teaching riddles to improve student's vocabulary in

1 TEACHING RIDDLES TO IMPROVE STUDENT’S VOCABULARY IN LEARNING ENGLISH AT SECOND GRADE OF SMAN 1 KOTA KUPANG JULIUS M. I. TLAAN Email. [email protected] ABSTRACT This writing entitled “TEACHING RIDDLES TO IMPROVE STUDENT’S VOCABULARY IN LEARNING ENGLISH AT FIRST GRADE OF SMAN 1 KOTA KUPANG The problems of this study are: What are the benefits of riddle to improve students vocabulary in learning English at first grade of SMAN 1 Kota Kupang and how do the riddle can improve student’s vocabulary in learning English at first grade of SMA N 1 Kota Kupang in school year 2018/2019.The aims of this study are;to know the benefits of riddle to improve student’s vocabulary in learning Engl ish,and to find out whether te riddle can improve student’s vocabulary in lerning English at the second grade of SMA N 1 Kota Kupang. The use of quantitative method is to get the data. Awhile, the populations of second grade of SMA N 1 Kota Kupang were 180 students, the sample were 36 students in class at the second grade of SMA N 1 Kota KUPANG. Observations and questionnaires are used in this study as the instrument of obtaining the accurately data. Likert scale by Sugyono is used to calculate the data with the formula; N= X 100%. Based on the obtained data, it can be concluded that the teaching of riddle is to mprove students motivation. It is evidently in the percentage in the result is 86,67%. The teachers have to choose good method and combine with riddle in learning English to improve student’s vocabulary so the teaching learning English in the classroom is more effective. Keywords:Benefit Riddle, Improve, Vocabulary, Learning English.

Transcript of teaching riddles to improve student's vocabulary in





Email. [email protected]




KOTA KUPANG The problems of this study are: What are the benefits of riddle to

improve students vocabulary in learning English at first grade of SMAN 1 Kota Kupang

and how do the riddle can improve student’s vocabulary in learning English at first

grade of SMA N 1 Kota Kupang in school year 2018/2019.The aims of this study are;to

know the benefits of riddle to improve student’s vocabulary in learning English,and to

find out whether te riddle can improve student’s vocabulary in lerning English at the

second grade of SMA N 1 Kota Kupang. The use of quantitative method is to get the

data. Awhile, the populations of second grade of SMA N 1 Kota Kupang were 180

students, the sample were 36 students in class at the second grade of SMA N 1 Kota

KUPANG. Observations and questionnaires are used in this study as the instrument of

obtaining the accurately data. Likert scale by Sugyono is used to calculate the data with

the formula; N=𝑋

𝑌X 100%. Based on the obtained data, it can be concluded that the

teaching of riddle is to mprove students motivation. It is evidently in the percentage in

the result is 86,67%. The teachers have to choose good method and combine with riddle

in learning English to improve student’s vocabulary so the teaching learning English in

the classroom is more effective.

Keywords:Benefit Riddle, Improve, Vocabulary, Learning English.



English is the National language that is used in the world as a global language. It is

the third most spoken native language in the world, after standard Chinese and Spanish

(Ethnology, 2015:10).It is one compulsory lesson in Elementary, Junior, Senior High

Schools and in University level. In Learning English, especially in Senior High School

at the second grade, the weakness of the students is the less mastery in vocabulary that

makes them anxiety to speak English so, the classroom being more passive in learning

English and it’s the failure in learning English. Vocabulary is the list of words with their

meanings, especially in a book for learning foreign language (Oxford Dictionary,

2008:495). It is the main thing to be discussed to increase the student’s vocabulary in

learning English as a foreign language.

Riddle is a traditional verbal expression which contains one or more descriptive

elements, a pair of which may be in opposition; the referent of the elements is to be

guessed (Georges, Robert A.; Dundes, Alan, 1963: 76), Oxford Dictionary (2008:380)

explains that riddle is a difficult or amusing question. In a group the students are given

some riddles and they have to find out the answer of riddles by discussion and using

dictionary to find out the difficulties words in the riddles, unconsciously the students

will increase their vocabulary by the benefits of riddle.

Based on the given explanation, this writing will discuss about teaching riddles to

improve student’s vocabulary in learning English at first grade of SMAN 1 Kota

Kupang (a) the benefits of riddle to improve student’s vocabulary in learning English

the benefits of riddle to improve student’s vocabulary in learning English.

(b) riddles can improve the student's vocabulary in learning English at the second grade

of SMAN 1 Kota Kupang.


When the teacher teaches in the classroom, the he or she uses some methods to

make the students interest in learning process, especially in teaching English as a

foreign language. The one of the methods which uses is riddle. Robert A. Georges and

Alan Dundes (1963:76) suggest that “A riddle is a traditional verbal expression which

contains one or more descriptive elements, a pair of which may be in opposition; the

referent of elements is to be guess”. Based on the explanation above the writer can say

that riddle is a description about something more specific and the readers can guess the

questions by the clue that has been given in the question. From Collins English

Dictionary “A riddle is a puzzle or joke in which you ask a question that seems to be

nonsense but which has a clever or amusing answer”. Some of riddles have the difficult


question but the answer of the question can be a joke which is amusing the readers or

the students. In this case, the students have to bring out their dictionary for helping them

to find out the difficult words in the question. Justin Zablocki in his blog (2013:1-2)

says that there are six benefits of riddle for children, namely; (a) To introduce

intellectual humor. (b) To gain critical thinking. (c) To get the reading comprehension.

(d) To expand the vocabulary. (e) To give the opportunity to teach. (f) To bond the

children Futhermore, Oxford Dictionary (2008:148) also explains that there are 2 types

of riddles, namely; (a) Enigma means mystery. For example; Line up but not the army,

my color can be yellow or white. Who am i? answer ; Corn. (b) Conundrum means

confusing problem, question, use involving of words and asking for fun. For example;

what is in the middle of PARIS?

Hornby (1995:959) states that vocabulary is the total of number of words which

make a language. It means that it is the key for the people to interact with the other. It

can also help the people to speak the language especially English language. Oxford

Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (2008:495) also explains that vocabulary is (1) all words

that the person knows or uses (2) all words in a language (3) list of words with their

meaning. From the definition, the writer can say that vocabulary is all words that the

people use in communication with other people. In the classroom when the teacher

teaches English the important things is to teach about vocabulary to the students.

Because without vocabulary, the classroom’s activity can be passive because the

students are anxiety to speak.

Burns (1972:259) states that’s “vocabulary as the stock of words which is used by

person, class or profession”. Zirmmerman Cited by Subekti & Lawson (2007:485)

“vocabulary is crucial of language and of great importance to learners”.Beside that,

Judy K. Montgomery’s book (2007:2) also explains that there are four types of

vocabulary, namely; (a) Reading vocabulary is the words we understand when we read.

We can read and understand many words that we do not use in our speaking vocabulary.

By reading we can know many vocabularies whether of we know the meaning or we do

not know the meaning. (b) Speaking vocabulary is the words we use to speak. When

we need to speak with each other, we use the words and automatically we know the

meaning of the words we have spoken before. (c) Writing vocabulary means the words

we can retrieve when we write to express ourselves. When we write the words, the

words that we understand about the meaning of those words themselves. (d) Listening

vocabulary means the words we hear and understand. We hear the words from the other

people or something, we can know and we understand the meaning of those words


Vocabulary is the important thing when the students learn English as a foreign

language. Because without it, the students cannot understand the other and they cannot


express their own opinion. Wilkins (1972;111-112) states that “ … while without

grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. It

is true that if the students or someone didn’t know about vocabulary in learning a

language especially in English as a foreign language, automatically they cannot speak,

because they didn’t know the words, if this case happened in the classroom, the

classroom will be passive and it means that the teacher fail in teaching English as a

foreign language to the students. Lewis (1993;89) says that “ lexis is the core or heart of

language”. It means that when we didn’t about know vocabulary or the cope in a

language, we cannot speak with each other around us.Sometimes, the people or the

student’s anxiety in how to answer the questions that have been given, they didn’t

realize that in learning English, the important thing to solve the problem is vocabulary

and dictionary is the important thing to carry if the students need to learn about


Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing, knowledge, behavior,

skill, value or preference (Richard G 1987). In Encyclopedia of Educational Research

(by Richard E.Mayer 1973) suggests that “learning is relatively permanent change in a

person’s knowledge or behavior due experience. This definition has three components,

namely: a) the duration of the change is long-term rather than short-term; b) the locus of

the change is the content and the structure of knowledge in memory or the behavior of

the learner; c) the cause of change is the learner’s experience in the environment rather

than fatigue, motivation, drugs, physical condition or physiology intervention”

Merriam Webster learning (www.Learnersdictionary.com) defined learning as the

activity or process of gaining knowledge or skills by studying , practicing, being taught,

or experience something ;the activity of someone who learns. Futhermore,

http//Wikipedi.org/wiki/learning blog explains learning theory is conceptual framework

describing how information is absorbed, process and retain during learning. Cognitive,

emotional and environmental influences as well as a prior experience play a part in how

understanding or a world view is acquired or change and knowledge and skills retained.

And Learning is connected to knowledge (Nespor, 1987; 9). Knowledge can be

subdivided into declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge. Declarative

knowledge is a factual information that is agreed upon by experts and transmitted to

learners. In physical education declarative knowledge includes fitness concept,

biomechanical principle, games rules, aims, terminology and etiquette (Kirk &

MacPhail, 2002, Paris, Lipson, and Wixon, 1983:77)

Procedural knowledge is different from other kinds of knowledge, such as

declarative knowledge that can be directly applied to a task. In this knowledge is

formed by doing (Koedinger,K.R& Corbertt, A (2006:48). In this case, more specific to

what we are doing.Conditional knowledge or Metacognition can take many forms


includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for the problem

solving (Metcalfe, J & Shimamura, A.P; 1994). In this knowledge, tells more specific

about how we use the exact strategies to solve the problem. Meanwhile, Varasarin

(2007;24) describes that there are some factors cause students they could not speak

English fluently but most of them think that English is too challenging for them to

master it. Most of them are not also motivated to learn English as a foreign language.

There are many reasons, such as; the weakness of curriculum design, lack of the English

teacher’s experience, and lack of the students learning motivation. Awhile, Baker and

Westrup (2003;129) state that it is very difficult for the learners to answer when their

teacher ask them to tell things in a foreign language because they have little opinion

about what to say, which vocabulary to apply, or how to use grammar accurately. To

solve the problems, the teachers have to choose the interested method to make the

students to be motivated to learning, such as combining the study with riddle so the

students can’t be bore to learn English.


The most appropriately method to employ for this article is quantitative method to

investigate and describe the information of status used of exiting phenomenon. Aliaga

and Gunderson (2000:82) state that quantitative research is an explain phenomenal by

collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based method. In this

case, the article is only focused to the teaching of riddle to improve student’s

vocabulary in learning English. Research instrument is a tool used to obtain the data of

information (Arikunto, 1996:122). The instrument used by the researcher in conducting

the data this research are observation and Questionnaires. Observation is a complex

process, from the series process of biologist and physiologist process (Sugyono,

2012:145). The article focuses on the activeness of students in the classroom when

learning English. Questionnaires are data collection technique is done by giving a set of

a question or a written statement for the respondent to be answered (Sugyono,

2012:142). There are only 20 questions for available for students. Data analysis is an

integrated part of the research design. Furthermore, it is a means of making sense of

data before presenting them in an understandable manner, Paraho ( 2006:375). In this

case, the use of descriptive quantitative method is to describe the teaching of riddle to

improve students vocabulary in learning English in SMA N 1 Kota Kupang.

Each student’s answer in the questionnaire was accounted by the formula:

N= X/Y x 100%

Note: N = percentage students vocabulary in learning English


X = total score of answer

Y= (highest score likert x number of respondents) total number of students.

Likert scale analysis. Sugyono ( 2017:93) is dominantly used to measure the

attitude, opinion and someone’s perception of a group of people about a social

phenomenon. Hence, the data are grouped into five categories as can be seen in the

following table:

Table 5.3.1

Table of score percentage

Percentage of answer Category

80%-100% Strongly agree (5)

60%-79.99% Agree (4)

40%-59.99% Neutral (3)

20%-39.99% Disagree (2)

0%-19.99% Strongly disagree (1)


In this section, it will present the data from the result by 36 students in the second

grade of SMA N 1 Kupang by observing the students in the classroom and gives them

the questionnaires to improve the student’s vocabulary in learning English by using

riddle.Here are the results that have been collected by means of giving the


The result of the questionnaires





1. I like to study English 12 17 5 2 0

2. I just study English at the school 3 7 9 13 4

3. I like to study English if the topic is

interested for me

17 4 8 6 1

4. When the teacher asked a question, I

can answer it carefully

6 11 17 2 0

5. When I study English, I always bring


20 8 7 1 0

6. I find the difficult words when study

English, because I don’t understand

them well

1 9 8 13 5

7. I always ask to the teacher when I

don’t understand the words in English

15 13 5 2 1


8. I like to study English if the teachers

combined with the riddle

13 9 12 1 1

9. I will open the dictionary and find out

the difficult words in the riddle that

has been given before

18 10 6 1 1

10. When I don’t understand the riddle,

I’ll be passive and don’t answer the


2 2 7 15 10

11. If I don’t understand the riddle, I

would rather ask to my seatmate than

my teacher.

2 10 11 7 6

12. I will write down the difficult words in

my note.

17 9 9 0 1

13. When I get the riddle from the teacher,

I will answer it by my opinion

9 14 12 0 1

14. When I get the riddle from the teacher

I will discuss it with my friend

4 14 16 1 1

15. The teacher will ask me to open the

dictionary when I find the difficult

words in the riddle

17 6 12 1 0

16. The teacher will tell me the meaning

of the difficult word that have been

found in the riddle

9 15 12 0 0

17. I fell happy when I can answer the

riddle with the exact answers

21 9 6 0 0

18 I feel boring when I can’t answer the

riddle well

2 4 15 10 5

19. When I study English and the teachers

combine with the riddle, I will get so

many new vocabularies

18 12 6 0 0

20. I can remember carefully the new

vocabulary that has been gotten when

I study English combined with the


9 12 15 0 0


SA: Strongly Agree A: Agree N: Neutral


D: Disagree SD: Strongly Disagree

Factors cause the students weakness in learning English.are, as follows; (a) Most of the

students are less in motivation. (b) The lack of the teacher in use method to teach in the

classroom.(c) The student’s weakness in vocabulary.

4.1.1. The percentage of questionnaires

Based on the questionnaires, the are several points obtained, namely:

Strongly Agree:5 points

Agree : 4 points

Neutral : 3 points

Disagree : 2 points

Strongly Disagree: 1 point

1. I like to study English. This statement means the students like to study English.

And the results of this statement are;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 12 persons = 12x5= 60

The students who answer option agree are 17 persons= 17x4= 68

The students who answer option neutral are 5 persons= 5x3= 15

The students who answer option disagree are 2 persons= 2x2= 4

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 0 person = 0x1= 0

Total score (X) = 60+68+15+4+0 = 147

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 147

180x 100% = 82,22% ( Strongly Agree)

2. I just study English at school. This statement means the students just study

English in the classroom. The result is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 3 persons = 3x5= 15

The students who answer option agree are 7 persons= 7x4= 32

The students who answer option neutral are 9 persons= 9x3= 27

The students who answer option disagree are 13 persons= 13x2= 26

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 4 persons = 4x1= 4

Total score (X) = 15+32+27+26+4 = 104

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 104

180x 100% = 57,77% ( Neutral)


3. I like to study English if the topic is interested for me. The result from this

statement is:

The students who answer option strongly agree are 17 persons = 17x5= 85

The students who answer option agree are 4 persons= 4x4= 16

The students who answer option neutral are 8 persons= 8x3= 24

The students who answer option disagree are 6 persons= 6x2= 12

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 1 person = 1x1= 1

Total score (X) = 85+16+24+12+1 = 138

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 138

180x 100% = 76,66% (Agree)

4. When the teacher asked a question, I can answer it carefully. The result of this

statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 6 persons = 6x5= 30

The students who answer option agree are 11 persons= 11x4= 44

The students who answer option neutral are 17 persons= 17x3= 51

The students who answer option disagree are 2 persons= 2x2= 4

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 0 person = 0x1= 0

Total score (X) = 30+44+51+4+0 = 129

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 129

180x 100% = 71,66% (Agree)

5. When I study English, I always bring dictionary. The result from this statement


The students who answer option strongly agree are 20 persons = 20x5= 100

The students who answer option agree are 8 persons= 8x4= 32

The students who answer option neutral are 7 persons= 7x3= 21

The students who answer option disagree are 1 person= 1x2= 2

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 0 person = 0x1= 0

Total score (X) = 100+32+21+2+0 = 155

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%


N = 155

180x 100% = 86,11% ( Strongly Agree)

6. I find the difficult words when study English, because I don’t understand them

well. The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 1 person = 1x5= 5

The students who answer option agree are 9 persons= 9x4= 36

The students who answer option neutral are 8 persons= 8x3= 24

The students who answer option disagree are 13 persons= 13x2= 26

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 5 persons = 5x1= 5

Total score (X) = 5+36+24+26+5 = 96

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 96

180x 100% = 53,33% (Neutral)

7. I always ask to the teacher when I don’t understand the words in English. The

result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 15 persons = 15x5= 75

The students who answer option agree are 13 persons= 13x4= 52

The students who answer option neutral are 5 persons= 5x3= 15

The students who answer option disagree are 2 persons= 2x2= 4

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 1 person = 1x1= 1

Total score (X) = 75+52+15+4+1 = 147

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 147

180x 100% = 81,67% (Strongly agree)

8. I like to study English if the teachers combined with the riddle. The result of this

statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 13 persons = 13x5= 65

The students who answer option agree are 9 persons= 9x4= 36

The students who answer option neutral are 12 persons= 12x3= 36

The students who answer option disagree are 1 person= 1x2= 2

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 1 person = 1x1= 1

Total score (X) = 65+36+36+2+1 = 140

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180


N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 140

180x 100% = 77,78% (Agree)

9. I will open the dictionary and find out the difficult words in the riddle that has

been given before. The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 18 persons = 18x5= 90

The students who answer option agree are 10 persons= 10x4= 40

The students who answer option neutral are 6 persons= 6x3= 18

The students who answer option disagree are 1 person= 1x2= 2

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 1 person = 1x1= 1

Total score (X) = 90+40+18+2+1 = 151

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 151

180x 100% = 83,88% (Strongly agree)

10. When I don’t understand the riddle, I’ll be passive and don’t answer the riddle.

The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 2 persons = 2x5= 10

The students who answer option agree are 2 persons= 2x4= 8

The students who answer option neutral are 7 persons= 7x3= 21

The students who answer option disagree are 15 persons= 15x2= 30

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 10 persons = 10x1= 10

Total score (X) = 10+8+21+30+10 = 79

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 79

180x 100% = 43,88% (Neutral)

11. If I don’t understand the riddle, I would rather ask to my seatmate than my

teacher. The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 2 persons = 2x5= 10

The students who answer option agree are 10 persons= 10x4= 40

The students who answer option neutral are 11 persons= 11x3= 33

The students who answer option disagree are 7 persons= 7x2= 14

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 6 persons = 6x1= 6

Total score (X) = 10+40+33+14+6 = 103

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent


Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 103

180x 100% = 57,33% (Neutral)

12. I will write down the difficult words in my note. The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 17 persons = 17x5= 85

The students who answer option agree are 9 persons= 9x4= 36

The students who answer option neutral are 9 persons= 9x3= 27

The students who answer option disagree are 0 person= 0x2= 0

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 1 person = 1x1= 1

Total score (X) = 85+36+27+0+1 = 149

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 149

180x 100% = 82,77% (Strongly agree)

13. When I get the riddle from the teacher, I will answer it by my opinion. The

result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 9 persons = 9x5= 45

The students who answer option agree are 14 persons= 14x4= 56

The students who answer option neutral are 12 persons= 12x3= 36

The students who answer option disagree are 0 person= 0x2= 0

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 1 person = 1x1= 1

Total score (X) = 45+56+36+0+1 = 138

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 138

180x 100% = 76,66% (Agree)

14. When I get the riddle from the teacher I will discuss it with my friend. The result

of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 4 persons = 4x5= 20

The students who answer option agree are 14 persons= 14x4= 56

The students who answer option neutral are 16 persons= 16x3= 48

The students who answer option disagree are 1 person= 1x2= 2

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 1 person = 1x1= 1

Total score (X) = 20+56+48+2+1 = 127

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent


Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 127

180x 100% = 70,55% (Agree)

15. The teacher will ask me to open the dictionary when I find the difficult words in

the riddle. The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 17 persons = 17x5= 85

The students who answer option agree are 6 persons= 6x4= 24

The students who answer option neutral are 12 persons= 12x3= 36

The students who answer option disagree are 1 person= 1x2= 2

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 0 person = 0x1= 0

Total score (X) = 85+24+36+2+0 = 147

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 147

180x 100% = 81,66% (Strongly agree)

16. The teacher will tell me the meaning of the difficult word that have been found

in the riddle. The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 9 persons = 9x5= 45

The students who answer option agree are 15 persons= 15x4= 60

The students who answer option neutral are 12 persons= 12x3= 36

The students who answer option disagree are 0 person= 0x2= 0

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 0 person = 0x1= 0

Total score (X) = 45+60+36+0+0 = 141

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 141

180x 100% = 78,33% (Agree)

17. I fell happy when I can answer the riddle with the exact answers. The result of

this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 21 persons = 21x5= 105

The students who answer option agree are 9 persons= 9x4= 36

The students who answer option neutral are 6 persons= 6x3= 18

The students who answer option disagree are 0 person= 0x2= 0

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 0 person = 0x1= 0

Total score (X) = 105+36+18+0+0 = 159


Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 159

180x 100% = 88,33% (Strongly agree)

18. I feel boring when I can’t answer the riddle well. The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 2 persons = 2x5= 10

The students who answer option agree are 4 persons= 4x4= 16

The students who answer option neutral are 15 persons= 15x3= 45

The students who answer option disagree are 10 persons= 10x2=20

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 5 persons = 5x1= 5

Total score (X) = 10+16+45+20+5 = 96

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 96

180x 100% = 53,33% (Neutral)

19. When I study English and the teachers combine with the riddle, I will get so

many new vocabularies. The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 18 persons = 18x5= 90

The students who answer option agree are 12 persons= 12x4= 48

The students who answer option neutral are 6 persons= 6x3= 18

The students who answer option disagree are 0 person= 0x2= 0

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 0 person = 0x1= 0

Total score (X) = 90+48+18+0+0 = 156

Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 158

180x 100% = 86,67% (Strongly agree)

20. I can remember carefully the new vocabulary that has been gotten when I study

English combined with the riddle. The result of this statement is;

The students who answer option strongly agree are 9 persons = 9x5= 45

The students who answer option agree are 12 persons= 12x4= 48

The students who answer option neutral are 15 persons= 15x3= 45

The students who answer option disagree are 0 person= 0x2= 0

The students who answer option strongly disagree is 0 person = 0x1= 0

Total score (X) = 45+48+45+0+0 = 138


Y = the highest score of Likert (Strongly agree) x total respondent

Y= 5x36= 180

N = 𝑋

𝑌 x100%

N = 138

180x 100% = 76,67% (Agree)

The benefit of teaching riddle is commonly to improve student’s vocabulary.

The students can get new vocabulary by riddle. It is evidently in the statement on

number 19 with the question when studying English is combined with the riddle, the

students got so many new vocabularies. The percentage for that question is 86,67% (

strongly agree). Based on the result, The riddles can improve student’s vocabulary in

learning English. It is evidently by the percentage of the number 1 is 82, 22%, It means

that the students strongly agree that they like to study English. In the question number

4, When the teachers give them a question, they will answer it carefully, the highest

score is in the option neutral. The students who chose option neutral were 17 students. It

means that they can answer it carefully and sometimes they can’t answer the question

that has been given before. It can shortly be said that students can’t answer the

question because of their mastery in vocabulary is so less. In the question number 8, the

students agree if the English teachers teach English and combine with the riddle, the

writer says that based on the result of percentage in number 8 was 77,78%. The students

always bring their dictionary when they learning English in the classroom. It is

evidently by the percentage in number 9 is 83,88%. The percentage in number 12 is

82,77%, it means that the students in the class at the second grade strongly agree to

write down the difficult words that they are found out when learning English in their

note to be remembered. It means that by writing the difficult words, it will improve

their vocabulary in learning English.


Based on the result, there are some conclusions and suggestions, as follows:

The students in class in the second grade of SMAN 1 Kota Kupang get one way to

improve their vocabulary in learning English by riddle. It is evidently in the percentage

in the question number 19 of the questionnaire is 86,67% and it is the highest

percentage of their result. The way to solve the student’s problem in vocabulary, the

students must remember more difficult words so that they have got in learning English.

By remembering the new words, it will improve their vocabulary and also make their

English better than before. Futhermore,some suggestions ca also be taken, as follows:


The students in the second grade of SMA N 1 Kota Kupang should study English harder

to improve their vocabulary so the classroom will be more active than before. They

have to bring their own dictionary when studying English so they can find out the

difficult words in the dictionary. They can also remember the words that have got when

they learn English as a foreign language so they can speak English carefully. The

English teachers have to find out the ways to improve the student’s vocabulary when

they teach English in the classroom they will get good respond from the students and

make the classroom is more active or alive. One of the ways is by using riddle to

improve the student’s vocabulary in learning English.



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