Sunrise -

Thl'Muslim Sunrise adian (India), mentioned as Kad'ah in l,iadTth th> Promised Messiah, peace be on him, appeared. Analysis Of Charges Made By ldara Da'wat-o-Itihad, U.S.A., Inc. Against The Holy Founder Of The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, l_la4rat Mirza Ghulam Al_imad, The Promised Messiah And Mahdi (Peace Be Upon Him) By Al-/faj A. U. Kaleem $4 f Ahmadiyya Niovement in Islam, USA •

Transcript of Sunrise -

Thl'Muslim Sunrise

adian (India), mentioned as Kad'ah in l,iadTth th> Promised Messiah, peace be on him, appeared.

Analysis Of Charges Made By ldara Da'wat-o-Itihad, U.S.A., Inc.

Against The Holy Founder Of The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at,

l_la4rat Mirza Ghulam Al_imad, The Promised Messiah And Mahdi

(Peace Be Upon Him)

By Al-/faj A. U. Kaleem $4

f Ahmadiyya Niovement in Islam, USA •

Tlie :Nlusfi1n Sunrise A Journal of the Islamic Renaissance in Ame,·ica

The Muslim Sunrise is a journal of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc., U.S.A. The magazine is open for discussions on Islam and topics relating to other religions. It highlights the role of Islam in a changing environment. It provides a platfonn for public opinion on current issues and their solutions. Opinions expressed in the magazine may not necessarily be those of the Ahrnadiyya Movement in Islam.

The Muslim Sunrise was founded in 1921 by Dr Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, the first Ahmadi Muslin1 missiomLry .in the U.S.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was founded in 1889 by lfa<jrat Mirza Ghulam Al)mad of Qadian (] 835- ·1908), peace be on him. It is presently headed by f:l,u;Int Mirza TRhir Al1mad, the fourth successor to the Holy Founder or the Ahmadiyya community, may Allah be his support.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the US is headed by Sahibzadah Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad, ko wn as M.M. Ahmad with respect to his prominent services in the firmnciaJ arena in the government of Pakistan and at the World Bank.

Address all inquiries to Editor, The Muslim 'unrise, l 5000 Good Hope Rd, Silver Spring, MD, 20905. Phon : O"I 879-01 IO, Fax: 301 879-0115.

EdiLo:rs: Syed Sajid !\hmad

Dr. Rasheed S. Azam I r. Shan·t7. Butt Dr. Wajeeh Bajwa hamim !\. Azam

Bushra Salam Bajwa !\rsh ·d M. Khan Al-Haj Dhul-Waqar Yaqub

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Dr Wajeeh Bajwa, Muslim. u11ris S11hs ·rip1io11 I cpl., PO Box 1057. ary, N ' 7. I -1057

Year 80 The Muslim Sunrise

In This Issue

Analysis Of Charges Made By Idara Da'wat-o-Itihad, U.S.A., Inc.

Against The Holy Founder Of The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at,

Hac)rat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, The Promised Messiah Anµ Mahdi

(Peace Be Upon Him) By Al-Haj Ata Ullah Kaleem

Promised Messiah's Opinion About Jesus 4

Miracles of the Promised Messiah 8

His Opinion About the British Rule in India 10

Opinion About Muslims 13

Separate Prayer Services 16

God-Like Powers 20

Can a Prophet be Taught by Humans? 22

Opinion Concerning Sahabah 23

Timing of the Second Coming 25

Concluding Remarks 30

About Sunrise: 2 Addresses for Contact: 34

Conditions of Bai'at (Initiation): 35 The Divine Appearance: Back Cover

No 3/4

Analysis of Charges Made by Idara Da'wat-o-Itihad, U.S.A., Inc.

Against the Holy Founder of The A}:imadiyya MusJi1n Jama'at,

f:Iaqrat Mirza Ghula1n Al).1nad, The Promised Mes iah and Mahd1

(Peace Be Upon Him)

By AI-I:Jaj Ata Ullah Kaleem

As the history of religion bears witness to the fact that whenever a Messenger or a Reformer is raised by Allah for the guidance of the people, he had to face the bitter opposition from tho e very people for whose guidance he was sent by Allah. tla9rat Mirza Ghulam Al).mad, the Promised Messiah and MahdT, the Holy F under of the A~madiyya Muslim Jama'at, has to meet the same fate.

A lot of hostile propaganda ha been perpetrated against the AI:imadiyya Muslim Jama'at and its Holy F under in the last hundred years. The beliefs of the Holy Founder have been pre ented to the world in a completely mutilated form. The writings f the Promised Messiah have been taken out of the context, an I thu a lot fa cusations have been attributed to him without seein the a tu:il text of his writings

Now taking the assertions of ldara DawaL- -ltihad, USA, Inc., it should be clearly understood that it respon ible ffi e-holders have not taken the pain of reading the actual writin y f the Promised Messiah but have simply reiterated what the hear I r read from the bitter enemies of the Al).madiyya Muslim Jama'at.


Promised Messiah's Opinion About Jesus

The first question or the first char e made against the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) by the ldara i , "Mirza Ghulam Al).mad had demeaning opinion about one of the great I r I hets, Jesus (peace be upon him). He called Jesus a liar, a foul-mouth alcoholic and a patron of prostitutes. After all this, he clai rncd to be Jc us Christ himself, ...

4 The Muslim Sunrise

better than the real Jesus is. How do you reconcile this'7"

In this connection, reflect what the Promised Messiah has said,

"Coming as I do, that I am the Promised Messiah and that I bear a resemblance to l:ladrat 'Isa, peace be on him, every one would understand that were I to revile him, I would not claim my resemblance to him, for by reviling him, I would confess that I myself was vicious." (Announcement of27 December 1898)

As a matter of fact, in his books and writings, l:la<;lrat Mirza (Ghulam AJ:}mad) $ahib (the Promised Messiah, peace be on him) has repeatedly used expression of honor, love and affection for l:la<;lrat 'Isa, son of Mary. For instance he writes:

I. I call Allah the Glorious, to witness that in the revelation vouchsafed to me He has clearly informed me that l:la<;lrat Masih (Jesus), peace be on him, was without a doubt, a human being, like other human beings; that he was a true Prophet of God and was His Messenger and His Elect. (Hujjatul-Islam, p. 9)

2. I:Ia<;irat 'Isa, peace be on him, was no doubt a beloved Prophet of God and possessed the highest qualities. He was virtuous and a chosen one and had communion with God but was not God. (Announcement of 22 March 1877)

3 The Messiah was an accepted one of God and was beloved of Him. Those who utter calumnies against him are wicked. (l'jaz AI;madi, p. 25)

4. 1 state on oath that I bear that true love towards the Messiah which you do not possess and that you have not available to you the light with which I recognize him. There is no doubt that he was a dear and chosen Prophet of God. (Da'wat-i-l:laq, attached to l:laqiqatul­Wal.J.i)

Let us now examine the background and the circumstances due to which }:{a<;lrat Mirza $ahib has employed certain harsh expressions concerning Jesus of the Gospels. In this connection it should be clearly understood that according to l:ladrat Mirza $ahib, the 'Isa, son of Mary, of the Holy Qur'an and the Jesus of the Gospels are two different and distinct personalities. l:la<;lrat Mirza $ahib has explained this in following terms

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Analysis of Charges Made by ldara

I desire to make it clear to the readers that my faith in I:la4rat Mas1h, peace be upon him, is a very good faith. I believe sincerely that he was a true Prophet of God and was loved by Him, and I believe that, as indicated by the Holy Qur'an, he had, as a means of salvation, pe1fect faith in our Lord and Master Mul;ammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He was one of the sincere servants of the law of Moses. I respect him according to his station But the Jesus who is presented by the Christians, who claimed to be God and condemned everyone else except himself, both those who had gone before and who were to come after, as accur ed, as having been guilty of vices the recompense of which is a curse, is regarded by us as deprived of Divine mercy. The Holy Qur'an makes no reference to this impertinent and foul­mouthed Jesus. We are surprised at the c nduct of one who considered that God was subject to death and himself claimed to be God and who reviled such ri htcous ones as were thousands time better than him. In ur writings we have had this fictitious Jesus of the Chri tian in mind. The humble servant of God, 'Isa, son of Mary, who was a Prophet and is mentioned in the Holy Qur'a.n, is not the object of our harsh condemnation . We have to adopt this method after having endured for forty year the abuse of the Holy Prophet, peace and blc sings of Allah be upon him, by the Christian missionaries. (Nurul-Qur'5.n, No. 2)

In another place he states,

"I have uttered no word of disre pect concerning the Messiah, it is all a calumny of my opp nents. It is trne, however, that as there has not in fact: been a Mc iah who claimed to be God and who held the Khatamal-Anbiya, who was to come, as an imposter and wh ailed Moses a robber, I have as a matter of argument certainly stated concerning such a Jesus that he who mi ht have expressed himself in this manner could not be held to be righteous But I believe in the Messiah. son of Mary. who describes himself as a servant of God and Mess en er and affirms the truth of Khatamal-Anbiya." (Ta, aqul-Qulub. p. 77)

The Muslim Smuise

It might be asked why did I:Iac;Irat Mirza ,Sahib write against the fictitious Jesus of the Gospels and employed harsh expressions with regard to him?

The reason was that at the time of the advent of the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, and during a short period before his advent, Christian Missionaries had been in the habit of uttering vile abuse and making false charges against the blessed person of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, such as a sincere Muslim dare not even repeat

I:Iac;Irat Mirza ,Sahib has explained,

"I declare with regret that we have had to issue this number of the Nurul-Qur'an in answer to a person who, instead of adopting a civil method, has had recourse to vile abuse of our Lord and Master, the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and out of his vileness he has uttered such calumnies against that leader of the pure and Chief of the righteous, that the heart of a pious one trembles at hearing them. This reply is a refutation of the utters of such abuse. We wish to declare that our belief concerning the Messiah, peace be upon him, is a very good belief and that we have sincere faith in that he was a true Prophet of God and was loved by Him." (Nurul-Qur'an, No. 2)

He also states,

Padri (priest) Fateh Masih of Fateh Garh, District Gurdaspore, has addressed a vile letter to me in which he has charged our Lord and Master, MuI:iammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, with adultery and has, besides this, uttered vile abuse of him. I have, therefore, considered it necessary to reply to it and hence this booklet I trust the Christian Padri (priest) will study it carefully and will not be aggrieved at its language as the tone that has been adopted in it is in consequence of the harsh language and vile abuse employed by Mian Fatih Masih. Yet it is necessary to uphold the holy station of the true Messiah, peace be on him In reply to the harsh language of Fateh Masih, a fictitious Jesus has been portrayed and that also under great compulsion for this

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Analysis o(Charges Made bv Jdara

foolish one has abused the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in a vile manner and has wounded our hearts (Nurul-Qur·an, No. 2)

If I:Iac;Irat Mirza ~ahib has pulled down into the dust the fictitious Jesus of the Christian Missionaries, was it because they had had any personal enmity towards him? Indeed not. He had recourse to this method as the safeguarding of the honor and reputation of his Lord and Master was dear to him and for this purpose he was ready to make any sacrifice.

He states,

So many books full of vile abuse and defamation of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, have been printed and published, the pemsal of which makes one's body tremble. Our heart is so much in tribulation that if these people were to slaughter our children before our eyes and were to cut to pieces our sincere and beloved friends and were t kill us with great humiliation and were to take posses ion of our bel ngings, we call God to witness that even in uch a e we would not suffer so much grief and our heart would not be so severely wounded as we have suffered and endured under this abuse and defamation which ha been directed against the Holy Prophet, peace and blessin s f Allah be upon him. (A'ina Kamalat-i-Jslam, p. - I)

Another aspect of this question i , how far were the charges made by the Promised Messiah f:lac;lrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him) again8t the Jesus of the Gospels in fact justified for he would have been held guilty of abuse only if he had invented these charges himself But if it is established that he merely repeated with reference to the Jesus of the Gospels that which i et ut in the o pels concerning him and which the Christians admit, he cann L be blamed in any respect.


Miracles of the Promised Messiah

Another Charge made against the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) by the Idara is. "Mirza Ghulam Qadiani cbimed his miracles

8 The Muslim Sunrise

were superior than all the Prophets, particularly superior to the last of the prophets - Mul:iammad (S) Then, he claimed himself to be better than Mut:iammad (S)."

The futility of this objection has been clarified by the following statement of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him,, when he writes,

Whatever appears in my support, as a matter of fact, are all the miracles of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. (Tatimma I~laqiqatul­Wah i, p 35)

Besides; how categorically he clarified his position when he stated,

(a) By the pure grace of God and not by any merit of my own, I have been bestowed a perfect portion of the bounty which was bestowed before me on the Prophets and Messengers and the elect of God. It would not have been possible for me to be bestowed this bounty unless I had followed my Lord and Master the pride of the prophets, the best of mankind, tladrat Mul)ammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him Whatever I have been bestowed has been bestowed upon me on account of this obedience. I know through my true and perfect knowledge that no human being can approach God or require perfect understanding of the Divine except through following the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. (Haq1qatul-Wat:ii, p. 62)

(b) Had I not been a follower of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and had not obeyed him, then even if my good deeds had reached the tops of mountains, I would not have been honored with the converse of God inasmuch as all prophethood except the Mul)ammadi prophethood have come to an end. (Tajalliyat-i-Ilahiyya, p. 24)

(c) God is One and Mul:iammad, on whom be peace and blessings of Allah, is His Prophet and he is the Khatarnal-Anbiya and above all other prophets After him there is no other prophet except one who is clothed in the cloak of Mul:iammad by way of reflection, for a servant has no identity apart from his master, nor is a branch distinct from its tnmk. He who is bestowed the title of prophet on account of his complete absorption in his master does not contravene the Khatarn-i-Nabuwwat. \Vhen you observe your

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Analysis o(Charges Made byldara

reflection in a mirror, there are not two of you but only one, though there appear two; only one is original and the other is his reflection This is what God desired in the case of the Promised Messiah. (Kishti Nuh, p. 15)

(d) What an irony of fate it is, that a person who says in his Persian couplet,

After God I am inebriated with the love of Mul~ammad, If this is infidelity, then by God I am great infidel.

he is being accused of claiming being better than Mul:iarnmad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)


His Opinion About the British Rule in lndia

Another accusation made against the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) by the Idara is that he "decreed that struggle against the British Colonial Power was prohibited and obedience to British Raj was obligatory."

While scrutinizing these accusation , one wonders to observe the double role of the vicious divines that on one idc they continuously reported against i).ac;Irat Mirza Ghula.rn Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, to the British Government of India:

His deception is proved by the fact th::tt in his heart he considers it lawful to put an end to the authority of a non­Muslim government and to plunder its belongings ... Therefore, it would not be proper on the part of the Government to rely on him and it would be necessary to beware of him, otherwise uch harm might be suffered at the hands of this MahdT of Qadian as was experienced at the hands of the Sudanese MahdT. (lsha'atus-Sun11ah, Vol. VI, 1893)

And when in accordance with the injunction of the Holy Qur'an, I~lac;Irat Mirza ,Sahib stated,


It is forbidden to go to war against a government which does not interfere in any way with Islam or its practice, nor uses force against us in order to promote its

The Muslim Sunrise

own religion. (Kishti Nuh, p. 68)

This Government safeguards the lives and the properties of the Mus Ii ms and provides them with security against the attack of every wrongdoer I have not embarked upon this enterprise out of any fear of Government or 111 the hope of any reward from it. All I have done is in accordance with the divine command and the command of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. (Nurul-ijaq, Part 1, p. 30)

I do not flatter the Government as some ignorant ones imagine because l desire a return from the Government. On the contrary, I consider it just and a duty on account of my faith to express gratitude to the Government. (Tabffgh, Vol. X, p. 123)

Mirza Sahib was charged not only with flattering the British Government, but also as seedling and product of the British Government to carry out anti-Islam activities.

It is surprising that when ija<;lrat Mirza Sahib pointed out some of the good qualities of the British, he was charged with so many accusations, but when numberless Muslim divines, both those who were his contemporaries and those who came after him, praised the British in exaggerated terms, no one raised a voice against it. Is that Islamic justice?

We set below, by way of illustration, some of the declarations of Muslim divines and leaders who described the British Government as a divine blessing.

Maulavi MulJammad Husain of Batala, who was one of the divines and leaders of the Ahl-i-ijadTth sect, wrote,

It is not permissible for Muslim subjects to fight, or to help with men and money those who fight, against a government, whether Christian or Jewish, or of some other faith, under whom the Muslims carry out their religious duties and obligations freely. For the Muslims of India, it is forbidden to oppose or rebel against the British Government. (Isha'atus-Sunnah, Vol VI, No. 10)

He has also stated,

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Analysis of Charges Made by ldara

Brethren, this is not the time of the sword, at this time it has become necessary to use the pen in place of the sword. (lsha'atus-Sunna, Vol. VI, No. 12)

Sayyid Ah-al-Hairi, the well-known Shi'a Mujtahid, has stated,

We take pride in being subject to a government under which justice and religious freedom are the law, the equal of which is not to be found in any other government of the world. Therefore, I declare that 111 return for this beneficence every Shi'a should be grateful to the British Government with a sincere heart and appreciate its beneficence (Mau'ida Tahrif Qur'an, April 1923)

I:la<;lrat Sayyid ~ahib Barelvi declared,

Our true purpose is the propagation of the Unity of God and the revival of the practice of the Chief of the Prophets, and that we carry out without hindrance in this country. Then why should we fight the British Government and shed the blood of both sides contrary to the principles of our religion. (Biography of I::Iadrat Sayyid Al).mad by Maulana Muqammad Ja'far Thanesary)

The most revered leader of the Jan1'iyat Ahli-i-Hadrth Wa Ahl-i­Sunnat, Maulavi Nazir Husain Dehlvi, stated,


God Almighty has decreed that the British rule India. (Majmu'a Lectures, 1890, Maulavi Nazir Husain Dehlvi, p. 54)

British rule in India is an act of God Almighty's mercy. (Majmu'a Lectures, p. 19)

Yet again,

The British alone deserve, nay, have the right to rule India and may they continue to rule the domain. (Majmu'a Lectures, p. 62)

According to Shurash Kashmiri, the Muhaddith of Dehli, Maulavi Nazir Husain, was

12 The Muslim Sunrise

amongst those people who expressed an opinion that the authority of the British in India is lawful and in accordance with the Qur'anic injunction, "O ye who believe obey Allah and his Messenger and those in authority among you." Hence, he is stated to have declared it 'unlawful to wage war against the British. (Ata-Ullah Shah Bukhar"f by Shurash Kashmiri, p. 135)

The leadership of Nadwatul-'Ulama of Deoband in India claimed that its

main objective was to produce enlightened 'ulama (religious scholars) whose bounded duty it is to be fully aware of the beneficence of the British rule and also to inculcate the spirit of loyalty towards the Government of the country. (An-Nadwa, Deoband, Vol. 5, 1908)

'Allama Muf:iammad Iqbal composed a eulogy in honor of Queen Victoria and held her death in similar reverence to the martyrdom of J:-Ia<;irat Imam Husain. He also bestowed upon her the epitaph of shadow of God Almighty and lamented that India had been deprived of the Divine shadow with her death. (Muhammad Iqbal, Baqiyat-i-lqbal)

The Ahrar leader, Maulavi Zafar 'AlT Khan, stated that,

Muslims cannot for a minute contemplate being cynical of the British and if any bad natured Muslim did dare show cynicism towards it, then he would affirm that that Muslim was not a Muslim. (Zamindar, Lahore, November 23, 1911)

He also stated,

For every drop of our Emperor's sweat, we are prepared to shed our blood and these sentiments are shared by the entire Muslim population. (Zamindar, Lahore, 11 November, 1911)


Opinion About Muslims

Another charge mentioned by the Idara is that I:fa<;lrat Mirza ~ahib "proclaimed all humanity, except those who follow his cult, non­believers, off-springs of prostitutes and bound for hell "

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Analysis o{Charges Made byldara

The actual words used by l:ladrat Mirza ,Sahib. are dhurriyyatul­baghaya, which according to the well-known lexicon, Tajul-'Unls, the meaning of baghy, which is the singular of baghaya, is a female slave whether of ill conduct or not Accordingly, the meaning of the expression dhurriyyatul-baghaya wou Id be the progeny of female slaves, that is to say, those who do not possess the manly quality of accepting the truth. The Tajul-'Urus further states that to call a person 'son of baghaya' means that he is deprived of guidance.

As a matter of fact, Ha<;lrat Mirza ,Sahib has applied to his opposing divines the same expression that the Holy Founder of Islam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, applied to them as a prophecy He said,

There will arise a great turbulence among my people and in their terror they will have recourse to their divines and suddenly they will find them in the guise of apes and swine. (Kanzul-'Ummal, Vol. VII, p. 90)

In another l:ladith, he is reported to have said,

The divines of the latter days would be the vilest of creation under heaven. (Mishkatul-Ma~abTI:i, Kitabul-'llm)

As far as the charge of "proclaiming all humanity except those who follow his cult nonbelievers," it is to be scrutinized with the Af:iadith of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He 1s reported to have said,

al-islamu ash'aratu ash'urin qad khaba man la sahma lahu shahadato an la ilaha illallahu wa hiyal millatu (Kanzul-'Ummal, Vol. l, p. 9),

that is, Islam is composed of ten par1s, one who has not got even one part he indeed is ruined. And the first part is this that he should bear witness of lei ilciha illallcih (there is none worthy of worship except Allah). And then he said, wa hiyal-millatu, and this is millat, that is, with this confession he enters the millat (Islamic community). It means all other things are connected with the stages of lman.

Therefore, when the followers of one sect issue decree of Kafir regarding the other sect, that too connote only this, that the one who is being declared Kafir is being excluded from the circle of Islam. None can cast out any one from the circle of Islam as is described in the

14 The Muslim Sunrise

famous book of Jurisprudence, Mu'inul-Hikam, p.202, 'that beside the denial of Kalima, the credo of Islam, nothing can cast out anyone from the circle of Islam'

Hence, when the Jama'at AJ:imadiyya used the word Kafir, it had been used for that Kufr (disbelief) which is lower than Iman as has been said by l:Iac;lrat Mirza ~ahib in his book Lecture Ludhiyana, page 47,

"No doubt at present the Muslims are within the sphere of aslamna, that is, we have accepted Islam, but they do not come under the connotation of amanna, that is, we believe."

The AJ:imadiyya Jama'at is kalma-go, that is, the reciter of credo of Islam, and have complete faith in the Unity of God the Exalted, and in the Messengership of the Holy Prophet Mur.iammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him; and in all other necessities or requisites of the religion.

As far as the historic facts are concerned, neither I:Iac;lrat Mirza ~ahib nor his Jama'at AJ:imadiyya did declare any reciter of the credo of Islam a Kafir as had been described by I~Iac;lrat Mirza ~ahib in his book I:Iaqiqatul-War.ii, p. 120,

"Is there any Maulavi, or any opponent or any ascetic who can produce a proof that we took initiative in declaring these people Kafir'7 If there is any paper or poster or magazine published from our side prior to their verdict of Kafir, wherein we have declared Kafir our Muslim opponents, then they should produce it; otherwise, they should themselves think over this great treachery that they themselves were the people who declared us Kafir. Despite this fact they are accusing us that we did declare all the Muslims Kafir."

The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has pronounced,

ayyuma rajulin muslimin kaffara rajulan musliman fa in kana kafiran wa illa kana huwal-kafiru,

that is, when any Muslim declares any other Muslim a Kafir, he himself becomes a Kafir.

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Separate Prayer Services

Another Charge made by the ldara is that J::Iac;irat Mirza 5ahib "refused to pray for his dead son, Faz) Ahmad, because he did not believe in his father's claims Sir Zafrnllah refused to join the funeral prayers held for his employer, the father of the nation of Pakistan."

Herein we can also deal with a similar charge that Al)madis do not join the Prayer services of the main body of Islam, Non-Al)madis.

In approaching this question, it is necessary to keep in mind its history. It is well known and cannot be denied that it was the non­Al)madis and their divines who debarred the Al)madis from joining their Prayer services and forbade their entry into their mosques. At times, if an Ahmadi was found performing his Prayer in a mosque of the Non­A]:nnadis, he was beaten up and often the floor of the mosque where an Al)madi might have offered his Prayer was washed and thus the mosque was purified from the pollution which, according to them, had been inflicted upon the mosque by the entry of an A!Jmadi into it.

It was in this situation that l:Iac;Irat Mirza 5ahib directed his followers to arrange to hold their Prayer services separately and thus avoid all occasion of disorderliness in mosques. It is worthy to note that never a non-Al)madi has ever been stopped from joining the Prayer services of A11madis or from offering his Prayer separately in an Ahmadi mosque.

It was not till 1900, eleven years after the foundation of the Movement, that the Al)madis were directed not to join the Prayer services of the non-Al)madis. Non-Al)madi divines had throughout this period continued the condemnation of the A!Jmadis as Non-Muslims and outside the pale of Islam. It will thus be realized that the non-Al)madis first forbade the entry of Alp11adis into their mosques and then charged them with failure to join them in their Prayer services.

Attention may be drawn, by way of illustration, to a few of the declarations of non-Al)madi divines in this context.

Maulavi Nazir Husain of Delhi declared that neither the Founder of the Al)madiyya Movement nor any of his followers should be greeted with the Islamic salutation or invited to a meal nor should their invitation to meal be accepted, nor should Prayer be offered in the leadership of

16 The Muslim Sunrise

any of them. (Fatwa published in 1892 in the lsha'atus-Sum1ah, V I. XIII, p. 85)

Maulavi Abdur-Rahman Bihari declared that the Founder of the AJ:imadiyya Movement was a disbeliever and an apostate from Islam and that joining a Prayer service led by him or any of his followers was useless and condemnable practice. The obligation of participation in a Prayer service was not thereby discharged and such a worshipper incurred a great sin. It amounted to the same thing as joining a Prayer led by a Jew." (Fatwa Shariat Gharra, p. 4)

Maulavi Al).mad Raza Khan of Bareilli declared that to join a Prayer service led by a member of the Al).madiyya Movement, or to join his funeral service, or to enter into matrimonial alliance with him, or to eat the meat of an animal slaughtered by him or to keep company with him, or to talk to him was subject to the same discipline as applied to the apostates from Islam." (Hissamul-Hara.rnain, p. 95)

These declarations were widely published and were read out in the mosques of cities, towns and villages throughout the sub-continent and thus the entry of Al).madis into the mosques of the Non-AJ:imadis was forbidden and condemned. If in consequence of all this the Al:i.madis were directed by the Head of the Movement that they should not join the Prayer services of Non-AJ:imadis, such action was only perfectly appropriate and was called for in the interest of avoiding disorderliness in the mosques.

The same was the situation with regard to the funeral services and burial of deceased AJ:imadis Numerous declarations were made by non­AJ:imadi divines that non-AJ:imadis should not join the funeral services of an AJ:imadi and should not permit an AJ:imadi to be buried in their graveyards. The bodies of deceased A!Jmadis awaiting burial were shamefully treated, and in many cases they were disinterred after burial and thrown away. There is scarcely any disgrace or dishonor that could be inflicted upon a dead body to which the dead bodies of the AJ:imadis were not subjected. Having suffered such indignation it is not a matter of surprise, far less of condemnation, that the AJ:imadis refrained from joining the funeral Prayers of non-AI:unadis This was also appropriate in order to avoid disorderliness and provocation. In view of all this does it lie in the mouths of the people of ldara that they should consider us blameworthy in that we don't join them in the funeral Prayers of non­Al)madi deceased?

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This question has another aspect. Non-Al).madi di.vines argue that as Al).madis do not join non-Al).madis in Prayer services, they thereby put themselves outside of the pale of Islam. Now there is not a single sect of Muslims which has not been condemned as disbelievers by Muslim divines and joining whose Prayer services 1s not regarded as contrary to Islam. Thus, this is not a new situation which has arisen only with reference to the Al).madis. Apply the same reasoning to other Muslim sects and consider the situation that would result therefrom. If the Al;madis become disbelievers by not joining the Prayer services of the non-Al).madis, the same would apply to other sects who declared, contrary of Islam, and forbade joining the Prayer services of each other. Here are some illustrations.

The principal non-Al).madi divines have declared concerning the Devbandis as follows:


Those of the Devband sect are absolute apostates from Islam and are disbelievers because in their worship they defame and dishonor all prophets and saints and even the Holy Prophet of Islam, on whom be peace and blessings of Allah, and God Almighty Himself The Muslims should avoid them altogether and not only should they refrain from joining them in their Prayers services but they should not permit them to participate in their own Prayer services, nor should they permit them to enter their mosques or eat the meat of animals slaughtered by them or take pa,t in their marriage celebrations or funeral services. They should not visit them in illness and should not participate in their burial after death, nor permit the corps of those of them who die to be buried in Muslim graveyards. Those of the Devbandee sect are thus confirmed apostates and disbelievers such that those who doubt in their being disbelievers would themselves become disbelievers with the consequence that their marnages would be automatically dissolved and if they continue their association with their wives, any children born of this such association would be illegitimate and would not inherit from them under the law. (Fatwa of Maulavi MuI:i.ammad lbrabim of Bbagalpur, printed by the Hasan Barqi Press, Lukhnow)

The Muslim Surnise

In view of this, are AJ:imadis under any obligation to join the Prayer services of the Devbandee sect or should they join the Prayer services of the Brelvis, concerning whom it has been declared,

He who attributes the knowledge of the unseen except God Almighty or consider anyone possessmg the same degree of knowledge as is possessed by God Almighty is undoubtedly a disbeliever. His leadership in Prayer, association with him, love and friendship for him are all forbidden. (Fatwa Rashidiyyah Kami! of Maulavi Rashid AJ:imad Gangohi)

Or is it desired that the AI:imadis should join the Prayer services of the Al1l-i-J:Iadith, concerning whom is the declaration,

The Wahabis, in the unanimous opinion of the divines of Mecca and Medina, are disbelievers and apostates from Islam, such that anyone who comes to know their cursed writings and speeches and still doubts in their being disbelievers, himself becomes a disbeliever. It is not permitted to join a Prayer service led by any of them. The meat of an animal slaughtered by them is forbidden. The wives are no longer married to them and these women cannot marry a Muslim or a disbeliever or an apostate." (Fatwa Thana'iyyah, Vol. 11, p. 409)

There are scores of other declarations in which the divines of various sects have declared the followers of other sects disbelievers and have forbidden joining in Prayer services led by them. In this situation what objection can be taken to the Al:imadis following their own Imam in their Prayer services so as to obviate every kind of mischief and disorder.

In approaching these questions and all other similar to these ones, it should be kept in mind that the AJ:imadis are those who have accepted the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, in whose person have been fulfilled the prophecies of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him; Concerning whom the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has commanded,

fa idha ra'aitumiihu fa bayi'iihu wa lau l).abwan alaththalji fa innahu khalifatullahil-mahdI (Sunan Ibn Majah, al-juzuththani, Kitabul-Fita.n),

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that is, 'When you find him, then enter in his Bai'at (pledge of allegiance) even if you have to reach him across icebound mountains on your knees. He is the MahdI and the Caliph of Allah.' By believing in Imam Mahdi the AlJ.madis have become Mu'mins (believers) and are entitled to be described as righteous A person who denies the truth of one who has been commissioned by God the Ahmighty cannot be called Mu'min, and it is obvious that the first condition for a person to lead the Prayer service is that he should be a Mu'min and righteous. Now if this is the true situation, and the Al)madis sincerely believe that such is the case, then how can it be required that a Mu'min (Al)madi) should join in the Prayer services led by a non-Mu'min (non-Al)madi).

The Holy Qur'an describes those who reject one sent by God as being dead. How then can one who is alive join in Prayer service led by one who is dead?


God-Like Powers

Another charge fabricated against J:la<;lrat Mirza ~ahib by the people of Idara is that he "claimed to have god-like powers. Power over life and death and the ability to create at wil L"

It is however ironic that in order to prove their false allegations against fla<;lrat Mirza ~ahib, his adversaries either fabricate accusations without any foundations or cite incomplete quotations from his books, since such an exercise assists them in hiding true facts and creating some doubts in the minds of simple minded people whose intellectual capacity often limits them from reading between the lines.

For instance, the passage from which the people of Idara might have concluded their false allegation runs thus,


In a vision I saw that I myself was God and believed myself to be such. I felt that I had no will or thought or action of my own left, and that I had become like something which was being completely overpowered by something else that had absorbed me wholly so that my own being had completely disappeared I saw the Divine Spirit envelop my soul and covering my body hide me completely in itself so that not a particle of me remained. I

The Muslim Sunrise

beheld myself as if all my limbs had become His, my eyes had become His eyes, my ears had become His ears and my tongue had become His tongue. My Lord seized me with such great force that I disappeared in Him and I felt that His power was surging in me and that His divinity was coursing through me ... God Almighty entered into my being, and my being and my anger and my gentleness and my bitterness and my sweetness and my movement and my inertness all became His. In this condition I said, I desire a new universe, a new heaven and a new earth. (Kitabul-Bariyya, p. 85-87

One would observe from this statement that f:Iac;lrat Mirza ~ahib did not claim Divinity but that in a state of vision, the Glory of God descended upon him and none can object to such a phenomenon - a phenomenon totally acceptable to Islamic thought as for instance acknowledged by I:Iac;lrat Abu Yazid Bustami who stated,

If a man is totally lost in God, since God is everything, he will see in himself everything. (Tadhkiratul-Auliya, Ch. XIV, p. 148)

This statement by the revered Persian saint is in strict conformity with the Islamic teachings since the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has stated that God Almighty declared,

My servant who • offers optional Prayers constantly increases in grade of nearness to me so much so that I also begin to love him. Then I become his ears with which he hears and his eyes with which he sees and his hands with which he holds things and his feet with which he walks. (~al:iIQ. Bukhari)

To the people of Idara, this statement by the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, may suggest that God literally becomes the ears and eyes and hands and feet of a person who offers optional Prayers constantly. But, this does not alter the fact that in truth, it proposes to establish that those people who engage in such spiritual exercises are drawn closer to Him so much so that they become a part of Him as He becomes a part of them and since they are totally lost in Him, they begin to see Him in themselves. The saints of Islam have often experienced this phenomenon.

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Hac;lrat Jalal-ud-Din Rumi, who was a disciple of l:lac;lrat Abu Yazid Bustami, wrote an ode in the honor of his spiritual preceptor and stated,

That glorious sage, Abu YazTd, came to the disciples and said, "I am God." This perfect spiritual leader, in the state of spiritual intoxication declared, "There is no God but me, serve me;" in other words, "in my robe there is none but God, so how long will you search Him in heaven and earth." (Miftal:iul-'Ulum by Jalaluddin RumT, Sec. IV, pt. II, pp. 25 and 36)

l:lac;lrat Abu al-Hasan Kharqani, another venerable sage of his time, announced, "I am the God of my age." (Tadhkiratul-Auliya, ed. 1917, p. 585)

l:lac;lrat Sheikh Farid-ud-Din 'Attar was also extremely explicit in his claim and declared,

I am free from spite, arrogance and greed, I am God, I am God, I am God. (Fawa'id Faridiyya by l:lac;lrat Sheikh FarTdud-Din 'Attar, p. 85)

These are but a few sample illustrations of the pronouncements of some of the greatest Sufis known to the history of Islam, generally revered for their piety by the large majority of the Muslim Ummah or else of Muslim scholars in relation to their spiritual mentors. One has to but read through the colossal Islamic literature to gauge the extent of such pronouncements made by Muslim samts and scholars. Yet, one observes that whereas tJadrat Mirza 5ahib did not at any point in time claim to be God, numerous venerable saints and scholars of the Ummah of Islam made a claim to be Him in Person or else were called God by their followers and admirers.


Can a Prophet be Taught by Humans?

Another criticism charged by the people of Idara is that l:lac;lrat Mirza 5ahib "was taught by human beings ... Do you think a true prophet could be taught by human beings?"

This their assertion is self-made assertion. It is recorded in a l:ladTth in Bukhari about l:lac;lrat lsma'TI, peace be upon him,

22 The Muslim Sumise

wa shabbal-Ghulamu wa t'allamal-arabiyyata. (BukharI, Juz Second, p. 147, printed in Egypt, Kitab Bad 'ul-Khalq),

that is, When the boy reached his youth he learned Arabic from them (the tribe of Jurham).

Again, it is recorded in the Holy Qur'an about I:Ia<;Irat Musa, peace be upon him, in Surah Al-Kahf, Verse 67,

"May I follow thee on condition that thou teach me of the guidance which thou hast been taught"

In the Commentary of the Holy Qur'an published by King Fahd Holy Qur'an Printing Complex, it is commented on page 840,

"Moses, not understanding the full import of what he was asking, makes a simple request He wants to learn something of the special knowledge which Allah had bestowed on Khi<;lr."


Opinion Concerning Sahabah

Another charge fabricated by the people of Idara is that lja<;Irat Mirza ~ahib "had nothing good to say about the companions of the Prophet Mul).ammad (S) ... "

In order to nullify this accusation of the opponents, I hereby write the translation of a few of the couplets from a long Qasidah of lja<;lrat Mirza ~ahib composed in eulogy of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in which he has also eulogized his compamons,

The clear arguments (and signs) from their Holy Prophet became manifest for them. So., the idols of their selfish desires were (completely) smashed.

They became (spiritually) lit up (by the Sun of Truth) at the time of darkness (of sin and vices). And Allah (due to His grace) delivered them from this flood (of sin and vices).

The mean-spirited people robbed their valuables, and ravaged their homes but (due to the spiritual wealth they

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acquired) their faces glowed from the (sparkling) pearls of the Holy Qur'an

You found them to be a group of people who (because of their sins) were despicable like dung But (due to your spiritual power) you transformed them into an mgot of pure gold.

Many innovators (of vices) would (rather) converse with their lutes. But surely you (0 Holy Prophet, by your spiritual power) caused them to converse with Rat.iman (the Gracious God).

(0 Holy Prophet) you brought to life, with a single glimpse, those who lay (spiritually) dead for centuries Who can compare with you m this glorious achievement.

(Following your instructions) they gave up their (habit of) evening-drink and, in exchange for its drinking pleasure they adopted the (practice of deriving) the pleasure from Prayers in the nights of grief

Regarding lja9rat Imam Husain, l:Ia4rat Mirza ~ahib categorically stated:


Nevertheless, I:Iusam, may Allah be pleased with him, was Tahir-o-Mufahhir (that is, he himself was holy and purified); and without a shadow of doubt he was of those elected ones to whom God the Exalted purifies with His own hand and satiate them vvith His love, and without a least doubt he is among the chiefs of Paradise. To keep an iota of rancor against him deprives one of his zman (faith) The Taqwa of this Imam, lus love, patience, steadfastness, devotion and worship are an excellent model for us And we are the followers of the guidance granted to that innocent. Ruined is the heart who is the enemy of that personality; and succeeded that heart which practically manifests his love, and absorbs the marks of his faith, morals, bravery, righteousness, steadfastness and love of God as reflection with perfect obedience ... In short, it is of utmost villainy and faithlessness of one who disdains Husain, Allah be pleased with him, or any other revered

The Muslim Surnise

person who is among the purified Imams, or utters sentence of vilifying against them destroys his own faith; because God the Exalted turns an enemy to one who is the enemy of His elected and dear ones. (Fatawa Al~madiyya, Part Two, p. 42, Ishtihar 8 October 1905)

Again I:la<;lrat Mirza ~ahib writes in his book ljaz ~madi, page 38,

I am convinced that any person using indecent and foul language against righteous persons like that of Husain or I:la<;lrat 'Isa cannot live even for a night; and the denunciation man 'ada Ii waliyyan, that is, whoever indicate enmity towards My saint is grasped upon immediately, comes into effect without fail


Timing of the Second Coming

Another charge crafted by the people of the ldara is that Ha<;Irat Mirza ~ahib said, "Messiah will come at the end of the 14th century" and attributed this to Mu~ammad (S) ... There is and has never been such a saying of the Prophet (S)."

As a matter of fact, the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, has himself clarified this when he writes in his book Tohfa Golaraviyya, page 41, old edition and page 141 in the new edition, in Ruhani Khaza'in, Vol. 17, p. 227,

"masih mau 'iid ka zan1ana JlS se murad chaudhavrn ~adi min awwalihi ila akhirihihai,"

that is, the period of the Promised Messaih which is meant the fourteenth century from its beginning to its end.

As a matter of fact through knowledge bestowed upon the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, by God, the All­Knowing, he foresaw the condition under which his Ummah had to pass during different ages and particularly in the Last Days. He is reported to have said,

There will come a time upon the people when nothing will remain of Islam except its name only and nothing will remain of the Qur'an except its inscription. Their mosques will be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance

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Their divines will be the worst people under the heaven and strife will issue from and avert to them. (Mishkatul­Ma~abTI:i, Kitabul-'Ilm)

A time will come when my followers will become divided into seventy three sects. All of them except one will deserve the fire. Mishkatul-MasabTh, Kitabul-Iman)

Nevertheless, as mercy for all people, he gave the glad tidings of the advent of Mujaddidin (Regenerators) and that of the appearance of Mahdi and Messiah. A few of those prophecies mentioned in the books of ~adith (Traditions) are given below,


Verily God will appoint for this Ummat in the beginning of every century, one who will restore for it its faith. (Abu Da'ud, Vol. 2, Babul-Malahim)

And I swear by the Lord who holds my life in His hands that the son of Mary shall surely appear among you as just arbiter and shall break the cross, annihilate the swine and abolish Jizya. (Sal~il:i Bukhari, Kitab Bad'u Khalq, Bab NuzuJ 'Isa bin Maryam)

What will be your condition when the son of Mary will descend among you and he will be your Imam from among yourselves (Sahil:i Bukhari Kitabul-Anbiya)

There is no Mahdi except 'Isa (lbn Ma.jab, Bab Shiddatuz-Zaman)

Whoever lives from among you shall meet 'Isa, son of Mary ,vho is Imam Mahdi, Arbiter and Judge." (Musnad ADmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 2, p. 41 l)

I give you the glad tidings of Mahdi who will be raised in my Ummah at a time of digression and distress of people. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it is filled with oppression and violence. (Musnad ADmad Bin Hanbal, Vol. 3, p. 37)

When one thousand two hundred and forty years will pass, God will raise Mahdi. (An-Najmuth-Thaqib, Vol. 2, p. 209)

The Muslim Sumise

That Ummah can never die which has me at one end and the Messiah, son of Mary, at the other. (lbn Majah, Bab Al-l'tisam Bis-Sunnat)

The best century is the one in which I live, then the next century, then the century after that. Then there will spread falsehood at the hands of people who will take pride in their wealth and riches and will grow fat on the earnings of others. (Tim1idh1 & Bukhari, Kitab. Al­Shahadat)

As foretold in the tradition of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Islam began to decline after the first three centuries of uninterrupted conquests and growing prosperity, till it suffered a very serious check in about A.H. 271, when its graded decline and decay continued till it reached its nadir in the next one thousand years that the reference has been made in the Qur'anic words,

Then shall it go up to Him in a day the duration of which is a thousand years. (32:6)

In another of his sayings, the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is reported to have said,

Faith will ascend to the Pleiades and a man of Persian descent wi II bring it back to earth. (~al:ilQ_ Bukhari, Ki tab al-Tafsfr)

With the appearance of ljac;lrat Mirza Ghulam Af.imad, the Promised Messiah and Mahd1, in the 14th century A.H., the process of decay has been arrested and a renaissance of Islam has taken place

Before pondering over these traditions of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, regarding the advent of the Messiah and Mahdi, it must be kept in view that the Holy Qur'an as well as the Tradition of the Holy Prophet are unanimous in their verdict that Jesus son of Mary, has died his natural death. Further, the Holy Qur'an and the Traditions of the Holy Prophet both are in unison that the dead never return to life in this transitory world of ours. Hence, when it is narrated in the traditions that Jesus son of Mary will come, it should not be taken literally but rather to be understood in the metaphorical sense as has been interpreted by a scholar of great repute and regenerator of his century, Mul:iayyyud-Din ibn Arabi, when he says,

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His descent in later ages will be with a cbfferent body. (Tafsir Araisul-Bayan, Vol. l, p. 262)

In pondering over the above traditions one is bound to come to the conclusion that the Mahdi is no other than the Messiah To think that the Messiah and Mahdi are two different persons is wrong, as is clear from the above traditions. For shedding the light of Islam in the Christian world he is called the Messiah or son of Mary, and for illuminating the hearts of Muslims with the light of Islam he is called MahdL •

The advent of Messiah and Mahdi had to take place in the concluding years of the thirteenth century AH and in the beginning of 14th century AH And this is what the divines of the Ummah deduced firom these traditions, Consequently, Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan of Bhopal stated in his book written at the close of 13 th century:

And at the head of the fourteenth century in which there are still ten more years to go, if the advent of Mahdi and the descent of Jesus takes place, they will be the Mujaddid and Mujtahid. (I~Iujajul-Kiramah, pp. 135-139)

Nawab Nurul-Hasan, the son of Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan, in his book lqtirabus-Sa'at, written in the beginning of the 14th century, stated on page 221,

fn accordance with the calculation, the Mahdi should have appeared in the 13th century, but the century elapsed and the MahdT has not come. Now we are almost in the 14th century and even six moths have passed of it since this book was written. Probably God will favor us with His Grace, Equity, Mercy and Generosity, and the Mahdi may appear within four to six years.

The late Khawaja Hasan Niza1111, after his tour of the Islamic countries, wrote:


All the divines and saintly people with whom I met during my tour of the Islamic countries, I found them anxiously awaiting for the Imam Mahdi. A Khalifa of Sheikh Sanosi went up to the extent of saying that the Imam Mahdi shall appear in this very-year, 1331 AH (Ahl l~adith, January 26, I 912)

The Muslim Surnise

As a matter of fact, there is no cause of despair, rather, we should rejoice that God fulfilled His promise made in the Holy Qur'an,

We Ourselves have sent down this exhortation and most surely We will be its guardians. (15: l 0)

The prophecies of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, have seen the light of the day; and at the exact time, in the beginning of the 14th century, the Founder of the Al).madiyya Movement in Islam, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Al).mad, having received knowledge from God the Exalted, made the following announcements from Qadian, as was predicted by the Holy Prophet, that,

Mahdi will appear in a village the name of which will be called Kadi'ah. (Jawahirul-Asrar, p. 55)

a. When the 13th century of the Hijra drew to a close and the beginning of the 14th century approached, I was informed by God Almighty, through revelation, that I was the Mujaddid (Reformer) for the 14th century. (Kitabul-Bariyya, p. 201)

b. A few years thereafter, it was made clear to me through Divine revelation that the Messiah, whose advent among the Muslims had been promised from the beginning, and the Mahdi whose advent had been divinely decreed at the time of decline of Islam and the spread of error, and who was to be guided directly by God, and who was to invite people to partake of the heavenly banquet, and whose coming had been foretold by the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, thirteen hundred years in advance, was myself (Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain, p 1-2)

The holy and pure revelation of God has informed me that I have been sent by Him as the Promised Messiah and the Promised Mahdi and as Arbiter for the internal and external differences (Arba'in)

It was the time of Messiah and not of any other Had I not come, another would have come. (Durr-i-Thamin).

So, as the 14th century has concluded and the 15th century has begun, we entreat all those who call themselves Muslims to reconsider seriously the claims of the Founder of the Al).madiyya Islam, as there is none beside him who presented himself as the Mujaddid of 14th century, as the Promised Messiah and Mahd1.

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Concluding Remarks

Dear brethren, for God's sake, do not denounce the Imam of the age precipitately because as he himself has said,

I announce it plainly that it is not easy to denounce me • He who calls me Ka.fir (infidel) would have himself to become Ka.fir first. He who describes me as faithless and astray would have to confess his own error and humiliation. He who charges me with departing from the Qur'an and the t{adTth would have himself first departed from them. I am affirmant of the Qur'an and the IjadTth and am in turn affinned by them. I am not astray but am the foremost of the believers. God has assured me that whatever I say is the tmth. He who believes in God and accepts the Qur'an and the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, as trne, should find it enough proof to silence him that I say so, but I have no remedy for him who is daring and heedless in his denial. God Himself will admonish him. I, therefore, desire that you should reflect upon this for the sake of God alone and you should also advise your friends so that they should reflect these matters honestly and impartially. (Malfii?,at, Vol. 4, p. 16)

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Children, adults, and new Muslims, all cai1 learn, revise and refresh their knowledge of salat. It makes a great gift for Ahmadi, Non-Ahmadi and Non­Muslim relatives, friends and acquaintances

The poster is on 18"x24" cardboard paper. It can be framed or displayed as is in mosques, homes, and in public buildings where appropriate_ This color salat poster is the third edition of the black and white poster published earlier. The black and white poster was soon all sold out. This color edition has been published to fulfill large demand from all over the States_ $2 per copy_

Words of Wisdom Foreword by Sal1ibzadah M_ M_ Alm1ad, Amir US A Words of Wisdom is a collection of sayings and Traditions of the Holy Prophet, MuJ1amrnad, sallaJJahu 'alaihi wasallarn dealing with the da.ily life_ It has been published by Majlis Ansarullah, U_S.A Arabic text is:-❖----------­given with English transliteration and Urdu and English 11/Wf:_,,,-,<-»:-,Jf


translations. The book includes a discussion of types of ;::~r,: it l@Nff :~!~~1:o~!~s o:;~1a!~!~t;111i~l ~~;r 1~:em~~le;~~ S~:i; ' • ------- II Prophet, Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wasallain, have also been included. Outside covers are in color, two colors inside, size 7 in x 8.5 in on fine paper, softcover, 320 pages. $5/copy.

Al-Nahl Al-Nahl is published qua1terly by Majlis Ansarullah U_S_A. and is sent free to all Ansar in the US. Contact local or national officials for your copy if you are not receiving one.

Synoysis of 'Refigious 'Preacfiing: Cfiristianity ana Js[am

By Maulana A. U. Kaleem

Previously published in two parts, has been republished by Majlis Ansarullah in one volume.

Part I, Christianity, deals with Unity and Oneness of God, Trinity, Divinity of Jesus, The Universal Religion, Atonement, Death On the Cross, Muhammad In the Bible, The Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Part II, Islam, has chapters on What is Islam? Islam-Ethics and Observances, A Misunderstanding Removed, Natural Death of Jesus, Son of Mary, Refutation of Arguments Given in Support of Jesus' Physical Ascension to Heaven, The Advent of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, The Truthfulness of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Is There a Substitute for Religion.

Size 5½ x 8½ in, 160+ pages. $2/copy.

Razzaq and Farida

A story for children written by Dr Yusef A. Lateef. Published by Majlis Ansarullah, U.S. A. Children and new Muslims, all can read and enjoy this story. It makes a great gift for the children of Ahmadi, Non-Ahmadi and Non-Muslim relatives, friends and acquaintances. Every page of the story is

Special Issue of the Al-Nahl on the Life of Hadrat Dr. Mufti

Muhanunad Sadiq, radiyallahu 'anhu. 60 pages, $2.

Special Issue on Dr. Abdus Salan1. 220 pages, 42 color and

B&W pictures, $3.

Ansar Ansar (Ansarullah News) is

~=-•~-'3111':11~~:ii.'ill published monthly by Majlis Ansarullah U.S.A. and is sent free to all Ansar in the U.S. Copy available from the Sadr Ansarullah or Secretary Isha'at.

Ordering Infonnation: Send a check or money order for the indicated amount with your order to Chaudhary Mushtaq Ahmad, 15000 Good Hope Rd, Silver

Spring, MD 20905. Price includes shipping within the continental U.S.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Contacts in the US National Headquarters:

Bait-ur-Rahman Mosque 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring MD

20905 (301) 879-011 0 Arizona: Tucson, Yousuf Mosque

250 West Speedway, Tucson AZ 8570 (520) 624-4100 or (520)884-8964

California: Los Angeles Bait-ul-Hameed Mosque

11941 Ramona A venue, Chino CA 91710 (909) 627-2252

California: San Francisco 520 Pacificia Avenue, Pittsburg CA 94565

(925) 458-9098 California: San Jose

926 Evans Road, Milpitas CA 95035 (408) 941-0400

District of Columbia: Washington, American Fazal Mosque

2141 Leroy Place NW, Washington DC 20008 (202) 232-3737

Florida: Miami, Bait-un-Naseer 6841 SW 185 Way, Ft. Lauderdale FL 33332

(305) 680-0228 Illinois: Chicago, Sadiq Mosque

4448 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago IL 60653 (773) 268-8281

Illinois: Chicago 2134-36 N. Van Buren Avenue, Chicago IL 60612 (312) 226-0500

Illinois: Chicago 25510 Route 53, Glen Ellyn IL 60137

(708) 790-0804 Illinois: Zion

2103 Gabriel Street, Zion IL 60099 (312) 746-5585

Louisiana: New Orleans 3817 Calarado A venue, Kenner LA 70065

(504) 464-9837 Mary land: Baltimore

4406 Carrison Boulevard, Baltimore MD 21215 (410) 664-2747

Maryland: Silver Spring Bait-ur-Rahman Mosque 15000 Good Hope Road,

Silver Spring MD 20905 (301) 879-0110 Massachusetts: Boston

4 Nasir Alunad Road, Sharon MA 02067 7817849574

Michigan: Detroit, Baitul-Muzaffar 8218 Wyomi11g Street, Detroit MI 48204

(313) 933-9850 Missouri: St. Louis, Sadiq Mosque

4401 Oakwood Street, St. Louis MO 63121 (314) 381-4850

New Jersey: North Jersey Bait-ul-Wahid

291 Crooks Avenue, Clifton NJ 0701 l (201) 340-4637

New Jersey: Old Bridge, Bait-ul-Hadi 27 South St, Old Bridge NJ 08857

(732) 360-2001 New Jersey: Willingboro

500 Bridge Street, Willingboro NJ 08046 (609) 877-2833

New York: New York, Bait-uz-Zafar 86-71 Palo Alto Street, Holis NY 11423

(718) 479-3345 New York: Rochester, Bait-un-Naseer

564 Merchants Road, Rochester NY 14609 (716) 428-7760

North Carolina: Charlotte 11205 Hambbright Road,

Hunterville NC 28269 (704) 948-0811 Ohio: Cleveland, Bait-ul-Ahad

297 Center Road, Bedford OH 44146 (440) 439-4448

Ohio: Dayton, Fazl-i-Umar Mosque 637 Randolph Street, Dayton OH 45408

(937) 268-0279 Oregon: Portland, Rizwan Mosque

9925 SW 35th Drive, Portland OR 97219 (503) 246-0813

Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Nasir Mosque

5120 N. 10th Street, Philadelphia PA 19140 (215) 455-4655

Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh, Nur Mosque 2522 Webster A venue,

Pittsburgh PA 15219 (412) 682-4066 Pennsylvania: York, Noor Mosque 334 S George Street York PA 17404

(717) 843-3162 Texas: Houston

8121 Faribanks Whiteoak Road, Houston TX 77040 (713) 896-8989

Wisconsin: Milwaukee 5600 W Fond du Lac Avenue

Milwaukee WI 53216

Conditions of Baj'at (Initiation) in The AJm1adiyya Movement in Islam

by l_-larjrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian The Promised Messiah and Mahdi (peace be upon him)

The initiate shall solemnly promise: I. That he/she shall abstain from Shirk (association of any partner with

God) right up to the day of his/her death. II. That he/she shall keep away from falsehood, fornication, adultery,

trespasses of the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and will not permit himself/herself to be carried away by passions, however strong they may be.

Ill. That he/she shall regularly offer the five daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); and shall try his/her best to be regular in offering the Tahajjud (pre-dawn supererogatory Prayers) and invoking Darud (blessings) on the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); that he/she shall make it his/her daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to remember the bounties of God and to praise and glorify Him.

IV. That under the impulse of any passions, he/she shall cause no harm whatsoever to the creatures of Allah in general, and Muslims in particular, neither by his/her tongue nor by his/her hands nor by any other means.

V. That he/she shall remain faithful to God in all circumstances of life, in sorrow and happiness, adversity and prosperity, in felicity and trials; and shall in all conditions remain resigned to the decree of Allah and keep himself/herself ready to face all kinds of indignities and sufferings in His way and shall never turn away from it at the onslaught of any misfortune; on the contrary, he/she shall march forward.

VI. That he/she shall refrain from following un-lslamic customs and lustful inclinations, and shall completely submit himself/herself to the authority of the Holy Qur'an; and shall make the Word of God and the Sayings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) the guiding principles in every walk of his/her life.

VII. That he/she shall entirely give up pride and vanity and shall pass all his/her life in humbleness, cheerfulness, forbearance and meekness.

VIII. That he/she shall hold faith, the honor of faith, and the cause of Islam dearer to him/her than his/her life, wealth, honor, children and all other dear ones.

IX. That he/she shall keep himself/herself occupied in the service of God's creatures for His sake only; and shall endeavor to benefit mankind to the best of his/her God-given abilities and powers.

X. That he/she shall enter into a bond of brotherhood with this humble servant of God, pledging obedience to me in everything good, for the sake of Allah, and remain faithful to it till the day of his/her death; that he/she shall exert such a high devotion in the observance of this bond as is not to be found in any other worldly relationship and connection demanding devoted dutifulness.

(TranslaLed from lshtihar Ta.kmil-i-Tab!Jgh, January 12, J 889)

~I~ i' r 11•0


◄ ► ◄ The Divine Appearance ► ◄ ► ◄ I:IaQrat Mirza Ghulam Al.imad ( 1835-l ')OX), ►

◄ the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, peace be upon 111111 ►

◄ The one who is not rid of doubt is not seem e fru111 ► ~ punishment either. The one who is ill-fated to be dcpr rvcd ~ ◄ of seeing God in this world will also have the prl ol ► ◄ darkness as his fate in the Hereafter. God says, ►

◄ But he who is blind in this world will he ►

◄ blind in the Hereafter. (17:73) ►

~ (Rul}.ani Khaza'in, Vol. 13, Kitab-ul-Bariy a. p /,\) ~

~~------------ ~ ~vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv•~~~~ The Muslim Sunrise is published by the

Ahmadiyya Movement In Islam, Inc., U. S. A. 15000 Good Hope Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20905-2120

Phone: (301) 879-0110 / Fax: (301) 879-0115 Printed at the Fazl-i-Umar Press and Distributed from Chauncey, OH 4!-1 / 1 '1

Postmaster Send Address Changes to: Ahmadiyya Movement In Islam, Inc. PO Box 226, Chauncey, OH 45719

Customer No: 10020

1 ••• 111 ••• 1.1 •• 111 ••••• 11 •• 1.1 •• 1.1 ••••,1 AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT IN ISLAM, INC.

334 S GEORGE ST YORK PA 17403-5515



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