Street Market Goes Gallery


Transcript of Street Market Goes Gallery

Street-market-art. The Jaama turg goes gallery by Francisco Martínez in EKA Gallery

What kind of treasure can we get with 3 euros? How many gems are you able to find

among the trash of an open-air market? What sort of artistic composition does it create? In

this exhibition we invite 24 people to rescue an item from the Jaama turg. These objects

will be redeemed in the gallery from oblivion.

The exploration of the Jaama turg is particularly relevant, since rumours about the

construction of a shopping mall on the site are being currently spread. Neither this post-

socialist site of exchange, nor the products sold there are seen as mportant. We explore

why by inviting 23 people to encounter the normal functioning of the market and twist it into

an out-of-place display.

Shall we expect that a horde of treasure seekers will go now to the open-air market to

rescue their own gem? Should we hire another guard to look after the precious items

displayed at the gallery?


Anna-Liisa Unt, Andres Kurg, Annika Toots, Eva Dino, Eva Sepping, Flo Kasearu, Gustav

Kalm, Jaanus Samma, Jürgen Rendl, Kai Lobjakas, Keiu Virro, Liisa Kaljula, Madli

Maruste, Marika Agu, Maros Krivy, Märt Miljan, Merlin Mandla, Kristina Norman, Ott

Kagovere, Patrick Laviolette, Siobhan Kattago, Taimar Peterkop, Tarmo Jüristo, Tauri



7 - Anna-Liisa Unt,

It was the arrival of jeans to the market that

represented the new and promising western

well- being 20 or so years ago. Balti Jaama

Turg provided me these jeans last week for

50 cents.

Two local background hobos encouraged me

that these particular jeans are the shit!

17 - Andres Kurg,

I wanted to avoid exoticising the market, by

buying something that I would not normally

buy, and see the market as an everyday

environment where I could find something

related to my interests. But at the same time

I wanted my object to represent "an other"

to the dominant networks of production and

distribution, where the list of products is

controlled either by large corporations or

strongly regulated ways of commerce.

22 - Annika Toots,

There are thousands of forgotten memories

and narratives hidden in the dusty corners of

the Jaama turg.

"St John's Day at the Klooga beach, 1939"

"From Helga to my best friend Eha. 27. IV.

1941 Tallinn"



"Guesthouse "Zolotoi Kolos" in Moscow,

end of February, 1963"

2 - Eva Dino,

It works, just find an adaptor. (‘Работает.

Только адаптер надо’).

8 - Eva Sepping,

During the expedition in Siberia I bought

headscarfs like this to my friends as a

present. One was more beautiful than

another. In one moment I was afraid that I

had forgotten somebody. “It's all right, you

can buy some more in Balti jaama turg”, said

my travel companion.

24 - Flo Kasearu,

I chosed it because it visualizes the situation

with Balti jaam and I will need it later to lock

some of my things up.

18 - Gustav Kalm,

Balta stink. The exclusive Troinoi perfume

composed of the ethereal oils of lemon,

bergamot and neroli permeates the flesh and

the air through the pores of the finely fried

Tcheburek and fills the space with the rich

aroma of poverty.

5 - Jaanus Samma,

I go to Balti Jaam market quite often,

mostly to buy food and practical things. My

selection for this exhibition consists of

things I bought during my last visit there.

Both of them will find a use after the show.

20 - Jürgen Rendl,

What’s more Jaama Turg than a bar of

‘Kazakhstan Chocolate’ having made its

way there via Minsk?

10 - Kai Lobjakas,

This coffee pot is an example of a good and

dense variety of pieces available to be

found here produced by local glass and

ceramic factories where many people

specifically from this area used to work.

16 - Keiu Virro,

Bread represents the life of the market,

firstly, through people who share it for free

to the ones in need. Secondly, the bread

will hopefully also live on it's life in the

gallery – at least while being home for

bluish spots of mold.

23 - Kristina Norman,

Till recently I associated christmas tree with

peace, friendship, love, reconciliation and

hope. I went to Balti jaam with a solid plan to

get a string of lights with which any tree

could be decorated.

9 - Liisa Kaljula,

What was the thing that conquered

postsocialist Eastern European culture

without firing a shot? Yeap, it was the Cool.

One was utterly defenceless against it and it

would break the toughest. In Eastern

European art Cool ravaged in several

waves… There was nothing we could have


4 - Madli Maruste,

The sins of an Empire are being paid

by its individuals.

12 - Marika Agu,

My mother doesn't eat Russian candies.

13 - Maros Krivy,

This is a garlic.

11 - Märt Miljan,

I look really hot in them.

1 - Merlin Mandla,

Tropics has been "in" at jaama turg for some

time - not a fad, not a trend - a classic.

21 - Ott Kagovere,

This foam doll is a perfect representation of

my soviet childhood. They were very

popular in the eighties, but disappeared

almost immediately after Estonia gained its


14 - Patrick Laviolette,

(Esimene osa)

A text for things - objects of testing.

Sound lessons, lost in Ost Jaama Turg.

Asking, searching, soon to found. (Zweite zeit)

Some masks, gas marked and a 7" in a

foreboding tongue.

Fast rpm style, played slow at 33. Seven

minute sides as an LP.

This is a redemption disc. Songs for the

children of the resolution.

(Troisième effet)

Cette carte postale: a stamped calling-

card, sent for urgency's sake.

Is it really 75 years now? (Part the fourth)

Imagine youth hope, or an'other;

Layering of time change.

Object 'memoseum', à la Nikolaus


14 - Siobhan Kattago,

Admist the plastic oddities, canned fish,

oversized underwear, scarfs and quirky

sundries, this Russian ceramic icon keeps

solemn watch over a declining market.

19 - Taimar Peterkop, Good health to

Ukraine. 3 - Tarmo Jüristo,

This wasn't supposed to be a souvenir.

6 - Tauri Tuvikene.

This is a normal pack of juice, although of

a sort that would not be available from

mainstream shops. However, what is

even more significant than the uniqueness

of the pack, is that it is sold after the “best

before” has passed by an outlet that

specialises on selling such products. This

shopping outlet with its queue of buyers

really struck me as significant when I

visited Jaama Turg. It also made me think

about what will probably be lost with the

(already apparently) inevitable re-

development of the area: cheap goods for

those who need them.


7 - Anna-Liisa Unt,

Mõned kümnendid tagasi tähistas teksade

ilmumine vabale turule igatsetud Lääne

õnne saabumist. Balti Jaama Turg

võimaldas mulle need teksad eelmisel

nädalal 50 sendi eest kohalike

taustaparmude julgustuse saatel.

17 - Andres Kurg,

Ma soovisin vältida turu eksotiseerimist, ostes

midagi, mida ma tavaliselt ei ostaks ja

lähenesin turule kui igapäevasele keskkonnale

kust ma võiksin leida midagi enda huvidest

lähtuvalt. Samal ajal tahtsin, et valitud ese

oleks käsitletav "teisena" domineerivate

tootmise ja kaubaringluse võrgustike

seisukohast, kus sortimenti kontrollivad

suurkorporatsioonid või jäigalt reguleeritud


22 - Annika Toots,

Balti jaama turu tolmustes nurkades

peituvad tuhanded unustatud lood ja


Jaanipäev Kloogal 1939. a

Oma parimale sõbrale Ehale Helgalt. 27.

IV. 1941 Tallinnas

Nimetu 1959. a

Moskvas võõrastemajas “Zolotoi Kolos”

veebruari lõpus 1963. a

2 - Eva Dino,

Töötab, aga adapterit on vaja (‘Работает.

Толко адартер надо’).

8 - Eva Sepping,

Ostsin Siberi ekspeditsioonilt erinevalt Vene

turgudelt just selliseid rätikuid koju

sõpradele kingituseks. Üks ilusam kui teine!

Ühel hetkel hakkasin kartma, et äkki olen

kellegi ära unustanud. "Pole midagi, siis

saad lisaks osta Balti jaama turult", lohutas

mind reisikaaslane.

24 - Flo Kasearu,

Ma valisin selle, kuna see visualiseerib Balti

jaama turu olukorda ja mul läheb seda hiljem

vaja, et lukustada veel mõningaid asju.

18 - Gustav Kalm,

Balta hais. Sidruni, bergamoti ja pomerantsi

eeterlikest õlidest segatud eksklusiivne

Troinoi parfüüm imendub läbi uhkelt

friteeritud tšebureki pooride lihasse ja õhku

ning täidab ruumi vaesuse rikkaliku


5 - Jaanus Samma,

Käin Balti Jaama turul päris tihti, peamiselt

ostan sealt süüa ja tarbeesemeid. Esemed,

mida siin eksponeerin on viimase külastuse

saak ja lähevad kasutusse, kui näitus läbi.

20 - Jürgen Rendl,

Mis saaks olla veel enam Balti Jaama

turulikum kui “Kasahstani Šokolaad”, mis on

siia rännanud Minskist?

10 - Kai Lobjakas,

See kohvikann on näide Baltit jaama turu

heast ja tihedast esemevalikust, mis on

toodetud kohalikus klaasi- või

keraamikvabrikutes, kus mitmed selle

piirkonna inimesed töötanud on.

16 - Keiu Virro,

Leib esindab elu Balti jaama turul- esiteks

inimeste kaudu, kes seda leiba turul

vajajatele tasuta jagavad. Teiseks elab leib

loodetavasti ka galeriis oma elu edasi-

näiteks võiks sellest saada kodu

harunevatele seeneniitidele.

23 - Kristina Norman,

Hiljuti seostasin ma ehitud kuusepuud rahu,

sõpruse, armastuse, andestuse ja

lootusega. Ma lõksin Balti Jaama kindla

plaaniga leida valgustid, millega võib

mistahes puud ehtida.

9 - Liisa Kaljula,

Mis on see, mis vallutas postsotsialistliku Ida-

Euroopa kultuuri ilma ühegi püssilasuta? Japp,

see on Cool.

Selle ees oldi kõige kaitsetumad, see suutis

murda ka kõige kõvemad. Ida-Euroopa kunsti

laastas Cool suisa mitme lainena… Ei olnud

midagi, mida me oleksime saanud teha…

4 - Madli Maruste,

Impeeriumi patud nuheldakse tema alamate


12 - Marika Agu,

Mu ema ei söö vene komme.

13 - Maros Krivy,

See on küüslauk.

11 - Märt Miljan,

Ma näen nendes välja väga kuum.

1 - Merlin Mandla,

Balta turul on troopika juba ammu moes - ei

mingit hetketrendi - klassika.

21 - Ott Kagovere,

Vahtkummist mängulelu on suurepärane

sümbol Nõukogude Liidus veedetud

lapsepõlvele, sest huvitaval kombel kadusid

need ülipopulaarsed asjandused pea

automaatselt Eesti iseseisvumisega.

14 - Patrick Laviolette,

(Esimene osa)

A text for things - objects of testing. Sound

lessons, lost in Ost Jaama Turg. Asking,

searching, soon to found. (Zweite zeit)

Some masks, gas marked and a 7" in a

foreboding tongue.

Fast rpm style, played slow at 33. Seven

minute sides as an LP.

This is a redemption disc. Songs for the

children of the resolution.

(Troisième effet)

Cette carte postale: a stamped calling-card,

sent for urgency's sake.

Is it really 75 years now? (Part the fourth)

Imagine youth hope, or an'other; Layering of

time change.

Object 'memoseum', à la Nikolaus Gansterer

15 - Siobhan Kattago,

Plastmassist veidruste, kalakonservi,

suuremõõdulise aluspesu, rättide ja

kummalise pudi-padi keskel, peab see

keraamikal ilutsev vene ikoon pühalikult

valvet hääbuva turu üle.

19 - Taimar Peterkop,

Tervist Ukrainast.

3 - Tarmo Jüristo,

See ei olnud mõeldud suveniiriks.

6 - Tauri Tuvikene.

See on täiesti tavaline mahlapakk, olgugi et

selline, mida tavalisest poest ei saa. Mis on

aga olulisem kui selle paki unikaalsus, on

see koht, kust ma ta sain: poelett, mis

spetsialiseerub “parim enne möödas”

kaupade müügile. See kaubalett oma

järjekorraga ostjatest paistis mulle enim silma

kui Balti jaama turgu külastasin, pannes mind

mõtlema, mis tegelikult võib kaduda koos

selle turu nüüd juba ilmselt vääramatu

arendusega: odavad kaubad inimestele, kes

neid tõesti vajavad.