Survival Rate and Growth of Transplanted sponge Aaptos Aaptos in Pari Island, Seribu Islands,...

Proceedings of Coral Reefs ~anagement Symposium on Coral Triangle Area

Transcript of Survival Rate and Growth of Transplanted sponge Aaptos Aaptos in Pari Island, Seribu Islands,...

Proceedings of Coral Reefs ~anagement Symposium on Coral Triangle Area

Proceed'ing of Coral Reef Management Symposium on Coral Triangle Are,a Page iv, 296 lSBlV : 978-602-8717-56-4

Honorary ember : Sudirman Saad

Advisors : Agus Dermawan Yaya Mulyana

Editor : Jamaluddin Jompa Riyanto Basuki Suraji Mike Tesoro '

Eva Tri Lestari

Cover Design : - .GeraldHudiono

Published by : Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program Phase II C 0 R E M A P 11,2010 Directorate General o f Marine, Coasts and Small Islands Ministry o f Marine Affairs and Fisheries

JI. Tebet Timur Dalam II No. 45, Jakarta Selatan - Indonesia P. +62 21 83783931 F. +62 21 8305120

JI. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Gd. Mina Bahari Ill It. 10, Jakarta Pusat P./F. +62 21 3522045 www.d

I'rocccding'of C30!-iJ1 Reef Mariagcmen.~ S y l ~ ~ P o s i . ~ ~ ~ l ~ on Coral Triangle Area


By : Beginer subhan13, Dedi soedharmal3, Neviaty P. ~amani", Mujizat JSawaroe13, M. Aldi setiawan14


Research on sponge transplantation in Indonesia has done rarely even a lot of sponges species founded in Indonesia. Therefore, researches are still need to be done about sponge trznsplants especially on sponge that have the potential bioactive. Aaptos aaptos has the potentially bioactive compound. Transplantation performed by combining two methods, namely ropes and nets are placed horizontally and vertically at the two locations which is sheltered and exposed. Results of present research showed that survival rate of Aaptos aaptos influenced by the process of cleaning. Aaptos aaptos growth was influenced by the position, cleaning racks and the interaction between the station and cleaning activities. Aaptos aaptos showed a.high survival rate. First month of Aaptos aaptos transplantation is the most critical and important in those process.

Keywords: Survival rate, Growth Rate, Sponges Transplantation, Aaptos aaptos


Sponges (Porifera) are the most primitive 'multi-cellular animals that almost 99 percent type - the type of life Iivedat the bogom of the ocean waters. Bergquist (1978) said most of the sponge took food by filtering organic matter contained in the water.

Cultivation of sponges in the Mediterranean, Florida and Cuba has a tradition to produce a sponge bath. Nowadays, cultivation of sponges aims for the preparation bioactive materials, for medical and industrial needs. However, the investigation is still very rare (Duckworth and Battershill, 2003; impurity et al, 2005; Page, 2005).

Sponge cultivation developinent can be done in the sea floor (Pronzato et al., 1998; Haris, 2005; de Voogd, 2005) and in a closed system like an aquaria or bioreactor (Osinga et al., 2003). Another technique is a sponge cell culture performed in a closed system (Richelle- Maurer et al., 2003; Valisailo et al., 2006). Nevertheless, natural transplantation is still the best way for sponges' preparation (Belarbi et al., 2003).

Research on sponge transplantation techniques in Indonesia has not been done when this country has various type of sponge in a very large amount. Previously, there were three species of sponges transplanted, Auletta sp (Pong-Cook, 2003), Aaptos Aptos (Haris, 2005)

l 3 Marine Science and ~ e c h n o l o ~ ~ Department. Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty. Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga 16680 Bogor, Indonesia, E-mail: begi ners0,

14 Student of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

and blue CaZlyspongia (Voogd, 2005). Therefore, stiil need to do research ,on transplants, especially in the sponge with bioactive potential.

Research on sponges in Indonesia begins with' a survey to determine abundance of sponges in the waters of Thousand Islands. This survey produces data from 30 types of sponges class Demospongia. Then, the sponges were tested its bio active content through bacteria test. Liosina sp and Aaptos sp. is the highest abundance and antibacterial bioactive compounds, and Petrosia and Aaptos sp. into the moderate category (Anonim. 2005). Rri.:r! ei

~!.o!na.;:'k:r al., (2006) shows that a sponge from Petrosian testudinaria types can be used as a I-: environmental condition associated with metal content in the water.

This study aims to: (i) determine the level of survival and growth of sponge Aaptos aaptos that transplanted in the waters of Pulau Pari, Thousand Islands; and (ii) Determine the appropriate method to transplant sponge Aaptos aaptos at Thousand Islands.

Figure 1 Research location westernBurung Island (STI) and the southern of Pari Island (ST2) Kepulauan Seribu District, Jakarta.

Research conducted in western Burung Island (stl) (05052'05, 5 "LS and 106035'71, 2"BT) and the southern island of Pari (ST2) (05052'22,4" LS and 106036'76, 1" BT), waters Pari Island, Kepulauan Seribu District, Jakarta (Fig. 1). Research conducted between May - July 2006

Proceeding of Coral Rcef Manngernent Svmnposiunl on Coral T r i a ~ l ~ l c Arca


Transplants performed by combining the two methods of ropes and nets. Ropes and nets are placed on a metal frame placed horizontally and vertically. The distance from the substrate either sponge method of horizontall) and vertically approximately 30 centimeters. Each type of sponge is placed in both locations and each location was placed sponges treated with two different positions. Then at each treatment position is cleaned and treated not cleaned. The total number of shelves used was 8 pieces for each type of sponge and the total number of samples used was 672 fragments of sponge

Obtaining and 'Cutting Samples

Sponge samples Aaptos aaptos that transplanted is taken from several different parent colonies using scuba gear (SCUBA) from the depth of 7-10 meters. Cutting done on a ship with a knife and carried in a container that containing given sea water aeration. During the cutting process, the seawater in the container is replaced several times. Parent sponge is cut with an average size 9.66 centimeters. All the fragments have at least one side of which there are pinacoderm layer.

In order to reduce stress during transportation and cutting process, the uncut parent sponge placed in a basket rope and towed next to the ship. In addition, different types of sponges placed in different containers to prevent death risk of a sponge that may occur due to sponge bio active compounds which eliminate each other.

Binding Samples

Sponges cut a cube-like shape was drawn at random and placed on a nylon rope. Sponges are not tied to the rope but the rope pass through in the middle of the sponge until translucent. Each strand consists of 12 fragments of sponge that space between sponge 8 cm. Then the string is placed in another container which aerated, and several times had water changing. Binding of sponge on the rack experiments conducted in water using scuba gear.


Survival, growth, physical and chemical parameters aquatic

Living sponge fragments was counted and recorded every week as a data series. Measurements performed on the growth of living sponges, there are parts that are still alive.

Growth measurements made in under water by using calipers ribbons. Growth of Aaptos aaptos were measured by its circumference. Measurement of temperature, flow rate, brightness, salinity and DO were carried out in situ at the same time each week to measure the growth of sponge fragments.

I'tocceding o € Coral Reef: hIanagemcnr Sy~ii~x~si~~~-l~n on Col:al Trinilgle A tea


Survival rates were identified by comparing the number of fragments of a sponge who still live at the end of the study period with the number of initial fragments. Measurement of absolute growth on sponge fragments were conducted each week and at the end of the study period. Analysis of the influence of the station, and the cleaning position of the rack transplant survival and growth of sponges were compared with ANOVA classification of three way by using Microsoft excel software and Spss. 1 1.5.


Measurement of chemical physics every week in general showed low fluctuations (e-g. temperature). At each week of observation did not occur difference of chemical physics parameter values that are too far between the st1 and ST2 in general the values of physical parameters on the chemical ST1 lower than in ST2 (Table 1).

Table 1. Physical and Chemical Parameters in the Research That Measured Every Week

Temperature ("C) 30 30 30 3 0 29 29 29 29 30 30

Current [mldtk) 0.030 0.037 0.034 0.037 0.047 0.049 0.098 0.213 0.026 0.133

Kecerahan (m) 5.23 5.63 5.31 6.96 5.00 8.25 5.00 10.21 7.82 7.80

Salinity (%o) 33 34 33 32 32 3 1 32 32 32 32

Ph 8.13 8.05 8.20 8.63 8.20 8.39 8.20 8.32 8.20 8.38

DO (rngll) 5.10 7.35 7.08 7.14 8.16 9.59 9.80 8.16 9.59 9.80

Remarks: MO: initial, MI: Is' week, M2:2"* week ~ 3 : 3 ~ week M4:4Ih week

Weekly temperature measurements showed no significant change and ranged between 29-30 O C. Flow velocity in ST2 and ST1 showed valuethat is not too different, but in the third week of the flow velocity changes are quite high both in st1 and ST2. Brightness value is higher in ST2 than stl. This condition indicates lower turbidity level this location, so that sunlight can reach the sea floor (-7m). Salinity ranged between 34 %o to 32 %o, this values are within the limits of the sea water quality standards (Kep.Men 179/Men.KLH/2004). Dissolved oxygen showed an increase from the first week to fourth week and still within the range of sea water quality standards. Measured pH water was stable at both sites.

Survival of Fragment Sponges

The survival rates of Aaptos aaptos sponge fragments after four weeks of observation ranged between 36.54 - 88.46%. Transplantation method with a vertical rack that has not cleaned. in ST1 (36.5%) while the highest on the horizontal rack that has not cleaned at ST2 (88.46%). Some of the techniques that made'tran~~lants showed unsatisfactory results in which the survival rates below 50 percent. It was found in transplanted sponges ST1 in a vertical position that has not cleaned (36.54%, ST 2 with vertical and horizontal position is cleared (47.62% and 40.48%) (Figure 2). The result of this research provides a different

Procccdi~lg of Cord Rrcf Management Syli~pasiunl 011 C7c)nl 1-rinnglc Area

result from the findings Harris (2006) that have Aaptos aaptos survival of 100% at the age of 30 days.

At The second week looked a lot Aaptos aaptos dead, it ranged between 3.85 percent - 41.47 percent. The low survival rate and high mortality of sponge in this study allegedly caused by conditions that sponges can not adapt quickly to the environment after the cutting, transport and binding (Corriero et al., 2004).

Aaptos aaptos survival rates at ST2 higher than ST1. At the ST2 location the survival levels ranged from 40.48 percent - 88.46 percent, while at the ST1 location ranging 36.54 percent - 54.95 percent (Figure 2). A condition of location was suspected cause of differences in survival rates sponges. ST2 is an open area and have current, while ST1 is enclosed regional and have less current so the more murky and high sedimentation. High sedimentation can cause the death of a sponge (De voogd, 2005; Protanzato et al., 1998).


w a2 80 Y

2 70 'T;i 60

e ~ 3

m mRt =

,. - . - . - :-- - -. . un7.

---.< - -.. 1 'leand, 1 1 cieaned 1 1;l:~ /'"" 1,"l VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL


Figure 2. The survival rates of Aaptos aaptos sponge fragments after 4 weeks of observation

In general, for Aaptos aaptos sponges that transplanted to horizontal rack has a survival rate higher than the vertical rack (Figure 2). Cleaning process described different results. Racks are cleaned in ST1 show greater results than the not cleaned while in ST2 otherwise. Fragments in ST1 that has been cleaned on rack viability higher than the rack in ST2. In ST1 ranged from 52.4 percent - 56 percent, while ST2 39.3 percent - 48.8 percent.

Kcc f Management S!mlposium on Coral Tr i an~ lc Arca

y = 0.433511 t 9.4765 - Cleaned

Un- ; y = ,23311 + 9.944 - Cleaned' i

I Rf = 0.830

I I - . Cleaned i

TIME (WEEK) ST1 VERTICAL , i r.. ......-....... - .... ..... - - - .. - . .....

- Cleaned

Un- - Cleaned

- Cleaned

Un- - - Cleaned


- ' .. - Cleaned .

- Un- Cleaned '

: - ' E 6 : : V - - Cleaned ip 4 . .

- Un- : I. Cleaned !E 0 . 1 - . .- . .

1 Y a A 5



Un- Cleaned

Cleaned '

Un- : Cleaned

i I 7 1 4 5


Figure 3. Growth of Transplanted Sponge Aaptos aaptos

I'rocecding ;)f Coral Rccf Mnnagcmcnc S.i.111posium on Coral Trinnglc A]-ca

Growth of Aaptos aaptos 's fragments

The results of this study that sponge growth ranged between 0.33 - 1.94 centimeters for 30 days. The sponges that were transplanted on ST2 in a vertical position and cleaned with a growth rate of 0.33 centimeters is the lowest growth in this study. The highest growth of circle was the transplanted sponge on ST2 in a vertical position and has not cleaned 1.94 centimeters (Figure 3).

Increasing of circle of sponge in both locations, there is no different, from 0.55 to 1.56 centimeters in ST1 and 0.50 to 1.96 cm in ST2. The various analysis describes the stations do not provide a significant difference to the growth of sponges (P> 0.05). Rack position can provide a different, effect on the growth of sponges. Racks with a vertical position grow ranged from 0.55 to 1.94 centimeters while the horizontal rack ranged from 0.58 to. 1.46 centimeters.

Cleaning of racks also. provide different results. Rack that cleaned every week growth around 0.55 to 0.65 centimeters while the racks are has not cleaned grew by 0.90 to 1.94 centimeters. The results of various analysis illustrates that the cleaning and the interaction between the cleaning and position give a real influence on the growth of sponges (P <0.05).

Vertical rack position showed higher growth than the horizontal. Growth differences caused by two factors ie the water flow and sedimentation. Vertical position got better water flow than a horizontal position. Strong flow of water can carry the food that was needed by the sponge to grow. High current flow can increase the growth of suspension feeders like sponges (De Voogd, 2005; Duckworth et al., 2004) states that the vertical position gave benefit for sponge in terms of covered minimize the possibility of sediment. Sediment can harm and affect the growth of sponges. Pronzato et al., (1998) stated that the high sedimentation support bacterial growth in wounded area.


As conclusions from this research: (1) Aaptos sponges which is not cleaned showed higher survival rates compared to the cleaned one; and (2) Aaptos aaptos sponge growth rate is influenced by the position, rack cleaning and the interaction between location and rack cleaning.

Research outlook

The results obtained during the study shows is still very necessary to do some other research to support transplantation research, which is the study of sponge tissue healing process by looking at the development skills.


This research was funded by the Postgraduate Grant Program DIKTI in 2004, lead by Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Soedharma, DEA. Authors say thanks to Team Grant Post 2004 for the support both morally and materially in the' implementation of this research.

procczding of Coral Rccf Management Sylliposi~~m 011 Coral Trianslc Arca


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