The Billboard 1909-05-22 - Wikimedia Commons

PRICE TEN CENTS. THEATRES'^ CIRCUSES Volame XXI. No. 21. REGISTERED IN UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. cincinnati-i^^York-chicago May 22, 1909. The Traveling Salesman, at The Illinois Theatre, Chlcag FKANK. J. MclNlARE. PARKS FAIRS I

Transcript of The Billboard 1909-05-22 - Wikimedia Commons




cincinnati-i^^York-chicago May 22, 1909.

The Traveling Salesman, at The Illinois Theatre, Chlcag FKANK. J. MclNlARE.




Ha” IK> W'-akneafu-a. Uur catalogue will ifll you why.

^^ACTRLSSo* ORATOR fkV/ 5^ rnmrm m»m tomwoo tr—4fy ^ 1lMmo«tIaa«iiatiB( aad b«al ^rtatprofwalaa la " a tha world. Out oomplato aad oonpratMwatUo aoaraa t

ia slarutiaa ud dramaaic art hr autll wUI la a akort l*lBapra|iararoatarthaaaa(aocapaakaa'aplaalerai laa- laaaafal aaadantt ararrwkara. Oooklat F^. OMaaga

tafcaaladllaaaMoa. atl Oraod Ooaa Saaaa, ehlei««,.

“Fabius Hearion” DON’T PATRONIZE ES A s M If the prices that you paid before we



Write for Samples and our List of FILM EXCHANGES.

—Sole Importers— . wwau... t—


If the prices that you paid before we

made ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC, were satisfactory. Remember we are

forcing Piano Manufacturers to estab¬

lish fair prices; if you want to always

have them, and get music that is su¬

perior in all respects to what you had

to take and look pleased at, then give

us your business.


(pa nr Per roll for a dozen or more.




\Vf bare tbr lars)'*! aaaorlnipnt of Knifa Board KiiItm W',>at of Ibo Mtaalaal|i|>l Klvrr. Oar prliva arw aliaoliilt'ly rook lM<tl«in. W» alto carry a full lino of Slrectnicn'a O.Nida. rarnlTsl Norrltlca aixl craxla for Kalra. U> are on* of Cl OR P*-- '•»" or more. U> aW'

Less than a dozenp ^1.50 each, thf oi(i«*iit stivetiufii** »ut>piy hnuMHi id tb« VntttHl Staten. We hare tb«>iiaaii<ta of aatlabad

I IlMITF’ rt A TF’ SI lit I I F’ O '>«>►!"' sn«8Tm%l?<U I!I!ll.a’“y"ou 'S."y' aJlMl. M. mIjKJ k3 J. iA. J. J.Jb3 ivS V^ ao. Onlera ahl|.|u”l aauie day aa nwlTed. Car


69-61 Park Place, New York. 1030-36 N. Western Avenue, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Write for Catalorse,

ciiHloiiii-ra: we can itatlarr ynii aud want yonr hiihliK-aa. NO SUItNTITLTINU uiUeaa yon aay ao. Onlera ahl|.|u”l aauie day aa rtKvlTed. Car nUal \Vhl|>a, |>er srwaa. t'atalocue FRBR

COE. YONQE & CO . Ninth and Lucas Ave., ST. LOUIS. MO.

GI6ARS-0RDER A THOUSAND "Try ’Em” at prices ran^ting from $9.00, $10.00, ; $10..'9. $11.00. $11..’i0. $12.00. $12..’50 and up wards. Ask for discount on quantities.

SCHOKBERG CIGAR COICPANT. 1$9 W. Maryland Street, Indianapolia, Ind.

FOR RENT Photograph and Tlnty|)e privilege at SaTln Rock. Conn. Good money-getter. Exclusive. I*resent owner has no time to run It. NOEL A. MIT¬ CHELL. West Haven, Conn.

Want to Join Carnival Company with our 20th Centiiiy Merry-go-round. We will pay our own salaries, .von pay transportation and all other e.x|,enses. Divide .’>0 & 50. Write or wire quick. Spencer Swing Co., Spencer, Ind.

For Sale or Will Trade for Slot Macbinee, Mov¬ ing Picture Machine, or Skating Rink SupiilleB; a tine iiiartde Soda Fountain. Addresa HORN'S PIER. Rehoboth, Del.

FOR SALE—Fun Factory. Mirrors, complete set

of ten pieces; very good condition. Cheap,

quick buyer. T. Kudo, Springfield, Ohio.

Tattooing Outfit, $S.OO EDWIN E. BROWN, 1516 S. Broadway, St. loait, Mo.

PH0T0B~<'aMnets. $2.50 per 100. Flrst-ciasa

work. Send photo or have sitting. CHAS.

MATO, 2115 Pitkin Ave., Brooklyn, N. T.

ORGA.NS 'S'eS’S^S' JONI HOUIO 4 SOI. - 178 Park low. N. T.


OUR CATALOGUE For 1909 is now ready. Your name on a postal brings one free. Oet busy.

LEVIN BROS., haute, ind. Ewtablished I8S6. Cor. 6th and Cherry

AMERICA’S FOREMOST STREETMEN*S HOUSE. k Moving Picture Machines, Stereopticont, Slides, Accessories.


Large Line of Edison Goods.


Est. 1899.

Theatrical Goods SWorate,! Tights and Shirts. S2 each. t'otti.n llg’ita aiMl Shirts. Si each; t'aiMas I'tinips. 2.'W.. with leather fwdes. .’itkr.; all W'ather l*iim|ia. $1.56. Canvas Shnes, $1. with leatiwr sole*. H .Ki; all leather Sh<»a, soft aolaa. y;i .VI; Elastic Hiip|”>rtrrs. ft; Satin Trunk with eidlar and cuffa. spangle*! and trimmed. $.'•. Be sure and send ►Iw amt color. I>e|s>slt rmpilred on all gmsla sent C O D. Catalogues telling all atsTMit above gissla sent OB r,',|iiesf

8. B. CALL, 144 Main Btrret, SpringSald. Maas.

NEXT SEASON will be a Idg one In TatKlevllle. New theatres are me-ning and there It a demand tor people who hare new acta, etc. Since IK79 I have bwii writing for profeaslonal use.

Sketches, Monologues Songs. Farces, Comedboi, and Draniaa. I write

! only to order. All work guaranteed to make a hit. No duplicated material. Heaaonable rales for material that will make gissl In tnr theatre

! or over any circuit BOB WATT, Dramatie Author, SOS Walnut 8t., Philadelphia. Pa.

THEATRICAL LUMBER—i Film and Sung Slides for Sale

Magicians outfit for tale cheap; Trunki, Tables, Tricks and Books. I’ink stamp for Hat. D. L. RAINEY, 1404 Locust St., Kanaaa City, Mittouri.


get the money at parks, celebrationa and pic¬ nics. Price c'liiiplete, $1.5. Address Shepard Mfg. Co., $8 Eagle Bldg., Balt Lake City, Dtah.


Always on band for prompt shipment. Write for delivered prices. Hhipmenta made In any quantity dtudn-d



^ DIRT ctiiaei of rain atrwma. Will cost you atvait 25c per reel to renovate roiir own films. Write for prlr«w and iiartlnilars. Hatnide 11A I F I’lFT sent <hi r<.celpt of Wic DIXIE FILM EX- CHANOE, 4th and Mulberry St., OWENSBORO, KY. Ones l)AY AMi MOIIT. We r* nt you

, 6 changes of film, $12.5U per week. Our Motto: “NO HOVAI.TY ON YOUR MACIIINR."

Fine lot of Films. 2 and 8 rents per foot; *1* gant comlltlon; will aeml C. O. D., aiihlect to •'lamination, iiihui riw-t'lpt of eipreaa cnargea tViiig Hlhb'S. |:l a set. with music Heiid for lists P.’ 0, BOX 805. New Orlaans, La.

Thos. Quincy Not a dar<* devil, hut the nu»l graceful, aclen tlfic aliallow water, head foremost, high diver In the wcirld to day. Can do 20 mlnales. con slating of fancy diving and swimming, one an<l

j a half amt iViultle aonicraaiilta. etc, 15th sea : son. Ad<lri-aa Care Billboard, Cincinnati, 0.

Announcement Slides

Original Designs

Catchy Titles

A»k your Film Exchanges or write us for list


C. B. KLEINE 661-664 6UAie., Net York, N.Y.


Pat'd Dec. 85, ’C6; Feb. 86, '07. Others Pending.




ICE-CREAM PUSH-CARTS True method of making cooes—no rolling,

no burning bands, no waste batter; aavea lime, labor, money, fuel.

It makes that never drip, that artistic, that fit to eat cone, the 1‘ariaiaD, far ahead of the tough leathery kind. We build ma¬ chines for the largest manufacturers

You can't afford to overlook this gold mino. Write quick for circulars and prices cover Ing the business fully.

Lanier &Dne$bacti Mfg. Go. 315 John St., CINCINNATI, 0.

San Franciaeo, Cal.


Theatre Chairs Absolntalv

Non-Broakablo Suitable for small th*-atre and moving picture sh*>ws. We carry these chairs In stork and can vhip Immeillately, St-rond band chairs also seating for out of d<a>r use. Add. I»e,.l. R. STEEL FI'RNITL’RE CO., Grand Rapids, Michigan. Boston Offlee '224 Congr >ss St.. Boston. Mass. Monaduock Bldg.,

N. V. Office. 44 Park Placa.

THENEW ATLAS The strong*'”! trunk In America


. 10.75

. 11..50

. 12.25

. 15.00

IntiH'Uid. 52 iiK'li opi-ratlng the ••Circling Wave” Amusement De vice. If yon want to KIJ-^VATE MANKIND. If you want to make the Ohl Pvsiple glaii, the Yo-iiig I’<-*>,>le hs|i(>y, and All the |'e*i|ile merry be sure you have a "Circling Wave” for the aea son of IlaKl. Be flr»t to work your own territorv with th*- most practical and least exis-nslve Rid Ing Ib-vire In use. Operated by ga«*«llDe engine. High class music by a bigh-claas cylinder organ or plan**. Write for catalogue with price and list of testlnsmlsls. ARMITAGF, A GCINN, Sprlngvllle, Erie Co., New York.

The Belber Trunk & Bag Co. No. 1041 N. HBDOook BL


G]IiN C^MM^IMW r, li8|


fflEWAPIONS OF On AroueeroeDt bifi

Chopin and sigh Wagner, and they will call you a skilled musician. For front page stories, I should say try settlement work, act in hospital wards or attack dramatic critics, and, above all, have the usual number of fist fights in public places. In other words, fame comes to the actor who acts best off the stage—not on.’ I was a little disappointed at this, because every¬ thing I did as an amateur went so well with the family dog. Xo circus had a better ‘barker’ to announce its wares than 1 had in our family dog. He was a wonderful audience. I have since learned that you can buy the applause of a human being, but no amount of money can buy the wag of a dog’s tail. They may prefer farce to high comedy, hilarious action to witty dialogue, but for a perfect first-night audience, give me a house full of dogs. However cold their noses may be, they never have cold feet. So, when I learned that every dog has his day—(a promise never held out to cats)— and that there are at least 36-5 kinds of dogs—to say nothing of the bipeds —the stage loomed up as a highly promising career—I was sure of an au¬ dience every day.

"But, do audiences make actors or actors audiences or do newspapers make both?

"Is America a nation of showmen? Must you be personally eccentric to be personally famous? And is that the kind of fame they call a bubble— because it lasts only for a moment?

Xow that I have started all this. I give it up. All that I know is that, ignoring parental advice (what is parental advice for?), I have never consciously walked about the streets in a white suit; I have never hunted tigers in Africa or newspaper publishers in Park Uow; and I have always preferred soap and water to milk and champagne for bathing purposes— and yet, they call me a famous actor. In other words, don’t act the way your neighbors act, if you want to be an actor. May I never be called any¬ thing’’

Xot all the "Don'ts.” of which there are three divi.sions, Don’ts for Man¬ agers, Don’ts for Actors, and Don’ts for Audiences, are of even merit. Mr. Collier, like other well-known authors, occasionally nods. But some of the comedian’s sayings are genuinely brilliant. For example, authors are told, “Don’t think that because you are a playwright, you always write a play right.” And, again. “Xo matter how the play, you always get your share of the gross.’’

To the managers, the little book says, “Don’t lose sight of the fact that although ‘the play is the thing.’ the playing of the play is the thing,” And further along is the saying, “Don’t put all your money in one produc¬ tion; put some of it into the bank; and don’t put all your money in one bank." And. again, “Passes to any play, awful give away. Don’t do that.” Under the same heading, the comedian says: “The purpose of the theatre is to hold a mirror up to nature—but first, clean the mirror, and be careful it is not cracked.” And, again. “Don’t overlook the fact that you can substitute paste for diamonds, tea for whisky, candy for bread, but you can’t substitute a blacksmith for an actor.”

To the actor.s—the people of his own profession—Mr. Collier says: “Don’t think that because you are indisposed, you are indispensable.” And further on in the little volume is the line, “Don't forget when you make up your face to play, make up your mind to work.” And under the same heading is the line. “Xever play in two performances a day—work in both of them” People in the profession will appreciate this line; “Xever tell your real salary—get it.”

To audiences, Mr. Collier says: "Don’t come to the theatre late; re¬ member that the early bird catches the plot.” And, again, “Doa’t get dis¬ couraged if you fait at. your real trade, plumbing or manicuring—go on the stage—all the world’s a stage.” And under the same heading is the line, "Don’t come to the theatre late and know it all. Come early and see it all.”

The latter part of the little book is devoted to “.\n Kssay on the Art of Conversation.” The reader turns to the following pages, only to find, in the midst of a number of blank pages, “Don’t Do That.”

A rather unKjue souvenir in the shape of a bound volume, called “Don’t Do That; a Ho'>k on Kti<iuette, by William Collier.” was i.ssued recently b> Charle> Frohman, with .Mr. <’oilier as author. The little book has some

—--------— hundred or so pages of illustrations j ■ *- and reading matter that is now vastly

I ^ ‘ * / humorous, now shrewdly satirical, or, j. again, genuinely philosophic.

, . I ^ ^ u ’ From fiy leaf to its last page, / -lyQ // ' "Don’t Do That” is filled with sur-

—' •- The six best sellers of the sea- / *noted as follows;

- 1 • - 1, Don’t Do That, by William Col- _ V • . h - 'V Her; 2, I*on’t Do That, by William

t'oilier; 3, Don’t Do That, by William Collier. 4. Don’t Do That, by William Collier; 5. Don’t Do That, by William Collier; 6. Don't Do That, by William Collier.

<*ther editions of “Doti’t Do That” are given this way; First Edition (raret, 50,000; Second Edition (vefy rare), 500,000; Third Edition (raw).

Mr. Ctdller’.s definition t>f the theatre is a.s follows; “The light, the laughter and the warmth <»f life. Youth's story comes true. An easy chair for Jaded age. A gooil jdace to go bad nights. The only place where for S3 you can be on velvet for two hours. playground for those whose business it is to ’play.’ constant topic for those who know it least. In fact, a place where you check >our troubles with your coat.”

And what he thinks about actors goes like this: “ ‘Brief chroniclers of the times.‘ they are like watch* s. There are good watches and bad watches; good actors and bad actors Some of them run a year., some only a night. The most sensitive instruments in the world—some need a good deal of care, others seem the better t>tT for a few hard bumps. Some are repeaters, others are not. There are those who are ciuse filled, diamond studded, with golden works that run with unvarying accuracy; but there are also some of imita¬ tion case and cheap works that soon run down. Some are open-faced, others are closed—in hock. They all havf wheels, some more than others. The best of thenj glv* promise of running on forever, but they all need a little winding—which is a gootl play—and there are few of them that are not t'etter off for a good guard (the best in the market is a little one stamped

F.). There are handsome ones, that look well and are good for showing, but these are costly and ilo not always wear as well as the cheaper and hardier ones. Hun<lsome or plain, they all need a chain—which is good management. The (xilillc glatiiy t>ays out its money for those that have good works—whi<’h is ability, a fine setting—which is a first-class pro¬ duction; and keep good time- -which is a good route.—.Ml others are as junk”

f>ne of th«> clev»'rest things in the book is “.\n .Acrostic.” more to be praised for its txiintednoss than for its iioe.-y. It reads.

’To be or not to be IT—is the uuestion Hits at*' ail right. l>ut make tin m safe Everything comes to him who works.

I'atlenci- Is a virtue -try and read this book through. America, the land of the bravi- and the home of the free—pres: Turn over a new leaf now. Don't wait until Xew Years. Kome wasn't billed In a da.\ -and thi'y had some pretty gooil

agents then, too. If y«)u want to succe«'d work; if you want to keep working—

succei-d. • •pposlt#' Itogi'is I'eet the (larrick ‘Succ»-ss Herald’ That w ill be about all "

4 MAY 22, 1909


NO REGARD FOR PROPERTY RIGHTS , ... ... iliKt Kl.-I<lx. liHi* tiricniiUiHl

- Ilf ‘JH |M-i,t>li- (i> iii-imIikn- at I’MMi. Ti-xai. Itilk suiuiiii r.

Liberal Interpretation of the Term “Public Places of Amusement” A'!rai'!ml''»iii

frotii IU.vwnnl th** roiiipHuy at laliiroli.. thtiA far KhHo i\

Jim. laNwri’iMv, lii'W J. WfUli. M(Hiru«* K 11 LaVallicn*. Jhiii'h, Nat JrWiiiHitii, T. \\ MiM» Mary Moimn*; Mlaa

l.aValll<*rc aiul Lola a\\loll. 'Hm* aum- r oitKuicotiioht at IJnooln ^111 Im* iiiititT (li«* M»!ial iiiaiiMKoiitoni of (ioorgo M <»attH.



Opens Season at Coffeyville,


»• FTlIll*. of WflHT 1 iiuoilral IIm- AlnliMiiv all of WiTht Mini

Leads the Law-Makers of the Show-Me State Into the Considera¬

tion of a Bill That Sets Aside All Reason—Other News.

TIk' Ainloine will mi May KI*»bU* Coii'ptiny in KltldU* Inm*


K«viitlj- referouco wan uiailo to rortalu pr .iMAmN] iPslalatloD, iM-utliuic la the LegiiUature Ilf tltaaouri. ttccaaiou was taken to crltkTae It.! orTeiwIvem-k ami rank di>ire|tard of property rialita. Tlie pakkaice of the bill »T11 amount to

practical appropriatiiin of property without re- i:an’ to veated righta In the owner. The meaa iin haa now paM«Nl the lower branch «>f the l-A'L’ialatiire but It la hopiNl Uie same will not liecome a law. Manacera of all the larger cltlea of that atate ar*- proteating and may tie able to convince the t.eglalature that a law of the churncler will work great Injiiatlce.

rollowiiig will be found a full text of the bill referred to:

He It i-nacteit by the General Aaaembly of the State of Miaaoiiri. aa foHowa:

Section 1. Th.vt all buildinga conatructed. ntti.<l and e<iuipfiei1 fur the purpuae of tbeatrea Commonly" called tlw-atrea. opera houaes, play- b<Mia<.a or by whaiever name dealgnated. which are ami ahall hereafter he iiaed for public jier- formancea, the iirmluction and exhibition of pUya. dramaa. or.eraa ami other ahowa of whatever nature to which adm'aslon fi-ea are clnrgi-d. Ih*. and the aatne are hepetiy th-claretl to lie pulilir pliicua of aniiiai-ment, and the aame ahvll tie to regulation by the public will aa expreaaiNl hy ordlminoe, atatute. or other law", provided that owners and leaaeea ahall have the right to aaaign aeata to patrons th" naif, and to refuse admiaalon to objection¬ able characters.

Sis’! ion 2 Hen-after It ahall lie unlawful for any owner, or lessia.. or any manager, agent, eniplove or n-preM-ntatlie of th»- owner or li-aaia. who may Is* in charge and having the rare and manageiiii-ut of aiieh amiisi.ment pUeiw or ho<ia4.a of inihllc amiiai-ment, to diacrimlnate against reimtable plays, ojieraa. ahnw'a or other pnaliietlona liy wbateiia" name known. And any owner or lia-aoe, or any manager, agent, em- or repreaenlatlve of the owner or leaae«.. in I harge of aiieb bona*- or houses, who shall fall and refuse to rent, leaai. and let such housi- or hoiiwa of imbllc amiisi-nient. for one or more

performanoes. and uism mieh terms and condl tliHis as shall not he ileemial unreasonable, ex tortlia ate or t'rolilliitive. to the agent, man ag> r. tiro[irlefor or reprem-ntatlve, w^o may in g'sal faith nisko apfillcation therefor, of any | rei.iitahle eomp.any. om-ra. or aliow by whatever j name known, shall be dei-meit guilty of a mla | ile'Tieaiior ami “hall, iiism cia.vlction thon-of In ' any eourt of comiwtent Jiiriaillcllon of this state. Is- niiml in any sum not leas than one ibillara mr mope than five hiindn-d dol¬ lar*. one.half of wbieli tine ahall lie paid to the is-mplatnant. the balance to go to the Jury fund of the county In which aiich prosecution la had. and in addition, aueh person or fs-raona so con'teted may lie commltteil to the county Jail for a i-erhal of not more than ten days and forfeit tFalr license and not be allowed to coo- duet n tlwatrloal huaineaa in the atate for ten year*. I'.ach violation of any of the provlalona of this act ahall be a aeparate otfenae, provided, however, that If at the time of the application to leasi-. c r rent such lioiiao or houaes of piihlle ano'si-ment for said piirpomsi. It shall he idiown liv tin- owner, leaaei' or oflnr pi-raou In charge thensif that aald house or ho«is«‘S of public apiua».ment has or have lieen already leased. let or renteil to other (s-raona or parties, and that other liookinga have In good faith lieen made for th»- date or dates so apiiIliMl for. and that such leasing, renting, and tmoklnga wer»‘ made In

good f.ilth. and n d witli tb*- Intenton of evading the provisions of this act, then and In that in- atanee. the i>enaltlea provldivt by this section sh.ill not be jmpi^il-

Seefion 3. That owners. Iimsis.s. managers or other tsT'ons In charge of such house or h sisea of public animwment shall make and keep In cooaenlent form, a list of all honkingw of shows for such hous«‘ or hotises. with the dates as to time a|s»citlcally set out therein, and said lint of hookings shall be exhibited upon request, to

all persons applying therefor, wrtio In good faith. d.“slre to leaw or rent such Iswise or bouses for th«. purpose Indicated In weetlon two of this act; and the failure or refusal of such owner, lessee, or other person or jsTsona in charge of siH-h boiiae or iKwises. to k«s-p ami exhibit such list of bookings aforesaid, shall upon conviction thereof. Is- fim-d in an.v sum not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars; and each failure or refusal to so exhibit siieh list of bookings shall lie a s..parate offens...

S'S'tlon -1 That all leases and renewals of leases hereafter taken and made for a term Ufe.«n such house of public amusement as defined In s.s>tlon 1 of this act. shall contain a pro- \ l«ion therein to tlie efT.*et that the lessm-s and his assigns shall. In goal faith comply with the pio\iskins of this act; and the failure or rvfiisai of any stich bsjsee or his asoigns to comply with the ppovisiom- of thia act shall at once tcmiinate such least. and upon convletlon of the vlola'lon of anv provisions of this law. such les*4-e or his assigns In addition to the pen alties provided In sts-tlons 2 and 3 of thIa act. shitll forfeit his lease and all rights and prlv- i leges under the a." me

Section The fact that owners and lessees f>f such public houses of amusement am, hy r-asoo of the f>ower and Influence of the theatre trust, prevented from leasing and letting such houses to sny person, company or concern not owned, booked or controlled b.v said trust, ere. ates an emergency and an Imperative public nec¬ essity. emstes an emorgenc.v within the meaning of the r.Histl'ntion themfore. this act shall fake eff<K't and be In force from and after Ita paasag...


probable that Ibe bouse may not close .Ma) "JP, aa exi>ected. .Martin Heek, the On>beuiu general maiiaaer, who was in St. I'aul last week. Is com'ucting uegotiathHis which he will wit Im- abU- to bring to a chaa- for several days. If

the liG.ise la m>t < losed May 211, It may remain o|M-n for the entirt- summer, but. on the other

David Ibs-hler, resident manager of the »lr pln-iim Tln-atre at Sioux tity. la., at the elmie of the m-asoii. May 15, left for Llilcago. wlM-ia- after a few days. Im- will go to New York to become tha iM-rs<Mial n-prt-wmtatlve of Marlin lt<-rk. Mr lUs-hler's first w<M-k In that capacity will take bim to \Viiiiii|M-g ami Diiliitli, where he will have liiarge of the eonstnietloii of two m-w hiaises for the lirplienm Interest and will then |ir<M-e«sI to Ogib-n, I'tah, In a like ea pacify.

raT'Ki I ^ Organization is Rather Ambi¬

tious in Its Profxjitions

for a Summer



The t'.dlege I Tackett’s

tilii <'<.ui|Min.v o|M.|Msl Its aeasoa .VInhMue, CofTey vllle, Kan., Ma.i

2 t'. cai>a<ltv business. The compau)', which Is limb r the matingtaneiil of J K. Jackaun, la a miisb-al c.Hinsly orgauiaalltn carrying twenty a«e |Ms>ple. nine |-rliirl|MU and alxteen cleMTia

girls ami t« b<«>ktsl over the S«Mlrt*weatem tir cult of Alrdoinea. playing the principal cities.

liie r<s.ter Is aa follows: J. K. Jacka>iD. manager lasm lllaeklMiru. adv«nlalng manager, IsMila Wells, el.s-trbian, .M*mle Stuckey, master ..f prots-rlies A1 Hnice stage director, Wll lism tlrats. alsge inanag<-r. rid .\ndrewa. music, al director. Nellie Jarksoii. wanlrolw nilatresa; (•has T. llvriM-. lUllle Itynw-. tlladya Jacks-m. • Iraee <b-lsoii tlll'-e I’ayiM-. Mahin C'aDerl. riorcnce TIomuiisoii. Mildred Mimms-. I.llllan llramit. J-one Ksmb.l|*h. Nina Harrison. I.llllan Kill I’linl. .V UK 11 a Itonaiiiee. Thresa Ib-nam-e

III! Ihi Ilyme-GolstMi liayera.


1 re.-isumr The I’rowlera.

hai-d. ilM- time may merely Is- extemb-tl for a w-s-k or more for sjM-t-lal attraetliHis. Just what the atlrartions will Ih- If the time Is extended, la not deflnitely diclded upon


The management of the Orphenm TYve.stre St. Paul, Minn., announce*! this week that It Is

Slepheti Ilogrelt. who has Ims-ii the resbb-nt

manager of the Mystic iTieattv at Is-wlston. Maine, since the bisise o|M.n>s| se-reral months ago. taken the maiuigiuiH-nt of the N'b'k<-I Ti'eatre at Itangor. <Mi the Keith (in-iilt. ami has iMs-n mieeissbsl hy ('. H. Proiily. wiio Ins Ikm-p Mr Bogrelt’s asalslant at the Myslle fm- the iiast few wis-ks. Mr. I'naity la a man of w ilk- tlK-atTlcal exts-rb-nce and was formerly manag) r of the Ib-ll Theatre al IbTliii, .V. H.



Grace H.i.\wanl has Jnat closed a a|M-|ng alis-k engagement at the Grand ll|M-rB IKshm-. Km-k f<e-<.. III., ami during the •uigagi-menl (dari-d to eapseity hnsim-HH. Thi- engageineiii wiMild have

Im—n i>rcd'aig<-d Info the siininK-r had If not Im-i-u f<H- pn-vlona IsMikinifs. On May b. Mias Hay ward otM-m-d a sKa-k engag»-iiieiit two we.-ka

I at the GramI 0|H-Ta H(Hia«- In Ih-s Mohiea, la.. 1 and on the 2llh gis-s into lh<- Oliver Ttn-alre, I I.lncdn, Nell., remaining for iIm- entire siiniiiH-r,

o|M-nlng with llelascn'a Tin- Olrl of the Golih-n W.-at for IIm- Aral wii-k

The Aral elrens of IIm- s.-bsiiu la here this w.ek Ihe S.-I1S Shows, with everything

balking clean and bright, eansial mi emi of favor alili- laiuimeiil all along IIm- Him- of Ibelr parade. Till wealhi-r was ideal ami the streets were lirnal will! iMsijile Hbisla Uoyal led the way r.dlowial 1-v lady ininn»-lers. after wlib-h i-anie

tin- hig baml wagon, and it was ludeial a aplen did tnrmiul right down to the calUi>iM- No maliliia- was g'veti on the oiM-ntug day. the pa rade leaving Ihe lot al 2 p m. and covering a long route Thi- i-v,-iilng saw Ihe tenta (lacked to -aiinelfi. with hiimlrisls atan-.ting In the i-nirami. aisl all over ri-marka of praise were lii-snt. The Iiriigraui niM-in-d with the usual Graml Tniiriiameul. (i-alurlug UlMMla Koyal s *lxti-.-u lilaik siallinus. In Tlie t'.atheriiig of the f.arlauils The following well km-wu |M-rformera i-aii«- on In rapid sm-cessloii: ITamle M. Biside. Jack Olnb-r Trio. Nelanii Sisters, all wire walk i-rs. Paul ItraiM-hard. Mile F>lna Trio, cwnvr Hons Si-lla nmo herd of six |M-rforniing ele phauls, Harllk Uusslan l'Bne«-rB. The riders iiM-lmled .Mr and Mts. John Kisiuey, Flora Hedllii. Mvra Mei-rs. I’.lllli- Melixiae. Lomedy XensI Bar .Xi !* by HIllsnii TrouiM* and EUert Tr IU1M-, two aerial Butterfly Acta were per former bv Ttn- Mlri-rra Sisters and lATell Sislirs. One of the big features was ten high si-Iks.I sets Bpis-aring at mie time, a Rhoda

. horal turn. Tin- Nelson Family of ten acrobata all' sixes, occnpli-il the is.nt.-r stage The big isiinldnsHon flying ami easting art by The Fl»» H.sliig Nelsons, nail the ai-Hiballc familyi. waa ihi- erownbig fealun- ami workisl to conllnoous applaiis.-. A seiisalton was en-ated when the .Xrimuir’s ti-aiii of six gr.-> horses waa driven around Ibi- lllpisslrome Irai-k, the driver making all sorts of Intrirate man-iivers. which bn-ught i-lK-ers from Ibe vast amlii-m-e All the clowns, lii-adist bv loll Misire. wmiv gissl. and tlwre were pb-iily of tlii-in Fight Hliiissirooie rai-ea cbMj^ tlw- show, i-aiising tin- wtidi-st i-ntbusiaam aide alniw also got Its full sliare of the bust m-«'. iniom-l \V E Franklin. General Manager was elalisl willi tin- 'Frisco biislni •• Harry Earl, Geiiwral Agi-iil of lb-- Piiblb-lly Departraeoi.

, with his assistants, were e.-rtalnly rewarded f«»r ihrlr ff*"**! mill all tin* •faff abi‘uld niiiiineiited msm The balams- of Ihe wi-ek saw the ii-iils crowdisl nlglitly Th-- Sidia Floto SImiiis have inaib- a ri-piitalion h«-re ami will al nays la- wi-lisumsl

■fill- Ihs-rli-ss l-oiligw have again Jidned the .Norris amt Bowe rln-iis, after their Idort Park i-iigi.geiiii-nt They ii|s-ims1 at the Portland aland amt will remain Ihn-e we«-ks whi-n It la un ili-rsiissl thi'T play Idora Park again

J Bi-rnaiil Dyllyii. after making all the Soiilhi-rn t'alifnriila time, n-liirned and opens al the WIg’iam next wis-k

Herr Fisher Is back again In 'Krlarsi. and Momlay liiiiig out tits shingle In Ihe form of a

. ii-ry alira-lire electric sign n-ading. "Ktaber a Tlii-alre. If -rim-rl.v 1 hi- VIrtory.i'' It waa an i-veiif for Sillier 8lri*et. ami th«- bouae was park! d Im-.voimI the llmtt long In-fore the our lain waa rung up, amt all the old time Ftaber patrons were pri-s.-nl NTitiieroua floral pieces

I were preai-nleit and the new veiitiin- started ^ , with a graml flourish Iin- secomt abow waa I atti-ndeil hv till* Flllm-ire Street Association In

a b.sly. "fhe iM-rformaiiei-. Ihi)ipylanil, showed ronsidi-rslil I n-hi-arsal and everything went off wIlli a snap and hsd unite a melnuiwtllan air alMiiil It. S|HM-ial alli-nllon waa called to the lieanlltul irrar of gorgioiis iswtiimes. the rboriis of ten girls making six miii|dele rhangi-s during the plav lU-ti Dillon, as the Ikqie Fiend. ws« Sf*isiri1i*i1 a hearty ri-i-i-ptlon, altsi Nellie Mont

■ giiini-ry a favoiili- Itorolhy IlsyuKiml. has Ibe Bessie flllf-rd. of Hm- riiH-e Twins foni ! I'"'’* '»lh-ra on the hill who were



fhas. Falke, Hm- |imtirtetnr of the Fashion liati-a Biirlesiim- Pompany, baa leasisl tla- Htar nii-atn-. Toronto, for twelve wm-ks. and will IMi-aenl rellm-il vamlevllle and plrliires at five and ten eenta. i-oiiiiin-ni-liig May 10



psiiy. fell and si-»i-rel.v spralm-il her ankle dnr Ing a perflinnnnis- at Jolinstown. Pa , last week Miss I'lifford will Im- iilialde to lake tier part for s<-<era1 wm-ka.


Pari .Xndi-rsiin will leave the emiilny nf Ji-asr 1. I.asky as niaiiagi-r of \t Ihe I'lainlry Phili. May l.’i. Next ai-ason Mr. .kmh-raon will man age Kniini-t la-voy In the three act dramatic faiilasy. In Dri-amlaiid


Till- Mrst sisl of Hm- ih-w Sln-a'a 'nH-alri-. To ronlo. Pan., was Inrm-d liv IIm- Hingler Sisters W'tio wi-ri* In TiH-iiiitii. diirlng tlie wis-k Tin* ni-w iMinse will ciail t'.hai.tKai. and will n-ai-mhlr IIm- Shea TiM-aIn- in llnffalo

ndlii-aldi-. wen- Will King Tracy Me Di-nmilt. P-ank Vark amt kllldrest Manning The mall- cliorns of six iHsiple waa up to the aland aril. Pha h-a Al|dii Is Ihe prialm-er. During the wei-k tlie house was crowdi-d every night TIm' .\dvBiM-e .Xgi-nt wll tie offered next week for Hie aecomt pro-tm-llon.

Mlacha P.lman, the llnaslan viollnlal made Ilia farewi'll aii|M'aram-e al Ihe Garrick Thea tre last Sunday afti-rmsm. and long bi-fore Ibi- hiinm- o|tenisl, every Ib-ki-l waa sold with aereral hiimirisl Blaadlng Flman waa re«-elvei1 with

I roiiml miinit of applanae, and when th-' I isitii-i-rt was im-r It waa almost linisiaallile tor ' him to ri-ai-ii Ida earrlage, an anxtona waa the

amlh-m-i- to gn-i-l hliii in-raonally. He was near . ly iimiIiImsI It Is ri-|Mirteil that he reeelres

H.2tst for i-arti isims-rt, amt he la only abiott I 22 yi-ara of age .kll Ihe crIHea raveit ovei I thia Wonderful nrllst

I TIm- Nim-llv Theatre risi|M-ne*l aa a straight ten i-1-iil laml.ollle tlieatn- last Sunday, iimlei till- ninnagi-nii-nl of Tony l.nbelskl, amt raa

MAY 22, 1909.


I o Be Produced By

Du Faure

Uell'Known Luro|>ean f^roducer

and I^antomimist to Invade

.American Field—Other

.\ews in Brief.

(II..- f.f fill ^ipon^nti of the true trt ..r i.nnt'Hiilmi* in I’bllllp iMi Kaurr. thn writ i.iinHn Kiir'.i.»-an produfvr anil paotonilinlat. I>(i Kaiir.-, It will bin waa flrnt a*»n (n thin r.iiinlrr wllb ijiiemra, lb» famoua Siiaiilnh (larK-i-r «bo rr<*ati-(l aurh a worli-wliie

«. n««tlon »ome few j-ram alnoe. and who la aoon ■ iriln to bn wi-n lo thia cminirr.

Iiii Katir.-. t1io 1» at |.ri*iu.nt with I.a Eafnl- lili In the prviK-nt fiirorn. I.a Danan r>na Aparhn. I« aalil to baan dlamacrnd another Hpanlab te-aiitv who U nbortljr to lie aeen In thIa eoan irr Tlila la I.a Oitaranr. a rlerer youojc .latx'.-r who la aalil to rlral in beauta aueb r..l..|.rltiea aa I.a Helle Otero. Tleo I»e Vferode liiiernra and I.a K«tellfta. t.a Onarany will arrhe in Vew York earla In June when re- h.-araaN for a liic pantocnime will begin. The probietbai Will Ineliide aeveral people and will le ppeliK-ed an.I arrang.Hl br rbllllp Itn Faure

liiat ibree i|ai> when the ilra.ra (loaed and now lb. b<..(.« .lark again

Ilart'a ii.»- theatre San Mateo, opened May 1. a- a < au.ler 111#, theatre, and the ofiening »a» a huge «ii<.eeaa the entire houae bi-ing aold ..111 at a Mg T p.mlmi: Manager Hart offered an iiiHia’ial bill whlrh InrlieWd. Clayton. Olenn and Jaajier I'iie N..|n..oa aerobata: l*rof Karl Muaioal Whiii.-.v. Mra E C. Hart aopran. I'earl .Mleii’a (ti-totte. Gra*>er« MatMlolln Club. He!', r.-lt.. aii.l It..g.. aivl moving pletnrea due |.erf..rmai.>a. a night with Saturday and Siiiela.r •natlie.ea will the |a.liry.

n .. .♦a».e-iate.i Tlieatrlral Managera' te.n.-r.t t .r ebar'.iy $‘J laai for the nienih..r.. .f the pp.r..aa|i.ii n„. tx.IH.flt waa given Tu..».laT afterTea.n. at the Prlnoeaa Theatre, and ih* eonipaa ■» plaving at the Van Nea«. Valencia Orphenin. .kni..rlcan Trlnreea and .Mrazar r..ii trlbi.i.-d to the pia.gram .kfter an (.verti.r. W iker'.in'a M.tikireU. from the .kmerlran Tlo a tre a| iieared In a romlenaMl nr«t part which wa* mad*, very i.ii.jeal MelD..tte Twlr.a aii.l • Tay Smith, aid te.pb.n and Man. fp.m th.. ttrf.heiin.. -am.- neyt Georg.* n le a tia|.|.i ad.lriek Th.* •eeoiel act f IJiialft.v Str... 1 wav giv..n bv Evelyn Vaughan and Ibri -am I vt. b* and|«any. from the Aleaiar nrar.bii Tynan b.ading mau f..r Mme Nazi moi a gave reritatl..t'« Tlie Valencia Theatre Si.e-k (■..mpanv waa M»en In the third art of \ T.-ya« Steer Wright Kramer iwit preaente,! ten mlniitea ..f llurtnn H.dtnea Travel giie \b - gave The Ijidy of Shalot. the miis'.-al a..ttlnc tiring playevl by R.ihert I Elkua \ violin volo bv Jacob .\ltarhnler. of the Itiiwiaii svmphonv Orrlieaira. f.'llowed. At ihur t'.mningham aang and rerlted The aale t l.p.grani* arxl Nmtonnlerea helped to awell

the reo.lpta Miaa Ada lewla. on a vlatt here wav Very oonvpirtnua and dlaimaed of manv pTograma al* > Miaa..a Camier Phllllna. Flla Crane Mvrile Dlrcwall, Violet Elbe. Felltb Ster ena an.' Ella Kearney all of the l*rlnreaa Com iiarv li. n Gre. t aent a rherk

R i;-iei i-'fiera and the RuaaiaL Symphony drrheai.., ,r.. -t the Girvlrk Theatre thia week In the folloning repertoire The Tempeat. .ka Yon I It.> and Juliet. Everyman, and k M .laummer NIgbt'a Dream .

The Rell Theatre. Storktoo. which baa been .-loaed for the paat two yeara. opena klondar. May lo with vaudeville, fumlabed by the Su! Ilvan t'onatillne Clmilt

Dor Mlllrr ioine.! the .Sella Eloto Clmia here, aa a tlrket a..l|er In front of the able ahowa IkK- haa had imllmit'al e\|>erlenre In th'a line. Mr Miller Jnat rerelveil the aad lewa of the d ;dh of kla mother, whlrh ormrred .kprll 2S. at N. W- Hr.ven Conn

Madame Alla Natimova put In an etfra mat •her Wr.lneadar. at the Van Neaa Theatre Thia w --. k her aeroml and laat abe preaente.! Mobla Gabler M.mday and Tuea.1ay. and th* i.alanre of the week waa .w'(>upleil hr Comteaa.. C.ajii. ttr In whlrh ahe diaplayrd a.vnte eireptloo ally handaome gnwna whlrh were ijulte a tea'ure of the new plai

Tlie aeiond week 'f Wllkerwon’a Mlnatr.da of

T>> dtv at the .kmerlran. provnl the etrong.*«t of the kmevlran’a prograin and the up with the mtialral romeily. ai-mt Town The mlnatrela U the aerond or

portion of the ahow and waa mnrh ap- .. * kl Johna.wi mnttnuea to keep in l't...'late.l .

^.«l and made another hit with hla Mental fct.-pathy ^ .kll the oihrra have ber.wne favor "••a and Noe J I.a Vigne a baritone, haa bei-n Tld Rita la the name of the neyt mu - .1 '•..mnlT

' Tryaa Steer amiiaed the Valenria Theatr.- ' ma thia ni...k an.t aa uaiial. waa a well

'inle.1 affair Spiwtlng I.lfe. a big pioilur ■0 ■>|.ena next week

' t'hlneae H.inevm.von la the Prlnreaa Thea'.'.- oarMoo thia week ami glvea wav to IMff

' I*..uf next week

" •’**' ttypheum la drawing the rrowda. thia Week an rmiaiially goml pnagram |a I a Valera, a loral aoelety amatevir. Jumpe.! vambvllle aa a daneer an.1 made g.val

iva evervihlng bt her favor lo make a aue

g-al Imika gra.'e. peraonallty and her ' ea are aa elaborate an.I taaly aa anv

"r aeen out here She pr.vveil a big ear.!

manag-.menl kngela Ibil.vrea and ('vm

e ,* "krieh ealleil Oipl.l at H.Mne. are full . ■■Ive bualneea and bright llnea and made •llent Imprenaion The krrlval of Reitv

•r aketrh. by I.IUIan M.wtlmer and Com ■IM apiieal to the llrpheiimttea The

•'t^lna. rery well kn.'wn here wll*i '•nillh In .• yery elaaay turn received lota ■'laiiae all well deaerved Hawlh.wne an.I aot tlm hmiae a g.ving with a funny line

•k Gord.m ami Marx Eour kmatl Slater*

and tirlgollla a I'.aliet made up the h-d.J '/»era

Manager tirauniau had a g'eel. big, eoatly hii] thia w.ek an.I packed theui In a' every nigh' ahow 'I he M.eti luternail./cial Trl-j. drat (e-arance iu Han Eranrlaeo.

chainiilou wel4(ht lifter or more tnedali

waa a great act ami their a'-t c ami rune ilotit

w.iiaatbmal flniah. of very lively dancer,

lightning ilange duo.

their W'trk, making a.

inir.eluelng ainging each character

nlng and Dixon. In

wae a hig laugh g.-tter.

k I. GrauAeld. In a drama called Twixt Night and Dayllg-ht. d'e*a aome (ju-eg Changi* J..aa .• M'lrrle featured with May

Warde Dremlen Ixdle. le a very faaclnatlng eoiibrette. and worked the i.ct up lo entbneiaem

I'antagee' Empire Theatre offered the Cbatree

Sleter*. Harland and IDdliium. a yery clever

muelral act. M'u-gan and .McGarry. with ilt (lancing glrle. waa a h.g numtwr well liked. S'dtt and kk ;Iaon. with their nitie and acro¬ batic turn. wer.. a real hit Rafayette'e Aerr,

hatlc D'«e wai the fegtore act and eaally held I'a own In It* partl('ii|i!r line

Sam Harrie. the kk'igwam manager bad Eva kk'e«,oit. Carlyle'* legfv lo-lniore and DnelA*.

Joe Elynn. Seymotjr and Iwpree and R(]e*ian l^aii^vr*

Th** Star Grant] S Palate.

mjcn] and lV*acb tb^atr**« ar#* all playlnjf ratKl«*% ill**


Idora I'ark f'ooT!Du*'» to draw larg** crowtl*., I.a^t Sunday tb** ♦-«jual*d oo** of Ita

Tb** Hlt'k*'tt Family ofi«>n^l an*] mad^ a b!T


- ap- fealurlng Mr. I>yh.

fwho dlaplayed a d^/zeu f'jr hla alrength and endurance)

'I hey are real atroiig men.

>in»l»ta of entirely new tri'k*. twelve minute* *nd make* *

Ix.ff and kk'alah are a pair M'lrtim and K'loaell

are really llghtnii.g In 'nal ci,mplete change*,

llalect and m(u!cal tnm*. artlitically reprenented M»n

A Kma*bup In Chinatown.


Claimed That .Means Has Been Discovered for Keeping Houses Suffi¬

ciently Light During Performance to Eliminate All Causes for

Objection on the Old Score, and Yet Exhibition is Not Affected.

Eoliowliig I* a letter received by Mayor Geo I’. .klcf.Tellan. <-f New V'Wk City. </oe day la»t ■eek, *hich fully expla.os Itimlf.

Hon Geo, B. McCleUan.

Mayor of New York City. Huai, Sir:—The Motion I'lctur* Patent* Com-

I.any. which llceu*e» the Biofrraph Company. E.i:*on Mfg. Company. Eawanay Fihn Mfg. Com¬

pany. Kalem Company. (Jeorge Kleine. Lubin Mfg C'anidny. Patbe Frerv-e. Selig Polyacope C.enfiany. ami the Vitarrapb Company of Amer ic*. wdilch include* all maker* of American Olin*. Cordially Invitea you or your representative to be preaent at an exhi¬ bition of a new lighting Kyttem which thia ‘-..mpany ha* deviaed. whereby all theatre* can b“ kept brightly lighted during motion picture perfonnanoe*.

evil*. By the mw- of thi* device, theatre* can now lie kept brightly lighted with only the stage In Bemi-darkues*. Not only do we Intend that all (Air licenwevs ahall use this device, but we would ch(“erfu!ly acijuiesce If your Honor made It a condition In the granting of every motion picture license In this city, that the theatre be kept lighted (luring all performance*

And In tbla respect we would like to lay em pba*i* on the fact that this new ligbilng device i* not a patent controlled h.v this company, but free to all. and can be installed at every slight exfiense. Our object In i>erfecting it wa* to better the condition of the motion picture busi- rjes* and to co-operate witb you In your effort to rid It of abuses that merited criticism.

The Motion IMcDire Patents Company 1* glad to go on record In thanking you for the impetus yon have given the movement hvoklng toward the betterment of condition*, not only here, but rbrongbout the cotintry. for other cities are firempt to follow New York's lead In matter* of this kltsl. .

We intenil to lend you all c.>-n|s.ratlon. and to wort In the utmost harm'tu.v with all the departments of the city government.

.ku.1 we aincerely hope that yf>u can spare the time to witness our exhltdtlon. and to see tlo- reforms we have brought alsait. for which y.xi are entitled to full credit,

M<**t respectfiillv. MOTION PKTT RE PATENTS CO.




The first meeting of the B-.ard of Directors

-f the Rock island Exposition Company, since

the annual meeting of the stockholders, wa* h.-ld Ma.y T in the [(arlor« of the Harper Hi.tise,

Rock Island. Ill. The two new raemtier*. I>r. F. -k. Smith and C. J. Larkin. t<*«k their seat*, the other members all being present.

Hon. T. J. Medlll wa* unaninodisly re-elected : r' sident. Chas. McHugh being in like manner . ontlnned as vice-president, a* w is Carl Hell ;»nstall as freasurer, while C. S. McDaniels was ■ iected secretary, to succeed J. kV. Parker.

The wflic," of manager was abolished, thi* In i ■'■;if(.>rmlt.v with the suggestion of Manager E. \V l>-wls made at a former meeting of the board, on the theory that the work of the first .vei.r In fitting the grounds having Involved the niaiu duties calling for such an offleer. It could n(.w be dispens(dl with. Such duties of the -•ffioe as apply to the exposition nro|>er were delegated t-v President .kledlll. and as a further evidence of the confidence of the board in the administration -.f his office, he was given sole authoritv to engage .all the empl-vye* of the




Before a large and enthusiastic audience the Trl-City Stock Company presented its o|>enlng bill. The Walls of Jericho, at the Grand Thea¬ tre. Davenport, Iowa. This company is to play

an engagement of sixteen weeks and during tbla time the tw'st of plays will be produced.

"Hie complete roster of the company 1* as fol¬ lows; Walter P. Richardson. Elixabeth De Witt. Rae Roseusteln. W. H. Nlemeyer. Oris Hoiland. George G. Darenport. Albert H. Fox. Herry GseH. Edward Helms. R. Gra.vllng R.Te. kValter H Long. Harold Edwards. Harry C. Bates Mary Keith. Haiel Move. Luray Huntley.

Hafford P.viffer and Prudence Jackson

with their flying act. Patrick Conway’* Big Band continue* a big draw .ng card. La Nole

Br.dber*. breakaway ladder act, and Tate Dn '■row and hi* funny cl.vwn* cootloue. Beginning kl.'oda.v. May lo Pale'* Vesuvlu* cxvmmencea

a week'* eugtgemeat a* an extra coQceaei(>a attraction

Ferris Hartman Opera Company occupied the

MirlbvD'Vcgh Theatre S-S* with It Happened In ■Nordlind. to fair business

.klabtma pleas,*! crowdexl bv'use at Ye Llbert.T Theatre during the wev-k

Frank F.>c*rt.v. Margaret Moffett and Co., .krctdli. Knight Btx'ther* and Sawtelle, Fred Ray'* Pla.vcrs. Timi Ntwn and Co., and Paul

S*'jd«vr'* Miniature llruue kept the ikrpbeum filled this week

Rell Theatre had Rrindam-Hir. Gevvrge WIl*on. Mme IVvrethj'* P.s>lle*. Mr and Mra R.vbyns.

and Mr and Mr*. R,»b Miller to amuse Its patrons this we,-k

H C Sm'w started o«it fixMn Oakland with a two ear show to mak* all the smaller towns on the r.-»ast Everything I* braml new, with lots

of g.ssl paper. HI RE xMHFA



licoo n. I.empert. born In Cincinnati. O.. In 1S4'J. dle.1 at Rochesrter. N. Y.. May 11. He designed 90 tbeatres in this country, and whea taken in recently was directing work on the

(■W' Temple Theatre. Rochester, and Shea’s Toronto Theatre. Ha waa long the scenic art¬ ist of the old Buffalo -Academy, and later came to RiwhesVer and designed seven tbeatrvr. He wss associated with Frank Mayo. Clinton Hall an.I leach Brother* as scenic artist, ind Is ISS.* took up theatre architecture.


H. R. Psrker, who has held the position of trensiirer at the Svndloate Theatre. Waterloo,

la., for the past two years, has accepted th* powltlvvn of manager of Electric Park, Water i#^. f(vr this season He will N'svk the vaiide

ville through the Western Vaudeville .ks«ocla tlon. and has engaged a large number of other attraction*. Maxnm DeGrosx and hi* Rand have been secured for the seiis..n. A large Circle Swing. Scenic Railway and other Mg fea furv-* win be Installed. The season will opea

about May 31.


O Galne* has 1,-as.*l the flarksvllle Opera at tTark«vll|c. Texas, aiwl will take

te at .'niv- Mr tJalnes has had several

e\|*. ifn('e In lt*e theaftlcal Nistnee* five lanagi^. of the okl «»i».ra h-wnw. at Clarks-

and ten years ,vn the road



PA. I'Sar'is Fnierson C-*>k ha* app<'lnte,t Emerwm I'vvl.v' resi,l,.nt manacw . f the Harft-'rd Thea¬ tre ,1 Hirtfivrd. t\'*>o Mr TavSw was f.vrm- i-rlv -n |(».tmcy.'r at Yale I'.dlege sn.l hw* al navs . .-,-n a cl.vsi- -tu.b-nt 'f 'h.> Irani!

.At tlie cltw of the present vaudeville season which will be next week. E. H. Snerkln. man agt-r ami owner of the .Alpha Vaudeville Thea tre. at Erie. Pa., will tear doom the prenent the«»re. which be now occupies. Mr. Snerkln has N'light the property adjoining the Alpha Theatre and on this ground will erect a new vaudeville hou-se which will seat l.lkOO peopis. This bvwise wlH have Its entrance on the main

stnet of Erie. "Rie theatre will be ready to open next season.

Tito Tndlun Med Co openevi Its Afth •caaon at Glatagow Kv Mav N to big bnalnesw The staff l« *« f.dl.vw* Dr W 7. Moote ptxv priclivr an.I manager kV 1. M.wer. wreretarT

and treasupT and Gerald F .Adams, stage manager


6 MAY 22, 1909


Xtie Billboard

THE WEEK IN NEW YORK William Collier Revives Old Success — Burlesque

Comes to Broadway—Cook Stock Company a Win¬

ner—The Motor Girl Coming—Fred Belasco Leaves

for San Francisco—Broadway Notes.


William Collier In The Man from Mexico, a farce by H. A. Im Siicbet, the (larrlck The atre.

Ri>lMrt Mantell In Richard III., the Academy of Miixlc.

Folllea of the I»ay, a burle8<)ue by Barney Gerard. Itlaney’H Llncold S<iuare Theatre.

THE MAX FROM MEXICO.—A farce In three acta, by H. A. l>u Sachet; the Garrick.

Benjamin Filzhiia'h .William Collier Col, Ibalerlek Maj»ra .J. G. Savllle Willie Ix>vea!l .Re^’lnald Maaon Voc Bulon Biamarck S<'hmldt.Ban Maaon Fxlirard Farrar .Rex Macltonirall Richard I>aunt<iD . Jamea Fallen Timothy C.adt . M. E. Ilackert Officer Gia>Kan .Thomaa Reaiiref;anl I''*’”*" . Thomaa Martin Tompkina . John Adama Clementina FlfahiiKh ..Helena Collier Garrick Stal'.le Grade .Gladya Claire Nettle Majora .Deamond Kellv Miranda . Paula Marr

One hundred Weat I'ldnl Caileta »iTe enter alio'tl nl the IliilTalo and Pauiiee Bill Show on

Ib-lidae 1l'<i>inb will la- featured thia turn iiii-r rt llainiofr'-l'-ln'a roi>f.

.\uuflle Ki'lleriiiaii a;H-iida moat of the time woiolerliii; at which theatre ahe will not work

May MrK< iiaic lia-i Joined The Ucvellera Co. J.tinea i:. \ onnic will alar In l.n next aeaann Fre<! .Mlllicaii la pnltliit; out an .\lrdomr Co Bert I l^•|M' la plat me Thn e Weeka In Kan

a.x«. and tin) like It. Broadway did not.

thouirh all la loat. they will have a p« an unknown friend. .\Kain, the bottli collide with a lloiitiiiK la-r;;. ami aim bark on the lee airalii. Howeter, lire haa caat Ita bread upon the watera.


PUO\lliFN<'i; Ol’EKA IBil SE. Profldeiire, R I T'le Bridi;- a |da> In fmir acta, by Itu la-rt 11 lit; Ilea.

THE CAST .... <tuy Batea I’-iat William Riley Hatch . Howard Hull . SlM-lhy Hull ... Freileric latoinia .. John Arthur

Edninml Soraichan Bernard Kelaold . .Mfretl I’aaei . I.(Oila Thoua* . Alfrtal Pafei .... E S Tle>ni|>ao . Thomaa I>ewi'

Katlier ne Emmet J<.a<-|>hliir Slterwwal . Floren'-e Itoblnaoii . Ina BrtKik* . Jean Barrach .. June CoDitrete

Ou till ris.

Blanolii FbliU.

Fol ia » ai>jK-rr i

John Stialilard . Nathaniel k an Neal . Kenneth Sin.tteaiiit Gerald Fllrip raid Vl.l-ir lataiiiaki .... Si-vilti .

Jiiii Pilch . Bin helm . Hawkliia . Illlke} . I till III . Harlan . P.iue . Janet Van Ne-t ... Ed th siiallard Mi» Si rah Sot dam Alula Pond .

1 hi-i n la ril . l.ndliilBa S', t elk

.\t I’rovliloncc. H. I., on May 10. The Br dire tvaa psaliicetl with Guy Batea Poet aa «lar. It la a aw«-et iote ator.x.

John Stialdar.l. a ymtiiit clx.l en*lneer. with no ambltlona lailalde of lila profeaaion. Ilnda a ttalkl (t delesate. apreadlnt dlaaatlafartloo amonw hla workmen Juat aa the bit; brid». which In la bulldlne at Wayburn neara comple Ib-n Tin ini n demand more money, and Stial

I dard nHM-ala to Nathaniel Van Neat, th* rail road Uiairnale. for whoae cor|>oratioo the brldee la 1m-Iiis bir’t. Van Neat Irb-a a double game

la threatened. Bown cornea a I to protect the rallroad’a proi'

Stoitdaril haa fallen In loti • road pre* tlenf* aRectlon. In lb--

SliwMaM Intrigue and threat

workmen fol Si; V.ive their 'inninga

Van Neat demxnda that Slitddanl glee up bl» lit for hla daughter In return for granting the cn-aae In pay. and In order to protect hla

One of (he nio.-tt pleasing triumphs eter nchievod by a alo-k coiiipany w.ia that at the Hartford Tin atre. May in. when Frank Kis-nan and the Cook Stock players, with Miss Clara Blandnick. appcariHl In the original Be

lii-re. aa Juan Theatre

HE MAN FROM MEXICO H. A Bu Sncliet’* rollicking

MARIE TEMPLE J Bu Sucliet’a rollicking farce, which WII

Ilam Collier made famous a decade ago in New k i-rk, was welcomi-d back to, the stage at the Garrick on May 10. From the beginning of the first act to the end of the last Mr. Col Her kept the large audience In outbi laughter. The farce fits Mr. Colller'a allty eompletely. No mattor how al situations are. he easily managed to tf Into occasions of merriment.

The story of the plot la as follows min Fhzhugh. e yc-j by hla old frloml, i Tlalt The CBopatra. The Cleopatra la Tisiteil by

Benja ■ a young married man, la Induced |

Colonel Roilertek Majors, to ! 1. an unsavory resort. Then !

-.- •„/ the pidlce, and! ritxhugh Is arrested, along with several other* and brought Into court and sentenced to thirty days on BlackwelPa Island. He manages, how¬ ever, by bribing a guard, to visit bis home for a couple of hours and tell hU wife that business calls him to Mexico. Then Pitzhugh seta out for his month's visit to the penitentiarv. The •econd act discovers him in stri|>es—such a de¬ plorable, pitiable spectacle that It is easy to understand why Mrs. Fltzhiigh, who visits the penitentiary as a member of a prison reform association, falls to recognize her husband. An over-attentive warden attempts streniioualv to flirt with the pretty young visitor, and tbe'bus band a efforts to keep himself from becoming known by protesting against the flirtation are ndiculoiia In the extreme. In the last act. Fltzbugh, who la supposed to have Just re¬ amed from Mexico, makes a brave effort to keep up apiiearancea. The cnmpllcatluna that ensue furnish most of the fun.


FOLLIES OF THE D.AY.—A musical burlesque In two acts. B<sik and l.vrlcs by Barney Ge¬ rard. Music by Albert vou Tilzer.

and a strike 1 militia company er»v. Meanwhile with Janet Van Nest, the daughter who returns hla i nillltia captain. Kenneth StuyvesanI find- a rival, ami r»>mance. enml violence on the i»art of the b>w. .all hav ■

iJrace Gei*rge wonsl suen a s,-nsi the Harkett Theatre. Is a yotin iiewspria-r man. who l)esldes worl ctHinlry ‘>o pais-rs In varimis cltb (ample of nmels imblUhed by III and -111* play piastiiced

Mr. Buchanan I* a Krntucklam of a minister After leaving coll vcrslty of the S.mtb —he servial at the Ut K--i>tueky Infantry In Port the .Spanish war. and then t>ecat on the I.cmlsvllle C(mrlcT J(mmal, ; \Valters..n s pz|M-r. la-avlng the ( ss dramatic critic, he went to N s(s»n sueceialial In selling two n( i»-r’s. Tie «’a«tlr Cimiedy and . (diaiit. leith of Whleh bmiks prio Exit sl-iex- he went to New An lias 1h eo (uiniiected In varbrns ci the N* w York Evening Jisirna plav. The Intruder was tried ou an i will have Ita formal pnslurtl Is-r

A Womati’a Way w aa written i of .Ml. Bndv for MIsa Gmirgc. at the iiianiisi rlpt. that aatiite man till pixy at once Tic llackett

fV,o . LIUlan Mlllerahlp . Florrle Mlllershlp

Mni. Idylls \ an Twlller . Ida Sturg.-s J?"*"' . John Wllllama

■The Commoner . John West Marian Mann . Gertrude Hayes I^uls Mann . gam Sidman Tmothy Mc.Adoo . Larry MeCsIe Hal McAdoo . Harry Fox „. Edw. L. K’elsoii ;

Rosa Rosetta . Ida Sturge* ' Pietro .. Robert Carbone Maaeagni . Henry Everett Marcmi . Thomas Morgan . Walter Mitchell

Poltcvnian 939 .Henry Everett Blind .Man .George Masse ; Bailie, banjo girl . M. Clarke

. Sflibll ! Mrs. Maloney . Anna Waltman : Mamie Shoetops . Mad. Sulllvau (Bir Governor . Ward Jones Possum Bill .Sheppard Camp

Miner and Gerard broke Into Broad- ! way at Blaiie.v's Lineoln Square Tieatre, Mav I 10. With a burlesque entitled The Follies of the Day, which Is a conglomeration of vaudeville acts. sp«-eia]tles and girls. The program de- acrlbes It as “a series of incidents strung to¬ gether for laughing purposes. There la no plot; It Is too warm to bother with that, but If yon Insist, furnish your own.”

NoIkkI.v trleil Imt nearly every one—and the house was packed—laughed more than once. The humor was strongly of the horse play va¬ riety, and there was too much acting In the audiencx*. a man and a girl aingiiig from the boxes, and a .vouiig wiunan walking down the center aisle and up on the stage, all in one number.

The aiidienee demanded so many repetitions that the curtain did md go down until il:.K) o’clock, an-l at that, tw-o scenes were omitted.

One scene showed Governor’s Island and a food military drill and moek battle by seven¬ teen soidlees. Another si>eclalt.T was furnished by Miss Hayes and four dancing glrla. who reall.v danced, and 8and.r Mctlregor imitated Harry Lauder.


Standing on the end of the long steel pier at Dreamland, the general manager, S. W. Gumpertz. yesterday cast Into the aeaa a dozen champagne magnums. There lieing no Intention to Intoxicate Neptume. the big liottlea were entirely devoid of the sparkling water, wb'eh (MM-tlcall.v auggests Imprisoned laughter and (H-asant girls. Each bottle was aeeun-ly corked and wired, and Its contents were a card bearing greetings from the Greater Dreamland and a season's pass to the Coney Island park. Mr. Gumpertz threw these bottles fzr out Into the ocean and none came back. There being a very (tollte custom of rescuing floating bottlea on the part of transoceanic and (xoaatwlae ateamera, the bottles and their complimentary contents will, no doubt, fall Into good hands. Aga In some shipwrecked crew may pick up the bottles and be rheensi by the fact that, al

Late of The G«d<9-aH of Ressoi.

la«oo production of The Warrens of Virginia Benefit for the blind at tlic Hlpisslrome was Is-fore an audience c»mis>sed of the moat faali- a huge success. ionahle folk of the city. .Mr. Keenan achieved Cha*. Itlehman Is-cotnes a star next season, a personal success, and wa* ably sniqeirlcd by K. H. l/csier retnnieil to .New York on May a very excellent of the Coik strs-k players. .Mr. Keenan’s engageineiit st ti,.- Hartford The Fre«' Fleck 1« al Breaitilaiid. al«o Wallle atre is the first of a series of stock star pro- Bi-ekcr. iKs- Livitig«toii Is oxer at Luna ductions that have N-en arranged by Manager Recording lo the pres, agent. r;eo. Fawcett Charle* Emerson Cook. ..

THE KOTOR GIRL COMING -Midnight Sons opened Ms) 17 at the

The Motor Girl, a new mu.sical com- i;i,.„nH.r. Bavls thinks m. xx.-ii of he edy. the mnsie of whirii is hy Julian Edwards will invest tlier- this season and the Isiok by Skinner tn-l Gamids-ll. is the <;erlrnde Vanderbilt :ind Hosle (Jreeii will latest eoniiM-tltor for siimiiier show honors. The i|s„re In The Follies of HMa» plei-e has iM-en in preparallei, for some lliiie, j„„ |; ||„«,r(l was arresGsl for aiilo aiM-«-d and it Is said to rival In dialogue and clever ing. songs The Thns- Twin*, the most snceesaful Bax Id Ib-laseo rehearsed th- Landis, summer show of last year. i„.. i t -e.

.Negotiations an- not yet complete, but It Is MoiiHii Boiige * * ' ^ said the^ piece wideli will l,e stage.! in atsHit j',! „sb.reh.a.w nix will If* i»nKlnr«*il ut oHujt tt»* Il«‘r- • aid Si|iiare or the Lyric Theatre. Wali.-r Kocli and Klara ll.sbn. ladli in the

tlFT AttCO T FAVrS Metro|e.lltan ch'(riis, were iiisrro-d .\lay 13. FRED BELASCO LEAVES Murray b.ia algo, d for The Folllea of

Happy with the results of a pleasant Bsxt sojourn on Broa.Ixxsy. Fn-d.-rlc Itelsseo U home Geo. M. f'oban Is lliilsliing up tlir-e pisys. Ward liouiid, and that means Han Fran. lseo, Now .suiies an es. alat.-r for II’* The B'-Ixscx., a new theatre, w ill la- hnllt wln n r.a.f garden. John I'oll ick niii*l la- In town, the manager retiirna to the (;oa*l. Tin re 1* some talk of The Frlara hiiying th.

BROADWAY NOTES c|nh Inaiae, lanirtiNj: In to rnarrv! n** IIk'X Maf*

A Woman’s Way continues at the Feidi. B-.ditig la tin- msn ... .i.e) say Harkett. Ele.tra 1* aaid to la- a kllbr. For Oaw.l

Follies of ISaw la-gan r<-hearsliig Ma.v It) ssk.-, bring It ox.r R.da-rt Hllliar.l draws well at the Lltarty. Bola-rt lldllard aat will, a maglatrale Iasi York.- and Ada.ns next sesMai will liaxe In w.-.-k 'I be wl.b-li ■l.owliig that tllenmore Bavb

Africa. Is ••••! earning s.xlary.

THE WEEK IN CHICAGO THIS •It.'ii'lofn-s liut llttN* now

till miiiiiii lui'iil |iruKr«ui. liut ■dll ki'i'iMi 11 MU '!> tUi* ri-i-lliix dial i-uterlalumi-ut

^ !- I lll•■rt■llllll•-ll( fuiiiiil, fiir tUr varl<>u> i -1 i« an* U<Mi>iiiK ■ 'arli'ty i>f l>la)* fr<Nii

Ml ■l'l•■<'duu■ uiay Itr uiailr by t' iiiiNil rjaliilliMia

\ lUv lllliiola. Frank Mcliityrr auil Klalr .;:-‘Ki arr ilally aiiilliiK to tbilr rrimlatiuua

lurlili'Utally, to tUi- bol oltlra rocrllita, . .< U an- of tUi- alii- wblrli will brluc ■ roay

.< to till- Itatia uttli'iv It la i-vlilriidy tijp lu '...It'll of li'iir) It. Itarria to irtil Ibf iiaiiip Mi¬ ll.' to to dll' ati-llar Hat ami It rertalnly ibioa

la-ar aa llioUKta It Bta tUori' tuurb liottor than ' -111' of tUi' "tbi'r bt( li*lti*r |M-o|ilr. Mi-lo

'in « work la of tlu' aort Ibat ki-r|ia you ao ; t'lia.i Ibiiiklnic wbat a llkoalilf. taboli-aixni*, ii.iiiiofoua i-bai' la tbla lloli lilaki- tbit oiii* baa ' ("It lltili' dun* to bunt fur llataa In bia |Nir- tra.val "f tlii- lim i.r rouiniiTrial lrari*lrr aroiiti'l iih tii la faat'tii-il lb«“ Inti-ri-at of Tb#' Trarrllni; Sali'-iii>n nail* I'lririiaou'f auti|M>rl la Wfll Mortb.i of tbi* nanir aiiil at no dnir ilru|>a to do* I'trl Ibat mnluila Ibi- auillrnri* that after all

• hr la mill an "■I'l'ir lail.TMlaa KrrKuaoD Ilira Ihi- |>art mil baa ••nalril an Imorraal'n »ui"iic t hi''a»!" Ib'airr |>atri>aa that la rvlilrncril in lb'' I'ft ri'iirainl rrinark ••Sbr loi.ka like a

• aiirr ■■ Sbr .a britrr tbao that, tbougb, abr baa arrlii I ainl baa "loa'lr yiaal'' on tbr (irnailar uia'lr iliirlnic brr apiM-aram-r at I'ota ira TUrairr lu l*irrri' of tbr 1‘lalna

Tb'' Stii'li I'akrr la atill ilark. auil wbllr It liaa Ih . ii iiiiiiorial by tin- iirraa that Tlir Tbrii- I ulna or I'br Caiiily Sb'>|i aniulil take ijub k I--- .'u It la anoi'iinrril oltti'ially tbat tbr tint attrailion I" br aia-n at tbat tbratrr will lir Ibiioli of irtauatark wbirb will iih-u tbr latter I'iirl of tb.a ni'iotb Thro, later, will • tme In I be I'auil.i Sbop fur an luilrOnitr en tiimoient

Tbr .kuilitormni remalua dark, an.l Dolhiug la tielug aaiil I'Hi'l eniMigb for tbr pn-aa to bear aa to wbat attrardoua will l>r bnuaed In tbr near futurr at tbr roomy fblragu reaiilencr "f grand eiiera.

ni.kItI Kb ( IIKKKY In THK ll.kClIKMIU an original . oturdy In thrrr acta, by Hyde fiti b.

c.kST t»r ni.kit.kiTKit.s

iir -'gr <1 aalale .I'barlea fberry , IrlwaM Klrbi . Ulrbard Sterling Billy K. Udell .Uali'b M-irgan Jai O' '"tb e boy I.I'barlra I.aitr Mllliii-nt III Udell. "Jenny .Kutb Mayrllffe Mr. Iten.lell.Cbrtatlnr Itleaalng II.Ma Flint . Jauet limber

Fb" |day ataged and (irialured by flyde Fitcb.

New York—Id .kprll.

SY No|*Sl.s. .1* r I ' The prlaatr nllli-i' of IJeorge lloodale.

'f A; llolniea .MT II l.'le tbr aanir aftrruiHMi. Tbr Ib'D

di-:: a Flat .MT III 1' ■ ne\t tnitrnlog Mr. Guoilalr'a

'lb. e again

Thl.*: 1.* ih»' seconil wt-ek at the Whitbiy ii|"ra Il'Mjar. of The llarbrlor. whi*re the |.r-li.» I Iv.le Fdi b play, ai-i n ba-forr at Maalue Fllloti'a Theatre, baa taken a atrong bol'l "b the fanry of i'birago tbratngiwra The rrltlia bere bate a|H>ki'U generally of tbr ea- i-ellent tone of tbr play In lla entirety and ea- l>r.lall) of the great work of Janet llereber In bet jMirtrayal ''f II tda Flint, itf riatrar, a'ber- r.» a part la r.' 'gulieil and eatabllabed. aud la of the aaiiie high alandard wr eter aaaia late

with hla Uatui I'br aup|>ortlng ronipany la i lb elrnt m .letall and enaemble, and the proiluedou la prettily ataged and capably bandlnl.

The Grand tt|>era llouar. with .\ Gentleinan r rout Mlaaiealppl. and the dblrago dpi»ra llituar. With .Mary Jane'a la. are two tbratrra who bite Do rouiidalnt to make aa to ritber the

niiniliera of tbrlr attendance, and are bandliug a rona|atent*y guml bualneaa. which bi'la fair |i= ciHidniie aa loug aa tbeae two ea- •elliui attrardona care to run llurr MiTntoab. it the lirand. baa come bark Into bla own. and with Ibe aiipport of Will Iwnilng la trtily mak- ng a tinalrike At tbr Fbleago. Henry K.

ll'ealrlcal blatory of tbr aitrt hit will ,n,| In 1,1, company, Marie ami dretrben llarlmano ate adding uiiterlally to Ibelr already rorlable repittadona ii irilata of merit

lilt T''! '!< Itl’IlY. In a comedy In thrrr acta. It! ' ' **'*' *’•’ hu|M'rt lliighea. under he tiianag.iiient of William A llrady and

lu'lib '■'*’' ataged by Mr. Frank


.'‘f Murphy

K?, ■ *'* . hlfr

1 he Bachelor is Praised at the Whitney—Last Week

of Mary Mannering at the Garrick—The Merry Widow

Continues to Pull the Crowds—The Summer Park

Season Now Under Way.

.At McVleki-r'a Theatre. The Sini of Society ri'laiua Ita bold with the patrona of tbat abow biHiae and will. In all probability, run through the aeaKon iindl aueh time aa the "CToaed for Ibe Summer’’ aign will l>e lu order.

M.AItY* M.A.WFlItI \fl. In the pew cunetly In three acta. THK 1 NdKI’KNTlK.NT .MISS tldWKIl, by Flniiua B«*atrire Brunner; preaenl- ed by Sam S. ami l.o*e Sbutiert. Inc.


Tbe'Mpiela Gower. Mary Mannering Mra Milton tlower, ber mother..l..oulae Sydmetb Mr*. Jotin Klttreilge, .Mr*. Gower’a nioib^T. . Loulae Rial

F^ale .Helen Ylacbetb Miiule .Carol Elliott

Mra Ibmgberty'a Haugbtera.

I.uatige Wltwe" goes away from us with the announcement tbat pr>>bably next season Eu- r‘>pe will be the beld in which the amalgamated company now playing will operate. Pending the engagement of Richard Carle, In The Hurdy- Gurily Girl, which will be the summer attrac- tlou at the Colonial, it la likely that Manager <»<'orge l.ederer will use a week in which to do an, act called ■■hiatse-cleaning.” This is made p<«.«il>le by a rearrangement of the theat¬ rical schedule, and has causesi George Wood to use in bis press stuff the date June 6, in¬ stead of May 30. as the o{>eaing date of The Hurdy-Gurdy Girl. In the meanwhile, Gus S •hlH'.singor has a ilslly line at bis window, com- l"j»ed in greater part of those who wish to se-e The ilerry W.dow the second and third times, and the few who are seeking the first glimpse of the charming opera are not boasting that


Gus Wcinburg and K'Uie of the rbiTus In The .Alaskan, at the Great Northern Theatre, Chicago.

Mrs. IkHigberty. a caretaker . . Zclda Sears Irene .Ayr. stepalstiT of .Austyn .Ayr. .. Mary Nash

Imogen'* StH*nse .Irene Klrtland Kale Jarvis .. Fay Browning •Alice Butler..Alice Seymour

Fashionable Girls Mtiie. a maid.iM'onora I.ane .Austin -Ayr. a W'xnan haler. .White Whlttles.'T

Rlchanl Selden. an artist. R'diert Ciuines*. Alllton Gower . IKsIstMt Mltrhell Frank Gower, his son.James Sis'ttsw.sMl Harris, a man servant.James .A. Dickson James, a countryman . Alantim ChamtHTs

'>t l.lbbs, hla secretary. Air Kdwaril Wonn Mng of Italy.Mr Charles B. Welles

.Mr, Jiinir» Hr«»|>hy •-s Yillorla, hla daughter .

• • .Allas .Adelaide Manola ' **• * s'n|“*llo. Mlaa Dorothy Hhrim] 'Amarl her maid Alias Margaret Kenmare iiike of WeaUwaigh . Mr Jack Stamllng

■ Mr. Frank Hatch > tiMTlmn \ nilia««a4|i»r.

, , . Mr liarry I, Barker -. T*''"’ . '’t »»-<>rge F Dowers ■ .. Air J R .Armstrong


'■Ur la Italy 'The time la the present. [ tietllng Tile cliffs near Amalfi. D '*■■11 lug I A eorrldor In the royal Valdes Setting 3 The throne room. Ill .Sei. ng An Inn at the aeaptwt of "lare dl Stabia

Dings built by Mr Bert Turman, and I'* Mr 11 It.dH'rt

I’liwcfs Tht'ttirf'. tliD soi’oriil •r Mr Tim Aliirpliy In Aly Boy. la under

' '• bringing biialneaa to that hotia* ■‘SDarsetoiy to the nianageiiieni foe Ihia ihr year Air Aliirphy baa earned many

nolleea from the preaa In hla char- •I'Min Boland, and the real of the com

t.. Ibelr proiKtrllonaIr share

Guests. ATsilors. Etc.


.AtT I Hail In country bisise of Milton Gower In the Bers»hlres M-irning

.At'T IF —Rlchanl S.-ldeii's studio In the vicar¬ age grimnds AfteriKsm

AtT HI Same as .Act II Krening of the nexA da.'

This Is thi' socond .mil last week of Allss Mary Mannering In Fbe Indeis-ndent Alias G'>wer. at the Garrick Theatre. The [day waa a day late in ots'iilng last w.s-k and thi' 'Hwnlng lis'k place lUi Tuesday e'euing Since that lime the rmigh s|s>ts ha»e twen sm'S'th'Hl o'er anil the pbs e In Its entirety brighlem*'! until now we ha'e In It a delightful ci'm'sly. bubbling with enti'rtaliiment. ami cnacttsl by a cimipany of well balanc'sl players, who make the moal of a snbj<s-t fertile In >'pts'rtiinltles and ab'Simling with sitiiallona which demand laughs galore. Miss Mannering. In the title role, la eharming. While WhlMlesey Is seen to ad'anlage. ami the I'lhers In siipis'rt of Mlaa Alaiinerlng are e'lually elfielent

The program of iiiiislcal shows now playing In Chleagi' must, of eotirse. Iw* hesiletl by Th<' Merry Widow as bwig aa that delightful A'l ennese i>i>«T'*lla eana to remain at the Colo nial. Crowdi*<l bouses have l*C''n the deaerv'sl lot of Ibe I.ehar harmony play during lla preai'nl sojourn, ami will nndoyiblislpr continue to l»e In evbb'nce until Alay 'JlUh. when "Die

tbt'y have been so Umg in getting to a good thing.

The .Alaskan, with Its northwt>st settings, pic- tures*iu<> costumes and catchy songs. Is swing¬ ing along at the Great Northern Theatre in a way tbat brings a smile to YA'lIliam Cullen and keeps It there. Its rather palpable plot and at tlmi's tm|>osslbIe story carry with It enough gvHsl st'ngs to Insure a certain amount of siiC''«*s8 and the excellent O'Knpany Includes Tolces of the sort that realixe. to the utmost, the poasibllltles of the tunes. The snowball number is an Innoration that appeals to the audience and It Is regularly me«>ting with en¬ thusiastic receptions F'orest Huff, as Dick •Atwati'T. Is refreshingly natural and sings delightfully, with a ni.mly delivery; Richard F. OarT'ill. as the actor authtw manager. Is the "gootls.” and do«'s several Inlerpolati^ vaude¬ ville turns that are Into gems of the variety; Gus Weinbiirg, as the German professor, is the real tm|>orted article, anil handles his stage "bun" In the punch-N'wl scene In a manner that will fi'rever bar him fr'>m membership in the YV C T. F.

Edward Martlndel, with his handsome car¬ riage and dtep voice. do«*s s<<me exploring In the lower scale of ni'tes In his sevtTal si'ng numbers, and strides romantically through hit part In a pleasing way; .Arlene Boling, as the dsshlng wid«'w' with the "decIensU'o" name, plays In excellent form; Is'ra I.leb. as .Arlee Easton hss a w ay of her own that gets the applause, and Is vivacious In h«» daring cow- tunic, which Is the magnet for a crowd of g-'s'd voli*'*'! chi'Tiis men. Pearl Elaine Roberts, who plays Kii Ko. the Utile Eskimo ladr with the n<'ae-nibblng pr.vllvlfles. iHVupies In her diminutive way .'uly a small part of the stage, but fills a big sp.'t I'll the bill. .As a whole! the .Alaskan Is gisal. and certainly on of the best sh''ws that has lately la-en seen at the Great Northern

The Prince of To Night has nowr more than l.Yrt performances to Its rr<>dlt and la itlll climbing towanl the r«vord at the Princess Theatre Henry W.'.'.lruff, Frances Demerest. Bert Baker, .Adele Rowland and Harry i'ilcer

continue successfully In their respective parts, and Olga Yon Ilatzfeldt is now playing the role created by Georgia Caine, who has left the cast.

Harry fetone is now to be seen aa Jefferaon Carter in The Golden Girl, at the Ea Salle. 'The play is living up to the successful trad! tloo associated with Mort Singer's pretty little show house. Winona Winter. Vincent McCarthy. J'Ohnny F'ogarty, Harold Crane, Katherine Bell, J'weph Herbert, Jr., Hamilton Colemen and the others in the cast are entertaining in ensemble and delightful Individually.


The second week of James J. Jef- ‘ fries and packed houses Is under way at the American Music Hall, and it is further au- nounced by William Aforris tbat next week the

i "champion of the world" will be seen at the ! Star and Garter Theatre, as the headliner on

a bill of Morris vaudeville. The eugagement of the great pugilist has been signalizeil by

' wonderful attendance, and interest lu him and bis act shows no sign of waning. His acting

! partner, Sam Berger, comes in for his share of ! attention and does a little talking turn grace- I fully. The bill of the week includes Billy ITif- ! ford, supported by Maud Lambert, and other i performers of like excellence.

Edna Wallace Hopper occupies the headline i position on the bill this week offered by the ' Majestic Theatre, and is making a big bit ; with some new songs and selections from her I old successes. Richard Crollus presents a neat I farce, entitled Shorty; Eddie Leonird, assisted ; by the Gordon Brothers, does a dancing and I singing skit called In Old Virginia; Violet Black bas an act termed In The Subway; Seldom's

■ Venus and living models is an interesting view ' of human depiction of famous art studies, and I the bill Is further enhanced in entertainment

by tbe Farrell-Taylor Trio, Boranl and Nevaro ; and Vernon tbe ventrilo<)ulst.


George Klimt’s Players, in Fanchon ! the Cricket, is tbe attraction at * the Bijou, j .Anne Bronaiigb has the title role. Paul Gilmore ' in Rida Johnson Young’s Tbe Boys of Com- j pany B, holds the stage at the National. For a ! real, live thriller, we have Jesse James at i tbe .Alhambra. The National Opera Comiiany 1 presents Fra Diavolo at the People’s, while i the Marlowe and the College, the other Marvin j bonses. are closed for tbe season. Tbe Bu-'h hag adopted vaudeville—Nellie Revell Is one of the

I headliners. The Columbus is still In tbe vaiide- ! ville line—Will Marshall has been appointed j manager.


I For those who prefer burles<|ue, tb* I offerings are Tne Big Review, at the Folly, I Broadway Gaiety Girls at the Empire. Blanche I Stanley at tbe Star and Garter, and a stock i company under tbe management of .A. M. ZInn, which will produce musical comedy and bur-

' lesque during the summer, at tne Trocadero.


The out-of-doors season in Chicago, as concerning the various resorts and amuse¬ ment [larks. is practically in full sway, for already have Forest Park. Rlvervlew Exposition

, and White City made their 1900 bow to tbe I Chicago public, and Sans Soucl and Luna Park ' are on the eve of this season's debut. Tbe In¬ clement weather attending the Inauguration of Forest Park had but little perceptible effect, ami while undoubtedly tbisisands who otherwise would have been "among those present” pre-

. ferred tbe fireside to an umbrella ramble, still, . what was lacking in numbers was more than offset by the enthusiasm evinced by those who bad a wet glimpse at tbe many new feature* that have this year been Installed by Paul Howge. .Among these are the Steeplechaae, with the six horses racing side by side over a half mile of fast track in startling realism;

I a scenic course of a mile called 'The Grand I Canon, the Human Roulette Wheel, 'vlth Its 1 incidental fun. the big fire show known as The Reign of Fire, vaudeville of the sort that

' really Is worth while, and other devices of amusing diversion. Also, this year, the Pnea-

: matic Tube Railway and the Glart Safety j Coaster are In operation along with other fea- I tures held over by popular demand.

Riverview has outgrown the term "park” and well earns the broader name of “exposition.” The Casino has been remodeled and enlarged

. ami the general aspect of the grounds Improved and brightened to the extent of modem po*-

' slblPtles In this line of endeavor. The new ! rides and shows are innumerable and the list I Includes the Ix'st of this sort of entertainment : available. Rlvervlew’s own band, under tb* ! direction of W. C. Morbliis. furnishes the music,

and bas already establishtil a high standard by I the excellent ,execution of well-selected pro- . grams. Creation and tbe Battle of the Alonltot j and the Merrimac are two of the biggest and best attended features of this season’s offeringa.

I Col. Hutton, as usual, has seen to It that Chl- I cago is thormigbly acquainted with the manifold

reasons why Rlvervlew Is the resl plsce fog ' amusement lnvestm»'nt. snd Chicago. In r*- , sponse. has tume<l out In generous sltendsnc* snd reoelveil the big venture with acclamation and enthnsissm.

White City’s opening date was May 15th. which means that last Ssttinlay the regulai patrons of this completely-appolnteil resort opene'l their season of summer enjoyment. Elee-

I trie lights galore and shows and music as bright ! as the Illumination signalised the event, which

was Joyously resllieil to Its fullest extent by sstlsfieii thoussmls. L. .A. Wolf hss spared no effort In making 19D9 surpass, by far. all Whit* City n'cords of the past, which means tbat In description of this delightful enclosure the superlative may advisedly be used. The feature attractions this year will be replete and varied, and will Include some of the tu'st musical or¬ ganisations of this country and ENirope.

Sans Soucl. with the new theatre snd the many other features of the new season, selected Alay 22 as the day on which Chicago could first m-e the park dresseil In her 19<I0 gown. It surely la up-to-ikite and outdoes even the . t

(Continued on page J4.)

Xlie BIlll>oard


MAY 22, 1909


It I* a atfiry full of Intoreat which attarhca to tho namt-8 of thoiu* who have their

Uvea with acromplleliment, that can lie woven around The personality of SleRmund I^iihin, the Itreat optician, manufacturer, ahowman, acl- entlat and public benefactor.

No account of a man's acblevemcntx la com plete or Illuminative, unleax we are made aware of their bepinnlnita. Granted Intelligence and

Siegmund Lubin, a Representative American Manu¬

facturer of Films, Who Has Contributed Much to the

Progress and Advance of the Industry—-New Cor¬

poration to Erect Motion Picture Theatres.

Ire «r«Vh1e ‘•lenient of the moving plctun- l•arIle, Shea la now manager »f the fhlcago I*" vlcl.jua nature, baud.n Slee^n'i - i ^ body and mind. , biialnoa haa cauaiMl him to be ngardwl gen- ... tin. faineraphoiH- foinpany. cop> of the lllble. She din*, not reeog, Slegmiiml Lubin waa born in Breslau, but, I erailv as a ahowman rather than as a manu 4. "es*. •I"' 'In** •l»e Hlea In

as an Infant, he was taken by hia parents to fartiirer and a scientist. It la his ambition , In-atlng his laaly and face with her ttsta Berlin tlermany. It waa in the latter city that to lie reinemln-red as the latter, he laid the groundwork of a liberal education. and I**aTinir colU-jre at tbe age of sixteen, came ' "

"M ThS;,,!.','.’:' 't',”• c°bp°b*tion.

a year he B<M>n afaln Amgari/va aAttiincv i capltallaeit at will he looorporat*

llSllVC /Amcricsn IVlcinU* trll»ui»al she |iana4«a f*rlnrr DImetrt. w|i. the terrltile reault uf bta «lu». lie grow

Nilii/'k fhaa re|Hntant and attempta to plead her cause l» oOniriDUlCQ iVlUCn lO inC fore the jury, Imt Uny are a callous lot and ... . , ^ pay no attention to the argumeuia for r«#» — I nr- against and by force of habit vote to send h. lie IIIUUMI^ ItICW V^UI ,0 sib-rla. She la dragged mit to the pen ..i

ey-.| d'dimtlon an.l herdeil with a lot of |ioor iin ''tlire 1 npatres f<.rtunales. who scarcely In-ar any resemhiain ..luiv. a iiv,ai.iv.o. hiin.ati Inluga. The reiM-ntsnt I'rlnce deter

liilnea to ghe up hla life to right the wrong In has doi.e, and visits her ber«. with a view oi

fame, Shea Is now manager of the fhicago I'" vlcl.sta nature, handing her ... tile t'aineraphoiH- foinpany. ~1'> "5 V''. " ’^n-t ''••cognlae hln,

' . ' at Ilrst, but when she do<-s she flies Into fury ~ lM‘atiog his Issly and face with her flats and th<

Mr. McMillan, of the l'ni<|iie Klim t'onatruc- ts>ok. lie leaves her ami she alls moodily lai tion t’o., Is out of town <m business. Tb.* ijuar- the Is-nch with ‘he btsik on her lap. Shortly

him as a worfiiv eitiaan iiuueu lo LiBiui |,«n.v foT a chslti of theatn.a that will be start. T. . .r . ^ ritlten. I various large cities of the United States Mr. Lnbln immodlately ostabllsbod himself , and Canada. The eompany will hold a majority’

as an r^ticiati. ilj was not the very first Ini of the atis'k In the playhouaen that will be point of to manufacture a moving picture. ' erected or leawsl. Of the capital stock, $100.- of tb«. ttrm have Iss-ii ris-enlly rearranged she turns her pages, and lo. the Kesurrectlon' to lake care of the im-reaseil hualmws. ||,.r eyes fall on the passage tJidiu xl. I*.'.

4* "And Jesus said unto her, I am the reaurre,

Mr. G.S.. Kl dm-. of the Klelne ttptlcal Uo.. ‘I«“ ^““ has retiirmsl from a btisimsis trip to the I'aclflc th'sigh he were dead yet shall be live. In ai,

Instant her whole being changes. There U __. ___ hots- for her salvation, and she reads on. Tio

guards arrive and we next ace her with th. MOVING PICTURE NOTES. other unfortunates trudging over the imiwcl.i.l

■ jlepjie.- toward dbe goal from whence few r. The mw Grand Theatre. Wllllanis|H«d. Pa.. lum- ‘»*'r l>ecomea the mlnlaterliig angel abar

but bis Is tho honor of having advertised and 000 has been subscribed by Cincinnatians, was ois-is-d as a moving picture theatre. May Ing h»T coniforls **•!* them. The Prlnc. sedd tho flr-t films In this country, and due to Among the largest stockholders will be I. 11. II. Gorman and Ileyte are th«. proprietors, meanwhile, has secured her paraon and hasten* him more. p*;ha|is. than other persona is the '•'•'''• •••'««>•' “o.M**- ‘*‘- present sliced state of the business in this !-begs her to return with h m as h a »•«' county-. :,volvlng as it .does the enormous In-' SIEGMUND LUBIN I*"' ts'* *“ •*‘■*1’ TP«t.. i a .srki*.i ex# olt«muniU u U DI PI t nig thoM* iKH»r lumlii to wbom 1 klodnesA U »n countf'. i.vnhing am It .<k>es the enormoui In-' SIEGMUND LUBIN l»r**»**»^ k *»iytlion b$*lp vest. , .spital of more than $50,000,000 blttalVIUlNU LUBIN tho.^ poor souls to whom a kindness Is an

.. ... Imlesi-rlbsble blessing, and bidding bim fare From the very first his keen discernment

Sensed the almost Illimitable poasibliitles of the i n ovlng picture. Not contenting himw lf w 1th 1 tlie manufacture and sale of tne means of | making pictures, be early. In 1S90, daringlv risked a small fortune in erecting a building ^,...“1**. Kxport Exhibition, held in 1 I blladelphia, for the s|ieclflc purpose of giving | inoving picture shows. Dire failure was at the ' time predicteil for the venture, but It proved 1 a grand siioceaa and the forerunner of a bust- ' ness which la known at this date In every civ- 1 Hired comer of the earth.

The beginning of the fame of Lubin pictures ' dates from the showing of his prise fight films. ; This served but to suggest the limitless field open to motion pictures. No scenes of active 1 life was to l>e barred from reproduction, man i

*** *** *** variety of forma waa to ylcln up itA storp of inovini? And I gestlye activities, for the entertainment and I enlightenment of the people. Keeping pace with $ knowliMlge that the llluaion of active life might be crcatinl, came vast Improvements In the means for taking the picture, and pro jectlng the same upon the screen, together with fACiittIcM Adapted to aII branchei of the artta* tic and buaiiH'ss portions of the same. In this advance. Slegmnod Lnhln was In the van. bis Intelllgen.-e and versatility rendering him at once a captain In the business. Inventiveness ' •agaclty and the fire were all his. Touching the very highest ideals am] possibilities of the motion picture, he early sought not only to I amus.. and entertain, but a mind such as his of neiesslty reallaeil the Invaluable aid which be might bring to the arts and sciences. Not¬ able among his scblevements was the first ef¬ fort to phot<>grapb the microbe, the germ, the bacillus of disease, and preserve them for fu¬ ture use on the film, for study. His combi nation of the mioroaenpe and the camera alone, would stand as a monument to lasting fame. The field of surgery was also Invaded, and the world may now sit at clinics and learn of the ! Intricate operations performed. Surgical opera- i tlona fs-rformeil m hospitals of America have betm studli j lu Kuro|M‘, through the medium 1

or Lubin films. Anotb-'r very important addi- ' tIon made by him to the mechanical portion i of the picture field la a method for uniting the motion of the picture with s< unda of the hii- i man voice; in fact, of any sound. By the use , of the disc record, sound and motion are per¬ fectly s.vnchronlaed. Thus, for all time a per- 1 .. .. . .. iTSIi “"•Ion* of the celebrated Feigning lllnesa be d spatrbea It by Jack, wh.i fill”., ’’'ttuosii may be coupled for Manufacturer of Fllma. assnm-s It an exrusi- for lllnesa In he rusbe*

*“* present and for generations In tlie midst of the wedding throng. You may y t unborn. Imagine the scene Here Jack nnwlttlnglv

The latest Invention of this genius is a small Krsnkel, .lohn J. Huss. lYiomaa A. Reilly and <*. K. Dunn, formerly manager of a moving wiaaks vengeance. On Jack's return to Frank macbfne, for use In the seclusion of the family, 1 Edwanl I’. Bemardl, of file latter city. picture hiMim- In Sioux Clly, la., has sold out I finds lliile sister Mary's band held out whereby the motions of the Infant may be j 'Dm- company will only have theatres with a hla Interest to F. L. Wlrlck amt now haa under helpingly to him. coupled with Its infant cooing, the more mature 1 seating capacity of 1.(100 or moo*. Five cents conatnirtlon an Alrdome which he extiei'ta to —_ child, the grown-up, all of them, in the differ- I will lie the highest price charginl, and the show complete by June I, when m* will opi*ii It with ent stages of life, may be reproduce ' will last one hour. Playlxousi-s will be opened first-class vaudeville. ranawav In picture and sound, show ing life, action, mu- [ by the company at Toledo. Ib-trolt. t'lnclniiatl _ *.»»*«*x ale of volet and familiar environment, to be ' and St. Umls In the near future. THE INDI.W TltAIUTK._The first si l■ll•■ passed down to later years and coming genera- | - Following In a list of late films, by h-iidlng opens 00 the propertv of a well known We«tcrii tlons. It Is said that this last invention haa ..s,.evsi is-eicNsi as tnnniifacturers and dealerK. for early release; ranchman. A bunch'of cow-piinchera are asscni l^n for Mr. I.,ubln a labor of love, and quite LABOR UNION AFFILIATION OF M. mn-xoawir •'>'•'1 wasting their time and their employer'* irrespective of any consideration of financial p cmdioYFFS BIOJKAFM , pj. pitying cards. The ranchman catches

employed by bim “ _ ‘ |{F:>;|’HUKi'TION.--Th.‘r$* !■ no ttiAt 1 «htni «t tht- gime. .nilrkly breAkP It up. Ami D perreotinsr tbe machine. ■ ,1^^. readlnjc public of the eiilln* morld 1« ftmll-1 'hem to work One C4>w puncher, m

In the lijrht of the atrenuoua and wonderfullr Tlie Ttieatrlcal Sta^e Kmploy«*A \ tiUm Iiap re manterpUK'e «»f that celebrated feew^er. who dUllkmi beln« ordere$t ab<*ul OMeful life Ie<! by Siegrmund Lubin. It la cheer- I eelved the otbeial ibHiaion <if the executive Kuaplan reform«*r amt noriMlPt. t%»unt I^*o Tol- | by hlp emplorer. telU the ranchman *0 Ing to know that the world. In recognising hts boaml of the A. F. of L. In reference to tbe .loy. So other werk has made such an liii- I ^ ensues In which the ranchman gels the genius and benefactions to mankind, has not ' moving picture men. At the lime that the pr,.,.|„„, principallv on accimnt of Its strong l>rtter of the greawr, and kicks him off th- forgotten to yield him a meed of financial sue- ; "nlon applied to the A. $. of L. for a charter nioral. Never was'Here such a aernion dellv-i l>'''<'e. After this, the greaser swears reveng* cess. I there were Ihne unions fighting for the privilege , „,civsslon of "" »'>•• "P"*' • l''«n. »"<>

It Is not likely that tbe extent of the mag- i profiting Jt. the Actore Inlon the Elec intens* dra.iiatlc Incidents Incorporated In a I snollier greaser they s«*ciire the rsncliman * oltiide of bis manufacturing oiierations In Phil- I ‘i"''**,’ "nd the TTwiitrlc^ Stage the author never written another •••'I. taking with them a shepherd il<«k adelphia are realised by many who have not Kmployea I nion. The latter was awanted tne alone wcsibl have made him fa- 1 • playmate of the little girl, the iV>g ts'lng Inspected his three large factories that occupy I moiia Manv adaptations have ll.•.•tl made for "•'•1*''^ Inter on by the gn*as*rs. as the story three large buildings, one on .Market street, the stage, hut the Blograiih In this subject pre will show. and two on Arch street. ERRATUM. '“■nts iK-sslbly one of the most Intense. Ite-I Eicnliisllv. the two arrasem. the little girl

no. she prefers to work out her salvation help Ing those poor souls to wbom a kindness Is an Imh'scrihahle blessing, and bidding bim fare well, she renounce* the world for Hie path of duty, so we leave her kneeling on the «now at the foot of the Holy Croat.

THE JILl.—John Hale and Prank .klltsoo have l-erome staunch friends at college, an<l the day of separation, at tbe end of tbe roars.- was a sad one Indeeil. particularly for Prank when I.e discovered that hia little crippled sl> ter. Mary, had fallen deeply In love wltl- Jack. Jack goes out Into tbe world, me.-!* and N-comes smitten with .Miss Dorothy Kirk a cold and heartless beauty. Dorothy had en gagi‘d herself to several worthy young men hut her caprlclousness bad rauseil her to throw them islde, ao when she la sought by John Hale we feel that she at last baa found h^r afDntly They are ei gaged and the artlnitlon sealed with a ring, but tbe usual change of heart romee and this time on the day of th^lr to-be nup Hals, when Jack receives the following Dote "Mr. John Hale, Dear Sir—.\m sorry to write I ran not marry you toilay nr ever. Pardon my d ■vision un‘il the last moment, hut better late than never. Dorothy Kirk." At the same time retunIng hia ring Humiliated and rnislied. Jack stood In his wedding clothes hardly resitting the cruel truth. Prom that moment a change comes over him—the noble manly, courageous fellow becomes In spirit a weakling. Down, down be goes, disappointeil dlsroursgi*d sod 11sln*a«e<l. until we find him simply a drink devastateil. emaciated bumaii frame, as be enters a saloon to buy a drink While seated at one of the tables, be glance* over a news|ia|ier and an article strikes his eye anniwiiicing ibe marriage of his college chum Prank Allison, to Miss Dorothy Kirk on that sftcrnfsin. Rushing from the place on ten gesnci* lM*nt. he makes his way to Prank's home to ghe him the aw-fiil note she had sent him some lime before, but when he se.*s Prank a* radiantly happy lie decides to bold his |•eace and crushes Hie note In his hand laif of sight Prank msin seeing his awful plight pn-vslls mioii him to slay. .\s he leaves for the ad joining risim he dro{ia the note which Prank picks lip and reads. He now reallli*s the cans*- of hl> chum's condition, and In an Instant hl« love turns to hate, so he resolves to pay her back In her own cdn. He writes a note blent leal In wmsHng with hern, aiblresalng It Dorothy Kirk.” signing It "Prank AIltSi>n Feigning lllnesa be d spatrbea It bv Jack, who assnm -a If an exciisi* for lllnesa In he rusbe* In Hie mbiat of the wedding throng. You may Imagine the scene Here Jack nnwlttlnglv wrvaks vengeance. On Jack's return to Frank O. K. Dunn, formerly msnsgi-r of a moving «r»sks vengeance. On Jacks return to Frank

plctiin* hiMiis- In Sioux City. la., has sold out I he finds lltilr sister Mary's band heW out

' THE INDIAN TltAIUTR —The first s< i-ii. Following la a list of late films, by leading opens on the projiert.v of a well known We*lcrii

manufacturers and dealers, fer early rcleaae; ranchman. A bunch of cow-piinchera are ass.-ni nronna-pu hied wasting their time an<l their employer'* Xiivijnarn , ^y playing cards. The ranchman estebe* IlRKi'Tlt>N.—There Is no <|iiesllon that 1 »hem at the game, quickly breaks It up. and

I there were Hine unions fighting for the privilege , siicis-sslon of "" hits upon a plan, and with the ssslslsnc. . i of prot^tlng It. the Actore Inlon the Elec .irs.iistlc Incidents Incorporated In a ! snoHier greaser the.r s«*riire the rsndimsn * . trlcal W';rkers t nl^ and the -nwntrlcal Stage written another lltt'" «*‘tln« w'th them a shepherd •b«g t I l*tt'T »•" swarded the alone wcsibl have made him fa- 1 • playmste of the IlIHe girl, the ileg ts'lng

Inspected his three large factorlea that occupy I moiia Manv sdafitallons have Is-eti made for "•'11*''^ Ister on by the greasira, aa the atory three large buildings, one on .Market atreet, j the atjge, but the Blografdi in this subject pre will show. and two on Arch atreet. ] ERRATUM. I><'»»lhly one of the most Intense. Re-j Evcniiiallr, the two greasers, the little girl

His film business alone la enormous. He haa i siricted as we were as to length, we have sue and the dug arrive at Hie greaser's hut, and a a working capacity of 80,0(10 feet of flinia fier cessfiilly fiorlr.-iyeil a story which comprises the note la written lo Hie IlIHe girl's father, alsl day. which at 10 cents per foot brings the On page ffmrt**«*n of mir Issue of May 15, two n<ost stirring Incidents with an absolute contl- j Jng Hi(.f she had b<*<*n taken out of revenge fer enormous dalljr aggregate capacity of $8,000 | Items were so conDis«*d In Hie tyfie as to 11""^ I***! ** wonderful In motion pictures. ! thi treatment Hie greas-r rervived at the han*!* from films alone. This capacity la fully ci- i Identify D. R. Manlonell with the 20lh Century The subject oiieiis with the reliim home of of Ibe rancltnian, and that Ihcj will not return baiisted a majority of working days of the year, j OpHscofie Company in Cblesgo. Mr. .Macdonell I’rinci* DImetrl, who meets the maid Kainrha. her until they feel Inclined to do ao.

The name of Lubin la borne b'y twelve thea- I* manager of the t’nlon Film Exchange at 225 ■ little |H*asant girl, and la Inatanlly charmeil The note la tied to the dog. the greaser well tres or palaces In tbis country that are owned iteoriKim street, Chicago and Is In no wa.v coo- with her ts'siity. doling, artb'ss and Innocent. | knowing that onee the dog Is releasisl tie will by afrek companies under the name. Lubin ‘ n«-ct<*d with the 2(tth Century OplIacotK* Co. »■ pretty aa a roae, alie unwittingly fasrlnates make his way lank home, ami that the note Amus<-;nent Company. j Prince, Ills noble bearing likewise Im will eventiislly fall Into the lian<la of Hie little

Thera ara flra of thaaa honaaa In Phil.Hainhla pp-sses h r, atiil bls little attentions flatter girl's father. The ibig la tiimed loose. aiKl th?^ fn B^altlmoX New YV^k one b; ' CHICAGO FILM NOTES. t"'r. 'mHI length she I. unable to resist hi.' hiirrl.slly HI. way home nt^m^ri nr .‘il l run In' rViTi In I advanees. The (Hsir girl Is meted the Usual 1 Immisllsti'lv iiiM.n the fliidlna of the note b' Richmond, one In Reading - An alliance 1. out of the qiiesHoii Tbe the rancher h~ gather, als.iit him hi. cow

g In a ^ uiif'»rt«tuite nilfvtAke In (Mir roliimnA liAt rtlApArliy of th(*tr rAiikp forlildR It, ind piinrlirrA. rnd fhrr Rlnrt «n th*' tfAll of th- ?nhtn u ? hare. .n!i tWa af; i '♦ ‘PI'*''''' Mr. Mscdmioell. of MKin Hie Prlnc.. must cast her aside. Plvs ireaa.ra. mine .na "rima*of ^**‘* Pbl®" PHin Exchange. wsB conw-cted with years later we find that the girl, now a loath- | In order lo niske sure of liHwttng the girl

.'1 a.!*"'* ®‘ which ar* jijp 20fh Cs-nturv ()ptlsi*opi* Co. Mr. Macdonell , some sight, has learne.1 the hitter lesson of the the fniher secures an liidlsn. who Is noleil f* aireany unaer conatmciion. 1^ general iiianagi*r of the Cnion Film Exchange, eternal Iriilli. "The wages of aln la death." I Ills abllHv is a "trailer" The Indian la n* already under construction.

It Is thirteen years since be began tbe mov- the new indejiendent exchange that has Just It la diath to the soul at all evsnis. Hlie has I tong In fliidlng the tracks of the fiiglHiea, a< Ing picture business. His activity, aa Indl- .^ned with beadqiiartera at 2*25 I>earbom atP'et, gone down lo the lowest depths snd Is siriwleil i be eventually leads the fsther to tbs hmi* cati-d, has been very great. Hia attention to Chicago. In a low Russian tavern. As she Is csrrled to I where the ctilld smi Its csplors srs In hidins

19. X ti e B I

tl.rllllliK PiHrllliii.

.1 l>i It* I

n'.w ituniMi. anil »fHT rmiarliliic alxmt tb»- Im>x In tb<- latter * r»<m- tMX*- Tl»e rixbtful owner aoo.j comf* iipon . irri iiier Ibe Vblbl J» te l>*i>y. 1* toM lb* blatory of tb* little fellow. ari-ne and after cbaatlalD<; fuj jrc'ilna for tt

li. ' mid Hie Kreaaer meet* a lie at oiK-e relate* tbe *tory of tbe aeeldent ti ndnet, be joe* on hi* way. • t ie tit.iii|« of the Indian atel the old etiepberd aorrowfully take* tbe leiy I ap»inf a place wher * Ml oM penaant

' to the leitiie of bi* iwreiit*. With a breaklnx mllklnx a cow, the you'.o :.»k* for i kIj**

Itoy*. The rixbtful owner aoo.i come* iipon the Mule* arc Itelnj uaed to climb tl«c Incline*, acene and after cbaatlalox the jrc'iln* for tuelr which are all covered witb hdow. When reach-

Inx a iielxht of about ‘JflO feet above earth the oM peiiaant I* mrxt pictorial «cenea are obtained. The gun* for 1 glj** if •fc being loaded, which are carried by the

.1AU» ^N^

• tieerg** K -liii

1(11 wiiiti.ii I r*<i.r '

heart be part* from the little fellow, refuaing t|’e milk, and upon being r-fuvcJ tak'^a revenge mulea, and tbe maneuvers start. This Is one of all tiiauner of reward other than a ki»* from tbe p,. fcicmt' some of tbe wat t down the :inliual‘* the pettiest pictures ever seen. Tinted child. tjroat and suddenly It is tTin*t.>.uned Into a m^echanieally with appropriate colors all the way

A tbrllllfig rew-ue scene I* sbiiwn. little calf. through.

1 Him of re- I miiletely up-

child. A tbrllllfig rew-ue scene I* sbifWn.

ftlUKCTIO.NK OVKIttOMK.—A troubadour Is DAfNTED BY HIS FIRST L-'JVK.—An am- llolllng lrr**giilsrly throi .-i tl-• shy, disre- p*^.n atrrdling along the ri>ad In ciimpany with bltlous young artist and a pretty m.alden ari*

MII.K.MAN’S WOOING.—Youthful but bashful milkman Is very diligent In his duties as bride-

,r lug all ii*tiir»l law*, lb mllar ■ t everylhini:

♦ UK Ctll I.IlN T I-tiSK IIKIt

Iii*i:ii>l U alniiit to go on a I w if •• •-apri******* s d*-*ire to m

-- KiridllUg along lue r<»*a in r<impauy WIIU oiu'aj* JOUU* auu • I, „p„ncp troetment hv nil present* 1,1, brother. At an Inn he meet* * young deeply In lov with one another and the golden treatment by Ul* little urotiier. At an inn ne lueeTs a young >i<-epiy m iot - eiiu ooe eiieats

lady with whom he Immediately fall* In love. gl<«w of the future brightens their hope of mu euii g guest*. a c»*e of love at Brst sight. The young lady'* tiial happiness. Thu* they live for one another fatiw-r, liowever, will not (vinseut to her marriage until one eventful day. when at tbe seashore until one eventful day, when at tbe seashore HUSBAND GOES TO MARKET.—Wife sends

the yoii'h meet* an old friend, whom he gladly huslnind to market. Boys steal his basket, and siltomohll ^ l>eniillee* youngster. the yofi'h meet* an old friend, whom he gladly husl>*nd to market. *1’*** 'h, ** A* the rejected sult'ir leave* the Inn he meet* Intr'eluce* to hi* fiancee never entertaining husband gets drunk opuy him j iu|iilre and party who engage him to play for the thought that tbl* same friend would prove

u. bi'i"ii<ly be i-.iiiipllee res'dvliig I give her ,bem. When neat be apjiear* at the Inn with a traitor and rob him of hla only earthly hap- TRAGEDY AT THE CIRCUS.—Shows clown ll all e\p- rlelice thki *lie W II

f'.r fiirili<-r Indiilgi m-e*. At , T are M-en eonilng down the str- itli iiiinier'Si* iiil"li*p* b.v way

• no de- comi>any he wear* a suit that dlstln- pine**. The young w-oiu in makes a deep Im- ill a|e-ed gui«be* him a* a man of pr*>nilnence. Iiressloo up<Ai tbe man. and s-anetlme after their

’*b- Inn keeje-r’s daughter 1* now meeting he write* her a note, telling her of hi* :il*loii* (M-lug courlefl by the sejnlre. and angrily Inter- p,v. and as he is rich and bold* a high social

pine**. The young w-oiu in makes a deep Im- of the circus conspiring for the downfall of Iiressloo up<Ai tbe man. and s-«i>»tlme after their the acrobat.

lov. and as he is rich and bold^s a high ^lal UNFAITHFUL CASHIER.—Shows every conceivahb- <plij'-ct, but e ell time f,.re*. thereby precipitating a fjuarpel. A duel isr«iip>o. h- offer* these to the charming mis*

l«.lh are iinhsriiied All ettoit* I Ills wif*' proving futile they are stssit t'. return seises a big sword and I ti.iiiie when till- motor evpI'Hl.-s ami t le hii*')«nd wlm laugh* merrily at tbe

la aliout to he fought when hi* little brvitber tmi seises a big sword and threatens the squire, R^ver.

«iil<>o. n- oner* luese lo ine cusrmiug , cashier who Is robbed by a woman, of the firm's ttne day she Is j” Ibe ^* funds. Imprisoned and forgotten by the plea of ver. who is painting a picture of the sur- pblldren.

1« iHitterisl up ri»n*lder*t»ly. Ill* wif.* liiere Iil« n los.D liltii 111 Ih<- csi. »nd acting ** clmif f^ir brli.gv 111- nischlne and her hu*t>si>d e*fe- iy ho'lle.

bravadvi of the little landscape, and bis mind la so thor- fellow. and oblige* the Inn kee|s-r to consent to rugbly Interested In hi* task that he seem* to Ids daughter's marriage to tbe man of her choice, f^^-get the pr>-*ence of bis lady love, who natur- DRESSED FOR THE OCCASION.—Shows pho-


ally becomes very much bored. She awaits her tograph studio and an amateur photographer ojiportuity. and after reading over the note applying for a camera to take pictures on his

Tin: I’lil.ICEMAN SLKKI'S. -Two g i lUrmee nre vein g'’'iig "u duty. Of* of short *ni| the ..111. r "f taller »i*tiire It. I g rather tin-d the tall fell, w e..n-luiVi * 1.1 r. on a lien b an.I 111. r-tii*ln« .mi giiai i • prevent Inlerfer

In h • eff .rt* to main' • i. iieace and quiet til. guard slop, an organ . . Imb r playing . n fi.M-»t'* errt I* not allcwe-l to pass; the reg 'in.-nl*l band 1* •llem.d »n.l the tramp of •.iMI.t* I* liiished

once again, decides to go to tbe rich man. so. farm. lAter be brings It back to tbe studio to TEDDY IS JUNGLElJkND.—An attendant in j^d unnoticed, she steals away, leaving have plates developv^. Another amateur, ap

short and the cleaning up about the young artist absorbed In bis painting. pH"*. and by mistake, the photographer gives ither tir.-d the nonkc/ cage, bis coat, with the morning paper when he bvoks up for her and she la gone, him the filled camera, and he goes an.I takes

a Iwn b tnl pwhet. hanging on tbe bar*. An Inqulsl- becfMne* alarmed but upon picking up tbe pictures of bia folks an.I bis sweethesrt, who event Inlerfer “onkcT exsmlne* tbe garment, takes the which she dropped on the ground, he learns ■fc dressed for the occasion. Then he comes

peiver. and I* bomir-strlckeD when he read* a !!,.,{ time of tbe deception and It la I® develop them, he finds that the sweetheart's see and quiet b. ..dllne, "RfKwevelt off for Africa." He walk* , crushing blow to bis proud spirit. bead Is shown on the body of a cow. etc. playing “I* ‘be cage In terrible agitation, balls j,;, future life is spent In trying to find his 4.

hi ..dllne, “RfioaeTelt off for Africa." He walks up and down the cage In terrible sgltstlon. balls

head Is shown on the body of a cow, etc.

“"I JA-MMER-BACH.-Scenlc views of Kureqie.n de<*p It bit that it aff^tt bit mind, and co«at.

Uii.r. I. iiiisiieo be wander* aimlessly through life with but one

-‘^^nlllv’ ,.»• .hade, of FISHING.-Scenlc view of shark

'/‘• v.'n •%*n V-lbte’m:. : borne In the Jungle we I, a thoroughly up-t^ '•E"er;.^e^:“be goes be 1. haunted by her . In vs.n -MI 'ble ni a r messenger, smoking a cigarette and read ....^ter and be Imagines that he see* her with ♦ but • 'bout •iicc.-s i,i„i,s,rmen are ner » <*'“'■ <l*'llvering tbe same. Apo new lover, enjoving life, while he. broken GLI.MMERA.MM.—Scenic view, shipping l.igs

• wM ^.pr a^ ng sn* wl h q,:K v'J^;* Tl^ *be me..age snd almost f.lnt* st the cou m ,p,rit and in hialtl I.’waiting for death by water. .■.■ v.-.! appr-acning anji wiiii iu*s ua tent- Reciverlng himself, he goe* Into the ^ _ 1,., ...fferlnr* Finally one dav, as he + gu.^rd •""7'’";' ,”i (“'.,1, in'iMir )“»*>•■. summoot together all the animal*, to j„ing .i^og the country road, be Is selied with I'E.A.SANT AT I'HOTOGRAl'HER'S—The rube

ac’ine hliriiwi-vin.-n ^ * whom he Impart* the content* of tbe telegram. * ,nd In hla fancy he see* hi* old sweet ha* bis picture taken. Two boys get up caiwrs -■III ..f the I.ovi n ing D11.1 Uonsternstloo reign* supreme. The dlffe.-ent being msrrled to hi* rival, and with this with tbe result that pictures were taken, show-

ii-«Ti. r nil \iKIirv —Drii n to desnertllon »««'»*»• voice to their vlewa of the coming before hi* eye* be passe* swiy by the Intf the rube with the two br.ys' beads along- JI bTH r tilt MMirv—urn n to d^iwrstmn A certain line of action 1* determined roadside bis own. Both the photographer and the

by . -rle. .f ™ui-m and Aim U unanlmooaly chosen as com rube are perplexed, until they diacJver tbe boys, further to h* trout le* by »> ..-opting to appro ^ defend-. - who receive a good, sound spanklrg.

gle pewar-; me message la sent ana at Apo* false sweetheart home In tbe Jungle we see a thoroughly up-to- Evervwbere he goe* be la hannted by her d*:e messenger, smoking a cigarette and read .p^^ter and be Imagine* that he see* her with log s dime novel, delivering tbe same. Apo lover enjoving life, while he. broken

SHARK. FISHING.—Scenic view of shark fishing.

her new lover, enjoying life, while he. broken GLI.MMERA.MM.—Scenic view, shipping logs In spirit and in health. Is waiting for death by water.

sufferings. Finally, one day, as he the country road, be Is selxed with In hla fancy he aees his old sweet-

I'EASANT AT I’HOTOGRAl'HER'S—The rube baa bis picture taken. Two boya get up caiwra

Uonateroatlon reigns supreme. The dlffe.-«t being msrrled to hi* rival, and with this with tbe result that pictures were taken, ahow-

prwle snoili.Ts I’f’I’vrIJ »'* 'we find Teddy at the bead of The *rf fr"*-*'' - be <mly , l.,nd of natives loaded with guna and supplies.

1* a s;-t*-r of tbsrli). a<l 1- in the ap y through a pathway In the Jungle. Apo


of a mir-<- Afi-r an • V''ting rh**<' t!ie guilty man la

caught, i'll! n-t ui.til he ha- had an opportun-

comlng through a pathway In the Jungle. Apo WELL PLAYED.—Thieves break In- and several m .nke.U come upon tbe party. In- tS" sUdi dowr^the chn“ of a ‘bsence. After vlte them to the »pot where the oth*r anlm&W m^hlne ^«nd ire dlj^memhered The pi^l^rty in two bundles, they

THICKS WELL PLAYED.—Thieve* break In¬ to a house durinit the owner’s absence. After

-.urine the msn s pat^ ,vlll he out of

A GI F.^T S PREDICAMENT -A cotint about *h,"T t.. ent-r the iHvn- ..f a wb-re a d*n<-e ‘’>'1'^"* |. t.. 1- given. I- apprcachetl by a drnnkarl . .nl a.lie.1 f..r a light The «Tvl.-e being re- fu-sl he r<-e«;ves a kick, leaving tbe .mprvaalon • ,, -•f the man's foot on his eo»i tall. th»m nf hi* ■

Tbe eoiint iii>oo entering tbe brllllsntly llln ,v(n. and nunated ball roo.n at once become* the object ^ asaln -f much attention, and much laughter 1* caused * t \ b.s i»*i«'i *pi*earanre. Greatly (il*c.»n*-erted. he leaves pie fioni J'ld •eek* the aid of a serv ant. sbo d.rert* him to a room on the upper THE P.EGG r.e.r -f the house old fellow 1* i

TM» n ;Mn. b"*ever. is oecupled by an nnln place that he

will he out of the lynestion to return home w.tli- CAT IN THE POT.—'Two traveler*, after *u ont some showing, buy* up a great qnantlty of aH dar travel and feeling tired, are getting different «kln« refreshments at a farm bouse, and during the THE MAGIC WAND.—A magician performs


THE BEGGAR'S COIN —A poor, friendless '‘‘lll’l* old fellow 1* aeen trying to get a Job. but every “jr!'**, nirtlmr^ place that he applle* be Is refused, and as the “ .

tntvi^T'RFTION of moving picture — ^f'HAUFFEUR OUT FOR A GOOD TIME.—

Moving picture artist* tnni camera uimn variou* *^de*to'*ll^'’*’hrin?^ln* nelchhorinc apartments, aixi get acenea such ™ , p as: A parting of a rejected lover, and A Poet Jh^iiff^nr .Lt .rre.t capture

vlted guest, who at the levlnt of a revolver, ravage* of banger and exposure are overpow- eaitsev the count to exchange garment* a-ltb ertng hi* weak constitution, be 1* compelled

stealing food from a neighbor's table.

him Sts-lnc th« man lay the weaiioo aside the m fo^ aim. The nn-haritable people whom ihlh —-u— e— - . - -i'—« n..i- vl ' ; .-.'lint prenplly *• iy< * It and endeavor* to retal- he appeal* to all pas* by without a sign of hero's mother-in-law. which Is reverently hung "i^c. 1^0 little toys enter store late by turning the table* on hi* »nt*gonlst. recognition or ■ wonl of good cheer for tbe over the dining room table. The portrait seem* . P * ^ erytning. a^ finally pnt the grocer Isii the Utter reache* foraard and pulls a starving roan He happens to accoat a very on gvMsi behavior when everyone Is present In '1 fi “•* *0 awful time to escape.

HIGH .\RT.—This reprcKent* a portrait of a

chauffeur, and arrest follows.

♦ FROLICS OF GAMINS.—Boya play trick*

•tring on the a-*i>on. converting It In’o a fan. |>ompou* fellow who I* entering 1 gambling den. the room except tbe son-in-law v»hertniv>n be l>en» a hasty retreat and the Utter, feeling hi* great Importance, be- be is alone, tbe portrait come* to life and goes

bark an I re|>ort« "t man In the romc* enraged that such a person should dare thr.mgh variou* comical antics lui.ise *' aherevii-m the police are called. *n>1 have tbe audacity to address bim. and therefore r<-lnforced by th*- men of the |>art}, armed glv.-s order* to tbe porter to eject the offensivi-

ARREST OF -niE ORDERLY.—Military re¬ cruit stumbles into error for another, and U finally arrested.

r<-lnrorced by th*- men of tne |>art}, armeo giv.-s order* to tbe porter to eject tne oirensivi- xnirKv fip the PHOTOGRAPHFR_Mr F. with all manner of wei;»on*. they start fid the rrettnre The poor old beggar goes hi* way. _ "falls victim to the wiles of a a'innlng ui.|"r flieir. ard then- mistake the ui forlunatr as he wamlers down the street b( become* follow* her to the studio of 1 t'lr the maraiid-r .after their mistake 1* d.« evbansteii and tak*-* a —at on a beni'h. where „K^»«niw-r Urkimwn to Mr E 7. Mark.

(Continued on page 46|

photographer. Unknown to Mr. eioen 1 the offle-r- go In quest of the guilty he gives up the terrible slniggle and hi* life photographer snaiwhots them In tbe act of I.vriy. and aucciMul lu locating h.m and recov • ring ttiH count'* clothe*


(George Klelne.l

ral'GlIT ON THE CLIFF'S—During an ex- ciir-lon ihbiugh the mountain* a nur*e acci den T ilnqi* the Infant In her charge over the

chhr out. .a woman ami her little glr’ passing, notice the old fellow, and. thinking him asleep, the child slip* a coin into his bat. and the klndhearted couple pa-s on

In the meantime the aforesaid gambler Join*

DRAMATIC, kissing, hnt upon payment of a suitable amount of hush moo-y to the photographer, all eml- up baptdly.

Tom Marks, proprietor of Tom Marks (>>mpany. closed his season of waek stand* at Saskatoon. Saak.. April 17. and opened

JOHNNY IS NO LONGER A BOY.-Show, with a one-night stand ” cobipanv; April 19. hi* friend* at the table and eng.vgn In a game where a hoy is tnruevi away from home, and playing Wisconsin. Michigan and Ontario terri of rhtn^^ *,**’‘”'k*' ‘ ’'1 ^ f-li nt «'>rprt«e* hi* father In d.Mng nunething tory. The Marks Company will cloae about tbe him. and he i* a heavy loser. Befiw he realUe* .^.(,1^,, 1,^ not want hi* wife to know, so flpjt ^f June In Berth Ont t he I* penn>l.-*« and. disheartened, he leave* tak.'* him hack, with the promise for him

cim*. Tile pan'nts. almost frantic, run to aeek the place. While walking down tbe street he tell th" mother, guiiii-s to b-'k for the child, which In the notice* the old beggar, ami thinking n'jn asleep. no anltiio' I* r*'sciH-<l by an agr»l shepherd, who the di“«| Icahle cowanl avail* himself of the i*p- Le-i.* ami |>t-vlil<-* for him during the year* portunitv and take* the coin out of his ni.t.

The Boston Concert Company are now in thetr thirty-sixth week, and are doing a very nice business. This U Manager Web

He start* hack to the gamhllng den t'v try and Inviting his fnemis to a novel dinner party. NOVEL INVlT.VTlON. —Shows a gentleman her'* thirty-fourth consecutive year, he bnving

Many years *fii-r the accident, a friend of the win hack hi* rnooev and this rime 1* more foi tn- paienls i.f th- b.«t child, traveling through tbe „ ,, before he br«vk* tne

taken the management on tbe death of E. M. Lc-slle In 1875.

saim- niMuntalim iii.-. t* tbe sbei<herd. and ui>on which he leave* hi* companion* In j _ __-_verv happy frame of mind.

A NEW FILM STEADIER. He goe;, then sVating 'thaT Mr. Ce.uld Is unable to attend,

as he h„f wishes the h.«t h*'arty congratulations on * "'7’* '?! Ml"*.;* ItZ hi* anniversary. Bv this time all the In the Hfet*>s* f.vrm "f 1^' P"<’r beggar, whom gm-st* have arTlT,^. and dinner Is being

THE TRAMP'S LI'CK.—Opening scene shows a f*«hionahle h»vnie. ami the guests arriving. Th- N-11 rings ami the *.'rvant .Vellver* a m«te.

Edward Waldmann Is arranging to give open-air Shakespearian plays daring the summer, including The Merchant of Venice. .As Y'ou Like It, ami Much Ado Ah^t Nothing.

The County Sheriff Company closed the sv>a*on at Newhurg. N. Y.. May 1 Thl* s,-*son's tour of that company was under the he treated so shamcfxilly. servml .An old superstitious gentleman gets f* *vr^

B.--.>ming con*clence-*frIrk.’n. the gamol.-r »anm.unce* that there Jlnctlon of O E Wee hurries home and hi* til gvvtten m<'n'v is or thlrtev-n at the table, and tbe bivstess Mlss JeSSie Mae ]

g-s's out ami fimls the fourteenth. The first past season ha* been leading lady of the Bur- hurries home and hi* til gvvtten'v Is of thlrtev-n at the table, and tbe Isvstes* Mlss JeSSie Mae Hall, WhO for the little use to him In hrlnglng the rmiu lel peac-' ,i„I pmls the fourteenth. The first past season ha* been leading lad.v of the Bur- of mind. He i* *0 overwraight w t'v icmnite m<'ets outside the gate Is a tramp, and bank Stock Company. Los Angeles, Cal., has rh*t he ronCnnally se.'w the ---.ecter of the old dress,'* him up In fine stvie. ami bring* i-ft for New York. b,-gg*r coming to him with raitstretchml hand. *,nie very fitrny situations. __v.*, **k'ng alms. So great 1* hi* terror fh«f he tramp having *,'me verv had manners, anmvy- ' Elenore Adget has been engaged DJ ri>*he* over to the grate and hum* the viou-y. every-'iie around him. The dance follow*. Edwarvl Waldmann to play Jane in hi* prodiic- aftor which he topple* over on the fli"? dead. ,tiil tw' kiviv* on annc.rlng everyone, until he Is tUvn of Dr. Jekyll ami Mr. Hyd*-.

» finallv thrvvwn ont. ami hi* gv^oil luck emls.-

**k'ng alms. So great 1* hi* terror fh«f he ro*he* over to the grate and hum* the viou-y. after which he topple* over on the flo'r dead.

had maiiners. anmvy- . Elenore Adget has been engaged by "The dance follow*. Edwarvl Waldmann to play Jane in hi* prodiic-

of the latest Invention* that ha* i>een put ' market for the Improvonient of the iin'v -tiirv 1* the L'llm Slead’or. Till* 1* a

■b-vloe nhli*h can reavllly l>c allach«'<l to ovliig plcliire machine at a trivial cost

fountain of YOUTH.—An old monk stroll¬ ing ihtvMigh the wlldwmsl nn'et* a friendly v,'ung man *n,i In the cmirse of Ihoir c* nver

ITAll.AV C.aV.M.RY.—This picture shows s,m\e of the world's greatest horse hack riders, ami the m,v*t daring feats they have accom-


The Clifton Comedy Company will >>■11,1, . , ami tne m,v*v oaring io*is jnej ii*»r ^ • -• ••• **tlon the mivnk tell* hi* newly made rruud cr Nothing like this ha* ever been scon open Its second seasivn under canvas at Lnlon * fountain near the M’n**tery, the water* rf ,nv1 In fact, one must see this picture CUy. Ind.. May 17. The roster: Coonle Ma-

hlch i>o*«e«s the wonderful prop-rtle* vs-ivloh III turn the ageii Into the .d.vom of ymtth.

n-allie what chance of life those true horse Loon, black-face comedian; The Dales, comedy men have taken to make this picture exciting sketch team; Rolfe. cootortiimist: Marlowe. 11- ami interesting: coming down steep Inclines luslonist; Harry Jones, sivng and dance come- aN'ut Idt' fis'l. dashing thiwngh or Jumping high dlan. and The Delclare*. acrobats

Th<'se ate si'iiic of the wonderful scene* mivre w-ill have charge of the advance, Klrhe

ill h rail*,-* the film to pull fnwu one w ay ilnst mu' side ivf the f>'e<l holcw It I* "f (itvsliirlng Ihl* result l>ee*u*e of the

lubl- nihber roller mM>«l which I* *u|«erlor r*'Biil*r ti'nslon spring *s It diw* not much •iirfare of Iho (Mm. snd tmt Ivelng

'• m-tsl dn<<* vvot we*r wllrk Thl* m» ' manufacture,! ■iid dlatrlhutiul by the

o rilm Fvrhange and all It* brwncho*.

.voi.ortunttv to trv (he effect* of the w«tcr, he ,-f vlormany. King of Italy, etc., and clalmml Induce* her to take a drink vnd Im nmilatelv she bv them to he the greatest picture ever pro

This picture was «hown before the ctownesl Segly. the cook hotise. and Chas. MaLoon will head* of Enrol',', such a* King E<iward. Eniiieror he chief hostler

Is tran«f.'rme.1 Into a heanti'ul v uing woman i,o;ng then to a remote v I'l 'f rb- "'•’f''- be

rail, .sli'cp and two m'-n fVvvve al oi« an-l steal •h Nttlc after which ti'iA'ng that It con t.-.ln* .vnlinarv water, th'v -*>'0 i'l Immmllately they ire 'hi’idd

steal ARTH I ERV M ANEUVERS IN THE MOUN Freeman Brothers pnwut a hlgn-cl^s enter C'Mi TAINS This picturv' opi'n* with a scene out tainment of moving bJ^Di^s. and during theli

it-ln« side of the hairacks, ami all the artillery mea nvad tour carry over SO.Odb feet of moving pic little teady to start on a trip up the mountains.

Freeman Brothers’ Shows will open at winterquarters, Nellgh. Neb., for Its - thir¬ teenth seasivn. about the middle of May. TTve Freeman Brother* present a high-class enter¬ tainment of moving pictures, and during their road tour carry over 50.000 feet of moving pic- tuea.


F • i ;iS U-'

Iff! f I'l:;

\ .!iM





tT Si/'-'

10 Xtue Billboard MAY 22, 1909


John D’Ormond and A^ies Fuller •rt- on rhe Wtoitorn Awniriatlon time with itn-at »iioo«*ii«. ualnit Mr. D'OrmoiMl'a akptch. entltl**<l ilia UnoU-'a Affinity. NVit •faaon Mr. IiMMmond ani Mlaa Fuller will be ■een In a ww aketcb. Who's Who, in which both play four parts.

♦ Jack Hawkins, the famous Jumper,

has closed thirty weeks of the Western Vaude¬ ville Association and Orpbeutn Circuit time, and leaves for the I’aciflc Coast May 17. to play twenty weeks. He then (toes to Australia to commence a tour of the sorld.

Joe Kennedy, the Southern rolier skater, was made a member of Burlington I»dje, T. M. A.. No. Id. last week. Rocer Kemp, of Yager, Ix^wis and Kemp, grotestiue acroliats, also "went tliroujfh.” A special meet¬ ing was called.

♦ William Melburn closed a thirty

weeks engairement with .MIhlred aiul Rouclere’s Princess Iris Company. April 24. ami is now BIMng dates. His vaudeville tour will close June IS, when be got-s to his siimmt-r home.

Laura Hulbert, who last season en¬ acted the role of Lady Ingram In Rowland and Clifforil's production of Jane Eyre, is now in vandet ille. She is aiwisted by E. Daniel Leigh- I ton and Hamilton Park.

Harry and Mae Howard are resting at Hot Springs, Ark., after a thirty-five weeks* season in vaudeville. Tln-y will pnsluce a new comedy act this summer, written for them by Aaron Hoffman.

♦ Hopkins and Vogt have finished

their twenty-first consecutive week in Chicago, and are now pn-paring their Musical Butcher Shop, tbe original act of Mr. Carmanelly, now owned by them.

♦ Julia York was called to her home

In Cincinnati on account of the death of her mother, Mrs. Mary A. Rock. Miss York has cancelled her vaudeville dates for the immediate future.

The Cliffords, sword swallowers, ' cliessl their t(mr of the Royer and Balsalon Clr- I cult. .May 1, and are now with Gollmar Bros.’ Circus, their thlrii season with that aggtega- 1 tion.

+ Dave and Percle Martin have closed

with the Kentucky fb-llrw Company, and are now back in vaudeville vrtth their new act by Charles Ilorwlta, entitled At Hickory Crossing. :

Al. Hessie, comedy Juggler, has re- c<dved contracts for twenty weeks of Western Vaudeville Association time. o|>enlng at the Star Theatre. San Antonio, Tex., May 9.

The Mozarts, Fred and Eva, snow- »>u». dancers, have comideted a season of forty- thne we<.ks on the Sullivan and Considine, In¬ terstate and Orpbeum Circuits.

♦ Charles Carrolton, of Carrolton and

HutIges. has assumed the management of the

Bits of News and Gossip About Actors of the Vaude¬

ville Profession, What They are Doing in These Latter

Days of the Waning Season, and Their Plans for the

Summer Months.


Now appearing In vaudeville.

I.yrlc Theatre. I'aria, Tex. Tlie Lyric la d. voted to vaudeville.

Chas. R. Dtan has closed hts nine- te<-nlh sea.on with llte Klliits and will be P.

I rated at LInridii, Neli., during tbe sumim r . luuntbt.

♦ May Addison, “the girl with tl.-

, songs snd talk." o|s-ned on the Weatem Van I ih-vllle Asao<-lall<in time for eight neeka. i ! c-ntly.

♦ Jordan-Frank and Company open> I

on the She<-<i.v f'lrriilt at Bna-ktofl, Maaa., M,i I 3 in their Weatern (daylrl, Itanchvllle.

The team of Rean and Hamilton, harri'l Juinis-rs, has dlaH->lv,sl partneraldp. Mr Hamiltiai It again dtdiig his single set.

♦ Mrs. Haillie, of the Four Ralilies.

wss made an honorsry memlier of CbsttaD» v • Ixalge, No .'•U, T. M. last week.

+ Fox and Evans have closed their s« a-

•on with Tile Girl tjueailon Company and are booke<l Mdid over the Morris park time.

Elmore and Ray opened . at Cellar Ellis, la.. May 3, as a special feature on tie- J. E. Bniton time thnsigh Iowa.

Derenda and Oreen sail for London. May 12. Tliey start another tour of tbe uorld. opi-ning in London. May 24.

+ Rllly and Mae Senrah are playing

dates on tbe Hal Goisiwlu time «ltb tbeir rum edr tramp sketch.

+ Elsie Van Nally. comeilienne. is flll-

Ins a liMMC engsgvsiient over <i. B. G.-eenwiHal's Euipin- Circuit.

Al. H. West, "Three Feet of Fun." is working bis «ay to .New York to o|M-n (« the t'niteil time.

Itob Roriiola is on the Gus Sun Cir¬ cuit with his iH-w black face singing and talk ing act

Riliy Woodall is now working single. Iiaviug dissolveil partnership with Miss Elorello.

Johnny Russell put on a new single art at tlw Majestic, CInrinnstl. last wn-k

Harry H. Spangler, of Spangler and May, Is ill at bis home In Carlisle, l*i.

Wilson and Wilson have opened on the lloi'klns time for a nuntlM-r of weeks.

Carre and Carre open on the Grlffln Circuit at Tutouto, Can., May IT.

(Continued on |>age 4<*. I


The new Orpheum beadquartera on the top floor of the new I»ng Acre Building. New Y’ork City, are the newest surprise in vaudeville cir¬ cles. and the talk of everyone In tbe theatrical colony of New Y'ork. Martin Beck has put another hig thing over in laying out this new borne of hU New York staff and nothing to com¬ pare with It for order, system and regularity, comblnerl with luxurious comfort has ever been obtainetl by any New York theatrical manager.

Mr. B»-ck, as is well known, directs more theatres than any other single Individual In this country, and thr<m(rti these offices the pro- graniea are arranged and prepared for thirty- seven bous*-s each week. For this reason a splendid sy stem roust be carried on to avoid confusion and errors. In tbe methodical conduct of their business affairs this circuit baa al¬ ways been unique but the new offices seem to be the final word In the regulation of every de¬ tail which go«-K toward tbe perfecting of a big machine of this kind.

Tlie first Impression, upon entering the north aide of the floor, where tbe western portion of the vaudeville Intetwsta are located, la that of an enormous hanking Institution.' The recep¬ tion room and tl»e attendants who meet each caller are arranged with the view of obtaining quick action and courteous attention. At the right of the entrance are rows of desks where the clerical work of the department lieutenants la carried on. and on tbe left the files and cabi¬ nets containing pn-as material, tbe scene plots, tbe photographs, etc., of the various acta are ar¬ ranged. At tbe further end of this clearing bouse are the private offices of tbe executive beads of the business, booking, press and pro¬ ducing departmenta, and the private sanctum of Mr. Beck..

This latter la screened off by cathedral glass, the trestraent of which Is In oak leaves and acorns. In tones of olive green, tan and nisset. The Interior of Mr Beck’s office la uniqiie. There are no contrasts In tbe decoration, as the rolora are handled In a tonal way. The floor, wood¬ work and furniture are a warm gray marine onk toning to brown. The dado la In Spanish leather effect of .TUggeated oak leaf foliage In all the rich Autumn tones of tbe glass screen. The foliage treatment la In no place definite enough to be literal or descriptive. It la all

delightfully poetic in Its indeflniteness. The climax of the charm of tbe room a<-ema to be in the imleflnable glow that comes from all allies. It la felt rather than seen. It la like late aftemiKMi sunshine. Tills unusual effect is enbanceil t<Mi. by the lighting, when it is n*-eessary to turn on tbe electricity.

Eour low-hanging Byaantine liells furnish all the light fw the nsMn. Tbe upper parts of these bells are cast and chased bri>nr.e while the lower ports through which tbe light Is fil¬ tered Is gold glass nuBuilr with touches of griH-n and bros-n like the decorations.


The theatrical season Is droning to a close. It has lieen a v.>ry fair one. considering the times, and theatrical patrons hare be*-n fur- nishisl with some of tie- liest on the stage. The IVinestelle Stock will hold out the season at the Star: Al. H. Wilson and The Music Master will lie almut the last at the Tick, nhlle the Lyric (da.vs Eaiist and a few local attractions, sill a's and the- Academy will keeji moving with vaiidc-vllle. and the l-nrlescjiic-s will keep ois-n house- n week c» two longer.

Amateur theatricals arc- ipilfe a fad In this city, and The St. Ixiiils Itramatlc Clreiie Is In Its twenty-fourth year of exlsteiiee. snd has put on fifty two prislnctlons. It Is one of the oldest organixatlons In Western New York. Ma.v Blossoni Is the S4‘lectlon, and the Circle will prcsliice It at the Teck Theatre May 17. Tlie east is In gissl hands and hig siieema la an tietpated.

Rots-rt Demster and Jessie Bcmstelle sre mol; Ing fine sec.res, and the cvimpany are haring splendid o|i|Kirtiinilies to msge gcsid In tlie fine- assortment of plays s«.|c*cted hr the star. If all the pla.vs wi-re prcsliiecsl that are pi-c|uesfisl, the c-ngagenieiit could be carried for the next sc-tson A stock company roiild lie malntaincnl In tills city In a thi-atres of Its own the year around, and be a paying Investment. Tills Is the fonrth season of this rompsny, and Ita success Inereasi-s earh ear. Talent and playa are what count.

Shea’s Is the rogue, and capacity hiisineas attests the (Kipnlarity Wee-k c>f 10 found there Harry Bulger and Company, Raymond and Cas

erly. Angiista tJhw,.. Wilbur Mark and Nella Walker, The IComany G|H-ra Co., The Amnroa Slsle-rs, Toiy Wilson and, The Kento- greipb, Thos. J. Ryan, and Itichfleld Co.

The- white tops will have tbeir Innitiga aesin. ItiiigllRg Brothers' Circus is hilling Hie city fop Jnl.v 2; Cede Brothers' World Toiirisl Shows coene .May 31; Miller Brothers’ lot Kaiirli Wild We-st win Is- ses-n .May 20. and Keni|i'a Wild Weat will make Niagara Falls .May IS.

Tbe* Academy TlieatPi- Is hating tine* siicen-as with popular vaudeville. The- bill for week of 10 Includes Ilaiiiledph atnl Us-khart. singers and talkern; Jesu-pb Fisher, aendist; I'aiil Hsnilin. tramp sing**r; l.e*na La Cenivle.r, seiprano. Coden and Clifford, song and dance artists, Trans- AtLintic Triei, American Quartette. Jaiiiea l>ing. coPiesly bicycle aet. The- pleture-a are the lat eat films ohlainalde.

May .30. and the pleasiir" parks will have e)(s-nes;. VarlesI attrae-tions. including detlcea of all kinds to catch the nimide. iile ke-l are In cliileel at Crystal Beach. Fort Erie Ib-ae-li. Luna I'ark, Bell-view Park. Bay Vie* Park. Glciitt Beach and the .Mid Siiminer ExhIhitliHi



TIm- Frni.klln .Sq. Theatre closisl Its disirs May 12. after enjoying a most pr<ifltshle sea son. High r-lass musical coiinslles and dminaa were Iireseiitisl thningliout the vear, niid ra|>a eltv husiiH-,s riili-<! al earh and every is-rforui anei'.

The Worcester niealH- continues to play high class vaiiderllle and lnde|N-ndetil fliiiia to ataml Ing risiin aiidlenees Pirtiirea and llljiatratisl song, siuiiiiemeiited ’ly llins- or four vaiidevllle seta seems to I.e what the public have waitisl for. The ao ealiisl elieaii vaiidevlll,-, usually shown at (delure hous,-s. In geiwral Is ellnil listed Slid the l«.||er rlsss of talent la |dae<-d on the Isiarda. tliiis giving the (iiildlr tin- cream of the (irofeasion.

The New Park eonllniiea to kiH-|, abreast of the times, showing Hie latest Psthe ereaHons, and latest Illustrated Muigs are In the haiHia of rapshle nrdolsts. aiieh as Melvin Eanliiian. Frank Welmler amt Miss Jennie Carroll. Bust ness sh-iws no di-crease on arcoiint of the wsrm weather, and a anrcessfiil aeason la aiiHrl|iale<I.

The Pleasant St. Theatre, with un-to-date idrtiirp machines and films. Is doing cs|iarlty business dally. The recelpta show no decrease In att.'DdaDce. The tin-atre Is ususlly taxed to capacity at 7;4.'l p. ro., ami often tbe sale of tickets has been probtblteil on scfNiunt of all seals being taken, and standing being at a p.-eniliim. It la ex(M'Cle<l now, that tbe sum iner season will break all n-corda of tbe sum uier seasons of 1WI7 ami 190s.

Sylveator 7.. ISdl annonnrs-a the n|>enliig of the siin-mer ai-aaon with a coiii|ietent slock rom|>any. Including Miss Irene Timmons. Albert tuimlo, ami other well kmiwn Tliea|dans. Hie heat class of plava will be (iroiliH-ml at INdl's imf-ular prices. The season will o|ien May IT ami ronllnne until Labor Day.


I.ynian H. Howe's big travel festival has scored atnmgly at the beautiful Royal Ab-v amira. judging by the big business, and the w-cond of the fire week's engagement, a near series *sa prearntis] whirh were much adiiilr'sl. Manager Holman la to he congratulated on se curing such a fine attraction for hla po|>iiUr house. David Warfield will be seen at this theatre In June.

The Princess did well with the Burns Johns.-n fight (ilrtiirea The Ilrtiken Idol, with HlHs Harlan and Allee Yorke romea m-xt week. 'H"» Yorke Is a native of this elly.

llie Ciinon Hlstera were the headllm-ra ef a giwsl hill at Hlii-a'a

At the tirami, Thos. E Shea, (iresrnted The Bella to large and well (dessed amllene.* Janies t'nwati. the (topnlar biisim-ss nianar-'r for A J. Hniall, was temli-red a benefit, M-n day night, «hlrh was highly successful

Mr. t'harlea Esike, tbe well known luirlesu le manager, baa leaaeil the Star, and o|iem*il with miieh siiec-aa, a at-aaon of refined vaudeville ami (detun-s, at fi and 10 cents adinlaalon Tie Initial Idll was g<NMl, tn-aib-il by The tlresl i-a France.

Ttie Xlaleatlc la lUilng a big bnalneaa with v t dville ami (delurea.

Tbe relebrati-il YIddlah actor. Josi-iih Silt*-rl. and Ilia llosloii Slis-k I'ompatiy, are draw nf big atteiidanr-e to the l.yrir.

llie Havely drew humtier hoiiae# with 41 Ileeve’a Big Beauty Show


may 22, 1909.

MUSIC AND THE STAGE A Rising Young Song Writer of Gotham Who

Achieved Much Success Before He Reached His

Majority, and Has been Adding to His Laurels Year

by Year Ever Since—Notes of the Week.


AinoD^ the profeaBionai callers at the Roaalter office (turlDg the past week were Roy La Pearl, I*lck Ma<l<lox. Hapi>y Jack Gardner. Billy Beard, tripper (’floieily Four. "Pat" Crawford. Eppa ami Lovetta. Loos Br<H,., Lorna Dean, Diamond Omiedy Four. Maude Lambert. Ryno and Emer- Kon. Horn and Horn and Cecil I>oralne. Jaa. Sumner reports business picking up.

aiiiiia^iient alst auclablllly. Itwu tbs autbora anal eimilMiseni ot tls-ae ditties (Sight to be erollted with an abiairmal bump of unaelflsb- O'-m, and aiuougst the altruists of the former

aaa, yvilx K. tVlsf should be awarded a proui-

(iwnt ixailtlua. Altlsiugb be has lived but a quarter of a cen-

liir) tils original |>r>alurti(Mis far outnumber bis years, and. tielug still In the heyday of youth, lie may be elpected to dadigbt bis admirers with many imire tiigbts of fancy. Tbs publishing biiuae, (ireslded over by bis genial brother, Leo. Pelat. liss lately linsight out four mure songs lay i'ellx. all of which show that be baa rllmisil up a couwlderable Dumber of rungs In the professional ladder.

L(eve Siiells Trouble to Me Is the odd,

Ihisigh taking title of bis first efToti. and Is .hsHiated, aiqiroprlately from many views, to tils •Taitiiireting" friend. Mr. I>*e Epbriam. o«i wtese eiplulls the story of the ditty hinges. Eldtrlani. or Kphram. as be Is called In the aoug. takes a practical view of life, and will have nothing to do with love that Is unaccom lisnled by mnuey. Without discussing this rather universal moral, (and In this way. a laqHilar sisig la somewhat on a par with a eisnir Kuiqdenieutl, It niay be said that Kphram tierisiH-s a father adviser to bis teacher, and

GILBERT MAXWELL ANDERSON Jack Gould, of the Romlter staff, has mada

several flying trips to Milwaukee during the past two weeks, visiting the cafea and singers and introducing the latest styles in songs. He reports that Pretty Little Maid at Cherokee la a large slaed hit with Vardon. Perry and Wil¬ ber, nrrw at the Fountain Inn.

The Chicago Newsboys' Quartette have ac¬ cepted f.irty weeks’ contracts. Including Sulli¬

van and Coosidine and Inter-State Circuits. Feature songs will be Everybod.v’s Happy When the Sun Shines, and Sarah. Won't You Let Me Serenade You, two Koestter numbers.'

Vernon Bestor is using strenuous methods In Ismstlng the publications of Carlo Portello. Mr. Lestor has charge of the professional depart¬ ment. He was formerly associated with Chas. K. Harris and the Thompson Music Co.

A new and original Idea in song slides will be sbowg in the Illustrations for Carlo Portel- lo's novelty ballad, Cupid's Rtyad is the Unly Way. The song should prove popular along the line of the Chicago II Alton.

Carlo Portello Is advertising that Peter, Peter, Punkin Eater, a recent publication, “makes all other kid songs look like a paper napkin at a .*ainy day picnic.’* It is reported a big suc¬ cess at that.

For 1 Dream of You. Y'ou for Me. HI! HI! Hi! and The Moth and the Bumblebee are some of the toog bits In The Alaskan. All the music of this opera Is published by M. Witmark Sons.

At the Elks’ beoeflt, recently given at the Garrick Tlieatre. Carlo Portello introduced a new novelty song, entitled Dog-Oone It, Bill. The success of the song was emphatic.

Ballman's Ccmcert Band, which made a bit at the North Side Turner Hall Concerts last winter. Is engaged for the summer season at Blsmark Garden.

Blair and Y'unt sel(M?ted What's the I'se of Moonlight When the Stin Shines, from the Ros- slter eatabvg. and will feature them in their act.

The Telegraph Pour will sing Games of Childhood Days over the Sullivan and Coosidloe Circuit. They opened In St. Paul May 10.

I’m IxMvking for a Sweetheart and I Think You’ll Do. Is the big hit in TTie Pled Piper. This Is one from M. Witmark Sons’ press.

Grace Leboy. writer of I Wish I had a Girl, led Channing Ellery’s Band in Milwaukee, re¬ cently when they played one of her piece*.

Gilbert Maxwell .Anderson, is a young man who is looming largely in the theatrical world of Chicago, and bids fair to be more widely known before long. Mr. .Anderson Is connected with ■ be Kaaanay Film C<vmpany, and with Gevuge bpn>r bas been successful In this Held. He is asso¬ ciated with Samnel P. Gerson in the Bush Temple Theatre, which is devoted to stock productions, and in the Sans Soori Park Theatre which wl.l be operated this summer in connection with that Well known park. Mr. .Anderson Is also Interested In several road shows which will be put out early next season. He is a well known business man. vigorous and conservative, and bas been eminently successful in all that he bat so far undertaken.

Eleanor and Terry Bberman’s new song. I’ll (Jet You Yet I.ittle Girlie, publlsbed by Chas. K. Harris, is developing into a tetrifle hit.

Leon and Bertie .Allen are using Hurry Back, the Rnssiter march song, and take from two to five encores at each rendition.

Jerome Radin Is making a big hit with Wop. Wop and Abie, both from the M. Witmark and Sons’ catalogue.

this yonng lady Is hut is'venteen years of age. That she Is extremely clever Is proven by a

glance at <vne of the nian.v songs sbe has written so far. Miss Elliott has composed between fifteen and twenty five high-class comfs'sltioos, ind hs« msny mors under say.

M. Witmark A S<sis. realising her ability, have contracted with thia dainty little Is^ for the cxcliialve righta to her publicstlons for a long term of years. S<v far they have pub- llsbod thirteen of her numbers, bearing the fol¬ ios tug tltWa- R.isario, Little Bed $ttk<es. iAhine I.ittle Buttercup. You Have Won My Heart ('ivinpletely. She's the Right IJttle Girl for Me. It’s Ia>nely Here In Hamhnrg. In the Ijind \A here the Granges Grow. I'ndemeath a Bright Blue Moon. !*osn AATvere the Clovers Grow, Grow I.ittle Violet Blue. Pretty IJttle Sm'w- drop. In a Garden ot R.sxw In June, Lilacs are BKxsnlng In Mavtime.

.Among th(vie there Is not a single one that Is n.*t a winner, ami these progressive pnhilshers are to he (-ongrs tula ted on their forsvilght In seenrlng this valnshle addlthm to their already large staff high-class cominwers.

all the prominent hotels and the latter will be i»-«jnesAed to Join In the chorus. Several or¬ chestra leaders are engaging soloists to sing the s.-Kig at this day. and patriotism shoo Id be rifi' In many of the principal dining rooms. Arcadia, a new high-class waltx song by N.

D. Mann, is just off the press of M. Witmark Sons.

Witmark A Sons bare a big seller to the new yatriotlc <*ompoeiti<m of Stanislaus Stange and niian Edwards, officially adopted by the Na¬

tional Song Society. The choms is at follows:

I love every Inch of her prairie land. Each stone on her mountsln side;

I love every drop of water, clear. That flows In her rivers wide;

1 love every tree, every blade of grass Within iVIumbia's gates.

The Queen of the earth is the land of my birtii. My own Vnlted States.

Carlo Portello has Issued a summer song. It is called The Good CMd Summer Sun—a hot Utle.

Harry Crantzman anid AI. White are using Chat. K. Harria’ hits at the White City.

Mr. Joe M. Harria is down at French Lick Springs for a short vlsH. The new (harm D’Amour Walts, by Rdwin

Krudall, has raiight on with a yengeance. II bids fair to shortly hersane caie of lb* most p>i'iilsr instrumental mimlters liefore the public. Tic stage folks are taking to It In a manner Inst promises to make It sithin a short time Its- U-st known dsDc^ number before the f<s»l lirhts

l.'Sds Grenst. the well-known whistler, has ■ _iihI It to lie extremity adaptable to his form

of entertainment, ami la actwlng quit# a site- shut ling 11 In the best yaudcTlIle hcsise*

ot 'tie country.

• Tennis Trio Is also using this popular • c in their act

'•tirieiia evosman uses It for Inclilental wiwk ]' r siH-oaafni |irodncllon ot Sham at Wal- >' Theslpp, New York (Tty.

ts orchestra leaders from alt nsrls of ' •milrr are Innirporatlng It Into tneir imv

and (SI all occasions, whcvi If la of- ' ' •'» the iHihllc by shorn It recwlvet nnm

* ncMfet.


Ti>-I>iihs Publtshing Company now have the following popular numbers: My Sahara Belle. I I»oo’t Like a Man with a Mmietache, Always PaU. Bandy Is'gs. Be Mine Today, and Slide. BUI. Slide. The New Cokmial Theatre. Annapolia, Md.,

Mr. W. A. Hollabaugh. manager, has qnite a bit of Intereating history. It la standing on tbs spot of the famous old "City Hotel’’ built about ITffii and In wbicb, during bis visit to Annapcdls in Colonial days. George Washington resided and entertained lavishly.

The theatre has a aeating capacity of eleven hundred, and la largely patronized by both An¬ napolis and naval society. The afternoon matl- m'e* prove a great attraction to the entire bri¬ gade of midshipmen, numbering nearly one thou¬ sand. also the large body of St. John’* Colleg* cadets.

Mr. W. A. Hollabaugh Is a capable and ef flclent manager and deserves much credit In ob¬ taining moat of the popular plays of the sea¬ son for the Annapolis public.

Visitors to th<> vari.sis hotels of this country snd ea|»>clslly New Y<wk City, have bswn plesseil and at the same lime have bsd their CMtrioalty apuised by the continnetl playing, hy the vsrlons .\rcliestrts of a march tune that sas nt oner melodlisis and martial In Its tune.

Inquiry isi their part has proven that this la none other than My Own t'nlhol States, the heaiilirul and stirring patriotic wMig which the National Song S«vlely. with a membership of nesriy sixtesm tUsisand. Is WH-klng to Introduce as the new national anthem of this osintry.

The leaders of the hotel orchestras In every case have txs-n niivat enthusiastic In their aup- IHvrt of the work begun hy the society, and there are yerv few of them who do mvt have It played at least isvee during their dally concert.

A special feature ist Deevrathvo Day. will he the aUnnItaiHsMis rendering ot the s«vng hy every h.vtel oirhestra of note In New Ytvrk City. The National Song S<s'letT will meanwhile distribute the printed sonls of the song to the gUMtt at

My Cisisin Caruso is designsW by Gus Ed- sapis as the »cas«'n's st-neation. Exclnsive rights to It hsve been acquired by Flo Ztegfeld fiw his new FoUli's.

lyrles to the Wild (Tverry Rag have been piwlded hy Tevl Snvder for the especial use of Maud Raymond.

I Is've My Wife, hnt oh Ton Kid. the latest .vffense of Harry Von Tilter. bids fair to be a big winner.

« Itondhy Klllott, the writer of a number viitlfnl roniiMwItlona, has Ihe dlatlnctlon ring the pnsid title of Amexica’a jrvsingest

n e.>iii|i<«er. Although her rsmipoaltlons * the highest iwvler, poaiwsslng iimisnsl V. and a (lerfeetlon of nmatnictlisi seldom even In Ihe work i»f Ihe older comiswers.

llarry B. Smith, librv'ttlst. hts been signed f<vr a term of years by Jerome H. Remick and A\v

The Postl Opera Company, which Is booked over the Central Theatrical Co. Alrdome (Trcult, waa rehearsing at the Grand Opera House, To¬ peka. Kan., week May 3.

Emma Cams is now featuring Ted Snyder’

Beautlfal Eye*.

12 Xtie Billboard MAY 22, 1909

W. H. DONALDSON, Manasinc EAlitor.


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power In his own ooininunlty. IIIh success is due tti no other fuctor than

superlative aldlity, coinhineri with a capacity for hard work.

Several years ano the Sells-Kioto Circus was a doy and pony show, but

its proprietors. .Me.ssrs. Tainini’ii and Honflls, were ainhltluus to own and

operate a real circus. Such an Institution Is now under their direction, and

havlny been completely reoiKatil/.ed this season, under the direct .supervision

of Col. W. K. Franklin, tlie well-known general agent, title Ls now

general manager, and with a corps of co-workers and a.H.slstants, with llnrry

Karl as general agent, at their head, they have been able to give to the

circus wtirbl one t)f the Itest e«iulpped shows and one of the meritorious

performances the country has ever seen.

This season. Mr. John <5. Koldnson hn.s ac<iuired the John Uoldnson Ten

Klg Shows as his sole properly, he being the third. In an equal number of

generations, of the family of lt«»bin8ons to control this obi and well-known

enterprise. Mr. Uobinson is still a young man, but he is old in experience,

and has shown through his handling of the outfit In past seasons that he is

among the most able of our circus men.

We might go on indefinitely selecting showmen of ability and success

as examples of our maxim that It is strength of mind and character, couple<i

with indefatigability, that makes for real In the circus world.

In the theatrical field, the men who hold the positions of greatest prom¬ inence and influence have, without a single exception, "risen from the ranks.” Mr. Marc Klaw and Mr. Abraham Krlanger both had mediocre beginnings.

and to-day they stand as perhaps the most powerful factors In the in what is known us the American theatrical syndicate. Mr. llientrical Ed. Stair and Mr. John Havlln, who control the “little syn- Field. dicate," the circuit of theatres and attractions throughout the

country which operate at popular prices, were originally without either means, power or Influence. To-day, In addition to being rich men, they constitute one 9f the most powerful factors In American umuse-

'ments. Mr. Lee Shubert. who has come to be recognized as one of the biggest

men In theatricals, started in as a treasurer In a small-town theatre. David Belasco. who needs no introduction to The Billboard's readers,

was stage manager in San Francisco. Charles and Daniel Frohman made their advent into New York direct

from the farm. And so on, down the list. Who is there to say that luck or chance figure.s

in the successful direction of the people's amusement.^?

A great many park managers have not outgrown the old idea that vaude¬ ville amusement at parks is only a filler-in. An amusement park is scarcely recognized at all at the present time unless It caters to the best class of

amusement seekers. These people are invariably accus- Vaudeville at tomed to good vaudeville during the winter season, and .\mu!4Pnieiit they expect the vaudeville bills at the summer parks to be Parks. at least above the mediocre. When they are disappointed

in this feature. It is distinctively detrimental to the park interests, and the park manager can not be made to realize this too soon for his own good.

The LONDON ERA it on tale tt The Biliboaid office, Cineoinati, Ohio. Price, ten centt per copy. The Billboard may be had in London at the office of The Era.

Saturday, May 22, 19419.

That innate ability counts as much in the show business a.s it does

In any other line of enterprise is evidenced by the success of those men who

occupy the positions of power and Influence in the amusement field. As

this is the season of outdoor amusements, we will take the

The Iteal Itingling Brothers for our first example. These five "boys"

WaU'hwonI started out from the little town of Baraboo. Wisconsin, a

Of SiKiH-ss. quarter of a century ago with a show, the paraphernalia of

which occupied but one wagon, and in this the Kingling

Brothers rode. They put on their own performance, handled their own advertising, tickets, etc., and so economized that they were enabled to

gradually build the outfit to the proportion where it was really entitled

to be designated as an overland or wagon show.

But they were not .satisfied to drift along with an enterprise that merely

made them a good living. They were ambitious, and. above all, they were

able. If the Itingling Brothers are not born showmen, they are certainly

self-made ones. They have never allowed prejudice or petty Jealousy

to disrupt the harmony of the combination, nor to work inimical influence

against its success. Each occupies the capacity in which he felt that he

was most able to effect the highest degree of benefit to the aggregation, liul

at the same time he is able to handle any department of the vast enter¬

prises that now constitute Kingling Brothers' circus pf>ssessions.

It is a matter of record that, for a long time, that Is. during the life of

Mr. James .\. Bailey, and while he was the principal owner in and sole director

of the movements of the Barnum & Bailey Show, the Kingling Krother--’ enterprise was not able to secure an engagement at Madison Square Gartien,

New Y'ork. But all that is changed now, since the Kingling Krothers are

themselves not only owners of the Kingling Show, hut also of the Barnum &

Bailey Show. These two mammoth enterprises opened almost simultane¬

ously at Madison Square Garden, New York, and the f’oliseum. Ghicago. this

season. Both engagements were eminently successful. The Kingling magic

was manifest in the performances and handling ecjulpments of both outfits.

Through the acquisition of the F’arnum A: Kalley interests, Kingling

Brothers have attained the position of highest eminence in edreusdom. Their

holdings are the largest and their responsibility is proportionately the largest.

The Kingling Brothers are not the only men of real power and geniii-i

in the circus business. There are a number of those whose rise, though it

has been less rapid, has been none the less steady and certain.

Mr. B. E. Wallace, a number of years ago, put a small circus on the

road, which grew and grew, like Mr. Finney's turnip. Several years ago

Mr. Wallace added to his own show the circus property of 4’arl Hagenheck,

hyphening the two names and putting out a much larger, better and cost¬

lier show than had ever toured under his own name before.

In addition to his circus holdings, Mr Wallace Is a man of financial

The actor's real reward of great effort and surpH.^sing art. mu>t come, not so much through the box-ottice returms. as through the appreciation of his audiences, as expressed In applause and through the medium of the press.

Great, then, must be the gratification of Tim Murphy, at the The reception given him in Chicago the past week, upon the occa- Me«><l sion of his opening at Powers' Theatre in a new play, the title Of .\rt. of which is My Boy.

James O'Donnell Bennett, of the Kecord-llerald. dige.sted hl.s impression of Mr. Murphy's art In these words; "Me Is an amiable gentleman and a good actor. His method Is dry, unassuming and confidential, and he Is felicitous In depicting a mirthful and philosophic mood. He has orlginality and is agile in the exchange of e<iulvoke. The sly nudge and the half-con¬ cealed grin are his principal comedy expedients, and he them briskly and' drolly. He can denote a kind of awkward tench-mess sincerely and sw eetly.”

W. L Huhh.-ird noted In the Tribune that the attitude of the audience toward .Mr. .Murphy was expressed by "a hearty welcome when he first appeared, applause and laughter after nearly every clever line he had to speak, and recalls and d<-mands for a speech after the second act.”

.\sht<»n Stc-vens, in the Examiner, found "flashes in which he recalls Nat Goodwin at his best;" 4). L. Hall. In the Journal, spoke of hts "peculiarly effective personality and admirably developed skill," and Percy Hammond, in the Post, noted that such affection for an actor has not been exhibited by an audience here in a long time.” Amy I>>slle. in the News. <li voted a column and a half to praise of the comedian, in which she r*‘fers to him a* “a lovely jdayer, with definite elegance, fine dramatic pose, plcture-ciuenesv.

•juizzical humor and great sympathy, for such is Tim Murphy"

The Show Printers' Association, which met In annual -(■ at 4'inclnnati last week, changed Its name to th<- Poster Printers' ,\s-^oMation of the United States and 4'aiiada. and Indulged in some Inner legislation of

wide-sweeping Importance to the po.ster-printIng husiness. to Poster ^ showmen and to the pul>llc. When It Is recalleil that iilnety- Prliiters' one per ci nt of all the poster printers of this country and <'an U«>iixeiilloii. ada are In the association, the weight of its action will l)e

realized. 4 If first Importance was the adoption of a re.solutlon providing for .-ul'-

misslon of future orders for show printing to censorslilp. and refusal to print sensational posters. The full force of the restriction will apply after present stocks of old printing are worked off Action had lieeii pievlousi.v taken l»y the A.s.soclated Killposlers and I list riluitors of the United Stales and ''anada. proposing such move, and asking the co-op< ratli>ii of the po.ster printers. As matters will hereafter stand. It will he next to Impossilde to get ohjectlonahle hills onto Iroards. anywhere. If Is confidf ntly expeel* d that this will do much to quiet (topular clamor for clean l»lllhoar<ls, a clamor which Is heard in every city and hamlet

Uollowlng an apiteal made l»y ilie National Assoctntlon for llie Siud\ and Prevention of Tuhen-ulosls, and acting jointly with th#- associated hill ti»»«lerH. a re-.o|utlon was Hdo|)ted. pledging Its memhers to aid the eam paign against the White Plagiip, liy donating poster printing, wlilch the latter has agreed to jdace on the hoards.

Of great Interest t»» showmen Is the l)urenu of ereillts esialdlshed, which will collect and maintain for the benefit of the association's memh»*is th* financial ratings of every purchaser of show printing, and afford proleiMlon against the irrestionsililiv In furtheraiwe of this end. a uniform contract ha been arlo|(ted, to contain the names of the financial hackers of eveiy show enterprise, and a provision for the divulging of names of sul>si>i|uenl ownen

The action of The Poster Printers' Association Is a distinct advance le I methods, and Is In line with needed reforms In all hranclies of the shov • husiness.

MAY 22, 1909.

Biv,» to iirownt to thp t'in- rinnnll Zoo all tho wiM aniiiinli n-t-oiv,*,! hy liiiii a' prosM'iiis. It is not p-ner- allr kiionn. lint tlio I’rosl- ilt'nt froijuontly rocs'tvo.* will] animals as gifts,

i'rosident Ktswovolt pre-

'•■nt»',l them to the Wash-

lugton Ztxi. It occurred to Qj^ 'If- OtH'pjier that Mr. Taft,

^ ^ l»*ing a CtDcimiatian. would

take suHioient Interest In

the Z«v> here to ihmate the iiiin.a'^ ti- the Cincinnati collection, and he

mad<‘ the r^'-piest. I’reshlent Taft resihmdetl in hi« ovMi hand wrtt'ng. stating. “I shall be

glad to do thi' ■■

Coinino,loie I'.rooks. of Conej Island, retnrne,! to Ills othie »<H'k after his up river trip

•m the Queen, and doun stream cniise to Lon isillle on tiie 1‘rineess, .Mr. ItriH^ks said that business ivn th" riier now. during the coming

summer, would is- back to the mark of thns'

.'ears ag.v

.Vt t -ney Island. Thurs<lay. the visiting mem Ih'Cs of the Kisin.lri men's Convention will be entertained, and the following day. May 2S. the park will be formally 0|M-ned for the sea son The Maso'is will hate full control of Coney on Its ois-ning day, and that event will uinl'iuioedl.t prove to N' one of the gala fes tlx.-ils of the seasi'n.

The fact thst the Kmpire Kurlesi|uers were

s,s-n in this eiiy earlier In the season In no way cause,! a tail eff in the patronage at People's

Theatre last week t'n the isxntrary, attendance

was unusually g.ssi, ismsiderlng the warm


Kvery |M-rson who takes part in the perform unce of Miller Ttrothers, which is called Kaiich lt*l. in honor of the great pro|K-rty of this trio of enterprising young men. is a skille<l plains

man. The entertainment is the most tvpical exhibitli-m of real Western life that has' ever Nen given, and it has created a sensation ev erywhere. The cow-lMiys, cowgirls. Indians and

hors»-s are direct from Dklahinna. There are oie hundred red men in the show, and they

form one of tin- most fantastic and interesting fi'atures of the exhildtion. Four |s‘rformances were gite'i St Cummiiistllle on Monday anil ■Piesii.ay of last week. It was intended to plav two performances at Cumininsville. and a like riimlKT at Norwool, but owing to the Inclem- enc.t of the weather the sisiw was not moved. Considering weather conditions, attendance was nil re than favorable.

Chester opened last Saturday, and kept Its l»rt»niise—that of siiowing the |HH>pIe of Cin

cinnati that the city poss«isses one of the best and most comidote smnmer amusement parks in .kmenca. Greatly enlarged, it is already full of new featnri-s. among whleh are an im inense garage a i>ony track, wild west show,

a (lopuh.r pr:ceii testanraiit. when- full menus

are pro«i nte.l at the prices prevalent In the

down town ipiick Inneh cafes, at least twenty

sunidelely n,-w shows and amusement devices,

creates* of .ill la-ing The Panama Canal, a

Lalliut' Military Itand. free motion picture


•I at 111 s lime Cincinnati Is not witnessing

hliig stsnltng In the ainiisoment llm- The Ires, will, a few eyeeptions. hate, and

parks hate not t.-t giten Ihe.r annual Inau lions. \,.\t Week how,-ter. |iromtses to li,'

'■I es|H', inter.'st. as tin- parks will he

t for o|>.|i|||g I Island will iM-gin Its

Isr sensoii the latter part of this w.-ek Ho Lag,Hill will throw open Its gali's f.-r

thst tltni- this,»n on lie,-oration Itat < ons,>iians of o|i|nloii among those who hate

I liis|s-,-tion tours „f the ha-al (larks la that

- 'fi- and alti-nlion hate Is-en e\,-re'sed In 'ring tin- i,-sorts this tear than eter Is'

Iniiunierahl-' nett det ices hate Is-i-n In ''I at all the pleasure grounds, an,! a gi'li '•'notation has Im-i-ii giten the hulldings and ■- at Ho- p.irks

■•tall.Oi was tenderi'd Miss Lilt I.etia. ■" ninsh liall singer, who apiwared at Hie

■'■la 'I'h'-aire last week Tlie onit regri'l

'I Miss la-na illd not apis-ar In Cmelnnatl I In tl'.« season, as she des,'rt,s| a mori- than was a. eorded her How Hiosi wlio had tlie ph-asiiri' of hearing her pi 'fils,, ill tlielr aiipre,-|atioti The hicai

■ r w,-ll aa newa|ia|M'ra In eti-rt kinerlean ' wlili'li she lias a|i|M-ar<s|. hate Is-en lib I handing her enconiliiiiia. 'Phia Is Mist

flisi kiuerlean tour, and her Iso'kings 'ke her from eoast to eoaat

'lolidat and Tiles,lay were the big data ■liiiiall. when the liarnnm A Halley cir ns of yore, tilled the liearta of a few

'"■I siiiiill kids with delight The clreits

k"r. Istier and grander tlian eter which ■■ IHniiit aaylng. howcti'r. aa each aiilise iCoiitiniiisI on |iage 4'.>.i

14 X ti e Billboard MAY 22. 1009

Amuse men t

events • . .

of the week News From Metro Summer Stock Companies of All Cities Now in Ac¬

tion—Motion Pictures and Vaudeville are the Thing

—Circus Season Opens Up Brilliantly—Plenty of

Money in Sight.

The |M>|Milar price hotiA0« that have t»eeii Movlnjc plpUm** ami vamlevllle will be tb« turmsl Into nun Ing picture an4 vaiulevlUe ofTerlnc at th«* ('aalno Theatre, after the regular h<M)ses are doInK an <>nomu>ujt Imaint'i biirk‘«u|iie aeaa«in la over, M.y 31 <>f tliftii w«'r*‘ IN ••xi»‘rliu«*nt» In i>r<l<*r an)! iJaypty will run a aiininii-r waaaia of stork to plrre out a vrrjr liail i«.‘a»on hut tlir hualnraa huiU'wtur and thr Trocaih'ro will cloar rarly In now Ik'lnit diHM. la ao pliontHiirnall}' larv>* that Juni*. tlx- cliancra arr tlier will romain o|H-n all aum Tlu* llliiraa of I'ml Nathans, aaslatant traaa OUT. Kxwlirnt vaudrvlllr tillla aiv la-lnit Kiri-n, urvr of the iiroad Stn^-t Thratn*. has nrcraaltat an averanr of fmir acta, with (Iva rwla of pk- tur»a. Two allows an* plvon at niclit. and oiia

111 calllna off Ilia pro|>os>x| tour of Europe, ao hr will n-at at Atlantic City for the aummrr.

at the niatlmia. Altbouitli tlx- i»r>res an- only Instead of eoIiik alSMad.

Second Marriage of the

Merry Widow Occurs in


ing Space at Premium.

tlvo and ton cents the eiH»nii<aia crowds drawn Emil .Vnkermillcr, who has hern manaxtnf _iiiako tlx-ae ventures extri*nicly pnitltaMe. Moat •he Ihniixane "nieatre. littalmrs, will sjieixl

of them* houm-a will try to ki‘«i> mx-n all sum- part n# the summer at hla cottase at liar iiier. Ttx‘ |MM>iile who pnxllrt that the fad lx>r City, N. J. Ttie a<-aaoa at that theatre baa

Krlncle’s liream, nnd ai-eond. The Van Ilyrk, would s<x>n dk‘ out an- now wouilerlnE when It be<ii remarkahly auceexaful, much of which la pnsi-ntiMl by Mr. Harrison Hunter. Itofli are i* eoIme to atop. S. I.iihln, wiio lias built tlinx- due to the buatlinf of this well known theatrical iiiaklns a tremendous hit and play to cxcep- new theatHw devoted to thla style of entertain man tlonaU.v larse aiidlencca. nient, la ao well aatiaflixl with Hie llnanrial Hrant I,aferty, manager of the tirpbeum

At the close of Jack Ixirlmer'a enitaRement at n-aulfa that be la irriDRinR to txilld two more the Oriibeum, be will sill for Ixindon, to till In this city, and hoth of the new houses will


pn-si-ntiil by Mr. Harrison Hunter. Itofh are is roImr to atop. S. I.iibln. wiio has built thr.-.- due to the buatlinf of thla well known theatrical iiiakInR a tremendous hit and play to cxcep- new theatnai devoted to thla style of entertain man tlonaU.v larfe aiidlencca. nient. Is so well satisflixl with Hie llnanrial tirant I,aferty, manafer of the tirpbeum

At the close of Jack Ix>rlmer's cnRaRcment at results that be la irriDRinR to txilld two more l*layera, has secured The Itowe of the Raocho, the Hnibeum, be will sill for Ixindon, to till In this city, and hoth of the new houses will for |•^<s1uctlon durinf the week of May 81 LUiRaRcuienta lastiuR two whole aeaaona. lx- far more elaborate than the <iues he ixiw Ttie Walls of Jeiicbo will be thr offerlnf for

Juliet, the youuR woman of mystery, la be- controls. The smaller houai-s. which make a we.-k "t .May 21. InR Been for the first time in Rost'oti at the Hr feature at pictures alon«>, are aln> dolnR very The Three Twina chaea here. May 22 and that plieuin, and la wlnuluR Rreat favor aiuonf Iloa fair ami but few of them have bad to ebax*. a|»flRhHy musical ctancly will then play At toiilans. Tlie parks ben'abouta are leady to opi-n. and i i

Mr. II. Lindsey Morrison. inanaRcr of the Or- W hite City will start the hall rdlInR. May l.%. naa helped pheiim Theatre, had. as hla spixial Riieata the Willow' Grove. Wisxlalde. Heechw.ssl and Wash ** biffiwt hits of the aea Itoston and New York National Itaaeball Teams, InRton Tark on the Iidaware. will all follow »'*n- •••• •••I for r.uroaie. lie will be accom May 6. later in May. Many Improvem. nts have been «l«‘»» »«■ Oviatt. the manafer of

eiiRaRcuienta lastiuR two whole aeaaona. Juliet, the youuR woman of mystery, la be

InR seen for the first time in Rostoti at the Or plieum, and la winniuR Rreat favor among Itoa toiilans.

Mr. I>. Lindsey Morrison. inanaRcr of the Or

be far more elaborate than the <iuea he ixiw controls. The smaller houa<-s. which make a feature of pictures alon<‘, are aln> dolnR very fair ami but few of them have bad to ebaw.

Tlie parka ben'abouta are n'tdy to op,'n. and White City will atari the hall ndlliiR. May l.%.

Boston IsslRc N.i. HI. B. I*. O. E.. will hold ! ‘hat the regular stock company will run all

'*VeT^'LH'’ln’the‘'hout^ cLed an euRaRC-,

•Man to Man, playing at the Bnwdoin Square made In all of them and stn>nR attractions hair la attractinR larRe audiences. It Is expi'Cte.l tx-en euRaged for the season.

ment at Hie Treiiiont May 8, after a very auc- '‘e ”V., ' ceasfiil nin. May 10. May Robson opened In ™ J J,.! ,0 --ill* 1 The Reluveiiallon’ of Aunt Mary. At ihe close 'J. Lx ^ .ex# as.... «.:1l Ka. aiaa^es 'Tllaa l>..axl|.aan t HP WrltPf Of t DP bOSt ft4>DK-

The Orpbeiim Theatre Is offerlnR an excellent sumnxr, has been reUlnR up in this city pre- opportiinlty for sonR writers to find an ea8.r paratory to a lonR enRaRcment there, lie has market for their oomixislttons. IlurlnR Hie not been here for a numlx*r of veara hut he

ter in May. Many Impnivements have been f*,*”'*^ hy William II. Oviatt. the manafer of »de In all of them and stronR attractions baic ' , <8>nipi>n}. . , cn euRaged for the season. ' y®'" ", *V's "K." ”>

.w I .1 1 rsRi'ment at the Garrick Theatre, with a new William Sloan, who ia to bp tbp principal iMtipa of travpl pirtuivp. aD<l It ia pxppctort that

comedian at iH'lmar t.anb'na, St. I^iila. this jj., able to cootlmie there all aummer. mnxr, baa been rodlng up in this city pre- „ p, , pi, pu p..,^ summer iratory to a long enRaRcment there. He has -pp^ |>lana for l.ubln’a new theatre 00 Market

atns't, above Ninth, have been complete.1. and

of this eiiRSRenient will be seen The Broken Idol, uiileli Is expected to run all summer.

the writer of the rest touR. The I’aince Theatre will opi-n May s. under

found out that he bad numerous frleixhi. a., hla q.H-ldesllr iwetty theatre, with a ai^atlnf vacation has been a very pleasant one.

Joseph Mitchell, of Quinn and Mitchell; Tivm

Silvh, Hein has lompoaed the music for a 1 during the bathing aeaaon X. I. .. .... ..xn.x.oo VI ..1. n. H>r Orpl.eum Theatre, an'] It proveil to be _

^m n If r J ' " «>■«' I»rlmer has seoTcd one The Women a Csimmltte

SLme win n" Riven to t at a later daie i “>« "J “ iMT nmuneey ..U.,tt Is making a great hit with h‘‘ Sslus in popul.srlty at eiery perfoTOauc'.

new songs .ntilU-d The Ey.u. That Came From ' r'* , S.vmph^y Hall have

The W'omen’a CVmimlttee of the Tbiladeipbla

capacity of Eatlmatea have hern aakeil for and the wiirk of roaatmetinn will be nisixxl. The new bouae will oiien early In the fall.

.\fter a severe spell of lllneaa James De Wolfe rejoined the RInflInf Krotbera' Sbosrs. Ix-rs-. to aiMlst In the press work Mr. t>e Wolf was accompanied from New York by W J. .^HenlRans, the well knowm cartixmlat of tba New York World, whose pictures of TTie lirram

Orchestra were given a reeepHoo last week, in That ^lade Bill a lV*tter Boy. ami The Tu^. n-eognltlon of the splendid work they did last anosm to all leaders of comic supple-

new txiiiRs. ) nulled The Eyes That Came From . __• .v i. . _ . • 1_ irelaui. and I I seil to Believe in Fairies. s^ustome.1 swing, and Urge

The Glolx' Theatre is making a great success . ••''J , 1, 1 v v- 1 moving pletiire hous,-. and has been doing' , Boston will be the only c ty •" New Lngland ord business since the change. A strong of s.»elng Chaun^y Olcott

winter In keeping up inten-at in that organlaa Hon. B.v their work they made the deficit much smaller than usual and are now taking up plans

menta. Van Horn and 8<ina, the costuniera. after be¬

ing In business 00 North Ninth street for nearly that will make next season more of a success • eentury. have removed to lo tbwitb Ninth

slri-ef. where they have much better faclllttes a nxvird luisiness since the change. A stronf bill of new and jovel pictures are being exhib

The Cushman Club, the hoarding house for their cuatomers

lte,l earh wees, also a long list of high-class L!l!rih'‘*'ThL'’ o") ^•»®P«ny in Ragge,! , .mcce.sfiil season N*‘ Wl'l* m'k”' *11 ot his Jumps from Robin this seasiin. —.-J. ■_...m town to town in hla netv aiit.sniiblle an/t aava

vaudeville is given. Among those who have apiM':irixl are; Valiaco, Venice and Premier. Corby and Hull, l/ow Wilton and Grace Haw¬ thorne

Old South Theatre is closing a record busl ness, and in connection with a strong vaude

and during the wummer many Improvements will town to town In hla new aubmobtle, and aaya he made lii the house and arrangements made to p""* blgg' *t Item of expense It the fioea

roMumlnK ilonurtmont of Honton ^ <hH‘ra 0>. U N^injf rushed to the limit. w- wk. * -

Tille bill and motion pictures. Manajrer Rurges?* eftteri»riae a t»eneflt during the we«*k <»f May hat occur»Nl FostelU and Kmmett. at clever t m. which helfM^d wonderhiUy.

take care of more John Mai^ta gave this Ini|»oA**d f‘ir *pe«^ing. In townA where be knowt eftten»riae a t»eneflt during the we«‘k f»f Mar n«»thing «if th*» l*>gal restrictions.

Granil 0|x'ra Co. la Ix'ing rushed to the limit, for It is s.iaal orders Ix'bind. General Manager

V'Yank Stroud, assistant treasurer of the For rest Theatre, leaves for Waalilngton. H. C.. May

TTie Hriibenm Stock Company will continue at the Clx-atnut Street Theatre all summer, and the patronage at present la much better than

Ralph L. lianders has engaged a large force C,"Zl"?, of Lutfera and filters, as theae costumes must -Lx I... X. ...i.' r..x «Xi> nnxoinx Stow'C sofi Mt. E. C. -Merrill. The club was

A concert given by the Amphlon Club, of 28. where be will act as aaalatant manager of •• "< ••”■ *•"*' ‘I®' <■"« y**«f the heated term, the different members of ths

The Schuylkill Navy Athletic Club Is to give company will get vacations every other week.

*** Piet nV Slroppa,^ form"e1'ly”^'noR^ of the ®^"y ’‘j"'"**'" be given by Its memhi^ra a society clmia May I.', at F.ssingtoo. Pa., and

Costanil Theatre, Home, and three other artists, Angelo Stroppa. Signor Nerini and L. Ixigan Reid, art' psintinc the ninety or more scenic sets to lx- used. They have a studio at Swamp- seott. Mass., which is over two hundred and fifty fei'f long.

The o|M>iiing night of A Stubborn Cinderella was an eventful one, the bouse being packed to

was the fiftieth concert given by the cliib since Its organization.

I(>n llarrla. who la mnning the vaiHh-vllle oa Young’s Pier, Atlantic City, gets many vaoda-

Loaiia I Had! Miller, the oldest billposter In vllle headllixTs to try out their acta at hla cosy the I’nlted Statea. is very HI. aixt hla death theatri'. Ttx' try outs there seem to act as


la expected at any m<ment. He la nearly ninety years of age.

Tlie Kiidolph Brothers, who have been known

mascKs. fur every act which has txwn first pro- diieixl there has met with mx-ivaa

John Welsh kiX'W what be waa doing when ha

for years, have eniliarked In the novelty busl Hingllng Brothers have the proud satisfaction near in this city and are already doing well

to fair managers and p.-nple who let concessions, organiacl the Welsh BPHhera’ Pnffed Sh-iwa b<r for years, have emt.arked In the novelty hiisl- a season In Philadelphia. Week of May 8.

altlioiigh ttx'.v had oiqxsililoa In RInglIng Bma., rtrcanacltr Thrnight waTV ^neflt to^ J^^^ .’*"1*"* s'^^“ sV. ' '‘'TT's* J»•**■ pracHeal part of street work. p.H.pIe were tiirix-d away five nights out of the R treasn^er and FYaJ^k C^^^^ Hcket ‘‘•'’s*® h>Bh <»«ljtr to do and the selling of g.«b. at fairs and oHxr l.lg wJk The at,.or la playing we^k engafiementa fireiii ■ Frans Caulej, ticket l-Yon, ,he opting matinee to the clrwlng events they thopaiglily ain'C-clate tlx- wants of on dlffen tit bus. and will nmllniie to do so far

The Great Sahari't. for whom Bostonians have have gone wild over Hx- show, and even the they started hiiatneaa thr,x> months ago. they nx't with aiicreaa last year while mnning been eagerly waiting, is drawing great houses moat ardent admirers of the old-time circus can- have nlcail.r enlarg,-,! th«‘lr plant twice and are thla place of amusement aixl pmmlwx, many at the Hrpheiim. She la certainly living up to not but axy that thla was the txsrt performance now bicatMl In a large htilldiiuc 00 S<aiHi Fifth novelties this summer. The opening wlU taka her lofty reputation ['Ver given In the city. The Annex, under the street, where they have i-very ronvcnlence for place early In June

The advanc-' sale at the Majestic for the management of I>*w Graham, alwi drew Im carrying a large atrsk of r<sh|s and an- there forthcoming engagement of E. H. S,,thern and menae houfu*s and while circus concerts In big fore able to make prom|»t shipments

Vic Rlcnartla and John Mnrphy. formerly of Dumont's Minstrels, have ,|oubli.d up ami are

Julia Marl.m-e Is the largest the theatre has had cities are always "Hmly attend*-^ the past wre.'k Whiting All.-n. who has Iie4.n engaged as t>ow doing a vamlevllle aketeh that la novel this 8,'ason.

The Qix'cn of the Moulin Rouge will open at x . - x - . ...x ■.■nx,, ,.0 r.,10,10- the Bovton Theatre. May 2«. for the aummer. "to when, he will visit all of the operatic c-nteri

Mary Young Is scoring a great lilt "tth « c "Z. ^ f-ni VrL .0 fo snd get material fiw lUa work next ai-awm Mr. niiiiiher of new songs. She is singing in The .**L'—.x* * Allen's many fri.mds In the newapap. r hnslncas Runaway Girl. ‘ ^ iTah-re gave him a "send off" txfore he left for

Sis lety turned out In full force to see Boa ’x"*- Buffalo Bill and Bill are ^hediiled ,1^ atdamer an<l tohl him

X *.e * "'“2' fr-'H f't Hh- Metr«,x.lltan HiTra Pom P*nT. N-w V^wk. ha.’sailed rVa E,iro,o.

Ionise on the stage. The Vincent Club girls’ show was one of the grandest and most sue-

heat present neeils during the rest of the sea- siMi. Buffalo Bill and Pawixe Bill are scheduled to appear liere wei-k of May 24 and from the Interest being taken In the pp-liminary an-

it r<r Hie .Metrojx.lltan ttisra r«im TTie National ami Hart's nwalres are tbs New Tiwk. has sailed f>r EiiPqw.. only two (Kipiilar price hooaea In this city that

when, he win visit all of the operatic ci.ntera have wltlisii.nit the attas-ka iif the moving pic- and get material fir lUa work next a,.asr«ti Mr. tun-, an.l have r<mtlmifs1 their pollry all thla

iny friimds In the newapapi-r ai.aiusi Kverr ottx.r |sipular price limiae In thla gave him a "ai.nd off" Ix'fiire he left fur city la now running vamlevllle aixl pleturt's. and New Jfwk to take tlx- atdsmer an<l tol.l him many of them will keep open all aumnx.r and that they wiaild publish every line at the pr,... r-intlnm. to glre the same irtyle of entertainment

casftl of Ha kind ever held. The chorus was nouncem.mta It looks as If they wo'tM fl*® 'to strong and the music was of the latest and «, eJ'"’"V

material that be sent out next sesaon they tx.||ev«sl It or not.

C'lntlniM. to give Ihe same style of entertalnroent all of n,.xt sf.aa.m

Tlie Si.<vsxl Marriage of the Merry Widow la

miMt catchy. All of the fair debutantf.8 ad.apted themselves to the stage as profession¬ als.

Professor L. R. I^wls. of Tufla College, In- tr<x1iiccd a new form of musical lecture at a

• - . n hnAin#Htii wHo bw* as ^ '1 brr1 SIff* o* the Merry M IB the Iktest and ^|,|a cltv for a long s«.aaoii are also »*^lx'',. ®*‘‘'' B"™' •* manager the tltb- of a new oisu-a that received Ha first

fair debutantf.8 ^ |j^ . U from reports of other shows that 2^ the f aalno Theatr*.. this season, has resigned presentation at the German nwatr,. In this city :e a. ptofeaalon- ^^"*,^7'’,Vn^t.TT^cl'^HL" the whited are ^ May 10. The wa. written by Carl

all doing well. We were to have had the opening of the new

ly constructed Boy and Girl, un<ler the manage

are pla.ring In this vicinity, the white tops are I ft,* 'mm.m.r it,, win m.x "iix ^ ««■ *®’'*® "bitten ny iwri all doine well ' during Hie mimm r. He will more than likely v<m Wegi.m. illrector of the orchestra at thla

tx. conneiHed with one of the holla,.. cxilpMled theatre, and the lihrettn and lyrics are by Mai by the Coliimhla Amusement I'ompaiiy, next

recent m.'etlng of the Eastern Educational Mu- R eh.rd CsJle Mar 10 VxH .~t sic Conference, held at the college. He had hmiV^irun .^1,”/ Mirte^io.«wI Walter K. HIL has an entire new stock of

tlM> <1lrr<*i«ir «»f th# th«r*trf» Th# op^ra mot mlth fBTf*r, tli«» i.niBlr brinff «1#K*l4lfNlly wn

WBlt^r K. inii hBB an m\Ur^ now afiirk of Inlaront of Tlio’ Morry Widow ami carrying tb# •cofimtilato*! during the minti*r. which am»»c waits strain through It.

he IB handing out to newB^kajK^r m*-n who wrant 1 rank M <\*nly. one of oiir mdod htimnm to find mit n»*wa of the Wild Weat SIwnr. Keep malU for Kuniytr In June and will Bing In onerB Ing up the name nrWMhilo aa Tar NnmtMT One of In different Italian theatrcii He In a nepbew that nhrw glr#^ a chance to place freah. bright of the Jate Oeorge Totilf. who achlcrfM aucceaa worK wan men reiKierea ny me quarrer. iw ia huainea* haa h<*«*n rerw Mr all ^ i.r ir«*efi. nriani or fne laie ueorge f'otiif.

Idea is new, and was received with decided vv*ek la the last of the aucce.Jful engaged ^h.t"ihVv’hT'. 7 ,*!l? ‘>f »hr singing In American .qx-ra rompanlea T. Cl I . .X o «, a 1 nx‘nt of this company and It will most likely x_ ,x- interest fha^ the"o^iViic iJx!!*ix"ixl’^"''*'’ I'liHiqiatrlan I’la.iiTa are to |Wodurs

rhe Runaway Girl, at the Castle Square, Is be a big week. P'"’"'’ »«><e In Hx.m raugbt In Hie ttaln. at Hie Hlrrel Thea x,...i— -....fixxxx. xxxxx -- _ . _ _ . A mimlxr of girls In Wmattinry. N. J.. tp.. wix.k of June 7. Tills la imr Ix-ri amiifeiir playing to large amliencea at every performance. The Italian Opera Company haa done fairly and It l« expected the piece will run for a well thla wc'k. at the Cbeatmit Street Opera ^hrmed a minstrel e.snpany and gave a pi-rform DUiiilier of weeka. House. TTx* Witting Hotir has drawn big anee this wer.k. In that town It was ao aur-

T'lie matin,x'S on Mondays are to be omitted houses and T.iilu Glaser also had a sucresaUm C'safiil that two more dates have iieen leiokixl for ih> remainder of the aeaaon. of gvwxl houses. The Girl From Yarns la lx>lng , agitathsi over ti,» ralring of street car n..'a'r’here hwe "ei^’"r«»r7r'Vri'lV of "liaiier wifi

Mias Marion Macey la making a great hit at Improved every night said will more than like- ''•’t •*•• caixxxl many people lo rontraela that will keen fhem fllleil iintll late It the Howard. Miss Maccy is a Boston girl, and ly remain at the Walnut for a ■umber irf weeka adopt the "I walk" In c>s,.eipx.nre some of .x, . xx |•l,l|.,C^l,hla liMliuistlns t'isni*anj during the siimrov'r resides with her parents yet. The Orphenm IMarers are doing a splendid theatres are atifferlng fnsn it. have not a vacant aiwre ami Wllnilnrtim |xd In Roxhiir.Vx . x, x_ . '^eatre la pykM everv John Keenan writes to hla numerous friends cannot pixit ever, a ixxilagr alamp until th.

The wi.ek of May .T.waa a notable one at night and doing remarkably wrti at the matl- | In this city that the prr«|M.rta for outdoor fall An iiiiiiaiial activity In manmerclal work Keith’s, for two of the biggest prixluctlons that nees. But two shows a day are now given. The 1 amnsxmenta In tiklah/ms t8ty. tikla I™* par- with plentv of clreiia iiaier haa made the bill haa ever been aien in vaudeville In this city burlesque houses ate ibiing fairly well and two | ticniarly Iwlghf thla year, and that hla new p-xitlng business very active' Ix.reatxmta were prc<«.nted. Tlie first la The Top of the of them will keep open all aummer with stock . sninaement deyirea will lx. ready for mxwilng K H Rothern and Julia Marlowe gave on World Dancers, and the Collie Ballet In Kriaa cooipanlef. 1 In the middle at tb'a rrxmlh. pt.rfnrmaTMv Hamlet at the Lyric Thealn

An agitation over the ralring of street car fares In this cltv haa eaixxxl manv people to

organlzathin and they always |>ark the Ihcatra during the wei'k Itx-y play.

All of the hlllixaiHng rompanlea In the ritlca n-’sr here hare every laxird full of pa|ier, with

Lmf the "1 walk *2 fotHraeta that will kee,, them filleil until I'ate In

r’^the.trxs are -ifferil.; frTr'lT. - -_ naTc m»t a racant ajmer and Iliulng1‘»n, John Kcrnan writca ♦/, hia numernua frlcnda

1 In thla city that f»rri*ff«»cta for oiitd<*or

narc a racant ajmer an«l Wlinungrim, cannot pfHvt crerv a iMMitagc alatn|i until thr fall. An utiiiBiiat actirlty In manmerclal W(»rk with plenty of clrciia patM»r. haa made the hill

IVorld Itancera, and the Collie Ballet in Kriaa compasilea. In ttie middle <»f tb*a rrk/mlh.

politan Centers

MAY 22, 1909.

Maj’ *< anil tlir Ii.him- maa aolil out roiii|ili‘tfl]r. loiitt till- <>i>>ra ’•'1m* i>ru<lu<'tluti Kaa a l>lK arll»ll<- »in<«i.«

Nat M WilU. ihirlntc lila •■ii|{aK*'tiM‘iit ln-r«*. nis*l*- oiH- Ilf llM- alroiit{*-at iHMililf klml of an Iioiiiii'.MiH iita fur IIm' l.anilia' i;aii>ta>l, to Im- bolil b.-n-. ^Ia> .H. Altboiiirb tbia naa In tb** nature i.f a burlf»<|u*' It |•l••aa•■ll 11m- aiMll<-ii<-«-a lllllll•■ll«<• It an<l Mill b.-lp iIm* aali- of tliki-ta. Mr Willa Mill alao niak*' iIm- aaiio- aniioiinoonM-nt In Kntok

l.«n aiHl Waabliiklou. Mbcr<- bt* |>laya iM-fuTH tbr I.aiiiba arrlTi-

Atlaiill)' I'lt.T baa |iaaa.-*l atrlot |>roliibllory laM« akalii-t all a.Mta of fn-ak alioMra aiol. bjr oiakliiK tlM- lU-rna.- fia- for any tit.^a-tbaiablM allow iiT) liiitb. lioiM- to ki-<-|i all rTblbltlona of

tliat rbarartor aMay friaii tbo r<-Mirt tbla aiuu nirr

Holt WATr.


TIm- t'biitr Uraltjr C<«ii|>any. ownlntt tbr I'rln c*-aa Tboatn- llullilink In Kaat MIoiM-apulla. bare ixirrhaanl tiu* lr«ar of tb*- ibraLTi* fruui tbe |irviM-nt bolib-ra TIm- I'rlnTraM will |4a]r iwjjr two aboMa |M-r day. uf bikbrlaaa vauib-rllle. Maniyor Krank I' l*ii*«l, baa boro rrtalurU by tbr n*'w nianak’ninit.

la-wla (i SloCM-. fun'irrly a,-»n at tbr tlld I.y- c.-iim TtM-atrr of tbla dtj. flrat with ttir Forrit St.a-k Oaiiiany. and aflrrwarda with tb.- iM-wla SloDr Ktiak Oomiwny will br atarrrd nrit ara- aun by ItaTid Brlaatat.

on acriMint of tbr ■•■•rnluc of tbr four now Orpbrum Tbratn-a at llutti-. I‘urtland. S<-attir and Stxikanr. wblrb will rvnialu ofa-n all aum- mrr. tbr Mlniira|ailU and St I'aul tiriibrum will alau rrnialn o|i,n tlinaifb tbr aunimrr ara- aoo In ordrr to brrak tbr long run frotu Cbl- rait- to tbiaM. bouam.

Uuniiwa arv rlfr. It baa br,-n runi'Trd that tt» Mlira Tbratrr la to rbair aliout tbi- rnd of May alMl that tbr tbratrr baa brrn iiuirbaar,! by tlM- Wm. Murrla Intrrrata of t'blraico. It baa alao lirrn nimorrd that tbr M--atmi ^^^lrrl Mill afirlnc a aurpiiar u|Bm tbr city In tbr tw-ar

futurr. but Jiiat wbat tbia aurtirlar la, baa not brrn dlTUiicrd

TW Hi>ou oprra ll<wiar cootinura t-> draw Immrnw rrowda with auainx r Taudralllr. mo- tbm pli'turra and aonga. "Hila wi'a-k'a bra<l!lnrr la l.anxiot'a Corkatooa. aixl tbr balaon of tbr bill la wrll ctkaMH.

Tbr Itoniltrraru Vrrtnrttr Tpimijm- a arnaa- tlnoal rawtlng art with Tbr Klnglint; Sbowa laat aummrr bt-ada tbr bill at tbr Tnlijur. t'ruwdrd bouia-a

Marir iKiro will apiirar at tbr Mrtro{iolltan Oi»ra Iluiia.-. May •>> rd. I•■wlald K<4>rna.ia'a I'layrra will prownt rriirctolia- at tbla houar matlnrra i*ly. May 24 d.'. I.llllan Uuaa. ll will apiirar Id Wlbinrr. May 27 2b. aft.-r wlilch tbr l'--rrta St<a-k tAwnpany will i-tM-D a auniiiirr atork rngagraornt with Tbr lin-at Ruby. Ttu- pn-M-nt Mr.k'a attraction at tiM- Mrtrofa.lltan la Tbr Klabt of Way. tbr flrat half --f tbr w.ak aiul A Stiibtairn t'liMlrrrlla. tbr rnd of tbr w,-. k

Maii-lr I.ambrii. wr|| known and irry |M>|>ular In tbla rlty, and brr buatiand. BUIt t'llffiWd, an- b.-adlln.- niimlM-ra of tbla w«a k a bill at tbr Ml!*-a Sydnry Iirr-w ami t'ociipany alao romr In f .r a abao- of tbr tMimra TTm- auiwairtlng bill la irf DM-nt.

Tbla la tbr a,a-i>nd wn-k of routinuoua Taudr- Tlllr aiMl motinai plrturra at ttM- Ib-wry. Harry ami Talk, armliat*. arr tbla M,.rk'a bradlinrra. Tb. lU-nnlngtun t'om|»any arr abai a a|Ha-lal fraturr

I'rlday nlgbla nmtlnur to la- ".kmatrur Mgliia" at tlM- 1‘rlDia-aM Tbr i>-gular bill la alrmc and lnclu<b-a «irb uumbt-ra aa MadrII and tortibi Tratita fa-an-r and tNwntianj, and otlr ra -f Intm-at

TIm- tirpbrimi rontlnn*-a to draw fair patron- aa-. an.l olT.-ra aa tbr chb-f act. Ilrlm lirantlrT and fotnpany Cm Kdwanla K.ainlrr Kida air aim- tm llir bill, and la wi-ll wortb aia-lng

iliialnraa rimtlnura giaal at nioat of tbr ainallrr tlM-alrra Tbr lala Nmrlty and Wondi-rlaml an- drawing fin,- palronagi- and olTrrIng Tarinl ap.1 Intrrrating bllla Tbr Mcrnic anil Orllriion alao rr|awt biiainraa aa g.aal. Korrat I’ark ami '5'uotW-rtaml I’arh will both hr ofM-n about May 22, and lllg lalaml Hark will alao aiawi hr rrady.

kcukuic .atk ue.


Nofnan liarki-tt. In t'laaainatra. waa tbr at Irartlim at tbr Mtain- Tbratrr wrrk of May 2. I" fair bualm-aa

rtii. Illai'k Patti Mualcal Company at tbr Cran-I «l|n-ra lltaiar. wi-i-k of May 2. pnmrntrd T^ir lllai-kTilb* Strullrra

H-a>lna CaaMi-lll'a wonilrrfiil ('blbuabna doga »o|illni-d at Ibr ilrphrum. tbla wi-i-k. ahow woo -b-rfiil Inti-lllgrnrr. Frank CiamilM ami Maurirl hit”*"' l-aal of tbr Titmi|m-. niadr a big

Paniagi-a' bill tbla wn-k. oonwlata of Prilrm<>o |■^-lb,•n•. Si'ott and Whalry. Pan J llarrlngt.m, l-a Ixdr llrirnr, Miiwtral IxiTrlanda, Murray’a I-IT*, and Arthur Klwrll.

no- star Tbi-alrr’a nngram for wi-,k of May waa a apirndid bill CianprMng nir Ixiat of

■*' Riirlmrnt. Hurt anil Andrraiwi. Hurt Slirp -ol Ki-aali-r aiiil Itunnr ami T-aiia Hanlon

I la Ib-atll,. PiKwa tMub wriv guiwta of tbr -jaaka Yiikiai Pai-lAi' Ktiaadtlon inanagi-inrnt.

a .lluiH-r iwi tbr npiailtlon groiimla. Wmlnra ■* i-«,-nlng. Mar ft llii- .Hrattlr KIka atlrndinl tbr l>r)'briim Thra

In a laaiy. to grrrt Frank Ciaanba. wlio la a -nda-r of Si-attla laalgr nil- Cblrago Symphony t>rrh,-atra garr two M auoi-rwaful rooi-rrta, at tbr \,-w ArmotT,

taT 1 4 lobn P Churrh. formrrly with Tbi- Hllllaaird '•■lalilng Co. of CliM-Innatl. waa a callrr.



M,»t of tbr Hrmiklyn tbratn-a will soon br cioMil for tbr a:iuini,-r araami, uid tbi- cnrwds will turn to Cotiry Inland for amun-iuriit. Many t-baiiK-a Mill Im- maiti- In tbr Hro-iklyu tbratrra during tb.- aiimmrr, wbii-b. wbru tbr araaon «|M-na. will br announrnl. It la rumurnl that a rliangr in policy will Im- madr at aomr of the Ihratn-g.

HiifTalo Hlll’a Wild Wrat and Pawnrr Kill’a Far Kaat Slufwa Combim-il will Im- lu-rr. work of May 17. Tbr pa[MT baa tim-n up for ai«iir tlmr and no doubt but largr buaini-aa will br done during tbr rngagrtnent.

PaTid Kidilnaon will o|»-n bla nrw .Mualc Mall at Krlgbton K-ach. June 7. liigb-clasa TaililrTiUe will b« glrrn.

Tlir Abom Grand 0|irra Company arr mrrtiug with big aurcma at tbr Craml f»ia-ra Houar, and till- ai-aaon Ihrrr will br vrry aurcraaful.

Crrll S|M<onrr. who la rrry popular In Brook¬ lyn. la at tbr Ma)ratlr Tbratrr tbia wrrk.

Ifrramlaml. at Conr.T lalaod. baa oprnrd for tho ai-aaon and la drawing wrll. many nrw attrartliina arr ai-rn In Prramland tbla araaon and tbr prraa agrnt aaya that On-atrr Prram- laml baa rTrryUilng m-w tbia araaon but the oci-an.

Col-lin City, at C’anaralr. on tbr ahnrra of Jarialca Hay. waa ilratniynl by flrr May S. Man.igrr William Warner baa atartrd to rr- biilbl tbr rroiM-t. and hota-a to harr the nrw <;--lilm City ota-n by prroratlon pay.

C. W. Coir. lraa,-r of tbr n-frrshmrnt prir- ibgr at I.iina Park, ami Mra. Coir, who aprnt tbr wtntrr In California, havr ri turnnl to Conrj Id-uid.

I.iina Park, at Com-y I'laml. baa oprnrd for tlir -a-aia.n. All nrw attrartlona arr srrn In I.Ilia Park thN year and tbia big amuarmrnT ri-xort la more [a.pular than rvrr



I.a-f w,a-k two m> rr Kanaaa City tbratres rloM'l f.-r tbr araaon. Tbr WilliaWtaal cbaird with il.i- rngagrnirnt of Ktbrl HarryuM-rr. TIm l.arnmon rngagrtnrnt waa onr of the larg.-at of tbr ai-aano. Puring the aummrr the WllMa W-aal will l«- cIraDi-il aod thoroughly penovatod.

"rtie ifrjibeum Tbratrv waa tbr other bouae to cloar. May 17-. That vainlrTiUr baa rtradily gnmn la-tirr and morr rrflnnl waa proven by the rrcortl bn-aking bualnewa thWM- by the Ifr- pheum thi» araaon. Tbia waa the eleventh In the theatrv-'a biatiwy aa a vamleville home here an I n-mr of the prrvioua ai-aaima ndlrd up aucb an Imnirnae volume of biuilnra.a. Hrlmu Frvd rrick ami f'-'mpany: I/randi*r IS- tVicibna Com¬ pany; Jidin Krlbw; Ix-w Hbaan: Foy ami Clark; Colllna and Hb-wn. Kicr ami Elmer. Tbr Klno- dr-imr. The (Vrtibeiim will undi-rgo a tborixigh rehibtlltavlon am! In the early daya of Si-titem her be n-ady with higb-claar rauik-vtlle ITie m-w i>rpbi*um. In citntrmplapiva for Kanmia City. Mill mit be n-ady earlier than New Year. 1!>:P.

Srnor M .k Ia“nge. the veiwallle and accom- jdlateil leader of the Prpheum orcheatra. com- poaed entirely of aolo artiata. baa decided that a rr«t la dm- him. Hr baa brrn cnDductlng the Or- pbrum orvheatra for the paat many araaona. and lawt .v.-ar waa tlu- comliictor of a large band of artiata that plavevi the summer parka. The Handa Hianra. TMa waa a Kanma (Ity pml uct and we had mucb |iflde therein amt regret that we an* not to have the pleawure ii# Hsten Inc to mualc fmm Semir Iienge'a able leader ship. Sinor l>engr. tbr accompllabed miiaician. late conduetor of the Handa Hlam-a. will again conduct tbe on-beatra at the Ori>hrum in tbe fall

The n-etilar ai-aaon at the Sbubert Tlipatre cl wial May l.’>. with Mrs l-'lakr'a engagement, .kfler lb. Flake engagement l.rmiin Howe'a Travel PIcfun-a were Install,al ami an* proving very Intetvatlng ami Inatrm-tlve Earl Steward tbe realdent nianagi-r of Tlio ShuN-rt will be In Kans«a t'lty until the closi- of tlie plctur,**. aN>ut June .1 ami then ICa New York for him. Mr Charb*a tYaaby. the door-keep»*r, will prob. ably n-main during the summer as custoiltan of the hiMis,' Mr. Clastiy has a nice little farm at Imleia-mlenei-. and his span* moments will he put in thrcr. "ganh-ntng and farming." as he says.

Ixist week, at the Craml. Miss Fbvrence Gear. M alked Imniiallately Into public favor, with Marrvlng Mary Ttils lIttW musical comeity was a bright particular ami'i'ws

Tbla week an old time favorite. Harry Betea- f-ird. i« at ttw* Grand Mr Hen*ag,w,1 la tilling thi- Grand at each is'rfiwmance with enthnalastic admtn*rs,

Tbe Is*«ter Ismi*Tcan Stock r,xni»any began a •ummrr engagement of a few wis-ks at the Auditorium. w,a-k of May 9. In Prince Karl. This wia-k. Pavid Garrick la bi*lng pr»>*i*nteil.

The Vankia- Ikaaile Hoy. a midialrama. music¬ al eomialy. vaudeville ahow. all captumt pub¬ lic fancy Pld Arkanasw- ta at the Glllia. thia w,*ek. and tbla la anotlM'C giasi show TYie Ma- 1i>stlc si-aaim cliasal May S. but moving plcturea have ta-.*n installiM bw the s,imnM*r Vauile- vtlle In N-twi'en la a a|aa*ially. this week

Tiaaiiaa H.algeman. manager of thi* MaJ,*aflc. la still In rharge and will ni-wl likely n*maln In Kansas (Sty all anninier The New tlayety Is pnarri-aslug rai»l-H> It la eviss-lial now that the tlM-atn* will Is- un<b*r com'T bv July 4. and In complete ri-.sdlo,-». l>y the init’.dir of Scpt,*m ia*r f-*r the Ofa'lllng

Fon'st Park la i-Tow.b-il nightly amt dally. TliiTe are msnv iwvv ridea, amuai*ment itevlcea snil frva- vsiidevtlle In aildition. Mr. .Anilenwvn. the manager, thinks that the nalucttivn In the rharg.* to the gale. rld,*a. cvnceaslona and pe fn-shini-vils from fen ,*v-nts to flve <*i*nfa, la pe- aia'nalhle for hla mu'<*i*sa.

Orpheum Houses of Butte, Portland, Seattle, Spokane,

Minneapolis and St. Paul to Remain Open All

Summer—Rumored That William Morris Has Pur¬

chased Miles Theatre, Minneapolis.

Electric Park ij preparing to throw open her gates May 23. Electric ban always been a dream of beauty "by night ami by day,” every, thing Is ao new and clean. Tbla U tbe tblrd eeaMm of the New Electric, and In addition to Its loveliness there is everything for ooe'a pleas¬ ure aod amusement. Tbe ridea, some new ones. cuDceaidooB galore, and tbe music of tbe best bands in tbe countiT conduce thereto. Sam Benjamin is manager, and is making Electric Park tbe bent in the country. It is known as one of tbe biggest In the entire Southwest, and la a show apot of the city.



IxMiis Mann, in the delightful and pathetic , character of old John Klaiiss. was very well re<-eiv,-d by a large opening night, at tbe Nixon, i In ITie Man Who Stissl Still. The entire com- ^ pany (deased and tbe week's outlook is most en- . coviraging

•Vt the Grand, tbe usual good bill was cor- ; dlally n-ceiveil.

At the .Aivin. Es<»t Lynne is on the boards and a packeil hoiisi- greeted its opening perform anoe.

The .Academy, which closes Its season Satur day night, had. as a flniidier, one of tbe best iMirU-suues of the .rear In Tlie Innocent Maids. It was well received and the house was packed at tsvth i>erformanoes.

Fivd Irwin's Majesties are again at the Gayety and. as usual, furnished a good enter¬ tainment.

The moving pictures showing the Johnson- Riims fight, are still drawing crowds to the Bijou.

The Dnquesne Theatre closed Its doors Sat- urilay night, for the season. It was tbe Inten¬ tion to run through the entire snmmer. with meilinm-pricei? Taudevllle attractions, but tbe Idea Mas abandoned.

An event lookeil f-eward to with much In¬ terest. to take place Friday evening. May 2S. at the Nixon. Is The Lamtis' Star GamtKiI. In¬ terest already aroused assures an unusually ' large house.

Kennvwooil and West Ylew Parks, both of which have already had openings, are enjoying immense popularity. So far the weather has been propithsi* for outdoor sports.



Creatore and his Rand, though giving most excellent music, has only done a fair tmslnos*.

The record for circus business in St. Ixmls was broken last week, when Rarnum & Bailey's Show played to ISO.OSI p.*ople on the wi-ek. The Ideal weather conditions, together with the excellent quality of the performance were never bef'vre properly combineil here in a circus week,

Tbi* Standard Theatre will clone its season next Sunday nig'.it with a monster wrestling carnival. Chas GIson .and Shad I.lnk are the feature rani.

Lansdowne Park. East St. levuis. 111., will open its summer season May 16. This r,*s,>rt has this spring been taken into the city limits, and the many advantages gained will make It the most popular resort on the East side, and it should sboM a handsome profit for Its pro moters.

In spite of the fart that St. Louis has had two ears of continuous moving picture theatr,*s. and again that it has s«*en almost every picture of worth manufacturiHl. Me went in large num¬ bers this Mi-ek to si-e Howe's Pictures at thv* Garrick Theatre, and again Me saw many pic¬ tures that have nevi*r bev*n shi'wn us lii'fore. That pe.ipli- In St. Louis are ever ready to lend siqipivrt to wliat is giHsl is again manifested In the luten—t b,*lng taken In Lyman II. Howe's visit each season. The comfortable Garrick and excellence of the pl-tqres ptx-sage a financial siiect-ss for Mr Howe.

Signor Maiori and Company will give a rep¬ ertoire of Shakespi*arean plays In a four days' -la.v St the Grand Oi>i*ra Hmis,*. commencing Thursday evening. May '26. The Italian trage dlan Is exteiislTely billed, and the adx-ance sale I* givivil.

West End Heights, this .rear under the man¬ agement of Messrs. GpiH*nheimer. Mill opi'n season Sunday. May 16. Mlth Rice and Cady In their vi*rslon of Rogers Bn's. In Washing¬ ton. Johnny Young, a big St. Louis favorite. Is als,* In the cast, which will number sixty pei>pl,*.

.lull,* Herne. In Salomy Jane, will open the Siiburl-xn Ganien s,.a->on next Sunday, May 16. The cast m ill Include manv of the old favor¬ ites.

The season at IVlmar Ganlen will open Sun¬ day. May 23. Mlth Mrs. Leslie Carter In I'n Harry, iin-ler I». E. Russt-U's management, and Siinilay. May .tii. Han S. Flshell will give us Edna Walla,*e Hop|>i-r In Flon’vl.vra. Natlello’s Rand In the Ganlen. and a new Pike of attrac¬ tions will give Helmar addeil prestige this siim- nii-r.

J H R-'ver. of the Boyer’s Famous Shows, I nun liasisi the outflt of Mahura't Minstrels last I Mi-ik, In East St. Ixvuis.

Barnum & Bailey Make

Big Record in St. Louis.

Ringlings’ Scores at


Rice Bros.’ Shows continue to good business on the lots of St. I.ouis. and will make tbe complete circuit of the city.

Arthur Stanley ‘will again head the BtO(-k cocipaoy at Eclipse I'srk this summer, making his fourth mccessive season.

Guy E. Golti-rman. of the Coliseum, announces the ecgagcment of Elli-ry's Band for a season of four weeks, commencing May 2.’i. The Im¬ mense Coliseum is being transformed Into a conipl -te palm garden, and, witK the excellence of tho bands and soloists engaged, will give St. Louis a new kind of pleasure this summer.



Kingling Brothers’ Circus came to town for two days this vvei-k; most of the town saw It, and the circus conquered. The exhibition was undoubtedly tbe greatest affair of Its kind that has ever visited Baltimore, and the .Munumen- tal City has always been on the route of tbe big shows. Though the great aggregation Is gone, the staid folks of this consi*rvatlve town are still discussing the many wonderful fea¬ tures.

Iherv- arc many pleasant connections between Ixaiis James and Baltimore, and It was not surprii,ing that hla production of Peer Gynt, which was at Ford's during the week, should have experienced very successful business. Mr. James' production was bought from the estate of the late Richard Mansfield, and Is given Intact us by that great actor. .Mr. James' wife and an excellent company gave him admirable snpiiorl.

Baltimore had a premiere during the week, when The Game of Love, by Frederico .Marian!, an Itall.xn author, was prtslnced at Alhaugh's. Floi-en-?e Lester headed a gooil, and the production came in for general praise at the bands of the local critics. The performance was more or U-ss of a tryout, and the play will be put on In New York early next season.

Anuette Kellermann headed a gocsl bill at tbe Maryland. James Y'oung, Jr., tbe Baltimore actor, appeared with Catherine Calvert In a sketch written by his wife, Mrs. Rida Johnston Young, and made a hit. The Hutfln Redcay TrouiK* did some hair raising stunts In mid¬ air. Kalmar and Brown. .Arilmr Houston, Paul I*e Ctxiix, Hilda Hawthorne and moving pic¬ tures completed the bill.

P.Iant-y’s, the Victoria. Holliday Street, the Auditorium with Sis Hopkins, and tbe Gay- et.v. all had a week of gooil business, which was favon-d by more or less cool weather.

River View Park opened with Sig Tasca and his bund as the attraction. This organizution has delighted the patrons of this popular rv-sort for several years, and bids fair to add many more adherents. Tlie park has bc-cu generally renovated, and Indications ptesage a seusou of good business.

Channing Pollock's lati*8t effort, known as ^ The Right to Happiness, and on which he Is

now working, will bv* of particular interest to Baltimoreans, as all of the sv-eiies are placed in Baltimore. Th* pl.iy will be produced In tho earl.v fall by Klaw & Erlanger. and Is said to conevrn a phase of life pv‘culiar to Baltimore people. Two of the scenes oc<UT In a residence and oue at the Baltimore Country Club.

Great preparations are bv*lng made by Gen¬ eral .Manager .Max Rosen for the 0[>eniDg of Electric Park, which is scheduled to take place May 2'2. Vast improvements have ts'en made, and the place promises to occupy the same strong hold on summer pleasure seekers this year as it did last.

Seats are selling like proverbial hot cakes for the local apiH'arance of the Lambs, at Ford's. May 27.

The Clifton Wheelman, a local musical organ¬ isation, gave an excellent performance of Tlie -Ameer during the week.



Have Wilson, who was popular In minstrel circles in the early ’60's. died In Riiffalo. .\. Y'.. rv*ct*ntl.v. He had a likening for tlie foot¬ lights anil tOivk part in amateur shows, at last joining a minstn-l show. At one time he had a cofiipany of his own and later was out with

, the "40; count tlu*ni" Haverly Show. He drlft- , I'll out of the burnt cork profession severat I years back and has been si-en but little la I public p!a(*i*s In several years.

In all big cities aside from New York & Chicago

London vlval cf OiH' of the Rent. Henry Alnley will j The eiierifeHo Uxly knoun ax the I’lay Ai lorx, play the p*rt Imniortalir.eil liy William Terrlxa ' who plve ix-rforiiano-x of othi-rwixe iiiiHileil and Harry NU’hoIlx will reHp|>ear In hla orlu playx on Siimlay e\eiiloj:x, lone jiixt hail Hie Inal role of I’rlvate Jiipii. One of the Ilext will iinii|ii<' experleiicv of piixliieiiii; an eMri-nniy lie foHoweil hy a mHal of Sixtrtlni; life the rhallenKliiic play liy a lo w joiini: and Inter date for the prixlnetlnn of whleb may lx- a|i proprlately tlxed for Itertiy Hay. June (1. The


1 he Opening of the Outdoor

Amusement Season in London,

Lewio Waller’s Play Breaks

Down After Three Nights.

Particulars in Regard to the

Red Seal Contract—A Large

Amusement l^ark After Amer¬

ican Fashion in Berlin.

Hoxxix.. >rt.. '•“H- for the prixlnetlnn of whleb may lx- aji estlnc xnlhorej.*. who alxo liapixiia to x|ienil .xo X. TV! V pro, |l,;.d for IVrt.y Hay. June fl The her daxx ax a l>plxt. Thix lady, whixw n.iin- 178 Temple Cbambera. E. C. ehlef ai one of Siiortiny l.lfe. It may lx* renii m lx lilzalxih I’.aker, lx ahxolntely wllloxil idllier ——----

: Ix-nxl. lx laid in the National Siiortlint tinb xtace eoii'ieitionx or xtaite exiM-rlen.-e lull hax ' on a IdK ti;;ht niitht. and thix la to lx* prexented vet had the ..if liaiini; her llr-t at I rl ir III A r« in lAeUMrfl In Inf* ' on n hiat-er xeale than ever Ixfon-. On thia tempt at a full Idown four aii play laiiiniiid * alHkUiaia III ixvr^aivj iiic

1 ne V./pening OI me VvUlQOOr oeeaxlon the pnldlc win not only witiiexx the .iralKlit aw ay nixui the world by one of the I y 1 e' 1 A I . ~ • I 1 aelloii of the play eontlninxl In the cliih Itxelf. ki eiiext and moxi eoni|wlent of all dranialle x.>- IXCd Seal ContraCt-A

Amusement Season in 1 Xinoon I •”'* Hiey w;ll alxo have an oiiportunity of aexdnn rietlex. The pla.v. wiileh xhe eallx liialiix. ® ’ ' lioxeiv eomiHie for a ceniiine ptinw every la Jnxt a Iranxeript from real Ixmdon life, set , . I> 1 \f, A

I VI/allx»r’c Plav nlhiil. and doing exaetly what they would do down wilixint any xtraliiing after the xenxa AmUSemCnl I AtK /Alter /\mer- 1—^Wlo waller o I lay ureaiks under the real elub nilea. They will alxo have tional. lull with niille amazing eleierni-x. and rx A f T'l Kf 1 •*>'' privilege of wMdng Jobnxon. whom Hlckx inxight. and with an nndixilded and Inevllnlde • In l-tx.rllr, Uown Alter 1 hree I\lghts. • hax -ngagel at a xaUry of .t.Pkl iwr wm k. niexxxge. Ii tellx ihe xiory of a reixdlloii ICdH F aSIllOn in LM rilH.

° ■ light eiery evening with the men with whom againxt Ihe hnmdriim of Ixuidon xnlmrhan e\ix* . lie will b<* training for hla fight with Ijingford. rli nee. \ tyidral elly elerk xiiddeiily Ix-eoniex

' .M lex-t. thix lx what Hlckx announeex. hut xiized with tlilx xplrlt of relwllhui againxt Ihe By the time voii get thix letter, the out- : > ii. afraid I have xome doiibtx on Ihe |K>lnt dull rmillne He wlxhex to emigrate anywhere. CANCELLATION CLAUSES IN EEO SEAL door amuxen'ient xeaaon will have com mya«-lf Itiit xtlll the .lew enteriirlxe la on the a'lvwinre out of the xiibnrlian rn<-k Itiit lilx CONTRACT, mxn.x..! In Vn-lxnd The ImixTlxI Inter- , right track In the direction of public wishes, wife a.,d chllilren with him to xtav where he

national KihlblHoii" Kiri's Court ^ the White! »»'• large xunix are bidng S|H-nt on tlie pro- lx, .And lie xtayx. Tliat lx all -a tragedy of |T WILL lx* of greatest iiu|x>rlai>ce to artlala. nir .1 ' Mxnelioxier' Vew Rriahton Park ' dnetlon of the various plays, one hoiM‘S that the hiiiiidrum. tint the tragedy that lx eiiacleil I w ho intend to ai'rept eiigageniriZIs m the We^blev Park I.nndon * and all the hundred there will lx* s successful result. thoiixindx of times every year In the great * Kiiroix ao coutlueiil. to famlllaiiie tbemaelrex Vd oT little '.how! hv the sea are now nuP ‘Ity of lai.idou. The alory seems a small one. with x.xiie of lb.- nio.t Inlerestlug rlau^xa of iine tie final eVt of n!!nt and bK,!lng fw * and so It la. And yet I n-inember no ,d.y. at the I ill for in Ked S.-.I IViitraxt. a. are now In ward to a time of siiec<‘xx Of course the The recent expiration of the copyright of xiiy rale none since Cranvllle Marker's Voysey vogue ixi ix-arty all the aiagea of Kuru|ir. Imnerlal Kxhiblllon Karl’s Court and’ the ^ Caste reminds one that tt wax this popular Inherilanre. which has gone so deep Into hit formerly roiillix-ntal euutracta were reolele White Cltv stand in a class bv 'theinxelvex. '• pla.v that practically initiated the mixlern sya- man nature, or so truly depleleil the life of with caiw-ellalton clamwx. a”"*** f“|l The *T-ix?**two are iirlmarlly amusement parks, i tern of theatrleal tours In this country. Kp to the ordinary citizen condemned to dweM In the tliem. xu<b

CONTRACT. IT WILL lx* of greatest iiu|xirlauce to artlala.

who intend to M-rept eiigageuirIZIs uo the

Kimux an ciNitlueiil. to famlllaiiie tbrmselTea with xiMiH- of tb<‘ most liitervstlug riauaea of

White City stand in a class by themselves. i pla.v that practically Initiated the m.xlern sya Tb€ two are primarily aniuiH*nH*nt parks, t«‘m of tlioatrlral tours In this country, i p to l.iit the former, of course, looks uixm Its side- I about Ihft.'.. stock companlea were more or less shows and general outdoor amusements as mere- i the rule ever? wiiere. ami It was looked uixvo Iv Incidental to 'ts gr.-at exhibition. Karl's «s a revolutionary venture when a company t’oiirt also, has a "Colden West” exhibition i "fter a big siiecess In London, took the play this year, hut somehow or oth-r. one only I tour. At the time of the innovation It was looks‘uixm this ss sn evening resort for the | greatly resent xl hy theatrical managers In the Londoner wlm wants to be amuseil. Last year provlrees. and many refused to accept the

a« little more than an overflow accunimo- I Caste company at all. except with a prohibit A Persian Princess, jirodiicixl at the Uueeii’

mauds of tlx- .ArllsleiiJoge duHiig the recent roiitpoerxy willi ih.- Manag<-n>' I'niuo. that the ''cancellatloo wiilioiit cause ' must he stricken fnan all mnsle hall rxailraiis ami It has dla

nothing else la Kn-lund to approach Ihe White played all the week to overwhelming business, eontaiiix some catehy lunex, lint was ' City at Manchester'! This it the onlv place In 1 while Ihe the.vlre pn‘S*-nted a Ix'ggarly array of tlreat Rrltaln which Is nin on the lines of an emi.ty Ixmches night after night. (Continued ou page 52.1 American amusement park. Kew people know more about this class of entcriirise than John i Calvin Mrown. the proiirietor. and this year i w » T -■ w A T « he has not only got together a marvelous array ■ B_• mA/ ^ I _ AA _ , WKl ^ ^ I ^ of attractions, but also, by Ibis time, he has ^ C* WW I WW < reati>d such a public for himself in Manchester i A Jl A.l>9 W w W W W

...rroon.linir towns that the White City

Amerlcsn amnsemenf park. Kew people know more about this class of entcrjirise than John Calvin Mrown. the proiirietor. and this year he has not only got together a marvelous array of attractions, but also, by this time, he has creati*d such a public for himself in Manchester and the surrounding towns that the White City is asaurisl of a sueces«ful season before It ■itarts. Mut liesldes these, three lesdlng out d<x}r places of amusement, other small ones are beginning to spring up throughout England. NiHie of them are of any Importance, hut they lend to show that a demand for outdoor araus*'- nients Is growing In England, and this can I nlv b? the forerunner of a big ilevelopment In 'this dlr»*cllon In the future.

Paris Bureau The Billboard. 121 Rue Montmartre.

I.ewis Waller's new jday. The Conquest, baa had a short and not particularly glorlovia ca- ri-er. Produced last Saturday It ran until Tueg- dsy night, and then, as iVallor franky con- fessv'd. the public apparently not wanting It. It was taken off. \ fresh run of The Three Musketeers Is to take Its place at once. Mott poiiple are sorry for the failure of The Conquest.

French Version of Merry ^Xf'idow Opens—Other Premieres—

Midget City Creates Stir—Luna Park Almost Ready for Open¬

ing at Port Maillot—Charles Frohman’s Idea for New Style Play¬

houses a Proved Success in France—General Amusement Notes.

The coming of spring shows no let-<ip In th* She still loves him and her heart Is gliddeneil luiinbor of premieres, for the past week by his return, though she has since bis dexer wen a number of them. hvr taken another lover. Renee bellevei

Mon.lay night the Theatre Mlohel witnessed *hst Msrcelle. in her heart, r*>ally loves Man

was without jp i,.j:j1 |itira«-s may require ao ez- idanalluii of tlx- temie. ''caucellatloa for

* canx.*" or ''wiilioiit can*-.” If a ctauae merely states; Tlx* manageiiieul rex.-r\es the right to eaiie,-l this contract im three days' tor twv> kwi-eks, etc.) ixitlce. the manager could give •ncli notice wiihixit having to advance any ex ctixc or cause whatever If. however, he Stlpu latex, that: In event of war. epidemlca. change of DiaDagcinenl. etc., etc., the cvmlractor has Ihe light to cancel this contract I w ith or wrltb nut notice I. It Is nix-ewsary for the manager to Iirove that event, which glvv-s him the right of cancellatloo

Mut the assort mi-nt *‘cl annex'' fouixl In ICrCS- the average ixmtraot wax viulte aw wonderful

ax the vaiiely of cancel la tIvHia w ltb<xit cause OdCH- •'vmtract on file at the ollce of the Artist

enloge. shows “only” 2S such clauses. Thixx* PI iixvially f.sind In svjrh contracts, however, were

2 I l3y- War. revolution, epideoilcs, strikes, natural ca- lamltics. fioxlw. etc., etc. It la evivleot that

Not£S some of tlx'xe caniwx should not tx* considered ‘ ^ ■ otvli-ctionahlc. blit the "Incomix-teivcy'' clauae.

whii-h was generally wonlevt as follows- If In tb<> opinion of the management, the act la In

, , ,, , c<mi|x-ient. was «nx-. which gave a chance for Is gladdeneil |,]| „f arliltrary cancellations. These and

ice bis deser- ,|| |j„. ut>)<<cti<>nat>le clauses were ellml lenee believes n,t<xl aixl the only clainie -the male of Uie hall y J"''*'* elan- [, |,.ft the Red Seal t'vmtracls and also ould bring It pp (!„. I'liifunu Contract of the Artlsteuloge. Is end. She 'n,,. great lmi>rv>vement In coodlllons through nd Interviews this new contract is shown t.y the fact, that illy to make the Managers' I'nlno. nearly forty outslilr man the busliand. agerw. amt a large inunlx-r of txxvking agencies

WITL ner siaiiiesque ix-uuiy xuo oisuiueu -- - - - |iri-sslvene‘-8 simply to court failure. The] tp*' one liclng by AFTER AMERICAN FASHION.

i,,.r_not onlv nx a mark of Ills general ulsap- ' eveuiug. iv me v..oiueoie vimie .......uu .. ... ........ ... ......... n., n ..iK-i prova" Of her A.ndiict but also that the world nel (P.ixslon's Crime), a new playlet In one nol—whirh she dix-x. Mme. Roily ap|x>art ax mav know her h“f»rll. as a convlc »>y Maurice Hennequln. wa. given pro- Rene-. -Mme Y. He Mrav- as M.n-elle and

Ttie Rnner Motanical Onnlen of Rerlla. vine of the greater place* of amuwement. will he converteal Into a large aroiwetnent park after the .kinerlcan fashion. The preweait tenant of the girilen and Mewar*. I. I. Sallmayer and O Krankel. of LiMiilun. are already In rotnmunlca Hon. and In case the tiartlca vxsne to term* the o|xiilng of the new entoriviiae will take pi ice on Jiim> I. umh-r the name White Otty

a Is Cblcago. Ttw M-ajwsi will last till Oc |.4H-r.

Nev.r lx-f.>re In all her history ha« the cltv of llerllii x<x-n a clreiis [x-rfuimanee as given III Hie Cln-iis Miixeh for the iM'iiekt of th*- Hernixn .Ai-lors' .\xx.m lallon recently .Ml th’'


l-oriiinxfelv she cxcaixxl In time to avoid this ductlon. Also, at the same place and time. M.-srs. Hanthler and Manlov. res|x-ctlvely. as psrtii l|>ntlrg |H rf..rniers were actors and a .ntere.xting ordeal. ' "• ”• Connu (And Neither Si-en Nor MaiirW-e and Oiiernol. tresM-s from the various theatre In Iterlln, who

The second act finds her. presumably melan-I Known), a coinevly In thrv^ acts, by George FROHMAN'B NEW SCHEME . . .... i-holy at the loss of her lover, about to find Keydexn, had Ita premiere, while s third vehl- ohma s Mtw SCHEME u ..iiHini.xl on page .st ) I>ea<v and seclusion within the walls of a con- i " revue In one act. called Le Roman Ghex Theatrical man igers In I'srix are gn-atl.v _ vent. Just, however, as xhe Is alxmt to take I •• I’‘^*'ere, endixl the nevv- Idll. This last at- interested in the outcome of the plans Just the vows, along comes the Colonul and boars •* Kip, with tn,’**'® hy r-*tetian Marti, niade known to them, which Charles Krohiiisn MME. BREVAL. her off amid the markixl dlsaiiproval of the! Friday night, at the Theatre Mollers. a |dece j,,,. If,,. „f v„rk'a Theatre other memlx rs of the convent. The curtain falls ■ acts, 1^ ^‘^'!***^..*** ■ ** v-”. /■ nl’i*' *'i Ixmdon Into a refxTiory house. As Tlie Mill lo the strains of Mendelssohn’s W«*i1dlug March . Kile n rat jias Couiiable (No. She la Not tfUllty i |,rt,rd has already annonni-ixl. this Is Just •vhsl •—and. so long as the play ran. to considerable ■ "'■* staged for the first time. Sunday night. ,f,|„ n,,. Anierlmin Is going to do, saying; Ixvoing from the idt and gallery. One wishes *t the National new piece, Macchus, p,j. ii.,.r,. gf,. „o„ l„ ,f,|g ,,„pp for le'tter lui k. both for Waller and Miss Kill- i late Catiile Mendes, with music by one (England i a niiinlx-r of ix-ople aiitfii'li'iiHv • •It In their next venture. Ibe co-direclora of the opera. Massenet was |gr,f, f„. ,.g||,.,l , imlillc. who wish to delight

. given Its repetition The of^nlng per-,

comes the Colonul and boars '•*>' •* K‘P' wHh OJJ***® ny r-*ienan Marii. niade known to them, which Charles Krohiiian le marked dlsaiiproval of the! Friday night, at the Theatre Mollers. a |dece |,,g j,,,. ,f„. „f v„rk'a Theatre ’ the convent. 'The curtain falls' acts, by Georges Harlen, entitled Non, f,, |,„n,i„n jpfp , re|XTiory house. As The Mill Mendelssohn’s Wvxidlug March ; Kile n rat jias Couiiable (No. She la Not <,ullty i hoard has alreaily annonni-ixl. this Is Just •vhal

• •It In their next venture.

♦ In accordance with his oft expressed desire to

give Ixindon.-rx a chance of six-ing a first-class • 'impany In all of his pleei*a. with prices with¬ in the reach of .all. Seymour Hicks o|wn8 the Aldwych Theatre on .Saturday next with a re

formanep la set for Wednesday night.


I was rather siirprlaed at some of the crltl

lamie eager pla.VK<x-rs If they were offered less elnimrali-ly. the dramsHc far. they want. A- things are, thi-y get It now anil then from one theatre or another I hiqM- Hoy have lx. get

elsma the Paris version of The Merrv Widow Ii"* ** occasionally fr'tm inysejf -hni the play, r.xa-iveil, for. truth to tell. It didn’t create the , a<<a-plalile. reiiialiia the •me dish Hir a .vesr


furon- here that It has everywhere else. Hav¬ ing Kix'n It In the States an.l on this aide of the w.iter also, my imprexaioD ii|x>n teeing this iat '-t phase of thi- tuneful ojx-retta was that

or so, anil, as sixm as we pn-xenl It, we eexse, «o to siM-ak, lo lx- alive until the prii<lin-t|i> i of llx siicei ssor. In the siiiie wav. He' viiliinl plavgix'r. having sih-h mir p'lav oiii-e or Iwlie. tiix-oines dea.l to ns f,.r Ho- ri-maiiiili-r of it iiexled, ix*rhaps. more rehearsing, and Ihe , xx-.mies deai| to ns for Ho- n-maiiiili-r •>!

••rcliistra. In spile of the fart that Its director. '^V'' •’innnrelallv, this has at Htiox Celanxky. was a aix-clal Imimrlation from Ana- •'■•"erlng ri-xiiltx. api-.iklng for m.vxi-lf Irla. lil.ewlxe eonld have been Iniprovml u|x>n. ,1* , " 'lolng liixlnes«. If a liel riie An erlciin prixincllon waa much Ix'll-r than I want l-i Interest Hie gm, till- which Vxik place at the newiv remixhled j''"'or Iwlie a .vesr. In what .Vpollo. Til- hrst nighlers aeeme | rather ax 'I""" In mv th-alr.-s. toil onee ,.r Iwl. .

tnniKl'.fvl fltirlntr III'* <*|H*nlnK of ili** pl**fp. the " IV!'** 1* ***** li'M'^ fnl ili«l I ran *l > tl ♦ <»*onUhin'‘nt r«f1i*< ||iijr th#* thought that 11 waa

^ '‘trriniio how Kurh a v ork ha<l iiia#1»» tlif* nola#* Frohinuna talk h*» H«nt on lo ox \K: lour aroiiro! Ih«* worM. But Ih** Pi'iBi how ho ox|»orto«| to rjitry «miI til*

^ ^ touiI art, with Ua r«‘lohral«M| waltz. raf»tuT«*#l *’•' I’lt'iouc tho link#* <if ^ork’a into a ro|’or|oiy 111** au<]lonr«‘, whothor no. an<l aft<*r that all what It wonhl for hlui. for tli**

Miaa a f<»r tlo* iirtlMt* t<H>k tho hllcUly tho whh*li

pr' isoil lix tho rritliTi for h«‘r work. hulM

*''k’*'* ** ***** Vail.lovllio. ThU Ploro t i i " i Ui a fair from lK>th ro .

'* ***' hliuroa tho oi niUtroKM i.,,ba. , # \- --f a rirh cliihuiMn. Maiirlro liittHUirir ’ "*'1 "tory In luhMlr llfo. Mauriro niakoa ■ marrlaco of roa i.. J r ' / mIi . ... . *'** '■**• '»***' M*rroII<*. hut lalor tho U^^Wun towanl J ti.a^v ,r' .V *" i ^ " *‘"*‘ -n/ !!*"'*’ !il« wife rhantc*"'* to ono of Ronulno lovo. Mar , * pr"'*'l Mini o"««om rito < ••m

J i* rrnialna rold touard .Maurh-o. aud do ,1. Ihla adv*r what hr iiiav, ho flnda h«T drifting farlhor and j.. ,.r af m* if. dr.iinall.* hill of fir** ftw tartlKT awij from him. So, in hla mlaory. ho

#»f tho |ti)|H*rlal Tlnatr#*, St. IVtorbhurg. HumU. rolurna to th«* lioiiao of Kono«<, the ox mUfro- . (r,,nlliiii«d on l a (t'ontliiMod on l ago 5*.* t '*!»#• »*n'afo« «*ti<v t»f fti«» priiH'lpal ridoa In tho

now ofM^rii h) 2i|ondoa and MaiuH*ii#>l, Itarriiiia



e B


Over Half a Million People Pass Through the Gates of Luna Park and Dreamland on the

Opening Day, May 15—Many New Concessions, and the Visiting

Crowds Manifest Extreme Enthusiasm.

OVKIt half a iiilllloti |>aNW<l tbrouKh tbf calf. Ma, WbfTf? l*rf auilaiid aial I.iina. <>r raMjraft AihI DfVfr baa Nfw

V<irk luriMil out In aii<-b uiinilM-r.. It waa a (ala i1.«} ! Kw-n Uif «fatlM-r uiaii .ffiiii-<| bap- pllf (ll.ixMil. Karix Ibl. nioniluc f\frx ouf t'.>k a .urrf|itll|iHi. iM-.-p at tbe <-|ou<l laltb-fd Ilf a* f UN aitil fVfH a fi‘W <»f u. WfnI lo* far a. to ilu«t off laat Jfar'a »lraw bat. And tbon It ralioil' Am! then tbf .un rainf *.11’ Tbo bravfr iHifa ti.ik a cano and IommiI rb«* iira- br<dla In tbf rliao-t. And lb«- bravor <aif» w<in mil It «a. a (loiiou. dar. t'mifX ba. uoTfr had aurb an aiia(d(-ioua oiwninc

Kxartlx at 4 I*. ,\l. Hani'l W. l< iirlifil Ihf Inittna at Itrfamlaivl aiai a affund laliT Kr. d Tbomp«M>ii |Hillf<l llo- o>.rd. Kolb Krfamland and l.uiia'. (atf. •l|•fnf<l liamlrfila of iiulf<>rmf<l attfixlanta .tf|i|if<l Into Mtif and t'oiifj l.lanil wlalml thf world a pifaitaot .iim nifr Aliai. of coiirnf. a prodlatdf otif. Captain l^ail. Son-bo. In hi. auliNiiotdlo aiwl rallioiM- attarhmfnl, adib-d to thf •■xfllfnivni and of

IM. Ibfr.- wa. pb-ntx. Surf Aroniif waa a wdid Ilia-*, of bitniaiiltx from farix momlnc. K'fn with frowruiiiK Wfatln-r tbf rrowda camf— a .tMiw<*r or two In i*o wii*f di.r*iajracfil tbr btiiifb—ratbfr tbf barldnit* r. of rarlx .ummfr, ThfX Jamnifd thf autrwax ami rpowdifl frorx train a< pm Kruoklxn Kriditf And thi-n a lot of Vtii walkf<l. C<an-x wi. tbf dfatlnatioo ami It maltfrfd llttlf li<rw tbfx (<H tb*-rf. Thfti lb- aiin famr out aixl wltli It fVfrx moth-r'. aon of II. who rould. M-raiublfd to CoofX- Nor w< rf wf diaa|ipolntfd.

It wa« a nfw Coofx. Upamland. Luna. Slff- plwhaM* aid Kiirf Arfii’i*- all bad aomftbinc n*-w, lUHDf (xirkft-book tantillzluc that foaxfil a illm** awa.T and tbfn Wf l<.*kf«1 for fwimflbinc flar.

I'ronipilx at four Iir-amlaml op-Uftl. An hour Ijifr I.una took down it. caff.. Ixinc If- fop.- tbf bout lon-ral Manac-r Sam'l W. ilmn- pfrit .at in tbf prf.* dfparttnfnt. ovfr wblfb W-Il. Ilawkf. prf*idf., and rfcelrwl a hun-

dpol fioral Irlbulf.. A rabl-crain from 5>fn- aiot U> rnoliiK. n<iw in Kiiroif. was o|ifnfd bx Mr Gumiifrlz. rfadinc a. follows: •'Wish xuo Cood wfalior zihI suiffs. to-Lij{bt."' and both bot«fa camf true.

At sundown tbf licbts tiashfd on ovfr the Island Kffiiarkablf brilliaurX' almost a suu- licht; bfttfr, in fact, for wbfn Is Conex prft- tifr than at nlctit. with a mfirx. laugbinc Ia..lf on xour arm?

Tbf ereninx rrowd. wfro larcer than the aflfmifn. Not an Itch of spacf anjwhere was unofiuplfd. All tbf parks and roadwax* were dittfd with laiicbiiic tbroogs.

First In Iirfamland (timfs Creation, admlt- tfillx tne of tbf most fasolnatlnx entfrtaiimifnts ever derlsfil. and next door Frank Bo.twk’s Animal Ciniis. with tbf evfr watchful Dr. I!u-ke>, an.l then we pause—tbe illuminations 'taxgir one—and to Klectrlclan Oraj we bow In cratitude "Immemo:." said a kid. and we ■ all said, “yes, and creater than that.”

Nearly one million electric lixbts are plai'ed in Dresinlaist.i Then it's a stroll along. There's the band, an elephant parade, the white vested baIlro< m attemlants. the oihmi air acts, the spieler*, the i>o|h orn mercliants. and the what DOls that make Coney a plaif to go to. Then In Luna.

Rut that's another story. Sharp on tbe mtn ute of Uve, Fred Thonip.on slgnabsl for the gates to open. They dlil. A brass liand came from somewhere, no one knew, hut It blew, ami liebind follo'.veil amdber, a big one at that. They saw the Japanese Umif Carden, they langbi.l in Riliken's Temple, they paiisml at the I'aimists, they Jolteil over the Rounding Reil Ruoy, then a ride on the Mountain Tor rent; the good fellows sh<M>k hands with “Doc” Livingston, one of the most |>o|iiiIar chaps ever Rroadway knew. It was a contliiucas round of fnn and hilarity. Midnigtit passed hut Coney still kept open bouse. llie season's on, and never has the Island offered such gmal fun s* In 1!*09. .Vnd here’s to It. and once again.




United States Lithograph Company Arranging to TaLe Over the Henceiorth Ejtchanges Will be Permitted to Start Service to Unlicensed

Plants of All Other Members, Giving Them Control oi Sixty-live Theatres the Same Day Application is Made and While Investiga-

•01 Cent, ol the Lithographing Interests of the Country. tions are Being Made—Will Control Number ol Theatres.

Tbf following (mniuu*. Charles W. Jotdau. prv.lditit; K. H. Maouy, cbalrmaD of the Board of Dtrfctrwa. Frswl L. Clarke, chairman of the Credit Committee, and K. R. Mackey, of Chi cago; Jame. D. Barton, of New York City; Mr. C. A. Whitaker, of Denver; Charlea H. C. Buck. RoNton. Msm., and many others, arrived Biinday morning May ». and the entire day wt. .{H nt as the gueats of the aecretary at tbe ofllce of the National Ileadgnarlers.

The advance delegstra from rhlladelphla. *t. I'atil. Mtsnlreal. Can., ami other points be¬ gin to arrive Momiay, although the National Convention waa not to open nnlll Tueaday, tbe following day.

The Third Annual Cxsnventlon openswl prompt¬ ly It H> o’rl.Kk Tueial«. with Chairman K. H. Mscoy In the chair. 'There were many poster printer, prewttt, m>t members of the Board, who. however, were Invitnl and took an active Intfiesi In the lloarii aesaloo. The entire day Wat conaumsMt by the Board of Directors going over the year's previous hiislDewa, Including business traiisarlesi by the Boani at their meet Ings In (Tilragn. Milwaukee, Detroit and New lork City, ratifying said meetings and taking up In deatall feasllde plans for the ensuing year. In the evening they were all tbe guests of the lot Ranch Shows.

I*r»-sldent Jonlan called th" meeting to or der piomptly at 10 o'rl.wk. and on roll call ” f'siiid that thlrty slx were repreaenti-d. which was lncresa<><l to nearly sixty during the day the largMl attendance by far of any of the m-etlng. hold since the Assssclatlon was ^gsnlziNl. Th,- entire day was taken up. en- •"•rahig hy s,-, tions. the previous day's work, snd re|Hwta of the chairmen of various commit¬ tees. At S o'chirk the conreutlon listened to the a.ldr,-M dellvermt by St. Klmo I.ewli. of Itflrolt. ,Hi th,' ruhject of |Mvsters It waa the he-t s|M-,vh ever tlellvere,! at any of the rnnusi m<-eilng. im this suh),>cf. amt Mr. t.ewls exidslm-,! In d,*tsll his vershm frvHn an ad-’. slsnd|H>lnl At « p m the visiting memiM-r. w,-re taken on a tndley ride ami ten- tiTed s dinner at Chester I’ark, given hy the

' InrInnstI l*oMi,-r IVInters* .ksaiwlatlon, a local >r(an.tstlon. Ihc entire party returning at .1

P m.. In time for the exenlng s,>a*lon. which d In nearly an all night s,-sslon. prin

'IpsLj on ronimltt,-e work, solving the proh leiii of rmllt. It was shown on a ctHuparlson 'f note. In ft,,, .4..<n-|at|on mrnih,-rs that one • rlsln travi-lliig show ".Inck” seventeen illffer

-nl .li..w prlnli-r. prior to the formation of this TganlvsIliHi A creilll system was estahllahe,l slierehy a rating will he given the entire the • Irical professlain. and s simh-IsI rating twireau '•tshllah,-,! for this pur)nwe ThiHW> having •••I.,hli.he,t ,relit win 1.- prol,ct<'<l. while who have h.-retofor,- fall.M to lift C D D y' pnienls, n-pud I a t e,l th,>lr PesismsIMIltv. f.lbsl to pay their IdlN. .w give a reasonahW ■X'lisr f.w So doing, will iio| he rxlenihil the -iirle.les hi-relofore (rsnli',1 them. This htl HI Is In Ihe f,a-m of a i-srd Imlex system,

'le'clal r<-p,>rts h,-tng »en| mil hy the secretary n.-ikl) to all nii*mlHTs of the k.aiv-latlon The ' ••Iieirshlp tVMnmItI,-,- was iiis,le iwnuanenl. i!!' *‘"**'’•"•1. con.I.IIng of thr,-,' mentha-rs from

•• I o«i,-r I’rlnla-ra' .\.«<.'lallim. Ihr,*e mcm -rs frmii the |l||| IVwli-ra' .Vss-H'latlon. and

inr.e m. mhers to Im> Invitel fr.Mii Ihe Theatrical , r-.lnrlng Managers' Awnviatlon, Ihe repairs of j

tiuk vouimittev -if uiu,' to be Huai, anai fraMU wh-cb there is no appeal. A edla-ctioo bureau waa establlsbed. and a corporation known as Tbe Poster Co. was awarded the contract to represent the Poster Printers' .\*sorlatlon ex- cluslvtly In tbe matter of collectiona. Tbla company la entirely sa'parate rr<tm the organ- Itation, and will proaecnte to tbe fullest extent of th* law all delimiuenta who fall to give reasooahle excuae fair nou-payment of bills. Failure of delinqnenta to recaignlxe communica¬ tions lent them will be promptly reporteal to the entire memhePship. This Is f<aiad the only practical way of protecting the better class of theatrical managers. It is not the Inta-ntion ! to dlscreallt anyoDa*. hut tbe consensus of opln- | Ion sa-eraed to be that respamslhle theatrical ! mangers were entitled to protectlain from the I banals of tbe "fly hy nlgbts.” who make an at- | tempt to start a company out on the road with a abne-strlng. basting up aihl falling, discredit¬ ing the goa>d shows and hurting tbe profession in general. A system of nnifavrm shipping la¬ bels was also adopted and will be tiseal by all | paister printers in America: C. O. D. being pink label; charga*s guaranta'ed being white label; I charges prepaid being yellow label, so that In a short while tbe entire profa-sslon at a glance < will know what the different colors reptvsent. i A systatm of weekly bulletins ws* also estab- Ilshwl. and will be In charge of tbe secretary. | It win contain a weekly repi'rt to all members. : dated Satiinlay, and Issueal Wedna'Salay. and will coatain rep>>rla from managers of opera bouse* all over the country, aalvlslng this hnrean whetha-r the show Is gooal. bad or Indeffetvnt. i end the prawpa-cts of Its coutlnnlng on the rxiad. ; As an example, one manager wrote In that "so anal •>” was the worst he ha,! fa>r , twenty years, while sna'ther msnsga-r writes; that he thinks "such anal such a shv'w” needs , a little more papa'r and will meet with succesa. ' These wea'kiy bulletins will al-s» contain a Pe- ; port on Infa'rmstla'n pra-elveat from the va- j

riasis clipping Nireaus thraxighout the I'nlted States am everything paagtalning taa the pnif.-a slaan. ns well ts r*i>orts fravm the Cawirt Inalex. Iwiieal hy the vsrlaHis law avffia^'S thrawizhaint the country; in fact. It will aimaast he Impawwlhle fatr a traveling eha'w to make any kind of a I move wllhont the bureau N'Ing In receipt of In- faarmatlaio of such m<»vement Permanent head- ijnarters w-re lossi'al and salarleal employes In stslleat. .A permanent Busina-.. Bulliling Cavra- mitlee wa. also spivavIntiM. s Sketch Systa*m In- aiiEiirateal, anal s|aas-lal sketa-hes will ho maale, wlt't Ihe view of agisting anal a-rritlng new hii«lna-ss. This a»mnilttec will ooofH'tate with a like committee from the .A.saVlatoat Rill Paast- era anal Dlttrlhuters .Assavtsthan of the P. S. and rsnada. anal will N- a'a'Uatiictoal In the In ta-n-st of Ihe painter printing smt bill posting tnihi'trles

The thint day’s .i-ssl<an oonvi'nast at 9 a. m.. IVistna'Salay. ami faw sli s.a|lal haaurs Pn'sl.lent Jaaralsn ni.hcal maare w.ark thraaugh than It was thaaught piassIMo to scaiamialish: mi ra»avss of any kinil was liken until tha< ineetlng w s. aMmplet eat The following ware eliaclaM to aSlla'c fair the ensuing year .

fharl-as W. Jainisn. Ohlcago. III., president; James llenm'gan. tiiicinnall. O.. vloe president; II. J. .Amlerwoo. t'lm-lnnatl. O.. tnassiirer; t'Isr eniae K. Rnna-y, tina-limsll, O.. sea-retarv. Baisnl aaf Dlre-'topa K 1! Msa-aiy. phloagai. HI., ohair-

III a cin-ular letter, of date May 15. tbe Pat amts (.'ompatiy aimouiices caocvUatiuu a>f Ucvumts ber»‘lofa>re held by the folIowlDg exebangea:

American Film Exchange, llcanse for Pitts¬ burg. Pa.; Schiller Film Exchange, license for Chicago. III.; Star Film Exchange, license for Chicago. III.: I'nlted States Film Exchange, 11- cemae for Chic.ago. III.; American Film Ex¬ change. lica-nse for Memphis. Tenn.; Harry Davis. license fair Pittsburg. Pa.: Harry Davis, license for Philadelphia. Pa.; Harry Darla. U- cenae for Buffalo. N. T.

Attention la also called to the practice of some exchangee which loan fllma to branch of- flee* nr to other exebangea. and such are cau- tiooeai to dlscontlnne tbe same under penalty of having tbelr licenses revoked.

License will be Issued to any exchange per¬ mitting exhlhitlnns, not to exceed seven a week by auch exchange.

man; E. R. .Mackay. Chicago. HI.; C. F. Llh- Me. Boston. Mass.; Arch. Donaldson. Newport. Ky.; Joe. Mack. Detroit, Mich.; L. C. Farrar, Chicago. Ill.; C. .A. Shennan. St Paul. Minn. The appointment of various committee will be annoniK^ later

A nnifom contract was adopted, and all pnr- chasera of show printing will be retjulred to sign aame. It protects, first, the purchaser, who orders tbe printing against unlawful aeix- nre hy cooatablcs. and protects the show printer to such an extent as will enable him to extern! creallt mope fully than heretofore, enabling a better class of shows to obtain a larger line of paper; while on the other hand, those not hav¬ ing a satisfactory rating by tbe creallt bureau win b€ reajulred to sign a flnanctal statement. Slimming up the entire situation, the cooven tion la going to be tor the benefit of the show printer, tbe reputable tha'atrlcal manager and the Bill Posters' Association.

.After adjournment, the convention accepteal an invitation to visit the plant of the DonalaliN'n Lltbiigrapb Co., after which they wa-re the spe¬ cial guesta of Wm. M. I’Kmahlson ami Arch Donaldson at Heliladhcrg. Ky.. to partake of aine of those celobrateal Kentucky spring chicken din¬ ners. so fimawis throughout the world. Mr. Wm. M. Dooaldsoo. as toast master, gave the "un- derstudlaw” some touml practical salvlce. The speakers fop the occasion were E. St. Elmo I.ewls. of Detroit, and his evening talk was aUmg the Una'S of civoperatlon. gooal fellowship ami h'nesty with each other. Charles W. Jor¬ dan. of Chicago, gave a very interesting talk. Sam Murray, of the C. S. Lithaigraph Cai.. re¬ membered varh gua-st with a souvenir of play¬ ing ranla. Mr. lyon. representing .Ault * Wy N>rg. also gave eaa'h memN'r a hamlsaime wati^ fob. It waHild reajulre too much space to men Ham the gra-at havndtallty extemlaM by Col. INm- ald-sm to his taallow poster printers, ami It Is m>a^llesa to say the convention will ga» down In history as the greatest gathering of poster prlnterw ever heM in the annals of the p-wter imlustrv. The New York ami Chicago delega tIon left on the mUlnight tralna.

Thursday was visiting day for thaise remain Ing ami many of iha-m availed therosa-lve* of the oppa'rtunlly to get better ac<]i)ainta>l wliti the po-ler printers of Ctnclnnal. Inspa-rting the beautiful plants Uicsteil In tbe Qm-en Cllv

nkARr.NA''B K. RCNET. Sea-i.

Tills .(lecial license i-an lie used to cover mo tiou picture exhihitioo-s which are given regular ly once each week, ami is also Intendeai to meet tbe demsmis upon exchanges to furnish oc- cssional motion picture exhibitions for churcbe*. clubs and various kimis of entertainments.

The royalty far such a license la I'J.OO per waH*k.

Referring to new appllcationa, tbe circular further stataas:

"I'rom this date, exchanges may begin serv¬ ice to an onlicensed theatre at any time, by re¬ mitting to the Patents Company on or before the day on which service begins, $2.90 with th# application, of the exhibitor for a liceiise. and by remitting $’2.00 on Tuesalay of each week un¬ til a license Is Issued or refuseal.

"All auch exhibitors will he considered to be temporary Ilcensea'a nntil tbelr applications for licenses have been acted npon. If an applica¬ tion for a license should. In the Interest of other licensees be refused, the exchange sup¬ plying service will be notified and shall discon¬ tinue sa'rrice at the end of the week In which It receives such notice.”


Tlie Merry Whh>w playing here this was-k at tba- Walker Theatre for the first time, drew capacity houses at every performance. Miss KiisemarT GIosx and .Miss Mabel WlIN-r alter nateal In the name part, and Charles Meakins carrleal tbe role of I*rlnce Danilo.

-At the Winnipeg Theatre. Miss Ama-lia Bing¬ ham. In stock, has played to fair audiences in M.v Wife's Hiishands. was'k of May 10.

The most attractive feature of the Doratnlon Tha'stre bill waa Miss May Sully In the sketch. Stoi>! lioaik: Listen!

Grand opera will he the attraction at the Winnipeg Theatre for tbe next two wa-eks. wh*'n the Boston Graml Ojiera Company will pre-w'nt. week of May 17. II Trovatore. I.iiela dl t.ammermaior and Gonnoal's Faii«t. Among the principals of the company are Mme. Judith M. Frsncinl. Signor Pietro Gheranll. Edivanl E. Olals. Jean Vere. Signor .Achllll .Alberti. .Miss Grace Richie. John McDonald. Miss Lois Pas chall. Miss Olive Watson and Miss Cora Hay den.

June 7. the Walker Theatre alsai comment's a si'ason of graml opera. The Savage Grand Optra Company has been engaged at thi. house. P- 11*


The Bsruum and BalW-y Shoiva were in Cm cinnati May 17 ami IS. .A stranger In fha' cit.i waiold have wiuiderasl at tha' crowds on every stnet. had he bas-n anywbare near the line of march an*l Ignorant of the causa- of the gen era! tum-sit. .A mora- gorgeasis parade ha* never gracasi the streets a>f Cincinnati, and no circus parade has as ya-t won such spontaneous ami c-'ntlnueal applause, it goes wlthaiut s.aylng that the st-ow* enjo.vasl a capacit.v attendance -Auspla-lous wa-atha-r oamilltlons pra'valleal.

The Girl Question closes Its seesos at Topeka. Kan., Mt.v S.


18 e MAY 22. 1909

TENT SHOWS Cold and Rainy Weather Alternating with Beautifully Warm

and Clement Days Has Constituted the Past Fortnight—The

Big Shows Have All Been Doing Well from a Business Stand¬

point, and Showmen are Enthusiastic in their Anticipations.

Gable End Concession Tents r«|. Small Pit Shows, Knife Racks iQl Refreshments, etc.



Ev<>r>-thiii|t ntMHit lh<- Uapi'nlMH-k-Wallnoe CMr- ni* Is now niniiiii); wlib lliat smootliiK-ss null pris-islon for wlibli this i ■iiiimoth orttanlzation ia nottsi; pv.Ty human ('ok 'n this mighty ma-

Nowa r<-arh<»<t ua toslay that Hilly I'lrlrh, w ho w aa »‘iiiiiloye<l In our hand for acvoral y»*arB. dl<‘d at hla home at I.a»ivn<s‘l>urK. liid., and Immediately Al. I.anirford. the manafter of the [irlveh'ite car, wlr<*il that everjlsaly around the hlR clmia was aorrj- ami wiit $:ii» to buy tlow<‘rM for the funeral.

The nimor that the l“ha>t*-lx>ndla Troui>e of female aerottata and hand halaiieera were to get an entire new wardrolH-, has provod to 1h‘ er-

Cnr Small Pit Shows, Knife Racks rOr Refreshments, etc.

liOw pripo isn’t aiij liiinlnincc tt> ui. N\t* put the fittnoiis ( t,Jua1ity into even small tents at a low price.

The tents we offer here an* made with 7 fe«*t walls in two sections to snap at eaves; of blue and white 8tri|K‘d canvas trimmed with fast color re<l duck. They have 8callo|K*.l curtains at caves and are strongly reinforcetl at wearing

points. Made cither for [Kilos or to Ik* hung on frame work. r~

('oneession men—si'inl us draft or money 6x 8 ft., $ 7 96 order for sire wanted, and learn how good i,/^Ci ftirlfl ft 11 QK Tents are. Satisfaction guaranttKKsl or your OXIU II., 1.1 J/O

money hack. , . 10x12 ft., 16 96 Write for prices on tents of all kinds. ■ .

CARNIE-GOUDIE MFG. CO., - - Kansas City, Mo.

cblnt* liHK come to know Iik place anti tlie wt»rk p»nf*ouK, much la the pity. I*apa lAkn^lla 4lrot>|H‘tl exiKM teil of it. am) aa a coiistMimmce th»» hie prlvelepe car the other nii^Jit ami when top« up ami flown almot^t In tlie twinkllnjt of t*harife<l a dime fw a cup of coflfeo he came an €*>'<*, the mountains of tMpiipnient and para- ' **'‘^** havlnir a stroke of aponlexj. ph.-riiHlia B.-mrally and tb.* iii.m.-rmia of : c<«>P-to Hat of the clowns wlm an- out th.- m. ii.iK.Tlc arc loaded and onloa.hd ,nd V ’’I'."'*’" hanl.Hl to ami from the lot without miahap or Arthur Horolia, John I.aucaat. r. Jam.a Knih il».|iiv crfonl. Kid Kcnnanl. Kd. Kennanl. l^mis rla-

TI'm: parade out on time, the perform "V;"''*"' tneoH ar%» ir<»ini; with a rim ami a dash which }' **,^* KnnlM. lUll Ilardlg^ Art llardlkt

New Cars OO-fuot flat, Ikjx, stock and elephant

cars huilt s|HK'ially for tent shows.

S|>ecification8, photographs, quotations

promptly ftimished. Workmanship,

material the best: guaranteed to please

la a characlcrlatlc of our manaKcm.-nt, and alinw^a that the laTform.-ra, no iiiaticr what tticy do. take an intenw Intereat In their work ■ isl fnsn the htalT rl<‘ar down to the ;>ony boya.

Frank AllH-rtino. Kv«.rltt Hart, Tom Hart. J. IVtroff. I. I’etroff. H. Herla-rt. Jot- He Verne, Walter SwH-eney. S. Valdare, Jack I'laniondln. (}eo. IH> Voe, Frit* EitBrnwr and they comprlw

everyl.ialy la hiiatliiiK to make the season a auc- : wdtlymt the shadow of a doubt, l>est talent I of fuii-makera with any one show no matt.-r

We Snndaye,! at f’tiarh.ston. W. Va.. the best sliow town in AimTioa, and althoiiBh it

MT. VERNON CAR MFG. CO., - Mt. Vernon, III.

MURRAY TENT AND AWNING COMPANY rained iiitennltti-ntiy Monday, May It), and rnanaRement of Arthur Hoffman, aaalated by the w.'Hther was iren.'rally disaRn-eald.-. the ; I-onla Morris, la alnip^ cotninic mom*y. ■{"'•J'’* crowils at tmth |«*rfoniianc.*a packt*d the tents ^litch.•l are the T.vrolean mnslelana. I rin-

of fuii-makera with any one show no matt.-r MURRAl TKWT AWU CiUMrAHi I how pretentions It may l>e. •_ _ . . ,, . •• •

The aide alKMir. under the able ami effleient 1-7 MERIDIAN STREET. (Telephone, Haymarket 319.) CHICAGO. ILL. mansRement of Arthur Hoffman, aaalateil by fircus. Carnival. Black Tents and Banners. I.oiils Morris, la simply cotninic money. Jones ,, „ur new location when In I'hlcaao, 1-7 Meridian Street, and MItchel are the Tyrolean mnalelana, l-rin- qu.- prices before purchaaliiK elsewhere. ceas Nonnia la the mhlftet and J. Tarver is Black Top. 10 ft. wall, lined all tbroush top and wall; round end front; gable end back; capacity. *'••’** Nonma la the midget and J. <5. Tarver I* L-OxOU Black Top. 10

AUh'Iis. (»., on Tuesday. May 11. the weather **'•' B—o*. I.ano haa a monkey and deg used three diya, $2<ai. man evidently get remorse t(yr what he did to "‘"f- Starlight the Indian sharp shooter, tb.- circus on the day Is-fore, ami he did nls i Mnie. '|<da the snake charmer. OonialM the Ix-st to make np for It and the day was pt-rfect. expert Mexican knife thrower, Andrew Stewart the crowd at the afternoon s1m>w was capacity **’•“ tattoo«‘d ***ka i>erformlng cocka and taking this as a criterion, the “GoverniM-” > t<Kw. Lowrte a Nashville Students are the at- onlensl all the extras to b.- i>iit In for the night ' tractions and J. M . t.owdy. t.eorge Ti^anx. allow. aii<I it was well he did so, for the night *'**’,'1 Charles Mack are the outside crowd was a corker and every availalile Inch ticket sellers. of sp.ic- was <H-cupled. —---

Marielt.i. <».. on W.sliieaday. May 12. the ..a.iocm irsAwpm weather still eontinned on Its gmsl Is-havlor CAMPBELL BROS. CONSOLIDATED ami the crowds at Isitli shows were enormous. SHOWS.

I'arkerslinrg. W. Va.. Thursday. May 13. and _ the stns'ts were crowded with a goisl-natured jowtling crowd long ts'fore tlie parade made Its CampIs-II Brothers' Shows opened their sea- at>|s Jiram e and It w as a hard matter to get Convention Hall, Kansas City, Mo., for thnaigh .he stsdlilng. gisslnaturtsl mass of , pij.),, ,)ava. giving one parade on op»-nlng day. humanity with tlie wagons, wltliout hurting circus dav. aom.-one. Tlie show lot was packed with hu- oiir first stand was Peabodv. Kan.. April 26. nianlty Itmg ts fore the gati-a were ois neil ami making a run of 1S4 nillea. arriving In Peabody at one o'clock when the "Governor" gave the Snndar afternoon. Anrll 2.'>. at two o'clock

humanity with tlie wagons, wltliotit hurting circus dav. aom.-onc. Tlie show lot was packed with hu- oiir first stand was Peabodv. Kan.. April 26. nianlty Itmg ts fore the gati-s were ois nd and making a run of 1S4 ndles. arriving In Peabody at one o'clock when the "Governor" gave the Sunday afternoon. April 2.'!, at two o'clock ori1«‘r t'* <H**‘**- sPv«*rHl ^omon batlly brulwHl , pnsini'KM waa gixxl h*TC, and the ahow went In the wild scranihle to get In. By two o clock ' thi-nigh without delay. the big to|> was rammisl and Jammed full, ami hay and extra sidewalls were laid on the hlp- poilnaiie and the hig tent waa packed to the ring liaiiks. and all the last c<imers could see was fits-lliig gllmiis,'s Ilf the aerial acta. The front doors weri- closed and over a tboiiaaml were turni-d away and "Govenior" Wallace bad Bert Cole, iHir olHcial annoniKs-r. make the statement

.\prll 27 found ns at M<*dford, Okla., making a run of UKl miles, arriving at S a. m. Bual ness waa fair, with high wimls.

Enid, Okla.. the 2Sth. Tliirty mines. Bnal ness great. Here we met Burke's Tom Show, which had their share of business.

The 2nth was Chlckashaw, Okla.: 94 miles.




FLAGS Waterproof Covers


The J. C. GOSS CO.

that all those that cmild not a«H' would kindly Here we met high winds, which made It almost step to till front doi-r; that tickets to the night Imisisaihle to put up the Mg top. Our boas show would Is. tendered them and over 0<K) eanvasman. Johnny Mark, and his assistants

Foriable Grand Stands

_ _ Fbldinfl Circus

?5*rS%lRCUs\ took advantage of this offer.

The night show was almost a repetition of

finally had things In order, and at noon every¬ thing was ready for hnslnesa, and the parade

the afternoon and again tlx- crowds were seated I— J?"*'*”’;’' ’*'■* f*— /J*" on the hlpiNHlr.ane track and It waa Impossible "''‘'nnrt of the high winds, we nmlttml the to plv«» th«* nlfrhl performance. Here we met Parker** No.

IS*«4 W ll«Stv«Nw4

(Marksbnrjr on Kriilji.v. May 14, the people 1 Show, which jtave our pf»ople a chance to tnmeil <Mit en maiwM* ami the tenta at bf)th on.loy themaeivca. ,

SEATS Our Motto

s Good >N:^Work

shows were crowdisl to capacity. Onr next stop was Fainnoiint. W.

The 30th at Duncan, Okla.; 40 mllea; arriv¬ ing early, giving ua a nice chan, dry day.

Satnrdav. Mav 1.". and again the popnlaritv of Buslnisa waa good. the HagenlMS-k Wiilliiee Shows and the lure of May 1, Waurlka. Okla., an Indian town; 23 the circus (.roved Irristlhh- to the town's people miles. Business good. and r.-iiiaelt.v In tlx- afternoon and turn-away at May 2. arrived at I-awton, night was chalked n[) as a n'snit of our so- early: 41 miles. Here we found high winds Joiirn In this pi-igresslve siiirth«-rn city. and plenty of dust: also meeting .McDonald

The Moyd TtvMiix- of aerial (xrformera. who Stock Co., which o|s-neil Sunday night. maih- such a hit at the Coliseum In Chicago, Momlay, May 3, parade out on time, which whi-n the Hagi-nlxK-k Wallace Shows playisl found ns the largest crowd since oix-nlng. Orrin for two weeks last season, are again mak- Hollis, principal rider, who haa laid up Ing goixi. .and . although they had several bud with a broken ankle for several weeks. Is again miasiai during the first ten days, this can be Alao Chas. Barnett, who has «iif- readily overh.iked as it was so cold way np f.-rod »vltb a broken arm. doing his mule hnr there at the top of the tent that the muscles after being under the care of our physl became eranitxsl. and refinxsl to answer the Pr. Crosby. Everylxxly la well and bap will of tlx- (HTforox-r: take It all In all. It la one of the ()rcttlest acts of tlx- circus. May 4, Mountain View, Okla., 09 miles.

Bert Cole, xvbo as an advertising solicitor for have showed here for the last five years, and. Inside circus banners has no ei|nal. Is certainly Judging from the crowd we co)iId play a return the kale collos'tnr from KalevlIIe and as nsnal date. Weather waa fine. Is again making g.xxl this W'asnai. May .I, Mangum, Okla. 47 miles.



TENTS Show Tenta, Black Tcnta, Oaady Topa,

Merry-Oo-Round Corara.

And everything in canvaa. Send for eatalogna

DOUGHERTY BROS. TENT A AWNIN6 CO. 109-11 South Main Stract, • Bt. Loaia, Ma,

SideShowPaintings SIEGMUND BOCK,

62 Blui Island Ava., CHICAGO, ILL

CIRCUS & JUGGLING APPARATUS CInha. Batons and Novelilea. Riamp foe ratalngue. EDW. VAN WYCK. CineinaaU, 0



490 Washington St., BUFFALO, M. T.

SNAKES rhoir# lot of PythoiiR, 1*1noR, Built, brokt tt hamllo. Monkom. lltlMMint, HIrtSt, otc. J* Kopt, »5 N. 9th St,, )»hiladalphia. Pa._

II NOTICE to BILLPOSTERS I ap<‘nt tlx- nint.-r n-sting In New York and every railrnud lot. abort parade, hut very go'xl Imal- tlme he tlmnght of the money he made last neax. aeason. he nsi-»l to go and make faces at him- May 6, Anadarko. Gkla., 90 ml—a. Nice day. a<«lf In the hxiking-gl.xaa. Pretty nice faellng small town, nicely laid out. and hiiatiieaa fine.

60-Foot Box, Htock or Flat Cara for male or leaw-. Hturag- eaiiaclty ."xai carx. K.-i.alr work xi.llciti-d. VENICE TRANSPORTATION CO.. St. Liouia, Mo.

Bernard's New Straight Bora


that, xxhen the wind is howling and It's snowing and xhx'tlng .aitside. to know that you don't have to worry wlx-n the n-nt day comes aronrd.

Tlx- Ilagcnlxx'k Wallace I!a<*4>all Team la be-

May 7, Geary, Okla. 64 mllm. Swell town; bnaineaa great.

May 8, Elk City, Okla., 46 mllea. Arrived early. On aecoiinl of (laving the main streets


Established 1165.

Ing reorganized and n.-w nniforma are <M-dered (xyaded tai the aide atn-eta. Large crowd, and after a we..k’s j.raetlce. ehalhmgex are to Afterncon'a Imxlixa. fair. At 3:.30 p. ni. a be iasned to tlx- teams of the towns we happ<-n to Sunday In. hut more (xirtienlarly It will lx- our .dilix-t to me..t an.1 d«‘f*‘at tiall teams rep* Phona Canal 3664. Eatabliahad 1665. rpa.-nting rival circiixe, wherever It la (.ractlca- np- \T la

hie to make the railroad Jump. I Mr If OfflfllVdbdbV Tile two hahy Ilona, onl.v three weeks old, con g UOUlSOD OL V ODUlVvCl

tlnue t.i lx- the Mg hit of tlx- Mggest menagerie I on earth aixl Phil Castang. the animal man. _ MANUFACTURERS OF takes them out Ix-tw.x-n tlx- bars of the cage ^ T CJ f ■ 1M .1 ^LTf B 3 d and allows the women visitors a chance to p<.t I .1 1CB .■ | I M^ . |^ I them. Curtis, the famous trained Bengal tiger. | M.M-M. M. M-JX V M. Is ver>- sick and her snarling and yelling has i TF'XTS I'XYK HEXT. a.>rve<l to keeji the rest of the savage Ix-asta In u,|. m f'I Vf'I V V \TI O a bad humor, even the eh-phants who. as a gen ^-asi I tan ral.. a I .NX I .v .v-x I i. vf.

Thomson & Vandiveer i MANUFACTURERS OF


IruiKirteil KiibbUii HrUtl***. (Vp- ■ I |M>r I.IhIiI VA«*iMht HtdM'k with

H4-r« wn ADfl MftBl Ke<lg«» Bfib. t*n’td>r« HilliNwtrrB* and Hl*n PrIdUn* MiimheR H«>n<l fttr Pritw 1,1*1

Bernard'i Brush Dept., Rector Bldg., Chicigo

-iTENTSs- BARGAIN LIST Almoat new, 3O1120, 60i90. 4iix)si, aixl 2<a> anialler tenia for sale, cheap

D. M. KERR MFO. CO.. 27I'>I0 W, Madiaon Street, Chioage, DL

eral thing, are very easily controlled, started to -rue oeeT er-ca nm aninck at rharI«s«ton. but were quieted lx-- TMt DC ST SOcr fore any real harm waa done. SHOW PAINTINO at lowea \ pi.[xirler for a dally newspaper, while talk- High grade work only. Illiiat

Ing to the --Governor." crack*M to him that lx- | profeaalon. Tell ua what y<i had heani that tlx- Inmates of the insane aayliim ! aetxl lowxt estimate on Job at Ix>gan«ix>rt, did not attend the clrcira on ac CO., 6905 North 27th St., On cisint of the “roming Soon Shows” billing to apjx-ar a few days or montha after ns: ymi Gif I® A W V AJ G couldn't tell as their pa|x>r waa not dated and v« A U. Mr. Wallace said It waa powsible for two roa- | g HAYDEN It CO., sons, line was that they were crazy ami the « w oth. r was that tlx-y were lock.-d np | Broadway. Brooklya, «. T

WE HAVE FOR LEASE CARS fat ft long, for ! D. M KERR MFO CO ahlpi.lxg s< eix-.-y, antoniohlles, advance, baggage. 271 210 W. Madiaon Straat. ' Chioage. DL firlvIlcATP. RtfH'k and in^rry go r<Miiid». I>«*idrald«* ff»r ah<»w and rlrrtm r<»iii|iaril**ii Iti'aMMialdf* am rai m bims • ■sms mm. m 6 vbbs


Texas Snakes, Wild 2I83 Boone street, Cincinnati, 0.

Animals and Parrots CARS 2 Piillmaiia, 68 ami 60 ft.; I Gomblaa , ..... ... . * Hlcqier; 6 ateel wbael trocka, paaa la

-ni •l«ecllon. $2,.'ai0 each. caab. Cara at Waycroaa. reliable W. ODELL LeaRM, 716 W. | tia. If you mean bnaineaa, wrila. Addraaa

Commarco Straat. Baa Antonio, Toi. PAT CHAPPELLE. Bog 70i. JaebaoBTHIo. FM.

THE BEST SCENERY AND Texas Snakes, Wild SHOW PAINTINO at loweat prhe In the land. ja • • ■ m High grade work only. Illiiatrated catalog to ttx- Snd ParrOtS profeaalon. Tell ua what you ne.-d and we will caiivi i-ciilVF69 aemi lowisit estimate on Job. ENKEBOLL ART I/iweat prices. All orders ahliqxxl promptly CO., 6206 North 27th Bt., Omaha. Nab.. U. B. A. Tlx- old reliable W. ODELL LEARM, 715 W. ————aa—Commarca Straat, Baa Antonio, Toi.

FOR RENT l-aaalon Play film, 3 reela; Hong, i COSTS NOTHIMO II coals nril to aothlag to Holy t'lly, 1,-rliire aixl (xatera. One day, f."*;

Two, $x, Wts'k, 626. C. E. Dupraa, Kans, Pa.

Ds-d Flliil'a porcn|diH>B, as they thrtva on graaaea, twigs, csirn. etc A lx>y can tend Ibaai. Address LINWOOD FLINT, N. Watarfsrd. Ma

MAY 22, 1909. Xlie Billboard 19

• lonii mini- il|i mill hy H :tll It waa mi liml that «•' hail I" III*' lalti-r iiart of llo' |l•■rform >D~«.

MaiiKiiiii. oiir Wi-iliii'Mlay ataixl. wai- alnirk lijr a i')i'lo'i<- llotv inaii> ili-ail la not known at till- |ir 'M'llt wrltlllk With tl i- aanlalBDOf of oiir |M-o;.l.' «« iiiaoai|i'<l to ifi t lo.'iiloil Sun ilay iiioriiliiK will’ll In- lift for I'linion. tikla.,

our \|on<lH.> a ataiol I'ollowliiK I' u <'oin|il<’lc lu-oirraui Kxi-iullw alalT of I'iiiii|,tn'll ItrolliorH' Con

a.illilati’,! Sliowa A tj I'iiiii|,l«’ll. Cil t'amp’ la’ll aiol Kri’il llattli’lil. m»I«’ |U'oj’rl*’tora A. ti. t'ain|ilH’ll. Koiioral ak> nt W I’ t'ani|iti<>ll. a<l- vartlaliik uiauHtfor; A II llarklo}. trattl)- man aifi’r- W K. llalU-y, l••|U•■Ml^lan illri’iior, I'. W .\lrlnlo«li. iiri’aa aKoiit. J I' Marati. l«»t auiH’rliili’nili’iil J. C it'llrlin li’ital ailjiiator. Hr. T S. t'oralir. Miriroon. t’aiil Con’, iniialral illri-i’lor. anil f f Col.’), aiiiioiinr.’r.

l'aiii|ilM’ll ItroM ' t'oiK’i’rt lUuil TIo* oin niiii; of tlw lilir allow


Craiiil |irof*’«*lonal I’litr.’i’ hy I’lillri’ I’ouipany.


Twoliofiw rarryinir a«t. .Mr ami Mr* Irrln llollU Two hor..’ rA-ryliut ai t I'liaa. Itarm-tt ami rinkh- llollla


IIIkIi ami lofty loaiiliiK hy rhainiiliHi l•’.l|l•‘ra of tba worhi.


M’liinh’rful larfoniiani'i’ on u|iriirht laihh-r. Bi’rrw anil llhka. SluHihh’r |»’n’lM’«. hy c>,f. Mliiimi. kiikh’hl. Japarn’M- lr<ai|a’. uu»ui>|ii>rtril laiiilom, hy A l.linl. A KoHm’* ami f l.lml.


Laily luim Ipal rhlliiK. Ml»*| l.lnila Jaal. Clown ontr”*’ hy twonty worhl faniiHia I’l’iwna. Laity |uiurl|ial rhllnic. Mla« Ni-llio Ijiwamh’.


Wonih’rfiil fi-at« on tlkht ami iMHinillni: wirw, Banv anil Ili-riv. Tin’ Axallon Kainily. f’Wir In Diinila’r, wiK'lil rntaiwu IJml Trio


U'ooili-rful kiaiwh’lli:.’ illaplay.’.! hy <'aiii|itw-ll ItiMllM’ra' two iH’nIa of <’h’|ilianta. tin’ hii; four Intnalm-nil hy ICoy .kimtln 'l*)o’ liatiy four. In- tnaluivtl hy Wlu. NIHmla


Mill air nxiiloita liy anrlalNta from all parla of tbn wiirlil. Craialall Hroiln’r*. two; .\x .xllnn Slatnpi. tlino’. laitha Triai|»’. thna.. I|i rainy Brothnra. f.air

DISPLAY NO. 9. il.irttontal har> tiy tin* Spaniati uiarTnl. Mor-

allla Troin«’. thm,’: tin- w.irhl ra’iiowina| |{. nn|. lo. biryrilat amt unlryrllat n’lMwiniltm; traiiipo- lln boaiM. hy Si-timhtt Itroibi-ra

DISPLAY NO. 10. A anxtnttn of biirb w Inail hono’a il|a|,laylDc

taiiman lutnlliii.’iM’.’


Ttm Koiir I.aniiy llr.rllnra. tin’ "niiao’ lailha Brothnra In mtil air fllKbta. flnlalilne with tbn miMl w.iminrful raatlnic or tir-amf I’Xnr |.rn anotnl tu tbn ixitillr.


(Jnnth-man prlnnliial a.Kunraault rnlliur hy or- rln Ilollla Clown italon’ tinntlnnian |>rliH'i|NiI aoDinnuult rlilinr. tWII I.awamh-


_ Fiait lamtiirlnit hy .Arthur I'ortH-a. A I.ln.l. t,ua LIdiI. t'la’ ami Clm’ia*. Japam’an Ttimiih’; anrtal mia|>.na|on hy tio’tb. hy Ih-rm Smtir'; llamlltoa Broihnra, fannaia ham-I JuniinTa


Comic rhllnK on ham hark mulna. Charh’« Barnntt amt \V IVallao’

DISPLAY NO. IS. Acp*iallc fnata aupmmn liy thn fommixnl nx-

["■rta In thn worht. Voiir l.anny Bpitln ra. Four llnralny Triai|a’. .krallon Family. Two Cramlall Kroibnra. Two llanillton llrottnTa. Thn-n I.otha TlXMlJa’


■Hin crownlnir fnatup' of all ih’ath ih’fi ins acta ItniH’llo. thn llpat. |a’rformliiii tin w.m ilnrful fnat of tiirnlna a laanplntn Muiinranult on a tilcych’ In nihl air whiln Irapinc thn yip

DISPLAY NO. 17. Hlpi«atromn raia’a t, annthom’n'a flat rare.

2. tan'b’Ui ilrlxlnc racna .'I. Inip". acainat laaiv. 4. taillna* flat ram. o. cl.iwna* cart raia’, *1. Ilto-rty laaiy raia’. T, Bomaii •tan.llni; ra..’



I Hy th^ **l*ri»f4»iw4»f ,*•)

Th^ wi«6 4*f M»y thin! m an • nitfiiMt* «m«’ HhlUilfliihU til clrrmn annal* Th** W’iV

.** ciirtTin* f«*r th*» fusk. maiif <int> 4*f t)i«> Mg^s'ist hitM ucr^wtU

rlnun tn tiM- city Tli»‘ w a« ih’I ami hh al rxi.ry ilay. with on.- •■arnpihin. IV nlirht. winm Inaivy alniwnm ami a fnw m|i

•tnirk tin- city. Ttin attiinlam'i'. how.'xnr. yiaat anil thn allow waa aiv.’n ciHuph’In Ollnr nlKtita of tlM> w.ak. tin' .h.ox hail |>a«’ity lioua,.a TTn’ Kumia an fnaluP’a amt

■wi’ll nil'llairi rh’ xx-npi’ tli*’ atpuiK itrawina cl '•'"fan llarlinll. imlmlpal nlown who I ■•hllailnlplilan. waa tin’ p’clphoit of ari'at

*• nxnry la rfonuam n Ilia lm|a raona of Tiilily Itiaiai’xnit In .\frli'a. waa a Hi riiarartnrtitatlon anil waa w.’H rm-nlusl

Thn t•arllln Itnatln’ra* Waaoll Slmw o|x

’"'xT'*"""- *' " wihurh of |•hilalh’l| on May s ami altrartn.l Iw.i a.aal altml a nnma. Ttiny ha<n a Itin’ frauin up. tna Innta. amt Ei’in ral nipilpiin’iil I’mf J K. • lni. ihn w.’ll known animal tralnm. la • noiai’nn’nt illprtor.

Ttin W.’lali llrothnrw' N.’wmt Hmat Sh

maih' tin Ir I'lillnih’ipbla ih’hni wm-k of •r an.l h.x.l a P iiiarkahli am i-i’aaful w,a k •hhrliic thn fart, that Ihn ‘lila ahow • wa ttin rllv at lb.’ aamn limn. Thn nliht hu.l waa mop. than napanlly lAip-,. nlahla of wmk Ih.’i iiirm.l iw.if.ln awai Tt.n mat •thnilaiM’.’ nai’li ilax waa ah.on nx|Ms'|al

aknn aa a wholn tin’ •mu xEnmniit waa pIna a apaiml «,,’k of Max Hi. Ihn aln.w wlH hlhll on thn lot at llpxa.l ami Mxamnii • 'nniin It I, noxv ilnllnitnix iha-hhal that •Oi'W will p’uialii In Chllaitnlplila all aiim

nxi. mliiia Into tviija-r. .1 ."f'*'' of thn Itliuilliic Sho.x. |ia

•■•'I llownn. of Ihn Wnlah Slmw, '•ik ami ImiIIi bail a pinaaant two h.iura‘

'»"• ohi llmna

TIm’ TliPa. Im llomaii llp’lhnra, with I “ iiaathmal hami halaiH'liiK ami anp4>alh’ f |•rnalll^J a hl( Impnaal.ui with Ihn M

Hhowr. Tliny alM, Intpnlui’n a flrKt-i’laHw caat- IIIE rtlaplay. wiih’li la oh’Eiiitly n.mtiiiiiml.

.M. li. Wnlnli. gniinral aE‘’nt fia- Ihn llowanl li.iiiion Auatraliaii Sliowa. waa In tin- <’lty thn olhiT ilay iHi hiialiH’aa. I’oliiinr.tial with Ilia at- triinllou. Slifiia Imlicatn that tlinp’ will In- a Mirfi’lt of atiowa 1,1 tlila Mi’i’floli 111 tbn iw’ar fiitiirn Buffalo Bill ami I’awnnn Bill Coiiihlnml ailvnrllM’ra arn hiiay nxtolliiiE Hx- iiinrita of Ihnlr allow fiu’ a wm-k'a vlali In tbn nnar fu- I UP’.

■ iiBMl rnfairta manb iiin fpaii thn Sun lirotlmra' Showa, whli'li ap’ at pr’iniit iloiiii; K>iitu>’ky. AIIIioukIi limy havn hail hail wnallw’r. tlm ahow baa la’i’ii rwi’lvliiir nxnnllnnt hiialm’aa. Tlu’ir

pro»ra,ii la unusually •troiiif Ihla w’aMai. irmlml Ink till’ KIvn Walliai Brolhnni. Kiiinrx-’a iiiualial nh’i’lMiita tlm TtiP-.’ Cnvirna. ami William lI'Haln ami Ciiiii|muy. Ibi’ rhlnra. Tlm ahow la nx|M’<’tnil r.aat thin Mimnmr.

J W Hrowiih-*’. with Ilia L. W Wa’Jihiim Show, la iloiiik nhnly tlipnikb thn K.’iat. Iln

hail a kinnl o|n’iiliik at Brnik. N. J. Tlw’ Frank A. Kohlilii' Shown arn now nin-Iy

alarti’il. ami It nan Ix’ nahl that tlx’y barn a kP’at “how. ualiiB two rliik“ ami a “takn lo nx- philt tlm iirokraiii. Tlm alxpr 1“ xnry atpaik with hikb-nlawa riiliuk ani«. Tin’ iin’ii:iKnrin al“o looma uy, rnry nalUfantfaT:,

• Inork.’ A. Mariniinalnr ami fmorkn li Irvliik ap’ iloink kmal husliV’Ha with llmlr auimx wltii tlm WoUli Sl.owr. Tiny barn a atpai’k Urn’ of attrantli<M>.

TU<’ Uiiiklln: Show k'lna to Caimlnn. N. J . Mar IT. ami thn Bamiim ami Baih’y Show

makna<'aati.r ami HarrlhlMirk. I’a.. narly III Juim.

line'^of New Stock Circus Paper Just finished—all Four Color Pictorial Lithograph. Also a complete assort¬

ment of Mammoth BULL DATES now In stock ready for shipment.

Write for Special Catalogue of CIRCUS PAPER. New Illustrated Catalogue I'our Color Pictorial Lithograph STOCK DRAMATIC PAPER now ready.

Write for prices on Special Block and Type W’ork, Heralds, dates.

Ackermann-Quigley Lithographing Company 115-117-119-121 West 5th Street, KANSAS CITY, MO.

Cliitugo Office and Salesrooms, New York Office and Salesrooms, Grand Opera House Bldg. 201-202 KnlckertKK-ker Theatre Bldg.


Your Money We give a square deal for a

round dollar. Write for our stock list of SHOW EQUIPMENT.


47-53 S. DESPLAINES STREET, - - CHICAGO. Long Distance Telephone. Haymarhet 444.

THIS IS I yourchame:



Thn It<“'. Iliiiik ami U'*- Slmw m.nnnrl tb.’lr anaMin at V'lrth WlIknwlHX'o. X. t'.. April 22. Ii» ShtmI huainn«“.

Til.’ nxnnutlrn ataff iimluib-a F A. R'*’. ppn p-t.’ifU- ari'l nianaknr; J.ihn r<i|a. a.lirannn: Rn<l I'htlllp* 1“.““ rauvaamaD. with thpx- awwlatanta; J'N. I!ayn«. niaatnr t.f tranaiHiTtatlan: Roy WaPl. nb’ntr.clan. T. R, Simm<4u<. miiHinal ilirnrtor.

TTi"’ i»’rf iriimra am Ron an.l Ron. akntrb tniiiii: F.tlml Fay, ainkink ami ilannink MMihmtt.;

to-Tirkn ami Clara Rnvnm. miiwlral artista: Mr*. F .4. R."’. rharactnr a|x-nlallln“ T"n«’y Snara. atukinx; ami .lam-iui; romn.llan. Fillmop’ Siat.-ra. Iniw.l an.l Rayflnlil. rom<“ly armtiat*. Jamns harml Jumimr an.l b.nip rolli’r


Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Ds Q we: RE:IMX_


Fairs, Meetings, Celebrations, Conventions. ^ ^ CIRCUS TENTS FOR S/U.E

^ BAKER & LOCKWOOD MEG. CO., Kansas City, Nissoori. »

2Q Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker ^

purlin: tlw i.lirht i-Tformanrn of the <H>ynr Bn.ihir*’ Slow-, at Burr Pak. Kan.. May 7. a tnrrlfln wiml -t.imi lihw down tbn tnnt. and totally <l-’«|p".'n.1 nvnry think TTimn of thn able wall Pi|na “iiapimil. ami th»’ <iuartnr [xilna h.*- kan to daimn ax thny m-vnr dann.xi I'harlna Cnynr. tbn manai:>'r. anmainninl to thn imtdlo that tlm ranxaa could not «tay up in Mirh wind, and a.lrl*-.! nxnryonn to Inavn.

.kftiT all tlH' pnopln wnrx’ out. imrfopnmrs and all. thn ranxa< w.’nt d.iwn with a crash Likn all wlml at.irm«. It hrokn up thlr.jr* in irnimral. and madn rak« n*it o< tbn ranxax. Thn nnxt day a m’w tnnt arriv.xl. ami thn >.bow .lid not loxn a dar. Kan.a“ ha« Ix-.n fhii<« fir. thn W’lrat .tatn th.’ al ow li i« playn.l f.w nm* amtnr Inc «t’>rm«. arronllnk to ?xlanac>'r imynr.


For Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part,

Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Btfys,

Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc., etc.

Set4f6r CATAIOO. Be Sure and Mention Kind of Uniform Wanted.


Llanuis, Guanacos, Kangaroos, .Antelopes, Polar Bears, Russian Bears Cappybara, the strongest of all platform shows; 1,000 Monkeys, Casso wani-, Rhea, Emus, Cranes, Waterfowl. LOLIS RL'HE, - - 248 Grand Street, NEW YORK, N. Y 214 S. CLANK ST. CHICAGO


Side Show People of Every Description

Highest salary will be paid for a feature

Wire per route. W. A. SHANNON, Side Show Manager

The lato.xt. loast oxjH'i.sive di'sign by thi* originat¬ ors of nioxli'ni show lights. I'.s- fHX'ially (losignexi for tho sinn't- man aiul fair « orkor. Send for catalogue.


Bolte & Weyer COMPANY

??a 22.S Michiir*n Stiwl.


The MURRAY COMPANY Telephone Main 34S


140 to 150 Ontario Street, - - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (Formeriy S9-6I W. Washington Street)

Circus Tents. Black Tents. Carnival Lents. Everything tn Canvas.

LADY CORNETIST WANTED Circus Tents For x'stiihlislusi niusioiil ax-t. Mi'ikht ii.xt oxi’r ll\<’ fis't. txxo. Cmxl »>uj:asonu‘iit for riilbt party.

KOU S.M i: small Tuba. Mlxor; (’.•iidiliou. Kiim for cin’us band. Koasou for aelliiig. x'haiigiiig avl.


Maiiufartunrxl by


For Show Paradoa. Ikxrao and Pony -Acta. Adrertlsing Pur l>oax-«. etc. Sx’iul for price Hat. Manufactured by M. SCHAEMBS. 612-614 Metropolitan Are., Brooklyn, M. Y.

20 Xtie I3lllt>oarcl MAY 22, 1909


Tb** f^illUiAr Shown tbt^tr m'ihud - * . at lU.-alfir.. WK. Mnj* >» Id^al rirru* m'*>atlier to mmie biiKlut-ftn with «** thr «‘V«>uiiir |»»Tforiiimir«* nan l»rf‘vtnwl find an a r(*«ult omitanitv hnuinMta m-.« raiwli, J, i\ .Ntiller liiaU time to dlnK*! the to atart for the ItroilMTH* t’iniia lii r.irry, the rule at i>erf(»rtiiaiio<*!i ^ »r**tia, h-^aldea lila iiiauj other carea. I*a., May ITi. a aud<leu «»f \%IihI hlen the

K..llo»liij{ 1» tb<* comiiWtr i.romni- Acci«l.-uts of Iho tiiiavol.liil.le iiatiiro B.-. in majn lop lo iIh. khmiioI. TIo- a. atx rolUp-MHl ' M* 1 »l!h Ui*. At ColuiiiliiiK, Ohio, tlia Irui-kx ami thf aii<lli-n<v, whirli niiiiilM'r<-<l aUMil I.iaai

DlbrLAT No. 1. of oiio of thr Hata Jiiiii|k'<I a KWilcb fnig aixl laTHoim, were |.aiil<' Mlrlcki n ami alriivKli-il to Hrllliaut Intnalurtory iiaircaiit, Diiri'M-ntlnc lurutd ovi-r, ib'UioliKbliiK four w-hkouh. OuIj •■im him- tin- wi-litbt of hiiiiiHii!l>, \\<-t rniitaa ami

tha Inaugural •■wri'inoni'oa of tbo inaml fotoa of al.iw aiatal of lli<* Iralii, roiiKbb-raUr |K>lfa wbirb lay on llu-in. .^nrloiit Uomo—a kaloidoaoipic panorama of rekal woiibl liav - Ih < ii the i>-Kult. Amid Itu- m-n-aniH r<ail<l Im' la anl tin- Kbrli-k» Biaenlbr'ciira.. roiuiilotolV flllluir all tlip riiiira Mrs. Robn lliirap, om- of tin- wiiiawa, bad bor i of tbo «llil Ik hhIm. whirli adib-d to llo' din

raliialde aawt at pr^tn-ut In aaaUtliig In get' tIuK on and off Hoft Iota.

liurtng the al>M‘iH-p of /ack Mlllor, who la


•a. Wit.. May a Idoal oircua »ra^bpr atltmlinK to atiiiie biialuma coiiu«tfd with

. and a.-a Xlt. oipacU ZlnJ^Ja wIJ 'J':, f' Vl "‘"r: “.'"h*’* *'*- at iM'rfortiian<.oa. ar na. b'atiilt a bla many Klht r raroa.

.^nrloiit Uomo—a kalpidoaoipic panorama of rekal tJan ago woulil liav-- la < u the roault. Biagiilbr'fiirK.. roiuplott-ly flllluK all the rinyta, Mrs. Robn lltirao, otio of tin- atpiawa, bad bor i of tbo «llil Ik nHta, whirli adib'd to llo' iliii ataifta aixl ImiiionKo lilp'iKKlroino oourao. oonc-liid' bntkfii In l«o placoa, ami after receiving ITiree kiK'pcra broiiKbl the big elepbaiit, Vin-eii. lug with an etiiilne luillet—a Iteautifiil moving medical attiiitioii, waa Kent, wilb her buatiand. In her km-ea, or there in mi lelliiik wtial inlKlit aceue of coior, grace and art. f** reaervatitiu In South Dakota. . bate b.‘ip|n‘iKKl.

niKPT av Ve a general liealth of the abow la excellent. , The big lo|i waa the only one whb-li weiil aeeue of olor, grace and art.

DISPLAY No. S. The Catbcring of the (iarlanda


Ring No. 1.—/onion Ilrothera, fl.ving tiauiab

. bate b.‘ip|n‘iKKl. The big loll waa the only one whb'li h<-iiI

rlnga; King No. 2.—Tla* I.lndemana. graceful and mule •‘Vlrirll dlfhenll feat* on flying rlnga; Ring No. .t.— ’

Mian Itertba Rons, one of the cowgirl bucking i doun and aoft gronml la blaimal for lliin 'Hie borne rldera, lietiig the only one ao far lo mlan alorni waa a andden one. Tbe inw |o|> wan iiit a lierform.ince on that account. Dan Dix. one ami alaKlieil and b.atlly d.iiiiagtKl. l alN were of our ‘‘jovial rulMK," la laying off, uiiraing a ’ aeut for all the dm'tora ami aiiibulaiiiKa in llie game leg. cauatal by being kickial by bin trick city and reaciie went on umler biige M-nnb

Foater Itrolbera, inuH<'Ular exerclw on the Roman ringa.


Ring No. 1.—.Miaa Satterfield: Ring No. 2.— I’erlectly trained aaddle borwa in an exiMwItion of the Dante l><d", rltldeii by Ur. Potter; Ring No. 3.—Mr. R. oney.


Ring No 1.—T1i« fnnn.v little clown elephant.



ligbta In tbe down |KKir of rain. liair iK'rKoiia lyn. 17 22; PI were taken to the IwiKpilal and a ai'.>re or more llarllne'a, I'bai Were aligblly lnjus‘d. Hill 20; Payi

No otlHT lent went down ami Iben. la niucli llicktllle 2.':_ comment that the main tent slionid bate |>ro>ed llu< kakiu lien'

After a trip thritURli MlHHlMalpDl ant) ..KMC, tbe i;d P. Harlow Hbow will cigu nl■■n■'e playing llllmda territory ale.ut Juiw lU

Thf llfluT HrtylhtTs’ (Sreater Hhow o|K-tHKl their ti'iitliig MaatHi at (VduiubuB. tl May It. to goal bualmata

The Winkler Krean Trio have MlNiieii with the tiKcar la»\Vamt.-‘a tirvat Hay State Show f..r tb«. aeaai.ii liaai

Jilck Harvey has Julneil the Hlondlti Sbutv, to handle IIm- l.n’


Hariium A Hadiy. Dayton, tl 111; t'oluubua 2o I .K.b<K'ton 21; \VlnK.|liig. W. Va.. ‘22; Pllie burg. Pa.. 21 22. Piiioiitowii 2tl; tlreenabijrL

27: J.diiiKlown I'K. Altooia 21* IliilTalo Hill ami Pawm-e Hill l't>mblued: Hsk k

lyn. 17 2‘2; Pblla., 2* 211 llarllne'a, I'bailea: Van Wert, tl., IS; (Jroter

Hill 2H; Payne 21; Pauldliig ‘22; Antwerp 21 llicktille 2.'.; l21gertoii 2‘*l Hr)an ‘27

iCkeater Para

To the Editor BrldgejHirt, t'onn.. May ». Haiti.

tin* weakest of all. D<k' Ogden, manager the annex, deaervi'a praiw fiu- bla work In aai the aide abow lop.

r nf t'lneluuatl. .May •> liidef. ling I'oiiller A t'oiiller; tlravMy. la.. IS; t'ama

211; la-iK.x 21; flearlleld ‘22.

IWr Sir—In behalf of tbe nietnbera of tbe '»•<' .I?"' '*‘r l><;Hormame at oil H. O. A. T.. Jangle No. 1. 1 muat lisleed thank Hit.', i;*-. Monday. Sunday le lng gladly wel

for all jKiat favoia y<m have c<iuferr«*d u|Kni eomed for si>alra Herl; Ring No. 2.—Herd tif „s, by your geneivHia apaetni In “Old Billy Boy.”

el phantK in new and miyid daiim-a. feata and Scatter'd aa our metiiberw are. in all parta of will *. i/i '"Iroduced by Emery the country. It Ik a dlfllcult matter to keep r> ’InrvelouK traintKl elephant, track of some of them, and, I am aorry to aay. I uclieKK. b.t I an I rocket. have dropiM-d out of our nolde order. Aa


Ring No 1.—liaabing and bewitching prin¬ cipal bareback riding by Miaa Edna Marretta: Ring -No. 3.-Prlnelpal bareback e<iueatrlan act L" * onnawmie nail over polls niestrc. smi sa bv t'orries ^ i nil jiij. |a»iRibIc we emleavor to make our Jungle

nTonT K-o- -KT e 1‘flsht aa fHjKKtble. We have two lieautiful DISPLAY No. 7. pbotograplis of the late P. T. Harmim ami J.

P.obby R<.yiKl. fl.ving trapere; Koatelle Ilrothera. A. Hailey and all Ilia other circus ccbdirltles' double fraiK-re: i>nch and Ib-Turk. clever serial plctupea are profuiwly hung anaind the walls. dUiHsy. si'd Ern«t Hrotlwra. double trapeze. I would like to hear from all the old Ttgcra. If

DISPLAY No 8 IKMsIble. and make the order at great and as

Scattered as our membpra are. In all parts of ' f'OWRflY the country. It Ik a dlfllcult matter to k<>ep track of some of them, ami, I am sorry to say, - iii.any have dropiM-d out of our nolde order. As . Harry IbK-lM-, a owlKiy with Buffalo HIU’k there hai-e be<-n many cliangiw around the big Wild Weal, dlml at IbdleVue. on May 14. aa a Khows. recently. It ha» Wn a very trying sea- ' r<-Kiilt of a Ino-Ke stepping on bl« f.K.i la«t Kon. ti ls winter. We have establishiKl ourselvi's we<'k. Dm-lors state It was a ca-w of in a handsome hall over PoH’s Tlieatre. and as rabbb-s. AiitopKV Iwld timla.i. Funeral In far aa iKisKilile we emleavor to make our Jungle Xew- York Mav l.% with entire WlUl West Slmw ns bright as fHjKKtble. We have two lieautiful in attemlanei-.' Hik-Ik- was :t2‘ jears idd ami a photograpliB of the late P. T. Harmim ami J. native of Indiana.

Stage No. 1.—The Tasmanian Troupe In won-lerful acro'iatb- art.


The I.imlelsVK in a swinging wire act; MIk* Kelly on the rv.lling globe, and Natnanaz Brotliera In JapaneM- pastimes.


pbotograplis of the late P. T. Barmim ami J. native A. Bailey and all thu other clpciia cebdirltles'

i pIcturcK are profum'ly bung around tbe walls. I would like to hear from all the old TtgerK. If IHMsIlile. and make the order at great and aa Iienetratiifg as iKiKsible.

s tliir prt Kent officers are: Ps'oldent. C. '*r Crouch: vice-president. (Hs). Fisher; gran<l with

. treasurer. W. F. O’Hara: treastirer. E. CisipiT; engag' flminelal secretary, R. Prlslile; chaplain. W. with

* Hctim»Ksy. trustee*—'llioniaa I.ym-h. (Jeo. Bey»"a. Mr. T * U. flay, E. Reilly and Al. Ooulden. EU'iihi

in japanesi- pasnmes. j ^ doubt that many old-timer* will will be at Lima Park. Clevi-laml. O.. this sum- . DISPLAY No. 10. rememlKT Al. Oonlden. His aturie* an' all from mer. and will Ik* oMim-cteil with a big niel >

Ring No. 1._O.-orge Corrlea princinal liare- ' >'‘‘ars ago and prov<*d mighty Inti'Ti'stlng to us dr.ima next season In the espaeily of asalstaut fiack s-imervanlf <-iiie«»rlnn art: Ring N'o. 2._ ■" "Inter. If any of the sIkiws think s<*rlously manager and advertising agent. Charles R.Kim*y. principal harcliack somersault 2^ **,"1?**?? * Jungle, 1 will lie only tiio glad to The advertlslnir crew of Frank A. act. ; furnish tliem with any Information they may d,*,,,.,,, n—C,. Qo i _i,iip !„ N>w Bri-

TiTcoT av V 11 desire. Onr ritual and working of the degns**. *1 ^ DISPLAY No. 11. „ different from years ago. making a w v u.

I.ltlle Namba In IMer^stlng and astonishing deep and lasting Imiweswlon uiion all. ellmlnat- i,|^* ,t work i.utiing up a 14 f.^t of «VintOrtftn- Tlia \Vl.gx«4.arx la.-* Inrr *11 fliA gxKnrxv ik.rt> iA-hl/ih tayncfaxal tzt m«T** SI WOFK pllinitC HI* ■

r.iS)**. nimlo iM’Xt Htaii*! r«in|>tH*ll HiotU*'r«*; K«u»., IV; tio«ir*» Into, hilt tb<* |NTf*»riimn«’i* «l * inort*. KilrHury l!l; IJiH’olti 2^; Oiii»

I'lty. Monday, Sunday Indn*: irladty «♦*! Iia 24 [x>fD«*d for r«i»alr>«. Ih* VriiioiMl’a S4»uiIi»th SlK'Ha: Ij’nolr illy,

r\»wrey PaiiM.ii H. Ihiwird: SaMn**\nif. i>., IV. W* lU COWBOY DIES. vUI** I l\4*ri«iMi| 1*0; .^inbrldg**. Ta.. 22

I Itt'cburK 2.1: i'liartrrol 21; MoiH»hirahela 2'*

Harry Ibs-ts*. a cowlK.y with ""ffslo hiU’s j.’IJ.p’;; iV"wTl.r'w«l'"i'Ru"?»ii^ h. Wild West, dbsl at IWllevue. on ■ iMSiltloOi cu.i ago. May 12 Imlef. r>*sult of a liorse stepping on Id* f*"il ls»t ,>.1. v.ii.-t Mo IU Oak Ch.'k «e, k. D.K I.WS state It was a eas,. of parxl.Uic ollesta '• ‘uyv'e^^ ratibb*s. Autopsy Iwld toda.x. Funeral In , * il i, . vi.i,.i,,n Wla lit Ciand New York May 17. with entire Wild Wes, Sbew f’,’t k "t Mlm^^^^^ In attendane.* B.s*ls* was :t2‘ years .4d ami a win.sau ‘J--.: ’Toiiah Jfl; W.iit .s^T^m 27

natlie of Indiana. Wlmma. Minn.. 2s; Duraml. Wla.. 29

Keiinlaln. P, K It : P..go*a Springs, |•■■b■ CIRCUS GOSSIP. >•»; Durango 2lt; Alter. N. Mex.. 21. Fan.ilng

Ion ‘22; Sllverteii. I’oki.. 24; Msiicki 25; lt..b.r-» - 211; T lliirlde 2*7; Ouray 2^; Rldgway 'at

Mrs. Bob Tvler met manv friends tieyer iiroibers’ R. H.: oiKi>i.ifc. Uana.. pj with tlie Bamum'A Bailey .'tlnsa- during He ir W.-stmoodaiKl ‘Jo; Onaga 21; U.k.sH1I~ ‘2‘2M engagement In St. I.<hiIs. Mo. Mrs Tyler la Mary’s 24 Wamego‘2.; Chapman 2«; Bcuiilug with Mrs. Flske'a Company lids m-aietn. while ten 2*7: IblpleKi ‘’laat^i -It Mr. Tyler, having les'n the tralniT of P.iwer’a Oaillinar Bros.’: I amidicll. EU'lihants. left that act smie- time ago. He Atk., 2o: Caruthera, Mo., .1. Slkealon 2.


furnish tliem with any Information they may desire. Onr ritual and working of the degns**. I* IndeiMl different fnmi years ago, making a

I.ltlle Namba In Interesting and astonishing deep and lasting imiweswion uiion ail. ellmlnat feats of eonlorflon: The Hreat Wlielton. dex Ing, all the obnoxious parts, which tcndml lo ■*'* "J tarou, and difficult feats of contortion; Bobby hurt the order. Tie m ’r. sT^ It\< Boyden. Kiniielln. and May I.indcman.


Ring .No. 1.—Tbe Coriesttaa, etinestrian act; Ring No. :|.—S.itter Sisters. <*<]iiestrlan act,


Again thanking you for past favors, am] tmating you will he able to use part of this letter oa our behalf, lK*lleve me.

Yours trulv. THOMAS STICKI.ER. R.>c. Secy

IKutlng wagon, ransing It to overturn aerloiia damage waa done, however.

t*>n 2*7: Ib-lphoa 2s- tilaaro 2*V Oadimar Bros.’: Camidwll. Mo.. 19; Blytbetllb

Atk 20- Caruthera, Mo., 21. Slke*l<»n '22 .Marion. III.. 24. Altamont Vc Tayl-rvllle 211 PIttsfl.'ld 2*7- Carthage •2>i; Kalrllcld, la . 2W

tJeniry Hri>« ‘ No. 2: Imllanaisilla. Ind.. 17 22 Hact nlssk Waibsce: Canton, tb. 19 Man«n*-I.1

21‘; Lima 21; Ft Waym*. Did.. 22; S... H* ihI 24; Kankakee. HI., 25; Slre*t«>r •.*«; Peort» •27; IbK-k Islatul •2S; DvaeU|.ort. la.. 2‘9

Honest HllPa- Clifton. Kaua.. 19; n.vdr -i' Cuba 21; H.-lb-vlIle ‘22; Chrwfer. Neb.. 2» Ibbri.n 25. H.*Dldere ’2*1; Bruniug 27. Obb-w* •2s; T .ldaa ‘Jib

Ketrow's o. K . Win Keirt.w. mgr.: Uarkle vllle, Iml.. 17 19. .Shirley ‘2022.

The Society Circus completed a very i.ucky Hill’s: icces-sfiil week’s entertainment at Kalamazoo, Water •*l'Hj'^vld .t.

Tlie show op.‘iHs1 with an excellent MllU-r H

Mlllanl ’29: Elkborn 31 • ‘ H'l Ranch Wild Wetd: McKr

Tlie wonderful Van DIemsns and the Ib-vIPa OPENING OF THE LORENZO AND trapeze (s-rfomiatme. follow,d bv Mr Harris, on 'bt*el In revolving l**etli gvinnastirs MAIIDPD CIQCIIQ ** trick liors,*. and kladani Marnntatt,*. with Iter

cTcsTavv. MAUKtK UIKOUb. famous Ariiblan horse. Cbmns and arpd.atlc Wheel In revolving teeth g.vinnastirs.


Tbe Wonderful Namba Japate**,* Trouiie, / Brothers. I'.irtel IlMtliers. and Earltng Brothers, acrobats.


Ring No. 1.— 4n .4rsbian stallion giiidi'd thnuigb a sniK-rb performance by Miss Sola Salt, rflebi: Ring No. .t.—An example of educated horses in ni'W Iricks. by Cliarl<*s Rooney.


K*'lly It'otbi rs. exhibition on revolving lad

TTie Ixircnzo and Maurer Pavilion Vaudeville

Miv''k ^Tfexeellent bimlness* ^f**-- opened thv'lr Chicago engag>>nicnt at Rlvervlew lii‘|'.|.;i' iVpia ‘; Kcmiiton. Ind.. 2<*: RnsslavIHr

Following Is Hie e,m,plete roster: I.orenzo I’*''''’ Ji'^ " '''’.VJ'''tj' and Matirer. sole owners; Chas. Ixtrenzo. man ♦«“ "V:* "I*’’s'? *i Ss|,ll, .M; R.H.Kvllle 27; (b kley 2»: n..r. sg. r; Chas. Maurer, assistant manager amt an outlaw bucking hors.*^ His r gbt ann was Hingllng Hr<«‘: Nfw ticket wller- R H Mills eem>ral agent- H M broken. The honw* was then sadilbsl and ridden J.-rvy Cltv -.11; Newark 21: Ixmc Branrh 2*. Biehl tle^t agent- Chas "^Smsllev boa esn- by Buffalo Vernon, who recently arrHed fr.»ra UoW.lns. Frank A Stamf. nl. C.uin , 19, H siW xXan: T Ibannlt^. baml'^^^^^^ EunHU*. from the Cummins Show. Norwalk 20; Ana.H.1.

acta mad<* up the rest of the program

Dickey’s Circle D Ranch Wild West opened thv'lr Chicago engag>>nicnt at Rlvervlew Park. May 12. to excellent hiisinea. Cy Comp, ton met with a serious accblent while riding

|iort. Pa.. 19. M**tKMUK*n 2t*; McKee* Rocks 21 Youngstown. H . ’22'. ticxaland 24 2.*>; l*alo.s vllle ’20; fonneaiil '27. „ _

Norris A R.>wc‘k: S.-atHe. Wash.. 20 22; E»er.-li 21 Biirlinch'n 2*.; Bellingham 20; New 1%. <t inInMiT. n i\, Cmn., *.*7; V«u«>iiw 5V

lln»« *: Krmf>lon. iDd.. 2^^:

Robinson. Albert Dlttrh-k. Hiideiin Johnson, Alex Kevltt. Wni. Selinildt. Oeo. Nelson and .kl.

M. C. Cookston cancelled his en¬ gagement with Snyder Br<«’ Wild W.-st Sh-iws.

ders: Francis Dts-ler. swinging perch; DwAIzor Jordan, musicians; Albert DIHrIck. orcln*^™ take the msnsgenient of tlie Hlympie Th«*a

T**n-lngl.*n 21 Bristol 2.5; New Rrllaln V‘ It ddnson’s. John- lluckliannoo. W Va., 1

PlilH|>|d ’JO; Hriftim 21; MannIngton 12

RrotloTs. acrobats.


leader; Walter Harter, high wire free otitsI<le Seattle. Wash. Tills Is the first season In R"e‘-r* A Clark'a Wamm Hrrnola. Kan I attraetlon: Rleton Brothers. Roman rings; Mr. ‘ and Mrs. IIstTT Ih'Oker. sketch team; Max How-

twenty years that Mr. »’.K*stiin has ml,s.s1 he- .„ * .re Ing with the white 10,0. -n,.. Hly mpie Tliealre R1 n^hr,.! ^ six llTke. ID^Vc

April 17 tci huiiln«*««. Ml<*ti . l.». BUn> harti 8li Ring No. 1.—Comical antics on a mule, by : snl. tramp .higgler and comedy acrobat; Roldn- Allwrt Roopey; Stage No. 1.—Comedy skating son an«1 T’pton. musical skidch: SIg. I.azaro. act. cU>wn.< galon*: King No. 2.—A conclave of i boneless wonder; Walter Harter. IsKitwIIng wire

>ened April 17 to excellent hnalness. Mbfli

W. T. D. (Billy) CourtrlKht, closed sim Bros"’ crazy clowns: King No. 3.—Comical antics on and balancing traia*ze; Har.y IVs'ker. singing with tha Norris ami Rowe Clrcii*. sn.l Is now starrep’s. Howiel S

Middletown. H , 20

a mule, by Jos.*ph I’otter.


! and dancing oom**dlan; The San Kolas, terlsl i Ists.

do1t»g Hie advance work for *lie Chlesgn l.adle* Sh<-lhx’«. Janos Raseliall Club, thnairb Ha* Stale of Washing ronnin 21- Roi * t2 Juliet. Telin.. 20; I.'

in tlie concert are i-ror. i,. .m. nieiii. movii ,. Pi "5 Ernst,iBisns, daring exlilhitlon of pictures and lllnstrated songs: Chas. Ixireni |iDy>lcal feats In aiid-alr. ; rentrlloipiist and marlonetti**: JTiiy Cpton. v

In the eoneert are Prof. (7. M. Biehl. moving ton. m«'etlng everywIsT,' with great siice,.sa


Ring No, 1.—Fdna Marrl**t1a. a four-horae driving act; King .Vo. 8—Charles O’Nellly. a lour horse riding act.


Alden Potter ap|K*ars in Ids inarveloia> rough riding act.

esHst. The enllnary department Is In etisrge of Mrs

Chas. lyorengo and Mrs. Chas. Maiiri'r

BO. Miss Birdie Carleton. Is captain ami mansgi-r ro. of the team.

_ The following people left New Or¬ leans. I.S., May 20, to hdn the Haag Mighty

• Slate of Mashing gonnlo 21- R.mie 22 with gn*at siice,.sa. Spirk-*' Acme. W Va.. 20; St. Alhaa# 21 aptaln ami managi-r ^..u, rioto- Uosebiirc. Hre.. 19; Eugene 2"

Corvallis 21; McMinnville 22: rorlland 24 le left New Or- Vancouver. Wash . 2*1: Chehalls 27; Atwz In the llase VlrhtT ‘hs-n •.•»*; Tacoma 29

Wagon Shows- Pelmore an<l .kdams. .\rtMi and Tiger Hill’s Wild West


We opi'ned at Round Bnsik, N J., April 2S.

Fielda, Hiltiiore Sisters, and se veral muslclana to strengthen tlie two bsn<1s Tlie show will tour Tennessts* and Kentucky

Charles Tiede. one of the proprietors of the Crvstal Theatre. Burlington. Wla , also

W Periire ingt »; Wrbbervlli* ’.I'

NOTE^ FROM WOOOV’Q WIKITPD to capacity biisim'ss and fine weather, but the ,1,^ Onih.*um Tlieatre, Raelne. Wts . has rukJIta rrtUIVI WUkJUY 5 WIIMTEK , hslattce of the week It was raining, sleeting the iiineiine iir.« • Oes-es

QUARTERS. I was good. Our business In Ml. \emon. New - ] Rochelle, Oreeiiwich and Port Chester. N. Y..

Last weak, Mr. kVoisly took fonr of his must- was turn sway at each stand.

halance of the week H was raining, ab-etlng b,|ne.1 the RInglIng Bros' advertising forces and snowing. In spite of the weather, buslnesa coming s,*a*oii. making Ids third season was good. Our business In Ml. \emon. New _i,v th.v .MenUeti.a.

clans to Miami. Okla.. to strengthen tb* band of tbe Campliell and Itavis Carnival Company.

Roster of the big sIhiw f,»llows: J. W. Brown lee. inarviger: 0*s>, Cri'btnH". In-asurer: Tlio*.

wDh that nrginlzatbai

By ooiirteny of Mr. Ooo. Arllnirton. H*s*. S Cole has lx en releastsi fisan his c<m- trnet with Miller Hnw ' lOt Ranch Wild M eat

Riislm-ss was gtssl till Saturday, when they had Wark. general agent; John P’Alma. director «f Mr. Cole lias reliirtesl to John Robinson's 19 a blow down.

’The following carnival companius paaaod through Aftbn. Okla., the winter-quarters of dogs and monkeys; Alex Rrisson. Aerial Millers. W<iod.v's Shows, last w«*ek: Tlie C. W. Parker T>alsy Vonlon. Cleo Herdans* Tlir.*e Kanenio SthoWK. J M. .Invenal’a Stadium Shows, booked Bros.. Russell Rr.-«.. Iv.wning Rois . Frenrli f," Tw .'sim.lK-Vl S^lrie. ' nr?iK^ for Oswego. Kan., and the Campbell and Davl* Sisters. Mabel Wentworth, the fireat Vaa-laman. 14 in*Cr.«!ks|.-, VHnn' ^mfVaVt Shows. iKtoked for C.ranbv, Mo. All of t*ese Wm. Lamp.*, and Swift and Buckley. ’ ^li ’ i „ .V , ' • /’•"'’'.■ct c<Knpan!.*s are now h<»ik<*d north, and wer* ; Side Show: H. B .Soldene. manager; W. H supplies f.w Oie show, appearing there within one hnndri*d miles of each other last ' Sharpe and Jaek Worth. Heket sellers. Per week. • formers an* Oliva. Herliet Ftenek. Zeno. MIsa The Silver Family Cln-HS, Bert Sll-

Wood.v's CombltH'd Showe will open their sea- ; Ida Rsthhiirn. Mona. P.-Vero. Primrose and xer. proprietor and manager, did not oyK-n at

niis,*ments. Big Shows, with which he has n connected Tlie p.,rfortners are John D'Alms's pool,**. Ih« last twelve years

A. O. Barckl.y. form.rly with the

WIllLimst. wn Mich . 19; Wrbbervlli* .1' p. wb rvllle 21; Howell 22.

Wsshb.iro’s, J W Rrownh-e. mgr • New Rr'i aln. Com . 1*> 19 Middletown 21: WllllmsnHc 2’.’; S.iuth’>rl«lge. Mass. 24 W-bsler 25

W.s«lf..rd A rifor’a r<miblne.l Ctiaa Wo.«14 rd mgr Tldloiite. Pa . 19: Ks*t Hlck.wy 2" K'llellvllle 21: Tlonesti 22

Wilsh Hris Phllsdripbli. Pa.. 17 29 W’cs li r’s. Al F Thomsston. Conn . 29; Ter

rvxllle 21: Cnbmvllle 22: Collinsville 24. T»t Iffvllle 2.5 Windsor l>wk* 29


Ornivsl r«i fircat ra«t9rt) HIvhs*


«on at Aftoa, Okla., Junf* 20.


leai.’y. Crystal. MIeh.. May s. as seneoiiiisi. on sc ,, -rntin.u and asrta For fiirlliei Prof. Estiosllo's band Is In tbe big show, and c.Mint of snow storms In Michigan, 'ffiic allow n.rHciilars write J H aiTIITVAM Mrr Val ■of. Tberren's band In Hie side show , ,at Cryatal, on May 15. 7-d '

a<« MohfHliilfMl. f»n ar

BRONCHO JOHN An.1 IIU Ort-af WIM Wi®al Wwif^rn fllalorl- al Amu«rnirTit KntiTprla^*. Wofi«l*‘rfnl U»*a«lT for rain or wliln#. Draw# lh» rrow/U: an aifra»fl<»n that alway* a wlnoft at fho fair rrmin*!# an«1 aarla F«r fiirtl»»*^

■of. Tb^TTon a In tbo abi# nhow ofn^nM at Tryatal. »»n May

-Howard Oamon ??how ofonod

BIG BUSINESS FOR MILLER BROS. ’“•.V”' but alnee the allow has startl'd on Hie r>*sd. they

..... „ . .... .. . ...... .1 have played to rnpaelty biislni-ss. iiotw IHi.fsnd Miller Bros ' Irtl Rsneh Wild West showed In weatb«T diinibns. H . May 13. to rapacity biialm s*. de , .x. ite the Incl.m.nt weather. W. Al. WTllt*', for the pant nine yearn The ahow la bright and entertaining and re. with the RInglIng Bn** ' eirciis. mourns the ;

Mnee Hie n|>enlng at Ponca City, Okla.. April } Miller Bros ' 101 Raneh Wild West showed In j,,. vreatlier 14. business has lM*en exoepHonally gissl. even] Coliinibua. H.. Mav 13. to rapacity biialws*. de \ ... when the weather was reallv too cold to be spite the lncl<-m**nt weather. «. Al. W nlte, for the pant nine yearn comfortable, the attendance held up to nearly The show la bright and entertaining and re. with the RInglIng Bn** ' eirciis. mourns the eapaclly. In the fac* of Hie strong oiq.ositlon ,.)xes that stirring stinosidiere of the west. Ions of his father, who died of drn|«sr, al the billing of the P.arniim and Bailey and the Hagen which appeals to all age of eighty Hins- yeais. at Ids home. Rrigli hilling of the Barniim and Bailey and the Hagen- beek-Wallace Shows at Clnclimatl. Payton and I Columbus, the S. K. O. sign was hung up, and i hundreda were unable to be acaommiwlatisl at all. ]

During the afternoon ahow at Indianatsdls. a ' severe storm blew a aecHon of the canopy down. - and again, at night, a worse one blew the canvas from over tbe grand stand seats slmost to I shr«*ds. Fortunately mi one waa Injured at either of the performances. !

Mr. Arlington reports Hist everything Is In ton. Is., Msy 7. splendid slisjie, and anllclpalea a most euccess. fill season.


The Al. (i. B.’irnpfl Anlmnl Olmm o|K.|H.d Its sesHon St le-wlston. Idsho. April 12. to cspsclty business. Jas. A Morrow Is still at his old position with Mr. Barm>a.

Stone and Norman, known aa the Aerial Stones, wioi* rslleps st The BIHIiosrd. Msv in. Ti'.'.v went direct to lYilrsgo. where

shn-ds. Fortunately mi one waa Injured at On May 7, Hie atlacbes of Cole Bro*.' ad ; Aerial Stones wioi* rsllers st The Bllllmsrd either of the perfomisnces. ! vertlsine rsr numlK*r two. were .-ntertalned at tIi.o- went .licet t„ ftile.eo when'.

Our draft slock, comprised of the pick of the home of Mrs. B. M. Snvib’r. Msple Avenue. I „|j. s| nsrks OklalioniB mules, which la causing no end of DnBols. Pa. A full cisirsi* dintM-r was given In ' ” favorable ctimment, la rounding Into g'ssl aliapi* j honor of Mrs. Sny,b*r's two sons. Harry and W m. tillman. C'tintrartlllR aRont of after their ziiring work of ‘‘pntHng In” S.OWI Floyd, who are c<Fnni*ct,*d with car number Hie Norrla and lt»we Hbow, has cbwed, and seres of mrn tin the 101 Ranch. TTie sixteen tw.>, Cotits were laid for thirty, and all the la now In Kalla City. Nebr.. taking a well yoke of real old.time oxen are prorlng a rery j hoys voted the affair a most enjoyable one ' earned rat.

paralso, Ind.

HOROSCOPES Printisl Forlunrs, $1 jier 1 Fiitun* visible snd In visible. 82 iier l.iaat Psluilsts sml Fortune Tellers' Huii'lb-s Stamp for sagiple* J. LI

*n” Y

Merry-go-Round Owners If ymir carousel head whiatia or grlmta. rail on H. W. Kremer, 294 IHh A*e., ).. 1. CHy. N. Y.. fiir ibe high grad,, ball liearlng arrange meiil. lo h.- put on any machine In three ti- nr* wIHkhiI taking an.tthing off

FOR RALE 24 Huy Ri>tK>a. Ml Pet U, ,nd H 35 ft Pules Electric Plano* ami Banjua. SEO. TAOER Onaha, M*b.

may 22, 1909.

-LOOK Park and Fair Manag Complete Compendium of Information

Regarding Summer Amusement Parks, Gardens and Theatres With the Class of Attractions Booked.

IS) M* Otrtait.

(1) rvk plar* vaadavilU. ■ ) Park 4om aot pJap aaadaTlUa.

ll) Park plapa kaada.

Park doai aot play banda.

Park plays naitker bands of TaadsTilla.

Park plays stock. In the world’s greatest mid air sensation--the double high dive in a net. The only lady in the world that has accomplished this marvelous feat followed by a downward plunge of awful speed into space. Now book ing parks and fairs. .Address THE TWO FE.AKLESS VANS, Day- ton, Ohio, care Dayton White City until May 23d.


sanlstou—Oiford Lska Park, Annlstun Blactrlc ssd Oas ('a., props.; R L. Rainl. mgr.; (11 l8i 111.

snnJsttiD—lintisaa City Park (Ooioradi, Aanlstoa ein trtc and Oas Co., props.

Klrmli'irbstu—Kasi l.aks Park, R. I) Romrtt, (bas PcNirtun myr.; also niyr attr.;

ill ill. alao oiM-ra and musiral comsdy. Msitodra—Blllott Park, A. C. U. A A. Ry. Oo.,

props.; Chaa. J. Zsll, myr. attr Isl 111 (Si: (' J. 7Ml bouka Taodsfllls attractions,!. Miiiiror Park Saw Ih-oatur—Park, N. A. Traction On., props.;

} y Knuwlrn. myr. (il 111 IS aalma- KIkdals, Hrlma kt. Ry. Os., props.; C.

A. Kbufurd, myr.. C. A. Hbaford, mya. attr. til (11 181; C. A Stanford books faodSTUla attrartlona.

•halBald—Woodsids Park. RlirBald Co., props.; N. T. Parkins, myr.; R A. Andrawn. myr. attr.: tSi IBi III.

Sbafllald—Trldtlas Park. Harry R. BImors, Krop * niyr., alas myr. attr.. Ill (iil (i); larry B. Elmora bunks aaad^Ils attr.


Uuoylas—Duoytas Park. Honylas dt. Ry. Os., oropa.; Hanlal Mrtlonnaa. myr., Iianfsl klr- Itunnan. myr. attr. lit 181

Phoaiili—East I^ka Park. Phaaali Railway Oo., prop.; B. II. littrball, myr.; also myr. sttr. <J| I4i <11 till.

fui' Khaian Crota. Twa-ni Amua^maot Co., pr,.;.* K lirarbrnan, myr . also myr, attr.; (ll (3:; II-n I.aTay la>4« tandarllla attr.

ARKAVRAI Batssrllla—Calijss Tbanlra.

owBsra and manayara. ■ amdsn—I'lty Park. City of Caadan. ownars,

■ H Carson, myr.; (ti iSi. Tbit park U tlmply a ball park.

Baraka Bprtayw—Andltorlnm Park. CItlaana nac trie Oo., props ; Adatpk M RafTon. myr.; also myr attr.; (li tSi lii; Adolpb M. Bar ran books randarllla attr.

Burt Smllb—Elactalc Park. Pt. Baaltb IJybt A Trartton Co., props.; J. W OlUatta. myr.; J W UtUatta, myr. attr.; (ii (It tSi; J. W Olllatta books Taodarllls ittrartlons

Mol .'ti'iiDys—.Mnloffir J Prank llaad, prop. A myr.: (Ii kii, J p Hvad hmk* attr.

Hot ■'*|irti ya—Wbililuytno. II ti PrU-a. prop. A Diyr : (5i tt i

Littla Ruck—Wiindarland. F. Janoan. prop. A ■nyr.; tii (It (2i; r Jannan books randarUla attrartlona

iJttla Riak —Poraat Park. L. R Ry A Elac. 0».. props. A myrs.; Aba Btlrwall, myr. attr.; Ill (li; idaya city bairda only; Chna. T. Taylor, books aaoda^la attractloaa.

Utils R^ick—Alrdoma, J. P, Hand, myr.; Prsd Parnal. myr ; J. P Hand bonks sttr.; J. F. Hasd Clrridt; (ll (•).

Pins Blnlf—Forsst Park. Park Amnsamant Co.. Inc., props.; F. R Ckarot. myr; F R. Ckarnt. myr attr.; (il (ll (St; P. E Chrrot books raodarllls attrartlona

CALirORXlA. BakarsAald—Hodnot Diirlny I'ark. U l^ota,

prop.; Kam Coonty Fair Aaa^ myrs. attr.; (il (It; playa local bands niff Tkla Is an amnsamant imrk only doriny tka annual fairs, nanally bald aboot (Vr«nhar IS. and for tbs wssk followfak.

'■bBoos^—t'nroMdo Tant City. Coronads Raach Carl B. Lnndqslst. CbIob BnUd

^my Ban Inayo, Cal., amass, myr. PrssBo -Rt-crastkm Psrk. Frasno iSsctloa O,,

PBnp* and myrs.: also myrs. attr.; (II (41; wssiam Btatas Taa<lSTlllt Aass . Ran Frsn- ctsco. bonk randarllla aatrs.

‘••kisnd—Idora Park. Idora Park (la., praps.: (81** "»«t. stu.; Ill (11

Alrhmnnd-IHat Bhora Park. East Bhora A Ita bnrbas Ry. Co., props . C. H Robartsoo. myr.. (8l

'<a. ramonlo (lak Park. Bacramanlo Elaclric Balia ar Co, pmi.a,; c W McKllllp. anyr. ■»f r«»cti|ian> , A II. Kln^. mgr. park; (Si.

1'lam>- Mlaalon tllff Park, baa iHayn Else. Ry. (o., pryts.; Carl R. Psadgslst, amass, myr

•an Barnardlno—tlrblla R|>rtnirs Park. Ran Bar oardlno %'allay Traetton Oo.. props ; C. A. Rbaltock. myr.: A. R. Marrtbaw, myr altr.; Ill (3t iSi.

•an Frnnrtnn>--Ckataa l*ark. (Tiatos On., props.; ■ I* lary, myr.; B. P. I/ary, myr attr.;

***• Rotltran and Oansldlna book anoda rllla attrartlona.

•an Jooa -I.nna Pnrk. Ran Joaa A Rnnta CInm (aunty R R Co., props.; W. B bawaon. myr and myr. nttr.

•*“ J"a>- i'ooyraan RniiiM Park. Panlnaolnr R. ■ Co., profis.; F. 1, (%apln. myr.


Ronidar-Chautauuna Park. (Tly of Rnuldor. Pt«l* : C. E Bosystt. myr.; C B. Royyatt. myr. itir,; (ii iRt.

''Tlpplr Ctr-i'k Cnl«n. Rika l,n<lya. prop.; Bo- ••nlH-ry A RIanlay. myrs ; (8) (il.

I^nii-r l.akr*l<tr. Prank Itiirl. myr. ll Cnllhi. I.lnib-malrr's l.aka Park. W

Iron Irr. myr,. Rot tSM. FI t\4lln« Col fnablo HInnagiia Park, Olass A MrUnlllsn.

pro,* ; ut,

rilnWad Canlrsl Park, Mara Patrick, myr.; . V* I’atrlrk, myr. attractions; liil (81; •ulllran A tVnalllna Clrrull.

oowRECTicxrr. Rrltlysi.irt -Rtaaiilarhnna Inland. Oao. C. ‘Hlyos.

r.rop ; ('apt Paul Rortnu. myr.; (11; Capt. . •’Of’"" hooks Tssdsrilla sttrsctloaa.

nrtatol-. |.ali. Comimsnca Park. ITarra A Nor- b>n, myrs.; National l*ark Manayara' Aaan.,

Vtt?! John Rarkal, b«>aklny ayt.; 'll; plays local bands only

PROFESSIONAI. 8TEBEOPTICON, 818 TO lit. A.ft.vlmo, Cablurn or Eb-otric Bumar.

300 REELS OF FILMS FOR RENT At Reasonable Bates.

_ '|4 •’•'■I Sport from all the World .I ^>4 I**!* T!ie Approarher's Trick . \ \ \ ■"*” In<li»<r<-ftn*-s« of Kin •niatoyrapb .... •\ \ ■’**'*’ Cns'i<-p«-!.sful Plirt .

.V>7 nie Jealous k'ianre . \ ‘.’.{4 Prlchtetierl by P.iirylara.

■ T— T a 7<k"> The Tinder B<>1 . 51*2 rnreqnited Love .

M R-raa, Pretty Flow- S!!,". Pri>f. Krlca Brae's er Cilrl .$ Inventions .

318 l)re*-maker'a Snr- nO The Staye Runtler 1.1.2.> , <a> Boeton Tea Part.v 20.00 . . 17 Prlnia Donna of the The Aeeuser .

Ballet . 2.50 180 Poathumoua Jealousy.

L. HETZ. 302 East 23rd Street. New York City.

<V!0 Cumberiirime Baby. $i: 74<> ChaUDcey Proves a

<r<iod Detective __ 1 4<«» A Skate on Skate*. 3<T7 Bubatitute Antomat-

le Servant .

Bly Cataloyue Free.

Under auspices Staten of Vermont and New York.

BURLINGTON, VT. nJuly 4-10, 1909, inclusl've.

Four hundred thousand dollars beiny spent on the above celebration. President Taft, Cabinet, foreiyn yuests to take ,«art in pr>graui. City beautifully ilecoraled. illumiuated. i'ayeauts on land amt water. Parades of military, civic and secret societies. Airship and sub marine lM>at exhibitions. Motor boat races. b|M>rts of all kinds.

TO COXCE.'i.^ION.ilKlK: NOTICE—This celebration will ,M««ltlvely be the hiyyest In th* East. AIJ. KIM*S OP CONCESSIONS W.\NTED to amns* and fe.-«I the visitors. Cnlverslty bundinys. school Inmses and halls inrnisl Into bslyiny bouses to accomm<Hlafe the visitors. Ovei

isai visitors will be in attetxiance duriny the week. Over 8.50.taai s|>ent in adverttslny tba event. Railroads have yranted cheap excursion rates from all jsdnts In the States and Canada (ask any railroad ticket ayent>. Have cnlr limited s,tace for concessions. .Mbiress at one*-.


Earlliiyton Five,

Always Something New ! “I Lora My Wife, but Oh,

You Kid!” Complete Button, Ribbon and Kid,

per 100 Latest Peach Bssket Hat, made of straw in lissorted ool- Aw ors with ftuit trimmings and “Oh. .^pS^^lT^iiccaiP you kid” printed on hat band; price fluLuUl jHlUuK £) A $7.50 p« r cross. Deposit required ^1

NADEL & SHIMMEL. 45 Fulton StfMt, • New York City. I '

WANTED TRAP DRUMMER I want the best M. P. trap that there la in America; I will iiay according to yonr

ability: must ,>lay full line tra,* ami bells; if you are not acquainted wlih work in moving picture Ibealres ami can’t idease a manager who Is hard to please, don’t throw away yr>ur B. K. (are. for I will can you on the siH-tt: but. on the other hand, if you can work for and ideaae a manager who konws a ps>l picture player, you will have a gmsl. stcad.v iswltion In the beat ci'mlucteil ItV moving picture theatre In America. Can also use a htyh-class singer. Address


JOE FANTON That Marvelous Athlete.

Now Playing Sullivan & Considine Circuit

We guarantee this powder to make the best Orangeade on the market. Tasli-s tl>e N'st. ami lui.TS yon the best proflt. pound of the powder makes 45 gallons of delicious Orangeade ami retails for 84v>.lH>. IVs-s n»'t contain coal-tar color or anything tirohlhltml by any INire FishI law. I*. S. tM'rlal No. 117Ck8. For 4c we will send a sanijile that will i>ix>ve all the above statement to you. Price per js'ond. prei>ald. 8’2 <>0; m> C. O. D.'s. We al»' make nine ottn-r drinks, such .xe Is'monade I'owdcr. Ptnea,>,>Ie Cider, etc. We will s,-nd 81.45 w,irth of sam,<les, prct>ald. for ft-W. We have an excellent ,iroi«>sltlon to offer agents to si-ll our drinks to stoix's. restaurants, etc. We sell Cmders. Class Jara, Tumblers ami TYinibler Carrier, at lowtMit prices.

COLUMBIA MFC. CO.. Dipt. 7. 1159 Harrison Streoi, CHICAGO, ILL


22 X e Billboard MAY 22, 1909

Skating Rink News

Earle Reynolds Contributes an Interesting Letter on the Skating

Rink Business of Europe—The Boom Beyond the Atlantic,

Fathered by Americans, Promises to Reach the Proportions It

Has Attained on This Side.

^ I'or more than half a crn-

oiir IWW cataloKura are rruily fot ilikltiltiitioo. Send

^ loruto|>y. Wlii ii wi itlOK, alale whether you me ill Kr or Kuller bkalea

^ mi uMuii wMSiow sun Mrs. ct. Watcitiii. Mut ,U t «.

THE BEST ICE AND ROLLER SKATtS m Ncaamfit ti^aiw ia«a •laaauai.Lt .laaMa

The Chicago Racers


Ttie HkatlriK iKioni ae.'ina to rontiniio to « eertain extent over In the land of Jolm Iliill.

ly takiriKK, t;24r>. ralil 4r> |mt rent, on pref- ereiiri' <har<‘» und 22'-j per cent, on onllivary.

"Mr t'rawforil ha* made an lmnien*e fortune nut of roller *kallni;. .\part from hi* Amer-

I hare received many letter* from aer.w* the M’**? »"-> hi* fee* a* a inaBiiaBinR dl- pono. and all of them aay with underline* that :"*">■ ><*"'l«anl.^. he ha* ..Iraw nK the hiialne** 1« ro.k1 for the rink manaRer l«it ,1! in'vLlUh rink!l " ” very had for the profeKKlonal Mkatera. Monnhen, I ’"''■f'* *■' 'n KnRll*h rink*. Johnn.v Ilavldaon anti Harley have bei'n hu*y ^ part of the time and had falrlv Rood Bucceaa In RettInR Home nice enRaRement*. Joliiiny j Ue.v* 1* a *ort of *ucctt*sful traile I)avld*on ha* orRanIzed a Profeaalonal Skater*' >uark tlirtoiRhout the ('aiiadlan province*. The Aaaiiclatlon In l.ondnn. Tlie memlH'r*hlp lamk i uianaRer* continually re cuRaRC the*** two ha* *uch clever profe«*|nnal* a* Harley Ilavid .v<'unR*ter» time and time aRaln. (»-hawha. Bon. I.llllan Frank* and John Ilavldaon him- Mlillainl ami Orllla audience* etiRaRed their aelf on the ll*t. The a**oclallon I* now two! 'lever work laat week and week iH-f.ire. month* old anil alreatly a aucee**. It will Rive A the rink manaRi r* a Hianee to secure first ' cla*» act* of the hiRheat type. All the aaao- ' playd Mahanoy City laat wwk. elation niemlM'r* are ex|Mtrt* ,m' the ridler* ] Cred will have no tnaihle b<M>klnR lilmaelf a* a and have a fiiil*lie<l performance to offer the headliner at the fair* till* *ummer. If he manaRera. will write Ml** Ziie McClary. Knlckerbocki-r

^ , Theatre IhiildinR. New York City.

Prof. HeMer* I* reatInR up for a few week* ' In Ho*lon. Tlie Profe*Kor ha* alreatly aeciired Crawford ami Winslow have invadml the Ku- aome preatlRe In the Kra and other FnRilah ’■‘'P*'"" continent for fair. Col. WInslo patMTs, and I* thlnkliiR *erlously of RolnR ^ *»'> •< '<' ahroad next Reason.

ManaRi-r A. KIrlakIde*. of the Winston Salem (N. C.l Rink, I* anxlona to seenre Frisl Rom- alo and some other P. K. R. .S. A. act* for hi* rink diirInR the eominR month. Rotter write .ManaRer KIrlakIde*. Imv*.

Crawford ami Winslow have invadisl the Kii- roiman continent for fair. Col. Wlosliiw wa* In New York City last week, antt O. K.'il an or 1 der for irsi.tMKl fi>et of rock maple fitNirlnR. to | Im' shlpiM'd Immediately to Pari*, a porthm of the ortler RtilnR to Vienna and I.lepslc.

Adelalile IteVoraek la aRaln showInR her heel* to the fast skater* of C*n*da. Orllln la»t week *ntl next week at Toronto, and drawInR o.,,, packed house* *t every performance. Why " wouldn't ahe? Addle I* some Hkater and then "'..m *<»me. .

The Paris Edition of Tlie New York Herald

"Mr. Chester P. Crawford, the .Vmerlcan. who 1* iioinaRlnz director of tlie eompaoy own InR and o|«‘ratlnR the skatinc rink at Olympia. I.ondon and rinks In several other eltii-s In the Pritlsh Isles. Is planninR to open a similar

Mis* C.rsele Ayer will make a tour of the T r!nk« throiiRhout Canada Miortlv. rIvIor exhl- P'"""'"*' "P*;? » bitton. of real fanev skatine on 'the hiph heel*. , omusement In Paris He ha. pro a* well a* the or.llnarv ball Imarlnp r-dler. ' ."T,

«nv» that lie wlil erect a liulMInc to cost yrrft OOO. Tlie floor wlil he 2Tr> hv IS." feet, or

•nie Ixmdon Dally Mall print* the followInR sumclcnt to accommodate 2,000 skaters, dative lo our American rink mapnate's. Che*. "Mr. Crawford, who has lu*t Iss-n In Paris

ter P. Crawford, womterfiil sueecKa diirinp Ida two year* In Oreat Rritain a* roller rink pro¬ moter:

‘"I'wenty five roller skatlnp rink* will he Of'cned In the I'nited Klnpdom when the senson

,l„ In eonnectlon with this enterprise, said to a 1X1- eorrespomlent of the Herald. 'I am confident

that the Paris proleet will prove a popular success, for Enplishnien have pone "skatinR

„n mad." and there is re.ison to hope for even a beplns apaln on Ortolmr I At present most ’■'■'"I'''’’ response from Frenchmen. In I/mdon of the hnlls *re closed for the summer month* patronized hy soeietv leaders, and but slalisfl,-*—now availalde for the first time ^^P*<'t to eater to the best class here also, —Indicate the extraordinarv 'bivyrn' there has The Paris buildlnp will be the finest we have b«-cn in rolliT skatinc since Mr. C. P. Craw- "reeted anywhere, for If will be artistic. In ford, th* owner of a crest rink at Coney Island, keeplnc with it* aiirroiindinzs. near New York, started his first Enclish hall at Liverpool. In September.

"In thirlv wis-ks the receipts were GR.n.’iS. or an averace of t2!*R IPs a week. Tills was the becinninc of the Twiom.' Op,-ratlnR for an averace of five months durinc last winter.

“In SeptemiM'r Mr. CrawfonI will also open rinks In Pordesiix. Marseilles. Lyons. Nice. Piarrltz. LUIe. Rnissels, Antwerp. .\m«ferdam. The Haene. Rer'ln. Hamhiire. Vlenn* and Puds- pest. Mr Crawford, who owns a rink In Coney Island, New York, entermi the hnsines* In Fn

rinks in all pirt* of the ooiintrv. In which rope In September. 1t»P7. In Tournament H»1L €2.Vt,0"P li.i* i*Mn Invested, have paid divl- LIveri>ooI. -nils experiment was so suoees.fnl

’ll fh*‘ r«f»* f»f 120 nor o«»nt. nor unniim. ' ^oonro«l n h^ll fit Nowo«stio on Trno. > por o«‘nt. por annum, fhoro WRks a Croat ilo-

10.000 capital ro-

time tkofoiN* plana f*»r tho iMiflilfnc^ wore pa«ao<1. Uorrntiv ho haa ronowod tho loa«i “Fortune* have alreadv lieen m*de out of the eal iinc posM'S*|on of the Olvmnia from Deei'm

popiilantv of roller skatinc. The ‘Isiom' far her to March diirlne the next four year*. exceed* a former one fifteen vears aco. .\t St. "Reside* these rink*, the Crawford J^’^cest* Jame.' Hall. Minehesier. wWe the season'* rink* In Rri«foI. Chester. Rrlcht^on. tsklncs sveraced COPP a w.s>k. the total ex- f'rovdon. Tlrm^uth Roernemopth. Shef penses were onlv alHiiit tSP a week. In the llcld. 1*^1«. Rradfonl. Rirmlni^im. case of other halls, details of whioh In s|x In- Rlsoki-iol and Mamdiester In Fneland: Cardiff stances are api>ended. the ratio of profit has "r”' I.Iandiidno. In y'*J‘'*• R'"'"'’ R*'""r*'' stances are ap[>ended. the ratio of profit has been almost as creat;

"London (Olympia l.—Rink ojien twelve week*. Oro«s takincs. t2'>.7PP. .kverace, t2.4PP a

per wnt. ttaIT "Southport,—Caiiital t.’i.PPP. Rink ojwn six¬

teen week*. Oross takine*. C3..'l.'i2. Averace weekly takincs. C21P. Fifty p<-r cent, paid Clai on preference and twenty five on ordinary shares mereh

“Dntilin.—Oi>en twenty-elclit weeks. Caiiltal. dueed C.'^.PPP, Cross takincs CR.Tits. Weekly avey- marvf ace. tSPI. On preference share* tVi [mt cent, orda ( has Iwvn psi'l. "ud on ordinary, la". jM-r cent, that

per week. ti.T.'l.'i. I’ald a dividend of 2."i pei cent.

"Relfa*t.—0|M'n twenty-one wwks. Caidtal Cn.PPO. Oros* takincs. CT.PPP. Weekly av erace. it.IrtP. Palit shareholders ?,0 jier cent. While Hamilton h.i« all the Idc events to Ms

“Dundee —Cajiltal. t'l.PPP Olam twelve credit Rfsliiey Peters, vho l*-at .Mile Moore

rn"he" First Money at IMtl.shurgli, Cincinnati and

St. Louis. Used by Hamilton, Peters, Carey, Wotnlward and

others of the point getting class.

CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO.. 285 E. Madison St., Chicago, III.


I'sotl and ondorsi'd by epoed skaters overj where. .\lso fin¬ est, most complete skate for individual use. With extra larne loxwootl, fibre or alumi¬ num wheels.

I.ate*t MinIvI

Balt Baarinc Rink Bkataa.

Club Skatca.

Polo Skatca.

S»dd for Cataloguf

u r

HENLEY Richmond, Ind.

The Fra. of I/>ndon. *ay» that fully twenty five more rink* will 1** ojicned In tireat Rritain next fall. Tlie rolumn* also state that the Imhiln Rink has lieen c1o«e«l to make room for | other amusement*. |

After the first sueeessos there w-*s a creat de- ' *ft**r that Txindon. He orcanlred^ * inand for shares. The tin POO capital re- I-«''<l'>n company and leased the Olympia for quin-d In each eas*- to run rinks at Plvmoiith. thr.'C months. He says that In thirteen weeks null. Cardiff and Rrl«toI wss auhserib'^1 some "•'POP i>erson* sfcsted there, payine ne,rly

a week In the l-<'c<l*. Rradford. Rirmlnchim. Southnoi-t whioh in six In- R'ackpool and Manchester In Fneland: rnrdlff

Fork. In and Fdlntnireh. Olaseow. Dun dee and Aberdeen. In Scotland.

"■n'lrty Inatriictors. Inclndlnc Isoli men and week. Capllai tin.lkio.' SharehoId,-rs n>eeived w«men will he emnloved In the Pari* rink, to all this capital hack, [ilu* a dlvldent of 20 7rce le-son* In skatinc.



riarence Hamilton l« liv far the fastest *[>eed merchant on rolh*rs that .4m'*rlea has i-ver pr^t- dueed. His work the past y.-ar ha* tieen marvelous. He has placed all tie* world’s r'^e- ord* O'! all kinds of track- down to such a aiark that I doiilil If they w-||| fs- tirok.-n for -ome

"Rlrnilncliam.—Taidtal t1P.P"P. In sixteen time to come. Ham'lton can now tmast of the week* the cri'ss takincs were e.I.iWV). .kverace cleanest Rcnnlne liill of fare of world'* re<’ords

2."> pe,' earned hr an American skater Week after week the little Rost'*n fl>'er followeil tho cir

Caidtal, enlt. rac nc nielit aft<-r nlchf. ami his win kly av- nines havine reach.-d up Into tie- th<*i«afids.

(Iros* takincs Averace week-

BA.i^xiivfore: flye:r

A Rink Skate at Last!

This skate has 50 i)er cent, less

^ parts than any other skate on the

market. The skate without a rivet.

Baltimore Skate Mfg. Co., \ BALTIMORE. MARYLAND

^ Over 2,000 of Our Machines to Surface Floors in Use

Ity Roller Rink*. Amuaemeut rnm|>aDiea. Cob T tractor* aliil Ruilder* In the Uiiite.1 Stataa,

I X FiiRland ai*! oilier eouulrle*. Will aiirfac* from to T.<**i *<|uare f«‘et of old or new t1-H>riiiR oiii-e In elcht leiur*. Two <w four time* over fl<*>r will make It BuiiMdb aixl level.

Irlal of iiiachliie In America. Ena r\ land and other countrle*. Send for our FREE


I HI m. l. schlueter. _32 S. Canal St., Cblcago. 111.


GAVIOLI & CO., _ NEW YORK: 31 Bond Street.

~ AT LIBERTY ~ Young Acrobat. Weight, 91 lbs. Top mounter and hand balancer. Wishes position with good family troupe for a year. Address, J. S. LPi^ARDS. 2114 Ontario SI. Cleveland, Ohio.

THF. diuimtouv tkels v<u’ who am> wiikuk.



The Pianino—The Tonophone—The Mandolin Quartette—The Violin Piano—ihe Mandolin Sextette—The 65-Note Player Piano— The 88-Note Player Piano—Pinned Cylinder Band Organs—Paper Roll Military Band Organs—The PianOrchestra.


THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER COMPANY, NEW YORK: 25-27 W. 32nd, bet. Broadway and 5lh Ave. • CINCINNATI: 117-121 E. Fourth. - CHICA(K): 2A«-268 Wabaih.



SERVED **WRIGHT” Our new addrese—Rooms 309 and 310 Reliance Building, 32 Union Square, New York City. 200 sets of Song Slides for sale at a bargain. Music furnished with Slides. Filins for rent and for sale.

rimiiK-ry, llm'im. IU»<kl>iirn. Cloni. !>•«• .Siiiifiiril. 'Ijn-ll I’fliT*. Jm-li W<><Klart| all

II la ... I'l »ay llial llnTf liaa I, Koiiilirriil liniiniVfiiuiil In tin* aii»-<-il

ra III*' I’**'' )••«!. Ill<- yolMItCiT I'li-lllvllt ,1. rail'll ii|> III ri I'linl rnnii tlir'MixIinut Itii-


JEPTHAH’S DAUGHTER n,. fi«ir Iiillf riilliT akatliiK rliaiii|i|i<iialilii at

irn li'il till- I'l'** "lniil ikati-ra at tin*'ii'ill'*'* flknll'tK llink. Kniailway iii.l I'lflt i-iiitiil alrii't. HIM- ilay laat Wfi-k.

IjhiiiI.' Ini'W ''I'*' •*' niilll tlii- laat Iiillf, |i. . Ilf till' Mi'lPiiiilltaii SkatliiK I'liili. ciaii

ii.-.-il III" "print at that "taiti' ami piimliiK IiIk .iii|» lliiir" iMii- liy iim' «'aiiii' In a wliim-r tiy

III,,. )*r,N In till' ({,""1 llnn' nf HI ’.’fi. fifty iMiii'r tlinii til,' rink niiiBtiiir ni'iir.l fi,r

•."I .|l"lHiii'<'. Harry Siiillli. of tin* Wayni* AHili'tii' I'liili. fliilHlnil MTiiiiil. willi W. Hiirki'.

..f Itr.-ikljn. Ililnl.

FOR SALE ."am pair" alimmt new Boxwood Koller Skatea. #;.MNi jier jiair. .Also $:{,(ilili Wur- litziT Orcan, $r"«i. KINK, IH.’i I^iiKlewisMl Are., Chicago, III.

rag.'ily of tin* uarrlor who "ai'rif|is.i| hi" (lutighfer a" a hiiriit offering In ri'turu f,ir victory.


The Judgment of Solomon (ON THE SAME REEL WITH THE ABOVE.)

I III most -'■,rg,siii" wi iii'ianil is,*.lniii*'" evi-r w-eu In a Bitile "tory.


Roller Skates ami Opera Chairs.

McCOY, Washington, C. IL, Ohio.



WANTED -N'orelty acts of all klnils ami male piano player; iiiimt change for one week. Other nsi'ful (wsiple write. Ijing M'ason iimler caiiras. .Slop at Isitels. State salary. WALTERS and KIRBY, Benid. Ilia.


Miss Elita Proctor Otis .\k>'s. the r,,l,' whi.'li this •'iiiim'ut ai tr.-ss ha'^ iiia h* famous throughout the world.

FOR SALE In only amusi'meut park in Chat lud.issi jieoide to draw from. Holler Kink cost $7.iKki; Organ. fTuO; 5(10 Skates, $1..1O0; J Ih.x Hall Alleys, $.1.50; Slior.lirig (ial- lery, #;i(«i. lliree thou.saml dollars takes the lot or will s»'Il any part. Address J. W. L. Gilletpie, Mgr. Hippodrome, Chattanooga, Tenn.

Professional Roller Skaters’ 1^* ASSOCIATION

Closing Out Sale .10 reels of Film, from 1% to js-r foot; one Columhia Orajihophone, $70; one Bower Cami ragraph. as good as new. at a bargain; will buy Yellowstone I’ark. Colo , or Hawaiian sihles. J. SW.VHT, Ft. Scott, Kansas.

" ' 'I rue Ti.n- ” Si-nt on trial W ril*' pMla, f"r * ui up l« the minute 'cala og an,I eiehauge |,r ,|>"

8UESCHER SAND INSTRUMENT CO.. Elkhart, Ind. Orgmnixed to giva greater prominence to bona fide Profeaaional Skatere—thoie who

hare a Snitbed act to offer to Managera aeeking Exhibition Skaters—end to promote Roller Skating in general.

Address SECY EARLE REYNOLDS, 1440 Broadway, H. T. City, care The Billboard. WANTED All the Stars of the Skating World Fartiier with Take half Interest In Baud

Show. Must be exi.erlenis'd Band .Show manager, .til bfsikisl. Fine line special paiier. Address. E. A., care Billboard.


AT LIBERTY The man who skates on his bead on ball- lieariug roller skates, down an 10 ft. In¬ cline. Cuts Figure Eight on bis bead. The art that brings tbuusamls to roller links. Address PAUL L DUPREE. 1440 Broadway, New York, BillboariL

Endorsed by ALL the LEADING RINK MAN¬ AGERS as the biggest headline act which has ever played their rinks. The artist W HO hla.vs return engagements continually. Kink Man- 8gvr« who want an alwnlutely h gh-class attrac¬ tion. write at once for o|.en time. Address .719, Columbos .4venue. Boston, Mam.

BAND LEADER (Corcet Flayer) .\-Xo. 1 Rep. of music

.\dtlre88 CII-VS LKWIS, 94 Sweet Street,

Grand Rapids, Mich.


RECKLESS RECKLAW Eccentric Sensational Cyclist.

Bee Mv Original Race. FANNIE LEIGHT,

That Real Skating Girl. Attraction fully guaranteed. Address RECKLAW A CO., care of Billboard. 14-10 Br,yadway, N.T.C.




Address The Billboard, 1440 Broadway, New York City.

Nlanara Ntllltary Band

F'.r 1‘ark-. Bit k<, I'avlllons, Shows, etc. luirge n,'W Catal,,g "C" Kre.- NIAGARA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MFC. CO..

North Tonawanda, N. Y.

Barlow’s Wagon Ed. P. Barlow.

WANTED, QUICK—For Ed. I' Show. .411 round comeilian. Milan, Tenn. Gibson Co.


Walts. Two-Step. Jig and Cake Walk, Dan¬ cing, Stilt and Toe Skating. Lmian Ser- lientlne I>anc«. Add. JOHN W. LAWLER, 6J0 Carrollton Ave., New Orleans, La.

WANTED -Tent shows, Ferris Wheel. Penny Arcade ami Merry-go-round. Jap Ball Game All other oom**'ssious sobl. Park oiwna May k’O. .4ddres8 GRACE PARK, Morrii, Ilia

FAMILY ORCHESTRA EL REY SISTERS GREATEST JUVENILE GIRL SKATERS. The mi«t beautiful little ladles before the American public to<lay. In an untun,assed. up to-date, finished act. Proteges of Earle Reynolds; that's all. Address M. E. WIL¬ SON. 101 W. Sllnd Street, New York City.

AT LIBERTY, JUNE IS ,'r«,! 4 lollns, lliite ami Piccolo. Ci-llo and I',"!,,. : (iiir -ejMTtoIre: l-lnle and Pli-. ,1,, I'l,I iliut". Ceib> «.,b«t, als,, "liigliig with ■ ■luilsr luuiilwr" Stamlanl lo ertiires an,I ".■l.'c-

ti- Strict sileiiti.,11 to liii»iue»« BOVILL FAMILY QUINTETTE ORCH.. it Linden. De¬ troit. Mich.

BERTHA DOUD MACK Original Anna Held Dancing Girl on Roll¬ ers. season 1906-10li7. Now playing rlnka. Home address. 73 State St., Seneca Falla, New York. A big hit. Don’t mlsa It.

JOHN F. DAVIDSON Of the Famous Darldson Family of Skaters, in his wonderful exhibition of Tiick and Acmtuitlc Skating High and Broad Jump¬ ing and N|"^l Skating; also marvelous ex hibItloD of Stilt Skating. A sensation act from start to finish. Address The Bill¬ board, 1440 Broadway, New York City.

TVANTED FOR SALE 44> KUTilrc I'iaiiDit. In ^inhI -vhrun*. 'll jr’iNi IttiiaitwBH iiiMkhit; a iiioath;

II Nt a ItjrL'altJ. aiihHrr iinlcMt yt»u tufau

Bti.i j;,,| mtiiM-y l(•■aM«•u f»»r lulllnt;, r>» 'tijr In mfj:. liiisiiii>KB. Kiiap In tiMlav'a

P*!**'' G- Riatau, Kaukaunn, Wit.

Superior Attraction— —Baftned Act


Exhibition Includes Famous Cake Walk. Address 21 Federal St.. I’rovldence, R. 1., or The Billboard. 1440 Broadway, N. T. C.


GRACEFUL A FANCY TRICK SKATER An up t. date attrucilou P, ruiou. nt ad dress. MIS.S .MAY IVM.4NCOl'KT, 305 San Jacinto Street, .4ustln, TVx.

MISS GRACE AYER •m,"Iy. mimical l,am that ilo singing and btg I'to* Xlii'.it-sl C,,ni„,r" nnd otiioi iise- H. pb* w rit,- .Sfllnry l,,n but .iir,- Live sc Lee • Vaudeville Co.. Louisa. Ky.

Age 12. The Juvenile Wonder of the High Rollers, intrmiucicg a novelty la skating on high roller skates. In addition to an artistic exhibition on regular skates. Add. O. I- AVER, 713 Wells St., Chicago, III.


In her marvelous Fancy and Trick Skating Exhibition, concluding each night with a Kai'e against any man In the Kink. Ad dreaa 3247 K. tVitb St., Cleveland. O.

FOR SALE It ilHi |.,i,,

H. A. SIMMONS Robt. D Everhart. SSt Law Bidg., Norfolk. Va.

Just returned from foreign tour. Hava some Immediate open time. Introducing new NovellUvi, new Costumea, everything up-todate; printing, photos, electros. Ad¬ dress 73 Broad St., New York.


America's Celebrated Roller Skaters. The act that I'lays n'tiini cngagoinents conlln.ially. ’'Enough sauH” .4ddrcss CH.4S. U F’K.4NK>. care of Baltimore Skate Mfg. Co., Baltimore, Md.

I’lsmi player that •'Irm. Mil". Ill, ■!l>,ii |iref<rem<. A C. Raymond,

•e doing two or more till Csiivs" "lo'W . oiM ii" \la>

American Hout*. Bath, Me. DARE DEVIL LEWECK


Featuring marvelous sud death defying backward leap over table and chain. Open for rinks. Addrea AI-FREI> PAINTER, Ulvervlew Kink. Milwaukee.

WANTjTD EDWARD W. BASSETT FILM FOR SALE F'ive reels best film, g,>od subjects. Fine condition. .4ddress quick, 0. W. WILSON. Peirce City, Mo. _ America’s Greatest Figun Ica Skater,

Skating on n-al !«■» on the stage. N, idsyliig the Keith ,V Pnx'tor Circuit. Ai Blllb«>arvl. 1440 Broadway, New York Ctl

li allow ex|H-rleii<v' In S"*i"t Manager, sbl,' It, u",' l.i!"'»rlb'r si',1 ipib k at SUN BROS., SS8 Summit Street. To- CHAS. G. KILPATRICK


Cyclist and Skater Extraordinary, in won¬ derful exhibitions of one-legged skating and bicycling. Managen Kinks and Vauda- vlHe write or wire for open time quick. 9(>7 Schiller Bldg.. Billboard. Chicago. Ill,

The Indian Sack Mystery New, Clever and Mysterious. <'an be i«er fonmnl by anyone. A sack Is thoroughly ex amiiievl, after which the iH-rformer gets Into it and the neck of the sack is then tied and si'aletl. A scn-eii is placed in front of It awl In ies.s than two niiniiteg he es<'ai«'S and the knots are found iiiitouchiil and still si'sleil. Prl(>“, eompiete with sack. $2.'2.7. THE OAKS NOV¬ ELTY CO.. Dept. 48, Oshkosh, W’is. P. S.— Mention t'lis paiH-r and we will send free with sack, the full dlnctious for escai>e from any ordinary trunk.

THE GILMANS WANTED Premiere Skatorlal Artists, presenting all

that la new- In Boiler Skating F'or own dates and terms, addn-ss HARRY OIL¬ MAN. oara Caaino Roller Rink, Honatoa, Teiat.


In Arttattc ami Graceful Fancy and Trick Skating, presenting many new, original feata. Addnwa BKTlARItsON SKATE CO.. !W1 Wella Street. Cbirago, III.



t4 ANTED By an liieor|">rale<l .kiiiinu-menl (’o., ' 1 IsHikkeeperi tor 'I'resaiirer ib""l Ksisry

J"-; t („ right parly Mn"l Invest 'V .*!' *'■’' •( I" t'einpaii) .41i«> vvsiil a 70

. * ■ "llli 2 .'to fl, md"., eompiete ami In i',"’'l '-'Oidlllon Stale lowist easli price. Silver liar Amusement Co., 717 E. A B. Bldg., Roch •’•ter, New Yoik.

ATTRACTIONS W’ANTED For the Modern \4'.»>.lnien log Rolling and Carnival, at Fisher’a Hill Picnic Groiiml. July 2 and 3. For privllegea, address T. B. FLEET, Secy, and Treaa.. Straa- burg, Va. _

HA PIP enclosing 4 cts.

HIAUlU TRICK ed. Free. Free. MAGIC CO.. Dept. 2. 270 W. 39th St.. New York.

HAIHIE dogs spiM'sl to vhlldn'ii. More fun a barrel ef monkeya. Iln-at for Fshis.

Wliubiw Hlsplay". ele All everlasting J^'itaeib.i, FLINTS PRAIRIE DOG FARM.

Matarford. Main#. Visitors wel.vuie

Ifi tioD of Hart* oth**r maktrti an*

f Th«* rt hVaUe «vwt**ni ’ 4*iiiii)Q*

y rrathi* •'•Ay

at«*« n* «‘nM‘toraii an<4 abrupt an- it 4*« in in«* air

fill >• u h.i>4* tri**<1

24 X ti e Billboard MAY 22, 1909

Outdoor Amusements The Middle of May Finds Most of the Big City Parks Either

Open or Preparing to Open, with Many Improvements in the

Way of Concessions and Attractions—Ambitious Preparations for

the Season s Fairs—Carnival Business Active—Other Notes.


Tlw i’attfrHoii Klumii |>la.r<-<I at Siin-vc I.a.. during th»‘ wwk of May 3 to N.

Tin* wcathiT wax idoal all throuitli the w<M‘k and a larifo la.Klno-x wax onjoywl liy Ixdh tin- at- trat'tionH and r<aic.t<Klonx. Tlio lA>iilxiana State Kalr AHWH'latiiHi wax tin* auKplcox iindor «'lii>m llilx dale wax Hlhxl and the uiooiIhts of tUe roniniltl«x-. wlilrh had cliarito of tin* rarnival wt-r*' tinaniniraix in tlk- nxinoxt that th«> Croat rattiTxon ShoUM rotnni thoro and fnrnlxh the amiiK<'ni<'nlK for the l.onixlaua State Fair during the month of tietolM‘r.

The liHiK run from llouxton. Tex., where the oiM'iilntt <x'<'nrr*xl. waa made in k<"xI lime over the I. & N, Uy. aihl the T. & I’. Hy. Tliere wer<’ no aceichoitx or mixhapx of any nature «c- currliiK, the trip Ixdiiit made by the I’atterxon xiMX'lal in tifl<x'n Inairx.

Tin* wtx'k of May 1(1 to 15 wax played at Texarkana. Tex., iimler the auapieex of the \V<Kxlno-n of the World and it wax another week of K<Nxl wi-alher and liiK linxinexx for all. Thlx lx the xeeoml year In xiiort*xxi«Hi that the Great I’alt<rxon Sliowx have played Texarkana, but on aeeount of the xliowx IxdnK entirely dlffen-nt from laxt xeaxon. iIm* cmiipany wax ax u-w, aixl hiixlnexx thix x<-aKoii went far above that of laxt year.

liiirinK the week at Texarkana. Cly<le Garner, one of the employe4‘K with the company, got too n>-ar to the cake of tlk* untamable lion, Mayo. The Ik-axt reached thrcHikh the barx and with one paw tixik hold of tlk* rikht arm and with the other kraxiHxl hix left xlde and pinne<l him to the cake. Kelp nixlkxt to hIx axxlxtance, ikit Ix'fore Ik* wax r>*x<*ued, hix arm and xlde had lMx*n badly lacerated, a doX‘n wtitchex be Ink r<x|uir<xl to cloxe the wouudx.

Tlie tin*at l’atlerK<in« Showx are xo much lark>‘r thlx tx-axon than laxt, that It hax been nec**xKary to pim-hax** two m-w flo-ft. flat carx to accommiHlate the wakonx.

The w«x*k of May 17 ‘i!. I’attxrxon Showx playetl Fort Smith. Ark., tinder the auapieex I of the two campx of the Knikhtx <if the Maca- I Ik-ex !



W.xxiford A- Klxor’x Illk t’omblnetl Shown xuo- eexxftilly oix'mxl their xeaxon under the ana picex of till* FlrMueii at FabxiikT. N. Y., on May . 3. The Khow remaln<xl at Falconer tlie entire , week, playink to lllk'ral attendance, ami openod : their >o*<x>nd w«x*k at Jamt'xlown on May H*. re- nialniiik there all of tlk* week and Iteink pxt- ronixed by capacity audlencex.

Moiklay, May 17, the xhow ojieiietl their third w<x*k and flrxt real road eiikakenient of the x**aM)n at Sukar Grove, I*a., front where they will travel thnnikh I'exinxylvania ami Into Went Virkinla. by wakon. The Woodford & KIzor Show lx compoxed of ten big feature acta, viz: Womlfonl'x TYalned Aniroalx, The Klior Family of K'lnillbrlxtx, TYie Woodfonl Sixterx, hlftti ' wire act: .Maxtor Howard, the rollink ball aero. ! bat: .Mtx*rfx Miixical IKnrs ami I’onlex. Smith'x | Trick Mule Kink, The Statue liok, Wotxlfonl’x (Irlkinal Fin* Drill. Frank Melvln'x MIdket Ani¬ mal Clrtnix and I>elmar<x». aerial perfonnerx. I’rof. Colonna'x Marine Rami helpx the pro gram to run off in a xiimoth flnixh<*d manner which winx nnanini*Mix xatixfactlon.


Harry l.aymon. who. f<a* over two ami a half yexrx ha« Ix-en identified with the Sc»*nlc Thea¬ tre, at Minneapolix. as awixtant manxker. hax xevere,! hin cnnm'Ction with that inxtitutlon. and left for Watertown. S. D.. when* he will take mip«*rvlxlon of the ot*enink of an amuik*raent park for the Mlnnea|x>lix and St. Paul R. R. Co., eov«*rlnk an an*x of over .'MMt acrex. to be devoted to the laf<*xt nuMiem amux<*ment devicet*. Mr. l.aymon will lx* retn<*fnlk*n*d ax otk* of the foremost l<x>p the-I<M>p riders In thlx mxintry.


MIxx Momink Calle fklanring out of tlk* tenth story window)—"Why Mrs. Knott, don’t you think a flat up so high Is ratht*r dangeroiu for the children?”

Mrx. Knott—"Well, yoti xee, Harry la doing a balloon act now, and likes to be m*ar bia bnslnesx."

lull illk lxx*n the original xiibxlitute for Arthur l^ivremx*. the first liMi|ethe bxip rider in the I nitixl States, with tlie Itld Foreiiaiikb'S<*llx Show.


J. T. Ra<*kman, who has rt*cently |iurcbas«*d tlk* Muikly t'arniv|il Slkvwx. hax iKx.keil the num- b«*r one company to jday the KugeiH* nine clr- <*nit of fairs. TIh* iiiitnlx*r two companv also Ills klaxx xhow will be with the Dan Ridduxon Shows.

Roth shows have bei-n comidetelv overhault*d. the nuinlH*r one outfit lk*lnk replenlxhed In wlnteniiiarterx at Jackximvllle. Fla., xml tlk* mimlH‘r two show at Cincinnati, ().

.Many new featur<*x have lie»*n addtxl and such well-known trainers ax Madame Ixile Van Gordi*r. Cajit. Ricardo. Chief Rronco Joe, Ht*rr Von Wi.x8<*r, .Millie .Margerite and Prof, Cauoz have lieen engaged. .Mr. Bachman lx axslxteil In the manageim-nt by .Messrs. Will Smith and Cliff McGregor.


An opinion wax hambxl down by Judge Frank N«*xbitt. nf Wh)x*ling. W. Va.. May 14. granting the application of the City A Elm Grove Rail¬ way Co., for a r('celv»*r for the iirop»*rty of the American .Amux)*ment Co., at Whi*elliig Park. The motion for an Injunction to restrain the

plaintiff from Interfering with the op<*ratlon of the |>ark was <h*ni<xl. The ruling of the court will mean that the park will be o|M*rat*xl this summer under the dir<*ction of a rec<*lver. Xo one hax ax yet be«*n appdnteit to act ax re c»*lver, but thlx will no doubt be done soon to allow the pirk to be reopemxl.


The xiimnk r resort x<*«son at Erie. Pa., opens Sunday, May 33. At Waldameer Park. E. H. Siierkln. who lx building the m*w Alpha Theatre in that city, lx alxo putting up a m*w vaude¬ ville theatre at thlx resort. Mr. Siierkin will iil'o manage rhix theatre and will run flrxt- clxxx showK all xeaxon.

H. J. Newxhani again hax charge of the bowling xile.vx thlx x.*axon at the Waldameer.

P. J. Go«n>n lx putting hix circle swing In Khape f<x* the otentng m*xt Snmiay.

The Ftxjr-.Mlb* Cre«*k Park will n**t open this xeaxon until June fl.



The comidete ataff of Idora Park, tiakland. Cal., thlx M*axon, lx compoxtxi of B. P. Miller, general manager: Jos. F. Gerxier. xuperlnten- ilent: B. I.. S'ick treasun*r; Rolx*rt N. Fitch, cashier.

Tlk* d<*f)iirtment of publicity lx ax follows: J. n. I'ltzi.atrlck, manager; E. P. Norwiaxl. (>rens n*pr<*xi*ntatlve; I,. X. TIiompKon. axxixtant preas r<f*r<*x«*ntallve; A. B. Church, ezcnrxlon man¬ ager; C. tj. Henry, advertising re|ir<*x,*ntatlve. Each and every otie Is a star In hix particular

i line of biislnesx. I-


S<*ranton I.nna Park, at Scrant<m. Pa., under the management of |.en B. Hbxut. will op**n M'>nday, May 34. In aiblltlon to the stamlanl

; attractlfxix such ax chutes, scenic railway, car¬ rousel, old mill, dancing pavilion. |xmy track.

, xlimding gallery, midway, etc., a nur.,iH*r of new attractione will lx* In <iiM*ratl<in this summer In-

I eluding the .Sea Disaster. Samb'rxon'x Marlon etti*s, Billlken's T**niple. sf*Teral jdatform shows, a mlnlatiirx* electric railway, an alligator aoo. a penny arcade, glass blowi'rs. etc. .\rthur J. Keller hna lx*<*n n*-engag*d ax director of publicity.



At a r«u*»nt me«*ting of the dlnx-torx of the Danville Fair Aas.xiatbxi. Ihinvilk-. Va.. Mr Holt S. I.loyd was eh.ct«I g<*m*ral manager, and will entf*r nT>on hix dutl<*s at ixice. Mr. IJoyd conM*s frtan Richmond, wle-rr* he has Ixx*ti asx*e clattxl for xrxne years pa«t In tlk* mnnagenk*nt of the State Fair. Contracts hare txx*n let for the Danville Fair Bnildingx. and the work Is progr<*xH|ng satl«factfrlly.



Capt. J.din Maitland. f'aTn<*rly [►r<*xs ag<*nt for Boxtock’s Animal Show at C«<m*.T Island, N. Y., has left the h<x>pltal at Manchest<*r. Eng., where he has Ixx'n for several nimiths. alkl will Ix-come the publicity pr<imoter of W. C Manning's S|xx-txclc. FIrt* and Hxnu*s. at White City, Mxnelicster. If Is the same sliow as given at Wond<*rlxnd. R<*vepi* R<*iich.


Ke«*n«*r, the great trfrttng mnn and Iron jaw i.erformer, has just epsexl a five months' tmir In vxiklevlHe. Keener Ixilda the title of world’s gr<*ateat irelt<>r weight lieavy weight lifter, and will lx* xe<*n atkl featured at the big fairs this fall ns a fr<*e act.

The lUanchester Driving Dark, Ulan- I chcxier, t> . will oiM'ii ell July .1, and It lx r<* i pertcil that 'xiiiie of the lH*xt li«*rx.‘x in the xlate will 1)1* broiighi to that city.


Tin* J. (lonrgt* I.ikts Shows, which ri*e.-utly evlilldtixl at Nxthez. .Mixx.; .krgetita, .Krk.: .Miixkogix'. nkla.. xml Tiilxx, nklx.. are xiilil to Ik* didng ... brexkitig buxln«*xx. Thlx ixaii|>atiy CHiTh*s tlftix*n p.xv xh<m«. nn*rr> g<e rixiiiil. bxtid. Dan* Devil Ih-volo In tin* Cage of Death, atkl alxuit thirty eixiei*xe|olix. The Ixkm Showx are b<x>ked for tin* in vf ten weekx.

Reid jind IgiHoyteaux, aeronauts, have lxx*n etigxgixl as one of the f.*atiin* attrxe tionx with the PillM'xtn .\niii*«*m«*iit Enter|>rlxe, and o|x n tlx- »*iixon at Ow.xisa. .MIeh.. Satiirilxy, -May 3!». They will alx<i have x.aiie prlveleg**. and a hig Fairy in tlie W.ll Slow with the same cmiiiaii.i.

Jack Wallace, well known In the vmulfvHU* mi<l om bav** ]Hnnt‘h<Nl Uh* Tiinilval 4'«MU|Miiiy. iin<l nn*

n<»u' ttMirinic ’Hu* r*niipaii.v iMiitl fns* «rt?» *n*l »

of concefl»ionH.

Mrs. James F. Murph.v, of the Smith Greater .Shows, wax taken xerionxly ill at llris t«d, 1\*nn.. ai:d wax reiiiooxi t** St. I.nke'x Hospital, where nii otM*rato>ti wax ix*rforiiuxl. At the prexent writing, she Is doing iiindy


Bay View Park. Buffalo, N. Y., had Its ofk'nlng May I.'t. A gri*at many Iniprove- nienta have lkx*n nia<1e this season, making It one of the best amiis,-mont resorts <ait of Buf¬ falo. Adolph Bnseh. tlk* manager, has ixin- fracted for some of the leading vaudeville |m>o- ple ami a larg«* thealn* has lx*«*n erecfixl In which will be given tlie lx*s( acts on the road. Mechanical devle»*s an*! haikl ciat<*erts will lend

pleasure to tlk* anuiik-menf seeker. The park is located abixit ten miles lait of the city on the xhon‘s of I.ake Erie.

Bavxmnc Park opened its preliminary aeas<*n May S. This i>ark has the Figiin* Eight, Scenic Railway. Pam'liig Pavilion, etc. It ba< a theatre seating 1.7<»>. Hie i*|H*nlng hill at the theatre was hi'Xdtxl hy E<lllh Helena. s.i|ira po. I'be rcmaiiKler of the Idll was made n|> as follows: Harry Jolxon. 3 Iteltun Bros.. Tyson and Brown. Allen. Ik-lmaii A Tliere arc balloons ra<*es ever.v aftermxin l>etw<s*n Prof. I/da and Mile. Theresa Band c»itkx*rlx every afternoon and evening

Gus. H. Warren, the general mana¬ ger of the .krniory Tloatr**. Ix-smsI the El«*clrlc Park. tix*ali*<l tx-fwis*n Ik* Kalh ami S.vram*>re. III., on May s. The niaiiagi'menl has ex tensive linpro\eineiils on gnuilidx. and lnstalle<| a iinmh<*r of amnx.’iiieiit devlix*x, making Ihlx the lea.Iing aninseineiif n-sort In this t<*rrlb*ry. Th** jiark o|k*ps on Sunday. June «

Manager L. Solm.m. of Canada's Coney Island. Htnlan's Point. Tonmto. haa ■ hIg gang of men g.*tting the big p*s,wi In siia|«e to o|x'ii Victoria Hay. May 34

Scarboro Beach, at Toronto, Can., will have a big f«*atiire In the m*w atlil<*tlc Iiark with a fine grami xtaml. whb-ii will l■lH*n on May 32



Every evening ami at the matinee iwrform- ano-a. .Miss Malx*! Wilbur (da.ilng In The Merry Widow, takea a bn<4iaml at the finale of the laat act of the piece, hut It lx announceil that she is going to tak*- a hii>baml In real life. Site la to w.xl Madixixi Corey, g.meral manager f<ir Henri- W Satag.-. and one ..f the lM*xt known theatrical men In .tnurb-a Tlk* dale of the w’lsbling hax not lxs*n ann<xinc,*d. tint It lx Iind<*wt<xal the niarrixge will take plare In June nr In the atitnmn


Frank Orlh. t>f iirth atkl Fern, mourns the Inax of hix father, who dbsl at his hmne In Plilladelphlt .m l*Ylda.v. May 14 agixl S'J years. Mr. Drth arrived In lime for lh«* funeral' from Gratkl Ilaphk. Mich


|k*s Motnex hxH aw’arded the eoiilrael for thx epTlIon of lu-r tiew Colls<*iim. Tlk* C, I,. Gray ConatriietliHi C*xii|iany. of SI. I.•xlla, got thx ji4i Tbe w<Hk lx to lie finlxhed xlld tlie liiilld Ing rt*x<ly for isx-upaiiey hy NoveiidxT 15,



Tlie Orplieiiiii |Hsi|ile will ere<*t a new llieatrt In SiiMix iil.t, Iowa, llilx xumm<*r. It will |,« on Fourth Hlr<x*t and It lx idxiiikxl tu o|K*n It hy January I. .k tenant for the old lirplk-nm, wl.i. will not tixe It XK a Ilk'Mtre, will lx* fouD<l lioweter, bi'bx'i' work on the new atnieiun- I— glux.

The MiiJcKtlc Thcaln*. Lincoln, Neb whieh hax U'eii pla.i Ing advamxxl vauih*vlllr cbis,*,! Ma.i I.'i .Maiiag’-r I.. .M. Giniian to iioiiiKX'a a Hi-xsixi of moling |>i<'lun*s during ths slimmer iu**uihx.



Murk le. tb«‘ dlrtH.*U»r of I'amhi* to Ik* ktitcti tli«* W4*«‘k of Jun# 12. oo fb«* Hion of (U«* odlt'lMl of tlH*

by ib«* Mayt»r ami tb«> of New York, baik tK*(*ur«N| a froat outulfrr of tioxW at tractlotiK f4»r tb«* %««*«‘k. Kv«»ry fcatur** lalll hebt Id the |»ut»llr |»laM at tbe Ulaod ap lirtMcb t*» tbe brbljce.

Mr. St4i(H**a b«-a(b|uart«*ra are at nmni 402 Acre Itulblliiit, Hr<*a«lway and 4.'bt ativrt.

ami altb<HiKb bM'atioua f«»r tbe attraribma ai> ItniltiKl. Idrector St4*o«‘ haa a few cb«»l<v ooe# left f«»r any biKb riaaa attractbaia itr novel eo t<‘rtainnM*iiia. Small rour«‘aa|ooa and {irhlleiCrf art* aim) Indtiir aold ami tbe entire affair aerma to Ik* In tbf t»n«fwT banda to luaka It a frta. auct*eaii.

A atrtklni: feature of tbe celet»ntloa la tbt $r>.(Nai 40CI11K r<*nti*et f«)r t^iieen «)f the (’arotval now l»elnK b«‘bl umler the auaplct*# of tb** Ne« York .\aierb an


ProinliH-nt anoaig Hm* ri*alure atlractlonx oti the Pay Streak at the Alaska Ynkoo Pacific Ki (ksiltUm will be the mammoth |iro<1ucttuii of tb* Great Dlkleliml Six«ctacle for which C. W Rei xtaiklx aa x[>onKor amt manager.

The iirutliictlaa. which will isxjiiira ttw* xrit Icea of otk* bundnxi ani fifty perfornk-rs. 1» away fmtn tlie atere<ity:Ks1 lim-a of the old plan tatlon ahow and will he ciMtumeil aikt mounted in tbe niixit lavish aiyh*. A x|iecial feature will Ik* niaib* of a aiieath gown cborua of fivty creole glrla aial a a<|uad of twenty liodlecs Janicx S l.acy, tbe well kmiwn leads>r, will hivs charge of the hand a-hlcti will buoiImw forty five. The aiklltiwluni. In which the perform anc<*a will hi* given, la an Immenia* atructiirs liN-xted In the center of the Pay Stn*ak and will liav,’ a seating rapacity of two Ihonaao*!


What IS clalmml will be one of the largest • ix'n air eiitertainniaiitx ever given In .Phlla didphli, will be lM*ld at tlk- Fhllxdeipbla llllHic dnaiic i.klhleiir Baxet.all Park i cotnmeDcing .Satttnlay, May 3li Om- tlMHiaaikl feet of mid way attrartlona will lx- one of the fealiires Novelty acts, rlmix acta ami novelty bande are now- Ix-ltig engagixl. ami all communlratbm. relstlt.* to such attraf'tbaia ah<xild he addrexaeC to M \V Ta.vlor. 4*13 4<i4 ibid Fellows' I'eiiiple Philadelphia. Pa.


Mr A M l.ltemiore, the gem*ral manag*' of Itlt.T Beach, which amiiM'nient rex.rrt I* con III tin- St Jix* Ainiiw-ment Co,, at SI J**s*^.li. Michigan, haa c<aiiptete.t all arrange iiii*iils fii. III- •u-a—iii iieactlcally ami i>rtsllrl* X prieux-nxix xiimno-r for all Iluxie cnm*,-nied

I He has xrraiigisl for a fim- line of conceaslona . iiie'iiding an allrxc||»e moelly ralbxl ’ f*xir

In OIK- " atkl will front link* to lime add to the aMiii*-eiik'nt ib*T|ix*« xlwav* with the Idea of

I <|nalily In mind



7^ 'W, r shows a amall ix.rtlon of the heaiitiriil lake, al Hover Park, IJma, Ghio. In the mnier left haml .siriii-r la a iilclnre of S litis Ik,).,,,,, prcaldeiit Hover Park haa thirty Imi I'.111!!'-‘'',1. . VaiHlevllle of the hlghe.l Haas la given, 'ITila park la Ihe^oBly amiiai-nient n-aorl of Its kind within a radliia of sixty iiillea. thus giving It a location hard to Iwal


CdnGS Novelties



Tli*> Ion* Io<»k<-il for mil of tbr pn-iirnt tbrit rloal wawin la «t band and tliat fani'MU allrr known aa "IlroadwaT." la now the nieeea of Innumerable memlara <tf the tbeatriral pn>fea- alon and during the aun ahine daja the comera of old ■•Ilroadwajr” are lltie«l with actora. aaenta. inanatcera. rboriia irlrla and othera, all with the aaiiie ijueittloD. “Who do you gn with ne\t a»-aaon?”

Ib-onfe A. Klorlda, who haa tieen In adranee of Married for Money, rliated hla aeaaon In Phil¬ adelphia the paat week at the National Theatre, and lmm<a|lately net aall for the Nararre Hotel, the home of aicenta and manarera. loeated In Went .'INth atrset. Alabama made the trip from the '‘Sh-epy City” In hla aiito and had all the liora In front of the Knirkerborker Katinx aa be flew by rfltth atr<-et.

The aeaaon of Yf>rke and Adama under the manaxement of 11. E. Korreater. oloaed at the Yorkville Theatre after a a*-aaon of TO weeka ami theae |a>|Milar eomedlana bid x'>o<l-bye to “I'layinx the |•onlea,” wbirh baa been their atarrinx rehlHe for the paat two yeara and wbleh they a|tta'an-d at the Circle Theatre, New York, for B<>veral montba. Next aeaaon they will xo out In a new mualcal pralnctloo arlth a niimla-r of new noreltlea railed In Africa, which will o[M-n about Anxuat 21. Tbe tKW>k of the new piece la by Aaron Hoffman, who la alao re- •lawialWe for Tlie Mttle Ttirk, in which Max K'ltrera will atar under ttie Klaw and Erlanxer banner the coinlnx theatrical year.

Murray and Mack opened their atock neaaoa ■ t tiM- tlrand 0[iera Houae, !>« Anxelea. In A NIxht on Kroadway. Did you aak me If I waa lu on It? No, only own tbe road lixhta and the prtaluctlon. Aak Ollle.

Jiiet had a letter from Clint Finney with the Centry Show, and from all reporta the “dox • ipery” la doinx aome biialneaa tbla year. The number one ahow la In Waahlnxton next week and the niimta-r two In Indlanapolla. Will bare to try aial catch the trlt>e on tbe lot In the Ibaatler rlllaxe aa 1 expect to be there then. Sure playinx aome citlea with the troopa tbla vear. Makea the fourth tented ahow for In¬ dlanapolla thia aeaaon ami they bare all had rain.

Herbert S. Biirna. ataxe manaxer of Torke and .\dama In I’layinx the I'onlea. left for hla home In Haxer-down, Md., after the cloae of the Company, where he will apeml the aummer, re- tumlnx abotjt the middle rtf July. Eddie Morrla of the aame company, will yo to Decatur, Ill..

i OR ALL OCCASIONS. Get Into the Gold Wire and

Novelty Jewelry Business Sales are made as fast as you can hand them out.

Street men everywhere are taking in money hand over fist. Receipts average them daily up to $75.

You know yourself the big crowds the wire men have at Fairs and Carnivals. The novelty of making the jewelry while the crowd waits draws them on. The effect is wonderful—marvelous!

Rake in the Sheckels as a Wire Worker • We furnish all the materials ready to be put ^ together instantly.

We send a beautiful illustrated catalog FREE, showing elaborate pictures of the goods you can offer for sale, together with a free Guide Book, which shows you step by step how you yourself can make this handsome w’ire jewelry and

Start in Two Hours—No Experience Needed Send for New Cut-Price Catalog With Extra 10 Per Cent Off

See the big Red Supplement showing goods at / cut prices, with 10% off anything in book.

If you are a “live wire’’ and looking for some- L thing good in the line, this is decidedly IT.

Send a postal for the two big cut-price books. Don’t delay. Write while it is fresh in your mind. The Fair and Carnival Season is opening V Jj|I| up all over the country, and ever\* moment is precious and means money. Send a postal now to ^

ROGERS, THURMAN & CO. DepL 1, 8S Wabash Ave., Chicago *

W« supply Amustmtnt

Parks, Niokal Shows,

Carnivals, Strati- man,

Knifa loard Man, Cana Rack Man, Novalty Oaalars,

ffii If ’’ Send for our ^ ' j large 1909 cata-

V Ji ) logue and get in right with the right house.

Western Bargain House, Wholesale Notions, Jewelry, Cutlery,

Watches, Novelties, etc.

242 E. Madison Si.,CHICAGO, ILL.

FREE FREE riRrWORKS—Send ordu. bow, m b. to grt tbrm id food (oaMB. CompM. aivti. 124b

SI ff.' up l'hlD.-w Fliwr.rki-r. pr« i b 72 up Y<hi ci.ibl not dupllratr ituantllb-. it Or. tliw. th. m.tH-r FI.AOS. I.Wri ltNS amt TOKI’F.IMIES at |.i« ptl. .» "K.t a lox” f<r th. aikinx Ymir I. It. -’ ■.! hrlnx* It. A. B. Mairyatt Co., Dopt. R 65 Writ Broadwap, Mrw York Cttj.

Do you want to save money on your supplies? If so, write to* dav for our 48 atlvance page of our forthcoming catalog. It’s FREE.

The advance pages quote lowest prices in staple goods, such as balloons, canes, whips, flags and decorations, notions, rubber balls, base balls, fishing tackle, carnival and street fair goods, etc.

M'estem agents for Eisenstein & Co.’s Canes^^and Allen’s Par¬ ing Knives.


Manufacturera. Jobbera. Importera.

240 East Madison Street, (Yellow Front) Thr nrw Elk*’ Thoilrr. Santa Fr. N. M.. I« m-arine rtunph-tl.m an.l will 1h> n-ad.r f.rr oc- .'iipanov Junr i. Tlr- rai'aoli.r .tf thr hotiwe la T’XV Thr rltH-frlc Ilxtillnx *'111 b** flm-. otrr llxht* Ix-itix tt'W'l In thr hulldlnx. an.l lh<- staar llxht* will hr<l h.r wrT.-n .Ilmni.T* TIh- hiilMIni; will hr wtram hrafrd. a—urinx o.mif.’rt f.w thr patron*. Thr *o*i>rry atal th,- rhair* hair b.H-n -hlpiM-,! ami will br In thr latf. r part of thr numrti. Th.- rn- tir.’ .l.*»n*talr* ami thrm- row* In thr halronY will havr full iiplii>l«trrv,l »rat*

Thr h -n*.' will Iw» oprn.*! ImmnlhitrlT up.’n .'oniplrthwt. alth.'uxh what thr oprnlnx prr- f .rmanri* will tw- ha* not xrt l-rrn drrl.lrd: It max h.- an oprrrlla hv l.w-al tairnt. If nothlnx t»-lt«r I* arallahlr at that tlmr. A flr*t cU*» ni.'vini plrturr marhinr haa Nn-n ptirrha*«l and will N- nin h.'twr.>n idar* Uooklnr* for nrxt *.-a*»»n an- now Iwinx madr. .4. J. Flshrr will art aa manaxrr


Nugiicl Jc>5clr>, Watch Chains, Charms, Stick Pins, Bracelets, etc

Seiiil 2c stamp for price list.


Midway between Minneepelis end St. Paul

September 6th to llth Wants Attractions suitable for the largest Fair on the American Conti¬ nent. Attendance in 1908—326,743. Address B. E. GREGORY, Superintendent of Amusements, State Fair Grounds, Hamline, Minn I'.agle meniliers to act as

agents for

EAGLE JEWELRY. Semi for ours|M‘Cinl cata¬

logue an«l terms. This gen¬ uine hand-cut ivorv charm for $2 00.

M. L. JEWELRY CO.. 2S6 E. Madison St., Ckloago. Ill,

"'?N”o°ur SOAP AGENTS Grt our prlora on aoae and tollrt artlcloa. They will Interest you. Our adrertlaing

assorted packaxe* with xatuahle premiums have tbe flash and value that xet the money. KveryNidy usea them. MAKK GKK.AT SOCVKMKS FOR SHOWS. rARNlVAI.8. ETC. kloney xettera for canvassers aad fskers. One younx man cleared 61,008.53 in 6 montba stralxht on a bouse to houae canvass. Are v.ui doliix as well? If not, soud postal tmlay. \Ve will teach you how. E. X. DAvIS SOAP CO., 38 Union Park Court. Chicaxo.


Higli Grade Ice Cream Cones I’RIfKH ON APPLICATION.

the calia cone CO. Straight Pin Set Spindle

•After .Team of exi>erlmentiDK. we are the only Arm to produce lb<> xteatest spimlle ever lnvent>-d. xuaranteed to work perfect. Sixe. 22x22 inches; cv^mes In handsome case; price, 350.00. Re- uifirl^r we are still selling tbe twisted wire set Spindle; prica,

TTie World’s Fair Striker, the Evans Bee Hive Drcm ('as ‘s, ami all fair xfound xoods. The Evans New Roulette Wheel, ixuiiidete. with l.lXXl Hairis Checks. Price, 3150.00. Check Cop. 3:1.(>0 per iHitlle. Dice of all kinds. Wo make and sell more of the*,' kvhhIs than all others combined. Send for Free Catalogna. Alldress H. C. EVANS A CO., 125 Clark Street, Chicaxo. IlL


DOME. OiT Eaal Paarl Straat.


0 RUN a Movlnx Picture Marhiae, "ii- nlready ail opi’rsler, learn hew ex iMiliisilena. ,| for LI N D.\I.I.',*(

K I KR IXI’FRAl'OliS .t sii|i|>lemeiit

xlvliix answer* to l|ll•■*tloll* prewnli d rtiiiliier* til otM-rator* who wIhIi t«> lien... The Mux lux I’letiire Werld

exer.x week filT * sliorl llllle 111 all •if (III* ImmiI Sent l•l■*tpshl on re

.. SOUTKF.BN FILM EX- 845 Main St.



I'lie Iiexx xsiidevllle heii*i' st Erl, e Cohuilsl. hiilll hv Aiidrexx I enivl xxllh s fli«t cls*« X. Max 10, 111 esp.vellv husliix-** *1* ixxer mie llitHissn.l iK-ixpIe imiiilii* XX he I* iiisiiaxer .>f the lu el* 1.1 Ki*-p eiien the xesr reiinil

Norfolk. Va.

26 X li e Billboard MAY 22, 1909

CLASSIFIED CORRESPONDENCE Town* under twenty thousand (iren representation only every alternate week. If Information aouKht for la not In this Issue, aw iLe Issue of M.ij 1.% or Mar -t*

The Billboard wants a representative in every city uot already pro'ldwl for. Only hustlers need ap|ily. Must !«• yimuif mau of (:o»sl |M-rsonal adilresa, |MTUisiieiitly located, sho can write a (ood letter for publication, and who has a keen eye f. r news and business. .Applicants must have nH'oiiimemlatlous from theatre iiiaiistters In the city they wish to r<-|>r«'sent. Two other recommendations required, ^-ud late photo^apb, state age, and exi>erleuce In newspai>er work. A lltteral commission paid on all business scfuri-d. Terms easy. Write for particulars ti Correspondents' Department.

ARKANSAS. CAMDEN.—K. O. I*. 0|>era House (Wm. Klee,

mgr.) .May 0, 7, 8, W<xid Sisters Co. OLYM- I’lC (Dick Biard, mgr.) Moving pictures and songs.

PINE BLUFF.—EI.KS’ THK.ATllE (E. C. Wllbolt. mgr.) Ben and Bessie Lucifer, Bel¬ lows. Temide and Allen .and moving pictures week of May ,1. THEAToKM M (Mr. Brown, mgr.) Mysterious Di-Vaux we<-k of May 3.


mgr.) Second wm-k of K<»lt> and Dill In The I*ol iticians week of Ma.v lb. BEI.ASCI). Tenth wiH-k of la-wls B. Stone and the Belaaco Stock Company in Tli • Dollar Mark wer'k of May 10. BI’RBANK (Oliver Morosco. nigr.i Burbank Sto<-k fonniany lu Our New Minister w<-ek of May 10. (ilt.AND. Murray and Mack and their Musical Coinitany in second week of A Night on Broailway week of .May 10. 011 PHEt'M (Clarence Drown. mgr.) Margaret Moffett and Co., Donald and Carson. The Sand- wlnas. Oordon and Marx, S. Miller Kent and Co., Joy Violetta. Dunlap. McCormick and Com- panv, la-w Sullv and moving pictures week of May 10. WALKER (J. H. lMei«T. mgr.) Clay Dagneau and her ilancing Isiys. Tony Ryder's Trained Monkeys, Edythe Taylor. Musical Alll- s«in. Alls-rt Lane, Marry Cornell, Jos. Manley. Illustrated songs and moving jdctiires week of May 10. LOS ANdELES THEATRE. Joe Ellnn. Carylye's Dogs. Wart»'nburg Brothers, Delmore and Onelila, Hetty I'rma and moving pictures week of 10. EMPIRE (W. J. Eulker- aon. mgr.) Return engagement of John L. Sul llvan and Jake Kilrain, Bessie Evans, Reed and Arbuckle, Hrace Sisters. Hmisley and Russell. Hearn and Rutter, Al. ('ranks, moving pictures and lllnstrateil songs week of 10. REGAL (C. M. Rockoven, mgr.) R. la-ro.v Carndi. Jas. Hethrington. Crawford, llmer, Crawford Com- panv, Matsd Hoyt, moving pictures week of Ma.v 10. FISHER'.S (,'<mlth & Warren, props.) Four Trami>s. Eight Hl|»isslrome Girls, Billy Onslaw, Flo Morrison and moving pictures week of 10. CNlgl'E (Harta & Zalle, mgrs.) J. P. Wilde's Travelogues. Irene Earle, illustrateil Songs; fnlijue M)isical Comedy Co. In Stage Struck week of Ma.v 10. CINEIMJRAPH (J. A. Browne, mgr.) la-na, serio-comic; Susie Wlldle, Miubrette; Renaldo, head and hand balancer; I/enora Croft, lll)istrated songs and moving pictures we» k of May 10. P.At'L H.AYS.

SAN FRANCISCO.—van NESS (Gottlob, Marx anil Co., mgrs.) Nat Gisslwin and Edna Goodrich in Tlje Easterner week 10. AMERI¬ CAN (Al>e S. ftolin. mgr.) Wllkerson's Min¬ strels and Musical Comedy Co. we«‘k 10. VALEN¬ CIA (W. H. Hoff, mgr.) Stock Co. In S|s>rtlng Life week 10. PRINCESS (lioverich & Camp- Isdl. mgrs.) Plff, Paff. Pouf wee-k 10. AIX'A- ZAR (G. H. Davis, mgr.) The Boys of Coiii- |.any B. wm-k 10. FISHER'S (E. A. Fisher, mgr.) The Advance Agent week 10. GARRICK (W. I.. Greenabaum, mgr.) Burton Holmes Travelogues we<‘k 10. ORPHEl’M (John Mor- rls«iy, mgr.) Rnssidl Bros.. Five Juggling Nor¬ mans. Frederick Allen and Co.. Prancinl-Olloms and Page. Angela Dolores. Melnotte Twins and Clay Smith. Hawthorne and Burt. IjtVelara and moving pictures week 10. N.ATIONAL (Sid Grauman, mgr.) Qtiaker City Four, Bonnie Gay- lor. Four Haydens. Lewis and Young. Nlta Allen and Co.. Frank Bush. Matt Keefe and moving idetures week 9. WIGWAM (Sam Har¬ ris, mgr.) George Wilson. Mme. Dorothy's Poislles, Mr. and Mrs. Robyns. Manning and Dixon, and others week 9. PANTAGE'S EM¬ PIRE (W. Z. Tlffi-ny. mgr.) Mrs. Maud Evans and others w.>ek 9. CENTRAL (E. E. Howell, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures we<‘k 9. S'TAR (Zlck Abrams, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving (detures week 9. GRAND (Alburn A Ixiahy, mgrs.) Vaudeville and moving plcturi'S week 9. SILVER I'ALACE (Ben Michaels, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures week 9. WASHINGTON SQCARE (Ike Marks, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures wm-k 9.


Richard Jose and Company in Jane May 11-3. James Post Musical Comedy Company and the Duty Korns in Mr. Munihy In Paris week May 4. Same company in May The Best Man Win w-eek May 10. PICKWICK (S. A. Palmer, mgr.) Edward Armstrong Musical Comevly Comiiany In Ida From Idaho week of May 3. Same


The most Instantam-oiis and striking miccess In amus»*mit)t park annals has las-n achlevtsi by T. Van Kannel's Waterless Wave Propelleil Pleasure Course, which, umler the name of The Witching Waves, ois-netl at Luna Park on July 2. last summer.

The public knows Instantly what j)leases It and Its judgnwnt Is swift and unerring. Before Tlie Witching Waves had las-n o|a-ned two hours all Coney Islaixl km-w the veriliet and that at last the real thing, something absolutely or¬ iginal, yet with elements that wlil make It as permam'nt an amusement featun- as the merry- go round, had made Its a)>p<“arance. Ever since tl)e opening hour the t>roia>rtlon of the people entering the park who have pstronlu-d this fascinating riile ami the numb*-r of n'pi-at- ers have lx“en unprecedented In the histor.v of parks and aniusenwnt devices. TIm- wcoml fares ninning fmm forty to sixty ja-r cent, of the amount taken at the tlck«-t booth, tell the story.

This unparalleldd success is due to the entire absence of danger. Children and old people un- accompanhsl make the voyage with delight; the novelty ami fascination of the mysterious propelling fiwre, and atxtve all the real human element In the thing which brings Into plav the character and dl)»i>osltlon of each indlvldtial. Hundreds of peoide stand for hours outside the railing, watching the passiiig human panorama.

con)|>any In Little Robinson Crusoe week of (I May lU. QUEEN (Swarts & Urban, mgrs.) Q Sullivan & Cunsidine Vaudeville. Welsh and Earl, the Two lu White, singing and ilancing; Flora Browning, the Girl with the Diamond Heels, with Keller, the whistler; Ia‘S Georg- ettya, Euni|>ean gymnasts; Hetty Urma. Eng- k lish character comedienne, and motion pictures a week of May 3. Ellsworth and Lindon, In u sketch Ills Day Off; Krrac, violinist; Hie At (. lantic City Four, musical sketch; Joe Watson, p iiioiMdogist. and motion idetures wwk of May 10. EMPIRE (H. H. Bosiey. mgr.) The Two Aspiralls, conieil.T sketch; Hyman Sisters, (letlte singers and dancers; Ib-Iacuur and Fields In I) The Anti-race track bill; motion pictures and a Illustrated songs wis-k of May 3. Otto C. I, Ralte, the musical Samls); H. R. Emerson and « FMna Sommers, In coinmly sketch. Almost; David v Porter, in The Law of the Des«-rt. and Ulus- o, tratisl songs and latest motion pictures week of May 10. GRAND (Waller J. Fulkerson, mgr.) John L. Sullivan and Jake Kilrain In thre«‘-round sparring contest; Trixeila ami Rob- , insou, lightning change song and dance art- , ista; John Atkins, tramp commlian; Marty, ' conii-dy Juggler; Clara D’Agneau and her danc- . Ing hoys week of May 3. Annenta Brothers, whlrlwiml tumblers; Tim Two Johnsons, song ■ and dance team; Kiltie Duo. musical act; illiis- tratwl songs and motion idetures wiH>k of May 10. GAIETY (R. A. Marsh, mgr.) Libby Blon delle and Aubrey Carr in sketch: Imw Fields and Genevieve I)elacour. In coimsly speclalt.v . Swan WisHl, fantastic dams-r; motion pictures and lllustrateil songs wimk of May 10. UNION, r Motion pictures w<>ek of May 10. BIJOU (Me- Conville A Isiwry. mgrs.) Imonard D. Hollister, baritone: Imda Lyman, pianiste; motion pic¬ tures and lllustrateil gongs week of Mav 10. „


mgr.) Madam Naximova In repertoire week 10. t Yel.lBERTY (Frank Graham, mgr.) The Prl- s somy of Zenda week 10. BROADWAY (Guy Smith, mgr.) Stock Co. In melislrama week 10. ORPHEUM (Geo. Els-y, )ngr.) Grlgolettl's .\er- o lal Ballet, Amatis Sisters. Lillian Mortimer A Co., Frank Fogarty. Paul Sandor's Miniature i CIruue, FYed Ray's Pla.vers Arcadia, Knight Bros, and Sawtelle and moving pictures we<>k ( 9. BELI< (Gus Cohn, mgr.) Jessie Morris' Dresden Didls. Duff and Walsh. Mis-k Inter t national Trio. Morton and Riissi'll. Manning and Dixon, V. I,. Granville and Cit., and moving • pictures wei-k 9. IDORA PARK (B. P. Miller, mgr.) Patrick Conway's Band. Blckett Fauilly. IxiNcde Bres.. Tote Ducrow and Pain's Mount Vesuvius wm'k 10.

FRESNO.—novelty (A. J Hotchkiss, mgr.) Little Hip, Kelly and Davis. H. T.vler and mnv- I Ing pictures week 9.

STOCKTON.—BEI.L. Iva Donnette, McISiU- ! aid Sisters. Llble-y and Trayer. Mr. and Mrs. '■ Ellis. Jas. T. Deiuin and moving pictures wis-k i

; i VALLEJO. — NOVELTY (Sam Mendelsohn. ‘

mgr.) Brlndamour. Eva Wesc«>tt. Tom Itiigan and others we<-k 9.


DENVER.—BROADWAY (Peter McC.nirt. i mgr.) Ethel Barrymon- in Ixid.v Frederick week of Ma.v seventeen. T.\B()R GRAND : (Peter McCiairt. mgr.) Daniel Sully In Tlie j Matchmaker week of May 17. CURTIS (Pelton A Smntxer. mgr«.) .\t Olpple Cns-k week of i May 1«. ORPHEUM (A. C. Carson, mgr.) i Helena Frederick and Ounpany In The Patriot: i Persse and Mason. Armstrong and fTark, I.oney Haskell. Sisters Athletas. Elsie Miller and Weston and the Two VIndobonas week of May 17. MAJESTIC (Daniel p. McCoy, mgr.)

, Marco Twins. Manuel Romalne anti Co.. Ray W. : Snow. Flora Rntwning ami Keller. Mimller and

Mueller and I-es Georgett.vs week of May LI. CRYSTAL. Five Amanis. Hodges and Latineh- '

; mere, Marty. Tt)e Grt-at Evans ami West and Mack week of May 1.1.


mgr.) Tlie Show GIri (local) week of May 10; summer se.sstm of moving pictures and vamle- ville ni>ens May 17. POLI'S (S. J. Bretui. mgr.) Pat R'loney Co.. The Watermelon Trust. Lane- ton Lncler Co.. Corcoran and Dixon. VInIe Daly, Jas. B. McDonald. Deienxo and Ladue and mov¬ ing pictures wtek of Ma.v 10: Summer Stock Co.

: in Her Own Way week of 17. WATERBURY.—JAtXjUES OPERA HOUSE

(D. I. McNamara, mgr.) Poll's Own Stock Com- , I psny In Held tiy the E'leniy week of May 19;

Til R.iad to Yesterday, tiy same company, wtek of 17. PoI.US (Harry Parsons, mgr. i Imiw-rlal 0|s-ra Co. Mav 7 S; Imperial Pictures 9; Fretl i Ni<do I.T. UNDER CANVAS -RInglIng Broth ' ers' Circus June 23.

(Eugene Kernan. mgr.) Smart Set wfek of 10; ilcturoun Burleisi.iera week of 17.



ker, liigr.) Wellington ami Black w ill) (heir amiisetiient compaiit opened .May s. Vamleville. moving pictures, etc., .May 17 2'J I'.VSITME (J. W. Vestal, uigr.) Vaudeville and into ing pictures 17


B.‘rusieln. mgr.) Vaudeville luotlng pictures ami stHigs W'eek of Ma.v ;{. .\IRIM)ME (F. .V. Luck, mgr.) Vaudeville and ntoving idetiircs wrnk of May 3. LAKE VHiW CASINO tJike Wells, mgr.) 0|m'us May 17 with a iitiisleal cxaiiedy eouipany.


Askiii. uigr.) A Gentleman from Mis-—ippl fourth wtvk coiuim-iicing .May 17.

COLONIAL (Geo. C. laslerer, mgr. i The Merry Widow, fourth week.

ILLINOIS (Will J. Davis, mgr. i The Travel¬ ing Sali-sman, sixth week.

POWER'S I Victor toMlcrls, mgr.) My I’eiy, with Tim .Murpliy. sevauid wvs-k.

AMERICAN MUSIC HALL iMr. W. T Gro ver mgr.) VaudeviDe hill, iuclmliiig J. J. Jeffi lea.

GARRICK IHcrbcrt C. Duce. uigr.' Miss Gower, with Mary Maiiuerlng. second w.-.-k.

MAJESTIC (Lyman B. Glover, uigr. i Vaude ville.

WHITNEY OPERA HOUSE i Frank O P.s rs, mgr. I The Bacbchir. with Charles Cherry, aec-.ind wts-k.

CHICAC.O OPERA HOUSE iGco. Kliig'l.ury. mgr.I .Mary Jaue'a Pa with llcury E I'lvcy, alxth vvis-k.

OLYXtPIC. Moving pictures. PR''.CESS iMort H. Singer, liigr.t The Prince

of Ti Night, fiftts-nth week. GREVT NORTHERN (F. ( . Els-rts. mgr.) Tim

Alaskan, sixth w<s-k. L.A SALLE iMort H. Singer, mgr.) The

(Jolden Girl, fifteenth wis’k. McVK'KKRS Kbsi. C. Warren, mgr.) The

Slna of S<M-lety, sixth w<s-k.

BUSH TEMPLE tSam P. tieraou, mgr.) )aii deville.

M.XRI.OWE (Vl)ieeiit 11. Gore, mgr. I Clos,,! COLUMBUS I Will Marsliall, mgr. i Vamlevt!'!- I'EOI'I.E'S (Jas. ITIgrIm, mgr. t Fra Dlavslo NATIONAL (Evlwlu Cliffonl, mgr. t Boys ..f

Coiiipaiiy B. ALHAMBRA (Weber Bros , mgrs.t J. -,|s


BIJOU (Wm. RiK-h<', mgr. I Fam hou .s Uriekot.

.yc.xDEMY (Wm. ItiM-ho, mgr, I Bores '1 li asliesk.v ill re|M'rtoire iM-giiintlig .May 21

TRIH'ADEUO (T. M. Weliigardeu. mgr i 1 . eadero Stis k.

I'Ol.l.^ iJ. J. Feliiieasy, mgr. I The Big I;. view.

STAR A GARTER (U. J. Heruiaiin. ms' • Blaiiehe Stanley.

EMPIRE 'I'be Broadway Gaiety Girls COLLEGE (('. J. Sruilh. mgr.I Cloaed.

MARION. —ROLAND IHEATRE (U. F. It 1 and. mgr. I Vamleville and iiiovliig piclurea w.-.k of May It). UNDER CANVAS, lodlmar Br ■ I hers' Ulreiis May 24.

STERLING A('ADEM\ OF MUSIC (Wm L I.ii'p. mgr. I Howe'a .Moving Pictures M.iv 4

STAR VAI DEVILLE tHeghtol A Sehrai'd-r mgrs.) Jo-ie Carsello and L<ai Dutihar .May ;»

BAXTER VAI DEVHJ.E (Paul liaxter, mgr ■ The I)> rrlls May :t S.


E. W ilis, mgr.) 'The Japaiies<- Girl (local) May

9. CoLO.NIAL (Joe Brokaw, tugr.) M-o ig pictur.-s and vaudeville. MAJESTIC (E. Mllhr. uigr.) Silvo. bamicuff king. .May 9 It).

EVANSVILLE.—OAK SUMMIT tSwvs-fm .X R.vynioiid. mgrs.) Creature and his Band .XL' 2: va;ide)itle will (s- featured here witbiii a

few wis-ks. ORI'HF.UM (Chas. Swt-e'on. mgr Bingham ami Gable. Foiigilere ami Enino-r- law Hoffman. Dawson and Ibsitb weik "f

May 2 WEI.IJC BIJoC (Chaa. Swei-tou. mgr i TIh' (ilrl. the Governor and the Wise Guy. |.y

the Wxyne CoD)edy Co. wis-k of May 2. B.itss

In Toyland week of it. XI.VJE.STlC (Edw Ra.v moud. mgr. t Nat la-iniigwell. Toni .Mab-uoy.

The Delxaroa. Victor Faust and moving |i c tiircs w.s-k of 3 AIRIKIME i Ronald W 1-,

n)gr.t Will »«>n <i|M-n with rattdcvllle. UNI'LK

$200 A WEEK AT LUNA PARK The Isix hall eoheession at Luna

Park t<K>k In $'2(a) a week last s.-a son. Isn't that re<s*rd hard to Is-at when you consider that the ci>st of Isix Itall alleys is less than the re vs-lpis for o)ie wi-ekV

Reeeiids are all probt except for rent. Players set lls- pins with a lever and the lialls are anlo)natlr ally reinrmsl. so uo pin Isiy is inssl tsl. One man to mllvet the money ia all th.xt's ms-devl and he can take eare of ten alleya.

Crowds go wild with enthusiasm over this game. Women atid chil drei), as well as iiieu, play gatne sfter game. They never tire. The more they play the more they want to kis-p on playing. Teams and


clulis are often formed and come out certain evenings and play for hours.

tince you make a cualotiier with this game be Is a steady patron, for M)e game la so faarlnallng that he tnvarialdy wants to try It whenever he Is III the nark. No one ever likes to <|uit a loser lui they (day »ii aisl oil rather than give up beaten.

One game usually lasts six niluiiles will) two players. At 3 rents each, tbal'a fl.iNi an hour from every alley. klgure the profit for your self. Alleya ran t>e m-I up or taken down easily for travel. Write for our big Illustrated Issiklel ami s|n- rial terms so that you etii pay for the alley aliissit entirely out of the prollB of the business. Write us today.

Bnren Bt., Indiaiupolit. Indiana.


stader. owner and mgr.) Will rmiimn Monday Mav Id for two weeks. Tlie flrst week's Idll Includes; Mile. Mlldr>d. mind resd*-r; Bonita. 1 evv Welsh. Tr>m Moore and others, UNDER CANVAS Rtngliiig Bros. Clreiis will show here on May 14. The Urdom I Francis Fersrl Trslm-d Wild Animal and Arena and Exis<slllon Stmwa will exiilbit during the entire wis-k of May 17.


mgr.i The Mule Minister I<) and week; Merely •Mary Ann 17 and w<s-k. NEW NATIONAL (W. H. Rajdey. mgr.) A)>orn 0|>era Uo. In S<-renaiIe 10 and we<-k; aame company In Hlghwaymin 17 and week. BFT.A.SCO (L. Sto.Idard Tavpir. mgr.) English Opera Co. In Madam Itiitti-rtly ; week of 10; John Maaon In The Wltrhlng H<air I week of 17. CHASE’S (A. W IN-Witt mgr.) Vaudeville. ACADEMY OF MUSIC (J. W I.y ons. mgr.) Grauatark wr-ek of 10; Rose Melville In Sla Hopkina week of 17 GAIETY (Wm S Clark, mgr.i Fada and Folllea week of 10: The Bowery Burl<SM|iiers week of 17. NEW LYCEUM

pnisiM OFFICK OF TUK O. T. <'lt \\VI'(>UI> FII.M F.X-






gXk O. T. CRAWFORD RLM EX. CO. (LIconspi* of Motion IMcturp Fatentii ('o.)

314 Carondelet Street,


MAY 22, 1909. Xtic Billboard 27

t'ANVAS—lUriiiiiii ■■111 Hall<-)r Show* May 13. HAKTIORO city.—VA.S ri.KVK TIIKATKE

(Will. K.'IIIP, uiKr.) Hilly l.liik'a Vaiiili-vlllr Hiiil iiiiialcal ('<>liie«ly Co. .May 10 11; Tlie Cot *riM>r. till- Clrl aoil lliv W'Im* Uiiy May 22.

KOKOMO. -SICK TIIEATUK (C. W. Hll>f. mar I Cool< .Stork Co. .May 10 15.

INDIANAPOLIS.—K.Mil.ISlI S Ol*. Mill HE (A. I' .MIlliT. iiiicr. I V a mil-VI Ur »wk of .May ;t. CIIA.MI isiiafcr /.IcxU-r, iiiicr. I l.lly Ir-ua, KIraiior Conlou ami Co.. .Mazir KinK ami liaa (.rra. Traialo. Saui Slrni, Nk'liula Slatrra, 'riin-r

Caron ami Fariiiiiii Mm-k of May 3. I'AUK iW'. <•. lioH'lliy, mar. I lloI<l<-ii Stork Co Id 'I'lir SIlTcr Kliix wit-k of )lay .'I. K.M ■ ’IKK iMr. IliirtoD. mar. I .MIm-r'a Uolii-iulaDa wr,'k "f ■*' I'.SDKU CA.NVAS: Hiiniulu A Hall*) .Sliow .May In.

MARUNSVILLE-I .M»I;K canvas—Mm-rr l<rolll■r^. nfirr cliailiia wHii Tin- Cry Haby i',>iii|iKi.>, oprii tbi-lr Cuy Stork Coiii|>aiiy iin o-r >.iiiia«. work of May .3. t••■Iltr> Hrotlirra' Ih.a aii'l l’oii.v Show .M iy 15. WICWA.M 'IIIE ATKK Clifton U.'inrily Co. work of .May 10.

NEW CASTLE.—Al.C.\/..\ll ill. K. Hrown. mar. I \Va)nr .Mu-lral Coninly Co. In Tlie liov- • riior, llir tilrl ami the Wiar tiny 13 13; l*rla .'Ilia iliM-ali '.’S 30; Tamirvlllr aa-auin U-alna May 31. ST.IK tC C. Ilarlry, mar. i Vauilr \lllr anil uioilnx iiirluri-a. TIIK.\T<)I(1I'M iW arri-i S.’binlilt. mar. I VamlrTlIlr ami movina |iii lnri'« FClt.N IK. II. Krltb. mar. I Vauilr \il|.- ami aiilnialril virwa.

PRINCETON.—Klim lirKIlA HOI SE (Cro. I’ Klill. mar. I Molina pirtun-a ami aonaa work ..f M.iy ID. .VIHIitiME tV. I.. Uambir, mgr.) lli. mt..r«on Slm-k Co. May 17 31»

RICHMOND. -CENNEIT THEATUE (Mra. Ira Snl-hi-r. mar. i Carl \V. Co<ai Stork Co. May III l.'i .NEW |•HI1.1.II•S (It. (I. .Murray, mgr., M.aa El a llazrltliir, Mlaa Nrttlr TbonipMiD. M.fa Cirollna l‘nlltam, Itannoo TroU|>r of Jug alira. Cla.iton lin-w ami 1‘layrra, Myrtlr lirif fltb. .Mr«. K. Slo ami I'ott Ilrotbrra ami Co. «m.k of May lU. Cttl.lSEI'.M ICIrm Carr, mar I lir.-ainlaml (localI May II.

WASHINGTON -AIKItoME (.MInlow Moorc, mart S.-.iinoiir Slatrra. alnalng an.l (lancing; Horr Si'bnrlilcr. akctrb artlat; Mualcal Itrlarl 17 lu


10. ir. C.ti Stock Company In Tlic Walla of Jorli'ho Wmk of 17. .Saloniy Jane. THE E.IMII.Y (J. .\ Miinr.r-. mgr. I Jobnny I>eacb. inlernitlonal atory toller; Ciirnlon J. Colvin. The Warrick', comoily trick Imua,.; Edna Hav oiiiiort. .-inair and dancer. laalM-lle llowoll and Co. mii'l.'al art; l*al Cranford, blackface; Tbe IjiVell'. daiicina i«'>mbT»; Will E>kr; Mae Uaclell an.I Her Tno S..arecro*«. and motion I'lclnr. 'i 'lIlE HCUTIS iCbaa Kindt, mgr. i CKne.l for the .ST.IK ill..aa Hroa. mar' > .liiloniatir vaudeville. THE ijr.lLITY. .Vntomatlc lamleillle. THE AlltlHiME tR..y mgr i iiieMiing M iy :il with tbe Hick man r.. ".I Cirtiii*any. THE ELITE (Cha«. Herk •11. mar Elite seek Co In The Mlatakea of I Mother in III! ; .M.»« Itevrlro; motion |drtnrea.

DE8 MOINES. Ed.STEU S ll|•KUA HorSE (Mm. E.'ter. mgr 1 The lied Mill May 6; Ethel E-irr.imore ;n Lady Frederick Ht. NEW CltWIi iWni. F.e'ter. mgr i The Crai-e Hay- Until|>aiiy In reie-rtolre M.iy v •►!. CNIijEE (Ettart A Cetch-ll, nigra. 1 Vamlevllle and moT Ina p'l liirea I.VKIC (I. Knl« n. mgr i Vaiide- lille. ni'iiing plctrrea and aong'. .\ITtITllllirM (Wni E 'ler. mgr. I Frank C.'tcb. n rv'tler. def. ate.l J.aa lleinmcr Ma.r 3 M IJESTIC iC..l Feed Hiieliaoin. mgr. I Cbaa Hana Oib a. ■' Eb etrllied Clrl Itei lew, Frank Nela.m in.l C. . ItoKera. Waltera an.l ('na.ker. W 11. W' itile. Mr and Mra. Harry CLvrk. ami .kmea ainl ('..rla-lt weak of May 3 Charlotte Parry. Jiillna T. niieii. Eight Hrlgtnal .Madra|ia. Ver- la.II C Herta-rt Mitchell. Thr«e lloliemlan'. and le .md Tilley week of ». E.IMII.V an.I DltE.lML.lNli (J Miloalowaky. nigr.i Vau d.'\ lie an.I 'iiovlna idetnrea.

DUBDtJUE CIIANH (IPEIIA HOESE (Wm I. Hr ille.i. mgr. I Ma'a New Huaband May •> Marie Jl HIJiH' (Jake It.aenthal. logr I Ceo. Hillman and III* lledpatb Na|ia Ilia-' an.I other tan.levllle nnniiM.ra wi.«.k of May :i i Ti ii'nieyer and 111* London C.miiianv wtek of Mil HI AlltlHiME Will ot«n May 21 with Mlaa Jane ItalH'ick and hi r atock company In r.i»rt.iire STIIEET CAIINTV 11,—Wiaalm.n of the World will hold their atn-ct carnival July I'.i 111 The Parker Shown will fnrni'h the atlrart'ina CNION P.IIIK. The Inimenae l•■••flaI the.Ire. with a aeatlng capacity of 3.(aa'. la lo' comideilun for the ae.ia.m'a opiining

MASON CITY. WII.SdN THEATUE iT J Vriliiii nigr > .A StiildMirn Cinderella tretnm

• ng igeineiii I a. Itorolh) W.aal Sl.ak Co. wi>ek of M .T HI

RED OAK. P.EAUHSLEY THEATRE d. M H.-ardalei. nigr i The Rnnawaia Mav 111; mov log pi Inna oil I,inn dalea. ’ CdMlTT tl. P P'i. -'(nan. mgr ; Hardy and H'.klmain and P'iln.itu and Putnam May 3 s


Crawf..rd. mgr i Tlie Clrl lyneatlon. with Paul s. wrcatling niateh. Hr. Hen ll.dlera

>* HJaliner I.nnilln. II; Tlinii Wmka 13; llirrv Hereafon! in Who'a Yonr Friend. 14. High S.' Hraniatic Clnli l.‘i; Mra Flake In Salylli.n Nell -22: The Hliie Mmiae 37 3i> MA JEs riC tJai.iea 11 Ki arncv. mgr. I Chefalo and Cai.ri iiii, Williaina an.I Thonipaon and Co .

W llllain Hiaine. Holph and Sidle I.cvlnn, The llTie IH niarlaio llrothera. Mlaa Harh kman and tlie Ma||aroini Week of 10 NdVFl-I Y (Roy

Ctawf.ird. mgr.) North Hn.them' Stock Co. and Clil. ago l.ndliia' dreliealra wii k of lO .AIR

lidME III.IV I'rawf.inl. ingr. I 33 with 'he ll.irn Plaiera. featuring I’ntiy Stark ME SIC II M.l. iCharlea Sleiiihiirg. mgr l Itollcr ••la'lng (J H HltdH

WICHITA. NEW CIIAWIMUH (E I Mart Hug. mgr I The Ctrl (yiiiH.ihin May U; la'W li-a kaii.l.., •, MHialnla 7. Thre.. W.nka II; Mra f llellnr. aong nn Ital I'.' NEW AriH IdliifM ,j Wolfe, nigr » The Wolfe Mock <" In Ml Wife week 'I PltlNCE-S.S (I.. M 'liller. n gr i I laiikliii AnMl nml t o In Cat '•iriiphe Stnhidellelil Tilo. !{.>.» IH.iiia. New

meridian airdome opened.

Hie in w Alrdioiie. at Meridian. Mlaa owmal ■lid iiiiimaial 111 Mr amt Mra Jolin AV.aalfonI "laalfonl and Marllairoi waa oin.mnl for Ih,'

'• ■I'aai. May .'t caiiacllr hnaliwaa The olllal hill waa made up of Canii>n>n ami Tolinlo,

Clitic iSatT) dwell and Contiianv. Milan and Hn •■aa Kiataii and SIdiiei and ToVto Mnratn A .'** I'*'*'S‘ orcheatra. iiialer the dlpm-llon of Prof,

'oavfcw, K Ta) hw. haa Ixa n isiiployial.

hoff and Pljelim, John IciClalrc, Karl Hummel. HInatrated aonga and moving plctiirea. OK PHEL'.M (K. (J. Olatin. mgr.) Hale I>ifwltb Trio; 11. Halaii. Jap juggler; Holdaworth Twlna, coiiiediaiia; Irlah Jimmy Hiirrell; Emil Olaon, wiiiga and Polyaco|n- wi-.-k of 10. YALE (Jake I Freea. mgr.) Vaudeville and moving plcturea. .NOA’EI.'l Y lOarrlty A Herry, nigra.) Vaude- ' vllle and moving plctnrea. WONHERLANH PARK (J. T. Nultle, mgr.) Thia park oiiena i 15 with Havilaml'a .Mualcal Coim-dy Co. In The i Clrl from np iniere. Id)MESTIC RI.NK (Ira H. Ilainlirlc. mgr.) Roller akating. C.NHEH CANA AS. Campliell Hroa. Conaoltdated SIkiw’b I- M. W. KIHKWOOH. i

ATCHISON.—AIRHOME 111. M. Erunt, mgr.) i •Mon > Sunk Co. 15 30. LNHER CA.NVAS—A. ! S. Ic'Wla' Hig .Show May Ht 15

WELLINGTON.—PldNEEU (Fred. Savage, mgr.) Ueupeued May 3 wUh Hubert Wolff Stock I'onipa'iy .

LAWRENCE.—PEOPLE'S SUMMER THEA ! THE (Camp(>ell A Nutter, prupa.; J. P. Camp- I bell, mgr.) Seaauu opeua May 33 with tbe Mur- gau pepple Company for two weeka; change biUa four Omea weekly, and compaiiiea change every two weeka.


•L h'out, iiigr.) The Heenuga, hypnutiata. May

MAYSVILLE. — UNDER CANVAS — Gentry Hroluera’ Show May 7. AT THE RIVER— Colley X'huui Fluitihg Theatre 10.


Piutaid, mgr.) Moving plcturea and vaudeville. UKA.NH OPERA Hul SE. Dark.

LAFAYETIE.—JEFFEILSON THEATRE (C. M. Parkeu.-ou, mgr.) Moving plcturea, etc., WM'k of May HI. PASTIME iJuhn Huguur, mgr. I kloviiig plcturea, etc., week of 1C.

MONROE. LkltlC IJ. W. PoiH-, owner A mgr.) IH-Coraia Trio in Mr. Red Ike from Ne vada; Hert Wiiliama, auuga and moving plcturea week of 10. GR.k.NH .Si REE'!' (J. J. Lamoo, mgr.) Carlyle and Maratuu, comedy eketcb; .Mlaa Jiauue Havia, aonga and moving plcturea we,'k of H) C.kSINO AlUHdME. WIU open .Monday. 17, with |>ulite vaudeville, under the maiiagemeul ol Greeiiblatt and Putter, on the ' Erlich Hroa A Culemau Circuit; aeating capac¬ ity ot huuae l,3iai.

PLACQUEMINE.—GOLDEN RULE ELEC- TKIU THEATRE (C. L. Helanoix. mgr.) The Hautoua, Farnell aud Co., Mlaa Brown, moving pictuiea aud aonga week of May S.


Cahu., mgr.) Slew art kolliua and the Carmen Slaters. 'Ibe Sylveatera, Vau Huff, aonga and plcturea 3 5. Ed. Eatea, Emmett and McNeil. Kelao and Leighton, Madge Kavanaugb, tongs ind plcturea Cs NICKEL (Jiff. CaUan, mgr.) IUrrii.c>ii and Mollitt, Frank Walah. Clyu and Kucbclle, p.iiigham. aonga and pictures 3 5. Fua ter aud Hugbea. May Ruzella, Wataun aud Uel- m >Dt, Neil Seymour. Anna Nadeau, aonga and plcturea «N. MYSTIC IS. Borgeret. mgr.) C. W. Llttletield, i’ete Gritho, Theo and Ca¬ mille. l.a Jeaa. Sadie McHouough. aonga and pictures 3 5; Kogera and Evans. I'hil Herman, i Ihe Jolly Prlcea. C. W. Llttletield. Sadie Me iKMiiKigh. aonga and plcturea C-S.


U'liaa. E. Font. mgr. i Loula J.smea In Peer (iviil Week of May 10; Uurna Johnson fight pictures May 17. AUHITORIU.M ijean Kernan, mgr. I Ki-ae Melville in Sia Hol>kiua week of May 10. .MAlt\l..\NH (EYed. C. Schanberger, uigc. 1 Annette Kellerman. Jaiiiea Young. Jr. and Co.. Hiiffln Iteilelay troujie. Kalmar and Htvwn, Arthur Houston, Paul I,e Croix, Hilda Mawthorne and moving plcturea week of .May 111. .kl.HAUGH'S IJ. Albert Young, mgr.) Tbe Game itf l>*ve week of May 10. 5 ICTOKIA (Pearce aud Sebeck. mgra.) Jamea .McHuff. Evsiia and IN ana, Itoumain Trio, Stewart and Ih-'inoiHl, Jamea Potter Hnun. Miss l.eTtDe. l.aiig<k>n aud ('.•'grif and moving pictures week of May 10. HL.k.NEY'S lO. M. Hallauf, mgr. i WlElains and Mellniurne. Prampiu E'our, Mr. and 'Irs. Edward Evans. The Maialys aud moving picture' wii'k of May 10. HOLl.lH.kY STREET iW F. Rife, mgr.) Four dancing IVennoa. H*-ery and FranoN. Tbe Hurtinoa. Mlaa Maybelle ItoiliVr an.l moving picture's week of May 10. G.15ET\ (W. L. Hallauf. mgr.) The Howery Hnrleaiiuc-rs w'cM-k c»f Ma.v lo; The H**u Tons w.'k of Mav 17 KIVEKVIEW PARK. Sig. •Paaca ami hit Royal Artillery Baud.


CUMBERLAND-ACAHEMY HF MUSIC 'Mel linger Brother', mgra. i Keye' Slaters StiKk C••mpsny cloved thrm* weeka’ engsgement May a. Moving pictures ocvnimenclng May 10.


mgr. • Siharet. Jack la>rtnier, Juliet. E'.ddle Clark and Co.. Pauline Saxon, Lydia Hrearaa and ('o.. Hvnea and Hynea week of lo. -k Night In an Eng'Uah Mnalc Hall. Jack U>rlmer. Carl M<N'nllo*igh. Charles and Neill' King and The Thriv koacarrya wm'k of 17. HHW.VItH Van k'-e H aalle Gl’tls we, k of May lo. P.kKK (C. Froliman. Rich A Harris, mgra. i The Travel ing Sab-'nian wivka of May 3 ami H*. THE MONT (Chaa. Frohinan and Wm. Harris, mgra. i Mav Itotwon In The llejnvenallon of -kunt Mary w.v'k of 10 ki.kJESTlC. David Warflehl In The Music Master week of 10. HIVSTHN THE- ■VTKE iCbaa. E’rohnian and Wm. Harris, mgra.) Channeev HliS'lt In Itaggml lloldn week of 10. CkSTLE’ ScJU.kltEt (John Craig, mgr. i The Run away Girl w.vk of 10. CHl.HNLkl. (Chaa. Froh man. Rich A Harris, mgra.) John Barrymore In k Stublavrn Cinderella week of H>. CHI.I'M HI k (Wni. E'arren. nigr.) Wala»>n s Hiirles<|ners week of 10 GAIErrY (Mr. Hatchelder. mgr.) Gay Ma*<|nefadera wm-k of H'. HOLLIS iChaa. Fr.ihiiian, Rich A Harris, mgra.' The Golden Hntlerrtv week of 10. KEITH'S (H E'. Keith, mgr ) Krt'S Krlngle's Hn-am. The Van Dyke, bv Harrison Hunter and C'» ; Melville and Htg gins. Will H F>\. CsrrIH Pohnaon. O'Hrlen , Havel and ('»»., Newhold and Carroll week of 3 ; Hert wnilaiiia. Valerie Hergore and Co , Clara , Belle .laronie and t'o . Howard and Howard. Snlcltff<‘ Troupe. N.-tta Vesta and Hen Hever ^ and Hrolber week of May 10 i



Mmiro, mgr. I Clrcmiiaianllal Evidence, laiw ' reuee Crane and Co . Nelson and Htto. Charlv'S ! E*. seiiion. Plecolo Midgets. Eoldle lAa'iiarvl. |

IVrtdey and Sales. MePhee and HIM and Ihe

' ((Vviillnmsl (VO page 30.)

BUSINEsS IS GREAT making a ‘ HiG NOISE,” lately. Am working day and night, hammer aud tonga, to caloh up. When I do boys, there will b- something doing. The fact la there Is aomethiiig doing right now. What do you think of a two and one-balf Inch tin wssm aa per illustratloii at $1.00 per thoiiaandV Think It over. Ten for one cent. No one need.s a aixMiu ff>r an Ice cream ct'Ue any more than a dog needs two tails, but these HisxniH will help yon Bell cones. They will double and triple your sales sod tbe cost la so trilling that you will never km'W the difference, that la tbe dllTereuce in outlay. (Jet busyl Order several thousmid now. 1 am still making and ie*l]ing Sayso Cuisdaa and ex|»ect to be selling them for many years to come. Ibey are Hie best pro|s>sltion to-day in tbe cone oven line. No doubt about It. Evidence ga|(M-e. Tbousands of people started in with a single cupola that have made a fortune. ]<emeiiilM-r, yonr own name, brand or trail" mark on the im instead o Sayso, without extra charge. You simply can’t beat this proposition.

Is Invincible and just think of it, one cuisils costs you but $8.50: two $14.50 and three $19..50. f. o. b. Tolerlo. Terms half cash, balance C. O.

(2V4 In. Spo<rns, $1.00 iier thousand.) I). I teach you the whole business in ■ 40-page book of Instructions, give you all tbe necessary little toola and tbe finest bunch of advertising matter you ever laid your eyes on. 1 am putting in a lot of extras, lH>ys, such as Imitation Panama Hats. Sayso .Metal Pins, etc. Alwa.vs ui>-to-date, you know. How alvout Cones? Real Cones 1 mean—tbe kind the ladies sigh for aud the babies cry for—the kind used in all well regulated families. 1 have them ard you can sell them like tbe proverbial hot cakes. One gross, $1..50; 3.50, $3..50; .500, $4.75; 1,000. $9.00. A little less In lots of 10,INK). 1 have made a big success of this business and they do say It Is contagious. My success Is first due to the gorsls I make, next to my entbnsiasm which I could not iswslhly possess without knowing that I was delivering the gissls. Get busy! Catch on to the sbinimering coin that will be fioatlng about promiscuously this season. .My catalog B. .No. 33, the finest and br-st ever Issued for tbe cone busi¬ ness. sent out under eight cent postage is free If .vou will ask for It by letter, on a postal card, or any other old way. A. T. DIETZ, 127 Michigan Street, Toledo, Ohio.




Your Choico ot |8 New Reels Each Week

Jobbers of Power’s Machines.

Special attention to all repairing.



Good Vaudeville Acts of all kinds wanted for the Summer Park Season. State time of act and lowest terms first letter. Nothing too big or too small.

Write at once to R. BACHMANN, LEMP’S PARK, - ... - ST. LOUIS, MO.


MODERN JUGGLER. Week of May 17th, Airdome, Louisiana, Mo. Permanent address, 402 Rock Street, Hannibal, Mo.

WANTED By the Chapin .Amusement and Producing

Company, State Fair Grounds, St. Paul,

Minn. .Acts for 10 weeks of Fair dates in Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Manitoba, commencing July 4th.


Mid-West Theatrical Exchange Booking OSes, Suite 418 NtTarre Building, S. W*. Cor. 6th & Che*i.nut Sti., ST. LOUIS. MO. 'I'wvuly weeks’ time now being bvHvked. Vaudeville .Vets. l>|K-raU>t8, Singers, I’iaiio Players, pleaie write. We also Nsik Dramatic and Musical I'omevlies for Airdoiues and I’arks. AIBDOMES AND PABKS. Write. Phone or Wire. N. B.—We use Eiiultable Contracts.

For Fourth of July Celebrations Who wants it this year? Whittington, E'avorite Trick and Comedy Cyclist. The act for celebra¬

tions. E'5>irs, etc. E'uII of sensation and comedy. Want to bear from towns in Illinois and Indi¬

ana cvletvratiug 4th on Saturday, alstv tbos*' celebrating on Monday; Fair Associations. Per. Add.,

DATE WHITTINOTON, Hoopeston, Illinois.

Union Elevator & Machine Co. 1<4<4 and l<4e Ontario Street, CHICA.GO.


Wanted at all Times, Good Vaudeville Acts .111 short jumps. IVscrilH* your act fully and slat.' Ihe lowest salary for same In first letter,

.llso have some gissl alrdomes for musical t'>ine<lles and refi. company. Managers In the South, give me a trial. I s»v all of them Is'forv yon get them.

KNOXVILLE THEATBICAL EXCHANGE. Main Office. Asheville, N. C., Pott Box $92.

AX LIBERXV I'orm-t, Baritone. Tuba, for band, all dotiole In orchestra; Cornet. 3d»1 Violin. Flute and Piccolo,

lady Violin Mdolst, strong feature specialty, also orchestra. Can handle baud and orcht'Stra.

G<K<d music. Joint or tingle. C. 0. OLOVEB, Fowler Kant. No Jip Camp eontidorsd.


28 e B a r MAY 22, 1909


OoniDilntfM A t'ollln* M»rk A I.Aura (Park) l.tvln^atuo, Moot., 17-lU; H». 11. • I.auaf.a-<1 Sti l-J. (Oran.D tin al Kalla a4

Coaaar Mr. A Mra. Jolin II. (.MaJ.-»tUM I m-llollla A Valora («)r|ibi-uiu) Mvatlle, («»rpbr ! iC'aiierjr, Ala.; (.MaJ«aillcl lllriiiliiKbaiii -H. i uuit rorllaii.l, Urr., ^4 W I Colima A llrown t Korcat Park lllcblau.lai SI Da). Carlla. A l.aiir« ra ( Dulillb, Minn.,

l-oula; (ICaat Hud Parkl Maiiii>b.a. Trun . j iCiilnuel Mliiii.aiK.lta 24 •.>« I 24.2a. ’ Chai.iH-llr, Marie (l.)rlr) Cbattaii<Ki|ia, I (tirauill MoiitKoni.'ry, Ala.. 24 2ti.

DeVoy.'. * llaytim Hlatera (Majeallr. Kvaiiavllle, In.l.; iMajcatIci Itlnnluibaiu, Ala 24 21*.

Croaaiiian Trio tVlclorlal Wb.'ellUB, \V Va.; | l>eaiiioiul. Il>4>, A Co. (Avi'Uuel LoulaTlIle; (I* (Or|ib.-iiiut Canton. O., 24 2a. 1 H-l l.e»lii*!U>n 24 211. .....

ciliror.1 A Hall (.\oailiiiiy) Jorney City. .V. J.; > Dunn A J.-riiialii ll aalliiiei lllrmlncbani, AU tllaaiDifratrlu'al .N. V. C.. 24 21* I iThoatorliiuit lliiiilavllle 24 21*

Colllua A Hart (Amorloanl CbUa«o. (AmcrUani Dolor*#. Aii*i*la. A Co. ((»r|.bruinI Oaklaoil N. Y. C.. 24 2a.

Monofert and performera ore reapectfullj roqueated to oontribut* their dotea for thii deport¬ ment. Route* muat reoch The Billboard Saturday, to inaure publication.

The Billboard forward* mail to all profeaaional* free of choree. Member* of the profeaaion are ineited. while on the road, to hare their mail addreaaed in car* of The Billboard, and it will be forwarded promptly.

_ I Rlmboa, The (Majeetlc) Houaton, Tex.; (Ma- Jeatic) Oalreaton 24 20.

Telegrams inquiring for routes not Bowen Bros. (Empire) f>aa Franclaco; (Wlg- - - *•-- • •-J warn) San Franclaco 24-29.

Conroy. UMalre A Co. iiirpbciim Hr .klyn. Donald. Peter, A Mela Caraon (Drpheniiil (Maryland) Baltimore 24 29 AiiKclca, Cal.

Coatello & LaCrolx tlltJtMil Alblou. Midi., 17 19; 1 Dereuda A t:r<-.-n iKnipIrei llarkuey, En*.. 2» (PrlnceMil Maraball 2t> 22; crticatorlumi l..aU' ains -4 26; (Caalnot Flint 27 29.

29; (Kmidrel llidloway HI June 6; (Rmplre. New CroKK 7 12; tKiiipIn-l Stratfonl 14 19

ClKTord. Dave 11. db-enlc) Council Bluir*. la.Dunlap, Adeline tlirpbeiiml Ui# Aufel##, Cal

given in these columns will be ignored unless answers are prepaid.

(Family) Dee Molnea 24-29. (Tiip, Sara. A Mary Marble (tirand) Indianap¬

olis; (Majestic) Mllwauki'e, Wta.. 24 29. Cliff. laddie (Orpheum) Butte 22 29.

Darla. Edward*. A Co. (Proctor's) Newark S. J.

Dlerlckx ltrt«. iKaal INid Park) Me’nphla.Trnn . (West End Park) New irrlealis SS-Jnne 5

I I Burbank. Maude,’A Horw (Lyric) J*m«;»town. ; ^ook A Steven* (Poll *) TV llk.a ltarre. P*. classification, can be found on another N. Y.; (Ontario Beach) Rochester 24-29. I .xjgi,.,Hc) OalveatiHi. Tex.

ge, under "Additional Routes.” ! ®^‘*.*’‘*'* ,,''^*** '*'*^*‘’ (Drpheum) San Francisco utek, A Co. (M*j« •Stic) CbIcaKO. _ i o IV Cunnihsham A Marlon (Temple) Detroit.

i Balllie*. Four; Dalton, Q*. ' Childers A Childers (Star) VVlIki-nalKirs. I'

PERFORMERS’ DATES. I Brewks, Walter Julian (Alrdome) Lawrence, i *'**^’**j_ ^'”'**’* * *■**' I Kans., 23-29. - I Carter A Waters (Poll'*) Wllki^a-Baire.

nlw.n M.o 17 99 I Benton A McKenaie (Family) Delaware. 0. it.22 (When no '■ fl'ven. May 17 22 . Marldor A Co. (Dnval) JackaonTllIe, j colonial Septette: Walaall, Eiir.. 24'29; to be SUDD led.) Fla. I r„nl 31.J,ine K

Bertlna A Brockway (Academy) Buffalo; (Grand) I Carlisle's Ad. Dous and Ponies i.M*b>#tlc) Den ' Dotson. Howard Hhoctor's) Newark. N. J Cleveland 24-29. I ' , Dordeens. Four (Pantatces) I-o# Angeles

CunnRigham A Marlon (Temple) Detroit I Childers A Childers (Star) WlIki-nsiKirg.

page, under "Additional Routes.”


Dills A Tiiiipleton iKeltb's) Providence. Dunbar, Lew lHI|>|Malromel (Soldfleld, Nev. I>elmor« A Oneida (tJiie<-n'Bl Han Diego, Cal DeTellem. Jin*. A Co. (Family) Bratll, Ind. DuRosa A Oalvin (Idle Hour) Charleston. 8. C

is to be supplied.)

Curtis. Samuel J.. A Co. (Proctor's) Newark. Del-ussaii. Mme. Zelle (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal N. J. I 1* '■S*.

Carter A Waters (Poll's) Wilkes Baire. P*., ; Domch A Rusaell (MalnHt.) Peoria. III. 17-22. ' Downard A Downard (Avenue) l/sulsvllle; (Or

Colonial Septette: Walsall. Eng.. 24'29; Brad-I pheum) Ch*tt*nia«*. Tenn.. 24'29. ford 31-June S. > D'Arc's Marlimettes: lluddersAeld, Eng., 34'29.

Adelmann's, Jos., Musical Ensemble (PalaU (Alrdome) Cleburne 24 29. d'Ete); BruHaela, Belgium, May '2‘2-June 0; Berliner, Vera (Orpbenm) Butte.

Byrne-Golson Players (Cycle Park) Dallaa, Tex.; j claton. Carlo* (Lubin) Baltimore; (I'nl.p)#) ' Bidton 31-June 5; Llvenwad 14-19

(Yard) Moscow, Russia, 8-July 10. Banyan (Grand) Cleveland.

Phil*.. 24-'29. Clipper Comedy Quartet (Fontaine Ferry Park)

IxNilsvlIle 24-29. .Vmlerson A Daveniiort (Royal) North Bay, Barnes, Mac. M., Ixmlas Fleming A Co. (Unique) | Oeaay, will M., A Blanche Dayne (Poll'a)

Out. Arn<dda. Cbas. (Alhambra): Milwaukee. Austin, Harry C. (Urpbeum) Savannah, Ua. A|>|h-I1, Charlotte (Orpheum) Salt Lake, (?.

Minneapolis. Boh A 'Hp Co. (Bijou) Lansing, Mich.

Sprlngfleld. Mass. Carr# A Carre (Hippodrome) Toronto.

Bower*. Walters A Crooker (Temple) Fort Clay, George (Dreamland) Olesu. N. Y; (Grand) _ Wayne. Ind. ^ Elmira 24-29.

Darrow, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart (Young's Pier) Atlanttr City.

Demarrstio Bros. (I‘rlnce**l Wichita, Kan*.. mail) Chickasba. Okla.. '24 29.

De^r, ('has., A Lylllaa Estes (Highland) Ha lem. O., 17 19; (Family) B. Palestine 3l>22; (BIJoii) I>«raln '24 24; (Elyria) Elyria 27 29

Dngan A Paige (FamilyI Des Moines, la. (Oriibeun)l IS-nver 24 29. Brunettes, Cycling (Miulc Hall) Tarrytown. Campbell, Emerln. A Aubrey Y'atea (Bennett's) ‘ Donovan A Markin (Colonial) Dallas. Tax.

Ariuood, Graee (Fontaine Ferry Park) Louis- N. Y. Ottawa. Can.; (Bennett's) Montreal 24‘29. D’Or. Jake, A Hro. (Bljuu) Decatur, Ill.; (Tern vllle; (East End 29.

Cud Park! Memphis, Tenn., ‘24 BImm Bomm-B-r-r-r (Proctor's) Albany, N. Y. ; Carson A Devereaux (Grand) Homestead, Pa.; I ple) Ft. Wayne. Id<I., 34'29. Browning, Flora A Kellar (Majsstlc) Denver. (Grand) PUlllpsburg 24 29. ' Deming. Joe. A Co. tSavoy) Fall River. M

•kdelaide and Dancer* (Orpheum) Spokane; (Or- Blampbln A Hehr (Liberty) Tamaqua, Pa. (iheum) Seattle, ‘24 29. Bard Bros. (Pantages) Spokane.

Caston, Dave (Grand) Nashville, Tenn.; (Lyric) ] De Noyer. Eddie. A Co.: Charleston. 8. C ChattamNiga 24-2:*. Donovan A Arnold (Maryland) Baltimore.

Alexander A Scott (Empire) Idverpool, Eng., I Beeson. Lulu, Trio (Orpheum) San Francisco, i Crocker Bros. (Van Garry Vaudeville Co.) Illlla Duff A Walsh (Belli Oakland, Cal ‘24'‘29; )Coli*eum| I»ndoo 31-June 5; (Em- Doherty Sister* (Shea'al Toronto. plre) Birmingham 7-12; (Empire) Bradford i Big City Quartet (Proctor'* 125th St.) N. T. C. 1 Coe A Boyd (Orpheum) Salt Lake. C.; (Or- ' Drew, Dorothy (Orpheum! Portland, Ore 14 19. ' Barry A Wolford (Victoria) N. Y. C. pheum) Denver 24 29. Duncan. A. O. (Temjde) Detroit.

Adair, Art (Lyric) l^aramle, Wyo.; (Edison) i Barry A Wolford (Victoria) N. T. C.; (Co-. Circumstantial Evidence (Cook'a) Rnebester, I DeRiissell. Msyme, A Co. )Tbe*torlnm) Eaton Ilaatings, Neb., 23-29. |

AldHdt. Arthur (Orpheum) Zanesville, O.; (Vic- | torla) Wheeling, W. Va., 24-26; (Olympic! Bellslre, O., 27‘29. i

Adler, Flo lOrpheum) San Francisco; (Orpbe- I um) Oakland '24 June 5. ,

Atlantis A Flak (Theatorlum) Ft. William. Out., Can.; (Myatlo) Kenora 24-29. ]

Alfa, llaasan Ben. Arabs (Luna Villa) Coney | Island. N. Y.. 17-‘2(*. i

Angell Bros. (Crescent) Nashville, Tenn. ‘ Addison, May E. (Majestic) Evansville, Ind. ; Anderson. Richard (Majestic) Milwaukee. Ardell, Franklyn, A Co. (Grami) Colorado!

Siirliigs, Colo. j Ainerlean Daneerw. Six (Proctor's) Newark,

N. J. AllH‘iie. Prince, A .Miss La Brant (O. H.l Wa-

tervllle. Me. , Arakl's Tnsiiie (Grand) Cincinnati; (Great .

S<Kithernl Coliiinhus 24 29. I Atlantic City Fiair: .San Dil^go, Cal. i All, Hunter. A All (New LIlK-rty) Pbila. I Arnoldo'a I-eopards (Majestic) Johnstown, Pa. Aireretts, Great (Ho|>kinH') IahiIsvIIIc. ' Allen, Frederick, A Co. (Orpheum) San Francis- !

ro; (Orpheum) Oakland 23-June 5. Abeam, ('has., Trnu|>e (Keith's) Boston. Al|dia Troupe (Majestic) Ann Arbor, Mlob.;

(BIjmi) Bay City 24 29. A? the Cfsintry Club (Alhambra) N. Y. C. AII>ertl A I’arisI (Crystal) Milwaukee. Ashbom's Pony A Dog Circus (Shattnek) Hor-'

nell. N. Y., 17 19; (International) Niagara' Fall* 2<) 22. 1

AbluXt. Gw.rgle (Crystal) Atlanta. (7*. | Amatls, Four Sisters (Orpheum) OaklamI, Cal. I Armstrong A Clark (Orpheum! Spokane.

lonlal) N. Y. C.. 24-29

This blank is available for route data in case you have no route cards. Cards will be mailed upon application.


Week Theatre or Park

Bertram, Robert H. (Pantages') Seattle. Cnmings. Grace, A Co. (East End Park) Mem-

(*.; (Oxforil) Oxford 24 ‘29. Daly A O'Brien (Holiday St.) Baltimore, Md .

(Majestir) Washington. D. C.. 24 29 Devene A Shurt* (Valleyacope) Valleyteld, Qi)*'

Can. Delavoye A Frit* (Whitaker Park) Hot Spring*

.\rk. Dunn. Arthur, A Marie Qlatler (ColombiaI St

Lonl*. Evellen. Dave (Orpheum) Spokane; (Orpheum>

Portland. Ore., 24 29. Ellis Nowlan Troupe (Orphemn) Spokane; (Or

pheum I Portland. Ore., 24 ‘29. Elmore A Ray (Vaudette) Boone. la.; (Majrstlr^

Counetl Bluffs 24 29. Evans A Lloyd (Orpheum) Butte, 24 29.

Ed. Marvelous (Star) New Kenalngtoo, Pa., 17 19; (Casino) Washington 20 22.

English Belles, Four l()raud Family) Fargo. .N I*.' iCnlqne) Des Moines, la.. 24 29.

Ely. J. Frank (Shea's) Toronto; (Shea's) Bnffalo 24 ‘29.

Edwards'. Gn*. Kcbonl Boys and Girls (Keith'** Cleveland; (('olonlall N. Y. C., 34 29

Ehrendall Bros. A Dutton (Bijou) Decatur, III.; (L.vtIp) Terre Haute. Ind.. 24-29.

Edwards'. Giis. Kountrv Kid*. Dave Harowlts. mgr. lllayroarketl Chicago; (Ramona Park* Grand Rapida, Mich.. 24

Ever*. George. A Pock Chop* (Falrhank* SprlngHeld. O.; (Victoria) Dayton 24 29.

Elite Musical F*«ir (Grand) Portland. Ore. Everhart A Clayton (Theatorinml Pine Bluff

Ark Evans. Resale (Walker) loa Angeles. Ennor, John (Family! Fltsgerald, Ga. Ellsworth. Eugene. A Edna Earlte LIndon (M»

jeatirt D«-nver 22-29. A.bllHon A- l.lvlnKHton (Alrd.mie) Durant. Okla.; | Barrett. Shepard. Co.; CblUlcothe, O., 17 18; I Phlj- Tenn.; (West End Park) New Urban* Kape. Al.. A Rm.^lMajeatir) Dneola. Neb

(Star .Alrdome) Mr.\I«>*ter 24-29. Alvin Br<e<. (Lyric) Ilotutken, N. J

ClrclevlUe 20-22. Bohemians, Three (Orpheum) Denver.

23 June 5. Chambers. Lyster (Temple) Detroit.

Alvano. Mxdanie, A Co. (.Avenuei I*>iiisville; I Brockman. Slater (Washington) Spokane 23-29. 5^^', (Grand) PIttaburg, Pa (Orpheum) rhattan<M)ga, Tenn.. 24 29 Brixton A Brixton (Globe) Johnstown. Pa. Oomalla A E.ldle (Cbaae's) Wash., D. C.

AtkInHon. Harry (Bennett'*) Ottawa, Can.; Burton Slaters: Charlotte, N. C.; Danville, V*., j Clipper Comedy Four (Lit>erty) Phlla. (Bennett's) Montreal ‘24 29. I 24 29. I Colleg*- Foor Quartette ((). H.) H<u

Asahl TriMi|»e (Bennett's) Ottawa. Can.; (Ben | Rollera. The (Mystic) McAleater, Okl*. KF-- 17-19; ((). H.) Clarkavllle, 1 tx-H'si Montreal 24 '29. Burbank. Frank A Killian (Folly) Wichita Falla, _ _

Aniarieii* Quartet (Majeatiei Toronto; (Lum I Tex. : J^***"- Three Flying (Bni|ilrel Frankfort, P l>erg) Niagara Fall*. N. Y.. '24-29. Barry A Hennessey (Lyric) Connellsville, P*. , ^banol* Trio (Palace) Boston.

Aiiattn A Sweet (Lyric) N. Yakima, Wa*fi. Bergere. Valerie (Keith's) Boston. ^ * I>aw*;gi (Grotto) Burlington, N. ' •Anioro* Slater* (Sliea's) Toronto. Black, Violet (Majestic) Milwaukee. i Chase A Carma (Elite) r<dumhua. Ga. .Armatrong A- Clark (Ori'heuiJii Denver. Beverly A Richards (Scenic) N. Tanawanda, ' Christy. Tom A (.a-na (Casino) Monroe, La Alhif'tns SixtfTH (<>rphf*umi Henvor. ; N. Y. ' Co^^well, Snrah (iSrnnrli ( Arniaula, Five (('ryatal) IVenver. | Bortnl A Nevaro (Majestic) Chicago. I OdeaH Cripple Cr*-ek £1 2.5; (O, II.) C*i

Esmeralda Slater* (llanaa) Hamburg. German.v May 1 .51.

Bmeryi. The (Lyric) Charlton. la.

Emmett. Graele. A fV*. (Alhamlwa) N. Y. C (Orpheum) Brooklyn 24 29. *Ileg<' I'oor Quartette ((). H.) Hopkinavllle, „ .. _

Ky., 17 19; ((). H.) Clarkavllle, 'tenn.. 24 JMwarda. H. J|;yrlc) ,,, 22. Eastman. Melville (Proctor a 12.5th 8t.) N. x (

Cralga. Three Flying (Bni|ilrel Frankfort, P*. CNibanola Trio (Palace) Boston. Conroy A I>aw»rm (Grotto) Rtirlingtnn, N. C. (Tbaae A Carma (Elite) Cidumtiua. Ga.

Axtell A Dog lielnev (Cheater Park) Cln- I Bovals. l/ouls (Star) Geneva, N. Y. I „ 24-s. clunatt. ' Brady, Owen: Detroit. I Carhrey Brtwi. (Orpheum); (A

.Aitkeii*. Two Great (Bijou .Alrdome) Pensacola, Ilregers. Helnie A Ethel (Electric) Carrollton, i C., 24 29. Fla. Ill,, 17 19; (O. H.) Jeraeyvllle 2t) 22. ' (S»*r) Chicago

Barne* A Edwin* (.Alrdome) Hot Sprlngi-. Ark. Belowa, Temple A Aller (Grand) Marshall. Tex. ' Clark A Bergman (Orpbenm) Butte. Bartee. A. I). (Alhambra) Houaton, Tex. Beverly A West (O. H.) Corry, P*., 17-19; (O, | Cnrzon Slaters (Keith's) Philadelphia.

Eagan A Hallman (Jefferson) Jefferson City, Mo Emmett A I,<>W)t (City) S«'att1e Edwanl*. Fthelyne. A Ceell Wood Clarend-'iv

(Greenwall) New Orleans. I,*. Earl. I>il* I.e*. Co. (Vaudeville) Fulton. Ky.:

(Vaudeville) Martin, Tenn.. 24 29. Evan*. Great (Crvatali Denver. Empire rome<1y FiHir (Keith'*) Philadelphia

Cogswell. Sarah Louise (Grand) Pnehlo. Col.; Martin Tenn.. 24 29. (Ideal) Cripple Cr.ek 23 2.5; (O, IT.) Canyon El*"*- C.r-at (Crytali Denver. City 26 2S. ^ Bmplr# romfslr Ffnir (K<*tth Phl1tf1**lpht*

Carhrey Brt»*. (Orpheum) Brookl.rn; (Alhambra) r*2i*in*^'*'*^w-ki. i r N. Y. C., 24 29. Force. Frederick. A Mildred AAllIlam* (Momler

Craig. Marsh (Star) Chicago >»nd Park) Wlehlta. Kan*.

H.l Olean, N. Y’., 20 22. ! Davenport, Pearle (Royal) North Bay, Ont. ' a'rih'iTf' Burt<.n. John A Ixittle (Bell) Detroit. 17 19; 1 Dance. Wm. II. (Majestic) SUmx Fall*. S. 1).^C P.Ik n’ J - Academ)

iVooV llK*"l!ir*Tn^ *''"'*• *»'!%";;*;*• •»*"'•'“« «*•> *»*«»'»■ ! ol- Mn"e|%,)nm^^^^ ’ Barm** A le-vina (Pickett's SDring Casino) I rnmitara i a.i» t-i.. ' Fortune Iir<i*. (Crystal) Denver; ((Vyalal) 91

Bartee. A. I). (Alhambra) Houston, Tex. Beverly A West (O. H.) Corry, P*., 17-19; (O. | Cnrzon Sisters (K Bennington. Billy and Daisy (Crescent) Nash H.i Olean, N. Y’., 20 22. ! Davenport, Pearle

vllle. Tenn. Burton. John A Ixittle (Belli Detroit, 1719; 1 Dance, Wm. II. (J Berrlan. Steve (Glllet*ei Findlay, O. (O. H.) Ypstlantt 20-22; (Elyria) Elyria, O., [ Dunbars. Ilancing Budnlck. Steve (Barrlson) Waukegan. 111. 24‘20; )Illji>u) Lorain 27 29. Tn. Burke. John P. (Empire) Sprlngfleld. Ill Barne* A I>*vlna (Pickett's Spring Casino) | Dunbars. Four Caating (Orpheum) Salt Lake, ' Bljrai Comedy Trio (Gaiety) Indianapolis; (Ms-i .Montgopn-ry. Ala.; (O'Brien) Birmingham 24-; c.; (Orpheum) Denver 24 29 J •«< pn. .xio., .4 29.

jeatlo) (Yawfordsvllle 24 29. I 29. DeFaye Slaters (Forest Park Highland*) St. , v j .* .K'T.’h'r.' lITiT Bristol'* Ponies (Harmellng) Bristol. Tenn.;; Bell Hop (’.wnwly Four (Orpheum) Canton O. Ixmla; (Fontaine Ferry Park) I/onl*rllle 23 29 . i * . j

(Acad.*myl Lynchburg. Va.. 24-29. Barrett. Frank (On*h<umi Watertown. N. Y.; De Onio Bros.. A “ ■ ~ Fletcher Cha* la-onsrd Blessings. The (Columbia) St. Louis; (Ram<ma (Eaglei Ogdenstuirg 24 29. Eng.. 24 29; (F

Park) Grand Rapbla. Mich.. 24-Jane 5. : Bebout Duo (I'eople'si low* City, la. June .5; (Rmpli Ballo Bros. (Royall Trenton. N. J.; ll'nli|ue) ; Bulger. Harry. A Co. (Kelth'a) I*blladelpbla. j Eng., 14 19.

I*hlla., ‘24-29. ' Bonita (Garrick) Wilmington. Del . Duprees. IVd) (Or| Braatx. Selma (Orpheum) Minneapolis; (Or- Caatano. Edward (American) San Franclaco. i Xenia 24 29.

pheum) St. Paul. 24 29. 1 Chaae, J. Percy (Bijou) Oshkosh. Wl*. ' Ihinbar'a Goat Cl Barnea. T. Hoy, A Bea* Crawford (Kelth'a) | (Bijou) I>ee*tur. III. (Grand) Fargo.

Cleveland; (Tomple) Detroit ‘24 29. ' Cooper, Jeannette (Thalia) San Franclaco - Dugan. Tom J ( Btickley. John (Empire) FMmonton, Alt*.. Can; | corbett. Jame* J. (Orpheum) Boston; (Amcrl 29.

(Empire) I>ethbrldge 24 29. y C 24 2!). Dunedin Tront>e ( Brown A Hodges (Chester Park) CInrInnatl. Carol Slater* (Grand) Union City. Ind.; (Gaiety) | tor's 6th Are.) Beaudoin Great. A Co. (Princess) Alliance. O.; ' Indianapolis 24-29. j Dorin A LaRay (I

(Jkreade) Toledo 24 29. 1 Cavanaugh A Lancaater (ITnbinei Atlantic. la.. Dnnmore, Eveleen Bush A Pevser (Alpha) Erie. Pa.; (Celeron 1 17-19; (Majestic) Council Bluff* 20 22; (Bljou) (Bijou) BatHe (

Park) Jamestown N. Y’.. 24 29. Harlan 24-24. Drew, I.owell P. Brenon. flerliert. Helen Ifownlng A Co. (Grand) ' Clermont. Jean (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Albam-| joii) Flint 24 29

Vancouver, ('an.; (Grand) Tacoma. Waah.. j bra) N. Y. C., 24 29. Davla, Jnsephifie 24 29. Chantrell A Schnyler (I.lberly) E. Liberty, P*., i (Keith'*) Boat**

Butler. Tom (Shea's) Buffalo; (Keith's) Clere- ' 17-19; (National) Steubenville. O.. 20-22; (Or-I Darmody (Murray land 24-29. pheum) Zanesville 24 29. Phlla., 24 ‘29.

land Park) Wlehlta. Kans. Field*. W C. (Collaenml I.ondon. Eng.. 't*»

24-lndef Fox A Hughes (Irwin) pnahen. Ind. Fulton. Arthur (Prinreaa) Peoria, HI. Flahi-r, Harry: Aabury Park. N. J.; Academv

Z Mouse (Proctor'*) Newark Ph))*.. 24 39

I,eon*rd (Hhea'a) Buffalo

can) N. Y'. C.. 24 2!). Carol Sisters (Grand) Union City. Ind.; (Gaiety)

Indianapolis 24-29.

Dunedin TrontM- (Maryland) B*lllm<ire; (Proe. tor'a 6th Are.) N. T. C., 24 29.

Dorin A LaRay (Fairyland) Bristol. Tenn.

twia) La Fayette. Ind.. 24 29. Fogarty, Frank (On>heuin) I,oa Angeles Frey Trio (Orpheum) Key Went, Fla

Cavanaugh A Lancaater (Unbinei Atlantic. la.. Dnnmore, Eveleen (Majestic) Kalamasoo. Mich.; ! Franklvn Kldil (Kdlannls) Durham N C

"■‘r: I nrlrw^f’* ".' 2*. «.. T-***" n^J,Iii:,.'‘ (Gr,„d) •Monti-m..., Harlan 24-24. Draw, I.Awell p. (Bijou) Saginaw, Mich.; (Bl-| Ala

Davla. Jos**tihlne (Ivdl'a) New Haven Conn. (Keith'*) Bfwtfrn 24 29

Frederlrk* Ravmond Trio (Forest Park High lands) S). txnila

Frobel A Bilge (MajeaMr) Chicago 17-19: (National) Steubenville. O.. 20-22; (Or-I Darmody (Murray Hill) N. Y U.. (Casino) Paiiat Bros (Star) Seattle

-iii^ oj ot, I Phlla., 24 ‘29 — . land. 24-29. pheum) Zanesville 24 29. Phil*., 24‘29. Frevoll F'red A Co (O II) Warren O- (liar Rellelalr Bros. (Proctor's 8th Ave.) N Y' C.; | Cheater A Grace (Majestic) FI. Worth. Tex.; Delaaro* Great (Pamllyi La Fayette. Ind.; i rla) Detroit 24 29

(l»roctor’a 125th St.) N. Y. C.. 24.29. (Majestic) Dallaa 24 29. (Temple) Ft. Wayne 24 29 'Frederick A Kirkwood (Itlloui la Crna#.- Barry. Mr. and Mr*. Jlmmq (Proctor's 5«th St.) Chatneroyw (The Ihivall) Jacksonville. FI*.; Dupllle, Ernest A. (Vaudeville) Newis.rt New*. (Unli|ue) Des Molnea la 24 29 Barry. Mr. and Mr*. Jlmmq (Proctor's 5«th St.) Chatneroyw (The Ihivall) Jackaonvllle. FI*.; Dupllle, Ernest A. (Vaudeville) Newis.rt New*.

N. V. C.; (Proctor'*) Newark. N. J.. 24-29. j (Savannah) Savannah. Ga.. 24 29. V*.; (Vandevllle) Wash., D. I',., 24 2!) (Savannah) Savannah. Ga., 24 29. Brniiden A Qninn (Bijou) Atlanta. O*.; (Lyric) Caesar. FranU. Co. (Bijou) Rralnerd. Minn.;

Charleston. S. 0.. 24-29 (Brinkman's) RemIdjI 24-29. Butler A Bassett (Shea's) Buffalo; (Keith's) Curtis, Ruth (Tbesto) Rlehmond. Va.; (Dream

V*.; (Vandevllle) Wash., 1). (!.. 24 2!) (Park) Eureka Springs 24 29

Dale. Dainty Dotle (Temple) Providence, (Bl

Flynn. Earl Peoria. HI. Fb-Irher A LaPlerre (MIrhelaoni Grand Inland

Net),; (O H ) Alliance 24 29.

Cleveland 24 29. land) Newport New* 24 29. m'<L f'*"*'9'''et 24 24; Olljon) Woonsocket Fisher. Mr A Xlrs Perkin* (Grand) Syracuse zr*»* ^ y

IliitrlilMin Ci». (N. w K-.liltison« Cliicln nHtl.

IluDxTt. ■.■lira, A Co.; MliMlctowo, O.. 17 IK; IlIrliiiiiHid, IikI., 20 112.

Iiiliranm. Two (l.yctiini) Kvi-l»-th, .Mlnii., 17-I‘»; Miljiiiii Virginia 20 22; (l^>K^■ral ICtdiInK 21 20: (Hljoni Hiitn-rlor, WN.. 27 2!».

Ivj ic Irjr (.Majcatld I’ittMloirg, I'a.. 17 Itt; do rid CiitinrlNvIlIf 20 22; (Stan Mi-K<o-t Il'H k» 21 20; (Start Cnrn*-|{lp 27-2».

loli-*-ii Slater* (.Maji-xtiri Mmitironiery, Ala.; iMaJealli'i Ilirmlnirliani 21 2t.

Ita. I’lilhl .Mentullat (Kaglet Charleaton, W. Va.; dll|iiil Itloenalil 21‘2!t.

Irwin, Jark, A Co. (Family) hafajetta, Ind. lalilkawa Jap Ilro*., Four (Klactrlc) Kanaa*

City, Kan., 212* I Jerome A Hunter IForeftaugli’a) Plilla.; (Park) !

Phi la 21 2» Jainea A Jamea (Famllyi Marlon, O.; (Victoria) '

\Vh< ellng, W Va , 21 2*. ' Jotinaoti A Kew (Famllyi Marlon, O., 1711*; i

(('•Hua-ri Mt. Venion 20 22. I Jacolia A Weat ((*<leooi Clarkahiirs, W, Va., |

17 10; (Kle<-trlri Fairm'mt 20 22. Jotmaon Slater* (O. H.l (lien* Falla, N. Y,;

(It. II. I .Mechanlct-vlll'* 2120. Jiinlua A Oittlnic (Caalnoi Flint, MIoh.; (t).

II.) I.uillnicton 212*. Jack A Claire (PIJoiii lairaln. O., 17 19; (Klvr-

lai Klyrla 20 22; (Colonial) Erlo, Pa., 21'29. Jarrow ((Irpheimi i Salt Lake City 212*. Julian A Ilyer (Walken (Tiampatirn, III. Jeweir* Manikin* (Majeatlc) Milwaukee. JotiiiKona, Miialcal (Empire) Ironton. O. Johnaim, Hilly, A C«. (Crya'al) Anderson, Ind. Jackmm. Ollle (Itl)ou) Ixirain, O. Jewel. Myaterloua Ml**, A Co. (Palace) Wll-

mInfttoD, N. C.; (Academy of Music) Raleigh 21 2).

Jennlnr* A Renfrew (Proctor's) Albany, N. Y. Johnson A Well* (Orpbeum) .San Franclwo 21

June 5. . Johnson. Ix>rimer. A Co. (Majeatlc) Ann Arbor.

.Mlcb. ' Kohl, (ill* A Marlon (Lyric) Dayton, O.;

((■rand I Hamilton 2129. Kelly A Rio (Temple) Kana, Pa.. 17 19; (O. H.)

1 Bmporlirm 20 22; Renova 21 20; Austin 27 29 Keasto's 1)0* Circus (Rljoii) Woonsocket. R. I. Kartello*. JuKKlIn* (Academy of MusIC) Buf¬

falo; (Comlque) Detroit 21 2*. Knllln* A Klifton (Orpbeum) Miles (Tty. Mont. Keene. Mattie. A Co. (Columbia) Brooklyn. Keaton*. Three (I^ake Michigan Park) Muske-

g*>n, Mlcb.. 17-June .I. Kyle. Ingram. A Co. (Crown) Toledo. O.; (Ma¬

jestic) Heveland 24 29. Kelly A Lewi* (White City Park) New Orleans.

Kelly A Maaaey (Byde-a Wyle) I/ong Beach, Cal.

Kelly. Walter C. (Palace) London, Eng., May 24 Jnly 17.

Kenton, Dorothy (Deutaches) Munich. Oer., May 1-30.

Kidder, Bert A Dorothy (Lyric) Joplin. Mo. King. Oeo. B. (Crescent) Nashville. Tenn. Knisely A Reardon (Tnscor* Park) New Phil*

delphla. O. ' Kratons. The (Palace) I-ondoa. Eng., April 1-

June 1. Keeley A Park (Orpheum) Foatorl*. O.; (.Ar¬

cade) Toledo 23 29. ' Knight Bros. A Sawtelle (Orpheum) Oakland.

Cal.; (Orpheum) Ix>a Angeles 24 29. Kelcey 9l«ter«. Ttree. A Blllr Cummings (Ca-

i aino) Washington. P*.. 17-19; (Star) New ! Kensington 20-22; iStari Monessen 24-20; i (Star) Donor* 27-29.

Kirk. H. Arthur (Majeatlc) St. Paul; (Pow¬ ers) nibbing 24 29

' Kiefer A Kline (Majestic) Houston. Tex.; (Ma i jeatlc) Galveston 24-29.

Kennedy A Peltier (National* Steubenville. O.. I 17-19; (Liberty) Pittsburg. Pa.. 20 22: (Lyr

Ic) Tnlontown 24 26; (Family) Braddock 27-

Fsy. Kitty: Indlanaiaill*. Frederick, Helena lOridieiiiii) l>«-n\er. Frlgsii**. IrUl# (Te)iiple) Detroit. F<iV. Will H. (B Milietl'a) Montreal. Fords. Fauioiia (Collaeuiii) Burl lea\ llle, Okla. Fihi. .Ah IJng (Alrdoiiiei Cliattainaiga, Tenu.;

llnivall Jaikaouville, Fla., 2» 2*. Fielding, AllM-rt (Fairylandi Monlreal. Flcehtr*. Otto, Tyndean gulntelte | Majestic)

Clileago. Fleliling A ('arbai (Lyric) Pars<iiis, Kan Fnliirlty Winner (Orpheiiiiii Butte. Faye. Mllli-r A Weatiai (Or|M-uni) Di-iiver. Filler. .Mart (New Rotdnaoii) (Tucinnatl. Foi A Durkin (Family) Butte.

Oraydon, Blanche (Fifth A*e i .St. Cbanl, Minn.

Oraham A Dent (TivoliI Sydney, Australia, Jan. 311 May no.

Gregory. Frank L.. TnaiiM- (Kiiiplrri Leicester (vluara, laindoo, Eng., May 3 ‘2*.

Graaere, The I.Maj>s*tl<T Blrmlnghani, Ala.; iMaJestIcI Little Kia-k. Ark., 22 24.

Goyt Trio (I.,ake*lde Park) Akron, o.; (Myera


PROFITABLE MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITION. If you do not have an Edison Kinetoscope, ask your Exchange to send

you a catalogue and tell you about its merit.s. If you have a Kinetoscope and not the Films, your Exchange to include Edison Films in your service.

All Edi.son Films are approved by the New York Board of Censorship, a board that has been organized to improve the character of the motion picture If you are a motion picture exhibitor and your name is not on our mailing list, send us your name and address and we will mail you a bulletin giving detailed descriptions of our new Alms. Write requests on your letterhead.


No. 6459 Code VENTUROUS Approx. Length 900 Feet

A prettily worked up picture, showing how a young man, ordinarily lacking in bravery, became a valiant rescuer of a lost child while walking in his sleep.

Released May 21, 1909 THE SANDMAN—Children’s Comedy

No. 6460 Code VENUCCIA Approx. Length 685 Feet

This film is descriptive of the pranks played by the Sandman in putting people to sleep at Inopportune times. It will please the children.


No. 6462 Code VENULCSE Approx. Length 315 Feet

This also will find favor with the little folks. It Is a picture of a little miss and a trained monkey. They have breakfast together, the monkey Is given a lesson in reading, and then both are shown at play,

NEXT WEEK’S SUBJECTS Released May 25. 1909 BRDTHER8 IN ARMS-Military Drama

No. 6463 Code VENULUS Approx. Length 978 Feet

Released May 28. 1909 .... A CHILD’S PRAYER-Dramatic

No. 8464 Code VENUNDEBAT Apprex. Length 660 Feet


No. 6461 Code VENUkEIUS Approx. Length 340 Poet

Goblanilth A Ili>pp« (<>r|ihviiiu) Mlunra|wlla; (Ol^ihvum) 81. I’aul 2:12*.

Gra.v A Van Lira (l*riiH'<—*l ('oahorton, O.; (Tlivatoriiimi Maaalllnii 24 '2*.

Gtllingwatrr, ('lauila. A ('<». (On'hvunii Piirt- laDil. (*»>.; (Dniht-iiiii I .Han Fraiirliu'o 10 2*.

Grlmva, Mr. A Mrs. ((iramli Aiigiiata, Ga.; (8a rannah) Savannah 24 2*.

GnilM-r A Kaw (High 8(1 ('nlumhua, O.; lllaurk'BI Cincinnati 24 2*.

Goblan A Ihixbc* (Maj<-*tlcl Jobnatown, I’a.; liliiwardt Ib.atoo 24 '2*.

GrllBlh Thalm* Co. (Bljnu* Atlanta. G*.; (Lyr¬ ic* Chattanooga. Tcnn.. 24 29.

Gllcirn .Slater*. Thrr<- (Maj«-*tlC) Florence, 8. C.; Sumter 24 2».

Granville, V. L. (Wigwam) 8an Franclato; (law Angcleal lios Alifele* 24'2*.

Gerlach*. The: Kiowa, Kan.; Cherokee, Okla., 24 29.

Gray A Graham (Majeatlc) CTblrago.

Gordon A Marx (Grpheiirai Lon Angele*. Gardner A R<-vriv (Wewt Eml Park) New Or-

leana 0 29. Gilroy, Ilayea A Montgomery (BijouI Battle

Creek. Mich. Glhney, Bicknell A Schroeder (Valentine) To¬

ledo. O. Griffith. Oertmd.*, A Co. (S<-enlc) Waltham,

Maa*. Gylleck (Diamond) ('ooncll Blnffa, la. Oinnaro. and III* Venetian Gondoliers Band

(Pr.<lor'# 5Kth 8t.) N. Y C. Gbwe. .\nguata (Sbea't) Toronto; (Keith**)

Pro* Idem e 24 29. Gl< ndower A Manlon (Bijou) Duluth, Minn.;

(Bljoni Mlnneapoll* 24 2). Gardner. Georgia. Co. (Coliseum) Phoenix.

Aria. (Teorgla Oimpera (Waabington Park) Bayonne,


Hew Tork Office: 10 Fifth Avenue. Chicago Office: 00 Wabaah Avenue. Office for United Kingdom;

Ediaon Work*. Victoria Road, Willeaden, London, N. W., England.

SELLIHO A0EHT8 i ^ WATERS, 41 E. tlat St., How Tork. AuuiXD jqeoEOE BRECK, 70 Turk SL, San Franciaoo, Cal


Griffith*. Myrtle (Tlieatorlum) Greenville. O., 17 19: iBIjon) Piqua 2U *22; (Prlncees) Coitnn- bii* 24 29

Georgetty*. Lta (Majeatlci Denver. Girard, Jeanette (F'amlly) Wtlliaiusport, Pa. Oottlohe, The (Bropitv) Butta.

Hewlettea. The (Empire) Springfield. III. Hurwood. W. (). (Jewell Part*, Tex. Hyatt. I.rfirry H. (Lyric) Greenwood. S. C. II' ward's Pontea A Dogs (Sb-a'si Toronto;

IIlammersteln'a) N. V. C.. 24 29. lingo. Great (Majeatle) Ft. Worth. Tex.; (Ma-

je-tir) Dalla* 24'29. Howard. A Co. (Star) Mnncle, Ind.; (An

dersoni Anderwon 24 29. Ilnsa. Calvin (Natlimal) Steubenville, ()., 17-

19: (Llta-rlyi Pittsburg. Pa.. 20 22. IL-arn A Rutter (Crystal) I’ueblo, Col.; (Cry*

tall St. Joseph. Mo.. 24 29. Hsnaone iFxmlIyi Marlon, t).; (Or|ibepm) Find¬

lay 24 29. Ilopkln* A Vogt (Alcaxari Chicago. 17-19:

iPrlnceanl Peoria 20-22; (New Oriental) fTil- osgo 24 2fi; (Wicker Park) Chicago 27 29.

Harris. Dixie, A Frsneea I Star) Wllkensburg, I’a.; (Star) Carnegie 24'29.

Ilirknian, Wills A Co. (O. Il l Niagara Falla. N V.; (I.yrlel Binghamton 24 2).

Haney, Edith (Empire) Calgary, Alta. Gan.; I Empire I K<lmont<>n 24'29.

11*11. W I... A Freneh Follle* (Empire) New »rk. N. J,; (Dewey) N. Y. C.. 24 29

Hawkins, Jirk (Pantage*') Spokane 23 29. Heilrick*. The (Majestle) South Bend. Ind. ID Imsn. Harry (S4-enlc Temple) Chelsea, M«s*. Hannon, IXgga A Burns (Bl)oii) Duhnqne, la. Hanil:ns. The (Orpheum) Portland. Ore. Hollan'l Webb Co. (Lyric) Binghamton, N. Y. Haskell, lioney (Orpheum) I)«>nver. llaywi>nd Slater* (AmtltorlumI Asheville, N. C. lUrrls, l,e*- (Bijou) Men*. Ark. IDinlri's* (GramI) Ml«*iai1a, Mont. Hnmllton A Rone* (I.yrie) Eaat St. t.outs. HI Holenisn Bro*. (Dreamland Park) Coney I*

land. N Y ll••*le. .M. (Vendiwne) linnaton. Tex. H"Iland. Ha(>py Iha- (Ilopkln*) l■oulavllIe. Harrison, lee: Atlantir City; (Hammerateln'ai

N Y. C.. 24'29 II<"1k<-s a Darrell (Majeatle) Dalla*. Tex ;

• Ma)e*tlc) Houston 24 '2) l^■•Iges A I,aunebmere (Cryatal) Denver; Pueb

!•> 24 '29. Ilswart'a Omieily Co. (Majeatle) Ft Worth.

T-v; (Majeetlei Dalla* 24 2) II iiTlngton. Dan J. (P*ntag«‘*'l Taeomn; (Pan-

tvges') Portland. Ore., 24 2* Hamlin A L.vie (Odeoii) Clarksliurg. W Va,;

il..*rlei I'nionlown. P*., 24 2). IBIl A Whitaker (Empire) LBer|Ha>l, Eng . 24

(Empire) Sheffield 31 June .3; (F.mplnO Bull 7 12

Hillman A RolM-rt* (Vaudevlllei Mineral Well*. Tev , 17 -2)).

Il'dloway*. Thr.'e (Kleetrl.i .Mliena. O. 17 1'); CrTslal) Nrlaonvllle 2)22

llarrard. Lynne A Bonnie irnmilyi Billing*. Mont.; (Empire) BnMe 21 '2.)

Ilslhawav'* Imllan TaMennv (Grand* Phd*. jj'fron. Tom (Orpheum) Kvanavllle. Ind ll ’nsrd A Howard (Kelth'al Portlaml. Me M ward Broe. (Majeatle) Mllwaiikei- •ioglie*. Florence iMaj<'a(lel St. Paul

astv. Ctis* : Indl*na|M.||* Hilton. I.ew (llathawa.)-'*) Br<H-klon. Maa* IHilTord A Chain; Ironton. O IjagiM'. Prof. (Yale) Kanaa* CKy. llTtster A Bartell (PIkei Csiial Di>*er. O

II'-S Slst.'r* (Bennelt'ai Ollawa. Can; (Ben '!■ Il's) Miinln>al 24 2)

'I'll A Aekermaii Saakaliaui. Can . Winnipeg ■ I 2).

" ward • Flying Ranjua (Ma)«<*tlr) MU waiikee (Majeatle) (Mileago 24 '2>

I ’ A le.. (Kelth'ai Phlla


.ooa— $1.25 25.000— $ 5.5C ,000— 2 50 50.000— 10 OC ,000— 4.60 100,000— 14.0C

Accargtely iiambered,g|l colon. Quick ghipmeuti

The Big Ticket—Full inch and a Quarter—Pet the Simples—Cash with ordei Drawings. Etc OR SAMPLES

ONZ. Kane. I.eooard (Empire) Colorado Spring*. CoL:

(Cryatal) Trinidad 24 2), Kentucky Rosebud* (Getty Square) Yonkers,

N. T.; (Cnlque) T’nlontown. Pa.. 24 29. Kolb A Miller (Pantage*') Olympia. Wash.;

(Pantagea') Portland. Ore., 24 29. Kramo Bro* (Bljotji .Atlanta, Ga.; (Bljon)

BIrmlnirbam. .Via.. 24 29. Kramer*. The; Slateford. Pa.; (Cascade Park)

New Caatle 24 29. Kelly A Ashby: PIrmovith. Eng., 31-Jnne 5.

Knight. Harlan. A Co. (Poll's) New Haven. Conn.

Koi-hler Operatic Trio (Plata Mnatc Hall) N.

5.000-S2.S0 EO.008-89.38


J. SCHARDIIIG, JR., Gen. Mgr, E. T. PALMER, Sec. & Treas.

WANTED Kcilam. J. (Majestic) St. Paul. Kennedy*. TTie (.Vvenne) Lovilsvllle. Keighley. Great: (Tilcago. Ill. Kohler A .Vdama (Th.-atorinm) Pine BInff, Ark. Kramer A Elliott (Star) St. Paul. Kramer Briino TVlo (Pantages*) San Franelaco

17 2). Kaufman Bro*. (Proctor'* Mb .Vve) N. T. C.;

(Proctor'* 12!)th St.I N. Y. C., 24 29 Kltx. An>ert A Fr,*.1.a (Bljmi) Cloquet. Minn. Kelley A Catlln (Olympic) I ynn. Mas*. Krat<m*. Tb,* (Empire) Bradford. Eng.. 24

29: (Empire) Hull 31 Jun • 5; (Empire) BIr mingham 7 12.

Kaufman Troupe (Grand) Pittsburg. P*. Lang. John B. (Grand) Oil City. P*. Laurence, Walker (.Vlvln) Mansfield. O. Ix*e. James P. (Cnlque) I.av* Angeles. I,eGra.y. IVollle (Bijou) Racine. WIs. I.ewls A fffiapln (White niy) .Atlanta. G*. Ixvralne. Oaeir (Emplrv>) I.a»1ee*ter Square. Lon-

dcm. Eng.. April 19 May '2>. l,eClalr. Harry (Grand) Portland. Ore. La.nhiottes. The (Koval) Manlatee. Mich.; (Vau¬

deville) Mt Pleasant 24 29. Lansing*. TTie ((>ri,hemn) Chattanevg*. Tenn. lame A O’ Donnell (Empire) Paterson, N. J..

17 19; (Empir.') HoN'ken 2)22; (BHou) Perth Amhi'y 24 29; New Brunswick 27 2).

l.lvelv. Alarvelou* (High St.) CoUimhua. O. Little r-oiint T<'<ldy (Kiigllah) Indianapolis. Leuliie. Hsrry iStarlsnd) Saskativon, Can.; (Bi¬

jou i Edmontivn 'J4'2) l.amtaTt. Michel (1). H ) Port Jervis. N. J.;

(O. H I Cnlon Hill '24 2); Jersey City, N. J. I.nttringer. AI , A Lillian latca* (Pantage*')

San Eranel*<i' 24 2). la-ffingwell. Nat A Co. (Gaiety) Springfield.

Ill ; (Main St ) P,-. ria 24 '2) I.swrcnee A .Arnsman (Hlpi>-strome) la'Xlngtnn,

Ky.; (Kenlnckyl Paducah 24'29. Levoloa, The iPonoe ile lasvn l*ark) Atlanta.

G*. Lanrant. Marie (Theatorlnm) Del*w-*re, O.;

(Lima) .Akion '24 2) la-Uoy Gri'at (Ti»ek) Salamanca. N. T.; (Star,

Geneva 24 2>, la>alle. Bert, A Co (Colonial) N Y. C.; (Ham-

mersltdn'a) N Y. C. 24 ’2) la>o. Arthur (Ilapiiv Hour) Elmira. N. Y..

17)9; (I**rl*h Hall) Itha.M 2)22,

Addreaa (jHICAGO EKPOSITIOH' MOWK Billboard, Chicago. HI.

The oldest and most popular pleasure park In Westchester Co.

O I * Mnsical Comedy, Opera f\ RJ oooking, Upens W

Wanted Legitimate CONCESSIONS of all kinds at once.



Electrical Scenic Effects and Electrical Stage Lighting Appliances IMPORTED CARBOHS. LEHSES and OELATIHS AT EXTREMSLT LOW PRICES.

JOSEPH MEHCHEH ELECTRICAL CO., ~ •erythlng electrical for the stage. Send 2)0 for new catalogue

first purchase of go<v<la. Largest Manufactursra of Elsctrioa tho World. t«0 Wsat Fiftieth Street, Mew York City, U. (ContlnuiM i»n r9>*e 33. i

30 Xtie Billboard MAY 22, 1909

CORRESPONDENCE. , (Coatlnii'-d fr<wn page 27.) ^

Mooie<»«<H>iH> 10-Hi. KKintOIT OI KKA IIOUSK (Harry l‘ar<'iif. iiiirr. i OlKirn (irami 0|><'ra ('«. Iml.-fiiilt. ly. I.VCKI .M THKATHE (A. Warner, nigr.» Vaiichan (ilawr aii<l Co. in 1 he IK-vll 9 l.'i: Ham- e.iiiipaiiy In In-ah Kleachna 1(122. WHIT.M'.V THE.\TUK (Charlea AKiiian, ingr. I TfXaH Jaek P I.".; Chleago S(<Hk C... In Tlie . Halrj Farm IC. 22. AVF.M’E THEATKE (Drew A Canii'le M. n.gra. i A\enue Glrla 9 1.'). .'lAJES- TIC THE.VTIiE (Mr. Shramni. mgr. l KeineKlil Jap troiiiM'. Kalpli ItiggH Co., MIsh Dagniar Dunlap, ICiehanlH. Samiiela ami Chenter. KnbI and DriHHll.iiilg.. ami pleturen. FAMILY THE- ATHE. Miirgo'* .'lanikiim, Fn-d Frevnll. Twin I’lty Qiiarti-t. Aim* and Dog. CoojH'r ami WllHon. Tlir«H* .Memphis StmlentH. Juggling Wll llteh. Mi-'i-H .MipilHh ami Clayton, ami Itto- graph. TIIFATIH; COMIQrE (Mr. Merger, mg •. I JoH.‘ CollitiH. Itow'lev and Oay. JoKepbine Cunningham. Dan Delhi, GrulsT ami (lew, and Oomiipie)UHi|M..


bott. mgr. I Di n Hnr May E! l.'i. MAJESTIC (Arthur I..ini'. mgr. i The FainouH Withington Kouav-H. I..>rlmer JohiiKon ami Co.. Johnny Me- i Velgh an.' hie College (llrls and the Camera- ; graph week of May 17.

DOWAGIAC.—DUCK WITH MEMORIAE THE¬ ATRE (E. J. Walah. mgr.) .V Texas Ranger i May 14: Dolly of the Cir<-ua 17.

GRAND RAPIDS —DOWERS- THEATRE. The Family we*k of May 10 MAJ12(T1C. Cath¬ erine CmintiHH Conipany In The Boys of Com- , pany R week of .May 10.

KALAMAZOO—ACADEMY OF MCSIC (B. i A. Btiab, mgr.) Marie Doro In The Morals of Marrtis May l.l. MAJE.ST1C (Harry W. Crull, I mgr, I GallettFs Monkeys. Rert Jonlan. John-! ny McVeigh and HD Colh-ge Girls and Connelly and Weht) we<'k of May 3. !

LANSING.—BAIRD-S THEATRE (F. J. Wll-i Hams, mgr.) Franklin Stoi-k Co. May 10 15. RIJoU (D. J. Rohlnxin. mgr. i Merlan's Canine Actors. J. J. and Myra Dowling. Floyil .Mark. Wssington and Jones w«M.k of May 10. IDEE TIOCR (Fred Swan, mgr.) Vaudeville and mov¬ ing pictures.

OW08SO.--OWO.SS() THEATRE (B. R. Claw son. .1r.. tngr. I .\l. (1. Field s Minstn ls May .I; Burns Johnson fight pictures 5; The Red Mill I!) IDE.AE (W. F. Cunningham, mgr.) Vamlevllle. moving p'cturi's and songs 10 15. STREirr FAIR—DlIlHam Carnival Co. .May 31- June 5.


HorSE (I. N. .Seott, mgr. I Tlie Right of Way, with Guy Standing and Theoilore Rols-rts 9 12; A Stuhlewn ('ImliTella El-lo; The Morals of Marcus wllh Marie Doro -20 22. BIJOC (>DER.\ IDirSE (Th.'o. E. Hays, mgr.) Eamont's Cock¬ atoos. George YiHunan. Caseta and Aseta, Be¬ atrice E»>oe.ard. nie Slegles. Illustratral songs ami motion i)lcturi'S wis-k of May 9. DEWEY THEATRE (Archie Miller, mgr.) Barry and Hack. Jack Cisson. The Ri-nnington Company. llln*.trated ■ songs and motion i)lctuies w<‘ek of M-iy 9. r.NKjI E THEATRE (Jack Elliott, mgr.) Dumltn’s.'u Vermette Tr.niis'. Jack Wyatt and Blanch)- Rice. Four English Ih-lh-s. Man- (•ll's Mirion)-(t<-s. ()w)-n and Hoffman, Norman B.ranna Hie KInnetlscop)- W)-ek of May 10. MILES THE.\TRE (I. C. SiM-ers. mgr.) Sydney Dr.'W. Billy Singh- Clifford and Maude Eaml-ert, M.'Wntti rs mil Tyson. Bros. DeWynne. Casey Slid I.eCI ilr. V. D. Wmvlward and the Mllesoope . w.. ), of May 10. ORDHEfM THEATRE (O. [ E R")iu-ind. mgr.) Helen Granth-y anil" Co., Gus E-Iwards' Kiwtntry Kids. Eotta Gladstone. ! Kd.-ih-inxai TroiiiM-, Tom Waters. Armstrong and Clark. .Vgm s Mahr and the Klnmlrome wi-ek of May 9 DRINCESS THE.ATRE (,F. C. Driest, mgr.) Briintr ('i-.' and Co.. Madell and Corh- h-y. Iliijrel ao'l Irene Glailstone. Ma<Iam Rloiiy, i Wcntworli. .-i hI Burns. .\rt Di-rrv and the Cam- ' -•r.agrai.h «. .-k of May 10. ISIS THEATRE (I-. ' E. Lund, mgr.) Canu-raphone attractions, mo i ih-n fii-tures and illustratcal songs. NOVELTY' THEITRE IL. E. Lund, mgr.) Continuous vau- d)-vllle. n-o(fon pictures and illiistratisl songs. ] WONDERLAND ELEITRIC MESECM (L. E. I.und. mgr.) Illustrated s.ings and motion pic¬ tures S( ENIC THEATRE (J. B. Schmlt, mgr.) \f..tio-i idi-tun-s and Illustrated songs. ('RITI RION THEATRE (J R. Schmlt. mgr.) ' IHustratiNl songs and moving pictures. M.4JES J TIC THEATRE (Arnold & Johnson, mgrs.) II- ! Ius(r:it-‘d songs -iii'l motion pictures. MILO THE.\ I RE (.lolin F. Garner, mgr.) Illustrated songs and nnXi-n Ideturi-s. GEM F.IMIEY THEATRE (.\. J K.avanaiigh. mgr.) Contin¬ uous aaudevllle. -Hustrati-d songs and motion |i|cluri-s. ISIS THEATRE (E. E. I.und. mgr.) Motion idcliiri-. lovi- Triumphs. Melha and oth--r piaiiiilnent oiM-ra singers on the Auxeta- plsitie. WONDERIAND THEATRE (E. E. I.und. mgr.) Tile Chini-se Slave in motion plc- turi's. ami other goiMl fi-adires. The Sllvertone Quartet tiri-sc-nting llliistrali-d songs. NOVELTY (E. E I und. mgr.) Thn-e hig vaudeville acts. Incluiliiig Till- Rutih Family and Jean Cole. not(»d wr-s(li-r. iiiis.tliig all coiners; 2.000 feet of motion plctun-s; J. Wilson Bennv. Illustrated songs. ROI'ERIC STE. FI.ECRE.

ST. PAUL —METROBOT.ITAN OPERA HOrsE (I.. N. Si-ott. mgr.) A Stulitsirn Cin- I’eri-Ila with Homan B Mason May 9-12: The Right nf Way. with Gny Sta'iiling and Tlieo- don- Roberts 13 10: Miss Marie Doro In The Mor.ils of Manus 17 19. ORI-HECM (11. W. I’l-rong. mgr. i Gr iyis- S' A Co. In Dlvoreons; .\t the Sou-’d of the Gmig. dramatic cpIsiMie of the prire r-ng: \V. E. Whittle, ventrlloonlat: I.addie Cliff, l-ov comi-illan a-id ilano-r: Sisters Three .Mhht-s. worhEs pn-mh-r lady gymnasts; Ixwil Slid Tilling. The Milch Sisters, of St. DaiiL In violin, id ino and vocal si-lect|ons. and the Kinoilri'iiie wei-k nf the 9th. GR.yND (T. 1.. Hays. mgr. I Special sutnmi-r si-a«on: con¬ tinuous v iud-'vi>h-: high-i l.ass acts hv Wm. Morris Inc . chatigeil twice a wi-ek. The Five Shannons, sligiiig and dancing set: Cas<-tla and .Aslta. WOfhEs whirlwind dancers; The Selgela. In high-class mu“lcsle: Ge<i. Eonc. German eomeillan: Iati-«t llliislrati-d soegs and moving pictures. eh-Mig-iI dally. MAJESTIC (D. Jack Bondy. mgr. i Dr. Karl Hi-rman. electric wli aril and osti-roloclst: The Ti-legraphle Comedy Four, whirlwind dam-ers; Jack Symonds. enter¬ tainer. whose odd title Is a man of easi-; The KIns-Ners. European novelty eijullibrist: May Belle, singing ca>n-edlenne; Miss Ross Burton, i-lolln and violon eello; I/i-o White in Illustrated songs, and the Kami-ograph. week of 10. .STAR IT. C. MeCready. mgr. i Siiromi-r season: eon- tiniious vsndevilie and niovlng pictures. CRYS¬ TAL. Vaudeville. Illustrated songs and moving pletnnia H D. WINTERHALTER.

PRESTON.—TIBBETTS THEATRE (('uah. TIIiIm tls. mgr.) Falty Felix May 12; Bair of Country KliU 20.


(H. .M lyi-r, mgr.) Katlileeii .Mavoiiriieeii (local) .May 7.


Sd-wiril. mgi.) Wis-k May 10, .Mrs. Flake in Salvation .Nell. Siici-eiHliug five weeks. Lyman Howe's Travel l*li tun s. GRAND THEA'I RE (lIudsiMi A Judah, mgrs.) Week .May 9, Flor eni-e Gear In Marrying Mary; wi-ek May 10. Harr.v Beresford In Who's Yisir Friend. GIE EIS THFATRE (E. S. Brigham, mgr.) W.-.-k M.)y 9. The Yankee Dooilli- Itoy; week May 14. Old Arkansaw. AT DITOBH M THEATKK (O. D. Womlwanl, nigr. i la-ster l.onergan Slock Company n Brims- Karl week May 9. Same company In David Garrick week May 16. MA JESTIC THE.kTRE (Thus. Hmlgeinan, mgr.) Moving pirturi-s have Is-en installed for the summer. EEF.ITKIC BARK (Sam llenjamin. mgr. I 0|M'ns for the summer si-ason May 23 with many new amusement devle*-i. vaudeville, etc. FOREST BARK (Jim B. Anderson, mgr.I DsneIng rides, conci-ssloiis, fn-e vaudeville, etc.


ST. LOUIS.—FOREST BARK HIGHLANDS (Juo. D. Tippet, mgr.) The week's hill In eludes Will Rogers and Co.. ClIpiK-r Quartet. Berry and Berry. Borani an-l Nevara. Grace Ar maud .ind motion pictures. Cavalln's Rand, with Nellie Braggins as soloist. Is pleasing the music lovers G.KItRICK (Dan S, Fisbell. mgr.) Howe's Moving IMetures eomini-nciiig week of May 9 for a run. COU'MBIA THEATRE (I-ew Sharp, mgr ) Bill for week of May 9 Includi-# Jewell's Manikins. Six Little Girls and a T>-d i dy Bear, Howard Trui-sdale and Co.. Carson and Willard. Howard Brothers, Jeannette .Adler and BUks. Kramer and Schis-k. S<-hoenwerk and motion pictiiri-s. ST.AND.ARD (la-o Uelchi-n- hacii. mgr.) Tlie Frlvolith-s of 191S week of 9; house closed with this attraction. G.AY- ETY THE.ATUE (O. T. Crawford, mgr.) Renti Santley Biirlesipii-rs week of May 9; closing at

I traction. DELM.AR G.ARDEN. Tills week I Natlelo'a Band and attrartlons along the Bike. ; WILL J. FARLEY.

I CARTHAGE.—LYRIC AIRDOME (Archle . Rrigham, mgr.) Opens May '22 wltii the Calla-

: 'nan Drsmatic C-mipany. Chas Breckenridge 1 Comedy Company week of May 24. UNDER ; CAXVA.S—Crawford's Cumi-dians we«-k of May

17. BiC. KNELL FAIR. Aug. 24 27; Mlsg Em- i ma Km-ll. seev.

COLUMBIA.—COLUMBIA THEATRE iR. B. ' Stoi'ks, mgr.) Closed May lU with The Blue

Mouse, LAMAR. — UNDER CANVAS — Crawford's

; Comedians -.xeek of .May lU; Nicholaa Carnival Co. wi-i-k of May 10.


HesU-t, mgr. I Richard Carle May h 9; Lillian Russt-Il May 13-14; Norman Hackett in Clasa- iiiates Mav 16 17: The Gingerbread Man May

' IS; The Merry Wld w May 21 '22. THE LULU i THEATRE (Dick I‘. Sutton, mgr.) Lulu Musi I oal Csimpany In tlu-lr last w»-ek of the sea¬

son will give .A .Matrimonial Mix-up. OR BlIEUM THE.ATRE (C. N. Sutton, mgr.) Ern¬ est Yerx.a. Warren. Lyon and Myer*. CamDle D'Arville, Mazuz and Mazette. Adelaide, Eliza i l>eth M. Murray, Tin- Sisters Gasch week of .May 8. Jaiins Thornton. Sullivan and Bas- >iueleua. Vera Berllnger. Clark and Bergman. Mark and Willi.iius, Ic-Dent and The Futurity Winner we-k of Ma.v 15. I'.AMILY THE.'TKE (G. N. Crawford, mgr.) Bert I’age, Glenroy an I Riissi-IL .Makarenko TTou|(e week of May S. S--ymour and Hall. La Mals-I, Fox and Dur¬ kin an 1 Walter McCullough wi-ek of May 15. THE EMBIBE (L M. Quinn, mgr.) The Da vises. Masijui-rla Sisters. E-hlie Dolan. Zech and Zis-h and Sid Giroux \v»-ek of May 9. Rapheal. The Gotlohs. Dan Moyles and Co. and Verne .ind Verne we*k of May 16.

NEBRASKA. LINCOLN.—OLIVER (F. C. Zelirung. mgr.)

"Die Red Mill May 4. LYRIC (F. H. Brad siri-et. (i)gr.) Fulton Stock Co. In All of a Suddi-n Bi-ggy week of May 3; same company in Tile Frisky Mrs. Johnson wt-ek of 10. M.A JESTIC (L. M. Gorman, mgr.) Eddie Blay Burns, Lizzie Daly. The Astaln-s, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Connelly, Koy and Clark. Elona and Is- slM-lle Howell an.I Co. week of May .3: Chinko. Tlie Miller Musical Four, I.a-w Hawkins, The Ortman Trio. Minnie Kaufman, Frank and Ger trude Fave and West and Girsrd week of 10.

YORK.—YORK OPERA HOUSE (W. D. Fish er. mgr.) G. A. R. Reunion May 10 15; Rurwoisl , Stock Co. 19.


vis, mgr.) D.accy and Donaldson, Junipi-r and Hsyei. The Thn-e .Amlotts, Bert Spears. Joseph Clermont, Vennett and Manley, Qui-en and Boss rod Frsnk Vennett we«-k of May 3. Paul Cazi-neiive in Faust (return engagement) May ! 7. LaVellle dti Jour de L'an (toial) May 26.


mgr. I The Whirlpool May 10 12: Walter I’l-r- kins In Hello Bill 13 15. SAVOY (Hs-ry Brown, mgr.) Milton and iKiIIy Nohlea. Four. It'ta Ri-dtnoud. Bongo and I.a-o. Joe D- 'i^tig and Cl).. L.inders and Allen, and Ixuitse Weah-y wtH-k ot .May 10. YOFNG'S DIEK. Klein. Ott

' Brothers and Nleliolson, Hotison and Ireland. ; Itlchiirds and Montrose-, Arminta and Burke,

.Arthur Whin-law, Marei-Iles. Field Brnthi-ra and ! moving plctun-a wei-k of .Mi^ 10. CKITERION. ! I'redi-rii k Estertirook and (*0.. Ri-nvetter and

I.yman. Shelly Trio. Carters Censor's Dogs and moving plrtiirea week of 10. STEEDLE CHASE

I DIEK (Eugene L. Derry, mgr.) Barhman'a Or I ehestr.s. Yackley and Bunnell, Irene Law. Kolon

and West, l/oiiia WInsch, I.awrensi- B. O'Con nor and the Vitagraph week of May 10. YOirNG'S NEW DIER (John L. Yfsing, mgr.) I'he Dhllipplne Band, roller skating, hasliethall and novelties. UNDER CANVAS-Rlngllng Brothers' Clreiia May 15.

PERTH AMBOY.—BIJOl' THEATRE (J. E Ernest, mgr.) Jiinie MiCree'a O-medy DIsyers, Wm. Rolx-rtua, Bert Jordan. Htelnert Thomsa Trio. Golden and Hiighea an-l BIJougraph May 3 5; Waslihiirn'a Dogs and Monkeya. Mr. and Mrs. Ualph Lewis. Tin- Hogans. Young and IxiDi-:i. Golden and Hughes and Hljougraph 6 8. NEW MAJESTIC (M Shanmm, mgr.)

I Lncier Family, Chas. Hughi-s and Ills Singing I Girl, Tralnor and Hunt. Kopiie, The Biirtlnoe, ^ Slato May 3 6 .Minnie Dalmi-r and Co., Corta

li-y and Anlotiato, 'I'wedilv and Uols-rls, E)e Ivn Navllliis. The l.iu-ler Family snd Hu- (i\er Ing Trio 6 8.


NEW YORK CHTY. AC.ADEMY OF Ml SIC (Gilmore ii r-inipkliis. nigr-i Roli.-rl M.iiilell clooed ids fifth week MhV l.'i.

ALHAMBRA THE.ATlti: (D.iiy (J Williams, mgr.) Vaiiiie) III1-.


Inc., mgr.) Vi ndi-vllle. AST >R THEA rUi; (Wag. nhaU .V K. nip. r.

mgrs. I Wm. Hisige In The Man from Home Is'gan his tl-iri} ninlli week May IT

BKL.V.SCO (l>avld Bela-io. mgi.) Going .Some l:ls sixth week Ma.v IT BIJOU (.A. C. CaniplM'll, mgr I .A Gi-ndi-inan

from .Mississippi Is-gan Ita (hlrly f.-iirih wi<k May i7

BROADWAY (Uw Flelda, mgr.) I'li.- Mid

niglit S-ns o|M‘nH May 17. C. ASINO (Sam S, A Lee Shnis-rl, lin-.. nigra )

James T. Dowera lu-gan his lifleeiidi wee). In Havana May 17.

COI.ONI.AL (Derry G. Williams, mgr 1 Vau

de\ ille CRITERION (Chas. Frolituan. mgr.) Elsie

Jaiils in The Fair Co Ed.. Is-gan lier liflh week at this lioUHi- May 17.

D. AI.Y iSam S. A lau- ShiilM-rt, liic., nigra. 1

Tlie Climax hegan Its fourth week May 17.

DEWEY (Win. 11. Fox .Aiiiiiai-ment Co., mgra. I Moving plclnrea.

EMDIRK (Chas. Froliman. mgr.) .Mamie .Ad sms rommi-nis-d the twenty si-i-ond w.-.-k of her i-iigagement In Wh.xt Every Woman Knows .May

17. FOURTEENTH STREET (J. Wesley R-s.-n

quest, mgr. I Moving pictiiri-s and v.«iiili-v.lle.

G.AIETY (Cohan A Harris. Klaw A F.rlang-'r mgrs. I The House Next iKsir Is-gau Its sixth

wis-k May 17. G. ARRICK (Chas. Frobman. mgr. 1 William

Collier in The Man fixim Mexico Is gan h a see

oud xvis-k May 17. GOTILAM. Moving pictures an-l xamlexllle.

GRAND ODERA HOFSE (J. H .Sprlng-r. mgr. I RolH-rt Edeson In Tlie Call --f the N<-rdi cliisi-il 15; The Qu»-i-n of the .Moulin Rouge iqi

en-*il 17. I GR.4ND STREirr (Al. H. Wmsla, mgr ) The

Drier of Honor, presented by the stis-k com |>any, closisl 15; The Road to Ruin iqe-nisl 17.

H. ACKETT (J. K. Hackett. mgr 1 Grace George In A Woman's Way Is-gan her thlri--entb

wei-k Mav 17. HERALD SQUARE THE.ATRE (Harry .M

Hyams. mgr.) Jefferson D«-.A'igi‘l|a in The Beau

ty Sja-t Is-gan his sixth week May 17 HIDDODRO.ME (Shiiliert A .Amlerson, mgra.i

Sporting Days. The Land of D.lrila. The Battle

in the Skies liegan their thirty fifth week .May 17.

HUDSON (Henry B. Harris, mgr ) The Third !)egn-i- Is-gan Its sixteenth week May 17.

HI UriG A SEAMON'S MUSIC HALL iSam Hurdg mgr.) Billy B. Watson and the Glrla from Hapi-yland i-lo-x-il 15; The (J.rla .f the

.xiiiiiiin Rouge o[H-ne<l 17. KEITH A I'UtK'ToR'S FIFTH AVENUE (E

F. Alhi-e. gen. mgr. 1 Vaudeville.

KEITH A DROCTOR'S 125lh .ST THE.ATRE 'loving picture.-.

KXIOKliRBOCKF.R (AI. H,(>man A Co., mgrs.) The Candy Shop its f-xirtli we<-k May 17.

LINCOLN square (M M. S. hl<-salng. r. mgr.i Follies of the Day b«-gan an engag<-m-'nt lu-re May It).

I. IBl'RTY (Klaw A Krlanger. mgra 1 R.-la-rt Hilliard in .A Fool There Waa lagan bla ninth w«a-k .May 17.

I.YCEl'.M (Jebn W. Riimacy, mgr.) Eleam-r Rot)son in Tlie Dawn of a T'> Morr->w l-egan lo-r sevenuenth wt-ek May 17.

LYRIC (Sol. Mannheimer. mgr. 1 Geo. Faw cett in The Gnat John Canton lagan bla dunl wet k May 17.

MADISON StJI'.ARF GARDEN Biiffahi Blll'a Wild We«t and Dawnta- Rill'a Far East el->at-d

the tlilrd anil last wn-k of their engageiiu-nt Mav 15.

M.AJESTIC (W L. Rowlaml. mgr 1 Cole an-l Jt-hnaon In Tlie Rtsl M(N)n Is-gan their thlril w-i-l, Mav 17.

.MANHATTAN (W. J. (Jane, mgr.i M-vliig plotiires ami vatideville

MAXINE ELLIOTT'S (Geo. J. Apphton. mgr.) The Bine Moiim- lagan Ha tlilr-l week at this htmae May 17.

MimioDoLIS (Chas. L. Waltr«. mgr 1 I'ht-

lloneymoiiners closed 15; Italian 0|a-ra Comii.aiiy- oje-netl 17.

.MINEU S BOWERY (E. D Mlii-r. mgr 1 Tli Octorotin Burleai|iii-nt cl.atial die h'-iiae Mat I."-

MI'RR.AY HILL (J. Il-rlart Mae)., mgr I

The Iti-bman Show 1 haw-d 15. Sam St rlhiu r'a Rig Slmw oia-ni-d 17.

NEW AMSTERDAM iKlaw A Erlang-r. mgrs. I The bouse w aa dark la«( wts-k

OLA'MDIC (Maiin-y Krana. mgr.i Ttu- B-tn

Tons closed 15: R. Syilell an-l Her Is-ntl-in Belles tqieni-tl 17.

DLA7.A MCSIC HALL (Win M -rrls, Im- . mgr.i V.-iiiilevlIle.

SAVOA' (I'rank MeKt-e. mgr.i Olga Nt-dit-r sole rommenet-tl her fiHirdi w--ek in The Writ Inc on the Wall, May 17.

STI'YVESA.NT THEATKK (David Rel = :tto mgr.) Franei-a Starr In Tlie I'aauai Way i-.-m inenct-d her elglili-enth wei-k May 17

THIRD AVENUE (Frank Kei-ii), mgr.i Van devllle and ni<iTlng idetiires.

VICTORIA (Oscar Haminerateln. mgr i Van iIi-tHIi-.

WALI.ACK'S (Clias. Biirntiaiii, riigr.) Henri¬

etta Crosman Is-gan lier i-lglidi week In Sham ; .May 17.

WEBER'S (Jim. M. Wt-ls-r. mgr ( Tlie (Ilrl fritin Reetor's Is-gan Its slxtei-ndi wet k Mar 17

WEST END (J. K (‘fa-kstin. nigr.) E H Stidiern _ c|(su-tl 15: Lulu Glaai-r '-peiietl 17

VORKVH.LK (Frank Geraii-n, mgr 1 Tliiirs ton an I Conipany rloaeil 15.

LONDON iJ. H Ciirdn. mgr 1 Untie Hsiii's Il-Iles eltstt-t) 15; rttiiimeiii lug Xlay 16 dila Imiia. will give iimvliig pletiires and vamlevllle

ATI.ANIK garden (W Krenier'a Sons, mgrs. I Vamlevllle.

COMEDY (Max Ols-riultirf. nigr.) Moving pie j (iirt-a sml vamlerlllt-

I NKjl K (K. L. Well, nigr. I Moving plrlun-s ' and vatidevlllt-

III BI.R H Ml SKI M (J. H Anilt-ratin, mgr.) I'reaks anil ciirloa along with vaudeville



The Biggest Money- Getter on Earth

riii.s i.s a new one,

jp *■ I iMiy.s, and can Im* op-

VMinMiJ crated aiiywIicrD. Sell

‘d per pound. ()pcrators arc

to $50 per week operating 10ma- cliiiiD.s. it(‘ the first in

town to install

this big money-getter. Send for printed inat-

JACKSON MFG. CO., Jackson. Michigan.


Top in quality.

Bottom Notek price.

lArrnt Aod nrweat Maort- roent of do- airna. Hpeclal atylea for

\ MovincPicture Thr»t rt». ImRMOllAtO •hlpmcnt.


# lS4»(t. StAteSt 9 CliicACO Ill.

L j; The Largest aII^ c ^Sensational Act in ^ the World.

..e.^ •llrao'lloa. He«i ••4 Mosl hHII-

TT^ nielli trnlnr^ ft TliHllliift rlerfiiral

\ flrr»t»rka flnUk

/T Contains manr - - i ^ oritinal and

\ * / atartlin* frata that ^ imitator* dara

‘ 'i' attempt.

\ F®* paitirwUn ol iKit ' \ laa»xm«« remrdhrrakw

int. ciDwd-dr»ninf, Hi«taular Irmluft,

* f T ' . arVkrM,


Graham Balloon Co. (>I)rn for enKHKemenU for the coming

Suininer .S*a8oTi and Fall Would alao like

a privili-ifp in aonic good I’.MtK,('onnecti-

ciit or X»-w York preferred (i|{.\H.\M

CO , Old Orchard, .Maine.

AT UBERTY! A-1 Door Talker

Stime m-iis-y to Invest In Carnival Attracthm

tir small Irarcllng slsiw What have yitu g-'tl

J. A. REID, cart Queen City Hotel, CharletU, N, C. _


Ilian fo bamllr 70 ft tM|i. alllt 40 ft iiiliMlr Miiat Im* a«>at inaii ah«| a lioiiilfr Salarr $.*><1 |M*r nwinih amt

Join hiiiii«N|lalpl> Andraw O Phra, rara MePhra'a Bia Componya May tl tt. North Bay. Ontario; 84(5. Sudbury, Ontario.

HYPNOTISM H*' a IlyiUMitlat aiMl inalit* fun and m<»Dry. Any «*iM‘ may l«>arii In a f«‘nr hotira In primary of onn

, Ih»mnv Htufly la iHitli caay and faB<*lnatliui Vary amall r«*al Wrtfa at ff*r fraa partifu lara t«i M. D BKTTB, Bu. 7, Jackaon. Micli.

-I- WANTED FOR STOWE'S. ON THE rROHTIER. Wnmg riFTiiat atxl tnamlMiiia for hand and orrh»*«!f»

I TVn car trot almw. Ilaat of arrf»nimodatlon» Matla»N<nd. 5lo. May 21; lllarb Wataf. Mn

I May 22; llnmraton, 5lo 24

MAY 22, 19W. 31 X li e Billboard

rAIK ir. K. Hmiiiii-la, mcr.) MovIdk ptr luri*« anil vaiiil*'Vlll<‘.

HlJOl' IMtKAM irul>« Htiuar)*; MotIiik |>1c lur<-B and llliiatrated a<>UK>

MIJOI’ liKKAM (i'M Muring pic lurca.

hlJHlT KUKAM (SAtti Hlrcclt Muring pic lurra.

ilAKI.KM Ol’KItA llorSK. Muring plcturca and aung«.

KAMII.Y. Muring plitun-a and rau<lcrlllc.

BBOOKLYM liUAM* orKKA IKM KK Mjco. W Siininla. uigr. i Tin* AlMiru tiraiid <>|M-ra (^u.

uf 10 17. MAJKSTH' (W C. Krldlcy. mgr. I SlH>ri- A<tc» uf lo. <'«*< ll S;>u'>ncr Id Mjt I'arlinT'* <ilrl wc«k uf 17 TKLI.KK’S llUOAI>\VAV (l^-u r. T<llcr. ingr.i Tli«* yiircu uf till* Muiillu Kuiigv «f>-k uf In, t^rtjla Mann Id llir Man Wliu St^d Hllll w»k uf 17 K«*I.1.Y' 111 Kurlainaii. mgr i IVctl ,H|,uunur «,i-k uf Id; Tilt- (■•nnaii Cuinlc iiin-ra Ou. Muck uf 17. oltrilKI'M iKraiik Kllliulz. Digr.i IIIgDi laar raudcvllli' 11 ItKK.M’<II ST I Iti n.-dlrt Klalt. ingr.l Simk Cu. KVIIMUK tUfu. Mr Maiiua. iiigr. I Tlir Waaliliiglmi Surlcly (Jirla Kr<k "f Id Tin* r*lar Slmw lilrla week uf 17. 1IIK Kl I.ToN tM'llllain Triinleirn. uigr. i il.gli ( laaa raniletllle. Till.I MKIA (.M .A. i;|>et> In. mgr. I \'aiiile\llle. Ull^.\L mgr I V.nidfrlll. TAVTiiVM iTur«e Taytun.

Digr. I I'urM* Tiyittn Stte k Tu. in Alice uf Hid

VliiceDiica iil.^MTIT iMik SurtuD, Digr.l llarr.T llrianl* Krtravaganra Cumpany week uf HI liAVKTV iJame* Tlark. iiigr.i Sam

Scrlliuer'a II g Slow w.’ek uf id. TUe Trai'ker Ja< k> Wci'k uf 17 S'P.kll iJuI.q Jai-<|uea, mgr. I Hull Mancheter'a Tracker Jacka week uf 10.

TIKTI S i;KiiT\|iS IIiiITiIu mil ami Tawnee mil a Sliuw. we. k uf 17. STKKTI.Ka llASK I'.kKK iiJ.-u T lll.ruii. mgr., iiih-ii wIlli many Prw atlrai'lluiia. lilt K.k M l..k N |i iS \\

tu*rti. nigr. t i»|e*n at Tui.ey Inland with all new*

attractiuii* IliiSTiiTK'S iKrank T Ilu-lm-k. mgr. I .V» |•■l•lllar a« .■^l■r I.TN.k T.kItK (K. McTl. Ilan mgr . A« p.Hmlc.r a* .-r.-r; many Dew

altractlutia bare lieuD add. <1 i;kii li llAKKS

BUFFALO. STAIt iP. T. T.wn.-ll. mgr. i The Hunatelle Stuck Tu. in The liaugbtera of Men ld-15; Salouir Jane 17 rj I.VItll ijobn Laugh tin. mgr.. It.waled MurrlB..n in Tauat 10 15. The Holy t'liy 17 H* TKTK iShulert llrua.. lewarewi .\l. II. Wile.m Id When ill.I New Yurk Waa Hutch Id 15; Havl.l Warll.I.l in The Mualc Maater ;>Julj S. SlIKA'S iM Sli.-a, mgr.: Harry Ilulger and To.. Ittjnumd and Tarerly. Auguata til.we. Wilbur Maik and .Vella Walker, R.Kuany tiie^a To.. TUe .kiu.w.w Slater*. Tony Wtla.4i an.l Heloia.-. animated plcturca and Th.w J. Kran Kl. hflel.l T- and Amlr w Mack 17 k--’ AT.AIlKMY HT Ml SIT (K. J W ibur. mgr.. Randolph and L.m khan. J.w.'|.b Kiaber. Paul Hamlin I^vna I.a T.wvler. T.elen and Tllf f.g-d. Trana .ktlaiitlc Trio. .American tjuartet, Jamea l.aug ami moriug picturea. TtiNVKN- Tins II.AI.L ill.-nr.i I.. M.^ch. mgr. I The Hrea- den Pbilhami.wiu- iirrh.atra 15. TWHSTlimi TKNTTHY HALL Ilea.*.l.r guanet 13. • i.AItllKS iTbaa K White, mgr.. The Trocade- r..a Id 15. The Night iiwla 17 k’J I.APAYKTTK H. ALL iTbaa. M Itagg mgr . Thaa Falke'a Paahi.m Plate* Id 15 TNHKIt TASYAS Miller Itr.w • Idl Kan. h Wild W. at k".*. Tide Ilr.w.’ World T.wireil Slo.wa 31 Itingling Itr.w.' Tlrcua July 'J; H.datidn an.l Sangater'a Two Tlrcua June P.iJuly 3. Kemp'* Wll.l Weal at Niagara Pall* 1“ LTNA PARK It H Alac Brown, mgr i ii|»-n« k’t TItYSTAL BK..ACH. open* 3d ISiRT KItIK ItKAl H itpena .30 BKLI.KVIKW PARK tiiun* .To BAY VIEW BEAt H ii|~n* 3d tilz'tiTT ItP.ATH Hia na SO. BTPPAIAI AIIHSTMMKR EXPiiSITlON. June IP July 3.


ROCHESTER I.YTKTM .M L W.dfT. mgr i The M.wala 1 Marrii* May Id; Rei.rly of (irauatirk II I'J: The Prima lUKina 13; I yca-um St.wk Company oiwn a *eaa..n of *!.* k pr altic wiwk of 17. the o|>enlng bdl twlng PI Turcon* TOOK ttPKRA HOl SF. (W J Wig gin*, mgr i M.iurl.'e Frea-man an.l To.. Mol.>rl..g. World an.l Klng*t..n. Murray Sl*l..ra. Wat a.'O'a Farm.rar.l. R.' IT Br.w , .A t). Piincan. Keeler Rr.>llier* an.l picture* week of 10 TOR INTHI.AN iT W T.dtmian. mgr i M.raterl.Mi* C.wrelli an.l To . Tanierapbonr an.l .dhera we. k of Id N.ATION.AL .Harry lliirtlg. mgr.i Mcc gan. micknnwe and To . T.w>|M-r. Itu*li ami IVy a»'r Tanna. F J .Appleby Nina Rambcr ami picture* wea-k of Id It.AKl'R .Mr, Kaufman, mgr. I T.Mi*ln Kale wa-a-k of 10


ALPAlfY. HARMAMS RLEETKER HALL III R*. mgr ' M.wtlmcr Snaaw Stock Co. In TTlc (ilrl of the Gaalala'O Wcat wca*k of May 10: The Man on the Rot week 17. PRtH: TORS THEATRE (ll.'waral Craham. mgr.i Freilerlc Bund and To . Harry and Wtalford. Steely and F.lwarda. Relleclalre Brolhera. Irene I. 41 ■r..n. Saymour'a Happy Family, sit Amer lean Panca-r* and m.dlam picture* w.*k of 10. FMPIRK THEATRE tJ II Rh.«1.* mgr ■ Mot

Ing pi tiirca week .af 10 PRtMToH S ANNEX tliiiT airatca. mgr.i Morlng pl.-tiira-a ami Ulna triteal aonga week of 10 MAJESTIT THEATRE tEiiill IVIcbca. mgr.i Moving plrlur.'* and Tiu-

derlllr w.ek .>f 10 I’NPEK TANYAS Ring ling'a TIrcu* Ma 2S

BlkOHAKTON .STONE OPERA llol SE (J. P E Tlark. mgr . M.'rcly Mary Ann Mar 1; Never Laic l» Men.l it. The Mimic Worl.L with HulTman 5. Th.- Wll.hing Hour T: It.aerly of tlrauatark 13 Blanche B*l.-« In ■n.e Elghllng H.>(w> U ARMORY THEM RE lE M Hart, mgr.i Armory Sl.vk To. pre aenliiig The T.'wlMay an.l Ih.- I ady w.'ek .»f 10

ELMIRA. I.YTKTM I R.da Tlrcnll To . mgr* I Huwe'a Moving PIctnrea May 2. The "'Itching ll.'itr 5; cloaa' of Ih*' •caa.m at Ihl* hunaav M07.ART pi W mgr.. La Relic Troniae. Ott. Nad*<an and SliMman. It.m E Hilbert, Keaaley'a Marlonet t.'a. Pill and War.l and Emily Erancl* an.l T.c .3 •< M.wart Oj-ra To In Fra 10 15 RI.AITtt IF W McTiHiiiell. mgr.) Jainlaun an.l l^a.-h, Rn bln at .1 \|a|M-* l.orella Fann. T.>ra Therrv. Mae I'.illln*. Marie It. II. Mat Rrnno and Rl allu*e. (M- 111 I.-. happy HOTR lira Van Ite 'lark, mgr i llarrl* Itr.w . Tvaak an.l Mont gumeri. Bert I ergna..n. Fran.'cw*. Iioncgani an.l nieilng pl.inr.* 10 15 HRANP (E J T.*dc. I TuIIIii* an.l Tnmminga. Rl.'haril Tarl. ton an.l iiii'ilng pIctnrea 10 15

SYRACUSE HRANP iPearM.ln A Pliimm.-r. tngra i Itlr.llan.l. Maii.l.. and Elmicy. Sid ItaMer. Harry B la'ater. Manrl.t" Erecman and Co . Uarrv ami W.dfor.l ami .Aclugraph w.H'k of May 3 WIETINll (J.Sin I. Kerr, mgr) Tlie Mimic W.irl.l May I B.AST.ABLK iSleph •n llaalable. mgr ) Y.*n Von»oii May ;i 5.


tj'diii it Hlgglna A To., nigra.) Park. THE .NEW AT.ME. til. It. .Maauti, mgr.) .Muring pic- ; lurea ami illiiatrate.l aung*. T.NPEIt CANVAS '

Ih.ijglaa A Wurtbey'a Itluaa.^ma Slay 14. 1


mgr.) Il.iuae dark. ALLlA.Nt K OPERA HOCSE ' (J. M. Traven. mgr.) tjennau Opera Co. May 0. ' PltINCE8.S (C. K. Iteat, mgr.) Sidney Jerome; anil Co., Regal Haven ami t.'o., Ollle Jackaon, | Harttell and itartello an.l iiiurlng picture* week of May 10. TNPEIt CA.NVAS -Jubn Itoblnaon’i 1 Ten Rig Sbowa May 10. ,

COLUMBUS. — SOl.THEItN (Wm. Sander, ! mgr.) .Summ.-r aeaa.m of vamb-TlIle ami moving picturea o|iened Mumlay. May 2. COLONIAL iV. Huwell. mgr.) The tjirl of the Gulden Weat wei-k of Ma.v ‘J: The Rlue .M.mae May 17 lit. KElTirS W. Pruaaer. mgr.) Vaiplevllle an.l ni. vlng picture*. HIGH SI RECT (C. W. IlariH-r. mgr.) Vaudeville ami moving picturea. I

FINDLAY. M.AJESTIC illarry KeynoMa. mgr.) The Majeatic .Stock C. week of May 10. OHPIIKT.M (Jamea A .Mun'by. mgm.i ' .Alnici..!. H. Miller. Howell. Eugene and Mar. Sadie O'Neil. Van and Ve.lman and inuring picture* w.a-k of May 3. Mitil Admont. IVdi Piipr.-z. J.ihnaon an.l Kew. Tml H. Miller and "n ivlng idctiir.-a week .>f 10.

0ALLIP0L18.—GALLIPOLIS THEATRE (J. M. Kaufman, mgr.. Vau.levllle and moving plc- tur«-*.

LISBON SMILEY OPERA HOTSE (L. H. Mill.-r. mgr.i Regular *ea*un cl..*.*!. Motion plciiir.* on Satiir.lay night*. G.AYirTY (Wal¬ ter H. Itohl. mgr.i (i.-ne Imvl*. Janie* I>-tton. V.wan and Elre»ione and im'Vlng picturea May 1«'--J ROLL.AW.AY Rabler Murgaii. mgr.i IhiDi'ing. akal'ng and tiiide\llle

MARION.—GRAND OPERA HOCSE (M. J. Siillitan. nigr 1 V. gil’* Miu*trel* May 1. .MAR ION FAMILY THEATRE iH S Vail, mgr.i We» k Ma.v 3. o|M ning with lo-Velda and Zelda. arl.KtIc e.piillbrl*t«; Harry Lake, novelty act; Ijine and E.-iy. ainging act; Ed.lle Boyd, black- I face come.llan: change of bill' Thur*.lay.

STEUBENVILLE—GRANP (T. W. Maxwell, mgr.. Bate-* in T.ivland May 12. N.ATION.AL, IW. G. Hart»bom. mgr.i Guv'* Minstrel* .May 17 22 PAL.ACE (Jona* Miller, mgr.i Vaude¬ ville and m-.vlng pictur.-*. CENTIt.AL ROLLER RINK iJ. M Gorman, mgr.i Skating and or¬ chestra contest*

WILLIAMSPORT.-LYCOMING O P E R A HoTSK iL. J. rUke. mgr.i Blanche Rates May 15. FAMILY THEATRE i Fred M. Laraade, mgr.) Kessley's Marionette*. The Three New some*. Bonton and Til'->n. B- n F. Hilbert. The An.Ir.w* Abbott Co.. Pill and Ward and La- madesootw week of May 10. Walsh Lynch Co.. Jeannette Girard. LaBell Truuiie and moving picture* week of 17.

WILMINGTON. — UNDER CANVAS — John Kot.lnsun Circus May 4: Gillespie and Anderson Carnival Co. wei-k of May 24


ton. irgr. t las-kstader'a Minstr»-1* May 4; The Men from Mar* 0: cliwlng attraction. THE LYRIC I Fred ScheruN-l. mgr.) Vaudeville.


ngr - Mme. Nazimuva Ma.v IT 20. BAKER Geo. L. Baker, mgr.) Park. BUNG.ALOW (Mll- on Seaman, mgr.) Baker Stock Co. In When vnlghtlaioil Waa in Flower week May 2. LYR- C iKeatIng A Fl.asl. mgrs.. Lyric Stock Co. n .At the Old Cr.w* Roads wes'k of May 2 IRPHEU.M iJohn H. Errickson. mgr.i Lillian diirkhart and Co.. Marshall P. Wilder. Count- •«* K'Wal ami Paulu. The !.aiIii Beeson Trio, rtierickx Brother*. Flo .Adler. Coe and Boyd ind motion picture* week of May 3. GRANP iJohn H. Cor.lray. mgr. . King and B.til.v. H»**e and Marietta. M-metta Five, Cowboy iVillliim*. El Barto. Harry MiPuffee and mo- wtn )ii''turea wi-ek May 3. P.ANTAGES' (Alex. I’antage*. mgr . The GainsNiro tilrl. Musical [»i-ntley. The Bruno Kramer Trio. The Boldens, [.-■ralne Biiehanan and Robert Russell. Fred Rlv •nhall Jean Wll*<m and motion picture* week -f Mav .3 ST.AR I Morton L. Cohn, mgr.) M.v lion pi.Hires w.-,'k May 3. CIRCUS GROUNDS

N'-.rr * A U.twe'a Circus May 3 4. .ARMORY. I'hicag'. St inph-.nv Orchestra in con.-ert May ; W J. ENGLISH.


niawr in Mile. .Mlschi.-f; M.).v IT. Ma.Um But lertly.

APELPHI Mat 10. Th-- Witching Hour; Mav IT. Beterlv . f Gr*u<tark

c'hESTNUT ST OPFR A HOT SE May 10. Abr.ihamson Oiu ra C«i in r. |*Tt.> re

WALNUT STREET. Mat ID. The Girl from Yarns. May IT *.xine attr.t.-tom.

G. ALRU'K May 13 and w.-ek. The Bey and the Girl: May IT. same.

FORREST. May 10. The Three Twins; May 17. a*me

.'1U54TNUT STREET THEATRE May 10. Orphenm Player* In The Ironmaster; May 1.. lilorl.m* Betsy

H. AMMERSTEINS PHlI-VPr.LPHl.A Ol'EU.A HOUSE. Ma.v 2i'i. one night imly. The Lambs' Gamlad

NATIONAL. May 10. T.‘une*seo Te*»; May IT. Burn* John«-.n light pietnrt-s.

HART'S M.hv 10, Stetson's Uncle Tem'a Cal.ln. Mav 17 Ja.k O' PUm.'nds,

I'.ERM AN THE ATRE May 10, German St-* k t'ompaiit ; Mat IT. s.tme

G.AYETV. Mat 10. Mar-V; Reaulles; Mat 17. Pat R.-.lly

CASINO Ma.v tO, The tioMen Crm'k; May IT. TTe Behman Sli.-w

BIJOU May 10. Merry Maidens; May li. Blllv W*l*.>n

TRoeVPERO Mat tO. Star Show i.lrl* KEITH S C1145JTNI T STRE4n' THEATRE

Ma.v 10 and week. Krl* Krtngle'* Pn>am. Bert Ci*i|e an-1 Ct> , The Piss ntl*. Biinm and B-.inni. The M. Nanghtoii*. " Ill Cressy and Blanche pstn-' R'* in-l Mnrplit. Henry Clive .ami I'-- . A aman-oto Bntthers Sitt 17 and w.-ek, n.-.irt Bnlg.r an-t C-> . I'.Itt-n Sleten* and Co.. 1l-*-v and l.m-, Tlie M, rl-.n Ji well Troill*-. The Empire Comedt E--nr. R.-i*l Brother*. 'l'eini*-*t an.l Sunshine and Tl.e Cnrz.'n Sister*.

(y'«mtliui<*l oi) page 34 i



The Musical La Moines Novelty Musical Artists

Who have just finished a long and very successful engagement over the Sullivan and Considine Circuit. These artists have played ever>' first-cla^^s theatre in this country, and less than three years ago played a very successful engagement in Eng¬ land over the Moss-Stoll Em¬ pire Tour. Mr. LaMoineisa recognized musician of ability. Mrs. La Moine has a very fine cultivated voice of great range and is a neice of Paul Dow ley, the St. Louis Millionaire Pump Manufacturer. It is the only act of its kind in vaudeville..

Permanent Address,


Wanted Onir-b

Electric Park, WATERLOO, IOWA.

Merry-Go-Round and other concessions. Opens May 31st. Third successful season. Drawing population 100,000. Best Park in best City in Iowa. H. R. PARKER, Manager.

The Wonderful Duplex WHY?

Reeause It bakes two conea over one fire, thereby cutting tbu fuel coat in half, stove cost In half, and floor space In hair. It has adjustable bandies, (lollshed faces and In every respect la a finisheil baker. Note this and dot It doyvn. We (msitlvely guar antee It to be the fastest and cheaiiest cone baker to oi>erate. The ruadiuan's friend; as now be ■will have to carry only halt the cone tiaggage be has bad to carry heretofore. Remember, one Duplex is eijual to two of the old styles. 1 Duplex, $9..50; two. $17.50; and 3. $'24.50. Our terms: one-half cash, balance c. o. d. Take Notice—We have patents (lending. We furnish bat¬ ter formulas and all necessary informatiou for the luakins of cones.

DUPLEX ICE CREAM CONE MACHINE CO., 116 E. Pearl Street Cincinnati. Ohio.

MUSICIANS WANTED .At once, to enlarge band with The Bartinc Shows. Tuba, B-Clarionet, Two Cornets and .Alto. State if you can double Violin and salary wanted. Join on wire. Address as per route. II. \V. WIXGERT, Musical Director, Rartine Shows.

ST. CHARLES, MO, CARNIVAL Free on the Streets. May 31--June 3.

All trttractions furnished by Great Patterson Shows Concessions write and come on to the biggest event ever held in Missouri. For space and terms, address WM. J. TOBIN.

Eller's King of the Cattle Ring Wants pcu,de In all Ilm'S that double brass. Cornet. Violin. Tuba-stage. Barltune-.stage. Olbera write or wire. Thi* show ha* be*'U on the road nine years, winter and summer. If you get drunk don't answer. W. A. EILER. Gy).suiii City. Kan. 2D; Couiu il Grove 21; Osage City 22 Savannah’ Mo. 24; BUx-kton. la. 25; Ijirlmor 2B: Kenyon. Minn. 2!). Per. Addres-s. Whitteniore, Iowa.

Kittanning Centennial and Old Home Week. July 4lh lo 10th. TYil* 1* m<t to bo class**! as a strtH-t fair or carnival. It is going to l>e one of the bigg«'*t things that ever baiiis'msl in Western I’euiisylvania. EverybiKly lii this city la In¬ terested and tM*-miiig It har,l. If you are wise you will get lu on this. We would like to hear fn>m Eerri* AA'heel. Merry go-nniml. Circus.-*. Shows, Free Attractions, and Coneesstong of all kinds. -Also WMiild like to buy 70. ,k0 or IK) ft. Round To(). with middle pieces. Address C. E. BAKER. Kittanning Pa.

We Need All Kinds of

Riding Devices and Spectacular Shows On (lercentage basis, to tw (daosl in a park in Havana. Cuba. Ixioatlon la aa good as Broad¬ way in New York, .Addres* FERNANDO C. HESA. 23 (Siba Street. Havana, Cuba.

PARKS (Contiouod from |>aK*' 21.)

Cblciso—Sam Souri, Mort Wolff, mirr. Cbicaico—Wbita City. l.iM>Dard Wolf, nigr, Cblrago—Forest i'ark, Paul U, Ilowae, mgr, Chicago—Luna Park, Jaa, O’Leary, mgr. Oecatur—Wilson's Park, T. G, Wllaun, prof).

& mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (S) (x). Dixon—Rook Kher Asaembly, Rook River Aa

sembly Assn.; N. H. Long, secy.; L. A. Baird. nit.r. attr.; (2) (x) (3).

Dixon—Atbletic, K. E. Downa, mgr.; (4). Dixon—GeUney’a Park, Wm. Jones, mgr.; (xi

(2) 14). Dixon—Prospect Park, Dr. J. W. Stepbena.

mgr. ix) (2) (4). Dixon—Central, E. E. Downa, mgr.; (1) (x)

(3) ; E. E. Downs books vaudeville attrac¬ tions.

East St. Louis—Lansdowne Park, Uugb MorrI son. mgr.

East St. IxMils—Central Park and Hall; Wm. Simon, mgr. A prop.; (2) (3).

Elgin—^Truut Park, Elgin Development Co.; R. W. Thornton, mgr. (2) (3).

Freeport—lligbland Park, Freeport Amusement Co., props.; S. W. Matthews, mgr., also mgr. attr; (1) (3) (x).

Galesburg—Highland Park, Galesburg Ry A Light Co., props.; G. H. Gibbs, mgr., also mgr. attr; <2) (8).

Harrisburg—White City, Harrisburg Fair Assn.* pro{)s.; Turner Bros., mgrs.; O. L. 'Tiiroer, mgr. attr.: (1) (3).

Hoopeston—McFerrlu's Park, J. S. McFsrrln, mgr; (2) (3) (x)

Jacksonville—NIchola, City of Jackaonvilla, props.; (3).

Kankakee—Electric Park, Kankakee Electric Ry. Co., props.; Huse and Rolhborn, mgrs., also mgrs. attr; (2) (8).

Kewanee—Winilmont Park, G. A K, Electric K. It., profis.; U. H. Hayward, mgr.; Bid. Johnson, mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (xl; Ed. John son books vaudeville attractions.

Marlon—Coal Kelt Electric Park; (1) (x). Mattoon—Crban Park, Central III. Traction Co..

props.; O. S. Shlnnlck, mgr.; (6) (x). Ottawa—.Majestic Park, Chicago, Ottawa A Pe

orla Ry. Co., props. A mgrs.; (1) (4i (xl. Paris—Ucservolr Park, Reservoir Park Fishing

and Boating Club, props.; C. P. liltch, mgr.; (2); plays local bands; J. A. Swisher, books attr.

Peoria —Pfeifer’s Palm Garden. Mrs. R. Pfeif¬ er A Son. props.; Chss. C. Pfeifer, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); C. G. Pfeifer books attr.

Peoria—Virginia Beach, Frank A. Heincke, prop, and mgr.; Chas. F. Doutrick Circuit, also ls>ok vaudeville attr; (1) (4).

Peru—Nlnewa Park, Star Colon Brewing Co., projis.: Chas. B. Wagner, mgr., also mgr. attr; Western Vaudeville Circuit; C. 8. Hum¬ phrey Imoks vaudeville attr; (1) (8).

Quincy—Highland Park, Henry A. Gredell, mgr.; als,) mgr. attr.; (2) (3).

Quincy—Baldwin Park. Henry Oeschwinder. mgr.; (I) (3) (x); Henry Gesebwinduer books attr.

Rock Island—Black Hawk Watch Tower, Trl- Clty Ity. Co., props.; Watch Tower Park Co., lessees; F. W. Sauerman, pres.; E. H. Krell, secretary and treasurer; (2) (3l; Sauerman A Krell, book vaudeville attractions.

Sheridan.—Glen Park, Sheridan Summer Resort Co., props.; Joseph Gualano, mgr.; also mgr.

^^attr.; (2t (3. ^■ferling—.Mineral Springs Park, Great North- ^^^estern Fair Assn., props.; C. 8. Coe, mgr.; Hp(2) (3); S. C. Coe books vaudeville attr. ^^prlngtlelij—Whit.’ City, Relsch Bros., props.;

Rufus Potts, mgr.; Aug. Mawer, mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (X).

Springfleld—Clear Lake, J. E. Melick, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2t (3) (x).

Springfield—Zoo. Illinois Slate Zoo and Amuse¬ ment Co., props.; C. \V. Williams, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (.*>) (x).

Taylorvllle — League Perk. Taylorvllle Base¬ ball Co., mgrs.; Floyd Baughman, mgr.; (2) (X) (3).


Anderson—Mound Park, Indiana Union Trac¬ tion Co., proiai.; (2» (3) (x).

Angola—Lake James Park. Angola Railway A Power Co.. pro|m.; C. C. Wood, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2( (3).

Bloomington—Alnlome. Farris. Hill A Hower, mgrs. A iirops.; also mgrs. attr.; (1); Wash Ington, Vincennes A Bloomington Circuit; (3); Wm. Morris, Chicago, books vaudeville at¬ tractions.

Bloomington—Wonderland, W. A. Brlssenden. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attractions: (1) Lin¬ ton. Bedford A Bloomington Circuit: (3); C. G. Doutrick, Chlicage, books vaudeville attractions.

Cedar Lake—Monon Park. C. I. A L. R. R., props : Chas SIgIrr, mgr.; (3).

Crawforilsvllle — Airdome, Lee Gilkey, mgr.; (xx).

Elkhart — McNaughton’s. City of Elkhart, pro|is.; Board of Works, City of Elkhart, mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (2) (3); Board of Works books vaudeville attractions.

Elkhart—Island Park. City of Elkhart, props.; Board of Works. City of Elkhart, mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (3); Board of Works books vau¬ deville attractions.

Elkhart—Studebaker. City of Elkhart, props.; Board of Works, mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (2) (X) (4).

Elkhart—Elkhart Driving Park, A. L. Mar chessear, mgr.; also mgr’ attr.; (2) (x| (3).

Evansville—Oak Summit, Chas. Sweeton. 1<*S. A mgr.; (1) (3i; Wt'stern Circuit.

Fort Wayne—Roldson Park. Ft. Wayne A Wa¬ bash Valley Traction Co., pro;is.; C. D. Em¬ mons. geo. mgr.; Geo. H. Fisher, mgr. attr.; (2) (3): Western Managers’ Circuit.

Indiana|>oIls—Broad Ripple, F. D. Norviel. In diana Union Traction Co., Anderson, Ind.

Kokomo—Athletic. K. M. A W. R. R., projw.; T. C. McReynolda, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3)

LsPorte—Airline Park, Jenicek A Kolar. pcops. A mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (It l3i (x); Ko lar A Jenicek, book vaudeville attractions.

I,a Porte—Voegler's Park, IxMiis Vfwgier, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (x); Louis Voegler books attractions.

La Porte—Midway Park, Tom Harrold, mgr. A prop.: also mgr’ attr.; (1) (.31 (x); Tom Harrold books vaudeville attractions.

Ls Porte—P.luffside Beach, Northern Ind. R. R.. props. A mgrs.; (1) (3) (x); Northern Ind. R. R.. books vaudeville attractions.

La Porte—Wameke’s Park, Northern Ind. R. R.. props. A mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (2) (3) (X); Northern Ind., R. R. Co. books vaudeville attractions.

I^ogansport—Si>encer Park, City of ls.vganst>ort, props.; Ft. Wayne A Wabash Valley 'Traction Co., mgr.s.; 8. J. Ryder, mgr. attr.; (2)

Ixigansport—Bnigmann Park. Wm. Brugmann. prop.; Wm. White, mgr.; Wm. White, mgr. stir.; (1) (3); Wm. White books attrac¬ tions.

Michigan City—Washington Park. Smith Shore Amusem-nt Co.. pro|>s.; 1). M. Boeckllng. mgr.; K. M. Boeckling. mgr. attr.; (2i (3i.

Mont|s‘llcr—Mont|>eller Fair and Driving .Assn., C. L. Smith, prop. A mgr.; (2i (31; C. L. Smith IsKikh attr.

Miiiici.'-West Side Gun Club Park. J. W. Far rell. mgr.

New Albany—Glenwood Park. Louisville A South¬ ern Indiana Traction Ck)., pro|is.; Dr. Bdw. R. Perry, mgr., also mgr. attr. (2) (8).

New Castle—Blue Valley Park, Harvey Bros., props.; W. D Harvey, mgr.; U. D. Harvey, mgr. attr.; (2) (3).

New Castle—Idlewild Park, L. A. Jennings, prop.

New Castle—Interurban Park. T. H. I. A E. Electric R. R. O)., props.; John O. Holts claw, mgrs.

New Castle—Sblveley’s Park, W. A. Sblveley. mgr.

Richmond—Jackson Park, Capt. Jackson, prop.; I A E. Traction Co., mgrs.; (2) (3) (x).

South Bend—Spring Brook, P. J. Clifford, prop, and mgr., also mgr. attr.; Weutem VandavlUe Circuit; (I) (8).

South Bend—Chain Lake Park, P. J. Clifford, prop, and mgr., also mgr. attr.: Weatern Vaudeville Circuit; (1) (8).

Terre Haute—Fjlrvlew. Fairvlew Park Co., H. L. Brenlg. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (X).

Terre Haute—Young’s Airdome, 8. M. Young, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; plays stock and ojiera.

Vlnceom-a—Lakewood Park, C. C. Gosnell. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (x); C. C. Gosnell books vaudeville attractlooa.

Wabash—Bo.vd, Ft. Wayne A Wabash Valley Tiaction Co., prop.; Joe Small, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (It (3); Joe Small books vaude¬ ville attr.


Burlington—Madison Ave. Park, J. A. La- France, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; plays special attractions occasionally.

Cedar Rapids—Alamo, Alamo Stock Co., props.; G. K Barton, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); G. K. Barton t>ooks vandeville attrac¬ tions.

Cherokee—Chautauqua Park. Prof. Hans, mgr.; (R) (x>.

Clear Lake—Western Lake Resort Co., props.; Geo. M. Prince, secy.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (x); Geo. M. Prince books vaudeville at¬ tractions.

Clinton—Eagle Point Park. Clinton Street Ry. Co., props.; B. Bohnson, mgr., also mgr. attr; (2).

Council Bluffs—Lake Manawa Park. Omaha A Council Bluffs St. Ry. Co., props.; Wm. P. Byrne, mgr.; (5i.

Davenport—Schuetxen, Al. Berg, prop. A mgr.; (2l (3).

Des Moines—Park, Iowa State Amusement Co., Rbd Utica Bllg.. Des Moines, la.

Dubuque—Union Park, Unloo Electric Co., props.; L. D. Mathes, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); Western Vaudeville Aasn.; Edward Hayman books vaudeville attractions.

Fort Dodge—Cleson P^rk. City of Fort Dodge, props.; C. F. Duncombe, mgr.; (3); C. Quist books vaudeville attractions.

Fort Dodge—City Park. City of Fort Dodge. prop.; C. F. Duncomtie. mgr.; (2) (3).

Fort Dodge—tntenirbrn Park. Ft. Dodge D. M. A S. R. R.; H. 8. Holm, mgr.; alw> mgr.: N. S. Holm books vandeville at¬ tractions.

Muscatine — Electric Park, Cltlxens’ Ry. A Light Co., props.; J. C. Sodini. mgr.;' also mgr. attr.; (1) (4 (x); J. C. Sodini book* vaudeville attraction*.

Newton—Oak Park. W. McColIom. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; .1) (x); W. McCoIIom. t)Ooka vaudeville attractions.

Oskalooes—Glenwood Park. J. Mace Hogan, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (R) (x).

■^loux City—Cr.vstal Lake Park, S. C. C. L. A H. Ry. Co.; Jo*. A. Foye, Jr., mgr.; also

Sioux City—RIvera'de, S. C. Traction Co., props.; E. L. Kirk, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (2) ; play* city band only.

Sioux City—Woodlawn, Interstate Live Stock Assn., prop*.; Jcdin R. Shaffer, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3'; John R. Shaffer hooks vaudeville attractions.

Waterloo—Electric, Nichols A Alford, prop*.; R. J. Nichols, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (I) (3) ; Western Vaudeville Aa*n.

Atchison — Forest Park. Atchison Amusement Co., prop*.; A. 8. Lewis, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (xx) (3); A. 8. I^-wls bordc* attrac¬ tions.

Baxter 8|>rlnga—Reunion Park, C. L. Smith, mgr.

Caney—Lyric Park. J. B. Tackett, prop.; C. W. Stater, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (.Ri (xi.

Coffeyvllle—Tackett’* I'ark, J. B. Tackett, prop.; C. W. Stater, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (R): Southern Circuit.

Fort Scott—Fern Lake Park, Fern Lake Park Co.; Will Hafer. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5) (x).

Horton—Horton City Park, City of IIort'Ai, prop*.: Mayor of Horton, mgr.; City Clerk, mgr. attr.; (2) (x) (4).

rintclilnson—Riverside. Riverside Park Assn., prop*.; W. A. Ixje, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (It (41 (x); W. A. Ix>e books vaudeville attraction*.

(.leavenworth—Association Park. C. A. Sparrow, secy.; (Ri.

r,eavenworth—People’s Park. M. J. Cunningham, prop, and mgr., also books vaudeville attr.; (It (4t.

'Xtawa—Forest Park. City of Ottawa, props.; (2; (xt; plays local band* only.

ParNona—Lyric. C. D. IDidklns. Jo^dln. Mo., prop.; Lloyd Spencer, mgr.; (li; Lyric CIr cult: C. D. Hoskins, Joplin. .Mo., teedi* vau devllle.

(’arson*—El«-ctrlc Park Theatre. Cba*. Mrjor bead, jirop.: Lloyd 8i»encer, mgr., alsrt mgr. attr.; (2i (8) (x).

Pittsburg—Idle Hour, Idle Hour Park Co., I.rop*.

Tofteka—VInewood. E. C. Wilson, proji.; F. G. Kelley, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2» (3i: InternatUmal Theatrical Circuit.

rorM-k*--Gsrfleld. City Board: Geo. Allen, mgr.; G<o. Allen, mgr. attr.; (It (3i; Geo. Allen book* vaudeville attr

Wichita—Wonderland. J. T. Niittle. prop, A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); J. T. Nut tie l>ook* attr.

Wichita—Wondvrlaiid, J. 8 .Nutlle, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (I) Cti; J. T. Nuttle lHs>k* at trsctlon*.


Ashland — Cly ffeside Park. Clyffealde Park Amusement Co., pr<q>s.; K. V. McGrath, mgr.; (1) (3).

Frankfort—iJlenwiHsl. Central Ky. Traction Co., prtqis.: J. 1). 8olle, mgr.; J. D. Sollc. mgr. attr.; (Il (4) txi; J. D 8olle tss-ka vaude vllle attractUm*.

ilemlorson—Theatre, C.\ rll Dad’>»ell. mgr ; |3I Ltuilsville—Fvuitalne Ferry P.-irk. Hopkins -Am

Co., pn'p*.; Tony L.smicuwich. mgr.: W G Reichmaii. mgr. attr ; (I) t.'li

Uaysvllle—Bee»hwood Park, Maysvllle St. Ky. Co., pro|ie.: T. M. Russell, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (li (3i (xt; T M. Kurscll book* vau devllle attraction*.

Morganheld—Wynn's Park. Wm. Wynn. pro|i.; imly a b.sll park.

i>wen»boro—Chautauqua Park; T. A. Pedley. recx'her; t2) (.3» (x).

()wen*biu-o—llackuian, 8. C. Ray. mgr.; (1) (31 IXI.

Paducah-Wallace. Paducah Trac. Co.. |>ro|>*.; Wm. Ih-al. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (I) (3l < (X); Wm. IVal biN>k* attr,


Crowley—City Park. City of Crowley, priqi*.; (2) (x); pla.v* city band*.

Lecompte—Moore Park. C. C. Mtiope. prop. A mgr.; also mgr attr.; (1) (3); .Alexandrta Circuit; C. C. Moore books vaudeville attrar tion*.

Monroe—Forsyth Park. City of Monroe, profi.; Glen Fleming, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (41 (xl; Glenn Fleming book* vaudeville at traction*. This park I* used as a fair ground every October, and vaudeville Is txHtked for this week only.

Natchitoches—East Natchitoches Park Aasn.; J. Alpb Prudhomme, president: J. B 'Tucket. »e<‘y.: 8. J. Henry, mgr. of park.: J. C. Clark, mgr. attr.; (2i.

New Orleans—White City. Philadelphia .Amuae ment A Construction Co.. pro|».; Cba*. C. Alatbews. mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (li (3i: b<H>king direct.

New Orleans—City Park. City Park Cemmi* slonera. pro(>*.; J. Bernard, mgr.; also mgr. attr.: (li t3i; book direct.

New (irlesns—West End, N. O. Ky. Co., prop* A mgr*.; also mgrs. attr.; ('ll (3l; book direct.

New Orleans—Audubou Park. -Audubon Park Commissioners, prop*.; E. Fonta. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (3i; hooka direct.

Shreveport — Summer Theatre 'Traction Co., piops.; Ehrlich Bro#., mgr*.; also mgr*, attr.; ixxi (XI (4i 12': Ehrlich Bro*. book at tractions.


Augusta—Island Park. F. L. Hersey. prop.; Harry Hersey, mgr.: (li (3i (xT; F. L. Hersey books vaudevilla attraction*.

Cajw Elisabeth—Cape Cottage Park. Portland R. R. Co., profts.; E. A. Newman, mgr.; E. V. Phelan, mgr. attr.: (Ri (xxi.

Lewiston—Lake Grove Park. L. A. A N St Ry. Co., props.; E. Reed, mgr.; (1) (41; Flynn Circuit.

Norway—Central Park. A. P. Bassett, prop and mgr : Ml*s L. A. York. mgr. attr.; J. Harvey McEvoy’a Circuit; ill (3i.

■lid Orchard—Sea Side, Maine Investment Co., prop*.: Wtley G. Smith, mgr.: (2'.

I Portland—Riverton. Portland K. R. Co,, prop* ; Dxnlel B. Smith, mgr.; J. M G«>rman. mgr. sttr ; (11 (4': Gorman Circuit: J. M. Gor man boiiks vaodevtlle attr.

Portland—Greenwood Garden, Greenwivnl .Am. Co., prop*.

Skowhegsn—Lakewood Park. U. L. Sweet, mgr and prop.; J. J. Flynn Clixtnlt: (2) iSi (xxi

MARYLAND. Baltimore—Flood'*, J. T. Flood, mgr ; Wm.

Tmehardt. mgr; alB<> mgr. attr.; (1| (4i; McCasIln Circuit; J. T. McCaalln book* van- devllle.

Baltimore—Herman's New Electric Park. J. H. Herman A Son, props.; J. T. Mi^aslln. mgr.: also mgr. attr.; (li (4); McCaalln Circuit; J. T, McCasIln books vandeville.

Baltimore—Mitchell* Back River View Park. 8. Mitchell, prop.; Frank Emmet, mgr.; J. T McCasIln. mgr. attr.; (Ii (4i: AlcCaaln Circuit; J. T. McCaalln hooks vauderlll*.

Baltimore—Weber'*. Herman Kraft, prop.; J. T. McCasIln. mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (It (41; AfcCaslIn Circuit: J. T. AfcCsslIa hooka van- devllle attractions.

Baltimore — Klein'* Deer Park. John Klein, prop.: I,ew Carrvdl. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1| (4i; McCaalln Circuit; J. T. McCasIln books vaudeville.

Baltimore—Nor* East Park. Wm Backus, prop.; Chas. Gremlirh. mgr.; J. T. McCa* In. mgr. attr.; (It (4); McCaalln Circuit; J T. .AlrCaalin books vaudeville attractions.

Baltimore—Hed lea's Casino. Cba*. Vaiind prop,; Geo. Van. mgr.; also mgr sttr.; (It (4i; McCasIln Circuit; J. T. Mc< ssIId hooks, vtudevllle.

P.tICmore—.Shidyslde Pirk. Fred Kahl. prop.; Wuj. C*nipt>e'l. mgr., Fred KsbI. mgr sttr.; (It (4i: Vcf xslln Circuit; J. T McCasIln iKeika randevllle.

B*ltim<*-e—Walnut Spring. Fr..nk Watsrm. mgr. A proi).: also mgr attr ; (It I4>: McCaalln Circuit; J. T. McCaallu teioks vaildeallle

Baltimore—Easter's Park. Geo. Easter A Son, props : Ges,. Easter A Son, mgrs.; John Flasf' er. mgr attr; (It (4.; M<Ca*lln Circuit; J T. AIcCatlln tewik* vaudeville.

Balfimc^e-pabat Park J R K Collin*, mgr A profi,; J. T. .McCaalln. mgr attr : lit (4.: M'-t aalin Circuit; J. T. .McCasIln fesik* vaudeville.

P.altlm-»re Htoddard'a Palm Garden James 8'oddard. i-roti. A rngr.; also mgr sttr.; (li (4i; MK'aslln Circuit; J. T. M'Uaslln tee.k* vaudeville sttraetlona

Baltimore Ele.-trle Pi rk. fnlted Amusement Co.. (>ro|M.; Max K'oen. mgr , Mai Kow-n. mgr. attr ; (l» t.3i; United Amusement Co. cireijlf: Alax It'sien tiooka vaudeville

Baltimore Hut,urban. J. Keh'e-, |,r'i|i A mgr ; also mgr attr.; (li (4. McCgsHn Clrult; J T McCaalln teoka vaiidevllle.

Baltimore r:w.vnn Gak Psrk. frilled Kailway* A Fib-cfrlr Co., priqrf : Ja* it Pratt, mgr , also mgr attr : (1i (.3i («i; Jaa K Pratt teck* vaudeville attrseflons

Baltimore Bay .bore United Railways A Eleetrle Co pr'.fis , .laa K I'ratl. mgr.. *1.0 mrr attr (|i (.q, I,,, Manager Ue.ks vsiid. Hie

Bslimpe-e BP.r V..w \| J FHralmmon* |irop A I.igr logr *Mr . (2i I3| (a).


WANTED! t’itncfMsIoiis iiHil .-Viini.'teini’ntH for lOlh .\nn(i:il t'<>iift‘(l('n(t(> Ue-l7nlon, (iRt«n> villt*. 'roxiis, .'XuRust S to 6, liK'luHlA’e. \iii iMuikliii; iiuleiHMulciit uiut cIobIiik now D. R. HALL, Secy.

FOR SALE Mill t>u> mi up (41 (Inti* M<»vlnir PIt'tur#

NtM( VMUit‘v(M«* Tiicatn* In » r4*iil llv«* town of Na'hI.v r*‘rtttf4l tbr<Hiiib4Kit.

mpatlfy. One «»f flu* h«ii«|M>tu«*et In iN'tiiiMVh milA. TliU U a for

i\ r«*Al 11^4* liuntlor. Ki'amtii ftkr oiber N«»w ninnlnir i'oiiu* «o«l l4H»b If

o«4‘r. Y«ui*U ba%«* t4» hurry. TtiU go iM-trcluf |on^ Ail4lrt*iiii **0," cara Tha BiHbMrd.

FOR SALE Two Merry go round'. 2 Organs. 3 Orchestrions, a lot of Frstl OrelH'strlon Music, some small D. ('. Hu '"It Motors; eterythlng In g'ssl 'hs|s' .Amu-ciii.-nt Bark* changing attraction*; must dl'iMisc of (he alsoe to make nsim for new ■((raetions No r.'as.>iialde offer refiisetl, Apidv DOLLE'S "LITTLE CONEY ISLAND" CAROUSEL. North Bergen. N. J.

WANTED An Up-to*Date Carousel

Either to iMiy, lease for n-a-jm or niwrate on 'har«-*. F’ltr a verv desirable bn-atlon in Cone' NIamI CONET ISLAND AND BROOKLYN RAILKOAD CO.. Franklin and De Kalb Avaa.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

LOOK! EXTRA! LOOK! SLOT MACHINES AT SLAUGHTER PRICES! It will |>ay you to s.-ud for my list of U2R mi chines that I am closing <Mit, ami which mint te> movcl qiiickl.v. Reinemlier, these machines are not junk, but In gissl working order ami -liape. .Also ha'e Shooting Gallery ami thnw Elin-tric Piano*, nearly new. AA’Ill pay carfare to buyer* of om- doien or more. CHAB. W. KLAO. 48 Wall St.. Trenton. N. J.

WANTED -.A B flat Cornet Player, to lead band ami d.sible first violin In urrbeatra. Slide B*«*. .Alio*. Clarionet*. A flrst-rlaas Trap Dnituiner. Must have his own trait*. All dmi. I,If on-b,-*tra Week *taml* .Aibiress GREAT GRIFFITH SHOW. Covington. Ky.. Woek of May 24.


PLATFORM MEN—"nie six legg.M Pollymoo Hike smi Palming. 84.3: Two headed Giant. 0 ft high. gUt: Devil Fish t'hlld. f'Ju List free WM. NFLSON. 6 Van Nordon St.. North Cam- bridge, Mass.

WANTED Ijidy or Gent to work In Snake Pit Must work wild One .rear'* work .'Mate sal ■rv W'SiM buv Platform Wag'in. If cheap CHARLES C. JOHNSON. 6tS>4 East Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind.

WANTED -4 g's d. rWan Show*. Alerry-Go RoumI Slid tw.i gieal free act* at Celebration ami free IlarlMM-iie. July 3. 4. and 3. at Duroe's .New Park, sdtolnir.g best oil town in the Southwest. D. O. DUREE. BartlesTillo, Okla.

MEBRY OO ROUNDS FOR SALE, with priv !• g'. cheap. <Kie with camly staml. 3 swings .nother with 13 swing*: also m*w maehloe with ininiilng her*** doing bnslncsa every day OB CAR BUCK. 86 Fulton Bt., Jamaica, L. I.

FINE ED. H. P. MACHINE, like new; 3 Reel* Flhii. gi««l Kimllllon: riirtaln: all c.implefe ready for road Sw<-ll oiilfit. Sserlfiee for $73 Send *1(1 balance (». || ; exantlnallon C. ELLBWOHTH 129 8. Market Bt.. Canton. 0.

SET SPINDLE—(Ttiorne make), giaal as new, two yeirs' service and wver went wning. AA'III sell with piHiiplete lavodt. (irises ami all. or separate. F. C. T., SIS N. lltk fft.. Bt. Lonis Mo.

RATTLE SNAKES All fixed safe to handle. 0. W. EBTEB. Roch ester, Minn.

K7WANTEDT1 Two Fool TjiI»I»^ two TifFwIInc ('be*p (or ramh FRANK RUSH. Woodstock. Vo.

LADY WANTED (F'l- r|enr«-<|, for Traix-sr •» King* In big *cl OII.LMOR TROUPE. Fremont. O.

CASH FOR FILM AND M. P. MACMINE»>- If .'oil hs'i eliher and want lmm<o|late r*«li '•rite full parllciilar* and slate lowest (irlee LYRIC AMUHE. CO.. Canton. Ohio.

WANTED—IdTfuror, Hketcii Tontn and S I> (Vimcdlnn Damian Madicina Co., P. O. Box 163, Covington, Ky.

WAMTF.D Klldi* Films, M P Mschliw*. I y|>< writer. III fsi t. aiiylbliig In exchange for a *t(si Plionorrspb (hitfit Address E. 0. POR¬ TER. Warren, Ohio.

WANTED QUICK llet.ertolre and Vsiidevllle Peo|i|e Hurd working Ag-nt Hlsli- lowe«t ssisrv Addrew, MANAOER PAVILION THE ATRE CO., Tli)iaut*. Pa.

WANTED Cornet, for Itefined Vsiidevllle: 813 per Week Also brass work In tie liad on side • linly work Tear rniiiMl Don't write unless 'on can do (he «ork Address H. D Legron. No 889 TUI.BA. OKLA

llillliii-r*- Holly wixmJ. Joi. Uwllrr, ; Will Malioiiv). iiinr.; alao inir. atir.; Mrt'aa llu nrruU (It (4i; J T. MrCaalln booka »au drtlll*-.

Ililtliiiurc llolTiiiaii Hollar Caatnu, Krrd Wa aaiil. I'foli * iiiKr.; alao iiikt. attr.; (1) 141; Mcl'aalln ('Iriult; J. T. McCaalln Ixiolii raiiili’i nil*

Halllioori* |.ni|i A uiicr.


Hay City—Wroona Hracb I'ark, Hay City Trac- tloo Co., (iropa.; J, A. CuaoluKbam, aiKr.; alao mar. atu.; (It Clt (x).

Hrnloa Harbor—Hark Hitringa of Edru, liousa of Itarlil Aaau., propa.; Coy Hurnell, uikr.; alao inrr. attr; (1) (3t: (xt.

Detroit—Ul*»?rvl*-w I'ark, Milford Htern, aecy. Kaat Tawaa—Tawaa Kracb, It. A M. Hy. Co.,

propa. Wm. Hutherlaod, mur.; (S) (X). I’lllil—'riiri-ail Lake I'ark, .Miraiu I'err, prop.

A iiiKr.; alao mgr. attr.; (It (3t (x); Abram I'wr taaika allr.

Grand laland—Heneca laland Summer Boaort, J. S. Muilce, pro|i. A mar.; (1) (3).

Grand Itapida—Kaniona I'ark, Grand Rapida Hallway Co., pro|>a.; 1.. J. LtrLamater, 38 N. Iowa at., mgr., alao mgr attr.; United Hooklny ('irciilt; raudevllle attr. booked by Weatem Vaudrrllle Aaau; (1) (4).

Grand Kapida—Godfrey I'arllton, Cbaa. God¬ frey, prop, and m(r., alao mgr. attr.; (1) (4) (xt.

illlladale—Bay Hreexe i'ark, N. H. Hldker, prop. A mfr; (It (4) (x).

lab|>emlD||—Union Hall I'ark and Cleveland I'ark, Marquette County Gaa and Electric Co., profia.; W. J. McCIrJubdake, mgr., alao mgr. attr.; (2t tSt (xt.

Jackaon—Uafue I'ark, Jackaon Amuaemeot Co., propa.; Mr. Savage, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (It (41 (X); Mr. Savage booka vaudeville attractlona.

UanaluK—Waverly, Krencli A Itenamore, propa.; H. 1’. Krencb. nigr.; (xxi.

Muakegoa—Lake Micbigan Park, Muakegon Trac tlon Co., propa.; Waterman A Ray, mgra.; Harry W'atcmian, mgr. attr.; (1) (4); West* ern Vaudeville Anan.

Uwoaao—McCurdy’a Park, Corunna Park Board. Corunna, Mlcb.; (It (3). 'Tbla park la altu- ated between Owoaao and Corunna, Mlcb.

Port Huron—Keewabdin’a Park, A. A. Gravea, prop.; R. M. Melael, mgr.: alao mgr. attr.; (It (xt (‘2> (3); R. M. Melael booka vaude¬ ville attractloua.

St. Joaepb—Silver Beacb, Drake A Wallace, propa.; IxMiia D. Wallace, mgr.; Leo J. Sll- vera, mgr. attr.; (2).


Auatln—Lafayette. A. Frederick, prop.; (S) (x). Austin—City Park, C3ty of Auatln, propa.; A.

I'rederlck. mgr.; (5t (xt. Oulutb—Joyland Park, The Brunswick Co.,

props.; T. P. Gets, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3t; T. P. Gets books vsndevllle attr.

Dulutb—Lester Park, L. A. Gunderson, pf>p. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (x) (3).

Minneapolis—Big Island Park, Minnesota A St. Paul Sub. Ry. (^., props.; P. J. Metxdorf, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1); plays bands on Sundays and holidays only.

MlnneapUls—Twin City Wonderland, Park Con¬ struction Co., props.; F. H. Camp, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1); F. 11. Camp books vaudeville attractions.

Minneapolis—Forest Park. Forest Park Amuse- ment Co., props.; S. H. Kabm, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (It (3>. This park la located at Columbia Heights, a suburb of Minneapolis.

Minneapolis—Lake Harriet Park. J. U. Each- man, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2i (3).

Minneapolis—Minnehaha Park. Harry Green, mgr.; also mgr. sttr.; (3i.

Minneapolis—Lmgfellow’s Zoo Gardens, R. F. Jones prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; ill.

Rochester—Mayo. City of Rochester, props.; (.’ll (XI.

Rochester—Central, City of Rochester, proi>s.;

lliitli-r—Amusement, Trimble A Van Hall, props.: G. Van Hall, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; ( I 1 1 I j I X I.

('arrullton—Heins’ Park, Dan Heins, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2| (3|.

Cartuage—Laki-aide Park, S<sithwestero Mis suurl Electric H. R. Co., projis.; (1) (3).

Grant City—Hons.'r Verls-ek Park. F. P. H<hi ser, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Ill (3i ixi; F. P. I|oii»ir Iss-ks attr.

Joplin HchllTerdeeker Fllectric Park, .Schiffer- dei-ker Electric Park Co., mgrs.

Joiilln I.akcsiite Park. Southwest .Mo. R. R. Oi.. jirops.; Al. R. Hascom, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) t:ii (xxi; Al. H. Hascom liooks attr

Joplin—Lyric, Lyric Theatre Co., props.; Cbaa. E. Hulklns. mgr.;; also mgr. attr.; Lyric Vaudeville Circuit (1) (3); Cbas. E. Hodklns booka vaudeville attr.

Joplin—Crystal, Cbaa. E. Hodk}na, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; plays musical comedy and opera; Lyric Circuit; (4); Cbas. E. Hodklns, books attractions.

Kansas City—Electric. M. J. Helm, proii.; Sam Benjamin, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1) (3); W’m. Morris books vaudeville attractions.

Kansas City—Forest Park. Forest Park Realty Co., props.; Jim P. Anderson, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2i (41.

Kansas City—Falrmount Park, W. F. Smith, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2t (3).

Kansas City—Carnival Park. T. Carey, gen. mgr;. L. Keller, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1) (3i; W’eatem Vandevtlle Aaan.

Klrksvllle—DeFrance, Mrs. Mattie Park, prop.; J. R. Home, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5) (z).

Macon—Stephens Park, City of Macon, props.; G. C. Aeun', mgr.; (2|.

■Macon—Crystal Lake Park, Theo. llelchel, prop. A mgr.: also mgr. attr.; <1| (3); Theo. Reich el l>•s>kH attr.

Mols-rly—I'orest Park. City of .Moberly, props.; Tonv Firorita. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) {3i.

Nevada—Lake Park Springs, H. C. Moore, prop, and mgr.; John C. Tyler, mgr. attr., also books attr: Crawford Circuit; (II (31.

St. Joseph—Lake Contrary, St. Joseph Light, Heat A Power Co., props.; Palmer L. Clark, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1| (3| (x); P. L. Clark books vaudeville attractions.

S't. Igiuls—Suburban Garden, Suburban Ry. Co., props.; Jas. Smith, mgr.; Sol Oppenbelmsr, mgr. attr.; (5| (x).

St. Louis—Forest Park Highlands, Park Otr cult and Realty Co., props.; John D. Tippetts, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1| (41; Western Vande vllle Aaen.

St. Louis—Delmar Garden, Obert Brewing Assn., props.; Delmar Garden Amusement Co., mgrs.; J. C. Jannopoulo, mgr. attr.; (21 (x| (31.

St. Louis—West End Heights, Obert Brewing Co., props.; Loula Obert, Jr., mgr.; Sol Op- penbelmer, mgr. attr.; (5i (xl.

St. Louis—Mannion's Park, Mannlon Bros., props,; Edw. Mannlon, mgr.; Jim Walab, mgr. attr.; (1| (4|; W’estern Vaudeville Aasn.

St. Louis—Ekilipse Garden, Henry Gruen, prop. A mgr.; Arthur Stanley, mgr. attr.; (5| (z|.

St. Louis—Grand Avenue Park, Sonneman (jro. Co., props.

(Continued on page 45.)

Kline's Hbore Line Park, Geo. East, al«o mgr. attr.; (Ii (4l; Me

rasllu Circuit; J. T. MK'sslln books vau .Irvllle attracHoos.

ilslltiiiore -FbxaPs I'ark, John T. Flood, prop.; W. 11 Truehesrt, mgr., also mgr. sttr.; (1) l3i 01-

.•uiiiiHrlsiid Mrrrylsnd. John Kirk, prop. A uikf.; ali'o mgr. attr.; (1) (xi; John Kirk t,...k^ viiidevllle attractions

i uiubt-rlsii.l KDervlew, It. It Henderson, prop.; Tlios.. Reynolds, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; 2i Cl: Thos Reynolds, booking mgr.

rredenik Lake View. C. J. Remburg, prop.; A H Stone, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (3i. biMik direct.

rri'iterb'k llraddo<*k Heights, Frederick A Mid ,U'-toHD R R. Co,. |>rupa.; Geo. E. F. An- Jerson, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (S| (x|; book' dliect.

lilrn E< lio -Glen Ek'ho I'ark, Glen Echo Park Co. props. A nigra.; (2l (31.

IK'S in City New .Mlsiillc Casino, Jolin 11. Gllb'Xple. prop. A mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1) (1. |4I. J II Gillespie books vaudeville altrirtlona.

ilcean City— Trsniper. pr»>|i_ Digr stir Iianlrl

Windsor Excursion Resort. Daniel A mgr.; Granville ‘Tramiier,

.... (I) i3); also motluo plrtnrea; Trliii|M-r books vaudeville attractions.


Atbirf —Hruokside Park. Athol A Orange Ry. Co., pro|M.; W. D. Smith, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (II (4i.

Attleboro--Talaqiiega I'ark. K A. Harrington, prop, sod mgr., also mgr. attr.; R. A. Har rlngtoo'v Circuit; (II (3l.

Aubiimdule—Nonirobegs Park, Nonimbega Park Co. props Carl Alberts, mgr., also mgr. sttr.: (I) <3i.

Auburn—Woodland. John Quigley, prop. A mgr., also mgr. attr.; Quigley's Circuit (1) (3); John Quigley liooks vaudeville attr.

K etoii Woiiilerland. Suffolk Leasehold Co., pro|>s * J J Higgins, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1< (.i>: Park Ibsiklng Circuit, 1402 Broad wav, Ni w York City.

Brockton—Highland Park, Old Colony 8t. Ry. Co.; H. E. Reynolds, 300 Washington at.. Bos too. Miss . mgr.: also mgr. sttr; (II (8); also light ofiera: J. W. Gorman CHrcult: J. W. Gor- ffiiD. list Boylstoo St., Boston, Mass., books vaudeville.

ntchbuTg-Wheelen Park. W. W. Sargent, prop. A n«r., also mgr. attr; plays opera; (S-; hook direct.

rrinkllD—I.Ake Pearl, W. L. Evergreen, propi. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (21.

Ilaverhlll—The Pines, Boston, Northern A Old Cobray St Ry. Co., props ; H. E. Reynolds. M State St., Boston, mgr., also mgr. sttr.. (I) i3i.

Lawrence—Glen Forest, Biwtoo, Northern A Old Colony SI. Hy. (V».. props.; H. E. Rey¬ nolds. h4 State St., Boston, mgr., also mgr. of sttr., (1) (31.

Lexington ■I.exliigton Park, J. T. Benson, prop. A mgr.; also nigr. attr.; (Ii (.it; New Eng land lirript: J. T Benson books attr.

Ixiwell- I.tkevlew Park, Boston. Northern A Old Colony St. Ry. Co.. pro|is.; H. E. Reynolds, M Stale St.. Boston, mgr., alao mgr. attr.; (1i IS'

Menilon—NIpmuc Park, Milford A Uxbridge bt. By. Co., propa. A mgrs.; Boom Circuit.

Men'too Lake Nlpmur Park. Milford A Ux bridge St. Ry. ('o., Milford. Maas., props.; W. I. Adams, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (1) (3).

Nantaskrt—Paragon Park. Atlantic Park Co., w'lps.; Geo. A. Dodge, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Wm. Goodwin. Girard Theatre. Phlladelpblx, Pa . boiAs vaudeville.

Sew Bedford—I,skealde Park, Old CVdony S*. Hallw ay Co.. pr<>t«. and mgrs.; Michael Wolf, mgr iitr.. Eastern Circuit; (1) (3|.

New Ibxlfivnl—Lincoln Park, Dartmouth A West- port St Ry. Co., props., 1. W. Phelps, mgr., also mgr. sttr.: plays opera: (3) (xi.

Salem Salem Willows, J. W. Gorman, iroii.; M. J Doyle, mgr.; J. W, (lorman. mgr. attr.; (II; J. W. Gorman Circuit; (4); J. W. Goroian books vaudeville attractions.

Sprlngfleld-Riverside Grove Park. Sylvia Sleaniboat Co., props.; E'lmer H. Smith, mgr., ales mgr attr.; (2) IS),

raiinton -Labbatla I’ark, Boston, Northern A Obi Colony St. Ry. Co., props.: II. K. nobis, H4 State at.. Boston, mgr., also mgr. attr : Ml (31.

Wiircrater—White City, t.,akeslde Cooatrurtlon Co., props ; Mr. Bigelow, mgr.; Mr. White, nqtr attr.; plays pand opera: (8) (x)

Won •■ater—Lincoln. Worcester Coo. 81. R R Co. profia ; J. T. Bigelow, mgr.; J. W. Oiw man. mgr attr.; (1| |3); Gorman's Circuit.

Wori.ei.-r Wi.Nllsnd Park. J. J. Quigley, 233


BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Capt. Paul Boyton, Manager. Immense pnpulatkin to draw from. Only ten niiniitea from center of city. Brldeisirt’a only re¬ sort. An up-to-date s>-veu day park. Concessions now ojs-n for Shisitiiig Gallery, Ball Game, Cana Rack. Souvenirs. Camly. Peanuts, Soda Water. Postal Cards, Jaiiauem* Game, F'Virtune Telling, F'reaks. Curiosities, Slot Machines. Moving Pictures. Howling Alleys, African iKslger, I'lt Shows, Skating Kink. Go^ groumis for Wild West or Circus, and uian.v other small privileges. All new contracts Ibis season. WANTED—All kinds of strong outdoor attractions for free shows. Write, CAPT. PAUL BOYTON, Manager.

WANT—Trained Wild Animal Show, Indian Village. Plantation and Platform Shows—will furniab

fronts for same—gtsKl, strong, 10-piece Hand and Free Acts. Tell all In first letter and be ready

to Join on wire. BUTLER A RUICK, Kane, Pa., 17-22.

The Scurlock Amusement Co WANTS FERRIS WHEEL and one more higb-cl.asa SlltIW. with giHsl, flashy front, to Join at CE.VrKALlA. ILL.. June 7 12. auspic.-s the EGYITIAN HUSTI.EU.S. ROUTE -Uhaiiipalgu, III., June 14-19; Tu.«ot>la. 111.. June 21-2S. auspices Retail Merohiiuts' AssiK'iallon; Danville. Ill., June 2S. up to and including Sunday. July 4. aiisidces WiMMHiien of the. World. Hia.ked up solid until second week in Septenils-r in cities equally as giasl as the above-iuentloiied. CONCESSION PEOPLE, come on. no exclusive sold only on Confetti,


WANTED QUICK For Greater Sherwood Vaudeville & Electric Show.

(Under Canvaa.l COMEDY MUSICAI. ACT. SKETCH AND SISTER TEAM and other versatile m>ople. Preference given those doubling brass. Week atanda. Open Dayton, Ohio, May 2»th. Rooms and eat on lot. We pay all. -Vdilresa


ACTS=WANTED=ACTS T1m‘ Griffin Vandeville Circuit has from 2.'> to .''dt weeks with abort Jumps to acta who can

make goml. Write, wire or phone for Immeiliate or future time. Now txraking all high-class picture Ihiuses and iwpuIar-prlctHl vaudeville theatres throughout Canada. Booking Office.

8-10 Queen Street. East. TORONTO. CANADA.

W CANDY IVfACHINEZS WE hereby Rive notice to Owners, Lessees and Managers of Theatres and other places of amusement that

this Company is the sole owner of tlie ILASIC as well as of many construction Patents covering this ty|)o of machine and .ALLTYPlvS OF ^SINGLE PACK.AGE DELIVERY SLOT MACHINES as used by our various licensees (named below) in all principal Theatres throughout the United States.

TliA Fvrlncivp RioIiIq basic Patents have been granted by the United States Patent 1 nC exclusive IVlglllS miice after several legal contests extending over a number of years and have h('en thoroughly estahli, by decisions of the United States Patent Office as well as by universal public ac(]uicscence.

ITnlirpncPfl ParllP^ iinlicenst'd parties manufacturing, using, operating, or in any way partic- UnilCCnScU larilcs ip;,ting in the earnings derived from machines covereii by these Patents will he enjoini'd and held liable for all damages we may suller directly or indirectly owing to the unlawful use of those machines.



N.w Coin Op.rwt.d M«ch. Co,, N.w Yoik. UniW Stxto. Newt Co.. Jeney (Sty. A Fiih Co., Boston. N.w York Opern (llsss Supply Co., New York. Automatic Machine Co., Jeriey (Sty. Franco-Swiii (Hiocolate D)., Now York.

Tenney Candy Co., New York. Franco-American Chocolate Oo.. New York. The George B. Levee Co., (Chicago.

We are prepared to supply, on short notice, thratrea and operators with 6c and 10c theatre machines in any quantity desired, from 850 to 10.000. Prices and terma on application.

34 X ti e Billboard MAY 22. 1909

CORRESPONDENCE. | (ContlniK".! from piKe 31. >

I'EOl'I.ES. OKANIt (tl'ERA HOISE. 1,1'- BIN'S TAI-ACE. I'NIyrE. EOREI’AnjM’S STANUARI*. (MRARI). EIFTEENTIl STRKCT. MIlKlET TIIE.\TRE, PARK. Moving iiirturca •ml riiiilovillc.

I’NIiER C.WVAS—Wfluh Rrothori-' Now SliowK M*y 10 for «l\ wo«‘ks, at dlfrer-

ent Inta. Buffalo Bill and Pawnop Bill’s Wild West

May 24, for one w.'.'k, at 4!tth and Parkside areniip.

Whllp t'lty Park, Chostniit Hill, o|M‘ns May 1&.

Willow drove Park o|h-us Mav 20 with Pry¬ or's Band. BOB WATT.

PITISBURG. — .\I.\OX THEATRE (T. E. Kirk, mgr. I Week of May lo. la>uls Mann In The Man Who St<Nsl Still; week of Mav 17, Edward Alwl.s In Brewster’s Millions. (5R.4NI) iHarry Itavis. nipr.l Wwk of May 10. Nance O'Nell. Willy I'antzer Co., Edmond Stanley and Co., Jno. Ilazzard. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Voelker, .Mr, and Mrs. Mark .Murphy, Zena, Jonlan and Zena. and The .\rlington Four. ALVIN THEATRE IR. M. dulick & Co.. niRrs.) Week of May lO. East l.vnne; wiH'k of May 17. BalM'S In Toyland. BIJOF (It. M. dulick ft Co., nigrs.) Moving pictures. d.^YlTTY (J. H. Browne, nigr.l Week of May 10, Fred Ir¬ win’s Majesties; week of May 17. Jersey Lillies. ACAItE.MY (Harry Williams, mgr.) Week of May 10, The Innora-nt Maids. HIPPOIlRdME. FAMILY, BLANEY and LIBERTY. Vaude¬ ville. L. L. KACFMAN.

ERtE. —MAJESTIC (John L. dlbson. mgr.i Marie l»oro in Tli" Morals of Marcus May 11: Lyman H. Howe's Moving Pictures 12; Royal Vendcs B.and and Orchestra 14. COLONl.VL (Clarence R. Cummins, mgr.) R. IUckinaon, | Colonial (Juartet. Hvnamo, dancing hoi--*-; Harry ; HeBar. Pearl DcForcst and Co., and moving ‘ pictures week of May 10. ,\LPH.4 (Eugene H. 1 Suerken, mgr.) Heugel Brothers. ITlncess Vlad- i emaroff. Itertliia and Broc-kwa.v. Thomas Mee- gan I nd Wi’lard Blackmore and Co., and mov¬ ing pictures w-(s>k of May 3. deorge "Shorty” Edwards, I/oos Brothers. Lillian Maynard. Ed. C. Jordan, Branneck and Chulita and moving : |dctur.-s w<-ek of Mav 10. AI.VAB. PRINCESS. STAR, C.RANl). MCSIC HALL. BIJDC. EM- »*1RE and DREAMLAND. Vaudeville and mov¬ ing plctur<‘S. I’NDER C.VW.VS—Cole Brothers’ circui May 14; Ringling Brotln-rs’ Cin-us July 3.

HONESDALE.—I.YRIC (Benj. H. Dittrich, nier.i Pollv of the Circus May 2S.

LANCASTER.—FCI.TtiN tC. A Y.-ckPr. mgr. I Tavlor Slock Co. week of May 17. F.AM- • II.Y (Eilw. MoT.arl. mgr ) T,aB<lle Troiiis-. Ar¬ nold ami Felix. Ward and Hart. Musical Reeds. Lloyd and Whltehou“e w<s-k of May 0. t’NDER CANV.4S—Barniini and Bailey CIn-us June 2.


ry B. Hearn, mgr. I The Musical Stljips. Mor¬ gan and Chester, '.n sketch; .Vrmond Melnotte. vocalist: Onri .Althorp*' Co., dancers: .Vcademy- ■ BCO|>e wis-k s. Week l.’i. Hashimoto. James Dllkes. Missts Mfsire and Yiaing and drlfflth. ■nielma to. MAJESTIC (J. L. dray, mgr.) ; Ruth Chandler, ts.inedlenne; Collins and Hu , bert, singers and dancers; Martha Cecelia Rob | erts. sotitirelte; Raymomi and Hess, sketch ar- i tists, week s. Week l.’i. Hotel Castorla. mu¬ sical farce. IDLE HOCR (J. C. Sherrill, mgr.) Jennie DcWev-se. banjoist; Dfm H. destertleld, ! vocalist; Bi-eclier ami Mayme, in sketch: The Spellman Comedy ('o. In farce, week S. Week l.’i, Taylor and Crawford: Don H. destertleld; Jos. J. Freed and Tlie Ihdiertys. GERMAN AR : TIIJ.ERY HALL. The Pastime Amusement Co. will abandon The Idle Hour, and will open a summer seas,)n of vaudeville at the German Ar¬ tillery Hall. THE AIRDDME (Smith ft Mat i thews, mgrs.) Will open with the Will’s Comedy Co. Mav 17.

SPARTANBURG.—CNDER CANVAS—Demor , eat Comedy Co. week of May S. j


man. mgr.) I'or n|iening w-eek of 10. the Bald- | win Melville Stock Company In Tlie Man on the Box For serond wt-ek. In the Bisho|>’s Car- j rlage. GR.AND (deorge Hickman, mgr.) Fori week of 10 the following high-class arts will : be seen: The celebrated Bristol’s Ponies, con¬ sisting of fifteen in number; Bingham and Ga¬ ble, novelty musicians; Foiigere and Emerson, “that clever couple"; Miss Mabel .Mooree, hying trapeze artist, and moving pictures. THE CRESCENT (W. P. Ready, mgr.) George Stan¬ ley (retained for another week). Tlie Hawaiian Trio. Pretty Little May. Miss Dean Wh(»eler In Illustrated songs ami moving pictures.


CLARKSVILLE.-ELDERS OPERA IlOI’SE (John S. Elder, mgr. i Tempest and Sunshine May S; vaudeville and moving pictures com¬ mencing May 10.


Anzy, mgr.) Lew Doekstader’s Minstrels closed the season at this theatre May 1. MAJESTIC (T. P. Finnegan, mgr.) The Carr Trio. Murray K. Hill. La Petite Laurie, Joe Whitehead and Flo Grierson, The Mascagnis. George A. RIane and Co. and moving pictures w-eek of May 2. LYRIC (W. J. Brown, mgr.) The Nellos. Smith and Brown. Tliree Copelands, Johnnie Daffle and (.there week of May 2. COLf)NL4L (Swor A Frankel, mgrs.) Swor and W(*stbrook. Miss Georgia Westbrook. Lawrence Wall. The Ra¬ piers week of May 3. EMPIRE (R. J. Stin¬ nett. mgr. I Salomy Jane week of .Mav 2. CY¬ CLE PARK THEATRE (Stinnett ft Brown, irgrs.) Grace Cameron Opera Co. opened in Lit¬ tle Doll.v Dimples w-(H-k of May 2. LAKE CLIFF PARK (C. A. .Mangold, mgr.) Park Theatre opens .Ma.v 16 with the Gagnon Pollock StiK-k Co. C.VSIN() THEATRE. Opens May


The Perrys r»tien tludr big Pavilion Theatre at Edinburg. HI.. June 1. with an entirely new outflt. The theatre has a seating capacity of 1.2(Ki. The company carrb-s a bami and an or¬ chestra. and will play three nights and week stands. Peojde slgnt^ so far are: The Bar rlngtons. Ned and Myrtle. Jack King. la-Roy Bailey, Najadt-on Ga.v, d#H>. R4-dm(ai(l. Mamie Redmoml. Edith Clare. Fred Vandave**r. Jotin Smith, the Four Perrys and I’l-rguson Detit<«i In advance.

31 with the Ada Meade 0|H‘ra Co. In The Run- i sways.

DENTON.—.\IRDOME (d. Renfro. mgr.) ; , Tuttle and May, R«-dn«»r. Tlaimas and Co.. Bar- ! ! l>er and Palmer and thidr acroltatlc dog. King; -

Tlie Two Cuttings and moving pictures w»vk of i Mav 3.

HOUSTON.—MA.SONIC THE.4TRE (Chas. A. , McFarland, mgr. i Joe Whitehead and Flo Grier 1 son. singing and dancing: La Petite Laurie,

The Mascagnis, d-“0. A. Beane and Co., in A I j Wom.sns Way; Carr Trio, Murray Hill and I Yap Polltv Force, .\nua Isn* .kndrews and Ma-

jestograph week of U. VENDO’d^' (Box Bros., . mgrs.) Herr Bowman ,V- Co.. Hindu mystery; I Miss AI1(H* Vincent, The Burbanks, the Cotiie- ■ dian and the soubrette; Rouble Simms, com<-dy ;

cartoonist, and moving pictures wts-k of 9. Bl- > JOU (.\. Hicks, mgr.) Rentfrow'a Big Stix'k ;

, Co. In repertidre, al»o s|H>cialties, we«'k of 9. 1 CRESCENT (L. Blsslnger, mgr.) Illustrattsl

I songs and moving pictures. COZY (Maurice | , Wolf, mgr.) Crojeati and Matter, musical I

sketch; O. L. Knight, singer, and moving pic '• i tures week of 3. CRYSTAL (Harry Wolf, j i mgr.) Vaudeville. illustrat<‘d songs and’ moving I pictures. EMPIRE (R. R Morris, mgr.) Miss

lamlse Powers In [Hisos. illustrated songs and moving idetures.

CLEBURNE.—AIRDOME (Johnson ft Mur phy. mgrs.) The Land of N(h1 May S-IO. COZY THE.4TRE (J('ss King, mgr. I Vaudeville and moving pictures.

PALESTINE.—AIRIMIME (O’Connell ft De Valgnos. mgrs.) Truman DeRoama Stock ('o. In ' rejs-rtolre week of May Musical W<df(>s and other acts w«>ek of 10. LYRIC (Plckoral ft Stephens, mgrs.) Moving pictures and viu- devllle. STREET FAIR—Danville Carnival Co. ; W(-ek of Mav 3.

SHERMAN.-LYRIC (Miss Beatrice Fair chllds, mgr.) Vaudeville, moving pictures and music. AIRDOME (MUs Beatrice Fairchilds, tngr.) Marie Neilson Stock Co. week of Mav 10. SHERMAN OPERA HOUSE (A. B. Saul, mgr.) Vaudeville, moving pictures and songs. JEWEL (Jim Wilson, mgr.) Vaudeville, songs and pictures. STREET F.VIR—Brown’s United Shows week of Mav 10.

VICTORIA—PRINCESS THEATRE (J. H. Wettlck. mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pic¬ tures week of S. ELECTRIC THEATRE (C. A. Bllger. mgr.) Moving pictures and illus- trat(-d songs week of S.

WICHITA FALLS.—MAJESTIC (J. M. Har¬ rison. mgr.) Vaudeville ami moving plcturi‘a . week of May 16. FOLLY (G. S. Durham, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures wi-ek of, May 16. UNDER CANVAS—Mollie Bailey Show May 7.


J. Is'lerman. mgr.) Buster Brown .30. LYRIC (J. J. Leterman. i-ngr.) West Trio. Little ’Trix¬ ie, Sie-ddon and Herson. Miss Stella, Ita. and moving plctitres week of May 10., REX (E. , A. Kendler, mgr.) Moving pictures, songs, etc.


Cort. mgr. I Norman Hackett In Classmates week May 2. GRAND OPERA IIOI’SE (Carl Reeil, mgr.) Black Patti wwk Mav 2: Dark W(H-k R. SEATTLE THEATRE (Ru-sell ft Dreiv. mgrs.) Northern Lights wis'k of Mav 2; For Her Oiildren’s Sake week R. LOIS ‘THE- . .\TRE (Alex. Pantages." mgr.) Salome Jane j week May 2. ORPHEUM THE.^TRP (t’arl | Reiter, mgr.) Advanced vaudeville week of 2. PANTAGES’ THE.\TRE (A. Pantages. mgr.) High-class vaudeville week 2. STAR THEATRE | (Frank Donnellan. mgr.) High-class vaudeville i week 2 LEM A. SHORTRIDGE. j

TACOMA.—TACOMA THEATRE (Chas. Her- j aid. mgr.) Fred Nice In The Glngerbreail Man •May 3 4' The Chicago S.vmphon.v Orchestra 5. ! RT.VR (Henry McRae, mgr.) Henry McRae Stock Co. In Sag Harbor May 2 R. GR.VND (Dean Worley, mgr.) Mme. Nadje, Cal. .Stew art. The Variety Four. Fox and Crystal. Rich arils and drover, and Geo. F. D«-ane week of May .3 P.\NT.\GES’ (W. J. Timmons, mgr.) i Mr. and Mrs, Edward Lucas. Four International Comiques. Four Cycling McDonalds, Al. Lutt- ringer and Lillian Lucas, Bowen Bros, Del Costa Duo and Bert Vincent w<H>k of May 3.


Brewster’s Millions 14 13. VIRGINIA (Chas. A. Felnler. mgr.) Call of the Wild 3.3: East Lynne 6 R; Babes In Toyland 13 1.3. GRAND (Chas. .4. Felnler. mgr.) Cincinnati Stock Co. (German) In Countess Gnkerl and Alt Heidel¬ berg 3 4. VICTORIA (diHi. Shafer, mgr, i Dave, Lubin. In playlet; Tulsa, character change ar¬ tist; Hulme and Schmidt, musical act: DeNaIn ] and Rochete, comedy sketch: McNutt Copeland ’Troupe, cycle experts. 3 .3. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. i Buckley and Frank Martin. In a sketch; Moulles. comedy sketch: I,a Bettlne, Si>anlsh i dancer: Bartell and CJarfleld. singing and talk Ing a d; Vevevlans. sharp shrsders. 6 R: Hass man and Webb Sisters. slngi-r« and danc<.rs; Doc Rice, expon.-nt of m!nstr<-Isy; Smith. Bur- I N-r and Kell, comedy skit; Marie .Mba. slug ' Ing Boubrette: Jarvl«. Mann and Jertinde. com i-dy singing and dancing. l(i 12. Harris and Proy In ser.sllde nons4-ns«.; Lane and J'ae. ivim-

I edy sk4-tch: The Connors, novelty act; Walzer Twins, singers and dancers 13 1.3. APOt.Lo (H W. Rogers, mgr.) Seven .kfricanders. Elll4itt Slaters, singing sk4-tc*i: Marlon S4-eley. singer; Riymond. .icridiat: The Flying Wen-ntz Co.. tra|»4‘ze artists: Miss HaX4-l Grant. slng4-r an4| dancer' .4n4|ers4>n and Evans, (-om4-d.v sketch; j Dancing Sc4>tly. eccentric dancing; Miss j4-nnie Erickson, strong w-oman. 3 R. Chicken amt

I Chlck'ets. comedy bicycle sk4-tch; Ruby CaM I well, dancer and singer; IDdmes anil Wald<-n. I come4ly sketch: d4Ttrude Fiske and Co., sing

ers. and otlnrs 17 22. I’NDER CANVAS— Mil I ler Brirti. 101 Ranch, WILL SHANLEY.

CLARKSBURG d;RAND OPERA HOUSE (Fred SImeral. mgr. i Open4-d Ma.v 10 with mov

; Ing pictures and Illustrate4l songs. ODEON (Fred Pickett, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving

' plctur4-s.

PHILIPPI. PHILIPPI OPERA HOUSE (W. O. Davis, mgr. Prof. Mills, tin- Hindu Adept, May 12: The Jason Jciskins Co. Mav 17. I N DER canvas The John Robinson Combln4-4| Shows Mav 20


d. Rh'sle. mgr.) Wm. M4irrls vaudeville, Incliid




Ing Heaton-Jacotiy Orcln-slra. Dick anil Bar ney Fl>^gu^4>a. (-(Huedlans; Is-on aiiil B4-rtle .\l len. retlnml sketch: Eihlle B.iilgi-r. musl<-al act; Chas. H. .\IIeu. Illustrated stuigs; Ishikawa Jap aiii'se Trou|H'. eiiuililirists; Jos4'phlne Mi-Int.ire. . Kinging coiiii'illeniie: The Braiiaiiis, shadow | graphlsts. and tip' Kliuslpuui- nnolng pictures. ; THE BIJOU (F. J. O’Brien, mgr. i Luken’s Bears, animal act; FixM and May Waildell. com | eily Jugglers; M’ashington and Jones. S4>iigs ami imitaihms; Doyle ami Fieltla, exmu-dy sketch: .Mis* May .Adams. Illustrated siuigs. May 3 s. Billy M4>rrls ami Sherwmsl SlBters. slngi-rs and dancers. Lillian Leroy ami Co., skeli-h: Misire ani! (o.. illusionists; .Ada Melrose, singing ixuiu- dienne; Sti'vi- Bmliiiek. Illiistratisl songs; ||ar- ve.\ Case ami Co . ski'tcli; Biss.-tt ami S4-4itt. dancers; la-o Flllier, violinist; Jack McKlblien. . Lauder’s songs; .Miss Leroy, aoubrelle, atnl mov - ing pictures It) l)i


mgr.) Enqiire City (Juartet. Sam Curtis ami Co.. Cunn.iighaiii ami .Marion. Kretore. Van Cleve. IbuitiMi ami Pi-te. Byron ami Laiigdon. ■ Tlie Helm Chililriui ami I'oiir Fords wivk of Id. j PRINCES.'' (H (’ Egi-rton. mgr ) Clark’s Runaway Girls. with doti-h Haekenschmldt wrestling match as extra attraction wiiek of Id. ACADEMY (C. McM.ll. ii. mgr.) Lady, Wimle.iiere’s Fan wi-ek of .Ma.\ 10. FR.ANC.AI.S (F. W. las lair, mgr.i The Little Minister week of 10. C.ASINO (.A. N. Sli.xrii. mgr. I Vaudeville i and moving pictures wi-ek of lit. DOMINION P.ARiv (II .A. Ibirsi'V. mgr.i 0|H‘ns Mav ’J2 I FORUM. STADIUM and DULUTH RINKS | Ridler skating. LYRIC HALL. A'amlevllle i and moving pictures. N. W. SILANNON. I

COMPENSARC That’s the device that saves Moving Pie tare Men two-thirds on thetr electrte light bills, and yet givea better light. Did you see our ad last week? Well, don’t l(H>k It up. Just write for oar

Booklet 15013







I 1909 I

i !

ATTENTION ! STREETMEN .Send for oiir FHF.K H'J- j)aj;e Illustrated Poekel Ikioklet of


etc.,etc. Drop us a {xistal

S. A B. C. WEINHAUS CO. 722 Penn Avenue. Pittsburt, Penn.

PICTURE MACHINE 'WANTED .Mi-chanlKm. with take-up aud Are magazines, without lenaim nr other parts. iMntiograi'b pre- ferreil.) Must hi- In first-class cunilitli'ii ami cheap fur cash. ShipiKxl for i-xam. mi guarantee nf charges. For sale, I.uhin rhinsdat. g.’.; KillKiin rvi-lhaneer, (n-wlmlen. gl.'si; .Acetyb-m g.-ne- rator and two burm-rs (for dmilile aiereoptlconi, ■ $ld. \A 111 excliange for fllin slii|4*s. or calcium ■ out6t. F. Bieri, Lock Box 6C8. Herrin, III.

t WANTED QUICK Pi-rry’a Itlg Pavilion Tbea I tre. Playing tlin-c tiigbt ami wi-i-k stands. Pi-o I pie In all lines: pref.-r tlios.* with sfieclaDy or

double brass. I eailiiig and In-avy tiiaii (’bar I acter woman. Vami^ilb- acts. Ring and Rar

act. .Si>4s-ialty |h .^e. Pav own. Stay at • l-oti-Is. 20 W(-4-ks l,44wi'st llrst letli-r Oiw-n ; June 1st THE PERRYS. Edinburg, III.

FORTUNE TELLERS. CO-WORKERS *l(i buys my Iinbine (.null, 'ni.- n.-zt day afl.-r you have l( y.iii can f.iret.-ll the pssi, pr.-s.-nt ami fiitnr.-

I of any.iiH' .ir any aubj.-rt. S4'n4l lo cents fitr i sam|d4-H. with the im.iith ami dale of birth.

You will l.-am y.nir .iwii .mll.s.k A.blr.-sa PROF. J. W. COFFEY, 836 E. Mam St.. Piqua, 0., U. S. A.

FOR SALE 107 I’lialrs; ni.-lal fraim-s. fobllng s4-als. In g.ssl is>ii4llli4>n. Suitable M. P. tliesfre ..r aird.uiie. Bargain B.-s| .,(T.t g.-ls g4s»l» Write .|iihk. ORPHEUM THEATRE CO.. Hillsboro, Ohio.

WANTED S4'4'44i.4l haml "(IZD (’ARBI” Gas DiilfO, moving pb-tnres.

R. O. KITTEL. Weaubleau, Mo.

FOR BALE One p.iwer’s No. .3 .M. P Machine. -N. Y. ai.prove.! iii.hI.-I, style A.. Hr.- sliiitler, • v.-rytliing (siii.pb-t.-: ns.-.! two w-.-.ks U.Mt gis.'.; first IKNi takes 1(. C. D. CASSIDY Lebanon, Tenn. ’

FOR SALE A first class paying M0II4111 Picture (.11.1 \ amb'VIIb* 'Ibcalr.*. (’an bav.- p4rs(44‘MMlon June 1st. I.lslsiii. Ohio: I’oiiiOy S4-al Have olli.-r liiisln.-ss Walter H. Buhl. Oayety Thea¬ tre, Lisbon, Ohio.

.File vtiiriiizer s style Mo. li. Band Organ, gissl as n.-w, us.-.! Imt ■, slii.rt lime. OlM-rale.! by is-rf.irat.-d paii.-r rolls. Also 'J.3(l iml.s 4.r W’iiisl.iw’a skalis i.rl.s- a.ldress THE COLOSSEUM Co.. Clarkiburg W. Va.

FOR BALE 12 It It. ('Irens Baggag.- W’agons, big Den. lag-. Ticket Wsgrni. Bsi.d .. ’ Wag..II. V.-ry clieaii. J A JONES.

I Birmingham Hotel, Birmingham, Ala.

Merle H. Carr

-Mr. Carr spent over two years down on the Zone and has preparetl a very interestinj; leelure on


The Work and the Workers.”

It Ls alisolnlely aui urate, havin}» l)een exaniineti and hpproved by the liovernment. It is illnstrateil by stereopiicon slides made from photonraphs taken by him.self and the otiieial photographer He treat.^ not only the work but the rwrea lions, etc., of the employees.

He has jiiven the lecture at a mimlx'r of places in Northern In (liana, and is now on a tour of Illinois. Home addreSsS

525 N. Spring Awe., St. Louis, Mo.

Wanted Quick Optii-Air Tbtatrt with Daneint Floor at Piu't Arthur, Texas. Isuig summer season Just (•IK-uiug. Po,)Ulatl(>n 1(),(Nki. Big excuralou r.- sort; all give cut ratea the year aniuii.l Addresa

0. OWEN, ttc'y loard ofTradt, Port Ar1l«ur,Tai.


Ihiwna Anniversary Uelebration, July 26. ’J7, I’s *niiH annual event always excels ami aunia". a bll other tomna In Western Kaiutna In alt.i..l am-., ami eiitertailiuienl. Uom*esalou UieU writ.' Ralph Rhodea, Secy., Downa, Xnna.

Fireworks Display Coipaay Wanted To exhibit a high grads exhibition of fireworks during our Fair, Uamlval and Railway Uelebra • Ion. first W(M'k In Orlotier. Best paying clij In Texas. Write me a propisiltlon GEORGE HAGELSTEIN, Pres. Association, Ban Angelo, Tcaaa.


Can show when II rains. I'apaclly L3(si \V.- want It.'iH'rtoIre, Musical Uoim-dlea and '.(»- night slauda.

The Theatrical Lawyer I EDWARD J. ADER I 108 LnSalla St., Chicago, III. i Practice In all Mate ami II. H. Uoiirls

' ro.Nsi’l.T/vnoN rm-’.i:._ M. P. THEATRES, ATTENTION:—If you ban mi stage or a.x.nery, write us al once. 'V. will make you a pro|H.altloii lhal will fit }"U

j (lul roiiipicle. Work don.' by a coiiipclcul I arllal on ib>. s|n.L FIIKK AlMoliitily is.

siringa lo this. Our man will come lo y"U buy all material In yonr city, and do the eork In your houac. Insuring harinony and fit WAKI UP!, attendance. Increase hicoiin-. «ml

' sdd a hundred or s.. to value of tHUis.-. MICH lOAN AMUSEMENT 00., Nlloa, Mich._

MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR BALE — Hers. h. II I Hplllman make, ’J(i(h f’enliirv alvle Kxc llenl I comlllloii Bargain Parllculara of Hau ft Co.,

69 Dearborn St., Chicago, III,

MAY 22, 1909.

Mfilvera TruiiiH- (Kuna I'ark) Wanh.. I). C., 18 ROUTES Mcdiilr*'. Tiitz (Walk<-ri C{iiin>|>aii;n, III. .MH'orniack, Frank, tc. lUt. (Or|>li-uin) An

cell’*. •Morton J*-wcll Tr.niiM- (Kfitli’ai I’tilla. M< Ke. a, 'riirt*,- iKcntin kyi I’ailiirali, Ky. Marvin llriM. (Ii|i>hIi Tltiixvllli-, I'a. .Maniilnir TrU (Variety) All4-i;li<-ny, I’a.; ((».

11.1 lliintlii;;<l<>n L’t Jly Mn-iKi'au Trouia- IIII|<ii<alromf| N. V. C.. lO- file Coin Come to you


Make big money. Right now !

((VintlniKNl fruui pact. 1!U. 1

nton. Tmii. * Jmuclf (llrla (llljiait HiiiH-rlnr. MU ; (llli«il> l.aCnmac HI ?!•. A Tilly (OriilifiiiiiI Mliini'atwilla. ,iirl. IjiIVIIIi* (Maji-allci (, Tv*, a'lalri.. T«<i (ltr|>li<-iiiiiI N. Y. r..niiril. IM>II<' (Olyiiiplcl I'lilraKo; (.Majv.tlii I'lili airo HI HI*. ^..tiar.l, Chaa. K. (dranili nilla ■ l>vlk-«. FiHir Kanlaatlr l.MaJvallo) llvana »lll.. I'xl nM.ilhv Sli'kvlaon A IjiMoiln* tMalvatln Illr mlnaliani. Ala.; (MaJ.-atlc) l.llllv Uiwk, Ark.,

Mai'k. Uola-rt IOr|ih<-iiin* Six’kanv; tO.'plifiini) |■llrll•^nll. drv.. HI HI*.

.Mark, Harry (Orpliviinii Xvnia O.; (d. H.) Naimlvoii HI HI).

.Maiirt-r. Frani i a, A Iloya (Knr.-at I’ark I CUl ••aid).

Mavk. Wllhnr, A Nvlla Walker (Sliea'a) Tu rout,).

Mann A Frank* (Ktari S<’attlH. MvFarlanil A Murray (I.yrlei Hanville, III. Mine, .Miinie (Ilennett'ai .Montreal. M'Hiree, Mala-l Valenteene (drpbeunil Evan*

rllle. InO. Merrlhew A Uaney I Illpiealroine t Huntlnirton,

\V. Va., 17 I'J; lOrplieiim* rortsmouth, <*., Y'ou can clear $100 A PAY with TIIKEE OUTFITS, and you can keep It up all aum-

mer. All you need la atandliiK room where the crowd (jo** and a Cone Baker that glvea the dellcloua, crlsjiy conea that everytxaly likes and everytaidy buys. If you want the best business, >ret the la-st baker—The Standaril.

One Outfit, $8 50. Two Outfits, $14.50. Three Outfits. $19.50. Four OuHits, $25.00 OUR BOOKLET TELLS YOU ALL ABOUT THIS BUSINESS OF BIO PROFITS. IT’S


Separable blnKe, (patented), easy to clean; accurately ftround faces; buffed and pol¬ ished plates, smooth as a mirror; (ilatea sulficiently heavy to diffuse heat and Dr)t warp; will save Its price in fuel and dlscoiufort In one season; does not require an expensive stove; cold rolled steel bandies, will not break; three simple parts; a steel tipped cone roller, worth double Its i>rtce of S8.fi0 each.

TER.MS—Cash with order, or one-half cash, balance C. O. D. Wire, write or phone. Instant shipment.

Our Guarantee—Your money back. If after 30 days’ test, this la not proven to be the best Cone Baker—the one that produces the best cones.

STANDARD MFG. & SUPPLY CD., Drawer M, Monongahtia, Pa.

Mears. the Biiitler (I.iibln’si Baltimore. Mlleh>-ll A drant (F.iiipirei Coh<M-a. N. Mllb-r. I>>ulr E., A Co. Oirandi Auftusta. .M< Williams, drover (Orpinximi Chllllcot

17 1!*; (Orpbeumt Cln levllle HO‘HH. .M<<'al>e. Ituth (I’rlncessl Cleveland. (*.;

Icai Orrv.lle HI HI*. Mullen A Cor<-lll (drandl I’arkersburit. M*<k. Andrew (Sbea’sl " ~ Mo.ver, I’rof. iSuperlia)

(Crystal* Bedford 21 Hi*. McNai.Rlilons, The (It-nr

(Beiinett'ai Montreal H- Mildred. .M. Mcsire. Ton Moyle*. Pal Mui'ller A Ma<k A tv Marty (Cry Morrell. Kr Mc.tvoy. I* McCulbsilth

Lal’ort*. .kerlal (I’alace* IlailetiMi, I’*.; «(ir. mil Cti<-*ter HI H**.

taikens, F"ur (IIIp|sMlrotne* N. Y. (',. lo HI*.

Lester dn-at (Colonial* .N. Y. C.; (ilr|ibeumi llris.klyn HI ’HI*.

I.*Vslls. Ttie (drand* (lldhani. En*.. HI HI); (Hl| (ssIriHiie, p.srlliujton .31 June 5: (.tlca- xar P«- F.te* I’arl*. France. June 7 July 1(*.

l>-mue'* A Marlin tiaibln’* Market St * I’blla. Ix-axue A ll•■l,l (National* Payton, (*.; Illlith

St * ('.•liimbii* Hint*. l.b.yd. cimt.'n E. (drand* I’lltslsir*. I’a. ixils S;ireve|s,rt. I4I Liikiisbimas. The (lllpiKslrome* Exeter, EnR.,

24 HI*. L«.Selle Trio (I.vceum* CalRary. Can.; (Eureka*

Is tbbridse HI HI* Lewis A Yotitiir (Bell* daklaml. Cal.; (Wig

warn, S4U Franris<*o 23 HI*. Llvlntul >n. Pavid. A Co. (Victoria* WbcelliiB,

Baltimore. * Milwaukee, Wls. :

•* Butte. , Worth. Tex.; (Ma-

Je«tlc* Pallas HI HI*. .\awn. Mr. A Mrs. Tom (Oriiheum) Salt Lake

City; lOri>beumi Ih nver HI HI*. Xlchols A Smith (Oramli Nashville, Tenn.; (Bi¬

jou* .Vtlanta. da.. HI ‘HI*. Neff. John. A Carrie Starr (Majestic* Blrmlne-

ham. Ala.; (Majestic* Little Rock. Ark., 24 HI*.

Nelson. Ned, A Co.: Sharon, Pa.; WellsvlUe. O. , HI HI*.

NlMo. Victor. A Talklnit Birds (Collins* IsIlnR- ton, Eng.. HI HI*; (Empire* Ml>ldle*b*>r<sigh 7- 12: iWlnter dsrdeni New Br ghton 14 11*.

Normans. Five Juggling ((>ri>henm* San Fran cisco; (Orpluural dakland 23 June .'>.

Norton A Iliissell (Wigwam* San Francisco: Vallejo 2.3 2<*.

Nelson A (*tto (Keith’s* Cleveland. Night with the Poets (Grand* Pittsburg. Pa. Novelty Dancing Four (Orpheuml S«-attle.

Oran*. Four (Majestlci Cclar Rapids. la.; (Bi¬ jou* Pe»-atur. III., 21 H9..

d’lViiincll. Ja<k. A Marie G.iwer (AIrdome* ].da. Kan.. 10 H».

Owen. I>orotby Mae (Happy Hour) San .Anto¬ nio. Tex.

Onlaw. dns. Trio (Pr.M-tor's* Newark. >-_J-, O’Neill Trio (HendersonsI Coney Island. N. V. <*iavs. The (Forest Park* Little Rock, Ark.;

(Electric* Hot Springs 24 20. Oi'l.heur Cometly Four (I’antages’) Sacramento,

Cal Onrl Allthor|>e Co. (Academy of Music* Norfolk.

Va. ^ Odell. Jack A Grace Gilmore (Lyric* P«‘s

Mollies, la. Owens. Billie A May (Electric Park* Hot

S-.rlncs, Ark.; (.Auditorium* Eun'ka Springs 21 21*. •

Prlncea* Fiwir (Princess* Peoria. Ill. Pearce S.sters. Three (Savoy i Pnluth. Miiin. Pikes. Musical (Bijou* El Reno, Okla., 17-19;

iBHoii* Chl<kas**a 20 22. P,.s( A Russell (Orpheiim* St. Paul; (Orpheuml

Mlnneapd-s 23 H9. Phillips. Mmidane (BHoui Ann .Ar Powell. F.dl'.e (MaJ.-stlc. Ave,

P*.: (I.ycemn* Meadvllle HI 2d; lust tile 27 29

Phillips A Newell (Valleyscops’l Can.; (Grsml* Herkimer. N. Y.. Ithsca 27 21*.

Puloff Slst.TS (Hcndersim’s* Cone;

V. Primrose Quartet (Family) Pavenjeirt. la.; (In-

gersidl Park) TVs Mnlms 21 June ,3. Poiriers. The (Majistlc) Pallas. Tex.; (Majea

•Ici ilouston 24 21*. Petchlng Bros. (Blj<m) P.'catur. Ill.

Pi'Ilston A F<'ran (Orphenm) Seattle; (Orph eum» P,»rtland, Ore., 2.3 21*.

Potts Bros. A Co. vStsri Mnncie. Ind. Pullen. I.u»Ila iVaiidevlIlei Lancaster O.. U

19; iVsiidevlIle* Washington C H.. 20 P. -tot. Fnd A .Annie tRamona Park* (.ram

Rapids. Mich. Pauline (Orpheuml Br>s>klyn

C.. HI June S. „ x Peterson Pros. (Pantagesi Tacoma. M asn.

(Pantages’l Portland, Ore.. 24 29 Palmer. Parker. A Co. (I.yrlc* Mobile. Ala.

Phillips A Bergen (Star* New Kensington, Pa. I Star* Mones'i-n 24 Hi*.

Persse A Mason (Orpheuml IVnver. Qu.W'r A Quaint (Sidney* Sidney. O.:

cess* Cleietanil '24 Hi*. Quick. Mr. (Cook's* Rochester. N. Y.:

I pie* ivtis'lt. Mich.. 24 ’29 ' OiiInn Trio (* Appl* ton. Wls.

Ray. J. J. (t*. H.l Manasha. Wls. ' Ris’l Eagle Family (Palace* Ixmdon, Kng. . . .3 29.


TRAINED WILD ANIMAL SHOWS COMBINED Lvne. James (O. H.t Sherman. Tex. I.all.inli A Si'ottle (It H * Franklin. Pa. 1.elghs Tlie (l.yrlci Sherman. Tex. l>i*ce A Sterling (International ( Niagara Falls.

N Y ; (.Academe of Music* Buffalo 24’Hi*. tj«MatHl ir*niHyl Butte. Lats-ll Trou|«. (Family* WIIllamsiM>rl. Pa. Lloy I. .Alice (Bennett's* Ottawa. Can.; (Ben

n. ll'si M. ntn-al 24 29. McConnell Sistera (Alhambra* Milwaukee. Mcp<mald A Carlyle (.Arcade* Wallace. Ida. Marshall A King (FoHes Ilergere* Mexico City.

Alex.. Alay IS June 3**. Martlnette A Sylvester (Empire* Ix>ndon. Eng .

Alay S 29; (Marigny) Paris, France. June l- Jiily K*.

Maxim’s Al.slels (White City* Chicago. Allllman Trio (N. Y. Hippodrome* N. Y C. Mot.igIrl iHansa* Hamburg. Ger.. Atay 1 31. Alaik Boys, TIumm-: Newton. Kan ; Junction City

.ir 3 l.ious; one se<-oud-liand 4(*. .’’dt or Cg) ft. round top. with one 30 low No. H. One Alarquee, complete; must lie fresh and bright; 10

must be in iierfct condition and not broken up. Want Miisiclana one leader side show band. For Wild West; one more gisnl broncho agirls. straight riders. -All must furnish own wardrobe. Also want men. For aide show and coms’rt: one Supt., one more ticket B<*ller,

<Kl looking real liiSK-bee Dancers, young and nice aii|>eariug. Snake [•h. Magiciuii, .Midgets, Freaks, Concert peo|>le. Ail good aide ahow ivasmau and cauvasmen for side show No. H. Wanted 8|>ecially for I .Act; three to six (leoide doing two or more acts: Ja|>auese acts, > good impalemt nt act. Howards of Ano-ers, write. Everylssly In real commissary and table service of any show in America. Capitalize*!,

r are sure. Iuteni)KTauce we cannot and will not tolerate. Addreaa Alin.ll.>' Family. Five tFilrhank** SprIngflelii.

(> ; (New li.itilnsonl Cincinnati 24 29. AlcVelgh. Jotinn.*. A College 01rl« (BIjoili Jack

s-.n Mleh : iMaj'uitlc* .Ann .Arbor 24 21*. Al.'rri'in A I’arrott tltijoul Bemldjl. Alinn.; (<).

H 1 Acklev 24 21* Mackln A Wlls.m (IMI* PetpiH 17-19: (O. H )

Yp'ilantl JO-22: (Elvria* l.Ivrla, d . HI’J*!; iPIloiii I.oraln 27 29.

AlfR.iMe. Billie (I.vrlci Fnlontown. Pa.. 17 19; iFamllvi PraiMock 2>> 22

Alstil.ews Harry I* (Star* AtcKei'S R's'ka. Pa.. 17 19 iSlari Cirmple 2*'22

Alltrhill Cora Lawton. A Co (Crystal* Amter • >n. Inil ; (Star* Atuncle 24 '29.

Mslhleiis. Juggling tGrand* M"nlg.miery. Ala ; (Ill)ont Knoxville. T-nn., 24 '29

Allnsinl Fisir Haxleton. Pa.; .Allentown '23-

The n|>ening of our si'ason occurs next week, (May 24thi. In Coatesvllle, Pa., under the aus¬ pices of the City Fire Piqiartment. Drum and Fife Corps, and we have room for a few more shows and privileges. No exclusives; therefore come on. We can place everybcKiy. Can (dace one more si-nsational fra-e act, high dive iirefernsl. All privileges. $10.(10. Shows, 35%. Twenty weeks to follow; all under ans|iice8 of Fire Iiejiartments. and short jumps in the territory where there is plenty nsmey. Write or wire immediately. Address until 23rd. Mgr. Great Eastern Shows, Winter Quarters. 494 E. 4th Street, Wilmington, Del.

Valleyfleld, 14 2«; (Stan

Aluehiners. The ((*rt>hciini * Hld'lng. Minn.. 17 19. (perlc* Chisholm 'JO 2'2.

Alantell's Marionette Hlppiste. me (Bliou* Ah- erde. n. S I* ; (lllj.Mi* Valiev City. N. P , 24 29

AInrrsy. Ellvalieth M (drphciim* Sisikane; (dr- Iihiiim* Seattle 2.3'29.

Atariir A Mareit (drplie(im) S|sikane: (drpheum* Si-adle 24 29

Alakinnkn Rii'slan Tro(ii>e (Washington) Sisv kan- : (Stnri Sestlle 24 2")

Alrlnt-ish, Marvelous ISIar* R.s-helle, III,. 17- II*: (Star* Sterling 21 23; tSian Plxon 21


m%\t% . PATENTED ■ Jan 28. 1909.

A game of skill, that appeals to all the people, and has the patronage of ladles, gentlemen, girls and boys. $'2.'. to loO dally over all ex¬ penses. Weight. 100 lbs., crated.


Moult -n. Harry ( AIrdome* Charlotte, N. C.; (.Alrdomi-i Florence, S. C., 24 *29.

AtcNiitl Ko|M-land Troi pi- (drpheum i dll City. Pa ; (Fiinlly* Kane 24 09

Aland.** no* tlllaner's* Wash . P. C.; (t4tb St I N Y ('. 24 ’29

Mlllou, l<da. A Co. iBIjoui SuiM-rlor. Wl*.: H.IIOan* l*i-lnill. Alinn., 2t 'J"*

Alorgxti A Cluster (Grand* Montgomery. .Ala ; (Bljisii Birmingham 24'29

Alrlsuiald Pr-is. (d. H * Gn-envllle. d., 17 19; (IlIjiMii Plipia ’2**22; (dr(ihi-um* Fiwtoria 24

2*t: idrphi-iiml Tiffin 27 21* M.irtliuk. Alice. A Co. (MsJi-sHcl I.ltllu Itiuk,

Ark; (Msb-stle* AM Worth. Tex. 24’21* M'Sjt,,i.| i, shellr ll'antages* Tacoma. Wash.;

(Pantages'l I'ortland. (*re.. 24 21* Mahr. .Agnes idrphi-um* SI. 1‘aul; (Majestic*

Chicago 24 29 Alulllgan. May (A’aiidctte* Bloomington. Ind,;

(Malcatic* Craw fordsvllle 21’29 Alaasey A Kraiiicr (Prlnccaai I'oliimhua. d.;

(.Ari.'lei Toledo 2(29 Alarcii Twins lMaj<Hitlr* Denver

Mi-lnolle 'I'NkIna A Clay Smith (drpheum) dakland. Cal , Iff‘29

Alelnii,., .li-ati iColiiUihla* Plica. N. Y.. 17 29. McNallv A Stewart (.Amuai> I'* Gastonia. S. C. Mlctia-'ls. Merry I llliiisiilroniel Scranton. Ba Mc|*,in,.ii Jitiiu A .Alice ( Arcade* Toli-ito, d. Alcl'uiic A Grant I Rural* San Anlonlo, Tex. Mrphee A Hill (Cook'** U.s-heali-r. N Y Mllili. Mlaai-a (Colniiihlai SI laWlls. AtcLaurlilln. Boh tdalety) Indlana|M>lls Mi-ncla Uve (Wigwam* San Franclai-o. Alora, StIenI, A Mallnl (Coliimhla* Chicago. AliKay A Cantwell (Colonial* N Y C. Alarlowe, BluiikcH A Co. (drphcunii Eancavllle,

d Maaent. Ediieated Horse IBIIon* Atlanta. Ga. Alnacagnla, Two (Majeatle* (ialvealon. Tex.

(Colonial* N. Y

WANTED Calllotie player. Dramatic and siioclalty people who can dellxer the goods. .Musicians who donble

stage. No tickets. Ix>ng si-aaon to people of ability. Join on wire. COTTON BLOSSOM FLOAT¬ ING THEATRE. H. E. Steiner, Mgr., Charleaton, W. Va.

Reynolds A Ponrgan (Coliseum) lAvndon. Eng., Stay 31 July 17.

Rice l-'rank A True (Foreat Bark) (hlcago. R.wti-y Sini (Majestic* St. Baul; (Grand*

Fargo, N. P . ’21 ‘Jl* Rtva l.arsi-n Tnuiiu- (Criterion* Atlantic City;

(Fanllv* Haxleton, I’a., 2129. Urn'omc. Ca'oy: Bartlesville, dkla.; Oklahoma

Cllv 23 29 Ho*.vire*. The (Bijou* IVeatur. HI.; (Lyric)

|i.iMvme 24 29 Ri i-d A E:irl (()rpheum) Ib-laware, d.; (B1

Joui I’lqua 24 29.

(Conllmieil on page .3S.)

For the New Era Floating Palace, Vaudeville Performers, Musicians to double B. and 0. Address W. P. McNAIR, care of New Era Show Boat, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.

PRIVILEGE MEN NOTICE Firemen’s Carnival at Latrobe, Pa. Week of June 1st. Wanted to hear from privilege men. Good opening for all kinds of privileges. State


what you have. Address, W. T. OSBORNE, S«er«tary, LATROBE, PL ABSOLUTELY OUARANTXZD.

36 Xtie Billboard MAY 22. 1909.


nv (HD not iin<lfrtiike !<■ rpmill I'APKKS or . i*A<'KA<il’'S <41 mbU'b Is rt^juired extra (Ktatace ! to firwanl. iinb-K* tbe neceaiiar}' amount of P'xtace Ik [>ai(l. At tbe rlicbt hand aide of name jroa will find tbe amount required.

Api>l|ratloo for mall advertised In tbia Hat must be aliened individually by addreaaeea.

•Mall In New York fMBce. ••Mall In Chicago OIBce.




tlwena. Mm. Wanda I'artiue, Vbdet r«rr. I old l‘ault. Taullen l*a>t«o Slatera I'earce, Jennie E. A

M. IVtem. Mra. Cbaa. I'lerre, Irma Freasey, Mra. Wlacono l*rlce. Maul Reull l*rinreaa Nina Pullen. Mra. C. H. •Kanna, Anna Ratbbum. Ida •Raymond. Eoulae Rear, Mm. French Reeae, Mm. Lillian •Relaer. Jennie Reno, Mme. Reno. Mra. E<1. Re.vprdda, R<«e Richard, Hattie Richmond. Edith Richmond. Grace Rice, Katberyn •Ripley, Lou Ritchie, Adele





Addiarm. Mm. Gtiaalo ••Adelaide” Alexander, laailae Allen. Maud Allen. Eva Althorpe, Flora Amlier, Madam Ang.ll, Gertrude Arnold. Itottle Avakian. Adeline Banta. G<ielle ••Barfield, Mra

E. Itarten. Madam Bartett, Grace Beanto. Halay Bentty. Trixie Bedinl. Flora Oulce B<-lmonl. Marie Bennett. Roee Blllard. Francis Blair Marie Blake, Etta l>oulae • Blood. Adele M. ••Booth, Liaale Boucher. Evon Bowers. Mm. K Brandon. Helen Brandt, Georgia Brinkman. I>«ra •Brown. Minnie Bronn. Mm. Beaale Burbank, LllUaa Burks. C<anldned Buskey. Mm. Cagle. IKdlle E. •Cain Rlstem Campbell, Myrtla Carlyle. Gladys Carroll. Oracle Carroll. Belle Carter. Mm. E. O. Caton. Mm. Carrie Cecil. Edith Chapin, teah Charles. Mal>el Cheater. Ida Chnlsser. Nell Clark, naael ciiii'Wd. Dolly Cochran. Mm. Cora Cole. Phyll*,, •<^gdon, Ella ^ Connell. Mra. J. W ••C<*nnelly. I>*oo«r«‘

CooWay. Mm. J. E. Oonway. ”V/” Corle. Mm. Mabelle Corson. Cora Young

Wood Oottey. Dorothy Conrtland. Grace Courtney, Mm. Sybil D'Ardene, Ethelyne De Larsh. le*nore DeMar. Rose De Mllly. May De Vere. Caroline DeVere. Marie D'Vomk. Adelaide !>ally. Bertha •Dalberg, Camille Dale, lioftle Danenhower, Rosa-

mond Darling. Jessie Danner. Mm. R- H. Davis. Marlon itenman. Ixstlse Dlnney. Mrs. \ lolet Polssle. Lucy Dolly. Rose Douglas. Blanche Dr-n. Mrs. Grace •Dtila. Alice •Earl. Virginia Earl. Mm. Lola ••Ellery. Mabel Emmemon. Mm. W.

B* Entmona, Mlaa Bob •Ernesto Slstem Emklne. Edna Esmond, Flora •Farlowe, Edna Farloer, Edna Farmer, Geneve riecber, Mand ••Flaher, Cannon Florin. Martha Millie Forbes. Mm. Ada Frances. I»le Francis. Mamie Mrs. Mar

garet Gaskin. Mm. Florine Genessee Trio •Gibson. Nora Gibson, Isabel Otllenbeck. Mm. 01-

lle •Godfrey. Dorothy Goebel. Lillie Goldstone. Mm. Grace Gold. Lanra •Soldle, Anna H. Gray. Ada Gray. Marlon Gn-ce. Elonor

Gregory, Margherlte •*Gre<-nsha!gb. Mm. I

J H. ; Grey, Helen Hamilton, Eatella B. * Hanillton. Mm. F. B. Hanby, Mr*. Icda | Hanson. Lottie Harlow, Dorothy i llarte, Mable H.irirog. Franros I Harey, Laura llayea, Eona H'siricks. xir- Dot | Henphil, Mrs. Gus | ileraklldes. Mrs. Gw). i •Hermia. Marie Herne. Chryatal llester. Nettle Hlckt. Madge •Houghton, JennI Howard. Dorothy : Hoyt, Francis i Huford. Mm. Maggie i Hull, Mrs. Flor*-nce I Hunt, Mtsa H. Hunt. Mm. Rose 1 •Hunt, Kit.el | Hunter Mabel i •Irving, Mildred James. Irene •Jewell. Anna •Jordan, Ethel Johnson, Eva Johnson. MItllda Kale, Mytrle Eeller, K troll Kelly. Mm. Ethel Kenitedy. Ma.e Killian. Mable Kimbal, Jennie Kingsley. May Kipp, Mm. .\dellne Klelmet. Anna •Knapp, Belle Knapp. Virginia Krueger Sisters Iji Neave, Ethel LaToxir. Marie I.a Verne, Mm. IMna •I>e Baron. Ismiae !>> Bre<iue. Mm. J. C. •Ix* Ri>y. F'lorenee I/e Royi Mm. F. Law¬

rence I/e Roy. Pansy Langdon, June Langdon. Mrs. Clara Langford. Myrtle I/angton, Lilly I/e-, Inei I/Oe, B.vrdie I/<-nnett. Eliiabeth I/enox. Cecil l/cster. I/enore Llnaritia. Di.xmante Loan, Josle I/ole, Madam I/ola. Prlncesa I/onta. Mm Ray ••Lydel. Mm. Lydia Lyle. Edna MacCord. Mrs. l/owls McDonald. Gladys MetJee. Mrs. .tnna .McNutt Slsters •Mack. Alpha Mack. Sadie Maitland. Mal>el Maitland. Mrs. C Malcolm. Emma Mareg. Rita Inei •Mamball. Mrs. l/con

W. Marvin. Anna Matthews. Mm

Belle Marie. Lalb-lte I Marfl-‘ld. I/eona •Maxon. Grace ••Mayls-lle. Snowle ••May, Bonnie Maahar. Princess

Frelda Meagher. Mm. J. L. Meltrcr. Mrs. Minnie M-nnelle. Mrs. F. K. •Mlley. Kathryn Mllli-r. .Mrs. Giiasle •Miller. Daisy Millington. Margaret •Miner, Dorothy Moody. Kttrnia Moore. Mm. Emma Moore. Edith Morette Slstem ••Morris. Mrs. M ••Moecrop, Marika ••Moscrop. Carmen Most. Elsa Murpt’V, Mra. II. ••Murray. Ellr.aN tli Myatery Glri NIchola, Mm. D. L. N’ichola. Beth Nt-.-s. .Anna V. Nina. Princess Nugent. Mrs. Winnie O'lVII. Birtle nd--ll. Grace Gdeli. Mand Itgden. Mm. Lltaie

Roberta. Fraocea (Harriet I

Roberta. MNa Fisxle Rnbemlon, Mm. D. R. ••Roeckman, Mildred Rogn. Miss Barta •Roouey, Mattlx Roller. Mlaa Jean Rosie. Alma R<ise, May Roaey, Marie Elmore Roas. Wilma Rounds' Ladies Band Russell. Annie

Sterling. Kitty | Stevena, Mrs. Dora Stewart, Lilian Straub, Marie | Strayor, Mary I Tangley. Pearl 1 Teeta. Mm. I.lllle \ Ti-mple, Emily I •Thayer, Mary P. j ThotiiCa, Corx Tliornton, Cornelia 'I'barston, I/<-slle Tn-w, Beatrice Turner, Mra. Ora Turner, Mm. I>oe Turner, Maud Turtle, Mm. Robert I'lMilke. Mm. M. B. I're, Gladya Von Eleta-r, BaroiH-sa •Van. Winnie Vanderbullt, Mm.

Gary Vandervlll, Pauline Vemtee, Mlaa All<-e Vernon. Mabel Victoria, Anna I’earl Wallace, Mrs. A. •Ward. Lillian •Wanlell. Florence . •Ware, Helen I Washington, Mm. B. 1

C. Wayland, Mrs. Eva ••Wells, Maxine Whex-ler. Mm. Nellie White. Alice W. Wlllete. LoUa Williams, Mm. Rose Williams. Little

Itollle ••Williams. Mm.

Rose Williams. Zenubta

Bailey, Allan W. Baird tt Dunn Bailey, I/awrenx-e P. Ball<-y, Frank •Bailey. Frank F. Baker. Harry H.

”I>oc” Baker, Johnny Ball It Mamhall Baldwin, Dick •Baldwin. T. H. Banvaril, Cbaa. Barlow, E. K. Bartholomew. Chas. ••Bartholdi's Birds Bartlett, D. T. Bartling, Exiward T. Bassett, Edward W. •Bates, Leslie Allen Banlke, Paul Beasley, Chas. Beauchamii. Al. Beasley, R. C. •Beauford, Jos. Beeman, Fr«*»l J. Belknap. T. Harry Bell A Braley's Show Bell. R. A. Bennett. Paul Bennington Bros. Bennington. George Benson. W. W. Benjamin. E. R. Berger A Sargent Berger, L. A. Bergman, B. A. Bernard, Doc Berrv. Harry L. Berry A Clark Berry, Art Bertram, Ward Beatrv, Harry Beta. J. E. BIgney, Chas. A.

Burgess. Boh I Burke, Eds In •Burke, JiJin P. ••Burnette. Harry Burnett, Jack •Biirtia, Billy Bnrriaigba, W. A.,

Esq. Burl, Glenn Burton, Russell Buttons, L. R. Byrne, Chas. T.

Calhoun, Frank Calkliia, Frank J. Callahan. L. W. Calumet Amuse. Co. ''Cauieroql'' Ctnipliell. II. W. Canipliell. .Manile Campfleld, .Arthur K Cardona, Capl. P Carlin. C. E. Carlin Bros Carlisle, Jas. Carlo. King Cariilll. C. C. KCarnliigham. Arthur Carr Trio Carre A Cam- Cimtll, R I- ••Carroll. Will M. Carroll. R. L. Carter. W B. ('artw right, ('has. Carson Bros. Carver, Frank Caa<-. William Caslel. Paul Castle. James •ChamlM-ra. SI

••Chamls-rlaln A Sler ling

fhambem. W. E




Persons desiring tu avail themselvea of Tbe Billboard's facilities for forwarding mall matt<-r to members of the amuseuM-nt profession, are r-quested to bear In mind that the beadquartem of this gratuitous dUtrlbution of mall are at tbe CINCINN.ATI ofliees. when- all such matter should be aUln-Ksed. unless It Is known that It will be more convenient for addream-es lo receive It through the New York or Chicago bureaus.

In Cincinnati a cor|« of exiierleaced clerka Is employed for tin- sole puns's*- of reotird Ing the wliereabouta of transit nts and handling tbe mail addreaaed to them In care of Tbe Blllboanl.

The iNWtiilBee adjunct of the New York and Chicago bureaus of Tbe BllllMiard la malutaln<>d only for the aeoemiiiislation of those who can procure quicker service by having mail sent to thj hranch oillcta, where they can call for It In iiereon, or from which It may w remailetl to them with gn-attr dtspatcb than from the publication offlees at Ciuriiinati. No attempt la made to handle mail addressed to the branch offices without s|xe<lflc Instnictioua while thousands of pieces of mail matter pass thniugb tbt> Cincinnati ofll.-es evep- wt-ek and are remalled to addressees from information at band without the iV-lay of bolding and advertlalcg tbea- names Ih this list.

In adtirt-ssing mail to individuals In care of The Billboard, kindly Indicate what com l*atiy (If any! each la Identified with or in what line of the business he la t-ngagt-tl.

*1* J”?** advertised In this list is being held at the Cincinnati.offices unless otherwise Indicated by the eharactem • (New York!, •• (Cbicagol.

NOTICE Par«-js for the following are now being held at The BlUboard's publication ..ffi.-e

They will Im forwarded on application. The figures tmllcate the amount of iHwtag.- necessary. * •

Andersons, Four 3c Bartelle, Kay St- Brown, Fred T. 9c Eape A Co., Al. 6c Bmmert, Geo. E. 2c Gilbert. Thomas 8o Harrison. T. E. B. 2c Haaelleaf, H. F. 9o Lorenzo, Ohiek 6c Nagle. Dan E. Ic Neeklck, F. W. 2c Newman, Jbliua (V- Olcott, Chauooey Ic Omens, Prlncesa 5c Pattons, The Four 4c Pick. Roy 2c Powers, Prank 3c Raymond, L. A. 3c

Ret-d, Pearl 4c Kepaa, Guy 2c Reynolds, Earl 4c RIed. Ella 4c Rooney, Llazle 2c Runyan, N. P. 4o Scott, Olive 2c Shah, Manek, 14c Shoemaker, J. II. 2t' Smith, Chris. M. 14e -Spalding A Defall .V Spur, Orville 2e Still. Frank Ic Sweet. A. W. 2c Sullivan. John L. 4o Tbompooti. Fiord C.

2c Toomer, W. H. 2c

Tyler, Ed. 2c Van, Mra. 6c Viola. H. L. 4t Ton, Roy 8c Walker, Lillian Pe Wells, Billy K. Wheaton. Anna 2c Williamt, Ot-o. Ic Wotrlng. Guy 2c Young, John N. -I

Russell, Gract- M. Russi'II, Doroth.v \V. Russell. Margaret Russell, Lillian St. rialr, Wlnnlfred St. Clair, Dolly •St. Clair Slaters St. I/t-on. May Sallna. Mile. ••Sliarp. Mm. Minnie Shepard. Mm. B. C Silja. Mm. SIgrad Small. Madame Smith. Mm. CUreni-e •Smith. Gertrnde •Solar, Mabt-1 Stanlex-. Rosie Star. I'.i-Ile St-ffens, Mrs Xliirx


Wilhnan. Miss Dixie Wilson, M. Graet- Wllsun. Mrs. E. J. Wilson. Edna Wins, the American

Girl Winson, Mra. S. L. WIst-man. Miss B-'s

ale Woeliler. .Maud Woods. Lula Wttoletifl, Mrs. Wright, Trixie

Y<-ager. Norma VeaiuoilH. He|i-m-

Ve|-Toni, Paiillni-

You ig. Pearl

Zt-nora. (Jueen



Abliott. Billy R Abe. H. Adair. Eddie •Adams. Fritz Adams, D. 11 Adams. Jimmie Adams. Sellty •Adams, John Adams. Fritz .Adams, Kirk •-Ade, George Adkins. G. B Adkins. Georg<- Aeno, A. 11. .Akoun. Gaston Alberti. Allen. Jo<- Allt-n B. F •Allison. J. M Alpha Valid. Co .Alpine, Alfliof. William Altman. Ponv Alton Family Altiia Bros.

Alvarado. S. .Amirk. Jack .Anders, Ciiaa. •.Anderson, Alfred .Anderson. It. G Andrt-. Prof. -Anglo Saxon Trio .Annata. Glovanna .Anthony. Jack .Arcade View Co .Archer. Oeti. S ••.Ardell Bros. Armstrong, Jim .Armstrong. A. A' AppleVy, E. J. Arnold, A. B. Arthur A I/ong Am. Frol Atkins, J. T. Atlas Am. Co. •Aitalln Bros. .Austin A Sweet Averv. Drew Ba Ba. Pr»>f. All Baekenstop, L. N.

Btlvek's S<-als Birk, Jack Blmilngham. W II •Bispels Music Co. Bitting. J. II Blean. Harry lilo'Miell. Frank Blunilianit, AA'iii Boggs, llenrv Bordeii. Ed. Bosxxell. Nat It. Bothxxell A Brown Ibniiigliton. Prof Tom ••Bowen Bros Bow, Paul Bowers. AV II Bowen. Jack Bowen. Joliniiii- Ibivd. L A Hover. Willis K Ii<«z.ll. AVIll Brackett. ItolM-rl .A Braeknian. E. J •Bradford. E C Brandon's tilll E-lge

Show Braum. Chas

Bmun. Chsrii-s Breton, Harry Brewer. Tlnis E Bridges, Tim Hrlssoii. Alex ••Prittemtsll l|i-rl»-it Brooks, J. F. Br<M-kH. Fmiory Brown. IIsTrv Brown Famllv •Brtiwn. J. L Brown. J<iliii. .Am Co Browning A .In-n-s Bniee, Clias M •Brnce. Clisrley Brnmbsek. K .A nrvspt. Clifford Bryant, Bill Brydon. D. A Buckley, John

••Chaniller. Jos t;. Chapman. J. ||. Channcey, Fretl C Cheater, Harry (Tilqiiet, L. V. Clark A Turner Ctark. Clt-Ter Clark, Stneely Clark. Robt, J. Clark. Frank K Clark. Prof Al. Clayton A Jenkins Clements. Joe L Clifton. Harry Cllftona, Three Clove. Joel C. (Tele, i nine, Harry •Colnirn. J. Coffer. H. P Colcher. Ilarrv C-oIe, A. J. Coley. C. Coleman, Ed Coleman. Oeti M Cole. Tom Collea, Jack Collier. W II •CollliM A Jewell Collins. Jack Collins, I/eo Collins. II. D. Colllstlne. John Colston. Jim Colton, Jas. R Ctdona, Prof. K Ctimfe, Joe Conlon. Davy ••Connekkya. The Connor. Fred Connelly Trio Conaer. Ellawortb Ctiok. C. C. ••Cook. Joe, A Bros. Cook, TVdi Cooper. J. T Corby, Frank Cnriiwell, Wm E

Cory. K D Coiillere. Clarence ••Coiirey, Joiiii Cousins, Jaek Cuxiiigloii It AA'IllHir Cramer, Wm Crtndle. Eirl Crawf.irtl. tluj I. Crawl.j, <Jci>. J. Crestent Gardens Am

Co. •Crimings A Gore •Criti hticl'l. Clyde Croeker, E. II Crotieh. Wesley A •Crowle.v It CrowIt-y Crum, Thomas Crump, Gtsi, •Ciimnilnga, M J Citmniliigs Show Co Cummings, Mr •Cunningham. Thos

F. Ciipoiitl A Marie CufTttte. J. M Curtis, F W. Curtis, Frt-d A. Cutter, Frank J

Da Dill. Al. DeAIvIn, Harry De Alvrea E. II D'Amond. Chester I>e Amo, R. F. De Eatang. Marry 1. |>t-Forresl. Fretl IW* Kreko, Jean DePathe. A W. ItePew, Thimi. E •IteRenzo A I-a Due •Ite Silvia, Prof.

Hector IXeBarr, Harry I>e Espa. Kraeat I>« Grean. 11. Ib- Liiee. Jos. (Itor.l D<41tefanu. Clement! Ib-A'oare, Chss. H. DfVerne A C«.. Tbel

ma. ••De Vere A lb- Vt-re DiiBola. J<w. H. Du Pam. Danrlng Dailly. John •Dallett. M. Daltnu. Loula Daly. Ed. S Danfortb. Ed. E. Danlal. Emanuel ••Darling. Pmf. Bdw Damaby, J. .A. Davenport. T. II. Davidsoo. Jno. F. David. Frank Davies A Franrlaro Davlea Brolhem lAavla, Harry B Darla. Jark Darla. R. Wade Itavls. J. Warren Dawson. F. M. Day, Dtxr •Ib*an. Al. •tb-an. Geo Itean. W. C. Dehapp. F. C Delgarlan. Baba •Ib-lmont. Fred tb-lam-y, Jas. K Delsvoy A Friti Deming. James P Demonlre. Geo. Ib-nison. I. Diamond Bill IMokens/tn. Rube Iilekers<-'i's Band Dina. Manib-I Dlnney. Alex Dobbins. Wm. E Ibxdson. K G. rb>h<-rly. I/eo D<dllvar A Rogers Ibtsaldsnn. Freil Ihinatello. Pelrtt A

Rosie Ibmnette, I.t-on W Ibirsn. Msrtin Doric Singing Foxir Dom. Frederirk Dotigherty. Geo Douglas. John Drain, Grant Drako, Howard Ibigan. Wm. T Thilant-y, J B Dryib-n. Chaa. Dumont. Wm J Ibimhaugh. "Dor'' Dunbar Harry J Dunn, Byron IXtirham. Jay Durlrage, C. J

El Keys, mn- F.arl. Albert Earles. Bert Early, Joe ElM-rhardt Fred F-rk. Eddy Eeroyd. Rlrhanl M Edwards, F J Edwards. Fred K •Eller. W A

, Ellis. Fretl F Rlsey, Will Ellon. C. F Rlrlra A Alfrtsis Ememon. Trix Emerys. Tiie Emmert. Ot-o. E. Emmerson, Eleririr Ennia. Frank •Erlxom, Ira •F.stey. flias •Esiry, fHias.

Famona Ideal Am Co Fasa-tt A Elliott Faust. Bt-n Fay. II C Feely. Jark Ferarl Bits* Felder, Mr FIrke, Edwarti II Field. J. R-srers ••Fields. Wm H •Finn, Mlrkey •rinkie. r.-nV Flaher. I. AV Fitter, Adam •Fitzgerald. Mr (Ji.g

1 gleri I FItthiigh A SlM-rtrldgr 1 Flattery. llarrT (Cur I W1

Flemlsg. E. J Flesher. Prank

, Fltssi. Frt-d

Florenre, (1. B. FUtrida, Getffgs A Flowers, litiwsrd A Floyd, It. N. Floyd. Jew«l Flynn, Earl Fijey, Joiin Ftird, llsetr McNalry ••Fortl. l»o« Foster. Billy FiHintaIn Mq. Am. Co Fountain, Itolitiy Fowler. Lemuel ••Fowleru. Tbs Fox. Roy K Franrlsco, Prof. C. <1s Fraurlseo, Ralph Frank. Arlaona Franek, Joe Frank. E K Franks. The Two Franklin Stotk Co Franklins, Four Fraser. Burt Frt-i|erlrk. Walter B Frt-t-d. Geo. Hlanlsy Frees, Phillip French, ('apt. Jim French, Capt. Jim Frouiherg. M. Ftillen. IbNiglaa •Fxiller, Hector Futch. Reginald Futon. C. C. Goltrlel, JIra Gabriel. William Gagnon. Arthur J •Gallagher, (ihas Gallagher. F. T Galrln A Oo. Garglulo. Chevalier Gates. Jack H. Gates. Charley Gear, W. M. •George, Turtle Gemno. Prttf. Gettman, W. O Gihaitn. Arthur W Gilbert. Thomaa Gill. Boy Gllllngwater, J. W Gllmao. Harry Gilmore, Harry Gladstone Children Glaaacork, Foster Griyes. S. D. Olenfleld. Geo. (iolDea, I/ew Goldie, Robe Goldlu. M. Gollenstelo, RIenil Ootirnaleln. Jobo

(Pegt (Joodrode, Jao. •Gordoo, Toay Gorder, Jt>e Gottfried. Julius Grahame. Ferdlnan-l Granherry A I/S M<-i» Gratto, Prof. Grant. Dare Deell Grant, Prof. James

F. Gray A Gray ••Gray. Bee Ho Great Western Rhowe Great Busch Shows Greene. P. D ••Greenwood. I,eo Griswold, Frank F. Grojean. P. B Gnlnler. L. C Giillings. Prank Gundy, Chas. F Gnnn. Chas. J Guthrie. F. R ••Hagen, (iharlea Haggerty, Jis Male A Harty Hall. R F •Hall. Jack Hallwela Bros. Hamilton. James Handy, Frank llanxiorth A Han

worth llarlngton, W. R. Ilarklns->a. fbaa Harlamho. I'hrist llartwella. The Harrison. Happy Harrison West 'Trio Hart Bros ••Harris. Henry B Harris. Sam Harris, Mr. Hatr-hcatl. <»t|s Hathaway. Jim Hataii. M Hatton. Richard llavllsn. F A Hawkins. E F Haysrr, Stamp •Hayro (Ilsndrtiff

KIngl Hayden. J Ha.yden. William Mayes, F. W Hays. Clarence Hayes. Theo I. •Head, Harry T Hcfter, l/i-onard llt-lsel. Red ••llemralngs. Johnny Henderson A Schubert Henry. Walter •Henry, Amey T llentgen, I/otila Merliert. James llerherl. Cliff llerves. ttllle Hester, L. F Mewltf. Fn-d Hickey, J. s Hicks, John T Mill A Riddell Hill. W. II Hill. Fretl Hillman A Rixberls Hilton. John •Illm-s A Rcmlngloit Hinton A Howard •lloaglami, I^irry llobwtn. L. C lloltottn, II P M-sIgr. Jack Ifoey, Chaa Hoffman, I/otila littffman. Walter M

• nolle. H llohnes A Derhyelle Mitpe. Wm P Ho(>p. Geo W. Homer, Ibtnglas llotiaeman. Ixwi Al

lloniDl, lloua^r. W. L.

Knial IliiMaril. • |l•lw■rd, Jam*-*

Wllaoo it M<M>ar

Hot. ilmrgf KayinoiHj

Mil. it*-l Hroa- Hofford, NIrk llugtiM * Mangaui

I. K<d.t. Iliiiiiv. Tain * il(M>7 •lliirl.-7. Tb.*, Hiiriry, Jack, l)ar»

Itwll llutinao, rrtti HjaM. I»«i C. Illln*»wiirth. II Ilia. Frank InU. Frank Irwin JatnMi Irwina. Tbrm Itn. Mr. and Mra jarkaou, •». C. Jarkaon, Karl D Jam>*a, Ri-nny Jani>*a, Krari-tt Janlrka. Ilarrj Jt-nklna, I*. L. JfDkIna. Mr. Jia-at, JotlD J>>tiannlnK, PaDi •Jobnann. Mr. (Mital

l«-r A Merrtinaci Jiihnaoc, J. W. Jolinann, Tom Jidinaoa, J>ia**li*> Jobnaon, C. J«tbna4as. IVank Johnaon. NVwt M Jolly, Ooorg^ Jonaa. Wulff Jonaa. <1. II. Joitoa, SI moo Jonoa. I>of Jonoa. John I.. Jooaa. Jno. P. Ciy^ ' JofTtrnarn. (Jao. K. Jorinr'a Noapwlltao

Tmuhadfmta Jiidga. Patay Judcr. Ixala Judaon. Vlra •Jnat l>ut nf Oollego

Co. Kalda. K. Kalno. 0««o. Kana. Jooapb Kann. John Kanplain, Frank Kana. Rubart R Kamdlna, Kooalrk Karp. Stanlay Kaat. Wlllta Katool. II. •Kata. Krna*! Kanfman Family *Ka.<lltalhoa, Joaaph Kabbla, Wm. K< (lay. Will K<-lla(bar, Jamaa ••Kallar, John •Kallay. Waltar 9 Kallay. Pag Kallay. Rod Kollr. llarTT Kolly. J. W Kalao. Rot R KoUnara. Tba Kamp. r. K. •K.-nnady. Obaa. Kannarly, Laooadaa Kannatly. Will J Kann<-dy. Joa Kannatt. Fa# P ••Kanyoo. P J Karr. C II Karr. Rami KIbhaa. Ony B Kina. K C.. lOirlri Kina Jno. R Kina. P. <1. Klnailand. Rd Klnnahn-an. ('baa **Klnn. John KInn. Janh Klralfo A P«.. Oii« •Klrhy. W W •KIrka t Stooa KIrka A .Stona ••Kirk, l>aa Knaha. Oaorga Knahanahna, Prof

Roy Kntaht. Harry ••Kidilar A .\dam« Kahlar. Jark H Kohn. Rinlolpb Koln. Jnlloa Kramar, 1. W Kiiykandall, Arthur l.a Blanrh A I/a

Blanch ••l.a Ball Tronpa l.aClalr A Waat •Iw Fayatta. Oraat I.aMarr A tjina InMarr, Prank IjiMolm**. Miialral l.a Moiha Trio I.a Motla, Mark l.a Itaana. Harry IwSalla. (Tiaa. C ••!« 9»'lla. Rlchar<l l a Sail. (Jfaat I.aSalla. Roy l.a Vonna. Waltar

Nolr, Oaorira •I-a Paaaa. Oraat I.* Ro» A Ma. I olloa A I<> Varnon l.aN>rt. Farm IjirkoT A Wllaon I.amb, 0. O. I ainiH>, Kd. I.andom. R<4>art •l.ana, Arthur (Aaro

nanti l.ana A llamllt<m l.ana Arthur l4in(, Karl I ana Rati I.analay. I■>anh I. l.apallaM. 8 l.arka, l.aonanl W l.atllp. rapt. Darla l.aloT Bma. I.aitdar, W. O. Ijirtna, Tha Iwnranca. Pata l.ayor. Nadia laaall. N (Bird

Man) • •'a, I.ady

1^, Jack •I>-a. Jark I L«rkay A Wllaon lafitta. L. K l>-on A HI. (.'lair l>-(iaard A Taal l.rfronl. Masala A

Dick l>^>nl A l^-oui l>wlay, Rolwrt l<aatar, Rlrbard l>aatar, Tim l^-rark, Frad •l.arrlna, Atar l,awack. Dare Daril l^-wla, A. l^-nla A CanwiD l..awla, Francta Daw la, Clauda A. Lawla, Tony LI Wray A Trayar l.lntoo, c'lyda L. Llpnian. .4. 9. Llidrargar. F.dward Loard. Waalay F. UafTall. Fra.1 I»‘nt>ard, praaton l»nibar<l. J. O. l.'ina. Hillary *I»n(. Nick U>na. F. G Long, Dor Ixxrhaan. Panya I»rralna, Frad ••Ixjraitaa. Tbra« 2c ••Loraiia Twlna Lorattaa. Four Lur<Hi. Brrt UiUla, J. II. Loula, King Loula, Ray Louia, Wm. A Rater Lorltt, Lester Low t bar, ITof. Loyd •Lowtber. Prof. Lloyd Lowy. Harris ‘■Locellas” Laodtka. I'rof. (Hear Luae, Ban Lyceum Ormady Co. ••Lydall A Butter-

worth Lyons. Dolly McAtiaa, L. McBride, W. D. McCabe. Gabc McCinlay, Frank McCormick, Jas. C. McOxmlrk, Hugh McCoy. C. W. McDada, Darld McDermott. W. J. McRorry, M. J. McFaddan, R. McFarland, W. N. MtSJarrey, Bertie M<-Gaary, Harry W. McGee. J. Mike MacGregor, J. E. McHenry, C. W. Mclntonb. W. G. Mrlnlthy, M. McIntyre, II. H. McIntyre. W. J. McKinney, Dart Derll Mc.Manua. Jooepb •McMannus. J. D. McMaatar, James McM^WTla. D C. McNally, Happy Roy McNeil. J McNorner. George McNeti. T E Mack. Lawrence Mark, ('has M Mader Shows Mae A G<Mslrlrh Maine Investment Co. Malm. J R Makln. Rob«-rt Malllcoat. Captain

Clauile Mcay. Mr Magey Malles.'. Frank Maroclla. J. Mangalls. John Mann. W F Manning Twins •Marahit. T 11 Marconis. Great Marens. William Marliwi. Frank Alarkham. Prank Marr. Geo 9 (Tel.l Matron. Geo. Martin. Mr Patsy Martin. A. J. Martin. Patsy Martin Fireworks Co Martin F K Martin. Frcl •Marttne. Kddt Marriott .Arthur Mary Whitle Mascagni. Stephen Mssiwi Buck Maww) Family Matthews. Hsrre

n Maurer. .A O. Mat well. Tom J •Mar well K F, Mayers. The Mar. Verna. Slock

Co Mar. NewNirn Mav. .Arthur O • M«crs. George Melnsse, AV F MelvIHe. Howanl •Mercer. Ri'bert J Mensilih. Ri4>t H Mirk llaiTT MIetl Ge.> W M Ikies, Ross

Miller HenrT F Miller. Frank Miller. Wm Mllllken. C r Mlllman Trio Mlllner (Jtn>cn A Fd Minor. Frank Mitchell, W J Moher, Jack Mohler. Frank G Aton.Wian. Great Alontana J.w* At.wite Troupe M.s.ncT, Walter Mo.ttc. I. C. Mor.'lll. Paan Atorgan. J D Moiswa. J .A Atorphy, Bert Morria. Jack Alorrla. Sam

Morrison, M. M. Morrisaoo, t.'llftoo Morton. Paul M<mo, Tom •Mueller, Glia Murinell, Windsor ••Munson, Hal A Mar

Ion Murithy, L. K. Murphy, J. (.'oweld Murpby, Barney J Murray, F. Murray, Jark Myers, J R H Nader, Capt. Naell. Chas. W Nagata, K. Naiiton, Frank B A

Ihigs Nasar, Cbas. National Amusa-ment

Co. National Park Mgra '

Aaso. Neal, Hbuals, Am. Co Ne<lla. I,ayl<w Neff, Robert T Nelson Team Nelson, Team. The Nerlna. d. W Nias, Isaac NIcbola Theatre i Am

Co. Nlea. Harry V Nlchola. Capt. W (» NIcbola, Lew Noirm, John J. Norman. Arthur Norwood. E. A. •Ny*. B. F •Nye. D. H. (I'Keefe. Artbnr ••O'Nelli O'Neil. Gnat. ••Ollser. Perry Opperman. Wm Oreal. Harry Ogden. Cbas. T Orr, E Oakara. Harry Oafrado. Fred Oatman A Swain Overland .Amnaement

Co. Owor, Frank K Ott. Chaa W Otto. The Cigarette

Fiend Painter, Alfred •Palmer. Thomas Park. Hogan. Airship

Co. Parker Carnival M<id

si Minstrels Parker. Curley Parka. Harvey Parrish. Harry Parsons. John L Partlllo, Jack Pascal. Arnold Patterson. Edwin Peewo. W. D. Pennington. Roy Petrenc. F. A •Pete Bros. Pf allay. H. J Phaff. Rnaacll Phillips. CTiarlca Phillips. Leonard Picket. Dave Pierce. - J Edw Pllheam. Harry L Pllcer. Harry Pierce. Robert M •Pierce. Harry F Pilgrim. H. B PlAlev, Frank Platt. D. W Pieces. W. A PolHkoff. L. Porter. Cbas O Porter. Willie W ••Potts A Potts Powell. Clarence Powell. Clyde Powell. Tom Power. W W Powers. E«1 Powlle. Charlie Pn'ston. G. Piveton. Billy Price. Ben Pr'c*\ Th'wnaa F Price, II Price. W F . or Billy Primrose. Geo H. Pmc. Capt E A (Jue*'n and Cresmnt

Shows Qucllln. Clinton (Jutntard. ('. -4

Rafael. Dave Raclaml. J C. Ramsey. (Warlea Ratns.y. Clifton Ran.WMpha. The Raney. Forest Ra.wil Fre.1 Rawls A Von Kant

man Rawson. S 9 Raymcr. Walter J Raymond. 1. .1^ UaTirv'tHt. C H •Rayni.m.V M ” Rea.' John Rei'sc. (Alllc R»,>vca Fold.e llcltwl, The.' Reilly. Floyd Rctncr. PriM T H Uembert, John Remcr. H 11 •Ucmsdcll. J A Kenanl. Wm KcnlA Pr>a Reno. Fnsl Ucntfmm. J N Rcssc Br.w ••Ucvnolds Harr.» F Rcytw'lda. Ed A Ucvnolds. F T Rcvnolds iJike UbiHdca. Jack Rise .4 ('onlcy Ulchaisla. F A' Richarla. Ralph A Richards. Capt G.v

W Rlchclsim Test Rle.1ell. n<aa A Riggs. Glen Riggs .Amuse ('o Rlnaldo. Dr RInaldo. Dr R H RInchcr. T R

Rink Newt Pub Co. HIpp, Jack Kippey, Lunls

Rising, W S. Rlvea, E. L. BotHj. Carl Rolierta, Jimmy IU4>erta, Doc C. Roberta, A. F. H'lhertaon. E. HI. R/<bertaon, J. J. R'djertaon, R. E. Koblnaon, Nat C. R'S'ky M'^ntaln Hank Ko'-ky Mountain Am.

Co. Rielgera. W. F. R/Hly. H. 8. Kogera. Francta Rogers. AVllaon •K'Utera. Wilson Rogers Bros. •K<siW> IKIepbsot

H'lyi ll')00ey. Jas. J. K"Ot. Ralph ••lt<s». Wm. (Black

face comedian) Ro-entbal, Henry Kosskoff, Capt. F K/>as, Wm. Rfiss. Walter R'tsw. iHve Ilibtia R^tssman. Morrta R'wsuieyer. Hally Rowan. Frank Roy. Chaa. E Royce, Bert J. Ru'-ker. Maurice Roar. Frederick Runvan. N. P Rai>p, E. F Rusk. J. W. Ruatell, Ed. Rnsaell. Dad William ••Hnssell. Robert

Hall Rn.-«*11. E G. Russell Novelty Co. Rutherford. Bill Ryan. Ralph 9t. Brown. Al. <^1. Jollan. U. Sadler. V. T Sakata. S. Salter. Ed B. •Simona. Ralph •Sampson. L. Sampson. Dr. H. ••Sanders. H. F •Sanford. Doc Ale*.

T Sanger. H. Ssntell. Rudolph •Sargent. E P. •Sassaman. W. A •Safer. Henry Sanlroer. Tte J. Co. Sawyer. Harry CSIntoa Schenfcl. E. Schmidt. C. W Scott. A. O. Scott. A W ••Scott. R. -A Scott A Rankin Scott. Frank Scott. Wm. Scott. Shorty •Scott. Ed. H. Seacoaat A'ending Co. •.Siegfried. Carl Seellg A Mayer Seifert. F C. •Selvln, Ed. Severn. Roar. Com¬

edy Co. Seyk. Otto Sevmour, Orley Sha. M Shandeanx. Prof. Shaw. D. F Shaw. Darld Shea. Dee C. Sheafrr. Howard Sheldon'* Comedian* •Sheldon. Wm. (Shel¬

don A Wl«on) Sheldon. G. H. Sheldon Stock Co Sheppard. C. W Sh'rroan. Harry B Soerman. Sherry. J-os V. •Shickler. Jidinnon A

Soffiafer Schleferl. J<'>s. ShIcWs Master Robert Shirleys. Mnalcnl Shnlts. Wm Q Sledenlwrg II V. Sleffert. Felix J Sllverlakcs. The Silvers A Silver* Silverwchmldt. Cha*. Shnms, Elliott SlncapVs. Ihic Great Sinclair. Geo B. Sinclair A Carlisle SlnclctiMi. Jtoe S’.ttc. Gc.-*, Sklpman. Walter V

•Skovgaanl Cimcert Co

Slade. Jack Slater .4 Finch Snielkal. Klenha and

Ring Smith A Walton Smith. W T Smith. (N'llln F Smith. F .4 Smith (Glass Fngrar

erl Smith. Will A Smith. Elmer P Smith. Sam Smith. Clarimce Smith. Rot ••Smith A .Alexander Smith. PaiMy Snider. T W. Snyder. I^eonanl S'Wincs. Justna S.^ancs. jes* S'Withall. Frank S.'nthw<*sfem Cam

C.v Spshn. le^le Spangler. Harry Sparks. M ll Spencer. II. F. .Spencer. Clarence S's'ncer A TpiMle Spicer. Harry •Sprague. Iev>n

8|)rlnkle. Floyd Htabl. Oiaa. •Stammers. Frank Stanley, Stan Stanley, Pete Stanley, Walter F Stanley, Steve •Starr, Earl Statler. Albert Sterlinga, Renownol Steri ng, Ben W. Stetson'a Uncle Tom'*

Cabin Stifano. Clemente De Still. Frank Stlllson. W. W Steadman, F. Steandabl. Sam •Stearna. Mr. Stelier. Fred Stetaon. Harry Stevenaon. W. T. •Stewart, May. The¬

atrical (^o. (Mgr.) Stoebman. Jake Stone*. The Aerial Btorcb, Albert Stordard. Jack Strabl. Chat. A. Street, Jaa. E. Streeter. Wm. 9 Stringer. A. M. Strobe, Wm. Geo. Stuart. J. D. Stuck. Jewa L. •Stuckhart. (^1. W

J. Stneart Jim Snlllran, T. O. SaUvan. F. H. Sommera. Nick Sommera, Clande R Sun. Pete Swain A Oatman Swann, Hal R. Sweeney, Bob Sweeney. Geo. Sweet. Hr. (Tuba and

Fiddle PHyer of Peters* Show.)

Swift. Herbert Sw later. Ira Svlow. H. •.Sylvetter, H. H

Talbot, Ralph Talbott. Tm K. Tam. Harry A. •Tanaka. Henry Tanner Dog A Pony

Show Tate. Fred Taylor. Bobt. Telaaedre. U. T Temple Amuse. Ct. Templeton, Jim Ten Eycka. Musical Terry. Bob Tbannlng. Tboma* Tboma*. S. B. Thompson. F. B. Tb>->mp*on. Dans Thompson. J. W

(Montsns Joe) Tbomitson. Clande I, Thomas. Edward J Thoma*. W. F. Tbomaa. Cbas. Thomas Tuttle snd Bo

nits Mie Thomer. Juggling Thornton, (jw. Tom Thumb Wedding

Company “nanlta Midget* •Tlhbltt*. John Tiller. Clarence TIppa. H. H. Tipton. Geo. Tobin, Maurice Todd. Wm. Todd. J. W. Tomasso, Geo. W TOnrtlott. Harry Traband. Edward Tralnor, (Jeo. Trlbley. H. F Trimble. B. T Triplett. Vic ••Trlpplett. Loe VK. ••Trlpplett. Vic Tmedell. Luc E ‘Turner, Bnra Tamer. Dick Tnmber. W R. Tweedy A Robert* Tyler. Ed. Trier A Berton TNwon. P. C.

Uden. Col. W. J Uncle Sam Trio

Tan Anden. Geo. C. Van Derburg. Geo. Von Derame. .Arnold Van Fowen, Harry Van. Chas. Valdes. F. Valentine. Herbert Vallan. Jame* Valon. Hintgh Vaughners. The •Veanx. Clyde Velare. E'mer Vlnnlng .Amnse. Co •Voltler. Frank H Vontrello and Nina Voltler. F H Waddell. Doc Wade. R T. Waimer. Loyyd Wagner A L^ •Wainarright. Etwv' Wale*. llaiTT W Wale*. Harry H.

Walker. (Joldle Walker, R. Hilliard ••Wall, Eugene U. Wall, Lawrence P. Wall. Adger A. •Wallace, Joe Wallace, Billy Walrap, J. L. WaUh. M. , Walters, Frank I Walter*. C. W. ' •Walters, S. 8. Walton and Glenny Wampler, W. Ward. J. W. Ward. Boble A Male Ward, Harry Ward. Frederick Ward. W. D. Warden, Frank Warner, W. O. Warner, Chas. J. Warren. W. H. Warren, Chaa. H. Washburn. (Thas. W. Waabington. George

T. Wastell. L. Wathers. C. W. •Watson, Fred B. Watson. J. Herbert Watson, Harry Wayne, yed Wayne Cjmedy Co. i Weaver. J. A. ! Weaver, Wm. Weber, Wm. W. Weber. Mr. A Mr*.

Ed. A. Weble, Jeff Welde, Frank (Fat) Welden. Will H. Welk, Chas H. Welch. Col. M. H. Welch. Tho*. (Ruby) Welfsre, W. A. •Wells, Otto Wells. Raymond.

Stock Co. Wente, Elwood West. J. W West. 8. C. Westerman. Geo. W. Westcott. S. C. Wheeler. Jack Wheeler. Bert Whet tens. The White. Fred B. •White. H, K. Whitman. Hank Whitman. (Jeo. H. Whittaker, James T. , Wledemsn's Big Show wiedlng, Darld C. Wiggins. Chester A. ••Wilbur. (Thas. C. ••Wilbur, C. W. Wild. C. R. Wildfeather, James Wilkes. Ben Wlllsrd A Wilson Williams. Billy Willlim*. Prof. Eph. Wiliams. Edd. William*. (Jeo. Williams. Rollo B. WlHIams. Clarence Williams. Sim Wllll*. C. R. Wlllrich. J. C Will*. P. J Wills. Jas Will* A Banown Wllmarth, Elmar K. •W! Eddie •Wilson. Frank H Wilson*. Musical WHson. L. O. WTlson. J. Esraest •Wilson. Allen Wingate. Robt. Winn. Jack L. Wlnrick. -Arthur C Winter Garden Co Wlnton. Hngh Wlnrster. W H Wise. Jack Witt. E. N Wolfe. B. K Woldscate. Jas. Wonderland Amu«e

Co. Wood. Q. T. Wood* A Rawlston Woodward. Clarence Wooilyard. Tom Wolcott. Mark Woolcott. (*has. Wren. Leroy Wren. W G., Wagon

Show Wren. Enoch G Yale. Chas. H Vslto, Duo Young. Edward Younger. Bob y.ada. Ab. Fajlc. John E. Bailee. Panl Fanfrclla*. The Farrow, Happy ZatTow. Ftarlola and

Gray “Fartoon** ••Zellen. Jake Zelleno, L. C. Zera. Edarsrd Zem, Ernest Zimmerman. Max Finn Mnslcal Com

edy Co. Zobedle, Fred Zoletta. M.

DRESS PLEATINGS of all kinds, made to order os short notice. Send for price list. Work finished srtthln one day after received. Freneh Sreaa Pleating Ob., 104-lM Opera Flnee. Olneia- nati. Ohio.

FOR SALE—Pullman Car. fifi feet long, combi¬ nation baggage and aleeper, atx-wheel truck, large cellar under car: everything In firotcla** condition: will paaa lna{»ectlon on any road. Also, ten reel* of feature Moving Picture*. In perfect condition, at 9 cent* per foot. 4ddre*»

LOCK BOX IN. Ft. Kadiaon. Iowa.

Aagvst 24. 25. 2t. 1909 RAVKNNA. OHIO.

Wi tri loekiig for good, eloan toii atiraciioos THREE BIG DAYS.

Address C. R. SHARP, Secretary.

Strong Platform Show for Park


Kt we are Iver pen ita with color de mta with r our 11 atalognr

;>eDnaDis >n, with lied and e FREE FO. CO..

27 Great Jones St., New York City, N. T.

J9 ^ PorCARNIVALS. WW An im Merry-go-Rounda.

Skating Rinks and Moving Pic¬ ture Theatres.


made to order for

all inatnimenta-

A.BERNI. 112 IrMnwIch Avcnit* and 234 W. 13l1i Streat, law Yorti City. Phona 628 Ciitisaa.


For Five Per Cent. We Will Sell

Any of your Movinc Picture Machines or Theatre equipment.


THE ROm THt*TRE,”*|£rv'S’i*VD:'i''

AT LIBERTY Trap Drums—Qen. Bus.

Elegant line drums and traps—Good Wardrobe.

Honce E. Wolcott, • Quaoab, Texas.


BRUDER BROS.’ ORGAN, at a sacrifice. W. S. SMITH,

Rcxikaway Bea:h, New York



Two Finest Merry-go-Rounds In the country for sale, with lease, ontrighi. or take partner. Also Sods Counter and Foun talc. Call KREMEB'S CAROUSEL. North Baach. L. I.. N. T.

CHLtTES FOR 8ALE--In Alamo Park, t'edar Rapids. la. Fully equipped and ready to run; IB horse-power motor; 21.500 cash take* It. will send photo If you have got the money. Ad dre** CHITES, 1S4« So. 4th Street. W. Cedar Rapids. Iowa.

FOR SALE OR TRADE -Show Boat and Tow Beat and Morry-Go-Ronnil: all eqnlpi>ed ready for showing; mn*t be sold or traded at once. For inforniatlon, address F. GENT, Marion, 111.

Also one or two small concessions.

CRAFT & SCHWEITZER, 312 C. St., S. £., Washington, D. C.

FOR S.4LK—Pana's leading Vaudeville and Mov¬ ing Picture Theatre. "The Delmar,” in city of S.-VIO, fitted complete, seating capacity 237. .4 bouse that has cleared over $1.:(()U so far this year—and cm pr-we It. This is a snap for some one, but don't waste your time ami bother me unless you have from 21.300 to 11.500 to in- vi'St. Best of reasons for selling. The opisir tnnity won't last long. If interested, addres* "THE Dia>M.4R AMI SBMENT Cl).,” Puna. Christian Co., 111.

Show Outfits. Send for Free Fnrgaiii Booklet. ARMBRCSTER MFCi CO.. Springfield. Illinois.

38 Xtie Blllt>oar€l MAY 22, 1909

ROUTES (I'uDtiuunl fr»m past* >i5.t


KxtHTtK A: Ktiltim ll.yriri CliattaD<x>Ka, Ti iin.; (Itijoiil .\tl,itila. <!a., ^4 lit).

liapiiy Kill (Stan (Sciicva, N. Y.; (Saviiyi Syraciixi* 'Jl J!t.

Konialia- Trio (I'uiplre) Pateraon, N. J.; (Em- pirt'i llolxikHD 1.’4 'M.

S*iiral.. Hilly At Mao: Chlaholin, .Minn., 17 I!»: Ulliliint: 20 22.

Siiii|iann. ('Iiorldali (Orphoiiml Soattlo; (tlrpli- Clin. I Purtlaii'l, Oro., 2:t 2;*.

.Syiiiuiiila, Jack (Itljuu) EaCrosso, M'la., 24 2!<.

.Soliz, II. I)ii|oh (drandl l*iiol>l(>. Oil. S( liroya. The (I'astlniot San Anuolo. Toz. Sullivan »V l'iiM|iiolona 0>. (itrplioumi Hutto;

(Ori'lioumI SiN>kano 2.1-21t. Soymoiir, Nod (JotToraoni Uk>rtland. Mo. SiiiiiiioIh & ClioHtor (HIJoiiT .Muski'Kon, Mloh.;

(HUoui Flint 21 20. Romanoffs. Tlio (Jlraiid) .yiguata, <Ja.; (Crandl ' sanf..rd, J.-ro (hTjoui' M'lnniixi:. Can.

M<Hii;:<anory, -'la., -4 2H. Siivoy & Savoy ((Jorman^-VIllatioi ('oliinitxia, O. o.T- ... N- \ t. lOJJ. sador, Wni. J. (Eaitloi tistdonxI.nrK’. .N. Y.

(Jrovor (Nationai) San FraiioUoo,

iMaJoatlol Sioux

iticliarda 2-J 2U

Royal llanaiian Qiiintottc Falla, S. I).

Rocora, Hold., & t»ulao .Maokintoali (Duvall Jaol'.aoiiviilo. 4'la.

Rorarda. Tlio (Crandl Hamilton. O. Riiaa< II A t'liurch (Hijoui Eaiiaini;, Mloli. Ruaa) II. Mok & I.ida iToniploi Ft. Wayno. Did. RlcU Duo (Cryatall St. Joaoph, .Mo. Riitlodco & I’lokorinK (Hroadwayl lairain. (1. Rola-rta. lUyoa it Rotiorta (Majoatlcl Milwail

koo. Koattinn & Stovona (Duvall .laokaonvlllo. Fla. Rooklaw. Rotkloaa. & C/O. (Avonuoi I»uiavlHo. Roiiarda. TUria- (Ramona Hark I Crand Rapida,

Mloli. Roital Trio (Koith'ai Boaton. Rox a C'ouiody Clroiia (lIlpiaMlromo) N. Y. I'.

17 2!! R<>aa Siatora. Tliroo (Vaudovllloi Jackaonvlllo,

Fla. R-avoa. R<w* (Edlaonial JohnMin City, Tonn.

Ritter & Foator; Ilford. Eiir.. 31-Juuo .'i; (Pa¬ vilion l Claacow, Soot.. 7-12; ArRylo 21 2rt; (TDolli l/indon 2SJuIy :{.

Rialto Qnartot (Hlloui niot, Mloh.; (Crandl Crand Rvpida 24 29.

Raymond it Harjior (Stan Montpidior, ('Calotvl IndianaiKilla 24 29.

Ready. Coo. (Drphoumi Siiokauo; (Drphoumi Portland. Dro., 24 29.

Rltohlo. Cortlo (Start Joaniiolle. la., li l.i. (Varlolloai Allotthony Jtl 22 . , , , , „

Roi-d. Will. D.; Eureka S|iriiuta. Ark., Jackaoi. Tonn. 24 29.

Ryan & White (Keith (Kelth’at Clevoland

Soluad Hoya & Clrla, Hondoraipira (IliJiHlI A] ploton. Wla.

Seidoiii’a Voiiiia (Majestic) Chicaito. Seyniour’a Happy Kan.dly ((’oliimtda) Brooklyn. Short & Falwarda (Bijou) Crand Forka. X. D. Sully & Phel|>B (D. H.) I.aconla. X. H. Sylvan Sc O’Xoal (Majoallc) Dallaa. Tox. Stiitzinan & May (Howard) Boaton; (Drphoura)

Brockton 24 29. Slater, R.iacoo. & la-nii Finch (Star) Parkera

luirK. W. Va., 17 19; (Xow Star) Marietta. ().. 20 22.

Snowle. Maytiolle (Majeatlc) Shuix Falla, S. D.; (I’nhiuo) Mankato 24 29.

Snow. Ray W. (Miijeallcl Denver. Sevmoiir & Hall tFanilly) Butte. Siudlman’a Beara (Cheater Park) Clneinnatl.

Ttaaton Duo (Eureka) ladlihrldBo. Alta., Can. Trueheart. Dillon & Burke (Empire! Sprlng-

fieltl. Ill. Tiiae.ino Bros. (BIJimi Battle Cr»H-k, Mich.;

(Bijou) Jackaon 24 29. Tidedr. Svdnev (Crvstal) Anderson. Ind.; (Star)

Hartford City 24 29. Turner. Bert (Bijou) Suiu-rlor. Wla.; (Majea¬

tlc! Sioux Falla. S. D.. 24 2!!. Taiiila. Harry (Oridieiim) St. Paul; (Orpheum!

Minneapolis 24-29. Tlllev. Vesta (Alhainhral X

X.‘ Y. C. 24 29. ' Tilograph Four (Bljou) Wlnnlta'B, (an.. .4

29. ' Thardo. Claiule (M.^jestlc! I.lttle Rook.

(Majoatlcl Ft Worth, Tex.. 24 29. 1 Tarilon & Tarlton (.'Irdome! Joplin. Mo

P Tavlor. Mae (Maleatlc) Ft. Worth. Tex. I jostle! Dallaa 24 29. I Teniiicst A: Sunshine (Keith a! Phila. I Ten Dark KnUhta; Clasaow, Scot.. 24 29; I Maii'hester. Eng.. 91 June H. 1 Terry Twins (Pantapea ! Spokane. 1 Tilton. Eiiclle (Crand) Cldham, Eng.. 24-29; ' (lllppiHlrome) Darlington 111 June S; (Alcazar

De Ele) Paris. Fr.anee. 7 12. I Texas Comedy Four (.kcademy of Music!

Ridfo'a. B A.. i TravIltir's^noV Antiinlo (Temple! Ft. Wayne. Clrl.. (Bijpui) Jackson. Mich.; (Majosilei Ann . (Maleatlc! MlUankee 24 29 Arluir 24-29. . i.„,r - Tliuiei’ & Kliment

(Bijou! Marinette


Columbus. (!.;

Y. C.; (Colonial!



24 -29.

IHikway A Conway (Dridieumi Portland, ore. K<dfe'8 B .' 1 Ye Colonial Septette: \\ alaall.

Fiur 24 -29; Hr idford :H June 5. Rolfes B A.. Ten Dark Knights; (.l.v-_gow,

S<»t 24 -29; Maiiehealcr. Eng.. 91 June o R.Uto-a'. H A., Fun In a Boarding House (I rw

ro?si Xewark. X. J.; (Kelth-a, Phila.. 24

' I Waters. Tom (Di'iiheuni! St. Paul. l

i Warren & Blatieliard (.Majestic) Calveaton, Tex.

' Whileheard A Crierson (Majestic) Calveaton, i Tex.

' (Vllaon, Al. (Wigwam! .Martliiavllle, Ind. i W<aul Briai. (Pidl'ai Wilkes Barre. Pa. I WiHNl. Milt (Pr.a tor a r.tli Ave ! X. Y. C. I

Whltely A Bell (Keeney's) Bnatklyn. : White A Sanford (Family) llraddiM-k. Pa. I i Wayne A Fiey (l.yriei I.itehtleld. 111. 1 Wallace. \“sta (Conibiue) HiilTalo.

Walsli, Frank (Wlille-s) Comainl. X. 11. . ■ Williuma A Van .klleii (Crandi Monroe, l.a. I Walker, Harrv Jack (Ceiii) Oakland, Cal., 17

I ! Williama, A Della (HIntoni lliiitun, tt.

Va. (Vyiin, Bessie (Proctor's .Mh .Vve.) X. Y. C.

I Wilder. Marahali P. (Orpheum) Salt l.ake City; I (Orphitim) lieiiver 21 2!i. ; World. John W. A Mlndell Kingston (Crand) I Pittsburg, Pa.; (Majestic) Chicago 24'J«5.

1 Walzer Twins ((!r|<heunil Wheeling. W. Va.; I (Ondicunil Xew ark. O., 24'2tl; (Orpheum i ' Mansileld 27 '29. I Wo<Mla, F<Hir (I.yeeiim! Chicago, i WeU-r. ('has D. (Star A Carter! ('hicago.

Wizard. The, A The (Poll's) Xew Haven. Coni'.

Williams A Walker's Chocolate Drops (X'atlon al I San Franclaeo.

Williams A Sterling (Bijou! Ft. William. Ont.. , Can.

Warren, Bol' (Crandl Dinpieane, Pa. Watson. Fred. A .Morrlsey Slaters (Crandl !

Pittsburg. Pa. Wills. Xat M. (('hase's! Wash., D ('. Wi'cala A Kilduffs (.\ venue I Hmlsvllle Wlxon A Eaton (B'dll Xew|M>rt Xews. Va.:

(Cascade Park) Xew Castle. Pa.. 21 '29. Welsh. Ix'W tCarrick! Wilmington. Del. Wel>er. Acisdiats. Seven (Idrlc) Petersburg.

Va. Withlnglon Zouave* (Majestic! .'nn .krlsT.

Mich. Walsli. I.vneh. A Co. (Family! Wllliainsis>rt.

Pa. Williama. Tlionipaon A Coiadand (Princess,

Wlehlta. Kan.. 17 29. Walker. Xella (Shea'si Tonuito. Wilson. Tony. A Helolse (Shea’s! Toronto. W<>*t A Mack (Crystal) D'-nvet. Verx.i. Ernest (Orpheum) Spokane; (Orpheum!

Seattb- 21 '29. Young. DeWltt. A Sister (F<dly) Oklahoma

City, Ok’.s. Vising. Ollle. A Tluve Brothers (Orpheum!

Biitto 24 29. Yiuinger Briai. (.klamo! BIrmIngliani. Ala.;

(While City) Xew Orleans 24'29. 1 Young. IsMia (.\lrdomei Spartanburg. S. C.

. Zenda A Co. (White City! .kllanta. Ca. Zeniths. Mnsli^l (Family! Wellsyllle. (!., 17-19;

Streetmen We are heudipiarleni for chea|i Jewelry, Waleli (S. Ciillery, Kaaors, Opera Claaaea, etc.

Novelties for Carnivals and Street Fairs

Whips. Slapis-i P(irs«ni. Cla's Chain*.

(ilia simI Whistle BhIIin'Ii*. Bluwoiila s. Ciinfelli Dusters, Jap Canes, Shell

KiblKii . Badge .\ovelliea, UubiM-r Halls. Xoveltlea, Head Xerklaees and Bead



E. St.

Rolfe's. H. Six I.lttle Oirla A Teddy (Tiniplei Cr.xnd Rapida. Mich.; (Temple) Ft. Wayne. Ind., '24 29.

Reinfleld. SIg.. Ijidy Minstrels (I alace) l/ouls; (Rex) E. St. lamls. 111., 2:1 29

Relntli'ld’a. Slg.. Vaudeyllle Co. (Rex) Isuil*. 111. „

Use A Broache (Bijou) Winnipeg. Can. Reno. Will A May; Sault Ste. Marie. Mich. Rooney. Pat. A Co. (Bennett's) Roaa A Moore )01d Iron Pier) Atlantic City. Retishaw-. Bert (Bijou) Cailunict. Mloh. KIZ.-II A Aibna (Forest Park) Eureka springs

Rn^*‘ll. Btjou (Hlppislrome) Paisley. Si'ot.. 24-

living's! Souths'a, Eng., 7-12; Blnnlnghsm 14-19. ....

Rmnsin. Msniiel. A Co. (Maj<*sticl Denver Raphsi'l (I'mplre! Butte. Romany Ois-ra Co. (Shea's) Toronto^ Ross. Harry (O H.i Hoi'klnsvllle. Ky..

Ir) I.ehanon. Tenn., 24 29. Raymond A Caverly (Shea’s) Toronto. Ryan Richfield Co. (Shea's) Toronto. rJumI Bros. (KeKh’*' Phila. Rand's. Prof.. Doga (Alrdome) S.a1alia

Tavlor. Eva iChase’s) Wash.. D. C. i Tiiiesdale. Ilownsl lMaje«tlc) Chicago.

Tangier, Pearl (Taylor) Tr.-nton. X. J. Tempest. Florenze (Keith's) Phila.

' Thor (I.vrle) Atlanta. Os. 1 Toys. Miisleal (Girard) Phila. I 'Trolley Car Trio (Orpheum) Zanesville. O. 1 Tliom()*on, Billy (Tlieatorlum) HiintsTllle, Ala. I Tliornton, James (Orpheum) Butte,

i rtts. Electrical: Ft. Smith, Ark. i Verne A Verne (Family) Blllinga, Mont.; (Em¬

pire) Butte 23 2«. ; Violetta. Joly (Orpheum) Salt Lake City. —9-

lIlli'iHslromei Va'niel'es. Tl-.e iPniipiei Tomah. Wls.; (fnbiue) ' , Eaii CLxlre 24 29 ^ .

Venetian Slr**et Mnslclan«. Four (Southern) Colu-i)h)ia. O.; (E)iclid) Cleveland 24 29.

Van's Imp«-r)nl Minstrels (Family) Davenport, U.; (Ing.-rsoll Park) Ih-s Moines 24 29

Vandervllt*. The (Lyric) E. St. Ia)ui*. III.; (Ma¬ jestic) B'llevllle 24 29.

Van A Vedniar (.\rc.ide) Tol.-do. O.; (Bijou! I'iipia 24-’29. _ , .

Veda A Q)iintarow (rolumbtisl Columbus. O.

’ (nOoni Fseanaha Mich ; 1 (Vaudeville! Bavenna 20 22; (Orphetiml I'leve ' wu ' land 24 '2«1; (Broadway! I-oraln '27 29.

xx-l’.i,” n c Zanettoa. TTw' (Proctor’s 12.'ith St.! X. Y. C.; (Prxvctor's .'i.sth St.) X. Y. C. 24 29

Z's-lv A Zech (Family! Helena, Mont.; (Family) Great FalU 24 29.

Zella. M'ne (Yale) Kansas City. Mo Zat Zams, The (Happy Hour) Coldw-ater, Mich.;

(Atlas) Tobslo. O.. 29 29. Zs'la. .Ml (Rlvervl'-w Park) |)«drolt. Z'-lTiitos. Xovelty (MalestlcoiwensN'P'. Ky. Z la Sisters (X«'W Itot'lnsoD' Clneinnatl.

TENT SHOW'S (See Tent Show News Columns.)

(Lyr- Skating Rink Attractions. D'sners. l“rof. A. P.; (BlrV

Can. 17 19; (Itlnk) Oril Colllngwotal 24 2*1.

tint '!:;..k •

We hatiille I Kl*<-nsteln A Co. Cane Bark Cain-a. I'rlc)' It) St. H'ttla same aa In Xew York. Cat alogne frts-. De|s'slt regnire'l on all C. II. D. onler*.



been luukliig for Is a g'Msl dry plate which Is guaranteed to ha the iM-st In tba market; will keep In any rliniate. Platea work with any developer In the market. We are the largest mauufarturera of the Womler Ferr*> type Machine. Ihin't be foi'lesl. We are the only original nianufac turera of the aleere machine In the market. This la our 9tb year’s experience. and our 19)10 model la the iM-wt of all. It makea a picture l\x2'4; can also h e reversed I o make a group, also makes buttons Plates. lSx2S (I l>er 100. Button j'lalea to fit any button machine In

the market, OOcI*. )>er 100. f.'i.OO required with ortler, I'slam-e (’. O D. Write to-day for clr cular THE NEW YORK FERROTYPE CO.. 144 Delancey Street, New York.

Novelties, Fancy Goods tsd Jevieiry for MoTii| Pictari Shows.

SIN6ER BROS.* New Book of Speciilties. It's larger than ever, and contatna more vain

able Information to Premium llouaea. Xovelty Ih-alers. Streetmen. Knife Board Men, Yankee Xotinn Workers, Mall Order Men ami Jewelers, etr., than any other catalogue Isauevl. Every thing new In real novelties. Carnival (:(«>da. Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Cutlery, Oritical tivM'dB, etc

By satisfying ua that yen are a legitimate dealer, aa we want to keep tbla IXN'k ont of the

Stewart. Comedv tOrphetim! Csml»ridge. O SulM-rs. Emile (AmerU-an) San lYanclsco. Steinert- Thomas Trio (Sav-oy) .ttlanllc Clt.v;

(Bijou) Orang** 24-2!). Seymour, .knna Mae (Dreamland) E. Liverpool,

(>.; (I!reit)nlal)il) Massillon 24'29. ShulsTt M)isl<al Quartette iStsr) .Mon'-saen.

Pa.. 17-19; (Star) Donor* '20 22. Springer, Ja<k ) Lyric) Lebanon. Tenn.; (Co¬

lumbia I Knoxville 24 29. Sutcliffe Trou|M> (Her Majesty's) Walsall. Eng.,

Minn Var'ion. Perry A Willw-r (I'll

Chicopee. Kan.. 22 29 Vivians. Two (Bljon) Hayonm-. X. J.

Park Hlfchlamls) St. l.oni* 29'•!! Van. Blllv (Orph-nm) Porilan't. On- Valdare. B'-ssle. Troniw (Colonial) X

(Ori'heum) Brivklyn 24 29. Van Gofre A C'^tn-lv ; Snlllvan. Ind. Vlndobona*. Two () )rp1)e))ni) D<-nyr.

Wagoner. Glenn iMaj'-stle) Topeka, Kana.

Hour I’ark)

y. C.;

J)ine 7-12; (Emplrel Coventry 14-19; )Empire) Washer Bros.; Oakland. Ky


Birmingham 21 29 Susanna. Priiioesa (I'rm-tor’s) .Mbany. X. Y.;

(Keith's) I’awtueket. R. I.. 24 29. Sterling. Kitty A Nelson (Grand) Augusta. Oa.;

(Bijou) Knoxville. Tenn.. 2t‘29. Sheets. WhistI1))g Billy (Majestic) B)riningl)an).

Ala.: (Majestic) Little Bock. Ark . 24‘2!!. Shepherd. Burt (Orpheum) Vancimver. Can.;

tOrphenm) Portland. On'.. 24'2!!. Sfanley. E'ln)))nd. A Co. (Marvlan'li Baltimore;

iSlieii's) Buffalo 24-‘29. Saones Fan-llv, Musical (Lyc-nm) Mcadvllle,

Pa.. IT 19: (Ideal) Tit))sv i11e ‘29 22; (Th.-a torli:m) Conmant, O.. 21'2)>; (Gem) .\shta I'ula 27 ‘29

Stafford. Frank. A Marie Stone (PoTs) Hart¬ ford. Gonn.; (Poll's! New Hay-) 24 29.

Sedgwieka. Five (Grand) Gre<-nvlIIe. S. C.; (Air Dome) Hl/h P.o'nt. \ C.. 24'29.

Stevens. Edwin, A ('■•. 'Keiih'a! Phila.; (Keith’s) Boaton 24 29

Stoddard*. The (Earl) Pixd'lo. Col.; 'Crystal' TrI'ildad 24‘29.

Six Little Girl* A T'-'lily lb‘*r )T<-mpb-' Grand Rapid*. Mich.; iT'iii|'l*-i Ft. Wayne. Ind. 24 2!*

Senion, Clias. F. D'ls'k's! R<s*hest<-r. N (.Sheti’al Buffalo 24 ‘29.

S<-lfmfnt. IxMilw. Oiw-ratle Trio (Fontaine Fer- rv Park' la'iiisville 2.'t 29.

Simms Willar.l. A Co. (Pro<-tor’s ."ith .Vve.) V. V C.; (Pr'Ktora 12.->tli .St.) X. V. C. 24 29

Swain A Ostman (blora Park) Oakland. Cal. Sehatz A .1x'*kson (.kpollo) Chllllcothe. (!. S«viliour Sister* (Stan Amlerson. Iml. S<-'vmeur. Pete A Mamie (Majeatlc) Columbia,

S C. Sinlili Mr. A Mrs. J. Murray (Alrdome) Ena-

lev. Ala. Shannons. Four (Emiilr*'! Grand Forka. X. D.;

(BlionI Minn<-a|>«H*. Minn.. 29 29. S.-lliini A Grovlnl (Keith's) IVoaton. St<*rling Bro*. (Atlx'na R<s)f Oanlen! Savan¬

nah. G

Werden. W. L.. A Co. (Thalia) (Tileago. Worthlv. A!«hott A Mlnthorne (Uamo.)* Park)

Grax'l Itaplda. Mieh.; l.Maj.'Stle) I'hieago 23- 2S.

24- West. .\1. H. (Proadwav) Mld'lletown. O. ‘2(1; iPhillipsI Uiehardson. Ind.. ‘27 29.

Williams A Melbiirn (Park) Phila.; (Hammer- st.dn'sl N. Y. C.. 24 29.

Wentworth A Burns (Dreamland) Jameatown, X. D.; (I.yeeiimi Minot 24 29.

White. Ed. B.. A Rolls (Lyrle) Cobalt, Ont.,! mgr.: Hackensack. X. J.. M 19. Can.; (Tlieatorlnm i nalb-.vhury 24 29. j Hatch. J. Frank. .Show*: (*lBrk*hurg

Welch. Mealy A Monlroa*- (Bilmil Jaekaon, I Connellaville, I'*., 24‘29 Mich.; (Bijoii) Ann Artv)r 24‘29.

Wormw-oml's Dog* A Monk*'VS (Proetor's) Al- l)*ny. X Y.: (Shea's) Buffalo 24 2!).

Whittle. W. E. (Orpheum) St. Paul; (Oljrm- piel Chleago 24 '29

\Miltman. Frank (Orpheum) S<-attle; (Orph- enmi Portland, Ore., 24 29.

Wehh. Fiinn.v (Orxhcnm) Sis)k*ne; (Orphe)imi Portlanil. Ore.. 24 29.

Williams A Gordon (Lveemn! Clneinnatl; (Or- | l>hei)m) Ij'xington. Ky.. 24 29.

Worth A IX'lmar iBljou) .ktlanta, Ga.; (Grand) i .kiignst* 24 29.

Y.; ! Whipple. W’aidn (Theatorltim) Galveston. Tex.; : (M*j<'stle) Bi'aiimont 24 29

Worthan. ('lias.: Ba.varil. I*.; Coon Kaplda, 24 29

Weadb-k A La Ihx- (Thompson's) Syraeiiae, X. I Y.; (HIpiwsIrome) I’tlea 24 2(1

Ward. Billy (Empire) Allentown. Pa.; (Em Hire) PItlston 29 29

Williams’. lYanees, Trained Doga. Ponies A , .Monkeys (Family) St. Catherines. Ont., Can.; (.\rademy of Miisle) Buffalo 21 29. 1

WagiXT. Pan! (t’nlon Grand) I'nion City, Ind.; I (Ori)ii<iimi Sidney, O.. 24 29. \

Win*l«'n's Sea Lion* (Million Dollar Pier) At- i lantir City to June fi. j

Wel)b. Harrv L. (West End Park I New Or ; leans to 29 i

Wilson A Wilson (Magle) Ft. Dottge, la. Wsshhi'cn Sisters (Star) Rt. Paul

MIDWAY COMPANIES. . (wh.„ so doto i. aivoo, M.y 17.22 IS to be supplietJ.) free. Rend for It today. Yon cannot afford to

ha wlibnut It.


ELECTRIC PARK Grtensboro, North Carolina

Graixl "(M’Dlng als'iit June 1st. Ground spare ti> let for Merry go noiixl, Bolling Balls, Gv ps.v Caiiip, KisH'k 'em Dovaii, Cane man aist ollx-r park attrartlons. Xo "|>is>altloii within Ts) mil* a. Addr'-sa Colar A VaJI, Mgr*.

Sparks’ Shows Want ^00(1 s(‘con(l cook; also soIht general hlacksinitliand horse slioer.

Anderson Carnival Co.: Wilmington. <>., 21-29. Brown’s l.'nited Shows, .4. H. Brown, mgr..

Ih-nison. Tex.; Galix-svllle 'J4 29. Butler Show*, B. B. Butb-r. mgr.; Kane. Pa. Bark(S)t, K. G., .\musement Co.: Charlotte,

X. C. Cosmo|>oIltan Shows. Great; llarrinian, Tenn.

Coffree Amusement Co., ('apt. C. H. ('offree, mgr.: Fort Towson. Okl*.

Daria A Campts'll’a Initial Mx>ws: .Sarcoxle. Mo.

Ealwarda Bros.' Shows: Marion, Iml. Egyptian Carnival Co.: Sab-in, III.; Flora 24‘29

I'erarl’a. Col. Fram-ls. Exixadtion Shows: Wll mington. Ih-I.

Gardm-r Greater Shows, A. H. Ganlni'r, nigr.: Greenville. P*.; M'-advIlle 24 29.

Gondell Shows. C. .M. G'xslell, nigr.; Marahali, III.; Ridge Farm 24 29.

Grayhill Amusement Co.. J. Vletor GrtyhIII,

W. V*.

Mound City, III.; Me Indiana Amusement Co. tro|>oIlH 24 29.

Jones', Johnny J., Eiisailtlon Shows: Charlotte X. C.; Danville. V*.. 212!)

^’saJeox* “mo"’'^ '' Addfess Cl I AS. SPARKS, Mur., Laehmann Hipprslrome Shows: Ardmore. Okla. .Milton, W. Va Ig4KMi, J. Shown: < lar*‘mar«*a, itkla. _

WAIMTED For the Portage Industrial Rihihlllon. July (I. 7, R. 9. For the Portage Old Boys He union, July (1. 7. «, 9. First elasa Midway slxiw* and g«ssl Carnival Co.. Kerri* Wheel, Merry go round, etc. Can r«Hite gisal Car- iilval Co. State niimlx-r of shows In first letter Addr*-sa Arthur W. Humber. Mgr., Box 485, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba.

WANTED—For Van Oarry Vaudavilla Co. S«-v iral more iniislelana. It. A ()., aiul several more art*. Prefer lls**** that iloiihle liaisl. Tills Is a wagon show. Sb-e]) In hotels. Isiard <in lot • hs-n May ‘29th. 16 weeks' work. Slate low ••St first letter. No time to eorresisiml. A*l'lr*‘*s O. W. CU8TER. Hlllaboro. Ohio.

WANTED TO BUY Hi-t nf large alae piim-h

figures. Ad'lreaa OEO. ORAM, oara Roblason

Amusement Co., Troy, Ohio.

Rnrazal A Razall (Grplx-nmt St. Pan! 29 29. | W.rlle. Mr. A Mr*. J. (Savoy) Syraeiiae, N. Y.

From the cigar house.All grades and brands from SI0.00 |)er 1,000 on

up. Write for our price list. Orders shipiied same day as received.


MAY 22, 1909. X ti e Billboard

l.lule* Aiiiuiu'iiirDt Cu., Cbarif* l.ll)'*, niKr.: okla.

Marlin Milo Jk ltiiii<-aii Aiiiuafincut ('u., il. II. iHiurau. iiivr.. l<rl(lK<‘|x>rt, III.; ll4<lilua<Hi ‘it T.t.

Oatcrllng Ainiiai-iiipnt ('o., Uro. K. OaltYlliig. uigr.: N*’»I«tii. .N. C.

I'arkxr, (irvat. Mliowa, (Vo T. Kxunfdy, lugr.: I.awrfiK'v. Kaiia.

Tark'-r. C. W., Sliowa: IIuuIIdkIud, On-.; I‘i> calello, Ida.. Ill L"».

I’l-iiii Aiiiua)-iiii-ut Oi.r A'ilkt-a llarre, I'a.; (.'ar lM>iiilale lll-'Jli.

I‘alt<'ra<>a. Hbowa, (in-al. Jaa. l’att<-n>»ii. mgr.: Kl. Hiiillli. Ark., 17 21’; Jupllii. Mo., 21 •-*!*.

Koval Auiuat-menl Co., II. 11. Tl|>|ia, mgr.. Ji-r w-vvlll)-. III.; I‘••kin 2121)

Smitli On-alt-r Hliona: lilui-ll«-lil, W. Va.; Kaat Kaiirord, Va., 21 21).

Simtlowt-r AmiiiH-iiK-iit Co., K. Koyd, mgr.: Texarkana, Tex.; Mena, Ark., 24 21).

Sotloii Wllllania Miowa. (ireat: Staunton. Ill Smill). Jol)n It., Showa; Charlotte. C. St. lamia .VmuaeiiD-iit Co.; I’adurali. Ky.

Cnlt)‘<l .kmiiaement <'o., W. il. Ilrown. mgr Camltrldge, I’a., 22 21).

) Cracker Jacka. Hayry la-oni, mgr: Brooklyn, f'oniea^ of the I)ay, Barney Oerard, mgr,: N.

OIrla from Ilappyland, Joe Ilurtig. mgr.: Brooklyn.

tJlrla of Hie Moulin Rouge: N. Y. C. IniKavnt Maltia; B'aiton. Jerwy I.lllea, J. Krohain, mgr.: I’lttatiiirg. laitiilon (iaiety OIrla: Clerelaiel. Marili tiraa Bi-autiea, Aixly la-«'la, mgr.: New.

ark, N. J. ■Night trwia. Chaa. itoiilnaon's, I»ula Epatein,

mgr.: BufTaJo. Orlimlala; Clexelaml. Octonama. K. |). .MIm-r, mgr.: Waah.. I). C. It.-iila Santley, .kla- la-avltt, mgr: Chicago. Itoae Sytlell'a I.oiidoii Itellea: N. Y. ('. Rialto lt<ainilera. I)ave Kraiia. mgr.; Cleveland. Star .Slii»w tjirla. J<diu T. Baker, mgr.: Brook¬

lyn. .S<-rlhner'a. Sam, Show: .N. Y. C. Trana Atlantha, Jia- Ilurtig. mgr.: Chicago. Trocadena), Chaa. II. Wahlron. mgr.. Toronto. Waahingtoii S<H-iety Clrla, la-w Wataon, mgr.:

Boal>ai. Watwin'a Bnrh-M)uen<. W. B. Wataon, mgr.;


MISCELLANEOUS. A.-ruiiaiit King Kelly tl.iina I’arki Waah., I).

C.. 22 June .%. .kenaiaiit lal. It. llulihlaiMi, Co. No. 1: I’anama,

May Hejnne 2)i. A<-ronaiil E<l. It. lliil<'lila<Mi. Co. No. 2 Mra.

lliil<'hlaoii. mgr : S|>ringeld. Maei... It) 22. Api-legate aiMl Hugo Co., Harry Hugo, mgr

ll-Hdter. Dkla.. 11)20; Tyrone 2122. .kilmiK Cariihal of Novelth-a. I’n-f. Adama.

mgr.: Berlin. Md., 17 22; Snow Hill 24 2t). .kliiioiiira. Jethro, Big Show and Moving I’lc

lure*, under cainaa lllllalHiro. N. C., 17-22. .kilaiiio*. Jamea, Vaudeville Sb-w. .No. I: SiifTolk.

V I 17 22 Buth-r Kauilly Showa: .\th)-na, l.a . 17 22; <Slh*

land 24 21) Cadi. Hyimoll-I l)*e,M,la. la . 17 22.

Collin. I’rof. Earl K.. Hyimotlat. Chaa. Collin, mgr . Jameatown. N. V., 17-22; Salamanca 24 21'

Coyle'a Marine .Muai-um. E. It. Coyle, mgr : Stanlou. .Nell., 17 22; Wayne 24 21).

H.-.-riiiga. The. Hyimotiata. Henry A. Hanne mju. mgr : Danville, Ky., 17-22; llenderaon 24 21)

MINSTREL. Dia-kalailer'a. I.<.w. Chaa. I). Wilaon, mgr.:

tJreeley. Colo.. 11); I.Incoln. Neb.. 22. Ix-ltue Broa.’- Clayton. N. Y.. 11); Antwerp

20; tJmiveriM'iir 21; Canton 22. Fleld’a. .VI. i;.: Soldiers’ Home, Dayton. <).,

It); aeaH<>n ends l'•lx■a, Boy E.: .Marlin. Tex., 17-11). Ilowar-ra. Bert. I.adv .Minstrels: Anniston,

AU., II)’2o: Talladega 21 22.’, Milt J., New York Minstrels. 11 J.

Wallace, mgr.; Kinmiiiidy, III., 11); Cen- tralla ‘20, Cartiondale 21.

MUSICAL. .Vborn (irand Dpera Co.: Bnsiklyn. .Vprll 12-

indef. Alnirn (irand Oiiera Co.: Newark. N. J., April

2)1 indef. .Vborn Comic Ojiera Co.: Wash., D. C., May 3-

indef. .VlMirn (irand Ois-ra Co.: D«-trolt, May 10-lndef. Alaskan. The. Wm. Cullen, mgr.: Chicago, .Vpr.

II indef.

FAIR SECRETARIES AND MANAGERS rc-spectfully requested to con- - ■■■- triliute their fair dates for publica¬ tion in these columns. Fill out the blanks belowOand mail the slip to The Hillboard Fublishinit to., Cincinnati, O.

Name of Aaan. or Society nnder

mhoae autpicea the fair ia held .. .

Name of town where fair ia held

Name ol Preiident

Name of Vice-Ptexident

Name of Secretary

Name of Treaaurer

Name of Manager .

What Circnitl.

Peirentago Oameat. . Special or Buy Back Pririlegeal

Dreamland Floating I’alacr Issiisa. Ky.. 17 2(>; Yorkvllle, W. Va.. 21 22; Felix 24 25; ('turn •2«27; Kermit 2S 2».

Emerson Floating Palace: (iolcooda. III., 10; Pa¬ ducah. Ky.. ‘JO’24; Jofipa, III., 25; Mound City »l. Wlckllffe, Ky.. 27.

Eller’a King of the Cattle Ring lloiaington. Kana.. 10; l.a Cruaae ‘2o.

riint. Mr. and Mra. Herbert I... H. E. Flint mgr ; Musk«gon. Mich., 17 22

(irlfllth Hypnotic Couusly Co., W. 11. Rice, mgr. Asheville. N C.. 17 22.

Iluniphrlea Itrna.’ Amusement Co.: May|M-arl. Tex., to

Hensla’a Temple of Patmlatry Oaceola. la.. 17 22

Howe'a Moving Pictures, I.yroan Howe. mgr. St IsNils, May 10 Indef

Keppler’s. C. J . Merry (itvRmind. Ponchatoiila. Ij«.. 10 22.

I^nrenao A Mauri-r‘s Pavilion Vaudeville Circus. Chas l,ori'nao. mgr : .Viihurn, Pa.. 10; Or Wigsbiirg ‘20; Sihiiylklll Haven 21 ‘22.

I.arke A .Vdanis (‘ounlrv Circus: High Piiint. N C.. 17 22

l.yn>lon‘s Vaudeville Co. Bayard, la.. 17 22. C-sui Rsplds 24 21)

I.Ittle Russian Prince, Frank II Bllta. nicr Wilmington. Del., 17 ‘22.

Merry Mar’a C-Miu-ilv Co. (.VInlomel Paragould. Ark.. May 1o Indef

Maaeot, Ediicatisl Horse. H S, Maguire, mgr. IBIJisi) .Vtlanfa. Oa.. 17 22

Misterloiis qiiis-n 7,enora. Clsri-iiee .Viisktng. bus mgr ('liarlotte. N C, 17 ‘22.

NothissIs. The, Frank Hurst, mgr : .Vberden, S D . 17 2*2.

Rsyniniid. the Creat, Maiirlrs- F Raymond mgr. Ca|M- Town. So Afrlea. June ‘J-lmlef

KInaldo’s. It 11.. Temple of Palmistry iTho Hlppi llliiefleld. W. Va,, 17 22; (l.yrle) Hinton 24 ‘20

Rsi’P. Mr and Mrs,, Augustus Rspp. mgr .Vu rors. Ill . 17 22.

Sunny S.nilh Show Boat: Bellalre. O.. 10 Ttemipson Entertainers, F H Thompson, mgr

North .Vndover. WIs., Ill 10; tllen Haven. 24 »1. I..inxr|l|e ‘27‘20.

Van tiarry Vaudeville Co : lllllsboro. O.. 17 22 Walden. Maglelan. S. W-Wilen. mgr • Palatka.

Fla , Indef.

BURLESQUE. (When no dato ia given. May 17-22

'■ to be supplied.) Boil,TV IliirleMMierw. K. M. IliDM-nthal. mgr,:

Wash D C B n Tons, VN-ank .Vbbolt. mgr • Ilalllmore, B-bnian Show Jack Slng<-r. mgr : Phlla

Armstrong Musical Comedy Co.; San Diego, Cal., Indef.

Beauty Spot, wllh Jefferson I)«-.Vngell8. Sam S. A l.a‘e Sbubert. Inc., nigrs.: N. Y. C.. April 10^ indef.

Boston Ideal D(s-ra Co.. F. (1. Burg«-ss. mgr.: Springfield, Mo., May 0-lndef.

Bov and the (ilrl. Carle A Marks, mgrs.: Pbila., May 10-22.

Burgomaster. TTie. Wni. P. Ciillen. mgr.: Santa Barbara. Cal., 19: Watsonville 22: Oakland 30-J line 1.

Black Patti Show, R. Voelckel. mgr.: Spokane, Wasli., 10; Wallace. Ida.. ‘20; Miannula. Mont.. 21; Anaconda ‘J'J; Butte ‘23; Helena 24; Bofeman 2.‘’>: I.tvlugsfon 20; Big Timber 27; Billings 2S; Miles City 20.

Ib-rcar Prince Opera Co.. Jack Ollnes, mgr.: l.IHle Rock. Ark.. 10‘20.

Babes In Toyland: Pittsburg. 17 22. tNirle. RIchanI: S.e Mary’s Ijimb. Candy Shop, Chaa. Dillingham, mgr.; N. Y. C..

■Vprll ‘20 Indef. Oole A Johnson. .V. I.. Wilbur, mgr. • N. Y. C..

May 3-lndef. Oeatiire and his Rand. Eil. F. Cuxman. bus.

mgr.' (While CItyi Chicago. May 15 Indef. Oirlls Musical Civiiedy Co.. .Vlleii ( urtis. mgr.:

(iiddflehl. Nev.. .Vprll 20 May ‘JV. ('onway’s Band. Patrick Conway, in:.'.*.: Oakland.

Cal.. -Vprll !1-June 7. Ci'llege (ilrl (Ni.. J. K. Jackson, mgr.; K'ycle

PsrUl Dsllas. Tex.. 10‘22: (.Vlrdoniei ('le- biime 21 20.

Csvallo’s Bsn.l St I.<siN. 10‘20. Iv.Viigells, Jefferson; S<s> the Beauty Spot. Film’s Baisl; Milwaukee, 10-22. Ferriilo’s Band' (Olentangy Park) Columbus.

•> . to ‘20 Ferris Hartman Musical (Nwneily Co.: Portland.

Dre.. I.'i June 5. Flelils. lew See Midnight Son* Fischer A His Kxiwsltloo On-tw-tra' Cellar

Springs. Mich.. 10: Cassopolls ‘20; MareeHus 21: Kalaniax.<o 22‘2.3; Battle Cnek 24: HIIN dale ‘2.1: Battle Ceis-k 20; Kalamansi 27; St, Johns ‘2S; Kslamavoo ‘20.

Fair Co Ed. with Elsie Janls. Chas. Dillingham, mgr.: N. Y. C., Feb. 1 Indef.

(laletv Ojn'ra Co.: (lalesburg. III.. Indef. (Ilrl from Yams. .Vlfreil K. Aarons, mgr.:

Phlla.. May 3 Indef (Johlen (Ilrl. Mort H Singer, mgr.: Chicago,

Feb. 15 Indef.

(('ontlmicil on page 42.1



RHODA ROYAL Director of Performance

and his troupe of


The feature they all talk about. SEASON 1009, SELLS-FLOTO BIG CIRCUS.


THE FIVE FLYING NELSONS Flying and Return Casting Act

Five of the greatest high-air gymnasts in the world, doing

double and triple flying somersaults passing each other in mid-air,

catching by hands or feet.





Premiers in Their Line



CLAUDE M. ROODE America’s Premiere Slack Wire Performer

In an entirely new performance, finishing with his marvelous

“DRUNK” This Act gets great Press Notices at Every Stand.



PARK PRENTISS and his wonderful concert band of

40-PICKED MUSIC IANS-40 Featuring MR. T. H. GILLUM, Trombone Soloist

Their Grand Preliminary Musical Festival a Well Liked Circus Number

WANTED GOOD : BRASS : BAND Ten to fifteen pieces. Summer season, June, July, August, September, Thunderbolt Park, Savannah, Ga. Necessary that at least seven or eight musicians be able to double and form orchestra. Communicate immediately, with full particulars,




Acts that have not played East St. Ixiuis and can change three times. Address.

AL. M. KOPLO, Managar Eagla Theatre, EAST ST. LOMS, ILL




i iFi


40 X ti e B 1 111> o a r d MAY 22, 1909


from |>aKC 10.)

The Barnells have returned from tlio S'lith. wlM'ro Dn-y have playa-d fbe rauile-

rfmiitN Kim-e lawt Aiifcia.. Tliey arc oow ! (ilayiiDT t'lc Intcrxlatc Circuit In Ohio, IVniwyl- 1 %'anla. hy VcrtcHk and Farrell. In S<-p- temlMT they aail for Kuro|»-. 1

A1 Campbell, the clever young Jug- ' irhr and tlexllde aer<ri<at, will bo to N<-w York ! Ill a few W'<o-k« to join hand* with MImm Marie iJIllette, tie lUliily lOllc tw dancer. In a iiewr : aet whlcti Ik Im-Iiik written for them by a well- known New York writer.

The Great Richards, feminine delin¬ eator. who haa Juki elomol a m<mt KUrceaMfiil KeaMji) on the K. and I’. Circuit, «i><‘iH‘d bia Kiiinmer wawiii, week of 10, at llie Kljou Tliea- tre, Kayoune, N. J., and made the bit ’'t the KcaMiii at that lionai'.

Hertzler and Bartell, in their comedy Kketch, eiiliileil A .XlWeil Affair, are on their ►••venteetitli wi-ek of tlie Ciia Sun Circuit, fea- tiirlni; Dick Hertzler. aa the original triple Ktroke mandolin artlat.

Albert Fielding, the English vocal¬ ist. ktKrw'n alioiad aa the "Prince of Illiiatrated .SongKterK." la fllllng a thn-e montlia' engaite- luent at the Fairyland Theatre, Notre Dame, \V, Montnal, Can.

l-'ranlf and Lillian Burbank are In ih.-lr eighth w.o-k for lack Dickey. Mr. Bur- liank Ilf I* ho"' wearing a White itat hut- ton.

Swain and Ostinan have been re-en- ; gag. d with I'alne K l ire Nhow, opening the Kum , III.T engagi-ineiit at Mora Park, Oakland, Cal. |

The Great LaUenos are with the Big 1 Bittner TiMatr.- i'o.. playing thnaigh Texaa. , thin aeaiuin. |

Younger Brothers are now playing Win. Morrla time.


The Terry’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin Show op.nK up May 1 at I.lttle Sioux, under caiivaa, for the twenty Amt Kea»on. They carty ; fifty iMHMile thla aeaaon. The roster la aa fol- i lows; W. D. Dickey and F, E. Terry, pro- ; prletoTK; W. D Dickey, manager; Corrlne Dick j ey. treawirer; llerin'rt (Sregg, leader of band: Orlen I/ewla. stage manager; Theo. Anderson, g.-neral agent, and Harry Bllah, local contractor.

Harry \V. Parker, manager of Llbra- ly Tli.*atr.‘. Corry, I’a., auiaiuueea that com- in.'iielng, Moiwliiy, May 17, the l.K-al playhouse w ill Inaiigiirat * a iwasoii of vauili'vllle, moving pleliires amt illiistrat.Kl Hongs. There will be tlir.s' first .•lass vaiid.'vlll.. acta, two double aud one single, to change twits- a wis-k and new niovlng iileturea cliaiigisl every night.

The present season at the Grand Oiiera House. Evansville, Ind.. lias l»et-n given ii|i excliisltely to ni.wing jdclurea. Tlie st-aaon has l»s-n highly successful, the pn-si-nt week marking the tliirtleth one of capacity liusineas. Till- (Irani! Is inanagi-d liy F. W. Wastjar.

H. \V. Rice, who has been connected with Wm. F’oster’a limisea at Dt-a Moines, la., has accepti-d a |M«ltlon aa general agent of the Kmerstm Floating Palace.

Alfred Barnes has purchased the Fairyland vaudeville theatre, tJreensburg, Ind.. from Jos. Steadman. Mr. Barnes assumed control April 24.

The Bayonne Opera House, Ba¬ yonne, N. J., closi-d the aesaon Msy S. and will remain dark during the summer months.

C. E. Holden, manager of the Eagles’ theatre, Wabaali, Ind.. has securetl control of the Wallace Theatre, at Peru, Ind.

The Majestic Theatre, Topeka. Kan., will close for the summer. May 15.


Powell s Big Spectacular Minstrels commenced n-bearsala. Monday, May 17. at Dr-

I ange. N. J. The h-atiire thla m-aaaio will lie tin- I tlreat Ilallbacka, sii|>|M>rte<l by twenty six j others. 16 men and 1U glrla. also band and or- ; clieetra.

Billy Armstrong, black-face come¬ dian baa signed aa chief come<lian with Milt J. Kcynolda’ New York MinHtrela. which n|s‘ne<i

I the tenting season May l.'i, at (iilman, HI.

Al. G. Field, proprietor of Field’s I Minatrela, waa entertained by the Burlington,

la., Ixsige of Elks, after tlie company’s per¬ formance in that city, April 19.

The Richter Theatre, Santa Rosa. Cal., will be closed for aliout a month owing to a numbur of repaint being made. The name will also be chang^ to the ('olumhla.

A. L. Strauder, stage director of the Dandy Dixie Minatrela Company, which closed Its at-aaon April 21, will spend the summer at bis home in Ripley, O.

Eugene Curtis, who has been singing at the Theeatorlum, Pine Bluff. Ark., for the past year, will be with Dockatader’s Minstrels next season.


Myrtle Hebard Just closed a success¬ ful M-ason as principal soiibrette with Ma’s New Iliistiand Eastern Co., and la now resting at her Slimmer lionie in Oak Park, III.

I The Raymond Teal Musical Comedy Company, under the management of Fred Wolf,

I reoia-msi the Empire Theatre, San Jose. Cal., > May 2.


Frank Abbott, manager of the Bon Tons t Eastern Wheel Burleaque) will r-unain with Mi-sara. Weber and Hush, and will have the management of one of their shows during the coming season.


Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. CrHIln anntHince the < arrival of a 14 pound aim at Bleaatiig Hiaipital. (Jiiincy, III.. May It). Mr. (•riffln Is known pm fesslonally aa Hal. Criffo. THEAT


EDWARIKS.—MIley A. Edwarila. See Circus Page this Isaue.

CIltlHClI.—Chaa. Crouch, of the team of Mar tin and Crouch, comisly acn4>ats and barrel jiimiM-ra, dietl at tin- Fori-st Hotel, Kllawortb, Wls., at 4:45 A. M.. Tuesiiay. April 20. Death was cauaeil liy carlsdlc arid lailmmlng. which he took by mistake. Tlie remains were sent to bia home in Hock Island. III., fiw Interment. Mar tin and Croucli had las-n known aa a team for the past sixteen years. Mr. Cnmch waa a mem ber of the T. M. A. Ixalge No. V. of Cleveland, O., also of F. D. E. Aerie No. 265. of P<*uria. III. He Is survived by a widowed mothi-r and one brother.

THOMAS.—I.ew Thouiaa. See Circus page this Issue.

EVANS.—Charles Evans, bivtber of (Jeorge (Honey Boy) Evans and Evan Evans. Isith of lirofi-aalonal fame, died Weilneaday, April 21, at Saranac Springs, N. Y. The lasly waa taken to the home of bis mother in Streator, III., from where the funeral wan held Sunday, -Xpril 25. Death was due to lulierculoala.

BROWER.—C. E. (Doc) Brower. Sea Cirena Page thla Issue.

O’HARA.—Frank O’Hara. See CIrcua Page this issue.

SADLER.—Mrs Wm. Sadler, wife of Billy Sadler, lilah comedian, died at her home In Buf falo. N. Y., April ‘27 aged 35 years.

WAGQENOR.—Mr. Waggoner, of the firm of Clark and Waggenor, which controlled the Great Falls Theatre, at Ureat Falla. Mimt., and tbs Family Theatre, at Helena. Mont., died last week at Great Falls. He is survived by a widow and three sons.

VALADON.—Mrs. Paul Valadon died after a long and painful Illness at Mercy Hospital. Chicago, on the morning of April 27. (English papers please copy.)

TODD.—Harry C. Todd, who was known as an actor, manager and advance agent tor more fivrty years, died suddenly at Toronto. Ont., ('an., 5. of gastritis. At the time of Ills death Mr. Todd was acting as gallery door-kee|>er at the Grand Opera House, Toronto. He was a graduate of the once famous Holmiui English Opera Company, bad lieen a member of stivk comiianiew in many prominent cities, and traveled with Ada Gray. Robert .MeWade, Lost in New York, Washburn and Stetson’s Cncle Tom’s Cabin Companies, and other attractions too numerous to mention. Being a member at the Billposters’ Cnion. the funeral was held under the direction of that organization. Floral offerings from every theatre were presented. In¬ terment was made in the family plot at St. James Ometery. Toronto. A son. fourteen years old. survives him.

SPR.kOrELLO.—Mrs. Jack Spraguello. pro fesslonally known as Jaunetta Coade, died at Wllliston. N. C., April 16. She waa playing the Bijon Theatre, there, with her husliand. Jack Spraguello, in a mnsical acL and waa

Additional Correspondence. (Received Too Lata for ClasaiScatton.)


mgr. 1 Slreeii-r llryau Co. In Prluciis of Patebte i), for all Indefiiille run I'tw Devil, ITie Uys tery of Craigs Mari-, What Hale Will Do, aud Mr. lake of Chicago will lie pnsliiced within the next two wi-i-ks. IRIS IK. It. Keith, mgr. I Nagle, Adams ami Cliaiuller ami moving pir tune wi-i-k of May H). MAJKMTIC IW. T Tii|iiier, mgr. I Are You an Eagle and Bennie’s I Itllr Gaiiii- 17; My I'lM-le’a Visit, and Dr IJttle 24 ami wi-ek.


strong, mgr. I Ives and l’hllll|Mi. A. K. WanI 'I'he Is-iglis, The IKiwns Chlldreg, Grace Hrigga Hatipy Andy Adaiiis week of Mfy 9. The Bel iiionis, Elmore ami Kay. Nichols and MulllkiD. Maihurn and Slornis week of 16.


mgr.) Fatty Felix 12.


9 . E1.ECTRIC OiM-neil May 9.


ler, mgr.) Walter I’erklns ami Conoeas and Eilwarila Slock Co. In The Man from Mexico 3 and wiw-k Johusou-Burua fight pictures IS-l.’i BIJOU (Fi'itier ami Shea. mgra.) Mutt bharii. Marshall Moutgonii-ry. Fr.-d W. Morion. Nell Earley 3.5; American Coineily F\>ur, Csiaklev and McBride. Conway aisi Bamea and Bijou graph 6-S. Iteildlng Sisters, Howard and 1.4-wls. XIr. ami Xlra. Kal|ih Iirwis. Melville Hussey and Nell Farl^ 10 12: B.-rl Jordan, Cauffman aud Carroll. Tth- X'ivlaos ami Bljuugra|>h IS 13: Great Ulchanla ami others KVIS.


Taylor, mgr ) XIovliig pictures and vaudeville. OKEONTA. ONEONTA HI. M. Dunham,

mgr.) Jergo Bros., song ami dance; Hall ami Cobin. banjo dm>s; Beatrice X'ance, singing coiuedleiUH-; IVX’eiie aud Sbuta, acrobats ami mining plclurea h) ami week. The SliM-ktona. songs ami inomilogiie; Mcl.gln Klalera. sung ami dance 10 ami w.-ek. Frank Desbon In A Knight for a Day 14.


lor in Peaceful Valley 10; A Message from Xlam II; A Uagg.-d Prince IS.


ami Bailey 26. OAKFORD PARK. Oiieiis Xlav 31

H0NE8DALE —LYRIC <B. 11. Dittrich, mgr. i Gardm-r ami Vincent Stock Company in IXdlj of the Circus 2S.

TENNESSEE. MARTIN.—XIcC.XWS (A. P, Jernlgan. mgr.i

XIorediM-k and Watson’s lady Xllnstrels 10 11.

The Star Theatre at Sterling. Ill., i kbich for tlie past lliree years has bec-n run P&lU'lvely as a moving |>lclure bouse, oiiened i IhIi vaiid’evllle April 26. playing three different | Hrs a W(i-k. Crowded biaisea markc-d the in- i ^ngiiralion of tlie m-w iKilley.

’I’he Bijnu Theatre, Columbus, Ind., eliang-d haiiils last »i-»-k. Cbas. A. Benn«-tt. of ' UieliiiioiMl. Iiaviiig assiinM-d the managi-nient. ■|Sie .Xrv-ade. of HIcliiiiolid, wlileli house Xlr. Bc-nnett formerly eontndled. will In- iiiidc-r the . inanag--iiieiit of T. W. O-rwlii.

The opening of the Lake View Ca- ' -itio. .XiigustH. cia., wlilcli was scliedul«-d to oc- , i-iir April 26. had to lie |>ostiM>ni-d until Xlay I .{. on aerount of the illness of Gvpsi-ne. of Per- iii-lii cS.vpseni- Co., who has this playhouse leased j for the si-ason. i

C. F. Roland, manager of the New Koland Tlieatn-. XIarion. III., has leaned hla i ho-.ise to the Wistem Vaudeville Asnoclatlon. •f Clilrago, 111., who assumed posni-ssioii Xlay :

:i. They an- putting on vaudeville- for the sum- | iiier season. J

The Lyric Theatre, at Hickman. Ky., I* now In-ing n-moiIeliHl throughout, new ; stage constructed, new scenory installed, and . other improvements made. It Is managed by Dillon and Cox, and liaa a seating capacity of 606. I

Tho HJmpire Theatre, Ashtabula Hartnair, O.. o|n-m-d .May 3. to big hiinines* with the following l►IIl: Savoy and Savoy. XIaud Barron. Jennie Paul. la-na Cooley and Joiin Thateher heading the liig stock company.

Hutchinson’s (Kan.) new vaudeville th-atre, the Gem. was oiiened Xlay 4. under the III nagenient of T. Stiilis. Tbe aeta are sup- pli.-d hy E. E. Olson, of Wichita, Kan. Three changes of program are made each week.

P. T. Oldham, treasurer of the Vic¬ toria TTieafre. at Wlw-ellng. W. Va.. has re¬ signed his issdtion. amt lias Is-c-n succeeded by Mr. Har-ild Bosley, formerly conni-eted with tl;<- Virginia 'Ilientri- of the same dty.

George A. Barker, manager of the • irlaiido, na.. D|M-ra House, has been appo!nt<-d niaiisger of the o|iera houses at Plant City and Bradenfown. Fla. Xlr. Barker’a headipiartera wll! l-e at Orlando.

Manager C. W. Maxwell, of the Grand 0|M-ra House. Steulienvllle. ()., has alao been ap- iMiiiitvd local manager of the new AIrdome now ts-liig constructed in that city hy the Tri State Alnloini* Company.

The Majestic Theatre, the new x'au- deville hiMise at Albany, Ga.. was opened Xlay 3. to a psck<sl hcMise. On the program were S.-n<.rlta shtrm.ana. the Four .Xnd-rsons and Olll*T«.

The New Roof Garden, at Green¬ field. Ind., will lie Ofiened Xlay lO with vaude¬ ville and nuisleal atfraetlona and moving pic- tiin-s. A. L. New will have the management.

A new opera house will be erected at Carthage. Xlo., by J. W. Aylor and XfeNer nev. Work on tlie eonstnictlon of the hiiilding will tiroi.atdy Is- eoinmenei-d immeillately.

The summer season of moving pic¬ tures ,aiid vaiidi-ville at tlie Smith Theatre, Brldgeis.rt. Conn., inaiiag<-d by Ira W. Jackson, was liiaugiiratisl Xlay 17

PEERING XleCRILLIS.—Xlr. Job. E. XlcCrll- lis. a well known theatrical man of Chicago and nianagi-f of the Gilpin Il.vfinotic Company, and Xllsa Olive Deering. of XX'ashington. Ind., were married at Washington. Xlay 12.

HALI.AP.XV’—OWENS.—TIm- marriage of Xlr. Jaek Owena. to Xliss Xlary Beele Halladay. letter known in tb*- profession as Trixie, the tJirl with the Golden Voice, which occurrel XIarch .36. ban been annoiinn-d. .Xlr. Owena is fit pres<-iit en route through the South with Ilia own show.

OATES-GORDON.—Mr. R. O. Gordon, min- agi-r of the Gaiety ’Theatre at San Diego. Cal., and Xliss Eiira Woodson Oates, of Louisville. Ky.. a social favorite of the Bliiegrass State, were married at the former city on April 16.

KAY FILKINS —Xlr. Ernest C. Filklns to •Xlis# Jessica Ray. See another page in this is sue.

SXtlTH-HENDERSON.—Xlr. James Hender¬ son and Xllsa Joaie Smith, both members of tlie Bolietiilan Burleaiiuers. were marrieil on the stage of the Lyceum Ttn-atre, St. Joseph. Xlo.. after the close of the evening performance, April 16.

Shej ard-IIuegel.—Johnny Hiiegel. of Huegel Brofhert, comedy acrobats, ami Miss Xlartha Shepanl. professionally known as XIattle Quinn, of the Qiiinn Trio, were married at Oown Point. Ind.. April 22.

BUCHANAN-BAXTER —Mr. Bert Baxter, manager of the HIpp and Fairyland Theatres,

j Bluefleld. W. Va., waa married to Miss Kitty Bnrhanan, vocalist, at the Fairyland Theatre, April 28. at Bluefleld.

OAVIN-POLAND.—Xlr. Jay Poland, comedian. : ami Mias Ruby Gavin, pianist and vocallit, of ; Galt. la., were married at Dea Xlolnea, la.,

April 24.

I MARLEY-DEWEY.—Xlr. Harry P. Dewey. ! manager of the Family Vaudeville Theatre. I Sioux City, la., and MIsa IJIllam Marley, of

Chicago. III., were married In Sioux City re- cently b.T Rev. John Xf. Freeman


i Bom to Xlr. and Xlra. Joe L. Beatty, a lOXJ pound boy, April 17. .Xfoth<-r and child iVdng

; fine.

Bom to Xlr. and XIrs. Ed. Davis, a girl, April ; 8.

B. II. (RedI Xlcintyre la the proud father ' of a ten |)Oiind boy. wtileh arrived at the home I of Xlr. and Xlra. Xleinfyre at I,ewlaton. Idaho, j last week. XIother and ehlld are doing well. , The Xlclntyrea will tie with the C. W. Parker

Show-a thla season.

Bora to Xlr. and XIrs. H. C. W’llhiir. a nine I pound Isiy, Siinda.v, Ajirll 18, at Concordia. Kan.

Xlr. Wilbur is with the C. W. Parker Showa the current season being hla fifth one with that

I eotnpsny.

Bom of Xtr. and Xlra. E. F. Morton, of 'Pia Xfoetona. llluslonistB and mtgiclana, a baby hoy, April 15, at Boston, Xlaaa.

Bom to Xlr. and .Xlra. Chaa. W. Jeaaop, of the Great Cosmopolitan Shows, on May 5. at (Jon

, nersvlile, Ind.. a nine-pound lK>y.

Bo'-n to Xlr. and XIrs, Dolph Voight, a ten. fsstnd lisliv isiy. Tts- X’olglits an- widely kmiwn

' In the |irof<ss)on as X'olglit ami X’olght. i>n-mler ’ jugglers and Isrlet twirlers.

taken sick with pnenmonla, death reaultlng two weeks later. Her home was in San Franclico. where the bod.T was taken for Interment.

HEWITT.—Fred Hewitt, a juggler, with The Duckllntra Burlesque Company, died at the (Jlty Hospital, in Cincinnati. Xlay 2. Hewitt ap iw-ared with the company at People’a TTieatre U-t we*-k. hut on Saturday was taken ill at tlie hotel he was stopping. He later waa trana ferred to the city hospital where it was found he was snfferirg with pneumonia. Hewitt It a niemher of Chicago Ixaige of Elka No. 4. and the Cincinnati Imlge has been requested to take charge of the n-malns.

ORVILLE.—llarr.T Orville dl*-d at hla boms near Farmland. Ind.. Satiirda.v, April 24. from asthma of the heart. Age 51 years and one day. He atartei! in the circiia tnislness as an acrobat and gymnast when but nine rears of age. Following that line until the year 1>«9*!, when he waa forced to diacontinoe this work on aeeoiint of his health, and when Into Taudevllle. playing the leading theatres. January 22. last, he raneelled ail work and r--turned home in Farmland, not being able to finish hla engage ments. He leaves a wife and two eblldren Mrs. Ruth Orrllle. a son. Frank. ag>- 29. a daughter. Vena, age 7. Interment at Woodlawn Ometery XIonday. April 26.

Xft RRAY.—George Murray, for five rears an exiiert animal trainer with ilie Johnnv J Jones

Caralval Company, died at Durham. N. C . Xlay 1 and was burled at that place Sunday morning. May 2. On Thursday. April 2!t. he was Idtlen by a pr-t lion and It Is li«l|eve<i that hloisl poison develop«-d, rauslng Ills death.

VOSS.—C. Frederick Voss, leader of X’osa’ Band of Newark. K. J.. died at hla home In that clt.y May 1, of caret rai liemorrhage at the age of 66 yeara. He la stirvlv<-d by a widow and four children.

GEORG" ID-nrr George. He>- CIreiui Page this laeue

H.XNIiEll'"-N.—W. K Han-lerson, belter kmiwn as ’•.Sandy," died In Dallas, H D.. A|iril II, »-f pneumonia, after a two d-iya’ Illness In terment was made at Ixall, Wls. .Mr. Hander son -vas well known in the olrina anl ramtval hiifflnrwp.

KISi.ER —John Klaler. of nillade’phla. dle.1 at Bellevue Hospital. New York. Katiirilay. May 8, lie waa well know-n among rlrriis ih-o pi.'.

Df PREK - Xtlas Jimie liiipree. forfnerly of the vanderllle team of Cisiglilln amt tierry, db-il at Butte, Mon).. Atiril 2)i. after a long'lllneaa of cancer of the stomarti H.-r liiistiand. Xtr Dupree, and her tso sisters, known to On- |iro fesslon as the flerry HIsters. were si h-r IsnI side ministering to her wants during tier last boairs. Xllsa Inirm-e waa well and favoralily known for many years In Ou- theatrlesl world She was forty years of age hIh- leavi-s one rhild. Her fiin-ral tm.k idae - April 23. under *h4- aiisiilees of las-al T. XI A of lltille City. Mont.


Ttie Col^n 'Theatre, at Iowa (Tty. Iowa, has again lieen leaw-d by Will H CviGler. of Cedar llspids. tlie pr*-ai-nt l-ssei-. ff»r another year 'Mr. Cv4I|i-r lias nu-t with no little mirress in Ills nisnagenii-nt of tie- Ihesire during the past tbr<-e years, and Oie Coidrei, Estate ao-m to tisye found just tlo- man for the |s«t


To i-onijilete a clrrult of theatres which will Include Duluth. XliuneaiMills. 8t. Paul. Des Xlolnes itmaba. Kansaa (Tty. 8t. Ixmls ami Chicago. Mr. W. S iHise of New York, waa in Ih-s XI-iliM-s. Iowa, a few days ago. to close a lease with tlie Auilltorlum Company for the Shiib»-rt tlieatriral symllrate.

That It is the liilentloD of the Hhuberta to cover the entire Xtississl|itii and Mlswairl ral

with ft rliftln lurnwHii !• hy their ■ctlvitT In the nifttler of U'ftMHi ftnd bulhitnir* III lh»* pftKt two m4»nthp. Ih'alii have juat

In St. Paul ami Mtniiea|M4!a. Id iHiliitb tMiialia. lN*nver and aereral (Kber p«>iata. Tliry eK|H*rt hy th*’ nfN'nlnr <*f next aeaai*n to fire th4'atr»r«rw an o|»|H»rtunlty to aer their hm#

attrartltina. To «1«» thla. they ha\e en terMl the rteM «if M^Tiirlna their own luaiaea and <»lM*riitinip th«‘m in* aa n**! to tie i|«‘|M*nd«*nt u|m)d th** whfiiia ami fan<'i4*a «if IrH'al «iwiw*ra|iip.


K Wati ra. %et«’ran merry vtwniuml o%iin*r an<1 ah<mnian. ala** manager of the Ka H*hihI AmiiMin**tit i'o., paa««-4l away iwaeefull) aftir a brief inm^aa of typhoid fever at Tampa. 1 la lie waa t'lkeii «irk while the eociipany waa playliiK the t«»wn «*f Tlearwater. ria.. Tnea 'lar. A|irll 2^. after a ride In an open aiilomi bill* from Tampa t«» TarmiQ Hprkira.

Mr. John II dreenbaich and Mr. John W Mar. hla partm ra Oeo. T Waterw. Marr) NSf aton and Rlibu .Marljf*an were preaent at tlw* funeral, which waa hHd fr»mi Uee«ra iindiTtaklna «atabllahment. Me died April :ih Me waa 41* yeara of ajr** and hla hiwne waa Weaf clHai«T. Pa. The cfimpanr haa dli4»aii(ba| and will Join afime ranilral cfimpany.


J Uoaa WItaoii, a ttiemlMT *if |h** iWnoreat i*ofnedy (\» . waa accbb titallr ah«d on Mar lA. w1il!e pla>itir at I.Minna. H r Mr Wllaon waa makltift up at |i|a talde an«1 a **prop** platol banded to him liy the prop«Tty man. waa ac cbb ntairr dl-cbarifed Me died at 0 P M May ir». 1*)ie retnalna were taken to Mamiiittnd. Ml . br hla wife, Menrietta WHann Me learea a wlfn atid two rhlldr«>n. l.<Ma ami Mowanl. age V2 and M

Mr Wlla*in and wife had )«»lned the iVinoreai roiiipniiy In March. Me waa a K of P.. T M A. and Kagle.

Mr Wllarm waa 41 yeara of age and began hla prf»f< aabmal can*er atwait 2ft yeara ago with the h« th Humim'rvllle (Vimpaiir


'Tlie Pciqils's TTieatre iiwiied hv llarnr C. Hinllh, at liiwa City, la.. reeiH-ii.-d Xlav IT Tiuaiisa Dlvun fi.riurrlv of ITeveland <» . will Is- matiager llsl llmwn Is to lie elretrlctan and Fri-d HlmiHMls«m. pisnist

TTie seating rapacity of this n-nHsleli-d and afiraelire |||I|,. pi si house is 850

Till- Dli-lrlrh lliMikIng Agi-nry. of Chicago, Is Siipiilvlng the li.Mis.. wliti high rlasa altrsrilons. and tile house iimnilses to make a aiim-ssfiil bid f'lr piilille patriaiage.

MAY 22, 1909. Xtie Uillbourd 41


An Opportunity for Anyone to Make Money at Parks, Fairs, Picnics, Arcades, Lodge Benefits.

f I ZZI^LOOK^^^— It Speaks for Itself, AUNT DINA’S HAND LAUNDRY*,

Til*- new antoniatlc tiawball K*n>e. Throw three ballo; flrat ball hreaka wlmlow, and presto— the duira open, and out pops nlKCera sboutlni; and mules braylni;. The second and third ball knocks the ulitcers In aaalu. More fun and eicltement than a three-ring circus. This gets the crowds and holds them until YOU GET THKIK NICKEL-S. Game can be made easy or hard to beat. Automatic, substantial and Imposing. OCAKANTEEI) NOT TO BREAK. I’ort able and easy to ship. Can t>e ijulckly set op or taken apart. Ordinary space required, lUx'JO feet; weight SOU lbs. Windows replaced and ererythlng re set by a leeer. No help required. Complete outfit, one log cabin, with d<x>r, window, chimney, mule shed, phonograph, megaphone, Autoiuallr diaaolving window panes. I.a»t ull season. Two unbreakable life size nigger beads with working lips, one mule bead, back stop with sides, back and top, picket fence, 2 doi. balls. 1 steel mechanism. DerIce complete to take In the money. I’rice, $.'>0.00. Terms.

o. d.. f. o. b., Clnclmatl. Particulars FREE. Address WORLD'S ORRATEST MOVXLTY CO., Highland and Dorchester Aves., Cincinnati. Ohio.



Seating Capacity, 15,000. Dimensions Arena Floor, 212x110 Feet.

We are now arranginK dales for Leading; .Musical and Theatrical Attraction.s Industrial Shows, Conventions, Circuses Etc.


" I did not think it iKxvihle that bo lan;pa l>uildini;coul(l be devised in which ! the human voice ae well aa the orrheatra could Ik* heard to such advantage.”

The marveloua acoustic qualitiei and the ger.eral excellence of this hall, is certified to by Paderewski, Calve, Damrosch, Fremstad, Van Der Veer, members of It. Y. Symphony Quartet, and many others.

Terms—Straight rental or percentaiie. Address at ones for opsn tints to


WANTED 1 More Cleans Up-to-date Tent Show

With front; also



NEW HOME WEEK Paterson, N. J., May 22 to June 2

Can place two or three first-class shows

and a few more concessions.

Will be the Largest Fair ever held in the State of New Jersey.

Wire HARRY METZ, 162 Main St., PATERSON, N. J.


Opening Saturday. May 29. Knights of Columbus Week from May 29 to June 1. CONNECTICUT'S FOREMOST SUMMER RESORT. Excursion steamboats from all points, double track trolley line to the Paik. AOMISSION FREE. ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE TO DRAW FROM IN A RADIUS OF FIFTY MILES. WANTED—.\ll kinds of Side Shows or Platform Shows on percentage or flat basis. JACOBS BROS.. General Managera.

BE A HANDCUFF KING 19 Riri for one dollar l. cballenge baudeutr myatery; 2. • Diva DDV^evr^DD another method, simple apparatus; .V, great packing case

mystery; 4, cbalienge escape from any large safe or Tauit; 5, challenge barrel escape, top oailcd; 6, latest escape from barrel filled wUb water, top locked; 7, substitution trunk myatery, made from any trunk: 8, Hoodini's famous paper bag eacaiie; 0, challenge escape from any ordinary trunk; 10. Keller's famous rope tie; 11, twentieth century rope tie; 12. excelsior rope boutMl escape. All easy to perform. Apparatus easy to make. Get this act. then get the money. Complete secrets and effects, explicit tnstmetions. etc., for the sbore 12 escapes, $1.00. Order now. UAOICIAH'S SUPPLY 00., 115 Beanfait Ato.. Detroit. Mich.

Wanted—Shows A-1 Snake or Platform Show A few more tent shows for Firemen’s Big Street Carnival, Weston, W. Va., week

I'o join at once. Can place a few more jjood musicians for hand, to join of June 14th-19th, 1909. Address O. L. show alter, Sec’y, Weston, W. Va.

dt once, ^tate all first letter. .*\ddress

PENN AMUSEMENT CO., W. M. Aldan. Mgr. ^^1 fj NVilketi narre. May 17-23; CarlKindale, .May25 31. a

W. S. CLEVELAND’S PRIIDENIIAL VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE p«vn.w*^2p2-^-9S^^^a5?seSoo^Vh!f%u^a^^^^^ w _* VTW rasM. H t **** " trom you at once. Confident we can Interest von In a^- proposition submitted

vfoilLS^riAMOT WBMmSw fare the rssis. SeTAd hack numbers Billboard. THE MAIHE PmEkdcEHT 00.. Ltd.

parks. fairs. CKLCBRaTIONS. theatres. etc. -puj.^ BILI,UO.\RD’S CI.I.ASS1FIED BUSINESS DIRECTOKY GIVES THE .\nniu-:ssF.s of alu the leaders. TIIK liUYKRS’ l)IRK<*rORY TK.LIX YOU WHO .WD WHKRK.

INDEPENDENT Acme Film Exchange

605 Smithfiald St., PITTSBURG, PA.

Lamed Building. SYRACUSE, N.Y.


2 REELS WEEKLY $ 5.00 3 “ “ - . . . 7.00 6 “ “ .... 11.00 12 “ “ . - . . ■ 20.00

We want your business. We will live up to all promises.

Write us today for lists and further information. All M. P. supplies

1 20 per cent cheaper than other houses. Write your wants.


42 XHe Blllboerd MAY 22, 1909

ROUTES (C'oDltuut^ from |»Ke 3!<|

BrewHttr's Milllona, with Kilmanl Abt'les, V'rtHl- ilowaril, lx>rtn J., Sliwk Co., J. II l>olil>lti«, eric 'I'tiooiiiaon, mgr IMttxImrg, 17-2:2.

Bret-kenrlilgc, t'lia*., Coiiio<ly Co.; (Lyric Air- llolv (Mty, I.,H’oiiit<' A CloHlior, iiigp* IliilTalo. donic) Carthago, Mo., 24 ISI. 17-lli.

Cam|>lM'll Stork Co., J. M. Canipbril, mgr.: | llciidi-rMon Stork (V>.. \V. J A It It ll•'■lll•'r Karibauii, Miiin., indrf.

<4laHpr, Imlu; Soo Mile. Miarhief. I Calumot Sto<'k Co., Johu T. Couaera, mgr.: So. Hayward, tiraiv, Co.. <b

Criiiri'tiMi. Iiiil., IT 22 .M (iallK, mgr

Chicago, 111., Indrf. Gr.-gg ImiH-rial Hand: (K.mtalw; Kerry I’ark) Camdrn Stock Co., M. M. .McCalluina, mgr.:

Ixmiavlllr, 10-22 Camdrn N. J., May IT-ludef. <}ol<h-n RuttiTfly, with (trace Van Studdifonl. Chorua Lady, with Koae Stahl. Henry It. Harrla , Itra<lley, mgr.: ItoMtoo. 10-22. mgr.: I.a>ndon, Kug., April 10-liidrf.

Hartman, trrrla. Co.: !>« Angriea. Indef. 'Chicago Stock Co., Chaa. H. UoaaKam. mgr.: Ua«ana, with Jaa. T. rowers. Sam S. & I,ee Detroit May 10-lndrf.

StiubrM. Inc., mgrs.: N. Y. C., Ket>. l.l-indef. Climax. The, Jos. Weber, mgr.: N. Y. C., April Italian Graml (t|>era Co. (Iran Abraham's), F. 12-lndef.

M. Norcross. mgr.: Reading. I*a., Harrlslmrg 21-‘22; N. Y. C., 24.

Drs Moinra, la., S22. I.liir<iln, Nrl>., 21 In .Irf.

Hutton Itallry Stork Co t.Mrdomri Cl S,-oii. Kan., IT 21).

Harvey St<M-k Co. lSoiith<-ni). Harvey |i Orr. mgr.; .Marcelliie, Mo.. 17 22. KmiMirla, Kan., 24 2!).

IniNon. Hramatie Co., Hurt Imaoii. mgr.: Keii mare. N. D., IT 22. Coliimbtia 24 20

JelTeraon I’layers, It. .Morrison, mgr Mem College Siock Co., Chas. B. Marvin, mgr.; Chi- ' Jefferson I’layers, It. .M< cago, Aug. 21 .May 22. phla. Tenn., lU'Irf.

cago. Ai>r. 25 May ‘JO. Merry Wldopw, Henry W. Savage, mgr.: lull¬

ing*. M<*nt.. 10; Helena 20; Butte 21-22; S|M>kane Wash., 24 2S: N. Yakima 20.

Mary’* laimb. with Itirhard Carle, Carle & Mark*, mgr*.: Wlnni|H‘g. Can.. 17-10; Du- liitb. Minn., 21-22; Miiinea|M>li* 22 20; St. I'anl 27-2!».

Mile. Mischief, with lailii (ilam-r. Sam S. A Ia>e SliiilMTt. Inc., mgr*.; N. Y. C.. 17-22.

Madam Bntterlly, .Max Faetkenheuer. mgr.: Chlla . 17 22

Midnight Son*, with Lew Fields. Sbubert A 1 ‘‘•tiler. Win.: See the Man from Mexico.

Springfield, Mas*., May 20 July 10. I ^«van«ngn ivainerine ivaiiimore i. Countlss, Catherine, St<x-k Co., K. D. I'rlce, , ’’.'’.y’ I**'I*' Italllmore. 1. . . I Ittsbiirg.

mgr.; Grand Ua|ilds. Mich., April II Indef. ' ... .. .. Courtnay-.Morgan Stock Co.: AliH-na, Mich.. I'l ' *i7'*i!( c,4!drr/..'A ' N 2»> L-j

Craig SUK-k Co.. John Craig, mgr.: Boston. ■ '■*7'';,,^ • Aiii» ‘>k.imig»r I April

Cre»ce'nt*Stock Co.: Greeni>olnt, Itrooklyn. .N. V.. ‘ ’V \/n May 2-lndef. I,.merKan. I.esU^^^ Kansas . ilv. Mav

(5immlnga Stuck Co., Ituliih K. Cummlnga, mgr.; , ■ , ,, , u , . . i- i i •• Mon.real, April 5 Indef I‘-'J'""' ‘'

Cummings; Com.sllans: .Montreal. May .t indef. j , u,„.i,..M. r. N 4 M«» IT

El ECTRIGLIG UT (5immlnga Stuck Co., ltal|ih K. Cummlnga, mgr.;

Moiiireal, April 5-imlef. Cummings’ Comislians: Montreal. May .'t indef.

Fieii,*. mgrs.: .\. Y. i .. .May lo-lndef. Murray A Mack. Dllie Mack. ingr.: I>m Angeles,

.kpril Is-July lo. Natiellu and bis Hand (Delmar Gardens): St.

Isxils. May l-S<-|)t. 4. National Opera Co.. Matt Shi-eley, mgr.: Chi¬

cago. May S-indef. Osboni Grand Ofs-ra Co.: Detroit, 10 2*2. l*ow-er*. James T.: Si-e Havana. I*b|li|>|dne Constalinlary Itaml: I.MIIIioa Dollar

I’ler) Atlantic City. 10’22, I Crlnce of To-Night. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Chi-j

cago, Feb. S-Indef. | l•rlnce** Musical Comeily Co.: San Francisco,!

March l-lndi-f. ' Queen of the Mmilln Ilmige, Tlioma* Ityley, ;

mgr.: N. Y. C., 17’J’J. ' ' Royal Comic Ojx'ra Co.. Clias. Van Dyne, dlri-c- |

tor: Klinira. N. Y.. 10 2!). j Risl Mill. Clias. Dlllinghain, mgr.: Owotiso, I

Mich . 1'*'JO ' Reslorff's Metropolitan Conevrt Hand; New Dr- i

leans. 10 22. ' Roval Dix-ra Co.: Memtihl*. Tenn., 3-22. . Robinson Dis-ra Co., C. 1,. Roldnson, mgr.:

Montreal. May 17. Indef. Royal .\rtlllery Hand. Die.. Jo*. IVeVlto, gen.

Ci'o'ioaii. iieui'iella; See .sham. Choate Dramatic 0>.. Harry Choate. mgr.:

Wiaslliull. HI., 17-22; .Monmouth 24 2!). C' Dramatic Co.; tl.yric .kinlomet Car¬

tilage, Mo., 17-22. Cutler Tlieatre Co., F. 1.. Cutler, mgr.: Itliea,

Okla., 17 22. Cutter StiK-k Co.. Wallace R. Cutter, mgr.;

I’i<|ua. O.. 17 June 10. Cliase-I.ister Co., Glint R<4)ldns. mgr.: Jef¬

ferson City, Mo., 17-21). Crawford’s Comedians, Raytninid D Crawford.

mgr.; Carthage, Mo., 17-’22. Dawn of a Tomorrow, with Kleanor Robson.

I.lelder A Co., mgrs.: N. V. C.. Jan. *25 Indef. Del.acy, Leigh, Stock Co., .Monte Thonii>son.

mgr.: Hroi-kton, Mass., .\pril 12-inder. Dreaniland Stock Co.: Lincoln. .Neb.. .Vpril 5

indef. Dlxey. Henry F..: S<>e .Mary Jane’s Pa. Doro, Marie: See tlm Morals of Marcus.

MADE CHEAP Foi Moilni Picturi Men and Tkeatres.


la.vrt iiiu TlirMtn* SitN'k ('o., laciiiM riiUUi^- nijrr . Li Li JLi llVJ

''•7uss'‘!Tmier -DOES THE TRICK Lyric Mis-k (’.. W. W. Wiltig, mgr.: Mltine- Write Icr FREE Booklet No. It—it tell* you

Deniorest Coeiieily Co.. Holit. Deiiiorest. mgr.: Grvvmvllle. S. C.. 17-2*2.

Dougberty .Stock Co.. Jim Insigherty. mgr.: Oslikosli. Wls.. 17-2*2; .\|i|detiHi 21 2!).

1>«-Iniar Stm-k Co., D. F,. Rn*s<-ll. mgr.; St. leiiiis. Ul 22.

Easiest Way. with France* Starr, David Helj*

a|ndis. Sept. *21 Indef ; Lyric Stm-k Co.. J. V. .McStca. mgr. New Dr-

leans. .Vug. 2;t-indcf. j,.f. .Lyric Stock Co.: Portland, Ore., Imb-f.

, I.livlley. Dor* M.vstlc, Co.. Dan .Mman. mgr ; ord. Milford. Del., 17 *22; Lak.-wmsI. N J.. 24 2U.

' Idon itnd the Mmtse t.V), Henry H. Harris, •son. mgr: Coiimaiit. O., 19; Canton 2«); Wam-n idef. I o); Youngstown 22; Jene-y City, N. J., 24- •son. I op

Lion and the Mouse (HI, Henry H. Harris, il o mgr : Warsaw. N. Y.. IP: Wellsvllle 'Jo;

I t)wego 2t. Waverl.v *22: Ogdenstmrg 24: I Plattslmrg 2.5: St. .VIbuns. Vt.. "Jii White i River JiiiK-tion 27; Helkews Falla "Js. Hrattle

boro 2t». Ijidv Frvslerick. wltli Etlnd Harrymore. Chas.

Froliman. mgr: Ib-nver. 17*22. I.yeeum Comeviv Co., Al. S Kvaiis. mgr Rey¬

nolds. Ga.. 17-22. Liidbiwe. Henry: Fargo. N. D . 24. Connsl.v Co.; Stillwater. Mlliti.. 24 2'.*

rfl.rvs* Twins. Jos. .M. ttaites. mgr.; ,5-May *22.

Tasela'a Hand: Raltlniore. 10 2*2

Fulton Stw-k Co., Jesa H. Fiiltmi. mgr.; Lincoln. Mantell, Ruliert (Hc|iertolrei. Win .V Hrady Neb.. t»et. 14 lu.lef.

Flake. .Mrs.: Sei- Salvation Nt*ll. Van Stiiddlforvt. Graee: Sis* the tiolden Rutter- Franklin Stm-k Co. iJiio. \. Hiiniiiv-lein'ai: Hal

Tty. tie Crvs'k. Midi.. Id *22. Vessclla's. Mansi. Ran'I. Howard Pew. mgr:

i7,(*>) Clnelniiatl. P21: iSans Solid) Cbicago, *2*2 .time 0)j

WHN' .Miisieal Cisiiedy Co.. Jidiii B. Wills, mgr.: Maeon. Ga., 17 22.

I Gardner A Vincent Sioi k Co.. W. .V. .Vndrewa, mgr.: Huueadale. Pa.. .M.vy :< indef.

Gentleman from Mississippi iKaalerui. Hrady I A Grlsmer, mgrs.: N. V. C., Sept. 2P-iudef. {Gentleman from Misaiasipid tWesteriii, Hrady I A Grlsmer, mgr*.; Clileago. .Viiril 2.5 indef.

mgr: N Y C. March Mndef j-gj-jj ^ Mary Jane a Pa. with Henry L Dlxey. Henry Parsgould. Ark.

. Savage, mgr.: Cbicago. .\|iril 12 indef Miller. Cha*.. Stock Co.: lt<K'lie«ter. \ Y .

April 2<l indef. .Morris Tburaton .stock Co : Hay City, Vllcfa k »Bm B. J .M

My Boy. with Tim Murphy. Wm A Hradv. J'Vi"!* mgr.; Chicago. May 10 Indef I i. r 1,

Mann. I,oiils; See the Man who Si.ssl SilH. ix'l.

all about tt! Aak alao for Eloctrio Fan Catalogu*.

HALLBERO Spot LighU and 4.000 C. P. Flam ing Arc Lamp* aro thn boat.


aJ. h. hallberg. 30 Greenwich Avenue, NEW YORK.

(lieya[eO.K. To u niDt.

No Waterf.ird, Me TIm- four Porcupine*

came y>-»ter<lay aisl they are D. K., and pb-asisl with them

WM. H. JAMES. **Tbo Jungla.”

Altoona. Fa.

C7To Managers of Airdomes, Parks. Summer Theatre*. The .M«-rry M*c*» (*om>s|y. Dramallr, aisl Hcfiinsl Vaudeville Co., o|a-ii<st May 111 al the *'.VInloiiie '* Paragould. Ark , aisl tbnoigb their elever iH-rforuialMs-a ainl ainsa-n* were iiiiiiKslialely rva-iigag'sl until fiirtlH-r isdlce Eight rievi-r iNs>|de. four ladle*, four come iliaii*: all slng.-r* ami dam-ers Also the funny •log. "T ‘|'*y ’* Can iJace Sister Team. Gnmnd Vrrobats aii-l ••llier* Write <|ulek Wire for Hie 2llb FRED MACKLET, Manager, Air-


DRAMATIC. Girl from Rector s, A. H. Wmsla. mgr. N. Y. Maami. John: S«s- the Witching IDsir

C., Feb. 1-Indef. Miir]iliy, Tim: S«-e Vly Ibiy.

.Vetne Slis-k Co.. C. W Sdiiillt. mgr.: Kverett, I , troll. A|>ril 4 indef. Wash.. Indef. Going Some, bam b. A Ix-e Miiiliert. Die., mgr*.

.Vlc, StiK-k Co.. Helasco A Mayer, mgrs.: San, '• April IJ-indef. Frandneo. Indef. l Graml Stock Co.: N'tw Haven, Conn., Jan. i.

•Vlliee Stock Co.. Edw. F. .Vllw-e. mgr.: ProvI- | Indef. ... .. ... dence May Hi-indef ' Grand Stock Co.; Norriatuwu. Pa.. Indef.

Arrington Stock Co ; Salt Lake. L’tah. March ‘ J"*"'.S S'>“'»^'’t, Inc •2S liidcf. mgrs.: .N. \. C.. May 3-iudef.

.Viiditorliim Stock **0 Harry Katxr*. mgr.:' George. Grace; Woman* ^ - Lynn. Maas.. May .*, indef : Csslwln. Nat; Jwe the Master Hand

Glaaer Stork Co., Vaugliaii Glasi-r. mgr.: De- Melville. Risve S<-e Si« Ho|ikln* trolt. A|>ril 4 indef. Mor«-y ,St<S'k IV>,: I.VInbsm-t Atchison. Kan

Going Some, Sam S. A Ix-e Sliiiliert. Die., mgr*.; ... N. Y. C.. April 12 indef. .'.‘'’''w** r?.*, "

Grau<l Stock Co.: N'tw Haven, Conn., Jan. 25- ’J ,,** it . . Myrkle Harder Stis-k I o.. Myrkle Harder .Vnitise

TTie Biark Hand. 2 mate*; >1, locliMlin^ all rlghta. IJat for atamp. Our record —Not a single cnmi.laiiil. Si-ml 4(>r.> for two urlgtnal Kcrli I* We w rite to your order, ami idi-aar. THE MANUSCRIPT CO.. Box 47. Ft. Dodge, la.

AT LIBERTY Reynard. Trick <*ycll*l. using four diffen III wIms-1*; also do wire act. yilR S.Vt.E. aisoimt psrlm-r dlsaldasl, HW ft., 0 ft. aide wall *1.5 1*1; two sli-etdng tents 3 light*, eisiklng ami ts-d outfit; .5,t«*i hill*. 415<«i; iiwed om- week Worth ya.5 b<-nd $lo. balam-e C. r-r - V x- •ic' *’*‘**‘ Worth »*.. b<-nd »lo. Iialam-e t.

C l •'otins. N. 4.. < «n Apr. 2*5 „ ,, ^ j, mrYKARD. 17 E. Robiaaoa

Lynn. Mass.. Mav .*, indef : Csalwln. Nat; See lt«- Master lUnd Adsnis. Maude: See What Every W.mtan .w ^ Shubort. Inc., mgrs .

Kn#\vi« ^ 17 Arir.uia. Iiavid J. Ramage. mgr.: Norfolk. 'Lonan. .s^eiman, .Stock C<>.. Barton A Wiawcll.

17inprR.: April IMnili^f. Allor.’ Barrington A Swan Slock C.i . J D Hickman B.ssey Co.. Great. Jack Bessiy. mgr.:

Pott*, mgr.: I,an*ing. MIeli.. 17-22. .. .. t-, > An Englishman's Hmne. Clias. Frohmaii. mgr : Hiland Stock Co.. A. D. Klaiia. mgr.. I Ittsbiirg.

Hamilton. Dnt.. Can IP 20. April IP Indef. ... . Bachedor. Sam S'. A I,«s* SliulM-rt. Inc., mgrs. Hilliard. Rols-rt. In .V 4ool There W aa. Frtsl-

Cblcago. .Ma.v I0-21). ! **rlc Tbomiiaou. mgr.: N. \. C., .March 24 Baker Stock Co.. Geo. I,. Baker, mgr.: Port-: Indef. . . .

land. Ore.. Sept. « indef. Holden Stes-k Co.: Didiana|Milis. Aiiril IP-lndef. Bal.lwin Meiville Stesk Co Nashville Tenn.. i Holland. .Mildred. Co.. Edw. C. White, mgr.:

May 10 June 19. Cleveland, April *215 June 5. Barrie Stock Co., Eilwiii Barriev mgr.: San .\n Holllngaw-orlh Tw'ins < o., M. .V. Brewer, mgr.:

May 22 Master Hand, with Nat G'sstwin. San Fran

clnco. 10*22. Man Who Sto>s1 Still, with I»iils Mann, Wm.

A. Brady, mgr.; Kpsiklyn. 17 22. Moral* of Marcn*. with M*rie<>. Cb*« Froh

m*n. mgr SI Psiil. MImi . 17 Ifi MInne atioli* *20*2*2; Des M»ln<'*. la . *24

Ma<lis<>n. Glorl*. SiiS-k C" t.Vl. Fnsl IieAr pion>l. mgr ■ Cle liov gan. Mich , 17*2*2

Madison. Gloria. Stes k Co cHi. Iss>ii Black mgr.: WliH>na. .Minn., 17 22.

St., North Side, Pittsburg. Pa.

FOR BALE-I Mis>re*s Prixe Sh<s>tlng liallery. six target*, two gun*. flO, 1 Vlatil Striker, 2 Mauls, 2 Pin* Will trade either for 10x10 ft. frame tent Chat. Barklay, Portrilla, N. T.

FOR BALL *i<'*iii Merry go round. g<ssl run iiing order; e<imii|i-le, ri-*dy to rnii. Prire if O'ld witlilii IM'XI lo •!*}■. fTisi. cash Engine and organ alois- worth the lll••n•'y. No Junk. R. Mriaing. Tulsa, Okla.

tonlo. Tex.. .April 2.5 June .5 Roswell. N. Mex.. .April S-lmlef Helasco A Stone Stork <*o . B.-lssco A Stone. Home Stock Co.: HulelilnsiHi, Kails., April 2*1

mgr*.; L<v* .Angelc-a. imtef Indef. Bev.-rly of C.raiialnrk In-laniater A Norris. Hunter Bradford Players; Hartford, Conn.. May

mgr*.: Plilla.. Mav 17 ln<lef. 10-indef. BIsh.ip** Plavera. H. W Blsh.>|.. mgr.: Oakland. Honae Next Door, Coban A Ha-ria, nigra.; N. \.

Cal.. Indef. I ('., Aiiril 1*2 Indef. Bine Mouse. Sam S A Ix-e Shiibert. Die., mgr*.:! Hodge. Wm.; Scs- the Man frcHii IDune**

Y. C.. Nov. IliokiiiMn U»*h>u\v <%»., FtilKa, Okla.. 16 Bine Mouse. Sam S. A Sbiils-rt. Inc., mgrs.: I t'c.ffi-yyllle. Kan., —'‘-S’-

Chicago, Mav 9 imlef Hall. Ihiii < .. in Re|s‘rtolre: Mansfield, O..

Bonstellc.’ Jessie. St.s-k Co F Ray Comstock. ..’7 -*^= i .1 use - i-i, mgr.; Riiffalo. April •JC.-Indef ••'.".’'’T J"**;, * *

Bowdoln Square -nieatre Sfs-k Co Jay Hunt. l-rolimati. mgr.: Seattle. 17 2*2; Siiokam- 29 mgr : Boston, indef o').

Brown. Sherman. Stork Co. Milwaiikis-. .A|irll -

BoVer'^N^ncy. St.s-k C.i : Hatle Cre-ek. Ml.-h. , A / A ¥ Tl^C

Bunting” Emma. <'o.. >s|dney H W’ei* mgr San W Am ■Antonio. T.-x.. .A|irll *2*5 lu.lef - . Vamt

Burbank .S'oek Cti.. Oliver mgr. I.os Gel IDe Very DCSl vauu' .Angc-le*. Indef.

Biirwond .Stock Co.: Omaha. Neb.. .Aug. 2P • * I g* I indef K *-*1

Barry more. Ktliel: S,-,. Ladv Fnsterick. Ua»a>a a aami B.-nnetl Moulton C.. . G.*i. K. Robinson, mgr Here s a »« ii|

Laconia V H . 17 22 Franklin *24 *29 UTOPIA MUSICAL DUO COOKI "';rv" N "^r-ait" k*.'!*'’"”""- """ prof, rand-s dog circus meyei R«wtfbn OmuHlr Oo.. If. WoUImt. mjfr IRENE AND MATTIE SWAN TARL1

Ouitecoc*. Qttc.. C.,n.. 1. 22: Sherbr.-vke 24 ; ^rjHUR BROWNING BIG M Barrie Graham Stock Co.: Pawhiiska. Okla.. 17- ! ||

Berc-sford. Harrv; Kansas CItr. 1<J-2*2. »A Blue Atoiiw. Sam S A Isv- Sliitb<-rt. Ine., mgr« : _ ^ ^ ^ , a>. asa*.as a

Coitimbits. o t7-t9: Imllanaiioll*. Itid., 30 22. TCH QPAPkQ* VAIirir A Blue Mouse. Sam S. A law Sliubert. Inc.. 1 £iLr* Ul f tX

mgrs I 'n*';in Ned... IP; Omaha 20 2*2: To : REPERTOIRE AND STOCK |wka. Kan.. 27 2S


Neapolitan Musicians Hodge. Wm.; Scs" tile .Alan from II.Hne'a

'‘'.e^T.V.-yvme‘Ka'n''i*‘^^^ Soiitli. Siiincr.s iLs wcll iLs playops proferrod. '‘VT***>'^’MarV..n ••V'li^*'"'^^ ’ Commuiiicatp, willi fiill parliciilar.s, H.>nc>r of till- I'amllv. with <>tls Skinm-r, Chaa.

... ...... I... , savahhAH electric CO., . SAVANNAH. C;a.

PARK-VAUDE AND PICTURE THEATRES Get the very best Vaudeville Acts at the lowe>t p«)Mible coat by placinK your Theatre on

—. “TED. SPARKS’ CIRCUIT” Here’s a sample of “SPARKS ACTS,” and they ate all juat aa (ttHMl:


Balloon Ascensions and Free Acts TED. SPARKS’ VAUDE. AND DRAMATIC EXCHANGE, Kan.a* City, Mo.


MAY 22, 1909. Xtic Billboard 43

XlmiliHttKii Sl<K'k JiirkiH,ii. T••llll., U)'JU. \|i HIk Hliow. A. I*. M< niirr :

llrio-flirlilKv, Oiil., rnii., IS lit. .NortU liiy

\|.irK«ii StiM'k Co.: Il<«'k IkImmiI. 111.. 'Jl 211. M.>rK>iii IV|l|■l•• Co.; i.NWri'iK'r. Kmi., 21 Jiinf T>. Mi’lloii Mi>«4'|i-r Hlix'k. U H .Mi»«-|i-jr A |>. K.

Mi-llmi. nigra : llartloavllli*, iikla., IT 22.

v. tlHTooIr, Olga: Hi<t< tli«‘ Writing on tho

Will. Shiiiiiovm. Miihv Alla (lt<-|M-rliiirci. Shiii 8. A

li-,' .SliiilH-rt, III)'., iiigra.' I’lirtlaiiil, (tm.,

IT 20 Iir|ilii'iini SliM'k Co., (Irani I.afTi-rtjr. mgr '

CliIlH . .Hi'pt. 12 linli-f iiiir <t»n Sliak Co, W. K Itlic. mgr.: Kt.

Wajiii-. Iml., .Man'll 21 Inili-f iili-olt. Cliaiimi')': 8«-«‘ ICaggi'il Itoliln ■ •III Arkaniaw, I.. A K.ilwania, mgr Kama*

till 11122 ■ i|. Ml-iMi In Kplritlanfl. Carl M Hallon. mgr :

1 . ..It. 8. It., in Cnal.r 2<i: llllt City 21. SiMirtl*!! 22. lUllf Kiainlio 24 Sliirgia 2.'i. Kiflil City 21',. I■lltlll|•* 2T

I ,|»C> i;)rniaii .Stink Co Mllwankii'. Snpl. 21-

lliili'f I’llgr. .XIitH'l. SliM'k Co, M Itlrlili*. mgr Jack-

•..Hitllliv cia . Ci li. N Imli'f. I’alilagi'a' I’layi-ia Si'allli-. Aiig n iinli f.

l'i>ion*a 111* .k\i*nni* Stm'k Co. CorM' I'ayton. mgr ItriNiklyii. .Ang in Imlnf

tv'.p|i''a Slin k Co Cliaa. It .Marviii mgr ; Clil I igo. .Ang 21 liiili'f

I'. riiilil Slin k C«i. Jai'knoiivllli-. I'la . .April II

imlif ririirbl llypii’na Ktork Co.: 'lanipa Cla., In

ili-f. r.ill'a Slink Co.: S'pringfli-lil. Ma-ii May 10

Indi'f. Coll'* Stork Co.; Walrrlmry. Conn. May 2

Inilif I .iir* Stork Co.: Wllkr* llarrr. C* May 3-

Inili-f. Coynlrr Itrulah. Stork Co.. Itnrtoii Nixon.

mgr : Clrtrlaml, (I.. May lO-tnilrf Cringli-. Iti-lla. Co. lliil»r City. Ma . July 20

mill f Cirtillo Hlin-k Co lEaatirm. II J Inlaml.

mgr : Clillllroilir. <1., IT llt; tlilirwilil Carkl \i «*rk ■2.'l. Inili-f.

Calr of Ciniiilry KOln (C Jay Sniltb'ni, K.l. Ka il.m, mgr Wanpnii. Win . It*. Cl Atkinson

'20, Ciannilllr 21. Uinnlnliurg 22 Winona, 'linn . 'i't; lllark IllTrr Call*. Wl» 24 Nnll* illln 20: Willirr 2T; Tborim 'js. Klrr l.akr jn

I'lily of llir Clmi* Crril Iti lrlmlt. mgr ■ KIk- hart. Inil.. IW. IVru 2o. Wa4»an4i 21: ilnnt* Ingiiai 22 W*nui«. X Y.. 24 (taig.i 2’i: Cortlanil 20 itniunta 2T. Ilooiniialr. Ca . 2S; I' lllgbkin imlr. X' A' . 20

C.irii'llo Stork Co. (Ci-ntra|i. Ci| It Mma-n. Iiigr : .Anlilaml. O. IT 22

lti'iitfrii«'* Jolly I’atbllnitrr*. J X. Ki-ntfrow. ihgr : lloiiatiai. Trx . Itrr. 2<i f

It', ilia St.n'k Co - Sou* City. 1*. Imlif

It-il'niti. Klranor: Srr tbr I>a«n of a To inor r.'W

It -'oo. May Ri-r thr l{•']llT•■natil>n ”f .Aunt Mxrr

..11 I.llllan 8-.- Wllilflro If. 'ir 'l**iin Stork Co Inacatminirt. Ilnl . IT-

22 Kokomo 24 2'.i Iti jiironallon of .Aunt Mart, with May K >|i'on,

I S Sin-, mgr ll.mtiai lo 20 Itaggoil lloliin »ltb Clianin-i-y (4|oMt. Augnntna

I'lt'-n. mgr C-intun, .3 22. Itii-: ir.'no.i Stink Co iKintrmi Crank W

Ito-hinl'nin mgr : (Irnnha. 10 22

Itli'liarilion Mmk Co iWi-nli-riii Crank Itlrb Bri|n..ii. nigr . Oinaba t*i 22

s«-lman Cla'i-rn, J.m Si-lnian mgr Ottawa, ont . April lit imli f

SniMihir. Itoiina Stork Co I.iiwrll. Ma»«., Ml.' :i imlif

Sham with lli-nrli-lta Cr mnian Maurer Camp tn-ll. mgr \ AC MiP h l.A InOi-f

sAii'iiian Slink Co, Walrrlmi, la. M*.\ IT f. Sin- of ,S.n-li-ty, ItroiOi« A Itlngwall mg-«.:

Cblrag.i .April 14 Imli-f

Snow Morl .mrr. Stm k Co .Alhan.'. \ A'.. Ala.' in Jnnr 2t'i

Si.mi- n il Si.n-k Co . Crank (Ira'r mgr Ci-ot ' III April .Mnili f

skliiiM-r Illln Sin- tin- Honor of ibo Camlly stirr Cranr,-*' Si»r tin* K*n|io»i Wav Si. H.ipkln* wltb It.n*- Mrlvlllr J It Stirling,

mgr AVanh.. It C . IT 22. .Altoona. Ci.. 24: A'onnnKnxrn (t . 23 Canton 2*t I.lina 2T: Ct Waynr, Iml . ‘J** So Itrmt 'Jt. wa.-m • n.l*

s. C II I IlofnTloIrr I. Sam S A !><» Sliii- •n-rt. Iiir . mgm. lUanton IT 23

Saliail.m N.-ll. with Mm Cl«kr llarrinon (Tn y • mgr itmaha Nrb . IT IS: I.lfinSn 20 St J .. ,,h. Mo 21; Tn,nk*. Kan '22

Siiiu Itanlol |t.-n'rr 1(122 Stnn.m-r. Cin-ll. Chan C Illanry. mgr lArook-

I'n. 10 22 riilM It grin- llonrr It llarrln mgr N A’.

C . Cl li I Ihil. f

I ’1'I'liiig Sail .man i .A ' llonr' It ll.irri*. nigr Clili-agii. .April 12 Imli-f.

fra'il ng till llmr' It llari'. mgr.; It.-ton April 1!i Imli f

rr.«i..l„l,. • Slink Co Collar n.pul. la, 'mli-r

r»vtor Sli.k Cii H AV Tivl.w mgr n.l. r Ca IT '22

r.-in|n it I'ratiialli' C,i J I, Tominint mgr '

Cliin-nl' \ A tT'22 Aitama 24 •2;i Pal tor Alln.rt C.i ttni-ar A' Nix. mgr ' Air

' li .tor ilkla |o 22 litii, Slink iNi Havoninirl. la. 10 22

'all Iii-I.i S;,. k Co Sin rmi.-s, SopI 12 linli r

'all- Traii-r. Sl.n k ( ■• 'Ian-In .tor V II Mil' to Imli f

' 'll l*'ki A C'ton Slin k Co 'lilw aiikin- Mii h I f

' Hair 'Ian r,, Inirilill.l. " I. Cl T.«n ih 21 'I Hint • ’H >Viitt'rt«»m n '•!. M M •*% I .,v. MIIU IM n \tVhw. n -7 ■J'*

ii Tt* II It \'i'rTi<»n nii:r Sn

N\ It , • 17 .r*

* \ W i*»iiill K ii*‘U•

I r4»litHiiii tiii;r ^ Itit M S'liiMi

\ r lit •;

st.wV <*!» \«tliin VpiM'll iu»:r N > Mn\ 17 'n.l. f

" ■ilfi Slin k Co .1 ' " .|f.. nig- "■ .-lilt i K 111 Imli f

" 'll an'. "a'. nllli Craii IIi.- l-o " ii ' llraiC mgr X A c C. I. HI f

" nU Slink Co .' M " ...I. mgr N ' c 'lai.l, 13 liiili-f

" nntw inl Slink Co It It "..nln ir.t mg' •tniaha. A|*' 111 liiili-f

"riling (In (lio 'V.ll wllli I'lga Noll.•■lo 'A A I'ago mgr. \ A C April '.'il linli-f

" 'ri'i r Comoilr Co. |lon || AA'nrinr prop ami

" ■ (ina-nr la. IT 22 'larlilo It.nk 21 IM> month t77 1***

" *' sjio t,i Clan,,. .1,.,^ i*,,i'lii.ii. mgr Cli.-rr' 'all- Kan IT '.'ll

Wlillnnlilo Strait** Co.' Clim* Call*. N. T IT- 22: Alivliaiilom lllo 21211. .

Wllilftrr, wllli l.llliaii KiikwII. j,« Hrmika

mgr: SI. Caul. 2:12(1 .Minin-ainillH 'JT 2!l AA'innl, llorotby. Slin k Co . Mm k Sail Alll mgr

Cialnr Kapliln, 1*., IT 21i.

Wltrliihg Hour, wltb Jotin Mamm. Sam S A I>-r Sbiiln-rt. Inr.. mgr. AA’anb.. It. (',, IT 22

AAyimilng Hour, wltb JrSm .Mawm. Sum S. A AAyomIng (Jlrl. Wm. AA'aiiinbi-r. mgr.' Caillllar

Mlrb . Ill 2(1; Crankf.ui 21 AViirtiolil. Iiarlil (|{.•|n-^tot^• i. IiavPI C.olawo

mgr : Croriilonoo. IT III.

A alt' Strn'k Co.. .Aloiito 'J'lmmp.ia, mgr.; Now lloilfiu'il. .Ala*n.. April III Imlof.

Yaiikof. Itinnilo Slink Co. (loo A'. Haliilay.

mgr.: Cliolnivgaii. Mlob., IT 22; Saiilt Sti-’ klarln 24 ‘2tl.


It In atatinl tbal AA'Illiaiii Morrin ha* loamsl III.' .A|*],attlr Tboaln-. at 'I'oronlo. Can., from A. J Small, ami will i,)*-!! |i in SofitomlnT with Harry Ijiinl.-r an topIiinT.


Crank Kooiuiii ba. In.-n ongagwl a* I.-ai1ing man for th- C.n* Sl.n k Clayor.. of Harlf-ual. Conn. Mr. Ko..nan ilollvi-rial a v.*rT Inti'C-nflng loriuri' on Tin- Art of At-tliig <>n I'b.- aftoni.ion of May T. wbit-b wan It.ionml lo mimt atlnn- livi'ly by a largo anil faHliiotiablt* auilifiys*.



The Modest Booking Manager Who is Coming into his Own.

In bln afiariou* ami unpret<-iitious. yot neatly • fiiriil.binl nuite of office* at 112 l.a Salle St., | Chicago, there alt* day In and day out. we.'k ' aflor wtwk with rare exception thmugbout the year, a minle«t and unannnming vaudeville book ing maiiag-r. who fimln life'* groato*t pleamire In hanl. Incensant work and wlm thrive* both phynically amt flnanclalty on it. X'o matter what the ''orrlc*. or trying Inridenta of the day —and aoiui-tlmi'* they arc an nimiernii* a* mon- HUltinm In a l.n«ilniana awamp—thia man'* voice In rarely. If en-r heard out of It* mirmai tone. I'ndor clrcmimtanco* that ordinarily would force oih.-m lo ne.'k relief from their (icnt-up fwllngn In pungent cii.n word*, he jiauae* in hi* work. ntralght iliead of him Into apace and • lleiitly nhake* hi* hi-ad from »lde to nlile, m-ii- clullng the final movement with a cluck of bin toiigiH' ani the word*. “AA'hat do you think of that^" Tie' ipicry I* made in onUnarv tone, and then he quietly le-gin* lo plan a way to get iiv.r, nr aronn.1 th*- difficultle*.

Thin man of quiet, iini-xplonive temiicrament. wh '«i' kin.wli.lge of hi* viK-atlon 1* equall,-il by few Inn.king manager* |n the country, ha* al way* prvf.'i're,! to kep hiram-lf ont of the glare I f puMielty. He lielb-ve* In iIcnN and aervlce. mit In iiii-r.. Word* and the limelight. Few. If .-'ll', of t'le m.-itiT hiindrinl* that do bnninesn with him. whether It be manager or performer kieiw inytninc of hi* history: but tlwy all : km-w 111* word 1* hi* lemd. that hi* re- pren.-nt'II.U'* will le- reallied lo the final title, *nd that hi* te'«t effort* will h.> exiwnded to me... the lei'dn of eacb.

Ttie wrMer of thl« article km-w Mr. Poulrlck Team ag.i in San Cranclscn. when he was the malimlav, advi'u.r ami Inwiklrg manager of that ••cc'iitrlc g. niun. Chirb'* M«'yer». when he con- tw.lbd the dentinb* of the old AA'igwam in that city nio-w Were the day* of |>ainfiil ordeal for our jiatient ami unobninictive booking man- sg r. for an.Tom* who could endure the raaidog. and iiiiple.inant manneiWni* of Mr. Meyer* In btmiiie** r-lation* f.w a month at moat, merited the «,.*t .f honor with Job at any gathering. Ilnl thi* man. Charle* H. Ibnitrlck. wa* worthy of 11* gival pr>'totvi>e. for he contrived to hold

It* in'nitlor year*. ke,>plng loyally at hi* In**! until death *»‘vered the connection*. Even in day*, in the latter S'''* ami early tlO'*. ch»* H lionlrlck had a knowleilge of variety act* that w*« cncyclo^swsllc In It* scoiw. There wa* only , ne man on the Coa*! that cxc'-lb'd hini In thI* reqwc*. and that wa* the naturally gri'al «l*owm*n. lli’«tav Walter, the founder of the OrnlM'um ami th*- bitter opi*'iient of the AA'ig'vain. II wa* dm- largely (.■ Mr. Ikuitrick'* aucci'** ami dlpb'n>*c.v In Ixtoking stfonc featnre act* ami no* cl tic* that the evil day for the old AA'igwam wa* |>o«t|*'n<<d. when the Orphenm. nmler Walter'* militant management, finally forc'd the AA'igwam lo the wall ami mit of bimincav.

Tliat meteoric ami »iiccc**fiil showman John Cort. h.x« *1"*' g.**! reason* for reineiiilierlnc Air. Donlrlck. for wa* It m>t due to the lat¬ ter'* reao'ircefiilni'** and wide a<-'|nai'<tancc wHh variety talent tha* Cort'a money winning string of variety ho,i«.‘» In the I'aclfic norihw'rt wa* furnish'd with act* that crow,led hi* theatre* and d«'llght<'d hi* patron* in the early fki'a? Chnrbr lA.i'trlrk wa* one of the mo*t *nc c*«*ful N»>king ag.'ot* at that tin e and hi* «uc cc»* w.'* dne l*rg<I' to hi* ability to Nx'li an enllr>' bill f'-w a luMi.«e, with the pr.'p<'r n-ganl f.'r w'l'II varleii act* and *I*o t.» their film'** to l>e I lacil •.eqrentlaliv on the program.

Mr, I'oulrick ha* Nm eng*ce<i In Chic'go for over a .b-c'ole in N»'klrg vauiievllle act* Ki'r m««: of that time he ba* l»cen partmr in .'ther ftri'oi a blltig yearly to hi* Ii«t of '>ror.'v*i,'n*I acpialiilani-'« and patron* and bull.ling up a veluabl- -lb't't.1.' A little ov.-r a v.-ar sc. h'> firm,'\ tb.' I'.'iitrli'k IVs'klng .Ag>'ncv. and In ttiai *b,*rt spr'c.' ba* *nrpri*d bi!i"..-If out of the aufltbv Ibaf b.'r.t.'forc pn'vallci to kc''i>

bln «elf III 111.' bac','gr.<i,iid He ha* i’"" the i vebi-l'c b.>.'klng of the Ihrcc tn'*! cla«* vau'>''llle boll'.« In Cbicar.' the S< tii::dier'*. \.»'-|'i A' f ieie an.t th ' Tl.alia an.i can 'gn.- Cue right art* a of at lea-t 'JO week* Ihriuigh- out lb'' e .-'t 1b' ha* a ib'partmcr.t that 1* ilev.' evcllKi'elv (.» flirnl^hM'g attrac- I|..n« ,.r a ni,'«t ' ir'.al ch'iricter t.> park* air .k'ln. * f'llia . arii'val* 41b ef Jelv c-b to-atlon*. lie .'le Air Ihuitrlck'-i ni'Mlatlon f.'r con *el iilleiiv 1 'H. fill an.l *.''aipul.»i« care in at tell iti.L' I" Hie wa'il* of *11 111* nalr.'i'i a* 1* w.'ll k"'"i' ba* crea'.-ii hi* pre«eni Im-ratlve

bnsl'i. I'l'd I" Ic* plan* "ell in lia- .l inei'l am '. I nn.' ef bii'h . av h. "'''cr rai'ldl' it may

llli”^ea«e If *e. ak« ' ilnm.* f.'r Mr lAmtrIck'*, at-aight" i"l au'l » |"ar.' d 'allrg meHio.|.. that he I* b.'M li. Iil'gb .''i.'i 1" bv all hi* c'li'oet: :..r« In Cl'l. at’o and H"t fri'-ndl' and crillal f.-'dlng* ,\|.i bet".-. •' lb. 1" a"d him Among the vail lie'111" )<r.'f. «* '!' l«'ih manager* and talent. Ill* frb-n.l* and well "I'ln r* an' b glen





Six Days and Nights, Beginning June 7, at Beautiful GLENDALE PARK

Benefit the Woman's Club House Fund 2ta.i.iaaj to draiv from. Every man, woiuan and child interested. First big ont dmir attraction of the season. ISeautiful ride: fiK-cial car m-rvie*; wonderful electric illumination*. S|iecial events, varletl aiuiiaeuienta. .Mi EXHIKn'S of l-XtltEHlX and HOME-MAI>E HOODS. Concert baud, free sensational acts, and billiHl like a circus. AA'AX'TED—I.ogitiinatc tent and iilatfiirm shows, wltb attractive fronta ami strong tially. C'lii also place concesshius that do not contlict. We furnish light, location and ilcense. Can ii**- three strong free act*. AA'ire or write.

JERRY TOBIN. 2 Arcade, Nashville, Tenn.

Manegraph Film Co. 273 Prospect Avenue. BROOKLYN, N. Y.

nSrMaA^26, “THc Sevciith Clerk” ^ ’ About 900 feet.

Wait for the Great Comedy,

“Roosevelt in Africa.”

Bi^ Money Made! Afenta: tSO.OO to $100.00 wMkly, talkios annMetaary. Our Trust Scheme Envelopes do the

work. Sell at sijtht to everybody. Send for sample package, 10c, and wholesale prices.

The Highgrade Post Card Co., 475 Broadway, N. Y. City T T1\J A ¥> A 'D'U' JAMES O’LEARY. Msr, and Prop.

LiUl^ A. r AsKll 52d & Halsted Sts., Chicago, Ills.

OPENS MAY 29. SEASON 1909. DTRBAX'O'S RAX'D, 60 pickeil sidoists, engaged for the season. Have 200 feet space, st'atlng

l.OOO. Would like to hear from Country Circus or Wild AA'est Show.

Telephone, 1540 Yards.


Great Kaictii Xrio Japanese Child, Acrobats and Ring Contortionist. Address

O. NAMBA, 926 East 71st Street. Chicago. 40 PIECES 5 SO.OISTS


ITALIAN MARINE BAND H.H.S fo'v ojtrn dates for parks, fairs and gardens. .-Vddress JOSEPH II. NI(X)L.\I,

Manager, llVJI Masonic Temple, Chicago, III.

A PAIR OF PINKS COMEDY-MUSICAL-VAUDEVILLE CO. Manager* of .Alnlonii'S, Suniiiicr Th, atr>'* and Vaudeville hoiis,-*, communicate. Have swell line of sisvial lith<i paiH-r. We give SI ROXH STUKFT EXHIItlTION daily. Will arrange term* on sharing or gu*r*nie«' ba*l*. W.kNTKD I'crformer with scripts, who can produce two or thre.- 'lu*b'al Connsly bills; Singing. Dancing Soubr''ltc' Chorus (Jirls; Sp's-ialtles. Could place talentml amateur. Want to buy wanlndie trunk*. Ward Amusement Co., £1 Reno. Okla. May 17-22; Shawnee. tS-S9.

44 Xtie Billboard MAY 22, 1909

The Week in Chicago frrim (•ari- 7.1

fafcbi'jn jiUt* ' f |•^lh^T almiUr remjrt*. Sin* Soutl. «• a (ik-anirr bavrn. :c In a distinct class al'joc N>« rld;ni; dsTlc*^, shows and the other features Incidental to the summer season bate l,eeu installed and the layout looks like a winner in etory sense of the word. Miles Kr.ed Is In eie<iit;ve ebartte and H. E. Hire Is directlnp the destinies of the tbea^lral end of the enterprise. Chas. MacCl‘s>n^ has Oeen banillmc the early publicity work and It ta to be b-i|,ed that this accomplished iress arect will be the medium for the summer throti^h whrmi the tireiw will tell more about "who's who" and when they will be at Sans

Houcl. Jim O'l/eary's l.una (’ark is billed to open

•n May Sil. and Is announced as harinft ten-n practically reomstructed as far as devices of , . , , <■ , .s ■ > , entertainment are concerned. Select musical or- and May Helmuth. wardr-ds. mis fanizalions have te-en enita^ed for the season

fore have sur-b a number of stars ts-an on the same bill

Mr. rr<s|eri<k IsmsKhey Is mansfcer for Itrady and Wert.a In the prrsluctlon of My Boy at Bower's Theatre. Mr. Hatch Is stake mansfter.

Cleo, the tiir! in Ke<l, was such a sun-ess at Sid J. Kuson's that she held over for an eitra wn-k.

It la rumored that William Morris Is after two tbeatn-s In the kK,p district. If these are secured. Morris will be one of the sironjcest factors In the Western field.

The executive staff ftu- Henry W. Savage with Tlie Merry Widow, at the Colonial, is com posed of Arthur S. Phlnney, iiisoager; Arba Kliatcet and E. A. Bacbelder, business mans rers; Hstry Child, stake mansker: <Ii-o. W. .Manchester, assistant stake mansker; Chas. J. (Jarry. secretary; Maxwell I». IVarce. master of trana|s>rtation: Joseph Sanford, master ms rhinlit: Julius Hazrerde, pro|H-rty master; L. M. Hickout. assistant property master; Julliia IieuiiDk. electrician; Walter I*i[,er, assistant


The police departmenl of Coney Is¬ land. has tiarred the Siiislay rircwa. Tlielr first Interference la-ciirred Sunday. .May 1*1


A mass meeting was held at IJream- land. Colley Island. Monday. May 17. mid residu Hons |iass4Hl to lu-olest to the Maior aicaliisl ket'pini; the attractiiHis In the various parks and along Surf .\venue otwn after llli■llllgllt on Satunlays.


Renee Rela.sco, dJiughter of David Itelasco. Is agent. Till July 1.

Merry-gO'Round For Sale Very fine ‘J row, 16 aniui, iM ft, slatlonary; all caiiplete. Also a few Organs snd Motors. KREMER, 184 11th A*s.. L. 1. City, M. Y.

■iigageil to Morris Oest. s tbesiricsl ' marriage will lake plac<‘ alssit

WANTED FOR ESSI6 & SNYDER’S SHOWS .Man to make li|M-iiluks and Aniwaincements. Singing and Talking C|<mii. I’lauo Player to ■lonlile lirass. corm-t for baial amt ori'lieslra and tiilio. CiMild use giHsI bar icBUi or brotlier act. Tl'ls is s Wagon Show. Aiblfews DOM. ESSIO. Warrensburg, Mo.


which It Is ex|s*cled will erli[>se Ixina Park as we biye before known it. Mr. O'Leary has l>ersouilly seen to It that expense has not l,een spared, and anticipates in return the patronage of those who appreciate the class of entertain' ment he Is prepared to give them.


Daniel L. ‘Martin. S. Ik Emery and H H. I'razee left on the 20th C. ntitry Limited Isst w,-ek for New York, They will Is* gone • tsiut ten days.

Edward Martind-'i. wlio sings The .kla-kan n the play of the same name, played the title

role In The Sho tliin. Mnie Hlga von Hairfeldl. the new prlma

do'ina In Ti e Prime of To night, at the Prin¬ cess. N a real csintess. She was figmierly In vaud*-vllle. ami has apiM*are I In a number of ■nnsical <ome,l!i-s.

|{••smsrT Hbisz. the Sonia of the Western Mt-rry Widow Com|>an>. saw Miss .kbarbanell In the role St a r-ss-nt is-rformance at the Co¬ lonial. Mlsa Giosz is a C'

S<-olt C<s.iN-r will lo* the h'nator l.angdim of The Gentlemau from MlsKissi|>|i| Company that will give the <a,in<-(ly in the Wi-at and South.

Mr. Bert Baker, now with The Prince of To- Nlgl't. will lie th“ star of The lloneyiaisin Trail n**\t s*‘as,»n.

\V. T. Grover, w lio has Is-en manager of the Anierlran Music Hail. New York, has assumed the manag-Bo lit of tlio American Music Hall. Chicago. Mr. Klim-r p. Itogers. the former manager, has gone to New York to resume the general managership of all the Morris theatrl- •al interests.

Herls-rt C. Puce, iiirnagcr of the Garrick rtn-atre. has Iss-n a|>|eilnted western represent stive for Messrs. ShiilM-rt.

ilinniy l.uras, a yaudeyllle favorite, baa been .ngar:.-,l by Mort H Singer to take the part of Cad,-t Jefferaoii Carter in The Golden Girl next seas<Hi.

Ihe entire iirialurlloii of A Winning Mias has Is-t-n sohl to two yming men. who will rewrite tin- Issik and «-nd th«* play on a circuit of one- night stands next season. A Winning Mias was tie- attraction at the Harden Theatre for a inie. Tie Princess .Aniiisemeiit Company will send It five musical cimnsly companies next fall, wo will play A Stiililswn Cinderella, one will Is.T The Goiilen Girl, iiiie Tiie Prince of To- Isht. and the fifth. Ttie Honeymism Trail. In

ad-lltion to these I.aSalle and Princess Theatre sie-ws. Harry H Frazei- will send out The Girl gii'Stion. The Time Hie Place and the Girl and A Girl at the Helm.

('ollins and Hart, who were with Little Nemo wh»-ii it closed here, have gone back into vaude¬ ville.

Milliam l^-nip. of TTie Cstspaw Company, which cl'>s<-d at tbe .'ttndeliaker Theatre re- •enily. was featured for two seasons at the Mayor In The Man of the H<Hir.

Aliss Ethel Balch and Ralph Erroll, Charles

Miss Marie Nordstrean, leading woman for i Henry E. I'lxey In Mary Jane’s Pa. says she Is single, though the Milwaukee records show that : Marie Nordstrom was marrie,! to William Lltch- 1 field, of Nev, York. Mlsa Nordstrom wears a I

wedding ring, but saya It la a "prop<-rty" ring. |

Fred Grant Young is in advance of Mary Menncring. who Is now playing at the Gar- i rick Iheatre. Mr. Young is an artist of note and has a studio In tbe East. i

Prank Rlnock, son of Cougres-nian Ulnock, | of Kentncky, Is In the city on business for the Shnbert attractions. i

Helen Macts-tb, whose real name la Mra. ! prank Mills, is leading woman for Marv Man- | nering. Mr. Mills la leading man for Olga . N'cHicrsolc. 1

Arnold W. Brunner, a New York City archi¬ tect, came to Chicago to witness the first piT- fornisnce of The Independent Miss Gower, | which was written by Mra. Brunner.

I-ouis Sydmeth, who waa a member of the all- star cast that pro-liiced The Lion and tbe Mouse In Is-ndon. la a member of Mary Mannering's company, producing The Independent Miss Gow¬ er.

J. C. Human, general stage director for the Mtssrs Shultcrt. ha gone baek to New Y’ork after a short stay In this city.

Miss Janet Bis-cher. who plays the itwedlsb servant girl In The Bachelor, was leading wo¬ man with a stock company in Milwaukee last season.

Ralph Morgan and Charles Laitw. two mem- i Is-rs of Tlie Bsrlielor, now playing at the Whit¬ ney, were members of the Bush Temple iitock Company earlier in the season.

The White Rats of America will hold a meeting and Initiation in Chicago during tbe w-e<*k of June 21. The pniceeilings will occupy the entire week, atnl gn-at will Iw the doings. No particular plact* has lieen selected as yet In which the me,‘tings and initiations are to t>e held. During the last me,-ting in this city, the Colonial Theatre was turned over to the Rata. Members are extn-eted from all over the coun¬ try. Bobby Gaylor will lx* In his glory.

Bert Gregory writes to us that the Minneaota State Pair will have one of the finest grand stands ever constructwl and will i>resent the most elaborate amus<'ment program ever offere<l to an American audience.

It Will Cost You Less Money to atari a l.angblug Mirror Hbow than any

-- ;- other attracHoii of equal f arulng cai*clty— . ^ providing you buy a set of our Improved

* Metal Ijiuglilng Mlrrora. These mlrrura ara r A made of a highly |M>llshed nickel cotnptisIHoD.

^ They l<N>k like tbe fine plate glaas mlrrura aiMl they answer practically tbe same punsiso at far less c<sit. This la the best amanement pnnssdilon to .lay, either for a |iark or for

i traveling. Anyone can be aucceaaful, as It Is easy to Install and easy to o|ierate. All you ne,-<l Is a act of minors ami a place In whi-'li to run the bImiw. Moat any kind of a building will do, or, you can use a tent. Riiniilng exis-naes coualat of light, ticket s<-ller ami ticket laker. The show Is always ready for business and can be profitably up eratisl even at tliues when there are not emmgb ptsude In sight to make It worth while o|>eniiig oilier attractlolia. Writs to

I day for full partlculara.

J. M. Naughton Amusenent Const. Co. Hotel Mayer Bld(.. Peoria, III.

The IVfan Behind The Cirun Gets The Dough!

llundn^lH ran prure tbla. It will pay you to o|MTate autl tlrmouatratt* tbr


Our Cannon takes, dereloiis and fin¬ ishes Photo Button in 30 aeconds. rea*iy to wear. No ex|ierlence requlre.1. t an lie set mi In 2t* wcoiKls, ready to o|ierate. A l lg money tiiaker at P’alra, Carnivals. Picnics, and all other Celebrations. plete outfit, which Includes the uecesimry supplies fur msking 3n0 finished iibotoe, t'J-'. Sent u|Min receipt of (5. Bsisnee C. O. D.


PUirnrn CCDDHTYDC rn R* IROF*.retype Bid*..Congruss Bxset reproduction of Photo InlbnbU ruKKUl 11 b lU.and Laflin Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL. Button snd Prsme.

The Week in New York Carnival Novelties (Contlniiail from page 6.)

ment. but singularly suougb some performers hare eheriahed the Idea that the signing of a eoiitraet bound them to no legal or moral obli¬ gation whatever.

"tliily last week a performer to whom we eontraeted to pay a big salary declined to play at the Fifth Avenue Theatre because he did not


had n.'>thinc to say almut bow we should adver Hse eur liiisiness. He seemed Indignant that we exi>ected liiin to play, though he would doubtless have sued us promptly enough bad we told him the program would not embrace bis act.

"Siioh eas, s as this liave l»een frequent, but are likely to be extrvinely rare In the future.

•’There has b<*<-n alwidutely no personal Issue in the tight we made. We engaged the moat distinguished rouns,-! and have made a straight forward fight for a Inislneaa principle, without any |M>rsonal fe»-llng toward either the perform er or the manager involved In the suit of Mr. Keith against Miss Kelleruiann anil tbe sub sequent suit of Mr. Morris to try to force her to wwk for him.”

Jiiilge Hough holds that though tbe Keith contract is divided as to pn.vislona for winter anil summer, it Is really one contract.

Vaughan and Charles Huntingdon, are the pHn- approve of our system of billing. His contract elpals in the Nstional Hpera Company, Mr. had n.'>thlnc to say almut how we should adver- ’’harles Marvin’s n*'west enterprise.

Wilson MelriMo-, of Tbe Catspaw, was married in New York re<s-nHy to Miss Davies, a sister Ilf the dramatic critic of the New York live¬ ning tiiin.

Wm H. Brill Is s|H-nding a few davs with oews|iaiH-r friends in Clilcarn. after his Initial t<Kir Ilf Hi« Coast with The Right of Way. .\m<aig other plavos he visited was Anaconda.

John Riiel, of Rii,*| and Tnss,*!]. has returned from Iowa, where he was with the Yankee Roh iHsoD Shows for tbe o|M-niiig is-rfurmaiiees. He savs the wiather was alsimlnshle.

Tlie only Boldiy Gaylor and Aldi-rnian Michael Mclsearney. of th«- .’lilHi ward, may do a don- hle vaudeville turn. If they decide to go ahi-ad with Hie disible {vditleal stunt, Bobby will Im manager. treasiinT and general ex¬ plorer of misb-m ideas of natural vaudeville— wliatever that Is.

Burr .McIntosh gave a lecture mi i)ur Coun¬ try and Its ruitu-e, under the auspices of the Illinois Business Men’s .Associstinn. on the 18th, for the Is-nefit of the Dean Summer Mission.

Elsie Ferguson, now (daylng In The Travel ing Ssh-sTiian at the Illinois, will be starred next s«*a«on as t’oe girl queen in Channlng Pol¬ lock’s Such a Little Queen.

Nellie Kevell has deserted the evil ways of the press agent, for a time, and can now be seen doing a vaudeville stunt at the Bush Tom- l»Ie.

Silk Stockings for the ladies will be given away at the Chicago 0|>era House on the eve¬ ning of the 18tk. The (H-easion was the fiOth fK-rfiii-manee of Mary Jane's pa.

Samoan Airis. Devaney and Kay, Kineh and Vyne. Ml-s Gladys. Venetian pmir and DuValo and I Ina are on the bill for tho op»-nlng of Mill’s A'anderllle Theatre, at Sans Soucl Park, May 22.

•riie Indian's Soeri-t Is the title of a new play which Lincoln J, Carter will shortly give to tlir public.

J. A Ncrman, manager of The Texas Ranger Co.. Is In Chicago on business. He reiiorts that his snow has I>eeu doing a fair business through the N*irthwesl.

Bert Tuekiiian. connected with the Brady at- tracHon-i. has Is-en a very luisy man getting ready for the i.paluction of .My Boy at Power’s Tbeatn.

Richard Carl will arrive at tbe Colonial The¬ atre May 30 with Th*’ Iliinly Hiirdy Girls, for a bummer run.

3'hc I.auilia’ (’lull GauilMd, to Ik* held at tbe .Aiiditorliitr.. May 'Jfi. will b<* an e»-ent that will Is- retii* nile-rt'd for vi.-ar-* to eom**. Nev,*r lie-

figgpst variety, loaest prices. Or-

dera ahipiied same day as received.

Write for Free Iiliistialed I'atairg $I.4S Per Qroaa. -


Kansas City. Mo.

Streetmen! Auctioneers! Something DoiniI Are You On? "The Red King" J

r«t8*iit for. A |H‘rf«‘ct Ink ivnril. It^sl rul4H»r A i’Ioh** eluplloato of thr faniniifi I>w«rf, that yon mn h*»II nt tlio riiont |»rlr«‘, rihI iimke* l»lic iirofllfi. Satiiolu* by mall 1»V, THI COKMERCIAL NOVELTIES CO., Mfra., IgQ E. Monroe StV, Chioro. IH._

tiif: iii'sinkss diiuxtxjuy oivfk THK ADDKI-XSRK OF AI.D THE I.I<1AI>KIIS.

QUEENSBORO BRIDGE CELEBRATION Auspices of tbe M BBS CltlzcDs of New York City.

eJUNE: 12tti to 20tlY. 2 Saturdays—O Dig Days and Nlgtils—2 Sundays.

Space open for several shows.

WANTED—Ferris Wheel and Hiding Devices.

Privilejjes of all kinds for sale.


$5,000.00 Queen of Carnival—xSee New York American.

MAY 22. 1909. 'I'he Ulllboai'cl

PARKS (('oiillnuMi from Tt.i

•t. ijoaia - f'ark. Letup Hreirlric Cu.. prvpe.; Itute-rt HertiminD, Oisr. alao oiKr atlr.; iUt (8) (x); book ladep..ii<l»iit.

•L Uhi1» -Oeva CViuer l>ak« i'lrk, L'olted Rail wa/a Uo.. prupa.; J, C. Jauuopoulu, lugr.; also mgr attr.i lUl.

tt. LouU- Eoiplrc Uardeo, Jua. (iallaclter, iu(r.; alae Dfr. atir.; Ill <4| (x|.

•adalla—iJbrrty Park, Cltjr ot Hedalla, pru|>a.; H. C. Luedemaon. mcr.; Lll>ertr Park Ibtard, Dfra. attx.

•prtiMffl'Id—White City, btuoe A Nerllle, prr>(>a.; A oifra.; aiao luKra. attr.; (I| (3|; Ctiaa. Bodkloa bo»ka rauderllle attr.

•prlncllrld—1><*IIdx Park, Dollnc Park Amuar Bant (X>., propa.; Wm. II. Zextard, idkt.; alao BfT. attr. i iSi; play opera; (x|.

Wabb Olty—I..akealde, Houtbweatern Mlaaourl R B. Co., pr<ipa ; Al. R. Itaacom, kl3 W, 2d at... Webb City, Mo.; (2| (3| (x|.


Anarunda—Waaboe park. Klactrlr I.ljbt and Railway Co., propa.; F. II. Clinton, tokr.. alao mcr. attr.; (2) (Si.

•ntta—Columbia tiardrna, Butte Eleetrir Ry. Oo.. propa.; J. R. Wbarttn, mgr.; (2| (3i (II.


Beatnre—Beatrice, Cbautaugua Aaan., propa. A Bira.; (2i (Si.

Darfd City—Cliautaagua, Cbautauqua Park Co.. propa A mira.; i2i (x) iSi.

radrbnry—City Park; (1| (3l. Lincoln—Capital Beach. Capital Beacb Co.

propa.; J. A. Burkataff, mfr.; alao mir attr.; (1| (Si lx|; J. A. Burkataff bouka raudeTllle attract Iona.

Marfolk—Freytbaler Park. John Freytbaler, prop A mcr.

(Imaba -Kniir. U>).lfrD Amuiu-mcnt Co., propa • W W Cole, mitr.; (2. (.1i. ’

Aonth Bloux City—Cryatal Lake Park. Harry A ^aya, prop A mgr.

fart—Olty Park. City of York, propa.; (2l (xl

f^—Hill Park. City of York, propa.; (2i


Olaramoct—Pina Grove Park, h. J. A M II kfwdy, propa.,' Oeo. E. Moody. in*T.; alao Bfr. attr.; (1| (Si; Qeo. Moody booka raude- nlla artractinna.

OOBCord—ContoDock RIter Park. W. F Rar m*r.; (II (Si.

«aa»c—Keene Diirlnx Park. Keene Electric Oo., propa.

M^^ter—Pine Inland Park. Mancbeater Light • Power Co., props. Address sll cooiXDualca- tlona to above company at 4« llanorcr at.

•alam—Canoble Lake, Grand A Ramadell, propa • R ■. Graver, mgr.; Franklin Woodman. ni(fT attr.; (11 (81; Joa. Flynn booka vaudeville attrarticaia.


Rayoaiae—Bayonne Park. Wm. H. O'Neill. Bayonne—Waehlnklon Park. Wa«hlnifton Park

AiuuiM'ai<‘Dt Co., pro|»«. BallevlIIe—lllllatde Pleaanre Park. W. E. Tbal

Irr. prop, and mgr., alao mgr. attr.; (1) (4)

TninMIng Dam Park. H. L. Tyler agr.; M. Rudy Heller, Keltb'a Theatre Build' mg. 11 HI Cbeatnut at.. Philadelphia. Pa booking mgr.

M Kn<ly Heller. Building. 1118 Chentnut at.,

Philadelphia. Pa., booking mgr. Onpa May—(lewrll'a Point. M. Hodv Heller,

iixl ni*r., alao mgr. attr.; Hetler'a Eaat- am C'lrcnlt: (1) (4).

Kayport—Pavilion Beach. Mgr. Knapp, prop. A

Vlaple»(e>.l--iTollyw.»e1 Park. Harrv L Morrla mgr., bs Clinton at.. Newark. N J

Me4TlIle Traatlon Oa.. propa.; Oeo. H. Tbomaa. mgr.; (1).

Itawark-Olympic. H. H. A. Schmidt, prop. A : •••o nigr. attr.; ili (Si.

Rawark—Hlllalde Park. Mr. •fhallw. prop A mgr.; alao mgr. attr. (ll.

*>«“»«■*<' Park Amnae P’^’I’a.; H. Dunlap, mgr., alao mgr

•ttr.; Tanner Ctrcnit; (11 (SI. Wum (•arden. nsnu W’evers, prop.

A mfr.; 4:»7 SprinirfleM are.. Newark. N. J. f"*ra Pier, Del Taylor, mgr.;

Heller, Kelth'a Tlieatre Bull.llug. U18 Cbeatnut at.. Phlladeipbla. Pa. booking

Paliaadi'i Park. Pallaadea Park .\m. Co.. proiM. . Bov r.N. Pallaad.-a. N J.

Perth .4mb«y—Itoyntun Beach, Boynton Btoa.. pri>|»a.; C. Ilornton. m^r.: alao mifr. attr.; Ml: C. Ttovnton Ukska Tauderllle attr

t^rr. propa.; }*• X*'''' attr.; (ll (Si;

£.*" l*<'^a rnudeTllle attractlona. •an lale «tr—New Ocean Pier. M. Rudy Hcl-

Building. 1118 Cbeatnut _Philadelphia. Pa., booking mgr WUdw^—N>w Ocean Pier. M Rudy Heller.

Kaltha Theatre Building 1118 ('beatnut at.. Philadelphia. Pa., bookliw mgr


Alb^u^ne—Traction Park. Albuquerune Trac-

(sT (?i ’ **^"*’*‘ ^ (^(•••Lh'*ucne, mgr.; (II

■aat Ina egaa-Galltnaa Park. City of Eaat Ina ▼agaa. prop*.; R. R. Gwltcbell, mgr ; (51 (*).


Albany—tAltro, Altro Park Amuaement Ok. tmopn ; (ll (Si.

Amaterdam—Akin Park. M. INie Anderaon. prop. .JL?” “tc.. alao mgr. attr.: (II (41 txl, Antam—I.akealde Park. Autmm A Syracuae

R^trlc Co., nrofia.; R. a. Duyer, mgr,; (5l. Anbnm- laland Park, N. Oarmody, prop. A mgr;.

(1) (41; Kelth'a Circuit. Binghamton—Kiiaa Park. Binghamton Ry. Ok.

pcup* : J. P. B. Clark, mgr,; alao mgr. attr.; (1): local banda only; J. V. E. Clark bo»>ka 4k«devlll# attractlona.

tnghamton -Caalno, Binghamton Ry Co.. Wwpn : J. P B. Clark, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (11; local banda ouly; book direct.


rile IVealem Vaililevill,. .(".vlallon. of Chi eago. ha> lea«'| the ItolNiid Theatre. Mati.m 111., and la prciM'ntliig high ela«« iin<«ram« of moving plelnr.w and laiidevllle l.**l wivk'a

•'Kllvllne I'laier. Ilie KolamI rhealn" I* manvg,*,) l>> Mr Ujom

Klnghamtoo—Caaino Part. Binghamton Railway Co., priipa.; J. P. K. Clark, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (fi (4| <x).

BIngliatiiton—Wbli ■ City, Wag-ner Park Am. t.'o., pr<u>a.; L. E. Wagei^r, uigr.; alao mgr. attr.; (I) (.1).

Bay Vlww—Bay View Beacb Park, Adolphus Buacb, Blasdell, N. Y.; (2|*ixi; have own band.

RuffaJty—Laua Park, R. H. McBroom, prop. A n^r.; (1| (4i.

Buffalo—Bellevue, lataniatlonal R. R. Co., prop* : (5i (XI.

Chariotta—(Jntarlo Beach Park, Ontario Beacb Hotel and Amuaement Co., propa.; Ben L. Peer, mgr.; alao mgr attr.; (1) (3i; Central Amusement Exchange, Rochester, N. Y., books vaudavllle.

Coney laland—Dreamland, Dreamland Oo., props.; Bam Couffiperty, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (li (31; own circuit; Dreamlaud (5o., 25B Fifth are.. New York City, booka vaudeville.

i'obtr^—Colioea Ice Itlnk. Tbwo. Wallace, prop.; John Wallace, mgr., alao mgr. attr.; East¬ ern New York Circuit: (6).

Coney laland—Bteeplecbase, Geo. C. Tllyoa. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1| (Si; book direct.

Coney Island—t.ona Park. Thompson A Dundy, props.; Fred McClellau, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; til (3|; Thompson A Dundy book vaodaviUs attractlona.

Coney laland-Brighton Beacb Park. Brighton Beach Amusement Co., props. A mgra.; l2i (3l; Brighton Beacb Amuse. Co. booka vaude¬ ville.

Cortland—Little York Pavilion. Cortland County Traction Co., props.; G. H. Garrison, mgr - also mgr. attr.; (2) (3i; G. H. Gar.-iaoo lKK>ks attractions.

Elmira—Eldrldge, city of Elmira, projia.; Enoch Little, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (li iSt; Enoch Little iKJoks attractions.

Elmira—Rorlck'a Glen Park. Elmira Water A Light Co., props.; Samuel J. DIU. mgr.; (2| (Si; Manager books raaderlUe attractlona.

Glens Falls—illenn Lake Park. Herbert Grea- son. mrr

Ithaca—Renwick Park. Renwlck Park atsl Traf flc Aaac . props.; R L. Post, mgr . alao mgr attr ; l2i t.3l (xi.

lroode<iu«>lt—Sea Breese Park, R/jcbeater Ry. Co., [(roisi.; B. E. Wilson, mgr., also mgr. attr ; (li (3i: Centre! Amuaement Excbange, of Rtrbester, Circuit; C. W. Nelaoo booka vau¬ deville attr.

Idoodequolt—Glen Haven Park. Rochester Ry. Co., prrips.; B. E. Wilson, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (li (41: Central Amusement Exchange, of Rochester, N. Y'.; C. W. Nelson booka vau¬ deville attr.

Klngatoo—Klngaten Point Park. Cona. R. R. Co., props.; C. (Jordon Reel, mgr.; also mgr. sttr.; (1) (XI <3i; Manager books attractions.

Middletown—Midway Park. Wallklll Transit O).. props. A mgra.; also mgrs. attr.; (1) (3i; Park Booking Circuit, Inc.

.New Hartford-Little Coney laland. Loola Hy¬ man, prop. A mgr.; (1|; Manager books vande vllle.

Greater Nrw York-Clmer Park W T. Texter; (11 (Si.

Greater New York—Steeplechase Park. Geo C. Tilyon.

Greater New York—Gala Park. W 9 Wright. Greater New Y’ork—Luna Park. Frederic Thomp-

eoQ. Greater New York—Dreamland. Wm H Reyn

olds. Greater New York—North Beach Greater New York—Lagoon Park Greater New York—Brighton Beach Park. Great«r New York—Bergen Beacb. Bergen Beach

Amuaement Co. Greater New York—Manhattan Caaino Park. Greater New York—Pelham Bay Park. Greater New York—Sulier'a Harlem River Park.

E. T. S'ulxer. Greater New York—Happyland. South Beach

Amnsement Co. Greater New York—Fort George Park. Niagara Kails—Kr-witler Park. Fri>ntler .\muse.

Co., nrops.: Geo. J g mons. pres. OIrott—Rialto. Charles Amnsafcent Co., props ;

J. Hsrvey Dayer, mgr.; aliA mgr. amuse.; (II (81; W. 8. Cleveland Circuit.

Olcott—Olcott Beach. International R. R. Co., props.; L. Lang, mgr.; (li (3i (il.

Glean—Rock City Rlverhuiwt. Western N. T. A Pa., Traction (>>.. props.; Chat. B Dav's, mgr.; alto mgr. sttr.; (2i iSl (il.

Ouon.lage Valley—Fellows Park. Chas M Fel low«. prop.: Keith's Circuit.

l*rlskanv—Summit Park G. W Baker, ps'p. A mgr.; also mgr. attr : iti <4': G. W. Baker bviks attr.

Peeksklll—-Bhady Ijike Park. Shady lake Com¬ pany, props.; Wm. H. licnt. mgr., also mgr. attr.: Tanner booka attr.: (II (.11 (xl.

Rochester—Ontario Beach Park. Ontario Beach Hotel * .kmnsement Co., props.; Ben. L, Peer, 1R4 Powers Bldg . mgr., also mgr. attr.; plays outside spectscnlar free sets; (SI (il.

S.iith Beach. Staten Island— Happyland. H*w genhan .\mus,>, Co.. rriH" : .Mb,'rt Hergen- mgr : Wm. .4 Staley, mgr attr.; (II i3..

Sylvan Beach—Luna Park. Peter Kllppell, prop A mcr.; also mgr attr.; t2i; local bands only; (xl.

Syracuse—Fellows' Park. C. M. Fellows, prop.: P. J. Honold. mirr.; Syracuae Rapid Transit A Ry. Co., mrrs. attr.; (II (41; KHth'a (%- cult; T'olt^ Booking Offices. New York.

Waverly—Keystone Park. W. 8. A A. Traction Co., profit.; W E. Case. m(rr.; ilso mgr. attr.; (II (SI; W. K. Case boiika vaudeville attr.

NORTH CAROLINA. AsheTlIle—Overlook Park. I^iBarbe, Moal A

(lilies, props. A mgrs ; Mr. Chiles, mgr. attr; (11 (SI; Independent.

Asheville—Riverside Park. Asheville Electric Co., props.; I. P. Keeler, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.: Ill (Si; Independont.

Cbarlotte-^.atta Park. E. D Latta. prop.; T. J. W. Brown, mgr ; B. D. Latta. mgr. attr.; (21 (81 (ll.

(liaTlotto—Electric Park. K, D. lAtta. prop.; W. Carsiio Davis, mgr., also mgr. attr.; til (91 (Xl.

ConconI—Glen»o<>l. U M Sutt>ir. prop. A mcr

n end reminv tils—I.aurel. W. A, Smith, prop.; Walter B Smith, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; tl) (41; W. B. Bmtth hooka vaudeville attr.

Ralelch—Pullen Park. City of Raleigh, props.; W, A. Ilowoll. mirr.; alao mgr. attr.; (3) (Si (tl.

Sallabnry—Fnltcn Heights. H H. Diiggett. mgr.; (II (.il; Manager tHMka vaudeville attractions.

Waahtngti'n-Riverside Park. W H. Russ Bros. (V>.. props ; W H. Rust, mgr,; (2l (91.


Akron -I^keolde. N. O. T. A L. Co., props : Harry Hawn, mgr.; also mgr. attr,; (li (91; Harry llawm Circuit; Harry Hawn books vtudevllle attractions.

Alllancs—Lake Park, C. W. Goodwin, prop. A | mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (2| (3|.

Beach Park—Avon Beach Park. Lake Shore Electric Ry., props.; F. J. Roth, mitr.; also mgr. attr.; (5i (x|.

Cambridge--Electric, A. J. Middleswartz, mgr.; (.Il (xt.

'anton—Meyers Lake Park. Northern Ohio Traction Co.. pro;ja.; H. B. Riti, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; tli (4i: Hawn Circuit; Harry Hawn rauderllle attraetbma.

'odar Point—Cedar Point Park, Geo. A. Boeck- ling, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (xi; Jos. A. Ryan, booka vanderllle attr.

''elina—Cellna Park. J. E. Hamberger, prop. A mgr., also mgr. attr.; Ill (3i (x|.

Chippewa Falla—Irvine, City of Chippewa Falls, pri/i»s ; M. S. Halley, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; <2, GJi (Xl.

'Inclnnatl—Coney Island Park, The Coney Is¬ land Co., prifps. and mgrs., also mgrs. attr.; (Jeo. W. Eogelbreth books xaadevllle attr; (1) (3i (xl.

■Inclnnatl—Lagrjoc. John V. Hunt, mgr.; (ll • ti; National Park Managers' Asan., 1402 Broadway. New York, booka vaudeville.

Olnclnnatl-^lnclnnati Zoological Garden, Cln- clonstl Zoological Co.; hi. A. Stephan, mgr.; Waller A. Draper, mgr. attr.; (2| (3); Walter A. Draper, booka attractions.

.Inclnnatl—Chester Park, i. M. Martin, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1| (4).

leveland—Euclid Gardens, Garden Amusement 0>., props.; Max Faetkenbeuer, mifr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1| (3|; Max Faetkenbeur, booka raudeville attractions.

ilsveland—Euclid Beach Park. The Humphrey Co., D. S. Humphrey, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5i (XI.

Cleveland—Luna Park. Ingersoll Amusement Co.. props.; Elwood Salsbury, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3|; Independent; Elwood Salatxiry books vaudeville attractions.

Columbus—Indianola Park. ludiauola Park Co., pr<.[<s.; C. E. Mile', mgr.; (It (3); Gus Sun Circuit: C. E. Miles l>or>ks attr.

Columbus—Oleufangy, Dusent-ury Bros., [irops.; J. W Dutu-nbury. mgr.; (li (3|.

0)iuieaut—Lake View Park, dty of Conueaut, psops.; Arthur Benjamin, mgr., alao mgr. attr.: (2> (3t (xl.

(laytOD—Lakeside Park. Lakeside Park (!o.. props.; Jamea A. Kirk, mgr., alao mgr. attr.; Gua Sun Circuit; (11 (3i.

Dayton—Falrvlew Park. People's Railway Co., props.: Elmer Redelle, mgr., also mgr. attr.; Keith Vaudeville Circuit; (11 (3i.

Dayton—White City Park. White City Park Co., props.; (Jeo. H. Helser. mgr., alto mgr. attr.; (II (3i (XI.

Oeflance—laland Park. W. P. Engel, prop. A mgr.; tMo mgr. attr.; iSi (xl.

Cast Liverpool—Lake Brady Park. Lake Brady Park Co., props.

Findlay—Rlveraide Park. (Xty of Findlay, props.; (II (31.

Flndlsy—Reeves Park, T. F. A T. R. R.; Mr. r. D. Adams, ot T. P. A P.. mgr.; (ll (3i.

Fostorla—Meadow Brook. Hffln Railway (!o., props.; (2i (3».

Kranklin—Miami Valley Cbantangna. Chautau¬ qua .\ssn.. props.; F. G. Cromer, mgr.; also mgr afU.: (li (3i

Hepburn—Spring Lake Resort. Joe DeFuer, prop. A mgr.; ■ (xl.

(ronton—Beechwood. Ironton Amusement Co., props.; Edward C. Turney, mgr.; (2i 1x1 (3).

Cent—Lake Brady, East Liverpool Dev. Co.; 8. H. Frost, mgr.; F. E. Johnson, mgr. attr.; (51 (xl (xxi: F. E. Johnson books attr.

Kenton—IdlewUd, Arthur Salisbury, prop A mgr.; (51 (xl.

''Sneaster—Maplewood, Chat. Thompson, prop.; L. H. Pursell. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (li (31 (xl; L. H. Purtril books vaudeville.

Lincsster—Rising Park. City of Lancaster, props.: Park Board, mgrs.; (51 (x).

Lima—Hover Park. StandaM Amuaement Co., props.; 8. Otis Dotson, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (41.

i.lma—McCoHongh Lake. M, McCollough. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; i5l.

MansSeld—Sherman's Hineman. Street Ry. Co., prop-i : E. R. Endley. mgr.

Mt. Vernon—Hiawatha. Mt. V. Electric St. R. R. Co., prop#.; C. O. Fnller, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (ll (31; C. G. Fuller books vaudeville attractions.

Newark—Idlewlld. 8. K. Haves, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (xxl; (41 (x); 8. X. Hayes, books attractions.

Newark—Buckeye Lake Park. Will D. Harris, mgr. A lessee; WUl D. Harris, mgr. attr; (ll (SI (xl: Will D. Harris books attractions. This park la located between Columbus and Newark, on the Ohio Electric Railway.

New Philadelphia—Tnacora. TUtcora Park Co., props,; Wm. J. Wise, mgr.; (21 (3); Manager books vaudeville attractlona.

Nllea—Avon. Avon Park Amuaement &>.. Girard. O.. props.; J. W. Wesa. mgr.: alao mgr. attr.; <11 (SI (Xl; J. W. Wesa booka artractions.

Portsmooth—Mlllbrook Park. Portamonth St. R R. Co., prop#.; Levi D. York, mgr.; Ravmood D. York. mgr. attr.; (21 (81.

Ibit In Bay—Ibit in-Bay. O. O. Hehlle. pri>p. Bavenna—Lake Brady Park. Lake Brady Park

Co., props.; 8. Frost, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (3( (Xil; .\kroQ Clrcnlt.

Nanduaky—Rye Beach. R. C. Bruns, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; t2l (Si; book direct.

Nandusky—Put in Bay. Board o< Trade of Put in Psy. props. A mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (II (9* (xl; Cel. J. Diegel. b<»ks attractions.

4andasky—Lakeside Park. Rev. Ix>nnlng. prop.; Lakeside Bo(urd of Trade, mjrrs.; also mgrs attr.; (SI; Board of Trade Iniks attractlona.

ApringSeld—Spring Orovn. fTial^laH Bg. Oa. props.; (II (3l: Sun Circuit.

4pr!ngflel>L—Zoo, H. A. Rhonemns. prop. A mgr.; also mgr, attr.; (II i9i.

NteubenvUle—Stant>in Park, hteubenvllle A Bast IJverpool Ry A Ught Co., props.; Hiirv Arm strong, mgr.; also mgr, attr.; Central Amuse¬ ment Exchange, of Rochester. N. T.,; C. W. Nelson books vandeTtlle attractions; (ll (41.

roledo—Farm Park and Theatre. Ixmls Hanner. prop.; JiTs. Pearlateln. mgr., also mgr, attr.: Keith Circuit til <4(

Toleil.v—White City Park. White City Park Ok. props, and mgrs.. alsi' mgrs. attr.; (21 (SI

VsrmtUioo—Crystal Beach. Geo. P. Wahl mgr attr.; (xl (11 »S>.

Willoughby—Willoughby Beach. The Willoughby Beach Park 0>.. props.; J. Jordan, mgr.; E. I- Schinock. mrr. attr.: <21 (S> (xl.

EauesvIIIe—Moxah.ala Park. Moxah.xIa Park A .4mn-«'. Co.. pr»'|« ; Louis Cohn, mgr.; also mgr. attr,; (2' (3>.


Bartlesville—tVliseum, Grey Bix^a.. pix'ps.; C. W. Stater, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (51; Sk'Qtbern Clrcnlt.

Bartlesville—t'klah Alrd<'ine, J. L. Overless. prop ; John F Fllnn. mgr.; also mgr. atttr.: («i (xl.

Enid—Delmar Theatre, Enid Theatre Oo., props.; Albert Loewen. mgr., also mgr. attr.i S'nitbem Tbeatrical Circuit; (2) (Si.

Guthrie—Crystal Alrdome, Brooks A McKennon. props.; (2| (4) (xx|; Dallas Alrdome Cir¬ cuit.

Hugo—Star Alrdome, Star Amusement (Jompany, props.; Frank Marks, mgr.; R. L. May, Mus¬ kogee, mgr. attr.; (21 (41 (xl.

Lawton—Lawton Alrdome, Martin and Meech. pr<jj«.; Robert W. Meech. mgr., alao mgr. attr.; (41 Ixx).

.McAIester—Lake Park. Wm. Busby, prop.; A. B. Eates, mgr.; A. B. Estes, mgr. attr.; (61

(X). Muskogee—Hyde Park. Muskogee Electric Trac

tlon ‘Jo., pro|is.; R. D. Long, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (li (3i (xl; R. D. Long booka van devllle attractions.

Okmulgee—Star Alrdome. R. J. Greenwood, mgr., alao mgr. attr.: (51.

Pas'buaka—Lylrc, J. W. Ramsey, prop.; C. W Stater, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (51 (xl.

Sulphur—The Vendome. Veiidome Amiue. Co., props

Tulta—Owen Park. Chtuncey Owen, prop.; '2t (41.

Tulsa—Coliseum, C. W. Stater, mgr.; slsu mirr attr.; (5|; Southern Circuit.


Portland—The Oaks. Portland Ry., Light A Power Co., props.; also mgrs. sttr.; (2 ixl (31; manager books attractlona.


.t'hUnd—Woodland. Sobuylkill Ry. Co., pr-(>a.; Geo. H. Gerber, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; ill (31; Boom Circuit; Maurice Boom. 1‘285 Broadway. Nrw Y'orit, booka vaudeville al tractlona.

.tltooni—Lakemont, American St. R. R Co.; T. Shannon, mgr.; (II (31; Melville

Circuit; Frank Melville hooks vaudeville at traction*.

Bellefonte—Hecla Park, Central R. R of Pa., props.; W. R. Galnaford, mgr . also mgr. attr.; (2l (xl.

Bradford—Hock City Park. Bradford A 'Mean Traction Co., props.; (2l (31.

Butler—-Mameila. Butler Pass. R. R Co., props.; W. H. Pape, m(tr. attr.; (1> (3>: W. 11. Pape l*ook8 vamlevllle attractions

< hambersburg—Dreamland. Aug. Wolf, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (li (3| (n. .4ug. Wolf books attr.

Columbia—Cblrxies Park, C.-nestoga Traction Co., props.; H. Apgar. mgr.; (5).

Columbus—Recreation. Columbus Park .Xsss.. props.; E. E. Bush, mgr.; alao mgr attr.; I2l IX); plays local banda; use moving pic turea.

Dauielsville—Danlelsvllle Park. Danlelfvllle R R Co., props. A mgrs.; slto mgrs. attr.; (2).

Easton—Island Park. Easton Amuse Co., props.; D. E. Segreene, mgr.; alao mgr at tractlona; (11 (3i; M. Rudy Heller, Kelth'a Theatre Bldg.. 1118 Chestnut at.. Phlladel pbta. Pa.

Eaton—Island Park. H. R. Fehr, mgr. Erie—Waldameer Park. Buffalo and Lake Erie

St. By. Co., Thos. Maloney, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1) (31; Frank Melville books vaiide vllle attr.

Erie—Fonr Mile Creek Park, Erie Brewing Co., propa.; H. F. Foster, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (41; U. 8. Booking Agency booka vaude vllle kttr.

F.ipositlon Park—Exposition Park on Conneaut Lake, Conneaut Lake Co., H. O. Holcomb, pres.; F. W. Hennlnger. aecy., propa; also mgrs.; (II (31 (xl. _ .

Franklin—Monarch Park, Cltliena' Traction Co., props.: Guy Hecker. Oil City. Pk.. mgr.; Howe A Jsmes. Oil City, Pa., mgra. attr.; (2i (.11. This park Is loosted half way be¬ tween the two cities, and la practically con trolled by OU City parties.

Glrardvllle—Woodland. Schuylkill Ky. Co., props : Geo. H. (Jerber. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (31; Boom Circuit; Manrtca Boom books vaudeville attractions.

Greensbnrg—Oakford Park, Pittsburg, McKees port A Greensbnrg Ry. Co., props.; M. A^ Coffee, mgr., alao mgr. attr.; (1) (I) united Clrcnlt.

Harrisburg—Paxtang Park, Central P. T. Co., props ; Fella M. Davis, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.: (1) (31 (x): Wm. Morrla books vsude vllle attractlona.

Harrisburg—Hippodrome. A. L. Roumfort A Co., owners; M. Rudy Heller, Keith's The lire Bldg., 1118 Chestnut st., Phlladelphls. Pa.

Hirleton—Haxle Park Lehigh Traction Co., propa.; C. B. Houck, mgr; also mgr attr.; (1) (xl (3): John C. Jacket. 145 23d at.. E.. New York (Ity.

Hershev—Hershev Para. M. Rudy Heller, book lug mgr.. 1118 Chestnut st., Philadelphia.

Pa- Jersey Shore—Nippon© Jark. NIppono Park 0>..

props ; C. B. McCullongb. mgr.; (2l (3). Johnstown—Luna Park, Boibury Amuaement

Co.; (11 (3) (XI. Lancaster—Rocky Springs Park. H. B. Qrlf

8ths. prop. A mgr.; (II (3i: H. B. Griffith* books attractions

(ancaster—Peoples' Park. J. B. Peoples, prop A mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (51.

Lansford—Manila Park, M. A. Bell, mgr.; (li (31.

(.ock Haven—.4gara Park. Susquehanna Traction Co., props.: J. C. Gtdbody, mgr.; also mgr attr.: (2i (xl (3).

Manch Chunk—Flag Staff Park. Carbon R. R- Co., profiB. A mgra.; M. Mounty. mgr. attr.; (II (31 (xl.

Meadville—Oakwood. Meadvllle Traction Co., prps.: F. R. Shryock. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (ll (XI (3l; F. R. Shryock booka vandeTllle attractions.

Meadville—Exposition Park. Conneaut Lake Co., props.; H. O. Holcomb, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (11 (31 (xl; H. O. Holcomb books vaudeville attraction*.

Milton—Milton Park. Richard Barrett, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; i2) (3i.

Mt. Carmel—Maysville. Shjmokin A Mt. Car mel Traction Co., proiis.; Prof. Chamberlain, mgr.: (2l (31.

New Castle—Cascade Park, M. A S. By. A 1.ight Co., props.: W. C. Smith, mgr.; Oeo. Q. Rose. mgr. attr.: (ll Keith's Circuit: Jnie Iielmar, of ("nlted Booking Offli'es. New York, books TaudevlIIe attractions.

New Brighton—Junction Park, Beaver Valley Traction Co.; M. J. Maxwell, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (Ii (41 (xi; M. J. Maxwell books vaudeville attractions.

■Ill City—Monarch Park. Cltlieus' Traction Co . profw.; Guy Ileckir. mgr.; (2| (3l.

(Balance of the Park List will be publUhed •n next week's issue. I

Film News (CijDtImKyi tnuD |»gr 0.)



JOHXXY AXI» THK IXIiIAXS.—J<4inny Joom. a t.V|>lcal liovnlreadlntc lad. trl«-H to t>«-at bio way Into tbf t<-ut of Texaa Itlll'a Wild W«*»t Sb'>w. <»iir Unit act-n*- abowa tin- abow

«llb lu<llao«. cowlMiya and w<-at«*rn Kiri. Johnny io raiiKbt ami tirod out. Ilf kiiofka ovfT HiK ('hlff. «'bo la alooit to kill blm. wbfn "Arixoua Xfll" takfa a band ami aavoa Joiiiiny from tbf mad Indian. Tbf ('biff contents himaflf with kirkinK Johnny <Mit of aiKht. Jo'in- ny Kfta even by tn-ndliiK bia baa<-ball bat over the (’hlffa rear fUil. The <’hlff drawa a biiKc knife and Kof* after Johnny’s acalp.

Johnny reaebra home late and hla old maid aunt sends him oniiperleaa to bed. Itiit hunker and a deaire to titilah the thrillinK story. “The Boy Scout,'' ImiMd J<diniiy to route bark to the dlnink rraMu to enjoy some rake ami his novel. A noiae startles him. lie Koea to the window and sees the four Indiana. SeizInK s re-

tn oat a voiver, Johnny Ilea In wail. Tlie Imllaiia enter. TO g«l ■ Johnny shoots the 4’hlef and the other Indiana

j __J TJCselw him. Aunt enters while the Indiana are UOOQ ana r.mci6ni r lini eatInK and drinklOK She la a«dz<al and the

O _ Indians Krab her hair to scalp her. Hut her wClVlCC wir comes off at the drat pull, and the Indiana.

. j a -1 JO after a tussle, kill her. Johnny, who has at the ngbt price, and failed? I crawled out durlnk the arrImmaKe. sees all this

Tk._ . i;-- thrmiKh the wimlow. He nina off. followed by Then drop us a line for our proposi- Imllana. Now fcdlow excItlnK scenes. "Arl-

tion—it’s interesting. tons Xell" Bmla Jfdmny In the wtKsla almost ex hauattal. She Kives him a knife and they

^ ■ run off as the Indiana a|>proarh. Xell la ca|e \«0Oa ISka dDOOr ^Os tured and tleil to a tree. Johnny coni*-a up. and

a after a terrific fikht with I>me Wolf, kills -^ him and ndeases Nell. Johnny la raptured.

' Ttie Indiana liaiiK him by the f<a.t from a tree Anjr CT ■*’'* ••'•"•I ■ under him. Iveft alone, Johnny

s.l'AKJk. 31., ; stniKKiea, raises hlms*df up and bites tlinaiKli nf Pilm” mirAflfl II I ^ the r<H>e. Just as the flames are reachiiiK him.

™ CmijAW, ILU. ^ shriek of terror he falls Into the fire. — I _l And then-

Johnny wak<-s up. He has lM*en aslwp and • ! has fallen from the chair.

Malw* 1^ ' HI* tare is one esKer. happy Krin at flmliiiK rilin IVCnCWinfif l that uwa. an a dream * “““ ** O , But hi* smile vanishes when Auntie comes in

Our I'r.K^s: THE OXI.Y ONE that renews as _..

Geo. K. Spoor Co.

“Renters 62 N. CLARK ST.,

of Film” CHICAGO, ILL.

Film Renewing «-*.!! .u Ksi*.inik rs-t v^«r <11 T» T'h** actlini of tliU »*tory hat* n«*ver i*\ HACK IX THE MONEY MAKING ci.ASS. As |'lolnK In •*'‘‘I’' well a. renewliiK we Kive you a fine varletv »lK meb«lramatlc scenes are brlKht of tints Write tmdav for rates. AMERICAN “I* ’/y foarink coimsiy situations The an-

vmild make a horse FILM RENEUltlNO CO.. Firmenich Buildin*. ^ I'*'* “>0 funny Indian wmild make a horse ChiewffO. laukh.

• ’1^“' natural scenery Is fUie series of Imautiful WANTED Klim. tkS) ft. Great Train KoblH-ry; i ”^["^l*nd plctur.a. and the phot.^raphy is muat Im- new or in k'ssi tsuidltlon. State low¬ est cash jirlce. .Address RALPH J. OOL8EN, M Wabaah Awe., Chicaco. Ill.

without a flaw.

WANTED PERFORMERS Wis-k stand M.-d show. Address QT DOCTOR'S AIRDOME, Columbus. Ind.


1 (Georke Kleine. i jRMERS I TUJ.; HI.IXI, MAX OK JEltrSALEM.—Mak Address QUAKER ' nlflceiit s<-»-nes. Iieautifiil settlnks. rich costume*. >us, Ind. i combinisl with |»-rfeet dramatization.

I A rich mall. liviiiK in a splendid palace In all kinds. Siiikles, the city of Jerusalem with hIs daiikhter and WANTED -Medicine (leople of all kinds. Siiikles, the cit.v of Jenisabuii with his daukhter and

Double*. Sketch Team*. Xo.-I Black Kace Man, many servants, surroundeil by every possilde etc Address Dr. Ketteror, Room S Turner Bldff., luxury, but bliml. Is healeil of his attlictlon by Tulsa. Okla. I Christ. Havink rekained his sikht. he d<s-* not

make this known to his household, but ipiletly FOR BALE l'bot->krapb Tent, new. usixl lb observes them for a time and si-es how his days this S|iriuk. Size. IJxBl; wall 6 ft., with servants rob him and even his daukhter imposes dark r<s>m, isde*. stakes and rojies. lO-oz. ; ui«>n him. Itlis’isirakisl at his findtnks. he koe* double filled duck and canui stove. KJ.-i.iSi takes ; out uism the hikhwa.v. where he skaln meet* jdl. Address JAMES E. LONG, No. 109 East | Christ, hut this time he is carryliik his cross Vina Bt., Taylonrille. Hit.

WANTED—A Workink World or Mei-hanical de¬ vice for a small tent show. .Must lie in k'**! order and cheap. Also a *ec< nd-haiid Merry-k"- rouml, iNiftable. with eukine. A. G. Gourlay, Gen. Dal., Marion, HI.

109 East j Christ, hut this time he is carryliik his cross ' and Is'lnk led to Calvary. The sikht of the

siifferink Savior teachi-s him to forklve his of- j luleal de- fenders.

WANTED -Kor Ketrow's O.

land Merry K" THE GIAHIIES OK SCXSET.—A *|iectacular 1 .. G. Gourlay, 1 series of most korkisms views of the setting '

I sun. I The pictures were taken at Menton. In the '

Show. Comet i southern part of France, and present positively ! and Tuba for band. Trail drummer that can the m<s.t lieautlful panorama of the sun sink- double stage or piano is-ople that can , lieyond motintaln rangeg and casting the

JL~*^**I*. 1^*" T**j Bo'***'^**"'’ shadow s of night over a sea ever repro- WM KETROW, Shirley, Ind., 80. 81, 88.

Sparks’ Shows WANT

duced. The series conclude* with a grand view of a silver.v sea illuminated by moonlight. .\ppropriate tints thriHighout.

. m,Tm ' IMHBI.E.—At a gaming 1^ I I table at Monte Carlo, a yimng man loses his

•* C’W't w m. , fortune, which is won by an American gentle-

Clarinet and Troinlxine and “I*"- ™»" ’‘"'."'nr' OtllPr musicians. Write 11. H. •h<’k. when be meet* the American strolling j

TURNER.St.Albans.W’. Va,21; “'rch“ under way whe„ \fnfli«inn Milirvn 91 "" *'***• btfuts to the young man to regain hi* ->laui3i711, •••., .vlllltHI, C-t. losses and he promptly proceeds to execute It.

] When he observi-s that the coast Is clear he , K fi It)** pistol and with It kills his com-'

■ ■ ■ L I ■ 1^ B C I panion. wbereuisin be robs him. and then takes

LUnflL UIl, Tie dlsapiiearauce of the American I* ap- '

erxi • • 1 ! parent and a warch Is instituted. A renowneil . A UlS IS SL VAOOCI VjkI10s I deti-ctive put upon the case Is srsm at work

I in unraveling the mystery. Disgiilsisl as the WANTED—Shows of all kinds on iier cent., for .Cmerican the detective makes Ids ap|iearaiiee July 3, 4. Tt. GimmI muiitr.v to draw from. Give 1 In public. He Is prompt to note the effect exclusive on shows, and only one of each kind this has u|Kin all he meets and In-fore buig he goes Write and k--t space In time. AL. TODD. Mgr., Hobart, Okla.

FOR BALE 4 rm-ls l.uliiii's I'assion I'lay. is-r- fect condition: umsI only tlm-e weeks, $17.1. Sblp|s'd priv. examination for $_.'• cash. BUD B0A2, S02 Houston St,. Ft. Worth, Texas. BOAZ, S02 Houston St,, Ft. Worth, Texas.

WANTED Kor ttie Mcliades Great Kentucky Show. Two ail around sketch teams. Can use circus acts of all kinds: must chaiike for we*-k stands. Man with I’icture .Machine and Kilms. WTlte. Reason’s work. Stop at hotels. Tell all in first letter. .Make your salary low. One show a night, and iisuiey sure. Gorman and lieonard. I’epis-r Twins, write. All |>eople eii- gageil. write. £. C. McDade, Williamstown, Ky.

5c. Theatres For Sale Havi s<-veral of the flia-st theatre* In Chicago, Kor .’sale. Costing over $!«.INNI to build. Will sell very reastinable. Tliesi- theatres will imsitively le-ar tleiruiikb liivcstigHtiou, and show big profit on liiiestment. Write at once, D. J. Chatkin, 107 Madison St., Chicago, Ill.

••HOW TO GET THE MONEY’—.str«-tiiicu. Fair followers: $2<MI monthly. Are you making it! Increase .vour iiKsuiie g.Vi wi-eklv Suiie thing new. I'artieulars free. J. W. SHAFFER. ThiH & Eagle Sts., Terre Haute, Ind.

ALWAYS LOYAL AND HONEST TO otir fuMoiiicrfi- that in why w’«' foiitinue l«» growr Al- * M a>> w.iit-hfiil ti» HtTve Ihf Ik’st htiHiiu-M* iiilsTfstfi of our luitroiiH —iliiit iH why I’AhilMlorM who get lln ir film ixTvice clwwIuTi- ;in- now comitii; It» on.

W'f chtiiii to liavf Ihf iiiohI rom|N‘tfiil cmplftytTH to Ik* fotmil III tiiiy film i-xi huii|;i-, fveryom* «>1 thfiin-agi-rly iloiiig thfir iiart towanlfi carrying out oiir thorough buamcM syHtcm


New filiiiK :irc placctf in our Ni«»ck every ifay. Our ittM’k emhraccN the clioiccHt lot of tihiiH on earth.

We niamt:iin a thorough retxinl ami iMKiking iiygUun. W e handle all make* of .Machim-H ami Su|*phe8 (let in lim- with tin now. Write un to liay.

standard film exchange, Lici-nm-ea Motion Picture Palcnta CotnpAny.

79 Dearborn Street. Unity Building..CHICAGO.

The Reason Why YOU may wonder why we talk so much alxnit Our New Inde-

pcndtMit Films, also alnml Our Exclusive Film Service.

We are jK'rsistent in our arj'uments about our ^oods just as much for the purpose of stimulatinj' a hijiher standard of lilms —films of tpiality—as we are for the pur[M)se of increasing the Side of Our New ludepcinlent (ioods. While we are always on the lookout for more business, we realize that e.xhihitors are greatly in need of lilms of (piality—Brand NeH> Independent

Goods, such ;ls we are olTering—and the liest way to create a demand for films of this class is to keep convincing you that it means more dollars to you to show only that kind.

When you exhibitors Ix'gin to insist uikui show iiig films of merit only and will deal with those exchanges only that can furnish them, and at the same time give you an exclusive service; when you decide that \ our exchange must give you |>ositive sls-

surance on these {toints, then shoddy films and the kind of service some e.xchanges have Ix'on furnishing w ill iK'come a thing of the past.

WE IMPORT OUR OWN FILMS and do not depend upon Importing Concerns, but tce get the

oery best they haoe. This b the re;L<on we can furnish High-Grade Individual service, consisting of the latest New Independent Films and the biggest money-makers. That we can furnish you with such service is proof that we are already doing our part for the good of every exhibitor. Let us send you the synopsis of our latest just received from Europe.

Chicago Film Exchange. 51-50 Jackson Blvd., .... CHICAGO.



Aildrcss ■ is on the trail of the kbllt.v man. I He Interrupts sn iniis-niling eiigakenieiil amt

sueeis-ds in seniring a ronfesslon of kullt. ly. |>er- i This, siitijeet teems with Interest amt exelle- 1, $17.1. ' nient amt will also Im- ap|>reeiateil fin- the

BUD • iiotographir ipitlity ami ilelall.

URBAN-ECLIPSE. Mleorge Kb-lne. 1

HOW JOXIjS PAH) HIS DEBTS Willi any ' niimiH-r of hills to pay amt no money for lb- piiriMtse amt no prospi-ets of seeiirliik any. Mr Jones is In sore straits. One eollertor after anotln-r rails, alnl falling to sis-iire the aiinsint due lilin reelalm* the giMsIs s<dd to Jones. A* a j result lie Ic»s-s Ills suit of riotlies. hat, sin... [ elr.. .iiid is oldigisl to don all evening suit iit mldda.i.

Afti*r several ewaiiades. w lilr li enable him to . si-riire an overroat and a meal for liiiiiMlf and Ills |M-t dog. he strikes upon a novel bb-a of elearlllK Ills Indebtislliess at one stroke. He disguises bims4‘lf and then laists a di-atti iiotlee at the entranre to his home, t’ollertors railing to make their elalms. seeing the n<dlee of Jones’ death, close tlieir aeronnts. Jones watelie. tin- lierformanee In his disguise, rlinekles elni-r fully at 111* eleveriiess and starts life over aga ii

’ with a rlean slate. +

PANTHK.K HCXTlXti GX THK ISI.K <IK J.W .V Tills film gives a p,-rfi-«-l Idea of the

’ dithenitle* eneiHintered III a liniil for one of Hie'

Successful Exhibitors insist U|H)n using tho BesI Mathme amt Film Ser-

I \ .r^i 1 1 I ’‘•’•I It*** bt'xl. Wt* art* spt't’ial agonts H ^ 1 ** T'lMotiograph, I’owvrs, Edison and other ■ I \ niachines. ■

j ? P, Th«»r«*’» a big diffrrriMp in Motion Piclurr Ma- H U_J 4^1 chines hut our book rnlilled "The Mtdion Pklurv I

I ^ Theatre” tells all you want to know alsiut the m j 11 .e-—^ inottoii picture business ainlit’syours for the a.sking. K

lllfi Are You Satisfied your film Servke? ■ iCxM.i ' _ If nol, write us. VN e g«'t m

1 I' one ropy of eiM h of Ihe IH reeK prodmed H ^ by the Ikensed manufiMlurers ea«h week. V

^V»* feel sure we can improve your servke. I ■ Tell us your retjuirenients and we’ll suliniil you prices. H

I THEATRE FILM SERVICE CO., 85*87 Dtarborn St., Chieago, III. I

WANTED Strong Free and Pay Attractions IUK MilllHiy Jiiliilii' .\ii<s|i|f«<M of the |h| KiilttlMoii Tli«- lint*.* |il|{Riitl<* oiN‘ «1r.t ilriiumpIrMlIoii (*W*r Ntf('lll|»t«*t| III N fit) of lU.INRI UolM 4’»<*i. im III.I NtltMtllol.M i||t| Mo|k to NH| tlif nIwmlr g.'t III. .x.iii I,.,, W. L, CLARK. Srry B«.ymour. Ind


MAY 22, 1909. Xtie Billboard 47

THE BEST MONEY GEHER In The Movlna Pletnre Line.



modt (ulillr •nd f*-rwlfni» of of pr^j uiiikinK It* biuiiK In tbe junKl*^. tbe pintbT.

Tb<* cl'-iiiw f'>r>^t, wltb It* maMw^ of uDiJ<‘r Krowtb, U rlcarlj aboK'n; tb* bunt'-ri windiDK Ibflr war aloiiK tbe trail In at-arob of iftmi-. Tln-jr •■nd«-aKjr to t»»*at tbi* animal from bia lair arxl then a^t tb<*ir tra|m to rapture bim.

Our pbotoKraphera were f'irtunate In belnit pri'Hent at <*ne of tbe Oneat ratrbea of tbe aeaaon ami Kive all (leialla. Tbe entire aerlea la In¬ tently lutereatlDK and exrltlux-




% / jy y






If you «ant a wluninc altrartlon. one tbal will cH'wd your bi'UM- and xet tbe money at erery |>erf'>rmao<'e. write for our low rental terma fur tb<- Summrra llritt Klxbt IMrturea now.

CHICAGO FILM EXCHAMGE. Moaaler B. Bldg., ... CbicnRO, Ill.


Opera Chairs —Many Stylea—


Main oflira A fac¬ tory. 1821 Dear¬

born 8t.. CHICAGO

Raw York office, 1402 Broadway.



WANTED Flral rlaaa t'arnival t o., for one w,a-k In June. To»n of '.aai |■>|•ulatlon. t»n main l-.n,- It It. Beat of tia alre in atate atel bark r<ointry unllmltitl on i-lther ante. No lira'i'W. <'orr»- a;»n.b ie e in^lt•■<l Slate a hat .Vi.ii hate aiel what you aak for It. ,\ddre»a Arch. B. Daeii. Secy, and Treas., Cara City Camiral Co.. Caee City. Ky._

FOR SALE Elertrlr Button Board. Velret Chart. I'arklni; Caf Kiery thins <-onii>lete. fan run ana idae.-. Orta the money all the thiie K. D. GRANT. IM Reach a»*., Chicaro, Ill.

FOB BALE I«ai or more paira of I'nlon llanl- ware ndler akati-a. in (Irai cl#«a condition. Sin « taaortcl l'rlr«‘. 81 tat per pair Klrat ra*b Kda aa'iio J. J. Leterman. (^arlotteitrille. Va.

FOR SALE I taai ft. riM-la of fliiii releaa,-.! ui> to April lat. flti |«r r<s-I; F..llaon Machine., *•1.1 to yra*. Ilea Mi.lel B gaa oulflta, 8.UI. I'athe'a xaa oiiint. 8ltl; filial oTcrlaixl lliinx wagon. 8liai. new tlptlgraph niarliim'. 8tii. ^lUli fentury Kraple>|>hoiic. f.'ai For Bent tl.iaai ft. fllni, T ..-la ting alidea. one ahtpiiient, fli WcItK Will lioy I'aaalon IMay, machinea, fllni. H. DAVIS. Watertown, Wia._

CALL! All performers listed with

The McKenney’s Wild West report for rehearsals, Centra- lia, Ill., June 3d. Show opens the 7th. GABRIEL & HUN¬ TER.

If .Tllll Ulllllti ktH‘11 |Mla|a<,| on lilt'

iiinl ('aniniy I’alr sIliiHtloii tliir-

Ib(I till' foinliiK liini to 'llii' llllllMiur«rM nipltll.v KruMliiu I'nlr I.Ni. •Ii’xi.i il Iroiii \\«s l\ to nffk.


THE I'KKSS tJANfi.—Mother, daughter and the young buabaud are eagerly dlaruaaing the ixdltlral altuatlun when huddenly a knock at the d<eir atoioi their runveraatiUD. A middle- aged man, with tbe bearing of a aoldier, ap- proarhea on boraeback. diamounta ami entera. followed by an Engllah apy wrapiied in a long civilian coat, under which be weara bla Kngliab ' uniform. While tbe t.'oliHjel entera tbe apy i cri-ei« near and liatena at tbe door. “Wbo are you"; Friend or f'je?" aaka the Colonel. Tbe yiHjug buaband pomta to Waabiugtoo'a [lortrait on the wall. Tbe two abake banda, whereupon tbe Colonel a.ka tbe yiMing man to carry a letter to tleueral Waabiogtoo. aa tbe Kngliab auaiM-ct him. Tbe young buaband willingly conai-ula. He ruabea out tbe d<K»r and. Incident- , ally, knoka down tbe Engliab apy, wbo in rain tried to baik through tbe keyhole. Tbe Colonel ami the young buaband role away on tbeir er¬ rand. The apy aaka to tie allowe,] to re*t. which demaml ia granted. While writing a note the apy i>| bia coat. Tbe young wife d.acovera the E.,g!lah un form and o-eldea to watch. I" tbe dark of tbe night the apy ateala a horse ^ ■•ut of the stable and follows the two soldiers. Tbe young wife bears tbe of tbe borae'a feet and tries to follow. Aa there ia no other tmrae In tbe atable. her mother ad¬ vise. her to take a boat and row down tbe river where she can overtake tbe riders. Y'oung Martha la aoon on her way. .She Juat ae«-a the two aoldlera pa.a. Now follows tbe Kngliab -(•.v. enable to warn her buaband and the fobmel, and lielng too far away to bold uii the apy, she alma, and with a well-direct»-d shot k.ll. Hie «py. I'jMm returning home abe finds ibe Breaa Hang in the bouae looking for her buab.nd. who ;a expected bai k that very eve- II,ng. The young wife g-ie-a to a field in the rear of the bouse and fires a bajalack. Thia bring, the Cobmel'a aoldl.-rs to the a<enc. wbo come to help, tb.nking a fire bad broken out in the bouae. Tliev are Informed of the presence of the Bre.. Hang, who are fea‘ting In the house. They overjaiwer the Kngliab seddiers ami leail them away aa priaonera juat a< tbe young buaband returns from hi- successful errand.

+ F.MiEH FlAiWERS —ilrandma. bent upon her

cane, walk* to an easy rbair. Just then a young man ami bia intenileil. apparently tbe grand child of grandma, enter. They bring the glad tidings to grandma, who beatowa on tbe two - hap|>y children her bleaalng. She then tells her grandchild to bring her an old wooden box. out of which she takes a golden chain and locket, w bleb she presents to her grandch.ld. and a watch and chain formerly to In-r bus band, which she pn-sents to tbe young man. Besides these golden treasures, there are some fadi.l flowers in tbe wooden box. which she < shows to the two. First, a rose which her swiH'tbcart gave h«T more than fifty years ago. Tlien. orange Idoasoms which she wore on her w»-dding day. Next, abe shows a sliver wreath. ■ the memory of her sliver wedding, and last, a i crown of g..ld. the remembrance of her golden wi-ilding. M.slitating. her head drops, and she fi-els the kiss of her departed husband. Just then ttw yising girl's parents enter, grandma's son and his w.fc. and a happy family gbmp cloaca this tieautiful picture.

+ THE SMT T.r.I.EU'S DArGHTER.—A sailing !

laiat has anch<>re<l at night outside of the bay. j From the rocks of the shore leaves a boat to i smuggle tbe fine lac-s through the guarding > r«‘venue offici-rs. On the cliff stands a glri j waving her lantern to and fro. to give her father notice that the road Is clear. The father lands and together they carry the contraband to tbe fisherman's home. There be hides them under the bed. .\ revenue .vfficer who Is In love with the smuggler's daughter, but who t«diev<-s him to l>e a fisherman, visit- ■ his swiH-tbeart. Hardly ha« he left when two ; men enter who purchase the smuggi<sl gssis The next night the smuggler again f.dlows h « dangerous trade. Hla daughter, oo tbe way home, meets her lover, who Just rt>eeiTea an ■ mler from his sui>erlors reading as follow-

•'EierylMsly to be on watch tonight. I..»>k out the smugglers—F M 7. 4‘J74 Kt .'sT Wyn ! I hester EMMITTT. Captain."

Tri-mbllng her father's safety, the smug ■ gler's daughter leaves to warn him. It i< night time. The smuggler has Just landeil. with the aid of his daughter, when she Informs him of. the landing danger. She asks him to exehang' ■ hat anil roat with her so that she may misleail the orti.-ers while he can carry home the smug cled g.ssls The liWing officers tracked th« smuggler's daughter and thinking her to be the smuggler rail on her to halt. She trli-s to | eseaiM- a rta«h -a shot, and she falls down I the r.s-ks when- she is found by her lover ' I'rostrateil fr>>m grief, he carries her to the hoe liltal. There, in a ro.MU. on a plain, white rot. lies the girl, mortally woundi'il. her lover at her side. Tbe old fi-hertnan. when seeing- his suffering dsughter. glies himself up to the n-vi-nue .iffleers They take him away a pels i*ner. The young officer ts-malns at the Nil sile. and then' will surely N' a woibllng after . Hie girl leaves the hospital.


TIIF HI 111, SI'Y Ibirlng the latter part of Mir cn-at Cl«ll War. when the Fnbvn army had pusNil their operations Into the S.>uth .Atlantic 'tales, the Heneral In command of The campaign n: s very much harrassnt by the miraculous way III which his pisns Ni-smc known to the enemy Numenais attempts wen- ma<le to diss-over the source of the erH'iii.i'« Information, but they prov.'l futile It was m»f until w'vcral years after the , I.>s>' of IN' w sr that N' learneil It w as diH’ to the dsrine w.'rk of a young girl s|>\ Vh'' daughter of a S.>iilhem famll.i. left Mioiherb'ss In earlv chlldhissl. her life ha>l be nsiie emblllered by the ileslh of her father and onlv bndlor during one of the early slrucgb's .»f 111,' gn'.at conrtlet. She had onsa'eratol N'r etrlire life |.» the eaiiw' of IN Ir N«loTe,l S.anth laml S-vm' 1 Nan n'ca'lves her onlers S'l lie The wln-s an- lai'|M'<l Na-ii.' ft Nan esea|»-s with the tapN''! ,b-«pateN's Stvne 4 — Nan elmb's her pursuers A clever ni«e. Sivne

Aim TRUST HIM CO No License—No Agreements

FILMS FOR RENT We ship to any town in the United States. We are

not in any combination or any trust. Send us your

orders now. We ship same day. No delay. We sell

Moving Picture Machines, Condensing Lenses,Tick¬

ets, Carbons. Write, telegraph or call at our offices.

ANTI TRUST FILM CO 77-79 Sooth Oark Street, CHICAGO, ILL.

c A M E R A P H O N E



Don’t give \ our audience cheap vaudeville when you

can get us and the l>est of our class, for less money. For

terms, drop a line to

B4RNEY SHEA. 51 Harrison Street. Chicago. Ullnols.

c A M E R A P H O N E


And hav. takrn over th. rntir, atock and good will of tbe Klelne Optical Co., of Mlaaoarl, and have retained all their employes to asaist ua In caring for yuur wanta. ThIa glvea ua tbe benefit of a large atock of Blograph. Gaumont and other Independent Film Uaaed prior to tbe Llcenaed Agreement. It glvea ua tbe advantage of being able to aupply oar cnalomera with picturea that do not conflict with their competitor.

Send for Information on onr "SPECIAL ODARAHTEED SERVICE” Department, which conalata of a Circuit of One New Feature Keel Daily, and Frograma furnlabed one week In advance.

WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE, Licensee Motion Picture Patents Co.

Phonoscope and rnoT TM I Talking Picturee








t 48 Xtie Billboard MAY 22, 1909

i—Nin's honit’ found—Again •ua|H><?ted. Soon* 6—Nan la Joint'd by ht-r confctifrata anti thfy eara|M‘. Sfi'iu- 7—Tbe imrsult. Some 8—'ITie deaputchea dt'llverttl.


Thf* rhlrago Film Exchange reporta a recttrd- breakliig biiaineaa on tlie Summera Britt Fight Plcturea. The attraction la making big money for Ita exhibitore everywhere. The plcturea are aald to be a ladter drawing canl than any other light picture ever taken. Exhibltora who are Itatking for a 8t>eclal feature that will atlmiilate Intereat In their aliowa, ahould get In touch with the Chicago Film Exchange at once.


Sherd P. Baker, who for the past year haa condocteil the I.yric Moving Picture Theatre on l.ara.vette Avenue, Moumlavllle, W. Va.. cloaed tlie hoiiae .May 8. on account of dull bnalneaa. Mr. Baker haa departed for New Martinavllle, W. Va., where he will man- i age a almllar houae.

♦ A new motion picture theatre will be erected

In Siirlmry, I‘a., by tin- BlanchanI Amua<>ment , Co. The building will be two atorlea higli ami ' forty-live by one bumired ami fifty feed. The : theatre will aeat l.bOb peraona. ami will be ’ built by the firm of lliirne and I>‘l>er of York, < Pa.

♦ I Mr. L. H. Shepherd, of the Caaino Theatre,

Onchlota, N. Y., and Kol>ert Mann, of the .M- lantlc Tlw'atre. Kliigaton, N. Y.. have formed a partnerahip for the purpoae of operating aeveral moving picture ahowa during the aummer montha at aummer reaorta In that vicinity.

♦ Meaara. Chrlatle and Butler 0|>ened the New

Star Tlieatre, at la-banon. Mo., with moving plcturea and aonga. Saturday, May 8. Capacity bualneea niled the opening day.

+ The Preamland 'njeatre. Blancheater, O.. un¬

der the management of Mr. A. Woods, playing local vaudeville talent, haa t>een enjoying auc-

The Grand Tlieatre, Cambridge Springs. Pa., will open June 1 with moving plcturea and vau¬ deville. F. S. Chanoholln will b*- the manager.

The New Standard Theatre, at Steelton. Pa., was opened May 18, with moving pictures and vaudeville.

AND STILL After Two Years of Phenomenal Success GAINING It hat been further Improved with



Exhibitors! Write to my Chicago Office If you want to learn aome- thing about the moving picture businew which I can’t tell here. Mark your envelope “Billboard Spec¬ ial.”


THE LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE, 196-198 Lakt Str«*t, Chicago.


Th« King and tha Prince of Motion Pioturo Machines

Will be ready for delivery by April lUth, at price# from

$150.00 up.

The Motiograph is truly a Woederful Mackino Chicago, Boaton. New York and ’Frlaco

approved, and IS LICENSED.

San Francisco. Jan. tV, 'W. Gentlemen:

I can not eipreaa to you how highly pralaed the MOTUIGRAPIt la by tbe many uaera here. 1 have noticed that every one of tbe purchaaera la tbe biggest "tHaiater" we could gel.

THEATRE FILM SERVICE CD. Note—There are many hundred# of "boosters”

for the Motiograph In all parta of tbe United States.

SUCCESSFUL EXIIIRITDRS are learning that PERFECT PUTURES mean a MDTUHIRAPII in tbe Operator's booth. Writs for Cstsloguo.


W A IM X li: D Boss Cany asm an Good Clown Performer

line & TUCKER SHOW, Ke|stoiie, W.Vi.


WANTED A good clean Carnival Co. of not less than six paid attractions, .kluo FerrI* Whcd and Merry go-round. Pref-r one with g<Hxl baud, and some extra 1 Fn-*- .kttraotions. for we,-ks June 14 or 21. Town iMNimiiig. ami hard tlm<-s un¬ known bore State all first letter. .\ddress L. A. F.ARLE. care C, R. Miller, Lawrencs- bnrg, Ind





1 N E


This is your opportunity! The Filmophone. The most i>er-

fectly synclironized device in the world, whicli we are placing;

on the market for SI95. It is attacliable to any moving picture

machine and disc record phonograph. Synchronization

guaranteed. We give e.xchisive use, and manufacture our

own phonograpliic films. Write for literature


Comanche. Okla., August 10. 20. 21. llkW I-Mr outside attractions and privileges, address O. W. MELISH. Chairman.


$19S 20 state Street. CHICAGO. ILL. $193

SWELL, MEW CIRCLING WAVE SWING— $44ki; Get the Coin. Lunette Urgaus. Banners, Mav'ic. Blark Art. VentribM,uist Figures. Moving Picture Diilflt. etc. S* ml for lists.

W. H. J. SHAW. Victoria. Mo.

Write for our Proposition On a Special Money-Getting Stock of BIOGRAPH, GAU- MONT and URBAN-ECLIPSE FILMS. Released prior to our being licensed bv the Motion Picture Patents Co.

C. *J. HIXE EILIVI CO. Can give you any kind of service you desire. We are big buyers of Licensed Films and deliver the goods from

30O-3BS IS/lonadnock Block, - CI-1ICA.GO, ILL.

Our Itsai Sleeve Machine will take a picture, size l\x2t,, and also buttons. With our IMW Sl<-eve Vlacbine yon can make money In the City, j Town. Village, Hamlet—any place, anywhere. I’rhs' of sleeve .Machine, glfi.UO. Plates, sli»- l\x2>.. ft.tat a l)a>. Mounts. 2.'>c and 3ic a lUU.

Dur USD Chau'idoD Photo Cannon coats on $1.2.1 more to iiisuiifacture, but we hare m>t Increased the prlr<-. Price, as usual, $15.*S). Plates to fit all Cannon Machines on the market. Ml cents a KS). Fraiio-n, $1.75 a gross; Ilerelo|ier. 15c a art. We s,-i:d foimula for making your own developing soluti<in with each machine, ami full directions o|»-rBtiiig CIrculsra fro-

AMERICAN MINUTE PHOTO CO.. Dept. H. 269-2r7 W. 12th St.. Chicago. ML


CURTAIISJVLIIME will Improve Your Picture lOO Percent.

A $.1.00 carton will cover 150 square feet. It acrentiialea aod brlghtena your plctore. Wl SHIP PROMPTLY, PREPARED CUBTAI.NS, READY TO HANG. AND BUILl) St'KNEST TO YOUR ORDER. Write us for estimates, and if yoor exchange does not carry CUBTAINT LINE, tell ut.

CURTAlNYUNE CURTAIN CO., 401-402 Ashland Bio«k, Cblcsgo, HI.


44 BEST IN AMERICA” Is a Strong claim to make, but our customers have coined the phrase, and we have perfected a film service that qualifies the term. Write us and get familiar with our system of increasing business and decreasing costs. In addition to our large variety of purchases, we are buying extra prints of Biograph, Pathe and Selig’s weekly in order to supply you with these popular subjects quickly.

The American Film Service SECURITY BUILDING,

Your Own Name and Address

On 100,000 Roll Tickets, like cut TJ


5 Cents OfSI-: ]



$9.00 100,000 Admission Tickets, $7.00


The Press Gang A picture of 1776 when the ‘‘Kn*-

lUh Free Bootem” presa the Ameri¬

cans into their service. A patriotic

picture full of life.


;«l llie ri'Kular Htat<-<1 nm-tliiK of Clurliniatl ! l.t>.lK>' No. .Tl. Ik-M n-eenlly, Mr. llarUI White. , iir»|M'r(y man at the AiMlHorlum Tlieatre, waa lnltlale<l Into the niyaterlea of the T. M. A.

I'lV'lileiit I'harlea W. Schweltser haa niatle Ihe anil.MiiH-<iiieiit that llro. llolaTt Newman. Itraiul aia-ri-larv lrtNiaurer. will ahortiy visit Cln clnnall. Meii.lM-ra of CUielliuatl laalce No. :J3 are antlelpatliix liro. NeWMian'a visit with In lereat, an.l I'realihml SWiwellier haa lieeii ap- (><.lnl>‘<l a <'<Hiimll(ee of one to make arraiute inenta for Hro. Newman's entertaliuuent iliirinff bla stay In (.'Incinnall As liro. Ht'hweltaer haa a ret>nlatlon for (hrinic thia liKht. Ihia will un- aont>te<lly be hla uinaler-plece In the art of en lertalnlnif.

Vice preslilent. Ilerltert has taken up hla new duties as treamrer of fhewter Park. All broth era will rerehe a hearty weUame from Con- iienlal Henry

lln>. II II Wsllece, .of St. laaila laalire No. n. la mannirinic the movlna picture ahowa at the Walnut Street awl Olympic Theatres, which are nia-ratial 'liirliis the auiiuner months.

Hro. <!eo. Murray an<l Frank .Mct'amnack are on Ha' .ulvaiice car of the ilai('Wallace Show this season No dull mom<mta on that car von can waiter.

flwlnnatl I.<slKe nmma are hs-ated at .'>15 Walnut strea-t. o|>|>«alte Ihe iMwI-nffice. a few doors south of the Columbia Tlieatre. All via ItiDK br»tha-ra are exteiiAl a hearty welcome. Bro Scott PaniMTIon Ar Secretary Oeo. W. il.iemrr are always on bawl to welcome vla- llora.

.Ill mall for Cloclnnatl Ixslite No. .11 shotild he addressisl to lieorite W. Il<a-mer, 515 Walnut stre>'t. riwiimatl, until further notice.

The Cincinnati I.<s)|te physician Is Hr. E II. Mims. 15 tlartlehl Place.

The next nieetliiK of Cincinnati lodite will he held on June I. at 11 P. M.

I . .M. Sbortrldye, who lias tieen in advance of Eastern Iliister Brown Company for the past Ihri'e seasons, has ronclu<le<l hla aeaaon'a work with that organlxatUm and will open a large rets-rtolre company under canvas at Waterloo, Is., May .*11. A hand and orchestra will be a feature ami the company will play week stands In the larger western cities. Mr. Shortrldge la now hnrd at work getting things In shape for the opening date.

Faded Flowers The Wood Sisters’ Coiiiiiany cloiusl the aeason of ItWtS IWat at Camden. Ark.. May 8. The Woods Family will K|>end their vacation at tludr aummer himie In Barrie, III. Mr. Otto Krause, owner .if the company, left for a hualw-as trip to (lilcago. and from there will go to hla sum mi r home In Southern I.isilslana.

Grandma’s memories, the flowers

that adorned her w'ben she received

the first promise of love, when the

parson tied the knot, at the silver

wedding and at the golden wedding.

LENGTH 306 FEET. It. II. Harris, proprietor of the Ilarrla-Grand,

Bloomington. Ind.. also owner of the Harrla- Parklnson Stork C/om|iany, haa returned to Bloomington, after a successful season In opera houses, and la now preparing to open the Har¬ ris Comeily Company under canvas.

Equipped with Improved Fire Ma^a-

sines. Automatic Fire Shutter and

Automatic Fire Shield (Labin’t Patent),

Asbestos-covered Wire Connections, New Improved Lamp-House, New

Style Fireproof RheostaL Improved Eleetrio Lamp. Complete with every- ij iieves to be a flaberman.

thing seen In the cuL Including pol* :

ished carrying ease for mechanism, «'"•

together with Adjustable Bicycle- her lover

to OXtOnd ovor 5 fta hl^h* for ^ snauggler.

siso.oo ' LENGTH 990 FE

The Smuggler’s Daughter

lti>ti«‘rt Stii-rnian opeue,! with hi* stock com inny at th<- Waterloo ’Tlieatre. Waterloo. Iowa. May 17. fur an Indefinite stay. He will also p'ay ManNg.-r Busby’* m-w Alnlome at Waterloo when It U oivned June 1.

OMo Ji>hn*.>n haa been engaged as character cimiedian aiwl baritone player with Billy Ben- m-tC* Big Shows, which open In Mllaca, Minn., May 17


Among the Airdomes Mr. C M. CVonain. of Iketmit Lodge No. 12.

• a* a two days’ vlsltur tvcently. Mr. Coraon will return when tb.- Alamo Amusement Park .ifiena. as Ih> has leased a numlier of cuaceaaious therein.

Hi-ath l a* claimed the flrwt niembi-r of No. 94. Th<«. E. Neal, died at 2:.'ld M.. on May lo. at Mercy Hoepital, of heart failure, at the age of ’J.5 year*. Mr. Neal waa well llkeil by all who knew him. ami Ida many friends will mourn his loa*

LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY 926-928 Market SU Philadelphia, Pa.

Capt. W H. .4ment'* Alnlome at Jackson, T\-nn.. opem-<l May 3 with the Beggar Prince <>IHTa Company in The Mascot, to tls* capacity of the Iheatre. 'The Manhattan Theatre Com¬ pany idayeil to crowdeil bouses week of May 10. The traveling companle* have voteil Capt. .\menfa .klrdome one of the finest equipped theatnw of Ita kind they have ever played.

HLM SERVICE OF MERIT NEWARK LODGE NO. 83. The My»llc Airdome. at McAleater. Okla., was o|M-ned May 1 with the Maimer's Stock Com¬ pany, to goi*l buainea*. The Mystic will play dramatic and miiaical cooipanlea throughout the *»-a*on. under the management of R. H. De¬ ll niler.

The T. M. A. pictures, of Newark I.odge No. S3, will be held at MIewlld Park. July 4.

Bros Jsae Stout and Barney Measmore will leave shortly tor Savannah. Ha., where they have aecepteil positions for the summer.

D. H. il. Baker, physician, has been elected physician of the Newark Lmtge Order of Owla.


0. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co The .Vinlonip and Palm Garden, at Ninth and

Itmad street*. Chattanooga. Tenn.. was op«ie<l May 3. under the management of Will S. Al- tiert.

RAFFLE POSTPONED. Frank Montgomery, proprietor of the Majestic

Theatre, MemphI*. TVnn.. has been elected pp'Mdent of the Lima Dome, at Memphis

Llcenaed by the Motion Picture Patents Company, and furnishing an Exclusive

Licensed Service using only the films made by the following Licensed manufactnrers:








A regular weekly supply of 18 reels of splendid new subjects Is now svsllsble.


ST. LOUIS. MO.. 1401-5 Locust Street. LOUISVILLE. HY.. 421 Fourlli Avenue. NEW ORLEANS. 314 Carondclet Street.

Owing to the fact that a number of sister lodge* failed to M-nd in* their stub* of tickets for the I.ouisvllle Ixxige No. .H. ring raffle. It was deciiled to |>oal|>one the raffle until May 31. Watch The BilllioanI fur the winner's name.

W. Champlain will open an slrdome at fVtlar Falla. Iowa. May 24 for the aeaaon. play¬ ing dramatic and vaudeville attractions.

T. M. A. NOTES, The H. W. Taylor Stock Company will play

a circuit of airdome theatres for sixteen weeks, cifkenlng at Honcatead. Pa.. May 31. Brother “Spotts” Faulhaber, of the

Kenosha. M Is , Ixalge No. 74. T. M. has letuniiil to that city fpmi niUwgo. wlw-re he bt* lieiui In tb<‘ bnaiiital for a numlier of wi>eks “S|>ottk" lia* had tnre«. acclih-nls wlibltt almost a year. t>ut in sidle of all thi* I* a moet en- huvtler in lliliiga iH-nainlug to his l»lge.


(Coctinueil from page 13.)

provisl. suit night hatbing will be a feature thi* summer

Will C. l'ow|ier and Company. In an enticing playlet, entitled .4 Texas Ranger, drew welt St Ihe New Robinson last wiu-k Little Sohati. in ehsracter songs and imitations, assisted by Bessie Jackson. In mimicry and dance, re- n-Hisl nierlleil applause, ami r»‘vealeil real tal¬ ent. (JiHirge Evers and ••I’orkchops." In an amusing black facml commlr sketch, provoke iwils of laughter. Little Count Te<Wy, the iiiinlatiire man with a mighty voice, a Lilli¬ putian wonder, made a great hit with his gissl a.rll:ig and oratory. Ttie motion pictures are fine and take with the public.

Tile amiis.-ment managi-r of Coney Island. ('Inriiinatl. <t.. has Ixsikisl as s S|icelal ontiloor SI tract Ion. Bub Yokum and his famous herd of hiilYsIis's. to race at the park's mile track, also Herl Morphy, the nun who -Ing* to licat tin hand REYAM

Richmond Lodge, No. 98, T. M. A., Is forging Its way to the frsmt. Ttn-y now have a motidi<tslit|> of sixty. Tlw following were Initiated Into the mysteiiea of the aasoclatlon *at the last lll•■<■ling Harry Frankll. of Vogel's Minstrels, it. B Jotimum, Jidin Aiken, Ray Winks. aii-I Mr. WIUImiis, of Lima, O. ONE of the many designs we carry in

stock, and we can make you imy de¬ sign, color or size you w ish for WE

ARE THE ORIGIN ATORS AND MANU¬ FACTURERS of the Famous Baked Tinsel Pennants. WE are the

RUDOLPH BROS The Record of the

that have been so famous on the road and in the CARNIVAL Business for the past 12 years and appreciate what an order means —HENCE OUR SERVICE. Wecariy afull line of Novelties, Whips, Confetti, Dusters, Balloons, and prices that are RIGHT.

RUDOLPH BROS., 520 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

.4iul wc can prove It. Anyone can o|«‘rafc It. Makes 6 flnishisl button plmtograph* s uiln nic. Price oi sin era S<"o|H.. with supplies for uiak Ing .t"'' picture* (enough (o pay for Ihe complete out fit.)

—335.00— F.xtra button*. 31 per hnmtrcit: extra framca. 31.50 per gross. Itii lnde|s*n dent and make money for your self. Write tmlay W. 8. Mountford. ilk) Malden Iwne. New York. N. T

'Ir Itsii-r holds Itn- offlis' of aecretary of 8t. Fiul losigo N.i (1. Thoatrical Mi-chanIcal A*»> • I itliHi, and I* a nmat enthnslaallc worker f ir the luten-sta of ttw< T M A 81 Paul tsslge Is III s iiiiMt thrixing alatc. amt the ineoiliera of No tl arc nnanimoua In dis'larlug Hint a great deal of tile 1.algo'* aucra's. I* due to Mr Ba.xcr'a cITiwt*

-CHICAGO.- now rcniovint lo my new an.l Modern Studio at 231 Ogden Ave., and am better pre- over to handle anything In the way of tuauiery. Offloe, 549 17an Buren Street. WANTED-.4 troupe of well tralinal dogs: ainatt

d.ig* preferred tJlvc full iiarllciilara In first letter Mme. Colegrove, 3981 Indiana, Ave., Chicago.


60 Xl^e Billboard MAY 22, 1909


C, Including a List of the Circuits Into

Which the Fairs are Grouped and the

1909 Dates of all Events That Have

Been Claimed Up To This Time.


BIf Ftlr Circuit.—Wilke Barrc. P«.—Fair. Bethlehem. I>a.—Fair. Wet Cheter, Pa.— Cheter County Agricultural Aaan. Allen¬ town. Pa.—Fair. Trenton, N. J.—Inter-State Fair. Mt. Holly, X. J.—(Jreat, Mt. Holly Fair. Ilaifeintown. Md.—Haiteritown Fair. Bloomahurr. P«.—Fair. Frederick. Pa.—Fair. Naiaretb. Pa.—Nortbami>t<>n County Ajtrlcul- tural Society. Ben P. Wllla, Mt. Holly, N. J., Circuit Becretary.

Central California Fair Circuit.—Freano. Cal.—

Piieltli> -Colorado Slate Fair. S<*|»t. Hi IS. HI ^ ^ ram 11 Hllla. w. j,

M M ^ ^ Itorky l-ord—.krkanaaa Valley Fair. Aujf. 31 ■ m Sept ll. M llall. wcy.

£ J M t J ^ CONNECTICUT ^ Berlin—CoiiiH-r-tlent Slate Airrllcutural Society.

Week of Sept, rj IS. for three or four day a. Frank E. Wilcox, aecy.

Ilrooklyn—W .M..lliaiii County Aitrleullural So ch ty. Sept. 7 It. Joa. It. Slelaoii. aecy.

f the Circuits Into aei-y.

I J ,1 Itanhury—Itanlniry .Agricultural 8<K-lely. Oct. IrnmUrM^U And ttie -tl* O. O Kumlle. ae<y. VRrUUpCU CXIIU me H.artf.«-d-CoIineetlrut State Fair Sept « 10

Walter J. Snyiler. uiitr.

vents That Have *- •’ Nsujfn’nck—l*«s**«*ti Vall**y l>r!v!nir *rn1 AkpI*

I • ruliursi As.s.ii Oft. —. Joiiu IV

> 1 niS 1 ime# • • Xew Vlavm—Xew Haven County Horticultural Society. I>.itea iHit aet. Freil M. WIrx, 11 Edwarda at . Vt-w Haven, Conn

Pier. e. Sell.—Fair. Crelghtoo. Neb.—Knox «{orwlrb—Sew I.ondon County Ayrlcullural So Ctaiiity Fjlr. Slanttm. -Neb.—Fair. Maillatm, clety. S<-pt. 0 s. Theo. W. Yenlnstuo, South Seh.—Matllaon Cimnty Fair Canlerhury. Cimn

North PaclBc Circuit—Everett, Wash.—Suoho- Oranice—tlriiiii:*- AcrleiilHir il Society. Sept. ntlsh Counl.T Fair. EiiKeiie. Ore.—Southern Arlliiir It Clark, -ei j Ore;ron A»rrleultural Sta-lety. Salem. Ore.— Rta-kTlIIe—It<a-kvUle Fair Aaan. Sept. 21 23. F. OrtuoD State Fair. SjKikane. Waah.—SiMikau" ] Cnoley, aecy. Int-ratate Fair. Seattle, Waab.—Fair. Lew- St.-ifTord Sprlnira —Stafford Spriiiya Agricultural lalon. Ida.—I.,ewiatoiidarka|oD Fair. Hehma, Soelety. Sept. 2S 31 C I' Beckwith, aecy. Mont.—Montana State Fair. Walla Walla, Wa»h.—Walla Walla County Fair. Salt I.,ake, DELAWARE

Freano County Agricultural Aaan. Hanford, Northweatern Inlrrurban Fair Circuit of In Cal.—Klnita County Aurlcultural Aaan. Tu- dlana.—Lebanon. Ind.—Fair. Frankfort, Ind. lare. Cal.—Tiilare County Arrlcultural Aani. —Fair. CrawfordaTtlle, Ind.—Fair. I>afay- Bakersfleld. Cal.—Kem County Agricultural ette. Ind.—Fair. Riley Hauser, Sec. of Clr- Asan cnit, Lebanon, Ind.

Central Illlnola Fair Circuit.—Cambridge, Ill.— Short Line Fair Circuit.—Ulllon, Mont.—Fair Fair. Wyoming, HI.—Fair. Princeton, HI.— Pocatello. Ida. - Pocatello Fair and Drlelni! Fair. Kewanee. HI.—Fair. Aledo, Ill.—Fair. Aaan. Blaekf<oi. Ida.—Soniheaaleru Iilab< Bradford. Ill.—Fair. Fair. St. An luMiy, Ida.—Fremont Cmiuty

Central Mlaaoiirl Circuit.—Bowling Or<-en. Mo.— MontiH li--, Ida —Monti«-Iler Fair.

I'tah—I’tah State Fair. ih>lae, Ida.—Idaho Wilmington — New Caalle County Fair Aaan Inter Mountain Fair. Aug. 31 Sept. 3. L. Scott Townaend, aery. ■■ ■ /m irtbweatern Inlrrurban Fair Circuit of In nmnnia T ■ W V Im dlana.—Lebanon. Ind.—Fair. Frankfort. Ind. GEORGIA A —Fair. CrawfordaTllle, Ind.—Fair. I>afay- Augusta—Georgia Carolina Fair Aaan. No». 8

atte, Ind.—Fair. Riley Hauser, Sec. of Clr- u Frank E Beane, aery attrarti.-tn Parka and Paira cnIt, Lebanon, Ind. Calhmin—Gordon County Fair Aaan. Oct. 2d Greatest attrtCuOn tor Farai and Fain, lort Line Fair Circuit.—Ulllon. Mont.—Fair 30. j. T MeVav. aecy Undisputed Champion High Cable Walk* Pocatello Ida - Pocatello Fair and Dr>;‘ng Dalt.m-Whttfield County Fair. Oct. 12 Id. 11 en Of the Worid. Permanent addreit, Aaan. niaekf<oi. Ida.—Soniheaateru Mabo J, Herron, aecy. _ , _ r\ I'alr. St. AniuMiy, Ida.—Fremont Cmiuty Eatootoo—Putnam County Fair Aaan. Dates not Granada Villa, AKron, U., bastern addrMi, Fair. MontiM-li--, Ida.—Monti«-Iler Fair. a< t. M. F. Adama, aecy. 207 gth Ave., Care Cohn’t, New York CitT t r'twoitU I n KiirsF ’ ' '



^iwilng Green Fair Columbia, Mo.—Colum South Central L. na Fair Circuit.—Edinburg, Ida Fair. Hlgglnavllk'. Mo.—Hlgglnsvllle Fair. Carthage. Mo.—Knell Fair. Inde- p«-ndenee. Mo.—independence Fair .kaan.

Ontral New York Circuit —BoonTllle, N. Y.— Fair. Rome. N. Y.—Fair. Klchfleld, N. Y.— Fair. Brookfield, N. Y.—Fair. Vernon. N. Y. —Fair.

Com Belt Circuit —Cllntcn, HI —CllnUm Fair. Delavan. HI.—Tarewell Coiinly Fair. At- lar.ta. Ill.—.\tlanla I'nlon Fair. l>-Uoy, HI. —lelloT Fair. F.l Paao. III.—El l*aao Fair.

Ind.—Johnaon iiitv I'alr. North Vernon. ind.—Jcnnlnga Ci iinty Fair. tlagwxl, Ind.— Blackfoot Fair. Sept. 14 17. W. 11 Stulfle Ripley County I- tlr. Law n-ncehurg. Ind.— tieam. ai-cy. Dearborn County Fair. Franklin. Ind.—Fair Boise—Idiho InterauHtnliln Fair Aaan. Oct.

Soutbeastem Iowa Fair Aasn.—Burlington, Iowa. 11-ld. Will H Glbaon, aecy. —Fair. Mt. Pbaaant, Iowa.—Fair. West Caldwell—Canyon County Fair Aaan Oct. 5 9. Liberty, Iowa.—Fair. West Point. Iowa.— J. R. Gowan, aecy. Fair. Wapello. Iowa.—Fair. Colnmbus June- Lewlaton—Lewiatoii Clarkaton Fair S< pt. 27 tloo, Iowa.—Fair. Donnellaon. Iowa.—Fair. Oct. 2. C. W. Mount, aecy Winfield. Iowa.—Fair. C. C. Fowler, sec. of Montpelier—Fair. S. pt. 2S O. t 1 E Strong.

Baatern Indiana Fair Circuit.—Montpelier. Ind. goutbera Fair Aaan.—Anna. III.—Fair. Mnr- p«ria—Bear Ijike County Fair Aaan. S«‘pt. 22 —Fair New Caatle, Ind —Fair. Falrmount. Ind.—Fair. Mancie, Ind.—Fair. Elwood, Iml.—Fair. Warrent. Ind.—Fair. Portland,

phyaboro. 111.—Fair. Plnckneyellle. III.—Fair W. R. Holmes, secy. Marlon, Ill.—Fair. Mt. Vernon. III.—Fair. Pocatello—Pocatello Fair A Driving A»an S«-pt. Geo. C. Campbell. Sec. of Circuit. Marlon. HI. g H. 1.,^^ II Walker, aecy

Ind.—Fair. Marlon, Ind.—Fair. Hageratown. Smtthern Circuit.-NaahTlIle. Tenn.—Tennessee gt Anthony—St. Anthony Fair. Sept 212.'. Ind.—FsD. Middletown, Ind.—Fair. F. A. State Fair. Memphis. Tenn —TrI State Fair. Win. D, Yeager, aecy.' Wlaahart, sec. of Circuit, Middletown. Ind. Birmingham, Ala.—Alabama State Fair.

■aatam Ontario Fair Aaan.—Beaebburg, Ont.— Montgomery, Ala.—Montgomer.v Agricultural ILLINOIS. Fair. Merrtckellle, Ont.—Fair. Morrlsburg. patr Albion—E.lwards County Fair. Sept. 14 17. J, Ont.—Fair. lAnadowne. Ont.—Fair. South Western Iowa Fair Circuit-Atlantic. la. u. Doty. aecy. Ttlle, Ont.—Fair. Newington. Ont. —Caaa County Fair. Audubon. la.—.Vudiibon Aledo—Mercer Countv Agricultural Sotlety. Cam. Out.—Fair. Vanklcek Hill. Ont.—FUr. County Fair. Harlan, la.—Shelby County Sept. 21 24. W. I> Emerson, aecy. Fournier. Ont.—Fair. Winchester. Ont. Fair. Avoca. la.—Pottawattamie County Altamont—Altamont Fair Aasn. Sept, fi 10. F. Ftlr. R. B. Faith, tec. Eaatem Ontario Fair Pair. Missouri Valley. la.—Harrison Conn- Naumer, aecy. Aaan., Ottawa, Ont. „ n. ty Fair. Anna—I'nlon County Fair. Aug 31 S«-pl. 3. F. satern Pennsylvania ( Ircult.—Kutitown. i a. 5,,„p Line Circuit.-Jefferson. O.—Ashtabula h. Kroh. t«‘cv. — Kutilown Fair. Bethlehem. I a.—1 ensyi- County Fair. Kln«nian. O —Kinsman Fair. Belleville—St. Clatr County Fair Aasn and vanla S.ate Fair. Xaxareth. I a —Nor,bamp warren. O.—Trumbull CiSinty Fair. Con- Driving Cluhv Sept. 14 IS. Richard D. toil County Fair .Mb-ntown. • neaut Lake, Pa.—Conneaut iJikc Fair. Mer Wlechert, secy. leiitown Fair. Reading. la.—Great Keaiung —Merc<-r Central Agricultural .Assn. Belvidvre—Boom County Agricultural Society Fair. York. Pa.—York t ounty ralr. Mt. Stoneboro. I’a.—Stoneboro Ealr. Aug. Sl-Sept. 3. M. D. Perklna, aecy. Holly. N. J-—Burlington County rair. g^uHj Dakota and Minnesivta Fair Circuit—Clark, Breeae—Bree-e* D. A F. Aasn. Sept. 8 11. A. Blcaimaburg. Pa.—Fair. p—palr. Clear Lake. S. D.—I'atr. Red- W. Grant, secy.

State Fair. Memphis. Tenn —TrI State Fair. p, Yeager, aecy. Birmingham, Ala.—Alabama State Fair. Montgomery, Ala.—Montgomer.v Agricultural ILLTNOIB. Fair. Albion—Eilwards County Fair. Sept. 14 17. J,

outh Western Iowa Fair Circuit—.Atlantic. la. u, Doty. secy. —Caas County Fair. Audubon. la.—.Audubon Aledo—Mercer County Agricultural Sotlety. County Fair. Harlan, la.—Shelby County Sept. 21-24. W. I> Emerson, secy. Fair. Avoca. la.—Pottawattamie County Altamont—Altamont Fair Assn. S«pt. fi 10. F. Fair. Missouri Valley. la.—Harrison Conn- Naumer, secy. ty Fair. Anna—I'nlon County Fair. Aug 31 S«-pl. 3. F.

itate Line Circuit.—Jefferson. O.—.Ashtabula h. Kroh. 8<‘cy.

. 'I’l Thf, Big Fai Whekl .,*1 Tof f\t l / I I. I /

V' . I IwH'tl N H f .illll

It ^ *• nioiu'v‘•I.iihI-

%. -a ipiiiiN'liii (sii t .lUiloe

EuRpiDGEfoiimn? I ' RiNMNior.'it III

Supply th« U. 8. ^ Covernment.

I 1Ik\ Pric^CutinHalf I H H M this swason. Our latf* lull |i newiBA^Mtge Haod m- UH |l i Btrument catalof S«at

FREE. Wnuto-dAF.

BMini wiRUTzn oo. W C.4VII at. Tgmjff aaawaaMkAM.cwMaaaaL

Holly. N. J.—Burlington Lounty rair. Bbaimaburg. Pa.—Fair.

F.gvptlan Fair Circuit.—Anna, Ill.-—I nlon I oiintv Fair. Murphyalairo. 111.—Jackson

« ountv Fair. PlnckneyvHle. HI —Perry Coun IV Fair. Marlon. Ill —Wllllamaon County

S. D.—Fair. Clear Lake. S. D.—I'atr. Red- W. Gnini. aecy. field. S. D.—Fair. Huron. S. D. — Fair. Bjshnell—Biiabnell Fair Aaan. Aug 3 6. J. Brookings. S. D.—Fair. Maraball. Minn. Fair. Canby. Minn.—Fair.

ly Fair. Marlon. III.—AAllllamaon couniy Tennessee Fair Circuit.—Huntsville. Ala.— Exposition. April 12-17. Tbos. D Vsoosten, Agricultural Board. Mt. Aernon, 111. Jer- Huntsville Fair Assn. Fayetteville, Ten.—Lin- gen. mgr., UM Eighth st., Cairo, III. ferson County I'alr.

Great Western Circuit.—Joliet. Ill.—Fair. Kalamaioo. Mich.—Fair. Peoria. Ill.,—Fair. Hamllne, Minn.—Minnesota State Fair Springfield. 111.—Illlnola State FaD. M^ phis. 'Tenn.—Fair. Dallas. Tex.—State Fair

coin Co. Fair Assn. Winchester, Tenn.— Camargo—Douglas County Fair Assn. Sept. 14- Franklin Co. Fair Assn. Tullahoma, Tenn.— 17. A. II. Hayward. A'llls Grove. Ill. Tuilahoma Fair Assn. Shelbyrllle. Tenn.— Cambridge—Henrv County .Agricultural Board. Bedford Co. Fair Aasn. Murfreesboro. Ten.— Aug. 23-27. Tbto. BoIten»teln. secy. Rutherford Ce. Fair Assn. Columbia, Tenn.— Carllnvtlle—Macoupin County Fair A Agrlcul- Tenneasee Valley Fair Assn. tural Assn. Oct. 12-15. C W. York. secy.

of IVxas.—K1 Paso. Tex.—Fair. W. H.Smal- virglnla-Carollna Fair Circuit.—Galax. Va.— Carml—White County Fair. Sept. 7 11. Claude linger, aecv.. Inter Mountain Stock Farm, Iron Mountain. Mo.. Is Circuit secretary.

nitaols Iowa Short Ship Circuit.—Oregon, Ill - Ogle Co. Fair. Sterling, Ill.—Great North- weatero Fair. Morrlton. Ill.—Whiteside Co. Fair. Lyons, la.—Clinton District Fair. J. B Aherns. Sec. of Circuit, Lyoni. Iowa.

Interstate Fair Managers’ Association.—Des Moines. la.—Iowa State Fair. Nashua, la.— Big Four Fair .Assn. Marshalltown. la.—Mar¬ shall Countv I'alr Assn. Clarion, la.—\A right County Fair. Eldora, la—Hardin County Agricultural Assn. Osage. la.—Mitchell County Agricultural Soc'y Algona, la.—Kot

Fair. Radford, Va.—Fair. Taaewell, Va.— M. Barnes, secy. Far. Roanoke. Va.—Fair. Lynchburg, Va.— Carrollton—fireen Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 18 21 Fair. Richmond. Va.—Fair. Winston. N. C. S. S. Simpson, aecy. —I^alr. Greensboro. N. C.—Fair. Raleigh, Charleston—<!ole Co. .Agricultural Society. .Aug N. C.—Fair. Charlotte, X. C.—Fair. Colum hla. S. C.—Fair. .Augusta. Ga.—Fair. Spar Chicago—International Fair. No*. 2s Ib-c. tanburg. S. C.—Fair. Conrad Gresen. Roan oak, Va., circuit secretary.

3elvld*re—Boom County Agricultural Society Aug. Sl-Sept. 3. M. D Perklna. aecy. A I ■

Breeae—Breese D. 4 F. Aasn. Sept. 8 II. A. /oW ™ M 1 W. Grunt, secy. ■" ■■

Rjshnell—Biishnell Fair Asan. Aug 3 6. J. UNIFORMS Cairo—Merchants and Manufacturers' Trade DiaUt Pei'cwe

Exposition. April 12 17. Tboa. D Vanoaten. , ^ gen. mgr, U*4 Eighth st., Cairo. III. R 1 Got out ON TIMC. Order from Mfrp.

Camargo—Douglas County Fair Aasn. Sept. 14 \< ■ and save money. FreeCataloR 17. A. II. Hayward. A'llla Grove. Ill. S-A and Samples.

Cambridge—Henrv County Agricultural Board. W UfCSTCRN UNIFORM CO., I-cadiaJ Tb' " JlbdlenMeln s«-y.. Vn,form Mira. 216 Clark S«.. CMICABI

Carllnrllle—Macoupin County Fair 4 Agricul- tural Assn. Oct. 12-15. C W. York. aecy.

Carml—White County Fair. Sept. 7 11. Claude n • e

Can-olftOT'^^iiwn^ Co. Fair Aaan Oct. 18 21 D&rj[2WDS ID S. S. Simpson, aecy. «..a a w« m mm mm

S.,;2'TS; ' s Ufhtly Used Machines Chicago—International Fair. No*. 2Mb-< 5 wewwrwa av«Mw,u«u w

B. H. Helde. secy. Callle'a Hyloa, slightly naed. tl.A 00 each. Mllla' Danvera-R.H-k Cr.-ek Fair. S* pt. 7 10. John j«iiccea«.a. slightly uacl. »«ta. each;

S, Popple, uprjr. ^ » .F ^ . w

24 2^. W. O

H. H. lMiU%

Cltv. U.—North Iowa Fiiir. nrixx. la.—ii»n cock County Fair. Waverly. la.—Bramei Countv Fair. Hampton. la.—Franklin Coun ty Fair. Aiiatln, Minn.—Mower Coiint.v Fair

aran—Taaewell County Agricultural Board '•Ills' Sm-c* sa. allghlly ta> each; Draw mg. 24 27. J. J. Jones, aecy. Pokera, $lii ea»-h. Above prieea caah with *>rder. ncanvllle.—Crawford County Grange Fair. lept. 28 Oct. 1. Henry Coulter, aecy HIP POMP A NY Ifir

Paso—VA o.Mlford County Fair. Sept. 13 17 I/. 1. \e. VlilfirAllIy IDC.y 1 J TeatiTiTer aecT vood-Jickscii Granie Fair Aaan. Sept 8 Drlglnalor, .ml |n*entoni of Xoveltle. In up to- 0. Elry Spangler, aecy. the mitiiite <siin contmlleil iiiacbliies

«ept. 6 10 79 Deapbom SI., CHICAGO. ILL. Irteld-—AA ay^ne County Fair Aaan Aug. 24 ^,1^ information on our prtifit abarer.

Kantta Grand Circuit.—Persona, Kan — r^r. . " • Cbsnute, Kan.-Falr, Iols. Ksn.-ralr. Ot- Fair. .. awaws tawa. Kan.—Fair. Topeka. Kan.—Fair. | ALABAICA Leavenworth, Kan.—Fair. Independence, Ksn. Birmingham—Alabama State Fair. Oct. II —Fair. Frank Smith, Sec. of Circuit, lols. 20. E. E. Green, aaat. aecy. Ksn. Montgomery—Alabama Agricultural Fair. Oct.

Ifarylind A Virginia Circuit.—Norfolk, Vs.— 22 29. E. J. Bsrtlett, aecy. Fslr Tssley. Vs.—Fslr. Pocomoke, Md.— Ssmaon—Geneva County Fslr Aasn. Oct 13-16. Fslr. Ssulsbory, Md.—Fair. Easten. Md.— j w. C. Pryor, mgr. Fslr. Rockville. Md —Fair, 'nmonlum, Md. ARKANSAS _lid State Fair. Prospect Park. Md.—Fslr. AKKAMbAB Hsnover, Ps.—Fslr. Jsa. 8. Nussesr, sec. of Benton—Ssllne County Fslr Assn. Dstei not Circuit, Lotbervllle. Md. set. J. S. Ctley, secy.

Msnitolis Racing Circuit.—Brsndon. Man.— ’ Camden—Onachlta Cotinty Harvest Fair. Dates

QO A P ^ Medicine I and Street Men

6ft C. C. Kerr, lecy. » Gr**enup fair. Aiiir. 31 S**pt. 4. H. E CRub, prtro lUf and aaiuplea cNintractlGg ^ ,1 ^ - - for fhe m-aiion. We supply Hmip Iti bulk, lu car OrlgRRTHle llllnota \ alley 4 air. Aug S 6. lona or In wra|i|H*r«. rrltale braudu «»ur

H.pni('.“- Siy Fair. Or,. 27 29. rv-rt

^*Se'pt. i7i8. Dr. C.*E. Itylngton, i>^rk Aaan ^0601 Soop Co.. IndiaRapolis, loda Highland Hlglilaml. Madison Co. Fair A»«n 2 3 J N Stokr., a«-c.v. WANTED Skating Rluk Supplies Want any- WANTED Skating Rluk Supplies Want any-

Brandon Turf Club. WinnliMg. Man.--Man- not set. Harry F. Knapp secy Itoba Jockey Club. Holiind. Man.—Hollan Ca.'Ilale—Central Arkansas Fair Aaan. Oct.18- Cliib Ne«‘pxwa. Man.—Ne.-pa*»a Club. Car 22. B. D. Muiry, aecy. „ . . berrv Man_CarlxTrv Club. Portage. Man. Fayetteville—Washington County Fair Aasn. Portage Club. Portage. Man.-Portage Fair. Date not aet. W. J. Reynoldt. aecy. Winnipeg Man —Wlnnl|>eg Exhibition. Bran Hot Springs-Arkansas State Fair Aaan. Oct. don Man—Brandon Fair. Klllamey, Man..! 7 16. Ray Gill, aecy. _ Klliarnev Fair. ‘ Mena—Mena Fair Aaan. Week of August 19.

North Central Kansas Agricultural Fair and | W. W. St. John. aery.

"row" oV;""V:ri4*‘Vre’:.vrLym:,i'^ Jonealsiro—I'nlon County Fslr. Hepl. 14 17. _C. B. HORN. Rahoboth, Del.

J. D. R. Brown, aei-y. Joalln — Rock Island County Fair. Sept, 7 tt

F J Whiteside, aecy. WANT TO RENT I.’S) iwlra Holler .Skates, (fibre or lH>x«iaHli, for aiiiiimer at-aaon. Must

Kankakee -Kankaki^ District Fair Aaan Sept. ""•'llllon ami clH-ap. State aaa..rt

Racing Circuit —Smith Center, Kan —Smith Countv Fair. St. Marys, Kan.—St. Marys Racing Aa*ii. Manhattan. Kan.—Manhattan


Sacramento—California State Fair. Aug. 28

4 10. I>-n Small, aecy. ment. <-otidllloii, make and jirlce Will get the Kewanee—Great Kewanee Fair. Sept. 13 17 "i 'I"”'- CLINTON B. COOK. Aabuiy

A B Hiicklna. aecy. Park. N. J, Knoxville -Knox County Fair. Aug. 81 Sept. 8.

R H Collin aecy. rUn HEIIT ror 5 nioiilha or longer, to ra- I..>wi»town-Fuitim Coiinly Fair. Sept. 6 10 N«'"slMe iwrtlea. 'Adh century Merry go roiiml.

Agricultural Fair Aasn. Clay Center, Kan.— I Sept. 4. J. A. Filcher, eery. Arg .31 Si*r*t .3 J B Morse aecv Clay County Fair. Belleville. Kan.—^|mb- I Freano--Freano Co,inty Agricultural Assn. Oct. ,^,1, Aaan.’ Ang.

Cress V. Groat. ae,-y. I.lts-rtyvllle—Lake County Agricultural Board.

Ai;g. 31 Se,., .3 J. B Morse, aecy.

lie Cminty Fair. Concordia. Kan.—Cloud County Fair Assn. Abilene, Kan.—Dickenson County Fair. Sallna, Kan.—SiUna County Fair.

North Nebraska Short Ship. Race Circuit.— Norfolk, Neb.—Norfolk Race Meeting.

—. B. A. Powell, aecy.


Denver—Cobsrido Interatate Fair and Expoal

Geo. W. Reid, aecy. Marlon Wllllamaon Cminty Agrlrultiiral Board

Sept. 21 24 Geo. C. Cam|d>ell, aecy. Xlartlnsvllle Clark Cminty Fair. Sept. 14 enver—colWido inieraiaie rair ami ospoa* v,,r;i„,,iii,. /■i..,

tion. Sept. 12 18. O. C. Fuller, Tabor Grand aeeJ*’^ Opera Ilouae Bldg.. Denver. v. v .. ‘ ^

O-'se'llf' vilT—Racir V «>t and Stock Show! Grand Junction-Mesi; County’ Fair. Sept. 21 McNiibb I'lilnam County FaD NeuX N^b.-R«^ Mel-t and Carnival. 24. Leon J. Chapman, Secy. Edwin O, Gunn, wcy.

Ill gisxl coiHlItlon. Has be*-ii run part of three

Itural Board ’“"T";. '•«'" '*■" •• ““«'b *2<ai In ailvaiice, balance weekly as inluea

Alia in ,a Have taken as high aa g:i4N> a dav off Aug. m ill. ,1,1^ ,«l„„ JOHN F. CRANE, Bpeacer, Ind.

iltiiral Board

M KOR sale CHEAP ROLLER BKATFB; 150 to 200 |uilr akatea.

Kept 21 21. steel rollers of RIebanlaon and Winslow makea Apply to Mots Imwr, LafayMta, La.

Doif/f/e Yoi/r income/

MAY 22, 1909.

MiKin <<riiti>lx Cimtitr \Krlrultur«l Fair. 8v|.t 14 17. F. »l any.

Mllfuril—.Mllforil llorai- Fair Aaaa. Ifate not art. i; .S lirrrmi. any.

Montlrrllo- I’latt r««jnly l<<>ar<1 of AKrImIturr. Au( 17 !’<• f. II Kldijrly, arry.

M.'iH-i- \li.ini- IMa'rl<t I'a.r. Srjit, 1 ft. Wm. ('•■Ilirliir •••< j

VIorrIaon - Wliitralilr County Axrli-ultiiral 8o rtrly. Auk 31 H*'|>t. 3 W A Itlaitcltt, arry.

\lt. Carr'ill -4'arroll County Fair Aaan. 8*pt. 14 17 Cal M Fi'rarr. arry.

Mt StrrlliiK Krintn Couuty Fair. Auf. 31- Kri.t. 3. \V It. InKalla, a<.ry.

Ml V.rtion J.-IT-r»*rti Cfiiinty Fair Hrjit. 2A (Ul I. CUaa It. Krili-r. any.

Murfiliyatairo —JackaoM C<Mjnty Fair. Aaan. Kept. 71('. Chaa I.. Illltrr. arry.

Nrwtmi—JaaiM-r County Acrlrultural Joint .ntiM k Co I4r|it. 13 17. laalali Htrwart.

>naton- Fair. . uj,-. 18 19. C. W. Smith, a*Ty.

N- rib .Man. lir»in--.North Manrhaatar Rarloc Aaan. Sapf It IT. Chaa. Wright, aacy.

North Mabrh-airr.—Wahaah County Fair. Aug. 31 Sapt. 3. Chaa. Wright, aacy.

North Varnon Jaiinlnga County Fair Aaan. JiilT 27 30. Wm. fi. North, aacy.

t)ag<»al—lllplay County Agricultural Aaan. Aug 3 ft. Kriwin .N. Glaagow, aacy.

IMna Vlllaga.—Warran i.ountry Fair. Aug. 27 2t‘. John <i. MfConl, an-y.

Porllati'l—Jay County Fair Aaan. Aug. 30 Kaiit. 3. Jamaa F. Graaaa, aacy.

Prinn-ion—Glhaon County H. A A. Society. Aug. .30 Saiit. 4. Paul S. Brownlaa, aacy.

Kocbaatar—Fiilton County Fair. Sapt. 14. E. K. lli-raar. aacy.

Rwkport—Itockpc.rt Fair. Aug. 16 21. C. M. Partrlilga. aacy.

RuahTlIla.—Ruab County Fair. Aug. 24-27. W. I.. King, aacy.

RuaalaTllla—Howard County Fair Aaan. Aug. 10 13. A. C. .Shilling, aacy.

Salam—Fair. Sapt. 7 10. E. W. Manangb. aacy.

.Scottatiiirg—Fair. Sapt. 13-17. Nobla Haya,

Chicago House Wrecking Company offers you an opportunity to purchase build¬ ing material, such as Lumber, Doors, Windows, Plumbing Material and the like, at half the regular prices; also Electrical Supplies, Machinery and every¬ thing needed in the construction of a Park or buildings at bargain prices.

TURNSTILES The best Turnstile manufactured at $60.00; is complete with all the latest devices and improvements. Glass Top Ticket Choppers, first-class, at $65.00. Strip Tickets, per thousand, eight cents.

FULOING CHAIRS $6.76 is our price for high-grade, strictly first-class Folding Chairs. Compact and perfect in construction; the best chair manufactured. Also 10,000 Opera Chairs from $1.40 up. Everything in seating material.

INCANDESCENT LAMPS, 7 CENTS 10,000 brand-new Incandescent Lamps, 8 C. P., Edison Base, 100 to 104 volt¬

age, each 7 cents. 30,000 natural colored Edison Base Incandescent Lamps, Amber Color, each

8 cents. 16 C. P. Lamps, each 10c. 4 C. P. Lamps, each 12 cents, ffo. 14 Rubber-covered Copper Wire, per 1,000 feet, $7.00. Electrical Supplies of all kinds. Ask for our special list.

BARGAIN CATALOGUE No. S44 It will pay you to write for our 600-page Free Illustrated Catalogue. It's a book fifil of bargains from cover to cover. It includes ever3rthing in the Fur¬ niture and Furnishing line, also Building Material, Machinery and Supplies. Write for it today. -

CHICAGO HOUSE IVRECKING CO.,35tti&Iron Sts..Chicago. 111.

Sb*-ltiyTllI»—ShrlbyTlll. Races. Oct. 13-15. Jti. Morrison, secy.

SIwIbyTlIle.—bbelhy r<.tinfy Fair. Ang. 31- S.-|il. 4. K. W. Ml Ilanlel.. aery.

Terre Haute—Fair. Sept. IS-l*. C. I. Frem Ing. *ery

Valiiaralao—Porter Font ty Fair. Sept. 7-11. Perry Sawyer. se« t.

Vlnoemiea.—Knox C'oun’. Fair. Sept. 13-17. Ja». ,M Houee. aecy.

Warren—Warren Trl Cot. "y ^alr and Driving Aaan. Aug. 24 27. J. i i ilck. lecy.


.Mgona—Koaauth County F'air .kaan. Sept. 14- 17. W. E. N. IVjnaiil. aeiy.

.klllaon—Butler County 4grl«vi rural Society. Sept. 7 9. W. C. Shep. 1. ae y.

Alla—Buena Vlata County Xrnrultural Soci ety. Ang. 17-20. C. II. \' -tferaler. aery,

.knamoea—Anamoaa Fair Aaan Aug. 2-3-27. Dr. 1,. W. Riiaaell. aery.

•krloo—Craeford County Fair Sept. 21 23. A. .\. Coorail. aecy.

.ktlantic—Caaa County Fair As n. Sept. 13 17. W. J. Pellett. aecy.

Avoca—Pottawattamie County fair Aaan. Sept. 7 10. C. H. Read. aecy.

Aiiduboo—Audubon County Fair Sept. 20 24. S. E. Curtla. aecy.

Bayard—O'Brlen'a DrlTlng Park kssn. Dates not aet. M. J. Halllnan. at'cy

P.eilfonl—Taylor County Fair .k-en. Aug. 31 Sept. 3. F. N. Lewis, aecy

B'oomfleld—Davla County Fair. S-i't. 14 17. n O. Leach, aecy.

R.wne — Boone Driving Park an.l Fair Assn Sej.t. 21-24 A. M. Burnside, secy.

Br it—nanenck County .kgrlcul u. il Society. Sept. 21-24. Jaa. L. Manuel. aec»

Buffalo Center—Buffalo Center I.ti Ir.g t*ark and District Fair Aaan. Sept. 11 10. J. P Boyd. aecy.

Burlington—Burlington District Fall .kug. 9

operating the quickest money maker of the century-



No dark room necessar>-—you take, develop and print right in the machine in plain sight of the operator. A mint for fairs, street paiades, outdoor conventions, where special scenes can be taken to suit the customer. Woiks in or outdoors. No experience required.

No No help. Light ^Ifil A and compact. Good man _ ^ ^ can make from $10 to $25 a PROFIT day easy.

Catalat and deacriptiTe mailer mailed free] Aaan.

DAYDARK SPECIALTY COMPANY 1005 St. Ange Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

Coinmbua Junction—Fair Sept. 7-10. Corn ng—Adams Countv .kerlcnltural .k‘an.

.kug. 23 20 Goo. E. Bliaa, aecy Deoorah—Winnoahiek County Fair. Aug. 24 . 7

L. L. Callwrll. aecy. Dee Molnea—Iowa State Fair A Eipoeltlun.

Ang. 27 Sept. 3. J. C. Slmpaon. pecy. DeWItt—Clinton County Agricultural Society.

Sept. 7-10. E. J. Quigley, aecy. Doonellann — l>ee County Fair. Sept. 7-10.

Chris. Hiffner. aery. Diiho<]ne—Dubuqoe T^l State Fair. Sept. 13

!*>. D. C. Stewart, aecy. Eldon—Eldon 1!;3 Four Fair. Sept. 7-10. H

R Baker, aecy. Eldora—Hardin County Agricultural Aaan. Sept.

14 17. H. S. Martin, aecy. Elkader—Flkader Fa'r and track Aaan. Sept.

I. k 17. W. W. Davidson, secy Fairfield—Jefferson County Fair. Oct. #-7. C.

II. Gage. Sccy. Fonda—Big Fotir District Fair. .kug. 3-6. J.

P. Mullen, aecy. Qrinnell—Fair. Sept. 6 S. 1. S. Bailey, Jr. , aecy. Grundy Center—Gnindv County .kgrlcultnral

Society. Sept. 21 23. 1. M Hawn. aecy. Hampton—Franklin County .kgricultur.vl S<-a-l-

etv. S<'pt 2S 3«'> Sherwood .k Clock, aecy. Harlan—Shelby County Fair .ksan. Aug. -24

27. Fretl Frailer, aecy. nnmholdl — llumh-ildt Agrlrultural Society.

Sept. 14 17, John Cunningham, aecy. liKlepetalence—Bnchanan County Fair. Sept.

7 Id. P. O. Freeman, aecy. Indlanola—Warren County Fair. Sept. S-11.

Ji-w McCoy, aecy Iowa City—Johnson County Fair. Sept. 6 9.

George Jk. Hitchcock, aecy. Malvern-Mills County Fair. Ang. 3 6. I. J.

Swain, aecy. Mancheater—Delaware County Agricultural So

Cletv. Ang. 31 Sept. S. T. Nelson, seey. Manaon—Calhoun County Fair Aaan. Sept. 7-

10. C. G. Kaskey. aecy, Maqnoketa—Jackaoo County Fair. Aug. 81

Sept. 3. B. D. Ely. aecy. Marlon—Marlon Int-r State Fair. Race Meet

Ing will he held July 5 6; Fair, Sept. 14-17. J. B. Travla. aecy.

Marahalltown-Marshall County Fair Assn. Sept. 6 10. Wm. Clark, aecy.

Marengo—Iowa County Fair. Ang. 10-12. Alex Mcljennan. secy.

Maaaena—Maaa.>na Dlatrlct Fair Aaan. Sept. 6 9 D P. Hi->gan. aecy.

Maa<m City—North Iowa Fair. Datea not aet. C. H. Barber, secy.

Moutlee1<v-Jonea County Fair. Ang. SO Sept. 3 FT»>d W. Koop. socy.

Mt. Pleasant—Henry County Agricultural Aaan. Aug. 17 20. O. N. Knight, aecy.

Nashua—Big Four Fair Aaan. Sept. 7 10, C. U I’utney, aecy.

National—Clayton Co. Agricultural Society. Sept 7 9. Henry I.nehacn. Gamavlllo. la.

New Sharon—New Sharon Dlatrlct Fair. Sept, 14 17. C. F Momyer. aecy.

Newton--Jaai>er County Fair. Aug. 13-16. J. II tlrlhN-n. aecy.

Northwiaal -North County Fair. Sept. 27 SO. K. H Miller, aecy

Ogden—Brt'ne County Fair. S«'pt. 14 17. W C. Theloar. aecy.

Increase Your Seating Capacity ....WITH THE....

Milner Self-Rightmg a

“All-Aisle” Onera Chair Grades for all uses. Send for Circulars.




A most profitable and easily managed game, Requires but little attention. Gives much pleasure, moderate exercise, A Becomes very fascinating. J


I>Fngtb --- For fuU

— d..-acrlptton. send for catalogM*

Dept A., SK££-BALL ALLEY CO.. Philadalphia, Pa.

t.awrvncehnrg — lawrencehnrg Fair Aaan. .kug. fi 7 C O'Brian. aacy.

t.ehanon —Bnona County Agricultural SiKlaty Ang lo 13. Rllay lianwr. aai-y.

l.lharly—t'nlon County Fair .kaan. Aug 31- Sapt 3 Milton Maxwall. aacy.

Marango—Fair Ang. 23 27. H W Kay. a,TV

Marion-Fair, Ang 31 Sapt. 3. Will Williams, aacy

Marlon—Grant County Agricultural and Fair Aa^n Aug 31 Sapt 3. Will Wllllama aacy.

Mlddlaiown llanrv. Madlaon and IValawara Countv kgrlcultnral Soi-laty. Ang. 3 6. F. A Wlaahart. aacy

Monliwilcr Blvrkford A Walla Co. Driving Co. July 20 23 C. 1. Smith, aacy.

Mt Varnon—Ml Varmui Fair Aa«n. Ang. IT 30 J M llarlam. aacy.

Muncia - Dalawara County Agricultural and Me¬ chanical Society. Aug. IT 21. F. A. Swain, aacy

New Cialla llanrv Cnnntv Agricultural Si’cl ety Ang 10 13’ W I., RIak. aacy.

Naw Harmony — PiwH-y I'onnty Fair. Ang. 3 6. L Waila Wllaon, aacy.

To correspond with first-class Carnival Companies and independent at¬ tractions for the great No-Tsu-Oh Association Carnival, Houston, Texaa. Dates, November 8th-13th, inclusive. Would like to hear from circua managers Address. 6E0R6E P. BROWN. Vice-President, HOUSTON. TEXAS.

NEW ARRIVALS 500 Monkeys and Baboons

Monster Snakes, 10 to 20 feet; Ostriches, Birds of all kinds in great varieties.

E. C. VAHLE, Importer, 319 Market St., Philadelphia, Penn. (Contlnurtl on page 54.1

52 Xtie Billboard MAY 22. 1909

London Letter • CoDtinued from paK** 10-)

In tl(i« K>>|)-in tliiT>‘ af'' many adrantaifoa. SOME AKUSEMI Hiiil likt-wlM- •lioailvantaKoa Ih*- wliWli Mr. rr iliiiinn i>t ronro- (u*. k aa l-l•■arlv aa .. , ,, .. irt.aall,Ij c.iil.I Th r. an- advantaK-a . for llic .aiitlinr, lint In- iI.m-h not (ji-t <ml willi- jm,,. ,,f |.'n'lanil

80«E «a»»E«E»i »0TE^D».».Tic WorM Wide Cifculafion”

, . . . , ^ fiallnn that he liaa iiilaa-il aonietliiiiK. And any ri al diatiiicthin. in a play of Ihla kind .... n e, m, n,.. actor and nrlriaa and all ron the pl't (oiiiita for very little; It la a mere niooel with the playhonae ohaiirvintt tlila


Mine. Jane lladini:. of tin' I'ort" .S.iln< Mar tin. with lier eoinpuny. haa left I'aria for i tiMir of Kni;land and the font incut.

Catabhshed 1037.

(•ec lo hant; a medley of iM-antifnI paeeanta and variety entertainment tiiioo. The atory la

eheiiie. from inanaKenient to nahera. The oh.iei'ta of irt. tlie fnrniahinga and tiic

nlii|nitl'ia in the collection of \ Irturien Hardoii ERA

cynical alaait woman'a love, and the IndlKoaut f playera to iiay and little or no liolber — liInK, once atarted, praetlrally nina ItM-lf.

prlnei—. nil ter piedKC or aecre<-y. reveala ner xhen- are no iMitlieraoiiie rehearaala. no itettliiK i,.,.* .i Identity aii.I refnima to have anythlnit to do f,.geti,eT acnery and proiiertlea. no |Hia«llillll.v ^ ‘ ' ittnin.n w'lth uim. It waa all that waa moaliid to make friction aniontt tin* artiata liecanaii of thia the youni: pr oi-e an ardent wEae-r. The prln ..n,. ceitliiK parta they deem nn- l.nna I'ark, at

and with thia tlrat money ktMl franca he ran to the ahop and made the piirehaac Thia oh

KrtKlunirit I.eadinK Dramatic and Mu*

steal Journal. ItccoKnlzt'd standard

authority. .Most elahoratp news serv-

! Ices. coverliiK all departments <if the

Kuropcan amusement profe.sslons.

Hest udvertlslntc medium for all Ku-

the youny prmi-e an ardent vKas-r. The prln B,.n|„g eeaa la arreati-d aa a apy and exfaiaiKl for aale Evorthv of them Itl'T Id the alave market. She fruatratea an attempt ....I, ..... . of I'rinee ila'Kan, hia elder hrother, to roh While Ihla piece la rnnninf; p«n-hapa ••''■re are Omar of h.a crown, and all enda happily with 1-iree Inddlnt: playwrishla waitlnK for mErrlnce x .wa. The humor .,f the Imok of ■ «•"> worda ia rather of the elementary pantomime lomea. for oiu-e the hii; i.rder. hut fa. lonk •• dravea. who playa the ■•'••r elth. tlie inanatter

ehaiK-e With their warea. The chance never oinea. for oiiee the hit; run of the anreeaH la iver with, tlie nianatter aeia-pta another play In th It.iia .le Itonloiiitne, ivintlnnea lo attract

ilart of Kink Kharvam la on the alaire he haa from the aame aillhor, or (tela one fnmi a.ime the erowila. The little people were recently the c paM of K nk Khazyam la on the alai.. . .le naa „i,i, . i.i„ .,i,... iriieHia of liie maiiaio in.nt of Ih.. OIvninia The i other pla.tmakiT xvitli a (treat hl(t reputation, (tiieala of tiie niaiiattement of the Olyni|iia The

Me pays too much for hia protliu tiona for him aire. where Mlsa Klliel la-xcy la playiiiK iiifflcl.nt humor In lilmaelf to atone for every- '■’"'■r pia.xmaK.T w i yi a (treat i.i(t repuiai .ii. think. Horace Mllla waa in hia element aa '•<“ t"" niiteh for hia proilii. tiona for hini Swaak. the keeia-r of the royal camela. Noel »<• run riak- »f fa lure: hia Srat nlithta c.»t Klemlnp. who haa an exca-llent but not an over **}"' .nnti.v tliouaainla of dollara. whether the powerful Miles.. toEik the part of ttmar. Ruth "■ ■ <"■ * craekerjaik So he feela Vincent, aa the Prlnis-aa. and Carrlea M.aire aa H mseaaary to clear of the joiintt and Zlnita.i., a clove (talhi rer. were encored In aev- nnknown chaii " llh the maniiacrlpt under hia eral of th-ir aonita: and Vivien Talleiir. aa arm. rjiijula. (tsve a clever dance In very fllmy at- The acheiiie la very different here. Every 'a* at the lloitie for .kclora. at I’litil-anx Paiiiea,

time oni. picka up a pajM-r lie aiMsf o|ieiiiutt a^' du* W'hlch tin* **li|cr Co.imdln foiiiidisl and at An Intereallng debut In thia mualcal comedy ter otHiilnii ajMiken of In the roliimna and then, which he UUal.

with an llriental flavor will be that of Noel are always iiamea brand new to him. .\a 1 Elemlnit. the twenty-alx year old son of our walk the Poiilexarils of Paris, I have a fiwllni; old friend. Itarton M'tiiickln. It was owing that every man I see, earryliig a roll of (lain-r llcu-,x lleriialelii has taken one of his nrst to Sir fjeorge power, the voice s|>eclallst, that under arm. or a black leather portfolio, has plcy*. Ic .Marche (The Itargalni. and after music lovers raised a fund for the education a (day there, and that it la sikmi to be pro nine .vears bus rewritten It hraiid new. It Is of the .voting tenor, and after atud.ving In Paris, dneed. And the n-aaon for that la the REPEIt 's‘ presented siain at the Theatre dii Parc, he apiH-ared on the concert platfmTu two yeara TORY THE.kTUE. At such a playhouse, a ^ ago. He Is now to hloawim forth as no h-as a iiiaiiciter la |ir<Nlnring two or tlms- plays and ^

I.iina Park, at P.irl .Maillot, will o|H-n lowaril fUpt*. IIIK lit II.DINfaS, ft the last of May Instead of the tlrat. a. work 'I'uvIsItHk St.. Slruild. . W. C'. Iini* Im*!*!! i*ousltJt*rHbl,v hy the r«lut.

■** “POLAR” rite .y|idg.‘t t'lt.v, at the Jarditi d'.keclinialion, ^| X In th ll.da .le Itonloiigne, laintlnnca lo attract IVV , anas m assasn the erow'da. The little people were recently the Ll AUlilC IDP I 1 M Q V giieala of tiie iiiaiiag.'ment of the (llyni|iia The > rLHnllllU Hilll LAlTIl V aire, where Mlsa Klliel la-Xi’y la playing ' ^n* .. .w. ..

lliiru J(l buura on one trim of ♦ carlMiiis.

... . . , ■ -tVl Turn night Into day. I wo iiioiiiiiiieiiia are la- ere. l.i the B .Sfl (jreal attraetIuD and great ad

leeiiiury .if tlie Ciapielina. The one ia lo Ix' at 'Ml vertlaiiig medium P.oulougne aiir Mer, where the lw»i great come- Every theatre Or other show diana w.-r** tairn and hrt-il. anil the othi‘r will aliould have at least a ivjuple of lie at the Hoiiie for .ketora. at Pont-aiix Iiamea. ■ n these lauiiis out diaira. llio whirb the elder Cui|iielln fuiiiidiMl and at ■ M Many SEEN EVEKYWHEUE lo which he UUal. praetiral <a>eratloD.

iB ^Va^F Please ask ua for catalogue and

Hi u~y llernalelii has taken one of his tlrst p R RAnT C. f'fS lilnya. Ia- .Marche (The Itargalni. and after f ■ ) . r nine .vears bus rewritten It hraiid new. It Is N. ' <W®»tBrn Ag*nt*t lo Iw iireaented siam at the Theatre dii Parc. 1504 Monadnock BIk., ChlcaKo, Ilk

Two Illiilllllllellla arc to la- crei'tivl to the iiieiiiury Ilf the Ciapielina. The one la lo Ix' at P.iiulongne anr Mer, where the Iwii great colue- diana were Ixirn and hn-il, and the other will lie at the Hoiiie for .ketora, at Pont-aiix Iiamea, llio whleb the elder Cui|ilclln foiliidial and at which he UUal.

nine .vears hua rewritten It hraiid new. It la lo lx- Iireaented aia>n at the Theatre dii Pare.

rharacter tliau timar KUazyam. rehearsing another at the aame time. An nn l.iieleii iliiiiry he who is te play the CsN'k eialty. Must l>e nice liaikhig! I/mg M-asiVu; known writer leaves a manuaerlpt on his desk, in Edmond Uostaiid’s drama of the ham yard, -j aiid's night standa. laiw. sure salary. LeRoy which. ii|sm n-adtng, be finds to be pretty Clianlirlix-r Has gixeii up the luauagement of & Haaelton, care Dreamland Floating Palaca, goial. Ill .kmerica. be would fiM-l that to ' -he Theatre de la Kenaissaiiee twhieh la near Athelia, Ohio, May 14-16; Louisa. Ky. 17 ana pnaline It would be t<a> much of a risk. Not his new lo go to the theatre Port Saint week, so III r.-. He can put the piei-e In rehearsal— ^ Martin, where he will take up the work dr<>p|x‘.| lie has sia-nery and alxait all the pro|M-rtles ; hi Cixpieliu when that eonieiUan's name was wnvTvn air-TTT»F rtt w rnn batt-. a— necessary already on hand-and produce It on sllllial hr death, tlullry was at the Renats- some Isvorlle ni,{ht In order to test fully lt« sanoe for seven years following ti|s.n the h.s-ls fro,„. r.’ gCHAEFER 1610 N. Seconi} merits. If It catches on. he has discovered a of Snruh lb rnhardt and Gender, neither of Philadelphia. Pa. newi-oiner. who might startle the world. If •

WANTED- tScli. Knsliiesa Man, one w ith s|>e eialty. .Must be nice lis.king. long m-ssod; ‘J and It nlgbt stands, low, sure salary. LeRoy

Another play Is promlixxl, and with The Mer^ i i, w.,„id be t<s> much of a risk. Not ry Ut may b** it ia bop^ In ri*. H»* ran |»iit th«» pir**** In rrhearajil— to th* fortuiioa of thr ahlorf Tbratre, j m-«‘nrry ami atnait all tlir pro|M»rtiri' unirr thr inanarrnx'iit of Captain Harry nrrraaary alrrady on hand—and produrr it or ban. a pleluresinie ffghtlng man In the Boer , |„v„rlie night in order to test fully It* mar. Thr plot r^Ki^'rrna thr aon of an Austrian im.fitis. |f it oatrh«*a on, hr has dlacoverrd i farnirr. m’h** hr<*<»mra a l^r«*at dm'tor and falla j ||,.\vi-4»m4*r. mho initfht ntartlr thr world. 11 tn lo\r mlth a high-t>orn girl, only to mrrt > rilerr falla, hr la out prartlcally nothing vleK <^s«y ,1 < aa 11 n/»# t/atl IlAtA'^kVar . ..a. _ ..i with thr anob'a Joy—claaa diatinction. Hom’evrr, p«.ady for rrhrai>lng anothrr play. In thr rnd. the arlatorratic parrnta are X^d m» it gi>ra. Of oourar mhen an author to are that a m^n la what hr b*»comra, and not r<»a||y pna thr bulTa rye, hr la out of iKK'krt mhat hr la Uini. In the op«‘nlng wriie, a farm wlirn hia play la takrn off for thr purpoar of yard, me arr to have real live at(»rk. and even putting on ank'tther—that la, for thr time be* a p*md with docka awimniing about. lt„t l have my douhta. If. In thr long

^ run. thia U thr oaa«*. I don't t»rlirvr hr h>ara ^ ' much To luy may of thinking, it moiild merely

Tmo of our i^romlnrnt vaudeville artlsta. In mean the payment of m'hat ia coming to him


MUSIC HALL the abarx- of Iaalx-1 Elsk and Stella Mayhew. smaller Installmenta and strung tait over a arr going very atrong at prrarnt at thr Coll*, i h'ugrr |H'ri»»d of time. I <>r, aa l^ng aa a arum, mhllr ii<*ale Stahl—m*h<»ar alaog, by thr '■ holda fh«*rr la no rraaon m’hy It ahouldn t way. haa rrratrd mmir m’rtrd dla<*uaaioua In the , remain a part of the rrp<»rtoirr i»f a company Is.tidon newspaixirs-la still tilling the Vaude '’f players lndeflnltely--for years, aa jx-r ex vllle ntght after night. The latter, fn fact, has -sniple. I, Honnenr et I Argent, at the roiiK-dle. caidured the heart of Ix»nd<»n, and already th** which |day was ae-'epltst by the conmil tie some of her ratch phrases are finding their ! '* playhouse In 1S.>_. I have told almve

ar!^ going’ verv Vtroiig at nresent at the Coll- , '“nBcr |x-ri.xt of time. Tor. as long as .s piece !• the recognlied organ of Vaodevllle Artiata throughout the world. Americana vlalting In Londoe ■eum while Itosle Stahl whose slang, by the ! holds gisxl. there Is no reason why It shouldn’t will find a friendly welcome at 14 lielcester Street, W. C. NEW Y’ORK OPFICKS. 19 W. Twenty way.’has crested some weird dls<-usslou8 In the, remain a part of the repertoire of a company fourth Street; Telephone 1772. Madiaon Square.

of the revival of this play.

of course this Idea Is miirh the same as

some of her ratch phrases are finding their i>isy iiinisi in i iiaie loni aooie ' m pi p c- d A p lj a I 13 ^ \ M way Into the language of the town. Rut I ! »••*’ revival of this play. ^ J M hope that Miss Kressl.-r, In view of the sue- of course this Idea Is murh the same as cesses that Americans an- making In I/ondon, | tint evpressi-.l for the National Theatre, but will mfsilfy siimi-what her swi-eplng eondeinna- ; ih.-re Is no reason for It not Ix-lng a snee»‘sa Over 7." per cent, of the finest theatres In thi- Tnlted Sfatea tlon of the English toward all plays and play- '• in any other playhouse, and at the same time and are tiinilslx-d mih ilnni. 1 hey aie iisixt In 318 ers fr ,m the I’nlttsl States. .Miss Dressier will Is- us.-d without harming In any way. the of the 4ii5 moving pietuie theatres In ('hnago. aiirely admit that she was Irested with ex- i rh.mces for siieress of a national house. The To meet tin- growing demand for

cesses that Americans an- making In I/ondon, | tint cvpn-ssi-.l for the National Theatre, will mfsIlfy somi-what her swn-plng eondeinna- ; ih.-re Is no reason for It not Ix-Ing a sii

aiirely admit that she was Irested with ex- i rh.mces for siieress of a national house. The treme business ov*-r here; In fset. she has more Coiinslle Francalse thrives most lx.aiitifiilly. than once b-iasteil of If: and hecansi* her par- i an<l as I have already sfateil. most of the

To meet tlu- growing demand for

LOW PRICED OPERA CHAIRS than once b-iasted of If: and hecansi* her par- i an<l as I have already sfateil. most of the i-vaw* r'laix.E.w x/r'c.iXM wriMiixo tirular show entirely falli-d lo please. It la ■ more Important theafrea In Paris, where the we have originated a nunilx-r of stylea which, though Inezpen- anrely going rather far to condi-mn a whole na- | drama -ir opi-ra is given, follow thia practice. »ive. are cliaracteriatie of tlon. English plays have failed more than ,,j,.e la-en managers and stara ANDREWS QUALITY simTur" asserrion’m*fl!b. from* thls“side ‘ V'? have trli-d out a motlficatlon of this prln- Write for our large catalogue. Illustrated In colora. which will similar ass.rllon made *hls side ciple .n the I nlt.-d Stairs, cn-ating new works ....pix «,x| .asist you. when contemplating the purchaae of

r. A. i-KTi 1 «UAi. ! .jj matine<-a, and «o on. Rut this la not the ((jx-ra Chairs. - ’ real Idea In any sense of It. for to give a play , ^ ^ ^

a genuine trial, regular, critical night aiidl- a ' ^X • I Aa onc«-s should pass nixm If. Mr. Frolimaii says .'kY/ VXX \ ^ t M ^

I HriS Letter ‘ ho is gomg m do thU very thing, and I for ^ t 0.1 AO AjVLLVI ,,r.-dlct a big siiccias for him. es|x.iially ^ *■

as he admits that he will be satisfied with *lV*x.'*** ■ (Conllmteil from page 16.) profits. STLOuiS °

Paris Letter (Conllnneil from page 16.)

ANDREWS QUALITY Write for oiir large catalogue. Illustrated In colora, which will _'iiide aixl assist you. when contemplating the purchase of (»|K-ra Chairs.



Rundav matinee, tiringnire and Cld; night, !>. Ronbomnie Jadis and I.e Monde ou I'on s'enniil; Monday night, MIdlstle and Connals Tol: Tuesday night. lx- Lya and La- Marquis de Priola; Wednesday night, same as Monday; ■rhnrsilay night. B.iin-- as Tuesday: matinee, L’Honne’nr et 1’Argent: Friday night, same as Monday: Saturday night, same as Tnesilay. And here. In a nutshell, is the plan which Mr Erobman has In his mind for the Duke of Y'ork. and ultimately for America, as he himself The O.leon ohsi-rTes the same sort of t<he,Iule. alternating with plays such r.s It has In refx-rtoire, and nsnall.v the Port Saint Martin, the theatre of the late Coqitelin. does likewise. Mme. Uejane and .Mme. Bernhardt find It to ' their advantage, artistic or otherwise, to give their clientele such changes as these, and so does the inausgement of the Theatre des Arts and other playhouses.

1 have si-ldoin seen, at any of these show shops many seats go Ix-gglng. while on the other hand, it Is a familiar sight to sih- long lines of iMsiple waiting In front of the various box offices.

— $2,500 IN CASH PRIZES - For Balloon Races and Aerial Contests


SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR September 20 to 25, inclusive, 1909. For entry blanks and full particu^ lars write ROBT. H. COSGROVE, Mgr., 218 Hutton Block, Spokane, Wash.

Feature Films


The Secret of Our Success Good exhibitors who know quality tell the story. Our whoie time, brain, energy

and capital are employed in distributing the Best Film Seivice that can be procured

Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Company Eastern Offices:



Western Offices:



MAY 22, 1909. Xtie BIlIDoard

Ahotii ri'iiiiiliH'il III! ri' fur niiy li'iiittli of time. lillltr.V tll.'lll ■ Ito' llollHO ■ IiIk

I'A - oiitiioir tlirhikl. hIiIiIi tin- Inti- CliHrloit W'nriH r iii»il>' m> mcII kiioHii ull ovir tb* ruifllili •.iK'.ikIti;; worlil, in Mtlll ruiitilnK ■( tbf MiiIiIk'I

llotnlliil. dll' lljiii<l<ulT Kliit;. Iini Juki rlonfil „ .III' •'>Hfiil at till* Alhauiljra, ulKf III Huk til** ll•■altlill•'^ for a ru'*tilli aolld. I|. i> iiou III r.iielatiil, afiir wblrti to* croM*-i

I riiiaily for llir<*<

MIk> i:iiiiiia Itaiik*. a yoniiK Aiiiorli-an l>l. Iia*> Jiial tiiaili* u iinint aiiii-iaafiil Uriit sp i.. araii I- at III*' Salli- il<-a AlfrlrultfUfa.

’I'll*- motion plrtiin- |M-o|ili* hat** liiTailiil an otliiT I1*-lil. Tliia tlu.c a (-ltii-aiato(rapli com (•atiy liaa cloacil a loiitrart wltU tialiri**)!** .rAiiiiiiiir.lo to funilali it with alx acctiarioa i >*'ar for two yiara. Kroiii time to time the iiio\ltiit picture eonipanlea have iM-eii enrroarblDK fiirtlier am! further U|eiti the KC'iumla of oper- .ith ami (Irniiiatir territory, ami from the looka of ihluita thea.* ••xtreuiely eiiterprl«liiK peofile will aiaiti l-e cahhattlni; th<* entire output of fa- lorit* ilraniatleta and coui|>oaera Kenerally.

Berlin Letter iContltiiied from iiage 1th I

liiiP-lian-r i-an le- foiiml willliu; t<i Inveat a** lart-e II Mijni. If the huildliu{ In not aold. the lirohiih.lity la that ;t will la* raxed, and the larire jrroiinda aold for Iniildlii); lota. It U alt- Hilled In a thickly in'iahlted iieltrhlKirliiaal, and the hi'irH will no doiiht reillxe a k'eal aurn for the lot**. 'J'li«* hnlhlltijr W'aa laat tia***! hy a clrcii** t w ii y*-ara ai;**. hut the iind**rtakltiK • onhl not niak*- any nimiej- and weiti cloaed don n

Tin- follow nit f*ifnr*-a re|ir*'Ketit the recelpta of *>*,1111 of 111* ta-al kni.wii variety houaea an*l coin*r. haha In I’arla durlnK the year I!»<ih; I'ollea H.-rtri-re. y.T.’t mai: Olimpia. $2*js,(airi: Al- hanihrii. »l<y< <aai; I,a Ciitale, $1411.laki: Scala. ♦ I.h'i.iaai, Kidorad... fl.U.iki; Aiadlo. |Hf7,h<kl: ll.i 'I'a I'lan $I<ai taai; Aiiihaaaaih-nra, $****.laai; Oalte Km hecleiiiart. fTl'.'aai: Jardln de I'arla. H'l.VMi .\iMi\**au *'lri|iie, fi.'tv.iaai: Kalaia de Olac*-. taai: flr<|iie .Medrano. »Kai.wai; Bal Taharin. »7."* 'kki; flppie de I'aria. $4.',.faai; Knl- ller. not <iulie kL’ti.'kiii. The r.-*<lpta of twenf.v. two of till- hlirit-r theatrea am<ni*,ted In l‘.»ti*< to not much h-a« than five m Ill'in dollara. aleiiit yiVi.iaai h ^a than In tin* year previoua.

The Intinn TInatr**, Berlin, haa commenced the Ki'iiiiiK-r a* a*-in with o[>eratlc. dramatic va ricly and vauin-vllle. Th<* ain-claltlea are little otn* a**,' pirileta. aa uaual rather loud and pep* ten .

ilhl Ihe.r iitiiioat to make the farce aa laush* ahh* aa |i**aMhle. But it waa really the locial ei**iil of tin* a**aMin and a tlnanclal aucceat of 111** hra| water. Think of It, |.'><i for a b<*x with ai\ a**ata: $1.’> fur a tloith* aeat in the front powat All the iadiea a|i|*<*ar)**l In “en krainh' toilette." the tP'ntlenieu In full dreaa, ami t le re<** Ipla. liicludltiK money reallx**d fr**m III** champagne aale, amouut*‘d to no leal than .'aiiaai mark'

But tin* unwelcome aftermath of the affair Ia ih** thinly dlaguiae*! Irony with which th'am ... with ilrcenalan affalra a|ieak of the aiiiatei.riah iM*rformaiic<*. ainl the fact that It coiihl liraw aitcli an iiiimena** com oura** of |>eo pie. although lieiiig of iMi artlatlc merit what* cier. It la a fact that the very lieat clrcuf p**rforinama In Berlin could not begin to draw am where a» large a h<*iiae aa the acton bad. The aitlata of the iiianeg** now feel aomewliat hurl: 'he carlcaturea of themaelvea. aa given hr tin* actor folk, re*-elved more recognition than the real artlatlc clrcua act. It la doubt¬ ful. lln*r<*fore. whether either of the two rlr* i*ua*'a here w<*uld ever again lend ita aid in an **nierptlae of tl'la aort.

The iierformaiice brought not one thing new, alttnaigh otn had the right to expect that auch an array **f dramatic talent ahould be able to Invent aoniethlng really original.

Th** forenmat comedlana of the Berlin atage ipl*ear**<1 aa cl«*wn«. but their efTi*rta were noth¬ ing abort of lamentable. If one la to believe wh it ihc p*al clrcua <*low n haa to aay about It Tl*** hit of the evening. h*'Wever. and the **iily "ton mot." which la accepted at full val¬ ue, i-n-n hj tl'e ciri'iia iieople. came from pret IV Kl'** la-hmami. who. aa f* male cl**wn. re* in.'irk*<l "il. I am atuphl. but there are .ith*r**. without ni«*ntlonlng all thoee who have pahl llnlr g****! money to get In here!"

.\|<*-.r». rriix \Vela«t,ach and B**rnhard Muel¬ ler have h*a****d fer the aiimmer the well known gnnien In tin* l.ainlalmrger .\llee, Berlin, for a V'llka Th* air** ami *‘i>«*cialt.e. The theatre aeata b’ laai. the concer* pavilion .ViO pemona.

The I’nlteil .Statea la furniahing fr<»m year to y* ar more atira for the 0|*eratic atag** In ti**rmany. B**rlin rejairta the engagement of M -a Helen .\llyn for the next five yeara by the Koiiila**be tt|iera. Berlin. Norma S**hoolar haa •*l.>e**<l a Ihr*-** year contract with the theatre In I»ua'**l*lorf. Ubeiiiah I’ru»ala. while Emma <;.*ii*' haa t*<*n won oier by the Royal Opera, B**rlin


Sydney. X. S W . April 9, IfKgt. Tin* Kaater holhlaya are on ua. the city la with people down from the country aii'l aurroundtng atatea. to pay a vialt to the great annual abow* that la held here every Kaaie.-. and which grtwa larger each year.

.Ml the theatrea are oj,en. and are reaping a harveat. aa the vialtora aeem to bare plenty of m**my ami to burn.


Th. Juliua Knight Company cloaed their waaon with A Royal Divorce, and open at •A'lelalde to-morrow night, at the Theatre Roy¬ al. 1 am not aware if the new* theatre that la being built la ready for occupancy or not.

Toniorr*«w night Mr. J. C. Wllllamaon will prialuce for the firat time on any Auatralian •tag**. .\n Engliahman's Home, the play that la creating a** much exciiem**nt at the preaent tim*' In Ix-ndon.

The lrj**-‘i- death of Joaeiih -Ml. twenty-one v**ar« <*f .vg**. who h.vil Juat accept**,! an en- gag.-iiont with a w.*ll*kn*>wn Eur,*iH*an circua. .,ci*urr*-*l at Bavaria. .Mt. a pi**ml>ing a**r.*bat, wa*. pra<*tlalng with hla partn,*r In t*i** r.nvma of the Artlata Club. Mu* Mf*. partner waa in a kneeling i«>a,tlon, fr*ni wIilcU he lhr*w the f.*rmer upward for the a.lto mortal** Th** young man evidently l»***.ini** ii**rv**ua, h** covild not make the turn In 111** air an,I lualead of landing on hla fwt. airuck with ha f**r**hea*I on the ll*a»r, breaking hla II* k, which Inatant death.


The R* yal C<>m!c Opera CiMupany cloaed ita aeaa*>n at Her Ma)eaty'a Theatre April 2. to a full houM*. and aaileil on the follow*.ng day for N* w* Zealan*!. w here It w ill open, 11. at Well- ingtoo.

.\prll .1. the rantomime Company opened b* rv* In Jack aud Jill with the moat aucoeaafnl pr.aluct..>n that Mr. Wllllama*vn has ever pre- '--nt***! to the Auatralian i>ubllc.

Th** criminal cotirta *if Ih'rlln re.-**ntly trhd an lnl**r**'*liug caa**. ileallng with the fi'rge^ *'f a.lmlaalon li. keta to the Clrcua Schumann In It;** cllv nami'd. .k*v**uiig **ngrav.*r waa chargcl with f*'rg,*r.v. frau.l and l!l**gal aale of tloketa; his* p-.riner In crim**. a Na.k *lealer. atood rharg'.'.l with the aale of ticketa. Itur* Ing the laat two iiuMilha of th** paat year the inaniigement ,,f the Clrcua S**humann notU-ed |<* th**lr aiirptia** HU **\tra**r*lluarlly large at- lemlanci* in the hal***'ny of lli**lr ciri*ua. ao o.rg* . In fact, that r* in at.dly the (.ollce bad t*» Int* rf* r** t** k**cp tin* t*,al.-*ti.v fr**iu being .0 **r*'t**'W ,1***1 But the r**c**lpta *11,1 n,*t ah*’W **'* gr.-at a aal**. ainl th** managem* nt waa con- V iii*'*sl that ***,111** **!,** ha*l a*»l,l f>*rg***l a*lmla

'll' Shortl.v aft**r the two |>,*raoiia lueiitioncd Mia,*,* w **r,* arr**a,***l an*l huinlnnla **f forg**,l lli*k'*,H f.>un'l .11 their |a>»a** -ilon Both were

■ invlct**,! an*l a**!)! to prlaon for **oe year.

The Ibliidiurg Kurhaua near Riga Kurlanil. Uiiaala, haa tM***n a**lil f,*r th** aunt **f'at t*» l>ir**i l,*ra Nholal I'<*,l *r Ban, If aiiil .Mexainlcr Johann TunkolT The Intcnth.n a to pr>*a,'nt **1 tin* theatre o|M*r**tt.v. at the Pavilion c,>ii,*erla by military ban,la. ainl on tin* gar,l*'n atage tira| I'laaa vau,ti*vllli* ami ai>*>clallh«. The aea a**n laata ,>nly until .\uguat 2<1

anl ami family left laat we**k hy R. M. S. .\*-,iirI.**. for thi*lr annual trip to England, an,| may *,;■ l,eik**il for hack In time for the Mel* lenirne Cup.



Th** •'Big Eotir" C<*mpany *viH*ned with an * ntlrely a* w* caat April 3, in The Hypocrltea. ami have U*en playing to capacity ever alnce.

The Harcourt Beatty-Madge Macintoab Com¬ pany <l,'a***l a*'aaoii April 2. with a farewell to the leading lady. M aa Macintosh, who has left for h**r h,>me In Engla'nd They gave a mixed iwrforniance. corslatlng of *»« act fr*vm the four prj,luctl*>ns during their aea»on. The audh-n.-e were very enthusiastic an*l Mias Mac- Int.wh was simply smotherevl with 11,'Wers and tok.'ua of affection when the curtain had been .-ung d.'wn on tne last act. The orchestra phi**,! Sav .\ur»*volr an,I Not G<vo*l Bye. and the audl,*nce' dlsi«*rs,d after singing the national anthem.

H,*r aea-on haa been very sucvS'Ssful. and It l< to b** ho;*ed that she ha« n,vt paid her last visit to this side of the w*vrl*l.

Tlie ■’Big KiHir' are making a very strong •* *1 f,vr the premier lavsitlon in theatrical man- ag*ui.*nt and •The Knn ' will have to hu-dle to maintain the lease that they have held In the paat.


Mr Allen Hiimlll.*n s Dramatic C*vmpany are occupying the beautllul Palace Tlieatre at the l*r>*M*iit time, having ,*i>*'n<***l .\pr.l 10 In vjueen . f th.* Mglil. and the sign ■ lUnise Euil" was up long b.*f*vre the rising of the curtain.

Til* psp.*r« >|w*ak of th s pr.Vuctlon as an all aroiin*! g,****' one. and that the a*'cnlr effects are right up to the latest In stagecraft.

Poliowing aiiita by one of thi* h.'lra aiiil part "wii.ra ..f tb.* Clnvia R<*nr. tin* *nirta In VI *■*111.1. .\u'*lrla. have *>rder,*d a aale of tin* big building III \ tenna IwbMiglng !** th a clrcu** P*'r i|iilli* a while have tin* helra of the founder '*f tills enterpriae attempted l,» dls»olve part iiiTahlp and settle the large estate. Tlie cuirta have |>iit a valuatlivn of 4»<>,t*,>ii crowns on the clrcua building, and It la very iloubiful If a

This h'niai* haa la*,onii* one of the stanilard bouses :n vainlevllle. and pa,*k<*d bouse* are the rule. Mr. Bilii, the bualneaa manager, I'atks well after the ;.atrons and sees that a g'cal bill of fare Is nightly aerieil. with trim* mliiga, to all and sundiy. Tbe artists are now* "ma'le at home,” and as they cater tor Aus¬ tralian talent, they get some turns at this hall Ihi.f w<iuld go d<iwn in any part of the world. Th<* E!ve St. lyeo*,*. acrobats, are In their laat iiights; Daisy Harl**y, ipp-en of the wire: *l<*l^>u*l and Skinner, S<*ottlali dancers an*! r.iiiera; Bartlett, the ringing fireman: (.'on Carroll, em-entrii* come,llan: Ebira and Stella Ranger, comediennes and bslladlsis: The Dris* cell Brothers, patter comedians. J'le Charles, singing comedian: Pearl Smalll. acP'batlc serio*. Jack Kearns. Charles Poii**, Goldie Collins, and others, with the great .Miorama, In moving plc- liirea, make s l*>Dg bill. .Mr. Brennan is on hD way to Europe and the Cnlteil States to pick up go's! turns, and intends to Intrcaluce foreign "ilent Into his show, and give anpport to native t.ilent aa well.

THE GLACIARIUM This Is largest place of amusement in the

South* rn Henilaiibere, and la nightly filled by the regular patrons of West's Picture*. The price, [laid for a<lmlsaioD would tie amply re- wanleik by bearing Louis de Groen’s Vlr^-Regal Band of thirty perf<*rniera. who nightly render the witka of the great masters. Aa tar aa .Australia gc<ea. the name West when coupled with moving pictures is the beat known to-day. In -Auatralia they nightly give p**rforraances In the following elfies: Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Kalg*a>rlie. Brisbane; four in New J^-al- aiid. ar..| ate starting out another company to tour s-Tiall plaoea. while at Bournemouth. Eng lan.l. and Edinburgh, Scotlauil. Messrs. West keep In constant employment over five hundre*! bands, and their show- is right up-to-date. The program g**nerally lucluiles attout twenty films each evening.

.'Ir. C. .''pencer hag also a very fine show St th* Lyc*eum Theatre. amL nightly shows to Isrge audiences. Mr. Spentv-r has alsc* made arrangements In Europe for the sole right of ..itaiii films, ami they can only be seen here.

He has also branche*! out in the films and machnes supply, as well as having a right up- tmdat*- factory for the taking and the making of films, end it Is to their credit the fine work of the Barns Johnson films, which were all taken by Mr. E. H. Higgins, who gained his first moving picture experience under the writer, and 1 am proud to see so fine an ar¬ tist. Mr. Higgins has Just returned to Syd¬ ney from a trip to his native Island, Tasmania, where he took some very fine views. Mr. Spen¬ cer is prepared to furnish either positive or negative Clm« at a very low price, and his W(*rk will astonish the people of tlie United States If they are permitted to aee It, which they will <’.) in the Burns Johnson films.

Mr J. I.. Goodman looks after the front of the h*>us*'. Mr. Goodman’s play. The Secret Wedding, was prslueed at the Palace Theatre last wi-ek

The maDag**ment of the Bijou Theatre have no cause to complain of the patronage accorded them since they built and oiiened this theatre, which was -pecially constructed for moving pic¬ tures. and while they have m*wt of the star fil:ns as shown at the other large places, they also have some <hat the other places never sei m to get hold of. They are strong on Ln- biu filtjs, more s<j than any of the other placea They are almost next d.ior to the Glacarliim. Patronage keeps well to the top all the time.

Herr Thle'e l<voks after th» managi-meut of this theatre, which la owned and run by a llm lte,l cc.mpany. known as The Bijou .Amusements, Limited.

Mr lack Rowan, of Sweep fame, has the Qmen's Hall nnder a long lease. an*I has suc- oeed*d in miking it one 'if the regular stock places of moving pictures, and nightly sees

full hull'**'. His |iictiiri*s ar** gooil. ainl while m f** so up to ilati* .1' 'oiii * of tin* <ith**rs. hi* glvi*» a g'HKi. lie,III -how. with gisal films ami Ill.** ini'-lc.

\';,*|orii Hall. Till- .American |■i,•tllrs^*llI>^' Cc.uipany's pla*e of aiiiiiscmint, Is ,icvoti*d to nnivlng pictnn*, an<l llliistrat**d songs, an*! ha- held ii[s*n lontinuoiisly longir than an.v plai*.* In .Syilney, It has g*MHl film.*, ainl inn* of th** best uia'h ni-s in the city,

.Mr. King, tin* proprietor, has anoih r plat** in I'.r.-b in*. a*id i- i!i*lng w.*ll tber**. Clay's

Vaiid 'ville Ci*, ami s**vcral oilier pla**,*- thit are run on iiigtitly. ar** all doing well, and 'v'lili* they Mil,* their light uinlci* a hush**! by not advertising, tln-y 'l•*‘m to g*t 011 all right

-AmlTson's Woii.Ii*rl:iinl City 1- i*p.*n !*> tin- pnblii* In the eve ling- only, and th. y a.** n *rt ibdng a very fair bii-iiiess. but it i- liecan •- they have a r< place for giving what to the .Aiistraiia'i iiiind Is the very great.-st of s|K*rt. leixiug matches, and that w.niM ilraw a eroivd to the North Pole—If they cniM ge» there—-to see a goml go.

.Mr. and Mrs. .Anderson leave for lln*ir I'.n ro|H*aii anil .American trip on -April •Ji». ainl Jack Ifioks after his Syndey inter**-ts while* he Is on tour. Mr. Jowphs looks afl.-r his .Mel Is,time business at the King’s Theatre, his new house.

Wlrth Brothers' Greatest Show on Earth "p eneil .April .3. at the lack of .St. Barnahas' Church In fjeorge Street. W*st. to capacity, and have be<*n playing to ovitHow ever since. They lost a f.'i.tssi giraffe on the voyage from .Auckland to this |iort. the day liefore they arrive*!, an.l It Is m>w being sttiffi**! an*! will Ih* addeil to the collection in the menagerie.

.April Bi. nearly all of his company were re placed w'th new artists, hut thi*y give a goml -how and are v***r.v iHipiiIar with th** masses. Their season will have endiHl Just alMjiit the time that you get this l**tti*r, and if It keeps up to anything like the high water mark that It has since they arrived here, they will have every cause to congmtulate themselves on their Sydney venture.

Mr. Phil Wlrth will no doubt be seen In the Uniteil States during the tsimlng summer, as I am Informed thil he Intends to pay a visit to the United States for the of engag Ing talent for next season's shows, hut be It underst'HHl that the circus never goes Into win¬ ter ijuarters here.ns it plays all the year aroutxl The coldest day In midwinter here would Ih* like a spring day In the Northern States. Tin* lowest that we get It here In midwinter 1- aNiiil eight degrees above freezing. Letler- Intendeil for him hail lH*tter be sent to the Cincinnati offlee of The BlIItKianl.

At the Stadium can nightly be seen a very large erowil to witness the antics of real .Vii*^ tra'ian biickjumi>ers. and as they have a large number of wild and hard animals that ib* m*t take kindly to haring men astride their baeVs. lots of fun Is to lie ha>l for little money, rhls show would do well In the United States." They are shortly leaving for the old country, or home, as every Australian speaks of Ktiglan*!. no matter whether he has seen the l*■.\lntry or not.

Mr. Harry Kolker and Miss Ola Hninpliri**- are In the cast at the Royal In .An English man's Home. anl. .as the Governor Gen**ral will pay a command night visit to the slew to night, all the hangers-on of the Government House are sure to b** there.

Th* many friends of George U. Tltherag** will N* pleaseil to know that be has fully recovered from ;.n operation for apiH*ndicltls’. ami <*.an now* consider himself as qualified for m**mber ship Id the .ApiH ndlcltis Cluh. The w rlti*r looks

, on Mr TItberage as one of the tno-t [Hilished ' actors that ever stepp***! on the stag**, aoil his

loss fr* m It wouM be a calamity. I lM*g to ten*l**r him my sincere congratiilat-ons o*i hi- recov,.r.v. W. H. H LANE.

N. S. Burlew, owner and iinnatfcr of the Burlew 0|>.*ra House. Charleston. W. Va.. has been reapnoluted by the <i»vc*rnor of West A'irginia as adliitant general of the** Militia for a term of four years.




prnrrpT numbering rLiirLul PERFORATING


WELDON, WILLIAMS & LICK H aaCRlia. 11.. FORT SMITH, ARK. Saa Fraacisca. Cal.


Tin* star turn .- the magUiau. Chlng Ling s.-.i, m.l It is thi* v< ry greatest turn that Mr. Kickar.l ever had. from a drawing p*>.nt .*t vl. .* During nis seven w<>**ks In the Mel- iH'iirnc i»|Hr.a H.*ii<** b.> packisl the theatre night!.* aii.I at all the niatlne***. *0 all that are c.*nne*l**.l with the manigimiont have worn chi***rfiil fac<«

Vc.dlia an.l Capt Grs.le, In an Indian turn, are tin* next hea*llln*'r* i>n the bill, while W.Hitw.II, .'nil. Pitt. Mile A.Vlle and the Tv*o BelN. tw'slde- a host of other artlats. go to mike up a very long pivgram. Mr, Rick*

YOU CAN EASILY OWN A DIAMOND OR A WATCH, or present one as a gift to some loved one. bend for our beautiful descriptive catalog. Whatever you s*'lect therefrom we send you on approval. If you like It. pay one fifth on delivery, balance In s equal monthly payments. Your creillt U

Old Reliable. Original Diamond g'Hsl. Our prices are lowest. We give a written ■Vr I Rnd Watch Credit Houte guarante,* of value and quality. Write today for our ■■■MS.ACS. Csnl E-87.l?At*l*S«..Ckiean.lll. catalog containing l,50o lllustratlous. It Is free

GEO. W. ENGLEBRETH, Manager Coney Island Park, CINCINNATI, OHIO.

Can book fifty qualified vaudevtlle acts, minstrel co’s. Poveltl<*9 etc, etc. weekly. T2 shows iH*r *vi>»*k. Pleasant engagements, practical mauagements. Big city work. Don’t pad your salary if you want n'pllea. Oil friends write. Square deal to ttooorable artists.



INTERNATIONAL PROJECTING & PR00U0IN6 CO.'S FILMS Exolusiwe F«ature Service. Write for Prices.

Cincinnati Film Exchange 214-216 W. FIFTH STREET, CINCINNATI, 0.1

4: .'E ‘

MH • ‘it* ?

•I ! ! *1 ’ ^

iM !

' i i I il


Xtie BllIl>oarcl MAY 22, 1909 b4

FAIRS (Cuutinucd from pago 51.)

Sept. 14-


Oniwi—Manona County Fair Aaan 17. A. W. Kurgfaa, aer-y.

Onawa—Onawa Raco Mwl. July 20 23. I Blotoky. K«vy

Orange City—Sioux Cotinly Agricultural clety. S<r>t S-10. H. Slikkeweer. aecy.

Oaage—Mitchell County Agricultural Society Sept. —. W. H. Gable, secy

lleixleraun—Hend-raon County Fair Aasn. July Rlandford—Cnion Fair. S«-pt. 15 Id 27-31. Jaa. A. Franceway, Madiaonrille, Ky., Bolne, aecr. secy.

IltNlgenvllle—LaRue County Fair Assn. Sept. 7 ». A. W. IMckerlll, B.-cy.

Aug. 17

K W.

La wn'uceburg—I.a wroncebu rg Fair, •JO. A. B. McAfee, Be<y.

lyeltchfield—tJraysou County Fair. Aug. 17 20. J. I,. Ih-nt. secy.

So- Lexington—Blue Gras* Fair Assn. Aug. 9-14 Jouett Sliouae. se,y.

I./)ndon—Laurel Couiiit Fair. Aug. 21‘27. A. Cll*on. secy. ....

Rhodes—F.don District Agricultural Society, i I-oulsvIlle—Kentiick.v State Fair. Sept. 13-18. Fra nil tig ham—MbliCesi'-x South Fair .H.-pt, 21 Sept. 13 1.5. II. M. Werks. aecy. J. Xewmau «ecy. 22. Geo. C. Blades, South Framingham.

R'M-k K.aidds—Lyon County Fair. Aug. 31-8ept. Madlsoiivllle—II kins County Fair. Aug 3-7. Mass. 3. A. S. Wold, secy. Ja». A. Fra:,i-»„y. secy. Gni-ntleld—Franklin Countr Agricultural S<>cl

Ro< kwell City—Rm kwell City Fair Assn. July ; Mayfleid—West _ Kentucky Fair Assn. July 1- ety. Sept. ‘J2 i't. J. II. .Murphy, secy. 2s .'to. W. (J. Stewart, secy. i 3. Ay. K. Norman, President. Great Barrington—Ilousatonlc .Aairlcultiiral So

Sac City—Sac Cotinty Fair Assn. Aug. 10-13.! Melts i .ne.—Newieirt Driving and Fair Assn. clety. Seid. 2S-Oct 1. Fred X Fuller, secy “ ■ Sepi. 7-12.. C. I'lnqiiely, siK'y. -

Boston — Massachusetts Horticultural .Assn Sept 17 10 and Oct. 19'24. Wm. RIcli. aecy.

Brockton—Brockton Agricultural Sisdely. Oct. 5 8. Baalis Sanford, secy.

Charlcmont—Deerlleld Valley Agricultural So clet.V. Sept. 0-10. S. W. Hawke*, secy.

Clinton -Clinttn Fair. Sept. 15-17. Warren Gotslale, secy.

E. Cunimington—Hillside Fair. Sept. 2s 2b. C. F. Burr, Rlngrille, Mas*.

8. L. Watt. secy. Sheldon—Sheldon Fair.

Manse, secy. Shenandoah—Shenandoah Fair Asan.

13. A. W. Goldberg, aecy.

Aug. 24-27. J. N.

Aug. 9-

MlddleslMirough.—Tri-State Fair Asan. Aug. 12-14. J. H. Hurst, secy.

Montlceilo— '.Vayne County Fair Assn. Dates not set. I-iac Walker, aecy.

Sioux City—Interstate Live Stock Fair Aaan. Morgantown- Fair. Sept. 22-25. J. T. Kltt- 8e(if. 20 25 John R. Shaffer, aecy. Inger, I.oca Box E. Morgantown, Ky., aecy.

Strawts'rry Point—41trawberry Point Dlatrict ' NlcholnsTlll*'—K. of P. Fair. Aug. 31-Sept. 3. Fair Society. Sept. 7-10. F. J. Freaaler, secy, j R. 5‘- Hunter, aecy.

Ratherland—O'Brien County Agricultural Aasn. | OwenslHWO— Davies Cotinty Fair. Oct. Sept. 8-10. J. B. Murphy, aecy. .->9. J. J. Blocher, secy.

Tipton—Cedar Ciwnty Fair Assn. Sept. 7-9. ; Paris—Bourbon County Agricultural Society. C. F. SIramerniaker. secy. _ i Sept. 7 11. Charles A. Webb. aecy.—Plymouth County Fair Sepl. 1.5 Id J. Herls-rt Is'onard. Bridgewater. Ma-s

HIngham—IlliigUam Fair. Sept. 28 29. VA’m. H. Thomas, aecy.

I./>well—Mlddlcaey Nortli .Agricultural Sinlety. Sept. Id 17. Andrew LIdell, secy.

Marslifleld—Marshflcid .Agricultural .w.-l Horti¬ cultural Society. Aug. 25 27. Kcael II. Hatcher. North Marshfield, Mass.

Middb field—Highland Fair. !<• pi 8 9. J. T. Bryan, secy.

North .Adams—lloosac Valley Agricultural So defy. Sept. 9-11. Gllliert Maxwell. »ec.T.

Toledo—Tamna County Fair. Sept. 20 23. A. G. j Richmond—Madison County Fair Asan. Aug. Northampton-Fair. Oct. 6 7. C. .A. Montgnm- Smltii. secy.

Victor—Fair. Aug. 17-19. J. P. Bowling, aecy. Vinton—Benton County .Agricultural Society.

Sept. 7 10. Arad Thompson, aecy. Wapello—Fair. Aug. 31 Sept. 3. Waukon—AVaukon County Agricultural Society.

Sept. 21 24. A. C. Larson, secy. Warerly—Bremer County Fair As*n. Sept. 21-

24. L. C. Oberdorf. secy. West Liberty—Fair. Aug. 24 27. West Point—Fair. Aug. 24 ‘26.

17 20. David Dunn. secy. Russella Springs—Russell County Fair Assn.

Aug. 10-12. R. G. Wood*, secy. Sanders—Tri-County Fair .Vssn. Sept. 8 II.

C. G. Boerner, secy. Scottsvllle—Allen County Fair Aasn. Sept. 2-

4. W. D. Gilliam, secy. ShelbyvlIIe—Shelby County Fair. Aug. 24-27.

T. R. Webber, secy.

ery. a»‘cy, Natucket—Nantucket Agricultural Sot-lety

Aug. 25 27. Joslah F. Miirphey. secy. Oxfor.l—tixford Fair Seiit » ■» J. K. Dar

ling. aecy. Palmer—Palmer Fair. Oct. 8!) L. E. Chand

ler, secy. Peatssty —Essex County Fair S*-pt. 21 2-1. J

M. Dsnforth. Lynnfield. M Shepherdsvllle—Bullitt County Fair Aaan. Aug. South Weymouth—Weymouth Agricultural and

18 20. If. II. Combs, secy. West Union—Fayette County Agricultural So- ; Stanford—Lincoln County Fair Aasn. July 31

clety. Sept. 7-10. E. A. Mcllre.*, secy. What Cheer—What Cheer Disl. Fair. Sept.

13-16. Geo. A. Poff, si-cy.

Wilton Junction—Wilton Fair .Assn. Sept. 14- 16. H. AA'lldnsIn, sts’.v.

Williamsburg—Wllllamsliurg Fair Assn. Sept. 14 17. Cha*. Fletcher, secy.

Winfield—Wlnlleld Fair. Sept. 14 17. A. L. Bergaten. aecy.

Winters*-!—Madison County Fair. S<'pt. 14-16. W. E. Gilamer, secy.


Abilene—Dickinson County Fair Assn. Sept. 28- Oct. 1. W. C. Curphey. secy.

Anthony—Anthony Fair Asan. Aug. 3-6. L. j O. Jennings, secy.

Belleyllle—Republic County Fair Association. | Sept. 14 17. J. C. Elliott, st-cy.

City Center—Clsy County Fair Assn. S*‘pt. 7- 10. Walter I’urkey. secy.

Ooocordls—Cloud County Fair Assn. Sept. 21- 24 la-slle Abbott, secy.

Council Grove—Morris County Fair Assn. Week July 12. G. W. Cleek, secy.

Doiigl.xs—Douglas Agricultural Society. Sept. 28 »)<t. 1. J. A. Clay. secy.

Pulton—Osage A'alley Fair Assn. Date* not set. F. H. Niles, secy.

Grenota—Elk County Agricultural Fair Aasn. Sept. —. J. J. Marshall, secy.

llariHT—Harper Cimnty Agricultural Assn. Dates not set. Cbs*. H. Simpson, secy

HIswstha—lllanatha Fair Assn. Sept. 7-10. Dr. .A. .Alonm-y, secy.

Hutcblns4iii.—Ksusaa State Fnlr. Sept. 11-17.

lola—Aile”n County Fair. ,Aiig. 31 Sept. 8. Frank E. Smith, secy.

Kingman—Cattlemen's Picnic. Ai 7. 10-13. H C. Leach, secy.

Manhattan—Msnb.''ttsn .Agricultural .'-itr Assn. Date not set. J. T. A. Sheldon, sec.v.

McPherson — McPherson County .Agrleultural Fair Assn. S«-pl. 6-11. Carl A. Grant, seiy.

Mlnm-aisdis. -Otiuwa County Fair Assn. Oct. 12 1.5. J E. Jolinslon. s«‘C.v

Newton—H-rvey Count.v Agrleultural Society. Aug. 31 Si-|it. 3. L. H. Harlan, w-cy.

Norton—N<*rton County Fair. Aug. 31-Sept. 4. M. F. tJarrlty, secy.

Paola—Miami IViiinty Fair Assn. Dates not set. George R. Reynolds, secy.

23. Jas. F. Cummins, secy. Thompkinaville—Fair. Sept. 1-4. R. V. Eyans,

secy. Unlontown—Union County Fair. Aug. 10-14.

W. 0. Bland, secy. Vanceburg —Vanceburg Fair. Aug 10-13. M.

O. Wil-^on, secy. Winchester—Elks’ Fair. Aug. 3-6. John Clel-

lund, secy.; F. C. Murphy, asst. secy.


Sept. 22 24. Calhoun—Fair s»‘cy.

Coushatta—Red River Parish Fair. Crowley.—Acadia Parish Fair Assii.

19. L. .A. Williams, aecy. Gibslaml—Dixie Fair Company

Glen Fii-mlng, secy. Homer—Claiborne Parish Fair. Oct

Dillard Hulse. secy

T. I. VA'atson.

Industrial Society. Sept. 16 18. Barnes, secy.

SiM-m-er—S|>encer Farmer* an-l Aleciiaoli-*' A*«n Sept. '23 24. Geo. H. R*ni*-r s*-cy.

Sturbridge.—Worcester Agricnltnral Soc'y. Sept. 16-17. C. V. Corey, secy,

ttxl-rl.lge—BIsekstune A'alle\ k'alr. S*-pl. 21- ‘22 Dr -M. R. Sharpe. — },

West risbury—.Martbs's Vliu-.vsrd Fair .Aug 30 Sept. r. F. A. Iss.k. West Tlsbiiry. Alass.

Worcester—AA'orc»-*ter .Agricultural Society. Sept 0 9. Elisha S. Knowles. Room 17, AA'alker Building, Worcester. Mass.

O. t. 5 8. MICHIGAN Not. Hi- Adrian—I.cnuirr County Fair. Sept. 2<'25. F.

.A. Brandish aecy. Si-pl. 14-17. .Allegan—.Allegan County .Agricultural So<-lety.

Sept. 21-24. A. 11. Foster. s*-<y. 12 15. Alt»-na—.Alpena County Fair. Sept. —. W.

11. Portnlne. s.-cy Oct. 68,

Marksyllle—Avoyelles Parish Fair Assn. Date* .Armamla—.Armanda County Fair. not set. V. L. Roy. secy. Orvy Hulett. secy.

Minden—Webster Parish Fair. Oct. 19 22. E. Bad Axe—Huron Cotinty .Agricnltnral Society. J. Faulkner, secy. Oct. 5 8. Henry Stesart. *«cy.

Mouroe—Monroe Fair Assn., Ltd. Oct. 5-8. Bay City—Bay County .Agricultural Society. Glen Fleming, secy. Siept 14-17. C. L. Fox. seoy.

Natchitoches—Natch. Parish Fair Assn. Oct. Benton Harbor—Fair. Dates not set. II. A 27 30. Jas. B. Tucker, sec.v. Foeltxer. secy.

Plain Ib-allng—Bossier Parish Fair. Oct. 27- Berlin—Ottawa-West Kent Fair. S<-pt. 21 24. 30. W. Dawson, sec.v. MIchfiel Hines, secy.

Riiston—Lincoln Parish Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 1. • Burt—Flint River A'alley Fair. S*-pt. 21 23. W. C. Barker, secy. David McNally. s«vy.

! Shix-report—State Fair of Louisiana. Nov. 1-6. Ctro—Otro Fair Assn. Sept. 14-17. B. 11. Louia N. Brueggerboff. aecy.


Bangor—Eastern Maine State Agricultural So eiety. .Aug. 24 27. A. S. Field, secy.

Count.T Agricultural Society. ch'irY)tte-E«tOT''‘cVunt'v’' Agricu'.lural ty. Sept. 7 9. Orvln J. Dickey, secy. ~ ^ o, o. y G Griffith seev

Blue IIlII-Hancock County Agricultural So- Croswell^^oswell Agrlcullnra'l So,-letv. Sept clety. Sept. 7-9.

; Brldgton—Brldgtou i Cluli. Dates not set. C. Lester Ames, secy.

Canton—.Amlroscoggln A'alley .Agricultural So¬ ciety. Sept. 21-23. O. M. Richardson, secy.

I Cornish—Pornisb Agricultural Assn. Aug. 17- I 19. Wni. R. Copp. secy. I Damsrlscotta—Lincoln County Fair. 0<-t. 5 7. j A. L. Shaw. secy. I Kdcn—Eilen Agricultur.xl 51<«-tet.v. S«‘pt. 15

10. H. M. Jellison, sc<y. I Freeport—F'ceisirt Agricultural Society, Oct.

St. John—Stafford Count.v Fair A»sn. Aug. i 0-7. AA'lllis Snow, so<y. ‘*5 ‘*7 D S Mull secy Gorham—Cumh. County .A. A H. S-vcIety. Seiit.

St^Marv's—St. Marv's Racing Assn. Aug. 24- 14 1«. C. 11 L uhton. Cumh Mills. Me. ‘*7 j’ T Hot secy I Lewiston—Maine Mite Fair. S-nt. 6 8. J.

SaTliia—Sallna Cminty A. and M. Assn. Oct. ' L. I^well. Auburn. Me. 5-8. B. B. Stlmmel, secy.

Senecs—Nemaha I'alr Assn. Sept. 15-17. W. H. Fitzwater. *<‘cy

Smith Center—Smith County Fair. Aug. 17 19. H. C. Smith, secy.

Spring Hill—Grange Fair. Sept. 7-10. Ed. Blair, secy.

Topeka—Kansas State Exposition Co. -Sept. 12-18. It. Kreli>e. *<H'y.

Wsverl.v—Ohio Da.v .Assn. Aug. 18 19.; J. M. OsiMtrn, «<‘cy.

Wbdilta—Wichita and Sistthweslem Fair. Sept. 20 25

AA'Intield -Cowley County Fair. Aug. 31-Sept. 4. F. W. Sidle, secy.

_ a. x» r 1 • '2'2-24. A. B. Martin, aecy. rarmera * Mechanic Deckcrvllle — Deckervllle Agricultural As-n.

Asan Sept. 28. H. E. Alexander, sec.v. E, Terweltiger, secy.

21 24. A. It Bosman, «•<•» Ilooghtnn—Coots r Cunty Fair. •'

John T. McNamara, aecy. Ilcward City—Howard City Fair Aaan

S P E CiA L This $12.75 Cooler it

GIVEN FREE nilh i-ach 20 gallon order of our eiiiM'eiilrale<l OUANGR AHE syrup. We al*<i aell ex- Iracls, cnishc<l fruits, fruit eid<Ts, ete. For partieulara adilresa

Eichen, Hildebrecht & Co.. 1762 Lincoln Avo.,


Awakes Navelties lor Fain

Qthen Uritatc or Eiposlfiot^


Smith, secy. Cass City—Ca«* City Fair. S» pt. 29 Oct 1. W

J. Campbell, secy.

Centreville—St. J'>scph Cisiiity Fair. Dates not *«>t. W. I. Ashly. *«-c.x.

Foillor Flovon T. PsilOTT. t\uKwmmnjcm


GEORGE A. PATUREL, 41 and 43 Warren Street, NEW YORK. The I.arge*t and Oldeat Dealer and Importer of


BALLOONS Also Novelties for Slreetmen.

AA'e receive every week from onr factory, balloon* of all kinds and sixes that we guaranti-e of superior quality to any offereil on the mar¬ ket.

AVe also canllun onr rustomer* and the trade to iM-ware of Inferior gissts ami false numbera offered at cheap prices.

Plica List on Application.


'‘•PEEPOSCOPE Sept. 14 in. John Baird, aecy.

Detroit—Mirhigan State Fair. S«-pt. 2 10. I. J. Butterfield, secy.

Dumb**.—Monnw County Fair Dates not *• f L. B. Smith. s«cy.

j Elk-ton—F.lkton Fair. Dates not set. W F. Ganliiier. secy.

Evart -Osceola C.sintv .Agricultural S<H-lef Sept. 14-17. AA'm Roger*, seev

Fllnt—Northeastern Industrial Fair. Sept. 21- 24. J. G. Mallery. secy.

Fowlervllle—Fowlervllle Agricultural Society, Oct. .5 8. C. E. Dunston. secy.

Gixlor.l—Ot**-go County Fair. Sept. 14 17 .A. H. A an Doren. **cy.

Glxdwiii- -Cladwin County Fair. Dat*-* n<d *<'t. Eugene Foster, sec.v

Grand Rapids—West Michigan State Fair Sept. ’3 17. Eugene D. Conger, scry.

H.irt—Oei-ani CfHitity Fair. S«'pt, 2' 21 I 'I Mark. *<cy.

Macbia*—.Maebias Fair Aaan. Sept. |l 15. \v. H. Finney, secy.

Monroe—Waldo and Penobscot Agricuitu 'I So¬ ciety. Sept. 21-23. Edwin Jenkins. Se v

New Gloucester—New Gloucester A Danti'i.- Agricultural Assn. Dates not set. Cbas. II. Nelson, secy.

Pembroke—Washington Count.v Agricultural '• Soflety S<‘pt. —. J. M. Morgan, 'e<y.

Richmond—Richmond Farmers' and .Ale<-hanlcs' Hillsdale-Hlllfdale Fair. .Sent. 27 Dct. 1. C

CO., Ml Itato Bt

la the only new and quirk selling novelty on the market. Tbo l>eei>er looks at the pictures and after lisikliic wears lilsck rings around bis oilHTWlse pnin less eye*. bampIe mail¬ ed POSTPAID. 10 CEMTA PER OROBS. rr. Address

Chlongs, nt.

»- ‘ •gs—Barry Countr .Agricultural S,>c|ely. S.pi 28D<t. I. Phil A. Sheldon. *..y.


South Paris—Oxford County Agricultural Socl- Holland—W. Allegan S<sith Dit iw* Fair. Sept ety. Sept. 14-16. W. B. Frothlngham. secy. -.

I Union—North Knox Fair, S'-pt. 21-23. H. L. Grtnnell, secy

MARYLAND KENTUCKY i_ ^ ■ 31 8epr. 3. J. B. Haskins, secy.

. .. „ . » I Cumberlanil—Cnmbt'rland lair and Agrlcnltural V'Hr—in.i.* rn* Alexandria—CamplwII County Agricultural So- j j- D.-«nen. secy. Frink I^allsbnr'r iVlv

clety. Aug._3I-S. pt. 4. J R. Rouse. »wy. I K,«,on-T*lbott County Fslr. Aug. 24-CT. M. ^ ‘ B. Stan ! p Nichols, secy.

; Fre<lerlck—Frederick County Agricultural S.x-l ety. Oct. 19-22. O. L. Warehlme, scy.

I Hagerstown—Hagerstown Fair. Oct. 12-15. [ Lutherville—Maryland State Fair. Aug. 31-

Sept. 4. Jaa. 8. Nuasear. secy

Aug. 18 20.

Sept. 14.

1-2. E.

Harbrnirvllle—Fair, field, secy.

Bardstown—Neisor County Fair. G. M. Wilson. stH-y.

Bedford—Trimnle County Fair. Oct. h. McCain, secy. ,, ,

hrmlhcsd—Fair. Aug. 18 20. A. J. Ilsrrgard. ! Marlboro-^outbem Maryland Fair. Aug. 10 12.

Danville—Danville Colored Fair Assn. Aug. 1*^' i pocomoke City—Pocomoke City Fair. Aug. 10- 20. Dr. R. B. Hamilton, secy. ,3 p King. secy.

Ell*abethtowii--Hardln County Fair. Aug. 24- prospect Park-Fair. Sept. 14-18. J. T. Cong- 26. T. 8. Gardner, seey.

Brianger—Kenton County Agricultural Aasn. Rockville—.Montgomery County Fslr. Aug. 24. Aug. IS 21. 8. W. Adams, secy. Jts. T. Bagley. aecy.

Ewing—Fslr. Aug. 19 21. 8. H. Price, secy. Sallshiirr—Howard County Fair.

Dale* not set.

■Ang. 31 S.-pt.

Fern Creek—Jefferson County Fair. Sept. 14. E. B. Berry, secy. •

Florence-n-North Kentucky Agricultural .Assn. Aug. 25-28. N. E. Riddell, Burlington. Ky

Ionia—Ionia District Fair. J. Spaulding, secy,

Ithaca—Gratiot ."'ounty Fair. 3 A McCall, secy.

Jordan —Charlevoix Cotinty Agricultural Assn. Sept. 28.30 A. B. Nichols, Jr . secy

Ksismazon—Kalam*x>s> snd South Mlrhlgin Fair. Aug 341 Sept. 3. W. P. Eng.-lman. secy.

Like Ode***—Trl Connty Fair. Sept. 7 10. Eliaha Strong, secy.

Marquette—Msrqnette County Agricultural 8o clety. Sept. 6 9. II Price, secy.

Marshall—I'allxiiin County Fair. S4-|il. 14 17 W. 11. Grxy. aery,

.Alenominee—Menominee Cminty Fair. Dale* not set. A W. BI'shu. secy.

Midland - Midland Osinty Fair Sept. 14 17, II. L. Fairchild. M-ey.

Aug. 1720 D. J. Ward. secy.

Tlmonin.xi—Maryland State Fair Agricnltnral Society. Sept. 7-11. Jas. 8. Nuaaear, Luther vine. Md.

Frankfort—Capital Fair Asan. Aug. 31 Sept. i Toichester—Kent, Queen Anne and Ceell On. MIlDu’d—Milford Fair. Sept. 28f)ct. 1. M .3. G. G. Speer, aecy. Fair. .Aug. 31-Sept. 3. G. E. .Noland, secy. Williams, *«-cy,

Georgetown—Scott County Fslr Assn. July 27-1 North Branch- North Branch Fslr. 22 31. T. C Bell. secy. MA88ACHUBETT8 24 M R Deo. aecy

Germantown_Germantown Fair Co. Aug. 25- Amesbury-Ameshiiry and Salisbury Fair. Sept Bee-t City—Trl County Ei|K>tlllon. Hept. 21 21 •J8 John R Walton secy 28.30. M. H, Sand*, aecy, A. M. Flelarhhaner, secy.

Glasgow—South Kentucky Fair Asan Sept. 8- Amherst—Hampahire Agricultural Society. Sept. Sebewaing—Setmwalng Fair. gerd. 14 16 I, 11. Thomas Dlcklnaon. aecy. 21 U. O. Groff aecy. Standlsh—Ar.-nac Cminty Fair Kept 22 24 C

Ilardinshurg — Hardlnsbur* Fair Asan. Aug. Athol—W.u-cester Xorlliwest Agricultural So , W. Vnepel. secy 31-Sept. 2. C. E. Ibiowell, aecy

Harrodaburg—Mercer County Fair 14, R. W. Keenon. aecy.

clety. 8.‘pt. 6 7. Allk-rt Ellaworlh. secy R. Ilolden. aecy. Aug. 12- ' Barre—Worcester County West Agrlmiltural So- ; St. Jfdin* -t iinf/n County Fair S.-pl 26 f»ct

clety. Sept. 30-Oct. 1. D. H. Rice, aecy Hartford—Ohio County Fa'lr. Sept. S-11. R. Barnstable—Barnstable County Fair. Aug. 31

B. Lee Slmmerman. aecy. Sept. 2. M. H. Harris, aecy.

1 Geo N. Ferr.-y, accy. Three Rlyer*-Thr.-e River* Fair Aasn Sept

7 10. Wm Barnsrd, m-ry.

Get the New Electro Scope rbe Greatest nxiiiey maker A iMiatal will bring full imrllrulara. C. C. JOHRBOM, 4490 OotUg* Oroya Ava., Cbieugn. Ill._

Four Rallooni Open for engagement July 4tb.

.Man have other open time. Herrguth Rroa..

Lealia, Michigan.

STREETMEN, AHENTION ! Large F.rfding Parasols with Pea- ant printed to y<air order Rig money. Send for deerrtptiTe mat¬ ter to R. O. Haatiagbouae Cotillioa

. Wka., Hl-m Larrabw at., Cbicage.

5'on are cordially Invlli'd to ylalf the FINEST MAGIC KTORK IN AMRRB'A

, Halton & Jansen Co. "Tile people with the gisNia.” Retail de¬

partment of A IIDTRRIlF.iiG. 146 LA BALLK STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Send 26c for beau-

, tiful 200 page protesaloiial catalog. Small cala ! log of standard trlcki free.

WANTED 41<nk1 Military Band Organ, to use In I large aniuseiiient hall

j O. 8. HORN, Rahoboth. Del.

; WANTED I'oiing man. nlio la gissl skater ami I daiMN-r, and exiM-rl.'nnsI a* manager. Give g.Msl I ^f''r.-mj* ami slate louesl lerma In first l.•tt.•^.

CLINTON R. COOK. Aabury Park. N. J.

FOR BALE 2oih Century Merry go rr.iind; g.ssl comllllon Run part of three Beaaona. Price,

j el.iKai: A5«at caah. Imitnce on lime. Take leasT I No—No. Spencer Merc. Co., Bpenoar, Ind.

ratiTKC niy —CruiHl Travanw* llrKlnn Fall Aaan. Itati-a nut act. Tlina. II. HhfrniaD,

Trojr—Moroln f’minty Fair Aaan. Auk. 31 H»I>t 8. Jamrn LInatian, ae<-y.

Warrcnluirc—Warri-nl>iirK Fair Aaan. Dat<>a ruit wt. S. T. San<lrr,

\Va«liliiitt<'n—Franklin County A. tc M. S'M?!- S<-|(1. S-11. I.( iiIh f. I’ll*'*, wcy.

Wrlttht —Warren County Fair. Sept. IS IS. J. II. Steitni-r, awy.


Anar'oi-la—IVir I.ihIkc (.Vanity Fair Aaan. Sept. ill’ Martin .Martin, aeiy.—Inter Slate Fair Aaan. Sept. 1.3 I**. Jiiailn K. Smith, aery.

Itlllon—Fair. Auk. 31 Sept. 3. S. S. Car ruthera. aery.

flreat Falla—Northern Montana Fair A^an. Sept fl 1<». Warren W. .Moaea, aery.

dleiKlIve—Itawaon County Fair Aaan. Sept. 7 It. W. I!. Foater, aery.

Helena—Montana State Fair. Sept. 27-Ort. 2. Martin .Martin, aery.

Kaliapell—Flatheail County Fair. Ort. 6 9. J. W. Walker, aery.

Mllea City—Cuater County Fair Aaan. s.pi. —. J. B. Coltlna, aery.

MlaM'iila—Weatern Montana Fair. Iiatea not wt. K. K. .Mulroney, aery.


Athlon—Boone County AKrlriiltiiral Aaan. Sept. H tS. H. I.. Brooka. aery.

Auror.i—Hamilton County AKrIruItural Society. AtiK. 3rSept. 3. S. B. Otto. aery.

Beatrice—Oaae Count.v Society of .AKrIcultnre. Sept. IS 17. H. V. Kleaen, Box 326. Beatrice, Neb.

Brf'ken Bone—'^’•>ater County AKrirultnral So- cle*y. '•Jt. 710. Julea llaumonr. aery.

Chadron—Pair. S*-pt. 15-lS. B. F. Pitman, aery.

CrelKhton—Knrx Cotmty Fair. .Auk. 31 Sept. 3. J. T. Biirkmaater. aery.

Genera—Fillmore C.ainty ARrlcnltiiral Society. .Sept. 13 17. 11. P. Wllaon. aery.

Gtrlne—Scotta Bluff County Fair Aaan. Sept. 22 24. A. B. Worela. aery.

Indlanola—Ko<l Willonr County .AKrirnltnral S<«'ietr. S»'pt. 21-21. Jamea E. Ryan, aery.

Linrcdn—State Boanl of AKrlrultiire. Sept. 6- 10. W. R. Mellor aery.

Maillaon—Fair, S«‘i>t. 21 21. H I.. Rynearaon. aery.

NellRh—NeliKh DrlrlnR Club. .AtiR. IS-20. W. W. •‘'ole. aery.

Velaon—Nlchola County AKrlcnltural Society. Sent. 21 24 Geo. Jankaon. aery.

Norfolk—Norfolk Drh InR Club. Aur. 4 6. 1*. M. Barrett, aecy.

Omaha —National Com Expoaltlon. Dec. 6-lS. J. Wllkea Jonea. wry.

If Nell —Rare Mi-ct and Stock Show. .Anc. 11- 1.3 Wm. Froellch. a<*ry.

Ord.—1.1'Up A’alley .AKrIruItural Soc’y. Sept. 14 17. W 11. Caraon. aery.

Oarcola—Polk County .AKricnltnral Society. Sept. 21 2.1 G T. Ray. aecy.

Pierce—Fair. Aur- 24 27. Tlioa. Chllvera. aecy.

Stanton—Fair. Sept. 14 17. W H. Hyland, aecy.

Storkrllle—Frontier County .AKrIruItural Soci¬ ety. Datea not act. 1.. H. Cheney, aecy.


Lancaater—Cooa and Eaaex ^ountf .AKricultur- al Society. Sept. 7-9 Elwin Damon, aery.

Rocheater—R<>rheater Fair Aaan. Sept. 21-24 Frank MaRuire. aecy.


Mt. Holly—Mount Holly Fair. S«-pt. 21-24. Benajah P. Wlllia. aecy.

Newark—New Jeraey Fair Oct. 9-19. A. C.


Aitkin .lltklii County Fair Sept. 16 IN. C. 11 Warner. >ei y .

Altn-rt lo-a Freeteirn County AKrIruItural So clety. s<-pl. 22 24 O. M. Peteraon. aery.

Auallti Mooer C.iuiily AKrIruItural Society. Si-Jit 2t> 91 li H. Siiillli. ai-ry.

Barniiiii ('arlloii Couiity Fair .A«an. S<-pt. 15 17 riioiiiaa S|e-uri-r. w<y.

Bird laland Itaiivllle Ciainty AKrIruItural So¬ ciety. Sept. —. Joe llaRKett, aery. E i.ln<|Ulet. aery.

Blue K-trlli Faribault County AKrIruItural So rlrtj S<-l>l. 16 IN. J. F. Bariiea. wcy.

Daaaei—Daaa<'l Fair Aaan. Ort. 15 16. Oacar FimilnKten—Dakota County AKrIruItural So

clety. Datea not aet. W. I.. Parker, aery. Ilamllne—.MInnraota State AKrIruItural Society.

Sept. 6 II C. .N. CooKrove. aery. Ilutrblnaoo—MrI.e(Ml County AKrIruItural Aaan.

Datea not aet. D. Alberta Adama. aecy. Kaaaon—ItotlKe County Fair Aaan. Datea not

aet. 'led Dyer. ae»y. I.nrernr - Ro<'k Cminty AKrirultnral Society.

Dale* not *r|. C. E. I'Ider, aery. Madlaon —I ar<|ul Parle County AKrirultnral So¬

ciety Se|it. —. Thortaal B)<«>nlle. aecy. Mar*'dll—l..ton County AKrIruItural Society.

Se|it. 2“ Ort. 2. B B. Daniel, aery. New I'liii—Brow n Count} AKrirulluril Society.

Sept. 13 l.-i. .A. F. Itiirmelai.T, aecy. Owatonna—Slate County Fair Aaan. Sept. 9

11. F. A. Dunliam. aery. F.ilN Ke<twiMal CiMinty AKrIcnItural

A—.n. S<-pf. 22 24. Wm, .M. Smith, aecy. Rnah City—ChlraKO County AKrirultnral Sod

ety. Sept. N 10. C. M. Johnaon. aery. Si peter NIrob-t 4'ounly .AKrlrulIural Sod

et\ S<'pf 16 IN E E Mllli-r. aery. Tyler—I.lnroln County AKrIruItural Society ami

County Fair Aaan. Sept. —. J. H. Brown, ae< T

Warr-n Mara'iall County AKrIruItural .A*an. .All.' .'! 6 <• H. Taralai-th. '-•cy

Wheaton -Traverae County AKrIruItural Aaan Sepf 15 t* O C. Neuman, aery


Baldwrn-'I.-- Ptn-ntla* Fair. Sept. 14 17. W. I., McKlrov. ai-ry.

Corinth Almm Coiinl) Fair. Ort. 21 23 W. J Idinili. ai-ry.

Gnenvllb- IN-Ua F.ilr. o.-t. 1116 1. p Smith, aery.

Holly SjirlnK*—North Mlaal-aippI Fair. Ort. II 15 C H. Curd. -ery.

Jirkaon—Mlaalaalpid State Fair Oct. 26 Nor. 6 .lohn K. Mrkay. aecy.

Natrhei >!l*-.l«aip|d Id>ulf-lara Fair. fb't. 13 2' I. E. Davla. aery.

ri.ll*dd|ihla — Stork .Aar.cultural Fair Aaan. •Auk - J. H. Hualoti, Ri ute No. 2. Waldo, Ml..

Starkvllle oktiblx-iia County Fair .Aaan. Oct. 6 N (;u} M .Niaon, n-ry

Tup<-b>—IdH- County Fair. S<‘|i|. 29 Ort. 4. R. 11 Mullen. .«ny.

WaahInKton Franklin County A. ft M. Society. Sept Nil. Idiiil* F Pue*. aery.


Appleton City -Appleton City Fair .Aaan. .Auk I'l 27. Fr<nl I.udiainKi r. airy.

Rowllnr Gre«'n—Pike Cotmty Fair .Aaan. Aiif. 3 6 11. .At. Strother, aery.

Buma-ton -Coi-|»-r County Fair .Auk 24 27. F C. lU-tterldKe. *«a-y.

Butler -Bate* C'mnty Fair .Aaan. Sept. 14- 17 T J Day. a.--y

California—Moniteau County .A ft M. Society. Sept. I 4. W. C. Heck. aery.

C*|ie G.rardoaii—Cajie lilranlrau County Fall ami Park .Aaan. Oct. 5 9. G. B. EiiKlemann.


If you want to make money you must handle the right kind of stuff—attractive and hypnotizing, good values at the right price. You can jpet that only at the old reliable headquarters, N. SITURE] OO.

Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesalers. r IN AMERICA-SQUARE DEAL TO ALL


220-222 Madison Street, CHICAGO N. SHURE CO.


CRISPETTES Some naera of our machinea have been dearlns

$1,090 a month and more for yeara in the large parka. The LONG machine is the original—the pioneer.

It baa every advantage over cheap, make shift imita¬ tions. It will do two to ten times the work of other machinea. It will make the criapteat and best eating gooils at a lower coat than Inferior goods made with cheap machinea. Our machines clear tbnusanda of dollars in places where Imitations do not make ax penses.

We prove Its goodness by many letterr from- llva men all over the country. Let us send .'on their reports. It will do yon good—show yon bow' to make more money than you erer dreamed was poaalbla to make out of pop-oom. The making of the gooda is quickly learned by inexperienced men.

Remember, we are the real originatnra, and have the only machine that will make a salable pleca of goods. LONG'S ROTARY POPPER

173 High Street, Springfield, Ohio W. Z. LONG CO

We are overstocked and make the following low prices on STOCK TICKETS :

25,000 or more, 6 cts. per 1,000, CASH WITH ORDER.

Printed on good stock, well perforated and accurately num¬ bered. As good as special tickets and will save you money.

Our prices on special tickets are correspondingly low. Let us quote you.


rartbaxi- Km-ll Fair. .Auk 24 27. Emma R Kn* II. MM ,,

Csaavllli* —Harry County Fair. tket. 11 16. S. M Mlt.h.-ll. Mcy.

Columbia—Columbia Fair. Aiig. 10 13. B. E. liattim. aocy.

Crwr. CiMicr -St I>niil* Cminty Fair. Sept. 6

19 G«a>. B. B*'I<-*, aery. Cuba-Craw fi.rd t>winly Fair, S<-pt. 2N Get. 1

A W Baaeler. a*»l. aecy. Dexter -Stoddant Cminty A ft M. SVielety.

Setd. 2n Get. I. S. 1’. Jeffers, aery, Harrlaonvlllc —Caaa C< unty Fair Aaan. Sept.

7 to Duncan Rii**«-ll, aecy ilcrnian —4ia*<M>nsde Cminty Fair. Aug. 27-29.

lanil* llatwratnek. aecy. Ilemiltage Hlrknrv Cminty Fair Aaan. Aug.

24 27 Am<a> F Conalrl. aecy lIlKatnavllle-Ixfavette Cminty Fair. .Aug. 17-

2" Sam J. Klelnaehmldt. aery Holden—Jolinaon County A ft H Fair -Aaan.

Aug 21 27 Thoa. .V. Crobblna. a»'eT. t•6et>en<1r•ra—Independence Fair Aaan. Aug.

31 Sept. 4. W. 11. Jobnaon aeey. Kaboka—Clark Cminty A ft M Aaan Aug. 31

Sept 3. Geo M Hiller, aeey. Kanaaa City .Amerlean Royal Live Stork Show.

Get. 1116. A. M. Tbomiwon, aery. Nashua, Mo.

Kennetl Dunklin Cminty Fair .Aaan Get. 13- 16 G. S. llarrliNin and R H Jonc*. mgra.

La I'lala—La IMata Fair .Aaan. Aiig. 3 0 C. J. Sinn, arc,.‘* Summit —Jaekaon Cminty Fair. S<'pt. 14 17 lout* I.amkin, aeey.

I.Inn ltro«k6eld I'minty Fair. .Aug 17 20. L. W Riimmcll. vH-y

Menit'hls- Srolland Cminty Fair .Aaan Aug. 24 27. J. C. Kinney, aeey.

Mexleo. .Audrain Cminty Fair. Ang 24 27 K. II- Carter, aeey

Milan .Snlllvan County Fair. Aiik- I< 27. Enoch It Sella. ae<'y.

Monroe City- Monnm City District Fair A*«n. Aug 10 14 J. W. Cox, aeev.

Montlm-lb.- I.ew|a Count.v Fair S. pt 2S (Vt 1 Ben .Abicrion. aeey

Palmyra Marlon County Fair Si-pt. 9 It. J. M Soaey. aecy.

Pari* Monr<c t'oiinty Fair .A*an. Sept. 7 10. J It Plidllna. ai'cy.

Platte City—Platte tAuiiity Agrlenltiiral Me¬ chanical and Slock Aaan. Ang. 24 27, J. L. Carmack, aeey,

Randolph -Jarkaonrllte County Fair -Ang. 24 26 ili'o W lliilbr, iM’cj.

Rock Port Atchison IVuinly Fair. .Ang 3 6. J. W Aoting. aecy.

Nt t'harlua Cimtminlal Week. Get. It 16. Henry llrorkrr, aeey,

St Joseph Interstate Fair Sept. 2126 M. B Irwin, aecy

NeilalU Mlaaoiiri State Fair. Get. 2 9. John T Stinson, aecy.

Trenton—Grundy Cminty Fair A«*n Aug. 31 Sept 3. John W. Schmder, aecy.


Twenty-fourth Annual Entertainment

OCTOBER 16-31st, 1909 '.SIXTEEN DAYS)

Paid admiasiona. 1909 .. $:

Total receipts, J90S . ... 1


Canandaigua—Ontario County -Agricnltnral So¬ ciety. Sept 2it 25 Wni. H. Warfield, aecy.

Carmel.—Ibitnaui Connty Agricultural Aaan. Aug. .30S.'pt. 4. .A. P. Binld. aecy.

Cooperatown —Gt*,co County .Agricnltnral Socl- ety. Sept. 21-23. H. P. McDonouRh. aecy.

Cortland—Cortland Cminty .Agricnltnral Soci¬ ety. .Aug. 17-20 w. J. Groenman. aecy.

Cuba—Cub* Fair and Racing .Aaan, Sept. 7-10. Geo. H. Swift, aeey.

Delhi—IVIawrre County Agricultural Society. Aug. 31 Sept. 3. Chs*. T. Telfont. aeey.

DeRiiyter—Four Coiinly Fair. .Aug. 24 27. W. H. Bailey, aecy.

Drrden —I'TTden .Agricultural Society. Sept. 7- io. J B Wllwm. aeey.

Giindee--I>imde«' Fair Aaan. Get. 5 7. H. L. Wiaalniff, aecy.

Kllenarllle—fl«ler Cminty .Agricultural So¬ ciety. .Aug 24 27, W S. Ib'vle. aeey.

Elmira—Chemung County Agrieilltiiral S.-icl- ely. Sept. 20 21. Cha*. S. I.attin. aecy.

Fulton—Gawceo County .Agririiltiiral Society. .Aug t* 20. H. Putnam .Allen, aecy.

Pitnda—Montgomery Cminty .Agricultural SiX'l ety. Sept. 27 30 J. B. Martin, aecy.

Franklinville—Franklinvilip Agricultural and Driving I'ark Aaan. Aug. .30S«'pt. 2. Rich- ani L. Farham. aecy.

•lenoa-Genoa Fair. Aug. 2.5 27. B. J. Brtght- nian. ais-y.

Gmiverneiir--Goiiverneiir -A. ft M. Sivlety. Aug 31 Sept 3 I> .A. Leggett, aecy.

Hamburg Erie ('minty Agricultural Sixclety. Sept. 7 10 C. J. IViidley. aecy.

Homell Homellavlle Fair. .Aug. 31 Sept. 3. (Trde E. Shiilt*. aecy.

Ithaca—Thonijiklna Cminty Agricultural Society. Aug. .51 s.‘pt. 3. I.aA’ere Roblnaon. aecy.

Lillie A'allev —I'altaraugua County Agricultural Syb'lv. Sept. 1.3 17 J. M. Wllaon. aecr.

Lm-k|>ort —Givat Lockimrt Fair. Aug. 30 Sept.

^^s=^THE CUTLERY KING’S 1909 CATALOG If M Is now ready and It I» your? for the asking. Contains money-maker* In


JEWELRY for Fair Workers ??s

If yon want ordcra fllJed-the beat, the S®

cheapeat. the quickest, send them to \^

HARRY La WEISBAUM ' 256-262 E. aadison St., 9lh Floor Hunter Bids;., s.o. cor. aadlson It Market Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.

WILKES-BARRE FAIR Dates August 30 and 31, September 1, 2 and 3.



Ixjckport—MuRiirt Countj- AjplCTilturtl SocI- ' r}«orKP town—Brown County r«lr. Oct. B 8. i C«rmlcbiicl«—Orecn Countv A. & M. 8.»clcty. *■ ?• N- Robert*, I I.*w1i Riobey, necy. I S*-pt. 1*124. Oeo. L ruthaway, iM>cy.

* r.Ti' 1* Society. ! CreenTlIIe-^larke County Arrlcultural Society. | Centre Hall—Oranice Rncampment Fair Aaan. uAilr fvii^ *■ r f bui' « ^ "^oy. Aur. 2B 27. Frank 1‘leaalnKer. aecy. Sept. 11-17. l>*onar<1 Rlioue, mgr. MarKareUll..-— CataklU Mountain Agricultural { Hamilton—Butler County Agricultural Society. Clarion—Clarion County Fair Aaan. Pale* not

Society. Aug. 17 11*. Will Mungte, aecy. | Oct. S-8. C. A. Kumler. aecy. act. S. S. Coughlin aecr Middletown—tlrange County Agricultural SocI- HIckaTllle—IlIckarllle Fair Company. Sept. 21-1 Corry—Fair. S.-pt: 7 l6. RolH-rl A. ratleraon.

ety. Aug. 31-Sept 3. David A. Morrlaon. 24. E. F. Armatrong, aecy. aecy. A ^ w I o • . ... . ; Jofferaon—Aabtabula County Agricultural SocI- j Daytra—Dayton Agricultural and Mechanical

Mlneola—Agricultural Society of t^ueena and i ety. Aug. 17-19. R. D. I.ampaon. aecy. Aaan. Sept. 2R-Oct 1 C C Cochran aecy 21 ■25- Lolt Van 1^ j Kenton—Hardin Cotinty Fair Aaan. Aug. 17-20. ! Forkavllle-.Sullivan Cotinty Agricultural' SimI

.Monticello—Sullivan County Agricultural SocI- I F. U. Jonea. aecy. ety Oct B 8 M F Wllwx aecv ety Aug 17 20. Leon P. Stratton, aecyj Klnaman-Klna,nan Fair. Aug. 24 26. H. J. Qrata-Orati AgrtculturaV and Horticultural So

Aaan. Oct. 5 <. .Merritt . Fobea. aecy. clety. Sept. 28 Oct. 1. J. W. Phillip* and Bridge*, aecy. ^ , I..ehanon—Fair. Sept. 2« Oct. 1. Will O. On*- T. S. Klinger, aeeva. ' Water. Jr., aecy., Hempatead. N. Y. ’fTJ ™ ^ ^ Hanover—Hanover Agricultural Society. Sept.

Naplea—Naple* Lnlon Agricultural Society. Lima—A;>n Corrnty Fair. Sept. 14 17. C. A. u 17. m. o. Smith aecy. Sept. 15-17. C. L. I.ewl*. ^cy. | Graham, aecy. . _ Honeadale—Wayne County Agricultural Society.—.\gii?ultural and Liberal Art* SocI- Llabon—Columbiana County Fair Aaan. Sept. Oct 5-8 Emmeraon Gammel aecv ety of Renaaalaer County. Sept. 14 17. Del- 14 16. E. F. Moore, aecy. Hookatown'-Hookatown Fair Aaan. Aug. 24 26. mer Lynd. aecy. I tendon—Fair. Aug. 24 27. C. A. Milton, Allen .McDonald aecv

Kewark-Ncwark Fair Aaan. Sept. 15 18. C. Hugheavllle-Muncy Vil'ley Farmer*- Club. Oct. E. Leggett, aecy. Man-<6eld—Richland County Fair. Sept. 22 24 12 1.1. Chaa E Morae aecv

..''V .?• Inllana—lndlani County’ AgOcultural Society, feoclety. Datea not *et. F. R. Bennett, Marietta—\\aahlngton County Fair. Aug, 24- Aug. 31 Sent 3- David Blair aecv

, ,1 It Of, » on. u I , 1 n I Kutatown—Kutitown Fair Asan. .4ug. 31-Sept. Ogdensburg—Fair and Horae Show. Sept. 20- | Marlon—Monroe County Agricultural Society, j 3. j. H. Eaaer, w'cv.

a-rt..,.!*..,.! a~.i-tv I 0.V..1 i ''alley Fair A*an. Aug. 24

<)g<1on!*burp*“Falr atwl Hors^ Show. Sept. 20- j Marion—Monroe County Ayiicnltural Society. | 3. J. n. Ewer, rn^cr, • ‘ * --4. Sept, 28-Oct. 1. J, A. Knapp, aecy, l.ebanon^—-I.ebanoa V-allev Fair Aaan An* 24-

Owego-Tloga County Agricultural Society. Maryavllle—Union County Agricultural SocI- | M J A. ASu^an wJ-v *' Date* not act. John E. Pembleton, aecy. ety. Sept. 7-10. W. F. Brodnlck, aecy. Ix>h|ght<m_'l.ehlrhtna' Fair Sent »f*ct 1

Platt.burg-tlinton County Agricultural Socl- McCotinelavllle-Morgan County Fair. Sept. 14 ; .V. P, Gre«iwVlt^ aecv ety. .' R* . J- A wl?i '*^R*5lney. aecy. Madlaonville—Lickawanna Grange Fair Sept.

Pofdam—R. \. and St. R. \. AgricultunG and M^lna—Melga Cotinty Fair. Aug. 31 Sept. 2. 212.5. Lionel Wlnahlp. Moacow. Pa. Horticultural Society. Sept. 10 13. W. N. O O V an Deuaen. ^y. ' Manalleld—.Smythe Park Aaan Sept. 2124. J. Clark, aecy. I Montpelier—Willlama County Fair. Sept. 7-11. A Elliott aecy

Poughkeep«le—Duchea* County Agricultural So | Robert Ogle. aecy. Mercer-Mercer Central Agricultural Society clety. Sept. 28 Oct. 1. H. T. Schrader, aecy. ■ Mt. Gilead-Morrow County Agricultural Socl- SeT^t 8-10 W F McCo" i«’v

Rome—Oneida County Agricultural Society I ety. Sept. 7-10. O. J. Miller, aecy. i Nazareth-NorthamntM Conn't’v Aa'ricnitnral So Kept. 6 10 G. W. Jonea, aecy., Stillwater. | Mount Joy—Scioto County Agricultural Society, i clety. Sept 14 17. J. R.^Runh^er*^ aecy

Clety. sept. 2s-«>ct. I. It. t. senraner, aecy. ^ mi. uiieaa—.Morrow county Agricultural Socl- Sent 8-10 W F McCov *e<-v Rome—Oneida County Agricultural Society I ety. Sept. 7-10. O. J. Miller, aecy. i Nazareth-NorthamntM Connt’v Aa'ricnitnral So

Kept. 6 10 G. W. Jonea, aecy., Stillwater. | Mount Joy—Scioto County Agricultural Society, i cletv. Sept 14 17. J. R ^Runh^er*^ aecy

Samiy'nill-Waahlngton County Fair. Sept. 13-^IL "fv^t^-K^oz ^cS^^Tlr^^^pt. 15-17 ' F%teK 18. S. C. Shaver, aecy. . „ ' I->'Roy O- Hunt, Box 212, Mt. Vernon. O. . Readipg—Reading Fair’ ’ Sent 28-Oct 1 H

St'benevu*—Scheneviia Valley Agricultural So ■ Napoleon—Napoleon Fair. Sept. 7-10. J. M. i Seidel Throm. aecy ' * clety. Aug. n 13. J. P. Friery, aecy. Relger. aecy. ] Stroudaburg.—Monroe County Fair. Rent. 28-

18. S. C. snaver. aecy. . „ ! i-eitoy u. Hunt, Box 212, Mt. Vernon. O. . Reading—Reading Fair Sent 2R-Oct 1 II St'benevu*—Scheneviia Valley Agricultural So ■ Napoleon—Napoleon Fair. Sept. 7-10. J. M. 1 Seidel Throm aecy ' *

clety. Aug. 1113. J. P. Friery. aecy. Relger. aecy. 1 Stroudaburg_Monme’ County Fair Rent 2«. Scholiarle—Schoharie County Agricultural Socl- Newark—Licking County Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. j Oct 1 A F Everltt aecv ^

ety Sept. 20 23. R. L. Auchampaugh. 2 . rn . „ „ ! Troy-A^rlculturkl Society, ^'pt. 14 17. D. F. *o«-.v. Ottawa—Ottawa Fair. Oct. 5-9. A. P. San- | Pomeroy aecy

8yracuae--New York State Fair. Sept. 13 18. , die*, aecy. . ^ , „ . „ Towanda-l-Bradford County Agricultural Socl S. C. Shaver, aecy. Owenavl.le—Clermont County Fair. Aug. 24 27. etv. Sept. 28-Oct I S Bergen Park

Tr..y—Renaaelaer County Agricultural and Hor- A. S. Johnaon, Amelia, O. aecv. ^ ■«>'«-i- i- » Bergen 1 ara. ticultnral Aaan. Aug. 17-20. Oacar J I.*wla. ^ Paulding—Paulding Co. Agricultural Society. 1 Weat* Cheater_Cheater Countv Agricultural Aa- *<‘cy. Aug. 31-Sept. 3. W. B. Jackaon, aecy. ■ aoclatlon Sevit 'Fre.Wiea rtnR.».a

Triimanaburg—Union Agricultural and HortI- PIketon—PIketon Fair Company. Aug. 1013. ' Reid aecy cultural Sf-lety. Aug. 24 27. Guy O. Hln 1 J. F. Bateman, *ce.y Weattlcld—Co’waneaqne Valley Fair. Sept. 14 man. aecv Proctorrllle—I.aiwrence County Fair. Sept. 7-10. 1 17 J W Smith aecv^ '

Vernon—Vernon Agricultural Society. Sept. | W. W. Reckard. aecy. ' William* ’ Grove—Great Gra'n'rera' Plmie *a.n 28 30. C. G. Simmon*, aecy. ] Ravenna—Portage County Fair. Sept. 14-17. H. " Aug 30*^pt 4 R H 'Thom** Jr '*^Me-

Warrenaburg-Warren County Fair. Sept. 7-1 W. Campbell, aecy. ; Aianlcibiiiw Pa Thoma*. jr.. Me- 10, Fred J. Hayea. aecy. , , Ri'P"**"'*—Si-nec* County Fair. Sept. 7 10. Wllkea Barre-lLiizeme County Fair Aaan. Aug

AVaraaw—Wyoming County Agricultural Soel- ^ Morgan Ink, *ecy. 30-8ent 3 Rotwrt Ireland aecv * ety Sept. 15-17. I>em A. Caaa. aecy. 1 RIchwyod—Rlcbwood Tri-County Fair. Aug. 3-| York-Vo-k County Fair Oct’4B’’F.iw Cha

Waterloo-^Seneca County Agricultural Society. 6. R. W. I.enox. aecy. pin. aecv. '

i ^ Yoiingwood-We«tmoreIand Agricultural Society. M hitney a Point—Broome County Agricultural ! aecy. Sent 7-10 W F Holzer Greenahiir* Pa

Society. Aug. 10 13. C. H. Johnaon. aecy. Rock Springe—Melga County Agricultural So- breenaburg, I a.

NORTH CAROLINA * O- SOUTH CAROLINA O !• ai Fair aaan Oet <>« On ClalMvllle — Belmout County Agricultural Columbia—South Carolina State Fair. Nov. 16 Burlington—Alamance Fair Aaan. Oct. .6 29. ^iig. 24-26. O. H. Tavlor, aecy. A W. Ixve aecy

26 29 I Er'c County Fair. Sept. 14 17. F. i Lexington-Lexington County Fair Aaan. Oct. Charlotte—Mecklenburg Fair Aaan. Oct. 26 J9. | H. F.erbc. aecy. 26-28. Samnel B. CHKirge. necy.

man. aecv Vernon—Vernon Agricultural Society. Sept.

28-30. C. G. Simmon*, aecy. Warrcnabiirg—Warren County Fair. Sept. 7-

10, Fred J. Hayea. aecy. AVaraiw—Wyoming County Agricultural Soel-

etv Sept. 15-17. I>em A. Caaa. aecy. Waterloo—Seneca County Agricultural Society.

WeatOold—Cowaneaqne Valley Fair. Sept. 14 17. J. W. Smith, aecy.

Wllllama Grove—Great Granger*' Picnie Aaan. -Aug. 30Sept. 4. B. H. Tbomt*. Jr.. Me- chanleabiirg. P*.

Society. Aug. 10-13. C. H. Johnaon, aecy.


Burlington—Alamance Fair Aaan. Oct. 26-29. McBride Holt, Graham. N. C.. aecy.

Charlotte—Mecklenburg Fair Aaan. Oct. 26 29. C. M. Creawell, aecy. C. NL Creawell, *e^. r.rl.nd n.n i Sarahvllle—Noble County Fair. Sept. 8-10. Spartanburg—Fair. Nov. 16 19. E. V. Moore.

Ore.‘naboro-Fair. Oct. 11-15. Garland Dan- Homer Johnaon R. R. No. 6, Caldwell. 0. aecr. lela, ^y. Sidney—Shrtby County Agricultural Society., SOUTH DAKOTA

- SmlthOeld-Jefferaou County Fair. Sept. 22-24. Oart^lr Se^r 7-10. Sfoi^er B. Brown. aecy.

Raleigh—North Carollan Agricultural Society. j f,. Hayne, aecy. virr.— oepi. i-iv. iiomcr n. orown, Datea not aet. Joa. E. Pogue, aecy, Someraet-^Vorthem Perrv Co F.le Date, iwit _

Wlnaton-Salcm—Piedmont Fair. Oct. 6-8. O. I p ‘^1 Rarr aecy Connty Fair Aaan Sept E. Weld), gen. mgr. , Springeeld— Clark ’County Fair. Aug. 10-13.

NORTH DAKOTA ' Elwood Miller, aecy. vT'^n.. i ^ Elwood Miller, aecy

ro<)|)er«lown—Grlgga County Fair. July 12. T, *^***^' P'^iTe^**** ^^"Itlon. Oct. 6 15. G

Fa*rgo^-!c*Ks c'ounty’^ Fair Aaan. July 27 31. I Ealr. Sept. 13-18. L. E. R^’ngh1^'*pink'*^ Connty Agricultural Socletv.

Jmv Troy-Ml.mrcounty Sept. 20-24. W. 1. , aet: probably Aug. 31-Sept. 3. D Grand Fork*—.North Dakota State Fair. July 'roy—Miami County Trtiney, aecy. I E. Walker, aecy.

Ml..'wiri c.'iiiniv ’ Fair and Racing Aaan Warren—Trumbull County Fair. Sept. 7-9. I Co*I Creek — Coal Creek Stock and Fair Aaan Minot -Mrr.l toiinl.i tair ana uacing Asan. nnmer C. Mackey, aecy. ' Date* not aet W n Rlgg> B«>r ^ « •>)•>- ,■ » Prom- BiM-v V.. jiarat-.., atrij. Date* not aet. W. R. RIgg*. aecy.

Iliev rit‘v--B.rne; County pilr Aaan. July .County Agricultural So- C<«kvllle-Fjlr. Sept. 16 18. A. P. Btrne*. Valley City—Barnea County 5 b. C. F. Mu.Igctt. aecy. clety. Aug. 31-Sept. 3. A. E. Schaeffer, WT

^«ee’k*”l'lrsent’'''ir ^‘’’Hughe'i*'aecy"*” Waahlngton C. H.—Fair. Week before State week In Sept. B. J. Hughe*, aecy. ^ ^ Boggea*. aecy.

OHIO Waahlngton—Gncmacy County Fair. Sept. 28- Akron—Summit County Fair. Oct. 5 8. P. O. , Oct. 1. C. W. Stockdale. aecy.

week In Sept. B. J. Hughe*, aecy.


Akron—Summit County Fair. Oct. 5-8. P. O. Ewart. R. R. No 22, E. Akron. O.

Athena—Athena County Agricultural Society. Aug. 9-12. H. n. Haning, aecy.

Bellcfontalne—Logan County Agrlcultnral So^

Wauaeon—Fulton County Agricnltnril Society. S'-pt. 21 24. D. W. William*, aecy.

Waverly—Pike Co. Fair Company. Sept. 9-11. Chaa. Vallery, a^cy.

clety Aug. 24-27. E. P. Chamberlain, aecy. ' Weat Union—Adam* County Fair. Sept. 7-10. HrllPVQ^Bellevue P.ualneaa Men'a Fair. Oct. G. C. Steele, aecy.

12-15. A. C. .kigler, aecy. ! M'lnchfater-Wlncheater Fair Aaan. July 27- Berea-W. Cuyahoga County Fair. Sept. 14-16. , .30. W. E. Sexton, aecy.

L. M. Coe aecy. IVnoater — Wayne County Fair. Aug. 25-27. Blanchcater—P.lancheiter Fair. Aug. 17-20. B. G. J. Ebrlght. Shreve, O.

E. Chanev, aecv. ' Xenic—Green County Agrlcnltural Society. Bowling G'reen—Wood County Fair Company. Aug. 4 7. U. R. Grieve, aecy.

Sept 27-Oct. 1. R. S. Sweet, aecy. Zaneavllle—Muakingum County Fair. Aug. 24 Bucvni*—Crawford County Fair. Sept. 14- 27. R. Y. White, ChandleravHle, O.

1^. Guy E. Smith, aecy. nwr avTAw* Burton—Geauga County Fair. Sept. 7-10. 13 . OKLAHOMA

S Ford. aecy. Apache—Apache Fair and Stock Sale. Sept. Cadiz-Harrlaon County Fair. Sept. 28 30. E. 15-10. Ed. C. Kell. aecy.

B. KIrbey. aecy. Blackwell — Blackwell Interatat* Fair Aaan. Canal Dover—Tuacariwia County Agricultural Date* not aet. Ed. L. Peckham. aery.

Fair. Oct. 12-15. J. S. Kama. aecy. KIngffaher—Farmer*’ Fair Aaan. Sept. —. 8. CanOeld—Mahoning County Fair. Sept. 21 23. 1. Jonlan. aecy.

B. L. Mancheatcr, Salem, O. Newkirk—Kay Connty Fair Aaan. Date* not Canton—Stark County Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 1. aet. J. H. Hnfbauer. aecy.

J. H. Lejiman, aecy. Oklahoma City—State Fair Aaan. of Oklahoma. Carrollton—Carroll County Fair. Oct. 5-8. P. ; Sept. 20 Oct. 8. I. S. .Mahan, aecy.

B. Rondelmah. aecy. ' Pawnee—Pawnee Park and Fair Aaan. Sept. Carthage—Hamilton Conntv Fair. Aug. 10- 27 and week. Frank Hndaon, aecy.

14. D. L. Sampaou, Wlgglna Block, Cln- ■ Thomaa—Anniveraary. Aug. 22 24. A. C. Bigi cinnatl. O. ■ by. aecy.

Cellna—Merter County Fair. Ang. 16 20. Sam OKEOON. J. Vlnlng, aety. Eugene—Southern Oregon Agricultural Soclefv.

Chag- n KhIIs—Cuyahoga County Agricultural j Sent. 6 11. Frank G. Miielll. Roaelmry. Ore

Cumberland—Stewart and Houaton Conntlea* Fair Aaan. Sept. 9 11. H. B. Stout, aecv.

Dyerabnrg-Dyer County Fair Aaan. Oct. 5-9 M. W, Ewell, aecy.

Humboldt—Colored Fair Aaan. Oet. —. W. T Simmon*. lecy.

Huntingdon — Carrol] Connty Fair. Oct. 12 15. W. L. Noell. aecy.

Klngaton—Roane County Fair. Sept. 14 17 W. n. I.Iggett. aecy.

I,ewlabnrg—Mtrahall Connty Fair Aaan. Date* not aet. W. T. Cheatham, aecy.

MemphI*—TrI State Fair. Sept. 28 Oct. 9. R. W. Wllllama, aecy.

Morriatown—Morriatown Fair A*«n. Fept. 22 24. R. F. Taylor, aecy,

Naahvllle—Tenneaaee State’ Fair. Sept. 20 2.'«. T W Rnaawiirm. aecv.

Newport—Appalachian Fair Aaan. Sept. 28 Oct. 1. F. H. Taylor, aecr.

Shelb.yyllle—Bedford Connty Fair. S“pt. 2 4. H. B. Cowan, aecy.

Trenton—GIbaon Connty Fair Aa*n. Oct. 13-16. Chaa. L. Wade. aecy.

TiiIiNhom* — TNiIlahoma Fair A««n. During week beginning Ang. 23. P. A. Ruth. aecy.

Union City—Weat Tenneaaee Fair Aaan. Sept. 29 Oet. 2 J. W. Wooaley. aecv.

WaTeriT—Hiimphreya Cotinty Fair. Oct. 11 16. F. B. Dorrow, aecy.

TEXAS Abilene.—Weat Texaa Fair. Ang 24 28. Jeaae

Cannon, aee.v Dalla*—B*ate Fair of Teza*. Oct. 1621. Syd

nev Smith, aeei.

Eiigene-Sonthern Oregon Agricultural S-s-Iefv. Sept. 611. Frank G. Miielll. Roaetmry. Ore. brovement Co. Sept. —. Henry Ulr.rh.

Pendl<'‘on—North Eastern Oregon DIatrict Ag ‘mi. . . rlrultnral Society. Sept. 27-Oct. 3 Tho* ^orf Worth Ealr 3a*n Dati-a Fitzgerald aecy. ^ Ti m ^ Boardman. Box 6T’. 81.

Pendleton—Umatilla-Morrriw County Fair. Sent r- 27 Oet. 3. Thoa. Fltrjterald. aecy. GateavlIIe -Confederate telerana. A.iz 3 7

Portlrnd-Ptclflc National Show. Sept. 20 25. r .^c- . tr i . G. A. Weafgate. aecy. r.amoaaaaa-Lamp**.** Cotinty Fair Aa.n Aitg

Roseburp-Sonth Oregon DIatrict Fair. Sept, T'r . t oil. Frank G. MIchelll. aecy. ” n ii!" 7

Salem—Oregon State Board of Agricnltnre. u.n n>t« ir i. > i. • flAf-tt IQ p A UTot/ih MA/vv "wn Hut** Sun nnltfl 3 ofintjr Fiff Ap*T)

The Dalles -East Oregon District Fair. Oct. •‘fJ. «% 0. J. M. Piitt<»ninn. UTAH

rair. AIIK. . .vi. .vit'iui,* 1 a', »***v /. l, \ Wf'StIflltf' . .

Columbna^hlo State Fair. Ang. 30 Sept. 3. Roseburp-Sonth Oregon ' DIatrict Fair. Sept, q.^ T'r . t A. P. Sanfllen, aecy. Frank G MIrhelll necy * Antof»1r>~lnt**miitl<’>n«l Fair Aaan N<»r.

Conhorton—r^^shocton Counly Fair. Oct. Qaiaani-l-OrMron Htntm RfMrH nf AvHAtitfnPA ^ Vanc#», »#»ry. W. R. Miller. 1K> North Main at.. Coahoeton. F A Welrh aerr ^ Saha—Han Saha County Fair Aaan l»af»*a

Croton—Hartford Central Fair. Sept. 8-10. W. xiic Dalles -East firegon DIatrict Fair Oct •‘fJ'- H. Slegfrletl. aecy. „ . . « J M. Pafteraon. aecy. UTAH

"a.*‘k eXTi^^y. * ■ PENNSYLVANIA t*gden-Four 8t*,e Fair. Sept. 6 11 tVm

D""silyer'^aec?""*^ s/lVTale-Cuh State Fair A«n. «*rt 19. Elyria'—I»r*ln County Fair. Sept. 7-10. An-' Bethlehem—Pennay’lvanI* State Fair Aaan. Ilorj)* 8 Knaign. aery.

thony NIedlIng. aecy. Sept 7-10. H, A. Groman, aecy. VERMONT Findlay—Hancock County Fair. Sept. 15-18. Blooniahurg—Fair. Oet. 12-15. A. N. Yoat, Barton—Orleans Connty Fair Aaan. Sept 7 lo

R. V. Kennedy. Rawanyi, O. aeey r, A. Barrow*, aecy. Fremont—Sandiiaky County Fair. Sept. 21-24. , Carlisle—Agrieulturtl Society of Comberiand Co. Bradford—Fair. Ang. 24 26. G. M Marshall

A. W. Oyemiyer. aecy. Sept. 28-Oct. 1. W. H. McCre*, aecy. aecy

f»gden—Four State Fair. Sept. 6 11 Glaaman. eeey.

Sept. 13-16. Harry ,-Albrntonn^rect^AI^^^^^^ Sept. 21 24. Lake-Ctih State Fair A«n. .*rt 19

r. Sept. 7-10. An-' Bethlehem—Pennaylvanl* State Fair Aaan. IIorj<e 8 Knaign. aery.

MAY 22. 1909

llratlli iMiro—Valley Fair. Sept. 28 30. Oacar F. Ilenaon aei-y

Falrhnven —Weateni Vermont Agrlcultur*! H<> clely. Sept. 7 10. l*r. J. F. WlUun, eery.

Mlildlebur.v—.Addl*<Hi Cminty Fair. Aug 24 27. C. I. Button, (ei'y,

Morriavllle—LaMo'lle Valley Fair Society. .\iig 24 26. »). M. Waterman, aecy.

NorlhOi'ld —I>ug River Vallay Fair Aaan. Date* not deOnllely decided, probably Sept. 7 9. F. A. Joaelyn, gen. aupt.

Rutland—Rutland County Agricultural SiM-tety. Kept. —, W. K. Farnaworth, aery,

Shelilon Junction—Franklin County Fair. Sept. 14. tv. G. Faaaett, Enoaburg, Vt.

Sprliignidd—HprIugOeld Agricultural Aaan Kept. 1-2. Fred C. Davla, aecy.

St. Johnabiir.v—Caledonia Fair Grounds Co. S<-pt 14 16. Chaa. G. Braley. aery.

Tunbridge—Union Agricultural Society. Dalea not aet. Q. L. Hwan, North Tunbridge, Vt.

Waahlngton—Vathington Agricultural Aaan. Sept. 21-23 U. H. Bigelow, aecy.

White River Junction—Vermont Slat* Fair. Sept. 21 94. F. L. Davla, aecy.

WooiUiock—Wlndaor County Agricultural Socl ety. Sept 7 9. C. J. Paul. aecy.


Danville—Danville Fair Aaan. Oct. 13-16 W. A. Moorman, aeey.

Emporia-Emporia Agrirultural Fair Asan. tVt. 12 15. E. E. Gooilwyn. aeey.

Galax—Galax Fair. Sept. 1-3. R. B. Cox. aecy.

Lynchburg—Interatate Fair Aaan. Sept. 28 Oct. 1 Frank A. Ixivelock. aecy.

Norfolk—Fair. July 27-.30. T. Covtngtou. aecy. Radford—Fair. Sept. 7-10. J. D. Vaughan,

aecy. Richmond—Virginia State Fair Aaan. Oct. 4 9.

M. A Cnambera, aeey.; Mark R. Lloyd, at sistani aerretary and general manager.

Roanoke—Great Roanoke Fair. Sejit. —. L. A. S.-holi. aecy.

Taalev—Fair. Aug. 3 6. W. T. Wright, aecy. Taiewell—Fair. Sept. 14 17. Dr. R. P. Cop

enhaver. aecy. Winchester—Shenandoah Valley Agrienltural

Araoclatlon. Sept. T-10. Robert Woraley, aecy.


Davenport—Lincoln County Pair Aaan. Date* not act. F. Raake, aecy.

Everett—Snnbomlah County Agrirultural Aaan Ang. 31 Sept. 4. lioul* H. MrRae, aecy.

Seattle—Alaaka Ynknu Parlffc Expoattloo. June 1 Oct. 16. W. M. Sheffield, aecy.

Seattle—Weatero Waahlngton Fair, Sept. 27 Oct 2. Emmett C. Brown, aecy.

Spokane—Spokane Interatate Fair. Sept. 30-25. Robert H. Coagrove. aeey.

Walla Walla—Walla Walla Connty Pair Aaan Oct. 44*. R. H. Johnaon, aecy.


Biickhannon—Unahnr County Fair Aaan. Sept. 27-30. W. H. Young, aecy.

Clirkabiirg—Weat Virginia Central and Agrl cultural and Mechanical Society. Date* not aet. Jame* N. Heas. aeey.

Fairmont—Fairmont Fair Aaaoclatlon. Sept. 14 17. John S. Scoot, aecy.

Mlddleboro—Tyler County Fair. Ang. 10-13 Dr. M. M. Reppard. aecy.

Parkcrabnrg—Weat Virginia Fair. Aug. 16 20. Thn*. Ix>gan. aecy.

Pennahoro — Ritchie County Agricultural and Fair A«*n. Ang 17 20. Will A. Strlcklcr. Ellenlioro. W. Va.

SbepberdatowD—Morgan*! Grove Fair. Sept. 7 10 E T IJrKllder. eery.

Wheeling—Weat Virginia Expnaltloo and State Fair Aaan. Sept. 6 10. Geo. Hook, aecy.


.\mberat — Portag* County Agricultural S.> clety S«-pt. 710. L. D. Smith, aecy.

Appleton—Fox River Fair and Itriving Aaan Ang. 21 26 R. E. Camcroa*. aecy.

.Anguata—Kan Claire County Agricultural Socl ety. 8. pt. 28-Oct. 1. Brit Frederick, aecy.

Saraboo—Sauk County Agricultural Society. Sept. 21 24. 8. A. IVIton. aecy.

Beaver Dam—IVidge County Fair. Sept. 27 Oct. 1. C. W. Harvey, aecy.

Berlin—Berlin Induatrlal and Agricultural Aaan Sept, 21 24 E. Greverua, aecy.

Bloomington—Blake's Prairie Agrirultural 8o cletv. Sent. 8 10. A. C. Blabop. aecy.

Boacohel,—Grant County Fair. Ang. 10 13. 1,. B. Wlilla, aeey

Bruce.—Bosk County Fair. Sept. 15 17. Archl» Barrett, aecy,

Cedarahiirg —Otankee County Agrlcultnral So clety. S<*pt. 29 22. Jtrolf Dltrlrh, aecy

Chippewa Fall*—Northern Wlaconain State Fair. s«-pt. 29 24. Roliert B. Clark, *<-ri.

rhiHtoo—Talnroet Coungy Agnteultnral Aaan Sept 2.3 24. Gregory Demchel. n*<y.

Crandon.—Foreat I'onnty Fair. Sept. 14 16. J. O. Sherman, aecy.

Darlington—Lafayette County Agrlcnltural So eletr. An* 21 27 F. E. Weat, aecy.

Klkhorn—Walworth C<o. Agricultural Society. Sept. 21 24 K M Porter, aery.

Elroy.-Fair Oct. 5 8. J. II Smith, aecy Ellaworth.—Pleree County Fair. Sejit. ‘22 24

F. D. l/)n1. *<-cy. Eyanavllle—Rock County Fair Aaan. Ang. 31

Sept. .3 W W Giniea, aecy. I'ond dti Lac—FomI du I.*c County Agrlcultnral

Society Ang 31 Sept. 3 E. W. Phelp*. aecy.

Eriendablp—Adam* Connty Agricnltnral Society. Sept. 22 24. J W. Pitryla. aecy.

Gay* Mllla-Fair Ort. 5 8 E. O. Brigg*. •4»rT.

IllllaUiro—Ealr. Aug. IT 20. W. Wemick.

llortnny|||e.~ Ontazanile County Fair. Sept. 1 3 L. A. Carroll, aecy.

Jefferaon .Irfferaon County and Rock Rlrer A'al !<•* Agrirultural Society. S«‘pt. 28 Oct. I. O r |((a.«abr. aecy

KlllHinrn. Coliitnhi* County Fair. Oct. 4 7 W G. Gllleaide. wey.

Iji froeae.—Inter Stale Fair. Sept. 28 Oct. I C 8. Van Ank<'n, aecy.

I^nraaler tirant Connty Fair. Sept. 1.3 17 C. II Ziegler, aery,

l.o<1I I,odl Wtnon Agricultural Society. Sept 13 15 M, 8 Caldwell aery.

Madlaon Wlacon.ln Stale Fair. Sept. 13 17. .T*dtn M Trtic. «i.ev

Aladlaon. Dane County Fair. S«-pt. 7 10 M. Al Parkliiaoii. *i-ey.

Manltow.w Pair Ang 21 27. Chaa. F. Fech ter aerr.

MarvliOeld Central Wlaconain Stale Fair A*«n Ang. 2127 A. G. Pankow. aecy.

Matialon liinean County Agrirultural Society. H''pl. 7 10 p M Sntllyan, aecy

Menonionle. Diinn Conniy Fair. Sept. 14 17 J D Millar. *«-ey.

Merrill I Itwoln County Fair. Ang. 2 4 27. F.dw \V. Iloaworth, aecy



klllnaiiki’r—Wlwimaln Htat** K«lr. 13 17. John M 'rrup, Ma4llMiu, Wls.

Mlnaral I’olnt—tioiit bwcatrru Wlarixialn K«lr. Auk. 17 y>. T M. rrl*-»tly. •4-rjr. .M. Nrllla, 53 Htatr at., Hoaton, aacjr.

Uonrc>*—<Ji^au CVuinty AKrIrultural 8<»cli-ty anil M. 1. .Srpt. 8 11. l.i-laD<l C. Whltv. aarj.

N.'llla»lll.- -Kalr 1 4 1,. Wllllamauo, ar.y.

Oroiito Odiiily Kalr Aaan. Sept. 7 HI. J. It. ('Iiaae, ai-ry.

I*latt>llle—Itif llailKer Kalr. Auk. 31 Sept. 3. C. II. tirlldile. aerjf.

I'urtaKe—Fair. Aug. 31 S«'pt. 3. K. A. Kbyme, .

I’lrnioutli ShclHij-KAn Count; Agricultural Aito. Srpt. 7 10. titto (falTroa, aerjr.

Kid><l<liurK —Fair. Auk. 10 13. W. A. StolU, aecjr

Hire I.ake.—Harrtm Count; Fair. Sept. 14.1#. V. II. I’arailea. a»d-;.

KIrhIauil Center. Itlcbland Count; Kalr. Sept. •-■I 1*4 W. tl. Harr;. ae<-;.

e., ('roll Kalla.—Folk Count; Fair. Sept. 7.9. S. Idckle. aec;.

.dt llriino. Sorlete (1‘AKriculture. Sept. 21. A.fei-<1 t'barron. aec;.

Span .lo-'Siiawano Count; AKrIrultural Soclet;. S«-pi 13. Jnlin C. Scbweera. aec;.

Slicing iln-en.—Sauk Count; Fair. Sept. 7- 10. A I.. McNurlen. aec;.

Steifiii I oint—Fair. .Sept. 711. Robert Me- liiiiijlil. »ic;.

Sturgi'on Hav—Hoim- Count; Agricultural and llori'.i'iillural 8o<-let;. Sept. 14-17. J. O. Alllnsi-r. »e<;.

Tomab—Fair Aug 24 27. M. S;TrraoD, aec;. Viola—KIrkapio Valle; Agrlroltural Aaan.

Sept. 28 III t I. W. I. OrllBo. aac;. Vlneiua—Kalr. Sept. 21.24. W. Alexander,

aec; Watertown—Watertown Inter-Count; Kalr.

Sept. 21 24 Cbaa. Mulberg. aec;. Waupaca.—Waupaca Count; Kalr. Sept. 21-

24 W II. Olorke, aec;. Wauaau.—Maratbon Count; Kalr. Aug- Sl-

Sept. S. .M. II. Duncan, aec;. WautofEa-Wauabara Count; Agricultural Socl¬

et;. Sept. 14 IT W. H. Stllwell. aec;. W e»t IWnd —Waabingfon t'oiint; Agricultural

Siclet; Sipt 23 2.'i W. I'. Rli. aec;. WeatBeld. Manjoette Count; Fair. Sept. 27-

20 J. II Wbedock, aec;. Weat Salem—Fair. Sept. 14 17. W. II. Zlrke.


We.vauwegt — Waupaca Count; Agrlrnltural Aaan S-pt 2124 II W. Olocke. aec;.


Haain -Itig Horn Count; Kalr Aaan. Wm. Otb- aoo. aec;.

Douglaa—W;.>mlng State Kalr. Sept. 28 Oct. 1. C. H. McWhlnnle, aec;.

Wbeatland—l..aran’le Count; Kalr Aaan. Sept. — W. II. Morrlaoo, aec;.


-Alllaton. Ont — Alllaton Agricultural Soclet;. Oct. 7 S. J. E. Sellier, ae<;.

Artbabaaka, yiie.—Agricultural Soclet; of tba Count; of Artbabaaka. Sept. 22. L. La rergne. aec;

A;lmer. tint.—A;lmer Exhibition. Sept. «- 10. A. A. Lealle, gen mgr.

Barrie. Ont.—Barrie Agrlrnltural Soclet;. Sept. 27 20. K. J, Kletrber. aec;.

Beaebburg. Ont.—North Itenfrow Kalr. Oct. 7 8 Wm. Headrick, aec;.

Bedfocil. Qua.—Mlaalai)uol Count; Agricultural Aaan. Aiig. 23 2# A. T Gould, aaac;.

Brand'in. Man.—Weatem .Agrlroltural and Arta ■Aasn of Manitoba. Jul; 19 23. Cbaa. Fraaer, aec;.

BrockTlIle Out —Bmckrllle Kalr. Sept. 7 9. J. K Kldler. aecy.

Bnice Mlnea .Algonia—Hnice Minea Agr.cultural So* l«t;. Sept. 22 K. W. Sn der. aec;.

t'algar;, Alta.—t'algar; Indiiatrlal Exhibition. Jul; 5-10 It L. Uirbanlaon. b*-c;.

Craiil.ronk H C.—Cranbnwk Kalr. Sept. 15 18 T. M Ridierta. aecy.

Dreaiten. Out.—Camden and Drcailen Agricult¬ ural Soilei; Sept. 30 (Vt. I. Arthur Smith, aeij.

DunnTllle, Ont.—Ihinncllle .Agricultural Socl¬ et; S<-pi 21 22 W .A. Kr;. aec;.

Ednuciton. .Alta.— Edmonton Exhibition. June 2) JuIt 2 II. R. Mountifleld, aec;.

Fi rgua. Ont.—Center Wellington Fair. S*-pt. 3oOct. 1 W. Anderaon, aec;.

Fn-clfon. Ont. — Wi-at KlaniNirn Agrictilturil So¬ ciety. t>rt. B 7. Jaa. .A. Gray. ae»-;.

Glenioe. Ont. — Moat and Elfrld .Agricultural Aa«n S«*pl. 28 21*. M. C. Campbell, aecy.

Klllarue;. Man -Southern Manlti>ba Agricult¬ ural Fair. July 2# 21* G. B. Menteltb. aecy.

Ltkefleld. Ont. — I.akefleld Agricultural Socl ety. Sept. 2S 21* W Shi ml. aecy.

I.lndaay—I.Indaa; Central Fair. Sept. 23 23 Jtmet Keith. a«a-y.

I^ Ont.—Weatern F.ilr Aaan Sept, 10 18. A M Hunt, a*-cy.

I.iieknow. Ont. I.iuknnw Agricultural Six-lety. Si'pt. 23 24 J. Murcbeaiiu. imh-;.

Mlnueiliiaa. Man.—Mlnnedoaa Agricultural Six-I- ety. Aug 4.3. E. It. Klaher, aecy.

New Weatmlnater. H C --l•r.«^lnl■lal Exhibition. <8 t 12 I# W II. Kcarr. w-cy.

owaaht, Ont.—So*ith Ontario Agricultural So clei>. Sept 14 1.3. W F. N. Sinclair, aec;

oitervlllr. (»nt —.South Norwich Exhibition. <*cl 7 8 .Alex McKarltm. accy.

Ottawa. Ont Central Canada Exhibition Sept. 10 18 E McMahon. aec>.

orangeTllle. Ont HufTi-rlii .Agrtculturnl Socl¬ et; Sept 23 21 Joa. J Kelly, aecy

Owen Hound, Out **wan Si'und Agricultural Socictr Sept. 14 HI John McQuaker, ais";.

I’erth. Ont. South Ijinark Agricultural Socl et; Datea not aet. Chaa. K. Stone, aecy.

1‘elrolla. Out I'etrolla and Ennl-lelMen .AgrI cultural SiK-lcty. Sept. 23 2.3 W. A llriH-k.

SiiiltlivlUe. Ont.—I'enlfiaulnr Central Kalr. Sept. 23 24. W. I". J. I'alteraon, aecy.

Sfe. Martloe, Que.—Agricultnral Society Coun¬ ty Chat. Sept. 9. Nap Mallette, aecy.

Ste. Victoria.—Soclete d'Agriculture. Sept. 28. 1'. K. Ilarplu, aecy.

rbedford, Ont.—H»aaoi|uet Agricultural Socl ety. Sept. 27-28. N. J. Kearney, aecy.

Tlllaouburg, Oi.t.—Tllliionburg and Derebam Ag- rlciilliiral Society. .Sept. 28 21*. W. W. Llv- liigat' ne. aecy.

Ti.roino. Ont.-Canadian National Exhibition. -Aug. 28-Sept. 13, J. O. Orr, aecy.

I'lti-rKon, Ont.—Stepbenaon and W«tt Fair. Da lea not aet. J. H. Oaborne, aecy.

VauLIcck Hill, Ont.—Fair, Sept. 21 23. H. C. Jonea, aecy.

Victoria. It C..—Frovtuolal Exhibition. Sept. 20 2.3. J. E. Smart, r. O. Drawer 701, Vlc- torii, H. C.

Waterloo, Que.—ShefTord Count; Agricultural .Siwl-ty. Sept. 14 15. N. O. Ridkwell, aecy.

Wi-lli aley. Ont.—Wellealey North Eastbope Fair. Si-Tit. 14 1.3. G«-o. Bellinger, aecy.

Wlm heater, Ont.—Wlncheater Agricultural Fair. Sept. 7 8 W. J. Latlamme, aecy.

WliinliM-g, Man.—Winnipeg Induatrlal Expoal tlon July 10 17. Dr. A. W. Bell, aecy.

W.aMlvllle, Ont.—Fair. Datea not aet. A. E. Stahark, aecy.

Wyoming. Ont.—[Mympton and Wyoming Agrl- i-ultiiral SiK-lety. Oct. 1.2. D. S. Fergnaon, Box 8.3. Wyoming, Ont., Can.

Vorklon. Saak.—Yorkton .Summer Fair. July •1 8, Hy. Chriatopheraon. secy.

•St. Louli—I^-mp’s Hark Carnival. Sept. 19 Oct. 3. Robert Bacbmann, Lemp’a Park, St. Loula, Mo.


Gordon —Sheridan County Fair. Sept. 14-18. J. H. Crownlcr. aecy.

Omaha—Ak-Sar Ben Carnival. Sept. 29 Oct. 9. Doc. Breed, director of carnival.

Valentine—Street Fair. July 4. G. .A. Chap¬ man, aecy.


Pateraon—Elka’ Fair and New Home Week. May 22-Juue 2. Harry Metz. Pateraon, N. J.


Buffalo—Buffalo .Midsummer Exposition. June 11* July .3. AdilreKs secretary, 534 Pruden¬ tial Building, Buffalo, N. Y'.

New York—Queenaboro Bridge Celebration. June 12-19. Mark L. Stone. 1493 Broadway, Room 4<r2. New Y'ork City.

Ria-heater—Rocheater Mld-Sunimer Festival and Exposition. July .3-11.

Walden—Old Week. Early In .August. Wm. C. Hart. secy.


Hickory—Street Fair. July 4. W. J. Shufow.


In Vila Lake—.State Firemen’s Tournament. June 15-17. C. O. Riiasell, aecy.


Ashland—Commercial Club. .August of Septem¬ ber. N. Strauss, secy.

Bateavllle—Batesvllle Carnival Co. Sept. 15- 18. H. T. Atkinson, s«-cy.

Columbus—Knights of Pythias Afro American Exposition, Carnival and Camp. July 12-24. Jas K. Auderson, secy.

Fort Recovery—Harvest Jubilee Aaan. Aug. 11-13. F. J. Sonderman, aecy.

Gclion—Gallon Free Street Fair. Sept. 22-24. C. F. Else, secy.

Lancaster—Baseball and Merchants’ Carnival. May 31 June 5. W. D. Nothacker. aecy.

London—Merchants’ Spring Festival. May 17- 22. M. B. Golden.


Comani-he—.Animal Carnival. .Aug. 19 21. G. W. Melisb. sccy.

Hinton—Hinton Corn Club. Aug. 6. Ira F. Hodsou. sei-y.

Sbatttick—Old Settlers’ Reunion. Aug. 2o-

We are headquarters for all the latest nov¬ elties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, Canes, Knives. Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons.

We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Eisenstein &, Co. Prices in Cincinnati same as in New York.

THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO 122 E. Fourth St., Cincinnati. O.

Our BIk Band Catalog

. - It coatawa kundrwla



S*-lina--Si’lma Fall Festival Assn. Oct. or November. R. E. L. Nell, aecy.


Fort Smith—Street Fair. Week of May 17.


Dongola—iNmgola 0|iera House Rand. Sept. 8- II. It. S. DIIluw, sei-y.

Bloomington—Bloomington Baseball Aaan. and Buaineaa Men's Aaan. July 5-10. E. E. Pleraon. a*H-y.

Oaaey—.Mmlern Woodmen of America. Dates not aet. W. H. Daniela. secy.

• 'entrails—Centralis Caralval and Race Meat. June 7-12. II. T. Scorlock. secy.

Cbala worth—Com Carnival Aaan. Oct. 20-23. J.v>. W. tiarrlty, aecy,

Golcvinda—Golconda Band. Aug. 2 7. Harry Cole, secy.

ilirrlaburc—Harrlabtirg Fair and Park Aaan. Si pt. 14 18. Hr. o. E. Rvlngton. secy.

liarrlahurg-.-.MId aummer Races. July 1-3. Kansas—Harvest Home and Picnic. Sept. 1-3.

If. S. Juntgen. aecy. Noble—Trl County Home Coming Committee.

S*-pt. 1-4. K. S. Hanna, aecy. Pans—Pans .Aunnal Home Coming. .Aug. 12.

H. W. FiTgtisNin. aecy. Prlncetou—Farmers’ Carnival. Sept. 27-Oct. 2.

A. R. I'nbrli, aecy. Rock laland—Kxpoaitloa. Aug. 9-14. Herbert

A. Kline Bhowa. attr.


Eaton—Eaton .Agricultural Stock Show and Home Coming. Dates not set. F. A. Wued- sson. twH";.

iDdlinapolla—Kl-Kl Carnival. May 24 29. Mar¬ shall Dickey, 1347 McLain at.. Indianapolis. Ind.

Knigh'atown—Merchants’ Carnival. July 5-10 V. M. Chspt>ell. >ecy.

Madison—Moilt-m Wioilmen Street Fair and Carnival. July .3. Geo. A. Dittgen. a«-r;.

Vincennes—Knox County Horn-* Coming. 'Dates not set. Thos. F. Palfrey, aecy.


Cumberland — Cumberland Commercial Club. l*ates not wt. A. W. Stryker, aecy.

Davenport—Davenport River Carnival .A«sn. ■Aug. 1#21. C. -A. St*N*l. secy.

Davis City—Old Soldiers and S«'ttlera’ Reun¬ ion. .Aug. 24 27. G. G. Grimes, seev.

Decorah—I'ourtb of July Celebration. July 5. J. F. B. Portman. Decorah, la.

Earlvllle-Earlvlllo Carnival .Assn. Dates not s*-t. .Alb*’rt Volt, secy.

KoIIerfon—Kellerton Reunion .Assn. .Aug. 4- B Dug. Higgins. s*-c;.

I.* Mars—Home Coming Week. July 5-12.

KANSAS. Baxter Springs—Inter Stale Reunion .Assn,

Aug. .3(* Sept. 4. Chas. L. Smitb. Baxter Spr.ngs, Kan.

Colurobits—v>Id Settlers’ Reunion. -Aiig. 3 fl. L. W. S*-brelper. aecy.

Council Grove—Morris County Fair Aaan. Week of July 12. G. W. deck, secy.

Down*—INvvvns Anniversary Celebration. July ■J*l '28 Ralph Rhoadea. secy.

Troy—Home Ooralng. Aug. .30 Sept. 4. Walter B Mimtgnmery, secy.

Wsverl;—l>hl<v Day .Assn. .Aug. IS 19. J. M. OsNtrn. care Commcn-lal State Bank. War- erly. Kan.


Eniliieiic*'—1. O. O. F.. l.islgc No. 140, Street Cariiival. July 3 and week. Ge<v W. Young.

Every band will aave money and get lietter quality inatni- mentH by sending for a copy,

L^FKEF:. Write To«l«y. » LYON 4k MEALY


An-bridge—Economy Vol. Fire Department. May 22 2'.>. J. A. Klein, aecy.

Centre Hall—Encampment and Exhibition Pa¬ trons of Husbandry. Sept. 11-17. D. Trim- per, mgr. amusements. Ocean City, Md.

Corry—Old Home Week Celebration. July 4 9. Advertising Committee, Corry, Pa.

Evans Cltv—Old Home Week and Street Fair. June 21*-July 3. Victor -A. Barnhart, secy.

Ford City—Street Fair. June 28 July 5. Cup- ren A McCue. mgrs.

Girard—nobler Hose and Band Co. Dates not set. 11. S. Foye. secy. „ w

Klttauning—Centennial and Old Home Week. July 4 10. t. H. McElwaln, secy.

Mechanlcsburg—Grangers’ Picnic and Exhibi¬ tion. Aug 30Sept. 4. D. Trlmper. mgr. amusements. Ocean City, Md.

Otterburg—Great Granger’s Picnic. Aug. 10-

16S-lKt Gem Solid Gold Tiffany.-Solid Oo'd Belcher

nO.OO No. lOJ-lKt. $15.10 Gem Solid Gold Stud, $10.00

Are Scientific White Sapphires. Onlv an ex(ert can tell them from diamonds. Kemarksbiv brilliant and sparkling W ithstand acid. Hr- and aie so hard they cannot be filed so vsill wear forever.

Any of the above solid gold m* untings w-nt to anv address on receipt of prU-e. .Money refunde*! if not satisfactory.

Can we make a fairer offer • Reference. Any Hank in Imlianapolis. HTse.ndFOR BOOKH.T.

WHITE VALLEY OEM 00., P. 0. Box 1411, Indianapolis, Ind.

PMladelphia—Business ’ Men’s Carnival. Last week In May. J. Stevens, care Gazette Offlee. Phil.sdelphia. Pa. .. ,

Somerset—.Annual Encampment of Nattonal Guard of Pennsylvania. July 27-Aug. 5.

Tarentum—Firemen's Free Street Fair. June 2 26 J. Fred Keller, Tarentum. Pa.

York—Farmers’ Mid Summer Festival. Aug. 6- 7. E. C. Elcbelberge^. mgr.


PIprrv-—Gas Belt Auditorium Co. Oct. —. G. H. .Taynes, secy.


.Abilene—Midsummer Carnival. July 2 3. Jesse Cannon, secy.

Gatesv'lle—Confederate Veteran’ Reunion and Carnival. Aug. 3 7. E. L. Bush. secy.

Houston—No-Tsu Oh Assn. Nov. 8 13. E. J. Hussion, secy.

San -Angelo—San .Angelo Fair ami Carnival Assii. 0*1. 4 9. Geo. Hagelstein. secy.

Oar "Sandow” Theat¬ rical Trunk is a mar¬ vel of strength—BUILT LIKE a BaSK vaULT. It is made of 3 ply ve¬ neering. covered with raw bide fibre inside and out: hand riveted. Any si>eclal size made to order Writk fob caTaLoauK. Wilkina 'Trunk Mfg. Oo ,

Dallas. Texas.

Ground Privileges and Concessions at Crystal Lake Park. On shore of beautiful lake. Best paying summer resort in Connecticut. Merry-go- round to lie run by elt'ctrlclty on percentage. Rates lower than anv other. Address W. J. BOWLER. BockTille. R. F. D., Coi.n.


An A-1 Clown with trained mule; one com petent to hire, train and direct three local assistanta. frame up and put on weekly changes. Season engagement to capable party. Send full particulars, exm-rlence, salary, etc. Reference retmired. TORONTO PARK CO., Toronto. Canada.

Fiilii-rton—Soldiers' Reunion. Aug —. Frank M. tlrintn. Box ’25; Fullerton. Ky.

Ja<k«on —Knights of Pylhl.-i-*. Dati's n*>t *«*t. Mayfield—Big Celebration anti Ha<'*t. July 1

.3. J. C. DudU'y. secy.


Harmon;—Park .Assn. .Aug 19 24. E. B. llartwell, s.'c;.

DwcusN'nv-Wmsimen of the World Carnival. Juni- 7 12. T. T. I.ano, secy.

Pr<-sfon—Fillmore County Agricultural Society. Srpt 7 10. Frank J. Wach. secy

St. Psnl Street Kalr. June 21-2#. Herbert A. Kline Showa, attr.

Staples Psrk Region District of G. A. R. En- esmpmenl. June 30 July .3. W. A. Bro>>m, seev.

Wtllmsr—Wlllmar Street Fair Assn Sept. 22 2.3. 11. Gunderson. s*'ey.

wintms—Winona County Home Coming. Aug. ;10 .Sept. 4. I.e«‘ II Blen-e, s*Ty.


Aniilelcn City—Apideton City Str*«et and Stock Fair. Aug. '2.3 27. Fn-d l.uchstnger. s**cy.

nmiiigs 4«lnet Fair. tVt. US J. W. York. s<v.v.

Bmuivllle—Bts'nvIUe Commercial Club, .Aug. —. .Mac J. Koonta, s*>ey.

ilalnsville Second .Anriial Picnic. -Aug. 17 2t>. I.. Anderatsi. s**c}.

St Charli-s S|>rlng Fcallval. FIrat w<>ek In June Wm J. Tobin. St. Charles. Mo.

OEO. W. RIPLEY’S OLD-TIME MINSTRELS WANTS Muaical Team, Novelty and Specialty •Acta. Comet and Tuba to double B. A O., Alto Tromikuie. Bas* Drum to double atage. canvas; want Scenery for stage 10x‘20, I'lrst-Part I’nl forms and Minstrel Stuff. HOMER, N. Y.

I!!^ Great Handcuff Trick How la It done? Detectives and Secret Service men have been dumfouDd<Nl. Prom Brlnda mour’a manager, we obtained the full secret dlfectlons for doing this marvelous trick. Any one following these directions can be haml cuffed and lockml In a cell and escape In less than four minutes. Many are making a fortune with It. Whv not vou? Full secret directions for 1100. OAKS IfOVELTY 00., Dept. 38 Oshkosh. Wit.

CONCESSIONS wanted for Dreamland Park, Decatur, Ill. Men; givrmind. Japanese Ball game. Photograph Gallery, etc.; any riding de¬ vice, tented exhibitions or novelties of merit. Address John Allen. Decatur, Ill.

500 SLOT MACHINES. Mills and Caille makes, money aiul cheek paying; machines N>ught, sold and exehangeil; write for list. S. H. Depart¬ ment. 882 Heed Building, Philadelphia, Pa. SLOT MACHINES

We manufacture Legal, I’remlum and Little Giant; buy, sell and repair all other klnda. A. J. Fiahar A Oo., Pittsburg, Pa.

Prairie, Man Portage Did Boys’ July 4 It*. Arthur W lliimlter.

WANTED Singers iliat can sing. For lllus- ♦rale<l work. Eight to fifteen weeks' time. THE BIJOU, Fountain Square, Cincinnati, 0.

W. 0. W. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION, will l>e given at Riverside Park, lola, Kaus., Saturday, July 3. 1!8*0. Wanted. Concession*, Sho\vm*'n and Merry-go-tound. Write quick. .Addct-ss A. H. DAVIS. lola, Kansas.

WANTED To (dace a Merry-go-round in some

gixsl park or summer resort. Address Raynor A Knapp, Stony Brook, L. I., N. Y.

FOR SALE -Two 42 ft. B»*x Ball Alleys, latest model. In use two months; gltX) each. Terms to suit. Oeo. H. Andreao. 511 Main Street, Evansville, Ind.

PHOTOS—Cabinets. $2.50 per 100. work. Ijirger sizes in proportion, tings or send photos or negatives. I 27 yrs. JOHNSON, 193 Wabash Ave.

Agrleiiltiirsl Society, —. J. E Bolvin,

58 X e Billboard MAY 22, 1909

DIRECTORY Of Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers

and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus and Park Supplies, Alphabetically Arranged.

AdTertitemrnts not <‘sceedins one line in

Slncor Hriwi.. h2 liowcry. New York City, r. S. Klac r<i.. i'tl I.<H-k Bt.. Cincinnati. O.

Alamo Film Kx.. 4(t.'> Main at., Iiallaa, Tex.; San Antonio, Tex.

Weatern Itarftain llouac, ‘2“'2 Madiaon, Cblcatto. i .tmerlran Klim Scrv., Sccnrily IIMb., Clilcaao I American Klim Kxcli., Waba'.li Hid*:., I'lllalmrK

CARBONS. , Klim K\cli., (tin IIxIm.v at., Kdw. E Cat} Co.. .V» Kark IMiice, N. Y. City. American Klim S. r*lce l.’.s N. .Main. Mcmplila

Am. Nltairniph i o., 110 Nummiiu nt., N. i i it)

CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. , Anti Tmat Klim tv. 77 S. Clark at.. Cli.cakO T II II ,1, I, I , » ,.i. Clilcajto FTlni Excli., 1J1» K. llandol|ili, t lilcat" J. a. Hallbcrc. d<» C.r.HmwlcU are.. N. \. City. Oiiiaha; Denver; Waabft.Bloii. D. C.; Sal

CAROUSELS. ' >ake City: lojuiavllle; Naabville.

KNIVES. t*o., Ill W. tllli St., kmitu

City, Mo Anifrioan Film Wjibii«^li Ublj: , IMllKbunc. iir.,,* v ItuMi-rv Nrw York Cll» Klim Kxcl. tklo IUIm.v at.. Mrooklyn. ,'.‘"w;.,M:..nIn ^ .MadUmn American Him S-rt ce l..s N. .Main, >l>m bla. \ Chicago, 111.

A‘nV. Vruart^nU Co.^^ a'l:. Vb^'-U. - ■ «'• “»•

lengtb will be publiabad. properly claaiifled. in g. A. IVnlrcd, :t«41 (Jermantown Ave., I'blla. tbii directory at the rate of HO for one year r'ABC iO O \ (52 ias’iei), provided they are of an acceptable kiAKS (H. K.) nature. Price include! one year’a aubacription Circua and Theatrical. to The Billboard. Advertiaera wbo uae in ex- Anna Palace Horae Car Co.. Monadnock Bldg., ceaa of 550 worth of apace annually are enti- Chicago. III.

Chicago Him 5;xch., IJtl K. l(andol|ili, Chicago, Omaha; Denver; Waabftigloii. D. C.; Salt l.ake City; lomiaville; Naabville.

('li.c nnatl Klim K.\ch.. •Jll \V. rub at.. Cln'tl. Crawford. O. T., Klim Kx.. 1401 Iah'IibI at., SI.

laiuia. Mo.: lamlavllle, Ky.; New Orleana, lot. M. D.tila, Walcrlown, Wla. Dixie Klim K-xcliingc iiwcn-lairo. Ky. Kaatern Klim Exchange, Wabaali Terminal

Bldg . 1‘ittaburg. I'a.

Itandoiph. Chicago. LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. loll, P. \ ; aSaii ahvlllc. J. M. .Vaiiglitoii Co., Hotel Mayer Bldg., I*#- tv. .Mb al.. Cln'tl. orla. 111. 101 :> lAH'imt at., SI. LECTURER. ; .New Orleana, lot. Itnsli. l.'>5 N. Coneatoga at.. I'blla., I'a. Ky LIGHTS. Wabaali Terminal Beacona, Ton hei for Circua and Tent Bhowa

nolle ii, '."J.t'."J."! MIcliigau at.. Chicago. tied to one line free of charge for each ftfty Illcka I>»comcdlvp & Cir Work*. 277 IH-arlmm ! '7 v,.„ York City V’-c . v ' xVi .V-’. 1- u iL.. T iT^ dollars. Thia directorr ia reviaed and corre. ted Chlene,. Ill hdlaon Mfg. t<>.. D> ..tli at... N. w t ork my. (•. s. lent A Awn. to., I. .al S. Deaplalnea, dollars. Thia directoi7 ia reviaed and corre, ted at.. Chicago. III. weekly, changea in firm namea and addretaea Mt. Vernon Cm. .Mfg. Co.. .Mt. Vernon. HI. being recorded aa aoon aa they are received. The Venice Traua. Co.. 3rd Natl. Bank Bldg.,

- St. lAiuia.

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS singer Bros.. S2 Bowerv, .New York Cltv. Helmet Co.. Inc.. 2.-> W. Ilth. Cineinnati. O.

anil Orange. N. J. Chicago, III. Eureka Klim Exch.. 317 Everett Bldg . Akron, O Windhorst .V Co,, ltd .N. 12lh at.. St. lAiula. Krack's 5'llm llous,-. 347 (llh ave . I'lltsboig.

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. singer Bros., S2 Bowery, New York City. N. Sliure Cc>., 22<l Madison at., Chicago, III.

ADVERTISING STICKERS. St. Iioiiis Sticker Cci.. I(»."i I'lne. .St. I.oiiia, Mo. CHUTE BUILDERS.

AERIAL ADVERTISERS. , .American Aniusi'ment Co., I.udlow, Ky.

Silas J. Conyne. 401 Mcla-an ave.. Chicago, 111. CIGARS. /^^pQ^y^LITS. Dcncbein A Son. 127 E. 4tb. Kansas City.

Belmont Sisters Balbsin Co.. Clt.v, Mich. CIRCUS SEATS. Prof. Charles Swsrtx. IlnmlMddt. Tcnn.' New and Second-Hand. Mias DoroHiv De Vonda. Box 7!M!. Ots.igo. Mich. p. Mi-Hugh, l.'hV. Euclid ave., Cleveland. O.

j Krcneli Kllni Uestorlng Co., tktl Ueltsdd Bldg., Dayton. O.

Obdte Him Servlci-. 7ll Dearborn st., Chicago.

MAGIC LANTERNS. btereoptiiona. Etc.

.tnicr. Vllakraiili Co.. IIU Naaaau at., N. Y. C. Helmet to.. Inc.. 2.> \X . (1th. Cincinnati. O. I North Kilni Co 7 K I4th at N. Y. C. Anicr. Vllakrapb Co.. IIU Naaaau at. Tohslo Chewing Gum Co, 404 Jackaon at.. To- ^ ^ Mooadn.K'k Blk'.. Chicago. Chi. ago Slcrco|i|u-on Co.. fSI olh ave

b-ibi. (». „ J ,, ,, . .. , I'hlcago. (Hohe Him Serxlce. «U IVarliura al f. S. Chicle Co., «lh & Brighton. Newport, Ky. *1"'* *"J..*'.',7,,V

______ Kab'mto.. 131 M. JItli at. New Aork l tty. ^.^cc M PC M A N IP. AI AMIIS iLemmle -Hlm 'Wr;i":; ’W’ rak^s^^VilVigo; MFRS. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT

AMERICAN TAILORS. Nlepage Bros . D'al Hay st.. Toronto. Canada.


C. S. Tent A .Awii. Co., 47-o3 S. Desplo Chicago, III


Kvauavllle. Ind.; Memphis. Teiin.; Dinalia, DEVICES. Neb.: Salt l.ake City; Minneais.lls. Mliiii.; . 1 ., ti v. Portlaml. Ore.; .Montreal, gue.. Can.; Wluul .American .Aiiinm ncnt to., l.mllow Ky |H»K Man rin .Vmorloau lioi lull to., \ no Hurt>D »t.,

Bake Shore Klim and Supply Co.. 314 Superior Indiana|s lis. Ind. at.. Cleveland. O Armltage A Guinn. Sprlngvllle. N.

The’n. I.lelier t\).. 21 W. Waahlngton at.. lu- Cagney L^-omo. Wka. 72 llr.Midwy. N. Y. C. dianapoila Ind. Cincinnati Nov. Lo.. .*<K1 AA. loth. Ctnclnnatl.

S ^Ct-lc i>2<’ xiarket at.. Phllailelph'.a. Pa.: Cbebbuek Swing Co.. P. o. Box 1241, Cincinnati. O. Hornell. N. V.

Monanh Film Exchange. '201 Thompaon Bldg.. J. G. Conderman. 141*« Ibluiont ave., Chicago.

„ „ ,, .... Cagea, Dens and Band Chariots. Riiney-Zarro 1.0., Highland and Dorcheater aves., Beggs AVagim Co Kaiisaa Cltv Mo

Cincinnati. <». s.,iiii-n A a ' 1.'.

AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. Chicago Huiisc Wris’k. Co.. .kMli A Iron ats.,

Cbli ago.

Sullixan A Eagle, lo Canal at., Peru. Ind.

CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. .A. T. Dleti. 127 Michigan at., Toledo. O. E. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 24(5 Kiiixle, Chicago.

Oklahoma Cltv. Okla. Ell Bridge Co.. Ib^slhouiw. III. C. J. Murphv, Xleadvllle. Pa. Heracliell Spllliiian Co.. N. Touawauda, N. Y. Nat. Film Co.. 1H0 (5rlswold. IVlrolt. Mich. AV. K. .Alangels Co., Coney Island. N. Y Nat. Him Henting Co.. «2 N. Clark. Chicago. A. J. Smith, l.Mat W. A an Bun-n at. Chicago. New York Film Exch.. 7 E. 14th st.. N. Y. C. Slock Novelty Co., 12lh aud Itace Sla., Clntl., O. Nov. Mov Plot. Co.. 41S Turk. San 5'ranclaro. 1,. A. Thompson So ule Uatiway Co.. 32» Broad

0. S. .Music Co.. 10;t0 N. Western ave.. Chicago. | j,;,,. Novelty Co'., Battle’Creek. .Mich

ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Kanier Ac Drlesbach. 315 John at., Clnclnnai f ...4 II .1. 1.1 ..... . »• ... .. ' liong. 172 High at.. Springfield. O. Levi Lo.. (H h. 14th aL New \ork. N. \. Standard Mfg A Supply Co., Drawer O.,


Wm Bartela, lUU Greenwich at.. N. Y. City. . CONFECTIONS. Hueckhelm Broa, A Eckstein. Harrlaou A

.y Hint North Waterford. Me. ^ ria .ts.. Chicago. III. Homes 2(Mdoglcal Arena, lienver. Col. t., W. Ddell Ia‘arn, San .Antonio. Tex. CONFETTI, liouls lluhe. 24<t Grand at.. New York City. A. Engle .Mfg. Co.. Uuawa, Iowa. Wenx .V Mackenai-n. A’ardley. Pa. * ' AA'm. It Johnson, III Seneca at.. Seattle, 5

A o/s u iTcrsTe C. S. Flag Co.. 331 Lock at., Cincinnati, aartV^PII 1 1 a. l> 11,.,.... oro V, P

A. T. Diet!. 127 Michigan at., Toledo. O. Pacific Coast Him Exch.. 1724 Fillmore at.. K. L. Tarbell .Mfg. Co., 24U Kliiile, Chicago. San Francisco. Cal .lap. Novelty Co., Battle Creek. .Mich. Pathe Cinematograph x'o.. 41 W. 2.'>th at.. N. A. KanbT A Drlesbach. 315 John at., Cincinnati, O. Pittsburg Cut Rate Film Exchange. 3d0 I,ewla

BbMk. Pittsburg. Pa. Standard Mfg A Supply Co., Drawer O., Mo- Pittsburg Cal. IJght A Film Co.. Pittsburg. Pa.;

noiigahela. Pa. I IA*** Moines. Ia.; K(H-beater, N. A.; Lincoln, opia.iE-E'p-ripia.ici I Neb.; CIncinr.ati, O. CONFECTIONS. Stebbina. Chia M.. KVJS Main at.. Kansas City.

way. New A'ork City. AA'orld'a lireatcal Novelty Co., 10 Temple Court

Bldg., Chicago, Ill.


Lyon A Heily. 205 AA'abaah ave., Chicago, HI. Stebbina. Chia M..’ 102S Main at.. Kansas City. Niagara Musical lualr. Co., N. Touawauda. N. Y.

I>eo- S*‘llg Polvwope Co.. 45 E. Ran4loli>h. Chicago. Kudolpb Wurlltax-r Co., Cincinuatl and Chicago. ria -ts., Chicago. III. South. Film Exch., 14*5 W. Fifth. Cincinnati.

ppiai cc-rwi SiHith. Film Exch.. 245 Main. Norfolk. A'a. A-AJrUt-t I I I. I standard Film Exch.. 79 licirbore st.. Cb.cago.

A. Engle .Mfg. Co.. Uuawa, Iowa. ... I Spoor. Geo. K.. 02 N Clark at.. Chicago Will. It Johnson. Ill .Seneca at.. Si-attle, \A ash. Turner A Dahnken. 130 Eddv at., San Kranclaco. V. S. Hag Co.. :MI Lock at.. Cincinnati. O. ^ pi,m Exch.. 132 Lake at.. Chicago.

For Summer Amusement Parks and Theatrea. prxftXlIMPQ Jt TMPATRIPAI AC. John H Stem. HS singer Bldg.. .New York City ^ cee Ad lee'

A I C&SSOHI&S. Jobn 11. Slfiii, H\H SlniTf^r HMjr.. New Y’ork City

ARC LIGHTS. Flaming Arc Light Co.. .'50 Grt'enwich ave.. New

A'ork City. J. H. Hall>H-rg. .30 Greenwich ave., N. A'. City.

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Botanical fb-i-orating Co.. .310 Fifth ave., ChPgo.

AVeafern Bargain House. 272 E. Madison. Chl go. pum Exch.. .'•OO Weatory Bblg.. Wash

COSTUMES A THEATRICAL AC- ington. D. C. QgggQpigg Western Film Exch., MI C«*ntury Bldg., St

Chicago Coatniiie and Cotillion Works, Clt Dear- World Film Co.. 117 I'nlveralty Plo., New Or Imrii at., Chicago, III. leans. La.

CLOWN WHITE. FIREWORKS. M. Stein Coamcllc tV., KCi'J B'dway. N. Y. C. pharlca Crowell. 19 Park Place. N Y C.

COLD CREAM. Decorative Plaut Co.. M'J Bi.wery, N. Y. C. M. Stein Ceamotic Co.. i:592 B'dway, N. Y. C.

ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PIC- COMPENSARC. BOOTHS. P^^j Wa}ne Electric Works. Fort Wayne, Ind.

IC. W. Tralni-r. Ml Pearl at.. P.oaton. Mass. CONES

•automatic ECONO- ^ x. Dietz, I27 Michigan at.. Toledo. O. I.snier A Drieabaeh. 315 Joliii at.. Cincinnati, O.

J. H. HalllH.rg. .'Wl (irei-nwlrb ave.. N. Y. C. •''• Tarbell Mfg. Co.. 24U Ktnzie at., Chicago j AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU- CONE OVENS.

MENTS. A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan at.. Tolmlo. O.

^mth; Him S: 245 M.ln"NorfAk.‘T.:‘ MILITARY GOODS FROM GOVERN- Standard Film Exch.. 79 liearbore «t., Chcago. MENT AUCTION. Spoor. Geo. K., (52 N. Clark at., Chicago Francis Batim-rman. 5tll Br4»adwray, N. A’. C. Turner & Dahnken. 13(5 Kddy at., San Kranclaco. K S. Film Exch . 132 Lake at.. Chicago. MOVING PICTURE CURTAIN MFRS. Wash. Film Exch.. .'SVl Weatory Bl.lg.. W.M. ^.i, ,„ock.

iniClOQ. I>. C. a 111 Western Him Exch., MI C.-ntury Bldg . St. 4 hicigo. iii.

,1- . .. ni. V.- n, MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. World Film Co.. II4 I nlveralty Pic., New Or- leans La. Actograph lo.. 50 Lulou S*i- New Aork Illy;

Troy, N. A'. FIREWORKS. American Vi ta^rapU Co., 116 Nataau, N.Y.C.

1 tx a_ txi V v ^ American Film S*tv., S<‘curliy HMg., Cbirago. Charles Crowell 19 I ark I lam^ if’ .Miierlean Klim .'«-rvlee. L'lS N. Main, Alemphla. Con^llda^l FlreworW^a Co ihie.eo- Truat Klim Co.. 77 S. Clark at.. Chb-ago

Chicago. puui Exch.. 120 K. Itau.lolph. Chicago, v.‘ti**riiri %kl'^xVfe*ri''r\*<{Iiahi!r»''«t itiy«tnn Omaha; Denver; Washington. D. C.; Salt Natl. Flr*‘m«‘rk* Mfc. Co.. 64 Sudbury Kt.. Holton i .w« i'ltv l^uUrllU Natchrille Pain Pyro. Co.. 1.3'20 Wabaah ave.. Chicago; N. cii^nnall Him Exch 2ti AA' Vith. ClnclnnalL

'• Hty. Crawford. U. T.. film Ex.. 14015 Lawuat at.. St.

FIREPROOFING COMPOUNDS. (has. 5.. Dn aaler, I4.I r. 2.mI at., N. A. 1.

Pain Pvro. Co., 1.3'20 AVabaah ave., Chicago; N. Y. City.

FIREPROOFING COMPOUNDS. I.anier A Drieabaeh. 315 Joliii at.. Cincinnati, O. Sam'l Wimlocker. IS5 Wabaah ax'e.. Chicago. Edison .Mfg. Co.. 10 5tb ave.. New A'ork City,

.i-e *"•* Drauge. N. J. e C.lolie Film Si-rvtce. 79 IiearlMirn at., Chicago.

.Itinln A Co . Oil Fulton at.. New A'ork City. Harbach A Co., iwz.i Killiert at., Philadelphia. K. S. Flag Co.. 331 I>» k at . Cincinnati. O L. Heta. 302 E. SM at.. New York City.

Naaaala Bros.. 223 CimimercUl. Ibiston. .Maaa. I'lef* *L'' N. W Co., sso ClyUirn at.. Chicago. HI. ^ **'• Spr>nKfleld, O Geo. A. Patiin-l, 41 Warren at.. X. A'. City, • CUTS. Rubtair Bal'oon Mfg Co.. .Ikron. 0. w i, .e e-

. Half-Tcne, EngraTingt. Etc. BAND INSTRUMENTS. Qm-en City Eng. Co.. 416 Elm St., Clntl., O.

• • DECORATIONS. Frank ILdton A Co.. Ii» Gladys ave.. Chicago. Lyon A Healv. IMT. Wabaah axe.. Chicago. Ill. Rudolph Wiirllfzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. And Dealbrt in Flagi. Bunting, Festooning, Etc. j Nelson Bros.' Co., 6'50 21S loiSalle at., Chicago.

BADGES. BUTTONS. ETC. Baatiau Broa., B 1H04. l.VI Nassau. A’. C.

BANNERS. U. S. Tent A .Iwn. Co.. 47 53 D<‘aplaiDea.

Chicago. III.

BILLPOSTERS’ SUPPLIES. Chaa. Ib-rnard. 909 Hector Bldg.. Chicago. HI.

BOOKING AGENTS. Atlas Book. Circuit, 1402 Broadway. X. A'. C. W. S. Cleveland, 535 Knickerbocker Theatre

Bldg., New A'ork Cltv. Nat. Park Mgra.' Aaan . I4o2 B dwav. N. A’. C. Park B<a4l;. Circuit. 1402 B'dway, N. Y. C.

K. S Flag Co., .331 Lock St., Cincinnati. U.

DECORATORS. Buildinga, Faira, Bootha.

The Wm. Beck A Sons Co., 10 Garfield Place, H. C. Evans A Co.. P25 Clark at.. Chicago. HI Cincinnati. O. e- a i-.»« i-a.-e «>■ i-aaii-i-ai


loiftis Bros., 92 State at., Chicago, III.


F. K. Ryan Co., 501 llodgea Bldg., Detroit, Mich.


FLOSS CANDY MACHINES. , a « , a.a « _ .. ... I, Lake Shore 5 llm A Supply lo., 314 Sui>erloc Bartell FIo«s Machine Co., 31 Irankfort at.. ave., Cleveland, ti

New York Cllx. S Luhln. 92*1 Market at., Philadelphia, Pa.; A. T. Dietz. 1'27 Michigan at.. Toledo, O. Clncliiuatl. O.

Dcx Dx I I Wl c X KTiiiKir-rxcxyic-Dc ^ Icholaa Poxx er Co,, 115 N aasau at., N. A . C. eORTUNE TELLING DEVICES. I'llbe cinematograph Co.. 41 W. 25th at.. N. T.

•S. Bower. 117 Harman at.. Brooklyn. N. A'. Pltlaburg Cal. Light A Film Co,, Plltaburg. Pa.; Neloon Bros.' Co.. O'lO 219 loiSalle at., Chicago. Ib-a Moines, la.; Koebeater, N A.; Lincoln,

Neb.: CIlH'Iniiall, (I. GAMING DEVICES. Pittsburg Cut Kate Film Exchange, 30 Iiexala

Spindles, Club House Fomiture. Etc. a- lo.h av v V C ChArii-a A i-n a" *th A.A V X- r- r.liertiard SchnebbT, 1(I9 K. I2lh at., N. i. G. It r Fr.n. A cV, ri.ri, .t rhie.en III •’<»ly»«'|w Co.. 45 K. Handoipb. Chicago. H. C. Evan. A Co., li, (lark at.. Chicago. HI, southern Film Ex.. '245 Main at.. Norfolk. Va.

GARMENT CLEANERS. Stebbina. { baa. N., 1929 Alain. Kansaa City, Mo.

Becker A Wade Co.. '2.-iOI Cottage Grove ave., standard Film Kxcli.. 79 Ik-arborn at.. Chicago.

GAMING DEVICES. Spindles, Club House Fomiture. Etc.

Charloa A Co.. 9*7 7lh ave.. N. A'. C.


ChU igo. HI.

GASOLINE BURNERS. AY. Z. taiiig, 172 High at., Sprlngfiidd. (I


South. Film Each.. 140 W. .Ath. HDcInnatl. O. !T. 8. Film Exchange. 132 Lake at.. Chicago. Vlaacope Mfg. Co., 112 E. Kandolph. Chicago.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GRASS MATS. A Hcaly, 2ii5 Wabaah ave., Chicago. III.

a.,.aaIa.« II.... f-i. oil. a- OC.I. .1 V V r> .Niagara Miia'I Inatr. Co., N. TonaxvaiMla, N. Y. American Bug Co.. .310 h 9611, ,|.. N. A C. Xon.w.nda Miiai;.! Inatniment Works.

Ted Sparks Vaiide. Circuit, Century Bldg., Kan- J. 11. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich arct. X. Y. City, aaa City, Abi. iaii-asi aaiaa

Gna Sun. (Irplieuni Theatre Bldg.. Springfield. O. Western Canaila B<wiking Bureau. Drawer 1090,

Calgary, .Alta. Can.

BURNT CORK. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B dway. Y. C.

BUNTING & FLAG DECORATORS. E. AL' Eisfebler. 5.9.3 Me.AIKater. San Francisco.

CALCIUM LIGHT. Oz-Hydrogen Oat Manufacturers.

Clacinnati Calehuii Light Co.. lUS 4th st., Cln'tl Evker Bros., <5ii4 Olive st.. St. lamia. Mo. Indianapolia Calciiini Light Co., 116 S. Capitol

ave., Indiaiia|eilia. Ind. Pittsburg Cal. I.lght A Film Co.. I'ittsbiifg. Pa.

Dea Aloiues. Ia.; BcK-heater. X. A'.; Linculs, Neb.; Cluciuuati. O.

CALLIOPES. (ieo. Kralz. Evansville. Ind.

CAMERASCOPES. W. S. Moiiiitford. 190 Alalden Lane. New A'ork.

CANES AND WHIPS. Cleveland Cane Co., CleveUnil. O. 1. Eiaei;steln. 44 .Ann st.. New A'ork City Ooldamith 3'oy ImiKirting Co., 122 E. 4tb at.,

Cineinnati. O. .Vamal.x Bros., ‘223 Crmniercial. Boeton. Alaaa. Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland are., Cleve¬

land. O. S. Scboi-D A Son. 50 Ann at., N. Y. City. '4. Shun Co . 2'20 Alaitiso-i at.. Chicago. III.


Electric Appliance Co.. Burlington. Kan.

ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS. L’nlveraal El>*c. Stage Llglit. Co.. 1.3!k3 B’way,


GREASE PAINTS. ETC. Make-Up Bozei. Cold Cream, Etc.

Chicago Coat lime and Cotillion Works, 6!i iN-ar born st.. Clilcagii. III.

Al. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1.392 B'dway. N. A'. C.

HANDCUFFS AND LEG IRONS. Olka Novelty Co.. Oalikiwh, Wla


Columbia *Mfg**Co'”*l 159°* lSrr*son'tr.’ Chicago, i r-v/p A IBlflf UM. EYE BROW PENCILS.

AL Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B'dway, N. A’. C. j Br<sikl}n. N A'.

FACE POWDER. i INDIAN COSTUMES M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. I.'5»2 B'dway. N. Y. C. | vA'. 11. Barton. Gordon. Neb

FEATHER FLOWERS. | ILLUSIONS. DeWItf Slaters. 2.37 W. 46lh at.. Chicago, HI. ' e ■ . a ■ a T. (». Alo'.l, 415 DearlKirn at.. Chicago, III. , Cunoaitiea and Bide Show

FELT PENNANTS. I o. w Aibn.'"" "wery'' IMUay NOV. Mfg. Co.. 37 Gr't Jonea a,.. |

V. S. Flag Co.. .X3I laick at.. Cincinnati, O. ^ w. A. Me„i*,.r. 92 loike al

FESTOONING. JEWELF National Tissue Alfg. Co., 5.3 Rockwell Place,

Brooklyn. S. Y *»'■ U. S. Flag Co., 331 lawk at., Cincinnati, (J. N Shiir.- Co , '220 Madiaon

Sbry'M'k 3<sl4| (’o..* >'24 N. HI

North Tonawanda. S. Y. Kudolph Wurlllier Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

MUSIC PUBLISHERS. Tha following flrma will be glad to oend copioa

of now aonga to recognia^ mambera of tha profeoaion.

Joa. W. Stem ft Co.. Ite .3Hth at.. S. Y City.

MUSICAL GLASSES. I,. Brtuncias, 494 Flatbipdi Brisiklyn, N. A'.

NOVELTIES. Coe, A'onge ft Co., 905 Lucas ave.. St. lamia. Ala.

Schaeinlia Plume Co . 612 .Metroisdllan ave.. '• GerlM-r. 7'29 Himth at.. Plilladelpbla Pa BrisikUn. N A'. Goldamllli Toy Inipl. Co . P22 K. 4lh. Clnctianall.

(iordon ft Alorrinon. IIHl '201 F.. Aladlaim, Chicago. INDIAN COSTUMES AND RELICS. ‘i'kdiH-rg Jew.lry to, ill W. 6ll, at.. Kansas INDIAN COSTUMES AND RELICS. ‘i'kdiH-rg Jew.lry to, ill W. 6ll, at.. Kansas

W. II. Barton. Gordim. Neb K'-’ach. 109 Frlendablp. Provldenee. It. 1.

ILI ll<tlON& ’*'■ *’■ ■'•"(t. 115 In-arlsirn at., Chicago. HI. „ , lUGAJaiuoHj. , ^ ^ y rincInnalL D. Cunoaitiea and Bide Bhow Goode (Manufaitur Itudolpli Uma.. n'Jii H 5,li at.. Plilladelptila. I'a.

erert and Dealera In.)

G. W Alien. '2i2’i Bowery, New A'ork City.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. W. A. Aleniair. 92 loike at, Clilcago, HI.

JEWELRY. For Btage Uaa.

N Shiire Co , '220 Madiaon at., Chicago. HI

N. Sbiire Po., ■2'20 AladiMiii at., (Ailcago, HI Hliryisk Tisld Co., H24 S, Hib at.. HI. lamia. Mo. Singer llroa., n2 Bowery. New York City. Weatern Bargain HiaiM*, 27'J K. Afadlaon. Chicago

NOSE PUTTY. M. Stein Coainetic Co., KM,2 ll'way, N. A", tl.

OPERA CHAIRS. American H,-atlng Co.. IM, Wabaah ave., Chicago. A. H. Andrew* Co., 174 Waliaah ave., Chicago.

Manufactunra, Doalers in and Rental Bureoua. Wi-atern Bargain ILmae, 272 K. Alsdlaon, Cb'go.

Sbrj.Kk I'lild Cl. • C'l \ hill m hi i>..,i. xi.. " An.lrew* I o., 174 Wabaah axe., i hlcago Killer I,r.» h'2 i'.o;ery. New t'lly ’ Gmidle Mfg. Co.. ;M.7 Delaware at.. Kan

Shryo. k r.-ld Co. h21 N. Mil at.. St. lamia. Mo. i N. Y.

.Acme Film Exch., 605 .Hmitbfleld, Pltlaburg, Pa. Aciiigraph Co.. .'lO Union Sij., N. V. C.; Troy,

Weatern Bargain H-m-.. ^2 K. Madiaon, Cb'go. „";.;,','^Mf'g’ ('» ., III

JUGGLERS’ GOODS H.iyal Alelal Mfg tXi., 1x21 Dearborn. Chicago. ,., .. ,,, . E H. MlafTord Mfg. Co., Chicago, III. LOW, AtiiAVyck. DK’*, Pullen ave.. Clin Iniiall, G. ; HIcel riirnlliirc IVi.. Grand llaplda, Allch.

MAY 22, 1909. Xtie Billboard 59

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. I.. Dalliaii it Son. Siirlii;; (irovi- A\f.,

riiM'liinatl. <1 tiavloll A ('41.. .*(1 llonil Kt . .Vi w York (.'Ity. Juhaiiiii-K S. (icIilKnll, .'KCI l.iiwrourr at., IMill

acli-llitila, Ta. A llealy. Wiiliaali ari- . Clilraicn. III. John Mu/.alo A Son. ITS l*ark Uow. N. Y. Maitara Miislial liiatniiiii'iit ('»., Nurtli Tima-

Kaliila. \. Y. Norih Toiiawanila Miialral lualriiiiii-nt Wurka,

North Toiiawanila. N. Y. Kiiiloltili WiirlllriT (’ll., (tinrinnatl anil ClilraK'i.

ORANGEADE. Tlio Corni-r <'o., .1(1.1 .Marylanil at.. Itiifralo. N. Y. ('4ilunilila .Mfit Co.. ll.Ml ilarrlmm at.. Clilrnifo.

PAPIER MACHE. ('arnlial I'aplpr .Marhe Worka. LIV, W. (Valor

at . .Mllwailki-o, (Via.

PATENTS SECURED. Kian«. (Vllkina ('o.. 32.1 K. at., (Vaahlnirton I). C.

PERFORATED MUSIC. For Eloctrio Pianoa.

r. S .(liiair Co., KKtd N (Vi ali m am., Chlrago.

PHOTO. BUTTON MACHINES. AmiT Mlniiti* I’lii.lo. Co., 2i5!i (V. I2tli. ChlraKO. ('Iilraito K.-rrotyiK- Co.. Korrolyia. Illil)}.. ClilraK'i (V S .Miiiiiilf.inl. Kk) Malilrn I.anr. N. Y. C.

PHOTO POST CARD MACHINES. “Iiayilark” SjaK-lalty Co.. liKt4 St. Aii*i* avo..

St. Imula. .Mo.

PIANOS. Coliiniliiia 1‘lann Co.. Coliimliua. (I I*. I’omi-ro A Co.. MfJ Fnloral at., I’lillaili-lplila.

PLAYS AND MSS. Dralrra in. Authors. Arrnta and Brokrrt.

Hob (Vatt. snr, (Valniit at Chllaili'lphla. Ca. Harlil Hi'Iaaro, Stiiyn aant Tliratra. .\. Y. C. IMrk A Flttci-ralil, 223 Ann at.. NVw York (i'lty!

POP CORN. IllmlirrKer l*ii|ioorn Co.. Isl Sonora. ItufTalo X

Y. Kiiorkhrini Itroa. A Krkatoln. llarrlaon ami

l‘i-orla ata., ChlraK'>.

POPCORN MACHINES. (^' Z I>iOK. 172 lIlKb at.. SprinKflold, ().

PORCUPINES. I.lnwnoil Flint. North (Vatorforil. Mr.


Exhibit Supply Co.. 3.VS ItoartMim. Chtrafu. III.

PRESS CLIPPINGS. HfOcI'n-aa Clip. Ituroan. 4.1 Ijifayrttr St.,

PRINTERS. Of Pictorial Poatrra and Bif Type Stands.

Streamers. Etc. Arkarmann (jiilKlry I.liUo Co.. Kansas City. Mo. AlVn Show I’rlnt. .Vt Itallroad are.. Beverly,

Ma«a Anirrtran .^hovr Print Co.. Milwaukee. Wls. iHinaliWiii. I.ltho. (*o.. Newport. Ky. Croat (V. PrlK Co.. 11.1 KIni at., .s’t. Ixmls. Mo. Cllle Show 1‘rlntlnr <'o.. 2317 Mlaalng at.. San

I'ranrlai-o. ('al lloniii'Kan A ('<i.. Mh near Main. Cincinnati. O. Francis Valentine Co.. 2M 1.1th at.. San Fran-

claco. Cal

PRINTERS. Of Theatrical Letter Heads. Contracts and Pro¬


(Tiurrh PrIntInK Co.. 41(1 Elm at.. Cincinnati. O. Menneyan A Co.. Nth near Main. Cincinnati. O.

PRINTING PRESSES. Anti.iiial.i- PriK Press Co.. 4<t4 Crllly blk.. Ch Ko

ROLL TICKETS. Biker. Hymn Co.. Mh A Sycamore, Cincinnati. National Ticket Co., Shamokln. Pa. Pioneer Ticket Co.. 722 Broaitway, N. Y. City. Sun PrlntltiK Co. (Inc.I, Privhlence, R. I.

ROSECAKE MOLDS. A T. niett. 127 .Mlrblgan at.. Toledo, O.

ROUGE. M Stein Coaniitic Co.. lUiJ ll'way. S. Y. C.

••SAYSO" CONE BAKERS. A T IHets. 127 Mlrhlcan at.. Toledo, O.

SCENIC PAINTERS. And Dealers in Scenery, Etc.

Euyene Cox. .'.4H Van Biiren at Chlcaso. Knkeholl Art Co.. .VTii.*. N. 27th. Omaha. Neb Howard Tuttle. .%(I2 2T(h at.. Milwaukee. (Via. Jidin llerfurth. 21S.1 lliame at.. Cincinnati, (1. Schell's Scenic .Studio, •l.'Bi Syesmore at.. Colum-

hiia. (1 Soaroan A I.andla. 23(1 S (llnton at.. CblcsKO.

SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. Berry (Viawl Plano plarcr Co.. Kansas City, Mo. I.yon A llealy. '.•(i.l (Val.aah are., ('hlcaco. 111. Kiiilolph (VurlllS4>r Co., (llnrlnnatt and ChIcaKo, C. 8, Music C4> , Hfkl N (Veatern are . Chlcayo.

SHOW PRINTERS. Hatch Show Print. Nashville, Tenn

SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. S Bock. (12 Blue Island are.. Chlcayo. Ill. H (' Cuninilna. 1UV( (t'llco* ave., Chlrayo. Enkeladl Art Co , .VKlf, N 27th. Omaha. Xeh. E J Haxilen A Co . Kkl Broadwav, Briadtlrn B S Tent A Awn Co. 47 13 8. H<.aplalm<a.

Chliago. Ill

SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. ((m Nelson. S CuKswcll Place, North Cam-

hrlilKe. Maas

SIGNS. Atlantic Eli>ctrlr Sign Co.. 11.1.1 Atlantic are.,

Atlantic City. N. J AtitoliH-trlc Sign Co., 134 E Van Biiren. Chicago. Canvas sign Shop. 43s Suiiiiiilt 81 . Tolisto. O Chase Elec. Co,, 102 Franklin at.. Chicago. Ill.

SKATES. American Holler Uliik Supply Co., Sandusky. O. Balllmon- Skate .Mfg. Co,. Baltimore, Md. Barney A Berry. Sprlngfleld, Mass (Tilcago Holler Skate Co., 28.1 K. Madison at.,

Chicago. III. M C. flenlev, Hichmond. Ind. Klcharilaim Ball Bearing Skate Co . fdll (Vella

at.. Chlrago. 1||. Tlie Samuel (Vlnalow' Skate Mfg (>•.. Worcca

It Mas*

SHOOTING GALLERIES. I IMamond Novelty Co., Scheneetaily N V K. K. Hippie, MKl Vine at.. Phllailelphla, ’ Pa. K. H Hotriiian A .Sona, 71 (V. Jackaou Blvil .

Chicago. III. (V. F. Mangels Co., Cimer Island, N. Y. J. J .Mi-Culloiigh. Sheridan's Walk, Coney Is¬

land. .N. Y. A. J. .Smith. l.Vat (V. Van Biiren at.. Chicago, ((ni. (Viirfllelri, '2(18 N. 2il at.. Ilillailelphla. Pa.

SLIDE MAKERS. (Jnnhy Bros . Id E. 14th at , N. Y. C.

SLOT MACHINES. Manufacturera of and Dealeri in.

Coin Auto. Co., 411 Kane ave., Hammond, Ind. ■ IMaimmil .Novelty Co., Si'henectaily, N. Y. 1.. von A llealy. 2<i.1 (Vahasb ave.. Chicago. III. Mllla .Novelty Co , Kid .Mllla Bldg., 1,'hlcago. Sceiilai'ojie Co., Jackson Blvil. A (iri.en, Chicago. I’nited Slatea .Music C.'ii.. Milwaukee and West¬

ern nvea.. Chlcsgo. HI. I'. S Coin I.ia-k Co., 22d (V. 47th X. Y. (Tlty. Cnlted Veinllng Machine Co.. 1.1<» Caxton Bldg.,

Hiidolph (Viirlltier Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTE. (fltdja Co., 1U22 Main at., Anderson, Ind.

SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. Exbitilt Supply Co.. 3.18 Iiearliom at., Chicago. |

SNAKES. Armstrong Snake Cvi.. San Antonio, Tex.

SONG BOOKS. (Vhiteaon Co.. 24U E. MailNon at.. Chicago.

SONG SLIDES. For Illuatrated Songi.

American Film Ex., (tid Halsey, Brooklyn. N. T. American Film Serv., Security Bldg., Chicago. American Film Service, N. Main Memphis, .(nierican Vitagraph Co.. 116 Nassau. X. Y. C. Chlcapi Mlm Exch., 12d K. Handulpb. Chicago;

(tniaba; Keuver; (Vasbington. I). C.; Salt Ijke City: I/)uisTille. Nashville.

Chicago Song Slide Film Ex., Masonic Temple, Chicago. HI.

Crawford, O. T., Film Ex.. 14(il-1 Ixicuat at.. St. Ijoula. Mj. : lavuisville. Ky.: New Orleans. I.a.

(tlohe Film Service. 7n IVeart'orn at.. Chicago. 1.. Hetx. 302 E. 2.1d at.. New York Cltr. C. J. Hite A Co.. 360 Monadiiock Blk., Chicago. I-aeminle Him Service. Its; I.ake. Chicago;

ETaui.rlIle. Ind.; .Memphis. Tenn.; Omaha. Neh.; Salt Ijike City; Minneaiailia. Minn ; Portliml. Ore.; Montreal, Quc.. I'au.; Wlnni [•eg, Man.. Can.

Lake .Shore Film A Supply Co.. 314 Superior ave.. Cleveland. O.

l.evl A Co.. ((4 E 14th at.. New York City. S. I.nhtn. 026 Market st., Philadelphia. Pa.;

Cincinnati. O. Novelty Slide Ex.. S71 3rd ave.. N. Y. City. Pittsburg Cut-Bate Film Ex.. 30 I.ewls Bltyk.

PlttMiiirg. Pa. Sidig Polvscope Co.. 41 E. Randolph. Chicago.

SOUVENIRS. H. C. (Viavil A Co.. 112 Fifth ave.. Chicago.

SPANGLES. Millet Bros.. 47 W. .ltd at.. New York City.


Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery. New Y'ork City.

STAGE HARDWARE. J. R Clancy. 247 Sallna at.. Syracuse. N. Y.

STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. Jos. Menchen Electric Co., .160 W. .10th at.. New

York City.


J. M ly-avltt Co.. 312 W. 4.1rd at., N. Y. City.

STANDARD CONE BAKERS. standard Mfg A Supply Co.. Drawer O.. Mo

nengahela. Pa.

STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. National Sterv-ograph Co.. 200 17tb, Chicago.

SPIRIT GUM. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 1302 B'way. N. Y. C.

Sun Tent A Awn. Co., 0 Beale. San Francisco. Thomson A Vamllveer, 816 Pearl at.. Cincinnati, (.-'. S Tent A Awn. Co., 47-.1.1 S. Deaplainea,

Chicago. Ill.

THEATRICAL COSTUMES. The Wm. Beck A Sona Co., 10-12 Garfield Place.

Cincinnati. O. Geo. Laiiterer, 164 Madison at.. Chicago. III. Rolsrt Warring. 467 (V. .'iltli at., N. Y. City.

THEATRICAL LUMBER. John Gllleside Lumber Co., Liiinber and Seward

ata., Chicago, III.

THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. Slcgman A (Veil, 78 (Vooster at., N. Y. City.

THEATRICAL PARADE BANNERS. Chair and Table Covera for VanderiUe Artiata.

Geo. Lauterer. 1(V4 Madison at., Chicago, 111.

TICKET CHOPPERS. H. V. Bright. Stravvn Bldg., Cleveland. ().

TICKET PRINTERS. Ackermaiin-Qulgley Co.. Kansas City. Mo. American Ticket Co.. Toledo. <). Carter ITess. Peahisly. .Mass. National Ticket Co.. Shamokln. Pa. Pioneer Ticket (>>.. 722 I'.mailwa.v. N. Y. C. Ri-es Printing Co., lOth awl Harnev sts., Omaha.

Neb. Standard Roll Tickets. l.Sl Pearl st.. N. Y. C. Sun Printing Co.. (Inc.i. Providence. R. I. Weldon, Williams A Lick. Ft. Smith. Ark.

TIGHTS. Slegman A Well. 78 (Vooster st.. N. Y. City.

TOY BALLOONS. Faultless Rubber Co.. Ashland, 0. Shryock-Todd Co.. 824 N. 8th st.. St. I»uls. Mo. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New York City. Western Bargain House. 272 E. Madison, Ch’go.

TRANSFER. R. Gnthmann Transfer Co., 221 Dearborn st..

Chicago. III. TRUNKS.

Belber Trunk A Bag Co., 152 Columbia ave., Philadelphia. Pa.

B. B. A B. Tnink 0>.. 447 Wood st.. Pittsburg. Pa.

TURN-STILES. (Registering) and Coin Controlled Turnstiles.

H. V. Bright. Strawn Bldg.. Cleveland. O.

UNIFORMS. De.Moulln Bros. A Co., Kt’lO S. 4tb st.. Green¬

ville. 111. L. Raucbiit. 1120 N. 4th st.. Philadelphia. Pa. Western Uniform Co.. 214 Clark st.. Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Wm. D. Hall. Keith Theatre Bldg.. Phlla.. Pa. Wm. -Morris. 14-40 Broadway, New York City. Pacific Coast .Amusement Co., American Bank

Bldg., Seattle. Wash. Prudential Vaudeville Exchange, 1402 Broadway,

New York City. W. P. Ready Vandevllle Exchange. Crescent

Theatre Bldg.. Nashville. Tenn. Ted Sparks Theatrical Exchange. Century Bldg.,

Kansas City. Mo. Gus Sun. Omlieiira Theatre Bldg.. Springfield. O.

VENDING MACHINES. Crystal Vendkng Machine Co.. Columbus. O.

WATCHES. N. Sliurc Co.. 2'20 Madison st., Chicago. III. Singer Pros., 82 Bowery. New York City.

WHIPS. E. (V. Hadley (Vliip Co.. Westfield. Mass.

WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. Putnam's I’et and Wild Animal Store. 400

Washington st., Buffalo. N. Y.

WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES. Bennett Jewelry Co.. 1641 .'x. 10th st.. Phila¬

delphia. Pa. Keach. George .A,. 100 Friendship st.. Provl-

denc.*, R. I. T. O. Mott, 411 IX'arbom st.. Chicago. Ill.


The greatest novelty act of the 19th cenimy. The two famous heavyweight lifters and cannon ball Jugglers, chain breakers aud Indian club swingers. Address Hagel and Cantrall, 1126 Grinnell St., Peoria, Illinois.


YOST 4 COMPANY, 900 FUbert Street. (Established 1870), Philadelphia.

New, Enlarged, Illustrated Catalogue.

Beechwood Park, Ironton, 0. Opens May 22. 1909. (Vanteii, coiieessions and outside attractions for oiH-iiiiig and later dates, and goml, clean shnws of all kinds; carni¬ val companies write, also ferris wheel, iiierry-go round and circling wave. Concert hands, write. Address Mgr. Beechwood Park, Ironton, 0.

Wanted—Park Manager For Iowa cit.v of 21.0(i0 inhabitants. .Must

be live one and able to deliver tbe goisls. l>ead ones save stamps. .Must have references. Salary anil |>er cent, of net to right jiarty. Address, H. Z., 321 E. 7th St., Waterloo, Iowa.

FOR SALE SPORT, the greatest high diving dog In the country, aud 40 ft. ladder. Fox Terrier, male. 2(4 years old. Tralneil especially for me by Roy Rush of the Gentr.v Brothers Show. For particulars write, J. W. KLINE, Bedford, Ind.

WANTED Carnivals for one or two week’s stands. Trolley service through the park. 50.(K»0 iM'ople to draw from; grounds free. Let me hear what you’ve got. Address H. W, REEKY, Mountain View Park, Pottsville, Pa.

AT LIBERTY Madame Colegrove’s Educated

Liberty Horse and Dogs suitable for Parks and Fairs. 3921 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111.


WITH ...

Howe’s Great London Show

At Liberty FOUR-PIECE ORCHESTRA—Plano, violin, cor¬

net anil flute for summer resort or hotel. A-1

musicians: concert and dancx* music. Jno. C.

Brandin. Onawa. Iowa.

STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. For Fair Followers.

Cue, Yonge A- Co.. 961 laic.xs ave.. St. Tauils. E. M. Davis Soap Co.. 32 I'nloo Pr. ’Cice,

Chicago. HI. I. Elwnsteln. 44 Ann at.. New York City. Th» A. Engel Mfg. Cs».. Onaxia. Iowa. I'rancis Ficke. 1778 Poet, San F'ranclaco. Cal. M. Gerber. 72!> Seuth st,. Philadelphia, Pa. Gonlon A Morrison. 199 261 E. Madison. Chicago. GoJdlierg Jcwelrv Co., Ill (V. 6th. Kansas City,

Mo. The Goldsmith Toy A Impt. Co.. 122 E. FVMirth

st., Cincinnati. O. Hollilav Nor. Mfg. Co.. 37 Grt. Jones st., N.

Y. City. I.evln Broa.. Terre Hsiite. Ind (V. F. Miller, 144 Park Row. New York City. Newman Mfg Co.. SI (Vomllaml ave., Cleveland. *itto Supply t'o., 27(( (V. .’tilth st., N. Y. City. G-o A. I’atiircl. 41 (Varren st.. New York City. "Rich.” the .Airship Man. Glraril. Kan. Stnnilaril Mfg ft Supply Co., Drawer O.. Mo-

nongnhela. Pa. Shy rock-T'slil Co.. 824 N. Sth at.. St. I.onis. Mo. N. " Shore Co,. 226 Madison st.. Chicago. HI. Shapiro ft Karr. 4'28 South at.. Philadelphia. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowiry. New York City, ((estem Bargain Hinise, 272 E. Madison. Chl-

<ago. 111. Harry (Velshxiim. 242 F. Madison «t.. CTilcago. (Vhlt'eson Co . 246 E Madlsi-in st.. ('hlcagi'. Y>»t ft Co.. 966 Filbert st.. Philadelphia. Pa.

TALKING PICTURE MACHINES. G lumont Co, 124 E 21lh at.. New York City.

TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Edw, E. Brown. 1.116 S. B’way. St. Loiila. Mo.

TENTS. Baker A Lv-kwissl. 7th and (Vyandotte sts.,

Kansas Clly, Mo. Columhiia Tent ft Awning Co.. Columhna. O. CanileCiai.lle Mfg. Co.. 307 IVlaware st.. Kan¬

sas Cit.v, Mo. Dougherty Bn>s.’ Tent Co.. 169 8. Main st., St.

I..aila, Mo J. C Goaa ft Co.. IVtrolt. MIch. D M Kerr Mfg Co . ’278 (V. Madlaon. Chicago. (V. H l.ushhaiigh. t'ovlngton. Ky. M. Magee ft .Sen. 147 Fulton at.. N. Y. C. Miirrav Tent ft .Awn Co.. 1-7 Meridian. Chicago. Schaefer Ti-iil ft Awn. Co., 1421 Ijirlmer, IVn-

vef, Col.



Parachute GET IN ON THE

\\ A\ E !

Almost indestructiblt?—no loss from

breakajic. Everj’thine is up in the air.

Get busy. Send for descriptive matter.

Ilii! Toy PaiaM Co. Front and Chastnut,


Slot Machines I have aliout 100 Penny Arcade Ma¬

chines (Phonographs, Athletic, Picture, etc.) for sale at bargain pric(».

Oco. \N. Bennethum, Reading, Pa.

:::: FOR SALE :::: Balloon. Complete outfit giuxl condition, with Parachute. Addivss OTTO, Billboard.

FOR SALE Four big. flue Carnival or Clrcua Wagons; cheap.

Address HARRY LUKEN, New York Hippo¬

drome, or David Remley, Sarah k Easton, St.

Louis, Mo.

BARGAINS IN ARCADE MACHINES 2 Mills Bag Punchers. $18; 1 Cleveland 'Medal Stamper. $35; 2 Cailles Aiito-Mutoscopea, $10; 1 Re<l Top Lifter, $14; 1 Olympic I’uncher. $14; 1 Mascot Grip and Blow. $16; 1 Water Blower. $1; 1 Lift and Grip. $8; Douglaaa Post Card. $0; 1 (Vizard Fortune. $2.50; 100 doi. Arcade Vlewa, 45c a s«'t; all machines In first c1a«s condition.

OEO. W. RIPLEY, Hornet, N. Y.

FILMS FOR SALE—-25 Reels. 900 to 1,(X)0 feet. In perfect condition and titled. $15.00 per reel; aenil for list. MAYER SILVERMAN. 322 Fnlt<» Bldg.. Pittsburg. Pa. Tent. 60x66. with two 20-ft. middle pieces, all complete. $150.00.

DEVIL FISH—The real rhiiig. caught In tbe Pacific Ocean. prea«Tvixl to keep as natural aa life: nothing to break or sjaill; 9 to 10 feet acMss the arms: can la- rolhsl up and carried In a woinlen bucket with Ihiiiiil enough to cover if. The la-st attractlim ever offerv^ for fair gnuinds. museums, etc. I*rice $‘20 to $40 cash; weight '2.1 to -10 (loiinils. Expix’sa about 7c p<’r pixind. S«>nd 2.1c for photo. Fred Ed¬ wards ft Bros., 909 Pacific Ave., Tacoma. Waah.

Attractiiins Wanted FVir the Midsummer Carnival. July 2. 8; Weat Texas Fair Aug. 24 to 28. For prlvllegea ad ilreaa JESSE CANNON. Secy., Abilene. Texaa.

BOX BALL ALLEYS—xo*! »c«ood hand; cash or payments. CLEVEI-AND BOX B.\LI. CK.. .801 Huron Rivad. Cleveland, Ohio

WANTED -To buy for caah. three Nlckel-ln Slot Hariis. 3 Electric Pianos, also Electric Banjos and Callle Grip Testers. J. F. HER MAN. 1420 Pa. Ave., N. W.. Washington. D. C.

60 Xtie Billboard MAY 22, 1909


ivcA, Assembllei

d*tei as have not been pUDlithed in this liit before appear under the reneral heading. •‘COKVENTIONS.*’ Back numbers containing previous insUlments can al¬ ways be obtained by addressing the publishers, if they are not to be had from newsde^ers.

Under the caption, “Corrections and Changes.** **’^?*’* emendated and changes indicated

Those who wish to collect copies of the Con¬ vention complete list are advised to preserve their copies of The Billboard from week to week.

Tho Convention list in its complete form is published in these columns every 4th week.

Complete copies of this list may also be had by ‘^ndinr 25 cents to The Billboard Pub. Co., 416 El.n street. Cincinnati. 0.

ALABAMA Molilb—Kiiiuliti. of ('oliiinbiis Aiic. .10. Ilsnlel

r.ilwcll, limw-T !h;. N,.\v H*vcn, Conn.


.'<i»n Krsiicisco—I'acliic ri^al <;hr Aasn. Si-pt. 22 24 John A Hrittoii. i»2.-, Franklin st., ! San Francisco. I'al.

San IVanclsco—Friciiits of the I’nclflc Supreme ' l/oiljrc Juw 1. Miss L. Sch.dfen. ilST) Min- n»*^ta «t., Ssii Kranoi-sco. ('h1. !

San Jo«t4* -l^ ontit; Institute. Pacific Juris • Aiiir l.% lit iJeo. A Slanlev. 02 .S.incher. s|.. San Francisco, Cal. ,


11,.n\,r—Ancient Order l iilted Workmen. June 22. Chas. N. Miller, llo\ 5,'>. Denver, Col.

Ii'iiier—Colorado llomisipatliic Me<llcal Society. S«-tit 7 s. ('has. .M. Worth. .M. D.. 620 Fcsirtecnth st.. iK-iivcr, Col.

IN liver — Trav.dliiK Enitineers' .tssn. Dates not set. W O. Thompson, care New York • ar Shops, Fast lliiffalo, N Y.

COMNCETICUT Daiihiin —Jr o F A. M. State Ciaincil. S*‘pt.

2N II N Marvin. 11 Clhhs st.. New Haven Conn.

Mott.l.n -Craiid l.islce A O V W. of Connec ticiit. Oct. 21. Stroll. Drawer 41. New Haven. Conn.

.Non Haven Doiits<'lM-r Order HaniKari. Dates not s,.t Oeo. .Meietiler. Meriden. Conn.

Nfw i.t.(ii|ib{| Kfilulittf of Pytliiaa. (>ot. 20. H o. I |i«i\ llartfoTfl. Conn.

Norwlfii Xi,tion».l U.n|ii4- uf Aim-rica. An*: 1, N. I. MiKliop. 7 I!iintln*rt<»n IMace. .Norwlf li. (Onn.

DELAWARE W.ioinin^ |.«,n„,i.. ord-r Sons of America

Aii*s ..1. Thuiiias !•. hiinn. Dover. IVI.


Washiuiil^—ViMerans. An*: 2:{ 27 H. II. namm«T. U«>a4ling. Pa. j^hlnjftoh \ «*teraii Lf^gion Sent R

r-.^^Hallam .12.1 Fifth st . ’iV..

" Comniander.v. Knights ol

|•hll.!'delt.hla. Fa. Wash!,,:.,.,,,—National of Railway Com

iiils'loncrs. ^ <K (. 12. Wm. H. Conmdiv. car, lirt.jistate t .,nim.rce Commission. Washington


'•*!“■ 'i- . ^•***‘ Convention. Jun, •J (liildiiigs F. .MaUr.v, .76 Hampton Hldg lamp:,. Fla. -

GEORGIA. .Milan.,—National Not tjrowers’ Assn Oct. _

or. J. F. Wilson. Fonlaii. Ga

ILLINOIS. .Akin—.ikiii .Sohliers’ K.-iinioi, .Aug. 36 Fno,

Summers. .Akin. Ill I iiicago N'aiional Harut*ss Manufaclairei

.Assn. .An,: ;;oS"pi. I. G. M. Scher*. Itn Iris-man av,-.. I'iiicinnati. O.

Cliicago—Uiternalional llrick. Tile and Ten totta Workers' .Alliance. Sept. 13 Wr A an K.«l,.graven. 4<Kt Fifth ave.. Chicago. II

t lileago 1 nteriiathmal Kail,, ay General For i,i*'„ s Assn. June 1. F. C. Cos. care Roy Insiirane,- Ass,-].. Cliicago, HI

Chicago—Inteniatiimal Railwav Fuel Asm -line 2123. iN.n R Setiastlan. .127 I.aSal “t.. Chicago. Ill

F-ss-peiit—Illinois Rankers' Assn June 1. IV tJraliam. S.s.nsl National Bank. Freepoi

Carls-King « Daughters Third w«ek in S« temls r Airs. J A Clark. 202 Broadwa Freeport. III.

I'.-oria—IFliiois State Conference of Cbarltl and ,'<aTi»ctlons. Oct. !* 12. Dr. Frank N<u1«,ir., Jacksonville. III.

Springheld—l.hpiiw IN*alers' Protective A«s s. pt 21 22 J McCarthy. .103 Schiller Rld( tliie.ygo. III.


Bhsimiiigton—Indiana Democratic Editorial Assn June 10 11. Frank Given. New Al- han,. Ind.

Evansville—State Flka' .Asm. June 8-10. H. Ixwenthal. Evansville. Inil.

Indianapolis—International Stewards’ Asm Aiig. 17-10. Jacdi .Miller. 310 Isabella Hldg 46 A an liiiren st.. Cliieago. III.

Indianapolis—Grand Isalge of Indiana Kniglita and I.adles of Hoiuu'. Oct, 4 5. J. H Hanght. 420 N. Perni.sylvania at.. Indian¬ apolis. Ind.

Indiana,mils—Improri'd Onler of Red Men Oct 10 20. Otto Wolf, 316 Indiana Trust Bldg.! IndianaiKflis, Ind.

Ossian—Reunion of Morton RiHes. Thlrtv- f'sirth Ri'giment Indiana Vet. V<dunteeii<. Oct. 14 1.7. C. B Porter. R. F D. No 6. Wabash. Ind.


Cclar Rapids—ttrder of 1'. C. T. Secretaries ami Tr"as,ir,'rs' Assn. June 2S 20. Jis,. H. Dassing. 24:t8 .State st.. Milwaukee, Wis.

l>dar Rapids—Imp. O. R. R. Oct. 12 13. L. A. I>ay. .'t'JO F. Fifth st.. lies Moimw. la.

Council Hhiffs—.Medical .Society of the .Missotirl A alley. Si-pt. 2 3. Chas. W(S>d Faasett. St. Josc,)h. Mo.

Des Moines I'nlt,-,! Evangelical Norwegian Futlieran Churr-h tit the I'. S, and Canada. J'.ine —. Wm. D. AlcTravirth. C<,ggon. Iowa.

D>,liiii|iie Slate Elks' .Assn. June 16 17. J. R. Farley. Ft. Mclison. Iowa.

DulitKp'e—ArehdiiM-esan T. A. I'nion. June 0. C. i.. Anderson, 1,10 Curtis st.. Dutmuue. la.

Fort iNsIge—l>>agiie of Iowa Munictpaltties. Sept. 21-23. lYank G. Pierce, Marshalltown, la.

Sl<aix Clt.v—Pythian Sisters Grand Temple. Aug 10 12. Lulu Blaiser. WiUIamsImrg. la.

Wiil,rloo—State Bankers' Asm. June 10-11. J. M. Dinueddle. Savings Bank. (Vdar Rap ids. Iowa.

KANSAS. ConcoriUa—.state Almtraetora’ Assn. June 10.

F S. Mears. liideiH-mh-nce, Kan. Emporia—It. Y. P. 1'. State Convention. June

Frank Durham. Fm|M>ria, Kan. Hiitcliinson --Order <rf Calaiitb,*. July '27. Lu

clla White. 1141 Ohio ave.. Wichita, Kan. Wichita Grand Fiaampment 1. O. O. F. t>ct.

12. la-w T. Ris-s. Is'avenworlh. Kan. Wiehils- Grand Ixslgc of I. O. O F. Oct. 12-

14. Will J. RussidI, Tiss'ka. Kan.

KENTUCKY IsNilsville—RaiDvay Signal Assn. Oet. 12 14.

C. C. RcawnlM>rg. Tlnuo, Bldg., BetblolM^m. I*a.

I ouisville—Inteniatiimal Tax Assn. S»‘pt. 21- 24 Man C. Snyder, Ihuird of Trade. Colum- tuis. O

Louisville- AA'omen's International Label I/etgue. Jun,- 1 A.iiia B. Field. 1418 Main st., Kl- W(»d. Ind.

Louisville—Anrlent Arabic Order N(dd,‘S of the .Mystic SliriiH- ImiM-rial Council. July —. Ib-uh'tnin F. Row,-ll. Boston, Mass.

Louisville—National .Assii. of Retail Druggist*. Wi',-k of S,‘i,t. 6. Tho* 11. Potts, 1.701 I'nlty Blilg . 73 IV-artwrn »t., Chicago. 111.

LOUISIANA. New ,trl,-ans—F)*d<>ration of Catholic Societl,‘S

of l.ouislana. Juts- 8. P. S. .Augustin, 2214 Caroiidelet at.. N,*w Orleans, La.


Portlsud—Layman's Christian Convention of .Maine. .May 2,1‘23. Jefferson C. Smith. Wa tervllle. Me.


Blue MMint^in—State Bankers' .Assn. June 22 ‘2.7. tlias. Mann, Baltimor,-. Md.

Ciie*l,-rtow„—I'. O. S. of .A. .Aug. 11 12. Wm. Jiis. H<‘a|>s. 310 W. 11 -rrmaii st., Baltimore. Md

■ Po|—Ind. Order of Good Templar*. .Aug l!i-2<,. Basil W. Bon man, R. F. D. No 6. Poplar .'<|)rings. Md


I's-sion—National Assn, of Mercautile Agenoi,-*. -Aug. 17. W. P. Thompson. 125 East 2.'ld st.. New Y'ork City.

Itieton—Assn, of Seepetari,-s' National Frater iwl Cougr,-**. Aug. 1,7. T. J. Edmooda. Law- I ,-nce. K .UL

Rfwton—National Team Own,-r*’ .Assn. June 21. T. J. Cavanaugh, !1'2 laiSalle st.. Chicago. III.

Worc-ster—M.xstic firder Veiled Prophets of the Fnchant*-d Real Supreme Council. June 10- II. .Sldm-y D. Smith, Hamilton. N. Y.


I'.attl,- Cre,-k—Calhoun Coiintv Veterans’ Itatal- llon Aug IS. C. F. Walton. .Marshall. .Mich.

Bay City—National I.a-ague of Veteran* and .Sons. Sept. —. P. H. Andrew*. Flint. Mich.

Calumet—Michigan .<tate .Aerie F. E. O. June N !t. John J. .McFigan. 7'.,3 Fourteenth are., 'letrolf. MIeh.

iN-tndi—Miehignn Retail Jewelers’ .Aasn. Fast Wis k In August. V. C. Morse, Ithaea, Mich.

Detroit—Fnlfomied Rank United American Me- ehanies. June 15 16. C. F. Hauptf,‘arer, 11I„ F. Fourth st.. Canton. O.

IN tn-if—Supreme Ruling of tlie Fratomal Mys¬ tic Circle. July 20. J. D. M.ver*. 1913 Arch st.. I’lilLidelphia. Pa.

Detroit—WhoIe»al- rrs’ A.ssn. of Detroit. Aug. 30-Sept. 4. Paul Leake, 2*., Campau Bldg., IK-trelt, Mich.

iN-troit—I. B. P. O. Elks of the World. Aug. 9 12 J. W. Ames. 1.77 Gratiot ave., Detroit, Mich.

Hopkins -.Allegan County Soldiers and Sailors Assn Dat,-s not set. J. C. I>eggett, Alle¬ gan, Ml(h.

Kalamaxoo —Department Encampment G. A. R June 22-2.7 C. F. Foote. Kalamaxoo, Mich.

K. alamaioo—Thcrte»-nlh MitSiigan Inf. As«n. Get. 28 -Jp Chas. Hogle. 402 W. Water at.. Kalamar-rsi. Mich.

Lansing—.Michigan Hay Assn. Aug. —. E. C. Forrest. Saginaw, MIeh.

Muskegon—a;<ms1 Templars, Aug. 24. Mrs. M. E. Whitney. ‘2,; Page »t.. Grand Rapids. ■Mich.

Sa'ilt Ste Marie -<lran,l Ixtdge I. O. O, F of Michigan, flet 1 21. Henry N. Wilder. City Hall. L.snslng, MIeh.

Luke Minnetonka—State Bankers’ Assn. June 14 1.7. Emesrt C. Brown. First National Bank, Minneapolis. Minn.

St. PanI —American Society of Soperint,mdents of Training Schools for Nurses. June 7-8. G. Af. Nevlns. Garfield Memorial Hospital, Wash¬ ington. D. C.

St. Paul—Intcmatkmal Christian Fiwh-avor Ciilon. July 7-12. AA’m. Shaw. Tremmt Tern pie. Boston. Mass.

St Paul—United Brottn-rs of Friemlahip and Sisters of Myster.y. July 26 W A. Gaines. Covington. Ky.

MINNESOTA Duluth—Woman's Christian Temiu-rance Union

Sept. 16 19. Ella F. Hendrix, 2022 Blal* dell are., .MinnapolU, Minn

St. PanI—Northwestern f^otographers’ Assn Sept 2 4. C. H. Galbraith. 1231 Waahlng ton are.. .\.. .Minneapolla, illnn.


Moss Point—Colored Knights of Pythias. July 1.1 16 S. H. Highland. H->x 222. Vleks- luirg. Mis*.


' Jo|din—Missouri State Federation of Eabor. S,pt 20 John T. .Smith, 1112 IxK-uat *t.. Joplin, Mo.

Kan-ns CUy—International Strreotypera and Eb-etrotvi-rs’ Union. Aug. 9 14. Geo. W. William*. Room 27. Globe Bldg . Boston, Ma-s.

Kansas City—K. of P. Supr«-yne I.<i<lge <f:ol- •M-edl. .Aug. 24. C. K. It<i»dnson. .1408 Itm Salle st.. St. IxHiis, Mo.

.MrjH-rly- State Sunday Sclusd Assn. Jtine 16 ,S. Elmer E. Lacey, 6,1.7 Equitable Bldg., St. t»,iis. Mo. ■

i SI. Jow-ph—tirand E'slge A F A A M. of Ml-sciirl. Sept 28. Jotin R Paraon, 510 Pitu «t., St. Emils, Mo.

St. Ixuii*—American Apple Growers’ Congre**. Dale* no! *.t T C. WlUon, .Vtt.1 Clemena

( aye.. SI. I-fniis, Mo.

St. I-oul*—National Federallou of Po*l ,>lt1ce Cleika. Sept. 6 8. Ge»> F Phelffcr, .Mil waukee. wi*

St. liisil#—MI-sIsHlppl A'alb-y Mollcal .A'on ,Vt 12 14 Henry En-x, rub-y. Ill W Ken tiwky st , I.miiHvllle. Ky.


Billing** of Heniian .Aug ’27 '>« Em iiiiuel Fi*«‘lil. Box 828. Heleiia. Mont.

Butte—Montana Grand Chapl«'r l»nb-r of the Eastern Star S.‘iit. 16 17 Mr*. Elva Board man. 917 W. (J"*>'** **-• R„lte. .Mont

llu’te -Gland Comm.iiwb'Ty K T .Si-pt. 1.1 CiWttellus Ibolgi-s. Jr., Helena. Mont

lintle—Grand Cbaider R A. .M S<qit. 14 ConiWlu* IKxIg-w. Jr.. Helena, Mont

Butte -Granil laaige .A. F. A .A. M. S«-|>l. 1.7 I6. Cornellii* ll.tlges, Ir . Heh-na. Mont

IL-lenn-Grand l.-*lge I. ,». G. T. Sept. ‘29 Get. I. J .A. IxMigslaff, Helena, .Mont.

Mile* CltvMmtana Stale Assn of Elk*’ l,o-1ge*. .Aug 3-5. J. M, Mlmw. .Anaeoiala Mont


Alliance—Stale Slia'k Growers’ Assn. June E. M Searb*. Jr.. I.lnooln. Neb.


Bethlehem—U. S Ha.vfever A**n Aug 27. Wii'. M. Paterson. 4.7 Cedar *1.. New York City.

Concord—Grand Cmiimandery. Knighta Temp¬ lar*. S»‘pt. 28. I'rank Dana Wmalbury. 3 N. Main ►!.. Concord, N. H.

Concord—S. C. of U. H., Jr. O. U. A. M. Oct. 13 W. J Randolph. Plymouth. N H.

M.incbester Knight* of Honor. S»'pt. '4. Eil- win Kenmsiy. l’ro*p«*ct st.. cor. Maple, Man eln-stey. N H.

The Wler* -ThlM Reglni-nl N H V Veter an*' .A*»n .Aug 24 27. .Alfrwl P. Hayden. 19 Crose st.. Nashua. N. H


.Atlantic Clt.v—National Electric light A»,n. June 1-4 W. W. Freeman, 29 W. 31st st.. New A’ork City.

.Atlantie City—.AnuTiean l•hllatellc .Asan. July —. H. S. .Adair. Columbu*. O.

.Atlanilc City—Knights of the Mystic Chain. .Aug. 24 Wallace l‘. Thornton, Box 157. I aml*‘rtvllle, N. J

.Atlantic City—NatUmal Assn, of imeal Fire Insurance .Agents. Sept. 2123. Henry 11. Putnam. 1.79 Devonshire st.. Boston. Miss.

.Atlaiiile Clt.v—International .Assn, of Municl pal Ele*-trlelan*. S-pt. 14 16 Frank P Fisiter. Corning. N. Y

Camden—St.ite Haymakers' .Assn, of New Jer sey. .Aug 7 9 .Alfrol Haley, 119 Summit ave., I’hilllpsburg. N. J.

Jsrsey City—German Roman Catholic State So clety. Sept. 5-6. I'Yed Sarg, 1,»74 William st., Elizabeth. N. J.

Tr*‘nton—Grand Temple Ijidles of the G<>Iden Eagle of New Jersey Sent. 6 7 M;«* Kllxa beth Tayb>r. Box 233. Trenton. N. J.


.Albuqneriue—New Territorial Pn-ss .A»«n. of New Mexico. Got. —. W M B»-rger. Bel- len. N M


.Albany—Wine. I.bpior aixl Beer Dealers’ Assn, Sept. —. James .Monaglian. 16*11 S-s'ond ave.. New 7'ork City.

Brooklyn—German C E of Hie .Atlantic Dis¬ trict. S.-pt, 46 Mr* Erbila I. Treutle. 19 Highland ave.. Grange. N. J

Bnffalo—National Conf«Tence nt Charities and Corivetlon*. June 9 16. Alexander Johnson, Kf. Wayne. Ind.

New I'oTk City—Eastern A«sti. of Car S<Trlee tlfPoer*. Sept. .1,1 F. E. HIghle. W. 2.1rd st.. New A’ork nty.

New York City—National Assn, of German- -Am*‘rlean JoumaII*t* and Authors. June —. Carl Haiigl. N.-w 7'ork t'lty.

New York C!ty--Chlef Constables' Assn of Canada. July —. Ix-puty Chl*'f Stark. To lonto. Gnt.. Can.

New Yora City—Inteniatlnaial Acetylene As«n. .Ang. 9-11. A. C. Morrison. 1.77 Mlebigan ave., Chicago. Ill

New York—Improved Order Knights of Pyth las. Sept. 20. E. F. Knmlel. 17 F G. K. of P. Bldg.. Capitol ave. and Maryland at., iDdixnapoli*. Ind.

New York—A***>cl*ted American C*-metery Sil perlntendenl*. Sept. 14-16. Frank Enrich, 604 Union Trust Bldg.. Detroit, Mich.

New York—American .A*«n. of Freight ’Trafllc Offloers Sept 18 j f. Auch. Reading T«r mlnil. Phllid<'1phia. Pa

Niagara Falia—Int R R M. Rlarksmltlis’ Asan Aug 18 2,1 A L Woodworth. Lima. O.

Niagara Falls—Ma*ter Car and Ixwomotlve Palnlera' Assn. Sept 14 17. A. F. Dane. Reading. Mass

Niagara Falla—National American Simd Trade Assn. June 22 24 C E Ken<lal, 2010 On tarlo at.. Cleveland. O

Rry6i.-ster—National Spirltiialiats' Assn. Oet. 19 22. iJ**onr** W. Kales. 6,si Prnngylyanla ave S E C.. Washliirtoii. D C

Saratoga Hi.rlnga —B. Y P U of America Na llonsl Convention. July H-11. R*-t g T Wi-tdi. lOKi Iteartiorn st.. Chlesgo, III.

Syrseiis*—,'irarwl Commandery Knights Templara June t.7-I6 Jrdin H B'inningtnn, 27 K. 2tat sf.. New Ymk City

IVov Workingmen's Federation of the State of New York. S*pf. 21 Edward A Batea, 2.76 Smith at. I'tirt. N. Y.

WellsTlIle Seven Cfsmty V. F Asan. of North<rn PenoaTimnIa arxl H<iiitliern New Y’ork July 14 16 P P iMwker Ath-na. Pa


AstiexlIIe National Barara and I’hliathea World Wide Union of America June 19 2?, A, 8. Hamilton, lllalne at.. Detroit, \||rh.

Gr.-ensl*,ro—Inter State Flddb-ra’ t'nnlest. June r>. Ilertier Mel**,nald. Gres-nstKiro N C

Rslelgh Aaan 8 A. L. Ry. Kiirgeons Oet. —. J W. Palmer. Alley. Ga.

NORTH DAKOTA. Minot Box Aaan of North Dakota. Ang 12 13

W' H Thomas. le-eda. N D Valley flty W C T U H<pt '23 Mrs

B H Wylie. Drayton, N. D.

OHIO. cineinnsfl AiiH-iiran Brasa Fmindera’ Aasn

June I W. M <V>rae, r,| Ixdlinqi are , |v troll. MIeh

Cleveland flrand l.mige F A A M of Ghlo ttet. 26.21, J II. Itroriiwell, 16 Mas/mir Teni|,le. f'Inelnsiatl. ft

CoInmInis—National I'.antlsl Conrenllon Sept 18 21. R. R. Hudson. 8e|ma. Ala.

Darlm. Miminei-iit tird-r of Camels of the j World 8ni>n-me Tem|de July 7 9 W L. I Berry 2 it \ Ivrwry are., H|>rlngfleld. G

Roll Tickets Your S|i*M-lal Ticket, priiitiyl Isitb sides, and

c*ery roll guaraiil«*-d:

50,000 . . 16.50 100.000 . . 10.00 600.COO . S5.00

RcdiuyHl rales to large liiiycr*. Sirip Tlckrl* and i*iu|Hiii iHMik*. Caaii with order.

m'!! Carter Press, PEABODY. MASS.


Did you ever iHdlce how' crazy iHMiide are to hare their fortunes tiddT Kveryl>ndy la glad l-i get a Horoacu|ie, and at ainuaeuieut park* therr'a iiollilug to It but BIG MONEY If ymi have the right Idea.

Here's the Idea. There ar>- 12 little lM>.ks publish *1 by u*. one for )‘arli month, descrllilng chaeaotcr, talents, tlrong iMdiit* bihI weak tadiits of iKsiple. Betail price ten cent* a mqiy. Whole sale price. »lx cents -a cb-ar profll of 4*) i*r rent. Any hustler, man or woman, can m-II thousands every w-.wk lu a gi*sl |>ark, or In any atore or new a aland

These tsHika are a isisillve sensation The biggest 19 cent seller in New Y’ork alal el**- wliere. Be quirk to get exclusive prlvlleg,- la aonie live park Sample aent FREE. Write today for particular*.

GREAT AIM SOCIETY. 223 Fourth Aye.. Pittsburgh. Pa.

iiM vaudeville:



Address a* per roots or cars BILLBOARD.


PITTSBURG. PA. Completely equl|i|M8l. l.l'bl

cliairs. Attractive oi*portunlly.

W. y\. LAIkl), ()\%ner, 622 LIbarty Ava.

WANTED Merry go round, Hiiows. Novelty Sellers, etc.,

for the Great Northern Imllaiui Fair, to be

hebi al Iby-atiir, Ind., Aug. '24. '2.Y. 26 and 27.

'99. I'rleea reasonable E. B. ADAMS. Sacy..

Decatnr, Indiana.


Chat. Reytr Show, Beloit, Kant.

4tli Annual Hanest Jubilee. FT. KECOVEBY. OHIO.

August lllb, 12lh and 13tli. tVe are lMs,klng llnil rl*»* fn^ net* and pay s'Irsrtloti* Only res|Min«lble parties write. No gainldlng privilege* F, J. Sondsrman, Baey.

FOR BALE M. P. Hoad (biint. Power's No ; r> I'aiiii-rsgtaph. regular e<iulpment eoraplele,

ll■lls• a, iiiqier aiHl lower Him iiiagasinea. take up ■lerlce, sarllclies, stage rable, acris’n. M<slel It gas 0111111. Iwfi burners, four Ihousanil feet niMi, *<itig sillies. Iiwtiire IH-I*, advertising matter,

I trunks, etc. Write for ib-talled deserlptloli W. A. Pratt. 106 Church it., MaiheHla, Tana.

Send 56 eta for big professional rilabig, tricks, lllualona, iWIII nmiin'a msiiufaclure I BAM BERO MAGIC and NOVELTY 00.. 1191 Broadway. Nsw York


A great aiicce** N» “Im p«t*-d phonoiii." Just a plalo little .Aniericau girl, whose work is convincing aiwl my* tifying. novelty fea ture act. Ib>x-ofllce wltner Novel Dietbmia. Can l>e bad

iMiw at upelerate salary. Ela iMiratr stage a*'tting ami eo* liimra. Management


:*>i Lit Gram! I'.siim-II Hi>inl smi ii.i.i.'t s* ..f nlili. (bl. 5. Mill L aitK. I'liiilii •»( ill . ' 11

ditrlkii Gnitiil 1 <riiiiiiiiiid<-ry Kiilghl* T> inidnrM • if Hill It- Mi 1 13 Jidiii H H.-H. K 2iiil

lli'i 'oum NWlli. Miiaklugum Valb-y t'haul fMIPlUN Jiil.i 2 .\U4: 7 Ja*. E TiitIm-Ii, .\|i-i' illl> 1»

Mt \ ' rii 1 Viiiiiiiil KfUliloii lidlli Ui'K <| V, I. All*; !•> WItiiiol .S|M rr>. Mt. Vitimmi. n

t’l.liiii Siiiti- A-m Mi-tlrun \V»r Vi'liTiiix. 7 x \1.»« i:ii-aiiiir KIxIkt. itoxilx'll, (». -M •ii.iiiil KiiIkIiIx nt lUi- <S<il<l

rii f ini. i.f uiiiii Aui{ :ii s. |.t :j. I*, j (■oiMirii'li. fro*, o

S|iriiii;t1*'lil lirmitl 'r«*fii|il«* of (tlilo L t» K. Ami; "t >'• |it I.llllaii Kntx-rts. <to7 W. \V llliaitix I'l- . ii

r |>|H'i-aii'> t'lty Marylaml Axxii. of (tliin Aug l<> 1‘.i <' llarliaiiKli. ('aaxlo«n. <i

Toli-ilii l> iii*rliti-r* of AiniYlra. S«’|it l.'l I.'i Jiilln T Itoth. l*Ct W KralilH'a avi- t*f»luiii tiu« <•

Toli'lo .\iio r.i ail Aaxii Ii r uml Tlrk<-t Ar-ii'- H* <’ M Hurt, Itiaitoii. Maa«

Toliit'- olito l’I*-i-frlr IJglit Aaan. July 1.11.% |i I, •l.i'klll. tirix-iivlllo. It

r..lx.|.. \ A .S H M Vallrv of T.J.ilo Jun.- 2'i H <initti-au. ToU-Mo. li

T' ltxlo K ui 'tiT* of Aiiiorlra Aug. 24 21i E M MiMurty. Hoy 12. Hnaiklyn N Y


I'ortlaii'l ^-iiuaial ICotall trna'rra* Axxu Juno l. 'i Jotiii «iri-*-ti. E Kitli at.. laii'l <•

('ortlaiiil ViiKTiraii A«»u of Tranafrnnoa JiliK \V Hpihii. Sr Joaf|>li, Mo.

1 ortliiii ' W'oiiu-ii of WiaaS-raft Cranil t’lrrlo. Jii'* -’X J I. Wrldit. atj Tayrlor at . I^l^t laD'I


|l•'•lfo^•l >|itlug* IVniiay l\auia Hankora' .A».an Sf(it a;» li s KNm. Tyrono, I'a.

Brailf'iril .kaxHlatloa of Itliactora i< |•^aH• anil rbarltli-a of ivnuavltaula t>rt. o ". I,, f I’ollMirn Si!n*-rai*r. I*a

Eaati'ii- -Stati' t'lHiuHl of l‘i'niu>ylirania Jr. It I’ A M Si-tit 21 i«-o s’ Kuril. Ho\ 7«<1. I*tilla<|i'l|itiia. I'a.

fYankllu VVoati-rn .\«»n 121 U-rlnK-ut I’ V iKt ST Horlaiiil. Kri-‘I«oia. I'a.

ilrtty •liiira i.raml fln-U- of is-nn-y Irania Hriitlii rtii»i.| of Aini*rli*a. Aug. lit-12 C'. A. laT.g 2"ll I'rnnkfort avo . I‘liila<l<-I|>hla. I'a

ilarrl-tiiir^ !'• iinay |i aiila Ki ili-ratiun of Llniiia- Iloali-ra S.|it IVlit Ja». H Miinilil. •HI* N .iTil: at . Itillail. liilila. I'a.

llno t 'ii atali I'oiinrll of I't-nnayl« ania linW ■ if I'Kti la nil. nt .Anivrli-aiia. Si-iit. 21 it \Vm A I'lki- I or Hriml aiul .Arirti at» , |■UUa• J.:|ilila. I'a

S irr-tiiwu <;nnil lliaiiiU-r Onla-r Knlgtita of I'm la'alitp Aug IT ntiMi E. JiJinaton 12"a Eillxi-t *t , l*liilaili-1|>liia. I’a.

S.o, Caatl. Ix agiio of t'ltloa of tba Thin! riaa. Ilf I'l tmay iTanIa Aug E. C. Charlton Hr.ilfia-il I'a

4'lillaili'liili i I'aiiii'.vh ania M'omana' Cliriatlan Ti ui|x raiii. iN-t s 12. Mr* Emily I ! irk itt i>'12 Tlioina* H'HiIaranl. I’ltls htirj. I'a

t'lilla-li Ifliia Mi'iliral .S.« loty of thr Stato of l'••;lU■.»|vanl.1 S.-iil 22lH-t. 1. Cy ni* lao-

.Athi-na. I'a I'lill; i'.-Iplii I Surgical Aaan Juno

; *1 l>r K IJ laS'ontc, 1.">;10 laa'U.'t at. I'lillaih'tthla, I’a.

4'hllai'i-'i.*>la Intornatlona] 4'ninn PaTcra. Ham m. Tiio ’i E'a.r latit ra Hrlilgc ami Stone Ctirli Setii-r- June '2k John E I’rltchanl. 2."! Thlr*t are . Yotk Cit.v

4*blli <li'lt-li a -.American S-a-lely fi.r Teatlng M.i terliN Iiine I’ntf Eilgar Martmiy I'nl Ier«:ty -t Pennai Ivanla. I'hllailelphla. I'a.

f'bllaileliihl.a Initial Itrthailoy Kahhia of the ' iii'e.l Slat, a July HaMii P 1. laraollt. yo I'.iarl at . rtl.ilsi.a. Alaaa

Plltaliurg |ilacl|>lea of flirlat IVt. -. W. R Warnm 2<'.l Hl»«ll lll.irk. Plttahnrg. Pa,

Plttaiiiir/ American A'.'ter.ina of Kota-ign Siur Ic. Aug in ileorgi- Hell. 4,T<at HulhT at I'lltaluirg Pj

I'lttal.iirg Sia-i.-ty of ihi' .Army of the I’tilllp pine*. P•■nn«l li ania National Reunion. .Ang¬ lo I.'i AY li lla.M-a-k. PIttaliurg. Pa.

Chllail Iphla ' Nail.iiial .A*an of VA'Imlo* Trim m.r> Ai.g 2 4 I'oai || Little. Itetroll, Ml<-li

4'hllai1.'l|ihla High Tint -f North .America. In (1e|M-r.1i ut llr.ler of Reehahitea Si»pt. 14 Jam. - II lioni. 7'27 M**aarhu*eft* ave . N F AA aali rgti n I* C

PofailM. Itiiall Alen-hanta' .Aaan of Penn •Iliania A-ie 24 2« A M ll.uae*. Erl.-, Pa

AVIlke. liarre - Pvihlan SNi.t* Aug 1711* Xellti r True 4.-,7 i: !ith at . I>ie. Pa

York I' i* S of A Aug 14 AA’ S YIng ling IKI2 Hailaa at . Y-wk Pa

RHODE ISLAND. Pro»|i|.-.i- National roiinell Haiighter* of Eih

erti Aug 24 AV A E.l Kin*. I«<a4 E Paaayunk av. . Phlla.|el|ihla Pa.

4’mvlilenr. I'nlteil American Mta-haiUc* .Aug. 24 It r Harrow*. |l*7 Sorienlo at . Pn*vl lienee R I

AVrot.-rli I o n M ,jr,.n, t',aincll May 27 I.oul* ! Steien* II Sanforil ave. A'aller Fall* II I

SOUTH CAROLINA. Cbarh-atun K of P Ijraml E.algi Mai 2.'. 27

I' I* H iuan rioot MIR. S C.

TENNESSEE. I'hattinoiga Sorletr of tlie .Army of the I'um

b-rivnil ik t IP 2ii l.leiil i ha* K Stlrera. I halianiaiga Tenn

4'levelanil It. IHI- Ha|tt|*| Aaen Sept. .HV || l.lglilfiail Ea*t rhallamaiga. 1'vnn

Knoyilli.i Retxikah .Aaai-niltl.v of TVnoi'aae*- <*ct 111 AM** Thtwi-*a A Cramer. T.'bt Sih aie S Naaliilll. Tenn

Naahilll. -National Ha|i|lat Siimlay 8i-hia>l Con gr.-** aiHl ViHing Pta>ti|i-'a lAuiTentliyn June 1* 14 Henri A Hoy,I Naahylll... Tenn

UTAH Salt Lake III, <i A K Natl.mal Encamp

ment Aug !i 14 Frank i> C<Je, 710 llraiiil *1 lerae, rity N J_

VIRGINIA. Milan.Irla National Chrlallan tNmgrea* of C.

S Aug 21 Her 11 J AVIlllama. R.aun 10.

It " ***'** *'**’ *'”* **■''■. AA’aalilngton.

Ilaiiipioti A'IrgInIa Stale Flnunen'* .Aa*n Aug 27 Ilia, li Cuniiulng. 201 4lh at . IVa-lani.uith A'a

•■nya.ii Ni-wa Haughliu-a of I.llu-rtT State ' atmll Alai J.A A I, Hra.lley. RjchnuHiil. ' a •■■f.ilk Irlah Catholic I'eneyolent I'nlon of 1’ ■' aial Cana.Ia Aug —, F P McCtm. '204.% Iialer cl . I'hlla,)elphla Pa

HIcIiiihuuI Aiu.-rh-aii H.-altli Aaan. Ilct. I'ha* It. l'rot,Ht. Coliiiiiltua. O.

RlthiuoiKl I'hol.ucruph.ra' Aaan. of Virginia anil Ho- I'anHiiiaa. S.|il 14 .AM Hlack 'lareui-M. A 1.

WEST VIRGINIA I'luirlealon Kiilgh'.a of St John I.aille* AilXll

l.iry .National I'oiiientlon. Aug. .'{it. .Alra. I' A'. Si'anaia. Parkeraliiirg. AA’. Va

Hliit.ui i.r.l.-r liilie.l AiioTican Aleihatilca. <"•1 lit J Alfred Taiilor. FayetteilUe. W. \ n.

P irkeral.urg Jr. itr.l.-r I nileil American Me. e'laiil.a Sept 1.', 17 si,rluer. .New Alartliiai llle. AA' A'a

P.irkeraliiii'g Knight* irf I'tthia* of AA'eat Vlr- ghil* .Aipt. k .Alaij.-r Jenkln*. Pieilmont. \A A'a

AA 111-, ling AA I'.-.'ling liriii-ig .A**iK*latlon. June 21* July I. H. AA' Al.-I.iire, pr***., AA'heeling. W A'a.

AA'hi.lliig H. atiil It Meiiita-r* of I'.rotherhood of laM'oiiiotii.. Engiu.-i-ra Mai 20 27 J A1 Garvey, AA'he.llng. AV A'a


A*hlaii<l Griiiel Eiicampmeut of AViaconain I. ” F lil 14 Ja* .A. Fatbera. Janea-

Mile. AVI* Mllwruki'.- In: Photo Ei.ginvi-ra' CnKm of

Norm Am.-rlcn. 7 I,.aiiK A. Si-hwarg, 22k Apilii .f Phlla.l.-lphlii. Pa,

Portage—\V.a.ona:n stale Elk*' Convention. June 13.

CANADA. ( raiihrook. H I A E A A M. Grand L.alge.

June 17. U. E Itreit. VlcKrla. H. C . Can. Hainlllon. lint. 4'aiiailiau .Manufacturer*' Aaan.

Si-pt. 14 Ifi a. M Murray. 1410 Tradera' Hank Illilg . Tonmto. irrtt.. Can.

'lontreal -Canadian Eivlght A*«i. July 20 and ttct. lit T. Alarahall. .314 I'nlon Stathm. Torimlo. tint . Can.

Montreal—I.eague of .American Municipalitie* •Aug. 271 27. John McA'icur. It.** Molnea. Ii.

Niagar;, Fall* itnt Internnti.mal .Apple Shlp- I* r.' A*ku Ang 4 C P Hothwell. Mar¬ i'n«l.urg AA' A'a

itttawn lint Ip.teiK nd.-iit llr.ler ttdd Fellow*. Aug 11 J I! King H.aaii Cl, Canada Life Hide . Toriai*o. lint.. Can

Par**. lint Pr..T|nci'il A'olunt.a-r Firemen'* .Aa*n ,Aug 2 4 Gi*. A. 'Thoma*. Niagara Falla. Ont . Call.

P.■ll‘^lr.rou^ll. itnt —\la«'T H'.iiae painter* an.l Ik c.u-ato-*' .A*«n. .f Canada. July 2k .'10.

T.-rontci t'rt I.if.- I'* r-’er*' .A>«n of I'.na l* Ang J F \A".-*ton. McKinnon PM? . r.u-onto. ittif . Can

T.'k.nt.. luiernatiooal r.mncil of Woim.n. June 12 July 1. Mra. AA'illieighbr Cumralng*. 44 It. rft.r. *r,. Toronto, Ont.. Can

Corrections and Changes

CALITORNIA I. r- Ang.-U * -t alifornia Slate Rural I/elter Car

rl.r*' A**:. July 20-22 VA' Hayne* San Jo*.' I jI


VV.i-hiuglon—i;r<.therli.a«1 of .America Oct. IS. r I' R AA'alt.r 22'tk Frankford aie.. Phlla- ■lelphla. Pa.

ILLINOIS 1 hlc.igc: .American Hankers' A**n VA'eek of

.Sept i;; Fr.kl L. Farnsnorlh. II »t.. N.w York City

I'" Salvation .Ann'' National Congre**. A'ai Ik 2.3 Col. C..-.. PreiKh. .-fiiO State st.. I'Mcago, HI.

Dii'emairt—Grand Chapter U. A. M. Oct. 5 7 A'f AA'ingite. I*e* M.ilne*. lai.

Iia-eniiort Gran.l I.o>lg.- I O, O. F. of Iowa. Oct 2" 2-2 R. 1. Tilton. I>e* Mnine*. la.

It:, .-nia.rl G'and Lncampnient I. O. O. F of Iowa itct 10 R L. Tilton. IV-s Moine*. I >1, a.


H. .nlon Itaughter* of .American Revolii- flim i>ct 7 k Mr*. L. D. Hlack. (110 Stock- l.'ir *t Flint. Mich

rt.-trolt—Eaatctn star Il.-nevolcnt Fund. Sept, k Ml** M E Cr.'we, 3» We*t Elliabeth -t Iv iroll AI < h.

I. ii *lec Grand laslge K .if P. Oct S. W E Hnniptoii. CharlevolA. Mich

Srgluaii Mi. higan Retail Hmlware IValer*' .A*‘n Ang 11 13 A J Scott. Marine Clir.

MISSOURI. .S| Ji.Hi'pli Int. r State t.lve Stock ami

Ih r*.- Siiow Sept '21*'2.' M B. Irwin. So. St .I,w.-ph Mo


l| inrh.'«t. r Hr h-r .'f Scotll*h Clan* .Aug 17 2i> P.-l.-r K -rr. 134 Summer st., Boston. Ml**


Ncn Y.u-k City -Salraflon .Army National C.m gr.-** Mav 2.''> .-bV I.t Co4 A M Damon. 122 \A' llth *r.. Noil Yorli City

Si ractiM- liaiighlcr* of IJN-rty. Si-pt. 14. Mr* lastic A MoCIiiro. IHIS Decatur »t.. H'o..4ilin \ Y


N.'iisrk S>n» of A'ldcran*' Division Encamp- .u.ail .lun.' Ill 17 J D. Harwett. Flmllay. Ohl.i


S'okan.' Ani.rican ln«tltulc of Mining Kiigl mar* Si>t>t 2>V30. R AA' Raymi>ml. 20 W :si|ti *t.. N.-w York City

WANTED FREAKS All kin.l* of altraclloli* for Mn*.-um long on gagi-iio-iil No traveling K. C. MUSEUM CO.. care of Orpheum Theatre. Kanaat City, Mo.

American Film Exchange •30 Halaay 8(r**t. BROOKLYN N Y

Moling Picture Alachlitca and EYlma tmuglit, sold and r.-nli-il__

OCEAN WAVE CIRCLE SWING; carrlo* SO la-ople. rl*.-« l.v ft high, driycii hr hand power, can Ik- chat'ge.l to m.'lor lamcr. 1 »,kl 2 month* The thing for |>ark« ami alroi't carnival* AVllI take j'.’.ni Robe'i Second-Hand Store. 1S3 So. DetrolC Street, kenton. Ohio._

FOR SALE New HaUikUi ami Parachute. ci»»t Jkliki or will trade for black tent. Must la¬ in i-.kkl coii.llllon Can u»e a Merry go roiin.l

1 J Kirchner, 7*t» N Oeddea St.. Syracuae. N. Y.

Now Booking-Two Great Free Attractions


Suspended by her neok. The up-side-down boy by his heels

Sensational Dare-Devils giving four exhibitions daily if required.

Parks, Fairs, Carnivals, etc., address

ARTHUR LANE. Mgr. Majestic Theatre, Ann Arbor, Mich


Only park in thi* vicinity running seven days a week. Oi>en.* May :10. On the Hue* of the International ami Rochester Railway*. (Trolley*.) It draw* from llulTalo, Niagara E'alla, liOCk- port, RcK-he«ter. the Tonawanda*. and oilier smaller cltle*. giving a drawing po|iiilatlon of 7.''i0.000.

Amnaement* of miwi every kiml on ground*. Exi-ellent oiiening for Clairvoyant ami Palmist. IlKlm-emeiit oflerikl to party with Kerris AYhei-l or Boat Swing. Have several building* on grounda which I will furulHb for any giHsI nioney-iuaker Iiht cent, or rental.) Excellent uiK.niiig for any kiml of amusement, large or small, that can get the money.

Address J. HARVEY DAYER, Manager Charles Amusement Company, Room 11, Hodge Opera House Building, Lockport, New York.

IVtR SALE—Figure Eight and Penny Arcade, at Fort Erie Grove. Great bargain if sold at once. Write for particulars.

WHITE Cin, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. W anted—Concessions

200,100 people to draw from. Opens May 29, 1909. Also Restaurant privileges for rent. Write to L. E. WAGEXER, Mgr.. Binghamton, N. Y. SIMPSON’S CELEBRATED The Finest Made.

ONG SLIDES All of the New Song Hits* AUNTERING’S $5 Per Set. OLAR SCREENS Send for Catalogue.

A. L, SIMPSON, - 113 West 132nd St., N. Y. City.

It INCANDESCENT LAMPS /// i^ 20,000 Ed. base, 16 c. p - - - - at 6 cents each

10,000 Ed. base, 8 c. p. - - - - - at 6 cents each In Ed base, 8 and 16 c. p , any color, - - at 7 cents each



f THE NOVELTY HIT OF THE SEASON. Send for sam- L# pies and prices. Manufactured by W. BIMBLICH, 206 East ^ 5th Street. New York City.

Corner’s Orangeade I* the origlnil and b.-*t. Beware of substitutes. $.30.00 profit on every pound. Guaranteed und“r Ih.. C. S. tkiverument Pure Fiaal Laws. Serial No. 0340. The best and moat (lopular drink for Parks. Fair*. E^ntertainiueuts. etc. One iH.uml makes 40 gallons; j.rlce $2.2.'.. Si-nd 10 cent* for sample gallon. Write for prioea In larger quantities. THE CORNER CO., Dept. F., SOS Mary¬ land Street. Buffalo, Mew York.

WHIPS, CANES, BALLOONS and PENNANTS t'ellulold handle Whl|ia. i>er gross, $.'>.00. Samples forwarded upon receipt of 50 cents in stamps.


Headquarters for Cane and Knife Rack Men.

223 Commercial Street, BOSTON, 1). S. A.

Shows Wanted For

-:-THE BIG CARTHAGE FAIR-:- August loth, llthg 12th, 13th and llth.

Want 3 Platform ami 2 Tent Shows. Nothing but first-class. State «pace required In first letter. Adilr.-** NALBANDIAN k WRIGHT, for all show privileges. Rand Hotel. Cincinnati. Ohio.

GAUON FREE STREET FAIR ■ S.>ptember '22. 23 ami '24. 1904*. TS.tXk) peoide last year. WANTED—Perrta Wheel and Merry-

go rouml on percentage basis. I,egltimate concessions. Free Street Attractions. Address ' C. F. EISE, Secretary, Gallon, Ohio.


July 3r«l to llth slid later dates; also Xoveltv Act*. Musical Act*. Sister Teams, Sketch Teams. Singing smi Dam-lug .Acta for Family Theatre* an.1 Park*. Goo.1 act* of every description playing In tills vii'lutty, si'ml In your o|k-r. time and lowest salary. ROCHESTER THEATRICAL EX¬ CHANGE. Booking Department. rC9-S10 Livingaton Building, Rochester, N. Y.

Six Flying Banvards -: NVORIJ)’S GREATEST AFRIAIi ACT" :-

Addretss BERT BANVARD, Manager, care The Billboard, New York City. Touring Europe all Winter. For Parks, address National Park Managers' Association, John C. Jacket, Booking Mgr.; for Fairs, addresis if^ue Mc- Clary, both 1402 Broadway, New York City, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg.


Flying Bald>«^ins CAROUSELS Aerisl Return and Cattins Act. T. W. OREEMI.EAF, MGR., S14 M. Srd St., Quincy, 111.

Mead Mamie Aerial Gymnasts of Quality

For Parks, address JOHN C. JACKEL, National Park Managers Assn., 1402 Broad¬

way, Knickerbocker Theatre Building, New York. For Fairs, MISS ZUE McCLARY

same address. Permanent address, MEAD WERNTZ, 4200 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio.

.Merrj-G<»-Round.«i. Hiding fiallerlos.

Razzl<‘ Dazzio, Striking MacidncH.

Doll liaok.s for Parks. l»ifni«-s, I'nirs

and CamivaLs., Aniuscinent OutfltterK.




2x8 HALF-TONE . 75c 8x4 HALF-TONE . '1.00

SimtI.iI <I>‘«ii:u<-i| l<-tl<Tlt.-iil« our '.•eclxlty.


Knoxville Engraving Co. Bate Street, KNOXVILLE, TENN,


An original, novel and sensational attraction. Open for P.ARKS, CARNIV^ALS or FAIRS. Invite offers from reliable biiriesqiie mana¬ gers for season 1909-1910. We have the only act of this kind that forfeits entire salary- if we make one fake shot

Adilrcss, c»re Billboard or Quincy, Ill.

JapxDf**- Chios Ware. |ier 100 . IVlck Match Ikix. i>«*r groaa . Japaotw T\>o Tuujba. [M-r zro«H . Japam-iw Zlttera. per gr.iMi . JapaoeM* WhUtlea, tier grusa . Japaoeiie Turtles, to glasa Ixix, i>er kdom) . raocy colored Ketiirued HaUa, |»er gross . raocy colored Glaaii I’en Holders, per gross JapsDese Tamhrtx'ns, iK>r gr.Mis . Horse Shoe .Mirrors, gross . Skeietou Acrobats, jier gross . Japanese Flag 1‘uzxles, |ier gross .

Terms—Half de|siait; balance C. O. I).

Date Books THE HAMLINS The kind that serves ail purposes.

Designed and compiled expre.ssly for



Cloth Cover, 10c Leather Cover, 25c

Strong binding, well printed, c< uplete

information, etc. Complete i.»r th*

Season 1909-1910. Contains data to

July. 1910.

Ml Woodland Ats. Clereland, 0,

The Medley Man and Maid in Brown.

Playint^ Orpheum Circuit

THE IREAT CALVERT TTie Greatest High Wire ex¬ pert the world has ever kDOWB. For Parke, address National Park Uanagera' AsMctatlon, John C. Jacket, Booking Mgr.; for Fairs, address Miss Zne McClary, both 1402 Broadway, New York City, Knickerbocker Bnlldliw. Permanent ad¬ dress. Koebeater, New York.

The Billboard Please send us the dates of your Food Show, with names and addresses of committee in charge Will reimburse you for the data.

416 Kim StiTHd.

KNOX and ALVIN Ike Beverage and Food Pub. Co. 416 Elm Street, ■ • • CINCINNATI. O



HATE TOC BEEN THE BOY WONDER! PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE Attraction* f4»r Juutrle Iniin* Club Carnival, Co- luuabua, (Ihio. oih* cxuiiiuenciDg May 31.


The uiHllK|>ut«d King of the high wire, on his Inch wire. .» alxl tH) feet from the gnmiHl, ikiiiig 1'J daring feato. It will |>ay all mauagern of Park* aixl Fair* to Ix.-k the kid for ItMi*.), to draw the |>et.|ile. A.Idresa Kit* tanning. Pa.









1117 and 1185 Market St. American Theatre Bldg.,

San Franciaco, Cal.


Third and Madison Sta.

Seattle, Waah.


67 So. Clark St.,

Chicago, HI.


WANTED For lh»* OvirUml Ei|M>«lti4m Show* Mualclana for liaiMl. .^i-ndiat* anil tiyuiuaai* that <lt» two art*. If >oii hkHtfv you 1o«m> Join abow oil \our onii >>tatli>(C lowaat •al.'iry M*nairar Ox’crland Eapotitioa Show, Fainriem, Ckla.

VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED ! Now Booking Immediate and Future Time

United Associatton Vaudeville Mgrs. Af I iheriv Incorporated! Capital stock, $250,000 . ^

High-clsxa attractioiie for County Fair. Quote

price* on airship. Sscy. Fair, Thief River Falla,


Advertising Slides Make merchants pay your rent. Three slides three color*. 25 word* each and clirectlona for making your own at home for three cents each, for a dollar bill. N. W. AMUSEICENT SYN DICATE, St. Paul. Minn 8th Floor Maison Blanche Bldd** New Orleans, La Flr*t rls*« Moving I'lclnrc Manager and lt|>erator,

>ear«’ exin-rlciKv, and know the liiialneaa from .a to Z. Also have Kdieon machine and Home niiii Addreaa P. 0. Box 518, Watertown. So. Dakota.

SKETCHES. PLAYS, EIBRirTTOS. A ancceaeful author of play* will accept a

limited number of contract* for Sketebe*. Play*, or Books for Opera or Musical Comedy. Add.

X. Y. Z., care The Billboard. YALE-HARVARD BOAT RACE

WANTED The new pleasure ride. Occupies the whole of Iron Pier In lireanilsnd. Coney lalaud.

The very latest. Illustrated circular free.

W. F. MANGELS CO.. Caronsell Works, Coney Island, N. Y. HALFTONES AND LETTERHEADS — Fine

teply etched co|>|>er halftones our nperlalty; ud our two-color letterheads «re new and leasing. Also Heralds, Post Cards, Window ards. etc. Send sketch for estimate and two >nt stamp for comidete price list and sam e. THE CLAY CENTER ENGRAVING CO., lay Center, Kana.

Attractions and Concessions Of *11 kltitW for tht* t»it;i:p«t OMinlon In S«>uthera Dm*. Aut;. II. V*, 13. ItiDH llobl at Orainl

lov4a Nit caiiitilliiK. Aililn*** MAiry Hub^ll, 8ery.

GAMES THAT GET the MONEY Great Inlentational Halloon Race, Doll Ilackn, Shooting GallerioH, Fifth I'otkU, Air Gun Galleries, Candy Wheels, Pin-board Tabltts, JatwiicHc Howling TaLlus, Water Motors, Board of Tr^e, Base Ball Rolling Board, Cheap (^hewing Gum, $5.50 for 1,000 pkgs 5 pieces to the package. Fitch sepanitely wntpiied. We make them at

1500 W. Van Buren. Chicaflo, 111. A. J. SMITH.

WANTED S 1> It F Coiiiisllaii. alwi novelty act*, aketrli tram that can make giH*1 for on# wi-ek. 'riiow» d'liiblliig O. A It. prefern*!. Writ# all first letter Ciemenleiro ami .Starkey writ*. "Knowlet," The Great, Wray, Col.


Slot Muebine* of ,vll kiiola, also moving picture

macbloe. C. S. HORN, Behoboth, Del.

WANTED AT ONCE—Mwlloine I..-< turer; Sal. or Com.; Piano Player that can read and fake. Make gtHMl or close without notice. IpHizer* and chasers, save stamps. Douglaa A Moorhead,

Nowata, Okla., 17-28.

THE ROADMAN'S GUIDE One hundred waya to make imoiev easr and <|iiirk liewriptlve elr riilnr sent fre. .\.ld-i •* J. KLOOTWTK. Rsn- ton Harbor, Mirh.


MAY 22, 1909. Xtie Billboard 63


140 NaiMu 8tr»»t. MEW YORK. U«Hln4*4sl r^tr>« frt th** profi'«lon


The one best bet In >1. I*. Machines.

Nicholas Power Company, *"■" “xtA? PATFNT^ SECURED OR FEE RETURN, i

. ED. FW r.-i».rt a< to pat ' entahlllir ll|i|.tralt.<l Oiildo lU^tk aiM Hat ..f

naiit,.,t «.|il fr,M- EVANS. WILKINS * 00.. m • r ‘ St., Wathinrton. D. C.

Kotice: m •'try Bt) round and olhi'r coin-t-a , Iona nantnl for the (ireal Oanrllle Colorwl ■

voi'' "i •'*nrt"e, hr . An*. IS. 19. StI. IWW. Write R. B HAMlLtON, Secy._

•OR SALE ailh Century Merry tl.vll.Hind. iiae,! ennine recently o»erhaul«l. «IU aell

t.T..*'**" raah; e»ni|>ellnl to w'H; If y»ai want a I'AUiIAIN, rome aee It. A. COI.KIXC..

lOHNK. Xateben. Mlaa.

W AM LAWFUL SLOT MACHINES. Apenta are mak- Im I A .1.1 1- ■ * *”*f l^ltl per day operating; our marbines. Also

I lllAAn I llV AAllOniO l«0 ‘“••“■r leBltlmate and (ramln* machinee at m * MIlrtTll \ylL V A Cll mVa AmLldAMLd* Vldm barjalna. Write for particulars. SLOAN MFQ. \^**^^** A CO.. 93d North Ninth St.. Philadelphia, Pa.

W.ANTED AT ONCE- -A pvxi Carnival Co. for the »<'a!>on of 19t>9. Giv>nih1s Join the Ponce WANTED IV leon AmuiM'nient Co. Perfectly level. SiXHitAl more If nec'esary. Fnun A.tXX* to lO.tW . . , . ....... U.llon. dall.v. Cara every two mlnutea ami a,xH-ta-... Term, to suit. Apply at once. H. WOLFE, alKht »i P«'

SIS Whitehall Street. Atlanta. Oeorria. j tlculars. GISHA CO., Anderaon, Ind.

WANTED Three Sratvlass billposters, as wagoD men, who can take care of a route in flrst-claaa shape. Married men preferred. Must be sober, reliable and practical men. To such men, I will give steady employment I.ushers and kickers need aot write. M. Bretlsner, Minneapolis, Minn.

Parks, Fairs, Privilege People! A Big Money (teller.


‘’Throw Base Balls,” “Kaoek the Cae Off,” Hit Him In the Eye.

Altraelivt. Durable. Automatic. Gets the money at Parks, Fairs, Car¬

nivals. Reunions. Picnics and Amuse¬ ment Resorts everywhere because it represents one of the most comical characters constantly appearing in the comic papers and everybody recognizes “Happy” at once and hand you the nickels and dimes to knock his can off or hit him in the eye.

The head is carved out of select hardwood painted iiaturrily. ami impossible to break oi set out of order. 11m ryes give wluklug effeci when kms’l,e,| »ut. nr can Is knocked uff, bell rlrc« and everythinr returns in position anto- mat.cally. No strings to pull or delicate pans to get out of order on the busy day. Ajolckesl Bal! lisiije ever tiiveiitml. ss there Is DO time lest in resetting. Will last a lifetime. Space reijulrtsl. f«.,.|. Shi|ipinK weight, 130 lbs. |•rl€>•. r<,iiip|.'ie. Head, hsckstop, Poles. Sign. 3 d"/ Itsll- and I'arkiiiK t'ts<‘. tM, f. o b., t'lDrtnnali. o. For terms and full partic Ulars addre--






at the price. 2K ill. SI0.00

B. B. & B. TRUNK CO. 447 Wood St., 625 Bmithfield Bt.

109 Federal Street, Monh Side



Read the Articles on the

Billboard and Bulletin Advertising Situation IN THE MAY NUMBER OF

SIGNS OF THE TIMES You don t eel RH the advertising news unless you read Sigos of the Times.

Subscription PUBLICATION OFFICE. Sample Copies.

Sl.OO per year. Cincinnati, Ohio. 10 cents.

P. S.—Big and interesting articles to follow.

Now Open for Engagements AXD RASKB.MJ, .NOVEL/nKS.

Write f.w pile- list WM. WUREFLEIH, Mgr.. 801 N. Second St.. Philadelphia. Pa., U. S. A.

Mfr. tYlInder Planu Organs, Magle action and with Man dolln ^ttarhment. for Skat-

N^^ liinsir to order!

IM reduced prices. '


, j AGENTS. DEALERS. AND . • ..f NOVELTY MEN traveling from

place to place. TAKE NOTICE. tVe want agents ami jobbers to rei'cesent us everywhere. Ttie sale of this new article will be emirnious. You can make $;t3 a

■ll|l|l|k a week easily. Sample by mail ‘.’.V Address WITBECK SPF CIALTIE8 CO., 27 Eagle Bldf

_ Salt Lake City, Utah._

WANTED. COMPANIES For UrRr. nnwriy mr- aomp. In of Atnarlllo'ii bunlmMis ilUttkt, <Bot a park pr<>|M,s|||.ini; m<at twelve hum’red. City of l.'i.tHHk |tp4t|il«*. r«*ai bI|4>w town, center M tbp |>rtNi|M>.'nii» p«nhanitlp. UlwTal uorernt. y vrn giNiti rrp aiul niimU'al otmosly r«>u.| anl«^. •«M •** fft.iii iTMvil voraatllp vaiHlp- ▼lilp aiHi fpRttirr art*. Nothing too gip‘«l. Flay P^ular prU'i'M. 0|m>u In tmi wopka. Writo or ^rp at 4>n4*p IKi odi nilart'nn'iNmt rtuir ah4fw



Here are a few

-PRIVILEGES— That can be sold if advertised ia

Bevera^e^ood JOURNAL


! Throe-ply Veneer Body, Heavy Duck Cover¬ ing, Uicaory biats. sia.leaoie Scroll-Bound Hand Biveted TIPPING TRAY.




.tnytblDK In the way of a Beverage or Food offered s» a privilege at a Fair, Park or Ex- tiositlon can be sold by advertising in the only Beverage and Food Journal in America.


The Beverage and Food Pub. Co., P. 0. Boi 54, Cincinnati, 0M«















THOMAS PRESTON BROOKE is organising hla famous concert liand and is available f<ir Parka. Chautauqnas and Fairs. The Kami that la known In every town and city In the country. Tbe moat popular bandmaster since Ollmiwe—tbe only band that has drawn big crowds for continuoua seasons of up to 'JJ weeks In one place, and that. In tbe past Itf years, has played more auccessfnl. long-season engagements than any baml In existence—tbe bandmaster that can deliver up to-date, snappy music. Terms In keeping with the present coodltloos. .\ddreaa

BERT A. HALL. Manager, 260 Wabash Avanne. CHICAGO.

Doyle’s Theatrical Agency AND THE

Chicago Vaudeville Managers’ Exch. .Ai.‘ now occupying the entire southwest comer of the fourth floor of the Merchants’ Building, La Salle and Washington Streets, Chicago.

BOOKING EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE T heatres, Parks. Airdonies, Fairs, Carnivals, etc.

Vaudeville. Dramatic, Musical Cometly, Circus, Burlesque Talent, Piano Players. Singers. Moving Picture Ojierators.

FR.XNK Q. DOYLE, Manager.

To Insure prompt attention, avoid delay and unnecessary corre»t>ondence. always anbmlt com or rough sketch. We can not quote price* ontQ we know what you want.



WANTED Vaudeville Acts

Wanted First-Class, A-1 Vaudevlll* Acts: Novelty Acts preferred. In first letter state len^h of act; describe fully, lowest salary, etc. Only box- office attractions wanted.


$125 MADE IN ONE DAY. Invisible Fortune Writers. The “New fW

WAND.” Pat. applied for. A band- W kerchief, stick or water may be passed ^

* through “Wand” while working to show it ia empty.

“Magic Wand” ontSt, from $6 nn. I”Oypay Qne«n” outfits, $17 and $20. Inviaibla papers at $2 and $3 par ■

I.OOO. ■ Almoet nothing to carry. No expert- ■

ence required. The beat paying propo- sitlon for tbe amount inveated. ForWB circulars and sample papers, address A S. BOWER. 117 Harman St., Brooklyn, U

“MirorV itae” Producb Pro|*ctor$ sn4 Film ■skins ■aehinory.



MAY 22, 1909. T H F. R I M . R O A MAY 22. 1909

To Proprietors oi Motion Picture Theatres

Have you noticed that most first-class Motion Picture

Theatres use only LICENSED FILMS ? Just look around

and see; then ask yourself WHY. If the best theatres and

the best audiences demand the best Films, can you afford

to use any other? Cheap, worn-out, inferior films cost just as

much, and will never build up a following for your theatre.

A list of our Exchanges that will supply you with all the

Films made by the ten greatest manufacturers of America

and Europe will be furnished on application to the

Motion Picinre Patents Company

80 Fifth Avenue, New York