Stress contagion: Physiological covariation between mothers and infants

Stress contagion 1 Stress contagion: Physiological covariation between mothers and infants Sara F. Waters 1 Tessa V. West 2 Wendy Berry Mendes 1 1 University of California, San Francisco 2 New York University Psychological Science (in press) Corresponding Author: Wendy Berry Mendes, Ph.D. 401 Parnassus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94118 Tel: 415.476.7409 [email protected]

Transcript of Stress contagion: Physiological covariation between mothers and infants

Stress contagion 1

Stress contagion:

Physiological covariation between mothers and infants

Sara F. Waters1

Tessa V. West2

Wendy Berry Mendes1

1 University of California, San Francisco

2 New York University

Psychological Science (in press)

Corresponding Author:

Wendy Berry Mendes, Ph.D.

401 Parnassus Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94118

Tel: 415.476.7409

[email protected]

Stress contagion 2


Emotions, thoughts and intentions are not simply concepts that live privately in our minds, but rather

affective states emanate from us and may influence those around us. We explored affect contagion in the

context of one of the closest dyadic units, mother and infant. We initially separated mothers and infants

and randomly assigned mothers to experience either a: 1) stressful positive-evaluation task; 2) stressful

negative-evaluation task; or 3) non-stressful control task, and then reunited mothers and infants. Three

notable findings were observed: 1) Infants’ physiological reactivity mirrored mothers’ reactivity

engendered by the stress manipulation; 2) Infants whose mothers experienced social-evaluation compared

to the control condition showed more avoidance towards strangers; 3) Following negative-evaluation,

dyads exhibited greater physiological covariation, which increased over time. These findings suggest that

mothers’ stressful experiences are contagious to their infants and that close pairs, like mothers and babies,

can reciprocally influence each other’s dynamic physiological reactivity.

Stress contagion 3

Stress contagion:

Physiological covariation between mothers and babies

The human experience of emotion seems personal and internally-generated, but our feelings can

originate from the affective states of those around us. Whether it is the enthusiasm of a team member that

ignites our excitement or the acute anxiety of a partner that generates our own sense of unease, we are

highly sensitive to the emotional tenor of our social partners and may unconsciously achieve affective

convergence with them. Affect is a neurophysiological state that may vary in terms of positive or negative

valence as well as low or high arousal (Barrett, 2006). Affect contagion, then, is the transmission of affect

from one person to another and has been suggested to function, in part, to facilitate social connection and

coordination (Butler, 2011; Hatfield, Cacioppo, & Rapson, 1994). Consistent with affect contagion

processes, the mirror neuron system shows activation of similar neural regions when individuals observe

action as when they perform the same action (Iacoboni et al., 1999), and synchrony has been observed in

converging voice frequency between dyad members (Gregory & Webster, 1996) and behavioral mimicry

of face and posture (Chartrand & Bargh, 1999; Neumann & Strack, 2000).

Relying on imaging neural regions and the occurrence of discrete behaviors can pose practical

and inferential challenges to measuring affect contagion in the context of dynamic face-to-face dyadic

interactions. In contrast, on-line peripheral physiological responses offer a response channel that reacts

quickly to affective changes and allows for temporal precision to examine subtle changes over time

between dyad members. Indeed, some of the first psychophysiological studies examining dyadic social

interactions observed affect contagion in the form of synchronization between autonomic responses of

interaction partners (Kaplan, Burch & Bloom, 1964). More recently, affective scientists have

demonstrated that observing or interacting with a stranger experiencing acute stress can engender

physiological changes in the observer (Buchanan, Bagley, Stansfield, & Preston, 2012; Butler et al., 2003;

Soto & Levenson, 2008) and this ability to “catch” others’ affect may be related to greater social

Stress contagion 4

sensitivity and emotional accuracy (Guastello, Pincus, & Gunderson, 2006; Hess & Blairy, 2001;

Levenson & Ruef, 1992).

In the context of romantic relationships, dyadic physiological synchrony is associated with

couples’ affective experiences. When instructed to sit face-to-face with their romantic partners and “get in

sync”, the degree to which women’s physiology synchronized with their partners’ was associated with

responsiveness to their partners’ daily affect (Ferrer & Helm, 2013). In a seminal study, physiological

linkage in married couples during a conflict conversation was a significant predictor of self-reported

marital dissatisfaction in both partners (Levenson & Gottman, 1983). Further, it has been suggested that

couples form a co-regulatory unit in which each member provides the feelings of security and support that

help the other effectively regulate emotional and neurophysiological arousal during stressful or painful

times (Sbarra & Hazan, 2008).

The significance of the romantic pair bond is rivaled only by the bond between mother and child.

The connection that forms between mother and child is an evolutionary adaptation that helps ensure the

infant’s nurturance by facilitating the mother’s emotional investment in her child (Bowlby, 1982). In

humans, mother-driven behavioral affective attunement fosters children’s developing cognitive and

social-emotional skills (Harrist & Waugh, 2002). Several recent studies have found evidence for mother-

child cortisol synchrony, especially in the context of negative affect or high anxiety (Hibel et al., 2009;

Papp, Pendry, & Adam, 2009; Williams et al., 2013). These studies measured naturally-occurring

variation in physiological synchrony. In the present research, we used an experimental design to induce

different affective states in mothers and then examined whether infants “catch” that affective state. We

also examined the extent to which mothers’ and infants’ physiological changes synchronize by measuring

the covariation of the dyadic physiological responses.

While behavioral mimicry may be a primary source of affect contagion, within the mother-infant

dyad lower-level actions such as referencing and monitoring are prerequisites for affect contagion. Social

referencing describes how infants nearing the end of their first year modify their behavior in accordance

with their mothers’ emotional cues (Walden & Ogan, 1988). When mothers exhibit negative emotion, for

Stress contagion 5

instance, infants interact with their environments with greater wariness even when the infants’ attention is

not deliberately drawn to the mothers’ emotion (de Rosnay, Cooper, Tsigaras, & Murray, 2006). We

exposed mothers to negative- or positive-evaluation during a stressful task in order to examine the

contagion of high-arousal negative affect in comparison to high-arousal positive affect. Given that

negative affect is typically more salient and impactful than positive affect for adults (Baumesiter,

Bratislavsky, & Finkenauer, 2001) and infants (Sorce, Emde, Campos, & Klinnert, 1985), we expected to

find that infants catch mothers’ negative affect more than positive affect.

While many of the studies examining physiological synchrony have focused on physiological

linkage, in which one individual’s physiological responses influence another person in a time-lag design,

a second type of physiological synchrony may be more relevant to the current context. Physiological

covariation describes the amount of correlation between two individuals’ physiology within a single time

period. Conceptually, covariation is believed to result from shared experiences or environments and

positive covariation (i.e. the slopes of responses show the same direction of change) results from the

extent to which the individuals’ affective experiences are similar. Given the primacy of affective cues

within the mother-infant dyad, we focused on physiological covariation as our model for affect contagion.

We expected mothers’ affective reactivity to vary with condition such that mothers who

experienced negative-evaluation would have greater physiological reactivity (i.e. sympathetic activation)

and increased externalizing negative affect than mothers who experienced positive-evaluation or a low-

stress control condition. We expected that infants would “catch” their mothers’ affective state upon

reunion and manifest a similar pattern of physiological reactivity that had been induced in the mothers as

well as behavioral responses consistent with environmental wariness. We also anticipated that affect

contagion would be manifested as greater dyadic physiological synchrony in the form of physiological

covariation over time. Finally, we expected this covariation over time to be strongest for dyads in which

mothers had received negative-evaluation.



Stress contagion 6

Sixty-nine mothers (mean age=33.6 years, SD=5.6) and their 12- to 14-month olds (45% female) were

recruited from the San Francisco Bay Area and were compensated $75. Mothers were excluded if they

were hypertensive, had a pacemaker, took cardiac medications, or were pregnant. Sample descriptives are

in SOM.


Upon arrival, the mother provided consent for herself and her infant (see Figure 1). The infant was taken

to a playroom, with a caregiver who came to the experiment with the mother and baby, while the mother

moved to a different room. Here, the experimenter attached sensors to measure cardiovascular responses

and instructed the mother to relax alone for a 5-minute period during which her baseline cardiovascular

responses were obtained. Then, the infant was brought to the mother and the experimenter attached

sensors to measure the infant’s cardiovascular responses. The experimenter instructed the mother to help

her infant relax for a 2-minute period during which the infant’s baseline cardiovascular responses were

obtained. Afterward, the infant returned to the playroom while the mother remained in the room.

The mother completed a questionnaire of her current affect and then the experimenter introduced

the upcoming task, an interview task (modified Trier Social Stress Test; Kirschbaum & Hellhammer,

1994) and obtained verbal consent to continue. The mother was instructed to give a 5-minute speech

Figure 1. Overview of procedure. Hatched outline indicates mother was alone for task, all other

tasks mother and infant were together. Bold outline indicates tasks from which mother and infant

physiological data were used in covariation analyses.


Baseline 5 min


Baseline 2 min

Speech 5 min

Q&A 5 min

Reunion 2 min

Rest 2 min


Interview 1 2 min


Interview 2 2 min


Offer 3 min


Stress contagion 7

about her strengths and weaknesses to a panel of two evaluators, followed by a 5-minute question and

answer (Q&A) session. Mothers were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: social evaluation

with positive feedback, social evaluation with negative feedback, or a control condition with no

evaluation. Social evaluation was provided by two trained evaluators (one male, one female) who

exhibited nonverbal feedback during the speech and Q&A. In the positive condition, the evaluators

became progressively more positive by smiling, nodding and leaning forward while the participant spoke,

whereas in the negative condition the evaluators became progressively more negative, frowning, shaking

their heads, crossing their arms and leaning back. This manipulation of social approval versus social

rejection has successfully been used to induce high-arousal positive and negative affective states,

respectively (Akinola & Mendes, 2008). In the control condition, mothers were instructed to deliver the

speech and verbally answer questions written on cards while alone in the room. Thus the control

condition was similar to the experimental conditions in terms of the physical metabolic demands (i.e.,

speaking aloud, thinking about the same questions) but without the social evaluation component.

Immediately following the Q&A, the mother completed another affect questionnaire.

Next, the infant rejoined the mother for a 2-minute reunion period followed by a 2-minute resting

period in which the mother was instructed to help her infant relax. Mother and infant then experienced

two post-stress interviews with different female interviewers. In each of these interviews, the interviewer

entered the room, sat across from the mother- infant dyad, and engaged the mother in a short innocuous

conversation about her infant’s development followed by one minute of offering the infant a toy. In the

final episode, both female interviewers entered, sat across from the dyad, and each offered the infant

identical sets of toys (toy offer) for three minutes. Upon completion of the study, the sensors were

detached, mothers were debriefed, and payment was given.


Affect measures. We used the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS; Watson, Clark &

Tellegen, 1988) to assess mothers’ affect. Mothers rated their current affective state with 20 affect states

on a 5-point scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (a great deal). We calculated positive and negative affect scales

Stress contagion 8

for each time point (i.e., before and after speech task; αs ranged .85 to .93). Because high arousal,

externalizing negative affect was the expected affective state following negative social-evaluation, we

further differentiated negative affect scale items into an externalizing sub-scale consisting of “hostile,”

“irritable,” and “upset” (αpost-task=.86).

As a manipulation check, mothers assigned to the positive- and negative-evaluation conditions

rated seven statements about their perceptions of the evaluators’ feedback following the evaluation (e.g.

“She thought I performed well on the task”) on a 7-point scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly

agree) (Akinola & Mendes, 2008). Perceptions of the male and female evaluators were highly correlated

so the scores were averaged to form a single scale (α=.94).

ANS measures. We measured electrocardiography (Biopac) and impedance cardiography (HIC-

2000) to obtain mothers’ sympathetic nervous system reactivity, specifically pre-ejection period (PEP)

(the time from the left ventricle contracting to the aortic valve opening), which provides a measure of

sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation. PEP is a chronotropic measure such that SNS activation is

indicated as a greater decrease in PEP. For ease of interpretation we multiplied PEP by -1 so that

increases in SNS are represented as increases in ventricle contractility (VC).

Pilot testing of impedance cardiography collection on infants revealed that application of the

adhesive bands were not well tolerated and was quite stressful for the babies. Unfortunately, it was not

feasible to obtain PEP from infants. Instead, electrocardiography was collected from two spot sensors on

the infants’ chest, and we calculated heart rate (HR: beats per minute) as the measure of infant SNS


The mothers’ physiological measures were collected continuously from the baseline through the

toy offer episode; for infants, physiological responses were obtained at baseline with the mother and then

continuously from the second minute of reunion through the toy offer, resulting in 10 minutes of dyadic

physiological data. We scored mothers’ PEP and infants’ HR data by first visually inspecting the

waveforms for artifacts and then ensembling/scoring the physiological data in 30-second segments using

Mindware software (IMP 2.6 and HRV 2.6). As is standard practice, reactivity scores were calculated by

Stress contagion 9

subtracting baseline responses (the last 30-seconds of baseline) from every 30-second segment post-


Infant behavior measure. Infant behavioral avoidance was coded on a 5-point scale from 0

(infant did not hesitate to engage with interviewer) to 4 (infant continuously actively avoided

interviewer). Behavioral indicators of avoidance ranged from passive (e.g. gaze aversion) to active (e.g.

twisting bodily away) avoidance of the interviewers (Murray et al., 2008). After achieving reliability with

the master coder on 20% of the sample (weighted kappa=.78), a female research assistant, naïve to mother

condition-assignment, coded all tapes. Ten percent of the tapes were uncodeable due to equipment

malfunction or inadequate camera angle.

Data analysis

The primary outcome variables were changes in SNS activation (mothers’ VC reactivity and

infants’ HR reactivity), mothers’ affective self-reports, and infants’ behavioral avoidance. We first

explored physiological reactivity separately for mother and baby. To examine effects of condition, we

focused on the time interval of greatest activation selected a priori based on prior research (e.g. Mendes

et al., 2007). For mothers, this was the first minute of the Q&A (when the task was novel, but feedback

had been established) and for infants this was the first minute of each post-stress interview (when the

situation was novel and before the interviewer attempted to engage directly with the infant). For analyses

with mothers’ SNS activation, we controlled for BMI (Jennings et al., 1981).

We then examined whether physiological covariation varied as a function of stress condition and

whether it strengthened or weakened over the course of the interaction between mother and infant. To

measure covariation we estimated the relationship between mothers’ VC reactivity and infants’ HR

reactivity, using a nomothetic approach in which mothers’ VC reactivity was treated as the criterion

variable and infants’ HR reactivity as the predictor; covariation then is estimated as a path coefficient (we

note that this analysis does not imply causation, but rather, captures the relationship between variables

measured simultaneously; for a similar strategy to obtain dyadic similarity, see West & Kenny, 2011). 2

We estimated a linear growth curve model in which time was centered at the study mid-point (see SOM

Stress contagion 10

for random effects of intercept, slope, and intercept-slope covariance). This model allowed us to estimate

the overall strength of covariation (i.e., the effect of infants’ HR reactivity on mothers’ VC reactivity), the

effect of evaluation condition on covariation (i.e., the interaction between infants’ HR reactivity and

condition on mothers’ VC reactivity), whether covariation strengthened over time (i.e., the interaction

between infants’ HR reactivity and time on mothers’ VC reactivity), and whether it did so differently as a

function of experimental condition (i.e., the interaction between infants’ HR reactivity, time, and

condition on mothers’ VC reactivity).[Note that the main effect of time was also included in the model].

Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure in SPSS to account for nonindependence across

the 20 time segments of data when mother and baby were together. We note this procedure uses the

Satterthwaite method to calculate degrees of freedom, which can be fractional (Satterthwaite, 1946); it

also allows for missing data.


Preliminary analyses addressed whether mothers experienced the conditions as intended by

analyzing mothers’ perceptions of the evaluators’ feedback as well as their self-reported positive and

negative affect. Mothers who received negative-evaluation perceived the evaluators as less supportive

(M=3.31, SD=.98) than those who received positive-evaluation (M=5.10, SD=1.05), t(40)=5.68, p<.001.

In addition, negative-evaluation was associated with greater decreases in positive affect and greater

increases in negative affect, compared to the positive-evaluation and control conditions (see SOM).

Further exploring negative affect using the externalizing distinction revealed that externalizing negative

affect significantly differed by condition, F(2, 64)=7.32, p=.001. Externalizing negative affect

significantly increased after negative-evaluation (M=.54, SD=.98) compared to positive-evaluation (M=-

.23, SD=.71) and control conditions (M=-.09, SD=.23), t(64)=-3.56, p=.001 and t(64)=-2.96, p=.004. The

control and positive-evaluation conditions were not significantly different from each other, p=.51. In sum,

negative-evaluation engendered primarily externalizing (i.e., anger) responses.

Maternal physiological reactivity

Stress contagion 11

Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed a significant main effect of mothers’ VC reactivity

by evaluation condition, F(2, 62)=8.77, p<.001 (Figure 2a). As expected, positive-evaluation (VC=5.42,

SD=5.78) and negative-evaluation (VC=10.16, SD=8.24) engendered significant increases in

sympathetic activation relative to the control condition (VC=1.17, SD=8.09), t(62)=2.08, p=.04 and

t(62)=3.69, p=.001, respectively. Negative-evaluation was associated with greater SNS activation than

positive-evaluation t(62)=2.01, p=.049.

We then examined the correlation between SNS responses and externalizing negative affect and

observed differential magnitude of relationships across condition: negative-evaluation r(22)=-.41, p=.058;

positive-evaluation r(20)=-.33, p=.16; control r(23)=-.04, p=.85. These data suggest that we successfully

engendered greater SNS reactivity in the two evaluation conditions, yet showed differentiation in both

affective quality and magnitude of physiological responses.

Infant physiological reactivity

We examined infants’ HR reactivity during the post-stress interviews as a function of mothers’

evaluation-condition. Infants’ HR reactivity during the post-stress interviews were significantly

correlated, r(54)=.68, p<.001, so responses were averaged. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a

significant main effect, F(2,58)=5.35, p=.01 (Figure 2b). Infants whose mothers received negative-

evaluation exhibited significantly higher HR reactivity during the interviews (HR=5.76, SD=6.35) than

infants whose mothers were in the control condition (HR=-3.95, SD=10.72), t(58)=-3.24, p=.002.

Infants of mothers assigned to the positive-evaluation condition had HR reactivity that fell in between

(HR=1.95, SD=10.94) the negative-evaluation, t(58)=-1.26, p=.21, and control conditions, t(58)=-1.97,


Stress contagion 12

Figure 2a (upper). Mean mothers’ ventricle contractility increases during the interview task by

evaluation condition. Error bars represent +/- 1 SE.

Figure 2b (lower). Mean infants’ heart rate reactivity during the post-stress interviews by

mothers’ evaluation condition. Error bars represent +/- 1 SE.













le C






ity (


Evaluation Condition















’ H



e R






Mothers’ Evaluation Condition




Stress contagion 13

Infant behavioral avoidance

As with infants’ HR reactivity, behavioral avoidance scores from the post-stress interviews were

significantly correlated (r(62)=.53, p<.001) and, thus, averaged. A significant main effect was observed,

F(2, 54)=6.89, p=.002. Mothers who had experienced social evaluation had infants who were more

avoidant towards the interviewers (Mpositive=1.55, SD=1.28; Mnegative=1.76, SD=1.1) compared to the

control condition (Mcontrol=.67, SD=1.0), t(60)=-3.36, p=.001 and t(60)=-4.15, p<.001, respectively

(Figure 3). However, contrary to predictions, positive-evaluation and negative-evaluation were

descriptively but not significantly different from each other (p=.47).

Figure 3. Infant behavioral avoidance of the interviewers by mothers’ evaluation condition. Error

bars represent +/- 1 SE.

Mother-infant physiological covariation over time

Finally, we tested covariation from reunion through the toy offer. Recall that covariation is

estimated as a path coefficient. The overall relationship between infants’ HR reactivity and mothers’ VC

reactivity was positive and significantly different from zero, F(1,908.64)=17.21, p=.003, indicating that









' B



l A



Mothers' Evaluation Condition




Stress contagion 14

overall, there was covariation. The interaction between infants’ HR reactivity and evaluation condition

was not significant, p=.54; however, the interaction between infants’ HR reactivity, evaluation condition,

and time was significant, F(2, 282.00)=3.78, p=.02, indicating that change in covariation over time varied

as a function of evaluation condition. Specifically, in the negative-evaluation condition, the interaction

between infants’ HR reactivity and time was positive and significant, t(368.43)=2.56, p=.01, indicating

that the greater the mothers’ SNS activation the greater their infants’ physiological responses, and this

effect strengthened over the course of the study (Figure 4). We note that at the end of the study,

covariation was positive and significant, t(436.41)=3.49, p=.001. In the positive-evaluation and control

conditions, the interaction between infants’ HR reactivity and time was not significant (ps=.42 and .21,

respectively) indicating that covariation did not significantly change over time in these conditions. We

also note that in these conditions, overall covariation was not significantly different from zero (ps=.42 and

.12, respectively).

We created two contrast codes to compare the over-time change in covariation in the negative-

evaluation condition to over-time change in covariation in the control (Contrast 1) and positive-evaluation

condition (Contrast 2). The Contrast 1 x infants’ HR x time interaction was significant, t(278.63)=-2.76,

p=.01, indicating that the slope for the negative-evaluation condition differed significantly from the slope

in the control condition. The Contrast 2 x infants’ HR x time interaction was marginally significant,

t(317.37)=-1.65, p=.10, indicating that the slope for the negative-evaluation condition differed marginally

from the slope in the positive-evaluation condition. We note that the slopes for the positive-evaluation and

control conditions were not significantly different from each other, p=.35.

Stress contagion 15

Figure 4. Covariation over time, from reunion through toy play, by mothers’ evaluation

condition. Covariation on the Y axis is the effect of (standardized) infants’ HR reactivity on

(standardized) mothers’ VC reactivity.


Employing an experimental design to induce positive or negative social-evaluative stress in

mothers while they were separated from their infants, our data show that a mother’s stress is embodied by

her infant upon reunion and the mother-infant dyads show greater physiological covariation following a

negative stressor experienced by the mothers and this covariation increased over time. We tested affect

contagion without concern that infants’ responses were driven by a combination of their mothers’

reactivity coupled with environmental triggers since infants were never exposed directly to the mothers’

stressor. In support of our hypotheses, infants’ physiological reactivity mirrored the pattern of

physiological reactivity experienced by their mothers. We found that mothers who experienced negative-

evaluation showed the greatest physiological covariation with their infants and this covariation increased



















al C




Time (30 sec intervals)




5 10 15 20

Stress contagion 16

the more time the mother and infant spent in close contact. This is the only study to our knowledge to

measure autonomic nervous system reactivity simultaneously in mothers and infants following different

stress manipulations and the resulting physiological attunement.

Mother-infant attunement is likely highly adaptive and evolved for a variety of reasons, like

detecting and communicating danger from imminent threats from conspecifics and other non-human

animals, and environmental hazards. In animals, relational processes between mother and infants show

long-lasting modulation of social and health outcomes. Foundational studies of rat pups and their mothers

demonstrated that those who receive high levels of licking and grooming behavior from their mothers

have lower responses to subsequent stressors (Meaney, 2001), and olfactory and auditory stimuli emitted

from rat and mice pups allow for maternal monitoring of location (Nagasawa, Okabe, Mogi, & Kikusio,

2012). Thus mother-infant attunement is likely to serve both adaptational and survival purposes. In

humans, its function is not fully understood. In the current study we initially induced stress in only one

member of the dyad, allowing us to test whether such attunement serves to communicate affective

information from one member to the other. We found that the greatest impact of maternal stress

transmission on infants’ physiology occurred when mothers had experienced a negative-evaluative

stressor. This suggests that infants may be predisposed to attend to maternal heightened arousal states

such as reactions to negative, threatening, or angering events.

Our findings have several limitations and prompt several interesting avenues of further inquiry.

We suspect that there are a variety of channels through which affect is communicated between mother

and infant. Stressed mothers may exhibit changes in facial expression, odor, posture, vocal tone, prosody

and touch, all of which may contribute to the effects observed here. While a mother’s soothing physical

touch helps a distressed infant better regulate itself (Feldman, Signer, & Zagoory, 2010; Field, 1998), the

touch of an acutely stressed mother has not been well examined. Infants in our study sat on their mothers’

lap during the post-stress exchanges and it is possible that her touch was a proximal cause for changes in

physiological reactivity. Given the amount of time many young infants spend in physical contact with

Stress contagion 17

parents, our understanding of early biobehavioral synchrony would be strengthened by isolating the

impact of physical touch following a paradigm like we used here.

We also note that we designed the study so that we could compare negative affect/stress to a

milder, but still activated stress response, which is why we included a positive-evaluation condition that

also significantly increased SNS activation. However, it is fair to note that the negative-evaluation

condition was associated with larger maternal SNS activation than positive-evaluation, so we are unable

to completely rule out intensity of reactivity (rather than negative affect) as the causal factor influencing


In sum, our findings demonstrate that infants “catch” their mothers’ physiological stress reactivity

entirely through interactions with their mothers, without exposure to the stressor itself. These effects have

implications for understanding trans-generational health and well-being. By showing that maternal stress

immediately influences babies stress reactivity, we demonstrate how stress “gets under the skin” of

children whose parents are exposed to psychological stressors and extend to understanding how the social

world influences babies indirectly through exchanges with their close caregivers.

Stress contagion 18


1. Heart rate is dually innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic

nervous system so it is not considered a pure measure of sympathetic activation like pre-ejection

period. That stated, correlations between PEP and HR in active tasks tend to be medium to large,

for example in these data, mothers’ PEP and HR from the stress task produced a large correlation

r(65)=.52, p<.001.

2. Treating mothers’ VC reactivity as the predictor and infants’ HR reactivity as the criterion yields

the same pattern of results. Although we emphasize that we are capturing a correlation between

mothers’ VC reactivity and infants’ HR reactivity so the choice of criterion and predictor is

arbitrary, we treated mothers’ VC reactivity as the criterion because it allows us to adjust for the

effect of mother’s BMI on mother’s VC reactivity.

3. We re-ran all analyses reported here replacing mothers’ VC reactivity with her HR reactivity and

the results were essentially the same (the HR-HR covariation produced a smaller effect size).

Stress contagion 19


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This research was supported by the Sarlo/Ekman endowment awarded to WBM. We thank Kate Hawley,

Helena Karnilowicz and members of the EHPLab for their many contributions to this study.

Stress contagion 24

Supplemental Methods


Sixty-one percent of mothers were European American, 20% were Asian, 7% were Latina, and

12% were other or multi-ethnic. There was a range of family income with 13% of participants earning

less than $25,000 a year, 32% earning between $26,000 and $75,000 per year, 39.5% earning between

$76,000 and $150,000 per year, and 15% earning over $150,000 per year. Seventy-four percent of

mothers had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher and 96% of mothers were married or living with their



During recruitment we instructed mothers to arrive at the lab with an alternate caregiver who was

familiar to the baby. The majority of mothers did so (61%), and in the cases where the mother was unable

to bring someone, we arranged to have a trained caregiver at the laboratory.

For the 2-minute period during which the infant’s baseline cardiovascular responses were

obtained, an audio recording of a common lullaby accompanied by a video of floating bubbles was played

to help the infant relax and stay still. While not a true baseline due to the infant’s possible engagement

with the lullaby, this technique is common in developmental psychophysiology research (Alkon et al.,

2006) to help reduce artifact in the physiological data due to movement.

For the post-stress interviews with the mother-infant dyad, one of the female interviewers was the

evaluator from the TSST or the female experimenter from the control condition (familiar interviewer and

the other was completely unfamiliar to the mother (both interviewers were unfamiliar to the infant). The

order in which the interviewers conducted the post-stress interviews was counterbalanced. The two

female interviewers were matched on general characteristics such as height, build, hair- and eye-color.

The interviewers were also trained to have the same general demeanor and affective reactions (i.e.,

pleasant) towards the mother-infant dyad. We did not observe any differences in behavior or physiology

based on whether the mother-infant dyad interacted with the familiar or unfamiliar (to mother)

Stress contagion 25

interviewer so we did not mention this variable again. We may have inadvertently used interviewers too

similar in appearance to observe behavioral or physiological differences based on interviewer familiarity.

Supplemental Results

Manipulation check

We examined changes in affect by condition and observed significant effects for both positive

and negative affect, F(2, 64)=7.18, p=.002 and F(2, 64)=3.95, p=.02, respectively. Controlling for

baseline affect, mothers who received negative-evaluation showed greater decreases in positive affect

(M=-3.83, SD=5.04) and little change in negative affect (M=-.69, SD=6.66) relative to those receiving

positive-evaluation (M=2.19, SD=6.28; M=-5.36, SD=5.98), t(64)=-3.47, p=.001 and t(64)=2.80, p=.007,

respectively. Those in the control condition showed less decrease in positive affect (M=1.30, SD=5.89)

relative to those receiving negative-evaluation, t(64)=-3.03, p=.004.

Additional analyses

We used BMI as a covariate in all analyses with mothers’ physiological reactivity. As expected,

BMI was always a significant covariate. For example, in the initial analyses of VC reactivity during the

Q&A portion of the stress task, the greater the BMI the smaller the SNS increase, F(1, 62)=-5.48, p=.02.

We examined whether the person who cared for the infant during the period in which the mother

was undergoing the stress manipulation (a familiar or a trained caregiver) was associated with infants’ HR

reactivity or behavioral avoidance and observed no significant effects, F(1, 61)=.10, p=.75; F(1, 63)=.18,

p=.67, respectively. We also examined whether infant sex was associated with infants’ HR reactivity or

behavioral avoidance and again did not observe any significant differences, F(1, 61)<.01, p=.96; F(1,

63)=.08, p=.77.

We ran the same analyses that are reported in the main text, selecting out the dyads with missing

infant behavioral data. Results are entirely consistent with what is reported in the main text. ANCOVA

revealed a significant main effect of mothers’ VC reactivity by evaluation condition, F(2, 61)=6.79,

p=.002, with greater VC reactivity for mothers in the positive-evaluation and negative-evaluation

compared to the control condition. ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of infants’ HR reactivity by

Stress contagion 26

evaluation condition, F(2,55)=4.83, p=.01, with greater HR reactivity for infants whose mothers received

negative-evaluation compared to those whose mothers were in the positive-evaluation or control


For the covariation model, in which mothers’ VC reactivity was treated as the criterion, there was

significant variance in the intercept (estimate= 39.44, SE=7.61), Wald Z=5.18, p<.001, and the linear

slope (estimate=.06, SE=.02, Wald Z=3.34, p<.01). The intercept-slope covariance was positive but not

significant (estimate=.21, SE=.16, Wald Z=1.25, p=.21).