahle ps-..,d. We are still .loli.g h..sln.-ss at the same prlMU-ge iH-ople The bathing beach will be, •••'«> PBIVII KOE PEOPl.E who are not yet l.s-atcl and sllll In the mark.-l. writ.- ns

p,?” ... TP ’'a.wi'ii.-T.t -III I '■ '■ '' '"■'•■".O"- '• «'ii-r.l m.n.i,... THE SlISE IHTESTSEHT 00., LW.. OM O-li... •-•-li. S.S..

be under the same management as last year. ' InRerffOll Park, D«-S Moin(-«, la., with The magnitt.-ent th.-aire hull.ling will Is- re I with l-'red Buchanan as iiianag.-r ..p.-ns May 31. Sr.Nil I OL lx IxOl Tr. Txl Tllr. lill.l ,114 i.\ 1C 14 1'44-I4A^*

y.iii want, an.l

MARCH 26, 1910. Xtie Bllll>oar<l 41



\ll' tll.T ('l•ll>lll<■ll■l■lll•' IIIUM' In to In- iiukI). I>.\ th<- I'l’liuiiltln .\iiitiM-iii<‘iil (o. I I'^Hiitt'rii VSliifl liurN'^tiK'I. Ill llii- ri'vltnl nf (ilrturliil liilMii|; i niiin>*r for kIihIow illniilay. 'ni.- iina- of lltlio j ,;rH|>l|n HH* (llwcHlI lllll•'ll IHO M-H<Mllin IIKO uikI : .•ilo r •Toiioiiiii'n Horv iiiHilo III IIh* iiiilillilty cimI i .«f tin- Min'*.!■» OXIM-Iiwn. lint It In ovlilfiit tlial ' llli.e In-ui-ltt »nn <l<Tlii-il friMii Uio hhvIiik. hiiiI 111,' iii'W <■,11,1 <|i'rl»ri'n llial all III,' kIhimh ar,' III lino •■pli'liir,'i,’' from non on Ttif ni'M iliaiii;,' nlll iiroiialili In' lli,' aln,lin|iiii<'iit of tUo iiitly | nt,'r,"'ly|H' lilm'k irti yt'llon lilUlnianl ntainln. | nlili'li liav,' Ini'll n''i'<l llil* wnoii. ami. Ii In' im rn Ilian |ir<rfialil<' tliat lb,- o|i| atyU' of ooliciil ninuiln mill In- ilmil lo'tt ni.inoii, witb lO'W ami | .irtintio lili-an In <'<i|iy. I

riKTf |n iio ilonlil lint lliat a irmal il. al niori' ! attrnlloii mill In' |mlil lo ailTaii.,' |inlUlrlty ihir i Ilia III,' < oiiiliia ni'im'.ii ami many of tho abowa alilrti bar,' limm ibiinc mitboul an aa<‘nt, mill In- rriiri'i-ulnl li.i a man ala'uil 'I'UiT,' In |il,'iity l. 1 il.i for a man all,‘ail of a \Vli,','l ImrIvioiiM* or- i aaiilrtilloii. If bo nn.lomtaiii|n bln lHialn<‘»n. aiul i tho llmr In roiiiliic wlK-n Ilia linrlomim' alum' mill | In' r,'i,ii'n<'nl,'il liy a n nl ailvaiii-a man. mbo ran I <|o a llltir morn than lay unt |ia|M‘r amt tai-k i ,'ar,ta. I

'Plior,' aro a nnniln'r of |..mnn on both mim'la ‘ tlial ar,' far fnan tn'Inx mliim m. ami II amiia | an Ibonirli maun n|ia< lal ,'frorl nilirht la* niailo to i:,'t l•.■lll■r ri-'iilln. .\ nim lal arranic<‘m<'nl roiild | la- mail,- lo n|>.'U,1 a llltl,' iiioro raminy at thoao . m, .|ik n|,idn. ami by aiblltlotial |inliltclty lo iclvo th-'iii a rbani',' to Ili<‘n ii|i I'la-rr am a num- Imt of lomiin m bb'li liavo In .'n trlnl out by both mill,'In. ami mlili-h bam. afli-r airlilln. la'oii ilr'n'ln-il- an iiii|H-<4llabli' «lan,l« .Siann of thiaa-, at loant. inliibl bar,' tiirnul lail all rlitht If nm •liilo’in bail la-on faiorabb'. ami niorn |a'ranmrlnic niotbiain unn,l. In many ran.!, iho tliratrrn mrorn |ira< tl.-aly •'alia.-kn. ’ or mrr,' In a l>a,1 ba'atlon. lo na.r uotbint; of In.iiinia-lont bn al manaitoinont. mhlln Do nxtra ofTorin moro ma<l,' to <lram’ or i-r,-- ato a iiatronaKo. tbr mlni'ln r\|Hi'llnK to ico ■ ntralyhl In ami tnak,' ito-nl Tln'm atv a ntim I In-r of ifinal t,na-na In llm country mhotv lair | Imiiii.' In iirarllrally nnknomn. aial In any raar mNnmb'ratianl. ami lb*' niiccoifnl Inranlon <»f ihU nort of lorrltor, ran ,mlv la- arcoaipllnhcl I by |n'rn|mtrnt effort, ami lb,' rrailnal duration of tbr llM-atri'K'n-r to tli.' m-m- form of amua,*mrnt.

• bnnl ailvam-r men aro a bl|t help lo any trar- 0II14; orKanUalbai. but Incanta-lrnt aKcntn arc a* bail an mat,' at all aial uhrn tho burlo«,|,io omnor .lorblrn lo carry a man aln-ad let u* hoia' tlial he mill roallio the b,-ltor mdlry of paylnit a roamaiablo aalary no that ,iaii|a'i,'nt a.lranro nion mill b,' more Im'llnod to turn their atten¬ tion In thi- ,llrrrtbai .if burl.miiio.

♦ llonry AMiutt la .lolna antne Croat work aboa.l |

of Hurtle A Soamofi'a ttro nlutmn, Tlio tiincor ^ t:irl» an,] Th,- Kidllem of N.-tr Y.a-k ami Parln.

Ho man In TiUilo m-roiilly ami covonil tho , tomrn frian one end lo tho .>ther. "Kbl" M.ihr | adrortlalnc acent at tb,> l.n-al lMirIea<|uo b.anu>. Kiro Mr. Abbott murb ralualiJ,- anniatanoo. ami : t.atolher tln-y billed a numlx-r of the nurrouml 1 Inc tomna. I

Tlie roault of thia enercotlc ailrame work baa ! Ini-n plalnlr amtarent. The nincer Clrla bar- j Inc playd to reronl broaklnc btinlm-nn all of the I «e,'k. while tb,- adranco nale for the following nliom baa bo,-n ph<‘n<aiM-nal

♦ ■n», lAilllon of Nom- York ami I*arl« play,'d

thro,- daya at Yoiincnt.ntn. tt.. lant m.-ek. Thrre han Inon m> n-imrl rrcar<llnc bimlnena up to thla mrltlnc Tli.' nb-.m -ao-mil tlf m.dt at Wheel Inc W \ , ami mini .ni to \,niiiB«lomn Inatead of layinc off.

♦ Jiilea Hurtle wan on to the tiinrer tJlrla lant

rnn'k. Manaeor fhlpman wan hlcbly r.aniill menl,-d by ‘•Tbo Klnc.” for the apienram'e and work of hla nmipany A fow ebanc.-' of nmn born more niaib- ami Mr Hurtle b-ft f<tr New Y.a-k niy.

♦ Tie K.air l^mibnm are makinc a blc hit at the

m-w rolninbla 'nn-atro In \em Y'Uk t'lly thl« week Th,' a.'l In otir of the b.'«l cantlnc actn oTiT men In thin I'lniiilry. ami In makinc a tor rifle hit an a bnrlon.tiic nlrn-nclhom-r.

♦ riarenre Runlirk roporin blc bimlnmn on bln

wentorn trip mltli TAio Janlln de I’aiin iJlrln IWcmiiTn Wbr.-li. The nhi'W tday.*,! lo turn am.,, bnninonn at Ixailn, llle thin 1n«, mock

♦ A1 lt.'<.Trn han written a bm* i>n Pcautv If

anr one in c.wnietont lo write of f,-mlnlne ebarmn H |n nurelr the rmlal \l V.iirtr C'l t" Clre him rnilll.

♦ All will b,- cla.l lo leirn that pretty Mollle

Wllllamn In liark at work with Ja.Ai .'*liic,*r'« Ib'liman Show

♦ The tilncrr fJIrln will niar on the roa.l nntll

the lecinninc '>f June, clonlnc the maion at H A S 'a l2Slh SI b.nme.

♦ lie rjliii'.r tjirin In a winner, ami the clerer

w.irk .tf ri I... Wroth,!' In fa.'l of the entire ecniiiian.,. In m. ll din.'rrlne of iirnlne

♦ \ rimior nn,n that K W Ulnklnn mill hare

a n. m nhow on the Wentern Wh,'.'l neat ■•■nnon

minute iiiiinlcul travonty with d.-M-r biirli"i|UoH on all III.' blc i‘lio« him ut the .lay. 'I'm' .'io-iiic |•■.rll"ll .if III,- .■iit,-rlainiiioiii in u n.-.-iio of ac¬ tual .'lory .lay expi rb iii .■. with Ju»t .'U'lucli niory to allow lb.' Iiilr-Hlii.'lloii ot lb.' immlcal uuuib,'rii ami ilUplay llio baiiil>oiii>' . ii- nin ui>t oiorlinikiug the bcaiillfiil nio.i.-ry ami i-nluiiioa.

•J* I'lonly of aonc'. my nail- of uninily. 1, nlii,.\i-r

of bilaril.i. an,I an . iiill.'in i' of pretty ami hlcbly i-iil.'rtaiiiinc n. .'ii,-!, I- tin- olT.-rlnc of tbo <iiiiC.-r tJlrln, who ar.- w.n at tiio Star A tJar ti-r Tb.-atr.- tlim w.-.-k. i;.|. le o Wroth, w ho until rii'i'iilly ntarr.'.l In .Mi-, liiiii ami I, b.ailn a clcaiillc cant of unh.'mal iiiorrv uiakom. Two iHirlollan. ea. Ii milii a l aiilhatlnc pbd, forms tbo iirlmlpal einl of Ibi- iiliicor tilrm' offoriiic mbil,' tlioro an- many oy.-o.l.'iit vaudovill.' f.-a tur.-n mhli'b Ih'lii to iiiako tlie onlir.* ent.-rlalii moni on,- moll worili the .-.aisi,I,-ration It has reclved.

♦ mio I'niplr,- In the attra<-tlon wbi.-li Is ap

iwarliic at the Kolly tbia week, and the |..M>n- larlly of thin nliom' ,iooK not aooin to have In III,- leant, Jmlcinc by the nl*,- of tin- ami lemi'B that an- llllliic that house .lally.

■I* Tlie JUiipire ban th.- ever popular Kaslil.m

Platen for 111,' <lran'luK card, ami r.'p.wts naj that It In om- of tho liont drawlnc cardn that hous,' has bail thin neaoun.


Top.nto, fan., Mar,'h 19.—Al. Reeves, pro- <if .Al. Ho.-Von’ Hlc Boaut.v Sh.iw, «h.> ban t»i.n .trawinc hoimon to tho Hay- oty Tlwatn-. T.irofit.i, mck .if March 14. cavo tlio l.nal m-WHlioya' union a blc boost. K>liUy. Rootoh niibl copiea of a apodal o,lltion of a T.conto newnpapor, aaslated by Mina lyonafonl, hla loa.line lady, amt a bandaome aum was real l*,-d. .Al. t'laimn to have been a newsboy In Toronto .'t,'! veara aco. Th.- untm cave Mr. R.i'T.'s ami Minn Isinsford a hamlsomo pri'a.'nt each.


Wward faatami. atralcbt man ami ataco m:iii airor with th,- Watson Hlc Shorn:, the Hoef Trtist Was foccod lo retire from rho cast March 7. at the Empire Th«-atre. Brooklyn, due to a aovero attack of tbo crip, wbl.-li ho contrm-ttil while (ilayinc at the Casino Theatre In Bronklyn. Mr. Casfano ofreod the laws of nature ami sue eemlod In wiwkinc the w,‘ek out at tb,> <'asim> Thoatn-. feolinc that Sumlay's rest wotibl do him C'"nl. but when Monday eame. he was tin- able to cet up. Ills doetor advlaod him to lay off the entire week, but owinc to bis preseneo belnc neoild In the ,-ooipany. fastano food hlms,.If to the theatre, where h,- aucceode,| In playinc the week out. calnlnc n.-w stn-nctli dally.


(Written for The RillboapI by Ouoy JY,il Sweet.)

i IVar old town hall, how mm-h thy sinful haunts I Affor.bil to my halcyon ,lays of youth! j 8,i*n thPMich perspective, hb-sse,! In Its faults.

Imsclnition mistinc o’er the truth. 'Tmss lien- .1 loved with hero, wept with crieved.

Motirmil ss dea,l the one wh.un villain kills. As tremblinc. throbblnc. sat I In front row.

-Admission eirnd that cnorninc •■pe,l,11ln’ bills."

’Twas here •‘fen, twenty, thirty" show stayed a w-iH-k.

While minstrel troupe ami bttml h,'!,! hoards a nicht.

Her,' I.aily ls'|i«lle watched her Willie die. Here IJttle Eva soareil in n'alms of Hcht.

Here politician talkeil and quenche,! bis thirst. Her*! dis'tcr soM his balm that thwarte,! fate;

■Ami when otir class ha<l finished up at school. TIm' town jammed here to watch u» cradiiate.

.\hl crm-l years have lifted off the Tell. Ami past the fad)‘d ctirtslnw now I see

The hare hosnl walls N-himI the threadbare scenes.

Where fancy tise,l to weave si> mtu-h for m,». But thmich thou siamlest a humble htaise of

frame, tVllh shrunken stace. bare walls ami ceilincs

low. No playhoirs,! since has ever ht'bl the thrills

I fell as when a kbl In thy fnmt r!>w.


All .sets workinc the Orpheum Theatre, Pal- la*. Texas. w,i'k of March 1.1. were summoned a* wltm-is,.s In the ea** acainst Manscer Itr.'wn fiw ninninc a th,'atre on Sumlay. Man scr lln!wn mm the caw on the plea of Sun ilay eoneerts. .All th,! raiulevlll,! boiis,-* In Pallas are to he tried fur the same i!ffi-nsc


Percy firth. Paul Zalle,!. I.aMar. The Tracya, McP<mal,l, ('urlls ami fhirtls. fJlItxTt and (?U liert. I.amiry. and many others returt that they ar,! ha, Inc the siiceess of their lives sincinc Itiirilick wnics.


Th»* ofTrrtnff Nf J fhN Wfi-ii t« Slur A <»nrt«‘r S4i«»u It i« n •wvrn ninktne up thr two not* uml rcplrtr with Ihr • Imufftimhlr \ r«mM*nnv of flftT

r«H|ntro<l to •h«*w prtM»or pn' '»’nt«t|«m. th*n« N'Inir lUor nn-! Cmlr, MnrrwT talTlr>ff*tt<«n nrvt f'o 1... Kirk Rn*t ■ U-»M*rt KllN, n nolnMo nC; Vof "omo of | ♦’ll* moMt pofoitnr nturr po* /..toiiRT Ttio ti«-

nitfhf f**f»f«ri*« Ul t»o | ^ "nrf of tho filnmi*nt^ nn»t ttw* "III |M rfirm nffrr ttir r«'cnliir |»#*rforTnRn«'r.

♦ i TMl Me now t'JIrl atiow

!»• tw»Mtnr tlio nt tho \lh^n>t*r^ thl« "***'k unit no itonftt nlll nroro 4»no of tho ■Imnine rnrit« M't «t fhnf h«*n«o Tho o»»oMtMe '• oMll«*fl \ linn f«w Y«mr Mmiox, nn ir» to tho


Spring and Fall Tonr Now Booking FIANI SiRTH. Her., 1409 RfMOway, R.T.

MONTREAL, CANADA Just . p,>ulnc I.ARHE PVTNNY AIUWPE SPVt'l'.'i Tt) I I'T for Jaiianasi' Ball tiamc, Sliis!t Inc tlallir.). tlbis* Blower. Photo takinc Mt ehlm-. I'le Ntmi- wiwkeil here Ix'fon' In .Vreatb's Writ!- ipilrkly what you have. ".VBl'.Vl'E." SI,I SI l.'iwremv Bhd., Montn-al, P. Q.

PADUCAH ON THE BOOM ‘MOf'I'c Im-ri-ase In bulldiiic {M-rinits so far In 1910 over that of ,iirr>-s|K>ndliic in-riod in any previous year of tla- city's ••xi'i.iie... -j:!'; iiiereas!- in bank clearlncs. Four m-w r.i pMji et.'il. i-very sli'!)! »..rkini; full lime and ford-, ami -iibitaiirial wac Increases in all llms of lat)or.

WANTS Merry - Go - Round, Concessions and any Public - pleasing At-


WALLACE EARK 1 le- ,-ity's 11!...(HH) popnl.-ition). only r*-''t>rt. 1" Iiiiiiiit!* fnaii li4-,'irt <,f city: .' r-ent far.-. Iteaiitiriil lak.-. fine daneiij); pavilbui, c<piiiiii"dious liaKi-ball park. itn-at r!'ni|«'/.\'iiii f!'r pleiiles ami ex(-nr':i,!m fr..iii all .iver West K.-iitiieK.v and S.iillurn Illinois, tlr.-ati-sl efforts 4-\.-r at temptiil will b*' iiiaib- t<i iiiaki- Ibis park tin- om- bi>; n-al "winner” this si-ason. Itai.lasj ailjuci-nt |!,ipiilat:.iii to ilraw Iroiii.

tract! ons or devices.



Will contract with good I Carnival Co. for Opening Week. lorall Information | ail(lr«‘.s.s

PADUCAH TRACTION CO. Paducah Kentucky.

THE CASINO 1,1)00 seatlns capacity,

large stage and full s<i'

Die e<|nlpiiieiit. A gissl

show town ami a.IJac'-nt

territory to draw from.


MUSICAL COMEDY OPERA and Other Good Attractions.



MERRY-GO-ROUND and Concessions of all kinds. Nothing too large. Nothing too small.

Addresst ~ GEO. H. HEISERt General Manager.

Wanted m K.G.Barkoot Amusement Companies Good Shows with Good Fronts

Can list- f«‘w more legitimate conces-sions of all descriptions. I.orig se.ason.


Route, Company No. One: I Route, Company No. Two: Cedartown, Ga. - - - March 2l to 26 ' Wadesboro, N. C., - - March 2l to 26 Rome, Ga., - - - March 28 to April 2 ' Maxton, N. C., - - March 28 to April 2 Chattanooga, Tenn., - - - April 4 to 9 Cheraw, S. C., - - - - - April 4 to 9 Address K. G. BARK(H)T. .Mgr. I .Address J. C. SlMPSt ).\, Mgr.


Strange and Striking Features. Vaudeville Specialties and Interesting Novelties.

-Address and make application to-

CLYDE INGALLS, Manager Side Show Department, Barnum A Bailey Greatest Show on Earth.

Madison Square Garden, - - - . NEW YORK CITY.



Wants strictly first-class Repertoire and Musical Coraetlies for summer season Will open about May I, 1910. GockI city of 10,000. Seating capacity, 1,000. Shows of merit can do a big business, but no “barnstorming tryouts” will be allowed in this ainlome. .All (^ntraots made with Lee Gilkey, of the “Idle Hour,” should be renewexl at once. Get in the game, and get in early.

GEO. R. WHITE, Manager.

CALL--BURK’S SHOWS! Open at Topeka, Kans., Thursday, March 31st.

-kll ppople ,'nB*|it!,l roport In porsun st 10 it. m.. Tu,'S4lay. March J9, at cars on fair (fmnnffa. T!!i>,-ka. Kansas, .\ckiiowUilkc this call at oixc. Want koisl stronj: fix-c outsiite ,-xhlbltlnn; hlch illvp or K'ssl wire walker. State salary .\ibl. all mail to C. E. BEYERLE, Box 299, Top«kw. Kan.

GREAT NORTHERN SHOWS trWSS Can place one or two roo,1 clean shows that «1o not conflict. Big money; plenty of rubes. All coiicx'sslons who wish to tsxvk. write. T. J, ABBOTT, Mgr., Winterquartera, 251 N. Salina St., Syrmcuie, New York.


CHICAGO Imdnding celvbmtori utock tx‘us»‘. 54'«tlng 1,4(HL Ilot»‘l of r»(> rtK»iiis. nim* ston **. tlai hull an«t

lodCA’ hall; all rontod; f\m» liuoinv proiH'rty. .kdt!r<‘''S WILLIAM G. CLABK£. Owner.



42 X li e Billboard MARCH 26, 1910.


(C'«ntliiii<‘il from paRo 39. t

Sh«-an. T'lm I.. (UIJ'Xii rilnt, MIoli. Sk<H>. S. Stanley N. V. <’. Smltiia. tJrcat Aerial IIlipiKNlronel Clevelaml. O. Ktafriinl, lYank. A C<>. (Majp«tle» ClilraRo. Sterliiit; llroK. (('realIon I (Tin’ou, Iml., 1!1 23;

(Arradel .SlM*lliiirii 24 2*1. Slaoi^iiii. I'aiiliiie (BrownI Texarkana. Tex.

Wlnkler-Kreaa Trio tCreaeeotl Syramae. N. Y. Caatano, Edward: Wataon'a Burleaquera. Wallace A Be<vh (Start Cordele, <Ja.; (Vau- Crawford A MatiiilDR: C<*y Comer Oirla.

dettei JaeAtamville, Ha., 2S-Aprll 2. Carlton A Ttrre: Itmadway Calety Utrla. Wood, Milt (Orpbeimi) New Orleana. Canfield A Cktjper: Ud liftem. Wooda A Wooda Trio (Poll'a) Bridgeport. Conn.; ColUna, Dorothy: I.ady Bucean(»»ra.

(I'oH’al Siadngfield. Maaa., 2S April 2. Craig, Rl.^hy W.: Coxy Comer Ulrla. Wild. All>ert (.Majeatlc) Knoxville, Tenn., 28- Clipper Comedy Foair; Columbia Burleaajtiera.

April 2. Carney, Patti: Merry Maidena. Wineheater, Ed. (Star) Seattle; (Craml) Ta- Courtney Slatera: Bebman Show.

r<inia 2S'Aprll 2 Cooper A Zeltler: Wine, Woman and Soog. Weat A Denton ((iatriek) niirlliigton, la.; (Kam- Cooper. Jamea E., A Luc-ia: Jersey Idllea.

lly) Davenpict, 28-Aprll 2. Colllna A Hawley; Yankee Doodle Rtrla. Warren, Iji Greoia A Warren (Bljoul Duluth, Chaae. Wily: Fay Foarter.

Minn.; (Mllea) Mlnneapolia 2S .kpril 2. Caaton. WlUa: (linger Oirla. Sanford. Jere (Prealdenti ChleaRO 2S Apr. 2. vt'arren A Franel*: Champaign, 111.; (Circle) Clark A Turner: Faidilon Platea Snyder A Buckley (Fulton) BriN*lyn. Strictly Busim-Ka (Fulton) Br<«>klyn. Steffen Broe. (.Cim-rlcan) N. Y. C. Sul>en». Coakley A McBride (*tr|>b<-um) New

leans. Klafr<»r<l. Frank. A Co. (Majestic) fliicago. Stanley A .Morris (Kclth’si Boston. Star B'Sit (.Cniericanl Boston. Tliow Tims' Fellows (Fulton) Bp">klyn. "nioniiison, Harry (HilBm) Br<s>klyn. 'niotiipson. IS'iinian (ilrpbeuini Bns'kl.rn. Ti-rr.v A I>iuiil*'rt (Aiiierlcanl CTilcago.

(Miiiwgo 2S April 2. Coeda A Amato: Irwin's Big Show. Wiley A Clilpman (Auditorium) Exeter, Neb.. 21- Ooltona. The: Jolly Oirla.

23; (O. II.) Clay Center 24 2d; (O. H.) Me- Colllna A Sherry; Irwln'a Olbaon Oirla. Cook 28 April 2. Carlisle A Perry: Cherry Bloasoms.

Wasniuth A Hamsay (Bijou) -Cnderson. Iml. Dyllyn. J. B<'Tnard: Gay Masiiueradera. Carlisle A Perry: Cherry Bloasoms. Dyllyn. J. B<'mard: Gay Masiiueradera.

Williams A Walker's Choc-olabe I>rops: Grand Daxis A Ilaxleton: Washlngtoo Soclely Girls Hapida. Mich.; Peoria, III., 2S April 2.

Wuxi, Wilma (Glols*) Kansas City. Mo. Davla, Geo. E.: Pat White’s Gaiety Girls Dama<'I A Farr; Ducklings.

Warren. Lyon A Meyers (C<iloulal) Norfolk, Va.; Dahl. Magda: Irwln’a Majesties (Maryland) Balliinore. Md., 28..Cpril 2.

WfMsIford's .Cntmals (Scenic) Waltham. Maas.; (Bijou) .Mandieslcr, N. II.. 2s April 2.

Dcmareat, Meredith A Maraan: tics.

DobNoo. Frank; Mnnlln Rouge.

esquers. ' m ■

Streetmen! Burlesijuera. Carnival Workers!

Fair Followers! We carry the best assortment of goods for your business In the Fnlted Stales. SiMue of our llnea

tow. sre Jewelry, Wstchia, Clocks, Optical Goods, Pocket Knives, Uazora. Shears, Walking Canes,

u Girls. Fountain Pens, Ink Pencils and Notions.


?*’!**■ Rubber Balls, Ituliber Tape and Thread, Gas ilely Girls. W'hlatle Ballixma, Jap Cania. Kibbou, But¬

tons, Badge Novelllea, \Vbl|is. Dusters, Confetti, irn-i..’. U.I.. Blowouts. China Novelties. Deposit required on

^ ’ C. O. D. orders. Catalogue free. Send tar It to-dsy.'ll A Herr; 4247 I»rain Ave., Cleve- I Wnoda-Kalton A Co. (Majestic) Kalamazoo, Demiiaey, John J.: Ulce A Barton Co. .Mich.; (Bijou) Battle Cr«'ek. 28 .4jirll 2.

Tyrixie. Wallace (El.'ctric) San Saha, Tex.. 21- willard A itiud (Empire) Pittsfield. Mass .\I«ril 2. Wright, Horace, A ll•■ne Dietrich (Proctor's

Turmr. Bert (Majestic) Council Bluffs, la.; Avc.) N. Y. C. (Poll’s) N.-w Havcti. C« iGratid) (lillllcothc. Mo., "28 .\pril 2. 'JS-.kprll 2.

Wright, Horace, A ll•■nc Dietrich (Proctor’s 5th I>ove A Hllaon: ImiMTlala. Avc.) N. Y. C. (Poll’s) N*^- Haven. Conn., Douglas, Washburn A Co.: Sam T. Jack's Show. •JS-.kprIl 2. Dixon, Jim C.: Star Show Girls.

Taylor. .Mela E.. A Co. (Keith A Proctor’s) Wclls, .Mr. A Mrs. Wra. J. (C<»lonlal) Vincennes, Eagon A Austin: Girls from llappyland. J<'iH«'y Clly. N. J.; (Keith A Proctor’s 125th St. I N. Y. ’28 April 2.

Tripp. ,\lphoiise E. (Poll's) Itridgiqxirf, Coon.; (Poll’s) Springfiold. Mass., 28 .kpril 2.

Tangley, P«art (Drplie)uii) Mansticld, O.; (Or- plicuin) Lancaster '28 .\prll ’2.

TamlH> A Tainho (Drplieutn) Cincinnati. O.; (Do¬ minion) Winnipeg. Can., •28-.Vpril 2.

Temple A D’ltrlen (Lyric) Plm- Bluff. Ark. ’Tolaiia. Mii-ilcai (Maicstlc) Moiitginucry. Als.;

(Majesdr) IJttle Uock. Ark.. 28 April 2. Tuttle A May (Cnhpiel Mluneai>olls; (Grand

Family) Fargo, N. I).. '28 Aiwll 2. Taylor. .Mae (Mystic) Yi>rk. I’a ; (Wilson) Bal¬

timore, Md.. '28 .\prll 2. Tol.-do. Sydney (Miirray) Richmond, Ind.;

(Grand) Itallanapolis 28-.\j(rll 2 Tracy, Julia Kiitmond (Baker’s) Rm-ltPaler, N.

Y. Torcal A Flor (F.Vlir.a (Panlages’) .St. Jow^ph.

Mo.; (Majestiri St. Paul. Minn.. ’28 .\prll 2. Tli<*mas Toliv (Madison Siu.ire (Jarilen) N.

21 April 23 Tlie (JuartettP (Bennett’s) Montreal. ('an.;

(Sliea’st Buffalo. N. Y.. 28 .(prll 2. Tus(TinT Trouliadotirs (CIiaM-’si, D. C..

•28 April 2. 'I'uscano Bros. (Maj<'stlc) <l<aiston. Tex. Thoniiison, Wm. IL. A Co. (Temple) 18'trolf.


Early A Lalght: Century GIrla. Watson’s. Sammy. Farmyard Clr(ais (I.yTlc) Dan- Emery A Nodine; Fay Foster.

vllle. III., 21 2.’!; (Orpheuiu) ('liampaign 24-26; Elliott, Belair A Elliott; Trooaikroa. (FamilyI Moline 28 :U); (Family) Clinton, la., Farrell. Chaa.: Lid Uftera. 31-Aprll 2. Fieeman BPfw.: Benti-Santley.

Wyohoff, Fred. (I’untages’i Vanoiuver, B. C.. Faytelle; Duricllngs. Can.; (Pantages'i Taccana. Wash.. 28-ApTll 2. Fay A Hollander: Irwln’a Majesties.

Wlieel.'Ts, The (Majestic) Butte 28 April 2. Fisher, Simona A Bonner; Moulin Rouge. Watertairy Bros. A Tenney ((’oloiiiali N. Y. C.; Flak, Gertrude: 'Prollcaome Lambs.

(Dtplieum) Brooklyn ‘28 .(prtl 2. Fox A Drew: MardI Gras Beauties. Wheeler, lalna ((>n'heum( Key Wc't. Fla.; (Or- Fagan. Merrick A Thurston.

pheiim) Tampa 28 .(prll 2 Fontaine A Temple: Empire Bnriesquen. Wormwood’s J. B.. (nimala (Lyric) Terre Finney. Frank. A Cb.: Trocaderoe.

Haute, Ind.; (Temple) Fi. Wayne 2SAprlI 2. Gilmore. Mildred; Washington 8<x'letT Girls. While’s, .\I.. Dancing Bugs (()r|>licum) Port- Gibson A Ranney; Sam Deverc .Shoiv.

land. Ore. Grant A Catlin; Pat White’s Gaiety Girls. Walsh. Lvim-Ii A Co. (Orpbeum) S.'attle; (Or- Golden Tnaii'c: Fads r.nd F.dllcs.

phi urn) Pordand. Ore.. 28-Aprll 2 Goldman, .Vbe; Century Girls. Williams. <;reat (Princess) Cleveland. O.; (ITln- Goldman. Sam. A Co.: Wine, Woman A Song.

(•«'ssi ('olinulnis 28-April 2 Grand Opera Sextette: Golden (Took. Monkeys (Garrick) Wilmington, Graham A Fraley: Rooe Sydell.

181.; (('Ii«si'’s) Wash.. D. C.. 28 .(pril 2. Gaiety Comedy Trio: Hose SyJell, While A Simmons (Drpheiiml Kansas (Mfy, Mo., Granville A Mack: Cherry Bloswana

'28 .\prll 2. West. .41. (Rljou) Atlanta. Ga Ward, Klare A Waial (Sliea’s) Buffalo, N. Y.; Hanson A Booet: I>ady Buccarn'crs.

(Sliea’s) Toronto, (an.. 28 April 2. Wright. Lillian. A Young Bros. (Casino) Wash.

D. C. White. Florence (Gaiety) Asheville. N. C.

Tiips. 'rops.r A Tojis (T«ti)plc) Detroit; (Temple) i W iters. Tom (Grand) Plttsbtirg; (.Maryland) Hetroan, Al.: M.ardl Gras Beauties Ri>cli.'ster, N. Y.. 28-Ai>rll 2.

Top o’ the World Darners d'olonlal) N. Y. C.; (((rjilieiim) Brooklyn ’28 .Vpril 2.

Turners. .Musical (Gi-m) Wasliinglon C. IL. (1.; (Orpheum) rhllll<8)thp 28 April 2.

Till. John A lasiisa (Proctor’s) Troy, N. Y.. 21- Till. John A lasilsa (PriM-tor’s) Troy, N. Y.. 21 ' West, r*are Devil: (entralla. Ill.. 21-Aprll 2 '23; (IToctor’s: ( (>h<»'s 24 26. i Weticr Family. Acrobats (Family) I.ancaster, Pa.

Toys, Musical; Bradford. Pa. Tomlt 1 Jlu JItsu Co. d'oionial) IndlanapoHa. Tromts'ltas. Ix-s (Templel Detroit. Tv rrell. Al. H. d’aniages’) S|M>kane, Wash Teniis'st A Sunshine (Oiphisim) Memphis. Tenn. TriFvato, SIg. (Columbia) Cincinnati. Taylor. Eva. A Co. Idrplw'um) Minneapolis. Tiairist Trio (Wilson .\vi'.) Cliicago 24 ‘26. TVrry A Elmer (<;arfleli! Chicago 24‘26. Tetsnwarl Jajis (.\]m>1Io) Chicago 24-26. I'nthan (Maji-stlc) Jacksonville, Fla. t’liderwissl. Ethel: (Star) Erie. Pa. Fmhaults Bisis. (.Vmerlean) East Liverpool. O.;

(Family) Itarlicrton 2S..\pril 2.

Baltimore. Md.. '28 .\pril 2. Holden A Harmn: Knick<Ttiockers. Watson. Miilanl (Pastime) Plymiaith. Mass. | HIU Bros.; Fay Foster. Wsrda, .41. (Grand) Nashville, Tenn. Howe, Sam. A Cto,: Rialto Rounders. World A Kingston (Poll’s) Hartfonl Conn. Harvey A Curtis: Hastings SIsmv. Wrights. T1)P (.Majestic) Canvon City. Col. Imhof, Conn A Corinne: Fads and Follies. West, r*are Devil: (entralla. Ill.. 21-.4prll 2 i Ireland. FT-ederlok A Co.: Dainty IHichess WelK»r Famllv. Acrobats (Family) Lancaster, Pa. Jsmes, Croix A Mackey: Jersey I.II1« Whitestone Nattv (Keith’s) Columbus, <).; (Co-I Janaw). R<*n. A Co.; Broadway Rurlesqucra

liimbia) Cincinnati 28 .4prll 2. Whipiilc. Waldo (Wilson) Baltimore: (Mystic Johnson. Chas. IL. A Co.: Fashion Plates

Star) York Pa., 28-April 2. Johnson A Buckley; Bohemian*. West A .Mack (Family) Davenport. la.. 21-23; Kirk. Ethel; Star and Garter Show.

(Famllv) Rock Island. 111., 24 26; (Majestic) Kelly A Bartlett: Bon Tons, la Crosse Wis.. '28 Aiir. 2. Keller, Jessie, Troup*': Obimbta Burlesquers

Wi.sls. W. .1.. A Co. (Norka) Akron. 0. Ke-ler A Burton; Merry Mal.lcn*. Ward. John (Hoblnson) Cincinnati. Kaufn)an A Sawtelle: Moulin Rouge. Wakcfii'M. Wllla Holt (American) N. Y C. Klein. Ott Bros. A Nlchols<m: Rose Srdell. Williams A Melbum (Plata) N. Y. C. Kennedy. Evans A Kennedy; Jolly Glris. Wrig4)t A Dietrich (I’rortwr’s Avc.) N. Y. | Lynns A Crone; Serensder*

C. j Livingston. Murry, A Co.: ! Welch. Ben (Drtdicum) New Orleans. Lewis A Gtwn' Pat Whit

Valdare A Varno (National Am'phlthestre) S.vd Whiteh.'Sd A Grierson Sisters rAmeTlcan( New Slrters: Tl^ ney. Australia. Feb. 28.Apr. 25 Orleans. .

SHRYOeX-TODD HOTIOH CO. love A Hllson: ImiMTlals. I 8>uglas, Washbirm A Co.: Sam T. J ack’t Show. 822-824 N. Eighth St., ilxon, Jim C.: Star Show Girls. i ** ’ Isgon A Austin: Girls from llappyland. CT I FMIIC AJI larly A Lalght: Century Girls. 3 1. IVIV^. Imery A Nodine; Fay Foster. !lIiott, Belair A Elliott; Trocn.h'ms. 'arrell. Chas.: Lid Lifters. 'leeman Bms.; Rcntz-Santley. « V A. ^1 W W 'aytelle; Duricllngs. I I M B 'ay A HoHander: Irwin’s Mtjestirii. I J' I 'Isher, Simons A B.mner: Mnuliii Rouge. A 'Isk, Gertrude: Frolicsome Lambs. 'ox A Drew: MsrdI Orss Beauties. . _ ^ . 'agan. Merrick A Thursl.m: Im|M>rlals. A* ■ T W '’nntaine A Temple; Empire Burlesquers. I I I I III 1^^ ^nney, Frank. A Cb.: Trocaderus. A hj lllmor*. Mildred; Washington 8<x'letT Girls. • ibson A Ranney; Sam Devere Shon\ Irani A Catlin; Pat White’s Gaiety Girls, iolden Trisiix*: Fads r.n.l Follies. I loldman, .4be; Century Girl*. '•oldmsn. Sam. A Co.: Wine, Woman A Song. T Iran*! Opera Sextette; Gol.len ('rook. l%| lx MM mf iraham A Fraley: Rone Sydell. I 1^ I wl 1^ Im W lalety Comedy Trio: Hose SyJell, Aj I a I ^ M M Ma. M Iranvllle A Mack: Cherry Rl<Ms.ims. ™ “ larden A Sommers; Girl* from llappyland. IcM. Wilbur: Sam Devere Show. _A M r\ lanson A Booet: Igidy Bofran.'ers. flarcourt, Frank: Crackerjacks. _ 4tckm.m A Bentley. Parisian Wl.tow*. A niton. Margie: Parisian Widows. ■ 11 MM M A I ll| iluested, Sadie: Yank*‘e Doodle Girl* I 11 IV I gM M III leivnan, AL; Mardl Gras Beauties. 1^1 IA I I I Aa W 1ol<len A Harron: Knick<ttiockers. A m A A AAA w mu Broa.; Fay Foster. ilowe, Sam. A (to,: Rialto Rounder*. Harvey A Curtis: Hasting* Sl*o)r. Imhof, Conn A Corinne: Fads and Follies. Ireland. Frederick A Co.: Dainty IHiebe**. OOaU_J D_1. . „ M VI lames, (Yolx A Msekey: Jenwy I.IItn. Oitlll dOQ OrOSOWBy, IlCW I OrK lansen. Ren, A Co.; Broadway Birrlesqucra Jerge A Hamilton; Dainty Duchess. Johnson, Chas. IL. A C'>.: Fashion Plates. — Johnson A Buckley; Bohemian*. w vw T'M—< v www Kirk, Ethel; Star and Garter Show. ■■ 1^^ m 1^ I B# Kelly A Bartlett: Bon Tons. LVVxrwJ V Keller, Jessie, Troup*': Columbia Burleo«pier* ... , „ , » Keo'ler A Burton; Merry Msiikms. INovelllps and Specialties for Fairs, Kaufn)an A Sawtelle: Moulin R.aige. Carnivals. Nickelodeons. Picture Klein. Ott Rroff. A Mchalmm: R^ee Snlell. _j a ii. Kennedy. Evans A KennMy; Jolly Girt*. allows and etc. fv e carry a very Lyons A Crone; Seretkaders. larfie assorted stuck and can make Livingston. Murry, A Co.: Star and Garter Show «f>|,>c'tlnns from Of) t*> S *0 OO nxr Lewis A Green Pat White’s Galetv Girl. Selections irom per

Garden A Sommers; Girl* from llappyland. Held. Wilbur: Sam Dev*-re Show.

Harenurt, Frank: Crackerjacks. Htckm.m A Beutley. Pari*ian Widow*. Hilton. Margie: Parisian Widow*. Huested, Sadie: Yankee Doodle Girl*

Jerge A Hamilton; Dainty Duchess.

Vivians. Two (Orplienm) Easton. Pa Williams. Bransby (Colonial) Indianapolis. ’alent*'en*Hi. 1311**0 Flvlng (Burlew) CTiarlestou. i Wil’-m. Frimklyn. A Co. (Colonial) ImltanapiDs.

W. Va.: (Robln-son) Cincinnati. O.. 28 April 2. , Young. De Witt A Sister: 58 Chittenden St., Vontello A Nina (Maj<n<tlc) Little Rock. Ark.;* Columbus. O

Lewis, Sam; Broadway Burlesquers. lAi*!d<T. Billie. A Co.: Irwin’s Majesll*^. !.« Mtrche, PVankie; Gay Masquerader*, fji T(Wta; Merrv Malden*.

(Majestloi Ft. Worth. Tex.. 28 ApriI 2. Valadons. I>oi (Majestic) (Yljiiile Creek, Col.;

((rvsfal) Trinidad 28 April ‘2. Val*»cUa’s Ijcopard* (Keith’*) Columbus, O.

Yising, James, A Co. (Keith’s) ITovldenoe. R I.^wls. Andy, A Co.: Mardl Gras Beauties (Grand) Syracuse. N I-eavltt, Abe. A Co.; Sam T. Jack’* Show.

Younger Bros (Fnlqu*') Dickinson, N. D.; (Dr V*o)|*, Mile.: Irwin’s Glhe<*i Girls plx'um) Jamestown 2S-April 2.

Viola Otto (Gaiety) Aslievlllc. N. C.; (R1 ' Yming. Ollle, A April (Majestic) I.anslng, .Mich j'SK Gr<'envllle, 8. C.. 28-ApTll 2 (Family) E. St. I»uls, HI., 28 April

V*'rnon (Bennett’s) Ottawa. Can.; (Ib'nnett’s) | Young, Ethel (Orpheum) Mlnnewpolls Hamilton 28 .4pril 2 Zlerow. Harry IL: Idtlle Falls. N. Y.

Vynos. Musi(ml (Cleveland) Cleveland. O.: (Ba- , Zams. The (American) Cincinnati.

I>s Belle Troupe; Dainty Duebeas. Leslie, Elsa: F-ishlon Plate-*. Marlon A Thompson: Washington Soclefv Girl*. Miller A Tempest; Pat White’s Gaiety ’Oirls. Mart A Evana: BoMnnon Cruisw Girl*. Mann. Sam. A Co.; Tiger IJIle*.

ZaitetD*. The (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Majestic) Musketeer*. Three: nger I.llle* k**r’s) Rochest.T. N. Y.. 28-ApriI 2 I Zanetbe. ’IDe (.Majestic) .Miiwauacc; Vagrants, Tlin'C (Ilathawar'*) New B*'dfon1. | Oilcago 28-April 2.

Mass.; (Poll’s) Hartford. Conn.. 28-Aprll 2. | Zertlio (Columhla) St. I^l«. Mo. Vittorio A Glorgetto (Drphetmi) New (>rl«*ans. | Zella. Mme. (St. Denis) Toronto, (an. Von 18-11. Harry (Maj.-stic) Kalamazoo. Mich.; Zenoz. Great (Hlpp^lrome) Heveland, O

(Bijou) Battle rr(H'k 28-.4prIl 2. j Zanclgs, Tlic (.Xmericau) Chicago. Vital Question (Hathaway’s) New Bedf-wd, ; -

Mas*.: (Hathnw ay’s) I*owelI 2S-.4pril 2. D'Ei’D V/\'D’M"E<'T> C UT’T'PTT DTTI? Vogel A Watwlas (Revler) Twin Falls, Ida.: ’ Jr JSrvX vXkJT*JllAvO W X X XI JD U Xv~

(Majestic) Salt T.ake City. 28-.4pril 2. w viet/\TTTn d/VIUgyV A xvTTIffCt Van. Billy B.. A Beaumont Sisters (Keith's) Co ; XjJSSOUJCj v/v/JyXir aJM XJ!jm

lumbus. O.; ((Vilutnhia) Cinclnimtl 28 .4pril 2. Valeria A Lamson (Park) Phlla. , Alias Quartette: College Girls. Vaneello. C. (Empire) Atlanta. Ga. Allyn Amy; Broadway Gaiety Girl*. Valentinos. Ff.ur n.ving (Bijou) Atlanta. Ga. , .4ntrim A Peters: Broadway Gaiety Girl* Van Gofre A Cotrely: Ocean Springs, Miss., | .41vora: Pat White’s Gaiety Girl*.

28 Atir. 2. , 41vln Bros.; IJd Lifters. Victoria Fotrr (I’oll’s'i Wllkcs-P.aiTe. Pa. .4dams. Habelman, Thi>mi>son A Hughei Vail. Olive (Star) Chicago. Foster. Von Hampton A Joselyn (Ma.1cstlc) Little Rock 4merlcan Acrobats. Six: Lid I.Iftera.

41vln Bros.; IJd Lifters

Mehler, Martin A Hall Sisters: Dnckling Macks, Two; Lady Buccaneers. MacRae A I*evering: C’oay Corner Girl*. Marie, Belle; Orackerjacks. 4Iacks. The Scotch: Gay Masqueraders. Melvin Broa.: Gay Masqnera*l*'rs. Mln«trel Four: Morning. Noon and Night. Marion D.ave; Dreamland Burlesquers

lirovs or you can select from the cat- lo|iue at any axera^e cost to suit your purpose.

We carry tJie largest aswrtment of knif* Board Knlve* west of the Mlaaiwippi RIvar. t)ur price* are absolutely rook tsotlum. W» also carry a full line of Stn-*'tmcn’* Goods, ('^rnl- val Novelties and good* for faira 44’e ar# lb* oldest StTe*'tmen’* a(ii»ply bouse In th* I'nited State* and have tlmUHaml* of satlsfle*! customer*; we can satisfy you and want yo*ir l>u*!neas. Or¬ ders i(hlpt>e<l Hime day a* rsrs'lvvvl. Oata.lngne FREE.

COE, YONGE A. CO., ^Lamb's Troiuw: Froiiscome Ninth and Locas Ave.. . ST. LOFIS. Mellor, Edith: Cherry Blossom*. Newcomb. Blancdie: Rose mil C\>. Noble A Brook*: Vanity Fair. National Four: Jersey I.illes. NIhio A Spencer; Parisian Widows. Newsomes. Fammt*: Mardl Ora* Beauties.

.4dams. Habelman, Thi>mi>«on A Hughe*- Fay * White: Star Show Girls

V''neilans. F<mr CBllou) Dubmjuc Alvin A Kenney: T.4idy Buccaneers. .4nl. Mile.: Gay Masquerader*.

Veronica A Hurl Falls (Family) I*aFayettc. Ind. ' .4rchcr A Ladclla; Ontury Girls. Waril A Stone (Maj<*stlc) (Tilcaigo. Wclls. I*ew (Haamarket) (.Tiicago.

Arlington A Delm*)re: Golden Oook. -41varettaa. Three: Jersey Lilies.

Williams. Margata-t. A Co. (.4poUo) Chicago 24- .4mericnn Cowboy Four: Rice A Barton fjo. 26. I Allman A McFarland: Sam T. Jack’s Show.

West. RolatMl. A (V.. (Majestic) M(.ntgom.'ry, | kshton*. Two: Jolly Girls. . „ Ala. An-tin. Marjle, A Morin Sister*: Girl* f)v>.n | Kunaway Girl*

tvils'in. riias. (Maj.-stici C.slar Rapids, la.. 28- Happylazkl. .4prll 2. i .4d«m» liew, A Co.: Star Sliow GIrla.

XVesttm. Great (Majestic) Jolmsto-wn. Pa. ' Harto. Eddie: Sam T. Jack’s Co.

O’Neal Bros. A Wamsiey: Empire Rurlewiners. Peyton A Wllsoo; Empire Rnrlewpiera. Pealson. Goldie A I^-e: Crackerlackn. Piroscofll* Family. Five: Crackerjacks. Powder A Chapman: Follies of New York and

Pari*. Purvl*. Jimmy; Century Girl*. Prevoal A Brown: Moulin K/aige. Patton A Bari’ Wine, ’n'oman and Song Pierce, Ben; Parisian Widows.

Happyland. .4d«m» liew, A Co.: Star Stiow GIrla. Rarto. Eddie: Sam T. Jadt’a Co.

Wallace’s. Jack. Cockatoos; Parker Shows ' Rfo»n Broa.. Five; Broadway Gaiety Girls. 2. .Mdb-ne. Kan. ’ ' Rljou Cotnedy Trio: Watnon’s Burlesqiier* S *** * ^*i^i’ Garter

Wentworth A Burns (Majestic) El Pa«o, Tex. I Kail* A Raymond; Duckling*. Kavv*^ A Clarw: Bon Ton*. W>-«t Sister*: 1412 Jefferson Ave.. Broolilvn. ' Barrett A Belle: Cemturv (Mrl*. Reed-St. John Co.; Tlg(m UHes. Whitney. Tilley; 36 Kane St.. Buffalo. N. Y. Rnfler*. Dancing; Ooliimbla Riirlsaspiers S'** ’■^*'“1!'; R"'"’»*y ClrU. Wlllianm. Frank A IVlla; Woodbine Terrace, i Rryavtt’s. May, Models: rv>himMa Bnrles4j(jer*. Kevere A Yuir: Rice A Barton.

Palmyra. N. Y. i Broadway OrmedT Four. Original: Merrv Maid Rohlt)*oin A I*' Favor: Yankee

PInard A Marmy: Runaway Girl*. Prince A Virginia: Knickerbocker* Pelot. Fred A Annie: IlaKtlngs’ Rhow. Qnlgg A Nickerson: PVoIlcsome liamlia. Rice A Cady: Star and Garter Show. Rawnon A Clare; Bon Ton*. Reed-St. John Co.; Tlg(m UHes. Rose Fstelle; Runaway Girl*.

Park Managers! Now is the time to write us eoiieerniiii' Penny Arcades.

THEATRE MANAGERS Our new iiropositiou enables you to utili/A* your Lobby space at \ liiO PKOl-'l'l'.

Mills Novelty Company, Mills Building, Chicago, III.

WilEam*’. Franci s, IVig. Pony A Monkev Clr- | an*. cu-i; 7 J’.cechiT St.. Newark. N. J. I Bells, Musical: Parisian WJ<low*.

W’Ison. Lizzie; 17.", Franklin St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Barter A I*a C/onda: Riinawav Girl*. Wil-.n. Mae; (Grand) Salt Lake. F. I Rlsaett A O’ Bri*-n: Mis* New York.

Broadway Ozmedr Four, Original: Merrv Maid Rohlnwon A Favor: Yankee Doodle Girls •tM>. Royal Tolrlo Japs: Rose Rytlell.

Bell*. Musical; Parisian WJ<low*. Raymond A De Forrest: Imperial*.


Wrieht, J. \V.: Gnlljitln. Tfiin. Lin« & Moll: KnlrkfTl*ofi[Krii. M’UIlanis I)tio (Crazy Well*) Mineral Springs. I Burke.’John A Mae: Irwin’s Gilisopn (jlrl*

Raymond A De Forrest: Imperial*. tier Blue .Seat*. Raymond A Smith: Rialto Rounder*. everything read; Ross. PVank: Trocadepo*. In A t conditio Smith A Champion: Washington Society GIrta, •"■.t" ouOH Saober. Harry; Rentz-Santley. tre, Rockford,

Wie'cler Sl«tcr* (I,\ric) Jamestown. N. Y.. 21- 23: (Family) Warren. Pa.. 24 26.

Barrows, Josephine A Willie: Irwin’s Giiiiton ■*'**>" * Farrell; Golden Crook.

60 ft. Top. 30 ft. Middle Piece, 17 length* 9 Her Blue .Seal*, all Rope*, stake*, llale Ring*; everything ready to *el np; ii«ed eleven week*. In A 1 condlllon^^^ip ha* lo-en waterproofed. >4(N) buy* outfit. J. SHIMP, Orpheum Thea¬ tre, Rockford,

Girl*. Purtoo Burton A Jordan: Reeves’ Show.

'ea I.lis)* (Madison S,]. Garden) 24- Burke A Carter: Reeve*’ Show. Borden. Zeno A Hadyn Bros.: Scribner’s Show.

Moltriielm s._ Eugene, Living Bronze Statne*; Brianza Trio: Scribner’s Show. Norfolk. Va. Bernard. Murry: f3)erry BWsmoma.

Ward. Billy (.Scenic) N. Y. C.. 21 23. Bohannon A Cotev: Hastings’ Show. Winters Comedy Four (Family) Milton. P.a. Csine. John E.. A Co.: Rceie Hill Cb.

Stmnse Jack: Golden Crook.



WANTED QUICK—A 1 Black face Cnmedlau that esn sing slid dsnee; change for week, work acta and make Iheiii go. Show never cloaca. Must be g<»Hl dn-Kser on and off. Salary all yiMi are worth. Would also like to hear from hand miiKiclaiia to iqien In Searev. Ark., about Aiu-ll I'.. Per add. HENRY J. BROWN, Boz 1185, St. Loult. Mo.

MARCH 26, 1910. X ti e Billboard 43

Blnihrrt Musicml Quartette: nroadway Bur- lefMjuera.

Swan Ai Kaiiliard: (joldcn ('rook. BalviiKKl*. Kite: Iti-tMiian Hliow. Btutiblftteld Trl<<: W Ine. Woman and .Sonic. SbepiM-ll tc : lircamlaiid Burleatiuera. SeyoiiK. I'Im*: Yankee Ibiodle Ulrla. ni-lKa nwerk r Jolly OIrla. Trix * Trixie: Iteiill Sautley. Tyaon A Brown: .Merry Malck-na. Tortiya, The: Tlaer I.lllet. ’nire<‘ of t’a: Mlaa New York. Jr. Thompeon A Carter: Kay Koater. Van Broa.: Koae Hill Oo. Van Ber K<Mira, The: IB-nlx Santley. Vadder. Kannle: Jeraey I.IIB**. Valniore Slatera; Botiemlana. Meetoii. WIBIe. College GIrla. Wataou. Wllllani: Big Rcrlew. Watermelon 'ITuat: Sam Ilevero Show. Wataon. Ji*. K.; I.ady B«c<-aneera. Weat. John A.: Kada and Kolllea. Walah A Shirk: Kada and fVdlh-a. Weldi A Maitland: Vanity Kalr. Wooley A A<lam«: Knlekerlinekera. Ward A llaynur: Rialto Roun<lera. Wnrala A Gn'en: Ilainty Dueheaa. WllllanMi .A Segal; Bobemlam. Young Broa.: Duokllnga. Yale Slaters: toey 0>mer GIrla. Young. Jeanete: Rice A Barltui Co. /azel'a IJvlug Marble Statues: Imiierlala. Seller. Klo.: Jolly (Jlrla.

PERFORMERS WITH MIS CELLANEOUS COMPANIES Adelakle. I^k I’etite. A t'o.; Ilirk Whittington. Burke Billy: Vngsl's Minatrela. Ri.rtlno. Burt: Kleld'a Mlnetrela. Byrne Golaon ITayers: Matim'e Girt Co. Cody A l.ytin. Man Who Owns Broadway Co. Conrnr A McChrty: Vogel'a Minatrela. IK- Widfe, Ijiuier A I.lntou: MrKadden’a Plats

Co Fox A Brana: Girl Question E.oatern Oo. Garnell A Itoherty: Field’s Mlmtrels. Harris, Sam- Fleld'a Minstrels. Ilotman. Happy Pp>g: ITeld's Minatrela. Hererly, Great: Walden Co.. Magicians. James. Raymond: Bell Boy Co. Johnson Slaters. Whltealde-Straiiaa Stock Oo. Ktrtello Bros.: F. J. Towers’ H.vpnotic CO. , L« Vone A Drew: Talr of <\)uniry Kids East- ;

em Co. IJxely. Great; Coburn’s Minstrels. Mangels. John W’.: Fox Minstrels. Manrro; Vogel's .Mlnatrels. McGes, James B.: Field's Minstrels. M'littm, I'rank. A IH-Iamg Slaters: Geo. Sidney

Co. Meirtam. Billy A Era: Gay’s Players. Nelser. Great: Field’s Minstrels. Post. TOm: Cobum’s Minstrels. Sully A Phelps; Ben nett-Moulton Co. Tlppel A Kliment; Primrose Mlnatrils. Tucker, Tlllle: .Matinee Girl Co. Wemyaa. Walter: Vogel’s Minstrels. Welch. Mealy A Montrose: FVdllea of lIBiB.


(CoBtribntiona af information for this do- gartmtnt wiU ho appraeiatad.)

Ankermlller, Emil: Manager Mr. Hamlet of BisMMlway.

Alger. OHIe- Agent Third Ih-gree. Abram. E»ls-. J.: .tgent I.loo ami the Mouse, Co.

A. Abrsms. Jsck: Agent Pdly of the Circus, South¬

ern, Co. Bbvk. "red: Msnsger Right of Wsy. Besrd. Geo. Francis: .\gent Golden ButteriJy. Buekle.T. Jos.: Msnsger Your Mumble Serrsnl. Booth, C. H.: Msnsger the Msn of the Hour. Botio Wsiter D.: .Vgent Honeymiam Trsll. Bradford. Walton: Manager A Certain Party. Berry. Jno. W.: Agent Academy of Stars. Becker. Walter: Agent Ma’s New Husband Co. Bubb. Geo. II : Msnsger Roys! .Slave. IbMlnards. W. II.; .tgent Field’s Minstrelt. B«-ns<»n. Ben S. ■ .\genl Psimi’k Boy. Ibdl. .\rrhle- Msiisgi-r Olgs N«‘lliers<>le Co. Brsmlon. Ilowsrd: Msnsger Teini»‘st snd Stin-

shlne CVntrsI Co. Bsnnister, llsrry: Manager TemiM-st ami Sun¬

shine Southern Co. t arson. J. W : M.snager .Me.s<lowtirook Farm. Cllmv J. K.: Manager May Stew art Co. Csvsnsngh. F. P.: .tgeiit Ia>ve Cure. Csnby. C. S.: .\gent Pair of Country Kids East¬

ern Co. tXiller. l-'nsl S ; Manager Silver Threails. Cliatunan. Klehsnl: Manager Teni|>eMl ami Sun-

shliH* W*'f*tern Co. (Tlntmi. J. W : Maimger Daniel Boone on the

Trail Central Co. CsmidM-ll, 11. W.: Manager Campbell’s United

Shows. Clarke, R. R.: Agent Going Si>me Canhy A. 11.: Manager Passion Flower. Consadlne, D. A.: Manager In Old Kentucky. Cooke. Edward G.: Agent Ben Hur Cassd. Campbell B.: Agent Beauty Si>ot. C’aldweB. B. Caldwell: Agent Builder of

Bridges Oorwell, T. I..: Manager Whitney Mnaleal Ctom

edy Co. Cline. J. E.: Manager May Stewart Co. Corker, Sam. Jr.: .\gent Cole A Johna4m Co. Cummings. J. I,.; Manager lens Rivera. Oowley, T. W.: Manager Go CVon Go Mohawk. Clifford Walter Agent Monte frlato. Doyle, Edward R ; .\gent .Y Winuan’a Way. Davis, Harry; Manager Thlnl Degree. I*eMlIt Jim.: Manager (Tveekera. Dawson. Stanley F. • Agent CTierkera. Daley, Jno. P.: Ag<mt I.Ittle Nemo. ^an, Tunis F.; Manager the Fighting Hope. I>or|s, John B.: Agent llejin emit ton of .Cunt

M;ir.v. Ik' ^'•TeKl. J, .s : Manager Sheriff of Sandy

K.>rk Ik'mnan K .\ • Manager Buster Bn>wn Bast-

ern Co.

Fields. CTuis: Agent Old Diifeh. Gartleld, B. M.; .Manager Girl 'niat’a .Vll tlie

Candy. Gulliver. G. N.: Manager Banker’a Clilld. Green, Harry: .Manager Kll amt Jane Co. Gallagher. B. L.: Mauagt'r Awakening of Helena

Richie. Gaihraiib, Ted, Agent Vogel’s .Minatrela. tirenell, Fred T.: Agent Seh<>ol Daya. Ooett. Geo.: Manager Newlyweds and Their

Baby. OeraoD Sam P.: Agent Tlllle’s Nightmare. Goettler. Alphonse: .Manager Honeymorm Trail. Gallagher. L. L.: Manager Awakening of He¬

lena Richie. Gibbons. J. Frank: Agent tbe Climax. Ooodfrlend, S.: Agent Septimus. Hunt, Geo. B.: Agent Right of Way. Hodge, Oscar: Agent Dockatader’s Minatrela. Herman, A. W.: .Manager Geo. Sidney Co. Hasain, Eilward J.; Agent Way Down East. Havei. Jean C.: Agent Little .Nemo. Hyde, J. Clarence: Agent the Fighting Hope. Mealy. Edgar: Manager Cole and Johnnon Co. Hayes, fhas. W.: Agent Fair Co-F>l. Ilershall, Geo. L.: Agent The Wolf. Iloadley, ITvsI. It.: Manager I*rlnee Chap. Hank, E. It.: Manager Fighting Parson. Hadley, Hopi>: Manager Heart of Alaska, laaac, Jacob: Manager Coban A Harris Min-

alrels. Junker, W. A.; Agent Time, the Pla<'e and the

Girl. Jamew, J. B.: .\gent Si|uaw Man. Jai'kmni, Harry J.: .Manager Ihulali Poynt«T Co. Kadow. E. J.: Manager Pair of C<aintry Kids

Bastern Co. KlMde. Win.: Manager AI. Martina I’. T. C.

Co. Klein. I'hilip: Manager Lion and the Mmiae Co.

A. Kreyer. E. I'.: .Manager Just a Woman's Way

Co. A. Kelly, Uward J.: Agent the Virginian. KIngaton, Samuel F.: Manager Mias Innocence. Kerr Jas. F.: ..lanager Beaut.v S|K>t. I.ebenaon. A.: Agent House Next Door. Lawrence. C. F.: Manager School Days. I-<eary. T. M.: Agent Prima Ikvnna. Loftna, Walter: Manager Eight Bella Co. Love. John H.: Manager A Woman’s Way. Llndley. Harry: Agent Man from Home. I..ew|a E. W.; Agent Passion Flower, t^ohman, AI. E.: Manager Mrs. WIgga of tbe

Cabbage Patch. ! I.nBlanrbe, Jack: Manager Academy of Stars.

Iji Ponte. N. D.; .Vgent Great Ihinean Show, lie Roy, Wni.; Manager Wyoming Girl. Link. Henry W.: Manager Pair of Country Kids

Western Co. Is'ach. CTias. A.: Manager St. Elmo. Maury, f'rank: .\gent W. I. Swain Show. Morrison, H. A.: Manager Little Johnny Jones. Mack. Harry: General Manager W. F. Mann’s

Attractions. MciHitF. Jas. L.: Manager Irish Senator.

I .McFarlaml. K. W.: .Manager Love Cure. .MansflWd. E. W.: Manager TYavellog Sales

man. Maddox. P. S.: Agent Cohan A Harrlt’ Min

•trela. Madden Richard; Manager House Next Door.

' Miller, Ted: Agent In Panama. Middleton. Harry C.: Manager Golden Bntterfly. MK ani. C. D.; Manager M ay Down East. Mean, Jno. H.: Manager Inconstant George.

MeVenn, Sherman: Manager Two Merry Tramps. Moore. W. B.; Manager Ward A Vokes Oo. .MeKInney. Chas. IL: Agent Girl Question East

ern Co. McDowell, Robt.: Agent Mrs. Wiggn of the

Cabbage Patch. McLain. W. F.: Agent Bight BelU Oo. Myers. Samuel; .Manager Girl From Rector’s Montague. Jno.: Agent Girl from Rector’s. Mornas. J. A.: Manager Superba. McKee, TVia. A.: Agent Samson. North, Tom: Agent Newlyweds and Their Baby. Namack. Tboa.: Agent What Every Woman

K n<>w« Oli.'cr, Otia L.: Manager Oltvcr-Lewla Stock

Co. Osliorne. Rolaml: Manager .Montana. I'arkiT. C. D.: .\gent Little Johnny Jones.

I Parvln. Lee: Agent In Wyoming. Partello. Jack; Agent Campbell’a United Shows. Peede. Jas. G.: .Manager Septimus. Peel. Norman: Agent In Old Kentucky. Preston. Stanley: Manager Builder of Bridges. Plxley, Starr L.: Manager the Clansman. Palser, Jat. H.: Manager the Virginian. Prlee. Fred: Manager Mary’s Lamb. Parker, C. W.: Agent Guy Bros. Minstrels. Priest. Robert W.; Agent TTilrd Degree Co. B. Page, Wm. A.: Agent A Certain Party. Primrose, AI.: Agent Primrose Minatrela. Powers A. .K.: Manager Monte Crlsto. Ray. Whittaker: .kgent Traveling Salesman. Randall, W. W.: Manager Going Some. Rice. MyroQ B.; Manager Gingerbread Man. R'rh. AI.: Manager In Panama. Rogers, Jno. R.: Agent Mr. Hamlet of Broad¬

way. Relchelt. Fred; Manager Polly of the Clrcna

Southern 0>. Roth Nat: Manager Prima Donna. Rosa Fred O.; Manager Prima Donna. Rodrlgnei. L. J.: Manager Yankee Girl. Revnolda, Wm. Bartlett: Agent Yankee Girt. Revnolda. Jno B.: .krenf Havana RIth. Joe: Manager Mlsaoiirl Girl. ReU-lielt. Kn-d: Manager Pidty of the Circus

SiSithern Co. Silielle.v. Henr.v C.: .\gent I-Vislest Wa.v. Sailer. Kd. K.; Manager Prince or ’D»-Nlght. Schwarti. l-'rialerlc: Manager Howanl Thurs¬

ton CVv. Story, .\Iex.: Manager .Va Told In the Hllla. Stern. N. I..: Manager Tlie Heiress (o. •Nlotit. J. M." Manager W. B. Ibttton Co. Saiindera, Claude: Manager Three Twins. stanti>n. Burloo; Agent lena Rivera Smith. Frank 1..: Agent Go Won Go-Mohawk. Snerkenherger. John M.: Manager The Bo.vs and

Betty. Sloan. Harry; -Ygent The Boys and Betty. Sfurges. CTiaa. R.: .\gent Ward A Vokes Co. Seymour David: M.anager Girl Queatbm East

ern CO. Taggart. Fred: Age-it Burleigh Cash Co Tavlor. Thisnaa F.: Manager Ma’s New Husband


LUBINW FILMS Released Monday, March 28th Released Thursday, March 31st

HisSpanish Th6 Daughter’s Wife Choice

Another tense p.inaiKs- <-hariningly alKiwn In Southern settings. The Spanish wife of ail Ameriean plantation owner, angry iH-oause he will not permit her to aceom- pany him on a busiui-ss trip to New York, turns to a forin«-r t'astillian admirer for relief from ennui. At tbe same time she Reeks to prevent the marriage of her sis¬ ter to her husband’s partia-r. an alert American who not only frustrates the wife’s plans for elopement hut wins the girl of his eholee. 'The story moves with a simile dlr*-ctness that makes elear every point and the acting Is above the average. Phofograpbically the n-lease Is eiiually notable. Approximate length IM’sl ft.

It Is seldom that a story is more suc¬ cessfully told by means of capital acting In well-planned settings. I'liable to en¬ dure her husband’s neglect a young wife elopes with bis friend, carrying with her tlie little daughter. Years later the girl, grown to womanhisid. Is forced to make her choice Ix-tween the man of wealth she has alv»ays siipistsed to be her father and the imverty stricken man her heart tells her Is her real parent This Is one of the strongest, most grl|>pliig stories ever told In pictures and one that Is cer¬ tain to make a s4'nsatlon. Ai>|>roximate length 930 ft.


Sand for iUnttrated catalogue of ourl910 MARVEL FROJECTIMO MACaiNE.

Wanted-For Sells-Floto Shows! CANVASMEN and SEATMEN, address William Curtis;

Grooms and Drivers, address George Stumpf;

TRAINMEN, address George Brown, Address all mail

SELLS-FLOTO SHOW, Denver, Colorado. Show LEAVES DENVER April 9th.

Opening Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 16th.

LOOK! ShowsConcession People WATER VALLEY, MISS., will have the biggest Celebration and Carnival ever held In North Mississippi, for one wei-k. la-ginnlng -April 18. The Business .Men and Improvement Club, 12:1 strong, will positively make this the biggest Fri'e Street Kalr ever held in .Missisuippi. They are now l>ooklng the strongest free acts to be had. All shows, riding devices and legitimate con- i-essiiKis will be place.!. Each day will la- a special day, and excursions will be nm fnnii all nearby cities, and there will be a STo.tssi.itO pay-roll that week. We have had no carnival for two year*, and everylvody is bvxisting. Nothing too big for us. Address

R. E. WARD. Secretary. R- W. CROM'WELL, Director.

AXTENTIOIM ! It has come to our m'tlce that certain vaudeville performers are circulating a rejiort that

our act, ’’Hotel Broke.” is la-ing pirated by us. This is to inform al! Interested parties that this act Is eo)iyrighted by us and is our sole |iroi>erty in its entirety. Further proof may be had bv commuiiii-atiiig with TED STARKS. Vauileville .Vgent, I’entnry Building, Kansas City, Mo., on whose time we are now playing, being eoutraoted solid up to July 2. 1910.

and Gertrude F’enton.


Want Good, Clean Shows! With or without outlit. Ferris Wheel. Merry-Go Round, Glass Blower to take charge of Glass Show; Operator to take charge of Tleture Show; al!*> a man to work the Katzenjammer Castle. Is'gitimate Concessions. Doll. Cane and Cat Rack. Novelties. Confetti and Lmg Range Shooting Gallery sold. Show o{H'ns April 2.'>. C. M. GOODELL. 1115 N, 8tb St.. East St. Louis, Ills.

BLONDIN SHOW WANTS KNtIi'. R M : Mtinnger .Vrsem- laipin f'o. B'er.-tt K.l Ag.-nt VI H WINon Co. Kills. H I.; .Vgent Gliigerlwesd Man Entw'lstle, Hsmld: Manager Kitty Orv-y. Karle, I,. A.: Manager Hlmmeleln’s Tmiicrlsl

Stock Co. Ktten Wm. J.; .Vgent Vlarv’s l.atnh

Is>nls J.; Agimt Tlic Rays. In King Casey, Freedmin. SamiieT Vgent .V Man’s Wi'rld Flfxhugh. E. H.: Manager Buster Brown West¬

ern Co. Friedman. Ta<on: Agent Miss Inimcence. Fisher, Jno. C.: Manager Little Nem»>. Klvnn .Virrml I,.; Manager Samson Fri>e, J Martin; .Vgi-nf Blaek Tatti Miisleal

Cmnedy Co.

T'ifcn. E. B.: Manager .V’s WorM Toohey, Jiav. P.; Agent Incimstanf George. Towle Chas. F.; Manager Ben Hur. Towle Davis: Agent Ben Hur. Teaff. Ctias. V.: Vl.anagor Daniel Btxwe on the

TYall Kastern Co. Von Ottlngor. Benjamin: Manager Old Dutch.

(Contlnmnl on page 40.1



Tuba, b.and. oreln-slra: eoriiot. b.arltone, clarionet, double ’21111 vl-diii; musicians double stage and orcln-stra: all Instruments; jMstple doing specialties given preferemav Single woman for Juvenile lead: must do sisvlalty. Work the year round. Canvas; two oar show . .Vddress Cladwater, March ’J."); Big Sandy, ’Jd: Mount Pleasant, 2,8; Pittsburg. 29: all Texas. REED and BLONDIN.

5 Flat Cars for Rent or Sale 2 sixty foot .V I comlltlon; pass rll roads. Will rent the five for fliavod per ni<*nth. or sell cheap. .Vddress

LOUIS L. KAUFMAN, 418 Fulton Building. PITTSBURG. PA.


44 Billl3oar€l MARCH 26. 1910.

Application* for mall adrartlaed In tbia Hat

anal siRncd Indlvldnallr bj addraaaaea.

LADIES’ LIST. AblioTD. IxMiiae Jor¬

don Adam*. Mi** Foru AlbriKbt. Mias Kutli Alcxmiil’T. .MUs Mnr-

gcrlte ••Alexander. Kiweaen Allen. Miss Ji-nnle Allen, Mi»« J. K. ••Amlier, Madam ••Aubrey, Mllilreil Anceil. Miiw (Jertrade AnuatroiiK Miss Kva Arnold, Mrs. I-ula Abbner, Mis* HUe* Asia, La Belle Bally. Ilia Baldwin. Mi*'* Mario lii-mea, Mrs. Edwin

1.. BanmiRii, Mr*. Bert C. Baylisa, I'. I’. BeaueaiMe*. Clare _ Beaumont, Mis* Fan

Die Belland. Mr*. J. F. Belmont, Beatrlct •Bennett Slater* Bennett. Mis* Laiir-1 Benwtt, Mis* Winnie •Berra, M. Besalo, Nellie ••Bllier. Mr*. «.uarle» Itlsaell, UiUi BlanWie, Mliw Oierok r.londell. Mis* Maid • Boyle. France* (IBramlon. Mia* B- Brachcru. Mr*. Ldna

Uetlman. Mrs. E\a 4Jlbl*««n, Alts* .Maude Uilieon, Mias Haisy tiibaaa. Mia* IskIm-i (lilbt-rt. Mina t'airle ■iill. Alls* .\rinenlo Gllmcre, Mrs. Ger¬

trude Gilmorn, Mr*. EM. ••uhUwui, Madau. Gordon, lira Grant, Mias Aland Gray. MIss Kutn •Grabam. N. G<4-iiud, Gris-uougb, Mias

Kboda •Grove*. Mebel Giiice. Alias Flirabet’i •ilHlcyone, Zuta llamiltou, Mr*. Geo. Hiiiiges, Airs. Sara ••Hank, Mrs. Bell Hanley, Alisa Erna H.iri*?T, .Miss Liii ille Harte, Miss Estelle •Hartman. .Mrs. t

W. liirvey, Mra. M. E. •Haugbtoii. Jessu Hendrlckaoti. Mrs.

C«|it. H. lltnley. Ml** Katie •Henry. Ad* •Herml*. Alarle •Heywood Jo«le R IlodKes, Alls* A. U. HolTman. Mia* Kitty Holland, Miss May Hcllingssorth, Maud

Bradley, Mr*. Grade Holniea, Mrs. Etta Brown, .Mr*. Kranl^ ••Howard. May Brown, Ml«s AUrion Bruns, Nina •Bruns, Mr*. Nlnii Bryaut. I'rluces* I.uhl, Alla* Bvlyn Burton. .Ml»» Grace •Butler, Amy Butterworlh, Alalad

Cain, Air*. Nellie ••Callln. Mamie Camerou. Bos*- Capps, Air*. J. B. Carleo, Mi*» Ia»ona Carr, Miss Hattie Carr, Mis* Jesau Ciylor, .Mrs. John Cliamey, .Margaret Cbrlaty, Airs. Geo. \V. Claire. Ml** Nell V. •Clark, Gertie Clifton. All‘s .lessle Collins, Alri. Elmer Connelly, Laura 1,. Cook, Air*. Itlcbard Courtney, Miss I’byl

Ha Oonln, Mr*. Jack •Crowley. Mrs. Alar-

garet Outinungb.vm Sister* •t'urrau, Anna

Ilaiuton, Mies Alarle ••Imiton. Alls* Helen Iitnlel, Mra. laola •Darling. Jea*le Itaearne. Mattie David. J. ‘lertle Davla. Air*. Fatima Davla, Mis* la>ttle Davis, Airs. Alattle lyeBalvatrler, .Mrs.

latuls I>cane. .Mis* Laura ••l>eUii«r, Ethel Ib-Kreko, Air*. Cbi*. De Rex. Alls* Blanch Di'smond Sister* ••Dt-vvre, Dollle De Von. Ali*s Ade

lalde De Vi«* Stock Co. Dixon, .Miss SIdonne •IS'nnelly, Edna D’Ormond. Agnes

E'uUer ••D'Ormand. Airs.

John Domey, Mrs. Frank

I*. Dora»-y. Mrs. Clara Drisi-oll, Alia* Emily

L. Dudley, All** Bessie Ihii>ree, Jeannette •Earl. Ix>la I/ea F.arl, Mr*. Maud Elina. Big EMw-ardee, Alls*

Etbelyne ET’.dred. .Mrs. Frank EHeanor. Mia* Editb Ellis. .Madam EMIison Mis* LllHe Elm, Francis •El Rey Sisters ••Errinjton, Marie E;*te*. Mrs. J. W. Everett. Ml*» Gertie •Eiitlnge. Rose Erlrfleld, Mis* Marie •Fennell. Mr*. Ann* E'erguson. Mrs. Dick rick. Mr*. Ethel •E'lnlay. Vera Finn. At!** FrancI* Fl«her. Ml** Minnie E'iak. Mia* Mae Fletcher, Mis* Mabel Flower*. Aiiiy •Floyd. Jennie FIcyd. A5I»* Jewell E'ranklyn. Air*. M. Frinke, Ml** M.rrtle •Froate. Alatinee Girl Gilloway. Edna Gaston, Airs. J. F. Gayle. Mis* Florence Oeraldlne. Allas Fay

Howe. Mlaa Marie Howell, Air*. F. Mor¬

ton Htyt, Allas May Hull, Ml** Grannts Huntley, Mrs. G. P. Eij-de, Mrs. EYank

Inex. Aladam Inman, Mlaa Grace lr\ln, Mrs. J. T Irwin, Jarkaoo. Margaret Jackson, Mrs. Jemee, Mrs G«-o. A. Johnson, Mrs. Grace Johnson, Miss .May Johnanu. Miss .Minna •Jordan. Mr*. S. W. Juvenile, Mies •Kany, Brnma Karr, Mr*. B. F. ••Kelly. Blanck •Kennedy, Mr*. W. T. Kvmcr, Mrs. H-ittle King. .Mrs. Hattie King, Miss Katherine Kitbcart, Lillie Kniglit. Alisa Itella E night. Miss Malvel La Moyne, Alls* Pearl Lane, Elorence Langdon. Mrs. E. •1>* Porte. Mile. Ddl* l.irenxo. Airs. Ethel Lascellas. Alia* Eulatle ••MToiir, Ml** Cara La Verne. Alaigrlte L. I.,aw, Miss Heien •I awano Lillian Idirar, Lillie Idizettes, Madam I.<e Roy. Mra. B. Le R'tv, Mi>. Gladys Is-s, .Mis* Della •Iioalle. Beatrice Leslie, Alias Irene I>evere. Mlaa Louise •Lewelljn, Air*. Ilr.rry ••Llngren. Nina •Lloyd. Mr*. Hertw-t Loie, Alidam ••I»lng, Grace

McDade, Mrs. David •MacDonald, Rtbelys McDonald. Gladys AlcHo1>c. Blanclia Magim-I. Mullinl Sis

ter* •Mallon, Mary ••.Marchl, Itevida Marlowe. Airs. May Martin. Katberlne •Maurella, Loolae May, Ethel ••May, Btbsl Mehaffey, Mra. Made¬

line Meau. Mary Midgley. Alra. Fannie Miganx. Enie Mlldrsd, Mlaa Milton. Jean Monroe. Rose .Moore, Edit I Misvre. Mr*. FYankle Aforay, Charlotte Mo*», Alra. Kittle Mtilcihy, Alra. 8. T. Murjiliy. Mrs. Ja*. E. Neale, Id* Nolvc*. Katberlne Neabit. Blanehe Nethaway, Lulu N'ewtt'n. Airs. Vivian Noble, I^-one Norton, Gertrude Norwood. Alra. A. Ofnene, Prlacsaa O'Neil, Mae Oncttl. Four Slater* Owen*. Dot Owen*. Id* Palmer. Ealda Parker, Ollle Partello. Allan J. J. Partello, Virginia I'erlman, Minnie •Patm. Mm. Mary

I'oloOT Sisters l-vade, MNs 1. H Price, Aland Belle I'fiK’tor, Evel.vii I iilb n. .Mrs. S. Putman, Marie Muade. Ellizabetli T. Ra,v. Anna EN* Ray, Ellral*cili Ray. M.tggic Uayfell I. Nellie •Katuioud I'Hxie •Kel*«ilT. Mauriiie ••R.-ynoId*. Riise RLodia, Air*. Julian •Rlc*. .Mile. Dice, Namy Lee RItcfale. Alra. Caro¬

line Ritchie, Cele«te Ilobe*on. Daisy B. •Robinson. Alinnie R.nlgcrs, P,c1le •Kogi-m. Sadie •Rolfrotn, Marie •Roltair, Mra. Henry Remain. Mr*. Lucy Roaa. Margaret, it Co. Rosenthal. Airs. E'lo

rence R.m**, Wilma C. RuaselL Mrs. I.nw

rence Russell. AIaggie St. Claire, tSrace •Saunders. Mr*. Clia*. •Saunders, Mrs. LH

Haw Scheftelle. Marie Schetneb, Clarllnd Scbiiltx, Hattie Scranton Slaters Sii-rch, Irene Smith, Elma Smith, Gertie Smith, Jennie Smith, Mra. R. S. Smith. Tabitha Smukler, A'lnrence Snvdev. Francis Sokoloake, Bertba •Sprague. Mr*. Helen Stanley. Minnie Stark, Mabel

Starr. E>ancl* K. Stair, Belle •Sterling. Alarle Stern, Mr*. I.. Sit vena. Rose Stewart, dandle P. Summer*. Alarle Swigart, K;ite •SuttoB, Florence •Sutton. Mr*. JennI* •Swan. Olive •Taltey. Geane 'leal. Lillian ••Temple, Loriella Tcmiiletou, Clariiv Terry, Helen Tbaleras. Mr*. Aman¬

da •Thurston, Adelaide 'Tina, Allle. •Tralvoot. Air*. Martha Tracy, Be**ie Turner, Air*. .Vina •Tiirnar. Daisy Van*, Ethel Vivian, Anny Von Kaufman. Ella Von I.,e:ir, A<ilHe •Waddell. Alay A Fred Waive. Ktnlly Keenaa" WEllace, Nello Or

mond 'Vashbum. Rene Wa.vne, Ixsiua Webb, Edith Webb. Mr*. T. E. •Wetuler. Edna Mae Wella. I.«nra •We*t. Carrie Wtaterly. Pauline White, Air*. Harry J. WlIHams, May William*. Mr*. T. C. ••WlllUm*. Rowe G. WIDt-oo. Gertrude W. Wilson, Helen •Wllaon. Mis* J. •Wisdom. Oon*t«nee Wolle«wrheld. Lena Wtiotlruff, Dor;i Youngblood, Ev’la Earn, Mme.

P.t«.le.v. J.K- B. ••Boultliiboune, J. K. Bowen. John Boyil, W. F. (Illackle; ItoyUn, James Ito.v le, Conan Braden. C. A ItraiUtrcet, T. H. Bray, Geo. Brill, Geo. E'. Bmnntw, Jack Eronti, Byron Brook*. James Brisvks. Alarlon A. Brown & E^nglisb Itrtiwn, Alex Brovvn. Chaa. Brown. Ernie Brown, EL J. Brown. Je»», Brovvn. W. W. •Browning. .Vrthnr Browning. W. EL •liruck. Edward Mob

len Brundage. S. W. Bnclinam. R. N. Buckingham, E'rank Ituekuer, Waller •Boechler. Jack '•Biiller. Howard Bullock. Gii* Bull. E'rank ll'iirke, Jj'in P.

•Burke, John P. Burke, 11. •Burke, Wm. A. Burn*. Fretl Burns, J. Reid Burtoo. ClarcDoe Burton. Geo. Itush, U. L. Butler. Coleman and

Hopkin* Byrnes. Buddy Cain. J. L. Caldwell. W. Call, A. It. Call. Jimmie i'amp. C. X. Campbell A Parker Campbell. Jack W Cannon. E. C. Kin ••Carey. Harry D.

Costello A loiCrolse Coslel. Paul (Vuibler, Albert CiHMilns, Jack Cow jM-r. l-'Tt eman tVix. CHiarHc Cox. Coleuiaii Cox, Alastet Jaa. Cv*by. A. \\ •( radtliM k. R. C. Craig. tJale Craig, llany •Crane Ka.vniond •Cr*n«ti»n. J *• D. Crawford. Vogel Cretlen, Ralph •Crlmmina, D.iii Cronau, Jack Cmsby. E'tank •Crouch Riebartl*

Trio 1'rowiiovt‘r. Clyde 11. Crow»e, S. W. Cullen, Jack Culp. E'rank EL I'himmlncB. M J. Cunuuings, Win •Cnrll*. Tanv Ciirtlm. E'. W. Cutler. F. L. Dally, W. D. Dale, I/ou Dallas. Jaraer Danner. E'red A. Dsno, Rivas A. Danova, Elrneat •Darling. Krnea* DaRilIa, Dive E. Derr. J. T. Davenport. Dick ••Daveotvort. turln Davie*. P. F. Darla. Pnrt Davis, Geo. C. Davla. Hal W. Davinon. John H. Davisson, Ed. Dry, Cha*. De Arm-}, Billy De Baltestrler De Bolin, Joe DeGroodt, S. W. De Krt'ko. Jean DeLe-vn. Cba*.


The be*dqnartars nf this fratnltoa* distribution of maU are at the CINCINNATI olllces. where all mch matter should be addreeeed. unleee It le knows that It will be more convenient for addreeeeee to receive It through the New York er Chicege boretue.

In addreaalng mall to Indlvlduala In care of The Billboard, kindly Indicate wbat com pany tif anyi each I* Identified with er In wbat line of tbe bnalneaa be I* engageit

When iNvaalble, addreeaea should be Identified by Incorporating tbe name of tbe ehow or company In tbe eddreae of mall sent to tbem. Ttali Inauraa prompt delivery or de ■patch and Rive* Infinite trouble in Tbe Blllboard'a poetofflee department.

All mall advertlaed In tbia Mat I* being held at tbe ClDclnnatl olllcea nnleea otberwiee Indicated by tbe characters • (New York), •• (Cbicagoi.

Parcela at Cincinnati office and amounta do*.

.Andrews, John 2c Avery, Carl 2c Balga. A. S. 2c B.-ilI, Eddie 2c Bigney, C. A. 3c Dsrnoc, Prof. 2c Davidson. U. Deane, F. F. 2c l•eCo^*, Walter 2- De Fur A E!stes 2c Ih-Kreko. Gape 4c

De K(x>s. M. J. Dixon. J. W. Dyer. W. H. 2c Frank, Joe Hanllon, F. A. Hindoo. Hall ('hand Hullltlay. Ethel JtvhnKon, Tony Jone*. JicE King. Mrs. L. Ic Lafayette, Cli;is. ‘Jc

Lawrence, Wm. 2c Isvoe, E'. M. McAsaey. J. B. 13c Nwlen, Lew, 2e Hlc*. Nanty la-e, 2c Stliiell. Jimmie 2c Schaefer, Paul 2c ■Shi, M. 2c Wallace Siaten 2c Whiteesr. W A. 4c Wolkoff, Abraham 2c

GENTLEMI Abe. U. Abbe, C. S. Adair A Vahn Adam*. Geo. Adateb A Heaney >dIison, Dick Aden, E. .S. •Ahern. Cha*. •Albertson, B. Oort •.Aldridge, Cba*. .Alexander Troupe Allen, B. F. Allen. Ixmnie E. ••Allett, H. E. ••Allle. Alex .Almond, Jim •Alvarex. Juan Alvldo. M AmeriCf.n Florence

Troui*- Ammin*. Jack Anderaon A Rvnna .Anderson, Master Bob Anderson. Harry Anderson. Jack

.Andersrvna. The Four .Angel. Henry W. Angns. Mr. J. D. •Apulahy. (}n*rge I. .Arakl, Tan Arlvogast, C. B. •ArdeU, Franklin •Arkell, W. J Armnnd. Prof. H. Armstrong. Mr. Av¬

ery •Armatrong. Billy Armstrong, Fiank Arnold. J M. .Arnold, W. J. ••Aronson. ta*w •Ashbum. James Aabir A James .Atherton Trio Anie, Mr Anit. G"o. L. Austin A Jone*

•Anton Family Baron and I'..vcon Baggort. N. P.aPy. Frank F. P.kird. E. W. Baker, John •Baker, Nick Baker, Pete BaMiam. Hairy B. Baldwin. Frink P.alirnivnc. Vlovt* •Banfleld. Frank E.

N’8 LIST. I Birficld. C. E. •Bargarou. Abe (|Barn»or> A Marglln •Ksmard, Gao. N. Barnet, C'irgil Barrett, 8. H. Berringtoo. Sidney •Barry A Henaiiany Bnrry. E J. •Birrymore, Lionel Bartee, A. O. •Baas. James Batten E'amlly Baugh, T. A. Baxter, Billy Baxter, MIciiael Baxter, Paul Q. I Beach. L. E. Beach, Is* Rot ! Be* no Duo, The I Boxty, Joe I Beckwith. tValtcr I Beeson Bros. Bvdeher, Howell i

Belford, Gi-ovge | Belkamp. Harrv i Bell, Cha*. Chick I Bell Hop Comedy 4 Bell. Paul Bennette, Will H. ••Bennett*. Billy Bennett. A. W. Peunett, ELlwrard •Bennett. Jeasle Bii.fon. Cline Berg. Harold ••Bernard. Jaek i •Bernle, l,awl* Bertlnl, The Great Bertran. Ward Bigney, C. A. j lilldirhacb. R. i Rlliark's .^la PIreh A Lnatlgue ••Btmar On* ! Blark. Clarence W. Blarkbn-'n, la-on •BJatfimey, A. F. Blake, Joe •Blake. R. J. OBInmhardt. Wm.

Bogard A Clifford Bogga, Henry Bolin, Oscar I •Bonrlen. T. | Bonham, O. H. i BorltstHs, R | ••Boaffonlan, Jnveall*, *

Carlo, King ••Carmele, T. Carmelo Camay, Dor Cm. Ed. Carr, Fred (.'arruU. R. I,. Carroway, Wm. Carson. Jeasle Carver. F. •Carver, Wm A. Caaad, CIvn-nee Cash, Hlne* Cam Co •I'astAgaana. Paol ••Ceven. John Cbanitiess, J. G. (Ytantrlll. Richard Chap<-1, Frank Cbapm-in, Wm. ( harblnnen. Gi-«. Chaster. Eiugene •Chlckolllly, Wm. •Chitwood. Parker (TirlatopVr, >'hrl« •Chrlatopher Joe •fTirlatle. Will rianoey. Fred Clark A Tum«-r •Clark, Alfred Clark, Charlie ••Clark, Dan ••Clark. Duncan •Clark, f C. (Ripi Clark. Harry Clark. Harry L. Clark. J. W. Clark. lave Claude, Capt. •dv-maou. John ••Clinton. Jack W Cocran. .A. J. v''<slen. Wm. Cole A Cob-man Cole, Clyde Cole. T un ••Coleman. Ed Coleman, Eviward •Collier. Fred Colllna, Elmer Collins, Frank Colton, Jamea K Colvin, Chaa. Colvin. Earle Comlngo*-, Itarld Cxvnner, R. S. •Cook. Howard A. Cook, Sam R. Conns, Charles Cnoni. Iloniliila Cn-bot. B-nn1e Corrlgaii and Vlvlar

IteMaln, Harry P. lb- Koanie, Truman ••Da Koame. F •Da Silvia. Hector IVeVlne, J. Art DeA'oe, Pa* |via!liii DeWolf, Idck •Da*. O. Dean, John Di boarJ, R. G. •Deer, Young Ib-erlng John J. Iteidrieli, Harry D* Imont, E nil Ib-Ino A Howard Deloaa A Pearl D<-ni|>K--y. J. E. Derrlll, Frank Deverne, M. ••Diamond. L. A. Dial, Eiigv-ne •Dial, Kugaiie Diatii nd 4 4 Ilid-m •ni.xmon.l. la w F Dirk, Mntiiiialirn Dlrkv-na-vn. Homv-r ••Dlllen. Ai'llaon Dlrerliier. I.o •DIafargea, Jnatln IHvol*. 8. Dixon, John R Doby, Tom Isick. Willard L. •Iv-ly. Patliek Donalilaoii. (!ly Ion Donaretta. L. Donnely, Tomniiv- ••Donovan. Grover Ivorr. Hairy Irl«h IVira-y, John •Iloty. Dan Ibiiiglat Ik Donglaa ••i>oiigl«*a. J. M. Downey, J. narl*y I»ow-nx. A. Foali-r Doyle, J. L. Itraper, E7*rl Duffy, RIrhard Dnnbar. Mi. Boater Dnnn, Jaa J. Dnnn. Tom IHirall, Harry Durkin, Wm Ihirno. J H. Ihitton, Jame* Early, .T. B. Edward*. Mitten Elale, George mitot. Mat C. Klllolt, Wm •BUI*. W 8

E;i*lro. A. E. laworib, Philip Flloii, Dor .N.

Kniv-ra-iii, Dvii hmerauu, Ralph ELiiilielt, ELigeiie •E!ugb-lireth. G,-«. W. •I.iigli-a, t'lyd- LngllHh, t liarlit- Lpplna, Frank E!ri -k« >u. Cl -rv ii-i- E!rnle A Emu- Ksly. G-vo. EN'au* A Wbi-.'vIdv'U E:wlug. Ctias. II Eye, Eagle F. xt-ll. Claud Fa brio. Duo I aim-Id. A. S Farar, Johu E. E'aulknvr, W. Erlllog, I’ellar I v-rgUKoo, \\ . EL

E't-rgxuue, Jimmie •t-eraandex l(. J.

(Donovan I Fvmandu Duo EVixer, Adam ••Finn, Jack Fisher. W. R rUk, K. D. ••Flake. Dode, Show,

Randmaater •Fiaher, Arthur O. E'lttery, Prof. Fitigerald. P. E'. E'lanry, ET-evI Flalb, P. H. FleUbt-r, D. II. Flemming. Jai k Flialean, F. E'lower*. Auiy E'lowera, Loois Fogner. vViii. E'ontinelll. I(■'bt. C. F.rrt- A Wllllaiiiv E't rd. Chaa. E'orgotten, Ca|>talu FvMler, Gu* H. Fvovter, loiiii VI E'outi. B. W. K •E>unk A Baby IJl-

Han •E'rank. Harrv Franklyn I*. C. Frank*. E. W. Franks, Hatiy By nar E'rank*. .toe ETanks, Tbe Two •Frana. Joe Freitle, Jolly ETeed, H. T. E'rces, Pnllip French A Ewing French. (.Ulver A. E'ranch'a Sausatlun Frlvdell, M Friedman. Jake Fritly, John Frltx. Ib-liio E'rve, Ret j I uhmian. I.. EMlIer. IWn •Gallagher 8. R. GalvanI, I*rof. Gimbold. Freii .\. Garda, Mcniiel Garland. Will •Gamo. Gao. Garrett, Homer Gaston. Alleri Gaston, J. E'. Gi-orga, Wilson Gilmore. C. G. Glrarl, Eddie Gitbens, J •Glenn. Albert 'Glennon. John 1.. Goldman, Wni. Goodniyn. la-o Gordon. IVm Trio Goss. K. W. Gothard, (itl.> L. ••Gould. Eilwln ••Goulil, .vv'tanford Grace. Janie* Gravi-s. K. D Gray. Harry •Grirtla. ('. El-iriilgi- Gunn. la-on Guthii- . .MU' m Gntliielt, Wm 'Hagan. Mr. A .Mrv.

Roly Hsil A le-raai' •Hall, Frank, Mgr Htllan. Mr. and Mr*

Fled Haller, Sam C. Hamblen. T. J Hrmbrlrk, F. A. H-imlltoii A Bin kl< r Hamilton A Curley Hamilton. C F. Hamilton, Frank Hamilton. G Hanilllon. Harry Hamilton. Janiei •Hanford Chaa P Hanley, B*n-lmakt-r llanlev A Murrey Hirvligg. rill Harklnoon. ( ha* Harmon. Cl'*a llartlw.n. Will Hart. Goo. E. Hart, Neal Ilarrey, J*ek Harvey Stock Co. Haaamana, The Won

derfiil •Haleb, Frank J.


Hathaway. Ciirlv llalau. M •Hay CIV •llaywouil. Joe H Heald. Frank K Heath. Heiirv Heaton, F. .\l. Heiliiiaiiii. Henry Hi-matii-et. J. A. Heiineay, Eal Henry.'le I'rluce Heiiooii M A. Hera*. Jol.ii Herman, Win. •Ilerrvin, lamia Hlbliert. Tboiiia* J, •IlK'knian. j h. Higgitia, E:iig< lie (llllodu. AIM •Hinton. IteiiJanilL Hoey, Hume van, ••Huey*. The Hoffman. .Aitliiir lloffnixn. P. lyeutv Holland A Weli!i lli-iland. Jotin J. Holloway, K. R. •Holstein. Al. ll aid, 8am Hom. Harry •Hurebruok, Gus Howard, Ika- Howard. Hap Howe. Edwrrd ••HuvvImiu, 1 b.ia

HulilNird. C. A. Hudson. Ch la. Hudoon, Mrrtin V.’. Huegel, Peter Hughi*. Alvin ilugbe*. Wm. Bniton ••llugba* Wm. H. Hiigo. Harrv ••Hnll. L«o Hiimpbrey, Jack Hnnevtrr, A. P. Hunter, Harn Hunter, Sam V. Ingram. Hamish Irion, F. H. Irish, Gi-o. Siii.i|wr Irons, W*rri-n ll. Irvins, The Two

Jackaon A Margret •Jkl'kooll ( tv Jackaon. O. L. Jacolia. John C. •Jkcqiieniaio, Kanilrb* James, C. Jxme*. H. N. Jame*. Rayrrond •Jame*. (-rue a. J.irrard. B. H. •Jefferoon J. J •Jeffr-y, EL Leall,- Jenkin*. Cviinedy E'enr JenElns, Fri-d Ji nnler, Walter Joe. S. 8 Johnson. Bllll* Johnson. Chfc*. H. Johniam. E'. M. Johnson R. M. Johnwin. Roy 8. Jooes Bros.' W. W.

8bow Jonas, Capt. Jonas. R Jones. Harry •Jone*. J. N. Jones. Rsstia Jones, WIIMe Jones, \V. O. Junins. Tbeo. JniHi. Alfred C.

Kaida. K. Ksllegher. James Kane, C. E>am-ln Kene. Ridiert E. Keaton. (> (?. Keefer. Dili Keffer, G-orga Ki-llh. I'llly ••Keith. Billy Lell. Harry Kelbw, Harry Kelly, C. L Kelly, l>. A’. Kelly, J-ick Kelly, Tlio*. E. belly*. Tlie Three Ki-mp Rr •*. Kemp. J. T. Kunpton. G. E. Kennan. John J. Kenneily Bros.' 8liows ••Kenney. Jame* Kennedr. N"d Kennedy. T. Kinnottrn, Fee P« Ki-s'erton Bio#. Kefoli. E. II Keu. Geo W. Keves. 8. B Key*. Cliestir A. LIbhy, Joe Kible, Jnie* Kldil. Jim Klley. Gi-orge •Klmlvsli Bni* •King. C. Ciir|i-T King G M Klng*biiry, 0<-orge

KInael, J, M l-.Irk. E*. Te*raon I Irnvn. Tli.-s. Klosiiiger Wm. P. hl*ak. Herman E laas, I-'. Klein. Chaa. El Kleppin. Mr. A Mra.

E T Kline, llirry

MAIL FORWll\RDED Whon mail that has lioon ndvrr- lispd in (hifi lint in forwardin] aftpr TIIT’IL'^DAV, the advertinement al- waye nppenni lurain in the iiwtie sent info the mAila fne fnllowing TUES¬ DAY, as no namefl are taken out of the lint after I htimday. Addregneea will save themaelvea and iia much correapondentNt by olitervinR thii.


MARCH 26, 1910.

I' iiowli'a, Harry K<.Ult-r. I.i-w

hulara, Frank KraU'<, SiiiKrti KrlrK<‘r, Win. *K rmiac. Law Kiiliu, Ctiaa. W. II. •La.le, It II l.a Ui-ll. It. I.ailvll, Itunoy l.afuyr tlt'. I'll I* ••l.afayrIU a, T1 l.a .Marr, J. l.aiuibar>U. M. l.auib<>ru, ('lauib •l.aiVlult. I’ruf

*Mllluu, I'lyila .Mliit-r, Kr-nnftb ••■Ml no.', I-. I . .Mlti'hi'll, John M<a>r>', Hail .Miaira, Frink Murrla, II. 1.. Morria. I’IhIii l>avp Murrlaon, J uiiiili- .Moray, Itniy

.Moma, Ronil ••Morrlllf A Marriott Mofler, B.-rl .Mono, (ii.orK< •Muyrr, lluaca •Murh. r. *.Mn|{|yan, Jrrr.T Miilliil, Miinini I ^'llrpby. C. il. Murpliy Fanilly Miirr.iy. Ili-il .Murrell, Frnl .Ni.kle, I). E. -Niiple-, J.*- W.

l.,a llella. Troupe

Naabw, .Mat •.Nebraakfc, Illll Nelaon, Cbaa. .\i laiai, Clifford 11. Nelsuo, Fred Newuian, Kalpb >e» t Cl. .\abtuD and

Nrwtoa Newlon, Harry Nlaa, laaar Mrb. Iiilhiv .Mrhola, Iww Nlekela. Hirrh A. .Miod, C. S. Nlxob, E. E. *Nualand Walter D. *Nnlan, Boyd I. Norburg, Robt. Nurdatrofn, Robert Norman, Jimmy .Norton, W. W, Norwood, E. A. Noaa, Will

Niisent, Jamea Nyr, Harry ••(I’Bem'y, Cba* tFConnell, John M •O’Neill, "Tippy" Oakenon John S. Oiltia, J. B • diver, Wllllim Cir. tllb drlon, D. P. OafTlIng Amt Co. Ott, M. L. Owena, John •Oyler, J. n. •Farbeco, lamia •I’allaon, Henry I'almer, E. F. 1‘arento. (leorKe I'litiab. Havll M. •Harter. Col. C. W. I‘.•■rki. Walter I’arrlah A Le Due Hartello. Jack I’atteraon. Eugene I atteraon, lark Hearce, Robert .M. Pearaon. Unaea [.en-

ton Peik. F. W. Henley, J, R. Herry, J. L. Herry, C. Herbert •Herry Harry Peraumbo Hetera. Nltk Poirraon, Andrew Ivti-mon. Walter F. Hhelpv, R. C. Hbllllpa. Cbaa. Picker. Cbaa. Pierre. A, L.

HI••^Cl n. Itilpb J !‘ln. lYof.

•Hiper, Marry S. I'Itt. Jamea A. naoe. r. R. Poland. Jay ••Hoonelly, Lloyd L. '•Hiwtel, IJtsTge E. How era. David «od

Jeaale I'loaera A Hai:nr> Howera. Wm D. Powley, W.

Preaton, OeoTge Price. Hal Hrl"he. H< rrriann Hrltchett. Curle.« Hroctor. Georpe H. Proodlore, Jaiuea D Purkbnrat. H P.

yix'eii A Creaci ni R It. SlMiwa

Rare. Dr. ItaiiiiMleii, Wm. T Kanrbard. Dia k Kamlall, Jack ••Itankln, WLI Itapp.iiairt, .Valhan it.iwlea, H t.. ••Kawltnlun. G. W Ray, Kn;rne Itaymiinde, Hairy Rea. T I.. Heed A FerKiia.'n Ri’.'il A Marlow.. Rreil. J. 11. Re«N|. Lloyd F. Rr.'.l. Wm. D. Reemlln. J 11 R<ev.a. llddlr Reno. Phil lten«.’>«. llrrm«p Re Paaa, Funk Rover... G.ri, W. Hi.V Hard. .\ D llrynolda. Ion

Hhialea. Maaler Ju llan

Hire. Jolin Henry l.lili. Klrbarda, Fr.vnk J. Itlrliarda Cnpt. Geo.

Lamp’. M<1. l.aiKaater, 11. I.aiolln, Edward C. I.aiiKer W. J. La I'orla, K'rank A. ■ .arrltaa. The Four Lark. Let nard ••La Roa*. W. E. I.araon Loula l.rrllicii'', Birch l.a .dalle, Hariy ••L.vRall-. lto« ••■.a To ir. Frank l.alto. Jullua La Vl.*r. John I.i w, Dor l.anirnce. Geo. (1 l.,eacuo A Held la.avura, A. U- Call A Le C lie Lee, Jack Lee, MadlMvn l.eeper, Wm. la-ejM.r, Win O, lefkowita. Herman l.ebmvn. Rtubeo I.t Igba, The Leiibardt, W. J. •Leon, (llranl •le<>n the Hlodn lanuard, Cecil leltoy, Ituy leKuy. Vic Lrrue A Brook I.i-alry, Rotiert lawlle, A. lewW. J. C. Ltw|iole, Doc •Lllieratl. A. I.leberl, Sam I. Hey. Geo. Lllley, Fretl Lind. lUny H. LlDdstro>n A AdiI.t.

aon LIneay, Mr. Linger, Harry lAnlger, Cbarlea Linn, Fal I laa. Sam I.eke, Will Logro. Jua. Lombard. .N’lck Londin, Ed. Lorbeer. «»tto LaailA, Lcnla Lute A Jiiatice Ixive, lltrry LovetL Lealer •lewande A. A •Lowe. Oscar Lowea, The I.ncaa, .Arthur I.urky, Thurman I uigi Broa. I.iik-’na. Wm. L.vkeoa Whltey Lyman. tVl. I ync*!. triah Jack McArthur, liavbl A. McCall, U. t. MiCarla. J. McClain, Cbaa. Mt^curuack, Joe .MrCrea, CHIT

M< Donald A Maroh MrD< iiabi, C .M.. .>i

Uirle McUuiiabI, Henry C. •tavGuluiell. VAul. ••Mcltwaa. Prtrf. P.

Xtie F'lneslSF’llm Service.

XfieSlVfostCRellatkle IVl. R. IVfacliine.

Xtie Only Successful Xalklng Rictures



Cosmopolitan Rough Riders and Indian Congress disappointments and misrepresontations, the following; Wild West

s. iiu'liidlug elotvns. .Address Tom Wieili.|iiann. Miislelans; Four

aiKl other first-class men. Adilress Burt Jacobs, Bandmaster,

aiblrcss W. F. Palmer. I’tsiple who wrote before, write again.

•IS-(lay stands. llbissom. Texas. .Mareli Iilabel, (Ikla., lib.

Wants Immediately, owing to

and Circus I’o.; le in all line

g.KsI clarionets, tliite and piccolo

bide Show and Hlanlatloii Pi.ople.

This is a show, playing

Foreman, .Ark., 110; Ashdown. .Ark.

LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Eagles’ Convention and Carnival


lO — Big DayS"10 BEGINNING MARCH 26TH. McFarland, Cnriol

••Mstiee. Jack, .Alike MeGInnla, Eilviard

Duller •.Mclulutth, Allan McKcvvr, John McLalleu. J it-a Mcliane, Chas. ••JIvtviMr, Mr. McNair, Capt. W. P. •AIc.Neill, Wm. •MvAvIgu, JuMUile Mark, Harry d. Mack, Ftnn Madiaon. Harry Lee M jjiine Maloue. W. L. Manville, Chaa. Mar Tina Mark. E. t. Markauia, lha .Mirkl>> A Mayea Matka, Mike •Mart, Mike ••Martin A .Man in Marlin. A It. Martin, Urt>. C. Marlin. Jack Al.irtin, Jostph Marx. \A. F. Alarxon. Eri.le Maaou. D. W. Ml.Ill 'alone A Rose Maury. K. B, Frank S Maxwell, K. F. Maxwell. K. Ml). I.d. Mayer, Cb.ia. May.a. C. \V. •Mayueld t\ m H •Alayiiea A dpabiue MaeUau, Hlul, \A lu Mvlioae, Great •Mei.ilie, trank Merjo'a, (’lias, Aleaaage, ArtUle Metcalf, Ken Mejeri. Harry H. •Mexunoa. .Marveloul At let t. Geo. 'tiller, John •Miller. r-Ht Miller, W .s Alllls-ni. Flaiii

Will we work Sniulays? YES. two of them. W.ANTED—Shows and Coiicessious. FYee Acts, High Dleer aud Balbsni Rider, Cidonsl Band People and Performers, Show People In all branches. Sister Team, fllrls for Girl Show, Ibtor Talkers. Shows wire. Concessions <'ome on. No ex cluslves. This Is going to be the big one of the season aa It is Hot .'•prlng’s busiest time. Call or wire H. W, CAMPBELL. Goddard Hotel, Hot Springi, Ark.

OA.KS* RECORD-BREAKING STRAIT-J ACKET RE The most sensational escape Dow before the public By oiir new methisi an f made from same in full view of the audience without deleefion—which always

satlon. Our Jackets are the only ones which are made of russet leather and of the best gray duck canvas. They fasten at the -a hack live buckles, all haring strong straps. These are a rightl.v drawn, even those around the neck and hands. .An B esea|>e from same looks imi«>ssihle. but yon can do it. Guar- il anteed to be the best and will last a lifetime. AA'Iieii order- l| ing. state your chest measurements. Von may Ih' a great 3

I magician witboiit one of these jackets In .voiir act. but you |3 1 txs'ome a greater one with this added to it. Price com jf I idete with full secret directions, yi2.lXl. B

THE OAKS MAGICAL CO.. Dept 87, Oihkoxh, Wix. | 1 -I *1 - * for liainInilTs. iimi! liays. B

'•ilrait-jHokets. milk raiis. and In fart overythfm; In tho «‘s<’ap«‘ I Ifao.^e illustrateil har>:aiii sbe«*t, containing; all new I tricks, just off the i»rcgs—FKKK.

WANTED Ferris Wheel and one or two Good Shows (lood oiRMiint' for hi}'li striker and doll rack. .Address this week WEST- COIT SHOWS, rnioH ('ity, Tenn.; .\l. If. Westeott, .Mj'r. I

PORTOLA CAFE •HIrhardw, Henry Rlehalda. J. H •RIcharda. J. J. Riggs, John B. Ulii'-h'rl. J Blllk. Sld’iey Bitxel. I, W. Klrro, J(S' •Hohh'iis FrinA A •RohhliMi. Chaa A R(»herf, Fri d H ••Hotwrtt. A R


Playing the hiegest ami tieat Dancing, Musical, Singing and Novelty .\ct8 on the American .md European st.iee. Emm four to twenty weeks’ contracts. Address,

TONY LUBELSKI, Amusement Manager. MAGIC free

Ulna. Oitaloc Inclndwd Send 40. Mafic. Dapt. t. tTO W. Stth 8t.. N. T.

•Roheria, Tim, Carn •Toledo. Mr. Co. •T<jrelll'* Dog A Pony

Kub«rtJM>ri. O«o. 1*. Show ilohliuMMi, Col. J. Mil Turley, Guy

Dill ••ToxHell, Richard Ruhiiisun. Seott Townaehil, Joe M. Rodgera A Alar-In Travera, A’lc-ior •Hugally. Bwrt Triplet, VTc. Rogera, John Troatle. Paul M. Roger*. ShiPey siiip Turn. Tiimniv

per Tiimber, AA’m. K. •Roger*. Will ••Turner, Doe Roger*. W. P D Turm-r, Joliu •RulllM, Bert Ttixley, Frank F. •R(.rke. S. E. •Tyler A Rorton Riate, Jlmm'.e Tyle», Ed. •Roaa A S aw Vail. Burton B. RiyfMMilrr, Victor A all, Lon;o F. B(aiemaD, M. Aan Cello Cheater Itouaa* y, C. K. Van Gofre A Cotri iy Rucker, Ed. Van Gordon, Eugem* Ruf A Cunick L. Hurello, Al. AT n Hoven Riiesell, BHl.v •*A’ n Horn. AValler ••Rus*-.'!!. Kd. •Vann, C. AA'. Riiaaell, Iran B. A'an Orman, Bar Ruaa< H, Nick A'an .Sickle, B >y .s Rdtll, Scott A'ardon. Frank A Rittl»^ge. Prank A rriputi, S. ••SamclcT*, Hciirv Vaughn, Jamea C. Saasaman, AV. A Veal, John •Scanlon. Oco. R.

rex •iuIxfIa, Gvxj, >*. \ lolpttt*. M. B. Scarborough. J. J A Ivtorlna Troupe ••KehardlDg, J Voda. I(0<il* V. ••Schoolcraft. Mr A'ogel A .A'anda' Schrel, Geo. •A’ogel. John .■•chroy, J. (,’. Volna, Geo. Scbwln, AVfciter ••A’olna, Geo. Scott, Geo. Thco. •Von llotf, George •Scott, Mike A'on HolT. George ••Scott, K. A. ••Von Ta*ka. .Albert Sedwlcka, rl>e AVagner A Clia|>eau See, Dike R. Wagner, Llcyd Seeley. I’evh AA'alnwrigLt, AViil SelrlD. Edwin WakefellU, Ed. Self. EmU •Walcott. Fred Se.non, Al. T. VA’al'o Wc( •serra fharlee AValra, Harry H. Seymour, Frank A Walker, John A Shadfick A Talhoi •Walker, W. A Shaffer, Fred 1,. •AV allace. Boh •SharkeT A Rey noble AVallace, Frank Shecx. Eiigcre VA'alah, Aua’in SUeror, K. H. ••AA’ard, Wllliniii Sheridan. Homer Weiren. Fred Shield*. Jack ••Warwick*. The •Shllxona. Mgr.. Wataon. Lawrence

Hungarian Boy*' W^atherfoida Ror Band WoBTor, Raymond

••Sbonnnn .V M((r'n ••AA'ebb A AV. I.h •Short. W I.. AA'ebb, Horacx' •Shnartwood. Georg# AVebb. Tho*. E Sidney, Lee AA'el*ter, W. A'. Sh'd^ll & rdilllm* Weddleton. F. •Slmniona. Harry Wee. O. E. Singer*. A. L. AA'elck. Kaaper SIrk, \V. J. Welgyl, FTed SBfe. Cha*. T. •Welmer, Eddie Sloan. Howard 1 AA'elch. Chaa. K Smith A Co. Welch. John J. Smith. Byron W Wellington, Jay .Smith, Frank •Welab. Col. Al H Siiilfh. W. T. Welsh, Col. AL M

SmltbeoD, J. C. AA eat, Archie .slnylhe, Lorain West, Billy SnowlalT. Joe W«at. Dare Devil 1 Snyder, Cha* I.. West. Dougla* 1 Solman. 8. AA’ceton. K. E. ••Sorcho, Capt. I.oul* WhwW. A. H. •Houtbe, B. Haul •Spark* CiTcna. John •AA'heeIrr, John

A. AA'heelT. Lew H. •Sp.tTOW, Alfrel AVheeler. AA'ill B. f?penCW. riarenee AVheeler. AV. H. SpeaaaidT, Pawl AVhlte, Jehr. Si-rlng *. xsve AA'hlte. R. E. •laprlnger. Grant AA hltely * P. I Si»mr. J. M Whilelr. AA’. A. Suulre*. Dr. F. .A Wlckllif. John D •Stsats. PhtI Stanley A Farr Co. Stanley A R.'" WHhur. Al Stantley A Wo v. r Willard. Chaa. D. ! StMnton A Hmhid** WilHaras A Mayer Starr A AA rrd AA’illiams, Bob { Stearn*. Doc 1 M W’HIliin*. Cbaa. Steele, I red WHlIama. C E. Stelllng. I re.1 WHIlima. C. M. Sterling. Rh h ir ! AA'Hllamu. Harr.r AA". Steven*. Al. AATHIam*. L. S. ytevena. Harr.v IVHIiam*. Kollo B Stewart. J. F WHlIama. T. AA’. Stewart. R. A Wlllt*. Artie Stlrk. Pr'f T AA'IHl*. Rna-iell Stockmen. J ik" WHl«on. BHIt I Stockton, G,Hirg" •WllftiiD A Wooten Stockton. Mr. A Mi- Wilson. B Stv>k'«. Rlrhiird Wllm^n. Bi n i Stout. Caia. K. V. ilson, Bert I SnlMvan. J. L. •win*e1d. Charlie W. Siiinm**r, ChiirV^ ••Winfield. Mr. and 1

Sunpy Si'Uth Kloatim: Mr*. George | Paiace Wlthey, B. A. i

••Swain nian. AA'Ialir.l*, J.ick Swain. Frank AA'oenler. AA’m. Sweat nan. Harr.v Wolf. Jack Sweeney. Ch.a*. WtdkofT. Ahmhiim ••SweeneT, Clia* AAood, rrancla 1 Sw-lft, lleelieT* AV.aalanl A Derill Swt*her. CGvIn K Woedin Alan Sjkru. \N b1* ••AV.x.1nifT H. 1. •Svlreater*. The AA Ovals. CHITurd Si tx A S>lx Tangh’In. B. J. W.kDilAi. Th«miii:« Tanner O A AA'o.alwnc'l, Harrv .A. Tantx r Hv Wo.alvard. H. 1’. •Taaliam A 'V AA'orks, RidHTl Taylor. B. rt F Wormack, l>r. H. O. Tavlor. Ilirrv F AA’orth. J H. T»NnU. Jot AA’reeland. C. AA' Teiinv. Juo AA'rIght. J. R TcrrT A ••Wfckoff, Fretl Terrv A Samoler* V. nnh- Lillei

•T'vnng. Curt Thoffim. nick •A'(Win* tmrtla R Tboma* AV. M. A'onngh.aise, Ldward •■n«*mi**on. Arthur F.atnhricger, Gus T>ii>mr»«on. JohP Zangnro. F. Thornton. C. F.. Am; 7^r1Inirton« The ’*lve '

Z.-sHone, R.r,>i>4*n •• ni«»rnt«»n. K. K, Z.e. Rev. I’eler •Tl'iirafini. Howard •7.en« Karl j

inhn |> Zephulv. G('«>rge ! Tiwld Hn'n * SlHMVk 7ie*. Dive ft Myrtle !

FREE A pDKtnl rnnl k* la It. Mv I'MO Hats of j iihkI •. nuMforlvu. inHcicHl IwHtk'i. illn 1

n»*\v I'lr. AV ALBERT TRIPP, 1 Nrw HtMlfonl, Mum.

X ti e B i 1113 o a r d MARCH 26, 1910.

Norwtxxl’s S<‘iisatioiiH, M. II. NorwoKi, Gohloii t'rtH)k, Jawbn & Jeniiou, niters iiiKr.: l.yiichburc, Va., Italeisb, N. C., C.. 21‘Jt!; Tbila., 2S .\|>r, 2.

28 Apr 2 Grnhaiii A; UaiKl.ilI: KiMitiK-ky Obreoht Family: AiitiK... Wi*.. 27. Hayt-a A .'Suits: MiirallKMi Girls. I’owcra, Frank J., llyimotlst. U. G. Barouiu, i IlanKm A Wlilllcn: Koiitucky Girls.

Sault Stf. Marl.', Mich., 21 26. ll.'lt'iia. l.all.'lU'. A (V>.: K.'iirii.-ky Girls. Fow.'ll. Glar.'iuv: ItU-haril A FrliiKle'a Min Marl, .\nnl<‘: Scn'iiailcra.

atrt'la. j Uraly Sist.Ts: Gliitt.'r Girls. Kayinuiul. the Great, Maurice F. llaynumd, IlastliiK's, Harry. SImw: .Mlnnea|Ni|ls, 21 26;

‘D^TTT'IPO N»rwo<sl’s Gr»‘at Si'lisatlons, M. II. Sorwood. Golden t>.Hik. Jacobs & Jerinon, iiitrs.: N. Y. I A ArOOIAM AIRTO ROUTES ,j,,,ubu,,. V... .N. c.. I lUnltoolUnAIKto ((’..ntlnn.d fr.iii i-aKc 4:t.) Gbreelit Family: AntiRo. Wls., 27. Hayes A .'Suits: MaratlKUi Girls.

Fowers, Frank J., Hyimotlst. U. G. Barnum, Ilanl.H! A Whitten: kentu.'k.v Girls. ■ ■ ^ m ^ MANAGERS AND AGENTS. rnsr.: Sault St.'. Marl.', Mich., 21 26. Il.'l.'iia. l.aBelU'. A (W: K.'iirit.k) Girls. I II |^l IJ g\ MM

Fow.'ll. tMar. ti.v: Itlehard A FrliiKle'a Min Hart, Annie; S.'r. iia.l.'rs. . I 11 1^ Aa Von F.rlekson. 1,. A. : Manager Cole Y.ainger atrels. j H.'aly Sist.Ts; tiliig.'r Girls. " * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m

I.,eeliire T.air. Baymond. the Great. Maurice F. Baynumd. ' Hasting’s. Harry. Sliow: .Mlnneaisdls, 21 26; , , - _ Varley, A. H.; Manager Gingerbread Man. mgr.; Ixindon. Kng., Itidef. .Mllwaiikt'e. 2S .Kpr. 2. Jtk \p«r|l|| IlinPC ll I PStW rFHII Vetter, J. K.: Agent Two Merry Tramps. S>'v.'ngala, W. E. .k Marguerite, llyi>nutlsts: . lm|M>rlals. Sim Williams, mgr.: Minn.'a|Ndis. ^l|| Owfl«UII| JaillCd W Lwaijf riU|l. Vogel. Jno. W.: .Manager Vogel’a Minstrels. Gil.'ssa. Mo.. 21 2d; Glasgow 24 26. j 2126; St. I’aul, 2S .Xpr. 2. ... , , . Wllken, W. L.: Agent Buster Brown Western Smith, Mysterious, Co., AlluTt I’. Slulth, mgr.: ; Irwin’s. Fred. Big Show: W'h.s'Ilng, ’.I ’.'.'t; To f iina Park IS tllP Onlv D&rk Ifl Chl-

Co. Batavia, la.. 212:1; Cantrll ’24’-Nl. h-slo. 2s Apr. 2. LtUIiO rOIK IS HiC Ulliy Ik III V/lll Warmlngton. Wm.: Man.ager Primrose Hln Thomas A Pearl’s Show. John T. Thomas, mgr.: Irwin’s. IT-ed. Gibson Girls; Wash., I>. C.. 21- rilltnina frp#* at tracl if IMS

strelB Is xsv. Ga., 2126; .Metter 2S Apr. 2. | ’-’6; W h.s'llng. 2S :16. CagO rUIlning IPCC ailFaCl U*Ilb. Wagner, N. C.: Agent the Man of the Hour. 'I'tiylor. Jijiimle: Brace Coin.'^ly to. i Irwin’s lYisl. .Majestic; T.d.'.lo. 21 26; IH'lrolt, pCMT 1ar<r» Willard, 1.. R.: Manager Time, the Place and Vandergoiild. Great, Co.: Shenuan, Tex., 21’26; | ‘2s .\pr. ’2. aV^lx l\C<lx I ••OJJCM.C Iva UIIC lal^C

the Girl. McKinney 2s .\pr. 2. | Irish C'dlisiis. Six; Marathon tJlrls 'Ji ill 11' 1 Wllllama. C. Lee: .Manager Ihsekatader’s Min Vernon Hypnotic Co.. W’iley A Chipman. mgrs.: ■ J'dmson. Walter: Morning. N.shi and Night. nflC, tWO tliealreS, UlSO IlippOUrOIllC.

mgr.; Ixindon. Kng., Indef, Milwaukee. ’2S .\i>r. 2. Serengala, \V. E. A Marguerite. Ilyitnotlsts: lm|M>rials. Sim Williams, mgr.: MinneaiHdis,

(Messa. Mo.. 21 2:t; Glasgow 24 26 21 26; St. Paul, 2S .\pr. 2.

Warmlngton. Wm.: Man.tger Primrose Hln Thomas A Pearl’s Show. John T. Thomas, mgr.: Irwin’s. I'red. Glhson Girls: Wash., I>. C.. 21 atrela. Is' xsv. Ga., 2126; .Metter 2S Apr. 2. | ’2 i; W’h.s'lliig. 2S :16.

Wagner, N. C.: Agent the Man of the ITour. 'l'’!i.\ lor. Jimmie: Brace Coiiit'xly to. i Irwin’s lYisl. .Majestle; Tid«'.lo. 21 26; IH'trolt Willard, L. R.: Manager Time, the Place and Vandergoiild. Great, Co.: Sherman, Tex., 21 ’26; | 2s .\pr. 2.

McKinney 2v A\>t. 2. j Irish t'eliietis. Six: MnmilitKi drls WlllUmii. C. LfCe: Manajr^r DtK'katadcT’a Min Vernun Hypnotic <'o.. Wiley & Chipman. mjfra.: . Walter: Mf*niiinr. Noim ami Nijrht

Mci\Htk. Neb., 2b Apr. 2 Janiin de Taris Tri«' JanlTa de Carls HIrls. Walsh, Townsend; Agent Your Humble Servant. W’ahleii, Magician, A Co.. S. R. Worden, mgr.; [ Jar.lln de Paris Girls, Clarence Burdick, mgr.: Williams, Joe. R.: Manager What Every W’o Lafayette, Ga.. 2d: Ha.vton. Tenn., 24: Marl- I Clileago. 21 ’Jtl.

man Knows. ella, Ga.. ’J.'i; Carlersville ’26; Llnevllle. Ala.. I Jers. y Lilies. W m. S. Clark, mgr.: Pittsburg. WlnclK ll, Henry W.: Manager Tillle’s Night •2S; Couslwater ’2'.t; Camp Hill dtt; West Point. . 21 ’26; Buffalo, 2S Apr. 2.

mare. Ga.. dl; Columbus Apr. 1; Chlpley 2. 1 Jolly tJirls, Hichard Patton, mgr.: B.istou. 21- Wallace. F. Gale; Manager Charley Grapewln W’tHsIward’s, Harry. Moving Picture A Vaude I A|ir. 2. „ „ ..1

C«. vllle Co.: (tutonagou, Mich., Feb. IMay 1. I Kentucky Belles, Robert Gonhm, mgr.: I'es Williams, A. P.: Agent Charley Grapewln Co. Wrlglit. Toney; Brae.' C.sinsly <\i. M.du.'s, 21’2d; St. Joseph. 24’26; Kansas City. Wright Ft<'d E.: Manager Man from Home Yankee Iksidle Entertainers, Frank H. Thoinp- I 2s..\pr. 2. I Windlah. A. IL: Agent Whitney Musical Com son. mgr.: Wautomo, Wls., •2S Apr. 2. . Knlck.' Isuils Bol.le. mgr.: Toronto. 21- J

26; KiH'hestcr. 2S Apr. 2. ^

Wllllama. Joe. R.: Manager What Every W’o Lr man Knows. et

WlnclK‘11, Henry W.: Manager Tillle’s Night ■2s mare. Gi

Wallace. F. Gale; Manager Charley Grapewln W’.h C®. vl

Williams, A. P.: Agent Charley Grapewln Co. Wrl Wright Fr<'d E.: Manager Man from Home Yan Wildish. A. IL: Agent Whitney Musical Com- so

•dy Co. White, Al. W.: Manager Florence Davla Co. Wllaon. I'Tod P.: Agent SuisTba. WTdIe. J. Iswiis: Maiiag.T Fair C-cvEd. White, liraiH' F.: .\genl Sunny Side of Broad

Wllsta.'h. ITaiik J.: .\g«>nt H<'rod. j.A, Wllt.Hi. Geo. \V.; Maiiag.'r Sijuaw Man. Wlllains, A. G.: Manager the Wolf. o) Woods. A. J.: Manager T<*mp»'st and Sunshine iiip

Eastern Co. ,■ Wofdf'dk, Boyle: Maimg.'r Sunny Side of Broad- Hoy

■"■y- Han Yack. M. A.: Manager Easi.'t.t Way. jl,,l Toimg, Henry L.: Manager the Climax. o.

PV^,. R ■ Manager Havana S^'ll.'no, L. C.: Manag.'r Gr*'at Duncan Show, a

Klinger. Irwin: .Vveniie tJlrls. rnn^m CTJFYTITC I l®T«air Sist.-rs; gm-' n of Janlln d»' Paris. IfjJjll 0X1V/Wo Is'm.'r. Dave: Aiimrleans.

i> > ..... o. ^ .. Is'ster A Monri': Brigadiers Barnum & Baih'y: iMailistm Sq. Ganletil N. \. L>''>ns A* Cran*': S.'r'‘n:i'h'rs.

J.‘'I"!’ ... . ijtdy Buceam't'rs, Harry Strauss, mgr.; itetr Blondin s. Ijpo; Lindale, Tex.. 2.d; MilU'ola 24: ■'l.'H?- Chicago ‘’!*-At>r ”

' ’j,'. ‘'I"!’ « I Ijidv Buceam't'rs, Harry Strauss, mgr.; Itetrolt. ondln s. Ijpo; Lindale, Tex.. 2.d; MilU'ola 24 : 21-26; Chicago, 2!*-Apr 2.

= J*''' 26; Mt. Pleasant Lifters. 11. S. W.aulhulL mgr.: Phils., 21 26; -’'I..• . . „ . , .1 Baltimore. 2S Apr. 2.


ixing ,v incKers. K. It Jones, mgr.: liainliiirg. 2126; Indianaiadls. ’2S .kprll 2. .4rk.. ‘2.d; Di-niuitt 24; Mi'Gi'lu't' 2.i; \ artier 26. Merrv Whirl. Ismis Epstein, mgr.:

.slu lhy s. Jam. s: Knor.s . S. ( .. 2d. 21 ’26; Wheeling, dl April 2. - Miss New York. Jr.. EtI. Sehafer.

CARNIVAL COMPANIES ?s".M^ir"b. Banda Mi'Xieana. 4. E. Ibiach. diri'ctor; (Young’s

New I'iert .Mlanlle City. N. J., Keb. 20-S<'pt. -kmerlean Shows, Great; Orlando. Fla., 21 26;

Miss New York. Jr.. EtI. Sehafer. mgr.; Jer- st'V Ctiv. 21-2d; Paterson. 24 26; N. C.. 2S Aitril 2. I

Morning. Noon and Night. Walter Bemtu'rg. mgr.: Scranton, 21-'2d; Wilkes Barre. 24 26; Paterson. 2k du; Jt'rsey City, dl .\prll 2.


100 FOR $1.00 Stamp Photo of Yourself

Like rut; atse of U, B. stamp, gummed sod per- forati'd In sheets. Stick ta anything. From any pbotA Checks not acceptable. Dei- Isr bill or money order. We are Cbtcagu's furemoet art¬ ists: ask The Billboard. BRATTON ItrO. 00.. Ka4- tie Bldg., Chicago. Ilia.

Money Makers The Magic Typo

I Worked with new. Invisible fortune pM|HTs; a sure wliiiu'r. A nt'W H'tft»seo|M' Cabinet wltb IIHU hor-

, oseotM'; tells all affairs tif life. New Magic Pbotoa Ifiiliirest. lots of new devices and fortune tellers’ auppliea. Send for llluatraietl pries Hat. T. A. DAVEY, 814 Broad-

- way. Somer'llle, Maas.

, ’21 Savannah. Ga.. •2S .\pr. 2. Paterson. 2k du; Jt'rsey City, dl .\iirll 2. Crt'altire and his Band: N. Y. C.. 27: Bnaik- Barktiof, K. G.. Stiows: Cedartown. Ga.. 21 ’26. Mnniln Ilonge, ('has. Edwanis. mgr.: Paterson,

lyii 2k 2H; Wiiisti'tl. Conn., mat. ;iO: New Bjiiiselu'r Ciiriiival Co.. A. C. Bausch'-r, mgr.: 21-23: Jersey City. 24 2«t; Boston, '2k Apr. 2'.t. lyii 2k 2H; Wiiisti'tl. Conn., mat. ;iO: New Bjiiisehi'r Ciiriiival Co.. A. C. Bausch'-r, mgr.: Haven .’til; Midilletown mat. dl: S'ltringfleld, Tunica. .Miss., 21 ’26. Mass., dl; Webster mat. Apr. 1; Southhridge Fairyland Iiiihsir Carnival & Ex;s>s|tion Co.; 1; New Bt'ilfonl mat. 2; Itrockton Jersey City. X. Fell. 21. In.Ief.

Mitchells Daiieing; Jsrtlln tie Parts tJlrls. Mitrrls, Johnny: Ret'vi's’ Show. Nelsiui A Mlllislge: .tvi-niie Girls.

Corrado’s Royal Italian Band, Albert Corrado. 1 Juvenal’s Stadlnni .''hows, J. M. Juvenal, mgr.: I Otithismi Cometly Fotir; Queens of Janlln d» mgr.: (Itstricb Farm) Jacksonville, Fla., .Mar. 7 Ajir. l.'i.

Bastrop, Iji.. 21 ’2*>, Pirls. Kejvpler’s. C. J., Mu'w: Sbut)iialak. Miss., 21-’26. Dpp. Joe: Kentucky Girls.

Neel’s. Carl, Concert Band: Columbus, Ga., I I'hlple.v Amust'ineiit Co., J. B. Mur|ihy, mgr.: 1 orlett.a A Tayittr: Brigadiers. Carthage. N. Mex.. 21 26; Kelly 2k-.\pr. 2. I'lerff A Mains' Irwin’s Big Sh'i

Romo’s S|>anlsh Orcht'sira: Ord. Nob., 24; Sll- Smith. John R.. Shows. Jno. R. Smith, mgr.; Parisian Whiows.'r A Rush, mgrs.: Mil ver Cris'k 2.'>; ('olutnhus 26. Chester. S. C.. 21 26; Pnlon 2S Apr. 2 waiikis'. 21 ’2t5; Chicago. ’Jk ^tprll 2.

Roiiiiils’. H. O.. Ladles Orchestra; Rivssvllle, Stiiierb Fashion Plate Carnival Co.. Bryant, ! pat White’s tialety tllrls. Waller ilreavea. mgr.; HI.. ‘22 2.d; Danville 24; Ixgansport, Ind., Baelier A S'htill. props, and mgrs.; Little I Albativ. 21-’2d; ’ Scheiu'ctailv. 24’26; Jerat'y 2.”i: Detroit. Mich., 26-.Mir. 17. Rock, Ark.. 2126. City. 2k dtl; Paterson, dl April 2.

Royal Artillery Itaiiil; (Young’s Ocean IMer) Turner, Great. Shows. Doc Turner, mgr.: Cor- Qii's-iis of the Janlln tie Paris, Jos. M. llow- Atlaiitic City, N. J.. Jan. 24 May 6.


dele, Ga.. 21 26: HawkinsvIHo 2k Ajir. 2. Washington Aiinist'ment Co.; Kos<'iusko, Mlsa.,

21-26. Westcott’s Fiiited Shows: I'nion CItv. Tenn..

21 2<1.

Colian A Harris’. Gts>. Evans, mgr.: Hartford. Coiiu., 22 2d; Wali'rhury 24; New Haven 25-

DiiiiHiiit’s, Frank Dumont, mgr.: I'hlla Oct 16. iiidi f.

Ficlil's .\1. G.; Hutchin.son. Kan., 2d; Garden t’lty 24; laijiinta, Colo., 2.5; Colorado Springs 26: lU'iivi'r 27 Apr. 2.

F'ox's lione .Star. Hoy E, Fox. mgr.; Ontvefon.

ard. mgr.; Cincinnati, 21 ’26; l/oulsvllle. 2k. .4pril 2.

Ri'eves’ Bi-aiity Sluiw. .M. R.'t'vt's, mgr.; Roch¬ ester. 21 ’211; Schenectadv, 2k do- .Mlianv, 31- April 2.

W's.trs .''hows. J. L. Wootl. mgr.; Canton. Ga.. Bentz Santlev. .\lie. Icavltt. mgr.: St. Ixmls, j 2126. 212*1; Kansas City. •2« April 2. 'Carry a g

Yt'itng Bros.’ Fnitcd Attractions: .4niory. Miss., Rialto Rounders. Sam Howe, mgr,: Wheeling, lu-rleiice gi

Carnival Costume Co. Theatrical Outfitters

Staiie Gowns. .Soubretle Dresses, and

Chorus .Sets.


Estimates Given


Trap Drums AT LIBERTY Carry a gosl llm- of trails, and H years' ex

21-26; Holly Springs 2s Apr. 2. W'Mild alsti like to

BURLESQUE. .Vmerlcans, Teddy Slmonds. mgr.: St. Paul. 21-

24 ’2*1: I'ittshiirg. 2s .kprll 2. Rice A Barton’s Gaiety Cti.. ('has. Barttm. mgr.;

Boston. 21-26; Springfield. 2k-3l); llttlyoke 31 .kpril 2.

Roliliistiu Crusoe Girls. Chas. R-itiinson, mgr.: Omaha. 26 2.5: Mlnneaptilis. 2S April 2.

I l***’*'*o f*ii®'**li* 28-30; 1 Avenue Girls. Dan Sullen, ingr.: Ixiuisville, 21 26; Dos Moines. 28 30; St. Joseph. 31-Apr. 2. R,.s.' Hill English Folly. Chas. Barton

Livingston 31-.\pr. 2. tiny’s. Arthur 1.,. Novelty, Mrs

26: CIneinnati, 2S-Apr. 2. (Juy. .\th<-ns (Nmu-dy Flair: Marathon GlrN

handle privllegi-s on side F. WALDON, Box 44. Concord. Michigan.

Wanted--Rider ' 1^'n‘ontown, Ta., ATniTlrati QnaVtotte: Aimrlcana.

Ib'iiitiflirti. Sijr. I.ariy Miiistn^Is: (LyrJc) Coluin- Marnm lUllv DIH. S. ( ., l!l-A|»r. «. ItftrtfxUkttl I'l

iCii’tuinlfi A l*riiiixh‘*K. Ilolland A Filkiim. iiigrH.: Ttrown A- Fvi Gainesville. 23; Atlanta 24: Montioni uXn... '4ho\!

Msaee A I>»tTalne? Serenaders. Barron. Billy: Brigadiers. Bartolettl. Grace A .\mella; Brlgadl<'r>. Brown A Everett: Brigadiers.

N. Y. C.. 2126; Phila.. 2k .Miril ■■ |l ■ ■ ■ Q ■■ Ros«' Svdell's 1/indon Belles. W. S. Canipb,.,. | ** ■ B • Ww wM ■•■wMWwB

mgr.;' Hoboken. 2126; N. Y C.. 2K AptH 2 1,... , ^ , Runawav Girts. P. S. Clark, mgr : Scbene< tadv. That can do two horse carrying, four laime act

21.23; Albany. 24 26; B.iston. 2k .V|»rll 2. , '’tc- Slmw fiiriiislics stis k. Pleasant engage Rotilnson. *7iss.; R.iliin'on *'»' Girls. i meiit. Telegraph lowest salary; >iln <|iilek. Snr.ger, llar.1'1; .\venup Girls. .\lso have risim for Train Master and Boss Stewarts. Three: Jar<1in de Paris Girls. I Hostler. .Address SUN BROS., Box 8. Mneon, Sam Iievere’a Bnrlesiim'rs. Isitils Storke, mgr.: Georgia.

Brooklyn. 2T.4prll 2. Sam T. Jack’s Show, Will Roehm. mgr.; liar- ^

rlstmrg. ’24 26; Wash.. D. C., 2k April 2. T JL I ’ ■ ■■ Scribner’s. Sam. Show. Morris Welnstoek, mgr.: mXO# I I ■

Brooklyn. 2126; X. Y. *’.. .Qirll 2. T W M. 1 nl ^ Serenaders. Chas. B. Arisild. mgr.: l/uilsvllle, w w • ^ ^

Stai 'A-' GVrtI^’''sflmiv? 'Fi-alik* WelsJerg. mgr.; llorrlngtoii’. Big Double Fncle Tom’s Cabin rhlcRgo, 21 W: ripvidund. 2«i April 2 , und.T lorn p«<> In nil will hny

Slur Show Girl*. Wm. nigr.t Toronto. ' foiii d nin, 2 dl S|H»tiiM| iimI 21 ‘26; Buffalo, 2K-.4prll 2, ' anylliing that will Im' iisi-fiil to me for the above.

Tiger l.llles. W. N. I>rew. mgr.; Wllk<-s Barre. Show o|m-iis In |•rlll<s'Ion. IihI. A|irll ;i6. Ptsiple

lUiwery Biirli'squers. E. M. Rosenthal, mgr.; Star A Garter Sliow. y-rank Welsherg. mgr.; SIcntiniF Rinlf AftTarvUnna Albany. 21-23; SeheiK'Ctady, 24 26; N. Y. C Chicago. 2126; Cleveland. 2k .Xjirll 2 Otkabiug xwmtt. AbbrclCLlOTIS. 2k-Apr. 2. ' Star Show Girls. Wm. Kennessy, mgr ; Toronto,

i<e Tt-ddy, Roller Skating Rear, G<hi. R. Rrlgadlers. Wash. Martin, mgr.; Cincinnati, 21-i 21 ‘26; Buffalo, 2K-.4prll 2, Craiee'.v. mgr.; (Dsbkosb Rinki Oshkosh. Wls.. _ 26; Chicago. 2k .Xjir 2. | Tiger l.llles. W. N. Dn-w. mgr.; Wllk<-s Bsrre. 26’26; (Hivervlew Rink) Milwank'-i' 27 Apr. 2. Broadway Gaiety Girls. I/mls Ols-rwaith. mgr.:

S<-heneetHd.v. 21 ‘2.d: .\Ihan.v. 24 26; Montreal, _ 2k Apr. 2. TyTTSCELLANl*iOTTS century Girts. John J. Moynihan. mgr.; Indian

JUV/VJO. aiK.lls. 21 ’26; I>iiilsr1lle. ’28 Apr. 2. .Mzeda's Hypnotic Comedy <'o.. G. K. Frigon. Cherry Blossi^ims. .Maurice Jacobs, mgr.; Phila.

M-lieneetady. 21 ‘2.'!; .\Ibany. 24 26; Montreal. neetad.v. dl A|irll 2 ik .\pr. 2. Town Talk. Giis l.lening. mgr.; ntiiry Girts. John J. Moynihan. mgr.: Indian- 26; N. V. C.. 28-.\pr!l 2. iIKills. 21 ‘26; I>iiilsr1lle. ■2S-.\pr. 2. Troetderos. Chas. H. Wahlron. mgr ; Buffalo, •■rry Blossi^ims. .Maurice Jacobs, mgr.; Phila.. 21 26; Toronto. 2« April 2. H 26; Sr-ranton, 28 36; Wilkes Barre, dl .4pr. Empire, The. Chas. Donohue, mgr; Buffalo, 2. 21 26; Ik trolt. 2k April 2

21 2.3; Scranton. 24 26; .Albany, ’28 30; S-ke- that have workisl for iio' lo'fore. write. Addres

H'lt Springs, .krk.. Imlef. 2126; Sr-ranton, 28 36; Wilkes Barre, dl .4pr. Empire, The. Chas. Iionohne, mgr; Buffalo Archer's *’om<sly A Novelty Co.. W. C. Archer, 2. 21 26; Detroit. 2k At>rll 2

mgr.: Wavcrly. X. S.. (’an.. 21-’26; St. Johns College Girls. Siiiegid .\m. Co., mgrs.; N. Y. Vanity Fair. Rotit. Mam-he«t*'r. mgr.; N. Y City. Nfcl.. 2s..\pr. 2. *’.. 2126; Providence. 2k .\pr. 2. C . ' 21 ‘26; Albany. ‘2k :!6; Seheneetady. 31

Ailains’. James. Vatnleville Show. No. 1: Colum- Columtda Burlesquers. J, Ilertx'rt Mark, mgr.: April 2. bus. (ia.. 21 26: Giranl. .Ma.. 2k-Apr. 2. Providenee. 21 ‘26; IPiaton. 2« Ai>r. 2. Van Bnnen. Il*'h'n: laidy Biieeaneers.

Adams’, Jani'-s. Vamleville Show, No. 2: New- Cozy Corner Girls. Sam Rohlnson. mgr.: Boston. W-iis,.n Sl'ler« A ImiHTial S< vl''lle: Irwin’ berry. S. (’.. 21-26

.Abraham’s, ('has. M «’al.. 21 ‘26.

26. 21 26; S'hen.'otady. 28 36; Albany, dl Apr. 2. Big Show. M.. Platform .Slaiws: Chico. Crarkerjaeks, Harry Ijsml, mgr.; Bnsiklyn, Wanl. Will H., A Co

21..\iir. 2. ('■"ik A D-ivIs; Gin-” Braee’a. Harry *’.. Moving Plctiiri' A Vainh-villo I '’‘"ne'l.t ijuartette; FJmplre Ilurh-sqiiers.

Co.: Lainis'th. Gnt., Can., 21 26. Ushlug Margaret; R'Jiln'on Cnis (’lark Dramatic Illusion Co., E. B. Clark, mgr.: ’••nroy A .'4«n1ley: Rotiltiwm (’nisra' Girls.

( anion. S. D.. 26 26: Yankton ‘27 Ajir Dells. .Mys|..rioiis, D'll M. C<s>k, mgr.;

Arleir. Mlih., 21 ’26.

"anwron A SaiiiKlers. S^'i-ena'lers. "amtita'll A Brady; Ging'T Girls Ik'vliw' A Williams; Roliltis'in rnis

Big Show . Wanl. Will H . A Co.; Glng.-r Girls. ^'■olk A D-ivIs; GIii-’t Girls Wsshlngton Sra-lety Girls. I>'W Wsison. mgr.: T5?

I Montreal. 21 ‘26; Toronto. ‘28 .Auril 2. I Watson’s lliirlis,piers. \V. B, Watson, mgr.; THI I Newark. 21 26 trail

Wine. Woman A Song. .Alex. Gorham, mgr.; HiH I Wash . D. C . 21 26: Baltimore, 2s Apri' 2. „


Theatrical Bargains cum: shoes, giiarant's-.|. pair.$3. CRKI’K HAIR. 5 .vl. lots, j.-r yd. TKillTS and SIHR’I'S, all e.dors. each. WCHlDEN SHOES, all siz'-s, a jwlr.

Remit with Order


Milwauk**, Wis.

DiiiK-an. Gnat, Show; Sidney, O.. 21 ’26; Chilli Dainty Diiehess, Wila-r A Rush, mgrs.: Roston. I Yankee Doodle Glrla. Sol My*TS. mgr ; N colhi' 2k Apr. 2 21 26; N. V. C . 2k Apr

Dashlngton's Moving I’icinre A Vaudeville Sleiw. Dreamland Biirl*'Si|iiers. Is'v Gnsiz. mgr.; fTeve- J J. Dashlngton, mgr.: Buckingham. HI., 24 laial. 21-‘26.

21 ‘26; Newark. 2k .Ajirll 2.

Edwards’. J. S., Zoo: D.'tr«>il. Mleh.. Indef. Empln' niiit. H'^rtsTt I... A Co., H I^viTett Pitkin, wauke<

mgr : Jolii't. HI... "28 .Ajir. 2. Ev«n«. < Gllplns llyiuiotic Co., J. H. Gilpin, mgr.: Egan. G

Til'ton. Iiid.. 21 26. Ferarls. Gisirgla Tn.iihailonrs. Wm. .McCale-, mgr.; Mel- Fads A

r-'se. Minn.. 2:124; Osakls 2.5‘27: Br«inloi* 2k- more. 2;t; A'ht.y 36 31; Battle Cr<s'k Ajir. I d. Fashion

Oohl. Laura V.; Brae.- t'laiiectv Co. -jl Henslu’s Temple of Palmistry: Manning, la., Fav Kos

11 Apr. 2. -jc,: p) H<rr, Hyi'tiotist, J. C. Conii'-lly. mgr.; Ailel, Folll

Diiekllngs. Frank Cahh-r. mgr.; Phila.. 28 Ai>r. 2. h.. Indef. Ernplrs' Bnrles<pier«. Jesse Burns, mgr.: Mll- viTett Pitkin, waukee. 21 26: MInneaisilis. os .Apr. 2.

Evans. Clars'. ,A It'it>i-li«' Marathon Girls. Gilpin, mgr.: Egan. G<s..; K<'ii*iiekv Girls

Ferarls. Two (yius'i’s of .Jyrdin de Paris, mgr.; Mel- Fads A Follh-s. (Tias. 11 Arnold, mgr.: Baltl-

; Braiiilon 2k- more. 21 ‘26; Wash . D. C.. 28 .Ajir. 2. ipr. I d. Fashion Platis. Harry Montagu'-, mgr.; Chicago. ( ". 21 ’26; Milwaiiki-e. 28 A|ir. 2. Manning, la., Fav Kosli-r. Jotn (irieves. mgr.; Baltimore, 21-

‘26; I'h la . ’2s At r 2

OPPORTUNITY FOR SUMMER THEATRE IN THE CITY OF DALLAS. TEX. The in»at cen trally located hha-k of ground In the heart of Dallas can la* obtained unih'r six or twelve nionlha lease for sumin<-r Ih-atricals. etc. Bi-st amiiM-meiit renter In the Siiiilhwest. ('onvenleni to all car llnea, Intenirhans. etc., etc. For In- firmatlon. aildress <>w ii.-r, HENRY D. LINDS- LEY, Dallu. Texai.

wwYTaTFI A T r irmallon. aildress owner, HENRY D. LINDS- mUOlUAlj ley, Dallu. Texu.

At.eulans. ’The. ( has Frohman. mgr ; N Y. NEW THEATRE, at DriiTTXT", hiillt pavll

Aiiie'rlesn t.le ("oliali A Harris tiiers- York *^1*’; '’"“''e l|se,| summer and W Inter; esps •a I no ’H A ‘’’'•••"■'K .. -'-""B '<•

'>.*■■■ n"’I '' o- 'w o*' ’ I lleJNi. Wanted. Ri-iM-rlolre. Minstrel, aial Van A»“’* dk' ' J ' Cl M**'^*^*^ roiD|niil4‘A. I», Mgr. Alnirn ftruTifl F<i.. Milton 4k Sunfi-nt 1_, * *

Ahorn. (Miiflniiatl. D . 27 Anr. 2^1 „ .. ui.i at t a a ai ^ Alma. Wo Wohn-t Dii. Adolf I’hllllpp. mgr.: J"" *'"• ‘i;**,.,'"'"*

V V r ifwia.f n^nrir#* f«»r tin* hidaII rtmt of 04*ntM imt w*'vk.

AiL Wo -\ Du. Adolf Phllllpp. mgr.; Nfwurk \ J 21 20 Maionic Temple, Chicago.

llf-rnarfl. Sum: Sd*** c;ir1 «n<l tlio WlraM. Belle of Brillaiiv. with Frank Daniels. The ARCADE FOR BALE

khiilM-rts mgrs ■ (’li'esgo Mar II Indef “*■ WILL LEASE whole iHitfil to n-sponsllile Boston Grand (ksra *’o.. Henry Biissell, mgr.: V,’ ”'V,',*{1*0"^

IV«ton. Feb. 7 Mar. 26. l!' .. ■"'* * Clark Stroet, Chicairo.

—! MOLD ETERTWHERI WANTED For anmmer si-aaon. Dramatic M -p-nr- wrw StiH-k <’o. w ith k<mmI ri-iM-rtoIre and vaiidi-TlIle,

%J M or any other aiiiiisi'meiit eiHiipaii.v to ehang'- •r ^ nightiv, on iien entage. Answer ipilek. DAVE


Kansas City. 21 ‘26: St. Uutls. 2k A|ir Kendrick. Ingr.;

Bernard. Sam: Si-e Girl and the Wizard. a-o’,' Bl.iwers, Jack la--. mgr.; Horton. F'lllles of N. w York A- Paris, E. Dirk Rlih-r, i B>-Ile of Itritlaiiy. with Frank Daniels. The

W. Va., 21 -21 Detroit. 21 ’26 ( hicsgo. 2k Ai.r. 2. Litehll.-Iil. Nell, Trio; Gir.ard. Pa., 24; Cfwk Frollesoine I aiiiti'. I E Uloek. mgr.; Pitt

ranton 25; Is'i'chliurg 2s; l.igonie 2!t; Ih-lle luirg 21 ’26 Wash D C . '2k Apr 2. ville 36; Ml'ilntown .”.1; Meehatiiesliiirg Apr. Gav Masipierad'-rs. Harr.v Hill, mgr.: Siirlng 1; I.lvi-risH'I 2.

Mack’s Hyimotlc Co, j, i; Mai-k. mgr.; Pery, HI.. 21 '26; Iji Hur|ie 2s .Apr. 2.

Newman the Great, llyimotist A- Mind Reader: Garritton, N. D., 21 •23; Bismarck 24 26; Jamestown 27 20; Valley City 30 Apr. 1.

field. 2123; Holyoke, 24 26; N. V. C.. 2k .April 2

Giiig'T Girls. E. W Chipman. mgr.; Chicago. 21 ’26: Cincinnati. 2k Aiir. 2.

Girls from Haoovlaiid. Isui Hiirtlg. mgr.: Kan sas City. 21 '26; Omaha 27 Alir. 1

Shnis-rts. nigr“.; Cli'cago. Mar. II. Indef Boston Grand Ois-ra Co.. H■■nry ItiisMi'll, mgr.:

Boston, Keb. 7 Mar. 26.




MARCH 26, 1910. Xtie Billboard 47

llriiilit KycM. J>w. M. (iallt-H, inter.: N. Y. C.. 2S, linit'f.

KuDtiT Kruwu (KHNli-riu, K. A. Ih'iniian, uigr.: N**w i’amli*. Iml.. 2.*t; AihIithmii 24; i'onDem- Tille 20; llaiiilltoii. U.. 'Jli; .Mlitillctowu 27; KIcliiiioiiil, lud., 2)'; Cniim Cily 2!); .Muuctf :<0: Marlun 31; UiKaiixixn't Apr. 1; l.arayette

Hiiairr Uniwu (WeMti-riit, K. II. Kltzliiigh. mgr.: I'arld. Ky., 2.’1; Kraiikfort 24; llwt-iiHboro 25; IlfiiilrriMiii 2«; F^vaiixvIlN', Ind.. 27; Trlnc**- loii 2S; Vlii<-.'iilii-a 2!t; \lt. ranin-l, III., 30; Ml. Vi-riiuii 31; ll•'||■•vill.• Ai>r. 1; K. St. laiiila 2.

Itlack artli .Miiaifal IViiiiptly It. Vofloki-l, inrr : HaltlinorH, Mil. 212*1; |■hllB., Pa.. 2S .\|ir. 2.

}lal»-K In Tiiylanil: I'nrtlanil, On-., 20 2*1; .Si-attli*. \Va>li.. 27 .4pr. 2.

Carlf. Itli-lianI; .'vh‘ Mary'a Ijinili. <'awthorn. JoM-pli; Sim- l.lttli- Ni-nio. I'hiKMilatf .Siililli-r. K. ('. Whilm-y, mgr.: N. Y.

t'.. .'M'pl. 13. Iin|i-f. I rani- Miinli-al .Stia-k I'o.. riiaa. I.. Crane, ingr.:

Kiihl, ilkla.. Ki-ti. ti, linh-f. I'.-li- \ Johnaiin. \. I,. Wllhur, mgr.: Kriaiklyn.

.\. 4 . 21 April 2. Cat amt tin- Piililli-, Cliaa. .4. Si-lluii. mgr.: Mt.

.Stirling. Ky.. 2:i; Wlm-ln-ati-r 24; KlchuMiml 25; 1.1-iilngliin 2*i; lli-iiili-rHon .3o.

l•nnll-l->. Krank: Si-i- Ili-lle of Itritlany. Iiri-ii-ili-r. -Marli-; Si-i- Tlllii-'* Nightman-, la-llar l*rlmM-»H. Chaa. Krohman. mgr.; .\. Y. (’..

.Sipt. .". Iiiih-f. Uli-k Whittington. Tin- SbulM-rla, nigra.: Mil

wauki-i-. Wla.. 2o 2*1. Klght Iti-lla. Hyriii- Itnia.. mgra.: ItiirTaln. N. Y..

212*;; Itia-hi-ati-r 2a ;tO; Auburn 31; Syracua Apr. 1 2

Coy. IMilli-: .Si-a Mr. Ilamli-t of Rroailway. nirtliig Pniii-i-aa. .Mort II. Slngi-r, mgr.; Chi

rago. *»,t. 31, Imli-f. C'-rly Fire Mlliuti-a from Ilroailway, Cohan Sc

llarrla. mgr-« ; Augiiata. Ca.. 23; Cnliimhla. .S C . 24; Charlotte. N. C.. 25; .Sallahury 2*1; Wlnalon Sah-m 2a; lln-i-nalam) 20; Ka li-Igh .'Ui; Hanrllli-. Va.. 31.

C-'llli-a of p.aa.i. K. /.Ii-gfli-lil. Jr., mgr.: Pitta- burg, Pa., 21 2*1.

Fair Co Kil. with KNle Janla. Chaa. IMlIIng ham. mgr.: St. IaiuN. Mo.. 212*1; Kanaaa Clt.T 2a .\pr. 2.

Fn-ni-h i»pi-ra Co.. M. Jub-a Ijirolle, mgr.: Plttalnirg. Pa . 21 2*1

lii-iii-i-. .kili-lliii-; Sim- Sllvi-r star ilo|i|i-n Hulli-rlly. with ilrai-e Van StiiiMIford.

Marry C. Mhlilli-ton. mgr.: Si. Paul, .Minn., 20 2<;. Mluni-a|ai||a 27 Apr. 2.

• •:rl In the Taxi. Ci-rt Th--atri- Co., mgra,: Chlrago. Jan. 1*1. Iinlef.

illrl giii-'tloii iKaoterni. II. II. l>aze«-. pro|i.: |!arrli-._ lamt.. Can.. 2.3; IJmliay 24; Peter- la-ro 2'>: Orillia 2*1; Smlhiirr 2a; North Bay 2*.!. It.nfn-n .to. Ottawa 31; Br-a-kvllle Apr. 1. 2.

Illrl at the Helm. II. II. FraziM-. ppip.: Belle- fontalui'. O. 2.3: Van Wi-rt 24: St. Marya 2. "-, .\nili-r'on. Iml.. 2*1: llammoiul 27.

Illrl from F S A iKa-.ti-mi. Harry Scott, mgr: St. Albaiia. Vt.. 23: .Malone. N. Y.. 2il; Maa—-iia 27: Potailam 23*: **g-len-*burg 30; liouvi-rnenr 31: Carthago Apr I: Watertown

Illrl fr-*m C s. \. iWi-«terni. Harry Scott, mgr : Hopkinavllli-, Ky . 23; ITIncetou 24; Farllngtoii •2.'i: Owi-nalairo 2**l: Morganfleld 28; Now Hannony. Iml.. .'lo.- Prlni-eton 31.

Illrl fr--m C S .4. iCityi. Harry .Si-ott. mgr.: Chattam.-ga. Tonn.. 21 2-*l; Momphla 28 Apr.

Oolilon Illrl lPrlnci-a« .4ni. Co.'*». Mort. IT. S.ngiT. mgr.: Wlnnl|H-g. Can . 24 2**1.

(i.iibl-’>H of IJlM-rly iPrlni-o-oi .4i,i. Co ’al, Mort. H SIngor mgr : Mluni-a|a>||a. Minn., 20 UNl; St Paul 2*7 .4iir. 2.

limlileva .,f l.llN-rty | WihkN * Howaril'a): Phlla . 7. Imlof.

Illrl ami Ihi- Wlxanl. with Sam Bernanl. The Shiibi-rta. mgra,: Kanaaa city. Mo.. 2312*1.

Ilolil. .4niui: Sei- Mlaa Innoc-'iiiM-. iiratal 0|a-ra Co., Oai-ar Hamiin-ratrln. mgr.:

N. Y. C., Nor. 8. Imlef. Oraml Oja-ra Co.. Mi-tn>|Hi||tan Oj'era Co..

mgra.: N. 4 C. Nov. 1.*. Imb-f. Illrl thaCa all thi- Camly. II. M. liarfli-bl. mgr.:

B-iwIioIla. i> , -j;j. Katorian. Sa«k., Can., *T; \4i-.rburn 2.3; Mlli-atone 2*1: Miaiai- Jaw

Hi-glna 21* 3i* Imllan Hi-ait 31; Wolaeley Apr 1 ; WaiM-lla 2

llili-hiMa-k. Itaymonil: Si-o Man \4’hi> Owna Itroailw ay.

H.i|iier. IV Wolf: .s,m- Matim-e Mol. Hartman. Fi-rrla. Co.; U* Aiigeh-a. Cal., Dec.

231. Imlef. In Hayll. with Mrinlyn- A Heath. Klaw A

Kriangor. mgra : Nia Angob-a. Cal.. 21-2*1; Salt I ako. I’.. 2’a .'to.

In Panama. .41 Klch. mgr : Moiiln-al. Can., 21 231.

Janla Klale: S.m- Fair Co 151 Jolly Itaf-hi-bira, l,i-w Clobla. mgr,: N. Y. C.,

Jan. 11. Imlef. Jnvi-nlle Ibeitonlana. II K laing. mgr.: Bolla.

^ I’ - 23; lllabi-i- 24: Camlo 2.3; IVvIla laike 28; Kiigtiy 21*; Towner lUl: liranrllle 31.

Kolb A 1*111: San P3-anclaiM>. I»i-t. 4. Imb-f. King l8a|o. John Cort. mgr : Ni-w Orleana. I4|..

21* 231: Mobile. Ala,. 23*: S-liiia 23*; Mont¬ gomery .hi; Ilirniingham .31; Atlanta. Oa.. Apr. 12.

l ittle Johnny Jom-a. H. .4 M-irrlaon. mgr. mgr.; Fnlon City, Tenn . 23; Paducah, Ky.. 24; PrlmM-toii 2.3; Ho|iklnartlle 231, Owi-nalawo 28; Ib-mb-raon 2**: Madlaonville ;hi. Clarkavllle. p-nn.. .31; Howling tiriM-n. Kv . .4pr. 1; la-ha non 2.

la-ve Cure. Henry 44’ Savage, mgr ; Cobinihna. ". 23 21: Ft. 4Vayne. 1ml. 2.3: Tobalo. O. 2*1: Ann Arlair. Mb-h , 28; Kniainafal -J!*; ••rand lta|>l<|a 311; Hotrolt .31 Apr 2

I yman Twlna In the Prire Wlnnora. I vman . mgra - Iba-ky Mount. N. C 2.3

I>-mhardl ll|M-ra Co., S M M.-rrv mgr ; Van ••oiivor. It C . Can.. 24 231

l-llile Noiiio. With Joa. Cawthorn. Klaw ,4 Br • anger, mgra : X V, C . 21 231

NimI- Mil . ' . Inlyn- * Heath: .See lu Havtl '• -ntgoiii. ry A Stone: s.m- Old 3'..wii M -.p- Vb-tor; s.-e 1'alk .if N. w York

• an Who Owna llroadway. wt-lh ItaMuon-l llllihoiH-k. Cohan A- llarrla. mgra lioaton. '•ar 7. Imb-f

Ml-a Xob-ali from Slarland. Mort H Slngi-r, nigr.; l3ilcago. Jan. I7. Imb-f rry 44'hh>w iFaatornl. Ib-iiri W Savage,

'ngr : 3'opiiiIo. Can . 2I 231. I omhui 28. Ham illoii 23* .111: KIngalon 3!

b rry Whlow lYY'ealorn*. Ib-nry W .Savage, mgr ■ Saorainoiito. Cal . 23 21. Sl-iokl-iU 2.3 -31 Oakland 27 31

liin.H-.. with Anna Ibid. F /.legfebl. -•*■ . mgr: Itm-hoalor. \ 4 22 2.3; Ithaca 21 Syracu-M- 2.3 231: Ctlca .’a 3'rov 23* llrlilgv- • -'rl. Conn . :hi; Now Ha\*n 31; YVatcrbiiry V"' '• Hartford 2

• a a \,.\y Hiiaband. Harry S,Mdt. mgr ; Carth "gc. Ill, 23; lallariM- 21; Hannibal. Mo.

.Matinee (llrl; IlntehinKon. Kan., 26. 2*1; Peleraburg. Ill.. 21*; (llhiain Clly 30; ! Ibwaville 31; Piper Clly A|>r. 1; Falrbiiry 2.

.4Iy t'lnderella fllrl: Chh-ago. Mar. 26. Indef.

.4leFadileii’a Mata, Hurtuu A Wlawell. mgra.: i Camden. N. J.. 21-2:1; Pateraou 24-26; Wor- c»-at*-r, Maaa., 28 .Apr. 2.

.Mary’a laimh, with ICIehard Carle. Carle A | .Alarka. mgra.; .Aahtabnla, O.. 23; Sandua- I ky 24; Flmllay 2.3; I>igaua|iort, Ind., 26; Anderaon 28; IndianapoUa 23* 30; laifa.rette 31: Champaign. III.. .Aiir. 1; I*t-catur 2.

Matlm-e bhil. with I*<-Wolf Ho|>i«-r, I). V. , Arthur, mgr.; Phlla.. 14 231. I

Midnight Sons, Ia>w Fh-bla, mgr.: B'laton, Maaa., j Feh. 28 Mar. 2*6. !

Motor tllrl. The Shiiherta, mgra.: Phlla., 21- | Apr. 2. I

Molly May. Byron Chamlb-r, mgr.: Brooklyn. N. Y.. 21 2*1.

.Alanhattan 0|H-ra Co., Itobt. Kane, mgr.: Key ! Weat. Ma., 21 Apr. 2.

National Opera Co.: Seattle, Waah., Mar. 14. : Indef.

Newlywed*. Th*-, and Their Baby, Geo. Goett, mgr.: Chicago, 2tt .Apr. 2.

Old 33>wu. with .Montgomery A- Stone. Chaa. Dillingham, mgr.: N. 4'. (’.. Jan. 10, Indef.

Poat. Jamea, Miiaical Coiin-dy ('«>.; Sacramento, Cal., Jail. 16. Indef.

Pa|>a'H Boy. <Jreenh-af A Bane, mgra.; Elmwoml. HI., 23: Chillicothe 24: Gem-aeo 2*1; S|>Ting i Valb-y 2*7; Amboy 2*8; Erie 231; Kewanee Apr. j 1; Toulon 2 i

Prince of To-Night (Prlnm-aa Am. Co.’ai, Mort. H. Singer, mgr.; Dallaa, Tex.. 2123; 4Vaco ' 24; Galve-vton 2.3 26; Hoiiaton 27-28; !ten An¬ tonio 23* .'10; HI Paso 31; Tucaon, Ariz., Apr. 1; Phm-nli 2.

Powell A (Vdian'a Mualcal Comedy Co., I Kent 1 Cohan, mgr.; Stn-atr. III.. 21 .Apr. 10.

iTIina Donna, with Fritz! Sc-l^-ff, Chaa. Dllllng ham. mgr.: Plttshiirg. Pa.. 27 Apr. 2.

tJiPM-n of the Moulin Ibmge; Boston. Mass., 14 2*1; Kot-heater. N. Y., 28 :10: Buffalo 31- Apr. 2.

Itliig, Klanclie; S<-e 4’anktM- Girl. Bed Mill. H. B. Eiiii-ry. mgr.: San Francisco,

Cal.. 23*2*1; Sacramento '27: Marysville 28; Me<lff.fd. **re.. 231; Albany 30.

S<-hcff. IVitzl; S*-»‘ l*rlma l*onna. Stulttairn Clmb-Tella i Princess .Am. Co.'s West

erul. .Mort. H. Slng>-r. mgr.: Portland. Ore., ■Jl*23: So. Bend. Wa-h.. 24: A»toria. Ore.. ‘2.3; Sabm 26; The Dalb-a 2*8; Pendb-ton 20.

Sidney, eorge. In The Joy Eider. E. D. Stair, mgr.; Wash., D. C., 212*1; Norfolk. Va.. 28 .Apr. 2. I

Sufs-rba. Stair A Havlin. Ine.. mgr*.: Topmto, Can.. 21 26; Montreal 28.Apr. 2.

Sunny Side of Broailway. Boyb- Woolfolk, mgr : Grand Kapida. Mich.. 21‘26.

Soul Kiss lEaaternl. MIttentbal Bros,' .Am. Co., Inc., mgra.; New Haven. Conn.. 21 2.3; So. Norwalk 24; Bridgeport 25; Waterbiiry 26; Sjiringfleld. Mass.. ,28; Middletown. Conn., 29; Norwich 30: New Ixvndon 31; Newi>ort. R. 1.. Apr. 1: Fall River, Mass.. 2.

Smart Set, Barton A Wlawell. mgra.; Cleve land. O.. 21 26; Phlla.. Pa.. 28 Apr. 2.

School Days. Stair A Havlln. In<-.. mgr-*.; Chicago. III., 2126; Milwaukee. AA'ls., 27- Apr. 2.

Skvlark, A. nenrv B. Harris, mgr.: .Atlantic City. N. J., 21-26.

Silver Star, with .Adeline Gem-e. Klaw A Er langi-r, mgra.; Chicago. 20 .Apr. 0.

Sunny South, J. C. B.K-kwell, mgr.: Mt. Clem ena. Mich.. ‘23: Port Huron 2*1.

Teal Musical Conieily Co.. Kaymond Teal, mgr.: Wichita. Kan.. Feh. 7. Ind.-f

Two .Americans .Abroail. H->ht. H. Harris, mgr.; Piedmont, \A’. A’a.. 2.3: Meyersilale. Pa.. 24; Somerset 2.3; Cumberland. Md.. 26.

Talk of New 4'ork. with A'letor Moore, Cohan A llarrla. mgrs.; AA’aah.. D. C.. 2126.

Time, the Place ami the Girl lEaaternl. H. H. Krazee. piMii.: :4.-lma. .Ala.. ‘23; Montg-miery 24: PenaatHda. Ma.. 2.3: Griviivllle. S. C., ‘26; New Orleana. I.a.. 27 .At>r. 2.

Time, the Place and thi- Girl IWeafern*. H. H. Frazts-. prof*.: Guelph. Out.. Can.. ‘23; Brant fonl 24: I.omlon 25; St. Thomaa '26; Michigan City. Ind.. -27.

Tillle'a Nightmare, with Marie Dr*-s>ler. I>'w Fb-Ida. mgr.: Phlla. 14 2*1

Top o‘ fh‘ AA'orld: Kanaaa City. Mo.. 20 '26. Three Twins lEaaternl. J.>a. 41. Galtea. mgr.:

Br-voklyn. N. 4’ . 21 ‘26. Thre<- Twlna iSouthernl. Joa M. Galtea. mgr.:

Jackaivn. MIsa.. '23: Meridian 24: Hattiesburg ‘2.3: Giilfm’ft 2*1.

Thrv-e Twins, with TIs.s. Whiffen. .loa. M. *;altea. mgr.; Koliiiiaon. III.. '23; OIney 24: Princeton. Iml.. 2.3: 4’lneennea '26: la-xlngton. Ky.. ‘28-‘21*: l3>rf*mouth. O.. 3*1: Chlllleothe 31: Himtlngton, W, 4'a.. .Vpr. 1; Miarlestiin

4'an Stuildiford. Grace: See *bddeti Butterfly. Wills' Musiral Comed.v <"o.. Jiio. 11. 4A‘ilIs, mgr.:

Wllllamsisvrt. Pa.. ‘21 ‘26. Wizard of Wlaeland. Harry Scott, mgr.: Tllfln.

O . ‘2.3: Foatoria 24: Bowling Grwii 23; Flml lay "26; Kenton '28; Wapakoneta 20: St. Marvs 30.

Whitney Mualeal t'oineily Co.. T. I.. Corwell. mgr.: E1w<»vd. Ind.. 28 .Vpr. 2.

Ward A Yokes. E. D. Stair, mgr.: Wash.. D. C.. 28 Apr. 2.

AA’Um-. Woman and Smg. with Bonita. M. M. Tl**-I«e. mgr.: Stockton. Cal., ‘23 24: Sacra iiu-nto -2.3 '2*1: AA'iawllaml 28; Marrsville ‘20: Chle.* 3**: lle-l Bluff 31.

Yaiiki-<- Prlm-e. Cohan A Harris, mgra.: Phlla.. 21 '2*1: MIdilb-fown. Conn.. ‘28; Danbury ‘20; New Itrltain 30: New Haven 31; Pittafleld. Maaa. Apr. 1; N. .A-lania 2,

Zlnn'a Alii'b-al Coim-ilv Co.; Memphis. T>-nn., 21 -26.

Straight Talks on


Yes, we did have (■on-8id**rahle trouble with the first few inaefiiiies we shipjK'd out, hut trouble shows Akhat’s in a man and in this ease it has shown tfiat we an- still able to inak** the Ijt'.st motion picture maehiiie running. Then*’s no use <ioinir into details abont what those troubles were; we've overe(*me them all (.so the us*'rs of the machine say) and anyway wi* don’t like to talk about unpleasant thinfrs. C. Htit don’t tak<‘ oiir word for anything about the ji*‘rfeet«-d No. 6. Find out for yourself. If your film

•■xelianjre can’t show you one write us, men- tioninu the name of your exchange. C, Don’t fon:<‘t aUjiit our electric current .savers for \. ('. or D. ('. Thi-y will make mon«*y for you. C, Send for Calaloi; O.

NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY, 115 Nassau Street, New York.

The Largest Success as a Money-Maker.


Holds seven pencils and two fountain pens, and the best ad in the work!.

Streetmen, .\gcnts, Sparetime Workers, all having a harvest selling it. It can be sold at retail for 10c. or by the thousand for advertising purposes.

Sample outfit of six sent for 50c. which is redeemed writh first order.

H. L. PATZOLD, Manufacturer of Advertising Novelties

Meriden, Conn.

NATIONAL SLe'eVE CAMERA, No. 20 New Slid perfect. A money maker. Beet of Its kind. Makes l%x2H slaa pictores. $30.00 to $-30.00 per day can be made Id good locations. Non-cor- roslTe cop. I-ene with adjustable focus and dial plate for taking pictures at different diatancee; also magnetic reversible plate bolder for taking groups. Take# pictures rapidly; as fast as you can get persons In front of the lens. No experience required. Any one can operate them by folloxrlng prlntsd instructions. Camera complete, $17.50. Plates, Ic each. Developer, 25c per package. Moonta. 25c to 80c per 100. DeposHt of $5.00 required on all orders; balance, C. O. D.. and chargee. WIU anewer all qneattona proanptlj. We are lUso dealers in all aizea of dry ferrotype plates.


85 Beaver Street, - New York, N. Y.


iPlyirig Maclaine ! At Parks and Fairs and THE FIRST to present one in

X/ATTXfcFX/Tf f F -

Now touring Orpheum Circuit with America’s Marvel, the genuine


FILMS FOR G<*8l condition; uscvl l.sst s<-.-is<>n with

Q A 1 17 30 Reels of GOOD 0/\J^£d SUBJECTS.

DRAMATIC l.iipin. t'liH'*. Kn>hm«n. ni»rr.: l.ouinvlllr,

Kv . ’J** t%»lumt»ii**. O.. m .\pr. 2. TdM in tin* Hillf* »\V F Mann’Hi. AU'T.

Story. !ii»rr.: M!in»liy'il»*»n>. 111.. '2^^: Honton *-•; lit rrln *J.*; iVntrMlIn .«»; FoUliisvllle *J7; KilwnriNvIllo ‘Jv: 0’FNU**t>

.\n of llolt'iiH Ui<*liU*. with Mnrenrot -Viitflln. TonU Ni'tliornolo. incr.: Wimh.. P. F.. '.M ltn*okIvii. N. Y . .\pr. 2.

.\** tho Snii \V«*nt Ihiwn. .\rthnr F. A!j*ton. nn:r.: Sun l>«n«*Ui'**. F«1.. -7 .\|»r. -

.XrlfoiiM. Fn** Mil!. nij:r.: Mh^nnk«*<*. W!**., St Fmil Minn , ’.*7 .\pr

.V Man’** .\ Man. ulth H*»h«*rt Ftlo^on. Ilonry Il.arrH. nnrr.: IN'rtlaiul. Or«v. 'Jt‘.V*.

\ F<»**I 'riDTo Wa**. nith U.*l»*Tt llllliartl, Fr»'*1 oriok Tl»«»ni|»'**>ii. intfr.: ItiifTnl*). N. \., 2\ ‘.M-

to jHT nH‘l. Atldross

J. Frank Hatch Shows, 109 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.


Wants Concessions: over 2o0.(*l>(* p,-,n>b- within .3c car fare; onl.v park in tin cit.v , excv-lb-nt

opp-HTUmlty for I’lmles, Mery Go K-aind. Ferri.. Wh.a-l nml Hiiiiian It-.iib-tte Wb<-< 1. T'l atre ami

Boating privileges to let. W.mld like i.i he:ir from liigh-elass oja-n air acts; nothing bx* larg*-.

J. W. MUNCHHOFF. Manager, OMAHA, Neb.

Wanted—For St. Genevieve, Mo., April 4-9, M'lMitinuod «>n o0.> -BIG SPRING OPENING OF



Great Sutton Slio-ws! 1-'*‘W mor*' (iotbl .'^hows. ('onoossions Sl’*.IK) jx'r wook. \11 lOc irriiul will go. .\lso w:int Two CvHHl Knv .\* ts. State sjilary in first lott«'r. F. M. SUTTON, ST. GENEVIEVE, MO.

48 X ti e Billboard MARCH 26, 1910.

The Week in New York (i'outiuucd from page 6.)

<»f WiiH'lkdl SiiiitUN foui- Hiiniit. lu'^t u*>vk at tlio

lludMiii Tlti*atr«‘. WalJan* will la* f<M tun'll in tli«‘ uiK irtMMi in At- iMtilir i'it\ I’ll Ai*ril 4.

Ui«‘ti la) ^ork. laiw |iU*aM* ailviao me >^bat to I do.** \\V tM'iit thiti tidv(;ram colliM.'t aa tbe mi:bt o|»erat4tr at tbe leleKfapb otbce could not cliaiiKo a bill for uk, tbe u<‘it moruiug i alxMit ten o'ldock we n^ndved notice that tbe Trinetah Theatrical Kacbangc had refuaed to pay for wiir wire, ao we paid ft»r it ouraelvea.

Notes of the Road IIh* Photo Shoji. JoHso 1.. IdiKky’a lau*»t oflfer-

iiiK. "HO i>r>-Ki-iiliM for tin- tirnt time al the Ur-

The Six CoriiallMH are Ju»t How roiiiiiletlDK a iiioMt KiicceKKful tour <hi the l*aiitaK<'0' IMr cult, where they were Uie heailllue attraction t«n every 1>1U. ’Ilh-lr leivelty catapult work wou tlieiii the heartlent applaiiHe, bikI caiiwil ciui Hhh-rHlile town talk al every ataiiil. In many liiNtaiieea in the lancer lowiia lante parilea of

\Vh:il'> more. We are atlll waitiiit; for them to |,|„.’inu Tliealre, Kaatiai, Pa., .Mo.iilay, March 7, mrii verli'ii |>upilt> alleiuletl In a iKaly, ami fre ail\i>e u!. what to do. After we did not hear ami was votwl ati IniiiHHllate i‘ucce>w. The iweue nuently made n'luru vlaita to watch the In

year of the Ainerlan .keademy of l>ramatic Arta t<«dc pla<'e in the Fyiiiplre Theatre on Tuetalay afternoon. .March l.'l. at three o’ekK-k. ITie

Theatrical Kxchangc. KichanI Uamliii, of I'lic llaniltna. known aa Now Ihc l»rtn(vs> Thcmrlcal Kxchangc not tin* •*MtHllc.v Mun ami tin* Maid In Hn*wu.** aaya

onl} laiiKvd UK to Ioki* thiK wtH*k'8 work, hut caKh^t way to learn li»»w to damv Ik to cat I prim ioHl addrc'HS w as* <lfMv«*w‘n tiv MIkk Helen ^**‘“^*** other work that plenty of fowl. Kor iUKtaiicc, eat turkey ami * \Van- o.nwpcn oj mikk iieun „ „h. tK^nidcK puilluj: uk to a great Jou will wnm be able to do Hie turkey trot.

deal of eX|K'Use.

The Week in Chicago

I. . Ill , ,11 ... . I >at tlove If you want to cut a pliteiaiwIuK; 1 .V ‘"*'1* 'll ■ 1,^*' .V**’ •*’ puhllah thla t,athe freely with plenty of aiiKel wonii oil and letter, I Ihiuk ‘tl*‘er theatrical iwpcra, will sioan'a linament and you will amui lie able la- doliiK a favor to the professiou by cotiylUB like a Wnl.

(rontlniK'd from page 7.1 ji, i,y The I Tli<- .''tar Theatre, one of the leading vaudeville lAiulavlIle, Ky

houM< of llu‘ northwest shle. ma.v heuae a '1 hanking j atoek isiiiipaii.v dni'ing the summer montha In- may do I stead of closing, as has heretofore l>een the 'v <u»:oui. Will. ItiH'he. manager of the Academy ami the Kijiai. is thinking of installing a com- ! _ (■any ronie lime in May I

same, as it will keiii other iierformera from lieliig put ill the same |Misltiou we were put 111 liy The Princess Theatrical Exchange of Krmond DeVelde and Company, last reason

apts-lal Indiimsiienta, liai entered tbe ranka of vaudeville, ami la now ,ai her aevenlh oai seentive wis-k at the Portola Cafe, where ahe la an I'atalillalicd favorite. Mlaa Mote ta the poasess.T of an excellent voice, whicli she us«'s with little dllBculty In rendering aelectlons of any of the grami oiwraa. She will aooo be aeeii In tbe Kast.

4* Mow cliaady tlw church la atildyliig the nictli

mh> of the stage in attracting patronage, la evidenced by the novelty Intrmlucfsl by a inliila

ulavllle. Ky. piVM-ntlng The College Dude, are laying over In , , ,)»ens».oro Kv’ laat Siindav nlrlit 1 hanking you In advance for any favora .N.rwicb. Conn., iiml will ahortly put on a m-w xip„„„.i,,.| aiuwarliig at the *'on>liemn

" ’'“v«'uTa‘'r;rv''".rurf tt;: a'ml thrnffi; Vlal.lug ti!r,he.VreT.v- \oura very truly, now In rehearsal. Mr. De\ elde says llie act ^ LolUUK, ijn Mohk aud hllk)t. will bt* •een on tiie William MorrU KaKtern lime. •!..» tKax tk>sxni.

^ A OT V/ All ^ c \/11 I c I f*l*e Nl4*r(Hll ttiK Mfiil t bclr , So<Hiaer, ba ve a »ave,. ««as <ie. • s w**. r'Mwirlv/ WfUMo I VAUWbVII»L&. I Just tlnlAbt'd Kixteen wi'cka on the Hmlkins time I plalmM Sumlay night.

Mr. Hrhdy and Mr. Maaa*a executive atafT for i Tbe Man W'bo Stood Still, now a{)pearlng at Me* I

explanation. ilwWeil to um» the wonU “Mene Tekel*' AK a baala for bin mormon. Tlie Invita¬ tion cardH r*»a<l: ••Merw' tekel will be fully ex-

- and tn)**ne»! on the Krankel llroa.* time in Okla* Beaaie Valdare trou(>e of pony cycUata, after hmna and Texae for ten w*eeka. Mr. L. K. Mere yaer gave a apt'clal fH^rformarn'e

Vicker'K Theatre, la aa followa: l-'rt'derlck Don- pla>ing tbre^* bouKt*a in San Kranclaco, left tbla dlth waa recentl.v ma<le a memlier of the W'blte ^nd atate that agenU Sgliey. nisnager; l-'riink H-Kan. Inmsnrei and week to play the lx» Augeiea TTieatre, Uhi Kats. who wltm-siid th.- act siipplbsl them with plenty acting iiiaiiagcr; Jacob Milke, reprcaentatlve, Angeles. ^ time * '

nd Mr. I.a Molte, stage manager.

♦ Mr. c.isirge \V. lailerer, of the Colonial Thea

Ire, .-elcriied last week from .New Virk with th.- meinlMTs of the new Madame Sherry Company.

UeiKirts from lata AugeUm amiounced that St's're Nord. the Diving Beauty, waa a aensa- tional hit, and nothing of Ita kind haa ever a|>|H‘ared tta-re. The box-otUce receipta during the wes-k reached the high water mark.

Joe Vincettl. who la at iireseut with the Nat

Giswge H. Welisler. manager of the tJeo. 11 Webster Ttieatrlcal Kxciiaiige, has lH“en to the

It U said that rehearsals were held on the train Nj^arro^m- ^ nlaiiirnwi S A C Sir lomln troni the East. Madame Sherry Is to Ih- , u “ ,ms^ u-d T^th the SeUs Flofo Cl^-n. Iiroduced at the Colonial Aiirll 10. I’™ *” sellsrioto Clrcui

Metisier nieairicai r.xcnaiige, uas m‘en lo ine Bug.-nc W oIlTh. Im> Living Pr.w Statues coast looking after his bous.-s. Mr Webster 21 .m ttw Xoniian Jeffeiica time DOW has branch hiHises in S|>okane. MliineaiHiIls Norfolk Va with eiglil week, lo follow and CMcago with tlxe main otflee in Eargo, N. ‘ ' rv ”

After idaylng foiirlis-n w»o'ks for John CJolglcy

Te\,is Jack, lliis week, is commanding atten «•>*• Petticoats, played four consecutive weeki tlou at the .\cadcni.v with its typical western *0 ^'Taucisco. ami all the managers pco 'Troy, N. Y. TTils act Is featuring I Trust My stage settings and dialogue. Miss Uandolpb is I nouneed It om- of the clcaueat ami best acted Husband Anywiieie, but 1 Like to Stick Arouml. again hai-k with the company, entirely recov I sketohea ever tstMi on the S. A 0. Circuit. ♦ cnsl from her recent illness. Tlw Itiislicaiui Trio now on tbe S. A. C. Harry and Kate Jaiicson opimed at laiwell.

for tbe eoniiiig season. Ben Short and llaael Miller, bllle.1 as 1 be Augustus .Neville ami Company, in PollUca "’tse Guy and the .Maid, are boitked for twenty

and Petticoats, played four consecutive weeka w'ev'ka <m K. A P. time, opening .March 14, at

Ben Short and Hatel Miller, blllcl aa The ™ »»»^ Kngland I It n. time lllllv .kdam. Wise Guy and the Maid, are bovtked for twenty "P^neil on verlsoii and larrell s < Imill.

again lia<'k with the company, entirely recov cnsl fn>m hi-r recent illness.

At till- Itijoii Theatre, this week. Is being of Willard .Ma. k s In Wy.Kiiing. This play.

TIh- Kiisticatui Trio now on tbe S. A. C. Harry and Kate Ja<ics<m optmed at Is»well, Circuit, return to San Kranciaeo to play a four .Mass., March 14. scoring such a hit that they w<s*ks contract at the Portola Cafe. received IssAiiigs for tbe balance of the sea

Eddie IVloy has clos«sl hIs ninsleal counsly emnpany ami The Three I> are idaying van ilevllle in the N'ortltwest until after Easter.

♦ Dwiiig to tlie Illness of Miss Grantley the

with Its wenes laid in the Big Horn Valiev’ **<^ullve we,k at the PortoU Cafe, and con near Cnsis-r, W.cming. is full of interest and «l“‘l>ular favorite.

Miss Edith .Mote Is now on her eighth con Ison from the I’niUsl Booking oiBces through their I lompany '•Jed off for tbri-e agent, Jamea Plunkett.

tense nionient and is ptsning greatly to the lik Ing of the patrons of this Iknisc.

Tbe Newlywed

Alien lKK»ne. the Irish actor ami sweet sing George W. Iicalle. the Jeater, Is In hit twenty er. is lHM>kml for a return date at the American second w«ek 00 the George H. Weliater North Hwatn-. , weatem time. He aaya he la meeting with

Tigeat and Ho D Aliza were a riot at the decided BU<‘ess. lie it booked on the W«*l> t alifornia TlH-atrr, ami proved one of tbe big *ter Circuit until July.

seen at this bouae. vecks, an unusual

thliig at this tls-atre Itorothy Marke, wife of Geo. W. SJeott, TT^. Six CorMn^r c.tai.ult aemhats whose Company, wiio has U-eu

faim- lias reaclM-d the AntliKXle were’ offer.d

wteks, hut has l>een re-route<l as Iwfore.

♦ Bisbee ami Connelly, miialral act, after eleven

w-i>eks thriuigh llllnids and Wisconsin. o|>ene<l 'Hi Eastern time at Clevelaml. ()., March 21.

♦ A J W a.vne. of Wavt.e and Fiey, la *-ri

iMistv III In Gkisbomi City. He Is vondned lo bis home III tiH* Kmtucky Hotel.

The wiil-kiiowii play, Tlic Clansiiian, is show- MMiie iqdemlid inducements, wiiile in 'Frisco a few weeks ago. lo accept an .\ustralian en-

suffering from a nervous bn-akdowu. reop*'U»sl tJeicge DeVoy ami the Dayton Sisters ofx-o si with Walter 11. Bedell and CVimpany In his Wlnnl|s-g. May 111 for a niiirn engagimient over sketch, I niie David.

'i*** i/*'*I* wis'k at the Crown ami. as usual. Is gagi-tiient, but was forced to turn it down for diipli'-ating Its old time success.

the Sullivan and Conshllne time

Sim Wlltsle. who created the part of the

Tilt |s‘oplc's Thi’hire has. as its ciirrenl at 'tYisco. but had to decline for tlie same rea- trai-liiHi. the old lime favorite, Teniis-st and son. Sunshine. Since its return to the legitimate, Edith Helena, after a successful four weeka' this hIk'W h< me has lieen steadily increasing Ita engagement in Liw .Yngeles. is back in San busincis. but. ueviTthcless, Mr. J. W. William* I'YancIwo to play a return date at the Portola

the iH-eseut, owing to present contracts They Carter's Vaudeville Company tlnishea Its opera Sim Wlltsle. who created the part of the were also offiTcd a four weeka* stmid In house lu-ason at Jeffersonville, lud., ami ojieu* Irascible broker in Si-well Collins' Awake at 'I-Yisco. but had to decline for tlie same res- under canvas April 4 at Carutheravllle, Ind. the Switch, has relurnol lo the cast, sup under canvas April 4 at Carutheravllle, Ind. the Switch, has relurnol lo the cast, sup

twelve |ieo|de ale carried. Indudlug bai^ amt I

is still |M-r|H>tratlng be will 1 Cafe. have to put out that S. It. D. sign. Tliis In

Cbaa. F. lesmanl, kuowru aa The Boy with the Songs aud Talk, haa Just finished twenty

CHRIS. CHRISTOPHER MartinetH ami Grvewi liave the ris-ord for 1 six wwka of Western vamlevllle lime and Is miw

oreaseil attendanee is iindmilitedly due to the bard playing 'Frisco. They have played eight dlf piayin work of Mr. Wlll.aiiis ami his capable staff ferent hons<»s. some more than a wei-k. and are .South, ami will ill all probability w-ind up In one of still In demand. *

playing ten weeks for Norman Jefferies In the

the m<wt sncces^rnl seasons this liiaise has ever ku wn.

4* The College Tlioi.tre Is dark this wts-k with

the imHiiis.' of Brewster's Millions for next wis-k.


Wilmington. N. C. Februarv '24 mill Hlltor The Billboard.

I'iniinnati. tiliio. Dear Sir:

\t e liave rs*ciivisl Tiie Billtsiard **v-ery week regularly for a gmsl many years, and we have often noticed articles that you have pub llsh<-d sliow-ing where perfortin-rs have Ish-u mistreated by- agents, and niatiagers. Below yon will find an article that we think. If pub- lislnsl, will not only be doing us a favor, lull the profession In general:

A few weeks ago we acce|>t<s| contracts from the Princess Theatrical Exchange ol Isiulsville. Ky.. which Was S4iutlierii time. We playev] ever.v Isuise the i-ontrjicts calbM for, and madi*

! --- - ITiaa. Clark lUxUltan haa entirely pccovitisI

! TUe Artm DU DMII IDD crMUtDAKlV from th** accident be hail last winter in Jack- j ll-lt AOULKM PMILIKP l^UMKANY. ..uovile, Fla., aud Is at present prwctlclug, ami

Tile Adolfdi Philipp Company established a record last w-«s*k at tin* Grand Dts'ta House. Brooklyn, with the German musical sensation. ■Ylnia Wo Wohnst Du. It was the second largest week since Alfred H. Springer assumeil the management of the theatre. TYio gross re <s*plts reaelied $7.1100. People were ttirmsl away five times during the we<*k and tbe large audiences were e<|ually divided lietween Araer

will be working with the Clark Kitlllian a act shortly.

4* H. T. TItns has purebaaed Garth It. Young's

Interest in the Crystal Theatre. Daytona, Fla. The lYyatal (days vaudeville and idcturcs. aud Is laioked through the Wllllama aud Kueble <>m<'es.

♦ Will S. lU-echer. formerly of Ileeclwr ami

leans and CH-rmans. A remarkable featnre of •“'1, "'..‘Hr. ‘■''Vi”’:' the engagement was tbe fact that only lO.fiO was refunded the peojde who got Into the theatre under the Impression that It was an English show.

have Joimsl hands. Mrs. Beecher's (Miss Mayet death was Uie cause of tbe new yiartuerahlp.

Caaad and l>e Verne write that they- Itave Alma Is Invoked In all the hlg cities and will Just two new Melloi.hooes. The aii

hI all around.

I>la.v in Chicag'i for tin- first time in AliTll.


Mr. Clias. J. Strots*! flving maclilne mannfae

will lay off the month of May. and fix ii|> a new novelty act for the park season.

♦ Nan J. Aspliiwall, tbe .Montana Girl, has

rIoMsI her engagement In Honolulu ami will re turn to 'FVliico lo lake her ride on hors** bai-k

had tur»*r of Toledo. Is highly elate*! over a rctiof' 1 across rtie c<sinlry lo New York. playi-il a few- wwcks on their circuit, we were rv*c<*lv**d from the .Yvlation M**et at I>os An Infornnsl on a .v«aturday night at the last g*-les. stating that friemis of f. IL Wllla;*' ininiite that If would be iin|iossibIe for them claim that he broke the prev^.-sis record of to i>Uce us for the next two or three w<‘eks I 1:42 l.'l for blit for IIS l.i ki***ii th<*iii iiosted as to our

lib* ami ftivO yanls.

McCorniaik and Irving are boi*isl for llie I'litin* Niilllvan and Constdlne Circuit, Including all the nibblle West and Coast time with the

Mr. Willard made this record fug’ll Interstate (inult lo follow. whereabr.nts. In case something tnm<*d up. I In a SiPibel built machine. Mr. Stroliel Is we'' did as they reipiested. and laat week while known In tiK* amnsi-snent world, having playisl at playing In Jacksonville, Fla., we received a fairs In m*arlv <v«*rv state In the I'nlon telegr.sin from them t<*Illng us to oi«*n on _ their circuit again at the Palace Theatre Wll- _ mingt..n. N. C. and that they would forward BUTTERFIELD ADDS ANDTHER. ns contracts from there on. We wired tlM*m - at Oiwe and told them that we accepted the Grand Itaplds. Mich.. March Bi.—Col. W S work, an*! after at Jacksonville, FHa., Biitterflebl. gen**ral manager of the Bntterfb'ld

tbe Al|iha H•s>|l i

Yminger Bros stale that they have now plav<*i| 22 w**<*ks on Webster's time and are well V<*|el Singer an<l Novi*lly VIollnisl. .ks an en


bi^dv alte:!::;:’^^

hnt 'instead of that, thev iV^I^ go rll^hi on Jiivt the same. Of eonVs.* we didn't know "r** *nmatneed. to the Penn \aadevllle Lx

Ing mahl. <*iN'ned on the fb*org** Wi'lailer Clnnlt at Cristksttai. Minn., March in, playing t*> tin* '■oast.

just what to do at first l>*»cans** I didn't kiww who was in the wrong. Him Prineess Theatrical L.xchange. or Mr. S<*hloss. the manager of the LAFMMLFQ BUY THFATRE theatre, so we vv. nt direct to the telegraph L A t M M l_ t S J llitAIMt. • iflire and wired Tie* Prlin-ess Theatrical Ex Chang**, such: "ManHgi*r stat<*s we were not •""" ’''••• March 1!*.—Tie* BH'si Tin*, refnsi-s to play ns. what shall we do, afr*' >'"« changed hands. Tlic haeni’iib**. liav answer <)iiiok.” We' si'nt this telegram at purchased It from the Kane Br'>s., of Iowa Cltv

.kiigiisliis Neville and Comiiany. In Polllh-s and * ' *i^"* pettbsiats. by ttllver • iilt**. Is irrovlng an art Isllc success oil fin* SnIIlvan ami Coiislillm- < ir I ■nit. I

Elements from At>rnr.zi, Italy, ainl orgaiiUed In t'lileago. In the yi'ar IIMie. For any occasion. f. F. BAI./.AMl, carv* <if The Bllllniard,

nine o'i-l's*k, Momlay, and after waiting up and h;iv<* Installed Le Roy Smith, the old house until <I"\*-n o'clock at night fur their answer, managi>r to snce<*e*l II. IL p.>eork. who will wlil*h in-ver cHini*. vv*- tlnniglit It fn-st to send leave the city. Tlie house has changed Its

Gcbb-n .iml llugh**s In Ibiwn In Turkey Ilo!Ii*r have playe*! twenty s<-ven wi***ks of I'nited Tim** with work to follow, k**etilng them hiisy nnlll June.

1 *** I Tl»f Ilrlnkl«*yi» iin* In ttw»lr <»lirh(h <*n tin*

iiK ovf*r fifty dollars to rom<‘ her** I tf»l4*nt.

wonlliiff If ntr«*!><*y. th»w W4*Kt«*m AP)u»rl«iion I K<*lth A tlTii»* and dolni; nlc'**!v l}o*y TIm'.v Klin liaro fdirht w<'«*ka of thU tlm<* to play.


ILLUSION Write for iiartlculara and bargain sheet.

HALTON Kk slANNLN CO. Ftu<*st MAGICAL apiiaraliia lu America.

141 La Balia Btrsat. Factorr ami Mall Drder Iteiisrtnient,

1610 W. Madiaon Btraat, Obicago, 111.

MARCH 26, 1910. Xtio Billboard 49

(MirtliiK MarKiiD-t Moffut, aiid will flulab the acHhoii In IiIh <>rli;liuil part. The aketrh la «alil to have t>i-i-ii iiiaterially HtroiiKtlieiKtl by thr rtiallt;i'

+ W liiiii immI U iL'iiln noi'kliiK Kiturle. She

liiiUlu’!* tio- S|..arU« tliio' tliN wi-^-k aii<l then on till- ll'HlklliK t'Irriilt

+ lliax Wmlliki' foriin-rly with .\ Sliilit>orii flu

.trrella. la ii"W tila.tliiK In i aiKlerllln with lila wife, on ^al. Halier time.


In'teii.l >r pl.iiliiL' the I’aiitanea' time aa eic laotiii. Sylvia III' Kr'iikte haa slKiietl up witn \Vn >torria lieletl.ilteli

♦ i^i«‘ Kmir luiiriiit: liflN ntlM tlir*‘e iiiMn*

of SiilllvHii ( iMinhlliii* tlriif lo play In'fori* r«*tumli>{; Ka»l.

<> Tlw Maliioii Tr ai|a> haa Jiiat tIniHlwiI 'J7

weeeko <ai tta- & <'. tlim-. ami la now play lua' return ^late^.

♦ Sia-ixer ami .knotIn. wlio haie la-eii very »iir-

eeakful In vaiulevllle. will enl«T the hlirlewipie

iJehl iwvt feawoli +

<leori:e \V llim'ei ami t'lHiuiaii.i. ientrllo-|Ulal mimleal eiaueily. I» reinirtial (lolni; nU'ely on llte

Inlteil nme.

♦ l< >ni"lN tfk pl-<>lnK p4»lN<'k tiiiu ami iHiya

hr i*i •loiiiu* . hN tn*ro|> act iii&kinir ff'HNl vv* r» w1*« n*

♦ KleMi* ami tNwo *>11 flio S <*. time at

\Vlniii(M r. ircli II. twekkt'il tlirouKi) NoCiimn Irffi rli*a

♦ MhlCe eianeillan. I« ^•«altlIl••^l to hla tanl

aiifterlnic with rtienmallwm. Koa !■. In Mimiphla. Tenn.

♦ Hill Iniiin Ka>i. he la hat lint I>1k aiiei eKa In

the Kaat with hl» e.Nmnly mimteal ami aInKinv act.

♦ PartaT ami I'almer write frmn North Yakima

Waaii . that they are ilolni; tine In the Weat.

♦ Mr. ami Mr»« II J Mnrraj «r*- a

oe«' art their tour «»f tlie Sparka time. ♦

ri.-le life i*f iIh* kyU* Janln i'mn pan} N m»a pl.’ttlna vi*r<|i‘rllle

Mlaa Vann U «>ui4H>rtltia Htaiialm* KloMIntr In t)U new eket4*h. 'Hm' t'a»*liler

«9» La CVamtmll rettr«*a fnmi Steniaira Nafunt'a

art fic a two »»«*‘k«* r»i«t. ♦

MUa l.aBlam'to* l«» U<«»k*'t1 •»!! lh»* i*ola«'t <^r cult f«*r twetitT ll%e wi-eka,

♦ Jack K KitK i»t»*n»H| oti the or

pbetini time. Man'll II ♦

n •• rtir* e l»ieif*r»k h»i'e Juat linlah*‘il ai* week* *»f M'xtkln** lllue

+ r«*rr\ L. Hrott «irl t'o .* I•«■»ke«| «»%-er f1>e

Bur llioe i:iitll JiitH' 1

Under Canvas ^ . A Filer sti hate lH*en ««M to F L.

Klrvh. av«l will !»• kmmu at KlrM-li'a W^trUJ'a 4vrt’at*H( I»rmmatlc TIi** •••mtany tvill ftmathi «>f fo.'ty iM-tkple Mnl will <v|*en ahont Al»rll I i’ltif Meieli |*arr»»tt alU hnxe charjj** of t1» haial f Hlxt<M‘ii hi4«» tmuilclati'* ti «». Mlltlii* n* will t*r ati ae tii.iiuiir* r. a ul II. I'ar ter III <‘liNn;«> ivf fli< eanvaa. iMii»w \n lo Km A iw'W m* ft ruiml t<>p will ta* pur< ha^-il Tie- mhams* will «»f otffht ne-n. two atr* nta ainl -«l\ tttiuKi hlllp wt era

♦ K II S«hw«sh-r huHlm-*-'* inaiia<ei 4»f the \

B Lewla Sh<iw«a. tlint neitrl} fill of ti*‘lr pla)er« haie atan«i1 up niitl the eotuininy wTII f ' on the r*»a‘l alwHi! Ma\ ‘Jo Tiii* 1*^ tlx Ir fimrth aeaa«iu Tli* > a til i*!-y tin- NkMrthwr-»t territtu*}. one !•» thrm- «1a) aiamla. ami will uae finally plava

Onl l"1i1T. m> (\»ufke will asain iH»cn iiniler the tenta ilurtmr the c«>miru; He w|M ojien hla atirm In ItufTahi. May Jl anil anilrl patea an uniiaiiall} ivroNjiertni** -a-awm

•I* H II llarrU trlM for the aiiinm-»r *eaw»ii haw*

two Miou*. niHp-r t.-i.f. th- Ila rN t'-umah t ofn!t: nv. |{f«t «*t>a«oii ami a two car ah‘»u f>anh I M.n. »• • II 1:.,. Trati

♦ ^^lln will i.ut *Mit a miHllt'In*'

ahow- thia krw*wn aa fh«* t‘o'ln t^imp hall <Ti'»mhnt I'oiupan} The wImw «111 ota*n tu MM«1let'*nu. O

♦ T*|r •'Teif Mtllor tamh'vllle iimh-r can

ta« op* la n’naif the hint of Ma%

Airdomes Zrt*i*‘HvHl> . <•.. Ik t*' have an alr'1»*me to he

er**- !«•*! «»n tlie alte of thi* .\ui1llortum Skat'Dg K^nk I'raiik V. Stovi'tia will manairc the air

• 'im- vhiih will i-iH-n nl»«»iit May 1

An anh me 1« fo he Imlll In I Me*n O , hy M Miller, maunjter of the Smllev 0|»i'ra Hon-'e. I “h Ml


-Tr llt-riiiiin now of Vo^riM’s *’^*»»re1.4. haa alpi»il up wlih Klplo^’n MlnatreN

■ x| T of th«* l*-m*t ami iM-i-lientra Tlo-v o|a*ii ■ •'•'n.-. N V Mh> ip.

'’r. Ilprry KIImw ^vHl with tV " It1i'!4‘y*a NtinatnTa. Mr\ |i» H«> haa alirm**!

"l!h lohn \V. Vi'irora Mlii-^tn'la a* a^on I -Ml

Variety Houses ITie Mount Carmel (ypera Houae at Mount Car¬

mel, l*a., haa been leaae<l for a term of yeara lo I.. K. Kvouh, prealdent of the Great Weat- ern Vaii.levllle .kKeiuy of I’hlladelpliia, and will play tliri-e acts of vaudeville with pletures. The Great kVeHtern .Yaeiwy la now iMM.kIni; IkY rhea- trea In I’enns.vIvanlH ami the M<aint Carmel Tlie- atr<‘ la the third one lo la* added utider their direct ownership. William Wat.son la manaxer.

+ l*lans .in- iirnb-r c<.iisi(h'ration for the rem<al-

ellnx of ilic itrplicinii Tl.eatie. Lima. tl. If the preaent arranx<*menla are carried out. the roof will !«•«c.| ami a balcony built. \Vhen coiu- •dcteil It will otitain atamt ijtat ai-ata. brlnx* Inx llic capacity up to Wat. It la also the Intention to enlarge the staxe and to make the houae om- of xhe ni<»t complete bm.kinx Sun A Murray time.

4* Tlie Ilijou Tlwalre at Huron. S. 1)., under the

maiLax*‘ni.'nt of J.din It. Connors, jr., la beiux Im r-asa (1 to Mat with n« w ofa-ra chairs. TYie at axe liaa laa-u enlarxed to IkY'xW with three larxe dressinx riaima on each aide of ataxe. be Inx oiuliUKsl with all niialcrn facHItlea for the c.Htifi.rt of irtists. The acta are bM.kttd throuxb the S. A C. .tfleea.

* Mr .khtnr .1. of the vaiulevllle

of .Mr. and Mrs. A. Joy <'<*>li. has piirclmsisl lialf Interest In the ..Id ('<«y t’.a-iicr Tla-atre. I'Iclinme, Te\.. .1. F. Thompson. The name of tla* ttieatre lias tsen chanx*sl to The laiclllc. wliicli was iWslded hy p<t|iiilar vole. This 1 <aisc win continue with vamlevllle and motion pictiiree.

♦ Tlilelton A ITlcketl, manaxera of the Star and

Tetiiplc TYiealres. KIxiti. III., donateil the pro- ceeiLs of a matinee laefomiamv at the Star Theatre. Tni-wlay. .Marsh l.Y. lo the lairktT'a I liildren'a Iliane of that city. A caparit.v audl- eiii-e w'ltncsaasl the lerfoniiania-. Klxln laalxe No. 7J7 K. r. O. K. lairchastvl IJT.'a worth of tlie ticketa.

os. ♦ The |•:l«Iim«• Tlie.iirc. -if le w I't.iwn, Pa., l as chanx'sl Its arra ixeinent of sli.wvs. Instead of riiniiinx Iw,. slo ws a day they arc rnnninx It roe. Cils .n or<W*r to a.’coninoNlale the larx" niimlier of patrons. The Sun Ihuikinx .Ygency Is Nioklng the house.

♦ The Kanilly Theatre at Kmk Islaml. 111.,

under the inanaxouieiit of J. p, tjninn ami play Inx Wiwtern Vaudeville Aswa-iation iHsikinxs. Is at pre.s«'iit enjoyiiix tlie liixxcst laisim-N, in the hist.pry ipf tlo- loaisi-. the S. K. tl. sixn lie- lux disfplayed iiixhtly

♦ Mr. J'wrtii iK'sticrxcr Ims rcmmlelid the Star

llieatre. l’adu--i’i. Ky . havinx iHit In revolving chairs an I with th ■ r-paliitinx ami other Im proicmpiits. !i(. has made the Star a place if iiinis, nieoi. la-ftt nx “f Its name.

♦ -k new theatre, is to he laiilt In Manchester.

N. II. P. K. Itraiinick ami Jose|ih Cushiux have leasssl a sniiahle site, and work will Is- isau niencisl within the next few weeks. Vaudeville ami pictures is the propiiseit |HHlcy.

♦ M. F. liniifert tt li. !* suicieilial K. C. Pauli, as

uiaiiaxcr of tin- (Irpheum Theatre, .Marlon, O. Mr. Pauli will xo to iwmlsville, Ky.. oi to Sandusky. II.. when- Sun ami .Murra.' are put IlltX up ll -W I.UII.sCS

+ 11. .k. Most!-r. manixer of the Klcs'trlc The-

airv. .N.iwata. ilkla., s-iys Ills it. doinx gmsl husliwss. p:aylnx vamlevilie and plcturva. Alla are l.m.kid tliroixh Fraukel liroa., ■»! Uklalionia Pity. nkla.

4* Aflir .kprll Is. Hie .kiiditoriuiu Po. will clone

the skatiiix si-tts.>ii at iIh- .kuitilorlum Kink, Win itasli-r. Ky.. amt tin- maii.ixomeiii will at once hexin lo arraiixe the buildiug for an up to-date vaudiollle bouse

4- T. .k lleilly lijs leaMsl >he iliilui.ixdoti tl;Hra

House, Hii.itliixihai. I’a Hi- as.sunii-s iharge at one.- VauilciuH" will le the iKiiicy, Issikluxs bclnx made thronxh tin- National Vaudeville .klaiiaxers' kitsn

* \ rumor is lurn-nl tiial in the m*ar fiilUT'-.

kick. I'a . w II liaic a n. w vaiot iville hoiiM'. kfivxart Is Slid to Ih* liileresfod. The deal has his-n cl »-id for a tract of laial Im-.iied on South tJeorxe «li cl

4* Gcrfriidi- la's KoNoni anil Po. laved off lu

• Mmlunati week of .M ircli 7. prior lo o>,iinx on ’’.'In* ilan-os I.ih-w i'iriuit Mis^ Folsom is -i native ,if pill, ionali -;nil while h-r.’ nnowisl ac ipiaintanc.'s.

♦ J. F'M'sI <1>tcrHt04*k hah MMt-fH'iUnl aa inau

nfvr of flH‘ Thoaln*. Allentown. Fa., I*> lYank M. Krl<*ksiMi. .Mr. iuti-rhtock will now f:i\c Iiih atu-ntlon to thi- Kaston tl*a.» Ori»hiHiui.

♦ Miss Vivian (imelln. the most (sipular. faithful

an.I accisi.miMlatii.x treasnn-r at tlie Itis k Island I III. I Family Theatre, has reHinicd after a short »ls|i to her parents at Pharlcs tMlv. Iowa.

♦ <t. II. Hanicla has NunlcastMl the New l>pera

lltMiM- T'ayhir. T«-\:i*, fro.ii K K. i'a’-i^ailine an.i \\lil i»»niluct It a \au«l*'vHle theatre dur Inj tlie MitniixT months. r«>pular prices will prevail

4* n,- Klk Til.'litre Pomi any Is ercetlnx a now

playliiHi," In His'lousas. La. It will Im kinnvn a« He Llk. ami will s. at l.'nl pisii.le. The staxe will Is- ls\H fis't Vamlevilie will he hookisl.

+ "nic GramI Vandinllle and M.oinx I’li'lnri'

Theatre, at Drrvlle. t).. oiH'loal March 1(1. It Is I'll the tins Sun Plrcnlt. and manaxed hy Honsiir. Kraft and laimlirixxer.

4* Jndil kVrlxhl amt TYisl Low will erect a new

tliealri' In Itralnerd. Minn., lo play vaudeville and plelnnis. II Is e\|s‘elisl lliat the loaise will he opeinsl within forty days.

❖ Hay Itnsli. in.inaxer of the Hrowiisvllle ttpera

Honve. Ilrowivsi I le. Pa., has leasi-d the Coyle Thealri' at Pliarlerol, l‘a. He oihmiisI ll with vandevllle, Mareli 1.

Tlie Llks' nieatre. (k|>elonsas. I.a.. has clianxdl Its location. The theatre In Its in-w |pla< e seals 40(>. Vaudeville ami pletun-s continio-s to he the policy.

4* Max M. Nathan has leasisl tlie Virginian The

atre, H4>o{M*Hton, III., for u ihtIimI of one yoar and w’Ul put on pIctun-M and vaudeville.

4- A new vamlevilie housi* Is to tie erected In

Alti'ii, HI. W. .M. S,'UiaKe. owner of two uouse.. In Alum, is Is-hind the move.

4» Afti'r April H".. vandevill.* will Is- nsp-d In

(sinm-etlon at th.' lyric Theatre. Home. .\. V. Kd tlatelev la nian-ixer if the I.vric.

<♦ The Savoy, Beaver Falls, Pa., Is m>w heing

booked thronxh tlm Gns Siin Ax'-m-y. Polaek booklnga were prevlonslv used.

♦ The Orphdini T leatie. Iieavenworth. Kansas,

was oriened Inst week with vaudeville, bookral thronxli the W. V. A.

4» C. G. Giolii-r will manage thi- new .Swa'u

Theatre; Santa Pniz, Pal., which eis-ns atsnit April l.V

4» Henry Bellett has assunwsi eharx'- of the inib-

lldty deiiartment of the AInha Tlieatre. Erie, Pa.

4» It la pratiahle that Nathan .kppel will erect

a new- vamlevilie theatre In Sliamokin. Pa. +

The Diihlln Op.-pa House. Dnhilu. Ga.. will open with vand(*vllle alKxit -kprll 1.

Soda Fountain FOR SALE

Suitable fec Park or .kmnsemient R'-sort. .'Id one gallon synip Jars, d sislas, S minerals. Lip [ilmsdt Tilting Jar System. ConstrnettsI of Pavonaxza marble and is large and massive ami will make a handsome disiday; rebuilt (spial to n-w: originally cost several thousand dollars and can now be ohtainisl at an enormous sacrl tiee. as It must lie removeil to make risini for new gisals. .kl.'-ji several others suitable for P-irk use at bargain prices. LIPPINCOTT, 929 Filbert St.. Philsdelphi*. Pa.

WANTED Relics and Weapons

Of different ciMintries and jssiple. prim’ipally savages; also o[iiiini piiws, tsiwls. aoees,s,a-les. lelies from ’Frisco ear'h in-ike. etc .kddn-ss 328, Billboard Pub. Co., 1440 B way, N. Y. City.

WANTED For the M. L. Clark A Sons Wild West an-l Wlhl Animal Exhlhlti>>ns—2 gisal Blllis>sters. a few nng'e Wild West Peo|>le. small troupe of Jap. Acrobats. Wire and tlrmtnd .Nets; also gmsl Riilie for kVild West Arena. Rillisisters address A. T. PI...kRK. tJen. Agent. Fanuersville. La.; all others. M. L. CLARK A Sons, as p'-r r<aite: Many, La.. MaroU 24: Rolieline, La., 2.'i; Camptl. Ia., 27 2S; Cmishatfa. I«i.. 21).

AT LIBERTY I For summer season. 1910, a good and strong

I Italian Band loUce. Inie party that don't st-enre the salary, save

stamps. Address Joe P.kV.VLiriTtt. Ro'x 1014. I Spring Valley. Illinois.


Famous High-diving Dog W"uM t»8llytHHi ftbr a t**nt show this sunim**r:

Is a fiTfure ainl a nt-vv attrarri<»n In his iii:irv»*l-

ous f4*,Hts: tain rapatih* of nvakitu; i*|H‘niim4 on

ballynoo; lot nio hoar from t*-nt show p>in^ on

riMiil. S. A. FKKH.'-M. \V;i>:ont*r. Okla.

FOR SALE--4 Sample Trunks In excellent comlltlon. 4ii inch'-s long, :io Inches wide and ’Jl* inches hixh; will sell for $12..'SI each: cost $i’si.mi. Address

THE HEMIHAN CO., Hocheater. N. Y.

WAIVTED TO BUY or RENT St‘oivn.1 han*l. foi>t Tont. AiMross A. W. HOWELL. 408 North Main St.. Pueblo, Colo.

I Acrobats Wanted j Extra TOP MOENTER WM. O BRIEN, 270

j West 39th Street, New York City.

I FOR SALE Soniorsanit Trh k l>*»>:'i am! m>V4*s, I Majrlo Illusions, H. r. I*hi»no^r:iph. Kilms. I*.

Miohliu-. ILitton M., Hlaok Art. Miiall Waj^on Shou . Will 4‘\< han)r4‘ for anytliini: I ran uso in

I PitablriKMu. Uostauranl or Dark. Will tmy or ox- ohan;r«‘ for lilnis. Prof. Harry Smith, Gratx, Pa.

i WANTED Performers for Medicine Company

H. C. Pollworth, (u'iu'r:il Dclivt-ry, Iiuliaiia(H>li,-. Iiui.




Biggest Event in the South.

This reunion will Ik* held at Mon¬ roe l*ark “on Mobile Hay,” -April 2ii to 2H. For coneessions at this Hark, address

Mobile Light & R. R. Co. Mobile, Ala.

$125.00 MAOE In one day with myr in¬ visible Fi,rtuue kVrlters. For circulars on “Magic kVands,” "New Glaaa Wand,” “Gyiisy Queen*.’’ and invisible pais-rs. Ad dress S. BOWEB. 117 Harman St., Brooklyn, New York.

BIG MONEY ('an be made with our

Shooting Galleries and Ball Games

A post earil brings our circulars. DIAMOND NOVELTY CO., SCHENECTADY,N. Y.


Flute and Piccolo For summer season. A. A. KENDALL, 1499

Play .kveniie, Hiaiston. Texas.

DO YOU USE PBINTTNGl--Comi>are tlicse prices with what you have bc-n glvinx. All your own matter from your copy. Pa-sh must ac- <yrder: 19 M t1x'24 Heralds. 2 aides.$ S.75 19 M 12xlS Heralds, 2 sides . 11.25 19 M 14x21 Heralds. 2 sides . 12.90 49 M 4x12 To-night* . 11.90

Smaller sixe. tickets an.l dates eorresisinding- Iv eheap. Give u* a trial.

THE PO.klMERPIAL. Rancroft. Mleb.

MITCHELL FILM AND SLIDE EXCHANGE has ojK-ned a vaudeville booking agency In con¬ nection with their Pueblo house. kVe Iss'k acts for moxinx picture theatres as well. Every- fhlnx in supplies. kVe cut the prices to get business. I’erfonners write In and make tn.v ottice v<air li<-adi|uarters. MITCHELL FILM EXCHANGE. :{Il>>-j X. Santa Fe. Pueblo. Polo.

WANTED for the John H. Sparks’ Show

few more* Candy Butchers; also two .k-1 Tln- tyi*' Men for dry plate street machine; must Join at cue*-. .kudress

D. H. GILLISPIE. Shn ve'port. La.

WANTED -Trail Drummer, liand and orchestra; Join on wire; other musicians write: we never cIos<': under eanvas. PHAtfl-'. A LISTER THE.k- TRE PI).. Permanent .kddress. Newton, lowa. E. M. FRITZ. Director. Permanent Ad- dretw. Dttniiiwa. Iowa. Riaite—Porslcana. Tex., we»’k of March 27 April 3.


Lady for Single Trapeze At once. Address AERIAL MOORES, WN) F St.. kVhltely. Muncle, Ind.


and arrangisl: music set to words or words !<• music; high class piano arraiixcmciits our siHS'iaUv; s<-ud ’2 cent stamp for price list. etc. Addr' S.s' A. kV. SPHEP MCSIP PO. I Dept. Al. Pincinnati. Ohio.

FOR SALE tlosl attraction for Platform or 4 in 1 Show. Working kVorld. complete show In itself: also Imid Prank Piano. Lauxhing Gallery, I! metal mirrors; would exchange any of the above for 29x.'si <ir 29\<io ft. Tent, or ahmit that slxe. L. BOX 17s. Jamestown. X. Y.

FOR SALE - .klothcr .klllgator and her 2.') Baliies;

others of all sizes; would exhibit in parks.

J. kV. BtMtTH. Daytona, Fla.

SIDE SHOW HEN—The new attra<’llon for plat¬ form or ."i in 1 show, the two headed Chinese I’a Ln t'a. witli 0x12 painting. $4(>: lots of o:li'-r stuff; list free. W.M. Nin.SON, (1 Van Nordeu Street. North Pamhridge. Mass.

FOR SALE BEARS .k pair of yiaing black iM'ar cnlis. partly t ame; also full lihodtsl (iri*at Dam' puppies. 7 months old. very large for age. kV. II. AISTIN. kVallon, Del. P.ainty. X. Y.

ROLLER SKATES .'SH» pairs Barney A Berry

Holler Skates for sale cle-ap. DlA.kHt.ND NOV¬

ELTY lil.kH’ANV. Sehenectady. N. Y.

— WANTED — Circus Rlacksmith, Cisik Hisise .Manager, good Cook. JO.Mil BROTHERS’ kVlLD kVlST, Corry, I’a.

60 X e Billboard MARCH 26, 1910.


U'.HitiniiiMl from imKr 4T.)

AuimIi'Ii StiN'k ('«>., Chan. (I. Amadou, mifr.: K.-llofoiitaiiic, (»., L’s Apr. ‘J.

AIM. .McK'k Sa(i. Co. ."i., I,. K> lly, mjtr.: Wau para. Win.. L’l N«-riiah l!s .\pr. 2.

Adaiiia. Mamlr. Srr What Kvrry Woman Knowa. Allrii. Vhda; .'4*-r Whilp Slator. i Aim'llii. .MarKarrt: Sta- Anakniiiif; of llrlrna '

UIrhIr. Arltiirklr, .Marlyii: Si-r Kouml I'p. 1 Arlias. rornr; Srp S<i>ttmua. Acadrmy of .Music St<H-k t:o., Klimt A Cazzulo,

lUKra.: ChiraKo. July 2.'i. iDdrf. Aciiir Slia-k Co., JoH. A. St. I’ptpr, iiiftr.: Ev- I

rrrtt. Wash., iudpf. I Alcazar StiK-k Co., Itplawo A Mayor, nigra.:

San I'raiicisisi. Aug. lEl, Indof. Athoii SttM‘k l>i.; Cortland, On*., Aug. 0, i

Indpf. Auilltoriiiin Stot-k t'o.: Kaiisaa Citv, .Mo., Mar.

ll’. Indof. ! Aliaa Jimmy Valoutiiio, with Hoiiry It. Warner, I

l.lohlor A Co., mgra.: N. Y. C., Jan. 18. Indof.

ItarryuHin*. Ktbol: Spp Mid Cbanupl. Itatoa. Illaiicbo: S«*o Fighting Ilo|ip. I Hollow, Kyrio: .S«*p Itulldpr of Itridgoa. I Hurko, Itilllo: S*h* .Mra. Hot. 1 Halil y, Edwin, StiK'k Co.: El I’aao, Tox., Jan. '

ai Apr. in. Ha.voniip Sto<‘k ('o., E. F. Host wick, mgr.:

Itayonno, N. J., m*c. 0, Indof. Biak Thoatrp Stock Co.. S. II. lYhallander,

mgr.: Holllnghani, Waali., Doc. tt. Imlof. Holaaro A Slono Stock Co., Bolaaco A Stone,

mgra.; I/>s Angolos, Cal., indof. Hljou Stock Co., David K. Butlington, mgr.:

I’awtiickot, U. 1., Nov. S. indpf. Bijou StiM-k Co., It. (i. lioriiidon, mgr.: Savan¬

nah, (ia., Di-c. 2.>, Indof. Bijou Thi'atri* StiK*k Co., Corae Fayton, mgr.:

ItriHiklyn, Oct. 11. indof. Biabop'a Flayora. H. W. Bishop, mgr.: Oak¬

land. t'al., Indof. Brown Baker StiK'k Co.: Now Orleans, Iji.,

IVb. 1*1, IndPf. Bungalow Stock Co.: Salt Igikp, C.. indof. Bunting. Emma. Stock Co.: Schouectady, N. Y.,

Jan. 10, Indef. Burliank stia'k Co.. Oliver .Morosco, mgr.: Ixis

Angolos, Cal., indof. Bachelor’s Bahy, with Francis Wilson. Cbas.

I'ridiman. mgr.: N. Y. C., IK*c. 117. indof. Brown. Kirk. J. T. Macauloy, mgr.: Fitchburg,

Maas.. ‘JS Apr. 2. Boyer. Nancy. st<N*k Co.. Chaa. B. Milla, mgr.:

Utica, N. Y.. 14 2»); l'oughop|w|p 2S Apr. 2. Bankor’a Child (Harry Shannon's), G. N. Gul¬

liver, mgr,: Gaffney, S. C., 23; Gastonia, N. ('.. 1*4: l.incidnton 2.'>; Hickory 26; Startos- vlllo 2S: Martlnavlllo, Va., .TO.

Browator’a Millions, Cohan A Harris, mgra.: I.Incoln. Noll., 23; Omaha 24-26; Kansas City, Mo.. 27 .\iir. 2.

Beverly (Easti*mi. Dolamator A Norris, Inc., mgra.: Jersey City, N. J.. 21-2.'i.

Bovorl.v (Wostorn). Dolamator A Norris. Inc., mgra.; Mola*rl.v, Mo., "24; Ilannihal 2.’> Quincy, III., -26: St. loiiila. Mo.. 27 Apr. 2.

Barrier. The, with Thisalore RolH*rts, Klaw A Krlangor, mgra.; I’hila., 14-26.

Bon Hur. Klaw A Erlangor, mgra.; London. Can., 21 2:t; Hamilton 24 26.

Battle, The, with Wilton Ijickaye, I.ieblor A Oo., mgra.; Clovoland. O.. 21 2tt.

Billy, the Boy .Artist. Amherst .Am. Co., mgra.: Boston, Mass., 21-26.

City, The, The Shuborta, mgra.: N. Y. C., Dec. 21, indof.

Doilson, J. E.: Sih* House Next Door. Drew, John: See Inconstant George. Davis Stock Co., Harry Davis, mgr.: Fitts-

burg. Fa., Sept. 2(1, Indof. Daniel Boone on the Trail (Central), Kobt. II.

Harris, proji.: J. W. Clinton, mgr: Dwosso, Mich.. 23; Flint 24; Fort Huron 23; Marsh- - all 26.

Dexter, Elliot, in The l*rince Chap, FYod B. ' Hoadloy, mgr.; Shawnee, Okla., 2.'<: McAlcster I 24; Muskogee 25; Nowata 28; Hot Sfirings, i Ark., 29; IJttle Bock 30.

Daly, Bernard, in Sweet Innlsfallen: Sheboygan, | Wls., 27; Fond dii I.«c 28; Watertown 29; Beloit itO; Janesville 31; Kenosha Apr. 1; Bacine 2. '

Detective, The, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: Pbila., ! 21 26.

Doilge, Sanford, B. S. Ford, mgr.: Abilene, ' Tex., 22-23; (^manche 28-29: Albany Apr. 2. i

Eckhardt'a Ideals, Oliver Eckhardt, mgr.: Frinceton. B. C., Can., 21-‘23; Kelowna 24-'23; A'ernon 28-Apr. 2.

Easiest Way, with Frances Starr, David Be- I lasco. mgr.: Chicago. 14-Apr. 9.

Eli and Jane, Harry Green, mgr.: lipon, la., 23; Mt. Ayr 24; Humeston 25; Corydon 26.

Blast I.ynne, Jos. King, mgr.: Blcbmond, Va., 2126. j

Edeson, Bobert: See A Man's A Man. Elliott, Maxine: S»*e Inferior Sex. B'lske, Mrs.; See Fillars of Society. B'tirbes Stock Co.; Brooklyn, N. Y.. Aug. 28.

indef. 1 Fontiangh Stock Co., Cincinnati. O., Sejit. 5,

Indef. I Forejuiugh Stock Co.: Indlana|wlis. Ind., Sept. i

6. indef. ' French Stock Co.; Montreal, Can., Sept. 6, ;

Indef. I Friend Flayers, Arthur S. FYlend. mgr.: Mil- I

wauke<‘. Wis.. Aug. 23, indef. { Fulton Slock Co.. J. B. Btilton, mgr.; B't. ^

Smith, .Ark., indef. Fortune Hunter, with Tbos. Ibiss, Coban A

Harris, mgra.: Chicago, INk:. 26. indef. Fortune Hunter, with John Barryimire. Cohan

A Harris, mgra.: N. Y. C., S**pt. 4. indef. '

I B'oiirth Estate, I.lebler A Co., mgra.: Chicago, i Dec. 27, indef.

Ftghting Farson (W. F. Mann's). E. B. Hauk, I mgr.: Conway, Ark., 23; Little Bock 24; Pnr- I ri-st City 25; Marianna 26; Bateavllie 28; 1 Newjairt 29. ' Fighting Hoiie, with Blanche Bates. David Be- I las<-o. mgr.: Atlantic City, N. J., 21-26; ' Baltlnion*. Md., 28-Apr. 2. ! B'ather and the Boys, with Wm. H. Crane, Chas.

B'ndiman. mgr.; Birmingham, Ala., 23 24; At¬ lanta. Ga.. 2."i-26: I.d'ncbburg. Va., 28; Nor- i folk 29 30.

Figman, Max, John Cort. mgr.: Denver, Colo.. '20 '26.

B'atal Wedding, Klimt A Gazzolo, mgra.: I’hlla., Fa.. 21 26.

First Night, with Lillian Bussell, Jos. Brooks, mgr.; Toledo. O.. 22 23; Ann .Arbor, Mich., 24; Grand Kaplds. ‘25-'26.

Girl of the Golden West. David Belasco. mgr.; , N. Flatte. Neb.. 23; Kearney 24; Grand Island 25; Columbus '26; B'remont 28; Norfolk 29; Sioux City. Ia., .30; Yankton. S. D., 31; Mitchell .Apr. 1; Sioux Falla 2.

Girl of Eagle Banch. Kelly A Brennan, mgrs.; Camii. 111.. 28; Grayville ‘29.

Guy Stia'k Co. (Westemi. Mercer Bros., mgrs.: Lincoln. III.. 21-26; Str*‘ator 28 .Apr. 2.

Glaat'r, Vaughan, in St. B'lino. Vaughan Glaser, mgr.; Syracuse. N. Y., 21-26.

Girl with the Wlsaiidng Cough; Trenton. N. J., 26.

Carroll Comialy Co., Ion Carroll, mgr.: Clendinin. W. Va.. 21 26.

Culhane's Comtalians; Feru, Ind., 21-26; Wabash 28-A|>r. 2.

Chauncey Keiffcr Co., F*red Chauncey. mgr.: Walden, N. A'., 21-‘26; Middletown 28-Apr. 2.

Clansman. The. Gi*o. H. Brennan, mgr.: Chi¬ cago. 20 April 2.

Checkers. Stair A HavFn. mgrs.; Norfolk. Va., 21-26; Bicbond 28 Aiir. 2.

Chorus Ijidy, with Bose Stahl, Henry B. Harris, mgr.; Cleveland. O., 21-26; Cincinnati 28-Apr.

Cali of the Cricket, with .Mabel Taliaferro. Fred¬ erick Thompson, mgr.: St. Ix>uis, Mo., 21-’2C.

Climax, The, Tbos. Wel>er, mgr.: San BYanclsco. Cal.. 20 Apr. 2.

Climax, The. Jos. Weber, mgr.; Indepi-ndence. Kan.. 23; Coffeyvllle 24; Oianiite 25; Fltta- burg 26; Hutchinson 28.

Climax. Tie*. Jos. Weber, mgr.; Ottawa. Can., 21 23; BriK-kville 24; Kingston '25-26.

Chicago Stock Co., Chas. K. Bosskam, mgr.: St. John. N. B.. Can.. 14 31.

Chinatown Trunk Mystery. -A IL Woisls. mgr.; St. louls. Mo.. 20 26; Mllwauk.-e. Wis.. '27 Apr. 2.

Carter. Mrs. I>*slle: See Vesta Herne. Collie. Wm.: See Ijicky Star. Crane. Wm. IL; See B'ather and the Boys. Cmsman. Henrietta; S«-e Sham. California Slock Co., Walter Smith, mgr.:

Sacramento. Cal.. Indef. Csdonlal Stock Co.. 1. M. Howell, mgr.: Colum¬

bus. ().. Jan. 31, Indef. Colonial Stock Co.. Faul W. Hlllis. mgr.: St.

John. N. B.. Can.. Indef. Connesa A Edwards Stock Co.; Wilmington,

Dela., Imlef. CiKik. Oscar B'.. Slock Co.: Saglmiw, Mich.. In¬

def. Cornell, Harry. Stock Co., G. N. Crawford.

mgr.; Butte. Mont.. Sept. 2(’i. indef. Craig StiK'k Co.. John Craig, mgr.: Boston.

Aug. 3(1. indef. Crescent StiK'k Co., Fercy Williams, mgr.:

ItriKikl.vii. .Si'pt. 4. Indef. Criterion Tlieatre Stoc'k Co., Klimt A Gazzolo,

mgrs.; Chicago. It«*c. 19. indef. Cutter StiK'k Co.. Wallace B. Cutter, mgr.:

Bristol, Tenn., Mar. 14 Ai»r. 2.

Graiistark (EasternI, Baker A Castle, mgrs.: Frovldence, B. L, 21-26; Boston, Mass., 28- Apr. 2

Graiistark (Central). Baker A Castle, mgrs.: Wooster. O.. 23; New Iffiiladp||>hia 24; Coshoc¬ ton 25; Zanesville 26; Cambridge 28; Bellaire 29; Sistersvllle. W. Va., .30; Clarksburg 31.

Graiistark (Southern). Baker A Castle, mgrs.: Asheville, N. C.. 23; Greenville, S'. C.. 24; SVartauburg 25; Columbia 26; Orangeburg '28; Darlington 29; Blorence .30; Wilmington, N. C.. 31.

Gentleman from Mlsslt.slppl. Brady A Grlsmer. mgrs.: Springfield, Mass., 21-23; Hartford, Conn., 24 '26.

Gentleman from Mississipid, Brady A Gismer, mgrs.: Kansas City, Mo.. 21-'23; St. Ixtuls 27-Aiir. 2.

Girl of the Mountains. O. E. Wee. mgr.: Waukegan, HI.. 27; So. Bi .id. Ind.. ‘29.

Gri'at Divide (SiH-cial). Henry Miller Co., mgrs.: Bochester, Minn.. 2.3; Waterloo. Ia.. 24; Marshalltown 25; Lincoln, Neb., 26; A'ork 29.

Great Divide (Western). Henry Miller Co., mgrs.; Salt Ijike. U.. 2()‘26.

Girl from Imbster Square, B. E. BVirrester, mgr.: Atlantic City. N. J.. 28 Apr. 2.

Go Won Go-Mohawk. Thaller A Crowley, mgrs.: Omaha. Neb., 20 2.3.

Giayce, Helen. Co., N. A|>pell, mgr.: Beading. Fa., 28-Apr. 9.

Givirge, Grace: Sei* Mrs. Fartner. German Slmk Co., M. Schmidt, mgr.: Cincin¬

nati. O.. Oct. 4. Indef. German StiK'k Co., Mllwauki>e, Wls., Si-jit. 19,

indef. German .^tiKk Co., Max Hanisch, mgr.: Fhlla.,

.Si-iit. 18. Indef. German Stis'k Co., M. Welo. mgr.; .St. IkiiiIs,

Oct. 3. indef. Glass, Jos. D.. Stock Co.; Jacksonville, B3a..

Di'C. 19. Indef. Grand .siiH'k Co.. Howe A Kelley, mgrs.: Wln-

iii|H*g. Can.. Iislef. Girl III* Couldn't Iicave Behind Him. with

Hattie Williams, ('has. B'ndiman, mgr.; N, Y. ('.. -Mar. 9. indef.

Gris*fs Flavers. Ben. Greet, mgr.: N. Y. C., B'eb. 21 Ai.r 311.

Hilllanl. Uidiirt; S<s* A B'.h.I There Was. I Hislge, Wm.; Sis* Man B'rom Home.

Hall's Associate Flayers. No. 1, Blugene J. Hall, mgr.: Battle Cr(H*k, Mich., indef. !

Hall's Associate Flayers, No. 2, Blugene J. j Hall, mgr.: Wheeling, W. Va.. indef. I

Hall, Don I'., In Ke|M*rfolre; Cini'lnnatl, O., BVb. 7 AlU*. 2. I

Ilarcourt Com«*ily Co., Chas. K. Harris, mgr.: ■ Aubuni, N. Y., B'eb. 7, indef.

llimmelein's Yankee IVmhIIc Stock Co., Oi*o. j V. Haliday, nigr.: Suiwrlor, Wis., indef. i

lloiden Stuck Co.. H. .M. Holden, mgr.: Ciu- ciunatl, O., Sept. 5, Indef.

Hollingsworib Twins StiK'k Co.: Salt loike, U.. Indef.

Huntington, Wright, Stix'k Co.: Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 26. Indef.

Hutchison. liouisi', StiK'k tV., Jack Hutchison, mgr.: Siiringlield, Mo., linlef.

Hadley. Catherine. Co., Bobt. Boblnsou, mgr.: Biclimoud. Ind., 2I''26. '

Henderson Stock Co., W, J. A B. B. Henderson, mgrs.: Clarinda. Ia.. 21-20.

Hanford, Charles B., B'. Igiwn'nce Walker, mgr.: I Ogden, U.. 23; Salt Ijike 28 31; I'rovo Apr. I 1-2. !

House of a Thousand Candles. W. T. Gaskell, pro)!.; L. K. Fond, mgr.; Siatlle, Wash., 20- , 26; Tacoma 28; Elleusburg 29; SiHikain* IK), Missoula, Mont., 31; Anactmda .A|ir. 1; Doze man 2. |

Hammond Stock Co., Wm. Hammond, mgr.: | Wlttchendon. Mass., 21 26. ^

House Next Door, with J. B'. Doilson. Cohan A Harris, mgrs.; New- Orleans, La., 2126; | Baton Bouge 27.

Helri'ss. The N. L. Stem, mgr.; Adrian. Mich., , 23; Bindlay. O.. 24; Ib-tlance 25; Llslsin '26; Ijincaster 28; ‘Httin 25); Bucyrus .'Ul; .Marlon 31.

Hutton Bailey Stock Co.; Anderson, S. C., 21-'26; I Abbeville 28'A[U'. 2.

Heart of Alaska, Henry D. Cari*y. pn>(>.; Hupp Hadley, mgr.: Mlnuea|>olis. .Minn., 20 26.

Hickman-Bessi'y Stock Co. (B'astemi. Harry G. i I.lbou. mgr.: Faria, Ill., 21 26; Hannibal, Mo., ' 28-Apr. 2.

Higgins, David. E. D. Stair, mgr.; Omaha. Neb., 27-3(); LintKiln 31; Chi*yenne. Wyo., .Ipr. 2.

Harvest Moon. Chas. B'ruhman. mgr.: Boston, Mass., 21-Apr. 2.

Hackett. Norman. Jules Murry, mgr.: Clncln- ; nati, O., 26 26.

House of a Thousand Candles (Bow-land A Gaskell’s), G(H). J. Elmore, mgr.; Clinton. 111., 23; Taylorvllle 24 Utchfield 25; Belle¬ ville -26.

Holv City, Firrest D. Isham. mgr.: B>st|H>rt, Me.. 23: St. John. N. B., Can., '24

Hyde’s Thi'ntre Farty, J. Bus. Smith, mgr.: Canton, O.. 21 26.

Hendricks, Ben; Dayton. O., 21 '23; .\kron 24 26.

Hayward. Graci*. Co., Geo. M. Galls, mgr.: (julncy, HI.. 26 .\pr. 2.

Her Husband's Wife, with Henry Miller: Day- ! ton. ().. 23; Louisville. Ky., 24 26; Isifayetle, ' Ind.. 31.

Human Hearts: .\ntigo. Wls. 36. Harvey Stm-k Co. (Noihernl, J. S. Garside, '

mgr.; S'i>rlngt)i*ld. Ill.. 27'Apr. 2. I Harvey Stock Co. (Southern), 1.. .4. Emmet, ;

, mgr.: Bacine, Wis., ‘28 31; Waukegan, III., | A|ir. 13.

In Wvoniliig. IL E. Fierce A Co., ingrs.: Chi- i j cago. Ill., 26‘26; Detroit, Mich., 27 Apr. 2.

' Irish Si-nator. Jas. I.. McCalie, mgr.; Batavia, la., 21; Washington ‘25; Columbus Junction 'Jti: Musi-aline 27; Sherranl, III.. ‘28; .\li*do 29; Wyoming 36; Bradford 31; .Shemelil Apr. 1; Ottawa 2.

Is Matrimony A B'allun'. David Ib-lasco, mgr.: | Atlantic City. N. J., ‘28 .\pr. 2.

In the Blshi>|i‘s Carriage, Baker A Castle, mgrs.: Youngstown. ()., 21‘2.3; Dayton 24 26; { Knoxville. Tenn.. 28 .\pr. 2. '

Irving. Lawrence. A MalM*l Hackney, The Shu- I berts, mgrs ; BnHiklyn. N. Y.. 21 ‘26. j

Inconstant Gisirge. with John Drew. Chas. BYoh- man, mgr.; Chicago. HI., 14 26; Ib*lroit, I Mich., 28;I6: Grand Bapids 31.

Inferior Si>x. with Maxine Billiot. Gi'O. J. .\iHiIe- ton, mgr.: N. Y. C.. Jan. ‘25 Mar. 26; IlnMik- | lyn 28-Aiir. 2. ;

Im|ierial Flayers; St. Isuils. Oi-t. 17. Indef. ! Indiana Stoi-k Co.; So. Bend. Ind.. Indef. i Irving Fla(9* Stn<-k Co.. Burgarth A Stein.

mgrs.: N. Y. C., Oct. 1, indef. Jewell Stock Co.: Daytim. ().. indef. Jordon Stock Co., IL IL Wlilttier, mgr.: Is>

r.ain. O.. Ib*<*. 1.3, indi'f. Just A Wife, with Charlotte Walker. David

Belasco. mgr.; .N. Y. ('.. B'eb. 2. Itidef. Just A Woman's Way (Sidney W. Fas<sM*'s Co.

A). Bi. F. Kreyer. mgr.; Dayton. O., 28 :{(); ('olumbus 31 .4i>r. 2.

Jose. Bichard. B'ri*d S. Cntlt*r. mgr.; Nashville. Tenn., 2126; Atlanta. Ga.. 28 ,4pr. 2.

Keith Stock Co.. Cato S'. Keith, mgr.: Jackson, Mh'h.. 2126; Foiitlac 28 .4pr. 2.

Keyes Stock Co.. S. WlllanI, mgr.; Bilmira. N. Y.. 21 ‘26.

Kidna|H*d for a Million. E. 11. Ferry, mgr.: Ferry. Mo.. 23; Barrv. III.. 24: FIvmouth, Mo.. 25 Shi'lbina ‘26; Huntsville ‘29; (‘order .31; I*<do Ajir. I; OsgiKHl 2.

Keith StiK'k Co.. James E. Moore, tngr.: Fort land. Me.. Apr. 19, Indef.

Ijickaye. Wilton: Slice Tin* Battle. I.awrence StiK-k ('«.. D. S IjiwreiK-e, mgr ;

Seattle. Wash.. Sept. .5. indef. Is* Moyne. Chas. J., Co.: .San Diego, Cal., Mar.

6. Indef. Lyci'um Stock Co.; Tob-do. (i.. Mar. 1(». Indef. Lyric StiK'k Co.: MlntieaiKills. Minn., B'eli. 2*6,

Indef. L.vrlc .Stock Co.: l.liK-oln, Neb., Imlef. Lvtell. Bert. StiK-k Co.: .(Ibativ. N. V., B'eb.

21, Indef. IJIv. 13ie. David Bi'lasi*o, mgr.; N. V (’.. I8*i*.

23. Indef. I/otterj- .Man. with Cyril Sistll. 33ii* SliiilM-rts.

mgrs.; N. V. ('.. Di*i'. 6. Indi'f Lucky Star, with Wtii. Collier, ('has. I'roliiiiaii.

tngr.: N Y. C . Jati. 18, Indef Little 11 oiliest cad: Kansas City. Mo., ‘26 26.






1401-07 LOCUST ST.,



Write at one* for our Hat of "aellera."

WKITESOM COKFAKT, 240 Eait Madison Btreat, Chieoco, lU.

FOR SALE Merry Go Bound and Nigger Head, for 46c on the dollar: newly painted and re palreil; giaMi as ih*W'. Inquire W.M. 11. OWENS, 665 Di'tty St.. Si-ranton, Fa.

-• WANTED :- .4 Miniature Kai*e Track. Stale size and par ticulars to “GREENWOOD," 2S0 Grand Boule¬ vard. East. Detroit. Mich.

WANTED ,4 )iartner tor (b-ean Wave; a new device; a iiioney maker. .Must have 1700 or 48(si. Have privilege for In-st (lark In slate all si'asiiii. W.M. BB:YB:I(, Junk Ib'aler, Xenia, O.

FOR SALE OR TRADE Jolly Go Bound with

.3 horsi* (Hiwer steam engine. Addn-ss to GEO.

H. PEINE. Greeley, Kansas.

.Must sell at oiici*. complete Black Tent, Mov¬ ing Flcliire and Vaiidevllle Sliow'. Cost last w-asoii. gtasi; first f'2(Ni takes it. B'Ine shape. Aildnss GEO. W. PHELPS, Caro, Mich.

FOR BALE .'I “S'lHiw white Gwls,’’ at $7 each;

2 |K*t “Coyotes" at »‘26 each. W. T. HODOEN,

Box 2S2, Campbellsville, Ky.

33ie Three Is* Jeiiin* Bros, would like to hear from wagon or railroad shows Tra|H*ze, Bings, Bars. etc.. |K*rformers; first class sets. Address LE JEUNE BROB., Lexington. Mo.


6 Reels weekly, $7.00 12 Reels weekly, $12.00 Globe Tickets, 10,000, 90c. Edison Sprockets, $1.75. Power’s Carbon Holder, $1.10. Announcement Slides, 30c; four for $1.00.

Electra Carbons, 5*8 x 6, $2.35; 5-8 x 10, $3.75. Non-breakable Condensers, 75c. Arc Lamps, $5.50.


ijil’ortP, M«t‘. Sl»<'k <■<>., Jm‘ MrKiiriH*, lutcr.: ShrtbyTllle. Iml., 21 L’tl; Miiml.- js Apr. !t.

I.»tlni<irp A I eljtli St<M k Cii. (Wiwli rii >; Hi’llr vlllc. 111.. All()ii 2.'> Apr. 2.

l/iKK ^Uo^k Co., I‘'riiiik H. l/oiiK. uiirr.; Climlroii, Nrb.r 212»l..; Cmwforil 27; Ft. Koliliiwiti 2K; Now CnHtlo. Wyo., 211 :to; iSIllolt 111 Apr.

IJnn iikI Ihf Moow (.\). ll••Ilry It. Ilnrrls. tnirr.: Wboolliij:. W. Va., 21 2;i; YoiiiiK»tuwti, O., 24 2f>; l•lllIa.. Pa.. 2S .\pr. 2.

IJoQ and I bo .Moiiho (Hi. Il.'nry It. Ilarria, iiiKr.; llolho, Ida., 24: Pocati-llo 2.%; 0|;dou, I'.. 211: Salt Ijiko 2K Ai>r. 2.

Moadow llriaik Fann (\V. F. Mann’ai. J. \V. CBrar»n, mitr. t t'^Miartown, (la.. 211; IPaiio 24; Iialtoii 2.'>; .\tlioiia, Toiiii., Coal Crook 2S; jiayton 2;t; Si>. PlttHliiiru ;:<t.

Maxwi'll Hull Sl<H'k Co., Maxuoll A Hall, niitra.: Mnwallno. la.. 21 2<!; Watorbw) 2'> .Apr. 2.

Martin Sl<H-k Co., toui. K. Coolirano, inirr.: NwhIosIio. Kan.. 21 2(1.

Ml!o> Pat'.v. Iloiiry \V. Savatto, ninr.: (Tjlrairo, Ill.. 7 2(1; Maillaoii. Wla.. 2a; (Kbkoah 2l(; Fond lilt Far Ilo; Mlltaaiikoe .'ll .Apr. 2.

Mabor. I'lill. St<H'k Co., lu-allr K. Sinitb, mgr.: St Catliorliii-a. (lot.. Can., 21 2(>.

Manbattan Stia-k Co.. C. U’alruitt I{u««oll. mgr.: C.'ldwati'r, .Mlrli., 21 2(1; SaiKliiaky. (t., 2a Aiir. 2.

Man of tbo Hour (W’oatorni, Ilrady A (irNnn-r. mgra : Craml llaplda, .MIrb.. 27 IMP Jarkaon 111; Itattb- Crorit .Apr. 1; KalamaruNi 2.

MrlWiuaM Stork Co.. (J. W Mi'l>,>nald. mgr.; VA'Iratoii. Onl.. Can., 21 2(1; Owm Soiiinl 2a Apr. 11.

Montana. IFdaiiil (KNirno. mgr.: la-trolt, .MIrb., 20 2(1.

Maraiil.y, Win.: Alton. III.. 27 MaTwoll StiK-k Co.. C .M. Max«oll. mgr.:

Wal>a«b. Ind., 21 2(1; IVru 2a A|.r. 2. . Uiialr .Maati’r. witli David Warllolil. Irarid

Itolaarci. mgr.: Mllwaiikiu-. Wla. 212(1; In-ra tur. Ill.. 2a; S|irlngl|o|i| 2".*; Poorla ;i(i; In dlana|ai||a. Ind.. .'11 -Apr. 2.

MiimtiiT and tbo Hiimniing Itird: Crand ICa|dila. MIrb . 20 2.1.

Man Wbo stcaul Still, nitb lauila Mann, Wm. A. Ilrady. mgr : Cbbag'i. III.. 14 2*1

Mra. WIgga of tbo Cabbago Patrb. Fbddor A Co., mgra.: .St. Paul. Minn., '20 2(1; Mlnnoa|ai l|a 27 .Apr. 2.

Mra. ParlloT, witb (Irarr («-orgr. Wm. .A. Hradv. mgr.: Kan«aa City. Mo., 21 ‘2:1.

Midtlng Pot. wllb Wulkor Wbltoaliio. I.lrblor A Co., mgra ; St. lauila. M.i . 20 2(1.

Mantoll, It.dM-rt (lto|H-rtolro», Wm. .A. Ilrady. mgr : (lakland. Cal. 21 '2*1

.Morgan St<a-k Co.: Codar ICa|dda. la.. 20 .Apr. 2. Montr Criato; Newark. N. J., 21 '2*1. Man on tbo Ilox (Ka«torni. Trou>MlaIe Itroa.,

mgra.: Croon Hay. Wla. 211; Manltowor 24. Morgan Stia k Co.; Codar Ita|di|a. la.. '20 .Apr. 2. Mmoy and tbo Clrl; Omaba. Nob., 2o23;

Katjaaa City. .Mo.. 24 2*1. Molly Hawn: .s,i. Hoiid, Ind.. Itl Myrklo Hanbr Co.; St. John. N. IF. Can.. 2^20. NIann. loula: S*‘e Man Wbo Sto,a| Still. Mannorltig. .Mary: S(S' Man'a World. Maai.n. John: S*s‘ Son of tbo Ibando. Miller. Henry: See llor Huaband'a Wife. .Mark lu-one Stiwk Co.: Salt Ijiko. 1'.. Indof. Manhattan Stm'k Co., (1 Jark Paraona, mgr.:

Iblpboa, O., Indof. Marvin St.a k Co.. Cbaa. H. .Marvin, mgr.: Cbl-

rago, .Aug. :io. Itulef. Madaino X. Henry Saiago, mgr.; N. Y. C.,

Feb. 2. Illtlef.

Man FYotn IFane. with Wm. IbNlgo. I.lrblor A Co., mgra : Hoaton. Alaaa . Jan .'!. Indof.

Man'a World, wltb Alary .Alaniier ng. Tlio Shu- berta. mgra : N. A' (’.. F> b. 7. Indof.

Mid Channel. «llb Kthol Harrymore, Cbaa. Frohmun. mgr ; N. A'. C., Jan. .11. Indef.

Mr«. Dot, wltb Itlllle Hurke, Cbaa. I'Vidiinan. mgr.: N Y. (’.. Jan. 24 Alar. 2(1.

Mnth,r. Wm .A Hradv. mgr.: Cbleago. Mar. 20. Indef.

National Stia-k Co.. Paul Ca/eneuve, mgr.: Metitroal. Cun.. Indef

Nealand Stork Co.. AA' D. Nealaml, mgr.: Coh—a. N. Y. Indef.

New Theatre st<'-k Co., lu-o ShutoTt, mgr.: _ N. Y ('.. Nov. a. Indef.

North Hroa. Stork Co.; To|M'ka. Kan.. Indef.

Nethoraide. (ilga (llepertolm. AVallaro Munro. mgr.: CInrinnatl. ()., 21 2*1; St. loula. Mo.,

_2SApr. 2. North Hroa.' ('•uiM-iFana. D H Hadermann,

mgr.: Ottumwa, la.. 212(1; Kirkavllle, .Alo., 2S A|>r. 2.

Old Clotbea Man. Cllanu A Hradlleld. mgr«.: Big .springa, Tex., '2:1; Al.dland 24; .Abilene 2''>.

Oriiheum .Strak Co.. Kalward Doyle, mgr.; Craw- fordavlllo, Iml.. 21 2(1: Peru 2'« .Apr. 2.

O'Hara. Flake, in tbo AA'earIng of tbo Croon, Al. .Alrlu'au. mgr.: Tobalo, D., 27 10; Spring- Held. 111., II Apr, 2.

Did llomeatead i Denman TlKMiipaon'at, Frank Tlasnpaoii, mgr.; Na»bvlll.-, I'enu., 2s .'10; Meniphia 11 .Apr. 2.

Oaklilll Farm. Fmpin' .Am. Co, mgra.: Cale¬ donia. N. A'.. '21.

Dtir Now Mlidatri. Harry D,«d Parker, mgr.; Norwirb. Conn.. 2A; New Hritain 2*1; Bridge- lairt 2s 21*. Stamfi>rd 1o, Honrailale, pa., 11; Carlamilale .Apr 1; Serantou 2.

Dllver lu'WN stiH'k (Ae. (itla (tllver. mgr.: Man How,a-, AVia., Indef.

Dlrott. fTiaunry; See Uaggod Itobin. Orjdieum Stock ('< Grant Ijifcrty, mgr.:

1 Phlla.. .Sei.t. 11. ind< •f. 1 Ottawa's Own StiH •k 1 I'o. (W. A. Parti I'llo’s) 1 FM. R. .M(H>re, mgr.; Ottawa, Dan., inti ef.

Palmer, Melha. Dti., To >m .Murray, mgr.; Ilous- 1 1 loti, T( I'X., imlef. 1

Partello stock Do., EtI. R. M<s iiiArr.: Otta- I wa. Can., Feb. 2S. Imlef. I Pavren St(K'k Co., K. S. |jiwr,-nco, mgr.: To- I Ie,lo. D., Nov. 21. Indef. I Payton Stia-k Co.. Corao Payton, mgr.: Hro<,k- I lyn, Aug. 1.1, Indof.

Pe.urbI (lyiizeiio .Stork Co.: Tampa, Fla., Indef. Portland 'I'beatro .St(K-k Co.: 1‘ortluiid, Ore.,

i Imb-r. Preatcii Hrlrk<-lt Alajostlr Plavora: F't. Wayne,

! Ind., Dor. 2S, Indof. PrInresH .si<K-k Co.. FA-eil. Sullivan, mgr.: Dos

Midiioa, la., Nov. 1, liub'f. ITineess StiM'k Co., Cbamberlain A Kindt,

mgra.; DaveniKirt, la., indef. ' Pausing of tbo Tbiril Flis.r Hark, wltb Forboa

ItidH-rtsoii. Tbo Sbul»orts. mgra.: N. A'. C., (bt. 4. Imbf.

Partollo StiM'k Co. (W. .A. Partollo'a Sp<s;IaD. '■ Kd. U. AIiMirc, mgr.; Berlin. Out.. Can., 21-2*1. 1 I^lorro of tbo Plains, .A. IF AA’oisls, mgr.:

Korbostor. N. A'., 21 2*1; Hnsiklyn 2S .Apr. 2. Pidly of the Cirrus, Fred Ueirbelt. mgr.: FVo-

, mont. Neb., 21; Csdumbus 24; Norfolk 21; ! Sioux Cit.v, la., 2*1'27: A'anktim, S. D., 28; ' .AIltrh,'II ■21»; S'loux Falls 1(i; .Alason City, la.,

21. poyntor. Houlah. Co., Harry J. .larkson, mgr.:

' Now Havrn. Conn., 2s-:tri; Sprlngllold. .Alass., 11 Apr. 2.

Patton. W. IF. In Tlie llbs-kbead, J. M. Stout, mgr.: St, Jiweiih. Mo.. 27 2s; Trenton 29; Mola-ry :i(l; Carrolton IF

Pair of Country Kids (C. Ja.v Smith's Easternl, Kd. Kadow, mgr.; Ilis-r City, Ill.. '21; Mil¬ ford 24: Dwight 21: Streator 2(127: Kanka¬ kee '28; Croonup ‘29: Paris ltd; Camil .11; liar risburg .Apr. 1: Padurah. Ky.. 2.

Pillars of S<«'lot.v, with .Mrs. Uske. Harrison Crev F'l«ke. mgr: Ibrt'lmster. N. A'., 24 20; N Y. C.. -28, Indef.

Prlre A Hutlor Co.: Srottdalo, Pa., 21-2*1. PIrkorts. The Four. Willis Plrkert. mgr.; New¬

berry. S. C.. 21 21; Monro.'. N. C.. 24 20; Danville. A'a.. 28 .Apr. 2.

Prlnre of His Bare: Pawn.'o, Okla.. 21; Perry 24; Ponra 21: Blackwell 2*1; Watonga 28; Clinton 29: Thoma 2(i; Corrlell .11; Hobart .Apr. 1: Mangum 2.

Itaggeil Koldn. with Chaunre.v Dlrott. .Augustus Hitou. mgr.: Chicago, 28 .Apr. 9

Boyal Slave (Clarencs* Ib-nnett'si. Ceo. H. Hubb. mgr.: Ibinaparto. la.. 2.1; Hedrick 24: North Kngllsh 21: Williamsburg 2*1; Ce.lar Bapids 27; Merhanlcsvllle '28; Center Point '29: A'lnton Ki; Traer :il.

BosarMasoii Stork Co.. P. C. Rosar. mgr.: Marion. Ind., 28-,Apr. 9,

Bejiivenatlon of .Aunt Mar.v. with May Robson. I,. S. Sire, mgr.: Seattle. Wash., 23-2(1; .Alx'rdeen 27.

Bound I'p. with Marlyn .Arburkle. Klaw A Er- langer. mgrs.; San F'ranrlsro. Cal., 21-.Apr. 2.

Roberts, Horems': Ixw .Angeles. Cal., 28 .Apr. 2. Renfrew Stork Co.; Champaign. Ill.. 21-26. Betwroa of Sunnybrisik Farm. Klaw A Erlanger,

mgrs.; Norwich. Conn.. 21; MnMletown 24; N',-w Hritain 21; PlttsHeld. .Mass., 26.

Bolierts. Teislon-: See Harrier. Robertson. Forlw-s; See Pasing of the Third

Floor Bark. Robson. Mav: SKn* Rejuvenation of .Aunt Mary. Bussell. I.illlan: See First Night. Rislmoml. F... Stock Co.: San Jose. Cal., Jan.

1. Indef. Buss«dl A Drew Stork Co.. B. E. French, mgr.:

Seattle, AA'ash., Ss'pt. 1. Indef. Buss,11. Jeanne, Bciwrtolre Co., Calgary, .Alta.

Can.. Indef. Seott. Cyril: See Ixttery Man. Skit tier.Otis: S«*e A'our Humble Servant. Stahl. Bos.-: See Chorus Fady. Starr, Ftances: See Easiest Wa.v. Savoy Stis'k Co., .Atlantic City. N. J.. indef. Shirley. J''ssle. Stork Co.. Harry W. Smith.

mgr.: Spokane. Wash.. F'eb. 21. indef. ShiilM'rt Sl««'k Co.; Seattle. AA’ash., Indef. SAiow, Mortimer. Stock Co.: Wilkes-Barre. Pa..

Jan. 17. Imlef. Seven Days. Wagenhals A Kemiwr. mgrs.; N.

A'. C.. Nov. 1(1. Indef. Seven Days. AA’agenhals A Kemper, mgrs.; Chi¬

cago, Jan. 9. Indef. Son of the People, with John Mason. Fiske A

Shubert. mgrs.: N. A'. C.. Mar. 21. Indef. SlMtig. Klwln. Co., Jas. .A. AD-Dlue. mgr.; Ijl-

Cpisse. Wls.. 21 '26. St Elmo (Soiithernl. A'aughan (Jlaser, mgr.:

Paterson, N. J.. 21-'21; Newark 2s .Apr. 2. .St. Fimo (Flasterni. A'augbaii (Ilaser, mgr.:

Ijinrastt'r. D.. 21; Neluonville 24: Wellston 21; Chllllcothe 26; Marietta 28; Huntington. W. Va.. 29; iMnton. (*.. .'lO; Jackson 31; Portsmouth .Apr. 1; Maysvllle. Ky.. 2.

St. Elmo. C.s.rge .Am. Co., Im-.. pro|>s.: Chas. .A. I4>ach. Jr., mgr.: F'ostorla. O.. '23; Tiffin 24; FTeiiiont 21; Sandusky ■2('>: N'ai»oleon '28; Deflanre '29: A'an AA'ert ilO; Hillsdale ,11.

Silver Thread'. FVtsl S. Ciitb-r. mgr.: Nashville, Tenn,, 21 '26; .Atlanta. Da.. 28 .Ajir. 2.

Sis'. AA'iu . Co.. 1,1S' MrClellan, mgr.; Minot, N. , n.. 21 '2*F


^ .Abo\e In n pirlure of (be ear U'.isl by .Alessrs. Hrow n and ItolnTts to trans|Hirt Ibeir Jesse | >’*'nen Company. The ear Is siimptuoiisl.v ei|ulppi'd and meitdiers of tb,- etimpuny at all times |

'■'*} all till' isimforla of home.

Sal. the Cirrus Dal, A. IF Woods, mgr.: At¬ lanta, Da., 21-26; Chattanooga, Tenn., 28- Apr. 2.

Shea, Tlmmaa E, (Be|M'rtoirel, ,A. IF Woods, mgr.: Memphis, Tenn., 21 '26; Hirmlngbam. Ala., 28-A|ir. 2.

Sis Hopkins, with Boae Melville, J. B. Stirling, mgr.: St. lyxila, .Mo., 20-26; Indianaiiolis, Ind., 28-Ai>r. 2.

Septimus, with eOorge Arlisa. Harrison Drey Flske, mgr.: Omaha, Neb., 28-10; I.lncoln 31; 8^-dalia. .Mo., Aiir. 2.

Sham, with Henrietta Crosman, Maurice Camp¬ bell. mgr.: Bangor, .Me., 22-21; Portsmouth, N. IF, 24; Concord 21; .Alancbester 26; Brock¬ ton. Mass.. 28.

Sothern. E. IF, A Julia Marlowe. The Shuberts, mgrs.: N. A'. C., 21-Apr. 2.

Strongheart, Wm. D. Tisdale, mgr.: Louisville. Ky.. 21 26.

Sjiooner. Cecil, Chas. E. Blaney Am. Co., mgrs.: IndianaiMiIIs, Ind.. 21-26.

Servant In the House (Eastern!. Henry Miller Co., mgrs.: .Montreal, Can.. 21 2’6.

Servant In the House (Westerni, Henry Miller Co., mgrs.: Des .Moines, la., 21 2:1; Clinton 26.

St. Elmo (Vaughan Dlaser's): Syracuse, N. A’., 21 '26.

St. Elmo: Phlla., 21-26. £.1. Fllmo, with Juo. R. Price’s Players; Chat¬

ham. N. A’., 21: Dreat Barrington. Mass., 24. Stewart. May. J. E. Cline, mgr.: .Abilene, Kan.,

24; Junction City 21; Manhattan ‘26; Con¬ cordia 28; Mankato 29: Norton .10; Oberlin 11.

Temis'st and Sunshine (W. F. Mann's Flasternt, A. J. Woods, mgr.: Brerkenriilge. Mo., 21: Brookfield 24: Meadvllle 21; Chllllcothe 26; Green Cit.v 28; Novlnger 29.

Tempest and Sunshine (W. F. Mann's Central!, Howard Brandon, mgr.: Harvard. Ill., 21: Monroe. Wls., 24; Freeport. III.. 21: Ottawa 26; Pern 27; Dundee 28; Barrington 29.

Tempest and Sunshine (W. F'. .Mann's Western!. Richard Chatmian. mgr.: Watonga. Okla.. 2.1; Okeene 24; Fairvlew '21; Cherokee 26; Kiowa. Kan.. 28: Caldwell 29.

Tempest and Sunshine (W. F. Mann’s Southern!. Harry Bannister, mgr.: Monroe. N. C., 21; Concord 24; I>exlngton 21: Draham 26; Mt. -Airy 28; .Albemarle 29.

Test. The, with Blanche Walsh. .A. H. Woods, mgr. Denver Colo., 21-26: Cheyenne. W.vo., 28; IJnroIn. Neb., 30; Omaha ll-.Apr. 2.

Thurston. Howard. Dudley Mc.Adow, mgr.: Pittsburg, Pa., 21-26; Buffalo, N. A’., 28- -Apr. 2.

Third Degree f.A!. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. A’., 21-26; Newark, N. J., 28- -Apr. 2.

Third Degree fR!. Henry B. Harris, mgr.; Vlnlta. Okla.. 23: Wichita. Kan.. 28; Hutchin¬ son 29: Salina 30; Junction City 31; Con¬ cordia -Apr. 1: A’ork. Neb.. 2.

Third Degree (Cl. Henry B. Harris, mgr.; mgr.: Norristown, t'*- 28; Pottstown 29; Reading 16; A’ork 31; Harrisburg .Apr. 12.

Traveling Salesman f.Ai, Henry B. Harris, mgr.; Pittsburg, Pa., 21-26; Washington 28; Fnion- town 29; Connellsvllle 10; Dreensburg 31; Johnstown .Apr. 1: .Altoona 2.

Treveling Salesman (B». Henry B. Harris, mgr.; Bartlesville. Okla.. 28; Tulsa 29: Muskogee 10; So. Mc.Alester 11: Oklahoma City .Apr. 1-2.

Traveling Salesman (C!. Henry B. Harris, mgr.; I’adurah. K.v.. 28; Cairo, Ill.. 29: Centralia 30; Matton 11; Paris .Apr. 1: Champaign 2.

Temiiest. Marie, Chas. FTohman. mgr.: Detroit, Mich.. 21-26.

Thr.'e Weeks: Phlla.. 21 26. Taylor. -Albert. Co.: Diliner. Tex.. 2124. Taliaferro. Mabel; See Call of the Cricket. Trahern Stork Co.: .\I. Trahern, mgr.: Cam¬

den. N. J.. Feb. 14. Indef. Tn-adwell-Whltney Stork Co.; Ijinsing. Mich.,

ItMlef. Trous<lale Stock Co.; Cedar Raidds. la.. Sept.

27. Indef.

T’nrle Tom’s Cabin f.AF W. Martin’s!. Wm Kibble, mgr.; I.ogansporf. Ind.. 21 Ijifayette 24: Danville. HI.. 21; Jacksonville 26; St. loiils. Mo.. 27-.\i«r. 2.

T’nrle Josh Perkins. Thos. Roe. mgr.: Wharton. Tex.. .Apr. 1: Houston 2.

I’nder Southern Ijkles. Harry Dvel Parker, mgr.: Danbury. Conn.. 21: Newburg. N. A’.. 26; Kingston 28; Trov 29; Glens Falls 10; Oneonta 11; Gloversvllle Al.r. 1.

Virginian. The. J. H. Falser, mgr.: Great Falls. Mont.. 21: Helena 24; Livingston 2.1: Billings 26; Jamestown. N. D.. 28; Fargo 29; Grand Forks .10; Winnipeg, Can.. .ll-.Apr. 2.

Yanre. Will J. Players. Clarence .Auskings. bus. mgr.; New I.exington. O.. 21 .Apr. 2.

Vesta Herne, with Mr*. Teslle Carter. J. L. Payne, mgr.: Dickinson. N. D,. 24: Bismarck ’21: Jamestown 26.

Van Dyke Stoi-k Co.; Denver. Sept. .1. Indef. Van Dyke \- Eaton Co., F. Mack, mgr.: Des

Moines, la.. Indef. Walker. Charlotte; See Just a Wife. Walsh. Blanche; See The Teat. Warheld. David: Si-e Music Master. Warner. Henry B.: See .Allas .TImm.v Valentine. Whiteside. Walker: See .Melting Pot. Williams. Mattie: Siv Girl He Couldn’t I>‘ave

Behind Him. Wilson. F'ranris: Si'e Bachelor's Bab.v. Wbvte Dramatic Co.. Chas. P. Whyte, mgr.;

Pittsburg. Kan.. Jan. 21. Indef.

Williams & Stevens Stiick Co,; Mobile, .Ala.. Mar. 7. Indef.

Wolfe Stork Co.. John .A Wolfe, mgr.: Wichita. Kan.. Sept. 26. indef.

Woodward Stivrk Co.. O. D. Wivxlward. mgr.: Omaha. Ni'b., Indef.

Where There’s a Will. Maurice Camptsdl. mgr.; \. V. C.. Feb 7. Indef.

Wblrlwliiil. The. Tlie Shulvrts. mgrs.; N. A’. C.. Mar. 'j:!. Indef.

White Siiiiaw, J. F. Sullivan, mgr.; Columbia. S. ('.. ’21: Orangeburg 24; Charleston 21; Savannah. Da.. ‘26: .Tarksonvllle. Fla.. 27-28; Macivn. Da.. 29; .Anniston. .Ala.. .10; Dadsiien 11: Rirmingbam .Apr. 1-2.

Wilson. -Al. IF. Co.. Sidney R. Fills, mgr.; Toledo. O.. ■20 26: Joliet. 111.. '27: Freei>ort 28; Janesville. AVIs.. '29: Madison 10: ls(- Crosse 11: Bed AA’lng. .Minn.. .Apr. 1; Still¬ water 2.

AA’InnInger Brivs.’ (’o.: Beardstown, HI., 2126; ('anion 28 .Apr. 2.

AA’yomlng Girl. Win. E. Ix'Roy. mgr.: Marlon, ky.. '23; Sturgis 24: Morganfleld 21; F'arllng- ton 26; Madisonvllle 28; S'ebree '29; Guthrie .10; Elkton 11; Bussellvllle .Ajir. 1;! .AdalrvlIIe

AA’hat Every Woman Knows, with Maude .Ailains. Chas. Fri'hinan. mgr,: lndianai>olis. Ind.. '23: Evansville 24: Terre Haute 21; S|irlngflebl. (!., 26; Chicago. III.. 28 .Apr. 16

AA'hlte Sister, with A'iola .Allen. Fielder & ('o.. mgrs.: 1ndiana|sdls. Ind.. 2121.

AA’aste. Frederic Th'>mi>son. mgr.: Phlla.. 14 26.

AA’lldflri'. Harry Doel Parker, mgr: AA'Innlpeg. Can.. 24 '26: Grafton. N. D . 28; Grand F'orks ’29; Fargo ;10; Hralnerd. Minn., 11.

A'our Humble Servant, with Otis Skinner. Chas. F'pohman, mgr.: Salt Lake. C., 21 21; Ogden 24; liis .Angeles, Cal., 27 Apr. 2.


Cutlery King’s Catalog

CANES. HARRY L. WEISBAUM, 266-262 E. Madison St.,

S. E. cor. Market & Madison Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.


Deelgneni and Manufacturere

Mission Hand Wrought Iron Lighting Fixtures.

No. 3 Tungsten Lamp Fixtures Special offer. Handsome Mlaelon Table Lamp, 10 In. high, 10 In. aquere; ahade, art glaaa; opal, green or amber; bead fringe; for gaa. tl.08. For electrMty, irlUi key, ancket, wired, and plug connection. $2.98.


_,i-ii Any photo actually ra- Wh produced on handaoina Wp \ ^1 porcelain or china

IE « / a "buvenlrs or oraa-

1^ *r***<l ** ® 0^3 I a t and terma. Hovalty FhoSe Plata do., (Vat Ina.), Dea Plainaa Til.


Fur one of the best Indoor carnivals ever put on in Illinois, at Centralia, HI., week March '28 to .April 2. Can us,' fi w more Concessions. -Address C. A. WORTHAM.



FILM SERVICE 81 Clark Street, 1018 Tezaa Avenue, Colonnade Building,

• Chicago. Houtton, Tea. Toledo, Ohio.

WANTED! The present address of OSC.XU R. (JLE.XSON. Information of import- anee awaits him. Chestnut, eare Tlie Billboard, Cincinnati, ().

AGENTS! A Sure Money Getter F’ountain Pens, Safety Raxors, Substitute for Slot Machines. Vending Cards, etc. Get prices dire<'t from largest manufacturers In tl. S. One racket works anywhere. SHARP MFO. CO., 429 Sixth Ave., New York City.

Billposters Wanted F'our Rill|HPSters at once; also .Asst. Agent to handle second brigade. .Address H. J. 'WIL¬ LIAMS. Genl. Agent. Per route. King A Tuck¬ er R. R. Show,

FOR SALE Edison Exhibition Model Including take-up; hue condition. Passion Play, 1 reels; 7 reels of Him all in goisl condition. Will sell complete outfit for $121. .Address CHARLES MONNETT, Coihocton, Ohio.

Lyric Handsome Electric Sign F'or sale cheap. F'ederal electric. 24 Inch sec¬ tional letters. LYRIC AMUSEMENT CO., Du¬ buque. Iowa.

SKETCHES Slsirt plays for hig time. low terms. E. L, | GAMBLE. ‘'Sketch-wright.” East Liverpool, O.

WANTED. MUSICIANS -Who double stage; baritone, alto and otis rs. Week stands under canvas. Women with >|H'cialties wlm can han¬ dle parts. -All us.fiil tent people write. Pay own. 0. L. PRATHER. Madison. Neb.

W’ANTED—dne |>iii Edison with magazines, take-up, etc., and list folding chairs; must be in A-1 omditloii aiul ehea|>. F'or sale, two cur- retit reducers, saves .’'((''r to 601 of light hills and -A. ('. Dost $71 each; sell for $1o each. Never used as I am ui> against D. D.. or will trade for 1 pin Fid. .Aildress L. L. WESTER- LAND. Chelsea. Mich., Lock Box 4.


52 X li e Billboard MARCH 2«, 19t0.

UTEST FILM RELEASES 2—The MiKht of the Waters (Scenic Trav- eloKuel .

5*—('oalN of Klre (Itraiual . i 9—Venetian Isles (Scenic TraveloRueI...

1«!—The Acrobatic FTy (Nature Vainlerllle) IK—The nine Swan Inn (Drainal . Zt—A Family OntiiiK (('onnslyt . 23—The Iturled StHTet (Drama) .

March— K 2~Krom Ileyoud the S»‘as . 2—Hahy Itet . 9--At the Itar of Justice (Drama) . 9—The Water Flyer )S|mrt Scenic) .

1ft—The Country Schoolmaster (Drama)_ IK—A Trl|> Alonii the Ithlne (Travel! .... 2.3—A Maid of the Mountains (Drama) _ 23—Over the ApiH-nnines of Italy or an Ex¬

cursion ThrouKh Ahruzzi (Scenic)..


29—The Girl and the Judfte or A Terrible Temidation (Dramatici .

February— 1 1—('aiiftht In His Own Trap (CoiiiiHly).. 1—The Skeleton (t'omedy) . 5—T»*dfth Mkht (Comedy Drama) _ 8—The Dassing Shadow (|)rama) .

12—The Life of Mos.'s, Dart IV. (Biblical

story) . 1. ”>—The Wayside Slirine (Drama) . 18—Muriel’s Stratatteui (Drama i . 18— Beautiful Windermere (Scenic) . 19— Life of Moses (Fifth series; Biblical

story) . 22—Dald In Full (Drama) . 2. %—The I>>sson b.v the Sea (Drama) . 2ft—The Soul of Venice (Drama) .

March— I 1—An for an Eye . 4— On the Border Line . 5— The Beautiful Snow . 5—The History of a Sardine Sandwich .. 8—A Brother’s Devotion .

11— Conscience, or the Baker’s Boy . 12— Tamink a Grandfather . 1ft—Victims of F'ate . 18— Mystery of Temple Court . 19— IThe Courtiiik of the Merry Widow....

22—Capital vs. Lalstr . 2S—The Hand of F'ate .

2«—A Broken Sp*Il . 29—The Indiscretions of Betty.


Carl LAemmle.) January— I 31—A Coquette’s Sfultor (Comedy). 31—S|M>rts In the Snow (Outdoor) .

February— 1 7—Justice in the Far North (Drama) ..

14—The Blind Man’s Tact (Drama) . 14—Brown’s Gouty Fo<it (Comedy» .

21—Jane and the Straniter (Comedy Drama)

THANHOUSER FILM (Contlnw'd from page 37.)

March— Feet 1—The Vale of Aude . 391 I— TIm- I'lucky Suitor . Tifto 6—The I'lsd of the Itevoiution . 9(’>0 8—I'he lA-geitd of Daphne (Dratna) .341 | 8— I'he Great Seooj' or The Boy Beiiorter

( Drama) . ftC2 1 12— Bahelals’ Joke or Ilow He Beat His I

Hotel Bill (Comedyi . 817 12 Tile I’irate Airship (Mystery Comedy) 301 I 1.3— 111 tin* Shallow of the ClifTs (Drama) K.S5 l.'i -The Saraband Dance (F'antastic Colored

.Mystery) . oft.") 19--IJItle Jack’s I.<*tter (Dramai .741

19—In the F’oothills of Savoy (Sci*nlc)... 248, 22—The Queen and the Mirror (lA-gendary) 7.34 ' 22—The Wild Coast of Belle Isle (.Scenic) 233 i 2K—The F'all of Babylon (Biblical Drama) Ift-JO

KALEM (’O.MDANY. F'ebruary— F>et

9— The (’onfederate Spy (Drama) . 11—I'he FVud (Drama) . 1.3— Tlie host (Dramai . 608 1ft—Pastoral Sci-nes (Mystical Transforma¬

tions) . 285 19—Belter than (hdd (Drama) .577 19—The ('omedy-Graph (('omedyi .M8

March— Feet 9— Her Soldier Sweetheart (Drama) .

II— The Robtx'r Baron (Drama) .


27 -Marble Quarrying in Tennessee .ftOO 27— I'he F'llrto Maniac . 400 81—Bill’s Ihsits (Comed.v| . 245 81—Too Much ProtiH-tlon (Comedy) .600

F'ebruary— Feet 3—Sentimental Sam (Drama) .300 ■3—It Might Have Been (Comedy) .585 7— The Samaritan’s Courtship (('omedy) 865

10— Celestial Vengeance (('omedy) .840 14—Isivlng Hearts (Come<ly) . 600 14—I'he Hand of the Heiress (Drama) .... 450 17—A Hoiieymisin Tlirough Snow and .Sun¬

shine (Scenic) . 950 21—The Ni*w Marshal at Gilla ('ns-k (Com¬

edy I .815 24—The District Attorne.v (Drama) .870 ’28—I'he Banger ami the Girl (Drama) .. 825

.March— Feet 8— The MilHonaire’a Adventure (Drama) 9(a) 7—.Marriage in Haste (Comislyi .82.5

10— Hearts are Trumji (Drama) .9(8) 14—.Mamma’s Angel Child (Comedy) .6(K5 14—I’he Blunderer (Comedy) . 455 17— The Irish Boy (Drama) .9^ 21—A Mother’s Heart (Drama) .905

24—Two Gi-ntlemen of the Koad (Comisly) 925 28— His S|>auish Wife (Drama) .965 .31—Tlie Daughter’s ('holce (Drama) .930

SRLIO April— ISeet

11— The Clay Baker (Drama) .

PATHE FntERES. January— Feet 2ft-.Motherless (Dramai .1046 28—The lA>ather Imliistry (Industrial) ... 394 28— The Scarecrow (Comedy) . ..574 1 ’29 -Cousin Ism for .Mine (Comedy) .564 29— The Strong Man (F'arcei . 440 1

F'ebruary— Feet

14—The Enter]irlslng Clerk (Comedy) _ 643 ' 14--Druidic Remains in Brittany (Scenic) 328 I 16—Carmen (Film d’Arti . I 18— I'he IJttle Beggar (Drama) .311 18— A Panicky IMcnlc (Comedy) .672 19— I'hree Qm-ens and a Jack (Com^y).. 600 19--F'ate Against Him (Drama) .344 21—The Ounby’s Sojourn in the Country

(Comedy) . 344 21—A Corsican’s Revenge (Drama) .62ft 23—The lAmp Post Insj»ector ((’om<>dy I.. 886 2.5—Ouchard the Merchant (Film d’Arl’)... 2.’)—The Harrys. Brothers .Acsibatir) .... 220 2«—Granny’s Birthday (Comedyi .6.53 2ft—In the Gulf of Salerno (Scenic) .377 28—Joseiih Sold by His Brethren .7.54

28—A Mica Mine, the Cllugara Mountains 279

March— Peet 2—The Violin Maker of Cremona .67ft


THANHOUSER EILM IS SWEEPING THE COUNTRY. The success of our first release is now moving picture history. The veteran picture man will tell you that the aver¬ age second release falls behind the first in all-round strength—but not so with ST. ELMO, the THANHOUSER second release. That isn’t the Thanhuuser way AND ST. EL.MO PROVED IT—by showing an advance on its predeces¬ sor. “SHE’S DONE IT AG AIN!’’is the big third release and on and after TUESDAY, MARCH 29 you’ll get your chance at it, if your exchange is look¬ ing after you properly. If you haven’t been getting vour share of Thanhouser film, send us the name of your exchange and we’ll be glad to jog it up.

Length, 1000 feet. No. 3. Code word. Rail. POSTERS TOO. 24—The DcHth of Minnehaha (aequcl to

Hiawatha) . ( 28—The Governor’p Pardon (Dramai .I

March— F .3—The New MinDter (Comedy) .t 7—Mother I»ve . (

10—The Devotion of Women . < 14—The Broken Oath (Drama) . 1 17—The Time I»ck Safe (Drama) .1 28—Tranafiiaion (Drama) .1 .31—Hard Ca»h (Drama) . I


Never Deapair (Drama) . March— F

—Ruined bv Hla Son . .VCTOPHON’E.

February— F< 2—The Clown’a Big Moment .1( 9—Splke’a Battle (Dramai .B

1ft—The Silent Meiwcnger (Dramai .K March— F

2—Jack’a Return (Drama) . ! ECLAIR.

February— F 7—The Child with the Dancing Jack

(Drama) . 7—Mr. Glddy’a Revenge (Comedy) .

14—The Serum (Tragedy) . 14—A Boothlaek’* Dally I.abor . 21—Face to Face (Drama) . 21—Duty and Comwlenee (Drama) . 28—Nick Carter ap Acrobat (Dramai . 28—Caatlea on the Rhine (S<*enlc) .

March— I 7—The Cage (Morgan’p adv«nturep). 7—Taming Wild Hocpcp at Riienop Alrep

14 -The Revenge of Dupont C. Anguille.. 14—Applrantp to the Hand of Helen . 21—Hinepty ItP Own Reward . 21—The Lover'a EmbPTraswr.ent.

A. G. WHYTE. i February— F

The Mountaineer (Drama) . I A Daughter’p Ih-votlon (Drama) .

Bone Head Third (Comedy) . 23—In Arizona .

March— 1 2—The Vindictive F’oreman .

I —In Arizona (Drama) .

' POWERS. March— 1

8- -Her Cowboy I»ver (Drama) . 1.5—War Time PalP .

I (Itala.l March— I

9— The Town Traveler’p Revenge (Drama) 19—The Betraying Mirror . 29—The Man Who Waited (Drama) . 22—John Hardy’p Invention (Drama) .

(.VmliroKlo. I

I March— 1 I 12—TTiey Have Vani«h<*<l My Wife (Drama)

12—Fatal Impnidene** (Drama) . . 1« The Shepherd*-s . I 1ft-InPidoup Weapon* .

I THANHOrsER CO. March —

I —Tli<* Artor’p Chihlren (Dramai . ! 22—St. F3tno (Drama) .


Watch for DADDY’S DOUBLE, th*

Feature Release Tuesday,

April 5th.

NOAH WEBSTER wrote our Hrat advertlaement when b* deftned the word QUALITY for we make


OPERA CHAIRS aupert) In dealgn, auprenie in workmanahlp and 6nUb. Known from Maine to California as the Quality Lino.

We make over 5() styles ranging from the moat Inex* penpive Veneer chair* to the moat elaborate upholstered on***.

F'or Moving Picture and Vaudeville Tbeatn*a we hair constantly on band upwards of

2,000 VENEER CHAIRS for 24 hour shipment. We have sold In the last ye«r more chairs for Moving Pirtnre Tbeatrea than all of our compet itrtrs combined without a single serious complaint. It lo better to be pure than to be sorry and In buying Imperial Cbaira you are SURE QUALITY COUN'n and oiir price* are never higher than our quality. Send fur catalngiie anil prices and be coavlnced. Buy our chairs and be satlafted.

—Write, wire, phone, or walk in for onr— OIME TO SEVEN! DAYiOLD SERVICE


Bank Floor, 77 South Clark Straot, Chicago Ix)ii}i Distanop I’iioncH, ILindolph 3‘JlG-.'rJ17.


Your oan special ticket, anv printing, any colors, accurately numbered, every n*ll guaranteed. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE BIG ROLL TICKET!

5,000—31.25 20,000-34.60 50,000—3 7.50 10,000— 2.50 25,000 — 5 50 100,000— 10.00

Prompt shipment. Cash with the order. COUPON TICKETS. 5,000 - 32.50 1x2. STOCK TICKETS—SIX CENTS. Get the Hamples

NATIONAL TICKET CO., Shamokin, Penn I.f>ng engagement to right part.v for Pslsec Hieptre. Sallphiiry. N. (’. .\*l*lr<*p* ARTHUR A FLYNN, Hgra Palate Theatre. Saliibury, N, C. MARYLAND

AMUSEMENT COMPANY FOR SALE Tiin**il CowIm-H U«ek (n**w nov*.|ty game), $15; elreiiliira fr****; M*i*ieal S. S. Biinn'-r 10x16. $10; Pi**l*l**<l Mu«1<*b1 Trunk. $8; *nllre Mupleal Aet and ('opliinie. $20; phip on one fourth for **xiir***p eh«rg**p; rpii *.xainln**.

R. W’.M.DBON. MF'R.. < ariith**rpvllle. Mo I g*MHl M**rry Go l(<*iiii*l; 20tli (’*'iitiii A*ldr*'PP pII mall, Walterlp*r*i, .S. ( MILBURN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. Now

tepiklng tln'Hir*' :iii<l «umni**r |iprk« In W**pi**rn New Y**rk, l’••Illl••,'Ivatila ami (’atiaila. Maiipg**rp wanting gieal Itooklng. g*.t In tom h with up. .\II set* :n v|<*iiilt,* «. ii'l In *>i>**n tlm**: ran iiae you.

121 Franklin Street, Buffalo, N. Y.




Big City Forecast (CoatlDU<-d fr»iu put;.- ISD)

On Mart-li 1. It was tiirui-cl over to Hit- well lOwn iiiaiiaKont Jiillim aiMl lli-ury InMiive and

\ViIlt» (l.M'al ri'iin-M’iilatlvva of Klaw A

planner) I'y tlie Iteally Trust ('oinpany, own Ti and eicvlora of tills new liulldlnn. and It Is

. |M>rte<l that fur the remainder of Ihla seaxiii, iiidevllle now playinn at the t)ri>lieuin Tlwatre will b*- transferred to tlila new botiHe.

With the turuiiiK <«er of the new Korayth, \llanla theatre n.M-ra will enjoy all of the prlv

l.-nes helonnlnn to the very lluest type of . <lern iitat Iioiim'. the ap|H>intuieutH and ae- . -xTli-s Ineludlnn the very latent Inveiitlona n.iwii to theatrieal ei|iilpinent hoth an renardn

..ridistloii to the patroim. rmnfortn. eonveui nee-. Hinl many new wrinklen looking to the

.. .t iHosIhle elTeets In the ntaKlUK. M-ttliiK .lilt iirex'iitiiut <if nhowa of all klndn friHii vaude idle In drama and elalmrale iwenle |iroilnetl•llia.

The theatre iH-euplen the nround floor of eintit : .rien with a full.v ei|ul|ipisl pnifnardeii on

'..|i iiiid a larke miNleri: rallmkeller In the ..ix'ineiil. There are alxi three ntoren frontini; •n ror.nylh StP-et and none' IP) oitlees In the

iMi.liluii:- I'^intnieied of reinfori'ed inmiTeie, II In lin atinl 111 the ler.v heart of the hotel and rliealre illntriet and within nin- lilin'k of the new SI..'lOn.iDMi I'ontotllee.

I lie l .ir'Vlh Theatre .n alix.lulely llreppnif III every iiarlleular, while there are eleven

• lalreaxn In the hulldlnt;. atfordlnn u larne uum '.er of exiln and eiitraiieen for Imih onllnarj :iii.l exlraopllnary ix'eanlonn, einht of these

Inltii; In the theitre |iortlon. Ilenlilen the main eiiirauee (knirn, there an- ... on eaih ..lie of the theatre, openlnn fpiiii the oreheKira.

tialeouy and i:»ll<‘ry tkmrs.

The lioxen I four on eaeh sule) are ralMsI

iirhtly aliove the nlake an lu mont foP'KU iliealren. iiiaklni; It in.nellde to (jet nollle sixty

iin.p. xatn on the main Ikmr and makltiK the In.xen more private. 'nnne In.xen neat elkhi

i.erx...n eai'h or sixty fisir In all. The or

< liestra floor x*atn iksi. tlie haleoiiv IJi) ami the .allery over iusi. makliiK the total eapaeity ilniv.. ]..'HSi w'hleh ismld easll.v be lie rvxaeil

iiv redueliik the present neneroun npaetUK


Hie ill siicn and material' uxn| in the Interior ; the theatre are iteiierally In fYeiieh Itenals

M l .\. Tell'k Itrown. the ar hitev t. has ■I en iMn pi loiially 'in i'i-''f III u xn-iirink elTvn'ts •i 'iniinetry and Inauly. 'llie axis >f the housi

and the wall dev.iralion are eiii ll*!!' /.evl. first !•> the •kune In the ei-iiP'r ot the eellliik. auo 'i-i-iid liy tin- ais'eiitllik of Iln- inTinnilieiilai axis liy tie- arraiikeiiii'iil of panel'. .\t<‘hl l•n'Illrai f’lriiin are alxi ihmsI. hut tlw eoliimii

> oiiillli'il. ami 111 till' trealiio'Ot of the pros . .'11111111 Ih.v ami nailery front', ivllliik of i;al

lerv. Iiahmiiy .nul foy«r. Ilw siiiiid ' forms o* It'll InMian- m••ldlll|cn have Inin >' ~rh d tbrouah •111 to tin* wlsde •‘fTi*et on*- -.f nimvdlelty iiid •'llnilnallnic the In ('•"Ity f*>r an •■lals>rali

In*n.«' ..f «l*s'oratton.

P’s ik.r xtniiie us**<l Is a rp*amy while tone

'll all tin* iiiohliiiitn ainl ornaiiniit. the lattei '• .i.k Iniih llkhlisl Priiieti ic*‘l<l ainl th<

,.ain*l' ami other plain surfa*fs hrushe<l with l.lkal.' 'Iiaih's of t:r*eti while tin* iipls'lster Ilk. eiirlalii' ••I**., are alsi* kr*sti v<*lour. Hi.

• iiilp' •'•mldnallon In-liu: |•artl•'Ularly happy

fpsii a •k'l'oritlve I'diit of vh'W an well as O'tflll I.* tin* •■>•■

Iln- .\l.*rl.>r ..f Iln- .\l.*rl.>r ..f Hi.- i' 'Imple liiil iii<.'l •■IT.*live Tin* base 1' ..f kraliile. tin •vails ami i.ors of ih'.'ii i>ur|.h* laivliik l>rn'y nth p.iimh.l .'.Ik'S ami lani with half .neb '.111* w III Id.i -k mortar ri..* ai..’

inn ;*» .r** .if kT**<*n hp.ii/.* ami all ..f the ih. •rnin.**ntal l■•rra e.dia In lino'tom* cdor. Ihsi

h* roofs make a strlkliik •'fl.s l wlilh* a Ions pa'n*i .ui tin* l.uekh' slre**t si.h' of kl.i's niosali i.l.risinls In larke flkures tin* iil.l t'aiili-tiniry

I partniilarly a|»tip>tvniil<* t.* tin* lln*nlr>*. TIh* psif kapleii Is arraiik>''l IhnI tin* eh*

ll'":' lami In the p*ar *>f tin* x*al' It ha- • ■ Hii|.h*le eh*val*<| mliiiatiiP* 'tsk** with Pdlliik .. ami the usual numtH*r ..f Is.r.h-r'. etr I he e. iilral |H>rtlon I' arrank'sl with x-al' id ral's'.l tin* outer rim proviihst vv'th chiiir- ihI tahh's parth s. .1 *—t '.-rv lee In-lni;

feriiisln*.| fr nil the rathski IhT

luirliik the past f**w y<*ars .\tlaiita has fortceil lip.<11.1 aln-ail In a llnatrleal way ami It was

'*' pp.vhh* f.a* this raphi kP'Wlh that I'n sid**nl l.*lwin I' .\m.h*y of Iln* Ilealiv Trii't |■.>mpan.v

■ iiri*.l larki* fpuilake' -ui N.irih l*'.>rsylti MP‘**t II tin* v«*ry Inarl of the Indi*!. tlwatP* ami husi

I." •llslrii*l ami ••rei*Ii*l Hi « hand'«>iin* lln-atri tiiil .itfl... hiilhlliik. .Mllmukh Hn*P* ari* many

I** lns|st>**| that In* was mlstak>*n In his views le Hn*nlr.* was h*a'i*i| for ten yiars sInirHy

■ '••*r e'•nlrln*Hon was siarlisl whih* II. K

VValkins. tin* .ifllelal. Iiavlnk In eliark** Hn 1. Ill Iter .if 111** hiilkl.iii; has nil* a.Iy s'kinil U|

■ ant' that will almost till tin* eiit.P* hlllhlllik linlleatl.His In-liik that Hn* P inalnlnk oflli*.**

"dl he r>*nti*<l hy Hn* Hun* Hnyr an* tlnlsln*il 'Vhi.h will p*ijulr<* some thirty ilays mor<* lline

Hr**al liiler>*st Is manir.*s|.*d In tin* o|snlnk ' Ills m*w play Inui'*'. w li h* humlp*ils of j.puii

It Mlanlaii' liav.* alreaily I ns|M*i*l<sl Hn ilMitik ami hav** lu'en m••'t •-xtmvakant In

|ii lx- ..f tin* f.ips'klil III.I etil.riirl'* '■ * h has In Mlunln '. I'urliik 'Un* •*

>*rv ll unis >nn St amt •lo.'l un•.l'ru tif tip* •'f HnalP*s ev**r <*ri*eleil lu tin* s..iiHi o

.•Hn r '•s'tkiii of Hn* •'•iiiitry.


ll' a.klitlon hi the si'veral In-aiiHful theatres Mlaiila. there an* seven ten lu-iils shovv«

'•Ink hull' ami five arts of vaudeville Ulus ■'ll '.ink' ami ideliiP*' and live live eeiil

"s. play Ink lllu'lralisl s..nk' ami idrlnp*'

I’ll, ten eelits shows are'

In- Itlloii. II lleHive, lllkr

■* t’rvslal. Will Harwell, lllkr .Xmerlean. Tiuii Ihdlaml. iiikr Ihntilre. .1 Xekridke. Iiiki' l avorile. \X |i XX all. nikr tjiie.'ii. li V Ilirdirap ..wii r iinl .1 II

* I lllkr

Itixh*. Hr J I’ Hi'lot lllkr

Hn l•*n ••-111 'hows tin* lltj*ui Is the • iisliik Hn* id.I |v.*lilvi* Hpiia ll.ui'i* '*■ Hixh* i.lays a Sl*n k I'oinpaiiv h V •' 1 i*iil s show s ate

Xli*arar XX’lll Hl.lkm.vv ii Sav..y Will Hl.lkm.vvn 'l.■^h•'lh*. flndas .V f.. r.hl**. S*'*ll ami Hehh

Xiiinh'lle, X'amhtti* Xmn'**nn'iil t'o . Y, ' I'll, lllkr

Xh .i/ar Is |i<nihahl> •*m* .»f Hn- heatl

' •l.s .irii sl ilv** IS III Hnalp's 'll Hn* South, •u adilllloii has a laike pipe orkHli. a thilik

very B«*l«lom seen In a five cent th**afn*. All of the theatres, however, (five exeellent shows

and UP* playliik to blk houmut.


AHanl.t, liaviuk kalued the rx*pututiuu of be- iiik a kreat I'ouveuliou and Theatre koiuk city. Hie Iies-il >f ll iH'eat Auilitorium and Armory hinl ln*eu felt in Atlanta f'rf many years, hut Hn* llrst orkaiilzi*d eflorls to sv*t*ure out* was hekuii ill the t'hamher of ( ommerce at a meeting of Hn* lllreetors on Jaiiuury li, lliti.’i, ami a eommitli*<* was ap|adiit(*d, tsiiislsliiig of (i. t'aiidler, Sam 1). Join*s ami W. ll. Kiser to eoimhler ways aud means to build same, cuu

Hrriiig freim-nlly with viemral C. L. Ainler

SIM., of Hit* militia. At a meellug ot the I hamher of (Jummerce uu July 11, lIKIo, .XIr.

('amller suhmiHi*d an elaborate report aud a it*siilutiou pledgiiik Hn* body to use its In-st IToits, to secure au Auditorium, couimetisurate vliU Hn* in*t*da of Atlauta was uuauiiuously nlo|lisl hy a rising vote. 'llie cost of th.*

insiiid *iml building was estim:ttt*d at f'JilU.O'M). llie Ih'sI of the great auili.uriuuis in America vt*i*e viHiteil and carefully 8tudit*d before plan

milk Hn* slrut-lurt* tif Un* .Xtlaiita Auilitorium. iln* .Xuditorum was complett*d and christeuisl

ill makulfl<*i*ut style iu liMiS hy live musical fesHvul tsiiieerts. The city has alreatly paid liair the of the pp.perty, ainl will complete

Hie payiin-iit ill flv** ye.irs. This groat structure, -reeled at a c'lst of two humlri*d ami tifty thous- iinl hdlurs aihlliik so much lu the eiiuipmeiit iinl attraeliveinss of the city, is a flueexampli*

ol Hn* fruits of the ".Xtlaiita Sjiirit.” llie .Xuditorium is arrangisl so Hxat the floor

may In* taken igi ami siuc-e ita erection a horse •how, loiiriiik eireus and autuumhile show have lH*i*n liehl there, crovvmug it all with a week if HramI (iin-ra hy Hn* .XIetro|iolitau Upera Com pany of New V<a-k, to he giveu this tsuulug .XI ay.


Ni-arly two years ako Hm* .Xtlanta Musical

KesHval Association was urkauized and char- tereil Hid.'ly as au instrumentality to produce kreat musical attrai-Hoiis for Atlauta aud the

Miulh. No private inton-sts whatever being iu i’olvt*tI.

Ill** iirtii*ers of iht* assoeialiou are: I’res., \X'.

L. I’eel, I'rt-H. Am * National Hank; Treat.. ( . 1! llitlwell, of Amiric.'in Xiidlt Co.: S**<*’y., C. U Miiith. -Xttoruey. Hireetors; J. It. Hray, J. K. Mundiy, C. 1- Anderson, H. X\’. XX'ilkius, It. L. I rew, K. S. XVes.sels, X’. H. Kriegs harln-r.

lu au interview with its elBclent aud kv'uiol •i*eretary. .XIr. X'ictor laimar Smith, relative to what ha I In-t-ti kl'on hy tlie .Vsso-iation ami

the coiiilnk tiraud 0|iera. he said, "Last year ■ be .xtlanta .Xlusical Ktstival Association gave live <*onci*rls. (two night ami three matinee

p« rf.i main*I at a cost of li’v.OOO. taking lu V Tin* alteinlame was ‘ o flattering ami h iHi arl sts and in*o|ile so eiith'isiasHc. pleaseil

jinl appr-ciallv.*. that this y**ar. It vvas deter mlii'sl ;o tiv * Hi* S.aiHi Hn* gre*itest musit*al visit |s m*goHitink ami 'ei uriuk a on

trac' wl*i tin* .Xletrotiolitan ixin-ra Co., of New

X ..rk for a w** k of grand op-ra .at the .Xmlito 1 ium.

Iteiiig in parthula’-ly gmsl shaiie from last year's eoncir:'. the profit was at once

nvi ' **11 .11 the piirehasa* of a foO.omi organ fpim the Austin Organ I'.i. (the greatest lu the w.irldi of Hartford. Conn.

K 'ir carloa*!' of the organ are mm hep* ami the last ear is uu the way. Installation is rapidly progressing, ami will l>e is>mtdi*ted prior t.* XI IP ll 1. . ii ihlri-g ns to augiii ut the ms-ra ppslm-tiiins ami orchestra with this iiiagnillceut

■rgni. Tin* orgau Il'clf Is a pheiH>mi*nou. civu- slstiug of a four manual maiu organ with seventy thn-i* stn akiug slops. The pipes as arg** as tiiirtv two f.*<*t La length and big enough

aP'UUil fix* a man to crawl through. In addl tioD to tb<* maiu organ and played fpmi same

• s an e.*hi organ to In* sltuatcil In the o|v|>oslti end of the auditorium. s<mie ’-"J.'i ft. fpuii the main organ. This year lusteail of having two .•r three iiumlnfs fpiiii art.sis like Cartix*. Far rar and S 'ttl. we will present tin* complete

■ •inratlc perfomianoe. iu whh-h Hies* artists ami all others. in*is*ssary to the oast will ap- |n*ar. ami will .ppaluri* the oin-ras In full hy Iln* 'iim* ivtl'ls Iinl willi tie same i-ivstumi'S, ebonis. and si-veiity idet*e orchi*stra. ballet aud s*i*m*ry that is actually iisisl in the pPaliH-tlon of each of the oin-ms as pp*x*ntisl at the four millhui d.'llar oisra house iu New York City. Iln* Melpiisilltan (ijn-ra Co., the greatest iu the World of the kind past or presi-ut. has some

x-veiily o|nras in Its n-pertolre. has the gp-at- i*si art.sts In the w.vrhl lu ita list of siiigi*rs ainl everything It givi-s Is pp*si*ut<*<l .xml in*r formi*d as magniflis-ntly as Is |s>ssihh* by the

expenititure of an unlimitisl amount of money. Its ohJi*i*f and pun""'’ tn*liig to give to Ni*w Yi>rk. .Xtlanta and I’arls the ln*st. Tills com pany g.n*s from .Xtlanta hv I’arls two moiitbs

of Hraiiil Hinra at Hn* Chatalot Tlumlre. Just In-fore isuiiiiig to .Xtlanta oin* wing of the c<Mn pany plays in ls*ulsvilh*. another In ChicagvV and the two J<vln lu Atlanta pp*s'iitlng the

•“iiHre organization for a wts*k of fesHvIHes and hmhhiig Hie stage in the .Xuditorium it is m*<*i*s.sar.v t.v literally raisi* the psif at a cost

.1 :llH>llt Sl'i.o)).

N*> ellv *>f a ami tift.v Hiousami le s ev.-r in Hn* hisi.iry (vf this v. orb! even dp*annsl of |<p*s<'nting sueh an atiraetloii.

Tin* ii.'tii il expiMis. r*'r Hie w<*vk of five |H*rf<>rmain>*s Is #iiii.iN«i. In oph*r that the southern p<s>ple may enjoy all of Hie Oin'ras

presi-iiltsl. p*sl Interviils have ln*<*n insHtuteil

I'V Inivlii'k Ihe oiHgiis il''trilHih*il thPMigh w'ei'k as h'lhvws: XIoiiday. \\’<slnesilay. Thurs day. ami Saturday i-veiiiiig p«*rformam*es ami Saturdn.v matlins*. Tin* .Xmlitoriiim wln*re Hies>* o|H*tas ap* to Ih* pr<*s,*nted lias a seating eapa elly of .■•.:!<»• Iinlinliiig :lm» Ih>xis.

Ai'|>ln':ill*>n« ar.* • Miiliik fpim nil .iv. r Ih.* <«>uHi. ami alreaily a niuiilH*r of Hio Inixes and r«*gnlar s.-als liav<* In-.-n !■•hl. sin.wiiig a great appri'eatioii of .XHanta's •*mh*avor t.> glvo*

Hn Ml tb rv Is si Heil reii 1m* <ibtoim d.

.\ TI.AN 1 \ I’XBK s.

All laiita nNo 1ms t \\ 0 Imautlful pail. .' I’ll.*

l*•»llel 1* IV 1 «sin I'ark hi rh is ono of Hn* be't

i-.pili parks ill III 10 ^ i>nth. in»; olil time

ll.iH >1 1 ll a C: It oil Ml. a \iirrxH •Xtnre.

Jolin* 4tOU II KI0.M 1. I'av t‘ ol r tho \V iiuls. Till' Old

xini. a II liman Itoub* tto nn<l a Xliiiiatiiri* Bail

w sy In n«Mil bm to till •M* it hits <iii« * of Hu¬

Isrg.* St sk rinks in .\iiiorion. hn' ll *ig Hn*

IWhs* span* of hy IMO fl. of the flue 't maple

with. *»ii .1 III till' hill h.lll'g rtlls I •ark vvas

V .*ry Mtn'tM I'ssfnll \ inai linin’ *.1 for s.v.*ral ■H'SSi'll'

bv XI- XX' sliane ami In an infi>rvl,*vv with him. In* says that In* was overrun with o'li ci"b*ns i.n.l In Hiiet* .asons nelt***. s,»nie fortv flv<* Hnnisaml .lollars I'lnb-r a pr.>|H*r man

a::**iin nt iml afb*r a Hnri«ni.'li goiiik ov. r. the ronee lb* I VS.II Hark shonbl prove a niom*v

’The XX'hite City 1» amither Ixmutiful anil well •siuliHM-d park, owned and managed hy Mr. Chosewissl, who has run same several s**ason8 Huc-ceshfully. This park contains Figur Kighi. Ti*;ivi*r Cii* nliir Swing, a I»i ntzel Cai*o'is<*l, a .XIa/.e. a Lox Hall Alley, a Shooting Hal bry. ami a lake ami Ix'ats.

While .sitiiatefi on the cast side among tin- working class of piople It Is imtroiiized by all class**s.

The Atlauta Ball Hark is the larg**st. liiiest

aud bt-st equipped minor league base ball park In the country aud surpas8**d oidy by thrta* iu the major leagui-w (Hhiladelphia, i’ittsburg aud ht. lajuis.) Can bamlle 30,<)tl«) p<s>ple. The

grand staiul is practically three stories, the ground floor being occupied entirely liy k’ti tmxes,

the second hy over general aial res»*rved seats aud the to|i by the press. There is au actual playing field of iHHi hy 4o<) ft. In addi tkiii to other equipments, it has the ttiiest steel hoard (40.\g'U ft.) and iu udilitiou to the usual liiformatiou shows, hy electric devices, the balls, strickes aud outs of each batter as he t-omes up and the rims. hits, errors and stolen bas«*s of each ti*am as tin* game progress«*s.

.XIasst-ugale Advertising .Xgem*y has the ad vertislng privileges of the park aud is en-ctliig steel signs. A turtle hack has Just h**eu placed

upon the diamond which elevates aud runs off so as to drain the diamond rapidly; precluding the calling of a game on account of wet grounds.

Atlanta's team were pennant winners in 19ti7 aud 19b9. I.ast year playing to people an average of k’,i)t«J per game.

The ottloers of the Atlanta Base Ball Assocla tioii are: iTes. J. XX’. llersmau, sec’y Jk treas. T. K. Hleuii. manager, A. O. Jonlan.

Busim-ss mgr. XVm. Shani is an old time the atrieal man lH*iiig associateil with the theatrical business of .Xtlanta fur a number of years.

Last July the Atlauta Automobile Association was organized, wltli Asa H. Candler, Jr., pres idect; F. J. Cooledge, vi<*e president; XX*'. It. Owens, treasurer; Kdvvapl Iturant, secretary;

Fslwapl Clapii. assistant 8»*cretary, and within four mouths time ba<l built the finest speeil- way iu the world at the cost of $.’l."S),(t(t().iN), aud in November from llth to Kith pulled off their first meet, in which the greatest machines and drivers of the world participated

The track itself is two miles long. 6)1 ft. wide on the baek stretch aud lou ft. wide on the home stretch. The hanks on curves 10 ft. high, radius ")) ft. The surface of the track is clay, sand aud gravel, with asphalt hinder, and tlioroughly oiled.

The grand stand is isuo ft. long, with a seating capacity of Jy.OOU. At their meeting

last NovemlM*r. which was eminently successful, demonstrated that this track was extremely

fast; in faet. the fastest track in the world, as several world's records were broken during this meeting. The reciTil for a mile 37*711100 minutes was made by Louis Strang in a ILY) 11. H. Flat. The next races given by the At¬ lanta Automobile Association will be on .Xlay .■>, ll and 7, this year, which is believed will sur|>a'S even last year's meet. The (lersonel of the association has n*ceiitly been changed. Mr. Juo. S. Owens becoming secretary and .XIr. J. M. Nye. assistant si-cretary.


Tlo* Hrittin X’liiideville Circuit, with liead of¬ fices in Toroiil'.. I'amiila. claim to have one of Hm><st .Mfiiv 'i.iffs of any agency in

•Xmerica. l’«*ter F. Hriifin Is in Auburn, N. V. now. wh<*re tlie ciriuit has oiK*ne*l a branch nflice In thi* llappylaml Tlieatre. When he gets that iMlice in siia[>»‘ In* will go to Boston and op n an oflice tln*iv. Mr. Hriflin exprf'Cts within a f.*w wi-**ks to have things arrangeil s<v as to open all a. ts in T ronto. route Hu>m to Sault Stc. Xlarle. Hieii .XIr. R**ardsley. of the .Xllchl gar. braiii-li. at the S<n> will take tan* of acts till they leave Ik-troit. Tiny will break their

lumps from Detroit to Buffalo Hirwign Canada. From Bu'Talo to Boston, they will be taken care of by XIr. Bnicv' F.nvler. w Inv will manage tlie

■Xubuni branch. ’I'he Boston '>t!ice will bv* man agtsi by Mr. J. C. Ibdmont. who will work the a.*l' fri«m B*-*t.ii thioiigh Maine. New Bruns*

wii-k iJucIm-c to Montreal. The .XLvntrcal otllre win tc managed by Mr. Cr.vsby McArthur, who Cir.ult has a man on the road to iwat.* gissl- hH«king sites betw'e<*n Buffalo and Boston, to build a few theatres for their circuit. T-ierv* 1-* no telling where this firm will stop. In To ia>nlo alone they have built seven theatn-s for

IHq.iilar pri<s*d v.iiiileville ainl pletmires. .XIr. J.vlin Hrlrtln is s<ile i r*i>[irlel >r of a big chain of hl)r*ily siienw'ful houses, a film manufacturing niant an I film exchang**. and a vand.-ville 'ir

(Mil XIr. l’et<*r F. HHUn. his 'on. is th' clevir manager of Hn* vainleville ami the big tiooking

ctrcull. Tlie Hriflin .Xmusement Co.. Ltd., has b<*e,vi'e an unp<xlant factor in the amusement

wi.rld. and artists who make g xnl can get un- Mmlf<d time from tbe cir'-uit.

Tiiri^nt.i Is Hn' Canadian .Xltoca of the amuse ment purveyors. There are two first class i-om-

binafl'Mi h.Mises. one poinilar prletal Inwiso. two first-el iss vatnlevllle houses, two burbasiue the alris. a p-nmlar prlcval vaudeville Hwatrv' and

a magnifleent music hall, devoted to high-class viH'i*l aiiil inusii*al, lb*si<les. u large niinitvfr I'f Hn'iitoriums. d.'votv'il to popular van .k-v'lle ami pietun*s. The biggest annual fairs

In till* w.Tlil are held here, ami a Iwautifiill.T situal.*il 'iinimer r<*sort is aero's the bay.

Th** It.’val .Xb \*in<lra Tln-aln*. which Is con- e»*«l.*,l to Ih* the fliii*'t theatre In Canada, and i.s • .'titrolleil by Hn* Shiiberts. with XIr, L. Sol- nan ns ltH*al Mianngi r has hini a success Hil s,..i«,.*i. |.layltig to •apaelly business, and

vvi.l nri an.l k<*<*|) tvpi n iiiiHl the early summer. Tin* Hnuivisi Tlieatn, vvhieli houses the iH'st

slii'ws. uinler Hn* iiianagemeni of Mr. H. B.

SliepiH*rd. has hail a good seasivn. and will close ■'bieit till* en.l of XI.iv.

The Hraiiil. under tJie nianagenieiit of X. J.

'tnisll. has hail a reronl year vvlHi pi»i>ular priced attrai-Hons.

Shi'a's vau.leville hmise. manager. J. Shea,

has ili-awn cnpai-tty bnsim ss and will cb-sie ah*'ul Hie end of Xlay for Hie season.

The Xlajestle Music Hall, XX'm. Xl.irris’ linal ins'se. lias lH*en a w inni'r from the start and they aix' lnHiki'vl until July 4. and may keep o;>e*i 'luring the summer. Mr. Morris will have

' a new hivu'i' o*i Y'.vnge srn'et. to b*‘ opein'il next . ve::-. XIr. Liolli. is his Im-al representative.

"l h*' Hayety. the Kastern burlesque bouse here. ' under the managonn nl of XIr. T. U. Hoiir.r,

has had a most profltabb*

Pn* Slur tin* Knipin* wheel house has had a profiiabli* season, uiib-r Hie manageiiieiit of XIr. Hn*il Stair.

I Tlie niagnirteent Xliissev Hall has had a great vviln till* mdisl vm*al ami musical attrae

Ions rill* late maiiagi r. XIr Stewart, who

Med a slnw'l time ago. Ih*iii siieia-eileil tiy XIr. Norman XX'lthrovv.

Hrlttin's .Xgni s .Street Theafre. devoted to

ropul-ir priced vandeville and pictures, is hav*

iiig a most profit utile season. The Colonial, endi r Hie m.anageiiieiit of Mr.

ilill. is iloing finely with up to date talking aud

iiiolion pietun-s. 'I'he Hriflin (,'o.’ liig chain of vaudeville and

pieiiiri lioiisi*'. i re l)lg wiiUM-rs. ( aiiailii's Coney Isliiiid llaiilan’s Hoint. is be

ing imt in sli iiii* for a rcconl si*usoii.

It h«.ks like a rei-.ird year for the big Oana dian Kviiibitiou.

Hie nu.neroiis pi.-tnre houses sealterovl all .►v<*r the town ai'i* 'going some.

Tlie C.ituiiliaii National Kvliihiti.iii will ti**

l■'■!d in Toronto, t an.. .XngnsI 'J~ Sept. HJ, BHII.

rill* preliminary work ol tin* I’aiiadian Nu llonal Kxhibiiion Aug. 'J7 .Sept. H_’. H.HO is

early uinler way. and ih.-it its eontimie.i pro- gri' is assiir *ii H e\ idi-need bv Hn sale of con -essioiis ainl iiriv ileges, alH*iiT .'Xlg iNMi of wliieli

have ilreail.v 1m*i*ii sold at an a'Uaine of alsait tw eiity til I* IHT . eiil. in 1!'"!) prii es.

nil* bill of altraeti'ins has also veisiMsl a goiHl ib-il of atteiiHon ami a Hnarils' B.iinl from l.ngliinl will likely figure as Hn* musical fea¬

ture. I’l'esideiit HihhIi ;*l am an.l M iuiig. r tirr visiteil Knglani! f.>r the »*\pr,*ss puriHisi* of s-*

eiiriiig this gri*al**st of all altraeli.iiB- from a Canauiaii stamlpoiiit. ami it is that

the baud is practically secured.

-Xliart from tliis. the special iittraetioiis. will be largely* of a naval charaeti r. Tln'ie w ill '•e niolels of all the difl’erent ly[H*s of vi-ssela

usi-d ill the British navy, and if i>-niiissloii can Ih* obt.ilned, some of the smaller vessels of Hm British tie* t will be brought up through the oai.als to help out thi* effect.

Th * aeenic repriHluction will also In* of a naval i>ersuaslon, ami the fireworks for which

Hie night enterfaimnenis are noted, will con tain m iny sc-lies from Ihe sen.

Ilf ciMirse all other attractions will h.* kept

lip to the ni.irk as usual. Tii** vaudeville will he distinctly higli-class, while the most strik¬

ing luiiitiry features will Ih* r*t.ilned. a t.t'too of milif.iry hamts will 1m* imiHnr feature.

• Mint feitiires wHi b** exhibits by the Hrov inei-s. ati art Iikiii exhibit of tin* pieturi-s .>f the year by Luropean masters, and displays .if manufaiiuriiig. sueli as ii.> oHn-r fair .m the

continent can pri«iuee. as w *11 as the usual griiit international livi* st.K-k 'how. lu I'aci.

the Canadian National is going right ahead improving its old features ai.d inlding new ..u.-s “Very year.

'The city has Just voted mm f.>i- more

buildings ami with them the total valin >f ex- hibilion iMiiblliigs at exhibition pirk will be learly $’J.,'>ml.msi.

It is the largest .innual fair li> Hn* world, yearly visited by iK'ople from all ..ver Hi.* Xmer iciin continent and Kurom*. It has a tireppiHif grand st.ind, th.* largest in Xinirlca.

J. O. ,)rr Is Hn* well-know ii in iii 'gi-r ami »cretar.T. and J. K. Miinro. Hie elev. r muiiag. i of the ,>ress and ailvertisiiig biir.'.iu.


CAROUSELS Riding Galleries, Merry-Go-Rounds.

Other Money-Earning Devices. AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS

Herschell-Spillman Co. SvMeeney St . No. Tonawanda, N. Y., U.8.A.

f?emoh Gems

tor onr catalog RIMOH JSWKia

Looks like adlamond—wears like a diamond —brilliancy guaranteeC forever—stands a ling like a diamonC —stands beat like a diamond-ba* no paste, foil or artificial backing l-20th the cost of diamonds. Setonly In solid gold mountings. A marvel¬ ously reconstructed gem. net aa Imitation Sent on approval. Writs

t free. Ko camassera wantoa. no., 4B> N. Braatfwray, Sk Laula


llonal offers in Kansas towns, 4,500, l."> miles

apart; equipi>ed with 1-pln EdiiHin outfits,

pianos, grapbophones, elevated floors, oiien

fronts, leases $30 each. Also new furniture,

costing $.-Ki0 to 3 rooms, renting $.-i.,V). Owner

says sell all. Including leases, for $’.‘.000. We

have others; state your wants. Hlctiire 'Thet-

tre Exchange, Holton, Kaiis. Hrosiiectus to our

IMcture Show I’romoter free. It packs your



Italian IVfusician Bass Drum ami tynibals; ‘J4 i years of ex|M*rt eiiee. wlslw's a position with a verv giHsl bami proTidml that It will lx* a st.*ady' i .b. S:.. clf,v oomlltions and salary. 'VIRGIL SANNA. 209 E. 106th St., New York City.

PARK SEnEES—OPERA CHAIRS Non*' h*'tror. Klirht l*riros W. A. CHOATE SEATING CO.. Albany. N. Y.

HANDCUFF PICKS—A wt of ItflTvlciifT IMckit to unliK’k any han«!ouff: explanatb'ns with pu*k, of this won<!orf«il 'aMTi't; orlro $'J por sot.

MAGICIAN SUPPLY CO.. Providanca. R. 1.


Xtie Billboard MARCH 26, 19^0.

PARK LIST Complete Compendium of Information Regarding Summer Amusement Parks, Gardens and Theatres With the Class of Attractions Booked.

(x) No Circuit,

(1) Park plays Vaudeyillo.

(2) Park do«s not play VaudoTille. (8) Park plays Bands.

Aonlstun—Uzord Lake Park, Auulston Electric and Uas Co., pru|w.; It. L. Rand, mgr.; (1,

(i) Park does not play Bands.

(5) Park plays neither Bands or Vaudeville,

(zz) Park plays Stock.

Denver—Lakeside, Frank Burt. nifr.—Elltcb Uardens, T. S. Lung. prop. A mgr. (1),— White City, White City Co., props.; Frank Burt, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2, 3).

4. z, zz|. liobeou City Park (colored); An- Englewood—l^lleries Park, Tuileriea Amuse niston Electric sud Gss Co., props.

KIruiingbaui—East luike Park. U. D. Burnett, ment Co., props.; W. K. Uillpatrick, u gr. (1, 3).

^'*J**- l''*urton. mgr.; also ingr. attr.; port Collins—Llndenmeler’s Lake Park. Linden (1, 3); also opera and musical comedy.

Cadsei)—Elliot Park. A. C. G. A A. By. Co. meler A Son, props.; VI. LIndenmeier, Jr., mgr.; also mgr. attr. (2, 3, z).

pr'*pa.: tj“a- J- Zell, tngr., at^. (z, 1, 3); pueblo—Mlnuequa Park, Glass A McQuillan, C. J. Zell books vaudevillo attractions. props.; (zz, 3).

Trinidad—Central' Park. Steve Patrick, i.igr ; (1) (.1 M, SherUlan t^siks vaudevll^ attr.— Steve Patrick, mgr. attractions; (zz. 3); Monroe lark; Mobile Light A K. B. props. Sullivan A Considlne Circuit. A mgrs.; (1, 3); M. U A B. B. Oo., books vaudeville. COHKECTICUT.

Montgomery—Pickett ^irltys, Montgomery Bridgeport—Steeplechase Island, Geo. C. Tilyou, pr‘>P-; Capt. Paul Boyton, mgr.; plays outdoor

(2, 3. z,). Washington (colored) Mont- . e j gomery Traction Co., pr<^ips and mgrs.

New Decatur—Oakland; North Alabama Trac¬ tion Co., props.; W. A. Ulbb, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (4).

Bristol—Lake Compounce Para, I’lerce A Nor¬ ton mgrs.; National Park Manugcra' Assn., New York City; John Jackel, booking agt.; (1); plays local hauls only.

BurrVill^Hlghland Lake, .'•hi Connecticut Co.. Wilby, mgr. attr.; (1, 3). yr„ue A mVs ■ (1 4)

Sbeffleld-Trl-(»Oes. Florence, Sheffleld and T^ Costal' Lake^ci^stal Lake Par*. Wm. Bowl- cumbla By. Co.; Harry B. Elmoee, mgr.; also ^ . wm. mgr. attr.; (1 comidete company only, (z, Bowler books attr

Ilartford-Luna Park. Jas. U. darken, mgr.; side Park, Sheffield Co., props.; N. T. Per- ^ kins, mgr.; R. A. Andrews, mgr. attr.; (2. Yjerlden—Hanover Park, Consolidated It. B Co.,

auTTnua props.; B. P. Lee, supt.; (1, 3); B. P. Lee Aui^unm, b->oks vaudeville sttracticns.

Douglas—liouglas Park, Douglas St. By. On., New Britain—White (Jak Park, The Connecticut props.: Daniel .K. o'Donuven. mgr.; Daniel A. Co., props.; L. 3. Blsley, supt., also supt. (I’lionavHU. mgr. attr. (x. 5). attr.

Tucson—Elysiau Grove, Tucson Amusement Co., New Haven—White City, White City Oo., mgrs.; proi>e.; E. Prachman, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Box 15^, New Haven, Conn.—Light House (1. 3); Bert lievy books vaudeville attr. Point, East Shore Amusement Oo., props. A

ABRANftAS mgrs.; (x, 2, 3). mKiL&AD&B. Orange—Suburbsn Park. T. G. MacDermott.

BaU-sville—Unique Theatre, Zarllngton Five mgr. owners and managers. Ilockville—Slmpeon lAke Grove, Capt. A. T.

Camden—City Park, City of Camden, owners; Thompson, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; E. H. Caraon, mgr.; (x. 3). This park Is 3,. jjr. Thompson books attrac- slmply a ball park. tions.

Conway—Grand Theatre, Hugh Pence, mgr.; (x, | Warehouse Point—Plney Ridge Park. Springfield 3. **>. . ,, , * IlMtford St. By. Co., props. A mgrs; Mr.

Eureka Springs—Auditorium I’ark. Citizens Elec- i Xew^. mgr. attr.; (1. 3); .Mr. .Newton trie Oo., prop*.; Adolph M. Barron, mgr.; | books attractions. also mgr. attr.; (1, 3, x); Adolph M. Bar- wiuatwl—Highland l.ake. The Connwtlcut Co., ron booka vaudeville attr. props.; Wm. Harris, mgr.; N. B. Rood. Burr

El Dorado—Dreamland Airdome, Majestic Am. Conn.. mgr. attr.; (1. 3|; Park Book Oo.. prop*.; H. D. Bowers, mgr.; also mgr. | |„_ circuit. Henry Marboof, mgr.; ls«.ks at attr. (1. X).—Queen City Theatre, -Majestic 1 tractions Amusement CX)., props.; B. B. Garlson, mgr.; ' DELAWARE, also mgr. attr. (1, X). —Ilnm'K P1»t and Theatre. Chas.

lug Circuit, Henry Marboof, mgr.; lss>ks al tracHons.


lY>rt Smlth-Blectrlc'Pak Fort Smith IJ«ht A “‘■‘^h-Horn^ TV*ntlnn fVh nroiiB • J W Gillette msr.! K. Horu. prop, ot lui^r.a ftiBO m^r. •iir. i »• J Ma?k 'm^iittr.' (i 1 3)- w; Wilmingtou-Shellpot Park. Heury A Young

Gillette books vaudeville attra’ctloni. I j:® ’ ^3) —BrTndy'wiu.' Hot Springs—Whittington Park. Hot Springs k'pronleV'By Co'^ pro^w ^B W

Paik Co., props.; Geo. (Doc) Owens, mgr.; springs l^k, 1 eople a tty. co., protw., k. w also m;r. attr.. (1. 3, x\); book direct. Crooks, mgr. yTrtwTna

Hot Springs—Airdome, J. Frank Head, prop. ilojxiua. A mgr.; (1, 4, xx); J. F. Head books st- Jacksonville—Florida Ostrich tsrrn, W. W. Fra

also mgr. attr. (1, x, 3).—Brandywine Springs Park, People's By. Co., protw.; B. W. Crooks, mgr.


tractlua Little Bock—Airdome, J. Frank Head, prop,

and mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, xx, xi; J. Frank Head books vaudeville.—Wonderland, F. Jenuen, prop. A mgr.; (x, 1, 2); F. Jennen books vaotlevllle attractions.—Forest Park. I.,. R. By. A Electric. Co., props. A mgrs;

ser, treas. A gen. mgr. (x. 1, 3); owner books vaudeville attr.—Pboenlx I’ark, Jack¬ sonville Electric Co., props. A mgrs.; also managers attr.; (x. 1. 3); owners book vaudeville attractions.—Dixieland Park, D. H. Harris, prjp.; Paul C. Blum, mgr.; also mgr. attr. (1, 3); Paul C. Blum books vaudeville.

Abe Stlrwell, mgr. attr.; (x. 1); plays city —Florida Ostrich Farm and Zoo. norlda bands only; Chas. T. Taylor, books vaude¬ ville attractions.—Airdome, J. F. Head, mgr.;

Ostrich Farm Co., proiw.; Charles D. Frsser. mgr.; also mgr. attr. (1, x, 31.

I'red Parnell, mgr.; J. F. Head books attr.; I'enaac^a—I'aimetto Beach. Palmetto Beach J. F Head Circuit; (1, 3). Amuse. Co., props, and mgrs. (1).

Newport—Electric Tlieatre. H. E. Cobb, mgr.; Tampa-Ballast Point I'ark, Tampa Llectrlc

(1, C); book dln-ct. Walnut Ridge—Airdome. A. Burg Israel, prop.;

(1. C); book direct.


Rikersfleld—Hudnut Driving Park. G. Luta, prop.; Kern County Fair A»f c. “igra, attr.; (X, 1); plays local bands only. This la an

CX)., props.; J. A. Trawlck, aigr.; also mgt. attr.; (1, xx. 4. x»: b<M)k8 Imleiiemlent.— Sulphur Springs Park. Jos. S. BIcbardsou, prop. A mgr. attr.; (1, 4); Sullivan A Con sldlne Circuit; DuVrles, Chicago. books vaudeville attr.


amusement park only during the annual fairs, usually held about October 12. and for the we«-k following.

^ 1 AUanta—White City, Ga. By. A Elec. CX)., proi«.; C. H. Chooawood, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2. 3. x).—I.akewood I'ark, M. Jacobs, pres.; J. Billet, secy A treas.

Coronado Beach—Coronado Tent City, Goto Atlanta_I ako'vood Park. N. E. W. Slstruuk. nado Beach Co., projis.; J. S. Hammond, m;rr. prop.; Carl E. Lindquist, mgr.; (6); Sullivan Augusta—Lake View Park, Augusta By. A Elec. A CXjnsldlnc book vaudeville. Co _ props.; George IL Conklin, mgr.; also

Fresno—Recreation Park, Fresno Traction Co.. mgr. attr. (1); Empire Theatrical Exchange l>rops.; A. G. Weshon, mgr.; (1, 4). b<s>ks vaudeville.

Hanford—Athletic Park, Athletic Park Co.. Columbus—Wildwood Park, Columbia It. B. Co.. proi«.; Jos. CV)rey. mgr. (x. 4). propa.; F. W. IJlly, mgr., alno mgr. attr.;

Oakland—Idora I’ark, Idora Park Co., props.; jj(. Lilly b<»)ks vaudeville attr. W. P. Miller, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (x. 1. 3). Gainesville—Chattahoochee Park. North Georgia

Klcbmond—East Shore Park, East Shore A Su¬ burban By. (X>., props.; C. H. Robertson, mgr.; (2).

Electric Oo., iiroi*.; G. M. Martin, mgr.; sl*i mgr. attr.; Empire Theatrical Circuit; Geo. Greenwood books vaudeville attr.; (1).

Sacramento—Oak Park. Sacramento Electric j \t„.en—C.-iimii's Park. ilacvM By. A Light C<... Railway CX)., pro(i8.; C. W. McKllllp, mgr, of company: A. H. KInes. mgr. park; (1, 3).

proim.; J. I Xyban. mgr. attr.: (2. 3 xz) M:icf,n By. A Light Co. tssiks attr.

San Diego-Mission Cliff Park. San Diego Elec. Rom,—DeSoto Park. Rome By. A Light Co. By. Co., props.; Carl E. Lindquist, amuse, mgr.

San Bcniardlno—Urblta Si)rlng8 Park, San Ber¬ nardino Valley Traction (X).. jiroj*.; C. A. Sbattock, mgr.; A. B. Merrihew, mgr. attr.; (z. 2. 3).

pro|>B.; IL J. Arnold, mgr. Savannah—Thunderbolt Casino, Savannah Elec.

Co., props.; L. W, Nelson, lessee; (z. 1. 4); L. W. Nelson books vaudeville attrac tlona.-Barbee’s Park, A. M. Barl>ee. proii. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (z. 5); A. M. Har-

>sn Francisco—CYtutes I’ark, CTiutes O)., props.; ^ mgr—Lincoln Park, Savannah Electric E. P. l>-vy, mgr.; E. P. I>-vy, mgr. attr.; ; w. J. Whiteman, mgr.; also mgr. tl, 3): Pantages booka vaudeville attrac (1) and minstrel (.3).

.San iose-Lun. Park. Audley Ingersoll Amuse. • Co., (irops.; Audley Ingerottll, mgr.; also mgr. Z . ) . IDAHO attr. —Congress Springs Park, Peninsular B. ..... . B Co., proits.; F. K. Chapin, mgr. Boise—Riverside, Scimielzel A Pyle, props. A

mgrs.; (z. 4i: plays burlesque.—Pierce I’ark.

COLORADO. W. E. Pierce. |iro)i.; H. E. Dalton, mgr ; (3

Boulder—Chautauqua I’ark. City of Boulder. ,, . , _i...,. /. i i,. pro)*.; F. A. Boggess, mgr.; F. A. Boggess. Shoahone-Mountalnriew J. Is.rsey mgr. attr: (z. 31. * prot.. and mgr; alsr> mgr attr; (1. 3. zi.

Colorado Springs—Zoo Park. John J. Coughlin. br»ok direct. tt t TWAta prof).; M. J. Cougblln, mgr.; Harry C. Cull. ILLlMOm. mgr. attr.; (."»).—Straton, Straton Estate. Alton—Cbantaiajua Park. W M. Ssuvagf. mgr props. B. M. Lathrop. mgr.: H. T. Irvine, A proji.; also mgr. attr. <1. .'!i; Wt-stem mgr. attr.; (1); one baml engaged for entire Vamlerille Assn. Circuit: W M. Sauvage )s>ol(f season. rainlevllle attractions. — Ainlono-. llliqsidromr

Cripple Creek—Union. Jas. E. Hanley, (iroi). and Aiiium'. Co., pnq*., Sauvage. mgr.: also mgr. also mgr. attr.; (5). mgr attr. (1. 3); Western Vaislevllle Assn,

Shoshone—Mountalnview Park, C. J. Dorsey, prot>. and mgr.; alw) mgr. attr ; (1. 3. zi; brstk direct.


b(X>ks vaudeville.—K<K-k Springs Park, CHty of Alton, ptxqis. and mgrs. C.’). l<ocal bands only. I

Belleville—Pricstcr's Park. Star Brewery Co., i (inqis.; J. 11. Hoffman, mgr.; L. E. Tieiuan, ! mgr. attr.; also Issiks vaudeville, tl. 3).— Wiukelman's Park and Fair Grounds, Wm. Wlukelman, pro|i., I'rllz Tellmau, mgr.; (2, 4).

Canton—Van Winkle Park, J. Bennett A Sous, prulHi.; 1.. B. WiHslruff, mgr.; |2, x) plays local bauds only.

Cbam|>aigu—West End Park, lllluola Traction Co., |>roi>s.; Malt Kusell, mgr.: also mgr. attr.; tl, 3); kuscll'a Warm Weather Cir¬ cuit; Matt Kiistdl books vaudcTilie attractions.

Cbarlestou—Blvervlew Park. Tbos. T. Threl- keld, prop.; Earle E. Tirlkeld. mgr.; also mj^. attr.; (2, 3i.—Urtiau Park, Central Illinois Traction iY>., itrtqM.; Otio Scbilliug, Mattoon, 111., mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2, 3).

CYilcago—White City, Lt-unanl Wolf, mgr.— Fbrest Park, Paul D. Howse. lugr.—lama Park. Jas. U'la-ary, mgr.—Blvervlew Expo¬ sition Park, 1’. W. Cooiier, N. P. Valerius, ‘ and W. -M. Johusoti, mgrs.; also mgrs. attr. ‘ (1, 3): Paul W. Cmqs-r lM>oks vaudeville.— Sans Soucl Park, Sans SouW Park Co., propa.; Miles E. Fried, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, 3, z); Guy .Mills IsHiks vaudeville.

Decatur—Dreamland Park, Decatur .Amuse, Co., props.: Zd. S. Baker, mgr.; also mgr. attr. (X. 2, 3l.—Wilsou'a Park. T. G. Wilson. pyvH>. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (3, x).

Dixon—Bock Uiver .Assembly, lUs-k Blvcr As¬ sembly Assn.; N. 11. Isuig, sei'y.; L. A. Baird, mgr. attr.; t2, x, 3i.—Gediicy'i Park, Wm. Junes, mgr.; (x, 2.41.—Prosis-ct I’ark, Dr. J. W. Stephens, mgr. (x. 2. 41.

Bast St. Louis—l.ausduwue Park, llugh Morri- aou, mgr.—Central Park and Hail; Wm. Simon, mgr. A prop.; (2, 3).

Elgin—Trout Park, Elgin Development Co.; B. W. Tbornti'n, mgr. (2. 3i.

Pree(s>rt—Highland Park, Fr>>e(Kirt Amusement Co., pr>Ais.; S. W. Matthews, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (1. x).

Galesburg—lligblaud I’ark, Galesburg By. Ai

Light Co., props. ' Harrisburg -White City, Harrisburg Fair Assn.

proi>s.; Turner Bru., mgrs,; O. L. Turner, mgr. attr.; (1. 3i.

Hoopi'ston—McFerriu's i’ark. J. S .McFerrln, mgr.; (5. xi.

Kewznee—Wlndmout Park. (1. A K. Electric R. B., pro|>8: B. IL liaywooil. mgr.; Ed. Johnson, mgr. attr.; Ed. Johnson Itooka vaude

vllle attr. Marion—Coal Belt Electric Park; (I, x). Mattnon—Urban Park. Mattoon City By. Co..

proi«.; Cbas H. Cox, mgr.; also mgr. attr.

(•2. 31. Olnoy—llyatt's I’ark. J. F. Hyatt, proii.; Ernst

Z. Bower, mgr.; (1). Ottawa—Majestic Park. Chicago, Ottawa A Pe

oria By. Co., props. A mgrs.; tl, 4i; Chas. H. Isuitrlck Circuit. Chicago.

Pana — KltcLell Park. City of Paua. pA>|>s.; City Park Hoard, mgrs.; also mgrs. attr. (2. 3|. Chautauqua week only.

Paris—Reservoir Park. Reservoir Park Fishing ami Boating Club. |ir<A>s.: C. P. Hitch, mgr.. (2i; plays local bauds; J. A. Swisher, books

attr. Peoria—Pfeifer's Palm Garden. Mrs. R. Pfeifer

A Son. pro|».; Cbas. C. Pfeifer, mgr.; also

mgr. attr.; (1. 3); C. (1. Pfeifer btsika attr —Virginia Boacb, F'rank A. Helncke, pni|* A mgr.; Cbas. IL Doutrick Circuit, also book vaudeville attr.; (1. 3).—Al FYesco Park. Al Fresco Amuse. Co., props.; Venioa C. Si-aver.

gen. mgr. Peru—Nlnewa Park, Star Union Brewing Oo..

profN).; Charles B. Wagner, mgr,; also mgr attr. (1, 3); Western Vaudeville Assn, book* vaudeville.

Petersburg—Old Salem, Rev. J. M. Jobnwin. mgr.: (2, X. 3).

Itasa—Plasa Chautauqua Park. Wm. Sauvage. mgr.; also mgr. attr. (1. 3i; Western Vaude rille Assn, books vaudeville.

Quincy—Highland Park. Henry A. (iredell. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2. 31.—Baldwin Park Henry Gesbwluder, mgr.. (1, 3. x); lleury Geshwlmk-r books attr.

Kockfonl—Harlem Park, Rockford A Interurbsu By. Co. pro|«.; Hugh C. Andress, mgr.; sNo mgr. attr. (1, 3); William Morris Inc., l»s>ks

vaudeville. islaud—Black Hawk Watch Tower. Trl

City By. Co., propa.; Watch Tower I'ark Co., lewsees, F. W. Ssueriuan. pres.; E H. Krell, 8e<-retary and treasurer; (3.1

Sheridan—Glen Park. Sheridan Summer Resort Co., prn|is.; Josefih Giialano, mgr ; also mgr.

attr.: (2, 3). Springfield—Z<*> Park. Zoo Park Co., props.; T.

W. Allen, mgr.; alst> mgr. attr. and Issiks randerllle. (1. 3, x).

Sterling—Mineral Springs Park Great North western Fair Assn., pro|ia.; C. 8. Coe. mgr.. (2. 3): C. S. Coe books vaudeville attr.

I SkH-lbyvIlIe— Park. J. C W.-stervelp, I pro|>.: Geo. Rote-rts. mgr.; also mgr sttr.

(2. 3); L. S. Webster books vaudeville at

tractions. 1 Taylorvllle—I>eigije I’ark. Taylorvllle Bas<-bsll

Co., (irops.; Floyd Baughman, tngr ; <2. x. 3.)

Angola—Lake Janx-s Park, Lake Jaiiiea I'ark Co., prtgis.; (’. W. Morse, mgr ; also mgr attr. (2, 3).—Shady Ncnik Park. St. Jos«qih Valley I.lne B. K.. (>ro(i8.; 11. E. Biirkllii,

mgr. attr. (3. x). Anderson—Mounds Park. Indiana Union Trac

tion Co., |iro|ia.; F. I). Norvell, mgr., also

mgr. attr. (2, .3, x). Bloomington—Airdome. Farris. Hill A llowor,

mgrs. A (Soiis.; also mgrs. attr.; (1); Wasli Ington, VIncennea A IlbSiiiiliigton Circuit; (.3i Wm. Morris, ("hlcagfi, tssiks Taudevllle at t ract Iona.—Woislerl and, W. A. Ilrlsis-nden,

pn>|i. A mgr.; also mgr. attr ; 11) Linton, Ib-dford A Bloofiilngton Circuit. (3t; C. II. Doutrick, Chicago, tsioks vaiidovllle attrac

ftons. Cedar l.ake—Moixm Park, Moisui R. It , |irn(M.-,

Chas. Sigler, mgr : (3). Crawfordsville—Airdome, I.e<- Gllkcy, mgr.;

(XXI. Elkhart—McNaiighton's. City of Elkhart, (irotm..

Hoard of Works, City of Elkhart mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (2. 3|; RoanI of Works Iseiks vaudeville attr.—Island Park. City of Elkhart, (iropa.; Roan! of Works, (Yly of Elkhart, mgrs. attr.; (3): Board of Worka Insiks vandevllle attr. Studetiaker, City of Elk hart, pngia.: Hoard of Works, mgrs.; also

mgrs. attr.; (2. z. 4|. —Elkhart Driving I’ark. A. I.,. Marchess<-ar. mgr.; alao mgr. attr ;

(2. z. 3i Evansville -risk Siiiiiiiilt I'ark. Evansville and

So Indiana Trac. Co.. Sweeloii and Ray m'lnd. mgrs : al»i mgrs allr.; (I. 3i: West ern Managers' Assn.; Sweetmi and Raymond

b»eik vaudeville FannIatHi Mills I ake park. Jaisdi Mills, |iro(i

and mgr (2, 3).

O'* som«thlng practi- nVe-f cally tha sama at

per carat (lui m M syuiueiic white saiqiblre It the wonder of the aclentlfic world. ,\a brilliant aa the dia mond and so bant IdO years' near will not dull Its luster. Either hwise or s<'t In 14 k. gold Rings, Studs. Karrlngt and Scarf Pins. Sent C. (). D.. subject to examination Si-nd for iHMiklet WM. COMERFORD, 18 8. Division 8t.. Buffalo. N. Y.

READ—THIS—READ The greatest money getting hall game. Write

for catalogue. J. W. NEL80N. Bradford. Pa.


Theatre Chairs Abaolutaly

Non-Breakabla Suitable fur small theatre and moving picture shows. We larry tbeat- chairs In stock and can abl|i immediately. Second hand rlialra. alao Seating for out-of iXsir uw .Add I)e|il. R. STEEL FU'RNI TIRE CO. Grand Ra|dds. Mich. Ilos ton offiee, 2'24 Con

■—- ^ gress street, Rostuu. ■Mass, .New York office, l.'iQ Fifth avenue,

GLASS ENGRAVERS ATTENTION—Something new in beautiful baud (laluted Crystal Glass. No eomiM-tiilMti Kxc! islve territory. ITrst time ever [dared >11 sale. Ss-nd for one dollar's worth of samples and Is- couvIiks-iI. .Address W. C. MarLEAN. Batavia. N. Y.

THE CIRCLING WAVE For the small amount of caidtal requlml. la the must (irufitable investiueut. The catrhb'St and moat [>o|>ular amusement riding device In use. Easily and quickly M-t u|> and taken down. Inexis-nsive to iqs-rale and to lraiis|sirt from place to [dace. t>|sTated by gasollis- engine. Neats SO [ssqile. Music by cylinder [daisi or ■rgali. Now Is the time to [dacs your order I'alalogoe. iiriee and teatimonlals on aiqilleatiuu. ARMITAGE A GUINN, Patentees and Sole Msn ufaclureni, Springrillo, Eris Co., New York.


A-,, -It,.

.\M> ii.\si'ii.\i,ii \ovF.i/rii:s Write for price Hat WM. WURFFLEIN, Mgr.. 808 N. Second St.. Philadelphia. Pa., U, 8. A.

We originated fritter cns|i I ettes. Dellelous cuufe<-t loll. ( S«dls like wildfire.

Profit, Asi'.'c. fliNl At--jT'jy a llioutb Imsime

easy, tl.issi a inoiiih [iiitisllde iin 'Icr favorable isui ditlons. Send for

IwjLlqng CO yoiBflnfifi 6

j -: WANTED :- I Agcnta. legitimate aubatltiits for Slot Ma

rhinea; [lateiiteil; aella on atghf for 11. Par Hrnlara. GISHA CO., Andsraon, Ind.

Gars for Sale—Also Show I Two cara, (M) feet each Inalds; [laae M. C. It

any road; alao. will aell <s>iB|>lete Wild Weal ! SImiw. or combine. Semi for lists CAPT. C. : W, RIGGS. 1606 Bank of Commerce Bldg., St. ' Louia, Mo.


In.ll«ii»iH>ll»--Hro«d ntpiile, R. H. Ny*. ni|rr.: K. I). Norrlll, lixllana Union Trartion Amirraon. In<l.—Wotirtarland Park, F. M. Ilirka. mifr.—lUv^ralila Haacb, K. B. Allan, aary.—Broad Blppla Park. Imllana Hnlnn Traction tV>.. |>ro|ia.; M. R. Grafton, mgr.; alao nnrr. attr. (2, i. 3); F, 1). Norrall tmoka attr.

Kokotno—AthlaHc, K. M. A W. R. R., pmf>H.; T. McRaynolda, niirr.; alao iiittr. attr.; (1. 3. 1).

a Faralta —Tacumaah Trail Park. Fort Wayna A W. V. Traction Co., prop* : Oao. .Malchua, iner.: aim niRr. attr. (2. x, 3i.

I a I’orta—Alrllna Park, Jcnlcak A Kolar, pro|ia. A nntra.: alao mirra. attr.; (1. 3. x): Ko lar A Jcnlcak N>ok Taiidarlllc attr.—BliifT- aide Beach, Northeni Ind. B. R . prn|>a. A inirra.; <1, 3, x); Northern Iml. R. R. Ivaika TaiidaTlIla attr.

I<'Xatia|M>rt S|a-iicer Park. Pity of Ix>Kana|Hirt. prop* ; Ft. Wayne A Wahaah Valley Traction Co., iiirra.: S J. Ryder, niirr. attr.; (2. 3».— Briiinnan Park. Wni. Briiirman. i)ro(i.; Wni. White, nirr.; Wm. W’hite. mirr, attr.; (1. 3i; Wm. White ta>oka attractlona.

Mtchliran Pity—Waahinitton I“ark. Sooth Shori’ Amoaaiiient Po., po>pa.; F. M. Bm>ckllne. mrr.: F. M. Roeckllnit. mcr. attr.; (1. 3. x.l

Montiieller—Monti>al|er Fair and I>rlvlnjt Aaan., R J. SIdley. prop. A m|tr.; (1, x. 3); C. L. Smith hooka attr.

Miincla—Waat Side Onn Plnb Park. J. W. Far rail, iiier

New Albany—Glanwood Park. Ixtolarllle A Sioithem Indiana Traction Po.. pro(i*.; Br. Kdw. R. Parry, in«r.. alao mgr. attractlona. <2. 3i.

Sew Paatla—Blue Valley Park. Ilanray Brira.,|ia.: W. P. narray. mar : M. p. Harray, mirr. attr.; (2. 3.)—Idlawlld Park. I,. A. Jan ninpa. prop.—tntarnrhan Park. T. H. 1. A T. Flactrlc R. R. Po.. proy>a : John O. riolta- claw, intrr.—ShlTcIay’a Park. W. A. Shlre- ley. tnxr.

Richmond—Jackaon Park. Papt. Jackaon. prop.; J A F Traction Po.. myra.; <2. 3. x.l

Sooth Bend—Siwtnr Brook. P. J. PIlFont. prop., .3 mcr.. alao mrr. attr.; Weatam Vandartlla nrenit: (1. 3 I—Phain Ijika Park. P. J. Pllf ford, prop. A mrr.; alao mrr. attr.; Weatem VandcTlIla Ptrcolt; (1. 3 I

Terra Ilaota—Tounr'* AIrdoma. S. M Voonr. iwnp A mrr.; alao mrr. attr.; playa atock and opera: (T. 3.1

VIncannea—I aka wood Park. P. P. Ooanell. prop. A mcr.- alao mrr attr ; <3, x.l; P. P. Goa nell hooka randeTlIla attr

Wahaah—BoTd. Ft Wayne A Wat>a*h Valley Traction Po., pr"P-: Ji** Small, mrr : alao mcr attr.; (1. x. 3: i Jamea Trrln. hooka raodcTllle attr.


Borllnrfrin—Madlaon Are I’ark. Nathan Pank wanlf. protv A mrr • alao mrr. attr.: (1. x. 3.1—Pollaeom Park. F J. Rllinc. mcr (3.1

Pedar Ranlda—Alamo. Alamo Stock Po.. poj^a ; n. K Barton, mrr* alao mrr. attr.; (1. 3;l O. K Barton book* Tanderllla attr

(Ttaroke.—Phaiitauqiia I’ark. I’rof. Man*, mrr.: (.3. T I

Hear I aka—Weatem lake Raaort Po . propa ; Gao M TVnea. aec’y : alao mrr. attr : (1. 3. y:' Gt'o M Prince b-ooka Tander*11e attr

ninton Parle Point Park. Plinton Stn^et Rr Po . ppi;'* : B John»in. mrr • alao mrr. attr (2 >

Ponpr!| Bliitr*—lake Manawa Park. Omaha A Ponncll Blnffa St. By Po . proi« ; Wm. P Prrne mcr : (3. i

PaTeniM^rt—S<'hi>«*lren. At B<tc. proii. A mcr.: (2 3 I

Pea Molnea Tnc raoll. Pea Molpea Pity Rv Po . i'mi>a : F'cl Buchanan, mcr ■ alao mcr attr ■ • 1. 3 >—White Pity. Iowa State .Amiiaemant Po . ppoiw : p p Mi'Ijinrhlln mcr.: ala<i mcr attr • (1.3 1

Pnhnipn- -I'nion Park. Pnlon Plectrlc Po.. proj« I* p Matbea, mrr : alw' mcr attr • (I. 31: W.wtarn Vauderllle .Aaan.; Kdwanl Tlam^an hooka randerllle attr

Port Madlaon—.AIrdome. 1 «-a Mo*i-a. Burllncton. Iowa

Keokuk—Paalno tee Moaaa Bnrllncton. la. Nawfoa—flak Park. W. McPollom peon A mcr.-

alao mcr attr.; <1. x': W McPollom book* Tanderllla attr

Clakal<«iaa—Glenwnnd Park. J Mace Moran nmti. A mrr • alao mcr. attr ; (3 t I

siooT PIfT—Oratal Taka Park. S P P T A M Bt, Po ■ Joa .A. Pore .Tr mm ■ alao mcr attr Rlreralde. S P Traction Po nrotia ■ R I Kirk mcr ; alao mcr attr •

ptara airy hand only W-watlawn Inter ■tata T Ira Stock Fa'r .Aaan . ntotei ; toe Mor ton mcr ; alao mrr attr : (1. 31 Joe Mor ton hiwtir* randoTlIle

• "n«., Tylaf* Park F P Tvler prop ; Trier Brother*, nirra : F p Tyler mrr attr ' t T >

'V .tcrloiv PI. .-trie I’l.rk, I-me Alford pfi'it and liter ■ n1*o mcT r.ltr : (1 31 Weatem Vandevlll.i hitokinew

KANSAS Vti hlaiin P-ueat Park .Atchlaon .Anmaement

Po prop* ■ .A S lewla mcr aiwo mcr attr,- (XT 31: .A S 1 ewla hooka attr

IiaTter S|>rlnc« Reunion Park. P. T . Smith, mcr

■ at. T—tyrle Park. J B Taek.-tt noip • P. W Slater mcr ■ alao liter attr (.3 t I

oir.TTllle -Tarkeffa Park. J B Tackett oroii • p tr mcr.: ala.t mcr attr • I'll Sonthem PIrriilt

< irt Siaiti p.-m I ake Park Pern T ake Park Po AVIll llafer. mcr ; alao mcr attr : (-3 T t

M-rlrcfon 1 Trie AIrdome. T P Blachlr proi, < mcr alao mcr attr ; (1 a I -Th- Air •'.line A B Tiihnaon. |tro(i. A lacr.; picitirea le.t only

■I 'ton ll.irfon PIIT Park, ('llT of Morton fropa : MaTor of Morton. liter : PIIt (’lerk ■ocr attr • (2. » At

lilt.'ilpaon Rtreralde. K P. Bi-ck. owner and mcr (1 3. a t

' "venworth AIrdome Thiwtre, Pharlea T Keane mrr : (aa 1. a I Aeaiadatlon I’ark P A Soarmw aee'y • (2. 3 I Pi-otilo’* Park 'I I Pnnnincham pron A mcr • alao hiwika '•iMevllle attr (31; Prawf.tnl rUreiilt

I-I’heraon PIrcly Take I’ark FVank Wallace "rop. A mcr ■ alao mrr attr.: (3 a i - Air

■ t.iine. Mel1ti|ul«t Broa , protia.; Geo T Mellt ""•at mirr : alao nirr attr • (1. 41- Olaon Wichita PIrcitIf; Gi-o. J. Mclltniilaf Invika attr

"tana Porcat I’ark (’ItT of Ottawa, proiia at- ii|*T* local handa oniT.

•ir*.,,,, 1 ,, Hodktna Joldln Ml O'-u • T lord Si cnci-r mrr • (1>: T vr*c PIr •'lit P n lloilkltia .loidln Mo hitoka vail '■'Vlllr piectrle Park Theatre niaa Miv.r '*ead. iioip ■ 1 loyil Sia'nrer. iiiCT : al«o tnrr -Or : (O ^

tt.hitrc Idle Miiitr. Idle Ilonr I’ark Po I'CIIIHI.

Topeka—Vlnewood. E. W. Wilson, prop.; F. O. Kelly, mrr.; alao mrr. attr.; (1, 3); Inter-

Datlonal Theatrical Circuit.—Garfield, City Board; Geo. Allen, mrr.; Geo. Allen, mgr. attr.; (1, 3); Geo. Allen hooka yaiideyllle attr

Wichita—Woailerland. J. T. Nuttle, prop. A mgr.; alao ingr. attr.; (1. 3i; J. T. NutUe, huitka attr.


Ashland—Clyffealde Park, Clyffealde Park

Amuaemmt Co., props.; John V. Blair; (1, 8 X. I

BellcTiie—Qnetn City Beach, Wm. E. Kroger, mgr.: (2. 4.)

•'entral City—North Iligblanda, Jaa. R. Pemitney

prop, nnd mgr : Bdwrrd PeGrootc. mrr. attr.; II. li’ Ed PeGiatote. Atlanta. Ga.. book* rn'ideyllle

Frankfort—Glenwootl Park. Central Kentucky Traction Co., propa.; J. P. Salle, mcr.; (2.1

Mendcraon—Theatre, Cyril Padawell. mcr.; (3. i l/mlavllle—Fontaine Ferry Park. Ilopkln* Am.

Co., propa.; Tony Landenwich, mrr.: W. 0. Retchiiian. mrr. attr.; (1. 3.1—White City.— Riyir View Park, River View Park Co.. Inc.. pro[i*.; I,. Simona, prop. A mgr.; (1. 3. xl; I.. Simon* hooka attr.

MaaaTlIle—Beechwood Park. Mayavllle St. Ry. Po.. iirojie.; T. M. Rusaell, mgr.; alao mgr attr.; (1. 3, x); T. M. Russell books vaude Tllle attr.

Owenahoro—Chautauqua Park. T. A. Peilley. re celyer; (2, 3, x.)—Hackman, S. C. Ray, mgr.; (1. 3. x.l

Paducah—Wallace, Paducah Trac. Co., props.; Wm. Peal, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1. 3. x); Wm. Peal books attr.

LOUISIANA. Pmwley—City Park. City of Crowley, proiis.;

(2. xl: playa city bands. I-ske Charles—Casino, lake Charles St. R. R

Oo., pnqis.: (2.1 lecompfe—Moore Park, C. C. Moore, prop. A

mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 31: Alexandria Circuit: C. P. Moore hooks ysndevllle attr.

Monroe—Forsyth Park. City of Monroe, prop.; Glen Fleming, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 4 X); Glen Fleming books yaudeyllle attr. This

park la nsed as a fair ground eyery October, and TsudeTlIle 1* booked for this week only

N'achltochew—East Natchitoches Park A«sn.; J Alph Pnidhomme, pres.; J. B. Tucket, sec’y.: S. J. Henry, mgr. of park; J. C. Clark, mgr attr.; (2.)

New Orleans—White City, Philadelphia Amnse ment and Construction Co., props.; W. M I.ahb, mgr.; slao mgr. attr.; (1. 31: hooking diri-ct.—City Park, City Park CVunralsaloners

prot'*.; J- Bernard, mrr.; also mgr. attr. • (1. 3i: book direct.—West End. N. O. Ry Po.. prop*, and mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (1 3); h<x>k direct.

Shreveport—Glailsfone Park. J. P. Atkins, prop A mgr.; (1. 3.)

MAINE. '-aoe Elizabeth—Pape Pottage Park, Portland R

R. Po., prop*.; E. A. Newman, mgr.: E. V Phelan, mgr. attr.: (.3. xi.1—Cape Pottaee Pa*Ino. Carver A Rsmsdell. props.; P. E Graham, mcr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3>: Field Ire. of I.ynn. Ma«s.. hooka vaudeville,

t.ewlaton—lAke Grove Park. I... A. A N. St Rv Po.. proj>*.: M. B. Ivers. mgr.; (1, 41; Flynn Circuit.

Norway—Central Park. A. P. Bassett, prop. A mrr: Miss I,. .A. York mgr. attr.; J. Marvey McFvoy’s Circuit; (1. 3.1

Old Orchard—S4>a Side, Maine Investment Po . props,: Waley G. Smith, mgr.

Portland—Greenwood Garden. Greenwood .Am. Po.. props.—Riverton Park. Portland Rallwisd Po.. props.; P. B. Smith, mrr.; P. F. Ber-w mgr attr.; (1. 31: J. W. Gorman's Plreplt: T W. Gorman. 100 Boylston at.. Boston. Ma««

^kowhegan—I akewood Park. M. I.. Sweet, mgr A prop,; J. J. Flvnn Plrenlt; (2, 3. XX. 1

MARYLAND. Baltimore-FIo<sl’a, J. T. Flood, prop.: Wm.

Tmeliirdt. mgr.: also mgr. attr.; (1. 4i:

McPsslln Circuit; J. T. McPaalln books van devllle—Merman’s New Electric Park, J. H Mernan A Son. jirops.; J. T. McPNisIln. mgr ;

also mgr. attr.: (1. 4); MePNislln Plrenlt- J T. McPaslln books Tandeville —Mitchell’.

Back River View Park. S. Mitchell, prop.; Frank Emmet, mgr.; J. T. McPaslln. mgr ■ attr ; (1. 4i; McPaslln Pirenlt: J. T. MePss lln books vaudeville.—Weber’s. Merman Kraft

prop ■ J T. MePaalln. mtrr.: also mgr. attr. • (1, 41; MePaalln Plrenlt: J. T. McPs.lIn hoqks vaudeville attractions.—North East Park. Wm Backus, prop.; Cbas. Oremlleh

mgr.; J. T MePaalln mgr. attr.; (1. 41; McPaslln Circuit: J. T MePaalln hooks van devllle attr.—Medden’s Casino. f3ias, Vannd ppip ■ ('eo Van. mgr.; also mgr. attr.: (1 41; AtePaslIn Plrrult: J T. McPaslln hoi'k* rsudevllle.—Easter’s I’ark. Geo. Raster A Son prop*.; Geo Ea«ter A Son. mgr.; John Raster mgr attr.; (1. 41: McPaslln Plrenlt: J T McPsslln Nmks vaudeville.—Pahst Park. J R K Polllpa. mgr. A pmn.; J. T. VePas

lln. mgr attr.- (1. 4i; McPsslln Circuit: J T. MePs«lln hooks vaudeville—Stoddard'* I’alm Garden. Jame* Stoddard, prop. A mgr • also mgr. attr; (I. 41- MePs«lln nrenlt; T T McPs«1ln b-^'k* vsiid-'vllie attr.—Eleefrie Park. Pnlfed Amn*ement Po . props.; Mav Rosen, ipgr : Maa Rosen, mgr attr.; (1. 3i; Pnlted Amusement Po Plrenlt; Max Ro«en hook* vaudeville.—Suburban. J Kete'c. prop A mgr.; *l*o mgr attr ; (1. 41; McPaslln Plrrult: J T McPsslln ho-'k* vandevlll*.— Gwynn Osk Park Pnlted Railways A Elee trie Po . prin>s.; Ja* B. Prstt. mgr.; also mgr attr.- (1. 3. a1- Jss. R Pratt hook* rsudevllle attr.—Bav Shor>>. Pnlted Railway*

A Plectrlc Po.. prop* : Jas R Pratt, mgr.; *1*0 mgr attr ; (2. 3 ai; mgr. hook* yande rllle.— River View. M T. Fitzsimmons, prop

A mgr ' also mgr attr : (2. 3. x.l—Molly wis'd. Jos Gi'cller. pn-m." Wm. Mahoney, mgr : also mgr attr ■ MeP**lln Circuit: (1 4i; J T Mci'aslln hisilt* vaudeville.—Hoffman Mouse Casino, Freil Wegsnt. prop. A mgr •

also mrr. attr.; (1. 41* AfePaalln Circuit; J T Md'aalln honk* vaudeville.—Kline'* Shore line Park. Geo E**t prop. A mgr.; also mgr attr.- (1. 4>- Mi-Psslln Plrenlt; J. T Miysalln hook* vaudeville Flood'* Park. J.

T Flood, proi'.; W. M. Tmeheart. mgr.: also mgr aftr.; (1. 3. x.l

Pumherland—Merrvland Park. Kirk A Beane, prop* • John Kirk, mgr : alao mgr. attr.; (1. 41' .Tohn Kirk ho.'k* attr

Frislerlck —1 ake View. P. J Remahnrg. prop ; P. .1 Reinshnrg. mgr ; *!*•' mgr. attr.: (2. 31' hoi'k direct —Braddock Height*. Frederick A Middletown R R Po . nroi'S.; .A. II Stone, mgr * al*i' mgr attr ■ (1. 3»: N^'k* dlri'Ct.

Glen Pi'ho Glen Pclv' I’ark. Glen Echo Park IN' . T'rt'p* .A mgr* : (2. 3 1

(Vean Pllv New Atlantic Casino, John II. GI1 h'side iirop A mgr • at*-' mgr attr.; (1. x. 41 ; J M Glllesi'le h.'ok* vamievllle attr.— Windsor Paenrslon Re*,'rt. Banlel TTymper.

prop. A mgr.; Banlel Tremper. mgr. attr.;


(1. z, 3); alao motion plctorea; Daniel Trem- I>er booka yaudertlle attr.


Athol—Brookslde Park, Atbol A Grange Ry. Co., props.; W. D. Smith, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 4i; Maurice Boom hooka vauderllle.

Attleboro—Talaquega Park. K. A. Harrington, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; K. A. Marring ton'i Circuit; (1, 3.)

Anburndale—Nommbega Park, Nommbega Pnrk Co., propa.; Carl Alberte, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1. 3i: J. W. Gorman Circuit.

Boston—Wonderland, Suffolk Leasehold Co., pro{)#.; J. J. Mlgglna, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, 31: Park Booking Circuit, 1402 Broad¬ way. New York Olty.

Brockton—Highland Park, GId Oilony St. Ry. Oo.: H. E. Reynoldi. 84 State at., Boston. Mass., mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1, 31; alao light oi>era: M. E. Keynolda books attr.

BIgbton—BIgbton Rock I’ark. Gld (Colony St. Ry. Co.: M. E. Reynolds, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3); H. E. Reynolds, 84 State at., Boston. Mass., books attr.

Fitchburg—Wbalom Park. Fitchburg A Leo¬ minster St. Ry. Co., propa.; W. W. Sargent, supt.; also mgr. attr.; (2, 3. x»: playa opera and musical comedy. W. W. Sargent bwka attr.

Franklin—Lake Pearl, W. L. Eyergreen. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2.)

Gloucester—Ix>ng Beach, Bowton and Northern St. Ry. Co., prop*.; H. E. Reynolds, mgr. • also mgr. attr.; (1. 3); M. E. Reysolda, 84 State St.. Boston, txmks attr.

HayerhIII—The Plnea, Boston, Northern A Gld Ollony St. Ry. Co., prop*.; H. E. Reynolds. 84 State at., Boston, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, 3.1

Lawrence—Glen Forest, Boeton, Northern A Gld Colony St. Ry. Co., props.; H. E. Reynolds, 84 State St., Boston, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3.1

l-exlngton—lA>xlngton Park. J. T. Benson, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, 31; New Eng¬ land Circuit; J. T. Bensoa t^ks attr.

Ijowell—Lakevlew Park, Boston, Northern A Gld Colony St. Ry. Co., propa.; H. E. Reynolds. 84 State *t., Boeton. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; II. 3.)

Mendoo—Nlpmue Park, Milford A Uxbridge St. Ry. Co., props. A mgrs.; Boom Circuit.—I.ake Nlpmue Park, Milford A Uxbridge St. Ry Co., Milford. Mass., props.; W. L. Adams, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, 3.1

Nantaaket—Paragon Park. Atlantlr Park Co., props.: Geo. A. Bodge, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Wm. Goodwin. Girard Theatre. Philadelphia. Pa., books vaudeville.

New Bedford—Ijikeslde Park, Old Colony St. Railway Co., prop*. A mgrs.: M. E. Reynold*, mgr.; H. E. Reynold*. 84 State at.. Boston. Mass., book* attr.—T.lncoln Park. Bartmonfh A Westport St. Ry. Co., props,; I. W. Phelp* mgr.: also mgr. attr.; plays opera; (3, x. i

Revere—Wonderland. John J. Higgins A Co., prop*.; John J. Mlggln*. mgr.; also mgr. attr.: (1. Si; John J. Higgins, hooks vandc- tIII*.—Tuna Park. National Amuse. Co., props.; H. H. Psttee. mgr.; Wm. H. Wheaty. mgr. attr.: (1. 31; Pattee A Wheaty book vaudeville attr.

Salem—Salem Willows. J. W. Gorman, prop.; M J. Bovle. mgr.; J. W. Gorman, mgr. attr ; (1): J. W. Gorman Circuit; (4|; J. W. Oor man bo«k* vaudeville attr.

Srrlngfleld—Riverside Grove Park. Sylvia Steam¬ boat Co., pmrHi.; Elmer H. Smith, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2. 3.1

Taunton—I ahhatia Park. Boston. Northern A Old Colony St. Ry. Co., prop*.: H. E. Rey nolda. 84 State st.. Boeton, mgr.; alao mgr attr ; (1 3.1

Webster—Beacon Park. Geo. W. Smith, mgr : also mgr. attr.: (1. 3i; Geo. W, Smith. Amusement Co. booka attr.

Wi-atwood-Westwood Park. Old Colony St. Br. Co.. proi>*.; H. E. ReyniVId*. mgr.; aI*o mgr. attr.; (1 31; II. E. Reynolds. 84 State at.. Boston. M*««.

Woreesti-r-White CitT. Pd. B. Biivenport. mirr. — Vooi’l.'.nd Park. J. J. Quigley. 23.3 Treinont St.. Bi.ston. Maa*.



I Hound with our new {[oo <'ol(l*rolled steel bind* 1.00 in^. Three-ply B B. B

trunk wood, nand-rivetetl i.'oo tipping trav. SKND FOR [ FREE C.XTALOCIUE.


625 SmithfiAld 8t. 447 Wood St. 109 Federal St . I

Factory; 32-40 Isabella St., N.S. Pittsburg, Pa.


for Show People

Southern Iron Equipment Co ATLANTA, GA.

September 5th to 9th inclusive. We want s.'nie Free Attractions. Nothing

too good. Write, stating terms for the four

days. No night shows. Also would iHiok one

goal. big. clean pay show on percentage. Ad,

dress N. E. Fulton, Fairbury, Illinoii.


Bay City—Wenona Beach Park. Ia>w New comb, prop.: J. A. Cleveland, mgr.; lyw Holcomb, mgr attr.: (1, 31; Western Man ager*' A**n. Cirenit: I^-w Holcomb books van devllle attr.

Benton Harl'or—Pden Springs Park. laraellte Honae of Bavld. pTaip*,; B. Tucker, mgr : aNo mgr. attr.; (2. 3. i

Betrolf—Electric Park. Milford Stem, aec’y.— Wa.vne Caaino. J. T. Haye*.—Rlvervlew Park. RIvervlew Park Co., prop*.; Milford Stern, mgr.: alao mgr. attr: (3. 11; Gus Sun Cir¬ cuit.

Ea*f Tawa*—Tawa* Beach. B. A M. Ry. Co., ppoi**. • Wm. Sutherland, mgr.: (5. x.i

Flint—Thread T.ske Park. Ahram I’l-er. prop. A mgr,; alao mgr. attr; (1. 3. i); Abram Pe-'r boi'k* aftr.

Grand Rapid* —New Ramona. G. R. Ry. Co., pn'p*.: T.. J Beljimarter. mgr: al«o mgr attr.: (1.1—Godfrey Pavilion. Cha*. Godfrey, prop A mgr.: alth' mgr. attr.: (1. 4. x.l

Hlll«'lale—Bay Breeze Park. N. H. MIdger. prop. A mgr.; (1. 4. x.t

I*hi>einlnc—Union Ball Park and Cleveland

Park. Marquette County Gas A Electric Co . prop*.; W. McCorklndale. mgr.; also mgr attr.; (2 3, x 1

Jackaon—Hague Park. Jackson Amns»'ment Co , pro|>*.: N F Ssvage. mgr.; also mgr. attr : (1. 4. xl; N. P. Savage book* vaudeville attr.«lng—Waverly. French A Garfield, mgrs (1. 3. xal; also fri>e attraction*

Mn«kegon—T ake M'rhigan Park. Mu«k-gon Trac tion A light Co. prop*.: John T. Young

mgr. r Harry S. Waterman, mgr attr.; (1 41; Chicago Vaudeville Manager*’ A«sn. hook* attr.

Givnano—McCnrily’a Park Corunna I’ark Board (N'runna. Mich.; (1. .31. ThI* park 1* altn ate)! betwi'en Bwoaao and Coninna. Mich

Port Huron—Kelmahdean I’ark. Kelmahdeap Park Co., prop*.; B. T. Karrer. mgr.; als<' mgr attr.; (2. i. 3.1

St. Joaoph—Silver Beach, Brake A Wallace, prop* : Toul* B. Wallace, mgr.; I eo J. SlI- vera. mgr attr.: (2. t


Au*tln—I.afayette, A. Frederick. pro|>.: (.1. x.l —City I’ark. City of Anatin. prop*.; A. Fred¬ erick. Uigr.; (.1. x.l

Bii'iifh—Jovland Park. The Brunawick O'., prop* : T P Get*, mgr.: alao mgr. attr.; (1. 31: T P. Get? hook* vaudeville attr.—I..e*tcr I’ark. I,. A Gnndepaon. pp'p. A mgr.; also mgr attr.: (2. a. 3.1

MInneapoIl* —Big Bland Park. Minnesota A St Paul Sub, Ry. Co., proi'*.; P. J. Metid('rf. mgr.; a1*o mgr. attr.; (11; playa band* on Sunday* and holiday* only.—Twin City Won

derland. Park Constnictloa Co., prot'*.: F. M.

Good Condennan Ferris Wheel, secoi

has been used I'art of three seasons

lent condition. I’rlce $900 cash. If j

the money, save your postage. J

BALL. 918 Belmont Ave., Chicago, Ii:

Kh^mWATCHES All clean goods in electro plated, gold filled,

ind silver cases fpim $1.00 up: wholesale only.

P\)r i>eddlers. auctioneers, streetmen.' etc. S«‘nd

for price list. J. L, LURIE, Room 47, Jewel-

«rs' Bldg., 373 Washington St.. Boston. Mas*.

WANTED -.A 1 I’roiiioter. State age. exj>er ience and salarv No boozer. References re niired WESTERN BOOKING AGENCY. Sioux

City. Iowa. _

f)l IVO Dramatic and Vaudeville Sketebea Kl §T\ Irlah or Dutch Wig*. 86c. Catalog*

ADOLPH E. KEIM. Station B. Milwauksa. Wi*


Wheel. Shows, and all other Concessions.

£. BLISS. Secy., Coming, la.

DIXIE FILM EXCHANGE. Owensboro, Ky. handles repairs for Motiograph. Power and Edi-

lon macbiiiea. Chemicals for Mod. B. and Ozo larbide gaa machinea. We buy all kind* of leccnd-hand show goods. Machines, M<'d. B’a. ''Ilm. and Song* bought and sold. We want '■00 reel* good Feature Films (must be Featursc). 3eet Film Service at Lowest Prices. We alao v*nt machines, tents, wing slide*.

PRIVILEGES TO LET. se**on 1910. at Trim I>er’s Seashore Resort. Merry-go-round, must be a goi'd one: Concessions. Photo. Jap Ball. Ice Cream Cones, or anv small concessions.

D. TRIMPER, Ocean City. Md.

AGENTS WANTED to s'!! the Original Nativ;- Herbs: $1.0<1 box of ’^.'^l tablets for .'iilc. For sample and terms, address I*. C. MF.LKOKE.

('olumbus, Ohio.

SPECIAL ENGRAVED LETTERHEADS, with half tone cuts from your photos. Send sketch for price. THE CLAY CENTER ENGRAVING COMPANY. Clay Center, Kanaaa.

56 e B MARCH 26, 191C

Camp, mgr.; aim mBr. aftr.: (1); P. H. Camp HEW HAMPBHI&E. books vaudpTlIle altr.—Popest I'ark, Poroat I .a i i> Park Aniiiaenient Co., props.; S. H. Kahm, I Cine M

mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 4.) Thlt park la i it located at Columbia Heights, a suburb of mgr. attr.; (1, 3); Geo. Moody IsHtks raude

Tllle attr.

^Minnebftha St l^ke Nawick, Board of Tank u d in Commissioners, proiia.; A. E. Griggs, mgr.; 1 namptoQ-H.mptim Grsver & Ramadell. J. A. KldrwiT mar attr* (*> S t\ * prop*.: F. E. Naaon. mp*.; also mAr. attr.;

Roch(*Ktrr—Majo.* i'lty of Rocb^W, prop*.; | “U vaudor^e. (5. i.)-Centrsl. City of Hocheste;, ! •'^“'^Keene Driving Park. Keene Electric (5 X. 1 to., props. (5. x.»

St. I^aul—Como Park, City of St. Paol, props.; (2, 3.)—Phalen, City of St. Paul. proi>s.; (2, 3.)—Wildwood. Street Ry. Co., props.; H. M. Barnett, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (3.)— St. Paul Public Baths, City of St. Paul, profis.; Dr. G. A. Renz. mgr.; (3.)

Stillwater—Idly l.ake Driving Park, Washing ton County Pair Assn., pro|)s.; Jas. G. Arm- son, sec’y.; also mgr. attr.; (z. 3.)


Columbus—Washington Park, Columbus Ily., IJght & Power Co., pro|>s.; D. J. Seasmus,

of Rot-hester Circuit; C. W. Nelson books vaudeville attr. Glen Haven Park. Kochewier Ry. Co., pro(is.; B. B. Wllwm mgr.; alno mgr. attr.; (1) (41; Central .\niuseineot Kv change of Rocheoler, N. Y.; C. W Nelson books vaudeville attr.

Ittiaca—Renwlrk Park, Ithaca St. Ry. Oo., lea sees; K. L. Poat, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, 8); Park management books vaudetille attr

Kingston—Kingston Point Park. Cons. R. R Oo., props., C. Gordon Keel, mgr.; also mgr attr.; (1, x, 3l; manager biaiks attr.

Latest Money Maker

Manchester—Lake Massalealc, Manchester St. Middletown Midway Park, Walklll Tran. (\>. R. R. Oo., props. A mgrs. (3). Pine Island I props. * mgra.; alno b.*>ks attr.; (1, 3l Park. Manchester Light A Power Co., props. Ja'^hell. .-i,. Address all cooimunicatlona to abov’e com ■! ^^^^urg-^lrsnij. pany. at 46 Hanover st. Prince Island Park. ‘ *^**^''8**- iMBf-l »*•<> mgr. attr. Graver A Ramsdell. propa.; R. C. Graver. .. **• *■ *'■ , „ ........ mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3); Jos. Flynn I*—Little amey Island. I/oula Hj booka attr.

Salem — Canoble Lake, Rand Ramsdell. props.; man. prop. A mgr.; (1); manager books vau devllle.

' R E. O^ave; ti^r.mnilln 'ork Park. W Texer. MISSISSIPPI. ,ttr.; (1, 3); Jos. Flynn books vsudevllle j ‘ V.‘‘

Colnmbns—Washington Park, Columbus Ry., sttr. i hattsn Osrtno i^rk. I Wham Bay I ark. Sul IJght A Power Oo., pro|>s.; D. J. Seasmus, HEW JERSEY *» *^*£.**™ J **’k. E- T. bulaer. mgr; also mgr. attr; (5.) This park Is'for HEW JERSEY ^ Grater D^lsml. Coney Island. W m. H. colored peoide excluaively.—Ijike Park. Colum. Atlantic City—Steeplix;haae Pier, Atlantic Am. . Reynolds, praa. 8. w. Gumperti. mgr.. alM bus Ry., Idght A Power Oo., props.; D. J. Co., props.; E. L. Perry, mgr.; also mgr *.r' ’ *' ^ ^ (,uinprrti SesMiius. mgr; (1, 3.1 attr.; (1. 4); M. Rudy Heller books vaude j rw.t.n..i .,r» at ii

Corinth—Moore’s I’ark, H. C. Moore, mgr.: also vllle. Young's New Pier. Yonng’s Ptsr * R mgr. attr.; (.1.) Steel Pier. Heins Pier. Inlet Pavilion. ,1 * n twi!!''’*: J *“ t!^*"

Meridian—Alrdome, John Woodford, mgr.; (1, i Beyoone—Bayonne Park. Wm. H. ti'Sell. ■ b<>oki attr.

Natchez—Concord Park, Geo. M. D. Kelly, prop ; (1.)

mgr; also mgr attr.; (1); also musical com¬ edy. Washington Park. Washington Park .knoiscment Co., props.

Scranton—Anderson Park. Paacagnola St. Ry. Belleville—Hillside Pleasure Park. W. E. Thai A Power Co., pnips.; G. B. tThaitman, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (I. 4, x.)

Vicksburg—Suburban Park. Vicksburg St. R. R. Oo., pro|>s.; E. B. Booth, mgr; also mgr. attr; (1, x, 3.)


Bethany—Kolek Park, Herman Rolek, prop. A

ler. prop. A mgr; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3. x>. Bridgeton—Tumbling Dam Park. B. A M. Trac¬

tion Oo.. props.; Howard L. TyV>r. mgr.; also

I Olcott—Rialto. Charles Amusement Co., props.: I J. Harvey Dayer, mgr.; alno mgr. amuse.; (I,

81. W. 8. Cleveland Circuit. Olcott lU«sch. Intematlnns] R. R. Co., props.. I,. Lang.

! mgr.; tl. 3, xl. ler. prop. A mgr; also mgr attr.; (1. 3. xi. ! ^rul‘ Riv.rh..r.f u-.n-ie™ v v milt's!ructlble inin 6tnin'b,

Bridgeton-Tumbling Dam Park. B. A M. Trac ^ T? n.,i. i .u l i . c k ■ Oon Oo.. props.; Howard L. Tybjr. mgr; ala..! * jfTV ,7^, mg“ Sttr: (2 3 ^ ‘ clothetl in rpguliltion uniforina, calrhtT «

^*wie^l?e*’ HWler tHK>ks Onondaga \ alley—Fellows Park. Chas. M Fel hands and b;lt always moving. Operated

n ii“ ^wu^.'^tUpid't^sJisI? Co.'.* pri.s"r''(i! *4^ by electric or spring motors inside figures “'""i J”'- I*elmar books vaudeville • • • I

Ke^^-Pavtllon ■ Beach. Manager Knann I Send for calalorfue. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; plays home talent: occasionally first-class companies, ebautau Keyport Pavilion ^ach. Manager Knapp qiiaa, fairs, carnivals, etc. «S’w n . ^ prop. A mgr.; (1, 4).

lutler—Amusement. ’iYlmble A Van Hall. ^ Maplewo^-^ollywotrf Park. Hai^ L. Morria p»-eksklli—S

Co., props.; Geo. H. TbooMis. mgr.; (1>.

Orlskany—Summit Park. Seward W. Baker. Send for calalodue. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, 41; Sew ‘ ard W . Baker Nsdis altr. . ■ .eirv

Peek skill—Shady Lake Park. Shady Lak.' Coro AUTOMATIC BASE BALL C0.» pany, imps.; Wm. H. I.ent. mgr.; also mgr 1 attr.: Tanner booka attr.; il. 3, xt. i ■ ■ zarYCTZYikl M A c< 46 CORNIIILL. BOSTON. MA.SS.

Grant City—Houser Verbeck Park. P. P. Hou wer, mgr.; also mgr. sttr.; (1, 3, x); F. P. Hoiis«‘r bonks attr.

Joplin—Lyric. Lyric Theatre Co., props.; Chas. E. Hodklns. mgr.; also mgr. attr.: Lyric Vaudeville Circuit; (1. 31; Chas. E. Hodklns.

Park, Electric Park Amusement Co., protn.; C. A. Dunlip, prop. A mgr.: also mgr. attr:; (I, 4); I'nlted Booking Offices books vande ville. Hlllsids Pleasure Park, Wni. E. Thal¬ ler. prop. A mgr.; slao mgr. sttr.; (1. 41; John Jackell books vwudevlUe sttr.

booka vaudeville attr.—Crystal, ^as. E. Hod P**'.*'’ J?** Taylor, mgr kins, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; plays musical comedy and op«Ta; I.yrlc Circuit; (4); Cbaa. E. Hodklns, books attr.—Scblfferdecker Elec¬ tric Park. Scblfferdecker Electric Park Co.. pm|>s.; Im Y'ount, secy.; also mgr. attr.;

M. Rudy Heller. Keith’s Thea. RiilMIng 1116

Park, Ontario Beach Hotel A Amusement Co., props.; Ben L. Pi-er mgr . 734 I’owers Bldg.; also mgr. attr.; plays outside spectacular free acta; (3, xl; C. W. Nel-oo books vsu devllle attr.

South Beach. 8. I.—Hspiiyland. Hergenhan Amuse. Co., props.; Albert Hergenhan. mgr , Wm. .4. Staley, mgr. attr.; (1. .’li.

^***“^ •*^*'. *’**{**^^P*''*- I Sylvan Beach—Luna Park. Peter Kllp|s>n, prop Hlppo(lr»;me Park. Hippodrome Park Co., props.; Walter Ree. mgr.; (8); M. Rnity Heller books vaudeville.

(1. 8.1—I.akeslde. S. W. Mo. R. R. Co.! Palisades—Palisades Amiis.-mtnt Park. AUs'rt props,; A. R. Basoom, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Tuach. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3i; I’. B (x. xxl: Bell Olendorf and Ballard Circuit; O. hooka vaudeville. local bands only. Pateiwoo—Lake View Park, National Amnse

A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2); local bands only: (xl.

Troy—Mohawk Pines. J. M. Wilson, pres.; Mo hawk Park Co.. Box 6(12 Troy, N Y. Ren< selaer. Diamond Niwelty Co. props.; W. R. Swsrtz. mgr.; also mgr. attr. (1. 8i; bisik direct.

Oaks Dooble Mystery The King of all Uickt

How to get out of any ordi nary trunk and tack. A challenge feat which can be perfoTBsd on any alage or In any private bouse where they ars obtained Trunk It securely locked. Bag It tied

(■'N," and sealed. No confederates l>rUe 11. Ths Oskt Novelty Co., Dspt. II, Oahksah. Wla.


VAUDEVILLE ACTS. fV>r Moving Picture Tbestre. Musical, Dutch (Dd Irish or Black face team. Most be clean, 'or high rlaaa family theatre. Address 8L0AH

Tbeo. Relchel, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; I Pitman—Alcyon. Q. W. A H. H. Carr, props (1. 31; Theo. Relchel books attr.

Moberly—Forest Park, City of Moberly, props.; Tony Flrorlta. mgr.: also mgr. attr.; <2. 3.1

Nevada—loke Park Springs. H. C. Moore, proti. A mgr.; John C. TvIit. mgr. attr.; also booka sttr.; Crawford Circuit; <1, 3.1

St. Joseph—Ijike Contrary, St. Joseidi Light. Meat A Power Co., props.; Palmer L. Clark, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3, x); P. L. Clark tsstks vaudeville attr.

St. I/uiis—Suburban Garden. Suburban Ry. Co.. Iiro|>a.; Jas. Smith, mgr.; Sol Oi>|>enbelmer. mgr. attr.; (.I. x.l—Forest I'ark Highlands. Park Circuit A Realty Co., props.; John D. Tlp;>etts. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 41; West em Vaudeville Assn.—Delmar Garden, Obert Brewing Assn., pro|>s.; Delmar Garden Amuse-

G. W. Carr, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3i; rllle stte nine nrne inr nrcuisrs aanu vz.nifinu G. W. Carr hooka vaudeville attr. e.sw/^TTv.. MACHINE CO.. 660 E. Long 8t.. Oolomboa. Oo

Sea iBle City—New Ocewn Pier, M. Rudy Hel NORTH CAROLINA —— mi iimh w

!!!''’ Chestnut Aahevlllo—Rlverwlde Park. Aabevilie Electrk OrVESTMENT—In a town 10,000. Fully equip »t.. Phnadelphta, IH.. boding toPt- Oo.. prop*.; 1. 1*. Keeler, mgr.; also mgr. pod alrdome for moving pictunw. abeet Iron

i theatre for stock or vaudeville and ekatlng props., K. Miekle, onmmissloner: (.. 3(. 4). Smith booka vaud-wllle attr. rink with 100 palra akatea. all In goisl rondl Broad Street, Wlilte City, Chas. J. Tury. Cbariotte-I,akewood, Chariotte Elec. Ky. Co., tion. cheap for cash R. B. 0ARJU80N. El

props.; Fby, Fryday ami Foy, mgrs.; also IVor^o, Aik. Wildwood—Ocean Pier Park. Wildwood Oce.xn mgrs. sttr: il. 3); b<s<k direct.—I.atts.

Pier. Co., props.: L. S. Johnson, mgr.; (3); Charlotte Elec. Ry. Co.. pp>pa ; 11. W. — M Rudy Heller books aftr. Becker, mgr. STREETM EN ——

NEW MEXICO "TS.w^«k**^*'‘B^i“'60^ Trov ’ Hera t a Snap You Oaa’t Afford to Fast Up

Albuquerque—Traction Park, Albuquerque Trac Raleigh-Pullen Park. City of Ba'lelgh’. props.; ,r!?‘roTn?ng*b^g’'n!!mlT"'b7*aenTn«*^T'’8nkr tIon Co., props.; M. O. OhadlKmme. mgr; W. A. Howell, mgr.; als mgr attr.; (2. 8. «re co ning big m.mey by telling «ir 8 1^. (1, 3, x). X) • • • » Dresa Gmsla. Shawla. Malata. Handkerchiefs.

tion Co., props ; W. B. CtM, Mgr.: aU« L.*""* mgr. attr.; (1. 3); W. E. Cate bmika Vaud. '’vr™v?Lwn •viis ' tlm,. Write for rlrrulars KINO VENDING

MACHINE CO.. 660 E. Long St., Oolomboa. Oo

theatre for stork or vaudeville and ekatlng rink with 100 palra skatee, all In rn>d rondl tion. cheap for cash R. B. OARJUSON, El

Pier. Co., props.: L. S. Johnson, mgr.; (3); M. Rudy Heller books aftr. STREETMEN

Park Clrruit A R<*alty Co., props.; John D. KZW ICEXICO b«wk Park Co., Box <W>2, Troy, N. V,* Tlp;>efts. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 41; West .Albuquerque—Traction Park, Albuquerque Trac- Raleigh—Pullen Park, City of Raleigh, props.; em vaudeville Assn.—Delmar Garden, Obert tion Co., props.; M. O. OhadlKmme, mgr.; W. A. Howell, mgr.; als mgr. altr.; (2. 8. Brewing Assn., pro|>s.; Delmar Garden Amuse- d, 3_ x). x)

V? ’ e\ gas—Galinas Park City of East Rocky Mount—Oakland Park, J. L. Arllngtuo. attr.; z. 3.) West End Heights, Obert Vegas, props.; R, E. Gwltchell, mgr.; (5. | prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr. (1. x. 4); J. Brewing Co., props.; Louis Obert, Jr., mgr.: x) T Arllnwtm booka attr ^1 OppenhHmer. mgr. attr.; (.1. * )-Man KEW YORK | Sallabury^oi^ton Heights! M. U Jackmm.

MsmVJ *mCT ' Jim” WsdT mgr °’'rftr Albany—Altro. Altro Park Amus. ment Co., | prop. A mgr; alwo mgr. attr; (I. 3. xl; M 4 . •" Western*^ V.^dern7e“'l‘ksn“i^^^^ pro,^*-= <>. 31. Maple Beach Park, Albany , UJackwm brnki .^ti^iille attr. _ 4i: Western Vaudeville Assn.—Eellpse Gar den. Henry Gnien, prop. A mgr.: .Arthur Stan ley. mgr. attr.; (.A. x.l—Coliaeura Garden

A ’Troy Amusement Co., props.; J. J. Carlin. Waablngtofi—Riverside Park, W. H. Knaa Broa

Hera’a a Snap Yon Oaa’t Afford to Fast Up Some of the wisent afreet men to bnalneas

are coining big money by aelling our Sllka. Dresa Gooda. Shawls. Waists. Handkerchiefs. Petticosts, Belts, etc., to street crowds at half merrhants’ prices. Our Silk Embrold ered Waist and Dresa PattiTua, etc., are used by all Mnliclne and Street men with great success. Get In on this. Write Nir Big Free Catalog.—No. 118 and samples. Schwarts Importing Company, St. Louit, Mo.

mgr.; alwo mgr. attr. (3, 4. xl Guy E. Gotterman, mgr.—Ix'mp’s Park. I.emp Amsterdam Aikin Park

Co., pmpa.; W. H. Runs, mgr.; (2. 8).

Brewing Co., props.; Robert Racbmann! mgr.; . *1o*‘ also mgr. attr.; (2, 3. xl; hook Independent! *Pkfk^ Auburn A Svracii^ —Crove Oouer lAke Park, Cnifed Railways T?" raff''.: (« Co., props.; J. C. Jannopoulo, mgr.; also mfh **•

Poo Attlerson, Wlnatoo—NIsnen Park. Tries Mfg. Co. A Pow er Co., props.; J. J. Slgg, mgr.; (2); plaja WANTED—To book all kinds of attractions only local bands Can ut« vaudeville, stock com|>anlea, etc. Seat

Ing capacity 44Si; (lopulatlon 1,.'>00. Rest show town lu the richest mining district In the South

Akron—Lakeside N. O T. A L. Oo., props.; Write f.» o|ieo dates. ELKS’ OPERA 3, z|. Island Park. M. Carmo<1y, prop, and

attr.; (2.)—Empire Garden. Jos. Gallagher. ! . o mgr • also mgr attr • (1 4 x 1 ■ Blngliamton—Ross Park. Bingtaamton Ry. Co.,

St. fKiiils-Grand’ Park! Fi^ed’ B.’ W.^>b. nee,. Pr?P*V V'V' Grand Ave. and Mermamec Sts. St. T»uls. ^*'’0 **'!?*‘*

SiMtalla—Liberty Park, nty of Sedalla. props.; vaudeville attr^ Blt>«h»mfon Ry. Co.. II. C. I.uedemann, mgr.; I.lbertv Park Board. *^*’^1*' Ji**’’’’ mgr«, aftr. bands only.; liook direct. Rlver-

Sprlngfield—Doling Park, Doling Park .Amuse- ment Co., props.; Wm. H. Jezard. mgr.; also i ■ttt-1 IL 3. xl; John Gray booka vaiide- mgr attr.: (3l: play opera: (x.l—Central I _n n r> Park. White City, I’nlted Amuse. Co., props.; J?'Bark. Adolphus 11 C Stone, mgr.- also mgr. attr.: (1. 3.1 I 2^*^**’ *2. x); have own

W. hh City-1 akeetde. S. W. Mo. R. R. Co.. I „ n tt .. n pr.q.a : A R. Rascom. 813 W. 2d at., mgr.; ; R'iff«Io—Luna Park. R. H. McBroom. prop A <2. 3 ixl: Bell Olendorf and Ballard Clr Bellevue, International R. R. Co., rult, I props.; (S. X).

MONTANA ’ Charlotte—Ontario Beach Park. Ontario Beach _. r. 1 T . U. 1 I. . Hotel and Amusement Co., props.; Ben L.

Anaconda-u.-shr.- Pa^rk El^ Light eml Rail , . also mgr. attr.: (1. 31; Central wav Co., props., E. H. Clinton, mgr.; also j Amnaement Exchange. Roc^ster. N. Y.. fnfrr. sTtr,. f*. i

BiOte -Columbia Crtird.-n*. Butte Electric Ry. '—Sf.eplechav. Geo. C TII.v«i

n^'V 'cf' r m"' €?.’ 'd ' prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3|: hook fToat Ealls Electric lark. Oreat .alia SC R. . jRreot. lAina Park, Thompson A Dundy,

R Co. props : E. I. Holland, mgr. (.’il; home trot*.; Fred McClellan, mgr., also mgr Panda onij. attr : (1. 31: Ttiompwon A Dundy b<K* van

MLUKABKA devllle attr. Brighton Beach Park Bright'rn Beatrice-Beatrice. Chautauqua Asai... prope. A Beach Amuse, Co., prop* A mgra ; (2. 3);

mgrs.; (2. 31 Beatrice Driving Park. H, V. Brighton Beach Amnse. Oo. bo'Aa vaudeville. Relaon. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5. x>. Cortland—Little York Pavilion, Cmtland County

Diivid ClIx ( hautaiiqii:i. Cliautaiiqii.x Park Co.. Traction Co., pprqis ; G II. Garrison, mgr ; profw. A- nigrs.; (2, x. 3i. alno mgr. attr : 12, 31: G. H. Garrison

Eairt.ury—dry Park: (1. 3|. hooks attr.

Harry Hawn, mgr : also mgr. attr.; (1, Si; Harry Hawn Circuit; Harry Hawn booka vau devllle attr.

vaudeville attr Casino. Blrqrhamfon Ry. Co., allianc e- lAke Park C. W. CHwdwln. prop A props.; J. P. E. (nark, mgr ; alto mgr attr.; also mgr attr.; C2. 3>. ‘m’ Ckmbri'dge-EI^trlc, Midland Light. Power

k’"’'?' ‘i*” •"<> Co., propa.; W. A. Glbba. mgr.: mgr. attr.; (1, 3. x); John Gray books vande- (6, xl.

HOURE Kingman. Aria

WANTED -I/ocatlon for Moving Picture Show In

g«Kl show town. Addreaa ARCH, care The

Itlllboard, Cincinnati, Ohio.

(8. xl. FOR SALE CHEAP-1 Edison Exhibition M. I’ vi«.w n.-,.1. Canal Dover—Sunnyalde Park. E. V. Wagner, Machlm-. with electric attachment and take up

** Riis^h RliTsIiLl' V *2. p? •' Adams, mgr. attr.; (2, x. 7 rwlB film, about tl.inai; 1 Model B Gas Busch, Blaadell. N. Y,; (2. x). have own 3,_ Pum.-r; 3 sets Slides. .’Wl Carbon.

Ruffalo-Luna Park. R. H. McBroom. prop. A onu-" n’^R HOs"^ m'a^ • ‘I'lw u-?!!' “"n i'f*'7.‘*'i. ’'.f"’ “'"ihl J"'*"^’,'7 mer Inr.rrt.tinn.i r>. Traction <0.. pnqis., H. H, Bits, mgr., also m Bend (. O. H. If one third of amount Ib S-oL . i-f Tl ’ ” mgr attr.; (1 4t: Hawn arculf; Harry Bct with order. ItlClIAKD J WA'IT.S. Box 1

PK..we:_ri„e.;.o P.ei, ; «•«"> '•~'ka vaudeville attr. __ _ Canlon. Pa.

prop. A mgr.; *>1 Adams, mgr. attr.; (2, x. 7 rwlB film, about tl.inai f.«el: 1 Model B Gib 31. Outfit with burner; 3 Beta Slides. .Kl Carbon.

onn.-ceima Park, J. E, Hamberger prop 81 Ot^l XDn A m U t C^O., pipopw. , g»^n l J, « »»» . m nv<am X «k

TBiifVevllle land Co., |>ro[ia. and mgr., also mgm. attr., noozv VaiH.CVIIIC. _ .n.,.iu>n»nt wnwr • II » miT Island—Stceplechav. Geo. C TII.v«i. ! prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 3|: hook direct. lAina Park, Thompson A Dundy, IWoiiw.; Fred McCIellsn. mgr., slso mgr. attr.: (1. 31: Ttiompson A Dundy boe* van devllle attr. Brighton Beach Park Bright'rn Beach Amuse, Co., prop. A mgra ; (2. 3); Brighton Beach Amnse. On. borAs vaudeville.

12. 31: G H Garrison

BRANDO The Handcuff Kind

Geo. W. Eiiglehreth. amusement mgr.; (1, 8

xl; local bands only. leagoon John V. XIsa H anrl£v||ff |6|n(J Hunt, mgr.; (1, 3l: Natimitl Park Managers’ a aig: ■■auu«,.U8t niUK Aran.. 14(i2 Broadway, New Y’ork City, books says: ‘'Y'oiir Hllwrlin Tranaimrt I'liain la the vaudeville. Cincinnati Zoological Garden. CIn Is-wt eacapv- I ever anw," We ai-ll II comidete. ctnnatl Z^iolnglcal Co.; M. A. Stephan, mgr,; including a steel chain, padPs k ami Instruction. Walter A. Draper, mgr. attr.; (2 81; Walter for ONE DOLLAR. A. DrapiT IbmA* attr. (Yieater Park, 1. M. FOLSOM Martin, mgr.; alwu mgr. attr,; (1. 41. Ri-lch (53 Wash. St. rath’a Park. Frank Kelchralli pr<8> A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (I. 3l. Woodsdale Is -no asTir land Park. Frank Wllte. mgr.; (2l. BALE S

JORDAN. Bolton, Mail.

FOR BALE Shooting Gallery. Contents of

Kearney MHilte Bridge.'E. R. Kline, proji. and Elmira—Eldridge Cltv of Elmln. prop. ; | Cleve’.nd —Luna M F P.ramley.; ('has lame: Growling Iwar, 70 birds. 1 gasoline engine mgr : (1. 3i; book direct. (IbnwiSBl. E E Benedict, prrip. mgr. (2. 3).

I Inc. In — ( ipitsl Ht-.i'di. f'apllal Beach Co. pro|iR.; J A. BiickKtaff. mgr.; also mgr. aftr.: (1. 3. xi; J. A. Buck.taff IkkAs vaude derllle attr

Norfolk Ereylhaler Park. John Freythaler. pmp A mgr.: (2. xi.

Omaha—Knig, Western Amusement Co., props,; W W. Cole, mgr : (2. 3i.

Enoch Little mgr; alw.. mgr. attr.: (1 3i; •* Sxlen. mgr also mgr attr.; (1. 3>. Kn Enoch Little bm.ka attr, Rorick’s Glen Park, i '*>16 Gardens. Garden Amu«ement Co . propa Elmln Power. Light and K K Co . prot.s ; I Mr. Wlls«m. mgr ; also mgr attr.; (1. 81 H.nrv Taylor, mgr.; (2. 3l; manager books Euclid Besrii P.vrk. Tl.e lliiin|>hrey fo D. 8 vandevllle attrartbma Huraphrev mgr : al«o mgr altr ; xl.

Far Rockawty—Idle Hmir. Wllllama A Wolken. | CJolumhiia—Indlanola Park. Park Co profo.; T. W. Wllllama, mgr.- also mgr. attr.; (1. 3, x.l

Glens Falla—Glenn Lake Park. HerlKTt Grca

South Sioux City—Crystal I.ake Park. Harry A. Greafe- New York—Hfstet. Island. Ilappylatid. ! < onneaiit le-ke VI. w Park Cllv of Coirneaiit. Foye. prop. mgr.

York—Olty Park, N. A. I>ean. pnqi A mgr.; (S. X). East Hill Park, N. A Dean, prop, A ragr.: (5. x).

South Beach Amiiaemem Co, Irondeqnolt—Sea Breeze Park. Rochester Ky. |

Co., props.: B. E. Wllaoh. mgr.' also mgr ' attr.; (1. 3); Central Amuaemant Exchange I

P. Sxlen. mgr ; also mgr attr.; (I. 3>. Kn H h. p., new; hackgroiind, aide disira, tools, clld Gardens. Garden Amusement Co . props ; saw, hammer, glass ball outfit, doll target, a Mr. Wilson, mgr ; also mgr. attr.; (1. 81. money maker, Bail box<>s, 3 plate targets, hint Euclid Besri. P.vrk. Tto- Humphrey f» D 8. ,2 „,,jeela. 1 slide carrier, cminter Miirorinr#*.? m^rr.: inrr iltr : li. ,_« •.»«» . i* i * •

Jolumtiia -Indlanola Park. Indlanola Park Co. 7"! *"*’ prop*.; C. E. Mills mgr.; (1 Si.; C E Miles 3^* t®’’ ‘’'lint K taken at once. Write iKstks attr (llentangv (ilenfancy Park Co.. H. EWALD, Mt. Carmel, III. pro|is.; J. W. Imsetdiiiry, mgr.; also mgr.

.rne.:.t''ij‘k; n.v or ... loi ranch postal cards 1 -4f• *'•*’ "**f' Send Idc atanqis for 10 aoiivrnlr poat cards of

attr ; IZ. .i. xl s.-enea on Bit Kancb MILLER BROS. 101

(ContllllHSl In lieTl Issue I BANCH, Bliss, Okie.

prnyia.; Arthur ilenjamln. mgr.; attr ; (2. 3. xl

(Continued In m-xt Issue. 1


MARCH 26, 1910. X ti e Billboard 67

London Letter |('uutluu<Hl from (iiKr* 14.)

Iiiiii nof. If In* <I<"’H m-n«l fix- imroxy, li«* fln<l» tif <’iNii|iMuy no k-hnI. ('.MiiimiiloM of tliN klixl

■a-l.I.Hii »rv. lint Uio (Muc lo^fo*. liKH to niifTcr r’lMii ftir fiiot tliul tlx- r*-|iiitMt|on of IiIk tlii-atr«- l» illmliilxtilnir III tlx- of tlx- iMitillr.

With r<'i;^ir<l to Hix-ciiUtom of tlilx oIhmi tlx- c-iix-'l.v I hIiixiIiI xItIm- Ii tlix oix- tint Inn nx-t Hitli irr<-at huixvm In lirmianjr. It la In ttx- -iiaix- of a law tliaf <xaiiix-l« a ctiaixx iinanoti-r ..f tfilM «ort to iloixpxlt miffli-lxnt lixMx-y to rovor

n . Ital>llltl<‘a f<r a itivoii |x-rl<»I. A law of (Ii'k klixl iiiaili- iinlvorNal wiwiM w-on |>iil a hIoi> I., nx-kli'—t -ix-otilatloii* of iliU ilo-oTlptlon aixl

w.ulil l«- an «-in-lI«-nt jiroti-i-tlou for tlx- liiiiii t' .-r nxiiilx-rx of tlx- iirofi-wilon

In ttx- riixx of til*- a<lv«-nlur<-r wlx, tak*-« a . -j tIxafTx f'T any |xt1oiI. an rxttMiHlon <>f tlx-

\ ulltii; KiikIi-Ii law winilil mx.ii |ir<-v<-nt all •I I iti'-r fr-xii lilin. At |ir>-a<-nt an ol<) a<-t of lS4t r-'|iilr«» ttix a-'tnal Ii-xm-x of a ttx-afri- to t-nixr Into a Im>in| ni>t xx<-4-ixllnR k^oOO. aixl alao two auri-tx-a to xiil*-r Into lx«xla not xxi-<-x<llni; Clm. to thx lli-rii'linj aulIxTity. NoltlxT of fti*-»- ai.oaint* ar«- Ix-ary. aixl nnild ta* ln»-rx:ixt'-<l with

a.haiitnx'o At thx i-n-ai-nt tlnx- how«-v*-r. In l.oiMl<ni aiih IxttInK la ao fiv<|i-niit that tlx- 11

i-rn-o-e la Imt rarely thx at-tual tenant In (latlon. Itut om- of two ruiiraea niltrht lx- taken: Ktrtier ttx- artiial ix-inipler oaihl lx- luaite ante je<'t to thx leital olilltrathaia of tlx- Ili-eiiM-e; ix- It nxihl lx- enartixl that only the llreiwee of a tlx-atrx alxxihl lix xntltle.1. inxb-r thx Ueenae, to

rank aa thx rexiNXiallih- tenant, ami any anh- ti nant w.aihl, tlx-n-fore. hare to <|iiallfy f-c

tbla )M>alll<in ao far aa hit a,-aaon Iaat<al. In either eaxe. Itie omi|il»-r of the tlx-atrx woiiUl hate to ttlvx s.ane |>r<x>f that be waa a man of

aiilixlaix-e. anl that tlx-n- waa at leaxt atmie Juxtifleatlon for bla xnKairenixnt of artlata atxl

hta loeurnuc of other llahllltli-a. 1 Ix-lleTx tfiat a law of thia klixl w<xil<l atxxv

lutely atop the a|M-<-tiIator w bo atarta out with a manlnal eapltal. or who rxrkona on aupfx.rt

fnan mtthleal Ita.-kerx. fnmi entering upon ex- |x-nalt« xnttwprl-x-a aixl tbna biiiiKlnx ban to all

anti xuialry. Ttx- KnxUah l‘arllaanent la pretty huay with

Ita own Internal arranKementa at present. lint tbx ao-ix-r wane pritral* member flixia an op|xir runity of l•rlnt^ln)c In a hill ib-allnc with thx two rlaxxea of otfeixlxra 1 harx nametl amt i*ro

teetlnk tx.lh tlix profeaxhai anil thx pnhilr fnan tbian the better for xrerytxaly nax-ernxil.

Paris Letter iContlnned from pace 14.)


A yi-uny artreaa rery murh falkiil of dnrlnK thx xrrltlnit xrxnfa of the paat few m<aithx la DOW bark In I’arla unilrr the management of tbx Bemh.udta -oatenalbly Maurlee It-rnhartlt, aon of the icreat trairedteDnx. The artreaa la I*ai rxrrxi-. tbx danubtxr of thx Spanlah rxvidutlon tat, x>erutxd at Mootjnlrb aomx mimtha ago. Sbx irot moat of hxr tralninc at thx Odeon. and la quit* Tier* r. Shx appxara nightly at thx The atrx dxa Arta. aa Margnxrltx liauttxr. In I.a [>amx aux Oamxllaa—or Cinitllx, aa wx Ameri¬ cana trroneixialy call tbx pixre of Ibimaa Ilia.


L'.kigloo ta again tbx hill at thx Tbxatrx Sa¬ rah Ibinbardt. Thla cxlebratxd play of Roa tand'a tak-a the placx of I..X |•rlK•ea dx Jxanne d'arr. which haa bxen wltlxlrawn. I bad thx pixtaurx of aeelDg thx Uat performanrx of thla

lattxr play. It waa touching to ai-i- thx and IxDxx I aal their flowera nixm the atagx. almoat amotb-rlng that grand old lady who playeil Jxannx ao well. Truth to tell, tbx yeara. ao kind

to he.-, arx beginning to harx thxlr llttlx aay. afIxT all. Rut Tarlalana ix-em morx to w.wahlp

hxr than to lorx hi r. For Inatani-e, one young glrl--ahe couldn't harx Ix-xn morx than Id — at the xnd of thx third act. ran down to thx fimlligbta and atoml there clapping her bandt orxr tbx ligbta Ihxinaxlvm. .KnJ ahx wouldn't Ixavx until thx divine Narah gave hi-r a amilx to kxi'p all iixraooal and to berxelf.


\/r Saiyrx. a name which thx I'rench glvx to old f.-ll.iwa notxil for ihi-lr ovxr fondm-xs for the

ladlea, li thx tltlx of a new farcx at thx I’alala

Royal. I.urixn tiarlilxl dxcxlvea hla wlfx bv engaging In a llltlx affair with thx pretty ttileite. To kxi>p hxr thla wtfxi from getting hep to him. he arrangeil for an old aporl. barm hta. he tielievi-a, to Ink after Oilettx. Thx old a|H«rt. In turn, riita I.iicb-n mil. and. taking hla lo»« like a man. thx latter retiirna to hla

e'er iniaiful wife. Not much In thx telling, hut there • a great deal of action, many rlaptix alt iiallona. nallxa and golw of langha, and. of c.airae, the piece la a aucrxaa.


1'h. I'ro^-aalonal Aaam-latlon of Ib-amatlc »>." *iii gave Ita annual illnm-r at the I'afe < anlinnl Uat night. Ihijardln ll.-aiimxli. under w- r.-lary of atate for the bxaua arta, being I'o- III .kmong the othera were Mmx. Rejan". Alpla-iia.- Franck, director of the Oymnaax; Ibnry llatalllx, the author: .Idolphx Ilnlaaon. l-r.^iibnl of ihx S.-nali-; Jean Rlchepln. thx an t'- T in.t other well known p--->ple. Henry Ra ■ " In a little ap|H-eh. declare.l that thx prx

of hla new play (mentlon.-d above) had ■ n poatiM.ned on aro-iint of the dinner, the

‘ I ..iiiHrllng


I I'lion.i Itoaiand haa another iiiyatxry. It la

gri-aler than waa that which atirronndt*d ' ■' ler He haa written a pU.-i thla I know

t-e a fact on the ailhject of The .Stage, hut

"ii'l lliat I can't gel anywhere. The plot,

pr.>lial>le Interpretera. the theatre which will If tioiie of thi-a*- thliiga have xvt-n U-en 'I at to dale. Yet thx pUy la entirely 'et.- and ready for pnalnctlon.

‘ ' I'rlnexaa ladntainx (The I'rlncxaa frotn r. or Thx Faraway I'rlnexaa) haa been prac


tically rewritten and I underatand that Sarah

Reriihardt la to pnaluce the new veralon tUU eoming fall. Roatand haa not been Idle during the long yeara t'hantecler baa lieen waiting for prmliiction.

St).ME Rf’.MtlRS*. j

Riimora contlniie to circulate concerning a atate of ill feeling between I.iiclen (luitry anil Edmond -

Itoataiid, ri-ai>ecllvely the principal player and the author of ('hantec-ier. m-w going at the I'orte- | .Saint .Martin. A player, wIh> la a goial friend , of (iiiitry, told me Uat night that the actor ai-med to l>e merely walking through hU part, I hla -nthiiaUam Heeniingly gone. I aaked why.

•My Informant ahrugg<-d hla ahouldera.

Rut .Madame Cniiidy auys (iultry doi-an't play , the role aa Ibiataiid wlahi-a It. That (iultry d<a-a ' It t<ai Hi-rloualy, Uoataud'a filea iH-lug that It ahoiild have more lightneaa imparlt-d to It. Now j

it hiip|H-iia that (iultry la conaldered hy many In iieiiiiien to he the greateat actor in France, I if not 111 the world, and he believea be knowa laiw :o do hla work. Alao the newspapera have aald M> many thiiiga aliout what Kiwtaud Is aup- | |H,si-d to have aaid about (iiiitr) and Gultry'a i actin'.:, that It la Jiixt poaaihle on thla account that Ihe actor haa li*t aoiiie of hU Intereat In |

hla role. The profeaaiou la atill looking for blow up.

\VO.MAN MANAGER. I It U aald that Alpbouae Fran-k U going to

quit the Gymuaa.- direction in order to devote hiw entire attention to the Apollo, where La I Veuie Jojeiiae ( Ihc .Merry Willow i la now run I

Ding. And with the aunuuucemeut comes so , o her: Ihe probable aucceasor of i-'ranck la | ■Mile, .\rlctle Itorgere. one of the prettiest and j

youugeat alars In the capital. Hernhardt. Re- ; Jane, fora I.aparcxrie and (in part) Mile. Lau ! telme, ^uf the Varieiteat, make quite a string ! of women managers. And now comes one young ' er than any of the others, a mere girl. In fact, i to manage one of the l>eat bouses here. However, ; the thing la not sure. She made her debut at i the Ra Ta fUn I music ball) In 19U1. in a vaude- ; ville act. and fmm this start she has risen ' miwt rapidly. I


Herts St Coquelin's success, Nick Carter, at '

thx .\mhigu. having Uniahed a run of 144 per , formvncea at thla house, will go en tour of the : provinces. 1

rOSTTONEMENT. j I On account of Ihe big success of Rapa dx Reg | ' Imi-nl at the la-Jazxt Theatre, tbla playhouse baa I

I"~t|>oned until next season the projected new I

pleie. Rapa baa celebrated Its luwth perform- ! ance. i


Sacha Guitry brought suit for 4.000 franca against Him tor Rorel of the Vaudeville Thea¬ tre for not having produced a play of bis entitled

Nooo, after two years wait. The piece is a thr«-e act comeily and Guitry declares he waa led j always to lielleve that Nono waa about to he , proalucetl. There was no contract, but the Judge held :hat inasmuch aa the play bad been retained | for two years and that It was shown that a ver- I bal promls had passed, the 4,00u francs should be paid.


Fregoll la making the biggest sort of a hit at the Olympia. He'i a ventriloquist. He haa a iiuique art and aa the papers here aay of him "He is an entire theatre all by himself." Tbit

i is scarcely an exaggeration, for he plays a piece ' in which forty characters take part—be, of

course, voicing for the entire cast. He it a I quick change artist as well and all in all la . quite wonderful, and a big card.

♦ J The Clnjue tie Rarls. w here vaudeville acta and i

circus stunts are the bill, is 0|>xn again. It was cloa«'d down for aomx weeks on account of the electric lights being put out of commission by the flood.


Mnix. Miuricia dx Thiers, a music hall artist, has a brand new sensation for vaudeville. She it

enclosed in a huge wieker hall and this Is hoist ed to the t>>p of a long runway. From the top

"f this she rolls downward like a streak and up a shorter run. from the end of which the ball

leaiis a 4o foot gap. On the other end Is a l-edcstal with a cup sha|H-d top and Into this Ihe bill lands. The daring eprfornier then steps out. Tlie first iierformance of this act took placx at Rxllxviilx, a quarter of Rarls, thW

week.and as soon as perfect*-,! will be seen on ,'ne of the local stages—i>rol>ably Ihe Olympia.


Rrofess<'r J. Genlll Is still an attraction at the llliqsHlrome Skating Kink here. Thx Rraxll- ' Ian champion Is quite a sensation. '


The Lima Rink will not he turncil Into a

Ralacx of Folic's, as was rt'jH>rte*l. according to ■ .\koiin, Ihc manager.

.\rihiir Kills, formerly at the Hlppoilromc, loined the forces of the t'asino dx Rarls— In fact, he Is the managi-r at this amusement factory s'|a-aking French fiuxntly and Iwing an ’ ,'\lM'rt skater himself, he knows thx game from ■ the start, couaequxntly Is doing well at thx :

' new plac'.

♦ Thx Casino fs a real novi-lty. combining, as

: !t ilocs. vaudeville and roller skating. For In stance, there arx to b*- found here this w*-*-k. ^ George and J<'nny. equilibrists; .Mias Flora, a i trsi>,'xc artist of thx h<>st sort: The Rrothxrs ,

Wills Slid thxlr very Interesting act: the M*-rrl- Rl»*-ltl Com|«aii.v. In an Illusion stun;,

a new version of thx vanishing lady ainl oihcrs. Cclcsl. known In .kmcrlca as one of the Ix-sf wire walki-rs In the game. Is stso at thx Casino.

He Is doing a haliwi Juggling torn In -tinjuncilon with th, wire walking, and his ton f*H> "eap, or. rathe-, drop fr<*m a tight wire to a ala k wire.

Is a real sinsalhMi. This ns*', as may he s*-*'n, gives Its ellenla |

a ge me r*>nllnnout p*:formaDcx. Indeed, oax '

I _

may have two amusements at once, skating and vaudeville.

*!• Allie Mowe is the first professional attraction

at the newest rink here. The well known cham¬ pion la In the best form and constantly changes bis act, at the Rue d'Amsterdam place. This house Is beautifully decorated, has a cafe done up In the best kind of style and a stringed or rhestra ther«?—Maxim's—which wfmld be hard to heat anywhere. This bouse is run hy the Rarag ford Company (the English vaudeville men) and i the Rarkinson Rroihers. The roof is a specially designed one, made to slide open during warm weatner, and It is planned to run this rink all summer, moonlight soirees and Japanese Nights to be featured.

Miss Daisy Davis Is now at the Hippodrome Kink, after a twe-weeks' engagement at the St. Didier place. .She Is prettily C(>stum*-d in black velvet trimmed with white fur, and she finished her act doing a cake walk with the spotlight. She Is a big bit.

4* At the Skating Palace, Rue d’Amsterdam, the

Little Yorks, one of the cleverest little feminine couples In the business, are doing some clever skating. This bouse has decided to charge but one franc ('20 cents) for those owning their own skates. Other rinks charge the same price (two franca), whether one owns or does not own bis skates.

♦ For thx Mid-Lent (Ml-Careme) festivities at

the Bulier Veuveau, there will be prize skating events. In the aftern<j<)n there will be a Grande Fete de Confetti, with special prizes for rlnkers under the age of 12. A Grand Bal Masque will bx givxn In the evening, yvbcn there will be a lirawing, with live animals as the prizes. This Is to provide the laughs.

4* Young and Bennett, the American skaters, i

are billed this week at the Salnt-Didier Kink. , They do a mighty clever act and are experts on ; the little rolers. ;


Miss Constance Drever, the charming actress from the English side of the water, who has bad the title role In La Veuve Joyeuse (The Merry Widow) at the Apollo for so long, has been compelled to withdraw fmm the cast Just at the time the closing date for the show la posted. In spite of her wish to finish out the run, her ' health gave way completely, and she had to give up the game struggle. Mile. Susy Del Sart. a French girl, takes up the role of Missia and will finish out the date.

♦ A lot of betting has been going on here regard¬

ing the reptile used hy Mile. Rethore In the revue at the Moulin Rouge. The one declares It Is a fake, others say it is real. ‘As a matter of fact, the snake Is declar*Ml to be a real boa from South America. Mile. Rethore uses it in a snake-charming scene, supposedly In the Gardens of Babylon.

♦ Don Qulnchotte (Don Quixote), the new Mas¬

senet opera, has been given at Monte Carlo. Naturally It was sn event in the musicsl world, and therefore next week I shall give a little , more apace to It. |

♦ I The Metropolitan Opera Company will play an ;

engagement at the (^batelet Theatre this Ma.v and June. This theatre, of course. Is ordinarily devoted to revues, spectacles and melodrama.


Writs far Oatslecsss sad Prloas.

N. Tonawanda Musical Inatrumant Works

N. Tonawanda, N. Y.





FEATHER FLOWERS ONLY Arrancre season’^ supply now. Illustrated Catalogue free. DeWITT SISTERS, originators and makers of FINE FEATHER FLOWERS, 147 W. 4€th Street, CHICAGO.


MAGICAL APPARATUS Illustrated Catalogue No. 10, and 1910 Bargain Sheet No. 45, free. Mammoth Rrofeaaional Cata¬ logue No. 11, 25cts. Immense and complete atoi-k. Immediate shipments. Efficient servlc-. A. HOTERBEBO, 151 West Ontario Straet. Chi¬ cago, Ill.

Thaw-White Film. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Dr. Cook and other feature Films, A-l condition, for sale cheap. Will rent to road exhibitors or trade for black or white tent. C. J. KUB- PHY, Elyria, Ohio.


bazaars, lodge BENEFITS. ARCADES, ETC.


The ih'vlce <|>('aks for Itself. Easily oiH-rate*!. It works automatically. It Is substantial and l»'rtahle. Tin- gr*>atest money-making device ever Invented, for the amount Invi-sted.

This automatic wimUtw breaking, nigger smashing and nigger-talkliig Ball Game creates more xxolixment. fun and aniiisxmxnt than a three ring circus. It will get the crowd in front of It and hold them there until you get their nickels..



The Magic Coiner Mystifies and amuses everyone. It apparently converts tin discs into genuine new dimes.

Complete with directions for 10c.

J. R. ARMSTRONG, 340 Meyran Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. 4 NDEPENDENT We Rent New Films; Handle All the Leading Makes, both AMERICAN and FOREIGN. Beautiful Posters! Exclusive

Feature Service.



68 X ti e Billboard MARCH 2o. 1910.

UST OF FAIRS Warrick—Warrick Co. Fair. Aug. 29 Sept. S. J. Tipton—Oadar iOuotj Fair Aaan. Sapt. t-g.

I. Rlclunlaun, aecy. C. F. Blmuemiakcr, aecy. I. Rlclunlaun, aecy.


C. F. Blmuemiakrr, aecy. Toledo--Tania t'onnty Fair Aaan. Kept. TT SO.

A. a. Sinitk. aecy. AlWa-Monn* Co. Fair. Sept. 27 »•. J. T. ' Vlctor-^tor IMalrlct Agricultural Sai Uty.

With the Names of the Associations by which the Events are 4,!u^Buoer co. a. a h snety. tept. • • wa“.*riy-Br.mer omut* rVir’^n sapt. » Held, and the Dates upon which They are to Take Place— Ait^-Buena 'vi^a*^'’ r»ir. Aug. i« i». c. wai;eii<^^^utt!!“co’*T\tr. Aug. s®8e,,t. 2. j.

Information Procured by The BUIboard Through the UtUiza- tion of its Uneaualed Facilities. Audubon-Auauixm Oo. Fair. sept. 12 «. ■ w. H. Slilpman ai cy.

a. Curtla. aecy. w—. p^„t —WV.t Point Illatrtrt ArrlMittar.i

Auihibnn—Audubon Oo. Fair. Sept. 12-1ft. B. C. Curtia. aecy.

Rioonifleid—Darla Co. Agricultural Society. Sept. 1314. II. C. Deach, aecy.

W. H. Slilpman a<-cy. Weat Paint—West Point Dlntrtct Agrleultural

Soi'lety. Dates nut set. John Walljaapar, aecy.

Blrimin^am—Alaliania State F'air Exhtliitiim As

Oonnerarilla—Fayette Co. Free Fair. Sept. 6 9. Jasper L. Kennedy, secy.

ooclaUoo. Oct. 6 15. F'ra.nk P. Chuffee, aecy. CnOTarae—Miami County .Agricultural Aaan Seyt. 20 23. F. B. Rogera. aecy.

Bmme—BiK)i» Drlrliig I'ark and Fair Aaaa. Union—Fayette Co. .Agricultural Society Sapt. 13-15. A. M. Burnatde. aecy. Beot. 4 9. K A. Mcllree. aecy.

Britt—HMW^k Co^ty Agricultural Society. wiliraniatmrg--Willlaui*burg Fair Aaan. Bapt


El Dicado—Union County Pair. Oct. 25-28.

Sept. 20-2.1. Will W. Draper, aecy. Corydou—Harriaou Oo. Agricultural Soclaty.

Aug. 29 Sept. 2. A. G. Ward. aecy.

IS 14. l.baa. rictcber, aecy. CalbouD—Roikwcll City Fair Aaan. July 34 wilton Junction—Wilton Fair Aaan. Sept. 13

29. A. J Hunter. 14 II. Wtldaaln. aecy.

N. Heiuion. chairman amusements and coocea- Corlngton—Fountain Co. Fair. Sept. 19-23. T. aiuna. H. Bodlne, aecy.

Ret Sprtnea—Arkaaaaa State Fair Aaan. Oct. Crawfordavllle—Montgomery Co. Agricultural 10-15. Uco. R. BalcUng. aecy Society. Sept. 5-9. J. N. Foater, aecy.

CALIFORNIA Crotherarllla — CrothareTllle Fair Aaan. Aug. _ „ ^ 1 A_ n A— SOSept. 2. Will L. Denaford, aecy. fkaooo—Fraano C^. Agrlralt^ Aaan Oataa Uoint—Lake Co. Fair. Aug. 23 24. Fred

not aat. R. A. Pawall, aaey.


Onleradf Sprlngn—El Paao On. Fair. Oat. —. F. R Mirali, aecy.

Fort Morgan—Morgan County Fair Aaaociatloii. ^pt. 4 9. Samuel RatlitMoe. aecy.

Rocky Ford—Arkanaas Valley Fair Aanx. Aug.

Wheeler, aecy.

Decatur — Great Northern Indiana Fair. Sept. 4 9. Chaa. B. Magley. aecy.

Edinburg—Johnaon Co. Fair. July 20-22. Robt. G. Porter, aecy.

Rlwood—El wood Driving Park A Fair Aaan. Ang. 23 24. W. S. Clymer, aecy.

.30 Sept. 2. O. M. HaII, aecy.; G. 1. Prablt, Falrmount—Fairmoont Fair Aaan. Aug. 8-12.

OONVECTICUT Walter L. Jay, aecy.

Ft. Wayne—Great Ft. Wayne Fair. Sapt. 20 24. P. T. Strledar • aecy.

Omtral City-Wapaie Valley Dlatrlct Fair. Sapt. winlleU—Winfield Fair Aaan. Sept. IS 14 A. 4 9. B. K. Henderaon. aecy. i Bargaten aeci-

Claiinda—Clarlnda Fair Aaan. Sept. 12-lB. J. C. BeckiH'r. aec.T. KANSAS

Clarloa—Wright Co. Fair .\atn. Sapt. *9. C. ; ^ n. . Rottler aecy. i Canter—Clay Co. Fair. Sept. 13 14. Wal-

CUnton—Cllnto^ Dlatrlct Fair. Sept. 18 IB. J. ‘’“fkaj. aeo. . ^ , B. Ahrena. aecy. Douglaa—Agricultural Fair. Datea not aat.

Colorado Junction—Oblorado JuoctloD Dlatrlct , . . _ . Fair. Sept. 4^9. S. T. llendrta. aecy. Fultai,—<^*aaga Wiley Improvemeat Aaaa. Fair.

Colnmbna Junction—<>>lunibua Junction Dlatrlct „ *' „ Fair. Seiit. 4 9. N. T. Hendrix aecy. Hn^hlnaon-Cen^al Kaneaa fair Aaan (State

Coming—Adaraa Oo. Fair. Sept. 11-14. Gao. ®fPV, J'/ ^'a ' B Bllaa aecy Kingman—I'attleman and Kingman City I'ark

DacOTab—Wonueahlek Co. Fair. Sept. 1314 , ‘J- f'**'**' 1a. Ia. Cadwell, aery. Lawrence—IKmglna Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. —.

Det Motnea—Iowa State Fair and ExpoaltloB. *• ^ '? ! . Aug. 27 Sept. 2. J. C. Slmpaon. aecy. MePberaon—Mcl^eraon Co. Ai^lcultural Fair

_ —.1 « .r, n Aaan. Aug. 23 24. Carl A. Grant, aecy. *^^***"~^**“*°“ Sapt. 4 9. O. H. Mluneapolla—Ottawa Oo. Fair .4aao. Oct. 4 7. Nanaatuck—Naugatuck liOdga No. 947, B. P. ^ i. »n-ie<ier aecy. Dewitt—Clinton Co

0.‘ eV^?. M^oh Aug. 23 24 Chrl.tenaen aecy _ W. G. nimnielwrigbt, aecy. Bldoo—Big Four F

J. B. Johaatao, aecy.

New Ilsven-New Haven Cotmby Horticultural | *^•“*''“7^5*'?“? ^ Hortlcultur ■Idoo—Big Four Fair. Sept. 6 ft. H. R Ba Sallna-Rallne ci. Pair Aaan. Aug. 30 Sept. 2,

Society. Some time In November. Fre<lerlck ll. Wlrti, aecy.

al and Park Aaan. Aug. 31-Sept. 3. Martini FAdora—Hardin Co. Fair. Sept. B 9. H. B. Sellara. Secy. Martin, aecy.

E. R. Tuttle, aecy. Bmlth Center—Smith Co. Fair .kaan. Aug. 29-

Sept. 2. H. C. Smltb. BAH-y. N^lch—NewjAtidon Co_^ Ap-lcultuml B^laty. j County Fair. Aug. 14-19. j DoMeli^—I^ Co. Fair. Sept. 7^. Clirla Spring' HUI-Orange Fair. Sept. 4 9. VernuO

tirbnr.v ’^*"‘“****- i Hu'nDngbnrg—Fair ^ Sept. 12-14. E. W. Pick- Elka*dM—Elkader Fair A Track Aaan.

'"i"‘AmiM'^a^cy'*’'' HStn;;!£HuntlnKton Fair Aa«>. Sept. 18- Fvi‘‘di-BirFo^ Fa”;.’‘"l«. m'' J. P. M EaekTllle—Rockville Pair Aaan. Sapt. 20 22. >7. Adam S. Beck, aecy.; R. Slmonton. mgi. aecy.

F. J. Oollay, aeey. Stafford Sprlnga—Stafford Springs Agricultural

Society. Sept. Th« Billboarti will appreciate informatioD which will serve to correct any t

Calabratioo. Fab. 12-14. existing in this list. Readers may utilire the blanks below for contributing data. Cal. Brown, praatdent. I ^


’■ tSI iJSSi .

HuDili^bur*—r,lr. Sn»l. la-W. B. W. no- Blhady—m«d.r rtli- * Trirt Amo. Sapt. WatmIa—Ohiu IM, A„n. Aaf. 18 Id. J 14-14. W. W. Dayidaoo. secy.

Huntington—Huntington Fair Ai^. ^pt. 18 FVmda-Blg Four Fair. Aug. 2-5. J. P. Mullen. winflal<^U>>wi;y County Agricultural and LWe 17. Adam S. Beck, aecy.; R. Slmonton. mgr • -z _ . _

Nicholson, aecy.

Oahom. aecy.

The Billboard will appreciate information which will serve to correct any errors

Stock Aaan. Aug. 30 Sept. 2. P. W. Sklle. aecy.


Atexaodrla —t'atiHiliell CamidIv Agricultural Soci¬ ety. Sept. 6 10. J. R Ruuae, aecy.

Barboorvllit—Knox Co. Fair Aaan. Aug. 3| Sant. 2. J. Frank Hawn aecy.

IWodkaad—Rockcastle Co. Fair Assn. Aug. Augusta-C.eorglaOarollna Fair A«n. Nov. 7-| "na"^ the^iV fa h"w >7 >*- * Haggard, .wcy.

12. Prank E. Beane, secy. wnoaa anspioaa tn# lair it naia. Ewing—Eartn* Fair Cotni8any. Aug 18 20 S. Douglaa—Coffee County Falx Asen. Noy. 15-19. H PrlA-e. acev

Melrln Tanner, aecy. Kama of town whom fair is bald . Falmoutb—Falmouth Fair Co. Sept. 28 Oct. 1. ■atsatan—I'utuam Co. Fair. Datss nat set. , J. R. WlUlami, aaey.

If. F. Adame, aaey. State . Earn Oaek—Jafferaoo Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 30- Ifaeoa—Macon State Fair Aaan. Oct. tS-Nev. ft

Harry C. Robert, aecy.


Bapt. 2. B. B. Barry, aaey. FkwaDce—North Kentucky Agricultural Aaan.

Sept. 1-S. N. E. Riddell, Rurllngion. Ky. 1.1 1. i_A . oA.i. aa.< a in Frankfart—Capital Fair Aaan. Aug. 30 Sapt. 2,

_-Idaho Inter Mauntaln Falx. Get. 5 10. ,, Praaidant . O. Q. Speer, aewy.

nJlweli^^nv^'o^tr Fair Aaan Oct 4-8 Qaoiytown Ocott County Fair Aaan. July

Id;ll.?a.^Ww"l.t::? Clark.-. Fair. Oct. 5 10. ”"K;"H:T};Sr"DSr‘e7'Ky‘‘' C. W. Maunts. SK-y. Maaaa of Baomtnry .. 01aaffow-^-8outh Kentue'ky Fair Aaan. Sept

ILLINOIS 14-17. Tboa. DIcktnaon. aecy. Alblsu-Edwards County Fair. Sept. 13 16. J. *7 Traaauror .: Ranodsbarg—Mercer County Fair Asan. Aug

R l>aly aecy | 9 13. R. W, Keennn. soi-y. xiado—Mercer Co. Agricultaral Society. Sept. Nama of Rnnager . ' LeltchfleW—tJraywn (\moty Fair. Aug. 14 19

30 23. W. D. Emeraon. aecy. .I .

■ams of Tisa-Prasident 34-30. T. C. Bell. secy. Oennantow Germantown Fair Co. Aug. 24 27.

- ■ . t Dan H. Lloyd. Dover, Ky. .‘ Glaaffow—South Kentueky Fair Aaan. Sept.

14-17. Tboa. DIcktnaon. secy. Tmasurar .: Rairodsbarg—Mercer County Fair Asan. Aug.

j • 13. R. W. Keenon. aei-y. Wanaeer < LwltchfleM—tinyw>11 (\moty Fair. .tug. 14 19. ..; J. 8. Inmt. neej-

Altamoot-Allameat Agricultuml Fair Aaan. -r^., i London-Laurel CAainty Fair. Aug. 2:124. E, Sept. l'J-14. Fred Ninaier aecy. .. t ^ . . . „

Belleville—St. Clair Ounty Fair Asau. Sept. 13 17. Richard D. Willkert. aecy. Peroat

Rreeee—Breeaa D. and F. Aaan. Sapt. 7-10. , Aiic. W Omni. ae<-y. U

Buahnell—BiiafaneU Fair Aonn. Aug. 9-12. J. | asms. H. Juiineon, aecy.

Oanrfiri<lK<-—llenr.v County Fair. Aug. 33 34. Then, Rdiltenatein. aecy. | inai,,

Louisville—Kentucky State Fair. Sept. 13 IT. Peroaatage Oameal.Special or Bay Back Privllsgaa.

If any sfflcer's sddxaas is diffsmnt from that sf the Pair itself, plaaaa iadienta appeaika kia

»r~j'’‘o**J«Bm’ I KeydalTvIIl^^^Kendi'wuia "r Sapt. 24 34. U. ***'* 0^aT"A Wrtil^“r

■'P* County Fair. Sept. »3L ! "ri”'8.^ BratSd^'‘“^^^ ‘*^7" n'^C^umi;

• ®-I WUyrtl^rp'ji.a^w'County Fair. Ang. Sw l■■l-pendenc.—Buchanan Co. Fair Aaan. Aug. !

riT-EICa Aerlcnlrnral Baclatv i ^ ’’'‘’T- , ??'“■*, '7® . -a t i U»«ontown—Unloo County Fair ■*^F^''^Hural Boclaty. | Porte—La forte Co. .tgrimitural Aaaa. Aug Indlanola—Warren Oo. Fair. Sept 6 9. Joe jg C. Bland aecy. ^>t. Jaa Reyner, ae<y. SO Sept. 2. J. B Bnwell. aecy. McOny. aecy. I Varaalllm — Woodford Co. Fal

Ofdeonda Pop* County Agrlcoltural Aaan. Oet. j lawrencehiirg—lawr*-nceliurg Fair Aaan. Aug. Iowa City—Jobnaon Co. A. k M. Society. Aug. g g Fleming Meek eery .1 * — 1 » '3. Eatal O. Blelby aecy. 30 Sept. 2. Cedwge A. Hitchcock, aecy.

®*[j£ff^'"^~Hllnala^Valley Fair Aaan. July i,ebao«n—Boone Ownty Agrlcnltnral Society. \ Malcolm—foweablek Co. Central Agricultuml LOUISIANA -'Ld K D A_ OdM.# Aug. 14 19. W. J. Sanford, aecy. S.N-lely. Aug At 25. Jhs. Nowak, aecy. ! Shreveport—State Fair af lyoulatana. Nov. 3 "•.M n*,1 Liberty—Union County Fair Aaan. Aug. 23 26. Ma'vern—Mills Co. Fair. Aug. 2 5 I. J. ! n. Loula N. Bnieggarboff, aecy.

Mayfield—West Kenliu-ky Fair Aaan. Sept. ' 7 10. W. L. Hale. aecv. , MeRioume—Newiairt Iwlvlng and Fair Aaitn.

Aug. 9-14. riatem-e finguely, aecy. I Oweuatamo—Dovlea Ctainty Fair. Del. 4 8. S. I B. Lee. aecy.

Paducah—faducab Fair Aaan. Aug. .30 Bept. 2. Rodney C. DavU. aecy

Part*—Bon rtKin County Agrlcnltnral Society. Sept. fi-lO. Ohaa. A Wet>ber. aecy.

ferryvllle—l•efT.vTllIe Fair Asaoi-laUon. .4ug. IT- 19. II. C. MulMna. nm-y.

' Sbepherdavtlle—Biillett County Fair Aaan. Aug. 14 19. 8. H. Bldgway, secy.

I Unlontnwn—I'nlou County Fair Aaan. Ang. 9 18. W. C. Bland, aecy.

Tarsallleo — Woodford Co. Fair Aaan. Aug. S B. Fleming Meek. eery.

Hartiburg HarrWhurg Fair A Part Aaaa. Bapt. Liberty—Union County Fair Aaan. Aug. 23-24. 12-14. Itr. C, K. Kytngtoa, aaey, Mlllmi Maxwell eecv

Joliet-JolWt Agricultural Society. Aug. 39- Maxweii, aecy. Bept. 3. Magnus Flaws, 359 Dearborn at., ■ Mar^o—<-:ra«;f<ird Co. Fair Aaaa. Aug. 23 Chicago. Ill. ' 84 M. M. Tenry aecy.

Knoxville—Knox County Fair. Aug. 30 Sept. 2. “»'■'<»—Oo- AsrtciiUurtl and FaD Aami. Cbarlea A. Walker, secy. I *^'7.

Micrnib—Macomb Fair. Aug. 2 5. H. W. i Middletown—Henry. Madison and Delaware Harris, aecy. Countlei Agricultuml Society. Aug. 2 5. F.

Maaoa—Grundy Oo. Agricultural Fair. Snpt. \ a>.i ■ n • • > 13 14. F H Clapp, ^y. Montpelier—Montpelier Fair and Driving Aaan.

MUfepa—Milfoil R.eae Fair Aaan. Dates »et July 24 29. C. L. Smith, aecy. ■et. E. 8. Herron, aecy. I “Vm •T*™*

M'ont'cello—flatt Cwintr Board of Agrteultum. ^7 M. narlem, eecy. Ane. 14 19 C. H. Rldgley. aecy. i Mnncl^IVlaware Co. A. A M. Soclaty. Ang.

Mt. Carroll—Carroll County Fair. .\ug. 30 Sept, j 14 19. F. A. Swain, sec y. 2. Cal M. Fedier, aecy. New Castle—Henry County Agricultural Socl-

Mt. Sterling—Brown Co. Fair Amn. July 24- ety. Aug. 9-12. W. L. Blak, aecy. 29. E. W. Oerchwlnder. aecy. ' North Manebester—'North Manchester Racing

OIney—Itichlaml U». Fair. Sept. 6 9. Jaa. P. | Assn. Sept. 6 9. Chaa. Wright, aecy. Wllwa eecy. ; North Vernon—Jennings Oninty Fair Assn. July

fincknervllle—Perry Co. Agricultural Society. | 26-29. W. G. NorrU. aecy. Sept. 20 2:t. F. C. „ Osgood—BIplev Co. Agricultural Aaan. Aug.

P'per City—Ford Oo. Fair. Sept. 18 16 L. D. j.n. g. R Kemper, secy Jackeon. aecy. ^ ^ ^ ^ * 1 Portland—Jay Co. Fair. Aug. 29 Bept. 2. J

Princeton—Bureau Co. Agricultural Board. Sapt. j g_ Graves, aecy. 4 9. Ch^ L. Trimble, Ijort. „ . Prtacetoo—Clbaon Oo. H. A A. Bocloty. Sept

RoMnaon—Cmwford Co. Grange Fair. Sept. g.,o F E Knowles aaey 24 30. Henry Coulter, ae-y.. Duncanvllla. Roekpi>rt—Rockport Fal'r. Aiig. 23 77. C. M III. WatriOee aecv

Countlei Agricultuml Society. Aug. 2 5. F. uaai«a A- Wlartmrt mot Nfinc^

Montpelier—Montpelier Fair and Driving Aaan. July 24 29. C. L. Smith, aecy. II

Mt. Vernon—Mt. Vernon Fair Aaaa. Ang. u..!...

30-Se|i|. 2. George A. Illtcbcock, aery. ! ’ • z. Malcolm—Poweablek Co. Central Agricultuml ' LOUISIANA

SdN-lely. Aug Al 25. Jhs. Nowak, aecy. ! Shreveport—State Fair of lyoulatana. Nov. 3 Ma'vern—Mills Co. Fair. Aug. 2 6 I. J. ! n. Loula N. Bnieggarboff. aecy.

Swain, lecy. Manwm—f albnun Ca. Fair Aaaa. Aug. 8S 34. I MAINE

Mf.i,..Aeti^l'ja?kJir'6o. Fair Aaan Aug. 30- nrtr ” Hepi. 3. B. D. Kl.v. aecy.

Marahalllown—Mamball Co.

14-19. J. M. Harlem, secy. Mcncle—Delaware Co. A. A M. Society. Aug.

14 19. F. A. Swain, sec y.

Maaaena — Maaiena Iftstrlct Fair. Sept. 5-8. D. P. Hogan, aocy.

Milton—Milton Dlstrlrt Fair. Bapt. —. O. A. Miller eecy.

riety. Bopt. 30 22. O. M. RIebardwm. aoey. tVimlali—Cumlab Agricultural Aaan. Aug 14

18. Will. R. C«pp. aecy. New Castle—Henry County Agricultural Sod- , MImourt Valley—Harrlaon Oo. Fair. Bept. 18 -^frtcultiiml Falx. Sept. 21 23. H

ety. Aug. 9-12. W. L. Blak, aecy. 16. A. B Haabrook aecv. I . **. Jalllmn. ae<'y. A. B. Haabrook. aecy. North Manchester—North Manchester Racing Mt. Pleaajnt—Henry Go Pair. Aug 14 19. O. *'*.r'**T?—State Fair. 8<‘pt. 6 9. J. L,

«« . . ' • I Lowall. Auburn. Mo. Assn. Sept. 6 9. Chaa. Wright, aecy. N. Knight, eecy. North Vernon—Jennings Oninty Fair Assn. July Nashua—Big Four District Fair. Sept. 4 9. 0. Machlaa—Macblaa Fair Aaea Sept. 4 7. W

26-29 W. G. NorrU. aecy. L. Putney aecy. H. Pluney. aecy. Osgood—Ripley Co. Agricultural Aaan. Aug. i National—I'layton Co. Agricultural Soclaty. 'Talii® ?i*iR***'"ai**T* Agrlniltural She

r per City—Ford Oo. Fair. Sept. 18 14 D. U. j.3. g. R Kemper, eecy. Jackeon. aecy. ^ ^ ^ ^ * 1 Portland—Jay Co. Fair. Aug. 29 iapt. 2. J

Princeton—Bureau Co. Agricultural Board. Sept, j g. Graves, aecy. 4 9. Ch^ L. Trimble, Ijort. „ . Prtacetoo—Clbaon Oo. H. A A. Bocloty. Sept

RoMnaon—Crawford Co. Grange Fair. Sept. g.,o p E Knowles aaey 24 30. Henry Coulter, ae-y.. Duncanville. Roekpiirt—Rockport Fair. Aiig. 33 77. C. M III. I

**5'^’^''*’^®*“’’*'''''' I Rortoater—Fulton Oo Agrlcoltural Society C. L. Stln»#>n. Mcy. Il#pt. 7-14. L. O H#1«

Sjirlngfield Illlnnla State Fa'r. Befit. 30 Get. Enafirltlp—Rnab Co. Fair Assn. Ang. 80-8ept

Aug. 2U-8ept. 8. Henry I,ue4iaco. OamavlUni | *n>t 1* 10. Mwin Junkliia aecy

New Hampton—New Chlrkaaaw Oo. Fair. Sept 13-14. C. M. Bigelow, aecy.

New Gloucester—New Glauceater and DanvUlo Agricultural Aaan. Dates not aet. Chaa H. Nalaoo. aecv.

Naw Sharon—New ghamn District Fair. Rapt. | Ef^n* IalaiMl--Sorlh^n Maine Fair. Sept 20 23. C. F. Momyer, aecy. ffg. Ernest F. McGIaughlln, aecy.

J. K. Dlcklraon. aecy W. L. King. eecy. SnlllTan—Monltrle Co. Agricultural Fair Aaan. j Oainty Fair Aaan. Aug.

^ i? _ I 3« Sept. 2. A C. Shilling, necy.

Newton—Jasper Cn. Fair. Sept. 12 10. F. B. ' Rl'hntend-Rlchmeud Farmers' Club. Sept. 7T Meredith, aecy. 7t. II. Shelton ae.-y.

Northwood—Wnrtb Oo. Fair. Bept. 31 31. R »«itb Farlo—Oxfard County Agricultaral So n. Miller, aecy. riety. Sept. 13-16. W. O. Prothlagbaiu.

Dnawa—Movviim County Fair Aaan. Sejit. IS- ••‘cy. 14 A. W. Biirgeaa. necy MARYLAND

Wood.u^k-McHenry Co Agricultural Board. i g^pt. 6 9. Chia. B Nnrrla. mgr. Sept. 4 9. Geo. A Hunt. aecy. I m. ,, o » «

Sbelbrvllle—Hhelhy Co. Fair Aaaa S W. McDaniel, aeey.

tfrange nty Jllmix C^nty Agrlc^^^^ -Talbot County Fair. Aug. 23 24. M. .Sept. 14 14. H. Rlikkeweer. aecy. r NIchola. aecy. rla. mgr. | Sept. 14 14. H. Hlikkeweer, aecj-.

[it. 4 10. ] Pella—Lake Prairie District Agricultural A Get. 2 4. J. P. Klein, secy

Frederick—Frederick Co. Agricultural Society. Get. 19 71. O r. Warehlne. aery.

Ancola—Steuben County Fair. Sept. 4 9. Or- | Srottsburg—Scott Oninty Fair. Aug. 23 24. G. i Bed Gak—Montgomery Co. Fair Aaaa. Jnly Hageratown—Washington County Fair. Get. 11- vHIe Gooilale. aecy V. Cain, aecy 34 28. M. H. Rathlione. aeey. 14. D. H. Staley, aecy.

Boaw-'ill—Renton County fair. Sept. 13 16. HI- | Ebelhyyllle—Shelbyyllle Races. Oct. 13-14. Jaa Sac City—Sac County Fair. Ang. 8 IS. B. L. I l^snrel—I<aurel Fair. Dales not set. Samuel H. ram Rrlicht, aecy. Morrison, aecy.

Pne-hon—Piairlion Fair A'san. Oct. 4 7. B. i Vaipnratao—Porter Co. Agricultural Sooloty. | Sheaanibub—Bbenandoak Fair t'* T'arVv. aecv Sopt. 4 9. Leander Jonee. eocy. A. W. OoliMverg, eery.

Chrtancy—Clirl'iney Fair. Sept. 5 10. J. P. Vincennes—Knox Co. A. A W Soelety Bopt Sioux City—Interatate Lire Stock Fair A Cbrlaney. aer-y 1933. Jaa. M. House. Vlnceoaas. Ia4 Sopt. 19 34 Joe Morton, aocy.

Hopkins, prea.. Highland. Md. Aag. 8 13. Pocomoke City—Pocomoke City Fair. Aug. A

12. W. F. King. aery. Fair Assn. Rockville—Montgouiery Co. Fair. Aug. 21 24,

Jaa. T. Boglay, aecy. Columbus—Fair. Aug. 23-26. Tboa. Vlnnedga, I Warren—Warren Trl Oaunty Fair and Drlelng Suthorlaivd—O'Brien Co. Agrlrultnral Assn. Salisbury—'Wleomlco County Fair. Aug. 16 lA

Aaaa Aug. SOSept. 8. J. O. Gftirk. aaey. Bept. 7 9. J. B. Murphy, secy. 8. K. White, aecy


march 26, 1910. Xtie Billboard


Tlm#nluiii—Mirjl»n<l Ht«lf Kilr. S*-pt. • 10. | .St Jowph—Interstate Lire Stixk and Horae J S .Vuaaear. l.iitlierellle. Mil. Show. .Sept. lU -M. M. B. Irwin, aety.

Tolchi-ati-r Tolrheater Kalr. .kU(C. 30 Sept. 12. Sntalla—Mlaaonrl State Kalr. Oct. 1-7. JobL O. K .\oUnil. a«-cj-. T. Stinson. ae<-y.

Taneytown Crantce IMctilc ami Kxhlbltlon. Aug. Trenton—Ksce .Meet. July 20 29. Jolm W ; p I.S t’haa. H, .Shrlner, a«fy. Schooler, secy,

t’pper Marltiont—S-aithem Marylanil Kalr. Aug I Trenton—Annual Kalr. Sept. 13 10. John W p 12 Wm. O. Bria>lie, secy, | Si hooler, B«-i y.

I Warrenatiurg—Warrenshurg Kalr Co. Oates not I MASSACHUSETTS .M*t. S. V. S.inilem, eecy. I

ADiesl'ury—Aineahury ami SalUliury Kalr. Sept. | MONTANA 27 29. -M II. Samla. secy. !

Amherat—llnuiiiahlre Agricultural Society. Sept. | IPm.tiian—IntiT State I'alr. .\ug. 20 Se|it. .3. "11. Onvlil II. Ke,.ilj. »ecy. o. E. MeyiTH, w-cy.

Athol—Northwest Worcester Kalr Assn. Sept. Helena—Mimtaiia State Kalr. Sept. 2<l (>ct. 1 5 « Altiert Ellsworth, secy.

Bsrre- West Worcester Co. Agricultural Socloty. Sept. 29 3<t. Eilwaril A. Ilrisleur, secy.

Bsmsiabic llamsiatde County Agricultural So

Martin .Marlin, secy.


Alliance—Pair. Sept. 21 23. clety Aug. .-ptSi-pt. 1. .M. II. Ilarrla, a«-cy. Alliance—K air. Sept. 21 2;i. Klanfonl—Kiilon Kalr Assn. Sept. 14 15. E. Aulmrn—Auburn Summer Race Meet. July 12

W llol-M- seey I'l- 1C C. Howe secy. Biaibin Maiaachusetta Horticultural Society. Aurora—Hamilton County Agricultural Society.

sept Ot IN anil Oct. 7 S. Wm. I’. Rich, a*-cy. Ang. 3ll .Si pt. 2. S. E. Otto. secy. Br s ktiMi Brix kloii Kalr. net, 4 7. I'erly C}. Beatrice—Cage Co. Kalr. Sept. 19 23.

Klltit secy. log Springs—Kalr. Sei>t. 19 23. ■ liarleinoni Oeerflclil Valley Agrlcullnral So Chailron—K'alr. Sept. 14 17.

clelT. .Sept. 15 1« S. N Hawkes. secy. narks-Fair. Sept. 14 16. Clinton—Clinton Kalr Sept. 14 16. Warren Culbertson — Hltchcotk Agricultural Society.

Gisslale. secy. 1517. W. Z. Taylor, secy. CuBimlnglon—Hilllaril Agricultural Assn, Sept. Oerlrg—Scotts Bluff Oo. Kalr. Sept. 2fc-30. A.

27 •2N. C. K Burr. Il.ngTllle C«>nn B. Wood, secy.»nlh Mlilitlesci Kalr Assn.. Sept. I>exlngloii—Oaw«m Ciainty Kalr Assn. S.

2t)21. John I.. Caril. Wellesley, Mass. J'.' H-rn. secy. C.rwutlelil—Krsnklln County Kilr. ' Sept.' 21 22. L'neoln—Nebraska State Board of Agriculture

J. H Murphy, aecy. (State Fair). Sept. 5-9. W. R. Mellor, Great Barrington-ll.msatonlc ArT'cultiirtt Se I __i

cletT Sept. 27 30, Fred J. Fuller aecy. , Madison—Madison Co. Agricultural Society.

J. H Murphy, aecy. Great Barrington—llousatonlc Arrlcultiirat Se !

CletT. Sept. 27 30, Kred J. Fuller aecy. Halifax Klymouth County Fair. Sept. 14 1,5.

J Herbert I.conanl. Bridgewater. Masa. Htnghaiii—Htngham Kalr Assn. Sept. 27-2S.

Wm, H, Tlsmias. Sts-y. Inwell — North Middlesex Fair Aaan. Sept. 16-

17. Amlre Mddell, secy. Msrthreld—Msrshfleld Kalr Assn. Ang. 24-26.

I 11. Hatch. .North Marshfleld. Maas.

Sept. 13 16, J. L. Rynearaon. secy. Nebraska City—Nebraska City S[i«ed and K»lr

.Assn. Dates not aet. L. T. Jackson, secy. Nelson—Nuckolls County Agrlcnltursl Society.

Sept. ^-23. George Jackson, secy. Nonlen—Keyajialia County Fair. Septemlier

13-16. Ib-rt Booea. sei'y. Seward—Kalr. Aug. 30-Sept. 2.


' ITWO-COLOR "" Burlington—Alamance Fair Assixdatlon. Date I " "* Mr 18 8 * not set. .McBride Holt. secy. I ■ m CeSS ; all V

Charlotte—Mecklenburg Kalr Assn. Oct. 26 29. ■ ■ ■ V ■ I K Ugg them !

Graham—A^anTiiiIii- Omiity Kalr. Oct. 4 7. Me jj I I I MM L I same. Bri<ie Holt. 8<‘cy. H ■ ■ ■ r ■ ^rcat conv

Greensbon^entral Carolina FtlrAsan. Oct. B ■ ||||m ■ | jencetoeve 12-15. Garland Dsnlel. aecy. ■ ■ ■ B B M m B B , ,

North Wllk.-stsMsc—Wilkes County Pair. S*-pt. H ■ ■ ■ m ■ Olie handlll 27 29. H. W. Hortiai, aecy. ticket; CO

BLEsstb.. 1^01.1.1,1,. s.„d diogr.™.

W inston Salem—Piedmont Fair. Oct. 5 8. Col. B MO ticket aod reserved capacity, for prices

loi,IWELDON, WILLIAMS & Ll( C. C. Smith, secy. 1FORT SMITH. AR

Grand Forks—Grand Forks Fair. July 19 22. iMAHuraCTTRBBS

Jamestown—Jamestown Fair Assn. Dates not I set. O. G. Yeattm, secy. 1 mt ■ • wm u

Novelties, fancy (joods OHIO J I I

Bellefontalne—Logan Co. Fair. Aug. 30-3«pt. anCl JeV^elrV 2. W. H. Kinnan. secy. _ J

Berea—West Cuyahoga Co. Agricultural SocI- FOR MOVING PICTURE SHOWS. ety. t>ept. 13-16. L. M. Coe. aecy.

“ e,T"AJg:^3o"s“t.''2"”‘"B. \^.’’‘c&y'. ^y'. Siogcr Bfos.’ Ncw Book of Specialties

Canal Dorer—Tuscarawas Co. Agricultural As- | it’a larger than ever and contains more rain-

TWO-COLOR II I M Mpw who ■ I I 1use them say ■ I I I I# L I the same. A

R I I I ■ Im r I convea- B H HHbB^B ■ ience to every* Q I I m I onehandliata D ——II I ticket; costs H LESS than the old style. Send diaj^ram, or Bald ticket aod reserved capacity, for prices.


Novelties, Fancy Goods and Jewelry


soolation. Oct. 4-7. J. 3. Kama, secy. able Information to Premium Houses. Novelty Canton—Styke County AgrlcnlturaJ Society, j Dealers. Streetmen, Knife Board .Men, Yankee

Kept. 27-30. Cbas. A. Pontius, secy. Notion Workers, .Mall Order Men and Jewelers. Carthage—Hamilton Co. Agricultural Society. ; etc., than any other catalogue issued. BTerr-

Aug. 16 2<J. D. L. Sampson, Room 11. Wig- thing new In real Novelties, Camlvsl Ooo<l». gins Block, Cincinnati, O.

Chagrin Falla—Cuyahoga Co. Fair. Sept. 69. Ooo<ls, etc. Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Cutlery, Ojitlcal

Mlddlefield -Hlghlaml Fair Asen.’ Sept. 7 8. Tbedford—Fair. Sept. 15-17. F. C. Oates, secy. By satisfying at that you are a legitimate

J T Bryan aecy 1 Stanton—Stanmn County Agricultural Society. Naatiicket —Nantacket Agricultural Society. Dates not set. John .Schindler, secy.

Aug 24 25. joelsh F Marphey, secT. Trenton—Hitchcock County Fair Assn. Datee North Adams—Hoosac Vall-yi Fair. Sept. 8 1 not set. C. M, Blanchtrd. secy.

to Gllliert Msxwell. secy. , wAifx.BWTT»p Northampliai—Nortlismploo. Frsnklin stid Hamp , hew tLAMrsniKE

den Fair Assn. Oct. 5 6. C. A. Montgom- | Lancaster—C«» and Essex Agricultural Socl- ery, secy. | etv. S“pt. 6 8. Elwln Damon, secy.

Ox fori—'lx ford Agricultural Smtety. Sept. 1 1 Rohrster—Rochester A. A M. Assn. Sept. 27 J. E. Dsrllng. secy. 30. t'rank B. Maguire, secy.

Palmer—Esstern Hsmislen Fslr Assn. Oct. 7 8. ' L. E Chsmller. secy. | NEW JERSEY

r#*b«Jy—Kwx Pijlr Amik S«-pt. 20 22. J. ^ ^ ^ 05.30. M. R. Dinforth. I junflHd. Mam. ' M^pirpnim

South We.vrnoulh—Weymouth Agrirultarsl sad .iirgerum, secy.

CailUlcothe—Ross Ojunty Fair. Aug. 16-19. M. ' dealer, as we want to keep this iKmk out of the 1). Sullivan, secy. coneumers’ bands, and sending In your perma

Indnstrisl Fair. S<*pt. 15-17. A. F. Banes ^ NEW YORK

Sp^^r—S[iencer Farmers and Mechanics’ Assn. ' Afton—Afton Driving Park Fair. Sept. !• 1* Sept. ‘23 24. Geo, H. Rainer, secy. D. W. Seely, secy.

Bturhrldge—South Worcester Agricultural So Albion—Orleans (No. Agricultural Society Sept. rlety. Sept. 1516. C. V. CV)rey, secy. 14 18. Wm. K. Frank secy.

CbrUlge—Blackstone Valley Fair. Sept. 20-21. j Ballaton Spa—Saratoga County Agrlcnltursl So- Dr. M K. Sharjie. aecy. clety. Aug. 23-26. Geo. W. DeRldder, secy.

West Ttshury—Martha Vineyard Fair Aaan. Batavia—Genesee County Agricultural Society Aug 3< 31. F. A. look. aecy. Binghamton—Binghamton Fair. Sept. 27-30. H

Worcester—Ne» Engisnd Fair. Sept • ' S. Martin, aecy. Elisha S Knewles. aecv. i Boonville—Boonvllle Fair Aaan. Aug 23-26. B


.Vdrlan—I/cna«ee (Nninty Fair. Sei>t. 26.30. F. A Brt<l1sh. m-rr

Allegan—Allegan County Agricultural Society. Sept. 20 2;’.. A H Fewfer. ae» y.

Armada—.4rmada .Agricultural Society. Oct. 5- 7. Orvy Hulett. iwcy

Bad Axe—HnTXMi Co. Fa'r. Oct. 4 7. Henry Stewart. ae«-y.

Beatoa Harbor—Sobithern Mlchlgaa State Fair. Sept. J7 SO H. A. Foletacr. aecy.

Caro—Caro Kalr A«an. Sept. IS 16. B. H. ■mltb. aecy.

Binghamton—Binghamton Fair. Sept. 27-30. H. S. Martin, aecy.

Boonvllle—Boonville Fair Aaen. Aug 23-26. B. J. Vollmar. accy.

Brewater—Putnam Co. Agricultural Aasn. Ang. 31 Sept. 2. A. P. Rudd. secy.

BrookSeld—BrookSeld Madlaon CJO. Agricultural Society. Sept. 10-22. F. M. Spooner, aecy.

Canton-^t. Lawrence Co. Agricultural Socl ety. Sept. 13-16. George A. Adama. aecy.

Carmel—Putnam Co. Agriixiltural Assn. Aug. 31-Sept. 2. A. P. Budd. aecy.

Cobleafelll—Schoharie CVainey Fair. Sept. 26-30. W. H. Golding, aecy.

0>xg>eratowi>--0tecgo County Agricultural Soci¬ ety. Sept. 20 22. Edward 1. King, aecy.

Oortland — Cortland Co. Arglcnltnral Society.

Crn.welI--Ooa'weII Agrlcnltnral Society. Sept. cnba^lo^i^Fs J'atrf’ ^ng” A;sn*”^^pt 6 26 .30. J H, Murdaugh. aecy. o '

Detroit—Michigan State Fair. Sept. 19-23. I. H. Bntterffeld aecy.

Bast Jordan—Charlevoli Co, Agricultural So¬ ciety. Sept. 1,316. A. B. Nlchida. Jr., aecy.

9. Geo H. Swift, aecy. Delhi—Delewere County Agricultural Society.

Aug. 30 Sept. 2. C3iaa. T. Telford, secy. Deruyter—Four-County Fair Assn. Aug. 30-

5>ept. 2. O. W. Ames, secy.

Hllladale—Hirivdsle Fair. (Vt. 3 7. C. W. Ter wllllger. aecy.

Hollatul—fVmth Ottawa Weat Allegan Fair. Date* net >et. .A. B. Booman. seey.

Imlay City—Imixv Cltv AgrIcliiDiml lUe'ety. Oct. 4 6 Prank Rathsburg. eery.

Woodruff, aecy. Rllenvllle—ruter Ce. Agricultural Society. Aug.

23-26. W. S. Doyle, aecy. Ehnira—Chemung Couaty Agrlcnltnral Society.

Sept. 19-23. C. S. Lattln. secy. Fonda—Montgomery Co. Agricultural Society.

(Vt. 3-6. J. B. Martin, secy.

(Mnrlnnatl—Coney Island Co. Ang. 25-27. M. nent addresa, we will be pleased to send yon W. -McIntyre, eupt. this book free. Send for It to-day. Yon can

Cincinnati—Ohio Valley Exposition. Aug. 29- not affonl to be without It.

Coshocton—Coabocton Co. Agricultural Society. SINGER BROS. 82 Howery, New\ork (Vt. 11-14. w. B. Miller, secy. " ' im ..

Dayton—Montgomery Co. Agricultural Board. Sept. 6-9. G. K. Cetane, secy.

Grecnyllle—Great Darke Onnty Fair. Ang. I V V HH Y VT T^FWl ^ 22-26. Frank Pletalnger, aecy. IJ f 11 I I 11 ' L I W

Hamilton—Butler (To. Agricultural Society. Oct. I\Y Vl.l . I lY .IV IN I vV 4 7. C. A. Kumler. aecy. a ^

HlcksvlIIe—Defiance Co. Agricultural Society. ; __ _ —nvxn . Aug 30 Sept. 2. E F. Armstrong, aecy. 6 CENTS PER 1,000

Kenton—Hardin Co. Agricultural Society. Aug.

u2^^o'IumW.i'i“oo*'^.Agrlcultur.l Society. , Stock Tickets for any kin.i of Show Sept. 13-16. E. F. Moore, secy. Or .Amusement Device. In lots of

London—Madison County .Agricultural Society. ■ Aug. 31-Sept. 2. c. A. wilaon. secy. ! 2o,(KH), OF more, SIX Cents per I.IKK).

Marietta—Washington Co. A. A M. Aaan. Sept. | r. ■ i i .em tu 20-24. L. A. Ziegler, aaet. secy. ‘ Special Tickets, KJO.tKK), $10. The

McOonnelevllle—.Morgan Oo. Agricultural So- I the market Fverv ticket .a clety. Sept. 20-22. T. E. McKlhlnev, aecy. | Dcst in tne market. i.vjrj, tukei a

Montpelier—Williams County Fair. Sept. 13- good one. PositivelV (‘Bsll wit li order 17. Robt. Ogle, secy. i

Napoleoax—Napoleon Fair Co. Sept. 6-9. J. M. i

Newark—Licking C<ainty Agricultural Society. I THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO. I Oct. 4-8. J. M. Farmer, secy. , H

Owenavllle—Clermont Co. Agricultural Society. P NEWPORT, KENTUCKY Aug. 23-26. A. S. Johnson. Amelia, O. I ^1

Paulding—Paulding Co. Agricultural Society. Sept. 6-9. W. B. Jackson, secy.

Plketoo—Plketon Fair Co. Aug. 10-12. J. F. I Bateman, aecy.

Richmond—Richmond Trl-Coonty Fair. -Aug. 2- 5. R. W. Lenox, secy. 1

•X'Jr"'.!:’ ■■ "• EgrgVRgXTTTTX

“'" i /striking desionsN Sardinia—Kemx^y’e Fair Company. Ang. 30 | /FINE PRINTING PLATES \

9««tt»Tllle—AUen Co. Fair Aasn.' Sopt. 13 17. /PAINLESS PRICESX 0,7- T /SEmjfUDCa SKETCfLOF WHAT YOB \ Ndney^helby County Fair. Sept. 13-16. J. | I OR SEND_r0R OUR SAMPLES I

Smlthfleld—Jeffersm CVrunty Fair. Sept. 28-.30 ' I R T I A * SPRIMfiFIFI H D I J. O. Hayne, secy.

Springfield—Clark <^nty Agricultural Society. Aug. 16-19. Elwxjnd Miller, secy. 8TREKT1CIN MOBBED

Tlffln-Senwa Agrlc^ral Society. Sept., Agenta. Spar. Time Wohkera mob- B. in*, •ery. _ . _ . ' Kgagl Kw rnat/>vn»p« /erMYT fn vnMMntMhdl 12% HA


i Prabkllnvllle—Frankllnvllle A^lculturml and Sept. 12-16. E V. Wa'lbom, secy 26 29. M J. Snaniditut. secy. 1 ___ __ __•>.» o..., n D ¥

.1'“’ Ea:CiR«SCE.D

’•ISI’.'7'b. “'" i /striking desic,ns\ Sardinia—Kemx^y’a Fair Company. Ang. 30 | /FINE PRINTING PLATES \

9««tt»Tllla—AUen Co. Fair Aasn.' Sopt. 13 17. /PAINLESS PRICEsX 0,7- T /SEmjfODCa SKETCfLOF WHAT YOU \ Ndney^helby County Fair. Sept. 13-16. J. | I ^aHT OR SEND_r0R OUR SAMPLES I

Smlthfleld—Jeffersm CVrunty Fair. Sept. 28-.30 ' I R T I A * SPRIMfiFIFI H FI I J. O. Hayne, secy.

Springfield—Clark <^nty Agricultural Society, Aug. 16-19. Elwxjnd Miller, secy. 8TBEKTMIN MOBBED

Tlffln-Senwa Agrlc^ral Society. Sept., Agenta. Spar. Time Wohkera mob-

1 l>c«l by cuatomera craiy to get guaranteed 33.00 i raaor free with each advertlalng box of our

Aij^. aMS'aTxi. 4*• *V • vTowi* y. 4h®Tln^ loin

Co- -'3'"r9lf<iral Society. lAjest^ EASIEST, BIGGEST MONET-MAKEB

26 29. M J. Spaulding, secy. I o™' r T Ith«eii—Gratiot Osintv Fair and Rarv«. Aug i 29 kept. -. K. L.

_ - . ^ ^I a 1 I Cuatomera so well satls6ed they bring their WaTvakonata-Auglalie <>. A^lcultural Society i fri^nda to buy. A Live Wire. Drop the Dead

Ang. Stvs^t. .. E. Schaffer, wcy._ . on„ Particulara free. Sample 60 cents. Warren—Trumbull (Y). Agricultural Society

Ang. .30-Sept. 1. Homer C. Madaey, aecy. ! PARKER CHEMICAL CO., Washington C. H.—Fayette Co. Fair. Aug. 22- , 33s B., Market St., Chicago.

25. Dr. E. M. Boggera. secy. ;

K,l»m.r¥..:Ho.,tb.Tn Mlrhlcan'.ml Northern In V^n'TT>i«ett

Klm'.T:::;’'' Sep, 5 10 wm P nemwSLllmlV'rnfoS'^ll^rlnd^^^^^ enemlnee—Xfl^lne. rWbnnf* AerlcnlHir.l So ^ Oct. 4 (». 8. Parker Hoppough secy. _ flngelman seer iiemiora—ttemioca i mon .xgricuiiorai oocieiy.

Menominee—Menominee (Vnnty Agrlrnltnral So n,^all.lflras?' Roraefl Sent rlety. Dstea i>ot aet. H. B. Moulton, aecy. w ^ ^ * 30 Sept.

Mliror.l_\niford Fair Aaan. Sep,. 27-90. M _ *• ^^5*. '' ki . *k . . a. . C. Winiama, aecv. ' Hudao^-(>lnmbla A. A H. -taan. Aug. 31 Sopt

North Branch—North Branch Fair Society. Sept. I , 5- cL H. Broking. J^cy. no w r G.itmitii I Jaoieatown—Jatmavtown Centennial Clelebratlon.

Reed ntv-TrI t'onntv Kvpoaltlon Sep, 20 lA I ^ ^ A M nelachhaner. «e!^ j “a" Y^Jit Jec5^“^ " ”

MINNESOTA I>ockport—Niagara CVmnty Agrlcnltnral Society.

rticulara free. Sample 60 ci


’"rr7C.r>y .nd Hem,w£.^ne,ot.' stale Fair. Sept 5,0 . Kmpat^^

Kiaaim ' (x..,* eg oo R | New York City, Richmond Borough—Great In A Sbarev lJlv ^ ^ Sept. 26 28 B. | Fair Sept. 3 10. A. C. Nella. aecy.

Take City -Big ' Four Cmintv Fair i'ceond week le n r>...i..k 39 Sopt. 1. A. A. Venderbllt. aecy.

Mvr.hall-iSr,!; ,o„n” Agtirulfurar Society. >'ot’^''‘h-<'henango Co^^^^ Fair. Aug 30

Sept 27 30. R B Itanlel. acting aecy. Sept. 2. laater Smith aecy.

Riwheate; -Olmsted Co School Fair. Sapt. 28- I ‘ae,

“r.n?ei Merm-to-Rooiiils

OKLAHOMA : ^ horsen, 2 chart

4rt1ro<3Ti»—Carter Connty Fair A««. Dates not i \ K ii V 'A\ ! v i aet. Orin Redfleld. aecy. ' i\JS.g

Blackwell—Inter State Pair. Sept. 19 24. Mai- W StatvI' cohn McDonald, asst. secy. j —j- STATES MER^.

Canton—Blaine Co. Fair A.ssn. Dates not set. • an.-.-« a .. w_j Y;. J"” W. H. Hermes, secy. i Ctncinnnti. Ohio.

Kingfisher—Farmers’ Fair Assn. Sept. —. 8. ^_*^KORG^MARgUA^r^Manager^^^ 1 jordtt, secy. I

Oklahoma City—State Fair Assn, of Okla- YV Mm YV m k wV Wm B T boma. Sept. 27 Oct. 9. I. S. Mahan aecy. 11^1 g ■ IVI

Pawnee—Pawnee Park A Fair Assn. Sept. 6 9. ‘ | | ■ ■ m gV I m Frank Hudson secy. *

OREGON I t'oucengloBglrog. Jobber*. Candy Mon, Fnlrs, Pendleton—Fastem Oregon District Agrlculfnral Theatres, (^reuses. Csrnlrals—We euftplF yo*

Society. Sept. 26 Oct. 1. Theo. Fltigerald. with candles snd fancy tHij) com goixls, shelled

dy Mon, Fairs, -We euftplF yo*

30 K E Cutting. Byn>n. Minn. nu«h fitv—tTilssgo Co, Fair Sept. ,4 13 C

'I .Tohu«on. aecv.


Sept. 6 9. Elbert Tolmsn. secy. Plittsburg—Clinton CO, .Agrlcultursl Assn. Sept.

6 9. H. CIsy Miles, ssst. secy. RIverhesd—Suffolk County .Agricultural Socl

ety. Sept. 13 16. Harry I/ee. aecy. '•'.rinth Fair <vt 12 15 R M Strlplln. se,'y. Rome—Oneida (Vnnty Agrb-nltural Society IS'kaon Ml.slaalppl State Fair. (Vt 25 Nov. Sept. 5 9. F. 8. Baker, secy.

3 J F. McKay, ms-y. ami mgr; J M Agrlcnltursl MclVnald. .isst. a;>py and mgr Society. Aug. 30 Se,d. i. i.eo. A. Ferrla

MISSOURI Butler Bates Co. Fair S,‘pt. 27 .30 T. J.

Dsv s«.rv Cssavllle Big Harry County Fair Aaan Dates

not set I M. Mitchell, aecy < o'umbis —Fair .lulv 26 29 B. K Halto*

Kansas Cltv Missouri Valley Fair and Ex|>oal

secy. Schenevna—Schenevua Valley .\grlcultnral So

clety. Aug. 9-11. J. P. Frlery, aecy. Tnimsnshurg—I’nion .Agricultural and Hortl

cnltural Society of Klyssea C.xyert and Her tor Cotintlea. Aug. 30 Sept. 2. G. O. HIn man. aecy.

Verxton—Agricultural Society. Sept. 27 29. C. G. Sfmmims. aecy.

tion (held at Electric Park). Seiit. 24 (Vt. 9. Warsaw—Wyoming fVx AgTlcnltural Society, i Sam Beniamin, secy. Ang .30 Sept. 1. Frcl A. R'ce. secy.

’•Imrrs —Msrb.n Co Fslr Aug 31 Sep, 8 Wstyrtown—Jefferson CO. Fair. Sept. 5 9. W U r* a-.aak.- _ 1> am.**

Portland—Fair. Sept. 8-10. D. O. Llyely, on ears. secy. ETT CA

Portland—Rose Festival. June 6 11. Geo. L. Y. Oity. Hutchin. mgr.. 706 Swetland Bldg.. Portland. Ore. T II C

Rost'burg—Scsithem Oregon District Agiicult- | 1 Ii Ei ural Society. Sejit. 20-24. Frank O. Mlcelll. secy. ; I

Salem—Oregon State Fair. 5(ep,. 12-17. F. .4. ’ 61-63 Pi Welch, aecy. ; Telephcr

PENNSYLVANIA ‘ profcaal. Bloomaburg—Coinmhta Connty Agrlmltnral So | ment.

clety. Oct. 4 7. A. N. Tost. aecy. 1 Carroll town—Camtwia Connty Agricultural As- i n

aoclatlon. Sept. 6 9. J. V. Maucher, aecy. - \JJ Clearneld—Cle.srfleld Driving Park Race Meet. | ril /^\

July 1 4. Dean H. Bloi-»m. mgr. i UUuu Clearfield—Clearfield Driving Park Fair. Dates I

not set. IVan II. Bloom, mgr. vv

; jHip corn by bag. ton or car load, and i>oi) com Uyely, on ears. C. O. BUONCHIISTIANO-J. A. BRACK¬

ETT CANDY WORKS. 258 Washington St., N.


61 63 Park Row. World Bldg., Now York.

Telephone, 4662 Beekman. Special rates to tb* profession. Interviews In evening by aitpoln'-

VOL' can learn by ronll to arrange and play lateat hits In ’’Cnassv” Rag. ‘•Rov^al Rag” exerrlae and Trial Ijea- aon Free. ROYAL SCHOOL. 518 Un- col* 8q. Theatre Bldg.. B’wny, N. T

M C S.<tt1er. aecy. R. Skeela. aecy (Continuetl on page 62.1

If your supply of Kouti* f'anls Is ex- liuustcd. ask for more.

60 X li e B i 111> o a r d MARCH 2<i, 1910.

CORRESPONDENCE. (Contiuiietl from pafce lO.)

14. Wolf of March ‘JI. OUrHEt’M (.Mr. SbiDi|i, iiiirr.» Week of .March 7; (iprtriiilc Dean Forh«*H A: Co., A Wilil ICom*. lN*st ever »*ei*ii In tbla city; (ireat Saiiilor Trio, Komaii rliiK ex pert*, fair; Miller ami Lyle*, black face cmie- diana, very kikmI; tllaily* Seara, character come- dleniie, Hob C.niiioley, daiiciui; wonder. PkhI. Week of March 14: Itoaliia Zaleaka A Co. in The Operator; Tlie Four Stakiaxdea, Australian comitjuea; lloward ami l>>wia. The Singer and the Dutchman; John /liiimer. dex- toroua matiipulalor: (irace Armaiid. ainging commllenm'. .MAJE.STIC (Rolit. Sherman, mgr.) huaineaa giaal. Week of March 7. Keia-iitant Thief. Why he DIvorcml Her. We<“k of March 14. I'rice of lioiior. Wage* ot. Sin. f'ASCADE (W. J. .Nicholas, mgr.); lAKIC. KtH'KFOUD (W. Clark); DKKAMI.AND (A. Ijiiig); STAR (('has. (lillH-rlsi Motion iilctiin-*; businesa gocal.

TATLOHVILLE.—EI.K’S THEATRE (Jerry Iliigan. mgr. i l.atimore A ladgh Co., week of 14. oi>ening bill. Iteyond the, to capacity buain<>Ka. House of a Thousand Candles 24. Shadowi-d bv Three 2(1.

WAUKEGAN,—SCHWARTZ THEATRE (Cen¬ tral States Theatre Co., owners; John Wing¬ field. mgr.) The ('bicago -Minstrel Club 13: good show to good business. Arisona 17. T. M. A. benefit. Th«‘y I»Ted a Ijissie 2f). return en¬ gagement. HARRISON THEATRE (Western Vaudeville Mgra. Assn.. Imokers; Arthur A. Frudenfeld. mgr.) The O’Kura Japs, big hit; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, comeily sketch, very pleas Ing; Bush and I'eyser, comedy bar act, a good laugh hit; The O'Neil Sisters, singing and dancing, gomi; Douglas, Flint Co., sketch, fine; Allen Summers, character singer, gmsl; Alice Berry, doll com<‘dlenne, went big; (ilavlng to S. R. O. WASHINGTON ST. THEATRE (Wm. .Madsen, mgr.) Di>iDg good business with motion n^lctures and illustrated songs. STAR THEA¬ TRE (Lnedkie A Charb-s. mgrs.> Drawing well with moving pictures and songs. LITTl.E FOR THEATRE (Wm. Katsner. mgr.) Doing well with songs and pictures. WIlJiON THE¬ ATRE (Wm. Watts, mgr.) Doing gissl businesa with moving pictures and Illustrated songs.


Harris, mgr.) TM Traveling Salesman 12; , ' pleased an immense audience. Bride and Bre- ; Judlce 1.1 (English Club State Dnlverslty, local) 15; played to ca|>acity bouse and gave good satisfaction Borter J. White’s Faust 17.

EVANSVILLE.—THE WEI-l.S BIJOD (Chas. hlweton. mgr.) March 9, John Drew attracted a large and fashionable audience; 11, Tim Mur¬ phy; 13. The House of a Thousand Candles; 16, Lillian Russell in The First Night; 20, The Traveling Salesman; 24, Maude Adams in What Every Woman Knows; 27, Buster Brown. THE NEW GRAND (Martin Beck) Cromwell and Samse, novelty artists; Tempest and Sunshine Trio; Ethel Alton and Co., sketch; The Boot- black Quartette; Edw. Reynard, ventriloquist; Bob Carlin and Geo. Clarke, comedians; Capt. Maximilion Gruber and Miss Adelina'a Eques¬ trian Review and picture*. Next week. Charles the First. Ray Cox. Bobby Bandur, Fay, Two Coleys and Fay, Donald and Carson, Ehnily Brrickson and Co., and Eva Mudge; business and performances very good. THE NEW MA¬ JESTIC (Edw. Raymond, mgr.) Week March 12, Mme. Bedini and her Horses to packed houses. Manager Raymond will manage Oak Summit Bark the coming season..

GOSHEN.—JEFFERKON (11. G. Sommers, mgr.) Three Twins 11; played to capacity. Na¬ tional Stock Oj. week of 14; pleasevl fair busi¬ ness. IRWIN (Franklin Fox. mgr.) Picture* and songs; doing very good business.

LAFAYETTE.—DRYFCS THEATRE (C. B. mip*.; Harry Sommers, booking agent.) March 20. Bolly of the Circus; 23. Uncle "rom's Cabin; 26. Vogel’* Minstrels; 28-30, Burdue Harlequin Club presenting The City Chap (By George Ade); 31. Henry Miller in Her Hus¬ band’s Wife. FAMILY THEATRE (David

singing coinedieniic; Family sco|ie. latt'st mo¬ tion |iirtun-s. Last half of week. .Vinerlcan Newsboy* Quartet. Daveniiort’s favorite aiugers; Miss Hilda Orth, illustrat<-<l songs: E. J, Stearns, comtsly musical act; Bessie Browning, character imitatbuis; Swain’s Cockat<Mis, Fam- llyscois'. motion plctur«*s. THE Ni:W BRIN- CESS (C. T. K.iidt. mgr.; Chamniberlin. Kindt Co. Circuit.) The Brim-ess Stock Company in Th.' Harvest M<m)U, wi-ek of the 14; Kate Mars- deii in b-ading role. g<Hsi. play well mountisl throiiglHiut. THE GRAND (D. I.. Hughes, mgr.; K. A K. Issikings. t James Roseu and Count)*** Olga von Hatzfebl in The Newlywisi* ' and their Baby. 10. a bright, original and mirth (irovoking musical show, company large and gissl. s|)righlly chorus. THE BURTIS ■ (Chas. Kindt, ingr.; Chamiterlin. Kindt Co. Circuit.) John E. Young In The Money and the! Girl IK, return engagement; .4 Bair of Country, Kids ’JO; S«'rvant in the Hous<‘ 2.5.


BURLINGTON.—GRAND OBER.V HOUSE | (M. S. Scovlll. mgr.; K. A E.. Istoking agents.) ^ John E. Young in The Money and tla* Girl 11; ; company go<xl but in a poor play, fair busiiw***; I Shadowed by Thr<*e 16; Tim .Mur|>hy in Cu|>id ' and the Dollar IR; A Bair of Country Kid* 19; I Irish S*-nator 26; Servant in the House Ai>r. 2. ' GARRICK (John M. RimM. mgr.; W. V. M. .4.. . Itooking agents.) Week of 14. first half; Ttiree ' American Comiques. diverting; May Wallace, ■ comj'dlenne, ((leasing; Savan and Wam'ii, tb" iHiolty tramp and the kid. good acrobatic turn; ' Halsen Bnai. s and d.. will some one burn all the wiHsien shoes; and Garricksco)>e to fair business. Last half: Bthel \4’hiteside and ht-r four (lick*, oaiiedy s. am) d.-. Gu* Williams. German monologulst. B.4I.ACE (1.. B. Blank, mgr.) Motion (lictun**. ELITE (W. H. Taylor, mgr.) Motion picture*. LYRIC (F. F. Bltt*. mgr.) Motion pictures. Business always g<sHi at picture hoiis***.

CEDAR RAPIDS. —GREEN ’S OBERA HOUSE (W’. 8. Collier, bus. mgr.) The Goddess of I.ltverty 17; The Girl and the Money 19: Mor¬ gan Stock Co. 20 April 2. MAJESTIC THEA¬ TRE (Vic Hugo, mgr.) Week of 21; Sherman and DeForest In A Jay Circus; A. O. Duncan, ventriloquist; GItvson Bros, and Boxing Kanga¬ roo; C«*celle Prancol* ami Co., novelty act; Three American Comiques; Jennings A Renfrow. and KInodrome. W«>ek of March 2K: Watson's

Bessie Browning, mimic; comedy gymnasts; Sully

and Hussy, Messenger Boy and the Sport: Dynes and Dynes, club Jugglers; Crawford and Good¬ win. singers and dancers; Chas. Wilson, story teller and KInodrome. BEOBI.E'S THEATRE (Vic Hugo, mgr.) Trousdale Stork Co., indefi¬ nite.

CLINTON.—CLINTON THEATRE (C. E. Dixon, mgr.; K. A E.. boo»:lng agents.) TTie Lid IJfters 7. largest burlesque house of the season. George Arliss in Septimus 9; please<l a fair house TTie Wolf 11; fair, satisfaction to small house. TTie Newlyweds and their Baby 12; good satisfaction to two fair bou*»‘*. David Warfield In The Music Master IR. FAMII.Y THEATRE (B. Sodini. mgr.: George Otterbach. asst, mgr.; W. V. A. bookings.) First half week Mar. 14: Corvana. novelty wire act; Franklin Bros., harmony singer*; Grace Orma. six foot of comedy; Nick Santoro A Co. In Tlie Grand Wind Up. I.«st half of week; The Primrose Four; Sniley and Hussey; West and Denton: Jerlsha & Co. and motion picture*. Excellent businesa.

FT. DODGE.—ARMORY THEATRE (Wm. B. Dermer. mgr.) Servant In the House 12: packed house; one of the best shows ever seen In the city. MAGIC THEATRE (J. Jolly Jones) Vau¬ deville. motion pictures with Baby Contest heli>* to turn away at three (terformances every evening. EMPIRE (I..eo Bernstein, mgr.) Van devllle and pictures.

IOWA CITY.—COLDREN THEATRE (Ray Swan, mgr; K. A E.. booking agents) Donald Robertson in The Art of Life March 7: play failed to please. The Newlyweds and Tb*‘lr Baby delighted a large house 9. The Travel¬ ing Salesman 10; play well received, butjvrln-

Maurlce. mgr.) Wm. Thompson A Co. in The , cipals were disappointing. Shadowed by Three Black Tourists, fair: Bantxer Trio, comedy contorlonist*, good; Walton A Brandt, talking singing and piano, good; Vida A Hawley, com¬ edy talking an-l wire act, good; Illustrated song and moving pictures. VICTORIA THE¬ ATRE (E. A| Erwin, mgr.) 14 21. dark. LYRIC THEATRE (George FYaxler, m)rr.) Pictures. ARC THEATRE (Malor Naughton. mgr.) Pict¬ ures. I.ABURDETTE THEATRE (C. Ball, mgr.) Picture*.

MICHIGAN CITY.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Otto Dtinker. mgr.; Ontral State* "nieatre Co., hooking agents) Three Twins, with Tbos. Wlilf fen. March 10; big show, pleased large crowd. A Gentleman from Mlsslssli>pl. with Biur Mcln tMih. March 11. Good hoti»e and show very dm- LYRIC THEATRE. Motion pictures; good buelneas. IDLE HOUR. Motion picture*. VAI'DETTE THEATRE. Motion pictnres. SA¬ VOY THEATRE. Motion picture*, all show¬ ing to good business.

MADISON.—GRAND OBERA HOUSE (Ernest J. Matthews, mgr. I Dark until April 4.

RICHMOND.—GEN NETT (H. B. Sommers, mgr.; Ora Bark*, res. mgr.; K. A E. bovktngs) Graustark II; fair business, (rood show. Vogel’s Minstrels 12: good business, pleased. Class¬ mates 16: House of a Thousand Candles 19. NEW MURRAY (O. G. Murray, mgr.; K'nn CMr- cultl Ehrendall Bros, and Dutton, comedy acro- )>*ts. clever; Sun’s Singing Four, hit: May Evans, whistler, (rood; Mr. and Mr*. Murray in Wanted an Instructor, a winner: pictures, 7 12: drew good house*. T.asky’s IIoboM. Dave Livingston and Co., Hot Avelon Troupe. Ixuilse Tw-nraan and (dctiire* week of 14. 'raEATOR- lUM (S. S. Cook, mgr.) Pictures and vcig*. BAI.ACE (R. M. Wenger, mgr.) Pictures end songs. ARCADE (Signor Desmondl, mgr.) Pic¬ tures and songs.


(Chas. Berkelll. mgr.; William Morris hook¬ ings.) Week of the 14. Joseph F. Sheehau, America's greatest tenor; J. W. Barr, lllu*

l.'l; Goddess of Liberty 16; The Servant In the House 24; The Golden Girl 30; The Man on the Box April 2. BIJOU TOEATRE (A. I>eRoy Smith, mgr.; Western Vaudeville Booking Asso elation, booking agents) Senator Frank Mont rose, comedian; Flint. George A Oo., in A Mid night Mishap: Pearse and .Mason, singing and banjo act; Halsen Bros., dancing school kids: Clarence Oliver. roonologlst; Ward-Jackson Spark* Co., in The Weary Traveler. Pearse and Mason and the Halsen Bros, were the )>Ieasure giver* of the bill week of 7. NlCEl. DOM (Thomas A. Brown, mgr.); ARC.4DE (.4. T. I’resson. mgr.); and AMERICAN (FYed Ra cine, mgr.) All doing good business with mov Ing pictnres and Illustrated songs.

RED OAK.—BEARDSLEY (L. M. Beardsley) Wm. Grew Co. in Nelle Gwynne 10; pleased big business. Wm. Grew Co. in Is Marriage a F'allupp 17. CGMET (L. B. Brlessman.) Kalma A Ij Farlow, Illusionists, very clever act; pltdure* and song*, week 7. MAJESTIC (L. C. Wallace) Pictures and songs, week 10, to goo<l crowd* nightly.

WATERLOO-SYNDICATE THEATRE (A .1 Busby, mgr.; K. A E. liooklngs) SiMsIden Pal)te Co. 14 10: opening to big bu«loe«*. THF W.4TERI.OO THEATRE (A. J. Pushy, mtr . K. A E. Bookings) Hall Maxwell Co. 7 12: pleased big businesa. Goddess of Liberty IK.


Crawford, mgr.) Grace Van Stnddlferd in Tlie Golden Butterfly 7. fine attraction, gisd bnsl ne*»: The Servant in the House « ft. good com pany to fair attendance; Otis Skinner in Yon- Humble Servant 12: To(i o’ th’ World 1.5; Th - TYavellng Salesman 17-18; W. B. Patton 1ft A1 G. Field 21; George Arliss, Apr. 1. NOV ELTY (Direction Roy Crawford: Roll. S. W’ell* acting mgr. 1 The Great Malvern Troupe, aero bats; The Four American (Jlrl*. vocalists; Max Ine Wells, hilled as The Invigorating Girl: Goodhue and Buritess. singing and dancing: Italian Orchestra, violin and harp selections

We Don^t Pretend


ICE will please every exhibitor,

but WE DO INSIST that our



HIBITORS in more ways than any

other FILM SERVICE in America.

Many Years of Knowing How-is ttie Answer.

Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co. Pittsburg, Pa.. Ues Moloes, la., Omaha, Neb..

Cincinnati, O., Bochester, N. Y.,

HlikeS'Barre, Pa.

AN UP-TO-DATE SELF-FILLING PEN Ita name is TORPEDO. Beats every other Fountain Pen. The simpleat Self-fillinc Devi<*. Non-leakable, fills and cleans itself instantly, fitted with 14-Oarat Solid Gold Nib, best Iridium tipp^.

TRL\L OFFER: To prove to you that our claims are juatified, that the TOR¬ PEDO Pen is the best pen made we offer you: A $3.00 Pen for $1.50 or 3 Pena for $4.00. A $3.00 Pen for $2.50 or 3 Pens for $6.00.^Send at once. Every Pen sent by Registereil Post to ensure safe arrival.


THE GUS BUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. The largest raiiiily vamicrillc theatre circuit in the world. Not only the LARflKhT but tb.* GRKATEST. WHYl One bead (GUS 8UN| wlio P-r*oDalIy suiierititends the booking of every «ct. Ths'o branch ofllce* K'lnrlunatl. O . Blltsliurg.

*.), that pmteet the intore*t* of the niauagers and 1111 In any caiieellatloii on -liort lotice Can kee|i an act tliat give* *atl*faction busy an entire seamii. A succ<-ssf(il Kyslein of Managers Ke(iorts that reduce* the percenlage of uietliocre uel* to a (n.niinuui. Tl(e liaekiMX e of (lie e.rcuit is the chain of Ihium-s ounc<l and conirolled !•}' Siiu and Murra). Kqidtaide conliset. if iiianageii* (leHlre. Bisiklng iiH>re theatre in Ohio. 1‘eniiHytvaDiB and adjacent stale* ihaii all oilier ageuele* i-omhlned. Ninety |ht rent, of the bouiu'S run the year round. All house* oi a par. file same (^unbilled. Ninety |nt cent, of tlo- house* run the )ear ruiiiid. All houses on a |>ai. Hie *aiiie salaiy to each and every inanagi-r. A NiralghI .5'4 (*iuiml**lon charge,) on everv act lHaike<l. ( an alwaya give a valid reaw>D why an act i* raiKN-lled. ARTISTS AND MANAGERS 1 ... Itest la-l i i vaudeville is the ’'SUN (’IRCUri’ " ( all ii*e gi*al act* st reasonable salaries siiy iluic. Our (isrk hooking will (<oinn:ence shortly. Send In your om-n time and If im>i kmiwn to ofllce. a late lirogram. Address ill (sxniiiiinlcatlons to THE GUS SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO.. Naw Sun Theatre Building. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO.

GREAT PARKER SHOWS Route: Abilene, Kansas, April 12 to 14;

Oklahoma City, Okla., April 16 to 23.

tratixl aong; Florence Modena and Comt’iany In a new ernnedy sketch When Grass Meet* Sod; H; (,<**1 [)*trouajge._ MAJESTIC Billy Fitzsimmons and Kitty Cameron In i (V)niedy skit. Ijizy Jane; Albert Wild, funny fat fellow and txirlesque mimic; Edith Hayes, the (locket edition eomedienne in Klassy Kid Karacters; The Amerlcascope, latest motion picture*. THE STAR (Rvav* Bros, mgr.) !*1ot- nre* and w-ngs House doing good biisine**. THE ELITE (Chas. Berkell. mgr.) Iflctnre*. THE IOWA (W. A. Blakeinore, mgr.) Bletures. TOE FAMILY (J. A. Munro. mgr.; Western Vaudeville A»»o. bookings.) First half of week, ths 14. Frent George and Comi>any in the laughing abaiirdlty A Midnight Mishap; Mis* Hilda Orth, illustrated song; Eckert and Berg, comedy mnalcal and ainirtug aet; Wolf and Zadelle, comedy aerobita; Estelle Hamilton.

(Direction Roy Crawford! Jack F. Truitt, acilng mgr.) North Brothi-r* Stock Co. In The Brixtou Bnrglary we<-k 14; Teiinessee’a Bardner. with Snort North, week 21, MUSIC IIALI, ((^arle* Stelnbiirg. mgr.) Roller Skating. EI.ITI' AURORA. COZY. OXTORD. BIJOU and LVUIC moving [deture*. all report good bualnvxi*


ATCHISON.-ATCHISON THEATRE (E S Brigham. lessee; CsrI L. Dee*, mgr) ’The Little Homestead 13; fair huatnes*. Bolly of the Circus, return date 18; Beverly of Graustark return date It): Al. G. Fleid’a Mlnstrela 20.

FORT SCOTT—DAVIDSON (Harry C. Ern Ich. mgr : K A E . hooking ageutsi Bolly of the Circus Msveh 7; largest Imsuw of the mit


Sen* far Samplva an* Priesa

AIRDOME. SEATING 1,100 In case of rain have a roof «in to(i. I iM-atvxl In the eeuter of elty. Bo)xilatlon .*xi.(ssi Sea-<xi

• anxind second we<-k In June. A g>*>d Be((erlolre or .Musical ( iiiiicdy Co. will get the niMiie.v liere. Blay you on jx-rcenlage, IWi you want an uiitodate (ilctiire houae, seating :i(S(? Svveil front, swell hoii-e, swell locstton. oix-r* rhslr*. everytidng u|i in the minute. Doing g<«-l lui-l ness now; well esialillshed; reasonatiie |iroi*i*|t|on | liareii't got tlie lime to I.Hik after *h((h-

JAKE ROSENTHAL, Bijou Thsatra, Djbuque, Iowa.

EUGENE COX (In lo.) 162B lu Burn SIrnl. CHICieO. UYH.

MARCH 26, 1910. X li e Billboard

•im, play pl**aa«<l all. Th^ Servant In the micr.: Dickey A Swor Bro«., bookinK agenfsi IIiiiHie IH VArD17r'l K (Clatlde L. Henry, ninr.; Motion iilotiires iliirlnK ive«-k. ttlwm t’lrcoltl Homer Itenla, clever act; Owar LECOKPTE.—I'NDKH C.4NVAS—M. I., ClorW Star, piclurett anil mhikv. week of 14: lilK & Son'a lOnihIneil SIkhvh March It; flne (er liUHineaa. |•U'T^K^■.I»A^■D (Krnlcli A Jiavlan, formance. (tiaal atleiwlaiiee. uiKra. I l‘lrtiirea atwl tuaiica te packeil laiunea. KATCUIT0CHE8 OI.YMPIC OI’EIIA HOUSE 1HEATEKl-rrt'B (Harry K. Kellogjt. iii*r. ( I’lc- (<;. J. Hnrvey. u/r. ■ Coleriian iMrukin^s) The (urea to lila hoiim-a. rilthtlui; I’antun Marrh 14.

HUTCHINSON,—HOME THEATKE (\V. A. MAIMP lAfT tuKr. I Itaymoiiil Teal Mnaleal t’om.Mly to. lyiMirac. Man'll 7 S; 'ITa- (ilrl o fthe Uolih-n Went II. LEWISTON.—EMI'IHE iJiilIna Cabn. rout.. iliM- allow ami •■omiiaiiy, Kiaal Inialmioi. Dia-oUiy l/ouklui; direct) Voimi; .\ilaiiia Cmiipany 7 1'-. Morton In Widow Joinw II; May Stewart Ifi; fair performance and liiiHineiw. CbIcaKO Elmk Tlie Eiowi'r of the Hatvh III; Tl«‘ Matinee (Jlrl Company 14 19. .MUSIC HALL (Jeff Callan. Co. Itl; nie (TUiiax "Js; 'p),,. Tided Deitree Jti; mitr.; V. It. (i. i Cliaa. Herrera, fair; Haiian ami The Cejleite Itoy April ‘J; ‘Hie TravelliiK Sale* Wesleoli. »iii|:erh and daneera. well received; man s tlEM (Stuld* A Simmon*, iiikt* I Ia*wla Etli.-l Caria-nter and Co.. The .Show (llrl’a Hii' ami Lake .Miialral CoimMy <'o climil al\ wi'ek.v' | hand. komI; I’at Harrington In eons*, made i eiaraKeiiirnt Man'll 1» Ul.irK (Evan* A Kerr, lilt; Whiinic Di««lle Four, hit of the hill, and (lie nittm. I I letiin'M ami moiii:*. I.VKIC (Mr. Martin, tiirea 7 and week to larKe hiisinea*. iiiirr. I I'lcltinw ami (>ibi«h. M.tOIC (Orover Hill, iiiltr ) I’lctiin'* and »oti|{*. S I ,4 It. I*lctiire* and MARYLAND.

BALTIMORE.—ACADK.MY OF MUSIC (.M. J. LEAVENW’ORTH.—I’EOIT.E’S (M. J. CMn la'buiaiiyer, iiikr. i .Margaret Anglin in The

nliiicham mirr. i ivdlv of the (Tmi* March 19 Aw akeniuc of Helen Itlehle March 14 and week Ihl. .NEW IIUI’IIEI M ( M. It Slianlierit. iiurr. I p-(iU|i'S Ol'EUA HOUSE (Chaa. E. Ford. mifi. i Ceedlc IVaiicaU ami (^l.. Hoyd .Mark. (leiTife The American Idea .March 14. AUDITOUIU.M Maltliww. Faymdia Mtitiro. OiB-dim llrotlier* and THEATKE I Fred C. Schanherger, mgr. i The their Holing Kaiigarvai. ami plrttire* 1.1 19. | Oimratlc Featlval. Mr. and .Mr*. Jimmie Barrie. I’AL.M OTirl Menelng. mirr. I Bert Mlder. Avery | .Natt Carr. John Neff and Carrie Star, .Marie ami Uiea*. Jack ami Nellie Kti>|>el. .Mia* Nina j Fenton, Four l.nkena, SlIlHin’a Cat*. Minnie St. FJlIott Ultiatratml *ong* ami pteturea. SOI, Clair week of March 14. .MO.NU.ME.NTAL THE DIIHl'.S Htl.ME ill'Ell.t HDCSE (Bert .Morton. ATKE (.Montague Jacob*, mgr.) Bohemian Bur mgr.I I’lilly of the Clreu* .Marew il; goiMl aliow. leaijner* week .March 14. Fay Foater week -1. Idg laitiwe IIAYETY’ THEATKE (Wm. Ballauf. mgr.l

PITTSBURG—IJk BELLE THEATRE (W. W. , JT-ed Irwln’a Glbtmn Girls week 14. The Fads Bell, mgr.l Hatley and Aimtln in T!ie Top o’ | and Folliea week 111. BLA.NEY’S THEATKE the W .'d March i .Me'h-nt ■ o >. (nrwd.ol iMadiaon. Keller A Stpbler, mgr*.) The Vln t^Hiw rent*. Hilton and l.ew'ia. N. M. Nelnon, Jennie

WICHITA.—NEW AUDITORIUM (J. \. Ward. tTiarlea Ferry Wood and Eatelle Bar Wolfe, mgr.l The Wolfe STtock Company In rltigfon. The Eccentric Four week March 4. l^iat '^4 Houra. 7. 9. FJ; a flne selection of com , WIIJION THEATKE (J. !’. Dillon, mgr.) Hotel edv. The Girl of the tkiliten We*t 10; play bad ' Laughland. IJbby and Traynor, Conaor’s Dog a »trong cast and waa tbonaigbly enjoyed by a | Show, Annie (Kddle, Mur]>by and Hallman, Yea full h<w*e. Canitsi Kirby wm k of 14. CRAW- If f «n<l Kemp. Octave Neill, Harrigan and FDKD iE L. Martllng. mgr.l Teal Comedy Co. Glle* March 14. HOLLIDAY' ST. THEATKE In Old Japan 14. FRINCI24S (I, M. Miller. ^ Hlff. » Ward and Y'oke* In The mgr I Ceclle Krancola and Co. In A Uttle Bit of E'crAthlng In an ArtUfa Studio, a nc#t little J**''''** ■*' 'IT™?*'* ,* * act; Ih.vd Mack, eccentric dancer and acrobat, t'*”'*';.'"'?",'WUllatii*. waa c-rtalnly tlwre In bU line; Kaynette Munr^i. Mualcal Maid#, tntler and Hanlgan Hado darky aeng* and plamilogue. very pleating; Glh SsncUlr, Lillian son Brothers, hag punchers, amt the bovlng w* •^*^*"* Trimiie kangaroo, a novelty that took well; Karl Hum ^ «Yi V*AN^s.TnPNTn At mel. s< nga. and tbs Frlnce*s, oiH. DRFHLCM SY L> AN SrilENTHAI, (Kom ami Cave. mgrs.) Elliott and West, sing ANNAP0U8.—COIAJNIAL THEATRE (FTeil ers an 1 danevr*; Katherine Well*, maske.1 Bocletj W Falkner. mgr.l -Monte Carlo Girls Mar 12; girl; Mcliean and Bryant, comedy sketch; Wal- Iahi A Chapman In Wantml a Donkey, very ter Eugene. Imi>er»onator; moving picture* week gf>od act: Jane Addy, ojieratlc prlma donna, of II Y al.E (Jake Fre«‘«. mgr.), BI.ITE (F. pleased; Dove Caaton. the human scarecrow. Beal. mgr i. MAKFLB (W H Man>le. mgr ). well; Soldlne A Olivia, mind reading and Vaudeville ami niotlim pictures. NOVELTY second sight, good: and pictures flrst half of (Frank Garrlty. mgr ( ITctures. WONDERI.AND ?^eek of 14; Syilncy In The Joyrider 19: RINK (J. T. Nullle. mgr.l Holler skating. I-atxl of NmJ MAGNET (Malcolm R. linn- FHH.HARMONY iTheo. Llnsberg. mgr.) Tae ‘eL “Kt > ITlnceton A Yale, romedy singing Diinhir ('omnanv 14 •"*’ •«lklng act. good; Jolly Lukens. monoloque imnnir v« mpany IS. com.-dy music, fair act; Florence Ellwoml.

KENTUCKY. singing comedienne, very good; Waldo Whipple. ............o .. « . singing and dancing, iioor act; ami plctiin-s,

DANV^LE. -STOICS jJ- 7*- "Wr.; i week of 14. LY'RIC (Jacob F. Etillng. mgr.l Sun Hooking Agency ! Olrl Friiro JL. S. A. 9; -j-ijp n,|] ^|„ter*, song and dance c-imedlennes. pleased S. R. O. vaudeville 14—; gmid bus- good; May Mackaye, illustrated song*, jileased; Ines* V(«eF» Minstrels 23; 4 audevllle 24 2«. ,„rt pictures week of 14 VICTORIA (Win. COIJlNIAL (M. G. Welslger, mgr.) Flctures and Pnval. mgr.) VandevUle and picture*, aong*.. CUKBERLAND.—MARYLAND (Wm. Cradoc

HENDERSON.—FAKK (J. I). Kllgour. mgr.) mgr.) The Land of Nod March 19. Tlie House of a Thousand Candles March 12; as a oe */'lj i < e smAlI Isanw piraseit. Coburn'a Mlnstrela 18; M AooALMljot. I I o. Traveling Salesman 19: Buwter Brown 26: 01r> FALL RIVER.—.SAVOY Geo. S. Wiley, of the I' S. .\ ’29. The Oat ami the Piddle mgr.; Julius Cahn. les**-e; Indeis-ndent B. A.) .Ill FF.OFi.E'S (J. D. Kllgour, mgr.l Vamle- Nat leltiiigwell at.d Ixnilse .Meyer*. In sketch.


TWELVE YEARS’ e.xperience in manufac¬ turing enables u.s to offer you tlie perfect seat for store room, theatre and general seating.

Patent rights siihstantiateil hy an infallible record of court decisions.

SPECIAL WEATHER PROOF CHAIRS FOR AIR-OOMES Space saving, life saving, money saving.


THE HARDESTY MFG. CO Canal Dover, ... Ohio

^ A I f A people holding Contracts with J-X Campbell Bros. Shows are request-

ed to report at Fairbury, Neb., p/\¥4 April 5th. Show opens .April 9th.

Bandmen report April 4th for rehear¬ sal.

A 1 butchers report to Frank Mutton. DiILiLi ileges, Fairlniry, Neb.

Please acknowledge this Call by letter nn^\r> to Campbell Bros.


State lowest salary in first letter. Adi-lress Thos. W Ryan, Fairbury, \cb.

Workingmen address bosses as per roster in Billboard.

Agents and Billposters address A. G. CAMPBELL, Gen’i Agent.

At Liberty GIANT At Liberty


Ringling Bros.’ Side Show, 1908. Hagenbeck & Wallace Side Show, 1909. Height, 8 feet,

2 inches. Weight, 260 pounds. Address

J. G. TARVER, TEXAS GIANT, 230 East Houston Street^ San Antonio, Texas.



ville smi picture* to big hii*lm’«*


excellent; Otto Brother* German cometiian*. hand out the laugh*; Spingold Cerard. gomi 1.WU10V —.VIAV i.r. I v. i. .viacau i . . I, • ■ ■.- -- 7 ,

ley. mgr,; K A K.l MalK-l Tallafern. In The I Adler singing comlqiie. fair: Call of the Cricket 14 !«; well received, TVuda. equilibrist, (-lever: Keene ^ MASONIC (C A Shaw, mgr.; Shulert*. 1 Wm. tV.lf'"'*' f^-m.-dy team thl* *.-(i*on: Cersoll- Faveraham In Herml 14 Irt Wm. I'aven.ham Glllel*. passable acrobat*; 4 Engllah Belles, a In The Wlmllng Way. night of the 17. MARY {>'^•'•7 ■‘I* ANDEK.XON (Jame* L. Weed, mgr.; W. V. A.) (lir.;ot.) I. 4 . nans Sc Co. In 4 aca Ml*. Kay Cox. characterliatlon*. very clever; I»«.T*. l>e*t act Manager IJoa* ha* put on. The Six GIlUKerattl*. gymna.t*. passable; Fanny Rice with her miniature stage, gmtd; The I RLMIER (K M. Boas, pafff-. hooking Chadwick Trio, amusing: Slgm>r Travato. The vaudeville and excellent plcturt-s. Fllidno Vlrtmmo. a big hit; l.e. My.amtla. o."*'. alsler*. fair; 4’arln A Burr Kollage Coona. NUKEI-ODEON (44alter Bigelon. mgr., book |>a»ahle; Bov* In Blue, made a big hit: mo- .7* 8''*’'*- tion pleture*. g..Kl. AVENUE (Prank H. W ENIC (4Vm. L. Stecker. mgr.l Fine pictures: Shrlner. mgr.. S. Sc 11.1 Ml** Cecil SHxioner In ...n,- ,, the Little Terror. C.AYId Y lAl. Bourller. , WORCESpiR—NEW PARK THEATRE (Jo#_ mgr.; Eastern 4Vhe,-l I Rcnti Stanley Co.. Gay J- R«.vmnod mgr.l Motl.m plctun-s. lIl.t.str.tM M.mtc Carlo ami T.-ddv In the Jungle, went well. The Dllo coiisistwl of The Freman Broa.. THE I LIoYSANT .ST THEATRE (Ire.l I. S A D . fair; Trlx and Trixie. The Musical }*«"• Moving pictures, so; gs. Garden, very clever. Tossing .austln*. comedy, lectun-s by TYio*. MesSian and 'I .rdj r Imj'e- Jnggllng aiiil dancing, amusing: Murray J. fl»‘ Orchestra. 'I*!'*''’'™* '4: SlmuHtns, fair; The 4'an ller K«»or*. g***l; hnsl- business excellent. THE BIJOl THEATRE (D. ness (||. to the average. BUCKINGHAM (Hor- Manley, re*, mgr.; 4V1111am M.uri* Inc., isi-d; ace Mc<'r.wklln. mgr.; limpin’! Brlgadlera Ing agcntsl 4amleTlIlc. lectures. Illustrated Biirlesqiier*. The Kidder. g««l; the Olio con aonga and travelogues drew good btialne** 14 tisteil of TYie Five Martelts. blcvlce act, good: •’■I w,*ek. THE F.4STIME TilEATRE (J. Ro- Orlctta and Taylor, singing, pleasing; Brown berg' mgr.) Flctures ani song* 14 ami we.>k and Evertts. mnvcrsallon act, well received, to fair luislness. THE FRANKLIN SQT'.YRE I-e-tcr ainl Moure, S. * D.. gmsl; Baron*. THEATRE (Joseph N. 4tack. res. mgr.; Stair musical acj. pleasing. HOFKINS (E. W. Du»t .4 Havlln. bis>kliig agents! 4'la 44'lreless 14 In. mgr.; .4. A 7,. Motion pictures; business and »<hA to go»al business. ’THE Tt'ORCESTER • till rsiiitlnucs large. (John F. Burke, res. mgr.; KI«w A Erlangi-r.

™.S'. Vee."; sx-rTS'"";,?;:;*, s M.2S l£ "Im.'n hJ..iV I. *11 e-S. TIIK M.,JBST1C TnE-.TBE


Mirrb Mn I'l. IgiiiUn Kuiii*»‘U In tiH* ronusiT. • '• « • * V; V* The F.rst Night; large and audl f JV'Lltt .Vwe’k'' • nee. THE AUDITOKIUM (Farker Easley, lUuatrated songs s,nf well 14 ami wet k mgr . Sam A l*-e Shuhert. liooking agcntsl 44’m. Faveralism |ire«entlng lim'd. March IS: The Winding 44’ay ’Jo; packed bouae at each per-


formind'. TIIK HIPI*(»DKt>ME ll.. H Ramsey. D Hardy, mgr ; K. * E . booking agents) Dan- mgr . Giis Sun. b.*>klug agcntl 4Veek of March h-l Boone on the Trail March 14: gootl buslnesa.

i.xjr.MTf (John K loll, mgr.l Flctures; stand . , ,, _ ng rtoin onlv mgrs. I Closet! It* doors after a shtwt unsuc

cessfiil season. MAYFIELD. UNigr* (T. K McNutt, mgr.l bAY CITY.—4VASIIINGTON (44' .1 Daunt

My I'ncle from Japan (local) 11 14; A Wyoming mgr I Howe’s Picture* 12 1.4; always gtssl Rt'se Stahl In Ttic Cl*>nis Itatly 14: house fliled. act-

LOUI8IANA, *"*f perfect. Ml** Stahl n-spomlctl to mimcrtm* arr"v**>nn.. .......... V. ... 00 ciwtain calls, making short sis-t-eh. 'The Time. ALEXANDRIA—RAFIDIW drank A Sail* pijou (J D FIl

.'’ ngr . J J. I’tileman, hot'king agent Thn-e niore. mgr.l Ht'ward Judge. 44'. I,. 44'eTtlen and _ "In*, with 4 1ctor Morley ami Resale Cllffom \niler«t<n an,l Burl Four Dancing Imhlns, o ' ib’llgliletl Little Johnny Jones 13; xpualcal Millers ami i>lcturt>s wt>ek of 14; 1 rlit lomiM.’ to pleaiu’, ITlnce of 1,ALVORADO (W J Daunt.

J.7- The Fighting Farstin 1.4. EI.Et mgr.l Burr Oaks wts-k of 13 to fair house; gmsl I HA ill T Bentsllct, Jr., mgr I Flctures. to ca eomi>*uT ."■Ity. BI.ITE (FIppIt A 4lcMahon. mgrs.l JACKSON.—A'niEN AEUM IH. J rorter,

leture,; erowtltsl 44*ONI>KIlI*4ND (D . k. A E . hts'kingsi Manhattsn Stock Co. I Holeomh. mgr I Business fsir with picture. „f p.. gtsttl huslness. Rose Stahl In

take CHARLES.—^41’DITOHH’M (4Vhlte A The Chorus l adV 18: Keith Stock (\x. 2'i’2f. I’udley, mgrs.; Am. Thcat F,x.. liooking agta.) iiijoU (Frank R I.ampman. mgr : VJ. A.i

attraction for week IMFERIAI. (C. F (’apt. Treats Seals, elerer- Shremka Slslera. niirr ; Thaw K llndklna, booklnf air^nt) KnmiH'an norrlty, itoimI: Hiiah** Elkht ll^ppy

' nicy C. Klee, March 1(4 13; very gooil. Fa 4'onngstera. very paid: Fli'*rence Whiteman, •ton and Nmith 14 17: very good. Motion pic

■es; hig hu.lm'a* FA.STIME (41l*s Ina Ichn. (ContlniKsI on page (W.l

My I'ncle rnuii Japan (local) 11 14; A Wyoming mgr I Howe’s Plctiir.-* 12 1.4; always paal 'A. Stahl In Ttic Cl*>nis laidy 14: house fliled.

LOUISIANA, *"* perfect. Mlee Stahl n-spomlml to mitm

Oriental Wonder Workers

Gun Drill and Spinning, Whirling Dervish, Roman - Turkish

Combat. Up-to-date Novelty of Oriental Splendor.

Time open till April 4th. Address


Wanted Immediately—Coburn’s Greater Minstrels STRONG SINGER and DANCER capable of good inside end and work in Aet. Or gtxid SINGING and DANCING TEAM capable of ood inside ends. All mail and wires t*) lULLBOAHD. Same will be

forwarded immediately. J. A. COBURN, Manager.

Account of the Dismantling of The Troy (Ohio) Opera House The following property will be sold by scaled bid*, rccelyed until noon April 5: 1 Asbeatoa (Nirtaln. IS ft. by ’JS ft.; 1 Drop Curtain. 15 ft. by 2S ft.; 11 Fly CYirtains. 6 ft. by 27 ft.; 2.4 Scenery 44’lngs. 4 ft. 6 Inehea by 12 ft.; 1.4 Scenes, assorted, sizes 6 ft. by 12 ft.; 1 Brussels Rug. 15 by ’23 ft.; I Flano. 1 lot 4,-lnch rope, with wlndl***; 57(5 Opera Chair*. 1 lot Electric Eight Fixttm-a and Junk. Correspondence Invited as to condition, etc. _G. B. HATFIELD. Director Public Service, TROY, OHIO.


LUNA PARK, BALTIMORE, MD. First season. Open May 30th. Over 5*4-acre tract. Free admission. Work on percentage baats. Goo<l thing for monev making side shows. Flenty of space. Nothing too big to handle. For par ticulars. Nddresa LU'NA PARK AMUSEMENT COMPANY, 435 Equitable Bldg.. Baltimore. Md.


FAIRS (Conttnu<-<l frofn page 5a.)

Corrr—C’orr.v Kalr awl I>rlvlng Park Aswii Koht. A. I‘att«'ri«>u, Jr., eeey.

llaytuu—I»ayli>n Agrieiiltiiral and Mertiatiloal A*

Xtie Billboard

WASHINGTON j Ottawa, Ont.—C«ntral Canada Etblbltlon Aaan. Sapt. tt'lT. E. UrMabun, aery.

Cbeballa—Fair. Sept. 19-S4. O. B. Walker, I Paiia, Ont.—Parla Agrlrnltural 8<>r1rty. Sept. mgr. » .to. H. C. O’Neael. aery.

Eren-tt—Snobomlah Co. Agricultural Aaan. Aug Perth, Ont.—South l-anark Pair. Sept. 14 18 30 Sept. 3. Lioula H. McKae, eery Chaa. P. Stone, aery.

North Yakima—Waabington State Pair. Sept, i Plcton, Ont.-^Prince Edward Agricultural So John W. Pace, aecy claty. Sept. 21 L>2. K. German, aecy.

Sept. 27 30. C. C. Otchran, wA-y. I IhtyalUip—Valley Pair Aeen. Oct. 4-8. W. H Portage la I'ralrle, Man.—Portage Induatrtal

MARCH 26, 1910.


CalnaTllle—Calnarllle Annual Picnic. Aug 18- 11*.


Cordon—Sheridan County Agricultural Society. Sept 20 23. H. G. I.yon, aecy.


OuHelti—IluBoia Driving Aean. S»'pt. 8 B. P. E. Grieeeuier, eecy.

Bniporluni—Cameron County Agricultural Aaan. Sept, 13 18. F. Judd. aecy.

Paulhamua. pres. Spokane—Siiokane Interatate Pair. Oct. 3 9.

Rolajrt N. Cosgrove. 217 Hutton Block. Spo Wane, Waah.

EiIMwitloti Park—tVinueaut Ijike Agricultnral 8p<*ane—National Apple Show. Dates not set. | Peterlairo. Ont.—Peterborough Induatiial Pair, Arku. Aug. 2!* .Sept. 2. Cbaa. T. Bvera. aecy. R''" H- K*”*- Srpt. II) 17. F. J A. Hall. eecy.

Grata—tlrat* .Agricultural ami North Asen. Oct. Walla VA’alla—W.illa Walla County Fair. S«'pt ^ Keglna. Saak.—Reglua .Agricultural and Indus 11-14. T. S. KIliig<T. neoy. 19-24. R. H. Jolinion. aecy. trial Exhibition. -Aug. 2-8. L. T. McDonald.

F.xhlblttoo Aaan. July 11-14. Arthur W. I^wkiwrt—lx>cki>ort Old Home Week. July 24 Uumlier. aecy. Fledlla Mur^-hy. 21 llmlge Otters House.

Port Cliateau, Quo.—Agricultural Society of .‘'hairman; Jolm R. Karl. ron<ea»ioiia. Sonlangee. Set.t. 20 Geo. R. Werlnler, aecy. '“'‘'t nty—American Park lllp|iu<lr<Mur

PeterlK>ro. Ont.—Peterborough Induatrial Fair. C«»mpany tat Ainerlcaa le-ague Base Ball

11-14. T. S. KIliig<T. oeoy. Hanover—Hanover Agricultural Society. Sept.

20 23 J. B. Miller, very. Honradale—Wayne Co. Agricultural Soc. Date

not set. Emerson W. Gamiiiell, secy. Johnstown—I.iiua Park Kalr .Assn. Sept. 13 18.

John llinkel, aecy. l.anraster—Ijincaater County .Agricultural Fair

Aesn. Sept 27 30. I. C. Arnold, socy. I.ebamm—I>>banon Valley Kalr Assn. .Aug. 23-

28. J. A. Bollman, aecy. I>^lsliurg—I'ulon Co. Agrlcnlt. Soc. Si'pt. 27

30. C. Dale Wolfe, aecy.


trial Exhibttlvn. -Aug. 2-8. L. T. McDonald. rtirvct

Re<lgetown. Ont.—Howard Agricultural Society. Asblawl—t'ommerclal Club Carulval. Oct. 4 8

Groiindei. .May 30 S<'|>t. Mark I,. Stour, Ixjiig Acre Bldg., 149.% Broadway New York nty.


Oct. 5-7. Gao. MclVmald, aecy.

Fair Assn. Sept. 12 18. Geo. Hook, aecy


0-13. II. A. I’orter. eecy. St. Marys, Ont.—Smith Riding of Perth Agrl

eultnral Society. Sept. 27 28. .A Carmen eecy.

.A Carmen. Norwalk—.\< Kalr. Oct

N. Stnusa. ch.ilmian. B.llalre—Bellalre Aerie No. 371 F. O. E., Car

nival. Dates not a»-t. Andrew C. Crumelle, awy.

ivnanw'—K. of P. Carnival. June 27 July 8 Ft. U«>c«very—Harvi-at Jubilee Avan. Aug. 10

12. Frank J. Soiiderman. Ix>ck Drawer 8.'i, Ft. Recovery, O.

Norwalk—.NorwiOk CbaiiilM‘r of Commerce .Street Kalr. Oct. 4 7 Beii W. WIckbam, Norwalk.

Madl-sonvilla—I>arkawanna County Grange Fair Annletnn F- v River Fair awl iwivlne Assn I Que.-^anada’e Great Eaatem Kihl *'■ , . .o e. . i , u . Aaan Sept. 27-30. Dionel Wlnahlp. a^y. C J. KMwa!^. wsy A"*' ^ 3' » « 1 AuJ."*,“* Geo ll^Xchcwk

c"" DongboThum*! eecy. • P • - Beaver Dam—Dod^ County Fair. Sept. 28 .30. Ont.—Toronto Tu p. .Agricultural | " eat Milton—I'omiuerclel Club May 5 7 ij(mguoiaum, weey. r* w zj^rvov ^ a/ua.— AA'iAmw i«ji. lE-uiiurai

Neaireth-Northempton County .Agricultural So^ | Beriln-Borlin Imluetrlal and Agricultural As ' *• p^’tRoc cl*t.v. S*pt 13 18. J. R. Relnbelmer. aecy. .^elation. Sept. 20-2.3. E. Gn‘eras, sec.v. At

Port Royal^ulnato Co. .Agricultural Society. Agricultural Sm , Ttrimhur^ o^t ’ .Sept. 13-18. Jemee N. Gr.m ngor, aecy. 7.9. a. C. Blahop. aecy. ' ‘ *1',’

Howard l.alr. West Milton. O. Thameevllle, Ont.—Eaet Kent Agricultural Soci Wilmington—Wilmington and Clinton County

ety Oct. 3 5. C. A Mxyhew, secy. 1 A'entcunlal Home tVimlng. Aug. 25 28.

***o**D. -Aa™. Sept. 13 18. Jas. c^ipj,*wa Falla—Northern Wiscoiiain State Fair. 1 Llv'ln'iMtmi "Act* 8. WO.K1 Youngstown. O ,n 8^-t- « 23. Robert B. Clark, aecy.

Reading—Great Reading Fair. Sept. 27-30 1 Lao—Fond du

rlcultural Society. Sept. 13 15. OKLAHOMA

Comanche—Eighth Annual Carnival. Aug. 18 20. Kbl B Wolf. e.c,v.

H. Seidel Throm. eecy. «ty. Aug. SO Sef)t. SmethpoTt—McKean County Fair Aaan. Dates HortonvtUe—^tagamle County Agricultural

" Lie Agr^dtnral So*-l- ’^ToVJ“o ' I'ulea-Tulsa hre VM-pt. Cnrnlv.l June 8 11

2. K. W. Ph.l.-. r-y. UttAiim SJ.'tlUllphen^m^rnd'^"^ Fair i “ department

not eet. Guy McCoy, aecy. W«f 'cbestefl-njest<V 'county Agricultural jeSAiJ.*dljeffTr^nVonnt^ dnd^Rj^k\l^r%’aL I Sept . l-ortlaml-P.H-llaiMl R.»e F.-stlv.l June 8 11.

Assn. Sept. 8 9. Fred DuRoee Retd. aecy. ‘‘g * ' 13 18 N O. R.K-kwell. aecy. ! (;eo. I. Untchin. mgr.. 708 Swelland Bldg Wllkea Barre—lAi7.eme County Fair Aean. Aug. Croaae^lnteratate Fair ' siept *^-36 C ' Wellesley. Ont.—Wellesley-North Kasthope Fair ■ Portland. Ore

29 Sept. 2. Robt. Ipelan.l. secy. g Auken, eecy. ” ®*P*- 13 1* Bellinger, aecy. i PENNSYLVANIA

SOUTH CAROLINA Milwaukee—Wisconsin State Board of Agrlcul- | Wlarton. Ont—Wtarton Agricultural Society I ('arnegle—Carnegie V.Junl«-er Fire I8-p«rHiieiii ture. Sept. 12-16. J. M. True. aecy. Sept. 27 28. 1. I/cnnoy. eecy. Cvmvenllo.i ami Street Fair. Aug. 8 13. E.

'ttereon. Ont.—Stephene<ia and Sept. 15 16. J. H. OsNrmr, aecy

29-Sept. 2. Robt. Irelaml, secy.


8. Van Auken. aecy. Milwaukee—Wisconsin

ture. Sept. 12-16. J Anderson—.Amb-rson Cminty Fair. Oct. 5 7 or Pbllllpe—Price County

12-14. R. E. Burris secy. 27-Oct. 1. B. B. Batixluirg—Trl-County Fair. Oct. 18-22. J. W. Piwtage—Columbia COt

Drclier. secy. Sb.vwano—Shawano Co Giv-envllle—<Jr«-envIlle Cminty Fair. Dates not ety. Sept. 13-18.

set. John W<«si. secy. Spring Green—Intt-r Co Lexington—le'xliigton County Fair. Oct. 26 28. a. L. McNurley, m

C. N. Eflrd, eecy. Walterboro—Colleton County I’alr. Nov. 11-13,

Theo. C. Kershaw, aecy.


Clark—aark Co. Agricultural Fair Aaan. Aug. errors in OUr List 30 Sept. 2. Homer B. Brown, aecy.

Hlgbmora—Hyde County Fair Aasu. Sept. •- 1

«. A. E. Van Cninp, secy. , c . . Pierre—Ga* Belt Exis*. Co. Sept. 28 Oct. 2. Name of Society under whoae

duiB. E. Hanon. oetT. • tuipice# Street Fair la to be held

TENNESSEE i Alexandria—DeKalb Co. Fair. Sept. I S Bob g

Boy. eecy. Cnmherlaiul City—Stewmrt and Houston Cotintles

Fair. Sept. 8 10. Nixon Pickard, aecy. Dresden-Weakley County Fair Aasn. Sept. Date# of Street Fair

21-24. W. U. MeWherten, aecy. Dyeraburg—Dyer County Fair Aaan. Oct. 4-8.

M. W. Ewell, eecy. Humboldt—Fair. Sept. 14-17. C. W. Rooks. Name of Secretary

eecy. Jeckeoo—Fair. Oct. 4 8. W. F. Harry, eecy. Knoxville—Appalachian Expoaltion. Sept. 12

Oct. 12. Wm. J. OUver, aecy. Attractlona Pnmlahed Uempbla—Trl Stat# Fair. Sept. 27-Oct. 4. F.

D. Fuller, aecy. Naahvllle—^Tennetaee State Fair Aaea. Sept. v •<

19 24. J. W. Ruarwum. aecy. ' Newport—Appalachian Fair Aaan. Dates not * "• *• Grlran.

eet. J. F. Stanbery, eecy. Watertown—Watertow Paris—Henry County Fair Aaan. Sept. SS-Oct. Sept. 20-23. Chaa

1. H. B. TY*«n, aecy. WestBeld—Marquette Shelb.wlUe—Bedford County Fair Aten. Aug. Sept. 26 28. J. H.

tl-Sept. 2. H. B. Cowan, aecy. . Weyanwega — Waupi Trentoo-^lbeon County Fair. Oct. 12-15. C. Aaan. Sept. 20-25.

L. Wade, eecy. rnlMi City—Fair. Sept. 14 IT. J. W. Wo(»^ WY

Wln^ol^—Franklin Connty Fair Aaan. Aug ^ 15 and week. Will ■. Walker, aecy. w. Mcwhlnnle, se<


Spring Green—Intt-r C<mniy Katr. Sejtt. 13 18. Torkton. Sask.—Yorkton Industrial Exhibition. A. L. McNurley. se<'y. .. July 5-7. Thoe. A. Waterfleld. mgr.

• tlua. tjw. «ri5i5Tmir|f i •.

READERS will confer a favor by notifying The Billboard of anv omissions from wiuiams Grow--Gieat «;rangers- pi, nic

■rrors in our List of Street Fairs. The bfanks below mav bo use*! for that purpose ?it^‘*vid^’ ***”''‘' Trimtwr. |.ri*ii. ge«. *

Name of Town and State where Street Fair la held

UcKeeoinTt—Old Home Week. July 4 9 C. W. L. McDermott. 1005 Walnut at.. Me Keeaport. Pa.

Oaterburg—OTang<>ra' Pimic and Mi<l*Hinim*>r Carnival, Sllv«x AnnlverHarv’. Aug. 15-20. Hon. Geo. W. Hosier. Oaterlairg Pa.

WtUiama Grow»—Great Granger*' pl< nic. Aug. 29 Sept. 3. Daniel Trlm|ier, |•^it|lege«. (U ean City, Md.


.Vmarlllo — Automobile Race- «n<l Panhamlle .Yuto Fair .\*«n April <• 7 t arl L. Piail. Box 274. .tmarillo Tex

Bryan—.Vnnual Kmanelpatlon ('elebratbai and Jubilee Carnival. June 19 21. C. G Par »on«, aecy.


Spokane—Knlghta of the Grip Carnival. April 25 30

Souvenir Goods

Attractlona Fnmlahed by

Viola—Klckapoo Valley A. A D. P, Aaan. Oct. 4 7. W. I. Griffln. aecy.

Watertown—Watertown Inter County Fair. Sept. 20-23. Chaa Mnlberger, secy.

WeatBeld—Marquette Ot>. Agricultural Aaan. Sept. 26 28. J. H. Wheclock. aecy.

Weyanwega — W’aupaca County Agricultural Aaan. Sept. 20-23. H. W. Glocke, aery.

Douglas—Wyoming State Fair. Sept. 27-30. C- ^ W. Mcwhlnnle, aecy.

Street Fairs

Ualla*—state Fair of Texas. Oct. 16 30. 8yd- Alllaton. Ont.—Alllaton Agricultural Society. ney Smith, secy.

San Antonio—International Fair A 5-30. J. M. Vance, aecy.

San Saha—San Saba County Fair Attn. Dataa 1 Arthabaaka. Que.—La Soclete d’Agrlculture da not set. W. A. Smith, aecy. Comte d’ Arthabaaka. Sept. 20. L. I.avergne.

Tlmpsoi—Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 1. P. Hawthorn, mgr. attr.


W. Mcwhlnnle, secy. Birmingham—Knlghta of Maccabees Home Oum- lag. April 21 .30. Harry S. Shields, cars |

CANADA Amuaeraent Guide, Birmingham, Ala j

Alllaton. Ont.—Alllaton Agricultural Society. ARKANSAS I ^ • Hartford—Anniversary Celebration. July 28.

Nov. Arnhem. N. ^Maritime Stock Bremlan' „ t. FV>rTeater. aecy. Aaan. April 8-7. F. L. Fuller, aacy.

Arthabaaka. Que.—La Soclete d’Agrlculture do ILLINOIS ^te d- Arthabaaka. Sept. 20. L. I.avergne. Aurora-Aurora Driving Park Aa-n. July 10 22.

®*8lbltlon. Sept. 5 8. Kt^a—Merchanta'*Carnim.^ Aug. .3 %. II. S. D. H. Price, aecy Juntgen, aecy.

‘rincetoD—Ftnnera' ('arnlval.

Novelties forFairsjxposiuons, Premium Houses,Jobbers, Agents

Wire Irtish Supplies Kverything in Nuvcltica

Feattier Flowers We Supply Every b<*dy '

S«'ii<l Sr poaldgc for IIIuxImUhI Hat of giaala

T. s. MOTT CO,, tis-iH en»Me^ ST..f«lfHe, IlL

ILOOK HERE!!! R. CnboU. aecy.

gburat—1. O. O. F. Ijlly laalge No, .'’m4 Carnival. July 29 30. C. Colllna. aecy.


Anrteraon Ind.

Benson, aecy. Brighton, Ont.—Brighton Agrlcnltural Sod Auburn—Merchants Carnival. Oct. 5

*^24 *1!?^"** BrJikvlli^Ont“-B^rvrite 7^1 30 Sept. g*. K. H. ray. aecj. o i l- l'MIm. —— Falrheven-Western Vermont Agricultural Sod *■'

ety. Sept. 13 18. Dr. J. F. Wlleon, aecy. Caledonia. Ont.—Caledonia Fair. Oct. IS 14 H. Mtddlebury—Addison County Agricultural So

dety. Aug. 30 Sept. 2. Chaa. I. Button, Calgary, Alta.—Alberta Provincial Exhibition, •rcy June 30-July 7. E. L. Richardson, mgr.

Morrle'vllle—Lamoille Valley Fair. Aug. 23- Ont.—Camden Townahlp AgrlcuPnml 2%, O. M Waterman, aecy. Society. Sept. 29.30. Arthur Smith, aecy.

Sheldon—Franklin County Fair Aaan. Aug. 30- DunnvlIIe, OnL—Dunovjlle Agricultural Socl- Faaaett. Knoaburg. Vt.

Jtouth Wallingford—Unbin Driving Park Sod- Edmonton. Alta.—Edmonton Exhibition. G. H. Stafford, aecy.

Springfield—Springfield Agricultural Society. | Elmvalc. Ont.—Floe Agricultnral Society. Oct FYed C. Davla. aecy.

White River Junction—Vermont State Fair | Freelton, Ont.—West Flamboro Fair. Oct. 5 8ept. 20 23 F. L. Davla. aecy. 8 j,,. a. Gray, aecy.

I Otnnd Valley, Ont.—East Lutber Agricultural VIRGINIA I Swtety. Oct. 18 19. Wm. McIntyre, aecy.

Danville—Danville Fair Aaan. 0<ri. 11-14. O. . KIrkton, Ont.—Klrkton Fair. Oct. 8-7. Amos P. Geohegan. aecy. IXmpe. aecy,

Galax—Galax Fair. 5!ept. 1-3 R. E. Cox, I.endon. Ont.—Western Fair Aaan Sept. 9 17. aecy. A. M. Hunt, aecy.

Ld-nchburg—Fair. Sept. 27-30. F. A. Lovelock. Newboro <>nt.—North Ooeby Agricultural Fair.

Ratiford—Fair. Sept. 7 10. W. W. Carr, aecy. Rlohmorxl—Virginia State Fair. Oct. 3 8. Mark

R. Lloyd, gen. mgr.

OQ o« u « - 28 28. B. J. Fletcher, eecy. A. R. CnhoU. aecy. ^ We ere the low- e.T,' ,’.1.. ruTl' r.h. a..,. n-t Beachburg. Ont.—North Renfrew Agricultural Stronghnrat—1. O. O. F. Ijlly LMge No, .5.-.4 -i—rTv?v5v\WtT' *•* whole- **i*a Society. Oct. 6-7. WMi. Headrick, aecy. Carnival. July 29 30. C. C. Colllna. «>cy. ml. Jewelry end

3 8. Ella. A. Smith, a*^. Bowmanvllle, Ont.-West Durham Agricultural SHBlfilBlliMMi Nov.lty Houaa In 'VERMONT Society. Sept. 20 21. J. 8. Moorcrift. aecy. Indiana America.

npi..n. A«.n 7 0 Brandoo. Man.—Western Agrlcnlturil and Arta Anderaon-Hwno coming week. Aug 18 A. oaTADOG WRITE FOE Rarton^rlMna county lair Aaan. Sept. IB. Manitoba. July 26 29. W. I. Smale. M. Carpenter, eeey . care (hamlwr of Com.. waxax*/ CUT-PRICE

Brattlebor^VaneV Sent O F Anrteraon Inrt. AAQnAy • CATALOGUE. Brattleboro \ alley r air. sept, si m. u. r. | R,)ghton, Ont.—Brighton Aarlcnltural Sod Auburn—Merchants Carnival. Oct. 5 7. John qUHlIUn B We have avary-

ety. Sept. 29. Harrison Carr, eecy C. I^ichner. aecy. thing of the lateet rockvllle. Ont.—Brockvllle Fair. Ang. 30 Sept. I-" Grange—Iji Grange County Farm Pr.elm la ||nnn|FnM ,nd lareeat steck 2. J. E. Fldler, aecy. SImw anrt Corn Sch.w>I Week Ocf 3 7 K. MUHIlIwUn ‘•rgvai aioca

aledonia. Ont.—Caledonia Fair. Oct. 18-14. H. „ «> w n c ■ i a , — -*—rrwFTRT B Sawle aecy Rockville—Rockville Free Fall Carnival. Sept. Whoiaaaie

ilgarV. Aita.-Alberta Provincial ExhlblUon. I'*"'*'®'-!- •"'I Fawelara aa4 OVTIJ^ June 30-July 7. E. L. RIchardaon, mgr. Mlea. optuiaae _ , ,

Ont.—Township AKrfcuUonJ IOWA ^ liH 5i*o •*<*ln*iv* Society. Sept. 29,30. Arthur Smith, aecy. Earlvllle—Barlvllle Carnival. Date. not eel. I I I 1 unnvllle, Ont.—Dunavllle Agricultural Socl- AII>-rt Volt. aecy. Okleage, HI. 1?*a*’'**,'?* ety. Sept. 20 21. W. A. Fry, aecy. Knoxville—Knoxville Commerdal Club Carnival. ^KaTnfdd Wtldieo'

rtmonton. Alta.—Edmonton Exhibition. Aug. Oct. 10-14. Carl C. Gamble, Knoxville. la. ..J, ii.mtltoa beei ^ 28. A. G. Harrison, mgr. KnoxvlII«>—Knoxville Coninierdal Club Fourth ^ selling Hasora. Imvale. Ont.—Flos Agrlcultaral Society. Oct. of July Celebration. July 4. Carl C. Gamble. m we^eaewa^ewRe 8 5 O. 8. Burton. Serj. aecy. GORDON A, MORRISON reelton, Ont.—West Flamboro Fair. Ocf. 5 KENTUCKY _ Wholaaala Jawalara. 6. Jaa. A. Gray, secy. Fullerton—Reunion Soldiers of all Wara. Aug. 155-101 X Madiaoa Btraet, Ohlsago, III.

rand Valley. Ont.—East Lutber Agricultural —• I'rank M. OrllBn, B*>x 25. Fullerton. Ky. Sortetj. Oct. 18 19. Wm. McIntyre, aecy. Owenaboro—Wotatiiien of tb*- World Carnival. ——e^———

;irkton, Ont.—Klrkton Fair. Oct. 8 7. Amot July * » T. T. lAne, aecy. If Intaraatad see

endo^ Ont.—Western Fair Aaan Sept. 9 17. LOUISIANA A. M. Hunt. aecy. shreveimrt-Stale Fair of Ixtiilalana April 11 IWnMQ 111 ■■■ ■! n

lewboro <>nt—North Crosby Agricultural Fair. I" Brueggerhoff, B-.i .'.88. Shreve- IHMIM ■~|||||||^|| Sept. 30. J. A. Morlarity, secy. IxH-t. I.a IllWUlUllilllllllll

law Weatxnlnster. B. O.—Royal Agricultural MICHIGAN and Induatrial Fair. Oct. 4 8. W. H. Kaary, Mantt*Mi Ib-ach--Kamuxs’ IMrnlc Aug. 25. T. Oompletaly a<)iitin>ed: accommodate 45 peraona.

ety. Sept. 29. Harrison Carr, aecy. C. I^ichner, aecy. ockvllle, Ont.—Brockvllle Fair. Ang. 30 Sept. I-a Grang**—Iji Grang*- County Farm Pr«Mlu*'la 2. J. E. Fldler, secy. SIh>w and Corn Scb*iol Week Oft. 3 7 It.

iledonla. Ont.—Caledonia Fair. Oct. 18 14 H. „^"07 c w .. c . . a . B Sawle. aecy R'vkvIIIe—Rofkville Free Fall Carnival. Sept. ilgary, Alta.—Iberia Provincial Exhibition. I*'’* B. I>amlwrt. aia-y June 30-July 7. E. L. Rlithardaon, mgr. .'Ulaa. •eaden Ont.—Camden Townahlp .Ygrlcultnral IOWA Society. Sept. 29.30. Arthur Smith, aecy. Earlvllle—Barlvllle Carnival. Dale* not aet.

Sept. 20 21. W. A. Fry, aecy.

A. G. Harrison, mgr.

8-5. O. 8. Burton, aecy.

Sept. 36. J. A. Morlarity, aecy. Naw Wettxnlnster. B. O.—Royal Agricultural

Alla-rt Volt. aecy. Knoxville—Knoxville Commerdal Club Carnival.

Oct. 10 14. Carl C. Gamble. Knoxville. la. KnoxTlll<>—Knoxville Coninierdal Club Fourth

of July Celebration. July 4. Carl C. Gamble, aery.

KENTUCKY Fullerton—Reunion Soldiers of all Wara. Aug.

—. I'yank M. OrilBn, B*ix 25. F1illert<in. Ky. Owenaboro—Wooitliien of the World Carnival.

July 4 9 T. T. Irtine, aecy.


Shreveiiort—State Fair of Ixiiilalaiia April 11 18. IjoiiI* N. Brueggerhoff, Box .'88, Shreve¬ port, l-a.




9 gawelors aal 9 OptUlaaa

9 ^h. 1M5

9 OkUaga, ni.

Riwn^e—Roanoke Industrial and Agricultural ^^^ken. Ont.-— 8. N. Agricultural Soclaty. Milan—Knlghta of Pvtiilaa Carnival Dales not j AMERICAN CAR A EQUIPMENT COMPANY,

Tarewell—Tarewell Fair Aaan. Sept. 13-15. Orangeville, flint.—Dnfferln Agrlcultaral Bod . . <T- Ohloago Heighta. Ilia.

Unusual niqiortanlty. At works of

H. Claude Pabat. eecy ety. Sept. 15 18. Joa. J. Kelly, aecy MISSISSIPPI Tarb-y-Peninsula Fair Aaso. Dates not set. ! Oahawa, Ont,—South Ontario Agricultural go- Meridian—W<H>dmeo of the World Carnival. I y<»tir Sll|i|»ly «if Itoillp f'nnls Is rg-

T. 8. IlopklUM, aecy. defy. Sept. 13-14. W. E. N. Sinclair, secy W<*ek of April 4. learla E. Croi>k, Meridian. IiiiiinKsI. IImW fi»r llion*.


MARCH 26, 1910. Xtie Uillboard 63

r Conventions! I _A

Undar the oaption, "Convctlona and Chur**.” •rrori will b« amandatad and ebanvaa indioatad.

Thoaa who wiab to eollaot oopiaa of tba Oon- aoatlon eomplota Hat ara advitad to prooarra tbolr ooploa of Tbo Billboard from waok to wook.


Mmitif'OiKT.v—<J. O. of IM"! K.-lkmn, Aiic. 1’ 6. W. T. Ilri'wlliii;. rti>» s.)!. Miiiit)(i>iiiiT>.



l(iMilil<*r—(iraiiil 1.i«Ik>' I\ <>f 1’ iif Colurado. Au»c. 'V. S. O llrioti l>l■nt^•r. ('<>1.

lH*nv«T--N*lloiial A»Mi. <>f Ik-Dinl I'mi'iiIiIi-h. July

15 HI. Hunt, l.'tl K. olilo SI., IiiiIImii

aixllx, lull. I><-n\<T 'Nntloiial Sliortliaial I{c|:<>rl<T>' .\s«ii.

Auk. L-J :;*1. Ki iLlrU k f Hill. Tr. iit..n. N J.


Hartford—I’atrli'llc Onlor S>ua of .tuiorlca. .\UK.

'J. J. A. WrltfUt, Itroiuuai av«-., .MorUloti.

('<1011. N«-» Havou —('oun. luvtalon Sous of Wt<-rans

f. S. .t. April 'JI J’J. All<-u T. I’ralt, Box Mkt. Harlfonl. <'<iiiu.

Savin K'«'li—'^hl K<‘t;t. V .t'ooaiatlon. I’roh alily .tuirnat IS tt in. H HIih', ClH-rry Karin, .NaUKalink, t'onii.


Mlllatairo Broltii-rtnaal of .tno'rli a. .tUK- 1*1 Uonj. knox. HarrtiiKl’Hi. Isd.

WlluiluKtiKi l‘alrlotl<- (tril.r of .tiu<Tl<-a.

Auk .'bt. 'lloanaa K. Itunii. ISxor, IKd.


TalIaiH»~a Slal<‘ ('<iuiii'll of (o-orKla. Junior

(hsW-r initial .tiiu'rlian Miadianii-M. .tniruat U. E. B. Hllllntrliain. .ttluulu. lla . Box tlTT.

Wayori.aa Suproiiir (IrainJ l.<alK<-. Kirat Tu<‘Mlay In .tnipiHt. K<l»ard \V Is-nliani, .Ma<liauu, (la.


CbiiaKO—National .t»»n. I'f l».\ora and t’loani'ra. Auk » A'l. (ion \V. Bnallo-ail, 1*1 lx>nx»»rlb at., Ni-uark, N. J

Mt Camdl — Watuiali Co. So|dl<Ta' Bi-unlon. Aui{- p I'J Tbia*. MiaincT, .Ml. t'ann<d, HI.

Sprlntctlvlil—National SIotHTx' t«*n. Aur. 15 17.

Vt ui. .\ (;<tI«t. St I*aul. Minn.


lni|lana|»dla--rnllo<l llroiluT* of Frlomhablp. Auk. tll'l, L. E Jobn-on, P (t. Box tot. NoMbuiK. I(hI.


Atuoh Iona Bitral I.t-lli-r ('arrli-rs .t>»n. Aug. .11 s.|d. I. Port II Clilld. N<.va<l:i. la.

CMlfax Iowa Slato ilpworlh la-aKuo .Vaaaimldy.

Auk. t Id Hr. W I'. Sl.alaril ilrlnniill. la. Darla Cltj—OUI A S.'tller»' Ki-union

Aug. 1(1 IP. (1. C. (irlUK'o. Havia l'lt.T. la. Maa<m City—Iowa Itilall Ti-a aial Coffi-o Mt-n'a

Awn .\UK. —. -t K CblMa. ('<Nlar Kapkla. la.


Coliinibuo—Ol<l .Soltlara' .ta«n Kir-*! we<k of

Auk L. W Si'l.ridnor, ( oIuiiiIiuk, Kan.


(Mlv<* Hill—(irainl CaatW Knlirtila of tbe (oddvii Kaxlv. .tug. P KJ. Jidin (j Kii<-y, (Jrayaou. Ky,


Rallhnop-—National .ti^n of Ma*l<‘r Banki-ra. ttopt. l;t tC. B K. WblliTar. ill Walnut ^l

I’blladrlpbla, I’a. Elkbarl — I'alrlotk' S>n« of .tnuTli'a. S**<’orui

TiioiMlay an<l Winlmailay in .tiigiot. Win. Jaa. HoajM 'Jl*r.* Iltli at., Ttaltiuxa'o. .M<I.

rroaltnirK l•.'lthlan Sl-li^ra Ju",. sp Sarah J. Wllaon. WaabliiKtoii an-., Hagoratown. M<1.<T»ti>wn -CninlaTlaial Valli'.v V .'.;intoor Klrr Aaaii May is Jo <; Kr<>.l Gild a. ,'.7P I’Ulla. avo., CbanilM-ralxirK Pa.


Boatoii l'li.d<a:ra|ilii'ra' .\aan of N<w Knglaiwl.

July JC. js. <;.a. H llaalliiK*. it M-rrlnia. k at.. HaioHilll. Maw


Ikdroll <»nl<r of .tiiiaranth. .tUKii'-t H'- !’<' I'T J. Ji-iup. JiNi Moffat llldK H. lrolt.

IH'lrolt — National Uidull J*n<*ltra' .t-aii. July W Jp Claud Wboidi r., Mo.

Is-irolt National Krali-riial Ciingroa'. .tuKUat

If* C. H (lowoT, laiiiaInK. .Ml<b. ProviKail laik<> MliblKan Voloraii'a .\a.aii. of Kn-

niont.. .tuK. -J '-’7. (5. (! .Mb n Kn’Uiont. Ml<b

INwi Huro'i Mli'hiKan Klia-trlr .\aa.a'lallon. .\UK

Kits. IVrry BIkK'. Is Wa'IiliiKton avo.. IS- troll. Mich.

Ssiilt Sli' Mark* -I piMT l*l•nlna^llar K'lpimpn'a

Awn. Auk IPK* T J Klynii. NaKaunu-o, Mil li


■Mlnni'a|adla Inti rnatloiml T* ia«Kraplilral I’niou. •tug s t:i J \v Haya. lilii Noyton Clayiaad

Bblg . lniBaiiH|Mdla. Iml.

Mlnn<>a|Hdia -NortliW(.at<>rn Holid Mon'a Aaan. S.aiH- tliiiv In Auk J. A Misllar. 4M S. UHi wl . Ikiialia. N<d>

SI Panr <;ran<l laalgo of thi" ,Slali> of Hllnola Auk P Cliaa C Mi-roi faai-, 115 2'J.I at., (lil.-ag.., HI.

SI Paul laaK'O' of AnK'Tiran Municipalllloa •tug J.'l Jil Jolin Mai'VI<-ar. lU'a M<»lnea, la.


(tliailrou Nfbraaka Statu K (». K July 13 H John M Tautii>r. Soiilli (hnaha Nuti.

(Hiiatia Ini Slum A Klialro rnloii. Junu 13 J C N WIdlu. 13lh and Y ala.. Boa

Ion. Mwa.

NEVADA It'-no Iti'lM.kali taatauldv of Nuvaila Juni' 21.

I.l»i!l<> It Mud.i IIS lalaiul avu., Kuno, Nov.

NEW HAMPSHIRE Tliu W. Irw Ttilr.l B<-KlJnunl N H V Awn

Auk 23 Jd Mfnal P Ha.v.f<-n. IP Oia-a at.. Naalaia. N, H

NFW JERSEY Allanlu City N'.alloual Couiiull Haugblura of Mh

•*rt.( Auk 23 \V V E<lklna HbM Kaal

l•a*•.vuuk avu. IHIIa . Pa. Plalnltuhl Slalu llaMiiaki-ra' .twn of N J

tug It Alfr<s| Haluy, IIP Smiiiull a'u . 1*1111

lll>at>urK. N. J. Ui'd Bank N J BIII|M>a|ura an'l Hlalrltuilora*

Awn May 2(1 (Viaa H<»ut»r.i1ia, P O. Box 235. lauig Braiu'li, N. J.

REMOVAL NOTICE: Say, Boys! After May 1st, 1910,

H. C. EVANS & CO. Will be Located at 102-104 VAN BUREN ST., CHICAGO, where will be found at all times the largest and most varied stock of

Dice, Cards and Games in America. Also we have ready for delivery


NEW YORK BiUKbainton—I'nifonn Bank KnlKlXa of .Maiau

l»ui-K. July 1 P. Liaila SiiiKur. Kliiiira, N. V BIiikIiuiiiIoii—WiaaliiM-ii of tlo* Worhi. Aug. 22

27. liilKar Bom-, (a. Ortirt at.. Biugbaiiilon,

CHIT Huv< u—C’atlodic Suiiiiiu r tk'load of Amur- k-a. June 2(! .Si-pl. S. Cbarli-a Murray. 7 K. i2d at.. -Ni-w York ( ily.

Curiiiiig — KiiKini'ur P.rlKad*- -Vniiy of tbe Poto- Iliac. Auk. 2.5. Saaii B. Williaiua. National Bank of Ciaiuiiunu, Bia buat<-r. N. Y.

JidiiiNtown—11.5IU Ik-Klnii'iit N. Y. Volunt<H-r B<' union .tsan. -tug. 2(i. N. J. He Uraff, Am Hti-rxlain, N. Y.

Nuiv ViH-k—National Nugro Biiuinesa l>-aguc. .tng. 17 IP. Kininclt J. Scott. lYuskcguc lu- Htltutu. .tia.

.Matt<-anan—.N. Y. Statu Drum Cona* Convun tion. July 1.5. M. K. Polbill, Mattcawau

K<«-ly>li'r — .National Haruesa .Mfra.’ -Vssn. Aiiguat. IPIP. (j. M. Sclicri, IPUtl lPUS Free man avu., Cincinnati, O.

Walurlown—Flrcniun'a .tstin.. Statu of N. Y. .tug. HUS. 'ITuiw. Hiatoliau, Frankfort, -N. V.


Fay< llc-vlllc- -(Jraial Kucampiiiuiit I. O. (1. F •tug. p. U. H. Bamway, Cbarlottu, N. C.


.tkruii—Summit County C. E. I'lilon. .tugu>t —. .Mlax Biwic My era. U. F. D., Eaat Ak rou. (I.

Cvxlar Point—.t'laulaKal Ohio Dalllua. Aug. 3 5. L. 11. Brunb. Salem, O.

CliHiiiiiatl —I'ralerully of (Jo<*l Frletala. White •Men of .\iuerlca. .tug. 1-5. Col. Stephen S. Bonbrigbt, Cincinnati, O.

CNdiunbiia—International lUxler of G<K>d Te«up lars GraiMl l.aKlge of Ohio. Auguat 17. S. (i. Taylor, .'{.bH Mapli-dale ave., Clevelaial.

“ZIG ZAG,” THE NEW GAME JUST OUT. THE GREATEST NOVELTY GAME EVER INVENTED. Can be run by anyone anywhere, and will get a play ever\'where. No experience re¬ quired to operate. Prize Big or Little at will.


WE GUARANTEE IT TO PLEASE YOU. WaKbingPai C. H.—Graml TiTOide of Ohio. La diea of tbe Goklen Eagle. Aug. 30Sept. 2. Mr>. Clara .t. Alexaiuler. 51>4>.i S. Limestone at., SprIngtieUI, o.

Wasbingion C. H.—Graiul Caatle Knigbta of tbe (iokk-u Eagk'. .tug. 30 Sept. 1. 1*. J. G'xal- ricii. TYoy, (».


.Muskogv**—Oklabiaiia State I'nlon of Christian Endeavor. June 1} >. .tthie E. Sale, Euld, Okla.


llaiTisliurg—.tmeriuan .tssoclalion of Park Su |M-rintendents. Between .tiigust 1 an.d 15. F.

Mulf"rd. Harrisliiirg. Pa. Pbiladulpbia—National .tsMi. .Masl> r .Sb*‘et Metal

Workeis. .tug. 10-12. Otto S<x-bel, Syra- cnise. N. Y.

Beading—Graml Chamliur Onkr Knights of lYlemlsbip. .tug. 15-lS. i bos. E. John •Ion 12i»S Filbert at., PhPadelpbia. Pa.

WIIk<'s Barn'—Urotht'rlKsal of .tmerlca. .tug. 9 11. C. A. Leng, Jo-i-i Frankfuril ave.. Pblla- d<dpbia. Pa.


N«*wp<>rt—Dlsl. L.alge B. I.. No. 3. V. 1>. S»-pl -i Carl E. .SanllaTg. 3i<l Westminster St.. Provldem-u. K. I.


Chattanooga—.tmericaii Bar .t«.a-latlon .tug Ibi Stpl. 1. Geo. Wlili.ellck. 141P Continental Trust Bldg.. Baltimore M.l.


Houstmi—Ixiilgbts and La<Ik'S of Honor. July P.'. B>-<xlle t. Jones Box IirJ. Milano, Tex.


Bellow« Falls aln-at Council of Vt.. Iniprove<l I* If \I. .tug 'Jo. Chas. A. Hannah, 16 .ttklnson sl.


.Vlexamlrla Va. Statu Fln-mun's .tssn. -tuK 24 26 Guo. G. I'MminlnK. 301 41b at.. Ports mouth. Va.

KIrbnuaal—National .tssn. of Muroantlle .tgen- ••Ics. -tUK. 16. Wm. 1*. Thompson. 125 E. '—VI St., New York.


Elkins—Great CiHincll of W. Va.. Improv<‘<l O. It M May 10 12 T. H. Clay. B.x 'iKt. lIilntlnKton. W. Va.

ParkcrslairK—Graml Icslgu K. of P. (Coloru>H. -tiiK. 3 6. H. H. Bailey. MontK'Wuery. W. Va.

Wli.s-liiiK —Fan Hamllu Pe.- Kt-uix'rs’ .\ssn. .Vprll 12. Wm. Klus«‘y. Blaine. t>.

WlKsdliiK Slalu Poi'nl of Health. .tpril 12-14 H -t. B.xrls-v, IVdiit Pleasant. \V. Va.


.tt>.Tiloun Grand I.isIku K of I*. July 12 14. H. M. I.<vve. Colfax, Wash.


Plallevllli*—I.iitliur Is'aKUu of Wlscsmsln. -VUK John Ma. 1. Mt. H rub. WIs.

Wau|»aca—Gisal Timiplars Mutual Bunuftt .tssn. ■tiiK 6. B. F. ParkiM". No. ,5 Carey BKIk.. Milwaukee. WIs.


Chatliaiii I'nt..—t'nn.iltan Blll|H<wtuTs' .tssn May '2.125.

Montreal, (iuu.—It<'b<-kah .tssauiibly of Qiu'buc. I. (I. O. F. -tUK >7. Mrs. H. Spunci'r. Box Ik's! Slh'rtirivoku. (Juc.

Samlwliti—National ('<d. Men's Hotel ami I.kjuor Ik alers’ .Vssn. July 'JO 21. James .t. Boss. 75 Clinton. Buffalo. N. Y.

IVironlo 'I'lMiiiilars i>f Hom>r ami T<Mnperanee. .'(••pt. 6. Kev. C. S. WmalmlT. Plt*mliiKt*’n

Price, $25.00.

Can be run anywhere and is one ol the BEST COIN COAXERS IN THE BUSINESS. Ball is in sight of Player at all times. Has 3 combinations. Big Prize, Little Prize or Fair. We guarantee it to work perfectly. GET IF NOW.


Also remember that we make and sell more Dice than all others combined. Why? Because ours are decidedly better.




On a Carrousell stands for quality and perfect work¬ manship, with the assur¬ ance of a house that is wil¬ ling to back up all that it claims.

Are the most popular money-making amusements V^dll UlloCllo on the market to-day. Other rides come and go-

some last longer than others—but the DENTZEL CARROUSELL came *0 stay and it is still here. The first DENTZEL CARROUSELL was built in 1837. The third gen¬ eration of DENTZEL is now making these machines, and just so long as there are parks and amusement resorts yo’i will find the name DENTZEL on a Carrousell.


WILLIAM H. DENTZEL, Successor to G. A. Dentzel, 3641 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.



Volunti'^'r Fin'mt'n*!* A5*«n 3. A. NI.H^nra Fallti.

Corrections and Changes. ARKANSAS

IbdeuH .Vrkunmi* I'ravelerx’ .V»kn. June 2 4. Jax. .V. Wnr<l. uBtx* Biuiol of lY«<le. Ihden.x, .Vrk.


(•.><>|MT(it<nvn—State Kneamivnient Son* of Vet eran*. June 22 24. John K. EUmian. Br>vok lyn. N. Y,

Merry-Go Bonnd. F<'rrl» Wheel. Kar.zle Dazzle or any new Riding Device on per cent, 30-70. Can^

n!H‘ any goi'd iiovid Show ; no ix><>cli or r 'rgeil tents or graft allowt'd. Stands $10 per w<'ek. Con

fettl anil Noveltlea $.5(t exclusive (a-r week. Jap Ball Game. ex. Carnival ojx'ns April 2; ten day*

at Johns, .Via.; tovMi on a Ihioiii. Big niin<-rs' reunion; 7(*.(Kt0 nilm'vs to draw from. Iron ami steid,

aiul coal an<l coke workiug day and uight. PRINTICE WTEST, Mgr. and Owner, Johns, Ala.

WANTED BUGLERS Kttf tot Itunrh Show. .AihlrPAw TOM E. MUR¬ RAY. Wftthinrton. C. H., Ohio.

BRIGHT LIGHT BRIGHT LIGHT BRIGHT LIGHT $4.75 jM-r hiindn-d; $5.75 per hundred; $6.75 per hnndrml. Shipped to any part of the co*intry.| NEW YORK LIGHT SUPPLY COMPANY, Mfra,, 49 N, 9th St., PbiladelpWa, Pa., IT, 8. AJ

ORGANS-Pinned and Repaired \Vi» itii nuTwht'rv to tun*'.. 1*. DATHJWi A SON, Spring OroTo Atohuo. Cincinnati. Ohio.

64 X ti e Billboard MARCH 26, 19ia


l<'(iiitiiiii<‘<l fi'uiu page

Tearlii-r, wliii-li afTords pleuty of BC(>|>e for their vcx'Hlir.iiiu eklll aiKl nwiiio outtHiretx. A uiix- ture "f mirth and music Is oouibined Id the entertainment that was offered hy the Flxpiwltlon Pour. Mclhmald. ('rawford and Montrose prof fered a akillfiil exhibition of expert daneing. and the Flying Martins is-rformed <>n dying rings ami trai>exe. FYetl Duprex, with t<n>ical songs and moisdogue, an<l Kaufman Itrotbers. singing eimie- diana rumpleted the bill.


! Miss Norttm pre«4‘nte<l their sartorial playlet. . entitled <;owna Hordelaise. in which Mr. Nli'h-

olsoii gives an excsdient Imitation of Jhn Cor I l>et in bia monologue. Kislier ami Kurkhart, c»m- I (Kisers of many sotig hits: The Royal 1‘oln

Ti-ams, playing (xilo on bicycles instead of Ihins-s. have a uniiiue act; Claude tiolden Is

I master of the art of legerdemain, while Mu- I sical TIi't couitdeled an <-nterlainlug bill.

+ City Weaillcli. after a sucis*ssful trip over the

Western Circuit, has ri'fi.rned to New York, wlieri- he ts-orisi lieavily last week. Mr. Wea-

' <li('k has cliiingisi ids act. taking tb<‘ Imllan out, ! and using a horse with great auceeaa.

At the Bronx Theatre tills week kllsa Oer- | tnide ilolfnian was the feature attraction. Sup ; (Kirled by a <'<«n|iany of Iwenty-Bve (letitde. she I repreoKMited her famous New Revue, which con- slstml of very near a score of imitations of not- ' ed vamleville and niuslcal comisly stars. Miss i iloffman’s (iriHluctlons are noted for a aumptu- l ousness of stage setting ami for correctness ; as well as lavlsliiiess of detail, and In this of- ' ferlng alie unmistakcably eclipsioi all fomier efforts. A series of male lm|x“rsonaflons for which Miss Claire Riniiaine is famous, was (ire- I sented liy the Jolly lltth* Rngiiah comedienne, who is familiarly known on the other side as ' •‘Ixindon’s l*et Boy.” limner Idnd. a former memlK'r of the Metroiiolltan 0[>era Company, | with a comiiany of siiptiorting pla.vers, [>ro- duced a tender and patlietlc (daylet. entltleil The 0(iera Singer, which savors of The Music Master in theme. Inclmleil in the bill were Pringle ami Wliltlng. sipglng cooiediana; Griff, emnedy Juggler; John Birch, hat juggler; Mel¬ rose and Kennedy, comedy aicrobats.


After the 0[>era was retainixl for another week as beadliniT at the American Music Hall. This tensational and thrilling idaylet. adapted by Gladys Unger from the French of Riebrach and Ducquoia, is extnmely dramatic. Miss Violet Fulton, a promlm-nt Kngllsh actress, plays the ride of Mme. de dievllle with much power and originality. Wills Holt Waketleld, “F.ntertalner to the New York 400,” who has charmed thou¬ sands with her dainty (lortrayal of song read- itiga at the piano, added several new numbers to her repertoire. Henry Lee in Great Men. Past and I’resi-nt. prewenteil his [leerlesa Imper- Bonationa of prominent historical (lersonages. The Umpire City Quartette, Cot»|>er. Mayo. Tally and (^per, “New York’s Favorite Singers,” hare , home new songs. Harry Copper suiiplled the i coDMHly elemi-nt. The Four Mortons, Sam, Clara, i Kittle. Paul. La Petite Adelaide and her danc- ! ers are new comers on the Morris Circuit, ami i the act is a moat pleasing one with elaborate Bettings. RInaldn, “The Wandering Mnalclan.” | a violinist of tem[>eranient and skill, la an old ! favorite. The Brittons have a lively s[ieclaUy, | entitled How's That! Tom Maguire. "America’# ; Singer of Scotch Ballads.” gives an imitation of Harry I.xiiwler. wlille the Steffln Brothers, singers and dancers, romtdete an unusually good bill.


Burua. Mitchell and I..awrence. Musical Mc- Lane, Helen Brew. In- Pa<'e Bros., and Waiter and Weat cisnidete tlie bill.


Clethlaa Canine Electric Ballet. Frani Muxel, sketch; ConiMS-s and Eilna. singing and dancing, and Rlchl Haslnato, complete the bill.


Ma Goss<‘. a (daylet by Yves Mlrande and H.‘iirl Caen whlrh was recently played at the American Music Hall, aa well as In Ixmdmi ami Paris, was the headllmT. .Mons. Gaston Sllves- tro and Mile. Rlne Mollon carried the principal roles. Hie Blvlne Myrma. “Queen of the Fancy Blver*,” maile her farewell .American (lerform- ance.

Searl Allen an.l Co., in Tlie Traveling Sales man, have a langiiahle sketch ileallng wltli the adventures of a “Knight of the Grl|i.” which contains many funny situations and sev¬ eral musical numN-rs. Miss Kathryn Mlloy. who is known as •'TIm' U. S. A. Comedienne.” Is a singer of up-to-date songs. Paul Nicholson and

Freil Peters and Co. are now under the man- | agemeiit of Marius Isiew’s agents, and made a lilg hit at the Majestic Tlieatre in their cleviT , sketch. Ills Lucky Bay.

+ Pniwell and rurtl>.s are rniddly coming to the

front as one of tlie biggest dramatic ngi'iirles I in New York. ’Tliey are putting lait summer | stick coni|ianies all over the East. Their si.s-k | ••ompany in Staten Island scivred lieavlIy in St. Elmo.


NOVELTY Al'T. As an incentive to (msiiicers. managers, actors

and the public, Wm. Morris. Inc., will offer l.’i.non In gold as one week’s salary for the greatest novelty of any kind or description, whether It is a trour>e of trainevl elephants or an all-atar company of legitimate actors oc actresses. The act selected will be used as a lieadilne attraction at the .Vmerican Mnslc Hall during Easter week, and the management is of

I the Ofilnlon that by giving publicity to the I scheme something really new and ntartling will ' be discovered under the vauderllle win. Ihe- , atregoers have witnessed the great but transient popuiarlty of educated chlmi>anBees. hypnotists I

I and the Salome dancers, but what the next sensation will be may dei>end on the restilt of

I this unique campaign to find some new thrill ^ for their amusement. If the act proves a suc¬

cess In New York. Wm. Morris. Ine.. will book i It for an extended (lerlod over their circuit.


(Continued from page 4.)

^ emporium a bolt of muslin, which assumed Itself into grand castli's or. perchance, a kitchen In¬ terior oc a lonely road.

It waa at least ten years after the birth of Oamha’a theatrical life, christened by the fa- motis John Templeton Company, that we find records of the first theatre. The Academy of Music, oc, as the sages of the press and of the city’s future Insisted then that It be calleil. “a temple of the knights of the buskin.” was erected and opened with noteworthy ceremonies by the owners. Col. J. G. Clopper, a name of mneb fame in the Middle West, and who mar¬ ried a sister of Julia Bean Hayes.

TTis Academy of Music opened under the man¬ agement of Henri Cocri. an English actor, who

j himself headed what was at that time called, with pride, the finest stock company In the West, bnt there were not many stock companies

I In the West. After a gooil try-ont with stock, i the .Ycademy was turned Into a variety house, j which seem^ to suit the surroundings and the

(leivple much better. The Joke of the earl.v theatrical day# waa the

opening of the old RedIck Theatre by Mary A. Livermore. This estimable lecturer and thesplan «'as hours late getting to the city, and the audience was very Impatient as to the delay. Finally she came, but the lights refused to

j work, and the house. In nearly absolute darkness, j (leeri'd through the stygian gloom and caiigh* ' occasional glimpses of a figure filttlng ats'iit ei the stage and uttering tragic tones. They kni-w It was Mary. They knew she was to be there thit night. But that was aa far as their pns Itive assurance went. Ever after that mem¬ orable night the .j RedIck was a frost in ever}' sense of the word, and merely served as a fine- looking building to give “tone” to the surround Ings for the real estate men. From the frost

j Iness of the night Mary Livermore came, to the Jahs and upisT-cuta demonstrated by famous Jem Mace, the historic old pug of the English prlxe fight ring, was a rather far cry, bnt again

it seemed to milt the aumiuDdlnga tod the (H-ople better. Jem, at least, bad ”Btniiis|ibere.” and that’s what the uld-tiuiera wanted In their theatre.

Next, in Bei(ueiii*e, waa erectisl the I’utler Theatre, and it otienisl grandly with a (x-rform ance of The Lady of L.vona, with Waller Bray aa leading man. Walter, on the very first night. abiM'ked the audienre and threw a chill into the warmth the entbnslaats were about read.v to band him, by Jumidiig tragically be fore tba footlights and wltii a acowliug fare I produced liy the chill of the wlngsi anuisiuced there would lie no umaic. "I might add.” said Walter, "that It ia fortunate that we are (daying a piece which needs no rauale.” Whlrh laaertion left the audience believing that were music a re<(uiaite, Walter's ability would lie nil.

It was far friHu occaalonal for the audience. a«-ated In absolute alienee, drinking in the d<-<'|> tragidy of Hamlet or the froth of cotnedy. to gel a real thrill in the sudden shriek of a drunk¬ en relakin out on the atnvta, who imagined be waa in the Utopian Jungles of the ilaiqiy Hunt ing Grounds. A (M-rformance without disturb ance from the streets waa an e[MK-b maker.

On the boards of tbe old i’otter aiqivared the best actors of tbe day, aiuoug whom were tbe gifted O. N. (Viuldock, Mrs. Selden Irwin, and Harry Rainforth, tbe latter a(i|K'arlug as leading man for .Mrs. Irwin.

Omaha next felt Its oata. Its theatrical oats, and startiHl the proji-ct of building a g4o.<sa» theatre. James E. Boyd sutiscribed IJO.OuO provided the remainder was raised. It waa raiaeit, and Omaha’s first Boyd Theatre oijened with, strange coincidence John Temideton and his C'omiiany. after an absence of over twenty- five years. It was good to have old Templeton op<-n tbe first real theatre because be waa tbe hardy plonev-r who |K-netrate«l the wastes of the prairies and rlsketl the savagery of the red akin to give Omaha, tbe trading (>08t, the first taste of theatricals. The quarter of a

' century of years which bad elapsed bad been kind to Templeton, as be had boarded up quite a bunch of the coin of tbe realm and was aobrl-

• queteil as "Iiticky John.’’ With Templeton appeare<l Fay Templeton in the roles of Bet-

; tins. Countess of I’anada, and a soldier In , Prince Frederick’s army.

I And right berv> we wish to add that that (leat of the theatre, the ticket atHTulator, so far

I bark aa this in our history, got in on the ground floor and reaped a rich harvest.

I In 1KI1, W. J. Burgess, now a member of tbe . Woodward and Burgess Amusement Company, { having a atrlng of theatres over tbe Middle i Weat, and soon to take over the management of tbe New Brandeis, ap(>eared on tbe theatrical

! scene and baa been a fixture ever since, but for I a short rest of a few years, two or three years , sgd- I A long list of notables appeared at tbe old I Boyd, among them tbe famous Clara Louise Kellogg, Mme. Nilson, Emma Abbott, Lawrence

I Barrett and the Haverly Minstrels. Tbe ExiKWitlon Building was the scene of

many great people of fame In ail lines of en¬ deavor. from thespiana to revlvallats and down to pugilists and freaks.

The Eden Muaee, otH'ni-d in I8i)I by A. M. Palmer’s Famous .Ylabama Company, brought many famous stars to the city. ’The famous John Billon was once billed to apiiear, and while the packed house, tbe society of the eastern part of the state, waa waiting for the curtain. John waa no where to be found. Tbe eccentric Billon waa at last located In tbe red light district surrounded by an admiring throng of revelers who were cheering hit Tsudevllle stunts to tbe echo. The aearcblng committee eagerly and anxiously told John that a $2.0(10 bouse waa waiting to do him honor, a bouse that waa tbe cream of the state’s auclety, but John remained with bis new-fouud friends and the $2,000 biMiss waa sent home.

A story Is told of bow, when John Stevens appeared at a theatre here in B<71, he was greeted by an audience of one solitary man. Stevens was «-qual to the occasion. He liowed to the audience jnd said, pleasantly, thiaigb regretfully: ”(»n account of the illneas of the leading lady, tbe play can not be given to night. I take pleasure In doing what no other actor has been able to do in the stage hiator}- of the country. The audience Is Invited out to take a drink with tbe leading man.” Tbe audience rose and tbe two, actor and audience, bad quite a time, so it is pleasantly recalled.

Isaac Walton Miner, long associated with tbs Krug Park, recalls some whimsicalities per formed by tbe celebrities of tbs old days. Ed win Aiden. while playing here long ago, one day went to Fort Omaha, on the outskirts of the city, and got acqiialntml with the offleers He Invited the whole Crowd down to see the show that night. They came In a boily, sixty strong, and orcii|>le<l the tx-at Beats, all oo a single pans from Fxlwln.

I’atti-e. once owner of the Patter ’Tbeatrs. raffiad off tbe house one evening, but won It liai k Jack Morrow and Pattee were quits cbunimy. Morrow was known all around hers as the "Iron Man of the I’lalna.”

F'rixii the old ILilIck of forty years ago, to tbe half iiiilllon dollar New l(raiidelB. o(>ened .March S, la a far cry. From John Templeton’s UiHUiiany in • reix-rtolre In the eirly fin's to .\rseue Lu|iin, o|x-ueii March 3. Is alto a far cry. Buiaha'a theatrical Kky haa seen dark cliHida and many bllxzants, but tbe rift In tbs fky ahoW'K tbe silver lining of a future of bril. Ilance. The Brandeis Iheatre will be one of the tiniest hixises in tbe cixintry. The color scheme will lx- (lurple and gold. The dro{> cur¬ tain will be iiitSHlve and will weigh 1,000 (KMinds, of expensive |>ur|)le velvet. The walla are to tx- hung with rich purple brocade. Ths seats will be natural wfxxi. upholstereil In gray leather. I'he Imix seats are to tx* gold. Tba foyer and the lolitiy are to lie lavlab In rich furnishing and decorative art. The lighting will b* a daxzling feature. A unique advertis¬ ing stunt will be the giant skymeket on tbs top of tbe building, the mcket bunting ovtr tbe name ’'Brandeis” In a myriad of colors.

CHAS. R. COOK, Sr. Inc. Original DMign«rt and Builder*

RACING DIPS AND ROLLER COASTERS I CHUTES I And all Park .Ymusements. Bnilden of Machin I ery and Sutinlles. BIBce and Warerooms, 150 M. 6th Btrest. Fhlladelphis. Pa.

I" 300 Business Cards $1 PREPAID. Printed to your order on good white stock. Pin a dollar bill to your ro|iy and send to-day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Profesalonal cards [>er 100,

: . 40 cents. W. II. BEUBENEIt, fi7 East I I 7th Street. St. Paul, Minn.

HYRIMOXISM Easily learned by anyone. I-earn to control

others. Mystify your friends. Give exblbitlona and make money. Success sure. Very low ciwt. Send to-day for our FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET on llypDotlam. .Maguetic Healing, Clairvoyance, Mental Tele(>atby and kindred aclencea. It la FREE Addrexs M. D. BETTS,

I Sta. A., JackaoD, Michigan.


Eddy St. Cart Direct From Ferry. Elegant fumlabed rooms. StrlcUy modern. Finest lobby in tbe city. lArge reading rooms and lidlea parlor. Hates for iTof., $.3 to $4.50 psr week. 447 Eddy St.. SAM FRAMCnSCO.

-: FOR SALE :- Han*laonie white French Poixili*#, n-asonable.

R. L. BOYER. 6$7 Showers Aes., Hairitburg,


WANTED AT ONCE—To contract with drat class Carnival Company; tx-at auileil, town 2..’'i0fi. Must furnish excellent orclx-stra and refiix'd line attractions and pre|iared use own lights AddresK EIM'.EFIEI.B FAIR ASStX'IA TION. Edgefield. S. C. Bates Fair Oct. 2« 27- •-’A. 1910.

HARRTTUKEN Owns, Manages and Books


Wild and Domestic Animals


.Miirt'li ‘Jl iiikI Hurry IiIiWcii'h

1,1(111 .Act aiid the l''(tiir l.iiKctix'

liiR tel will lx* Hi the kcllli ('Icvciaiiii lllpIMNlnuiK*.

ManaKera and .tRcntn looking for the higgent and Itcat attrnct'oiia for

their Parks and Falr.s f<»r Ihe coming season will do well by writing to me early. I am In a position to put any kind or size show In your park tir at

your fair for one or more weeks In a

building or under cnnva.s. Address all

correspondence IIAItilA' lil'KKN, 113 Norlli ■■’ourtli Street, HeadliiK, I*a.

MARCH 26. 1910. X ti e Billboard 65


(rnnMnued from piK* Ql.)

rl«T<‘r daiM'Ins art; plrtiirra. drat half wFfk of 'JO; rimnI liiiaiiii'Ha. IWrnli't* Howard and Co.. ailldr<-<l (Jrovrr, Allot* Va. aii<l Tin* Wortliloya la«t half wook of ‘J<t. CKOWN (I.o('lalr (iard nor, ingr.» I’lotiiroa. TKMI’IJS (Hi*.‘dor and Zlinniorinan, iiiKra. I l*lotnroa, l.l•al«* Touiior. uiRr. I I'lotiiroR. i?TAK (W. J. I.ourlD, uiirr. I l*1rliiroa.

KALAMAZOO. FI I.I.KK (Win. J. Konnolly, Digr.; K. A K. IxMikliiRHl Throe 'I'wlna H; excel- lenl pnidiiollon. return* very fair. .Maude A.I- am* in What Every Woman Know* 17; Fncle Tihii * Cabin 2IJ ACAHEMY OF MI SIC (R. A. Ru*h. niKr. I Jani<« T. l^lHer« In Havana March H; |dea*lnic |*'rf<»rniance, returns Rood.

Four Marka Comedy Coin|iany In a aerie* of |>op- ular play* week of 15. .M.\JKST!C (Harry W. (Yuli, mgr.; W. V. A.) Four Hancing Relies, excellent; Aim>IIo Quartet In The .Man Outside, (ery g<*Ml; <iold*mlth and Ho|ipe, mirth and melntl ■, go<Nl; Stanley and l-^lwards Company, very dne.

LAMSINO.—RAIKIFS OI'RRA HOUSE (F. W. Williams, mgr. I Mar. 1.5, Jame* T. Rowers In Havsns drew a g<M>d house, show due; 16. Ho*e Stahl In Tile Chorun Lady. BIJOU THE¬ ATRE <n. J. Rob*on, mgr. 1 Week of 14. .Mile. R-rxac and her |>el* Including the original Hee- Haw mule Maud, gt**! act; Chas. Reshnah- Mlller Julia, coniitly aingtng and dancing, good: O. Herbert Mitchell, baritone soloist and reconteur. plesaing: Melnutte-I.anole Trio, orig¬ inal acrobatic wire act. g<«Kl; Rllouac»i>c. COI-ONIAL THEATRE (Chas. H. Dsvl*. mgr.I Treadwell Whitney Stock Co., are now plavlng their twenty dftb wc-k at this house and 'still drawing big bouses every night snd matinee.

0W06S0 — ORIENT .41, (I’rof. Zimmerman, mgr I The Musical Oeorgettes March 8 and re¬ turn engagement 11-13; best attraction this the¬ atre ha* bad this KtwiMm; playeal to big business. \Al OETTE (A Hess. mgr. I Moving plctur-** and MPga: doing gooil business. CalLISEt.'M ROLLER RINK (E. W. Beardsely, mgr.) Mss- giierad.' March 10; big husim's*

PORT HURON. —MAJESTIC (.Samuel Hart¬ well, mgr. I March 11, Lyman Howe's Motion Picture* were well rccelveil by large audience; 14. Al Martin’s Uncle Tom's Cabin; go.*! bouse

but was very poorly played: 21. The Time, the Place ;;nd the C.lrl: April 2. Lillian Russell In The First Night. (TTV OPER.4 HOU.SE (L. T. Benn tt, mgr.) 7 9. The Oame of Life; 10 12 The .Man Who Win*; well idayed and drew good attend.ince. TEMIT.E VAt'OErTE IJ J. Har l«er. mgr I Moving pictures and vaudeville. AR I .\1)L l.\. R. Slydeld. mgr.) Moving pictures and vaudeville.

SAOINAW.-aCADEMY ( T. C. Carpenter, mgr.) Rose Stahl In The Chorus Ln.iv March IS; was well received. Al. Martin s 1 m-le Toa a ( abln March 1.5; Havana March 17: The Time, the Place and the OIrl March ;:.5 BI¬ JOU (W A Rusco. mgr.) Oncar F. Cook Stock Co. continues to play to big bnalneaa. Week ■'/ March 14. Why Girls I.eave Home. JEF- 4ERS (W A. Rusco. mgr.) Week of March 1.5. Mysterious Rina, beads the bill, big draw¬ ing card: Charles Wayne and Co. In The Morn¬ ing After, langhing hit; Beth Stone, toe dancer, clever; .Mc.Greevey and Brown, comedy singers and dancer*. g.svl act: Herliert Brooks, card manipulator, very clever: and the Jefferacope; business good DREAMLAND iF O. Bab wk. mgr.) Motion picture*. EMPIRE (A. « Hooiwr. mgr.) Vandevllle and motion pic tnre* IDE.4L (W. R. Mates, mgr.) Motion picture*. REX (F. Durkee, mgr.) Motion pic¬ tures

TRAVERSE CITT. STEINRERG S GRAND TTie Man on the R.vx March 12: goisl house play gave aatlsfactlon The Time the PIsc an.1 the Girl 1.5 DREAMLAND (G I.ote Sll ver. mgr.) Plctiirea and vandevllle; dne bust r>«in.


IIOI SE (L. N. Scott, mgr ) The Goddess of with Sallle Fisher week of March 20:

The Golden Rutterdy with Grace Van Studill- f.'ivl week of .March 27 IVR'C THE.\ • I'E 'A. J Rainbridge. Jr., mgr.) Tin* Lvric Sl.s k (ompany with Collls Giles In The W.df weeh

f March 20 RIJOU OPERA HOUSE I* Hay*, mgr ) The Heart of Alaska week f March 2«l: Mrs. WIggs of tne* PsTin

^ DEWEY the a die Archie Miller, mgr.: Western Wheel) William's Im I-erlal* week of March 20: Empire Burl, s-u* r* week of March 27. MILES THEATRE tW F Gallagher, mgr) Gilroy. Haynes and Mint g^ery. chevrlel. Smith and Arado. Dartik Trnu|«e of Russian singer* and dancers. Klein and Cllff«»n and fh^ of Nfanrh -1 GAYETY THEATRE IS R. Simon, mgr : Kastem Wheel) Harry Hasting s RIk Sh.iw with Rattling Nelson w.-ek of March '.*0 Chs* Uob|i,*..n Co. week of March 27 ORPHEUM THE.ATRK (G. E Ra.vm.>nd. mgr.) Grlgolottl’s A#»ria1 Ballot. Fra Ta.rliir aiwl ('«»., Flinnora and Jermion. California Trio. Ethel 5'oung. Kramer and .Sheck. Concert Orchestra and the Wlno- dronie w^-ek of March 20. SOUTHERN THEA¬ TRE I \5' A Kelly, mgr ) High class vaudeville. Illustrated songs and motion idcture* week of March 'JO CA.STNO KOl.t.F.K KINK (A C

mgr. I Roller skating. Alec Gunderwon's Concert OrclH>stra. athletic tournaments, mas guersiles etc . week of March 'JO GEM FAM

theatre (A J Kavanagh. mgr i Con tlnuoiis vaudeville, motb'n |dctur.*s and Ulus

songs w.-..k of March 21 SCENIC THE 4THE ij It Schmit. mgr > Motion plctiiis-s snd Illustrated s.mgs ISIS THEATRE (I E I-und. mgr ( Molbtn plctur*-* and lllnstrate.1 •■■nga NOVRI.TY THEATRE ll. E I und. mgr ) Illustrated songs snd inotbtn pictures. WONDERLAND TTIEATRE (I, E Isind. mgr I 4)l"**''**'-d songs anil motion plctun-s CK5'S TAI. THEATRE ID J. IsiRar. mgr.) Illustrst

motion picture* MAJESTIC theatre IR W Jithnsiin, iwgr.) IIlustr*te*1 songs and motion picture* PEOPI E-S THE A IRE Hliistrate*l songs and motion picture* ot)\AI. THEATRE Illustrated song* and mo tkoi plctur.-* UNIQUE THEATRE (Jack El Mott, mgr ) Rice and Prevost. Ki-dwisMl and te.riliin. Tuttle and May. Mr and Mr* .1 W longworth. Arthur Perry and the Klm-toscopr we,-k of March 21


mgr I Miss Grace Van Studdlfor.l In The Got de^n Rnttertly week of Man-b 'Ji> GRANU ■Theo. U Hays, mgr ) The Heart of Alaska Week of the |.5lh Wis-k of JO Mr* Wlgk-* •f the Cabbage Patch ORPHEUM HI. W Pler-iing, mgr) All*-*- l.lovd. coniiullcnne: The 'IcNaugthons In the com<-.Iv boving match: Wsl ter l.iwls and Co, pr.-senting A Rabv Gran.): lame, H Cullen. Tbe Man fp-m tbe West;

Olllvolll Troubadours, aereiiadera on the violin and guitar: Three Brothers .Mascaguo, Fun in a Drawing Rtsjm; Montambo and Bartelll, com- <-dy acrot>ats; and the Kiuislrome week of 13. STAR THEATRE (A. Moehler, mgr.) The Ken- tu<-ky Belle* Burlesipie Co. week of 13. MA¬ JESTIC IJ. Cook, mgr.) Hertiert'a Dogs, ani¬ mal act; Warren, LaGrecla and Warren, art¬ ists; Gladys Middleton, singing comedienne; Ijincaater Hayward and I..anraater, comedy act; Rartik Tpiui*-, dancers; ITtzgerald and O’Dell, singing and dancing comedians; Rols-rt Byrd, baritone; and motion pk-turea week of 14. GE.M FA MI 1.5’ (J. Gllowsky, mgr.) .Moving picture* and Illustrated aong*. UNIQUE THEATRE (J. T. .Mahoney, mgr.) Pictures and aongs. LYRIC THF:aTRE (J. Ijiwrence. mgr.) Plc- tiir.-* and aongs. CUY.STAL THEATRE (R. H. Groh. mgr.) Pictures and aongs. PAI_ACE THE.ATRE IW. Solberman, mgr.) Pictures and aongs also full orchestra. GAIE'TY 3HEATRE lOtto Roth, mgr.) Picture*, lllustriteil vau- d<-ville and full orchestra. AUDITOItIU.M. S't. Paul Symphony Orchestra. W. H. Rothwell, conductor. 10th concert with David Blapam, baritone. SELBY ROLLER RINK (H. A. Ken neily. mgr.) K*>ller skating with excellent at- temlance.


ALBERT LEA.—AUDITORIUM (H. T. Ijiy- man. mgr.) Clark and Verdi. Howard Martyn, Gladys Mhkileton pictures and song* March 14- 16. I.«SaIIe and Lind. Sonv-rs ami Stork*-, Arc- ley Rayne Marwiiall. pictures ami - mgs 17-19. BIJOU (Pram*-r A Babbitt, mgrs.) Picture* ami vamlevllle; huslnes* good. BRO.ADWAY’ (Fred Mallery, mgr.) "nie Servant In the House March 10; fair house, gissl i>erformance.

AUSTIN—GEM (W. J. Maynke. mgr.) House of a TViusaml Camlles 7; goisl ci>mpany and hfsiae. IMctures 8-13; return* gmsl. BIJOU (Don V. Daigneau. mgr.) Picture*; good busl- De«*.

CR00K8T0N.—BIJOU (Slrnmons ft Nault. mgr*.) Adelaide Knight and CV).. sketch, good; Dixie Crlsty, harpist, good: The Fishers, acro¬ bat*. gvssl: Sydney and Jerome, conx-dy, fair: laiPlace and Rivers, song and dance, pleasesl.

ROCHESTER—METROPOLITAN (J. E. Reid, mgr.) Barnard Daly In Sweet Innlssfallen Mch. lO; highly satisfactory; good house. Vaude- Tllle. Including Joe Buell. e*iulllbrist: Daniels Sister*. *I*ncer*: and plctiirea and songs 11-12. MAJF,STir (J. E. Reid, mgr.) Vandevllle; ex¬ cellent tsislness.

8T. CLOUD.—DAVIDSON. OPERA HOUSE (E. T. Davidson, mgr.) McCabe’s Minstrels March 6 7; good huslneaa. Honeymoonera 13; pVa sed fair hualneas. Arrival of Klttr 16. FIFTH AVE. (C. W. Sander*, mgr.) Vaudeville, aonga an*l pictures week of 6: pleased fair buslnesB.


mgr.) Whetten Stock Companv March 14 16: Lyric Quartette 2.5. T'NDER CANVAS—Haag’s Mlghtv Shows March 28.

TUPELO.—ELECTRIC THEATRE (E. J. Slvley, mgr.) Moving pictnres and songs, week of 14 19. OPERA HOUSE (E. W. Armstrong, mgr.) Cadet Band Concert. 17. Young Bros. Carnival (V*.. auspices Red Men, week of -4-19.

VICKSBURG_WALNIT ST. ’niE.ATRE (H. •Ma.ver mgr.) IJttle Jobnny Jooea March 19; Thr*'e Twins 22; J. E. Dodson In The House Next Dcmr 28; seaaoo closed April 11 with A Rnibbom Cinderella. LYRIC (B. Mulligan, mgr.) Picture* and song*. NICTvEIjODEON (J. Kear¬ ney. mgr.) PIctum and songs.

YAZOO CITY—YAZOO THEATRE (D. Woler stein, mirr.) March 18, Little Johnnie Jones; this closetl the season.


(Woodward ft Burgess, mgr*.; K. ft E. booking a)rent*.) 14-16. Olga Nethersole In repertoire, did big bualuess; 17-20, Dorothy Morton In The Widow Jones; 21-23. The Gentleman from Mississippi: 24-26. John E. Yonng: 29. matinee Maude Allan. MlUBERT THEATRE (Earl Steward, mgr.; The Shuberta booking agents.) Week 14. (lenrge Arllsa In Septimus, splendid rhsracterliatlon to good Onanclal returns. Week •JO, Sam Bernard In Tbe Girl and The Wlxard. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Hudson ft Judah, mgrs.; Stair ft Havlln booking agents.) Weeic 13, Al. O. F'telds’ Greater Minstrels drew well. Week 20, Balk-y ft Austin In The top o’ th’ World. ORPHEUM THEATRE (Martin I eh- man. r»>*. mgr.-. Ori'henm Circuit.) Excellent bill we*-k 13. headed b.v I.IIy Iz-na, clever little English singing comedienne: Little Amy Butler, versatile an*l clever In dialect; Mr. ft Mrs. Jack McGreevy In The Village Fiddler, very amusing and Jok*-* are new; Mabel Bardine ft Co. In Sue.v San. Chinese tragedy; Six Ab¬ dallah*. whirlwind acrobats; Tht- Sister* Mc- Conn*-I1. »lng snd ilo eccentric dancing; Cross and Josephine In c*>m*-dy skit. Dying to Act;

The Orphenra )'.>nc*rt Orchestra-.. "I^e Klno- drome: etc. AUDITORIUM 'HlEATRE (Sly- raln Blum, mgr ; *liN-k company.) Miss Mary Hall and Auilltiwium Stock Company In Mrs. Dane’s IVfense. o|m-ii*-iI Mar. 12. Good o*>m-

■ panv. Week Mar. 20. Her Majesty. GTLLIS THEATRE (E S Brigham, mgr.: Stair ft Havlln Nioklng agents.) Week 1.3. Go Won Go M"hawk. genuine Indian play with genuine

I Indian Star. Go Won (e> Mohawk did well here. Week ’JO. Tbe Little Hom*-*tead. CENTURY* THP.ATRF (Jos. R. Don*‘g*n. mgr.; Western Whei-1.) .Ad Wolg*st the new champion and The Merry Mabb-ns. wi-t-k 13, packi-d them In. Jack Johnson with The F5>IIle« of the Dav Sora paiiy. week 20 G.AYFm' 'niE.A'niE ("Rurt” Wilbur, mgr ; F'astern Wheel.) Chas Robinson ami his Cmsoe Girl* plea**-*! large audlenc*-* with two g*,>.l miistcsl cointslle* and Interesting vandevllle olio w,-*-k 13 The Girl fnwn Hai>py- land we*-k 20. GLOBE THEATRE (G. E. Rrad- diwk. mgr.: Hal (bvslwln Ns-king agents.) Vaudeville w*-ck 13, a* follow*: Marvelous Mack and his autonioblle set: Jimmie and Gertrude Fi-nlon. singing, ilanclng an.1 talking In the

: far*-*- .A Day In the llot.-l Broke: Blanchard and ! Marlin, connslv ski'tch. Olil Rngllsh: Billy J Ire. cli'viT black face coim-dlan: Interesting . iiMttlon pb-tur*-* suiipll*'<l by Tlie Pe*>rle*s Mo-

tb»n 1*1**lun' C*'mt*an.v HIPPODROME (.T. C. WIseinsn, mgr.: Tisl Spark*’ Vau-levllle Circuit.) F'r*'*' r.vuilovlllo In tbe 5'lenii* 5'lllsgc. Roller *katlng. ilsiu-Ing. etc . etc.


8T. LOUIS. OLYMPIC THEATRE (Pat. mgr I \V*>*-k <*f March 13, Marie Tenip*-*t In Peii*-bi|»' March 14 1.5 and 17 IS. iiistln<<e only.

, Ruth St D*>nl* In her Htnil.** Dsn*-*- Psnto- nilm.-s w.-.'k of March 20. Rlsle JanI*. CF:N- TI KV THEATRF: (Pat Short, mgr ) Week of

: Msn-li 13. .Vrseiie I ujiln. Week of M*r*'h 20. M*)*l Taliaferro GARRICK THEATRE (Dsn s F’l*holl. mgr ) W*-*-k of March 13. Vbda


Allen In The White Sister. Week of Alarch 20, Walker Whlte*lde. NEW CQLU.MBIA (F'rank K. Tate, uigr.) Week of March 14, vaudeville Including John B. Hymer In tbe Devil and Tom Walker; Howard’s Mualcal Shetland*: .Morrisey Sl*ter8 and Brothers; Carl Nobel; F'red Kay’s Player*; The Hopkin* Sisters; Harry Adler: Jimmy Callahan; motion picture*. AMERIC.AN THF:ATRE (Jiio. F'leming, mgr.) Week of March 13, The ClanHiiian. Week of March 20. Rose Melville In Sla Hopkin* LMPERIAL THEA¬ TRE (D. E. Ru*»ell. mgr.) Week of .March 13. \ Tbe ImiM-rial Player* In Under Two Flags. Week of March 20, Tliree Weeks. HAVLIN’S THFLA THE (Wm. Garen, mgr.) Week of March 13. In Wyoming. Week of March 20, The China¬ town Trunk .Myatery. STANDARD THE.ATRE (I.eo Reicbenhach, mgr.) Week of March 13. i The Newr Century Girls Burlesguers with the following olio: Barrett and Belle. Early and Late. Charle* Saunders, Archer and Crocker. Ah- Goldman, McCabe and (>url<-y. with Cboo- ce<-la a* a special attraction. Week of March ’20. The Merry Malden*. GAYFrUY THFLATKE (Geo. Chenet, mgr.) Week of March 13. Girls from Happyland Company; In the olio are Frank IVIIIiameon, Joe Buckley. I^ou Wolford. Geo. Garden. Walter Sommer*. Tom Brooks. .Murray Simon, Florence Belmont. Margie Austin. Nellie Watson and Billy W. Watson. Week of March 20. Kent* Santley. CRAWFORD’S NOVELTY THEATRE <Ja*. Sweeney, mgr.) Week of March 14. The following vaudeville: Five Musi¬ cal lovelands, Inness and Ryan. A'ocalone. Or¬ pheus Comedy Four, motion pictures. ODEON THEATRE. Sunday. March 13 (mat.) Choral Symphony Omcert: Sunday, March 13 (eve.) The German Theatre Stock Company in Das Maedel Ala Rekrut; March 14. Elmeudorf Ls-c- tnre: March IS, St. I»uls Symphony Orchestra. NEW BIJOU THEATRE (Max Marcus, mgr.) Week of March 14. vaudeville as follows: Prof. E. E. FYank. Psycho, Wills and Bartlett, Ixiul* Knetiger, Ooretta, motion picture*. COI.IS'F^UM (Mr. Payne, mgr.) Week of April 7. The Mul hall Wild West Show. GEM THEATRE (Frank Talbot, mgr.) W<-ek of March 13. Little I/)rd Robert and Cbiquita and new motion iilcture*.


8T. JOSEPH.—TOOn.E (C. U. Philley. mgr.) The Top o’ th’ World 13-14: pleased large audi enoe*. Olga Nethersole In The Writing On the Wall 17; Traveling Salesman 19-20; Servant I;i the House 22: George Arllss 31. LYCEUM (C. U. Philley, mgr.) David Higgins In His Las; Dollar opened a four-nights’ engagement 13 to Mg business; Beverly 20-2,3: Kentucky Belles 24 26. PANTAGF23’ (Harry Beaumont, mgr.* The bill for week of 14 is good and opened to Mg houses. It Includes Three L.rres, Harris El¬ don and Bessie Clifton. Roberts TrouiK- of Rats, Halligan and Ward. Four Deltona. FYank Groli and Pantagescope. BIJOU DREAM (J. X. Bllr. mgr.) Hammond and Revlere. Wm. Jackson. t-Gorge and Gott. Sid De Clalrville and pictures week of 14: la a pleasing bill and openi-d to Mg business. ROYAL (FYank Newman, mgr.) Moving picture* and a special feature, th,- Iloyal Trio, composed of Messrs. Hartman. Cooper and Williams, oi-ened the week’s bus¬ iness with packed houses.

SEDALIA.—SEDALIA THEATRE (Geo. F. Hall, mgr.) Go-Won-Go-Mohawk as Wep-to-no- mah In The Indian Mall Carrier pleased a fair sired audience on March 12. Wilton Lackaye In The Battle 15: Bailey and Austin In The Top O’ Th’ World 19; The Little Homestead 27: F’lks Minstrels (home talent) 29. WOOD'S OPERA HOUSE (H. W. Wood, mgr.) Polly of the Clrcns pleased three large audiences on March 12 and 1.3. The Traveling Salesman 21: The Climax 29; Geo. Arliss In Septimus April 2. ELECTTRIC, PALACE and LYRIC THEA TRES doing good business with moving pictnres.


mgr.) Isle of f^lc-e March 11: Servant In the House 23. LYRIC (Mrs. Rigbter. mgr.) Vaude¬ ville and plcturi-e.

FAIRBURY.—STEELE’S OPERA HOUSE (F. L. Rain, mgr.) Isle of Spice Marrtt 10: big house, excellent satisfaction. The IJttle Home¬ stead 15. MAJESTIC (F. L. Kerns, mgr.) Pictures. SKATING RINK (Nutzman A Lloyd, mgrs.) Closed.

NEBRASKA (TTY—OVERLAND (Chas. Rolf, mgr.) Tlie Traveling Salesman March 16. EM¬ PIRE and FA1RYI.AND. Doing good business vrlrti pictures.

OMAHA.—BRANDEIS (W. J. Burgess, mgr.; Klaw * Erlanger.) The Golden Butterfly 11-12. fair baatnesa. good attraction: The Servant In the House 13-17, fair business: Olga Nether¬ sole 18-19; The Money and the Girl 20-23. KRUG THEATRE ((Tias. Breed, mgr.; Stair ft Havlln CIrenIt.) Beverly 10-12, fair business, good attraction; The Isle of Spice week of 13. good business and show: (Jo Won Go Mohawk 20-23. ORPHEUM (Wm. P. Byrne, mgr.; Orphenm Circuit.) Frank Pogarlty: Miss Eva Taylor; Eddie lieonard ft Co.: Knight Bros, ft Marlon Sawtelle: Tbe Misses Dagwell; Donavan ft Arnold; Kramer ami Scheck and klnodrome week of 13. OAY’ETY (E. L. Johnson, mgr.: Eastern Wheel.) Harry Hastings Big Sliow 13 and wi'ek:falr business and show. BOYD (Wil¬ liam Warren, mgr.) Woodward Stock Co.. In When Knighthood was In Flower. 13 and week: fair business. The County Chairman week of 20

YORK.—YORK OPERA HOUSE (W. D. Fish er. mgr.) Beverly March S: pleas**! a gi'O.1 house: business should have be«‘n better. Pollv of the Circus 23; The Great Divide 29; The Third D»*gre*' .April 4. i


fiir*-s an*I s.vng* hv MKs I>agg*>tr: fair hnsl- ncs*. NASHUA THEATRE (A. H. Davis, mgr.) Harry Is'roy. c<xne*ly Juggler, above averag*’: Dancing Blcknells. g*v*l; The Sld*'>nlas, In The : Ijiiigti FVictivry. laughing hit: Buster Browti. | farce well liked; Ml«s .Albina CailN*ls. songs, i week 7-12: good business.


mgr.) IVr Perin and (\>. week of 14: opened to Ng hnsln*>«s. gixsl po formanoY ami company. S.AA'OY' (Harry Brown, mgr.) Pictnres and canilevlUe 14 16: gmvd hn«lncss, Flmma Cams i In Tbe Mot.w Girl 17 19. YOUNG'S PIER. Fan nie Ward an«l O'.. leo OirrIIIo Hlhhert end Warren. O'rdce and Rothert. Mario Trio. Karl. Al. 5’<*ler an*l plrDires wv'e): of 14; g.'od hnsl-

n**s*. STEFiL PIER. Vessalla's Italian Ban*l. .'•TF'El’I.E CH.ASF:. Pictures .and songs: goo<l hnslmsw YOUNG'S NEW PIER. The Mexl i can II a ml- doing nlcelv. '

BAYONNE.—OPERA HOUSE (A. H. Wivods. I lessee; Fi. F. Bosfwlck. mgr.) March 13. Jacob | •Adler anil Jewish (N'mpan.v In Oiid’s Punish- i mciit: splemlld I'erfonnance. goml hnsln*'s*. |

(Continued on page 68 )

Acts I* Atlantic City HEADLINERS ONIY!

Send Open Time and Lowest Figure

From JUNE 1st to OCT. 1st Address E. L. PERRY,

Manager Steeplechase IMer, Atlantic City, N. J.

Motion Pictnres -OF-

JAMES J. JEFFRIES JACK JOHNSON Stanley Ketchel Billy Papke Tom Sharkey Tommy Bumc Kid Herman Joe Oans Gunner Moir Joe Palmer Young Corliett Terry McOovem Kid Sharkey Young Dority



Write for low rental terms.



CARDS » High-class Work Only.

Dice_S6.00 Cards_1.00

Catalogue Free.

HUNT du CO*. 66 Fifth Avanua, CHICAGO. ILL.

LACTRESSo" ORATOf rnmrm mam f maoo wmmkiy

''Oar ooarM in Sl*cmttom aad DrftMalle Art !• t I Plata, tboroogh and eomprahanaiTa. It qanliflaa foo in n abort tlma (or a good paring poaittoa on ih« |

Btne^or apaakar’a platform. Lanm by eorraapondaoea moat fnaeiaatlng and baat Mying profaaaion In tta world. Writa for FESl book. Ohlcafo iekioal df Boevlloa.

Stl Qwi OfwTZMMp Olioaca*


Ineandascant Lamps WHILE THEY LAST, AT 6e EAM

15.000 16 c. p.. Ed. Base 10,000 8 c. p., Bd. Base

Ronnd clear or fronted at 12e. Colored lamps at 7c.


83 Michigan Avenue, Chicago.



$150,000 spent In improvements

Visit the famous Indian Cafe.

manuscript COMPggy

PLAVS-^SALt rscAco «,* ..A 'jA... C 5T (Ll

MONKEYS, PARROTS, And all kind* of Pet Stock and Song Bird* for sale. Write for Dirther particular*. ATLAN¬ TIC AND PACIFIC BIRD STORE. 236 >4 Eaat Madison Street, Chicago.

CARS FOR REMT Several line new iteel framed Hotel Oars.

Harry Amistrong. 204 Schiller Bldg., CIBeago.

PATHE PASSION PLAY .VI o'DiIillon. for rent; assorted leister* free. Write for datt‘*.

C. J. MURPHY. Elyria. Ohio.

BOX BALL ALLEYS We have four stH'ond hand alley* In A-1 condl lion which He will sell at * hnrgain for caah. <'r on time. CLEVELAND BOX BALL CX).. 160 Lake Street. Chicago, III.

FOR SALE Ti-n acres; Ideal site for amusement park. One buudre*! thousand colored persona In th*' District of I’olunibla; all spenders. No auiusenient park. ."ic fare; over District line, no Improveiuenls. Tr*s>s. stream; plotnre**ine Price, 8”.."*)('. 'J'JO Oxfonl Bldg.. Washington D. C.

66 xrie Billboard MARCH 26, 19 lO.

l^AJaiLJ V-4 A V-#E% J. CleveUnd Cane Co., Cleveland. O. ,.^ iru,,, Kxch.. 132 l,ake at.. Chloago. _ Coldamltli Toy Iiiip. Co.. 122 K. 4tli. Cincinnati, waatem Film Exch.. Ml Century Bid*

Neuman Mf*. Co.. 041 Woodland ave.. tleve- bool*. Mo F Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers land. o. PI REWORKS and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus S. ft<'t»oen t Son 50 .\nn at.. New York CUJ- r, n .«/4 Par-U Q..r«ni:.c: AI nk ak.4 ie a 11 u SUryock Todd Co.. N24 X. Stli at., St. LotiU. Mo. Cooaolllated Flreworka Co. Readliig. O. and Park Supplies, Alphabetically _ 220 Madlaon at.. Chicago. Ill. Gregory Flreworka Co., 115 Llearbom at. Arranged Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New Y'ork City. cago; State Fair Grouiida. St. Paul, M

Spoor. Oeo. K., 62 N. Clark at., Chicago, r. 8. Film Exch., 132 lAke at., Chicago.

Standard Film Exch., 161 Waahlngton at., Ch'go Nicholas Power Co., 116 Nassau at., N. T. O.

Neuman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland ave., Cleve Of Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers land. o.


Advertlaementa not exceeding one line in length will be i>ubliBhe<l, proiM-rly clasHlSed, In thla directory, at the rate of S10 for one year (82 lasui'al, provided they are of an acceptable

Bathe Clnematogriiph Co.. 41 W, 26th at., N.I. littaburg Cal. I.Igbt & Film Co., Pittsburg,

l‘a.; Ilea Mulnea, la.; KiK'heatar, N. Y,; coin. Neb.; Cinelniiatl, O.; Omaha. Neb.; W likes-Barre. Pa.

iiudy’a Film Exchange. 306 E. 23d at.. New York City.

Western Bargain Houae. 272 E. Madiaou. Ch'go A. R. Marryatt


J. II. Hallberg. 30 Greenwich at.. N. Y. C.


Gregory Flreworka Co.. 115 l>oarborn at.. Chi- F,H.rhatd' Srhnelder. 100 E 12lh at.. N. Y. a

. South *■>1“ E^fh-. 245 Main. Norfolk Va. -J***^* V*''"i. Stebblna. Chaa. M.. Ur28 Main, Kansas lily. Me.

Natl. Flreworka Mfg. Oo.. 64 Sudbury at.. Boa jn.ndard Film Exch.. 161 Washington at.. Oli'g#

nature. Price tocludea one year'a snbacriptloo o. A. Oentxel, 3641 Germantown ave. to Tile Billboard.

Each additional line or additional claaalflca- tloo, without Buhacriptlon. $7.50 |ht annum.

One line will be allowed to advertlaers. free

Hehacbell-Splllman 'Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y.

CARS (R. R.) Circus and Theatrical.

FLAGS. •knnlu A 0>., 99 Fulton at.. New York <?lty. Rudolph Bros, 520 S. .ith at.. Pblla.. Pa.

V. 8 Film Exch., 132 laike at., (.bicago. Vlaacope Mfg. Co., 112 E. Randolph at., Ch’go.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. U. 8. Tent A Awn Co.. 22 28 n!’ l>eai>ltlnee Efo® * “•'•ty. 20.5 Watiaah are.. Chlca^. III.

at., Chicago, Ill.

FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. of charge, for each $100 worth of apace used Anna Palace Horse Car Co., Monadnock Blk.. M. L. Schlueter, 103 S. Canal at. Chicago 111. during one year. Chlcags. Ill.

This dir»-otory Is revised and corrected week- Hlcka Locomotive and Car Works 277 I>ear- ly, changes In Brin niuiiea and address<-s being recordeil as soon as they are received.

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New York City. N. Shore Co., 220 Madlaon at., Chicago'. Ill.

ADVERTISING STICKERS. 8t. Ixmia Sticker Co.. 105 Pine at., St. I»u1a.

AERIAL ADVERTISING. Silas J. Conyne, .'b'lOB Mcl/ean ave.. Chicago.

AERONAUTS. Belmont Slaters Balloon Oo., Reed City. MIcfa. Prof. Chas. Swartx. Humboldt, Tenii. The St. Clair Girls, Thompsonvllle. Mich.

AMERICAN TAILORS. E. NIepage A Co., 166 Bay at.. Toronto, Can.

AMUSEMENT CONSTRUCTORS. Chaa. R. Cook (Sr.). Co., 150 N. 6th at.. Phlla.

AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES. Bought, Bold and Exchanged.

Falcon Label A Ticket Co., Kansas City, Mo.

AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. Heharhell Splllnian Or. N. Tonawanda. N. Y. U. 8. Music Oo.. 1939 N. Weatern are., Ch’go.

ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. I^vl Oo., 24 Union Sq., East, New Y’ork City.

ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm Rartela Co.. 100 Greenwich at.. N. Y. C. Idawood H. Flint. North Waterford, Me. Home’s Zoo Arena, Kansas City, Mo., and Den-

rer, Colo. W. <>deU Learn. San Antonio. Tex. L«ula Buhe. 248 Grand at.. New York Olty. Went A Mackenaen, Yardley, I’a.


bom St., Chicago. III. The Venice Trans. (}o., .Id Nat. Bank Bldg.,

St. I.auls. Mo.

CASH REGISTERS (2nd HAND). Queen City. Bk. A Second-hand Cash Ueglater

Co., 015 Vine at.. Cincinnati. U.

FLOSS CANDY MACHINES. A. T Dleti, 127 Michigan at. Toledo (l

FORTUNE TELLING DEVICES. S. Bower, 117 Hamtan at.,, N. Y'.

GAMING DEVICES. Spindles. Clubhouse Furniture. Ete.

North Tonawamla Musical Inatmmcnt Worha. North ’TvMiaw'aiida, N. Y'.

Budolph Wurlllter ('o., Clnrinottl and Chlcags.

MUSICAL GLASSES. I. Brauiieisa. 484 Flatbuah, Brooklyn.

NOVELTIES. Coe. Yunge A (X)., 005 lAicaa ave.. St. Looia. Goldamlth Toy Imp. Co., 122 E. 4tb (iDetwaatt. Gordon A Morrlaon. 199-201 E. Yfadlson, CVga. Goldlierg Jewelry Co., Ill W. 6tb at., Kaaana

City. Mo. O 44 P\A/1 K1 fi fil I ha M AKi 11 P APTIIR P RQ Charloa A Co. SW 7th are.. N. Y. C. Reach, Geo. A.. 106 Fiiendiblp. Prnvldesca. B.l. CHEWINQ taUM M AIN U P AC T U K EKb „ joj ^lark at.. Chicago. 111. T. O. Mott, 416 Ibarborn at.. Chicago.

1 Helmet Co.. Inc.. 26 W. Cth at.. Cincinnati. U r'ADS.icrajT cAsitroe Rudolph Bros., 620 s. 6th at., Philadelphia. Toledo (iiewing Gum Co., 4'V4 Jackaon at.. tjAKMtINI Cl-tAINEKS. Sbure Co., 220 Maillaon at.. Ch'cago IlL

Toledo O. Becker A Wade Oo.. 2501 Cottage Grove CHUTE BUILDERS. Chicago 111.

American Amusement Co., Ludlow, Ky. GASOLINE BURNERS. CIRCUS SEATS. Z. Long, 172 High at.. Springfield, O

New and Second-Hand. GRASS MATS, r. S. Tent A Awn Co.. 22 28 N. Deaplalnea .\nierlcan Rug Co.. 310 K. 96th at.. N Y

at.. Cblcagti, 111. /^e»CAe^ nAiai^e

Rudolph Bros., 620 s. 6th at., Philadelphia. N. Sbure Co., 220 Maillaon at., Ch'cago IlL

Becker A Wade Oo.. 2501 Cottage Grove ave., Shryock-Todd 0>.. 824 N. 81*1 it._. St. lAMiln. Me. Chicago. 111.

GASOLINE BURNERS. W. Z. Long, 172 High at., Springfield, O


CIRCUS WAGONS. j Cages, Dent and Band Chariots.

Sulllran A E.igle 15 Canal at., Peru, Ind.

CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. A. T. Dletx, 127 .Michigan at.. Toledo. U. W. Z. I/ong, 172 High at., Springfield. 0.

CONFECTIONS. Bueckbelm Bros. A Eckstein, Harrison A I'eorla,

Chicago, Ill. CONFETTI.

Rudolph Bros., 520 S. 5tb at.. Pblla.. Pa.

GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Make-up Boxes. Cold Cream, Etc.

Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New Y'ork City. St. Leila Confetti Ou., 12 S. Couunercial at..

St. Louis. Mo. Western Bargain House. 272 E. Madlatm, Ch’go

NOSE PUTTY. M. Stein Cosmetic Oo., lo92 B’way, K. T. 0.

OPERA CHAIRS. .kmerican Seating Co.. 216 Wabash art., Chi ge.

M. Stein Cosmetic Oo.. 1302 B’way. N. Y C. Andrews Co., 174 Wabash ave., Cblogo.

HANDCUFFS AND LEG IRONS. Oaks Novelty Co.. Oshkosh, YVla.


rarnleGoudte Mfg. Co., 8u7 Dolawaro Kaa sas City. Mo.

I Hardesty Mfg. Co.. Canal Dover, O. A. R. Milner Seating Ct>., New Philadelphia. O.

Plnmot sad Trappings—For Circus and Adrsr- Royal Metal Mfg. Oo.. 1821 Dearborn st., Ch’go tiaing TJso. Imperial Seating Oo., 1347 State at. Chicago

Sobaemba Plume Oo., 612 Metro)>olltao ave.. H. Stafford Mfg. Oo.. Chicago Brooklyn. N. Y’.


steel FYimlture 0>., Grand Rapldt, Mich.

ORANGEADE. Newman Mfg.' Co., 641 Woodland' are., Cleve- Carnival Costume Co., 267-26U W. Water at.. The Comor Oo.. SflO Maryland at.. Buffalo. N.I.

J""?* P-.n e o .r * as rx. e LJ .r o e ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. St. Louis Confetti Oo.. 12 8. Commercial at.. ICE CREAM DISHERS « „ w-.» St Lsouis Mo "Itth. KlO

wm. B. Johnson. Ill Seneca at.. Seattle. W.Mi Co.. ClnclnnaU. O. A. l^rnl. W. 14th at. New York atr Western Bargain House. 272 E. Mtdiaon. Ch’go INDIAN COSTUMES AND RELICS. L- OV.***? ^ »<>«>. 39.« Spring Grove 'T-

CLOWN V'HITE. M. Stein Cosmetic (3o., 1392 B’way, X. Y. C.

COLD CREAM. M. Stein Cosmetic Oo.. 1392 B’wiy, N. Y. C.

COMPENSARC. J**®*!!®*’ fort Wayne Electric Works. Fort Wayne. Ind.

JMiii H. Slem, 818 Singer Bldg.. New York Olty r'rkMC’c

ARC LIGHTS. CONES. Flaming A.-c Ught (X»., :10 Gretmwicb ave New ’^7 illchigan it. Toledo. 0.

York tity. . u «n icn ave., .-vew Ttrbell Mfg. Co., 246 Klnxle Chicago.

J. H. Hi ..berg. .10 Greenwich at.. N. Y. C. CONE MACHINERY. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Turnbull Mfg. Co., 460 N. Ylarket Place, Colnm-

I.. Bauman A Co., 118 E. Chicago are.,'(Jhlcago Botanical Decorating Co.. 310 Fifth ave.. Cta’go. CONE OVENS. Jl^F. Oasthoff and Co.. DanvtUe, Ill. A. T. Dletx. 127 Mlchlgin st. Toledo O. SChack Artificial Fiower Co.. Inc., 1677 1079 mPW DfYDDPDQ

Milwsjkt'e are.. Chicagn, Ill. CORN POPPERS,

ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PIC- BOOTMS ^ ^ fct., Spring^flt^ld. 0,

Rosnian A Landis Co.. 417 S. Clinton, Chicago. COSTUMES. 0. YV. Trainer. 80 Pearl at., Boston. Mass. Prlti Schoultx A Co., 262 Wabash a».. Chicago.


J H. Halltierg, 30 Greenwich et.. N. Y’. C. Cincinnati, O


‘'“•'■'fo Rl ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS, Rudolph (.o.. Cincluiiatl and Chicago. . w o..o . x- x- r- D. S. Music Oo.. 19.'«9 N. Western ave Ch’eo H^oebeu. 360 W. 60lh at.. N. Y. C.

RAKin IKlCTDi iks CKiTc * L’niversal Elec. Stage Lighting Co.. 1393 Broad BAND INSTRUMENTS. way. New York City.

Fillmore Music House. 528 Elm st.. Cincinnati. EYE BROW PENCILS. Lyon A Healy. ixt., WaliaKh ave., Chicago, 111. Rudolph Wiirlllier Co., Cindiinatl and Chicago. Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’wiy. N. Y. C

W. Z. Ixmg, 172 High at., Springfield, 0.

COSTUMES. Frlti Schoultx A Co., 262 Wabash a»., (^cago.

DECORATORS. Wm. Beck A Sons Co., 10-12 Garfield Place,

Cincinnati, O

ELECTRIC FANS. J. II. Hallberg. 30 Greenwich at.. N. Y. C.


W. 11. Barton. Gordon. Neb

INSURANCE. Mingle A Wood. 165 Broadway, X. Y. C.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Takito, Ogawa A Oo.. 106 E. Lake at., Chicago.

JEWELRY. For Stage Dae.

Bennett Jeaelry Oo., 1645 N. 10th it. Phlla. R. E. Dodge A Co.. Masonic Temple. Chicago. N. Sbure Co., 220 Madison at., Chicago. Ill. Shryock-Todd Oo., 824 N. 8th it.. St. I.auia. Mo. Singer Bros., S2 Bowery, New Y’ork City.

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. C. F. Bath. Abilene. Kan A. B«mt. 220 W. 14th at.. New York dt^ L. Datbao A Son. 39<4) Spring Grove as., da'tt. Garloll A Oo., 31 Bond at. New York City. Johannes S. (K'bhirdt Co.. 3024 lAwranm at..

Philadelphia. Pa L.ron A Healy, 206 Wabash are., Chicago. IIL John Mosalo A Son . 178 Park Bow., N. T. O. North Touawanda Musical Inttrument Worhn.

North Tonawanda N. Y. Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicagn.

PAPIER MACHE. Carnlral Papier Marbe Works. 265 W. Watsr

at.. Mtlwackee. WIs.

PATENTS SECURED. Victor J. Erana A Co., Waahlngtoa D. C.

Western Bargain House. 272 E Matiaon. Ch’go , PEANUT ROASTING MACHINERY JUGGLERS’ GOODS. Klngery Mfg. Co., ('tnclnnatl, O.

Edw. Van Wyck, 66.5 Pullan ave., dnclnnatl. PERFORATED MUSIC. KNIVES. For Electric Piaaot.

Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland, O. P. S. Music Co., 1939 N. Western are.. Chicagn.

*’■' ‘^*"*** PHOTO BUTTON MACHINES. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland are., Clevn- I Amer. Yllniite Photo. Cb.. 720 W. 12tb. Chicagn.

land. O. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New Y’ork City. Harry L. Welabaum. 242 E. Madison at., Ch'go. N. Sbure Co., 220 Yladlaon at., Ch cago III.

Chicago F’errotype Co., Ferrotype BMg.. Chicago Cut Kate Photo Supply Co., 1427 S. HaUtad at..

Chicago, 111. N. Y. FerTot.v|>e Co.. 1681^ Itelancy at.. N. T. O.

Shryock-Y'odd Oo., 824 N. 8th it., St. IxMili. Ylo. W. S. Mountford, 100 Malden Lane New York.

LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. PHOTOGRAPHERS. J. M. Naughton. Hotel Mayer Bldg., Peoria. 1 Voung A Carl, K. W. cor. 7th and Vine its..

Ill Cincinnati, O.

LIGHTS. : PLAYS AND MSS. Beacona. Torches—For Circui and Tent Bhowa. 1 . P*?'®" _ Bolte A Weyer, 8 E. Michigan at., Chicago. ' Dlclt A Fltre.-rald. —.1 .Ynn at.. New York (Mty. IT. 8. Tent A Awn Co.. 22 28 N. Deaplalnea ' Adolph E Ite.m, Station It.. Mllwauke,.. Wla.

Job. Mencheu, 360 W. 60lh at.. N. Y. C. LIGHTS. L'niversal Elec. Stage Lighting Oo.. 1393 Broad. Beacona, Torcbea—For Circui and Tent Bhowt. !

way. New York City. Bolte A Weyer, 8 E. Michigan at.. Chicago. '


BAND MUSIC. Fillmore Music House, 628 Elm at., Cincinnati.



It., Chicago. HI.

MAGIC LANTERNS. Stereopticons, Etc.

M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’way, N. Y. C. Amer. Vltagraph Co.. 116 Nassau st.. N. Y’. C

FEATHER FLOWERS. DeWItt Sisters 147 W. 46th st.. Chicago. 111.

De Monlln Bros. A Co.. 1030 S. 4th st.. Green- T. O. Mott. 416 Dearborn st., ('bicago. 111. ville. Ill

Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland ave., Cleve land O.

The Wendell Grtx-nnoud Co.. 122 So. 4th at., .Mlnne«iM>lls. 51 nn.

BANNERS. V. S. Tent A Awn Co., 22.28 N. Desplaioea

st., Chicago, III.


C. M. Stebblna. 1028 .Main st., Kansas City, i Ylo. I


Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co., 27 Great Jones st. New York City.


POP CORN. ItirnhIrK'T Puia-om Co.. 185 Seneca st., Hnffala Itiierklielm Bros. A Eckstein. Harrison A Peoria

ats., Chicago.

POP CORN MACHINES. Vi. Z. Lung 172 High st.. Springfield, O.

PORCUPINES. P.ainiK-rg Magic and .Novelty Co.. 1193 Broad- Unwoofi H Flint. N Waterford Me

way. N. Y . C. ,x. .


National Tissue .Mfg. Co., 53 Rockwell Place, Amertesn Box Ball Oo.. 1260 Van Buren st. Brooklyn, N. Y. Indianapolis, Ind.

Armltage A Guinn, Springvllle, N. Y.

Manufacturers, Dealers in and Rental Bureaus. HerBchelLSplil*ms^'Co*’,"'':^ 'r'mawanda. N. Y. American Film Brokers. 157 4tb av.. New York. w. F. Mangels Co., Coney Isltnd, N. Y.

PORTABLE PIANOS. The Coluiiibiit Plano Co., (’oluinbus, O.

PRESS CLIPPINGS. Kurrelle’s Press Clip Bureau, 45 l<afayetta st..

New York City.

PRINTERS. Of Pictorial Posteri, Big Typs Btaada,

Btreamert, Etc.

BOnKINfi AflPKiTcl Francisco. Rudolph Wiirlitter Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. □ wurcimva MUHIN Ixa. Cincinnati Film Exch.. 214 W. 5th at.. Cin’tl. .tadv rnnnc HoriM rrawcDKi

Amateur Acters’ League of America.. 1931 Crawford. O. T., Film Exch., 14016 Ixx-ust st., wlll-IIAHY UUUUb PKUIVI UUVHKIN- Broadway, N-w York City. St. LouU, Mo.; LouUvllle. Ky.; New Orleans, MENT AUCTION.

Ted Sparks’ Vaudeville Clri-ult, Century Bldg.. La. Francis Bannerman, 601 Broadway. N. Y. C.


Broadway, N-w York City. Ted Sparks’ Vaudeville ClrC-uIt, Century Bldg..

Kansas City, Mo.

BOOK AND ROYALTY PLAYS. Bennett’s Dramatic Exchange, 59 Dearborn at.,


MENT AUCTION. Francis Bannerman, 501 Broadway. N. Y. O.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Edison Mfg. Co., 10 Fifth sve., N. Y. C.; and American Film Broken. 1.57 4th av.. New York.

Orange. N. J. Amer. Vltagraph Co., 116 Nassau at., N. Y. C.

PRINTERS. Of Theatrical Letterheads Contrmeta sad

Prog-vma. Cburrli Printing Co., 416 Pliu at.. (Inclnnatl. O

RIBBON FLOWERS. .Mn. J. Schafer, 96 lieonanl st ’ nsiklyB. N.Y.

ROLL TICKETS. H. A ll. Film SiTvlce. .360 Monadnock Block, Amer. Film Service, ”77 8.‘ Clark at.', Chicago! ‘

Film Serv. 15s N. Main at.. Memphis. ticket Co.. Shatnokin, la. Amer. Film Serv.. 168 N. Main at., Memphis. Ant|.Trust Film Co., 77 6. Clark at.. Chicago.

1 Clevela^^ O * ^ " Bid*-, fl.nmoot Co.. 124 E. 25th at.. New York City. Chicago Film Exchange. 46 Jackaon Blvd., ( hi k ’ o,,oA,_ lAtemmIe Film Servb^ H*6 I^ake it., Chicago; cago.; Omaha; Denver; Salt loke City; Sai f BURNT CORK. M Stelu Cosmetic Co.. 1392 B’way, N.

CALCIUM LIGHT. Ox-Hydrogen Gai Hanufacturen.

Evinsvllle, Ind.; Mempbia Tenn.; Omaha Neb.; Salt Lake City; Minneapolis, Minn.;

Fra nclaco. Cincinnati Film Exch.. 214 W. 6tb at., Cin’tt.

Portland. Ore.; Montreal, Que.. Can.; Wlnnl Crawford, O. T.. Film Exch.. 14016 Locust at.. peg. Man., Can.

S. liiibln, 926 Market at., Phllsdelpblt, Pa.

R08ECAKE MOLDS A T. Dletx, 127 Michigan M., Toledo O.

ROUGE. M. Stein Coametlc Co.. 1392 B’way, N. Y

“SAYSO” CONE BAKERS. st. LouU, Mo.; Loulavllle. Ky.; New Orlaana, ^ j, Michigan at. Toledo «.

American Cal. L ght Works, 56 5th sve., Chi’go I Msgnetlc Film Service, Cincinnati. O. (?lnclnn«tl Calcium IJgiit Oo., Ui8 4th. Cin’tl. ■rker Bros., 664 Olive st. St. IaouIs, Mo.

C. J. Murphy. Elyria. O I Nov. Mov. Plc. Co.. 422 Turk. San Francisco.

Edison Mfg. CO.. 10 Fifth are., N. Y. C.; and (irangs. N. J.

SCENIC PAINTERS. And Dealers in Scenery, Etc.

Gaumont Co., 124 K. 2.5th it.. New York City. | Ihigene (;ox 1628 Van Buren st., Olrago. Pittsburg Cal. Light A Film Ca.. Pittsburg, I Ohio Film Exch., 2<'> K. Bread at.. Columbus, O. Harbach A <io., fBbert at.. Pblladslpbja. | Francis C. **wyer, ’£11 K. Mth at., N. Y.

I’a.; lies Molnea, la.; R.wheater. N. Y.; Lin ] Pathe Clnematogr.nph Co. 41 W. 2.5th at., N.T. H * R- f**™ Service. 360 Monadnock Block. Rnkelioll Art (o.. 6.106 N. 27lh at.. Omaha, Neb coin. Nell.; Cincinnati, O.; Omaha. Neb.; I Pittsburg Cal. Light A Film Co., Pittsburg. (Thlcago. III. llerfurth, 218.3 J*«‘ne at , ( Inclnnatl, O.^ — ..» I 1-1 .. X-I-,— Aoo a.x XI V c I .fii,, Myers Co.. Inc., 144 N. 3d at., Htaaibaovllla, WUkea Barre, Pa.

It. Luula (Mlc. Light Cd., 516 Elm. 6t. Laula

CALLIOPES. •ec. Krati, 'Evansville. Ind.


i'a.; Dea Moines. la.; Rncheater, N. Y.; Lin B. Klelne. 602 6lh ave^ N. Y. C coin. Neb.; ClnclnnaU, O.; Omaha, Neb.; Leemmls Film Servl.-e, 196 Loke at., Chicago; Ohio. . , . ^ ruj WUkea Barre. Pa. RvansTtUe, Ind.; Memphis rsmi.; Omtbs. ! iScbell’a Scenic Studio, .329 Sycamore st., Oaloi

'.•urdy’s Film Exchange, 300 I. 23d it.. Nsw Y’ork City

Southern Film Exchange, 17 Opera ITace, Clc clunatl. O

Neb.; Salt Lake City; Minneapolis. Minn.; 1 bus, U. Portland, Ors.; Montreal, Quo., Can.; Wlnnl- Snainan A I.iandls Co., 417 S. Clinton, Chlcags

W. 8. Motmtford. IOC Malden l..ane. .New Y’ork. ' South. Film Exch., 246 Main. Norfolk Va.

I>eg Man., Can. S. Ixihln, 926 Market st.. Phllidsiphia, Pa. Magnetic Film Service, Cincinnati. O.

Toomey A Volland Scenic (k>., 2312 Market st.. HI. Loats, .Mo.

Howard Tuttle. 1202 Center at.. Mllwaokaa.

MARCH 26, 1910. Billboard 67

SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. B*itj-W<io<1 I’lino I’liyiT t<o. Kxii<>ii« City, Mo. Ly\m * Iloaly, W ilmsh ClilrjKO, Ill. Budnipb Wurlltrn itifl Chlrago. U. 8. Mtulo Oo.. I9;i!» N. VVcKirrn ■»»., Cb'KO.

SHOOTING GALLERIES. B. B Illppla, NOK Vln«- at.. |•hlU.t•»|•hla. Pa. B. R. Hofftnan h H*>r) Jarkwm Hlvil., Ch'tfo. W, r. Manirelfi Oo. CmM^v iRlfinfl. N. V. i. J. Md^uUougb. Sh**rl<1an'M Walk. Coney la

land. N. Y. A. J. Simltb. .^47 W Van Huren at. Chlrago. Wm. Wurfflrin, 2<IH N. 2*1 M.. |•hll«•lelpbia. |

SHOW PRINTERS. j CalhooD Show Print CV. 950 at.. Hart- ' ”• J’''‘8*>t. Strawn IIMk.. Cleveland


Wm. Keek B S<m# Oo. 10 12 GarOeld Place. Clnelmiatl. <).

k. Kueger, .’>21 Walnnt »t. St. Ixmla. .\Io.

THEATRICAL LUMBER. lohn Gilleapie Lumber Oo.. Lumber B Seward

ata.. C'llcapo.

THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. Slegman B Well, 78 Wooster at., N. Y. C.


ford. Conn,

SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. s Rock. 728 Klue Inland are.. Chicago. IteMoulIn Hrua. B Oo., <2re«-uvllle. Ill. Knkeboll Art Oo., 5S<K5 N. 27lh. Omaha. Neb f. J. Hayden B Oo., lOtl Kn>a>lway, Rrooklyn. r S Tent B Awn Oo., 22 2s .N. ne«|>lalnra.

Chicago. lU. I

SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. | Wm. NeUofi. 8 r4>gMiWtfll Place N. CambrMge. |


SIGNS. * f%aae B:ec. Oo.. inc Prankltn at.. Cb'cago

SKATES. ABerIran Roller Kink Supply Co.. Sanduaky. O. CBIrago Roller Skate Oo., 1123 Waahlngtoa

Blvd., Cbicago. HI. M. C. Henley Klcbmond Ind. The Samuel Wlnalow Skate Co., Worreater,


SLOT MACHINES. Kumfactvrara of and Daalon in

Diamond Norrlty Co.. Schenectady, N. Y. A. J. naher B Co.. 4.14 Sd are., llttaburg. Pa. Ly«B B Healy. 2t)6 Wabaab avr., Chicago, III. Mllla Norolty Oo., Cftlcago, Ill. D. 8. Maalc Oo. If.19 N. Weetem are.. Ob'go. Rudolph Warittmr Oo., Cincinnati and CMcagn

SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTE. Olaha Oo., 1022 Main at.. Anderaon, Ind.

SNAKE DEALERS. W. Odell Learn. San Antonie. Tci. Amatrong Snake Go. San Antonio. Tex. Brewnarllle Snake Tarm. Box 27.1, BrnwnKvIlle,


SONG BOOKS. Wm W. Oelaner, 117 Park Bow. .N. Y. City, r. B Hubba. 284 William at.. New York City. Whtteaon Oo., 240 E. Madlaoo at., Chicago.

SONG SLIDES. For ninatratad Bongi.

Am. Tlugrapdi Oo.. IIS Naaeau at.. N. T. C. OBlcago Vikn Exchange. 46 Jarkaot Klvd., Chi

cago.; Omaha; llenvar; Salt Lake City; San rravclaco.

Okawford. 0. T.. Film Exch.. 1101 S lA>cuat at.. 8t. Lonla. Mo.; Loolavllle Ky.; New Orleana,

TICKET PRINTERS. irciia Ticket Co.. 3IK) Dearborn at., Cbicago. .National Ticket Co.. Sbamokin, Pa. Ree* I’rtg. Co.. Kith B Harney ata.. Omaba. Standard Boll Tlcketa 181 Pearl at.. N. Y. C.

TIGHTS. Slegman B Well. 78 Wooater at., N. Y. City.

TOY BALLOONS. Slegman B Well. 78 Wooater at.. N. Y’. City. Newman Mfg Co.. 641 Woodland ave.. Cleve¬

land. O. Shryock Todd Co.. 824 N. 8th at.. St. Louia Ma Singer Broe., 82 Bowery. New Y'ork City. Wr’eatem Bargain House. 272 E. Madison, Cb'fo

TRUNKS. Belher Trunk B Bag Co.. 162 Columbia ave.,

Pblladclpfala. Pa. B. B. B B. Trunk Co.. 447 Wood at.. Pltte-


TURNSTILES. I (Reglftaring) and Coin Cimtrolled Tumatilea.

H. V. Bright. Strawn RHg.. Cwvelaod, O.

UNIFORMS. DeMoulin Broa. B Co.. 103<i S. 4th at.. Green¬

ville, UI. Weatem Uniform Co.. 214 Clark at.. Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Pacific Coaat Amiiaement Co.. American Bank

Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. T*<1 Sparks Theatrical Exchange Century Bldg..

Kansaa City, Me.

WATCHES. Shiigp Co., 220 Mad son st.. Chicago,

roa.. 82 Bowery, N. Y. City.

WIGS. Make-up and Tricot Masks.

Berry Ewing Supply Hemse. Decatur. III.

WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. Putnani'i Pet ami Wild An’msl Store.

W’aahlngton st.. Buffalo. N. Y. IXMila Ruhe. 248 Grand at.. New York.

WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES. Reach. George A.. lOp Frlendahlp at.. Provl

dence. R. 1. T. O. Mott

\ Shii|p Sliiimr Bn

M. B H. Wltn Service. Sflo Monsdnock Block, CMlcego Ill.

Laemmle Film Service 106 I.ake st.. Chicago; ■vaaevllle. Ind.; Memphis Teno.; Omaba. Neb.; Salt t>ake City; .Minneapolis Minn.; Portlaad, Ore.; Montreal. Que., Can.; Winni¬ peg. Ma*., OtB.

Lekt Shore Film B Supply Co.. 341 Superior at., Cleveland O

Levi B Co.. 64 B 14th at . Philadelphia Pa.; Cincinnati, O.

Wovelty Slide Co. 221 E .Vld st.. N Y C. B. Lnbln »26 .Market at.. Philadelphia. Pa

SOUVENIRS. H C. Wood B Co. 112 Fifth ave Chicago.


415 I>earbom at., Chicago.


•Inger Bros . 82 Bi'wi-rv. New York City

SPECIAL SLIDES. For All Purpotet.

Brayton Mfg Co.. Kedrle Bldg., Chicago.

SPIRIT GUM. M Stein CHiemetle Co.. 1.392 Ifway. N Y. C.

STAGE HARDWARE. J R- Clanoey. 247 Selina at., Syracuse, N. Y.

STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. Joe. Mrnchen Electric Co. .369 W. .KUh N.T.C.

STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. i Natlaaial Stereograph Ca. 209 S7tb at., Chlrago. I


Ooe. Yonge Co., 904 I>ucaa ave., St. Luula, Mo. F M. Davis Soap Co.. .12 Union Park PL. Ch’go i rrancla Ficke, 1778 Poet San Francltco. Cal. 1 Gordon B Morriaon. 199 201 K. Madlaon, Chicago 'Jrldherg Jewelry CV>.. Ill W. 6th at., Ksnaat

nty. Mo Ouldamith Toy Imp. Co.. 122 K. 4tb Cincinnati. Holiday Novelty Mfg, CO., .17 Great Jonea at..

New York City. levtn Rroe., Terra Haute. Ind. Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland, Cleveland. O. J F. Powell. Waukegan, 111. Shryork Todd Co . 824 N. 8lh at.. 9t. Ixsils Mo N. Rtmre Co., 220 Maillson at.. Chicago III. Unger Broa., 82 Bowery. New York City. Aleck Mfg. Co.. 126 Frenklln at. Chlcar'. HI- Weatem Bargain House, 272 R. Madison. Oh'go Harry Welsbauni. 2.'>tl Madison at., t'hlcago. Whlteaon Co.. 24o K. Madlaon at., CYilrago. Toet A Co., *00 Flllwrt at.. Philadelphia Pa

TALKING PICTURE MACHINES. Oanmont Co.. 124 E. 25th st,. New Y.vrk tnty

TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Bdw. B Brown. 1221 Market st.. St. IahiU, Mo.

TENTS. Baktr B Lockwood, 7tli B W*yan<lotte ata., Kan-

aaa City, Mo. OelxRnhus Tent B Awn On.. Cohimbua. O. Cerate Gotidle Co.. .107 ivlawere at., Kansas

Olty. Mo Dongharty Bros.' Tsnl t\v. 109 S Main at..

8t. I,nnla. J. r. (bos A Co. Detroit, Mich D M Krrr Mfg Co 1(8*7 W. Madison. CTi'go ' W. H. laishhaiigh, Covington. Ky. Murray B Co., lip-., 640 Merbllan si Chlrago. IlMtaison B Vandiveer, 816 E. Pearl. Cincinnati. D. S, Tent B Awn. Co.. 22‘28 N Drsiilalnes,

Chicago Ill.

THEATRE FRONTS AND CEILINGS. Banneberg Booting A Celling Co.. Canton, 1).


^ST B COMPANY. 900 Filbert Street, It-aublixhed 1870), Philadelphie.

New, Enlarged. Illustrated Catelogue


W« WRBt th« futur* dAtM of your Food Show t* pAbllah 1b tb« ABhnrl- CAB BATBrac* And Food Journal with B«cr«tAry’g name.

PROMOTERS ■and ua your nama and addraas and auch news of yaur plaaa that you

erlah publUhad.

DEMONSTRATORS exhibitors will want denaonatratora. If you are the Baan ta Biaka a

rood aplal, wa ou^ht to haya your name and addraaa.

DECORATORS Booth dacorators ara in demand. The Food Shew Bxhlbltlons la

Itlb are solng t.j be held In all parta of the United Btataa. Keep poaBad by raadlBB the American Beyerace and Food JoBmal.

EXHIBITORS If rou want to reach the exhlblt^K wha make It thalr baalBaaa ta

place thalr producta In axpoaltlona, adfertlae 1b the AmarlcaB Bayarac# and Frod Journal.


We Have the Best Advertiser Yet Invented


CALLIOPE For Circuses, Shows. Excursion Steamers ; Floating Theatres, Specialties of all kinds i We have sold them to advertise even Soap j and Extracts. THOS. J. NICHOL dt ' CO., S. E. cor. Paarl and Ludloav Straats, Cincinnati, O.

Pockat Trick FREE Incluitlnit cmtalogu*. Send 4o iMwtage. Dept. M., 3148 State Street. Chicago.

FOR SALE -^-MnrloiH'ttt**, S wpII fl^nres. ’ 28 In. high; one Marionette Stage Curtain; one i Trunk, 32 In. First $;2i taki-x them. ZEB ' ADAMS. Gibbon. Nebr. j

FOR SALE. TENT SHOW—.'>0 ft. Bouml Top. i 3t* ft. .MUItili-, Bale Kinga. ;U* ft. Poles, large j Maniiiee. 14x24 Stage on Jnrko, 4 lenglho Be j KiTveil Seats, 4.'> lu-w Fohllng Chairs. 2 t.lKk* ' raiidle 1 aiiips. all Poles. Stakes. Ko|h'S. etc. [ Kverytliliig first elass Cheap at ontv for cash. i i.i.iwov.... ••'Tirikr'r Qurtti.* »» nw;_ ■V.l.lress "TENT SHOW." Billboard. Chicago.

FOR SALE—Fri-ak SUt»ep, 5 well tleveloi>eil legs with hiH)fs. gooil coiulltlou: Is a gelding; ag>' 16 months olil; weight 1(8* isxinds Whole show In Itself. Price. R. E. SCHUBERT. 28 Eait Montgomery Ave., N. S., Pittiburg, Pa.

FOR SALE -FiiH-ly eunlpiusl Moving Picture , Tln-altv' with stage, in the Ix'st town in Iowa. |

I No o|iposlllon. 18ms a g<KMl business the year! Dxiiul. UeaH<xis for si-lllng. going West; innst

I Im> sold i)ulck. a snap. .\ddr<'ss STAR THEA- I - TRE. Waiikon, Iowa.

I FOR SALE Only .ttnloine in town of 20.(88*; ' sa-ating capacity. 1.(88*: stage o|M>nlng. 2(*x2t*; I coven-d with sheet stisd. liM-at)Ml In lxisiiH-ss j illstrtct; .1 rvMint house on I'roiM-rty. Bent for ! Is'nse and .llnlotnc. *2t* iM>r month. .Iddress : GEO. L. SALBY, Jacksonville. HU.


Is the recognlxed organ of VandevlIIe Artists throngbont the world. Americans visiting In Ion don will find a friendly welcome at 14 Leicester Street, W. G. NEW YORK OFFICE. 86 W. Twenty-fifth Street; Telephone, 1772 Madlaon Square.__

WANTED LANDES BROS. SHOWS One good Promoter, two Door Talkers for Tyrolean .Mps and Electric Theatre. Want three or four jM-r cent. Shows; must be clean and refined, with good frame-up. Concessions wa^nteil; no gambling. High Striker and Novelties sold exclusive. Also w ant one big Sensational Fr> e .\ct; high dive preferred. Show oi»'ns about .\prll IS, in a real live territory. Capt. David I.alli|> write. Address all mail to LANDES BROS.’ SHOWS, Abilene, Kansaa.

Carnival Managers ATTENTION!

.\ 1 Wagon Front Carnival Co. wanted for Dunkirk, N. 1'.. this season; week of .Inly 4 pieferriNl. under auspices of strong Fraternal Order, who have run one annually. Managi-rs ••xpi-<-tiiig t>> reach this section, please write WM. C. PERSCH, Sec’y., Dunkirk, New York.

All Acts Coming South, Get On the Live Line No acts too good for this circuit. .\ new ship with an old captain, who knows how to steer It. Imperial Grand Tht-atre, Houston, Tex., first station.

The K. & S. Circuit Ad<lr*‘S8 all mail to JAMES B. KELLY. Gen. Mgr., Main Ofllccs, 212-213-214 Beatty Bldg., 811^ Main Street. Houston, Texas. Long Distance Phone, 2367. _

Wanted Quick—Good Dog Act Also man and wife; man do traps, rings, bars. web., etc.; woman pl.xy piano, sight reailer ami fake; sketches; prefen-nce given to one who can dani-e; change for wtx'k. State riMXii car; under canvas; long season: salary sure. (Jood versatile i«'ople send photos ipiick: will return If not rngagtHi by us. Wire or write. K. B. Scinbb-r and wife wire pr>-si'Bt whereabouts quick. HAXLIE MACK SHOW'S, Magnolia. N. C._

Bobby Fountain R. R. Shows Want rtnua, S'llu Show. Arts am! Musicians. us«*ful iwviple doliiK tw’u or more acta. Oriental Hancers, I aily to hamlle snakes that other acts. IMlliHisters ami Workingmen. Sal ary low. Must join on receipt 4*f letter or wire. Year's enjraceinent: finest accoinmiNlatioim; ih*w

rullman iliner atnl sle«*per. Aihlress CLINTON, M(L 1*. S.—All jH'ople en^aKei report here .April TJth; acknowUnl^e call.


WANTED SIDE SHOW PEOPLE-Magician, good looking Girls fi>r BallyhtMi. Snake Charmer without Muiki's. one inaii llaiul. man to work box on Glass Stand. TatlisM-d Man. and giMsl Fri'aks. Good wanlnilM'. Send plioto. lowest salary .Io<> tJnilaii (Whtlev* write. CLIFTON WALIACE CO.. 622>, N. Broadway, Oklahoma City. Okla.

Train Man for Gentry Bros. Show Have for sale, 1 fa* ft.. 6 wh<-el trneks ear. ran 1«' useil for higgage or sleeping ear; also good calliope. For sale. 1 6.'> ft. haggagi- ear. two large eml ihsirs. four big side diKirs. six wheel trueks. In gmsl eonditlon. Frank M.sire, known as Red. six horse driver, write. Jack Muncy, carriage man. write. GENTRY BROS., Bloomington. Indiana,


Goml show town; nice In-jse; 8«'ating cav>aclty. 1,500. Want vaudeville or summer stock com panics at once to fill o|x‘n time.

X e Billboard MARCH 26, 1910.

uiell aud Cuk1>1>u. owDors) Illuatrated boiiki> soihI bouat*. Lonuan Ilowc'a I’lvturca 'H. (ih^M auU tb« Iluuiuilus Kinl; April 1. I.yiiiau llowv aiui luotioD plcturea; bualD<‘»fl gotid. »\V. K. Swainjceu, lutrr.»' l,alVarl Siatem 7 12; April 5. Vaugbau lllawr’a 8t. Elmu. ’ CORRESPONDENCE.

(Continued from page 66.)

and motion plcturea; bualneaa good. t\V. K. Swainxeu, mirr.)' l,alVarl Slatem 7 12; POUGHKEEPSIE.—C'CL.l.lNtjWtK)II 01*EKA only fair; pictures; Cook and Harrington, plc-

IIOl'HE (W. O. .Milliard, prop.) Tbe Detective tiire* H in. March S; fair returns. Margaret .\nglin In Tbe SALISBURY.—THE l'Al..ACK (Arthur A


Week of 14. Bayonne Stuck C«mi«ny in The Aa-akuuing of Helena KItcble 12; large returna. Flynn, mgrs. l Hal MurSaunt and Co., .Miss Kllun. mgr.l Tbe Hluckbead, 12, fair business; I'arlsb I'rleBf well iin-seuted. fair buslneM. Cncle Tom’s Cabin 141&; Grace La Rue In Klims- Kisiter. Mies DOM^y LaVern and pic- 1'be Elks Minstrels 14 16; Climax ‘23; St. Elmo Week of 21. same company in Confusion, a new I Molly May 19. tures week of 14 19. 26; Traveling .Salesman ’29. CX)USEL’.M RINK play. ItlJOIJ (J. C. Sutherland, mgr.; Felber ROCHESTER.—I.YCEU.M (M. E. Wolff, mgr.; OMIA tGray Hro#., mgrs.) Roller skating; fair busl play. HIJDU (J. C. Sutherland, mgr.; Felber nuGiiJiOit*.—I.ictu-M t.M. E. woin, mgr.; OMIA tv«ray iiroa., mgrs.) noiier skating; fair busl A Shea, b<K>klnK agental Week of 14. Echo K. & E., agents.l Grace Larue In Molly May. ness. Four, headliners, a quartet of singers, talkers 14-15, (deasing show to good business; Her AULIAHCE.—CDLl'MHl.V (J. Stanley Smith. 8APULPA.—SAl'CLI’A Ul’ERA HOUSE (C. and daiK-ers, the cv)medy of this quartet is the Husband’s Wife 19: Miss Inmtcence 22-23; I’ll- mgr.; Mose Reis Circuit 1 The Guy Slock Coni E- Van Orman, mgr.) Crane .Musical (Mmedy feature of tlie act and Is unusually k<ss1; Walker lam of Society 24 26; Queen of the Moulin pany wt>ek of March 7. presentml a fair line of Co. 6 9; ordinary company, small returns. The DeBell A: Co. In- rural sketch. Uncle I>avld, Rouge 28-30; Ruth St. Ilenuia April 8-9. attractions to large audiences; The tVixard of Climax ’20. THOMI’SON (G. B. Tbom|>auu. very well rtn-elved; Mr DeBell as Uncle David TEMI’LE (J. H. Finn, mgr.; U. B. O. agents.) Wiseland 18; Brewster’s Millions .Viirll 6; A mgr.) I’icturea to big business week of 6. was particularly go^; Evelyn Ward, comedienne Week 14 The Holland Heiuiea, mlnature music- Stubborn Cinderella 14; Lyman Howe’s Motion blCE.MC (J. L. Cas«-y, mgr.) I’Ictures and aougs. excellent; Bishop ami Crawford, a. and d., al comedy, good; Whitaker & Hill, musical. I’icturea 16. tlRl’llECM t\V. H. Crawford. f«‘*urna. OLYMl’lC (Jack Fllxhugh. mgr.) splendid act; N<‘d Rav, inonoloitiat, has some good; Charlotte I’arry A Co., sketch, good; mgr.; Gus Sun. liooklug agent) tluv’s MlnatreU I’icturea and songs. IXINVKNTIDN IIAld., (C. excellent stories; ’Three I’erry Sisters, in coni- Julius Tannen, monologue, fair; Rex Come«ly pr.-8,-nt)-d an act that pleaseil everyNsly; both Orman, mgr.) Roller skating, edy sketch of theatrical life. Too I.ate for Re- Circus, laughable; Aerial Smiths, ordinary; El 6rst part and vaudeville were goiid. Riddle and PENNSYLVANIA bearsal, fair: Tlie Raymonds. coiBe<ly sketch, Cota, musical, excellent; Wilson Bros., come- Rhyme, singing and talking, onilnary; Wayne nr-v t x-r-nsr-ri? very clever; Hanson and Miller, eccentric come- diaus, onilnary; pictures closed. BAKER (D. Christy, black face comedian, aougs went well. «* .*^*^'—''-'■‘-'•AN Ol’ER.k HOI'SK dicnnes. verv gissl; Miss Hanson’s burlesque on M. Cauffman, mgr.; l>oew Circuit.) Harry l.a Jokt*s were olil; Rots- .kdell and Jack McKeever Edwin r. Gann-on, mgr. ami l)ookiug agt.) Jol Harry I.aud'er was esiH-clally gotsl; Carl Dam- Clair, good; Josephine Aunaley, singing, clever; . o<medy plavlet, 1 M ish 1 Had a Girl work of Amerliwn 'Tramp .Marcli 7; fair show to man Troupe of dare devil acrobats l)est (-ccen- Cyrano, Juggler, ordinary; Barry A Mlldre<l. I Miss Adelle very clever; Jack Hall' in Ulus l’rl«-«- and Butler, thre*- nights, trie act seen at this hous)-; Kulleroo Brothers, sketch, very clever; Bailey A Tear, colored, tratej songs, for we»'k of March 7- busint-ss I’lfJs. •' .MlnlsU-r’s Son. SI. Elmu and head balancers, and BiJougTa|>h roumled out a i good; Killian & Moore, a. A d., fair; pictures verv goisl. I’RINX'ES}? iti<-orge I aaos iiiirr i tbums; g<asl attraction and IhisIim-sm w-ell balanced bill. ORl’HEUM (IVAngells A [ closed week 14. COOK O. H. (F. I.. I’ary. Motion pictures. EDlSDM.k iT V Keaniej- ^’*** '■^•’l from Re<’l«r’a 28. SCE.NIC (Clay IVeRoss. mgrs.; Sam Meyers, booking agent) mgr.; S'. A H. agents.) 14-16 The Girl and mgr.) Motion pictun-s. lA'lllC (F A Hart- **■'**"- mgr.) .Motion plctuis-s; large bualn Hoff. Howard and Wilson, in comedy sketch, the Detective, good show- to big business. In j,.i) ‘ mar i Motion nlctiirea Motion nletnre fiio news. On Time, headliners, very well received: ‘Tom I’auania 17-19. I’lerre of the I’lains we«-k 21. I .trea reoorl biisim-ss iiiiornveit ^ BUTLER.—MAJESTIC (Geo. N. Burkhalter, _____ n-.- k.. . rwniVTVJiAM iv N '^'I’ori niisimss improved. m.i- > u-iii.r.) ...h w-.k.— _

Co. in St. Elmo week of 14; capacity bous<>s; Bwk.^mgr. 1 ’Tlie Mummy and the Humming Buhl, mgr.) Martelll and Rossi, siuKlng; Dixon I Bird 7; good to fair business. Graham Stock and Nelson, acrobatic act; TbrJ-e llarrla’ Bros., in Flkys; The Ste|)Son, A Fool of For clog dancers; I’eler Alvin, gymnasts; Vas|ier, J tune. The Two Onihans, Kathleen Mauvour- monologulst; pictures: w*s-k of 14; big nqurns.

vsiiit.o'Ple stars nar evcellent- Tom .Smith and "eea oi is, capacity uoiiw-s, , 7 - .—■; losr.) .oaririii auu ivossi, aiuging; inxon Vhri. ViachoL vote titt tni' act rectjiod Company In Sweet Clover week of 22. to f^r bualness. Graham Stock and Nelson, acrobatic act; Thr.-e llarrla Broa.,

ti/1 niT c.tTiVr TL iVnt^ v^ettf’ EMPIRE (W. H. O’Neill, mgr.) Washington ‘o. 14 19. I’jays; The Ste|)Son. A Fool of For clog dancers; Deter Alvin, gymnasts; Vasiier. -ral tiiiies, ^>«nk Ganlner anil Little \ Incent, goctety Girls 14 16; drew well. Miss New York. 'F*'*’ On'hana. Kathleen Mauvour- monologulst; pictures: w.s-k of 14; hig nqurns. s|wstaoular fantasy; The Sully family In A MOHAWK (Chas. Taylor, mgr.) East Lynne. Ih.wn on the Farm and The iXlMigUK (G. Slaokea, mgr.) Helen Atwell. Dress Suit Case convulsed the audleiice wltft Barton’s Big Gaiety Co. 14 16; busl- lt«“eh Mug. Best company set-u here. Big singer; BInndie Bol)laon and Co., sketch; Omegu lauglit«-r. Melh-vltt and Belly, rwalled «‘\eral ^ootl. The Bon Tons 17-19. STATE -YR IVlo. sketch; and plettui-a week of 14; good times: Lila Bradna and Ireilerlck. direct from mORY. .Manhattan Opera Co. March 18- Wal COLUMBUS.—GREAT SOUTHERN (Al Wla relurila New York ni|»po<lr«me. world’s greatest bare- ter Damrosch and the New- York Symphony mgr.; K A E. hooking agents.) Elsie BEAVER FALLS.—I.YCEUM 'niEATHE (8. back riders; concluding with the second annual Orchestra 30. ' •*•'**•* The E'alr Co Ed. 14; delightful ts-r Hanauer. mgr.) "nie Soul Kiss l.% business S l-all of the Hudson Theatre employes, which SYRACUSE—WIETING (John L. Kerr, mgr.; formanc- and a S. R O. bouse. Dark balance R. O.. iH-rformau.-e excellent; Eliery and bla w as <ne grand, big success, r,.1» Circuit 1 The Awakening of Helena Rltcble week. Henry Miller In Her Husband’a Band Ai)r. 1: Guy Stock Co. week of Apr 4;

AievA/ aacvi/'rv .March 7 8; Inrael 9-10; The Detective 'll 12. 2*-. COLONIAL (J. V. Howell, mgr.; The Three Twins Apr. 14. SAVOY THEATKE Ntw MtAILU. BASTABLE (Stepan Baatable. mgr.) Tlie Livid ' *'.h“he''t» lK>oklng agents.) Hello Bill by the iS. Hanauer. mgr.) Week of .Mar. 14. The

LAS VEGAS -DUNCAN OPERA HOUSE (Jas. TYnth 7 8; gool business. A Ih.U’s House «; t^onlal Stock (ompany. all week. This Is Two Lowes; l.olo Minton and Company; Frank

was <'De grand, big sueeess.


S. iMincau, mirr.) Widow Jon*^ March 9: f»bow and huaintf^as. 10-12. lb** Aral oi'iwpanj and It la Swain; Mr. and Mrs. Hrow; W. J. Kurtla and ‘imipany. poor liii^ineaa. TIk* TS'st. with t?RAND (Keith’s Vatidevlllri Matt Henaon. ^ Colonial patrona. KEITHS hit Barnyard rlrma; 3 llarrla Brotht^ra; Voaper WaKli 1C IVarr’a companion: Thomas and Hall, tniialcal i''***- I roaaer, J * B. O.l Mile. Daale the only and Ilyrtle Ndmio. Biialneaa and

NEW YORK. cotiMslv; Four RIanos. Cook ami Ixwenx come »‘^<^‘l>t»t>lp headliner In her dance and iierformance exev-ilent. DREAMLAND diaivs; Griff, tlje Juggling Jwter: 'The ",1“*"'"''’*'- 'v»ta and Teddy (a ATRE (F. E. McC'reary, mgr.l Motion p

from Yonkers, |>ieased; Paul Stephens, one.leg IROWTON. M.YSONIC )B. F. Kllsl)erry. mgr.) ; agents) Mile. Vateska. ainging eomollenne, Symphon.v Orchestra March 31. JLFFLU- p^lp climber, 6ne-. Eddie Mack, dano-r, , Elmo March .U) EMPIRE (Henry HunK-r. scorwl; Yoi«-o and TIpaldl. musicians, pleafu-d;

Muldoon, mgr.) -The Detective Mar. clever. World and Kingston, good; Temple Quar "'f -' Ih.tib.v Burgess, comedian, fair: Marshall Dave Gaston, character comi-dian. well rvcelved: 16; .Miss (.race I.aKui- In Molly May Mart-h 1); | tet, well rendered numlx-rs. pictures week of Bp>s.. ph.vslral culture, very clever: N.-d W.ssi | and idetup-s March 14 16; g.KNl retiirna Anna ^£5 ^*''1,.''’®® Kwtor s April 5. HAl I YLAND I J4 UTICA PAI.M GARDEN (Wm. Andrews, i entertainer, fair; Dainty June R.dH-rts and , IJoyd. Wills and Gilbert and Herbert Gillette

) Vaudeville. COLUMBIA MUSIC HALL I >■> The Doll Maker’s Dream, took well: Wm. ! March 17 19. PASTIME (I. M Thomas, mgr.) 14. Kotn-rts and Beswlck. sketch; Mls.s I a^re., | (Sam Gutstadt, mgr.) Vaudeville. HII’PO | Eske. magician. goo<l; Gordon anil Henry, singing Vauilevllle and pictures: giwsl attendance. iT'".*’.*'*'** ■ '•lies, character singing; Burt DROME IP. F. Clancy, mgr.l Axtell. and ! *"•• dancing, well ri-celve<l; motion plcturea and JEWEL (S. J. Keyi-a. mgr i Plctnrea and songa ViTi.Tl!'."'!-.. Heine, burlesque on mind reading, fine James ' lllustrateil songs: big business week of 7 excellent business. CASINO (H. T. Drake, Tit- r.i.Jt)'. ■ ■/'<• P't^fhres.. B^- Finnernan, clog dancer, fine; Glick. Imperson- 1 SCENIC (Hugh Cameron, mgr.) Motion pictures mgr.) I’Ictures and aonirs. Iisveler. Martelll. mechanical doll novelty, i and nhistral«Ml songs. NATIONAL KINK (E. HAZLETON. THE PAI ACE THEATRr (Jaa

week March 21 MOTION WOHI.D (F M Iiav I tPfJ-• Bets Circuit) Israel MANSFIELD.—MEMORIAL THEATRE (Al 16, J. H IJrhter. fair oon)edy aketch. The

noiier Skating and races. Five mile heel and hooking agent) Rviki Finenmn A Weehsi^ iii ii-i-^r: .vi)))e i)a)e bum, hakhibbumu. the .MAJESTIC (M H. tis- walking contest March 8. between W. A. • nJini iei a it-i Rpifher In Parlor Pasllmea. exm-lb-nt art; i Metrtck. mgr : M Mels, booking agent) The Hoaglatsl. etramplim of the world, and Tom Sla- ^de^^ dan^^Js mVenV^?" T..^mv Whltl^' "V- t’l, “i" )‘'i ^ Cham,.lln (’o. week 7: ffne showa ter chsmplon ..f Canada, won by Hoagland; .h,Ilorla Ihmner, Ten Dark Knights^ Miialcal and goid patronage Geo. Sydney 1.1; nice pro event dr.-w g.vsl sixeil audlenres. Toe wine.. al-TinFP ’/it.” n ''®‘‘ • Bangley ami Knid Gray. dnctlon and fair business Girl from Rector’s vent tir,-w g<»si siwsi- autiienres. pictures, business line. ANTIQUE (E. P

KINGSTON.—KINGS-niN OPERA HOUSE (C. Frazier, mgr.; Gilmore. Oswego, N. Y.. book NEWARK. — ORPHEUM THEATRE (Gus 1«: Ellery’s Band 17; Tom lew-la 19 THE

■ng plctup-s and m>ng% 14 16. LYRIC (Thom Peaboily. mgr,, Moving plctur*-s and songa 14 19 mgr.l Tlte House Next Door March


(DIARLOTTE—ACADEMY' OF MUSIC (Jno NEW PHILADELPHIA. — UNION OPERA HOUSE (A A IV.wera. mgr 1 Al H Wilson, i Win*-. Woman and Song ma>le an atisplcloua 17; St. Elmo 21; Granatark 24 THEATORIUM. ‘’I"*"'"* ^‘■m T Jacks Bur 10; packed botis.-s to pleased audience. TtK- j Hi E'm'* 21: Granatark 24 THEATOBIUM. -id v

... , - I.rman Twins 11 • iilea«<-d fair braise V’letor Moving pictures and songs by Mr. Muriihy. •es<|in-rs will follow 21.

.;g"“.g;^v.'we:kTi,.Vc‘h'u’S,^.'‘'i"n'd"^^^ !;"?’■ •"«

y'h':? -rz,; r:z.r.zr:x m".?^^urtlr"■^;v';^i^‘^4"'r,:;..’'.‘' y'/,Jrns' . tec • V^;:l,r'7ke?,^ 7li s -nad^ 16 •’’.Hter IWn 17; Girl at the Helm 22

'all that helos *the 'iVf -rC PoUen Twins. I rails.. Hmlson. Farlow arwl mind reader, elever: (X,as "tHo ,.^So ..d inte^^M thev a^e '’’^MO fCmtls WIehe. mgr.) Burro.,gh and Co . hit: 'Top.c and W.-st Am-; .rtl>qs mellow aU nbnhie fe^T^ Relnfleld’s laidy Mlnstp-Is 14 19 i

JIcGralh and Yeoman, coinie sketch. The I.una-

Movlng pleliires ami songs by Mr. Muriihy. lesqin-rs will follow 21. EEHARUS 7.00 Prin BIJOU'. G<ks1 vaudeville bill and moving pie- , ress Dixie and lier d.-n of |M>rformlng panthers tiiroB are well received. Business Is at the top

PIQUA. MAY'S Ol’F.RA HOI'SE (C 11 May not'-h mgr.l Grsustar Marrh 14: Y’lgrel'a Mlflstri-Is | JOHNSTOWN.—^AMlIItlA (H. W Sherer, 16 Duster 17: Girl at the Helm 22 mgr.l Tlie Cat and the Fiddle 1(1. |>lease,l large 1(I.U)U Era .tllen. mind reader, elever: Clias aiidlem-e; 'Th.- Yankee lYlnci- 14. gave satis i Chander Twins I rails.. Hmlsr.n Farlow and I Kr* mind reader, elever: ( sudleme; The Yankee lYlnn- 14. gave satis

a 1 ha liel|,K the act; 1 he Goltlen (»ate | t4 19 M.AMO (Curtis Wit.he mgr ) i Burrroigh ami Co., hit: Trq>ac ami W.-st Aim.; faction. g<««l slze.1 aiidlenre; Black I’attI 18 o ,-olor..d entertainers, th.j *re colored | ^,''’'7^,I^dv MlnstD^ 14 19 ’ picture.; doing grs.1 busing I'AUK ( H W. Mn-rer. mgr I and ptet lists mellow voices and nimble feet: | '' I4 1.) |i ......... .. __ ures; g.aal retnrna. MAJESTIC (M J Itoyle,

Y-vengala. asslsf-.l by Mile. Mlm-rva in fealii ' CONCORD —NEW OI’EKA HOUSE (S A .'*‘"’'1^’ mgr.l Toita, T.q.«y and T.q* goml El Bait..; of thought traiismitlon and hypnotism: they do Srhioss. Wilmington. N C.. b-see and mgr.; JV‘." .. II.''. ••”’ merry wizard, pleasing; G.sifrey and Hen the same old stunts which nr-ver falls to pleas.- L. C. BII.-s. I.K-al mgr.: K. A E.. booking agents) i;,^TIONAL G. IlartslKim. mgr.; Hun 4ers..n In A Daughter of the G<m1s. well re- the audience; Mt^Doln and Shelly, singing and The I.ynian Twins March 12; played to capacity , . 6 B'‘''»man a I-'uns: DuBerre Trio. v.K-al- c.* Four fb-Wolfs. Juveniles, very clever: -lancing, fair; Ilaroiey and Alcott. sketch team, hnslm-ss. The Twins are v.-rv clever In their Murray and Hamilton, mimedy sketch; lUwley and Haight In Tho Barnllt. v.-rv goiMl;

• ery goo<1. n.-w farm- comedy The Prize Winners and scored i Anthony. ''7Pt'‘'ll**. ••’‘"Jj of 14; giesl show ('ck und lorena, coiin-dlanB, goisl line of NEW ROCHELLE.—I.DEW'S NEW ROTH- : another hit In C..ncord. Prince of Patches w.-ll palronlze.U PALAf E »A C. Ir-ns. mgr.) nylng Martina, thrilling iH.rf..rmance;

EIJ.E THE.YTRE (Ixs-w Amuse. Enterprise. March 21: T..m[<oit and Sunshine 24. THE Be<'se Bros, *u6 Djutiir.-s- go.,.! aliow *rci*k of 14. Heldy and OonrI.-r; Tom Barry ►M>oklnfr Harry iMill. mjrr.l W<*^k of THKATOUlT'Nf ^rhaR. lR»*nhour. mirr.) fV>ntlTi ^ f i*^ i'o.; rinlormm Broa.; I’aui IsU March 14. IVarl Stcvonn. vpry jfooil, to <io raparify htialn'^a with inorlnjc filr- , y?***r/ g? * " hoal- lanii* |*arry. Murray K. Hill aiwl Tlip t#n*at hor playing on the hanjo exceptionally clever; tuna. THK BASTIMK (J. K. Stone, m^r > ''!****'. ^ ^NTRATs BINK (J. M. (torman. m^r 1 Wraton. week of 21. (J. II. K«*ley. Harry Franklin, nlnper and tnoDoIotriat. fair; H^dnjr larire hnafneaa with movlntr plcturea. J^itaHnK and orrh«*atra c<incerta: hualncaa fair, imfr Vatidevllle and iilctnri*. U'oni and Hale In a alntfinjf aketch. a very Hnrlnjr wm-k of March 7. Walter B Henry. WILMnrOTON.—WIIsMINOTHN O I» E R A LAKCASTER.^KITHTON ii\ A. Yeckea. claasy act. Mr. T,4*oni has a tnasrntflceiit voice with h!a fariioiiH palntlnjra did capacity bual' HCH'SK (Wllinlntcton Theatre C'o. mirra.) Mar. tnitr.) trentlenian from Mlaalaaippi N; floe prea which he naea to excellent effi^ct and merited the neaa. ft. Pair of Poiintry K!da, attendance; 11, entatlou to capacity hiialneaa. The Girl fMMn atorm of applaiiae; The Great Shilllntr. Buma ROCKY MOUNT.—MASONIC OI»KU.\ ffOPSE Mother G<K»ae <lr»caH; 1H. Gentleman from Uector'a 12; tMialtM*aa. Helen (irayci* Slock and Burns, motion picture**: mdendid l>lll, Ko»»d CT. I. 'rrintrton. mjrr.: K A K . t>o^»klnK Mlaalaaippi (cancelled): 2.%. A (*owta»y tllrl. t'o meek of 14 American Idea 22; Folllca of attendance. LA BGCHKLLK THEATRE (Ilam Hjrentai Wldte Squaw 11: hljrhly entertaining (cancelled); 2tl, Paul Gilmore In The Mummy IIMHI April 1. FAMII^Y (Rdw. Moaart. mirr.'

rriukltD Ardflt aud (>>., Ten I<nM>k and Henry, ItradliiK 8lBtera, ilauillt4in and Itonc-a, William | iniluu. UHW iilctuD-a week of 14; liunineaa kumI. '

MAUCH CHUMK.—Ol'KHA IIOL'SK (E. J. I Mullen. uiKr.) iiigb Ibiller Hurleatjut-ra lU; one of ai-aKun a beat. IMcturea un off uighta. I.Y- I Kit' (J. E. Ilarleu, mgr.) Vaudeville and pic- curea.

P0TT8VILLE.—8I,ATE (IJoyd Neal, mgr.) Tliree I'oaattea, HeVoun Trio, Frey aud Flelda, ■ .eater Ib-riiard, piclurea week of 14; attendance unuaually large. ACADEMY OF YIUSIC (Cbaa. llauaKiuau, mgr.) Wllllama Ideala Iti; The Ulrl ' /rom Kector'a ID; Uoyal Welah Choir 11). CO l.r.MItIA aud l.ION. I'lcturea; giaid bualneaa.

READINO.—ACADEMY OF MUSIC (I’hll. , la-vy, mgr.; M. Iteta Circuit.) John K. Wllla | Mualral Comedy Company, week of Mar. 7. ' oKI'IIEUM ll-'rank Mill, mgr; Wllmer aud i v.ueeut Circuit.) William De Mott and Mile. | Eunice; Quaker Comedy Four; Stokea and ' Young. .^Ir. and Mra. .Mattbewa and picturea . wi-ek of 'J7. Ulb bualneaa. UKAND Ol’EKA IIOfS'E (C. O. Keeney, mgr.) Imkena Big Lion Act; Frank McCrea and Company; Calmer ' aud llumphrlea; Jane Addy and picturea 10 12 i 1'AI.ACE TIIEATKE (Ionia Jacuba. mgr.) The I O'Brien TroiiiH*; IteDloa Dog and I'ony Circua; Tranalleld Slatera; Eretto Bnia.; David l^'vlne; Shaeft-r anti Sbaefer, and picturea. week of 7. ' Virrolt, E.MI'IKK. 1‘AKI.OK. MBOCA, CICT ('KE1.AND and STAB, moving picturea and llluatrated aunga.

SHARON—MOKOAN ORAM) OPERA IIOCSE <0. B. Swarti, mgr.; Rela Circuit) George 8ld- | Dey In Th.> Joy Rliler b; pleaaed big Imhihc. St. ' Eliuo (return) U. fair btaiae ami |>erfurmance. The .Man on the Box 11; fair buelneKa. GA Bl.E'S (C. Gable, ntgr.) IVwcy ami Dooaldaon. I H.nie ami Tallatl. Jt*ruine Caa|i**r. Herman and i Ikarrla; fair buaiiM-aa. LCN.Y (Jullua .Moyer, ' mgr.) Capt. I.ewla. Florence Rayfleld. The Gee- . Jaya. Adonla and Dog, Geraldine .McC ann and 0>.; picturea; goial ahtm to S.R. O. AIJ»HA (M. C. Gratiam. mgr.; Polack Circuit) Steppe, ami Solaibr, I.ealle Featbera Sbarplev and Flynn. (Bwee Ogden. Let. and Earl. Blanche Meatb- anti tM>r dog. S|iarkltki; picturea.

WILLIAMSPORT. — LYOIMINC. OPERA HOUSE (L J. I'lak. mgr.) Th- 1 ;iiiWt*e Prince March 1(1; Hara Turner 17- liiret ba ance of week. FAMILY* (Fred M. latiuade, mgr.; ' Moaart f'lrriilt) Banda Utima. led by SIgm.r | Slrlgnano. headliner, acttred; Parker Hunter, I banjolat, clever; Maximo, wire artlat. pleaatsi; , Eva Weatcott. i.leaaing; leMalre and Horton. , ainglng and talking comedian*, i.leaaing; M In- : ter'a F-mr In A_Mlxed AITilr. laimh- ahle; picture*, week of iT: played to S. It. O. GR.WD. Vau.levllle anti picturea: bualne** gt*d OltPHEUM, Vau.levllle- buMtnea* gootl. LYRIC Picture*: g.MM buRltw**. FOUR NEY'S P.\I».\('E Skating. bu*lue*« good.


HOUSE (F. It. W'entlelaehaefer. mgr.) March 14 111. Jacob Padler an.I Ct. g.Hwl |H*rft.niiance and fair bu*ln..*. IMPERIAL THEATRE (F. Grey, mgr.) .March 14 r.. Ma.Iame Fannie Rein¬ hart an.I ('o. in uiualcal comedy: big bualne«a. March 17 ID. )Jt*.. Evan* ami hi* Honey Boy Mln*lre|«; excellent *bow and capacity bualneaa. EMPIRE THE.4TRE (Sol Braunl*. mgr.) Week of .March 14 Three Week*, with Mm. Jeanne Fowler an.I Rnt.ert E. 0‘Ct«m>r In the lea.IIng rule*. g.»«1 |B'rf..miance and capacltv bu*:ne**. WF-<TM1N.STEII THEATRE (('rf^... F. Collier, mgr.) W.-tk of March 14. The Dainty Duchesa Co.: another g.**! one: capacity bu«lDe«a. KEITH'S THE.kTRE (('ha*. lovenberg. mirr.) Week ..f March 14. h.-adlng tbe bill I* EtIward Davl* and Ct.. In The Picture of Dttrlan Grey, an arOktlc la-rf..nuance; The Frey Twin*, a great x.-t: itr.lfith. In aatonlahlng calculatlona, very cl.-ver: TYie Vivian*. In aharti ahtxttting, •bowing grt-at kklll: Rttrace Wright and Rene DIeirIf.'i. In a »lnglng act. excellent: Alf Grant, the fh.-er up ci.iii. tllan. g.«»t; Ruby Rayim.nd anti Ct... a .lelightful ainglng an.I dancing act; Edwiua Barry and ('o.. In Tbe H..nte Breaker, well retfivetl; Sidney Ib-aiie and <'o. In Xma* on Blackwell'* l«land. an old favorite- new mo¬ tion I.lrtiir.-* ciiii.lete the bill. BULI.OCK'S TEMPI E OF AMUSEMENT (Parker L. Burke. ■Dgr ) Vaudeville. Illiiatrattsl nttug* an.I motion idctur*-*: g.>H| hiialiieMi. SCENK' TEMITJC (F. W. Homan, mgr.) Vautlevllle, llliiatratetl *ong* an.I molbm [.Icliire*: gtHwl bnalnea*. N'lCKEL THE.4TRE )F W Weatgate. mgr.) Motion pic- tnrea ami llluatrattal nttoga; big bunine**. BI JOU THE.kTRF. (M. J. Rellley. mgr.) Motion picture* and llliiatratetl aong*: big bualnea*.


R Matthew*, mgr.) Creacent Comedy Co. 7 12; BXhM bualneaa The Time, tbe PI*-e ii tl the Girl S; (daye.l to a big b.Hiae, |>t'r'jrm*nce pleaami The Talk of New Y'ork 12. to gtod h.iuat-*; Moore waa clever a* Kid Buma. J. E lkid*oa IS: Forty Five Minute* fn.m Broadway 22. MAJESTIC (G. U Brandtlry. mgr I YY’eek 12. gt«*d bualnena. Nlcbula. Nel •t.n and N'lrh..|« were giatti with their hoop rol¬ ling. Mile Etlmontla, pleaat*!: Cunning, myatl- lled; Clarke and Pendleton In |Uaylet, were g."«l Week ID- Unthan. Tbe Two Joerw, loulae Hamlin ami Edith Noyea and Bert Itcnnon.

GREENVILLE.—GRAND (B T Whitmire, mgr.) M. ad.'W Brok Farm a. gtwal abtiw, bu«l- nea* fair. Shall Crow* Vance ('o., week 19; White Stpiaw -22: Graiiatark 24. CHICORA AUDITORIUM Central Grand (Vncert Co. 9. COIONI.M Sydney and Iwnler l>eW.tlf and mt.llon picture*. BIJOU. Motion picture*. P.>e Mill .Yuditorlum .Motltin pb'lure*.

ORANGEBURG. ACADEMY (J M G'Dtvwd. mgr ; K. A E., b.*.klng agenta) Tbe Tliue the Plat* ami tlie Girl March 7; S R )) broke all re.-.wila tlie houae. ami mtwe than p|ea*)s| .kmeabtiry S (Lyceum): large ami ap Itreclative amllence St. Elmo 9; matinee and night, largtwtt matinee ttf tlie *i*i*.>u amt very ap).re.-tathe: algtit Juat (Iftv more the S. R. «*. alirti w.aild have lit*.n put twit; play gave be«t ttf aatlafat-lltin. Tt*u|iewt ami Sunahlne 14; Creat-ent Ownetly (\i. week of 21.


I.. Walker, mgr.) Frank (bitch and ('o.. 11. caiiacliy hualiieaa; Mia* Grace ('ameron In Natii-y 12. g.itMl company, excellent bualneaa. BIJOU THEATRE (('. W (late*, mgr.) Klnga ton A KIngatou. wire artlata; Jemme A Jerome, the Flabeniian ami Frog; lad Berrl. aonga; KniKh anil Rime, ainglng and dancing; tnotVon picturea. excellent hill, big bualneaa, week 7. idle hour (C', T. Smlthera, mgr.) Motion picture*. excellent bualneaa AUDITORIUM (('haa Gotlachalk, mgr ) Roller akating.

SIOUX FALLS. NEW THEATRE (Frtal Be cm-r. mgr.) I.leuteiiaiit ami Hie CViwboy I.Y; giwal ahow to excellent patronage; St>rvant In the Houae IK; Aa You Like It ID 20; Polly of the Clrci). .'D). MAJKtVl'IC (Arllmr H.igamain. mgr.)

Featuring the character Imperaonator with ape- and bualne**. COZY (.Maurice Wolf, mgr.) ! Daring Darts, sensational mld-alr feo).*; he clal acenwy went big at each performance; lit. American Singing Four, La Belle Valcata'a BIJougraph; buaineas good. LYRIC ai:d SU- Juhn ami Bridges, clever sketch artUU; Art Trained Beam. Abbott A Alba In Office Hours, , PERBA ELECTRIC THEATRES. Bn-ttness cted Adatiiw eccentric ccanexllun. very good; Hugh and motion picture*, week 14. I.MPERIAL i with Illustrated songs and moving plcturt>8. tonmett and Co. tcored heavily with a veutrll- GKANDE (James B. Kelley, mgr.) Kleber, ! •aiulal act; Allen and Arnold, clever singing eiinlllbrlst; Tbe Mansfield*. dancers; Mlsa ' WYOMING, team; business very good. OLYMPIA (C. D. Pauline Mosson; Carlos Clayton, yodler; Black ! Adams, mgr.) Vautlevllle and moving picture* 4 l>-»lle, entertainer*, aud The Iinperialscoiie i LARMIE.—BOOT’S OPERA HOUSE. House lining excellent bimlne**. JEWELL and DREAM- '“■ek 14. E.MPIRE (K. B. .Morris, mgr.) dark. UNIY'ERSITY AUDITORIU.M. Adam Ii.\ND, with moving pictures, doli« fair Iwatl- , Vautlevllle and uiotiou pictures, drawing packed 1 Hetle gave very good addresa Mar. 5. new. ONirrA (S. B. Buxton, mgr.) VaudevRle /* * ai * r* * ami moving picture* to fair huaine**. HILLSBORO.—MAJESTIC (Bratcher and Tar- k/AI*ADA.

TENNESSEE. . HI* Last Itace 7 1), ex<;ellent performance, I n'“Y”t'*)*

MpPHIS -LYCEUM (S. Wela, mgr.) Week [flrf^Shatt^ck hu‘'fi"n1 ^ ^ i^^I^Tsh ■'Ir'' ‘tk®' ""'■•‘‘y ■“'1 Bessie Olfford return* *GOI DF\ rVbdrte’n t I *" Friend from Below week of 14. ACADE-

•M Twins; criticism TwA stantoni *^‘‘^a..iil^tmnat MIE (F. L. BIxby, mgr.) French Stock Co. In il* ^ stubborn Cinderella, Iml hin,)^.fr^ne >-* Tt.aca week of 14. ROYAL (0. McBrlen.

x’ul* t ' l'f o' hl' -es/ hH of season^ The Star Show Girls week of 14. CASINO Mttorla and Glorgetta, European equUlbrlsts. MARSHALL i-*ri iTOHirM <r ‘ 4 Mever* N. Shan>. mgr.) Cleveland’s vaudeville and

* “^olty; l^ester and Kellet, clever; : ••'JtllHL.M (L. fraNCAIS (H. Cnnnlng- Hal (tKlfrey A C«-. In A Y ery Bad Boy, nice f^^b^tne!^ rR^No'^iw' J^)i)^’ “>«•■•) Mme. Tettrazlnl and Co. 14; bal- character work: Su^rs. Uoakley A McBride In Oi^at I a^a^^ea 7^'^ eon.? of wik. Chas. Grapewin in The Awaken- Town Hall Mlnatrela, took well; McConnel * camcltv^S^ii^' ^ Ing of Mr. Plpp. ORPHEUM (F. G. Driscoll,

! Hu'" Lasr'Rac.?'"’*')*',^’’ ex<)e‘uent'‘“1)er‘form7nce“ MONTREAL, Gue—HIS MAJESTY'S (H. Q. pleaiMil large auiUeoce. Prof. Chas. Haynes anti Sbattui-k and Leroy, 10-12- big hit, fine : ;^tnrn*._ GOLDEN ((b>lden and Sandfrs, mgr*.) ^t

character work: Subers, Uoakley Town Hall Mlnatrela, took well r. .. .*••)( ot .vir. J'ipp. oni iir.)..™ tr. u. xtriHcuii, Siiupwtn In A Stormy Hour, a laughable sketch; wAC'o_xi’Iiit'iihti-m c'.HXr.i.i • mgr.) George Behan and Co.; Jack tbe Giant Ben Welch In Italian and Hebrew charactertaa- | k *''2 Killer; George Tatcher; Bedlul aud Arthur; tioua held an attentive audience; BuUer * ' 7 it. *„reaii^ ?..)t Madden and Fitzpatrick; Two Pucks and plct- Ba»*et, champion Ice akatera of the world. I*.”• audiencea. R.*e Mel- skating on real Ice manufactured on the stage. H’ perft«ma^e; ovT—rRAN’n (4i«VH* HOTTSF very gt»*l; motion picturea and concert by Or- i King Dodo II; fair production. —GRAND OI I^A HtWSE plit-um Orchestra of 15 aololata closed a well , house. Kelcey and Sbannitn In Tlie TYilef *,**’*.S. ** balanced bill. Week of 21 26, Sellgman A i ^2; excellent company, large house. VENDOME Three Twins 8 9: capacity at both matinee Rramwell; Amy Hutler A Quartette; Gruber A IBttx Bros., mgr'.; International Bi>oktng Age<n- ■“‘I evening performances; the big crowds turn- .Ydt-llna; Cross A Joaeiihlne- Carmen Troupe; Newton, Axliton ami Newton, cometly sketch, ** ecstacles. Grace La Rue In .Molly Ganluer A Revere; Temiiest A Sunshine Trlo' pleaaedffi Ratliff and Belmont, khooting. very M*y 10; company showed ar.lstlc ability; pictures. JEIT-'EILSON (A. B. Morrlaon, mgr.) Footl; picturea; big buadneaa. MAJESTIC (Box to exceptionally business, the L^t- VVeek of 14-19, Arvine Benton Stock in Elesnor Bros., mgr*.) W'hltman’s Comedians in reper- twuse of aeawn. Jeffe^n Daniels in The Glynn's Three Week*. This ends the engage- tolre. indefinite; big business. Beauty Sjiot 11-12; got^ bouse* greeted

luent of (hi* excellent company. Week of 2M 26. ! x/.r».a«a..e i^‘’n)^n‘')1. Zlnn's Musical Cometly Co.. In Tweezy Weezy. i VERMONT. i.Hon BIJOU (BenJ. .M, Stainback. mgr.) Week of; BENNINGTON.—OPERA HOUSE (C A i?,,? 04’’^^ ^^'rf'vnCTT's' (H'XJ G ^ Anoleton 14 10. Wm. H. Turner in The Sporting Deacon. I Wmal A Co., mgrs.) I>.na Rl^s i^i fair "g^ Keith’! Va^eviUe )^ S^^^^

F‘%heT in ‘rI't^IoC g«^l. F>ldle Foy In Mr. S5noUgl!t headliner; Waging Cou?*W foT^he l!;fe!t Dr j!^ril inti ^ « Pleasant Mistake; Ha Grannon. ainglng Mr Hvde The Rells and TeinntaOnn ^ TUP L’^*'’*^*'* •*<*(?*: good comedienne; Three Dumonds, street mualclana; MAJK^TH' (N^a - and 3 MonteoJerv WnilTNEY'S (Jaa. YThltney. mgr.) Artois Bros., European clowns: Dolly Burton’s

mg^“■) "p-lctu?^";nd hlg?'ri;reg: I acrobatic dog^ John R. Gordon and Aril.urJ. Ing. No. 2 supports a ten piece orchestra which VIRGINIA. 1 * '“h rentier* only tbe highest class selections. CO- 1 CHARLOTTES'VrLLE iVHTrt ct t t » : and Klnetograph w^k of 7. SA OY (Vantrey I.UMBIA (C E Denton mer 1 Picturea ami CMARLO^raviLLE.—LYRIC (J. J. Leter- \ L. King; mgr.) Pretty Little Winsome Etta high clasi'singing aI*o”’sn'pporta a ten niece “1““’ * Loyl. comedy sketch. Ziff, the nine year old prodigy, in si>eolaltlea, orchestra f^YSTAI (M^*^Jno O’Donnell P'*’®’’**'!; Ethel Talbot, soubrette, very good; closed the fourteenth week of her engagement, mgr I PIctur s and st^gs COIONIAI (^ R »‘‘r7 good; motion plct- Thos. J. Bracken. late Grand Theatre. New Rl^hirtlV. mgr^ n!.,r!\nd'^2!ng!.‘1L‘1bo!^S^^^ P''*' York, and M«jrpuerlte Daniels In illustr.t^^

ST.YR <E. I.. Phipps, mgr.) Pictures and cred- LYNCHBURG ACADEMY op Miruic* ir^r ^ i%®"r-*i'vpTV*’?i«)In n Pamh* Itable vaudeville PYIACP (M Cnhen mirr » ■ ..t'*’ tv*^*'*’ ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Cor- business wt-ek of 7. G.AY ETY (John R. Camb- I’lcturi * and vaudeville"* These shows°’are*all v“ •“ The House den. mgr.) Illustrated songs by James J. Wll- wi-ll iiatronized **' *t<x*l business, very strong play, root ami excellent pictures to rapacity business

‘ n*ii>Hn i Elmo 15: Victor Moore In The Talk of New week of 7. ALEXANDRA ROIJ.EB RINK ' . ..» . j Yovg 17 (Get>. H. Carler. mgr.) Fine business week of

BRISTOL.—EI.ITE (Meaney and Anderson, : MARTINSVILLE.—GIJYRS THEATRE (E. L. 7. Jov Carnival 17.

Beauty S'lait 11-12; good bouses greeted both uuitiuee and evening shows; splendid produc¬ tion. Mabel Hite and Mike Donlln In A Cer¬ tain Party 14-15: The Girl Question 18-19; Ben nur 24 26. BENNETT'S (John G. Appleton, mgr.: Keith’s Vaudeville.) Stuart Barnes,

Wi-ll iistronUed ousines*. very strong piay. root amt excellent pjctures to eapacii.v nusiness ‘ n*ii>Hn i Elmo 15: Motor Moore In The Talk of New week of 7. ALEXANDRA ROIJ.EB RINK

' . ..» . j Yovg 17 I jj Carler. mgr.) Fine business week of BRISTOL.—KI.ITK (Meaney and Anderson, : MARTINSVILLE.—GIJYRS THEATRE (E. L. • 7. Jov Carnival 17.

mgr*.) -Mile. Shark, globe balantrr good: I Stephens, mgr.) Marlon Stock Oo., had roecwi PETERBOROUGH, ONT.—GRAND OPERA Marttat" slistbiwgraphlst. fine: Quigley and , ful week The Banker’s Child .March 3o. House (J J Turner A Sons mgrs ) I..a Rue In Adair, is.intsly sketch, fair; Ml** Anderson. 11- ; ST. ALBANS.—WAUGH’S OPERA HOUSE MoIiT May^8 was will received and certainly

stock Co. U W. "eLsId; cVrlerOrai^wirin ^ May Ward In The THE.YTORIl M (Archer and Blake, mgrs.); 10. to capacity Ijouse: T. A. S. (local) 17 In

Pmm Jb J-:t g'-*l show e«-eIleDt business. Songs and pictures. ; Shaun Rhue; 'The Girl Question 25. matinee Cutter stock Co. otient*d a three week* engage- Ul/PCT \/IQOIIXIIA ^ and night- Fluffy Rues ’’9- Dustin Farnum In ment Mar. 14: oj-nlng bill, Thom* and Orange: WEST VIRGINIA. ; night klutfy ""‘^"t,/-^'p*,""'^“7'"^V)YAL Rlo.«.m.: packed company excellent. WHEEUNO.-VIRGINIA (Chas. A. Felnler, ! Griffin Clrc.dt.) G^ lAlRYLANb (L. A. Patterson, mgr.) I’lcturea; mgr.; Independent bookings) Dustin Farnum in rViandeau and th^ Miislcal Walters, with dally

" cLARKSVniF PinFR< wnrup ^i-?* "t!!, change of films and lllnstrated songs, made np CLARK8Vn.L£.-—>RIanKR> 01 ERA HOUSE tDCt®. Fluffj Ruffles 10-12; good receipts and - ipru^t\ hH! for we«>k PRINCESS and CRYSTAL

(John S Elder, mgr.) (’..burn’s Minstrels good satisfaction glyen , APOLLO (H.. W. Rogers. eZuent ^^tb pl!tures and son!* Audi performance to a fair audience. Mar. 15. mgr.; Eastern Wheel) Follies of New Y'ork and vAItnir, and Rrock Street Rink* nreparlrg to

COLUMBIA.-OPEBA HOUSE (Wm. Barker, Pari. 7 9; fine returns. The Trocaderoa 10 12; i *“ng ^ek to roller “arin^ patH,ns mgr I Cohum’* Minstrels 14: the best show profitable engagement. GRAND (CTias. A. Fein- ‘ P,rk closed winter seawm* Mar. 11

KNOXVILLE^STAULE’S THEATRE (Frlti Raymond and the Scranton Sister*. In playlet; ' nloture house.’ All' doing gootl busl Staulf. mgr.) (Yimmander Roht. E. Peary de- Chet and Dt>t Keys, singers and dancers; E. ’’ llr.-ix-.t hts lecture. 14. In a pleasing manner to YVarren Hatch and Co., comedy sketch; 'The “'^-YirrORIA B C_Y’lnXlRIA THEATRE (C a small houae. Buster Brown ID. which ha* Busch Devere Four, novelty musical act: LaBelle nenham ) The Virginian 7' pleased capa- been ..Htn here several time*, renewed Its pop- •'Hone, acrobat. 10 12- usual large houses and c io^. goJ5 returns A Stubborn nlarity BIJOU THEATKE (Fixsl Martin, mgr ) NMh strong bills. COtHT (E. L Moore, mgr.; (J Shaffer m^.) Strongheart ws* offeretl here 14 ID. with Cha*. K. A E.. booking agents) Court Theatre Slock _ Xrinatrong Musical Co In The Rounders Edwin Iv.tierty as Strongheart. well aupported, Co. In The Boys of Company B. 7-11; buslneas ?'* ' ‘ ..—Itv * GRAND (R Jameson mgr.) fine buslnes. ; only fair. The Soul Klsi 12; gnt*1 house. tn Y^e iTde I’nd tl^

NABHVtT.LE—.AUDITORIUM (DeTone Rice i CHARLESTON.—RURIFW ORFR A IlorKF MaiUZ and Marette. in ine Ijny ana_ only fair. The Soul Kiss 12; good bouse.

.Ament, mgr.) Imga. Ixmdon Quartet, Tliree exceptionally gootl bill crowding tbe bouse. Ross .Klafer*. James Doolln. Ro)>ert*. songs and THE ROY'AL THE.ATBE (L. C. Adler, mgr.) pictures 14 19 FIFTH AVE. (F P. Furlong. Fine business. THE OOItONIAL (M. M. Wares, mgr.) Five Gaffney Girls. Ixtwell. Tentleboa, mgr.) Large bonse* each performance. THE The Sttsalres, I.oose Brothers, picture*, song*. LY'RIC THEATRE (Levy and I^antlon, mgrs.) 14 19 GRAND <Get>. Hickman, mgr.) Four This houae la reporting good buslnes*.

tures" ROM.ANO. Pletnrea and aonga; good bualteas. EMPRESS. Doing well with pic¬ tures and songs. M.A.IEST1C. tnres: business excellent. AOUWT THEATRE. Pringle Stock Co. In The Diamond Robbery 7 9: same company In The Fighting Hope 10-12;

• anti i>lctnre*; capacity honses, TEXAS talnment. bonse well filled. Texas Ranger 15; ' WAHTtu -.Man lo laae coarav i t and (Percy Oantlall. mgr.) I’lcturea and Obrech’ Family ‘27: Ilnman Hearts 30; Mar- I.-ady to play piano; Man to --HP vt.aiv tm il. TllIr to bnslpeas tin’s U. C. T. April 12; Polly of the Orena 25; ; fer man and ^fe. ^n also nse Memy^^ ALLAS.—DALLAS OPERA HOUSE (Geo. German Theatre Stock Co. of Milwaukee 27; i round. Ferris Mh^l. IVll RAf*. «■ ' y. mgr,; K. A E brnklng agents.) Rose Ole I’eterson 30. I’.AL.ACE (Harvey Hanson, Ifry. and any small legltliMte sho^ state an

n le’ ttieti. iiicaman. mgr. i rour »ui* i* rv-i*iriiiiK loasi nusiness. . .ki. hnnsas Valentines. Haney and Itong. Ia-w Stanley, MARTINSBITRO.—C ENTRAL OPERA «>mp»“y c«F»ble. capacity House*. .Al. H. West, picture* and song* 14 19. BIJOU HOUSE (C. W. Boyer, lessee; W. H. Irvine, ■ (Geo. Hickman, mgr.) Thos. E. Shea In The mgr.) Ellery's Band 14. __ , -sTmT-i-VA Counsel for the Defense. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. MOROANTO'WTf—SWISHER’S ’niBATRE (K. ' _ WANTtJJ - Hyde and The Bell* week of 14; Silver Thread* -4. Christy, mgr.) The Cat and the Fiddle 14; ^ » -i tv— 21 26. i pleased gootl htmae. The Ijnd of Nod 15. A 1 Violin Player. A 1 Comet, A 1 Drammer

TEXAS I ‘7***'^*'''"’'* *** tngr.) Moving .r-pa Permanent position to right peo- ’ plctiiri's. ARC.ADE. I’leture* and soitna. ^ i

AMARILLO —GRAND OPEKA HOUSE (E. \A/1crrtK)ClM plf- State lowest salary In first letter. Addresa 11 Elliot, mgr ) The Girl and the Gawk 12; WI IN SI IN. rxrwTP TTTFATRF Pulaaki Tenn The Old Clothtw Man 14; The Thief 19. ANTI60.—NEW OPERA HOUSE (J. Hanua. ; LYRIC THEATKE. Pulaigi, lenn._ DEANDI (Mopl anti Haxtnn. pmpa. I Y’ande- mgr.) Howe’s Pletnrea March 8; gt>od enter- , vllle anti idctiire*; capacity honaea, TEXAS talnment. bouse well filled. Texas Ranger 15; ' WAKTED -Man to take char^ of p 1 g^, grand (Percy Oantlall. mgr.) I’lcturea and Obrech’ Family ‘27: Human Hearts 30; Mar- IJi6y P>«y^P'^: ’’'T vandeTlllr to goo.1 bnalpea* tin’s U. C. T. April 12; Polly of the Orena 25; ; fer man and •1'*®

DALLAS.—DALLAS OPERA HOUSE (Geo. German Theatre Stock Co. of Milwaukee 27; i round. Ferris YVh^l. IVll Rac*. snooting uai- Anry. mgr,; K. A E brnklng agents.) Rose ; Ole Peterson 30. PALACE (Harvey Hanson, Ifry. and any small legltliMte sho^ state aii ■Melville In SI* Hopkins 13. pleasetl capacity; mgr i Bualneaa gm*I with picture* and sonrw. ' At-st letter n--,- Herb.-rt Kelcev and Effle Shannon In The Thief APPLETON —Al’PLirTON THEATRE (Cha*. HARRY F. SCHMIDT. Bijou ‘Theatre. Green- 14 15 The Prince ('hap 16 17. MAJESTIC (O A. Takac*. mgr.) I>mil* Mann In the .Man Who ville. Miai. _ F Gould, mirr • B. S. Mnckenfns*. agent.) Stood Still (return) 8.: excellent production to ' Great Moore and hi* casket mystery, clever; ' capacity bualneaa, beat w-en here this season, i FOB SALE, CHEAP 1 Power Moving t icture McGsrry Bp's., dancers, gixod: Biib Albright. BIJOU THE.YTRE (H, Hanforth. mgr.) Vande- | Machine, No. 5. 1 Gasoline Engine. 4 h. p., the man Melba. exc*-e<llnglv clever; J. C. Nngent vllle and moving picturea we<'k 7: fine business. : ‘ , ir, ii.kt E>.i>h.r,va by Mis* Jnie York In 'The Rounder. FOND du LAC.—HENRY BOYl.E THEATRE Fairbanks and Morris, 1 40 light. KairDanaa went well: May Replell*. songs, g^avi; Russell (P. B. Haber, mgr.) The Man of the Hour 10; i and Morris Dynamo, good as new. only been Ilrotbera asatste,! by Flora Bonfantl Rnaaell. good company, fair house. A Girl of tb-' Moiin ; ' . —,,, \rl<(>ass went well: Tu.«-*na Bpm... battle axe throw tains 12; onllnary. fair houa.' M.ick Sad Alll I tu" * Will sell extra cheap. -\(in ass

I era. pleasing; w-*s>k of 13. ORPHEUM (W. J. Co. week cvroinienclng 14. Il'E.A Y'.Yl'DEVIT.I.E CHAS. BROCK. Ewing, Ind. _ Brown, iniCT.: Cha*. E. Hislklna. agent.) Edna (Oscar J. Vollort. mgr.) Jess E<-kert. Cliff Julian, a. ami d., go<*1; YMvlan and Altos. Dean Company In .4 Chance for Three. )if.;-cnce IS if a 1

, novelty acrobat*, clever; Romeo and Mayo. .Yrnold. Holman Bros.. Y'nle ami S1mi>*-m. Tax |%/l I comeiliana. good; week of 13. ILYPl’Y' HOUR Hco. Iriop-nce Koenig and plctup’S w-eek 9-16; AV A Vwi/O I (F. O Dalton, mgr ; Cha*. Falrman. agent.) big business. RIJOU (W. E. rag-.) ^ aecond hand reels for Mutoscope Pic-

Marie W*ta<in. character alnger. gno<|; Shat- Pun In a School Room by RI)<'U Entortalnv-rs. , condition and cheat) for I tuck and leRoy. a and d. cornelian*, clever; repa-af.M to hig auccess. ROY.4L (J. 1, We.cb. 1"'^: "f! of frl^'^to IGO Mon-doi-k and Watson, ragtime king*, jpxwl: tnif > Pictures and songs. PRIN.'USS UINK V^DEVILLE AMUSEMENT Trae-y and Carter, talking and singing, went (C I? Ang.'r. mgr.) Roller skating. tan Fmnciico Cal.

Company In .4 Chance for Three. uif.;-cnce IR if a 1 Id. Holman Bros.. Y'nle ami Slmiw-m. Trx |%/l Flop-nce Koenig and plctup-s w-eek 9 16; Ivl

hnslnejs. RIJOU (W. FL rag-.) . second hand reels for Mutoscope Pic-

IL'lli;,«„! l-H-r v*oijvn,tE akusemx»i well. w«>ek of 13 oib-ons

Business fine at ntckel- BELOIT.—WIKNON’S OPERA HOUSE (R. H. Wilson, mgr.) The Gentleman fn)m Mississippi

CO., 61 Market St.. San Francisco, Cal.

o<bmn* \4 11son. mgr.) The Gentleman fn)m Mississippi' » -ay tn-xr We will send you formula and HOUSTON.—PRINCE THEATRE (Dave Weis, to big house 4; Grace Hayward (n On Parole CANDYi. ^ ^ vmo

mgr ) Wright Iswlnier In The Shepher King, and Ishmael '7 8 to fair business. The Lid , directions for making any Iriuu 13 15, cxeeDent I'roductlon to goo<1 business; ’ Lifters 11 12 to gi'iHl houses. The Girl of the of candy or drink for 2.5c each. All trie<1 King Dialo 17. M.4.IEST1C THE.YTRE (C. A. Mountain* 1.5. formulas. Send sample or description. CLARK'S King Dialo 17. M.4.IEST1C THE.YTRE (C. A. Mountain* 1.5. formulas. Send sample or description. CLARK S MrFarlsiid. mgr.) IVMora A Oracet*. novelty OSHKOSH.—GR.4ND OI’ER.4 HOUSE (J. E. ! CANDY KITCHEN, Tomahawk, 'Wia.

I acrobats, excellent; Dainty Zens Klefe. come- \ Williams, mgr.) I.onis Mann In The Mxn Wl,o | ’ dlenne, big hit; Snrsxsl A Raxall, clever act; . Stiaal Still D; good business The Clil of Die i ATTICMTI/NM I j J. Warren Keane, entertainer, excellent; Max ' Mountains 13: raiwelty. RlJ())t THEATRE Mil blw I Iwiw I . Im’s Mialels. headliner, excellent: C-arl MM'ul-I (H. W WhlKaunb. ui^gr.) W.a-g II: The If. at mERRY GO ROUND owners please communicate I lough, very go<a1; Hennings. Ia“wl* A Hen- Frsncellas and Co., heavyweight liiggleif- Ed. a j ok i. _ d_k d-.w I nlng- In Mixed Drinks, big hit: big business. ! Gray, that tall tale feller; Cliff l).'an Com- 1 rot). Sheridan Beach Park. 1 VENDOME (Box Bros., mgrs.) Melba Palmer pany In A Chance for Three: Miller »iiJ l .vle*, Y alparalso. Indiana. A good chance for a Lve ' Stock Co. In re|>ertolre, specialties; goo<l show singing, dancing and talking ccunxllans; The party.

MARCH X, 1910.



Flying Baldwins T. VI. QMEXJrLMJLT, Mgr.. •!« >. M tt.. aalaoj. lU.

MARSHALL & KING PrMUiUiic lllaa Kfa^’i Senaatlanal Dane*.



Two distinct acts. At Liberty for Parks.

Fairs and Kxhibitions Terms, etc.

JAS. F. DONEGAN, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. or Martinelll Agoncy, N. Y.

nvr M’rut

TMa w««k. Amriicaa Muaic Hall, CWcafO.



Sensational Act ^ the World

And the Performing Australian Cockatoos.

Tn)TTTD)Tr^ A Drawing ('aril everywhere it ap- TllEfl ^^11 pears, no matter how >^u bill it or place it. 1 he act spi>ak8 for itself.

COMPENSARC That’a tb. d.Tlce that aaraa Mortac Pte

tor. mt-n taro tblrda oa .lartrle

IlSht bllla. and jrK sI.m bettm light.

Did rou ar. our ad laat w<«k? Wall,

don't look It up. Juat writ# for oar

Boat day st-and atand BttrarUon.

Ba.t and moat brill* lant night faainre

Thrilling rlmriral ^ flrrnorka flnlah

Contains many original and

gtnrtling feats that imitator, dare not attempt.

Fat paiticuUn of thia famous, record bleak* ins, ciowd'drawing, meclauUi feature


•^UONELLEGARE It Bethlehem, Pa.

.\t liberty to book upTl’ark time for the coming Summer. Booklet 15018

Address, 1533 Broadway, New York City FORT WAYNE ELECTRIC WORKS Bapartmant 0.


PiWMnting His Combination Aet- SPECIAL WORK

The Musical Sensation of Chicago and daTeland Laat Sommer.


BAND OF SOLOISTS. Correspondence solicited for the coming season.


64 Ontario Street, Bochester, V. T.

Dice & Cards W. C. DUNE. CmU 0. Aa ezhlblOon Oiat has created a real senaatlan throaghoot the entire world. Departtng from

that daaa of perfonnancas where the perfot uiera are entirely at the mercy of diance. it re¬ mained for MB. OSCAR V, BABCOCK (the original), with tboroogh. ardoous athletic training and anpreme nerre, to evolTe an act that has nerer been aocceanfnlly Imitated. Twenty-twc changes of magnlflceot costumes, special printing, elegant ptaotns. aamerons press noUces worthy of reptodnctlim. The magnitude of tha appaistna a feature, brUHsntly Ulomlasted.

Managers of Circoaes. I’arfcs. Fairs or great celebratlona who are looking for an act that CAN BE FVATCRED AND ALWAYS MAKES GOOD, addreea for time and terms

J. SCEWABZ, Mgr. for OSCAR T. BABCOCK, oara Tha BiUhoard, 1440 Broadway, Haw Tark aty.


D’A vinos’ Famous Band of Fifty

fX)K PAKKS. PIEKS, AND FAIIU*' Perwinalljr conducted by

SICNOIt AI.PIION.SF. D'AVINOS For time and term., addn-sa

£. L. PEBRT, Mgr., Atlantic City, N. J.

THE GREAT CALVERT World’s Greatest

Novelty High W'ire Exiuilibrist.

Noe looklRc. For Tlac oad Tenat. Mdrett

Tha Great Calrart,



AND SOCIETY ArCROBATS ('otisidr'riiig Parks. Fairs and Oiitiloor

.\iiiiis<‘nii-nts. ('an* lillboard, Cincinnati 0,

Fred Cunningbam Mr. Walter Stanton, aher a

tour of three years, embracing

England and Australia where

he played all the principal

theatres with marvelous suc¬

cess, is now back in America.

March 13, Orpheum Theatre,

Spokane, Wash.

TS>e youngi-Ht and moat daring and aenaatlona.

and reflued High Wire Artist In the world, do

Ing 12 ■l•^lDa leato on a three-elgbtbs Inch wire

from tall l•nlldiI>gs, orer street or on tall poles.

A few date. Open for 1910. Address P. O. BOS

02, KlitauDlng, Pa.

MAGIC Magician*' Acta liullt. *tage<l and booked. Cat slog and Infnrmatlnn. lOr. Include eltra dim. for cujiy “Rdwarila' Magir Magazlue " EDWARDS 00., S4S Oanaaae Street. Buffalo, M. T.

600 two-oolor Letterhsadi. $3.60. New da- algiia and a half toue rut made from yuor photo. Catalog and price ll*t of half tone cula and aaniple* of letterhead dealicim for a 2 cent ataiiip. CLAT CENTER EMORAVINO CO., Clay Cantsr, Kanaai.

WANTED -A drat claa* klldway and CaralTSl CompaDy, to make ruolract for Fourth of July week In best town In weaiern New York; alao to bear from flrat claaa free attractlous at ooo*. K.agle Week. They all Hy. Addreaa JOHN kllOilAKIJttlN, 3«M Exchange St.. Geneva. N. Y.

IN VAUDEVILLE The Leading Journal of the Moving Picture buainess in Europe. Has the largest circulation and is the best Advertising Medium, bar none. Sampis Copy Mailsd Fraa.


GRACE BURTON fROSnCTUt SEHT FREE! HMirri spi.l |. n. tlie MMIrliia liarturar. Mrawl Man, Carriac** RR|»' ti4'ian, (*url*at«ma Sallar and all aalllnc MmIIi iiia <ir rMratIva ftnals T^lls h«>w U* aitius^, liistrufl and hi Irrasl #n*xwfti LtVHirh tba Kn>k #1 >m<l 9i and sra aand r H |» with a«ani|iiatbin iirlvilaffr

The Refined Singing and Dancing

COMEDIENNE Direciion SIDNEY TOLEDO, Care Billboard

Subscription, $2.00 a Yaar,

31. 33 and 35 Litchfield St. nuts FOB SALK—SR Beets la perfect caadl ttoa, aik.RO a iwal; a>ng Slides $2 60 and $H.M •sr net; second hand Kdlaoo Machine, cemplete, m.M. MATBB SILVKRMAN, R22 Fultaa


WHIXE CIXY And alao at NV.MKKOU.S English and Continental Parka and lienorts with and in which I am mterestrid. (iET HHSY and write all about your attraction and get par¬ ticulars from me. J. (J.XLVIN'HHOWN, Proprietor White City, Manchester, F.ngland.

SPARKLING EYES For every actre** that use* Lukterine. No Bel- ladona, no Atremiue, no other poinoD*. The only preparation that will produce beauty of the eye without harm. Lua terliie I* $1 per bottle, enough for six month*. Rarb bottle guaranteed or money refunded. Mailed to any addreaa. Manufactured by the Luaterine Chemical Co.. State Optical Co., sola agents, 721 Vine Street. Cincinnati, Ohio.

r -100,000 feet af Film, lo perfset I44e par foat. Wa will trad* Rims r real. Send os your list. ECOMOITY sot. lOR Fourth ATanaa, Fina

LOOK! READ! AND CONSIDER' Gem The atre, (?anliai Ml**., the only Iheatre In this city. Popidniloii, Ilia*). On main line of

I. C. It. It.. .Iiort }iini|» north and aniitb. Wanted lo hear frmn g.H.I It.'iMTloIre and small hand .l-o. •. Mln.trel. .MeMiO'rlata <» Hlock V<t*. It) Ml or pere. Ml i«e. We play lo de|H‘ndent Vaodevllle thal lan rliange night ly. iI'.mI .11*. all new *ceo<Ti iie| In line

<in>k OEM THEATRE. Canton. Miti.

HWD. TUTTLE 1202 Center Street-

If Tou See It in The Billboard, Tall Them So.

march 26, 1910.


WATERPROOF CARDBOARD SIGNS for OUTDOOR TACKING Printwl C«rdbc>trd Sign*, any color, stock or ink. The printed signs are especially prepared to withstand the weather, are ooasiderably lower in price than any other khsd of sign and serriceahle. Prices depend upon quantity, size and amount of composition.

To avoid possible delay and unnecessary correspondence, always send rouffh sketch or copy with hrstletter; this will enable us to quote you prices promptly

Bowl of Merriment The Latest Craze

AmnseiDenl for the young and old. Tbs lat-

*•1, safest and best of all amusement de-


1910-1911 NOW READY

ESPECIALLY ARRANGED for .Mana)»prs, Agents, Per¬ formers, Musicians and all those interested in the

Amusement Business Complete in every detail.

PRICE, 10 cents

•» rAiaat?

AmencAA I AsBoaeBeot W»ek^

416«418 Elm Cincinnati. O.



This b our 75-cent HalfTone, or a 3x4 for $1; cash with order.

Knoxville Engraving Co. SIS Bate Street. KNOXVILLE, TENN.

ecea It li fascinating, mystifying, and a

ftm maker. No danger from accidents. Ilaa

DO equal at a money.maker. RIgbta for

aale. Correapondeoce aollcited.

Hayes Amusement Co. 844 Chapel St.

New Haven. Conn.


Frank Adams* Southern Railroad Show

Two or thr.'e g.Hid Performers, man and wife, must be able to do two turns each In big show; those tliat can double In band iireferred. I ' want troo(>er«. this Is no place for beginner*. I Boozer* save your stamps. This show nerer eloaes Can use man sml «ife slth morlng plctnre machine: lady must tie able to sing good. Make y.uir salary low for yon get It. Will bay small animals or anything gnml and strong for I side show I mant some Bond band unlformi. I Address FRANK ADAMS. Higgins, Teaaa. |

THEATRICAL GOODS Worsted Tight* and Shirt*. each; ,

H Cotton Tights and .Shirts, fl each; | 5 CanTi* Piiiiips. ;;.">c., with leather “ sole*. .'.Oiv . all leather Piiiiips. fl..Vt \ ' Canvas shoe*, gl. with leather lade*. |

fl .’si. all l.eBlhcr Sle>e*. soft sole*, i ( g-T.'si; Klastic SUiiporter* gl. Satin!

Trunk with collar and cuff*, ajiatiglwl I I and trimmeil. g.'i Be sure and semi |

Tj size and •■'olor IVposIt require,! on ,1 all gessi* •••lit C. U. j> Catalogues \ telling all aNoit atsire giaxls sent on |

request I B CALL A SONS. tS5 Worthington Straet. I •ptingaeld. Mast. |

Slot Machines ****^ht. nnid. eirhanged and rspatrod. A. J

a 00,, Pittahnrg. P*.

Motion Picture M«chine Wanted.. We want a high grade, aecoiid hand tMlaiiD. Power, or other Btandani machine that I* in lirst class condition ami late mod,'l: also *,iiig and bvlnr,' set*. (]|vs full ileacrlptlon and loweat c**b ff'''‘e W# have ra«b ••iistomir walling.



»«0 Ntitan Btrset. NFW T0B.X _ Reilumat rale* to the |irofess|on. 1

PIANISTS WANTED | ■■cam the Knack Hyalem of Playing Vaoderilla and Oraiiiatlc Music. I'arttcular* FKRE. Spe • clall “KNArK SYSTEM OF REAIUNU MPSIC AT SltlllT” mBlIe,! for ten cent* and ataiiip.

KNACK STVDIO OF MUSIC. (Dept. B), Danvilla. Dl.

FILM AND S0N6 SLIDES FOR SALE OR RENl fifty reel*, aurplua stock, 1c to 2c i>er foot. | Elegant condition. Will ai'nd subject to eiam Inttbin U|s,ii ri-c-lpt of ezpres* charge*. Song Mldea, with miislr. g2 <Hl i»r set Send for Hat*. Film and Song Slide* n'lite,! at lowest prlc-s in the Suitb. Write for particulars P. 0. BOX W. Naw Orlosjia. La.



416 Elm Street, t- CINCINNATI, OHIO |

...TO RENT... I


One half mile frtvm city; double-track street car with aerrice every flve mlnntea; city of 88,000 population. Remvrt ha* three building* coating glO.OOO each, apactoiis ground*. nave atlll for rent prtTlleg,-a for Ice cream, aoft drink*. conf<>ctlonery, ooila water, shooting galler.v. bowling alley* iwe furnish alleysi. restaurant, merry-go round, ail kinds of knife racks, booths, etc. What hare you? Write u» at once, to


Opera Chairs W hen contemplating the purchase of opera chairs, write to us for C.\T.\LOGS and PRICES. We can furnish you viith chairs to equip either the small moving; picture house

- or the finest and most beautiful theatre.


American Seating Co. Dept. ‘^S” 215 Wabash Ave., Chicago

^ New York Boston Philadelphia

Knives, Canes, Novelties. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES OUT. SOUVENIRS OF ALL KINDa Balloon*. Whip* Sjuawker*. Shell Pum,'*. tJlass Lamp*. Comic Buttons. Confetti. l>u»ter*. Slappcrs. Tinsel Pennant*. I,«>*tlier (KhxI*. Mlmvrs. Shell Necklace*. Initial Pin*. Watches. Priie Jewelry. Blow out*. Jap Cam'S. Rubber Balls, tilasa Novelties, RIbiHVn. Riwett,'*. Fountain Pen*. S cent Show Suivenlr*. Trick*. Puizlcs. Largest N,ivelty Supply Mouse in Ohio. Thmisands of satisfied customer*, ttnler* *hlpi>cl same ,i»y n'celve,!. ISMO Catalogue FRBE.

NEWMAN MFO. CO.. 641-647 Woodland Arenas. CLEVELAND. OHIO.

1^^,^ Moving Picture Machines, Stereopticons. Slides. Accessories.


Lsr^e Llae of Edisoo Goods. KANSAS CITY. MO.

EsL 1809.


A GAME more diverting than Five Hundred; more ab¬ sorbing than Bridge, yet less complex than Skat.

WHAT IT IS: The game of “Sixteen Ilundre,!” may [•eat

be. deacrlb»-d as an elaboration of F'lve Hundred, which In turn Is a combination of Knclire and Bridge. But Sixteen Hundred is more, much more, than a mere hodge-iMslge. A (xxiple of rubbers will convince the most skeptical that

j It ja)ss>'ss<‘s a whole world of indiviiliiality— . an individuality, mori'over. which Is peculiarly

Ita own. It 1* the “low" scheiliile that does it. At

first glance, this would appear to In* merily an added or supplementary feature. .As a matter of fact, it complicates the play to an extent almost unbelievable. It literally ahouuda In snares and pitfalls for the unwary, and •■onae- quently provokes no end of mirth ajid hilarity.

It appeal* strongly to the skillful player alao. for Ita iKVssIhllltles In the way of subtle strat-

I egles and clev«*r conps are well nigh counties*. I Send for pamphlet, contains Rule*. Glossary i of Explanatory Terms, Phrases, and Schednie. ♦ Price, 10 cent*.

Published by THE CHURCH PRINTLNO CO.. ■■ 416 Elm Straet. Cincinnati. Ohio. '~J^

Opera Chairs , (1.30 and np each. Folding Chairs. $6.60 dos. 1 and np. Boat foe the price on market. XBLB

D* WOLF rUHNITURE <?0., Dept K., #ar- ' nett. Kansas.

{Miniature Railway 1 Locomotive, three new coachea, 1.000 feet naw

track, awltche*. curves, fish plate, aplkes, etc.;

I new, perfect ontfit; a dandy; will sell cheap.


I Mo., or Denvar. Polo.

W ANTE L> I Shows asd Concessions for Firemen’s Street I Fair and Caraival, June 13-18,1910. 1F. E. Bauer, Sae’y.^^ Woo6a*f6 iw.. KiHanning, Pa.


Nelson and WolgasI Contest Taken at SID HESTER’S ARENA, Richmond,

California, February 22, 1910.

The Most Sensational Contest of the Age for the

WORLD’S LIGHT-WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Wonderful Production of Every Incident and Blow in the Most Exciting Contest of

Modern Times. Every Face in the Tremendous Throng in the Big Open Arena

Recognizable. Showing the Champion BATTLING NELSON and AD WOLGAST in the Most Intensely

Nerve-tingling Moving Photographs Ever

Flashed on a Canvas.

EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS BEING SOLD To Use or Transfer these Motion Pictures in the United States and Canada.


Address SID HESTER, Auditorium Annex, CHICAGO, ILL., until we locate

offices in Chicago.

Theatres in Canada and the United States Invited to correspond with our San Francisco or Chicago offices.

San Francisco Offices, 1014-1016 PHELAN BUILDING.