Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing ventilatory ...

How to cite this article Borges IBS, Carvalho MR, Quintana MS, Oliveira AB. Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing ventilatory support in chemical, biological and radiological emergencies. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2020;28:e3347. [Access ___ __ ____]; Available in: ___________________ . DOI: day month year URL * Paper extracted from master`s thesis “Efetividade de técnicas de suporte ventilatório em cenários simulados de emergências e desastres químicos, biológicos, radiológicos e nucleares: metanálise”, presented to Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 1 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 2 Universidade Federal Fluminense, Escola de Enfermagem Aurora Afonso Costa, Niterói, RJ, Brazil. 3 Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Instituto Nacional de Infectologia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing ventilatory support in chemical, biological and radiological emergencies* Objective: to compare the mean development time of the techniques of direct laryngoscopy and insertion of supraglottic devices; and to evaluate the success rate in the first attempt of these techniques, considering health professionals wearing specific personal protective equipment (waterproof overalls; gloves; boots; eye protection; mask). Method: meta-analysis with studies from LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane, Scopus and Web of Science. The keywords were the following: personal protective equipment; airway management; intubation; laryngeal masks. Results: in the “reduction of the time of the procedures” outcome, the general analysis of the supraglottic devices in comparison with the orotracheal tube initially presented high heterogeneity of the data (I 2 = 97%). Subgroup analysis had an impact on reducing heterogeneity among the data. The “laryngeal mask as a guide for orotracheal intubation” subgroup showed moderate heterogeneity (I 2 = 74%). The “2 nd generation supraglottic devices” subgroup showed homogeneity (I 2 = 0%). All the meta-analyses favored supraglottic devices. In the “success in the first attempt” outcome, moderate homogeneity was found (I 2 = 52%), showing a higher proportion of correct answers for supraglottic devices. Conclusion: in the context of chemical, biological or radiological disaster, the insertion of the supraglottic device proved to be faster and more likely to be successful by health professionals. PROSPERO record (CRD42019136139). Descriptors: Airway Management; Personal Protective Equipment; Intubation; Laryngeal Masks; Meta-Analysis; Disasters. Review Article Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2020;28:e3347 DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.4024.3347 Israel Baptista de Souza Borges 1 Magali Rezende de Carvalho 2 Marcel de Souza Quintana 3 Alexandre Barbosa de Oliveira 1

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How to cite this article

Borges IBS, Carvalho MR, Quintana MS, Oliveira AB. Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing ventilatory

support in chemical, biological and radiological emergencies. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2020;28:e3347.

[Access ___ __ ____]; Available in: ___________________ . DOI:

daymonth year URL

* Paper extracted from master`s thesis “Efetividade de técnicas de suporte ventilatório em cenários simulados de emergências e desastres químicos, biológicos, radiológicos e nucleares: metanálise”, presented to Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

1 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

2 Universidade Federal Fluminense, Escola de Enfermagem Aurora Afonso Costa, Niterói, RJ, Brazil.

3 Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Instituto Nacional de Infectologia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing ventilatory support in chemical, biological and radiological emergencies*

Objective: to compare the mean development time of the

techniques of direct laryngoscopy and insertion of supraglottic

devices; and to evaluate the success rate in the first attempt

of these techniques, considering health professionals

wearing specific personal protective equipment (waterproof

overalls; gloves; boots; eye protection; mask). Method:

meta-analysis with studies from LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL,

Cochrane, Scopus and Web of Science. The keywords were

the following: personal protective equipment; airway

management; intubation; laryngeal masks. Results: in the

“reduction of the time of the procedures” outcome, the general

analysis of the supraglottic devices in comparison with the

orotracheal tube initially presented high heterogeneity of the

data (I2 = 97%). Subgroup analysis had an impact on reducing

heterogeneity among the data. The “laryngeal mask as a

guide for orotracheal intubation” subgroup showed moderate

heterogeneity (I2 = 74%). The “2nd generation supraglottic

devices” subgroup showed homogeneity (I2 = 0%). All the

meta-analyses favored supraglottic devices. In the “success

in the first attempt” outcome, moderate homogeneity was

found (I2 = 52%), showing a higher proportion of correct

answers for supraglottic devices. Conclusion: in the context

of chemical, biological or radiological disaster, the insertion

of the supraglottic device proved to be faster and more likely

to be successful by health professionals. PROSPERO record


Descriptors: Airway Management; Personal Protective

Equipment; Intubation; Laryngeal Masks; Meta-Analysis;


Review Article

Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem2020;28:e3347DOI: 10.1590/

Israel Baptista de Souza Borges1

Magali Rezende de Carvalho2

Marcel de Souza Quintana3

Alexandre Barbosa de Oliveira1

2 Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2020;28:e3347.


Several emergency situations are triggered by the

malicious or accidental use of chemical, biological or

radiological agents, which can result in respiratory failure

for the victims. The terrorist attacks in Syria with the Sarin

neurotoxic gas in 2013 and 2017 can be cited(1). In Brazil,

in 2013, in the city of Santa Maria – Rio Grande do Sul,

there was an accidental fire in a nightclub, which

generated the emission of hydrogen cyanide, a chemical

agent that, at that time, was responsible for the increase

in clinical cases of acute respiratory failure, which resulted

in the drastic death of 242 people and respiratory distress

in approximately 1,000 victims(2).

As for the biological agents, in West Africa, the Ebola

virus epidemic in 2014 triggered an international civic-

military response that left several countries on alert. The

epidemic claimed the lives of thousands(3-4). In 2015, in

Brazil, the first suspected case of Ebola was reported, which

mobilized the health sector and provided the opportunity

for the preparation of health professionals in relation to

the specific protective equipment they should wear, as

well as transportation and adequate health care addressed

to the person with the suspected condition. This initiative

was justified by the pathophysiology of the disease itself,

which stimulates an inflammatory response, followed by

an immuno-suppressive phase, causing respiratory failure

due to blood aspiration and septic shock(5-6).

In relation to the inadvertent use of radiological

agents, in 1987, in Goiânia, a municipality belonging to the

state of Goiás (Brazil), a relevant radiological accident with

cesium-137 had worldwide repercussion from the rupture

of a lead capsule of an abandoned radiotherapy device

in a disabled clinic. The consequence was the monitoring

of 112,000 citizens, health care for 249 irradiated or

contaminated people and four deaths, in addition to the

marks it left as the worst radiological disaster in the world

that occurred outside nuclear plants(7).

Faced with such situations, when considering that

first aids often occur with the victim still contaminated

by a chemical, biological or radiological agent, it is

recommended that at least the health professional use

level C personal protective equipment, which essentially

consists of waterproof overalls, gloves, boots, eye

protection, and mask(3,8-10).

In view of the dimension and severity that events

of this nature can cause, it is necessary to provide

adequate protection to the health professionals,

especially to the nursing team, who must be able to fully

exercise their craft to alleviate suffering and care for

the people affected in a safe and fruitful way. Indeed,

the procedures analyzed and the individual protection

equipment indicated to the health professionals in these

complex circumstances confirm the need to discuss

better standards of response and risk management,

as well as the importance of having effective health

technologies in calamitous scenarios(11).

Additionally, it is worth mentioning the authorization

issued by the Federal Nursing Council (Brazil), through

its Opinion No. 1/2015, for trained nurses to proceed

with the insertion of supraglottic devices, in case of

urgencies and emergencies. In this sense, in a scenario

of emergencies and disasters involving chemical,

biological or radiological agents, the autonomy of these

professionals is reasserted in the management of the

airways in assisting victims with respiratory failure(12).

In face of the agents that cause respiratory failure,

there are procedures, such as direct laryngoscopy and the

insertion of supraglottic devices, for establishing a patent

airway and, consequently, a reduced risk of death(13-14).

However, there are divergences among studies on

the “reduction of time to perform the procedure” and

“success in the first attempt of each applied technique”

outcomes. As an example, there is a study that

recommends direct laryngoscopy(15), as well as a study

recommending supraglottic devices(16), both published

in 2018. For this reason, a meta-analysis was deemed

necessary, since these outcomes are crucial as they

directly impact the survival of victims of respiratory

failure in a calamitous scenario, and provide substantial

subsidies in the decision-making of the health professional

about which technology should be used as a priority.

Therefore, the objectives of this study are to compare

the mean of development time of the techniques of direct

laryngoscopy and insertion of supraglottic devices; and

to evaluate the success rate in the first attempt of these

techniques, considering health professionals wearing

specific personal protective equipment (waterproof

overalls; gloves; boots; eye protection; mask).


This systematic review and meta-analysis, under

PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of

Ongoing Systematic Reviews) record CRD42019136139,

followed the guidelines recommended by the

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews

and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The MEDLINE (1946-

2019), Cochrane (1999-2019), Scopus (1966-2019),

Web of Science (1900-2019), LILACS (1987-2019), and

CINAHL (1961-2019) databases were used, in addition

to a manual search in the reference list of the selected

studies, a search in the list of studies related to each

eligible study on the PubMed platform, and a search

in Google Scholar. The inclusion criteria adopted were

the following: randomized clinical trial with comparison

3Borges IBS, Carvalho MR, Quintana MS, Oliveira AB

between orotracheal intubation and insertion of

supraglottic devices performed by health professionals

using level C personal protective equipment. The

exclusion criteria were the following: randomized clinical

trial with comparison between orotracheal intubation and

insertion of supraglottic devices performed by health

professionals using level C personal protective equipment

on children or pediatric-sized mannequins; and studies

that did not provide the necessary data for the meta-

analysis, such as number of participants, mean time

and standard deviation. The study collection period was

between March 8th and August 30th, 2019; and there were

no restrictions as for language or year of publication.

The search strategies were configured as follows:

In MEDLINE: (((((((respiratory insufficiency[MeSH

Terms]) OR manikins[MeSH Terms]) OR nerve

agents[MeSH Terms]) OR chemical warfare agents[MeSH

Terms]) OR hazardous substances[MeSH Terms])) AND

(((((airway management[MeSH Terms]) OR intubation,

Intratracheal[MeSH Terms]) OR Personal Protective

Equipment[MeSH Terms]) OR protective clothing[MeSH

Terms]) OR laryngoscopy[MeSH Terms])) AND laryngeal

masks[MeSH Terms].

In Scopus: ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( airway AND

management ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( manikin* )

AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( personal AND protective AND

equipment ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( cbrn ) OR TITLE-


chemical AND suit ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( protective

AND clothing ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( intubation ) ).

In Cochrane: (airway*): ti,ab,kw AND

(intubation*):ti,ab,kw AND (“personal protective

equipment”*):ti,ab,kw OR (protective clothing*):ti,ab,kw

AND (laryngeal mask*):ti,ab,kw. Below is the strategy in

Web of Science: ALL FIELDS:(airway management) AND

TITLE:(manikin*) OR TITLE: (cadaver*) AND TITLE:

(personal protective equipment) OR TITLE: (CBRN-


(laryngeal mask*) OR ALL FIELDS: (supraglottic).



The studies derived from the application of the

strategies were selected by two independent reviewers

and filtered by reading their titles and abstracts,

with due registration on the studies’ eligibility form.

After checking the lists, a Kappa coefficient of 0.74

was obtained, a satisfactory value that reflected the

objectivity and clarity of the data to be collected(17).

Disagreements regarding the inclusion of studies

were resolved in a consensus meeting. Subsequently,

citations were exported to the EndNote online reference

manager. All the studies from this first selection were

analyzed in their full texts.

The data collected from each study were

organized in a data extraction instrument containing

the following: authors’ names; title; country of origin;

year and magazine of publication; study population

and environment; types of ventilatory support devices;

number of participants; mean time spent performing the

technique; standard deviation; and success rate in the

first attempt of each procedure.

According to the Cochrane collaboration tool, for

assessing the risk of bias in randomized studies, each

eligible study was classified as low, moderate, or high

risk of bias(18).

The meta-analysis was developed using the

RevMan 5.3 software, whose data were worked under

random effect, with calculation of the difference in

time means for the first objective, and the difference

of proportion/risk for the second objective. When the

study did not present all the data for meta-analysis,

but offered a means for calculating it, the data was

calculated. The I test was considered low heterogeneity

with I² < 50%; moderate heterogeneity with I² test

between 50 and 75%; and high heterogeneity with

I² test > 75%(19). Additionally, the analysis was treated

by subgroups when I2 > 50%. The significance level was

set at 0.05. The GRADE system was used to assess the

quality of the evidence, classified as high, moderate,

low, and very low, as well as the strength of the

recommendation, classified as strong or weak(20).


Figure 1 shows the product of the search strategies


In the sequence, Figure 2 represents the

characterization of the 10 included studies, where all

are prospective and of the crossover type; that is, the

participants experienced the application of techniques

with the supraglottic device and the orotracheal tube.

In the selected studies, a comparison between 1st

and 2nd generation supraglottic devices was identified,

comprising models of laryngeal mask and laryngeal

tube. This classification is based on the chronological

evolution and improvement of intrinsic characteristics

of the supraglottic devices such as the angle of

curvature for better accommodation in the larynx;

the sealing ability in the larynx to withstand pressure

ventilation; a composition that is difficult to deform

in case of bites by the victim; and the creation of a

gastric drainage route(13).

It should be noted that there were studies that

compared more than one supraglottic device with the

orotracheal tube, which made meta-analyses and their

recommendations more robust.

4 Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2020;28:e3347.

Figure 1 - Flowchart of the Systematic Review in PRISMA format

Authors (Year) Assessed technology Participants (n) Number of

attemptsTechnique application


Ben-Abraham; Weinbroum (2004)(21)

1st generation laryngeal mask; Orotracheal tube

Non-anesthetist health professional (10); Anesthetist (10)

2 Adult size Laerdal Airway Management Trainer mannequin

Castle, et al. (2009)(22) 1st generation laryngeal mask; Orotracheal tube

Prehospital physician (4); Resuscitation officer (6); Paramedic (14), Anesthetist (15);Emergency physician (25).

2 Adult size Laerdal Airway Management Trainer mannequin

Castle, et al. (2010)(23) 1st generation laryngeal mask; Orotracheal tube

Pre-hospital care physician;Resuscitation officer; Paramedic;Senior and junior anesthetist;Senior and junior emergency physician (75).

2 Adult size Laerdal Airway Management Trainer mannequin

Flaishon, et al. (2004)(24) 1st generation laryngeal mask; Orotracheal tube Anesthetist (15) 1 Human being

Garner; Laurence; Lee (2004)(10)

1st generation laryngeal mask; Orotracheal tube

Paramedic (3); Emergency physician (3); Anesthetist (2)

1 Adult mannequin

Greenland, et al. (2007)(25) ILMA* laryngeal mask; Orotracheal tube Senior and Junior Anesthetist (18) 1 Adult size Laerdal Airway

Management Trainer mannequin

Ophir, et al. (2014)(26)

1st generation laryngeal mask; 2nd generation laryngeal mask; Laryngeal tube;Orotracheal tube

Anesthetist (20); Rescuer (26), Paramedic (27),General practitioner (24);Medical resident of different specialties (20)

3 Adult size Laerdal Airway Management Trainer mannequin

Plazikowski, et al. (2018)16i-gel laryngeal mask;ILMA* laryngeal maskOrotracheal tube

Physician qualified as an anesthetist and emergency physician (30) 1 Adult size Laerdal Airway

Management Trainer mannequin

Wang, et al. (2016)(27) 1st generation laryngeal mask; Orotracheal tube

Senior and junior emergency physician (40) 1 Adult size Laerdal Airway

Management Trainer mannequin

Weaver, et al. (2015)(28) ILMA* laryngeal mask; Orotracheal tube

Junior EmergencyPhysician (37) 3 Adult size Laerdal Airway

Management Trainer mannequin*ILMA = Laryngeal mask capable of guiding orotracheal intubation

Figure 2 - Characterization of the studies

5Borges IBS, Carvalho MR, Quintana MS, Oliveira AB

It is worth mentioning that there were two studies whose

lead author was an English nurse(22-23), with 139 participants

performing 278 times with the supraglottic device, and

258 times with the orotracheal tube. This represents

33.61% of the supraglottic device data and 31.97% of

the orotracheal tube data for the meta-analyses. Such

information reiterates the importance of this theme for

nursing care practices in emergencies and disasters.

Using the Cochrane collaboration tool, the quality of

each selected study was assessed. As shown in Figure 3,

the following domains were evaluated: selection bias,

performance bias, detection bias, attrition bias, and

reporting bias(18).

When considering that the final classification of the

study should be based on the highest risk of bias found

among the domains, selection bias stood out as the main

criterion for attributing a moderate risk of bias. Three studies

with a low risk of bias, six studies with a moderate risk of

bias, and one study with a high risk of bias were identified.

It was prioritized that the study reported how the random

sequence and allocation secrecy were generated. Low risk

of performance and detection bias was attributed to studies

due to textual evidence in the sources of information and

explanation of the extra author acquired via e-mail. Low

risk was attributed in relation to attrition bias, as there

was no provision of incomplete data. Regarding reporting

bias, a low risk of bias was attributed, since no trace of

attempted data manipulation was identified. Figure 3 - Bias risk assessment of the studies

*ILMA = Laryngeal mask capable of guiding orotracheal intubation; †LMA = Laryngeal mask; ‡LMA1 = Laryngeal mask 1st attempt; §LMA2 = Laryngeal mask 2nd attempt; ǁLMA (A) = Laryngeal mask (anesthesiologists); ¶LMA (O) = Laryngeal mask (other professionals not anesthetists); **LMA-2G = 2nd generation laryngeal mask; ††LT = Laryngeal tube; ‡‡SD = Standard Deviation; §§IV = Inverse of the variance; ǁǁCI = Confidence interval

Figure 4 - Mean time of the techniques of direct laryngoscopy and insertion of supraglottic devices

6 Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2020;28:e3347.

According to Figure 4, it is observed that the

supraglottic insertion technique obtained a lower mean

of time spent compared to the direct laryngoscopy

technique with the orotracheal tube. The general

and subgroup result was statistically significant and

favorable to the supraglottic device. Regarding the

evaluation of the success rate in the first attempt of

each applied technique, and when considering the

use of level C personal protective equipment by the

health professionals, eight studies were collected for

meta-analysis. Moderate heterogeneity of significant

effect and statistically significant summary effect were

identified. The result was favorable for the supraglottic

device, as shown in Figure 5.

*ILMA = Laryngeal mask capable of guiding orotracheal intubation; †LMA = Laryngeal mask; ‡LMA1 = Laryngeal mask 1st attempt; §LMA (A) = Laryngeal mask (anesthesiologists); ǁLMA (O) = Laryngeal mask (another non-anesthesiologist); ¶LMA-2G = 2nd generation laryngeal mask; **LT = Laryngeal tube; ††MH = Mantel-Haenszel; ‡‡CI = Confidence interval

Figure 5 - Success rate in the first attempt at orotracheal intubation and insertion of supraglottic device


For the “reduction of time spent on each procedure”

outcome, the systematic review shows that the mean

time to insert supraglottic devices is shorter compared

to the orotracheal tube. Subgroup analysis was useful,

as it reasserted favoring supraglottic devices through

statistically significant results.

Concerning the second outcome, “success

in the first attempt”, the result showed moderate

heterogeneity with significant effect (p = 0.02) and a

statistically significant summary effect in the difference

of proportion: 0.06 [95% CI: 0.03; 0.10]; (p = 0.0008);

I2 = 52%. In the analysis of the success rate in the

first attempt of each applied technique, this systematic

review obtained 89.56% for direct laryngoscopy and

97.12% for the insertion of a supraglottic device. The

results of the systematic review were reinforced by

other similar results, with 85% success rate for direct

laryngoscopy(29), and 100% for the supraglottic device(30).

The evaluation of the level of evidence presented in the

studies by the GRADE system, with regard to the “reduction

of time for performing direct laryngoscopy compared to

the insertion of a supraglottic device” outcome, found a

moderate level of evidence. Regarding the “success in

the first attempt of each technique” outcome, a moderate

level of evidence was also obtained. Demonstrated by

the GRADE system, a strong recommendation force that

favors 2nd generation supraglottic devices and the laryngeal

masks capable of guiding orotracheal intubation, and a

weak recommendation strength was identified in relation

to the 1st generation supraglottic devices.

In accident scenarios with multiple victims, with or

without involvement of a chemical, biological or radiological

agent, one of the objectives is to provide a prior airway

for as many people as possible(24,30). Therefore, the use

of supraglottic devices by the health professionals with

personal protective equipment in these scenarios has

been systematically studied. In general, the results point

to ease of use and rapid insertion(30-32). In addition, less

stringent training requirements for its use have been

confirmed when compared to orotracheal intubation(30-31).

Another aspect highlighted is related to the clinical

conditions of seriously infected victims, who require advanced

immediate life support, which includes the use of ventilatory

support techniques, a priority to reduce mortality(33). Even

in these cases, orotracheal intubation is the gold standard

to ensure the airway and prevent death(34).

In the case of the evolution of 2nd generation

supraglottic devices, feasible improvements have made

them more useful and applicable in different environments,

like the pre-hospital, in-hospital emergency, and surgical

environments(24). There are currently a variety of

2nd generation supraglottic devices, which have similar

characteristics, such as anti-bite system, route for gastric

emptying, better airway sealing, and structure to be a

7Borges IBS, Carvalho MR, Quintana MS, Oliveira AB

ventilatory support route under high pressures. Such

characteristics make supraglottic devices a technology

that has been gaining space and importance in the daily

care of the health professionals(13,24,32). It can be inferred

that the effectiveness and the performance among the

2nd generation supraglottic devices of this systematic

review reflected in the homogeneity of this subgroup.

In addition, emergency orotracheal intubation

outside the operating room is associated with significant

operational challenges, which include a higher incidence of

difficult intubation due to environmental factors, possible

lack of experience in laryngoscopy, rapid deterioration of

clinical conditions, and risk of regurgitation(13).

Paradoxically, despite all the selected studies, a

study was retrieved, whose participants were emergency

physicians with level C personal protective equipment,

performing orotracheal intubation and the insertion

of supraglottic devices in cadavers(15). The results

suggest orotracheal intubation as a faster technique,

with statistically significant data (p = 0.02) and with

a higher success rate in the first attempt (direct

laryngoscopy = 58% and supraglottic device = 21%)(15).

However, it is noteworthy that this study was eliminated

from this systematic review because it did not present

data with the respective standard deviation or means for

calculating it, which made insertion in the meta-analysis

unfeasible, in compliance with the provisions of the

inclusion criteria. Thus, a high risk of attrition bias was

identified due to the fact that it did not present the standard

deviation in the study. It is worth mentioning that few

participants in this study had previous experience with

a supraglottic device, which meant that the researchers

promoted a preliminary training, in which each participant

performed the two procedures three times. These same

participants had an Advanced Life Support Course, and

reported having performed direct laryngoscopy at least

30 times in their career. In view of the above, after

assessing the risk of bias by the highest degree identified

in the domains, the general assessment of this study(15)

was considered high risk, weakening the reliability of its

results. This was the only study that was contrary to the

favorable trend towards supraglottic devices.

Regarding the potential limitations of this study, it is

emphasized that the systematic review evaluated different

types of supraglottic devices, as well as it considered

different methodologies, professional categories or areas

of activity, which reflected in heterogeneity. However, the

summary effect was strongly favorable to supraglottic

devices, in all the meta-analyses.

Another limitation concerns the instruments on

which the ventilatory support techniques were applied. As

explained in Figure 2 on the characterization of the eligible

studies, mannequins and adult humans were used. The

selection brought together nine studies with mannequins,

and one study with 60 human beings submitted to

surgical and orthopedic interventions. The decision to

jointly analyze both studies on mannequins and human

beings maintained an adequate comparative uniformity,

as both were immobile and without reaction during the

interventions. In addition, the patients were relatively

healthy; sedated and relaxed; monitored and with

venous access; in optimal hemodynamic and ventilatory

conditions; no reactions during the insertion of devices(24).

The inclusion of this study with humans in the meta-

analyses reinforced the trend of studies on mannequins.

However, it must be admitted that if all the studies

involved human beings, which was not found, the impact

and applicability of the recommendations generated by

this systematic review would be greater. In addition, the

study participants treated one patient or one mannequin

at a time; did not see oral cavity with secretions; nor were

there conditions for multiple injuries, seizures or hypoxia.

Such description does not correspond to a real intervention

on a victim in frank respiratory insufficiency by a chemical,

biological or radiological agent, in the historical context of

an accident with multiple victims, in which the objective is

to provide a safe airway for the largest number of victims

possible with chances to survive. Finally, the time until

the airway is installed is a crucial factor for survival and

stabilization of the victim who is physically compromised,

unconscious, dyspnoic, with increased secretions in the

airways and hypoxemic(10,35).

Therefore, it should be considered that nine of the

ten studies in this systematic review were carried out in

a skills laboratory, that is, in a closed environment, with

ideal brightness, controlled temperature and mannequins,

which may not reflect reality(10,14,35). In addition to the

above, scholars in the field comment on the difficulty of

developing research studies of this nature with human

beings, in relation to the use of chemical warfare agents(14).


The systematic review points to supraglottic devices

as being faster to the detriment of orotracheal intubation,

under the “reduction in the time to perform ventilatory

support techniques” outcome. Thus, with a moderate

level of evidence, supraglottic devices are recommended

as the first choice in an emergency and disaster

scenario involving chemical, biological or radiological

agents, which may involve the need to care for multiple

contaminated victims, where road management aerial is

required. Subsequently, once the patient is stabilized, the

environment is better known and has a greater supply of

professionals and material, the supraglottic device can be

exchanged for the orotracheal tube.

8 Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2020;28:e3347.

Regarding the “success in the first attempt”

outcome there is a moderate level of evidence that the

supraglottic device has a higher percentage of correct

responses compared to the orotracheal tube.

These outcomes are important because they directly

impact the survival of a victim in respiratory failure and

provide substantial subsidies in the decision-making

process of the health professionals, nurse included, on

which technology should be used as a priority because it is

faster and more likely to be successful on the first attempt.

The GRADE system found a strong recommendation

force, which favored the indication of 2nd generation

supraglottic devices and of the laryngeal masks

capable of guiding orotracheal intubation; and a weak

recommendation strength was identified favoring

1st generation supraglottic devices.

Despite the advances and recommendations that

this systematic review has provided, it is still necessary

to develop clinical studies with better methodological

robustness, in order to obtain recommendations with a

higher level of evidence, especially due to the need for

safety and quality of care.


To Lisandra Rodrigues Risi for her collaboration as

an independent reviewer.


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Received: Nov 26th 2019

Accepted: Apr 30th 2020

Copyright © 2020 Revista Latino-Americana de EnfermagemThis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons (CC BY).This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

Corresponding author:Israel Baptista de Souza BorgesE-mail: [email protected]

Associate Editor: Maria Lúcia Zanetti

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