SP-ecwiL - World Radio History


Transcript of SP-ecwiL - World Radio History

JUNE 27-1936

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Inv 2 4 1926


S M-CR SP-ecwiL

• 27, ••••••,M.-

June 27, 1936 • The Billboard

on HIT shows from


WALTER TETLEY FRED ALLEN ()MO p. in. ir "cdriesdati


SHOW BOAT 9:00 p.m. Thursday


PAUL WHITEMAN 0: 30 p. in. un Ja


BOBBY BENSON 6:15 p.m. Mondays,

Wednesdays and Fridays


BUCK ROGERS 6:00 p.m. Mondays,

Wednesdays and Fridays






Vol. XLVIII No. 26

_ r, The World's Foremost Amusement Weekly

June 27, 1936

Published weekly, at Cincinnati. O. Entered as 'second-el.» matter. June 4, 1897. at Post Office. Cincinnati. under Act of March. 187e. 148 Pages Subscription. ilie• per year. Copyright 1936 by The Billboard Publishing Company.

OUTDOOR BIZ MAKING GAINS WPA Plans For Summer Takes over showboat— fear of heavy ax gone, but pay rolls still being cut

NEW YORK. June 20.—Altho imme-diate danger of the theater project be-ing dIsenntinued or seriously cut seems pest. there is nevertheless still soma trimming of pay rolls going on. Local WPA most cut 8.000 more off the pay roll and. of course, some of the cuts may come out of the theater project.

Project's outdoor portable Shows be. po their summer season Tueedsv. among them being The Barker. Comedy ot tom The Emperor's New Clothes and Connie Man OWL

Finn WPA nude-minstrel show to play • local theater opened Tuesday at the /dejestle. Brooklyn. (See review in ?nude department.)

'Project has taken over the ship Buccaneer. which had been used the past few years ae a floating theater. WPA

(See WPA PLANS on pape /5)

Kentucky Imposes Taxes According to Classification

• Despite early-season cold nights, carnival gates, in- parks Outlook side receipts best in years

est m Years •

CINCINNATI. June 20. — Optimism B relative to far more prosperous tours than experienced during the last eve or ex years han been manifest thruout the carnival branch of amusements during the brat few months of the current sea-son. Thin appertains to both large and small organization. The judgment Is from both observance and reports from • majority of the companies.

Many of the shows started their tours unusually early thie year, particularly in the North. Extended. Intermittent cold weather has been more of a handicap than rain during the Ina early genson. Altho both these hampering elements have been encountered Cotai to Coast when weather conditions were any ways near favorable the midway attendance and patronage of attractions have greatly been on the increase—better than since 1929. With last year showing notable ad-

vancement over its several predecessors as to attendance at carnivals, company managements and Individual attraction operators became Inspired toward pur-chasing and constructing new and novel equipment, with modernized embellish-ments, prior to starting their tours this year. This was evident at nearly all

(See CARNIVALS on pape Ma)

All forms of amusement and entertainment placed into three categories—places with admission of 10 cents and under exempt but not if subsequent charge is made

FRANKFORT, Ky., June 20 —in Issuing Instruction* and explanations this week concerning administration of the new aniusement tax, the State Tax Commission placed into three categories all forms of ronesement and entertainment. First, where fond and drink ore served and professional talent is employed, but where nO separete charge Is made for amusement and entertninment. and where no cover Charge la made: second, where food and drink are served and pmfessional talent Implored and a cover cheese made. and third, places where a charge Is made

for general admission and subrœquent charges made for special shows, ogles —

Proprietors who come within the first Lb Deny billows seating privileges. ate.T1 5WV

classification may proceed to collect the tex by either of the two following meth-Otis. but must indicate to the Depart. ment of Revenue not later than July I Which method they intend to follow: METHOD ONE—Itemize each cue-

tamer's check, take 25 per cent of the total which Is to he deemed the charge (See KENTUCKY TAXES on page Sea)

Mich. Lotteries Taxed LANSING. Mich., June 20.— Offering

prires for lucky theater ticket» es a promotion scheme has been declared a notation of the Michigan Male anti" lottery law In a decision or the State Supreme Court here June 12.

The ease was decided for a suit from it lower court in Detroit. brought by the 8prout-Temple and leilot-Erskine Thea-ter eteporationet against the Colonial 'theater Enterprises, 11le« and the Ches-ter Majestic Company, operating the Colonial and Majestic theaters, Detroit. The Inwer court had termed an in.

junction restraining the defendant thee-tens from conducting such • lot-terf, whereby patrons would receive e l!'" 11 they pUrchased the lucke `.arts. CrldoUbtedly, the court ruled. patronage st the theater was increased • Mutt of such a scheme.

e Operators report gains 01 25 to 50% over '35—mar-ket for attractions way up

• CINCINNATI. June 20.—Amusement

parks are In for the best reason, not only since the crackdown of the depression but perhaps in the last 10 years, judg-ing from a survey made by and reporta coming to The Billboard. Operators es-timate business increases of from 25 to 60 per cent so far over 1035. generally prrinuunoed the best year since 1929. Off to prosperous openings, most spots have held their own where weather hare been favorable; In some localities sea-sonable weather has been slow In com-

ing. Iraet has been herdet hit by cool tern.

peratures and rain on week-ends. In the Eastern Ohlo-Western Penneyleant& and Detroit areas things have been going better than in a number of years. Clood reports come from Denver. New Orletne, Middle West and fiouthweet.

Secretary A. R. Hodge, Chicago, Na-tional Association of Amo.tnent Parka. Ponta and Beaches. In gumming up hie return-g, said. "Of dozens of letters t have received from parks from Coast to Corset, I have not received a lino of pee-simians. On the other hand, optimism le the predominant note. Weather. of tours" has flot been most opportune. but from those samples which moat op-erator, have experienced they are unan-imous In their comment that (sonde

See PARKS on page 86e)

• Dig improvement shown by circuses in general over '35—truck shows increase CINCINNATI. Jun? 20.—Business with

eiresisen, compared with that of lain year rst this time, has shown a marked im. provement. In some instances extra per-formances had to be given by some of the motorized organizations. Hueneme conditions in general are continually improving, and another thing that has helped the white topa is that on the whole they have been favored with bet-ter weather conditions in the early ma-son than they were last year. Business has been spotty for some. Indications are that the season will be a highly successful one. Three shows have been struck by heavy wIndatorms—the Ring-ling-Barnum Circus at Washington. D. C.. afternoon of May 18; the Tom Mix Circus at Burley, Ida.. May 19. and Lewis Brow.' Circus at Galesburg. Ill.. June 9. The New York run. 25 days. of Ring.

ling-Barnum resulted In the best growl since 1929. There was an Incomes, ot 11 per cent over last year's big returns, Thin show also has had some other big days. The Cole Bros.-Clyde Beatty Cir-cus at the Chicago Stadium for three weeks in the spring, while not doing big bust's,ss showed a nice profit. The road tour has been a big winner. The Cole show la the only big one staging parades. Street spectacles also are being offered by some of the motorized eiren.s. Al O. Barnes Circus has been finding busi-ness better than for the last several years. On early spring tour from San Diego to Portland weather was almost perfect. From Portland the weather ham been more or loss bad—rain, high winds and duststorrns.

Last year there were four large Muffle on rail and this season but three— Ringling-Barnurn. Al O. Barnes and Cole-Beatty. liagenbeck-Wallace. an old stand-by. is off the rond for this season. E. H. Jones' Cooper Broa.' Shows Is on

(See CIRCUSES on page 86a)

mente has not overlooked a detail f r e entertainment of the throngs. even the

Fighton AFA state liquor stores will remain open for

.... business until 11 pm. Instead of the usual 0 o'clock closing. Hotels and

NEW TORS June 20.—Entertainment Managers' Association this week dented lion of the convention. that It is preparing to fight the Amen- «We bought quite heavily." ved

tun Federation of Actors over the lat-ter% club honking department. Fredric s ek Writtem. EMA executive secretary, denies S trike nits Parts Amusements; .• • that his association Is polling Its mem- - bers for their attitude on the APA's •

• The APA situation was discussed at

the gala's meeting Tuesday In Nat Abramson'e office. After the meetin.7 Watson said: "The EMA doesn't con-sider an issue existe," continuing. "We are taking the sense attitude of co-opera-tion with the ANA ne before." He added that eltho the EMA did not like the APA's recent circulars to organizations mentioning "elimination of the middle man." the Etta was nevertheless still friendly towards the APA's alms to better conditions for actors.

Philly Prepares for Democrats; Diverse Amusement Program Set PHILADELPHIA, June 20.—Democratle Charles Duffy Jr., menager of the Hotel

Convention ran hardly be classified as a Walton, "but hnne long it will last we political dog-fight this year. an mine don't know, because we can't tell how host provides gayety and the staid thirsty the Democrats will be." Quaker City prepares for a hangover The program Covers every !oral of while the carnival spirit goes on a ram- social diversion, from a formal dinner page. Citizens' Committee on Arrange- spon.red by Mayor Wiliam In honor of

vieiting governor! to the boxing hot* with heavyweight champion James J. Braddock doing the referee honors. En-tertainments of various kinds have been arranged to interest the visitors. Not

night clubs stocked heavily In andcipaa only the city as a whole, but the hotele and night clube have done plenty of (See PHILLY PREPARES on page 16)

Ultimate Benefit Seen, However PARIS, June IS. — While the news-

paper! have granted but little epee, to the woes of the theaters and amusement spots in Paris affected by the strike epidemic. the amusement field wits quite seriously hit. Film-producing firma were hard hit, as practically all studios were closed by 'strikers.

Vaudeville and circus spot.., having almost all closed for the summer, es-caped the strike menace. but several big

The Index of This Issue Will Be Found on Page 38.


picture houses such as the Rex. Gnu. mont Palace. Apollo and Olympia were occupied by the strikers pther houses were threatened with strikes. but warded them off by granting demands.

All of the de luxe cafes and many restaurants in the Champs Elyeees dis-trict were temporarily clewed by strikes, an well as n few cafes and restaurants in other parts of the city. Luna Park management also threatened with strike of the perk employees. but granted them a wage itlerrli..

Prospects are that the strike menace insofar as theaters. circuses and vends houses; are concerned will crop up at the beginning of next season ulster.s man-agers and employees get together in the meantime. As ushers and Other em.

(See STRIKE HITS on page 86a)

4 The lialboard FEATURE NEWS June 27, 1936


Advertisers Pay for Shows Booked Into Clubs, Benefits

• Philadelphia realtor forms new firm to supply shows plugging trademarks of advertisers—no rosi to clubs, parties or night spots—agents' squawks fruitless

• PHILADELPHIA, June 20.—A permanent theatrical organization, devoted solely

lo supplying shown spor,ozed by nationni advertisers to private parties, entertain-ments. etc. has been formed here by Charles K. Karnsler, local realtor. Happened after the Poor Richerd Club banquet given recently. when Kamaler produced a "P.m> of Trademarks- as a floor show. Project is an offshoot of advertising by entertainment—radio or tedevinion—with the varions net, and rostiimes designed to designate a well-known trademark Kernslere new orgenteetion, formed after this idea clicked is called Publicity En-tertainers Company.

Kainnler's Men le definitely a threat to crab and private party bookers. Com-petition with agent. In the same field was tough enough. Now It means the talent men must fight off free allows. Instead of digging deep Into the treasury purses to pay the club booker, the ad-Weiser again angels the artist and pro-vides an evening of entertainment to the attending organimtinns without cost.

First show, sponsored by a group of leetv.11...r.. T. SS given recently at the Camden. N. J.. County American Legion affair, and enee then 15 other dates have been played. including the fions. Rotary and convention groupe. Partici-pation in a Publicity Entertainers' unit costs the advertiser 825 for each show. excluding mirchnse en rental of showgirl oasturne. Unit In offered to any °rennin.-Hon that will pay the travelina expellees.,

(See FREE SHOW on page 15)

Syracuse Angel Broke SYRACUSE, N. Y.. June 20.—How

Julmn 5. Brown. millionaire Syracuman, who tried unsuccessfully to break into show business, saw his fortune of 61.800.000 dwindle to lea,, than e40.000 was revealed at heftier's, here last week, In which attorneys sought to enliect from him for services In nie tangled business affairs. Including theater and night-club operations. Brown npereted the Empire Theater.

Changing its name to Dewitt. He tried it as newereel hpuee, then ex veurieville. picture, and finally stock policy. All flopped. He hunt cafe Dewitt. luxurinue and ultra-modern night club, and lost thousands In It. He had past returned from honeymoon with third wife when present proceeding started.

Ferry Sets Principals For English Production New YORK. June aft—Felix Ferry has

net most of the principals for his Eng-lish allow, which will open September 25 at the Adelphl. taandon. follnwing a three-week hreak-in in the Provinces Among those act so far ore Lupe Velez. Lou Holtz. Carl Rendall. Buck and Bub-ble. and Charles Walters.

Irving Cae-er wrote the book for the EMUNT. while Ray Hendricks did the waste. and both will helve here next Saturday with Perry for England Edward Charles • nnw in Texas with Billy Rose. will do the staging.

French Firm for Television PARIS. June 15,—Backed by such

prominent promoters as Charles Hous-say, vire-president of the Mayan Agency, and FtegInni Ford. well-known filin mogul, a new firm has been Incorporated In Parts to crente and distribute ahI forms nf productions and programs for television, radio. sound film. and dumb filins The new company will be known as tes Difffunione Modernise and will be capitalized at 500.000 francs ($33.3311.

Griffin Allwite Sponsors Show

• Unit opens July 1 as reg-ular pay attraction—show-men laud firm's plan

• NEW YORK. June 2(1—Griffin Allaite

Shoe Cleaner Is sponsoring a road show. conslating of an all-girl swing band heeded by Rita Itin, which. unlike other advertiser sponsored shows. In not being given away to the theaters And other spots playing the net. The unit, which atarte July 1 end will run until Septem-ber. Is being sold to theaters. ballroom». dance pavillons. ete as a regular attrac-tion. with no concessions because of the nriv,rttsing angle.

Tentative route mapped out nuns as far west as Indiana, same', to Georgia and north to Maine. Bookings already Include Loewe Metropolitan, Boston, and the Million-Dollar Pier, Atlantic City. Showmen regard this as the ideal way

to handle an rtelvertleing show, since the element of tree competition does not enter. In addition, the extennive bally-hoo which the ndvertleers do for their attraction helps the theaters and other spots playing the act.

Griffin Attain, in using radio, bill-boards and newspapers in Re tieup plug-ging the campaign.

Unit. Which abr. Includes Snowball, the dancer. wan built by Raoul Marlowe, rattle program builder and producer fnr-merly with CRS and WOR. Berming-ham. Castleman & Pierce nee the :Myer-tieing agency. Bookings are being han-dled by Harry Mote. of Coneollileted Ra-dio Artiste. Nat Cook is company man-eger.

Who:, No Scallions? ABINGDON, V•., June 2.0.--"Post React'.

opening production of Robert notteitéeld's Darter Theater. set an unusually heavy cress in primitive wampum, with mote iron seven varieties of jsins and Mlles, onions, radishes. eggs. lettuce, postage stamps, ...tiaras., and a baby lamb com-ing Into the boa office during the tin.-day run of the play last week.

American Dance Org Plans Two Recitals NEW YORK. June 20.—At the clase of

their first seaman at the Met Opera 12 dancers front the American Ballet com-pany formed a new group called The Ballet Caravan. New group will work on their own choreographic compositions and perform thru the slimmer.

Will present two full-evening pro-grams. comported and emended by its own dancer,. Programs will include two clorait ballets. Rondo, with chore-ography by Erick Hawkins and inuela by C. M. von Weber, and Encounter. by Lew Christensen. with music by Mozart. Muene Loring and Eliot Car-ter have each contributed a ballet pan-tomime. Dancer. In the Caravan are Ruby As-

quith, Ruthanne Boris. Cheadle Caccial-anza, Rabnna Heeburgh, Albis leaven. Annabel Lyon, lienne Moore. Harold Christensen. Lew Christensen, Erick Hawkins, Cheri, Lankry and It,,g,,ne truing. DrillgIng 0.1(4 is company manager.

Penn Pix Tax Buried HARRY-SA[7RO, Pa.. June 2(1.—Movin

Industry in Pennsylvania has been breathing easier since last week. when Governor George H. Earle dumped all remaining tax bills filed in the House for the remainder of the seselon and urged the Legielature to concentrate on the levy merieurre already in the Senate. The move means the elimination, fnr a year at least, of Representative Joseph Oininnkra film tax bill, which proposed a tax of I rent,s on each foot of film exhibited, lent or sold in this State. Another possible tax measure which would have hit ell showmen wan the proposed 1 per cent flat income tax apans,,red by Representative Herman P. Elierharter, of Pittsburgh. Both bills were burled in the House.

French Critics Elect Officers PARIS. June 15.— At the annual

meeting of the Association of Dramatic and Musical Critics recently Edmond tern was re-elected president and Adolphe Ilnechot and Ernile Mn, vice-presidents. New members on the 'variety'', commit-tee are Gustave Bret, R80111 Brunel. Jean Dreult. Andre Taillet, Fernand Greeh. Andre Lenekri, Emile Max, Charles Ten-roc and Thlbon de Courtry.

Summer Theaters Prepare for Heavy Schedules Next Month NEW YEAR, June 20.—Serteonel dill-

prieeese of the proper inhabitants of the

wendlendo la proceeding with customary

emoethnese and lack of concern on the

part of the ASPCA. The New England

/Refire continue to hold a corner on the barn circuit, the most active centers being Mae...chum-Gs. Connecticut and New York, each of which will likely In-crease Its leadership by the end of June and the beginning of July, for on June 29 and immediately thereafter a new flood of openings will °nett,.

In Mansichumetto the legendary whal-ing town eif Nantucket will get ita drain,.

Tst/ GtS.143M141111 CIIECIS ELLIOTT TICKET PRINTED" 1 27 N otelit•Ortel, Chicago , 401 AAAAAAAAA ST., N. Y. C.


'''""1.""""" CO., 8 i 6 CHESTNUT ST., Phila. ICKET



via the Island Theater, opening it. sec-ond seemon July 8 under the direction of EeeFIY Jemrs Wenaler, whet will ex-change plays and players with Luther Greeneet theater at West Falmouth. Eight plays In all will be presented Mondays and Tatesdneei of each week until /Lumen 24. to be chosen from the following net: Permnal Appearance. Arms and the Man, Springtime to' Henry, Rusçet Mantle. Our Petters, They Knee, What They Wanted, Vie Goo,/ retry, Co-Respondent Unknown, Beyond the T'errac'e. Point of /UMW and Lover..1 Meeting. The Met three nee new. Miss Wangler, who will he assisted in direc-tion by Horace Sinclair, has engaged many guest stare fnr appearances dur-ing the summer, including Dorothy Glatt, Dorothy Merketl. June Walker. Muriel Kirkland. Margaret Douglas.

Evelyn Varden. Jay Taw...Lt. Horace Sin-

clair. Louis Calhern. Harry Ellerbe. Ona

Munson. Ben Smith. ferthel Jewell.

Natalie Schafer, John Halloran. Horlenee

(See SUMMER THEATERS on page 7)

Postponement Ups Stem Biz

Dull Broadway season he livened by holdover of Louis-Schnteling customers

NEW YORK. June 20.—Breaking thru the usual dullness of Broadway !miens,' at this tinte of the year, the peepone_ ment of the Loula-Sehmeling bout, orig. Innily scheduled for June 18. diverted a large amount of revenue Into the cof-fers of night clubs, theatern and all other entertainment categories along the street. Thta, coming together ulth the miny weather, accounted for some of the largest unanticipated grosses in a long time. Out-of-towners. eager for a legiti-mate excuse to prolong their visit to New York, provided the heraiesed man-ager, of eateries, night. sputa and other amusements with plenty of balm.

Until the pleasant news of the post-ponement broke lewdness maintained its usual lax shire characteristic of the sea-son. The Music Hall did poorly with Private Number. and opened two days ago with Sins of Man. Paramount is well heeled for a while with W. C Fimee Poppy and Ozzle Nelson: the Riyoll stuck with Pioneer's expeneive turkey, The Donning Picote; the RoitY fair to middling with Srrrrt Aarnt end Paul Anti. holding over: the Strand hrilds cm« Hearts Divided, as does the Capin-it with Fury.

legit stumbles along with the one scheduled opening of the week, Kick-back, formerly the WPA'n riareirese, postponed until Monday. when it em-barks upnn a commercial rare, at tbe Ritz. Victoria and First Lady With NM It a day tonight. triton, Delight, lun. • dental/yr. had 25 standees the night Lan-don was nominated. which is sufficient testimonial to Its staying power. Glass of '29, a WPA production, is the nee Federal Theater show grossing money. WPA activities have extended to the

operation of ahowboats. one of theal opening next week. Three others, bob-by Sanford's. Kay Parson's and a Madan River Day Line steamer. operate curve«. ly out of New York nod cut in sorrenettat on the more stable night spots.

1,680 for Coast Benefit HOLLYWOOD. June 20. — TrntatIve

lineup for the forthcoming Actors' Fund Benefit list, 48 acts. using 1010 per-formers. One number will ha",- an ensemble of 580 dancera, to be directed and staged by Larry Caballos. Show will be held on one of the largest striges ever constructed, but will not run more than three hours. Center stage at Pan-Pacific Auditorium measures 84 by 80 feet. with two aide stagee, giving a full length Of more than 220 feet,

Vienna Theater Expo VIENNA. June IS. Interna-

tional Theater convention will be held •t Vienna from September 3 to 8. Dele-gates to this crinvention will assist at the inauguration September 5 of the International Exposition of the Theater. which is being organized by Josef Hick and Josef Greene and at which will be displayed plans of model theaters. scenic settings and costumes. A technical sec-tion will contain exhibits of the latest perfections in Stage ancl lighting equip-talent.

Turn to Pages 10 to 15

For Our Monthly Augmented


All the news you want on summer

courses, teacher normal schonls, daece teacher conventions, sehOak offering scholarships, dance and mu-

sic studio recitals, etc.

June 37, 1936 FEATURE NEWS The Billboard 5


Hail New Telco Color Pix Process



c/leizeiWeerze EYE BEAUTY AIDS

SHOW PRINTINC Via qust ti V KIND rim attract. and eel. the groat• Frwat ae n w-whit. Enght yellow poster Paper: Brightest, Ploidalmt ink Colora MIT SHOW RENEW TORT-


weft. for Irk. LIM god Setae Beet.


ONTARIO HOTEL Wall-known Theatrkal Hansa.

$1.00 Up Daily— S4.00 Up Wealth/.

620 North State Street, Chkago,

REPR8euPeo NS uti sc.)°() ° GLOSSY FINISH '' 5 ,.0 ' . 507 DEPOSIT WITH ORDER

3-5° ) PRIC ES FOR 010FR bilk 5 1.L 2!"P Ces REQUEST

CIO S RVICE e>.9,1511.45Pilli.4


"0Y Cvnrxct,in,. us All Throne. Newly Remodeled and Refurnished

RATES : r..;=Yet"!*,',"".$1.00 up

208-10 South Eighth St.

HOTEL RALEIGH We-, Ye. Cm Sk., A,ioe.—DAlr 'OR NIGHT

1141 P.O. AAAAA ORN ST., 01410A00.

Ivgis Roo.. $5.00—Double. 77.00 per Week. le. li•ieleuartera. D nor,o,., walk in

Petit:cal itu.dring Lre, .es b,.?..I tlo-drl.

;PITON WADE iin01 aR0 1001.113 AT LOW Penn

re,..1. In tier town,' :oaten-

' liwritems Ittie hat. P

Iffmaraled Calahow Fe, ,5,11. or ...II

Lombard & Bambins 13 Near« It. true, mu.

CHICAGO. June 20.—At the Dallas exposition the other day a news riel in full color has released eimultenrously with the release n1 the same scene's in Meek and white. It was the first time in the history of the nuition-picture in-dustry that this had been donc.

The pictures were made by the new Telco pmcess. Invented by ItObert Hoyt and Leon Ungar, who hisv:r been experi-menting for the last two wiles. They were the first public ride.se of the new process. With the co-operatIon of the Universal exchange manager at Dallas. cimenta wen, set up at the opening of the fair and photographs were taken. The film was rushed to the only labora-tory in town and nix hour's later a coin-Ideted reel of MO fret was shown on the screen of a Dallas theater.

It Is claimed for the Telco process that it will reproduce any color; pictures can be taken under any light strnng enough bar ordinary black and white pictures. and the color pictures can be developed within nix hour, after they are taken.

YOUR SUMMER DRINK 11.1,ii yourrett with comae. nrangedo l'entier. Misr and cold outer. Delicious. retreehins. boni' h-

1% for mseltege which make, .



IBEW Gets Closed Shop HOLLYWOOD. June 20.— With RCA

taking over much of the recording bunta nese from ERPT nt the major film stu-dios, an agreement for 100 per cent Union crews and established pay scales on conatruction. InetalIntion and main-tenance work has been secured by the International Brotherhesod of Electrical Workers. Equipment companies not parties to the baalc agreement between the studios and the unions are being lined tip on separate verbal deals to Uphold major studio pay scales. The new agreement. long an ohlective of the union, be expected tn involve :MO men employed in thle. field.

M. O. Pix for Pensacola PENSACOLA, Pia., June 20.—With the

Snem;er inter,st showing no inclination to reopen either of its first-run houses In Pensarola following the decision to close dcwn rather than pay the heavy municipal tax instituted on movie ad-minnIona, a physician has contracted for renovation of the old Belmont Theater. which has been closed for a long time. promising to give thin OUT Its first movies in nevi-cal weeks. etacriger closed its shows on May B. claiming that the tax imita on /deep that operation would be unprofitable.

Studios Ask Union Cards HOLLYWOOD. June 20.—Major eau-

dice last week posted special notice that ell employers coming under the June. diction of the IA7Sie. IBEW, drivers'. musicians' and carpenters' unions must immediately take out union cards "to assure themselves of Continued work." The etudiors-nnion pact provides for complete closed shop in their Jurlactic.

Cons pen saii on COMmisedon NrW YORK, Tune 20.—A local agent

recently booked • girl dancer Into a loeil cabaret. She fell and broke her leg on the cabaret floor and promptly sued for workmen's compensation. She won an award and was immediately approached by the Irate agent, who demanded corn• motion on the award. When she protested his demands he

yelled, “Would you hare made this money If I hadn't booked you into that "tiara?"

"Extra Night" for Pitt PITTSBURGH. June 20.—Johnny Har-

ris, of the Herrin Amusement Company. operating theaters in the tri-State ter-ritory. announcer that the downtown Alvin and five of the firm'n neighbor-hood theaters have contracted for the tine of -Extra Night" as a weekly feature thruout the summer. The chain is al-ready using "Bnnk Night" on Pridays. A general letdown in business prompted the local outfit to try out cash give-away plane.

CORRY>, Pa., Juno 20.—Theater Dual-nets 'Wilde's', Inc.. owner of "Extra Night." a theater give-away plan. are Instituting suits against two theaters for the infringement of the copyrieht law. According to the Blatt Brother., operators of the plan, a honse in this territory and another in Chicago have tern using their feature without their permlnalon Attorneys have been re-tained to handle the cases for the finit firm.

Richmond's Fight Pix Fight RICHMOND. Va.. June 20.—Charles A.

Somme, motion picture manager and State fair director here. whose court fight braught a decision allowing pic-ture housuss to exhibit on Sunday in Richmond. Is now seeking to get a court decision permitting the showing of fight pictures.

He has filed an appeal In city Circuit Court from a tilling of the Virginia board of motion picture censorship. which refused him permission to exhibit pictures of the Max Baer-Joe Leon. fight. The board held that such pictures "might incites to crime." While the flair-Louis pictures would

be of no use to Manager 150710111a at this late date, his idea is to establish a precedent which would allow him to exhibit pictures of the Max Sehmeling-Joe Louis fight. The anneal will be heard at corne date not yet fixed.

Louisiana's Theater Bills NEW ORLEANS. June 20.—Among

number of bills affecting the theatrical fields now in the hopper of the Louisi-ana Legislature la a proposal prohibiting movie theaters and other places of amusement in the State from charging different prices of admission at various hours of the day. Another measure



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500 ROOMS SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES Single, Adjoining Bath $11.00 Double, Adjoining Bath $12.00 Single, Private Bath $12.00 Double, Private Bath $14.00

rurrnosti DRYA.NT


Ad Man and Author at 72

Admetlidem TW

••1, -• thel Id I /I at ritotren. Ton, at ',wede-ln., ern A..itt•nt gager, einhows. and senor at Advent. Hnos mid a mere to FaleN0,11. Detersive Ca. toe ssan. Sora ta ad man and author permit nu. IS ..y. 'it you want to write ad es. OC tenon, Sr,

Je,rrn O. C8,14. Jr., 30es Wlitlarrim m rid arena, Nan gem, N. V.

How do you KNOW

you can't write? linve vo,, cver tried?

Have you ever attempttsi even the least bit of training, under competent guild:nice!

Or have ynu been sitting linek as it is so Cacle 10 de, wailing for the day to come some timo when vIi, will awaken, rill of a sudden, to the diecovery, CON a writer"I

If the latter reline Is the one of your choosing. von probably never will write. Lawyers Mii.t be law defies,. Engineers in list he ra f temen. We all k now that. In our timen, the egg doce come before the chicken.

It is seldom that anyone becomes a writer until be (or she) has m'en writ-ing for Some time. Thal le why so many author* and writers 'spring Up out of the newspaper business. The .lay-to' dav nereseity nt writing—of gathering nulterial about which to write—develop. their talent, their insight. their heel, ground and their confidence as' nothing

else Muhl. That is why the Newnimner Instituts

of America haws its writing instruction on journalism—enntin lllll writing—the training that has prochteed so many aucceasful ¡tilt ¡inri,

Learn to write by writing

NEWSPAPER Institute training is based on tue Now York Copy-Desk

et boil. It at arts and keeps you writ-

ing in your own home, on your OWII tittle. Week by week yen receive nettle assignments, :Met as if you were right nt work nn a greet metropolitan daily. Your writing is individually corrected and ennstrncilVely rriiielXell. A group of men, whose enrnbinetl newspaper ex. perienee totals mere than 2110 years, are responsible for. this instruction. Under such sympathetic guidenen, you will Anil that (instend of vainly trying to copy annia one elne'e writing tricks) yen are rrinidly dcvoinping 3mur own dietine-

tive, self flavored style--undergoing an experience that. has a thrill to It and which at the 'tame time develops in you the power to make ynur feelings ar-ticulate. Many people who should be writing

become- awe strock by febolous stories about millionnire nuthors end therefore give little thought to the $211, $50 and $100 or more that rnn often be earned for material that hikes little time to

write—eateries, articles on business, fails, travels, sports, rer i peg, rte.—things that eau entity be turned nut in leisure hours, and often on the impulse of the moment.

A chance to test yourself We have prepared a unique Writing

Aptitude Test. This tells yeti Whether you prissess the fundamental qualities necessary to suecessfol writing—acute observation, thamatie instinct, ',endive imagination, etc. You'll enjoy taking this test. Thu coupen will bring without obligation. Nevrepriper Institute of America, One Park Ave., New York.

Stock Tickets Roll of 2,000.

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A SUMMER Treat to JOY Special Tickets

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THE TOLEGbor"TICKET CO. Tell ais ysnie ttoiibi.,

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I (All encemonnArnere eentlikentlel. ¡tin talan treot .11..01 mi

6 The Ril!hoard Conducted by EUGENE BURE—Commumeat ,ons to 1504 Ereadw•y. New York City.

LEGITIMATE June 27, 1936

Season Averages Hopeful Despite Production Drop

• iVitinher of premieres will probably go down, but num-ber of hits :till go up---average length of run also due to rise-musical category, frith few shows, takes rap

• NEW YORK. June 20.—Altho °Metal stetietitx on the season now drnwing to

a char will net be compiled for The Bt.thoard fader ot the Neal York Legitimate Stage until the season officially end/. July 31, definite trends ere already clearly marked With no openings on the horizon. It Is pretty safe to predict that the number of new shows during the ...a wall have dropped below the previous aemeater, or at best have risen only slightly. This le In marked contraat to the hopeful currents noticed all over the Stem all year, but it affects only carnality— not quality or financial success. With the uatial 100-perform/In, rating for a hit it is /safe to predict that. :Irene the probable decrease in the number of ahows during the season, the number of hits will h•ye gone up anneidernbly. This, of comae. Is the healthiest possible sign, meaning a eizahle step-up in the hit percentage. Meets of this can he far-retching. including the increased en-ticement of outside dough to lean. re Wita the rese during the boom years. When legit hit the slide. hacking more and more erine from film companies. Wall Street having headaches of its own. With the hit percentage inerearang. how-ever. It is quite printable that the money boys may come hack to the game, with the stage cheeping from the 11Im yoke that has recently been galling It

Average length of run will probably tse found to have gone up considerably. the only those plays closing—not opening— during the reason will he averaged. This rules out On Your Toes. Soy Meets Girt Three Mee nn a Wiese, Tobacco Road, The Children's //our and other likely summer stayers. None the lees, run aver-age should go .1, well over the previous season. A strong factor la the romebnck of the middle-Mass show, the type that held on for a few weeks, not a hit but getting back an clourh for its sponsors. During the dark der; this class Mean-peered almost entirely, with plays either ehuttine down immediately or going on to the hit rategory. Ibis year there have been a number nf productions which carried nn to the intermediate cl.a, and they ehnuld boost the average handily.

Only despondent note la the weakna. In the musical cina,, which went te pieces this tension. Few produced and few clicking gave the field one of its bleakest sea-dons in modern theatrical history. Many factors are figured ht. In-cluding the prevalence of revue-type nIght-club shown. Over a year ago The Billboard ran e story predicting that legit musicals were due for the slides. and that the field would be it to pier. almost Immediately. Prediction clicked In every respect With Broadway dropping to pitiful

ebbs during the pant few surnmera. the current bench-and-bathtub spell looks a bit brighter. the, not winch. Eighteen shown are on the boards tonight. and Mx of them look definite. A few others are in the maybe category, hut the picture as a whale le no splash of sunshine. Two of the current offerings which could really weather the bent are doe for shut-downs bemuse of their stars' dealre to take vaentiene, tad both are set to re-open for second engagements August 31. They are Victoria Reeina and Idiot's De-tight.

Managers-Dramatists Change Play Ruling NEW YORK. June 20.— Hollywood%

primary objection to clames in the re-cently concluded me/never -dramatist pact pertaining to the sale. disposal and protection of movie interests of film. barked plays. wee in n large measure Ironed out last week when a joint com-mittee representing both winnarere and dramatist, decided that Matt-unions re-garding the sale of plays to the films may not he changed during the time interval beginning with the movie con-tract to beck a play and ending when the play is finally sold to Hollywood. When the manager-drarnatlet pact was

esanclueled Hollywood's chief •objectinn. as voiced taint representatives of War-ne. and MOM, was that they could not .remain in a reame whose rules were *Way* chanaine'' it Is named the, this more definite arrangement should milt the film folk.

N. O. Outdoor Theater pa,:w ORLEANS, June 20 —Reallention

of plans for the erection of a giant out-door thruster for presentation of legit playa, musical comedies r.nd opera on the eln.res of Lake Pontchartrain In suburban New Orleans drew a step nearer this week, with the okeh given drawn-up specifications by the com-mission council. The theater, to cost approximately 560.000 in its initial out-lay. will be a WPA project.

Plana are for a 3.000-sent amphithea-ter, with 10,000 additional senta to be made available for growing patrenage. There will be 14 aretione, with a double row of boxes. A large space before the elnritum Mil he planted, graded and beroolfled. ith an artificial lake in the center. In Which lotus, water lilies and

Penn Theater-Feat Planned

nrrmatainu. June 20.—Members of 31 theater groupa in Western Pennayl-vanla met In the PittaburghPlayhouse last Monday night to form plans for one of the most ambitions play-procluctiun programe in local history. It is a dra-matic festival in which more than a /wore of producing organizations Will Participate tri a week-long round of events to be held at varlotat auditoriums in Allegheny County. The meeting, sponsored by the Federa-

tion of Non-Commercial Theaters, also shaped plane to include four meetlues lit which famed theatrical men will speak.

"Roy" a Detroit Clicker

DETROIT. June 20.—Businews has built steadily for the first three weeks of the run of Boy Meets Girt at the Civei Theater, proving again that Detroit's best legitimate season comes right at the end of the year. The play will stay on another two weeks, according to Beau-vais Pox. who In advance representative, and may go on for a summer run.

Sunday performances have berm dropped, an box-office receipts proved that Detroit in not a summer allow town /or Sundays. This te one of the fleet companies to take this step locally, but It seems to be favorably received by the publie.

other marine piailla will be planted. A resolving stage with a width of 100 feet is planned. There ere to be no cur-tains but a stream of lights before the audience to ward off sight of the stage.

itom Out 1tont By EUGENE BURR

Very few books achieve the true color of the theater. There le hardly a novel written around stare life that has managed to present that life with any of the flavor of the footlights. Even so highly touted a theatrical novel iai 8,00.1e Stages had little of the theater in it: its royal family might have been a family of mu-alchtim or physicians or interior decorators.

Books which try to dredge up the theater of the past seldom achieve their puree.; for the most port they are written by scholars rather than by theater men, and the odor of lamp-oil rather than of glee...mina hangs about them. As a matter of fact the only exception that this reporter hps ever encountered la Pritesaor Clennee Clinton Dinamore Orteils gigantic annals o/ the New York Stage, which Is now in Its eighth terse volume and has still many more years to cover before it Is completed, and the success of that is caused only by the fact that Mote-wee Odell loves and knaves the theater as well ea he loves and keowa scholarly rearm-ch. It is a combination an felicitous am it is rare.

Theatrical hinerephlea are affected similarly. Most of them are written by reeeach students—and even when they do manage to get themselves dictated by a theater man (Richard Leckridge% biography of Booth, for example) It is almost impossible to recapture the fInvor of a forantten theater of a. bygone day. Mr. Lockridge himself not only admite hut Insists upon this point in his discussions of the acting standards of the Booth generation.

An for theattleal note biographies, they are almost all of them written by famous at., and famous managers They do, without doubt, recapture the atmos-phere of the theater—but that atmosphere is only incidental. It is simply a setting to show off the great figure about whom each autobiographer inter-minably talks.

Almost the only real theater books we have had are those written by the theater's lesser light., concerning the theatrical doings of the great and near-great with whom thee have come in contact. And most of these have been written from the viewpoint of the other aide of the footlights. Even that grand volume of ultra-pompous chit-chat penned by a Drury Lane prompter of the 18th cen-tury—the names of both book and nether unforgivably escape me at the moment— concerns itself chiefly with the strutting players whoae legs primed endlessly before

the au/threat wary but weary eyes. The front of the house has not been represented in the theater's book-parade

by a single volume that truly caught its flavor. It has been unrepresented. tlmt is. until the putalratian. a few dap, pan of George Blumenthal's My 60 Years In Show Ruder., Mr. Blumenthal% book does the job.

Mr. Blumenthal was connected Chiefly with the Hammeratelm. and it is the Itainmeretein family with which most of his pagra are concerned. nII1 the Ham-merstein interests were so varied that a disci/anion nf them amounts to a cross-eretinn nf the theater of the period. In addition, Mr. Illumenthage style Is chatty and InforMal, and his narrative is filled with anecdotes and sidelights. It brings beck the theater of the pant. as seen from the (rent of the house. in a believable. Interesting and colorful form. We have always a feeling that It te the real theater that It brought te be: the honk is a theater-man's biography.

The Hemmer/1ring were by no means the only ones with whom Mr. Blumen-thal came in contact. Ifin narrative includes the Prohmana and the Shuberts. lielnw anti Erlanger. the start of the theatrical tenet.. It ranees over the fields cif draina, musical comedy, opera. rat...vegan., visuelevillc. motion pictures and bur-lesque. The performers who appear briefly (hut sa human beings) within Its pares are countless, they include people from all of the many theatrirel fields.

Bring chatty and informal, the book la amazingly alter and interesting. Its people breathing again in its 'Being the work of a man who had wide and varied Interests. It la a history of the amusement world nf the last Ma decades. an Ire.s valuable as a history because It is filled with the stuff of everyday theatrical

life. Arthur H. Menkin. to whom Mr. Blumenthal told lits story, wisely retained

as far as possible the veteran ahowman's own words and informal manner. The total effect is that of a theater manager of the 110s—or the 'gee or the 13005 or the 192M—with his feet braced against his roll-top desk, with his cigar half smoked. legating milaaically over his spectacles and talking about the theater.

it is the sort of theater beak that is both Informative and amusing--and it reranturee the true flavor of the theater, as seen from the front of the house. That in Itself is art achievement.

Jr. Ruling to Referendum

• Equity gets petition asking change in senior require5 manta go to membership

• NEW YORK. June 20.—With the re-

ceipt by Equity's council last week of petitions, totaling more than 100 num., the proposed retroactive junior member-ship amendment calliite for 50 weeks Of paid work in addition to two yew's' epprenticeahip will, of necessity, be thrown for final settlement to a national referendum. Por the convenience of actors far away from the home plate this summer, the polls will open September 15 and ctn. October le. Long sought by certain Equity ele-

menta as a measure deafened to meet changing conditions of employment in the legitimate theater, the antlelpued ruling has been attacked by opponent* as an unfair meant, of keeping younger Equity elements powerless by depriving them of voting power, which under the current ruling would automatically fall to some 200 or 300 actors within two years. Other protests are filmed at the amendment's retroactive feature, which ellarniinte specific conditions under which all present junior/4 joined Equity and which. according to certain legal opinion. leaves the Organization open to litigation on tne beats of breakine of contract; also, fact that stunner stmt engagements are not to be included In the 50-week etipulation. and the keeping of actor. In the 925-a-week cateeory, which in the minimum wage of preen Approved by the old council, the

amendment was submitted to the gen-eral election meeting at the Hotel Astor May 25, where it was defeated by a total number of voters considerably leas than 750. thus leaving open. nrrardina, to Equity's, ennetitution, the possibility of a referendam vote. This possibility became mandatory when petitions with 100 name, were eent to the coattail. Should the national referendum re-

turn an affirmative vote, the present administration may find Itself in un-tronbled water,: but it Is probable that the peace will be only tempt-leery, with the present juniors smoldering and biding their time until they become of nge, which they must eventually.

Penmeola Amphitheater PENSAO01 A. Fla., June 20—City

Manager Roark has announced that city is planning to apply to government for funds with which to conetruct an open-air amphitheater at Bayview Part to coed 625.onn. The project. eponaired by the Pensacola Manic Commisslan. rails for erection of stage properties. /screened dressing rooms and nrcheura pits, all available for stage productiona movies and concert.. Seats will be pm-aided for 2.500 and a natural terrace would accommodate Insico more.

Shreveport Players Abroad SHREVEPORT, June 20.—AUgust 17

hise been draignate0 as the date for the first European appearance of playera of the Shreveport Little Theater, it aat announeerf in s cable from Leaden, Mil week. For the first time in the history of the theater an American little theater group will play ebroad. The first. ntget 16 set for the Croyden Theater by spe-cial invitation of J. Somerville Baxter. director. Permission her been obtained to present Lynn Riggs' Russet Mantle at one eif the first two plays of one-week duration each.

WPA Mugieian Satire For AF31 Convention DEMOTE, June 20.—f Confess re-

turned to the Detroit Federal Thrate at the Lafayette Theater last week. William Bever, the author. Is now mnnrntiv attached to the Federal The"-ter u.s director and has charge of MP presentation.

'Itere was an unexpected irony in the return of this piny, which to some ci-tent nutlet. the operations of the American Federation of Music ,, r' which was holding its national convert. tinn in Detroit the /mine week.

June 27, 1936 LEGITIMATE The Billboard

Slimmer Theaters Prepare for Heavy Schedules Next Month

(Continued from page Al

Alden, Nancy Sheridan, Sylvia Weld and Jwir Hartley. Mr. and Mrs Harry Davie and John Walker. members of the Caro-lina Playinakers. will make the meta. Helen Clark will be in cherce of prop-

Richard »donee. buelners, and Slater Frarkentin, publicity. At DemmeIt Selena BraggMtn will

hsve the male lend opposite France, Sta. In Kind Lady. erheduled for the week of July 13, Ruth Hammond has been enraged for Saturday's Children, Mil, 6, Henry mill will rejoin the cast fee Night of Jariiirtry 16, and Wilfrid sa,gram will also appear. At Cohaseet the Laughing Woman opens the amnion July 6. with Helen Menken and Tonto &tweet In the leading roles. supported be Albert Van Decker. Aldrich Soaker, gembeth 'Kennedy. Flora Campbell, Mary Howes. Jane Bancroft. Alfred feheverrY and WllIlam Craignen. Al-. My produced in I condom this play will be tiled out by Alexander Dean in the tntereete of James R. Ullman and the Shnberts.

J. C. Nugent opened in his own play. Yhaildy. Mine 17 at Weetford. Mass..

with the suppore,of Mnleolm lee Belem. Ann Archer. Alan Merrell. Walter lohr. Colin Thmeon. Bernice firman. Laney Rater, Alison Bewley ami Harnid Repel. Nugent will probably alsn do Ifig-Henried neebert. with Helen Carew. directed by A PrenklIn Tea« Sheddie. Incidentally, vex already done at Skowhegan. Rayntond afonte's Cape Playhouse at

Dennis. Mass.. opens June 29 with Don-ald Arlan in George M, Cohan'. Song end Dance Man Phidelah Metes Play-house at Martha's Vineyard tine changed tte opening date to July 6 and will start off with Fresh Ffelda. In Kennebunk-pert, Me.. the Garrick Players will pre-sent Isabel Harlin in Perrone/ Amore, anee. In Rhode Island the Newport Casino Theater's commute" now hee the following new llama, Inirabeth Dean Farrar. Stephen Ker Appleby. Octavia Kenmore. Franklin Gray, Hayden Rorke. Charles Trestles'. Shirley Osborne, Perry Wilson end Jun Addis. Atan Brock. of the R. M. Rennie=

Nitre ha, signed Blanche Ring to !der in It, a Wt. Child for Oregory Deane at kientle, Conn.. cement: June 20. Marla Blondell, Meter ref Jaen. will Prey the Ingenue lead. The same <Mice iris summed Mehel Tetteferen and lee Patrick. supported by Tom Neal arid Gram Sloane in the Itteentle and In-tent. relee. In The Old Maid, scheduled , tor Milford the latter part of June. Earle Larlmom and Selena Ravie to en-der In The Second Man. ergo at MI1-Med. July 27. and Hal Conklin for lends, ditto. New piare to he presented by the mermen. include Pfente, hr Francis B. rarece,h. end A Very Good Young Man, by Marttn Brown.

At Stony Creek, Conn.. Merrily Ire ltrlt Along Marte the 'semen June 20. Mid If all gore well the company will Ine.nt 'One raw playa Fred Heren-teen, Slither cd Nome. Rweet Firm.... Is Ill Greenwich attending rehearsals of hra piny. which atarte June 29. Sam Gels-man, At you may know by this time. dented that he granted permission to the. Summer Playhouse at Iyoryton to perdue. Telmee0 Read. Oreee Clenr,re Sill star in The Dtifientry of Getting Ifeeeied nt Westport July A. The Meeers. Skinner and Tuttle have

arranged a benefit for retch opening nieht Of the 12-seek season at the West-cheeter Playhouse In Mt Klee°. At the Riffeewey Theater. White Plante, there tin be several member, of the original Remderty cant of Fresh Fields to ertipport Msrearet Anglin. Including Mary %r-eft. Boyd Deets and Elwyn Harvey. Ceeneee hinerendy, who has been playing ell eeaeon with Helen Heyes in Queen Preemie, left that production today to Intt the companies of the Rt.:leeway and Wmtcheeter Playhouse, for the summer. Jeen Vernon. who recently completed an eneeeement with Max Gordon's Pride end Perfneffee. hae been signed for the letenue role in Fresh Fields.

OLEO F L AV Oeet t 000 Comes ele 154•Ingrarnee. Cease-d., Farce, etc., fee running rod et print ier tale Cl 25 ccccc teach Sena ler Free 1.41 el Mho,

sAnduni, F-eericHr 13 west 4511. Street. New Yere.

June Walker and William Harrigan. Who head the cam. of Night Of ',mum , 16, tvh:Ch opened June 23 under the direction nf John Hayden as the !not production nf the Chamberlain Brown Players at the Broneville Auditorium. New York, are supported by Ada May, Arthur Pierson, Ethel Wilson. Fd d Robins. Calvin Thomas. Vtreinte Milne, Marcella Swanson, Craig Adams and others.

Peggy Wrod opened the New Rochelle Summer Playhouse season June 23 In Caprice. supported by Hunter Gardner, William C. Jackson. Leona Powers and J. !Behar/ Jonea Muriel Kirkland heads the amcond week', bill In The Pride the Sun Shines On. Ruth Gordon appears the third week in Sat urday's Children, supported by eonte of the original east

Efaryverne Jones. managing director of the Starlight Theater at Pawling. N. Y., has etibetituted Pere,. Molnar's The Swan, With Rosamund Pinched. for Eden End ae the opening productron on June 20. The latter, with Estelle WInwood, will be given later. June 24 is the date when Charles o. careyar Show Shop on Governor's Island begins to function with Smart Lady. The cast Includes Harriet tenedale. Sonia Alexander, Anatol Tieneinkno, Virginia Wynn. Cherles Ilintan. Howard Kneeler and Ruesel Alford. The Red Barn at Sauger-ties. N. Y.. opens June 20 with Three Men on a Norse, to be followed by The Warrior's Nushend. Gladys Cooper will play opposite Philip Merivale in White Christmas, and Percy Kilbelde hae the lead in Charlen rewire's new play, Please Do Not Disturb, sat the Red Barn Thea-ter. Lonist Valley, L. T. Arthur Hop-kin.' Theater nf the Emir Seasons at Roselyn, L. I., presented Mrs. Moon/I/Mt nit the third offering of the 'season, Julie 16. Sylvia French will manage the sim-mer theater at Southampton. L. T.. opening July 6 for an eight-week season. The Periwinkle Players. operating a showboat at Pelham, N Y.. opened June 19 with a melts., The Sea of lee or a Thirst for Gold and The Witdflowee of Messico. Ernest Maltrarers cornea next. after which the ship will up anchne and make a tour of yacht clubs. etc.. finally coming to Westport. where It will give The Skeleton Witness.", nr Murder at tit' Mound. At the Urban pleyhome Iii Yonkers, David Baxter will play in Con, mand To L.,. Jess!, Royce Landis hi-, left the Broadway met of Pre-Hone, moon in order to make the rounds ce the summer theaters to try out playa. She will first an to Brace Connine'r Playhouse at Stoney Creek. Conn.. arol In July ehe wIll appear at Skowhegan Maecs., in a play directed by Melvin-Burke and another written by Phil Higley. At Brighton Beach, New yors Jack Linder opens a season of dramatic tend musical shows June 29. with mati-nee and evening prices at 50 cents ant el top. resierrelvely. Armes the nucleon. the Warren Play-

ern at Sluing Lake, N. Jo Will give Pe' o' Mu Heart, with Virginia Curley, and The F'irst Mn,, Frame, With Frances Neil-Kin. Other actors who will appear In-clude Barbara Brown, Chisholm Beach Pantela Wright, Stanley Smttle and Ed Lester. In Lang Branch. a showboat alongside the Steel Pier opens under the Managership of Frank McCoy, who will give They Ain't Done Right By Nell with Ethel Britton and William Russell in the leading roles. A new stage end new lighting equipment has been added to the Cape May Playhouse. and Luden Henri end Margot Taylor will dertion set-tings. Following the opening week's Amer of

The Night of January 16th. the Nunn-gola Grove Players, near Wilkes-Barre, Pa. will present Fresh Fre:ds tor the week of June 22. The third week's show will be tort on the Dole. The company Includes Donald Glenn, Kay Loring. Royal Stout. Nettle Kennedy-Stout. Mae, Oregon ClIbb. Peed Lahore.., Mary Dew-ley, Cherles Paul, Donald Oliver and Jo-seph Edwin Ross and Robert C. Schnitzer

open the Robin Hood Theater at. Arden. Del., July 1, with a Wise Child, to be frilinverd by A Perfect Alibi. Fre.sh Fields, Laburneni Grove. On the Stage, Card-board Loner, Rind Lady, Her Matter's poem elemseaphy and Personal Appear-mice . fluky Cooper and Bigelow Sayre will play the lead, and Thelma Chand-ler will direct. Jul.. Verne'a Around the World in

BROADWAY RUNS Perf.,....nee• to June 20, Inchoate,

Dramatic Oman, -Pert

nee Item Girl (Cese) ....km. Purs the 19.4 (Fulton, Apr. Cell it a Res illoraeo,j ... Jan. cl.ildrrit, II.sli, .rbe

ho.. Dead En4 Innt4seni Ort. End nf S.itomer icluildi '''Feb. riot Laois (lima. Rosi X.oe I lint'. Prue., g rp..r,•ril Mar. Kick Beek. The (Inte) June

en the Dole (Lengserei Feb.

Reel. iVentlerhilt I Oct. Pre.11,•orron».30 11.4,4tnid • • APe• i hie. lien on • nor.

Jas. To 31/ 11.,•hand (Itelmeati June

IF•ed 'Torres... • Dee. Vierorla Regina illsimiltiansi Dee.

Musical Comedy

Nee ISIS, I Van lerhIlt I .. • • 91.7 Oa Yaw Toes timPerod) • • Ase.


20., .672 25 _271 17:..114 211 ..213 21...lod

21 ...IRO 24...277 30... GO

30.. rets

4..looK 24...2un


Eighty Days started the serteon of the Roadside Theater near Washington, D.C. Herold A. Weinberger direct., and plays remain for a fortnight. Below the Mason-Dixon line, Robert

Porterfield will present P0111 OebOrne's Vinegar Tree June 23-27 ese the thud offering of the current senson at the Barter Theater in Abineelon. Va. The production, staged by Owen Philltim. with seta by Laurie Leonard, will have Dorn, Rich and Blaine Cnrdner in the principal realm, euppoeted by Alice Buchanan, Madeira Schwartz, 'Tomes Chapman. Tom Coley and Thomaa Hugh«,

Leventhal Legit

Clicks in Jamaica NEW YORK. June 20.—JUles Leven-

thal, formerly of the firm of Wee At Leventhal, has taken over the RICO Alden Theater Jamaica. L. I., for a censen of the legitimate or as hr stated, "as long as the public will support it ° So far there is carry Indication that the venture will continue.

The, policy is road attracUona of established New York successes. With

WPA "Broken Dimites" Revival Scores in Chicago

CHICAGO. June 20.— Having P.M completed a sturcessful nine weeks' run of Three Wise Fools at the Blecketone Theater, It looks like the Arnerlean Repertoire Company. a WPA theater project playing at fleet theater, has alt-her hit on its hands in the revival of

13roken Dishes, which opened this, week. The play is a personal triumph for

Oscar CY8hela, who playa the role of Pa humfutead, and hen developed into the most popular player in the entire Fed-eral Theater ranks here due to the ex-pertness of his character comedy pos'-hayal,,. O'Shea, a veteran dramatic stock actor and director, is wise to all the tricks and bits of his trade and uses' them to such advantage that he domi-natsa every scene in which he appears. Ile haa become a prime favorite with theatergoers here, and much of the Illacketnne Theater's prenent suer,s,, can be traced to hie popularity. Ills per-formance as the meek, henpecked hue-band was flawless.

Myrtle modem was a bit too fiendish an the nagging wife, playing it more as

heavy than as a character woman. Oenevleve Oran' and Beulah Brandon, as the two daughtere, were adequate, and Only Hickman Carved a suceeesful char-acterization from hls part. some of his scenes being very hinny. Penn. Ellen Hogg, now known se Fannie Ellen, and Robert Merriman. a pleasing Juvenile, fitted into their roles perfectly. Others In the mat were Charles Gordinler, Torn Brown and George Dayton.


reartora, Dereare , the initial chow. Last week The Old Maid, Polite«r prize play. with Mabel Tallaferro and Eleanor Phelps in the Helen Menken and Judith Anderson roles, end very well.

The projected list Includes Night es1 January 16: Co-Respondent Unknown. featuring Jamen Rennie, and a preview of a new play. Road to Paradise. by Alfred Jackson and atarring Lenore Ulric. Dollar top and 60 cents, at mati-nees. Raymond Payton Ls the general manager and personal representative,

is this

Ill If


but definitely . . .



Atlantic City. June 20th Chicago June 28th

and then sailing for European engagement


8 The Billboard MOTION PICTURES Communkationt to 156 4 Broadway New York City

Itself. 27, 1936

"POPPY" Ex/cdeletS 22M5 cl the Week Univermles production plan. for 1930-

'37 call for 42 (ensure pistores, actora. Mag to J. R. 0,-singer. general manager of distribution, and Charles It. Rogers. vice-president In charge of production, Vlan ripokr June 15 at the cmnpanyes annual sales convention at the Hotel Astor. In earl:Linn there will hr an one-reel subjects, lotir aerials tntnling 82 two-reelers. 104 Universal Newsreels and an action film.

Lending the lint of productimu.r is Madame Curie. whIeli will depict the life of the noted Freneh research work-er from a script written by her eleie;h-ter. The leading rolo will be given to Irene Dunne. Melody Lady. a Jerome Kern-Dorothy Fields musical front a story by Envi Derr Biggers. and Hippo-drome. another musical from a scenario by Garrett Fort and R. H. Bernsicle, are also scheduled. Two in a Crowd hao been netts/red thin season, but will be releneed an the feet of next year's offer-ings, starring Joel McCrea and Joan Bennett.

Univereaen confab nt the Astor was the Meat mice convention under the banner of R H. Cochrane and Ch re Cnarlin. who lately took over th In tercets of Carl Larnmale. According to Cochrane. the company's financial con-dition le very good, and contracts are about 10 per cent In excess of the mine period last year. Rogers men-tioned that 27 scripts are already pre-pared and include As Gucci era Married. A Fool for Blondes, Three Smart orris. Story/mat/ Sines, Fleeing Ille,tess. Reels and Reckless, Class Prim/Lem Lessen In Soefety and lour Devs Wonder. The meeting Opened June 15 and lasted four days.

According be Sam Fax and Norman H. Moray. Warner production exec and Vitaphnne exec. reepectively. Warners well make 140 shorts for redeem nee mason. This information wns divulged nt the company's Western sales con-vention at the Bleckstone Hotel. Chi-cago last week. The breakdown of the total will come to 104 nne-reeler,. and 36 two-reeters. Sax, who heatia pro-duction nt Vitaphone'n etude, in Brook-lyn. Will make 100. and 40 will be made In Hollywood. Including 34 Leon Schles-inger cartoons.

Murray W. Stand's bill protecting for the admiesion of unacenmpenied minors to thentem in New York City under certain conditions was approved June la by the Board of Aldermen. Main pro-visions of the measure cell for a definite part of the house to be given over for the sole rim of children, who will he under the anpervialon of matron pro-vided by the Department of Health.

RICO-Radlo Picture.. according to an announcement June til by Ned Da-pined at the company's minuet gales ennorn-Don at the Waidorf-Astorla. Will relnee 154 features and 192 shorts. In the latter will he included 36 two-reel es-mediae made by Vnn Ekomen CnrporatIon. 13 March of 'rime subjects. seven Pattie and 104 Marrow Pattie News. Wait Disney will join itself., when his United Artists contrect expires about January I. Fred Auntie,. and Ginger feseem will be Peem-Inently featured in the season', pro-duction plans with both co-starring And each making n separate film. Ginger's other partner will be Jack Ortkle, It is likely that Katharine Hepburn will ale. pear in Qua/ay Street and Portrait of a Lady; env pons in Street flirt, and Bar-bera Stanwyck In two tethers one of which will be Deltoid the Rrideproom. Robert Dennt. Prod Stone. John Boles, Herbert Marshall. Joan Bennett. Charlen Beyer. .me. it. Brown. Wheeler-Woolsey Bobby Preen. Joe Penner. Cene Ray-mond and Ann Sothern are also more or lem definitely scheduled for production.

When Paramonnt's stockholders. met. June in to elect five new members to ir directorial board John E. Ottermin. Pee'. 'dent of the company mini, the reorganl-ration last year, wan not elected. Be-(:fee NSWS OP TIIE WrElf in 4th coi.)

THEATRE. EQUIPMENT NEW a WU) •••••••• •• •••• ••••• erienAll•erl 111•Irlite•• •••.,•• •••1•4(101.•

• 01•••••••• •••••••••A AD«

tttttt ••••• • &Mrs An. 1141•9•11.

Waal roe nun catatoe


The Lett loot., i t wickenham e

TIME-74 minutes (PARAMOUNT) RELEASE DATE—Juno 26. PRODUCER—William LeBaron.

PLOT—Story never meant much. In this particular production or any Dehetn-tiPe. Atirsay, Prof. Eustere MeCiargle offers am heiress to a 13.000.000 estate his daughter. Poppy. A crooked lawyer with whom Inc la working double-croesee Mtn and eteremes the marriage eel-UM-ate offered by McClarele as a phony. With jail Imminent, ten found that. she la really the Irene. and not Mac's daughter. but a waif he adopted as a foundling The plot makers no difference, other than to elms, up the picture. It does provide a background for Fields aa a carnival guy, and that'. good enough.

CAST—W. O. Fields, Rochelle Hudson, RI,Imrd Cromwell, Lynne Overman. Catherine Doticet, Maude Ehurne, Rosalind Keith, Granville Bate, Adrian Morris. Ralph Demley. Dewey Robinson. Tammany Young rind Bill Wolfe. Field. Is eland. with noverai routines that should go damn as classics. Supporting, cast is sousi nil them, except that the audience will only want the comic, and there Isn't 'bough of him. Bill Wolfe does un exceptional hit as a yokel gardener. Overman also a standout.

DIRECTOR—A. Edward Sutherland. Coed Work, except for the fact too much time was given to the story.

AUTHORS—Play by Lhanthv Donnelly. Wa.detnar Young and Virginia Van Upp ora Lite screen piny. Mimic and lyrics by Ralph RaInger and Leo Robin.

COMMENT—Dermite Fields' leveret uproarious episodes. audiences may be disappointed beret:, of the dull agote. But the bmenena of the talking doe, tbe frankfurter stand, pea game, cremet 'lame anti one or two others nee alone worth the price of admission. They'll bring laughs just. by coming back to the minds of those elm will have seen them.

APPEAL—To all. EXPLOITATION—IPIelde. of course.



TIME-88 minutes. RELEASE DATE not given.

PLOT—A British novelist during the war in announced na killed. In taker, over ey the secret service and is sent in Switserland, along with n strange helper. ft./ stop a Dorman spy from getting Caret to the Orient. In Switzerland he flees a pretty Ines whree to pose ne his wife. They kill a suspect, only to find he's the wrong man, and nn the rehnund the guy and gal deride to give up spying. But they get an the track of the. right mien end go three with it. winding up on a troop train in Turkey. The tram is wrecked and the spy let killed by the Mennen helper. who in turn is shot. The guy and gal get away safely. tho how they do it the picture conveniently forgets to explain.

CAST—John Ololguci. Madeleine Carroll, Peter torre, Robert Young, Perey Marmont, Florence Kahn and others. Playing is far above the materiel, with splendid perftermnneen turned in by practically the entire caret. It', good to see MarrnOnt'a excellent work again.

DIRECTOR—Alfred Hitchcock. The man who did such an amazingly fine job with The .19 Steps didn't repeat with this one. Psycholoelcal angles are played up in midstream. disrupting the melodrama. Continuity is jerky, tho individual men..s have all of Hitchcock's former running. Effect was probably spoiled in necessary cutting. Runs almost hour and a half now.

AUTTIORS—Scneen play by (Merles Bennett_ based on the novel by W. Somerset Maugham. The adaptation fell down.

COMMENT—Spoiled in the cutting mum. APPEAL—Names will carry it on higher brackets. MCPLOrTATION—The spy situation and the names.

id. consensus Below are listed the dines rerietred la feat week's Deus of Tirs Billboard.

feeether with a tabulation of the critical t Me. Papers used in the tabulation include The Time,, florale -Tribune. News, American. Mirror. Post. Sun. 1Vorle-Telemarn and Journal «mono New York dailies. end Film Dear/. Mo-tion Picture faint. Mctfon Picture Herald. Hollywood Reporter, Pielure. Business. Box °Mee. Harrison's Smarts. Daily Variety, New ye-ri.' Stale Er-Itibttor, Pam Curb, Showman'', Round Table, Variety and Th,, Billboard among trade papers. Not all of the paper's are used in each tabulation, be-cause 05 early trade shenrings. conflicting publication dates, ere.


Faye,- Unis. No

able storable Oninion

Hearts Divided 10 6 a 'lut Nationale

1 9 7

Nitrate Nome', . 9 6 S

Murder by an Aristocrat Ilst Nationale


Ti,,. Last Outlaw II !Radial

Bunion, 5t 6 0 4 t Radical

2 2

B•low the Deadline 4 3 Chettert ield

foe the Service 6 Weaver's' ,


ertoney-maker"—Daily Va-riety. "Grade A entertainment." —Fan, Curb.

"Formula murder nwstery."— Box Office. "Fair."---Ilarrison's Reports.

"Desirable . entertainment"— M P Henan, "Fseeltent mass entertainment." — FlarrIroo's Re-Ports.

"Crockerlack."—Filre Curb. "A tut of entertainment."—M. P.

"Excellent "—Film Daily. "Set-;ow tory."—Film Curb.

"First-rate entertainment...— Box Office. "Better than aver.

ene."—Hollywood Retorter.

"Little that is rerattahvorthy."— Newt "Pattern lob "—The Bill-boetd

"Strong Western."—Film Daily. ..W.,Iern Moiler." — The Bill-board.

Bridge of Sighs 3 3 4 "0 t than avara ICheslerfioldl wrod Reporter. "Duelish dialog."



The Berkeley-Crirteret Hotel nt Asbury Park, N. J. en June 19 was the scene of the last meeting of Allied Thernent of New Jersey. Lee Newberry. predeent, nrinke on the national convention in Cleveland.

June 90 and Judy 1 will be the dates when KNITA'a annual convention at Hensel, City will be held. Instead nt June 23 and 24. as orientally announced. Tho change was effected esa that es-hibitors Will have a chance to listen to Ed Kuykenriall MPTOA president. who will he able to get to the Variety ChM rooms at that time.

Independent theater owners in the Clevelned esters are tarn complaining nf the tactics of Independent circuit., which persist in attela abuse., as delay in play dates, overbeying and cutthroat ad-mission reductions. These emnil Melee are ngainst Allied's intention of re-moving producers from the exhibition end of the bumnees before the afore. mentioned complaints are cleared up,

The contemplated junction of TOCO and rrop will not come to pars until the fail even tho Charles L. O'Reilly, president of TeX:C. nod Harry Brandt. chief of ¡TUA, have worked Old ft mere or teen definite scheme for the mereet. O'Reilly will be busy this stamtner with his concessions at the Texas Centennial at Port Worth.

On July 14 Connecticut MPTO will I stage n film golf tourney which will in. elude representatives from all parrs of the State. Plans are already rettled. and the place will be the Rare Brook Coun-try Club. A committee to take ear,-of entertainment. publicity and various other items conneCted With the tourna-ment has been appointed by President frvIng C. Jerneks Jr.. and include, Ed-ward O. Levy'. secretary, and Ed Raffia treasurer. Lesser committeemen Include Herold Eddn, Pam Rosen, Harry Shaw. Arthur Lockwood, B E. Holtman. Abs Methee. Lester Tobias,, Sid Goldbenr, Bill Vuono, Ed Ruff. Lou Anger. Heise Rnerivin, Morris Bailey and Nat Furst.

NEWS OF TITE WEEK— (Continued from 1st col.)

cause of a provision that a president intuit be a director. °Herren'. retire-ment is expected when the board mirettu a incr....or. it Is possible that he writ renealn associated with ParamOtInt Ill an 'advisory capacity. The new members comprise Ern

Agnew. vice-president of Para and In charge of distribution; K. V. Richarde. president of anenger Thentem, rontrolled by Pam: Barney Balaban, of the Balaban & Katz Circuit. Chicago: A. Conger Goodyear. of the Museum of Modern Art. end Peril MeClintork, vice-president of Sterling Producto. Regarding the IFfrt two, their exact interest in Paramount stock le not known, but they take the place. of Ottoman and John Onlden. The rest fill the piares left by Crone J. Schaefer and areutrlea E. Richardson and Gerald Brooks. Board members Include Harr5' O. King,

Stephen Crillaghan. John D. Herts, Charles A. McCulloch, IL A. Pnrtingtee. Maurice Newton, Duman O. Hartle Floret B. °diem, Adolph Zukor, Stnatton Grime and Harvey D. Citation. It is be-lieved that Zulu... chairman Of the heard, will become chief exec. The charge that some of the hoard's meal. here were not familiar with industrial problems wao made by Attorney Sari! Reagent, speaking for n stockholder group.

On June 22 the Amusement Division nf the United Palestine Appeal Key,' a dinner at the Wnktorf-Artorta in Muter Of Carl Laemmteet arenmplishment ti

head Of pnlYensal. Will H. Hays. Eddie Cantor nail Tones R. Sidney headed the committee Ira charge.

Grover Penton., for 19 years head of the mnte Film Exchange In San Pm, risen, June 22 taken over the mana.,, parent of the Western sales department Republic Picture. in that city and June 20 file. to New York to confer with his new chiefs Ire Furman. manager of the MOM Film Exchange, Charlotte. N. C.. replaces Parsons in San Pranelmo.

June' 27, 1936 MOTION PICTURES The Billboard 9

"SINS OF MAN" TLME-78 minutes, 120TH CE.NTCRY-FON RIC EA?3E DATE—shine 10.

PLOT—An emotional aim tiret laid in atn Austrian village where the church osionat love for his two Fiona Ls riveted by hia fondness for the church belle and des devoutness. His oldest son. an aviation pioneer, for ahleh he is ridiculed by .•I lentes the homestead to held for Anse. lea The other son in deaf. The father eon forgives, goes to America, but. while there hie son Is killed and war le de-clared so that he cannot return home. News from abroad reveala that his town b wiped out and that his other son Is reported among the dead and moons. IL-I. then a derelict, but after many emotional scenes he meets up with his soongest. Whose death had been erroneously reported. Ile le a fkInmel maestro, abase hearing was metered by war bombardment.

CAST—Jean Hersholt, Don Ameehe. Allen Jenkins. J. Edward Bromberg. Ann Shoemaker, Dewitt Jennings and others. Iferehnit in another great pei-fermance. with Ameche a new and outstanding leading man. The others moo. than capable.

DIRECTORS—Otto Brower and Ciregory Itatart. Excellent treatment. movit - this weepy movie at a beautiful pace and giving It the run of true remit; roollons.

AUTIIORS—Baeed on humph Roth story. Screen play by Samuel O. Engel. Handled beautifully

COMMENT- A elm erly rroduced film that achieves its purpose of tearing nt the heartetrings flood from every angle.

APPEAL—Neighborhood audiences will love it, the tarn, will enjoy the btot cry they ever bed and the males will exterlenre throat lumps

EXPLOITATION—Many angles. a play ter kids inttiet ted In aviation, musical erupt, religions groups etc.


TIME-87 minutes. RELEASE DATE—May 81.

OLOT-A Walter with Ideas on social booming (and evidently no other Ideas) gnes to the big city. where heat taken up as front man by n rout, of Crooked rmItors who are investigating leaseholds. It's discovered that n strip of land ti, the property owned bY a gangster really belongs to an old lady, So the waiter goes to tell the gang chief all about It. The latter thinks he's a revenue agent. ..ad agrees to come across. After a merles of tasty mishaps a deal is finally ar-ranged, and the Walter. without knowing what it'a all almut. find, himself public benefactor.

CAST—Edward Everett Horton, Glenda /Merril, Frank Conroy, Cesar Romero. warren Rymer and'hithers. Horton and Farrell according to type. Conroy ami itomern far better than their mntertal.

DIRECTOR—Arthur CirevIlle Collins. Farce routine.

AUTHORS Screen play by Ralph Block and Ben Morkson. Amuellic rnough hake. glove fit for Horton.

COMMENT. .A panaahle supporting feature.

APPEA1.—Nabe trade.



TIME-00 minutes. RELEASE DATE not given.

PLOT—Tucson Smith, representing the eattlemen's meoclation, goes t.• Wagon Wheel ranch at the behest of the owner. Rocky Brown, who claim, that hie cattle are increasing too rapidly. Formerly framed on a charge or rustling. Brown is now afraid a similar attempt is being mude by a few villains who in this way hope to gain control of the land, which is minted by a nail-read company. Dynamite Murray, at first thought to be one of the tad 'yarn is shot when he Bride his partners am crooked. Complications follow when the

at found to come from Brown's gun. Drown is poled and then releaned wtteis Rocky takes the witness eland end solves the mystery of the murder and the rattle. Couple of gals floating around the erreen, one of whom - ter Smith rind the other for Rocky.

CAST—Rex Bell. Lloyd Ingrahrtm. Connie Bergen and others.

DIRECTOR—Robert Hill. Run of mill.

AUTHORS—William Colt McDonald story adapted by Rock Hawkey. Tarn has too Many plot embellinhmentA. leading to confunion and doubtful credibil-ity,

COMI1ENT—Another Western.

APPEAL--Alfalta audiences.

FJCPLOITATION--Too much beef



TIME-86 minutes. RELEASE DATE—May 19.

PLOT—Ft photographic record of life in a convent, this one in particular being the Mother howas of the flood Shepherd Convent at Angers, France A narrator with a nice religious quaver in his voice desenbes the elaborate rituals performed by three classes of Inmates, Magdalene. Penitente and >runs Proper, with most of the running time of the picture given over to the final taking of vows by each category.

CAST—Completely nonprofessional.

DIRECTOR- -Robert Alexandre.

AUTHOR—French narration adapted by I. E. Lopert.

COMMENT—Authentic description of convent life

APPEAL--Specialized audiences



TINIF-611 minutes. RELEASE DATE---June la.

PI OT—Preel Dennis. Indigent Inventor, has perfected televising apparatus but. is shy a few hundred dollars to complete it. Befriended by a flat broke girl promoter, he succeeds in getting the machine before the directors of a broad-casting company after she promoter) the president of the firm for the neceasary. The assistant to the vice-president is double crossing the firm, working with a rrooked engineer who has kidnaped the firma own engineer and stolen its invention. Dennis' demonstration flops When the assistant gimmicks the gadget Thrown out by the directors, the girl hocks her fur coat to get more dough fur Dennis' machine. Dennis end the girt call a phony meeting nf the board and leave the televisor at Dennis' apartment. When the crooked engineer raids Dennis' apartment, the directors see the fight, get the crook. etc.

CAST—Lyle Talbot, Mary Astor. Nat Pendleton, Joyce Compton, Thurston Hall, Henry Montle., IA'yriey Birch, Robert Strange. Marc Lawrence. Pendleton gond ha a dumb bill rmllector whore hobby is science. Lawrence might make a good heavy, but hard to judge from thia picture. Others all lose out to the script.

DIRECTOR—Del Lord. Job la bad. matnly because no effort to convince the audience was made. When they see the televising equipment they laugh.

AUTHORS—Story by Sherman Lowe nnd Ai Martin. Screen play by Lee Loeb and Harold Buchnum. Potboiler stuff.

CONIMENT—Trash. APPEAL- Adults With the scientific itch and kids 'similarly interested. EXPI OtTATION—T,•leviaton.


TIME-117 minutes. RELEASE DATE not given.'

PLOT—Harris and Benton, two treacherous scouts under the nominal lead-ership of Captain DelMout. lead a small hand of soldiers lilt,, ambush on the pretense of breaking a new and easier trail to Oregon and the Northwest. Cap-tain Delmont's son. John. Investigates when no word of his father reaches earrep and finds that the villains me camped In California. where. under the guise of United States army men, they make raids upon the Metrics» natives and crin to he intent upon setting up a miniature empire of their own. John con-

satire,. the Mexicans that he is a friend and. joining his own freers to theirs, breaks thru the stockade and cleans up the bunch. A pioneer gal marries the itero,

CAST—John Wayne. Ann Rutherford, Joe ()nerd. Frank Rive, Yakima Anutt and E. It. Calvert. Not bad.

DIBECTOR—Fleott Pembroke. Nice lob, with much of ueual Wetsern non-ense omitted.

AUTHORS--.9creen play by Robert Emmett and Jack Matteford from origi-nal story by Lindsley Parsons.

COMMENT—Better than average horse opera. with good photography.

APPEAL—Might break thru confines of alfalfa trade. EXPLOITATION—Htstorical angle.


TIME-68 minutes RELEASE DATE not given.

PLOT—Jack, a truffle policeman. goes Winn with hie herse alien the pollee department retiree animals iii favor of motorrycles. At tila shack in the desert he nreeta his brother. Date. In the company of the same villains who recenUy staged a holdup In the city. Dave tries to shield the identity of Jack, ln unaUcecnnfol, and gets shot during a fight. Knowing that Jack's riderless horse has returned to town, the gana ties up the remaining victim. eeta fire to the house and escapee before the posse arrives Jack gets out with the help of the pollee commirsionera daughter. who happens to he around. and trails the fugitives. The coup de grace is given, however, by the gal's dog, who chases the gangster over a cliff.

CAST—Jack Perrin. Warren Rymer, Marynn Dowling. David R, Sharp and Roger Williams, Uniformly bad.

DIRECTOR--Leeter Williams Bad.

AUTHORS—Story by Allen Hall: screen play by Gordon Phillips Bad

COMMENT A meandering piece of disconnected nonsense.


EXPLOITATION--Anything but the truth



T1111104 minutes. RELEASE DATE not given

PLOT—A chronologleal record of • Soviet scientific expedition to the Hay of Happinese in the Arctic Circle. Seven men and a woman physician live where it is cold, look for tin mines and occasionally get lost, frozen and hungry. Two rclentists are first rendered hors de combat when an avalanche frightens away their dog team. Two others. rearehing for the fleet two, have their efforts nulli-fied when their airplane too..., up. One pair le finally found with the aid of a motorised sled, and the stronger niais of the second couple succeeds in dragging hiss dead partner to the main outimst

CAST—N. Bogolubriv. Makarova and Novoseltsa, those Russian Mars, in the leading roles. Fair.

DIRECTOR-8. Oernelmov. The dmmatie sequences, of which there are a few. are dragged out ton long and become boring

AUTHORS—U. Herman and S. Clerselnme scenario

COMMENT—Straightforward yarn with nice photographic shots of arctic landscapes, cyclones. etc.

APPEAL—Limited to the urinal trade.

EXPLOTTATION—Another angle on the work of the Soviet government.

10 The R11!board June 27, 1936





Conducted by PAUL



DEMS—Communications to 1 564



Broadway. New Yerk City



N. Y. Offers Many Courses To Out-of-Town Teachers

• Le Quorne, Hubbell-Serova, Stone, Blue, Mattison, Sin-clair, Sawyer, Stoddart, Hale, Itestoff, Sager, Strauss, Cansino, Chalif offer special courses to visitors

NEW YORK, June 20.—Among the local dance studios offering teacher courser' ba the many instructors coming to town for the various association conventions are 'Ned Le Quorne announcing Ms Met enamel teacher,. course: Evelyn Hubbell-Sonia Heroes. School. new combinatien offering operant teacher courses: Jack Blue, Jack Stone. Johnny Mattison, Donald Sawyer. Lucille Stoddare Edward Sinclair, Ches. ter Hale. Veronine Ve,toff, Bernice Sager. Sara Mildred Strauss. Angel Cansino. Chant. Le gnome. rho lip to new Ilan concentrated on professional routines, la offering his first each teacher's courses. hie faculty including Dorothy Norman Cropper. Adolph Biome. Eddie Mark. Thomaa Riley and Victor Morley. Le Quorne is also celebrating his 15th anniversary as a dancing master who has created routines for many famous' ball-loom

tn rnx n snowThe Hubbell-Semen teachers' training

school faculty will include Jack Dayton, tap: Karl W. Peters, aerobatics. and Jaques Cartier, choreography and pro.. duction. Mme. Fermat will teach bal-let and children's work and Misa Hub-bell will specialise In ballroom. Johnny Mattison. also offering a

teachers' cram.. haut just completed training Elaine and Celle Jarvis in ball-room taps: Denny White and Billie Burns in a new ballroom tap number for their Pao-talon Royal, Valley Stream. opening. next Thursday: Charlotte tarn-bertora and her brother, Charles. In a new waltz-musical comedy routine and also a Zombie series for their current Hollywood Restaurant engagement. and Una Val In a new set of tape for her current work in Idlers Delight at the Guild Theater. Edward Sinclair will be buey teaching.

from July until the end of August. mod-ernistic tap for Lucille Stoddartaa Dance Congress. Angel Cansino. Donald Sawyer. Albertina Ileasch and the Dancing Mies-tens of America. The Strauss Studio Is offering special

Sunday enure., for teachers. Chalif is offering a special 450-hour

comae this summer. Jack Stone's summer school, June 15

to August 30. 18 being offered in four epecial offers. Ile le also offering a series of 10 dances In five days.

Jack Blue is continuing his femme, thru the summer and ta adding special ones for teachers.

Roth-Berdun, Detroit, Expand; Add to Faculty DETROIT. June 2&--Roth at Derclun

School of Stage and Radio Arta held Its leollf ea et 1936 June 19-20. Nearly 600 jeungatere took part. Under a new system, every pupil who

takes vocal lessens receives a recording of his voice at regular intervals. These records are filed away and are used to Check Individual procrees. Wee Faith Arch:ant has been added to

the vocal department. Handling radio. John Gamble has been appointed head

of the dramatic department. He is a former dramatic stock producer and actor in both stage and radio.

Alvienne Scholarships Thru Dept. Store Tieup NEW YOWL, June 20. — Alvienne

School of the Theater effected a tramp with the Oaks Department Store. In which 14 12-week coursa were offered to winners of the Peke Talent Teat. Winners are Elinor Pratte. calorie

Pintel, Lucile Mason. Celia Diamond. Joyce J. Peitz. Angelina Longo. Aderlerie Ravage. Janet Wedeln. Wealle Wooten, Ann Heaven. Florence Marcus. Jane Ellis, Carol L. Wanderman and Patay Berlin In addition. Bobby Mackreth won an eight-month whole's/up in the school.

Louisiana DMA's Ambitious Plans NEW ORLEANS. June 20.—Approach

of "clog days" Made the local drama schools badly dlaorganized. The trail-ing spring revues have yet to be seen. but up to now there la little question that practically every rschonl in the State lans gone far out of the way to put on Its beat show.

Teulialana Dancing Masters' Aracelatlon skipped Ite meeting this month and will continue disorganized until the last Sun-day in September. when, according to Preeldent Beret Verges. the most am-bitines schedule In the organization's history hae been tentatively drawn up.

Plans call for the drawing up of a wider scope for the annual State award for the beet talented pupils; a better working agreement with proferalonet brokers; a fight to bring about reduc-tions of admission taxes. There will also be such things as new membership drives, estehllehment of periodical nor-mal schools in the interior of the State and perhaps the drawing up of a sliding scale for distances traveled by inatdir-tors for the conducting of private tuition.

Detroit Players Active DETROIT. June 20.—Rehcartals have

'darted for toranthe, to be given by the Minicar Players of Detroit on Belle fete June 27 and 28. This will be the last of • series of eight plays since February 22.

Bertha Wright Knapp is director of Junior Players. Arthur H. J. Searle and Harry W. Bette will runlet Mrs. Knapp.

A Teacher at 15 AKRON, O., hme 20.—A local girl who

won't be 16 until not month is making a business man's salary giving dancing lessens.

Muriel Kelleher has boon dancing she was 5 years old and she has been leaching other people how to den., for snore than a year.

She is going to make inching of danc-ing • as soon a, the gets out of St. Vincent's High Scheel.

She has 75 pupils and this surnm•r is going to New York le learn son,. more dancing herself.

Loy, Leggett Hold Recitals MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. June 20.—

Two important dance recitals were held here the early part of the month when pupils of Peggy Loy and Florence Leg-gett were presented In recital at the Tivoli Theater. Both recitals were held between regular performances for two nights and were well attende& The Peggy Loy Spring Follies appeared

June 1 and 2 and was filled with clever novelty dance numbers attractively cos-tumed. Among the entertaining rou-tines were a colorful ballet in blue and allver called Starduat by Betty Lou Ploner, Delphine Loy, Pat Peat. Betty Beahan and Marian Lindeman: the Eas-ter Parade number; a roller akating tap by Jean Vetterly and Lynn Said. and Mary Jane Brady's blues number and her jumping rope tap. Peggy Loy, the teacher, did a toe tap to close the pro-gram. The Plerenee Leggett pupils were pre-

sented June 11 and e and proved a clever combination of pinging and dancing. Some ef the dance number. were ushered In with dialog given by dramatic pupils of Fern Krueger and Geraldine Olvaney. Among the dance numbers was the Spring Relict, a lovely and unique pres-entation; Lady, In Rine, colorfully led by Dolores Drake: a baby tap called Bfiltg. fro Deem the Houle and many other novelties. P. L. M.

Betty Reed in Cleveland CANTON. 0.. June 20.— Betty Lou

Reed. who conducta a dance echoed here, took part recently in the annual recital of the Russian Imperial School of Dance under direction of Serge Nadeldln at the Fianna Theater, Cleveland. Mira Reed. a pupal of the school for two years. won distinction as a talented dancer here.

Pittsburgh Teachers Prepare For N. Y. and Chicago Courses

PITTSBURCIFI, June 20, — Annual teachers' exodus for lesson work in New York and Chicago started here last week when the last of the school recitals were presented. Karl Heinrich. ballet teacher at the

FlIllon Studios here, presented his an-nual Beaver. Ps.. show June 8. Par-ticipante included John Hunter, Jack Deelev. Hobart Siegel. Charles Schendel, William Bartow. Mary Ann Hall. Helen Louise Muds, Martha Rankm. Mary Case, Joan f3ooch. Winifred Havenhill. Jean Barrett. Jean Archer. Patsy Woods and Virginia. Miller. Mr. Heinrich. by the way. is taking his local Salted of Men to Ted Shewn'e camp in Massachusetts this summer to prepare for some fall recitals Frank Donner. acrobatic teacher, le

doubling Be head chauffeur at. West Penn Hospital here.

Virginia Miller appeared in • dance recital at the "Y" Auditorium soon/Kern:I by the >sac Seder Educational Center. A atudent ensemble ...Wed. The Dorothy and Cornell Arbogast

School of the Dance presented ita an-

nual recital June 1. Nearly 100 kids in the line-up.

William Minch repeated his 2rah Ceti. tury Club revue at the Pittsburgh Play-house May 28 and 27.

Rae Russell, ia.l.ta.nt teacher at Jack Bowman's Dance School, is errisee at Kirnmell'a niyht spot here,

Jimmy Lester, acrobatic instructor at the Vera Liebau School, is director of WPA veude unit now playing Allegheny County. Theresa Jacques reopened her dance

studios and ballroom in the Squirrel Hill district Hooey Webb. former organ aeheral Con-

ductor In the Warner Theater Building. la now leading a band In the /talian Garden.. The Mann's School of Dancing offered

Its annual show In Beaver Palls May 28. Warner's Strand Theater in Ridgway

played Irene Hmweles juvenile dancing class of Emporium. Dance recital of the Barker School in

Rutter was staged under the direction of haricots Lefevre.

DTBA Lines Up Strong Faculty

• IT'ell-known teachers for normal school August 9 also for July 12 meeting

• NEW YORK. June 20 — team-lea

Teachers' Business Association has lined up a strong faculty for its one-day normal school Ounday. August 0. at the Park Central Hotel here. Jack Man-ning will teach advanced tap: Billie Gudie, acrobatic.; Bernie Sager. Inter. mediate tap: Nadia Guerra. children dances: Fe Alf, modern. and Thomas Parson. ballroom. Miss Oucral is a former Pavicitra ballerina.

Person, who b. president of the MBA. anneal...ea a banquet and entertainment and dance will follow the Instruction period.

The DTBA will hum Its July mertin': the 12th at the Park Central. beginnin: at 2 p.m. Faculty will comprise Viet. Huapala Mader. In Hawaiian dance, Helen Orinnelle, presenting an original ballet; Margaret Burton, teaching the new mamba Zambo, from the new film She Detail Dien&

I.ahrzner School, Columbus COLUMBUS. Jame 20.—The Lehrmer

School of Dance presented Ile annuel revue at the Palace Theater here re-cently. It we. the 10th anniversary of the studio's programs. There were still some of the earliest students of the school, such as Betty Jean Irwin and Martha Clarnmeter, on the program. Mies Irwin la assieting now in Instruction

Ganameter la leaving shortly for Hollywood and New York, Lillian Berke. another student, has just completed several weeks with Say It With Ladies unit. Revue was presented three days Joe Oorriea's Band played in the pit and Fern HOOT!! Taylor arranged the Music. R. Al

Hollywood String Studio HOLLYWOOD. Jun. 20.—C. A. Barle's

Music Studios here claim the distinction of being the only studios of banjo. guitar, ukulele and Hawaiian guitar listed with the casting °Mee of the pic-ture studio«. Mr. and Mrs. Berle are former veudevilliame. Their kiddie string orchestra is heard regularly over KNITR. FCRKD and 1CFMLB and recently won a Children's Day contest at the San Diego Exposition.

Reynolds-McIlvain Busy CANTON. 0., June 20. — Ad veered

pupils from major local dance schools enlivened the recent Grotto Musical Festival In the city auditorium. A dance ensemble from Reynelde-Malvalo School presented a spirited line number. Audrey Baker did the tap and toe in an Indian scene, with chorus routine from the Ttranolds-McIlvialn School Solo ap-pearance was made by Bill Reynolds.

4.,e4cd, 044-eujiky,


Console. renfenolonal Training with Plegola• mue Alslemettecwo.

Bp•t.al Coro.te• fit Ceti...ere Speech Vow.% Per•nnahra. Cla•• and Private lantrortlaa. ..lerredded Board of Educaf


fun" 27, 1936 THEATRICAL SCHOOLS The Billboard 11




* "For That Professional Touch"

FRED LE QUORNE'S TEACHERS' SUMMER COURSE JUNE 22 to JULY 10—JULY 20 to AUGUST 7—New Material Each Week—Complete Course Repeated

a special course in exhibition ballroom dancing, personally conducted by Mr. Le Quorne, 2-3 and 3-4 P.M.. five days weekly. Featuring Mr. Le Quorne is teacher and coach to many of the outstanding exhibition teams here and abroad. and is now making his work available to teachers in a summer course for the first time. He will be assisted by Mr. Riley. Nothing distinguishes the expert like confidence— —poise. And those valuable qualities come from knowledge gained under fina teachers. Dance study in the Fred Le Quorne Studios, with an authoritative faculty, will go far toward giving teachers a thorough grounding in dance knowledge. topped off by the sense of assurance that makes the good dancer and the succetsful teacher.

SPECIAL FEATURE • DOROTHY NORMAN CROPPER For many years associated with Fred Le Quorne in ex-hibition and social ballroom teaching. Miss Cropper is

making a special trip front her headquarters in London to teach in the Le Quorne Teachers' Summer Course beginning luly 20. She will give clatter and private lessons in the latest conti I steps and in European ballroom technique.


THOMAS RILEY * EDDIE MACK * ADOLF BLOME * VICTOR MORLEY ap Er Musical Comedy Ballet and Character Aclor-Ebractor with Z Social Ballroom T regr•• •

1.2 P.M. 5 days wkly. 11-12 M. 5 days wkly. 10-11 A.M. 5 days wkly. George White, Win. A Or.,, ,. WM. HarnmetsIein. Etc ferciAL NOTICE: Misses. Le Qvarne. Riley and Biome will teeth et the Dancing SPECIAL COURSES Teacher's Club of Boston Convention, Sept. 17-18. Mr. Riley will also teach ar Doting Iona and Ittly Is

Write today and register the D. M. of A. Converl:on, N. V., August 2-6. DRAMATIC ART • Complete new routines taught each of first hue weeks. Third Practical experience in our miniature

Visitors invited to inspect * week: special material and professional work. * Mealier Ballet. Tap and Ballroom: 5 hrs.. $10. ID his. 517 50. 15 hrs.. $25. 30 hrs.. $40 ACTING — Poise — DICTION

eue new and enlarged up -to - 45 hrs 560. Private: i5 per Isr. STAGE TECHIgIOUE date studios and miniature Exhibition Ballroom: 5 hrs., 515 10 hrs. , $27.50. 15 hrs. $40. 20 hrs., $50 I pm-rib-24 Ms. toitton-550 theater. Pull course, $75. Private: $10 single, $15 double, per hr. 1 inontli--14 hrs. tuition—$30

art:tiler fall season starts after Labor Dar, with classes and private lemon, i, I n,nth --I h 1,, li, ,t•rot--1,0 ....7.47 f,P° at da'do6 for beginners, advanced and professional, fad, Rite ,,,,, mn Soxecited.

F IF'. lb M. rIORXE rerbere.... 1658 Broadway (51st St.) New York, N. Y., Phones: Circle 7-7933-7936

* Josephine Smart D Smartly

BERNHAIRIDT ! ntio,wie rpir•rling at

Root. N. Y.

, indallnitaly. rifest Wishes to

Fred Le Quemo on the celebra-tion of his 15th Anniver-sary and the 1

opening of his ), Isis n e w en-larged studios.


* Clive


to Fred Le Congratulation.- Rodrigo Quorne on his 15th Anniver-sary and the

, opening of hi, new en- -

larged studios. -' rancine BALLROOM STYLISTS



Photographer to the Profession


MR. FRED LE QUORNE Everything Good on His 15th Anniversary

S fut Engagements

at Brown Hotel,

Louisville. Ky.;

lefferson Hotel, St. Louis: Pittsburgh, Pa.: Mayf air. Boston.

Ittrerica's Youngest

Outstanding Ballroom Tram


LEE 10th Consecutive Week ei 3rd R L ment


Thanks to Fred Le Quorne and Dorothy Granville

Si • n sat io n al Ballroom and Character Dancers . . .

see teeee

CongrOulations to Fred Le Queme on his 1 551,

Anniversary and the opening of his new enlarged studios

to FRED LE QUORNE Many thanks for a long, pleasant

business association and best wishes on

your 15th Anniversary.

EILEEN BUTLER frocairriwr

12 W. 44th, N. Y. C.

* * * * gem LE 1111101111E

Established 1 5 Years in the

ROSELAND BUILDING 1658 Broadway. New York


Congratulatfons . . We hope to have you with us for another 15 years.

.12 The BiU‘oard THEATRICAL SCHOOLS June 27, 1936

Numerous Dance Recitals Staged by Chicago Schools CHICAGO, June 20.—Numerous dance

and dramatic reeltabs are climaxing a »aeon of activity among the various teachers and echoole here. A greater ef-fort teena to have been made in making the presentations bigger and better than ever. A rapacity house greeted the concert

given by the Gladys Hight School of Dancing at the Goodman Theater June 5. Produced in a profeamonal manner. out-standing number were the relier elud-ing tap on tables by Beatrice Witt: The Breath rot Sterne, a comedy dance on Skis, and an Impereonntion of Jane Withers by Addle Mae Johnson. The Modern American Concert, with choreog-raphy by Maxine Monty, one of the /natl. the Dresden Doti number by Virginia Wood. and Prophet Bled by Georgia Jeeeeph were favorites. &harlot Grey gave her annual recital

at her etudes June 12. Sunbonnet Babies. with tots of three to six yedra old: Dance on the Stairs: When Mother We, a Girt and The Girl From Dixie were among the many enjoyable num-bers.

Gertrude Payette presented her dra-matic pupils in The Honkshey Berne at the Hamilton Park Anditoriiim June 14. The participants, from the smallest child to the older advanced pupil, all showed the result of careful training. Based on characters from well-known books the selections ranged from Little lied Riding Hood to scenes from ighelceimenrenn plays. Al/ were colorfully costumed and en-hanced by expert lighting effecte. More than 60 children took part in

the dunce recital given by the Jrne Beer School of Deuce at the Chicreto Worn-an'is Club Theater June 14. Mary Dannenberg. director of the

Orresi Drawing and Dramatic Schnell, produced a huge revue/ at Lane Technical High School June 15. Included was a flashy tap routine by a team of 8-year-olds and n drum number by filx girls. Borne 100 children and adulta took part.

Lucille M. Crowhunire dam> revue note Staged at the Calumet High School Tuesday In two parts. A rather novel idea was used in the first part called

The Batern Shopper in which children ranging from 4 to la. represented cream puns, tarts, plea and cakes in their trip work. The second. part. Herne Modern, consisted of tap dance routines, a ballet and the usual acrobatic work and sing-ing by the young performers.

Errnie Schultz% dance recital at the Goodman Theater Wedneeday viras one of the most, enjoyable events of the month. Produced with a lavish and expert hand, the revue was a ertleeeeelnn of excellent numbers. The nret part Treasure Island cemprierd 24 numbers. Part two. Pleas-ures ot 1936, which had 27 numbers, Was climaxed by a beentlful Midsummer. Relit f. linwerd Schultz Syrielle Schultz and Bernice Schneider. known in vaude-ville as Howard Wesley and Company. also did several numbers thruout the revue.

Mildred Floerken Candvtand dance revile, held nt the T.indblont High School Auditorium Thinaday, was a clever re-cital with the kiddies rill coetumed as pieces of candy, such as a peppermint stick, bon bone. etc. Second part was a series of 25 divertisements. all nicely done. Agnes S. Glenson's 12th annual Mince

revue nt the Goodman Theater yester-day featured two of her first pupils ne street artists. They nre the now !amours Hudson Wonders, Ray and Sunshine.

F. & M. Course July 6 HOLLYWOOD June 20.—Panclion As

Marco School opens its summer normal erheol July 6. It will run four week, embracing ultra-modern work, and will include opportunities for teachers to study gtape show, in work and ensem-bles rehearsing fnr filin musicale.

Offers 825 Scholarship NEW YORK, June 20.--Jane Manner.

who operates her own drama studio here, it offering a 525 scholarship in her mum-mer eelinsil for the best 150 to 200-word article on on Our Stage and Its Speech or The Actor's Assrt—nts Speech.




FACULTY BALLET DEPARTMENT: Veronine Vestoll. Itarenlee Holmes,

Arloy• Cr Pride.... tome Schultz end Mine. Ludwig.

TAP DEPARTMENT: Ink Manning. Leo Kehl, Allan Mac-

K•nzle and Bobby Rivers.

COMEDY AND NOVELTY: Arthur K eeeee Hem:tense s

Dorothy Dondons and Virginia O'Brien.

CHILDREN'S WORK: Edna L Baum and Dorothy Bonner.

SPANISH DANCES: Senor Angel Canon,.

Chrystallon 1936 Prospectus Is Now Ready for Mailing and

Can Be liad by Writing the

CHARACTER DANCES: ALesndor Notch 00000 ky

MODERN WORK: Diana Huebert and tine MygdeL

ADAGIO: Crate Bowman Wilkins.

ACROBATICS: Matt Vincent. Peter Villere and

Larry Griswold.

BALLROOM: Myrtle D Pertmeale Louis Stockman, Adolph franksen, Clement O. Browne

and Walter Steohany.


6543 Comte Crewe Avenge Ukase, M.

The Chicago Association invites you to attend thelr 1936 Annual Normal

SCh001 and Convention with a faculty supreme In excellence and the very

best in this country.

Wig Dance

NEW YORK, Dine 20.—Arranlay's, losai wig manufacturer, e•pircts a new donor rete in the snaking with its new long-hair

Quite a few former Ian Ind bzlable dancers hare already abandoned their mops for the wig,

News of N. O. Dance Studios

• List of recitals in and near New Orleans — schools producing line talent

• NEW ORLEANS, June 20.—More than

40 dance gebnoto here have concluded presentation of their spring revues. with possibly a scattered het dozen or so yet tn be held. Here is a list of some of the mere important revues given in other cities, May Amelia Egnn School. Crowley.

June 12: Armandtna Renaud School, /Ins-inn. June 8: Gertrude LeliInne. Lafayette. Juno 11; Winter School of Dancing. Opelousas, June 15: Dialer School, ope-lotuses, June 9 and 10: Beetle Mai Frenkel, Alexandria, June 1: Pauline liragelna Cedar Grove. June ft: Angi-Leena Helm-tel. Shreveport. June 5; Kath-erine Davis, Briton Rouge; Phrlps-Entee School. Shreveport. June 2; Burekett School. Shreveport. May 21, Shreveport School of Dancing. Shieveport, May 26: Helen I. Mary, Baton Ronge. May 23. and nt Hattireburg. Miss, Genevieve MrAirliffe, June 12.

Shirley Haley. 9-year-old acrobatic dancer of the Leona flohertann School here. Is probably the outstanding find of the 1935-36 season, Little Shirley has not only mastered several of Ripley's ..Belleve Tt or Not.' contortion stunts. but hen managed to go even further. Pise ballet pupils of the Jesie Coe-

brera School here won modal,. They were Alain Lout', Corbrera. Jane Atwood. Betty Waters, Juanita Fernandez and Margie France. Among the finest ballet., given by a

local donee school at a spring revne were those of the Jack Veteo School. Pernik Villa Franco and Martin Bela/ico were outstanding specialists. Dar-hike Antova did n great dance. the Meditation from Thais. A crowd of mere than 3,500 attended

the revue of the Phelpri-Erstea Scheel nt Shreveport when nine Phelps and Ruth Estee proved themselves choreographers of no ordinary ability. Outstanding per-formance was an acrobatic number by Carolyn Myers. A waltz with Maurine LeNeve and Alvin Willer drew grent applause.

TirMVI` lianunill and Irene Peterson Ord for the medal for brat three-year progress following the Frenkel School revue at Alexandrin.

At Baton Rouge Garnet anel Blue St. Dicier demonstrated fine skill in the Macy School revue as tapper, while Gloria Gees did a creditable ballet.

Philly Dance Teachers Rest PHILADELPHIA, June 20.—Local danc-

ing schools are rounding nut the school year. most tenchrrx pliuming vacations while others are continuing their activi-ties at genehnre points.

Eileen Smith concluded her Cinderella Dancing Studio eeselonn on June 5 when elie presented her Cinderella Dancing Dolls at the Mercantile Hall. The Cneindera Dancing School grive

its annual recital at the same hall Wedneeday. The Dauphin School of Arte held its

annual recital rit the Mercantile Hall Tuesday. In addition tn dunce routines. the concert featured the vocal. Inntru-mental and dramatic departments of the gehord and Was Under the direction of Miriam and Ruth Howlett,

NEW YORK. June 20.—Victor Morley, brad of Fred i.e QUeerne's &Steno's drama department, has been engaged by Lew-rence Lengner to support Eva Le Gal-Retitle in Lore for Lore In Westport. Corm., week of Juno 20.

Chicago ADM Sets Faculty

• Impressive list of teachers for August '10-29 normal school—meet Aug. 23.29

• CHICAGO. June 20 —An Impressive ar-

ray of teachers have been enengeri by William J. Ashton. secretary of the Chio cago Association of Dancing Masters, for ite 23rd annual normal school at the Sherinnn Hotel here August 10 to Anglin 20. The school promisee to be one of the largest ever held by the aeaociatIon in many years.

First week of the normal school will be devoted to beginners' work. funda. Mentuls and foundation work In dancing and how to leach these subjects. For the second week more nclvenced work will be given. an well rut complete rredinee of the many different aubjecte that will be taught. There will be 54 hours of work each week.

Annual convention will open Sunday, Auguet 2.1, and will continue until Sai.. urcley. Airetret 29. As in former years. it will be. hell in the Gold Rocrn of the Congress Hotel.

Faculty this ycnr compriees: Pallet deportment. Weronine Veston, Berrnire Holmes. Artera and Prldeaux, Ennui Schultz and Mme. Ludwig: tap depart-ment. Jack Manning. Leo Kehl. J. Allan MacKenzie and Bobby Rivers; comrdli and novelty Miner:, Arthur Kretlow. Henderson Sisters. Dorothy Donetenn and Virginia O'Brien: children's work. Edna L. Baum arid Dorothy Bonner; SpenIgh dance", Angel Cansino: character dances, Alexander Kotehetoveky; modem work. Diana Huebert anti Knit Itygdnl: adagio Grace Bowman Jenkins: acrobat/es. El-liott Vinrent, Peter Ville, and Larry Griswold: ballroom. Myrtle D. Pettinegle, Louis Stockman. Adolph Frankeen. Clem-ent O. Browne rend Walter Stephany. A number of social event, have been

(See CHICAGO ADM on opposite page)

Dance Teachers Attention! !! OUT OF TOWN DANCING


Do YOU «Now wile? Yon slit litrelt:r1 oft Slit/ YOU STILL LOOKINO FOR

BARGAINS? nrutunEn. *rim REST 1M ALteAra







JULY 1st—SEPT. lit TWie MoNTIle 45 11411 ,11ez INST.


guKTEEN pri.œr,o0N.Ar. nounters






Nl'ulrrlt lar :ITEM:YTS le tisirrEn




KATI', 111:PINVEN 11150 CUOIIRY nrnir irrrrAnn PATSY KELLY IMP:7G MI NeNelf rAtutor.L JANE /Moat

FAIIMANKR TWINS DANCING RANTER TO ,rint nANrn Stsertine• Stllitlflt. reglInnte PRo-S1,.egiteeAre ItorALTY AND OTIIERN

Wilt NOT F01/1


218 W. JACK CHICK-47th St, ERING COR. ErWAY BLUE 4- 0462

Pule 27, 1936 THEATRICAL SCHOOLS The Billboard 13


School Recitals

Sonia Serova, New York NEW YORK. June 20,—Mme. Sonia

Selma offered her pupils In an exrep-Weal Ma recital at the 58th Street 'Theater May 24. The presentation /dressed lovely ballet

enuipinge, the toe numbers being given pirturesque Settings. Among the stu-denta who deserve special mention are Virginia LaSalle. Judy Sammons. Bar-bara Thomas, Sally LaSalle. Joyce and Jone Willey. Mary Van Caepira, Gloria Gull. Carolyn West, Evelyn Clark and Isabella Schwartz, Cynthia West. Outstanding numbers were CM.

Rhythms. Ballet Suite. Claire De Lune, Roil on Drum and Rhapsodic. Universal Bernie and Drapery Studios. Inc.. 'sup-plied the 'scenery. Mrs. Christine Theme-son and Mrs. Prosser the costumes and Selva the shore. Jack Dayton arranged the tap numbers, Mme. Seamen, epecialls-re, in ballet work. 1.1L. Sonna Morton at' the piano C. F.

Mamie Barth, Pittsburgh PTITSBURGII, June 20.—Many clever

youngsters hnvr been developed in the Birth School of the Dance. an witnessed te the atintial show staged in Syria Weenie recently. Dozens of well-trained routtrio,, encircling practically all types of dancing. were staged in the back-ground of clever settings. Particularly entertaining were the several seenes which made way for Individual routines. Striking scenery and coetnmes added

to the revue', entertainment value. Ranking front position among the donc. ors were .7eanne Cauneld. Mary Llivaro, Ward Sisters. Betty Buettner. N H.

Vesper Chamberlin, New London NEW LONDON. Wis. June 20.—Vesper

Chamberlin Studio of Dancing presented its third annual revue recently at the Orand Theater here. with 24 numbers on the program. Revue under super-vision of Marie Zapp, of Appleton. who has acted as Instructress of the New Inedon classes.

Oscar Conrail, Columbus COLUMBUS. 0, June 20.—Eleventh

annual radio tap renie of the Oscar Con-te ,: Scholl of Dancing was presented beet recently. In two acte and many scenes. It presented work by most of the Conrad pupils. Principal dancers were Walter Phillips, Melds Mae Porter, Mary Men Moore, Nancy Lee Jennings and Dona Smiley,

Shirley Wetak, De Pere. Wis. MILWAUKEE. June 20.—Nearly 100

ch, ee pupils of Shirley Wetak appeared in their second annual program June 8

the Nicolet Auditorium in De Pere. Pn.gcbrn was divided into three parts. Ile Artist fn the Wondland and Merl-cane Night Life were titles of the first and third parts, while the second fea-tured a variety of strut tap, waltz dream,

tne. mordent Jazz and other types.

Jack Barry, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGIL nine 20.—Tap reigned

hint at the annual revue of the Jerk eAlYT School of the Dance at the Davis Theater recently. Many intricate steps, a credit to professionals, were mu...teed b7 a number of students with a large decree nf rmse and rhythm. Tap class was headed by Kitty Loll

Redeem. Catherine nni. Peggy Tait, Lil-lian Caasella. Outstanding scene was "China Moran Sisters and Hollywood Blondes.

fonaer students now working as protes-aionals. contributed their nets to this m-etre. S. H.

Wagner-Wynsor, Brooklyn NEW YORFC, June 20.—Phil Wagner

and Regina Wyneor's new Studios of Stage Dancing in Brooklyn held its an-neal show at 14Idwood Masonic Temple Juice a. :Show featured kiddies of four and up

lad also adult,. with Diane Aberbach deing enliser. Atnong those Who stood out were Theresa Surnwrcl. Rosalyn B.talinan: Natalie Samuels and Ruth Pnedinan. The Little Red Sehoolhouse numb, waa outstanding. Casturnes by MI. La Barbara and

music by Sam Berger's Orchestra. School teaches elocution in addition to singing end dancing. Peldheim.

Carol Deneer, Canton CANTON. O.. June 20.—Carol Dencer

presented her pupils in a dance revue re-cently id lintel Northern Ballroom. An out...tending feature was The 11h-tiding of the Painted Doll, portrayed by 20 ad-vanced pupils. A colorful ensemble called Holiday on the Old flan:stint& also scored heavily. About 50 pupils took part. MeConnell.

Detwiler, Columbus COLUMBUS. O.. June 20,—William R.

Detwiler, head of Ills own school of dancing, participated in tine year's edi-tion nt his revue Tuesday at Central High School. No wan even in Tango Moderne with two of his major pupils. Betty Schorr and Betty Harrison.

Jean Boyle, Pittsburgh PTFTSBURGH. June 30.—Annual re-

cital of the Jean Patricia Boyle School nt Dancing witnes-ed by a large crowd nt the Nixon Theater June I. Out-standing were first-rate tap and toe rou-tines and novel bits presented hy kiddie pupils. MI. Hoyle herself headlined the second part of the revue with a grace-ful toe dance, backgrounded by 12 of lier moat talented too pupils. While no scenery was employed, colorful costumes added plenty of spire to the show.

Impressive nmong the 100 or more students in the revue were Rita Schem-ing, Myra Wagner, LAVerne Laughlin. Anna and Evelyn Selbet. June Klinkner.

S. H.

Hinkle-Dixon, Akron AKRON. 0.. June 20.—The Rumba-

Tap by Mildred Hinkle and Norwood Dixon Was one of the featured numbers in the Norwood-Nixon dance revue. June 12. In Goodyear Theater. There were 150 daneers In the cast of the third annual revile presented by the Dixon studio here. Other outstanding numbers were by Mar-jorie Masino and Charles Boyd. Dixon and Jean Sheppard. Maxine Johnson and Doris Bradley.

Clair-Rae, Canton CANTON. 0.. Juno 20.—Opening the

program with a two-net allegorical fantasy, the talented pupils of the Clair-Rae Studio delighted a capacity midi-enee In Lincoln High auditorium Mon-day. Mite Rae authored the stage play. Second half. titled Divertissements, fit-tingly balanced the first part. /n an almost deseling succession of solo and chorua dances, from the acrobatic strut of little Patsy Miller to the finished In-terpretations of Joan Clair, the per-formera brought grace and vivacity to the stage and suggested the unlimited posalbillties of the dance R. M.

Osterliouse, Grand Rapids GRAND RAPIDS. Miela., June 20—

Phil Osterhouse School of Dane, pre-sented its annual spring revue at the Ramona Theater May 27 and 28. The revue carried the theme of day-tn-day events as taken from the newspapers. More than 100 students participated.

Huth Barnes, Altoona ALTOONA. Pa., June BD.—One hundred

and nineteen students were featured in the annual recital given by Ruth M. Barnes School of Dancing at the Mlahler Theater here Monday. Show was based on a voyage by two kid,, and labeled Rail Boat of Dreams. error -ling Mt. Brumes use of many tote in Clover num-ber!. Among pupils who took pert were

Sarah Honker. Jean Galbraith. Dolores Solt!. Shirley Wheinberg. Iffiline Holt-zinger. .rallan Ann forense. Katherine Carrier. S. H.

Plybott-Allen, Ft. Mayne FORT WAYNE. Ind.. June 20 --Ann

Plybon and Charles Allen (Uptown Studio of Dancing) held their annual spring recital at the Civic Theater June 2. About '200 students took part, the juveniles presenting a gypsy scene. Souther» number, acrobatic act, etc while the adults were spotted in a mod-ern dance. a Truckftr' finale and other numbers DM Cullen, now at the Serg-i-toff Gardena here, emeseed.

Austin-Tarasoff, Orange, N.

ORANGE. N. J.. June 20.—Clara T. Austin and »legit Taressoff presented their geminating elate:ea In ballet, toe and tap at the Women's Club here re-cently. Among the soloist. were Betty Linder, Margaret Bushhy, Betty Como. Marian Elirrtie. Edith Besieh rind Jann Perry. Dorothea Shah at the piano. Costumes by Tecate Ilectua.

Marcella Patterson, Woodward, WOODWARD. Okla.. Juno 20.—Twenty-

One students of Marcella Patterson's Dance School were displayed in recital at. the Woodward Theater May 14 mid 15. Elaborate and unique Costumes clothed the youthful performers.

Miss Patter-non, daughter of a pro. fesslonal performer, appeared herself in the tina le with Betty Lee Terry. Deserv-ing special mention were Roberta Jean Terry. Francis Jane Lawrence, F.rwIti Bleckley anti 111111e Winebumer. P. D.

Gene Kelly, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH. June 20.--One of the

hest dance recitals offered here tills session was given by Gene Kelly and his clever kid,. Many offerings carried real professional flavor. A shining quality of Kelly's work Is the stage confidence he teaches students. Sven the beginners behave far above average. His sister, Louise. has been a splendid PARDO:flit.

Claire Anderson delivered lier Valse Arrobatique like is veteran. Freddy Reeeey la a coming Jolson-howls com-bination. Anna and Kathleen Guler scored with their song and tap, and Jean Charnyak and Jrimes Gregory sang with rich, melodious vole.. S. H.

Knickerbocker, Minneapolis MINNEAPOLIS. Jtme 20.—Knicker-

hooker Dancing School held its annoti medal lard week, presenting the pupil, of Claire Lacy'. Bernice Stetson was ne-rompaniet. Recital wag at the Jefferson Junior High School Auditorium. More than 100 pupils appeared.

Tune Turner, Elvers Schlemmer. Agnes Ann Frederick, Bebe Shapiro, Lucille Henry. June and Philip Paul. Shirley Merchant, Anne Miller. Lorraine and Ruth Weyer wore among the prominent soloists. One of the school's students. Fitil

Stonehrake. now is in Hollywood with Merle Potter, Minneapolis Journal film fritle. On a tour or the film studios an the prize in a tap dance contest.

Bonnie Studio, Reading READING. Pa., June 20.—Bonnie S.

lhownell's Beninle Studio of Dancing held its annual revue Stine I and 2 here Opening allow was devoted entirely to juveniles. with a cast of 200 participat-ing The second show was a prover, atonal revue, with continuity supplied by Robert R. Reedy and entitled Th. Diteheqs Goes To Bat. Juliana Horst-man, who operates her own school in Dayton. was guest artist. Older stu-dents and members of Misa Brownell's road show also participated.

Hess-Healy, Canton CANTON, O., Jime 20.—Their experi-

ence in big-time veude stood nut all over the dance revue which Peggy Hess and Chuck Healy presented In Lincoln High School Auditorium June It was un-folded as smoothly 8.1 a well-organised unit.

Star was Jean Wiggins. who dances perfectly. Novelties which un» favor were slow-motion prize fight by Johnny Chick and Bennie Smith and two num-bers by Jackie Duncan. midget.

Orchestra was conducted by Jack Davis, with Vertn Shilling as special pianist and Bob Leister in charge of the excellent lighting and 'staging.




lamInners Advanced. Rusin«. Csdnren 3 years and

RaUndad trainion in seer, type to Stem Danr GortemotIve


lifyaoltot Cr fore Hey It kkin) le In•rn



FREE FREE FREE Shower. Lockers Practice ROOT, HOURS: 10 to 10 p.n, Scary an, tennau:

appoIntrnun: also Sunday. 2.• pR,. tort iferoreHATION PHONE COL. 6 ta•ff

JACK STONE Art of Dancing Studios, Inc.

1698 BROADWAY, Car. 53rd ST. NI ,A2 YORK

CHICAGO ADM (Continued from opposite page)

planned for the evenings of the conven-tion week, opening with the usual Presi-dent's and Or/leer's Ball the night of August 23. Monday night, August 24. avtli be Regional Director's Night. The following night a moonlight boat trip on lake Miehigan. August 27 Is the night of the annual kiddies' revue. Next two nights will be devoted to the annual gland hall and banquet and the installa-tion of new officers.



ubbell Sonia


Teachers' Training

School of the Dance 113 W. 57th St, N. Y. C.

Sleoieray Hall Phone Chide 1-64174



Write for Prospectus

1 presents another ONE-DAY SESSION


A hours Instruc-t:on ye:1'h Art out-standing faculty , 9 am. to 6 p rn

'' enter-•,, ,...ment and dance 7:30 Pm to rrodnight,

JAMES MANNING. Tap BERNIE SAGER. Tap DILLY CUDIE. Acrobatics NORMA ALL/WELT. Ballet r..A01A CUERAL, Children's Dances Ft ALF, Modern telOMAS PARSON. CiallreOnl

Hotel Prerlt Central, New York, N. Y. Sund•y, Airiest 9.

Fae («MIN, day): Ilan-rnernborg ter um For so...ruler. Celte.

tes W sr., et., rem Yr•S, M Y.


DANCES 243 Went 720 S•rrm, Nora leek GItT

Phone SUS 7-3753.

14 The' Ftillhonrri THEATRICAL SCHOOLS June 27, 1936 •

Chicago Dance Teachers Busy; Few Schools Close for Summer CHICAGO. June 20.—Stage Arts School.

operated by Peggy Lou Snyder. is again offering a special comae of 12 one-hour lessons in all types of dancing. Nichol. Tat-oaten.. la sailing August I

for Chem., on the 8 S. Count DI Sarnia. He elen, to visit Budapest Vienna, glressburg. Parts and London. returning te New York September 27 on the Normandie During his absence.. the studio will be conducted by his assistant. Lurlene Griffith.

Fran Scanlan routlned the Harriette Smith line with a new opening number for the show at the Edgewater Beach Hotel Beach Walk. He also worked out some new numbers for the Chan Knoll Trio.

Bruce R. Bruce reporte that the re-aponse for his summer normal course has been t.0 enthuntostie and the en. rollmenta 8,, numerous that Jul% 1 has been set as the deadline for registra-tions. Ernie Cletbel, suletant to Bruce, Is enjoying • two-weeks vacation with pay Rote Datant. Bruce's secretary. la wearing a sparkler on her left hand and rumor, are that ahe will wed In October.

Lillian Rosedale floonmen, well-known pianist, singer and composer of Cherfe, Lore You end member of the old act

of Holt and Rotertale. has pined the Anierleart Guild School of Singing and Itindleh Opera to teach vocal and radio technique.

Lenore Miller Dancing Schrtcl was ter-'mired one night this innnth by young hoodlums who entered the studio while lesectrus were in progress and robbed MI. Miller end her amtletent. Caroline Siegal. Mary Vendee is closing tier studio dur-

ing July and Aum-t. Paul Shahln ta getting a lot of pub-

Betty thru the settee of dlagramette dancing lessons lie i s conducting in the

"RIFF AND JIBE" Tan Let.. rt•res New gl•Ing Taught If/

Johnny Mattison Alto an e.71am e.art Staige Kau: Ines faceted

cee Teri. I. XI A.

SITTIEL PI.VMOVYN, 143 W. filrtn Sown Panne Meets T-41100. M w Yr. Ong

IThe Vogue in Tap et" so • rt. it , hit E • OPACL TI•CNIIIIS O. IL OF A. 1110•111•1. IN JULY VIrclImme Lesellhe sawanaet • Owns Conan...


SINC L. AI Ft Twain' Osermaiee. • t• /1,..c..it 14.


M.o.. Chai. TOZTI.



4111 Lane 5.4 Ile.... ape, Nià

Olenc.m Se es Went Owenwe

Intot414,01•AL• SIGs

NORMAL SCHOOL asta' — TA. — •CICW•11.0

Car kertlenrme.....e. •••^••• Me»



TAP 1111101110 By VAIL

at. 'We It twain. Taw Lawns Ws,

ria• Ilrarns

114* ee Lae"; 11111RMILIt iegekleggifg• figgi filisfr a.. ~fa tat

columna of The Chicago Shopping Nrice.

AferrIel Abbott is closing all but her professional clasere during July, August and part of September. Prim Soudan has lately become astowinted with the studio, besiden conductsng his own school. Ennie Schultz has been selected by

The Chfeapo Tribune to train 1.000 South Side children to appear in the Chicago-land Music Festival at Soldier Field August 15

Sharlot Grey. who conducts a dancing echo,' here, runa the Camp afich-a-Gotoe nnd alleh-a-Clander at Holland, Mich, during the summer for children.

Lake Shore School of Dancing la clos-ing July 1 until the latter part of August.

Atlanta Studios Join To Stage Big Benefit

ATLANTA. June 20 --f3everal Atlanta schools united in staging the seventh an-nual Masonic Milk Fund Kiddie Re-vue at Loos% Grand Theater early this month. Among them were Pierre Dales School. Virginia Sentons Studio, Jerk Rand Studio and lottle liarnethell School,

Joan Wells. from the school of Donnie Danford. is leaving shortly for New York tn enter the Michael School of Acrobatic Dancing.

Bee Rich, pupil of Sttnya Shurman, is taking a teacher's course and also assist-ing Miss Shurrnan.

A recital of the Jessie Reese School showed remarkable talent In Jane Hol-brook, clever tap dancer.

Suit Over Theater School LOS ANOELES. June 20.—Clalmine he

.04,4 defrauded of ownership and control of the University of the Theater, I. R. La Fontesse flied suit for 810.000 dam-age, In Superior Court here against George Set:der and S. Jame. Knicker-borker, now operating the school, a«ord-Inn to the complaint. La Pont.. nays Setzler and Knickerbocker approached hint with a partnership proposal March D. and when he agreed to the transaction they obtained possession of the school and ousted him.

Hallick Dancers' Recital DETROIT. June 20 --Marjorie Rollick,

of Rollick School of Dancing, gala) a re-cital recently, presenting aoo young dancers in the Masonic Temple Third recital of a scrim sponsored by the school.

Sammy Burns Auditions N-Eve YORK, June 20.—Sammy Burns

Donee Studio in holding auditions for Pinter., dancers and bands preparatory to bcoking night spots armind New York Auditioning Thursdays 10 o'clock to noon in Its Studebaker Building studios.

Peggy V. Taylor Offer NEW YORK. June 20.— Pecgy V

Taylor. local concert dance teacher. Is effering a free booklet to theme inter-ested in her style of work. Idea is US prove her routines are described clearly end can be understood easily.

Jean La Roe Revues COLUMBUS. C. June 20 —Scheduled

June 8 in Central High School here and June 115 in Marysville High School. Mereaville. the Jean LA Roe Revue pre-'rented more than 60 children on each proerram. made 13p of tap, toe. acrobetic end rameity dances and gongs. Miss LA Roe experts to leave for New York aft,. the second preexists]. resuming het cleasee here in September.

School Has Fencers

PORT WORTH. Tex. /line 20 —Chris' fem.:Mg team of the Hudson School of InanOMt here retained its Southwest lensing etwuntelemehtp in tournament. held is Da1a. hilareh Cl Lends. Hudson •wierstee the 'wheal owl takes an active fan In the fencing classe. C Jack Raffle Profewslonts:8. hool of Dancing to the Grant Building here also entered • Main In tug guagotuelà

DANCE, DRAMA, MUSIC, VOCAL AND RADIO STUDIOS: Mail to Theatrical Schools Editor, The Billboard. 1564 Broadway, New York. folders, pamphlets and other material describing your courses, instructors, studio loca-tions, booking affiliations, etc.

o n

This material will be lied when making recommendations to those inquiring about schools and courses.

IV. J. Dance Music hems CAMDEN. N. J.. June 20 New Jersey

dramatic and dance atutlion are plan-ning increased activities for the summer esseort Gladys Kochemperger I. bony preparing the graduation recital for her Merchantylile studio gloms Program will include an Irish playlet and n dance recital. Beginning Monday, Mi. Koch-ersperger will direct the dancing netlyi-tlen at the Masonic Club. Pitman, for the summer months During the month the Kochersperger Dancers appearen for the Kasten, Star in (he Masonic Temple Camden; at the Walt Whitman Theater. Camden. during the week of June 15 and on June 17 danced for the Mer-chentylile Woman's Club garden party.

The leth annual dance revue of W11-Ilam W dancers was given at the Moose Hall here.

First annual revue of the Redden School of Dancing was held at Wentniont tinder the direction of Rita D. Kelly.

Camden School of Music Presented a group of students from its vocal and ex-preasion departments June 5. Depart-ments participating were under direction of E. J. 1.1111,11 and E. Wood. On June 5 the Pullman School of

%runic presented students of piano. elocu-tion and expression, violin and vocal departments J. Harry Tipping, head of the vocal department. will present the second edition of the June Fronle June 25.

Directs Big Festival PROVIDENCE. June 20.—Portia Mans-

field. of Rye. N. Y.. was named by the Providence City Council Tercente-nary committee in direct the dances for the Fashion Pratt:al in the stadium of Brown Univetaity here week of June 8. Miss Mansfield Was attended by Char-lotte Perry. who ritrerted a corps of some 900 male and female dancers appearing in ballets and period dances covering the 300 years of Rhode /eland history.

Music School on Radio PHTLADFS-PHIA. Tune Io —Ornstein

School of Music Inaugurated a series of weekly recitals over WEIL May 13. Di-rected by Leo Orruttein, composer and musician, each week an instructor and promising students are featured as vocal or instrumental soloists.

Opens Dover, O., School DOVER. 0.. June 20.—Marion Wallick.

who had headed his own unit shows, has opened a dance studio at 217 rectory Street and is Instructing In professional tap, acrobatic, adagio. clog and modern ballroom. He is also appearing at near-by night clubs.

Louisiana DMA Elects NEW ORLEANS. Stine 20.—Mise Hazel

Nu. and Peter Villere were tied for appointment aa delegate director to the DMA eon te nt ion recently. Miss MISS drew the winning straw, %Mien; being appointed to serve sa alternate.

Gilbert Boston Recital BOSTON. June 20.—Clayton D Gilbert

presented Helene Winton •nej lvard Straus. In "dramatic miniattiree" at Recital Hall here recently. Everett Col-lie, rionnIst. Glenn Wilson. actor, and ida flerdwell, planiet assisted. Ona of • weekly aeries try atudenta.

Tampa Schools Novel Recitals TAMPA, Via., June 20.—Annual dance

recital, have held the center of the stage here the past month. unusual features to attract larger audiencea than ordinarily attend recitals being much in vogue. Byron School of Dancing Myrtle Hen.

dreamt Byron/ presented Its annual revue at the Victory Theater in conjunction With the regular motion picture. Revue was profeaslonal in every detall—chtneem costumes and the manner in which It clicked off. Pla7ed to a capacity house and fully demonstrated the value of "flesh" attractloint to anentent pictures.

Recital of the McCord School IKent and Cecile McOorril was girt'. at City Auditorium and sponsored by a local highs.tehool club, which sold ticket. .n1 program arivertieementa. in addition to metnbera serving an ushers. This In-terceding recital depleted the story of Florida from the beginning of the Ifith century to tile present modern era.

Marguerite You ma nn presented her pupils at the City Atlditorium, converting the hall into a ballroom after the show for darning by the audience. Annther recital given at the City Audi-

torium this month was that of the Ells Mae School of Dancing, which fenturee Mother Goose characters and seen..

Plant High School auditorium was used by Ann Dixon for the revue of her pupils, also sponsored by a highow.hool club,

Hy-Eunice Studio Busy BATTLE CREEK. Mich.. June 20 —

Dance muds-. of Hy Whitt...rime and Eunice Can.. who la a former Marion Freeman student. is OprriltIlling in ad. lanced tap and novelty dances, with an assistant handling their children% chimes.

New Boston Studio BOSTON. June 20. —Joan Fleming,

formerly in Vanities, has opened a new dancing achnal at 138 Massachusetts avenue. It I. the Frnway Dancing Stu-dios and is employing about 25 In-structor's at present.

Norris School Graduation PHILADELPHIA, June 20. - EmlUe

Krick, Norris presented diplomas to 10 student's of her Berton! of Expression and Theater Arts May 8 and 7. Those grad-uated were Frances William Land. Elea-nor Williams Taylor. Jeanne cassell. Pol-ly Anne Daly, Elinore Leavitt Miller. Kathleen M. Barron, Eleanor M. Dough. erty, Clarlbel Becker, Louise Gibson Frowrifelter and Betsy Rom.

Wildwood, N. J., School WILDWOOD. N, .7.. June In.—Opening

of the Wildworul Institute of Music and Dramatic Art was announced for early July by Mrs. LouLse Weir. director. Creases from July 10 to September 4. John P. Lilly will teach plano and vote. and James Bedell dramatic art.

Keene Sumnier Stock PITTSBURGH, Jun. 20.— Ilerben V.

Gellendre. director of the Pittsburgh Playhonse here, will he in charge of the Repertoire Pinviinuna School. which will operate in association with the Kerne Summer Theater in Keene. N If. from June 29 to Attune 12 Teachers engaged for the coming season: Bertha Kuntz Baker. Mildred K. Huhn. Kenneth Res-tock. Doris H. Dennuton. George A. Hine /a general manager.

Youngstown School Busy YOUNGSTOWN. 0. June 20 — The

Midwinter high school ballroom dalle' lag term at the Joyce School of Danc-ing ended with a gay party for students. Pauline Joyce Heller announces a new term of ballroom instruction for high-school students.

New Dance Picture towns0 will find RKO-Radie's

ntw calcine«. • natural uicuP, itn "Dancing Firmly," ring Charles Cal. lint and 110 fi Own. as • new dance Ita•on. Billed •t, the that dancing nit" alc•I in 104 par cent beet...item. it fee. rrrrr • ”Pirate Walt," Ins -Hu/inane* Fos -Trall - and the "Pirate Quadrille:.

June 27, 1936 THEATRICAL SCHOOLS The Billboard 15

Philly Drama Studio News

• Birk*, Norris, Randall, shales, Upton srhools are busy presenting students

MIILADMPIE1A, June 20 —Appearine t, Holiday, clewing performance of the Basle V. HIM. School of Dramatic Art 'afforded Gene Caldwell an opportunite to land a Warner Broa.' contract. Pm omprany optioned his services and Cald-well left for Hollywood. Emilie Helder Borne School preeented

students In an evening performance coroutting of four one-act pis Paul E. Randall. dramatic coach of

the Temple University players, will ell-rat ectivitles of the Summer School of the Theater. Group will meet from July to August 5.

For the final production of the season Junior Theater Guild of Mien Maiden, &hoed of Expression and Dramatic Art ;resented Ibeenei Hedda Gabler under iteration of John Gordon. Sylvia ((atta-in. and Harry ftohrman portrayed the leading roles. ['pun School of Stage Training clewed

Ite fast sen-eon with a brilliant perform-ance of Kingdom of God June 9 et the Creranut Street Opera House. /ant O. [eon Favorite, echoed director, coached the playera. with Lytton Patterson as Mae manager. aselated by Whittlesey ¡r-,usen. Leading role was carried by betty Kern. Upton Players also ap-parel on the T ce Frank-Lit Brothers rears over WFIL. Fifty-errand annual commencement

nernses of the Philadelphia School nf Bernstein and Dramatic Art were held it the New Century Club. Graduates un-Or direction of Elleabeth L. Coyne pre-meal The Lore* of Charle* U. Oraa-sates were Marlon J. Dewier. Ellen V. Oleb. Louise M. Griepenkera Pearl E. he and Harriet M. Simon.

Duluth Drama Group MILITTE. Minn,. June 20.—The Duluth

tittle Theater le operating it, summer resmas June 15 to August I. Curricu-lum *III contain emirsn on acting. Meeting. 'stagecraft. costuming, theater Wray, voice and diction. playwrighting, laakeup and eurythmics.

Sehuster-Martin School CINCINNATI, June 20.—flehtieter-Mar-

en School of Drama Is preparing pro-duction of Ladies in Welting to be given he students at the Little Plavheurie. Walter Dyer Is head of the dramatic demitment. The school Mimed ',feed-Mee in Uniform recently. with Mary Male Curtis and Jane eludhoff out. 'Landing.

Pasadena Student Wins TAaADENA. Calif., June 2o.— Will

P'ee, star student of the Pasadena e'enatinity Plnyhoune. has won ensign-, r.• Mt assistant director of Benn Levy P'M John Van Druteria new comedy. lir7v/nood Holiday, at the Playhouse.

Youngstown Kid a Hit TotraGaroarn. 0.. June 20.—Barbara

Blunt, alx-year-old min'Ind and dinging atar, will begin making Mt.-

Oene shorts May 1, following n recent ce'Bon arranged by Rae Samuels. The

sas inetnicted in dancing by AI

D. B. Cladding, Fall River FALL RIVE:R. Mama June 20.—Tap.

, ..belle end novelty numbers were e'r: uteri on the recital given by 70

:t of the re-troths' 13. (Bedding School Dancing here June t. There were 57

t.,`Ires on the program, all Mine, rf arranged by Mies Madding am

l, v71 by Leon Gagne and Phyllis Sea. Musical neeompernment was un.

ire direction of Vera E. Slocum. C. A. IL

Miriam Kreinson, Bradford BRADFORD. Pa., June 20.—Per the

fourth censecutive year Miriam Kreineon presented her revue at the Bradford Theater. Proceeds to the Crippled Chill-elrenei Fund nf the Rotary Club. Mors than 41.500 said to have been netted. Show was in two acts, with electrical

and scenic effects secured from New York. A union crew of six stagehands. two electricans and a 10.plece pit or-chestra was used. Miss Kreinson. a niece of Kelcey Allen. directed and conceived entire show. More than 300 costumes. made by nine wardrobe mietremea, were used. Show was considered the finest seen here In yearn. Altho Miss Kreln. eon's 'whore is strictly a dancing =Mani. Mae herself has had centilderable ex-perience in several Broadway shows. More than 3.000 witnessed the show in three evenings it was presented.

Sylvia Hamer, Ann Arbor ANN ARBOR, Mich.. June 20.—Mrs.

Sylvia Hamer presented 100 pupils of the Sylvia School of the Dance In a recital on the stage of the Michigan Theater here last week-end. The recital was also repeated sa a part of the regu-lar program of the theater in the evening and Saturday afternoon. A ballet of 25 children s'a, a feature.

Program also included two toe dancers In soins: Rae Nita lareen, IS, "aping Antaire," and an acrobatic nutnber by Esther Eenningere

Mrs. George Bales eras accompanist for the dances.

Benedict-Denishawn, Detroit DETROIT. June 20.—Benediet-Dent-

ahawn School gave a benefit performance June 8 at Masonic Temple for the Hanel Benedict Dance Scholarships for Tal-ented Dancers.

Attractive features of the performance were the dances of Idles Benedict, as well

prenennation of her concert dancers and the performance of many of her students. Ream.

Wildwood, N. J., School WILDWOOD. N. J.. June 20—Opening

of the WIleiwond Institute of Muele and Dramatic Art was announced for early July by Mrs Lounge Weir. director. Classes from July 10 to September 4. John P. Lilly will teach piano and voice and Janus Bedell dramatic art.

M. IL Appell, Canton CANTON, 0.. June 90.—Dance pupila

of Margaret Hope Appall presented an original and attractive revue here Juno 2. Mina Appel', herself a talented dancer. has a group of clever children in the younger ago group. The program had variety and there was ability in all the numbers. Outstanding groups were Denainft

Cheek to Cheek. in which the dancers had life-aired dolls as partners; A Study in Silver, lingerie dance; Truckfre and Serenade. Miss Betty Mann ems accom-panist. McConnell.

PHILLY PREPARES--(Continued from page 3)

perking up for the relaxation-seeking oonventinneent.

While the keynote speech of the con-vention la being made on the night of June 29 Paul Whiteman will augment the Philadelphia Orchestra with his own band for a symphony concert tempered with 'syncopation. Whitemen bring. along his instrumental and novelty en-tertainers for the open-air concert to help the sharps and flats awing. The Ranklason Interest, have provided a pro-gram of midget auto races at the Municipal Stadulm for the same night. Whiteman repeats, on Wednesday (24).

The festive highlight of Philadelphia's welcome will bc brightest on the Park-way for • brilliant and colorful Mardi Oras. The Philadelphia Mummers-New Year's Shooters' Ammintion will dot the flood-lit fairway with 28 participating clubs in the mummer. parede. Carnival will reach Ile peak when Mayor Wilson crowns the queen of the Convention, who will be selected by a group of promi-nent Philadelphia women from 48 can-didates chosen by the governors of the various States. There will be three band stands and a carnival roadway roped off for dancers and pageantry. An International lee skating carnival

will be staged at the Arena on Friday night (28). more than 80 skaters from the United State. and Canada parUcl-patine. (any Omen. who skated in the last carnival staged here, will be one of the more than 40 Canadians to take part in the event. Ile will skate • solo number and will also be seen in • Muni

number with the Minto Four, nf which he is a member flame evening Will find the Philadelphia Orchestra at the open-er Robin Hood Dell. Catherine Little-field and her Philadelphia Ballet Com-pany will hold the spotlight. The Philadel phi a Orchestra. aug-

mented to 180 men, will play on Frank-lin Field the follealng night (27). When President Roosevelt Is scheduled to ac-cept the Dernocratle nomination for re-election. Chinatown has • program of its own

to lure the convention visitors. The merchants me planning a revival of the festival of Lung Su, the water dregon, the week of June 22. The street will be in picturesque garb and a troupe of Chinese actors, brought here from New 'York, will present a series of playa dur-ing the festival. Only attraction at the legit houses

will be the record-breaking Three Men on a Horse at the Broad. Convention will mart the 17th week, and the final one, for this plat)', grabbing off the longent run record for this town.

Seashore points will attract thou-sands of visitors to their playgrounds. and for the first time In almost two years Atlantic City will got a legitimate stage attraction. George White will open his revived Scandals at the (larden Pier Theater in the shore rennet tonight and continue it thru next week while the Democrats are hereabouts.

Attie' national Issues will he debated and decided, the carnival spirit la up-permost.

WPA PLANS (Continued front page 3)

nude and minstrel shows will be offered beginning next month. Open-air ship auditorium seats 1.200.

Clase of .29, now the WPA's hit play, will continue at the Manhattan Theater until July 4 and will be followed by a ferre. Help Tourielf. A revival of Light* of London opens

Monday at the Palm Garden. Produc-Lon directed by Earl Mitchell, The Negro Marbete closes tonight at

the Lafayette and goes on tour. Turpen-tine. by J. A. Smith and Peter Morrill, opens at the Lafayette next Friday. The Music Project's twin-Mil condo

opera presentation.. Abu Haman and The Princess on the Pea, remain at the Biltmore until next Saturday. The WPA opera company will open •

series of performances July 6 In Bridge-port, In addition, a combined bill of The Princess on the Pea and a one-set ballet supplied by the Dance Project will be given in Hartford early in August. The Popular-Price Unit, now running

Class of '29 at the Manhattan, Is plan-ning Barry Davis's The Sun and I for fall presentation.

SEATTLE. Wards., June 20.—Federal Theater here opened Stevedore at it. theater Tueedey. It will alternate with performances of Noah. Swing. Oates. Swing, an Intimate Negro revue, opens June 29. After that the three plays will alter nate. The plays will be presented as a sum-

mer drama teethed June 15 to July 11 at 40 cents admission.

PITTSBURGH. June 20.—Lourin RdWs ard. new State director of the PWA theatrical projects and a production manager. was here last week looking over the two local protects. A Plan la afoot to place the units nn s self-nus-taming basis when gevernment fund» ni» out. To do so, however, the quality of the lineups must be bolstered. Re-porta have it that an attempt is under way to enlist all unemployed perform-ers here who applied for relief after January IS. 1936, the original deadline set for talent to be eligible for PWA work. Engagements for both the stock and

vaucle unite have been extended until August.

FREE SHOW (Continued front page 4)

in most instances beat car-fare money. and guarantee an amemblage of at least 500.

Units are limited to 10 participating aponsors clients of the Richard Foley and Philip Klein sovertleing agencies being first to come In. Show runs about an hour. using six to eight specialty eclat. With Hamster deeming the costumes to represent the products. Special ma-terial. advertising copy In tilla cam, is provided by I. Umbers, of KIM; Mickey Mars local songwriter, handles the musical direction job, and Herold Davis. program manager st WDA15. carries the erns, duties Associated with Kemal« is Harold Simonds, formerly of the WPM sales department.

In spite of the boom in real estate. Hamster hi forgetting lots and meant houses and concerns himself with Um Ides of dressing up • five-frot-two blues warbler as a can of MIL Altho Ille ac-tivities are centered around Die Phila-delphia area, Publicity Entertainer, threaten to spread the idea in New York, lord at Thomas. D. B. D. At C), Adrian-Bowen und Peck advertising agencies bate eigniged their Interest in the plan on behalf of their clients. In fact, ICanns-tehroism rals Agowbeunilenyl.ng shows for the Lord es T

Even the radio giveaways and the door-to-door throwaways Idea Is incor-porated In the plan. If two pretty girls can stand on a street corner distribut-ing chewing gum, hie showgirls will pass thrum the audience and give away samples or booklets. Sponsor will even pay for the door prima and attendance trophies to get that added plug for their product.

Booking agents had a headache when benefit abuses made inroads on their cementations. But this bone will be a tough one to crack. Entertainer.' Man-agers Association, organization of local bookers, called upon the State employ-ment agency to check Kamaleras meet-ties. claiming he was in the booking business without benefit of license. In. veraigation which followed the complaint gave the Publicity Entertainers a clean bill of health. Nor can the labor unions step In with the benefit cry. While It le a free show, no is radio entertainment in the home. And while the advertiser is willing to pay, the entertain, is glad that a new angle, meaning more work. has opened for his talent. And the Un-suspecting booker continues to 'screech his head and wonder what may be next.

Several advertisers have attempted a similar gag on their own hook, notably the Standard 011 Company, which mot Guy Lombardo on the road last year to play theaters and auditorium's with no admission charges. The free. Show threat that time was squelched by picture in-terests. Rut club agents have no such power behind them. Recently the Philip Morris Company, cigale firm thru the Blow advertising agency, Manahan Montgomery. ventriloquist. on • night club tour, the act paid for by the ad-vertiser, but with no charge made to the club playing the act.

Trade opinion is that Xarrolers Idea can grow to malty threatening and throttling proportions, hurting not only private party end of the business, but night clubs, and °thee field..

DETROTe. June 20.—WPA show at the Lafayette was scheduled to etc« for the third time tonight after the second engagement. lasting 10 days. of William Beyer! I Confess. The Road to Rome has been placed in rehearsal.

Beyer, who directed his own play. ha,' been engaged as permanent director for the theater. William Feed SIP-reeds Larry McDermott as Madness manager.

(Stork Therein Memnon. w)n. Inman, I Orannaleat Lear /rats Ind Ann», Peen Man-

son, Una allaelgel. Alta assn., en. , Musical,00111101'.

VOCAL AND esse,. float prefeennal trans.., - the nsly Pena. is is. Pelted Motes erew•etne its wrowets s wee la aW-lr HWY. plus Teals; Pletson mad Testasteal Tnnina lit ynne. Irions, U•Irwan. Dialect. Dae-Ing, •ennattew ITarsornranow, Fswinc awl nessfy WIN., anal> tisanes,. Sperial Oemes for Dwaine. Lanett= and enneral tam

EMINENT FaCrt.Tr. write he Poll... to PECARTART SELL

se Wear aSta Mt Sn Tore

Learn CRUX TIM Erstanaln fee All Onewslans.

Indoreinne with a Cos , Ism, .rna od .3 •• nsii0r'!i y' --'r'-. ...n II 00. Onto. Tern,. Canine rm. AAAAA APT SCAVICIII,

OPP. 45-4. Ornindr.


THE foremost institution for Drematie and Expressional Training in America. The course. el the Academy furnish the essential prep-

aration for Teaching and Directing 'Is well as for Acting. TEACHERS' SUMMER COURSE. 1U1.11 6TH To AUGUST 14TH For Catalog address the Secretary,Roona gaS F, Gumucio Flutl.N.Y. 0...

16 The Billboard Condoct•d by SIDNEY HARRIS—Communications to 1564 Broadway. New Yeek City.

BURLESQUE June 27, 1936

BAA Ball a General Success; Seen as Credit to the Field NEW YORK. June 20.—Annual dance

and entertainment held by the Burlesque Artists' Association Sunday night at the Manhattan Opera floiree here for the purpoee of estabileing a benevolent fund for burlesque performers was suc-cessful to the extent of exceeding the ex-pectntione of the pincers of the organiza-tion. With returns still coming in for ticket and Journal advertising sales. It la expected that the fund will net a hand-some sum. The elate further showed the progress of the BAA to the extent that it was one of the greatest func-tions ever held by a burlesque greup, which was acknowledged by theater own-ers. agents and performers alike. The affairs attendance was estimated

to have been in the neighborhod of 1.000 people, while the Journal advertising le believed to hnve grossed about $1.400. Tine donntion to the fund came In this week when L H. Reek and Abe Minsky. operator", of the Gaiety Theater here. sent in a cheek for $50, which is in addi-tion to their $15 ad in the Murnal. Three game operators have elso tendered their theater fee any midnight performances the organization might desire for the purples of swelling the benevolent fund. Sunday's function startrvl early and

wound up about 3:30 the next morning. with an elaborate hour and a hell show higletightillg the event. Jules Howard opened the show. Introducing Tom Phil-lips. who spoke for the BAA. and then Jay C. Flippen took over the show's rem.. Other performers were Bert Prohmen. Jack White and Dan Healy, Margie King. Mitten Berle. Otis Hill and Mena Wynn. Eddie Davie, Jack Waldron, Slim Timblin and Melts. Kirk and Howard. Dancing filled out, the balance of the evening.

While the majority of those present represented performers and their friends. there v.ere many theater owners egrets and others closely connected with the theaters. Among the managers present were H. K. Minsky, accompanied by Eddie Lynch: Mr. and Mrs. Max Miller; Jimmy Lake, who journeyed in from Weaselling-Ion, D. C. and Harold Raymond. Dave Cohn, Nat Morton and Tommy Levene were representative of the agent..

The sunresn of the affair has prompted the organiaation to decirle to hold an

function every year. It in expected that the executive board Of the BAIL will appoint a special committee to look after the distribution of any aid from the beneveleut fund.

Ruth' gtielS MURRAY LEWIS rind Harry White will

glimmer at the Bitten Hotel. KengstOn. N. Y. . . . Frank eennnell. along with Joe De Rite nnrt Phyllie Vaughn, are scheduled to open in Cleveland July 10. . . Ektale Infle has lined up a sum-

mer job In the Catskills. working in Swan Lake.... Vent Stanford went hack into the Peoples. New York, Friday, re-placing Skip Carter. . . . Phil Rosen-berg. New York agent, absented himself from hie ofnce all last week.... Under-stood that he went on enme kind of a business trip. . . Bobby Morris went out of the Apollo. New York. Thursday night, but opened the next day at the Irving Pine,' further downtown. . Peanuts Bohn and Art Gardner went Into the Apollo. . . Harry Seymour exited from the Irving.... Plerrie Joyce and Maxine DuShcn opened nt the Star. Brooklem. Friday. replacing Roxanne and Peggy Reynolds... . Joe Weineock went in for a mleinighter a week ago Pridny at the Republic. New York. and it worked out successfully.

NAT MORTAN has set himself up an sort of an emergency man.... He rushed Harry (Boob) Myers Into the Gaiety. New York. Friday when Art Gardner had to fulfill an Apollo contract.... Rushed Mickey O'Neill Into the Eltinge. New York. last Wednesday when Peggy 11111

stricken Ill. . . Brought Barbare Donne down from the °MMus., New York, to the Gaiety Friday to replace Dolores Dawn.... Myers will only stay at the Gaiety o week and then go up to the mountains. . . . Peggy Hill was removed to the Joint Disease Hospital last 'Tuesday night suffering. neeording to report, from an appendix attack. ... Mortals also rushed Lee Laurret Into the Gotham last Sunday to replace Olndys Fox. ... Ile has also art Feeder


THE CAL insole A New Inept» lrc,.It lenrinea.

NELLIE CASSON intrect_rr;keeea. - —


EVELINE DAILEY Ponnerer or thee D.A., Twee.

Sue Ps. el Dainty Sete stsiesTrew.


and Cook for a four-week New York beoking fellowing their stay at the Bijou. Philly.

LOUISE PHP2 PS drepped out of the Ettmen. New York, Cast hie Tnesday and Betty Rowland jumped into her place. . . . Sunny Lovett is going big nt the Republic, New York. With Mike Stich+, Using her in most of his even.. . . Charlie McNally say, he'll NYC It

this rummer, referring not to the col-lege but to the New York unemployed. . . Emmett Callahan, out on an auto trip, Is reported as bring tier in New York next week for a couple of dap; mid then out on the trip ageln. . . . Jnente Dove was a busy little laav trip-ping the light fantastic at the BAA ball.

JUNE ST. CLAIRE'S ender. Helen, a chorus girl nt the Metre Chicago. is cloning to follow in the footeteper of her illustrious ester as a principal and will open shortly at the IRexy, Cleve-land. . . . Gabrielle. exotic dancer,

(See BURLY BRIEFS on opposite page)

Hirsch Takes Over Kansas City House MINNEAPOLIS. June 20. — Harry

Hirsch. operator of the Gayety Theater here, has taken over the Empress The-ater, Kansan City, another burly house. He may also take over two Other bolls« for which he is now dickering.

Hirsch will open the Gayety here August 15 with a show to be built by himself, comprising talent booked from Milton Schuster ln Chicago. Two weeks later he will put the mime show into the Kansas, City house. opening Sep-tember 1. The shows will alternate be-tween the two houses.

Mica° Takes liklyn. Stadium NEW YORK, June 20.—Tony Micelo,

operator of the Irving Pinre and Peoples Theaters here, vein take over the open-air Metropolitan Lyric Riedel", Brook-lyn. August 17 for three weeks. He plans to install Italian operas there, to-gether with American revues.

Harmon Not Running BUFFALO. June 20.—Mervin Harmon,

who recently disclaimed any connection with the opposition ticket for the Bur->emir Artists. menelation election, has also not given his approval to his nomi-nation on the exec-utter honed ef the ornclal BAA ticket. The ntionett,on ticket had put him down for the presi-dency, but Harmon revealed that It was done without his knowledge.

National, Detroit, Changes DETROIT. June 20.—The Beef Trust

Glees. quartet, opened Monday for a week ne added attraction nt the Na-tional Theater. Mee Hamilton and Madeline elm opened nt. the National Monday. while efsbel White. recently at the Empress. Cincinnati. opens Mon. day'. Paul eforokoff. NatIonnl producer, leevesi this week to go to Atlantic City for the summer.

Detroit Ownership Change DETROTT, June 20.—National Theater

here has been taken over by David H. King, Inc., succeeding the Kin', Amuse-ment Compenv. No important change in ownership in involved. according to King. Victor Travers ern:Mules, an man-ager. King and travers have operated the house for about 20 yenrs.

JULIUS ROTH due to open the termer Coffer Cliff's spot on Seventh avenue, New York. in August.

n Ratles is que ec .news Apollo, New York

(Reviewed Tuesday Afternoon, June 16)

Burlesque at the Apollo la to the field what the lindlo City Music Hall shows are to de luxe presentations. Even In the summer. when business takes a belly drop, the Apollo continues its Invlehneee as regards costuming and scenery, an limper-Kew, barkground for the pre-dominance of feminine beauty. All this finery even helps the so-called lower qualities of burlesque. such as dia-log, which isn't made to look so low' down when inceacel by colorful produc-tion. All this in a tribute to Alien (filbert's masterful production and the owners' courage in not holding too tightly on to the purse strings. With a contingent of six disrobing

lassies, 11 chorine,' and six showgirls. that's more than sufficient for any burly patron who's kern on ogling the (ems. Strippers. In order of appearance. are Marie Vote Joan Dare. Mary Joyce. eerie. Pennell. Margie Hart and Oconee Sothern. And they are girls who don't get paid off at the minimum. All swell lookers, neat dreamt:, and expert Ms-inhere Of course, the Mitaca hart and tiothern are the stnndotitee Margie a grand and artful teaser and Georgia a dynamic dteroher. Miss Planet's rou-tine le a novelty, one that affords u belly laugh. As for Miss Joyce. she's lovely to look at and a chatining singer,

and the Misses Von and flare do nicely in their assignments. The Misses Vue. Dare and Joyce help out ably an well in bit.

Comics, while only two, are such as to make up for three and four of the fun-makers at any of the other Male.. They are Bobby Morris and lerrink Silk. Both are audience favorites. with Morris a busy little fellow who's, got his finger on the pulse of burlesque comedy today and gees laughs like no other coolie ran. His burlesque of a stripper is n choreic. Silk, a Yemen In the field, keeps aprice of the times aleo and he bats out a terrific laugh score as well.

The feeders are tope and they are Rumen 'Trent and Jack Coyle. Both are finished performers. working tip well to the <senile. Trent does some swell char-acter bite, and Corte also doubles im-preesively nt Infire singing. Jimmy Tewlis. the house singer, helps out nicely enough ir. bits also. but his forte is the singing of the production numbers.

Aside from Lewis' production singing. ahow's clean value is enhanced by e young chap. Jimmy Byrne, who mike sings niece tho only fair, yet who locks across with nifty tep dancing. He Rots several spots for his hoofing and goes big. The chorines are a neat-looking troupe and, what's more, they Imudie their nice routines in great stele. Show-girl. are nest eyefuls and they do their Chores well aleo. SIDNEY HARRIS.

-72a By UNO

JUNE DARLING, of the Republic's (New York) front tine, svas tendered a party on her 18th birthday Juno 7 by Mac Dennison at the Strand Hotel, New York...

JOE ALLEN, after a long siege of the grippe, returned to the Apollo, New York. to assist Ed Helper," in disposing of Oscar Merkovech's concession watts. Has applied for nternhe/snip in the Con-te:teem Managers' Association.

MARIAN BELL. erro dancer at the Gaiety. New York, who was a co-student with Faith Bacon St the Wayburn School in 1927. Is out for a etare berte in burlesque or night clubs next season.

ROSE GORE. In America /seven years and who recently became a IL S. citizen, celebrated that important event June 14 along with hubby Abe, comic, by invit-ing a few select friends to a kosher home-cooked dinner at her home in Nov York.

PICTZIE BEY writes Pile is at herne In Chi and working at the Casino Club. an Illtra spot. Comes back to New York in September for either burlesque or nighties. Hubby Frank le opening a containse shop in Chi.

JOE KELLY. of the former Columbia Theater. New York, together with Jack Rohn. Cliff Sewell. Bob Stone. Ethel Kelly, Jane Rohn and Arthur Wallace. were a few of the burlesque oldtteners nt the BAA affair at the Manhattan Opera Rouse. New York. June 14,

DOLORES DAWN Played ',rest to John Tiorda.h. of Bridgeport. nt the BAA Intl and entertainment Ditto Rube Bern-etein to Jimmie Leke. operator of the Onyety. Wruihington.

JEJTHE LEWIS, baritone-straight. and Diane Raw shoe-girl. of the Apollo, New York. feted end congratulated June 11 upon their marriage, that day la Armonk, N. Y.

JEeS MACK and Jean T,ae Closed at the Bijou. Shiley, June 6 to spend the balance of the slimmer in a Collate leased in Atlantic City.

MARION MASON. doubling as acro dancer nnd chorister at the Republic. New York. stock, getting big hand.s fee her One routines.

ARMAND MONTE writes from the NetA I.Odge. Elarnnac Lake, where hr baa been three years, that he Is Tinnily mnk-Ins the grade and would like to hear from friends. especially Frank X. Silk arm Bob Carney.

HERBERT BARRIS, straight. and Max Felirman. comic, all ser to open Sep-tember 14 in London thru Frank Bel-mont then Barris will be en-gnged at the teuare! Country Club, Sack-ett Lake. Monticello, N. Y.

JEANNE WADE will celebrate her 23rd birthday July 7 by way of a party at the itingOde Grille on Eighth avenue. New York,

MARGIE HART returned to New Teat after n three-week encash at her Milano °polls home and nprned June 12 at the Apollo on n four-werk contract, co-featured with Georgia &Ahern and Car-

rie Fennell. She. has leased anment in In Brooklyn, facing prospect park.

Installing severel grand worth of fur-niture and a piano.

MADEJ.INE WINTERS extra attraction Itinerary includes a week at the Na-tional, New York, after her Reinielic (New York) stay. another week at tb-Roxy. Cleveland, and lour weeks at the Burbank. toc Angeles.

MAC DENNISON. comic. engaged fer the summer nt the Grand MOUnilL11

Hotel. Greennirld park. N. Y. stenee. Simmone. tenor; Sarnnly Smith, roll, and Sol Burry will be et the Sha-W"-

Go Lodge. High View. N. Y.

Jane 27, 1936 BURLESQUE-TABLOID Ti..'. Billboard Tabfold Conducted by BILL BACI-1S--Communie•tion• to 26 Opera Place. Cincinnel, O. wane.



lab "Tattles JACK DRAY TON and Rosn beats opened their new unit. Hollywood GPIs Pa-rade, ne a feature of the Kentucky

giinkera' Association Convention at Pike-ville. Kv., June 12 and 18. Company also played two days at the Werldingten Ir.eater. Pikeville. Unit. comprieing nix nude acta, a tine of girls and an en:M-ete novelty hand, will play thru Ohio end Michigan.. . l'he Cotumble Thea-ter, Alliance. O.. which has been playing opt two days n week for tile last several geinths to good eremite. will be ehuttered after July 4 until Labor Day. Home elil be renovated and extensive improve-ments will be made during the shut-down and the tab-picture policy will be resumed in the fall. . . . Dark since last February. the Opera House, St. John. N. B, has reopened vOth a tab-talkies pp/icy. First show In was Harry Berry's SeeAlsf Vault fee, featuring, Oracles Berry. ractelte Lewis, Path, and Poteem, Richard Newell, Theo Keith's California girls. ont and the Five Flashes. Opera House is managed by A. T. Orincing, assisted by William (Joke) Whitehonr. veteran tent .how comedian. . . C.lue Sun, of the basking firm bearing his mime. Is brag-rig these days on the 34-pound muskie which he landed on a recent fishing trip to fiaalmwenna Bay. Canada. The whop-per gave hint a 45-Minute light, so the eery goes His brother. Pete, of Toledo. end a party of friend. from Mechanice-burg. O., accompanied Mr. Sun on the tep. . . . BIackie and Tuttle Blnekburn are with the Rosalie Nash Players in NichiCan this aeason. . . . Oliver Kight end the Misfit's. who have been coneen-trating on night clubs the last several years. Jumped into Cincy early Inet week to permit Oliver to collect his bonus bends They left Sunday for Columbus O.. all bedecked ill e. new supply of grati-ng, . . . Mary Davies lab and burly perfermer. la back at her home, 1512 Cent-el avenue. Cincinnati. after a trip te Henderson. Ky to attend the funeral or Orr mother. who died there suddenly

"RAY- 0 - BUBBLE" New Peed Yuan:sweet

Dance Balloons 75c

IS Ft. Diameter.

$2.75 El Ft. Ellansette.

$3.50 •. COt1Pki tub /NOON Tube, to beau

Balicen,. 1..50.

luI I,.,.. • ,

r ,..od .itias. Gress. $2.00.

THE TOY BALLOON CO. 1.• ror sion Si.. New York. N. Y.




apply Sorry Tuesday. 111 P.M. in tor I. ,,,, 4. fa wed Magus.

TED WHITE, tzsr Siren apene Theatre. New 'Van City.

Paul Reno WANTS

le. the Summer Season. fearri•n11a [norm Culs. One boll weekly. two shows ', dolly. A reel ion wdh pay. Salary

00. Will teed tickers if needed. Wire

PAUL RENO. Old VIenna Cardans, Russell, Pal.. Ohoe.

WANTED 1.'1.. ', dos IlIrt• Lone. dewily muaiteoseat. l•••/,HO Ntnember. Arrehal seal Arts mutable

Ld1.-rle..• Rene Menftenonos do• ARM.. .108 111. eireeetenea, lad.

last week. . . Charlotte Anen and Johnny Broderick and Charles litIiml Timblin. vaudeville headliners. are slated to appear as added features rif the bent. ht allow for the estate of the late Hal Hoyt, to he held et the Fairbanke Thea-ter. Springfield, O.. Thursday midnight, June 25. Broderick and Timblin for-merly appeared with one of Hal Hoyt'. tabs.

EARL AND FRANK TAYLOR's Co-La-Lo Continental. after a week at the Denham Theater, Denver,

jumped to Hannlbal. Mo., last week to begin a string of dates then the Middle West. Featured with the unit are Buddy 1.ako end cempany. Connie Cella. Schaef-fer and Nelson. Gordon Bennett. Mahan Gibney, Ray Oswald. Virginia Shannon. LaBardie's Models. flabbette Fintaine. Babe Lewis and a line of 12 girls Ex-ecutive staff Includes Prank Taylor. company manager: Robert Davis, ad-vane° publicity: Ray Oswald. stage Man-ager; Del Smith, nuieleal director; Wil-liam McMahon. otage carpenter; Yvonne Darrell. wardrobe mistress, and BM Wakefield. transportation manager. Show travels In two 30-passenger bosses and a large tractor-trailer carries all equip-ment. Company has been out 14 months. . , . Vivian (Alaska) Vincent, former chorister, but out of the hostile,ss for the last several yearn. la now Mrs. M. J. Collernn. She'n residing at 937 Beech avenue. Pittsburgh. ... Freddie Framp-ton and wife. Jim°, until recently with the Cotton Watts tab at the Bonita. Chattanooga, are now at the tatter's honte in Dayton. O. ... Myrtle Fielders, ado, off the Watts opry. has jumped into Atlanta. . . . Cotton Watts and the rill.eus. Chick Moreland. are resting in the same town. . . . Blair Camp. who closed with Watts in Chattanooga June d, la taking a brief vacation nt his home in LIncolnton. N. C.. before joining up with a tent show for the summer. . . . TrAdy Benson. chorine, has left the Bonita. Chattanooga, to join the Watts unit at the Foxy. Knoxville. . . Dot Crawford, formerly with Ed Daley's show on the wheel, pencils from the Liberty Theater. Davenport. la.. to say that everything is homy-bony around that Spot. Jack Murrel is ettill there as pro-ducing comedian. with the rest of the caret made up ut Betty Lou Denthis, Pearl Bernier. Tommy Edwards. Lois (Red) Scott and Mine Crawford. Miss Scott recently concluded a four weeks' run with Alma Robinson's tap dancing trio at Rainbow Gardens, Cincinnati.

BURLY BRIEFS-(Continued from opposite page)

opened at the Rialto. Chicago. Jone 19. . . . Ida 11.0E0 has returned to Cnirago from New York to produce the new revue at Coloalmo's Cafe.. . . Leonard Kramer and Billy Diamond nee now at the Capi-tol, San Francisco. working under the management of PopkIn di Ringer. . Madeline Winter was booked into the National. Detroit, by Milt Schuster, . Evelyn Rene opened at the Boxy. Cleveland. June 19. . . William Vannereon. treasurer of the Rialto. Chicago: Walter Rochtin. Heat Perk and Milton Schuster ana their families journeyed to Crystal Lake tee catch Bud Hawkins' Circus last week. Hawkins was formerly in burlesque nod in recent years has had a dramatic tent Show. . . . Paul Morokoff wan a Chicago Visitor this week on his way to Cedar Rapids. his home, where he will spend a few days before going to Atlantic City te produce at the Apollo Theater this summer.

gataitac fake By BETTY HUNTINGTON

Saranac Lake had the honor of win rent: the first two baseball games of the season, last Sunday at Tupper Lake. .coro 6-4, and from Pint-tat/Um at Sara-nac Lake. 'wore 7-6. Charles P. Howard (who succeeds Toni

Ancle-raen as manager of the Pontiac' Theater) arranged for a PWA show to appear on the stage of the NVA Lodge. It was a combined hillbilly and vaude-ville unit, including 42 people in the cant and William F. Mackey as man-ager. The show ran about an hour and proved a reel treat to the patients here.

Charles Potter in our latest arrival He halla front fteelne. Wes., where he wen connected with the staff of Warner brethren. Winifred (Personality) Fleagney left tat

lost week to rennin., her former position an medical secretary at 108 Main Street We all wish her "Rood hick" and walla her to know she will be greatly missed by her many Mende here. Replacing

Mrs. 'termite). in Mrs Olga Lazio. of Saranac Lake, John ti -older) Louden merit, much

success fer hie recent production of Pea o' My near:, presented at the Town Hall in great style. Mexte (Trump) Sheffer stole the

chow last movie night. While the patients were reviewing an interesting picture a fire started In the projection room. causing much excitement and alarm for all threw present. While the operator made a quick dash for liberty. Maxie (our hero, who forgot for the first tinte that be ever had t. b.) rushed into the booth and quickly exthiguithed the flamee. Bernoise of our fireproof building and quick action on the part of our hero little drimagn wan done. Dr. Karl Flechel, our medical superin-tendent, has been trying for some time to get us standard projection eitillunent• perhaps something will be done about It now.

Mos. Brian Tracy. wife of a former theater manager of the 86th Street RICO Polite, drove here from lairkahrie to visit her husband. Brian Tracy. who Is a recent arrival at the Lodge. Brian had Karl Simpson Placements the prirenle operation a few weeks age and is doing well. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. June 20.—Recent

Dr. and Mrs. George Wilson have just piacenteists by the Karl F. gimps', The. returned from a few week.' trip to the etricall Excl.-nee Include Al Pithenithly. big city. While away they took in the with the Jack Kelly Players: Walter X. fights and eights Price. Al Unruh. Perce Hail and Nellie

Mae. LaPorte. wife of Dr. LaPorte, NVA Kempton. with the Harvey Twyman guest pritient, has moved from I River- Players; Glen and Donna McCorol. with rude drive to Turtle Pend Ledge. where the Relph Moody Show: Fred Ewen. Ann she will enjoy the company of her win. Johnson and Cherie, Eberbeart. with the Walter LaPorte. of New York. who will Wallace Rem, never,: Billy 11,,,Irnin and stay for the summer. Marten Raymond. with the Ted North

Mrs. Tom FIMily, wife of our steward. Players: Fred and Lillian Poole and Tom Brady, protented her hubby with Jimmie While, with the Tliton-Guthrie twins at the General Hospital last week, PIrsyrrs: Fred and Ann Allineon and Bill it hoy and girl. John and Jan. Tyler, with the Ward Hatcher Attrac-check your health ta avoid 'Oho cure" Gone: Danny Hendricks and Wallace Ap-

end write to thane you know in Sal-imam pie, with the Ralph C. Bray Players. Dick Lake. Wolryer, Al Martin and liarle Stein with

the .1. C. Bieber Players: Roy and Eve. Kinkle. with the U. Se M. Player,,; Mr. anti Moo. Wally Wallace. with the Cliff Carl Attractions: Mr. and Mrs. Ned Allen. Monty Montrete and Marjorie Baker. with the Neil Sehafiner Player.: Art and Moo Newman. with the Hula Morgan Players Joe nrici Eva May Thompson. with the Harry Brown Show: Jack Howe, Phil and Peggy Hart. Dull and Lein Ol-sen. with the Hervey Brandon Players: George and Ethel Adkina and Grace Brennen. with the Silvers Comedy Corn-puny; Charles and Arlene Plank and Morris Rhodes. with the Glendora Play-ers; W. J. McKeneie, with the ROM Nero Attract-Ions: Pete Wight, with the Frank flinnlvan Attractions: John and Fern Rae. With the Chignon-Pollock Players: Art and Duckle Vernusn. with the Jack DaUl Attractions: E. V. and Josephine Dennis. with the Fred Jennings Com-pany: Bob and Helen Gentry, with the Harry Hugo She, Prrd Dunning, with the Jack Brock. Players; Hank and Ellen Williams. stilt the MeAriam Player,: Hal Barbour, with the Princes.. Stock: Robert. and Marie McDonald, with W. H. Hol-lingsworth rivorne Players: the Dore Sisters Anthony Black and Lynn Arden. with the Hal Stone Attractions George and Hattie 011es, with the Ray Bash Attractions: Cherlie Simms, with the Milt Tolbert Show: Morris Rose and Ellen Downs. with the Ben Wilken Play-ers; Duke Moore. Wallace Childern and Bill Bayles. with the Pete Burgett Shows; Paul 'Merits with the Rosalee Nash Players: Bert Goddard. Rey Melton and Ivan Thompson. with the A. L. Fenn-worth Attractions.

Huns. In working in these fields, mem-bers should not only keep their duos up. but should aid their association in organizing. Only with a 100 per cent organization can we hope to get a con-tract and working conditions comparable to those in the legitimate theater. A special council concession allows

members working in presentations to place themselves in good et:Ind:rut by paying current dues—that Is. providing the member paye hle dues while working. Members may join while working in presentatione and caberets by paying • 05 Initiation fee. We cape« that two or three produc-

tions, using large choruses, will start shortly. Be sure that we neve your cor-rect address on nle and, if you are look-ing for work, call at Chorus Equity head-quarters three or four tinwa weekly. Members who go to the Coast to do

motion picture work are expected 00 Join the Screen Actors' Guild.

DOROTHY BRYANT. Executive Secretary.

eltotu5 Equal 72ofes

Chorus Equity is holding cheeks in set-tlement of ['aline for the following Inert). bers. Nancy Lee Blaine. Adele Butler, Cherlotle Davis, Liela Gana, Olathe, Harris. F.dn Stettin. Marge nylan. Marlon Hylan. Fred Helm.. Dorothy Mellor. Evelyn Page, Carol Rafiln, Percy Richard.. Ragna Ray end Carolyn Russ.

Sixty-ono new members joined the Chorus Equity In the peat week. The majority of three new inembera come from St. Louis alunielpal Opera Company and from e stock company on the Coast. On July fl. 1936, all mall held rit, this

office prior to January 1. 1936. will be sent to the last address on flic for the member, or. foiling such an address, the mall will bc returned to the post orrice. A portion of tho mail held be listed In this rolumn alphabetically each week. Mall has alrently been listed from A to C, Inclusive. If you do not see the ilet until after your name has been passed alphabetically, write and ask to have your mail forwarded to you. We are holding mall for Margaret

Dawn. Henry' De Kneen, Joyce Dunkin. Doris Delantt P2011 Deane.. James Davis, Mary Dolan. Penille Davies, Don English, Dorothy Forayth. Charles Proem. Mary Farrell, Jack Fego, Helen Folsom. Amy Frank, Betty Fields, Charles B. Fowler. Marie Ferguson. Grace Garnett. Louise Gunning, Leone Griffith, Lillian Griffith. Louise Harper, Jay Hunter. Eunice 'Tonnes David Harcourt, Amalie Ideal, Alfonso Iglesias, Paul Jeneen. Bob Jewett, Harry Joyce. James Keegan. Jean King and Louise Koniver. Our members are reminded that

Chores Equity has jurisdiction over chorus work in cabarets and pirewnta-

THE DRAMATIC GUILD. Flint, Mich., recently presented T..pcicriefee Alibi. a humorous mystery by Gene Fowler in collaboration With Johnny Tulles, The tilt, also stinted honors with the emit.


As You Want 'Em When You Want 'Em


Shipment Within 24 Hours—If Requested

CASH WITH ORDER PRICES-1x2 INCHES---NO C. O. D. lo.000 ...116 65 30.000...11 6.95 100.000 Si 7.00 Duplleete Conpon• 20.000 7.80 50.000.... 11.25 200.000 26.50 !Double These

Ahem, prices for any wordlna desired. For each change of wording ended,' ddddd 52.00 For chant. or rolor only. add 50e. No order far In. than 10.000 ticket. of • kind or color


10 ROLLS ta 35e 550,000.00 Bond Guarantee. Quality and <>Len,' ry


jitnn 27, 1936

atS Domino

FEW items are of greater human interest from the newspaper standpoint than the trek over the comeback trail of a star of yesteryear. Let the word get out of a Benny Fields or a John

Steel knocking them dead as in days of yore and sob sisters beat a path to the dressing room, photographers dust off their candid cameras and headline writers summon up their choicest adjectives to describe something that is to them akin to recovering a lost purse or a mislaid topcoat. In other words, this comeback stuff should impress those in the trade as a load of poppycock. Trouble is that the trade eats up the newspaper ballyhoo like Luke Yokel reading his daily paper on Main street. The revived topliners deservedly receive the benefit of swell publicity thru engagements, radio con-tracts. picture offers and big salaries, but the basic problem sug-gested by the phenomena is no nearer solution.

Perhaps in the wide panorama of the show business there has occurred in rare Intervals a real comeback. By this we mean a dramatic actor whose talents were impaired by poor health and who recovers both his health and his power of expression. Or a singer who loses his voice and recovers it thru a miracle operation. These, of course, would represent real comebacks. But in the epi-demic (for which we are all thankful) of so-called comebacks today none of these miracles are involved. Close examination of the facts in connection with Fields, Steel and the others who are now on the sunny side of the street shows that the artists arc not any different now than they were when they were lying in the discarded heap. It was not their fault that their talents were dismissed as inconse-quential in the wild rush of talent buyers and so-called showmen for new faces. The whole proposition is a sad commentary on the ability of the average showman to detect a good thing when he runs across it in his day-to-day activity.

• • *

The average ahowsnan is like a sheep anyway. He follows the bellwether. The average eliewinan le a myth always sir the verge of being exploded. He knows far le« than be is given credit, for knowing. His business life re a am-cession of humbug episodes; kidding on the one hand the talent be is charged with selling and on the other the men who are lu a position to buy. Few indeed are the acetate who prove their faith in an attraction by fighting for it against all odds: by holding out against poor offer. so aa to clear the way for the good ones that are sure to Come if the personality being handled has Me stuff. This is accounted for mostly by the showman's lack of knowledge. system and strength of character that, la sure to be found in a man who has unbounded faith in something that he knower to be right. The rmult la that the teleht-nellIng business has degenerated for the most part Into a game of claim striking—the first man to the land office getting the prise. There Isn't the studied, careful and farsighted approach of the days before radio and talkies.

Even the larger romranies are woefully ignorant about basic facto and angles. A Man who would be handed a 111.000 bonus for every time a picture or radio broadcasting company pulled a boner In Its search for a personality could be a tremendously wealthy man in a short time. A stir of the 1920s was being 'Bought eagerly by one of the biggest film comminles eeteral week. ago. There was a part in s picture being cast that fit her like a glove. All over the country the blind mice looked, and there she was lu the Chicago Loop living on the bounty of friends land known by n11 the oMces on which she had been calling with admirable per. .latency for work. The company finally gave op the quest and hired another for the part—and a very poor substitute Indeed. The case la typical. It shows how much the trade needs evsteinatit,tIon: something which cannot be brought about. unless the cutthroat game is ended.

Yee. showmen are like sheep. Once public opinion, or whatever it le that makes ballyhoo click, decrees that a certain personelity la on the upgrade the men who are supposed to know taient as well ria a horticulturist knows flowers join in the chorus, of praise and fall ell over ear h other In bidding for the services of an item that they could have had for a song if they were se well versed in talent as they want the world to believe.

Talking about so-called comebacks ard the lack of perspicacity in showmen. an eseenent example stares us in tire face. We refer to Blossom Settee. who hi. been stopping show. consistently merely by taking bows with Benny Fields. When the Fields and Seeley combinatine. were at the top of the heap It was Blomorri who was the bright and particular star. Today Fields le the latest sensation of the show business as a &Ingle. Blossom. whose nice la an good If not ever. better nun the mellowing effect of those and experience. stands by and nobody (so far os we know) gives her tempting offers to reetime activity. Fileistiorn is an Item the Mr needs badly; the leav theaters still using attractions need her even more desperately. But the sob sisters haven't started their deadly work on filrersom. The tabs haven't printed her picture as a comebacker. So the smart .how men who are supposed to know talent when they see it lay off—waiting for the time when it will he as difficult to get her for an authorization as it le for an amateur to get a personal audition by the high and mighty Major.

Recently we caught Frank Gaby at the State, New York. We remember Gabs, from the days when it was possible to work 52 weeks a year as a vaudeville actor. Osby mum still be considered with rnme degree of respect if they give him a crack at the State. But Clahy Mien% ntherwise been 'vetting the world on fire. Here's a comedian who can make some of the spud. In the current crop look sick if given half a chance. Tie has improved considerably since the days when he was in the risas of inicceseful vaude comedians. Ile has everything radio wants: far more than talkies can expect to use. Still, the highly paid talent scouts close their eyes to the Clabn end spend their night* in Little Theaters, dramatic shoves and, for all we know. studios in which amateur limits are being broadcast.

Does one wonder with items lilte this on the record why circuits excuse their apathy toward vaude bv the plaint that there Isn't enought talent around and why such a fuse is raised about the "discovery" of talent in • Mar of yesterday?

714e Rtoalval Reat ey GEORGE SPELYIN

AN UNUSUAL thing has conte out of The Class of '29, current P7PA show, discussing the plight of recent college graduates beset by the depres-sion. 'The elate of '29 of Columbia College recently figured that the

WPA drama would be a leguat spot for a reunion, and held one there. At h meeting after the show the lads were so impressed that they decided to Initiate some action leading to a survey of what actually haa happened to people thruout the country graduated in '29 or thereabouts. They'll hold another meeting shortly to get the thing under way, with the aid of Bob Moore, of the placements bureau (employment ofnce to you) at the Uni-veralty. Incidentally, Moore brings out some interesting angles. Including the fact that the play should really have been called The Class of '32, Ac. cording to 'daintier at Columbia, the class of '29 is now practically 100 per cent emploved—which isn't bad In these days. Moore says that the clam of '32 suffers mast from unemployment with the class of '33 not far behind. As for the chit. of '96 this year's gradiratee. they ere already 75 per cent em-ployed. It looks as tilo the depression were over.

• Johnny Perkin,. flew in from the Coast a week ego Sunday night, ar-

riving the next evening, to open negotiations for a role in White florae his, the mammoth European musical. which Lawrence Rivers. Inc.. will present on the Stem next season. . . CBE Whitley. English producer. Is In town to line up some people for his forthcoming above. which is scheduled to open In the prosiness in August: then Into the Savoy. London. . . . Ile hen June Knight signed to co-star with Arthur Riecoe. en Esiglinh name. . . . Para-mount recently sent out a releame concerned with the fact that rancheo had been signed by William LeBaron, managing director of Paramount Pro-ductions. . . . Said the release, "renehon will later produce musicals him. self." . . . For the benefit of Para's presa department, which ought to try to find out what's what before releasing thing, to the prams Fauchon Wolff is • femme. . . There's plenty of expectation on the Street concerning Jimmy Sayo', forthcoming appearance in the title role of tdolleree The Would-Be Gentleman up at Lawrence Lenger's Country Playhouse at West-port. Conn. . . . Mr. Spelvin win bed the family plate that Jimmy's grand. . . .

("Merge Levy le back with the Irving Mills office. . . The Hotel Astor Is fretting a wash to go with its new modernistic entrance. . . . Maybe it's the Influence of the fish in the Wrigley sign acme* the way. . Vivian Ray I. Joe Moss' latest protegee at the Hollywood . . . Cmorele Tapps is still going arenind with his schnozzle all trussed up In a bandage: the Tapps bugle was trimmed and suffered, but didn't quite die, for the sake of deah old Hollywood. . . . Fred LeQuorne says that exactly 1303 professional dancer. have registered at his dance studio since January 1, proving that even the proe are working tor Improvement. . . . James Paul. who does ft strong-man act, claims he got his strength working in food commissaries and tossing heavy sacks around. . Wait 47th street is sprouting side-walk cafes. . . Jimmy Barbier has beaten the mob by taking a week of! already. . . . The worst pun of all time concerns the South American city &neg./tried by a vet acting uppity because of hie bonus cash . . • The answer. as you probably feared, Is "Bonus Airs." .. Ed Fisher, of United Artiete, la back from Um Coast. . . . With all the political speeches on the air, phono-graphs ehould be due to record a &ales increase.. .

ettîcayo Chat By NAT GREEN

rtillC YORKE and Rose King, that grand tirlite team frem away back when, celebrated their 27th anniversary as a team last week st the Palace Theater. . . . ftrnic Young. back from Danes. says hi' Mlle Corinne Is

proving a sensation of the expo, despite the fact that the ',how is 1.1 a poor location. . . Willard M. Rotren, assistant to the managing director el the Hotel Morrison. has been having some InterestIng conversations with ItHO Pictures. . . . Wonder If they're interested in Mr: Itutzen. who quite unob-trusively has been doing a swell job of publicizing the hotel end its Terrace Room, ae well as turning out a fine job as editor of The .tforrimo Digest. . . . One of several "bad boy." who have been armoylng the Singling office by paerang themselves off as timeline representatives is a guy who ta well—but not favorably—known for his ruiner, check activities. . . • ..Cap" George Wellington Streeter, who prlor to Ills death in 1921 frequently made the headlines by forcibly maintaining squatter's nghte in a Gold Coast lake-front section known as Streeterville, Is to have his name perpetuated in Streeter drive. U-shaped thorofare in the Btreeterv:Ile section.

Berne Buck, State-Lake maestro, celebrated is birthday June 17.. . Ben Piazza, who used to be the Orpheum head here, celebrated his natal day Sundae. June 21. . . Bunny Bryan. menage, of E & K'a Pantheon Thea-ter, Is vacationIng at Big Macfrenrie Lake, Spooner. Mtn. where he's chasing the elusive pike. . Sophie Tucker and her orchestra. who closed at the Terrace 1100m Suuday, open a summer engagement at the Oriole Terrace in Detroit June 26. . . . Chicago Drama League is sponsoring a Children'e Civic Theater for the summer to give talented children an opportunity to be presented in dramatic performances. . . . Ramon and Benita. talented dancers pit the Stevens' Continental Room arid creators of the Reirelero. will be on their way to Hollywood and • movie assignment at the Warner studios in another week. . . Also Hollvwood-bound is Xavier Claret, who leaves the Continental Room June 25 to go in Paramount'a Big Broadcast of 1937 July 1.

• Professional Entertalnere' Club staged the beat party and show lo its

history last week, starting with dinner at Guey Barn's, then a Chinatown 'tour and finally a show in the Chinese "city hall" .. Sam Lederer han-dling publicity for Navy Pier. . . . A big party is planned In the Walnut Room of the Birmarek Friday night when Levant end his ork close and the King's Jesters with Marjorie Whitney. move In for the summer . . . . has grown steadily in popularity at the Bismarck and will be back in the fall .. . Rennie opera season te now assured, starting July S. . . . Benefit for the widow of Percy Moore, booking agent, held at the Bergholff. was •ttended by all the rialto regulars . Goldblattle, department store arm sponsoring the Tom Mix Chem' engarement here, intends to have a try at summer opera a little inter—patterned after the St. Louie muny opera. . . . Monte Blue. screen actor, will have the leading role in a pleture. that %Yin septet the history of Deere de Company, pioneer steel plow manufacturen. In celebration of the firm's centennial next year. . 111e famous Buckingham Fountain lisa started Its summer spouting for the edification of Boni bitch overture stroller&

June 27, 1936 RADIO Candueted by M. M. SHAPIRO—.Addreee Radio, Muslo and Oreh

The Billboard 19 Ceenntunieetiene tit 1864 Bro•dway, New York City

WMC Opens 5,000-Watt Transmitter MEMPHIS, Tenn., June 20.—The new

5,000-antt transmitter of Radio Stadium WMC. The Commercial-Appeal NBC nut-let here. went into service with special reogramg this morning. Representing the latest achievements In the art of radio engineering end doubling the elatiniem power, the new transmitter t, expected to vastly improve reception to million» of listeners in the South, Mid-eeet and Southeast, it was announced Jointly by Mallacer Henry Slavick and Chief Engineer Clyde Baker. The new transmitter is nf tile wide-

ranee. high-fidelity type and is the first of it. kind to be installed In the SOutli. eater says. /t tins been tinder construe. ton and testa for several months and representa the last word in radio broad-canting equipment, he adds. PIN the present the new transmitter

will he need in connection with the radio towers of the old equipment, hut in the near future it will operate thru new 611-foot steel towers bring rushed te emmletion on Timmins overuse These new towers are to he the enont modern slid costliest In this part of the ....nin-ny, the stntion having followed the de-sire recently approved by Hr. O. R. Bream and D. 11 E °theme, chief de-telopenent engineera of RCA. The °Metals of WMC are also netting

the FCC for permission to erect and operate a new 5.000-watt station at Hoene, pointing out that the Alabama cav ta without an NBC outlet.

Srarrest Heads Exec Group in CSB Setup LINCOLN. Neb., June 22 —Central

Status Broadcasting Company's setup hem now la laid out with an execiltive errernittee coneleting of Joe W. Sencreet, ed manager of the Journal, and 1-tank Threop. publisher of the Star; Charles Stuart. Inca? firmware, and Charlen Cerper. representative of the Bidire Cor-poration, each representing 25 per cent of the stock. Under three men la the operating

cemmittee. reeently widened tn include neeineld H. Martin. Inste nf 'own and the KSO ;Clang. idertln, with John Henry. general manager of all the sta-tions. Buryl Lottridee and Harry Har-vey. makes up thin group. Stations under this guidance Include KFA11. ef Omaha and 1 ineoln: If FOR.. Lincoln. and KOIL. Ornehn.

May CBS Gross Up; NliC Fell Off 4% NEW YORK, June 20.--Coluenhin

Broadcasting evetem had ft genas billing for May of *1,740.517, which representa an II:err:lee over May. lrefi• of 35-9 per rent. aenannrilly. It le lower than April whmh totaled a record-breaking 41 ASO 919 Cerra.Intl, totel for CBS for the nrat

Des months of Mad le liff.Mille7. which romper, to $R,155 B07 for the earns period in MS. revealing an increase of 18 7 per rent. National Broadcasting Company rev.

101:4, for May was $2.565,020 and shows a little over 4 per cent drop from the ear,le menth in 1035. Drnp apparently in clone and reeresenta either no extra day'a ineldeatting in May. 1033. or a discount differential. Of the NBC gross billing. the Blur web did 6011.674 and the Red

RCA-Virtor's Labor Trouble CAMDEN. N. J.. June 20.—P. W. Chap-

Atli are government labor conciliator. Yea assigned here by Secretary of Labor Preece.. Perkins to observe the labor situation nt the RCA-Victor Manufac-turing Company, where the Employees' Committee Onion and the United Me--Meal and Radio Workers of America.. Intel 130, are battling each other. David Sarnoff. president of the Radio

Corporation of America. the company vhleh ownn RCA-Victor Manufacturing Cempany. who was in Washington teen-Sting before the Federal Communlea-

Cummittee. was informed by E-T Cunningham. head nf the Camden plant, Of the tense situation in the Plant and atrenged the necessity of Mini,-ieg matter before the boned of directors of RCA at the next regular meeting June 20,

Amateur Winners Refuse To Work Before Audience

PHILADELPHIA. les. 20.—treansete Cleo Chub, semi•flnalliet winner in the Lee frank-Lit Bra,. ani•teset contest on Will, turned temper...mental and d to com-pete wilb other groups for the final con-test before n anneliene•. Rhythmic tsclit polled the highest •••••1 draw during the seven-month contest and demanded gin", pillo. Sponsor saved the Once ne hiring a hall tor the vl.131 and gave the engineers lad Moo plum. Other six anal-ale groups settled for a $25 net..

CA To Again Try For "Relay" Break NEW YORK, June 20.—The sore point

between the National Broadcasting Coin-pnny and Conquest Alliance company over transmitting programs eninnatine Iront NBC. New York, in up again. with Conquest planning to take Ile squawk to the Federal commianientione Com-mission NBC and CA tangled once be-fore, when the Lambert Phannacal Company was sponsoring the Metropoli-tan Opera broadeanta on NBC. with the network coming nut winner that time. Commeet bed sold Lister-Inc on the idea nf short-waving the hroadraeta theta W2XAF. Schenectady experimental »te-non, to a station In Puerto Rico. but NBC: refused permission for the broad-casts, claiming It was contrary to FCC regulations to permit an experimental etatinn to carry elicit commie...MI relays. NBC said that if the program were to he ehnet-wrived it would have to go thru the RCA commercial short-wave station at Riverhead. L. I.

Conquest maintained that in prohibit-ing such relaying and by ineisting that the programs en their Riverhead at 113 u minute for the facilities NBC was net-ting up a monopoly. FCC ertunlly delna rule on the merit, of the mere, but asid that W2NAF couldn't carry the pro-grams. Result was that Linterine couldn't aponeor its own program in Puerto Rim.

Conquest now maintains, that then Ite representatives. in Puerto Rico it han been found that NBC le ehort-weving both inurtaining end commercial allows.

W2XAle, with one of the commer-cials including the eleisclunann Yeast program with Rudy Vallee. Conquest wants to know how corne this la nkeh when it enema lest year. Lenox Lehr, president of RAC. answered a letter from Conquest by stating. In effect, that he didn't feel the elatinn representation firm should question NflOs Judgment. With no satisfaction coming from NBC, Conquest la now going to the commis-alon for a ruling.

John L. Clark Leaves WLW CINCINNATI. June 20.—John L. Clark,

for more than IC years general manager of rowel Croelers WLW and WSAI In this city, resigned his positinn lust week to take over the duties of president of Trans-American Broadcasting and Tele-vision Corperntion in New York City. effective JUly 1.

CBS To Expand Facilities In Its Southeast Coverage

• Decision to improve network in that territory will benefit over dozen cities and outlets—additional trunk lines will obviate dependency on ITST

• NEW YORK, Juno 20.—An extorsion of facilitice in the South was approved

S' steed y by the Cniumbin Broadcasting System an a meatus to building up the CBS stint...us in that section of the country. New trunk linen are to be hired by the chain and an tneernee of sustaining pros/mein will he metier to the outlets In-volved. This is said to he n part of the general plan CRS hag in mind to better Its station lineup in the South. leenent CDS setup in the South pent:Idea a trunk line to Wier. Charlotte, N. C., one of the C118 are stations in the Smith in turn

this sooOn wetter feeds emitaininge to the Bouthern grenip of station.., which now have no direct finalities with the home elation. WABC. New York. As a result, whenever is network or local com-mercial is on WBT. the other stations are forced to produce their own pro-grams, sustaining or commercial Colum-bia figures tbet by adding trunk-line fa-Minim the other %fattens. previously de-pendent upon WRT. will he able to better their program qualitir., not be forced to rely on local talent and in tint way inrild heater audiences. Eventually. If the C148 notions slick, the stations, by increased markets. will be sold on more commercials.

Co-incidentally. the CBS' decision to hypo its Southern coverage. Came at a time when agency men were doing eon-eiderable talking about the Southern market. Ream men who had piet cow. pleted a swing of the country and were back in New Yolk this week. gnid that among out-of-town agencies, there was much talk of using spot campaigns to properly hit the Southern market.

Cities now depending on WBT, and which are figured as getting the benefits of the new famine-is, include . Knoxville. Naahville, Chattanooga, Atl tIlia. Bir-mingham. Montgomery, Set,iinah. Jack-sonville. Tampa, Miami. Pensacola, New Orlenna and Orlando,

WNRC Will Set Up A More Formal Org NEW YORK, June 20.—More formal

type of organization /or the Women's. National Radio Committee in un the

offing and a reinstitution and by-laWe

hove been drafted which were approved

for submission to member organlaritione

at the last meeting of the committee.

Formal action upon thew, will be taken by the member groups during the sum-mer and early fall. The committee will reassemble in the fall mnntha prepared to carry cut an even mom energetic end constructive program than hereto-fore, neeneding to Mra. Harold Vincent Milligan, chairman of the WNRC. When the WelltC was formed it was

designed primarily to be is small con-ference group which would meet to talk over current null prnerarne and problems making In connertion thereto. An such it Lea operated without a con-stitution. etc. However, the prestige at-tained by the committee they Its ennmil awards and other activity line increased the number of groups desiring aMlin-tInn. WNRC represents nUmerous wons en's clute. tin-tend the country, the total memberehlp of which Is placed at a possible 20.000,000.

Realty Men Test Philly Spot for Possibilities PHILADELPHIA. June gm-With read

estate booming. Neaters are trying the air for a pcealble turn to the networks for nation-wide exploitation. Having promoted buying with newspaper and magazine eel.. the National Heal Esdate Clearing House now takes a weekly 10-minuta sprit on KYW for Its first ven-ture into radio. A New York concern. with °Moe" in

Preston and Philadelphia. Clearing Herein neta ne an exchange agency for real-estate agents. Km its air test Mead key men In the real-estate field are brought up before the mike to bark the -now Is the time to bur' Idea end may spread into a net Show to promote a nation-wide clearing exchange. Account handled by the Falkwr-Arndt

Agency. of Philadelphia.

Ad Agencies Still Increasing Coast Staffs; One Employs 25 HOLLYWOOD. June 20.—With the

ertabliehment of a Hollywood head-quarters by the Young at Rubleam Agency within the next two week,, the competition for film names on the air. which Is rapidly making this village the most important radio capital in the nation. Is expected to take on n new slant with the introduction nf rival ether proprwitl9ne. Young la Rubicain executives already

here to line up the agency's Hone-wood office are Bill 8tahler. henni of the radio department: Don Stauffer, elated for chief of the new Minna.. and Joe Stauffer and Tom Harrington. who will produce the new Fred Astaire-Packard period. now being worked out.

In numerical strength the local radio staff of J. Walter Thompson Agency has already palmed the New York office with n pay roll of 25 and indications are that other important agencies will he forced to join the Hollywood trek short-

ly and start going out hammer and tongs for naine bum especially with the Thompson organization holding up the guest star situation so strongly In the past few months. An Mermen in the Lux broadcasts, which since being moved to Hollywood. has Jumped from a rat-ing of 1311 to 7 2 in a tentative cheek of the, Croeley (co-op minty:ant reperts. The Lux show. It la expected, will place fifth or girth in national popularity. the highest point ever reached by a iirmnatic program. Young as Rubleam Meta the Jack

Benny-Jell° period. Fred Allen's weekly Town Hall and the Helen Iluyes-Sanka coffee stint. In wit:titian to the MtIllre heraidenet from Hollywood. they cinco are lining up an hour-show feature few Joe E. Brown. Radio department of the William Baty

Agency In taking offices In the Equitable Building. New Camel allow gota under way aeon.

Lucky Strike Ands 2 Bands; Buys Both NEW YORK, June 20.—Auditioning

two bands and planning to buy one. George Washington 11111, president of the American Tobacco Company, this week wound up by buying both of the bandit Orchestras are those of harry eater and Harry &unlit and between them they will split 26 weeks on the Columbia net-work starting Auguet I. Singers on the programs will be Bnarter. Wane, Buddy Clark and the eiringernithe.

Batter. who Was favored if one band arts to be bought. starts Augnst for reven weeks, after which &walk will cnrne on for six week. Salter will then return to round nut his 13 weeks and Sdanlk will do the same.

Carl Hoff is now doing his second 13 weeks for ',tickles on NBC, sues:needing Al Goodman, who le arena to California. meet likely to assume a position as mu-sical director for one of the picture pro. duction firms. with Metro-Ceadwyn. Mayer reported as the company.

lord at Thomas handle the Lucky ac-count.

KMOX Executive in Chi As Leslie Adam Assistant CHICAGO, June 20.—J L. Van Vol-

kenburg, manager of the CBS Station XMOX. St. Lents. Mo.. has been ap-pointed assistant to Leslie Anima, OBE vie.-president in charge of the Mkt. western division of the network. Van Volkenhure muttered. D. W. Thnrnburgh, who was named eiceeprealdent in Charge of the Coast letup. Van Volkenburg, prior to going te

AMOK. wee in the Chicago Office of Batten. Barton. Durstine & Orborn.

"Marriage Clinic" for WFIL PHILADELPHIA. June an —WPM. bor-

rows a note from the Good-Will Court on the intercity web and prod...ems it. own Alarrieg». Chaft air show. Judge Frances McDonald granted permieh and las ePPPIYIng material for the first See shows. Tom Stone, station's production chief, scripting the sob stuff.

In the ensuing week. Inenl heart-throb. will be .aught. with Mina MO-Donald advising on the marital problema. Dramatizations air weekly.

20 The Billboard RADIO June 27, 1936

rIT. New 0.1.101 ...Ins king1.1 and .• Meta. •endl New FleeIn. al 0« Niel., Houle.

Imo. Mgt.-MILLI' *51101. IRO Meemh Awe. N.+ Vont. N Y



GRAY Baritone

Pers. Mgt, CBS Artists Bureau


se s.m.-wwVA-4 inNel telOOMUCIL Permwsl Reareserstatilve.


TED IENNINGS Te•Cowm AND HIS ORCHESTRA Peewee ed co..., uo isamseeo. :alled:6MM. A NATIORAI. FAVORITE Om .1 lAuf Ereo....«. Dorm Ne..M.

Or • Ti... Clu noun. 0

OY .„•: GoBEy [DST

SILLY'S «OUR., In, It. Dramatic Baritone



* * * *


STEVEN-% ear+.




up * WALTER *

IETLE Ronne, 0,...up«. an An,

rase >stake 5:00 sm. VANE ROO MEOW DORT LEM ea Tloor. SIC PRAM IIIMOFFIERIAM •:34I war, 5.«. NISO BMW litmeo* •.11 ea Me«.

Wed. Cfl Cnt

*UM 11,081110 Sae ea, Num. ce•


t* ,. S b., . NI *

no Latimer Prisi-mrsiessi D... Pie-aids

Lao • Cebeielert * Steve T.

ARTHUR KAY Main& - asaclablimes FlOWNWR m te/wWw. Ompeamok and IMPMI

talion /notes Address All Communications to the New York Office

R B MARTIN has assumed position as menages. Of KFAB and KFOR. Lincoln. Neb. coming from KSO. Dee Moines. HAROLD HUGHES has Mined the stu-nt», as announcer. DON F1NLAYSON te another newcomer there, working on powlsie•lon and publicity with BRUCE WAS LACE Steele., k n new an-tenna etrurture for %VIEW Cleveland, will start on July I. grossed hating been broken for the work thin past week. Since 1034 the station has been working en the dimities for the new 'intermit and testa have led to the belief that the new structure Will net AS the the actual transmission ¡strength had been doubled. . . . DUDLEY BROTHERS. Inrmerly on WHAM. Rochester, are 750W In London. England.... BIRDSALL HOLLEY. tech-nician of WHAM. Roehester. haa been elected meeldent of (ho Reel Camera

PALM LUTHER, former aia. iireincer with the Central State» Broad-casting Svatem in Omaha in now with CIIS in Chicago and handles the Ciold Medal series. Luther was with Knit. of CSBS. for fmir years.... HARRY FREE-MAN, musician at WHAM. Rochester. will join Die Civic Orchestra starting October. 1937.

MARGARET COLLINS. piano rambler. return. to the Philadelphia airinnee over W1130. . . JOE csArtnrrr. annnuncer at W1P. Philadelphia. transfers his et - nlintinn to WEIL. Philadelphia . NORRIS WUrniT seta the sinnouncinit am-signment for the airing of the Philaciel-phi. Orchestra open-air concerts over WC4.U. Philadelphia'. and CBS. . . 11F,NRIETTA IC HARRISON. formerly ores-earn heed at WIT. PhIladelphin. now •licr director for the YMCA in New ork, airing a series over the Intercity

Hollywood. got a new one-hour ' • e-talent ahoy, last week. Called Re-

al the Stites. period Is sponsored laY Pederatlon of State Societies and combines mingle, drama and variety.... PHIL MARTINEZ. after three years in all capacities at EMTIL Hollywood. has reelen,1 and is trinping east. PETE INUNOLE la doubling between ENE. Hollywood. midnight news stint and KR1CD continuity writing.

C. (BUDS DOWNEY has resitmed as chief engineer of tcmc-aw. Oakland. Calif.. to become broadcast reeearch engineer for the Teehna Corporation. San Francisco. manufacturer ef broad-casting and kindred equipment. He'll ro to New York within the not 50 daps to establish Ms headquarters aa Eastern representative.

DICK IlLACICTICRN. former arosirstant plant manager of WTIC. itarforci. Conn.. 1,2 been appointed chief elaulneer of n-THT. Hartford. CEDRIC FOSTER has Teen appointed In cherge of public re-lations of the >tame station . Marking a distinct departure In Yale tradition. W13:1313. Waterbury. Conn. broadcast the 231st commenniment exercises direct f-nm the stage of Woolsey Hall. New Haven, Conn., on June 17. It was the neat commencement ever broadeut in the history of Yale and was fed by ,•.1,:ftes to WMCA. key ctty of the Inter-' tr group.. . . rte)IE JACOBS. former -mnouneer at WRAC, Boston. Mesa, is bow relief announce at VETIC. Hart - lord, Conn.

EDE& Pittsburgh. Ism started the 0011.trurtion of a 710-foot tower antenna at Pa Saxonburg (Pa.) transmitter, the Federal Communteations Committee having approved the station's applies.-

H. L. BlEFIF SR.. chief en. ringer of WCAE. Pittsburgh. for a num-ber e years reigned last week. The

present transmitter and studio control are among Mr. Blzbee's accom-plishments.

Doe LEWIS has been added in the staS of ViSMB. New Orleans.


Aso 14e1StS ILA II


Ile was formerly head announcer for Vc'D5U. . . WQ0C, Vicksburg station, celebrated its filth anniversery on the air on SLUM B with a special pregnant headed by the town °Metals, Station is at.nert by The IF‘ctahurg Her.. Old. O. W. JONMF.I S.. director and is an-ointed by C. E DRAKE. chief engineer: ClIsItl ES tiOLIVIMY. program director: SHOUPHIE HABE133. announcer, and LOREN W. MILLER, continuity. . . Equipment nf Station WMPN. which cloned down lent mmener nt Cinrksdale, Mi.._ liar; been moved to Grenada and reopens there on July 20 by permiseion of the FCC. . . . EARL KALUSHE, for-mer announcer for WPFB. Ilettlreihnrg, Mina, has been added to the staff of ICF710. Loneview. Tex., as chief an-nouncer.

New Biz, Renewals NEW YORK. .tono 20-One new ee.

count for the Mutual Broadcasting Bri-ton. It, Is: PETATE STOVE CO.. starts August 6,

0.70-10 I, In. Thursday. on WI.W and WON. Program not elven.

Newark PURE OIL CO., then recline Advertis-

ing Agency, starts July Il. 0:30.045 am. Wednesday. Trnnecription. WOE. GENERAL rrxms CO., thru Young As

Rtibleam, eterts July 22. pattelpisting in Martha Deane progratm three timos week !y. WOW STANDARD BRANDS. thru J. Walter

Thompson Company. starts July 20, par-ticipating in Meet:us Denise program three times meekly. Some edvettleer, for Royal Gelatine desserts, starts September I. participating In Martha Deane program three times weekly. WOW WARREN SU ARTHUR 1311LADEINCK.

thru Metropolitan Advertising Company. announcements. WNEW. BUDD LAKE. thru Bens Si Serdllin.

partleipation in Make Believe Ballrons. WNEW. GENERAL SUPPLY CO., thru Scheer

Advertising Acency. started June 11, 15 minutes daily. WHEW. HAROLD MOTORS. thin., fleas At Sehil-

1ln. started Jene IS. participating in Make Believe Etaitraeon. WNEW. HOWARD JEWELRY CO., thru Bess SchillIn. started June 15, xis 15-min-

ute programs weekly. WNEW.

00130E BROTHERS. thru Rtithrauff de Ryan, announcements. WNEW.


ute allots. direct. WH1C. MILAN 131tEWINo CORPORATION.

thru Richardson-Oswald. three 15-mi m, ti• transcription. ek I y WHK CLEVE-3.MM TERMINAL BUILDING,

ennouncemer to WHK. bfAYRELLINE CO. thru Cramer-Kra.-

pelt Company. announcements. WHIC. ACE BOX LUNCH, annoimeementa


thru Campocil-Sanford. announcernenta. WHK. CLEVEI.AND HOT-HOUSE VEGETA-

BLE GROWFIRR ASSOCIATION. Dint Hubbell Advertising, announcements. WIIK. LA ZELLA CIGARS. announcements.


Dayton IRONIZE3D YEAST, thru Ruthrauff At

nyan. RENEWED. effective June 3, transcriptions WHO. LIP1330Y HEALTH SOAP. thru Ruth-

muff dr Ryan. five-minute transcription spots. WHO. SALEM (1H AND FURNITURE CO., an-

nouncerneMe W1110. GEM CITY BUILD/NO Ss LOAN, one

15-minute spot. weekly. WHIO. CITIZENS MOTOR CAR CO.. one 15-

minute program weekly, also ann9unce-mente. W1110.

West Coast LINCOLN es LIMER. Inc.., New York

10-N1,0 producm>. [lieu Milton Wein-bcrg Adv. Co., Lon Angeles,. started June if. for 13 weeks,. Friday. 7:43-8 p.m. >PEEL NBC Ramie Pacific Red network -KPO. !CPI. ROW. IC.01610 and KIM. Prow-ern, Secrets al Secret Service,

Talent, Capt. Don narrator.

LINDSAY RIPE CLIVE CO.. San Pran-g:MOD (cosmetics). Marti Dormant, di co..

Station Exec's Gigantic Idea So terrific sponsor quits after the first show but, "worst is yet to conte"

• CINCINNATI, June 20.-The box-top

method han gotten n big local Into ri mesa nf trauble. with poesible . suits hanging fire rind an edyei • . canceling his contmet. All started ., •• when the stntion manager (since re. signed) devised il -terrific- merchandis-ing end program idea. Tn funnier the station manager held r. , • until he mind get no aceount big ca. , ter handle the allow. The advertise: yelps( after the first tarnisdeast.

Idea was that any listener writing m the name of n mint Use sponsor's ban couldn't play Would get 910. A bax had to accompany the letter. Aftc , first broadcast about 8.000 letter:: . Into the ntntinn. The advertiser tie..'.,, about It and sent In notice for ti.' obvious reason that. In n half-hour po'. gram the maximum number of an-that can he done, even at Timm pace, is about 20 or 25. In 13 Wm still not 8.000 mings, without. thinking of letters mousing in after 1: • first shinee. But the elation Is still In a lam he-

mmer, the mailing of n box top mn-stitUtes R Contract rind those songs haven't beret played yet. Ah wish! AIS wall!

San Francisco, started June 10 for 13 weeks. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, five minutes. participritlen between 6.30_ 9 a.m. ,PST). NBC-K00. 1Prngram. Ta the Ledie, morning cheer program. Talent. Hugh 14.trrett Dobbs, ernsee. BULOVA WATCH CO.. New York

(watches). thru the.Birme Co.. Inc., ?Err York. renewed for 52 week.. Monday ihru saturday. 36 weekly -"Dine Signal-ensinuneemente NISC-KCIO.

E. W. Beourrr BRILLLANSHINE CO, San Premise. (silver polish), thru Emil Brisneher & Staff. San Francisco, Wednesday. five minutes' participation between 10.45-11 am. rPfiTi. KFRC. Program. The Morning liontres, weinan'a program. Talent, Elms Latta Hackett. horne, CcOnnollet. REDLICH-NEWMAN CO., San Fran-

cisco (furniture). pieced. direct, starts (See raw um ois opposite pape)



1131i,.. 9-5107.






Atmortte THE SMART



Currently F Aflame City.



June 27, 1936 RADIO The Rif!board 21

West Coast Notes; Morse Show to L. A. LOS ANGELES, June 20.—Film rights

to One Man's Family, one nf the mist popular NBC ....Hal dramas which was purchased last week by Paramount Pic-tures, will he brought to Los Angeles from San Postariwn Miring the filming of the picture version and probably will rental» in Hollywood permanently. broadcasting twice weekly then Kiel. peal wars set for $75.0n0, it is reported, and merits the first instance of a group of players going along with n story buy. Carlton E. Morse, author of the series. win prepare the screen play, art well as continuing to do his air stint. Period. voted tole of the mont important half hours since it, inreptinn in Heil goee mer nine Coast Methane every Sunday eight and la repeated for 59 other out-let, In the Web the following Wednes-day. last week Chet Mittendorr KFWB

commercial manager, and Fora Billings, Hearst radin executive who has been bete nn KEHE-Ilearat business, entrained for San Francisco together. Talk is that Mittendorf is brine weaned away teens KEWR to join KEHE in its renr-gartlentinn pregram. het both Mitten-dort and Billings deny this. Billing. flatly denies that there will be any raiding of talent now employed at other stetiuna

It in knoW that Hearst Is eager to build ICEIIE Into one of the top Indies in the Weet end the belief la pretelent that he sent Billings here to stock the stein» with tile best ,oeve.tio prover. Station recently has been granted a power increase to 8.000 watts and in spending about 4200.000 for new studio equipment.

Find personnel change at the Station it the appointment of Arthur McDonald to the gales rnanagernhip. succeeding Abe Coremon, It Is believed that Clarence Juneau. now managing the spot. will give away to a more experienced opera-tor.

Ralph Wonders, head of Columbia's trout human, upending two weeks hero looking over the talent field and to eet up a Hollywood branch for the bureau

. learrest Barnes has been contracted by the Campana Company, balm menu-facturers to write 13 script., for the First blighters and Grand Hotel broad-[eels. . . Sandy Barnett in town to do the I.ux screech. for J. Walter Thompson. 11011-

San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO. June 20.—Sayloree

Ch.eralatra, who recently discovered nado a rexael menine to pine Ile choco-late randiee, otrts npontorehip of John Wolfe and Clarence Haven. song and patter duo, on NBC's KPO for 13 weeke starting June 30. Placed thru Doi emu. at Company, the program, to be heard Tursleys and Thurednye at 7.45 a m. for * gunner hour, is titled Sailing With Sualrri. Write. formerly of the John end Ned team, and Hayes. the "Voice of the South," have been heard on h va-riety Of NBC sustetners since pairing rieverel menthe ago.

Arnold Maguire. who has been with ycntc and the Don Lee netaork alaco 1024 In the raperity of actor. writer and melee,. 'joins the NBC production de-partment here July e. lie succeeds lateen D. Knowles.

firma Gabler. KYA vocalist, after an elastics of several months. Is back with the station. She hng t Tuesday after-noon spot and le again billed as The Merely Lady." Leant. Harvey. organist. Is the accompanist.

Kenneth epencer. Negro basso pro-huido who wan fettered over tlte NBC elanas from hole before +Jell,: eie't tto emirs ago to become it student at the Eastman School of Music. retie,. Le the network tonight in a new serien


"notes Ike 14.11140 mad Fe ttttt lenient team ',corral,.

essdurtell kg kimultsi r Itag`rs:eu. its (Ity Tatters.. BMus,. Ilse . wren"

• tttttt ON.. 111,

Dorothea Antel 216 West 72d St. N•or York City.


•-: s,ammit• le en snit rltscu,•1

iewewo r.iii"'nei'll"Zsir:o1Fatitmee. well% Bent PAirrier

Beware 'Wise Eyes," Says ASC.11) to NAIS

NEW YORK. Nine 20 —E. C. Mill.. gen-eral macase,, el th• American Socket, of Composers, Authors and Publish.,., has Inlorrmd lomm W. Baldwin. managing di-rector of the National Ar•ociation of Broad that ttttt are over 115 com-positions entitled 'blue lye,' and that broadcasters should goer.n the...select ac-cordingly in choosing eselection so named.

List forwarded to Mr. Baldwin reveals that Sto ':1.11 el the titles ... owned by Harms. Inc a Warner Brothers subsidiary, and quite a few arc unpubli,hed Other, are in the ASCAP catalog. Title has in. trieved some woe,. into composing see-•,e1 tunes with the same name.

entitled 'Spiritual Puntaey" With libo will be the NBC Southern titsTIllony pur and Charlen Runyan, organist,

O. C. Chandler, manager of ClOR, Vancouver. R c.. has been in town the past few days rubbing shoulders with advertleing executives and clients He's lionireenrd bound after a Pacific Coast motor tour.

While Paul Nathan, Oakland Post-Enquirer radio editor, Is vacationing in Cannel, Celli. for five weeks, Don Logan, KROW voculiet, In holding down the job. . . . Bob Hall, Call-Rullriin radio editor, gnen vacationing in the memo-tiling for two weeks starting Monday.

Radio editors, station executives and those from the major advertising agen-cies here turned out in full force Tues-day to attend the itineheon in honor of Wehley Edwards. manager of KOMR. Honolulu. Fred J. Hart. president and genern1 manager of the Honolulu Broadcasting Company. which operates the station, was toastmaster. Edwards. on a goof-will tour for bin station. re-turn. to Honolulu June 27.

Kathryn Mayfield for Radio

NEW YORK. June 20.—Kathryn May-field, singing feature of the Neu, races thaw' on Neltallwee, has been signed to

Tele Facts At-e Brought Out As FCC Hearings Continue Executives of networks nod ninnufartriring rancerns detail at length the various angles they hare to cope with as well as the vast experiments on tap

• WASHINGTON. June 20.—"Paving the way- for television is an abbreviated

description of what the fact-finding hearings before Federal Communications Commission really are. These hearings. muggiest,' by Chief Engineer T A. M. Craven, of the commission, to end the body mny be in a position to plan future allocation of rhenncle were Inaugurated here Monday hut. They will continue Indefinitely. Then, appearing before the commiselon got right down to brass tacks isnd things went pretty smoothly during the Dent few days. with only one sharp

attack upon an alleged "monopoly" in the field of radio patents at the hands of Samuel E. Darby Jr., of New York CHI% representing. he said, a number of inde-pendent manufacturers of radio gets. Kontty problems. an regards allocation of facilities a bit later, at the handa of the commission were frireraet by testi-mony submitted early in the hearings.

Operatinn of privately owned broad-casting nations, television as something to be widely realleed only after years of further experimentation, benedeuatIllig seta at first at lewd to cont an much as a moderate-priced motor car, newspaper fiersimilen by air, televialon will never take the place of the motion picture. requests in behalf of broadcasters that they be given generous recognition when the time comes for licenstng agencies not now under license, notice to the effect the government would expect an many as 1.012 out of the 1.907 fre-quencies available in the unassigned hand ranging up toward 200.000 kilo-cycles. television as a fact already but not yet ready for commercial 1MA and the like were among predictions and Bug. gestions made by witnesses.

In addition to Chairman Frail and Chief Engineer Craven. nthern who lip. peered and testified in the opening daye were David Sernoff. president of RCA: Dr. J. II. Dellinger. of the National Bureau of Standards; Prank Jewett. vice-president of A T. es T.: Edward 24. Nockele. Chicago. Manager of is unton. owned and operated station; Wuhan S. Paley, president of CBS: S ht Kintner. for Westinghouse Electric and Maattfligin toeing Company: Attorney Darby: Mane aging Director James W. Baldwin. cif NAB: James M. Skinner, chairman tale-vision committee of RUA: executives5 eeperta, technician. and others.

Conflicting problems confronting both the industry and the commission in the application of the rtes. frequencies were much to the forefront This point. fag example. was developed in the StIODer statement that television requiring wider space bands than does broadcwete Mg. space in present unassigned high. frequency bends etifftment to make tele-vision workable, should be provided. Seven channels. each di times as wide ass present commercial sound broadcast-log space should be available. he com-mented. If the new arrrtre is to be what it should be. F-denuel Nocklos olt Chicago. asserted that Mr channels avail-able for the public should not be en-crouched upon by great corporaUons to the alleged detriment of the public's interests.

Advtging against- wasteful practices and adventures without fun knowledge of all necessary stepa involved. Palm, said his organization Is ewpkwtrag ewer, possible broadcast deveinpment ill it. preparations for telertoon. Keen Lobos est was manifested in suggestions by De. Dellinger. of the Bureau of Standard*, an to the extent to ...blob federal govern-ment services should. in his eptnion. have new channels assigned to LIkELL

PredlettOrla of many people now that television when it comes will make sound broadcasting obsolete are not nestilled. according to Sarnoff. who raid that tale-vision will find new functions. new terteslaalltelat and new programs

d'htle there kept recurring at UM hearing suegestIons to the effect leis-vision la note practically perfected_ thee* were equally serious sungeenearte to Me effect that on the theory haste essilbm waste_ deilberateon as to steps tams lo tanner the wrier,e sheuld preemi "Me C,,IIIMUeWsTS CS:alallASIWO sr-AS gt,eles piety of aseetessace of the eerustri Melagelt tar rights of way as television come. lette us. When iseperimene ta • Ulm, ot past. same one must get the chamois or a share of theat at least. and the queen iton et:oaths* to be as to pad lobo sit why

The present plow et roam h-' s.. MIX PACTS ea poise 331

an air contract thru Leonard Cony. of the Gotham Agency. for the Alsto•TOns program over the Columbia Broadcast-ing System. Contract ig for 13 weeke, with two sets of I3-week notions Pro-gram is to start around .nny 4. Johnny Dugan. of the Simon Agency, Is Musa Mavtletres personal representative.

NEW Bu (Continued /min opposite page/

July 1 for 28 weeks. daily "Time Signal-anatouncemente ICITTte.

Philadelphia CRUSADER-5 OP AM F311(1A ipoliticall.

placed direct, renewal. started June 18 for 13 week's, Mondays, 8,15.6:30 p.m. Talk. W -IP.

REV. MEStRILL. T. MaePHERSON (re-ligiouel. placed direct, renewal, started June 14. ending May 30, 1937. Sunders

p m. Sermon. WIP.

NATIONAL REAL ESTATE CLEARING HOUSE. then Faulkner-Arndt Agency. started June Iii for 13 weeks, Thurs-days, 5-5:10 rm. Talk. ICYW.

Eisenberg Study of Children Shows and Reactions in Book NEW YORK, June ?C.—Columbia Uni-

versity Preen on July 8 la bringing out the volume, Children and Radio Pro-grams, which la intended to answer the many questions which have arisen around thin type of show. The author. Angel L. Eisenberg. made a survey of 3,345 children in the New York area and investigated the reactions of 1.454 parents of three children es well. He made the survey as his thesis for

a degree at Teachers' College, New York University, and originally brought hie study to the attention of radio and advertising men in 1934. during which time he wan engaged in its prepara-tion. Pull detail on the work was ex-clusively mentioned in The Billboard at that titile. Subsequently. NBC and CBS in company with ad agency and adver-tisers' organleatIong agreed to under-write the survey for a limited main in order to enable Mr. Eisenberg to carry nut the survey lis detail.

Volume has considerable information ex to the contente of children's pro-grams, the type of queetionnaire tired and upon which the rehord children were re-checked, their reaction's and va-rious other findings.. Programs are also tinted that figured in the sursey, etc. Sonte 3.100 programs were approved by the parents who urged their children to listen to 1.338 and prohibited them from listening to '791. Author ate. adds 17 recommendation, for the considera-tion of all Interested tea children's pro-grams.

Mr. Eleenberg's study further reveals that the dramatized continuous form of program is most popular with both eeacm. with comedy and variety programa sec-ond. Music and informational broad-casts are third and fourth.

At the time the survey was brought to the attention of the networks the n--search and marketing departments evinced considerable interest. This was two years ago. however.

72etwctiz goily CePtSUS

Selections listed below re.rn.nt The Billboard's accur ate rherls on three net-works. vla WIZ, WEAS and WABC

Only songs played tit leant once duals« each program day •re listed. Idea is to ze consistency rather than ttttt score. /Souk in parentheses indicates number elf times song was played according to list week's listing. Period covered it Irons Friday. lune 12, to Thursday. lune 18. both Inclusive.

Dialer (22 Take My Hem, 1241 32


Robins and Roses 1271 37 Is It Truc Nth. Tesey fay About


She Shall Nave Musk MI Would You? 31 All My Life 1141 31

26 2S

On the Beach at e.11.SSR I17) Them Foolish Things Glory of Lose 116 , 27 Thm•'s • Small Hotel..., 25 You / 201 24 Yon Can't Pull eke WOOI 1191 22

It'. • Sin To Tell • Li• ,16‘ 20 Let's Sing Again 11S1 . II Lost 1/ Touch of Your Lips 1/ Melody FrOT the Sky lbs I'm Grateful to You IS Rend ttttt a With a Dream 15 Stomprn • at the Sauey IS No Regrets .15 , 14 Yes Me Dreaming . 14 Well Rest at the End of the Trail . 13 Love Is Like a Ci ttttt . 11 Stng, Slog, Sing . 10

SHUT MUSIC beet sellers will be found se, ear,

ht. lialheitird RADIO-REVIEWS June 27, 1936

Ptojtate. ReViews FDST Unless Otherwise Indicated

"Schnicling-Louis Fight" Reviewed Friday. JO-II p.m.

Ane-Buick Motor Car Company. Style— Fight description. Station--WSAF (NBC network). The best heneyweight fight since Jack

Dempeey left the ring. drew likewise the bent description in the way of a fight broadcast. altho as usual there wee still one major point cif importance not covered by the narrator. Clem McCarthy. who handled the

punch description. and allegedly aided by Edwin C. Hill on the mine did a good job. Ile kept the description run-ning with the punches and called the action better than has been done on a major fight in years. Yet he failed to convey in any complete way to let the listeners know just how badly Louts was hurt. The listeners ran certainly claim surprise that the knockout cane, when it did. Otherwise McCarthy did okeh. NM failed miserably to give what

listeners want in the rest periods, of light. People know what fight audi-ences are like. Rather than a descrip-tion of the house they want more dope on the fighters, their condition, how the balance is running and the like. Some day. maybe. men like Charles ?ranch, Coe, one of the beet fight broad-casters to step to a mike, will handle battle broadened.s. Buick auteti took modest commercials,

with McCarthy eneakine In with a plug every once In a while when the fight was slow. enteffling the apeed of the punches. etc.. to similar qualities In the car. Payoff, the, is that Studebaker gave way to e rival manufacturer to make the broadcast available. J. T.

Semions in the Movies Dcrieri•ed Thursday, 6.53-7 p in. Style

—Religious discourse. Sustain! tie on WPM (Philadelphia), Rev. David Carl Colony. on.. of the

Episcopal Church. does not stand on the premise that humans are Inherently wicked. nor does he depict the movie as an inetrutnent of the devil. In view nf the opposition to Sunday movie. in Pennsylvania on part of the ministry. them tri -weekly sermons me somewhat of a mild beemiehell. Dr. Colony pro-pounds • theory that RO per cent of all motion pictures produced teach a defi-nite moral lemon either deliberately or by chance. When caught plot of the I Bleed con-

demned flicker was used to Illustrate a tee of the Bible. Cleric pointed nut the morel lemon it contains, tracing the thought In question to a Biblical text. Pis just opened and It is doubtful whether any appreciative number of lis-teners were arquninted with the story. but the didn't detract from Its interest. Plot concerned a miserable sinner Old Man Peter) who emerges a man in smite of his sins (love for money and love for the young girl Natacha) because of is religious, awakening. May lamed like a dome of rellitinn ad-

ministered with sugar-coated pine but Dr. Colony proves his point. Plenty thought there for other air cleric-1 Listeners ere offered free tleitete for a "private showing of a fine picture," Identity as to title and place of screen-ins not disclosed. ORO.

Pittsburgh Amateur Winners Reviewed Friday, 7-7:30 p.m. St Mie—

Amateur program winner.. Sponsor— Wilkens Jeirelry Stores. Station — 1VJAS SP/filberts/O.

This program le the outgrowth of the Sunday amateur hour sponsored by a Pittsburgh jewelry firm. Winners are given employtnent on this weekly half hour at pod...stone! rates. It It. e nat-ural to draw a wide listening audience. se these embryos are widely publicized in tile sponsor's Mores and ed. used In the Pittsburgh dallies Weighed on a professional scale the majority of the talent is hardly above the run-of-mill quality. The tuners-In, however, still consider them beginners and are willing to grant liberties. A few short plugs, timely and effec-

tively explotted by Jack Logan. are eand-verhed in between entertainment cen-tributions. Brian MacDonald. «time

on the Sunday hnur, is also conducting thir affair in a smooth and enjoyable manner.

Notable among the amateur Gt....M-etre at Me 'Interline were Adelaide Schleicher, billed as the girl RubInoff, who pleased with nome fair playing: Mickey Reed, harmntilea player. and Mary Jane Donahue, singer of hot song..

S. 11.

True Romances Reviewed Tuesday, 7:30-8 p.m. Style

—Dramatic sketch. Sponsor—Th. new. Company. Station—W SAP.

Another one of the many Macfadden Publication program tiettpe to flit the air lately, this is one sponsored by the makers of Venida hair precincts. Pro-gram consists of dramatizations of eteriee out of the Mac hidden literary treasure chest. True Romances magazine.

Pane of this nature has been quite successful on the air and by the same token then this program should like-wite meet with what is known as au-dience approval. From the standpoint nf good programing. or Intelligent pro-graming, the :heave will never rate much mention. To dramatize a Mac-redden -true- romance is to dramatize hooey. except that on the ale probably they won't allow illegitimate kids to figure In the eke-teem eo by any steed-arda ether than those of the readers of True RnManeee, True This and TM() That, this program has no rating. J. P.

- --

Barry McKinley Reriews-d Tuesday, 10:30-1045

Style—Soloist and orchestra. Sustain-ing, on WRAF (NRC network).

Barry McKinley be the young baritone (partly crettierri who recently concluded a year's work for Procter A: Oarnhle and is now doing this evening sustaining spot on NBC. Sepported by five mu-Melee,. Ouch a top man on Ills Instru-ment, it shapes tip as a swell quarter hour's muele. McKinley lias fi voice of excellent quality and eltho he eschews n11 luit ballads and slower tempo songs the program moves along brightly. Ina delivery and style are gond and all factors of ht, work combine to make enjoyeble listening. If he selected a feeler song or two it might be even better.

Orchestra of five combats of Carl Kress and Dick McDonough. Adrian Rollinl. sari end vibraphone: Cue-par Reardon, harp. end Artie Shaw, clarinet. Something of an unusual get-together. but it eminds excellent. par-ticularly when they do one needier among themselvea and venture a bit of thing else. J. P.

"Romance, Inc." Reviewed Tuesday, 930-10 p.m. 131kle—

Drama, Sporstor—Dezdate Heeler) Milts, ttir . Station WJZ.

A minor contribution to the history of recliten drains. In a sketch about a man and woman, partners in Romance, inc. The show caught didn't explain just what the Inrorporated firm it sup-posed to do, act as marriage broker. or hunt for romantic adventures. It was mentioned that In a previous epi-sode the pair had raptured a kidnaper. and in thin show they were lei/elver' In chasing a thief, so most likely Het the latter of the two options. This episode involved discovering

couple In a yellow roadster which an-swered the description of the one 'stolen by an embezzling bank clerk. When they bring the pair to a jue.ge. however, they diecover that the pair are just elop-ing. not that the teen is is thief and the woman with him the wife of nnother men with whnm he had run away. As simple ae that and an obvious. Just whet the audience will he doesn't ap-pear to he touch to hope for. Ed Wynn mid Fred Waring are the competition. the 'how only going over WJZ, New York. Commerciale stress superiority of the

hoer and offered at the cloee of the show a sort of clip to be used by women. Leeds are played tie well as possible by

Alice Reinhart and nuford Hampden. That It all ererne rather silly seems more the fault of the script than any. things else. J. P.

TELE FACTS— (Continued /tern pape 21)

misting and the accomplishments and services of the same were net out at length by James Baldwin. of the NAD. He ohm wanted against a mortopolitaition of the television field by a few. Bald-win's contribution covered the history of ranadeestIne in this country tip tu the present time completely. Mtn posi-tion was that theSe who had made this passible. in the private field. were en-

titled to protection of their intermit. in the future and in the light of the new science. He said competition among broadenetere had made possible the ex-cellence of the services rendered.

Baldwin then went into rural broad-casting. International broadewsting. unis-coilittinOUS services. faceiralin broadcast-ing and Miceli/Ion. Each of them was discussed in detail. He eat ,, when lets cornea it. will introduce a powerful In-strument for good or evil, and ho then naked, alto will control US

ait gtieb


F ETarr' 'SPAN BREWERY. formerly a WOR account, is tackling the radio

snipe Irons n new slant and instead of toilewing the usual line with a sporta program aimed at men pious to catch the ladies' rare with a lemon- commen-tator. Breurry feels that despite the men's desires the women still do the shopping and accordingly ahoidd get their approval. New show, most likely with Helen Leighten. will go on WMCA. ... Josef Pasternack goes on the Vickie show this fall with Nelson nicely . . . . Ben Bernie's option Is up for renewal in September. but it's not up to Amer-ican Can, hie present sponsor, but Pabst Beer, uhich owns the Lotion and lent hint out to the can company. ... Lois Henry leavea the WOR. salee pre-motion department June 27 to gn with Neff-Rogow. and Charlotte Flek of the Mutual treeic department, lemma the week after to go with the same firm.

Several radio script throes are likely to turn into pictures, with One Man's Family recently reported gold and a number of the Macfadden publications shows hoped on their nuigazinesi due to be nied by Columbia Pictures. Good Will Court. on WNICA. Is one of them. Latter program, ineldentally, seems to be the center of some priority argu-ments. A judge Ilving in Brooklyn la reported as having notified the station he hag the title copyrighted and may take action, while a West Coast station le doing exactly the same type program

with but a minor change in name.... Mark Hollinger stopped the use of some uf his nev.spaper stories on n local pro-gram, reportedly because he has them said commercially elsewhere. . . . Don Carney (Uncle Don) celebrates his 4.000th broadcast July I. Tent's. a lot nf spinach to make kids rat.... Gypsy Nina h. pla)ang stage dates in Canada.

Jack Miller end his orchestra fill In on CBS while Kate Smith takes her tweak., Andre Kostelanetle danse spots go to twice a week for Ctiestsr. field 'darting July I. • • • with Main, Bowes 'shafting to Chrysler the chancee of changes et Showboat for Maxwell House coffee are now greatly reduced Principal reason changes were dlecuseed was because the amateurs were ceiling an much coffee that despite Showboat'. rating It had to be bettered to meet the competition. . . . The Weeterners. now on Showboat, go on the Si; in the fall for Log Cabin SYruP• • • • Ir. said that Rudy Wctrioft. noted aux play-er. is now running a gold mine in Ne. vertu.. .. Fumei announcement of the appointment t)f Fred Weber as general manager of Mutual Broadcasting System is expert,' any minute if it hasn't come flint by the time this le printed. . . . CBS dropped its detective eerie, Meet McBride. last week, euppreedly after Phillips Lord squawked to the net-work. . . Corn Cola is now shopping, with Clue Heenerhen and his orchestra auditioned at NBC.

etti Oit 7Iotes BV Ile r

The return of Clara. Lu 'n' Em to the air for Frigidaire on Jilne 28 recalls the circumstances under which they left the ether lest year.... After successfully broadcasting for five year, inures struck two of the girls and they were prac-tically forced to leave the air hules. . . . During their absence from the air Clara (Mrs. Pied C. Mead) became the mother of a boy and Em (Mrs. John Mitchell) went to California for her health. . . . Ted Flo-Ritn nod his or-chi-corn will furnish the muelcal back-ground for the now half-hour series.

Ed Malcolm, WDDM engineer, suffered severe bruises when he slipped nn the Ice at the College /nn while setting up microphones for one of the broadcasts this week.... Leonard Keller la said to be elated to replace Jack Fulton with the Sophie Tucker Orchestra when it opens in Detroit. . . . Don Himenek, formerly of WLW. Cincinnati, in the latest eddition to the local CDS an-nouncing staff.... Orlff Or-chestra, broadcasting river WON, moves to the Trianon Bellroom In July while the Aragon undergoes repairs. ... Tom Coates. ono nf WON's original an-nouncers, is hark at the Mattnn again. . . . /ma Phillips la back on the job after her month's, layoff.... She cele-brates a birthday July I.

SVLS vacationers are holding n re-union at the Texan Centennial in Dallas this week.... Present are George Biggar. promotional director of the station. Mrs. Bigger and the three little Biggers: How-ard Cheinberlain, announcer. and Mr. Chamberlain. arid Patay Montana, sing-ing cowgirl, with her husband. Paul Ruse, and baby daughter.... Joan Kay. of the Nary Marlin cast, fractured her arm the other day when she fell off her bicycle in Evanston ... Frankle Adams, violinist with Keith Brethren Orchestra over NBC. Is really Dr. Frank Schnee-man, a local dentist Joe °Mutated',


another member of the band, operates an Italian restaurant here.... Clone Arnold. Happy Jack 'Turner and Art Van Harley have been practleing the ancient art of horseshoe pitching and now challenge all comers. . Robert Dryar, author of ABC's, Raspberry College, la one of radio)) youngest script writers just having cele-brated his 18th birthday. . . The Hot Shots will mien four jinete Ezra broad-casts when they vacation from July 12 to 23. . . Heazie Trletsch etc. to Eagle River. Wis.: his brother. Ken. to the Michigan woods; Frank Kettering to hle old home town in Pennsylvania. and Otto Ward in any spot that Catches, WS fancy between now and then.

Lulu WLS National Darn Dan.» star. seas the highest ranking women artist lit Radio Guide's Star of /Mere poll. . . Joan Blaine was second. .. • Fibber McGee and Molly are to be heard en the efee,c Key program June 28 . . One of radio's most successful couples will be separated for the fleet time when Irerne Wicker moves her show to 14,. Vrtrk after airing from here for the pain five and a half year', and Walter Wicker leaves for his tour of the Wicker prop-ertlea. . . . A thrce-dav flying vecation will fill this weak-end for Elinor Har-riett.... She will fly to Duluth to speed two days with her family, then go to Minnenixills one day for the wedding of a chum and then fly back to Chicag0

for her Monday morning show.





.19m, 27. 1936 Conducted by


ROGER LITTLEFORD, IR.—Coreenurecatme• to 25 Opera Place Cincinnati O.

Mid Labor Law Aids Penn Biz

• Violations of child nod irooten's burs at minimum —bookers resi sible

• PTITSBURGH, Jute. 20.—Violationn of

the child labor law in night spots end dare in Weetern Penneylvanla have been reduced to a minimum, according to kcal inspectors of the Department of lab, and industry. leditwing n num-ber of conviction, In this section. club miners nee hooking only according to the State', child labor law and the erimenai law.

Ororge B. McDonough, director of the keel department. states that legitimate tinkers have been among the !Inn to co-nperate. lie urgen that they unite and tile an amendment with the Leg's-tame in Harrisburg to allow women le Tram or older to work after 9 p.m. The present law permits late working hours for women 21 years of age or older only. Ile states that they will have little dif-ficulty in getting such an nmendment tern as they will encounter practically no opposition.

This district pioneered for the State la curbing child labor law violations Similar action lies now epread in all nee-Cons nf the state. Rockers state that the drive not only has given seasoned performers en opportunity to ecru, work, but it also brought about Im-proved financial and working conditions in night eluba. beer gardens and enters.

CRA Sets Venuti For Texas Expo NEW YORK. June 20.--Jne Vernal and

erchestra have been booked by Connell-tinted Radio Artists. inc. for an Indefi-nite run at the Texas Centennial Expo-sition, Peat Worth.

Vernal will appear at one of the night mote or as designated by Billy Rose, and opening date is to he not inter than July 15. Orchestra will have 13 men. inducting Vernal, plum a femme warbler.

Gardner Troupes Booked TOLEDO. 0.. June 20.—Bentrien (hied-

err School of Dance hen rinsed for the simmer. A new line of Gardner girls °Peeled recently at the 4444 club. Cin-cinnati, while annthrr line opened for the summer reeently at the Blur Morin Club, Milwaukee. Gardner Debutantee earned June 15 in the Alhambra Club. Vander, while the Cordn continue indefi-nitely at the Frolic night. club here.

Reg Marshall's Appoii l itt SAN FRANCISCO. June 20 —Reg

Marshall. formerly personal representa-tee (Cr Les Hite, orchestra leader. han heen appointed orchestra division man-or, for the Western Booking Corpora-

nf this city. - -

Steamer Tashitioo Sinks flETROTT, June 20.—The excursion

steamer Taahmoo, which carried dele. titra to the American Federatten nf Muumuus' nntionnl reinventien on a boat ride last week, ntrurk n reek in the tetreit River Thursday flel and just made its dock before slinking In le feet er water.

Virginia Spots Union NMVPORT NEWS. Va., June 20.— The

hnterIcnn Federation of kfueiclans con-Vet,' two Important Virginia Peninsula dstn to union bandi last week. They Are the ',Metros, Beach dance pavilion see the Chamberlin Hotel at Old Point C'eafeit. New policy goee Into effect at liu,groe Beach after two weeks and at ier Chamberlin in four weeks.

ALBANY, N. Y.. June 20.—Charbar Mieletil Corporation. New yeirk City. was hinted a charter this week to organise tame and orchestras. The organ:74,re ‘ed shareholders are M. Milton Roemer. W Wardrop Jr. and J. E. Ankus, 1776


Material Prolect • B ureall Attention is directed to 'The Billboard's

Material Protection Bureau embracing all branches of the show business. but de-signed particularly to servie Vaudeville •nd Radio fields.

Those wishing to establish materiel or idea priority •r• asked to Inclose same in a sealed •nvelope, bearing th•ir name. pee-ns aaaaa address and other Intormation deemed needle,. Upon receipt, the in-ner pocket will be dated, , and tiled away under th• name et the claim-ant.

Send packets accompanied by letter re-quelling r•gistration and r Postage to The Billboard's Material Protection Bur•au, 6th Floor, Pala. th eeeee New York City.

Caliente Reopens; Gambling 'Modified' LOS ANGELES, June 20.—With the

reopening of Agile Callente. the Mexican resort, by presidential order thin week. Baron Long is preparing to take tire latch nff hie hotel. supper room and casino before the end of the week and set up his entertainment machine where it left tft last year. He is looking over the local night club entertainment field to <berme a staff to handle the •umrner reason at rile Mexican spot. According to Prealient Cardenas,' order, emodifiene gentbling will be allowed, with the raen track elated to begin operation before the end nf the month.

ASCAP Sues Club NASHVILLE, June 20.—A present op.

rrntor and a former associate in the management of the Wagon Wheel. local night club. were named defendants In n $1000 ropsrlOit infringement damage stilt flied in Federal Diatrict Court thui week by Cene Buck. preeldent of the American Society of Cempneers. Authors and Publieliera. and Irving Berlin. Ont'.. of 14, w York City. Defendants. are J. C. Eakin's. operator of the club, and Gordon Nichol. former associate.

Benny Fogelman To Move PHILADELPHIA. June 20. — Benny

leagelinan la moving his well-known "Benny the Bum's," intimate nightery out of the residential section on July 15 to a mid-city locution. Plana to reopen on August 1, but the trade-mark lila him worried. 'Benny the Humes" In electric lights might attract the wrone element, so Inabei1 Reok, entertainer at the spot. auggenta her boas change It to "Sir Benjamin the Vagrant:*

Jones-Williams Split NP.W YORK, June 20.—Bert Jonas has

split with Joe Williams, um! is now once more ngenting on hie own. In now booking the Village Barn here. the May-fair Club In Boston and the Showreeme, Baltimore. In addition, he in handling the Chative-Sourit show. which /net closed n 24-week run at the St. Morita Hotel here. May book It Into Bailee.

Restriction Law Ruled Out RACINE. Wis., June 20.-Bocinen

eabaret ordinance. which by its pon. Violons permitted only three cabarets in the city, was ruled dinerirniiintory and unreasonable in a deciaion handed down recently in Municipal Court by Judge E. R. Magee., The meneure prohibited music In tavern, Charges against Jacob Seidel' end Arthur J. Johnson, tavern operatorn, for violating the ordi-mince then e dismissed.

brine's Nudists Making Hit WHEELING, W. Va., June 20.—Zorine

and her Nudists, touring the liait after a successful San Diego exposltion en-gagement. finished a week today at Co-lumbus and open next week In Cincin-nati. They broke all records for the Diamond Club Roof here the week of June 8. and Danny Phillips. club owner. watt .ble to induce the unit to remain over. 'litho he made lavish offers.

Arnheim, Brigode Set Records

FORT WORTH. Tex.. June 20.—Two 5-year-old attendance reconte have been broken this year at Casino Park Ball-room, near this city. Gun Arillielmes new combo recently broke the Wednes-day night record anti Ate Br.codese Or-chm'str,s shattered the Friday night mark two weeks ago.

George Puget Adds 10 Spots DETROIT. June 20.—George Puget,

bead of the Gua Sun vaudeville booking office here. Is personally honking 10 weeks of night clubs as u result of an Intensive campaign for new spots in the past mnnth. Principal locations added in the past two weeks Include Lew'à Cave, Detroit: Mayfair Club. Lima 0.1 Cabanas Club. Springfield. O.; Baum Lake Pavilion, Alma, Mich.: Old lieldieberg Club, Detente; Werionah Beach. Bay City, Mich., and the Club Hollywood, Helaine-eon.

Latest Berle Bookings; Rubin Setting N. Y. Acts NEW YORK. June 20.—Phil Berle, of

the Jock Peraeroy office. has spotted Colette and Deane and Long Sisters Into th. Oreen Gables. Drume, Pa.: Billy White. emner, into the Black Cat, Wil-mington: Huey Steven', etneee, into the 500 Club, Atlantic City. rind Carlos and Lorraine. Mentgomery and Waite° and Doleree Partis Into the Brown Derby. Boston. Marty Rubin, uf the saine °Mee, hne

booked Dell Benny, Billy Vine and Peggy Marlowe into the Town Casino here; Paul lanewell into the Gangplank Club Itere: Jerry Baker Into the Queen,' Terrace. Wornieldr. L. and the Dooley Sinters into the ttrW village spot at 249 Sullivan street

Jackie Heller's Band PITISBUROH, June 20 —Jackie Heller,

while playing the Stanley here this week, revealed that he plans to take out n hand on the road this summer. He will open at the Willow, summer npot near here, at the cloxe of ran week's engage-ment at the Earle. Philadelphia. July 2.

N. Y. Shows, NEW YORK. .TUne 20 —Amnng newer

clubs opening here and in near-by trots are the Little Casino on Weed '72d street. with Florence Richerrison'a Rand fea-tured; the Showboat Casino at City In-land, which opened last night: Prome-nade Cafe in Rockefeller Center, featur-ing dance music, which opened Monday night.

All-Star Club I. now called Bonitn's with Charles (Slim) Timblin heading the floor show. New out-nf-town Openings Include

Roee Penton FritIns, Deal. N. J., which opened last night with Gene Femenelett Bone and a floor show comprising Brandt and envier. Rossi McLean and Dorothy and David Fitegibbona Tho Monmouth County Country Club at F.ntontown. N. J.. opens tonight. with Barney Wintonet Band featured. Colony Surf Club at Deal. N. J.. opena tonight. with Arlie Baker spotted just for the opening Chow. Trocadero, West End.

Bookers Busy Supplying Bands for New Spots

Calif. Outlaws Torch Dances

N. J., opening show cOmpriece Gilbert Klamie and Dorothy Young, Marcie Wayne, Paine George. Eric Titus and Al Apollon'', Band, JO. M ORA opens the Pavilion Royal,

Valley Stream. L. L. next Tentreday. with Billie Burnn and Dennis White end the Vincent Lopez Orchestra already set for the first show. Harbor Inn, Roekaway Park. opens tonight, with Raryl Norman and an all-gal band heading the enter-tainment. Club Riviera on Lech Sheldrake, Hue-

leyvtlle, N. Y., opens next week. with Marty White, Prince Serge Abagoff.'Judy Days 10 Harry Welker Gale, Dave and Knight and Felix Amatel'n Orchestra comprising the show. Booked thru Sammy Harris, The Wilson Line's steamship Delaware

begins a summer season of short crones up the Hudson Tuesday. Andy Sanella and Orchestra and Ann Howe, vocalist. comprise the show.

• Second fire started by fliff'd ;rood of Beth. BIOS. results it, State action

• SAN FRANCISCO. June 20.—in the '

wake of a second fire net by the torches of Betty Blossom, whom: blazing brand* touched off the Shamrock Club inferno here on May 13 when four lives were lost end 17 persons injured. the State Indian-trial Accident Commisalon last 'Fhureday took action tn clone any theater or night spot using thin or any other type of torch dance.

Accident followed aversion of another tragedy when the tonal dancer's fiery wands ignited a heck-stage curtain In the crowded El Campandle Theater, at Antioch. Calif.. last Sunday night. Fire was extinguished by stagehands no quickly that the audience was unaware of the blare. 'recording to Willard Wag-ner. manager of the hone.. Damage Was confined to a small section of the cur-tain.

ItIcesom, following the Sunday night incident, declared that she Neils "theta with torch dances" "For a mo-ment I thought it was the Shamrock Club fire all over again,. she marl. Timothy A. Reardon, chearnan of the

State Inthotriul Accident Comrninelon„ slated that entry place Malting this act or any similar net constituting a 'melons fire 'melted will he considerred unsafe Under State law and will be cloned im-mediately. We are going tn nee to it that these clannerouti torch dance prase. taws are Mopped:*

London Night Spots LONDON. June 13.—New art opening

at the Savoy Hotel is that of Sylvia and Clement,. two American girls who offer some new irions in acrobatic... dancing and comedy. Girls are etrong in all three departments and one of the beet femme triune to play this Ante The Three Sailors, with their sure-Ore holm, and the Holly Sisters, dancers, are held over from the prevtoun hill.

Hope Minor and Edward Root remain nt the Dorchester Hotel, where they are Immensely successful with their poi-lehed and rhythmic dame Offering. Jean Carmen, early to look at and with loads of talent, steps out of the line to hit solidly with a peach of a novelty dance in red Indian costume. Gal geta come of the heartiest applause of the evening. Sally Williams also contributes a smart dance nolo.

Leonard Barr and Virginia Dare, com-edy einnerre ere a hit at the Oronvenor liouee. Act IS a dandy with no letup. and plentv of novel han, all of which register even with this ritzy audience Lucienne Boyer in increasingly popular

at the Cafe de Parts, where her chic motiter gain much from her individual style and compelling personality.

Paris S tttttt ner Spots PARIS, June 15. — Unsteasonehly cold

eeather han crabbed the opening. Of most of the hot-weather night epnts of Pieria, but the Ambit...drum, dine and dance palace on the Champs Elyseee. haa opened and la playing big dinner allows with u long net of entertainers, Including Chaz Cherie, American nut comic; Jigsaw Jackson. »plan ano dancer: Grace Porott, bot-clin dancer; the Miami Ghee: Red Dust. clever dog: Holley Slaters, dancers, and emend other numbers. Jim Waterier'. Perm, Cincinnati boy, Is p. a. Of the Ambassedeurs

From frir off Honolulu not So long ago a staff member of Tkinaldson. Douglas as Gumble, heard a tong over the radio. He was Impressed and immediately got in touch with the "linger arid station which broadcasted the work. After lean than three weeks the firm cimerel negotiations for the effusion, which bears the title of On .1 Cocoanut Mond. It là the product of R. Alex Anderson, a white man, who went to that part of the globe some sea-eons ago to write and publish his own creationn Thin In the second time with-in two years that Anderson found an American market for his song..

2 I The Billboard NIGHT SPOTS-ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC June 27, 1936



HAÏS prerientino her own original

dam ereatoin,

"IN MEDITATION" Pan. Mgt. LARRY SITTSSIBIRG. 107 W. 44th St.. New Teat CUT.

I—" M ADGE o•••• T•• °mein..

CARMYLE Iltdotly NIM.Olan and IlladœnlatM.

Al LEON • EDDIE'S. N. V. C., IndannItely




Vann Tn. • Orirn Peep, Nese Mehl/ at LAKE SNORE ALPINE VII.-

LAG, Otatuatid. O. Add... Cats ornooafe. Gin...natl. O.


Featured 22 X. at FM. ch.,. I es.. et.e.,ce I Ills, 1. I, a tot. Tete• eenteneed rolt.a. res.

p diCk Clyde A

40 40NWAY and PARKS %,z,v.....-îay.v.aute,,r‘e 5


h Helpe You, the Paper and Advertisers To Mention


72i9Ítt Club Reviews Sanford Showboat, N. Y. Bobby Sanford, for the pact four years

offering superb revues on the showboat Buccanneer in a Items with the Hudson River Day Line, has this year put a variety floor show Into the Empire State showboat. making nightly rains from the Battery at al a throw. Not as lavish as before and without

the wittal gorgeotie girl ensemble, this year's Sanford show is sock ,tuff only If nne consider% the limitations of the ahlp's facilities. A rather small boat.

show Is staged in an open deck and In inclement weather In a lower floor. Cramped space narrows the floor almost. to nothing. with the crowd rneesed around It uncomfortably. Space is 50 limited that the revue hunt play a re-peat performance for those who could flot squeeze in far the first showing.

Charlie Kemper. fat and jovial, la a likable comedian. Hie material is nut so hot. but the cuestomers seemed to enjoy it thoroly. /le gets gond assistance from George Haggerty and happy lee In comedy musical bits devised by Abner Silver. Kay Hamilton's lusty blurs voice Is nice to hear in animated pop num-

bers such aa l'or Got My Fingers Crossed. The gorgeous Carroll Sisters 'Teddy and Frances) make a solid Impreasion In tap and wiggle dances. while Evelyn Thawl. pretty blonde, offers sweet toe numbers. Marley and EL.. two girls, are on for remedy knockabouts and acrobatics. Were on too long and were handicapped by lack gif space, but managed to draw

00 Norte, with a leg-display girl pacing it,

to really nioto around. Three Sharpe and A-Flat, (nor colored

boys doing instrumental end novel vn-calising. were great. Their S/ioe Shine Boy le a treat, the h.% thumping away like nnbody's business. Also provide intimate entertainment between shows. The Honolulu Islanders, inetrumental trio, also move around the boat for In-timato entertainment. There not in the show proper.

Jay Mille Introduced the show and loti

neverthelesa Daisy the a big han

a surprise hit despite lack of space




BENNETT “Interpreters of

Modern Ballroom Dancing"

Opening July 3rc-1 (Unhrrnerd fneirecertent)



At the met— Rachausoinofes ',elude in G

Mince Galena and Cenadle have suc-ceeded n develop.' indeoduaiity, which is pleasant to see in this Cr.. when most traen seem bent on copying Velez and Yolanda

WAsHisicTON routS.

By Night Club Editor.

"Very teed dance team, mat Wash-ington people hase had the privilege

of wens can even come Clomp to touching ow, doe -

the Meyer Davie Baud, also playing for dancing later. Mills. a capable lender and enure, is in for a week. Leaves for a West End (New Jerseyi summer en-angernent and will be succeeded here by Ken WhItmer. Ship needn a better p.-a. system.

IleaplIfyore thruout the boat not pick-ing up the music and show Its they should. Dent.).

The Lido, Dallas

a few pout. that Minsky missed anti clicke well. 11.11rdleca and Michael haves several unique dance numbers, while Ketelte Thom., Amy Wong. Leroy end Carroll. Rabe Leroy mid Eddie Sheeler add their bits to the proceedings Prince. Wens IA spotted for a couple

of clever song numbers just before the clime. Finale is a Gorden of Eden Minn. using the entire company. Tiny Kay is doing the pub and has things lone," up high_ Nearly all local amuse-ment Interests were reprewentrd at open. Ing. Including Clement Manager Herb Copeland of Warner theater,: Sid Blue menstock. press agent of slime outfit: Fred Schware. Steel Incr. and Frank Fiore, president ACLEA. MeMishon.

This spot, located In Streets of Paris at the Texas Centennial, le one of the gayest on the exposition ground., at-tracting large crowd, and coffering an entertainment program that sends the patrons away wondering whether they are living in a pant or Mho,. age. One of the most risque pieces of the show is Lady Cornea un her white steed. The lady, nn unbilled masked blonde, rides her steed la front of the matrons clothed only in a }nee mask. That completes her part of the performance.

The stage ahem' offers Andre Lasky's French Revue, a fUll hour of fast-moving dance numbers and several entitled songs. Mona Leslie. the feature, billed WS the Diving Venue. makes her appearance on a pedestal thnt rte. front beneath the stage. Her interpretative dance, very brief, closes with a dive Irnm a springboard into a water tnnk, only to disappear and then reappear on tho rising pedestal. The dance is done tO Montt/Wit Madonna, sung by one of the ork boys.

Another very clever artistic dance le that nf Louise Clay. who deem the much-publicised Apple Dunce. MI. Clay IS Assn/Led by Robert Rob:neon. lIer dance concludes the nude numbers, which are not in the least offensive but are beau-tifully done. The marvelous Mercellue Troupe of

adagio dancers, four girls and two boys. do a spectacular routine, closing with the daring feat of throwing the girl troll) steer center to the two femme catchers Tho twn Southern Meter* do Peen dime-ing with the Marceline Tompe. Helen Ripley, soprano, and Phil Clerk, ten,. furnish the song numbers. They offer Victor Tierbert'a Street Mystery rif and come back inter with Ell 'Walt Mr Too, Chrrfr, WI the 12 line girls musks their appeara nee. The Ripley-Clark combo %Mudd he given nnother spot on the program becalme the chow is Incit-

ing in singing number.. Jnnnitas la Benton and Compere.% con-

nistine elf MIAs Benton. Nettle Ferry and Alva Darnell. have n fast skating rou-tine with emeriti tricky novel number, closing with a whirlwind number with it member of the endience. Captain Keneeth Blake Morten the

chow with n 00-font fire dive. Captain's Nesting is see-11,11y conetructed for this show. Hie background !Mows a Parisi mountain village and the top of it net-Irate extending Mime the mountain leak. Vloht Moss meet-glee the Capteln

a 80-foot dive. Fennk Cushion doe) the clown numbers, Including 11 60-foot

walkoff. Billy Zerk is egnsee and Charles Ruddy

direct:, the ork for the (Incur show. Jack Stanley takes over the baton for Ilia

Viritinghol (lama munie.

French Casino, Atlantic City

Russian Inn, New York One of the lower Faust Side etnuinplieric

spots, located at 219 Second avenue. Just off Union Square. Nearest competitors are Ruseinn 1Cretchmn nod Ruweien Beall

Intimate and int lllll usl to extreme. tidLi one is Unusual. Ernmee is is Stout fel-low who waits nu tables when not en-tertaining. Obviously a polished per-former. his Ruse monnlogs and wings are entertnining even to one not under-standing the language. Rest of enter-teinnient comes Conn a string duo, which occasionally grows, to four pieces when a pianist mid balalaika player join O. The small orchretra dishes out Ameri-

can pop numbers and, ais you might suspect, the results aro enrol-161ms A cont.-Mto with a terrible volee popped up as tenoned vnerdiat and the run-touters were too amused to leave Ili a body. Three ¡type girls entertained, ton. Apparently regular druppere-M, the girls do letth Eurnpeen and hotel. Minces. A stooge flings a quarter after the first dance. That's the tiled( for the other etietorners to throw coitus. When the coins decreased me: gal trim a Treekin . strut to Isalainika music, but that, too, failed to wheedle more dough acid the gala momptly flounced mit.

Except for 50 cents Saturday cover no minimum or cover. Penis.

The French Casino, which bide +yeti to Femme this retort's leading net-neln night spot this summer. had an au.-plcionit opening here this week-end with a long list of notable., including Gov-ernor Hnffman of New Jereey. present. Originally built on an ultra-elitboratn scale during the boom days. the Cretin° has been dark doelne the depereetion years. It lit up stiddenly, hnweter, with

big show headed by Prince. Went, who also directs proceedings. Jack Wheaton and his Southerners furnish Music.

Highlight of show Is furnished by Leroy and Cerroll. bite of Chicago World's Pair. In a Vampire dance num-ber that In not nnly one of the most calcine' bid also one nr the most derIns night-club pre,entatione seen in this resort for eonic time. pence l, done tinder blue lights to good effect. The lineup nf girl, In easy on the eyes end especial'ses on parade Muff with plentv of trimmings. Fatal> Thom.. billed its Minsky girl, shows the caeh customers

MeAlpin Roof, New York Reopened for the summer »salon. the

McAlpin Roof will continue in Its some-what placid way to get lle share of the hot-wenther busing... The hotel. either In its grill or rneet, has a steady clientele, bulk of which Is probably front out of town. But the prices ere certainly reas. ennoble enough to werrant a stronger play for the local cm:foment MeAlpin has always been noted for the quality of its enteine, which never haus had tit take a hark seat against any cornpetie tkin. Thnt Mill applies and the Ill dinner shapes tip as an exceptimml offering In the realm of night elubbery. Enoch Light and his orchestra are still

(ere IV Wirt CLUE on prig, 28)




1111. 'I]'' I-' rents _ten a1/1010 BAR

Unid Curie • 20f? Pie* CRYSTAL TERRACE.

• Park pu.,. Intel. as. Lour. Alit MUSIC CORP OF AMERICA. 1

BLANCHE PrekentInp Renee- AND toile of New Sena-

Unnal Dantell—k Wetly at




June 27, 1936 NIGHT SPOTS-ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC The Ilillboarcl 25

Club ettattet THE EIHIASSY FOUR, who have been

playing in the Terrace Room of the Hotel Morrison. Chicago, and aleo In the cocktail lounge there. close their engagement July 12. . . . George Given. ringmastering his speedy Radio Circus at the College Inn of the Hotel Sher-Man, Chicago. Introdered a new feature a few days ago in Ben Veers Varsity Goode. a sextet of swell-looking girl.. five Of whom are lull-voice song-reams. the sixth a triple - tongue

trumpet player. . . . Opening at the Walnut Room of the Bismarck Hotel. Chicago. on June 26 are Johnny Jen-nings and Patricia Murry. dance team. and the King's Jesters and Marjorie Whitney. . . Darin Robbins, "Angel of the Airwaves," will be heard In the Continental Room of the Stevens Hotel. Chicago, starting June 28. when Ben pellack and his orchestra 'open there for a summer engagement. . . . Pat Mc-Gowan Is clicking at the Golden Spot, Chicago, with he...own parodies of popu-lar songs and his chummy dance and eccentric routines.

DOTTIE DEE, vereatile young dancer, elites the following from Wenatchee. Wash.: "I recently read in The Billhnard that a men who is doing a jump splits from a table claims to be the only person accomplishing the feat. For the past four years I have been jumping into the aphis from a five-foot stand. and in my bare feet." . . . Raul and Renee, dance team, have closed a senors of night-club datee to join the Seta-mulres Revue. currently playing West Virginia theaters. Renee was formerly known as Babe Grant and directed the

: : I

TONE Is Your Creates, ASSIT.

Produce the f INtST with the famous


REED A Strength for tech In-

dividual Player. Atk your Dealer or

H. CHIRON CO.. Inc. 2.18 W. 42nd St., New York


Amo oRcesTRA

e ltie2 CARDS OW Purl The, Are Knockout, 1.4.1•.•t Prim.. Pour fleetly Colo.; 100 14311 Window Carer. 0900; I COO rarer. s•rne, 114 On; ess33.in

tim ss 3e, i too Pip,. off", MPS puti .1.1. eerier. Thum lei Bil l, enuovert ro order, Ill .00 de. Wire Tour oiler NOW, or writ. for lumpier. me Date Rook end Price List.


RAM SI FOR $1.11 grwi•! weir."

MILDRED MEIERS 1030 N. Dearborn 81., Chime., Ill.



Tastes Hot Tunes, Accordion Solos. Xylophone foes, Ses Ouse ttttt s. Modern Methods.

Manus Ord. Covers.

ALFRED MUSIC CO. 15 W. 450. St., Dept. el. Now Voit


HUGHIE SCHUBERT 1'ir 301, 1555 Se000wUy. a..7.1.N. V. Or"

Lewis Mothere' spec for two years. . . Lorna Wolfe. rhythmic dance styled, in playing it two-week engagement st Northwood Inn, Detroit. Fire de-stroyed the Duck Lake dance pavilion near Albion, Mich., recently. Instru-ments and music of /VIM Contes Band. playing the engorgement, were included in the loss. estimated at 313,500.

MICKEY BRAATZ. who claims the record for continuous pinwheels, la ap-pearing currently at the Cocoanut Grove of the Park Centre/ Hotel in New York, City. Has added a juggling bit to her routine . . . Tweedy brothers. BIC Red and Little Red. ere booked Indefinitely at Eddie Webster& club In Springfield. O. The 'Tweedy's are still their optimis-tic, pleasant rely... Billy and Grace Carmen and Naomi Bell. novelty xylo-phone and dancing turn. played their find vaude date of the year last week et the Varsity Theater in Columbia. Mo. They are traveling westward now for a lengthy led of club engagements la and around Denver.

Several di Ight club fires is months, causing the death ,of enany osier tamers and patrons, Is finally resulting in rigid inspection of all dine and dance r.crits by th• fire m•rolods of sevmal States. It's at It should be. If nightropot operators refute to relieve their places of the one-clot hazard, of doses that open Inward, flimsy combustible decorations and dangerous floor-show offer-ings. It is the duty of State and city nient fo penalise. severely. New York. Cali-fornia and Michigan are leading the way in • drive that should have been conducted year' age.

SALLY GAN', aongetress. and Arno end Arnette, comedy dance., are back at th0 Motel Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. for it I urn engagement. . Benny the bum's Philadelphia intime spot. closes .1•Ily 15. Benny will reopen August I ..tn new spot in the main 'stem. . . . Arthur SOMD. mimic. is featured in the 15 -act revue at the Arcadia International House, Philadelphia.

BELL AND Gary, novelty dance team ere in their third week at Manna /nit. Mance. Pa. . . Vic Puree, the "man ..1 1,000 faces." is now working his nov-elty am in the Detroit oreo. Says he's keeping busy and doing well. . . . Leonard Xingetun has just closed at the Club Circus, Monefield. O.. and la n presenting his magic routine at the Peacock Club, Columbus. O. Ernie Creech, of the Sun office. Made both bookings. . , . Morale& Broa. and the Little Daisy are current at Gamble Inn. Detroit.

BELLE RIGAS has returned to New York after a run at the Toto Zeppelin Club, Holyoke. Maas. . James (Tiny) Day. accordiontet-elnger, le winding up a three-month run as feature of El Rancho Club. Panama City.... Wallace end La Mae held the fourth week at Martina Rathskeller, New York. . . Murray and Allan have gone into the Caliente. New York. . . . Billy Vine and Dell Roomy opened last week at. the 'Town Casino. New York. . . Pierre, of the dance team Pierre and Temple. is ono of the celebrated Chance !family that toured Keith vaude a decade ago.


have opened big at the Yacht Club. New York. Hale Sister», being held a second month. and Johnny and George. doing • return date. oleo in the show.... Pour Queens of Rhythm. who recently loot their wardrobe in the fire which destroyed the Grey Wolf Tavern. Sharon, Pa.. have replaced It and are back at work with a return engagement at the Timm Square Supper Club. Rochester. N. Y.... Doryce and Freddy Drew are featured in the roof garden atop the Royal York Untel. Toronto. . . . Earl Smith. formerly of Clark and Smith. is now in he 20th week at the Brevoort Hotel, Chicago.

MIXE BERNARD. pianist, who was away from the Clay Nineties. Now York, arse to an injury to his fingers, it back on the job again. . . Jon Pontee. baritone. Is now singing at the Clare-mont Inn, New York. . . Ben Manten te building a new revue for Ills Riviera. Fort Lee. N. J. Already set are Gomez end Winona: Gene, DeQuincy and Lewis and Ernie Madriguera'. and Val Ernie's orchestras. . . A new show opened at the Ubongl Club. Harlem. New York.

L wit E. I•4 AY To N on tour with tarrious orchestra USES



Lennie and his boys are taking along a

new RCA Portable Sound System, for

they realize that no tour can be a complete success unless every person in

every audience is able to hear the differ-

ent instruments and voices clearly and

with ample volume.

Wherever highest quality sound is required, superior RCA Portable Sound Equipment is in constant de-mand. Price $179.50 for PG-98, handling audiences up to 2000; $299.30 for PG-62-E, up to 3000. You can't buy RCA quality for less! Write for proof.

Per ouidour lnir, RCA offers soeusd esteasol of all kinds. Write

COMMERCIAL SOUND SYSTEMS RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Camden, New Jersey

A Service of Me Radio Corporation of Atnerüa


eri‘j) HALLS• tancl.


WESTERN BADGE & NOVELTY CO., 4a. nert'eniTterr .

June 14. Cast Includes °lady's Bentley. Alma Smith. Ralph Brown, Evelyn Robinson, Norman AntgOOCI. Mae Holley. Putney Dendridge and Willie Bryant and his orchestra. . Connie's Inn. New York, has lowered prices for the sum-mer. , Wive! Restaurant. New 'York. has a new show. . . . The Gloria Palest. In addlt1011 to Dix Dtsinsfe Orchestra, now has Deioge and Anthony. dancer's. Emory Delronh recently guest-Marred there for Dixon.

ED 100E, eon of Hype noted sports artier. In now a preen agent and l n handling the Xlt Kat Club and Den Healy'''. Incidentally. Hype Igoe cele-brate. his 60th birthday this week. Current Kit KM show includes Conway and renca. Just In from Montreal: Fred Skinner. Au» Lewis, Three Pepper.. Lillian Fitrgeraid. May Daniels, Hilda Roger,. Rose Duncan, Bill Reed. . . . Joe and Betty Lee (not related) opened at the Biltmore Roof, New 'York. June Id, doing new mutinies crested by Fred loe Chmrne. . . Virginia Gibaon, who just finished a road tour and radio work with Benny Rubin, is at the Village Barn. New York. Peter. formerly with the Commodore. Is now head Waiter at the Rainbow Room.

THE JUSTERS. *Ix men and a girl. have been booked into the Bismarck Hotel, Chicago, by Consolidated Radio Artists. inc. . . Three of the boy. were the Original Jestera with Paul White-man, from whom they took title to the billing. . . The Casino, swanky night spot on Chicago's near North Side, re-opened June 12 under management of Pierre Nuyttene. who promises "curious entertainment- and "unexpected fea-ture," !rogOelated with NUytterro are Ralph H. Chaplin and Prank H. Pettee, . . . The Carlton., Jack and Nita, ball-

Orchestra Jackets Tailored of lined quality washable

Gabardine anti Dureteen that hold

their shape and give long wear.

Also a smart selection o/ Eton

leckeb in white and

2.95 ANO UP

write Torus Ice Sample. DEPT. PPE.

HOOVER Sal Wtit lain en.. NEW YORK elev,

room dance team, have parted and Nita le now the partner of Joseph Shallta.

Persian dancer and former member of

the team of Carroll and Shalita. featured

(See CLUB CHATTER ors page VI)

26 The Billboard NIGHT SPOTS-ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC lane 27, 1936

IFMANIIM the Mound 1711, Rh. Blowers,


Ir CONSOLIDATED RADIO ARTISTS, INC. el ai« rketellee PIMA YORK, N. Y. glrlEllrele1-8800.

Now Doeling Spring • n .1 summer

bah,. Tenn for • whin loen lan of WI • ho

Tn.( A.

C_ *Me. Mania Wtre ter tbehosim• A •erlable. Open Disow and. lir.res.

a ri r .•- ....„, Apring nd 8 il-rn uer



• I firRofltfeiiw Pioge. No Vota, N. Y.

I Now Playing AND HIS ORCHESTRA ,..,... Voto.

Ic,,. Mgt --Consolidated Radio Artists. Inc, 30 Rockefeller Place, Now Ireeli, N. V.

1 IlroarIcettine Ole NRO. Coen to Coe., I Sundays, HARRY RESER I'";.4". YID AM 011000T MAI ESKIMOS 61P;C?

130 C .C.Reeser...he Pima. Neer Vora. N. Y. Min.-Oensolldated Redid ANN., Inc.



ner., May 20. 501 Keith Thestr• Side •yraeuse. N. Y.

Albany, N. V.. Cerneen 11 North Prowl Street.

[ The Metiers, Mee et tari Carrollis•Aiiesch Boca'.

New ...rind nit nee. musical Insentlen

Tweed) ELECTRIC VIBROLYNNI. sec...ode Management AAAAA DUNCAN. 1560 Isnederay. MOW York.

• california's chatter box D



now on tour


DISTINGUISHED DANCERS ,H1 °weenie Itemeranar Amen Hotel. Ch.M.

BETTY REAL • Queen of

and her MlNYTHItin,,...,.•

The New Band Sensation!

Tour Dinwsion. NANA' 111011. 1St OW

Ilemesum. Sena 701. N T. Oar


Available for Sperms and Summer in• g•gernents. Presents, Rhythm in th• REAL

111.Yranitlit Manner.


/lament. Tenor


10M week M GLORIA , New Yore MIt-HARRY MOSS. 11118 Wawa, N. T. C.

anàs auà BEN POLI.ACK will twee an NBC Del-

work nightly from the Stever. Hotel. Chicago. . . . Ditto for the

King'. Jester.. opening at the Biainarck Hotel in the Windy City. . . . Grit( Williams and orchestre, eleted to return to the West Comet after eloping at the Aragon Sallroottl. Chicago, Judy 5. . . - Jimmie Garrigen end orcheetra back in Chicago after eight months in Teen.. . . . Rumors peredet that • militant group of orchestra leaders are planning co-operative booking agency.. . Carl

Schreiber vaentioning In Michigan be-tore opening with his band at Club Ivanhoe. Chicago. on July 5. . . Seherlber Will have WBBM and CBS wire. . . Ted WeellIn in and out of Chi as he plays one-nighterw between commercial broadcasts. . . Following a one-night-at-end tour thru the Mid-dle Went, Phil Levant and his orchestra bill be featured at a Louisville summer spot. . . Bend returns to the Bic-inarek. Chicago. for the fall and Winter neft.1011 September 25.

OB OFtAYSON (formerly Coltman) mu-erected Tommy Red Tompkins at the Mardi (iras Ballroom, Palloades

Park, June 21. Booked by Milla Artiote. Edward I. Itzwyl Grove. booker, is

new in the Palace Theater Building. New York. Alyce Grove will continue to handle the bonds and trey the shows. .. . AI !tiny° and his owing band have opened at the Hour, of Morgan, Atlantic City. N. J. . . . A Never Davis hand directed by Allan &Mel 1mA been het at the Bedford Springs Hotel. Bedford Springs. Pa. . . . Maximilitan Bergere and his orchestra are playing week-endn at the Canoe Place Inn. Hampton Baya, L. I. . . . Hal Kemp and his orchestra succeeded Rudy Vallee at the Astor Hotel, New York, JUice 23. . . Ernie Hoist Le doubling as leader between El Morocco, New York night 'spot. and the Weetehester Bath Club, with sepa-rate band, at each place, . . Carlo. Moltnaa open, at Fountain Ferry Park, Lout/wine. KY.. July 3, LO be followed by Euclid Beach. Cleveland. O. . . . Cab Calloway. now in Texas, starts a one-night tour bark to New York next month. . Benny Aferoff la at the Oriole Terrace, Detroit. . . Tommy (Red) Tompkins goes into the Ftweet Park Highland's. St. Louis. Mo.. July 12.

Pa NSON WEF.KEI and his orchestra have replaced the Oulu Arnhelm mush, at the RICO Hotel. Houston.

the latter combo moving into the Ratn-bow Terrace of the St. Anthony Hotel. San Antonio.... Hay Noble and hie cult boys opened the Centennial :genera at Bain ESISCPOS Hollywood Dinner Club. Galveston. June 10. . . . Ken Moyer opened with his band on the roof of the Gunter Hotel. San Antonio. June 12,... Freddie Sky and his Sky Patrol. 14 pieces, are opening for an extended run at The Cave. New Orelane. Combo fea-tures Elaine Morse and Freddie Sky on vocals. B. J. Scanlo is managing. Louie Clancy end his Looters begin an unlimited stay at the Club Orleans.

Mies, June 20. . . Chitfit has been touring Louisiana rind Eamt. Texas the last several weeks. Featured voice', are Sewell Hayden, Austin Little and Marjorie Minnick. . . Jimmie Turner and his Music closed at the Merry-GO-

otcLesitas Round. Akron, O.. Jun.. 14 and opened the following day at Vanity Fair. Cleve-land. . ••Dee" Peterson and his ork. after five weeks at the Anchor Club, Sandusky. O.. ere currently holding forth at Bertlett'a Pleasant Lake. Mich. . . . Don Ricardo and hie 12 piece, moved into Clrandview Gardena. Bum-benuille. O., June 15. A renrganinstran laits added to the outfit Johnny Gilbert and his Swinging Wildcat. of North-western University and Lowell Wilkins, who is handling the switeheeterd and la featured on the electric Heunallan guitar.

HOWARD LEROY and Orelustra. fee-tieing his singing wife. Marguerite Claudet, inaugurated the new Com-

modore Room of the Hotel Orlando, De-Vane III.. June 5. Stanley Mayer. piano. is a recent addition to the outfit. Leroy, who Is musical director of the Van Or-man Hotels system. now has Ray Kap-pella at the Hotel Shawnee. Springfield. 0; Eddie Welle and his Fsaex Boys in the Coral Room or the Hotel McCurdy. Evansville. Ind.. with the Neleonitea nt the Hotel Nelson. Rockford, Ill. . . Irving Murniuran and his Commandei opened a twn-week engegement at the Plans Cafe. Pittsburgh. Juno 22. Her-man Middlemen and band, the spot's regular outfit, will return July 0. . Nelsen Maples and his combo, long a feature at the Show Bent. Pittsburgh, moved to Byrrly Crest, summer spot in that city. June 13.

OE 11111.L. Pittsburgh ork leader, who recently reorganized hie Golden Cali-fornlans, hau, acquired the former

Jack Stanford lineup. New band opened a limited engaitement at Ardmore Gar-dens, pittsburgh. to be followed by a tour of one-rtigliters thru Western Penn-eylvenia. Dirk Mason and Kitty Rice art being leatttred. . . Dirk Allen and band have moved from Jimmy's Frolics in Tree. N. Y., to the Riviera Club in Burden Lake, N. Y. Will have an NBC wire remainder of the summer. . . Mac Clark closes his engagement nt the Aragon Ballroom in Houston. Tex. on July 12 to go on tour for six weeks. Band ha two deity broadcasts over FLXYZ while at the Araeon. . . Bob Mohr is scheduled to begin at the Grand Hotel. Santa Monica, Calif.. on June 27. Bud Abbott and Jam, John+, the latter (5.-c HANDS AND ORCHESTRAS p. 28)

'music 72.5 According to Benny Divan he and J.

Fred Coots have derided to go Hollywood. Davis states that the pair have me Ivrd an aseignment to furnish bongs for 8.1. new film, starring n well-known cinema personality. They are to embark for the Piscine Coast the latter part of next month. Heretofore the two have con-nned their writings to local publishers ulthotat any picture tieup.

The present Mum-language fad which hius various runner, is to be additionally popularized thru the medium of a song At any rate the Bob Miller, Inc., bun the number. The title, IVrtars TRAst, was suggeeted by a humorous book with car-tootle by Milt Grams, who 18 dealening

(See MUSIC NEWS on pnoe 28)

ghee onusic fealts (Week Ending lune 201

Pissed on reports from teatime mbhers and retail music outlets from Coast to Coast. the songs listed below are • (0•1, AAAAA of music aviva uy moving oft the shelves from week to weak. The -barometer" is accurate, with woe sssss y a llowerna• for day-to-day fluctuation,. Number in parentheses indicates position in last week's

Sales el music by the Maurice Richmond Music Corporation, Inc.. me not included. due to th• "elusive felling agito nient with a number of publishers. Arknowledd-ment it made to Mayer Music Cerpor snow Music Sales Corporation and Ashley Music Supply Company. at New York: Lyon Ca Mee, Carl fetcher, Inc.: Cambie Hinged Music Company and W Book and Statronery Company, of Chicago.

I. Is It True What They Say About 9. Chew? 1 10.

2 It. • Sin To Tell a Lie (4 , Clore of Loy• .4i

4 Robins and Rose• 12. S. Melody From the Shy 131 l). S. Would Tout 7. She Snail Haire Music £101 14. S. Small Hotid 041 15.

PHONOGRAPH RECORD best wIters oral be

All frly Life IS) You .9 You Can't Pull the Wool Over My

Eyes Ill Tormented (121 These Foolish Things You 05/

Lost .81 Twilight on th• Trail

found on page 115.

Remind Mn of

Dancers •nd ..,

1529 Leaflet. PhileWlehirs. e PARRA 1

eAN e ee..:2,:e- e.„..

I.... jr4N NOW CLOD.

Forst Tr•nernminenurt ehine• Tow( FRANK end MILT


Under metonym direetionz MILLS ARTISTS. Inc., 709 7th An., 111. Y• C.





Management - Charles Morrison

COLLETTE r.asind

BARRY Musical Comady0onetri


Pa...treeing Soo, lee Spain, Lowe. o u I Anent., Colorful Cum in Dance •nd Song.

Y LV I TA FINA 4,6 Wad 6. St fem. Vera Cdp

ZEB CARVER and his Country Cousins ('omet, Slieir. Nri,inie banana

twin-Night Clot,- en.l.wille -nesuesr Addeo« ewe The aniseerd, New Vert.

//f.c. //e %Wolf ./


AND Hit CRCS/15111A



Direction HAROLD .17 Z. Seth 111.. New Tort, N


! Now Playing


FS NM« •es, the Rae. ata Aertrtiwrs 55 Men• tiers The Iliirte,••4.




ett 1-

featured with





30 Rockofellor Plaza

New York City

CO 5-3580

Cleveland Office

822 Keith Building

Main 3454

Stanford Zucker, Manager





".9../2k jelacireeseey

zme-ezt, sze4



and her RHYTHM GIRLS America's Finest All-Girl Dance Band

THE GIRL FRIENDS TRIO ,:11101,4Vent. ... and SNOWBALL 44


28 The Billboard NIGHT SPOTS-ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC June 27, 1936

MANED DIAON41 THE PAST fa« IV leASPAISAt Of 114E 11111110Afil SW!

1 bre ',p.p.,. of tilts department n to benefit producers bookers, agents eel other. concerned w•it> the eaCtortat•on of talent in the motor indoor fields thou The thilhoard's coverage of every branch of the show business.

The "possibilities" grouped below ere contributed weekly by members of the staff thru their contacts with various enterteinment forms. The field is not limited to thea-ters and other arenteement spots covwed In line with redrew assignments.



SENOR WENCES—nuave and highly amusing ventriloquiat and Juggler. caught hut week at the Rosy. New York. Usen an unusual dummy, the figure's face tieing made of Went-es' hand, and the little guy even men-ogee to smoke n clearrt. Ile olan answers back while Weneem goea Cum plate spinning that il difficult in Its own right Crossfire Is hlzhly emus-Mg all the way. Act should click heavily if spotted lu a revue. Smart and polished.

THREE WILES—male trio seen nt the State. New York. With the Benny Davis revile The boys, tied the show In knots with their novel dancing turn. Precision dancing with a flair for comedy, and novelty added when they do one number an Chap-lin. Durant., and Hmpo Marx and also by their outstanding wooden soldier routine.

WONDER MITKIETS — two cute midget fellows and n chap of normal elre who do a novel routine. A European turn that ..voulti be n good bet for it revue. The little fellows, besides being cute. are real perform-

Cm. doing tap dances. difficult bal-ancing stunts mid even high-pert:a stunting. 'I'hey alto um plenty ut light comedy.

For VAUDE MANHATTANITE.s — a harmony

singing trio caught at the State. New York. with the Benny Davis revue. Should go places on their own in allude. Talented boy duo mid a girl. young and with fine nppearanm they harmonize excellently n group of unusually cleyer urritIlArtlicutd. Peppy work thrumn. The girl takes the spot often with grand showman-ship and also getes In a nice bit of



four colored lads caught on Bobby SanfortEs Showboat. New York. Ono strums a guitar, another a his viol and a third a drom contrnption—and all four harmonise trick arrange-ments. They offer grand rhythm numbers, spired with vocal trirks. and manage to be really different from other small rhythm groups,. A natural for the air.

BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS /Continued trout page 26)

formerly with ro-Rito. are the featured vocallets. . . . Boyd Gaylord and band

ORCHESTRA SUPPLIES Orch tttttt — P.nd Moos — Undurno byndk—anonert — Bolso, — Corers—P. A.

Bystorn.--kf col Rocordt. • MUSIC WRITERS' SUPPLIES •

••••••••,--Ritnne. P•Intlre.—Mantit,,p1 Pe....111 Ink ...1:1roltettre Prorimr• Frank •kiener. $2, °Art Amy %Whine. • Il —MUSIC Fountain Ran,

1101.—LlohtnIne Amnon, 61. •Writo For Free Oatelop.•• DAVIS MUSIC SERVICE

bh °Orchmtra , 16117 Broadway, Mn Vert. R. Y.



lot the



completed n series of Southern rollezo dates to follow Ted Flo-Rito Into the Tale a Palms Hotel, Tale of Palms. S. C. tinit opens shortly at Wrightsville Bench, N. C., for the balance of the seaman.

pMI. LEVANT scored a hit with Culver Military Arndetny cadets recently nt their annunl military ball and

has been Invited to write a song for them. . . Phil's latest song composi-tion. After Glow. is selling like hot rakes and Ptill is thinking of changing his indio theme song from Strange to the new hit number. . . . Bill Rattan's Or-chestra opened in the Schroeder Hotel. Milwaukee. June 15, succeeding Leonard Keller's Band.

ORCHESTRADOM gains a new maestro and loses another. Fred Wood, radio drntnntic actor. leave« Ms

WIP 'shown in Philadelphia to wave a baton at the Angeles's Hotel. Beach Haven, N. J.. while Al Whitey, Philly ork leader, disbanded hie unit recently to pan the sporta staff of The Philadelphia Inquirer. . . . Jimmy Flenniken and

kb e swing band, hosier ork at the Cliff Tavern. south of PleMburgh. lb set at the spot for the entire :summer. Per-bonnet 110.• Jimmy 5.400re. Ststmy Masora Rudy Itokoe. Latrine Ware, Ruble Ney. Dan Price, Joe Broderick, Henry Brown-field. John Delaney and Ciark Arbogast. - ChM Seoggin leaves the Olmos Dinner Club In San Antonio, Tex., next meek to fill an Indefinite engagement nt the French Casino in Dallas. Lynn Frank4n in singing with the combo. . . . Ralph Webster and combo ore net for the summer at Ctrveland's Punta.> Springs Ballroom. Roster Inchillos Cliff and Mearle Anderson. Jerry Matons. Sligo Newman. Jimmy Worrier. Owe Volt. Prod Zimmerman. Zeke Henry. VIO Erickson. Ding R.1116 rind Webster.

JOHN E. STEWART. whet has been job-bing bands in Detroit for /several Vents, reports an almost rnmplete

Meade of bookings for the sea-son. . . Blue Barran at at Colvin Cable,. Tbrintrant16,, N. Y.. for nix weeks. Rues geaiS,, Chneley Finher. Emily Stratth. Stormy >inviter and the Three Blue Notes are singing. wink" Snyder doubles on the electric guitar. . . . Jay Karrta is hold-ing forth at Oakford Amusement Pork. near Pittsburgh. Pa., until early in September.

SOUND SYSTEMS FOR ORCHESTRAS ¡ NIGHT SPOTS Etc. the IS nf experience in the badness of Makin. flound l'0000nrra ere, . ut narr ton het., AntnIllytne Si" i.orn fo. irS,. [UMW,. (>11/ 'Wk., see fully â:Pl. to 50%

ttan any rtunndoor We tn./dell., in mating up Sound Stool. ti. snit tour hod:rids...1 needs liter'. .. ...apte or ti,.. talon we run aim sna--Col••

Port.hie Amniin,..trenn Untt. Arm, aim, 1241 dunddr altrartirr Mart leatheres rt.,/ ing

ease with lasel n.n.roptene itrhirh ran be treltet i.e .),irt I and ail Si 6 :e nereurry a,rsoo rtre for me node ell enrols ,no. Wnliiht only 12% Os-PRICE 1/8 wdh cn,tn lenience e.O n. Shp * Muse stork q all it,. mal *Ines Of emsinetent. Widle no Font mOnirrood., PO shot PINT.. will the stalcni be melt Ilow noel, do ,eat vnth to apetwIT How lame • cr....A do L:" 1,1. sa. ttlat Dentrement will

MI is >do irl.tre on all your sound. ',robber.. III: TteltAY. Fr's ruin; AND PUIS THIS

Nis etitLIGATIONA. Alto mos. ..tora S 12-15 'oat 30 set and 6 toll tor

St,, 10 salt otorsouaids tab.

PREFERRED SOUND SYSTEMS CO 65 Crosby St. •9 New York, H. Y.

TABLET JACOBSON eingIng with Freddie Hankers Brand at Coorainut Grove, Chicago. . . Dewle Robblne,

Minn-haired singer with Ben Pollack's Band, fronded five photos to rending di-a teto? of Radio Pictures nterdsos In 11011e-wood and this week received an invita-tion for a screen test. . . . She will go west in the fall. , . Pnrnwell party la planned at Stevens Hotel. Chicago, on June 25 for Remon and Remit, dam,. team, and Xavier Client, ark lender, who are going to Hollywood.

NIGHT CLUB— (Cointinued papa page 24) .

at the hotel, the second year of the band's engagement. Appisrently Light has ulna established n following for him-self and his group. Playing that long at a major hotel in New York is a mod-ern miracle, and there are only n hand-ful of other leaders who can claim the same. Light's orchestra is taken fur the sweet slyly of hoofing Beth Wilson Is yr.-rennet and Is 'bettor than leverage on the torch »umbers. Franken.

CLUB CHATTER (CI-psi:aided frein page 25)

with Tod Lewis. . . . The ilea. team. &halite and Caelten, will matte their Gebut at the Edgewnter Reach Hotel. Chicago, shortly. . . Leo Malkin book-ing Cocoanut Grove and Bon Air Coun-try Club. Chicago suburban summer night spots.

l%IagIr'ixl iv- Registered Al 111M Convention THOSE WHO STONED the register at

the recent convention 4>f the Interne-monist Brotherhond of Magicians held at Batavia, It Y were Mr. and Mrs. Anton', Percy Abbott. A. A. A. Almon. Robert C Anderson, Prances A. Almon. Julius Andrews. Donald D. Ansman. B. S. Adams. Courge H. Anthony.' Steve Baker, fiance W. Brown. Joseph

M. Betsch. Howard I. Butt. Herman J. Boillert, Motto Barker. John Booth. A. J. Drags, Will Blythe. E. Bussian. Prank R. Barbeau. Koss Bertram, C. Bons. P. D. Butler. Baffles Joseph E. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bay.den. Joe Berg, Cecil Hoehn,. Mr. and Mrs A P. Beier, Eileen Bolen Icone Dolor. Chotile Beck-ler, John Pinehlits. Mr. nod Mrs. Burt Barr, F. L. Bunker, O. R. Brown. Mike Brian, George Bailey. D. Claudius Brown, Dorothy L.' Brown. Dan Carton", Edward Co,,.,., A. C Ce-

cil. E. C. Cotner, Ovid Cohen. allhlon Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Charette, Rldhard B. Clegg, Harry Cecil. T J. Crawford, J. A. Cameron, Louie ClrnIno, Jack Chrosin. Mme, Minn Colta, Carl CutrIght. Myntic Crum. R. A. Carrell.

Burton Dowley, Julian Dnwiry. B. A. Daniel, J. K. Dnwley, Adolph Dittmar Jr.. William P. Dualist, William Dagennia. Everett L. Duncan. Frank Dingle, Roy A. Dolts, John H. Davison. G. Dodson. Prank Durrot. W. W. Durbin.

Ellwood. Rev, S. II. Epp, George Ells-worth, Ernie Evrairle. Mr . and Mrs. Elmer Eckarra Chat-lee E. Enrren, Ray Fichtalnr. Jean Foley, Helen Eristnan. Arthur Fels. mon.

eilarlya S. Onrrisciii. Bert A. Gustafson, Eugene L,. Gonelman. Oscar flutheti. Jack Owynne. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cordon. Les-lie and Nina attest. John Cltnrdroalne, William M. Clarrtann. Roy P. Galloway, Roger Apel Gwynn.. Burl Gwynne, Ann Ciwynno. U. F. Grant. Ray Oritebel. Rob-ert E Graham. Bon Owl, James S. Gingsby. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Golden, Les. lie Gilbert.

Russell Holderenan, Bruce Hogart Mr. and Mrs. Lawry Hess. W. Herold Howatt. Nevin V. McCort, It. C. Hutchinson. C. L. Huteltituran, Douglas M Hunt, W. M. Hill. Alton A. Hossaley. Ruth M. Runt. Carlotta Hollingsworth. Toni Hollings-worth. Charles Hook. Mtn Edward 1-Lnk-snit, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Haimeman, Tom Hamilton. Dr. J. C. F. Ralston, Jessie Holston. Pend Harding. George Holly, W. E. Hockey, Edw. Hinkson. Mrs Allen Howard, George Hawley. Oliver B. Hart. Dr. Ktsrt A. ifetnrich. Max Golden. H. F. Hahn. Lorraine lientier, Marie Neuter. Ted Fleuber. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Newry, Virgil A. Lowe.

Everett E Ingram. Mary E. Ingram, L. L. Ireland. Burt Justin Roland Jacobson. P. H. JendevIne, Henry P. Junes. Charles J. Jones. Ilenry Jones, Oeorge Jones,. Mrs. H. P. Jones, Stewart James. Stewart Judah.

C. R. }Count.. 0. Kitatnger, George Krititig. Rudy Klamar. Cheeky Kounrs, P. W. Knotterer. Mr. and Mrs_ W. If.

MUSIC NEWS— (comu titi ¡loge 26)

the cover of the rnmpresition. The ditty is credited to Bobby Worth and Stanley Cowan.

Irving Berlin has received an offer to Visit Engle.' and make a number of personal appearances. Due to his long incumbency as a writer of popular tongs and hie nttendant fame it In flgtlred that ht he only accompaniers himself on the piano and minas a few of his numbere he will be a real box-othce asset. It in not likely that Rerlin will accept. Family and other Important ties demand ils

presence in America. Beeddee Berlin ta nEuring on another trip to Call-!mina to furnish words and music for another screen attraction. Word hen been received at the Crew-

ford Munie Publishing Company that Frank Marvin, professional manager. will return to his desk next week. Marvin has been sermusly from a nervous breakdown due to his ardent attention to business. lie h. been spending the past six weeks nt Atlantic City, where he has been recuperating.

Koeswetter, William Lang. Virgil A owe. Arnzy lockwrusi. Mr. and Mrs Maynard C. Usk, Dr. Viola A. LOCkniniui. Julm Lunch, Prank J. Lynch, Charlen A. Leftly, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lethmp. Lesta. Fal• ward L. Little, Bid Lorraine. J. P. Law-rence, C. H. Larson, Walter H. Landis, B. J. Lu-Brent, Henry M. Llpes W. C McCrea. William McMahon. John

McGuirk. Laura 13. Morrison. John it McDonald. William J. McMillan. John MeKinven. J. R. Meleatr. Jim McGill. James McDonnell. (3. Pi. Marchand. IL Mahoney, John Mulholland, John Mul-tally, Bain Mayer. William Mlskelly. Horace Marshall, Havel Miller. K Mes-mer. Muas Miry Moore. Mrs Ruth ?Swim E. R. Mathews. E. J. Moore. John Mor-rison. Mr. and Mi-a. Peed Dr Muth, Run-aril R. NesteLapach. Raymond D. Nichnla Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nelson, R. A. Nel-son, Paul Honk°. M. J. O'Malley. Clyde Powell. Joseph

P. O'Leary. Willinns Plena. Raymond Pappert, Kenneth Punnett, Florence Punnett, R. S. Payne. Stephen R. Pat-rick, Zola Pavey. Harry EeveY, Pinky. M. D. Overholser. RUBSCH F. Proven. Frank S. Peihnnkn. Joe Q. Quinn, ACM Rivet. William Rus-

sell. James E. Roo. Irving O. Rufseil. Harold C. Rennie, E. O. Bibby. John ItrintSay, Everett J. Rusellon, Kenneth W. Raleigh, Leonturi Runeriall. Jack Russell. L. A. Rndger. Rico. ChnNes Rose. S. W.

Pete Wenelling and the mIsshe will Reilly. II. Ttobblna. Eunice !bobbin.. P. celebrate Melt' 25th wedding annivcrattry F. Rieketta. J W. Riley. on June 25. Wendling has been a writer Will De Sel„. Willard F. Sporleder, of note for many years and was with WillIam F. .„d the QRS piano-roll outfit when It was SainUel Shapiro. Dolly Spence. William J• et the peak of Os career. His senile In- satehen, John J. StaLimk. Harry It-

On• Whet e Pa, Was SaCord. Harold Sterling. Thomas O. Danger In Your Eyes, Cherie; Take Folie Sturm, J. B. Smith, Philip P. Smith. C Girl to the Monies and many others. H. Sheetor. Mrs. IC. Schltinigger, John More recently he wrote I'M Sure Of A. Senek. Erwin Sloane. Al Seal, J. Everything Hut You. (Sec MAGICIANS REGISTERED op. poye)

M. 27, 1936 The Rillbourd 29

772 • ajw aftà 7na9cetans By BILL SACHS

(Communications to Cincinnati Office)

AMEDEO has returned to New York from Miustreal filer a New England vaude and night Huh tour. When play-ing the Capitol Theater. Lynn, Mann, he landed quite a hit of publicity when the local chief of police %romped a new style adjustable pair of handcuffs and Ansedeo got out of them successfully.

EQUALITY MAGICIANS CLUB OF AMERICA. comprising about 250 proles-%tomtits and ninateure and with head-quarters at 604 Third avenue. South. Minneapolis, held Its annual convention June IS to 20 In that city. The con-vention took on the form re n reunion. with about 100 members dropping in during the week. High spot was a din-ner und show at n Minneapolis Cafe Wednesday night. The show was pretty much all Impromptu affair. with a few scheduled numbers and nut-of-town magicians bring called upon to give a few acta. Among the out-of-townera were H. C. Dobberputil. Stratford, S. D.; Frank Hurley. Chicago; LeRoy McGinnis. /own City. and Leo Pastille's, Virginia. Minn. In charge of the convention and show were Arthur Muria entertainment chairman. and R. N. Holisaple. reception chairman.

DRIOUX, llittnionint. le at the Eden to Saint-Etlenne, France.

LADY GLORY. Card manipulator. la at the Alhambra in Betinseln, Belgium.

TILE CIREAT ZELMO. vet.' in magic worker. was a visitor at the medic desk last week, en route from the South to Wisconsin, where he will upend the sum-mer playing ball, frinn nod celebra-tions Belmo played hnile. schools and then•ers thou the Smalls all winter, and Mund business just ao-so. Ile works solo and makes the jumper In his own honer car.

ELDORADO ha currently presenting his magical attraction Gnu Northern Indi-ana, Michigan nod Ohio. working n11 auspice dates, Now In his fourth aeason. Eldorado ta sporting n complete new magi ,: layout Rues Dullota la handling the advance.

KENNEDY AND COMPANY. Illusion-Ina, are at the Empire Music Hall in Parts.

TOILAMAS, card manipulator, la at the Mogador. and Professor Robertson. magi-cian. Is at the Crania in l'aria.

cuArmns HOFFMAN has been held over another week nt the Pnrk Plaza 1Mtel, St, Louia. and reports that it in one of the mort plenannt engagements he has had since he same to the Middle West. Ina Magic Bar tricks are not only in demand in the Crystal Terrace there but in other places in the hotel. Due to hin populdrity irt St. Louis, his lInnenelen Hotel. Cleveland, opening has been set back.

CLIMAXING ITS 1935-'36 season, Rhode Island Assembly No. 26. Society Of American Magicians. succeosfully Marled It. annljal Leda.' Night June 9 at Mashapaug Lodge, Warwick. R I. tient attracted 115 magielana end [Mesta. Among thime present was In-. I. R. Calkins, newly elected national OrHtdent of the SAM, who motored down from Springfield. Mass., [teems.

ÁMAZEAmoNYSTIFY YOUR FRIENDS! yrowdswith Disids1 Aisne, two boob el-

.. s . annirin, Trick. tor Onset. Parlor audiStam. T., eau .1., them res,is.

Enna. 111 Mincloredins. Ma00 11-ma Slums, ste oser ..-••pi.lis. postpaid for

10e. tarp, lino of Illaalusl Rawson.. an, Mond.« in il,, Ponta.

LYLE DOUGLAS. Station A-11. Dana. Yee.

VANISHING CANE To Illoannes..... Sate Means — aroational

..rcr. 54 is. Manielant PrOfai.lOa*i Mallo Cstals,.... G Acts In Professional Mind

S. 00. Lame flat of ono Magic Inus ie, tUflSdi ao. 64 Olomi Illusions. Mans

for Malcom. only $0.00. Horrecoa Sot I? ample.. $1.00. lalloons.Prorn-tfat. Sers-

. "rsi Oroen.a. 12.60. TUX ONANDU 00.. 441S Cuomo, It, Louis. Mo,

panted by L. Raymond Cog Following a turkey dinner a two-hour-and-a-half show was put on. Will) Charles A. RoeisKarn as mime. On the bill were C. Fsster Fenner, Harry A. Scheer, Dr. Catkin', Cox, Silent Mora, Cliff Hard. Sybil Capwell. xylophontnt; the Emery Brother'', Gallant: Clark and Jerry. the Jersey Happy Rangers and Kay Kris,-kucha, the last three acta members of Major Bowes' Amateurs Unit NO, 2.

DE ROCROY la at the Canino Mantel-pal in Nice, France.

RALPH SCHUGAR. Pittsburgh magi-cian and aportnman, entertained Pitts,-burgh and New York sports writer, at his /mine Ian week and amazed the turnout with his magic work.

CHARLES ((MUCKY) KOONTZ. 11-year-old magician frOM Mt. Washington, PItti.burgh, returned home from IBM convention In.t week to be greeted by the preen like a celebrity. He won three first prizes at the convention and the papers featured a story on it and pic-tured hirn at school, proud of his magic achievements. Charlie la the eon of Charles R. Koontz, well-known amateur magician.

ALBERT REDFIELD wan host recently to the Society of Detroit Magi-lams at

honte in that city. About 20 mem-bers attended. A program of magic was put on until the early hour, of the morning. Walter FL (Dorn) Domsal-ski. secretary of the nneitity, demon-strated a couple of new wrinkles.

IfILISOLRNE CHRISTOPHESt. Beni-more magaih. la now in vaudeville with the Sited (Pansy) Sanborn art. Turn titus for Europe norm to till engage-ments in England and on the conti-nent. Christopher la doing straight, and a few magic stunts.

RUSSELL SWANN, who opened an ma-gician of ceremonies with the rente at the Dorchester Hotel, London, nix Weeks ago. in bring held over there indennite-ly. Siwrinn, after playing a long ntr.ng ef swank spots( in this country, nailed for Europe two montha ago.

OAKLAND MAGIC CIRCLE. Oakland. Calif at its June meeting selected the following 'sincere for the enniting year: A. Caro Miller, president: Bert Hansen. vice president; Claud, Burke, ',rotary-treasurer Dinopponeril: Ben Baylinnon. sergeant-at-arms. Rolland Hamblen and Lyle Laughlin. of Ben Diego. were fea-tured in a program which followed the business

— —

MR. AND MRS. CLAUDE BURKE. 'Joni E. Jones and R. 8. Bailey, of the Oakland Magic Circle. journeyed Lo Hollywood recently, and while there paid a visit to the beautiful home of Caryl S. Fleming in Beverly Hills and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lanier, in Hollywood. The party had dinner with Caryl nt Serdis on Hollywood Boule-vard and enjoyed a mega; sett° at the I arson home. Among thew who enter-tained at the latter mina were Mr. and Mr, Rill Larsen. Lenn Chinn, Gerald Koskey. Harry (Atta Sun Cuti Men. dora and Frank Stepenti The folks also enjoted a visit to Floyd Thayer's maple ntudlo and a stop at Earl Ryboit's home. where they spent norm, time browsing thru hI.. extensive magical library,

JACKIE WINKLE. eight-year-old men-in working department stare. thnt

the South to excellent result.. Glees two 20-niinute performances, a day. an-swering a question for anyone holding a sales-slip showing a purehmie of $1 or more. The lad works with a heavy newspaper tie-up and. In addition to his regular fee, receives a nice cut from various articles which he endorses. The youngster ham a raft of personality and those who have seen him work nay he has plenty on the ball.

MYSTIC OLAS8 postcards from Dover, N. H. tinder date of June 15 . "Magic has been going along pretty well up this way the past winter and spring.

Plenty of dates, and fairly good money. The Great Santini Company stopped off for a. visit on their any Into J.1.1ine, jacota also report-s 'manually good busi-ness. Ans readying the show for fair dates."

LEO J. BOLOS Fantasia. 'Bunion Show. current at Coney Island. Cincin-nati. has heen getting a substantial play since the opening May 23. Show Is presented on alx regular stage, and one spec-sal stage, teltli the mintomera In a wnlY-firound. I» the present Zolg lineup are Jack and Betty Henderson. Ore-caters and bully; Mar Roberts, glans walker and illusion ansistant; Jack and Art Zo1g, tickets and front: Edna Neil-linger, wardrobe; April Dice. production Cabinet and spike box: Doris June Brag, Using head and special lecture and Lester Lake arid Leo Zolg. einace and bully. Show la act at Coney until Labor Day.

INDIANA SOCIETY OP MAGICIANS. Indianapolis st its recent annual ban-quet installed the following officers: George T. Pu-vea Jr.. president; Elder Blackledge. vice-president; Roger DOM, secretory-treasurer, and Wilson Pollard, errpenni-M-arrn.a. Organization la now in the third year.

C. A. GEORGE NEWMANN. nation-ally known Merthilled. In now touring Non), Dakota with his own mental and hypnotic performance tinder canvas, the first attraction nf its kind to be pre-eiented in n tent theater since Prof. Norwood tried it yearn ago. Newmann repottn that he Is meeting with intercom in •Stie old territory. altho he ha, met frequent opposition from city councils, who have panned prnhibitive licensee at the bidding of the picture boys. In order to keep out flesh-net opposition. In many crown Newmann has overcome this oppnsItion by sponsorship of some fraternal group to good result.. Writ-ing frein Grand Forka, N D.. under date of June Ii. Nes•miann writes: "Mitre, the Scandinavian magician. dountlene ha the finest, and moot elab-oreCe lent theater in this territory, He puta on a show that apparently Is sure-fire, as reporta of big business are heard wherever we follow hitn. He car-ries 12 people and offers seven different programs in seven nights,. bleirny is also up this way. Caught Ins show re-cently, and, as I have seen Meiroy on two other oecanions, I can frankly say that hie present offering in the best he has ever presented. Nicely staged and well presented. I have an idea the %how, under the direction of Henry Hud-son Davis, will de well up here."

MORE LEITERS on the "successor to Thornton': rontroverny appear on The POIUM prism this tome. Toll will find them highly interesting.

LOND TACK SAM, after a Inng newton at the State Pucture Theater, Sydney. Auntralla. han taken luis company to New Zealand Sam tan again doing magic us a part of his act.

CARDTNT pinter) the Michigan The-ater. Detroit, 'net week and clicked in his usual fine style.

AT, CARO9F2.-LI, who recently cloned at the Commodore Club. Detroit. played a number nt exclusive club dates In the Detroit area the lent several weeks. He In banding a new act to go on the rOad :n night club work.

DORIAN, illusionist, is at the Drac-aena Noailles in Marneille. Frame

GLENN POPE AND ANN. American 11-luntrIntstn, am at. the Pallie -Palace in Marseilles. Prance: fungir,. Slid Company are at the Alcay.r in tile same city.

KARMAH, fakir. and Albert. card manipulator. axe at trie Scala in Bor-deaux, Prance.

LINDA BIND!'" Hindu magician. Is at the Veneta Faveur l.a Groningue, Hol-land.

THE GREAT DACH.LaR is slated LO begin a tom of the South la:e this month, working towards the Cast Fea-tured with Dagmar will he Zadok, men-

Miele will be eight assistant., Dagmar reports. Jack L. Leifer. for-melt with Dr. Karr, will advance the troupe.

rininsttelsti By DOG EMMET

(Cincinnati Office)

BERT crrro. former minstrel man. Who has been doing his blackface act for the Ian few inontioi in a Vu-PA yea-Irvine unit playing the Pittsburgh territory. has left the revue to take out a medicine allow.

AL BERNARD. the "gentleman from the South." hag joined the ...Wiling stag of WWI,. Loyola UIIIVersity (138 outlet. New Orleans. Al hopes to or-ganize a full minstrel unit for the st.-lion in the near future. but In the meantime he la doing an afternoon solo for lb minutes. AI is not a newcomer M New Orleans. having been seen many times on the stages of the Tulane and Crescent Theaters as a minstrel trouper.

SLIM LIVrNOSTON. former minstrel performer who was teat featured with the Field outfit. Is now making hi. home In Homestead, pa.. and working the Pittsburgh territory with hin old Necklace act. Ile recently scored at Dutch lienry'n In Pittsburgh with his amusing deacon offering.

MINSTREL 111E51 will he interested In reading the review of the All-American Mismtreln. WPA production, which ap-pears in the vaudeville review depart-ment in this inane.

AL TINT ham been held over for • second week at the Zeppelin Night Club, East Akron. O. an 'minter of ceremonia. From all indication, he will remain there a third week.

LEON LONG opened hie Happy Days colored minstrel show in Sacramento, Calif, June 10. Troupe will head for tile Middle West after playing the Pa-tine Northwest. Art Rai hrnek line the advance. Among the featured players are Arthur Daniel,, banjo and guitar, end Edna Ryan. pianist.


(Continued fro,. oPPonte page) Alln.n. H. Adrien Smith, Percy D. Seaman, Jim Sherman. laVerne Spaulding. R. Schlunigger.

Herbert Troxell. Dent. 'Myna George il. Tatter. Dr. Harlan Tarbell. Armando Tome!, Harry ThUratOn, Robert Thrasher. Vie Tornberg. Bob I.Ingewitter. Elsie till-man. Ted Viin Antwerp. B. Gilbert Vitale, W. W. Van Gordon. T. Vandevier. Frank Vickers, Leo Vanden:her.

Robert K. Weill, Richard D. Ward, John W. Waite, Courtland W. Waite. Mr and Mrs. Richard Wilson. Fred G. W•rden. Gordon Wilson. Mr. and Mn. J. E. Wallace. Margaret Wharton, George Wrthernld. Ed Wolff.

Herman L. Weber, John H. William, Marjorie O. Wilson, C. Wesmewiski. Ted Ward. Jack Ward, Mr. and Mrs. BOT$ Yorke, Frank E. Yn--nh, Bernard Build], Harry Zolitach, B. Zola, Norman Seism. Raro' kle,sersznIth,

Philip Emmett Charles « Findllrag, Rol-land Fortier. A. J. Follette.


Instrel Shows Unrivakd ("moine Minstrel First Farts. e Pl.,. Opening Cho-MK, Minstrel and Comedy SOO., Jake.. Gaga, nytrf, Make-sip head,, Wigs. Bone. Tell, tour Ines --ever,r h ins to put illesnd sawn Into YtAlr 1111,11, 50111d for Spacial Catolog.

Drtdaon'a Pla,, a nd Ent, I elamenill ate kn.eari r, tri-tu'. hslabuisi.ed over o0 ye.. Sand for Catalog.

T. S. DENISON I& CO. 823 S. Welaseh'Ave. Dam- 180. Ch Ill

30 7 hr Billboard

bum 2f, 1986


Illoutes are for caeca week when no dal« at given.)


ADO Trio 1E1 Chico) NYC, no. Abbott Pincera Weimer House' Chi. h. Alern, Wit) & (thane (Rivereidel >Menu-

2 re At Robey 'Tower) BMA. City t. ete, Day (Ambaea . dor" NYC..

¿Orlon, lemila (French Cads.' NYC. ne. Aida 'Radio City Rennin Chille NYC. Inc. Albee Stater. Pour (Cniental) CM. 1. Allen. Cliff Moeue Clube NYC. ne. Allen. Jean an tore cline NYC, ne.

N Allen. Martha 'Fifth Manuel YC, h. Allan. Ruth IS. Morns" NYC. h. Alvin. James 'Leon & NYC. ne. Ambrose. Ruth At 11111y 'Vermin«, NYC., nc. Mate'. relle (Russian Troy«, New York. ac Andrea. Ted At Catherine (Bannon-Place' New York. h.

Anise & ¿hind (Connie.. Ina NYC. ne. hither. Gene 'Weber's Summit) Baltimore. nc

Arena. Joe. de Co. Mayelle, NYC, in. Arnold. Billy ilMbettei Atlantic Cley, cb. Ash. Pea Mazy' NYC 22-25, t. /Whys. hair aileepleamere Coney Island. N. Y.. 13-July 4, p,

Arrnetrong. Bernice tent Club, Chi, nc. Annetroug. Louis. Az Lerch. (MtensganI Detroit

22-33, t. Arrel. Joe, et Co. (WlyeGal NYC. re.

I-30. t. Ash. FM (Chew Arnie Buffalo. ne. Astvecod. Normen arbautil NYC, ea. Avery. Ratid011,11, Co. (uaarten' oklahoma

Oily, t.


Route Depattment Following each listing in the ACTS-UNITS-ATTRACTIONS and

BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS section of the Route Department apposes a symbol. Those consulting the aforementioned sections arc advised to fill

in the designation corresponding to the symbol when addressing organisa-

tions or individuals listad,

EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS a...-auditorium; b—ballroom; c—cefe; cb'cabaret: cc—a:tunny

club; h—hotel; rnh—rnus.c hall; ne—night club; 2—amusement path:

ro—road house; re—mean/3a; s—showboat; t—theater.

flacon. Faith (Parade«, NYC. rt. Bailee, Ray (New Yorker) NYC. h. Bain. Betsy 101ementon Inn, Clementon.

N. J., c. per, nabo ,ltowil? Club) NYC. ne. be,, 050(ieiaf tot Club, Chi, nc.

Estee Jerry (Queens Terreee, Woodade. le I., nc.

Baker. Phil, Co. (Sala Phil& 22-25, t Baissai & Skoren Ilotbrall , NYC. ne. BallentIne. Lucille, de Paul Plcuce 'Steamship Empire Stet, NYC. a.

Bailie at Lomb (New Yorker) NYC. h. Barlow. Florence 'Dutch's' Chi. C. Barn Cut-Up. (Village Bane NYC.. nc. Same. Eddie. es Fred Steger (yacht club, NYC, ne.

B•ronras Von Brennecke (Club Natrona« NYC. ne.

Baa). Bebe, Cate (Earle) WeehIngten. D. C.. 29-25. t.

Barrie, Kathleen (Radio City Rainbow Boon)) NYC. ne.

Darla. Olga Mlockingleant NYC. h Barron, Judy (Pennsylvania , NYC. h. Barthelemy. Lillian Madoec-k harp Detroit,

ne. Ban. Era's (Marquette Club, Chi, ne. Beaujeas Pierre 'Buckingham , NYC. h. Inured & Tot a (Waidorf•Antorla NYC. h. Beck, Danny 'Club Mlnuete Chicago, ne. Beata. Eve (Plan) NYC, h. 12«, Connie Broadway Boner,) New York. 00. Beekman. Jack 'Walton, Phil. h. Battle /2 Bottle (Earle. Pala 23-311. t. Beam, Arthur (Gay Nineties, NYC. etc Beneye It or Not Ripley Show )Met.) Batten

22-25. t. Bell & Orgy (Man« tutu lianoe, Pa. ne. Bell. Rita (Club Trocadero( Wect End, N. J.,

toe. ilehnont Bros. (Nelholos Cate) Detroit. e. Belostozky. Boris 1St. Ratio) NYC, h. Hernia, Billy At Beverly (Ilowareal Cafe) Ban

Dleio, Calif_ o. onett. Eddie 'Place Eleiantee NYC. ne.

Peno. Ben: Worthington, laid.. 22-37. Botaron, Ina (Paradise) NYC, re. Bentley. Gladys Wang, Cluta New York. ne. Thera Alpha. Mrench Camel NYC, ne_

r'erilil'olente7su.dil) 'ern' -"g.ci. »c. Bernard tte Henri (Club Menem, Chicago. no. Betn•rd. Mike (Gay Canal«, NYC. ne. Bernhardt & Graham (Pennsylvania NYC. h. Bernie, Al 'Malden,. Riviera) Fort Lee, N. J..

terills. Harry (All Stare Club) NYC. ne. try. Robert MorkInchata NYC. h. rt & Jay (Colonial Village' Peals HI. ne.

Bickford h Crandall 'Lake Oho« Alpine 'sell. lima Cleveland, ne.

Bleach, Flee. Az Larry Lee (Show Beat Ca-sino, NYC. ne,

Billy. Hilly At Baby (Leon A. addle's) NYC. ne.

Ea«. Frances Malta NYC. re. Blame. Dorothy (Silver Tavern) CM, M. Blair, Buddy (Casino) Cheerio, nc. Blanehard. »ha (Club Eleileht•) NYC. ne. Blanchard. Jerry 'Pour Hornmefel Phila., nc. Benner), The 'Edgewater Aran, Chi. h. Boren. Arthur (Arcadia) Pala. ro. Bono. Emil (London Canoe London I-3n, no. Boston Sisters, three IL'Eacargot D'or Pent-house) NYC. nc. Fowen Slaters (Chin Leetal NYC. ne.

ea. /dolor. Unit 'Pal.) Cleveland 23-35. 1. ker. Betty "Governor Clinton, NYC. n.

Boy Foy Mama. , NYC.. h. Wendt O Fowler (Rosa-Fenton Patna Deal.

N. J. Nathan... Nat (Stork Club) 14/0, 110. Bream, Gal (Kit Kat Club, NYÇ. nc. Brinker. Ray Crown Canoe NYC (1o. Drama* & Fenton I attret Cloud) Clvi. PS. Brati Mick« (Pore Central, NYC It. Breaà 111. Thelo (French Colnrel_rie, ni. eel%. Jerry liar 'alma New Yet% ne. Ilan. Phil (Mount Royal' Moaned. h. Brooks, Howard 'EMI Jen, Galvatom tez. e. Brooke Twine 'Club Vacua NYC, no. Brown. Ads Meek« , Chi. t. Rreerri & Ames Merle) Washington, D. 0., 21-

25. t. Brown, Arthur: (Hector's Club New York) PM« York. ne.

Brown. Enna 'Old Vienna Indlanepolle, ne. Brown Ralph 'Chenill( NYC. ne. Brown. Buddaye ¡Teen Casino) NYC. ne. Learn. Eltiave latt Sit ChM' NYC. ne. Bryant, attar 10100 Ball , NYC.. ne. Beaton, Louise allekoty agate N. Y. Ow nt. Buckley, Nell (Roosevelt) Ibt0. h.

Foram.. Louie* (Number On• Hart. I'm at Pa, Dorothy. dc George Breese. et. Mahe NYC, It.

Fran h Suranne (Silver Tavern) 011), nc. name. Marge 'Marquette Club o Ca, nc. renal. The Mystery Merl (Shelton Canon New York. a.

Prank, Polly 'London Casino) London 1-30. ne. Franz . roller 'Prang Street Cardenal To-

ledo, ne Fraley Harry (Yen Thrown's) Chi, nc. Frazer. Jack Mlayland Parke Rye, N. Y. Freddy le Ha Deis (Frenth Deana No. York. ne.

?red« & Lauren.. (Ye Old. T Ft. Wayne, Ind., ne.

Pa«, Resters Menace Gardena Roeltegter, N. Y_ tie.

penman. Bert (Parana) NYC., re Fry, BOO & Virginia 'Man About Town) Nall York, ne.

Fuller. Howard, At Ritter 'State) Greenwood. B. C. 34.22; 'Carolina) Se•rtenteurg 96-27, (Capitol) Atlanta tea., 28-July 1, t.


Cerny. Frank. Co. (Chicago' CM. t. Gale. Tracy & Leonard (Coloanneta Chi. at Clean& Slim, & Jackie Johnson (All-Stars

Burn, Pi spy (Half Moon, Coney Inland Davis. George (Pal.) CM 22-23. I. Club, NYC. no. NYC, h. Davis. Lew rlAnear Albany. N. tt . Sa. Gare). Louis 'Conan,» NYC, b.

Ilan* At FarleY 'Cameo) chi. 1, Dean, Joey oCeeoanut G rove, Bunton. nd Darden. Te« (State-Lake' Chi, t. Burr, RM. (Clay Parse' ChIcaito, Ile. Deane, Dora (Olen anal Casino) West. Garner. Woolf At Inane (Yacht Club) NYC, liorrsire, Alice Illothoway 'Choleric, Modem») cheater, N. Y. awe York, nc. Decoeto, (j«. allay terea) Chi. ne. Gardner. "Pelean" Mien Club) NYC. ne. DUN. Benny 'State-Lake) Chi. t. Dana. Lois Wire,' Club) NYC. no. Darren As Bennett 1500 Club, Atlantic Cite.

C Deltnnewe 'Dutch,' Chi, e. IC. J.. ne. ( remora. Edith (Waldo D

rf-Aztorlee NYC. h. eVale h Yalta (1. Mirage) NYC, re. Casten & neleuerd Monte Carlo, NYC. a. Csolloyotte Virally Elea (Lytle, Indl•naw- Dell. Three (Salida Circus. Playlend) Rye, Gay Nineties qu•rtat (Goy Nins tiee, NYC, as,

N. Y. 8 ay, Sally (Penaylyania, mua h. no h. Campo. George (London Casino) London 1- Denning. Ruth 'Embassy, Phil,. ne. ay. Shirley 'Chat Pewee' New O

30. De. Derby. Mary (Red Gables) Indlanapolle, ne. Gene. Itegtlincey At Lewis (Madera Meters'

Caperton At Columbus 'Marne NYC. h. De Sae. Madeline (Man About Town Club) Itat Lee. t'L J., a. Clz Mermen anneal,. 'Astor) NYC. h. Cardona. Kay 'Dizzy Club, NYC, nc. NYC. ne. George. Eileen 'Coloelinolso Chi, no. Carta«. Lena (Club Enoch. New York. ne. 13eucer, Pour Crimes Square) NYC, h, Carlisle. Una loirs, Club( NYC, me. Mead h Helen (ClUb Gaucho) New York, no. Gibson. Dilly (Granada Din, Atlanta, na. Corten, Jack 'French Caine, NYC, ne. Dien At Sperklettes (001010 Pheasant) James- Gilbert, Ethel 'Clay Nineties) NYC, nc. Gilbert. Olorta (London Casino) London I-Carmen, Billy At Orare. with Naomi Bell town. N. Y., ne.

Carmen. Lim tea Jon) 0.)yor.ton, Tao., e). Dodd, henil. 'All Stan C C Cub, NY, ne. °nail At tacky At Ray* (Como Cluta But-

». ne, Mader !hoe Shenandoah. Ia., ne. Dixon. Dixie (New Cimino) Toledo , 0.. no.

Carnyle. Melee (Leon es Eddie'. NYC. no. Donahue, Walter Menneavanlal Pala, a. rel.. nc. Cartlano lizos. Menace Gardens) liachester. Donn, Berta (Broadway W IC.) NYC.. ne. Gilmore. Panels (Mariana. Riviera) Fors

N. Y. ne. Donne At Darrell ¡Village Larne NYC.. Be. Lee. N. J. nc. Caul. Nita (Vann° NYC. re. Dersho Ruth (1106 Club, Chi, nc Olvene Pe Carol (Heidebrealet) Trenton, N. J., Carroll. Della (Colony Clubi Chi. no. Dorothy At King ,Meadowbrook) st. Louis. ce. ne. Carroll. Nuts 1835,11011 Hotel) NYC. h. Demeura, Adeline (Club Minuet) Ch. no. Olen. Alice. At Walter Le Nay (Park Can-Carroll Staten (Steamship Empire State) Dougherty. Marie (AU-Stars Club) NYC, ne. trail ?MC, h. NYC. e. Douglee. Mateo (Palmer noun) Chicago, h. Cleft. Jerry, At Sock Kerr Mersaillese NYC..

Carson, Jack ('rower) Hansa City, t. Doyle, Maine (State-Lake) Chi, t ne. Cemey, Frank (Club Carlocal Ohl. OC. Drake, Connie 'Deaurlite) New York, nc. Garnet At Winona (Madente Ftleierel Port Cony, Pat 'Lincoln) NYC.. h ul . Draper, Pa (Chem Parcel Chi. nc. bee, N. J.. ne. Cestalne & Barry 'St. Moritz) NYC, h. Drene & Her Dancers lleoneon Calms) LOU- Cluilatilea te Sterile« (Chat Paree) New Or-Castle. Billy (Gateau Moderne) N. Y. C.. ne. don 1-30, no leans, tic. Catalina. Rose (006 Club) Chi, nc. Drew. Derr« th Freddy (Royal York) To4403- Conan. Itter. (Silver Cloud' Ca no. Caren, Millicent 1The Leda Sul Franca«, to, h. Gonzalez At. Hensel Olarbisen-Plalual NYC, h.

nt. Drew. Molly (Number One Bar) NYC. no. Gooding, Sally Moen Canto, NYC, ne.

M Cella At Renee]. en Ala Wheeling. Ill_ ce Drum, Dotty illectore Club New Yorker) New enomnan, Jack 'Club Callen«, NYC. ne. Male (El Chiral NYC. nc Goodwin, Jack (Yacht Club) NYC, ne. Chandler. Joyce 'Reny. Henna NYC., ne. DuYerts.. 'Ad«. At Omis. (Fox) Detroit 22-25, t. Gordon. Paul irdgewster Beech' Ceti, h. Chart« At Barbara Illerant Inn) 134feetvUle, Danny. The 'Coloannols , Chi. no Clore. tarie MaradIcei NYC. to.

IB., h. Duncan, Midget Jackie (Penn.'s °Arden.) Ak- zaapooa. 'Turco ,,,,,,,a, NYC, h. Charles, Ernest (Normand« , New York, nc. ron. O., ne. Grayson, Carol 'Gay Page!, Ohl. ne. Care & Joe French Calms) NYC, ne. maim. Scotty (Sway. Habra. NYC.. ne. Greenwood, Dawn 'Paradise , NYC, re.

l ' Christine, 13obette (Chateau Modern.) IF2C, Dunn Brno, La Doty (Plaza Villa) Pittsburgh, cheap, hao„,,, (Barrel 0, Poo ) NY,. as ISO. lid Green, Eddie (Connie'e Inn, NYC. lee.

Otero Jackie 'Yacht Chita Chi. ne. Greene, Alen Meaty . Habana NYC.. ne.

Night Club, Vaude and Orchestra Routes must be received at the c"" m'""° (C.'. P" "i Chi' no-Werk"ea lljeu (y?" in*"" N", ''''. Cincinnati offices not later than Friday to insure publication.

Chri,ry, Floyd, Co. 11.yric1 Indlonn,11 ,, Clourin, emigueate tornado' Decatur. h. Clay, Marjorie (Rialto) t. Clayton, Pat Moe« Club) NYC, ne. Codolhan. Cornelius 'Si Itegiel New York., h. Cole. teeter. At Midshipman (Rance Cloy Rainbow Roane NYC., ne.

Coley. Curtis (Club Diamond) Wheellny W. Va.. nc.

CondOs Brae. 'Oriental' Chi. t. Genteelly At Radcliffe (McConville. Club) Og• fleabag, N. Y., ne.

Connors Sr., Chat Illn Pan Alley) New York. ne.

COntl. Jean (Menace, NYC. re. Cunliantal Varielne IClub Caci(iot) NYC. nc. Convene, Frank (logy) NYC 22-25. Conway ar Parke 'Kit Kat Club) NYC. ne. Coogan. Mae (Edina New York, h 000k, Atha, (Greenwich Village Inn, NYC.

ne. Cori. Bobble (Yacht Chia Chi, OC. Coo!«. Marlon (Stork Club , NYC, nc. Corday et Lament« ICluto Banana Columbus,

O.. ne Cardona, Kay 'Derry Club) NYC, ne. Cornwell. Frank Manta NYC, h. Cortex, AI .5 Toni (Connte'm Inn) NYC. ne. Con« & &lemon (Fatah Cimino, Bt. Lout.

Oc. Casino Pe. Yorita (Orcen M111) Ragniew.

Mich.. ne. Cotton. Dorothy (Club Dawn) San Franemeo.

Only Henry "Giggles" (Jungle Inn ) Youngs-town. 0, ne.

Crane. Dorothy iledgrenter Hearn) Chi Crawford At Caskey (sul Jene Galveston. Tex . C.

•lCretat. (Moots) Chi. e. Crone. Roberta teIerry-elo-Roundl Dayton. 0,

Cropper. Roy (Wellington , NYC, h. Crosby, June (Victoria) NYC. h. Cummings, Don (State-Lakee Chi, t. Came. Dave (Mansfleid) NYC. h.

0 D'Arc? Oltl. Marlenalle, Pa.; (Span, Jute'.

lee) Pitterburgh 22.27, D'Arcy Girls 'Spring Jubtlev, Pittabersh 22-

21, Dols. Idaryon (Chateau Modernes NYC, nc. Dale. Sunny alone NYC 22-23, t. Dancing Debutantes (Nut Club, NYC, nil. Dendadge. PlitneY 'Ubangi , NYC. ne. Daniels. Ilene 'Palladium, London, tag,. 22-July II. t.

Danny & Edith (Kit Kat Clue) NYC, Be. Denali Tecate 'American Male Hall NYC.

°Ain-Dewitt. TwelVe Wool Wahine«. D. C., 22-25.' t.

Dais, Rung IClub Gauche, New Yerk. ne. Male, Dorothy 'Club Ceara« NYC, pli. Davis, Eddie ¡Leon At leddleael New Yalta Old

Duran. Adelin• 1E1 China NYC. ne. Duval. Sheila •New Town Bat New York, no.

E Earl«, Vie dialf Moon, NYC.. no. Esnlig Rascals. Four (ChM Canada NYC. ne. 111iillinn. Pail ire.) Chi 22-25, t. Edward. Sisters (Club Oasts, San Planet«, Haggerty, George 'Steamship Empire Stelae a. NYC. a.

Elise. Senorita 1221112• French Cabaret) New liait. <Rani Salt Lake CV, 21-July 4. I. York. c. Manes. Gardner, At (Leon At EMI«)

Etiund. Madeline elleardenal Riviera) Fort NYC. ne Lee. N. J. ne. Hanes. Mita Iliollywoode NYC. re.

Elide Dante:. (State, NYC 22-25, t. lisle Raters 'Yacht Club) NYC. no. BI-Won lWarnere Milwaukee, Wie., 17: (Oeh- Hamilton. Ray 'Steamship Empire state, kale , Corneae 90, gala Appleton 30; (Ve- NYC, a. amen' Racine July y aawboygan( She- Ilatnrich, Ruth 'Colony Club, Chi, no. %zoysia 2; (Bay) Green Bay 3. t. Hardy. Moore ICIabriera NYC. ne.

Yu «old. 'Gene (Bayer Cloud) Chi, ne. Ilarrington. Pat 'Gang Plank) NYC. ni. 1e/herald Beaten (Pala MInot. N. D, 29- Harts At Howell (Loewe Montreal 22-25, t.

July 1. Inn, Carl (Number One Barb NYC. nc. EOM At Leona IllreWn) Loultalle, t. Hart, June 'Colonial Villege, Peoria, In_ nee Ender At Farrell •Savoy-Plasai NYC. h. Hartman. The 'Martiens Matra Foil Lee. Vino Troupe 113rowne Louisville. t. N. J.. ne Peas, Rue. Trio 'Capitol) Portland. Ore., t. Hawthorne 6: Whitney (Village Barn) NYO..

rnrit• Ai NoVflin 'Meant« Beach) Chi. II. tin. Enrico. Don (Contelmo.e, Chi, ne. Hayes Pc Cancer (Bat Oorenleye) Lake

!Dante, Charles -Heiner (Plan Elegante, hotly, fs,. • Room ( Nro goo., es.

r no Rumanian Rendes-van) NYC. Cte.

Guilford. Jack 'State' NYC 23.33, t. Oyldonaon, Barron Sae Manna IV Y.C.. n. Gray Albert Trio (Dearly Bar) NYC). no_ Om« Lee (Den)' Club, NYC. rm. GYP« Nina (St. Moritz) NYC. h.

n","'• GrP>r 'N.. T... n.") T°*k• Heywood. Billy (Vogue Club' NYC. ne.

NYC. OC. Hearse, Bobby Mew Vorker, NYC, h. Peddle ti. it("Niii inT.ch C..." N. T. C ., is‘' Heller. Jackie gr.) w.nu .. natou, D. C.. S2- Eugene, Bob. Troupe (W.I. Valve Pitteburgh 2,, ,.

22.27. y Haman. Inning 'Man About Town Club' NYO, Yvan. Bet rBeiteheernber nia) NYC. no. ne. Everett Rah (Town Calno) NYC. ne. Hiatt. Ernest (Browne LoUlevIlle. t.

F Hickey Bra. (Oriental, C, t. Peletar. Sadie (Anne Miller:Meat) Chi. ne. Hilliard, Hernia 'Paramount) NYC 22-25. t Pala« the Magician Menneylvanm, NYC, It. Hellman. Dr. Chain, (Mayfair Casino ) Han' Forrar, Jean At Jane (1S33 01110) Philadelphia. sae City, ne. Farrell, Frances 'Town Camino) NYC, no, flannel & Hart rAmbasadeure Pall/ 1.14, rin Feral. Malta (Fatah Calms, New York, na. Noll«. Male (Rosy) NYC 22•25, t. Farrell, Runny (Place Megan«) NYC. ne. Bally. Edna Mae 'Fluter Club' New York. ne. Farley, Jean. At Dean Goodell', (Vanderbilt) Hollywnod Octet (Criteria" Oklalenrne CIty, I NYC. h. Honorable Mr. Wu (Radio City Rainbow

Pay & Pearls (Club Moderne) 13•n Francisco. Room) NYC, no, ne. Hoe. Joe (Olen Island Camino) Net Rochelle.

FrIncit. Catty (Trench Comae) New '<Wit, ne. N. Ii.. ne. Felicia Pe 13e1Rey (Club Avalon) Cleveland' Howard, Joseph E. (Gay .110. NYC. ne.

ne. Hamad. Kathleen (Dea aenta, New ymi le Fermin At Mary Leo CI Toreador, 15 Y.0 . ne. i‘oo,o, ,,,,,,,..,,,,,,o , haa 011e Bar' Ke . ne Felder. Ralph 12111ree Taverne Chicago, ne. Howell, rue (Archmont frueba reri. na

Meld. Irving (Buckingham' NYC, h. Vol" ! r(ethierrk• U.:aatrqâeottlen 1 eCy. s I ) lake' Clearta, Fire.. Happy 'Place Elefante) NYC, a.

Felde, 1,111srt 'Monte Carlo) NYC, nc. Le ne. Flan. Dying ICheeepeake lieu«) NYC, re. Hun ,t Pea Wee 'Radice City Rainbow Roan) PtIsherMen, three italleplatela Sheepsheed web. nc.

Bay. Brooklyn, re. Hunk. ¡enema alherry-Netheflande NYD b. Flash«. Three Lightning (Tower) Karee« Craton. Joan (Parody Club) Chi. Ile.

City. t. Hylton. Jack, At Band (Hipp.) TOmnat 2/' Pint.. TanY 'ranee' metnal rozo. ne. ft. t. Plowerton. Coneuelo get. Rease NYC, 11.

Po (es Comique (Kelthe Columba. O., 22- 'Wk.'s Boys , Thr ee 11.0«.) Montreel 32-2-5..t. 23 t. Jenson. Lawrence 'Prectdenl ( N a ew York.

Fenielre At Lorraine Mime Pane) NOW Of- A.k.a. Irving (a Peeve 1Yacht Club) NYO lean., nç no.

r oniii..Three Ildarbra Chi. t. Si..". PIUS Magee Jamestown. N. Y.. it

}Wray. Alec 'Weylin , NYC h

June 27, 1936 ROUTES • The Billboard 31

:meat. Lucille 'Chateau Moderne, NYC, nc Jean. Jack de Joe Iiincrelder Milwaukee, t. Jeanne de Gloria 'Leon a Eddie...) NYC, M. Jethro Dorothy Paradise e NYC, re. Johnny de George (Yacht Club, NYC., no John/ton. Joyce 'Paradise) NYC. re. Johnson, Mao (Kit Kat Club. NYC. ne. Jones. Gua il)sora Chi, C. Jay. Dorothy datatn-ioka CIO. t. Joyce Bros. h Dean (Marbror Chi, t. Joyce dr Predate (Kit Kat Club. NYC. no Joyce, Marion 'Leon & Eddie's) NYC. sac.

Kaiser ea McKenna (Pron.) ellag•r• Pella

Kalmus, Bee (Calienta) NYC, no galosh (Connie, Inn, NYC. ne. Kane. P.m. (Roonnelt, NYC, h. Kaufman. ham Jack (Book-Cadillac( De-

troit, h.

Kay. Beatrice 'Tony's> NYC. ne. Ear. Dolly latarden's Ratortm Fort Le•,

hare. Phtl (Parody Club) Chi. no. Kaye. Johnny eTrolia-e, Baltimore. ne Kedrova. 1.111 .St. Moritz, NYC. to Kemper. Charles Ortamnship Empire State) NYC. M.

Kerenie. tattle (Hollywood) NYC. re. Eenanedy. Brine (Howdy clue , N.. York. lie. Kennedy. Edgar (Earle, Weeniest., D. C.,

Kennedy. May (Butler's Tap Roan) NYC, ne. Kennedy. Pal. ,State-teke) Chi, t Kent. Bra 8ilver Tavern). Chi. ire. Kent. Carl (Vague Club, ff Yu. tic. Kentuckian Quartet (Villeplguem Eilleepshead Bay. N. Y.. re.

King. Bert ishetton, NYC. h Etna Blanche Ilarill-er Newark. N. Y., ne. King, Jean 'Silver Tavern, Chi. nc King. Kenn 'Fronc Inn) Hollywood, Ca311.. rte. King. Lew relay '00+. Ch). ne. King. Mary Lou (Broadway Room) NYC, ne.

King. Mickey (Pm) Washington, II. C.. 22-25. t.

ItOgeton, Leonard (Bob's Premier Club) Go-Iamb.. O., tie.

Erna, Joe rSliver Cave, Chi, nc. KIrkwhite, Idle 'Casino de Paris) Paris 1-30. Ke-nisermyska, Elyria Int. Morita, NYC. h. Errez. Nadia nat. Real. NYC. h. Kroner. Dolly 'Shad...land Club) Wichita

rails, Tea. ne. Kramer. Ma (Swan.) NYC. ne. Kroll. LOttle (lion Air) Wheeling, EL, oc.


['Meer. Arthur (Oriental) Chi. t. Lamarr, Charlene (Clay Parear ChiCage. Bo. La Peron., 4Deauville , New York, ea La Pierre. Paulette (Colony Club) Chi. no. Eaten. Aerial ilnterlaken, Fairmount. Minn., 15-20. P.

/errata Paddy (Barton's Paradise Club) younghown, 0.. rre.

olondon Casino) London 1-30, ne. Leone Trio (Rosa Salt Lake Cup, t Lambert Helen (Mon About Toe,. NYC. ne. Lambert, Nellie (Man About Town Club', NYC, nc.

Umber-ton. Charles, de Charlette (Hollywood, NYC. re.

Larnonte. Jean (Jungle Inn) Youngstown. O. lie.

Lea, Emily (Plata, NYC. h. Lane, Leot• 'Number One Barb NYC, nc. tam. Lillan allay Club, New York. nc. ta,'. led "trickery Home, New York. no Lava Eva (Ch. Parcel New Chian. M. tang M Lee é Audit°, lain I Minneapolis 72-25. teRrie & LtiValle (Lobby, Rorer. Mew, C. Larsen, Al 'Top Rat , Union City, N J.. c. fauna. Punk at Warren ,Grosvenor Hoene) London 1-30, oc.

Laurie Jr.. Jack (All Stara Club) NYC, ne. Lens, Don: Decatur, Ill: Waukegan 22-27. LaVoie. Don- Waukegan. 117, 22-27, Lawrence, Lucille rElwanee, NYC. nc. lemma Leo (Place Eleaante) NYC. nc. take. Freda (Club Diamond) Wheeling. W. Va, ne,

Inch. Virginia (Johnon's Carer Beltrmare, C. LO. Annabelle opavillon Rays)) Valley Stream, L I.. ne.

tee, Bob (Where, NYC. G. Llerl• 'Hotel BlItmorel NYC. h.

tie. Mary 'Embalm', Philadelphia, no. Leo, Sylvia (Club Minuet) Chi. ne. hed WIlliam (May Club, New York. no. Ga). Steve ,Flare Elegante) New York. nc. Lonard. Ada (Yacht Club) Chi. nc. toner& Edna (606 Club) Chicago. ne. ti: lit Alice (Silver Tavern) Chi. hic tittee. Buddy 'Marquette Club, Chirac, nc. tenth the Great ,Powatan Club) Detroit. Pe. Lewtm. Ann 'Kit Ket Club, NYC, nc. Vela. Henry (Balloon Room) Portland, Clea. et_

Lewis. Joe 'Club Versailles) NYC, ne• tale Lew (Cleo Para, New Orleane. na tea)s. Ted, & Orch. (Stanley) Pittsburgh 25-

t. Leht. Rage de Ray (Cocoanut Grovel Beaton.

lie, LOIner. Prod (Merbro) Chl, t. teltey Joe k Harold Woodall (Number One Ear. NYC. 11c.

Lino's. Schur. (St. Rental NYC. h. L.:man de Adams (Lookout MUM) COvIng-Mc icy., nc.

t,„ ,,, terreky. General (Waldorf-Autnrial NYC. h. kterrory 'Stork Club, NYC. ne.

ag Anita iltrillem Newark. N Y.. ne Lowe Vocent. dr Orch. 'Poo ¡'bila 15-18. t. Lore yen. 'Paradise, NYC., re. loon & Carr ,Cepri, Lawrence. Mae, re. tornoe Bill de Ed Merman (Clay Nineties; NYC. he.

Larane June (Village Barn, NYC. ne. 4 ”Itnie. de Manners (Cocoanut Grove, Bea-le,. nc.

Four Aerial (Great Lakes Expo.) Cttelenti. untll July 25.

,L ot , Garry (Versailles) NYC no. Alice (All Stars Club, NYC. Ile.

L W.. Nick 'llollywned , NYC. Mary (Broadway Room) NYC. no. Joresco (Placer NYC. h.

ltmen. Tommy (Le Mirage, NYC. re,. Loch. Touts. Dudley 'Stork Club) NYC. no lima Walter (Cale Ball, NYC. nc.

Ikeow Sara Ann 11311toorel NYC. h.

McCoy. Frances 'Yfroaelway Rona, NYC. no McCully. Jeanne 'Pleas Cale) Pittsburgh, Pa..

no. brePerlane, George marina Bark 0,11/1 Brooklyn, he.

ltc-0111. billie 'Wonder Rae) Owasso, Mich..

McGlynn Slater• (Firoadve•y Room) NYC, no McKay, Doreen (Paradise) WIC, ne. McMahon, Larry (Village Barn> NYC. nc. Mack. Lout. (Entertainer,. Atlantic C)ty. ch. Meeks. For: Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 8-90.

Frances (Railla City Rainbow Roan) NYC. no

Mae. Edna (Parad)se( NYC, re. Magnante. Charlie IWaloort-Astoria, NYC. h. M.;ots. Three (Radio City Rainbow 0011) NYC, ne.

mandell • Kitty (New Town Bar) New York. rm. Manahan Troupe 'Pal., Chi 22-26. t. Mann. 131.1 (Mon Palls, NYC. nc. Manners. Gene, de Berra. Lee (Paradis,) NYC. re.

Manners. Oraco 11525, Phtla. ne. MannIng de Chas 'Tryon trardener Copen-

rogerI. Denmark_ 1-30, ne. Marion, Sylvia, Co. rCentury) Beillmore 22-

25. t. Honor, Molly (Parody Club, CM, nc. Mara Ar itarta)a hfack DetnliseY •er mrc. re. Marc),, Paatcla IWIvel'al NYC. re. Marco & Roalk• tier•nces, Monroe. La , h. h Pals (West View Park) Prttsburgià, p. Marguerite ft Arthur (Embassy Club, Toron-

to, no Marianne rift. Morita, NYC. h. Marton At Irma ITrucadera, London I.10. no Merkoll. Macro 'Rushee Y. Milton-on-Hudson. N Y.

Marley h Elsa (Steamship Empire State) NYC, a

Marlow the Great (Moonglow) N. Y.. nc.

Marlowe, Owen (Village Nut Club, NYC. ne. Marlowe. Peggy (Town Casino) NYC le . Marsh, Andrea tarrowhead Inn, Cincinnati.

Marto. Joan (Club Donlon. Wheeling, W. Va

Marto, Marlon (Hollywood) NYC. re. Martin. Muriel 'Divvy club. New York. ne. Martinet & Crow (Dorchester Hotel, London

1.30. ne. Marvel le Fried (Prima'. Penthouse) New Or-

leans. oc. Countess. The (Leon M Edam's) NYC. lie.

Massey, Tommy. di Joan, Miller (neachcomb-er Bar) NYC, nc.

Mathews, Babe (Chang) Club, NYC, no Maurice. de Cordaro (Radlo City Rainbow Room, NYC.

Revery. Jae.* (Kit Eat Club, NYC, no Mayfield Kay Ille•u Range, Shatepsheod Bay,

Brooklyn. nc Mayfield.. A, Yorrlore (Lyric, Indianapolis. L. Mayo, Perry (Sway. Habra. NYC., ne, ladrano ga Donna 'Palmer Roam) C/11. h. /Jells. Kirk h Howard (Century) Haltenore

22-23, t. Melsoraa Ris Flying Klentenniall Pittsburgh:

'Celebration) Annapolis, Md.. 39-JulY. 4. Mercer. Mary (Illokory House) New York. re. Miller k Lamar, (Lexington, NYC. ne. eirlier. Marion MS Club; Chi. ne. Miller, Marty (Turf Club) Pittsburgh, ne. Hilt,, Kirk de Howard (Brown Derby, Boston,

no. Mitchell. Charlie (Man About Town Club) NYC, ne.

Vlvano (Cocoanut Palms) E.t. De-troit. ne.

allest Ar Predate llfwev. Hotbree , NYC., ne-rd!, Muriel 'Sliver Cloud, Chi ne. Meager 'ranch Casino. NYC. nc Mambo,. Dave (Tower, Kansas City. t. Month 'Paramount, NYC 22-25. t. Molar's. t January (PM) Weshington. D. C.,

22-35, t.

leonteamery, Anne 'Still',) Newark. N Y.. ne. Monty. Paul (Man Malt Town Club) NYC,

ne Moore, Dickle (Century) Baltimore 22-25, t. mooreheart. Agra. tRarle) Phala 32-25, t. Morale, Broa. d‘ Little Daley (Gamble Inn)

Detroit, ne. Couchlta (Chesapeake House) NYC.

re. Meagan, Merlon 'Colosimo's) Chi, nc. ),organ, Rh& (Silver Tavern) Chicago. Moreno, Consuelo (El Chico) NYC.. no. latals. Dwight ollabriens, NYC. ne morns. Will. a Bobby - Pittsburgh 23.27, Morrl•on, Joe (Earle) Ph. 22-25, t. Mossman, Earl (Colonial villager Peoria. In.. ne

Mum» de Balan 'Club Gaucho) NYC, ne, Meru. Corona (Waldorf-Aeorla, NYC. h. Muriel, Mimi 'Melaka NYC, re. Murray M Allan 1St. Regis, Flelerhenann'a

Murk Il all Soya offaumont Theaters) London Musical Rogues. Three .1lasta House, NYC. h. Myra dinners Chicken Grill) New York, re. Mystics. Two (Leon de Eddie.) NYC.. ne.

N Nails (ColoreleMe) Ont. ne. ti . Norman (Cher Ara, Buffalo. no Naylor, Marjorie 'Hickory Home, NYC. Dc, Nmerenke. Teem 1St, Rents) NYC h. Nelson Haters (New I NYC. h. When, Dena. At Oroh. (Paramount, NYC) 23-

25, t.

Nelson, Walter (Playland Perin Rye, N. Y. New Yoram.. Three Mork Club: NYC, no Newdahl, Clifford 'St. Regis, NYC. h, Newman. Harry ,Gabrtel -al NYC, re. Niles, Noma (Strome. NYC. ne. Nilsson Walter (Marbro, Chi, t. Nina, Clyne,- 11.6.0 Montreal 23-25, t. Rao Vira (Book Cadillac, Detroit. h. Noble, lelgliton (Waldoef-Aelorla NYC, no Nolan, Henry 'Governer Clint,,,, NYC



3 .o..en Fay. ALI•lOy keen. (Y• Gale Tavern, 1(..Onsore. as

NoTri, Harriet 'Dutch's) Chi. e. Norton fr K•ne t Alexander Young, Honolulu.

Novels, Three (Connlis Inn) NYC, ne. Nov., Fantasia (El Toreador) NYC. no.

o O'Connell. Mac golcott /teach, Grant roach

N. h. 05.11,Ueeklea 1Hollywood) NYC. re. Odley. Guy 'Jack Dempsey'. NYC. le. Olmstead. - 1.1into.• 'Number One Bar, NYC,

nc. Orda, Cease 'St. Rosier NYC. IT Chininal Rhyther Hoye .Weyiln, NYC. h. Orties. Toddy (Nut Club( NYC. no Ortega, Eva (Radio City Rainbow Grill) NYC.

no. Orlons, Phu, (Royal) fl,iblin Ireland, 6-11. t. Orle As Meaner (tloridel Club) Saranac Lake,

N. Y., no.

Page, Marion (Hollywood) NYC, re. Page. Muriel (Riverside) afilearkea. t. Page. Powell re Nona (Circus bennunan) Copenhagen. Denmark, July 1-31.

Page, Bid (HI-Hat) Oh). ne. Primer & Doreen "Caere Farm) LB., O.. no

Parnaer. Way. 1111-Hat, Chl. Palmer, Kay (Vanderb110 NYC. it. Palmer At Peaches ,Connie-. Inn) NYC. no. Parkes. Billie )Wagon Wheels, Akron, no. Pena, Kona iElterland , wonting. Can. mi. [atone. Kay (Steamship Bear Mounter', NYC, s.

Pmareon -s Personettee (New Yorker) NYC, h Pahl, Ellen (Maraca's Riviera) Fort Lee,

N. J.. ne-Payne, Charles (Club Coven > Sharon. Pa., no Peacock. Melvin rLinger Barr Sheboygan.

nc. Pendleton. Andy lelebriel'er NYC. no Peres. Lance h Co Mks Ciro.) Council Bluth, Ia., lb-20.

Prone. Anthony 0:labeler., NYC, ra ', tea.. Ivor ilteAlplor NYC, h. Phelps Twins (Colony Club, Chi. ne, P)ollne, Jmnea (Dave's, GM, C.

Kay (Palace Carden, Chi, nc. Pickford. Merry (Ballyhoo clubi Columbus.

O.. ne. Place de Harris (Mayfair Kansas

CIty, ne. Pirmka (Preach Casino) NYC. ne. Plant. Jerry tillay Club) NYC, ne. Pont.. Joe 'Claremont Inn) NYC. etc Pope ar Thompson (Amer)can Music /lath NYC, nub.

Powers, William (Club Dawn) Ban Francisco, no

Prenticr. Georgo lAndoesadeur e Parts 1-16. ne.

Prince H..» (Merry-Go-Round Bar) Atlan-tic fifty, N. J

Prime ec Princess Oren& (Connie, Inn, NYC. ne.

Progle, Uncle Josh (Hudson Ither Day Mee) NYC. e.

Pritchard. Ratio .Vilince Barn, NYC, ne Pram. Alberta Otit hat con, NYC. ne. Purna, Norte Say It Witt. loolea oColtroble,

Alliance. 0,, 24.211, •Ionenal non:neat Ind, 37-25; (Imperial) Zamerille. 0.. 30-July 1, t.

QUestel, Mae (Century) Baltimore 22-25, I.

Rack. afIldred (Lookout House) Covington. Ky.. no

Rooderil Dancing Girls (Club LaSalle) Les Angeles, no

Ramon de Celeste (1:1 Toreador) NYC, ne. Randall Andre (Prouch Caetuo( N Y. C. ne. Randall As Banks 10a. Club) Winona. %Ono.,

ne, Ranson. ClIrrda 'Broadway Room, NYC, ne. Raphael rWatclori-ktlorla, NYC. h. Ranh. Albertine. Ballet 'St. Itegli, NYC. h. Ray h Ilmrhon 'Lyric, Indianapolis. t Ray. ROO at Tommy Hayden (Jack Ihrop-sera, NYC, re,

noire. Gilbert di Vicky Croegel Jamestown. h.

Raye, Gilbert de Vicky .Mayfair, Toledo. ne. Itaye. Prince bs Clarke (Park Central. NYC, h. Raymond. Old 116 Club, Chicago. rie. Reed. Billy 'Dray Club) NYC. ne. Reed ds Blame (Wellington, NYC, h. Re.. Jack (Nornandier New York. ne. Reese. Gall (Park Central, NYC, h Regan. Ronny h Eileen (Little Eden) Grand

Rapids, laleb., ne. Remo,. Paul (Chicago) Chi. L. Renault. Pram. (Alr Port Tavern) Cleve-

land, C. betray, Del! (Town Casino) NYC.. ne. Renwick. Isabel (Dude leaner Atlantic CriY,

Revel. Baxter da Dean (Riverside) MI/1.m Init. t.

Reynolds, Al (Marquette Club) Chicago, ne. Reynolds Helen, et Cron/pion, (Pal.) 01.0. land 2e1-July 2, t.

Rohn'. Paul (Adelphlar Phlla nc. Bionic., Doris (Stale, NYC 22-33. t. Rhodes, Doren, flUt tat Club) NYC. 110. Rhodes, Juno (Gay upue cu. rm. Rhythm Boys (Wayne Hotel) NYC. b. Rhythm Debi, Toree 'Connie's Inn) NYC, on. Hoard & Carson all-Hate Cht, nc. Ricker, Abby Morrison ,Ceruill'a, NYC. Oa Rich. Gloria 'taon t lad..'.. NYC, no. R!chmen. Harry rillossom Hearth Detroit, ne. none, »lima ,Voue Club, NYC, rm. Rita Blothar• (Clover Club) Hollywood, Calif.,. na

Roan. Edith (11ferden'a Maitre) Pert Lee. N. J., no

Robbie. Family, 'The (Maiden's Rahn%) Port

fit:anion. Evelyn itibungh NYC. no. Robinson Twins (Yacht Club, Chl. mt. Rodrigo k Francine .Maytair, clevelerld, ne. Roger., Jmmia (Mon Parts, NYC. nc Rogers, Muriel (Chelan/ Modern., Nye, ne. Itohcloat, Marianne (Club Normandie) NYC.

TIC. Rollins. Mimi (Hollywood) NYC, re Hook. Isabella 'Benny tho Bum' Philolel-

phis, no Ross de Bawer. (Oriental) Chi, t. Roo, Dr. 'Waldorf-Astoria, NYC, Roneeee. Sue 'Dutch's, ChIcago e. Rosalie, Rake '111 Club) Chicago. no. Rosh. Pat 'Cafe Loyale, NYC. re Rover Boys (leek Dempsey's, NYC. re Rowe, Dorothy 'llo.ert) Brooklyn, h. hey. Virginia (Club Plannetionl New Orleans.

nc. Royal H•wallanri (Dim, Club, NYC. na. Roma Norma (Rory) NYC 21411. t. Rush. Edna (Colony Club, Cht, Ruggeri, Frank (Gay Nineties) NYC. no

• nabrie. Mickey (Man About Town, NYC, «-Salaam. Carle. 'El Chico) NYC, ne. Mondlno t Fairchaeld 'Firenze Restaurant)

enYCrtl r.li Sefo. alon (State, NYC 22.25. t. Hanford, teddy. & Jack Twain "Villepleitteal Sheet:ahead Hay. Brooklyn, re.

Bernell. Otorga Motel at Resler NYC, b. Slant. ft Ristra (Jimmy Kelly's) N. Y C.. OIL nonacid er Buckley 'PentailvaMa( NYC, h. Banche, Bee 11523) Phileuelphie. nc Sargent. Kenny Medic, City Rainbow Room) NYC. no

SSS elfe, Jean 'Southern, lialrimore, h. Sawyer. Bobby oCialirlens. NYC, no stoops. Bid ll'alace Gardens, Ca, ne. Bohlen. Frank. (Clemente°, 71.1. Clemente., N J.. ro

Sreanoeolm. The Two (French Casino) St.

(Dave's) CM. C. Scott. Kay (Queen's Terrace, Womialde. L. L. m.

Elertppy dr. Pale (Town Casino, NYC. no. nedgwick. Edna ,Ches Puree, Chi. tic. /fettles k Endler Ortate-Laker chi. t. Serenader, Three .hway. liolbr•ue NYC., ne. Er coh,ri, Trwins Mena, (Bruns' Palm Garden)

Shaw. Ralph (Club Hollywood, Bern..., PO. tic.

Shaw. Helen (Weber's Summit) Baltimore. no Shaw, Winl (Cmcagoi Chi, t. Wawa, Jack 'Club Hoye', McAllen, Tex., Ma Coyne, Gloria (Club Minuet) CM. on Shelton, Jame. 'Club Normendle. NYC, as, intenlamd. Ethel (Melt) Brooklyn 22-28. t. allarldan, Eleanor ratork Club, NYC, am. lahra brothers (Ettgewaar Brach) Chl. h. Sherwin. Patty .day Peree, Chicago. ne. Silver, nether (Club Oasis, San Francisco. no. alomone. Lee 'Ubangi' NYC. ne. Simon, Arletto CasInot NYC. St. Fif Omura Kay 'Hotel Piccadilly) NYC, la

kirtPh Alma Y. 'Pe lU Cibu'relo n n' 'e*: Ern Smith 11111 (MIMI Avenue Rote» New York. S. Beath. Chubby Illwanre Clubt NYC. Be. Smith, Cyril (Aator) NYC. h. Soh,. er Sully (Mazy Club) NYC. ne. Sr )der, Marguerhe (Hote/ Shelton, N.Y.C., h. ifonra. Oanaer, de Andre ',ranch Canine) NYC. rm.

Satyrs de Romero (Club Greyhound) Lenten:1a ne.

Spore, Harry (Yacht Club) NYC. no Atone. Mary Leo (French Casino, NYC. Be. RprInaer. Hal Mai:neon Casino, Chicago, Oa, At. Clara June (Coloattoo's) Chicago. no Flo Claire, Putman (Ubangi, NYC:. ne. Slam At LaRue (Mayfair Casino) Kane. City,

ne. Mannish. Arleen iCellenter NYC., no Branley. Toni. de Mae FOY( (Lheborg Park) uoteborg, Sweden, 1-15,

Starr. Judy (Astor) NYC. h. Steel. John Warner., NYC. re. Bock, Bill (Chas Pareel Cl,t. ne. Steele. Don Illiardna, Hollywood, Calif., ne. Stepsons, Three (Ubangl( NYC, Tic, Stern. Harold, di Orel, (Met.) Brooklyn =-

25, I. Sterling Ar Slam (Red MI) Peniustaken,

N. J.. ru. Steve.. Harry (Brown Derby) Boston, ea Stevens. Franc. (Clare...et Inn, NYC. ra. Shwert Miters (Dizzy Club, NYC. nc. Stites, Babe 'Shoe( Bari Forest Hills, L L.

ne. Stone, Chas. ar He/en (State-Leka, Chi. 1. Stone, Harold 'Chateau Modern.. NYC, ne, Stone. Nell (Howdy Club) NYC. ne Stuart. Eddie (Riverside, Milwaukee t. Stuart At Martin iloewo Montreal 23-33. t. Sullivan. Bobby (Seanee Club) New York. na. Sullivan. Ed (Met.) Brooklyn 22-25, t Ruler, Ann (American Mm)c Hell, NYC. lob, Baron, Evelyn (Webers Summit) Baltimore.

Table Toonera (Chateau Modern.) NYC. no. Tanta S Kireolf (Walton, Phila. Il, Trople. Frank (Silver Tavern, Chi. ne. Tanya de Emmett (Club Troyka) NYC. Pa Tapp, Clenegle (8trite, NYC 23-23, t. Taylor, Nil. ,Preur Horsemen) Pinta, 00, Tennill. Frank (New Yorker, NYC, h. ✓eprove. Schwa (St. Regis, NYC. b. T),ale (Hollywood, NYC. re. Thawl Evelyn (6teanniThe Empire Bt..)

oteNYC, st Th, Kay 'Bt. Resler NYC. h.

Tan. Paul ,Old Rumanian, NYC, ne Tiffany. Charles da Virginia (1185 Club) lemma

city, ne, Titan Trio 'Criterion) Oklahoma City, t, Tom/in. Pinkie IC-Merlon( Oklahoma City. t. Toots h Al 'Connie'. Inn, NYC, ne. Torres, Ralph 'Edison, NYC, h. Trask, BIlly 'Number One Bar) NYC. no Treyer, er Violets 'El Toreador) NYC, ne. Tully, Mildred (Colony Club, Chicago, rm. Terry, Dorothy (Chateau Moderne, NYC, as. 'ready Broa. (Webstess Club, 8priegneld

rIC. Triter, Evelyn (Radio City Rainbow Room) NYC. nc.

V Valencia, Magee (Club Gaucho) New York, Valerie, Armand 'Tour, Casino, NYC, no Valley. Vivian (Club Normandler NYC, ne. Van, Bully Olen-rhea Gardens, Newport. R. ta. no

Valalda rConnie.• Inn, NYC. ne Valdes h Peggy 101. Diamond, Wheeling, W.

Va., ne. Vantrne 'Club LIdOl San Francisco ne. Vaallo & Yoanna 'Nixon, Pittsburgh, ne. Velar, Ester 'Roosevelt, NYC. h. Vert:1111ton. Irene. Cri. 'Lyric, Indiaturrolle. Verne, MIrlam 'Cocoanut Grover Boston, ne. Vernon. Pat 'hooky. Houor Covington. Ky.,

trestoff, noria (Preradisei NYC, re. Veto 1k Peel 'Babette, Atlantic City, cb. taro Tony 'Chateau Moderne, NYC, no

Villa. Cella 'Chateau Modern., NYC. no, Vincent. Remo (Lookout House) Covington,

Vine, Billy (Town Casino) NYC.. ne. Culler. Fermin (El Toreador, NYC. nc. Virgtn)a It Panchen 'Le Mirage , NYC, on, Von Loan. Count... Emily (Intgewatew Death) Obi, h.

Wag., Johnnie (boxy, Cleveland, t. Wahl. Dorothy .606 Club. Chi, m.

(See ROUTES OR papa 540)

32 The Flit!board Conducted by SIDNEY

VAUDEVILLE HARRIS—Csmeion/catmos to it'.134 Broad ,eay

June 27, 1936

Simon's Unit Producing Shows Next Season Trend

• RICO evinces interest—Ferde Simon starts on three unitt into which "names" can be spot-hooked—Vic Oliver and Frank Gaby to head the first two NEW YORK. June 20.—That unite will again predominate in the field next

Mann is definitely seen at this early stage by the fail that the Simon Agency is silverly making plans for the production of three allows doing go at the Interest evinced by RIÇO's booking department. Howeter, the shows will not be expensive productions but will he colorful little units of standard preportiona to which a "name" attraction can he fittecl very ensile Perde Slinott le supervining the pro-ductien nf the shows, hot will have standard producers staging them. It IS ex-

pected that RKO will be able to play them upwards of 10 weeks provided the booking oft., is eatunted with them The first unit Is scheduled to be reedy

by August 1, and will be needed by Vie Oliver. with Bete Berri doing the pro-duction. Second will tre•lumeled by Prank Oaby. with Maurice Golden doing the production. The third show is not .definitely aet yet. but Mie-' Berri is ex-pected to produce thin one almo. Phil Bloom and Phil (Milli, of the SIM.. Agency. will be assigned the rebows. to generally supervise for Simon. While Simon has done orcardonal assembling and producing of show:, this activity la rile first step- in setting up an actual production department In his agency.

Simon's plans calla for etaging a lut more of these shows during rinct season, provided the first three catch on. RKOS Interest is keen in view of the fart that It grta ita shows ready-made and that they are so pliable an to easily permit the insertion of a box-office attraction right into the shows. There will be reasonable outlay for scenery and ward-robe in the units, but itakle from the drowsing up they will more or lean be a careful grouping of etentlard acts.

Last reason there were several units of Stile type around and being booked into epota along with a -name,- one being a Bloom-Dave Store unit, One ¡four With You. It is not expected that RKO will again produce any of Ite own units such aa Polit. CoenWoes. nor will it shoW much Interest in expensive production


Loew Producing a Show for 2 Dates WASHINGTON. D. C.. June 20.—Cene

Ford. manna, of Lorwat Pox Theater here Is turning producer. aupervielne the building nf a vends. production to piny here and the Century. Baltimnre. the weeks of July 24 and 91. The unit la celled SPelo0 iii-re, and there Is • possibility of the circuit putting It Into ;several of its other spots if It clicks. Among those ert for the production

are Errait Truck. Chester Fredericka. Ralph Mutehewn. Lew Parker. June Carr. Madeline KJlien,, Dorothy Scott. Bar- Sherman Again Books Willow bara Towne and Alex Courtney. PHILADELPHIA. June 20. — Eddie

Sherman. local booker, has again been given the Willow Grove Park for his honks. He starts booking his SUnday nude shows there tomorrow.

Jersey WIPA Set for Giving Shows Outdoors CAMDEN. N. J. June 20.—A group Of

2/3 WPA vaudevillians in this vicinity have urf5rc4 theme/en:es to an experi-ment—New Jersey's first WPA Open-air theater circuit Project la slated to get under way July 6 Harry Horns super-visor for the project, said there can be no turning hack, the show will go on in spite of monquitoes, gnats and cloudy eh ins

TrUcka are the keystone upon which this new venture will be hunt, tram.-porting stage crews, actora, scenery and. lights. an well as dressing rooms. "OM worries end there... Horne said. 'The seating, fencing and rain cheeks are up to the sponsors. They can either charge admission or not. But we want it un-derstood that during the months of July. August and part of September we want to play outdoors We will play in-doors only In cases of emergency...

Grand Rapide' Summer Shows GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.. June 20.—

Ramona Theater. summer house here, opened Its season with five acts of %suck. The act of Burns. Moriarty and Dell. scheduled to appear on the open-ing bill, was forced to cancel because of an auto accident while en route. They were replaced by the Seven Morgan Dancers. Other ecte were Estelle New and Company. Orant Family. Al Mardo, Delano Dell and Hub,. Dyer and Com-pany.

Shilling C.ase Set for Sept.10 NEW YORK, June 20,—Bill

agent, appeared in Special Saoulons Court today to plead on the charge of operating a theatrical employment agency without a license., License Department filing s new information after the crier was Mann:wed last week. Shilling pleaded not guilty and the court net the hearing for September 10.

Marcus Show li Still Peeking 'Em in Mexico cmcsoo. June 20.—Cemmunlextione

from Mexico City state that the A B Marcus Show is still packing them in at the new Teatro title, where they Opened In April. The shrive was origi-nally signed for four weeks, but from present indications will stey in Mexico at least four month». Present plane call for three more weeks In Mexico City and then • week each In the Mitre of Pueble. Ouadalahera. Torreon and Monterey be-fore returning to the Cnited Stater+,

Abe Marcus has revised his show and it is now a combination of numbers (nun Leek- Puree and Strut Continen-tal, with four new numbers added, One of then Is • Met:lean F0 ,11 au,. produced by Pedro Robin. who put on the Mexi-can number. in Rio Rife It le said to be one of the mold colorful license, ever presented in any IlexIf0 City theater.

Leon Errol To Head Unit

LOS ANGELES June 20.—Penchon Fe Marro in lining up talent for • unit to be built around and produced by Leon. Errol. Show Is expected to get started Aligned la at the Paramount Theater bees.

Roxy Sq. Gfirdert HEW YORK. Jane 20.—Theater, he

thong amateur nights, bank nights, etc., but Hue Rosy accidentally happened on a new one Tuesday, ..slugging Roght at the opening of Senor Wsnce's act, two 'emotes started A McCoy sluglest and later went in for wrestling. Altor they w‘re tent to their corner, two gent, went at It up on the forst tier. Might have been the anienate• cartoon ot a dog and cat tight that started it all.

R1(1) Deal on Grand Opera House Site NEW YORK. June 20.—RKO la only

waiting oll the final papos in its deal for leasing a clew theater on the site nf the present Grand Opera Mouise. Deal. tinder way for e long lathe, ratio for the ownera of the property to tear dawn the present theater and erect a nevi one to be leased by 1940. The final- papera nrr being worked on

now and, provided there is no hitch, work on the project will be able to start in the next several wocke. The Grand Opera Ihniee is at vaude

lentimark here. using R combinat ion policy /successfully for many years. To-morrow night the house dropes its %etude as a mummer move.

Frank Belmont Sets Flock Of Acts for Dates Abroad NEW YOI1K. June 20.—lerank Bel-

mont, European agent, has lined up a number of bookings for spots abroad. lie has get Boyce, Humphrey and Going to open July 20 at the Metropolitan Theater, London: Ray Wittman to open August 17 In London: Arlt, Lewis and Peggy Ann's to open in Eteptembi•r on a Stoll Circuit tour. and Manche Kay md George Rose for a London revue In September under the direction of Pet

Ara. Other European bookings for Auguste

September and October openings Irarlude Herbert Paola and Maxie Furman. Stan-ley and Kaplan: Ruloff. Victor and Ta-man.): Charles. and Marlon Sennett. Hal Abbott and Jean Tanner. Carl Ritchie and Adrian Slaters Bob Fisher. Paul Lavaree and Brothers. Pour ROheyn. Len-ter and Daniels: Hayes, lialg awl Howe. and Paul Mull.

Interest in French Shows NEW YORK. June 20.—FIKO her deals

ou for booking MO Prends Casino nhows ?Wire Prtri trnne and Potiec de Femme». The circlet plane to tree the former show in BOMOIS in September. Dratle are lilao on with the Interstate Ciro/tit for the shows.

Boston To Resume Sept. 3 BOESTON, June 20.—The RICO Horton

Theater is expected to rreunte Its stage shows September 3. following Its Rummer policy of straight pictures. It is re-ported that the circuit will appropriate 525.000 to make necessary stage altera-tions.

Auto Firm's Vaude Plans

• Chevrolet's f 'ly show in White Plains — General Motors to take it over

NEW YORK, June 20.--Staging its first Eastern Soude show for its em-ployees Tmedity night in White Plains. the ChetwrIet firm. under ite plan of putting on -family shown." put it over en etreceeefully that General Motors has made elaborate plans for *loader enter-tainment for next seaman. The eihowa will carry the General Motor« banner instead of just Chevrolet and will ho played in every town in which the Bon hart s factory. TI‘gre is a possibility of lining up more thin 40 days with the firm willing to appropriate in the neigh-borhood of $100,000 for this purpose.

The Chevrolet PISIlltly Show Tuesday night was staged at the Westchester County Center and played to 6.500 peo• ple. Show was handled by thy Musa/ Corporation or America, with Maree Sacks taking charge. On the show were Lester Cole and Rangers Carl Ronny and Pete. Roy Eimerk, Jack Powell, Malty Small. Stan IKataneeh, Stuart Morgan

pneenntc..ersarre njrnenkn'a. nnriCrrie painayd-rdriptmhe-

l'h1711.110 the White Plain" show wan tho first. to he staged by Chevrolet In the East, relmiler shown have bert1 staged in the Midas/4 nod South recently, three shown being honked out of MCA's Chi-cago office. It Is the Don's idea to put these shows on for the etripluyeert along a general policy of keeping them happy

Next season's plans are expected to be more elaborate, since it is iincleretood that Eleneral Motors will stage the ethown itself for all of its companies and build one big ehow to tour the entire rotin-try. In town where large auditoriums are available the unit will be able to make cm-night stands. Mid in the majority of towns it will bn necessary for two-nIcht stands ttbaccomnuslate all the employees.

Friars Near Rocks in Drifting Along Without Active Leadership NEW YORK. June 20.—With general George Jrnesel is the club's abbot.

reports being circulated that the 'Priam' while Rudy Vallee and Jack Benny aro Club le on its last legx, with likelihood dean and prior. respectively. Either one of its folding up. a checkup with inside of three three ottiners carries the rot-sources reveala that the condition lus solo- thority of the club and to them le left ly due to lack of active leadership. It thn nominating of officer's to he ratified is understood that the elutes unhealthy by the governing board lis pear/tit-ally present condition is nothing financial. all matter, it is no-es-airy for either of but attributed to a general lack of in- three officer, to make the proposals. tereat among the membership except for which the governing board muet act the 40 or SO who are remilar visitors upon. to the elubhoum In the Hollyeneed Thee- In view of the inability of the main ter Building, of ficere to be present and the absence The main °Meer, are either In Holly. of quorums at governing board meet-

wood or busy working in the Emit so that higa. certain heennenerV matter , nave been they cannot get cur und to the activities neglected. There is an opportnnity to of the club, and the hoard of governors rent out. the restaurant toner-40ot, and have for the most part been unable to certain alterations are neceaaary, all of lint it quorum together to hold important which le dormant because nobigly Is meeting. In thin respect the nominee- taking the authority to approve them. Ina meeting did not take place as was There Is a ponalbility that the club's scheduled five weeks ago and It la not lawyer.% might arrive at some aolutien experted that the organisations annual by July I. delegating authority to some-meeting will take place this Friday. one who is avallable at all times.

Actors' Kitchen Sponsors Lodge NEW YORK. June 20.—The Actors'

Kitchen la sponsoring Co-Operative Lodge near Broadway. a hirer build-ing fitted up in the fashinn of a club, where young men and women ma, live comfortably and dreently by paylm less than 6.5 a week for tsgrord end lodg-ing In addition to helping the manage-ment In varlets me-emery tuts.

The financial erraneement la by nu means Yield and those able to pay more will be required to devote leas of their tinte to the upkeep of the nretnisee It la expected that this flexible plan will satiety people of quite varied financial conditions. An active social life with weekly dance% and entertainment dur-ing both glimmer and winter will be a regular feature. The feasibility of the plan Ilea in lb,

feet that there are only four paid till. plovers on the prendsee end that rent is paid for either building Or grounds.

Sul t Marx Brothers yonv YORK. 31tor 20.—Marx Brothers

are being submitted to the circuits for per.enal eppeeraneen by the Morris Aeency, the trio planning to rome east. Idea of the personals la to get eurilenee tryout, of the material for nun nee: picture Day tat the Race&

Moore Benefit Yields $700'

CHICACIO. June 20.—As a reault tile theetrical Mehl. staged for her ben,-fit, Mrs Percy Moore. wile of the late vendeellie agent, will be presented Witt, around 6700. The benefit, epremored by all the vaudeville agents here. we staged at the Michelob Inn this wect and wan en evening of good fellewahle.

June 27, 1936 VAUDEVILLE REVIEWS The Billboard 33

Loew's State, New York (Reeteired Friday Even•rig, June Id)

it. Milton Berle week nt the State. An all-Berle allow. and thetas eniertalti-ment. The picture is Trouble jor Tien, but the box afire can depend on Berle. Thin house is really hi, fret love—he started hie climbing from here. han is

dednate following end knows every littlo whim of this particular audience. Ilea No. 1 re-aural:in of today, and that de-nse contradiction, for no other (iii:. maker could hold down a singe for practically a full TO minutes, keep the show moving at a fast clip and nnti laughs for every one of his gags, show-manly tricks tend no has many) and unreal intimacy.

Really an all-Berle show, for hen working with a abort cast. the other principals being Georgic Tam., Doria Rhodes. Jack Guilford. Ralph Sanford nnd Midis Ballet. And geeing Berle doing thin :Mow you can actaalty pic-ture hint single-handedly entertaining an audience for an hour or so. He's got the energy, the material and the urge to please. However, In taking over the reins of this whole show Ile doesn't target his co-wm kers, for he builds them Up RS fete marga can, even tho their talent doesn't call for much building up.

Timms is the opener of the specialties. following a terrine wrirmup by Berle of an endless stream of gags, an applause protest coming at hle boaoff. The Midis Ballet (12 girls from the Metropolitan. Breton) were here recently and they at nicely into this show . They do a hotcha mutlne preceding Tam., who is on for three sterling numbers and a bit of clowning with Berle. Tani -i kinks swell. h.! la smell graceful atyle and his taps •nd routine« ore the clam. Audience liked him eery much. Doris Rhodes is a lovely brunet. re-

freshing in appearance and performance. To her falls the lut of getting most of gene's tomfoolery, hut it's hilarious and the Mlle well Mr 111m. On her own she does a grand sinalng job. showing beautiful voice, ideal for pops. which rile applies to two cleverly arranged num-bers. She, too, found n big hand await-ing her. More Eerie in an amusing parody on

a pop tune, then the Elida girls in a capably executed ninderniatic routine with swell liehring and finally Milt's protege, Jack Guilford. This Bronklyn lad is a likable :filmic whose charac-terizations, are accompanied by facial expressions that renemhle the one im-personated. He does a grand Harry Janet-in. Vence and Jimmy Walker, and he, too, comes ill for rs large aliare of Berle% kidding. The goofy -Venice'. bit, featuring

Ralph Sanford as a derelict. IN an en-joyable piece of noneenar with Sanfaerd. Peale and Guilford doing a great job of it. Pulled a lot of laughs and then from here on Berle held down the fort Milne with XOnte align. n comedy medley •ral n 1•111Ca, SU merle in Yours Taub/ Is Truly Your, The house rocked with apple...a at this. No doubt that he could come right back here in n week Oren find repeat his same gurreati—thatte the kind of a comedian he la.


State-Lake, Chicago (»Viewed Saturday Afternoon, June 20)

(First Show)

Present array of acta has been woven lato a production labeled the Strrte-Lake follies. /t is the arrond edition this Year and Charles NiggeMeyer has done a teed job In arranging the allow. Doro-thy Nutter also deserves a bow for her Consentent good work in *producing the dance number,. Opening had the State-Lake Sweet-

heart,. augmented to ig glean, doing the State-Lake Stomp before a State erect OM>. Charles and Helen Stone followed with an off-rhythm tap to Trees and crew a good hand for their tap routine to the poet and peanut! overture. Benny Burt, formerly of Burt nrul

Ikrbee, put over enme comedy talk in the ffreond aped with the atedatence of Verne Buck as straight man. Chatter

done in Creek dialect a It, Clearer Chrot and got the laughs Burk also (antiabuted a violin snlo in the act. Nice band.

Maxine Doyle. film actress, wris handl-txPPed by a bad cold end did her two .»).e. in It True What They Say Annul farm/ and She Shall Fla, Music. under difficoltirs. The niedienee bore with her, however. and sent her off to good ap. Maine

Pst Kennedy came on to a hand and "nil All My Life and The Glory of Lot'«

Majestic, Brook 1) (Reviewed Tuesday Evening, June IS)


The All-Amerfran StinstreLs. the WPA's first vaude production housed in a theater, opened auspiciously, with the patrons getting an array of wing, dance and comedy talent of auch quality that the arlermalon of 15 arid 25 cents was laughable, lasting a good two hours and IS antmaton, the show was divided Into three parts the mid-piece being a regulation amide bill or four acts com-prising Bert Earle. banjoist; Jimmy Kelo, knockabout and dancing comic; Sam Lewis and Harry Beiseley, two nutty gag men with the familiar acheern-huremelm" rcutine. end Sour Ares ct Rhythm, male VOCIallate accompanying themselves with guitars.

Thy two-part minstrel show with a cast of 00, atap.ed by Wesley Fraser, with meta h, Ciron Throckmortun and continues by Alexander Jones. Was long, last moving and a triumph in variety entertainment. Two expert interlocutors. Billy Gould and Harry Resales.. emared with ability and appropriate modesty in preweeting the principals and occasionally feeding the end men who supplied the gags, namely Prank Du Ball, Al Edwards, Nick Mefferd end Itifirlto Maxie, Their Chatter was reminiscent of another day. as was the whole black-fare per-formance, but the studied simplicity of the script supplied an endleas emcee...on of excruciatingly funny nonsense.

The enigma had no awing pretensions and knocked the audience for a loop with sweet renditions of old-time ballade. Jimmy Burnt, with Stine' Threads Among the Gold, scored a allow-stop. and William Renaucl'n Untar on the Range, tau Miller's There'll De No South and Ward Barton's yodel medley were ap-plauded to the echo. Eddie Nelson in an impersonation of Eddie Leaman' and Harold Kennedy's hoofing a la °tome Primrose evoked a terrific round of ap-plause, whistling and stamping of feet.

Bert Earlras contributions on the banjo were a classical piece and a medley including such Negro tune. as Old Black Joe, Massa'., In the Cold Ground, etc., finally winding up with The Mocking Bird and Auld Lang Sync, Lewis and Beaaley's act is well known, comprising assorted hoke topped off with the shorter of the two men breaking out occasionally in a nutty St. Vitne-tike dance. Four Aces scored terrifically with the old tunes Don't Let 'Your Lore Co Wrong, In My Ganetoth, Lights Out, Sweetheart and imitations or various crooners. They Managed to beg off by diverting the audience'. interest to tho ancient bars fiddler in the pit who provided a few laughs.

Concluding item was called Evening en the Lever, n beautiful production hit reminincent of Showboat, and presented the nimetrels ire an old-fashioned Negro revival scene featuring some exquisite horseplay and shouting by es couple of crup-sluxating deacons.

A Federal Music Project orchestra of 15 pieces, conducted by Flenlamin Roberts. aided considerably in making the evening a marvelous night's enter-tainment. Credits not previously mentioned incitado Sidney Williams. stage manager. and William Mifflin, asaintant stage manager. The production of the week beginning June 22 will be a musical, Clap hands, and six variety acta.


In his usual sweet tenor style. Pat has improved greatly in stage deportment anal hoe moro animation there formerly. Scored easily. Lou Seltien and Frank Entier, dreristal

in evening clothe, put oser a pienmsat ecrelon of eccentric danCing. Comedy acrobatics and falls and handstands In this spot and received a good hand for their efforts. A MLsidefelppl River scene had the

State-take sweethearts doing a neat tap with a realtum-effect fined, and then Dorothy Joy did a nifty toe tap with splits that was great. Tesa Carden, in her original Aunt Jemima character, socked noes anima. aln011e which Was Truckfria which she danced with the chorus. A lilt. Don Cunimince. In the next-to-clos-

ing spot, entertained with humors:Ma analog, stories, rope spinning and danc-ing and took three bows and a heave hand. The finale had Kennedy »tinging as the Chortle entered and did a high--kick routine and brought back Chart,. and licito stone for a rumba and Max-ine Doyle eind Verne Ruck for a short dance as glide posed in the background.


Stanley, Pittsburgh (Rartifewed Friday Afternoon, June 19)

(First Show)

TED LEWIS UNIT Ted fewls, medicine man of the blues

and box office, is presenting a chow at the Stanley this week that rates among the best he has ever offered. The big home at this viewing mobbed him with applause. approving a unit that travels with lightning speed and dtahm out only the cream of every number. As expected and desired. Ted la the wholo altos, He is given excellent support. however, by his clever band and some talented specialty workers.

Bill opens with Music Is Magic, pre-senting n sample of the ,well work his boys are capable of doing. Ted has the customers in the proper mood by this time to listen to nome of huis hot clarinet tooting. Next on is Edna Strong, shapely and

unusually clever tap dancer. Present+ neat routine to tune of You're

Theft/. The Radio Aces add vocal spice Etirmai leek nuenber comes later In the bill when she Mpg out is difficult Laths tune with amusing ease. Ted next prer•nte There'. Always a

Happy Ending in hin typical masterful style, followed by Cluirlie (Snowball Whittier. who stooges tor the comedian mid exit. with an amusing DUrattie takeoff.

Neal., hip-shaking strutter, comas on

for a mild dance to tune of Treasure' Island. With Ted out of eight and Use gal not particularly talented, Ode is the only letdown in the chow. The affair immediately comes back to its former self, however. with on excellent ar-rangement of Dark Sr'. the band and the Radio Aces rating the heavy mitting for a great job. This makes way for Edna Strong% Latin tap routine, fol-lowed hr the HI-Hatters, three nimble-footed chaps, who soft shot to music of Sweet Sue. Clore with intricate com-petitive steps. Big hand.

The nermter of top hat, cane and clarinet. returns for a neat arrmigernent of 8, air el These Days ftnd the catchy ral the Lender of the band number, Next In order came Ted's two old favorites, which had no trouble stopping the show: When My Pew syntles at Me and Down the Old Church . Aisle. The

musical wedding Ill the latter offering is still as engaging an ever.

Snowball returne for the famed shadow number. with Ted and the Ilia Hatters following with their "Three-In-One" strut that it n welcome novelty. Nestle, returns with her version of The Lady tea Red before the finale whiell. na initial, let awarded to the Peanuts num-ber. Ted serves the front-rowers with generous handlule, while his girl ape-cleft). dancera Strut to some hot amide.. A mild riot The screen has IL G. Wells' Things to

Coate (London Film). but it is Tod lewle who will be ',moat/able for the Stanley's bent buninem In weeks.


Earle, Philadelphia (genie/red Priest, Afternoon, June 19)

(First Show) Philadelphia has brou hungry for a

good allude layout and the Democratic conventioneers coining in called for a treat. Thin is one of the Larlebs best bilis of the season and should bring in a topnotch grms. F11.6t show lied them standing In the ablen. Has been five years since Phil Baker tickled the fancies of local vaude devotees and, with tho ether rep nInce, his return wins more than welcome.

The Jim Wong Troupe. five Oriental», who go in for pretzel bending with their bodies, stir tip plenty interest an a starter. Boys know their stuff and their arms and legs bear them out. One get. In a couple of hake ut tapping. making It count when he throws one leg around his neck. A trio do some Mee center-cloning while balancing platee with bamboo sticks. In all a nicely refunded turn and more interesting than the metal curtain raiser.

linker's Beetle, Ward' Wilson. deuces. Treats- the cuetomera to some clever Imitations of etherttee. hest Isiong his lakeon on the Amos and Andy lamily and Ben Bernie. Al.> dots a Wirichell. ticatke Carter, and with the Democrata on hand an Al Smith and Roosevelt. Unknown in Rime parts, his Beetle role kept a secret, mob want figure, him out as a better-than-an-so mimic and gives him a nice sendoff. King and the Sinclair Twins, trio of

smooth hoofers, and sweet on the spina. follow. Open« with man and twin maids doing a mock rhythm stamp, chap con-tinuing solo niter gals skip. TW I MS trot out again after a clothen change for more rhythm tapping. and Ring joins them foe the getaway and heavy applatuse.

Billed as an extra added attraction. Joe (The Last Roundup) Morrison regia-tern next. Garbed nicely in a white flannel suit, Morrison han them begging with Glory el Love, When Day Is Dorse and a medley of cowboy pops, closing




ROCKEFELLER CENTER 1270 Sixth Avenue, 28th Floor, Radio City, N. Y.

Phones: Circle 7-2160-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-70


TIREATULS 1270 St,e.ctt-t AVE'. final" city, New 'York

34 The Billboard VAUDEVILLE REVIEWS Jame 27,, 1936

With the Rnitnitire. Encored with Irtsir Eyes Are smiling and made it tough for the average act to Milne:. But it's Baker on next and Morrison gave him a nice buildup. rather the none° expected an-other song.

Phil Baker hae his milto gang along. Bottle (Harry McNaughtnn) and Agnes Moorehead, and many mireit have gilessed the off-stage Beetle was Ward WU/ion. Surpriee in that Baker didn't open in front nf a gaeoline tank, nor did bis air eponeor conte in for a cingle plug. Of Course, the squeeze box was there. Comedy followed along the same lines as his radio scripts and every crack in the crossfire went big guns in this house. Baker pulled all his tricker and quips out of the bag and each reunted for plenty of hand noise on the end. Closed his 20-minute eeesion by putting the accordion to work with Ravel's Bolero and mopping up a happy audi-ence.

Show was hitting 05 minute. when Clanght. Pie is Forgotten Faces. ORO.

Radio City Music Hall, N. Y. (Reviewed Thursday Evening. June 18)

Business very good at this last show opening day. speaking well for Jean lier-shelter starring film. Sins of Man. A flim that was enjoyed by the audience. which also found favor with the met of the show. Stage show in is lively and taste-fully presented 12-minute layout. In-cluding the overture, and, in addition to the usual newsreel rind console work, there are two very entertaining abort Subjecta.

The stage show la entitled At Cue, fea-turing the symphony orchestra on stage. from where it handles its overture eignment. With Erne Ranee doing mas-terfully with the baton, the ork do. a brilliant job of Sarasateat Ziectinerwereen. FeAttire of the overture is Jacques Owier1ln, who noire, with beautiful violin playing. Audience aecorclod the number • heavy reception. ODer a Cigaret is a beetitlful number,

the highlight of the show. Opener Is worked in front of the ork. presenting Dudley and Cole In a very effective set-ting Before a triangle, square and circle. lighted in primary colors the dance team do a clever modernistic routine In awing tempo. Follows with Robert Weeds, singing Love Is Like a Cigaret. ami he aine, It Met beautifully. He really has a swell voice. 8112e Fla tn., is a part of the same number, showing off the art Reckett. In sort of Rhunibuieh dress. Of course. they do their usual outstanding puce-ism for which the au-

ilri..fTPHNE I Stu. v.". IC0( M. I rtvihei


Tainsestoos• flaw of Reiriars and Cole,

RIMAC'S Muchachos d In C. S. Cothran% ..FOLLOW THS SUN."


o-... Igal0 albs.. Clr• Rena, Vora OM. can Knew.. Leaden.




arena. ...err ewes., 0.0.. or In. Age JACK SAI.014(111A,

Ahwra Chicago




diente. also as turial, applauded thrill

heavily. Shelley fonown. rind it is the glee club's

inning with Weede again getting solo npotting. The group first handles Syfela and then into the long unheard On the Road to Mandalay. Weede gets hie work-out in the letter. A lovely «eaten, group singing by grand voices.

Closer is Slavonic Rhapsody, is ballet splurge, highlighted by Nichol. Duke, With Hilda Eckler, Becle Helaine. Raya Keene and 'Thalia Mura piso singled out for individual attention. In addition. there are the ballet girlis and boys. It le a colorful nhlair end interesting enough. yet it is overshadowed by the brilliance of the vcigeret" number.


Paramount, New York (Reviewed Wednesday Reciting, June 17) Stage show to accompany W. C. Fields

in Peppy reasmte of Cievie Nelson, with his orchestra: Harriett 111111.d. one of the most personable lady singers In the pep field. and Caos Dailey. who has some-thing different, and, on the evening caught, lifted the show out of a rdniad path into wham proportion. Nelson and his frau put on a pleneant show and ingratiating. if not in the aocko propor-tions Of one or two of their prosier:tenors in the Paramount's band parade. Bulk of the show conalste of the leader

and MISS Hilliard, who. as umunl. looks grand, and, singe effectively. Both have unusually pleasing pereonalltire and combined, make up a better titan aver-age team. Trouble with their allow. however, is that they lack a really punchy number, nearest approach to that being the second tune on the hill. an effective handling of is It True What They Say Abuut Bute and which would serve much better further down In the routine. Otherwise they sing tunes one might expect them to handle. pills it comedy number. Mise that tune is from her picture Follow the Fleet, Get Thee Behind Me Satan. We a good number and elle does it very well.

bieleonal bend on the stage serme to lack sprite of the style which in-com-panies his radio work on the Plelech-marinas Bakers' program (Ripley) Sunday nights. This may have been due to a difference In balance or because more men are used on the air. Specifically. Mho applied to the rhythm section and a been sax heard over the air that helps give the band a distinct touch.

Hard to describe Miss Droley's work. but it's a barrel of fun. Her number is Spreadin' Rh,tlitri 4,011 nd and what elm doesn't do isn't in the books. Grotesque postulations maneuvers, twisting her hair around her noodle, mugging and what net, but all done stylistically and for an excellent reception. She hart to beg off. A lase who will go a long way. At the end of the supper allowing of

the picture. hotine was filled end there were standees in all quarters


Harding Chicago (Reviewed Friday Afternoon, June 19) Thin is one of the two remaining

neighborhood [wanes that still run stage show. thruout the week. Present policy in four acts spilt-week. llouee le on the Bolaben as Kate Circuit and is booked by Dick Bergen out of thc Theater Book-ing Office. Pour McNeill. Sleters, attired lit neat

pajama dressier,. opened the bill with a bit of harmony singing. followed by one of the girls doing a high-kirk routine with some acrobatics from top of the piano. All were on next with two routines that combined musical comedy characterletics, tap and acrobatic work with eeveral Interesting formations. Cloud hand Kadet Kozak, son of a local radio

pianist, who spends his ericaLlona from military reclesol each year in Mayen; a few vaudeville datos, proved a clever youngster on the xylophone. Opening with an overture. he then played Relieve Me If AU There Endearing young charnis and a medley of popular tunes, being equally at rm. with two or four mallete. Cloned with Tiger Rag on a trap drum eutflt and the applause ran into the next act. Nowt Wyse Jr., assisted by June Worth.

held the next-to-closing spot. Rees opened with some talk, comedy falls and fast dancing and yra, joined by June Worth for some more lurk and comedy business She is weak en lines. hut con-tributed a neat acrobatic dance. Act clewed with Sock stepping by Wyse to a very good hand. A little reroutining wonld help a lot. Toynnn Troupe. five Japaresee men and

two women, did a fast lisle of Engle,:

work; one of tlie girls did an unusually Food bac Icheild handkerchief pickup and our of the men did note, contortienistie balancing on a pedestal that was very good. Act is bucked by a beautiful drop and is nicely mounted. Drew A big build.


Grand Opera House, N.Y. (Reviewed Thursday Evening, June 18)

Quite a gond houro witnessed the sup-per show here, althre the bill was just ordinary—en indication that the combo penes, ;Mould erierly hold up during the summer. Den. *etude. Um. this Sunday bight

Opener was Three Kane., two male hero and stunt workers, and a girl who handles the props. Most of the wnrk la done on top of a metal ermine and includes turcs, spins, hanging with one leg thru a rope. etc. The understender balances the whole business. sometimee Of Ills forehead and again with his lego while lying down. Also a bit of Risley. Perfunctory Emplane,

Deuce spot to Billy Walsh and Al nib-ble, who open with Webb heckling his partner from a box. Crimea down, MU, ¡ternss the stage in a screwy outrit rind tardenehes some funny gags to lailsbieS feeds. Latter Sings two songe. It's a Sin To Tell a Lie and When I Grow Too Old To Dream. doing just fate Walah'e routines hold up the act, hin best bit bring an eccentric dance interspersed with a few impersonations. Marcy Brethere and Beatrice. two

young fellows and n girl in a first knock. about comedy and hoofing turn. Act hen plenty of fails, tapping and hoke p.-turing,. with the girl excelling in the letter. Audience like the trio very much. calling Mr an encore in which the boys twisted the gal into some tricky con. Centeno.

Pour-girl, two-men dance flash, Rus-sian Retell, starts nicely with two girls and a man In a Ruardari style tap dance. followed by is third girl In an arro num-ber. Mixed team on next, the girl sing-ing Rhythm in My Nursey Rhymes and going thrii a muffle of motions very apropos in burlesque houses. The man follow, with a neat tapping routine, fast and intricate. and later ram: on to do another bit to Let Yourself Go. A Rue. elan love dance by a mixed tram pre-ceded the finales sending the act off to generous applause.

Pit were Rig Brown Eyes and Pride of the Marines. PAUL ACKERMAN.

Paris Bills (Week of June 5)

With the closing of the Empire Music liad lust week, the city is temporarily left without big-time entitle as the ARC is running a revue in 'shish there are only two nets, the excellent dance team or Zolga and Rachel and n neweemer. Jacques Teti. who offers a series of sport parcel!. Sherkot," which are clever but not strong enough for big time. Marie Dub.. Michel BIllion and Mairricet put the revue aCIMEW in great style.

The Europeen has a good program headed by Charlotte Dutivirs. singer. and Including Lemercier, blackface cOrne-dlan; the Serenos, acrobats, and never. crooners. Bonin," has the popular crooner Rada Caire and n tah revue.

Paramount offering grind stage show with Stetson, Juggler, and Maurice and May, novel hoke act. Cleurnont Pale. has Loulou Hegoburu and Pierre Min-gand. nong and dance team, and the Hex has Enrique Dterepoloar eouth Amer lean hand_ Al Brown, colored righter, in singing and dancing at the Caprice Viennois. Montmartre,

Palais rt•Ete, Bruseels, continues to run good yawls ribose's Present bill has Peggy Tay/or adagio quartet. Lea Kremer end several Other good nete. The Al-hambra alms running valido, hut offer-ing weak fare.

Howard Nichols, American Meer Jug-gler. Is at the Valencia. and Manning and Clam, wire walkers. are at the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen.

Berl in Bills ('400th of June)

deals han two of the Colleen° acts as the headline features. It curly wants Con Collenno on the program to make It old home week for this noted family. Maurice Colleano and Company click arnetatIOnslly with their Colorf111 and ex. lilting melange of acrobatics, comedy and dancing, and the act move, at a great pace without a single letup. MauriCe's double twist enrnerenult from floor to floor le a dandy rand hae the patrons gasping. Winifred Collenno mates her debut with a daring and graceful performance on the trapeer and proves n big hit. Excellent minthers are Tommy Dale. youthful dancing %grinned; the Derry:Ora Ballet. with plenty of life

(See REVIEWS on opposite Pagel



Henri Ruth Basil



Fort Lee, N. J.

Back on Broadway

ENCES Fo .ro• MON: .'11,11.¡:,11

Held Over Second Week, Rosy

Representative—WILLIAM MORRIS OFFICE Manager— C. J. AUSTIN Direction-AL ALLEN


Theater, New York

June 27, 1936

Theater Prizes Out in Mich.

VAUDEVILLE 'The Billboard 35

DETROIT. Junet 20.— Supreme Court st Lansing last week upheld an lupine-tine granted in Detroit Recorders' Court sgsinet the management of the Colonial arel Majestic Theaters operated by Jamb Schreiber. The derision eetith-Deed the ruling that theater tickets which also give patione chances to win prizes itre ertunlly lottery tickets, aitho the patron pay., only his theater ad-session, and as such are illeeal 'nie court contended that the distribution a prizes will attract persone who other. wise would not attend the th-ater

With that question decided another perplexing problem crops up in the contention of Morrie Clarvett, attorney for the Rosy and Mayfair theaters. that an auctioneer may huy from an tudlenee as he is giving nothing away. and that if an auctioneer steps onto the stage of a theater end hide $20 for a shirt a member of the audience is searing nr 08 for a lock of a woman's hale that such a suint cannot be called a lottery. The law broke are me being diligently studied by hoth Oamett and Bernard A. tangelo. chief assistent prosecutor, to determine what the conetrurtien of the nurtioneering laws is and whether theaters, may legally conduct auction..

Be names-meet of Tingein and Oarvett Wednesday the auctions were held

to he outlawed and snigouncement was ,,.de that they would be discontinued. Le-al ehowmen are wondering what step the Schreiber theaters will take next in the matter.

El Paso Pitmen Settle: Stage Shows Back in Fall

Et, PASO. June 20. -Following is new aperment with El Pnen [nerd 466 of the etueiciane• protective Association, otbriale of the Texas Consolidated The-aters announced today that hi-weekly nolevilte unite will be resumed at the Plata Theater starting next fall.

Wilbur Cushman Circuit units played the spot until early riming. when dif-ferences over number of men to he hired from the local to supplement touring me, bande caused cancellation of the future bookings. Freddy Meek's Marvels, Curhienn unit, played the Plans this week.

The touring shows made it decided hit La II peso but theater officials said in-cense in buelnees was nnt enough to hire the number of men demanded. The blowup cange when the Sail eerie Opera Company played the Plaza and the local demanded eight men in eel-deem to the 18 carried by the San Carle company. Present arrangement bier the local be aUpply flve to auement the seven usually carried by Cushman tines

AF To Hold Meeting in Chi CHICAGO. June 20.—Ralph White-

head, executive secretary Of the Amer , km Federation of Actors. Le in Chicago for the purpose of making a survey of Meditione here and devising intense to better them

A meeting of the AFA han been ra-nee-I for Tuneclay from 2 to 6 pm In the Cameo Room of the Morrison Hotel Aeieng the members of the aumciation who will be preeent 11t this meeting Mr Sophie Tucker. Otte Van, Jed Beable Clues Magley. Ted Neely. Chic t°ne• Belly Rand and Joe Novelle.

Kunsky Changes Name DETROIT. June 20.—By recent action

ef the Wayne County Probate Court John If Kunskv, veteran theater man and tone, operator with George W Trendle Of crierai thenters here. hoe been given Pormeston to change his name to John B King.

e A, a result the Kunekv-Trendle me...Ice/Mae Corporation. which °per-In.'s Station WXYZ. Detroit, and the Bleb:gun ratite network. consisting of 'et, statism), in the state, will become 'I. KleR-Trendle Breadcasting Corpora-tion, the same °Meer, being retained

Vati?eoille 72oies CHIQUITA ALCAZAR, dancer, who re-

cently appeared in pictures. Joins Joe SIWILI In Bildgeport. Conn, forming the new ballroom dance team of Burns and Chiquita. Burns was formerly of the team of Burns and Newland.

STAN KAVANAGH left New York thin lard week-end for the Coast to start on his four-week contract. for Peratnount'e Rig liroadrast picture. . . . He'll return to appear in Shubert's Ziegfeld Follies. • . . Perde Simon is echeduled to leave on a plane trip the middle of this week for the Coast to clinch some picture deal. In the making.. Cabin Hide go to the Lyric, Indianapolis. week of July 10 and then are booked for a week at the Million-Donee Pier. Atlantic City, starting July 24. . . Morris Agency la also working on a serie.s of one-night stands, fer them thru the East. . . . Allied Theatrical Division of the Ton-kawa Democratic Club in New York will move to lis new clubhouse July 1 rit 108 West 45th street.... OrgeniratIon, corn-pricing '700 members. will hold its see. find gala frolic tins Friday night ut the Delano Hotel.

JERHY MANN. on the Hammerstein Music Hall air program Monday night, dropped his mimicry end went in for straight comedy. . . Heel got several sir programs In the making. . . DeQuincey and Lewis. current at Ben Mardetra Riviera in New Jersey, are on their third enemerestive newer.» at that spot. . . . Seim% Marlowe opened Tues-day nt the Astor Roof, along With the Hal Kemp Ork ... Harry Noiwomt plens hitting the road in his brand-new car

for bin month of July vacation.... No further than Chirago. tho. . . Harry Lang, formerly Lang and Haley and Lang and Squirts. Is now busy cinIng character roles on the air, wading ttum a mesa of dialects.

LOEW HAS IttgOKeee a Major Bowes unit for ite Hettinger° and Washington houses the weeks of July 10 and 17. respectively. . . Estelle and LeRoy are not going abroad with the French Ca-sino's Folies de Semmes allow, but wtli remain in New York to play data ar-ranged by Mlles ingelle.

THE BEBE BARRI line of 18 girla has gone from the Stanley Theater, Pitts-burgh, to the Earle. Wnehington, to he followed by n week at the »trite Phila-delphia. end then a return engagement of three weeks at the Palace. Cleveland. . . . With Little Jackie Heller, Pitt.. burgh boy, headlining last week's show at the Stanley Theater there, it wae a real "Heller Week." . . . Sister Shirley Helier. who sings in a near-by cafe. dropped in every so often to sting a ditty or ',gm. and Mother Heller. ru con Meet visitor backstage, made many 'per-sonal appearances." during Jacklrea act.

ED SHERMAN'S Hollywood Ingenues 24-piece girl band. opened Wednesday at Orpheum. Loa Angeles. . . . Platinum Wanda Follies and O'Connor Family aleo on the bill. Acts lined up for Sierra Madre (Calif I Milk Irtind Satur-day include Leon Errol, Shaw and Ice. Billy and Den Newell, Jim Burke. Bob eltarphy. C. Sharp Minor. Jack North and Pat West as enlate.

hew Russian Revels

Reviewed at the Grand Opera House. New York. Style—Dance flash. Setting —In three. Time—Tteetee minutes.

Russian Revels, not the act of the name name seen in the East a few years ago, is a fair flash with four men and two girls. Opens with two men and a girl tapping, followed by a third femme in an even turn. which precedes n mixed team, the girl of whom singe ft number and goes theta a few hip motions. The

ne i,, the old rorporntIon. John H King, George W, Trendlr and efeward O. Pierce.

In the petition granted by the court Kiineky's brother and nephew, Louts and Theodore. are also allowed at the same time to adopt the legal mime of King In the place of the old family name of ICunisky.

Attendance Cards Out In Iowa Bank Night CFMAR RAPIDS. Ta.. June 'M.—Sign-

ing eattendnoce carde" for bank nights is illegal in Iowa. Seel:m.1111c to .arfl received here from the attorney-gen. eral'a MM.. in Des Moines. Theaters here hner her, permitting anyone to shin his name to a card in the after-noon without buying a ticket and to deposit it in a box In the lobby. So many customers took advantage of the chance to win a rood pot of kale without attending the mhow that man-agers were compelled to move the pen-cil, and cards inside, go the only way to get into the record was to buy a ticket. Thee the legal lights declare. constitutes a lottery under_ the Iowa law. Bank nights have been packing 'ern

in nt three theaters here. especially when the total has reached" more thnn $500. When it gets that high it new fund is started at a lower [genre, but the capital prize remain, Intact until drawn.

'I lie Iowa Supreme Court some time ago fnund that bank nights were ukeh provided no consideration wae demand-ed for n chance at the mnney The only restriction allowed is that the person mind be present when tile name is called. Someone conceived the idea cf attendance carda In order to get swav from the necessity of being present.


F-91-A4k «AGIES1110W4

acts man clicks very well in a colo tap. con-tributing another one later, both turns being !net and Intricate

Ctrs., la a Russian love dance by a mixed team, bringing the act to a well-applauded finale. P. A.

Marcy Bros. and Beatrice Reviewed et the Grand Opera House.

New York. Style—Knockabout comedy and dancing. Setting—In one. Time— Semen minutes.

Two young fellows and a girl in a filet and peppy knockabout comedy, dancing end amo turn. featuring fells and some excellent hoke posturing, in which the girl scores. Trio is yereattle tap dance fairly well, work hard and easily earned an encore. Ir. the latter the girl was thrown around some and twisted into a few pretzel turns, very arnueing and quite unusual. A Mee act and went off splendidly

here. P. A.

Billy Walsh and Al Biltbie Reviewed at the Grand Opera McRae,

New York. Style--Corredy and tinging. Setting—In one. Tirne—Tuclve minutes.

Billy Walsh and Al Bibble open with the former planted in a box. Heckle. his partner, goes on stage In a nutty costume and gets ever a few good laughs theta 1111bineei feeding. Also comen thru nicely with an eccentric turn, in which he impersonates two drunken. people. Ribble in addition to straight-Mg. sings It's a Sin To Tell a Lie and lYhen I Grole Tao Old To Dream, man-atine just fair with both. Spotted a...r-ood on the bill, the act went oft to an. overage hand. P. A.



13 M logo., 7 5.11. for Taro Mal., e A.-tz I o falrde and Female. 23 Paraiba, EmOnlouont FV101.,111 Act., Trio. QUA, tel arid lung, doorially. arel Ilorl000no, IS 611/1.Orel Vurt Parts. Orr/lures, and rt. eds. 41 )fonolota. Inarkoola, Itadla• Scene, Mauro Sao! !Fonts. minarets of .1/444. roof lama.. lioalooduor. 1II'LLETIN Na, le is arrio one dollar; or mill ...end you 11,/lonen. NO>. 10. 11. 12,11, 1 IL IT and. III tor S4.00. with wooer-beck Iluarantm.

WM. MoNALLY 81 East 126th S New York


Ru. GIRLS Iii It,, lar,e4 flatlet ao Talon, 111 Ian Month Thla t, onalo o., lisle, Inr wooaa' Work ni.• fo.ora. All luteld tuti dtoony tee, ne nee, •nd Photon.


00111.1.0 71001011 ardu.. Maroon', Tenn,

TROBLITE r.f.on 1,1 01••••• I,, the' dark. Mena.

tool noon, 1:11.. I- Write ter in1.olonnon.

STROBLITE CO., aq t. U I. li W, lid II. Se, Trek

STAR COMEDY LIBRARY You Own,. Cuy Donor 1111.4•41,

No, I NIONI,1,11,1•En No 2 -Al'FA 1,1111 'two MALES No 2--ACT , Fil MALI: ANDF1,11A11, Nn • 1.101, ..-11.11,11,0.1. TILAEIC OUTS 25. earn or the II for

Ilnarneoe.ol nand eo,ry or money roloodeaL JAMES MADISON



Fee All Omen, Play, raill41.0.. re,..lf.of. Don« Revue.. Loae.L nontan! Rassit unto. caned 11...na Add,,,

AMELIA GRAIN, Panedalphla.

America's Scenery Rental Berries.

COliei Fire 1{1 .eetIllITT011114 SAN FHANCIeCO. June 20 —With the

tightening up of tire regulations Which followed the elleingrock Club Manatee of several weeks min there le no waiting in filin inuttnion aisle, foyers or lobbing here. New rules being enforced rigidly by beth pollee and tire °Metals put standees out on the same-Mks rain or shine. Lobbies have been cleared of unnecessary furniture and all obetrue-Hone. Elaine Knee for legitimate houses and Mille catering to crowds.

REVIEWS-(Continued from opposite page)

in it: the Juveleye, juggling equIlibrietet Chris Richards, art English dancing ce-median, and carter, illusionlet Other. Include the Yuk Ching Trntipe with some outstanding tricks: Hugo Fletcher Koppe. humorist, and Le Perle. novel Minden. Wintcrearten has a good 'how, in

which Outs and eve, attractive Stria with a corking dance art. and 01x1 Reeks,. Hungarian dance; and violinist. and her Cent-deg Band are the high. lights. No American acte en this bill, but commendable entries are the Shyrettos, high tine-y.11sta; Itulyana Marionette, Wittily and Origve, comedy acrobete, and the Karl Kremo Family of Risley experta. Con Colleano. sensational wire walker,

is a near riot at the Central. Dresden. Dinah Grace. American acrobatic

dancer and comedienne. Mtn solidly at the Vaterland. Hamburg

ENTERTAINMENT Experience • Service • Organization

tA Subsidiary of FANCHON & MARCO. INC. I 560 Broedway. New York. Tel.. Brymnf 9-3100.

• After July I—RCA Building, 30 Rockefeller Pissa, Circle 7-5630.

36 The Billboard REPERTOIRE-STOCK Conducted by BILL SACHS—Corernunic•tions to 25 Opera Place. Caminnatl, O.

June 27, 1936


Golden Rod Off To flying Start r•I PITTSBURGH, June 20.—Capt. W. J.

lienkr's Golden Rod Showboat, thin sea-Son featuring it Major hewn. Amateur Unit. Opened Its season here Wednesday before a large turnout. First night'• take was donated to a local charitable organization. Snick and upan. fullewing weekn of renovation work, the Golden Mal plowed her way nut of Pittsburgh Immediately after Wednesday night's perfoarminve to begin n tour which. er-cording to the management, will last 40 weeks and end tap in New OrInane. For the next two weekii the Golden Rod will play river towns along the alononata-helm River. then turn Into the Ohio River and head south. George Alabama Florida. company

manager representing the flowes !Mer-tens states, -If our venture is succcas-ful we intend to use the same cast for 40 weeks and from New Orb-runs re-turn on the earne route with a nrw com-pany which will work an edditionel 40 Weeks." Porformanres, with running bine pied a little aver nit hour. van be given once in the afternoon and twice nightly. When not. playing tinder the

orusrirship uf any organiantiona admis-atoo pricet Wit) average about 50 cents. 'The boat will operate daily and Sun-days where penniselble. The Liberty boat, which Is supplying

the power, les rim,, used as the kitchen, dining quarters and sleeping quarters for men. The girls have their quarters atop the Golden Rod. The local engagement wan preceded

by some neat publicity handled by Harry McWilliams. ridennee mail. A three-quarter-hour hroaderiat direct frnm the boat on the night of the elinw here was piped over W1V8W and handled by Wal-ter Framer and Carl Dose, All first. string critics of the local delliee turned out to catch the opening. The lineup included Billy Finnegan's

Band: Kathleen Ray. ranger; Bob Ryan. xylophonist: Pearl Robbins, singer and dancer: Joe Beckler. singer: Key Krivokurhe. hillbilly yodeler: the Stauf-fer Twins (Dens and Dephne). !lingers: Jimmy M INIM. Instrument wizard; Marie Julio. coloratura soprano. and Dave Seigel. Impersonator et sounds and mas-ter of ceremonies. Finnegan's Bind In-cludes Chuck H111, Jack Wheless Burt Becker, Chet Arthur Jr. Chubby Can-nella. Richard Ward. Bob Ryan and Louis Deck.

Assleting Captain Menke are Jot. Mc-Loughlin. pilot: Captain Booth. Ln charge of the Liberty; Dick Johnson. electrician: William Cl. Campbell. per-sonal representative; Charlen Brune and Dick Jones. In charge cif kitchen, and at crew including Menkeas brother. Den: Walter Smith and three others. Adriana Diabeti end Gene alimingo handle the pop and Ice-crerim roneeselons. The candy conceselon is owned by Captain Menke himself.

Kansas City Jottings KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 20.—Don

Run nf the PTITICTIR1 Stock Company. was spotted on the main stem here this week.

Lillian Joies recently joined the Rosalie Narb 'layers In Michigan. Jack O. Bell, titter circling around

thru Iowa territory, la a resent arrival here

Larry flowers recently joined the Pri-smite players, now under centres; in

Brad and Victoria Alexander. formerly with the Neal Players, have jmned the Ralph Windy Show. playing under Can-aan in Nebraska. Ted North Players will not stay all

summer in Wichita under canvas as planned. Troupe will close there the last of thin month end take to the road. playing one and two week Mande

Justus-fternain Show. which opened

fer alind uo Alfa SVSNVN tray)




/j4101iV PINTSNG c u RTISS, Cestimalal.

Rep Ripples E. F. HANNAH. 130M011 playwright.

sits a recent vinitor on the Fally Blythe ehow and le now preparing a series of short-Cast plays for the organiration.

THE BORCIEN PLAYERS are currently touring their old established territory then North buttons with n new repertoire of plays. and, according to C. A. New-mann, mentalist, who is making the seine territory with lits own tented at-traction, the troupe Is very popular In that nretIon and, its usual. Is getting a good play.

FRANK WARD. rep and carnival agent and formerly with 'ruby Nord's Come-dians. is thIS newton with the Inter-mountain Show, Inc.. a carnival com-pany out of Bill., Ida. Show la playing fairs, relebratIons and rodete; then Idaho. Montana. Oregon, Utah and California.

MRS. ESTELLE PELLErTlf, wife of Chic Pellette. is confined at Baptist Iluepital, t. LOUIS, where she recently underwent un operation after being stricken violently ill while playing Anus. Ill. She is well on the road to recovery and experts to leave the hospital soon. The Pellettes are thin ...in with the Prank Smith Players currently in mutab-liaised Illinois territory.

I renew nee.. near, ersoas eintalueeins AGENT or.o tent, feint!l. Tot , ly. fley "Nee ••meierew Rs-o. 904 Sloe, Rout.-otts-oom,oct. Hoe LIP. No jveno too blo. Re IMAM mono.. only.

Vero TEMPLA Missel. FM.


WILLIAM HYNES, for six weeks load-ing man with the Kinsey Company at the Grand Opera House, Canton, O., the past winter, is now serving Lai a similar capacity on Bryant's Showboat, tied up for its eighth season at the foot of Law-relict Street, Cincinnati.

711E HO'LLYWOOD SHOWBOAT, now docked In Pnducali. Ky., in being readied for an early opening by limey Menke. brother of Bill and Ben Menke. Boat will head South for the season.

CHET SPRINGER. rep mualciara Is this eraeon playing with a dance hand at The Wonder Bar, new night club in Grand Rapids. Much. Chet plaits a re-turn to rep In the tall.

JOHNNIE AND VERNIE BISHOP. for the last two ram-mitts with the Itertnne Ideal Corned/ Company. clamed with that show recently to dash to their home in New Braokland. S C, to await the mail man with Johnnie's bonne bonds.

JIMMIE HULL'S COMEDIANS played Beaumont. Tex.. last week under sus-pires of the Caehen Grotto. Tiny Pat-ton 111111 and King Cole are featured and Clyde Cole is the director. Bumf-nene on the week wan big. Beaumont le hull's home town.

JACK afeCLASKEY. long a principal with the Monroe Hopkins Playera in 1105,000. has closed to take a brief Va-cation

BISBEE COMEDIANS. now in Ken-tucky, have encountered much hot and dry weather in recent weeks. with the territory badly in need of rain. Despite these hindrances Imainese la holding up well for the show, '•SeaBee" Hayworth repents.

IOUIS PAVAN, of the Perm Show. which opened the season at Rutereville. Tex.. May 24. reports that his business hn. gasmen a nnticetable Increase since he recently switched from silent to talking pictures. He Is leaking forward to a prosperous season.

Bryants Planning Largest Showboat CINCINNATI. June 20.—Valley

tugboat which moved the Bryant Show-boat for the last 20 years, was wild this week by the Four Brynnts to Capt. Ben Rake. who will use the old craft for towing purpose.. The Brynntn have made n deal to acquire another steamer and if present plans materialize will begin «a-ulna-nation next fall on the larg-est showboat ever to play the Inland waterways. Billy Dryent nrinnuncecl on a visit to The Billboard office here Tues-day. The Bryant company has just en-

tered ita third week of the summer run nt the foot of Lawrence street here, with Jesse Janie* as the current offer-ing. BusIttesel since the opening ha.s been big and the Four larynnte have enough sponsorship by Civic and ten-Vernal organizations to keep them busy until September 1. The boat. rut in the pent, will wind up ita eighth aearinn here early In November.

/n the new Bryant lineup are Rodney Cevannugh, William Hynes, Arthur L. Haves, Louts Fitzroy. Dorothy Hackett, Sain Bryant, Violet Bryant. Betty Bryant. JoeephIne Bryant and Billy Bryant.

Billy larynnt's new hook. Cht/dren of Old Man River, being published by Lee Furman, Ine s New York. Is slated to roll off the pre. In a few weeks. A syndicate is now reading the book with a view towards releasing It In serial form. II the rayndlcate accepts. the book release will he held up until Septem-ber 1. If the work dorain't go in aerial form the first ropy is slated to make ite eppearance around Jill), 1. The first non copien will go to Billy Bryant, who will sell them on the boat with hie autograph.

MeOwen Company Opens in Topeka TOPEKA. Rana June 22.---MeOwen

Stock Company opens In ita tent the-ater nn the Kansas Free Fide grounds tonight to start Its fifth summer season here Initial bill to Meet the Ladle&

The McOsven Slaters. Mina Jane and Edna Louise, are featured, with Elton Hackett es leading man and William Trout directing. Supporting players Incluid.. Feel Gregg and Joie Martin.

Company recently closed in Phoenix, Arles Where it played 24 weeks. Music for the vaudeville between arta

and overture will he supplied by The Pled Pipers. Band has been revamped by Rov Carleon, formerly with Tel Fin-Rites hand. and Cliff Beard. Smug., here Is expected to continue

thru the week of September 7. Com-pany usually plays the winter In tho Capital Theater here. but was unable to lessee this showboats; this pant season.

Thomas L. Finn Frames Zoo For City of Hoosick Fulls 1100SICK FALLS. N. Y.. June 120.,—

Thomas L. ?Inn. who for many years hnd out Ids own Uncle Tom's Cabin Company in Inures and under cantata and the first showman to risk taking a -Tom- show below the Mason-Dixon Line. her. organlasal a minimum zoo for Boone's ladle. with the opening sched-uled for tonight

Finn. Who alert hits had vast circus experience. has been playing schoola and rlube with his magic net for the last several genre. lila home in here.

CARL noern. formerly with the Car-npgle Tech Players end Ceptain Menke'a Golden Rod Showboat in pills. burgh, Is now an announcer at Station WWSW, that city.

Boyes Delays Lincoln Date LINCOLN. Netts June 22.—Long-prom-

used appearance of the Chick Doyen tent rep govnip here on the West Lincoln lot has heels delayed again, With date of ahnwhig pushed hack to the first of July or the -middle of the month. Last word was that the show figured on opening here around June 15 for eight weeks. hut n new Meaner. Spurt on the circle around Broken Bow. Neb., Is keeping the player, occupied.

toclz /notes A. It SCOTT'S Gretna Players at the

Gretna Theater, Mt. Gretna, P. opened their 10th ...eon June 15 with Nee Mrt9fer's Voice. Lends are handled by David Byrne, Irene Shirley and Merearet Mansfield. George Henry Trader serves in w directorial capacity,

ESTELLE HACKINS. formerly with this Carnegie Tech Player., lantaisiegh, will spend the summer in Keene. N. ifs working in Herbert V. Gellendreat Play. house.

BARRY 7d1JILLIciAN, of the Carnegie Tech Players. Pittahurgh, has left for Ruelyn. N Y., where he will serve .1 nceolc designer at Charlen Honking' Theater-of-Four-Seraona

CLIFFORD BROOKE has been engaged by Phideleh Race to direct his Inhered Player* at the Rice Playhouse, Oa, Shuts, Martha's Vineyard. Masa., vase opened June 6 with Fresh Field,. in the eninrinne are Leslie Denison. M AIITICE Wells. Marjorie Clarke, Jessica ROMA Bradlee Martin, Virginia Palmer. Entrees Case. Mary Tndel. Franca. Swann, flottas l'ont.. and ethers. Lean's Allen Jan« Is ecenic artist: Jay Behmidt, art di-rector: Francis Swann, in charge uf the lighting effects. and Mary Bernice fin. ney, stage manager. Charles lesnerron Cook IS «gain general manager for rocs,

Otis Oliver Re-Enters Biz With Two New Ventures

ST. PAUL, June Ms—After two years in commerrial lines and several months on the sick list, OtiS Oliver, well-known stock and rep malinger and director. is returning to the show field. Ho re-turned to St. Paul. hie honte town, this week to begin work on two new ven-tures which he expects to launch soon. One of there in a popularity contest.

rse nn added nttraction for movie thea-ters, with the winner.; getting a creek at radio and screen recognition. His sec-ond venture will be known as the Sunny South Showboat Brine, which le slated to "pen soon in Minnesota and head westward to the Coast. Arnong thoee already engaged by Oliver

are Crete Buquet. T. W. Kennedy, Vera Brownie EslIth Gridley and Rd Seaman.

Oliver formerly had his own stork nrganizatinne in St. Paul for a number of years Hin last Twin City engagement was its director-manager for the State of Minnesota an the Galveston Pageant of Pulchritude.

MAURICE MURPHY. Hollywood Jul. vomito player. le corning east tor a sr., hem in summer stock. He will be si member of the Phidelah Rice Players at Oak Bluff. on Mertim's Vineyard, Una Murphy. who 19 2n. wen Heather Anent fleet leading man in PflpHMOge and tires sited the title role in Tatispin Tommy,

GUY PAIMERT'ONS Manhattan pity. ers opened their third season at Me Wbainm Park Theater. Fitchburg. Mesas June 22 with the following Can: Fine Lyon. Robert Perry, Raymond Green-leaf, Erfnrce Gage, John Gordon. Oren Gordon. Walter Ayers. Guy Palmertatt Nancy Duncan, Byrd Bruce, Maran Cirent. Julianne Sack. June lamina Adrienne Earle. Orare Carney and Jo-nephinr Duval Initial offering Is Per. sonal Appearance, to be followed site Biddle Me Thin. Fly Alenti Horne, Refuel for Youth, The Old Muid and Co-Re-apondent Unknown. Season will run 11 weeks.

LAKE „ SHORE THEATER. on Take Nabnassaft. Westford, Mans. ushered in its third relation of stock June ID to a capacity crowd. A. Franklin Tan Is managing the Mayhem.. with ale coins Lee fteggn directing. A negate' of guest stare llave been signed ta Sy* pear with the company this season Pen formanrees are given on Wednessite Thursday and Friday nightn, with pipe-lar prices prevailing.

JACK STERN'S New Barn Tbenter at Saugerties. N. y., opens June 29 with tat Group Playera in Three Men on a Heart to be followed week of July 7 ',at's irsa riot's Husband, and seek of July 14 with Night of January IG Stern will sbe have one company en tour with The err loved Wile. by Florence Edna Mal'. Mart about the middle of July.

Wilbur for Honolulu SAN P7tANCISCO. June 20.—Dick We.

bur and a reanimate of 14 are on the high Fens today baund for Hanalule. where they are booked Into the Glues.. Theater for on Indennite engagenaalL Cast Includes Ray Clifford, Isabel Rupert Drum. Walter Bonn, Indian Ea-mere. Mac McGrew, Billie Van Tsai, Berkley Buckingham. Dorothy Dia Keith Heawell and Sid Bannon,

Van Arnam's Barn Dance WINDSOR, Vt.. June 20 —Sunny ¿tea

sunny nines end bunny rentlee on te faces of the gang. All glad to Ile tt:t in Vermont, where the show is no ably known anti liked. We !needed tas New England States at Rutland Virded. day anti will remain away doWn ree until late August.

Douglas (Cignret) Trntter is our eel bone rrinvatfnfln nnd with his erase el l°

hustling boys has the nutf mead? to go by the time the parade GI out nt 11.45 a.m. At night we are (Sea VAN ARNAM'S on opposite 1,40'

June 27, 1936 GENERAL INDOOR The nalboard 37

No Summer Lull in Philly's ong List of Dance Concerts refl1ADELPHIA. June 90.—There are signa of the local dance emeon dying

art for the summer. The revival of In-a...et in dam, has been so great this pot winter thnt it refuses to he tern. peed by the seasons of the year. And. ear the legit and concert stage le id-ea. accumulating its traditional Sum-• r cobweb, the dance goes on.

In preparing Its program for the 1936-irr marten, the Philadelphia Forum will • te possible the first local appearance

Trudi gichonp and her Comte Ballet other concert nf nntlonnl importance

• fer Thrum sponseraship will he the ...dean premiere of Techalkowskre e Sleeping Beatify by Catherine Lit-;old and her Philadelphia Ballet. In Mon. the 'noes and Mnnte Carlo Bal. will pay return visits.

The outdoor rummer season by the 1:adelphla Orchestra at Robin ¡tond Il will feature at least eight nights sated to the den... The American onlere of La Argentina and her Span-• n Pallets has been promised Philadel-ke on January 7, MIT, at the Academy Music,

On June 5 the Mary Rinney Mont-Dance Group assisted nt the eon-

o given by the Olney Singers. Her rr group of 28 eenred their custom-sure.. both ne noin and ensemble

aerra. Miss Montgomery appeared In ernup nf elassir dance, to nitride by • eh and Handel, !mantling some gran

hers and belne insisted in others be • re. 'Tapia. and Rifkin. lier second Jp sma a eerie:. of "Impreemlona" to

inic by afnueenrstakv. Ravel end De-• r ChnrengraphY and enstura...,

ell played no small part In the «tee-ner., of the preeentation, were all do-led by NUM Montgomery. Gladys Corey

th erns the errnmpaniat. When the Empire City Grand Opera pany appeared earlier in the rrinnth the Academy of Music: in Aida anl

• -kilo, feature of the evenings was ballet performance. by the Phila.

phia Ballet Company. Group was d by Dorothle Littlefield. formerly

'AN ARNAWS-(Ceaffneed from opposite page) and packed an hour after the fall

the final curtain. SI Pinard', mother and stepfather. and Mn, Thomas Mee. of Spring.

tif. Ms,. abated Al the peat work. Mrs. Mee n'as the former Mae Oily,

tighter of George (lue. well-known Tel man. who had hie 'how, the

v Bros. Minstrels, on the road for ny year,. After the crushing defent handed

Ira Panther», our softbnil team, the high-school lade at DolgevIlle re ,. tir intereat tine, not, rirein to be at

di freer heat with our athletes. We V. however, to see renewed activity the pert of the Panther, and en

Rive team on the field in the near

Op bright and early every morning to de In front with the earaynn in Dome Siam.. Dome, who was not so well the first of the season, is now "fit a fiddle" and con be seen daily taking sun bathe.

It fe-ally happened. yindy Jordan lied the prire first-nf-May stunt not ksg agn. In a hurry to get the black he severed his face with what he ,ht wan cork. Looking In the intr. • nody was Very much disturbed and sure someone had put cold cream In

il makeup. No matter how hard ho .01 the rork (?) just wouldn't go on !MT Washing his face for another st blacking up. it was brought to s attention that tie was using shed

.t.b. Wiwi hie face reds bum D. FERGUSON.

I P Ile it layers in Maryland • CfNCINNATT. June 20 —Wright Corn-

Pieter.. Who opened the season at Tenn March 30. have been

▪ fair business In that State for list two months Company Is now 'enrylatuL with his chill holding at

!reel. /n the troupe are John • rht mener-manager, Elie Wright. J.

ft 'TI/Ile Short. Ola Marti, Mille rh Sara Wright. the Wright Twins. Kar Wright and Mr. and Mrs Earl

s_..'..'berferd. Luther and Casale Trip-., me on the «tumor.

with the Ballet Rtiise, and Edward Caton. Choreography was devlacd by Vincenzo Celli and the dances were beautifully performed. The Kochersperger Dancers were very

busy this month. Group appeared for the Eastern Star In the Masonic Temple In Camden, N. J.: presented their diver-Hearmenta. Peasant Viltnae and Tupplim Around the World, at the Walt Whitman Theater, Camden, Monday.

Conn. WPA To Cont* NEW HAVEN. Conn. June 20—The

Paine° Theater, Hartford, and the Park Theater, Bridgeport, are the only two WPA theaters now in operation and undoubtedly will he kept open all sum-mer. The Lincoln Theater. New Haven, wan clewed with the Fancy That produc-tion several week's aao.

Streting June 24 the Bridgeport Civic Theater Group will present it new play, The Devil of Pisa, from tho pen of Charles Coleman Sellers, of IfebrOn. Conn, hi:grand of Ruth Gilbert Sellers. president of the Drama League of Con-necticut New vehicle is based on an Incident in the life of Shelley. In the near future the Bridgeport Civic The-ater will inner to the Lyric. The WPA vaudeville unite playing various CCC camp:: and other spots in the State are getting an enthusiastic reception every-where.

Coast WPA Musical flit HOLLYWOOD. June 20.—During it.

four-week extended run at. the Holly-wood plavhnuari Follow the Parities. Fed-eral 'Theater Project musical produc-tion, developed into the most lucrative effort of the project co far. Cash take was above *3.000. with the tinal per-formance June 13 cold out to Douglas Aircraft Corporation at regular tariff. Revue Is being held Intact to re-

open for one week at the Greek Theater lia Orlinth Perk on July 4 at 25 cents straight admission. Production haa 86 performers nnri mien le muelciane in pit, with 16 ens/lands.

Scab Writers To Meet HOLLYWOOD. June 20.—With the re-

turn this week from Sacrnmento of the Incorporation papers of Screen Play-',nights. Inc., the board of directors of the independent-coneeryative writer faction which resigned en maese several weeks ago from the Screen Writers' Guild we. to meet late thle week to elect of/teem round out organization detalle and appoint committees to enter into negotiations with film producers for a writer-producer code of practice. Around 90 memberahlp applications

in the new organization have been re-ceived to date, it as reported. and three were to be acted upon at the meeting

Bills Due To Drop WASHINGTON. June p.—With ad-

journment of Congrema apparently scheduled for the letter part of this week and with mejnr measure; before the two Houses yet to be disposed of. the proposed new copyright bill is one of the many which will fall by the wayside. The aubcommittee in charge of the writhig of a bill, based upon testimony aubmitterl during week, of hearings, seems to have given the mat-ter up as n henelees task. Likewise. block booking has gone by the board, asimming Congress adjourns as now amnia probable within a few days.

"Dead End" Set for Chicago; "Parnell" Opening Postponed CHICAGO. June 20—Contracts were

Mimed this week between Norman Bel Geddes, producer of Drat, End, and the Studebaker Theater management for the staRlna of the play here beginning Sep-tember 13. The production lovelycs a reconstruction of the ratage and or-chestra pit which will be done during the summer,

Pneneii, winch was announced by the Shuberte to open here late thin month. han been postponed until late in August.

Anti-Alky Play Contest CHICAGO, June 20.—The Methorlint

Episcopal Church here lias announced a playaTighting contest to be epon-cored by Ti,.' Chrittian Advocate, a na. (see ANTI-.41.1[Y PLAY on paps 43)

Enletance LOWS Conducted by ROGER LITTLEFOFID JR .

Scott Producing Stage Unit WORCESTER. Mesa., June 20.—J, P.

(JiMmyl Scott filed Ineorporatinn papers here today. organizing a company to produce n theater unit featnring out-standing contr.:denta and erneees•of the Endurance show world. According to Scott. Who is currently making his head-quarter. at the Lincoln Park lintel here, the production will have original inuale end dance routines.

Rock Island Show Closes ROCK ISLAND. Ill., June 30. —The

S. P. Miller Amusement Company's derby Mime here closed suddenly V.,edneedny (17). Show opened May 29 with 30 couples.

• ROBERT MARSHALL was n vieitor at

The Dilibrard office last week. He like to titer from Ray Walker, former wallty erneee, via the Letter List.

CHUCK PAYNE. formerly entree for Seltzer, Altair, Cowl and Steinel, has been linokrri by Muslo Corporation of America Into the Mover Club, Sharon, Pa. Chuck. who has confined his talent to night clubs In recent month', would like to hear from his friends.

DOC COLLIER and Dub Brnewell rare working night clubs in and around Cleveland Mit are on the lookout for a good endurance show Would like to hear from Bobble Morrie. Marge Perry and Walter Cox then the Letter List,

STAN WEST writes front 'York Beach. Mr., that hr has ttlecnntinurd his danc-ing school and le planning to return to

the endurance game. Would like to bear from Retty lee florin, Mitzi Ly-man. !Mgt Dean. Lucille Rork, Jimmy Jay. Joe P,slooka. Jot. Rork. Jackie Morenn. Helen Sloan. Joe /Mehra and Billy Donavan.

-----JOHN LEDBETTER, renting at home

in Harrieburg. lii, tenth., to contact Clinton Nine and John Paul Jones as soon as possible.

C. A. OFORGE NEWMAN. veteran mindrender, writes from North Delude. where he is nut with n hypnotic chow under canvas: "Our mutual friend George W. Pughe is putting on a derby-show at Proctor, a suburb of Duluth, and rut wager a month's re-celpta against ca plugged nickel that he will do a great butanes. there. George hoe a way of handling the business end of the walking business that generally produce. eound resulta."

MARY 11URIIIS ponterirds the follow-ing from Haelne Win.: "Plena° trek thru your column the whereabouts of Evelyn Thompson and Kenny Lank. We hay' heard rumors that Evelyn lost her life en route to all endurance allow and that Kenny was critically injured at the Rams time."

DICK STEWART. one-time floor judge, has forsaken endurance chow,. for Mid-western night tint... Dick is temporari-ly located in Sioux City, Ist. end is very anxious to contact Eddie Burke, Jack Freeman, Dolores Kelly and Billy Baldwin.

RAYMOND WRAY. veteran erase,. writre that he le going into his seventh coneecutive month at the Spinning Wheel Club In Seattle, Wash. That the

pntroar, seem to like his stun is evi-denced by the length of his already long enengement. Jack Freeman Is em-seeing the show nt 'mother large Seattle night spot end Sain Clore he appearing at a club in Tacoma. Raymond say. that anti,> he ham been out, of the en-durance burin,. for Nome time he mill wishe, tu hear from hie old friends thru The Billboard Letter Lint.

JENNY COSTELLO Info« from Jane,' 5111e. W I,. that on June II she married Russell J. Hack, of Mattison, Win. She Is permanently out of the endurance bis but would like to hear Dorn her frir ads

HANK LEWIS le working at Jean Anthony'. Ballroom In Portland, Or,,, Hank hers not forgotten the endurance chow buelnese and claims lie has elabo-rate ideas for a new type of show.


NEAA General Counsel

We're happy to announce at till. time that Mr, and Pa Herrin, two ohltiment, have left the welknilion buninese for good and are in charge of their own church In California. Pa and Ma are evangelista. They an doing n good job in the religious world and / know every-nne will he happy to join In extending them best wiehee.

Negotiations are now under way for the opening of it hic.tional Steeplechase Derby in Muskegon. Mich., scene of the Rattle of botwnen Hugh Tel-bon and Sam Pox. who ran their ghouls In that town at the seine time just about a year ago. Whether the 'charm i,egotlations will materialize Ls ques-tinnable. Verne Balfour. of Hnwtherne, Calif..

In once isgain preparing to break loone In the field nf ahoy, prodUcing. be hearing from him very soon. What's happened to (illy Swartz? Is

he still in Miami. FM.. sunning him-self and forgetting about the endurance field? I'd like to know. I shall continue to welcome ell let-

ters from dancers. elm.... Judges and others nesneintrd with the Industry. Fm never too busy to read of the many interesting eugerations that come to me then your communications.

LOOK - - Contestants

Another Big Show at

North Bend, Oregon.

Opening Around June 27.

$1,500 IN PRIZES Only Reliable Teams Wanted.

JIMMY JOHNSON Community Hall, Norrh Bend. Ore.




Wire immediately DICK EDWARDS. MO..

Care Pep Deena, Relied Treat Hotel, Now•ele. N. I.


Ret.nrs, la July I. Vonnoinn wen», it., WHO.. /Schnozzle Kelly. Larry IN nerrade and Iiiida. 1..hony N./11mm, and Anlle. Mier, (hank rerdelln and hielen rt.r.t•r. rfiner Donrne and

earlftla. liendrienn. Tn../ ',el.«. hinted.. Ihn.,h. I:1.1e Downey. Loathe ganta •nd inhn flehneldt and other, oho tren l.cen ennlreeetnl. 411111•11V SCOTT, Lincoln Pere Hate, 8 Lime are., Werewsw, Mae.

38 The Billboard GENERAL' INDOOR

SAG Denies Bluenose Blast

Liberal Elements Hail Change In Boston's Rigid Censorship

BOSTON. June 20. — Liberal theater interests here won a victory recently When Governor janten M. Curley el.enett Mason Seam. bill amending the Theater Act nf 1915 to rend: "No license of any Boston theater shall be suspended or revoked on any ground having te do With public morality or decency without • hearing." Contrnated with the origi-nal measure, which placed power of revocation and suspension In the betide of the mnyor. police commissioner and Chief Justice of the Municipal Court. any of whom could exercise his authority at will the new provisionn now vest authority in a committee composed of

Equity Fines Niesen On Benefit Showing NEW YORK. June 20.—Roping by such

drastic action to discourage willful non-

recognition of the rulings of the Thea-

ter Authority. Equity's council Inet week

tined Gertrude Niesen $100 for appear-ing without permission nt the Rlosecan Ball at the Plaza April 25. When the 'Theater Authority wan being set. up Equity, feeling that actora were not thorrily conversant with its alms. con-tented itself for a while with merely warning offenders. Equity now ¡Mows its intentioh of squarely backing the Theater Authority. particularly in rn,-. of Infrnettons by people cognizant of the body's ruling's. The radio and musical comedy star

when asked by Equity for nn explanation eent a letter. When a remiest by the council for a persend appenrisnee was disregarded the fine followed.


Roll Up---Prefamlanal Type.

afiltra-42.95 Ya S—$4,95 se EEEEE loROPII. EFFECTS. DROPS. E, . EH Recitals and Prer.•,...,al Slept. Rentel..


THEATRICAL PROPERTIES STUDIOS Anion 3-2534, 320 W. 49th St.. N. V C

row eel one—Yrier Mends coal. Ind

The Mrti the doom of rfiin mnarong Than Teller. Al,., it e-ei jar not 1.in ...el' Citing it an., fiere.

ts Wm. fn.. osnocNOlTVrl0 co. 41.7 harm...nod At... Chicago, Ill.



EMbee off in.lanity ..•,, it.1.1e nealleient for our ,,,,d1r/r

$2.00 BOTTLE. P. X. MIONL,

SIN IL lath et., Pelladelorda Pis


Ake Nouns Art, rr Cron.loon rn. I. for coon, -Isms rhanye for 2

Mato all. kENNETH HILBERT. 5510 107th Rt., Rlefunond HIM Legg Island. N. V.

KING IFS COMEDIANS Wonted I3 nigh Claw 1,,s.le l'envie. RInale. Double. S., and floe* 'Stain Tram. 3 (1,,,w-alone that pn•lore. ann• , I 1 Ann.nlItei Matte., Stone ..,.lrlan, ft.nt rnn ptay .sen art, mol r• fludn• Aceurdion, rte. All to d,z.isie von Candy Privilrae. state ay, Itelel.t NO OIANTS, Mate In..., ulary 11 lye ,o., • rr, No lranee. enenrne Bray and agents wen. Tent 1,10,110. Powliniz capocity ¡flan. KING II COMEDIANS, Ormyralle. N. V.

Wanted, Performers Team. and Sloalm. Doubling Plano nt larrtonnenta. Week eland.. toil Nn &Arms.. uninnt acqualnIed. Oinu July 1 bete allerel SNOW. Nall. Rayo. VA: wire Fred. orkludburg. V..

FURNISHED ROOMS In or. t Ne. Yorks, Pielnentntn hnntionn. Cnnero-lane Ile. mol 1.1n, in el... Benue ere besetHelte mmulnlad and face tbe flue eon Rien, Privet* fends. kleld unties. Double awl M.O.. Barre ten...pates »2 Riverside Deist. Apartment 9, C.anter.

Phone, RI•trlIde 0.8E33,

the mayor, the police commissioner and a member of the art commission. Sup-pression ran only take place after a Plde has been performed once and the committee at a hearing immediately following so rules by it majority vote The cumennary Bostonian prnrilee of sending n purist to New York to pass on the morality of n play before it appears In noston is therefore ended.

Credit Inn the liberal enactment. railed a "notable victory in the light to urge free expression for the arts" by the National Council on Freedom From Censorship, le given to Herman hhuin-tin, who, together with the Civil Lib-erties Union, with which the National Council on Preetiorn From Censorship la aMilated. fought the ban last season on The Children's Hour. Another bill, nclvoenting the "prohibi-

tion of theatrical productions of low moral standard or employing subversive propaganda." failed to past the MalaSan tin:setts eornmittee to which It bad been referred.

Grover Jones Named Prez Of Screen Playwrights, Inc. HOLLYWOOD. June 20—Meeting late

last week nt the Beverly Wilshire Hotel of the briard of directors of the Screen Playwrights. Inc.. elected officers of the oreanization, approved active member-ship applications of CO of 93 applicants and authorized WillIam Slovens McNutt to appoint n apecial committee to thrash out preliminary details of the group's proposed rode of proem',

Grover Jones wise elected pre.sident. Other of/Ice, are William Slovens Mc-Nutt, first vice-president Beat Meredyth. second Viee-president: Prank Sutler. trensurer. and William CoUnselrnan, sec-retary. Outside of mutt,,e details, all organiza-

tion activity will be deferred until the ...turn nest month of Grover Jones, i.realdent, who is vacationing in Alaska.

Writers Withdraw From Guilds' Man. HOLLYWOOD, Juno 211—Participation

in the editorial and Minimacs manage-ment of The Guilds' Ifege,ine, pub-it.hed Jointly by the actors' and sertr-re' bodies, will be given up by the Screen Writers' Guild following the' current tsntln. III the future the Worn will handle the monthly paper, with a rad-ical change in policy Intended

This move on the part of the SWO is part of the organization's new policy of laving low following the recent split In writer tanks over the Authors' League amnlitamation issue.

tinder the Actors' 01111,1 management the magazine will shut from n Mount,-Mal publication aimed rit entertainment and propmencla to a professional and technical puhltention covering all tingles of pictures. William Blerincie. who lolled the nine:mine several weeks ago as also. elate editor and research director of the SAG, will step lo as editor. Seymour Simone continues as advertising man-ager.

/WIWI 27, 1936

HOLLYWOOD, June 20.—Taking um-brage at commente regarding morality of items. Mtn players In particular, made by t.. A. Ireland at San Francisco bust week during the Catholic Con-ference of Industrial Problems, the board of dirrrtore of the Screen Actors' Child dispatched a hot telegraphic biset to the nesslon clemying Ireland's state-numbs end charging him with Ignorance of facts.

Ireland's statement against the actors Was carried by daily papera and wire Service,. SAG telegram read:

"The Screen Actors' (Mild, allIllated With the Arnerlcnn Federation of Labor, veCh a membership of SO per cent of all extra, all bit and all contract players, wishen to deny the sensational state-ments made before your body by L. A. Ireland. lits unwarrantable attack be-trays a complete Ignorance of the truth. It in hicon.b.tent with the ideals of your Christian organizetton to lend support to *his kind of malicious gossip by pub-licity seekers.

"The Guild deplores the damage done to our people thru the circulation of false statements and is confident this denial will be brought to the attention of your conference in the interest of justice."

OUT-OF-TOWN OPENINGS "Southern Exposure"


Author, Willa Frederic. Producers, Bliss-Hayden Company. Direction, Lela Bites and Harry Hayden. Opened June 11 for indenntle stay at Blins-Hayden Little Theater,

Cast Dorothen Kent. Alfred Wag-staff. Patriela Havens-Monteugle Marta Linden, Gene einrriek. Vernon Steele, Ward Tatann. Ian Wolfe. Lory MaC-Gr-gor, Illida Newell. Giles Kellogg, Art Balinger. Dick Smart. Lloyd Ham-mond. ',tree concerns a young Southern gal

who goes to flew York determined to become famous She heroines the mis-tress of a married, middle-laced pub-!Wier, later dupes him into marrying her and starring her in a play . Pails miserably an an netrem and decides to return to Dixie and her first love.

Story is nadly hewhinkerrd but thru clever application of dialog and char-acterization manages to move at a sprightly pace and should be able to make the grade on Broadway after some capable doctoring. This play is fourth consecutive hit of Bliss-Hayden spot.


Nashville Conservatory Folds NASHVILLE. June 20--Nashville Con-

servatory of Music will close its doors and euripend activities, it am revealed Friday shortly after the death of its founder nnd president. Gaetano S De Luca. A definite decision to close the institutlon. which has trained some of the country's oiststondint artists, was reached nt • meeting of the board of directors two weeks ago, but wm withheld at the time. An agreement has been reached with creditors whereby debts will ne canceled and the hantisoine conservatory building sold. Teachers al the institution will be allowed to take the instruments and the Itorary and continue on their own.

In This Issue Pages

Air Briefs 2' Bands 2,:. Broadway Brat, The 18 Burlesoue-Tabloid 16-11

Carnivals 70-79 Chicago Air Notes 22 Chicago Chat I 8 Circus and Corral 44-49 Classified Advertisements' • •84-87 Coin Machines 106-138 Endurance She," 41 Fairs-Expositions 50-55 Feaher News 3 5 Final Curtain 41- 4 1 Forum, The 39 perleral Indoer 37-38 General Outdoor . Hartmann's Broadcast 42 Legitimate 6 7 Letter List 82-83


lists 56-63 Magic 29 Minstrelsy 31 Motion Pictures 8-9 Music 26 Night Spots-Cardern 23-21

Out In the Often 43 Parks-Pouls 64-69 Pipes 92-99 Possibilities 31 Radio 19-72 Repertoire-Stock 36 Rinks-Skaters 5'; Routes 30-31 and 54c-540 Sponsored Events 80-81 Theatrical Schools 10-15 Thru Sugar's Domino I S VaudevIlle 32-35 Wholesale Merchandise • -86b-91

Dickstein Bill Out; May Not Be Voted WA/MINI:TON. June 20.— The alien

actors' hill Introduced by Representative DIcksteln early In the present eession Congress, but Inter in n modified form, han received the approval of the Com-mittee an Immigration and Noturallea. tion and han been included along with sly other bill. front this committer In a Taw-gable report from the HOW. Corn. mittee On Utiles on the petition of aeon. sors that these mensure, be given tee. alderatIon on the floor. This action followed that of Representntive Kramer. of California. in reporting the amended mensuro to the House and reference ae it to the committee of the Whole House. Chances aro this is nbout as far ES It will get at this sestet-in.

The new bill, H. R.. 12913, will be offered na is aubatitUte for the original measure, II R. 1'2325. turn the rampio E./mettles:It of a motion to the effect that its test, after the enacting clause, he adapted as a committee amendment to the latter or original 0111. Heminta were held this week on the sUbsthate measure, with Leo Fisher, Efrent Yarns banal, Charles Hackett and Lawrene• TIbbett appearing as witnesses In belalf of the American Guild of MUSICAL Artists,

Directors' Guild Plans a Clubhouse HOLLYWOOD, June 20.--Pilat general

meeting of the Screen Director's Guild in nearly two months will he railed pe early next week to put before mein'," a broad program of organization toward interchanee nf Ideas of technique. Opta forum discussions of film problems and plans for a clubhouse with theater •nd propv-tion facilities.

With no immediate belligerent earn', to fight for, particularly with a heavy majort1 y of its membership regularly employed. sentiment of the body's lead-ern is toward a ',oriel meeting ground. However, the organization will be built and strengthened for defen.se purpose in any printable warfare and It Ls felt that a common professional and szeld bond between members Mill he o vale-able onset to the group This will Peal the bade of the organizatIon's Moe. diate program.

Film Showboat Starts NEW YORK, June 20—The S.S. Dela-

ware, showboat of the Wilson Line oper-ating on the Hudson. will allow fratrie motion plenum and shorts nightly ns a regular feature on board In addition to a floor show starring Andy Brinell.% NBC orchestra and Ann Howe. vocalist.

"AAA" Cut for Coast LOA ANGELES, Juno 20.—By the .10

pic device of blue-penciling all refer-ences to EPIC Browder, Communist Pars/ secretary, nod to Communism, the Fedetal Theater Project moved hod weet to nip Incipient criticism of AAA Menial finder as un-American. The demon. la rehearsal for production next month st the Hollywood Playhouse. was the tee in New York recently of charges by :FA American Legion and other patriot.: organizations that it contained Cog, munistic propaganda.

LOUISIANA'S THEATER--(Continued front page 5)

would force theaters as well as all oustrim to provide for one day's red out of 'seven for workere. Other bills that were proposed endue

in the session ask for the levying of sa

annual tag of $100 for shows operated bi a chain firm up to four shows 5250 fat tech allow frnin 4 to 20. and $500 pe earls chow when the total operated n-un more than 20 House Hill fo. 203 that "hank nights" at motion plc." houses, be put in thru class of lottertia which are illegal within the State.

COMF.DIANSI ▪ onsatIonal 18-rnInota now Lave MOiOti A O.,..l• lo Gran., ItnItaTen• st iTou r,̀ • ono« .1ln any one nf 'tun). 10 Itura.FIre Pb •Ien St. wIth ernashIng Inet• pUnr. Otenle Germilr.” ta Lee,'

hat. Stirs • dollar in on ofnufolle encore pen.. nee. Money Iloolt If Um th• belt you mar tweent. NNNNN ',Le. W. limo. St.. New Vora Oily.

, • lune 27, 1936 The hillboard 39

Opposition of

filter Troupes

Plenty Strong

Sees No Nerd

Of Successor

To Thurston

Appreciates Aid

Of Billboard in

Bonus Motter

71. otutin Thle denertreent of The 11111bore.d I, conducted as a cl.nr ,ro ohm* roulées am. oser«. their

rte." conetenn, cur•oet amusement matte.,. Co.nlone no. D. ‘„,„.

r:r;ned With In, full.00 Send camenunicatione to The Forum.

Cincinnati. Pleur allow os., to thank The DIU-

board and most reperielly Charles C.

glue. editor of the Caridvale Depart-nient, for the splendid service and co-

operation extend. cd during the Lime of receipt of the veterans' bonus bonde. T Mn a rhowman and my address han been

in rare of The

ellboord's Cincinnati office for more

Man 25 Yogi,. I arrived ln Cincinnati at 6 p.m. On Monday, June 15. to get my lionne and at 530 Mr. Blue took a squad of us outdoor ehowrneri to the pont orrk-e and identified us in person.

• AfterMIOn 1 got my money, so as usuel good old Billyboy vs. on the job for the 'Mossi-rien Thanks a million

end many good wishes. CAPTAIN EDWARD C. ANDREWS.


rend with much Interagi the letter by Kellman Houston in the June 19 ir,atle of the filliboaert. T. perhaps like

many Others, have wondered bow noon the subject would come up as to the ancra-agio, te How-

ard Thuraton. I might go a little further and ask why a succeeeor and what would

be be iniccewaor to? In the olden deys

the magie svorld seemed to rely more upon surreneorts and. an Keller followed

lie-onann. so ln Lime Thundon followed K.Ilar , dhortiy after Thurston became the "world's greatest magicien" the craintry was overrun with magicien/1 blilliri themselyen as the "world's great-

est " I don't Ihink Rajah Rabold could be classed aa Thurntoner successor, as

be pre,ente a mental act. To me think-ing there are only two men eligible to be railed aucceeeorn Dante and Black-

stone Dante hart barn away from the

Uno.-cl States en long be would have to stage a comeback, so that leaves only Blackstone. who has been working right along who la not afraid to une peint-e'. ink and who le just about an well known as any American magicien. I

love It on good authority that Black-simie has nald lime and time again that he would not be a iniccessor to anyone, hein»; that he t. just as gond a* the ',est nne. Howard 'Thurston has fret us

and no doubt there will he other "errer magiciane and many "Thurston mereneore but Htna'ard Thurston

tamed hie niche ln the magie hall of :Mme and nt hie worst he was better than any of hie Imitators.


Los Angeles.

I have read little or nothing abolit Old-time 'bows that plied up and down the Mississippi. Ohio and tributarles in the days before the World Columbian

greponition in Chi-

cago in 1803. Al-ways plenty of op-poaltIon on the rivers ln thons,

deys. particularly to the Harris

Nickel Plate Shows. Which showed every Important town and berline nn :lie Wren. The show tiny.

SISO on the old stern wheeler Reindeer

With a 60-foot barge for wagons and Oneee. t'-en i a 100-foot top 111th two Ms if the oceanion arose. Personnel

wio W. if Harris. maneger. Oscar P. Soule, treasurer Uncle Dan Cautello

(th equestrian director who teorkesi ¡m'Ors and horse art; Davr Cas.

in', eider: Caille and Lillian

Mien, tirs. W. H. Harris. menace act and laydown entry; MM Kennard and

Harry Brandon, acrobate and comice: Frank Sparks. clown; George Jennter. arrabal: Covey Troupe, tumblers and

Ji:salers Jim OTtenike worked Ovp.Y.

trained elephant. Our opposition on the mers was Eugene Robinson's Three

Flemme Paletea French's New Sensa-tion and the place Show Boat. Miles

Ottt'n''• Jerk Shields' and Richards' were oepositron cireuses. All made money.

Wai general agent ahead With three °menaces workIng with special papar

from Donaldson, Russell-Morgan, Cin-cinnati. and Central Show Print, Chi-

cago. We used a houseboat that we purchased ln flabula. In. to hill the show and nuites' down the Illinois from Peoria. Ill. to Onnalderenville. La, on the Mississippi, A. H. WEITITALL.

Asking More

About ilostlers

And Old Teams

Mt, Vernon. N. Y. would like to read some more from

the pen of I. .7. Hetherington. Dilworth.

Minn. regarding boss hoatleno and circuit teems, us he certainly knows hi. stuff.

Let's have nome-

thing about Tom Lynch and Jake Poney. I hope Henry Welsh will write something

on the 40-horse

hitch. Corne on, you bone-bostler fans, with more about the unsung heroes af the circus lots, the brio hostlere, and about their ne-

eletattle and the baggage StOek and their drivera. T recently vielted the big one and stayed until It was 1.11 torn down.

something I always do. Tom Lynch had motored down from Bridgeport for a

vielt, and he looked hale and nearty, lounging ln a chair at one of the horse tenta se he Min done for so marie years,


Pittsburgh. I note that The Forum of June 13

was devoted to a mage-Unau ideas anent successor to Howard Thurston."

Doubtlean the author, Kellman Houston,

and other magi-ciens will remem-

ber how a few years ago when I

was at the height of my tweetss mi

mentalbst 111 number of the no-

called "best known" magicien« started

• cruaade against the mentallate. At that time the SAM. an organisation I had been a member of for a number of years. forthwith expelled me !rom Its tanks without even a hearing on the

ground. as I was afterwards told. that / had "told somebody's fortune." I did not dignify their attacks on my Sion by making any muwer whatsoever.

A lev; of those In my profession did rise in an effort to atop these attacke. I

wish to take this meann to Inform ail

magiciens and Mr. Houston that I was a magicien and an illualonint many yenre before I ever entered into the mental angle. I Wish to take thla means

to inform all magicien, that during the lest few mire of the great Howard Thureton'a Ilfe I never once made such an overture or even made any mention

to Mr. Thundon that t was a magicien ab well au a mentalist. The reason obvious. I was a micceseful mentaliet,

white you could then. and «LM con.

count the very nucerenful numtallete on the fingere of one hand, T wish to Lake Chia meane to further Inform all ma-

giciens that during the convalescence of my good friend Howard Thurston. who was a dally visitor at my home on Miami Beach and 1 at hW. that he so-

licited rm. to enter into the contract which I now have, hearing his signature, to do practically hie entire show for the next three yeara wherein he was to

utilise about 15 minutes of the Ume to put ln an appearance: that he per-

sonally told me ln the presence of both our wives that I W., the only man in America that he would ro contract to

do hia chat he made nuite an extensive investigation of my ability, at my own request. before I allowed bina to have the contract drawn up fer Menine: Dur / personally read the letter written to him by Abe Laatvogel. hie pet-son:il isa ,,:er und [...prie/tentative in the Willium Mrerly office. giving him

the okeh to contract nu. to do hie show for the comlne season's bookings. The

pa,Pse et Mr. '11 ,17.1.0n left a niche to

1111 in this ancient art. I invite an ma-gleinne to nuite e note of the.: that if

/ produce a magie and mystery show this tell that it will be a shod ouch as no ether magicien in the history of

maille has ever had the initiative or originality to produce. Getting back to Mr. Houston's letter in The Forum, I twist% to agree with him that nu' gOOd

friend Barri Bleoluitone is a great ma-

Raboid Tells

Of Agreement

With Thurston

In Praise of

Kindness of

House Manager

(peints and entitled to everything he has or ran get. Und my good personal friend

Dante le another of the world's great magiciens. I do not know Tampa or McDonald Birch personally and have never witnessed a performance of elther. Mr. Houston's letter InvItes expression

from the widow, Piaula Muratori. and on the magie page of this saine tenue (June

131 there is already an expression from the daughter. Jane. liandeorne is that handsome dom Mr. Hounion,


ParroOlutfleld, Me. Can any readers of The Forum leva

information on a cirrus winch traveled

thru Maine ln 1889 under the tille of Causer & Shalerons? This was probably a wagon show and it was. in Limerick in

Western Mutine on

AUguet 10, MW. I remember tilts circus for the lav-ish extent of its billing, and ln tho small village of

Limerick, where there were no hillbreird /actinies, lumber was purchased and probably 1.500 nr 1.800 square feet of temporary billboard erected. (Ovine the public a splendid

flash. No menagerie was carried and a straight cireurs performance of rather unusual merit wan prenented, together with a very good concert, most of Mono on the regular bill doubling in the con-cert was advised a year or two ago that tille show was partially on rails and partially a wagon show and that jt was

Ita cuetom to spot ite train at some strategic point along the railroad and then start out for Ma haut of several

deys to back-country points. / never heard of a circuit doing tins before, nor have I since, ho 1 think titis lest infor-mation muet be erroneous


Queries About

Old Cirrus on

Rail, Wagons

Seattle. This le a story from an actor. I have

PlaVed everything ils the pain and the beet. But / played • one-day stand ln Aberdeen, Wash., on June 13. arrived

okeh but did not

have a wardrobe for the act or mu-nie, am t watt doing

a blackface act. What the young ma nager Of the theater there did

has not been done by very many mana-agers ln the past. He went to his home. dug out pente, aime, sax, tir and hat, and

on top of that he wanted to know whether had entent When n manager

will do that for an act that act cer-tainly will go out and work the best— and I did, stopping the show. I want the world and all artom to know that

the manager ln Aberdeen. Wash, u good man. ART aocuiate.

KANSAS CITY (r,ontinued Phot pope :,S)

the season ln Nebraska, haa Invaded South Dukota,

Showboat Players, management Dewey

Campbell, are playing a circle of towns In Minnesota with headqUartors at Bat-tle Lake.

Rotiewall-Terhune Show, which has been playing week Mande in Muirrouri since early surine to good business, twill move into Springfield. Mo., next week

for the balance of the summer. Kathryn Key, lest' summer with

Muge-Lister, was recently appointed superviser of the Federal Theater Pro>, ect ln Kansas City, Kan.

Jimmie Van cloned with the W. L

Swain 8how recently to loin the 8tUckey-Brock Comedy Company. Verne Stout, well-known rep manager,

ln now booking manager for a Federal Theater unit ln Peoria. 111.

Krill, Mante, Southern (-Secte stock

manager, now sojourning on hie turkey farm in Alabama, will reopen around

August 15. Neale Helvey Playera have cloned their

stock engagement at Burlington. /a.,

and are now playing week stands under canes,. Frank Delmisine. former Kansas City

Morny representat Ive, its now connected

with the Landes carnival company in

an official capacite. David Oeben>. rep musicien, left here

recently for his home in an Arkansas spot to receive his bonus

Cecil Scott formerly with the Dubin. sky Shows. Is now out of the business and located permanently ln thin city.

Eddie Wilson and Bob PeagIn will

42d YEAR

Billeard Founded by W. H. DONALDSON

The Largest Circulation of Any Amuse-

ment Weekly ln the World

Morutier Audit Bureau et Circulation

Published Every Week

Ba The Billboard Publishing Company

N. S. i.t . Amendent end Canerai Alanguie,

Tronson., A. 0. , salto,

°Weber Preto.. 35 •Ieu, Olmine•111. O. C. E. •COARMAN. Relit«

Depts., 1554 Itroadway. S.. Ven. IO V. Mann Orne. end Arienne_ Wolin. Tne •11111pand

Sultdine. 25-27 Opera Place, filneMeati, o, Phone, 111.1n 113011. 0.51. *dolman, ..31117110,... Ointinnatl. OFFICES, erse triew—ate rie«

Valera 'Ile ,., Silt., rage issewleme Meer. 1412.1•111.0 3 1616. X-1617. 3 Ille entreiro-- Oth Fion, Woods Bide., Randolpl. and Dearbers Street.. Phone, rentre' Al SC ter. Loris as aremle 111.11. Ath and 011o. MInois, Mon.. Peinte ont 0143 l'Ad...A.4-401 Nouthlend 1.1fe Inds. 1416 Pommer.. nus«. fine, 2-5202. P1111; ODE:1.1'111A 11 Patrie., 73771 2....woort

ritsrniseP`'n!. `it' Per y,9"1% Channe Crees Idead. London, W. P. 3. AT.t.NET, 11PATRAI.IX—etartle C. Brenn., C11. Tette., mire Rida lei rut Street. l'A IIIN 'raced.,. Wolfram. ¡tete lirelena, Rue Ado,,1-Atessna.

VA.111111-0n. Y 115: Tee... 111774.09; misa apode te ol.e United Mate,, 1'. R Poseemlem% Canada end Countries In Pan Ameneen Po,na! Union. Rarea, in ether 1,d.lorn r.onine+ nom ne quant. P.M rinert whca reoneeine chenet, Of .14.

ea, should dive as ...11 endroit.. DISPLAY ADVERTISINO—Frfte Oante mer

Amie Lino, Who.* Pamo. 5350: N•11 Poose. 1.1711i eeenw este. 157.50. Ne. dimle• ed.ert, onesseroto leas taon 10 liner arrepro.l. Last 54.

aider re. tenon., .t men., au as te ranch pals ii,sdru ',o.,. al-e•ise

ta odll .11 aille,

elle>) le Vol. XLVIII. lUelt 27, 1936, Ne. 24

«men their tent nhow next week in Kansas,.

Pire, couard by (ho explosion of a gasoline attachment on a pop corn ma-

chine, destroyed the front of the Afliges' nrrithere renvoie last week.

With the Tolbert Show BUTLER, Pa,, June 20.—Thls past

week isn't much to virite home about, but, considering the opposition we had In the weather, I gnose their lm% any complaining.

Uniontown and Indiana. Pa.. gave us the only two mal housse, of the week. nnd Indiana was a surpriee, as the rein cime termine down practically ail day, In the lote afternoon we had a mean windetorm that put about took us away. but no damage done and she stayed up • nil four.

H. tV. (Champion) Hale and wife. Eunice. have left for Dothan. Ala.. for an extended stay.

full y miller gave the company a

surprise on his birthday lard week. HO dug out the old make-up kit and smeared grease on hie face. Bill gays

it's the l'Irst in years and the tan.

Fred Stewart, who Mas the Round equipment, la out bright and early every day, making the streets and routes. The misaius and two boys are on for a visit and Fred le seen with a real smile these deys,.

Mise Jack Hutchison left this week for New Haven. Conti.. to spend a few weeka with her triste,


Billroy's Show Briefe PREEHOLD. N. J., June 20.—Lost one

night the post week due to inclement

weather, but other stands have given tremendous business. Manager Billy Wehle. who, regretful at having but two

remaining spots in this State at pres-ent writing, will. alter a short jaunt loto

parte unknown, return for another ride on the gravy train.

Twice in successive nights early heavy turnawaye have threatened two shows

—overflow bolstering concert crowd to capacity and setting a new high in that column. (On the books, of cour» ) Mimed catching Jimmie Hodna%

&Merl Niches unit by exactly one dag.

they having followed mi Into Brldgetoss. Jimmie Stone. former Billroylan. In-

forma froin Rochester N. Y., that the play production company of which he

ln the bend i clicking nicely. Te col. laboriiting on a new comedy for possible

early fall production in New York.


40 The HiIlbnard June 27, 1936

ARNOW-Two-week-old son nt Max Arnow, Warner Moe fluting director, June 14 in Hollywood.

BERKOWITZ-Isaac. 49. part owner nt Spricue ay Item-entire, Park Iii Leicrwriod. N. J. June 15 in Lekesecoci. Survived by three eons

BOURDEAUX-Luke. Sr., 02. who with Clarence Bennett operated 1 he I yr le Theater. New Orleans. for several years when that nhowhoniee was Dow of the 'argent Negro legit and stock stands in the Smith. June 16 follewing is etx-month Illneen. Lnterment following day in New Orleans. Survived by widow. three eons and three daughtere.

BRILIe-Leonerdes, 52. orchestra lend-er and Intuition 20th Century-ix Studio. June 13 in toe Angelee. He began orcheetral work in Spokane and eight yearn age, jOhled the Vex Pictures Musical staff. Widow, °lady's, and daughter. Joan, survive.

BROWN-Edward. 45, elephant trainer in Fleishhneker ¿on teen P'ranrleo. SILLS killed there Junta 16 by Wally, ?no ele-phant. which went an a rampage. PUrther detalla elsewhere in this Mete.

CHOTTNER-Ilarry W.. 50, veteran West Coast exhibitor and past preel-dent of the Independent Theater Own-ers of Snuthern Californie. June 12 after an nines, of severed month., being In • ennui •Ine last three days. An heed of The Chntinrr Theaters, Inc.. hr op-erated for â number of yearn severe) 1second-run house, in the Hollywned tija-teict. Survived by his Widow*, two eons and • brother. Max, essocteted with hint in business.

DAVIES-Mre. Ida. 50, mother of Mary Davies (Mrs Bert Vallen, tehlold and burlesque performer. suddenly in lien-demon. Ky.. June 17. where she had gone a few days before irnos her home in Cincinnati to visit her Mother. Burial In fienderrinn. Survived by her daughter and brother.

Toit rru7A-Cretetano S.. president of Nashville Conservatory of Mine, fee eight seers, at Vanderbilt Hospital there June 19 after a year's Mmes.. /le went to Nashville in 19113, where he, served ne director of the Ward-Helmont College tiered department until 1,128. when he renlened to found the fetish-Mlle Conservatory. Surviving are his widow: a eon, William rerrinele: mother, Mrs. Marianna De Lulea, of Mt. Vernon. N. Y.: brother.. E. B. De Linea. nt White Plainer. N. Y., and P. C De Luria. of New York Citty: two sisters. Mrs. Marie

Mare Klaw Mare Kiev, former partner of the

theatrical firm of Klew Cr Er often rrrrr red to es "the died of or heart attack at his hoe, In Sums. England. lone 14. Klaw. who was 7M, had been Inactive for the last 10 years.

Educated for the law profession. Klaw entered the theatrical business when he became Interested In a play Involving piracy and non-payment et royalties, a case in which he was re-',Dined by Charles Frohnsan. Coing to New York. he formed his partnership with Abraham Lincoln Erlanger in IMS. Aft., s ceded of yens spent in book-ing numerous stars and shawl. includ-ing a German opera company headed by Walter Damrosch. Sir lohnson Forbes-Robertson and the Aueustin Daly com-pany headed by Ada Rehan and lohn Drew, they branched out into proctor lion and practically gained a monopoly in the field of theater activity.

Together with Charles Freeman, iseeeea F. Nirdlinger. I, Frederick Zirn-onerrn•n and Al Heyman, a centralized «learine house was set op which booked plays eh's. Klaw Cr Erl•nrier. Opponents of the •• ttttt cleinsed that art was mcrifited to high f. , and lead., players went forced to ...et engage-ments at small salaries in dingy halls and th raters, the Shubsrt brothers provided the only real opposition and d to gain a good theatrical foretine prolonged eeriest spent in buck.. the 1Claw Cr Erlanger in-terests. In 026 personal disarree-...rent dissolved the partnership. Klaw said his th properties and went to England.

H. was married twice tn Antoinette M Morris who died some years aço. and to Blanche Violet bay Marti, in 1915. Me re survived by the tatter and by two sons of his first rnaprigite.

7.14e elinal Pennine end Mee. S. C. Curcio. of New York City.

DRYDEN--Cleorge, 04. former vaude-ville maelcian, wan drowned near Quincy. Ill. June 14 when in boat In which he and Mx other men were rid-ing to a picnic Mind with water and tank. lie came to this country flown England 12 years ago. In recent met he find been enraged in commerrial lines in Quincy. playing an occaelonal date with his magic turn in that territory. Survived by a sister in Englund.

FOLSOM -we. Janet Harriet. 02, former Milwaukee dance teacher. June 16 at her homo in that city. Mre.

was one of the first members of the American Society of profeesore, of Dancing end upon her retirement was needy an honorary member of the or-geniention. Survived by a daughter and

a brother.

FORFSMAN-Adelaitle. 83, former ceint-art singer. June 15 In a Madison (W..) hospital. Survived by a sister.

FOSTER--Frederick J.. 75, 'who for 13 fears conducted e pony track in Cres-cent Park. Bent Providence. R. I. on tho midway there ¡rotai a heart attack June, 13. Survived by a daughter. with ahem. he melded In Riverside. R. T.

ynfX,ERICk-Mrs. Mergaret. 311, en-ter•einer nt Illeine Tavern. Peoria VI. Juno 14 from injuries sustained when the wee %truck by a hit-and-run driver.

OARTLANTI-Jemn J. 72. active in veudeville fer more than e0 years, of pnetuntonin in Brooklyn June 16. Cart-loores wife, with whom he did a song and dunce Oct. known at Ireland and Lee. died eix years ago. prompting the retire-ment of Gartland. A Meter survivals.

ORAITMAN-Mn. Rose. 70. mother o/ Sid Oratutetn. Bout wood thentricel man-ner. in Loa Angela, June 13.

GRINNELL-Mre. J. D.. nt her home in By City, Mich.. June 9. She wne widely known as patroness of amateur theatrical work in Bay City. Survived by tenet-mind and tao eon.. Interment at Bey City.

In Memory of My Loving and Be-

loved Wife. Sweetheart and Pal.

Mrs. Fred Hurley Who passed on lune 30. 1925.

Cleveland. O. FRED HURLEY

KUHN-Ina. former veudeville and rate entertainer, suddenly in Lon An-relee June 15.

LAUDICK-Loule C.. 58. One of the founders of Delphos (0.) Street Fete. director of Allen County Agricultural Society and general manager of two Delphos newspaper, tar 18 years. June 1e, at his home in Delphos following a brief illness.

LOCKE-Joseph, 75, father of Edward Locke, playwrieht who authored The Climax and The Case of Becky, among other's. in Pittsburgh June 9.

MeCOMAS--Lile, 30, screen actress. In •ri automobile accident near Loa An-erlea June 13.

MeLEAN-Daniel M.. father nt Daniel McLean Jr.. manager of El Capitan The-ater. San Frencleco, in that city Jug ,' IC from heart trouble Survived by widow. ti.vo dringhtere and one eon. Burial June 18 in ban Mateo County, Calif.

MOORE-D. eteParlen. inventor of n tube for television Mitre supplanted by Inter inventions. In Brooklyn June 15.

attain MULLER-Lewrence P.. 53. chief mo-

tion picture operator at Warner', Al-hambra Theater. Canton, O.. and a. member end former erne, of Local 671, T. A. 'T. S. K.. suddenly nt his home In Canton June 14. Besides his wife. he leaves a daughter, he' mother, e sister and two brother's Ho had been identified with Canton theater, fur umre than 20 years. The body awe taken to Cleveland for oremation.

MURRAY-Asher L.. 66, brother of Charles Murray. film comedian. June 17 in Muncie, Ind

OGDEN-Henry A.. 79, illustrator and expert on theatrical costumes. whoee knowled-e mettle Met ¡Melee sought alter by theittrICAll pneducere Pnd tletOrs. In-cluding Meneneld. Sothern and Praia-man, of heart Menem in Englewood. N. J.. Juno 15. Two sisters survive.

OLBERT-Ralph w.. M. former elude-vine comedian. In Santa Monica, Calif.. June 17. At one time he was a member of acts with vend Sterling and the late Raymond Hitchcock.

PREACII-Cienrge A., pianist, at Ma home In Pittehurgh June 16 He achieved recognition in that city for his playing with the Little Symphony Oreheetre and other nanalral organiza-tions. He was a member of the Pitts-burgh Mueleni Union. Surviving nine nee his widow. a son, three brothers and a sinter. Funeral service,* June 20.

RICE-Mrs. Eugenio de Roode. De. con-cert pianist of note during the nine-teenth century, June 15 in Chlengo. Mrs. Rice was the daughter of o gentle-man-in-waltIne to the court of King William of 'Tolland and as a child prodigy at the age or nine played be-fore the King end Queen. She ap-peared as tercet artist with the sym-phony orchestra tinder Theodore Thomas and in concerte with mien masters as Cottechalk and Thelberg. She was eons eidered one of the greatest pianists et all time by Walter Deunroech, the composer.

RICHARDS -Stephen Henry, veteran San Francisco muelelan. In that city June 0. Survived by widow end three children. interment ho e-ypreae Lawn Menteriel Park. San Mateo County. Calif.. June 11.

ItTEGEL-Jacob 11., 64, secretary and ro-founder of the Grandview 'Theater Corporation, oprintor of the Grandview Theeter, St. Paul, June 16 at St. Joseph's Hoepltal, St. Paul. after long illness Wes Renown' manager of the Diepetch Printing Company, publisher of The St. Paul Dispatch and The St. Paul Daffy News. until 1027. Wan co-founder of Grandview 'Theater Corporation in 1933 and ureeurer since then. widow, a eon and n brother survive.

SHAVER-Mrs. Annette. 48. wife of Alfred Cl. Shatter, film agent, in holly-wood June 16.

eIMMONS-Jobn J.. at. Ravin Rork. West Haven. Conn.. from a heart attack May 26. A concession, nt Sevin Rock and In Plerida many yenrs. hr was rimo a carnival and minstrel showman of more than :10 years' experience. Ills parents. the late Samuel T. and Margaret Henn), Simmons. were onnereolonens many years at the Reek. Survived by his widow. Edith Munson Simmons: delight, . Katharine: sons Raymond and Clifford. and hie mother. interment In St. Bernard's Cemetery, Nov Haven, Conn.

STAMM-Jullus. 87, coneen pianist end nrehenstra conductor, June 16 In Los Angeles,. He hod been In Cali-fornia muse' circles for 31 yams and prior to that was director of the Turn-serein Germania. Ile was aleo rec-ognized et n greet muele conch. Sur-

living Pro Inn widow and two icons. Julius end Alfred.

THOMAS-William F.. 43. suddenly int St. Fiancee Hospital. Detroit, June a He was motion rectum projectionist for the laid 12 year's nt the Martha Wash-ington Thenter. Homtfamck, Miela, Ins widow survive..

TIMBERLAKE--Clecerge. 82 business agent for the Studies Painters' Union. III Loa Angeles June 12.

TYLER-Dine L. 29, engineer for the Mal binai Tiroadcantine Company, drowned in Lake Erie near Vermillen 0. June 16 when he slipped from the clerk of a pleasure cruiser. Wee wars e member of the technical Meet which was in Cleveland for the Reptiblienn No. Clonal Convention. Survived hy his widow, Helen; his parents and two tit-ters.

Harry N. (POP) Endy Founder of the (NOV SHOWS in 1908.

Who Passed on June 10. 1932. •

The Two Sons. DAVID B. and RALPH N. ENDY,

have continued since their Father's death, the show now being the (NOV BROS SHOWS. INC.

Cone, but never forgotten by the Endy Shows' entire Company.


VALLETee--Thonme L., al, well-known Central Ohio radio entertainer. who appeared regularly on programs of Me-tione in Zenreville and Columbus, cr. June 15 at hais hennie in Tioervill5. O, from injuries sustained more than a yenr ago when struck by a plank whirls fell from the lop of an nil-well derrirg.

widow rind two children gramme. Burial In Roseville.

WALTHAM-Henry B. Mi. veteran /1Im character actor, In Hollywood June 17 of an Int.-elms' Illness that attackel him three weeks nee. Welthall fire: gained popularity when he portnnyed the role of the Little Colonel in tee picture Ntrih of a Notion. Since then lie hag appeared in mime than a hundred films the mare prominent being Hen In White, Vinai VON. Judge Priest and A Tole ot Taro Cities. ills last rolo that of en inventor In China Clipper, not yet released. Ile began his film ca-reer In 1010 after several years on the stage. Ills widow, Mary CharlantOn. and a deughter. Mary, survive.

WALTON-A. W., 63, recently at his home. Perry. Tn. Mr. Walton. In shoe Musing-es mince me. was one of the first to introduce pictures to Perry. Surviving are his widow, one son and two daugh-ters. Sin, his retirement from the tee-nier in 11134 lun itrut operated the Walton Prlster AtleeeltnIng Company in Perry.

felattiayes BARNETT-VISIT-ER -Dr. William 0.

Barnett. brother of Vince Barnett, lien comedime and K. Dorothy Fisher In Pittsburgh June 17.

BOLLINGER-OILLIAM - Robert Bel. linger, assistant manager of Oaks Amusement Park. Portland. Ore. inel Ruth Ontionn. citehier in the park. In Portland recently.

COLLETT A N -ITORLOCK-Mark J. Col' loran, color pressman with The Putt t-teary Pre,. and Vivian Vincent Hurler", trils and burlesque chorister and former wife of prenk Dennieter. musician. June 12 in Wellaburg, W. Va.

GOLDSTEIN-IIRAFV-Relph Cloldetein and Rena Beef, of Werner Berle Wak-ing department, Pittsburgh. In that es] June 14.

HAYES-HERMAN-John Hays., hum.' isregruns hencl at Steno» Wile Plea, delphia. and now In some position st WNEW. New York. and EVO Herniae June 13 in Now York.

IRWIN-HARRISON-William Genre.' Irwin. of the Cedes Trio, comedy here pintai bar and cradle net, to Setts liarremn. of the Harrison Novelty Bi-cycle net, in McPherrson. Kan., Mgt 30

KEATING-MAI/AR-Jack Keating reel Rene Mehl,. tabloid and bUrlennur pro formers. June II at Miss lefehar'n beano in Ceineha.

KETTR-SMITS-Inn Keith. attire Ind motion picture actor. and Mrs. leidt-earde Smite in Chicago June 16.

LANCE-PATRICK - Oregere I 015f. non-pre. ot belittle, end Clare Pairlet head of NBC mueic rights department. Sen Francisco. In Stevenson, Wash.. OC

May 22.

LAI1GHLIN-NUTTFR-Rny Ltd:White Kansas City mueleten. and Lec Nutter. member nf the dancing chorus et lbf State-Take Theater, Chicago, at 1{..00. City JUne 9.


June 27, 1936 TI,.' (board 41

stacMCRItAY-LAIVIONTE— Fred Mac-Surrey. screen actor. and Lillian La-

nt.. New York model, In Lae %regal. sey JUne 20.

NICHOLS-SCHULTE— Selman Richard yiehote, nonpro(eesionrd. to Louise eholte, deughter of E. J. Schulte. Cwt. ,sr (Wye.) exhibitor, In San Diego. june 20.

01.00LE - St. JOHNS — Francis T. °Toole. nonpro. and Adela Rogers St. johns. novelist nod Icreen writer, Juno a at Harrison. N. Y.

PAIZRY-ROSE — Dr. Allen A. Parry, emprofresionel. to Dr. Antoinette C. Nee. daughter of the ("moils showman. me Roes. and Mr.. Carla Rome, now ,flaging Rose's midgets at the 'lease ft.•cnnial Fxponition. Drain, ai Vert eerg0 Presbyterian Church, Roches-

N. Y.

ROSS-LIITTA — Mickey Roes. guitar Ayer with Baron Elliott's Band, slid tai v Lhita in Pittsburgh June 17.

sCADITTO-CADOTTS—Joseph Seedy-e ',sage and screen character actor, to see Cadotte, nonpro. in Los Anfeelee ne 14.

SPRAGUE - DCMCILAS — Chandler .saie. executive at Paramount Plc-ar, Hollywood, and Chloe Dough.. aproferwional. In Tijuana. Mee.. sr 13.

WALKER-OAUL--Iludron Walker and ace Avery Gaul. daughter of Harvey

31. compoaer, musical conductor and viner drama editor of The Pittsburgh et-Casette, in Pittsburgh June 13.

woODFIN-COMPLME—E. L. Wooden-1. rt Worth. Tex., and Dorothy Compere. a member of Station WRAP. Fort sail, in that city June 18.

Cornitt9 7nattia9es

ermard E. Windt ntul Paratarl Fire-By. of the Carro,o Tri in Players, Minoan. Date will be sot coon.

Florrnce Gowen. Of the program de. trnent at Station WIDAS. Philadel-a. and Duval McClutcheon. early tine amer.

Barton Gene Cohen. known as Gene Mina when a juvenile motion picture ispr. and Richard Herman. real-estate rot, ta Philadelphia early in August.

Tunl Lanier, stage and erreen actress. DI Nell Miller. Honolulu betimes man.

l•riner hiteband of Dorothy Mackaill, actreaa, this summer.

Pick Stuart, former movie actor. and th Eileen Skinner, night-club enter-:net. In Loa Angeles soon.

Wallace Wornley. ef MCIM prodUction ailment, to Catherine Hess. non-(melons). In Lo : Ansielee June 27.

Madelyn Earle, 20th Century-Fox him • to Robert A. Duncan. non-

...tonal. In Los Angeles soon.

Itras Fetal, trombonist with Dashe l0Sd's oreheatra at the Stanley Theo-

pittsburgh. nod Ruth McConnell in Itiburgh June 26.

a' ill _it 5 7. Mr and Mrs. Harry Rubin .Tone 11 ,he St. Anthony Hospital, Michigan r Ind, a seven-pound Ilye-reinee

lerher hi trimmer of the 'Droll nitiff. Michigan City.

la' Kr. and Mr.. Edward Krtiff Jnhe 17 Philadelphia a 75 -pound daughter. he. k radin announcer at Station


All eicht•pound dmichter to Mr. and Willa Lane It. St Merv'. Horpitai,

actrineti, June 16 Father is manager • member of the Manhattnn Trio,

rie turn. Mother elm° formerly of he • is known proteusionally aa


8°.• rix pounds, eix ounces. to Mr. • Sits Stanley La Feve in Los An-. Jene illther Ins fina librarian Paramount.

esti to Mr. and mrs. William Refuted'. th Lee Angelce June 11. Father is la Jack Warner's Ofnce at Warner

en. Picturea.

kaght-pound girl to Mr. and tdre. Sidney Beeline-in June 13 in Los An-geles Father is Scenarist at Columbia Pictures.

To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Herman e seven-and-one.hnif.pound girl. June 10 In Lost Angeles. Pother is econariet for Invincible Picture,.

Seven-pound son to Mr. and Mrs. Ira mosley in Santa Monica. Calif., June 17. Father is MGM Sound operator. Mother works in the studieea music de-partment.

To Irving Berlin arid his wife. the for-mer Ellin Mackay. an eight-pound, two ounce eaughler in Doctor's Hospital, New York.

An eight-pound girl, Myrna Frances, to Mr. and mre. Brownie Silverlake May 19. The Silver/ekes are performers, playing Circuses, fans and rodeon.

DlOOtC65 Denny Woodruff Cronyn, of Chicago,

trouas Hume Orortyn, actor.

Mildred Rae. night club entertainer of Stonehurst. Pn from John Lire, Phila-delphia. Juno 12 at Media. Pa.

Reeemary Dtijsik. actress. from Harry Huneoll. Detroit vaudeville booker, in Cook County Circuit Court, Chicago, re-centlY.

fate Deaths . (The following items Terre received at press time. More details in the next Issue.)

HAIL—Halworthy, eft, dramatist and author, known in private lire na Harold Everett Porter, In Ton I n ton. Conn.. .lune 20 of itnetunronn

World of Mirth Shows • Hackensack. N. J. Week ended June

II. Locution. North Hackensack circus orounds. it-otte 1. Auspices. VFW. Weather, last three days rain. B11.1.,,,

good until the rains. After five week.« without toeing a

night from Inclement weather the clouds opened here Thursday evening. Before Saturday night the lot became treacherous for vehicles and getting eff WAS accomplished only thru gallant work by all hands. Train left several hours late Sunday morning. Circus flavor given the show by Earl Pertle's lions and other features strengthened this week with Will IL Hill's performing elephants which worked as a free net, also served an a "reception committee" at the marquee. The Risers armiatinn. Orr-

n aerial net, made their debut here this week and proved popular. George A. linteld. who Imported the art, and Mrs. Hamlet come over from New York with a party inelieling Dorothy Parkt-man end Magnolia Herald. So close to New 'fork was the locution .here that nummoun parties %indeed the city. some on pleasure and ethere on mattere of business. An a remit of the latter the midway wen brightened eonsiderahly by new scenic effects purchased, among them W. E. D. Welch'', elaborate Semi-nole Village nnd Wrestling Atlientor exhibitinne. Elaine Oteen's Polies Ber. pero end Russell Judy's Club Mermen. Oeorge Adamn back at :scenic painting job again after a week's illness at Clif-ton. Work again progressing on Ma-bel!, Kidder', modernistic Temple of Mystery front in a variety of shades of red set off by brilliant gold and chro-mium plated bonier, Previews week at Clifton. N J., show hail a good burli-ness engagement. auspices VFW. At-tendance about 25 per cent over last year's flew.. Mrs. Max Linderman, who had been ill, bark to the show on Seturday and well on the road to re-covery. 'There were visitors from Ring-ling-Barnum Cirrus when it played Paterron. among them n number from the elide Shaw of the Big One Who were entertnined in Shorty Adams. cook-house by Dot and Flo Carleon,


United Shows of America r.sktos, S. D. Week ended June 13,

Dakota Territory Diamond Jubilee. Lo-nitres. Yankton College rumpus. Weath-

er, good. pusfuess. very good. One of the few times In history that

a large amusement organizatiOn has ex-

Minted on a college campus. Maurice Jencice, of Kansas Free State Fair. Topeka, in charge. Clive Lane. Mr. Jencks' publicity purveyor at Topeka. rpent 14 weeks in promoting the ment. Many 'deter during the week to No. 1 wagon. Included ¡sever:al members of the cast of Show of a Century. Mike Barnes; J. Ci. Venables. secretary South Dakota State Fair. Huron. with bin wife and son: Mr. Beecher mid sou, of Sioux Falls. Otorgo Voirstettd has add, d four girls' to his retinue of !erne nt his Fountain of youth. Word from Mrs. John It. Castle wise that she wax ail set with her big "crime" exhibit at the Great Lakes Exposition, Cievelund. Word from shrevnport that Joe Munro:Mr and Gladys McDuff"; were well on the road to recovery. Bill Covington. with sound truck No. 2. Ii valunble snort in the marquee at night. "Bank Night" still proving a big meet, speedy Logan took unto himself a bride. Irene Jacobs. of the Vogetead attractions. "World's Fat-test Mother" (Mrs. Gertrude Kara) top. money show fee week. with Rudy Cnornbie Wall of Death running a close second. Scotty McDonald, in charge of Slover's Riding Ponies, has one of the neatest pony tracks on the road. Mrs. Thad Rising and Della Crean recent additions to Elsie Calvert's Hi-Hatters, Jon Cloodmsn still the "king of the corn game." Max Klepper general manager Cloodmen's conceeelona'one of the busi-est men on the lot. Denny Howard, with a peculiar shape lot, made n perfect setup of the midway. Pop Cempbell doing fine as relperintendent of Pull-man, Bob Lolimar away on an ex-tended business trip. Roy B. JONES.

Randy Greater Shows F,ankifn, Pa. Week ended June 13.

~pier% VFW Drum Corps. Location,

elem. lot. Weather, good. SusineeS,

reey good.

Show now moving special. on Ovo rare and one c 'soh. in addltien eno trip for the motor equipment. Business at Franklin undo,' the sense auspices ...bluest doubled last year Among vied-tom, Mel Dodson and Scout Younger. of Dodson Shyers; Frank Foist. Of the F. de M. Shows, and Captain Smiley, free act. 'Thursday the big day—Public Wedding Duty. Rain rie close as two miles hut the show did not get a drop. Walter linker lime the front gate and Howard Meseta, truck man, the back gate The roster: Steff—Hermen Bantly. owner-manager; Mrs. Herman Bantly. trimmer: Harry Copping, general direc-tor: Chris M. Smith, necretary; Bud Foremen. electrician; Rey Stevens. train-master; Howard Megerel, superintendent of motors: Walter Baker, lot superin-tendent: Bert Roeenberg. general agent: Ray L. Miborn, special agent. Free Acts -.Fred Reckless. on high pole: Captain Phoenix, net hiela diver; Joetph Mettler, swinging ladder, FtavntOnd Steeems. walk-around. Band—Raymond Mettler. director; Marie Mettler, Leona Mettler, George Mettler, Luongue Amodio and ne. Mettler. Shows: Scandale or 1936. Bud Brewer, mnnager: Lyle Wilson. em-see. L. C. Hoffman, Tommy Walsh. Pa-triclo Selby, June Rorie Martin, Karen Wean., Madge Lamer«. Metordroine— May Bell and Cyclone Kellar, Mra. Ste-vens, tickets. Side Show—Walter and Betty Memo: Oscar (Twisto) Pearson: teems the Frog-Boy: Georgia Dickens. "Madam Queen": Master (lens afettler. ermines: May Scott, nurse. Monkey Clr-cus—Haynnond MIAMI, Jimmy Wilson, William (Mold, John Hunteman, Crazy Hnese—Ray Stevens. John Rerie, Revere-Post Dieplay—Suller Roberts, Charles RIchardren. C Wiesen leerrylrinci—BUd-ely Finney, Jimmy Marshal, Pete Zanin. Harry Marshal. Rides, Merry-Go-Hound—Sam Meafaxtere, Hooks White, George Knit. Ferris Wheel—Ray Mill-Iron, Finley Ciesman, Mile-a-Minute--811m Hetrick, Pete Olin. John Walt. Meade Rear. Eddie Kowel. Chaltplane— R. MeClintock. Clyde Retie- KeldrPlene —Tnwrenee Blyntiller. Alberta Prichard_ Pony Trark—Andy Peres Kiddie Auto.

Bureard, Mo. A. L. Williams. Cnnresalonere: Cookhouse, A L. Wit-ham»: Bill Conway. chef: Fri Henry. F.d.I Bennett. Corn Came Henry Englehart, Ervin Williams. Bob Sailor. one: Ed-senrd Sim.. one: Herold liolildev. cus. lard: Arthur Lunn, pop corn: Bill Pine-endale: Jo lainn. one. Hall gamea Babe Foreman. Pauline Knepp. Oscar Pottier. Other ennemelonere. Sam Weiner and the miemis H E Fredriek. Huth Mathews, Leonard Smith rind wife. Mrs. Walter Baker. leirl Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bally. Doty alleklnelta. Mr and Mrs. Benny Smith and son. Howard;

Rubin SI Cherry Exposition Appleton, IV's. Sua dew, ended June

14, Auspices, American Legion. Loca-

tion, midieroi between Appleton and Neenah-Menasha. on Memorial Drive

sheogrounda. Weather, /air fiattien, very good.

The eighth week of the season for this allow. Jeckson, Tenn., the anly still date Late arrivni from Manson, the show train arriving mat Appleton at 6 p.m. Monday. Opened Tueseley. Friday best night of the week. On short notice. with radio und newspaper advertising. excellent business 1>n Sunday. Godino Twins made personal eppenrenee in a department store end n "Twins Matinee" we, staged Tuendey aitert.0011. Ciro HerrMarl'a Girl Show unit broadcast over Station WTAQ Wedneedny nfter-noon. Beautiful new 40 by RS canvas tent theater. green in rotor scheme, dra-matic end, built by 0 Henry 'rent Com-pany, arrived and net tip for the Ore> time under nupervision of Bernard Men-delson. Will be utilired by (Iodine SlameSe Twins. Construction crew com-pleted a new attige wagon nnd new scenery, and lighting effects will he used coining week. Nate T. Fettle, arcom-panted by Mrs. nigh,. nrrived and will be advisory director of 'several of the major midway 41W-ea-none. Including the Twine. Joey Hoffman, who has been spending the winter months at Hainen City (Fla.) Military Academy, is upend-frig his VACAS 100 with nil parents. L. (Peazy) and Cleo Hoffman. Mrs. Ger-trude Cain has a beautifully framed palmistry booth. Ward Caldwell, collie-phonist of Midget Circus. whos home is in Neeneth, tendered e dinner to the member, of the midget troupe. Fred Eberle, of Omen Hay. and Bert Sieber, !how fan and automobile agent, were visitor,. Larry S Hoge», general agent Beckmann & Ocrety Shown, dropped in for a brief visit and was warmly greeted by his many friends. George bobbins Is superintendent of the four unit Ferris Wheels. The dining car is. a favorite tendeavotia for the tired showfolks at night. and Clue Woodall and Dallas Cant-well see that they are served with ap-petizing menus. Tralimianter P. J. Mc-Lane and his crew. load and unload the 40-car train i n rapid style. Rubin Cru-berg lout lined up several big attractions for the fair circuit, which begins at Ionia. Show is heading for the Northern Penin-sula and will be in Calumet on July 4.


Silver State Shows Worland, Wyo, engagement ended

June 15. Auspices, Veterans a/ Foreign Wars. Weather, good. Business. lair.

People turned out favorably comider-Mg the size of the city. Show Is enlarged over last year and has been euccessful cinc, the spring opening. Perri. Wheel topping the ride", with the Thriller a close neconel, Loop-o-Plane doing good in most emote. Paul Tome, manager and owner, purchased a new Dodge sedan. 'Little Bill" displaying great. Intereet in his photo gallery--evidently metaphysics Is hobby with him. Mrs. Ida Tema. sec-retary-treasurer. may be seen nt n11 times with pleasing personality and elem. At the front Bete Mo. Ethel Miller. serene and calmly tends her knitting. Grief struck the midway Wednesday night when Clarence Sheridan, high diver, met with et fatal accident. Details ran be found elsewhere in this lame. Bill (Panama) Letterman, of the cook-house, ever popular at meal time. with B. D. Tilden (better known at the "Car-rot Kid-) in the kitchen doing hie stuff. Doc Snow back with the show for a short visit, reported the country ahead looking fine. The newly organized "Lions' ChM" gaining much headway-. on orgsantratIon among the women of the midway their motto "More growling end less talk." The executive otaff at present: Paul Tone. owner-manager Mrs. Ma Isswe, were-tary-treaeurer Brownie Miller. legal ad-juster: Dec Snow, ndvanee agent: Mitch Freeman, banners: Barney Summer,, lot foreman. Show is routed northward.


George Miller. Timothy (Tim) Green, Leo Smith, Will and George Roberts, G. P. Fteed, L. P. Moore, Mrs. Green hill:iron, Mr. and Mat Prank Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs Frank Ephrim. C. E. Dunkle, Mo, Chris Smith. 'The lot crew and the boys who make the fence "air tight"— Pete Wilson. Wellace Copenhaven, Bun-ter Stet:nil. Henry aregmy. Dill Divisa, Pete Racine and Don Phillips,


12 The June 27, 1936


gtoaàcasi SOME Of the smaller circuses continue In "burn up" territory and make

tilines miserable for thee whose owners and managers want to ree the business move ahead. 'roo bard the ones concerned cannot seo the errors of their ways. And it's too bad Mee that the prac-

tice of pulling and covering of the Oppositions paper rain goes on among some of these shows. Oh, yen, there is considerable of this taking place, espe-cially in the last. The blame is placed, in one instance.

On union biller, the opponition Show In question having non-union men.

Thin. If trite. is a mighty poor policy to make a show unionize—We just ouch tactic, that make a show manneernent all the more determined not to sign the agreement calling for union bitten.. And it's eornething that the executive

board of the International Aessociatien of BilJere end !Whifflers should look into without any waste of time, While on this subject of "burning up"

territory and pulling and covering of paper, there Is one circus in the East guilty of theM, practices, we have it from very good authority, that does not give a matinee. because If It did. as a city clerk is quoted ea saying. It would not be able to give a night show, the performenre being so poor there would be no crowd. At one spot this show in supposed to M I. "burned sip" the water supply. which it wen getting very cheap, by letting the water flood nn nthletic field. ege that when the next show enme along the man looking after this duty had to bee and plead with the author-ities for water. But at the end of show day when the meter wee rend the authorities gave this show free water.

In one New England town. we are told, they are waiting for a certain circus, be-call-se of its tact!cs last year. to slap on a double lot lee, as well nos double the prier for water. As one showman plitse It, "Wish there were mere like that bunch In this New England town and these bad practices would soon cert.."

+ + At the Inland Editorial convention la

Chicago en-emits a certain circus was soundly condemned by many editor,' and their new.papers are closing down on circus publicity.

t 1-

AT FIRST It appeared as tho parka and carnival companies In 'mine ways were going to e,eape the new

Kentucky amtinernent tax law which be-came effective Junr 7 and which ex-COWL@ admissions «if 10 cents or lees. This, however, has been nixed by State Tax Commission which last week sent oUt to pineen of amusement and enter-tainment in the State instructionn and eaplanattone concerning the administra-tion of the new law. The exemption of smusernente charging 10 rents and un-der .1111 hold•, hut the rommLaelon ex-plained that -the admission rharge shall be deemed the total ot all charges so made rind the tax shall be computed Upon that Mode." This mean, that if the gate fee is 10

cents or less there will be ne tax upon that charge. hut If any subsequent charge Is made for tilde »hews. etc.. once admis-sion is obtained, this charge is subject to the tax by adding the artinunt of each euherquent fee to the general admission charge. Only free-gate carnivals and parks

where there is no charge inside of more than 10 cents, or euti•equent rherge, es-cape the tax. Be sure to read the full details of these tea instrUctiomi and ex-planations on page 3 of this Irene.

«l• Promoter L. G. )(Ina is eofng into

business for himself, but lust whet line he failed to elate_ Probably his old one of independent promotions. Until a Jew days ago Pic wets with the H. W. Camp-bell United Shoes. -Mr. and Mrs. Camp-bell are lovely people and treated me melt'. King *aye.

+ + t AFTER receiving mane newspaper

clippings panning certain circuses. It wan a delight to get one among

theee of a show that has the future of the circus business at heart. It concerns

the Rusin,11 Bros.' Circus, and we are re-printing pert of the clipping. taken from The Leader-TrIbune of Marton. Ind.., an follows. "The most attractive feature was the

cleanliness of Ruesell Brun.' outfit, both in ite appearance and in its working.. Special lighting effecte,. well-groomed unimale, gracious and efficient perform-ers, all marked 'in armanizatson that is • credit to the show business. Even the work of the boys who net the rings, han-dle the equipment and drive the stakes wee noticeably precise and creditable. "Out on the lot, before the big show

began, it was enjoyable to chat with the performers, to know them as the people they actually are Instead of the glamor-ous and unappronchable creatures they are under the big top. Truly what is known in allow basine,, aa a 'Sunday school circus,' any member of the or-ganization who is audibly profane on the lot is subject to a fine. The clearill-nee. eoUrteratsneva and grace-nu:no, of the circus folk 'backstage' erne dupli-cated •ritit in front,' where the public was treated graciously and faith was kept with the courtesies promised in ad-vance:*

-I' To settle a controversy: Hartmann.

the conductor oj this column, Peas nut been on the Coast this year.

Mighty Sheesley Midway Port Huron, Much. Week ended June

14• dirPirer. Knight, of Pythias. Lora-lion, 24th and Lapeer streets. Weather, told. Business, practically nothing.

Everybody on the show, especially those who winter In Florida, thought they were "in Alaska" the last two weeks. Overcoats a necessity day and night. Attendance was about a third rif last year. btleineeil being the name. Port Huron eitirenn great boosters for the chow. but that helped only a little due to the weather. Mrs, Jeanne WIlllams "back home" again after an extended visit to her daughter. Mrs. Harry Moore. at St. Louts, Clarence Pound"' rejoined the show. Joe (Laughing ?Meek) Taylor replaced John Crockett as poler. Public wedding of a local couple was held the one fair night of the week. Joseph (Lit-tle Joe) Wrenn now in charge of the fireworks department and doing a fine >lb of it. George Embree Jr. and Harry McNeely in charge of front -cate ticket collections. Victoria Nelson Joined Great Letter's Show, Charles Pounded kept, the office visitors warm with his electric heaters. Over $100 worth of canvas was burned tn., carelessness of two boys who thoughtlessly threw a clgaret without looking. Al Renton Jr. suffering a eprnined ankle. Among the new shows, Howard Ingrarree Unknown Soldier and Harlem on Parade—Chad. A. Taylor, manager: W. A. Schaffer. talker; Flo Sehr.ffer and John Stevenson, tickets; Wilbert Berrie and Tommy Banks, canvas; Latrine Wilson, William Palmer. Bennie William'', Vivian Taylor, Dolly Bernhardt. Robert lierdenon. Rob-ert Freeman, Ella Bell Dixon. William English, Johnette Broadway, Dot Drown. Moe Brown and Rose Aker. on stage: Leon Onrebon. Albert Killian. Stanley Miller, Elm-Tie Slappy. David Stephenson end Charles Moody. musicians. Among the many elsitore: Carl Ilathriwny. Rid Mermen, Laura Scone. Al Game, Leo Beckwith. Tommy Middx. B111 Banks. Ivan Respntin. Cleve Walsh. Frank Waldron: Martha. Geraldine and R.Inn Newman. Lou Ferrer'. Robert Kam, Wil-liam Dumas. Jelin Reid, Earl Kelly, J. E. Mend. J. C. Webb and Leo Albert. Jack and Grace Champion have been stopping


Fc7e'kED and ACCURACY SYIWYKreetVaWberWiabgaVINSWHWArrbilkNWIMbrbak•WblaW•44

Loirer Intrastate Kale in All Elul a Few Slates TELEGRAMS * CABLEGRAMS * RADIOGRAMS, ERRAND


u s 'Postal Telegraph

Phone your telegrama. They


traffic daily with their clever rube im-personations. FLOYD NEWSLL.

ANTI-ALKY PLAY— (Continued from. page 37)

Hanel weekly, for the purpose of clari-fying the subject of alcohol education,

topic on which, according to the church authorities, fanatics on both bides of the question hold stupid end uninteillgent opinions. Five hunched dollars in n11 will he given, including a grand award of $200 and a second prise of 6100. Contest clone, December I. Ma. Plays must be of one net and it la requested that the script should be simple enough ta permit performances in churches which have meager equip-ment.

School Recitals

William PiBich, Pittsburgh pli UUROFf. June 20.—Willisen Pil-

Itch presented an entertaining tap and modernistic dance recital at the 20th Century Club recently, the feature of a women's auxiliary benefit. He has de-veloped n number of talented yoUngstere In the last year. Particularly notable Was Eleanor bibtaWell, a graceful tapper.

Others of Wile were Helen Retinoek. Irwin Baker, Bob Mills. Ulrich Schoen-berger, Bob Cook. Louise Cochran, Betty Jane Lee. Betty Ertzman, Charlotte Marty, Eleanor Emery, the leour Are, Bill Webb and the entire tap-dancing en-semble. t'tolettis Gable' attractive cos-turner, and E. Fred Meet°Wan% well-ar-ranged music rate credit. Nonfgberg.

Kayser, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH. June Harry

leayeer Mantle staged ite annual allow at the Nixon Theater 5tIne 12, mingling dances with rhyming dialog and a ro-mantic plot. Outstanding performer wan Rita Lawlor, a personable dancer, who delivers with equal ease tap, toe and acrobatic work. Others who im-pressed were Virelnin Lkider, LaRM. 1'i-waster Ethel Donner. Claire Hoelale. Betty Jean Welsch. Nancy Newman, Bet-ty Boyer,

Billy Hinton and Mary Jean Case, two graduate.. scored in a fast tap number. This revue is the lost of the annual major recitals given by local schools.


Lou Bolton, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH. June 20.—With tt flalr

for the different, the nnnuel recital of Lou Bolton', School of the Then ter.


The Good Samaritan Quebec City, P. 0.-1'ra/fie officers patrolling Quebec's 16.500 miles of payed

and graveled roads are instructed to pis, the role of th u good Samaritan of the high-way and render every possible service to motorist, who may be in distress. They are not placed on the highways to avement provincial revenues by the imposition of fines but are there as the friends and protectors of the public.

Only a few years ago the traffic officer was looked upon as being the terror of autoists, bobbing up when least s.apected and arresting drivers who violated the rules of the road, no matie, how tri•lal acting in such manne, the traffic officer was ',rely performing his duty, but the motorists did not think so and when brought to task for their rr tt it lin• regarded themselves as being persecuted. Little

by little, however, public opinion regarding t officers has modified, and flue matted, themselves have learned that the ungratatul task of policing the highways was not without its advantages Today, after numerous educational campai gnu curled out by the authorities sed the various aafety associations, the public knows that th• role of traffic officers Is net to bring about embarrassment to travclers. but rather to Insure fire safety of traffic and to render help to motorists who may need it,— Canada Wriek by Week.

Contrast this with the situation In some parts of the United States.

will be charged on your bill.

staged at the Irene Kaufman Aadttorl. UM Jane 7, featured rt musical comedy fenced with a number of specialties. Penned by Henry Coriert, the plot Rate the kids nn opportunity to handle dialog as well na display their dancing and singing abilities. It was a sparkling and entertaining affair.

Carl Berke and Eleanor Vlha, perm-m-any Ringers, handled the leads well. Others prominent were Ruth Devilacque Gertrude Ewart, Jerome Wolfson, Melvin Wolfe... Melville gutter. leading in acrobatics were Betty Gray. Dorothy Wined. Mice Rohrbeicher. Pine sang epreialtiea were delivered by the Golinhano Sisters. June Vogt. Eleanor Villa. Carl Berke, Herald Oiler, Kitty Lou MCOolIgh and Mary Pearlman.


Martha Rose, Pittsburgh pn-vsBuyt011, Suns 20.—Martha non

re, ue at the Nixon Theater, J11110 found the teachers an active on the Emir as their pupila. Miss pose, as well ea her areistante, appeared in number after number. 'the show, labeled Weather, lias been divided into the four ewieene. A nao n g ot,tetanding Cent:abut..

from students included those of Bobby Matthews, Arthur Brenick. Billie Itameh, Frannv Byers and the tep ensemble and acrobatic work by Mary Winters. Cath-erine Flaherty, Toots Keenan., Wini-fred Buhl, Bernier Hall and June De-limey. Good specialty work wne con-tributed by Carl Rittman, Johnny San. Yee Betty Russell. Performing tracts, Included Mires Ileac Emma Fuller. Rick Rapp, Rita Jackson, leiVerne Messer and Eugene Schweibina. Hernybny.

Fillion Studios, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH, June 20.—Dance cis

partrnent of the Pillion Studios, linen Karl Iftinneh. was seen in Its annual festival at the Carnegie Music Hall June S. Same SO students were featured MO spot was the renio dancing of 1,rnaX Doliner. His work in truly prefessarui in every respect. Impressive, too. wu the bellet routine performed by a peep of men

Virginia Miller and Florence Y011ng PMUteri Heinrich and worked in seise


Anna C. Cooper, Pittsburgh PITIVIBURCH. June 20.—A talented

group of youngatere headlined Anna 0 Cooper's Terpsichorean Revue at Ms Nixon 'Theater June 3. Embellished in novel coettimes. the kids displayed their talent in all dance departments. A num. ber of specially arranged vocal eelectioni added plenty of life to the show. Among the students who were actin

were the Ortena Sister. (Dorothy. Jain i. ,nd Rita). Patsy Owens. Mary }Venue Ruth Alford.

Impreegilve dance selections were Sket-ers Waltz. Serpentine Orante, Musical Comedy Tap, bream Tars, Art Inri ,,b" to time Dance and A Broadway Baby.


Velma Ulrich, Pittsburgh PrrrsBureolt, June 20. -

dance recital of the Verna M. tires School nf the Dance wen witnessed by 8 large audience at the Grotto here Stine


Leaders in the acrobatic field were Aneeline Bier. Marjory Leith. Dorehl Bch^rh, Joaerhtne Cnrif1110, Irene Grant. Olive rind Richard Gillingham and tbe Palka Sisters. An impressive ballet Pox, ber was offered by Gloria Sanborn. LOi. Brennen. Betty Hammond, Cathedra Murphy, Lorraine Snyder. Jean Roth and Pita isrInner, among other., t'ee herself appeared in n Viennese term.' slated by E. Tripp and J. Marlene,


Jane 27, 1936 The Billboard 43

tee% the Op nit e»._ e4

11H1 Ilia011\

Leonard Traube The Games Situation

Two commentators present their views on concession games in a manner rio

interesting that they are being quoted nt length. First from Arch E

Clair. manager of Noruinbega Park, Auburndale, Mass. who for years was an executive with the Johnny J. Jones and Brown & Dyer ahnwn:

"I read with much interest your rtr-ilea Purging Midway Magic., and think it Is well taken care of from all angles. YcU have always known my views on Inc operation of concessions, have

known that T rinve always been in favor of trie legitimate kind, one that gives man merchandise for his money. -If a survey were made of the verb-aim

rencessionern who have been successful In the /ast 25 years, you would find them to be those who have tried to give their customers a run for their money. How long could we operate eon.

cessions in the park, where we are lo-cated for the entire summer and catering more or leas to the sanie people it we tan games a little off color/

"It has got to a point in the last few yeurs---regarellere of how ,straight and open and above board you run your con-

cessions where wane of the customers ut afraid to play your games. In a oonversation I had with one nf the >Men concession (spenders in the Mud-.. some two or three years ago a dis-cuseton arose in which the man Stated that prior to his taking the en-lustre at a particular fair it had heen burned up thus making it hard for him to

build up n legitimate business. The party in question had never operated anything but the finest of legitimate cow:N.10ns 141s first yenr at the fair did not net him very much money, but la the years following at the same lair he steadily built up a fine business.

4„A S L0170 as the majority of people who play concession games are sornetimen in doubt as to the

tquareneria of your gaine, why not ad-vertise on your concession stand that mil are running an absolutely fair game and offer n reward to anyone who can prove that your game lx not fair and square? If you expect to stay in the business and are trying to give the pub-lic what It wants, why not let them

know about it?"

TIIE second communication is from I Jack L. Oresquipoon. of Creenspoon

Bramson, Inc. operating on car-nivals and currently at Chesapeake Bench. Md. who writes: 'Your article, Purging Midway Magic.

Is very interesting Of course, you know I have hi-en In the concession business more than 25 years and have elusive made it a practice to run coneesslons on the up and up. Ot one time I operated 65 varimIS cnnerssInnel Ut six amuse-

ment parka. I have handled as high ma 11250.000 in nickels and dimes in one lielienn. That is a hit of money le handle en games, but I am Slim if I had not Metaled on the up and up It would have been impnraible to handle this amount nf money eystematleally, the way I did.

have always been a booster for

clean concemions-devices which ere not controlled. I Invented germ, which cost more than 52.000 to build and found them very profitable. Among them were the tilinbing Doll Racer and the Electric

Tally Ball. which I operated in Coney Island from 1020 until 1023. Business Th very good at that time. I tised a eeriead nf merchandise every weak. I ea not buy anything back.

41 HAVE found from my operation at f•Irs that the fair associatinn got a

high rented for space and cancel-'hone, used controlled devices to get an they possibly could for their invest-!amt. I did not find any fair so rosy after controlled devices had been used there the previous year. It takes two Years to live conditions down. / know Use Public likes up-und -up stores, but

Awn Kerkira, experience is afraid to 9197 them,

customer, to my mind, has 8011r taste toward conceartione from the

"Y they have been mishandled by ve-nous coneersinners It will take a little

to right the wrong which is being

caused by the people in the concession business.

"'I read the article by Joe Hughes in your columns and found It very Inter-esting. I was associated with Joe when he wan part owner ot the Williams Standard Shown back tu 1018. The other owners were Messrs Williams. Kinney rind Katy. They really had n good show. Coneruslons did good business every week and gave out carloads of merchandise.

- If carnival owners and fair secretaries got together and refused to sell space to anyone operating contrnlled devices, I urn sure that the concession business WutIld enjoy the profits which it en-joyed before." The business owes a vote of thanks to

Messrs. Clair nnd Cireenspoon for their contribntiOne3 to thla Vital subject.

f7ACK TERRELL, co-owner Cole-Beatty Circus. In town for the Louts-Schmeling fight and business con-

cerning the show. Ditto Rubin ant-hem, owner of Rubin tg. Cherry Shows. who also maw his daughter off to Eu-rope.-J. W. Boulter. of the Charlette-town Exhibition, P. E. I., Can., huddling with Cieorge ifambi. Ikiulteras prexy of the Canadian Fair Antsuchition.-Larry Nathan. of Olick's Exposition, dropped into tho city on his week'n varash. Said his slater is in a New York hospital. Also reported that Benny Franklin, the prominent Baltimore show-man and member of the polity, is on the ailing list.-Frank Mont,. manager of the Garden's rodeo, back from Dallas to we the fuer mid Col. W. T. Johnson's Rodeo. Biz far from being up to ex-pectations. he announced sadly. Also looked over the Fort Worth grounds. -Henry TrefflIch. New York animal denier, received a 7-year-old gorilla. among other specimens, Including 10 chimps. Oorilla is the first to arrive in the United States in a number of years.-Ivan Bros.' Cirrus cloned down in Australia after all. despite reports to the contrary. Outfit to be sold. Nellie Dutton..William McK. liansmen and other American artists on the shnw were reported on their way back to the States. • - An Indian anake dancer with M. W. Billingsley's Hopi 'dentin sinit, sold as an educational feature with carnivals, department stores, etc.. was killed ln an

auto accident in Syracuse, N. Y., last week.

Wallace Bros.' Shows Hlonmington. Iii. Week ended June II

Location, O'Neil Park. .Vo auspices. Pny gate. Weather. ruin Tuesday and rout nigh ta remt or week. flu,inene, fatr. Rain and wind storm blew down and

did conaiderable damage to the front marquee and Minstrel Show tope. and would have canwd considerable more dmmtge to concessions and show equip-ment. hut the willing able support of the members Of the Show prevented it. Prank Moss assumed duties of lot super-intendent. replacing Items Crawford. who Will use full Cine handling merchante' tickets. Among visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Grubaugh. of frneen mustard note; Boy Barbee and Linden West and party Of Barker Shows. Minstrel Show now under management. of Ace Note Murphy mid wife, and u real show has been or-ganized and is clicking nicely. Paint-Inn and decorating for the fair and cele-bration engagements now being done, with the pleusing color acheme of white with red and blue trim on all rides, gate, show fronts and ticket boxea. A shower-luncheon was given Mrs. W. A. McCauley on Thursday and a Mee nrray of gifts were In evidence. J. L. Inman joined with corn game and Charles Cordon with custard end ball games Paul Varner left with mouse game for his Indiana picnic and celebration dates.


Georgia Attractions Laurens, S. C. Week ended June 13,

Auspices. Community Fate ;Vent/tee shourra. 81.ifielt. good. This date (sponsored by the !anemia

Mill Mothers' Club) was a success for ell concerned. due to the fact that, all members worked diligently. On Tuesday night. following an address by J. Leroy Burns, county superintendent of educa-tion, a baby show under the direction of C. E. Tollieon Was held. about 60 infants being paraded before the people on the grounds. Wednesday night, following an address bv Torn Bennett. a clerk of court, children of the community gave a pro-gram which was well received. Thursday

night was "everybody's night" and a gond time was had by all Friday night (jov-ernor Olin D. Johnson gave a long talk, commending the event. The ;shows rides and concerelons were well received.


Circus and Carnival Routes

CIRCUS AND WILD WEST Herne, AI 0.. Minneapolis, Minn.. 23: Man.

lento 24: Watertown. S. D., 35; Aberdeen 21. Mandan, N. D., 21: Dickinson 29 Glen-dive, Mont.. an: Billings July 1: Greebull. Wyo. 2; Thermopolis 3; Casper 4; Doug-las 5.

Cole Bros.-Clyde Bratty: Wooster, O., 23 Lima 24: Hamilton 2$: Marion. Ind.. 20: Pt Wayne 17. Hammond 38: La Fayette 29 Crawfordsville 30; Danville. lii,, July 1 Springfield 2: Champaign 3; BloomIngion 4

Cooper Bros.. Remora. Ont., Can.. 23: Kee waten 24: Whitemouth. Man., 35: Item., Jour 26, Belkuk 37: Gladeone 29. 011hert Plains 30: Itobilit July I. gamseek, sank., 2, Preaceville 3; Kelonston 4.

Oninesyttle Community: Ilealr) Dallas, Tea, 25-27.

Hawkins. Bud: Hocican, Wis., 24: Campbells-port 25; Fox Lake 20; Markesan 27.

Mix, Tom, Pt. Cadge. Ia.. 33: Marshalltown 24: Iowa City 23: Moline. Iii.. 26; Aurora 27; iCriliseumi chicago 29-July 8.

Polack Bros.: Waukegan. TU.. 22-37. RInglIne Bros. and Barnum St Bailey: Schenectady. N. Y.. 23: Utica 24; Binrham-ton 25: flyracuage 34; Rochester 27: Buffalo 21: Erie, Pa. 3n Ashtabula. 0.. July Youngstown 2: Oil City. Pa,, 3: Bradford 4.

Schell Eire, Walhalla N. V.. 23: Cavalier 24. Real Bros Orangeville. Ida., 28 Sells-Sterling . Stevens Point, Wie., 23: Watt-eau 24; Merrill 25: gotten 26; Shawano 27.

Tiger MU sane - Auburn. bid., 24. Vanderbure Oros. Greene, Ia., 24: St. Amager

25: Manly 26: Buffalo Center 27. Webb, Joe B.: Buhl, Ida, 23; Repert 24: Shelley 26.

CARNIVAL COMPANIES Mendn ar• for current week eh.fl no

date. are given. In •owe instance, pos-Mbly mailing pointi are listed.)

Ace-III: Rome pa All-American: Duke, oida. All-Anierieen Expo.: Igawleh, S. 11 .• Mobridge 25-37.

Anwricom tinned: Kalispell. Mont Anderson-Srader: Ores', Bend, Kan.;

City 20-July 4. Arena Natrona Heights. Pa,

B. & M. Am. Co.: Shawnee, Okla.; Prague 2e-July 4,

Bach. O. J.: Potsdam, N. Y.; Clayton 21-July 4

Badger State' Ripon. WIS. nantir Greater: Kane, Pia; Brookville 21-July 4.

Barfield'. Cosninpolltan: Wilitarmbure Ky.: steams 29-July 4

Barker: Centen. Ill; Buahnell 39-July 4 Perknot Bros.: West Branch, Much.; Cased& 29-July 4.


ficeknusna Milwaukee. Wiz. Bee, F. H.: Paris. ky. Big 4: Rome. Ow. ArlairavIlle 39-July 4. Big State: (Pal, Shiner, Tex.. Cameron 29-

July 4. Blue Ribbon: Evansville, Ind.; Linton 21-July 4.

Bren-.er afldway Att..: W. St. Paul. Minn.; Duluth 29-July 4.

Broughton Bros.: Port Arthur. Tes Brown & Lynn: Island Pall, Me . Van Buren

22-July 4. Blown Novelty: Liberty, Ind.; Milford, O.. 29-July 4_

Brine: Cumberland. Ky. Buck, O. C. , New Tendon, Conn. Buckeye State: Florets. Ala. liturdlek's All-Texas: Sehwertner. Tea; Bel-ton 29-July 4.

Byers Bros., Sac City. la. °retest state Horton. Kan.; Rockport,

29-July 4, Celli» 44 Wilson. Punxsutawney, Pa.; Clear.

field 29-July 4. Christ Muted. Renton. O. Coleman Bros.: Roe/cull. Conn_ Colley, J. J.: Okemah. Okla. Conklin's All-Canadian: Mooewjaw, Sask., Can.; Ester., 23-July 1; Weybutn 2-4

Corey Greater: South Pork, Pa.; Central Clty 29-July 1.

Crafts 20 Ble: Richmond, Calif; Stockton 30. July 3.

Crowley United: Perry, Ia. Crystal Expo , Pulaski. V..; Galax 21.-July 4. cumber's. Valley: Payetteellle Tenn. Cunningham Eagle.: Pomeroy. O. Curl Greater: Greenfield. O.; West Union 30-July 4.

De Luxe Shows of Amer : Troy. N. Y. Dennert as Knepp Esp.: Hagerstown, Md.; Annapolis 29-July 4.

DIsle Belle Attrs.: Mitchell, Ind. Dixie Expo.: Morganneld, Ky.; Cloverport 29-

July 4. Diste Model: Pocahontas, Va., E. Redford

29-July 4. Hod eon. s World's Pair: Johnstown, Pa;

Charleroi 29-July 4. Dudley D. S.: Childress, Tex ; Lubbock 29'

July 4. Edwards J. R.: North Baltimore O ; LeiplIC 29-July 4 •

Plane - Carnegie. Pa, Miman Ciintouviile. Wis.; Marinette 29• July 4.

Endy Bros • Bunting-ten. N. J.: Stroudsburg, P•., 2I-July 4.

Es angel., Claremore, Okla; Pawnee 29. July 4.

F. A M Anz Co.: Philipsburg. Pa.; Rimers-burg 29-July 4.

Frisk Greater: Montgomery. Minn. Georeia Litro,.: Liberty. S. C.: Pelee? 21' July 4.

Elibbs. W A. Harlan. la M•pleton 29-July 4. Glick. Wm : Am...rebus. N. Y. Gold Medal , Chrbergen, Seult Ste. Marie 21-July 4.


To the circus trouper who has de-

voted twobcore years or more to busy seasons of ad Vance Work or in borne capacity back with the show a period of 35 years seems only n swiftly panning

vision of an annual routine, but when applied to the record of a circus owner who in 1030 Ia actively Identified with ownership and operation of a circus that wan opereting under earne title 35 yeart aeo it is a record worthy of news-story

publicity to the reader of circus litera-


In December, 1001, the Walter L. Main Circuit had completed its 16th anntial tour, owned and managed by Walter Is Main. and it had an established repute-Lion of popularity from Enstport. Me.. to

San Franclaco, and from the Canadian provinces to the Oulf of Mexico. On December 12. 1001. the shove Was stored for the winter In a spirit and span new quarters In the show's home town,

Geneva. O. On December 17 the new winter-quarters bUlIclInga were formally

opened and dediented. Over 200 invited guests were there to inspect the new

buildings. the paraphernalia of the show and to congratulate Mr. Main on having completed a surceraftll season and the erection of such subestantlel buildings in which to Tamer his accumulation of

valuable equipment and enimals Promi-nent among the visitors were Ed O. ICntipp. W. J. Elliott. Daniel J Fitz-

gerald. Col. Hugh Harrison. William W. Powers, Connsellor Trunkey, Owen C. Don& James Harrison, President Walter of anie Show Printing Company, John C. Keenan, M. Mihills Dun Taylor. W. H.

Winner, Bob Abrams, Dan McKenrie, Rhezia Royal. newspaper representatIVes

from Cleveland and Buffalo,

The new buildings were located on 20-acre tract on the outskirts of Geneva,

near the Lake Shore Railroad. The main building was entirely of brick. W.s,, steam hented and lighted by electricitry: the animal quarters were special in de-sign and equipment. 100 feet wide. ill

feet long; stationary built cages, larger than the road-show display cage.; the repair shop was lrinx170 feet, the psint

(See OLD-TIME SHOWMEN an page 47)

Golden State: Sacramento, Calif,: ItosevIlle 3o-July S.

Golden Vallo)' • Waynrshoro, Tenn Tuscum-Ms, Ala. 29-July 1.

Golden West. Wm flambart',: Verndale, Minn.: Welker July 2-5.

Gooding Create, Toledo, 0. Graham. Clarion, la.: Rockford 29-

July 4. Greet Coney Oland, Amite. La.; Begaluse fl_

July 4. Meat Olympic, Bloomington. Ind. Great sultan: Pane. Ili. Greater Expo.: Waukesha, Wis.; Kenosha 39-

July 4, Cr•enland: Ashland, Va.: IPsiri Louisa 39-

July 4. oruberwa World's Espo.: Oloversville, N. Y. Haines. Bill' errnstivrood. Tes. Hanwn, Al C. Knoxville, Is.; Humboldt 29-

July 4, Haney Days: Worthington. Ind.; Orlisrfordae UR. 2e-July 4,

Ilappyland• Ecorse. Mich. Happy, Attra: Pleasant City, 0, Ileller•it Acme, Carlstadt. N. J.

Henke Bros.' /WI'S. - Sturgeon Bay, Wla Winne, 11t011.: Ft. Denise. 14 Hilderhtand United: Kelso, Wash.; Raymond 21-July 4.

Hodge, AI O. Nile., Mich. He...re! Bros.: Yorkville, Ca; Spencer,

211.July 4. Hughey Bros, Fairmount. Ill ; ch•tarrorth July 1-4.

Hurst. Bob, Edgmrood, Tea.: Melville July 1-4. Impeensl . ileatr. Warren. Minn . 22-24. 'FM"

Hallock 23-27; 'Fair. Fertile 211-July I: 'Petri Ada 2-4

Jackson Midway: Dalhousie. N. B., Can. Joe, Playlanch Smith Center. Kan. Jones, Johnny J.. Expo.: E. Liverpool, Co, SpringfWld 3111-July 4,

Jnyland Grand Rapids, Wet.. K•ser MIddletewn, N. Y.; Binghamton 31). July 4.

Xeratone, Tale..., N Y Krause Oreater: Ambridge_ Pa. Kreko's /colonel' Weed. Calif. Lagasse An, Co alits•-; Arlington

Bright. 311-July 4 tandem J. L.: Leasenwortb, Ran.; Red Oak.

la. july




lee the



41 The Billboard CIRCUSES Conducted by CHARLES WIRTH—Communacatione to 25 On•ra Place Cincinnati. O.

June 27, 1936

Winning Tour For Kay Bros.

• Show has played some old territory, but most towns have been new

• DANBURY. Cenn.. June 20. — KaY

Bro. Cirri., which opened at Ports-mouth. Va April ie. le traveling on 30 vehicles. he. a new six-pole big top. a four-pole menagerie, tall new. and every truck anct troller Is painted to the high-est degree of the painter's art. Theta Virginia and the herd-mat section of Penneylvania show encountered some rain and plenty of cold weather. but this did not deter patternnfl in coming out. It hen not had n leasing cloy. The per-formance. are giving satlefaction nt every stand and many are the com-mendatory after.noticesi.

Menem Ketrow has the big-gee and best !thew in his long career. Show has played steno old territery, but meet of the towns have been new. The performance is given in two rings.

Or, an elevated Maur end in a steel arena. Seven hundred grand-stand chants are used. Show nine an hour and 28 min-ute.. An excellent seven-piers brand Is under direction of Tony Lomb.

Among the performera are SI and Nellie Ritchie: Mary Ellen Ketrow, wins and working elephants: Edith Bookmen. Spanish web; Slim 13Iggendeff and Harry Mathews, single traps; Don Carias. unsuppertrd ladder; Lola Morales; the Masker Trlo, horizontal bars; Buck Leahy. Roman rings; Bob Mathews with his lion King Tufty. raid to be the only wire-walking lion on exhibition; William Pirkerd with his seal Mickey: Dol Rin Trio. Carton Troupe. Kay Aron.' dancing ' elephnnte. George and Edith Gregg. In clown alley are Peewee. Black 1,erahv, Shorty Cook. George Gregg and TOM Ural. The 30-minute concert la ably handled

by the Eddyn. Anetrallan whip. crackers, and Includes Spunky, the pony which worked with Shirley Temple in Che pic-ture, Curly Tops: the Don Juan?, and Kay Bros' bucking mule Dynamite. Mason's ainnktv Circus In nealn with

shnw and duplicating Its emcees of last

The advance brigade le in charge of Prank Ketrow. with Tom Kennedy ai-

(See WINNING TOUR on pope WI)

R-B To Use New Lot at Youngstown YOUNGSTOWN, 0., June 20. -- The

Rlngling-rternum Circles will i».'» up the old lot ad Wright Field in favor Of et new ene nn Inehnont ¡avenue petrel-salon in Trumbull County. Al Rutter. here this week, completed nrranermentg for the leasine of 90 acres at the new location, whtell he terms fa an tarsal lot.

Morton's 5th Year at Toronto CINCINNATI. June 20.-11nte Morton

etudes that be closed a contract for the fifth consecutive year with Rnaleae Shrine Temple. Toronto, to be held at Maple Lent Garden, arid that he will present an entirely new shear.

Long Beach. L. L. Mayor, Sponsors Relief Event NEW YORK, June 20.—Contract for

Mayor's Welfare Relief Circus was signed thle week which brings Fronk Wirth's (Irene to Long Beech this slim-mer Motor Charles (loll and Police Chief Philip B. Kohut were parties to contract.

Ticket campaign marshal, co-opera-tion of city departments. In:Iodine po-lice. ere, hoepital, women's corninattee and the mayor'. committee. with L. B. brass.buttonere cutting in on profit..

— ---

Coleman Brou. Buy Show NORTH 8TONINGTON. Coran,. June

In--Maynard Brea.' Circus which wee 'wired for Indebtednesta to circus em-ployee. here 'sneers' weeka ago, has been sold to Coleman Bros.' Shows,

ZACK TERRELL.. one 0 Pic own-er.', n.f the Cote Etroa.-Cty. de Realty Circa& and tale, snapped on the lot al Canton. —Phnto ht, Persett.

Atterbury Slim% Being Enlarged JANMVILLE, Wis.. June 20.—Business

continues good for Atterhury Bros.. Cir-cus. Two lions were purchased from the Duluth Enn and brought to the Show et Spooner. Win Thr circus botieht two new Ford trucks nt Hudson, Win It is intention of the rnsimagement to build up the show as it mien along. People ere mitlett each week. marl more trucks will he added (business warranting en-largement nf show). Bind now en-tarred to 12 ph-re., At Colfax fair houses; Mondovi, good

matinee and fair night house, Ellswerth, ring bank at metinen, fair night house: Spring Valley, talreeet day's business this ernson. turneway at matinee nnd ring hank at night. Baldwin. turnawny at nestmer and half house at night nucl-eon. fair houses. The management intends to have It*

Inneted season and will try to spend Thanksgivine Day on the lot,

Circus Concessioners Attack Circus Trailers HARRISBURG, Ps. June 20—Since

the circuit season opened ha Elect-en Permaylvanla. trailers from Philecielphin and other Esetern cities, selling balloons and novelties, have been follerwing

and causing a considerable loss to Coneesoleners with the shows.

Last Monday morning in Harrieburg, nt about 10 o'clock, eirrue hove swept down upon these Itinerent merchants. nnd wiped them out This summary netion. of .ouree. produced legal entan-elements after Perrno of the boys had been Incarcerated end necessitated hear-ings, liefere an alderman an well as the City Court on the following day.

Atterney John C. Graham having been here, appearing before the tanned of rev. (tine for reduction of taxation for circus Pullman ears, was called into nervier for eald henrInee. the result brine the boy" were diechareed and fraur of these tend-ers were incarcerated after having been lined 132$ each and reran and not being able to put up the money.

Two Ilentimplirrea Band IX' naon Will Heail Cole Bros.' Partido

DM MOINES. la.. June 20.—The Cole' Beatty Circuit will corn, hero Jule 10. Parade will be headed by the famous Two ilerral.pheree hand angora pen-cloned relic of an earlier tiny. which has been enter' at the State Peirerounde and which will he loaned for the parade by Blunting Tor No. 1. of the CPA.

Boekus & Kilonis Closes MILLINOCKET. Me., June 20.—The

Bockus & Kilenee Circun, J. D. lellonin and C. L. Berlins ownerg-manneere. which opened at Mencheater. N. H.. April 24. cloned here night of Jame 12. un-able to make a go of it any Manner. The ehowf Mk scattered. severel acta joining the Eddy Bros.' Circuit.

Russell Biz Gratifying Show luis been in new ter-ritory—conditions are on upgrade. in Michigan

• MANTSTFE, Mich., June, 20.— Russell

fires... Cirrus la today concluding the second week of ita tour of Michigan. While this han been new territory for the show, business has been highly eratifying. Starting at Sturgle Jonc R. bowies of two-third:a or better in the afternnon.s and capacity at night have berm the rule. Cities visited here In-cluded Jackson, Ann Arbor. Pontiac, Flint, Oworsu. Bray City, Mt. Pleaeant. Cediline and Traverse City.

Thettnerte conditions enflame on the lin-emen, in Michigan. with automobile plants and other factoring hunamine. and all of the cenurninitire visited Seemed ripe for a circus The circus has not ellown on Sunday

shire Danville, Ill., and tomorrnw Its Mueltegon will be Its neventh congroti-tive Idle Sunday.

Charles end Ellaabeth (Rooney, Bernie renewed acquaintances on the chow in Jackson. and John Melzer and his family visited in Saginaw. Rob Harkey. of the Cole-Bentty preen department. also woe a recent visitor. Newspapers have been exceedingly

generoun with their niece and the /show has received many highly lauclatnry after-notices. Reb Burnell, the rive Peerless Elver.. Walter Jrnralere seal Buddy. Beetle Rechannel bareback troupe. Capt. Dalbenni• and the aerial work nf Athlete and Ethel Seamier tentully share special mention in the reviews, while Prank Miller's horses and the elephant., now in charge of Cheerful Gardner, come in for their shire of notices.

Ken Maynard Show Placed Ou 1Ranelt Near Van Nuys WS ANGELES. June 20.—The Ken

Maynard Diamond K Beech Wild Weet Circus and Indian Congersss lies been put away at the ranch near Van Nuy,, Calif. Practically all empinyong except those necessary to take care of the hay ani-mals and cabs end the enrich help llave been released. Cookhouse has been closed BM Penny and the Indian.: left Mgt Saturday for their homes in Okla-homa. San Diego business did not come up

to expectation'. However, that yea,' not on account nf the merit of the allow. Maynard. with two horses and the pal-ace car, left to open II weeks cf valide &de, opening in Grand Junction, Colo., June 20,

Near Capacity for 11.11 At Providence Despite Rain raovrorNcr, soar 20,—Despite a

drenching rtmenpeur of rain which con-tinued an then Sunday and Monday. the Rineling-fiermarn show played to two near-capacity nurtleneee here Monday. An unprogramed hit of (Paean was

mulcted on the let when Mole. Candle Gillette (Lucy Lnderatinl, aerialist, dis-appeared ehortly before the evening per-formance. After n fruitless search theta the cirrus trains and about the lot, her Mobend appealed to pollee for help, stating that luis wife hind been lii for several tines, complaining of nerynne-nese. Police check of reiterant: and hais tea-climate hotels and heapitale failed to reveal any trace of the tnIts,Ing up to departure of the circus trains rhortly after midniehl.

Injured in Leap From Wagon ALTOONA. Pa., June 20.—Archic

Ma lors. Negro drummer voth Cole-Beatty haul both legs broken when he

leaped from the top of a wagon to the street during the pnradc here Tuesday. A nenr-partle brote loose along the

route when a wagon carrying three liong Tot out of control deseendlog a bill. During the excitement Majors. Who was

on lop of n wanton in front of the lion cace. leaped to the pavement and received hie Inyurlea in landing. The lion wagon um brought to a atop with-out further miahap.

(Seal on Straight Admission Policy

IIHICHIAM. Utah, June 20,—Seal Bros' Cirrus hen been doing excellent business in Colorado and tills State. Since play. log Dodge city. Man.. May 13. the chew hate discontinued all forms of new,-paper flew. or men:haute* tickets and has resorted to a straight admission policy of 2.3 and 50 cents.

The Belay Ross troupe continues to hold a big percentage for the concert st t5 anti 25 cents. Mee. Jackie Wilcox. contracting agent. ensiled show at Crclis, Colo.

IABP&B Convention At Pittsburgh Next July PITTSBURGH. June al:a—The Port

Pitt Hotel here has been awarded the bi-ann.i al convention of the Intern.. Urinal Alliance of Bat:peelers and Biller. to be held in July. IU97. The name of the hotel was named

ClUrinff a dinner given by the ninnagros of the Vert Pitt mad William Penn at the latter spot last week for the Alliance. Local Nu. 3. Representing the local were C. A. Mitchell. president: W. R. Nichelnon. secretary; Al Finkel, Ray-mond Shackle, James Wright and Clyne Ciabbilean. Invited gum!. were Lee Abernathy. international president of Alliance; C. J. Snmehtli and Bob Stolid'. not. of /tingling-Balmoral: Otto Kruger, treasurer of local No. I. Chicago, and R. W. Dutton, advertising manager of Curti. Candy Company.

Roadside Establishments Affected by Pa. Measure HARRISBURG. Pa, June 20.—The

Penneyherna Senate. Juno M. approved a legislative measure which would prevent the captivity of animal» wild by narine for commercial purl-teem unless such reahlInturiellt is properly licensed bY the Commonwealth. The hill doea not Re-ply to theatrical exhibitions or eircalers, hut to roadside establishments which often do not have proper means leur keeping wild animals captive. A permit. cresting $5 and an annual

renewal at sa2 is neeragary for each ro..2-aide menagerie, which will be Ingprclea before such permits are granted.

Gorman Troupers Injured In Auto, Truck Crash HOLYOKE. Mass, June 20.—Pour per.

eons were injured here pate Monday night when a sedan cperated by Charles Reardon piled into the rear of a Gorman Brea.' truck. Reardon was thrown titre the windshield of his sedan, while three enema employees were likewise pitched thru the glass In the front of then vehicle. They wore Thomaa J. Get". Irving Getty and Charles, Owlet,. All puffered cuts from flying glass.

Seils-Sterling First At Superior for a While SUPERIOR. Win., June 20.—The Sello.

Sterling Carew, ham been granted e Pee. mit to show here the early pert of July. It will be the first circus to play here for a number of years A fine lot on Belknap Street and Catlin avenue has been contracted. The Al O. Barnes cir-cuits is playing Duluth. Minn.. today. Just opposite Superior.

Cooper Biz Satisfactory WINNIPEG. Can.. June 20.—Cone

Bros' Circus, owned and managed hi' E. II. Jones, which has been on road klnce May 25. hen played to natlefactray Maxine... despite much cool weather and rain. Show la piloted by D. C. Hewn

Stevenson Opening Show KANSAS CITY. Mo., June 20.—The

Bonhem Amis.' Circus, operated br Hen-na:in Stevenson. formerly witla eirceses end carnivals, will open June 20 nest hero. Show will have 12 trucks. seven trailers and will use ran 80-ford round top with two 30-foot middles. Mennen.' will be a ISO with three 30-foot middles Will play Midwest territory.

flee 27, 1936 CIRCUSES The Itil(hoard 45



June 54-1.111Ce. N. V. 33-11Inch•rnten.

N. Y. gin-Smacuie. N. Y. 27- It Y. 29-Buttalo, N. V.

Wine Ile-Rele, Pa. July 1-Aahtelarla. 0. 2-Younastnen, O. 9-011 Olty, Pa. 4-41eadlord. Pa.




Posters, Cards Banners, Etc.


4th of July Celebrations


Special Features SUCH AS RODEO, CIRCUS.



(Opposite Cincinnati, Oa

LIGHTING PLANTS $250.00 sonufnetured SI


ti K. W.



5 .l1



EDW. SAMARA, Inc, 41 Old Slip, II» V»


Troupe oI laps. Acrobatic Act. Clown who tan leap, Cid Menage Riders who can do S.lalling Ladder. Add... CHAS. SPARKS, Mr., as per route; Bangor. Me.. lung 29:

tearoom]. Mc., lone 30, Oath. Ma., July I.

0 0 Ft I Z E wia. lot our Spacial Finance Plan.




Tteehant, Snood Elephnnt, 12 one. •l Awe Ihe sIllfermit. .154*, ri 8." °Um«

ne, Law, 4 terse Pythons. Ono 4.4 Mod, three Wm Nd. .n° Cn" 71. "i Limed. lereth shipment. all ii

enesInen. WANTEL1- -Anneal Weak Ine ht li buy w honk on t.. VOL

With at e eitcus lapis


tateiL Pre.ident. Nerve I £17.

/Man( JI HAItTLIOOt. W.31 81/101 West Lake Mewl. Iniamen Doak

Minden. Ill. Notaleb. COOS. tronducted I. WkLTER I101110:NADEI., ICdltnr The White Torn. c - am iliohcaadel Pontine Cone

ham. Brinell, lit

Fred Schlotahnuer, of Oquawka. 111.. wail at Oulesburg. UI., June O and wit-nenned the blowdown of Lewis Bros.' Circus. Stated he had not gone In when the storm came up and ran Into Ihe clear and watched the wind tear it Up.. No one woe hurt, but everybody reared and snaked by the ruin that fol-lowed. When the Russell show playa Monmouth the letter part of thin month BehIntzhauer and A. T. Sawyer have agreed to do their stuff. Sawyer has promised te buy tickets for all Illinoln Hanker..' Life force. After the night Fleas they plan to entertain some of the chow people at the beach In Oquawka.

W. W. Dunkle.writea that he had a nice visit with Big Bill COnwaY Miring II,.. first two dnyn in June while he wan In South Bend. Ind.. making lot rind feed nrrangernents for the Hingling-Harntim Circus, which show. there July 24.

Membere of the Fred J. Warrell Tent No. 10 at South Bend placed n hend-some memorial wreath on the grave of Fred W. Warren in rommernorating the memory of the former Bungling execu-tive.

John R Sheperri and E. L. Williams droop te, Wentmont and visited the rsennie (turtle farm, Cmtindale, taking with them a dog named Duke. Wil-liams wanted to know how to work the dog, as It Once was with the Cunneen. 'che canine belongs to one of his sons. Mr. and kfre. Curtis, were In Denver. but the trainer nt quarter, knew the dog Immediately and put him thru several rruntit without any hesitation on the doga pert.

On June 13 W. H. Hohenadel, editor of White Top y rnd son. Walter, caught Sella-Sterling Circus and Beckmann Oerety ahows at Rockford. III. Both were located at the old driving park about a block apart, which gave mem-bers of both shows plenty of opportunity to vhilt. Olven a cordial reception by Linden-Inn TITOS. and members of staff. Saw afternoon performance for second time tills seaman. Show has been strengthened by additional new acts and is handled nt a fast pace by Equestrian Director Fred Leonard. After the show met Mr. and Mna Sverre Branthen and Dr. and Mrs. Tommy, of Madison. WI.., who carne down for evening perform-ance. The party paid a visit to Beck-mann & Cierety chows and were wel-comed by Fred Beckmann and Barney Clerety: Larry Hogan. general agent: Rent linamer, mesa agent, and wore gueatx of show in cookhouse, which le tinder management of Otorgo Davis.

1rd M. 11111eary. CPA, net...imprinted lee Hill Rend Jr., of Baltimore, Md.. drove to York. Pa., to attend matinee et Cole-bratty Circus Tent wes well filled They met Melvin D. Illirtreth. Harry A. Allen and Dr. W. M. Mann, all of we-sh-im/ton. on the grounds. also CFA Kent from Paterson. N. J. ItIlleery also has seen Downie Bros. and /Unsling-Bar-num.

Many Visitors On Cole-Beatty OREENSBURCE Po_ June 20 -Business

has here exceptional In New York State and Penneylvenla for the Cole Bros.-Clyde !lenity Circus. There were more el/titers the heat 10

drive than any other time during the nelson rind amateur photopyte,Mers have been shootlne circus /weer, from all angles. Heading the list of eelohritlen on hand were Dr . and Mrs. W. M. Mann, Attorney and Mrs Melvin D Ifildreth, C. O. Dellerre Hoy H. Jennter and Harry Allen. n11 of Washington: Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Cole. nt Staten mule. rt. Y.: nobert

Vaneirrherk, of Somerville. N. J.: Bennet,. C. Van (lee!, New Brstrirtwick, N. Flmer A Kemp. Trentnn, N. J. Perri Stmnn. booking ngent of New Yeek, wan a guest of Menem. Terrell and Mitten at Lancaster, as was Theo O. Lee. of

Louisville, Ky. John Mute, of Balti-more. also was a visitor.

George Brenton Beale. Sunday editor Of The Roston Pnst, arrived et Lancaster for a. Stay of several days and whit obtain material fer ecveral articles. George Myers. former cirmis trouper of York. PO.. Wall On the lot all day. He is now run-ning a night club there. Lou Delmore's parentet arrived from New York and spent two days.

At Lancaster, Harold Barnes grand-mother, Nancy Lomb, o/ Philadelphia, new him work for the first time. Several of his uncle.. Awe attended thy perform-ances. Mra. Clint Barnes, spending the aminner in Philadelphia. was on show for several days. visiting her son and husband. Clint Barnes. clown. Joecientne Mcrarlan entertained her sister, Mrs. Schultz, and friends at Larienster A termer Peru realdent, Mrs. WIlliam Mul-doon, widow of the former circus veteri-narian. saw both shows In York and en-tertained Ann Butler at luncheon.

Altoona (Pa.) Fans, the Add!. Pme-paugh Tent No. 2. put on a special PertY for the folk., fled O. Harker. former circus savante man, who now owns a bilipoeting company in Johnstown, en-tertained saine ref the staff nt a chicken dtnner between shown. Ile wan of great aid in Johnstown and helped John Corey with his 24-hour chat.. J. W. ISMIly I Werry. advertising malinger of Johns-town Tribune-Democrat, was on lot moat of the day.

Members of Ladies' Bra-acing Room paid several visits to Ida White when in Lan-caster. She was Injured when Dement° Bros.' Circus appeared there and t, still in hospital. The glide brought her flow-ers, candy, fruit and atom left gifts and presents Eerna Wilson Mnley, Leretta Tucker. Aileen Larry, Kathryn LiickeY and Bertha Denhern called at hospital twice that. day. It will he several weeks before she ta able to leave for her home In Chattanooga,

Johnny Cooper le making greet head-way with the novelties end has grossed far more than in 1015. He also has been appointed assistant camertnan by Hay Dean. official photographer of show,

Softball continues to be the rage. The property boys have won every game, with the "kinkere" in uremia place. Don Cook, head usher, saya in the future a man must demonstrate his boll-playing Mende before ha getn a Job as an usher. Performers lost a game to property bOTP. I to 0, and next day bent llanera by same score. Cleorce Cutnhall has already lost five pounds In weight and several dollars thru defeats administered to the ticket department.

Everyone is looking forward to the July 4 pi rule and apecial show in Bloom-ington, Ill. Otto Oriel-ding in arranging the program, which Will he n birnent for Billy Loretta, clown, now in Chicago.

Frank J. Walter Program

HOUSTON, June 20.-The Frank J. Walter three-ring chew,, the under-privileged children', show, played It. fifth nnnual date here last Thurnelar mid the beat program yet olered by Mr and Mrs. Walter Wan witneased by an untinunlly large audienon. Children ne the Faith home were special gunete or management.

Sheer made a flesh with 26 freshly pointed wagons, including many his-torical wagons from the original Gent ,. Bros.' Cirrus and othere from the old Ben Wallace Circus, Menagerie In-cluded II cage waeons. 25 Shetland ponies, nine head of horst, and two

Perfermance presented in three singe in which 21 dinplayn were offered

The program in Order: Shetland penis., Mrs. Frank J. Walter and A. W. Ken-nard; clown entry: Herman Park bulla, Hann and Nellie. preeented by Hans Nagel; poatng pony and mule. Mrs. Wal-ler and Kennard: "Knee-Hlkii." entail pony: "The Haron." presented by Her-man tangle: evillirary pony drill. Ken-nard; "Queen.- wire-walking canine. Mr. Welter, "Man.'. hind-leg pony: -Hot Shot." wire-walking goat- clowns; dancing homes: -Te,as" Jay Davie and -Lone Star Marie.' trick. and fnncy rop leg- performing dog, "Sport." high. diving dog: Welter's three-home Liberty act prevented by Mrs. Walter; TC3.4 pio-neers: "Curley." dog, owned and pre-sented by A. S. Oppenheimer: -Prtsico." wonder home. by A. W. Kennard: olnwn hemirdlontst. 113.rOld Quinn; performing mules, Kennard. Jim Shelten to general manager; John

Andreu. nromunrer, Prank J. Walter. equmtrlan director.

That JULY 4 Spot Are you going to need extra Canvas equip. ment, tent. wail, bally7 Something in stock or tem.:thine made sip special?

Nou, is flar Firule to order



America's Big Tent I louse I ASTann REPRESENTATIVE- A. E.

OAMPFIEI.D. 152 W. 42d M., N. Y. O.




posT CARDS .1,4 8 x 10 rege REPRODUCTIONS or Yourt Prams

EnIcAnn >Wirer" rINISI1 11.2_tg go 195 -- t..Le,..,T..-N- 12 - 225 250 , am WU 14/11.1eCT Ole LOT .1.5 _ 4.25

r.,.....ro 500 - 6 ,,,, --.-~- TO - 675 OfttMe Photo girt Sun» 1000 1175.- «...... ,., or.... o 100 - 97,



Fulton Bag I& Cotton Mills ..... ye lames Dana&

Unto•••••••• 1••••••11). How Onleavévo Stameas, Vs»


40.50 ROUND END TENT. HIEV-DEV TOP. Gt.,. Celonlon. .11 DI:1%1AL SIr.

O. HENRY TENT d AWNING CO.. 4.41113 N. Clare at., °Incas.. Ill.


For He motion •,..nomlets• 1no a lbw ear 1., 41.rorotio nr m.ire awl ado. It In -ati to Um ,knes In 11.• seeker. 211.21, 04.1.1.anon 0•000 End one 'Tern .1,-rpouled....1.1PIMS. 11911.00. 944.00.

KERR MANUFACTURING CO, 1944 west Grand A ricim, macaw.

DeMOULIN 11409, • CO. 1030 south Pistil. St. Glesmv1110, Ill.



SCHELL BROS. CIRCUS WANTS Nlan 14 le, Ile II, Si..,. wanted lineation limamm Aittnarcr. All 'i.e.-moon. open. Pitch

Pit hl.nee open. Van not, mom rend, Act, al.ii tin none White 11mielatis. Hill horde-, +diced,. wife. Route: LanWen. itai Walhalla. 23; Omaha, 24. All Meth Dot... St. Peter. Winn.. parenenent.


it,, SS horn, I • r and &hid,

3, 1,01, Hartman t./1 Ar.0., Tn..k Helen 14-eo. and

Lne/11., /lap, Ilealne Hoorn... Toni.> famma. Ruth, loul. Veda a..? >1.44.... G445.11 and

recilear•cd JIMMY IICIOTT, Lincoln Palk Hotel. 3 Laub An.o., 111/oHmler. MASI.

..... Vat. SOP Mention., il.. lallIbeard.

46 The Billboard CIRCUSES June 27, 1936

Al G. Barnes Show 1Dextet lellow ICSSCA I

"Tent "Taffies By FRED RITZER

NEW YORK. June 20.—Thore was a very intensive meeting of the executive Committee held June Id. at which many

Home of important-, were decided upon. A new letterhead wroi aUthoriresi. as well as guest announcement tickets_ Bert Lahr wan put forth ne a run (ley for June 24. A committee wan 0 P pointed to take inventory of props. end the Veneerer and finance committer were requented to meet and are how meet) of the club's current funds

should be turned over to the building

fund. which Is beginning to jump ahead. Again George lfnmid put. forth eety con-

structive Ideals. The committee is work-ing on a new set of gnca which are tri

be installed with the first lall meeting

lts September.

The following g.r steilDILtendi were ap-pointed end confirmed: Troupers' linine

finance. Richard P. Ettinger (chairman). Samuel Gumpertz. C. R. Hafienden.

George Hamid. Tex O'Roerke. Charles Perk., Fred P. Purer, Tony Barg, Welter C. B. Schlesinger, Albert V. ElieIke. E. E.

Superman. E. D. Thornburgh. Ralph Whitehead. ii. Dorsey Newaon. Enter-

tainment, Tony Sate (chairman). John Carey. R. Clifford Fowler. Carlton Hub.

Fred P. Puler. James, B. Pond. Ray C. Schindler. Albert V. Strike, Jolly Bill Steinke. Sharon Stephens, Merriberehip,

Prod P. Parer (chairman). F. Darius Benham. Major L. it. prolimen. I.e. Mc-Call. Peel Meyer. Tent finance. Richard P. Ettinger (chairman). Henry O. Have-

Meyer Jr.. Richard C. Patterson Jr. Publicity committee. E. I.. Robbins. (Chairman). P. Darken Ilienhnm, itself


Bill Ke,laka writea: "Many n time have I seen the eiollmar taro, calliope.

built In Berehnei by Cl. Ci, Colima, Ma-chine Company. O. O. was a brother hut never a butinera emendate of the Clo"'mar Woe. D. Cl.. by the way, in-vented and patented a bell ringer used

on radioed locomotlyee. Later when this calliope was titre warbling and

bringing up the end of the opening-tiny parade It was invariably taken to the

machine shop. where cl. O. end F.. T. (the latter another brother and a black-smith but never in th- show business) perfected its fallinge. The hernessea on

the black horses that used to pull the calliope wagon were made by my father."

One can always depend on an interesting

letter from Bill.

Eddy's New England Tour Is Highly Satisfactory cottninoox. N. H.. Jere, 20.—With

Ideal weather. business with Eddy Bros."

Cirrus hen been highly eatinfactory on Its New England tour. Manager Charles T. Hunt has plat returned from a prospecting trip and visit to the ad-

,ainetutyligite crel e}see

ELECTRIC PLANTS Asa r,.r Catalog current •wl imrel term

with l•n,rersal Purtable Light Pleura. They're de

Hamad to take th• least cseeihle maser, wane , low hao.1.., emir, St,,.1.1. Is light teem In te 8 iino • lema , sue, • r.ir nor , Ti,, • ,,iiidoor atoa for ro ,



cyaatflO APPARATUS An yr..gstres.-si Made o Ordeywl. I..•pert Repast-

ao catalog..

A. DRYSDALE O Tenth Ana.. Rn Voris Otte

Contortionists =It on filar., «r roneertbm omelet eninnierbes,

weal the keg «A any chotoetsch. oci wastea of becte... ice. ...I ten.ens s.co.niee sale return, All old (liners rim.. er,e istommer redrew KATY ****** Metes Arenencon, Duissth. Nine.

Information About Bonus Bonds Bonds lot the ',Mewing World W., veterans who 'pose The Billboard's Cincinnati

office as their address when making application for the bonus, are still at the post office

en Cincinnati: Alderson. Welter Wilson; Baldwin. William F.; Braden. Ray -M.. Camper. Hale; Dauer., Garfield: Eger. Edwin L Gerry. Fronk Hartaberg. Charlie Allred: 'ohm-

., Alfred F.: Landes. Orrin- Marr, lames A.- Pamillo, Giuseppe: Schleicher, Millard G. K.,

Snidow, Card O. Kiteerman, Henry; Tuner, Harry. The bonds will only be delivered direct to the veterans at the post office' on proper

identification lincidentally. some came freers far distant points this week, They cannot be forwarded. except. If other city, town or route address llocal number or General De-harry , is JYthey1 ,1Cd by the veteran to The Billboard, Cincinnati, in which case the bonds do not go to the now address, but are returned to the Federal Reserve flank. or other address from which they were originally sent, and in turn forwarded to the new address,

where id•ntillication aises must be furnished. Early in the week, when the bonds arrived and •.ycllour slips'. bearing serial

numbers were given The Billboard. the mall-forwarding department. Intent upon getting

notilication to the ***** a tt as soon as possible, furnished current-week add for • number of them. It Las since been learned that instead of forwarding to the addresses given irate of shows In some instances', th• bonds were returned by the Post Office

to joints from whence they cone—tos instance. some roderai Reserve Bank—to be re. sent to the addreasm given for forwarding. Those included, Large, H. P., care of Wallace

Oro,' Shows boodle, Utter. Frederick Edward. care Cetlin Cr Wilson Shows. Lebanon. Pa.: Wort. George H.. care Johnny I. Iones Exeroltion. Mecdville. Pa.; ritIMIlld. Hiram M.. care truce Shows. Lynch. Ky.; Gardner. George W., care Haag Show. Wise, Va.:

Hansen. Al C., Al C. Hansen Shows, Fairlield. la.: Heath. Thomas W.. care Rice Bros. • Circus. Burlington. la.: Relate-sky. Carl. care William Glick Shows. Albany. N. Y.: Kop- I, Phil. core Mohawk Valley Shows, Warsaw. Va.: Cain. loseph Leroy. care Hennin

FIrres.• Shows, Waterloo, la.: Crosby. William Cott., care Dee Lang Shows, lows City. 4.: Ernmerling, Joseph. rave the Billboard. New York: McDaniel, Walter L.. care Krause Greeter Show, Marlenville, Pa.: Parsons, loslah, care F. H. Bee Shows. Ceo ttttt von. Ky.: lidball. Creed. care t. J. Page Shows, Oak Hill. W. Va.; Melerner, Leonard. cam Happy Days Shows, Martinsville, Ind. The foregoing should establish identification at post offices

in the cities named so they can get their bands when re.sent from Ike original sending point. Also, they should request the respectly• post offices to inform them when the

bonds are received by them, the veterans sending weekly route.

Vance and reporte prospects very pleas-ing. Capt. Schultz. with his trained

f nimn1 contingent, also Dektarlo and

Marlette. have joined from the Beckus KlIonts show. which clewed near the

Eddy show the past week. Mlacaleiree win, act will ale° augment the big-show program for the Batumi' (Me.) Shrine

ante week of June 22. The big-show hand, under direction of

Sped Sluvenaky. hits been Increased to

12 men and is dispenelne n xnapny mu-elent prnerens. The big-show program.

given In three ringe, le running liten elerkwork under de-oration of Wen».

Cooke. Al P. 'Wheeler tain an excellent lineup

of n'treetions in the annex and beset«. In his department ham avenue-et big at all stands. A new banner front wen put

up at Colebrook June Ift. Superintendent of canvas Harry Sells

Jumped ahead to Bangor the past week to superintend the nf r, grand stand, which will be used with the

show after the Bangew date, an seating rapacity has been Inadequate at many stands.

Ladies' Aux., PCSA LOS ANOELES. June 20. mendever

meeting a-es called to order on time with Ruby Klikendall, vIcrepteeddent.

preluding: Pearl Runkle. sect-fiery.

The attendance Included Pearl Jones. few* Berle. Avainn Chipman, Olga Cr-

lestte Minnie Fisher, Mrs Walsh, Mrs. Mnne,od. Mrs. Kline. Stella Linton, Martha Lavine, Mrs. Burk. of San Stan-dee°. was a purist. While visiting her setter. Mrs. Walsh The finances report

showed a nice balanre. The recent "Summer Party" was prefitable and an-

other one is elated for next month. Mrs. Llarle was winner of the door pile, alma the prize at Bingo. The cash award e-ent to Vera Downie. Coffee, sand-wiches and cake were served by Pearl Runkle end Olen Celeatle. Messrs. Run-

kle, Kline. Bade. Downie and Levine called for their wives, and 10 cents each was collected before they got their enf-fee. In all, it was a pleasant meeting

Right. Tillie Palmato,r bark front a two

weeks' trip with her fainter, Margaret Befriend. . . . A letter from Virginia Kline, of Kamm. City, was rend and ap-preciated . . Mee Smith "Melted the

club while lo the city.

London Briefs LONDON, June IL—Tower Circus.

Blackpool. It In hill awing with capacity

ettendance three timer, daily. Having recovered from their $5.000

tree due to u digerati-mix fire at n theater v here they uere appearing. the Five

Juggline Jewels, are again workinit Act sidle for New York to play Harald fairs

in July. Puwere elephants are headlining for

Sert Montane. at Coventry Bertram Mills' tenting show is finding

tuelneee good despite inclement weather.

Around the Lot With Ringling-Barnum SPRINC/FIELD, Mane., June 20.—V151

tors nt Stamford included H T. Web-ster. dirtnonlet, end Victor Andereon. painter of colorful circus racemes,. Hy

Moyer. whose sketches appeared in the country's leading mognzines a genera-

tion Ite0, was on hand with his sketch brink at both performanera in 'Item/Ord as the guest of Roland Better. Lily POns,

and is few Mende, together with Hum-phrey Doutene, dramatic editor of The

Post Telegram. Bridgeport. were guests

at the circus in Bridgeport.

Belle, one of the herd of African pygmy elephants with the slimy, crashed the headlines at it+, source by walking

up a flight of narrow stairs into the mailing room of The Bridgeport Pail

Telegram to greet the carrier boy? who were on hand at II a.m. nulle was 'accent-tinnier.' on her rambles by Cliff Whittaker. of Bridgeport.. whn hits built up an en-

viable reputation for himself as an ele-

phant handler.

Col. Tim McCoy's "pen" hand was somewhat wearied In T3ridgefx.rt no he

attempted to lentil the request, of The Post Telegram carrier boys who desired his autogroph. Among the circus per-sonnel heard over Etation WEAR Sunday

afternoon in Provident, were Rudy Rudynoff. Rudy Rudynort Jr.. a number of the Wallenda Troupe. Harry Rittley and Dorothy Herbert They were vielt-ing the teeter» when ...petted .' nit circuit

people and celled mien for impromptu talks reeereles; circus life.

Resume of general conditions for the past week: Tiseadny—Woodludy, early

setup; attandance, good: weather. fair. Wednesday—New Haven. early setup: weather, cloudy. Thureday—New Lon-

don, 12 o'clock setup because of long haul: weather, fair; attendance. geed.

Priday—fitaniford. long haul with 11

a in setup: weather, fair until after night show started, then rain thriven the night. Bateadny—Bridgepert. early set-up in a rain that came down continu-

ously nil day. In mete of this capacity besieres at both perfnrmanees. Mon-day—Providence, weather, rain nil day:

attendance, good even in the face of had



Notes From France

Moving Eastward Tho 12th week saw the Al O. Bernet

Circus innving eastward' thru Montana :el Into North Dakota. ODOM... Mont, moved aomewhat of a surprise In giving it fine day's bestrew.. Thin is a small town, hut with a dam project not far way the folk, seemed to be elect..

minded. Despite the fact that the daily maven were of tenable distance, the show

train arrived in plenty of Hine at all

stands. At Williston. N. D.. an afternoon show

rutty. While allow was going on a water main broke near front of the Mt, flood.

Ing th ground? where n number of rats were parked. Manager S. L Cronin had

Walter McClain take some elephants and pull the cars that were so situated on

to high ground. Devlin Lake is a windy spot and mein'

were the remarks, of veinal in the rod when strong wind+. inade It tough on the troupers. This visit of tlie adiew was

no exception and en old-time duet. storm took place during the day. Every.

thing held and no one wag hurt, proving the worth of the safety mensures taken every day by Bill Curtis.

}Mtge, was the third Sunday that the

show was idle since the opening. March 27. Ferro in the native city .7 that true

friend of the cirrus, Melvin D. Hildrete of Wmhington. D. C.. awl hie father, a

lawyer cif many years in North Dakota, nernmparded by Mra. Hildreth. were

guests of Manager Cronin at afternoon

performance. The delivery of the hones on night of the Paten engagement, when the veterans were told to remain at

home in order to receive them. may have kept a few away. altho a 'splendid

crowd waa on hand. Dan White, assistant to Bill Curtis

this year, left show at Pargo for Minns.

apnlis for a week's rest in order to get his left leg, badly chafed from lone wearing of rubber boots. In condition to

rejoin the show when it arrives there.

PARIS. June 16.—The Cirque Pourtier la offering n new program at Nancy with the Flying lialivards. Helios. Streeth

and Streeth. Bob and Girls. flee and Loyal, Mlle. Osaka. Iterrnanoven Doge,

Two Wilkes. Nancy'. Horses. Sevrai ida May Mitlehip Girls, Miss Lydia.. Sarah

Gryth and Bete, Lote and Teat'. 'Die Cirque Fanni, tent allow. Is at

this Buttee-Chaumont Street Pair in

Parts: the Cirque Bureau is playing nee-week stand at Limoge: the Cirque Amur

Freres is nt Rouen Manning twit Claws. American wire-

walkers, are at the Tivoli Darden,: How-

ard Nichols. American hoop juggler, la

Circus Interests Protected ALTOONA. Pa., June 20.—Acting be

the protection of the circus internee extra police were on guard here Tureeny

during engneernent ni the Cole Bret'

ahew not to permit anyone to sell any. thing without proper authorization fi-am the office of the license tax oilier, City

regulations covering sales on attests were strictly enforced.

WINNING TOUR (Continued Irron pape 44)

ishitent and three bitten, Advance IS equipped with is new bill car, lee

sleeping accommodations for the easy and its own electric light plant.

William Krtrow is mutineer: We

William IKetrow. Veneerer; Tinted Ketrow, assistant manager and lot superintendent, and the writer.

Ballzh, is - errand boy." The Side Show has a seven-blamer

line, all new, and in under management of Milt Robbins and Robert Reiter

Jimmie Dugan is on outside hoe It

too, has been doing geed businne. Personnel of band: Phil Clarkew slid

bern itoKne;nn To„ n

Pruett Clarke, trumpets; Jere, Wricht

ecll...raim,,ebt n . slide sax: Cid

Brrggren. bees: Ralph Ifendershott. traps and snare drum, and Harry Down.

Mg. hare drum.

The show has been visited by meet circus people and Fans. among whom

the writer hna noticed John Kelly. JO. Cook. Phil Wirth. Warren Stick. Attlee

Campfield and wife. Sn.' Minehen. Pet' Ils Welling. Cora Wiltion, Drab Vander-beek. Elmer Kemp. Waiter Cnegle. end Mae Merrill. Ed Keay. Rita lynch.

Walter and Morn Deice. Peed P PAW'

end wife. Ed Thornburg and wife. Peer Meredith, Ben Willis. J,tne Bolapd ter and Mabel Buckingham, Billy Ken George fteitiertn. Mrs. Irene Barnes .nd

family: Mrs. Polite Lloyd and Mrs Wale

Cummings. the Il tter women of trie old-

tamo riding act, the Lloyd, H. V. u.)tia's

and wife; Mrs. Frank A. Robbins

of the old-time shewman: Mee Willines and wife. The rookhollen is under direction d

ale and Mrs. Dan Stewart.,

nt the Valenein, and the Ricett''' Brothers, Americen comedy acrebsts 5Th at the National Scala in Copenhagen-

June 27, 1936 CIRCUSES The Billboard 47

Waft, liaise & Upp

Cainbieteà eitcus An Equine and Canine Paradox


Down Stake. O. June 23. 1930.

Dear Circus Bony: This le Monday morning nod the big

zerp is In the as. The tailored rent. airy ts guying out to the song of -11am and Egg's.- The nag goes up when the tep is up. The allow Sundayed on the bank. Of a lake. All the wagrin wheela erns thrown in to snick Ilad to tighten ep the (Wok. and jellies. The pan Week the most el:genre.n,, for

the chow as far as the equipment wag concerned. All ran up the tit -t-est genius of the wagon. At Tue‘day's matinee we strewed 'ern end turned them n away. 'Mere kruen't room for another perwon !Paddenly out of the dear sky a tornado hit the big top, pulling every stake and urrilng the top, ntekes. aerial rigging and poles a mile away, yet. leaving the eurhence uninjured sitting on the ground end mate. The performante never stepped. The band kept on plating and the chew went on mini. the /Ugh mt. A checkup on the reretpte phoned

15003 paid admissions,. to say nothing of the free list, All were tinder a 60-foot round top 'with two 30-foot middles— mew figures were taken from one of our press *gent, Metes that appeared in the local paper. By night the lop was brought bark

and in the air. After guying nut all the boles we gained 30 feet in length and 20 feet in width. All new canvas ordered kv wire and now In the air. At least ita eta in theee parts. The management boast, of the fart

Itet every piece of paraphernalia on the show is new This Includes the clown stile and wardrobe. Goternm Upp hasn't arrived from Lan-

caster velth the bulls and other equip-ment that he ptuehaaed for the ahow,

rumored that he la trving 10 pick up an Idle title along the mad.

Old Circus Friends ALBAN% N. Y., June 20.—It was my

rood fortune to meet the two adver-tising can of the Ringling-Barnum show and once scaln receive a cordial greet-ing from the ever-affable car manager.. Vernnn Williams on Car No I and W. C. (Doc) St. Clair on Car No. 2.

The feeling that permeates both care ar.d rommunleates itself to all vialtoris it 'het of cheerfulness, and courtesy, iceether with a strong Impressinn that these tern are literally hltee of indus-try where strenuous work Is accota-


ANT 'Mint 011 inze PAY At TOP 1:Alt!4 LOWELL


WANTED re ell kind, frir, Itotrideni

11,4 eosin nandlv It•inl. 01,1, ' la nnan riot. Pr•nd A.14,., CIRCUS M . Pm!.. Is.. sow aisa ban,. la , Juno 2111. Dn. 011, Iw, rm., all

.... ow. Is. June es: atenletne. I• , Juno SO.

Bud Hawkins Circus WaNTS--Perry Drill, Prisoner Men entwl Miele. Write BUZZ DROWN. pine 24, Pw4 set 25, Csonobellsperts 26. Fee lakes 2, Madman; all Wisconsin


Foft MIGHTY HAAG SHOW A.m.' Circe. Tamed, [Ind Male. naves Mu. Route- Zone PI: Blarlo. Balk IS: Sew Csnile. 27, Tiveartk. 29. CIII. le %en SO. All %gnus

pitched and vast difficulties euocearefully surmounted. The No. 1 pulled Into the New York

Central Railroad yards on schedule Um.. June 7. mat two weeka ahead of the Albany date, June 22. The No, 2 arrived a week later. June 14. Before they took their departure for Schenec-tady every available inch of wail and window space had been covered with the new and artistic paper heralding the coming of the "Oreatestiihow on Earth."

"Yes, / am ratting here at the desk of the late Tom Dailey," uald Doc St. Clair to me, "where dear old Tons used to Issue hie oedema and fill out hie dally reporte. Ye soda, abide, of W. II. Hor-ton and George Goodharti They knew what billing meant. They took great pride in their work and In doing it well, let me tell you."

I assured Doc that he oras a worth! sus-mane to those expert publicity pro-moters,. Then we fell to reminiscing anal I reminded Doe of the Decoration Day we apene in Jamestown, N. Y.. With Willie wilken. when Doc and hie brigade alerted the grave of Ed C. Knupp and placed thereon ra huge wreath of Im-mortelles. Also the week in Shrevepnrt. 1.5.. waiting for "Mr. Charlie" or BlU Horton to tell us where to go next. "Doc" St. Clair la rounding nut hie

45th year in ahem Inteintwn He started aa a led, lithographing for the Pore-paugh ahow In 1501. the year William Hellion, the rwelallat, fell from his traps., in Clinton. IR., and was In-etantly killed. "Doc" was with the Bar-num Az Bailey thou' on its last visit to London st the °temple and returned home Ira 1903. The following year he married and the reward of hut years of hardy endeavor has been a happy mari-tal life. I found Doe the picture of physical health: his alertness and •Itulity are thorn of a two-year-old. An eXpertenced showman up to date


OLD-TIME SHOWMEN (Continued /rem page 43)

shop tree 1005170 feet. the general stor-age room 10:14120 feet, • barneas room 75 feet square and the ring barn 100 feet square. There was stable mom for IMO horses and • granary 1501250 fee' Where hay and grain from Mr. Mait..-ITurnble County farm tau stored fin winter use. There was a 'separate build-ing for workingmen's quarters, which had sleeping. cooking and dining room equipment for all bosses and help that remained during the winter month,. Thum after 18 years of the Walter L.

Main Circus operation in the United States and Canada ite owner had ac-cumulated a railed-Ind-transported elms. Which ranked with the leading organl-zation.s in size, equipment, parade clie-ntal' and in its program of high-class attrarttnne. Its 1901 graven ended with the dedlcation of a commodious new home in which to spend its future win-ters. In the intervening 35 years, from 1901 to 1216. there has been a conetant changing of circus ownerships. Many shows have ceased operations. There have been syndicates, ennaolidetions. circus corporations. and the eirtm Reaper has called many owner, and well-known members of the cirrus profession. A summary of the 1916 ',howls in nperatlon reveals the startling fact thnt three big shows are being transported by rail, and only one nf those three was operating in 1901 and It It the combined Rani:ling Firm, Ar Rarnum A. Bailey shown which wen. then intimate nreanitations. Of the mnterIced circuaea there are a number or ornera, managers. agents and bosses who were in the husineas In 1001, but the titles of the shown they are now Iden-tified with were unknown in 1001. The Walter L. Main Circus. now

motorised show, has the distinction e. being a thrrs'-rIng circus, under i" sanie title as when it began as a wegon show in 15116. as a railroad cireur in 1901. and several months ago began It. 51st annual tour still a popular favorite and Walter I. Main et111 In its ownership and management.



Wants Big Shows Act, Ground and Aerial Arts. Dog and Pony Act, Team Or Trio doing two or more, with transportation. Domestic Animal Ach. Sido Skow People. featine Freak. Working Act. Rent Wild West People with

owe stock and transportation. Long season. State all in first letter. Addreas

R. E PULLEN. 399 Stuyvesant Si.. Trenton. N. I.




Ease for Your Patrons "E's" for U!

This all-wood fold.rig Chair IS comfortable to sit in--has a wide

seat and back. There's no dan-ger of tiling, or breaking

through, even under the fattest

person. Fcr TC/U, there's Endur-ance, Efficiency and Economy.

The chairs are easy to open and BIOS! (with the (coil, and easy

to stack!



THE TUCKER .WAY will stand the gaff of the hard treatment your roughest roustabouts will give them. THEY CAN TAKE ITI Because of their strength and sturdy construction these chai•s are most popular with circuses, carnivals, road shows, tent shows,

etc. If left in the rain, they won't warp or turn white, and

they can't rust! Made of beech ihroughout and waterproof varnished. or

lacquered in Chinese Red, French glue. lade Green, Vivid Or-ange, Black or Walnut f -ie, In regular and kkicnile oses siesta ce in sectnans. Sample, sent to responsible shows— Hey posy be returned ou kept at part of ttttt

Tucker for Tents, Cots, Etc. Besides the fUCKIR -WAY. wet also manufmnee Cots, Stooks Cane Chaos and other Folding Furn,turr. as well ase Tents of all kinds and sizes for all zo-nstes, in stock m any sea., . will TUCKER.MAKE to actor. Send for Meteor.


• Fort Smith, Arinnenwns

(13s4isiies Rennous-Kleirde Poster Brushes have been

accepted standards of the outdoor advertising

craft and the show world for half a century

or more. This year they represent the great-

est value ever offered: many improvements

and the lowest of prices. All brushes carried in

stock. Mail or wire your order to:


HENRY TREFFLICH OFFERS The following are actually in stock and all very tame

1 GORILLA, year and 10 CHIMPANZEES, half old, tame as a baby I male and female. All sizes SOOTY MANCABEYS. SPOTNOSE MONKEYS, MANDRILLS, MONA


HENRY TREFFLICH CO., 215 Fulton St., New York Oily


LONC BEACH. L. I., NEW YORK Advertising and Tick« Soiling Solicitor.: Experienced only. No Collect

Wires. No Money Advanced,

FRANK WIRTH'S CIRCUS. 1560 Broadway. New York. N.

or Mayor's Welfare Fund Office. Long Beech, N. Y.


MILLIKEN BROS.' CIRCUS WANTS mew Min deice t-, or maw emend sod »vial Mk Tema men Cavern Pre er aft raw twin win boy nr t... a vied Bea Are- Model.. f. Ria Shun Runt metalt time knew. Rig

Fee Milo Pl.. Xenon, Ana. Pooch and Huck. Denont flirts Plow Amebae or m ho. au prink.« fret wk Will WM ne bas Moen reward madden "me«

Fikeldev. Ch•Thet helm cod Reno. anaM. Wnralrurutera Is -5 danniarnreda 'NOE lathe. law Ouwanniau U. eau mete It WI, duet tilt. SILLIUR anon' 01110Un Merelise.

48 The ilillhoord CIRCUSES June 27, 1936

1.(0e)t die 772atquee By CIRCUS SOLLY

TOM AND LOLA HUNT are no longer With Rueno11 Bros. Circus.

FRED AND MARIE CH'TIMIE havo joined the Bud linwitine Circus.

THE SILVERLAKES (Archie. Billie, Johnnle and mar) are still in Auetralia, now playing ',nude dates.

DAN RICE CIRCUS showed at Quincy, Ill, on a recent Siuniny to only fair CrOSOda, reports L. J. Jochem.

LEWIS E. BROWN. of Clearfield, pa attended efternoon performance of Colo Broa. at Attains,

JOHN BONER. cirrus fan. attended Cole Bros' Cirtun at Lencsuster. Pa., and enjoyed the performence.

SLIVERS JOHNSON closed with Lewis Brae.' Chet. at Kewanee, Ill.. June 10 to play parka and fairs,

DON TAYLOR. yesiDllocrubst, le play-ing picnics and night club. in Pitte-burgh and Vicinity.

THE CHRISTYS. tight-wire and roll-Ing-globe performers, have returned to their home in Keokuk, in, following an engagement at Mason City. In.

MRS. ETHEL BURTON. who is not on road this year. saw the Rice show at Springfield. Ill.. and met many Old friends.

PREACHER WEST and Aerial Keetere recently joined Noires Bros.' Circle,, the former on banners and latter doing double trap-

CIRCUS PICTURES lOrht, 111.55 awls.

EDW. J. KELTY — "CENTURY" il ii West OMn Street. N.,. Week CO,

FOR SALE cadi-27 fe, tioco. 10 /.1.e. 1 obt ile-te, ell PIN, also In Mgt teee fleet,, nil ...octets. Con be te..e.1 Irrlor.r. outinon. Vint.

5,10. si eoe no re-r, Cor entire al loctions. Ainqt E. 0 ZIEGLER, lonollta Temple, Metal grasser, aortal°. N. V.


VANDERSURG BROS.' CIRCUS Pootormer Doing Clowning. Musicians

with Small Show Exporecnce, Goss C man. Other sowful rt./solo what or wire. Long season South. Name lowest—ISO Met wires. Answer as per mute.


lhoeeeto-Alass. Iseriseee. Ttornl.ane. Clarinet mxt 1,met. Drunk, sac., /nor IltitrInn. Rah., peid mees moot Itrol emit soul Inso ....i-n.., >teeth. Ah. AAAAA aurae mete.. Poems, Onromroodi, N. Y.. June 114; Ante& W. Y,, skew 25.

CHARLFH (BOUNDING) JOHNSON left the Rabbins Show June 11 at Morrie. Minn. and went to Chen.s. Ill, for a week's rest.

KEITH BUCKINOHAM. wife nrid Diem!, attended the Cole-Rentry Chets nt lelmirn. N. Y. Keith is still in the fountain pen bumbler..

FRANK 13. HUSIN and Robby Short were in the New Jersey Elks' conven-tion parade, Atlantic City, June 13. They are members of the A. C. lodge.

BILLY PAPE, with Polack Bros.' cir-cus. wits celled home due to death of his mother. WIII rejoin at Waukegan. 111.

HERBERT A. DOUULAS caught Cole-Beatty Circus at Harrisburg. Pa. Used the 21st and Greenwood streets lot There were two nice house.. and Side Show SINO did good bic.

DIAMOND TED IEWLS and partner. Billy Keene, saw Kay Bros: Circus et Danbury. Conn. newt were highly pleased unit it. The elter-ehow packed thorn In like the big show.


stout that the is now -aunty" to a girl born to her sister. Hilda ut Pella, a few miles (min Oskalcxeirs. IR. Was named Sally Joe.

ALLEN MORRIS postenrcle that the Joe B. Webb Circus played nt Miecoula. Mont, June 15 to fair business. Show was billed an Joe B. Webb and Trinket, Robeson Comble-ni Circus. but trucks were just lettered Joe B. Webb Circus.

ERNEST L. KENT. of Pontiac, Mich., recently met. Speedy Smith and II. IL Parks, former circue trouper,, now with the Sheesley Shown. Kent sew Russell Bros Cirri. nt Pontiac, matinee fair. night good.

GEORGE WONMOI I2, former trouper. now located in Ciricennati, will attend the Spantah-Arnertran War Veterans' convention in Columbus and the Vet-eran, of Foreign Wars convention at Hamilton.

THE CLOWN BAND on Al G. Barnes Circus with aasietance of Eddie Wocck-

big-ellow bond. Is scoring. Doing sweet-al novelty numbers .teey band se -ie oreantzed and is being led by Milt Taylor. producing clown.

F. D. WHETTER and Mon, With Fred's Kiddie Circus. made a 650-mile jump listo Sioux City, Its., from indiana. They sow following shows: Tom Mix. George Sweet. Chase -Lister, Movie MuCk's Movies. Walter Savidge and Conroy Eros.

CHILDREN of Seneide Sanatorium were entertained at Ringling-Bientim Circus at New Loncem, Conn . by the Elks. The clowne went to the sons-

.in following the afternoon perform. sore to entertion the children who were unable to go to the circus.

THE BORN TRIO, doing hand-t0-hand balancing and tumbling, were at Cat and piddle night epee. Cincinnati. text week, and week before that. iSt Can-tle Terrace, CnIumbus. Tine Week Use Bohm; are at Bob's in Columbus. then return to Coatis, Terrace until their lair season opens.

CHARLES LEWIS. clown, while in Phlindeiphin emend weeks ago, caught the Moose Cirris end met Harry LePrarl. lie aleo has seen Barnett /nos and Cole-Beatty elsows and met a number of friends. Jo,, McGrath, of Pittsburgh. lens Kenneth Waite on his program as producing clown ut the jubilee and ex-position Gwen this week.

WILLIAM CLARKE. employee of 'Tingling-Barnum, in ut the Lawrence and Memorial Msnelisted hospitals, NM' London, Conn., with fractured bones In lower right leg He received the injury after the night performance when. while engaged with others in Inecling tent equipment onto a truck, he was struck in the leg with a tent pole.

IN LAST WEEK'S Jessie it was stated that Co/e-Beatty Circus is contracted for Wonstnr, 0.. first in 10 yearn, oleo that lest big show to play there wins Sella-Floto. Crnwtord Droege sends the fol-lowing correction, "The last rail show Wits John Robinson in ono. the last yenr it wen out. / was on the advertising ear show wars there in June and Jess Adkins was the manager."

-- — BARRY BUCHANAN. editor and com-

piler of an encyclopedia of show bust-newt, to be published in the fall by Funk

Wagnalin. visited Cole-Beatty in 1.ssn-cueter. Pa., accompanied ny Bert Cole, old-time Hagenbeck announcer and ban-nerman. and Mrs. Cole. Other Visitors were Dr. William Mann, director of the National Eno. Washington. and Mrs. Mann. and Crouse Brinton Beal, Boston circus writer and newspaper man.

HARRY PILZ. formerly with Chartres Rooney, Frank Wirth and Major G. W. Scott, Yes, sent to the Veterans' H03-pltal. New-Mete-in. Orson., following heart attack. Before his Inn,. he slid son. Al, were guests of William K. Sehultz on Floe/cue & Klionie Circus: Corinne and Bert Dearo on Downie Bros.: "Snuffy" Getty on Gorman Bros.' Circles. They rube maw Maynard Brow.' Cirrus. Happy would like to hear from friends.

DOC AND MA KELLEY visited the Big Show at New London. Conn., and re-newed acquaintances. Spent moat of the time in the Side Show with Jack Earl. Ciders, Pent Wright and Mimi Garneau. On the lot Doc noticed many troupers,, now retired—Edward M. RUe-eel!. Ruth Taylor. Den jolle, and Charles Armstrong. Frank Nether'., Myrtle Pelee and H. C. Sherley. of the Doe and Ma Show,, were there, Men CPAn Walter Fluckineham and wife and Bogs Raymond and party.

1301113Y GABLE and Calvin }Dint-Anger .1r. aerialist. ,ft'A' Barnett Bros. (See UNDER THE MARQUEE on p. 119)

Citcus gaints anD sitmets Club For the

RICHMOND. Va.. June 20. — The Charts. II. Coneolvo Tent of the CARCA wee oreanteed in Norfolk. Va. June 9, starting ..eith 25 charter members, Colonel Commie° provided an elaborato entertainment at the Monticello Hotel for the 20 member» from the W. W. Workmen Tent, Richmond, Th, Rich-mond delegation wan composed of John C. Goode, nationel prealdent of the club: Joe Kama national treasurer: Cliff Rudd, reel nationnil prersiclesit, Chnrile Moos punt national president; Hem Wntrson pleeldent ol the W. W Work-man Tent: Fritz Sitterding, vice-presi-dent: Bill Homburg. secretary. and °then..

/n short suldressen the Vtrltlflmt °Incest, told of the interest that had hern mani-fested he the NCH' York, Richmond. Chi. Caen and other tint, since the organiza-tion of the elids in 1028. Colonel Cherie, B Borland, director ef

public safety cd Norfolk. was elected

Troupers—and a Hume

president of the Consolvo Tent. with Jerk Cellum nt uretary. Colonel Con-solvo made nn addresses in which he told of many interesting experiences that oc-curred during the day. he was active with circuses. The touching stories re-listed by him made us ell feel more con-s...seed than ever that the objectives of the club are well worth while. Every-one present appreciated the special decorations provided by Saint entrusts°. The lone banquet table was the scene of a miniature elem. parade. Including •Mmals of all kinds. rarrlagee. ticket anew., etc. There were posters. flags and other embellishments char-seterbstIc of a cirrus.

The Consoler) Tent has gotten off to a good start arid it IA now our plan to organize annther tent in Releigh. N. C.. which will probably be known sus the Buck Jones Trnt,


Diessaty Room gossip RESOLING-BARNUM — Walter fluet.

Ingham and -Huge- Raymond. of this Norwich (Conn.) CFA. in conjunction with the CPA of New London. Corns, entertained a group of performers after the New London show. Those present were Keel and Bolen Wallendn. Yeti. Wallencla, Bebe FEllx Adler, Blurb Lnndolf, Everett Hart and Prankle Snluto,

Evelyn Cook has returned, completely recovered from a protracted Illness. The backyard is all agog and in n dither of antichention over the pronpect of an-other picnic in Albany.

In return for a pleasant ereek-end epent in Philadelphia. Prince Paul en-tertained his midget friends. Henry Bestow and Arthur Moore, at his Dentn. home on Sunday before the Providenee date. Despite rain, they motored to Boston. where Paul's family had sr. ranger! a big reception and dinner. They returned to the lot Monday with that well-fed look. Radio Iletenern of WPRO. ProvIdenre,

were afforded a treat when a group of performers presented a Mid-afternoon Sunday program. This broadcast was the initial one for an orchestra which has been entertaining us at the ears all season. Those playing were George, Arthur. Ilenrsen and Eugene Wellenda; Mario and Bruno Zecchini, Harry Ma-ley. Sicker Bokarn, Frank Torrence. Erwin and Melle Gillette anti Lou Jeltob. Dorothy Herbert. Johnny Grady, Plod Jerome, Rudy Rudvisoff and Rudy Jr. were interviewed by Stanley Schulte. WPRO announcer. Visiting the studio for the program were Karl and Helen Wetlands Erna itudynoff. Henriette arid Millie Wrillenda. Victoria Torrence. _hick Vole'''. Senn,. Glorinso and Dick Talley.

Poor weather has kept the RIneiine Rambler. Idle this week, hut several gnme, have been lined up for the COM-Mg two weeke.—ft. A. GRAM.

AL G. BARNES—Arthur Bunions had a birthday anniversary the other dny eel received many well-wishes Juet what year it wins Arthur would not Merle,. but he has been n follower of the white tops for many a yenr. Arthur's peed humor never seem, to brays him and no matter what the day may bring forth he is always full of ravines thet bring is senile to everyone within besting of his

Word vote received the other day thet "Scotty" Thom. who for year, beat the brims drum in the band over here, passed away. He was around every day when chow played San Diego. looking fit es ever, but he writ along in yenta. He will he rniened by all who knew him. "Butch" Cohen and Tot» Atkinson

were around in the herkyard at Great Falls 'saying hello to friends. Geer:. EllEenser Visited it Glasgow. Mont. Ber-bera Wagner is is new addition to the Aide-Show personnel. George White, who ta putting in his second year on Bide-Show box, got unduly excited tile ether evening when he thought he was only is few miler from where his dad. "Eku" White. wise nhowing. It proved te be a mistake, however. Ray Harris. stun without his makeup

resembles Adonis somewhat, hen had an Indian walk-around all season and lits cnly recently found out who It ie that laughs at It It is the Indians them' selves. and to make nn Indian laughil scene accomplishment at that, Ray. Merearet (teener took R 'mill in tke RoSTIOn standing lace at Helene and ems out of the races fee a week but won her rare at Pare., on her comeback. Rolland Simpson Is now working in tither department.

COI.E BROIL-CLYDE BEATTY—Etrell-Mg the streets of Hurrieburg. Pa. 'Ti a eliitet. Sunday: in fact, very quiet--pic-titre shown all closed and no beer 13v. Erns ern,. Shot:0'011re are etrollio; around. Geeing in the windows, nee Jae Lewin leaning against a lamp post tell-ing the boys the route. Along come. Kink°. looking rill over town for Mere. Aernse the street is the wrestler Tiger Tigernon—no coat on. 'Sis rather warns. See Joe, Relmett and wife—site in on tof a visit. Clyde Beatty end wife just dieting in from Herehey, Pa.: visited the >no there.

Ewe Noylea and Hilda Iturkhart step-ping In the big hotel: Chester Barnett and wife claming back from the Capltel grounds telling how nice It was. Ifee cornea Helen Sharon end Jean Even,. disappointed about no shows °Pro. (See DRESSING ROOMS opposite pep)

Jana 27. 1936 CIRCUSES The Billboard 49

7 ,13tf.wçvc,Yeal ART MIX has placed a Wild West

Show with Johnny J. Jones Exposition.

MANY RODEOS (and otherwise titled content-41 next week. Let's have the re-mits of them.

BUCK OWENs Is reported ne making a few spots ira the Southwest and booked at the Crateryille Park Rodeo.

700-HORN CLANCY Is the official announcer of the Duncan (Okla.) linden being produced by Jack Stern and Reggie Story this week

JOHNNIE C1RAMF and Wiley Elliott reennly returned to Oklahoma City from Tex.. Johnnie claimed that the weather was too hot in the Lone Star State for his trained bull.

NOCONA SLIM (John Burnett) hi now a full-fledged rig builder, building rigs in the oil fields near Ida home town 1Nocona. Dew.), also appear', on pro-rennin of shows on Saturday nights and Sunday.

ANSWERING an innutry- ..to settle an argument"; Seven outstanding eventes (cowboys(' bronk riding, cowgirls' Munk riding, calf roping, cowboy.' ben:back, tronk riding. steer wrestling. steer rid-ing and Wild cow milking) of Col W. T. Jolinsim'a Rodeo at the Centennial Ex-tobition, Dallas, June 6-21, are contests, the purees totaling 812.500. Besides the °Intent purser,, there are salaries for contracted exhibitIon-event workers.

eaNNERS at 0111.0y (Calif.) Roundup: Ehnnic Riding - Punt day, Johnnie &tumid, Ina RAA Pointe/. Clay Carr 1541, Floyd SUHinge (341: second day, Clay Carr (110). John Schneider £67). Floyd Stilling. (42); finale, John Schnei-der (38). 111111 Riding-Pliet dny, John Bertram (67). Dutch Hoffman (41). Marvin Roberta (27); second day. Cl. laritinola (71). John Bartrarn (43). Johnnie Schneider (29): finals, John Bartrant (38). Steer Wrestling-First day. Johnnie Schneider (50), Clay Carr 1311. Oscar Warren (14); second day. Ben Tien (50). Johnnie Schneider (31). toinrib Henry (141. Team Roping-Al

B / Yard Raage War

COWBOY Hats Boots

LatestWesternStyles MonisySaving Prices! EVERYTHING PREPAID N EW mulch and hie values in

cow be, hat, boon, sines* and mufflers shown in fall ...Inn in neww. fatale-qt. Popular brand*. low era._ Largess bawls on she %Vt._ Alone, - Ins, Is guarantee.

Son/pedal.. lefier ter fin. r."41...r.


Cowboys and Cowgirls Wanted

10 I• R. CRUX, July 411, and Sth. Platteville, Wit: °Asked, Wis.. July 11 th and 12th: • Wanioag, Canada. August 3d to Rth.

WANTED IndSeendent Rides, Shown end Concave.. Fee

RCIEDEC, On iltobeldia Aar Oround.,

Ahhat SAM T. ISNRARD. Ihorhrolon. Mao

Blowdown Causes North Platte, Neb.. Roundup

,S.1 2. a. 4 rifain e.er.), Inn 'ION. Larnrincneee Fad lu, •rant All «nor, We

o'nf.tcnnanta end tass.. C tn the 'Ws Anolvenuer nf t/se Meth nf llnthI, nin

mee.cy afri enlérl•Innant hero. JOHN A. rr KKKKK . Merm«gi Lou 00°°"• '"*".9".

Skelton and Bill MrPerlane (127 each). Hi Sllaccl and Emmett 0111 192 each). Frank call, and charles Alnegini tel each). Bill McFarlane and Del Owens and Frank Orioles and Gerald Garner (13 each).

CONTESTANTS' STANDING (up to June 9) in Rodeo Association of America points for this year, as recorded by Secretary Fred S. McCargar. toward grand champion cowboy: Eddie Woods. 1.379; Smoky Snyder, 1.118; Harry Knight. 1.100; Everett Bowman, 1.011: Breney COX, 985: Clay Carr, 081; Doff Aber. 962; Pete Knight. 034; John Bow' man. 931; Aeburry Schell, 880, Skeet Bowman, 840: Buck Sorrell». 710; Earl Thode, 680; John Rhodes. 677; Lawrence Conley, 619; Dick Griffith. 613; Fritz Trtlan. 600; Fox CeCnIlahan, 590; Leon-ard Ward. 589; Hugh Bennett, 584: Al Hayes. 547; Jake McClure, 510; Mike Stewart. 461; Dave Campbell. 447: Hal-loway Grace, 425. Leaders in events,-Brook riding, Harry Knight; bareback Monk. Smoky Snyder. bull or steer rid-ing. Smoky Snyder; calf roping. Asburry Schell; teem roping. John Rhod.; ateer wrestling. Everett Bowman; 4111610 rop-ing. Fax O'Callahan.

WINNERS at Visaba (Calif.) Rodeo: Bronk Riding-June 6. Pete Knight (49 R-AA points). Hetman Linder (20). Doff Aber (21): Juno 7, Fritz Truan 1401. Prank Schneider (29). Turk Greenourh and Pete Knight (10 each); finals. Pete Knight (150). Herman Linder (75). Fritz Trunn (75). Steer Riding-Finale. John Schneider (114), Eddie Woods (86), Al Haves and Dick Griffith (43 each). Bareback Swank-Finale. John Schneider (i 29 ). Smoky Snyder and Eddie Woods (80 each). Al Flay. and Frank Schneider (18 each). Calf Roping-June e, Carl Shepherd (05), Anhurry Schell (30). Cecil Owsloy (26). June 7, Cecil Owe>) (651. James Kinney (39). Lawrence Con-ley (26); finals, Cecil Ownley (75). Andy Jairregui H101. Carl Shepherd (13). As-burry Schell (13). Steer Wrestling-June 6, Clay Carr (43), John Bowman (26). Holloway Grace (17); June 7. Clay Carr (43). John Mende, (26), Holloway Grace and John Schneider 19 each); finals, Clay Carr (75). Holloway Grace (50). Alvin Gordon (25). Team Roping -June S. Itlehnrd Merchant and Hugh Strickland and John Bowman and Ike Rude (53 each), Charlie Arnim (26). Kenneth WInsor (261: Jonc 7, Hugh Strickland and Clay Carr (86). Ashurry Schell and Lawrence Conley (39). Willie Clay and Adolph 0111 and John Schnei-der and 811rn Mackey (13 each); finals. Thigh Strieklend and Clay Can. (311)• Ashian-y Schell and Lawrence Conley (251, Andy Jauregul and Lawrence Con-ley (13).

RESULTS of first two day money. at Col. W. T. Johnson's Rodeo at the Cen-tennial Exposition, Dallas: First Day Money, Bareback Tomsk (Saturday night and Sunday matinee. $50. $OO, 420)-Sent Stuart. Pete ClrUbb: Slate Jambe and White,' Hoffman split third. CAW/-girls' Bronk Riding (Saturday night and Sunday matinee. $50. 430, $20. $10)-Iva Del Walker, Fannie Nielson. Claire Thompson: Om., White and Rose Davis split fourth. Calf Roping (Saturday night and Sunday matinee, 8100, $60. .411, 4201-Dirk Tniett, Je. Goodspeed. Clyde Burk. Everett Shaw. Cowboys' Bronk Riding (Saturday night and Sun-day matinee. $70. neo. 340. $30. $20. elm --Nick Knight: Eddie Curtis, Leo Mur-my and Walter Heacock split second. third and [mirth; Pete Grubb (fifth): John Jordan and Junior Caldwell split sixth. Steer Wreetling (Saturday night and Sunday matinee. 4100. snO. e40. $201 • Jack Qualt; Andy Curtis and Shorty Ricker spilt secend and third; Howard McCrory (fourth). Steer Riding (Satur-day night and Sunday matinee. $5)0. $40, 130. 3201-Eddie Curtis. DIIWOrfl 11V011, Shorty Hill; Army Roberts and Sam Stuart split fourth and fifth. Wild-Cow Milking (Seturday night and Sunday matinee. $50. 430. 020)-Irby 'Mundy. Jonas De Arman. Charlen Jones. Second Day Money: Bareback Brant (Sunday, Monday nod Tuesday nights)-Jonne De Armen. Earl West. Pete Grubb Cow-girls' /Honk Riding (Sunday and Mon-day nights)• .Iva Del Walker. Alice Greenough. Chore 7 hompron. Vivian White. Calf Roping (Sunday and Mon-day nightel--Skret Bowman, Jess Good-speed; Gene Fto. and Jake McClure split third rind fourth. Cowboys' Bronk Riding (Sunday and Monday nights)-John Jordon. Vick Schwartz, Leo Mur-ree; Nick Knight and Jackie Cooper split fourth and fifth; Pete Grubb

One Wheel Trailer


BUT A HOME! $248-$275- $315- $350 to $695

JO New and 20 1.1•al Maw.. Mee • &maul b‘aden.n an,. O nl venal, Stake a 1245.




TALCO I BURNER GRIDDLE STOVE errtalenal Valuis--Intont LAMA/se

Polish.. Oast Non Griddle 20•1. Caolin• omea.M. Pea« only $110.110 Was,: ot unto

Onin at TALBOT 1111,43. CO. 4520 Lealneton.


Aswan-en Light Trail,. Send tor •1.1.• Tnsil..n a.,1 Pals



Cabin Trailer

11.PI ni.eanslén-1 s•a1.19 TTeller Blue Pant mid Materiel Iltn.l.. 11.00.

Sedan, Kans..




AND MID-SOUTH FAIR COMBINED, SEPT. 14-19. 1936 $2,400.00 in cash prises paid in arena at close of each performance. Bronch.0 Riding, Calf Roping, Bulldogging. each $650, plus $10 entry fee added for finals. Brahma Riding. S450. plus $5 entry fee. Other events already con- d. Write for prise list to

FRANK D. FULLER, Sccy.-Mgr.. Memphis, Tenn.

(sixth). Steer Wrestling (Sunday and Monday nights)-Ruaty Met-linty. Torn Br-don; Howard McCrory and Dick Andterton split third and fourth. Steer Bulliig (Sunday rind Monday nights)-Hughle Long; Dtiword Ryon and Slate Jacohs split second and third; Walter Graven. and Carl Dykes split fourth.

DRESSING ROOMS-IConffnurd from opposite page)

Walking up the Street, bump into Mrs. Fartello. - Hey., you scan Doc?" she Mks. Thrll II Window I see Ore parka and wife nibbling on n chicken dinner. Sign on window reads: "Architect of Appetites." Will call there later myeelf. Observe George and Ruby Cutshall

looking at some unimmer clothes; Dolt Cook mid wife, radio window shopping: Harold Brienes and dad in a happy mood Was visiting day for Mrs. Barnes and other relatives. In from the lot conies Ernie Sylvester. Been looking after paint. as this in paint-up day. Step-ping in the hotel. / find Suene Sullivan reading the Sunday papers: Bobble Pat-terson writing a letter. On up to Ray Dean's room / stumble into a real photo studio'-lampa rigged up, backgrounds hung anti doing a rushing business.

Getting back to the lot, find baseball going like a house afire. All teams nre getting sweaters. cape, etc. Jlrlarrlle Fens-ter came tri the other day lugging 14 blue sweaters and caps fun the boye Going to have a big K (starer> for lankers) sewed on. The hie game wits champion Props against Tankers. 1 to n in favor of Props. Next Kink., vs. Usher.. 1 to 0 in favor of Tankers; then Tankers va. Ticket Sellers. 12 to 2 in favor of Tanker.

Joe Lewis was fired as manager of Kinkers and Harold Volee t, 110W in charge. Recent visitors. George Myers. BM Scott, Leo Kerns and Dr. William Mann and wife. Knitting needle's .till clicking In backyard, lank° is going good with Minot:Inn pool Ills radio went on the blink and liad repair man fix it. Next day repair man won on his first pool ticket -looks bad. - EMMETT KELLY.


I " gar "CHEERIO" TRAILERS 5224 N. Clark St., CHICAGO

MA,. et

Cusforyl Built Horne Trailers on

Spring .'afee! Fran. for 10

sears Service.

Trailer Plans and Parts

$22.50. I in,. Tieler 11.• •. ,• -a, , 1••••,.. *1. ter•• .si tonn.•na

hr haw, of on.. SHAMROCK TRAILERS

11755 Grand Pia.. 1344tnIt, talch


ANVIL PARK RODEO JULY 2.3.4. crue 1.1, write

C. A. erupt'', ...man. Cenuflon. T...


Aelta, llnfl.r II•nrt• nasPer, Ille 7:p. W, done 31m . •Aam..• Ap.I4 fan, Ave to..re Mar. sal other useful people. car.: PI.Aull At. in,ne 11,1Iers.

SEILS-IITIALIIII0 CIRCUS. me mule. This I. the circus that umer 'visaed • NIAIM, sod out mukhouee is aria of the beet.

50 The Billboard FA i RS- EXPOSITIONS Conducted liv CLAUDE R. ELLIS—Communec•tion• to 26 Opera Plate.. Cincinnati.

June 27, 1936


Building Ended, Units Rehearse

• Mardi Gras parafle prnh-ably will open expo—visit-ing writers on previews

• CLEVELAND. June 20.--Completion el

general ennatruction for Great Lakes fax-position is reported by lanced/ICI. Dickey, geneenl iruneseer. an/ Albert N. (armada, chief of conetruction. Only minor de-tails. some grading and painting are I... be finished before ripening at niacin un June 27. The coming week will be de-voted to show tint. rehearsals, above pre-vieters. illumination trata, training am! Instruction of employees and other pre-poratory planning. ' Visiting and local newspaper writers will sit in on pre-view, and tour the grounds. While no official opening-day program

has been announced, it la understood festivities will begin with a Marra Gras parade downtown. reviewed by officials of federal. State and city governmenta and followed by ceremonial speeches and turning of the key to officially open the exposition.

Walter Mt-Nichols. 20 years business manager nf the Cleveland Didion& lain been added to the expo staff its weeoriate executive in the credentials divtalon. Almon R. Sheffer. ....elate director in charge of arnuneniente and concessions. moved his office to the nehniniatratian building in the amusement area. S. S. Manes Cleveland. million-dallier :Moon-nett of the Admiralty Club, was ripened to delegaten and vinitore during the Repub-lican national convention. Theo De Witt. managing director. reported pleas-ing for trite period and is remit for thousands of vtattorts during the 100-day show run. Lenox R. Lahr, general manager of A

Century of Prot:teas In Chit:nee. and new president of the National Ianadcitetatig Company, who slatted recently. said: "The National BmnicantIng Company will co-operate IDO per cent with the ea-position to make a:unreel its complete mace.,"

Clif Wilson received a mu:Inter python during the week, huge reptile said to measure more than 32 feet and weighing nearly seo pounds. Wilson is steadily recovering from a recent attack by an-other large python. Jack Harris. Watelart Brewing Company. who WA. awarded ;he beer bevrenae contract, has come cait with more than 2.000.000 specially printed Great Lakes Renew:04ln beer la-beta. Captain Chrintensen'e giant sub-marine and City of New York are being polished and general preparatory open-ing-clay activities arc in evidence every-where.

New Officers at Mineola; Variety of Events Carded

NUNTCOLA. N. Y., June al.—This year's officer,. name new, have been installed at Mineola Fair as follow,: Ritymand Fish, president: Cl. E. VraiSicklen, vice-president: John Bergen. treasurer: Peed D. Baldwin. net:retail.: A. Stinnett:ea am-eel superintendent; Silar. Andrew., superin-tendent poultry; Ira Vail. auto race man-niter: C. it. Thomas& director of pub-licity: Benjamin Downing. gate super-intendent, and Joseph Andrews, superin-tendent privileges. Wide range of program events are

scheduled. Including Kids' Day opening. four days of harness racing, two days of auto racing, amateur flower show, three-day horse show, cattle find Miley ehow. poultry show and other faro. This year is the 97th annual.

Office Is Moved to Raleigh NEW YORK. June 20.—Hemleiturriera

for Southern fairs operated by North Carolina Padre Operating Company have been established Id Raleigh. with Nor-man Y. Chnintilltis in charge. George Harnid, the former's associate. said. Of-fices were formerly in Reeky Mount, N. C. Mr. Humid ram announced that J. A. Stewart. ex-secretary of Clinton IN. C.1 Pule lins been named purchasing agent for NCFOC. •

hfIDGETS IN MIDGET CITY, a Stanley Graham attraction at Tara* Cen-tennial prpcmition, Dallas. Left ro right—front row: Myrna Myrte Citrina. Vance Sunft, PrIneer, Sumnrm, W. II. Cell.ugheary. Mirkey Pape. Second rent John Leif, Joe Ifotallk. ann.., Pick. Marti Ellen Burbach, Ruth grans, Eleanor Stribite, Litt Vtllatobos. Gladys Farkas, Prfnee Dennis, Samuel SukanuA. Benny etritic. Third row, Rollin Relemerda, Walter Miller, Lewis Craft, John Clifton. Alice Pick. Dame pilliaqnfrg, Marie BillingaIcy, Winifred cliftan, Charles Kelly, Ethel lairkmen. Joe Vderor, Mayor James Doyle, Mr. and dirt, George Latble, Lillian Keesiter, JeesIc

Brockton Fire Lee, Hemphill Talk To Boosters in Ky. FRANKFORT. KY., June 20.—Plans for

1936 Kentucky State Fair are up to Governor A. B. Chandler for approval , herring been prepared at s mertang in Lotratville of leaders in agriculture and other indu at rtes.

Meeting was addressed by two nien outstanding on lair management, Ralph T. Hemphill, Oklahoma City. secretary of the Internationul Aasociation of Petite and lexpradtiosta and Raymond as. Lee. St. Paul. president of the nrganiaation. Mr. Hemphill referred to panties as a handicap to euerreaful fair management and declared success of a fair should not rawaya be measured in terms of dollars and cents.

Mr. Lee. dealing with financial aspects, cited as a self-supporting annual Min-manta State Fair, of which he la secre-tary. Intelligent Management. capable director, and judicious advertising are essential. he said. "Minnesota State Pair," he added,

ampende eaD.M10 years fur advertising by radio. billhourdis, tackcarcts and news-papers. and experience has tought that the most effective publicity la thrti the prem."

Shelves Stand Fifth blaze in less. than three yettrs---replacentent would cost $10,000

BROCKTON. Mass., June 20.—Brock-ton Fairs fifth fire In Irma Elan three yearn 4 lashed the wooden grand about on Tueaciay. with damage not re-vealed, but officials said that a new init.:Lure, under conaiderntion. would enat $40.000. If stand is not ready for the fair ill September, portable entrain from Brockton High School may be called into play.

Flame& visible for miles around, brought thoueanda of people to the seen& Firemen found the heat no hitetase that they were kept at a distance of nearly 200 fret at one stage, with three teddies given medical treatment. for severe burns.

Stand, capacity 7.000, was of old-teen-toned type. New Maud will be fireproof. neceenCating reincarte. Some money will be recovered from partial InStIntrlee. Blaze's origin is unknown, but is be-lieved to hnvc been work of firebug. Last itertaus fire destroyed tits agricultural building in 1933.

FARGO. N. D.—Ernest (Rube) Lleb-mum with Sarnes-Cariuthers. Chir ago. was in SU failure Hospital here for med-lent intention and a rest, according to The Fargo Forum of June 14.

Colorful Duffield Spec Premiere Draws Notables LOS ANGELEB, June 20.—Charle, It.

Dueerlies huge apectarle. Lait Dai, of Pompeii. had Its Los Angeles premiere in the Callaeurn night of Jtine 15, Scale of prices started high, especially for a Moseley night showing. fund attendance wan much below that anticipated: Inter

lower nettle wars announced. Snowier is IAA Angeles Federated Church Broth-erh -oil. Mr. Duffield and astrortaten handle the spec In a ahmentanlike men-nee and local dailies hune been profnae In notices given Lite mnsalve production. Ray Anderson. of tile Duffield staff.

rehearsed the more than 600 In the cost and everywhere there la exact precision, Of featmen other than the pyrotechnies. lament Brenglee Golden Girls, as priest-esses at the Court of Isla are remark-able, 19 In number. Theodore Kosloff% Barchenalinn Ballet is n superb pres-entation, na is his Moorish Sieve num-ber . Circus ataximun. Jack Schaller's Eight SeneatIonal Jacka, hall act up 94 feet, drew big hands for their feats. Plechlants• teeter bonrd act, alantyn a strong feature. Is even to good advain-

in Los Angeles tage. }lustre! troupe on high wire Is almo a feature. John R. Agee'a Hackney Hires and jumping horn!. Tony, gel hearty applause. Bell Tiaherai Arabs are seen in peremicis ond ground tumbling. .Toe Metralfe and Anna Veldt get big receptions for a splendid elephant act. In chariot race, spirited horses are driven by Mr. Agee and Art Keller.

In tito pyrotectinIc display. a great credit to Mr Duffield. there are brand-new Mena and especially noted are fire lacers all In motion Monday night a aperiel pet-Meet:Mc feature WWI the cir-cus parade. rorrect In detail as to Oren» wagons and led animals, all in motion. Natal battle is a nightly offering and new tenture. Race of the Comets. With collisinn /Trash. Is marvelous. The en-tire production more than measurea up to advance notirca. Charlie Murray is enter, Movie stars issue been in at-tendance nt each performance wath other local notable& For opening night Loa Angeles Pollee Deportment was out with police niotorevele escort. Don Plitill-pint and his band play the program.

Rejuvenation j By A. N. PECKHAM

Manager Tercentenary State Falr, Kingston. R. I.

The so-called Washington County Agricultural Society's Fair which ha. been conducted in Kingston. K. I.. he three-quarters of a century has during the last in yearn gradually boon genie farther "down hill." The old Manta-lion, however, has had plenty of coin-peny. for many genteel, county fairs inste nut only gone clown hill, but have dropped out of the picture. Our fair text year was the only one left in Etude Island. This gradual deterioration fa Eastern county fairs has been partially due undoubtedly to economic condi-tion& but probably more to poor mane narment lack of manngernent. By trait / mean the managers have lacked tision or ability to keep their nunite-Gunn in step with the rapidly changing t illiea. The legislature has made a good-sired

iippeopriation for the Tercentenary Cele-bration of Agriculture, which is to as held on our huge fairarounda thus year. State administration belleve.s there la piece of nor/ranee-if for one high-ttier. clean, agricultural and industrial late Old Waallington County Agricultural Fair, which has been held for genera-tions at West Kingston, new spreads itt

wings out over the entire State end las become Tercentrnury State Fan:. In other words, we have taken the

old institution "out behind the burn" and turned the hone on her. nap squawked some at the rang!, treatment

(Sec REJUVENATION on page 5.1d)

Barnes-Carruthers Given Big Contract in Wichita CHICAGO, June 30.—One of the lug.

eat nmiesernent contracts of any ronfleur. niais being relebiattal this year het, teen awarded to Itarnes-Carruthers Few Honk-ing Aasoriation by the Kama, iliamend Jubilee P.pnaltion to be held in Wichita

In affilitinn to all imposing array of high-caliber acts, which will embrace al-most every field of show business, Burnes-Caret:them according to M TI Barnes. will stage its super musical pro-duction, The Show of the Century, In m entirety.

Barnes-Carruthens also recently ass awarded contract for thr grand-stand nt• tractions for Alabama State Fair. lea minehnin. rapidly developing into onc of the lending fairs of tbe South.

Mine Rescue Tour Is Off HALIFAX. N. 13.. June 20.—Tour of the

eimegermela who rescued Dr. D. E Tian-ratan» and Alfred Sambaing. Toraira. Born an antiquated gold mine at Meow River. N. 8.. was suddenly canceled in St. Cohn, N. B. In the troupe beitidee it ilmegermen Were ripens, Scotch draw,. end n "singing miner" Nova Scotia s:c.. hibition Cummiasion. winch operates ale foie in Ilallfax. promoted the tour, E. Prank Lordly, manager and secretar' treasurer of the commission, as tour manager. Troupe played only rinks Un-til the foltitip. Auditornitne were to . have been used where rinks welt not available in the Milted States.

Doylestown Dates Earlier DOYLESTOWN, Pa., June 20.—Breaure

of wide demand. 14th annual Daylealowa Pair will be held somewhat earlier Ilia year. Secretary J. Allen Clardy said Lbs new dates are popular with farmers and exhibitors. Revue for the night elh'• Ime been booked thin, George A. Mend. who is aim, furnishing the strongest °,9 of grand-stand attractions. ever Me. aented In Doyle/nos-TT. officials see Lucky Teter will be a feature on Chile dren's Day. Frady Bros.' Shows will again be on tho midway. Horse racinc if echetitzled. President H. W. Turner re-ports new enthusleam for the la» fair.

New Natchez Plant Ready NATCHEZ. mim.. June 20. — Adiase

county Fair Association hieing bees organized here to hold a tine-wee' fair /writ season. Manager Bob Walcott seal the 1936 lair will be held on the mire athletic field. where a large grand has been erected. A portion of tlw grounds being fenced in w ill mat, it passible n) present grand-stand features There will be a miciwny and inch/stint and agricultural exhibits.

lima 27, 1936 FAIRS-EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 51


10*TERRIPIC TRANSATLANTIC THIIIIDERBOI Tf I o imported For FO/PS, Amusemett Parks, Circuses ono' Special Events BfiOf Cour.re






a. 6.











8. 9.

The "Believe It or Not" of Aerial Motorcycle Se ..tle Hews Combine/

With Insuperable Feats Aloft.


the Swivel and Trapeze Breath-Taker, Pulse-Beater. Engineers Ether.


Nerveless Girl on a High Pole Reaching for the Sky. Highest Female Pole-jack in Existence.

Another Intrepid High-Polo Artist Working 210 Feet Removed From Earth.

Iron Jaw and Cloud Swing Thriller. Truly Named "Birds on the Wing."

Airplane Knockout Performed in Mid-Ale. Compelling. Captivating. •

Thunderous Hit of Billy Rose's "jumbo."

Fermer Muscle-Grinding Trapeze Star of Ringling Bros., Barnum fr Bailey Circus. Brought Back to North America After European Triumphs.

Dr. Herman Ostermaier and his Fascinating Didoes with Dohoes, the Mat Learned and Most Beautiful Steed on Earth. Another "Jumbo" Smash.

Dare-Devil "Sky Wheelers" Brought Over Here Again After Storing Heavily Two Seasons Ago. Europe's Most Thlked-01 Featish,

Greatest. Most Gargantuan Heart-Stopper of All Time. Albert Karel'', • Monster Invention. A Human Catapult Traveling 360 Feet In the Clouds

Before Dropping to Earth by Means of a Parachute, What H. G. Wells Had in Mind When He Wrote "Things To Come." Climactic. Cata-clysmic Colossus of the Century.




"Thunderbolt" Headquarters



1219 Empire Building.

ER L. I 1%1


260 Tremont Street.

PARIS ir—ceNa3c)NT It is not too late to secure one of the above features for your fair or park. A few—but very few— dates are open.

George A. Hamid, Inc., thanks Its friends and clients for the overwhelming confidence displayed in

our organization this season.


Tie ReOue as a lait

?re d%

gt, Will f. Daos INETFF.51 yenra ago we started 11.,:rig a nizlit show in con-nection with the Rutland (Vt. . rd IT. We were pioneers in this new form of fair entertainment

in our pert of the country and it was only an experiment, but one which has proved very beneficial and satiefartory. At first we had a few nets of vaudeville and fireworks. This sort of pro,trairt Was gradually Increased each year in

quality and numbers, t ho far some years our night alto's/ was pretty much the same as that in the afternoon with the addition of fireworks. Then We added a line of danc-ing girls, not a regular revue. but of the type of Outran and Marguerite. With scene ape-entities by the girls. This type of entertain-ment. together with n n ela ts-

orate display of fireworks, car-

ried our evening show over with the

public and placed It on a paying basis.

Por some time we felt that sooner or later we would have to give something at night that was different front that

Will L. Delde

Will Leonard Paris started with

ihill8 rld (Vt.) Fair when the Society was reorganized lo 1910 and Pie was elected treasurer, Since £922 he has held a dual office, that 01 president-treasurer, which. also carries the title of MO rà ever. A merchant, he atoo has long been

prominent in public a!/airs. leaning been on the Rutland Sourd of FI. novice and State Board of Control under tiro gore/moss tie was elected city treasurer each year for 40 years. ',tiring lase spring, when d Cit.•C

testimonlai dinner and tendered him in the Hotel Berwick Pine Room on March 30.

shown in the afternoon Wr considered rodeo', pageants, revues and other forma of entertainment. After the 1032 fair we decided we would try a regular revue rind we booked Ernie Youne's Revue, which we have played for three years with great success. Our choosing this sort of entertainment was partially forced upon u» and partially foresight. Our fate was growing very fast and we had educated our public to the hiehest clam of vaudeville and we knew that it was time to change to something dif-ferent. We tried to move along with the tiniest and at the same time choose something which our public would like and appreciate. We atilt work in our afternoon vaudeville acts, but the big feature of the show is the revue We have been so successful with our

night show that thla year we arc going in on a larger scale than ever. We are to have a Schooley production, Fascism-




IN 1934, 77 REPEATED IN 1935

THE OUTLOOK FOR 1936 Contracts signed for this year are already 33 1 •3' over

last year's entire total and already 52% of last year's total

have signed for repeat dates.



for ioforrii.'stiori. write or wire




leatute Baas 01 1938. There will be a revolving stage and many spec, lighting effects.

with 85 people taking part

Stage Up To Stand One of the important things in snag-

Ina an outdoor evening allow Ia to have the stage crane right, up to the grand stand If possible. It given It more of the intimacy of the theater and every-one likes to be seated as near the stage as can be. The lighting effect, ehonld be given very careful attention, as they play a most important part in the ahow.

Our Stage is 65 by 105 feet nod Is across the track front the grand stand. Every night we build a temporary stage, reaching from our permanent stage right oter the track and up to the grand-stand seat,. At. first this seemed like write a task, but it works out very nicely. As ream as the afternoon show Is over our mrn begin petting up the stage for the night show and it Is always ready to begin promptly. Which We COU. alder to be an Important feature

All of these Items, we believe, have helped us build tip our evening attend-ance, but at the same time we have shown the beet In each form of enter-tainment which veo have had. A fair unmated near any large city has much keener competition than thine- farther away. It le an easy matter for people today living within e radius of 50 or 75 miles of a large city to see good vatide-sille, revues and elaborate stage pro-ductions, while those living far sway do not get to the city so often nor in such large numbers. Of comae, the movies have every kind of art In existence. but the public atilt enjoys seeing actors in the flesh.

Revue Pays for Show No matter how good a revue one may

have we have found that night attend-ance depends greatly on how good an afternoon Show it OUT experience has been that the afternoon crowd slays oit the grounds and forms the nucleus of the night attendance.

For inane years we charged a flat 35-rent admission to the night grand stand, with no reserved seats: this was, of course, In addition to the 25-Cent Cate adariesion to the grounds We found the evening performance no popular with. the public that It demanded reserved tenta and was more than willing to pay

for them. This year we are planning to reserve, a larger section than ever before tor the night show. Once people see It and malice that. It la different from the day show they will fill the grand stand, and the reserved section always arils out first. A great many fair managers tell ue that we do not charge enough tor our night show and our answer la that we make It pay this way and please tho

It might be well to add that our revuo pays for itself and also for the afternoon show. For the information of any readers who do not know much about the country in Vermont. the population of Rutland la about 17.000. OUT total attendance last year was 106.257 and our groan. receipts 870,537. We are 01 years old, do not receive any State aid and do not owe a dollar in any form. and we began this year with a COS h balance of 325,274. In our opinion, the

mein show and revue have had much to der with the success of our fair.

Control Stiles at Ft. Worth

Frontier l'irsys. Ft. Worth, Ter., Show. 1011 control its entrances with a STIT11-

Una crowd control system, using batter-ies of Perey Turnstile, of the latest, space-saving Kompak PaaaUlleirT type. This system proved successful nt A Cen-tury of Progresa Exposition. Chicago, in 1033-'34 and is being used at Texas Centennial Exposition, Dallas.



MAN World's highest trapeze and swaYlni

pole act. Finishing with a 500 foot

slide for life. The most spectacular act

in e•istence. Beautiful wardrobe and

special illumination for night showing.



Address care The Billboard. Cincinnati, 0.

June 27, 1936 FAIRS-EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 53

By GREGG WEILL INCHOFF, 401 Southland Life Bldg.. Dallas,

All Visitors Not Checked

• Attendance figures given do not represent totals— rule of audit department

• DALLAS. Joue 20.—When President

Ikeeeselt visited the exposition on June 12 at 10:30 um. be was welcomed by coach, estimated at 200.000. National Cash Register Company's recorder reaffi-rmed only 101,848. but senaon tickets and advance sale tickets are not reeorded. This condition wnn not noticed until the awdell.lon had been operating several duct The system of not recording sea-ion and advance sale tickets Ls still in egret because of a ruling set down by the exposition auditing department.

Attendance figures are therefore not complete and will continue to be so un-til a new system is adopted. Presa re-porters estimate that actual attendance hio doubled that shown on the register. With thousands of 610 and $20 season tickets sold and a 2.000,000 advance mile or combination tickets the percentage allowing up daily would Inrrease present attendance flguren 100 per cent. Auditing department' à ruling was

made to protect the exposition from be-ermine Involved In misunderstandings with the bondholders, but in its eager-ness to avoid that misrepresentation it apparently neglected to take into con-akeration the impression that the pres-ent low figurers gives to expositiongoers. There was an example on June 13. when 5$010 school children attended on a. epe-eist public School pald group ttcket. The register cloned the day with a 48.301 readlng, or 3.700 less than the one entry of 50.000.

Roosevelt in Stadium 'the President entered to a 21-gun

reline thru the Exposition avenue gate. rawed the Federal building and entered Cotton Bowl Stadium Doan the caval-cade side. A crowd of 52.000 sat in the eadium to hear hiss address asid others On the grounds heard It from the Gulf-ExpmitIon loud-spesker eyetem spotted et 1h intersections. Two hours later he left for Fort Worth to visit his son. Elliott. leaving several hundred thousand on the grounds for exhibitions. conces-sions and attractions people.

On Saturday. Kids. Day. 30 special "Mille and 1,000 busses brought juvenile 'Motors making a gala day for the mid-get and other concessions. S lll day pro,eit favorable day with many vleitorn left over from Friday and Saturday. Mon-day yaw a hill. nttentlance dropping to 29.81/3. Tircoriny, the scheduled Kids' Derr, lied attendance over the 40.000 mark. pith° the register failed to show More than several thousand.

Iliplev's Believe It or Not Odditorium. under management of Frank Zambien0. ,eriinldrig one of the largest attraction buildings, is presented on II stages,

curtained and lighted. A 5°,0)W-sided glass case contains a collec-tion of curiosities and oddities. At this lecation Jame» W. Zaharee does his re-'Makable rice writing. Manager Tarim-Mena plans to change inside attractions at various times. Present lineup in-chides Marvello. lingerieas piano player: Pettr Broadbent. voungent tattoo girl: Clarence Thorpe. hind and foot cartoon-let: Charles Romnnn, known as Egan Twist, Rubber-Arm Man: Forest Lewis. eePeYe: Andrew Oawley, steel hands won. dey; Demettio Ortez. human corkscrew: Rv Bahl. minified man: Smokey Hall. Who inhales thru his hark: Lauren°. re-regribe head; Orace McDaniel& mule-feed woman: Francois Russell. strong nun: Freda Pushnick half-girl; Raul e.t" Wilber.. golf-ball mouth act: Leo Kon-a.. human pincushion; Charles tanteo Mi. Iron eyelids; Edward Roden, human lute tire: James Miller, ono-man band.

Attendances Saturday. Ism. 6 Sunday. km. 7 Monday, lune 8 Tuesday, June 9 Wednesday, lung 10 Tnurtd•y, June 11 Friday. lune 12 I Penklant Day) Saturday, June 13 11(Ids. Day.— Sunday, lune 14 Monday, 'lung 15

117.<125 87.801 40,322 29.42r 22,495 27.109 101,545 46.301 53,254 29,593

Pill Anato Hayes, anatomical wonder inside lecturers, Eddie Lovett. Victor Roper. Roy Tell: outside mike men. Mark Bybee and Jackson. Building, air-cooled. maintains as crags, temperature of 78.

Midgets Present Shows Midget City, Stanley Graham attrac-

tion and one of the most popular vil-lages, has city hall, hotel. telegraph of-fice. theater. outdoor theater, restaurant. barber shop, photo gallery, all in minio -tore, and a tiny home. Herman Rurfick'a novelty stand, 24-foot concession. built to conform to modernistic architectural linea of the village. la at the entrance Regular routine of city matters Is carried on. Chief of Police Jack Clickers servers at his post: at the city hall Mayor James Doyle greets viattorn: Judge George Latble la on the bench and there le a midget Texas Ranger. On the stage of the theater Vance Swift. smallest midget in the village, entertains hie guests. He stands 32 inches high.

On the outdoor stage three units alter-nate. presenting 15 minutes each. First two units (reviewed on Sunday) include Ben Stone. tap dancing: Crawford Price 'songs: Eleanor Stubitz, Mae West of Mids. etriono Nick Page. tenor: Johnny Leal. roping and comedy chatter Imitation of Will Rogers: Dolly Kramer. Sophie Tucker of the village: Clifton Family. Mr. and Mrs. J. E., and daughter. Myrna Myth.: Joe Victor. Bill Robinson tape: Lady Ethel. songs: Jean Paln, rornetteit; Sam Eskanaal. !songs, and lug Villalohori. Spanish dancing and roping Other mug-et.. arc: Mary Ellen Burbach, Gladys Flukes, Princess Suzanne, Alice and One-ele Pick, Hollis Edwards, Joe Entalik; Emma, Mitzi and Billy Knottier: Prank Kikel, Tiernice Leonard. Victor Bump. Lerida Craft, Fred Ducrint. Joe Herbrit, Charles Ludwig. Midge Potter. Meinharrit Tiseibe. John Hambury, Burre and Marie Billingsley. Norm Cooper. Prince Deniarn. Ruthe Evan, Helen and Marguerite Hoy. Lillian and Chester Keesner. Charlen Kel-ley. John Leal, Duchess leona. Walter Miller. Edna L. Moffitt. Danny Montague. Frank Packard. Garland Statten, Ann Leslie. Ethel Wickman. Victor Wetter. Oracle, lfart.ey and Sadie Williams and Buddle Thompson.

Staff of Graham ESiterprise_s, Inc.: Stanley Graham, president, William .I.

Collins, general manager: Henry Catalano. manager: E. C. Edson, pub-licity director: F. R. Moss, auditor: as-erstinit mntingera who handle front. F. A. (Whitey1 Woods, Buck Saunders. E. A. Comstock and John S. Meyers: Pete 13,17111621. P11121e6 and stage manager. Some midgets will leave this month for Cleveland to he In the Graham Midget Circus at Cirent lakes Exposillien.

Attendance on Midway Free acts working twice daily Include

Ploreacm high pole; Pat and Mildred D. Christ/inn. with Aristocratic 0o.atis: Rube Curtis and clowns: Joe Ambroer, clown, with educated canines, and Alva Evans. clown. M. D. Fanning in managing free act presentations at 2 and 7:30 p.m. arrosa frotn the Cavalcade of Texan set-tings on n specie' stage. Scat, are pro-vided spectators.

Front of T. A. Wolfe's Holy City at head of the midway Is a replica of the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem and interior hea painting's and pictures of places of worship, holy MIea and holy object.. Exit lobby contains religious articles for Fide, and no admission le charged, there being a contribution box at exit.

After operating one week, exposition figures show midway attractions are get-




4-H Club- -Future Parmers--Live Stock.

Admission 25e. Kids' Day, Monday. Free. Legitimate Concession!' of All Kinds. Write

P. T. STRIEDER, Secy.-Mgr.. or W. C. MARTIN, Supt. Con.

ii F1yirij 1>_/lelzoras aciiiing, OF THE AIR,

,ipad deahle eel. (11,1. Ail lot thet erie,

RAYMOND M . oft. In, I I reeenie Clean.

-MO et Park• end Pairs

War. Humid. Inc. serio Now Yost Oit?.

Pint in attempt, atol isnmssidinuA 'Ti., Mellor., a had. lit, annenaun 0.ar u,, return,. elm. • Ines der, leax...1616, one and may e, I I., Une peaking leap.

Permanent Address. 2000 106,..nc... St_ MISS.





6 DAYS OPoiNTSERS,1::e4Y 6 NIGHTS Billed 7:; miles la all directions. RIdes—Showt—Concessions are all open. Independent--no State License necessary. Fl.iy• booked "World's Cretin? Thtillers,•• -Amerk•'s Out-standing Revue,v ”Acts... No Ohio Fair has a I Agri. culturs1 Exhibit. Write ALBERT C. STEIN, C.O., 01,o



CUMBERLAND FAIR AUGUST 24-29, Inc. The Cumberland Fair Association

HARRY A. MANLEY, Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Cumberland, Md.



ITASCA COUNTY FAIR, Çesnd Rapids, August 21-30 WHITNEY MURRAY. Sec. aaaaa , ternn.


CHIPPEWA FALLS. AUGUST 4 TO AUGUST 9, 1936 For Information. Rates. etc.. Write to

A. L. PUTNAM. Seey.-Mgr., Chippewa Falls. Wis.

tang 15 to 20 per cent of groan attend-ance. Villaaeri are holding attendance until early-morning hours. Streets of Parisi and Streets of All Natrona. with night club facllities, have been running until 3 a.m. Outside gates clone at mid-night. but patrons then on grounds may stay as long as they wish. Black Forest. Show Boat, Hollywood and similar vil-lages. with earlier clewing hours, have been doing excellent bunt:lens.

Billy Edwards, who opened hie Ath Rolm Arena Sunday night on the side street of the midway leading to the grand stands. is presenting leading wrestlers and boxing events.

Col. W. 'T. Johnson's Rodeo. opening with 5.000 attendance, has been running 25.000 on early days of this week. It Closes Sunday night.

WANTED Free Acts, Anna Fair,

August 25 to 25, inclume. SOC. and reference 'nett accompany rep!, L A. Davis, Entertainment, Anna, IIL

Wanted 14 MONTS it eirlilir.lion`r

lisaineassZ Naas.


It The Billboard FAIRS-EXPOSITIONS June 27, 1936

GOVERNOR HENRY HORNER lit rites I tmtt 'hp Exhibit title! Viail


AUGUST 1 5 - 2 3 , 1936

We have • Complete Classification in All Departments. Write for

Premium List to BOX 546. Springfield, Ill.


Director of Agriculture


General Manager


30011t Anniversary Settlement of Rhode Island by Roger Williams.

Dates Sept. 2-7 Inclusive, Kingston, R. I. Within g Radius of 100 Milts We Have Drawing Population of More Than 3.500.000. DI-

r•ttly Across the Bay Front Newport, the Nat.on's Summer Capdal; 60 sides From Boston: 25 Moles From Providence. We Are Doing IntensIve Advirrtesing.


WANT—Merry•Co-Round, Ferris Wheel. Kiddie Rides, Loop•o-Plane, or any new Ride, Let. V,.17101,11 Concessions of all kinds. Corn Came, Grind Stores. Ball Games. Crab Joints, Iule, Novelties. etc. Will book clean, M•ritorlous Sheers. Give full parteculars in your first letter.

Address A. N. PECKHAM, General Manager, Tercentenary Mate Fair, Kingston, R. I.



BLUFFTON FREE STREET FAIR ASS'N, Inc. Bluffton. Indiana. September 22-26, Inclusive


Gooding's Rides Booked



WANTED Legitimate Concessions, high-grade shows and Fro acts. F. E. Goading rides booked.

September 29 to October 3d. Day and Night.




86th Annual

HILLSDALE COUNTY FAIR and RACES Seven Days—hlillsdale, Michigan—Five Nights

September 27-October 3, 1936 Address Communications to H. B. KELLEY, Secy.


Agricultural Situation I Condensed Data From forte Summary by U. S. Department of AgricultUrA

Washington, D. C.

CROPS WELL STARTED Crope are practically all planted and

from now on the weather will be the decisive thing. Already two bed dry spots have developed—one in the South-western wheat and range territory, the other in the Southeastern Cotton Belt. Altho Western plains country had some helpful rain last month, it Is atilt ex-tremely dry and dusty In parts of South-western Kamm.. Oklahoma. Texas and New Mexico. In the Southeast cotton planting and growing truck crops have euffered from drought, and conditions from the Virginia, to Enatern Alabama are by no tueens good. There are also one or two areas In the Corn Belt where rain le badly needed. especially Esstern Ioe a. Porn Southern crope will be ehowing

CLARKSVILLE Tenn.—Montgomery County Pair Association elected Mee. James J. Broome president.

FALMOUTH. Ky. — ralmouth Fair Company elected Dr. Joseph Abraham president; Martin Light, vice-president: Mrs. D. R. Barnett, secretary. and Mn. Margaret Abraham. treasurer.

CELINA. 0.—M, R. Dunn. chairman of the agricultural committee of Irian Mercer County Fair here, will supervise 4.H Club department: Noel Pryainger, cattle; Chris Pierstorft. hogs: C. P. Kuhn, hones: Walter Shively, sheep: Arthur Plehbaugh, egriculture. and Jerry Car-penter, horse-pulling match.

HARRODSBURG. Ky. —Holding» of /nrmer Mercer County Fell. and Homo Show Association were bought for 4,1,230 by new Mercer County Fall and Florae Show Aria0eInt1011. BeCRULle of infant heirs and dirrabilitles, the property was Fold umclor court order. Fair and Horse Show will be held this summer.

CAVE CITY, ley.—First fair here elnce 1022 will be held thls fall under Cave City Falr /tent-elation. division of the Chamber of Commerce.

VANCOUVER. B. C.—Symphony. band rind choral concerts will he held each evening from July I to August 22 in Marion Malkin Memorial Bowl, Stanley Palk. In plane completed by the Golden Jubilee Committee, under management of J. K. Matheson. who retains general managenhip of Canadian ',Metric Ex-hibition. There will he free vaudeville, style shows and a dive of 100 feet Into Blunted Inlet.

MILFORD. Mich.--Orildand County Fair Association elected S. A. MeCaul. president: Fred R. Sleeth. vice-preeident. Oran C. Thomas...rectory-treasurer.

EDINBORO, Pa.—Ninth annual Edin-boro Community Fair here will be apon-soled by reorganised Edinboro Commu-nity Agricultural Association, officer, of which are Dr. Boyd W. °Bluing. presi-dent: Paul A. Dondon. vice-preeldent: Frank C. Schelndernantel. treasurer, Iliron E. Decker. secretory.

— - LAUREL. Wm.—For South Ellealsethri

Fair E. P. Ford. secretary-manager. said food stands will he moved to head of the carnival midway and natter-Urine ore to be grouped in horseshoe form. All al-lotted community booths have been re-served.

MONTEREY, La. Monterey has been eelerted ea site for 1938 Concordia Pariah Fair. Manager J. IL, Caldwell announced. Grounds have been remodeled for bigger exhibits. amusement* and attendance. Mr. Celelwell resigned 'Ix manager, et. fectIve July 1.,

MARTEN°. 111.—Death of the 8-year-old saddle stallion Chocolate King Is reported by Charles J. O'Neill. bleeder. Thousands have seen this five-gaited equine in hone shown and as n 2. 3 and 4-year-old, featured with the Adam. Rodeo and later at Internettohal Live Stock Show, Illinois State Fair and many others.

up In the markets in heavier volume this month. especially new potato.,. melons, onions, tamale:see, letLUCE rind peaches,. June la the big month for molt of those- traps grown in the told. season arca In the South and Southweet. The supply of early potatoes and Ineirma will not be overly large this season b.. cause of reduced acreage and some set-backs In May.

WHEAT SITUATION BETTER Winter wheat te beginning to ripen

In the Southwest. Rains Innt menu, helped Western wheat greatly. Tho plc.. pert la for a winter wheat crop slightly Inner than last year, In spite of the

(sea AGRICULTURAL ors page «7)

Act No W ORM It You Want to Cash in on

CONCESSIONS 'No Canting Concessions..


r-ce Gate--1' atre,,,, R • c I II WegarIng.

Oc wire to. cay.

TRI-STATE FAIR ASS'N Gana A. Howe, tres. O. L. Taylor, Secy.-Mgc,

Wanted Concessions and Cook Houses



DAVENPORT, IA AUGUST 15-31 Gentenno•I Year.



Dates Neterneer 1.2.114. Went In .11141\4r with nain is;.! r austiegy,

blemeha County Fair L Live Beads Assn., Auburn, Neb.


DOYLESTOWN FAIR SEPT. 15-19 re. 7.17,7.i.

Gpg,,,I•10/1. Want. fr. Inemoinchins Write

J. LLLLL CIARDY. Zee, I W. Stare at.. Doylettown. Pr


COUNTY FAIR, AUGUST 24-28 Prose Fair chaorn et


RIDES WANTED TREMPEALEAU COUNTY FAIR Galesville, Wis., September 4-5.6-7. Ad AA . lACM4,

Irwin County Fair Ocilla, Ga.



Juno. 27, 1936 FAIRS-EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 54a


E ARE again looking forward to what we

feel will be one of the happiest engagements of

our career . . . THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EX-

HIBITION . . . Toronto . . . two weeks, beginning

August 28, 1936.












54b TheIlboard FAIRS-EXPOSITIONS June 27, 1936





Cramst-tn-Cnast Frotiorn —









e l






IT'S FUN Wlion Done


4,0 0 0 Sold in 4 Days by One Man

Send 20c Post•Ee In. Sample

NECEDAH NOVELTY CO. 63 1 6 No, Rockwell, Chicago

ATTENTION ACTS: i...41„.•..‘:-Pieer,,,;»: CiLlfaitAT10.. ers nano u. qua', otle. , ... at 1,-W pos.. Well. Ear Catakne

J. C. MI IONS. INA S. Mil, mina. Oit?, Mrs

Phone Bentem 51174.

WANTED RelMblo Atmeotront Test Can Blond Geed

Tmmennt. In Geed Somt. WEEK OF OCTOBER 12.


Natoli«. MIss

FOR SALE CHEAP nortll irle Art Inelndm me•mne• and bmmloL. t 'steles. tam that felt, In

met SINO. :an, In Wepltal 61.1.1 must rate ra•IL Pr,ell•Lure mom, f TOG Can be m-n

1112 K. Seomullebl see.. Chnearo. Ill TOM MILLS. care EnirneeNdi Ble0tHW NaolIltaie OM,

The Oridinal Wolters Trio


PHONE — WRITE — WIRE 223 Welt 1111th St. • • • Pullman 1258.

emotion. ILL.


SEPTEMBER 240e AND 2h1h,


Ev.no IVAN JETT. Ihemenno Omund.

Il Help. You, et e P 1PPP *PP Ado...Demo IA Map Clon The •Illbmed.

Ducat Drive For Frontier

• Ft . IT'orth show ix meshing net i.mij.f Mell Nub—rehears-ed x are in fined stages

FORT TeX. June 20.—Every-

one connected with thie Broadway-show-

on-the-Texas-Prairie is working at top speed for the scheduled opening on July 1. All rehearsals for the two original

shows hate gone into final stagen, and

most progress is noted in tne show, under direction of John Murray

Anderson rand Robert Alton. A fence has

been put up around the expessitton grounds to keep out visitors so that work

can go en uninterrupted. Prentdent and

Mrs. Riwaevelt visited the grolindn On

their visit here on June 12.

Advance ticket sale has about 900 per-nnns selling bargain BOORS. As an In-

ducement to out-of-town salesmen. R three-day all-expense trip to the chow is

In be given nut-of-town salesperson whn selln ell:mt books In his territory. Pub.

licito' for ticket campaign Is being him-

riled by Bill Lewis and Harry Connelly, who in also public relations director for

the show. Eddie For Jr. hru, been named to fill

Jimmy Diarante's role in JtIm00. Ann Pertningtnn. former Ziegfeld star, is to

bnve a featured role in Frontier 70,11e., King Adolph. of the San Diego Exposi-

tion norlint colony. has been signed for

Sally Rance,. Dude Ranch. Posters advertising the Chow started

going up In nine adjoining Staten on

June 22 Twenty-eight billposters. under

direction of Pat Bacon. will be used. W. C. Young, master of properties for

Chicago Ciste Opera Company. Is here to supervise construction of gondolas fur Casa Mariana and other properties. Casa Malaria Cafe will be operated by Na-tIonl Hotel Mancernent Compny. Inc..

under direction of Ralph Intr.

Kentuckians Form NewBody BOWLING GREEN. Ky„ June 20.—

South Central Kentucky Pair Ammorintion

MSS organised at ta dinner meeting in

the Helm Hotel here. Ed L. Kerley,

secretary rif Glasgow Chamber of Com-merce, was elected president and W. II.

Richeson. Bowling Oreen, secretary. Meeting wan upon invitation of Warren

County Pair Association to complete an organisation that would work in har-mony and not conflict with dates: of

fairs and fall festivals. Boards repre-

sented were from ClIfiegow. Bowling Oreen, Smiths Grove. Russellville. Elk-ton and Guthrie. Bowling Green was

rhonen as place for the next meeting on November 9.

Funds for Two in Michigan ANSING, Mich., June 20.—Finanee

roMinit 1, of the State administrative

board hat recommended $35.000 be allo-cated to the State Fate Detroit. for maintenance of buildings arid grounds

and that $40.000 be advanced for pre-

miums in 1026. premium money is to be returned from receipts. Upper Pen-

insula State Vale Encanaba, board won a recommendation foe appropriation of

0.20.1100. Adminsatentive board hIo, yet

to pose upon the committee recOmmen-


City Considering Purchase Of Lynchburg Fairgrounds LYNCHBURG, Va., June 20.—Negotia-

tions pending may result In purchase by the elty of grounds of Interstate Fair

Asseieletinn here in a tow we7ke. If the

sale Is made, no fair will be held this year. altho plans are on for one II there

is no eelt. Havelnek. aim has bene secretary-

treasurer of the fair an,xlatton 31 years, is rounding out his 40th year on United

States Senator Carter Ola.' newspaper


11..C. To Represent Bowes CHICAGO. June 20—M II Starnes.

Barnes-Carruthers Fair Booking Aesocia-

Hon. said that it has been appointed ex-

clusive representative of Major Bosses'

amateur units for all outdoor engage-ments in the entire territory they servo teat ot Pittsburgh.

Organizat . for Ca r Ilinge Announced by M. Y. Cooper CINCINNATI. June 20.—Completion uf

organisation for the filet animal Car-

thage Fair, to be held on Carthage fair-

grounds, was announced by Myers Y. Cooper, president of the hourd of di-


D. R. Van Atta will be secretary or the fair this year. D. L. Sampson. who was

secretary many yearn. died recently. Mina I.. Blume win be assisinnt serretar ,,-.

Superintendents of departmente an-

nounced by Mr. Cooper ere. Speed, Van

Atta. Cooper and Edward !Eileen: allow

horses. W. alardt Johnson. Lawrence is.

Lake and Van Attic cattle. Frank a Rougebush; sheep and (swine. Hagen,

hounds, fingen and Johnson: poultry,

rabbits and pigeons. Hugo Hark; grain

and vegetables. Dr. C. It Campbell: fruits end flowers, Van Attn: domestic

department, Mrs. Edith nhilluve li ne arta. Mrs. Phillips mid M. Blum, teunty school exhibit. Lake and O. IL

Bennett. and county club exhibit, Mn. Phillips and C. R. Bilabee.

Labor lieps Named For N. Y. '39 Expo NEW YORK, June 20.—Two rem*.

eentatives of theetrical unions have

been appointed to the labor rodelsori committee of New York's World's Fair of 1 rm. Ralph Whitehead. executive error-tar,' of American Federation of Actors. and Mrs. Aueurta ticker, secretary Of Theatrical Wardrobe Attendants,' Union.

AppoIntinents were made by Grover

Whnien, fair president, on recommenda-tion of Matthew Won, chairman of labor

advienry committee or the fair and vice. president of American Federation of

Labor. Committee held its first meetinf

this week. Mrs. (Wirer attending. but

Whitehead being absent on business US Chicago.

Seven theatrical unions met in De-

cember and adopted resolutions in sup-

port nf mt closed .hop at the expo :n connection with employment of thee..

rice! craft labor . Unions Involved were

the AFA, wardrobe, musicians. Scenic artiste. Sign writers, agents and man-

agera and etagehande Members Of coo:-inercial unions were named previously to the labor advisory committee. Late developments: Approval of lease

transferring Flushing Madmen site from

the city to the fair wets voted thin week by the sinking fund commission. Clear-ancr . and grading work began, will,

shout 500 getting jobs. President Roosevelt eigned a. resolution Inviting

foreign nations to participate In the


Servas Has Sports Show CHICAGO, June 20.—John A. Serves.

wlin peat on the Itortieultunil Show at A

Centime of Proem,. in 1934, le to put on a Sports Show and Outdoor Life Execs:-

tion at Great Laken ExposItion, land. Amcng feitturen will be log-roll-

ing. archery. fly-ranting and a jump el

110 feet from the Ski Jumper. Wild birda and gime will be exhibited. At-tractions Will be outside and manillar'

timers' ethents inside main building in entice 100 by 250 feet, he says, and tie

show will be next to the John Hit Strange An It Seems show.






('AN 15E few more steel Slum, lust 0.00* WI Là/e Pree A AA P. Midway and ',ISM. , ,n1D tululont Grandstand Patron, 11150e Saes arise

te f.. 8. on Panel• GUSTAV A. REEL. Mop., Ceerthsom, MorrIlL VAL





Juste 27, 1936 ROUTES The ltillborrrel 51e

ROUTES (Confinidad Irons page 31)

arstorield. Oliver 'Palmer Houe.) Chi. b. soc, on. Jack Hall> oral, NYC. re, 'wagon. Ted As Al (Brown, Louisville, t. aller. Kirby éltickn, Houle, NYC. nc. Waller Binera iNumber One Sari NYC.. no. West,. clara 11.12 (Ambassade. NYC, ne. ,ogn. Johnny. ar Jack Becker liatsvoy-Plaral NYC. h.

Walsh. Mary Jean (Pierre, NYC. h WearD. Sammy ,Arrowhead Inn, Cincinnati. ne.

Inewlek Minera (Embatti).) Phile. ne. Wsrbreigt.on. George Dewey 1Kit Kat Club) NYC. ne.

Wayne, WanIt• (Town Casino, NYC. nu Infieer. Jeanette (Paradise) NYC, re. rare. Capt. (-l'orge ,Celebration) Newton. na.;

Dodire 111-21). ve,e, End*. éte Cotton Club Revue (Welhing-toe Manse Mamaroneck, 1.. I. «Deber. Florence Arn)ia.adori NYC. h. 'narra (Rosy) NYC 22.23. t. pelee. Howard. Co. (Brown) Louisville. t. Wennn Knighleaps 'Weyl,'" Ne. York. h. «baie», Jack. (Wenernesee Gardensi Agbuny per. N. ./.. ne.

White. Ann 'Town Canino) NYC. ne. White. Briba oposealan Club, Detroit. nc. White. Eddie (Pat) Chi 22-25. I. White. Jack 'Broadway Room , Nyc, ne, labile. Jeta 'Dite,' Club, NYC, lac. Wang, Jerry (Clay .0051 NYC, ne. White. Olive 'Village Berne NYC. ne-wt,.. Teddy 'Normandie, New York. ne. elviney. Nina Pale Ch) 22.21. t. libitmer. Ken ,Steamship Bannira !Hale) NYC. 5.

Fine. Ous (Gay bryc, elllarna, France. (Hollywood, NYC, re. WIlbene. Jerry (Man About Town Club) New Yer k, nc.

11111:5m. Robert (London Casino) London. ne. Herb. Co. (Fox) Washington.

O. C. 15-13, t. 'Mien. Bath ibleAlpin) NYC. h. allien Broa. ,Oceen Beach, Clark Lake. Mich, Wilson, Browning Ar Mitchell (Lean di Eddle'a) /MC. ne.

Ward 'Enfle) Philo 22-25. I. Wag. Chia a:Meer Claude Chi, nu %Pater Blettes risranreg, Monroe. La.. h, Wall, Lama ,Northwood Inn, Detroit. ne. Wang Jin,. Trempe (Earle) Philo 22-22, t. l'oeil, Ann (Parlidiw, NYC, re. wyteht. Charlie (Weylin) NYC, It Worn, Natalie 'Club DernivIlle, NYC. nu Irisa Ruth (Queenre Terrace) Woodelde. L 1., ne

Wietcn. Victoria (ilDiary Club) NYO. ne.

Y let(r, Dort, éRomievelt) NYC. h. Tort As King "Pal.) Chi 22-211, t. Young. Irwin 1V•lheltal NYC, ne.

Zane Az Gordon 'Delaney Club) Philo.. ne. Por. Freddy (French casino, ervc. ne. fera Madame 'New 11n.brrh naltimore, h. ken. iPaimetto Carte, Detroit. nc.

BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS (leure, •re tor «urgent week whon no date.

me green.,

A laccevon, Irving: 'Fiera) put:huron, e. Adams Jnrinnie: (Merry-Go-Roundl Dayton. 0, ne.

Adenet Jack: iltorktown Tay.) Encina Park. Pt . ne.

*surfit R.: (ralet, lleorn) San Bernardino. CalC, (o.

Attis. Jack: illeasert) Brooklyn. N. Y.. h. Allen Crick: (Riviera, Burden Lake. N. Y.. no. Eau Ralph: (Country Inn, Pittsburgh. ne. Atrra Danny, (Oold Coast Embassy Club) Chicago. rie

*milan. Al: (Trocadero, West End, N. J. Arden, Harold: (Rustle Calen) Englewond

Cliffe. N. .1. Armstrong, Mra. Louis: (Silver CH:111 Buffalo. be.

Armstrong. Lou).: ratIchigen, Detroit. t. Arshmen, Out: (Rainbow Terrace, Ban An-

timite_ nc. Arum, Claude: (Kit Kat, NYC. ne.

Biller Bob: (Marquette Club, Chi. ne. barbet,. Charles: (Gien Island Carlin°, Ne.,

Ri:entelle, N. Y., ro. krcen. Blue: iColvm.s Gables, Buffalo. N. Y..

ganga Jouent]: (Country Inn, Pittsburgh. nc. Betel. Jean: ellubonneti NYC, re. Esta Peul: 'Anne ¡toits. NYC. re, ante Bob: (Club Pertini Erie. Pa.. no. PÉtaIn Alex: (St Moritr, New York. h. >el Bob: (Pale San Francisco. h. Becker, Bubbler (Ocean Virer) Virginie Beach.

Va., ne. Perak. Val: (Antoine Club, San Francisco. ne

B•rallel. Duke: (lionkey-Oory) Stamford. Cents, ne.

Berme, Ben: (Airtiniavednei Leig Angeles. h. Bunsen. Bunny: 1111 Club, NYC. ne. Warni. (Roaeland, NYC. b. Bakr. Rill: taled 11111 Inn, Penngeuiren, N. .0, ro

81.,k. Art, 1Y,echt Club, Detroit. ne. Fria. Lon (Tete Marrimitte, Pearl., BI . h.

Mienne]: (Ocean Purent) Marti. Be•ch. S. C., h.

e'r.c. Larry: (Kentucky Or111) Covington. En., nc.

kroff, Mioche: filloroerol Mountainside, J.. nc

_n'arec, Ran: 'Clu), Del Rio) Chi. o, LO. blanche: "Prune. Doon Let Angeles, C-Brerawynne. Nat, (Bluet) New York. ne.

LOU).:LICOR 1Weyoni New York. h. Itelehelt. Verdi: (Loyson) Salt Lake City. Clan.

Clarld,. Ace: (Texas Centennial) Dallaa, b. Sting Lou: (Rainbow Ortll( Radio City. NYC nc_

Ralph : rEluo Mnonl Tulsa, Okla., Inca:erg, Banmiy, 1Von Thenen ls) Chi. ,Bat rte¡.. Slit,: (French Caeno) Ihrlirnre laeaeh. Va.

Brooka. Hobby. ,WevlitH NYC h. Tom: (Hal Tabarini San Francise. ne.

Prunes., Jen, (Dempseyls, NYC. re. aunctioult Alex.: (Russian Leal.) NYC,

Burkarth. Johnnyt (Iroquois Gardens, Lie., - allle. nc.

Busse. Henry: (Chez Pereel Chicago, ne Board. George: 'Old Country Club, Phoenix.

¿trie-. cc.

Californie Ramblere: (Westchester Country Club, Weetelwater. N. Y.. CC.

Campbell. Jimmie: '10 Club, Chi. nc. Carr. Cliff . 'El Patio, &Hase° City. Mea., ne. Carrigan. linimy: (El Coronado, Houston. Ter. nc.

Carroll. Frank: Manies Inn, Lakealde. Que.. Cain.. nu

Caruso. Ben: IOld Algiers, NYC. re. Cagey, icen: iller-Muon, Coney ligand.

Brooklyn. N. Y.. h. Chassy. Lon: 'Oreenbr(er) White Sulphur

berInet W. Va..Childs, Recale: ISky Club , Pittsbnelh. ne. Cltrtstle. Geo.: (clu), Silhouetter Chicago, nr. Clancy, Loure: (Club Orle...) Minai. aties.•

nc. Clark. Mac: (Aragon) Houston. b. Clentente, 'Versailles, NYC. nc. Coburn. 'Claremont) NYC, re. Corielban. Coenellug: Hat, Reale, New York, h. Cole. Eddie: (Panama Cafe, Chi, ne. Collms, Barry: (01enwood Springs, Glenwood

Springs, Corn., h. Conn, Irving - rArrowhead) NYC, ro. Continental Gypsies: 11..Alglon) Chicago, e. Copelend. Eddie. (Beau Rivagel Eineepshered

Bay, Brooklyn. N. V.. re. Cornelius, Paul, (4444 club) Cincinnati, no Crawford. Jack . (Lowry, St. Paul. h. Crest 0111: Gering. Lake Park.

O. b. Crickett. Ernie: Ionique Grill) Delawanna.

N. J., re. Crosby, neb• (Lexington) NYC, h. ducat, Xavier: (Stevens) Chl, b. Cusick. I1111: (Zone Ratheirellec) Tatnesellle.

O.. h.

D Damer: (Madeletnel New York. no. Dentela, El): 'St. George) Brooklyn, h. Durrell, Pat: (Wonder Bari Zonekille, O.. nc Davis, Eddie: 'tanne) NYC. re. Davis. Press: Muttra of Jacques) Oklahoma

City, Okla.. nc. De Torre. D'Hie tri Chien) NYC. no. Dennis, Mort: (St eeeee Detroit. h. Denny. Jack 'French Casino, New York. ob. Dickerson. Carroll: (Gaves Cave, Ch), C. Dictators. The: Huni Clubs Chicago. ne. Oison, Dick . (Gloria Pola., NYC, nu Polen, Brunie: (French Caen. NYC, eb. Doyle di Scheele- (Palace Garde., Chi. nc. D'Osera, Art: (Chop flouse) Hartford. Conn . ne.

Duchln. Eddie: (Foe, Detroit. t. Dunlop. Johnny, loanhellenle) NYC. ne. Ouest. Henry: 1Colonlal Club) Jackson, Miss..


Eddy. Ted: iTeltmens•al Coney largua& Brook-lyn. N. Y.. re.

Edmund. George: 'Loyale, NYC. c. Eridle (Showboat, Baltimore. p.

Einery. George: (Pour Tours) Cedar Oro». N. J.. ne.

Enatea. Charles: (Yacht Club) Chi, ne. Erlenbaoh. Lek (Arrowheed Inn) Clneinati.

ne. Ertl,. Val: 'Riviera, Englewood. N. J.. ro. EV6/11{. 0.1e: iPvecock Gardens) King of

Prussia. Pa., re.

Fan. DIU,: (Club Hollywood) Finrintlfleld• Mn... ne.

Fermer. Willie: 'Leon and Eddie'.) New York

Ferdinand°. Angelo: (Garden City) oerden City. N. Y.. h.

Fiddler, Max: (Town. Club) Pittsburgh. ne. Pleldas. Shen . (PWrre, NYC, h. Farther. Art: ibutelial Chi. e. Planer, Buddy: illesInol Fort Worth, p. Fisher. Mark: irtoovenell) New Orleans. h. Fluke. Red: (Boulevard, Pittsburgh, e Flenniken. Jlnunly . 'Cllef Taverni Cheat rok•.

Endor. Jerry. (Véteranar Club, Toledo. O. ne. Poduck. Gent: (Rose Fenton Parons, Asbury

Park, N. J. Fruncen. Baal]: 'Weldort-Astorta) NYC, h. Four Ares - (atcory Club) CM, ne. ?rancie«, Don: (Bal Tabarin) San Francisco.

Franklin. ENI( (French Casino) NYC. Fers. Jacques . (st. Wei> NYC. h. Prederie. Matera: (Sake) Detroit. nu Fiernan. Jerry: (Paradise, NYC. ch. Frigos. Semmy, Criall• di Dean", Chi r !guiche, Charlie: (Greritonel Carolina Beach,

Funk. Freddy; (Club Paramount) La 'Une. Ill.. ne.

o Osgparre, flick: (ffavoy Pleur) New York, h. Gaylord. Boyd: Gale of Palme, Isle Of Palme. 8 C., b.

Clendron. Henry: "Ouyonrg Peradisee Chi. b. Orntry. Tom. 'Waller! loge, Detroit. O. n'Ibert, Irwin: (Coq Rouge> NYC. nu Olibett. Jerzy: (Atlantic) Rockaway Beach.

N. Y., nc Ciliberto. Drin: (Toreador) New York, nc. GUI. Emerson: rLotun Crardeng, Cleveland. nc. G111. Lente, 'Club C•rlocai Ch). ne CU" nn. Buddy . (Churchill Downs, Chi. c. Clohn. Billy: iChecker Cale, Buffalo, r Gordon Herb . Lake Housel Saratoga Spring, N. Y.

Ontthelf, Manfred rJennyni Scranton. Pa.. h Graham Eddie: 'Nui Club , New York. nc Orant. Douglas: (Leonardol Newbury, Mass..

re. ritave). Lou: rNorm•ndlei Monterai. h. Gray. Gien: ollainbow Room, NYC. Oruro., Harry: (Torch Club) Canton. O.. ne

H liait. Ewen: (Pissa) Ban Antonio. h. Hall. [Purge: craft, New York. h. 11.11. Sleepy: fiord Baltimore , Baltimore. h. Hallett. Mal: (l'Henan, Chi. br. H•Istead. Henry: (Chez Moufle.) Dalles, Tee.,

ne. Hamilton. George: (Mark llopkIns) San Pr•n-

clgeo, h. Handelman. Phil: 'Firth Avenue) NYC. h. Il rrrr ana, Hobby: (Kit Ka) Club, NYC. ne. Hart. Ruth. rPinehuret Supper Club) Bridge-

ton. N. J.. re. Melle, Hal: (Meridian Clu),) Champlann.

N. Y.. nc..


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54a The Billboard ROUTES June 27, 1936

HaerSo. Claude 'Joey's Stable.,Iron. ne. hauls, Phil 'Adolphus, Dallas, Tex. h. Harrison, Ralph: fWeboter Hall, Pittoburgh, flays, Billy: (Willow Orme Park, PrOU., p. Malt, Horace: 'Drake) Chi, h. Ilerderann, Fletcher: forants Terrace) Chi. no_

Henry. Tal: (Gaudier Beach Club) Virginia Beach, Va.. nc.

Herbert. Ray ¡Multonuht Portland. Ore., h. Neuberger. Georm: .0Id HeMeiner(,

tee. re Ilia Dom (Spring Mount House) Spring Mount. Pa., h,

Hill, liares': 'Fairview) Timbres, Ind.. h. 11111. Teddy: 'Ubangi, New York. nc Hoagland. Everette: en Patio. San Pranch.o.

ne. /Me:linger. Al: (Clementon Inn) Clernenton.

N. ro. Holmes, Herb>: (Ringside club, Pt. Worth.

Tex., ne. Hope. Hal: (Montclair, NYC. h. Moraine, Josh: (Club German) Pawtucket,

R. I.. no Howard, Ben: (Silver Tavern, Chi. ne. Howard. LeRoy: (Orlando , Decatur, Ill.. h. Hull. Jae. 'Ardmore Garden., Last Pitts-

burgh. ne. Huntley. Lloyd: ,Mount Royal, Montreal, h. Hylton. Meek: (Hipp., Toronto. t.

Janle. Fuddle: (Parody Club) Champ. no Jelemlek. Eugene: (Tea Lyck) NYC. h. Johnann. alltumers Forams' Neer York. ¡lc

Johnson, Jerry: (Legalist's Showboat) Boston, ne.

Jones Islam: iPaInnurs Loa Angeles. Jordan, Faye: tr.logovater Club' Lafayette. La, no

Joel., Frank: (Bellevae-Etratiorrip Phila.. IL

Raras. Jay: Onakfor41 Greensburg, Fa.. p. Kassel. Art: iWashington-Youreci Sharvepert, La . h.

K•varsaugh. George: (Illouom Heath, Detroit.

K•velln. Al: (William Penn, Pittsburgh. Pa., h.

Kaye, Sammy: (BM Greetra Club) Pstsbura.. ne.

Keating, Fled: (Aylmer Aquatic Club, Ot-tawa, Can., ne.

Keener. Lae 'Mattson, Jecterun City, Mo.. h. Kemp. liai: "MM. NYC. h. Kutner. Will: 'Silver Mapper' Pittsburgh. ne. King. Ttert aillheiton, NYC, h. King. Henry: (Mark HopkInst San Fran' mien h.

Kings Kitty: (Browning Lane Inn) Mambos, N. J. ro.

Sang, Wayne: (Waldorf-Astoria, NYC, h. )tirkham, Don Olt.alerland Inn, Denver, ne. Klein, Jul..: telt•tler, Detroit, h. BilaPP. Orville: dlitz-Carltom Beaton. h. KorbIn. Van . 'Madison Casino) Chicago. o. Mount.. Booty: (The Pima; Pittsburgh. ne. Krauss. Sadie: (Cocoanut Gardens, Chi, ne. Kama Andy.: aMon Inn) Asbury Park, N. J. Krurntn. Coder': (Rutilan Bear, New York.

re. Itnenalar, Robert: (MasUn'a Rattakenerl NYC. ne.

La Mare. Prank: (Arcadia) NYC. b. La Mothe. Oliva: 'Spoil HaMford, Conn., ile. LaPorte, Jae: (Ball) NYC, re. La Mlle. Prank: (Mull New York. Ile. Legman. Sill: 'Club Trianon. Mobile. Ala.. ne, Lamb Drexel: (Club Lido , Jackson. Mich., Sc, Lande, Jules: it. Regis) NYC. ta. Lana Lou. "Bases., BroOklyn. N. Y., h. Lang. Syd: 1111-11at Club, Chi nc. Lenten, Dyke: 'Melody elardens) Dewey

Lake. Ma... ne. LeRoy. llow•rd: Orlando) Decatur. IlL, h. Lee, Larry: (Beverly-Wilohlre. Beverly Hills.

Calif.. h. Lehmao Al: 10mnalai Chi b. Idlpold. Arnie: 'Olcolt Beach, Oleann N. Y., b, Leu, Paul . eflude Ranch. Mimetic City, nc. Jowls. Johnny: 'Netherland Plaza) Cinta-

natl. h. Lewis. Ted: (Stanley) Pittsburgh. t. Levis. Vain: 'Rita-Carlton. PhIln, h. Lewis. Victor: (Ontario Brach Pavilion) Rochester, N. Y.. e.

Light. Kneen .. .No.11pin , New 'York, h. Lindeman. Udo: 'Gisela Pala.. New 'York. Mt. Llphardt. -Chuck- , (Club Byron, Chi, ne.

Little Jack: (Casino) Catallna Calif. ne.

LIttlefleld. Jimmy. larcenies PhIledriphta. I1C. Livingston. Jimmie: (Club C)ialfont'. Pine-

burst. N. C.. ne. Lonna,. Carol: 101d MI111 Salt Lake City. ne. Lombardo, Guy: 'Palmer House, Chi. h. Lombardo. Ralph: Sher man's Pavilion) Carom Lake. N. Y.. b,

Loveland. Archie: (Denson, Portland. Ore.. h. Lucas. Clyde - ¡New Yorker) NYC. h. Lucas. Melt' diollywOOds NYC. eh Luneeford. Jimmie: (Casino, Larchmont.

N. Y.. ne. Lyman. Abe: 'Mounds, St. Louis. co Lyon. Bob' ¡Commodore, Val.couver. B. C.. Can.. et,

Lyon. Rum: 'Northwood Inn , Detroit. ne. Lyon,. Donnie: (Flefters, Phila. no.

lleOgarn. Mace: (Chinese T °ardent, Detroit, re.

McVey, Clyde. 'Roseland, NYC, b. McDonald , Musa Mixers: 'HI Hat Club) Rom W. Ya. no

McGill. Mille: 'Savoie Cafe, Detroit. e. Wilmer°, Loop: (Melange Club, Tampa. ria . ne.

McGraw. Ed: (Long Point Parti Omega.. N. Y., b

McKenzie. Red: ill W. 324I St.) NYC. nc. Meek, Austin: Marry'. N. Y. cabaret, 0(51.

cago. e. lUdrumera Enrlo: Meters, Malewood, N. J..

ro. Maitland. Johnny: .St. Paul. Si. Paul. h. Mann. Milton: (Village Barn, New York, ne. bfiannone. Mingo: 'Hiekoto House, NYC. ne. litantiti. Al: ,Min About Timm New York. re. afeaufiel(1. 10avernor Clinton , NyC, h. maple.. Nelson - allyerly Crest) Pletshurph. ne, Morale, Al: 'Club Ittradou Homestead. Pa..

ne. Martel. Oulu (Stork, New York. nc. Martell. Paul: (Arcadia& Ice. York, it

Marlin. Ted: (Childs' PIIIT.110.1,111 NYC. re. Staittmon. George: tallePhermao Co-mm& Lake, N. Y ne.

Mv0, Al' 'Home of Morgan) Atlantic Oily.

Mum. Arta.: (Belmont Gen, aridgeporl Coin . re.

Meadolebrook Boys. Ile,' NYC. re. Mee. Art. (Newport Tmetne Wilmington.

Del., no. Meeker, Paul: (Shawnee) Springfield. 0-. h• biro. Jimmy: 'Royale-Frolic.) Chicago. no-sferadr. Benny: (Oriole Terrace) Detroit, ne. Messner. 'Fmk cent ml, Nye. Metroar. Bob: (Pantilud) Grand Raphia.

Mich., h. Mayen, Jack: (Club New Yorker) New Tore.

no. Miller. Joe: (Cam Blanca) Chi. ne_ hillier. Ruse: dedgesmod) Tuton. 11. J. MIlltnater. Lucky: 'Mel.) Brenklyn. t. manor, Frank 'Moe) nf Fill. NYC. no Molina. Carlos: (Lookout Noose> Commies's.

K)'.. ne. Mooney. Art: 'Oasis, Detroit. nc. Moore. Carl: (Nnr1,10111/11C1 B.., h. Morgan, loirs: .1111tancom Née 'Jerk. h. Mothereray, Harold: 'Perching) Chi, b. Mnyer. Ken: lOnen Air Roof. San An(onio... Mullaney. Johnnie. trirevoort, Chi, h.

N Nagel. Harold: (Rainbow Room) New York.

ne. reanni. MU: (emend. Plunge) Birmingham. Ala. b.

Navarre. Ted (Roseland) Brooklyn. X. Y.. br. Navarro, /11: (Belvedrie. Manners« h

Oliver: 'Anchorage' Philodelphla. nc Cantu. N, Y,, ne

Neel, Pete: (Dude Ranch) Pensatiken. N .1.. ro.

Nelson. Orslin (Paramount, NYC. t. Mebane Eddie: 'Cosine Mnderne, Chicago.

ne. Nina Rinaldo: (Yacht Club, Chi. rac Noble It.,: 'Hollyoonal Diener Club, Oalvee-

ton. Tex., no Norris, Stan IMerry Garden, Chicago. b. Noma. Red: tCognmedore) NYC, h.

O'Connell, Mac: (Larchmont °maim) Larch-meet. N. Y.. ne.

Oilman. Phil. iTrocaderoi Hollywood Chinon. Val (Sul Jen, Galveston, Tex.. C. Olson. Walter: INew Julius, OarilenvIlle, N.

Y., re.

Pablo, Don: Iftendevous) Battle Creek. Mich.,

Palmer, Freddy: (Colonial Inn) Singer, N. J. re.

Palmer. skeeter: (Weotchenter Country Club)

Poncho: (Pierre, NYC. h. Pans, Louis: ¡White City, Chicago, b. Pant Eddie: 'Columbia) Cleveland. b Parham Tiny - 'Club Havana, Chi. no. Patter. Johnny: 'Stabl(s) Chi, C. Posey. Bob IOnsetnere , Cl,,, h. Pecoraro, Dick (Monte Rosa, NYC. re. Perry. Ron: FIR Morlls, New York, h. Peterson, Dee: (Colonial, Rochester, Ind., h Peterson, Belo I Woodlands, Ardsley, N. Y., nc. Pelt). Ezell. 'Savoy Pima, NYC, h. Platt. Earl 'Broad Street Grill, Ilarrlabura Pa re.

Podoleky. Murphy: 'Villa Moderne, cht, ne. Provost. Ed: ¡Donahue., Mountain View. N. J.. na

Pryor. Louis: (Rustle Tavern, Jasper, Ini. b. Purvls, Jack: (Thru Looking Glass) New York. ne.

Robucel. Paul: (Pool Lodge) Larchmont. N.Y. Raeburn. Boyd: 'llueldrbach, Kansas City. h. Rainbow Ramblers: (Club Moose, 1 ,,,,, hill.

Mast., nc. Ramos. Reman: 'Amts.-seder) NYC. h. Randall, Slats: 'Cocoanut Orove, Manneap-oho ne.

Rapp. Barney: 'Gannon, Cincinnati. h. italic.. Carl: ,St. Francia. San Praneleco. h. Mod. Kemp: (Tivoli, Oak Bluffs, Mass.. er. Reader. Charles: ¡Port Montague) Numbs,

B. W. L. h. Retail. Hedge: (Casino) Chicago. C. Regal. Tommy: (Syracuse, Syracuse. N. Y.. h. Regis. Gene aPossatran Clubs Detroit, Ian Relehman. Joe: tPennsylv•nla, NYC. h. Reels. Benny: (Times Equate) Rochester.

Reynolds. Buddy: 'Rose Garden, Hannibal. Mu.. b.

Ricardo, Don: tOrandvIew Gagdened Stenben-sine. O.. no.

Ricardo'. Joe. 'Jimmy Kelly's) Greenwich Village. NYC. ne.

Rich. Count: 'Mg Mg , Chi. e. girh•rdn. Barney: LInehousen Chicago, o Mollie, Joe: (McLean'at Panmateken. N. J., ro. Bines. Joe: 'Mayhem Boston, ne. !Unger, Johnny: ¡Casino Venezia , NYC. no Itndrigo. Nan.. 'Rainbow Rooms Rockefeller Center. NYC. nc

findrIgues, Moe: gLaRue's1 New York. no. Roger,. By . ¡Club Jny, Lexington. it,.. 00. Rollins. Bill: 'West Lake Parks Birmingham,

Ala.. b. Romano. Phil: (Roseland, NYC, h. R.mnIhel. Harry , Italian...) New York. IS. Rosa, Nick: oClimrd , PIUS, nc, Royal Areadlano: (Circle' gfecelniton, Man.. b. Ruby . IMItmorol Dayton, O.. h. Rurell. Jack: aldelody Mill , Chicago, b, Rythmeteero Tb,: (Colony Club , Chl. no

• Sabin. Paul: uLe Mirage) NYC. nc. Mae. Le).. 'Chat, Minuet, Chicago. no Sand. Carl: 'Chateau , Champ, b. Sanders, Jne: gellukharak, Chi. C. Schneider. Sol' sOld Rumanian, New York. r• Scholl. Jack: 'Coronado , St Loots. h. Schulman. Julia,: gs/eney Nark) St. Pete's

burg. Fia., h. Master. Mitchell' 'Stotler, Cleveland, h. Mogan, CM, (Olmos Dinner Club, dan An.

tordo. ne. sears. Walt: ¡Bertrand Island Parka Late Hopmeong, N. J.. b.

Sky. Freddie: ¡Cave, New Orleans. nc. Smith. Hart: dionenden. Cleveland h. Smith, Joe: 'Copley PHs,. Roston. h. Smith. LeRoy, tOverbrooka Lindenwold, N J..

ro. Smith. Little Jack: 'Pocono Manor Inn. Pocono Manor. Pa., h.

Moth, mute 'Onyx. NYC, nc. Snider. Billy: 'Pleasure Isle) 00vIngems•

Snyder, Prmkte: (Winona Garden. Chi. ne Spaeth. Karl: 'Marco's Grill, Introit. no Stabile, Dick: 'Lincoln, New York. h. Steiner. Herbs, «Pullen Valley

Stream, N. Y., ro. Pain, Harold: (Met) Drooklon. t. etarray. Genrie: (Playa. New York. h. Stewart, Jack: (C)ilekosaw Gardens) Athens.

Ga., ne. Stock. Bert - lOrayatone, Delrolt. b. Moeller. Wally: (Capitol Beath) Lincoln.

Net., b. /alone. Al oteahorn Farm, Trenton, N. J., ro. &holm& Breve: "Mlver Cloud, Cis. no. /HMI. Allan: Ifierliord Spring.) Redford

Springs, Po. h. Sweeney, Bud: (Winter Canino, BONI, N. P.. be

Terry, R011: (It. Marts) New York. h Texas Co-Eda: (Miler's Supper Club, Marlon.

Ind.. ne. Thurn. Otto: (Alpine Village Itofbrate) Cleve-

land. re. Tinsley. Bob: (Colosimelet Chingo, ne. Todd, Mitch: (Sky Rocket) Chi. as. Tom, Al. Gnat Honor, Chicago. no Tourney. Bob: (Cosa Loma, South Bend,

Ind.. ne. Tasman., Tommy: All Stars, NYC, nc. 1.110,1,S, Vinrent, 'Punch Castor, NYC, ne. Tern, . Al: 'Bachelor's Club, Pittsburgh, nc. Turner. Jimmy: ,Merry-Go-Round , Dayton. 0. no

Tutor, Jimmy: (Vanity Foal Cleveland. re.

Van Duerr, Roger (tarchmont Culnol Laren-mont, H. Y., ro.

Veal. Tabby: goratto. Palm Garden' Cht.

Weld. Jean: (To Jo Fuels, Demon. ne Wolloce. Roy: tAvenue Tavern, Inallanapolto

Warner, Dilly: (Twilight Inn) Mot Paterson. ar J.. re.

Warren. Arthur: "Hollywood, NYC. cb waterhouse Frank: ,00 Club, wiersta, Kan.,

Watts. Kenny: (Dicky Wells, Harlem. New York. ne.

Webster. Ralph: (MSS« Spring., Cleve-land. b

Weeks. A11. II : Merl Houston, nc. Weeks, Ronny: (Cocoanut Oros... neaten, e. Welklj. Wee Willy: (Columbia) Columbia.

Weiser. Leo: (atshlgan Tavern) Mies, sash.,

White Dave: gOaale OrlIll New York CIS'. re. White, Rd: 'Club Gourmet) Cleveland, nc. Widener. Bus' ICItadslosie, Casper. WY.. B, Wilcox, Howdy: (Flint Amusement rapt. Mint, ranch., b.

William, Graft: 'Aragon, Chi. b. Hod: (Wagon Wheel) Nashville,

Tenn.. nn. Williams. Joe: (Mark Twain) Hannibal.

WWI... Ray: (Blue Lantern, Woad take. MIMI. ne.

Winegar. Frank: (Ramona Garden. Ann at-bee Rich., ne.

Wand... Jack: (Heidelberg) Baton Rouge. La., h_

Wade Julie: lien Hat, Cnien City. N. J., ne. Wood., Howard: (Robert lout. Newark. h.

Y Vote., )0rotto, Patieburgh. br.

Zarin. Michael. eWaloorf-Aotorla, New York, Latour, Joseph: 1/311tmere, New York. h Priman, Rubin . (Caravan) NYC, ne. Zwick. Charlie: (Silver 0011, Ann Arbor.

e. Zwliling. (Belloview) Bellegere. Fla., co Muslin. Ted: (Moulin Rouge' Dettnit.

DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL Boy Meets Girl: 10ma) Detroit 22-27. Cornell. Katharine: (Biltmorm Los Anueles

23•27. Three Men an a Horse: 'Brood) Phil. 22-27. Wtote.o, George. Scandals: ¡Carden Pier, At-

lantic City 22-20.

MISCELLANEOUS Almond, Jethro. Show: Islt. Pleasant, N. C.. 2247.

later, M. L. Side Show Pulxsks. Va.. 22-27, Butter. Magician Rochester. Minn 22-27: Minneapolis 20-July 4.

Chrirman'e, Mildred. (Mato: (Centennial) Dallas. Tex 22-July 5.

DeCleo, Magician . Adrian Much., 22-27, Preda Haight Cirme: Mee°, S. D., 4. Huey Days Minstrels . Redding, COIL. 24:

Ille 7S. Helena 211: Crescent City 27. Harlan Med. Show: Himmoville. Pa., 22-17. Mayfield. Mine. Co Edinboro, Po. 22-27. Mel-Roy. Magician: Mahan. Mont, 21: Malta

25: Harlan, 28; Chinook 27: Havre IS: by 30: Conrod July Glacier park 2-3: Cireat Fall& g.

O'Neill Careen rest. 'Fairs 11•11ock. Minn.. 35.27: 'Fair, Fertile 20-July I: ¡Pair, Ada

°Solent Floating TI) Urbanno Va.. eh 27.

Ilionn.• arose Crab Orchard Tyne 22.21: Waratrag 23-21



foe the



Seat's. Herbert. Vaud'. Cltell, Blaney. Ill, 22.27.

Turtle, Wet. C., Magician Mitchell. Ore. m. IT,

IS': ¿urde Circus Vint: Pile,. Kan Wake. load 28 Enternrhe 27.

(See ROUTES on page 100)

REJUVENATION (Continued from page 50)

thrust upon her at fired, but when the finally 'absorbed the idea that we were trying to rejuvenate her she jumped Galt In and worked with lis her very bent and. by Jove. you wouldn't know the old lase today. We've got a new dreno on her of the latest style. we've put high-heel ahoen on her, we've bobbed her hale and we have even painted her toenails. WO have rejuvenated her top. Ended rand bottom, ana to help do the job the Legislature has handed Un over, tome real money.

We are going to advertIne it over the log110. In the prem. and we are goat; to throw a blimp up lu the air wills loud-speakers telling the village people what we aro doing nnd what they ran arc at the fate We aro going to tell the country boys to throw the hoe In bock of the 81.1511 and come down to the blagent old-home gathering that South. ern New IÇe gland has ever had. We ore mom; to try to put on a good clean fur and we are not going to ellow beer or liquor to be sold WO Intend to put on an exhibition that s mother wIll be perfectly safe In taking her 12-yes-o/d Mtughter to. yet we do not intend to turn it into a Sunday nrhoni panle. What we would like to do and Intend to do ha to put on a fair primarily loe edticatIOnal pUrpmea to Instruct and M-anure and to Offer a reasonable amount of thrills With contests of speed 'and skill and offer pleasurable relaxation and clean nmusoment no represented by home mom, Groin nets. rides, thrillers and fireworks, If we make a 'memos of it this year there is no quentlon that thls olel institution will become permanently the State fair of Montle Island.

Nebraska Books Big Show LINCOLN. Neb.. Stine 20.—Reporte on

the Mira Nebraska beauty context for the State Falr here are that 2.7 towns have aligned for elinalnation Conteata. Fteld work Is edipertdsed by R. W. Herrington. largest show since the John RoblneOn Circus in 1030 ham been mid for the grand stand by Barnen-Carruthers ChM Jack Polk. Headlining le the Ert Schooley Rhpthr.. Revers.

qtailà-gtaità gitowg

PROGRAM of nete for ninth annnal EdInIxnr, (Pa.) Community Fair will be headed by Bernice Kelly Revues

MERCER County Pair, Celina, O. Open...red for the third year by the AMerlean LeglOn Peed, will present on

Opening SUnd.V. B. Ward Nenm, thrill net:i nnd revile. Lirtrnine In. repOrted Albert C. Stein of the board.

Al' /Hp it auermodul tone last »even W./incr. Concert Bend, with about the some personnel, will open a outman of 12 Hiatt In Ohio. Vir5Inta and Notth Carolina on AtIallst 10. said narldnIlleer A .1 Wegner. 51mant Airy, N. C.

If Your Are Interested in the Festivities of Veteran. Lodge and Other Sponsoring Croups Where Professional Amusements Are Concerned Read

!I ponsoteà Events yip

This Department Immediately Follows the Carnival Section

June 27, 1936 FAIRS-EXPOSITIONS-RINKS The Billboard SS

S. D. Draws Over Million

• Exposition prepares for beginning of to:grist season --cafe has gala opening


SAN DIEGO. June 20.-131ggeet week-rot crowd of the season at California peeler. International Exporrition 'Mot the years total to 1.057,751. leJnond T. Bailey. executive vIce-president, said. Last week's fetal wen 97.482. It wris a gale week-end and official, pointed out "It mnrke beginning of summer wrist and vacation influx." Grand opening of the Cafe of the World on Wedneednv wan an ontatandire aortal event. Philip Lopez and orchestre fur-nailed onlinc for dancing. and Olsen sad Johnsen rere featured in the floor show. Under new policy there will be re cover Charge. Mere than 300 abut-Ins were evests

et a party planned for them by a corn-ed.. headed by Forrest Warren, of Pe Union. Elwood T. Halley, executive eke-preeldent, welcomed them miring their program st the organ amphithe-ater. Entertainment inchuled bird Im-personations by high Voorhiee: Geneva CB and her tumbling team nt eight eels: Harold Hodge. singer: Sid Fuller. Odin •nnouncer, who read humorous teleffrarnw J. Ward Hutton and his or-Chest.; Hoover choral club of 130 vole.: Ole Oteen. Of Olsen and John-son musical revue. Anything Ilsopenst ExpneltIon Noseteere. and Chiquita. gpanish songbird. Spanieh Fleeta revue In noose of Hospitality had Jose Arlan and his troubadour:, and the Hemphill nenrera and another Old pflehlon Den. In Palace of Entertainment had Jay Wards Hutton and his orchestra. Eenneth Strickfaden returned with four

Th. First Best Skate


Zetablesnett 1111-3315 Itarensweee Avenges, Chicago. M.

The Beat Skate Today


rnv or shsee ter• cause they're of modern mass hey are light Ana true, and durable.


Write for Catalogue



FOR SALE ene ewe noUrr Skates_ Fibre wet wo,ien «no. Anett..1 silo. VVr, end ...Mire. 4,0 Mee itica,1. al.a. Vie antenin. orewalane Porn. Newark. N. J.

Ishooe aloe.« 34773.

RiglIzsaità§izateits By CLAUDE R. ELLIS

(Cincinnati Office)

GREATER Cincinnati Is to have a new roller-skating rink, according to plane of Norwood Roller Rink. Inc.. Which already has Metalled the foundation for a building on Sherman avenue near Victory boulevard, Norwood. Len Laniva is pre/Orient; August Plana secretary, and Edward J. Von 1Ingen, treasurer and manager. Office's any the building will be of concrete and steel, rink size to he 100 by 220 fret and opening sched-uled for about September 1.

JOHN SALES. owner of Fenkell etas-donne Roller Rink, In northwest section nf Detroit, closed the rink last week. Ile had planned to establish an open-air rink in Detroit. but Izas abandoned plans. It is said. and will no longer be active in the field.

SKATING JEWELS. err° roller skaters, are nt the Casino Municipal in Aix-an-Provence. France.

E. M. MOOAR. Philadelphia, has been tusked to be one of the judges In the fancy roller-skating content between Fred (Bright Star) Murree, 75-year-old Indian manager of Red Lima (Pa.) FtInk. and Walter intently,. al.year.old Wash-ington (I) C.) spreet and fancy skater, tn he held in White Wise Arena Rink, York, Pa.. on night of June 30. "I hope that I can be there," remarks, Mr. Mcoar. "Being personally acquainted with both contentanle and having seen both skate. I am telling the world that this event will be an eye-Opener to many who may have considered it eomethina nf a Hike: It will be well worth traveling miles to Pte."

JEAN GAUTHIER. Canadian lee and roller Skater. whn left the J. C. Flippers Worid's Fair pollees two years ago to open to roller rink In Victoria. B. C.. Is on an extended vacation. sailing from Vancouver to Montreal by way of Pun-ama. West Indies end Halifax. "I hope to have the captain and crew roller akettne before the trip is °vet " he re-marked upon hit departure. "Victoria Rink has been doing well, with week. doy erselone afternoon and evenina, and with, / think, the best stork of roller skates in Canada. A fleure -skating club was a big success with young and old members, and all doing waltzing and two-step. All members participated In a carnival at our closing on May 16. some giving exhibitions, and I did a solo number. Including spirals, spread-eaglee, pimps nnd emirs nimiler to ice skirting. Recently I saw Happy. Jim

shows of electrical magic In Pala. nf Entertainment. Fleet Week was fen-tined by a receptinn and dance In Palace of Entertainment.

The 1,000,000th vielter. Marion Brinier. entered the ground». was queen for the day und started on a gay round of fee-Dent.. She wws given an opportunity to do her tap dance as a special feature of the Olsen and Johnson ninny, made a hit and was booked to repeat her number at every performance. On Saturday a Kiddies' Day program was prepared by Ernest Hulick, special ac-tivities department. On Sunday thou-.ancl. paid tribute to the flag at colorful reremonlee. program marking Meese:net Day end Daughters of the American Revolution Day

An eshiblt of photographs by leading cameramen, collected by the LT 8 Cam era Salon. Is being featured by the John Sir.° display in the General }"-hits). Building. Spanish Mesta Week was Inaugurated on Sunday with enter-tninment In Mardi Oras tempo, dance presentation featuring Marie. Flores: Ratliff Twins, Dwayne and Jeanine; and Mesta Marne Walker and Gene Milo., athletes team. Joss Artas and his treuhn-draire lent color by strolling about the rounds. Pro wrestling matches will be ringed

Wednesday nights. Wayne W. Deal. executive mnnager. having received a license from the State Athletic Coin-mission. More than 4.000 general ad-mlealon seats in the arena of the ath-letic neld will be free. while 1.000 ring-side weet5 will he available at 25 nett.. President Belcher announced presenta-tion of the Pard Symphottlers in Peed Bowl, to begin on July 10.

and Jerry working in a Seattle night club and visited Playland Rink.-

ARMAND J. SCHAUB. former rink malinger and widely known Cincinnati roller skater, just nut from a nine. week hospital siege following on auto accident, was a caller et the rink desk on June 15.

SATAN'S Brood Club held a skating party in White City Rink, Chicago, which was a greet eurrees. writes E F.. Shepherd. Membership comprises Carl Sublet, president: Howard Novntny. elee-president: Jerry Feld. treasurer: Erwin

secretary: Hubert Borsdorf. ath-letic director: Ellsworth Christmieen, James Simko. Walter Martin. Bruno Martin, Jerk Vaughn, Richard Walters. Bernard McKay. Joseph Strummel, Charles Jackobv. Dick Welters, as den, inn n. untied out sou vene programewhIch outlined events Howard Novotny was erneer and el,n in charge el drawing of the doer prize, which wee net only odd but interesting, the giving away of is real live onntidae. carried onto the floor on shoulder, of four members, be-ing inserded by two of them with rifles for effect. When the winner came out to receive her prize she was much re-lieved to find that it was only a duck, nnatidne being another name for a duck. Harry Palmer. rink mnnnger. wee in charge of races A show was given by seine of tile recular Saturday night tal-ent. Hal Pearl. rink stall organist. opened. Robert Roredorf was ern... Singers were Al Fishman. Lorette Een-berlin. Rene. Berndt-of and Paul Flynn. Al Fishman sane n parody written he Maringer Harry Palmer and dedicated tn Satan's Brood. Some new members were initiated. ClIrtla‘ was a robbers' waltz, alwaye enjoyable. Party ran from midnight to 3 n m. and was at-tended by some 350 Flatters

WRITING from Black reread, Tex. Centennial Expneltion. Dalian. Francis Le Maire, there with an ice-skating act drecriben the attraction an similar to the Mirk Forest at Chieneolz A Century of Progress. He say, the ice rink le 37 by 47 feet and ample for best of skat-ing, with no diteratity In making ice and holding it even under summer sun. Ire surface in on a level with the floor. with a dance floor rolling out after skating shows. covering the Ice. Shows are presented ka at the Chicago fair, nne unit in afternoon nnd one at night. many skater, who performed In Chi-cago being nn the bill. Afternenn unit comprises Rey Rice, comedian: Levernre !Stitcher, straight solo: Intella and Vida. straight skating act. tinder direction of Uketin. Night performances coneiet of Everette McGowan, barrel jumping: Mule.» Duffy. comedian. McGowan and Mack, apache dance, and Prance. Le Metre and Maud. Reynolds offering their original Bavarian Shuplettler Dane., unit arranged and directed by Lo Melee.

"IN TIIE RINKS-SKATERS rnhimne of May 30 in which I criticized managers and their methods of operating In De-troit. I did not make any particular ex-ception nor mention any names but gave eta my conception a general view of the rink situntinn." writes C. J. Melees% an president of the National Skating Association. "Apparently Fred Martin has taken offense. as indicated in his reply of June 13. If he Is under the imprenalon that he bee shown the skating public of Detroit anything new or original since taking over Arena Gardens. he is sadly mistaken. The Auto City boasted some mighty fine, well-conducted rinks Clint were the talk 01 the country. that drew tremendous

crowds not seen in rink. today, managers who displayed up-to-date ideas and that. originality en larking nt present, How-ever, Mr. Martin in right when he says the entailer rinks are all doing business, and that is because they furnish re-deeming features that the so-called lending ones lack. Skaters who enjoy skating to a real hand go where they ran gel the most enjoyment. and they prefer good 'mule, not a mechanical organ stuck tip in the rafters. Tri spend 530.000 to equip modern rink is wise. but not to take the skating public's de-sires into consideration is unwise. There aro thnuennrtn of roller 'kittens who would enjoy skating in a larger and finer rink If it had feature. and induce-menta to attract them, and the wide-awake mennger with foresight will dis-cover his errors before it is tres late. Mr. Martin no doubt works hard and with a uniform method of his own, but what appeals to patrons in one city may be obsolete In Detroit. Its the wise manager who knows what his pa-tes-inn want and demand. He mend display showmanship, never losing sight of the fact that variety is the 'spice of life.' using originality especially when there are no many new features that can he brought Into play . I have been in close tniteh with Detroit skaters and know their sentiments. It should be remembered that we can all pront frnm our past inietakes and must not over-look the fact that the first hundred years are the hardent. The big fault with a majority of us is that we too often over-eoimate our own ability and take too much for granted. Detrnit has been one of the leading roller-skating cities of America for the past quarter of a century, and here', hoping that it will continue, It's entirely up to the managements, which eenetItute 75 per cent of succors or failure of any Wen-ch.. rinks."

T01.11 WHIRLWINDS. emulations' AnierIcen roller skatern currently scor-ing at the Dominion. Landon. Intro-duced a new comedy bailare that prey. a big winner. The 16 Skating Sylphs find favor with a pretty ballet on wheels thnt is the outstanding hit in Jack Taylor's Shoot for Joy revue there. 'Three Veronas, pleture skaters. are hit, tiny at rill spot, played in England. Sensational Macke, roller-ideating quar-tet, now in Stockholm. return to Pent-land in September. Realm Sister.. acro-batlo skaters are a hit at the Circa. Pen., Budepeet. Harold Lyle Com-pany is current headline attraction at the Royal, Aarhus, Denmark. Mary and Erik Company, dancers on roller skates. have completed a return engagement in Oslo. Norway.

Utilizing Lots By EARLE REYNOLDS

World-Fa/1101. Roller Skater end efoneger

NEW YORK—At 161st rind Elton are. nue. Flronx, where the YMCA h.u. a fine building, a big lot has been cemented and more than 500 roller skater, enjoy the evenings. The YMCA figured out thin idea and had this vacant lot made into an outdoor skating rink. Customers were paying 25 renta a. throw. The man at the gate said income rrom this lot la increasing every day and that It was the best idea to put a vacant lot to work that he had ever heard of. Looks to me na the there should be many hundreds of these summer cemented outdoor rinks. Prom the income 1 auggreted that they should now rem a coat of tenetza otter the cement to flit cracks and give • smooth surface. I would be inclined to

/Sec RINKS on page 631


are used


can't be

and Indorsed




4427 W. Lake St.. Chicago

56 The Billboard LISTS June 27, 1936

ALAFIAMA Alexander City-East Alaerase Fair Men. Oct

13-17. Lewis B. Dean. Ands,luela-Onvinoton Co. Fa. Oct. 27-31 Thom.. P. Littlejohn. mgr.

Athens.-Lintemone Co. Fair Ann, Sept. 31 21. I. V. 1,40.

BumIngham Alabonn Stan Fa, Sept. 28-Oct. 3. P. Bonder, gen. mar,

Ocartiand-Lawroner Co. Fair Ann. sop/ 21-26. C. C. Horton

Docatur-Morgan Co Colored Pair. Sept. 11-Oct. 3. H. J. Banks.

Florence-North Alobanno State Fair. Oct. 5-10. Z. R. Bra, nier.. Lewrenerhorg. Ten.

HuntovIlle. Madison Co. Pale Sept. 21-14. Marie Dickson.

Jasper-Walker Co. Fair Ann. Oct. 5-10. James D. Dlekroo.

Loalogron-Lexinglon Fa Ano Sept. 30-Oct. 3. Mo. Chas. P. Mcnesno.

Opelika -Loe Co. Fair, Arwerlean Legion. Week of Oct. 5. C. U. Downey.

Troy-Pike Co. Fair. Oct. 20-24. Thos, P. Littlejohn. mgr.

Toscunnia-Americ•n Legion Fair Asan. FloPt• 1-12. Jantes DIRago chairman.

ARIZONA Present-Northern An/ State Fen Ann.-

Prescott Panto Days. July 2-5. Orace M. Spartes.

ARRANSAII Illytheville-Minleulppl Co. Fair. Sept. 213-Oct. 4. J. Moil Brooks.

Camden- loalresw Consomotty Fair Ann. Oct. 1-3. 0. J. Seymour.

Charleston-8. Franklin Co. Fair, Oct. 15-17. Clyde Hiatt.

DeVain Sluff. Prairie Co. Pair Ann. Oct. 1-4. Carl afranuff.

Fordyce-Tot-Canty Pair Ass. Oct. 1•10 J. 11. Than

Gentry-Horne Products l'air. Sept. 34-26 protons-et E. O. Surtg.

Ilatftela-Hatfield Fen Asan. Aug. 6-7. C. W. Moto

Paris -Logan Co. Pair An» Oct 3-10. Lewin C. Sadie-.

Piggott- Clay Co. Agri. Asir Aaen Oct. 1-3. T. W. Leggett.

Pine Bluff-Five-County Fair Assn. Letter port of Sept. Thera A. Hill.

CALIFORNIA Asoders00-8hana Co. Fare Sept. 24.27. 8.

A. Royeroft. Arlen-Is-Anneal Tall Fate Sept. 18-20. Caruthers- Caruthor• Dhot,lfl Fair Ann. Oct.

8-10. C. L. Walton. Tendolo-Ifunnoldt Co. Pair. Au! 21-30. Dr. Joe. N. D. Ilindley

lareono-Fresno-Mader• District Voir Ann. Repo 211-Oct. a. T. A. Dodge Jr.

hfcrror1-35111 Dian-rot Fair. On, 8-11. Wai-1, S. Pound.

Pomona-Loa Angelea CO. Pair. Sept. 111-Get. 4, C. B. Aftlerbaugh.

Sacramento- Calllornle State Fair. soot, 5-14, Chas. W. Paine.

San Diego-334 District Age. Ann. Oct. 7-21. D. A. Noble.

San D1rgo - Callfornn•Paelfle IntornatIonal Ewa. at Balboa Pork. Feb. lg•Sept. 0. Frank O. Belcher. pre,

San Joraé-Santa Clara Co. Fan. Sept. 3140. Tarr-roan Letcher.

Santa Maria-Santa Barbara Co. Fare July 32-26. Jesse 11. Chambers.

Stockton-San Joaquin Co. Pair Ann. Aug. 22-20. E. 0. Vollmao.

punnet.- -Lanen Co. Fa. Aug. 10.20. Mrs. Verna Wood.

Tulare Tulare Co. Fair. Sept. 21-26. A. J. 'Hatt.

Turlock Sranishere Co. Aug. 3-9 , Dr. A. J. Rousso. mer.

Ventura-Ventura Co. Pale Oct. 7-11. W. G. Wilde.

COLORADO Akron-Washington Co. Foie Aug. 19-21. R.

E. Plan. Candle Rock-Doan. Co. Pole Sept_ 10-20.

C. R. notions. Cortee-Montrourna Co. Fair dr Rodeo. Sept.

13-111. George A. Wrenn. Greeley-Wed Co. Jr. Fair Alen. AU!. 10-21.

L. V. Toyne, Ronan, '-Delta Co. Fair. Sept. 25-27. Lougroont-Boulder 0o. Palo Ano Toobably

last week in Aug. Frank Wadsworth, Puoblo-Colorada Stale Pair Aug 24-38

'tentative ,. Earl Clark. mar. Rooky Ford Arkarant Valley Expo. ét Fair Ann. Sept. 2-4. Belie Daring.

Eltorling-Looan Co. Jr. Pale Aug. 19-21 liontattver. M. V. Haines, mgr.

eoperrenrin• Brooklyn-Windham Co Age. 80. Sept. /2-

24. Morahan J. Prink. Dalmo-Dahury Fare Oct. 0-10, 0. M. /Wens.

Gonsen-tioshen Air!. Soc. Sept. 7, Edith W. Cake.

Granby-Granby Orange Fan. Sept. •-. Ed-win 11 Shattuck.

Gollford--Ouilford Mr!. Floc. Sept. 30. I-5, Cooing.

Hadar Neck-Ffaddam Neck Flair Aeon Sept. 7 Leonard J. Seidon, E Hampton. Conn

Notafield-Oraren Orant.' Fair Asan Sept 13 Annie L. Hula% R. D. 1, Thomann, Conn

Non,. sternington-N. ilionington Orange Fair. aso o 1-3. Edna U. Cook,

Somer•-rasinn Agri. Roc. Sept. 30. B. R. Orant. Melrose. Conn.

Oath Woodstock-W000lotock Age Poe. Sept. 15-14. Freeman R. Nelson. Porn/rot Center, Conn_

porrame_Tonallte Fan. Sept. 36. Morton C. Mattoon, Plymouth, Conn.

Wolcott. near Wet-nary -Woloott Age, Igoe Sept. -. M. t Florpent. Waterbury, Conn

DELAWARE inarloston-Kent sooner Palo July 311-Aug. I. Ernest Raughley.

GEORGIA AMerlas-Floorter Co. Pon Ann. Oct. 19-211

O. P. Johnson. Aillanta--Southeatern Fair Ann. Oct. 4-11.

Virgil Mein,. Balobrldee- thcatur Co. Pale Oct. 13-17. T. E. Rich.

Codartan-Amerlean Letton Polk Co. Pale Late in Oct Wm. Parker, Jr.

Covington-Newton Co Fair. Gel - Starry Odom,

Rnantan-LlbegtOn Pale. Get. 13-10. 1 V. Wilma

1936 FAIR DATES Elberton -- Merlon Co. Colored Fair Assn. Oct 13-17. Lee Roy Thoolcy.

Cingeold-Fien Hill Co. ale Oct. -. Homer Waters.

Joheaboro-Clayton Co. Flan Ann. Oct. 14-17. W. J. Estes Jr.

Lafayette- Walks,- Co. Fair Ann. Oct. 22-24. O. W. Wheeler.

M•con--Cleorgla Elate Expo. Oct. 19-34. E. Rom Jordan.

Marano-Cobb Co. Fair Ann. Sept. 30-00 3. L. it. Langtry. County Aant.

Milledgeville-Middle Ga. Legion Fair Ann. Oct. -. C. U.

Ocilla-Irwin Co. Yen. Lan of Col, or fire of Nov. Clad Metal.

nonvillo ILoke WInnoposauk•)11 -Tr-I-County Pair Ann. Sept. /0-12. Mrs. Evelyn D. Huang.

Senders011eo-Woalringlon Co. Fair. Oct. 13-17. 0. S. Chapman.

Valdosta -South Oa. Fair. Nov. 9-14. H. K. Wilkinson. secy.-mgr.

MORO Blackfoot --Entern Idaho District Fair. Sept.

21-74, J. C. Sorenson. Coin Western Idaho State Fair. Auer. 25-29,

E. C. Sprat, mgr. Calarell-Homeateaden Jubilee As Night Ro-

deo. Aug. 70-22. Chao. Laurens.» Fuse-TwIn Falls Co Fair de Rodeo. Sept.

1-12. ThA1111111t Park, Montpelier 1ion lake Co. Pale Aug. 27-29. H. O. Nakolo.

Nampa-Nampa Harvest Posttest a Rodeo. Sept. 7-O Duna W. Reeves.

Ileatello-Bannock (to Fan Ann Probably Sept 5-7. E. P. Breton. mar,

Sandpoint • Donner Co. Fair Assn. Stilt. 17-11). /trues Turnbull.

ILLINOIS Albion-Mande Co. Agri. Fair Ann Aug.

11-15. Lyman Booting, Ellen-. Ill. Alado Metro Co. Ace. Soo Pepe 13-111. W. W. Warnock.

Anita-Anna Fair. Aug. 24-28. .T. F. Norris. ontioch-Antloet Country Fair Aug. 27-29. Fenn-rot W. Kai. Wadsworth. Ill

Arthur-Arthur Moultrie-Dann Co. Fale Ann. Aug. 11-14. H. E. Hood

Ashley-Washloglan Co. Fair Assn. July 14-17. Chas. I. Logan Jr.

Augusta - Augusta Community lave-Stork Show. Sept. 1-3. L. Foleon King

Aurora --Northern ill. Jr. Fair. Aug. 24-19. Ira it. Judd.

Reeder's-Boon-1 Co. Age. Soc. Sept. 1-4. ...on A. Ralston Caledonia.

Raton-Franklin Co. Farr Ann. Aug. 4.7. Harry W. Note.

Rloornagton McLean Co. Pair. Aug. 13-14. Claronce Rapp.

Bradford-Stork Co. Pair. Soot. 16-17. Tom Mowbray.

Breeze. Clinton Co. Agri. Fan. Bert. 2-1 A. W. Orono

Bridgeport Lawrence Co. Fair Ann. Aug. Si. Sept. 4. SAT

Ilroenhtnwn --Fayette Co. Pair Aosn. Sept. 1-1. Oils.! E. Reece.

Cornbricliir-Henry Cu. Pair. Aug. 11-I 4. W. Rogers.

Carbondale Jackson Co. Lea. Soc. Aug. 24-38.

Cara While Co. Fair Ann. Aug, 1841. Max Endicott.

Carrollon--Clrecne Co. Fair Alan. Soot. 1-5. H. C. Beatty,

Chorlorston-Coleo Co. Pale Ann. Aug. 3-8 R. B. Itenbrouni

Chscage-InteratIonol Lae-Brook Expo. ND,. 28-Dec. 5, B. H. Heide, Union Stock Tads. Chicago.

Dixon-Lee Co. Para rak. Horse Show. Aug. 2110.- John N. Weiss.

Du Quoin- Du Clain State Fan Assn. Sept. 7-12. W. R. Hayes, gen. one

El Paso El Prow Fall Fostrval of Woodford Co. Aug. 20•28. Harold Wright.

Fairbury-Fairbury l'air. American Legion. Sept. 1.4. 11. W. Mrisenhelder.

Poyeteld-Wayne Co. Falr Ann. Aug. 28-29. V. P. Joann.

Farmer Crty-Farorer City Pair. Aug. 24-30. E. R. Rinohart.

Pairrommt-Vermilion Co. Agri, Fair. Aun 11-15. John E Cot, peel.

Golconda- Pope Co, Agri Pan. July n•25, Pliiiiip Schoettle, Brownfield. RI.

Groans- -Oreena Cumlnead Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 11-15. J. D. Green.

Gragoeallle--Plko Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 11-14. Robert Skinner.

Ilarrioburg-Flallne Co. Agri. Assn. July 27. Aug. I. Arthur Flanks, gen. are

Henry-Marreall•Putrosm Fair. Sept. 2-11. It It. 21,rom. Mooned. Ill.

Ifighlarld--Mailloon Co Fair, Sept, 10-13. L. H. &med.

JaknovIlle-Morgan Co. Breeders- Fan Ann. Aug. 11-14, Roy E. Welch.

Jorneville-Jerny Co. Fair Ann. Sept. à-10. Bill Ryan, Box HO Springfield.

Eno:onto-Kan Co, Fair Ann, Aug. 18-21. John D. Patton,

La Fayette-La Fayette Horse do Palo Assn. Sept. 1-4. II. A Kano

Leo-blown-Fulton Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 11-14, E. C. 0111ana

ktcLansboro MeLeanaborrà Fair Asan. July 7-11 If Meld.

klarlon-WIlllanton Co. Pair Asan Sept. 1-4. Ray Inner,

3darah•11-1/a rshall Cnmrnuntty Falr Aug. 19-22. Ch.. L. Blundell Jr.

Idason-ortrody Co. Agri. Fair. Sept. 4-7. 0. IL Mellen.

Melvin-Veen Carman) Pole Sept. 3-3. W. C. Iehl.

Mendota- Mendota Age. Pole Aug. 12-13. Josoph Znipe.

Milford- Iroquote Co. Fair. Aug. 17-28. A. L.

Modesto •Tdsorouplo Co. Age. Fen. Sept, là-17. Albert Lore,

Monticello-Platt Co Fair Ann. Aug. 31-Sept 4 R. C. Smith.

Morrison-WhItestdo Co. Fair Assn. Sept. I-S V. M. Dearingro

Mount Carme-Wabash Co. Free Fare Aug 34-28. Pete ItAtionsteln.

Mt Sterna-Brown Co. Fain. Aug. 4-7. Wol-ter Manny.

Mount Verna-Mt. Vernon Stater Fate Ann. Sept. 21-26, Martin Henn.

Newman-Newman Community Fair. Sept. 1-4, W. C. Raton. pres.

Newton Jasper Co. Pair. July 27-31 C. O. Flaten•n.

Cdney -Itterland Co. Fair Ann. Sept. S-11 A. C. Roberts.

Croon-Ogle Cu. Pen. Sept. 6-10 E. D. Lamina

Pecatonlca• -Wlonebno Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 20.30. Arthur Woodruff, secy.; Toni Mar. 01514-y. apt..

Poolroom W111 Co. Pair Asa. Sept. 1-4. Mrs_ Elmer Barton,

Petersburg-Monarri Co. Age, Fair. Sept. 9-11. Lloyd W. Chalcraft,

Prnekneyville- Piocknoyelle Fair Asen. Ant 10-13 Jack it. Stumpe.

Princeton- Bureau Co. Fair. Aug. 25-28. G. P. Sean.

Quinov-Adaren Co. Fair Aeon. Aug. 24-28. C b. Mart.

Roon1110-Worron Co. Pale Aug. Il-i a. IL IL Kirkpatrick.

limiclare Itordln Co. Pale Oct. 0-10. Otte Lamar.

151 Joseph-Champaign Co. Fete Aug. 15-2e, Everett R. Peter>.

Bairn-klarmn Co. Agrl, Sec. Oct. 1-1 Prod J Filackhorn.

Sandwich Sandelch Falr Asen. Sept. 2-4. . L.

Sporn-Randolph Co. Pan, Sept. 1-4 Arlen McConachle.

Sperrofteld 11111,01s Stall Fair. Aug. 15-23. E. E. loon, gen. mire

81ronshurst-Hranclorno Co. Fair Ann, Sept. 3-4. Ralph Honor.

Taylorville-CM-Minn Co. Agri. Fair Ann, July 20-31 C. C. Hunter,

Tuscola bouclas Co. Fair Assn. July 39-Aug. I. L. R. McNeill.

Vlenna-Johnann Go. POD, Auo, 11-21 George Gray.

Werren-Warren Pair. Sept. 1-1 J. W. Rlchardeon.

INDIANA Akron-Akron Age, Fair Asa. Soot. 23-26.

F. M. Pun, Anderan Anderson Free Fair Asan. July

6-II. Earl J. MoLlerol. Auburn-De Kalb Co. Fa Ason, Sept. 20-

Oct. 3. H. E. Hart. gen nit'. Pain. - Bluffton Free Street Pair Aden,

Sept. 22-16. Carl Helms. lloonville-Boonelle Pair Ann. Aug. 3-8. Albert O. Derr.

Boncell Benton Co. Fair As Celebration. July 3-6. R. A. Lynch.

Bourbon-Bourbon Farr Ann. Sept. 22-n. M. M. Beck.

Brooketon-Brookston Street Fen & Iforrie Show. Sept. 111-1d. S. M. Wynroop

Esakville.-Amerlean Legion Fair. July 13. Aug. 1. Address Secy., Bolt 24.

Erato:rile .Pronkiln Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 12-13, Hose Franzman.

Cayuga-Vermillion Co. Tan Ann. Aug. 18-31. V. N. Asbury. Newport. Ind.

Columbus-Plethora:new co. Fair Aeon. July 21-21. F. M. Overstroet.

Coonornill•-F•yette Co. Free Fair. Aug. II, II. J. L. Kennedy.

Converse-Miami Co. Age. Ann. Sopt. D. E. Warnock.

Corydon -Harrison Co Fair Ann. Aug. 24-28. Dr. L B. Wolfe.

CovIngton-Oovington Free Fair. Aug. 24-T9, George P. Schoen.

Crown Point-Lake Co. Age, Soc. Aug. 10-13. Julius M. Nielsen,

Fairmount--Orant Co. Ate. Pair. Soot. 1-4. John R. Little.

Fannon-Clinton Co. Fair Ann: Aug. 16-1I, Will G. Rota,

FranklIn-Johnoon Co. Free Fa. July 13-10, Nell R. Godwin.

Goshen--Elkhort Co. Pale Sept. 1-5 W. C. Mainow.

Greenfield -Hancock Co. Age. Aasn, Aug. 14-28 Bert Swain.

Hartford City-Fannon S Merchants' Agrl. Abell. Free Pall Pair. Sept. 15-19. Roca Daugherty.

Ituntlootturg. Duboto Co. Fair Asan. Aug. 10-15. J. F. Overbook,

Indianapolis Indiana Slate Pair. Sept. 3-11. M. Clifford Tanana Cnornistoner of Agriculture.

ludlonapolts-Marlon Co. Agrl Ar Bort. Stn. Aug. 10-14. H. McClellad.

KondatIvIlle• Kendallville Pair. Aug. 17-31. ti, C. Bran.

lontiand- Newan Co. Fan. Sept. 14-18. A. M. Schuh.

to Porte - Lis Port: Co. Fair Alan. Aug. 25-111, Jantee A. Terry.

Laroennourg-De•rhorn CD. Fair. July 27. Aug. I. Loon ord Hag.

Linton-Community Fatr t Exhibit Show. Aug. 12-15 Lone Sullen

I,gansport Can Co. Fair Assn. Lut. 11-14. L. R. Price.

Lyons- Lyons Fan. Stock de Dog 9110w. Sept. 16-19. Lew Edwards.

Menrone--Montone Pair Agen. Aug. 19-12, K A. Rifler,

lantintier-Montpeller Speed Aeon. July 20-31. It L. Kelley.

Muncle-Muncle Pair. Aug. 1-7. F. J. clay-pooL

North Vernon - North Vernon Free Fair. Week of Aug. 24. Fred it. Nouer.

Osgood Inner Co. AVE Asa. Aa. 3-8. 0 . A. Triplett,

Portland-Jay Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 10-14. Mike Ankrom.

Prineetott-Olbson Co. Pair Are. Aug. 31-

Sept. IL H. W. Reinhart Renseener-Josion Co. Pair Ann. Sept. 1-4. Oarge M. Reed.

Floynoldo-Reynolds Tale Sept. 10-12, Albert Geer.

Socksille-Parke Co. Fair. Sept. 1-5. George Schein Jr.

Inehello-Arnerican Loglon Free Pair. Aug. 11 F. E. Rachman.

1 Eolem-W•shIngton Co. Fair Assn. Aug, ii.

21. Chas R. Morns. Shelbyville - Shelby Co. Free Pair. Au ,

P-14. Georg. A Parrish. " Terre Haute Si/abash Valley Pulr. Aug. ..n Sept S. Paul Joab.

Thonaerl-Therntown Fall Fan da Fennel. Sept, 10-11 II. S. Spencer,

Warsaw--Koaciono Co. Pair Ann. Sept. 22. 26. Wm. Chinworth.

IOWA Ackle-Four-County Fair. Nov. 23-17. nor-un J. Ityken.

Add --Dallas Co. Fan. Aug. 21-0 Joe T. Roving,

Albis Monroe Co. Age, Sot. Aug. 24-27. W. B. Griffin,

Aloorn-Ko•,uth Co. Agri. Alen. Sept. 1.11, E. L. Vincent.

Alloron-Butler Co. Fate Sept. 11-11 A. of Werner.

Alta- Buena Viers Co. Age, 500. Aug. I/71 O. J. Rains,

Audubon- Audubon Co. Fair, Sept. It'll, W. F. Hoyt.

Auno, s-Aurora Age. Soc. Sept. 1-3. E co Matteson. Lamont. la.

Avoca-Pottawattednic Co. Fair Axon. Aug, 24-27, Taiwan K. Harris.

Seaford- Tailor Co. nor ASSII. Aug. 14-21 James Halter.

Bloomfield-Doers Co. Pair. Aug. la-It. I. 0, Jenkins.

Boone- Boone Ca. Achievement Show. Aug. 14-16. Harley Walker.

Burlington Burlington Tri-State Fate Are 10-15. A. L. Bitten,

Central Cily--Wapele Valley l'air Asa Aug. 4-7. F. O. Satter.

Clorindis-Pego Co, Fair. Aug. 20-22. Mena Rope.

Colfax Jasper Co. lOtre Aug. 24-23, Wu,» Tyler. Newton. la.

Columbus Junction-tool. Co. Pale Aug. Ian. le. H. 'Rlegner.

Coon R•pida-Pour-county Agri. Ann. sera 28-Oct. 1. Gerald E. Johnston,

Corning-Adams Co. Fair. Sept. 14-18, A I. Cathie,

Corydon Wayne Co. Age, Alen, Aug. 24-11. M. E. 13021.1.0.0.

Greece-Board Co. Arrl. Soc. Sept. I-4 John O. Meyer.

Der ajar-Miss. Valley Fair & Expo. ao 16-11 11. W Power.

eneorah-Wroneohlek Co. Falo , Aug. 1122 J. Peg Pearson.

Derby -Derby Distrat Agri, Ann. Sot. 4-tl. L. W. Snook.

bee Moines-law. Slate Fate Aug. 24-8rot 4, A. R. Corey.

Donor-Ilea-Lee Co. Pair. Aug 25-20. A D. Kreb111.

Rae,. Grove. ,E.ege. ',Iorenoe District gear

Eldon Woinlio Co. Agri. Pair. Atli, 24-27 L. W. Hall.

Eldora •Ilardin Co. Age, Floo, Aug. 11111. George W. Hama,

Elkoder-Elkader Fair. Aug. 16-21 Thaler Thomsen,

Fonda-Pocahonlas Co. Oa. Aug. 11-11, L. M Rook

Fort Dodge-Webster Co. 4-H Achirvemeet Pair, Aug 24-16. Amos Knudson.

Goole- -Hancock Co. Tale Aug. 21-12. 8. J. Ohorhatner.

Orroonold-Adair Co. Fair Attn. Sept. all. Frank A. (latch.

Gandy Center -Grundy Co. Pale Sept. 7-12, C. 8 Mary.

Outhrse Conter-Outhrlo Co. Agri. Boo Sept. 21-25. Martin Bt•ne0A

Homplon-Fronklin Co. FDIC Ann, Soot II-11 Glenn D. Creighton,

Harlan-diheby Co. Fair Aeon. Aug 1171. H. P. Dowling.

Hurnholdt-Hunnont CO. Age. Soc. Sept 4.1 Arch B.

Independence -Buchanan Co. Fair. Aug lagl. at' J. Campbell, Jesup. Ta,

Indianola-Warron Co. Fair Ario. Arlo it-It. Victor loliter.

Iowa Fain-Central loa Agri. Aeon. Sept 30-Ott. I. C. II. Inner-11ot.

Jofferan-Carnue Co. Pair. Sept. 22-25 D. E. Lyon.

Keosauqua- 'la Duren Co. Fair. Srpt I-1. A. J. Seen.

woogarrio--merlon Co. Pair Ann. Aug il-22. A. C. Bryan.

Lot ',nor -Lorintor Age. l'ale Aug. 21-11 Mn. Roy Hanomana

Manthexter-Delawore Co. Fair. Aug. It-II E. W. Williams.

Manson-Cainoun Co. Fair Assn. Aug. TO-II il. N. Trumbull.

Iforstralltown-Ccotrol Iowa Fall. Soot ta-lo. E. II Clinton

Moan Oily-North Tow• Free Pair. Aug N. 18, F. G. Mitchell.

Minnie Valley-Harrison Co. Pair /Man. 87. 11-11, Prank O. Burke,

Montirtilo-.-Jonea Co. Fat, Alen. Aug. 21-11 L. E. Hoag, pr..

M'ont Pleasat-Henry Co. Agri. Ann. 30-18-11. Frank Price.

Idovillo-Woodbury Co. Fan Assn. Sat 1 :7 F. L. McDermott.

Nnhua -Br/ Fear Plan Ann. Aug. II-21. Norton Bloom

National Clayton Co. Agri Row. Sept. 4-7-P. I. Lau, Oarnavillo. la

Northwood-Worth Co Fair Soc. Aug a Sept. 2. R. T. Nolan.

Orange City-Smug Co Agri. Ann. Aug. 2P 27. Gerrit Van 9tryland.

°sae-Mitchell Co. Fan. Aug. 17-21 C. e Juhl.

Oneloon. -Southern Iowa Pair, Aug. 11-17 Roy E. Rowland.

PoevIlle Dig 4 Fate Sept 11-14. J. C Worhe.

PrImghar-OFirion Co. Stock Show 1 Agri. Ann. Au;. 11-25. M. O. Bleungenair ,

Rock Rapids-Lyon Co. Foie Sea t« .-

W. O. Smith, Rockwell Coy Rockwell coy Fair Aiiii.

Aug. 12-14. E B. Tenn!. Sac CIO-Floc Co. PM, Aug. 23-21. W

ribley-Oneole Co. Live Stock Show. Mr. 8-11 A. J, Flatland

Spencer Clay Co. Fair, Sept. 1113 1.-- ' Dailey.

Tipton -Cedar Co. Fair Asen. Aug. 11-il ' R. Miller. ititOn--Benton Co. Fair. Aug. 18-2 1. C V . 0 Moore. Urbana, la.

June 27, 1936 LISTS The Billboard 57

,vaterloo-Dalry Cattle Cortgrano Sept. 211. ext. 4. IL 51. Nagel.

Waukon-Allamakee Co Fair Ann. Sept. all. A-. M. Mons:mid. Hornets Perry, 1a.

w auriy-Fireener Co. Fair Assn. scot t.4. Claude E. Vattern.

Webeer City-Hamilton Co. Sop. Sept. 7- D. L. LL. -Lyle

We , Liberty . Union District Agri Floe. Aug. :>?.4. J. M. Addlenuan.

last Umon-Payette CO. Age. Moe Aug. 34.211. Ed Benders

Lent Cheer--Kukuk Co. Fair. Aug. 24-21. y P. L311,

leedleid-Winfteld Fair Asan. Aug. 33.28. J. Rune!).


aburne--Central Kan. Free Fair Ana Sept. '.Oct. 3. Ivan Rnberson.

entanny-Anthosty VW Aeon. July 14-18. 0 F. Morrie:en.

Orange Fate Oct, 2-3. Helen 4•11Irsple.

Bur:re-Washington Co. Banner Tale Sept. al, D. Linn Lures,

Tel,t1le--North Central Renee. Free Fair. • 31-Sept. a Tudor J. Chartes. Republic. Ean.

Mitchell Co. Pale Assn. Sept. 1-5. J. V. Mouts Jr,

ELLtytun--Iterryton Orange Fair. Sept. 34-:0 Frank Lug.

gig syring-Oeuglao Co. Lire Stock At Age. pan Ann. Sept. 2-4. Pete Itahrunteler, leenmpton.

kit.- Mound-Blue Mound Agrl, riente da Stock Show. Sept. 17-IL Hoy Etrunona

• Ileplele-blarshall Co. Fair Assn. Sept. lr.•Cut. 2. H. C. Lathrop.

7...r.irn -Eastern Cowley Co. Fair Ann. Aug. :11 Dick Alexander,

L.e,.ogtorr--Coffey Cu. Agrl. Fair Mon. Sept. John Redmond.

(e-in:11--iluntnet en. Fair Aran, Sept. 30. col 2 George W. Murray.

Co. Fair. Sept. 1-12. T. P. • r neon.

• slion •Gray Co. Fa1r Ann. Sept. 18-10. r.lue. S. Sturtevant

Cie center-Clay CO. Free Falr Aun. Sept. 2-11 W. F. Miller.

fneetelllo-Monterunery Cs. Fair Assn Sept. -.),Oet. 2. Albert R. Reiter.

telte--Themao CO. Fair Aeon. Aurr, 18.31. J B. Kurika.

ColeLtala - Cherokee Co. American Leelon rote Pnir. Ariz 24-29. R. C. Osterhout.

Coo-room) Palls -Chen Co. Pair Ann. IMP, ItoUtt. 3. H. U. Slack.

reenmi Grove-Morrle Co_ 4-H Club Fate J,:: 20.27. D. Z. McCormick.

D.:vino-Werth Ottawa ca. Fare Sept. 2-8. reel

v., •-•n-Lane Co. Fair Lean. Aug. 11-14. V.' J Melthlart. D., City Southwest Fair Assn. Week Mart.

•.L.: sept. 7 'tentative). Our,. Stmler Jr. Fony•.m-Atchtsen Co. Pair Aun. Aug. M-

IL Itm/na-Clreliegarty• nwood Co. Agrl. Assn. July 211-

1: Harrison Brookover. $rott-Bourben Co. Dairy Show Ar. 441

• Fair. Aug. 35-28. Albert Brawn. Cenets-Andernn co. 4-34 Club Fe.. Ann. A-4 26-11 Fred L. Coleman.

entra-Crewford Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 18-71. tn. Ella Bohnelder.

Glame Cloud Co. Pete Rent. 9.12. R. M. Fewhill.

Gullend-Northweatern Kansas Dust. Free etir Assn. Aug. 35-28. H R. Shimull.

VirListortg-Kinwet Co.Free Fair Ann. Week al Oct. 7. M. Hemphill

Perlsner-Barber Co. Pair Aran. Aug. II-e.e. 4. J. M. WU

urryer__ Harper Co. Fair Ann. C.t. 20.33. R. E. Deesaer.

Ert•terd -Hartford Fair Aran. Sept. 3-5. s. P. Norbury.

I:strut:Me Havenat•ille Cernm. Pair Ann. 25.26. Claude Marcus.

LeIsuro Marion Co. Pair Aber, Oct. 6.1 Lent: 71 Harm..

Use .t.-TrI-Counly Fair Assn: Sept. 9-11. II. W. Wilson.

Eeenton-eltevena Co. 4-8 Achievement Pair. 1)..erox. Oct. 15-17. 11. E. Brown. prey,

Letremsnn-Kansas State Fate Sept. 19-25. R. W. Avery.

-Affen Co. Agrl. Soo Aug. 24-28. A. M. Dunlap.

Isar hnn City-Oury Co. 4.11 Club Show. R/4. 1-2. Paul B. Gain.

Reers.e.-KIncald Farmers' Fair Assn. Seel. :an. W. TI Brown.

Esenan-KIngman Co. Pair Aeon. Oct. 24. il Arthur Coenner. Eenda, Kan

- En:tardy Co. Fair Ann. Oct. 13-16. Dear. Iranian.

It e.g. -Wet Co, Fair de Block Show. Elept. I.i. Paul W. Ice».

llosn• --Reward Co. Fair Ann. AUg. 15. A. Rett

, te Llndsborg Dialect Fair Asan. Oct. S. F. Dahlsten.

1,Loneld-McDonald-RawlIns Co. Fair Anon. 11.14. Dr. M. N. Miller.

.strieto-Jewell Co. Form. Flehnnl Pr Ilomn iruisal. Approx. Oct. 1. Geo. II_ Pun

Mrs-. -Meade Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 28-2.1. Agee, W. Todd.

1: ale-MIltontale Fate Assn. Oct. R H Phelpa.

18 -etril Ctty-LInn Co. Fair Aun. Sept. 11.1t. ,noes W. Wallace.

ttntso--Ileivey Co. Fate Arun. Sept. 7-13 II. Satiety.

Neon Topeka-Indian Creek Orange Fair. Oit • l•2. Mrs. A. J. Owen.

ands -Norton Co. Agrl. Auto Sept. 8-11. J. sn W. Kluell.

-Pottawatornie Co. Fair Aun. Aug. ,,J-25. A. H. Haughawntst.

Labe,. co. Fair. Aug. 3t-Sept. 4. Y. J. Faulkner.

Frankhn Co. Free Pair. Sept. 1.5• e Lute,

Ceres,' Park-Johnton Co. Fat, Aug. 16-

W D. Fleming_ --Overbrook Free Falr. Aug. 27-eg.

, Ss ,. N Baker. ', le- Muni Co. Poem Borten Pk 4-11 Club • Sept 3.5, Glenn C. Isaac. • -Ttl.Fltote Fair Asen. Aug. 10 -I 4.

It Rockhold. .,•-j'x'hd--Rtchmond //Ore Fair Ann. Aug. •'2 I. John )1. Itoeckern.

'hit', Center...Rush Co. Agri. & Fair Asan. Aug. 25414 lu 01.3013.

Ituesell-Roasell es, Fair Men. Sept. 15. Oct. 2. A. L. Boyd.

Salina-441 Club Fate Sept. 341. S L Soneiergard.

seden_chootarqua 00. Pyre Fair. Oct. 1-3. Call Ackerman.

Stiver Late Silver La. Fair Aun. Sept. O. II. Rnamond M. Enoch',

Ftenta Centre-Smith Co. Fate Ann. Aug. W-U. J. D. Flaxbeard.

Stafford-Stafford Co. File Oct. 6-0. E. B. Weir.

Stockton-Rooks Co. Fair AMR, Sept. 1-4. Carl Bray.

fryhen ()rove-Sylvan Grove Fair Ar Agri. Assn. Sept, 22-25. W. F. Schemes,

Thsym-Theyer Home-Coming Picnic s Fair Auto Sept. 3-4. H. M. Mtnnlen.

•tersanoue-Leuenwnel. Co. Fur Auto Aug. 37-29. Walt Nlybarger.

Tetseka - Kansas Free Fate Sept. 14-19. Maurice W. Jon.,

Uniontown-Bourbon Co. Fair Assn. Aug, 4-7. W. A_ Stroud. alley Palla-Jefferecto Co. POI, Sept. 2-4. lien W. Booth.

Wakeeney-Treen Co. Free Fair. AUg. 35-28. Willis 8. 8ultenategle.

Wakefield -Wakefield Free Tale Oct. A-9. John Koerner,

Washington Washington Co. Fair Assn Sept. 17-12 A. C. Puhrken

Worson-ShaWnee Orange Pair. Sept. 16-10. hoy E. Leal, p.a.. R. I. 13erryton. Kan.

Wellultle-WellavIlle Picnic Fate Sept. to-ll Donald Couithltn.

Went Mineral-Mineral District Free Fair, Sept. 9-11 J. C. Thompson.

Wtchlta .Kanne Natl. Live-Stock Show Assn. Nor. 9•13. Dan C. Smith,

Wetmore-Wetmore Free Melee Fair. Sept, 23-26. E. J. Woodman,

Winfield-Cowley Co. Pair Assn, Oct, 6•9. O. B. Wouldell.


Aleaandria-Alexendria Falr, Sept. 5-7. J. W. Shaw, 335 York st.. Newport. Ky.

Redford-Teter.l, Co. Feir Assn. Sept, 11-13. C. R, Barnes.

Bowling Owen-Warren Co. Pale Arran, Sept. 2-3_ W. H. Ilicheson.

Deadhead-Bra:Weed Fair. Aug. 19-22. J. Monte Roberta.

Corhsle-NIchola• Co. Agri. Foie APP.). Mai week In Oct. 0. C. Vaughn,

-Cerroll CO. Pale Oct. 6.9. Paul n-11114 tos,

Cnhambla-Cniumbla Fair Ann. Aug. 13-15, 8. M. Burdelle.

EarIng-Flentine Co. Agrl. Fur. Aug. 20-23 Fear. West

Ealmouth Falmouth Pair. Aug. 10-23 Mrs. Dempsey R. Barnes,

Franklin-etimp ,on CO. Fair. !Min. 0.13. Cyrll D. Duncan.

ogunonroon_oerntantown Fair. Aug 26-2g. C. D. Asbury. R. IL Augusta. Ky.

Grayson-earter Co. Pair, July 30-3e. J. L. LuSbY.

Greensburg-Green Co. Farr. Aug. 27.29, 5. J. ellnunona.

Outline-Kentocky-Tennenee Fair. Aug. 26- 19 T. T. Klotbrough.

Herrodsbune- Mercer Co. Pale Aun. July 27-31. B. F. Norf...

Hartford-Ohio Co. Pali. Ail,, 17-22. H. N. Porter.

HodernytIle-Lorue Co. Fair. Sept 0-11. A. V. Kennedy.

Lawrenceburg - Idnerenceburg Fair. sup. American Legion. Aug. III•21. Frank Rnutt.

Lebeneni-Merinn Co. Fair Asan. Aug. 10-21, Jetties M. Huber_

Lu yington-LexIngton Colored Fair Aun. Aug 10.15, John B. Ceulder,

Lautsa-Leverenre Co. Fe. Aura Aug. 30. Sept. 5. H. H. Roberts.

Lomsollle- Kentucky State Fide Sept. 14-19. Coen K. Ferguson. State Fair tukunde.

Pantullie-Eutern Ky. Fair Assn. Sept. 31-26. Earl Walker.

Russell sprinaRussell Co. Pole Aug. S.S. W, W. Owens.

Russellville-Logan Co. Foie Sept. 10-13. A. D. Idanalield.

f3cottoville-Allen Co Fanners. ?fee Fair. Aug. 17-29. S. T. Meador.

St .1byville - - Shelby Co. Agrl. Al•-n, Aug. 12-11 T. R. Webber.

Born...I-4%1.kt Co. Pair Ann. Week of Aug. 24, Beecher Smith Jr.

sinindtleld-Ww.hillston Co. Fair An.) , ALL 6-8, T. C. Campbell.

Vancoburg-Vanceburg Fair, Aug. 10-12. Mr.. Nell Kimble.

Warno-OollatIn Co. Farmers. Fat, Oct. 1-3. Malcolm Purntah.

Wtiltamstown-Orant Co. Fair Ater, Aug. 28-30. 8. R. Stephen...


Alexandrla-Rapides Panel Fate Oct. 8-9. B. W. Baker.

Clinton-E, FelIclana Pariah Fair ARDIS. Oct. 8-10. W. F. Kline,

Coushatta-fled River Parish Free Fair. Oct. 21-24. P. L. Collins.

Couneton-St, TRAM'S"», Panel, Pal, Oct.. a-I2. Mrs J. Louie Smith,

De Rldder-Beauregard Parish Fait Assn. Oct. 13-17. Huth Cal,. rt.

Donaldsonville-South La State Fair. Oct. 11-18. R. 8. tricker..

Eunice--TrDPar1sh Fair ALSO. CAS. 22.35. J. C. Keller.

Franklinton-WoohIngton Pariah Free Mt", Oct. 14-17. L. it, Mills.

GuotubUrg.-St. Helena Parish Free Falr. Oct. 1$•17. K. E. Campbell,

JennIngs-Jeff Davie Parish Falr, Oct. FI-ND, I. Alfred blaund

Joneeboro-Jacknn Perteh Pair Assn. Oct. 5-10 W. T. Holloway.

LeenvIlle-Vernon Pariah Pale Men. Oct. 7-10. O. E. Morris.

Loganeporr-Interatate TTee Fair. Sept. 23-21 George L. Perry,

Loranger-Tengtpanaa Parish Pale Oct. 4-6. E. E Polo

Loh-her-St James Parlsh Fair. Oct. 22-25. E. L. Rouesel.

Menstield-De Soto Parish Free Fair Ann , Sept 20-Oct. 3 3 • Reel

Many-Sabine Parish Fair, Oct. 20-24, By-ron P. Belittle,

Monterey Concordia Parieh raie. Oct. 23-21. J. It. Caldwell.

Diatchitechea-Nntchitoch. Pariah Fate Ann, Oct. 13-17.- U. H. 1730001.1.)

New Ruda-Pointe Coupee Parish Fair Ann. Oct. 2-4. J. Wade Lelleau,

New Verela--Ceant Parlah Fair Assn, Oct. 9-10. Odelia Puryle,

Oak Grove- W. Carroll Partin Fair. Sept. 30• Oct. 1. It. E. Benton.

Oil City-Ceddo Pariah Fair. Oct. 14-17. We, J. P. Wilkinson, Keithvtlie.

011a-North Central La. Pale Oct. 8-10. H. Vinyard.

Plain Dealing -Bossier Parish Fon• Asan. sent. 34.20 Mrs T. J. Smith. busier City.

Poe Allen-W, Baton Rouge Parleh Fair Alan. Sept. 35-27. A. E. Camus,

St. Prancisville-West Pyliclana Parish Col-ored Pale Oct. 3-3, J. IL Ringgold.

Shuyeport-Elt•te Fair of La, Oct. 14-Nene 2. W. R. Beach. pige,

Sulphor-Calusteu.Cameron Fair. Nov. 2.7 Mrs. A. H. Lafargue,

Tallulale-Loulaiona Delta Irait Ann. 6-11. P. 0 Benjamin.

West Monroe - CiUu.Ctuiia Valley Fair Alan, Oct. 6.9. George IT. Dierlarnan,

MAINE Arion-fghapleigh 8c Acton Fair, Sept. 18-19.

P. E. YounA Emery Mills. Me, Andovee-oxford North Agrl. Soc. Sent. 23-

24. R. L. Thurston. Athel.a-Wetaerunsett Valley Fair Aun. Sept.

29-30. W. A. Dore. Ii•ngor-Eastern Maine State Fate Aug. 34-

29. JOS. Steward. Biu.hill-fllu&,iit Fair. Sept. 7.9. E. O. Williams.

Canton. Androseugin Valley Pair Assn. First week in 15/r1. O. D. Orient'

Cornish Cornish Agrl. Anus. Aug. 4-7. Leon M. Ayer.

Damarisentla -Lincoln Co. Tale Sept. 1-3. John N. Glidden.

Dover.Fournti-lklecatauts Valley Agrl. Su, Aug. 11. Frank A. Pierce.

Exeter-Penohnent Pk Placatagnie Pair Assn, Sept. 1.4. A. W. Hill, al Third et. Bangor.

Fartungton-.Franklin Co Agri. Roc Sept. 22-24. Frank E. Knowlton.

Pryeburg. West Oxford AgrL Soc. Oct. 6-10. O. Myron Kimball.

Clallford-Obilford Athletic Ann. Sept. 5, C. Clark,

Leeds-tuft Agrl. 805. Oct. 8. Mrs. AB. L. RusaelL

Lewiston-M.1u St ate Fair. Sept 7-12. J. J. Jauboula Auburn, Me.

Litchfield -LItchlteld t'armera' Club. Oct, 6-7. Chu. H Harvey, ouruncr.

Mochlne--Washington Co. Arel. Soc. Sept. 15-16. J. L. Andrews, Jonesborn. Me.

Monmouth-Cochnewaglin AgrI. Autt. Sept 30. W. E. Reynold.,

Monrne-Walein & Penebuot Agri. sne. Sept. 11.12. G. A. Palmer.

Presque We-Northern Maine Fair. Sept. 7-10. Clayton II. Etteele.

Etowbegan -.Somerset Central Age, Soc. Aug. 17-22, W. L. Robertson

South Perle--Osford Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 15-19 Stanley M. Wheeler,

Torehana-Topoham Fair. Oct. 13-15. E. PI Patten.

tenon-North Kurt Fate Sept. 29-Oct. 1. it, L. Grinnell,

Unttv-Untty Park Assn. Sept. 15-I6, E. S. Forsull.

Weterville--Kennebee Co. Fate Sept. 1-4. Edgar J. Brown,

Wind-or-S. Kennebec Agrl Soc Sept. S and 7. A_ N. Douglas, OarElner. Me.

MARYLAND Cumberland-Cumberland Fair Ann, Aug.

24-29. Harry A. Hartley. gen. reer. Frederick Clreat Frederick PS", Oct. 13-16. Orly K. Motter.

La Phita Charles Co. Pale Probably Sept. 25-26. Bergen /grown.

Taney town--Ce rnl: Co. Pale Aug. 11-14. George E. Dodrer.

Tirunium-Marylend State Pale 8c Agrl. Soo of Baltimore to, Sept 7-12, M. L. Dauer. Pimlico Race Course, Beleenorr

White Ifall-Whire Hall Fair, Sept. 23-20 II. Ross Almony.

MAggACIIPSF.TTS Acton-Acton Age. &sea Sept, 18-19. Albert

P. Durkee. W. Concord. Man. Illandford-Unlon Agrl, Soc. Sent 7.8 C.

IFL Itipley. Ender:toter- Plymouth Co. Aerl Hoc. Sept. 5 and 7. Lillian W. "laird, It F. 13. Whit-men. Mau_

Broekton-Brukton Agri. Soo Sept. 14-19. Frank H Klnymen

Cumennuton 1-1111nide Agrl, Sec Sept. 29-30. Leon A. Stevens.

Great Be r r I rigion-llountonic Agri. Soc. Sept. 10.0et. 3. Paul W. Foster

Greenfield-Franklin Co Agri. Soc. Sept. 14-16, Whitman B. Wells.

Heath-Heath Agri. 80, Aug 16, Horner 8. Tanner.

HuntIngtnn-Littleville Community Fate Assn. Sept. 18-19. Pearl T. Rich.

M•raittleld-Marthfield Agri. 80e. Aug 26.29. /Parley R. Crone.

MIddlefield-HIghland &en See. Sept. 4.5. Willard A. Peale, Cheerer, Mus

Nantarket-Nantucket Acrl. floc. Aug. 26.27. Herbert P. 8rnIth.

Northampton-Hampehlre. Franklin .0 Hemp-den Agri See. Oct. 1-3 fleorae H Bean.

Sere-eve -net. -Bristol Co. Young Farmers . Fair. Oct. 6.0, Florence or cordner

South Weymouth-Weyrnouth Pair, Aug It-15. Warren F. Rutstein. N. Weymouth

ElprIngfield-Ifustern State. Exp. Sept. 10-26. Chas, A, Nash, gen. mgr.

Sturbedge-Sturbrldge Agri Aun Sept. 5.7. C. Russell Morse, Southbridge. Masa.

lonneteld-lian: Co. FM, Sept. /6•19. Itelpn II. Ounill.

West itabory-bierthant Vineyard Agri, 8. Sept. 8-10. George O. cutout

MIC11111AN AOrtan-Lenawee Co. Fair.

Bradiati, A/legan-Allegan CO. Agrl

E. W. DeLnno, Alvena-Alpeor. Co. Agrl , Rey J. Bushey.

Ann Arlsnr-Wulttenew Co. 1-4. Robert H. Alber.

Armada-Armada ASTI. Bon. ARA 27.30, S. R Columbus.

Red Axe-Bad Axe Fete Aug. 18-21. R. P. Buckley.

Big Rapitts-Amoleon Lexten AgeL Fair Ansn, Sept, A-12 Oscar W. Franck

Cadillac.-Northern District l'air. Sept. 7-11. H. Earl 11411111tt.

Sept. 21-20, F.

S... Sept. 21-28.

13ne. Sept. 7-11,

Fair Floe, Sept.

C•re-Tuscola Co, Pair Assn, Aug: 34-2$, Carl F. Manley,

CentervIlle--8t. Joseph Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 22-26. IL C. Hagenbuch. There Myer., Mien.

Charlotre-Ealon Co. 4.14 Agri. 800. Sept. 1-1. Hans E. Hugel,

Croswell-Cruwell Agri. Soc. Aug. 25.38-J. D. Galbraith,

Detroit-Michigan State Pal, Sept, 4-13. George A. Preecott Jr.

East Jord•n---Charlevols Co. Aare 0,45, Sept. 15-ta. Chao P. Murphy.

Eacanaba Upper Peninsula State Pair, Aug. 17-23, Robert C. Ferial.

Evart-Oaten. Cu. Fait, An, 26.12, Edgar York.

Fowlerville-Fowlerville Agri. See. Oct. 7-10. Th.. O. Weeds.

Harriman .Clare Co. Agri Soc. Sept. 15•18. John C. Kernenle

II•el-Cruaria Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 6-11, G. L. Wyckoff,

Hartford-Vt. Buren Co. >air. Prot 1541. Peul r. Richter.

Ileating•-lierry Co. Fair. Sept. 8-12, Maur-ice Foreman.

iinjedele-linisdalv Co. Agri, Soc. Sept. 27-Oct. 3, It U. Kelley.

/relay City-Lapeer Co. Fair. Sept, 14-18, Frank Itathaburg.

Dole lonla Free Fair, Aug. 17-22. Fred A. Chapman.

Iremisond ()pueblo Co. Pole An, 13-22. Y. M. Hansen. Wakefield, Mira

Ithaea-Oratiot Co. Agri, Soo Week nf Aug. 10. George WInger.

Jackson-Jackson Co. At. Soo Sent 1.5. S. R. Hitsely.

Halamuno-Katannzon On Fair. Ana. 10-13. It T. CrandelL Caro. Mich.

Marne-Berlin Fair, Sept. 1.4. Mrs. Harvey Walcott, it R. 2, Cuperuille. Miele

Marquette Marquette Co. Agrl. Erne Aug. 25. 20. Winn C. illosneer.

Muahall-Calhoun Co. lealr Au.. Aria 30.28. B. D. Carpenter.

Maeon-Ingharn Co. Agri. 15«, Aug, 26-21. Lloyd R. Deane.

Memel untand Co. Fate Ann. see, n.13, Oren r• Them., •

Muakegon-Muskeson Co. Junior Expo. Sept. 13-18. C. H. Unapt,

Northville-Northville. Wayne Co. Fair Assn. Aug. :e.-20. P. A. Berliner.

Norway-Dlcienson Co. Fair. Sept. 4.7 Art Lonaelorf. Court Huse. lam Mountain. M/clo

Petoskey-Northern Tri-C.. Free Fair, Aug. 25.21i. H•rend O. fret., ASIsmoo. Much.

Pickford' Plckford District Vale Sept. 1.4, John H Win.

SegInen-Saginaw Pair. Sept. 13-10 Wm, F, Jahnke,

St•laurt-elnlerret Agrl. 80c. Oct. 1-2. R. O. Crawford.

Traverse Cite-Nuthwestren Mira Fair Aun, Aug. 21-Sept. 1. Arnell Engstrom.


Ada-Nurnan O,. Fair. July 2-4. A. C. Pederson.

Anktn-Attkin Co. Agri. Su. Aug. 34-36. W. F. Murphy,

Albert Lea-Fruborn Co. Fair. Aug. 24.27. Andrew C. Hanson.

Atexandua-Donglas Co. Agri. Assn. Atilt 20-19, It. 8. Thornton.

Anoka -Auk, Co. AHL Soc. Appro.. Ana. 10-12. George W, Oreen,

Appleton. Swift Co. Fair Aeon. Aug 19-23. J. G. Anderson,

Arlington sIbley CO. Agit. Assn. Aug. 20-22. 0. 8. Vesta,

Autln-Mower Co. Agri Soc. Sept. 2.5. B. J. Huselay. Adam, Minn.

Bagley-Clearwater Co. Aerl. Sloe. Aug. 11-35. P. L. Renne.

Parnum-Carlton Co. Agrl. et Induat Assn. Aug. 35-27. A H. Dathe.

Paridette-Lake of the Woods Co. Felt Ann, Aug 13-14. John F. Clark

E•yport-Washineten Cto Agri. eioe Aug. 21-)3. A. L. 8lotvall. Bellonter. Minn.

Demidil -Beltrami Co. Palr Asan, Aug 36-21. F. M. Taylnr.

Bird leland-Renville Co. Agri. Ann , SePt• 14-16. H. W. Mtelke.

Blue Ireeh-Feribault Co. Agri, Soc. Sept. 2.4, SVereee Werner.

BuckenrIdge-WIlkIn AgrL At Fair Ann. Sept. 10-12. F, A. Ludelido

Caledonia-H.1Ru Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 24-21. Ed Znannerhakl.

Cernbeldge-Isantl Co. Fair. Sept. 2.3 L. O. Carlean

Canby-Yellow Medicine Co. Pair, Aug. 24.26 J. H. Talent,

Cannon Falls-Cannon Valley Age. Aun July 1-4. Carl 0. Olson.

Clinton-Big stoni co. Iseel. SOS. Sept. 2-5-F, W. Watkins_

Dauel-Donet Free Fair, Oct. 1-3, O. 5-

Dornit Lakes-Becker Co. Falr Amen. Aug. 27.39. E. E. Burnham,

Elk River-elherburne Co. Mn. Soo Sept. 2-5. C. E. Slower.

Fremont Martin Co. Agri Soc. Sept. 14-16. FL C. Nolte.

Forlbault --Paribault Pair Aun. Aug. 10-13 Carl Hansen.

Farmington-Dearest Co. Agrl. Su. Sept. 23-11 T. .4. Wove.

Fergus Palls-Otter Tail Co. Agri. Soc. de Pair Aun. Aug. 10-22. A. W Tornhave,

Peelle-Polk Co. Aerrl Fair AMA, June Te-July 1. Jos. W. lieseland.

Penton-Northwestern Minn. Agrl. Anon. Aug. 27-30. It. Abutted.

Garden City-Blue Earth Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 24-26. A. D. McCormack.

Olenwood -Pope C.,. Fair Assn. Sept 1440. W. H. Engebretson.

Grand Marais-Cook Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 10-18. Wm. Clinch.

Grand Ropida-ltana Co. Agri_ Assn, Aug-18.30. Allen J. Doran.

li•llock-Klenn Co. Agrl. Soc. June 25-37. Duffle Larson.

Herman -Orant Co. AgrL Aun, Supt. 3-S-E, R. Haney.

IlIbblne- St. Louts 00. Pale Aug. 38-30. °urge C. Pantry.

llopktne-Ilenneprn Co Agrl. Soc. Aug. 27-29 Jimmie Manchester.

Howard Lake-Wright CO. Agrl. Su. Sept. 3-5. E. D_ Eddy.

Hutchinson-W.1, nd CO. Agri. Asan. Sept. 21-24. Everett (Hewn,

58 The Iiiiibeenrel LISTS June 27, 1936

Jackaon-Jaelson Co. Far Ann. Sept. 4-7 George It Peterson.

Jordan-Scat Ca. pad Seed Ann. Sept. 17-Mt cremes B. Bleat,

Xenon Data Co. Fag Aug. 2147. 0. A. 13.r

Le-Center --LeSlicer Co. Far. Aug. 14-16. W. J. Baker.

LiteWield-Meeker Co. Agel. Soc. Approx. Aug. 20-fl O E. Murphy, Dann Minn.

Little Falls Morrison (Jo. Fair. Aug. 22-24. A. I. Stone

Llnlefork -Northern Minn. District rate Ann. Aue 15-1.1. George Dail/

Lung Prairie-Todd Co. Act. She Aug. 21-26. L. Lances., Clarissa. Minn.

Loverne-Roek Jo. Tri-Slate Fair. Aug. 37-3.0_ George W. Fried.

Madison-Lac gut Pale Co. Awn Soc. Sept. 13-16. Olaf T. Mork.

Malmornen-Malmomen Co. Agri. Aran. July 3-4. IC A. Mantel....

Intankato-Mankato Fair As 1115.4 Earth Co. Age.. Ann. Aug. 45-13. Roland E. Oleon.

Islaistall-Lvon Co. Agri. Dog Sept. 1-4. R. W. Wiillame.

Montevideo-Chipper. Co. Fair. Sept. 14-10. Falkenbagen.

Idora--Kannac Co Agrl. Hog Aug. 23-26. E. J. Randall.

Morris titmenn Co. Agrl. Sa. Sept. 5•0.

B. P. Tomlin. Nevle-fluboad Co. Agrl. Man. Sept. 13-17-Mra. Chas A. Smith.

New Ulm-Brown Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 27-30. Wm. A. Lindemann.

Northfield-Rio Co. Age!. Enc. Aug. 27-29. W. P. Schilling Sr.

Notthome-Koachiching Co. Aga. Soc. Aug 119-21, 0. W. Bray.

Owatonna-Sent Co. Mn. Soc. Aug. 13-23. O. A. 'Daher.

Park Rapids-shell Prairies Agri. Ann. Aug. 3l-8.ept. 3. B. IL Breuer.

Pequot-Crow Wing Co. Agri, Soc. Aug. 4-9. A. C. Larson.

Pe. halo-Perham Aar!. Cog Approx. Age. 24-38. C. W. Letterer.

Pillagar-Can Co Agrl. Poe. Moros. Sept. 11-15. P. H. Sorg.

Pine City-Pine CC. Fair. Aug. 20-23. W. S.

Meracharn. Pine laver-Can CO. Agrl. Alien. Aug 21-24 Allm Henry.

Plpentone-Plastone Co. Fair. Aug. 2.11-32. Roy ?galosh.

Plainview-Wabasho Co. Fair Ann. Aug. TI-M. R. L. Irleh,

Preston-Fillmore Co. Agri. Bog. Aug. 37-3g. Citas. 21. Utley.

Pr...ton-5411P, Lars Co. Agri. tioe. Aug. 26-29. Lou. W. Stolle.

Proctor-St Loun Co. Fair Ann. Aug, 21-33. A. .1. Sundquist.

Redwood Falln-Redwood Co. Agrl. Bite. Sept. 211-0el. 1. W. A. Hauck.

Rochentee-Olmtted Co. Agri. Ann. Aug. 14-10. J. O. DeCin. mgr.

Erman-Rona. Co. Aga. Soc. July 22-24 Chas. Calstiennon.

Rush Cliy-Chingo CO. Agri Boe. Aug. 27-

29. George W. Larson. North Branch, Minn. St C:...ries--WInaso Co. Agri. Fair Assn. AM/

..1.73. R. M. Moan. St Cloud Ilentos Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 21-33. Frank L. Smith.

St. James-Wormlwan Co. Agrl. Asen. Aug. 24-34. E. C. Vellum,

St. Paul-Minnesota State Par, Sept, 3-12 Raymond A. Lee. State Fairgrounds.

SM. Peter-Eleatic Co. Amyl. Soc. Sept. 1-4. J. J. Cliflord.

Sauk Center- -S'enfla Co. Agri. Sec Aug. 29.31. J. A. fachoenholt

Shekopee-8cott Co. Mel. Floe Approx. Aug 11-15. R. T. B. hurnacher.

Slayton-Murray Co. Amt. St. Sept. 3-3, W. IV Leebens, Fulda. Minn.

Thief Riser Pa.-Pennington Co. Agri. Soc. Aug 4-7 itentatina. Hat J. Lund.

Two 'Bubo's-Lake Co. Agit. finc. Aug. In. 22. Fred D. W. Titles.

Tiler Litman Co. Far Man. Mir 27-30. Jens B. Bolleam

We...la-Farm-re Co-Op. Agri. Soc. Aug. 30-22. Il A. Eitahlke.

W•den•-teradena Co. Free Par. Aug. 17-20. Whitney Murray.

Wanes Waseca Cu. Agrl. Son. Sept. 1-3. PI H. 8mIth.

Wheaton-Traverse Co. Agri. Men. Sept. 16-19 J. B. Bruns

White Byer Lake-Reminey Co. Fair. Aog. 20•23. Robert Freeman 731 Court House, St. Paul.

-Kandlyohl Co. Pair Ann. Sept. X-19. Wm_ O. Johnson.

Windom-Cottonwood Co. Ace!. Soc. Aug. 11-Sept. 3. Phil 0 Redding.

Werthlngton-NYbles Co. Fall Aesn. Aug. 31-Sept. 3. Agar. Hansen.

Zurnbrota-Cloodhue Cu. Agri. Soc. Sept. 14-lg. Lewis Bonfield.


Charleston-Tallahatchie Co. Free Par Assn. Oct. 5-10. J L. Burnett.

Clakedale -Del. a Staple Cotton rent./ Sept 9-11. Mrs T. A. Malcom.

Columbun Columbus Radlun Far. Oct. 12-17. R E Johnston.

Cormth-Nortie 161.....-West Tenn. Pair A. Dairy Show. Sept. 24-Oct. 3. .1. A. Darn-aby.

haziehurst--Coplah Co. Fain Aran. Oct. 0-16 Win Long.

Jitramo -- -MinsintOPI State Far. Oct, 19-24. Mabel L. Sties

Koren...go Attela Co. Fair. Oct. 12.17. Jones Woodward

Lake-Petrone Union Fair A,Stl. Aug. I-7. W A. Johnson. Newton. Mtn.

Laurel-South Mina, Fair. Oct. 12-17. K. P. Ford

LoolsvIlle-WInston Co. Par. Oct. 12-17. Mo, R. W. Dovdstun.

Meadville-Prima. Co. Pire Fair. Ott. 21-21 Jim A. Torrey.

Meridian Mims. Pair A: Dairy Ann Sept. 26. Oct. 3. Hillman Taylor

ratchet-A.6.ra Co. Par. American Legion. Martin A. Burke. adj

New Aug...la-Ferry Co Far. Oct 8-10 Philarelphta >reshape CA. Far Ann. Aug.

10-14 W H Sanford Jr. Tupelo -Min -Ala. Fair Men. Oct."1-10. F. A Henderson.

Taco City-T.00 CO. Pair Aran. Week of Oct 5. D Woleratelet

Yazoo CIO Ypeno Negro Fair Assn. Oct. 12-17. R. J. Place.

MISSOVEI Albany -Clentry Co. Agri. Bog Sept. 2-4. T.

C. Haardrifig. AnPletun Clil - Appleton City Pair Ann. Aug.

26-38. Mira Estella Ritchie. Carolltor-Carroll Co. Live-Block Shove. Aug.

ts-4. Weiler McGuire. CaruthersvIlle-American Legion Par. Oct-

6-11. Cleorta Oral, gen. mgr. Concordia- Cencordt• Fall Pes-tus-al. Sept. 24-Mt W. H. P Walkentsoret.

Easton-Flochanan Co. Mn. Sor. Sept. 0-12. Henry B. Ian,

Jima. Jasper Pair. Sept. 17-10. N H. Pat-terson.

'Calmat - Clark On. Fair Assn. Aug. 4-7. Lynne Gregory.

Banns clt.. .Aenerlean Royal Live Stock As Ham Show. Oct 17-24. le H. Servettos

1.ce , Sorninit-Leee flurnenit Fair. Aug. 17-19, W. W. Browning

Macon-Macon Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 10-13. B. H. McQuay.

Mansfield- Ozark Summit Expo. Aug. 6-6. Jame. H. Davis.

Mountain 0.ove--TrI-Cmrsty Pair Assn. Oct. 1-3. W. A. Hoffarta

Be-mho-Newton Co Harvest Show. Sept 29-Oct. 2 C. it Dorn.y,

Oak Grove -Oak (trove l'air. Aug. 14.15.5. M. Frick.

Pals-Monroe Co. Fag Aug. 11-13, George M. Ragsdale.

Platte Cur-Platte Co Agri. Asen. Sept 2-1. Prank Briton

Poplar Wall Sutter Co. Fair Ann. Sept. 11-111. Hankell B Bloodwoeth

Prairie ffeoa k_cloopee Co. Agri. &C.c. Aug. 12-13. Dr. A. L. Meredith.

Frtnceton--Mereer Co Fair. Aug. 10-22. Fred E. Floyd.

Sedalia-Missouri State Fair. Aug. 22-29. Chas W. Greed.

Sheibine-dbelby Co. Fair. Sept. 1-4. Ernest E. Key.

Thos. i-Oroon Co. Fair Ann. Sept. 14-19. R. H. Withana.

Instals Farmer, & Merchants' Fair. Aug. 13-31, Feed W. firlunidt

MONTANA Baker-Falinn Co. lar Assn. Sept. 17-19.

Sims'. Empire Fair. Aug. 10-15.

!lacy L._ Fitton, mgr. Chinook-Blaine Co. Fag Sept. 5-7. Jansen

OrIffin. Cuibertson Roosevelt Co. Fair Ann, Sept.

3-2. A. W. Warden. Dodbon-Faillps Ca. Pair. Aug. 31-30. a

E. Kodalen Folasth - Rosebud Co. Fair. Sept. 14-16_ Ralph D. Mercer.

Fort Benton-Chauteau Ga. Fair. Sept. 11-13. L. It. Loundaan.

filendive Dawson co. Fair. Sept. 21-23. Crest Falls-North Montana State Fair. Aim

3.11. Harold P. Depot,. Havre-Hill Co. FRO. Aug. 25-27. Earl J. Bromon.

Eolispen Flathead Co. Pelt Sept: 14-17. Walter %Welker.

Li a/blown-Central Montana Fair. Aug. 26-21. W. E. McConnell.

Mlles City-Ean sc. Montana Fair. Sept. 10-13. J. 11, Joining.

Mis-rada-Wedern Montana Fair. Sept. 1-5 inobject to chassis., Chas. Kelm

Rinney-Rtehland Co. Fair Assn. flea. 7-9. Jack M. Bookstore(


Albion-Ilona co. Am.. Ann. Sept. 15-18. It J Millie, Lerctto. Neb.

Arlington Warn neon Co. Agri, Soe. Sept. 1-4 Howard Riles.

Arthur Arthur CO. Agrl. SOC. Sept. 3-5. Ira E. Sage.

Auburn-remains Co Far Attn. Aug. 311. Sept. I. G. E. Coding..nl,

Aurora-Heralran Co. Ann. Soc. Aug. 24-2... H. E. Toot

Bassett-- Rock Co. Agri_ Men. Aug. 20-22. Vern Van Norman.

Beatrice-Gage Co. Peet Fate Men. Bent. 22-25. J. O. Bozarth.

Entree City-Varian Co Agri. Soc. Sept. 1,4. R. L. Clare',

F.laden-Webster Co. Fair tain. Aug. 24-25, Carl G. Warch•er.

Illoondield--/Cnot C3 Live Stock & tar Aeon. Sept. 13-16 Henry F. Kuhl. Plainview. Neb.

1.1.1trepert- Morelli Co. D'air Asset Sept. 7-9. E. M Bigelow

Broken Dow-Ouster Co. Agri. Soc. Sept, 2-4. P. CI. Richardson.

Durwell-Charfleld Co. Frontier Fair Ann. Aug. 12-14 le. W. Manna..

Central City-Merrick Co. Fair. Sept 1-4. Vi rile Hensley

Chadran-Dowes Co. l'air dt Agri. SOC. IMPS $-12. Harry T. Sly

Chambers South Pork Troll Co. Agri. Bog Sept. R-11 Clair Crimes.

Chappell Deal Co Pair Ann. Sept. 2.4. 8. E. Olson.

Clay Center-Clay Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 21-25. H. H. Bracey.

Conenset-Tmon Co. Agri. Sne. Aug. 26-24. Roy It Johnson,

Crete--Saline Co. Pain. &me 15-16. Harry C. Delta

Culbertson Hitchcock Co. Aga Floc. Aug. 16-21. Loyd H. Metz,.

Decid City -Butler Co. Aerl Soc. Sept. 15-IA. Chas Lemley. Mang City. Neb.

Deahler-Thayer Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 25-28e K. J. Grupe.

DunnIng-artne Co Axel. Assn. Sept. 17.19. ¡'ele Whileseerver.

Elanal-Cinsper Co. Stork Show. Sept. 16-18. George T. Burt,

Earls Frontier Co Par. Sept. 23-25. 0. C. Murette.

Franklin -Franklin Co. Pale. Aug. 27-29. Mille Grace. ISIonmIngton, Neb.

Pulicton-Nance Co. Fair Anal. Aug 25-70. E M. Black.

Cleave-All:more Co. Agrl. Roc. Sept. Chas O PArreehren.

Cladeln-Sherldon Co. Tale At Rodeo, Sent 2-4. Fred B. FItch

Orant-Peetins Fair Amu, Aug. 25-2k. Tut A. Burns

Harrison-. anus Cs Aga. Ann. Aug. 27-29. V. E. Marsteller.

Hatlna-Adara CO. Agell , Am.. Ana. 31-Slats 8. delay FL Pausal-

Hatinelon-Cedar Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 11-11, Maumee Lammers

Ilen.Ingford- ¡los Butte Co. Aga Soc. Sept. 1-3. Frank Dee.

floldrege-Phen. Co. Agri. laoc. Aug. 26-38. It. M. Mortise, R. 1, Loomis. Nth

Iturnboldt-Riehardeon Co. Agit soc Sept. 16-111. P. J. Pipe/

itooper-Dooge Co. Pair. Sept. S-1!. N. E. Fhafer.

Hyannis-Ora. Co. Agri. Soc. fa Rodeo. Sept. 1-2. Ira It. Arbley.

Keenney.-Butralo co. Agri. Ann. Aug. 24-26. Allen Cook.

Kimball-Kimbell CO. Agri. Soc. Aug. 27-22-V. B Cargill.

LeIgh-Colfaz Co. Agrl. Soo Sept. D-11. J. D. Wordemat

Lewellen Garden CO. Agri. Assn. Sept. 8- 11. Paul Temple,

Lexington-Dawson Co. Fate Agen. Sept. 1-1. Mark E. Matte.

Lincoln-Nebraska State Par 4. Expo. Sept. 6-11 Perry Reed

Lincoln-- Lancaster CO. Agri. Soc Sept. 6- II. B. F. Preston. R. I.

Loon City-Shannon Co. Agri, Soc. Sept. Is-la. Mao Teton.

McCook Red Willow Co. Fair. Aug. 11-14. Elmer Hay.

Madieen-Madteon Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-1, O. F. Metnchke.

hillchell-Senite Bluff Co. Agit. Sae. Sept. 14-19. 0 P. Inn cos,

Nenon-Antelope Co. Agri. ge. Far Ann. Sept. La c E Ward,

Nelson- Nuckolis Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 16-111. Mailmen Rage.

Norden-Keyeishe Co. Agri. Fair Ann. Sept. 9-11. L. G. Evans.

Oakland-Burt Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 23-27, C. If Welton Lyors, Neb.

Ogallala- Kean Co. Far Assn. Aug. 19-22. Ft E. Searle.

Omaha-Me-Dar-Ron Liar Stock Ad Horse dthpor ad Rodeo. Oct. 25-31. J. J. Isaacson, mgr.

0,4-Loup Valley Agri, Soc. Aug. 31-37. 6. W. Roe.

Ortega Harlan Co. Jr. Fair Ann. Aug. 111-22. Al Jerdan.

Osceola- Polk Co. Fair Assn. Auer 25-21. Jay Hastings.

Pawnee rity -Pawnee Co. Pair Ann. Sept. 23- Ott 2. D. W. Osborn.

Pierce Pierce Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 25-28, W. A. Roche.

Si fail-Snaaed Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 11-11. Charles Dobry.

Beetbner-Aerlbner Stock Show. Sept. 16-111. W. IL Ilasebroock.

seward____seward CD. Agri, Soc. Sept 1-1. Stanley A. Matzke.

Signey-Cheyenne CO. Pal, Sept. II-11. 0. A. Olson.

Spedding-Elpaldine /ten Assn. Aug. 17-20. Leland E Woalley,

Stanton-Btonton Co. Agri. Ann, Aug. 19-21. Feria E. Pont.

Staple..1 Loom CO. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-13, Robert Moore.

Stockyille-Prontier Co. Fair. Aug. 24-27. Ralph K. Llditard.

Fsraruse • atoe Co Min Anon. Sept. 2-4. J. F Soroll

Tecumseh -Johnson Co. Fair. Sept. 14-It, T. J. Carent,

Valentine-Cherry Co Agrl. ti Lise Stock Assn. Sept. 8-11. W. It Haley,

Wahno--Saunders Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 26-20. R. C. Anderson.

WalthIll .Thumlon Co. Far. Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Alfred D Ratan.

Waterloo-- amain Co. Fair. Sept, 1649 Robert Herrington.

Wayne-anon Co. Far Ann- Sept. 16-19. t4m. E. VonPegeern.

Weeping Waer -C.o.. Co. AO, Soc. Sept. 15-10 Frank E. Wood.

Went Pant-Caning Co. Far, Aug. 30-Sept-a. Ed M. Ile:menu


Winnemucca-Humboldt Co. Fete Ann. Sept. 1-7. II. C. Oentler, peen

NEW nn.ursnotr Center Sandwiels-flandarls Town de Orange

Fair Ann, Oct. 12. Chan B. Hoyt mire Drerflcle1-13entleld Fate Man. Moab*, Oct.

7-1_ E. D Kelsey. R F. D., Go5scine.

Lancaster-Cons k YOsex Agri Soc. Sept. 5-S. Carroll Stoughton,

PIttnifeld-Pittnfield Mel Falr Ann, Sept In-12. James atontcomery.

Plymouth-Union Orange Fair assn. Sept. 15-17, W. A. Kimball.

Ifochnster-rmehrster Fair. Sept. 20-0Ct. 3. Ralph E. Came,

Tanntorth--Carroll Co. Pair Attn. Sept. 111-19. Chas Wigan.

NEW JERSEY Oridgeton-ciarden State Fair, EPP/ 1S-19.

F. D. Emerson. Egg Harbor City-A:lad IC 00. Age!. Fag

Sept, 2-5. A. 0 Vautrinot, Far 11111e-Par Hills Fair, Sept. 10.12, Min

H. A. Beek, care of Niue. F. O. Lloyd. Bernardsville

Plemlngton - Flemington Agt: Fair Asan, Sept. 1-7, Major E. S. Allen. mar.

Hackettntoan--Ifackettntown Fair. Aug. 1-11. Howard Et Button.

Malmn-Far. .Paly 7-13 Addran Box 147. Pornan-Oloarstes Co. Grange Par. Au'

26-29 Harry S. Ilalemen. Tenons'. - Trenton Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 1. Harry E. LeBreque. mgr.

Venodstown-Fialem Co. Farodeo. Aug. 4-7. Howard Harris Jr.


Fortalea--Rooacrell Co. Pair. Annex. Sept, 5-9. Arthur Jones.

Roswell-rastern N. M. State Fair. Oct 7-10. Myron 8. Prager.

Willard-Torrance Co. Fair Assn, Oct. 7-9,

NEW YORK Alton-Afton Pair. Aug. la-22. Harry fl Metal,

Albion -Albion Fair. Aug. 1-8. Wilbur W Mull,

Ai iusrsss'.fli-capltoi Dzetrict Far Aug 16.15. Ralph A. Ilankineon. dig mar Roy F. Penal, trey.. It. D. 2. Ralston Spun, N. Y.

Ancelio-Alleg•ny Co. Agri Eta Era. 3-3. L L. Fittliweil. 3,-cn-Cierguec %ranee nrceaert• A5211. Sept

1-3. Thelma IT. Clemente. Ealiston Spa .8andera Co. Agri : Bee. Sept.

1-4, James B. Hunan.

Batavia- Genesee Co. Agri. Boa, Mtg, 17-23, Ci. W. Orman.

Bath-eiteubsr. Co. ASTI, See. Sept 15-11. John M. Farr,

Boonville-Boonville Fair Assn. Aug. 34 R. H. Ryder. mgr.

Brookfield Brooefield-Maolaon Co. Agri. goe, Sept. 7-10 Dean M Warden,

Caledonta-Caleslonl• Fair, Aug. fl-l5. O. H. Collings.

Conanclagua -Ontario Co Agrl. Soc. Sept, 16-19 Carleton it. Claw, Holcomb. N. N.

Chatharn-Culumbia Cu. Agri. Soc. Sept. 5.1. Wm. A. Darden,

Cohleskilt-OePeklil Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21.16, Wm. H. poising

Cortland -Cbrtland Co. Agrl. bog Aug. 24-M. MO, y R. Tanner,

Deposit-Deposit Fair Aug. 4-9. W. Jacob.. Dundee-Dundee Pair Anon. Sept. rum

L. It. Hanneer Dunkirk-Choutluqua Co. Agri, Corp. Rea.,

7-11. A. L. Pli Elar•--Cheenu.s. Co Agri. Soc. Aug. Ii-

Sept. 5. J. E. Willianan. Fouda-Montgosnery Co Aga, Roc, Sept 3.

10. Edward Rothmever, Teuiu.u, 11111 N y Oloonville-Fulton-Hamillon Agrl. Soc. Sept.

1-5 C. V. Magna., Gouverneur Ciouyerneur Agri. Soc. Alit. iga

33. /High A. Dodds. Ilarnbag-Erle Co. Agrl, Soc. Aug. 31-gesd,

S. J. C. Newton. Herniock-itendock Lake Union Agri fg,c.

Oct. 1-3, Glenn C. Mellinelt Conesus N y, Ithaca Lumpish. Co. Agri. SOC, Aug. 11.22, Chas, A. Smith.

Kinenton-Uister Co. Agra. Soc. Sept. 25-21, E. W. Hathaway.

L'ttlr Vailey-Cottaraugus Co. Aga. 13a. 26-29_ J. W. Watson.

Lockport-Ningaa Cu. Agri. Men, Aug. 24-29. P. E. Pease. mgr.

Lowsile- Lenta Co Agrl. SOC. Aug. 35-71 M. M. Lyman,

Malone-Franklin CO. Aga. Ex. Aug. 25-75 H. B. Kelley,

MIddletown-Orange Co. Agri, 8.X. Aug. :7. 22. Alan C. Madden.

Maple Mineola Fair. Sept. 21-20. Fred D Baldwin,

Morrie-Morris Fair Ann, Sept. 13-13, C. L. Smith.

Naples-Naar. Age., Eire Sept. 13-13. Orins L. Emory.

Nassau-Nassau Tilt. Sept. 15-1g. Chan. O. lOyneer.

Norach-Chenatig0 C, Agel. 8a. Sept. Pt It. D. Case,

Orangeburg-Rockland Co. Agrl Ann, A-pt. 2-6. W. J. Elliott West Nyark. N. V

Owego--Tiega Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 24-29, In-ward il. Pane Barton. >r, Y.

Palmyra-Palmyra Union Açrl, EXC. Elets. :3-26. W, Ray Convects.

Fenn lea..-1 (..tes 00. Agri. Floe, Ang. 21•:O. Charles M. Watkins.

Prtry-Slivee Lake act Soc. Aug. 20-26. L C. Tyler.

.Fellnebect-Dutchene Co. Agri, Ann. Sept 5. Denson R. Rost

Riverhead raiolk Co. Fair. AUg. 25-a Prank M. Corwin,

Rochnter-Rothenter Expo. Ann. Sept. 7-:2. Wen B Hoothey.

Sandy Creek-Sandy Creek Fair. Aug. il -II. Dr_ J. H. ashen.

Sauna Lake Adirondack reg. Aeon. Jaly -. F. B. Canteen.

Schaghticoke-Iteeneelaer Co. Agri. Sot, dept. 7-10. Parnaso P. Caird, Tray. N. Y.

Syraune-New York BOO Fair. Sept. 11-12, On Albert L. Drown, dir.

Trumansborg-I.Mion Agri. S. Sept, 10-Oct 3. P. F. Seers,

Vernon Vernon Age), Soc. Sept. 16-10. 11 ,..1 C. Smith

Walton-Delea are. Valley Agrl. Soc. Aug la. Harry McCabe.

Waterlon-15..nera Co Agrl, Sa. Sept. 15-lb George C. Starkey.

Watertown Jederson Co Agri. Soc. Aug 1-Is. B. Ward /team. ma

Watkins Glen-Sehayier Co. Agri. Soc. wpi. 16-il, Milo )1.tcneock. N. Y.

Wealport-Enex Cs, Agri. 80e, Ass;. 25-21 Dr. W. D. Way,

Whitney Point-Broome Co. Agri. Flog All. 4-7 Itentattvet Ransom Franklin.


Arenkle-Atlantm District Fair. Oct. 13-ll. T. E. Reid.

Albemarle-Stara/. Co. Far Min. Week of Oct. 5. P. R. Patterson.

Asheboro -Randolph CO. Far, Sept. 25•0.1. 3. O. M. Haworth,

Arian.> DOneembr Co. District Agri. Far. Sept. 21-26. E. W. !Macon.

Braufort--Carteret Co Fair Oct. 12-19. Carthage-Moore Co. Agrl Fair , Week 1, Oct 12. Paul H. Waddlii

Cheroker-Cherokee Duellers Par ASS. 0. I.-9 J. L. Walters

Clinton-Sampson Co. Fair. Oct. 26-31. Nor-mes) Y. Chamalln. ma Raleigh. N. C.

Eurisin-Dothaln Co. Far. Week a pert. 31. M. V. Lawrence,

Ellenhoro--Coleas Free Fair. Annex, IS. Corola Price

Fayetteville-Cumberland Co. Fair. Sept. 70-Oct. 3. It. O. Cobb.

Gastonia-Caton Co. Fair, Sept. 38-0et• 3, F. A. Whlteade,

Guidaboro--Wasne Co Agrl, SOC. Week of Oct. 19. W. C. Denmark. mgr.

C.eenebore.--arecaboro. Oct. 10-24, Noma Y. Chamblien. mgr.. myrigry. N. C.

H.aternon-Golden Ileit rr.1 ,. Oct. 19-23 C. M. Hight,

Henderson-Vence Co Colored Fag Oit 26-21 T A. WHItame.

Henan-m..111r Hrt.gernon Co. Fate Ass. Sept. 32-26, John L. Loy.

Ifickory-Catewhe Dtstrtct Far. Bent 7!" Oct. 3. John W. Robinson.

Wonton-Nruse-Ationtte Fairs, Inc. Oc. 11. 17. N. G. Bartlett

L. urinburg-aland 04111 Fair of ficallamt Ca Oct. 27-30. B 24 McLeod.

L. ...nettle Rockingham. Co. Pale Ann, S'7‘ 14-19 J. L. Clacton, mgr.; R. T. an ,. secy.

Littleton-Linielon TrI-Co, Pals Oct. 10-e T. It Walter

Loarborg Franklin Co. Pals Oct. 5-10. A H. Pleating

Lumberton -11011.1.0n Fair Men. Sept. 22-15 W. O. Thompson.

Jane 27, 1936 LISTS The Billboard 59

leerion-MeDowell CO. Pak Alan. Sept. 22-26. fl. D. Hoover.

mdse.-Mebane Slx-County Fate. Sept. 28 Oct. 3. C. e Parnell.

isenrof- Unton Co. Fair Attn. Oct. 13-17. M. W. Williams.

*uteri.- Davie Co. Pair Ann. Sept. 30-oet, 2. P. 8. Young.

Penh Wilkesboro Great Wilke, Fair. Sept. 14-19. W. A. MrNiel.

geeigh-North Caroni. State Fair, Oct. 12-11. Norman Y. ChambIna. mgr.

yosideville--Reldnille Fair Ann. Oct. 5-10. neon Weinstein.

tarty Mount-Rocky Mount Pair. Sept. 2/1-Oct. 3. Nuristan Y. Chum's..., mar., Heleniv

eriumary-Rowan Co. Fate Oct. 28.31. Nor-man Y. Chan-obit.. mer, Raleigh, N. C.

wild-Cleveland 'Co. Fair. Oct. 6-10. Dr. J Dorton.

gfelbf--Cleveland Co. Negro Pale Oct 14-17. tee. A. W. Foals,.

gproce Pine-toe River Pail' Ann. Sept. 15-19, W. M. Wleernan.

Iirboro-Contal Plain Pair. Oct. 27-30. Dr. J. P. Knelt

Innew Du-,lin Co. Agrl. Fate Nov. 0-14. R. D. Johnson.

Walungton-llerosfort Co. Fate Oct. 12-17. F. T. McDevett.

wason-Halltax co. Fair. Oct. 5-10. T. R. Walker, Littleton. N. C.

Wriedell-Eatt Make Pole Approx. Mat week in Sept. O. H. Wright Jr.

Williarnston - WIlliarnatno Pale Nov. 2-7. Norman Y. Chamollas. mg, Raleigh. N. C.

•WtIron Co. Fair. Oct. 5-10. W. IL Dunn.

mutton-Salem - Winston-Salem As Forsyth Ce. Fair. Oct. 5-10. O. C. McNair.

NORTH DAKOTA ando-Towner Co. Pole July 3-4. Lyle

gano--North Dakota State Fair for Fargo. Jul) 6-11. Prank S. Talcutt.

vf,iendere-Wella C v Free Fair. July 7-10, Edw, W. Vancura.

liatton-ilurke Co. Fair Ar Agri. Ann. Jul). loll id. C. Wood. llowhena. N. D.

Grand Porka-Nortn Dakota State Pair for Ciro. Yorke. June 22-27. D. F. McGowan. race

Reculton-Pembina Co. Fair. July 16-18 Franklin Page. .

hrrirstown - Stuntman Co. Pair Assn. July 7.4. 0. A. °Binger.

1.,,,don_cavall.r Co. FMB Assn. July 13-15. B. E. Oroorn.

Mine-Northwett Fair Aeon. June 25-July 4. R. L. Motu


Adtiond-Aehland Co, Agri. Soc. Sept. 22-24. A. H. Sutton.

Ash!ey-Aanley l'air. Aug. 6-8. Harry S. Wigton

An , ita.. Athena Co Agri. Soc. Aug. 35-38. Herb J. Parker.

Attics-Attica Pals. Sent. 30-Oct. 2. Carl /I Carpenter.

gamed Barlow 5,11. Anon. Sept. 24-25. C. II Lawton.

liellefontolne- Logan Co, Agrl. Zoe. Sept. 32-25 A B. llover.

Brindle --0f/Itelle Ind. Agrl. Soc. fler. Pain. Sept 1042, Glenn L. Shorter.

Peen Cuyalmga Cl. Agri Soc. Sept. 15-19, R.J. Oren. Dover Center, O.

Estilon-Illuftton Agri. Soc. Oct. 21-24. Retry F. Barnes.

8.,,,,,,...-crowford Co. Agel. Sot Aug. 26.28. Merin S. Lew!.

finiten_orauga Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 4-7. Paul It. Calvin.

Cadis-liarnson Co. AM 13«. Sept. 115-18-ils•s•rd J Cortland.

Caldwell-Noble Co. Fate Sept. 2-4. 0. J. Lonna

Cann. MalionIng Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 3-7. 1 R. Meter. 1404 Central Tower. Youngs-teat

Cameo-Stark Co. Agri. Sot Sept- 7-10. Ed 6. WIleon.

Carrollton-Carroll Co. Ant. S. Sept_ 30-Cel. 3. Mro J M Scott.. Ifaileni Springs. O.

Conflate. Chinn nti-HamIlton Co. Ami Fort 16-19. D. R. Van Atta, court Horse, Cincinnati

Celme-Mercer Co. Fate Aug. 16-22. Albert C. Stein.

Orelnille--Cirelaville PuropkIn Show. Oct. 21-24. Mack Parrett Jr

C.:triton-0feet Cairn Expo. June 77-041. 4. Lincoln O. Dickey, mgr., 1802 Terminal Tune

Mica lins-Ohlo State Fair. Aug. 31-Sept. 5. Eat] H Hanefeld. dlr.

Celiumnia Cirovs-Putnani-Allen gale Dec. 11.24. T. U. Teegardin.

Ctelmeterii-Cmehricton Co. Ant Soc. Oct. LIP_ C. V. Croy. R D. I. Dresden. O.

Crsion-Hartford Central Agri. Ann. Sept. 1.12 Clell H Slone, R. 2, Ceninburg, O.

Detion-Montoonany Co. Fate Sept, 7-10. R. C. Haines.

belishoe-Delphrse Tail-County Fair. Aug. 1,22. Art O. Wulfhorst

lince-Tunièrawn Co. Ant. Soc. Sept. 23-B. Tom A. Taylor ban Freble .70 So.-R Morton, Camden. O.

tlria-Lorain Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 22-23. J. t Moth',

Fremont-Sandusky CO. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9-11 Rniell It Bull.

Cleillpolia-Oallia CO. Adel. Soc. Sept. 13-111. W. R White.

CiNftetown-Brown Co. Agri. Soc. Oct. 7-9. E. A QUInien. eremite-Darn Co. Fair. Aug. 23-28. W. F Straker.

linstion -Butler Co Agri. Roc_ Sept. K-O. 1. C. E. Legiourd.

Illekrtille -Defiance Co. Pate Aug 18-22 /4 H. RevIngton iiarilet- Franklin Co. Ant. Sae. Aug 19-71. Arch A. Alder

Jrffermn -Ashtabula Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 18- 31. E.. W Humphrey, Tt, 2, Ashtabula. O.

Elcrenan - Kinsman Pair Ann. Sept. 1-3. Loyd C. Jewell

Lthrattre-Firsirlield CO. Agri, So, Oct- 14-

P. O. Webb. teturoti -Warn. CO. WI , Ann. Sept. 22-25. ntler D. Williams.

tlean-Columblana CO. Aga S.. Sept. 15-H. E. Marsden. Marne. Co. Fate Aug. 23-38.

atenbarn Carey, Plain City, O.

Sept. 15-113. A.

Ledadonville-LoudonvIlle Agri. 13... Oct. 6-8. O. K. Andress,

Loran-ilk-Scioto Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 18-20. If. T. Caldwell. Court linnet. Port.imouth.

McArthur- Vinton Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 9- 12. John Jones.

ht.:Conned...Ile-Morgan Co. Agit. Soc. Sept. 10.12, Walter W Barishurst.

Mansfield-Richland Co An] Roc Sept. H-ID. Wolter W. Shafer, Litionon, O.

Martetta-Washington co. Ant Alan. Sept, 7-0. L. E. Apple.

Marlon---Marion Co. Agrl, 81, Sept. 22-26. J. A. Raub.

blerysyllle-Lnion Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. W. C. Moore.

Medina-Medina Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 8.10. F. M. Plank.

Millersburg-Holmes Co. Agri, Soc. Sept. 15-It lI. C. Logsdon.

Montraeller• -William. Co. Agri. Soc Sept. 15-19. A. C. Han,

Mount 011ead-Morrow CO. Aga, SOC. Sept. 30-Oct. 3, Floyd E. Rinehart.

Moment Veenon--Knox Co. Agri. Soc, Aug. 25-28. Orly L. Clutter.

Na.loore-Henry Co. Anil Soc. Aug. 27-30. D. C. Brown.

Newark-Mc/ant Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-10. Keith W. Lowery.

Norwalk-Huren Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 1-4. J. F. Henninger.

Old Washington -Outtnny Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 21.211, J. F. St. Clair.

Ottawa-Putnaen Co. Agrl. /3.. Oct. 6-10. Joseph L. Bristner.

Owensville-Cierniont Co. Agri, Ann, AU8. 18-31. John B. Rapp. Batavia. O.

Painesville-Lake Co. Agri. Soc, Au!. 25-28. Chest J. Cray.

linnidltig--Paulding Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 33-25, W. R Mentzer.

Pinion-Pike Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 11-14 Roten Holt.

Powell-Delaware Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 30-Oct. 2. W. O. MeKltriet, R. D. 3. Dela-ware. 0,

Prortortllle -Lawrenee Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 11-13. J. Roswell Eaton,

Randolph Randolph Agri. Soc. Sept. 25-36. R. P Hamilton,

Ricliwood-Illcinsuod Trl-Co, Pale Aug. Il. 24. 0. E. Stout.

Rock SprIngs, Pomeroy-Mein Co. AgrL Sot Sept. 15-17. Ray E. Onhe.

St. Clan-mile. Delmont Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 10-12. John D. Hay,

Sidney-Shelby Co Agri Soc. Sept. 15-18. Pen O. Herman Anna. 0

Smithfield Jeff neon Co. Fair. Sept. 23-26. J. O. Mayne.

Sonnent-Somerret Pumpkin Show & Agrf Ann Sept. 23-26. A. W. King.

Tiffin-Seneca Co. Agri. Stec. Aug. 25-28, C. B. Bate,

Toledo- Lucas CO. Agri. Soc. Sept. 17-30. Chao. Olann.

'troy Miami Co. AWL 800- Asg• 1841-E, O. Ritter.

Ironer Sondinky-Wvandot Co, Agri. Soc. Sept. 15-18, Ira T. Matter..

thbana-Champalen Co. Ant. Soc. Aug. 11-r.4. John W. Yoder.

Van Wert-Van Writ Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 7-11. N. E. Stuckey,

Wapaleonen- Auglalre Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 36-Elept, 4 Harry Kahn.

Warren - Trumbull Co. Agrl. Roc. Aug. 11-14. Homer C. Marte,.

Wassaeon--Fulton Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 7-11. Orlo ViCtutteen.

Wellington-Weillngton Pair Assn. Aug. 22-27, A. R. Demotion.

Welltenn--Jackeon Co Fate Ale. 4-7, C. E. Ramsey.

Wee( Union Adam, Co. Agri. See. Sept. 8-11. H. M. Satterfield.

WettervIlle- Wefeeville Ind. Agrl, Sot Seilil• 24-26. Karl li BehOtt.

Wilmington-Clinton Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. IS. IS, Frank Skimming.

Woodarleid-Monroe Co. Agrl. S.. Aug. 6-8. C. O. Dougherty.

Wooster-Wayne Ca, Agrl, SOC. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. W. .1. SUSS.

Xenta-Oreene Co. Agrl. One. Aug. 5-7. J. Robert Bryson.

Ernentile-iluekingurn Co. Fair. Aug. 18-21. Chas, D. Paxton.

OKLAHOMA Anadarko-Caddo Co. Free Fair Ann. Sept.

18.19. E. T. Cook. Anadarien-AmerIcan Indian Expo Sept. 2-5. Parker McKeerle,

Fllackwell-Kay Co. Free Pair Attn. Second week in Sept. E. II. Martin

Bristow- Creek Co. Fair Alan. Sept IS-18. J. R. NIeSInI

Buffalo - Ilarper Co. Fair, Sept. 1740. W. E. Bland.

Chandler-LI:1.1n Co Free Fair Assn. Sept. 8.10. Onion Pranks,

Chickanha-Oraily Co, Fair Assn. Latter part of Sept. W. Loyd Benefield,

Cuxhing--CuahIng District Pale During week of Aug. 31, D. It. Fisher.

PUY ant-Ilr lean Co Free Fair Aeon Sept. 16-10 Allen 11111.

Flk City-Western Okla, Pole Sept. 17-21. W. O. Senith.

HoldenytIle Hughes Co. Free Fair. Sept. 16-19. James, W. Rodgers.

Muskogee Oklahoma Fero Slate Foie Oct. 5-11, Ethel Murray Simonds

Oklahoma City Oklahoma 131•te Fall At Expo. Sept. 36-Clet. 3 Ralph T. Hemphill

Perry • Noble Co Fair Alan, Sept, 16- 17-Marsh 71 Woodruff

Stillwater-fine, Co. Pine Pair, Sept. 9-12. W. Cromwell,

Taing•-lnewey Co. Fair, Sept. 16-1O. Chas, Gardner.

Tofu-Tulare Four-State Fair. Setif 19-18-H. E. linden

Ihillea-Craist Co. Fire Fair, Sept. 8-12. Finnic Ballet,

We-rota-Seminole Co. Free Fate Sept. 9-12, C. B. Sullivan.

OREGON Astoria -Clatsop Co. 4-H Club Pale Aug.

P. L. Burke, Canbe---Claeknrin Co. Pair, Sept. 2-4, J. P. Tellord Oregon City, Ore.

Deex Island--Columbia Co Fair Man. Aug. 30-23. Earl C. Dewier. Bt. Helena. Ore.

Cold Cinch--Corry Co. Fair. Sept. -. Flentrice William,

Crania Pass-JorephIne CO. Fair, Sept. 23-76. F. O. Roper.

Grecharn-Multnmnah Co. Fair Ann. Ain. 34-90. A. It. Lea. 310 Oregon Bldg_ Port-land.

Illibibirres- -Washington Co. Fair. Sept. 3-5, tal L. Moore. nit,

flontl River-Hood River School Fine Sept. 1-2. N. 11,

LoGrende-Unnis Co. Fair Asan. Latter part. of Sept. W. R. Center.

Moro Sherman Cu. Pair Ann, Sept. 3-5. Perry N. Johnston.

Mtn. Point-C.0a CO. Fair. Sept. 18-10 L. II. Pearce,

Portland-Pacific Internatl. Livestock Expo, Oct 3-10. O. M. Plummer.

Protellle-Crook Co. Pale Oct. 8-10. R. L Schee,

Redmond-Ilesrhutea Co. Fair Ann. Oct. 1-3. N. A. Burdick.

Salem-Oregon Slate Fair. Sept. 7.13, S. T. While. mgr.

Tillarnouk Tillamook Co. Fair Atan. Aug. 26-20 C. H. Bergstrom.

Toleno--Lliscoln Co. Par, Aug. 27-29. R. H.


Abbottetown-Abbottnown Fate Aug. 18-22. M. L. Sloth.,

Anentowo-Oreat Allentown Fate Sept. 22-:6, M. Herbert Beady,

Arencitsville -South Mountain Pair Ann. Sept. 13-19, A. D. Shealy,

T•rren HUI-Barren Hill Pair. June 10-27, Beeifold--Bedfotd Fair Ann. Sept. 1-5.

A. C. Brice, Bloomsburg-Bloomsbure Fair Attu Sept. 28-

Oct. 3. Harry B. Correll. Iturgettsumers-Uttion Agri. Assn. Sept. 10-12,

J. L. Weems/iv Sutler-Butt, Pair ds Expo. Aug 19-22,

C. M. Miller. Centre Ilall--Ceotre Co. Fate Aug. 27-Sept.

4, Mrs. Eflth 3. Dale, State College. Pa Clarlon-Cletion Co. Fair Ann. Aug. 25-28, John P. Baker.

Clear-Inlet Clearfield Co. Fair Assn. Sept. H-it B. Ward Beam.

Cochranton - Cochranton Commonly Pair Assn. Sept. 17-19, A. N. Shaffer

Colunibia-Columbla Harvest Home Asen. Oct. 13-13, Chas. II. Gable.

Conneautville -.Conneaut...sine Community Fair Asan, Sept. 17-19. Mr. Sh•wkey. pro,

Conshohocken-Spring MI11 Fair, July 10-18, Samuel M. Glass,

Cookport 1P, O. Commodorel-Oreene Town-ahns Community Pole Ann, Sept, 1749. Retie lo. Haskins, Collier. Pa.

Dawson-Payette Co. Fair Alma, Sept. 15-19. George O. Cochran,

Dayton-Daytato Aga. Assn, Sept. 8-12. J. It Borland.

Dayiettown Doylestown Fair Ann. Sept. 10-19. J. Allen find,.

Ebensburg--Cambrla Co. Fair Ann, Sept. 7-12, Rowland 0, Davis.

Eneiburo - Edinboro Community Agri. Ann. Sept. I7-I9. B. E. Denser,

Ephrata-Ephrata firmer. . Day Assn. Oct. 14-17. Peed R. Janine.

Fawn Grove- Fawn Grove Fair. Aug. 12-10 L. M. Brown, Bridgeton. Fa,

Fleelville-innton Town/hip Community Fair Ann. Sept. 23-26. R. C. McMinn.

Flourtown-Flourtown Fair. Aug. 7-13. Wm, J. Goat

Ford City-Armstrong Co. Pale Aug 14-16. Walter 11. Bowser.

Pork/Mlle-Sullivan CO. Agri. Soc. Sept. 9-12. J. R. Whiteley.

°Fate 'Grata Pair Asan. Sept. 23-28. ' Clay It. Ringer.

Ilanover-Feee Fair at Forest Pa:k, Sept. 8-12. A. F. Karst.

lintiotec-Annual Hanover Fate Aug. 13. H. B. Warren. gen. mgr,

bar ford-Har ford Agri. Soc. Sept- 16-18. O. P. Maynard.

ffeteMld-Monttomery Co. Pair Ann. Sept. 7-12. Santo.) Conver

Honesdale--Wayne Co. Aga Soc. Sept 22-23. E. W. Ciesinmell.

Hughesville LyeurnIng Co Fair Ann, Aug. 7(1-20. Fedwarl E Pronto.

Huntingdon -- Ifuntlngdon Co. Agri. Aron. Slept 1-5. James C. Morgan, but mn.

Jennerstown-Jennera Pair Atsn, Sept. 15-18, A. O. Lape, Jenne's, P•.

Kimberton Knobeitun FaIn. July 24-Aug. I. Hotelown--1Ctitatewn Fair Asau. Aug. le-22.

A. L. Detthof. pre, Lampeter - W. Limpet. Community Fair Ann. Sept. 73-25. Wayne B. Rentschler,

Lehighton...Lehighton Falr. Aug. 30-Sept. O. Frank R. Diehl.

Lewittown---Miffiln Co. Agrl. Ann. Aug. 3-8, 8. B. Russell,

LIgnmer-Ligonier Valley Fair Alen, Sept. 23-26, T O. McKelvey. ores.

LInerwille-Linesville Community Fair Ann. Sept. 10-12. Joseph F. Miller.

Mrconnr/Lebing-lealten Co. Pair Asan, Sept. 15-18, John W. Kelm,

Menhenn---Manheim Perm Show Ann. Sept. 24.36, H 11. Sh

Mansfield- •Smyth* Park Ann. Sept. 16-19. Frank Marvin,

Islechonicrburg-Grangne Henri Picnic, Anil. 31-Sept. 7, El E. IttchwIno.

Mr) ersdiale-Romerser Co Fat, Ann. Aug. 25-28. Paul M CrItenfield,

Mercer-Mereer Central Agri Soc. Sept. 15-17, J. P. Orr,

Mlllernite-Manor Farm Fair, Oct. 1-3, Ft. P. Stein

1.111lport-Oseravo Valley Rural Community Pale Axon. Sept. 0-11, Mrs. Alin M. Dono-ran.

Mentrose-Flusquehanna Co Agri, Soc. Sept. 2-4. John Shelton.

Mount Holly Sot-Inn-Cumberland Co. Dairy Show Amn, Aug. 8-7. H. K. McCullouga, R. D. 1, Newville, Pa,

Myentown-Myerstown l'air. Oct. 7-9. W. C. Crieswell.

New Castle-New Cattle Agri. ASan. Week of Aug 25, A C. Shoat.

New Holland Neel Holland Fate Oct. 8-10. Tease W. Coulter.

Newfoundland - Greene Dreher Community' Fate Assn Sept. 10-12, W. II. PrIOsia.

Newport-Perry Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-17. A. IC Lunerg.

Newville-M11flin Or•nge Pale Sept. 13-18. A. E. MUM,

North Rost - North East Community Pale Sept. 24-26. Mildred lisnarickaon.

Fort Royal-Juniata Co. Agrl. See. Aug. Il-ls. J. It. Beek.

Pottaville-SehtlylkIll CO. Pole Sept. 7-13. Frank W. Magnum,

Quakertown Bucks Co. Agri, Sec. AUg. 35-38. Claude S. Iflilegat

Reading-Reading Pair, Sept. 14-19. Chas. W. Swoyer.

Red Llon-Oala Week Fate Aug. 24-29. R. M. Spangler.

Sennett-eve Night Fair Ca Carnival. July 20-25. Roland E. Plaher,

Sloneboro-gdoiseboto Fate Sept. 4-8. Wal-ter B. Parker,

Sugar Clrove-Sugar Grove Community Fair. Sept. 10-13, T. R. Sponeler.

Towanda Bradford Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-4. Karl D. Shiner.

Toss inane-Tow nettle Pale Sept. 24-26. J. liumgardner.

Troy-Troy Agl, Soc. Aug. 23-21. H D. Itol-enrolee.

Tunthannock-Wyorning Co. Fair Anti Sept. 15-1a, Perey 11 franges.

TurbotvIlle-TurbotYllle Community Fair Asan. Sept. 34-16, Harry Kyrie it

Clynes-tilysen Community Fair Ann, Oct. 8-10, Don C. RounseVIlle,

Waahingtonville--Morstour-Delong Pair. On. 21-23 George W. Cromis.

Waitaburg-Wattsburg Ant Sot Sept. 1-4. H. 2at Burrows.

W. st Alexander-W. Alexander Agrl. Aatilt Sept. 17-19. Paul Rotten

Wmdfleid-.Weatfield Fair, Sept. 9-12. 0. B. Clark.

WI. Ridge-Rich 11111 Aga. Ann. Aug. 13-20. 0. I. 13111/e.

Yellow Clerk-N. Bedford Co. Fair, Oct. 22-24. Howard F. Put.

York Springs--Latimore Valley l'air. Aug. IO-U. Bruce Wagner.

York-York Fair Oct. 6-10. John II Rutter. Yount/ovine - YouninvIlle Community Fair Alen. Sept. 103-111 R. k Albright.

RHODE ISLAND Kingston -Tereesilenary Stale Pale Sept.

2-7, A. N. Peckham. mgr.

SOCTU CAROLINA Anderson-Anderson Falr. Nov. 3-7. J. A,

Mitchell. Anderson-Anderson Co. Colored Fair Ann.

Nov. 0-13. S. C. Perry. Bennetteville-Mariboro Co Fair Asan, Oct.

19-24, S. A. Humer, Tattint, S C. Charleston-Cherlexton Ate,. lt Indent. Fate

Asa». Nov. 3.7, Emmons S Welch?. Chester -Chester Co, Colored Fat, Ann. Oct.

26-31, Rev. F. D. Sims, Columbia- South Carolina fit•te Pate Oct.

19-24. Paul V. Moore. Dillon-Dillon Co. Pair. Oct. 19-24, Chao.

L. Wheeler. Florener-Pit Dee Fair. Oct. 17-18. E. D.

Sallenter, Greenvtlie--Clreanville Co. Colored Fair Assn. Oct.20-24, J. P. Chen/Pell.

Greenville Orernyttle co. Pair. Oct. 3-10. C. A. Herlong, Oren. S. C

taurene--Blur 11111 cnior<d Agrl. Pair. Oct. 28-31, J. G. Garrett.

Loris-Sorry Co. Fate Oct. 26-31. J. H. Yon,

Mullin/ Mullins Tobacco Fair. Sept. 14-19. C L. Schofield.

Newberry-Newberry Co. Fair, Oct. 2/-30. J. P. Moon.

°newborn-Or engeburg Co. Intr, Oct 27-31, J. M. Hughes_

Onneebore - orange., Co Colored Falr Assn, Ott, 13-16, W. C. Lowia,

Owings Mt. Carmel Stock Show, Nov. 4-7. A. N. Saain,

Rock 11111. -York Co. Fair. Oct. 8-0 Idles P. M. Pewell.

Spartanburg SparlanhUra Co. Fair Ann. Oct 12-16. John P. Fielder.

Orion-Union Co. Pair Asan, Noy, 2-.7. A. M. Viet

York-York Co. Colored Fair Assn, Oct. 19-24. L. A. Wright.

SOUTH DAIKO7A Abeedeen-larown Co. FRS Ann, Sept. 7-10. Lee Truman.

Blunt--Hughee Co. Fair Ann, Aug. 13-15, H. J Onus

Faith-Faith Pale Aug. 27-29, James Me-ClIbney,

Fort Plerre-Steriley Co. Fair, Sept. 8-7. O. E. Sumner.

Clettymbera-Petter Co. Fair. Sept. 3-3. Ifuron-South Dakota State Pair, Sept. 14-111.

J. O. Venables, Lenurion-Irder-Slate Fair Ann, Sept. 10-10 W. W. Robertson.

hpitchrii_cer n Palen Fectl v al. Sept. 38-Oct. 3, Carl I. 1101-don

Murdo--Innes Co. Pair, Aug. 27-29. F. J. Carpenter.

Nialend-Ilutte Co. Fair, Sept. 3-5. Beyer Aune, New.11, S. D

Cold* Stilly Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 20-23. U. J. Nort•ard.

Parker-Turner Co. Fair, Aug. 26-2a, L. V. Collins.

Fit esho-Lvin en Co. Pair Asan. Aug. 24-26. Ray Mor•n,

Topp-Hutehinton Co. Pair Aran, Sept. 8-II. R. E. Idagetadt.

Vermilion -Clay Co. Fair Ann, Sept. 23-26. K. B. Collar.

W. Inter-Day Co. Fair. Sept. 17-19.

TENN . Alexandrla-DeKalb Co. Pete Sept 3-3.

Roil Rey. Dig Sandy-111g Sandy Community Fair. Sept.

25-26. Mrs M M, Wagner. Celt/un--Carthage Anil. Ann, Aug. 27-20. W. B. Robinson.

Celina-Clay Co. Fair Also, Aug. 3-8, W. C. Monroe

Centerville-Hickman Co. Pair Assn, Sept 16-19. P. C. Adair.

Chattanooga -- Choate-mots Tri-State Pair. Sept 21.27. J. A. Darnaby . Patten Hotel,

Ciarinville--/Aontgomery CO. Pair, Sept. 10-10 Emma Rive.

Coeneen111.--Marsliall CO. Fine Oct 3. Er-vin H. Thomas.

Cookeville--Putnarn Co Agri. Fair. Sept- te-ll. 0. D. Mane.

Cottage °rove-Cottage Grove Fair ratan. Sept. 23, W. T. Kilgore

Crozet-111e -Cumberland Co. Pale Sept. 3-5, J: D Larnmock

Dienon-Dlekson Co Pair Ann, Sept_ 30-Oct. 3. C. E Butner

Drerden--We•kley Co. Pair. Sept. 17-19. John R Wade

Erot_Hronton CO. Fair Oct. 22-24. Roberts B. Claxton.

60 Th.. Itillbemrei LISTS June 27, 1936

learttoulle-Lneoln Co. Pair Ae 511 seat. 1,-17. J. J. Moyer..

Onlattn• Sumner Co. Colored Fair Ann Aug. 20-22. Edw. V. Anthony.

Oreenbeek-Loudon Co. Fair. Sept. 1-3. Will. D. Kerr.

Huntingdon-Carroll Co. Pair. Oct. 7-10, W. L. Noe 11.

BuntIngdor.-Carron Ca. Colored Fair Ann. Sept. 16-19. W. A. Cos.

Jacknon-West 'Flinn. District Fair. Sept. '14-

19. A. U. Taylor. Jeckarin-Madison Co. Aye Pair. Sept. 22-24.

J. E. McNeely. Knoxville renn. Valley Agri Pain Sete II.

Oct. 3. H. D. Murat. La Pei-rite-Megan Co. Pair. Sept, 1149. D. Henry Piper.

La leollette-TO-County Pair. Sept. 9-12. 11. Sharp.

Lawrenceburg-Lectern Co. Dietrict Fate. Sept. 28-Oct. 3. E. It. Healy. mgr.

Leikanon-WII.on Co. FaIr, Sept. III-19. A. W. McCartney.

Lexington-Hendenon Co. Per Assn. Sept. 21-26. A. S. Montgomrry.

MeMInnyiIle-Warren Co. Pair Ann. Sept 10-12. 1.111oat Brown

Manchealer-Ooffee Co. Prue Plain Sept. 21-26 Hugh Doak.

Maryville-Mount Co. lean Alen. Sept. 14-19. Hugh E. DeLoan,

M.yroedvIlle - Union Co. Fair. Sept. 25. 8. L. Loy.

blemphls-Colored TrI-Staste Fair Assn. Sept 34-36. Di. L. O. Patterson.

Memphis - land-South Fat, Sept. 14-19. Prank D. Palier.

Murfreesboro- Rut her ford Co. 'Denied Fair Ases Sept. 10-11 Dr. J.C. R Pattenon

blur neeaboro-RUtherford Co Fair Aein. Sept. 7-11. George I. Osborn.

Nashville---Tennnsei Stine t'aie. Sept. 21-26. J. W. flustwurm.

Onelda--8cott Co. Pair. Sept. 14-10. E. C. Terry.

Peterstseg-CommunIty Falr ifiz Cult Shot:. Sept. 8-9. W. 31 Leonerd.

Ramer--Humer Centrountty Pair. Sept. 25-26. Selma Lies Reeder,

Santa Fe-Maury Co. Fain Sept. 11-19. T. 8. Wade.

Shelbyville-Bedford Oo Pair. Aug. 30-22. T. D. Hawkins.

Sperta-WhIte Co. Pan Ann. Sept 17-12. Wm. L. Little.

Spencer-Van Boren Co Fair. Sept. 15-16. Hannah Yates.

Springfield- -Robert.. Co. Pair. Oct. 8-10. Lewis W Morrison.

Tracy City-Cronin Co. Fan Asen. Aug. 27-ka E. J. Cunningham. R. 3, Morrison. Tenn.

Trenton-Gibson Co. Fair. Sept. 30.0e.. 3. John R. Wade.

Union Clly-Obloo CO. Fair. Oct 12-17. Fred lather.

Weltrace-Wertreoe Fain Aug. 29. J. P. Pr ambletle.

Vaalmoreland-.East Sumner Pair. Sept. 18. 19. Cyrus Birrur on..

Wit cheritin-Franklin Co. PhIr. Sept. 94. .1 F. Vaullten.

Woodbury-Cannon Co Tan Asan. Sept_ 18-19. Mrs. Heat. M. Curl-mega


AblIsne-Wast Tex. Fair. Oct. 1945. T. N. Carswell

Ancellio--Tri•Stato Fan. Sept, 21-21.. O. L. Taylor.

Anderzon-teinin Ou. Fair. Week Oct, 6. CI R. Bidden

Arlington-Tarrant Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 17-19. A. H. Wheeler. mgr.

Athens-Ent Tenn Cotton Palace. Ont, 0-to. B. P'. Egger.

Bamsmore-13. Texas Slate Fair M Centennial Celebration. Oct 15-21 L. I.. Herring Jr.

Heetram-Burnet Co. Foe. July 15-17. J. C. Wilson.

Boerne-Kendall Co. Fan Assn. Sept. 4-6. A. MOD. 01111n.

HOurle-Sowle Fair. Oct. 8-10. David War-ren.

Citinne-Montgornery Co. Pair Ann. t3cpt. fl-Oct. I. B. M. Patterson.

Crockett-Hounon Co. Pan Assn. Sept. 34-38. R. W. Knight,

Caro-Cuero Turkey Trot. Nov. 10-12, Vallas--Tene CentennI•1 Central Expo. In

Pair Park. June 6itiov. 29. W. A. Webk. gen. mer .

Decatur-Wise Cs. Fan Ann. Probably last week ln Sept. Cliff Catea.

Dentin Innton Co Fair. Oct. OLIO. Otla Poster.

Senn-ELI, Co. Pal, Sept. :18-Oct. 3. A.

Dupree Devils Platonta- Plemnia Pan Ann. Sept. 23-26. M. ?tenet, Jr.

Fort Wortls-Texas Frontier Centennial. June 6-Dee. I.

Port Worth. Southwestern Expo. & Fat Stock Show. March 12-21. John B. Davis

Franklin-Robert... Co. Pair Asan. Oct. il -

l7. V. St Harris. Fredericksburg--Oillespie Co. Fate Assn. Aug.

21-30, 0. H. Burgdorf, OttInssville- Cooke Co. Fair. Sept. 2-7 Claude Jones.

Conn... Gonzalo. Co. Pale M Peton Expo. Oct. 20-21 Glenn Borgne.

Oraharn-Young Co. Pal, Oct. 13-17. J. C Watson.

Ompeland-North Houston Co. Fair Third week in Sept. J. C. Shoal...

Green...I.-Hunt Co. Felt. LUS. 31-Sept. 5. •O. A. Duck. mgr.

etallettsollle-Liseutea Co. Free Fair, Sept. 10-13. James Straum..

Hamilton -Hamilton Co. Pair Asan. Oct. 7.9. J. Conner.

Ilarlingen•-Valley ISILd-terter Fair. Nov. 7s. 50. A. L. Brooks.

Henderson-Run Co. Free Pair. Work of Sept. 7. J. W. Harris.

Houaton-South Ten., Expo, Oct. 9-19. L J Wile,

Huntsville--Walker Co. Pair 41san. Weer J. Lawson.

ptilienl- -Fall Falr Oct. 21-24. Legrange--..yette Co. Fair Ann. Oct. lee. O. A. Konarg.

Leonard-. Leenard Fair. Sept. 29-Get. 3. H. )1. Mackburn, pees.

Liberty-Liberty Co. Fair Ann. Oct. 19-17. Max T. Karkowni

Linden-C616 Co. PaIr Man. Clel.. 11-10. J. U. Nelarka.

Oct. 111-24.'

Longview-0mm/ CO. Pale. Sept. 14-19. (Hostile olnocrer, ct A. 1,,,erp.tl. Fair. /4. D. Abernathy. Sept 4.6 I. J. Doerr.

Lubbock Panhandle Elnuth Plain. Fair Ann. Port Angeler-Clallem Co. Pair AJO.n. Aug. Sept. 211 -Clet 3 otenteilvelye. J. M. 11.11 27-30 le Ft. Ileahan

LulkIn-Anrielina Co. Fair Asan. Oct. 13-17. Puyallup-Western Wash. Psi: Assn. Boni Ed C. Surds 21-27, W. A. I.Inghtter, mor.

lealnonville Madleon Co. Fair Arlen. Oct. Walla Walla-Soutleaalien Wash. Fair. Sept. 7-10 Ruby Broadway. 4-7 Herten. Clark,

Marshall Cennal East Teen Fair Asan. Wiumichee-Chelan co. Pair. Aug. 29, Lt. II. Sept. 2g-Oct. 3. M. R. Martin. Sargent.

Mount 1.1.enant-Titus Co. Fair as Dairy Yakinna-Wanhington State Fair. Sept. 11-Show. Sept. 29-001 3. Delbert Snider. 19. A. M. Dean.

New Roston Bowie Co. Pan Assn. Sept. WEST VIECINTA 14-19. H. H Russell. Charlenon-elennawha Expo. itt Pnur-11 Fair_

New Braun...a-Conn. Co. Pair Amen. Sept. Sep.. 3-13. E M. Johnson, 24-27. Edwin A. Sleets Charles Town-Charles Town Horse Show d.

Overton-1ton Co. Colored Fair. Sept_ 3-5. Fair Ann. Aug. 5-8. C. M. 11. Brown. U. S. Lampkin Clay-Clay Co. Pain Sept. 23.26. George C.

pairemr-Anderson CO. Fair. Oct. 5-10 C. Deems O. idilleg_dr, Cowen Webster 00. Farm Bureau Fair Attn.

Paris LalTir Dletrlet raer. Sept. 8-11 R . L.. Sept 7-I2. Ralph Cunningham. Baker. Pay ............ yet te co. Fair Ann. Sept.

Prensil-Winter Garden Fair. Oct. 15-17. 7-9. J. Rayon Miller. J. IC. Mattox. Helvelle -Helvetia Community Pair Lain.

Sherni•n-lint River Valley Fair Ann. Oct. Sept. II-11. Mr.. James McNeal. >le Fronk Thompson. Hurricane- Tri-County Fatr. Oct. 12-17. E. C.

Shiner. Shiner Asa. Fair. June 24-27. L. E. Merahce. Denrong. Lewisburg-Greenlee.- Valley Pair. Ale, 31-

Si...rec.-Hardin Co Pair. Oct. 7-12_ J. F. Sept. 4. W. L. TabacOlt. Weathersby. Mageon-Boonr Co. Voir. Sept. 3-5. W. A.

Timpl.-central Texas Expo. Oct 38-31. pryresa. Lob Gunnies , Martinten-Porshontas Co. Fair. Aug. 21-31.

Tel. r- -Ent Texas Fair Ann. Sept. 31-26. pre, C. asep, .W. O. Cog New Curnber.and-Hancock CO. Fein Aug.

Waco tirana. Valley Fret Fan. Oct. 31.1.10v. Jam. S. A. IL Quinn. New Hops-Illesser Pond Dist. Pair. amp.

%%retire...GI- Parker Co. Fair Assn Oct. 14- lersemers. Club. Sept. 9-11. C. P. Hylton. 17. P. ll McCutcheon. R 1, Box 79 Princeton.

Wharton Wharton Co. Vair Asen. Oct. 13-17. Prireiim-Tticker Co. Pei, Sept. 9-12. L. W. II. C. Copennever. Sturme,

York:oast-Little World's Pali. Oct. 11-11 p..,,,,,o,,,_siitcura Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 25-29. Paul A. 13ehm.dt. 11. J. Scott.

MAR Per.erenlar- Tyl-County Fair Ann. Sept. IS-Srleham -Box Elder Co. Peach Dare. Sept. 18. C. L. Murkier.

11-12. Charles Goodliffe. PritIMM Barbour Co Street Fan Ann. Sept. Parmineton-travn Co. rain AUg. 26-27. Carl 9-12. Wm, J. Schwtrum.

Fi. Oren,. mgr. Point Pleasant-Mason Co. Phi,. Assn. Sept. Port Mehl-sine- Utntah-Ouray Indian Pun. 1-1 Wm. 11. flaunt, Early in Sept. Robert L. Bennet, Princeton-Mercer Co. Fair. Sept. 16-114.

In her City-Wasatch Co. Pair Ann, Aug. 27- John M. Bailey. Athens W. Va. 21 J. M. Ilitehle, pros Sirnenerntlie iencholas Co. Pair Ann. Sept.

Hooper-Weber Co. Per. Sept. 7. A. L. 1-11. Win. E. Slannen. Cl rletianern. 9,itton-Draston Co. Fair Ann. Week of

Logan Cache Co. Faim Bureau Falr. Sept. Sent 14. Zane )401Tisos. 0.10. R. L. Wrigley. men Weston rJackannit Mill, -Jackson,. M111 4-H

Morgan City-Morgan Co. Fair. Sept. 34. Pair Ann, Sept. 22-34. L. Glenn Zinn. Robert Ch•pin. mgr. Philippi. W. Va.

Nephi-Juab Co. Pair. July 9-11. De. P. L. Wheeling-W. Va. Expo Rs State Fair Assn. Jones. mgr. Sept. 6-12. Carl O. Bachmann. Receiver.

Prosa-Utah Co. Pair. Sept. 17-10 ltenta- Wheeling -- Pare•ndle Festival dt 4-H Fair Ilse). MIllion H Harribon. at °enemy Park. Slept. 9-11. J. E. Re-

salt Lake City-Utah State Fat, Sept. 26- mine. supt.. Oct. 3, E. S. Holmes. ntgr. WISCONSIN

Trinenton-Snx Elder Co. Pair. Sept. 17-10. Anilgo--Langindr Co. Agri Roe, 11-11 Club C. J. Dewey. Fair, Aug. 12-14, John T. Omernlk.

VERMONT . Athens-Annie. Fan, Ang. 25-27, A. W. Berton-Orlesns Go. POI, Aug. 20-22. Fred Breen.

C. SeOwn. Saralcso -.Sauk Co. Fate. Sept. 1-4, Wm, T.

Latex Junction-Champlain Valley Expo Aug. Manta, 31-Sept. 5. Ches. H. Mower. mee. DUMB- Beaver Dam-Dodge Co, Fair Ann. Sept. 10-ton, Vt. IS, J. F. m.si.,,e.

IlartMod-Hartiand Orange Community Fair. Blank River Falls-Jackenn Co. Agee Soc. Amu 1941. W. R. Jordan, Gem. Sept. 13-111. Douglas Curran,

Londonderry-Londonderry Fair. Oct. 16-17. filnOndn.tOn-Elak. Peen.° Agri. Asa». Sept. A. IL Phillips, 2-4. ii. J. Oates.

Nfortioyille-LambIlle Valley Fair. Aug. 1344. Cedarburg -Otaikce Co. Cain Aug. 14-16. Erwin H. Olmstead. It. F. Raul R I, ThlansvIlle, Wit.

Rutland-Rutland Fair. Sept. 7-12, Carl W. Chttnin Calortue Co. lean. Sept. 3-7. Ps. P. Olney. nallnlen.

Tunlartdre-UnIon Agri Soc. Sept. 22-34. chippece Falls-Northern Wle. District Pain Men R. FlInt. Aug. 4.9. A. L. Putnam.

Ws...held-Merl Beer Valley Fair. Aug. 6-9. Crandon-Pni.uie Co. Agri. So, Sept. I-4i Aemuel Whltworth, Warren. Vt. Ray M. Rine,

VIRGeNIA Darlington-Lafayette Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. IS-

L. It. Bleeder. De Pere-Brown Co. Agri. & lean Ann. Aug. En ryvIlle--Clarko Co. Horse Sr Colt Show 13 -1 7. W. S Klaus. Assn, Aug. 20-21. A. S. Hummer. Eagle River-Vilna Co. Agri Soc. Aug. 22-23,

Chase City- Mecidenburg Fair Ann. Oct. Chas, A. Bethke. 13-le. H. W. Nash. Wrghtnmn. Va, Eau Claire Eau Claire Co. 4-11 Fair. Aug. Ile

Chenerilrld C. 11.-Cheenfeld Co. Pair Assn. 14. P. B. Eves. Oct. 11-16. J. B. Watkins Jr.. mgr. M la

id- khorn-Walworth Co. Agri Soc. Sept. 7-10.

Imirien, Va. F. M . Porter. Covington-Antiphony Co. Fair, Sept. 7.12. Eincorth Pierce Co n Fair As.. Sept. 16-18. Thomas M. MoCal.b. 1.,_ A. 115115. E. Ellsworth.

Inemille -Danielle Pan Ann. Oct. 13-16. Elroy- Elroy Fan Assn. Aug. 14-16. 0. D. H. E. Watkins. Whilehill,

Dungennon-Rrott Co. Fair Ann, Sept. 2-5. Fold du Lac-Pond du Lao Co. Flair. An. H. L. Stallard Oats C9ty, Va. 17-20. 17. H. Cameron.

Frnpreur-Emporla Fair Ann. Oct. 2043. ....Merin-811am , Co. Fell, Sept. 1-2. Fe

B. M. Garnet. W. Levi,, Farmillie-Plve-County Fee Ann. Sept. 21.• Gele.. 111. .. TfemPe.... CO Agel- SOC. Sept.

Oct. 2. R. A. Wilmot' , 4-7. Alfred N. Berm. rerleenksbarg-FTederIck.barg Greater Fair Ole. Mill.-Crawford Co. Pair, Sept. 10-12. Alen. Sept, il-Il. II. K. 8wreturr. Walter I- Cummings. Prairie du Chen. Wla

Keller-Enter,. Shore Agri, Fair Asen. Aug. tHrnweoci City-olenwood Inter-Co Fair Assn. 35-29. J. M. Mat.,11. Aug. 10-12, M. E. Troller.

1,1 1nenn-ReckhrldRe Co. Pen Man. Sept. Onnteburg-Burn.t1 Co. Age.. Soc. Aug. 3/- 21-26. C. C. Humphries. E Lintilcin, V•. 29. 0, J. Peterson,

Norfolk-Greater Norfolk Fair. Sept. 7-11 Inyward-Flawyer Co. Agri Fair Ann. Sept. 1st L. P1ddy. 4-7. J. K. Walker.

Prtertiburg-gouth.lde s'a. Oct. 5-10. R. Hortonellle-Outagamie Co. Agri Soc. Aug. WtIlard Men!, 211.30. Milford L. Stett.n.

Penntrtaton Gap- Lee CO. Fair. Sept. 7-11 Jane...Ile-Rock Co. 4-H Jr. Fair 8. Livestock II L. Stallard. Gate City. Va. Expo. Aug. 25-27. R. T. Glance.

FIncetetle-Botetottn Co. Pair. Sept. 8-11 Jeff rreisn-Jert erson On. Fair. Sept. 1143. W N. Ilreckimidge. Ernst Nao,.

Purcellville--Londoun Co. Falr, Sept. 3-4. L. Crosse-La Crosse Inter-State !tat, Aug. P H. James. Ws, 0-14. Joseph J ...inch.

Rionmood-VIrginle. State Fair Aran. Sept. Ladysmith-Soak Co. Pair Ann. Sept. 10-13. :.8-0et. 1. C111 ,1. A. Somme. H. W. True.

Roanoke-Oroat Roannke Colored Fan Assn. Letenter-Clrant Co. Fair. Aug 1841. I. Sept, 743, Herbert William.. A. Veapermari.

Rocky Mann. Pranklin Co. Fair Mon, Sept. Lodi-Lodl Union Agrl. Soc. Sept. 11-11. CI. 7-11 Ili F. Trato. E. Bissell.

Shitiman-NAmo., Co. Fan Ann. Oct. 13-16. Luxemburg -Kewaunee Co. Fain Sept. 5-7.

7 T. Brittle. Julius Cahn. South Boston-lItItfax Co. Fair Assn, Oct Madison- baile Co. Ague Soc, Aug. 14-18.

6-10. W. W. Wilkins. It. O. Huse Staunton Staunton Fair. Aug. 31-Sept. 5. Manitowoc -Manitowoc Co. Fair. Allfr. 19-33. C le Ralston. George W. Kiel_

Suffolk Tidewater F`air AAsn. Oct. 20-23. NtarshIseld -Central Wit State Fate. Sept. W. II Crocker. 4-la R. R. Williams.

Tazewell Ter. well Pair. Week of Aug. 24. Mauston -.Juneau Co. Agel, Soc, AUK. 19-23. C, 8. Parnell. M.bane. N. 0. If Wm. Ilenlye.

West Staution Monte co Colored Fan Medford.-Taylor Co. Agri 150, (4-It Fair). Assn. Aug. 17-22. Chas Spears. R. 1. Beg Sept 11- 12. Alin• C. Hanson. 99, Staunton. Mellen-Barl River Valley Fair. Sept. 9-11.

Woodstock Slenandnah Co. Fair Ann. Sept. George E. Ven Holleran, 15-18. Doug.. C. Dymook. Menomoni.-Dunn Co. Free Fair. Aug. 23-

WASHINGTON 27. R. L. Pierre , Chehalis-Cent...tie - Lewis Co. Fair As-ir,. tderrill-Lincislr. Co. Pre. Fair. Aug. 1041

Sept. 2-5 Gran Engieren, Chehalis. Huida It Viind,hetd. Ellen•barg Entire. Co. Vain Sept. 5-7. Milwarrkee-Wlecon.in State Fan. Aug, 23- Wendell Prater. 29. Ralph E. Ammon. Madison, WI,

Lyndon eWhatcom Co. Fair Ann Sept. 10- Mineral Point Southwestern Win. Fen Ann, 12. P. H Merriam., It. I. Everson. Wash. Sept. 4-7, 01-orge W. Bins

Olympia-Thurston CO. Pall. Sept. 7. C. A. Mondovl-Bullairs Co. Agri Soc. Aug. 13-18 MIME, A. R. Peekler.

Arnhent-.Anshent co. pp, Asan. Oct. 9_9. 16, F. Y. McConnell.

Monroe-Green CO. Pal, !mg. 19-23. R. 0. Getout

Nellitville-Clart Co. Agri Soe. Aug. 23..., Harold Ilooksteed.

Oehirrieh -Winnebago Co. Fair it Expo. sepr . 1-4. Taylor 0, Brown.

Paddock Lake, Kenosha-W. Kennel. Co. Pair Avon, Aug. 13-14. E. V. Ryan. Kenoem

Platte...le-111g ...deer Fair Man. Aug. 1,. Clarence H. OrIbble,

Plymouth Sheboygan Co. Agrl, Assn, Auir. 7-10 Win H. Eldridge.

Parteee-Columbla Co. rate Assn. Sept, 4.1 W. Horace Johnston_

line Lake-Barron Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 24.30. A. M. Chrl.law

Richland Cenler-TtIchland Cu. Agrl. Bot Sept. 15-1g, H. J. Clorthrneur.

Renton •Rothalt Free Community Pair Ann, Sept. 5•7, Lester Peterrien.

St. Croix Falls -Polk Co. rah' Soc. Aug. le. la Conway K. St•nruerd, Taylors Fan, Mlnn,

Seyrnour-Seymour Fair Assn. Aug. 74. r. W. Huth,

Shawano Shawano Co. Pan. Sept. S'il. Louts W, Cotteau.

Spooner - W•Mburn Co 4-11 Fate Aug. 26-29. Paul 8. B. Takla R. I. Boo Se Teo., Wis,

Sturgeon Bay-Door Co. Pair Ann, Aug. 26-30, B. F, Rusy.

Superior-Tit...Mate Free Fair. Aug. 17.23. M. It. Lavine.

Tonne-Monroe CO. Fair Amen, Aug. WU Floyd Purdy,

Turtle Lake-Turtle Lair. Inter-Co. Fair. Sept. 111-12. Wm. L. Gate..

cmon Cron-R..111e Co Agri. Soc. Sees 2-3 E. A. Polley, Roehner,

VIrMine-Vernott Co. Agri Soc. Sept. 22-0, J. E. /Helen».

W•shburn-Bayfleld Co. Farm Fennel As Par, Sept. II-13, W B. °Rahn...

Wausau-Wleonstn Valley Pair IA Expo, Aug, 16-30, Her. E. Walters.

Watnaukee-Martnette Co. rail Assn Set._ 11.13, Chas B. Drewry. Marinette. We

Wentome-Wetushar• Co. Agri Soc. Sept. 15-18 Chas T. Taylor.

Webster--Central Burnett Co. Pall AM, Sept. 4-7. R. E. Kr•USe.

Writ field Mariturt•1 Co. Agri, Assn Sept, 1-11. W. P. roller.

We 7111.1WepA-WALIpPCIL CO, Agrl. Ann. Aug. 26-30. H. W. Crane.

WYOMING Gillette-Campbell Co. Fair. Sept. S.S. P. E. Dome,.

Ravillne-Cerbon Co. mir Ann. Sept. 3-1, H. Breitenstein,


Benalto-Benann Agri Soc. July 14-13, A. Norton.

Calgary-Calgery Exhn. As Stampede. July a E. L. Iticiund.on.

Chauvin chauvin Agri. Soc. Aug. S. ¡Mrs F. V. Perry.

Illdnury-Didsbury Agri Soc. July 21. C. E. Tether.

Cdmontan-Edmornon Exim. Ann. July IS' IR, P. W. Abbott, mgr.

Coon creek- Croon Creek Agrl, Soc. Ana S. M. Pringle, Loughced, Alta.

Lethbridge - Lethbridge Satin. July 21.22. A. r.

Olda-Old. Agri. Soc. An!, IS. R. liar-neon.

Red Deer-Red Deer Aga. Roe. July 73-21, Fred Turnbull. pree.

St. Patti-Elt, Paul All. Soc. Atm. 12. A. (lotto.

Yeenville-VegrevIlle Exhn. July 27-29. J. ntrallen.

Vermilion-Vermilion Agrl. Soc. July 23-26. FL C. Heckbert.

marrisn COLTSISIA appeenpyg_central Fraser VAllpy nor.

10-11. L. J. Kettle. Agestut-Agnela Agri 80e. Sept. hi E. O.

Balsa Armstrong-Interior Provincial rem. Sint

I4-17. Mat Ins-sen. cprisaede_chtlilwack Age.. Assn, Sept. 21-

25. E. H. Barton. Cobb.. dill-Cobble Hill Diet. Aga. A'el Sept, 10. It H. Moulton.

Coombs-Coombe, Agri, Aran. Sept. 111-17. J. M. Boyd. Haters.

Contemn- -Comet Aril Ann. Sept, 2. IL P. Allberry.

Delta Manor-- Deire Manor Danl. Assn. Aug. 19. W. F. Denman.

Dunean-Coolchen Agri Ann. Sept. la-!1. wen. Weldon.

Fanwood -Edgewood Agrl. Son Sept. 2-1. Mrs, M. E Daly.

Fort Fraser-Fort Fraser Agri, Asan. Ant. 7. Mrs. J P. Myer.,

l'art St John-Fart St. John Agri Soc. Au.. 14. Duncan Oran.

Oallano --Gallen° Adel. Assn, Aug. 12. e Poehin.

lOrrop-Ilarrop Agri Ann, Sept. 2. ?.ft W. J. McConnell,

Toco loco A.G. See. Sept. 12. A. IL Pert.. Kenneops. Kamloop. Kahn. Ann. Sept. 1S-11.

13, II. Baker. Knlo-Kaalo Agri, Assn, Aug. 12, Sir,. D.

S. Costello. Elmberley-Kimberley Agri Ann. Aug. 21.N.

E. M. Hughes, LarlyamIth-lorlynnith Agri Assn. Sept.

24, J. A. Hartley. Langley imilnerr-Lengley Agrl. Man. &<:.

8-9. W. V. Mutton:I, Losquell Inland-Agri Asen. Sept. I2. T 5-

541Illereap. Maple Rider-Maple Ridge ARri, Akan.

10 G. D. Peacock. Menem. -Menlo' Agri Assn. Sept. in 0-

Whilmon. illselon--Minion Agri. Atan. Sept. 7. Vide, Ogle.

Nelson-Nelson AgO. As Ind... Anus Pee 16-11. Georg' Horete.d.

North, Pine-North Pine Agri Son Aug. 364l• H. M. Orr,

renier bland --Prnder blond Agrl. Soe-19. 8 P. Corbett.

Port %noun -Port Moody Agri, Soc. Sept I!. Prove's-reopen Foil, Aug. 26-27. A. 'Wellman

Samilchton-illaanichton Agri Soc. Sept. 6-1. 5. O. Stoddard.

June 27, 1936 LISTS The Billboard 61

yard-Skyward Alri. Soc. Sept. 7 or 14. Arthur Henry.

' ' mush Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7.

," ..;'.' ' 'e ll t u Surroy 'Dist Ann. Agri. An. Sept. 15-18. r W. Currie. It. It. 3. New Westminster.

talc...nee-Vancouver Exhn. Asan. Aug. M-arg.. 7. Juhn E. Matheson.

o.,mria--Provingtal Exilo. Of B. C. Sept. 12-.0 W. H. Meare. WIllnws, B. C.

orourock-Whonnock Agri. Mai.. Sent. IT 'l ru. V. M. Holley,

Or Lunn Lake- Agri. Ploc. Sept. 22-24. Mrs. P C. Bryant.

tillgermere-Wandemnere Agri. Sor. Aug. 26-

02,n• udel-Wynndel Agri. Ant,. Sept. 9. Mrs. P.. Andeeted.


Prandon-ProvInclal Kelm. of Manitoba. June 7.-July 3. J. E. Settle.

cermen--Dufferin Amt. Soo June 29-July I .1 A. Munn.

neeplon-Dauphin Aft Boo July Or. n McOutrk.

Le sarn--Eishorn Agri. Boo. July 23. IL J. it res. ...n-Enternon Age/. Soc. July 8. Mee

If M. Breckon. r. ,csdale-Ernsdale Agri. Soc. Aug. 25. 8.

ir 12. Stephamors .en Plains- Gilbert Plains Agrl. Poe. July

IS E. P /frown. r,:•,•tone Gladstone ActL Soc. July 22.

.1 P. Broadfoot. E. slots -Ilerniota Agrl. Soc. July 24. 25 H.

11..raing-ilarding ASTI. Soc. July 22. J. A. , s•tard.

-N. Norfolk and Dist. Suet. Soc. IT. Thee. Clarke.

,..., rimer-Oak River Agri. Soc. July 22. J. Hays.

Petinge la Prange-Portage ButustrIal Exhn. Jun 6-8 Krill Stewart

2, no RoMin Agri. Zoe July 30, I. L.

ASTI. Soc. July 22. H. R. Barry.

pi Pierre-8g Plcrre Aml. Sot. July IS. A. 2.5ert.

Vital-St, Vital Agri. SOC. Aug. 31-23. W W. Thorpe.

I.1•11rneuth-Shellmouth Agrl. See. July 22. :• Ililbert.

II .n1 Lan-Shoal Lan. Agrl. Soc. Only 21. W. St.,

ennr,...snmea Agri. Sea. July lb. W. J. Lean. neneld Springeglei Agri. Soc. July 18.

• In, Penton. Oakhank. F...111nerair--8irathelalr Agri. Soc. July 38. 7 g.

3,71 Lake- fiwan Lake Agri. Soc. July 13. ti. O. Couch.

Filver--Awan River ASTI. Soc. Aug. 2. It G. Taylor.

n-gieden Agri Soc. July IS. W. M. Plaeo.

Alaturee-Winnipeg Induatrial de Agri. Exhn. Aur. 3-10. J. 11. Roe. maniagiug air.


PriderIctOn-Predericton Enna. Sept. 12-19. C L. Flynn,.

tent John--85175 John Exiles &pt. 5-12. G. W. Prong

IT Stephen-Fn. Stephen Exhn, Aug. 31-irept. U. W. S. Stevens, mgr.


AnttgonIsh-Antigonleh Co. Fair. Sept. 22-23. Jos. Mena..

nor RIver-Illeby CO. Zahn. Sept. 24-25. F. It. liatheway.

Beidgmater-Limenbura Co. Eating Sept. 22-35. W. J. Crouse.

Caledonia-Queens Co, Agrl. Kahn Sept. il-la Peed Krmpton, Kempf. N. S.

Hanley •Nova Scotia Provincial Emu. Sept. 23-Oct. 4. E. Prank Lordly.

gray.ineretown-Annapolis Co. Farmer', Assn. Sept. 15.18. C. M. Collins.

Little Rennk-I,Ittle Brook Fair. Oet. 4-7. Arnaud O Comeau.

Middle Muequol.bilt -Middle Musquodobott Agri. Soo Plept, 22-23. It. Reid.

Oxford-Cumberland Co. Zahn. sent, 111-16. 13. W. Wood,

Ptrtnu-Plet. Co. and N. Colchester Zahn. Sept. 15-17. John D. MacDonald.

Sheiburne-Rheiburne Co. Agrl. &sc. Sept. 29-30 Leslie M.Kay.

Stewinke Stevelacke Agrl. Soc.- Sept. 15.14. Dyson H. Crowe.

WIndsor-Winileor Zahn. Sept. 15-19. 'Thomes Aylward.

Ymmouth-Yarmoutl, Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 23-25. Ernest L. Crosby.

ONTAKI0 AllIa Craig-North Middlesex Agrl, Soc. Sept.

24.25. George C. Stewart. Ahnonle-North Lanark Agri. 13«. Sept. 16-

10. Dr. M Pilkey. Borne-Bartle AgrL SOC. Sept 41-24. G. 0. Cameron.

Belleville-Belleville Agri. Soc. Sept. 1-4-R. H. Ketchetion.

Breermidge-South Muskoka Amt. One. Sept. 17-16. Jrrey fickle.

Collingwood Slott...nags & Ore•t Northern filin. Sept, 14-17. O. O. Bernhardt.

Cnenuall - Cornwall Aug Soc. Sept. 2-4. Jame. Illackladder.

Delta-Delta Fair Asen. Sept. 7-9. Inn. Stn... Harlem. Ont.

Dresden -Camelen Dresden Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-17. H. J. French.

Elmira Elmira & WoolwIch AgrL Soc. Sept. 4-7. IL W. Elting

Fort WIlllarn-Port Arthor-Canaellen Lake-head Exhn. Aug. 10-15. W. Walker. Fort William.

lektgeion-KIngston & Prontenac Exp.. Sept. 14-16. 0, H. Wlimot, Cater-tome, Ont.

Le•mington--Leamington renege,. Agri. Soc. Sept. 28-Oct. 3. Emma Atkins.

Lindsay-L:1.May Central Zahn. Sept. 14-111. W. B. Agnew.

London WtAtern FM, Sept. 14-19. W. D. ¿action.

McKeilar-McKellar Agri. SOC. Sept. 21-22. Leonard Merfat.

Merkhant-Markham FOB'. Oct. 1-3, R H. Crosby.

New Liskeard-New Llekrard Agrl. Soc. Sept. 27-23. Thos. E Armstrong

Olnweken- «nark.. AgrL Soc. Sept. ID-Oct. I. R. W. Hill

Oshaen-South Ontario Atol. Soc. Sept. 17-29, Chas P. Davis

otrewa_central Canada Exhn. Assn AMC 24-2g. /1. Pl. McElroy.

Pererhornuals - Prterhoro Industr10.1 filin. Aug. 17-22, P. J. A. Hall.

Ric get own-Rldgetown Howard Agrl. Sac s•se 23-00. I. J. D. BrIen.

Pax -so- -West Larnbton Ce. Fair. Sept. 22-24. Jame, A. Mien..

Elmcoe--Norfolk CO. Agri SOO Oct. 6-8. 0 Ci. Bramhill.

AnilthvIlle-SmithvIlle Agrl. Suie. Sept, 23-24. John E. tineraorth.

An et Mr d-Atrat ford AerL Soc. Sept 21.21. James Stewart.

Auminem_istrong Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-16. M J. Oullev.

Sutton. Went . Sutton Agri. See. Ana. 6-g. 0. B. WhItney.

Tilironburg-Tillsonburg Fa Denham Agrl. A.. Sept. 1-2. M. Ostrander.

Toronto-Cannetan National Exhn, Aug 28-Sept. II. Elwaod A. Hughes, gen, mgr.

tangleek Hill-Vankleek 11111 Agrl. 13.. Sept. 10-12. J. L. Campbell.

Wenand•-Wenen1 Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-19 A A Mennen

Wtrodert.k Woodstock Fair. Aug. 27-29. P. 7.1. Devon.


CharlOttet.wn-Chatlottetpen prising park es. Provincial Cahn. Assn. Aug. 12-21. J. W. Sputter.


AyInser-Gattneau Go. Agri. Soo.. Div. A. Sept. 11-12. It. K. Erley.

Ann Cliff-etanstrad Co. Agrl. Son. Aug. 20-22. Homer O. Curtis. Stanntead.

BeaucevIlle-Beauce Aare. Soc. Sept. II. Joe. Roy.

Beeford.-laissisnuol Agrl- Stir. Aug. 37- 29. C. O. Jones.

Brome-Brome Cu. Agrl. Son Sept. 7-9. E. Caldwell, Knowlton. Que.

Cape Cove gin. Agri. Soc. Oct. -. Sydney L. Can.

Ch,puru-Pontlat Co. Agri, Soc.. Div. D. Slept. 32-24. Edwin McMahon.

coimudip,i_chicouthni Co Fair. Aug. 27-30. L. Jots Golsen.

Congshke-Compton CID. Amt. 13.0. No. I. Aug. 34-26. T. O. Farnsworth.

Agrl. s.. Aug. 3 Achille Turentte.

Orsnby -Granby in.tc. Sept. 10-13. Walter It. Legge.

Umm•Nord-Wolfe Agri. See. No. 2. Anil. 15-J. A. C.Itolu

Itavel.k Iluutuigton Agri. Sue. Div. 11. Sept. IS. W. P. FI.Iter. Flen.mingford,

Tiontinetion-litantingdon Agrl. 132.e. Div. A. Sept. 10-11. John Small!.

Irgernen-Megantle Agrl. See., Dl.. A. Sept. 9. II. A. Welch.

hie Verte--Agel. Soc. Mtg. 25-26. Ed Cote. Lapramice -Lepton-le Agri. Soo Sept. 22. Raoul Lunn,. Bt. PhillIpe

L'AseumpUon. L'Anorantruit Agrl. Soo Aug. 26. Oro. 4. Landry.

L'Avenlr-Drummond Agri. Soc. Sept. 7. J. It. Charpentier,

Louramille -11ankmonges Agri. Soc. Sept. 15-16. J. E. Rey.

Mantwakl--Gattne. Agri. Soc.. Div. a. Sept. 15-17. Palma Joann.

Marbleton Wolfe Aar], Boo Sept. C. 0. Bkinner, Eilahooton.

Monteuban-Portneuf Agri. Soc.. Dlr. C. Sept. 11 Theorl. Chateativerl.

Mont•Laurn-r- Labelle Agrl. Soc. Sept. I-2. W M. (Rent«,

Afontmeany Montmagny Agri SOC, Aug. 25-28. Paul Carignan.

New. Carlisle-New CarlInle Amt. Soc. Stelt-16. Oeorge M. Kernels,.

New Illehmend-New Richmond Agri. Soc. dept. IS. W. H. Milan.

Notre Dame du Lac-Inane:meta Agrl. Soc. Aug. 36-27. I,. J. Dube.

1.' m pinraille-PapIneau Agri. Sur, Sept. 2-3. J. Pe. Vaillere. St. Andre AMMO.

Parkhursh-Lothunere Agri. Soc. Aug. 25. L. A. Dumont. Ste Agattie.

Pleatleville-Memnlic Agrl. 80e.. DIY. B. Aug. 21-26. Theod. Fortier.

Pont Chate.-floutenges Agri, Soc. Sept. 7. Laurier Leger. Coteau Landing.

Quebec CIty-ProvInclal Expo. of Quebec. Sept. 5-12. Ranny Renate,

Quyon-Ponttac Agri, Ploc.. DI.. C. Sent, 7- 2 M. J. Muleoon. Beechgron.

Richmond-Richmond Co. Agog Soc. Aug. 27-29. W. R. Stevens

ItInmunkl Itlmounkl Agri. Soc. Aug. 21-31. Alfred Dube, Beriuselour,

P....s1-112berval Pair. Aug. 19-23. J. Bd. holly.

Rouserront--Romillo Agrl. Soc. Aug. 25. C. E. Inesque,

St. Alexandre-Agrl, Poe.. co of zberville. Sept. 4-5. ,.kid, Quitting

Et. Bernaln-St. maurIce Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22. Chas. Mercoullter,

Flt Bruno-Chatribly ASTI Soc. Sept. O. Al-bert Bernard.

St, Ephrern-Ficauen Agrl. Flee, Sept, 24, .1. A. Faucher.

St. Pamille-Montmoreney Agrl. Soo. Div. 91. Sept. 73. Albert Faucher.

St, Francols-riu-lac-Tmmask• Agri, Roe. Aug 18-19. Alfred Allant, Blondin

St. Ilniedine- Dorchester Age], Soc. Div. A. Aug. 27. Olear Di-Blots, Frampton

St. liyarinthe-St. IlymInthe Atli. Sue. Aug. 4-6. A. H. Demers.

St. Jean-At. Jean Agrl. floc. Sept. 7-8. J. R. St. Arnaud.

St. Junenne-afontcalm Agrl, Soc. Sept. 23 J. P. Mullet, St. Eeprig

St. Laaare--Vaudreun Agri. Soc. Sept. •-. Henry Held. traudreull

St. Leonard. Nleolet Agri. Soc.. lilv. A. Aug 6. Henn LeManc, Ste. Monique.

St. Llbolre-Basot Agel, Son Sept. 29-30. R. Orman Acton Vale.

St. Mlehel-Rellerhasee Agri. Sept. 8-10. Cal. Lacroix.

St. Paacal-Kamouraska Aml, Soc. Sept. 15-17. P. W. Lesesque.

St. Rumored- -Levi. Agog Sae Aug. 29-Sept. 2. Tel. Carrier, Pintendre

St, SIgnis1.--Cnamplaan Agri. 130e. Aug. 25. J. T. Jacob.

Sr. Thenernie-Vercherce Agri. Sete. Aug. 26. Louis Dalpe, Vercheres,

Bt. Victolre-Riehelleu Agrl. Boe. Sept, 1- 3. J. U. Otromrd. Se Ours.

Ste. BehManique - Ste. Acholastique Zahn. Sept.. 14-17. J. Leo Rea, riet.

Shswville Pontiac 00. Agri, Soc. Sept. 21-16. R. W. Hocking.

Sherbruoke-Entern Township Agrl. Ann, Aug. 31-Sept. 4. Norrey W. Pile,

Three Myers-Three RI.•rs Pale AMP.. Aug. 10-15. Gaston Fennel.

Valleyfteld-Valleyfleld Cahn. Aug. 17-21. Jacques Malonin

Victor lay - -Arthabaska Agri. Soc. Aug. 141-1e. C. R. (Imeneau. Arthabaska.

Water1.0-6hefford Co. Agri. eon Aug. 17-10. It. R. Bachand.


Eatenill-Estevan Induelrial Ext.. June 20-July I. Instn Dean.

Llonlmlenter-Lloydrntnater 'Cahn. Ann. July 27-20. Gordon M. Cook.

tamr.,:-)Arlfort Agrl. See. July 16-14. O. B. Jrne.n.

Moose Jaw-Moose Jaw /Mktg June 35-37. George, D. Mackie.

North Antleford-North Lankford Agri. SOC. July 30-Aug. I. F. Wnght.

Prince Albert -Prirce Albert Agri. S. MIL 3-6. Jahn P. Curran.

Regitia-pggIna Agrl. Indunt. Fghn. AMP. July 27-Aug. 3. D. T. Eiderktn.

Eesketoer -trInkatnon Industrial Extol. July 2045. fild W. John..

wr yburn_weyburn PIMA July 2.4. Peed CL Zabel.

Yorkton-Yorkton Amt. & Induit. Kahn. Alan, July 13-15. W. J. Cowan.

ALABAMA *titres-0dd Tellose• Encampment. Aug. 3.

11 G. Nixon, 84117 S. First ave., Ent Lake. Berulnaham,

e'en-Order of Odd Pellow.. Aug. 4-5. H. C Pollerd, tine 078. Huntsville, Ala.

115 1....111r -Arnerte•t. Legion. July 11/-21. D. 71 Jones. Whitley Hotel. Montgomery. Ala.

ARIZONA Pi:eerie-American Lotion. Snit 3-5.


II Darado-Veterans of Foreign Wars. July 17.14, W. A. Bolding.

Ft Seeth-Anterieett legion. Aug 24-26. R. W. Skeen, Little Rock.


Er.11.1rond-Soe of 40 Hem., & g Chevaux. Aar 9-12. H. W. Linal.. 630 Harvard ate.. Fenno.

11..77 nod-American Legion. Atilt 10-12. J. 14 Fin, 117 Veterans Bldg., San Franck.,

Intl-State Firemen.. Ann. Aug. 17-20, H. T. Sinner, 3404 32d st., San Dime.

Icr Angeles-Elke Grand Lodge. July 12-16. J. E. Masters. 2750 Lake Vine ave.. Gla-tt,. Ill.

Oat trie-Rtate Elks- Ann. Sept. -. R. Doa-n gh. San Diego.

Ped eleff-Order of Red Men. Aug. 17-20. • L Ding 240 Golden Clare ave., Ban ?reallae0.

61-7..111.pgo canadiao Lealon. British Empire 11-nlen League of Calif. July 1.4. P. B. Pt:shalt. 215 Ray Bldg. Oakland

Diego-Slate Moo., Assn. Aug. 6-8. J. men. Oakland. Calif.

2,,e-State Ann of Nurserymen. MM. • H. W. itruckeberg, 210 A Flan Pedro,

Sat Fr ancteco-Western Roe. of Denting Mae-1,7 Sept. -. Mine R. Allen, 2787 Calif. st.

84,1 Francisco-01st Div. Ann, Sept.. 38.77. A O. R.., 424 Market ett


tvIs'aet. 8pringu-KnIghts of Pythias. ALL«, 15-2e W. S. CrEirlen. 411 Bank Eildg. ne7mer.

C:.hu,l, Springs -.Veterans of Foreltrn War. • 25-28. V. A. Cheerer, 805 Peno sr

Cc I.! ado eprinee-Order rf Rik?. Sept. 4-5 17.11-ley. Pg CoWna 0010.

-,,,r-Veter•na of l'orelen Wears of U. Il -IA. R. B. Handy Jr.. Broadway at et. Kenna CIM, Mo. -Knialan Templar. Sept. 16, C. A

P..on ',1n2 SprInge--Order of Red Men. All«, Il 5 Ll Stiles, 1715 Calitorma at . Denver.

F, b1s- Amens... Legion. Aug. 21-22, M. L. 1.....,rshelm. State Museum Bldg.. Denver,


Greenwich-State Mrernen's Ann. Aug. 21.22 (tentative', D W. Harked. 10 Chestnut at.. S. Norwalk, Conn.

Hertford-fit•te Oladlolus Soc. Aug. 20-21, J. Shelmerdine.

Nrw Haven-State Cirotto Assn. Aug. 21-22, J..-ph Ntnorhead, Box 1774.

Nor.vmh--Junlor Order. Sept. 26, J. W. Wel-lington, N. Franklin. Conn,

Stamford Veteran, of Foreign Wars July 724-26. 0. T. Herter, It. F. D. 2, Stamford, Conn.

DELAWARE WilmInglon-American Legion. Sept. -.

Booth, Doerr, Del,

DISTIMMT OF COLUMBIA Winhingtion- -NMI. Sojourners. June 31.27. Major G. F. TJmnacht. Box 1423, Pittehorgo Pa.

Washington-Order of lied Men. Sept 14.111 H. F. Stein, 1521 W. Gir•rd •ve, Phila. erephle Pa.

Waeltington-0. A. It. Natl. Encampment. Sept. 21-25, J. Risley, mat. Moines, Ia.

AVashIngton-American Lee!on, Aug. 8-8 or AUg. 13-15,

GEORGIA Athene-Amerlean Legion June 211-27. Atlanta - Junior Order. Aug. II-12, V.

Echols, Palmer Bldg. Mtn-on-Knights of Pythias. July 7. H L.

Ferrell, 277 1/2 Auburn ave.. N. IL. Atlanta.

IDAHO dolo Polls-Amerlean lentInn. Aug, 0-12 L. F Albert, 316 Capitol Bldg.. Sow-

Idaho Falle-State Moose Assn, Aug. 20-22, Mrs. Dora Winer-ion. Box 330, Celdwen.

1.14w.w-Veterans of ForrIgn Ware. July 13-16.

P.eateIlO-A. P. ile A. Masons. Sept. 8. C. F. Pike, irlox 14.72.


Chleage--Order of Eagles. NMI. Aug. 13-17. J. EL Parry. KIrkwood Bldg.. Kane. City. Mo,

Chicago-Nall, Ann. Musk kgerehante Jelly 37.39. W. A. Melanie. 45 W. 45th at.. New York City,

CIleago-National Ann. of Drnadtaberis. July

Chleago--Nallonal Coelornerss Ann, July 13-

ver. 13. 1.0 Sorensen. 1751 Champa et.. Den-

r. 0. Danville-American Leal... Aug. 22-25. Wm

C. Mundt, Box 910, IlloornIngton. Ill. Evanston-Entente of Pythias. July 21, C Crawford. 0610 Evans ave., Chicago.

Monsehrert-Chicago- Loyal Order of 94.26 .e June 30-July 4. M. It. 011es, Moueeliemt

Pi-one-Dram K . Order. Knights of Eh of July 4-5. Raymond Blair. Henont Bldg.

Island-Knighte Templar. Sept. 26-28 E. A. Glad, 3037 Fullerton ave. Chicago.

SnrIngfle14-KnIghts of Pythias. Sept. 22 23. Al Dough., MI FL ilth el.

AprIngfield-torh U. S. Infantry V•ter•n Assn. Sept. 4-8. R. N. llallbeere, 8 R. 1 Alnlan, Ind.

In the Convention Olt neon. only Me date. of those meeting, which we feel le* of interest to the amusement ind lu, this category we place, besides the strictly amusement and allied °reanimation, th. tollowlng «roues:

American Legion. Veterans of Foreign Warg Disabled Velaran, and other Veteran organization. Odd fellows. Knights of Pythias, Elk., Knights Inuelart. Junior Order

United Americo. M•chanics, Inlet. Shriner,. Red Men. Son, n American Revolution. Woodmen of the World. Masons, Moose. Knights of Columbus. Horticulture Societies, rune and Home oreannetiong Live-Stock Anoclatlons, Poultry Seceder, Board, of Agriculture, florist groups. Patrons of Husbandry. Stan Cranes,. Firemen and Outdoor Ad.erti,ng Anociationg

INDIANA Indlanapolle-Junlor Order. Aug. 27. T. Me-Parland. Portland. Ind.

Muncle-Amertran Legion Aug. 2345, Terre Haute-State Firemen', Assn. Aug. Il-

l]. B. Marshall, Ilex 725. IOWA

Cedar Replete-Knights of Pythias. Aug. II-211, Robt, It, 16100s. 517 Fleming Bldg.. 12. Moines,

Clear Lake-P, M., Order of Odd Fellow.. July 15, C. B. 15rhaek. Harlan. la

Clinton Annelcan Leelon. Aug. 24-24. 0. A Anderson, 214 5. Fourth st.

Eldora-State Firemen's Ann, Sept, 15-16. P A. Ammer, Box 404. Independence. Ia.

Iowa Clty-Leval Order of moose. July 11. Alit, 2. E. U. Meyer. 405 Brady it., Daven-port. Ia.

HANIIAS Wichito.-American Legion, Sept. 6-8. E. A. Ryan, Topeka, Kan

KENITI2EY Frankfort-Junior Order, Aug. 23-311, 0. C.

Stubbs. Fleet N•tl, Bank Bldg.. Ky.

Parbacel.-ArnerIcan Legion. July 20-23. T. H. Hayden. War Memorial Bldg..

Riehroond-Order or Red Men. Aug. 11-12. E. H. Mueterman. 2733 !Iowan Pt,. Louisville.

LOUISIANA Nevi Orleane-AmerIcan Keaton, Aug. 37.3II.

MAINE Le...Paton-American Legion. June 25-27. J.

Floyle, 104 Main it Waterville. Me. MARYLAND

Annapolk-Order of Mks. Aug. 3-5. R. E. Dore, 12 Brewer ave.

Beltirnorr-Arnerican Legion, Aug. 24.79. Trallinmee-Veterana of Foreign Wars. June

26.28. W. M. Miller, Memorial Bldg. tngergawn--Ante Firemen's Assn. June 24-

26. O. R. 1-Ind.ey. 221 E. Wanhington at.

MASSACHUSETTS Roston-Adv. Fed. of Amertem. June 28-July

2. Earle Pearson. 330 W. 42d It, New York Clty,

13oston-N. E. Gladiolus See. Aug. 15-16, 0. E. Folk. Oakdale, Una.

Bytleld-Juntor Order, Sept. 15. E. C. DOIT. 28 Colon st.. Oroveland, Mans,

North Adamr-Order of Engles. Jun.. 28-30. M. L. rni,y. 5, H. Houeapmic It., Pittsfield. M aso,

Springuheld-Am.nlran Legion. AtIg. 20.22. Do.-

non. f.,•rinafteld-State 1.7retnen's Assn. Sept. 8.9.

D. Lo.nrY, Old South Bldg. Boer.., Worcester-Yankee DIY. Veteran, Ann AZ11 Jun. 24-28. E. J. Noyes. Hotel Bancroft.

62 The Itillhemrel LISTS June 27, 1936

MICHIGAN Alpena-State Firemen, Awn. Lost part of

July C. 11. Leine. 304 State OftIce, Lansing. Mich.

C•iiimet--Un. Spaniel, Americen Wer Velar-isms July 2-4. Nell Hume. Skandia, Mich.

Calumet-Order of Fagleg. July 0-12, James Oboe.. 573 Elm et.

Detroit. Knight. of Pelllea, Supreme Lodge. Atig. 1041 II M. Love. Ace. Bldg., Minne-msolle. Minn.

Holland-American Puppetry Conference. July ". Will, M. CcitinblY. Chamber of Coal-inga-ea

Lansing- American Legion, Aug. 16-18. Mackinac Island - State District Kiwants Con, July 9-11. F. W. Clement, 1015 Lln• Coln Ave.. Ann Arbor. '

Isiegaunre- tipper Peninsula Firemen', Anon. July 27-Allg, L

Traverse City - Reunion 328th P. A. Vete. Ann., AK?. Sept. 10-17. L. J. Lynch, Ornad Rapids.

MINNESOTA Bralnerd--AmerIcan Legion. Aug. 17-10. C.

A. Zwirner. St. Paul Detroit Lakes - Veterans o! Foreign Wars. June 28-July 1. Hans Paulson.

Part Rapids-American Legion. July II-13. Address Dos 32.

Ned Wing. Order of Red Men. Aug. It. A. H. Woehning, 1911 N. Quern at., Minneap-olis.

St. Paul - Spanish-American War Veterans. July 12-14. W. E. Downey, Duluth. Mum.

bflicaloalPPI Canton-Knights of Pyclime_ July 14. R. W.

Currie. Box Ilia Vicksburg, Mt.. .paegeon_-8tu e Farm Bureau Fed. July IC. 0. H. klasnod.

MISSOURI Colurnbia-Reunion 35th Div. Assn. Sept. 26.

34 C. Sullivan. 304 E 1111i sr.. Kane. City. Kansas City-Natl. Assn. Rainbow Die Teter.

ans. July 12-15. A C. Cover. 4443 Notting-ham road, Detroit. Mich.

Kansas City - Intern•tl. Baby Chick Aun. July 20-34. R. V, Hicks. 215 Pershing rd.

8pringileId-Amerlean legion. Sept. 641, MONTANA

13111inge-Knlahte of PIThma• Sept. 21 -27 D. B. Hopkins, Pythien Castle. Butte. Mont.

Butte-Order of Red Men. Aug. 7-1 Butte-A. P. & A. Masons. Aug 10-30. L. T. Ramberg, HOlt 11041, Helena. Mont.

Helena-Stale Ellie Awn. July 30-Aug. I. A. Trenerry.

ilwalstown-filtate Assn. of Moose. July 9-11. V. O. Warren. Helena. Mont.

Milaeouliv-American Letton. Aug. 8-12. Joe D. Brown.

NEISRASICA Ognaha-Amertran lesion Aug. 23.211 n. 8. Dudley. Capitol Bldg. Lincoln, Feb.

NEVADA Benn-litnights of Pythias. Sept. 17-11 B.

H. Roeent1,1. Box 2464. Bono- American Legion, July 30-Aug. 1. H.

IL Baldwin. Sox 131. Las Vegas, Her.

NEW RAMPSKIRE Mrseiebester-outdoor Adv. Assn. nf N, H.

Sept. -. Albert Schlink. 30 bridge H. Baerport.-.American Legion. Sept. 10-13.

NEW JERSEY Asbury Park-Veterans of Foreign Wars. June

37.-37. 13. Thomas. Trenton_ &Nary Park-American Legion. Sept 18-12. H. P. Cowan. War Memorial. Trenton.

Agibury Park-Knights of,pythiite. Sept. 23-M. M. E. /11•egerom. Sox IT. Trenton.

AS.,, Park-Internatl. Awn_ of tire Fight. na. Sept. 14-18. O. J. Richardson. 205 A. P'. al L. Bldg_ Washington, D. C.

illidawate City-0 A R. of N. J. June 27-20. lam IL J. Shall, SI Tinton ave., Eaton. lawn. X. J.

AtImatic City-Aliate Plremen, Assn, Sept. 1.11-1S, E. F. Elenners. Chamber of Com-merce Bldg. Newark

Ailiantle City- Supreme Connell 334 Deg., A. A. IL /I Masons. Sept. 19-24 C. IL. Spil-lman. III, !Seth, Bldg., Boson.

WIlderned-Lin. Spanish War V•terans. June 319.77. W. W. 'Tomlin. 103 Cuthbert road. Oettlyst. N. J.

NEW MEXICO A3Brameercem-Km.t,t, 01 Pythias. Sept. 21-M. J. IL Elder.

Claw1.-Amerwan reetton. Aug. 8-8. NEW YORK

11111away-Juntor Order, Sept. 28 a.. a. Faye. I Mailtson aie . New York City.

Almosidrt• Day-Va Spanish War Teter... deb 12-11 J. J. FltaPatelek. Box 9. Capitol. Albany. R. Y.

KKR Aureara-S. Western Assn. Volunter Fire-men of N. Y. Aug 4-6 Sanford Peek. Racheater--Norbern Central N Y. Velum-Meg Firemen. Aasn, June 22-27.

illerw York-Mall. Fraternal Congress. Aug. 111-311. Fitter P. Parrell. 70 N, LaSalle SL. Chia«.

Ika• Yeet-Order of Odd Yellows. Aug. 16-20. G. W. Home. 31 13nion 58.. W.. New York

Reete Lek-Dancing Muter. of America. Aug. 3-7 W. V Roby. 533 Parmlogton ave. Hart-hung Cerny

Mgr Tort -Premium Adv. At., of Amenda. 28-0.4 2. H. W. Dunk. 163 Iluderati

M._ Jeney CRT. M. J Pry Yore-Amer, Dahlla 43oc. Sept. 23-34.

L. Aligns. 231 Court at.. West Haven. OeUn

Be. Vert -Orger of Odd Pellows, Sovereign arced Ledge Sept 21-24. J. K Kroh. 14 W am« at.. 15•141more, Md.

Peamehteemle--Dortern Lam Fire Chiefs. Aug. 1-11 C L Clark. Wayne. Pa.

lelaretam4er-Weeterr. N Y Firemen'. Aun.

je-YS it A. Clark. Batavia bartr.e•- Un. Spanish War Vetv.

MIL Igaireeepeeent Aim 30-Dept. 3. C. M. Sim 40

114»•••••-ligmagnia of Pythias Latter part of ea& Ifornett. 271 Madison are.. Na

- Amerman Legion. Rent 3-5, egrem Member Room KR. Hall of Reg-

ard. Mew York City. Tmowamte-IFIremen, Aran. of N Y. Aug.

EIJI, P. A. Duets. Drawer E. Port 44w•rd, 111 Y.

Tom -Velma« of Porelin Wars_ July 11-11. AMA 134reigbertr 272, gth ase.

1180111711 CAROLINA Asibrefflo-Amerlman Legion. 'WY

Lea1mgren. 5 C.

Asheville Junior Order. Aug. 18-20 S. F. Vance. Ilex 34%. Kerneraville N. C.

apahLah War Veteran._ July 12-13. W. A. Woodbury

NORTR DAKOTA Fargo-State boil Svc. Ai, 20-21. A. F.

Yeager. State College Ste. Fargo. Jamestown - American Legion. July 12-14.

Jack Williams. lessiao. N. D.

01110 Cedar Point - St•te Nike Aeon. Aug. 23-28.

H. D Hale, Newark, O. Cinch...I-Army and Nary Legion of Valor. Aug. 30.Sept. 2. Lt. B. Prager. Court House. Pittsburgh, Pa.

Cincimmti 31111 Div. Are Vete Assn. Sept. 0.7. C. IV. ()obit, 1101 Wyandotte Bldg.. Colombo*. O.

Cincinnati Amer. Inst. Park Executivi,, Amer Park Roe Az Zoo Perks & Aquarium, Sept. 21-23. W. II, Walker, 1129 Portage are.. Boleti Rend. Ind.

clevesand-Ainerican Legion, National. Rapt. 21-31. F. E. Samuel. 7,7 N. Meridian at , Incilanapolls. Ind.

Cleseland-Stisle Awls_ of Manse. Aug. 28-10 Lawrence orove.

Crilumbus--Knights of Pythias. Sept. 22. E. If. Coriell. Boating Green. O.

Columbus Junior Order. Aug. 31. W. A. Clink. Dint 110. Urbana. O.

Poetoria Odd Yellows bncisinpment July 8. W. I.. Ryan. 15 S. Jerlemon ut. Dayton. U.

Pretoria-P. M. Order of Odd Fellow.. July 6-7. E. C. IlYer. 317 Arlington ave. N. W.. Canton, O.

Ilerniltini-Viterane of Foreign Wars. Jun, 25-37.

Lakeside-Internee Lyceum Aeon. Aug. 21-Sept. I. R. I.. Myrre. AudItoriuni Hotel. Chicago.

Vortioninith-eArnerican Legion. Aug. 23-23. J. J. Saelaysky, 17 N. 1111.01 et., Columbus,

OKLAHOMA Shawnee-Veterans or ?urchin Wars. June

21-30 R. 11 Williams. State Capitol Sta.. Oklahoma City.

lal,a-Anirrlean Legion. Sept. 6-8. Milt Phillips rlibt Slate Capitol igt•., Okla. hams City.

OREGON Albany-Veterans of Foreign Wars. July a-

ll C. IT Cochran,, 723A Court Rouge. Portland.

Enarne--let•te Pire Fighters. Aeon. Sept, -. McFarland. Portland.

Klamath Pelts -Order of Moose. July 21-23. C Theiropsem

tiosebuy American Legion. Aug. 13-13, The Danes-17n, Spanish War V aaaaa ns. July

11-15. G. P. A. Walker, 324 Morgan Bldg., Portland.

PENNSYLVANIA Aitoona-Veterens of Foreign Were. June 25-

27. T. O. Peoples, 622 Bell ave. Johnstown-American Legion. Aug. 20-22. Max Bloomberg, P. 0. Drawer M.

Mi Olivor-Alleelmny Co. Fbrentrn. July 4-11. R. J. Hymn:miler.

Prekville-Purrnena Convention. Week of Sept. 1. Tom Gill. Wilson Fire Co. Ni. 1.

rtaLidelphire--316th Infantry Assn. Sept. 25. It. A. Cullen. 6630 Dorel st.

Philadelphia-Bryn Mawr Horse Show Assn. Sept. 30-Oct. 3. Bt. George Bond, 2,0 8. 15th at.

Philadelphia - Ind. Order of Odd Fellow!, Sept. 7.9. T. C. Reutter 223 Zeraida at.. Germantown. Phila

Pittsburgh.-Jewtsh War Veterans of U. 8. Sept. 4-7. E. M. liTedman, 376 5th ave.. New York. N. Y.

Punxsutawney - Central District Firemen's Cons' July 21-Aug. I. L. It. Eberharr, Dog MA.

State Collego-Juntor Order. Sept. 8. C. H. Hall, Box 4175. Philadelphia.

WIlliemsport-Rtate Kits' Arrn. Aug. 24-28. W. EL Could. 106 N. Weeldneton ave., Scran-ton.

RHODE ISLAND Precidence-Intl. A,.n of Lions Clubs. July

21-21. M. Jones, 350 McCormick Blue . Chicago.

Providence--American Legion. Aug. 13-75. V9. Mahler.

Psovidence-Veterans of Foreign Warn. July 10-12.

ROUTE CAROLINA Charlelton•--American Legion Aug. 9-11. P.

w. Gouldeinea. It,. 377. Calionhla S. C. SOUTH DAKOTA

Lead-KnIghta Templar. Aug. 24.28. 0. A. Pettigrew, Masonic Library, Sioux Palls. 8. D

Sioux Palle -Knights of Pythias. Sept. 13-16. J R Johnson liaron.

Yankton- -American Legion. Aug. 1-4,

721.044245E6 Chattanoosa--Ammtean Legion, Aug. 23-25. Sam Ilorisky. Cameo Theater.

Mernahle--Wildcat Veterans' Aun June 21I• no. J. E. Cattail, Citronelle, All.

Nashville-- yore DJ, Aeon Sept 21-30 rexAs

Beaumont-American Legion. Aug, 20-Sepl. 1. Prid E. Young. Drawer Ca, Multi/. Tex

Dallas-Southwestern Aun of Nurserymen. July 31-23, Mrs. T. IL Poster, 2401 Fannin st.. Houston, Tex.

Dallas-Amer. Ann. of Nurserymen. July 31-23. Ch.. Sixemore. Box 336. Louiniana. Mo.

Ft Worth-Janne Order. July a. W. A. Lee 223 5. Patton st Dallas

San Antonia-Ceder of Red Men. Sept. 1-2. C. R. Lynte. 415 Austin are.. Waco. Tex.

UTAH Caliden--8tate Firemen's Awn. Aug. -. J. J. Creedon, Box Z5 Bingham Canyon, Utah

Park Cils-8641e Moese Awn. Aug. 1344, W. T•plor, Sell Lake City

Salt Late Cits-Ameriran Legion. Aug. 20-72. C. S. Schramm, Box 1323.

VERMONT Barre-Order of lied Men Aug. 24. Wm.

Kett. I Cherry st Burnt, ten- Aiii• 'Iran Legion. Aug. 13-18

;tentative,. L. E. Wilson, Roe 304. 340,11 -tel ire.

Est nningten Un. Spanish War Veterans. June 711-27. John Doiieherty.

VIRGINIA Norfolk-Abate Fireman's Assn. Aug. 11-11. O W Dabney, 336 N. Madison at.. Staunton. Va

Richmond-110th DIY Reunion. That week In Aug. C C. Kramer. 413 Plaza Bldg., Pitts-burgh, Pa.

Richmond-Odd Fellows, National 'Colored.. Aug. 10, J. Needham. lath & Spruce ate., Philadelphia. Pa.

fti,noke--Arneriran Lee ,. Aug. 23-26. WASHINGTON

Aberdeen-Veterans of Foreign Wars. July 15-17, N. Elm, Tacoma.

Longues. American Legion. Aug. 20-22. Cornmc Mlles, /lox 155.

Lonesiew-Iiii. Spanish War Veteran.. July 111-111. C. C. Number. Box 1002.

Seattle-Peel!. Coast Assn. of Mintlelane. July 9-11. Dr. H. P. Schoonover. 826 Medi-cal Bldg.

So attic-A, A. O. N. of Mystic Shrine, Im-perial Council. July 14-16. J. H. Price, Box 2020 Richmond, Va.

Seattle- -Order of Red Men. Aug. 10-11. M. J. Davis. Rm. 215. 114 Second Ave. Bldg.

Scuttle-Pas-Me Cons. Aun. rite Chiefs July 20.23. J. W. /Hewn', 1014 Merchants' Exch. Bide.. Ban Fraticmco. Calif.

Spokane-Junior Order, July 24-25. C. E. lilac, 2811 Renter are, Seattle.

Spokane- Northwest Moose Assn. July 18-18. J. F Pearce. 2215 York at., Vancouver, B. C.. Can.

WEST VIRGINIA Clarleston-Knights rif Pythi•e. Aug. 4. C. W. Brivil.

lin iiti rig ton -America t, Legion. Sept. 6-9, Martinsburg-State Firemen's Aesn. Aug 13-

14. II G. Prtdineer. Ind I 'hart, NI. MartIngburg-Cumberland Valley Vol, Fire-men's Aran. Aug. 11.12. C. L. Jacobs, 20$ Trille aye, Waynesboro. Pa.

Parkereburg-Junior Order Aug. 24-25, R. F. Lambert. Box II, Huntington. w. Va.

Wheeling-Anlehta of (synth.. Aug. 26-27.

WISCONSIN SPIdeton-81ale Moose Awls. Aug. -. P.

Fairchild. Kenosha. WI,. ChIppyr• Fails-Knight. of PYthiaa. Aug.

18-19. V. Moser. Caewell DIE, Milwaukee. tau Clalre---State Elks Assn. Aug. 20-22. Lou

barker. Two Risers, Wis. Alilwaukee-Dteanled Amer. Veterans of World War. July 111-25. V. 11, Corbly. 2810 Mel. roue ave.. Cincinnati, O.

Milwaukee-32d Dlr. Veterans Amen. Sept. 19-20. Byriin Beveridge, 1148 Florence Ct..

Wtii, Nernan.Menasha-American Legion Aug, 16.

18. 0. II. Stordock. 233 E. Michigan are.. Milwantre.

Oslikneh-Veterans of Foreign Wars. June 23-28.

gtorecon sey_orely nf Eagles. June 24-31. E. M. LaPlant.

WYOMING Laramie-American Legion. Aug. 20-33. E.

V. Knight. Sheridan Order of Eagles. July 6-7. Wm. Edwards, Box 130 Rock Springs. Wyo.

Sheridan-A. F. & A. Masons. Aug. 24-25 J. M. Lowndes. Masonic Temple, Casper. Wyo.

Wheatiand-Order of Odd lhilows. July 21-22. R. W. Chase, 122, S. Ash It.. Casper. Wyo.

CANADA Brantford. Ont.-Knight, of Pythiae. July

10-11. A. Coulter. 02 Park GI., Toronto. Calgary. Alla. - •15. P. 0. Elks of Canada July

29-30. R. Burritt, Winnipeg, Man. Ennionton. Alta -Canadian Legion. July I.,-la J. McQuarrier.

St. John. N. II -Knights of Pythlee. Aug. 17-20. W. C. P . 04 Spring at.

Toronto, Ont.-Intl. Aun, Pire Chiefs. July 0-31. J. J. Mulcahy. 16 Franklin ave.. Yonkers. N. Y

Toronto. Ont.-KnIghte of Columbue, Supreme Council. Aug. 18-20, W. J. McGinley, Box 1570, New Haven, Cann.

Vancouver, B. C -Knights Templar. Aug. 1-3, J. Macerrow, Montreal, Que.

Windsor. Ont -Loyal Order of Meow. JUIY 3I-Aug. 3. S. V. Ponton. Box 201.

Winded.. Ont -Order of Odd Fellow. AIM. 11.12, E. Munro,

Coining Events These dates are for a five-week period.

Bald Knob-Centennial Celebration, July 13-18 J. J. Webb. eery.

Camden-. County Celebration aa Water Frill-val. July 2.4,

Conway-Pageant, Jone 25. Litt. Rock County Pageant, June 29-July 3. Mena-County PicnIc Jule 4.

CALIFORNIA Prentwood-Apricot Festival, June 20-20, Calistnica-811venedo Trail Festival. July 3-5. Coronado Horse Show. July 11-19. los Angeles-ermilwaren Show, July 26-29. Santa Barbora- borer Show July 29-Aug. I.

CONNECTICUT Norwich-Elite Cebibeetion Week of July 27,

ILLINOIS Bushnell-Veterans of Pnreign Ware Celebra-

tion June 39-Jii/r 4. T. E. Samuelson. commander.

Centred' - American Legion IleimecomIng. Week of July 4. Ncrirmn C. Baker

rildrago--lassnclaIe Celebr•ttnn. June 18-28. Eillngliern Street Celebration. AmeGcan ta-

lion. June 29-July 4. 0 It clerk. Geneva-Kane Co. Centennhel Celebration. June 28-July 4. James H Scott, ehrm.

Hebron - C•ntemiloil Celebr•lion. American Legion, July 23-70

Lake Fbreal-Horne Sher, June 24-27. Libertyville Centennial Celebration July 1-5. McHerry-Centennial & Homecoming. July 31-Au.. 2 Ethel Jores. grey.

Salem-M.1*n Co Roldlere Ar Salliire Re-union. July 27-Aug. I. Earl IV. Merritt,

Taylatvtlle-Celrbrallon. snip_ Elks lk Legion Drum Corp,. June 211-July 5. Jeff Schierl... chem.

Toluca IlomerornIng, June 28-July 5. Tony R flerrrttlnl

7umola--Ifixnecoming. Week of July 37. Cal E. Ras.. arcy.

INDIANA Clocerdele- Picnic ge Homecoming. Anieritan

Legion, July 10-Aug 1 H. C Hut, chrm Converee-Flrerrene Probe. June 29-July 1. Don Miller, Piro Chief,

Crawfordsville-Lions. Club Cciebr•tion, Jure 21)-July 5. Jut R. Warren. eery.

Dogger-American Legion Celebration, June 12-21. Wm. Evans,

Goodland.- lintoreOnlIng. July 23-25. J. r arerrersm1111. chrtd.

Ledessa-Centenntal di Homecoming. July 22. 36, Norman Rinses, sert'.

Marshall noose Show. July 8-D, E. H. Pefley,

Plymouth--County Centennial American Le-gion June 29-July 1, Tom Downey.

Vincent., - • American Legion Celebration. June 20-July 1,

Wayriebalc-Wisynedale Festival, Julie 22-21. CI. G. elickafue. Ist Wayne.

IOWA Menning-P1remena Carnival. Harry Reinholdt. chrm.

KANISAR Dodge City-liereball Tournament at Celebra.

Iron. Week tnehnit July a George Shiner Jr.. etc)' Fair Assn,

Florence- -Celebration. Di/sinew Mena Club. Fourth of July week. H. F. MeCready.

13ever•oce-V. F. W. Picnic. July 18-1 E. Coy. secy.

KENTUCKY Augusta-Celebration, Fire Dept. Week of July 4.

Clrereltro-Celehrallon. Fire Dept. June 20-July 4. V. V Kendall.

Parlucah--Celebration, June 70-July e IL Nall. secy.

PaIntnville-Live-81«k Expo. & Roden & la. gion Celebration. July 1-4. Secy., Box IR.

MAINE Lewlelon-All-Maine Fair Aeon.

Mect, Juts. 13411 MARYLAND

Mardela Springs -Volunteer Fire CO. Carnival. July 17-Aug, 3.

MASSACHUSETTS Salem . American Legion Jambe,. June pp.

July 4, Thomas Kelm, MICHIGAN

Grand Ledge--Ccntenary Celebration. Juno 2648.

Lenlle-Cenlentual Celebration, July 23-23, Claude Young. chrrn.

beanietee-leoreet lbetival. July 3-4. °seeds-Centennial Jubilee. First week in

July. Board of Commerce. Owouo-Owesso Centennial Celebration, July

1-4, Chamber of Commerce. Pontiac-Oakland Co Expo, June 23-27. St. Louis-Homecoming, July 1-4. 7 City National Cherry Festival, July

1$-17 George Anderson. secy. MINNESOTA

Lucerne - Home-Coming celebration. Juno 28-July 4. David H. Smith. arty.

MINSISRIPPI Houston-Crnienntal Celebration July 15-l7.

C. IT. Alexander. the,

Craig-American Legion Reunion. July Is-htar, 2.

Eldorado Springs--Celebration. July 20-21. froward Whitesell.

M•rceline-Ame,lcan Lecion Crlebrallon, Jute 20-July a (Isom, Oldham. commander.

Weitubleau-Reionan ni Riverside Park, Joy John Allen eery.

MONTANA Wheeler-Celebration. Week of July 1. E. P. Cooper, wer.

NEBRASKA Ocring-Oregon Treil Days. July 16.17. W. F.

McOrlif. NY, Omaha-Street Celebration. July 11-111, L.

O. Kahn. mgr, NEW nAmrs. mar

Ilempton Beath- Shrine Circus. Julr 24-Am 1. Marton & Manid liters

NEW JERSEY Marristown-Morretown Firemen's Carnival. June 25-24. Jame• Murphy. grey,

Sea Bright-P.1re Dept. Pair & Carnival. July 111-26, Lawrence Fowler, secy.

Woodbridge-Celebration June 27-July I. Edward Jordan.

NEW YORK Kenrnma-Centennial Celebration. July 1-11.

Won. Frank, mgr. Malone-celebration at Fear/rounds. June 210.

July 4. It. D. Kelley. Pies,. New York-Lamp Show, July 20-34. Genre,

P. Little, no Fifth ave. Penn Tan - Arrericen Legion Celebratlan. June 21-July 4 George D. Wood Jr.

NORTS CAROLINA arinur-rsnosnion ¿Ir 4111 of July week. Jack

C. Roberto, secy. NORTH DAKOTA

Blennarck-Plone-r Detys Festival. ¿sine 23-July 5. Valdemar Petrymn.

01110 Camden Carnival & StMet Pair. July 20.3%.

.1 V. Braun, secy. Canton-Mt. Marie Feeliyal, July 2-4 Joseph Ouht.

Dclaware-thimmer Feetlutl. June 23-27. J. D. Malone. grey.

Eaton-American Legion Carnival, July 3-2. Doc Howard. The Billboard, Cincinnati.

MerMn-Mardi Ora. & Celebration. bingel-,-July 1 Ed Weyis, env

Ohio city-Legion-Firemen Carnival. July ZI-A.. I. P. A. Desch. chrm

Painrsville--Junr Fr stint. Wert of June 23. L. It lee, zee,.

Twinsburg-Home-Coming Celebration, Jell 31-Aug. I. L. E Holt. chrin.

OKLAHOMA Duke-W. O, W Picnic Jane 23-27. Okmulgee-Celebrabon June 20-July 4. Bey

Harrleon. care Jr. Chamber of Commerce Pond Creek-American Legion Reunion. bill

20-25. Onsipaw-Plenic, July 2-5. Addrew Box 3T 3.

PENNSYLVANIA Amberson-Amberson Valley ricltic, July 21-

25. M A. Beam. Wtndlerr. P•. Berwick - Berwick Se,quicontennlal. June

25-July 1, Clyde Croft. Coalport Celebre Clon & Old Home Wert June 29-July 1. Raymond Braniff,

Henrietta-Thermo-re. Reunion, July 22-23. »-A. Beam. Windber, Pa,

Hooverscille Hooverscillo Centennial, AT., 23-37. Merle A Beam. Windbry, Pa.

Cremes Mills.. -leffernen's Fair. July 1-4 le ,u Luxenberg,

Phoenixville - AMeriCan Legion Cclebict , June 26-July 4.

Pittsburgh-Municipal Jubilee & Expo. 19u, ' Field. Week of June 22. J.. ki Grath Jr.

July 0-11.

Juno 27, 1936 LISTS The Billboard 63

Saxonburg -• Celebrelon, Fir. D ept. July 25.23.

g.gonsgrove- Carnival it Night Fair. Week Of July 20. Roland E. Plebe. chrrn.

gene Gap Shine osp Ptrnle. July 29-Aug. M. A. Beam, Winder. Pa.

WieAgra - St_ Mary'. Celebrotion it Night rai:. July 6-12. V. Eugene Sykes.

RHODE ISLAND Irovidence-Prutiderice Tercentenary Celebra-

tion. July 3-Aug. O. Chai. Kronson, 436 Grooranor Bldg.

SOUTH CAROLINA Greenville- Celebration. flap. Legion Ortamt Cofra. July 1-4

SOUTH DAKOTA Caster--Oold DidwcerY Days. July 27-213. J.

T. Broyles. aver. Rot Springs-Water Carnival. July 17-16. Rex Joyce, ney


Trenton-Amerle•n Legion Celebration. J.»• HoJuly 4.

Colon City - Celebration. June 29-July 4. R. E. Mack. mgr.

TEXAS Amine-Centennial Celebration. July 31-Aug I.

Aurtin-American Legion Centennial Celebra-tion July 2-4.

fallinger-Ciolden Ann,. . June 20-30. Battrop- Centennlal Pageant it Celebration. July 2-4.

gpon_-celebration it Rodeo. July 4. Borger-Pageant it Rodeo. July 3.5. aome-Pageant a Plebe-elem. July 4. me, Centennial Canine. July I-4. Doter-Watermelon Festive. July 17-18. Otto Golden Juldlee Celebration July 4. Clarendon-celebration it Pi . Roundup. July 4.

Cobnan- W. Texan Historical Expo, July 13.15.

Comfort-Rodeo it Pageant July 4-5. cetera-Centennial Celebration. e July 3-4. Male Pan-Border Jubilee. July 3-6, De/port-King Ptah Rodeo. July 1-5. 0Mo/don-Water Cen/val July 19.26.

Celebration July 1. IfeAllen-Amer. Lemon celebration July 4. Wart Centennial Homecoming July 1-4. lidullond - Rodeo et t'ait. June 26-20. Era Braunfels-Centennial Celebration. July 4-5.

Oren-Rodeo it Stock show. July 3-4. Pod Arthur-Jr Chamber of Condurre Car-nice. Jane 30-July 1.

Ante -Cenniunity Fair A: Centennial Cele-bration. July 14-17.

Rork Spring.-faye-stock Exhibit At Rodeo. July 3-4

Billon--mlyer Anniversary Celebration. July 4. Snetweter-Water Carnival July 16-17. Temple Pioneer Day Its Birthday Celebrelion. Jute 29.

Terrell Amer. Legion Celebration. July 2-4. Tona-Centenniai Roundup. July 17. Weatherford-Parker Co Fruit it Melon Ex-

hibit. July 30-31. UTAH

Set Lake City-Coveted Wagon Days. July 71-24. E B. Erwin. cent.

WEST VIRGINIA Grantsville-American Legion celebrelon. Week of July 4. W. O. (muted Jr.

WISCONSIN graver Dam -Arne:Loan Legion Celebration. July I-3. Wm. Lawrence.

tond du Lac - Centennial Ar Home-Comin. lifaeton-Centennial Celebi anon. June 27-Celebration. June 31.July 4. July 5 Win. Whitney. chrm.

Ilraltywoc-Centennial Celebration Juno 26-July 5. Joan G. Johnson, chnn.

Mixaulee-mid-Summe peeped. July 19-25. Othkesh Centennial Celebration. July 1.-25 E A. Clement,. chem.

Too Rivers Centennial Celebration. July 35. Aug. 2, Arthur P. Retie. mgr.

Weertown-Ceutennial Celebration. July 2-5 Harry N. Smith. them.

WInneeonne - 90th AnniversAry it fledge Dedication. July 3-5. Amerman Legion.

CANADA Error. Ont -Old !toys. Reunion. July 4-1l.

IN M. Webb, Recors, 001.-Old Horne Week July 4.11 Vancourar. B. C.-Golden Jubilee Codebration, July 3-13.

`en/yeah N tel -Celebration. July 27-Atig. 3 Local Firemen ln chars ,.

of July Celebrations

ALABAMA Towaloon-Fair Ann Je Dirago. chem.

ARIZONA Deogin.--Veterana of Foreign Ware.

ARKAN.A. 111 Dorado-Retail Merchants Amn. Orranwood• -July 1-4 Harlan Stewart. Utile Rock-July 2-5 Ark. Nallonal Guard. 8 A. Franklin, them.

Wedron-Amerleen Legion. Er. A E. Moo'. ley.

CALM/RN-IA Eureka-July 3.5. Fortune-51re Dept it flua. Metre Aosn-tdracerey-July 3-S, American Legion. inn Celle Amerlean legion. lestsonville-July 3-5 Roy Peterson. ehrm.

COLORADO Alornoes-July 2-4. Ruud/ --I W. Adenine seer. atelier-July 3-4. Jr. Chamber of Com-merce.

FLORIDA • Panama City.clIff Davenport. secy croitois

thek-uv.vuly--July 3-4. Chamber of 00.3-nerce.

IDAHO Pocatello-Chamber of commerce.

ILLINOIS 7 rary-Plre Dept. K P Waxy. AKE

F. Relent. then, American Legion, M. J.

Crandall Cheinarlh-Adolph Zorn chem.. Clinton-American lateen. hecatur-Ralph M. Tenney. ellI332 7Mleaton-J. V.r Cook Jr.. mgr. Falrbury-Amerlean Legion, H. W. Idelle0-1.14or.

Eetra-Merehants• Ann

Grafton-July 4-5. Doh Freeman. secy. Ilempshire-Julf 4-8. Petersen * Innsdale Juil> 2-4. Arnedcan Legion. Iroquois-Edwin Brown, secy. tatealle--Clamber of Commerce it American

Legion. McHenry-July 3-5. American Legion. Mi'dote-American Legion. IScatonics. July 4-3. Pair Ann, Tom More ripe. sup,.

Pforla-Jolv 4-5. Ses•nms-- Soldiers and Bailors Reunion_ Mre•Mr-F. J. Hart, atty. Wheaton-Arnerican Legion. Wtnnetka-P, R. Lowrey, chem.

INDIANA Bess Lake-July 4-3 ii. rey flannel. Knox.

Ind. Colytion-American Legion. Elkhart Christiana Lake Celebration. July

3-5. H M Carmlen. Ft Weyne-July 4-5. John Echols. Osgood American Legion

snme Alble-Albla Piro Dept. Alguna. •July 4-3. Pair Ann., E. L. Vincent

secy. Carroll-July 3-4 Chamber of Commerce, B.

O. Treater. Dubuque - July 4-5. Veteran, of Foreign Wars

Pennington-Fire Dept creentield-Pair Ann. Guttenterg-Howarden_pr• Dept. N.-deck-American Legion Humboldt-American Legion_ Annehestee_hrly 3-4 E W WIlliam.. bey. Mopleton-Frank Kaden. chem. Nerinwood-July 1-4. American Legion. PrIr,-vet.ralA nf POtelan Wan. Rockford .Carl Cunningham. mitr. Sheldon-American Legion and Jr. Chamber

of Commerce. Washington. Chamber of Commerce. Wauknn-July 3-5. A. M. monseruct Harpers Perry. la,

%Vest Union-July 4.5. Pali Ann.. Ed Bituder. secy.

Winterset-July 3-4. Plre Dept. KANSAS

At-ilene-July 3-4. Veterana of Foreign Wan. Harry Fuller.

Columbus-5v D. Oehsenbeln. arty. Plortnee-Luaineas Men.. Aran. Garden City- Chamber of Commerce. Glee Bend-American Legion. Lyndon July 3-4 Arne-Jean Legion. Dr. O.

H. lineman clam. Marquette-At/nee/3n Legion Oberlin Chamber of Commerce. Pirashurg-Amelean Legion. Wellington-A. L Gernand. Chamber of 00m. merge.

KENTUCKY Palmouth-Mrs. D. It. Barnes. Rey. Maysellee-Lions Clun C D. Russell.

LOUISIANA Jennings-Mre, L T motes secy.

MASSACHUSETTS Lowell-July 3-4. J. W. Keenan. Quincy-Len H Result, ricer». Waltham-American Legion

MICHIGAN cero-my 2-4. American Legion. Dundee. July 2-4. American Legion, Milo E. Ponee,

Hilisdele-Chas. M. Store, racy. Mantater-Festicat July 2-4. George Kruse,

se Cy. Pmckney July 3-5. Port Austin-July 3-5. Home-Corning, John Mayes. any. Louis-July 2-4. Dante Ruler. chrm.

MINNESOTA Appleton-July 4-5, Pair Ann.. J. G. Aneler-

win, racy. Blue Earth-July 4-5. flare Sleet. Commer-

cial Club. hreckesraldre-July 4-5 American Legion. Hutchinson-July 4-5. Pair Anon. International Fells-American Legion. braellson-July 4-5. 0. T. Mork, secy. Pair

Assn. MontevIdeo-July 3-5. Moorhead- -Amoricen Legion. New York Mills-July 4-3. C A. Ringdahl. ripe-tone July 1-5 Jerry Hines ••••ev. 13..danni1 at Commercial Assn.

SI. Peter-July 4-5, Veterana Foreign Wars These dates are for a fire-week period. R Lemon Pons,

Ether Pox Lake Resort. July 3-3. CALIFORNIA K A. Nelson.


Beleeld-July 3-4. American Legion, Carl In-• rrrrr d. bey.

Pion:Auk July 3-5, Prank Milhollan. alum. Lisbon-July 3-4. Advertising Club. Towner_ Wirnbledon--Commerclal Club.

OHIO Ashville-July 2-4. Clyde Brinker, aecy. Canton- July 4-5. Rome-Cumin. at P•alre

grounds. Hamilton-Eagles. Harry W. Iletterich. seep. Montpelier- July 3-4. American Legion, Napoleon-July 1-4 t.. R. Shreves, secy. Wellston-American Legton, Nina Scott.

OKLAHOMA Cement --July 2-4. L. A. Williams. Amy. Novata-Pones City-American Legion. littlioster-July 3-4. Chamber of Commerce.

OREGON Eugene-American Lemon.

PENNMILVANIA Brarlfed-Street Fair. July 3. Kenneth Meyer, necy,

Phillipsburg-Reliance Fire Co Point morion-Joly 1-4. Volunteer Firesten. Poik V. W Dilte. eery. Rimersborg-FiremcWo Jubilee •nd celebra-

tion. Don Morgan. pees. Uniontown-D. W. Smiley, chrm. Wellsville-Amerlean Legion and V ne of

Foreign Wars. RHODE ISLAND

Bristol-A. M. Merriman. chem. SOUTH CAROLINA

Grenralle-Arnelean I.rtltn. SOUTH DAKOTA

Armour-eleden Jubilee. July 2-4. Deuenaner. any.

Avon-- July 3-4. American Leiden Canton-July 2-4, Home-COMIng. Ipowleh-Commercial Club. Presho-Busines Men .s Ann. Pon. Faira-Amedean Legion

F . O.

Maryville-A. L. Butcher. me. TEXAS

Aualln-American Legion, It. & Behoenert secy.

Brournont-Voting Men's Business League, A. J. Marti, chrm.

Mainock-Juty 3-4 Veterans of Foreign War. Frank McPherson.

Port Arthur-.-- July 2.4. Chamber of Com-merce. It E McInnis

Waco--American Legion, UTAH

Bingham-Volunteer Fire Co. WASHINGTON

Holuient-July 3-5. American Legion, L H.

Morton-July 2-5, H. Thompson. bus. ber. Walla Walla-July 4-5, Jr. Chamber of Com-

merCe. Scuttle-

WISCONSIN entice-July 3-5. American Legion. Barron-July 2-4. American Leglon, John P.

8slschelder. Bloomer-Fue Dept. Burlington--July 3-5. Crtahlon -July 4.5. Carl F. Rudolph, Crandon-July 3-3. Water CarniVaL Kam Lodge.

Dr Pee-July 4-5. American Legion. Dodgeralle--American Legion. Edgar-July 4-5, American Legion. Ecaneelle-Llone Club Grantsburg -Pair Ann. Marratette--Ameraggn ',tom tallwaukee-July 3-3. American Legion eSt Fair Assn.

Pletteralle-Arnerlen LegIon, S. IL Idneeral-Racine -In Zoo Park. Hf sour.-Ampriran Legion. Stevens Point-American Leglen. Thorp -July 3-3. Tornah-Amer lean Legton. Tomahawk-S. 13. McCoy. else. Winter-American Legion.

Dog Shows

31.:11weter-Elke and Merchants, Oyler July 4-3, Fair Assn J. 8. Soliesen.

secy. w",.go_yoly Legion-Gemmel-eel Club.


Cofferyille July 3 Amertcan Leann. Ilettleoburg-Linns• Club.

MISSOURI Charleton-Jr, Chamber of Commerce. Dexter.-Antericen lexten Edina-July 2-4 American Legion. PlirvIew-July 2-4 Picnic. Lester Hutch-

ings, seer, IX Meinershagen,

21aryville July 4-5. Ike Dail , Mountein View-Veter•na of Foreign Ware. Rockport -AmerIcan legion. O. A Loeml.

secy. Salem-July 3-4 Chen..., of Commerce. Annberry-Fire Dept. Roy D Meer. trade a- and F.Men's u.

Windsor-July 2-4, Ex.°, Ar Celebration. E. W. Stanfield

MONTANA Lewletown-JUly 4-5. Chamber of Commerce. Pldney-July 4-5, American Legion J 11


Crab Orchard-L. E. Lailln. Denhler-Commerelei Club, Kearney-P.1re Dept. Sidney-- Amertc‘n Legion. Valenttne-American Legion,

NEW JERSEY Newark-American Leginn

NEVADA Tonepaly--July 4-S John Connolly, ehnn.

NEW YORK Altament-Altemont Hose Co. 13eiht --American Legion Livingston - Chamber of Commerce. T. G.

Allen. True-Kiln. Frank Horan. Wayland-July 3-4 Flremen. Meagher and Haggerty. Livonia, N. Y.

Windeor-American Legion

Del Monte-July 12. Min Marlon Kingsland, Carmel. Call!.

MAINE Bar Harbor-July 25. Poley . Inc.. 2009 Chest-nut sit, Philadelphin. Pa

NEW JERSEY Intention-June 27 "coley. Inc., 3000 chestnut st, Philadelphia, Pa.

PENNSYLVANIA Sewlekley-June 27 Pole. Inc.. 2009 Chest-

nut st . Philadelphia. Pa. I/keep-Aug I Feley, Inc.. 2.09 Chestnut

vt., Philadelphie. Ps. WISCONSIN

Leke Cleneve-July 11-12. E. Z. Menhall. Edgerton. WIC,

Wausau--June 25. M J CANADA

Calgary. Alter -July 11-30. A. W. Lancaster Sr.. 613 84 ara., N. W.

Frontier Contests 1

These dates are for a five-week period.

ARIZONA Preseet-Pramet Front', DayS, July 2-5. Grace M. elp•rres.

CALIFORNIA Alluray-Rodeo Juiv 3-4, C Dater, dir. Balinne-Callfornia Rodeo. July 16-19, Peed

B. McCarver, Frontier Day. July 3-5.


Oreelev-Oreeley Spud Rodeo. July 4, E. II Folbreeht

Monte Mara-Ski-Hi Stampede. July 29-31. J. H. Beatty.

IDAHO Orengeelle-GrangevIlle Border Days. July

2-4. Al X. Wagner.

ILLINOls Pecatonlca-Texas Ranger Rodeo. Aug. 1-2. Tom Morrlasey, •upt

KANSAS Bun City-Mcloln•s Roundup, July 10-12. M.

P. Haan, MAINE

Leoletteu-Slannede At Rodeo. Rah. ARM. July 13-1a.

MONTANA Butte-American Legion Rodeo. July 0- 12-

Earle N. Clensberger. Mvingston-Livingents Roundup. Jule 2-7-Sol Prank.

City-Mlles City Roundup July 3-6 ,l ,ntutl,e ,, I. 11, router.

Red Lodge Red Lodge Rodeo. July 3-5. L. M. Staten,

Wolf Pent-Wolf Pole Stampede. July 9-11. O. C. Johnson,

NEBR. AKA Aillonce-Andolcon L, etion Iranirandie Stem-

pede, June 37.39, E V. Black_ North Pratte-North Platte Roundup. July

3-5. John A. Stryker. Ontah•--ornanattaiston Rociewow. July 29-

Aug. 2. Stryker it Coeser. mgr.

NEW MEXIce> ellrer City-Rodeo. July 3-5.

NEVADA Reno-Reno Rodeo. July 3-5. Dnd IL Day.

OKLAHOMA Buffalo-Doby Springs Rodeo. July 17-152 Are Sow•rd.

Nenta-American Legion Rodeo Job' 3-0. OREGON

Crawfnrilocille--Calleptora Roundup. July 4-3. D. V. Metercher

Molalla-lvfnlaila R Icktroo. July 3-5. t It Wallace.

1/kl•h- -Ukiah Rodeo. July 4-5, R. A. Fletcher.

SOUTH DAKOTA Belle Puurche- Park Hills Roundup. July

Y-5. L. C. Morel 'on. TEXAS

Canadian-Anvil Park Rodeo. JIBE 1-4-O. A. Studer.

Childress-Firemen .. Rodeo & Prontler Cee-broth.° July 3-1. Leonard Stroud.

Pallurrias--Amerlean leg.» Rodeo. July 2-4. Fort Werth-Fro:111er Days. Centennial Cel•-

brotion. Opens July I. Billy hose, man-aging dlr.

Pandra-Itoden. July 3-5, Lon L Blanschett. recua-- Wild Wen Rodeo. July 2-4. Stsimford--Coaboye• Reunion It Rodeo. July

UTAH Nepal-1AP fltattlpede. July 0-II. Or. P. L.

Jotes. Ogden-Pinner flays' Ruleo. July 23-25. Mayor Harman W. Peery_

WISCONSIN Oshirnsh-WInnehagoland Rodeo. July 5-12. Taylor G. Brown

WYOMING Cheyenne-Cheyenne ?Yonder UMW Celebra-

tion. July 22-23. Robert D. Slane/worth. Cody-Cody Stampede, July 2-4. Meyer Rankin.

Lander-Lander Pioneer Days. July 3.4. R. L. Newton.

Slut-Man -Ilherld•c-Wyo-Rodra. July 15-17. H. T. Cheney.

CANADA Caltpry, Alta.-Calgary Stempede.

E. L. Richardson. July 11-11.

RINKS-(Continued tunes perGe 53)

bring my skates and /lave an evening of skating then. Fiber roller. could then be USed In addltIOn to Steel Wheen. Here la a great idea for club. even If they have to rent a lot near their gyms., or anyone elne who may bate a good Vacant lot in a well-populated teen.

Madison bullere Clanien. Idle a good pne of summer, han fuel one of thee. mummer rinks which should be utilized and made to yuy a good Income for this fnmone eporte center. No place hats a hotter IneatIOn, and It Is all equipped ("crept probably for skates. I would like

to see the blg aporte peace running as a rink Miring SLUMP., Summer rinks keep youth off crowded Street,, each night and thereby save many live each year betides offering fine places to skate in the open air. I mn men., my old friend of Nathan°

comedy skating act which until

about four years Ago was pretty regular on etude bills. He Lena me he hag re-tired ¡rom the knOekab011t art and is ID

btlelnele where he can eliminate those treacherous fall. the boys used to take to make audiences laugh. On 47th street I ran Into Beecee. of the team of Beegee end Cupid, who recently returned from

ebroad. The New Yorker. with the only tee skating show In town. I underatnnd. will mid the three Deemer, glebe to the

program. Sonia and her prattler.. Ned Dob.son. the amateur ski Jumper

vale dabbles In allow huolnew nom . In the morning Until late at night flee days a week, has booked the Helen Reynolds net for pleturea. Ned. I hear, la work-ing on an idea by which he can attach roller skateg to the bottom skis to get

summer practice. A roller @kitting art playing a night

club bin di/warded the idea of picking Up patrons end giving them spine In the alr.

It werne they got One aloege who was overloaded and after a apin was a ter-rible mein On the management decided the Stunt Ia out. Nest day the man Is

Sald to have threatened suit against the

club. It appear. that other skaters usitig this stunt for a few laughs will even-tUrilly eliminate it from their routine.

64 The Billboard PARKS-RESORTS-POOLS Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS—Cornmunication• to 25 Opera Piece. Cincinna I. O.

June 27, 1936

BEST A. C. BIZ SEEN Amusement Industry Is Facing Biggest Summer in Its History

This is consensus of association members, who report added facilities for crowds—auditorium dark so far as attractions are concerned—midgets from England

• ATLANTIC CITY, June 20.—That the amusement Industry here fares the big-

gee eeeenn in Ita history in the eonseiteue. as expressed by representatives of all principal amusement enterprises at annual meeting of Atlantic City Amuse-ment Menai A:eel...tenon in office. of President Frank P. Gravatt. Steel Pier, Al) re-ported increased summer bookings as well ais edriltionel metre-de of crowd handling. Thew officers were re-elected: President Prenk P. Graven.: Vire-Prfadrient C. A. Hill. MilWin-Dollar Pier; Edward J. O'Keefe. ceeretary-treenurer: Herbert Copebout Warner Theaters: Harry Waxman. Holly wood Theater: Mortimer P. Lewis. Apollo Theater, t rust era.

No Opposish From And Rfflort parking problems and antici-

pated activities of Convention Hall seem also discuened. The amusement asso-ciation is not opposed to anything in the big hall which t. not direct. competi-tion to them or a duplication id their own business, rnembern

Auditorium will be dark this mummer. en far as amusements are enneerned. as convention bookings increase and the ball's force hard put to Install many elate-me gatherings. Manager Phil Thompson said that, owing to large eon-mutton honkings in the fall, feed/tell in the big hall may he discontinued. fee hockey will be brought back, ns receipts last season were 25 per cent better than lit any other previous one.

Midgets on Big Litter EngInnree smallest and England's larg-

est will be the situation on Sunday when Great Britain's new Queen Mary sane for America on her second voyage. carrying a Imupe of 40 Royal Brit-ish Midgets At Million-Dollar Pier they will be featured in Midget Wonder-land. to be specially constrorted on the pier. They specialize in aerial perform-ancre. Greeted by an official reception committee in New York, they will come for opening of the piers summer mew,» on June 26. The spot has prepared tho greatest army of name attractions since the -old days.” Main ballroom has been renovated, ad-

ditional orchestra stand erected and sea-son will open with Joe VrnuU and his band and Eddy Morgan and his orchestra in his second full season at tide spot. Town Hall is a new epot on this pier. Scheduled features are name vandeville, special radio hookups. noveltien, exhibits, net hauls, aquariums. sun decks and bathing locker..

Venice Reopens in Detroit DETROIT. June 20.—Venice Beach.

Mooed for two seesaws, opened last Sun-day to fair business, with Tom Barry an Manager. Don Zulu and his orchestra. Who opened the ballroom. were nos booked until early Sunday aftermon. to open two home later, booked thru Mike Palk. Venice Beach was for several sea-sons a leading eselsseive east side patit. alaeciallning In its open-air ballroom. 00cministons and fine bathing beach.

Resort Using Bank Nights PROVIDENCE. June 20.—Bane Nights

are being adopted by Rocky retint. amusement resort near here. Working out well and holding crowd. until a late hour. the stunt probably will he n weekly feature. A new Mystery Ship ride has been Installed and nanny con-cessions renovated and improved in an-ticipation of Tercentenary crowds.

Ants in the—Wood NEW CASTLE. Pa., hem 20.—Ternsites

hove attached weed in th• moor ride is Cascade Park here, which ha, beer op-erated several vean by Silly Glenn, and have done so @nude damage that the ride must be dismantled Mr. Glenn said. in onction revealed the it would be t•o costly to attempt to repair if et' it to condition for entation-

Jefferson Installs Changes in Layout DETROIT. June 20.—Reconstruction In

Jefferson Reach Amusement Park. nearly completed, has had several changes In layout since formal opening. Bingo game is moved to an indoor setting to avoid noise nf rides. New eportland installed in the former restaurant building has 18 electric cranes and 30 popular pin games. operated by Bill Beasley, lessee, with Peter Finettlery as manager.

Dredging being practically finished. the park is being Wetted by yachts able to sail right sip to the dock for the fleet time. Bathhouse opened to good busi-ness with E. (Reel Alexander. manager; Cora WU. aselsennt; Ted Roger.. Emile Mihned. chief life guards

Archie R. Oalbraith. former Independ-ent accountant, Is new park accountant and W. Harvey Mcrae is (melee-it to Park Manager «jack Stevens Ur. Bigras having been with Eaatwood Park last year and formerly with Jefferson Beach and Walled Lei. Park 'several years. Manager Stevens spent a week in Ohio Inspecting new park attractions. Charles AtenewS Bland in the ballroom was fol-lowed by Don Restne's Orchestra for a 10-day run. Jlininie Jenkins' Band, fea-turing Jack Daly. singer. has beers en-staged for the season, ballroom to use two bands. Stanton %Veleta ballroom manager, was in a hospital right dayri with blood poisoning.

The RaIhnord agent in the park this mason is James Rodda, of the Penny Arcade staff. Additions to roster Include Clark Kittinger, high striker; Mrs. Pa-tricia Sellant. character reader. rind these operators of concessions managed by R. W. Brown: Jack Calvin. elver store: Eddie Gold. 'Jake Fisher, blower: Babe Barknnt. blankets: Kid lemone, grocer-ies; Syrian Prin. dog store: Prank Dan-iels and Soul Itownteld. cat store.

Fire Razes Winnwood Beach Honte, Bathhouse

KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 20 —Flee et Winnwood Beach destroyed lerithlinuso and summer borne of Frank Winn Tues-day night. All that, remain are the stone foundations. Mr. Winn said he built the bethhouse in 1928 at a cost of 4183.000 and his home for 'SIAM. There le, he saki, $50.000 fire insurance on the damage The amusement park le air miles north

or Kansas city on Highway Nn. 10 anti had recently returned to the Winn fam-ily, who developed it. thru purchase of the park by Mies Mary E. Winn, sister of Frank Willis. The property, under fore-closure, went to the AKB Realty Com-pany, a holcilng corporation for Edward Aaron, who, in turn, sold to Mee Will on June 4.

Bathhouse. two-story structure, was to be opened for swimming next Sun-day and Mr. Winn wan doing repair work. He said a smaller building will be converted Into n bathhouse for tills season and that later he will build a %tenets:re for next minion. Bathhouse und dance pavilion are the only tea. Lures that will he operated this season.

Lake Hellions Opening Good ENID, (akin., June 20.—At Lake Hel-

turn's. under management of Ray Meek. recently opened to good business, a new thrill ride has been installed and a large public address system. Larger picnic grounds have floodlights. Free gua ron daily ta proving a good biz getter. Park draws from many miles around Enid.

Pool Flood Damage Costly rurrsnunon. June 20.—Willows Pool.

Oakmont, Managed by the spring floods, has been repaired at cost of 825.000 and reopened under numngement nf Charles Greding with many new features and an advertising program In the tri-State territory. Clete is 30 cents' for adults and 15 cents for children.

Eastwood Has Second Fire DETROIT. June 20.—The second week-

end fire in Fsietwond Amusement Park this season did minor damage to the shooting gallery. caused by cr.-lewd elec-trical whim: and occurred, as did the earlier blaze, while the park was filled with people, but no InJurice were re-ported.

smesoyonx. wu.--eDur Reeesue Ma-risque monkeys have been added to Voll-rath Park Zee.. reported Director Henry lInneen.

FRONT OF FANTASIA. Itioslon show, bong prceentril ta Coffey Island. fur the summer by Len J. Zola Lett to right: Jark Henderson.

lerk 7.-49 Art Zola. Ilasel Ludwig, Mere Robert.. Dotty Henderson. April Eller. Lao J. Zolg. Mra. Zolg end Dorf* Joni:, atom:lag below Emily on right.—photo by teat, Lake (Martillo). Riede lecturer.

Refreshments Co Rig At Opening in Detroit

DETROIT. June 2.2.—final ‘afaande,,,,, on refreshment business in Jefferson ccccc park for tea opening three weeks ash dis. closed what may be an ccccc d--that gross receipts on refreshments for the three opening days were within 1.50 of total receipts last year for the firs" la< weeks. Park opened about the middle al April it year and this figuie is Mod upon April and May revenue. Decoratio n Day week•end alone nearly equaled that torture this year, according to Ray Williams, lessee of the concessions.

Ont. Lakeside In New Mark

• Port Dalhousie spot tier%

record for early bi—bi outings are lined up

• PORT DALHOUSIE. Ont., June 20 —

Outing sensen, on in Lakeside Park, continue until middle of August, end some picnics aro drawing as many in 0.000, reports H. adefienehle. veteran ronceaudemer. who nays business is much better than in previous years.

Lineup of ennerfflinnera and agents includrem Fishpond and novelties. P. Williams, owner: O. Rogers: Archie Mitchell, wire worker with novelties. hail Fame and toss-am-In. Red Vassar. owner; Bob Cniburn, stock keeper esel two agent's: MCCieffellie'S bubble mine and rolidown. Sammy Clark. Jack Mc-Dermott agents; Isecteultyai string.. bal-loon hunter and cigaret shooting gallery. Don naker. Cep McNulty, Bill Armitage. agents: Leo Nesbit. stock keeper. Park-owned ride. are Merry-0.-

Round. P. Hopkins. foreman: Ken Carr. clutch, Heyday, Stan Carr. foreman, twe neeletantie Aerial Swings. Jack Colburn. foreman; Big Slim, operator; Caterpiller, Howard Brown. owner; Johnnie Chien la charge. predated by Johnnie Brown, kid' die auto ride. Howard Brown, owner; Mrs. Brown, Red George. tickets. Dune Monroe has rowboats, with Ed Ronne), in charge and Harry Holmes han bicycle bents on the lake and kiddie pedals bruits with 11111 Brooks In charge.

Mrs. Mantley has custard. randy and pop corn. photo'', hamburger, lunch counter and tomato juice: Charley Vaughan. Ice cream, ginger ale; nay

Manager of Honey Dew Companyi stand: Jennie Daniels. counter: Lome Hunter, manager of potato chip stand. and four helpers: Rua Cudney, In charge of all refreshment stands; Mr. and alre Whitaker, flashy drink stand at head of midway.

lakeeicie Inn and park cafeteria art open, with Chef George Hamilton and a largo ntaff. Electricians Eric Patin, wise hua the public-addles» system working perfectly, alvi manages the dance pave-Ion, where Hal Davin Orchestra la draw-ing well. Hal Wagner In emiductor; Howcroft, first trumpet; Bob Robins.. strand trumpet: Cord Jarvis, trombene Chuck Fitt, nest sax; Steve Vale:lots third sax: Bill Henchall, bars, Hare Smith, drums; Norm Duff, piano, play-ing nightly and broadcasting over CKTB.

Catharinen. Chief of Ponce Highara IS afflisted by

Deputies Bob Smith and Slim Beatty. Office staff is headed by Jack legne end Doug Foster. with Jimmie Carnle tu enlarge of night cashier, Bid Brookes' cont inure as park general manager.

Big Coach Job to Beechner LINCOLN, Neb., June 20.— Ralph

neechner, pool arid dance pavilion Man-ager in Capitol Beach Amu/lament Paia, has been appointed head comb of Ve-rmin High School, biggest public lath school in the State. Between park sc.f• eons he has been head coach at Jarks.fa High and last season went their an liude-tested football mmon.

Latshaw Back at Akron Pool AKRON. June 20.—Ed Latahaw,

ern ,. ...wee Of Crystal Pool in See, Mit Beach Park. who resigned a year ae, when appointed deputy sheriff and a,, has been recalled by Erl Shock, owner. Lb eupertise the pool. reporta Leman*. best In recent years. Mrs. lei' :Mew le again in charge of ticket,. Dr• UPS are again planned with newspapers-

PARKS-RESORTS-POOLS Tho Billboard 65 juste 27. 1936

ASCITE: A hires-eye

view of Chue Echo

enk. Washi • o C. ON THE RIGHT,

A clo....up of one of

Ike New Dodgeen

Boots in tisserait...

DODGEM CORPORATION 706 BAY STATE BLDG., LAWRENCE, MASS A.B Miller • 4018 Woodlawn Ave Seattle. Wasli

Went Coast Representative




. Oarra"rs I,' Mondor u, Mctcr. Scadarv.

d , rfol Omet and

r- fully Guarehteed. Sanes re ilnl aD't':

Money Catalog and why you . should have one • on request.


• •••11 IIL.A1 510 t., ae.0 easy bY sentine ro.nione who eut stem, ht The, are rnetwonly wIlcd

es,' sir fe,, ii oftwa In the Ness hnn.s. nesel ter Mo, .trd ente flat—ce eb.r(t,

J. N. SIMMONS S. CO. It Won Jackson 010.. Chics..,

CARROUSEL ORGANS ?,•, - - are tor Articen lXflçtli Tonast..,e, . •,' cor.11-•tr.l Nb..ie for All

Fkoaolos. Peres:es lei Ntwly Tissue.

B. A. B. ORGAN CO., eee, Y;ión.recIgi Sena tee Pourim'', •red Plctorlal Polder of

The New linech•weel

DONKEY BALL GAME • erit-Throwno Corne for troua., Mach«. Clecolvale.

Etc. —. A pre nd Stopper and a Morose allithee.

A. W. SAILLARD. as, so. Sib St.. CONEY ISLAND. N. Y.

P RIS !Vi:::c":" 1937 "c"."":"„7„:" ADDRESS:

31 Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle, Paris.

fanj gdaità By ALFRED FRIEDMAN

PROM ALL ABOUND: Look. like plenty of attention will be piid by the onalhettlent tribe to attracting motorist trade, which, season alter newton, looms up as bene the =set lucrative. At-Minh, seo-ms to rua. "If th* fellow's got/ n car and he. out rien, hies out to epend a dollar.. sueb a method of reasoning la not sully punctured. Roadaide spots and various types of

titopoffs in Long Island'. quarter. have managed ln recent years to do well enough to keep from running lute fl-musclai hazards. Most of the placa have reaped their harvesta from the Iran-Mente. upsetting 'emmenai the eolsten-lion that a place must, definitely have a following to be made to go.

To this chronleler'n way of thinking, the major boit] In attracting the tran-sient motoring clientele là location. An out-of-the-way spot is okeh for the "fol lowing." but a first tinter will hot Noort to rond maps to find his pleasure. To the contrary, he will look tiret for con-venience. Thon again there Is the appear-encre of the place. A cheerfully made sip outede, with remet well-placed shub-hery. stekee the hull's-eye in winning the motorists' fancy. Once inside, if the customer fincLs a reasonable bill of tare and service, one will end that hl» purse strings are easily untied. Long Island lias roadmide epots of

Tarants sorte that rom close to the thou-sand mark, the long Island ohareher of Commerce brought out recently ap-proximately 10 per cent of these planas sisee entertainment of came sort. There-fore titis phase of biz la vitally important on Long Island,

ROCKAWAY BEACH: Weather's been hampering thinge it lot around here of late. The raclement. Including Phil Addison, John Gordon. John Weill, wright, Sam Welea and the >aber broth-ers. have happy hopes for the seasm nevertheless. Despite poor weather they maintain that they've "plumbed enough

(See LONG ISLAND on page «7o





You are cordrally irvrted en v.s;i the outsfandinS

intt M'afin, of the Amusement Park Field for 1936.









you oeil/ see these t'eh, fast, all-wend Sont, in

the thrilling tpectacre of producing stearly profits fer fiel, oeners.


SCOOTA BOATS leteetulne In Pm...tarit. With the Publia

and With Operatees. C.fey lostallett..e •ueressfol. Tice leirrie Boat l.a taçorite breton., it ta elnower o es • won rboen hl,- is.. expandre to

I Not otweat•••• an egre a te Al moly In go hie loue Fe... of hoildlos ana °mollos

e.reta std1 reeceuroeni, rort el•etrie st,..re 1...oral tarer i• to.••rolstde. we soaltcui

the S

lierottacte Nomes IN.« or 1...er11. MA.. 1..1 It.deé. tapota... Tell lit Slat ioir 1.••• (or outra cale whet Four Mao rogne, n'enta me. R. S. liZZEL.L CORP. 130 W. 42nd St., New York City




toast 5105 mc., vms »ni/. Petchili ISOOT, le . ehnedielleklee. Pet. CL Il. A. Wellth •littitlItti LUISE OSOS.. LTD.. Ce ttttt New, II3 Atapwer. Lenniga W. O. I, 1Welated

Control Your Entrances and Exits Scientifically



Penn ttttt elee Finest Aroomotent Park. Cre Lighting Spectacle sine* Chicago World's lai, New Rides—New Thrills—N•w BuildIngs--Opened lune 5th to the bissest crowds ocrer icen en In. section.


FRED FANSHER THANKS YOU For a Successful Season


coritspondence to totvertisers b, ms, %nonne The Illilbeard.

66 The Billboard PARKS-RESORTS-POOLS June 27, 1936

Dzinizia9 §anitation as a gusiness ûsset Cat is the time for all gond people to get reedy hie Kummer amusement,. State. district and county fairs ere preparing to open, outdoor amusements of

all kinds are about to burgeon. Its a grand time for nature lovers and a bad one for hay-fever sufferers. It's the time to be carefree, lackadaisical. Just plain lazy or whatever one is bent at on a summer day when the min in bright.

But here we come, Old Father Gloom. with a mottle of words for wise out-door amusement managera. Nor are managers the only ones on whose ears these amada might fall with a neat prof-it. Everyone who is nt leant casually Interreted in prntecting his health in welcome to listen In.

For It is of health we speak, or rather of some common dangers to health as they are found at some types of bubbling fountains and at scores of soda foun-tain.

Let's talk first about bubbling bun-tains—bubblers, they are celled. In-doors and outdoors, one sees them everywhere. And mont of you have slaked yritir thirst nt. them. Moreover most of. you nt the time felt, quite reams:inlay, that hero wan one source of drinking water of undoubted purity. You asked youreelf, "What chance have germs to loiter where water dances so prettily?" Too bed, Such an innocent queetion makes the truth hard to tell. You aro going to be shocked. and it la too bad. But well lead up to it gently:


+ Shad e area eta ed. r Loor on Merton, O. Miner« Laketalo Pork sad &metre flan.. alreettele U.S Loutish lur Penny Arcane, Meldionéno Pool. Pony Tema, Darre Hall. Lotis, Frain. and other Pula Orreneien,


CLAREMONT AMUSEMENT CO. Ortreburp and Homo Ayr.. Oh.o



Mflwflhifl. Ritnlinues Reno,' tee Park. and Piro. of arm...men,

W AAAAA a SON, Plainfield. Ill., U. a A.

WANTED fterresj p..., d•....Ions. such et Phredles

1.. o•nt

THE WHITE 185 Irth, 10,1 BE.c.. C.,c4. 1...C. Y.

WINDOW CARDS W. specialize in then, ei fact nothing but Omck Service Low Pnce• Write for BIG PRE'S CATALOG. Showing several hundred sleek des a color.




gti EtnÉtee Ç. Amite (Public Health Committee of the Co.. end Onnedner Ineltund

we'll control the juice thernmetatteally so that you'll feel it by eeerene, not all at once. We'll restart and remitid you of dangers connected with the common drinking cup.

Cup Was Public Enemy No, 1 You remember our old friend the

common drinking cup. It iv:iota a friend really. Because thin milii-np-peering vessel was the means of trans-matting a boat of communicable diernees. It meet to be, we eay. Now It han been banned by law in all save three Slate,. It. was Public Enemy NO. I long befiee Al Capone or any of his now-departed successors to the title had appeared. It aided and abetted the passing around of such illseamea as tuberculosila trench mouth, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whenp-ing cough. lobar pneumonia, mummies. mumps, common cold. It helped to make life miserable tu entire neiehborttoode and communities. And when its use was legal on paseenger trains it helped to spread disease acrone large areas. No one knows for aura how many deaths were attributable to the common drink-ing cup. but our guess is that the num-ber would make mont casualty hats look pretty stick.

Well. came the day when the common

hie fountains and bubble fountains. The win-st of them are not much, if any, better than the common drinking cup. Too many of the older types of bubble fount:Mat permit the lips of the drinker to • melt the fountain whom e the jet of stater etneraee, thus contaminating it Oa effectively as if the old-fashioned cup or glass were still in use. Fountains with vertical jeta constantly contaminate themselves by allowing water and ', ere-tiona from the mouth of the drinker to fall back Into the fountain when the water is turned oil. In some types the accidental plueiting of the weete-water pipe would allow water to back up and flood the whole bowl, with con-sequent soiling of the outlet pipe or outlet hole." A government official, writing on The

Relative Sanitary Values of Ditterent Types of Dittiking said, "To

TO THE L ACTERIOLOGIS1. ifurrn developed treat, germs found on the conimon drinking glass appear in colonies under the microscope.

drinking vessel no longer was allowed to appear in public. The old girl (if we may arbitrarily give this little article a momentary sex) had had her fling: she was over and done with and Wits booed as much as any old has-been who tries to cartwheel across the stage when it takes all the strength she can muster to hobble. People breathed a little easier. They had been told of the perils of the common drinking utensil and now they viewed the new bubbler foun-tain as the answer to the hyrneniere prayer. Were they wrong? They were. For nowadays eandariana agree that the antics of bubblers are moro akin to thaws of email boys playing on a pile of manure than, let us say, to those of the pure in heart and habit. But let an outstanding authority npeak.

How Germs Are Thrown Away Hero is what Dr. W. W. Bauer, direc-

tor of health and public information of the American Medical Association. bald lai a radio talk:

"I spoke before of the bubble foun-tain, which was supposed to be the final answer to the problem of the common drinking cup in public places. Yet ex-

perience has 'shown that there are bub-

our atnarement we discover that instead of being a protection. our supposedly sanitary substitute for the common drinking cup is distinctly a menace to public health fully as great as the cup Itself." Whet to do? Well, you can employ a

plumber to substitute fixtures which will bring your fnuntain up to date. More than likely the result of that am-1.1.We efforts will be a fountain which spouts a horizontal rather than a vertical stream of water. . . . Or If plumbers iware you, you can utilizo moderately priced paper cups which can't pas, along germs because both cup and germs are thrown away with a ',Ingle gesture. And speaking of germs. it might not

be amiss to renünd you that a carrier of germa might be what he i and yet tint aware of It. But let him drink or eat wlth an article which is not subeequent-le aleinise,i properly, and those who line the article after him had better watch nut because they have been needlessly expo:sett to a throng of ailments to which flesh le heir.

If the field of your endeavors extends to the operation of a soda fountain the stone principles of annitetIon apply there also. You don't have to to told that a

dirty, unkernpt-Innking fountain is a busing-ss liability, and that, an ill-groomed attendant with reeled hands and mills is capable of contributing lit-tle sexe lit the way of u deficit. The mure °Menua requiretnenUs of sanita-tion are well known to the publie.. Naturally, you must and probably do re-spect them. 'What We are Most con. cerned with here are the lens evident sources of public Infecti in and the en-suing disaffection of the public if to, notice Is taken of them. For word le bridled about how negligent the (bailey Spoon is in matters of sanitation.

Public Lax in Sani AAAA ion We have ell at one time or another

been served at a fountain whore peeper washing of glaeees and utensils me rat. Ing seemed about as perfunctory end disinterested a doing as walking down the street seems to the uniform pedes-trian. Only the consequences of this indifference can be. indeed, are more serious. The same affnctiona ariong from the common drinking cup are pees. ent also ln the hastily washed glass on which an infected person has rie. pielted a little patch of his grim-bearing saliva. Consequently ordinary decency requires that some provision be made for dleposaeasing the germs of any articles which come in contact with the public's mouth. Or to put it an-other way the articles mired be cleansed so thornly that the Soda fountain win he a spot where eats and drinks can he enjoyed without fear of infection. Nothing unrestronable about this and it ran be done with a little trouble and reline expen.. There arc several ways of going about It. The plain truth Is that germs to be

killed must be subjected to boiling water and soap or to chemicals or live steam. Nothing pleneen a germ more than to he dunked in wnrrn water and then Infei-paged with a towel on which some of his fellows are reposing. Under such con-ditions life for him la a song. No, this won't do. Strong-anal tactics are neces-sary to deal with him: he must be rubbed out or he'll live to plague you and others.

In St. Louis restaurant laws require one of three methods of germ oblitera-tion to be followed: (I) boiling the tined setieles for not less than one Min-ute; (2) washing in hot water contain-ing 'map or another effective agent and then rinsing in clean boiling water for nnt lees than one minute: (9) Helm we-a:Fling And then immersion for at least one minute in a solution which Is ex-actly prescribed. Then there is another way. which Is arrived at by Installing a dialiwaahing machine. A gaud idea, because moat health authorities alp its proper use write,: finis to the cater; of even the hardest boiled germ. But let us interpone here a word of caution. To be effective the merhanical dish-washer must not be operated as if the attendant had only two minutes to keep his date for the races. Hasty or slovenly practices on the attendant,' part can °lido all the good of the ma-chine. If three devices don't appeal to ynia you might try paper container, which are disposed of In a trice and nre Inexpenetvo, an we pointed out in con-nection with drinking fountain,. Now that we have told you ',rime of

the facts of life, what will you do about them? Nothing. probably. People some-how refuse to budge until they have been jolted Into It. Frightful as it rosy seen, we are Inclined to renom' mend a good epidemic over your way sa that you'll get a concrete example of what we've been talking about (We taita-back all this If YOU are now practicing what we preached). Besides, we arc not sure who would be hurt worse be our hypothetical epidemic, you or the patrona. Which raises a point probably worth your consideration: that a re-gard for sanitation may be a baldness getter you hadn't thought of exploiting to the fullest. While you are thinking about it we'll go and grt a coke.

June 27, 1936 PARKS-RESORTS-POOLS The Billboard 67

-OLD Oteltatà Reactc itere we are again: mine sand. sarna

cerân. aarne people. Howard Duffy gen. Id as ever. ChrIstra Lunch doing tend-erise businem after • busy winter in ',Oland Santini hasn't shone yeti r oder whether he made a mistake with me of those knives—or maybe the wife put on weight' Thereat Edwards made his first appearance, at the Jerk and Jill as usual. Saya he won't be around this

uch. Understand he's joined the

r...efil-m ..Engineers. Arthur still playing rim his Shooter cars in the Whiteway, gverybody likes Arthur: most be that eole. Mrs. Pits end her passionate puppies tickling palates at entrance of the Whiteway: moved from the old stand east to the drug store where she was so piny years. Tommy Dorsey and his bead peeked 'ern at the pier; nice band. etre feller. Blanche Calloway due next. jaw low rail rates from Portland appear Is be causing busse, plenty of grief. chief of Police !turnery, of the eagle eye, enping good order. Freddie had both gemo games going over the week-end, bet good. Most of his old crew back cn the job. Old Mill's new front Is a zee flash. Patricia still reading chlrng-raphy on the pier. People still wonder-= who the Magic Eye is What If they ion, there are two of us? There'd p-.bahly be at least one blackened. ko,way, as the stag said to the doe, .*Sonte lawn, hey keel?"


gaoin Rock, Coml. Jack Tiernan. owner of many of the

rides at the Rock, and Fred Levere, Den, of White City and head of Satan Peck Company, are optimistic as to peon-meta Added business la expected from wterana receiving bonus. Some of the rides have been given new (Tonle with fresh paint. Oullann's Flying Horses do-ing fine busing..ss nf late. school corn-mrecements sending many youngsters to the Roch. Heavy rain over Juno la week-end hurt. Friday night ermenis first wrestling show at the Rock was can-tried. Thunderbolt Roller Coaster, re-tonly partially burned, has not been put in operation as yet. It was believed It would be ready for Decoration Day. but now opening date hi indefinite. Lightning Bug in the (trove and Sea-planes are getting a better play, with school parties the larger part of patron-ize With each warmer day a new stand opens. so that by the Fourth of My the midway shnuld be pretty well Idled. Peter Franke.. promoter of the alikathon lent winter in Clulliano'a bterry-Oo-Rnund Pavilion. has opened mother concession 'stand on the Beach r.rret midway, making two. Barney Rapp'n Pavilion Royale, leading night club at. the Rock, has done fine business thus tar and Worthy Hills is entering Ca sixth year in this spot, an aU-time =rd.

Illialom's Start Is Better PrTCYMORCI. Mama June 20. — in

Wheinm Part. off to a good start, at. tendance records have been shattered. Ballroom, under management of Pnr-rest L. Abbott. Is handling thousands nightly. with name bands featured. New bowling alleys are attractive. Caner.-goners report good business. Plrewrirka ere used each week. Park appears to be drawing from a larger radius than ever Defere. Officials of Fitchburg 8a Le-i:min.« Street Railway Company. own-er. predict all records for attendance and spooling will be broken.

Canobie Is Featuring Bands SALEM. N. IL. June 20.—Canobte Lake

Park, following a 'successful reopening, ban been playing dance bands, including Joe Hines and his Club Mayfair Orehea-trt. Boston. Billy Ryan's Breieletnnians, Brockton: Jack Francis and his Broad Give Band, Allen Curtis and his Ro.bud Gardens Band and Billy Murphy and his Royal Arcadian.. New ballroom has been drawing capacity. Among attractions are 1.0ol. new roller-glinting rink. new bowl-ine alleys, Roller Coaster. Merry-Go-Deland and Dodgem. A speedboat, large hunch and canoes and rowboats are on the lake. There is a large restaurant Led cafeteria. Operators predict a ban-ter season.

Pooh Put in Turnstiles Two new swimming pools In the na-

il:sal capital: Summit Hotel Pont. Un-eninven, Pa.; Oriental Beach, Manhattan Beich, Brighton Beach Bathe and Pools: Public pools in Pittsburgh: Ironton, CL:

Norwood, O., are some of the many pools which this year are going in for arien. tine crowd control. This method of scientifically arranging entrances exija and pedestrian traille control points was developed by the Perry Turnstile Corn-pany, designed to save labor, atop reve-nue leaks, prevent -gate crashing" and speed up handling of crowds.

With the 2oc4 CHICAC10.—Chicago Zoological Soci-

ety, John T. McCutcheon, president. Is sponsoring an arctic expedition, to will from Boston for Greenland on the schooner Morrissey under command of Captain Robert Bartlett, veteran arctic explorer. Ten young American boys se-lected by Captain Bartlett will accom-pany the expedition, which hopes in rap-ture a pair of young walruses and some musk oxen for Brookfield Zoo. Chicago.

SALT LAKE CITY.—Pending a fight to move Ilogle Garden Zoo back to Lib-erty Park. Commissioner P. H. °omen is working out • project for improving the VAX). The commission is against moving at present because of financial problems and removal probably will not take place this year. Captain Ralph McCollin is in charge. Dutch Milder is in charge of the few animals left in Lib-erty Park Zoo. Art Gardner. concession-er there, contemplates buying more ani-mals to donate, having given two seals to the park in the past.

SAN DIEGO—Several addition, will be made to the ZOO in Balboa Park with sr-'Iva' of • shipload of animals obtained In the Pm Meet, said Dr. Harry Weer-forth, president of San Diego Zoological Society, who returned recently from a trip to the Philippine Islands. Jaya, Sin-gapore and Japan. In the consignment are 26 Gibbon apee, which will make the collection of apes at the goo about the finest in the world. Several orang-utans were obtained and two hablrouaaa hogs front Celebes Island.

ALBANY, N. Y.—Thomast L. Finn, widely known showman, who for 46 of his 62 yearn trouped under canvass and is beet known for his productions of Uncle Tom's Cabin, has opened a zoo on his Carey avenue property here. starting With small specimens and oda and exotic denirrne of the tropics.

PT. WORTH. Tex.—Zookeeper Hamil-ton Hinson. Forest Park Zoo, has secured 15 animals, which were to have been used at a wild-life concession at Dallas Exposition. for the local zoo for their board and room only. There was not enough space for the animals at the expo, so they were brought here by Mr. Ilittson. Valued at 05.800, they include 13 gibbon apes. nine-foot lizard end albino rhesus monkey,

MILWAUKEE—Breeding cages un which knottier animals and cube will be safe 1mm vicious males are needed to prevent repetition of a recent accident In which an adult polar bear tore off the leg of one of the black bear cub triplets in an adjoining Cage, Director Ernst Miter-mann, Washington Park ZOO, declared.

JACKSON, Miss.—To 'stimulate more interest in Its growth, the Municipal Zoo Is regularly running half-page ads in lo-re' Mall., telling of it ite an asset to the community and pointing out that it has grown In • decade from a small col-le, lion of wild life to 471 animals and 163 specie.. Admission le free.

NEW ORLEANS—With nearness of completion of a 4250,000 WPA project zoological gardens in Audubon Park. Su-perintendent Prank Neel:s announced that many animals, birds and reptiles has been moved into new quarters. All cages and houses ere temperature-con-trolled and easily accessible by asphalt roads and walka A large aunt will be apent on remodeling Odenheirner aqua-rium.

PTTTSBURGH — Buffalo twins. Oral ever aeen here, were born in Highland Park Zoo. Both are heifers. Zoo Keeper Arnold Schatimann said buffalo twins are rare. Other recent births include a female native white tail deer, American

Exin deer and like deer. First ship-ment of 113.000 worth of animate donated by a patron include two cheetahs, three bless buck antelopes, armadillo, female leopard, female puma. 12-foot boa con-strictor, pair of wolves. coyotes, peccaries and baby ocelots. Second shipment from Louis Rehe, animal dealer, will bring mates for the leopard and puma.

13AlrE N/11 BASEBALL. GA14 E New Operetta. To Oroat loot. at The Togo

Cantonal., Et...Ion

NEWEIIT This Vd/nal.tono Cone Is a

PROFIT MAKERS Thal Game gets "reveal - buonmo New malot ear, be u. as lIvIOuf or nut

nasEnahl. Dva't delay. Wnio• k,r 111111

JOE ARONOFF, TM Park Row, Dallas, Texas

Zoo Bull, Keeper's Killer, Is Executed SAN FRANCISCO. June 20—Suddenly

turning "bad" end killing hie keeper, Edward Brown, a& on Tuesday, Wally, male elephant in leletshhacker Zoo, was executed by two police inspectors with heavy moose guns on Thursday after much protest against his destruction and issuance of a temporary Injunction protecting him.

Keeper Brown was gored by the bull's one tusk and trampled before other at-tendants could rescue him. It is thought summer heat and being sepa-rated from other elephants in the zoo brought on the rampage. Superintendent Edmund Heller said

he feared sparing Wally's life would put other employees In jeopardy.

Radio Cast to 1Philly Spot PIIII...aDELPHIA. June 20.—B. B. Pun

for All, radio participating show heard

on WDAE. has been sponsoring Eilinclay all -day -on - water excursions of the Erickson Line. linwever, ton many land-lubbers in this mythical radio ship cast made possible arrangements for weekly outing.' on lend. Starting on Juno 20, radio cast and listening audience will frolic in Lakeview Perk.

Detroit Zoo Staff Swamped DETROIT. June 20.—Buelness has

been so good In Detroit Zoological Park that Superintendent John T. Millen ap-plied to City Council for permission to hire extra help to handle the Inereass. Revenue-pre:Miming activities have been cause of the jump. with a 80-per-cent increase in business reported over lain year to date.

Pad /WC aCeS TUDOR SiSTETte and Avery. with

Eddie Keck, will open in Eastern parks for Cieorge A. Hamid, Inc., week of July 4.

CrearTRACT to supply acts for HoUse of David Park, Benton Harbor, Mich., has been made by Prank Gladden and Joe Cody, Metropolitan Pair Booking As-sociation, Chicago.

AFTER completing five weeks of Hernia and Morton Shrine dates, end-ing in Montreal. Merrill Brothers and Slater opened In OheMple Park, Irving-ton. N. J., with Steeplechase, Coney Island. N. Y., and other park dates under Mould hammer to come before going west for fair..

OPENING nn May 29 for two weeks in Mora Park. Youngstown. 0.. Eddie Rehm and his Alley Dogs have seven weeks in parka before playing fairs for Barnes-Carruthers.

ATTENDANCE having been nearly 250.000 during their fleet two week. at Pentchartraln Beach. New Orleans. Man-ager Harry Batt extended the engage-ment of the Three Aces, aerialists an extra week. Blondln-Rellinu Troupe, high wire, began an engagement that was originally scheduled te, begin with departure of the Three Aces.

FIREWORKS depicting an aerial bom-bardment were offered in Eastwood Park. Detroit, Decoration Day night. Ray Wood performed hie 100-foot "dive of death" and Margo Martin. balloonist, made • double parachute jump.

RITA AND DUNN, high wire, who went into Lakeside Park. Dayton, O. on June 8 for two weeks, report a big demand for acts in parks and that they have been tendered more dates than they can fill.

A. M. BROWN, manager of Buckeye Lake (a) Park, said a policy of playing free acts will be continued thruout sum-mer. Recent acts were Ituton's Alley


SfRan Rides, Side Shoes, salmi Garnet and Roll Camas. Any .n ccccc Ong small Attr.atIons, for Cnia•Ifo's Nagy PI«. JAMES l. WESTON. Itianaghto Director.

LAKE SHORE SERVICE CO., last End Nary Pier. Chimes Ill.



for the



Dogs and Betty Thomas. aerialist. Mabel Mack's Mules have been booked for • week.

LONG ISLAND (Continued from pope 65)

of the spirit" since Decoration Day to make them believe that this is a spend-ing year. —Without a side show. which means without Murray Kraut. the Board-walk 'seems to be minus a certain some-thing. For one thing, it means the ab-sence of the picturesque figures ass°. Meted with that lino of show his.— WPA workers will do most of the beach cleaning along the shore.—Playground at Beach 73d street a WPA project, has boon dismantled entirely, which made mime of the amusement crowd glad. Competleh from Uncle Sam, especially in these times, Is enough to bring on sleepless nights, and elimination of the government playground may mean more rest for near-by amusement fellers.

Elam Cohen, life guarding at Aryan», gets n picture contract in the fall as a character man.— Jaric Sigel, Boardwalk electrician, is a groom—Phil Hogan's revolving ball game going along with • good measure of success.

LONO BEACH: Jim Cussak is head nt the local life-guarding force, which has been increased front SO to 75 In an-ticipation of a proportionate increase this summer In the number of visitors. —Plan to charge a fee for bathers has been very definitely vetoed by local merchants. Harm of such n step would offset Hs good points—Welcome: Hie Hicks, Charley Ableman, Tom Birch, Bille Farnsworth, Dave Belden and Manny Baskin.--About a doren swimming poole in awing here this summer.

AGRICULTURAL (Continued from page 54)

fact that about a quarter of the acreage that was sown to wheat last fall has been abandoned. Abandonment this spring was twice as heavy an average

Bitting wheat seeding waa from 10 days to two weeks late, but there is a larger area in ground now than a year ago. Judging from evade report». and moisture conditions are quite favorable. This also applies to Canadian acreage.

Ad to the world wheat situation ta general, stock's of old wheat are now atoan about 300.000.000 bushel, unaer those of a year ago, reduction being about enuelly divided between exporting and importing countries; in this country record Mocks held In 1932 have now been salt down about one halt. In short, the world hiss now brought its carry-over of old wheat down to about normal. The wheat market lately has been 'slight-ly bearish, however, as a result cif Im-provement in the prospect for winter wheat crop and larger acreage and fa-vorable condition. for spring wheat. It planting intentions are carried out, an increases of nearly 10,000,000 acres in wheat acreage in the Northern Hemi-sphere and substantial gains in the Southern Hemisphere are in prospect. and in both restons moisture conditions are more favorable than last year.

68 The liallomirrl PARKS-RESORTS-POOLS lulu' 27. .1936

anetican Recteational

îciuipinent Ossocialion By R. S. UZZELL

BELMONT PARK. Montreal — At last Old Sol la smiling an beautiful Bel-mont Perk. Saturday, June IS, was bet-ter than any Sunday in 103a. Rex D. Billings is reaping hit reward for his commie in standing by the ems, 11. left Miami. Tie . this, year in February and ramie Into the unusually severe winter here, and has remained on the jot' constantly since that time Ile found the park In February covered with four feet of snow. "It was followed by • flood In (hie city Thin park it. fortunately 'situated above the flood level. no he steeped that handicap, but went Into a cold. wet spring for con-atruction and painting arid for much Of the early operation,

Sunday, Juno 7. was really hie first favorable Sundt+V. When this place gets the weather It Clerk» end now Pt about 26 per cent above the corresponding Urne last year. On the whole. It in an encouraging example of how a man with experience and courage can take • park off lb. skids end put it bark on the winning side. Hie publicity campaign was well thought out and far above 'stereotyped method.. Each release car-ried a new note of Interest and pro-grvealve action and was backed up by performance. Result, More picnics booked for me than in all of the le years' history of the park. It can he done with action. courage. opilrntsm. work, work and more work

Pace Caught by AU

Front the moment, one enters the perk there le ample evidence of s new day. When the Mettle...re began to brush up and doll tip, the laggard, caught the spirit and fell In line They all adopted the color echeme. end were anon brightened up with four colors which are a pleasure to see. 'Thin is well, but color alone is InnuMcient. Should patrons go home and report only • change of color, the trick could not be turned Each ene TIIIIPS do teme-thing new. Once started. each ronces-stoner caught the spirit and added a new front and some actual Improve-ment» to attraction». Down In the city in banks, hotels.

Mores. freight offices and custom house. the writer was told that Ttelrnont Park had made the etude and ls easily on the tray back to better days. Many .1d they had quit going to the place as they new it gradually going to sleep. -But now" said one. "she la on the pomp and we like the place . The

THE POOL WHIRL does not ap-pear this week because of illness of 'PI writer. Nat A. Tor.

festeoex t t. e few 33 band — est Stick Hama — berries restless Wass Clasp and hook — lowest wise W,bt e. mica east le sit seers.

Pretaci changed the bunt. put in ,oine Improvements and changed the name to Ghost Train, after failing in with the color 'scheme. Hermit, three times the receipts of the enteral-stunting period af ID3h. Who dares say tit. it ,annot he done. or that our amusement parka have had their day? This is not whis-tling to keep up our courage, nor is it. boasting, because the writer refrains front mentioning Ma four ride, at this place.

Reduced Rates an Aid

Retina-4,d mil and Pullman rat« are a deemed advantage to bin outdoor netts coming Into Canada front the States. From Nevi Yoak City the rail fare la reduced from $14,01 to a little over 1112, while Pullman le let-lured frnm $3.75 to e2.f.u. Thin Is a ntre item of saving on an nrchestra or an net of eight or ten people. Exchange Is practically even. They take our U. S. money anywhere at par, and will exchange Canadinit for U. S. money even up when one in reedy to return tn the tr. S. A.

Runtimes conditions are gradually Im-proving, putting more money into cir-culation, and people me not hoarding lus they were three years ego. If rain comes; anon to the prairie provinces, the Toronto IDtposition should easily go attend of last year. which waa a nice ad-vance over 1034.

Tho eltuntion here is not a special one. Others In this country anti at home are calling for Junt the same treatment which turned the tide here. Parka on the bargain counter now will not he there in 1996. Then the dincon-Were are going to give themselves a kleking because they would not ileten and did not nee it in time.

Osbutti Pailz, 12.g. By RICHARD T. HOPPER

Julten Woodworth Ork. CBS Unit of 12 and maestro, will open the dance hand newton here with a three-day stand in the Boardwalk Convention Hall, shift-ing to the Canino for remainder of a two-week engagement, according to an-nnuncement by Tom Burley, beach. front director. Three-day Convention Hall spot due to State encampment of VPW in Cousino, who will dance to Whitton Biotech and her nrk during the convention last of month.

Recent openings, Include Ralph Mau-rice's Roes Penton Panne with Gene Fotaliclen Ork. July 1 openings will in-clude Inuit Belem-caner, Marimba Ork at the Eighth Avenue Esplanade on the 'Welk and the Flake-Hartunrind Players at the Deal Canino. Ewing Refferty. Bruce MrEarlane and Hope tendon will open the stork and Broadway tryout season with Happy Tolley, Limited. Clin-ton Padre and Paul Hammond, both well known for their Broadway work, are on-producers and director,.

Arthur Seger about ready to open hie new Ocean Avenue Spertland, while Sam Ocheinhnen. who opened the Tower eat-ery on Memorial Day and closed it again for further alterations. has reopened and looking for the bit.... Electricians buey adding remote control equipment to console of Convention Hall organ too O. Howard (Scotty) Scott. municipal or-ganist, can control sound and lighting effects' from his seat while playing twice. daily program. whteh are aired at night over WCAP. Scotty has promised new original spectacle. Loading of the Pil-grims, to be presented once on every program.

?Nineties. in Avon, West End and sur-rounding shore area are grabbing off the early biz. Bud Pennaat Avon Inn Orill. with Andy Keens music. catering to early-eeaten rush, while Trorarierra rthore'n newest, handling rapacity crowd•. Al Apollons Ork and change of floor alma every week-end a hic help. . Jack Dempsey and party attend Trot on oramodona Dempsey and ht. wife have Seward Villa Marseilles, West End, for the season And are leen about. Ed Oall•gher again readying "thrill ride" from a local jetty. Ed runs large speed. boats up and down the bench front, giv-ing a mill's-eye view of the city. Morro Castle two yearn ago forced Ed to re-main open after the season to handle the trade.

IIMNDERSONVTLLE. N. 0.—R C. Lee, Inc., han been chartered to engage In the operation of riding and amuerment devices Subscribers to sleek are given an R C. Lee, A. Lee and C, L. Lee. Hen-dersonville.

Palisaàes, 72• g. By MARION CAHN

Weather damp, to say the least, over however, general opinion

among conceit/stoner. la tlmt better to have rain now titan later In the ratanon.... After that much rain there can't he much left up in henvene for mid-season.

Anna Steinberger (Midway restaurant) out due to sickness again ... Daughter Mao and son Mike taking over in moth-er's absence.... Captain Walker og on trip to Peru. Ind.. to get elephants to complete hie ...pertinent of wild ani-nude . . Hin animal form opens this werk. . . Prank Ryan, former chief steward of Furman Line. now in Oland--iew Restaurant down by' the tree-act platform.... Dick (Lightning) Bennett and Curley lianas back in fold after night-spot. venture. . . Bath working with Harry Mulcahy on wheels. Eleven new Custer ears on Motor Park-way, and George Releer, big boas there, <aya they've almost doubled business. . . . People seem to like the smoother purr of the engines. Platn (mimes. shooting caller:ea popular with retells

Robert Taylor had to be practically torn energy after minting the bull'n-eye many, many times. ... Joe McKee fol-low, Content Vettell ae head man at Skyrocket and says there's a 50 per cent Increase In big thruout the park. . . . 'The boxing ring just put into new play area is a retell in ltn own name. , . It's the game ring used at Jees McMahon'. Collaeum In the Big Town. . . Eddie Corrinteen'e bagatelle game with Nick Caboose ris manager makes trernendoug flanh, with new front and big crowds keeping Nick smiling. . . . Jimmy Sirlen's ball game has A-1 Incest. now. with Water Skooter Just across the way almost ready to open. ... Sadie Harris is proudly displaying a letter written in longhand from Gov-ernor linfrerann'a Wes thanking her for the "nh-on-ente" Valenta, ... Harry Dyer has something new for drink stands, but he', hblding tight to right, for gen-eral manufacture.... Irving Mills plenty happy over success of new policy of big-name band. at ballroom. . . He claims n jammed hemse on rainy Sunday eve. . . . "Pop" Di Matteo'n carousel keeps going -round and round" and comer, out with larger pronta for "Pop" nt ench turn.

In spite of oh-so-wet weather. Amer-ican Legion held outing as planned. . . . They gleefully got their helmets wet for a ride on the Skyrocket. . . . WHN did a smell broach-eat an usual.

Playlattà, Rye, 72. 9. By THE VOICE

131. continues to Imprnve at' big Westchester spot. Conceselonern report beat newton In five years. Park packed evening of June 13. . . Jens Hutchin-son. famous at Revere Bench ter mo-lasses and pop corn. Is here again . There Is a story going the rounds that is too good to keep. There was an ex-cursion at Playland recently of the Robbie Burns Club, n Sentch Orgenire-tinn. Jack ChM. heard the akirl of the bagpipe band as it passed the Music Tower piping The Cork o' the North. After an hour or so he thought it would he a very gond idea to send a program of Scotch music theta the loud-speaker While he was in the middle of the third number General Manager Lee Brown called him up said said that, nicho the Idea was n good one, it was a waste of time, as th., organization had left the park and their boat was half-way back to the Rig City. Well, as the famous poet, Robert Burnt' himself. once remarked. "The best laid plans of mice and men." etc.

Ed Bogart huts been transferred to management of Jack and Jill. leaving North 'Walk in sole possession of Dave Black, who in going great with the rem,. . . Walter Orr has resigned his position with Gus Rceasco to accept one with Uncle poet °Mee at Rye °nod luck. Wa Wa. . . . Andy Lai., seven Year, With (luis' Chink Game, now man-aging marble game for ChM . Just new Billy (Tinto Bloat. Bill did not shrink much the pant winter. . . That was John Capteil. mnneger of Ball Caine. Ile received a letter frnm Franc« the other day. It came on the Queen Mary John in rill swelled up.

Walter De Luna is wearing n sad ex-pression these days Reason: The mhaus

is visiting New York for a week nr By the way, anyone not knowing Walter personally and seeing him ln his hill-billy makeup would inlateke him for a rent native of the Ozark.... At Penay Aronde on 'Welk are Mrs. Frank Leper. Walter Laper and Jerry Gould. Jerry, by the way, is sprucing up of late Reason. Cherchez la femme.... Anita,: Abbott has a pedigreed Doberman Pinacher puppy that bids fair to win many blue ribbons fdr kils proud owner. No. his name is not Custard.

Renner of refreshment department em-pinyeesi: Fred M. Merritt, manager; Frank E. Weeks, assistant: A. Parham's, J. Madden, Virginia Jackson, P. Gordon. J. Plegarello. Rose Carden, J. Butler, g Nicholn. Leila Ruseo, Joan Wallace, w: Cleary. Ruth Quitan, J. Hutchinson, Elsie Aiken, Antoinette Valbero, Lena Mar-trite. J. Garton. May Thoesen, A. Lorain, M. Pocono, C. Slot, Margaret McLeod,

Mazzarello, C. Valentine, H. Walsh. J. Duffy, F. Frngola, T. Donato. R. liner. R. Gerlach. F. Pietro. W. Burpo, May SehoFeld, Susanne Meyer, Violet CHI-tells, J. Caterer,. J. McLaughlin. W. Min-kmuski. Elizabeth Walker, E. Weber. C. Sniffer,. W. Kuhn, C. leesett. A. Sansone, L. Ferrell. M. Balls A. Mazzatlit, A. O'Keefe, C. Barnard, H. Dever.. . limits Manama

Reoete Reacts, 7/2ass. By BEACHCOMBER'

Boston Elevated come roaring into fog-bound Revere to augment gay on. rode staged by citizenry to celebrate end of a. 20-year fight for direct service and a In-rent fare from any part of Greeter Roston, Elevated Sent out three big trailer cars manned by their nid era-ployees, over which a Met-minute fight was staged, which for a while forbode another delay.

In the grapevine of problem, and progress to attain the direct service, pol-iticians tined as us last-minute club • demand that the old employees of the Festern Mneenchtesettn Railway, which operated In Revere and environn and was bought out hy the el.," be given jobs by the big company. can,, bring refused by them on the Remands thst the men were too old to handle the tie trailer cars and the business to conte In.

Boston officially began service June 10.

Fireworks Wei-mitten on the beach wa, lost in the fog, but the thousands gathered apparently enjoyed the new effects in pyrotechnics All Revere went on a Spree tonight.

Rosters: Mary Ahearn., Posen Cus. tard—Cella Ahearn, Connie Ahenen, Rita Vincent, Ida Cohen and Mac McDonald. and -don't forget... nays Mary Ahearn. 'la put in that we have the best front. custard and the prettiest girls Oct the beach... . . . Michael Zaccaria's; Dodgem on north end of beach doing well, until the front-wheel drive type gam . Frank Crowley'. AlreTIC-Un lunch, fa-mous for clams and chowders, hes helpers E. P. Crowley. Harry York and Gertrude Joyce.... Harry Stevens. said to be the ace mind art in the bit, end copied "at" for lb years and more, lied. ridden now at his home in Albany and unable to do hie stuff at Estropean Mu-seum this e. /II addition, loot his fortune and realty holdlnge.... Rnther-haM'a famous pop corn, for years on ear-ner of Beaver Street and Boulevard. In Roy (till's syndicated Hippodrome building, which houses one of the most beautiful Merry-Go-Rounds in the world. Rothy'n nelp don't have led names, no we leeee them out thus trip.

. .Ctiani. Penh Ferri. Wheel—Bob Si'Dm itonng, er Frihdadlireop I nPnare ---e'Enanonliey "thanallel.

Hubert 11.11eY (brother of Bokn and Bokay, featured elephant-skin Mother and sister in European Muneumi, both new rides here and copping a heavy pan, ...Benny Kontobbat New England Fried Clams and Lunch. fenturing Prend' Tonsted Relln, ye garbs getting his share. Charlie liolittin has the griddle. More ro.u,s soon.

OKLAHOMA CITY.—Hot weather hot been good for Springlake Park's new Breezy Terrace. presenting Are Brigade enti his VIrgininna Nome orchestras are proving a good drawing card. Concm-stone and rides nre getting their share 01

rowi• WORTH. Tex.—City council voted a permit to A. W. Couch, Ifni, Tex. to operate a submarine at Lake Worth during Centennial celebrations

lam. 27. 1936 PARKS-RESORTS-POOLS The 111111marel 69

Run- ot- ti/L eason Pîtee Qcts PatizS HE VASCO of fi• e ac's in n miner-lent parks long since we. demonstrated. Many man-agementa have had great re-sults from booking tarty-sea-

son attraction., instead of waiting until the "dog days" preceding Labor Day to put in ecte. We lictieve booking run-of-tar-season free feature attraction, to be a wine policy, and its eMcney has been imply proved In our Roseland Amuae-rare% Park, Canandaigua. N. Y. We enjoy n longer season that most

spots in asir territory because of being en a main highway route. Tabs year our flee acts rian consecutively from June 7. to September 6. It will be the third ...n - i for sitch attractions here. The first year we shopped around for our

W C had somo disappointrneni• be-e:tor ef nets being canceled or in not lorot up to the proper standard of merit. We were not familiar with the performers and did nol, know what to so, rt.

Being able to advertise acta weeks ;71 .11 ,,n , c during the pent two seasons 0 heen n great buildup for the park

tills season. By booking our ects can-retentively for the run of the season. we -- able to publish a program, giving

hiehlighte of each act. three days lo: de our shows start.

Programs for Reference I' ns hems found that the public will

- ••• copies of the program for reference • the Measen. last year we tanned are copies of the season's program

t: ore &eta. I do not believe that more l'• oi five per cent of theae were thrown

elf William 712 Lzat linen, tir,,ns! ame•relsat Pad, cans, y.

away by persons to whom they went. The remainder were retained and used for reference. Besides othrr methods, we unc newspaper advertising and a sound truck.

The schedule of free feature attrac-tions as now outlined for 1936 is: Three Ares, June 20-July 5: Pallen. berg's Wonder Bears and, as an added attraction. Fan ilio's Royal Doberman Pinnehers, July 6-12: Kanazawa Trio.

July 13-19; Pour Laddlea. July 20-26; Jean Jackeon Troupe. July 27-August 3; Will Morris and Robby. August 3-9: Mme. Marie's Circus, August 10-16: Capt. Solomon's Water Circus. presenting Capt. Solomon, recently acclaimed rharnplon high diver of the world. August 17-23; Great Calvert and Cal-verr•ta, Augitet 24-10; Moran nod Wiser.

August 31-September (1. After our first

season's experience, we decided to book tart, the Onorgo A Hamlet. Inc., entice and have found that most satisfactory. as we now know that acts will appear upon dates for which they arc con-tracted.

Reaching Other Spots Lewin Hot:min. ride operator in the

park, has a second set of rides which he opetatos at firemen'. conventions, and other celebration. within a 'm-mile ratline of the park. He started this year on June 22. booked solidly for the season, and at all of his spots our free-act programs are given out, and we have found that we get results from title method of advertising.

We have a gond drawing area from Rochester. N Y.. 30 miles away, and docena of smaller citlea and villages

WILLIAM MUAR, manager of Roseland Amusement Park, on Canan-daigua Lake, Canandaigua, N. Y., about 12 acres with 1,500 feet of shoreline, is a firm believer In the drawing power of free acts in amuse-ment parks. This is evidenced by his policy. now in the third year, of booking such attractions consecutively for a pored of 10 weeks or more. By drawing a schedule of acts in advance and programing them to thc tune of about 100.000 copies which are widely distributed, hc has had the ad-vantage of much advertising in addition to the reguletion quota of pub-licity on rides, bathhouse, ballroom and other features, He declares that not more than 5 per cent of the copies of thc season's free-act program are thrown away by persons receiving them: the remainder arc retained by patrons and prospective patrons for reference.

near by, aleo receiving a aona orrerro age of buaineas from touriste, being sit-uated on IS. S. Route. 3 and 20. mein routes front east to west across New Ynrk State. Attila the malts road is closed east of the park. from Canan-daigua to Geneva, we find that every attraction and concession an the park is a good percentage ahead of the mark at tale time last year. We have b-ens favored with good weather over week-ends.

Proven Business-Getter Free parking is the policy of tne

park: we supply picnic tables and fire-places free of charge to patrons and receive considerable Manic. business Merry-Oce-Round. Whip. Perlis Wheel, Loop-o--Plane, kiddie rides and • ball game are owned and operated by Lewin Holman and hin non-in-law. Mr. Sprague. Jacob Weber operates bingo and fishpond, is picnic manager and master of ceremonies for the frse at-tractions Custard stand la operated by Donald Yokel. and Donald Colvin; bath-house, Mr and Mrs. Taker; speed beats. Nelson Bernhard; rnwhoets and canoes. Charles Holman; shooting gallery, John Vetter; photo gallery. Ralph Cox: re-freshment stand, managed by Leslie Miller and Frederick Moore. Jansen Miller owns and operates 8kee-Roll al-nos. la mannerr af the ballroom and ¡ye:Intent manager of the park.

mero la no doubt that booking at-

tractions consecutively, as we do, has

been one of the hlacest business pro-

ducers that we have hit upon.

Cagey /lie?, 72. 9. By LEONARD TRAUBE

The week-end preceding the one just pact an you rend this was a heartbreaker, nel incessant downpour doing a million drilera In resort box-offire damage in nie' rapnlitan territory alone. Two-day period (June 12-13) marked the first real opportunity for show interests since rac official opening on Decoration flay. but the weather just wouldn't co-oper-ate Pant week's weather was perfect. but Coney. like other resnrts, must have that Sunday play to get by.

Sprightly as a bird on the wing is Bale Jackson's Initial effort in Coney, Midget Village. which le designed in typical village fashion. SmnIllen in the Jerkermian jamboree am Jimmy Rosen. meow: Ray and Elsie Schultz, Hazel Ele. Addle Frank, Tine' Pearson. Prince Lean, Antoinette Schiavone (Princess): Termay Keenan. fire chief; Col. Casper. Flo Rothchild. Jeannette Newman, Lela Cautna, Elizabeth Coulter. Ruby Lan-des.: Jack 'Andras, chief of police: King WiLliana Prankle Packard, Henry Seim. Freddie Cloodrow nod 'Uncle Jack, who Offert Punch and Judy. In the miniature theater a swell 20-

minute variety show is staged under the smosship of Mayor Roaen. who Is plenty entertaining and a swell introducer. Sharing the spotlight with the "chief tx,eutive" are Prince Leon. magician: Tony Pearson, vivacious sepia songstress: Jriek Londras singing cop. and Princess Antoinette, who is serving her first shot at saew business and dom a more than coomle tap end acrobatic dance, being. .1 well, an attralitive little miss.

The layout is e "mini:tunny" affair, with broadcasting station. antique shop. turtle store, candy emporium. sheet-muier bureau. Straw hats, patrol brigade. Lee department. city hall, jail. theater. Urea office, hotel, drug store, flower shen, courthouse ami an information h.dri. Three or four souvenir items nre pitched. Most of thc midges take turns at making openings, which aro done from the "radio" Mutton Just In-side the entrance. Stanley Loeb is tick-et seller. Show runs at a *dime and with Jarkomar familiar adeptness at show-maestap and wide nev.spaper acquaint-lace should finish the season to the tond despite slow returns at this stage. ssitil Its bad weather end other hin-drances

Meng the funway. . . Abe flea:kin and .lurkio Greenbaum have the pop-gragri and cat gamo in Luna and doing

nicely, thank you. Harry Kaplan, back at the pop-in for his second season. has sprouted et mustache. which is the rage. Kaplan. the former Triangle King. Is still shouting nbout the virtues of his little queenle, otherwise known as the offspring. Queenie is a real beauty. favoring her momay, of course, but tale did look like pop before pop went for the soup-strainer idea. Seskin'e brother. Max, continue, tn operate the Red Bug In the park. Al Garber com-pletes the Seekin-Greenbaum personnel. unless you want to count the parrot. who Is just beginning to learn Yiddish after much exhorting and gnashing of teeth on the part of Abe.... The fra-ternity le awaiting far an okeh from the license commission to spring Bingos all over the isle.... Aside to B. W. (lump-ens, general manager RinglIng-narnum shows: Your 5-month-old Irish wire-haired terrier In the hark of your Eden Museo is a swell watch dog. Bo well. In fact, that when I went back there to ace your manager, Freddie Meets the canine spied me and nearly tore my binomio' trousers. so that yen almnat owed me a new wilt of clothes. Mickey is a great little felines but I hope the pooch remembers me next time or you'll have to make a wax model from my re-mains ter use in the museum. And talk nhout Freddie, he just steed there and howled his head off while I was taking a licking. Imagine how I. would feel If I paid my way in! .... Oh. yes. Sam. I forgot to mention that Billy Clorrett, your ticket man, tends hIS regarda. • • • A whole show all by himself ti Albert-Alberta (World Side Show), who, at the least sign of attention, will regale you for hours with chatter about the trip to England with Prod LaReine's A Mont in Coney Panne., which, after showing at two theaters was forced to leave the country following a howl in the very conservative British preen. With the unit ut that time, about right years ages was Ajax, World's Side Show's sword swallower. Incidentally. LaReln0 is In bad shape, we hear, and may have to Undergo a ncrintis operation, never hav-ing fully rerovered from that tragic auto accident a few years ago. . . . Juliut Toler:: la installing ping-pong tables in treatment% Garneland, which he manages. . . . The alertness of Jimmy Reynolds, hull handler in Jimmy Victor's Luna Circus, -.v rt.,' what may have been a tragedy when he administered milk and the whit s of eggs to little Charlotte. daughter of Oertn,de Bell, of the Three French Mimes n,riel net. The child had drunk tincture of green soap under the impression that It won her cough

syrup. Marie Brown and Helen /Delray

complete the trio in the attraction.... There was it sensational -wee on be-tween World Side Show and Dave Ranen's Peace Side Show, which fece Catch other on Surf avenue. Battle in-valved noire more than anything else, but personally I think neither of them gained anything. . • • Buster Castle is directing the destinies of Romn's other show on Surf and Stillwell. A young man with a prorni•Ing fu-

ture is Sant Collier, Installed as an executive at Luna representing the Mid-town Send«. Corporation, operator of the park. Already during this. his first season, his intelligence and executive ability are being felt. He la proving a fine running mate to Manager Charlie Miller and his administrative staff. Bar-ron Collier. his father, acted wisely In making a berth at Luna for his next-to-youngest ann.

Ocean View, Va. Green View Park. Norfolk. la off to a

flying start, arcording to Otto Wells general maneger. who 'since 1901 has guided it. activities. With new Loop-o-Plane. Caterpillar and Simmer Cars Orean View now probably has more amusement devices than any park nouth of Coney Island, N. Y. Giant Skyrocket. Aeroplanes. Merry-Go-Round. Custer Cars, Funhoume, Canals of Venice. Acre,-plane, Miniature Skyrocket and Middle-land have been renewed.

"Better crowds than in several years." said Mr. Wells, "and people seem to be in a brighter frame of mind. They seem to have more money and are epending better. Our record, show that we are several Urnee better off than at thia period in many years pant."

Bubbles Becker, of Believe It or Not Ripley fame, and his orchestra are play-ing concerta and for dancers In the ball-room nightly. Captain Watkins. vet commander of Ocean View fishing fleet. reporte exreptionally good catches by anglers and et few of the famous Ocean View spots have already made their ap-pearance. That :fishing here la always excellent is borne out by the fact that Jess Adkins of Cole Bros.-Clydo Bratty Circus. always has it eo arrenged that his show plays Norfolk on Mondays so that the boss may get in nt least one day', fishing each season off Ocean View. Thrice burned to the ground, ravished by storms on many occasions and practically wiped out In the big blown of 193a. Ocean View has again und again been rebuilt, improved and enlarged, and this year indications are that a banner season Is in the making.

alOestaii Reacts In Barfield's Derby Park a large Texas

Centennial rake wne given away on May 31. Everyone on the beach in building end remodeling for Centennial year. Roller Coaster and the Dodgem have been revamped. Loop-o-Plane Is prov-ing popular. Mr. C. S. Barfield plan, to change the lighting system of Racing Derby to floodlights and neon. Frank Rodgers' Merry-Go-Round and Riddle Rides are locking above par. There have been numerous gift shops and attractive coneeselons added to the beach.

Murdoch's bathhouse, taken over by Sam Maceo, night club impresario, has been rebuilt. Two new piers have been added. one being a seafood cafe and the other affording entrance in the new ultra-swank Bingo game on the second dam. Sul Jon Cafe and Night Club has opened with Val Otrnan and his orchestra and an outstanding floor show. Ray Noble will coins for opening of Hollywood Dinner Club. Crystal Palace Cafe and the Sea-wall Cafe have been enlarged. Rogers' seafood resort ir. attractive in new color scheme of red and green. Newest addition to the boulevard is

the new Caromed& Courts, different type of tourist camp. The Beach Association, with help of merchante, has placed new beaches with brightly colored striped aun ahadee along the boulevard Rena Sixth to 39th streets Mr. Burge. Coastal Bus Company, will put sight-seeing busses on the beach for Centennial vis-itors. Oleander Fete on June 17-21 was expected to draw, as did the bathing re-views of old that C. E. (Doc) Barfield and Bill Roe put on.

M.-D. Pier Has More Exhibs ATLANTIC CITY, June 2.0—National

exhibitors have again signed contracta for larger quarters on Young's Million-Donee Pier, while others, new to the m-ean. will shortly art up for the first time, according to Production Manager Alvin Steinberg. Returning for the sec-ond season with larger space are Split Coach Corporation of America: Cunard. line, with a model of the Queen Mary. and Collier's IYeekly. with Boardwalk free entrance. American Radiator Com-pany ban come for the first time and taken nearly half the small ballroom with 30 miniature rooms% in an exhibit Irma Raplo City. Negotiations aro under way for saveral other.

70 Thr Billboard CARNIVALS Conducted by CHARLES C. BLUE— Commenic•tion• to 25 Opera Place Cincinnati. 0

Juno 27, 1936

DODSON GETS "PLUM" Lands Wheeling gailtiLoo eitculalin9 expo. For Centennial Q c.f., 01 Nit

Location reported as being downtown daring celebra. (ion sponsored by C. of C.

NEW KEN. StNOTON. Pa.. June 20 — Mel O. Bodeen. of Dodson's World's Pair Shows, has closed contracts to furnish amusements during what la considered an outstanding event. the Wheeling IW Vn I Centennial. to 1w, held in Au-gust. sponearnd ha' the Wheeling Cham-ber of Commerce.

According to report. business men of Wheeling have ranee C30.000 for ex-ploitation of the celebration.

Dnelsen advises that the location of b is show will be in the heart of the city.

Gruhera's Shows Have Uptrend Biz POTTSVILLE. Pan June 20 —Ctruliercas

World's Exposition Shnws, despite en-countering some Inclement weather, have had a murh better season so far than during the spring weeks of the last few years. neenedini; to rennin. and Man-se, Max Ctrubere ta enthined over pro.. mets for the remaining months nf this yearn tour. The renter follows, as furnished by a

Member of the organization a few dare ego:

Staff; Max Oruberg. Men, : E. B. Breden. business manager: Mrs. Rose 'firubere treasurer: U. Cney. genet-are: Eddie Rahn. general scent: James Tier-ney. publicity; John Duffer and Keel Wagner, billpnertene; Jack Pirpo. trans-portation; Whitey Hewett. chief eleetrl-rtan and builder: !meat Seack.Int otpee-tntendent• Jack A. efontagne. mall man end The sittkoard agent: Black', Rodg-ere blacksmith: Winnle Wright and Dora Dreary. front gate.

Rides. 'Twin t 'open-Plane. Bill Wright, °plena«, Kiddie Ante Ride, IV. Canter. operator. II-Drive-II. J. C. Rodgers. lêstry-Go-Round. Jack Holloway. fore-mug ghee Wicks. tieketa. Twin !eerie Irbeeis and Kiddy perrte Wheel. Stacy Knott. foreman: Slim Hill and Prank EMIL clutch. Wine Mae Animons tickets Whip. James Jones. teseernen: Dare Cur-tat Hatch. Mori& Meerut tickets. Lin-er Loop Joe Johnson. foreman: Red Emma cluteh. Mrs. Stacy Knott. tickets. CheIrplane. Slim Russell. foreman: Torn.. geg Ward_ etutehi Jewell ..tehreon. • Ceterpillar. Bin Rays. foreman: Tamp West. dutch, Marion Green, tick-ed's. MuMer, Menem Side Shaw and Dent-

al! Attica. Jim Meseta marincer; Chattel •110pee, talhee Gann Andre. Prank ttekent Idenkeedrnme Ur and

Rag. Hoersimart. manager Doe Red-mond Venter.. Palace of Wonders 11150111 abate. BM McNeely. teenager: Mrs.

and Pet Ma-era tteltets aflekee Happy Enearier, manse,:

Plied Wag. ticket. flewallan Show O MB Iroselreau. merneer. preeentine Illimperee Amerece. leaunne Valera,. Pat lifIglea_ Witte Isne. Flo !turn*. Pearl mel Canada? Jeganton and their steel mu-Mg. mad Anthony Buret accordionist Saresfat Sasireer. Robert Flohnee. menage grasoutilem Mary Torruel. Petrels Reimer Mai Pew diewslHers--Chabby end Tema— Sail OM Male Tracy Hone Rebell Alex-sangenn alelPer.a. Darktnewn Pcites Bend laberia. wassager Eddis Etienne. b....a-

me NWT Ailes. »ref Mather* Pearl apevene,Wtb Besson. Laney Barnett. ISM Prather . W'tim Botton and Remo SIIIIRMilt steer Willism Rom. ticket.. near. Mang Siklete. messager: George ORMINWIR. rose. urn Katifinan. ticket.. Illeids Mum. Stortres Wolfe. manager some losinse muse Wright. steed 110•11« ledge glIstnntray. me6els. 1111111011111110f ISIPS. »pelt IL Montague, man-e/MP; Clbsellin Jog Oralidigh. comedian ROW Pedifigge Met ostriedien, *UMW ISMIlere Mindigbiet inn Ward. seeiesn• MoreSer.: 11L. eleetrielan Ma Mgr immuegin AIMfl. ward-


Rippling Brook. Me. Week ended June 27, 1036.

Deer Charlie: From all indications thie will be the

ehow's lent week in the Maine woods. Altho the route has not been entelialy given out by the °Mee. we take it for el-anted the next spot will be in Canada. The manifest is being made out and the lot alive with immigration entrants. But we do know that the show Will not >eve here • until 'Monday morning. Please don't quote me regarding this move. If the apnts up there are big and we break any records I will write them alp. If none of our wnteups appear you will know the dates weren't so hot. Might not even mention the show Mang there. Our replication is at eteke. From what I hear there hasn't been a ear-nival at come of those fans in years. We ehould be something new.

Rippling Brook is just what it le named. No town within a radium of 10 miles. Just • brook, a grove and railroad aiding. Didn't get a ripple nut of the natives. Auspices, the Northern Woodmen's Annual Picnic and Outing. The spot mostly outing. The picnic a two-day event and has always been two big days if it didn't rain. This gave our people four days of rest: all went back to nature. A big happy family of touriste ant campers. The light plants lay Idle during the lapin. giving the pine knots and camp fires a big piny. The cool nights and scarcity of food matte ale think we were doing a bit of

ronehing it on a ...Intel show. Tnureday. before the opening. the

management took our entire band and their unliornis over to visit the Great Northern Light,. Amusement Company. which was showing 40 miles away. The Object of the visit wee to trade our men off for name of theirs. We had men too gig for some of our band uniforms ndn some too small. They were in the rame predicament. But after an hour of switching around and trading men we were both set with perfectly uniformed hands. Couldn't, trade uniforms on ac-count of the different colors. We still here a 300-nound tuba player whom no will swap for a smaller size man. Any show interreted rnn Wire at asir expense. Mugging Machine Betty joined the

four-for-a-dime pleito gallery here. A veltinhle asset to the booth. One of the heat picture colorera and tinter. en route. Claims that her customers aren't as had am they are painted. The spot turned out just si, adver-

tised. A picnic. The only event of in-ternit worth writing about was Pete Ballyhoo won the whittler's contest. Thisi wound lip In an argument. The other contestants claims he fixed the lot misil /or shavings. nut the show le welcome bark Our auspices heads offered lie a return eneneement and promised to make It n. three-day event. Said, "The show was an big that the picnickers didn't get nenund to see ell the ballya in such a short time.“


Veterans in Cincy For Bonus Bonds CINCINNATI. June 20.—QuIte a num-

ber of World tear veterans who gave the Cincinnati office of The Ritibt,a,d an their address when making application for the bonne were here this Week In interest crt securing the bond, Same of them from far-distant points. Among them were the following:

J. P. (Whitryi Palmer. Of Dick's Para-mount Shows, from Verment. In and out the same day. Ed C. Reiter. showman and builder.

Including with Rubin ez Cherry for some years. from St. Louts. Aunin In good health Lately spent 12 weeks in hospi-tal at National Soldlere' Nome. Devton, O. Kenneth L. Peck. star package candy

salesman, formerly with various shows and at A Century of Progress. Chicago. Will be at Cheat Lakes Exposition, Cleve-land, thin summer. Deught an auto while here. His wife. now visiting rete-lls., in Indians. will be featured in an attraction at the Cleveland event. Ernest Collins. coneessioner with

World of berth Show.. came from Illonmeburg, Pa. Spent several daps here

before returning to the ahow. lea first time in Cincinnati since 1922. with C. A. Wortham Shows.

E. C. Andrew*, the "man who flirts with fire." Staved several days. Ex-pected to join n show in the North Cen-tral Staten.

IL B. 1130.1 Hertwick. this season with Beckmann A: Gerety Shows. came frnm Janmville. Wla. Informed that his par-ents. well-knewn'former side show 09-eratora, are residing at Clearwster. fln

George S. Ford, guess-weight scales coneennioner. from Indemapolin, where he has concessions at Riverside Park.

R. V. Scott. conenoloner. Stayed a few days before heading to join some show. Joseph A. Hewitt, late of Majestic

Mighty Midway. from Missouri. C. W. alreanugh (Deep Sea Red), lato

of Smith's °mat Atlantic Shown. On Thtiraelny flipped ..hende or talla" rela-tive to joining a show In the East or Central States — the outcome of the "flip" tint made known.

Cherie, D Reeve, in from some dis-tant point. His destination on leaving was not announeed.

Percy Dickerson Did not state (rent whence he came or where he would go. An of the above came prior to Friday.

Showfolk Receive Burns, Two Booths Loss on Jones Midway

bileADV17,LE. Pa.. June 20.—Several members at the Johnny J. Jnneti Expo-ettion. exhibiting here this week, were bttrne& one of them anima/sly. during a eonflaeratinn that destroyed two con-cessions Tuesday.

According to report. Jordon 'Pastor. cotored, was cleaning parts of a frOTC11 custard coneession owned by George

tree-known former circus csnkhrause

robe Pmeskes Montanans. Marie Mon-tague, Prance. Reims. Dot Parsons. Peg-gy Ryan. Jackie Mason. Pearl fileatle. Haney alders ron etage; Bill Nehru and Pratte/1 Mason. tteketa: Art Lame and Harry Peyton. eons'« •littiblie Enemies,"

/See OnfellSO*1 SHOWS on peps 7S)

manager, when a preparation Taylnr was rein.; caught fire. and he ran from the concession car. Ehrerd Lawson, Who Was near by. tried to extinguish the flames and thinking that he had about suc-ceeded. threw the pan of flaming liquid out of the Conc.-eaten. and it landed on Tnylor, standing outalde. It was said. Taylor ran about the nrounds, scream-ing, and attaches of the show tried to -put out" his flaming clothing with blankets, eventually using a fire «tin-gle/her. The Negro was taken to a hos-pital and hie condition was reported as critic-al. Lawson was burned about the arms and face, but his ',minion wee not considered serious. Some of the other attache* of the show received alight burne. Beside, the "froten custard.. a ball-game concession was destroyed,

Bonus Vets, Notice! Wee 66666666 having their bonus bends

cnre et te• Cienneati office et The aillbeeed, reed the two-column box•d •rtiele In th• General Outdoor News sec-tion of this Issue.

Moffat & Harvey Formally Open IDS ANCIELES. June 20,—Mollet

ithrvey'se United Atli-in-none hart their formal opening at the American Legion Pilgrimage. Balboa. Calif. last enturday.

Moffat and Hervey. owners: Billie Wil. llama, manager; Doc Hall, promoter. Attractions: Ferris Wheel—C. 'Taylor. foreman; Ruby Cleyer. tickets. Merry-On-Round—P. McCoy, foreman; Cioorge Summers, platform; Billie Willseine. tickets. Mtxup—ft. Hemeley. foreman: Mrs. F. Farr, ticket,. Baby Auto Ride_ E. Harneley. foreman; Mrs. G. E. llame. ley. tickets. Pony Rides—R. Taylor -Hrientific Oddities”—J. E. Dickey. own-er; A. L. Dickey, lecturer: Elinor Stage tickets.

Concesslonera Include W. Olexon I, Jimmy Carwoocl. agent. Oeorge &m-ine:es I; T. Drake, agent. George Saxon 1, • Willer, neent. Mr. end Mrs. A. W Scott I, Walter Scott I. K. E. Gamin way I. George Moffat I, Gene Rainey end Scam Stein. agent, Photos Nellir Moffat Ice Crearn—M. Ronel B. Bat-tey 1. W. Olsen 1; William Casper. agent. !nine Williams I. Jim Dalton, agent. Mr. end Mrs. George Cooley, newly fines. Harry Covington, pop corn. Cookhouse —Whitey Olsen, owner; Jeff And.reon. chef: Bill Kyle. kitchen help; Menthe Erne at counter. The show did very good business

Saturday and Sunday.

Bert's Shows Have Fair Biz in Illinois PORT nYRON. Ill,, June 7.0.—A new

ciegentretinn, Honest Bert's Shows whir), played here hut week, hae been having an evernee of fnir imeinecin since Re re-rent start st Rork Island, Ill, netorditei to an exerutire of the show. Bert Catalan is owner and Kit Carson the general manager. Anne small, the midway pre-gents an attractive appearance. The aitrectinne include: Ferris Wheel.

Art Ratan: Manna IbrI Gery: Kiddie Pete Jeck Montana: Pony Ride No 1. William Moore: Pony Ride No, 3, Lyle Akers. Athletic Show, Jock McCoy; Ten-In-One. Jack Miller. Among con-eaeinnere, Art Regan, reek-

house: Mre. Kit Carann, corn rame Roy Kitchen, noeeltlen Dad Richards. pop corn: Max Coycn, photon; Welter Johns. penny pitch: Art TInwriele, ball game.

Sheridan, High Diver,

Killed During His Act

WORLAND. Wyo., June 20.—Clatenee Sheridan. billed as Dare-Devil Inceslo, high diver for Silver State Sheen., octant °shinned here last week, was killed en Thursday night when he mimed the tank of water during his net. The perfœrner, who macle his dire

with Inn picket aflame, epperenin slipped off balance when he started trout the pedestal, and hurtled downward,

heta-ren the tank and the ladder. H• is neck, hack and lega were reported broken. His ...ate and 4-menthe-old baby were visiting with relatives at Roundup. Mont.

Harry Nelson, Notice!

CINCINNATI. June 20.—A coremunt• cntion from Nellie Baker. 284 Valencis street, San Francisco. requested that Merry Nelson. who wan formerly with George T. Stott Shown, be notified that his sister. Beanie Rearm, died recently al San Francisco. Also requested that Nel-son get into contact with Nellie Baker, at the address given, for particUlara

BOONE. Ia., June 20,—While here a few days ago Walter R. Pox, general rep-rerentative Al C. lanneen Shows advised that the Hansen organization will plat early fairs In the, State at the fennel , placer,. In the order named: blenche, " Herten. What Cheer, Watikon, Jefferson. Pox also informed that the show's Iltnurth of July stand will be ai Humboldt, Ia.

June 27, 1936 CARNIVALS 71, Fiji/born-II 71


Circuses, Coliseums, Carnivals, Fairs, Rodeos, Fraternal Orders,

Beaches, Pools, Parks We wit sI,t,nni t designs, created

exclusively for your show.




r. "Going To Town

This New MT-A-MOIL ri Blase of Pla-k—Mtreerelowd Cors—

i.' imam Mules- IntrorSirime• Snimeted Timken Braringe—

Coaneenne. IOU ¶7. Portable.

MILNER MFO. CO., Ferlbautt, Mina.


Our Specialty for Over 40 Yaws.

UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. 101 North Sangamon Street. CM11/MO.




$39.50 P. O. B.

St. LouLL

S. T. ECHOLS 11137 Wriltes

Alen ta,

St M O.


eitioloWS—Orod Prents. Alto Pooping Corn U All Kinds. Wets tor Semple. end Pear.


'T O 1112 I E wrirc tor our Special Einar,. Pilo.




P1 V r.W. Fourth of July Celehratiim. OU Shown rd merit that don't conflict:

ll I Snow. Performers and iiiiii KSto , ' Concerto. Met mok for atia-k

Pi* Poo& Howling Alley. Kesler. randy Apple.. Cotton Plow. eanton. week Inn. 22. 141..1.-

;.4,,I, Or 2... and lineareorning. to . •


.11S r i•r gun or ere itliteL StelliAL lot, Jew July I .r rag

--te hl.ea ant 'time msell Klee Acta Adam. DOO STOODARD. Mown% lee.

(9 ghowtnert 5 ...Lea9ue oi antetica

165 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.

CHICAGO. Juno 20.—Looks Mc the membership committee will be getting real co-operation. Brother Ben Brno writes for applications and Brother Purie Brown mica for another lot. Fuste ndviees that he will also give the Ceme-tery Fund Drive committee a lot of real help. Brother I. J. Polack. bends in hie reinstatement. try la one of the 01,1-timers and sure glad to have him back In the fold. The committee is working hard get-

ting the literature ready for the Ceme-tery Drive. Everything will be rriii . in a abort time and it Is hoped to h: thorn in the mall about July 15. K•'• rn the lookout for yours.

Callers during the week were Brother -. Harry Wingfield. In town to collect It:-bonus: Chickle Allen. In for a busine- , trip; E. H_ Parker and Irving Mali,. brick from Detroit; Petry Pivor and ailke Beiribrand. bock from Canada; Charles Levine, In town on bUsInees: DRYS Rob-Dim, back and looking fine; Julius Wag-ner. In from Michigan. ae la alao Murphy. Reeder at the rooms dune: the week were Charles H. Ball. Izzy Steler. Beverly White and Others.

Brother Jack Arens Is still at the Research Hospital. More news of his condition later.

Restlirrre. Fatty Ernst and Lew Keller. At the America!; tlospItel. both AhowItt,S Improvement. Wan istIVI,Pil (tilt Copt.. Dark Rinnold« Is in the Methodist Hoe-pttnl. ours.. Ind.

Brother William Cintre, known arnona the boys 1111 •.211elk." la in hospital at Austin. Minn.. allegedly as result of a Shot tired by a local man.. The Leon , iL Inveottgating his condition and y report toter. Secretary Stralinch has, kit to Investigate.

Earl Burke. your bonus was delivered to the League but returned. ea you must I.e.-else it personally. Better drop a cud to the League. es there la Mall for you. An oid brother. Len Lippe. Sends for

applications. Looks like he will by back and perhnpe have a few new brother.. • The membership drive gore mery:ly

along and is :Ito., hoe tr. show real action. A wire tells, that Brother Rube Lach-

man la in St. Luke's Hospital at Grand Forks. N. D.

Noted that last bone of Rig Eh New, carried a photo of Brother Sam Solomon.


Showmen's League of America

165 W. Madison St., Chicago

Never since The Showmen's League

of America was organized has the

body of a deceased member been

permitted to go to the potters' (told.


Talker for Side Shot, Mental Act.

talc?. Attraction, to feature. Mutt be able

to loin on wire. Oriental Dancers. Man and

Wife for Illusion Show. Concessions: Lesd

Gallery. Palmistry. SI Custard, Scales.

Address as per route: Yorkville. O., w.-.' 'e

tune 22: Spencer, W. Oa., week lend 29

W. S. MALARKEY Can Place ter American Legion Criror.rerm• N. V.. June 19.4817 4. Shen. wid cons...inns.

Twelse rdira.ht U l'ai:s. Tons Vallon tame CO. W. lg. MI

Aolowwn RMS. Initganntan, N. Y.

Here's Proof of




• detente







FEU Ai,.


May 1.1436

Perth 7onan54*, Ves •Ch7r, Gentlemen.

Se aye to !OM. tnt. oppertiattty to thank you for fir, seur prreir DDD D in aortra, dell wry. ••cand for you> on. aeration Ir. Saving your Er. /inn., ors head to direct tte t..7 Mal marten of the Riders-0 and third :or the plater* tre derised il. not only eaitng toi. beentieul ride on our lildeisy but also !Tree the erlandld r.e•tote il sh.ored et the clew re its tiret oleos or ePaselirn•

rm, retie topped the VIderty in ree•igt• at One or the blueet opentnew se haw •ver had end re real confident that tale ride all be very prof* aaaaa

Very lllll youre,

es untr flatSj: AMERICA dt it, e/S e.


LIGHTING PLANTS 1 to 50 K.W. "SURELITE" Self Starters a-

Terms Arranged * E. B. * KELLEY -SC

COMPANY. INC. 4387 Vernon Boulevard, Long Island City, N. Y.

Chrysler Engines Special Distribu-

tion Panels Photographs on




SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Inernatinnal Harvetter

Athletic Park.

N SINGER, Enlarging Midget Show. can u., («we lannoen..no Midgets. WILL


nil. Lire Shag. Giant House. Ent Family. New Novel Grind or Platform

Siicws. ART MIX can use energies,

Co.has. LIL MURRAY can use Clad.inerine Olrls- ere Ar.-

r,dion end 1,41.0ohOnO (Or °termite. Cwi Louth,/ 100•MM two CIOG.d Act. for




JULY 6th Anderson. Ind.

6..3C Shen. Mentalist load. set preferred. CAN PL Otricettione. WALTER A. WHITE. Oro. Mgr.. East LIstreord. O. In,

ace L•..i • Grinl

riii surinenom.


no Fart Tau Can Ter a pr.:. Li.. Then to Seconds Andwrim, Autcosatir C.11,, is nteerianii-aily Owlet. Lem; Model. with F.1.8 ILLS Len.. rated rein Automatic Maur, Switch. 'Prier. Camera Meese. SIS0.00., Cabinet Is constructed of nest crewels, bearalluily toughed. Portable. Light Weight. Small in Si... ecomiete Outet Only 1290 CO--Cabinet with Dantean. Steel. Curtains. Ventilatirm P.o. BIM, Trios. Etc. /MTH& OM> Fre.8 ILEX Leo,




72 Tht. ,,,,, CARNIVALS June 27, 1936

TWOS Treed arras.

VV1-1 ?EELS as Park Special in ,

I Keg Ill Special



BINGO GAME I 78.Planee, eon. .

Plot, $ILTS. ',duals.. Was

need fur ow new Wail Ontaltune. full ut uer (hoses. Inn, Iliwae.u. Lamm. i1,9'in ...M. Wier. candy. Pillow i..».. R.1.0..". Poe' Hue Poo, 'Unroll. An nu. t.

1 I ,...., a heraltlint '''''d ¡w C.."4 N' Ir.t .....

CANES ""ecr e"mu:7.7.n' F-e.. . C Pelee Per Won. 1.24.00. SLACK ITAP'Ci. CO. min 174-121 W L•lor Su, Chlawso, III imBE


All Reading. Complete for 1936.

*Ingle $inus, 5, .14. TspnwtHum. Pst M.115.00 analysis, Pp.. with Blue Ccur. Each .011 Nee'vels. S.S.. with Whit. On., Fem.% •na Analtsle. El p. femur Coven. Co .08

tamp. of the 4 Ree;t:nos..Four for »a

Uie be; 2.5•3.4. Inch 1.00 teas,. 0 ttttt la none Bourn. Planobassu,

NEW DREAM BOOK IRO Peorr, 2 Sete Numbers. Cleric, and psi.

Ica 1200 ratioens. Pound In Hem, Geld Pewee Ce•res. oend Quells, Pow.. I10.18

enno TO WIN AT ART «IRO Or IIPIEÇULA• TION. lEPas. alowlet, theusdully Count/. 11.rnel., 25e.

'FORTUNE TEI.LtN0 WITH CARDS. lame •Ind. Ina. 24 Paget Wimple, 213e.

HOW TO RECOME A MEDIUM, Sarno Olney, 30 Paget. Rumple, 110e.


Zemean No ob ., rtode to Your Cannons.. Muter Teat

iors aemptesd. C..11 D.. T5 luisit. rr .1, n I Toot appear n any merebandue.

SIMMONS & CO. 1111 West Jackson Blvd.. CHICAGO

fanner tirinr, treOil for Wboluale Poo,.

BINGO CORN GAMES 100 OORD SET. $3.00 ZOO CARD SIT. 111.00 500 OARD SET, 0.00

AU Net. comet.. will, rallitp Stowe, and Tally_ Riser, we nor the sew...

Pine. nwrill with order. OCO. W. BRINK & SON

1454 Waal« Aye.. DETROIT. MICH Dept. 1110.

(Our TURN, Years In IllenIner ,


••ftentir Dam'. the gash, them-relor rionlauen Mu her with fi. ir deliCirm raiorils was wurrril Elates. el POO Prism to minima. tints... • in pitre. lommtarMia Oh

Frii'VON (200/... $1.90 Thou.'. Burs. $3.50.

HEX MFG. CO. •70 11.66•114 SL. Buffalo, N. V.

1936-)7 ASTRO FORECASTS 1-1-7 and 116-goje Been., 7.,el.a.-

klinrilela.holl!:. " ;r•= ")1‘:"....''e,:ii,t'VeC. la Tampa 'sunk, iraellelorr .acoarta TrKW 124.1Y r. TATMAN,' SI sow nr! the prem.

is,,, of Anutrailw rwi hotel« Weil& Ilaralcene. 34,-. !gene nee. NELSON ENTERPRISES

Cohan., 0.

POPCORN elOLDEN — Jumbo (Dynamite) 0-1EI.JAP il.ultrarl Itàce, Golden PEARL, 100-lb

OT JAP-O-N pot in. ".olden calm), Itn -buttered- corn. trymt potatoer eN paam 10. IS and to-lb tat« ()LAMM. Conn IT Colors). also Ilszs and Carte. tor ••bustreed.• eons- Corn lOins, in 174-11 awe' anima. hall bar-rel.. etc Cull deposit Irish omens is,

BrADSHAW CO. Iireleerrr.


Opea All Year Round. Want Freaks and Novelty Acts of merit

rar ail time. SCHORK Er SCHAFFER.


)9,1/Ffirs9ichfce-cdemi NERS iliaARD,BUISTERILwAr

2 8.94 PK sr COWEIVIS/ANO, if. Y.

711ià way anlab By THE MIXER

LOOK TRIM the Letter UK (may be Important mall for you).

BESIDES the sun -mot. Rpoctol. this issue is a Lilts Number (fairs, etc.).

CARL AND PEGGY ftATLIPP postcard that they have been having a Mee am-...in With Dennert Is Knepp ExporiltIOn.

PAUL HIMOI.D. runners Mant, tells The Mixer that he Is enjoying lii. sec-ond season with Peter Konen' Clem,' 81de Show with Beckmann ecc Oerety Shows.

IINN% >win' Net all the veteurn re-ceiving bonne .ee good use of the money. hot 'Muffling It away .' would latu cause regret.

FROM MISSOURI. M. Jacket Miller portgarded of preparing to join Evan-geline Shows with two pay attractions and some concessions.

REPORT FROM Sims' Shows in Con-ada was that up to last week they had tour good onee out of seven engagements this »aeon. That', not a poor average.

JAMES (WHITEY) FULMER. of Dlek's Paramount Shows, made a long jump to Clnry to get hie bonus bonds early last weak. DOM Vermont.

WILLIAM (BILLY) BREESE. general scent Marks Shown. howdedooccl ec-

COL M. L. BAKER hop purchased a Ford tr. ,* to transport the outtit of his Circuit Side Show with Crystal Ils. position Shows. Alto ordered noose ani-mals for nits. Peul Manning tine hem painting new banners for the attraction.

ACCORDINO TO word from Lawrence Lalonde, who had just pined Illtder-brend's United Shows, the midway at Eugene. Ore., was so parked with people etilos- local °Mende (fire executives) would not allow more ticket, sold gt

the gate.

GEORGE LaROSE. 114 Tremont Street, Tonawanda. N. Y.. father of Mr.. C. O. Davis. of Strates Shows. will be glad to heer from old friends ln the show burl-nee, Hr Ir eufferine from dlehetrn unit other aliments. Cherry lettem will be appreciated.

lack Tenspkin postcards that he h in U. S. Marine Hospital. Detroit, ho having Received broken penis in a car week at Pontiac, Mich. recently. Expects to be at the hospital • couple of months, Is 'lonesome- and would late letters and visits from akewfOlk se-quel s.

HOWARD P1ERCY, of Dodson's Woricra 1,1r Shows, was called to Mil-waukee because of Barlow, Minna of his father (Incidentally. Howard's brother, Snip'''. may not know hin father la nick. anyone knowing ht, "Odessa. Inform him).

NOPpL, artistic midway ettfreeTE C/ Maltreat Shona. A novelty, on that the panels when not lord (colleted) as ad banners arc attractive oil paintings--lentleoapes and other scenes al Verforte hinds. The whole brightly illuminated, atop each upright and with stringer».

quaintancea on the Johnny J. Jones Midway at 011 City, Pa.

ELTM JOHNSON and Hylrde Elehrleber of Midwest Merchandising Company have been visiting carnival, and eircusea in the Middle West, A motor trip on which they encountered heavy rain,.

MR. AND MRS. JOHN MERINO (Prince Leroy, man with - iron eyelids,-and Lady Vivian. neon tube swellower) recently joined Anna John Ruder/. World'a Pair Freak, on the West Coast..

MR. AND MRS. FRANK LITHTF:12 were in Cincinnati a few clays awl Come from the South. Were ell 'OUP) to Join Mighty Sheesley Midway at Lansing. Mir h.

MRS. CIKORGE A. BALDWIN. Bant-more, Oaprepen deep appregfation of en-couraging lettern rind flo,ere, she re-ceived from ahowfolke while confined in Johns Ih.spkins Hospital.

14R8. DEWEY EIENTRY. formerly of LOoe' Orval« United in rep,,rted recuperating at her Mother's home Harlingen, Tex., from an operation 1", ,r appendicitis performed a few week, ago.

MRS. JACK PA/CE received torn foot ligaments when a windstorm struck the

Dodson Shows' midway at Oremehure. Pa. At last report was getting along nicely. Vive tenta were blown down by the storm.

(8111y—Shelk) Claire, of Brow., Sheen, who reeelyed a gunshot wound above bit right kneecap recently 'mentioned in last issue) II In St. Olaf Hospital, Ausnn, Minn., and would eppowint• bitten hens his show-folk accrual t . wan toper* of Sam Stein's a few days ago.

FLYING FISHERS. Chart« Pleher menneer. which aerial act has been free attraction with J. L. Landes Shows, le playing a few weeks of early fairs in

innenten and the Dakota». Chorine Infok that the act probably will rejoin Lendes the middle of July.

Probably a few of Oho welter. of show-letters who have persisted in writing and mailIng current•week 'letters . have been unandorIng why they did not appear in print I all show-letters appearing in the coluivof have been on completed weeks of • ments--the "last week .. stand when writ. fen).

PEN rocrrm: has been preparing hW cookhouse equIpment and truck, and wiil soon be headed north from his camp albeonton. Fla., to take up his Rummer's work. Incidentally. Starry E. Crandell, who has been Ill at Mottles camp, la reported somewhat 11181MOVed htlL rtill In poor health.

A SOCIAL HIGHLIGHT of the Al C. Hansen Ellso-ve stay at Salisbury. Mo... way a double birthday party. the birth-dayltee being John O'Brien and Charles


IC. pent tit kiln. your Power ern "Sake no CII 41t,, If ,41:1 N :“I, 11;i



The Lareri 4' .1 unamnomel it ti fur liallst_Inoin ais.1 P51,1.1,1, mol

Writ• tuns ¡nil let un lall psi It it. %Penns% 01 Pon

SMITH fr, SMITH. gerIngeme. Erie Co, New Yers.

NEW MODELS Sensational Prices

CHAM IF' ION Corn Poppers

Belot, you buy any Corn Popper. get (1,, facts about the New Champion Corn Pop per. It ii the popper you have been look. ing for. Has every featv, vas need— (raglan convenience and economy. Write for information today. Literature also describe. complete line of concculon sup-plies.

IOWA LIGHT & MFG. CO. 115 Locust Street, Des Moines, I,


NEW LOW PRICES Pew 1461.11. 517.50 Up.

Alan Blpetales. Caramel Corn glue, oust. Parts and t ...dun. L...


2117 Herein. Der Melee'

BALL THROWING OUTFITS, HOODS Doll». Cots PR' Battle, All 181E Doll. In let' le down mores 810 per dozen. Write ter estal ,Le


SHOOTING GALLERIES ,..,•ukc. for Feetern and Women. Typo Chiller.

Write ter eireelar.

G. W. TEIPENING 110 Mule* St, Omen Pans, WM.

BUDDHA PAPERS Send Slanne..1 Enreloes'

130W'EIRS 430 W. 11th Sa. N. Y. ElTir

Extra POP CORN Quin! t5s liA tiorselati.t,. MUM A Ill, IC•11 1111110., Pori Rim Owned. graded. unse. Quick riewlee ris truck ir tail Mla. Ale •osins, >et. kricc.;., pop,. o ill) Ile. Toro, peer tide 829.00.

INDIANA POP CORN CO., Munch. led. INertern Unlen—Poeul.

HOROSCOPES 1, 4, 15 and 7 Page,



NIB Wilson Awnura Broadyn, N. Y.

June 27, 1936 CARNIVALS The Billboard 73

Alm. Oenta • B. and the guests, sod Mn. Hansen. had time."

Kirkland Wan Including Mr. • "wonderful

WHTLE IN Cincinnati last. week Capt. Ed Andrews last aereaon and this spring with Mile Ribbon Show. was planning to go to 21Irhigan to frame a new Elide Shnw.On/rioting of "Odditiee of the Doert," he having received hie bonus. rrse show at faire and own trucks for transportation.

An ce-trouper who geh around the «veiny • lot calls attention to font gale and show ..41 ride ticket beau losing notable ...canto .4 ‘..d. In allowing people outside show circles tutu hare learned certain .. leur 'magic' words.' se "pass In." Incidentally. these 'kneeler sores have been in rate se long ahneof every -Toro. Dick and Neer' knows them-

OEOROE B. FLINT. who operate« the gal show on Tilley Show., broke an artery in his right leg bat week but is abie to get around, tho with difficulty. Betty Rainey. one of the girls in Plint`e Cs.% is the daughter of Mrs. Margaret yredertek. of Peoria, ni, who was killed last week in an auto accident.

PICKUPS FROM Streit. Shows—Fred-dy and Shirley Melville joined Etta Louise Blake' Carioca Show, Freddy to mobile stage and on tickets . 2210 the Great, high swaying pole free act. pined at Cohn., N. Y.. . . Matthew J. Inquire) Riley, the amiable general agent. has made several tripe back to Use show.

FORD MUNO ER (Toting Ford, pu-rind) la not trouping this year. Az-cording to word from Clearwater. Fla. Pord is decked out sort of a In Prank luck (with sun helmet and boot.), and funettening as foreman of • crew em-ployed by the Boyce Pipeline Construe-Uno Company nn the acrena-Plorld• canal project.

PICKUPS from Kraune greater Shows. at Meneesen. Pa.—Women of the show havr formed the "Nit-Wit Sisters' Sew-ing Club"--everyone knitting... Capt. Luse joined with Ten-in-One.... L C.

POPCORN South Amerleen, lap. Flulleet. Beby White Pearl, Whit. Rice and Yellow Perot Aine Popcorn Seasoning, C•rtons and Cones, in seven flashy colon.

H. B. HUISINGA DELAND, ILLINOIS 50o, of Pure-Bred Varieties of Popcorn.

GRAPHIC CHARTS Env iahl,d Tyro-rotor. Handwritler Analyals Etter, ..Esurse run tho rest --we »II you the bed .• Flatunstelv deurrieti—veivMdicalfit coirtet. ta., onderstend nu.1 bell. in tee. In Lem et 110e or ewe Mend Inc f.. Remote. linner.melmilt tab. tin', will he attni free mrb, coed, sample GNARACTUR IS GUILD, Berwiv. Men.

POS ISLE—The mile one ef its bind in Cult R. linerneeel gsausit Duke. ANTlinf.etritteete

complete with s senort!. p‘..41... fo, 388 A.

01 rI 7010 fIng•r ill', and pureon.hnled with iontilcus Monthly hola, Readmit. Man 2 breutifel-R Attollrit and Dernment Miniature Stettin, eau. eh. ton Mauls end Dell, C ft. high. À mat

MiTe, legitimate tit t skillful. AIrA B wt. (lattas of (WOK., from Piano.

Icon..., Reel skill mid mien.. a. stamp fee par. Widen itt, stamp f. *needles ef Any One. O. A. f /Ties. 10331 Aeon. O. Ones....

WANTED P.r it. V. r. w. ono. Tandentriff Pa.. flirh set and Steen Acts frr the Ten* or Yono 23.

Write.. wire

Gen J000n Jemmy eale Ittlij r 1rats Liverpool. O., le,

POP, CORN Anierioan, lare• yeliuw, linen! tipsily, ,W111

f,ott S Inn nee lisa in In., eart ,... Joe tleMeu• nt.fil arid tender bulb guaranteed to yam. litoon• p.a./latest thkennine. I e :1""'

tom». need by nuke., et Pflp etini •--,fentmators. Jumlut them.. h,adtal (tnMp daily. latient. Rags Llturr.a. chore Poem, and all Mop-

tarsesi mrtut,:e ',monk,. distributor In the it. Patabllafitd 7n vases

total:4881 POP CORN madame • PPPPPP er.. ONO..

11yreouts, N. Y.

CANADA tuft CALF, roe Klactrk Hoist Pleven, um, "Ire, 11711-00 gems. WANT TO OPT Pr.r..

hind a. a rwri ear, me PS's"' res TWA..

FRANK J. ELLIOTT iv... therm. Arnharie. Rao scella, eon.

A tip, Travelled shawfolk ohould ways demand land keep a reasonabie lentrth at tinsel receipt.. with signallaret on paying their hotel and lodging boute bilk_

Every new and then reports of ..plying sealn.• 'because of no receipt I bob up. Especially when special rates •re made, fie-ceipts are needed. Members of • thaw in Pennsylvania encountered a tine of this uy—the ..shak•" coming aft« slow moved fe ii. neat stand-

(Whitey) Reed in fourth year as MI Wheel foreman, and proud of his ride . . . Harry Morris lot man, up early every morning to "hear the bird. sing"

MR. AND MRS. WALTER L. AVERY (Lee and "Bingo"), who spend the win-ter, at their home at Cocoa, Plis., are leaving for Jackson. Mich.. and will have their eats and other Concession. at Cullen /Ake thus rummer. Amiable hosts. W. L. and the miaows had rnsny ahowfolk viaitore at their home last winter.

THOMAS LASWELL. talker on the Diamond Kittle (fat girl) attraction with Rubio Is Cherry Exposition. IS en-thused over the public's pent. Kittle has been receiving. saya one of the Rubin-ChermItee. who also oars that Lanwell opines if the praise keeps mul-tiplying E V. McGarry will Ch.stlge his winter home from Miami to Hollywood (Calif., not the Hollywood near Miami).

"VOLUME 3, NO. 2'• of Herald Netoe, published in Interest of Johnny J. 300e, Exposition. was put into circulation last week Altho not, so credited, the eight-Palte (12 by 16 inches) paper probably was a productInn of Walter Devi» this year's press representative for the show. Made up in netaapaper style, with di,. play headings, end chock-a-block With cute of attractions and announcement.

A LETTER from tire Abble E. Briggs states that ahe greatly enjoyed the re-rent party given by the Ladle. Auxiliary of remit.. Coast Shownien .a Association. In the men's clubrooms. at Los Angeles. Complimented the "plearent gentles and hearty handshakes" of Minnie Maher (former circus aerialist), who na at the serving table. Mrs. Brig. trouped with Minnie Maher 45 yeare ago.

Ilam, official coach, and Bill Brock. Of-ficial rooter. At • recent game, ride boy.' tea. Wan. 24 to 10. Harris re-

. ceived • thumb injury. Moore got a black eye off • foul ball. Tyrell got skinned shine when Hogan made a Slide to fir. be».

Off JUNE 7 a reproduced photo of Zacchlni being cannoned over 'Twin Zli Wheels appeared in the rotogravure mo-tion,. of Sunday paper, at many cities. The "human ennnonball'e" name ems given, but the show he le with was not. The Mixer learn. that the photo was token during Dodson's World's Fair Shows' recent engagement at Pittsburgh, taken by • members of The Sun-Tele-graph staff and wyndiceted by Intern.-Uonal Newl,

ST. 3011N, N. EL—Percy Canter, the pa. 14 years a constable on the et. John police for.. previously a riontOr-tionlat with carnivnia and •1 fairs In the United States and Canada. wee re-cently promoted to a sergeantry nn the forre. Since becoming e, policemen he has added Little /Tenter acting end di-recting to his spare-time activities. At one rime he wee • member of the Royal Northwest Mounted Polite in Northern Canada. Two young Ilona and a dime-ter •re now his partner. in a contor-tionist act.

WHO IS MISSINCP A letter front George W. Neward Jr.. State's Mimeo of J.10., non C•unty. Mount Verner., Ill. advites that the body of an unidentified rn•n was found •n the right-of-way of the Southern Railroad near Din. lii.. on May 27. Had In his possession se ley bailases. fan-dance cards, putties, some kind of a setae-outfit game and other POVONIO.. An, about 45, height, about 5 feet and 8 I weight, about 165 pounds: hale, black: medium-heavy build: ppPPp dark rem. plenion and wore • . The authorities have been frying te learn hi. Identity. add of relatives and other p•eictrien. May hoe been with a carnival or pitching. Anyone hav-ing an Idea who he was, get la with' Attorney lieward to the above address.

TWO BASEBALL TEAMS have been organised on Sims' (treater and United shows of Canada Combined. The ride hove: Frank W. Rome feaPtalni. Jahn (hark. Slim Tyrell, Herman Stanley. znet Douche,. Roland Thibault, Kid McDonald, Jack King. R. O'Brien. Con-cesalon boys: Buster Stanley, Jack Moore, Harry Hogsn. Max Caplan. Jack Late', Joe Harris (captain). 0.1e Bregar. Eddie Wahine, Tom Mackin, Joe WU-

PltilaàelpItia PHILADELPHIA. June 20.—Endy Br"'

Shows in Ardmore this week. which I. about nix miles from west of the ctIr line. #sJl other shows have left th, vicinity of the city. Church carnival. and block parties are allowed within the city. George E. Roberts booked the Key

Broa.' Circus into Haddonfield. N. J.. recently and the show had full house afternoon and evening. The date (June 5) is an annual event under auspices of the local school and hria been handled for a number of years by Robert. Rubin Oruberg Was a clatter here this

week on his way to New York_ Visited with Ills brother, Max. while in the city.

Exhibit Producing Company, of which Barn Taasell is president and Johnny Keeler general manager, now haa three unite working. Report bUldnaris very good up to the present..

Cetlin ar Wilson shows, after five weeks operating in the city and vicinity. left for Lebanon, Pa. Endy Bro.' Shows report a very good

...on no far. Rain the last three days in Reading spoiled what probably would have been ri banner week. South Street Mu-Pure continues with

good business. He - the following bill this weer: Dorothy Smith. coon shouter: Leo, in some new magic; Jack Stetson, cartoon's and paper tenrinic Excella, con-tortionist Penes Plastique and Mu-ttons; in the annex, dancing girl, and Mary Morrie.

West Coast Amusement Co. Bond. Ore, wog* ended June 14. No

au•pt,re. Weather, Mir, Ruelneee, very good.

Again played thle one, two miles from town In a foreat, and again had un-believably Rood buertnesa. Manager Jessup left for Walla Walla torten his rimighter, had a graduation party, but arrived hack In time for the Saturday night business. Louis Leos taking over the management of all of the departments, together with hin own. and doing • good job rif it. Mike Krems still out with hie No. 2 unit, but wired that he would be with this thew next week. Cleorge Colgan appointed head detective with /Mew. Angelo Terella, ride foreman, added new concession this week. Dick Morris' Dancing Cutlets packed the big tent nightly. Frank Forent has added five attractions to his Circus Side Show, MTIL Cherie, Walpert etegall15Ing a "Ladles' Club." Mr. and Mrs. Lorry Ferris pur-chased a new Loop-o-Plane. to be deliv-ered at Liikeriew. Ore.. Larry having traded his single unit machine to the factory. So far business has been far ahead of last year. All of which Is from an executive of the allow.

PalDeKviiniens $7.50 up GIRL IN BED The S ion o' tin, Midwa y.


EVANS ATTRACTIONS will help make your Contes, 00 THE Live Spot. Don t cunt. Don t take chancea. Depend sin Cy.. for

Real Winners.

42'. to 10'. Also S fffff Coin Bens.

JITNEY ROLL-DOWN The Rage in Europe. New in America


SHOOTING GALLERY SUPPLIES tor All Makes of Galleries.


eatable eontaint • Conte.. Line or Amusement Entdoment for P • r a a.

— — Beeches. Fairs, C0.0. ult. Picnics. Nome comings. etc. A ii kinds at Whuts, sheeting Caller let, es.. Creepy, opine ilsorm. P. O.. and Oases, Parts and gum •hu—in tut. even-Men for Ma Midway. This 1110-two,. folk il-lustrated Catalog la tou0 for the saws

Writs ter if Today I

H. C. EVANS de CO. MI-KW. Mies It. Mum

CANDY FLOSS L CORN POPPERS Cement. h • • 1, eennim.

" =IV sta. ?I; ..10

Outranked Fos n lino.,Pet to. gm.


sea Ent 35th It. New Vert Oitr


$750.00 up



tempt. Made In four iliffimnsi acrt lot«. NI^,1,1 4" De Luxe I 0.Cer. matte« If large rind Ireii.

Sethi for or_ily 41.2Z40.00. V. o. ft. North Pon. •metulq. bionel '11 - 1.5e Lose t'Ose ii 12 children, nidla in $1.000.00. r. . NO1141. TOIMV*P4.1. Smeller gear blodel fee 8750.00. !Credal 20.Car biol. ter 112.1110.00 fienjahet ntrvial orler.

All model, emtiniv.1 with entomb rune Ankh. 11-,• only drift,








10 Beautiful Clete To Ruh 100 Sewn In-italtat Mantel Clods, Lamm e larestrieL Antauser W.., Boudoir Doll., KM.

/tally Pattern, All Rally A.001,0.001 1010 10 Nun. Mkt tier Hundred.

THE OUT BUY ill Tilt COUNTRY. 100 Punta. 14,60, 10 Wens FREE 1,0 000101

2no t tarot,' With 001•11-11a0nre C. O. D.

EAUt. A CANDY COMPANY, 1903 Calhoun Street, COLUMBIA, S. C.

74 The lammed CARNIVALS June 27, 1936


PA I RS—Pa R 11--17A RNIVALII. Wm In 1112 at • ,,•.try ni P-nayou.

fi, Tate Only $43000 corneute, F. O. S. Ottiomo.

Manufrrturea A. M COOL.Elr

2010 W.lt raos,n Si. • - • °Wean, in,

1350 BINGO Illearyweldlit rani.. Mork on whit,, Wood mart. to. minted two ..,les. N,, 1e, orate rant. Put Up in the Inituw,..e size rote sud once, MI earth, $5.251 BO ca., 1511: 75 can.. 81.501 100 earth. A10; 150 cot*. 1112.50, 200 oarao. 11151 260 rarer, $17.50; 300 card, IRO. Re malnino 700 aaaaa cede 100 tenet oaah. $7.

On or re 1114Mo...et Blow Card, $1.00.

3000 KENO Made ln AO rota of 100 cants seen. flared 111 iew• the ronl—nol, up met down Licht-..4111gceit. Per mt 100 comb with mar, .. e. •Ilr It,. and Lotto gets ore onranINo with wood

telly and direction •hern. All cord. elm It • 7.

THIN BINGO CARDS Ph.g•• reel, block on white. olse 7. 71.m cool, not. se ...a In thettnea. etr. 71.ey matted or plo.-hed In playing arid then dio...nted. I 350 dIffetent rani, yer 100. Site. vaxiat

nf marten, 506. Automatic Bingo $hotior. Si 41•14 812.50

1111.wkbooret. cloth. Ma 24.85 1Rtill• no, 2.00

• Int, tsar 7,1 tor P n, R. cheeks &metric.

J. M. SIMMONS & CO. 19 W. Jaakaon Blvd., Chicago


Increase Your Profits With "Modern," Olatt Poole Yemen, 90% of the« whose oleturu you tab.. will buy"no of thew. ...allot frame.. Made In all siege 0.* it,, 60.140

Iliustraterl no ail atemo Photos. came. in sweeten and two-tone Colon. Has dlodrout brill, malign. It may to 'nowt Bee% Is held Myatt to ohms with non-ternioltablo Chrome plated elm.. De.

rhino No in Pure Silver Mirror Inlay. Edpm of all frames ere wnoothly bseelrel. Por 51.00 PIcs poste» you ma, rarely5 I tamale Om of II. Frames from slam, to 5•7 enistiarnant alto. and full Information at to ants and mho.. Woman. foil,* • complete line of S. Photo Ironies.

Mid-Way Products Co. 113 East 31st St. Kansas City, Mo.

PENNY MACHINES .•11 Loot* Prase,: or

7011 Y.1,1- Pelt. 1.0.00. eemeirin WIth f.. P. I, • Pm., . •.r and Tsh.... $260.00. • in* far adA tact.

"Blue Dot" STAMP CO. 124 Cart Lamed nowt. Dwelt. Mich.

WANTED si .1 All ...nrumn• 7,111 In

• Bo .o. Once In Pond I...to .rnie an,! 4, Tao lilt Darn Who NOV - Band Labe, Mich.


lin0Y•LOoh MEN.

Miller Amusement Enterprises, Inc.


r....Pt.aat to the Market. Prices ws• twlow olLen.

le"ligheldara: • M."

F'01Fe BAKER 5101 Trurnoull Art. 001.04. Mien.

Along the Expo Midway at Dallas DALLAS. June 20.—The peat week now

a heavy midway crowd. President Room-yen's visit and a cuisine of Kids' Days made midway business good.

Stanley Graham. of Graham Enter-prises, left Monday for Cleveland to get his Midget Chem ready for the Great Lake. Exponttion. Will return the early part of next week. During his absence his general manager. Billy Collins. ill holding down the fort.

Paul Jones in doing a neat Job in pub-licity for Streets of Paris, one of the popular spots. Roy Bowen, a recent arrival in town.

is on the front of the Streets. of Parts Mrs. Arthur Kinceld and daughter.

Paddy. were vinitore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Riley Hickman tile early part of this week. Paddy le recovering very nicely from the injuries 'suffered in an auto accident early loot frill. While here they "took ln" the centennial.

E. J. Relater, connected with Harry Hargreaves in the eikee-Roll alleys, left for Cleveland, where they will °perish, the same kind of concession at the Great lake. Expoaltion. In addition to the Fikee-Roll, they have an eating stand at the exposition here.

Mrs. J. Ed (Eddie) Brnwn left for Schenectady. N. Y., early tide week be-causes of the illness of her sister In that city.

Phil Little left recently fnr Little Rock, Ark., where he had concessions at a cele-bration which was attended by Presi-dent Roosevelt. Teddy Goldstein, who has a huma.

tone concession on one of the main exposition streets. was given eeverel nice pieces in the local papera. Teddy's apace is always crowded and is one of the Imt to close. Harry Lee Johnem is in Streets of

Parts with a perk allow—one of the many in that village.

K. C. Edson joined the Graham staff lore Monday ea dirertor of publicity. He will handle the publicity for the Midg-et City and also the Texas Queen Show-boat..

To., centennial exhibitors and comes-sinners' list shows 162 exhibitors and 72 conceesioners. One of the conceseleners the Turf Catering Company, has 48 stands.

Jack O'Shea has taken over the role of Judge Roy Bean nt the Law Weet of the Peco'.. A misdemeanor carries a fine nf a few drinkre and the more severe viola-tions bring a sentence of "treating the homes" The Teeter-Callahan Gonna Village

has been rearranged and with the new setup la doing better business

Toni Morris "floored" his Drive-It-Youreelf Kiddie cars track which Is a big improvement over the gravel track previously used. The floored track makes it possible for kiddies any age to use the cars.

Big State Shows Luling, l'ex. Week ended June 13.

Auspices. Fire Department. Pay gate. Location. city park. Weather, perfect. Business, fair.

Movement Yoakum te Luling perfect. The event Yoakum "Tom Tom" shut down at 2 am. Sunday and 9 a.nt entire elan.. on Luling lot. "Blue ribbons" for iVililnnt NOrman, chief mechanic, and his aseintant, Philip Van Dorn. TII-County Neu, and the Signal wonderful with space. The writer contacted Christian. Reptile and Methodist churches: also efaeone and Eastern Stars. Memory of Herbert 13. Demme. aoldier. killed in France In 1918. honored. A cuetom since 1922. Entire troupe at depot when Preal-dent Roosevelt', "sperial" stopped five minutes. Slim Watson and wire. Helen, gone to Dalias Centennial, Audrey An-derson and wife. Eunice. bark from Bay Town visit. Director General Rey Gray has new sedan, Chevrolet. Clieet-er Mc-Clure and Joe Notalitn• known ae Okla-homa Hillbillies. with silver guitars added feature at Cnnry Ishind Side Shrew. Joe Stout to Lake Charters. La., to 'leered a position. Shorty Havana taking down prima at roundabout skating rink,. Her-retary•Treeeurer . Louis Bright fighting meetninees in hie minima,. Flying Vnlen-tines to keep fit carry Dr. G. Garrison Lloyd. Given daily chiropractic adjust-ments. James McIver, baby rid. fore-man, Injured his back. To hcepttal fur 10 days. Another air calliope wagon in-stalled. Preparatinne for Captain Dan Cherry's high-dive act. Othere to follow. Management proposes • "Milky Way of Aerial Thrillers." James Ward With Per-ris Wheel's contingent. Ed (Snake) Rugle arranged to buy 100 acres of Um-

Lertand near Columbus, Tex., with luaus» nioneY. Herman Verger and party (Slim

Cantreil and wife. Evelyn, and Drools.Gabriel). who ere located at Austin. Tex..

In mnti-order bueleres, promotions and other linee, were visitors.


R. H. Work Shows Patton, Pa. Week ended .1tine 13.

Auspices, 'V. F. W. Weather, rain two nights. Buginess. fate. Friday night almost a complete Ines

due to rain. The lot was under from Mx inches to à foot of water Saturday noon., but nearly everyone on the show got out with shovels and buckets and by opening time the midway was covered with shavings end wee fairly dry. The Conley Trio presented Its Dog and Pony Show on the midway for two nights while waiting to nit a free-act engage-ment. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Orman, who joined with their jewelry concession, left for two deys to go to York. Pa.. whore they ordered a specially built trailer. Dandimeder Otorgo media and brothers. who are members of the band, having a great time, this being their home town. Fern C....stick and Owen Dawson making new wardrobe for the revue. They take the management of the revue next week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maker making plans for their daughter, Orate Ruth_ who will join soon teens ellaird. Fla. Billy Mc-Naughton prmid of his now CI. M. C. truck. Credit le due Remy Greet owner of the local brick works for oaring his men on Saturday lonteud of Monday. making it. poselble for the Saturday night's business. Both Mr. and Mrs. Good were visitors Saturday night Mre. Good was fnrmerly Kathryn Warren. of Zeigfeld's Everting Star production.


Beckmann & Gerety Shows Rockford, Week ended June 13.

Location, Huffman boulevard (opposite Driring Park). Auspices, American Le-gion. Weather. cool. Show train arrived from Galeetburg

late Sunday afternoon and was met by the termed crowd this writer has ever noon at a railway crossing to witness the unkmaling of a carnival trill's. Special Agent Macon (Buddy) Willis had the city and country well billed, and the Rookford Coneondated newspapers — Reneger. Republic, Star—were very gen-mitre with atortes and art. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beckmann entertained at dinner Tuesday night Dave Jarrett, owner of the Rockford Poster Plant and well known ln the circus field, ho having nerved many years as a biller and car manager on many of the leading cir-cuses. Joe Taggert, circus fan and builder of equipment. was a nightly visi-tor. Buster Shoat. the show's mall man and The Billboard agent, son of the well-known and well-liked Nora and Jess Shoat, is handling his new job like a veteran. Rueter is a clean-cut, ambitious young mien and hopee to be able to enter one of Texas' prominent colleges this fall. George Davis, cnnkhoum man-ager, Is looking forward to a visit from his wife and daughter when the show plays Milwaukee. Among visitors Satur-day, all well-known cireue fans. were Mr. and Mrs. S. Breathen and D. and Mrs. Tormey. from Madison, Wis.. and W. H. Hohrnadel and son, of Rochelle. RI. Hohenadel le well known in circus. dom at, editor and publisher of the Cir-cus Funs mageetne, The White Tops. Sella-Sterling Circus <My-and-dated the show Friday and Seturday and many y15115 were exchanged between the per-sonnel of the two shows.


Cetlin & Wilson Shows Philadelphia. Week ended June 13.

Location, North Broad street show-grounds. Auspices. Cheltenhani Roll CM b. Weather, rain. BUItheall, almost

Opened on Monday night with a small crowd, which increased until Wednesday. then rain for three days. which mude this location Just about a total blank. This engagement concluded a five weeks' clay nt this town. Show and rides are being repainted where necessary so that everything will be in readiness for the fair season that is not very far off. Harry Minkel away for a much-needed reet, but will return shortly. Special Agent E. K. Johnson left for Punxsu-tawney. Pa. C. D. Comp is handling Lebanon, l'a. Doc Weber's living trailer caught on ere en Weeineaday. but quick work on the part of the boys sieved what might have been a disastrous conflagra-tion. Mtn. Weber was slightly burned about the fare, The Merry-Go-Round motor caught fire Thursday night, but as tire extinguishers are always handy at all parts uf the midway no damage wini dune. GEORGE 111:RSHBERCI.

Crafts 20 Big Shows Albany, Calif. Week ended June 14,

Locution. Sun Pablo avenue. A lisplrei. Druids. Business, good. The second week for the show located

on San Pablo avenue, main artery of traffic through all Say District towns. Previous week in Emeryville. all AttenC-tIonot reported a very good week's busi-ness. Rides end exceptionally well, while the crime...ions had one of the beat weeks 'Ones San Diego. Harry Bernard, Joe Krug et al. made the two-day picnic at Santa Clara, Calif. The No. 2 unit, Golden States Shows. played • few blocks densint at another church picnic, but put some attractions on the other lot. The John (Spot) Ragland and Lew Kart', concession going over good in the Bay Dletriet towns. O. N. Craft. and Roy Ludington flew in the Crane' Plane to Reno to spend a couple of days with Golden State Shows. Mike Reek,. ',ta-iled at Albany. also members of Clark's Greater Shows visited and hobnobbed with Mende on title allow. Al (Big Hat) Fisher ware on the lot one night. Al has been doing a little scouting for other in-terests. Jounts Chlaupele Circles Psii, vlaited in Emeryville—had many inter-eating pictures of the old Norris lis Twee Circus. Ride boys hanging up • few records the past two moves, which tune been circus style—up and down within 24 hours. Elmer Hanecom kept busy shaking hands. Elmer spent many years in this section and lived at Vallejo one time. Ed Hilos, the show's artist. last his pet dog lent week, but was fortunate to find the animal again by listening at the midnight harks of the neighberheind dogs. Speedy Rabbis. of the Siledreme, sporting a new "Palm Beach" layout. Joe Duran, of the Merry-GO-Round. end Paddy Ryan, of the Ferris Wheel, keep these two rides In tip-top shape arid are among the first up and down weekly. Jake Revd and Heyday crew. Fe, well ea H. (Puddin) Cooper and the fiknnter ere.. really "g0 to town" alxo with the heavier type rides. ROY SCOTT.

Golden State Shows Reno, Nev. Week ended Jens 14.

Auspices, Deserted American Veterans Location, East Fourth. Weather, rery warm. IfitaineS8, aMe. A long jump groin Santa Clera to this

eyed.. Used truckx to Sacramento, trail. ferrad to Southern PACItte there and sent only a row trucks over the merle. taint. Very heavy grades and trorts made very slow time, but the show ‘11.9 all ready for opening night. Nice turn-out and with all shown and ride, at Increased prices business was good tin, urday and Sunday the banner day, with the biggest days gross of the mama, fis far on Saturday. O. N. Cruets and Rey Ludington flew over from Albany for the opening and reported a wonderful trip. Both went to the lakes for s day's fishing during their elan, but for otite were not suremedul, so the promised fish feed did not materialire. Homer Nerann. foreman Merry-Cio-Round. reversed the usual order of thing,c in this town. I., instead of getting a divorce, he married • Mies Kenyon. Manager Wright gave Homer a few days off and the bride and groom spent the time at Lake Tabor Quite a few parties given here by mere-hers of the show, among the honte br•In; Mr. and Mee. Radenbaugh. Mr. and hIni. Will Wright, Ur. and Mrs Joe De-blemehelle and Mr. and Mrs. Art Ander-ann. J. Maguire joined here with pilla! wheel and Jack Wilson with seeks Ilughle Itnwen added a sandwich and coffee stand to his already leng line re conceexiona. Mr. and M.. Harry Pox. old - time show! outs. HOW operating Orange Grove. at San Fernando. were visitors, making the long trip in one day Roy Sullivan. who recently WA, ap-pointed foreman of the Scooter, io ban-Wing the ride in first-class shape.


Peerless Exposition Shows Grafton, W. Va. Week ended June

6. Weather, fine. Business, good A new ride was added to the rnielicey

when Leslie joined with his Tlit.n-Whiti Whitey Henske is it foreman and I e,•ne himself holde out at the upper end el the midway with his hall ganie comes-Men. Vielte were exchanged is ith Gord-Ina's Greater Shows. L. 1 Thomas enli has the corn game and three other cure Minions, all doing well. Kline has three enneeradons. Ray Boozer bas the cook-house and ene ball game. Berry Ilme Circus end Red Morenei Ten-in-One take up a prominent part of the midi.? Harvey Potter managea both the Gel Paree and Hawaiian Show. Lineup ta: eluded seven rides, four shows anti s concessions. TEDDY anusirts

June 27, 1936 CARNIVALS Th.' Rillboard 75

aloe:9 the Callotetia Paciiic Expo 7nic)way


SAN DIEGO, Calif., June 20.—Happy Johnson engaged as talker for Tin Pan Alley and lus voice can be heard the kegth of the midway. Wears a "Gay 11i," makeup and hes been named the -Harm of Tin Pen Alley." . . . Larry EIM; to San Francisco on boldness . . Barbara Brent engaged by L. D. Otter all feature dancer in "Days of '40." . nui Davis. owner Mazola...re, enlarging his concerndon, having bought several rievel funinakera at Ocean Park. . . . (Wades Alktn now operating "Streets of Paris." With France, Johnston. pro-ducer: Barbara Mayo. Ruth Hanson. Brewnie Meyer. Jerkier Lee. Virginia Neal. Muggele Marsheon. dancers. . Olsen and Johnson merit many hours on the midway during their engagement here Are popular with midway roncee-

Jerry Carrnan. "singing bun pa▪ y" at the Ornnada Cafe, left for Dallas.

Jack Brooks returned front Dalian and is manager of "Front Page," also trandlIng the ban),

Abe Rudy, who has the candy and frill concession on the midway, Is now called "Apple AIM," .. Jack Brie]. who operated a ham and bacon concession. has returned from Cleveland.... Grunt Derby has been added to entices-elan row at the entrance of Spanish Village. Earl Rents returned from Hollywood. new manager Hollywood Doubles show for Fiinehnn AG Marro.... Don Wreeter, Northwest showman and center...winner, now managing the Ernest A. Lawrence interests at the exposition. Reporta steady Increase in business at the Span-ish tiling., souvenir shop. . . . Harry Mize now rimnaging Joe Zottere riding ecurre. . . Ray Steffy. In charge of htadiiL ds Deets' concession in Tin Pan

Margaret Dade is ea-shier for the Frolic ride.... Frank Robinson Brown, emaee, cleebien between Derto game and "flays el '41." Fiddle Wakelin in charge of Navy Week activitiee on the midway. a.th tone Ziegler acting as secretary. ... Capri Jim Moore. featured as the scout in the Hattie ne Wounded Knee with Ken Masteirvi Wild West Show, received an t...111 ,, 11 when *entering the arena with h., beautiful buckskin suit, 10-gallon has and his long white hair. . . • Ruby Freiman. the Red /vten. "Queen" of Vie/ejo, chosen at a recent "'40 Day" celebration, visited the midway escorted by Val Doge. of the exposition staff, and a dinner was held in her honor at Cafe of the World.

Ililderbrand's United Shows North Bend. Ore. Sly days ended June

F. LecaMn. streets (bridge cetebrallon). Anspfre, Chamber of Commerce. Weather, rain. Raciness, gond

Diking a potirdown of rain 12.000 amusement seekers passed ihrU the mumr. Saturday nieht. In splte of rain Ill Week business teas very good. Pa-redt, assisted in drawing crowds from nelehhering towns. The Four Jacks and Charles Elloderberg registered heavily. Tallinn La France topped the midway With her Motordrome. North Berul the Filth ronsecutive wr.de of min since en-tering Oregon. Jane Godfrey'. Ten-in-One received exceptionelly er.ind attend-ance. also 'he two girl show» conducted by Fred Wehmer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bar. Tilt left for Loa Angeles atter selling their eruite Show to Thomas Lee of the Hill-billy Show. Mr. rind Mrs. R H. Taylor left for Tacoma. and Jack Mahan. Sam /Napkins Slid Larry Gale. Geneva Sanford rise Mr. and Mrs. L. Sanford to join West Cea.t Shows William Groff added three rencessione and Ralph Flateem added Or, Ferrel Wheel, Mixam and Merry-Go-kneed ran a race for top honors. John-tie Dcettin Kilned with an Ice cream con-tveslon, and Mr. and Mre. J. Fredrick". Fletcher with a novelty stand. Hared Patter end Vert. Seeborg made a trip to Pelletal to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jehenie Gibson entertained seven show-Peke at dinner at a local rate. Mr. and Mn. Jehnnie Hicks and Mr. and Harry Pecker also entertained at trout dinners. En mute one of the larger semi-trucks unwt, cretehing into a bank, and wars erairietely demolished. John Silver and eta., Winston suffered minor injuries. .5 new 'rock was immediately ordered bY 0.: l. Illiderbrnnd. Mr Hildertnimil spent trifee day, on burinees in Portland. General Acent E. Plekard returned from his booking tour of the elmthweet. Fred Webster Sod Ed young purchased a new

Young siso purchased a house b. Ben IL Martin spent a day In

Salem overhauling his Loop-o-Plane. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Miller entertained at a local cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Naal Coffey'. Human Fish Show made n good showing. Donny Call.diart added another ounces-don. Mrs. Betty Cor hen become expert ne hostess in the marquee and hex made ninny friends Mr. end Mrs. Ralph Bai-Coral made a trip to Portland on business.


Art Lewis Shows Worcester, Ainsi. Week ended June 13.

Location, Southbridge and Quinaternond street. Weather, fair. Business. goad. Tornetny was dedicated to children of the

Orphan/if home and newsboys of Worces-ter, opening all allows and rides Henn 2 to 5 p m. All attraction, were free and several hundred children were allowed to go and come to the different attractions RB they pleased for the three hours, other folke being denied admittance to the grounds. The children were the guests of Owner and Manager Art Lewis and the late Mayor Cookson nt Worcester, Who, unfortunately, dropped dead the latter part nf the week while attending the Republican National Convention at Cleve-land. The newspapers were liberal with front - page sicario., an well as carrying several photographs of new rides the show has this year. rind the free ne•e—the Five Flying LeVans and the Daring Henderson. Show op-erated here on Sunriny, the first time for carnival in this city. All of which se in from an cfncial of the show.

Ellnutn Shows Waupun, svi•. Week ended June 13.

Weather, rend. Busthess, /air.

The roster has undergone some changes. In Ineludee Abe Marguilie Ferris Wheel and Miniature Auto Ride: Andy Roschner and Tony Berrie. Merry-Go-Round: Joe Branham and wife. Lom-e-lane; Mr. lellman's Kiddie RM. Darkest Africa. and Mexican Shove, op-erated by Den Lockman: Athletic Show. handled by Milli Barbota: Arcade. han-dled by John Clark. Cookhouse Is Op-erated by "Hamburger More" and Joe Matt. Among other coneetelonere are Mickey Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Branham. Shorty Data. Ducky Whelem Mr. and Mrs. Ring. Mr. and td,x. O'Brien, Pete Faner and enn, I.. Deno, Mr. and Men. Wells Mr. and Mrs :Steel, T. Firtgi•tt, Mr. and Mrs, Scully, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peoples (corn gnme). E. Reek, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Prevost, Buddy Foleour• Shorty Data is the ecente artist, and Dutch Levan le the billposter and canvasinan. Staff: Charles Minton. manager: Frances Ellman. secretary - treasurer; James Franklin, electrician: AI Thomnseon. publicity: Jim Franklin. mall man and i'he Billboard salesman. Free act la pre-/genteel by Bert Morey. well-knnwn circus performer. AL THOMASSON.

Regal United Atunsentent Co. Crane, M O. Week coded June 13.

Auspices, Fire Department. Weather, COol. Business, fair.

Opened Tuesday night to a small crowd, but Cott, attendance and business increased as the week proems-Yee!. Sev-eral of the showfolkei visited at Rogers, Ark.. Sunday with Mr. nnill Mrs. Doc Yaeger and Jimmy Wilson and family on Porter's Show. The new office turner has been given a coat of aluminum paint, which adds greatly to its apnea, stile.. The Cargo Show has added a new banner. Minstrel Show has improved its Interior ay placing new curtains on the stage. Mr. and Mrs. Curly Brown and little son. J. K.. have returned to the show. Pat Moiler. of Port Arthur, Tex., arrived to spend th- summer With Ma aunt. Mrs. Nora Dell Sharkey. Betty Marie Melton. of Springneld. Mo., was a visitor at Crane. Mrs C. E. Meadow,, advance agent, has been busy with book-ing engagements Windsor. Mo., le the show's Fourth of July spot.


Christ United Shows Ashtabula. O. Week ended June re

Auspices. Sons of holy. Weather, /air. BuelneeS, /air.

Played on the auspices' grounds. Shows and rides had a good week. oar,-cessions fair. Very active committee. Played full week, Including Sunday. Prior to the nand at Ashtabula show was at Masury. O.. auspices. American le-gion: location. Addison School grounds: weather. variable. Business poor. Mem-bers of the show visited flooding Greater Shows and the Johnny J. Jones Mined-tten. Had an active committee, but weather conditions hamrered the en. gariernent. BEN HARSLS.

J. J. rage Shows Beckley. W. Va. Week ended June 13.

Ana pites. Boy Scouts. Location, Sprague showermencla. Weather, ehnteers on Thursday. ellainees, eery good.

Wonderful auspices. What a contrast f mm the engagement n year ago, when the show encountered rain the entire week. A truck move was negotiated. ami an early arrival of all the equiement gave the 5110W a break lit advertising. es the awlininine pool adjacent to the show. grounds draws quite a crowd of folks en Sunti.ive. Fred Robinson with Hawaiian Show. the lop money, with Anderson's "No Name" a clone second. The twin Ell Wheels were top money of the rides, with the Tilt-a-Whirl almost neck and neck. Charlie Phillion•er celery gathered in the garnets, as also did Beard und Italitry'e corn gante. Same Grates filled 'ern high nt the froten euntard end wire amply rewarded. Jim Phillien made en milt for another show. Reinter and Innarrnme primed a new Kiddie Auto Ride. Billie Senior Jr., son of Billie Senior of the free act of Jammle Graves, the Sky High Girl, arrived from his home in Cleveland to spend the summer On the show. Frank and Dot Earle. with their son, Jupe, arrived with a new Olds-mobile for their vacation. which they rumens, spend on the allow. Edgar Brown. foreman Merry-On-Round, as. sister! by Cowboy Wets... puts at up and takes it down ut fine time. Eirl Wil-helm, lias framed his trailer with a nifty bras.. railing and awning. .1. J. Pug..., sway for a couple of lava In the interest of the idiots. O. O. Wateon. of the Ar. Cade. hae framed n hoop-In, making him three nonce's:lone in the lineup. Ruth Henn placed n ronceneion. Eldir Coln returned and Mimed two concessions and Tannes Mitchell one. R. E. SAVAGE.

Intermountain Shows Union, Ore. Week ended June 13,

During Stock Shot,. Enrntinn, uptown. on streets. Ern3irteNee, salisprefery.

Show opened two days ahead of the Stork Show. At Brune, Ida.. recently show played a day-neutsrinte with Monte Young's Rides on Crystal boulevard, end on May 30 day-and-date with Al it. Barnes Circus at (Sending. Ida. Verne Newenntbe isaa a recent visitor. The shoe folks store entertained by Mr. Better. of Tom asis circus. at Pocatello. letra Ted Levitt joined ,at Union with Ills Girl Slinve. idno Jimmie Black, Miekey Wilmon and Mel Dehart. each with three cc-duce-dons. There are IS concessions. IneludIng Montgomery'', corn game and digger>.. The new No. 5 Eli Wheel greatly side the attractiveness of the midway. likewtse the new Loop-o-Plane. The Tilt-a-Whirl and Merry-Go-Round have been newly painted. Marvin Powers' Athletic Show has been . drawing good houees Fred and Margie Wood visited Portland to bring back Betty Kennedy-Wood, who had just finished school. Wood ordered a de luxe house trailer to be delivered rit Bose. Ida. Frank Ward Is general agent and Jimmie DeOrany special agent. Show travels on motor trueles and railroad. Suicide Bell. mann-ing a wall In auto. Is the free act. Frank Kennedy. of Greater Kennedy Shows, was a visitor at Caldwell, Ma. All of which is from an exec-tithe of the show.

Latlip Shows An/eagle. W. Va. Week ended June 6.

Location. begeball park. Business, good. Seth, W. Va. Week ended June 13. Busi-ness satisfactory.

At Amengle, Dusinese was satisfactory first heir nf week, and with mines operat-ing two shifts full time, and pay days in the coal fields the Met half erne very good. Clinger latlip received new canines for her concession, which makes a nest appearance. The writer, last year with the Small At Bullock Show,, had n pleas-ant chat with Harry L. Small at kdale. W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chaffin. former members of the show and who retired some years ago. were visitors. At Seth: Ex-Maynr J. L. Keller cal ',unrest.. W. Va.. we, B. visitor while in this 'section Inerreettng him oil. enni and timber inter-ests. The writer made avleit to rela-tives at Nashville. Tenn., returning ter the chow on Sunday. Capt.' David Latlip and Agent Flank Griffin in the eastern section of West Virginia booking engage-men.a. The Latlip St-tens centilitre to please the midway cuntornera with their trapero and acrobatic acts. IL Donohue is now in charge of the Animal Show. Captain Latlip is having two shower built, to he ready tnr the Fourth. Abe O. Blum-berg the builder. JAMES WELCHER.

NOW! Cone Deliveries Any town, any day,

any quantity

250 N. B. C. Branches

to serve you "on the lot"

W nt to "travel light" on your cone supply? Then send

us your itinerary, and we'll supply you with oven-fresh, extra-crisp, National Biscuit Real Cake Cones at every stop along the way! This service means you can

end breakage, losses and hauling worries. What's more your cones will taste better and sell better because they're fresher. Mail US your list of towns today— and we'll send you prices and free samples at once.

-NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 449 W 14th St., New York. N. Y.

76 The. CARNIVALS Inner, 27, 1936

Walt« D. Nordand sta r t rd his newspaper work as reporter on The Evening Dispatrh. Cohoes, N. Y. Ws first trireme experience new with the Sig Seutelle Circlet (wagon show) In 1897, and he has been press agent with Selle -Floto, John Robinson. Al G. Dames and other cirrus,. Was

with Frank C. Gasktil Cat-Mewl in 1908: press agent 0/ Can T. Kennedy Shows in 1922, and in the same ca-pe...11y iriSh Rubin & Cherry Shows in 1925. '28. '27, '28. '29, '34 and this year. Ile was also pro., agent for Johnny J. Jones Exposition. Mel-t-Me-Reid. Shows. John T. Windham Shows and other cornice!s. During the winter months, for 3.7retra gran. he true publicity direr-for for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Warner Ores., fa charge ol the Chicago Offices.


"TO pass or not to pass."' Ah, that ta the question.

IMILAR to a quotation from Hamlet is the oft-repeated query as to the pus situation that confront., carnival ex-ecutives in trier day and age

the same as it has Since the advent of the street fair way back in the more or less Olaf We.

Bill/Water, especially the Independent owners, frequently complain that the management of the carnival give, out

too many pumas; that thry are compelled to bear the burden of the mileage-ment, the legal adjuster, press agent. trainteu.-ter and other of-ficals who. in or-der to move the show and handle It while in town. must give out more or less ducat».

In rebuttal the management and Its "Wends point out that it la ab-nolutely noces-eery to give out pimr.rs in order to placate the police and other city-hall depart-ments; the presa agent has to hand out a num-ber of them to the newspaper men in order to

get stories, pic titres, et, railroad Of-


As he wan caught by the cemernmen counting 'cm up.

CatniOal Walfet

Retain expect passes and if they don't receive them the ears might be glow in being spotted, and miletd the et-l-eaner agents, and hillpoterre hail out lithograph tickets to storekeepers and

owners, of choice IncatIone the advance advertising will not be so effective.

Necessity or Evil And now cornea the much-mooted

question. "Are passes a neceseity or an evil?"

Based on personal experience. I will nay unqualifiedly "Yes. a necessity." lie-gardiens of ehowmenai kicks and men-age:Ile:11a' reluctance nt times to give out panne., it must be done, but with judg-ment oll the part of those who have the autherity to litelle tho much-desired "Annie Oakleys."

If too many purges ere handed out, It is the fault of the show official. If anybody who really hag a claim to a free ducat Ls refused that courtesy then the show must suffer.

Eliminnto the puere entirely and you destroy a time-hollered tradition that has endured since the early clays of the carnivel—also censurer, und other shows. It can't be done. The free pasa Is an Institution that. will endure as long as there are cm-alienist and nething can be done about it except to grill and bear it. The billposter, when billing the show,

In order to place his advertising matter huile a store window must give in re-turn something and that something is a free pass, usually good for any one show on the midway. II he refused to give the pawl the merchant will not allow him to place the advertising matter In hie window, and why should Ile? When the show arrives in town and

the prias agent visits the newspaper of-fices, his greeting le usually •Tlove about the pules?" If he says there are "no passes" the editor will retiree to give him free reader» True, he paye cash for the display advertising space, as <Bien the town merchant. but the town mer-chant receives no free readers. altho he spends plenty of money advertising his ware, the year round and expects none. But tile careened is different. The preen agent must heve Marries and mate in the news sections. Ti, get them he hoe to pay oft, net in mien but in free {lames to the show.. Most press agents visit the business

office. of the daily newspaper» contract for various amount', of display adver-tising space and hand the advertising manager from 50 to 100 allow peewee. with the understanding that this ¡lum-ber will take care of ALL, department., in the edtiorial forre. 'Yeah?


$10.00 34 err I

IrLnel th • 1, nt Inch lit p phoic,. Al this am* loo not strota to be without po tniuruer. eahlana, without kg, lot.u.no aim plans fee building row ses Now ONLY *10.00. ••oteoN - 4-1,0N.A-Olet1, One photo oneeidne. NOW ONLY $100.00.

OLSON SALES CO., 815c Walnut Street, Des Moines, lows

Pass t.teStickl. D. 72£alaptà

GRAHAM ENTERPRISES WANT First-Class Flea Circus, Punch Cr Judy Show. Also Kiddie Rides,

Address Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, O.

FRENCH'S NEW HORSE RACE WHEELS And Mc Mcrchtnim, are Reins ItiO It is a ammo, ̀ fiat! Devint on French Wheels.

made by ii•pettt. Ontler New. Wote tot


Well. in my years of trouping I have found that as a rule Mr. Advertising Manager hands out stone of the free ducats to merchant, who advertise in his newspaper. the printers receive their quota, the office force. stenogrephere, orrice boys: in fact, everybody but the editor. and the reporters get neuter, and they are the enly ones who are really entitled to them.

First Editorial, Then Advertising Years ago when I wee a circus press

agent I resolved that I would always Issue my waxers first to the editorial department—ern that the boys in the newsrooms were taken care of (Irel— and then visit the hostelera riffle. and ticket only the heads of the advertising department. The rule worked out ne well that I still follow this method and must nay that it works out very wills-factorly. altho I get many kteltn from the business offices to this clay.

Instead of handing them out in hunches of 50 to 100, I give mernhern of the newn depertments enough tickets to take care of their respective families— say, ais ticket» or leas to each bone fide city editor, reporter or columnist. This materially redeems the number of punt,. the one. I want. to have tree tickets are nettsfled end it. eliminates many of the free-pass pests. My press passes ere different in color

from others given out on the Rubin at Cherry Exposition. The word "Press" appears on them in large type and they must be need by newepaper mon—no other indtviduala are entitled to them.

After the new, force, and those of the business staff who are entitled to them. have been taken care of, comes the cir-culation manager who, in many towns. wants to have his news-carrier force en-joy the shows and rides end have a good

time at the expense of the show man-agement.

01 course, there is no real reason wily the show menegement should extend tree courtesies to 00 or 100 newsboys--let them enjoy free shows mad free rides —unless it may get in return a stick or two of typo in the next dey'a issue, say-ing that the news carriers had a "swell" Mile. And any prone agent who under-attitude ehe gione knows that this email amount of space.la not worth the time mid trouble of piloting e gang of news-boys around the midway, 'annoying the cash customers of shows and piling them onto the rides about the time the petrene are beginning to flock to the ticket boxes.

"Newsboys' Parties" Well, then what's the reason so many

Frees agents allow thetneelves to be coerced into staging three "Newsboys' Parties"? Mostly, it's became It has been the custom of years airier the cleys way back in the infancy of the carnival. when old-time press agent, thought, it. elan a wonderful publicity stunt to proudly march at the h nil of n flock of yelling news carriers, fIaIt the shows end aides and expecting that when the newsmen returned Mime they would toil their parents end others of the merits of the shows and rides they had just visited, gratis, and advertise the show for the rest of the engagement. Time marches on—things creamer--

rand the newsboy outings are rapidly becoming a thing of the pant, in a :southern town recently, I was asked in handle 300 news carriers in one party. Figure that out, and see how long It would take, how many ahowmen would 'lee in anger at being asked to be the beets of such a number. how much good e mild result in granting the request, and there y011 have the answer.

It la manifestly unfair to the show-man to give free passes to everybody connected with a newspaper and there is where judgment must be treed to hold the good will of the newspaper and it. management.

The experienced press agent Who knows his hurling,. renti%Vel (het he can get more and better free reading notices, stories and pictures by giving passes to those who rule the editorial dent:riles of the newspaper than he min by Spend-ing hundreds of dollars downstairs or the burinent office.. No pane., no etoriese aut pictures: therefore passes mallet lie given—but in , the right way, City officials must have passes or the :Mow will suffer in various ways.

The press agent. as a rule. come, le for much criticism, regardless of which side of the feller he ill On. gome owners find fault with him bemuse he glees too meny durais to the nes, paper boys regardless of hoW much tree apace he grabs oft by doing no.

Individual allow rannagers complain of the number of passes. Begetting that it le neernsiary to get free publicity for Mgr attractions.

Employees of newspaper., especially In the baldness office. complain that they get taw few passes, as must of three would like to take their entire famtbee with them.

Practically evneybraly who geta a free show pasas wants another one that is good for the rides no the midway.

In the :manlier towns, of the one non. paper variety. the publisher will vault, and sometimes dentands. more eel.s than the newepapere of the larger clew who are, all a rule, content to accept

limited number for the tree nt their editorial and reportorial tome» and cans little tailcoat their ether empleyeen mate carriers and advertiser/I.

P. A. Should Have Free ¡land Trying to operate n earnival without

pnerca would he disastrous. To get tree publicity In the news columns, show owner and presa agent must conateeate in handing them out, nparingly and judteloutly, and the preset agent le the men who should have a free hand in that endeavor. I have had the utmel co-operation from Rubin tireherg in this direct-inn. I am held responsible Br every free pass I Issue and must make a report weekly on same. If they get into the brinda of other than real news-paper men. I am the one that in re-sponsible and held accountable by thi main office semenn.

Every carnival press agent ties the name problem to twelve and In his ewe particular way. Way hack In the olden days when the venerable Doe Waddell, dean of the pres reentry, was pub-licising the Clio/kill and other pioneer carnivals, he blared the way for the modern press agent to follow. Noes-days they ere given hifalutin' lees such as "director of public relations." "publicity director." etc.. but "press egent'• Ile la and elaveye will be until

the end of time. "Doc" in still on deck, hide and hearty,

Ed R. Salter. "the hired boy," who made Johnny J. Jones a power in the outdoor emusernent world, has passed un snd most of the oldtttners have pseud eut of the picture, but there are rain er,ix agents who strive for the better th.egs. They exploit the "carnival," which endure eo long as people want reitrinor emuument features that appeal to aid

and y g—the maseee. I have in Mad Joe Scholibie of Hennies Bros.' Shoes; Jack Dadswell. of Royal Amertrui Shows; Kent Moaner. of Beckmann Oerety Shown; Roy B. Jones. of United Shows of Mortara; Carleton Collins. at aotin Marks ghows; Roy Ludington, of Crafts 20 Big blanws; that grand old veteran Dick Collins, who la stagme a wonderful comeback With Dedsen'S

World's Pair shows: Walter Davie. O Johnny J. Jones Exposition, a newcomer who Is making gores in a olg way; Flild

Newell. of Mighty Sheesley Midway. uid others of the fraternity whose Inieeon Is to sell the show to the newepaperr— the "front men," en to spur, and slut Is the contact between the Show and tbe newspaper, the salesman.

It is my candid opinion that as icell as there is a carnival there wilt be pa."'

June 27, 1936 CARNIVALS rho MI:board 77

enetican CatftiOals

Ossociation. By MAX COHEN

p.00HFSTER. N. Y., June 20.—Thrre seems to he considerable doubt on the part of railroad shows as to the attitude ,hown by the railroad,' relative to paa-tenger rate*, mention of which was made in this column some iltallen ego. We do not pretend to appraise the views of the r.n;ers. MO at brat could only state our opinion. However, to shed some light on the subject, pro and con, we quote Joseph B. Ebatman, federal co-ordinator of traniportotton, on one aide of the controversy. and Robert V. Pletcher, rn.e.president and general counsel of the Association of American Railroads. on the other elele. It will, of course, be up to the reader to form his own con-ceal:en. Mr, Eastman's. Views were expressed re-

cently in • speech before the American Institute of Co-Operation nt the Univer-sity of Illinois He contended that gov-ernment regulation would eventually ex-tend to ell forms of transportation, and siod that the -geld of regulation must be a. broad as the field of tranaporta-lion" and that the future of transports-lice also Involved "the steamship, the barge line, the truck. the bus, the pipe-line and the airplane." The co-ceding-ter »id the government nuit play Its part in all these fields "without fear or tatar" bemuse "cutthroat. destructive competition was an instrument of dan-ger not only to the nation" but to Irpneportatinn agencies Mr. Pleteher'e Ideate on the ambient

sera also recently given in an adelrers before a Chamber nf C.mmerce ni a large Eutern Industrial city. Ante, he declined to discuss the metter of ratee, he dia protect what he called ''the blighting influence of Mareatirretle gov-ernmental control" and indicated that proapeeta would be brighter if there were less regulation and more common serer." Ile said, "We are mortally tired of being bonged."

llore aa. MI we view it, the essence of the rontroverey between the Carriers and the I. C. C.: the present Buhl flyer pas-senger ratee being merely incidental to the solution of the larger queetion: Shell there be more or leas regulation?" In the meantime we still await the

derision of the Freight Traffic »M-seer.' Committee of the Trunk Line Am-teeletion on the ACA application re-cently filed. Motorised shown will be ailed to learn

Mat some very definite agitation has been stairted in Congress to recite, the tax on gasoline. While It is our opinion that It is aomewhat late for any dentine action to be taken this seaelon, the pressure being exerted in favor of a re-duction be ser great that some tangible result may be obtained before another Year. In this «Inflection we refer you to an address of Senator Marcus A. OnWiden. of Whensaehneette. delivered on Junr 5 and which appeared In the 0011.• ere-alone! Record for that day. We continue to relative additional In-

formation on the eubject of electric lain, which information we shall he pleued to send to any ACA member upon request. Se',Mal of nut member ehowe have

written the ACA office with reference to nee annual vent:atone. but there are still a felt In he heard from. As we are com-pleting mar visitation schedule for July arm August we would •ppreelats this information (t date and place) at as Only a date ea pa...Mille.

Zimdars Greater Shows Dicen, rn. Week ended June 13.

AuspNes, V. F. W. Location, Rainbow Ian showernunds. Business, fair. People rame late but stayed lata.

Charle Reed, advance agent, back on the aim tor a brief visit and reported the rotate booked solid 'with exception of tan weeka Henry (Hank) Smith, owner the loop-o-Plane, narrowly escaped death while Unloading. Wan ernek by a piece of Ire timber, which lamely gehMAN 11.. temple. Was rushed to Diann City Ifraeltal, where he is reported resting tin', at this writing. Edward Holbert celebrated hie 34th birthday net Thum-0tY. Edward received many presents SISO Mrs. Peed prepared a birthday din-ner, and the usual cake, cigar. etc., were Pawed out. Prof. Oene Rell arranged a public wedding for Thursday. the couple beirig Arthur R. Mmdera, chow's ehlef electrician. and Laverne M. Ellis. comes-Sober. 'Me groom brother of limey

Zimelets and the bride sieter of Mrs Harry Blinders At 10 pan. all alma, end rides stopped and march was emote to the Petrie Wheel, where tito ceremony wan performed, with William T Terrill, puttee of the pence, °Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doorat attended the couple and Betty Belle Muse was the flower girl. After tile wedding there was a rent. with Jake Miller as toastmaster. Friday night, while Blight Spots of Arondway was ahOwillZ. Someone enterer, the Mg mom and took • street dreu and 82o in money belonging to Hazel Smith. Among visitors were neut. Larne. high-wire performer with Vernon Shows; a number of rodeo folks connected with James Gorman, on their way te. lannea City, Okla: member* of the Pan-Amer-ican Shows and the Great Amer/can Shows, Deafy Thiyi. and wife, 12..i Crcnia-nnr. Dutch Maude and Bill Hopper. Reallring that Sunday was Flag Day. Harry Blinders bought 500 Sage to be displayed on the midway.


Johnny J. Jones Exposition

Mead ford, Penn. Week ended June 13, Lnrmiort, rirr. ground, Aug:aces, Arnerfoen Legion. Weather, one night DJ rain. Ifusinem, good, The fore part of the week very cont.

With rain Wednesday night. nitho the night not lost entirely. flatmatev gave the show the biggret children's matinee of the arasen en far. B. IL Mathis of Warren Tank Car Company. E. V. Mc-Donald, Attorney E. L. Stein. Prank Haggerty and George Celderworel, from Warren. Pa., vleitcre in Oil City. Art Mix and his Wild West and Circus joined here, bringing a contingent of rowboye and Indiana Show features riding, roping rind nthrr Weetern mutinies, also aerial acts end augmented with the performing elephant. Mena. Show works behind an open front with an Indian village of teepees for a back-remind. Nest arrivals on free act pro-gram. the Aerie! Parroffel and their se 1 I ladder balancing art, three people: Change. Slegriet 'Donne, canting act fea-turing Charles Fitegrhst and hie daugh-ter. Helen, who also dries an aerial act in the circus. Johnny Jones Jr. re-turned to the show from Florida Milt-tory Academy. Haines City, pia. Will take [here° of his Kiddie Ride and clg-aret shooting gallery. One of the sea-sont most welcome visitors. Mrs. Grant Smith (girder Sue), as a amen of Director E. Lawrence Phillip. end Mts. Johnny J. Jones. An eight-pound girl horn to Mee. Geraldine and Tex Word. Impalement artiste with Carl Latither'e Cireun Side Shove. Paul Sprague returned and is mating on the front of the Temple of Mystery. Senor Joe Simmons now handling the front of Artiste and ModeLn. The work of painting end building atilt going on. The entire train has been repainted and Artist Reeves la busy on front,. Splen-did co-operation was received from Mayor (Dr.) Hugh Ryan and other city ones-tale nt Rrartford. Mr. and Mr, George Cramer, of the Spillman Engi-neering Company, paid the show a visit.


Dee Lang Famous Shows Husrefine. le. Week ended June ti.

Location, Rien front Park. Au.picee, American Legion. Weather, fair, Busi-ness, fa!, With several additional shows and two

new rides since the ashow's Mat tacit. the week's grou showed a eubatantial in-crease. Wit a live-wire cnmmitten, the engagement was climaxed by an excel-lent Saturday night's business. Most of the pernonnel balk advantage of the proximity of Royal American Shows at Davenport to pay that midway a visit Ray Van Well. is now on the front of the greatly enlarged Polite. of 1936. Ed Allen, owner of the movie dog Toxin hrts been placed in charge of the new Crime Show, and with an attractive front and a [multitude of exhibits. Ed reported a profitable week. Joe Darr.] has returned to duty, with a new house-ear. and is doing nice business with his double-bodied baby attraction. Dudlev Pike, uncle of fluster, the fat boy, paid the show a visit.


NEW YORK. June 20.—Robert Luse, of Lusee Bros. announced male or a 'Bl-ear Skeeter to Beckmann k aerate'', Shown and it 12-ear setup to Cetlin Wilson, with latter scheduled to add four more ears for fair engagements. Pull. lades (N. J,) Amusement Park I. In process of completing a 20-boat Water lekooter fold by the farm.


O le



COMPLETE WITH TWO SPEAKERS Cive 'ern musie Cive 'ens sound! This P. A. Sys-

tem has sank: Two big e speakers, and you ear, Out teem 25 and so tact away from the mike. Cilices Wails outInit with plenty of sock. Light weight, port. able, this tos has •Il the features . , . con sections on input and output, high amplification tor use with sound con and velocity mil., toted at S79.00 . . . you get the dept.'s low prie• of only $39.50. Order teem this ad . . . lull Instructions furnished. 100, go 11. Don't forget . . •nlr 330.60! Mite and tubes ortr•; no can IVP1,11/ tavern* maims at Norma wheremlo wic«,

IF YOU OPERATE A Carnival . . . Fair . . . Circuit . . Park . Resort .. Pool . . . Dane. Hall . . . C ion . . . Orchestra . . , Rink • Theafr• . Carden . . Night Snot • •

or any other Amusement Place




BRONX NY. 111EWAJEK.W-J, set r.YeAlonAter al. ill CENTRAL Avg.


Ints also, Amnuo. New Owe. N. 1P, I I Itisres 510.00 *no. lee P,

Until. pay 1129.60 plus MN. Piny Chers,. on delivery. I tuns ccpy ot your P. A. Dataloo.

Warne Pi domes Ton . • ..... . giale


Visible StramÉnq Nut Resisting Class '

ideal Cdnditionina P d Again.' Pest YOUR 'Nei NIghly Polished Aluminum SALES e"--,,, -'• Attractire Appearaecc

Low Onroting Coat Genol., Nicaragua Elements •

No sales arguments we needed to show tho prolit•stimulating possibilities of the Champion Electric WIENER STEAMER. It increases your Wiener Sales, improves your service, and lovecrs the cost of imtantly furnishing hot. appetising food.

Wilt Be Shipped, Transportstion Prepaid Anywhere In U. 5. A. on Receipt of 1.10.


e. e ely: - 7.9

NOW $9. 85

on e Make $50.00 A Day—CANDY FLOSS M-re sod mate pen,le XC bming our Candy

Usebigro—th•re lidIST he • nmem--Ins fn.k. ii., oNLY Or.einal tioarserreel 14etunon. r..00 N.Nfli of fm..J.fr 14 ,•, ••• 1100.00 o 1111. of

us. Wr.le TODAY,

Electric Candy Floss Machine Ce. Sot Twoirth Am.. se. IsaihrIlle. Twin.


ORB. Ilmh Otlel youhral ?NE •00 NSW or. on rr

glectelm. Write tis your Requirements.


FRUIT CONCENTRATES Don't delay sanding for your sampleg of COLD MEDAL CONCENTRATES. They make drinks that have the real, fresh fruit taste, drinks that really sell. The price is reasonable. $2.00 per quart, makes 48 gallons of dtink. Samples sufficient to make 6 gallons. 35c each: any three for $LOG. Post-paid. All standard flavors. All the big drink stand and Icc-Ball operators are lining up with COLD MEDAL this year. They know that they are the best. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE MEN. WE have a new 3 os., makes 3 gallons for the home. Write for details.

GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS CO. 133 E. Pearl St., Cincinnati. Ohio

BOBBY KORK'S UNKNOWN SEX FAMILY Imitated by Many, But Never Duoheatcd or Surpassed. JEFFERSON. Lecturer, WALTER WOOP5, Tickets,


78 The Billboard CARNIVALS June 27, 1936




Color—light—and motion! This new electrically -operated maehlne

revolves the Frankfurts in full view of the hungry public. A sensational

advance in making the quick lunch attractive. For taverns, amusement

parks, restaurants, roadside stands and everywhere the public gathers. A

sure money-maker!

All-electric — thermostat control — chromium plated and baked enamel finish. Serves from I to 350 Frankforts per hour. Will keep rolls and cooked frankfort% warm and fresh horn 5-7 hours. Plugs un any socket. ECOnOreliCal to run. Send tor full details.

FREE for limited time; With each machine • genuine Neon Red Tube Illuminating the interior of machine—very flashy. Also lithogia(Mid tiefl err] arlstrrrone voareriel.


Territories Open For Distributors

›,................................_____..........________, WORLD OF MIRTH SHOWS 1 d r, e , WAN T r,

; d Legitimate Concessions of all kinds. No exclusive on any game. Now or booking for the biggest celebration in the East. Hurry! d ; Tel Montgomery. get in touch with C. B. Kidder at once n

Kenmore, N. Y., Centennial, July 1 to 11 Inclusive. e on ✓ On the Streets.

0 ; Address all mail to MAX LINDERMAN, Kenmore Celebration Headquarters. ;0 d 3019 Delaware Ave., Kenmore. N. Y. O n P. S.—THIS IS NOT A STILL DATE. THIS IS A BONA-FIDE CELEBRA- le ri TION-REVUE-PAGEANT-MIDWAY-EXTRAVAGANZA. n r %-4. LORD'S PRAYER ENGRAVED ON PIN HEAD!

THIS ORIGINAL WORLD-FAMOUS NOVELTY NOW AVAILABLE TO— B1t91111111TORII AND 00NOIEBRIONERS—Trro eon me inhibit and wit %mud. - Lord's Prey, Pine" pl s largo interturlonally famous pine have ENTIRE LIMO ti PRAYER. .15 will. 211 latter*, staniovel on Ieml (non nrivlaul rotewl .1Ie I, th• renowned IBM mrlist O. E. taniabery. of spokanis litorbgewit by &unwritten to be flues handiwork la elbitenew1 410 REVS OIMPI FTE EXHIBITION rrAxo Asti Indwilue Doable Magnifying, Tanin. thwir.e.; Larre ar iin A.loeted Erma Write npa from etionos its earsysny rvafrrnoandaltr. mid 1•1121...N rield.Plated Lord's Prrarerr l'inv on Explanatory Carle—ALL FOR $10. Ilannale Pint, • roe 11. SIS pre ara.. postpaid. tvaah vOth enter or C. O. D. ablpment wIthin 10 de".

LUNDBERG BROS., 520 N. 45th St., Seattle, Wash.


Mookeydrorn•, Motordrome, Monkey Show. with or without equipment. Will furnish cons-

tte«C'iTy'." 111u:LANoTr any S howarA that'hietic Snhoot w e. cZeillettn.r.:1'sh'illroptW aAnNdT lflevonts lo reliable thowman. Concessions open: DtRzers, Hoop-La. Bumper. Slum. Spindle, lee Cream. Sell ••clusive Frozen C Fourteen Fairs Co d, starting Crawfordsville. Ind., July 21. E ill.. tad., this week; Linton. Ind.. next. Address L. t. ROTH. Man•ger.

WANT hlzh•eless Frt.. Act to join al Evansville. Ind. Hero and Masi, Fred Reckless write.


-COS it9C les

LUS ANGEL. June 20.—art Gruber,

of San Pedro, Calif., former trouper. Is

uric of the California delegates to the

Democratic National Convention at Phil-ndelphia ami left with others for the that.. Will Malt Columbus. O.. and

other Central States cities when en

route home.

Al (Big Hat) ?taller down from the

North, awaiting bonne bonde. Stated Clark's Greater Show, were having a

fine season, much ahead of saine time

for some year. Phil Williams dropped back In town

from the North. le tilling the double duties as general agent of the Crafts 20

Big Shows and Golden State Shows. Wne looking for bonus bonda. . . .

Frank (Overland) Murphy Made a long

trip to get his bonus, from Portland. Ore., to LOe Angelo.. He collected and

left for Seattle to Join West Coast

Shows (Spike Hlumina).

Bob Wessela well known from hie con-

nection» In the carnival field and later

with re De Mirlan. of the Edwards Novelty Company. hen been strangely

mlaying since May 19. Left Los Angeles

with a ton-and-n-half Chevrolet truck

with a load of stock for delivery to car-

nivals in the North and around San

Francisco. Ills last delivery reported

seas to Joe De lidouchelle, of Golden

Marc Shows in San Francisco May 19.

That night Weasels wired Edwards Nov-elty Company, no won his emittern,. How-

ever, he clid not call at telegraph of-

fice for answer sent. At the Golden State Shows* midway he was reported as

last aren in the company of two men

and a sermons. San PranCiaeo and Los

Angeles police departmenta were notified

and have been checking on the rase.

At thin writing neither Well, nor the

truck hart been located. Foul play was


Western States Shows Amarillo, Ter. Week ended June 6.

Location, Fourth and Madison. Auspices, Veterans oj Foreign Wars. Weather, utridy rind rain one night. Business.

Trinidad, Col, Week ended June 13. Location, circus tot. Weather, cool and ram one night. Business, good.

Both towns have been played by the show several times. Trinidad the first

stand on the ahoy'''. annual Northern route. Bilalness Manager Albelt Wright:.

public wedding, on Friday nights have

materially assisted in increasing receipts mi gate, show., ride, and ecncetsalona. There haa been considerable rebuilding

and painting for the celebration and fair

route. Scotty Norton has. finished a new front for /3111 Carra Wild West Show

that has drawn much favorable com-

ment. Puryears ellodrome has a new front and new top. Minstrel Show re-splendent in new costumes and band uni-

form.. Olin 'Morton and employees left Amarillo for Port Worth to handle con-

cessions at the Centennial there honked by Mr. Obatial. Mrs. Ruback's niece. Tillie Jones, aged 12. Joined at Amarillo.

for her usual summer jaunt as soon RS school was over. Tillie le a favorite with

the show people. Women of the show or

ganMed a new bridge club called the N.

H. O., which °mend Manager Jack Ru-

back Interprets as "No Hold Out." They eay they have only one officer, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Bobble Hyman. .11in

Schneck. general agent, back on the show

for a few days after several long trips. Swinger and Swinger, novelty skating free

act, eliciting favorable comment from

patron's of the show. Among visitors at

Amarillo were Jack Hanish and family. of

Borger: Sam Penburg, formerly a part-ner in concessions with Jack Rybinsk on

C. A. Wortharn Shows, now in business

at Borger and Pampa; L. S. Firearm, city manager of Borger, and John R. Miller,

mayor of Borger: Dr. James Wilhenke

and J. P. White and families: Charles Lowe, of the Tri-State Fair: Zane Smith and family. and Cal Farley and famgy

and Dutch Mantel', both formerly in

outdoor show bualneas.


GRUBERG'S SHOWS--(Continued from page 70)

Earl A. Morris. manager: hire. ree A. Morris. tickets.

Concessions; Cookhouse. Hilen. Bar.

koot, owner; Lark), Lane, Chef; Alto, Drew, cashier. Mrs. Rose etruberg. fro.

ken Joy" (2); Red Repering. corn game; Joe Lewis, pop corn, peanuts and candy

Mimi Al Grant. grab: Morrie Haaaum. diggers; the Harrison., palmistry; Mrs.

Gerald Weeka, photo machine; Jim Bra.

clon, three; Mrs. Jim Braden. three; Mrs

IL B. Braden. two; Prank Harris. two:

Georce Went. one; Ike Faust, four; Mrs

Ike Faust, four, Nick Shan, two

PROFITS GALORE SS to $50 Daily Earnings With This



Free Offer tour erlor

or nars--.0"•,,. down nammonr. ml.

519.20. 0. raw will sent

eithiret IA examine. Linn at esteem lb,. FREE eadte ',prom an« Para

POI' 12,1 ro worth of ont

ronno0 n. s•o. lay ‘...• r CUT YTARTElt NOW,

The LOWEST PRICED Electric Corn Popper on the Market!

Pon, • boot, woe nr dry, In 3 minuet, Pos ere.. like • 131)1) marloao Mahogany I,

lontro.d. alummum. Elrornr Rented, I Iv I 7.20 . high.

Fully Guaraatete-Autanalie Diming Miemdrolly Na Melt meehentran wharono

Crannleta Sorer, Mmotolua Eon. Rsit Moat. Cord .n,1 lOne 11.3 LESSIEN WA Sri ti Ente tor ...o.nlvte o.fortroO,..

EXCEL MEG. CORP. =1.0.r-e.


Al tot to ace .ouln • , o tOtr when popcorn le keine-perrmt it romes eat • &belong tool

it 3 . le`.t .: ..-..::.,... &nonarm, popoluluttaa.Irene., IS. rIttusiOl tiALICt ("sil sol? _ : 'met far It ..e• to far. Send renioof dealer and (ISE-OUNCE TRIAL Ittorrtit will

J21.-tot Malted on receipt of ne rub or stamps to errey tub ,11lne expense.



TIM Santirwmt, re, g ,.,

AMERICAN ',:`,',';;;V1..."ZO°. 1012 Prwine, CALLAS. TEZ.

vvilkNr-run FOR TICE

GREATER WALLACE SHOWS Do« and Pos. Arr. Most bare on leamporrvdon

Other Fln-mo Arts seder. W01.12. Cameral reanaw. Remy, OA


Big 4th July and Dominion Day Celebration At SAULT STE MARIE. MICHIGAN, Week el June lath

The Post and Only Carnival Allowed tu Tniv roar. 111peno.vart by Trades and Labor Council. OVER 100.000 IX/1E0TE°

fOrmlnion Wearies-lay. Jul, 1 Legal HnlIdat in t•anada. rtrt trlime of Inotney.• nf sae kind ellomd oyen. 10e terry ...no, to the Amenomt elle. All frt..., me stem. ',yee den on bolli video, phis a governnurnt payroll, ail dne she week we are fn. Lontlion., Heart of OOVOlto•O

Oprore •rol Magmene Street, norms.. Eery Park, with Atm. Enemies._ Enes moo. erria lethrldtiost, Irrilv. et,. LlIe big fair, on. will he goi d ng ay and nIte all week. VIIMIN il,.h ro l'ut.'. PenInom ll Irnn /Ere Do, myr rn to follow. rh Elrotaforel Ilion In One 'van ,. Ihr t vrel.t W,.onion mu' eoleheallons plm Indlena and Lendstens E•ira &treacly es... nra,••..1 WANT following Eoneevalons of all Owls. Shows wilt, arot iettntr, Sonvenw end Nornvf N'st Itonorrotv•••ov. Shoo-lane end Croon. flirt., for Orrice khowl tireur. Led, Elder for MM1111316 I ry NI }4antlIn wont. irloth•-gon •orl Ttell.Inwn Arr., All addreen

OSCAR •LOOM. Geld M•vial Shows, TM. WS. Cliebellan, mkt,

June 27; 1936 CARNIVALS The Billboard 79

sCONCESSIONERS To draw enthusias-

, -711/ tic crowds you need a "Flashy"

- stand, and you can have one if you buy your plas-ter from the at-tractive, low-priced stock of


2420 N. 3rd St., Milwaukee, Wis.



This Midget earth. Nub as used toe epeeist ,san and in theatre. Slade up in win ni d.000 .steerent card.. Send for tree temple and amaz-ingly loye »Mews,

BINGO GAMES lisie of hmiyeeight canlboant. Mae S %•1 4 . sanraarzy oared. All leia monde., wade he me Put Up in the following mu sea and Otte...

24-Card Sett. 52.00 BO Cud, 81.50. 100 Cud, Mt 00: too es., 810.00.

800 Cards, 815.00

JOBBERS SEND FOR FREE genet@ and Otianthlr PH».

25e. naana,..1 on All Orates.

E. S. LOWE COMPANY 1122 Ilreadway. New York City.

(Mirk New ANDREA-M


!Weer's,* irihr. avaoreinte r I.e., tex. an mii,leaaent "moue,. No eider...in...v..1M. Mar, MRS. J. C. SIMPSo14. rare JOinny J.

linetts. East Liverpool, 0.. thls settee: Spring. line. O.. week of June 29,


jahlitir hi., vain ran in, k, omminge arid ertentle. ger. rrituatIfte 'want On in. No all,.., shoe. to • t Ovtith, In! tVeran, Amine War hall Names, Flab Pn,4. ftleh wily rhai. ht-er. Nn guilt nr nreket. All /gel HAL 0416.404 Clarkin, Ia.. Jum 22-271 Recanted. I... Jaen-July 5.

ADRIAN, MICH. OM <I the heat July 4 mote In M. Meta. taut

'oar at, reloav claimed. Mreirealcs • ial omins. lime norm. amsetiam Ferg ADMISSION We onen Monday meld and . rho. iii week. tow tureentaget for Rhine. Fon-, e• arri r.ry reisoin•hle . NONTNW I SHOWS. PM wt.. Branson, Mich.

Speroni Shows Letrit-nale Concescou. Minton dimly. Pm », run. . for Itlanket Atom. Mainring 2411 Mega aud Stuairian. bloasea 11...11.1r.. Plano. 111.. Ibis week.

T. A. STEVENS fAX rsi: tan rapadle Women Rewires. elm Mae Davin PrInslito and A•teiliem lamp ter • lime

,,fin. tn., it, Write (Ir Inf rare, rate tiot.e LIBERTY SHOWS.

PB4e..0.. MI,, Wee. June 21: Merin..., EASS , Ilk. June El.

Pacific Coast

gitouniteit's ûsst4 LOS ANOELF. June 20.—Thern Were

39 Metalhein ut Holiday Night's meeting. a large turninit for the time of year. Dr. Ralph E. Smith presided.. ROBS R. Darla and Secretary John Backman others or the OITICCT8 present.

Light/. were lowered and anent tribute paid the late Brother Jack (Scotty) Thomas,, a valued member, who worked consistently for the good of the or-geniretion.

Communications: Poatcord from Roan Ogilvie, of C. F. Zciger's Shows. Walton de Pelhiton, of Hilderbrandas United Shows, Inclosed cheek. making good on Hilderbranœs promise to /amply the re-freshments und lunch at the meeting. From Charles (Spud) and Edith Itedriek. expreening thanks for manner In which thr hate Jack (Scotty) Thomas wan laid to rest and John T. Hackman for his co-operation. From President Then Ferstall, a letter and wire. Letter hnd Inclosed a check for membership ter, for the following: O. M. Lott, Thomas D. Hart, Thomas W. McIfillms. O. if. (Illackle) willtamnon. Perry M. Plank. all to he credited to Mark Kirkendall. with Frank Chlearello honorable mention for assistance. The wire mentioned the ef-fort's being put forward to do a fine lob on the membership drive. Ted le Pore sent in his usual weekly new mem-ber this Week. Cherie. P. McCarthy, of Mel Vaught'.. State fade Shown.

Claude Berle announced there would be a floor allow next week with all new fares and will have Doe Cunningham am rissistrint on the program. Effort being made by fkl Nagel and WIII J. Casey to stage a July 4 party for members at a spot on Laurel Cnnyon drive.

Ed Walsh is chairman of Safari Bench Party Club and there will he inaugurated nicht bench parties, with refreahmenta and wienie roasts sa attractions.

Softball tram, mliel; In vogue In Southern California. Ed Walsh trying to get a team lined up to represent PCSA and presented a lineup--Dor ningbam, George Silver. Jo Glancy, Cal Linea. Harry Levine. Hap Young, Claude 13nrie. Joe Diehl. Johnny Kleine.

The aishlect for the diversion period was announced an .Metisphynien." a '32 subject." and iirleeted breniuse It hnd to do with mentality. Partletpants included Will J. Casey. Ben Dobbert. Milt Runkle, Ed Walsh. Harry Wallace. Eddie Gamble. John T. Rtielkinan, Phil Williams. Roes R, Davis, Dr. Ralph Smith. Ed Nagle. Art (amber. Al (Big Hat) Fisher, Prank Foley. Prank Murphy and others. It urn, decided that all there Wan to the nithject was the "disciplining of one's mind."

After adjournment refreahmento end lunch served (O. H. It)lderbrand the donne). John T. Backrnnn scored an-ether win In the weekly award, his fourth.

You trouper fellows not affIllated with any of the several shOWr011e nrcaniaatIons should get is slant on thin fine oannela-Hon, and while the cut rato for now members t. on.

MINUTE PICTURE MEN U'e r•rry • IS/ and meanie. Ana of Meek liar Cantu, Seaman' Sloan.* end Thaieloner rme-Mio-

Conrrtei at Inerett priers Stud far ealal..mer - It It Ir..'

CHICAGO FERROTYPE ill ti Mu spy, paaai

lits Seich led three!. Chirrian.


• • r 114 itted

L'r Taialn restIml, Vita nea.noi fOr tentleal. m.] val. mod Rolei• tin.l Astil. St

11,11,1,1r •trertntl. Wire immedirlely. US BILLY EDWARDS a. N. AleCURDIr, Selma, Tan,.. Athletic Arena. Tem. Centenniel. Dallas.

WANTED ricel lurifisnale e.nnematone of all kinds. for

"..2-0,1ith. I, Wlinintr. 3,10.. Annual r-lehration. :Tang iriendenee. Weanntun 1.1. " ..erlt nil et annual Madinat... ti la • Iluso by. Mims eon, nn. UNITED amuse . .. . E. Meadow, Mariam,

HIGH STRIKERS FOR 11136 AT $UM Ittir OLE ATIIIKEits al stir. on, sc.-online to a.. Al.!. ATKIN. PATITA -st ,re OMAN. istringtaein AMU,. an hue hell, In 25 seam.

an all vim. Inve-it ever. >mat now. star7 for ent«Ine nt three meat sumo y rearnitu 14147111 ER WORKS. Lapse, Mien., and ert Cleared :MINIMS IN Iona—lea the big tna Orin, nillt a near "Meese Merle"


WANT foe BOSTON. MASS., Pleat Shoe, lei 10 Year, Our Fobs Man Au.ru,t 3. Hem 10 Owed Fetes.

WANT 1111111TA that do not renntet. Win anomie eaiwale simeams nn5 TIM eir MOinnt ontA0i jerk

Rath win. Sels for Mare. Side Shoo, wild. nook On MIT old•faabloned Ceara nisi. Tarsi

C2RMEhadelaNi Legit', al nnly a.le rea bit! Net ha Ut Mea for Kiddie Pivrls winiert WANT ART LEWIS, Warterttlei Meas.. en Leash; este. Y, D. National C Inn. caned June 27.


Fairs, Circuses, Carnivals, Amusement Parks, Etc. Mean Nor KIM Ii NM. Cbles. Nuts, NMI NM

Stop looking for something difficult. Operat• • Potato Chits concession. Turn potatoes Into cash, I show you lust how with my newly oe.teteed 00111. Makes delicious, crispy, tasty chip, superior la others. Very little cash needed. Profits pour n at one*. No experience required. I furnish the plans. Begin at any ipeation--village, small town, eity or suburb. A big ',por-t...pay is waiting. Also good for permanent year 'round location.


RAIN materials ara plentiful and cheap. Highly perfected outfit and confidential plant make operation simple, with startling profits cm-fain.


Complete 16-unit outfit includes new type vitreous white enamel ROUND Cooking Vat, Direct-to•lat hleh speed Slicer, centrifugal Greer" Eat rrrrrr Thurnorneter—posi-Neely everything nee-canary to start .- all at new low price.

and locate you. Send no moose, lost name, foe book of ccccc •nd free Op-p t icy.


4 Primrose w lin

Cables. 51.500.00 • 11.311tretn• Wane. Cask,

12.000.00 • Puwnger (12 caul-dron)


H. W EAKINS. Pr.., Lone Eaton. Co 814 S. Nina Si . Springnrid. O.

Dear eir—tiend ma complete tens. wan-unit cniteatien in rne.

Springfield, Ohio

Eyyrly Loop.0-Planes

Foreign Agents Wanted

LOOP-O-PLANE A Sure, Fast Money-Maker


Oyer e hood/Qt., prn,p(nOtel 01,,,E, of futile stmts. Have 75 parks and shows located throughout Mc U. S. that want 1.00P-O-PLANLS at an attractive percentage far the owner.


1 CROSSED $15,000.00 in 9 Weeks



PARK OWNERS AND SHOWMEN desiring one or t lt'm Il rrk.e• dcn,c,nrlratlnrl of our dual or single Loop-a-Planes write or wire Robin Reed, Salem, Ore., for date.. Sale* of dual unita this year arc double. (hoar nf 1925 aresson. Spacial Low Terms to Parks and Permanent Loca-

tions. PARK OWNERS—We have one or two C slonaires that will book Dual Units with the

fairer Parks. Wire Inuit.


GET READY FOR THE FAIRS We arc now reedy to fill your orders at once. Our stock Is the most complete of any in the tut. All the latest numbers for Carnival and fair Concessions. We also carry full line of Sportland Premiums. Our Prices Are Right and at the Lowest. Goods Shipped Same Day Order tuners...el. Seed for New Catalogue. 25^. Deposit All Orders.


KARR NOVELTY CO., Inc., Kur`iei;7111,) 427 Market St., Philadelphia. Pa. PHONE: LOMBARD 5242.

80 The. niliteoarri limn 27, 1936


All sacs from 2 to 33 tiers Fegh.

Many sizes for rent In large and small Quantities.

Write or Wire




oi.mr. Pair eul run. \edits toe Cando..

hen, We gri••



VST A N F E Large Carnival to play ALLIANCE. NEG. any week between lely 15 and August 10,

ter Sig Celebration Sponsored by



Free License. Lights, Lots and Water. Will turnIsh Ticket Takers and small Bally Band.

Percentage basis. MILT H. WHALEY, Conductor.

AlBence Municipal Band, Alliance, Neb.


CHEROKEE CENTENNIAL Drawing 20.000 from Alabama. Tcnnesse•

and Gettr»Igii. AUGUST 14-15.

GILBERT HART Se - - Centre, Al,..

REUNION August 13-14-15

C alone and Free Acts Wanted.

Writs. SECRETARY. Houston, Mo.



Chairman ConceitIon Gem., RAVINWOOD. MO.




2011, ANNUAL

Old Settlers' Reunion TOM. Clerk County. Ill. August 11-7.8.9.


WANI'El3 Gond Ineitanstr. roneesslen• and Ahries

4th of JULY CELEBRATION anedanir an evil, minted.


Chairmen. Llelnenteel Manor. N. Y.

WANTED Petrie Wheel and Herry•Oo nomad foe Gartilval in firm. (Soto.. July In. It and In We tury fin .1. commietion. It1.1... hen," amiin no last >rm. ellotire ...win, tr. n. Ausur... ho • H GAVIN. ael• Akost St.. Deere.. Clin.

American Legion Cele-bration & Homecoming

JULY 37 AUCIllaT 1.

ARTHUR L. °MLA RO. Chairman. Paoli. Ind.



Nienum Neminem, 21.1otisoteà îOents

I's•trenn. Lodge, and Other Organization Festivities

imosee Rummers'

Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS

iCommumcations to 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati. O.)

Texas Fete Big Success

• Yoakum Toni—Tom °Itch finatteially—tride exploita-tion by press and radio

TOAKTJM, Tex.. June Rd.—Tomato Tam-Tom on June 6 and 0 nimked harvest of the tomato crop in th:g ruc-tion. which Ilait reached major propor-thine and was incorporated with Texan Centennial celebrations Meyer Handel-man and E. O. Reaka were on-ehalrinen of the event. whieh drew crowds' reti-mated at 50.000, reported e I. (Sticks) Stalinle. publicity director.

Every newspaper within a radius of 75 miles contributed agonies weekly nnd several times a week for four works bee fore the event. All material was pre-pared by the publicity committee here and forwarded. Publicity department nf Texas Centennial Exposition. Hahne. aided. arrangement With King Features Syndicate, n epertel drawing by George MeManus depicting Maggie and Mara at the Tnm-Torn was released to papers adjacent to Yoakum And to metropolitan newspaper's. Radio advance notice:, were had thru

courtesy of mrlin bands that appeared at the Tom-Tom. Lighterunt Doughboys. W. Leo Daniel's Hillbillies. Munirai Mil-len' and Clold Chain BOTielnlane. Slottnit truek of Oisif Refining Company and it,, lourt-speakine eyntem were utilized.

Roy Gray's Big State Shows. Which played the week of the Tom-Tom. ac-cording to the management. cracked recorda for attendance, playing to capac-ity crowds AS a free attraction the enrnival presented the Flying Valentines. Carnival attraction. were under sponsor-ship of the Torn-Tom executive commit-tee on percentage basin. The TOnl-TOrn celebration was a ornrrrgn financially. an have been all previous celebrations. Joe Stanton's dance orchestra. Austin. fur-nished munie for three dances. Cortina-lion of miren ceremonies in the spacious 'stadium tinder are lights proved ex-travagant. ',deco setting, bring by South-wort Meg Decorating Company. San An-tonin, which Mao decorated ,streets. Celebration war sponsored by Yonklim Chamber of Commerce.

Vaudeville Arts Are Booked At Minn. All-Midway Annual airSNEAPOL/S. June 20.—Third an-

nual All-Midway Family Outing in flamer Park. St, Paul, on June 17. with several thousand attending, was sponsored by the Midway Club. business men in the Minneapolle-St. Paid boundnry area, with C. Donald Brown eh:Urn:inn and 26 sub-committees comprising 100 perlons.

Forty events for kids and adults, were erheduleri, ten pro ',nude nets were booked with aid of Henry Lund, pub-Pelty man far the club. Pree daneing in the pavilion followed. with Prank Coticen orchestra.. Conceasiona were operated by the club.

On the veude bill were Lloyd Bros. acrobats: Williams and Jebne, dance team: Leo Semb, magician; Rollette Broa , knockabout comedy: Virginia Sitcoms bluea singer: th'ashitn Jape, turn-hiera, some doubling. Donglru K. Bald-win. St Pant. was erneee. Seats for le 000 were previded by natural elope of is hilt.

Iowa Celebration Is Booked BLCXHSFIFI.D. Ia. June 20—Feature

Attractions Company contracted to fur-Melt shown, rides and ConeeTslons an part of the Proffraln for a Civic Celebration hare.

Using Their Nonelles

ARLINGTON. Minn., lune 20.—Aman -can Legion Post and junior Booster Club will 00000 ur first I Arlington Noodle Festival, with feat noodles being served on two dayi. Committee, doing a good lob of promoling. d by inviting Con-gressmen Zionchock to speak. This made the dearer in the Twin Coheir. A Chevrolet semi, .111 be given aser•y and there will be public dancing at night. Frisk Greater Shows and concessions have been booked. Red C . cha o d clown, will ho cerise, 1.01.4 V. Schonall, pubdrity chairman, began by printing 5.000 hand-bills to be stuck in cars. On committee me Clarence V. Sweeney. chairman; Leo Hunt, Harold Timm. Walter Welmann, William Hipp, Sy Brempoll.

Owosso Celebration Set To Draw 150,000 OWOSSO, Miels.. June 20.—W. G. Wade

Shows end rides have been contracted for Owneso Centennial Celehrnium, big-gest event ever projected in this terri-tory and expected to draw nt least novel. owl Manager C. B. New., Cham-ber of Corrunerre. Committee, which has charge of noneersione, has entinged Prank L. Mannlx. Flint, Mich., to supervise them.

Six free acte for four days will be fur-nished by Gus Sun Agency. Rodeo le to he presented by Col. Gatewood. featur-ing Earl Sutton. fancy roper and former Owosso boy. Mrs. Sutton also will Ap-pear.

"Aeicle from using The Iffilboard for advertleing. we are doing some radio spot annutInCing. tieing bumper signa, window cards, paper from IDOCalldhon Lithographing Company, special stntion-cry and atiekei seals few letterheads and envelopes." said Manager Noyes. Business Metric-la will be elaborately

decorated and exhibita of relies will be shown In etere windows. Parades and PaSeante ere to he numerous.

Gould Company To Appear At Minnesota IlIontecoming LIME:FMK. Minn.. June BO—Commit-

tee /or Rock County'', Third Qiiinquen-plat Homecoming Celebration to he held here has given the amusement contract to Jay B. Gould Company. maid Celebra-tion Secretary °Field H. Smith.

trtiring the week there will be parader'. historical pageant's. ontelde /speakers of prominence. exhibits of relies and county hiatnrical tours. Shows eon two hights will comprise Jay Gould's Million DoVar Sp,atarld veth largo company trane-ported here in bum« and truck,. Seven ridm are scheduled and shows

are to Include Ed Roy's Animal Circus. ELOSehea Crocodile Show, fun shows nod preseetationa of freak's. Among acts pro-gramed are fletwrs Swiss Alpine Won-der Dogs, Four Laurent*. Creek and Roman statnary: Aerial Chi:late/piers: Tori-Too, clown, and others. Luther Den-nis. balloonist. Is to be shot from a can-non in Mr for a parachute drop.

White Way in Biz District STERLING, Colo., June 20 —Newly

organi/ed Junior Chamber of Commerce is promoting a two-day Jamboree here with auto tares for priers, free at-tractions. Street dancing, band concerts rind as 81.000 fireworks display. maid Glynn Prosser, of the publicity- emit-mittee. Eats nnd drinks cancel-slims will be in the bunineas 'section "White Way" with rides and other attractions. Twenty newapapers In Northern Colo-rado and Southern Nebraska nre being treed, window card, auto bumper 'stripe and Station RORK. Sterling, for daily announcement, .

HELP This Department by Telling Committees About If,

1Centen Birthdays Are Honored by Arkansas

_ I II 11 R ROCK. Ai k., June 20 -

whose birthdays were on June 15. Ar-kanerus. Statehood Day, received an In-fidel den-time:it from Arkansas Center, Wei COondlIaLiOn.

In commemoration of the 100th birth-day of Arkansas on June 15, 1836, and of the hirthriay of several hundred Arkan-aerie horn on the sanie day, the doe, ment was prepared. rending, "We send greetings. congratulations and best whines for happiness and prosperity." and eigned by Governor Futrell and Harvey Couch, chairman of the commission. Birthday certificates also bear druper'im-prised. officiel seals of Arkatirsas and Centenninl Commiseion. Thin neWspispere Of Arkannese names at

nbout 400 people born on Jura- 15 were obtnined by Centennial heartenariers, search for names having been carried on for three months.

ItomecOnhilIg in Effingham May Be Made Annual Affair EFFINGHAM. ni.. Juno 20.. -Great

Olympic Shown, under manaerment el A. Spheeris. owner, and Al H. ?Ins. secre-tary. will play on downtown JI recta dur-ing Effingham Homecoming Celebrailca aponamed by the American Legion Peet. Legion committee hen been working &Mee January. Atlendnnce is expected from a 50-mile radius, due to publicity Um newspapers. agypt inn Lepionnetre and nuto bumper signs Days have been net *aide for children,

the two major political mirth's ore American Legion, Effingham High School Band. under direction of Andrew Mikan, will furninh music. Greene Chairman O. It. flsrit said this, in the first big event of Or kind to he hell an tinvantownatreets in many yeare and only be made an annual effete

Airplay advertising in The Renhnned aran hnnri lu obtaining connection with the shows.

Exploitation Via Whiskers CASPER. Wyo.. Juno 20.—Follewirg

the example act by Mayor J. Prank Cowan. men of Casper are letting the:r whiskers grow fur Fort Casper thehta Celebration, under auspices of the Amer-teen Legion Post. nOii M be dedicated to pioneer disyn. Old-time gambling sedum will be "revived" end the "Ild will be off- during the enlebrntion, proclaim, the Legion Post. which is receiving con-mutiny-wide support.

Attractions Fund Is Raised DMITLER, Neb., June 20.—Ylying

Wizards will be one of the free Mime-Dona, with rides, shows and roncesetant at a celebration eponwared by 'Ployer County Amusement AsmelatiOn. Chairman George B. Engelbreeht. Ittlal-lleta men rained a fund for ettlactiont, and big attenrinnee is expeeted train northern-tier countiew in Kansas. rest parades, games, contests, races and night hro.rball ¡limo are carded.

WANTED unies Ç. e ilie Eselm• :11r1 Aeeaal lI.'i I4 1. Fairground.. I I O. nature. , 25.00o. is Mr HARRY W. 1011 He. rotary. [aides' Tamed, H•inIllon, O.

Wanted Rides For 4th of JULY Colebration

Whet hum you to once? Write or. Wire


Annual Homecoming and Picnic


Address HARLAN IINOS., Coatesville,

Old Settlers Meeting Space 111011mO. k. Ial oint.. Sins.-. ill 0

Write tor Imullon. H. O. MARSHALL. Noy,

WATERVILLE, Anus Annual Celebration WIII Be Held On

JULY 30, 31 end AUGUST 1. Ocelot:talons and Act. Wanted. Wrna

. ADAMS. Me,

lone 27, 1936 SPONSORED EVENTS The Billboard 81

KenmoreCenten Of Many Angles

• Varied activities engaging workers—frets and shmrs to play under committee

• KENMORE, N. Y.. June 20.-William

!rank has been directing the Cen-tennial to be held in Kenmore and ad ranee ticket sale, exhibit tent and ban-ners are being handled by his amistant. Edgar C. Wallace. Who reports ticket eat° for In excess of expectations and space i the industrial tent going alar big. Circus program, booked thru Joe

Trochee for George A. Hamid, Xmo.. vela consist of Demnatt Troupe, tumbler*: Rirardoe, aerialletee ytexole. Troupe, pole balancing and perch; Mary Palmer's Dog and Pony Circus; Will Morrie and Bob-by: Connie's Tumblers; Balabenow May-fair Revue, accordions, singing and danc-ing; Penn. American Eaglets. high wire: Valencia. high-swaying pole: Wfuter Garden Revue, 30 people, with Harry (Snuffles) Leven, Golden Dance Trio. your Fleshes. Dade Peters Trio and spe-cial dance band. Music for the arrow will be be Old Chisholm Twill Cowboy Band. Cirrus and revue will be presented on doer in front of grand stand with neat-log capacity of 8.500.

H. (Doc) Cann le here directing inter-lets of Max LInderrAank World of Mirth abase booked for duration of the Cen-tennial and featuring the Greet ',Hine. bunion cannon ban Governor Lehman and reme of hie official family will of-ficially open the show. Capt. Dan Fox. Sidney. and his Spotted Horse Troupe will be here. Jimmy Sullivan, Wallace Brew.' Shows, le to leave his show at Ccbali. Ont., to supervise the midway. Chief of Detectives Prank McCerthe. Benin, haa been detailed to handle po-twine of erounds. Fireworks will be used opening night

and biter when 17.000 firemen from sur-rounding towna will parade. George MO-Partin,, doing publicity, made Hemp* with The Renal° Courier and local radio starton. Harold Young, in charge of preeram. reporta wonderful co-operation ef Buffalo. Kenmore and Tonewanda merchants. lechlbite have been taken by Irlwarda Lions and Rotary club.. Frank C Moore. attorney for the town, le gen-eral chairman, and President Henry .1. abhor and Kenmore Merchants' ANIOCHle tion are sponsoring the Centennial. Mks Jeannette Stone La in Charge ot Office and conteste. Mayor Lane nnel Other officials, enthusiastic over re-'prime of merchants and manufacture., predict attendance of between% 200,000 and 300.000.

Jones Exposition in Benefit SPRINGFIELD. O., June 20.-To rolen

fur.ds to furnieh new Lagonda avenue playgrounds, International Harvester Company will sponsor a six-day program Of entertainment. Johnny J. Jon”s EX-porilunn ha. been hooked, and there will be fireworks Proceed* will be donated In Springfield Playgrounds Aseociation to aid In purchase of equipment for the playgrounds at coat of about 83,5011

Ballyhoo BUR Idea Adopted wneetase. W. Va.. June 20.-Taking

the idea from Cleveland Great Laken EarnaltIon ballyhoo bus, which stopped In Wheeling on tour. Wheeling Centen-nial committee will start s tour of its own next week, revering Ohlo. Penn-aylienla and Went Virginia. Wheeling vehicle will CATTY a loud-speaker and midget end giant to advertise the event.


JULY 2-3-4, ASHLEY, N. DAK. Tlh spot aler.r..I his Velehration -well edirth•..1- leniv to demo from.

WIRE AT ONCHIL C. N. MAEROXLIIIN. Morelarea. Metreteah County Fan Areeclation,

Ashley. N. D.

a..eant Lail Minute Disappointment.


P,t....hie big rii• ecesile Treter.11oard der. an en-., Pmmairi In hull. FIr• Pimple, riva Acts. Wriir et sane for Full retie-10a". no tun big. thoil.

fer yew erlehrtito... THE RRRRRR wear. nmitere •1101.1P1,

neerwreellin, hai.

Ile Liken It Cleveland, lone II. 1936.

The Billboard, Cincinnati, O.:

Congrarulations on the Sponsored Events Deoartment. which started in the Issue of lune 13. This department will be ot great Inter., to all eeeeee and gardsations Interested in various events. AI tirar Crotta Circus. Cleveland ,, grimlest annual winter event, ape/veils.. the op. portunIty et using 'base columns. Best wisees.-WILLIAM C. SCHMIDT, Man-aging Director, Al Slrat Grcitto Circus.

Business Men and Legion In Toluca, Ill., Sponsors TOLUCA. tn. June 20.-Tony R Ber-

rettlni. Streator, is directing the Home-coming Celebration to be held here. sponsored by Bueineee Men's Association and American Legion Poet. He has booked six independent ride..

four shows. WPA show sa free attraction and WLS Barn Dance. featuring Panty Montana. Popularity contest Is arousing much interest in the event, to be on street.. seven days and night..

Mr. Berrettint also vent direct La 13alle County Homecoming on Ottawa (III.) fairgrounds

Vete Offer Novelty Prizes CHANUTE, Kan.. June 20.-Plana to

have Junior drum corp. from all over the State have been made for a Veterans of Foreign Ware Celebration here, for which Cherokee Carnival Company has been contracted. mid C. L. Blekhart. Business men, who aided the veterans* committee with funde for entertainment. will enter llnotn in a parade. Pores will he awarded in • big program of races and novelty stunts. including largest faintly on grounds, oldest married couple. youngest married couple, newest married couple, family from greatest dienInce who came especially for the celebration. oldest automobile carrying 1936 license sod most dilapidated automobile carry-ing it 1038 license.

Babb Staging Pioneer Days ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., June 20.-R. el.

Babb. who will stage Pioneer Days here for Veteran, of Foreign Ware Peet. is using urinal preliminary buildup with Iota of paper in surrounding territory and several contests. including one for a poster with cash prize. Grounder avers secured cline In, Washington High School Park, first time used for such an event. Riding device», shows, dances and finale with tree automobile and fireworks are programed. Similar Pioneer Days in Cloy'a and same dates will not interfere with local opus, it ii believed.

Working on Shrine Circus PITTSBURGH. June 20.-Plane are on

for a huge Shrine Circus for • week on Forbes Pieta here. according to James N. McGrath Jr.. local promoter, who will stage the program. Arta will be lined up next week. following Pittsburgh Jubilee and Exposition Circus under Mr. Mc Grath's direction. Shrine Circus. orig-inally scheduled for Syria Mosque early this spring, was canceled due to floods

successful an annual affair will be held outdoors late In glimmer.

Fond du Lac Contracts Let FOND DU LAC, WM., June 20,-0011-

tract for fireworks concluding a cen-tennial celebration at the county fair-greninds line been awarded to American Firework,: Company. Win Smith. Janes-ville. Wis.. will provide rides and other attractions Pageant will be staged by John B. Rogers Producing Company. Major F. U. McConkrie Is bualnese man-ager of the celetention.

De Pere Post Signs Acts DE PERK, WU.. June 2;1—Attractions

for a two-day event sponsored by Amer-ican Legion Poet include Sylvania Trio. Liberty Four and De Tonne Tumblers, booked thru Rarnee-Carruthere. Snapp Greater Shows will be on the midway. with Thearle-Duftleld providing the fire-wores both nights. Gate admission will be 25 cents, children free; adult admis-sion to grand stand 25 Ciliate, children 10 emu.


CONTRACTS to supply acts for cele-brations in Winneconne. JUDerrill and East Troy. Win., were rondo by Frank Gladden and Joe Cody. Metropolitan Booking Arsociation, Chicago.

ELKS In Asbury Park, N. J., are busy preparing for a two-day Carnival, Cov-ered Wagon Days, to be held Indoors. Last year the lodge held an open-air carnival on Ocean boulevard to capacity Crowds.

EIGHT ride, of P. E. flooding are booked to supplement show, and eerier, 5101111 for Auburn (Ind.) Free Street Eerie President il. E. Hart and Secretary W. C. Hersh are working on • program of con-tests, parades, homecoming events and exhibits.

niCi BURMA. performing elephant, and Eddie and Joe. Harmony Boya, viii per-ticipate in parade and program. with Hughey show, and rides, at • Chatsworth all.) Community Club Cele-bratton, reports President L. J. Haber. korn.

AT BRITISH Legion's annual picnic on June IS at Parmcreet Perm.. near Detroit, with about 500 attending. Raoul Cleaver, former London (Eng.) theater manager and now head of Powers Pic tures of Michigan. was chairman of the entertainment committee.

FREE ACTS, fireworks and Howard Broa' Shows were contracted for Spencer (W. Va.) Lions' Club Jubilee Week, said Chairman Ray Cionch,

DIVING CIORDONS were booked by Veterans of Foreign Wars Poet in Med-ford. Mara.. and L O. Odd Fellows in FraMingharo. Mama.

SHADY OAP (Pa.) Reunion commiricc has booked 'Tudor Sisters and Avery. novelty contortion act. with Eddie Keck. "Teddy the Clown." Liam George A Harald, Inc.

Vue-Aet OPPIIII fed

1/11111113114:,1 2.WATT - SPECIAL psis Pon PiTcHlegit

0-WATT- AD AAAAAAA PON AAAAA Hoo. • a- sam, 00. Su

SPECIAL rivulet :re AAAAA Duty (Pee up te 2.000)

Maud« Tiee Spealsell. All above tls,,renit Inelode %pi nmr-llootatuacl Tone. •ne CMS..







July 24, 25, 26

Some space yet available. Write at

once: advise kind of concession.

R. G. KIRBY Waupaca, Wis.

WANTED WHITE COUNTY commarotiet. AND •TeleW-

VVVVV PlarMel-enneerislenn al/ eund a MI 111., Day,. Ms Lee N.stita A Ertl. It Plt liNE Wr te re Wire

JIMMIE Mount, Aisle Knob, AM.



for the



STARK COUNTY HOMEC OMING June 29th to July 4th, Canton, O.

WANT Rides, legitimate Concessions and Free Acts. Parade, Band Contests.

Fireworks, Free Auto given away July 4. Exceptional terms given owner of

four or mere rides. Address J. D. CAREN. Stark County Homecoming Cele-

bration. Alhambra Theatre, Canton, O.


KANE COUNTY CENTENNIAL, GENEVA, ILL Ions-Mercantile Exhibits-Horrifies-Rides Must bc non•garnbling and Clean.

Good 61.1fig\t” Assured. RUSSELL L. ROWLAND. easiness Manager. 15 5. 3rd St., GENEVA. ILL.


Redman Circus and Frolic SIX DAYS, JULY 2d to 7th. INCLUSIVE, PONTIAC, MICH.

Concessions ail open.

Alt Communications to F. A. PAYNE, Milner Hotel, Pontiac, Mich.

r ere-erlii-4.4-4-e.eeie-a-i.e. .......:.:..:„......,...:.........,...........>. 1TICKETS, i. , t•


I SPECIAL PRINTED ROLL OR FOLDED MACHINE .I: 'I.10.000 - - $6.65 SIZE 1.2 INCHES. — 50.000 - - $11.25

1] 100,000 TICKETS - - - $17.00


:!:NATIONAL TICKET CO.:f A SHAMOKIN, PA. + a *1-1-4-+++O+Oi•OO++ •,.. 4-.............-....-+++++.1.4-eiii-iii-hi-i-iii-iie

82 The Billboard June 27, 1936


CINCINNATI OFFICE 18-11 Ober. Plans.

Parre! Post Doswell. F. C.. So ()nylon. Marl. Brewer, 0. IT.. ne 2fic 11•iroa. I W., Ille 11.11. Ore. 1... Ile Clarke... 22. II ow anl & Cone r, Clay. E P. fle Ii,,, r,a,ke & 1,-inke. 30 Lem. Pauline_ Be Diann. Edwenl. So >looney. W. F.. Durham. nill, te It, 'Aaiun,. A. I.., lan Phillip, 3 Ia.. 4. Erernen. It. C . 1,(,, h. Welter to.

Ila Cray. Roy. ne gl ow. A r.. 10e

Ladies' Lint Adse.. Frisia Allen. Donut,

Mickey Allen. Mary Nall Allen. Man Allen. Peel ii* Lilly ASSN. %be:

(Dancer) A/pert. Pauline Arlen. Bea Armstrong. Myrtle Andean.. lint.

Matelo Babylon, Lena Palley. Mildred Bailer. Mr.. A. Ilaker. Acne, Baker. Minus

Ballard. 1.11110 bank, Tome./ Ichz.eateelle t. C.

Market. Maureen. Itattey, »MT Bee. Mr, 1.1111e 111th,. /Ds rea.I1 Dialany. Mn. 111ster. >I es. Elate Black. lira

Pelletal Black. Penn aaala, 111 ,1l Dilly Block, Laura DIS, Ion, Mrs.

IDO.. Lilia Reed

Bunnell. Mix It. Bowen, Me.

Mart M. Brads, lin. Von Pewee, 11n. W. IL Bright. Alin

I•ren fryer. Din. Carte Rio kiln ...matte itimgewl. Mt.. lam Porno, Madam

Vivienne Inane>. Nea.

Imagine 11.,iirn. Sirs E N. Cannon, Chilli. l'arey. Mn. Lynn Carr. Anna Carroll. BIllie Carroll, Nan, Very. Goode Celle. 11011.

Ethel LeGrendo

Clarke. Pereina A. Cleo., bin

Theo ST. Marten, roc Cleo, Madam Coble, Mettle Oefiel. 11nr.

Cleaseastne Coleman. Jere.

LIB» Blt n. Dien

madly. !helms Dena. 1:ins• Ckenella. tilla

Fro" :.1;ns. e ll.LrO. Crane. Mr.. S. R. Corti.. En Berths Daniels. If..

(Hoydens 1=ea„. Beane

DAM°. En. 11.rt le

grandam. Dorothy Darla grs. I b..!.. re. Rajante

Dayton. Madelyn ILSE.0111. Nor. o, Idn.

Elaine DeLaTortea.

Del narill. Rea Iseltmla Deine. Ikon. Dr. Mettle Deverons, Manna Dinning. Ten Diann. Jean,. Diem. Sin. Ora Dace, Mn Dada, Dotal Donohue. Connie lineal lima houe. Del ¡stele. Beulah Tinting, Helene lirelym, •rearet Demean Juno Earl. Mn. Pat E4srard.. Helen Ifelermrla. Von. Elder. Urn. Ted Meru. Mn.

Erwin. Iii.', le. ,• Enna 11n. flotan Erato, Den Farrell. Iles F.- J. Ferthtng. Mra.

John I). Famine. Madsen.

Bearded Lady Feltern. Men. Ilonle Flak, Vlsten iladd.

Then.. Franklin Irmo. Fuller. 51.1 Cm line r. Florence Garland. Ethel

Elinor Chime. Los Gle..eford. Ventt•

w. Gordon. Betty

Gordon, Lull,, Dray. Dottie Oreenetsure Din

tt Colton. Mr,., LB.

Peat rice Gnillts,

n.',',, CrimIle. I.,,!. Hang, Mrs. Ind, Ilartadt. Mrs. 11.

H. 11111, Dorrithy

Vinnia Hammes*. Mr..

Martha Hanimo. rnsu liard.. Venereal Horne, lira. Peel

Jr Ilarry Ilene, Mee Law Ilan, June Dent.. Min. Katy

Mr.. Jack Heatherly. Rohl

l'emt 11.1gel. Nadine linty. Mr. Art Illerrelan. Elite Meth. Mr.. Albert II Isershol 'hen,

tactile Illnich. Mrs. Perin Ilorag, ?Ira Mas 1 ',kw.' d.

Carolyn Hollend. Telly Holland 11,111. Inured, liait; Lou 'Inward. !Cubs 1 Ch drain. Humphrey, lira.

Edna 11.w. M.

Imirel. Mew. Isli. Mr. Myrtle Jerkeon. Mrs.

Boni Mabel

Jarrembek. Julia Jerald.. Mn. Nora Joan & Val Johnnon, Mrs.

1>hr-dine yoni.,.0i'uiriiilli Jnkmen. Mrs.

Ernie Johneen. Ile.

Judith inhume, Ruin Jean, Ilenve• Dcli Jaen, lime John. 1.erebe lias Jordan, Jackie ICrentse. Mrs. Cone

fi-Entire. Ilia L. U. Kelley, Hato 11,11.y. Mrr, C. K. Kelly, Mr,. gue

1 ilicide Surd Kent. Ilre Berne Keel..r. Mire Ender. 'laud Kidder. Ere. C. 11. Edinger. hlre.

C. E. Kline.. Vora King, Helena Is.wr. Moire, King. Ito, Molt, I: mg. T.heo King, Ulm Toni Klein. Marini. Ki..ln, Mho P M. Klein. 111. M. E. Kline. Mn. Made Kron Mr.. EL Koelder, Mr.

Kenna. Mn.. Noll, >

Mr.. Veber

1.amorte. Nita Lansphert. Mrs. F.

A. Landrum, Mrs. 1.

C. I Dolio) Lang. Mn.. Ruby Langley. M•sine Luanne, Priscilla lay, »elm Leavitt. Ilre, Larry Tee. AMY

It tent. Lee. Mr. Nell helms, ',inn.. Lei 1..1.1. Ilea Solos

i.•. Mrs. Melba leMar. Jinn E. LeNtorl. Mos.

Emilia Eaton lento. Mr.. Ruth Leo, lianY LeVet, Ann

I l'alni10 Leareart. Llttlelfit levy, KIttle lessis. Mrs. Dillle

or Bob Tawla. Sir.. Melt laos. Mrs Jaekle lean.. Mn. Pearl 1.1glit, Mtn. TholIP. I.liscule. Mn. Mind 1.1ndley. Mud

Jerrie Allre

1.,a Wolf. Ruth Amy

',Irene. Mrs. Cad Lon. June

Lure, Mra Unale Luken. Jane

Mn. Itutb

McDaniel., Gran (Muter.. Woman)

Merin, Mn. Mary Mel es re. /nee Inns. Mete' Madden, Anna Mallon. Mrs. W. J. Ilan, Mtn B. Malone. Vera M. Itialoi•e. LAM Ifentell. Pegg/ Mann. Ilea.

Evelyn Itarehall. Tiny Mann. Ethel

Mathew, Mn. Dol. Mathen. flans Mathear., Virenln Mania, Ile, Matthew, E. R. ilinnews. Mr..

Genet, May, Min. C. K. Ida, Janet Mans. Meru regale Itelbely.

Melemore, JorephIne

Mel. ill, Timber, hein. ID, liot Meyers. Mrs NV. L.

geon• I elk-bell. ill. P. Milford, 1A10.0 11(111., Mr.. F W. Miller. Para. Fred 11.11er, Si,'..

Mildred Milliken. Ilia Flo Milliken. Mrs. J.

A. Mille. bill Belle 111m1 the Illpne

retamii. li, il Irmo. Itra nru,rto

Dutch Monroe. Mae Morrie. Mrw. Corr.

tdra Martha Moulton.

V. I. /libelee*. limn/

Jean Marley. 111... Heuer Morns. l'eger ilorn, Kathryn Nano, Mrs.

flabena Nelsen. lira Norris Newman. Mn. P.

Freda Nicholson.

Grerben 141.s..14. Ranee. Madera

FAY O'Orentell.

Merced« Ilre.

Clara Orman, Mie. Felon nun, Grace.

Tom, Owleene. P11111, Psis., Tirane Patrick. Mitzi, Paul. Itrs, Joann Peek Mrs. IC. 1-. l'eree. 1.11; 1. A

Well. Perkin.. /Ira

Perry, Mrs. Latin Prin. Mary Ellen Pine. Mn. E. A Pope, Mre, Combo

Slit. ChPnie

Price. Ilm. gusleE. Pommy. Ilrs. 11

L. Hindi. Clad/a Betel. Mn- Arline IMM1. li.an Rey, Rea Raymond, Mrs.

Claudia Res- VIrsInla licence. Ilan

Petty INaloplanntatl

Itred. Jean Bee'. 1.11.11 Beet Led', Refit. Earle Itelel, Vivian Iteneh. Londe

1.1117 Belle

Richards. Marie ItIchmla

Simpered.° D. Itlehredm. MEd

Plebe, Darla /Deed. Mr«. Jennie It In eel, Mt.

llrwaril Illnehart. lit.'-.. Helaine lilted, 11m. John Robert. Ginger 'toter... Martial

(KIM/ Roberta lira. Ito-k. Mn. PanlIne Itockne. Surs.


Borers. Mra. Roth Vedierne

E. Item. Maxim Boo, IhnsahL Dean Itnantree,

Round', 11n. Marie Ryan. Dorothy

'13'ffoUlt.. In!Îre. llyrtle

Sanchez. Mr. Earn

Sanders. Stra. Fannie

Mande,.. Pauline Sayre.. Aile, MCI,.,, 'r. titles] Sweet. III, lIelen Nell, Ilea Jeanette Serf. Silva Yerren lillierl Iliac, M IL

Berme. Shertnen. 1lra


fettet fist N() 1.- .111r mad held at the various offices of The Billboard is classified under their respective heads. I. e., mail at the Cinrinnati Office will lbe found under the heading of the CINCINNATI OFFICE and mail at the New York Office will lie found under the heading of NEW YORK OFFICE, etc.

Shansi. Mrs. FIluna Sherman. Sirs

Kn.. glierwead. Iles.

Florenee Pine, Pm., Si.,!.. Johanna /Smith. Anna lemurs. 11,0.10 Mae Moe', eenee Smith. Kathein South. Mo.. Frilth Semen. Marie fimorIler. lirs.

%farm guider, /fn. Ida Ylesilrlet. Myra Sperling. Mes,

Jelin 11. gonion, 11... Stanley. Barbara Ilianlei, Sir. Jut. Shelley. Mrs. Took Start. Mrs_ Let Stegall, En Ada nerolahl. Hand Itterindi, lita. W.

Stewart. Ine Aterert, 1.111lasa Stewart. Ilra

llobt. E. green. Mr..

Margaret Sutphen. Meg. J. E. Swift. Kin theme, lira, Ilea. Taylor. 1:rrani Tinker. Mary Tan Tennyson. Mn.


Gentlemen's Liat Abrams, Noah Ben..., Wm. & Arad, Sig Margie Ades.. 11.10 lieniernan. H. E.

Bennett tr Allen Adam.. Jame, ., lain, John Illoormtl. Joe

(Red) Mama. Net n.„.,,,,,,, . .i,‘„V...,,a.,..i.ii.1

Adam, it,, D. Alamo. ....iijo, Ilenudi, jerir C.

Ilereneinlar. E. Ajar. SvIg.„...., Berg. John (SIMI

e.. Bergdorf, _ Sam Albino Family Item, .Millen J. Alden. Joe Berger, W. IC, Alexaml.r. 3. C. liniments. Dave Alexander, Sir lterk.1 ire. 11. I..

Vied 1Coulic I Ihriner. Joe (Jew/ Aletander. Wm. F.. lkonsteln, A. W. Al..sander, Walter Reny, Curly

Mick. Berry. tttttt Alfred. Jerk licol. Allen. .1. U. itet..,!,1e.e.,.(rl.k A.

l Alen, Paul Ai.i.. n., 11. Iteumt, Al Alulder, waiter lies. Ben

Italletti. Eddie AIIIte. E. C. Acne,. Fredrick

Union. Penn W. la,. Balsam, kiss W.

Au.. 1. Chief 'tinder. &Iceman Binh, Gee, Ander.on. A-

Arden..., ,y. le, Intril. 11,1

Anl...,..., ¡Mae* lai.,e. Jon', E o.-.. 1.rd %,. Willie

''' l'ir.r•""' Ville. II...Miler, Arthur Andreekok. TM., . .

Anhnirer. II. N. Plarelone. Doe Ant bony. Itud Itlerkaresne. Viet laboraterin Artilegale, J. It. Make, Fred Cliee. Fronk

Terrill, Mn. Arleuni. C.o. U. Int. Pinker Cheek, Ben learn,. And .er. Illm Illinner Mode/ Cheney. Bch

Terrill. Min, Mary Aronson, Ilan. Show Childers. elam R. J. A rin,rong. Milo K. hoehltaini. Orlando Child.. R. N.

TI,...ner. Slalom Ammer.. The W. ('lirisruati. Tata Thous., l'emn Miner, & Bobbie. chr,on. John Thomas. In, 11 Jimmie) Aceordionlat Chrism. Sohn Thoa,,,,.,,n. Madan Anne!. Jelin E B,olen. Warren nirtsto. Tom


Carmen. Frank Cs.

Valenta. Arthur Caldwell Jr.

Campbell. James lifrhard

Ca ttttt :ri. Frank cant tell. Robert Ceren. W. II. Carillon. She carbide. thank Careoni, Frank Canner. Chews

Rene l'arroIl. 9 .1. Carnithers. Johnny Canes. Jingle (rasson., The

Joggling Cantrell. Cann, Billy Carter, C. Fred Caner, Jack Carter. Itersotal Carter. Znim Caner. Adert

Elora Cain, Charlen F.. Cash Wobbly'a Pal) Cuanza, V. I.. ['gable, A. M. C1°,1°, J. 11. Cauble, R. I. Calalier, 11 II, Chalked, W. N.

Veterans, Attention! If you gave The Billboard's Cincinnati office as your

address when making application for your bonus and you

have not as yet received your bonds be sure to read the

box in General Outdoor News in this issue giving the names

of those whose bonds are in the Cincinnati post office.

Thenuensi. Mn Jn-lc Pauline Aehr..lee, Weller

Thorpe, Ent. Art A. Lane Ernest A es h II:e'er

Tod.l, Dine Atkinson, Flood Twram, Viola Crell Tnoinen. ills R. Atkin., J. Floyd

P. Atterbury, A. D. Tmenu. Made Aerin. riTunkey. Donilhy Ann, P. C.

won. Turner. Mrs. Vera Pellet. 11m. 'Drina, Mrs. Tree Behneen. Vain Allen. Bel,, Al 11.9

Bertha Bailey, 11111 Van Ilona Jackie Bailey. Paul Vain. Janet Itaiel..11111 V•Illerr, Jerry L. I flask-Ian/ Van Allen. lIndrua Bain Welter Van USU.. Evelyn Baird, Dee Wm. Vaisdher, Jeceivo Baird. E. W.

Leo Baird, L. D. Varnell. TicIano Baker, flo-11 Ttell Vinney, V.1110 Beier. Jno Wadsworth. 1ln, Baker. Little

Teske Wadawisrth. 11m.. Baker. 1.1,nyd

F. W Iteher . Walters. Jane, 11.1.1w1n, Huy %Card. Lester Ilan... Audit. Warner. hint. Billie Ilmen. Wehb, fle,i Barber. 11.1 West. Roselle llarfiold, John Wedlonmk, Mrs. Parham. gain

• IlanY Barlow. Dick Whalen. Myrtle Wayne WhiPP10. atm. Dann. E.

1.,illa ',Terkel, White Eagle, Mra it.ro.w. Dr W. it,

amens Barnett. Wilbert White. Mrs. Ilab baron. Leeds Wiley. Ms. Nora Permslisle, Williams, Anna P. Bore. Were Willurem. Dorothy llenarre. Dun

J. Barth William.. Ura. Mod, Jerk

Irene Basilian, Nick Williams, Thelma Battler. IL (I. Wills. Erabona lien. Gene

ill.. Cent. Bent Gus ITRum, Mrs, Man Remy, Wallet Winslow. haul BaIllai]. Sri

(Williams) Irate. Art Won. Sir. Pay.. Dick

Geraldine Beard, Bill Worley. 11.111e Beard, Walter

I...ale...el Brute,. Jae. fi. Worthen. Mn.. Beatty. P. J.

John T. Beeker. II. W. Wright. Gwen Boldiy Wyatt. Mee 'lend Ilednalle. Mean, Wilier. Mn. Se.be, Ellis

Ketherine 11.11.1e. Hann Earilinten, Tiny Hell, Ilene,'

Bell 1.11, tend Zell. Ilen Jane I.laky. Irma Ilan Loll. Madam. of Buena

Della. !Olt* .11011n. John Bohlen. 1.eVaughn It. lone, linee,. Bolton, J. E. Itolm, Bed

11111 0 1 Bond. II.

(Dad) Bez

Bonner. Arthur Booker, Jnamie Boil land

Corporally.. lion. F. IL Boswell, W. B. gouda C. P'. line Wow KeY Bowen, E. B.

Iler istadfonl. SI. 11. Ilrailinns. 'Tease Bradley, Nile, Ilrelsher, Tiny Brady, Elm Brarnen,,. Eddie B r ranch olled

Shore Ilrandylerry, T. B. 11rmf.1.1. Boob lirav, h.. M. Irreellenrirsze. 10.1 Be-den. Bairy lime., Bill Brennan, Musical Brooks. 11. F. Brown. Boater In...., lien Mown Herten Draw, Jack

Clawed !town, Mee, Brow n. Roland Bourn W. II. Brown, Welly Drown W...1..y L.

John Brundage. 11 Brundage. Jerk Ilnink Olen D. Una., ink Ileum, Jew. E. Ilronswirk, It. A. levan. Jun Beekman, Wm. T. Purilar..1, Wm, Item, Dart« A. Briley. Paul Bullock, Pliml C. Burdick. Ire Itneseeri, Ted Haan.. Ilan; Ihirk, K. Ilsrlon. A. E. Il Bet

Steed) Butler. L. If.

l'hidsly. Wayne .Chnrrim. I. C. Chine, lkd Chosen & Halms Clan.. Tuffy lien, Ted Clark. Dilly Clark. Cad It. (lark. Fleur F. Clark. Clark. Jack Clark. Johnnie Clarke. Then. D. Clark, TIkor IC

Clad,. Willie Clay-burn. ¡Tarry Clayton. Clan-nos Clerolor.s. Bet Cochran, 11, W. Cretrell, Geo. W. Cabre, Reg Cohen. William

rie,rge L. .1. 1,10, Waller Coleman. Dunn Coleman, Itobt, C. Collier. Rohn (bill.., T. N.

(1)001 Collins, Clyde O ,lllnn, Ilan./

It. E. Colored-. Gil.,

Jack Conger. W. I. Come & Emma Conn, Ilany Memo, Harold ('ornai. Robert le Cann. an.. Cook. 11111

J C. (Nick. Walter Cesio. Itny Coml. Robert coon,. Mickey Copeland. ('lotir resell. II. N. Came-Mona T. B. Corbin. Tom Cowlello, Pete Pouch. Roy Cowan. Vital Cos. Arnold f`rafr. Allred Crater, Oscar Crain. N. A. Cranford, Richard

Tony eran 'Milder.

erlinen. Jack tiros, l'erelvilme. L. F. Crime. Conway (Sunenln.... ¡dark, entrust, Ceselia

Cnaminge, Ransom,'

Curley. C.. W. maw. F. Curry. /I I.

ttt i t , Inhere Curved!. Tel Inner. D. Dal., .1. /I. Daly, Sailor Jack Daniels. O. M.

Ken lbatnaby. J A. Dacia & laMers Demos«. 11. U. lisaybisoo. J. E. Dankon. Inn., MM, MAL

Varlet. Ilene De. Ito en

1/. K. Da. la. Elmer Davie. Henna Del., 14.sward Darla, John 13. (havie, il,,, r.. Da.!.. Sain Dane A Sutton Iran, Ti..! Dario. Then

titroak1) nark, Terrine Dees, M.Per Devi., William E.

1,1.00, Ta,. F.

thetrier laden

Ilay. Tim 0. Day, Torn it. AI..,

Lawrence M. De (1.m. Al De Value. Dr.

Chas Deady. P. Vlneent been Charles IL Detail, Bon

Deboor. Mort Deediwit. (1114.1 thierfoot, Jack

1.• P. Del Garlt, RBA Del.-, Fern

1 lend...SY DelTin, M. L. Tivmsfiin. rioo. ¡MUCH.,

Plielette Lialoes, George Peewit°. Atelier Reinke, Mike Denni.. Trial. lienny. W. M. Dernherger, A. J. In.rael.. >lying fr..11n, Raced IletwIller. Al

Dexter. Ren DeVote, Jerk InZeri Drow•

Shaw Diller, Delmar Ddlin. Ellwood Preen. Iliol linens. Ed A Baba

I 'Imp, 1 Pilo,, Jobe M.

Wm. Inek. Nan, na.on. John

Dolson. La Mott Immoral', Jain.

Di Dooley. Darey, Wm.

Done, H. II. Donal.. lionahl a

Jew« A. es.

1/narnard. VINg11 Doyle. literate Doyle. Cl'. Drain, Bernard unu, Chas. lirel.rh A (war,. Dryden. Charlie Doane, Jaek Dub, kitten Duffy. Hemel Didum. Less 'hike. I.. IC.. Sign

Painter Duncan. Eldle Duane, Earl Ten Dunlap. Dr. To«1 latin.., Clearer A. (Mon Lo man Dunn. IL E. Inrante, 11111 Dueling. En...


Dye, W. Tt. Dee, Gen. E. Eagle, lain,

Del la.nlwrs. E E. Eldw.o..in. Si'. U. Edwerds, Arlo Edwaols, Ccoree

J C. Edward, Mir Elder, Henry 1., Eicher, Jhomie Eller, IL C.

& Il,, 1:1•Ier, Charles W. Elder, Ins Eldridge, Arthur Eldridge. 1.1eal.

Robert Ellingsworth, G. Ellir, Cottnn Ellie, Rer FMB., 11. U.

(Jack) Elverfleld, Henry El•Idge, Conlon Elwell, Isotiald Eremite, 9 IL Engle, hiles Eerie. Sam Ede. Adam (Pope Ediew Euvrell. Lance bleana. lien Evans. Frere 9 Eton.. int.., Even, li. C. Evans, Sara Ewald, licor,,, Ebner. Rant Fettled, Ler

NI hen Writing for Advertised Mail, Please Use Postcards. Also state how long the forwarding address is to be used.

EOM,. J. L. l'eley. Timor Fermin, Joe l'arr. Crank Earn, Verl In Earrell. Fermll. E. S.

Fearless, Tinny Ender. Harry

ttttt It. J. Peneak J. Kocher

Earl O. rtf.1411 ,11. Freaultla N'errante. Feld,. Denny Finkle, {Vie. H. Vinton. Jeff

lode IfItte. 10,191,

it/oldie) Flan n M ink., leleelsede. Ray iflowL Arm...

Wonder Snort, J. Frenne Irloisn. J. F. P. Foley, Bel Foraler, C. F. Mird she georlellan F.... Inn, / l'on]. Prof. C. Font John IlarlaY laid. Sam l'or,!. \Vintage E. Ford, Tom

Iluel Former, Fred Penh, Allen Forth, It., Prole, Freak Neater, Vie J. Fier Floine

Mabee Yonne, Oakes Fowler. I' J. Fowler. El louer ato Tony

Inners, I. J. Franei. Boo Frelerlelo, Ilualeel Errelant. J. G. Erenpari. nark, rowan..., It V-Freeman, The Fenner the Great Fneti, Trrite Frost. Jack Pollen-on, Rube Fuller. El Fuller, Robert II,

Lester Fulton finceiallY

Ca. Ewan, Frank Erarios on Je,a Fume.. Frank riaeinsa. John 11.111n, Red Galin, Joe Galloway. Eddie

tap Calvin, John (ramble, Ilanyld tradield. Doe Garr ink.. Joe Garlock, l'Aile «-Barrett. ales R. Ga.kill, Jack Own, Rol Halewood, (lift. Gatlin, Jo.. Paid Goy, M 11,1.11 Deem., John Hensler, Henry Gee, E. Cann. Everett (Hone, 1,11 George, Frank Hewes. Toni

Jmeph Het, Irving Geyer, Jerk Giblets, G...., A elkne C. 011hron, Dave Gifford, BIM, Cillwat. Cleo. 0, Gilbert, Clear» L. C Alert. Derry Gill, Frenk C..

Einnahl cultleten, Ceo. D. 0.131115, Lieowd Girard, Cl,.,. R. CI, as..n, Arthur Clover, Geo. IL Glynn. BM Godwin. hers C. fleet; Auntie Hohlern Eagle

Carnival Co. Goldsten, Al

Genres Garth. rhea. O. rIss1,.... lar Donlon. Boy Honinne. Misdeal Onsa. Itolort

(Alias Crane Homage. ti. C. Oregon! rn,...01 (Dent. Frel D. Graves, Eddle Diana, %Vendome Gras, U. N. Gown. Col W. E. Coen, Themes 11. Hreenhagen. Scotty GremenerCr Heide Gre‘ory. t,. B. ..i;„,.eve. scenic' (I ribbon. George Chit ilea. Griller, Jell.. Griffin, Drenthe (HIM, WU...ad Helmer. Harry C. (Odes., Loren Ilrluoley, A. M. tiros, lofted, P. Brash).., Joe Gnerrin, Frank T. Grano. Calvin

Crush., Ilan. Frederick L. Ilabeman, Rennie 11...kor, EA, J. Ilan. John 11.11. Junin 1411. Lev I 1.11, 1,11,1 D. Hall's Colored

Minstrel, Halton, Jack Hamilton. Aren

'Tamil., Wm F. Harm-mild.

Robert Ilendsrerk, Chas. Ilenerty, Tat Basle, William

Ilannah, J Ilanoiums. Iles.herry. St. 'lento, lenses Ilan. Ai Ilardeinan. /tor Harden, tr ni. Ile-don:1. lime. lierler. N. linrrer, Atz•Iln nano, . A. lIeriman Play, IlarrInaino, E. A Ilarro-Eakew

Harr., J. 11, Harmon. i'mnk Ilan,. Sailor liait. Leda Barre, & Irny Bane,, Nub Llechell f•iirty 11 er Ana Iles.1

Orchestra Hawley, Rey Ilninve. Sailer Di

W M. 1.111.1e NVillirl

Hayworth. (I. 11, linaje, Tel /Ink, L. V.

Iletflonr, Drama II err ran Dr. J. Delos. IL 11..1a,a. John fl. Heroine r. lia.r / 1 en der:on. lees lino..., 11 E Ilennel, Rubel! Ilnry Guy Henry. 'loch J. 11 en,. Mlle

11111 llikeanl. II U. 11111er. A. B. 111,kman, T.

lthrgs. Illghtower. J. A.

(Desist Ill ola,. 11111, 0, N,

Cal. r.

Hilley, floua !Ullman, earl L. Ilitrren, Hinkle. Milt

llo.lgi,i lire, I. dark., Arena, Ilan.., Ergot. Ilertnaun. Henry

ten,. Itoffman, No.ode lisle. Clarence I inlembe.

Ileldernew, ti llolley. Aaron

Mr.1 llellInger.

S. Helene, W. 11

Colo Hooks. IL IL

Grins Ilete

Retkie, H Horner. Tom., 'lesson. W 74 llmeitim i Ern.. Howard. Freak lime& Joe

(Whine/ flowed. N. V. Howell, A II. glowed. Ed

Jam. flow., Jena Hubbard, il. II. Iluiliperh. '1 C.

3..1.. 11 item cam 'lull, Como,. Hunt. JImn,a• Inschinen. Tun Holton, A. T. Hyde, Ede R. Inman. Menke limo-. rho Jeekaan Inek Jackson. Dee IT.

j a...'.lra. .ti n.roi Me. J A.

S13 S Jer.r,,ne, Jett. Johman. Chad..

¿J'"colhhinnan:annn:(. Jobno),i. J Joiner, 11.,,11 Jo'unon.

Johnston. Ito' t

Johrienn, Johnstone, Dr 11.

Janes. E.reene 2.1

Jones, Eerie

J Jonc., Bob,

Jessee, Mende I

1'3 It. • icemen. Stn.


Kane. Haan. i>"««

Kane, Laie? Kareell. Jae Kansark, It W. Kernel. Kay Kesel., EA Kararen. n,Dirpte,

Keel, Etna

June 27, 1936 LETTER LIST The Billboard 83 ,..,..e. Ken McK ...ht. Ml,,,. Mica,,,, Ilan, 11. N.N :-.ftsolne,. it,,,al,r,,kh /ter e, Lerm., m peer. Herr, MeLacheln A. liana ...riaani. Ted Irt , lean. Y. J. Norms:id, A. L.

II. M. Wiii.n. rie, Nnym, Tem g.,... etial. II. NI NI. 1., 11.. R. friteryle, J. I. Ken Jot Ihnd bl.•Neelry. It. B. e i ' urn rt. rhos

Show bi. Perk. Jan. O'INre. Jantnlo Kuhl. E. I. M.. .......an,. Eugene 0 Team. K. I.. gnome'. Kelm TIrSpedderi. John IPAtallor. R. J. nod, Allen IL t cNeel. Altren k., trick Mark, Bobby .01.1all. 1.ury

Mark. Charlie Ilthrurke,_ lloward •' Eut. ... (Car. o o O f Lott'Sh K ea, ing

/pi, 0. AL Mack IMneIng Lila fugal. . Hart. ,,,,,.. &. 3.,,,, Gide fill.er. Jack

A L'Pe."irrmod elime 011a, A. E. M. Madden. remit Insen ek Jennie:1n

31 aden, err Orhogan. Gen. Medan, Wen. II. (Mom, Alton T. liarLtorr. Robby Osborn. Harry

34.-hs'"' CI'S:terse «..1;;;::: LI"""7" I. b1.1,00, RI. hard lherb,. Edw.

51 ablo. John Pablo Ay. Juan Jr. >tarn, .1.rIc Pm, Cliarlen Ilan., Frannie K. Page. Jerk blendell. Oct. Palmer, Doe W. F. Slemlnerelda. R. 0. l'aimer. E. E. 31 aeration. Wm. Palmer. Merlon Marra-II, John L. Verrod, Ito rl !Iamb,. Ah. Pape. 1111ty a Pape Mark. Puddle Parker. ltel Eno,.

Puddle-. bled. Shore 11.1no, Sou

btr-.. %Celt', 3. Park. Rebt. Marlin. (Theater A. Martin. Clyde Parer ttalm k Martin. Greer Perito. Shorty blarlre. Jerry P.M.. Noble Marlin. Minot. Parka, F. it Mort, W. D. Parnell. Jann 0. !Manta the MYItM pa,r.,..,, Funs !damn. A J. M...., F ro l Parr. Jerk

Pal, Tema Mate), Lee 11,1..aiu.11e..,,try. T. IL Palterer. Jr..

Pettermn. A. I

11mIrauleal MeanChen. Patten... J. C.

Mayne. Gnome Patina. ninon W. May, RIchard J. Patton, Eddie C. Maynard. welter Patton, Glenn Ifernor. Peril Paul. Insl.rronator Ms., Ti.D. 1....noi. llertule Mais. Ill. V. rearm, Al Ilaalte, Edw. n, Pearl. E. W. Ttasre, Ila ',maim. Deb Mc In. W.I. I.. W. I. IA R 'anter Melleek. Italia. ',lt, John Meikle. fl ni. PeInn, Peter te blel.111, Pert Prim. Franklin R. blerehant, Ted Perrle.r. Abe Merry. Al A pmmer. Ilan1

Viminla P. ' ,w inkle Player. Merrell. Jinn, Perrin.. n (11113

Lea Ileehel lier,,,,,. Lends in.7.Tring. Graham Tier... Cad p...hong, William Mere, r. II. Peters. Eden

Dutch Prtenan, IlenrY P. Wynn. GeOnre Petty. J. I-

Ihrwhert Frank E. Silsal. tea PhIllne. Edgar Lass, uf 11111er. A. II, Pifer. Debt, lamella, Martin Mil.,. F.eil M. Pike. Rill i......iler. Claude ¡filler. Hi final. lacere. Sl'allar Tinley. Larry I...., 111.1 ,PY billler. Itnehena

Miller. Rohl. Loam, trienenee 111111ean, lank Lela, Elmer Indian In. Mdiin W. 11illiken. J. A. tear U. Lany trill, Allan

Mills. Henan Wilt, Geo. 31 ,1ton, Daze Manic World

Carnival Mitchell, Adam. 51lieliell. Holt Mitchell. n"..tor Mitchell. Earnmt


[Per. II• ge. la« khan, **".. Lint Earle


II. Faun gwohlan.t. Rail

gs,eht. troth, t errohl gmen. KAMM Kea, A- W. Kurt P.',

E. Wet.

grainn. Irealef. P. E.


Miii Inarh. Art & than goner. flay is. Erina. ECd Stile, 0,, knee,. Pod. lea. Vera. Fort „ larynx. 11.0 Lana, G. F. tiMerr. Pre.

Weld's Lain. 11ohlthe Gar., Barn

(lied«) Latirti. Frank X.

Pen Wm.

Lana, Brownie Herman Rae

Lander,. Eddie martert. E.

Frenchy unaor. laalint 'tarry Lowe. Jerk X. La', 0131. lantim. lion .1.

Leo Lerda. Welt« tangle,. It. C.

Lot a La Free ten Re. Ln. ¡loti. Let ItaIter W. /en., lark I.Pr1 fang Van.. Clifford let, nonce Pt., Dr Ind IA., Lewis MI.-hell, jrán led, John .1. S111.•Irell. tarry loll-, 11111, blItetrell. 1-mrie lanurinmis. Meta 11111..1..41. Mike 8.

O. M.arle..11. Myna, 1.11, Walt IL Mitchell. Russell Tem. Sake Mitchell. IL W. L.'s. Felt.« Min-lren. Sam Inuit. Orel, Mitchell. Dim ',nee. lee Mitelrell. IT or. Lech. crrrley blittendert• Louis lest.. (i.e linen. Jermie leyo ',Mg biennia & (leant Lore. Jteli Gilbert Montaigne. Iterlie Luis. 1,1 e M. Clark

lerly %.m. ore], L•rto. T.ank bloom, Punt. Let Peal P. Moore. Frildlite

Eddie Mi-ore. Paul

ta.tr.r, Ind. J. Mi on. Wallet Lade,. °attire Morals. Pedro

Tine.. M. man. Ildly Leered, Roy >brogan. Moral« LIM,. A. Smelt, Moruan. I- O. booth. Pruitt Mona Frank Incireirt, M. II. Meow. J. 0. L'e l'i t. 1-hloi )li mi.. a. E. L1u. Gus >ford, Daimler Iny.racrt Welling Ilortemen, Fred Errt. lt.lt Mnit erson. alot Vann. J. P. linden, Rag Larafrn, Lew.- >MIL la.

Loads. blutr. Wirt A. Lerman I. II. Mirlenly, B. Fl. Lrta. In A. Mollie, Jrnotler Ina. Ilcyhla >lint, Awn. too era, Hut Monloek. Prank leZsa. Itiehard L. 1.1 mph,. Henry Iems Family Murphy, Vol .1. I•ertont. Louie .7. Morph,. Pea. S. Ian Al U. Len. We Maim Murphy, W. I. lentil,. 11., Ilurphy. Wanen Inn,. Norman I I.,rrnv. aillep Lon. Rohl. Murray. R. IC, L.,.. At

Murray. Eugene It.'n,. Frank Murray. Jame. Lait Pe Murray. J. A. Lin! Prod Won., Ken

Moro., Met. PHI, 38..., ,: Jmplell A. P. Marto, Her] F.

inn, ai. Slyer. John F. Peal Mt., C. N.

llirit.n, Hein. Utero fe St_ John» 31,....h an. 3 II. '01,11*. gam

Nally. Frank Nash. Joan Naugle. lawn-nee

n. Neal W. M. Nenthery. (1. T. Weirton. Kenny Net., J. M. Notion. Milton V, Neer, One Nel.on, Om. New Den Newherry. John Nenman. Tel Newton. Earl FM Nido. Malab Nock. Stuart IL

Mtlanthan. W.

genellen. Ti. r. T. J. E. D.


k lee. I. P

X ...1 neut.I/



l'Inrold. !nth« P,nlonern. .7 W. Pls.-, Lewitt E. I'i ,,,,,,,lrad (1. A. 1, 1,111. JoAn Polk. neon, F.. Penn., John A. Pol.«, Mama Poole. R. A. Pone. Chan. W. Tao., G. It. Pore>. Watley C W•rne Pogue. A. H. Pottle Jr. Wm. Pnolut Sin pone., Power, lien

'ten, pp. Um. Wm.

rerroel, Dam Print. llogh Pringle, M. E. Poet., Herr, Prrknit, Sam Pone.", IT. Fe Pao., Me Prtl. 11111r

Inn, Torn 3.

.e,nro. Thee. nail, J. O.

ulno. Johnny

llatv,n, R. Ife J Item. oe

Ragan. Bob ftrelm• 1. L. R. Rolm, M. IlunrnIl. Jar* It•nmer. jr.

Ti, , R. Rented, Eel Han, Nei II. Itateraln. Karl

Olden It.,. Ihrstre flay. Charles

Eninnnt 'lay, Freddie liai. JAY Hato., Walter / 11.1non I. flared.)

.1. Ratner. P. E. Barn. Ned

blartInea lhadroann I. Prof.

R. L. Ream..., Jaen 14a.e.. J. D. Red For. Jere llene. 3. W. non-., John./

Ihetelle lbe I, Wire We... red Urn..,. Rob

nil, lien Reiner. Frenk Itelnh isn't. Ilan hiel anti. All,,. Ile,. 1,1w. A. lirr1111, Chaa Ilex. Mat

Crrtl Ilecerrold.. Ilan, Is Reynold.. Jerk


Ile. notla. Mai T. J.

111.et•ro. Rohl. /I hoed., Jerk ItInnle., Ent Ile Rhodes. John

Duet/ Ihre. Tian. Citrons RI,... Vern lalrhards. It It. Richards. lerrabli


Richard. Get IllIlle. J. It. IL,lionme. 11. Fa/ It.rd, Fred 'turd. Joe 11cnt. J. . Itlel,14 L , A. It. Itiler. Cant. Dan Utley, Der Inlet, liant lines. Mtn. J. lid,. Il.'.

JrsX 11 Ihnewalt. ./. Clark Intel., John it tn., Flory Itoarh, Win Lloyd

Tletor Rehm., Gen. C.

J. rt, Robert, M. W. Roberti. tValter Ileherhon. A. Ro-e Roberts., John Unbutton. ('ha.. Itohirrtnn, IL Chore. nolrinse, Rea Robinson, SIDer

Itoekreell. Jnhnnle !lodgers. 31m It..., Ira Roses a. Colton Rimers Itaii.h

1101010. He:TM needy. Ix. Itool, Henry line..., Carl Ilene, Dave.

Chernleal Co. Jcek.

cal Con. Remelt. li Itounharaer. Mgt norczela D, Joe

r. R. Ilona. rm. Ilona, Joe It. wan Jr. W. H. Thneland. Dam llowleml. net Royale, ',rune Rubin, lleuer Rid, Dale Runnel, Albert F. Runyan. John

Ilrnolta Rine, Avert» A

Glut, Rumen. Cant

Pranels Rumen. Get 1. Rutter. It., Klan. F. W. Ryan, Jarnm J. lira,.. JnIrn

frntrolil l'alite. Sant,. Halter, Derry Ramon. G. M. Sanders. L. II. Manden. Monroe Santa, Seek Saunders, Harry Haiinden. Jot FL Hantell, Rudolph Seater. Rennet R. liatayar, Marvin Sat. Albert Scatteolay. li. O. Schaffer. Chet.

Rehatrer, Ray 110.111. DnYton Seldanolln, PAW. tichniehte, H. O. Nehnet ler. Ed Nehnek, II. 1.. ...en, !tad Sehmder. Carl

Rehr-hoe, Gene Nehulte. Gila Sc-rt. It Ii Rendrneff. Wm. Hears. Ir. O. Irntold • nain Selly, Joe

Vrmll Setter. Ray Fe.enton. Pete S..........TIt tr. natter. Woe. Shannon ii . Ilany Share. Chan.

tHlmr Sharp. Delete Shank.. W. M.

Rhartell. O. P. Sheen. TInnothy Shut lord. Wm. O. 51.511. Jock libelltaterger. II.a.

Rhelptnn. flatemen Shelton. Iloe Shelton. Toby Shepherd. A. E. Slientraol. It. It. Sherman. Tel Sher-mood._ It. D. Hhiehl., Purl Shinalreara.r. Goo. Ithlver. Itugcr.e Sherry, lee Water Kennett, Dr.,

Show Rica. A. blitgrirt. Aden. Jotn 1111Inger, licol. Sliver Tongue,

Chief Flinineen. j. Ti. impenn.

Pleat arena a

Sin, J. P. hint. F. J. ti r. or, R. Henri S••rcr. Lord• ... ,1•11r.

elsoley Slur), Private O.


Rena, Booed liberates. Ur. hill...hoe. Alex thwatoires. Chan. Henna. Carl Boren-en, Amer Kart. Jos Smith, Wm. Rum t lie. Stein Mrencur. Spleeny, Plul pidtneer. Joe Horan', 1 hewed tipmat. Elln,n Mt Johns. Art RI. A. Gem Si, Marie, Cecil St .'Meek Stack, WhIlle Stahl. Kenneth Stanley. Cl.a. W. Manley. W. It. Stanley. Peery starrier. Gr.1.11dotà Struiloy. Mart trMnley, Mite Stanley. Rude Stanley, Man Stanton, In. L. Staple. Ponnve limelenek. II. 0. Matt W. R. Steel. /Idly ,f:teirnon . Cflacy ad

Steil, LIT. Chiflo Stm.fran. C. C. Ntephem, Jahn F. Stet.' em, 'talon Stun.. Al Rosen». 111117 Stevens. O. W. Stevens, Thin.

Wood Nireenton. Geo. inetemon, Joe

Lee T. Monet, A. J. Stewart. John Tod Alin. 3, 3. inIngeland. Frank

& Van Piet W. F. Slott L. F Mona Lloyd IL Mena. tire. U. Stene. John Moen. Organ Man Iltrery. Ted Stoic Pipe Merkel. Tinned. !Ilene, Alit..

11111 Strong. Errelnd

Fuhá Strible. Inange r. 8mient. 11,1.17

ezt. 'rut% Inntra. (Isle Si,., Also Sullivan Dancing

GUM %Breen. Kokneno Runner, Pahlnk

Sedltran, W. O. thrennerre. Ros.11. Raeford Sloe, Mat Swam. W. I. Synuelka, Dr. Sn-lka. Stare I', 1,11. Shorty Sella A. Ards TIMM, Elena Tidies. Geo. Ilerin Ttn A.Wa Mel.

Co. 'Parent, Edw. R. Tort. Itol.t.

lien. Tatum. Hart

Renal» Taylor. Albert Tailor, F " W. Taylor. It. Cecil

pie,. Taylor. Raymond

humuS Tina., Win, It. Taylor, W. O. Mono, jam. Drnipletan. Patrick

O. Termed. Theo Terrell. 111111. á

Ronnie Terrell. 111117 Ter, Arthur Terry. J. Teter. Jimmy Torno, Mitchell Title/Ma, Thomas. lavon

Watered Midget / Thom.. Leo Thoenneen. Thong..., Plea Thamo.... E. L. Moortmoin, Frank

Lee Thrunginm. Millar Tlitungemn, litanies Thornton. Fol.,.

tre Thornton, Tree Minna, Ittl.ton

1,-ccl • Tut

gir TrItorri. art, L.

11.nor D. Ilteterr.

Si,! ttttt'km.. Gen. Hl

Toner', Jack l'oint. lied linen...tot Caravan

erred, Diem. Tre-cy, Gilbert I. Tracy. Frank

>Jim the Cornell«. Tree!, loa. E. ((lreen Rho«) DIario, L, TT.

Sorn11,-. Cod, A. Sr. tea. Yrulle, Same' Tonal. M•Z

Ede, Rambo Smith. Fletetrier Trout Taylor itenith. (kn. Tin A...it C. D.

Kokomo) Torkemer. J.. K. Smith. Gordon Tullis, Allred Rude), Jarli ¡Ink Dune, Win. Smith Jr.. J. IL Dante, Ch.., Smith. J. M. Turner. G••rY linuth. Louis *Port., Jock

Rule. Ttrner, Smith. Mae WWIn, Edw.

Ronith. O. T., l'inideby. C. R. Wright, Marren Tngl. Rare), Smith. W. F. tinderizond. Wtatt. It. T. Young. Flmer

(redo, Howard el. Wrenre. 11111 Venn.. John firtehrekl. Ste. rafter. WIrtle ti. Tathorouclè. Mae. Mae...Geld

Eugene Tara Aldine. Yarnell. field. Tonne, Manful Moen, P. .1. llowant Vat.... Te.] linellenberger, C. Van Ritchie. yea..., C. 1- Lirlinonn. Mowed

C. Erna Karl 1.110... W T. Van Wed. Ray 1:in.r: V.I. Ilenerd ioder. Albert Zit, il. M.

NI'.,. Shull ...lent.... Ilan, Yeller. Ilan Van Merer. Alf I•an Naulrand.

NIeller Yap Garland. RAY Vane..., I., G. Teaelotleh. Gee VernIck. .1. A. Vernon. J..* Vernon, Bobble yfrnnri.

(11In O.

NS. Vi-sel, Toler* Brut hus Townley. Fred

lien Wade. Rills Wate. Griner L. 1%....1...enrth. F. W.

It. E. 11,1.1n, lank Walter M. 11. Wail. PA

Joesph WIll

%I Raba

Walter, Edw. Wrinlin, )Idler Wart. Wanter, Jay 'Warren. Jack Wrote, IV Deer Warhirislon,

Father Tombone Water field, An,' Staten, II•igh II, Ware, Nell R. It %Mtn, Ken Watson. Jine,es T. Vows, Don T. Wailrind, Bennie Wombed,. M- O. Wear heel, Ed lt ea.., J. s_ Wnner* O. I.. Wellh. Ten We., Harm IL W.I.D. John Weller,. Elden. Weinberg. Joe

Jehrt (loop

Weldnn, Teel Weller. R. E. Weinman.. IMO Wells. Alien Well.. Ja. F. Wells, Teddy Wells. Tnnurn Wentz. Ono, W....wheel. I. B. W -.r. Ron. 3. Wntern. Jimmie Wetter. J. W. W....mt. M. 3. Weaten, S. J. Weattan, W. Wheel., C. 11. Whitaker, Wm. K. %three. Eder. J. Who, Gaylnal B.

Gen. D. NSi,le. .11.1•11

it 1,44. Dick WiroPeld, H. 11, Wl.rie. GYP W1,1, e. pie, Walker Wh ¡ , W1i1t1,.. M. W1. 111. J. 1', Wiedemann, TOP.

%Merin.. IFInnly II-fielreir. Jens. NI'dhelen. 11.00

Willander, John 1.1. Willard the Wrzani

Flyorg Urea

Willer, nearer Williams &

Beetle., William. ("ray. I.. William. 1Mo %Valiant.. JIm

Joe It t.ewrerim

, I. 1-nt C. Sill 81e1.1

W• illiams. Store Pips

Willie•Wret A Itt linty

Elrod U. w,ro., LI. ,,r1 %, .111, >Item. W It,, He Groat Wrtion, "'aim

Robb/ B.thnn. l(reeert W11.1, Oral,

ItInkter. into St rm.,. Winn. IS arm.. Wm.

Inilnar. Harry %%Inters. Flo. I A

Kicky Wiwsen. Wm. Wire. 11arld A. SS i.e. Ireo.I.1 W Paul Wolf, Sti. W. ITelerer. RIrimed ITninirk. D. W. Wender. Tom da

Balls %Cyst. C. T. Weed. Frank

Maude. tTrm.l. It, T. W....1. 1.i.ugto A-%%reel. Pal

Ce..' hiss,]

• .triiii. C. 11. littcti•

St•snl.. ',rant IT. Ilenk

ttt Al St -.real, Kenny

Cooled, /I aye,.

Si- riait r•c K.., Kong.

11, ,tt. 1 r..1 W. II right. Jain


NEW YORK OFFICE Illag Br* ttttt .

.1111iPe List Allna It letal

Aaron, n,,.. Den, related Berger, Frenees

11.*1 11. odn. PrIle Ind, Ed,, Brook, Keterk Vino... '0.11 :0 Courtney, Jon. Dirchne, Th.r.,11./ Davenport. Mrs,

Darts. Florence D., Jett. larlinar, Jean Inn. 'north. Fr. errern1.1. 1.4111an

Dorothy Itermlno. Loot. Hughes, Mar,r

Marte Ice,1.. Elaine Jehnstone. Ann low-e. May Ecnnoly. Denothy LeMite, ',nee Len,. Florence test, Ito.. IA.. Ahran lunette. Stall,

Gentlem Allen, M. 11. Allen. Robert Earl Anat. 11, 4 Jack. Flake, Mitre Dar's,, Par Pardue. Chad." Pend. Chart.

(Seen) Itarrett. Geo, Roy>, C.IL Pelmet, Gene Pell. Ittidolph Rohn Trio limn', J. Ertel Ilenten. Bob Weedera, Ilandlcali Pi-, ,., I. n',eft Pula. l'aill Buredon. SUMP

Jntor T. Cerny. Tliana• Carlo. Fred Colander. Jack C.onoir, Ter Parer. Ralph ('toter. R. Dahl. Raul Dan. Pat Ihrel.ln, Om. Dart, C. W. Rad Pavia. Jimeph O. lia,laot Rote. D. Lear. AI De Metro, Mr. 1i, Writ. Rert !Minna. ()co. L. Ire-an, Dick Du Pont, Ran lemtesan. %V alter Iran. ls dim ri-bet,. rice. Fieldm. Them. Ilahegan. Wm. T. Gordon. Jam, Groh, Plyron Hathaway, Dee M.

A. Itettn, Garry Pei, Henry Malinger, lien lloroolka. Gone lloneer.

treadle) ¡Toward. Purl 1.11.s, Trek..

JnreendeL J. Jn. lesma n1 W. Jtemp. ItIchanl

Ortne... Jake Krene. Ben Kennyoly, 1, H.

(Man Gr.) Kent Jr., John X. Knorin, Joe Kline, It. J.

(Tattoo) Knight, Ilerbert M. Korn. Lan/

NI ebb... Aram Malinken. Iti.rothy Malin, linen,. blanitudo. Robby Mann, Andrea

Jmehhine It.

McCabe M. Mords..Virginle Padre, (lots Partimn. Julie Pe•em, Marione Inc I 1 d o, Penn

blir ('ha limner. Jerry Ihnerel. home 'terra. Iter• IttellaMon.

Ved J. Roberta Roberta Mae. Billy Patna, Mn.. Frank :ache ter, VI Fiteraelk, Madame Main. Ifelon Stone, Tolan Taylor, Phyllle ▪ .a.men. E.11 Vi 'Manta. Kitty Wilson, Maryllne WI*, Me. Ilan, Weenie*, Ilertha Zara. Lille

en's list Loeb. Niai-lin Lincoln, Ned Lollar, Re, E. Lustig. Mach.,, Mr h

Ile. FrIts Mack, Ironer, MacLeod, Chas_ A. atteNeil. Inhn Medlar.. elrarlle Mahoney. Edw. T. Manny. C. W. 11.1no, Gen, 11ark.t, Ple.• Matthews, Arthur

Inlloregh Slant A.

Ilelhan, Jack Meoraerhen Jr.,

Theodore 11111er, W. It Mohamed, Rehm

Den Moore. Herr/ bier:tarn, C. Il-

i Doll Hensel btren, F•lwerd ?Ode:. Dirk Oahe., Drina, Marton A

(Madre Ten•rnt Pmth, Itch Prtte, Fella Pierre, Trot. F.

Ilormir Palma. Jams IL Pre., Charlie Pnii, Frank A. Prior. Walls,

Oared poi..., Ironed F. Partin, F.ad B. Italn..71za flats. Le flames liant. Paul M. Reed, Cent Mlle Ire De, PM lit,ards. Leo 110.0. Din Roldnion, Rehr. Itotlirerli, Ralph Ito«, Ileum

Harry FlImmy, Kul« titer:man, Tog thebbroa, RI femme". Al AtIrt.,1, 11,1ton Tate, Randolph Tendertme, Chid Thompson. FAw, Tort., Elmer

Ituerldt. IL J. Van IMP. Itobert SA .1/.... Airovalran WeIntrmb, PUP Well. .1 1 ea., Whetentght. Mani,

1.arrier, J. Warmer 1-unlr. Timor

Le It,,,,, Plulin

'1 111.7k/6 La Melt. iank Whille. 111

re, Arthur Meter Zero. Skill. ont Leek, Jack IL

11.111. osi oven AT

Mr• Sant Moan. ( Me.

ti E Pettersen) N re, hi,..

Rumen, Wm. Dine handers. Pateleta 111.•..., Mrs Darin. Sherman, Betty J.

Louisa Nine, or. Peggs Patent, Ilia. Smith, Alà• lane/. Mr.. Flint Tecter . MI. Jon.

bladelne E. Tonle. FInuene Itesan. Mary 'talker, Irene Regan, 11.s, Miele W•lch. rein• Ma, Itockne. Sto., Wes...brad. Halm

kiarkarte. Anna

Gentlemen's List Amato. Drin Andeturn. M.

Theni.o.• rtnir,. Robert

11.1 ,1.1n, Esslie I Itoldryl

Rear, Mn. & Mr.. Glenn

Barth. lulls. Inerd

Itr. h Mo.. It,,

Ilenrely, George Flesd

Inoells, Arline 11.1a mt. Charles IS. lirmeer. Jerry Ilrerteorein. 'P. D. Brownlee. l'are

I Pordent, lark rebel, Roy

CI. • LI. Win, T.

CellInz. Wen, T. Cooper. elder, Dag... WIal lie Parton, Elate Dennis. Jack ibellered, Al EnMarta, Fral D.Von. Cherie.

Ilenry land In 'Omni Eagle. Nata T. Eden. !When Elenaern. leak. Talon. Rory FohIhnnk. T. B.

wte. Fredio & flinger radler. Rota. J. Geoid. lnenh Graham. Jonoh

Capt. Ilan/

TIalleheff. Pet • Ja.lr K.

II atelliaall, Le-à Ilernnm. Itrim W. Haney, R M. Hamra, Hap Helene. Irani

St. Choultal Hanneinea, Mr.

Ilette lientIonen, Austin

J. C. Chuter

...onion. R. Z. John., Dale Johnme. Retell Jumo.......1.,tm W. Kern, Harm Kelly, flans King, Willima R. Knalrlord. C. Y. LaVerilA Teal lament,. J. Lon., Burt


Landrum. Gerald

1hrlm.r. Herbert 11. Lee. Ilex LeienWn. Arthurr.

Ilaertienalel. Arthur 1 /Hiatt, i

/dream, (I.e. blarhIn. SVlIIiam

Andrew atelhen. Donee Marta, J. D. blotto. Louie Merlon., Due Morel, Mr. h Mr..

Wm. 13 Illoe litreakal

Ilformome, Mort Moeller, Gallejta

W er. Jaeh

Nichols, Len 0 Canner. Janet. r) Cenral..., J. J. trNell. Tip 'leen. B. O. Pair of 1.1. ',timer. J. J. Parkhurst. liarnt

r.ets« lialton

Priály. Al 'Mehl.. Carl. •

Adrian Aleut. lbablitson. W. O. Bogen. Jerk O. Iielreefer, Robert itrIndtg, Jack Shipley. Earl rimree, Al

Ilarry RInurnem. Chick simmer... W....

Plagianl, Frank Hamner, D. F., kr1....ier, Geneve Reran, heel Tally, N. J. Ttlan11. or..11 W. Tolman-Ir. Mr. Pc

Mn. limey Teo Eagle, rldet


Walker. Italpt, W. Ward, Montt Went, We/ch. Lornent IV•her, Wallace Welch. tharley Win, Billy Wad. Jed.

(Pokraltl Whittle. J. %Viking,. ¡no. %Vitro, Frank Wolter John M cr. .1n.. 7. grni fr Mr*



Eighth ad Ullye Ste.

Ladies' List Ii.....». le.. Mili. illeinrIne. M t..

1,1 It 11..ce, June Rnwrn, Mi.. I, • .... tin:, floto' in, lime, Tier Gr. Ir: or.. C1.-la

CartItte, Ur, Ethel LaMar, Mr., Lout. Clayton. Floe 11.1(tnler, Mr. Jos Cale. Mn Ede. o Wemet. Mr. Calm,. /dn.

Harry Reed, MM. Jean

nili.k.Lrk i*.tiV: if,‘«...".,11:.1.. E. ritn tan'Irey.. n."11 eoh• M. IMIaaraciat 111ra

Mlle FEe "nton., Mi-a, E4. 1-shere. Mt. Dee Fenner. Mrs. I tIke. Mn Tillle

Mildred V. e.o.m. Ittihe Feeneb, Stn Betty Ill nut .en. Trine Pruned, Ilea T Witham. Thelm Hanna, Mrs. Eltord

Gentlemen's List Arnold. Dirk MeColleu A. T. Tiede. touts O. Matan. .o

IS If Peedy) ertrtt. Filed,* a,; ...

Paler. William Il. L . Iteaiunnot, Jack E. ullIlller,.... .. „,111r.acki ket

Perra Pei . rdl,... Mlle/hat CW4111. Ililllet. Marry E. Moran. nutria, Invoralrtut. J. E. Solo., /I L.

Chalkiest. P Wul Nolte. L B. M. Nelson, A D. Clarke, a

1.....lry (1•11rien. Ion C-1,...ay.ten,.n.. Ilroare447nee 7,..,......e...,:.,.......

e»P". We.e.rke'' IR;;:iIlte.,..A.LIlIeT...l.teaa.uelc: Dane, Nick - Paean. Juana 11..-..Ie..a..r.....t.lni„rt...e.. Roam& Ora Lee


Parcel Poet Frenzel. Mancreeri.

1WhItiel nb.,.... Mr, /....n. n..... n,,o.....k. r1u. 4, tte-ris E. P. meite. Sam A.

Ladies' I.ist Ilene, Hem:, 11111, II- P. I Saetit. II. Norman lioltrana. 15.11 Pos.. Paul

Allan. Mis ..a- L Ft.«, Mt. Jason „., . Ilion., Kathryn Greenwood. Mii....,, ;; ,-- ;:e. de ri•ig.y. Mange E. Greer. Petty

Inn, Me., Frank Ane..'1I"i..‘",:st.. rl':::-.'2:7...0 ?Imlay Mat. Taylor. Rummel

Ce.iler. Mrs. Fas ...,. ..,,,iy,,,..i..., :111.....ilinno‘i.....r..n...1ïi4.1..elle IL Thompson R H.

I. 11,ht.-,In,..,% .111.,;1,...lie k,..e7. e ...-. TA.71; ..:.,. ‘.,.,,d....M .„n ',.:"....'. ,..eie.....,,' ,„. ifirgh..''.......rna: " .„'117.....rt

Itel nil, DOW. ,.....1.AM........,ar.Ider„...rtne Iwil 0.,rtrtiy mi.. in intent,' labmle

r - Wants. W It

..ter, M'..." • Mr. n'' , ,• L"./..„...i r,....,..,. . ....... ' t Markle

Ir •cn, Jeannie It.,.. lwaia lge(lonnail.

Piton. Mae* Miller. Mee M . e „.,„„..„... 3

dee LETTla LIST en pare 87

gee Wead•

51 Melt Bandelok et.

84 The RIllboard Jun.! 27, 1936

Ciassilieà oettisements COMMERCIAL

10c a Word

Minirrmrn-52 00 CASH WITH COPY.

Set in entrorm stale. Se «eta. We teed.. Adrintionwet. wet be women will not te teemed «ken Mob, is Cleft With cote. W. W serve the right Co Wert ear elrortieemons et renso re«



AT LIBERTY to WORD Xi. Line Large Ins« Tye« 20 motto IC:, liee •1.1 ham. Fume Trill) le widtir ;rise.

Fleur,. w ,,,, ti of Op. Rine Onle Ke Al Leu Than etie. Cnhil 'S 11)1 COPS.


51.00 up. Stamp brings tree I no. ARRANGER, 3116 W. 63d St. Los Angeles, Calif


AGENTS, DISTRIBUTORS, °PLR - Lifetime oppmtunity with ”Gl•z.0-ildex,"

America% only durdproot, weatherproof auto-polish. $1.00 temple for 50e. SPECIALTY LABORATORIES. Hammond. Ind.

"DTI- S.-MINING HAIR PRE ,,,,, ION-RE. afore. originel color to all Cray Hair, Ban-

ish.. Dandruff. Stops falling Hair, etc. Easy to sell undue money-back guarantee. Write for free literature and Mae's' distributors proposi-tion or send $1.00 for large bet tie. PRESIDENT. Box 538. Jackson, Tenn. 5.27.

1110 MONEY APPLYING GOLD INITIALS ON Automobtles. Ernic,t th.ng today. No to

perience needed. Free samples, «RALCO.•• 1084 Washington Boston. Mass tin. /LADES -luau, LATEX AND SILVERTEX Modes Electric Razors Perfume, Sundries.

!tendons. Novelties. etc. KIARNY WHOLE-SALE DRUG. 436 Kearny, San Francisco. 5.27.

BOTTOM PRICES ON CARDED GOODS-Blades, Aspirin, Breed: Petiots, etc. Send

for $1.00 assortment. DELTA SALES, 49 Penney. smingrield. Masa

CARTOON BOOKLETS. S1.50 HUNDRED: FUN Cards. Peppy Diplomas. Cameral samples

and list, 23c. BUIS Box 2. Station W, New York Fr4 DEMONSTRATORS-A NEW AND B1TTIR

Darner Sample 25e. 100 Complete Sets. 56 00: 500. $77 50: 1,000, $5000. A. W. DOWNS. Mershall, Mich. IY4

ENGRAVED NAMEPLATES. SIGNS. NUMBERS, Ornamental Desk, In/trod Plates. Enamel

finish. five totors, big profit. HILTON CO.. 29 Portland. Providence. R. I.

0001) INCOME SILVERING MIRRORS. PLAT-ing and Refinishing Lamps, Reflectors, Autos,

Beds. Chandeliers by late method. Free par-ticulars. Write GUNMETAL CO., Ave. G. Decatur, Ill. tfe IMPORTED ART PHOTOS, BOOKS. CARTOONS.

Novelties. Catalog 10e. Special hn ,,,,,, ing Offer to mail dealers BROWNS. 353 W. 47th. Chicago

LOCAL AGENTS WANTED TO WEAR AND demonstrate Free Suits to friends. No can-

vassing Up to $12 in a day easy. Experience unnecessary. Valuable demonstrating equip-ment. actual samples free. PROGRESS TAILOR-ING. Dept. E-207. 500 hum, Chicago. X

MAGIC AND NOVELTY stuta. FOR ALIVE*. tieing, give away or selling. Samples 2Se.

Catalog free.. W. JOHNSON. 414 McRae, Wilmington. N. C. MEDICINE AGENT! - OUR LUCKY FIVE

Remedies PM 100% Profit daily; repeats. Write for convincing circulars. Adeess MOD-UN CO-, Dept. B. Columbus, O.


MEN WANTED AT ONCE TO CALL ON with biggest line 5. and 10e necessities

Self-selling counter display: Aspirin. Razor Blades, Handkerchiefs. Household Cement, 101 different items, many new, exclusive. Up to 1257. profit. Experience unnecessary. Big catalog free. PROCOPAX. Dept. 131•ZE. 1954 S. Troy, Chicago.

MEN. WOMEN - CALL DRUG. GROCERY. beauty driers, etc. 5100 profit $2.05 sale

Semen host earth.% $10 00 Per dey. 10e for samples and details. SALES MANUFACTUR-ING. 5442 Market Street, Pa.

NO PIDDLING - FREE BOOKLET INSCRIBES 107 money-making opcorturrities for start-

ing own business, home, office. No outfits. ELITE. 214 Creole New York. 5.21. ORANGE AND GRAPE JUICE DRINKS-COSTS

53.00 gallon. Makes ten gallons. Sells for $29 50. F. TICIKNIR. Commonwealth Annex. Pittsburgh, Pa.

PITCHMENI SOLICITORS! MAKE EXTRA money with new Stamping Outfit. Stamp

checks plates, fobs Catalog 69-5 free. C. H. HANSON. 303 W. Erie, Chicago.

PITCHMEN. CREW W . AGENTS - Worn-Mint Inhaler. That new fast «Meg

item Semple 10c, none free. CHAS. C. RAY, 705 N Lemcke Ave. Evansville, Ind. 1y4

IIITCHIAEN-OUR 25. "RISK NOTICES" ARE In demand by all Car and Truck domes.

Wonderful poclmt miler. Semple Sc. AIRO SPECIALTY. 4945 N. 37th St, Miwinnee. Wis.

RARE PHOTOS-100. SS: CARTOON BOOKS, 100. $3. Catalog Assorted Novelties. 51 uts:

vio tempo. P. B., 46843, New Haven, Cotent. k

PITCHMEN, DEMONSTRATORS, AGENTS --fast selling, highly recommended Necessary

Household Oevic•. Retails fifty tee's. Cluar. ter for sample dollar for five, prepaid. Dozen and gross lots cheaper. PARLAN SUPPLY COMPANY, Shamokin. Pa. ly4

PROFIT 2.000%-AGREIABLI EASY WORK eriptying Gold Ininells on Automobile. Evers'

owner buys. $3 to SIS daily earnings. Write for details and free samples. AMERICAN MONOGRAM COMPANY, Dept. 20. East Orange. N. J. X

RESURRECTION PLANT-UNIQUE HOWLEY': wrath, of nature Cents below 2e: mils for

25e. Write C. E. LOCKE, 7 Rio St.. Melilla, New Mexico.

SALESBOARD HIN -NEW PUT AND TAKE Jars, twelve different payouts. A natural.

Details sample free. TOM THUMB. Dept. BB, Nativocr, Ill. 5.27.

SELL ORIGINAL 9.11 BLUE SIGNS - 700 Varieties. 100 Best Sellers. $3.25. postpaid.

Quick delivery. Seven, Four-Line Changeables, KOEHLER, 335 Goetz, St. Lou's, Mo. lye

SNAPPY COMIC CARTOON BOOKLETS AND Photos-52 00 per hundred. $15.00 per

thousand. Sienples, 25c. OCEANVIEW SPE-CIALTY CO.. 370 BeaCh St.. West ieft.en. Conn,

VERY ARTISTIC EXTENSION CORD BRINGS Four Electric Outlets to your table. Regular

$2.50. Samples Prepaid, two for St. Dis-count on quantities. ERIE MFG. CO, Box 1603. Hartford, Conn.

WHERE TO BUY AT WHOLESALE 500.000 AR-tides. Free Directo-y and ewer vantable in-

formation. MAYWOOD B. PUBLISHERS. 92$ /headway. New York. ha7x

WHERE TO BUY THOUSANDS OP ARTICLES at lowest wholesale prices; valuable Informa-

tion free. RAYSER, 5 South Sixth Street, Cran. ford N. I. 5127x

WONDERFUL SUMMER I ELECTRIC Lamp Kills Insects in house, farm, garden.

etc. $2.75 up. Literature free. SAUER BROS.. 5228 E. 12th St.. Oakland, Calif. lynx

X SPOT CLEANER REMOVES INSTANTLY grease, rain spots, grass stains coffee, per-

spiration. etc. Sample 25e. Money-back guarantee. SIDELLA CO.. Pottsv.11e. Pa.

101 PROFITABLE MAIL ORDER AND LOCAL Ideas for startme your own business. Free

literature. PRUITT PRESS. Dept. D. Mum. Ill. iir27x

500% PROFIT! COLD AND COLORED SIGN Letters for windows, oilier.,, hurl.. signs

Monograms. Emily applied NEONITE. Akron, Ohlo,


rots for Bird Wheels, Chinese Dragons, Black I, Mixed Dens Snakes, everything for ow,. SNAKE KING, Brownsville, It.. 11.827

ALLIGATORS, FAT. HEALTHY, ANY NUMBER, any sae. immediate shipment, largest collec-

tion In world. No C. O. 13.%. FLORIDA AL-LIGATOR FARM, Jacksonville. Fie. Mix

ARMADILLOS. 51.50; HORNED TOADS Ninety Cents per dozen. Other big bar-

gains. Write tor Prieto Lists. ZOOLOGICAL SUPPLY COMPANY. Laredo, Tex. 1u27

Qum FOB WHEELS-CANARIES, 90c, LOVE Birds, SI 50; Colored Birds, 00e; Turtles,

$1.00 Dozen; White Mice, 15e; Charneteons. 25e. Ship enrehere VAHLES, 319 Market. Philadelphia, Pa,

DEN HARMLESS SNAKES, 510.001 PRAIRIE Cress, pair. $3.00: Kangaroo Rats pair.

$2 50.• Dozen Racing Turtles. $3.50; Coyote Pup, 35 00 cash LIM LAIRD.. Harper. Kw

IIIG BARGAINS-ANIMALS. BIRDS. REPTILES at wholesale. Live arrival gureanleed. Every-

thing for shows. Send for new price lists. ZOOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO., Box No 705, Laredo. Tex.

DONKEYS. 120.00, RHESUS MONKEYS, $12 00: Snookurn Bean, 515.00; Black OW

Cubi, $30.00; Chinese Dragons. $5.00; Black Iguanas $3.00; Croon Iguanas, $4.00; Gila Monetert, $3.50: Coyotes, 55.07: 'lineal' Cats. S8.00: Armadillos, tame. S2.03; Prairie Dogs. SI 50' Jagxelint. $12.00; Boa Constrictor. 56.03 each. Snakes In Dens, assortment, 5/5 00, Horned Toads, SISO dozen: Yellow Head Par rots, $10.00 ...h. Wire orders. UNIVERSA). PRODUCTS CO., Laredo. Tex.

DONKEYS, TAME OR GREEN. QUICK PROF-in. Baseball teams, amusement parks, chil-

dren'. pets. Economical uPleeen. Quick deliv-eries. LINDEMAN. 63 West 11115. New York City. Ivil

HORNED TOADS. ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN, delivered; plenty Snakes, Alligator/. 'Turtle's,

Rattle Snake Belte,, Purses. Products. SHAKEN', San Antonio, Tee.

MIDGET CIRCUS STOCK - SMALL TYPE mire-bred Shetlands, any cola, MisaeLe.

Mules that are real in dgets Matched [Ia.',

a-4 drill teams. FRED WILMOT, Richards, Mo.

SETS, LOVE BIRDS. CANARIES. etc. Largest selection and lowest

relent to bled wheel men. BIRD WONDER-LAND. Var. Nuys, Calif.

SNAKES, HORNED TOADS, GILA MON Snake Fangs in Frame, Venom. Larger or-

der. tor your money . SAN ANTONIO SNAKE FARM. San Antonio, Tex. PPE

SHOWMEN-I HAVE IT IF YOU WANT IT. The Greatest Freek Hog in the world. Alive.

tttttt GREEN. Manchester. Mich.

7 RHESUS MONKEYS. I MOTHER AND BABE, born May 20. I Expectant Mother, I Yearl-

ing, real pet, all féne condition. Also Mouse Cdr. and Mechanical Circus. JELLISON, 820 Delaware St., Gary, incl.


EARN TWENTY DOLLARS WITH TWENTY Minutes of H,.onnt in, Ladies and men

taught quickly PROF. ROBERTS, Smith Lan-don Ave, Kingston. Pa,

READ THE FASCINATING MESSAGE OF SUC-erne. indePeedence, Health and Happiness

for Everyone. Send diree for mailing. PSYCHO PUSLICATIONS, BON 423. StarnforG Conn. Estebilehed 1920. YOU CAN Ji HT IN FOR ALL OCCASIONS

with Trick Chalk Stunts and Re« Pictures. Catalog free. AAAAA ART SERVICE, Oinked,. Wis. ly 1 I


¶2 50: 30 Words, 25 Magazines. $1.00. GOODALL ADVERTISING AGENCY, 230 Bank. ers' Investment Building San Francisco Call'

ANY PERSON CAN MAKE MONEY EASILY. Quickly, honestly. Send dime for copy

Timely Tips--tells how. 0•111RUNE. Publisher, Paulding. O.

BI INDEPENDENT - YOUR OWN business making and selling useful products.

A "Home Factory" all your own, that pays? Details. ELYTIE SUPPLY-2. Linden. N. I.

CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE CONCENTRATES. Vitamins, Tablets, Gland Products, making

fortunes Mail order, foul. Your own labels. iennol IVitamin El. 12e. GARDENA SABO-RATORY, Drawer 13101, Hollywood. Calif.

FREE INFORMATION - SIG EARNINGS. t arest moneymaking opOeftunities SCIEN-

TIFIC RESEARCH SERVICE, 302 Shrth Ave., 1,..ssa ,k, N I.

CET IN PUBLIC-ADDRESS BUSINESS...AUTO-mobrie. Suitcase and Permanent Amplifying

Systern. lowest wholesale prices. UNI t SOUND SERVICE. Manufacturers, Shelbyville Ind.

Gel* INTO ADVERTISING-ALL OR PART time. Big profits, practically no inverotment.

Circular free. BENTON. 183 Chestnut, Liberty, N. V.

NATIONALLY KNOWN MANUFACTURER his 600 Electric hors, discontnued model

Will take 50 cents each for the lot. BOX NO. 390, Rushville. Ind.

NO MORE SHAVING-SENSATIONAL NEW discovery. No blades to buy. Emily told.

Real profits. Formula. 50e. RALPH BROOKS. Arkensaw. Wis. SEVEN-WAY IMPRINTS FOR MAIL-ORDER

men. Unique Gummed Lebels, Rubber Stamps, Miniature Portralts. MePHIRSON B. STAMP WORKS, MicIdetown, Conn


Notice Only aehrertlsentents of melt madeleee

accepted for publication In fhb valerian. , Machines et tttttt rnan tt being adeertitad tt loth. In The Billboard by enanetacturars, distributor, or bobber., may tel be adverthee la The Bill-board.

BARGAINS RECONDITIONED MACHINES. ALL types. Prices you will be willingSTo PaY.

Write for new list. BADGER NOVILTI. 2546 30th, tt.amitata. Wit, te4

BASE BALL PIN CAME-BALL RUNS TNI bases, perfect cordhon. won legs. 510 r6;

Flo. Seel Hid' Score Pin Came to play tee dr nks or trade, with legs, $12.50; One-Cant Counter Machine with 5 jackpots. $7.91; Nickel Machine with jackpot. 525.00; pedeci running Order. Send deposit with Ceder CPBRIEN, 97 Thames, Newport, R. I.

COIN-OPERATED MACHINES SOUGHT. SOLD, exchanged. Highest prices paid for Escala-

tors. In business since '91. IIARL. 1704 Lee,-rewodh. Omaha. Nab.

BAVA). TIT-TAT-TOE MACHINES, LIKE NEW, $10.00: Penny Pack., good condition, S7 50

Mills Tickettes, with 500 Tickets, 16 cc'. IumbOs, eseetlent conclitien. 342.50 each C. H. !mock. 1255 Springhill Ave., Mobil* s

ELECTRO. $2.501 LIVE POWER, $3.50: CHAU. pion. $10 00; Cenoca. $1 11.50; Bette«,

Marbles, Patti Machines Bought, Sold, Es. changed. Cerne or write details. SILENT SELLING CO, 548 Mmlach

FOR SALE - MERCHANTMEN. MUTOSCOPI GOMM Electro Hoists, all late models .hor•

mighty overhauled EXHIBIT NOVELTY CO.. 1123 Broadway, New York. N. Y. het

FOR SALE - $ EXHIBIT RODEO TIM! Cames. 520 00 each: One Dime Extra-r;..

nary Cold Award, 335.00; One Dime Twiri farkpot Watling Gold Award, $20.00 Also larga quantity of other gam«. Write. C. G. MOORE. Doe 317. Bedford, Va,

FOR SALE-8 193$ BUCKITY DI LUXE !He-ger. Excellent condition. All late Sariol

Numbers, 5100 CO each. C. FESSER. 5674 Ocean Avenue, Avenue. L. I.

FOUR MUTOSCOPES. ONE MERCHANTMAN, 510000 Worth Premiums. 5500.CC. Elec-

tric Eye. $99.50; Betty's Teaser, 514.50 Dar.

gains galore. COLEMAN NOVELTY. Rockford, III, t

HORSE RACE MACHINES WITH 30 COIN Slot, changing Odds Win•PlaceeShOw mercy.

A-I condition. Cost new, $32.50; sell $17 50. FITZGERALD. '701 W. Randolph St., Chicam

MACHIN! BARGAINS - 50 MILLS SLUE Front ec pro, $e5.00; 10 Rol-a-Top Wal-

ling. 5. 10, 25e play, $55.00. These machires used about four weeks-COOS as new. Sen. $29.50; jumbo, $45.00; Belly Derby. $57 50; Forme° Parlay Sr.. $60.00: Belly Model Ives, $19.50; Bally Bonus, $55.00; Bally Perri.. $62.50; Golden Harvest. $37.50: Proxit5lx. 4.45 00; Model A Traffic. $12.50, 1-Ball Auto Bonk, 15.00: Western Electric Slot Maiinire Plano, 47.50; Derby Mascot Piano, $40.U... 5 Gmel Entertainer PhonogrilehS. 24 records. $125.00. All these machines guaranteed to be in A-1 condition. Tenn,: On6-thIrd cash a.o...1 order, balance F. O. B. Wilson. WOM81.1 VENDING MACHINE COMPANY. 121 5. Douglas St., Wilson. N. C. MEN WANTED TO OPERATE DIGGER Wi-

thin« in their own territory. 3300 deocist required. 409, basis. BOX 716, Billbear6 1564 Broadway. New York City.

MILLS Se DOUBLE PACK PACE TYPE FRONTS. $18.00; Stoner% Madcap's. $32.50: AO.

"foetid Pur Takes Front Door, $16.00: Rockets Champions Automatic, $900. One 1+.i-dral Used Table Bargains. One-third deeeir. BUSINESS STIMULATORS. 3868 E. Wascol. ton. Indianapous, Ind.

MILLS TYCOONS, $85.00: TEN GRANO, $55.00; Pay Days, $42.50. One-third cash

won order. UNION SALES CO, 1248 Eire Mason, Casten Bay. Wis. rel

PEERLESS, $43.00: PROSPECTOR, SMOG Pace Rotes 5e play. $150.00: jumbo. 530•0/

Tycoon, $60 CO; Hollywood. 540.00; Penance $50.00; Mills Escalators, in perfect cordtion. Double Jock Pot. 1,39.50. PACK °Imam. 97 Thames, Newport, R 1

QUARTER WATLING TWIN SELL. $14.50-1 Nickel Slnele Jackpot $14.50; 30 Celle.

$295.00; 10 Ball Cum Venders for rukt. $25.00„ 50 per cent discount lacrimal Attach. ments. COLEMAN NOVELTY. Rockfo.d.

ROCKETS. CANNON-FIRE, MA1OR LEAGUE. Beamlite. Army 0 Navy, 55.00; Cheer Lead-

er. Tit-ter-Tee Man-in-Moon. Spit-Fire. $7.51 Cross-Country. $10.00: Drop-Kick, Beacon 13.50: Streamline. $2.50. H. KU ttttt 612 Avon St., Akron. O.

NONNI CIGARETTE COUNTER MACHINES. uses 3 balls $5.00; Caille Ball Gen Pont'

best counter machine for any store. $10 0,• One-Cent Count« Poker Mxhine, 52 OC: Daisy Counter Pin Came, 10 Balls $3 50• Mickel Machine with Jackpot, perfect. $25 0, Cash with order. JACK WOMEN. 97 Thames Newport, R. I. THE ONE AND ONLY--4.000-PLAY PIONS>

graph Needle. Eliminate sondes calla yourself to real economy. 75e each, 3 . 52.00; 12, OrS 00. Prepaid One...lank P. e SALES COMPANY. umbdcw. O.

June 27, 1936 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The Billboard 8.5

OCKETTSS. $11.50t BEAT IT, g4.00; COAL Lim. $4.00; Punchette, 5800; Action Jr.,

$400; A. B. T. All Stars, $12.00; All Amen-d, $11.00; Arnerimin Beauty. 37.00; Auto-pek, Moe, $8.00; Beacon. $6.00: Big Bertha, ECO; Big Ten. $12.00; Builder Upper, $6.00; „skede. $7.00: Cheer Leader. $14.00; Clio-j: (1.00: Combination. $9.00: Mills Jr.

Pk*. $6.00; Criss Cross. plain, $5.00: pocs Kick, $5.00; Electro, $5.00: Fire Chief. 17.03: Five and Ten, $11.00: Fleet. $5.00: aryng TraMae $5 00: Golden Gate $5.00: *eon, $6.00; Lightning._ $5.00: Line-O.

r10oo, Liteabasket. $18.00; Lucky Stara 00; Kelly Pool, $7.00: Neon Tact. $8.00; es Sliver, $12.50; Rebound Jr., $6.00; Re•

ty , $6.00; Signal Jr., $5.001 Skyscraper. $50C: ere, $10.00; Split Second, 15.00; Sup«

firt. $6-00: Three In Line, $8.00: Traffic C. 17 00; Travel. $10.00; Turn Table. $7.00; wet Bound, $7.00, 18 chrcesse-Pleted 10 Poeut or Gum Vendors. 53.95: 5 Eveready 4-Wt.', Selective Vendors, 1c, $1000; 20 Blue-,d Square Peanut Venders, $2 50: 8 Cant-a->eke Cigarette Vendors. $3.01) each On..

required with outer. COIN-0-petATIC SALES ORGANIZATION, 2041 Fifth

Pittsburgh. Pa.

WANT-LATE MODEL usim. Diggers and Payout èounter Games.

Stale your lowest price and serials. STAR NOVELTY COMPANY. Superior, Mont,

WANSID-WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PACES Rices. State price and serial numbers in first.

/ANTON' COIN MACHIN! CO.. 1524 Main At. . Sean Antonio. Tex. bee

WANTED--MILLS BLUE FRONTL WILL AL-so trade following for Blue Fronts; Wahoos.

MIlls Qt. Tables. UNION SALES CO 124P fast Mason St., Green Bay, Wee IMIx

WANTED - IAILLS BLUE FRONTS WAR !was, 5 to 25c. Anything In Venders. pump VENDING CO., 811 North Main, Ptch.e. Colo.

WI ARE OVSIISTOCKED WITH USED PIN Tablet Send stamp for our bargain ilst.

opoogODY. 1826 East Main St.. Rochester. N, Y. Jyll

WE OUT ANYTHING IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT and pay spot cash. Paces Races. Slot Ma-

e/Xmas One-Ball Games. Scales. CHARLES prrn.t. New Bed-

ford. Mass ey 1 8 «NILE THEY LAST-PAYOUTS. IIINNINGS Sak an tarn. S15 00: Rockets. .001 Q. T. mew,. s20 00; Kings of the Turf, $35.00;

Itkneavouts. Neontacts, $10.00; Subway, $S.CO; Time $7.00; Twenty-One, 17.03; Safety Sew, $5.00; Rebound. $5.00; Kings of Turf, g.03: Autoddt Tickeft, $12.00: Pote.ount Al; Autobenk, 5'7 CO; Angellto, $5.00. De-

bbie required. AUTOMATIC COIN MACHINS CORP. 369 Chestnut Shear. SPringliekl. Mesa

S PENNY SNACKS. $22.30. RAC. LIKE 114°E2V7;; 5 Penh, Northwestern Merchandise.. $5.00

met, 1 Advance Cigarettes Machin. 4 col.. like new, $22.50. Z. P. BURK!,

Exe.er. N H.

25 FACE BANTAM DOUILE IACKPOT, S21.50 inch/ 25 Mills and 1er/rung:Goose-Neck Twin

Ikkonts. 515.00 each; 10 Dukes with Coln Seer., 512.50 each; 20 Rockets, 86.50 each: 34 Nmelty Pin Carnes, $5.00 each; all ma-elm' in good condition, leek like new. SCHWARTZ O CO., 401 Bidwell. Fremont, O.



ATTRACTIVE EVENING GOWNS, WRAPS. Chorus Sets. Slippers, Stage and Street Cos-

tumes. Lowest preces. C. CONLrf. 310 W. 47th. New York.

SAND COATS, FLASHIEST. $2.50; RED CAPS, S150; Mess Jackets. 52.00; Ballyhoo Canes.

Celesta. Hulas, Tents, Velvet Curt•ins. TN.*, WALLACE, 2416 Nor*. Halsted, Ofse.go.

SAND UNIFORM COATS. $3.00. NEW tAes, 71 .00. Other Uniforms. Circular Free.

W•iie 1ANDORF, 172 West 81st Street, New Ts& N Y.

CHARA ESL EVENING WARDROBE, RUS. ber, Busts WIgS, -nett. Opera Hose, bar-Ms Female Impersonators' Outfits. Calla-n. 5e. SEYMOUR, 246 Fifth Ave.. New York.

IAGLI FEATHER BONNETS, BIADSO ELL ont. last .11 tortiOns. $6 .00 up Sioux

Neeessi,. Cuffs, Belts, Strips. BACKUS IN-DIAN GOODS. Florence. Colo.


or any 5 formulas $1 00 C. O O. and post-ale FORMULA WIZARD. Parkwillo. Ky. 1y4

CEPUT ANALYSIS. RESEARCH. INDUSTRIAL Development. Estimates furnished. New-

est guaranteed Formulas. Beggreat catalog hoe Special prices, leads. GIBSON. Chernisl.

Sonnyside, Chicago.

10111AULAS - LATEST MONEY MAPISKS. Write for free literature describing newest

tomer'ss for fast sellers. H. BELFORT. 4042 N. Kegler, Chicago.

l"MuLAS-T111 KIND THAT PAY! GUAR weed. Dittorme! Latest I Best! New

Lies Fred B. TERRONI. 22 Static, S. Brook-"- N Y. HARI FArr settiko Pilebbefl AI HOME' without machinery. Easy. interesting, Profit'

Guaranteed formulas. Catalog free. "▪̀ "`ICO LAIS,, 50, Park Ridge, III. tfru!

MAKE FAST SELLING PRODUCTS AT NOME without machinery. (any. Interesting, prof -

hable. Guaranteed formulas. Catalog free KIIMICO LASS.. 50, Park Ridge, 111,

MEXICAN CON CAINE. TAMALES, GALION/. Mmncan Warms and Mullesan. fn. 50c,

or C. O. D. TEXAS CHILE CO.. Parksville, Ky IY4

StICCIED WITH YOUR PRODUCTS - MAKE, sell them. Learn how. Formulas, Processes,

Analyses. Catalogs, maulers free. Y. THARLY CO.. Washington. D. C. lu271t

WHY PAY 2 TO $5.00 FOR ONE FORMULA. when you can get the book of 10,000

moneymaking formulas for only $3.75. post-paid. THE LITTLE COLLEGE. 516 NO. Stet. St., Chicago.


CONCESSION BUSINESS-2 ELECTRIC CORN Poppers, Cotton Candy Machine, Pullen

Machine. Hemburger and Hot•Dog Outfit and rums Portable Stand. For quick cosh low price. A-) condlton. AUGUST YOUNGBERG. 312 Arch St., Cloquet. Minn. CORN POPPERS- et* SSSSS ROTARY. ALL

kind., geared popping kettles, f-Nifiz kafflefr furnaces. Our prices are lowest. NORT1411113a CO.. 2117 Hardens. Din Molnan. la. Iy18

FOR SALE - LLLLL PRAYER PENNY EN-traiving Machine. 3 cuts. chem. ARTHUR

ROSENTHAL, 58 Peterboro St, Detroit, Alsn

FROZEN CUSTARD AND ICE-CREAM MA-chines, $150.00 and up. Write or wire

FROZIN CUSTARD MACHINERY CO,, 869 Thomas, Memphis, Tenn. Ju27

FROZEN CUSTARD MACHINE-COU Outfit. In perfect condition, $350.00. BOX

717, Billboard, 1564 Broadway, New York,

LARGE HILDRETI4 CANDY PULLER-EXCEL. lent condtlon. Also ers-Cutteng Machine.

Will sell cheer.. YOUNG. 9032 North Claren-don. Detroit, Mich.

LONG - RANGE SHOOTING GALLERY .--13x8 Moving Targets. One Target Pistol,

Striker, 36 Piaster Bull Dogs. H. B. SHERBAHN, Wayne, Neb.

NEW VELVO FROZEN CUSTARD AND ICE. Cream Maohlnrs, complete Frreceng and

Storage Unit. $159. Write FROZEN CUSTARD CO., Tostonie N. C. ha/ POPCORN CRISPETTe MACHINES, CORN PÔ

pers. Carrnelcriap. Potato Chip. Cheese Coat-ed Corn Equipment. LONG EAKINS, 1976 High St , Springfield. O.

PORTAILS POPCORN MACHINES. KETTLES. Burners. Tanks, Carmel Corn Outf Its. Special

low prices on all Poppers. GREEN MFG. CO. Newark, 0.


McCarron. Lake St. Paul, Minn.

SIX HOT BOX STOVES WITH GRIDDLE READY to set to counter for fed... etc. Gasoline

pressure. FOX PROS., Newark. 0.

TWO FACTORY-BUILT PORTAILS SOWLING Alleys. Will trade for Melts 5c Imerpots

with Compulsory Skill Control. BOX 183. Harmony, Me.

WANT A IIARGAINt USED LINEN FROM theatrical flats, also Back Drops. Write for

Inforrmtion. MEADS'S. 207 Pearl Street, Mid-dletown, Conn.

AUTOMOBILE AMPLIFYING SYS-.... cost $200.00. used once vell $100.00.

5125.0Q Suitcase System, 535.00. Others cheap. DONALD KENNEDY, Sheittyville, Ind.


Ai EUROPEAN ANT CIRCUS - ALIVE, tinkilJO. novel. Cerros/ties. Human Fly Act,

Crime Shows. Chinese Mouse Circus, Unborn, Illus.... 2-Headed Baby, Octopus. Quinhak lets, thousand other bargains. UNIVERSAL. 849 Cornelia. Chicago.

ACROPLANI-A-1 CONDITION. PRODUC Eyerly Aircraft Corp., thrilling ride,

transported, must tell at once. EDDIII MAC, Cedar Rapids. Ia. ADULTS CHAIR PLANE, 16 SEATS: KIDDIE

Aare Plane. 8 Planes: Porteble Dining Car, fully MuiPped. CALVIN GRUNER, PI Mlle, Ill. h/4

CIRCUS BLEACHER SEATS. ALL SIZES, NEW and Used, out or indoors, with or without

foot rests. PtNN BLEACHER SEAS CO., 1207 W. Thompson. Philadelphia. Pa. Iu27

FIN! 20-WATT SUITCASE AMPLIFYING SYS-tern with 2 Speakers. complete, $50.00.

Electric Culler. $35.00. Both Ilk, new. MORELLI SMITH. Shelbyvige. Ind.

FOR SALE-EXCELLENT PO* L FLOOD lighting system. Includes ten kilowatt gen-

erator and engine, •igh, flood lights. teeescop-Inn Poles. five hundred feet neherized ground cable Fen.' Thousand Dollars gets it. K. A. SCOTT, Emporia. Kan. FOR SALE-PARK LOCOMOTIVE AND THREE

Cars, good a, new Each rat watt twelve children or eight adults. C. E. GLENN, Evans City, Pa.



ror Back, over 800 Assorted Knives. Daggers, Pegs and 100 Rings, all pocked In two trunks, $85.00. A. W. DOWNS, Marshall, Mich. ki273

GYMNAST AAAAAA TUT-STEIN. UPRIGHTS, complete. 7 ft. wide, 14 ft. high, built by

Simmons, with SpecIal Trunk, 45-1n. long. Comedy Props wen Trunk for Comedy ,eg-ging Act. ,

Apparatus, ratlús, Props,t sacriany ficed for $60.00. 14UTCHINION 2014 Groan St., Philadelphia, Pa.

MINIATURR TRAINA-1 CONDITION. MOO; Carousel Three-Abreast. Jumper, $350, or

will trade for Chair•o•Plane. I. IL ALIT. Box 4, Anmostia. D. C.

SEE ADVERTISEMENT CARNIVAL PAGE - Largest co.lectlon Show Bergen's United

S . Three floors. Call. write WEIL'S CURI-OSITY SHOP, 20 5. 2d St., Philadelphea. P. If

WAX SHOW, $300.001 7 MUMMIES, $10.00 each; 2-Heeded Wax Baby, 13500; 100

Wax Fig/urea SHAW, 3316 Sidney, St. Louls, Mo. 3 ABREAST MERRY-GO-ROUND, COMPLETE;

Silent Movie Outfit, complete; Prep Snow Cylinder Organ, large um. FOREST PARK. Hanover, Pa.

600 DOLLARS TAKES COMPLETE ROLLER Skating Equipment, good as new 200 Pairs

Chicago Roller Skates Artesian Organ. Music. Skates, Supplies. coign, ISLAND CAFE, Fair-field. le.


Salary low, but sure; long season. Stale age. Other mused., write, HI-WAY VARI-ETIES. Barry, III.. week June 21.

EXPERIENCED MEDICINE SHOW PEOPLE *mead at one.. Ca0d proposition. State

all in first letter. Write. OLD DOC CLAYTON, Milwood, III.

MUSICIANS WANTED WITH NOV IN-strum«nt for belly-Splretland. Luna Park.

C. I. Lette, only, full eoferences. etc. ¡IAN HUGARD, 1541 Floltenh Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y.

ORGANIZED MODERN SWING DANCE RAND with trensportaten Work under leader.

Give me complete information in first. Ad. dress LEADER. Olcotl, N. Y.

SOUTHERN 111LACKFACE, SINGLE OR TRAM with House.,. No booze, small show, per.

centege. Money every night. LINORN COWARD. Robert*. Ca.

WANTED-VIEUX BOARD ACROBAT. all In first letter. Address ACROBAT. Box

707. Billboard, Chicago,

WANTED-FIRST-CLASS TALKER FOR SPIR-Ward. Lle. Park, C. I. Loner only with

full references, salary or percentage. MAN HUGARD, 1541 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn, N, Y.

WANTED-MUSICIANS, ALL INSTRUMENTS. Salary, room out. Reliable booking. Write

when available, state ability, minimum ...W Y acceptable. LOUIS LANGINSIN, Huron, S. D.

WANTED-MODERN EXPERIINCID MUM-clans, all instruments, Cowboy Bond, twenty

weeks, open July First. Advance Agent. Write knonedlately. MAJOR LEI, Monett, Mo.

WANTED - ORIENTAL DANCING GIRLS, dark. All summer contract. Send M.S.

Man Dud and Zarnar Player. Cansel and rider. AMVEN MEATY AMUSEMENT CO, 618 NIP-Ondterne Bldg. Cleveland. O.


25e. MAX HOLDIN. 220 W. 42d St., New York City. ly1 8

NEW 124-PAGE ILLUSTRA/ED CA ALOGUE. plus 8-page supermen.. Mental Magic,

Minciraadeng, Spirit Effects. Hommopes and 33.page 1936-'37 forecasts Graphology 'Meets, books, crystals and lucky penis. Most com-plete line in world. New catalogue, 30c: none free. NELSON R ISIS, 198 5. Third, Columbus. O. ey4 TRICK CARDS. X-RAYS, LOOX-BACKS, PUE-

eles, Novelettes. Books for urging. 500 Bingo Cards, $1 50. MACIC SHOP, 189 Eddy. Prov.-dance, R. I. Pro


Stick, Midget Chicks, every type Maehene AMERICAN CHEWING, Mt. Pleasant,

Newark, N. J. 1.27«

BARBECUES - INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR models gas or coke fired. Also Bake Ovens,

562 50 and up. PEERLESS STOVE CO., Co-lumbus, O. lye

CORN AND GASOLINE BURNERS, Stoves, Tanks, Supplies, etc. Wholesale and

retail. IOWA LIGHT CO., Ill Locust, Des Moir.** la. Is+27A

FINEST 4-FOR-ID. OUTFIT ON THE MARKET, the Quarters/131k. Made of 1,16 in. gauge

steel Direct Positive Rog. 1.1-x250., $4.75; Enlarging Paper, $5.40 gross Mounts. Mirrors, complete line. Send for catalogue. MARKS FULLER. INC.. DePt. I. 44 East. Rochnter. N. Y.

KNIFE RACK SUPPLIII -SSW. KNIFE. IN assorted colors 100. $2.75; 1,000, 525.00„

Othe. knes.es. 100 assorted. $4.00, $5.75, $6.75. A. W. DOWNS, Marshall. Mech. 1.27 PHOTO OUTFITS-4 FOR DIME STRIPS, OUR new Peotastrip Machin.* either 1 ke.2. or

2% x3 te s.zes, complete. 5140 00 AM supplies at cut prices. WABASH PHOTO SUPPLY. Terre Haute, Ind. kal mom> posy copos.--.PRICSS AND QUALITY

right. Satisfied customers hem Coast to COO«. NATIONAL VIEW CO., Winona. Minn.



tors, 16 and 35 MM: Sound Meade Ampli-fiers, Horns, Pub.. Address System.. Catalog nailed. S. O. S. CORP., 1600 Broadway, New York.

BARGAINS - USED SOUND FILMS. ALL kinds. Of,* Dollar Reel and up. Free list.

ROAD SHOW SUPPLY, 3204 W. Commerce St. San Arno... Tex. ey4x

EXHIBITORS--COMPUTE NEW 300-WATT Sforeewt.(nnt. having Color Wheel and

Spot Lehr Attachment, $25.00. Catalog. CRONBERG STEREOPTICON WORKS, Syca-more, Ile.

FINEST SELECTION OF NEW AND USED Silent or Sound Projection Equipment.

Soundheads and Amplifiers; $300.00 Silent Projector.* only $15.00. Write ZENITH THE-ATRE SUPPLY, 308 W. 4101. New York. ROAD SHOW MEN -RCA 16 MM. SOUND Camera now within your reach. Price re-

Oxed 40%. News Reporter Mode) only $210: Sourd Projectors, $247.50 up. Write for de-tails and outline for making real mono., PALS CAMERA COMPANY. 1'19 W. Madison St., 0,1. cago. Ill. h4 " ROAD-SHOW SOUND SPECIALS-WESTERNS.

ACtIOns, War and Paseo., Plays. Write APOLLO EXCHANGE. 117 So. 9th St., Newark, N. J. luZ7A

SELLING ALL MY ROADS1I0v/ MACHINERY. Silent Features, Westerns Comedies Serials.

"The Master Mystery." 15 ef,,todell k, fin* condition. R. G. KITYSL. Jeweler, permanent, Wheatland, Mo. X

SILENT SOUND FILMS, PROJECTORS, SUP. plies. New Acme Syncrolllns, Portable.

5200.00; Kolograph Sound Outfit. $350.00. FRANCIS KEY. 2519 Jackson, Andre," Ind.

SOUND FEATURES AND SNORTS, nave, condition, lowest prices. Equipment, fame

bought. sold. ZENITH THEATRE SUPPLY. 308 W. 44th, flew York.

SOUND SPECIALS- DYNAMITE DENNY,.. railmod. $25.03; "Dark Red Rome'

also giant films cheap. SIMPSON. 1275 South Broadway, Dayton, O.

snicIAL TALKIES, SAES AND RIENTAL.-SI-lent. &MO. Simplex Sound-Film Outfit,

sacrificed. Bargain LNts. Examination loge. METROPOLIS FILMS, Celina, O.

TALKIE ROAD ATTRACTIONS DE LUXE - Outright mie. $15 up. Prison, Gangster,

Medical. Religious, any type. Any make new Portable Prokictor, 20% off int for cads Complete tailsia program rented, weekly. 720.00. Outdoor Circuit Operators. attention. Your entire season's requirements ensured here. Contract flOVI. Beat your competitor to It. Exclusive leNiCa guaranteed each lough. Will supply anywhere.. WALDO FILMS, Suite 6 Waldo Bldg, Cincinnati.

TRADE 20 ACRES CITRUS LAND NEAR TAM. p, Fla., for pair sound protectors and

equipment. Prefer portables. G. G. GREINE, Havana, Ark

UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED 01111/U1 Chairs, Sound Equipment, Moving Pleura

M.:hisses, Screens, Spotlights. Porticoes:one, etc. Protection Machines repakmd• Catalogue 5 free. MOVIE SUPPLY CO., LTD.. 844 S. Wabash, Chicago. 1°27

WANT-16 MM. CAMERA OWNERS TO make Gontalnes31-Hstorical kiloton Pic-

t«. Records. IMP', 15'7 W. Sant. Barbara. Los Angeles, Calif.


or trade for new or used equipment Bargain Lists. Big discounts now BLOCK CAMERA EX., 1451-13 13-oadway, N. Y.

WESTERNS. SPECIALS, ROADSHOWS-Serials. Shorts. also Religious Subjects.

Talkies. Silents. bargain titi. Sell. rent. LONE STAR FILM CORPORATION, Deltas, Teo,


POWERFUL AMPLIFYING SYSTEM FOR targe rink or big indoor or outdoor thew-

eng. Like new Reasoned:PM MVO. MMOUV RINK. Shelbyville, Ind,


you. Write BOX C-66, care Illiessied. cinnatl. O.


',mot cushions in altr.tholl crazy quilt de-sign.. Dealers, ball games, race tracks, ur-n/v.1s, beaches, etc_ buy quantities. Ems seller, quick repeats, amatmes siaeue money made new! >AISLE. MFG.- sail Wenthroo Bldg. Boston. Mess

SALESMEN-BELL =MOULTS LINE BOOK Matches, Labe. Carboni me se

Preens Sen. Ikaserecs Stationery %V= eider.. Free deals. Coran, daily. Free »Me portfolio. LIONEL PRESS, Coot. LL. 312 Ses. Harn non. Chicago.

SCENERY AND BANNERS A-I CARNIVAL-CIRCUS BANNERS. 5140W. me' elsolicatang the,, on:Wm proves, Nee

merit of our work_ MANUA'S 3544 North Nolotod. Chicascr. Sal


Idea; can.. OUI) with others; prompt service. NIIMAN STUDIOS, INC., 1236 S. Habeed St Cheap. P/4

CARNIVAL-CIRCUS SIDESHOW BANNERS - bligh;l prof•munal work--very dur-

abla rompt service. Summer prices. ROIS. HILL STUDIO, Cumberland Center. Maine.


FLAG DECORATIONS-PENNANT STRINGS. 12 colorful 9-x18" Cloth Pennants sewed on

20-et. strings, 40c; Doyen, $4.00. INGRAM. 911 %Vest 87th. Chicago,

FLASHY BANNERS-COLORFUL DYE DROPS. Scenery, Tavern Murals and Painting, Artis-

tic, Inexpensive. Send dimensions for lowest estimate. INKEBOLL STUDIOS. Omaha. Nab

NEADQ FOR SNOW BANNERS--Positive crowd stoppers. Original modern-

istic creations. Professional artist, finest materials, lowest prices. UNIVERSAL. 849 Cornelia. Chiral.

SCENERY-VELOUR CURTAINS, ARTISTIC Proscenium Drapery Valance, Novelty Set-

tings for bands and vaudeville acts. THE KNOX-VILLE SCENIC STUDIOS. Knoxville. Tenn. lye

Nag FEET SIGN CLOTH BANNERS, FAST Colors. $1.50. We paint all sees. Specix,

Quantity "MX. BARNUM1 SIGN SHOP. Knox. Ind.

40.60 ROUND-END BALE RING TENT WITH Sidewai I. fe, cond. t .0, cash, $100.00.

Owner W. F. STAGGS. Norferk, Ark.


lopes or Letterheads. $1.03; 100 Business Cards. 75c, postpaid. Limit tiro lines. ARCEIL SERVICE. Hamilton. O.

ENVELOPES, LETTERHEADS, STATEMENTS-500 for $1.03; Cards. $1.00 per 1,000; 14x22

Pitlboards, $3.50 per 100. WAJNRIGHT PRESS. Lakehurst, N. J.

1011 PRINTING - 2,000 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.50; 1,000 Letterheads, $1.75; 500 En-

velopes. 85c. Samples free. ACkek 156 Main, Claremont, N. H.

MERCHANTS' TICKETS-5.000, $4,50; 100 Envelopes. 100 Letterheads, 51 .00. All prices

postpaid. No C. 0 D Write your wants; our price, satisfy. PROGRESS SHOPRINTERS. Bed-ford, Irid.

PERSONAL POST CARDS WITH YOUR NAME and Address, 200, $1.00, postpaid. 100 Let-

terhead, 100 Envelopes. $1.00. Samples free. RIGGS PRESS, Vevay, Ind.

SAVE MONEY ON YOUR PRINTING-DODG. or,, Handbills, Herald., Tickets, Card,

Label, Stationery, etc. Send for free price list. STUMPPRINT. South Whitley, Ird. aul5it

WINDOW CARDS. 14.22, 100. $2.505 11.14, 100, $2.10. 50, &Melt. balance C. O. Du

reea eloping charges. BELL PRESS. Winton, Pa


$5130. WAGNER. 11 Chatham Sc,. New Yak. N. Y.


(All Sizes'. Sidewall, Belly Cloth, Cot, Blankets. Biggest bargains in America. UNIVERSAL. 849 Cornelia, Chicago

FOR SALE-ONE SIXTY-FOOT BALE RING Tent, with a Thirty.Foot Meddle Piece,

8ight-Font Sedewall, used five weeks, not a hole or • patch on it. Complete with Poles and Stakes. Ten Lengths Blue Seats, corn-pieta with lacks. Stringers and Planks. Iron tbackets, Seven High. Four Lengths of Star. back Reserved Seats, Eight Backs to a Plank, Seven High. This property in first-class con-dition. /our Hundred Dolters teed' takes it all. M. R. KRUMPI. Shreveport. La.

TENT, SECOND HAND: 1401 CONCESSION. Practically New Frame. Shelving, Wheel,

leyout, everything complete, $4000 Never been wet. 408 EASTERN, Connersville, 1,1.

100 LADS AND 100 ENVELOPES, $1.00; 500 6x9 Hand Bills, $1.25; 100 Cards.

40e, prepaid. CROWN PRINT. Adeohi. O. X

200 MIMEOGRAPHED FORM LETTERS. 81/2 511, 500 words or less, $1.75, prepaid. dth zoo..

Samples free. E. P. DOUGHERTY. Phillige-burg, N. J.


SELL YOUR OLD CIRCUS PICTURES, POSTERS, Programs. Tickets, etc. You may hare

corm/ that are very valuable and rare. Write us what you have or bettor still for Theater and Circus Syllabus. BUDENKAYE ENTER-PRISES. Plymouth, Pa.

WANTED - CANDY FLOSS MACHINE OR other good money maker. Full particular,

pele. fIrst letter. BOX C-35. Billboard. Cin-cinnati. 0.

At Liberty Advertisements le WORD. CASH (Fleet Una term Hick 7,Orl 2, wohn. CURT Onto Line sae seam Bleat

Type). le WORD. CASH ¡small Type, Ore Ad Lau Theo Ile). Meer. Tidal S Parda at One Sale Cab.


ACROBATS BAR PERFORMER....Awird and rimmid Hem

Istritight ir re irfaell1 LOUIS (WEVIRK. 921 N IfIeb St. Stilmolau. Win Jui

BESSIE MOWS A 00.-Mme art, Yen. ke-ttle TuPere. ',needy Aerobe's, airmen. Ladder.

Ward... and riming the best. Pair, parks and gel.... Write tor price and Worm., 13119 Callinuoorl Air. Cl nil


AGENTS AND MANAGERS AT LI Tree. Men. grade. July 15,

desire. connectors, with circa. remora/. rep snit« m Publiirty Aient or Ad.., Man Nowl ear. Arend SIACIE. 104 13e. Pd.. Menials, I'.,



ind" on-iicerm Tim murol reguiered One teeter'. 'rim la the mil/ time ...rid mil , in Amen"a. Twelve ton, ennedrews Completely eunitned. Only Onit.elsm and .1nrrir bonarrld nornenteint• 0e e'er fewent•rivo tomidered. nil., 2305 N. Flambee Are.. Cnenee, Ill, $21

1110HT-PIECK ORCHESTRA arallahl. for loca-tion. Mal Trio, Two Truniertt. Trombone. Pl.

Oa end Imam, iloritile on tier-mete and Atrium. Vecalich Night dub experience. Write JOHN

O. lirKUTZ. 183 Itiolub At., Johutoon, Po aril

VAST 111X.P1101 SAND with Girl Ringer - promn, mix imwt u.ine and cese moue. Mt',-

del aria/spun.le noike ban senand like full bend. Hulase ere to hurt natant...a. three define., trumpet. trombone. rioter. •OULO I...., nul., and

Ilare tutor. Mower, sellout abouter ad Vaud Trio. Old cm do wanton In floor show. Itam low or equipment awl warthone Cas furnlab night club. heel. rtnyntine and broadearting refer...ova. If roi can't pay Met a bend like it. Is worth. don't syn. Shot elm two week.' notice. anx C.eS. egos Ittaboerd. Claelonatl. 1,11

.1011NUIre el AIL,Ile .) them Gowhoy 011.1•111fT• and dance orebewra evadable lnly 5.

Prefer shim, location oer for ri onfimiarra.

ERu ay by. pling twenty m u itrinnenia. fton.

lie Held. Wa.titinael Bawl owing band. We've got inerything to draw and bold

se. ern.. Write ;OAK WERZITEll. Al. Chaim A.. Route No. S. Trenton. N. J. JolI7

97.10.PIEOE 0/11101 RAND .-- thato-saone library., public-eh.. +yd.. 714ne V wreks

ohm marline Atonal 0. Non-union; furore Fluliy flin Youth.. travel and gold front*, hard working sober outfit. Will exeidu oneenkflit critorla In Ohio now. Rider...we. Addrers Olt• CIIERTRA. 155 F.. Nonervii Am., Colomb.. O.



Eater, Sword Ladder, Class Dancer. SPike-Foard, Lecture, Make Openings. Sell? Yes. loin on wire. Write or were bast proposition. IACK CLAYTON. General Ogler's,. 'Toledo. O.

AT LI JULY 1st--edosiced. wrd- ie Family Band will trade, services at free et-

traction for Candy Floes and Country Stone Concession right. Two Buttes, Cole, IY4

INEXPERIENCED WILD-ANIMAL TRAINER-3 veers studying. Experienced keeper.

Young. THOMAS FEELEY, 3020 Abell Ave., Baltimore. Md,

AT LIBERTY AFTER JULY 18T-Georre Burk-hart. capable of managing re. flit. 11.1. Khoo.

Many ream' Mreelence with It. It. 'Mows. or u truffle Lunnot and fornialt seta. Corned, Mod-el. and !Doe of moine. • hoeing rot. Deli, rate Punch. Electrie Act blind-Ruiling. etc. Adeline. 232 VAN NITREN ter., Ilmatleds

Is I g

CLOWN FOR OIROUS. also work. Animal Art, Mid or denude. A No. 1 wardrobe. BOX

201. Feininint. O. DOO KAHN,. - the Man With Two ifralte7

elms Me and Clarinet at manse tonie-metialy and harmony. Rut it,,.,,. modern stile. Brno. tome!. Net, aide, 11,4 Wt.... 8712 IMUT

Ploolioreli. Pa

tell, caper..ed danger, specializing in the Tn..) Snake reveille Dare, wants work

for rem.; al. Toeing Man rid, tool ort4 lob., lannoliately. HIT. T HANDALL. enr..A I•orindil Are.. ',auto. Ont., Van,

YOUNO MAN. 24, wone like bils with mandrel. Item worked nn Merry-no-Round. Um drii•

Inlet Have elm wr,eli..1 1 rtt•a.WhirL AL. l'ItED WECKEIDOcit. Little rub. N. Y.


DRAMATIC ARTISTS LITTLE THIATIR AUTHORITY available errer /Mr I. Duremon. hrturine. inwroction and o,'..'

flat Infer...Mon Tome moo, ability. Write PDX C.58, Halboard, tI-noluall, 0.

HI 1


MISCELLANEOUS AVAILABLE AFTER JULY 15TH .-. YOUNG man with a lifetime backEround in the con-

fectionery business, practical merchandiser and good grinder; hard worker, reliable and sober, making • good appearance; seeks connection managing chain store concession of any kind, or what have you/ Five years in present si-ren. Highest references. Co anywhere. Critters save your stamps. Reply to BOX C-64. B inboard, CbsCinnetl.

MYSTIC (2) CRYSTAL READINGS. ALSO have mystic machine which gives marvelous

readings. Also spirit sumo.. Have per-formed for Mary Pickford. etc. Bookers look-ing for gerrethIng different. Please Inv.,. gate. MYSTICS. 360 47th St., Brooklyn, N V.

SINGING JUGGLER. FROZEN CUSTARD-I DO a continuous belly and will double your

sales. Four years on Ocean Park Pier. Co anywhere on West Coast. Percentage only. AL TAYLOR. 1417 Amu.' Ave., Weir LOS Angeles, Calif.



yugGagegs, 10/5 Michigan Ave., N. Fond du Lac Wls

BANDMASTER, PROFESSIONAL, WANTS LO. cation. Experienced. capable, Trumpet,

Soloist Municipal bands write. Fine library. SCHOFIELD. Bandmaster. Miller.

S. O.


born, Chicago, ill, /Y4

EXPERIENCED CIRCUS CORNET AT L -loin at once. BOX C-71, Billboard, Cin-

cinnati, 0. 114

GUITAR, FEATURED VOCALIST. YOUNG. EX-perienced, union. Straight rhythm, no tolo.

BRAD SENNETT, General Delivery. Milwaukee,

SAX TRIO AT LIBERTY-ALL CO. DOUBLE Clarinets and some Peddle. State all first

time Cut or else. Write, wire MUSICIANS. 615 N. Nevada, Colorado Springs, Colo. lu27

SAXOPHONE, FIRST. THIRD OR TENOR, Clarinet and Baritone AO. Young. sober,

neat and reliable. Write EDDIE GARNIR, "09 West 27th St., 'gear... NHL

SIX-STRING GUITAR-GOOD VOICE, SWING and commercial arranger. Enough Piano for

O4.17le. Libra,/ of 30eCiall for thirteen men. SOB COOKS. 110 W. 34111 St., Savannah, Cas

TEACHER AND MUSIC DIRECTOR.-1 HAVE had twenty years' experience Teaching

Band and Orchestra work. Clms and begin-ner', work, advance work. Of all class I piu Violin and Carnet and all Brass Instruments; capable to teach String and Reed instrument. I have had experience teaching in public school. al. Slate industrial schools. If you want a men that gets results, suite me. Will con-sider offer anywhere, best references. All letters answered. W. STARKSY. 221 Taylor St, Topeka. Kan.

TIMOR SAX-CLARINET - BLEND. SOLID tone: take off and phrase. Also o. k for

small swing band. Also Alto, Location Clehr, Florida or New York City preferred. BOX C-69, can. of Billboard, Cincinnati. O.


Salem, N I

VIOLINIST - GOOD TONE. EXPERIENCED concert and dance orchestra; can double

some 3d Alto Sax and 'Trumpet, Have car. P. 0. BOX 756, Danville, Va

ALTO. TENOR. CLARINET and Vitae-Any elute, all esprit...nee. Age 27, No, ear. Ii)

anywhere. HORRIA RENT, All W. Tee, St, Sirari,or. N. T.

AT 1.1 -FInt Alto Aar, strictly infer... Gerber stale antl lone. Nest pm imml and loca-

tion. Put ale otonthe ttn »woe band. Desire rliallOb tar personal rerwone. State all in Pot Irrter and allow for forwanlIng. RAT GARNER. are 131111murt Cirecir.riati, O.

CLARINETIST AND VIOLINIST, order to work together la orcheihe or radio work Rohn and

relied. Write nr wire. MR. AND 1110f. LE' LAND 811,11", Relnht, Kan.

FRONT MAN. young, espertenced, reliable. Only reliable offers ronaidered. BOE 0-07, Bill-

board. Vinrinnett, PROFESSIONAL DRUMMEN-Yee«, eagle. er.

liable. years experience, Join tennollately. Pre-fer rementard dance bend or fermclota payee elf. Reliable job. only. Wire se write. elating rat SEN revisit 131 Main XL. New Martine. till, W. Tis. Jill

SECOND RRRRR ET-Torah. emu, ride, ranee. Tieing, onion, reguindal. Pratt, Heenan tor

1.0.8wl, glue alL ktoX (3-60, The Bulbous'. nnomnatt O.

STRING RAM. double. Neer., Mande ewe, leant mlialehe emogrems reith gond enrolling

enanhination I,, hotel, mutual Nu or small donee band k:ntierteneed and euentiale Bing, Tome neat, cokes oar. 0110IRGE I.ACKET. .1..fferion lintel. 11.intingion. Ind

TWO HAWAIIANS - • Esperlured sight readers. myna arid may 'reel are auniili Guitar. Ge any,

whore. Mute all in nut 10,1er. PADAL AN LARRY, um The ItilInnard, Cincrom, 0. 10.97



Amenslons and Parachute Drops. Lady or Gent. Trapeze Performance in Mid-Air. Established 1911 Write or wire. JOHNSON BALLOON CO.. C1ORton, N. J.

BALLOONISTS AND PARA, ospl o jumpers operating from balloon, a.,

airplanes. Book early Bueichars and operate, since 1933. TlICIAIPSON BROS. BALLOON CO., Aurora.

BALLOONIST - PROP. CHAS. SWARTZ, CornrnIttees swIte. Per,

manant address, Humboldt. Tenn. 15.11


LOON CO.. Toledo, O. IY11


STRONG, Montezuma. Ind,

BALLOON ASCENSIONS FURNISHED. REA. sanable. Death-D./Meg Parachut• Acts,



109 Le Roy St., Jackson. Mich, 1.2/

COMEDY TIGHT WIRE AND CLOWNING.: SELMONT, 2750 Yard St., °royals, Calif.


COMEDY SLAP STICK ACROBATIC ACT--Fast work in comedy. Open for all occrairsee

Literature. Prices reasonable LEHIMBECK AND LAYMAN, 202$ Lit .. Ft. Werne, Ind.


FOUR HIGH-CLASS FREE ACTS-DOGS, PONT, Mute. Fairs. park,, celebrations, eirbe

NAPPY DAY SHOW, Blanchard, Mich. Ir4

GIBSON'S NIGH DIVING CAT AND DOGS-Tight wire performing both species. T.

acts, something new and different real draw-ing card. GISSON AND GISSON. Cart..


THE ROSARDS-THREE GUARANTEED DIP. f,lyn) agtg. Lady, gent. Comedy. Rule. Trick

Funhouse Aerobatec Act. Lady, Aerial Iran irra Act and Corredy Aerial. Balancing Trapeze Am. bCO u. satisfaction. July later open. Folds, General Delivery. Quincy, III.; General . Deliverer, D Moines, la.

A Tues. SOT COMBINATION. eamiwing of e High Tn.» and lilmiteu Pole. 130 feet bids

with • 5011-1,04 Plide for Life «4 • rtimax ioretaular ciliate,. of chill and darIn i with et ut let. n or other caret, device. Title ace eri ewer llonal dement. pincer. Al,. hue two platform erta one • amulet, Wire Act iloine luirellno Paten Sp. nine. Plate thcinntne. /therm/wd aing. Khi:, filandtitie On 11,0 lei, the other • Ilend A.., el ine flandirar.4 on Tablet. Chain. 11...lta Roller Mutes and many other lost, of email. Hie. Wirt warded-. and Sn. equipment. Alin tem. hond to onaranoa ace aporeranea. Ada.. me V.889. ItilMurel. f'tortnnatl. 0. rat/

AT LIBERTY-Rlee's Come. Pica mid Tket fie

rrard'elteyinact7l*bireletrerort‘,r rro, T'ia,c11 Mich.

AT LIBERTY for Tarim, Palm and Velehratlemi-. Vomeity Mark Wire CombinatIon Juggling lw

door, or out CECIL WOODS. P. 0. Box Ill, Poplar Innit, Mo.

CHAS, LACROIX IT. Original In Piruno - Outenneline No.51, Trahie Perfonae. Nw

buckling July Punt, aim fairs, celebration, , A real Platfonn F11/0 Attraction, big drewint earl Special Illumination on Rioting for night pot Roue I fornlah ini ORO VOMO)..I. and twii.h, this. taring you the amweue of lighting. Tot tee nitli raiment lead wires and book.... I r.s nies 'mew Bade, wok-1W mote. In retort fro lar namely's'. fnet stork suomml, elm co,. Prim for act reemnablo s, pow... Renpnerilde esw en'tt a only. For peril... ad..' CRAM. fair'1101X. 024 flora. Callsetin 5tn.t. goo vr.n». 000. PONY, M . BIRD OIROU11--nue

Net. unit. Glow performance one t tr looter. All olefin mob and gr. features Pm ...I by the welt-knee. Prof. Pernahmika Hare. A real attraction for «ileum. tenet* O. 1n,rt elicits CEO E. RORERTII, Usar. Paa.ahe.ik.'I Moilio, 515 W. Krier ere., liblIcidelPhis. PArlinerre 051111.

FAIR, ION Onnualttees. attendee Can offer yrc 10 minute« doc eet. Amen Ikea

futirrtng "Gro-ie- Ifernealy, world', armillrat st9. mal trainer, and rely awn ampIlliing minion On, Ind coninlet• entertarnine lemotecio. Onsferolonel annotim-ers, local brnadeada, ol. winkling trio ahead nl celebration. Pull unure ten on remowit. teli open. No I, r v.* lug, no toot too mien, pri-m right Wire a write 11011 1.1ASIPTON, Fair A.O.P0)1011 peor. 2109 St'. Remain. boilitan. III. RRRRR ASIK A'S 000, Pony. 11,-okey.

cu. Van work ...where. I'd., Funniiii forming animals end took Add.. OF, Ei itoBEItTri. Her • 515 W. Ene Plidelenibie, Pa 1,1 g 1 n SACni re

THE 014RISTra•- Wee Arr., tight ana du% Lady Rolling Glut*. Gent ¿outer. As gird 55 beat. WrIt• for priou and Idaratara.

THE CILAIETOSS--Pour Art., Do.. Their, Doable Tirtet WI... Mingle 'Trapee., boa le

flutterny. l'illtioud..wincinnati. O. VSUTIELLES CIRCUS UNIT-Ten Dr... Cs.

Monkey, A real attramon. Art No. 2- low bat. Om. Dom and Monkey. YOU can't heat n ence or malty Iseemifoi perede cer arS round ammun for ball,. paste, fairs, COMOSit runnue. Wrim sub.. Penis. III. .--Tee betel.. S°' I lady, 2 Gnu, Art Na.le 1/. 2.Pen.

A waxier and Adagio Md. An sot tta ho Tooth. PM and ability, parked with artier, fore eon to lintel. Art No 2: Welter lined to NM lemon. Dancing., Tomblin. Aminmaulting Ticu Win' Art ernorming 2 different muserseeslie the wir. and mans oilier difficult friar. tNnte- • This art not nu se umbrella end wend ere net beep from worldne.1 Owing to dleemex ,"" iltb of July is op. F. other open our lItton write wire. WAT.TICR HEROD. Heine

Tirdrrlo O.

kEB. SIR, FOLKS, we hare thew acto. Venonli. iltralght. Clown, with &donne. the. levi r

-Perfonnaneee that entertain. boom pew ter anew A.. mound. imaratore and romansi0 term, goamataed acts. THE ILIBILUIONS. board. Cincinnati. O.

June 27, 1936 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The Billboard 86s



like neweese Five years' maieriewe. Sex e-70. Béliboard. Chem/wt., 0

Firk—stela ACE is. EXPINtliNe Is my basin«. BOX C-S', Billboard

Cincinnati, O. Iss21 At 1.11111(EITT—Pianist doable red.,. Air si omen Lssienvore ta rid shim. /keep thew.

• nonwnee It, pnttior and Wane donea r.trIl. IIAliil sreeENNelf. Goitre liaa.ery. se, N. Il-e.


VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS DANCER AND SINGER-20, A RAcTrill. law, Rhumba. tap, yell. Egyptian, no kooch.

vase preferred. No carnivals, no hostess wok Salary open. MARION LAURRI.L,

Checapo Avenue, Chiral/0

FiFCER. TeNOR—TRAtNED VOICE; ALM pie, Plane DIM toimier or Old Timer Dena..

tide Cif/meals. ALFRED STILLMAN. 360 titi, St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ii KINGS—WALTER. MOLLY AND PAT. Covedone. Singera DenCere, Novelty;

me. Colleen teepee Cowboy, Hillbilly ea r, play own musla versetile. Change 2 a 3 weeks. Produce one-hour show. Flavo Pad Dog for acts. Best of wardrobe on and sff Sober, reliable; have car. Stale the best Mo can offer. WALTER KING, Prov,dpissp reiga Va.

YOUNG MAN. 33. SINGER ANO DANCER. See, vaudeville and club experience. Will-

er .o work evenings in city or vicinity. RATE. 158 fast 103d Street. New York City.

St lalignelf for Plaid.. Mattel. Anne these pine to M. rel—Plome eels. Twelve Moe-

sew: rowsar Mneleal Arta Novelette. Reno, Pow Trumpet Calls, Altman-in, Has Tnn res to.: H. r. Rudd. Nall het. svelte *emu ctroing , /.11'141C.U.1 General Delivery.

LETTER LIST (Continued 'Me page 83)


DALLAS OFFICE 401 Southland Les Mee

1418 Commerce St..

Ladies' List AwMwo. Mt.. Jim alien, Allis es,a,...a. Mn. 1.waslord. Mrs R.

Mlle A. Rein. Gloria 311.Canly. lea 1.votivisne. Ilan. rod rm... sir., t'Artie Mom., %Meals i Ivits itheabart. I v-tit. Mrs. Meverente

Divides Roes, 2.... Pa. Mn. Letilse

A. Hunks, the

Dome Mi,,.,. Ma Jackie likomd. Fleets Theme, Mist Peer

lane lumen, bin Wahine. /rouse

Mores Wilmer. Mrs. Bout lasna. Mare.

Gentlemen's List Mod. Jeer a

.1 =a Allan. Joao O-dial, A I

t1 liennre A Ethel

Piker. Odle lawmii. Emmett

Ran,ley, Momenta PI.M1. ilLarlaa it,,.,,. It I..

tarull, Ilene re-vr. 1 K. rote,. Lin

titi. r•A

In, it. E. I:kyle, Milieu, cones... teen 1,1,ey. vim t., h., ',arils P. Ikes, Ike» nee tiniest 11.11 rum,. Psi 4..mt. thirties 1.1.1.le, Knee Kell A A • ens rm.., Lae" aril., wood. GIN., Jai-tie

nula her. Ii. 14 v.vx.h. I.1,1n Heil. RI L. Halt "mop B. Then, Sian. Anna.

cae.. Jolla a.

ItlInne, Ole glive. Mier Knight. Pell: Kalikoodo. levees Lemme. Welter 1.1nearev. P. là,1••0111..1. Ore Lem.An Timer. 1.mi.ig.

Manley. Ivie'X' Millen Ur. & Mot

Moore. ('lande B. Ili ore. Thin A Monett. iawesie Manias. J.. °stole,. J B. rear. J. A. Pemba, Dale renter, At. Perry. Joe Phu. Dilly

illonlho W. Pitchman. W. 14.

111111y Ilk, (1. L. Malt Joins linheds P. C. Sheers. lade R4 an.

tormi iir.o.ndu... Ham, firn(t. Mrelynon. 3 F. >ham. II.. tither Tony",

Mier 111 holan.1

Ann.. Paid Mohler. Jock D. Hoerr, Tom Tiorvil, Pills Thole, 'art

Ilniert SS alter. Dirk SV.11.)m41.

3014 thud Neill's. Lime Webb. Teddy Wed. Pm! I.

CARNIVALS-(Continued from pape 3)

Moire winter quartera Many of them have continued buying and constructing walle en tour. eporred on by the maul-'Mee increase of attendance during the 'Snag months when weather permitted.

Became, of carnival midways being "something different" from other forme

tif entertainment for atoll.. niteridanee— people flocking to the zones of gayety. Whirling riding devices. tent shoWn with their nut-fr ant ballyimen. memic. free

etc.--oerilly•la doting hum,/ post yearn have been veritably heckled by other entertainment and local hued:wen intereeta. Not only the shoes "pestered." but also the public flooded with opposi-tion propeganda againat "the cernival.-This year there is an apparent -getting %Mee" on the pert nf the mermen to the remon for such antagonism. with the re-sult that amusement seekers, have been shaking off the "hoodwink... as evidenced by more and better opportunities for car-nivals and their increased attendance. Right now practically all carnivals, are

preparing to enter their fair, celebration ami other special engagements for the summer and fall mantle. The prepara-tion. Include additional attraction& and rehabilitated paraphernalia.

TI euecessee of the early season and prospects of augmented employment among outdoor amusement lovers can he taken as prophetic, the carnival field twill have one of its best year..

PARKS (Continued front page 3)

are larger and seem to be more in the mending mood, due, no doubt, to greater ronfirience and a better ell-around feel-ing.

"Some hove asid that they were about 26 per cent ahead of last year; eon» as high ea 50 per cent. while Where have said that they were only a little better than last year. but that weather on the whole had been against them. so that they felt. weather being even. they would show a substantial Mera«.

"Payment of the «delimit' bonus at the% time should. of course, be lvdpful. I believe, too, that most people have the feeling that, regardless of the outcome of the coining election, things are bound to be better. Considering all things. I do not hesitate to say that I believe that the boy» are ell going to enjoy much better business, more particularly so those who had the counter end fore-sight to do a good job on redecorating and Metalling new equipment.-

Attractions in Dansant! On the attractions end George A.

Hamad, head of the booking odic* bear-ing his name. le authority for Informa-Mon that the free-act market i. best in about 10 years to far as parks are concerned. Majority of spots. he said. got off to earlier start*. epurring live talent In proportion. Firm has added eve parks to De books.

Mr. Hamles own park. White City. Woreester. Mass.. te virtually 100 per cent ahead on the take, he said. Pali-sade'. N. J., with many Improvements end stellar features end one of the best exploitation machines in the country. Is ,ray ahead of teat season. Rosenthal Bros.. owners. have arranged with 5. W. Comperta. general manager Ringling circuses, for a carload of animals front Peru. Ind., for a zoo layout in the perk 'supervised by Captain Walker. Enna Jettlok. Auburn, N. Y.. started to use acte three weeks earlier, with Manager William B. Haefiner reporting that busi-ness la ter beynnd expectations. Play. land. Rye, N. Y., looks forward to one of Its beat years.

Clementon Lake. N..7.. after preparing for two or three weeks of free attrac-tion., found them a distinct drew and renewed programe for the :tensen. Steel Pier, Atlantic City, has been using nets on week-ends only, daily bills achaduleci to start on June 27. but possibility of starting is week earlier. Record flesh outlet. there Belmont, Montreal. re-port. ble 20 per cent ahead despite poor weather. Steeplechase. Coney rebind. is using circus unit for third eteCesisive year and very euerceetul. Olympic. Ir-vington. N. 3.. likewise hae circus show. bis tale. Dreamland. Newark. N. ./., started with novelty acts in Stadium tinder Creed J. Devany direction, but with mixed results. Woodcliff. Pough-keepsie. and Kayrieroes. Saratoga Spring». N. Y.. are doing satisfactory business, according to report..

Luna. Coney Wand, N. 'Y.. is playing Jimmy Victor's circus in Ite permanent arena and citing oteo. but general park business ha» been hampered by weather. Tony Sarg's Streets of Paris the big feature there this year. Columbia. North Bergen. N. J., reOrgenleed this season. hasn't 'Mown any real strength at the gate as yet, but plans are under way for improvementa and addition.. Including poreibility of playing free acta within the next week or 10 days.

Big Opportunity Seen A statement tutted by Mr. Humid

emphseizeri the fact that the outdoor industry in general has an excellent op-portunity to capitalize on better eco-nomic conditions, plue the feeling that people are more ainusement-hungry than ever before. "As far as act. are concerned:" he said, "every good attrac-tion we have le booked and no act of any standing is going begging for book-Inge as we have more time available than ever before in history of our com-pany. It is interesting to Mate in this connection that parlor are placing their wants on a purely husmee, baila, with no premature. Most spots are exploiting their ettrectinnis to the hilt. thua in-trenching themselves not only for this season but for the future. The bit-. end-miss policy of the past, never very formidable, ha& fortunately, been elim-inated." Harry C. Baker. New York. president

of the NAAPPB. is convinced that parka •111, to have their best reason in perhapts • dreade or more. Dieing his travels both as head of the assnriatIon and of his own company, Park and Bench Sup-Ply Company, he has seen so nuich construction work going on that he feels optimism is no mere word but has a real sound basis. Altogether he has participated either as operator or builder in more than a dozen emote and hais installed an unusual number nf rides and done general repair and renovating work. Charles F. Keller Jr., eales man-ager Mr Mr. Baker's company, Is equally encouraged by future prospecta after haelna worked 18 hours a day for the last four month* In the preparation of spot stuff.

Information from the liainid com-pany is that fairs also have budgeted record outlay» for acts following a gen-erally eueoeseful 1035 season. Future Enetern celebrations and epeeist events scenery hark back to boom dare at least numerically, and those already held have done enteigh good groeaes to make prophecy Of a roay season fully patine:1.

KENTUCKY TAXES (Continued front page 3)

for amusement and entertainment and compute the tax on the amount at the following rates: 10 cents or lee& no tax; 11 to 18 contra 1 cent tax: 19 to 28 cents, • cents tax: 29 to 38 tents. 3 cents tax. If the amount be in excess of 38 cents the tax shall be 1 cent on each 5 cents or fractional part therof in excess cif MI cents. For example, when a customer's total bill it $2. 25 per cent of it or 50 cents is to be taken an the amount paid for amusement and entertainment. Tax on the first 38 cents is 9 cents. 'rag on the next 12 cents; in 3 cents. Total amount. 50 cents. Total tax. 6 sent».

These Individual check, must be kept for a period of not lees than 90 days and the total tax chargeable on such items shall be reported and paid to the Department of Revenue on or before the 10th day of each month covering the previous month's businellat METHOD TWO—The proprietor shall

report his total grams receipts during the month. take 25 per cent of the total art the amount charged for amusement and entertainment, compute the tax on this amount at the rate of 12 per cent, and remit to the department. The arbitrary amount of 12 per cent is taken as the average amount of the tax which would be charged if the tax were computed on each Individual check.

Proprietors coming under the second claaalfication will be required to report to tho department on or before the 10th day of the month covering the previous month's business, the total tax so chargeable to each customer oornputeod either upon the cover charge or upon 25 per cent of the total charge made to each customer. whichever shall be greater. For example, a cover charge of 50 tents le made end a customer', total bill is 43. Including the cover charge. Twenty-five per cent of this amount is 75 rents, therefore the tax will be computed on the 75 cents rather than the 50 cent., cover charge. The tax will be computed at the following rates: 11 to 18 cents. 1 cent tax; 19 to 28 cents, 2 cents; 30 to 38 oenta, 9 cent& mid I rent tax for each additional 5-cent charge.

Proprietors shall be required to report the total rtmeunt of tax so chargeable to each customer and remit the amount of talc to the department by certified check, cashier's check or money order.

Instructions to proprietors of the third clensification follow: The admission charge shall be deemed

the total of n11 chargea so made and

a.. ol ding t., cil Arc, h ha. h. Mirar , the tax shall he commuted upon that clone manager. basis at the rate ant out for three of

the other twr, clawiticatlems. If the admission eherge be 10 cents or lees there will be no tex upon that cheer, but any subsequent charge mane for aide ehows, etc.. once admission is obtained. shall be subject tc, tax by adding the erneunt rit oath subsequent charge to the general admission «Marge and oomputatni the tax thereon at the rate set out in instructions to the first two cliseal. (Rattler's. The two charges shell be added together even the the first charge be subject to the tax. For example. • pniprieter of an amusement park mates a general admission charge of 10 cents. This le tax free, but each admission charge subeequently made shall be taxed In accordance with the following ached-tile: I to a cents. 1 cent tax; S in la cents. 2 cents: 10 to 28 cents. 3 cents, and 1 cent tex for each additional b cent. of the charge.

If the admission charge be 15 cents this is subject to • 1 cent tax and any subsequent charge made is subject Sn tax if It exceeds 3 cents. Add the charge subsequently made to the original charge and compute the total tax on it at the rate set out in the foregoing schedules for the other two claselfications. The instructions were sent out over

the signature of Jame. W. Martin, Corn-miteloner of the Department of Revenue.

CIRCUSES-(Continued. front page 3)

tour this year rut a two-car railroad or-sanleatlen.

'Die motorized field has shown an In-crease. Among the new ones are SAM Jones, Joe B. Webb, Edward Kuhn. Mar-tin Bros. and Bud Hawkins. Eddy Bros. In the new title for the Hunt show. which for 43 years has borne the family name,

Maynard organized a Wild West. Circus and Indign Congress.. which played some week-end engagements at Van Noya. Celle Altho nothing definite at this time, it wag stated several months ago that the ahow would go on rails In

1037, Between seasons the Cole-Beatty °li-eus made a deal whereby a Major Bowen amateur unit would be the concert at-traction, It appeared as if it would be a go. but when the unit joined the shoo, for Its canvas sedition. It did not draw enough hurdles. to warrant it. continuance and it was mutually agreed to discontinue it at Muncie. Ind- after a four-day tour. On the other band. Eddy Bros.' Circus has an amateur unit uhleb has been clicking. There have been several flops this

year. The Jame« M. Cole Trained Wild Animal Circus blew up at the Municipal Stadium, Cleveland. following the night performance May 4. It was billed for II 10-day run. May 1-10. but failed to draw and there was lack of Capital to continUe it. The Maynard Bros.' Circuit hit tile

rocks at Stonington. Conn., near Wert. erly. R. I., May 18 and show went into the hands of Deputy Sheriff Stanton S. Oreen. Reported that the help had not been paid for «mere weeke. An ate tachment we, placed on the circus prop-erties. The equipment was recently sold to the Coleman Broa.' Shows.

Another show which cloned was the Bnekus & Kilonle Circus at Millinocket. Me. June 12, unable to fin any further. It opened at Manchester. N. H. April 34. The Harry Haag Clirmlei. erganimd at

Mobile, AIR.. by R. C. and Sam Schwan. with Harry Hoag an general manager, re-turned there the early part of week April 20 after a brief tour in Southern Mi.-siseippl. Stated that it was to be re-organized. using the old name of the Great American Shows.

STRIKE irrrs--(Cont(nued from page 3)

pier'« in several picture house, hant been granted higher wagee and other advantages. It is certain that employais of the other houses Will demand &Online treatment. The entire amusement field suffered

thru the uncertainty of the situallogi - which for 'several day. was emplaaaMed thru the absence of newspapers and other source. of reliable information. Receipts at many theaters dropped MOM than 50 per cent.

Strikers alas, upset the program of the "Season of Paris" many galas and Sp> dal events being postponed until a lets, date. Dad weather, however, was also responsible /or the postponing of °pen-al.. event.. As it appears that practically all work-

ers in Franco will be granted wage M-ama.. of foam 7 to 15 per cent and go on • 40-hour week, the amuaement field stands to benefit from the In-creased leisure time and increased sale arise of the worker,

86h 1Ju iiiflboord June 27. 1936


Conducted by WM. D LITYLEFORD—Communications to 25 Opera Place. Chicferiae 0 •


Liberal Mdse. Awards Click

• Netr York jobbers report largest business in five years—big, variety of prizes • Old Man Sunshine. plug liberal mer-

elm:Mier award,, ban tipped the resort bir to the highest point in five arasons, necordi rig to reports from New York novelty end premium hemmer,. The mar-Veions wenthrr which the reeorte, have been enjoying has nnturrilly attracted tremendous crowds, eepecinlly to the Eastern parks. and It le believed thnt

eeeinners in the F>at will hare one of the greatest sensor", of all time.

At Coney Island the new bowling games. which nor employing what in probably the mont liberal awned Ardent. are actually jammed with players

Whoteenier: and jobbers further re-ported that retail outlets in the resort areas are chewing quite an increase in mete, over Met year. Beachware is again proving very pop-

ular to the retail outleta. alone with min rimer, and kniek-kinicks which are quickly intent,' na souvenirs. Other merchandise is aleo being featured cilia year. mostly in the athletic equipment field. Om some have been purchasing cameros and other merchandise in this enteeory in lamer gurintitiro. The aniureinent outlet, are using the

larger itenis such as the electrical ap-pliances toys, ciguret cases. sets of pots. pane, Mc The °emit merchandiee of the ernueement spots is rapidly chang-ing with the time's Much glageware le being featured Even motion picture cameras are getting a fine play. The merchandise tuesortMents of the average miner:melon, nt the resorts thin year are greater than ever before.

New Digger Machine Opens New Territories The Ineal n/Crh la being stamped on

the new "revere, digger" by many terri-tories which previously termed the dig-ger machine an a gambling device. The new digger. Met reported in New

York. merely revernen the regular process of groping tor men-hemline. by letting the player xring any item he wants and withhnIcling the skill angle until It comen to releasilic the prize front the machine. Here the player must drop the item into a etretiler chute.

Trio it ts no problem to get the claw to pick up the desired piers the ninYer hen hut n limited time during whirl, to maneuver the machine so that the Claw releases the merchandise into the proper chute.

litany experienced digger operators hate already expressed the opinion that three ninchine., will enter into many territories where all types of coin-operated amusement machines have pre-viously been barred

/tune Drug Sales Up 8alee figures for 'tome 3.000 inde-

pendent retell druggists showed a 12.7 per cent increase In 1935 ever 1934. Figure« are taken from a recent report lenied by Dun & Bradstreet

After listening in the howling of in-dependents during the prod few years, the report comes as rather in surprise. Re/medic:is, agents booking drtig store. ehould be satisfied that central buying headruertem still have a long way to go bel ore absorbing the entire drug field.

"BUY AMERICAN?" The flooding of American novelty and prize markets by foreign manufacturers,

especially Japanese and German. has caused no end of Commotion for the last few

years. Not a week passes during which Some "Buy American" campelen is not launched amid floods of banners, badges and emblems. And not a second week

pang, but that said campaign dies out an abruptly as it began. The simple answer to the "problem" in that very few of us are "patriotic"

enough to encrifire even a few pennies for the "Made in U. ta. A. Stamp." All any

of us caro about is how a thing lank, and whether or not It will fill a certain want.

or need; few of us ever know Whether It wax made in thin country or not. Hut recently a new /scheme has been started which promises to make headway

toward stopping the influx Of foreign goods in at tenet the higher price brackets

of the field.

"Why not change sty)..s en fast." reasoned some American manufacturer.. "that by the time these foreigners get hold of an Dena copy it. and place It on the

American market It will look ligo a Model T Fbed at the 1040 Autonmblle Show?

Moreover, why not instil/ into the minds of the American public such a arm. of American quality that the 'Made in U. S. A. Stamp' will look like a lifetime

guarantee coupon."

The Billboard is not going on record as predicting foreign goods are seeing

their innt days in the amusement field. Such a» occurrence la not likely. Foreigni goods have played too important a role In developing especially the nutdror nmioes-ment business. In fact, it is hard to imagine just where the game concessions

would be if they had never enjoyed the color, flash and especially cheapness of

foreign-made prices. But if American manufacturera can Introduce new Items se fast or create such

a utandard of quality or create new styles at such a pace that the public will have good and sufficient meson to demand their merchandise, they nre taking sound

measures by which to secure the lucrative amusement prize and novelty market. It looks as trio some ere doing just such a thing, and we are ¡dl for them.

Convention Ups Quaker City Biz PHILADELPHIA, June 20.—Philadel-

rile jobbers in novelties and 'souvenirs are preparing for a big week with the manufarturern paying considerable at-tention to the big Democratic show to be held In this city starting June 29. And as the conventlein opening nears huntnees is showing a healthy sudden spurt.

According to Howard W. Murphy. Chief of the Bureau of City Property, the lush for vender's' licenbee (*1.0 per sear) Is limier way. Free-lance venders will nut he permitted within a radins of torte Mocks of the convention hall, permite for this territory coming under the su-pervielon of Arthur II. Pridliha. who was awarded the convention concessions con-tract by the Democratic National Com-mittee. The novelties which will be on sale

en the steel-ta leading to Convention Hell will be numeitnia and of infinite variety. They cover n wide range of articles and prices, starting at 25 c/nte for a bottle

opener and running up to 62 for • eig-aret care. In between the two prices will be Sonnet ail torts of uneful and ornamental articles und gadget*. The lineup Includes match boxes, small flower vases, door knockers, ash trays. letter openers paper weights, salt and pepper shakers. Inkwells pin Clublone and pin trays, moat of these being in white metal.

All of them are made to nerve as 'sou-venirs with the proverbial donkey head adorning in one way or another raiment. every Item. In additinn there will be, of course, pennants and flags pictures and photographs of President Roosevelt and &one sheen,.

Some Philadelphia jobbers declined to make known the type of novelties and touvenires they will offer the convention mobs, en a flock of surprises are in or-der. Still etre king up but refueing to unpack the rases, one well-known Mar-ket Street jobber explained: "If I should tell just what novelties we are going to offer some mnnufncturer would start right away to make a lot of the same kind of goods." He further explained that novelty manufacturers work fast, mid a convention gathering in a cane where the goods must be hold before the novelty weals Off.

No. 2 Premium Expo To Be Staged At Hotel Astor, New York, in Fall The second annual Atlantic Coast Pre-

mium Exposition will be held at the lintel Astor. Times Beware. New York City, September 28 to October 2. 1938. The ennenneement came right on the heels of the report that buyer attend-ance. contorts made nnd volume of or-ders placed at the recent Chicago show eurpaseett rill errs:Imam records of any show ever sponsored by the Premium Advertising Association of America The Round Thhie Conferences pimmed

for the September show should be of

particular interest. Indicative of them is a symposium of typical housewives who will graphically port-ay their Inch-vidual reactions to current premium campaigns. Now In the making is a testing laboratory to ascertain the ac-tual experiences and minnona of typical consumers. Program further includes plenty of addreeses by nutstanding fig-ures In the field, latest reporte are that nicho the sate of entice did not be-gin until Stine I. over 30 per cent has already been signed up.

Direct Sales Near Billion

Strong rorneback from 1933 low— improvement in products noted •

Direct selling biz slumped from * in 1938 to 3000.000,0o0 in 1033. but bounced hack to near 111.00e. 000.1100 during 1035, according to the National Association of Direct Selling Companies. This is contrary to the trend of every other depreseinn--direct ',limn companies having previously more than held their own in the bad days.

It. Is believed the generous government relief me:smite, plus the varinus "alpha-bet" projects, have diminished the sup. ply of people willing to undertake house-to-house selling.

According to the amoclation, the pieta up thin year has been accomplished then more strict rupee-sexton of selling staffs, more intensive advertising and the Im. provement of producto.

Furniture Novelties Back Premium users are again looking to

the furniture industry for items aiter viewing some of the pieces recently in-troduced. Furniture manufacturers more or less lost their rip on the premium-me-rehandle* Industry when the public took n sudden fancy to flashy Chromium and gineweare. but now they are making a concentrated drive for this market with ammunition composed of modernistic and flashy pieces at it very popular price. Per nnr lone dollar the premium user can get a real flash item certain to help bring business to MM. Book-ends and other material Items

In this claaelficatien will not appear Until later in the season, but the item which are being shown are attracting great attention and mien have been very favorable.

It is also reported that furniture novelty tales are mire to increaer ae noon as the season gets well tinder way. Cnrnivel conceeeloners should melee gond line nf the furniture items in the smaller towns. Contrary to the usual expectntion. the

items are showing better profit to the induistry then formerly. They en therefore be need In better quantity if for this one reason alone.

Neer Items Lead Sales Summer premium buyers continue to till

tow•rd only new items. New York revs.. the , is tore have such di, tinet thing. of •tyl• been introduced by mantafàttu,ttS, The consequence hac been the public will not consider anything but the latest line. A radio set styled sis months ago has as

much chance of being sold to Mr. Public e house and baggy. Bathing suits and

beach WO." are in the same category. ssr4e It isn't taking a much i period of time to knock clock, lamp, luggage ,nt Iluminum nieer• styles Into the museum. Manufacturen seem d•tertnieed to drive

out foreign comosidion by setteng • style pace and putting real quality into then merchandise rather than attempt the old system at underselling.

June 27, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 86c



MI=11110 sell la the minion. on their own No wend,, they're the best "tell.

lag" premium, you could use!

for •er,e1 fr•de te. fee


P. 0. Son 600. Grand Central Sta.. New York City.

(Mad !AM Ce,0.0a133.irid C.rlon Cerra


Otweenteet fie one year, it is aced to-Ague and tall bees wean.. time.

7 Jewels $3.75 Ilasie you tried tip Noe Lapel Watch. the f •• test While netch for the maim, • won-derful audetboard or pron... Item.

7 Jewels $3.95 2r.• lei.. C. O. 0, Seine* Witch, AM Antra.

Write. far Nee Ittgd Celsius


SS filesiieu Ste N. Y. CITY

phnlallgilihi lkIMOMMNICIIICIZWealre07/


DOMINO ., r, SLUE COST • /11 h 17.t Pt. Pt, a s STEEL ow L.- • I • d • I. a ii

Etced rind tel. 0 BLADES lc Wrapped.

t yal..I .::Ir:gell's 0 C (lards for only Se estr• so 100. $100...- 3

YOUNG NOVELTY CO. Inc. 1... Street, Boston, Mato.

11-.4 bona,. 50% tiapetlt With Order.

REX stoniest NOW Leans Than 3_r Each


$4.25 a Gross Iona it 00. Ital. O. 0. 0.

Plug Poet«. 11-1. Ilene in rie.ny 511..1

to,. Pl.en. A noil fa.t fine,/ mkr•di• ...ono el peel tniliry Wonderful drown RE-ne, lie 151rlintérn. Thr N u.id hr . • erh Maher pelf, lint. ro..n lOr elosnitig

A.•r• 111tg-tIONEIRPRA.. 1500 Watt Moon. «ed. Chimp. Ill.


WRITE with LIGHT It tL.Prneil end IC. • I 11.01, Light.

S4.50 Doz. :wif counts. Re.

Sample 50o tell,f °' 50.00.

l'al. et life, by



IS W. 42nd Sta N. Y. EMT


Gat Ow Pala» Itiqhruiticr. vre ate the

•rel le • e • 1, thin

thirisaa• Yew. AAAAA ARMADILLO FARM. Cianilhet. Tat. - 11,c tr.:TM , orly ann.

tarn," Ste us at the 100 Centennial Repetition. Dallas.


COWBOY HAT• ItiOsilaiin.fRire• • 1151 0° no . TROPICAL HELMET,. O

lit *KAN HATS. Ono 04.50 011.11AT ritONA ITS. Oct.. 4.00 1219271.1NO meet. wan 1.00 sue Sim S--iptiotal IS. Sell«.

SAILOR HATS. arose 10.110 hating DOLLS • 7.20


m Ihtilelt WORE A EA 4 dieWliérieg: Gota

resset..--ss ..h. On.. ,..J .TM.00W1110Y HATS. Dew- 5 1:: ;rear& O Ipleij.r-cren, Onus... Yee

Zri:e.tair......,e.e... Ohm- . 1115..00 00

reeirINDIen tientO"" 21.00 24.00 Ao

as.: Choose en all Order, Balance O. O. O. Welts fee List.

Ito .,,. Hee.l MER aitai2a iwa. N. If

NEW ITEMS New Fountain Pen The Jackwin Pen Company la now

featuring a crackerjack rapld-selling

nevi' plunger pen.

A two-mouth supply of concentrated Ink cornea with each pen and it la

merely neenhary to rill with ordinary water. Moreover. it is s. conatrurted

that It can be filled with regular foun-

tain pen Ink. Cornea In the latest ehim-

mering peart marble and opaque colors.

Costa practically the same as the or-dinary pen.


Can Opener

One of the cleverest can Openers on the market today

le the "Frisco.. A tricky gad-get does just es neat a job as

the high-priced well tyro openere--removes the entire

top of the can, leaves a smooth edge and should last

a lifetime. Comes in colored

lacquer handle, of red, green. blue and white. Precision Metal Workers, the manufac-

turers. will furnish at coat price cans suitable for demon-

atrating purposes.

Book of Presidents A new book of Presidents. designed to

take advantage of the unprecedented in-terest in a Presidential election. has just corne off the press of the Amsterdam Printing and UthOgraph1Dg Company.

The timely booklet contain, complete and Interesting information not only on

the Presidents, but alma of the New Deal, the Conntltution and the Supreme

(:ourt. The book le pocket sire, with the front cover attractively designed and printed in three colors. The entire back cover Is reserved for advertising.

The per unit coat. In lots* of 250 or

more. Ls extremely low.

Life Guard Swimming Belt The Hodgman Rubber Company lute

just Introduced a very handy anti prac-

tical lightweight swimming belt enally

adjustable and imitable for men. women

and children. The main feature of tine

belt is It gives ample protection and buoyancy to the swimmer but does not

impede his progrese. Comes In several

different colora and models retailing

front Si to $1.30.

New Beach Sandals

For anyone near the beaches or swim-ming pools, here la a real specialty or premium item. It is called the Bend-

le and is • real sandal made of wood.

with rubber straps, In red, blue or white. 'The wooden sole is broken in several

places, which makes It flexible to the

movement of the foot. Carter Products Corporation Is the manufacturer.

Multi-Form Hand Bag

A white beaver grain genuine calfskin handbag, with different interchangeable sparkling tabs of red, blue, green and

black to match or contrant with dresses. suits and shnes. has been introduced by

Initial-It. Inc. Not only the color



Jerrie. Pens Ill .45 Co. Ale LII.. Set. Den OM (500 VAL) .25 Gen. Lentil.. W.11.4 art. Ds. 1504 eel.) .25 Pon •nel Pencil Set 1504 .25 4-re. Perfurne *et. Celle. Set .15 2.Pc. Perfume Set, Calk. Boa ----- .07 Son Camera with FIMai .07 4-Po. Pip. Set .55 CO10111. Teeetee with OIS------ .71 Table Lamp a Shan .41 Chrome Cfectric Irs, .1S 3.Pr . Talent Set lOterenel) .55 Lapel Watches, Assorted Oalan 54 Novelly Ash Treys ae and .04 teetteeette Wade.

Sand 55 .00 far *ample Iteseetrnent. One of Each of Shan

ham. Sent on adonmenacti Steeltont.. Writ* ter Illustratol Oaultiguit.

J. C. MARGOLIS 912-220 Broadway NE W YORK CITY

schemes can be changed. but also the

tabs can be easily attached to glee many changes of design. The tribe actually permit 49 different color and style rhangeS. In addition to • large

general utility preker. the bag has a full-size talon ',App., pocket 01 neck of which

is a hide-array pocket. There Is alto a snap lrnron coin purse attached to the kipper pocket and a double-faced mirror.

Lined thrtiout with fine quality black silk and smartly faehloned. the bag h.

a beauty and utinty which women find hard to resist.

Resilient Shoe Fastener

U. S. Paten. Manufacturing Company

through Its general manager, Mathias Refl, announced this week their new Item,, the "Footconuort" resilient shoe fastener.

The mein feature of the new fastener Is that it makes any shoe More CinnUcirt

(See NSW ITEMS on page DB)

IllahlleRIMMOIORLIWIL\.\1 1\1411111\1110




Ne-iv Catalog No. B126

1100 Pages Full of Top Values

Don't Waia-

Send That Request Now! State Business You Are In, As We

De Not Sell Consumers

Here's The Greatest 25 Cent SUN GLASS

VALUE Ever Offered

zi ru. 10.50 P--Dozen SO

1120141)11.-Ileavy Shell Cieherd end Tanistat wIth Large at,.,

In Assorted Colcrt. tart In Glimln• gnash's... 1 Dozen In Sat.

SEASON ores 8.00 CISIL 70c

111451.012-Ohehitan Stone Nat. Sr' Over.

all. Nat Twe-Coloe Send. Nero to the Net Thai

Will tte us Town Thls Y....

It's New! 6' in.


,S5 Doll

'C.... Pee9. 25

Dana .80 n0ifflell -Nei °ally Cole.« Pipette Faii

Ceneeeta with Famine Drees, The Carets ann ri,enword Meeement et Doll on litelno On,.. end Cloot Pam Illaalna It en Outelandire Numbs..

N. SHURE CO. 200 W. Adams St.

CHICAGO 0.11WIlalh\.\WIMW.110161%

New - Flashy ALUMINUM

Utensil Prizes 71,,, new aluminum sets provide real, live display on the midway.

No marchandise has more universal

appeal than high qualdy utensils-

prizes a winner is proud to take home.

Many different combinations avail-

able. Make up a group of winners

to fit your own game!

Write your jobber for details on our complete line of alu-minum utensils -- also new gift ware prises. If your jobber cannot supply you, write us direct for bulletins!

West Bend Aluminum Co. Dept. 636 West Bend, Wisconsin

June 27, 1936 86e1 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE nohn..W.KWEANgumailtemzemakIWK‘ihNANANANIcumatamehnimaKe

0 0 0

Get Ow 37 Gaudin.,


0 # PLAYLAND SCOOP P1 THÉ SEST BUY IN RADIO TODAY. Og deemed 1937 Streamline Alrol•n• Dial

Ofaeléo an.« ail who Mor and see It. Vni.

inanlmi peadeenen main. 0.1. buy possible. • OOOOOOO ye new bef all prices advance. herre's «thine in the malt« today canine 0 8 Um«., muds gnat can Much It.

d 5 TUBE RADIO! 5 a de A , ,i,z.,....;;,....zep.rez. i ...rupee 0 e...w., SIM.« Venom Cann., 10 - *MD 7" Mon. wort,. no A. 0. or D. O. Cor-me. fluPer.Tone OursiIty. Powerful Dy.

0 Osmio SU a« Mbe• euerentwd. Zeroth, g breed " In Alt-

0 LevIneias`liaZis".o."eiVaa«r'er.a,...s. $6 45 Mo del 8..L • Same.« $6 66 Order •

IVEW YORK GM/ F. O. B. New Yon, 21tr Deposit. Order New Before PrIces .Adsonce. 0

0111 LM L. M LN I 7 M . ‘s a L'•& n. g a' M. a.‘ a g a I L‘ . '. g g a LN e è D‘ D'4



in Leta et II



:01 !Other Models At S5.35 up ,

0 PLAYLANID SUPPLY CO. fat 6 0 118 E. 28th St , tnt Lets

TRY and BEAT ITI$ predurnin inners this buy ocusible. Thsre re who hear •nd we it. Tim. *dram«. Volume gig

1037 Sensational Raille Bawl, Ameat •Il

that can touch it. in the ma.« mama 3 tint« al Muth •

0 5 TUBE RADIO 5 RCA Lic. Tube.%

Including 1 Meal To«. r fleautirul 2.Ton• Walnut Cab. 0 Inet, 10 .. wide, 7.. man. wee« on A. O. or D. C. Our. 0 rent. Super-Tone Quail, Built-In Stnantr• M_s 'Round lif ter.z .inr.s.gulred. abil and Tub., $

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

()NEI" SAVING Guitune


[sow sthIns that's new In fast• .•111.1 Roan«. Concestlon Goods. Premium Man-immune •nd SpalatIm. will b. found In Our New 193e Catalog. Thus book present. Ow Amit .04 most •asnaiire time el Immortal and Dome., Marthandlae we here wet pewee.


for it


" re«:11,•11iez.;: »,7Z: prZó7.e,Z•mpa,7 ,7:r. "«.;:,!...0;:tR:1:7.... -,e,:te.;:z.re,.. "-ry


.emeNeli 1E 14 ANTE " I 'I" "m.y % A Full Line of Soaps for Your Sales Plans 0



Asserted alernearsd and Perfumed Toilet Sea«, Shaving Creams-Lathering and

Br I Tooth Pilots and Teeth Soap: Shaving Soaps and Liquid Shampoos.

Everything You Need for Store or Demonstration Sales Peiv•fe tormule and speeml compounding also

Write tor full details on ttttt eretir•bie items.

GEO. A. SCHMIDT CO. 236 W. 14orth Ave., Chicago, ill.

Featured by the POE Redil0 OC,Tpota-

lots of Hew York In its recent an-nouncements are standard make radio rets such as PhIlco, R.C.A.. General

Westinghouse. Zenith, etc.. at new lost pricer* for midi sets. These seta are not old, but the very latest modela aa il-lustrated In a recent Fox announcement which featured a 1997 model Philco set.

Murray and Bob &gm, the brothers heading the Fox firm, feel that the standard make sets because they are on well known to the public will make great item, for °once...stoner». agent». anleshonrd and pin game operator.. The firm offer. absolutely free of charge a catalog fea-turing of the above named seta.

Arehle 13trUhl of the admria eltruhl firm la resting up after compiling and mailing a new 105-page catalog. The book la very conclae, well illustratol and will prove of value to the Struhl clien-tele.

Ladle» In the direct selling towlinese rney he plethed to know of the Cynes Corporation, which 'specialise. in femi-nine necebsitlea. The firm has gone Into this field in auch a way that many la-dle* who have previounly handled gen-eral lines now have switched to the strictly women.. nod. Cynes Offer* a very elaborate descriptive circular which Outlines its selling plan.

The Shell Lamp Factory has tuned a catalog describing its new summer season styles In coconut. starfish and shell lampe and novelties. The coco-nut end starfish lampa have a sea fan trim In pastel colors: the ehell lamps have light-colored plastic has. orna-mented with shell scenes The cata-log may be heel upon request.

General Lamps Corporation. Muncie, Ind • has introduced new line of port-able tempo. The line lit to be the moat MIA...Live in the tirMs his-tory and embrace, portable desk and range lamps, as well as shades for a number of different types of lampa. The atiades are offered in triple-plated chrome and the lamps are wired com-plete with six feet of epproved rubber cord. 13%111 socket and plug IPIP.

F PHILADELPHIA, June 20.-Local me, ochandisers are looking forward to big gains for the month of June. Spur in O purchasing was evidenced earlier In the

4 month by graduation and wedding gifts

pAnd with the Democratic Conventinn mobe and the distribution of hon.uo pay-

', mente on hand, merchants are looking forward to a highly astiefactory showing for the full month of June.

ncLice7;',..."r„',",enr vo,„fitt,,h,be. various carnivals near Chicago for the

regb‘le18.910 1016.1 .b..°10 110 1110 110710 1MileKielkW10116.1 7k1.1k..51Dnelll peat few week,' and reports they are ell

/ doing n very nice Minim. and tape-

iSCOT-Y-PIN Ito Fiber-Wood Brooch Pin In colors of 0 plot. new line of premiums especially 0 Black, Walnut, Ivory and White. JO suited to corn gam. and said the many

00 Send for Catalog and Prices on our orders he received while visiting the 40 Money-Making NovelheS. :Ithorweshwo•ez aarestiwrea r odnleatter th: outto ;

0 banner season.

/ NIFTY PRODUCTS 0 Harry Davies Company, Bakelite

10c Seller Molly commented on the fine reception

ill 314 Institute Place, Chicago, III.

accorded him. His praise, ran high in reelatIngan o his elan. with ythecaRr;oiroal aAmemrl:

0A molder. Chicago, reports a brisk trade ACTUAL SIZE el, In su premium erchandise, which

comprime,a wide, range nfBsknite "ni-cks. suitable for premiums. Two Items

BABY TURTLES- PAINTED it. I; •- 1‘,•1. WI die., sial man., It4m,litflily deantated nIn.A I, I. I... i•rt.d. On, ar ti, attrartise 'tun go.. bu,‘,Ise one nr Alum. mi.ry erill emit sets. THE

78, .51.1 E. A tieing ca,..., ir Ifiat ran Ina I 0.11 ). ,e., fil, li-llo,..,.ineint• to set wine "al in,ney telltne nu», 'nett,s vim

tIll!, Intemnunt. 810.00 per 100 PaIntedi 511.00 pop 100 Monogrammed It the names am

not toe lone. Tun,. Foul. SW pee Dot« Pelee.« A enntaInte n. «eluded fan rah Turtle al ISO atm... r. It it nit,. 'ton, ner hundred. Use

wan/ 'morels. Mu alo.,t I ls • .0 ' Sample Dozen. 51.50, Postpaid. EATON ROUGE TURTLE COMPANY.

P. O. BO% 2107, BATON ROUOIE. L•.

that are especially active are ita chrome-tinted de luxe triangle ash tray and Ita Ficturescope. both of which are loo heavy demand. The firm producen a number of attractive novelties in addition to many strictly utilitarian articles.

SELL HANDKERCHIEFS N,anitt. Prtittahle. Iless. Jobber., Agents. Write ttttt EnONUIPII, De«. D, • Wert Bath. Re Yak


Chid Trim 23-ee. Tea Ilms. *et --El.'« Dole Trim 17-0e. Tee sou. set- - 1.25 Ohl.« Cake Plate with chrome Dense.

each .80 Satsuma Lampe with silk shaded, aiaL

dose, - 00 Ste 14,1. Mudd, 12.10.« Trey, all «Pow. eel 1.15

lest 1 Chalon. Hest«. Tr« rat. eaeh .88 Ohronwpiated We« Tweeter. been. .55 Gallon sue Thermel duller thong, each Wooer Sinding Emir. «eh .7It °lass Decanter Oat Olteense Way. 804 .76 15.plece 01.• Sweeten Set Oneeme

Tray, eat .70 1d.piera Platenite Olasa eels, «lee«

tin, set . Full.. /dotal Oak• Dana. eat 17-inch Tackle Do«, locli end Sea, own .40

4.01404 Fancy Cartel... are. on .46 4 amt. «Heed Old•Fashlen Olagam In

se, - sal _ .40 4 Illetbeins Upillawee In SIN les.

.40 11 Panty yin Tr. each

1" • o S.. Pon sss L hIlt.. V00 en Ma«, fancy bee, genre se« 5.75

5-pieta Pipa Sete In fancy he, eel .78 Jap Cieuette Oesea, full Si». «MI In

bee. re. 460 Bakellue Ornekees lIt .40 111-inch Antimony Print Reed. .2.55 Lipstick Oirs• Lletere, - .50 Rosewood Handle Hunting Knife lath .

Leather Sheath, each _ _ .50 4-.1.• Revolving Rofelesee•toe Sets. OM .55 Modernistic RIM ehme •ne inane. sat 1.7S 12-10thlateuma V... each -- 1.1Q • Drip/slalom. S-cup ate. each .80 14-itch Heavy Dueeld Khmer Ws*.

each .70 2g-et. Omni% Ovid &am Censers.

dean .50 The anotte plided et rdIndlin fawn ea

mauler «dal«. pet your Geer Now. law Harm Daly.

Sarno Day «mice. NIX MPG. 00.,

•70 Berta. it. Buffalo. N. T.

Send For Copy of Our

NEW CATALOG and gave Monty. Complete New


FLYING BIRDS. Gross 52.170 PARADE CANES, med. weight. Gr. 9.73 PARASOLS. Cress 8.50 BEACON BLANKETS, Each 1.50 COWBOY HATS. Diaren.. .70 FUR MONKEYS. Grees 4.50 7-PIECE WATER SET. Each .79 Fill line at Novelties. Candy, OAK Sa-loons, PI . Bingo and ..... grimes, Slum. Chinaware, La in p s. Tapitatry, Aluminum Ware, 41c,


1316 FARNAM ST..



BARI,- “PlEANUT MAIDS"- AND OTHER FAMOUS CAR. DIES! FREE curtan ARDEN. 8011•• 2,10 ORDER. 5250.00. Sell Whelawle to Oro«, Dandy Stares, Drug Stores, 74•1048 and 9' '..ne. Áltiletil, Iron ern.. Ilene,.

I, lls drab. brat .11 ern halo had in il,. punt end II, 0.0 the Inet nt Ilma Ulnae Ton Make 4.111,1, pied°

Ind connnar display Vendor.. inwite ',al. 15.11, itel dand tan-lint Fitt

em...ALL Big Buyers. N.... I..*

0.1.5 rental. !maim rem t rem. from 1.'111. Slit )(M. (Tim ,

tha •Put .' In mod, money t•strr, timn ever Mom., r1,,.1 I.e. I kn.«, randitn- lit tAl..it's and Rah/ ltrtrh Pam. l'oeirrIlsie Special.. frilrairy Camels, Peanu! 71,1,1 -ill.,-,,. a.,,,.. itaec PSI' ion .,. profit. tinh....1 ..t r, ,,,,,,,,mlon In 11.1, Inonneek tfind he rIte:E finial,. New Plan- • add mina for wide awn and diattle:lions. OASTERL Dept. PA. Isla ..... glee Ans. Ohba«.

Fin« Elueltty. Unitarn. O. Z. Illue

BLADES *2..7.1 OEM TYPE. 54.015 ewe 1.000,

Mod 1,01.(1.11 Iteleisre r 0 P realloetwo. stAcit COMPANY

se Reeves« litre«, Recheeter, IL V. 5000 WALTHAM AND ELGIN Hunting Movements la New Open Fee. Oluemiew Cases

IS Slte. Pe« In We a «named, 7 Jewel ESN,

12 •Ile.0••• 4 le Round, Octagon ee En-Grayed: 7 Jewel

15 Jewel .. 17 «seal . 20 , lien', flat r O P. e..na fo. Pr.. fatal.,

THE NEW YORK JOBBERS 14 BOWERY.. . . 146« 14.11. N. T•

June 27, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 87

72ew Items Review As a screee to concrotoerre end pre.

Selutn sacra we are repubitehing a num-ber of the wrIteups which have appeared ,ter New Items in the Whoteaate Mer-chandise Department during the past «semi months. Your inquiry regarding

one o/ thou items wilt revolve our prompt attention.

Fast-Selling Peeler

Here is one of the newest items on the market for pitchmen and dernonatra-ma The W. R. Feemster Company is =mg demonstrators and pitehmen to

:n early. This tool is claimed to be wed every housewife has been looking ice, does work quicker. realer and more senomically. This handy little kitchen WI peels, slice., »Incas. etc. No forced aim required—It eerie on sight. No arse dull paring knives, marked or cut more, stained hands. and one of the big features of thle handy tool is that n nays sharp. according to the maker..

All-in-One Shredder, Slicer A device just placed on the

mil do an the work of slicing. cutting, Dreading. mincing. grating and even ex-tracting Juices that the housewife finds necessary for the preparation of dainty sprctlyere. salads, fruit drink, and am:rm./me TOOd dlehest It doe, the work it it Irsutt it half-dosen kitchen utenalla inthout scratching or bruising the Panda n is reversible and can be used for different purposes on both aides. Smelly plated and stain and tarnish woof. its low price should make it a sender for demonstratora. Modern Home Utilities, Enc.. reporta it is going like

lee-Box Odors Eliminated A new item known as Nos-Odor that

iirresthea In" and absorbs Ice-box Odors

"Whips Loud Crockers-Plenty Flash MAO( U S A

Mom Mfri.Cce 616080PlopleAvtl.MlOttif,E10.


WALTHAM le N. O. movement, In

n • sir cravat, *norm«. egaes. Oornoloue wash chain lei match. In Wu of 3: IS JEWELS. .53115 15. 12 JEWEL». 5.50 Desat. Benue* C.. O.

D. Poe Mira tw Mewl. sr,a, roa agar 111313 CaT.41.011.

PILORtre WATON 00111PANY, 141 Ernst SI, now Yoe% 011y.

New SCOTTY LAMP t. nnonninOors, Orevents bereft p real hlt., •,..” will boy u.. nru •,-..to Table Lawn.

Tee pta elbc In doten lot.. F.O.. emesee, Sels' cireRaiS. liMai!. ta. SISO.

rciu5ti.;?. Ohlewo.


riln. 15B M... E ni slr•ly tit Reel IND. 3 Slew« In ormar. teapots riti• S. p.11.1 Shad.. Wrepoed in ON [Mann e&e• 15 ,de". DOZEN


e.en. 'o Peened With Orders lielanro re, p

e Mho. Ana Freih rbispey ImIto. Wtite tor Carew.

SILIC eroviEL:rle CORP. 70 tan tren Street am YORK. N.Y.

ha., pet been introduced by a company of the same name. With the new prod-uct it lb claimed that holpernelYeei res-taurant., hotels, etc., can put glair melons, pickles, bananas, milk and thi like in ice refrigerators without feat of adore tainting Other fooda.

New Dry Cell Radio International Radio Corporation ir

about to market is new leadette model which operates on dry cell batteries, to be known as the Raclette Battery model 400. Tie trick lase,. recently placed on the

market by Ro-lo Sales Company I. an appealing 10Vi.e0sit novelty that is a !lathy demonstrator. A simple twist, of the wrist enables anyone to do the same rope-spinning tricks as skillfully as the exhibition ropers, with only a little practice. Strong youngster appeal makes It also ROOd sales builder or advertising premium for salesmen and distributors. servicing 'school, sporting good, and nov-elty store, especially during the sum-mer months Item has been selling es-pecially well.

New Items Every Week New styles In staples. new novelties end

new supply houses mali• their in the •musernent market each week These are briefly reviewed on every issue of Th. Billboard. Why not be first in every town with

the very latest prises? It mark. you and your show as up-to-the-rnInute and pro-etessIve.

titter. enlist. of The Billboard each week from the nearest newsstand. or better still. from The Bleboard agent on your show.

The Singin' Mike A new unit that haa tremendous child

appeal is the Singin' Mike. made by the Goody Manufacturing Company. It nings it hums. It broadcasts and playa trumpet mualc. Demonstrators and pitehmen ehould And them fast movers. especially during the spring and slim-mer school vacation period, for their cost le very low.

Summer Sport Hat The Borkland Company. maker of the

new fast-selling sport hat known sa the Bolo, reports sales exceeding even pre-season optimism. The Bolo is an Amer-ican-made helmet designed to be worn

With polo shirt by th0 athletically in-timed men It is ideal for tne beach. the grand stand, the open road, tennis court. etc. The unique Borkland sus-pension permita an cooling and the utmost comfort on the hottest days. Priced at 25 cents. retail. the special de-sign permits one sise to St all header and makes the item Ideal for premium use as well as general sales. The Berk. land people are also manufacturers of the Amazon, a different shaped helmet with similar suspension-

Spin-aaell Toy Spin-a-Bell is the latest creation of

the Goody Manufacturing Oompany. The J. a fleshing toy. Ingeniously

combined In color. sound and actiore Spin-a-Bell Is scientifically ehaped ea that it cart be wound in many different ways, either by hand or by rolling on the ground or by pick-up In the air. It (See NEW ITEMS REVIEW on page 90)




Best quality Rabbit's root on the market. Cured for tour years. Selected tor suit and color. All fee beautifully sh•ded with bril-liant nickel cap, Scrupuloinn Aeoned end packed in camphor when shipped.

Rabbit's Foot with CAP

stamped with NAME of your


$27.5°,1,1Z In lots of 5,000


Rabbit's Foot mounted on Attractive


'27." per 1.. REY CHAIN with genuine RABBIT'S FObi eatire unit on an attractive


You ten cle•n sap with ode knock-out combination. Caps either plant or stamped "Vote for Roosevelt." Sewall which yobs desire.

per 100 $5.00 in leis of SOO

I i3 Deposit on An Orders. Salome., C. O. D. For Sample Send 10c in Coln or Stamps.





THAT'S RIGHT! All In Rutenles--4.pois Lis. Ss

VHS SCOTTIES. II Color, Ootortiut. ••In. 811•11. Doo._53.00 No. n010-11116T114.1111. 44.4e, 141e. Dos 4E0 Nei. InFU—OAT, 10-is. Wen. Doe 11.0 No. 110 THASIUTR—Te Tip of Tail 1.1bIn, NW, 18n, SOO

Oho vhu.i ot.h with ante?, Inlanoo C. O. D. Remote nnlw new «eh Ohm, eternal. cta with wares nolut. 82.48.

CREATED IDEAS, INC tel EVOIS SI., Illeetellan, •r -Tiff HOME Of NEW

You Bet We Have Them—And The Best Soya Ira The Country Too



- Birds Gr. N9099B--54 In. Lash

Whips Dz. .60 Cr, N931513-8 In, Air Bal-

loons Cr. W 5368—Pocket

Watches F2967B—”Unives"


This year marks our 50th Anniversary. We hart, prep•red a host of VALUES for our customers in celebration of this event. Order the specials listed above, also ask for our new catalog.





La. .69

Ea. .69

N 636B—Imported lap. Cameras Da. $0.75

X45696---11%riller" Cive Away Candy Pkg. Selected Grade Wrapped Kiss•s. 250 Ph g.. in Case. Per Case 2.75 Per 1000 Pkgs. 11.00

SPINNING ION DICE FOOL PROOF Jun Solt, Wheel, Vela Penn P. Mane,

NO Preferred by eleitE tnLe. logririnIctin,.Sil Dice Oconee.

RIIetail ta bcP. :nee WHEEL 1.00 110i 6.00 Des. .00 S WHEEL 1.60 SO 0.00 Oa. se Teenu: 25% D.001. Tat 'WO. Jobber. Vino..


2020 Orownw/01 An,, OlOwelond. Ohn.


88 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE Jane 27. 1936

77letcitanise, the gacklmne ci gaitte Lig

VFW weeks ago / Mood before the country-store wheel operated by a rnncessioner f, lend of mine. I was one Of It fah nalved crowd. The wheel

was getting a great play. And my friend was para.reg out merrhonclue to the win-ning player.. It. was a sight that did my Old eyes good. It was a eight that took me back to the days of "The Sunday echoed Outfits the carnival leea fami-

liarly known as the Keene ds fhippy Shows There was an outfit with a string of game is once a stoners w h o practically vied with earn other to see who mold give away more merchan-

disel And they all made plenty of money. The strictly sip-and-up manner in which every seine mince/talon on that show was operated was as a matter of fact the condi-tion which won them the nick-name "The Sun-day School Out-

Getting beck to my friend% country-store wheel and the sight of players walking away from the stand with mer-chandise in their hands and smiles on their facto—It reminded me of Louis Gordon and his wife, nose, who made anNable reputations ana big money for

k11111111111111 ,111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111 1181 111111111111111111111111111S

Karl Guggenheim

iCati qu99eniteint Nan Guggenheim fs regarded ea

ope of the lereinost authorities on prermum merchandise as related to the concrasioner. He has a wide ae-qttain tuner among the concession traternit". Thrunut htt entire buel-mesa career hr has been handling this epee merchandise. Ne makes fre-quent trips to Europe and Japan in search of new items.

Mr. Guggenheim became estab-lished In business, on his nun. .15 years ago. Later Harry Gitteiscrs jellied the tam, but is now deceased. Xr. Guggenheim resides fn New York City. is married and has a son and dauphin% in the fraternal world, he fa a Boma Arch Mason.

themselves by citing the customers of their game cone...dons at Luna Park and Coney biland In New York their money's worth in merchandise prime and sending

them Ilorne happy. Louis has primed on, but Mrs. Cordon is still carrying on managing her properties at Coney Is-land. Max Goodman. who has long car-ried the banner for the game concession that gives the player value for his money, is another operator who has proved the wisdom of such tactics by earning more money with his game con-

cessions than a hundred of the short-sighted concesaioners who think it is smart business to take the customer ear all he has and give nothing in return.

That little oountry-store wheel re-minded me of these people and gave rap the feeling that more and more conees-sinner. were getting back to the convic-tion that merchandise is the backbone of same concessions. The sooner they all



AMERICAN-MADE LAPEL WATCH, 14 5 Enamel bezel and back will, Chrome eenter case. Assorted Colors, Black, Ivory. Tan, Red, Crean and B I u • Each with beaded 6-inch cord attached to match coin, of enamel. No. 5100 led. 5 1.05 TEN for , 10.00


Na. 3103—LADIPP DI mounting, furnished in up-to-date'lINC. Solid Sterling Silver models: beautifully chased white ;told finish. Set with GENUINE BLUE WHITE DIAMOND about 10 Points This is one of our LEADING 9.50 VALUES. EACH


No. 13104—LADDF DIAMOND RING--As above, set with GENUINE BLUE WHITE 3.25 DIAMOND about 5 Points. EACH

Ne. 11105--LADIVP DIAMOND RING H ch finish. Sterling Silver. Fancy engraved lop plerCed, set with GENUINE BLUE WHITE DIA-MOND. A very pretty ring In design. eas A REAL VALUE. EACH. . 11•310

Ne. unot—r.Aolts. Dar:ter:14 WING. A prattentnin value. SOLID WHITE GOLD, beau-tiful triode' at • wry special low price. Set with GENUINE BLUE WHITE DIAMOND. 3.95 EACH

LIMNER FOLDING CANIERA Casa is made of Metal. Crystal Finidm

may be had in Black, Blue, Green. Grey or Brown. Very comoactly constructed—sire closed. 3-Valais's ir, lum be used for snap or time pictures. Make< pictures size I t've I 1/2 in, Ond of the LATEST MODELS—very tareellsOul as • seller Produces very excel-lent pictures that may be enlarged. Ne. 3101 GUAIRA. Ranh $ 69 TIN far 6.50

Ne. 0102 FILMS, for above. Put up eke exposures In • roll. Per Dec Rolls 5 .09


FZ CI 1-111:1E-S FeENCER. CC). wsioLESALs mouse.

223-25 W. Madison St., CHICAGO =


11111111111111111111111111ln 1




get back to thin convieUon and to the realization that they min melee more money consistently bj gising their play. ers merchandise awards the better it will be for all of them. A number of toners.. etonens with whom I have diecuseed the matter have walled that they cannot a-tora to give away merchandise. This wall was an absolute rarity in the pr.-depression day.. The tightness of money during the depression seared these shortsighted concessionere out of their good business judgment. However, the fart that those concessioners who continued to give the public something for Ita money ham in the main been • great deal more auccessful la ample proof that merchandise must be given it steady. enneetent profits are to be matle.

Sack to if Now that the depression le over and

money la beginning to flow a bit more freely conceetioners are definitely swing-ing back to the merchandlee-giveasvay method of operation I know this from my own business and from the reports which come to me from many other job-bers of concession merchandise. The Billboard in to be hlehly congratulated for the part it has played in bringing about this return to favorable eoncli Mang. its eon:dent end shrewd preach-ments and the efforts of the jobbers themselves are in a great measure re-sponsible for the return of merchandise m-sree in the operation of game conces-sions.

With the tremendous variety of mer-chenille, in all price rances which is be-ing Offered the ronemenner today there is little reason why he cannot alined to Five prises just a< he did let the onleyon days. On a recent tour of conc.-miens at perks and on one or two carnivals, for instance. / noticed the old stand-bys such as stuffed toys, dolls, chinawere ited lemon quite strongly featured by busy conceselons. Minleture radio«, watches,. electric fans, blankets, canes and an un-usual amortment of really clever novelty items were glen prominently displayed on many stands. After hours of close observation I was convinced that the majority of the rencertaioners were giving out merchandise. It was as I have said

before, a pleasure to note that the trend urns definitely tnwerci a more liberal giving away of prizes. The few minces-sionere who were working clews and holding on to their merchandise with both hands were not doing the business their wiser competitors were.

New Type of Clerk A rather interpreting change has taken

place in the type of clerk employed on

ncessio 11S the various game concessions. I would wager that a fair number of the men behind the stand. were college gradua. ates. These men mein to be coming into the game concemlon field in ever. Increasing numbers. and It In pIranlilu 10 note that they are being trained In Um ways of the wise rihrminan—thesee way, dictating that mere money le made when merchandise le passed out.

The talenta of this new type of Clerk combined with the natural flair of the old-time showman are showing them. selves markedly in the attractive ar-rangements of merchandise on the Ifarlo OW game concession counters. This brings us to another angle of the same coneemion business which can bear rnenUonIng. Too many concesalonese stock a very limited number of item. on their stands. In such cams scarcely any typo of display can help attract players to the game. A normally attractive m. rangement of the few items serves only to bring out the defects of each particu-lar Item and to create an impression that there la very little of anything worth while to play for. On the other hand there Is the conceasioner Who storks up with anrthing and everything he can lay hie hands on and seta the eonglomerailein up in such a better-skelter . fashion that a proapective cus-tomer walking up to the stand and lock.

SAVE PULL ear Lint a--

LOWE... PRICES e Hatair-so-Nnow Can-

./our, Mans< e Wa g on toluene, PlUnfnen.Bleselfhen.

e Side- 1. in. M.,anan-allsa, Este, =re. Snocafl. Ole. A•llUC

e Irt• Catalog. Write.

CHAMPION SPECIALTY CO 811-N1 Central St. Karma. City. Mo

MONEY-TIME FREIGHT -,15:1 from tho most cen-trally located novelty house In the country

B LADES Doubles- Ede,. 20 P • n b s, s In, an antoley Oui.

40c per card Include Postage


SPACIAL— ire« Ne. 1 1 1—ram [fled Penn • 9300 Ankle.

US.V.. Samples. BOo !era.

Alla Putt alannetral Watrfira rf All Tires at Very Lowest Pekes. Bend for ...Latest Ult.

FRANK POLLAK eiges eserdere

CARTOON ROOKS. 10 Pepe, per 100. 31.2a. ne $10 00 IN. Cvfore Doete, P.O. eh.. lob. $2.00. or $17.50 al see. FINISH Postcards. 100. 500. or $3.00 M. T•ent. resent Card*. corn., 100, 96c. er $e.so ist ad la tones SO Ph:turfs, 100. 405. or $2.00 tia ArOns Gerd., Peet. Nudist Caton,, Bey Aents Oat I Pan. Pup Show. sta. Day.. $051 sr.. $2.15. Fria Pa-ter newlsim. Pan, Lao, ClInes Yiddish. Inluelt•nee. 02 00 a 1.000. Ruin Ye,* Order for Pen Pron. or Sand 250 for 10 $•reolt1 end CN•levuo. Cateloquos. 100. T. It. • 25 caramel Place. New Vora.



We are direct manufacturers of above produces, putting them up os

display cards in glassine envelopes: aspirin in tins of 6's —50 to a

metal display card; also aspirin 12's in fins, one and three dozens to a

display carton: also in bottles of 100.

On Quantity Orders Name Imprinted Free



118 W. 22d St., New York, N. Y.

June 27, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The ',War (1 89

in; it over is confused and more often to„o not driven away.

The ideal arangement. Of coin. la a medltun between the two men-

tioned (Mesa. The wise game conies-alone picks • great enough variety of inercr.andlse to attract prnetically any tyre of enatetner, and h0 displays It in puce a way that each Item la act off to oar greatest posible advantage. The

manner of display Ia. of course. deter-mtoro by. and should be in keeping with the type of gaine. A country-stn., wheel for instance. has a display prob. tom Mat Calls for treatment altogether

different from a Ilism-La game And pod rie it Bingo, Beano. Keane, or Con gama merchandise display should he est.

dieerently then that of a ball, cat er milk-bottle game.

Lighting Highly Important A factor of merchandise display on

same coriceasions whieh la too Ire-gamily overlooked by concessioners ta Get of lighting the display. Colored bales. receiving lights, et,. can all be used to good advantage. but are too ott,o strung up carelerisly and with

peer Offeet. The smart COneeealorter


Direct Importer from

China, Japan, Porto Rico

Hend-ernbroidered Pillow Cases, Bt,dge Sets, Drawn Work, Sheet Sets, Kimonos, Pajamas, Linens, Bedspreads, etc.

Exclusive Licensee for


Write for Complete List of

Ih.ros. Jobbers Protected.

PHILIP LABE 4ple'w'rorrrclt";


POCKET á WRIST WATCHES Unto fur .nt, rnialnune.

egerrisal WAY CU mare-Reams • surety co.

134 Seen Eighth Street. PHI Ia. PA.

knows Mu% the right kind of lidn'inc in the right place is one of the greatest means available to him for drawing customers to his stand. A number or enncessioneris use high-powered flood-lights and find that it makes their game concessions atizad out on the mid-way like a diamond In a black-velvet cane. Lighting should be considered an Integral part of the game concession merchandise display. Those smart con-cessioners who realise this and use the mactle of light to it fullest extent are patting that It pays them cash divi-dends In Increased play and bigger profits.

Even before the eye of the prosper-tics customer lights on the game booth. the smart concessioner la Using his merchandise to pull player. to bis game This he does by getting away from the old-fashioned and. in my opinion. out-moded type of ballyhoo in which the operator just yells a bunch of mean-ingless words or Minute an unintelli-gible mumble-jumble of sound. Today% concessioner builds hi. belly around the merchandise he la featuring. calling to

the midway strollers that. “here you con win a genuine rio-and-ID five-tube radio. • beautiful lamp, something to lend warmth and color to your home.*. While on the subject of belly In connection with game conceolons. It is Interesting t.. record that a great many concession -ers are using amplifying and publi.-address systems to carry their voice over

islets and to lend a cert... -broadcast" interest and Intensity to

their eplels.

Amplified Bally Draws 'Ern Manufacturers of amplifying equip-

ment. aa a matter of feet. have In a great number of eases gone into the production of sound systems enpeclally

THE designed for the use of the outdoor showman, and, more specifically, the concoadoner. These staterns are built to

stand the wear and tear entailed by op-

eration under all kinda of weather con-ditions. etc. The game concessloner who overlooks the opportunities èpen to him In tying up his merchandise display with his holly is passing up a great bet fnr bigger play and naturally bigger


All In all, however. edging from my own personal observations and from long end frequent talks t have had with many game concessioners of all types, l feel there is leas cause for lament • season than there haa been in the lost four yearn. Every dey, in my esti-mation. concensioners are coming back to the realization that they must give merchandise prizes If they want to more any money. When all of them wake up and rediscover the once ob-vious fact that merchandise is and al-ways has been the backbone of the game concession then the game con-cession business will be the flourishing. thriving, big-money butinons it tore years ago.

The West Coast's Leading Manufacturer Plaster Dolls and new and original designs in Plaster

Novelties at attractive prices. Send for price list.

EDWARDS NOVELTY CO. 316-326 Sunset Ave., Venice, Calif.

61112a NOW LTV OIGA.

SATIN. GUICHES ASH 120 Teets to Earn Boot. A fee Baseball TRAY. Bisque de One That W ill Leli. nooks may be nin off at Handing on eh tee aly •Natarshed price front SO W. 01.00 ht .'', e.g. a Wight col. ,nd low MOM Or. bisque. DM ha• rukth•r tell When scurried, the dot performs. A very el ikiris• near it...fn. Per Doren, $1 20: er Gres. $12.00.

LIMN, heNtald. zeo in Stamp, WE ARE DIRECT oseonivres or FIREWARXS REND FOR LIST

MIDWEST bog CRC HANI DOSE CO. •lO.b. 254 lateoADVIVS‘ StANSAs. . rells1.401JR I .


Tne cost of thee looks la the lowest ever knoen.

Send $1.00 for 4 noes. prfeeld. end 0,1.0. Ut) P.1001. Full Irottructlont tarlth awry shtp. ment. Get sletel toes. end relay this re, etano kkh:ch It mealtime you In feu, (N.1,, fend Ca th or Stares with order. Us.. M



AND NOVELTIES! You can't help but do a big, profitable busi-

ness with these fine

new ideas by BARR.

Flashy numbers created

especially for conces-

sion, circus and street

man purposes, backed

by the BARR standards

of quality. You will

want detailed informa-


Ask your jobber for the better fiallrrEX balloons and novelties or «rite direct for descriptiv• Uterature sod price.


HERE IT IS ! The Biggest. Fiashle,

Mouse Toes.Up in Ante. Ws, at the Lowest Con--A Lego Pecierr NUM BER!



DEMAND SO GREAT FACTORY WORKING 3 SHIFTS. GET YOUR ORDERS IN NOW--TO BE SURE OF IMME-DIATE DELIVERY ! r I t • •rhotaterld Ftatualta4 gal", Nark, f•mous Esiern phrenetic Speaks — newest redio Innovation. AG-CC. • RCA Licensed, Shield. rid Tuba.. Sawn. tut natural rain W•Inuthnl., (Settled front. Hiori plan. finish. 3 with peeler --

Balane. O. 0. IC., F 0 B.. Week. N. J. Writ. for

SI zr I' in Long --1 , in. High-6', In. ONp Fr.., Na. Gee. 011ARANTEED FOR 3 moN-riss: 10«d

JERSEY TRADING CO-. 11 'retrAtArene''' pe.r.,Ur;'41V•?4"....



LOT ', nr CH Molli



Circus and Carnival Workers Send Orders in NOW for New Items


N IgelIr. 7 e". CC II

New AP and Oat Bo. ' locos. Imprinted with 1.7.5'.. .*".' .e.mnes7' n.l dOlerir Poltaye. Assorted het. Co.. .. a

Oak Na. • elute, Golan. Gross $3.00 Wit, terh,..ipa Lmiz •

O - „2 layeenne Deadens. Gr. 4.25 CrAton Parasols. Moues. Grose 3.00 Handle. Doe.

r .4. , Mickey Mouse, Round. Do, 225 Silk Paresols. Doe..

".' item's Bl'rels.." 'Whittle • Silk Pestai, with Outside. Oro. .... 2.00 Picture of Mickey

Fltrutp Bee, Whistle Mouse. Dot hala. Orcos 2.SQ Large Cowboy 1.7,

Small Cowboy Hats. Cozen .70 Sailer Gaps. Dos : ...II. el Fur Mean.!.. Peen ...... ..... S0.40, AO

Nholoan Nets. Oaten 1.50 • Beane II • t s Omen 1.50 elm. Seattle for Mel TM You Win. Full line of needless for beeches and erne. Ale Lame, Hard Sue., and ComPoefUen Pelee, Stuffed Animait. Jewelry, etc. Price Lin Is nee roar. Send trial ardor. 2S% at:Noose OWWIt required with ell tree. Beene O. 0. b.

NASELLA BROS., 46 Hanover St., Boston, Mass.



.tto 1.50

90 The Rill ht.', rrl WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE Juno 27, 1936

COIKESSIO/IAIRÉIS on corni voh. loves. pa,* s.etec-


> ..wherever

you are

> G.

i" ,-;; -An AM. mewl Ai..tartee el no.

nr our $0 convindently bleated Arend... tots get

Vol, 5,0111 erhelt y0•1 Sant it--st 1.0 Hun-dred. of term.. Ira. Ike latest ChM. Supply llama for Carnival Conc.-Jon llen-baudDa mat.. 01 I'NEELIEVAIILT 1,0W rittl .n.A. Ibe utaly chain ut na kind Ise America.

Fare pm, earl cot nsers-1.•nd. whirls New. Nnsrl. Differentl Ilany earbinins

ants us! An .cat ke.i.. builders and profit mal«...



MADE 00$518Z! OY MIS

30 BRANCHES rowrtaitt I YÛ(4',0 Few" seakew uel


06.1211,10 e, N O,

CtS 54110

«ret.10.1V13,•••• 66666 iKeT•


CO-i -- -. eAr4/1•1•41

re. is °mean



Sr. 1,4 mais sbnee tarO ele• has a De Luz. Pales brosselt. If you •re near one Arne in In Maprel DrIN Marla, T... Or tad. no r... med.

We'll give you REAL SERVICE

ek. LUXE .-cfaeed ComAaizy

487 BROADWAY - NE VORK et /recur, vdE ch..-P3ce-s"

Dirop it? at ono of Me 01,01/1" .ffiCed



Just off the Press!

104 Pages of Bargain Buys, Replete with Item. for Pin Caine and Crane

Operators. Roll Downs, Wheels. Bingo, etc. Every Type of Merchandise


Silver TO-NA-Coustic 2-Band RCA '-',Itge)

Hares enrol Send $2 ...an with order. Pay balan,as C.0 D. Try radio an our rl. fo. S dais. Tnen if rtu dl, not awn it la the bast buy v.m doer ear. return tne rpoin and me will 81.1, refund your goon tteta inns. char's,. Theu.nds airead, paid. walnut new. cabin.. Fully RCA 11,—not • •an.l..• Ha- Pull IS Inches lone—not • ••eleara.... 00. S RCA Ilc. tubes. irse. I nuri•I iv.. Bid den.. anemia. Eat. ownt?Pt for oolke galls. FULLY OU 666666 D Sold rite/us.. by SAMPLE Rush $2 deposit In Lots et .. SILVER SALES CO. $1 t‘•5_4_ II" C. O. D..

pith Cord•••

1113 no. MICHIGAN AVE.. Dept. DO. /‘• beeleif 04 f. o. b. Chloe..

tCHO CHICAGO. ILL not tenoned.


ELGIN WATCHES, $1.65 EACH New Tie Form 74..1, IS Sue. Win. or Yellow. Cases.

...JEWEL. le SITE [LOINS S WALTH. $235. The AI-Jo. a new tie-form Invention FLASH CARNIVAL WATCHES, SID Each,for making a natural. permanent knot

Nand for Pr.,.• I err tut a tie. le being Introduced by the Al-Jo T'.,. Mo., Stet If Not Sanst..0.

CREICENT CITY •MILTINO CO. Company. of New York. It Is fully pro-Me Cold and 011sior .‘1,11. and R.... tected by patent end makes an easy.

113 N. Ilra ààààà . St.Lo. ''.• in. flashy demonstration Should make • SAY ••I SAW IT IN THE •11.1.•0Aft0. - hot pitch item.

NEW ITEMS REVIEW (Continued from paq, 57)

is about 2 or Inches in diameter, is made of steel. benutifully nickel-platett and is an constructed and balaeced that the beginner can perform complicated tricks with comperatively little practice. Much of its virtue lie. in the groove thru which the string runs. This string, by the way. Is Used In apinning the toy and the toy Itself climbs and descends the string as the player sleairen. The groove la uniquely <limped so that the string will wind true despite the novice's tilting the Spin-a-Bell at tiny angle. The ringing bell mechanism bs especially in-genloue. as It Is simplicity itself and ap-parently defies the effects of centrifugal force and does not spin with the outer bell but string. It Instead. Spin-a-Bell has appeal for boys and girls of all ages and bids fair to be a whirlwind selling sensation and an especially hot Mehl for pitchmen. Goody Manufacturing Com-pany h. been making ann-rneand nov-elty toy Iteina for more than 91 years. Felder Shulman is president. A. Stanley Kramer fe manager.

New Scottie Dog Created Ideas. Inc.. announced recent-

Iv a new weenie premium item with is special finish which la exclusiva with the hrm They stisted that they have spent months developing whet they called the "Furlinleh" cov-ering which feels and looks like reel hair. The remarkable part about this new covering is that it can be washed with plain soap and water. "Fuennish" Scottie. Cattle In three colors—the natural black, which cloaely resembles the live acottle, an achievement of note, and white and henna for flash and appeal. A red en t I nett° ribbon encircles the neck. Height of the dog is eight inches.

Radio Going Well The new five-tube General portable

radio. Intrndured by General Wirelece Laboraterlee, Inc., la meeting with an exceptionally fine mainmast the man-',gee of that company reports. It Le ideal for picnics, the beach, the mountains. and le small, light and compact. The portable. Ils mode in three smart styles. black leatherette. tan airplane cloth and gray airplane cloth. It can operate ..vherever there la electric current, either A. C. or D. C.

New Waterproofer A new wet-proofing and sweat-pront-

Ing solution is being introduced by J. W. Geiger, /ne., of New York City. It la called "Plbrox," and J. W. Geiger claims this solution producer, a water repellent finish on all kinds of textiles and is particulaely useful in making fabrics spot.proof, shower-proof and wet-proof. Garments can be Fibrented as riften na required without Injury to the materials. Hosiery, lingerie and all garments can he resistent to water spots and perspiration. Keen a bathing suit can be treated to advantage with Plibrox. According to Mr. Geiger. Fibroxing a bathing emit will-eliminate the unpleee-..ilt task of carrying a wet bathing suit .ncl will reduce the chilling sensation nue feels from cold winds on a wet get-ment. He also claims that this is very reelstent to dry-cleaning solvent's end moderately so when snap and water are used in the solvent. - /1. ii, ale., very realstent to all kinds of we.ather and sun. Vibrer does not put a "coating' on the material but treat, the fibers themselves and makee these fibers in-',latent to moisture as well as etrenrith-

',Ong them. J. W. Clelger. Inc, sian makes a False,as for waterproofing shoe,. This solution is poured in the shoe and allowed in run around the edge .nd under the sole Into any nail nr tolteh holes. This forms a "coaling" resit, the holee and preventing any water from entering around the welt. It eln pro-tects the inside shoe lining from rot. due to perspiration. If all that is claimed for Pintos is true. It should make an exceptionally fine pitch item.

Mystic Cie ^ Pad The *Oren Manufacturing Company

is ennunencing the mantifacture new product known aei Mystic Shine. This Is a combination of three Olen-n.13 in e cleaning pad, for use on household work, automobile windows and other places. achieving imitant results It Ls especially designed for polishing metals. glisse, etc. Item Ls ready for wide dis-tribution na a premium item.

Another "NN'inky" Toy "Winky" Sailor is a new addition to

the iimieuni Wink)' toy family. Pet hies on the bark, shake bla hand or rub his tummy and he puffs a pipe. The "to-bacco" In the pipe glows and. dies just like tobacco III a real pipe. "Wink,-Senor is a bulldog 20 inehee high dreeserl in a ernart. appealing Sailor suit and hat. The pipe glow is operated by a battery In "Wink)." Sailor's arm. The battery can be cattily replaced by un. ecrewing the arm. There are Mao Lazy Cats. Scotties, Rear Cubs and Rabbita in the "Winky" line. They should prove to he exceptionelly fine concession items National French Fancy Novelty turn. pony, Inc., are the manufacturers.

The "Chair" for Mosquitoes An electric chair for mosquitoes. That,

one for the book and Bob Rtpley. lus. dependent Lamp/Works le merchandising this electric contrivance and they say It really does the trick. It is a sreisie• shaped affair about four Inchee high, thru the center of which an electric bulb le Inserted. Tightly wound around the square frame are a series of wire strands Between the bulb and the wires ta a 111ht blue fabric. When the bulb la connected to out ordinary light eneket the blue light given off la sup-posed to fascinate and attraet the moe• quite. When the unsuspecting mes-quite touches the wee strands h, il electrocuted.

Egg-Timer That Rings

Here's news for every housewife, Royal Enter-prises. thru their premium division Modern Special. tirs Maculates, have a new one rolled the Royal Bell-Ringing Egg-Timer. Can be regulated for any time M the nand flows from one container to the other it nverbalenees the sand glass, causing it to topple. swing back and forth and ringing the bell from 10 to 12 times. Very con-venient for boiling cooking cereals, minute steaks and general house-hold tune where timing is an element of importance.

Nu-Matie Buster Gun Standard News Company is el.-lustre

agent for the Mu-Matie Paper Buster Outs. Comes complete with one roll of anununitIon. It Is automatic, foolproof allowing it to be safely operated be the smallest child. It Is a 400-shot repeat-ing gun. using harmless paper material and entirely eliminating possibility of injury. It is all bleck metal finish. aith


o ààààà You

g.er.10.à1eeek‘etger.cieareee Ir (enes pees•ea•---all desirable time and



CO . COE Pros.. A... Cl.•land, DAVIS EROS. 331 E. 11/...y, Let.-

a., Kv. LI SIN •R011.. Terre Haute. Ina RODIN NOVELTY CO. Shoal City. la

Pittaburrin, atIUTHIPP/ oiatnieurtno oo.. Km,

•Ilite, Tenn. SUCCESSFUL RRRRR CO., •10 Broad.,

Toledo. O. TIPP VVVVVVV CO.. TipPecen. Olt, 0-

June 27, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 91

No. 1000


DUAL LIQUOR MG. GENn_Porsay and Apr.t. Atm.-lad color eisorneeina.. lions. Small additional enamor for Names ena Monmyrarn• an this Jleear.

• niatwe Moyle Cam-, tolling lik• Ce." A big hit--20 rod of Tr.,. Oncles. oPi - California and o ,,,,, nel Esp.Mona

No. 888

The new Oat. Tyl-enol.. AM Tray (dIn •eros•). Chrom• trimmed Insert smell additional cost. Cornet In allearse. Walnut — other colors special.



Wee. Bakelite Products

1418 N. Wells St., Chivas% Mr



LAPEL WATCHED—Asst. Colors. Amerle.an main. I.WW1 Cord to 95c neaten. Each

RAZOR ,,,,,, — Deublordee s. net silatressed Mdse. Double Wet i,75 Parer Wrapped. Quality guaran-teed. Per 1.000

ADHESIVE AAAAAA 12-1•21,4“ Doren *PC

11.012 LA01113-27 ... Jap. ons.... 30e

FLY SIVATTERS , sWith Lem « 20C wawa. Dot.

PLY RIIIIION—Geet Quality. 100 73e

POWDER A PERFUME SETS. Cledlo,.... yearned Dozen rf/PG


25% Dopall With Orden.


Great Sale-While They Lad MENS STRAP WATCHES-

10 Llano Suits Chromium CNN. Oils Plait. $23.00 Prim Tay In Be. In Lois nf II . et-riewal. 113.00 Ea.; 13...temoll. 84.00 Ea.

Mass 0 Size Elgin & Waltham

Slug Writhes with /Lasts Dials. $22

price US In 00.. Lots ne S. Each

ELGINS WALTHAM 11 se. ',rowel. Blatt Enamel. Knife Rin, In Lott of S. Each

bee- - WALDEMAR CHAINS AND KNIVES. $3.00 stain à ur A M —1• SIN, Railroad

Ron Case, 7.45555. Nordin. Mole- ws. Each

15-Jewel. 82.50: 17.4awel, 82.711. IINCIAL PRICES FOR IIININTITY

Sample Ittle Est.. Dee Depealt, Balance C. 0. D. Bend I,. Calatel.


A "NATURAL"! CC sellers Ire NEW METAL.AND. CLAMS Loonier display col:Owls alt. place paper cards where.. shown

• . Mosel sathanw plan out. salee.reoletance to nothing,. DIO PROFITS TO YOU. 100 04 to merchant. GUARANTEED. Dwell. teak 11.4 74. territory NOW! Semple 55e postpaid. jPrim Allied Owl, .

Via W.Roespren , Ottot. S. Chicatie.


taien•Lt.5 Dot . :3à 0 VISORS. ltoTSII SAILOR HAM DIN .00 10 r,P2MAN HATS. Dee .70

0 e:TtOli CANE DOLLS. Or" .7a 0 .75 A

0 ti. LOINO FAN:. 1.2.1iT.Or.....AL .8 11

0 CHARMS. Ore.. . 0,1 toupees • leurialind M:Sai. A ni. 11: r 0 ....;":,;.-"He. le.':,'..- SU',„.; ; ,•,..,....>



nickel breech and trigger, and put up in individual finishers. It in expected to be • big item n for lettallatelr trade.

Magie Knot Tie

The Magic Knot 'Fie Company, orig-inator. Inventor and manutaCturer ist patented neckwear. Is marketing a iirw

Mai, IC Knot Tie that la said to he very practical in that the npeclally designed knot keep. the tie from twisting and wrinkling. Rein is excellent for demon-strators in deportment and dril/ar shirr,. Company reporta one demonstrator sold

1.300 tl. In a chain stme last week.

Bandy Hose Holder A handy hose holder has been In-

vented which sohon the problem of what to do with a oprinklIng hose when the telephone rings or the person holding It is called away. It is especially conveni-ent for watering some particular bush or

tr.. or pint or ground. and Is simply constructed. Has lots of appeal to those who, have fauns to sprinkle and care for. Handy Hose Holder Company, the mak-er. reports agents already capitalizing on the heavy summer demand for this convenience.

Latest Style Peeler

The Tat. Manufacturing Company I, marketing a new peeler known as the Jiffy cabbage shredder and vegetable peeler that looks like an especially at-

traCtive Item Jor pltriimen anti clernon-ntratorn. Gadget does several Jobe in one, aliceri, peels, shreds,, la ideal tor al: fruits and easily follows contours. re-

eyes and *.bad spots- almosr au• tomatically. Item carries an imperial

appeal for women and should be a part of every kitchen'. equipment.

Campaign Luck Charm

A **Vote for Rooaevelt** rabbit foot Is being Introduced by J. E. Brewer. The r.logan for Ilbo ,rvelt" is Inscribed

on an attractive nickel-plated cap. Every

Roosevelt rooter should be a prospect mid every Democratic club a Sore cus-

tomer. Thus rabbit foot stimuli prove to

be an exceptionally fine premium and pitch Item.

J. E. Brewer Is a member of the

Fraternal Civic League of Brooklyn, which order gave the first. Roosevelt-for.

President dinner while Roosevelt was still governor of New York. He Was on the committee which was Instrumental In obtaining the first half million signa-tures for • Roosevelt-for-Prealdent peti-


Pyramid Block Puzzle

A new block puzzle being distributed to novelty and premium outlets. made

(See New home Reviews on page 88)


menr.1.. Imeea, bed ,ify die-, dotage, aunrtad colon. 77C idle wed etteetml Grtm

nth, charm Number.. rineet, ranging how 75e to

15.00 1d e lleo .for Sample A nerUnent.


8 Ribs. Dos.

SUN GLASSES, Shell Frame,

Curved Lenses, Metal Hwy**. 85c Doz.


t,.1..r• .u..1 Keller Hal. Sla.1$2 .00



TROPICAL HELMETS. white or 7.70 beam

E5•S Demon With All Orders

Sand ter Now Peke Lett of Other Fast Nilon at too Plata,




• •

All For $10.00


$20.00 VALUE


This beautiful case worth at least 1%

$10.00 will be given to our agents n together with an assortment of F_I,P rnerchandisc—all for $10.00. More than double your investment pI on selling the merchandise and to 011 boot you still have a remarkable 0 ease for several years' service. 100 Merchandise includes fast selling

0 assortment of Notions, Cosmetics, 0 Blades, Extracts, etc.

Get your order in without delay, or write for further details.

0 Free Catalog on Request 0


37 Union Square, New, York, M. Y

517 C•nel, Neer Orleans, Le 616 Mission St..

S•as Fr•nolteo, Cal 30 South Walla St




Actual . are.




BIGGEST DOLL VALUE IN Miss Belle of the West is a breath-taking. eve-deuedleig cowgirl She has a deed-may., as e 7 gallon hat on her head and is drelsed in full West-ern regal ,a-- including handkerchief. colorful shirt, jacket and chaps. The holster around her wit& Ceerles a slis shooter ready tor actson and the look in her ere says she le teedY anything.

Miss S.S. of the West Is the great-est doll flash ever offered. She'll .Ptlyale you—and everyone else. Rush your orders today.


$24." pea«. Individually Boxed.

Sample Doll, $2.25.


250 Deposit with Orders. Balance C.O. D.


e, NEW YORK. N. Y.

Ootten Alanoer Fliiing

GREATEST BUY IN PILLOWS Baauttrui Cretonne Pillows fee Poet, and einnealano Oar Summer Patterns end Crier..., •IN 17.17 Inches Sonora EVERYBODY WANTS THEM. . .

B I G SPECIAL 2-00 00.1en

FLAS TERMS: DON Cash With Order. Balance O. O. D. 55001. Daten will be Shipped Wolper.. Collect Upon Rsaa4P1,

et 82.00 Gelb or Money Order.

H 3 Deg., Lets Alaeflre P311010.•. S. eroosne. N. Y.

Moe RAW Mew & Novelty Co., 14141Flesbing Ave.,11reeklya.R.Y.


5 IMPERIAL LEADERS5 Genuino Leather Laced Edged

Wallets I Se Ea. 144 Pipa Cleaners I Sc

Leather Auto Key Case 3 ''ac Ea.

Powder and Perfume Combination

licellophance 41'ac Ea.

Flash Bottle of Perfume: cello-

phancd and boxed 2e Ea.

"Write for FREE CATALOG of

5.000 New Numbers"

25'. Deposit. 6.stance C. O. D.

Imperial Merchandise Co., Inc. 893 Broedwey, Dept. M., N Y, C.

It 1401511 You. Ina Pansy and adeertlbeel te Men.

two The Ilintseard.

MEd W IMIARo In $140

r2i: 1,0011 Be It? Rea. Oaertee SOC $10.1,00

.r . r"q••• ILO"'S; OHO" IU Niue. Blew MartuS4

"":ee'"o7o rr" IMe .2518,... AO You eveht to

Bal. Pe — n MIAMI Weer


NEW YOnsttn, N.

i( Ilve-i, „ , EVile4 -VIAL ,..,....,LOCEL lb - SIZE 2 / s,tWEL • $2.30

9 15 ,,E.VEL •. 323 `,.... l .- •E1..EL '550 rheigefor . ,. • • .. ,ic. p.k.E.11 COD


92 The Itil(hoard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE-PIPES June 27, 1936

HYPLANE YOU can make really big money with this sensation-ally popular novelty. Hy. plane is the supreme hit of the season.

Hyplane is big in size—flashy in appearance. Inflates 25 inches long from nose to tail. The wing span is 24 inches, Brilliantly colored balloons, attractively

decorated in two-color print. Attach to reed stick—then a sweep of the arm and a twist of the wrist makes it Climb, dive and bank in a performance that thrills the youngsters, and gets you big business.

STARS itt STRIPES A grand flash for the 4th! These striking new prints are gloriously colorful. De-signs are in three and four-color print on balloons of bright hues. Or you can have patriotic colors only, if desired. They're a great supplement to the other Pa-triotic Prints in the Oak line


This season Oak Balloons outdo their previous pre-eminence for gorgeous ap-pearance. Merry-Go-Round design, in f ive-color effect, and the beautiful Butterfly print, in three-color effect, are magnificently showy. These are but two of several outstanding new numbers. The unrivaled beauty. quality and variety of Oak-By Ter Bal-loons assure you greater profits.


FD WarTitace-

Of course, nothing can usurp the popularity of Oak's genuine Mickey Mouse balloons, They

are made under exclusive license from Walt Disney Enterprises Don't accept Imitations. The line offers full-figure Toss-ups, bearing tfie name Mickey Mouse: Heads, with face on one side and figure of Mickey on back, and Round and Airship balloons with two-color pictures of Mickey and members of his gang.

Write for cataract showing complete Oak line. In-gle upon -Oak" every Gale you buy balloons.


Selling Through Jobbers Only

DOC VICTOR B. LUND . . . and Pirldie St Matthews seem to be going to town mit in owe. They met Harry curry of auction pitch note (with lien-DIM EMS.' ERIOR•3) playing Waterloo to swell biz. Doc rind Eddie would like pipe« from Bubbles and Ramona. Nit Shope and wife. George Ward end Dina. LeRoy Sutter and wife. Also they send their beet wishes to Morrie Kahntroll. who is still in hospital.

SPORTSMAN SHOW. . at Spokane okeh, but not so at Seattle for Johnny C. Vogt. Says Johnny: "Will go from here (Seattle's to Minot. N. D. Then to Canada for the Clam A fairs circuit. Wonder how my friend Prank Vail is doing in and around De-troit. Let'. hear from you. Frank. They tell me that Proudly Thlbaut la going over big with ell in Milwaukee. Have not heard anything about Al Written lately. Pipe in, Al. let's know where you are. Also R. Wooley, Filmic Vail. F Thlbaut, A. Rice. George (Heavy) Mitchell. P. Degrmv. Jack Wiloon and Harry Corey."

CIÓOD TO HEAR FROM . . . Tom Waters, the tentai proprietor of Wigwam Cafe. Gowen City. Fn. Torn. besides running a. restaurant, la busving himself In the local Hlwenis and State polities. He wants to read a pipe from Charlie Geraley, of the Greeley Bros.* Show.

OLAD TO HEAR.. . from Louts O. Black, that competent manager of the up and coming LaSaLle Blade Company. Lout» spent a good many yearn booking drug Stores for razor blades, so he knows what it is all about and Is directing his company accordingly. I need not go into the policies which

have enabled some of you boys to take In the long green with LaSalle blades. It is pet that any atore which has written direct to LaSalle Blade Company has been quoted a price higher than that quoted to the retail trade. In other auras. any spot covered by an active LaSalle agent will be unable to get quotations on Black's product. The result? Well, slowly each city if

beginning to have some live agent who !tees the possibility of quality and co-operation in building a permanent biz Instead of making a few temianary sales merely on price.

GEORGE MATTHEWS . . . “After playing a week at Shiloh.

G..• with cold and rainy weather and fair crowds each night, our allow, of which Gila Culbertson is manager, moved to 011vesburg, 0., whore we opened to large crowd's and good weather for a twO werks• stand. The show is componed of the following: Madame Bette, mentalist. Is featured: George Matthews. musical saw, chalk talks. cowboy roping, rube act, singing and magic: Fred totals. cutter and banjo specialties; Lillian Roberts. tap dancing, acrobatic dancing and singing specialties; Jean Schiffer, at plano and song apecialtlem Gus Culbert-son, black-face comic and lectures."

TIARTONE13 IDEAL COMEDY CO. . . . in again on its swing over the Southern Ohio territory that It has covered many aucecantve yenta: In fart. the 20th for Mr. and Mrs. B. Bartone (Bart and Pearl). As customary, a gOod program of tablolded script bills, singing and dancing specialties and novelty acts is provided and thin year the Bartones have an outstanding feature in Jackie. masterly trained chimpanzee (has ap-peared in various feature pictures—pur-chased a few months ago) in changes of his performance nightly. Whether mak-ing n nor-week or two-week stand the show liaa a complete change of pro-gram each night. Several changes of attractive back and aide drape* (rich appearing and in pleasing colora) are additions to the stage dressing this sea-son. Three rows of nve-tosa-aerst canvas watt with comfortable backs occupy the center of the tent's interior and the are flanked on both sides by clrotie.


IMITATION DIAMOND in a New, Ferlashe Denim had lis roan dam 'haw ihmt email stones on each e. tree work an.nad too and ohlra mot perm...4 aha,s„ ULM: No. 93. In I 4.tCl. 101.1 liste. Sail 1, 0.2 in III M Cinn 01.'0 UPT01111111S NEW ourrorgeRs W.. end on], hare the nort eouarlo,o stock nt

e.t.a., hut ere •19e cam ,,,,, of le.e9r • ar uhrhhondier. gnu. nen in, is no...v.4,01o, than Thu cult get what roe want front le. Write ny our oano.le line No. ea entang of III new White. Slane Wags tor $24,4 :fend' fre i ne.r rvaboette tutees en lui .111 hero it • hn

* HARRY PAKULA & CO. North Wabaah Ave. CHICAGO


SPECTACLES and GOGGLES We rat-, ht rchn,,,,..te blue of

Field Oleonte. fill,, ,-oren and 11,1 men •har oo... Our ',ewes •ra the loner

NEW ERA OPTICAL CO. 0.,"erafr... Optical Speciattic•

17 N. Wistretah Ave., Chicago.

MEDICINE HEADQUARTERS A Chinplets Mrilrlhe Show and SUPIIRIOR SERVICE. Windeh.l. Ofilre nirc41 Pro-,. I,. anon P.P.. ,

MINERAL PRODUCTS LABORArciaits. Mfg. Pharmacists,

137 E. Spring Street, Columbus. O.


Sa.-ve 80% NI, year Stemeirlee. Etnerlaltle., Mohr,. Itt. de, .1,, die., tram tan not act or - thr..ogh our Mad ender triorttnant. AI order, m•Ilud sto..thald ha earrathtna. Send foe rr. •.

II41 IWO. CO.. OtIgn. et•51. 0,13oiatf53 Henan.. Ont,, ,


INand.Nner Cara Clete hands. Mend for training Plasma Its,. gain. la Trei Watrhre and Diamonds In the e.niutty.

N. SP*,,,, a00.. 1On North 7111 Street. St. Louie. We


measizgranc> Faunteln Pens, 511.00 par Woes, Vacuum FM% 513.00 groat; Planer. Innate, 615.00 pr croon Combination Pon •nd Pencil In One. S46 00 It. arena; Mph, Pen,11 Pointed Pen, 1127.00 or rod: Fountain Pon and Pearls Sot. tamale., With onts Point and fairing carton. 111..00 or arm Line sissa ether Sulk or tit on a oars, order .hipord hens day en rerreed.

NASSAU PIN L PENCIL CORP. 110 Raises SI.. her Tort City. R. Y.




Sa ndwich. III.

YOU CAN NOW OAT YOUR FOUNTAIN PUN and PERFUME at 7114 Altrion St.. Ilan Princhen. Calif. ALWAYS AT THE HEAD OF TUS P11/1

heater l'eus and 'tanker ere %Keaton and en...m.11nm,. Me Ihnto hell • • • It'. AU In tle. Ihtt Point. Lien...rotator.. get ea eneeeb row fur ›,..r Frir Pertains

457 ill'etety. N. V. C.: [rell2r1r131.1"51;•%̂„. AISitOIL


4 1

00 ,,,,, soisaill11111 Summer Rowel Oronertit

We are rff.ring the •••11$4 lane.t il,,. In RAININII1V CRYPTiAl.

ANn AnitItT .11,99 rAftlinItnig

o, ors RANITi:Is 1.1111- 1,1 p.ne $2 00 • .

lin, Peon Cunha: OLYMPIC. CIAO 00., Wen. Cy

307 5111 Arse.. Naar Ton, N. v.

S.. YOU. ooriatoondene• to «ROMAN bi Canino Th. BIIIINIWIL

June 27, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE-PIPES 77so Billboard 9$

BALLOON MEN The biggest money getter to hit ihe streets in years POP EYE SLIM JIM Balloon -The • • rn • o •unisy Cartoon OneelXler. Printed In lee cake, Get in on thin new Ilse wire Item and bring beak the good Slim Jim Money Dem. NO. ••0.—Inelalm

'meted Cr. lee,. Pr. $3•25 glee Inthee Res


Inners* 0.72 In. Printed Ti,, Color. en Tee

.eee• ..25c name Day Shire..tents.

Mickey PAMIR, sum 2 Jim galloon - Es. Or . "

MICK EV rilOUSE Demonstrators. a ,esc .. ms


COMBINATION, made of Celluloid. Altn.ctive Color, Hwy Funny. Or.

N... 122 New White Straw TROPICAL HELMETS. Double eyelets — Adluetabis De.hc Need Bands. Full °raven =0 esia Barn Shape. Doren ..... M•aa.

SUN GLASSES Re. 11195.—Nomy 5h51 Mottledrosoc

Ember Rim. Cons. (Wort) La.., EM.11115-4P—Pastol. Frames. Dm. 90c

Display Owes From. Na. 110—Sport Sun Glass.. NonsTar-

rinnakle Mew Rim, Comm Lem. Shiall t.eaplms. Amu,. Color., With 125 p. Display Crud. Ono, I/ Dnsent Wilt, Or.derar Rai C. O. NEW PARK. BEACH AND CIRCUS BULLETIN FREE





lis•.1•ri in "Tut, lu n'. lnn nin buy hing la h.,. Berm tin sou got our Mali las

yore let of Write today. illOOIN PEN 00., SSS O'dwey. Now Ton, N. T.


line's a luire, that'. a real money MUM. C. le mot equally it. well on di fruits. Al.

s• Corer fir Amitey. Tomatoes or Omen

a WEI.1,11.101C LIMITS blATIC TOOL. 1. ,..••••1 Peeked in attrartho Indlvidttel

tal..vsyl...t boa.

1200 me Greet. F. 0. S. Ohioan. tuff, nuler. Palen... C. O. D.

Sample Der., 90E.

NU-DELL MFG. CO., INC.' eni w Huron St.. Chinni. III.


p ..turne. Irma 512.00 Oren. Chrome sod hold Alto WWI RINGS, from 110.09 Bross hem' Sg.00 for sounded« gams Ile II,,,.. Pree Catalog,


507 5th An T. City.

MEDICINE MEN 1.,r, tins Roane, Taut., Liniments, jelet• and SAN.. Coder your awn

i,sstwt !Who. Caeltsze on Ore Kew etwlied. Ihkes /10, Plenty also

BECKER CHEMICAL CO: MCIII st,...1."`""'" se° 'CincInnati. O.


- "1 MAKE G000 agency rum Buts-

-1, r„lánr:ige,n'rvilwewo ve'enreev "."" anent, ',cueI,t thorn era sintning

BACK CARD.. 1 direst Omni.. Frein Stock of Improved stenos

•—. Own, and all supplies Sways on nand .I read, ler Inuerell•le •nlpeneet.

Send fee Some,. and Full Infamia. lion.

BENSON CAMERA CO. .11111 brew • NEW YORK. N. V.

, tiOvIelt Finishing fahneenemm far Ovar SO Vein.

ntyle Fineldrn th., living care etc., there is a motonred diner, neatly furnished and with kitchen In one end. Another conveyance was ridded to the transportation fleet on n recent Sunday when Mrs. Barton, and Dave Behee. who worka the chimp, made • trip to Der Bolt and purchamed a trailer home for Jackie. A tonic has been added to the calm linen (Mbietn, liniment, ointment. bath none and package candy) Barton« have worked for a long time. The show started its tour at Newtown, O.. where it played one week, then to Batavia for two weeke and for last week was to make a short move to one of its other "stand-by" town.. A complete roster will be given in a later Crane.

Pitchdœn Five Years Ago

W. A. MURRAY. the "man from Pink Avenue." wandered around Coney /eland and ran into MARY RAGAN raking in the dough as usual.... DOC BRUSH We. down in Old Kentucky disposing of the nuisance of kids throwing rocks at his tent by singling out the ringleaders and giving them free seats.. . . A two-week fishing trip in Yellowstone Park was just ending for WITITTE JOHNSON. . ZIB HIBLER. up in Cohen. N. Y. . . The mountaina at Hendersonville. N C, were working wonders for WIDOW ROWS& . . . ANDY STENSON saw that good-looking high pitchman. TOM RODGERS. take a couple of "centurion" from a sincle tip. . . The ex "Mayor of Park Row." HARRY MAIERS, was contem-piniing the publishing of a book en-titled The Red Book of PItchdom, show-ing who's who in America's high pitch circle,. . . . Star Show and Wilson Pun Show combined down In Lynehhurg. Va. . . . Three nape tried to take old DOC JAMES MILLERHAUS. the hit Sel -Ton Sa man from Chine. for 33.000. bucks on the moth-eaten, eure-thing, racing-bet game. I guess they are out of >II by now. . . , BOB CLAYTON and BLAKE SHAW were working pan lifters in the Northwest. . . . JOE raotmerarrr: was beginning to change hie mind about the passibility of getting in the dough by pitching over in Europe.

"FOUR YEARS . . . have paned since / sent in my last pipe," writes Frank McCormick from MInneapolin. "Been off the road for three years but still rend The Etfilboard and enjoy it Immennely. I am living with mV two clatIchtcrx FM I IOSE my wife three years ago. Will sure welcome pipes from any and all It haa been mighty cool here nit spring; the nights are unusually cold for this time of year."

B. J. STARK . . . who has been working blades to fair big up in Clary. Ind.. ran Into Heavy Mitchell waiting for hie bonus. Stark says he would like to read pipe@ from Art Om Tie-Form Johnson and Hoot McFarland.

TIJUANA. MEX. . . . was the last place T. D. (Senator) Rock-well piped from, but now he is up In the Northwest covering Seattle. Tacoma and Portland. Doc Parele. Shorty Woodward, Mickey Mulligan. 131Im Bides and Wild Horse Mesa are also up in those parts. A Peterson Junt left Rockwell Stated in his letter he was glad ta read Herb Johnson's pipe from Butte, Mont. But is still looking forward to pipe. from Oenc Del Mar and Charlie Kittrldge.

DRY SPELL. IN TENNESSEE . . . le confirmed by Texas Billy Finnegan. who naye Texan Billy Shaw is atilt ram-bling around in Southern States and has found farmers feeling blue because of no rain, but business good in con-sideration of this oondition. He may go back to Georgia. Finnegan says big show remains ahotn the .1111P—M1200 people over a yen, and all glad to read Pipes and all The Billboard.

HERE'S somETHINO . . . for you "so-called regular" mod shoo people who lie in bed until noon. Dr. Krim says: "Why dont you get up just one morning about 430 o'clock. take a long walk up some country road and sao what nature can show you? I Just did it end before f got home my doga crest ones or your feet, DOC?) stirred up three

pheasants, seven deer, a Ginnie of squir-rels and a slx-foot black snake. (It's all right, folks, the doctor said in his letter he didn't expect you to believe him.) Helen Rex and I recently returned


FIBROX (Registered Trade Mark)

eWETPROOFS, SWEATPROOFS and SPOTPROOFS FABRICS and SHOES FIBROX tor FAURICS. New remarkable onymtion for treating and making fabrics water resistant. Instantly wet-proofs. spot-proofs and perapiration.proots without injury to the

Cloth. Fibrox for Fabrics does not put on a criat.ng brit heats the fibers themselves. Makes

them stronger and r•sislant to moisture. Even a balhing tud can he treated with Fibrin.

Such treatment eliminates carryeng a wet suit and reduces the chilling sensation from cold winds on vecit garment.

Easily demonstrated Drop water on materiel and allow water to run old Into a basin.

HERO% for SHOES. Solution Ire leather. Pour into shoe and

shoe is sealed against water. Also preventS shoe lining from perspiration rotting

JOBBERS ! ! ! Special Discount To Quantity


Fibrox is a "Miracle Worker."

Makes Impressive Quick-Sell-

ing demonstration. Cash In

with Fibres today.

1;3 Deposit, Balance C. O. D.

Fibrox for Fabrics,

$198° GROSS F. O. IL New York.

Semple, 20c, Prepaid.

Fibrox for Shoes.

$21.2 O. S. New Tedt.


J. W. GEIGER, Ina. 1N22 Few ylfdiorkA:Ne.nuye

LA SALLE BLADES Keep Your Customers Satisfied Long ago we decided that the only way to keep our salesmen satisfied was to give them the kind of Blades that kept their customers happy. LA SALLE BLADE SALESMEN are making money right along because they haven't ruined their trade and their own profits with cheap mer-chandise.

Write fet pekes. If hill lbw ef samples is flesited enelese 256.


1916 Vermont Ave., Toledo, O. Foe REI Tree


PICTURE MACHINES—As Low as $16.50 Invest atirne of that Soldiers' Ron. In • guaranteed moneysmaking propeoltion.


Unwed witortment of nowise nee offered. New drelens and eiders noes won— nwanton t. Mil °me. Picture Order now and he convinced.



We Steed Supreme When It Comes to Radio Units, Full Co-operation

for Experienced Workers —

The MASTER LINE Gets The Money

Our Latest Product, "All Wave Filter." A Powarline Filter that

Positively Eliminates Noises

and Gives Clear Reception — Your Demonstration Proves It and 13rings in the Money.


FILTER" Pat. No, 1926228.

Contain, a 6CO-volt rested Duce Condenser lEvery One Guaranteed Perfect ,- The Bakelite Finish and Mechan-ical Constructers will convince both Yourself and the Buyer that this Device is a Substantial Scientific Product, ROOK-BOTTOM PRICES TO FFTOMMAIII, DEMONSTAA.

TORS AND FAIR W . Sample. no.

Master Radio:, 206 BROADWAY

La born tortes: NEW YORK, N. Y.

The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE-PIPES une 27, 1936

'---74omplete line of Kitchen-ware and household specialties for DEMONSTRATORS


Other Items in ou r complete line







and Reny others.

Iworse ewe.' to, .i.o. GARNISHING SET


All Goods Approved by



The three Sod-sell-

ing household spe-

cialties Illustrated

are only a part et

our compkte line of


These and the ether liens listed in this announcement hen an appeal for every housewife. Demon-ttttt or• have been making big money with them consist. ently.


, ,



get the money with the Our Leteat Product


A I, 1,11Iey

.iro N 0 t.. a. strl

liruie. It do lloi

VnIt 21 orone looe

ar,1 31••1211-i 5Il

Pc" 100 I. AMPLE, 250. • Proditel

25o's Erapalt. Balance O. O. D. Immediate Shipments. W. Hove Everythlne To IlL•rt You S Biselneses. Coen. in. or \Write Ice Complete Details

SUPER. LINE! Get In On Our Nam


lllgule With Chit Yora lickcIO, deti•or Pr., • o Fiatou ni jutait...



5 Per 100

SAMPLE. 25e.

en 600 West 115th St. (Cor. Eldwy.)

V• New York, N. Y.

Pdtrekii, I -Pt AGENTi-i DI MONSTRATORS :411n2111. tip TIE FORM

The AL-JO. flailed the Four., SI•nics•Ifelf• Slakes natural, to iaiot. Undo tat lit,

own Wald. tiros. Sais. çtno Cartio Cato>. 11 Poke,' AL-J1.15 to I art.. rte.& 55.25 pm Ososo. I shoot 10e for dentine ¡MO A

etrartirpself.e.elliiie elate up with

2So. 113 Ded.elt. Ream ft. O. U. Retrial rte In with aLii.1111 Insert 3.0 1201.03. CitnIPI•


...ill. AL-JO COMPANY 110 sixTm AVE., NEW YORK.N.Y.

Malee Your Spare Time Profitable! DAVE:MEEK CAM ERAS ore MONEY-MAKERS Tip elm unlimited 1, r Peeing it.. World, sod

Eitual • o. at TI••mf AT PICNICS. t'AI<NIVAliil. CCe CAMPS.

Fir ,11 t 1:TC . Iseteres essde

er,.. • •

CAMERAS ARE PRICI.is riet,m $7.7‘, 1,P SEND YON LI INEO1P2111111112 MODEL.

DAYDARK SPECIALTY CO.. 2828 Benton SI., SI. Louis, Ms.

from a three weeks. sojourn in New Hampshire. While in that pert of the country I had the pleasure of %letting With some real old-time merl and dram-IIIMIC show people. In Naehue / met Doc »elvish and Doc Krause. med men.

At. Keene, N. H.. I met Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Blake and Clifford Browne. Browne was one of the real old-time

Julia Marlowe troupe. At Newport. In the same State. I met the sales manager of the hilly B. Van Soap Company. At Lebanon met (Spurge Bragg. another

good &calmer. and his wife. Mao Ms. Sheppard. N. O. Chapman and Lew

Laramie, who is a born batid leader and used to be with Jim Coles King uf

Trumps Company. Laramie brought back fond memories. to me. I used to double baps drum and cymbale and sing with that hand: also did juvenile leado handled the stage and sold song books.

But that was years and years ago. In the deys when you could get room and board for three hueks a week. Yes. I'm getting old-40 last Sunday. Sorry to say not one of the people I met reported gotta business. Hello, everybody. on °Barns' Variety Show. Hsi George (Musical) SIMS got his cornet, chime, and xylophone tuned up yet?"

MADAME MAYFIELD . . . opened her platform show in Conneatus-Ville. Pa., to big crowds. Weather was eon!. but not enough to hurt Mr. Mel-vin Mayfield. from whom this pipe

comes, would late to read pipes from old-timers. Including Doc Wei.. Doc

Pangborn and Harry Huntednger.

BICTON . . . wishes he had followed the advice of 0th-re and stayed away from Shannon. On. .Pitat bloomer in a long time'. eays Hiram. - Doc Padgett wan a visitor

at Arrostrchee. on. /Irv, now has his blg show at Trion. On. Hear that Sandy. the magician. Is out of the game

and now la doing great as an automobile sal.man at West Palm Beach. Fla. Mid-dle and Pearl Mitchel visited us for

three days at Plainville. Oa., then left

Pitehmen I Have Met By SID SIDENBERG

One of the most popular pitchman and demonstrators in the portals of Pitehdom in Arthur C. Cox, the tie-form worker. who is a conspicuous

figure nt almost every big event In the country. As a worker he la equaled by few when It come. to

manipulating the neckpiece on the wire tie-form.

The last time I saw Cog put OVer One of his famous shekel-gathering dem-onstrations was In a large chain store unit In Indianapolis. Cox was work ing the store tree with the tie-forma which alone Is a promotion accom-

plieried by very few, If any at all. Cox w. BO good in his work that be proved to the management of the etore he could get rid of all the

stock-worn Des Meddee plenty of new ones. Cox was assisted by hip side-kick. hill Westfall. After closing the node, the management requested them

beck for a repeat clete after two weeks.

Well. In my day, I have seen some of the boys hove some real honest-to-

flOOdneas prissoute. but If you think money cannot be made or think .0Id Man Depression' . Is still boas of the 'situation, piet watch this pair in ac-tion. Boy. It In a pleasure to see

them work: they are real gloom slayers. The hermits, of It in thew

never talk shop or cut up jackpot... They talk about everything but their pork-but they work.

Billy Weetfall and Cox muet have merged recently. for I know both are Mlles at the game and have rawern worked single-0, but a partnership

of thin character Is not good for the bow of gloom ill the builbseas. / mean they sweep a spot. Cox started In the butines. Felling

polish for Mooney. Before entering the portale of Pltehdom he was a candy butcher at Navin Meld in the old home town of Detroit. Mrs. tota-

l. Ong, the better half of the Cox 'stronghold. I» a demonatrritor that coils for arrante reckoning. too. While

nos end Bill are working the forme .he Is In another spot putting OUt the darnrrn With her clever talks.

Westrall Is married, has two chil-dnm. Norma and Billy Jr. two years

old. The Mrs. done not travel With

Bill. They call Pittsburgh noire.

Mr F•Eilt St 11121.lInn TO

novrtrs inn

IN kéitqk


Demonstrators Etc.,


itirsilne 5ic. ,-

slsinuint Illeuf,


It In • clot ,i1 flualluit Il ••runi • song sulillat

otrokiii You'll draw the rm.... srel hold them with e leot 'tat It. dcluenolcaUon with Uali• now and wild seller.

touneeters err, tor Ill Grown-ant be, It• emertaltune, esrilin It. il.illilrou. Will

make the ren.ational rates recind ot all ono., action too look lihe rules nu • Bea hen,. Here • the bit ehnore fOr erole-ronke man, demom•rahn.. eta., in climb the nmih heist... Tour Once Se. ?'ells like hot mars eiery where. Tromoeuliow pron.. 'loin. ',cloy.

Tri Peeto to ktem"e4 Shoot In < that 71.1 mn mae m.o. money, quicker, wilh fish s.50 nee, le..t...0111n$ aen• catIon. t • k e advent.. of 11.• Reeei•I Trul ler Mt Orer. Wet Ore. el

deffeellelb If you're rant ntrehlisj

I f Prepaid.

.00 °Ross FAIL ILI.

Co.-. 12 hews later. 411r, •...11 never male ser •••

o (r.".7:1117're ths met be stocking ‘tP

AlicetInon and •ttraellre display are Inri.ided in rerh boa.

Don't won on tse DIMON Mille Me Settlnes Caed. It's Este* Good Now With

26%. Ilepohlt no All Order. ter 1 limn or More. Balance V. Il Ib

Omidy Manufacturing Ca. le g. *End da.. Own. 5. Raw Twk.

SHOEI LACEI mama Neleanen tube call on 511i/liNIAKtatki, nUi

ING PARIA1144, Git(H-1:RIES. end TINT STORKS. It Rose. of PO L•Cee, each hot ',Minns an is...none. or 100 Ps et !Aces In Aiwa 16.• to 72' . Amime•I Celt to the Iles MmHg Pries 57-50. Cost yen • Too melt it tor 31.00; bon. cnexhrini 115.00 Tcr Cash with Order. r. o. 11. Na. moan, 1:., e Maniple Her voll I•e rent to you orov•iil $1.2 PALLS CITY MERO. CO., Doe 305. Neer Anne

ATTENTIO MEDICINE MEN, STREETS'S.. C ttttt SIN ASSAM* ANO ALL OTHERS INC Mt ICINK Wo now offer an how Mont. a 'Rude In Itaoliy 3 eolio CNotori el $15.00 OROS*: 55.50 A Vs CROSS; 53.00 A DOZE flip Iblo ad for tonne reference. CIL-TOM-SA MEDICINE CO., Oloommu,

Medicine Men Sell 0 Wider Pedieblo Iloilo erempouod. wok two gallons if Inuretie.lesst.1 1, 1•Ie. leal

PrIow 51.00 a pound. Sample... 10o. Wrt Inc roil,. on Toed h salve, tItIth•ht il

'oat t.•••••I•oL•hd In P....Mr tons. FIN LEY LABoRATORIES, IN •203 Oil.. Bt.. 51. coo /5 Mi


Rem.. i I I, ol-Wlote Stone at to. h • .1. tino and Stint.. ymisli. 1114.40 OR.; 111.211 005. Sample 211c:•••. ratlike 22, Pol.. , In. ,'...I,tt'

PHILIP FIGARSKY 147,..,erc4,r-o

The 0•151nal La Nat New Seller

ONE Metier a Million Nate Mot CURLS.

Easy italdt nor. In hold rrOw•lt.

$3.00 per Onus P. O. IL Nett T•ol Ii I 11.1.

cun t rt

G. E. Wpm; Mt. Os. 11 120 N. at. Pair 1111, Deep, D.

MEDICINE ME Write (re of ion hobo( In Pure VereNies 011 Seem. Ita what "no need.

MID-WEST SOAP CO. SOY HISS St Indlerwpollo, lot

RfINI JUID MEDICINE MEN Rn sur lien. l'intisse. Hied. Unreel tiooli os it market at hwer nrinm flete love pro.. tor 1,e, melee y-orno,I abet, alo» on carton, toll» (lIst pot op their ovoi.

Pull Slit P...••• end Prke Lin 100 Penfreid.

THE DAMON 00., Freeport, 1111mis

June 27, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE-PIPES The Itillbourd 95

RO LO (or New York. Floyd Tucker. our elec.-

«at NEW "LASSO" trician, left for Cincinnati Chet Morrie. 10e Novelty Sens•donl magician now holding down Limans.

Newt COWBOY ROPE T1101IS ten It. heal. Now in 'reline., and doing good bud-

. A tent or the spirt goer 111 nms, but it had better rain soon or '3a 'roue...et an th.iuss will not amount to much. Where's mare they do It — the

pronoun, toot lamont Lewis. Tony Baker, Skip Start-melashr thehe ,,,,, xi,. the Juggling Burke.. Peed Perot and

erases crowds! Bertha Haines? Pipe in.

toot •s Buree Lovi.Cost Theatre,

A▪ dvseurers Grab It! ip RO-LO Contest. Suet the

Orate — Profits corm NAND OVER FIST?

Oieteimitmil Wholemleest Premium Merit

Cholee Protected Territory Still Available — Be Fleet to Quality -An Novel Writel

RUSH Ilk fur Sample. New Ilarmtlilny Setae

Plans—or 11 for 20: ••. 112: 72. VS: Or., SS. Send milt this ad to

BOLO SALES Main Deol. Nei OM Part.

comedian 50-1.0 SALES. 304113 Canada Bldg.. Winnipeg. Man.

TEX AIS--erlsees.Parry RO-LO CO., Sens Howl. le Dallas.

SEW TORS CITY—W. N. Smith Distr. Corp, 54119 Breedwar.

ST. LOUIS. MO.- RO LO sale, 3313 oiler, Blvd.

SPECIAL LOW Prices to Quantity


FAIR PEN WORKERS My Now Mte Pommel Are Ready—Reel Lao Prieto..



JOHN! F. SULLIVAN SSO ereetlear, saw Toes CITY.

Fast Service Sully.


F1EDM If not vet our teem on

ji.. l,Nfl.l". If 011..111i. T IL/mild. tie Ilerto).

iest rei 117 hence,,, hallo AilS

11, te.e.whing you •rsil i•. ,1 .t.I,. Kim to .1 ..r tottri•el

Ad. *us 31 ...II,. I II e Man 1. d Our Servielk

eel-Tom-Ss Modidie Co. Ote.Ten-Sa CINCINNATI. O.


SILK AND COTTON SOCKS,. firetd and lidn1 1,-$071Rt color. to ib. o •,. Pa. 0...1 à.1 T.. ein Pm, SPECIAL PRICE FOR QUICK SALV. 111.00 PER CASE. F. 0, EL NEW . INC. CASH WITH ORDER. A raser.le Irucen for your ,•... ad: -edt tt..1 prepaid unja receipt of ée, Ilia Only Prk That Tins ran Retell 1" • • a Pair owl $uit 11•ke kidney. M AKE I V' .1.. • in I CITY NERO. CO.. Soo SOS. Cm *beans, Ind.

SOAP PLAIN. 1•Itirs'ig Lsiti.l. Olt /MUCH.

Write for Pores.

Ntrrno VEHOICENE CO. IS eau. Pearl. Street. 01.1011100. ILL.

MEN'S POLO SHIRTS mi.? bled. Ire..a. 4:11..114, 111.1, White

151 TrIlme. lime, »null. medium, large. l`nre 113.71 PER Phi... (Marino, lit? Slack). ee.00 PEN DOZEN. so, bateau 'ti- .11 weer.. bal. C. II. II E. O. Ir 'New Nark.

MAJESTIC 00. ISIS Intemale An., Bronx. N. T.

RIO PROFITS-QUICK 1 tree patent Automobile Poster Etmurer is taking the emantry hy about. 1,, Car caner a mines:es. Mean» mere tome, more marts, • Mr eathe ta em.ullne. Pell, limit on dent. Money-

k guaranies. Ton ran mate ill, it and.» profit. tie»! mi.., task, ro to Slott per melt New Low PrIce. $IBS pot Dew, $11.00 pie Grote. Your tern." Par still tie eian-

ManuFACTURERS' DISTRIBUTING 00., >et. C. 336-327 Penn Avenue. pituoungt. Is.

et EiPpri,C. q‘e2$10› 11;r4p al . 11.21.14 .0 P5,11 Ni

(nun! gummy 01-4.1•1 Rot.


»,.. . help was to mu igulel IISOR in Ion % morn, lie ma rilerlt. slim—get ...twit Rand ern- for sample hay IterePald 1 [,(1t. M4èt

/ 11... hrti,AT Ftel.n 1,011 AflEXTP 'ROM wunioara omEtenNo PRODUCTS.

tug nee Mt. Pleasant. Newarik. N. J.


dwde. Willis it,,.. tnou rognitterttuve.

ui 2,e I,,..mula .eam*' emo..


ISE PISVIr." ;:eo l FINDING. CO. N. T.



Sr. i.e.., Sir.. told

11.'lrytin0e% 0,115 and ma there. lore Ito • bo-or pnaltion to elte rue low. eet nitre, erefert met, rhanaho 0114 a !


TWO WEEICIS . . . In Emote N. C., proved to be the dent red one of the Benn for Doe Lee Holden and his show, flac nays how-

ever, that he hue been hitting it off fair ever rince opening on April 4 in lint Springe. N. C. On the *how, Tom Mil-

lard la doing heaviee and black: Smokey Bud Devitt, red, and black: ete.v Camp-bell. ilddir and guitar; Drexel Day. man-ager and silly kid. end Doc in dolne vent,

megIc and lecture, while the wife nnct kiddies—Rosene. Maserua. Edwarci and Junior—are looking on. Doc would like pip. from Tobby Martin and Mary and Doc Smith.


three weeks ago in Dickson. Tenn." PlPcs Kathryn Kenting from White Bluff. "Played Wrigley. a companymwnod town

Wennmday night to excellent business

Show carries nine people, with -lark Peamey. ¡straight and ganeral manage,.

Doing to Harterrille next week. The drought in affecting crops and btlairleas.

Eddie Shcrico. pipe in."


la doIng so well in Rome. N. Y.. showing the night spot patrons his many magic tricks that he can't make up his mind

Whether or not he will ever again hit the road, Johnny have he met »sr]

Crumley and his wife recently nt Also Harry Ring and Master Rungell err now in Rome, working one of the live-and-tens. 81 Stebbins. the ..Rustie Card Manipulator," just left.

t. C. TT:MASON . . . WAS the first var veteran pitchman. hav-ing given The Sillbcard as address in making application for bonus, to arrive ln Cincinnati last week. Was accom-panied by his wife (Anna). and they earne from central Indiana. Have of late been working radio condeneern. Looked prosperous and radiating amia-bility—fine folks. L. C. got his bonds (lneldentally. didn't need earth for any of them). and. after g Visit to the pipes

desk, prepared to return westward. They recently met Mickey Walker. WhO had just come front the South and was look-ing fine.

WHO IS MISSING? . . . A trefe? from C H. Woward ly, Staten Attorney of lettersets County. Mount Vernon. Ill., advises that the body of an unidentified man was found on the right-of-way of the Southern Railroad. new DIo. Ill.. on May 27. Had In his possession some toy balloons. ..fan-dancer'. card., cute. and other novelties. Age. Muse, 45. height. about 5 feet and Inches: weight. about 165 'pounds; brie, black:

medium-heavy built: rather dark complexion. and wore » tttt The authorities have been frying to learn his identity address of rotatives and eeeee particulars. Any of the boys hay-

ing an idea who he watt. get into touch with Attorney Howard at the above address.

SOME fi0013 ADVICE . . . comes from Doc George M. Reed. how in

Youngstown. O. Doc myri - "Listen. boys. there is room for all of us if we work clean. If you cannot get It. don't try to

kill it for some other worker. Ile may pet it today and you may get it tomor-

row, and remember be may need it Worse than you do. . . . Sure enjoyed Zip Rib-lees pipe in the June 13 Issue. I have never met Zip, but he must be • real pitchman—he. I believe, is one of the

best pipe writers that contributes to the column Jim Perdon'm pipe of prime dete was a dandy. . . . Hnd a very pleasant surprise on Sunday (June 14). W. 11 Spencer. tint grand old pitchman (7'7 Sean liouns'). called on Mrs Reed and nie. He sells and repairs pens, and is

known to the bunion,a men of Youngs-town as the 'Fountain Pen Dia.tor.' He has been working this city gelling and repairing pena for over 20 years. Yee. It pava to work clean, you are always, wel-come back etch) . . Had a card from that veteran spitchman. John L. Mc-Cloeky. John in getting very feeble-79 yearn old Sara he would like pipes from all of you oldtimers"


T5 "lift:P . FLARE



_u_e4u_t_E "

SAFETY FLARE -LITE ils tamerfal white beam 11-iLte up the dart toots

Its Wide dprreil HPAP•• hiaitern gem Pim term you—elms you that extra mingle all ..htY f1.1.1 loi mi other tlastdiel.L. It. Stew beeriest hanger enabler. lisle re,. I.. he si ir.. ,... •I any •nele. femme hands tree- The mmt ime•md Ita,1.1islio mer tinctured In Um Iummet uurdic

the eventual ta.liiien,i tin mreyone—eserJOI•rre. 11.slly -nr...1 unto-eel...milt, gm, firmdelt. Coln-

311.r, lane lb---nmr.. Ikeetun, »elm and Wurvli limed ti 1,,r 81.23 met, complain milt 2 LeiALITE

fink, Promptly, Fraiure Puninneritlyl Pre& IsumerdlateLlt Write hc, turn., details tolnyi

Iroet pine:leaf . . . sensatinnal flashlight and premium derriopment in years.


Chicago Bramhi 323 W. Polls Street.










"Drop Indicator'' tells when

to refill. Can also be filled

with regular ink.

Be the First in Your Field

To Cash in on

This Winner,

JACKWIN PEN CO. 50 West 28.1. St., New York. N. Y.






ThLs European gm-rim:a rim.% Who. ea arid r d. n km.I of leb1M Rime or l'ann- Er.-ry ini-ksim dims the

You err repeat, rr,t No REM Ercialroil—AC,nro l'in Demon-

RINI& -White 14waii

Booed Irt Demstdol 3-0.1.e Peeks:» 000 law 50.6 Depadt With Orden. laalaore C. O. ro.

MASTER RADIO UtBORATORIES, N2etne,'4•2.wrev....



Somme NW

NEW SOLERO-KOOLIE SUN HAT Season's Latest Creation

S. •. This novelty 'COOLIE HAT watt creste » serg-e» station at Beach and Lake Resorts this semester.

Two designs—sut assorted eolors—lits any stse head—sun and salt water moot—worn by men. yeomen and children. For Beaches. Fairgrounds, tons and Parties. Sells for 10c oe 15c.

Buy this novelty hat direct from the original twee ttttttt er tor Sc each.

Mieimea Trial Orles el II Dut.. RAN Plus INAgge

Free ttttt trtIng signs and circulanr. Gb04 oppottunity for men ins Beaches. Lake Re-tort, Parks, ate. Send trial order or sampée ea. guest today.

e le •


Just show this NEW NOVELTY-NECESSITY and collect the MONEY! PITCHMEN •





A salt server




-ALWAYS DRY .' Oak De* With toe NICISTURI.A•SORRIN• can be eerily menenstreted in She mom rioneinelne rummer et Perm—

%ocular, end termite damn. Na. S 4.40 Ce. 5 Isal•--Pood Sturnm-milteres— ; Pirindinerm-Ste. deed wilirm gents* •

fuenoseact sloth tea., rw furl PS.t•ila malty at 26e it 36e men.

Pirst unlade order met •••••••.4 S I.25 Ds

2 Ilmn SAMPLE c

in an hint%

et meather.

96 The. Itillhdpard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE-PIPES lime 27, 1936



. . . you'll get PLENTY ORDERS and more REORDERS with these STAPLE MONEY -MAKERS be-cause they're in demand!

Anyone who has • home Is a hot prospect

for the Little Marvel Refrigerator Purifier

and every car owner is a hot prospect for

The Auto Air Purifier. You'll get moro

steady, consistent sales with these two

items than with any you've over worked.

LITTLE MARVEL REFRIGERATOR PURIFIER A chemical block, wrapped in attractive moisture-proof blue and green

wrapper. It is absolutely guaranteed to kill all odors Instantly. ()nett a purchaser usos the Little Marvel he will never want to be without

It again. User buys new block every thirty dari, ssEuring you a steady

repeat business. New low price, allowing

big profit margin for you $12.00 Gr. Sample Dozen $1.25 Prepaid



Xi/id Odors


Is a maw natural or scented block and comes complete With e tttt ethos, sued, toe and strap which can easily be taatalaM11 around steering column. Also one refill furnished with erlitnal purrhesc of Little Marvel Auto Air Purifier. Car owners bay on s.;:ins and retell every 30 days. At $ 25e au.nro you'll clean up with this Item. Our pike to you--onty

Refills $7.20 Gross. Sample Dosers $1.75 Prepaid

18.00 Gr. O daring Ib. hot RDER TODAY I ,s,::::,.7=1. 1',:t.,ThneL,4'.:rd

lurean l V dull "particuas d """. JOBBERS PROTECTED 1 d lr VISÉE1


ODOR lit


With beautiful melds In .c.rie.,n-'sated 'wens. RI, different models sccomprenust by Willy entwontiate 'stunted.. Umnt wch wain» Quiet Kellett. Owlet sw. ,rtinent of Owe Mx kust IL'. ICI.

Sernos. TM. 26e. Prepaid.



A REAL MONEY MAKER Campaign and 0.allulnid But.

tone Alado In All Slew.



COUPON WORKERS Font mit--redleA :g 111.11L1 getter. Mall 25. tar sample slit t wt., 'two..

BENSON SPECIALTIES ::,„*„.%•;;,ik," ;à1.,,,



Watchee Made Right and Prieto: Right [LOIS AND W S2.75 WOO %Rauh«

ELCIN AND W WO Penn Watches-7 Jewel_ SW5

IS done, *3.75 17 Jewel $4.75 Thonmehlytill mist Mor.....n. Near Caw_, Yellow Keystone Owes. Elle alma

JEWELRY NOVELTIES Values $1 to erne Damn

Sample Assoetment, 25 lee 11.00 TUCKEN-LOWENTHAI..,

Whnlmala Jewelers. S South ViIMOM 01110E00. ILL.


Pleor Jiffy Coln Putt/. Genuine wee«. 1%1.14-W:ell. ewe $4.00, ate Pan and Pencil Has Pocket for Bills. Sot , pour seauterul Col. cannot f411 neltirs, menial«. with In:eclat Each. 30c se. woo soma Chiuir.$1.15

end boa Poe

ingreham Wrist *tth LInk 0.1 15 iejlt:bu'..';::=.


519 W. Madison ST. CHICAGO, ILL. I


14•11t1III Meneo or Mapnet Illrineett, Each 11.50 Machu ,. Tree m.o.... Each .. .... 1.35 Denellful cavern» Ilaiod Lamp, Um Mt

CT tn• wwon. Per Dag 7.00 Wcerlow Goan.. Each .71

.40 Lace Chrome Plated t re taw... 1.50 S /1 Caroni.. Iles Elm .40 3/1 ColosoS. Sets. Each .110 Full Ilse Ord Tobin. Reels 1.50 Order fermi Vela •dsetienemenr 11,wits ahlinwil

promptly. 211 W.. dowel Mend Ritb enter. Ital•nce e 0 D.

M. K. BRODY 1110 Sa. Ralston St, EMIKAIN.

In Burin«. 20 Years.

NEW ITEMS (Continued from gage 89)

ebb by eliminating fiber ahoo lace• and replacing them with fasteners, which are elastic and give with each movement of

the loot. Alen stressed as an Important feature

of the new fastener is the feet that the bottler of tying and untying shoe laces

Is eliminated, as once Inserted, the .Finc..tcomfort' fasteners need not be re-moved until they wear out. They ere guaranteed by the manufacturers to last tor at leant six months. The fasteners are made for both men's

end women's shoes. They lend them-

i.e-Ives to a quick, easy demonstration and are sold by the manufacturers. mounted

oft an attractive, two-color filuntrated display CAXd. Mr. Rah expresses a complete willing-

ness to send sampin to demonstrate.. agents, ete., who are Interested In sell-ing the new "Footeomfort" feetenen.

Safety Flare Light

United Sinter Electric Manufacturing Corporation. leew Tort City, is Intro-

ducing • new search light called - Usalite Red-Rend." the safety flare light.

The search light is a popular priced Item which features a red, widespread

lantern flare around the top of the Elitell which arts as a safety measure nemlnet danger from all source». The search light

(See NEW ITEMS on page 101)


BUY where they ALL BUY I 0,

110 from the GREAT PA

liewYork"MillsSalesCo.; d g g g I g' r o Instant !Woman" Always. FREE Cateleriff. 0

Remember. Tritre la Only ONE • e "NEW YORK" Mills Salsa Co., 00

r and they are the PIONEERS. d I% We Rase No Branches Outside of leer York. 0

• •

00 Fee Dimes IMPORT • FACTORY PRICES 01 1113 From the ORIGINAL ONE and ONLY 0



The Weeny Neon/awn, Card Montt, fl' ..,rn clati. r, k his haw, nicei buy II. flew n sane veal with ',der. Sample twsitehl loe N. 5. YOUNG. oeil' 2044 •resterick Street. Ron Franciem.

Thin ORIGINAL HOUSE trIll give you FACTORY PRICES . . . and In every I , no ttttt where YOU are I d, the DELIVERED PRICES will be LOWER than you NOW PAY.


l$1111 ,1111 1116 lharek, li tuna o III NM

RED HOT Political Novelty

A mph, ts.Liipes1 1,,hkey that swells nun., W He e is steeling on a rubber die Ible They •r• plumb ewe, near 1,1m. L. mini en] hehipra warned. 100S, ttttt

1 o 12 Ddenteerjri De i,vre III .25 . 2.45 100 Donkeys nn Dirigible 11.nis SOO Derituryt on 01,141gle 7300

1000 Donkeys on Deriolble 102.50

Owlet el 1.000 or Over. 5102.50 oer 1.000.

113 Dom.', Balance 0. 0. D.

COLE BROS. NOVELTY CO. Aeseeniffy Plant end sales Department.



WIRE Samples and Price List on Request

akedelneeJlit, 227 EDDY ST.. PROVIDENCE, R. I.

CRYSTALS Demonstrators

P itch are n-Fa ir W orkers Concessionaires

Iglu Peen-twos 'wont,

Ery,a. Nwklarva. Ear Maas, Crown, ale., SI Imrert Poem

Itlexect Yawata of New Cohn.- -Italnhon, T.,,.Tone Aolltle. largo Drops Inters IhWess. Alas, homobInc. New - cowetwa

ter Lois Mann. S.,,,, $1.50 fur 'sample Lino. Ls Made teed a Novak, Oa. eel Welland St,, N. V. Olty.

n.esteecal Tbs. Me* SOS use. Going Stronger Th., Ere, Prompt linlarnents nn all Ordert. Write for Owintitt

New Address



SAND CARDS We are the Original tannutacturere. Soillns • Than Ewe. Fast Turns., Lens •Im. • ' a sa .... Pries per 100 Nu. 1003-Trornp 113.50 NO. loll-Se- 5.51 Na. 1 ota.--Peonbrane 3.60 Re. 1011I-A Paum rows ReInune• 11.00 se. 101,--Whmaree ellnht Club LSO No. 101S--PAI note TM Minter 0.4. No. 1030-Came Up .s. Sal NO . 5.50

Ratan Owe, 25,55%. Whoetwe 1,75 Whit Raw 116 tlowChe Ilentlell Pawl ti LegIthmlite slebbent In 1.000

ir Large Leta. Mind fer Pelee LIN of Trite. and Job

AA% coupe. Netuarael With All rarer'.

H. L. MOORE & CO., Hyannis, Mass.

PROFIT from POLITICS Ores this rrinnewinain while it, trot. larisWir enesherl wieK1 ambient that attach to auto Ikons@ plates 0 O. P, 10004 Ohl Iwts. [writ,/ Clapham. - Ormocrew I Mio pep Denweye. Alermet wine

elms like wIldflre.

YOU MAKE 100% PROPiT - You ell to auto., lent pa tttt at ow mniriiiiens. Mc., /or 250 E h--and pocket 100% Pre, $and 2$ centa stamps or rain , far set

nt EMBLEMS. Inc, Dent B.


10 1--7-J. Hunt. Not. Unredierwd. Row Yellow Indian Head Fancy Caw Same 15.J.. 11$.•12, 17 J.. $4 15 Saw. lit. Chown. Case. 10e nut A Lapel Loather Strap with each welt, Elu•ntltt "s flea. Sample Watches. 000 reams. All Ouarenterd ase., lai. O. O. D. &end for Rom. C rew

SMITH. IRO.. Wet. IF. 110 Trinity Pt. New Tart City.



JOS ES-TRIOKS---PUEILES ARE FAST SEL. LE nit-WITH 110 PROFITS lend $2 00 nO itareples or beet milers and Oinelwisse tam itt.

1.000 Item, sr ardor Iron, Mt be low. Mow. Funny. Red Rm. We nil It -SHAME" and It I o 010 .01 red-hot seller. ROD me dim, OS

lb/ goinese et like Maras tor 21, •OY MEETS GIRL. a musing «Wen card, Ms ES, Mine" Bombs RN dos. illibmwe m ed. d c•Iluleld. 114 6 det

Cl ne.n 12501e, test wade. 40e damn. Our Nrer Paster e rrreen. dosen. •50. Other rernes.e. A . A. Dr... etc. Smell else. 50o doom.; 100e darer. The Tall behind (It hoes hn`• 00c stet., Folding Coln $2.00 dos.. Election loaIte.-ow. abc 1.4.u.ainQ Lon.. "IColn. Whin tamed on table It Jump. two We

in the air. such on ewe. SOC dos, pup nee, t el oe ores.. rodeo. Wire. DOC 9,0•1111, Care T•,:w. 12 kinds. 75s, ere.. Tumbling Rine Trick. 7/s, ems. Look Docks 714 or*.. !;:er p . •oslal $1.50 moss. M 130 Part New, Flew Owl.

really Painted With Lette Pe. tamps nimbly tram wills Penal •nel nu In colic With nni4 . irla,le In • inn caffec, of sito

WItITK NOW for Errw thnotelet seise errs eve.. resew. Ill.

June 27, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE-PIPES The Billboard 97

NEW 15c RAIN CAPE Sweeping the Country

A Quick Cleanup ior pITC H M EN, STREETMEN AGENTS, DISTRIBUTORS line up noirk with the nee piCEET FOLD VELL,LENOTH

CAPE. Batalla 1Se to 264. use else tor men •nd women. Ing. ./

oano »merino In yearn. Fite ; .brt pune. Lightning tut yeller fi,r fin.. .,. filierresen 1 leneanall gem-s. camino lm. fain. , genew-to wow& weeneeere. Hand 'cm

,a• fart nn ralny tir gums, den. A aellina natoral run. offices. premium men for Dho-w BM rneater. Trlel Owe, Et emtpaid Ei A. Per OM«. SI. Ills lemon noel

r 11-0 Mfg. Co., ¡,"5 "1 SUL SO. °Mews. HI.

EXPORT MERCHANDISERS MANUFACTURERS 11/2 poi Isaarestel In a lice Win. Entai.

°rout/sullen In.tributIng NnyrIthw of ,..ary tarn', Insed•TIII AMERICA? Mal,

in lilt lie J131.11,0 and Monte Aim.

Submit Sainsthe u4 Tour Marchatallee. Pik.. I

Automatica Sud Americana, Ltda. Cangalla 1479 Buenos Aites, Argentina

ENGRAVERS • . • ..6, Itnnemh. r •ii• Lead. Others Follow.” st Ill Ts1.1., /t1,3,• 133.1 31'1/1 the late,. New Patented De t number,. with Pride Peals and

Il WA it I III'

ran. an a owes-ewe 'wren*. Now 19311.:InnoLs rwdy. Prices from 50.4111 a 09011111 143.

Camelot* Insane Enteredne Etleleoemta

Aiwa" ScenHillrin New At

EDW. H. MORSE & COMPANY 11 Mechanic St., Attleboro, M....


pRICES SMASHED ON MOTH TABLETS r out Prices Oleo You 11.4•011 Profits

is, more or be utimbed with leveller , rind1,1,1 ninait to,.. sumo berk•ln

si. Muth Talileta. Sloth erntalà. I,,.... • .1,333n ...t.ifirern (Tulle< thedereen .

I.... e r ete. Send none r I learn bow to EIM

,.wicti PRODUCTS 1,3 1,1, 13.00 4.1. OlnolnneU. O.

SUBSCRIPTION MEN f ...3 Sim Men 1K Emigre • Northern Efate.. A ea Radnor Poultry 58.01. expel-

lb' , hue Or lull time rrery anew it prenect.

POULTRY TRIBUNE. Mount Mewl,. Ill.


S , WA t.WELL ROM. POWDIE ea, o iGna-un 111111,111.111.1/


MAKE MONEY Girt 0Proct limners

NVe wt11 shut Sun .6 fills lilt Vaut.. all ye.? rh>l -o....e.

...on., Cameras and ftursetee {Cep» for List.



eD7i:17.7-41:-el,i SIGNS I. timigne Larg-

o., Rehm lu n of Stook 81 lit N. S., le arid Pagel, }rm.. L. LOWY.

ens. It We. Broodmay, N•0 V.


ht, (bosh Mom. NoUomi, Fichnol Put,-' • aaltellnartla hewn Iliad.., !Rory,.


7,8. Goa S. Orr«, ord. Oblease.




AND COTTON BEDSPREADS Bedspreads rnait• a wonderful display-catch tho eyes

-and build up business for you. We have a eomptete EA. line-Rayon and Cotton-in Rose, Blue. Cold. Hcloo e AND

and Creen. All orders shipped sense day received F.O.B. UP Walhalla. S. C.

Order Your Sample Today-A Frill Size Rayon Bedspread for Only 75e.





701 In41.1.10ally

111.eltel. 2 10.6en to ',nuns

1 .3 10 renell liai O.

W.,. for Pete I ',Indent.' retake and 'kw. List. in., 100 Different

W• 'torn, new pm,

nioto 1.In• Muffed Tors. WM. far Price..

LEADING NOV. CO. 31W. Ed $t. N.Y.




Illolatur<-110...x.ri"E'n";•Irqua.Cirridgi140 en Get.






NA.1rIONIA.L, Erpalcur..1 hum, Tull!. workers mil,. all Rhin "00.14 ta (rosaL•• Must N. 0, I Nattier.. with • clean nmeni. Uwe in11 dotal). In ern letter to {Nat etrir.r140..e •rol irpreiental.


ENGRAVERS You should handle our German S.l..er Signet Ring. They cost less than cheap hews rings Our rings do not tarnish, but they keep that Silver color for hie. Send 50. for sample today on mosey-sacs guarantee. Orders forwarded the eil.i.N.,eived,




CAI • CAR • • n:cs, °VI t_IS

(1BROIT PRODUCIS CO /47 Warp housp .lOS n116[1. Cfil


COI., S000, ... • ••.•••• 111140LE EDGE ...... . S's. .50


Lather. Dos LAPEL WATCHES. Assorted .82

Colon. Each REY CHAINS. 11••• en Ord. Dec.*. •0 ARMY a NAVY KKKKKK 1.20 BOOKB .

Co...., Oro

POCKET C In came. 004.1 .D3 COLLAR PINS, each on Card. as


(carried>. Grow Nee ... •.• WILLSON 00001.15 (Reauler 1.17

$1 .00 Oat. ). On BILL F (Each In BM/ .70 (81.00 UMW). Dee

PEN FLASHLIGHTS. Complete lap wilth Battens. Dot

50 04 V/Iln Order . Yeri far Iletelm.

OWL TRADING CO., INC. 867 Broadway, New York, N. Y.

Cures For All Foot Troubles In every '

”url .11.'iVar el. h. • Ilona Nil. Limls.use 1, 01 Lover typo. 40 'actin«. ewIll tight For ump)r. and In« PRO, =el 40c. 1411 lisurinIs


Ana sour (...iponenr• to a•wwilsorn by min• 311.1n, The 111,11soard.

O. K.'s SUMMER SPECIALS Eileen ball. 27 ...2 Color Salem Col-ton. Doe ...... .57.50

Dutch Bor Deft 27"•• Pelt Genuine.

Cowboy Doll. 24 ••. Pelt. 1/M. Lariat end Our. Doe. 7.110

nit'fa' n 'tT I Deering tolula Doll Me Silt Pion Draws. Necklace end Bracelets. Deg. 2.00

Ball, Doll. Si,.. Veto. Uniform and Sabo. Het. On. t.00

Jumbo Cren). Ounidais arid Now. Mole Ccilulold with Fur Mortache.

Oren .. . . 4.00 Write for Cloud, Of premium' Marchand.. 25, Stoma W ith Omar. Dolan. 0.0. D.

OSCAR KAUFMAN St BRO. ' Inc. 030 Eith Ant. nr. 44th St.. New Tor,. City.

POLO SHIRTS Sheds Wean, 114.50 Det.t

,,. I 17.50 Dea. Whil•111tio. Shine. 11111.150.

EUREKA eon. u. BOTW. SIIth St. N. Y. C.

RUN MENDERS 115.25; 1.000. 515.00. te..al Dandle, cr.. $4.001 1.000. 323.00. flillure Duet,' I 11 . gr , 57.50. %Veal li•wile, grow SE al lilraTtl.,re turn...lush detwelt neutral. II arinielm SOc.


00 TmliIrtiln Pam. Per Coo. A 21,

?...1 38 a it Igo ISO

PO 4 2go an a see 24 4 130 All Be•titItill Olivia, Cards With


913 131,1330m$11 St Lou., Me,


and 80.10w. All 1038 Stele.



$1.00 Dozen, $21.00 Gross WASH TIES-PlaIda. Ilielow and Flou... 11.00 Per Oros.. S lIpt. own, 90e.

25 y . Daciaguyan Order. RAM

915 13/1.101.1,3V, New York City. MakAng Tie, SInre 1907.

$12.00 GR. Sample Doz.



f /



SHARPENER 1V•tri. .- mere st the Went.,.. eaneliart Fair. Frau. 1.4rry Friedman of (Oa. Fairs. rase will Ise (Dem. Oats no t.,.,.-sode

top orlo., visit thl• number. All worker... A.1.it Ire Apex. Ani Dram dar,-* III feelers. blansla. tilted 1,

APEX NOVELTY 00.. 1824 Wen Adam) Street, Chletos.

$2-ES ........ YOU IN BUSINESS SÇUISOS . Greatest TI. Valu.! uppiirtusitS ii vlifelline. Re tin Ant le sonar lender to, sell the ow Trefete 116_ à Ms ear. Mae par Doren. Smote Tle Mt. Kend Sir' &poet stub enter. /whinge C. O. D. Money /Lk Orraniw I Nol CnOwly MASH.

_FIATIONAL COMPANY SO7 N. Math Street ele Eledenenl. Ve.

'Ti. (Si,,. !DLit Honor

PHOTO MEN! ea.,. in un our erniatIor.•1 n.. o line al 1.0.•0 Jewelry. al in,,,... all -el come.ja W,, -I'll '2,w el 10..ou Nt•o•lets Pen.lanla, /0.1.1,1 Ind Puck Pink Den I tbdriy. D'rite tut.,

J. N. HIJOHIO 00.. Bog 47. !air Side Station. Providence. R. I.


in Celer Wont Wall Attit.

GEOGRAPHICAL PUBLISHING CO. 621 Plinieurh Court, - Chicago Ill

(18 The Di!lberurtl WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE-PIPES June 27, 1936


MILLS SALES COMPANY OF came«, an. noun.« the appamtment •n Eastern Distributor at

76 Washington St., Boston, Mass. We ore now in poetic., sneer enc1• CT' elm tee

betas. «rem. We suoredts tu inetrh or beat au egamelssed pee« on ender... Isoudete. Fraser Bled«. Sliming and Di.ittal Orlon, Hemehold Goods. Etc.

Bolo,. we lilt «ewe, alit' OlellanclIng V Woe

elutentltp DentrIption Amount

Pee« Conde.. TH o-mnr•s3 .90 Men's Clip 00Inbe• let anal-Ity. Oro« 4.50 Moe Lao«. 27W. IDIOM. arose .31

She. Lac«. 574. RIME and .38 Brown. Grows

White Shoe Polish. 4 Ott.

[twee Hanks 114 .'03 Yalta. tnercerleed. Ouatai Kanto. .28

Men's Handkerchlets. Pine Qual, inch in Boa. Dorm .30 Am, • Nosy Needle Boots 1.1 0 awes Her Ouelem. Ahemlnurn. .28 Dozen

Pot Chosners. Copper. No. •5 Si.., Doten •

Self.Th...ding Needles, THE 1 oge VERY BEST, 100 Pewee • • • .0

Crewel Embroldery Needle«. 1.35 100 Pew«

Sewing lerieens 2,3 to Para .30 Cloth Stuck. 1.000

Sewing Thread. Blatt or Whits SO in Cab. Dean •I2

Ceder Penang. Radio 131•010. Greta

Oeut* Bender's 1" Width Dome

Clause Bandages •2.• Width



.40 Adhaelse Ten.. 011ck Spool* .45 Aii,e.,',r Ineee.,,,,.,•,..°,‘,....! Grabs Gross Tins.. . . 1.75

Chocolate Laxative. A Melees in TI./. Cr,... Tim 2.75

Perfume and Fare PIIIhalif Combination, Omen net .45 A. . 't Pride Saine Pow. der, II i', '0.. Bila. Drum .84

Tooth Wash«. Mad.. in U. S. A. Estro Quality. Dozen • .57

Time eiesor. Doubla Edge. I et Qualls,. 1.000 2.90

Pecked Blades. Double EdM. 3.50 et. te.".•oler edge.- . 1.1 Quality. 1.000 . 1

Sheen° Omen. Is Bled«. .10 lityptH. Celle. ?nether. Do, Morey Hew, Set_ Panay Pat- .78 terns and Slow Doren _.

Sun CI...... Each In Ernie- .48 eln. Deer. .. . . ... . .

Sun Oleo.. Asstd. Paste .84 Frames Each en Card. Da.

Padl.a. dies 4 %al Ile 1.,. .60 Dam

Fly Stmt.., Mesh Two 2.25 Lend II•nala, Cron

Fly RIbbon. Full UMW, .69 .84 Math« a Pride Dom«, As-

grated. 7..0a. lints Deem. ORDER FROM NEAREST POINT

MILLS SALES CO. 76 Washington St. Roston, Mass.

EASTERN DISTRIBUTOR a.. Catalog J.1., Off the Prr,s-FNEZ. 21{S, Orocsit VInh Ordure, Balal,L0 C. O. D.



Made of •IlL•hUtelVe Best Sunlit« non,

on trine .1.30.4U Maker e r

Reels Blade In Indleldual Pealed Wowed. and Uncondltionally Guaranteed.

Jobbers and Lame Uwe* Write tor Special Prices


-rteIrccr4 jJ late. Stall ON-11,11•••P‘.....•


MAKE MONEY We make Me thing ..

, In•ly met. and wants - I....table Prprorrittes. ftor low I. entesarre. tiny pnel., ard two naine C11n, mold aide rte.:it:onion tti.I 1.05PeCt

Muhl in year own moment's, art' people «wont Sc. l.lo I...stables for 1.nalam.s.

u-e, n .. for their children. I na. ruder... pla au equip yr,

errerry mole", selling ad. W..1.05 you boor others lime nt..te noo.ey. rre.tewl ...ere.. You eat br prowl tr. le, n.....11,•,1 inUi, 0‘, Nns, REMINGTON RAND. Dap, OS 6-27. 205 E. 42nd St.«. New Yore.

3000 FORMULAS Itarte n=.. irooI.Lag.,;. ..erela in flyfloc .


137 Row Stn.. IT pt. 27. New York City.

B st Nis rrers SUN GLASSES - Adult Eire- e .88

Auld. Omar.. 1 D.. to Osad •

4-75 d WHITE SHOE POL15111--4.0e.

BLACK PEPPER AND OINNA- .50 MON-3-0t. Can. Dome,

MEWS HOSE-Aseorted Pietterne-Full L • n • t h-1.1mIted Quantity. .60

eoTe TARS-Lone 81».--Itestd. .54 Colors. Doter,

IC PENCILS-1 Ore« to Carton. ... •55 POWDER AND PERFUM E ..00M-6.25 BINATION. Oww

Please Include 25% Deposit on All C. O. O. Orders

An elitism:mute F U. Brambie. Order Fans This Ad or Write for Ow

Si Fret C•1•1553.

(Continued from pair 91)

by Sydney Kann .ee Company, in designed to attract attrtition by Its nnvelty. It const..1., of four blocks of wood, which ran be put together to make a pyramid. The puzzle, from its form. In being marketed under the brand name of the

Pyramid. Tho four blocks are irregu-larly alx-sided with Irregular angle's.

which Increase the difficulty of assem-bly. It 13 claimed It can be done in 15 neconda. The puzzle Ls distrlbuted ill

▪ variety of attractive colors. In small boxcs thnt allow It to be packed in a small cake. a, well as adequately dis-


Mantel Radio a new mantel-typo radio In a modern

dale». with a scientifically designed cabinet which produces a beautiful

tone, is the latent contributIon to the

radio field. The cabinet Is daeribed e. -Tti-Na-Coustic.” In Us compact &Ike the radio combina two wave bands. WIBI a special switch for abort wave; Lego illuminated airplane dial. R self-contained aerial and a five-tube charxls. employing one of the new metal tuba. This set le being offered by the Silver Sala Company, and word from the Chi-cago office of this company Indicate/I that thr new art, which ift priced Sur-wittingly low, le selling exceptionally WEIL


5 5

5 5 5 5

& N SALES- Sarno Day Service • ,.. 0.-1444 Welt 3d BI. CHICAGO. 11.1..-110 South Wail. St. 01 DETROIT. MICH.-627 Woodward Ate.

ØI CINCINNATI, 0.-1005 Vim St. ST. LOUIS, MO.-112 North Broo555,7. MILWAUKEE. WIII.-trios Ro. St. PITTSBURGH. PA.-E07 Liberty Are.

TEX.-1014 Alen St Ordo, Peon. Voue Neared -

ISM %..% 1.187161.101101 É h bs«.% ds i•

BALLOON MEN 761 0141.5. MOW, aaahh, te

Hit the Streets la Venn. IM JIM

Balloon rollhe •arnotie . Cartoon Charatoter." PrInted In Gm colors Get in Sa, lei. new il.. wire Item end bring back the good 811rn Am Mom, Days. No. 440-Innate. 4044..13

or. Asserted Orden.


let ..... 4272 In. PPlatad Two Calms an Toe Side 2Se Each

Sarno Day ShipmanU. Flre Quality Cat Toss Um. Cr, $4.00

HI Hat Fur Monte,, Or. 4.00 Straw Hate with Feathers.

4.00 "Ride 'ern Ornalsoy" Felt

Hats. Or. 7.20 R55 Lweo Velvet Salim

Boy. Doe 1.50 White Treektal Helmet*

Doe. 1.50 Lane Whistling Flying

Bled,. Or. 2.00 No. 70 Olteue Ball0010. Ines Or .... . 2.50

Rubber Tulip With Brute, Or • 00

Lard. Jolt Inflated Animais Der 2.00 12" Giant ens. Mae Dolla with Double

Caren«. Necklace. etc., Dm. ISO Oalt Mickey Mouse IM•Iluent. Or. 5.00 Quintuplets Shel Water Flowers Or.__ 1.00

Send $1.00 for Some'« of Above IMON. Mon, •erade Canes, Ole. Handle, Or. 7.60 HARRY KELNER & SON. Ine.,,,t0,,true




Not e Sen-a eon creamy Wien? Wattles, Whet.... Softer,.. Tee-huma au In et, application WITIIIIVT WATER' Unite off dlr. In lamp, Ito, it, • mho«. nub,' Pitch you ever ten fft.il. i•.. bits Memoir. dims

DOPKINS COMPANY. 545 Fifth An.. New Vert.




Bl-ACKHAWK MFG. CO. 485 N. Artesian Avenue. CHICAGO.

FRENCH FLAPPER DOLLS The year, bigot« tensation. Brilliant calms and Weber.le eceturnee draw the crew« Line up

with title limn the& will double your Iambuses

No.I5 IASI 111:61.16000 $34. dozen

32 Inch,. eel«, Messed in fine SatIn and Lace. It en: Si i Feet COI•mal•••. II.ht 511, fine Satin. Ruth« and Lace

Yards MI around. A Very Elaborate. at this pelts Finn, DWI. A nook..." value.

AND DISTRIBUTORS W . Rush your order today. Keep In line with the tones Display these meat ouutandlne and eatreopyinary array « MOUDO1R DOLLS on «morn today. Dolls me Indl•Idually boa«. 25% Deegan With Orders, IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS.

STANDARD DOLL CO.,' Inc. " • " New Yore City



$18. dozen -Igo. 110-MISS MOVIE STAR. $36. dozen

29 Inch« bill,. dressed I-

›.‘gooshN.aminwagagnizazogaimzu...fflougam.,nizu w a CAN'T BEAT THISOy

1937 MODEL 0


d SMART? MODERN? BEAUTIFUL? ei Fast Illakte-Bia Peens with We a.

,Pà ER*1h " . RA DIG- - Prlord lower HI.., Quality GENUINE GEN. It


rà POWERFUL DYNAMIC Speaker t•n ...denary' nets. OF Six

11 Beautiful modern oaten«. Lat.* g 95 ,,,,.. illuminated endear/ dill. 1,5 Superb tone quality. R.C.A. Li. 6 SAMPLE i,r SIZE: 1014.`17-.. cw el Tub« end one Mesa* srr No Agee, or Oreund PIMA. In air oughkentei 25% snits ....-, g GENERAL WIRELESS car ens. Foils Guaranteed. beam. O. O. I,

O W LABORATORIES, Inc. !ZEE? NE 1937 oc. 240 W. 23rd St.(tiert. /-01 Res Vert. IL ,. eur- '''. '''.... ' "I ... '‘I''' • ° Nee l..... 1,•1... 11-1..... U....at:tut siensaii del Y•lurn

OMILMZEIhMEllb..91L9 .1.9 10.1.1111.911a1 hM01101fflahlikileliaielIMIIMIEILIELNEMOK111MEL

A Real Money Getter 1110

Proren Foot /Seller All WIN Me Country. Ital. loon inflate. &In. 30

1.10, Pecked in s ttrowolomn


UMW. Dee. SOC.

L ARGE P"'ldT'UliBLING OATS. Bit Feet. 5335 Lee vusseLitro mouse. nested Ears

SSA@ Die Fa«. Oro.


125 Flfth Ass. Now Yore. N.Y.

SLIP-NOT-TIES 1013 Llr,r,I - Ta.red Pot emus W. •en Materiels-Patin Sten....., 8,1,1 ', Inn Real 00e Soilor. 11e. poet.,. *a 50 pm Doe.. P041954.

Rend for Sample OriginS. ti. ce.'neet. None , to • •-•-••- fond;.1 il not «•.6,..1

LEADER inEs The .n.n. with the

Kuota. Bold their shape lone«. bilk ',ed. Taste« etmine patents. Heat nite eelon-repeaters. Timm end 'id es for it In bag setY 55.50 PER Doz., PairiPAID. Newt for Sample and be eon.

tinned. Stone, refunded if nut «t-uned M. {-EV INK. INC,.

(Mandfacturer of Neekmwer) 13 N. 13th St.. PhIlardelehle, Ps.


and GLASS CUTTER-*. Prefect foci. Or.• 7.00

"LEMOMIAIDER"-Jul. [erector. tiro. 5.00

ORAN SQUEEZER, Each In •o• Oro. 8.60 STONE RAZOR HONES. Each in Boa. Cr, 3.50 -cone GONE." in Rattle. Oram 5.50 BASEBALL SCORERS. Made of 01%,51-

board. Grose 2.110 NOTE-Prima P. 0. B. N. Y. en Oro« Lots

Deposit To Be Paid on 0 O. D. Orders Any Saab. pie 10e, 1 for see. 'newer&




BOY Here's Your Bonus in Neckwear Value




MEWS WASH CRAVATS 5 7 ISO me On.. (Figured Rayon Shirtings.)

MEWS *ILK enthral-a.. . 5.00 ow (Pr. MEWS SILK CRAVATS 13.60 per 11.cr.

ISM Lined.) MENTI SILK CRAVATS 18.00 pre On,

(Slit Lined.) MEN'S 500 SILK •. 33.00 per Oren



-EVERYBODY! awe PEN 61.01 55,50 - and It Varllea. • 0.55. Meta! Mmhantral

811.e. Ella«. With

glue Fine. Trees. MG Ores Laslamo5s. 75.0 Oroal. Lem Thermo....

tort. 81.00 Gr.

Writ* fr Lister •Ium it,,,,. Cut Rea Prices


Ail. 1001 OtMe Neer Numbers. 15% therj Wm, Orders Bolan. O. 0. Is 105 For Woes Pon. HARRY SPOLAN gee..7,evi

June 27, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE-PIPES The Billboard 99


ICAM PUMP ACTION-Fltted Mtn co. sheet, MM. lee number SG .50 3 met. tech - ••


1 HOOPS • •Four to ewers

Inches. Inede and out. Per

Omen 5. 75 Pale_


Pee Sit and sewn Inch hoops made to nt Ole Inside Mops. erettlen elan, velvet es .48 mow. In red. green and Purple Da• •.



Trut hest ?wary kind ,,f uniform site. 1 I's ••. 1 •,.... 1'ft..' In ellan,




Gond quality. Me Blower Gagne.

53.60 Gross

Watt for Cafalog. Deoneif on all ()velar. 3 KARL GUGGENHEIM. Inc.

871 Broadway, New York e


30 frALYOU SAVE 507.


MIDGET New Ilium... West Welch Tun. Ire Olaf. Metre. Smelter. 4 RCA

Licensed Tubes. Bunt-In Aerial. extremely remoill.3.¡•••11 1., le. Nibs.. Amazing Tone. Powerful Selective. Un. breakable Burled

wale. FInIth Steel OMInet. grand.. Drowlcest Band. 119.596 Metre, 30.0ay Trlal. na S2.00 ne,•it for Immediate ghltement. Delano° C. O. D.. F. O. B. Facia,. One year Met, guarantee. FILGRIM ELECTRIC CORPORATION

X.53 West 1711, St.. Newt Vert City (Agent, Wanted)




DEALERIL! New EMMA Cambay lksem. Heard dolly on Radio. Shure

Penen. Is the perle? Ilall.flr•Irr lien, a fmt arramerlsare Stall. tee 1 Oh e tuet,.• nulls re lobe fee tir. rulers, fold, nicely. and 100. on. ',mto went. need ••I mil pm for Dd. Ng*. Sorel 10c tor mrpole copy. .2.111. ter 109 toilet

THE ROAMING DREAMER 44 Wed 17th Street.


Preillful IMPORTED I Is leuM1 .... • 1., -,Ily distingelehelihe from the genuine. laud. is•- -uncut or ',eaten,. •nrl roto., elm.,, In liurk. A 'rally Rupp, nnsIsal mode,.

24x42"-85c Larger Slew In Propose'.

atrd Wrne fut L'unier Details.




1000 South Los Angeles St, LOS ANGELES, CALIF.


Immolate Shmenents to Any Pert Of the OMOMY.


Sloth proof •nd fleu nreanwr. wnwere "sot ''' utter,, to. mototTfeht ni Men!, Ale. flog ntrearners indlyldu ally trrammt In al....slue Truell 0.11

ot poem of title Itsen Il, th. mat f.. menthe. A les ladee inri torlee still open for iohbe. leliteot «wen, premium merg. etc. Mite u , today fur apertal drartnuol pride-lower then you expert Tiserr a hia = jobbers who set to


Wait 26th Street. NEW YORK

1937 Datum Model

Lem. Type AIN... 11.1. S RCA Ileamed tubes. Dynes.. men... Full. la Lets Ho, tone. Beautiful ea.. nah.net. $0 Th IMmole Act, All Ms fully I,

mararmed. 200. Dopmlt With Oran. Baleree O. O. D. RUSH YOUR ORDERS TODAY! WRITE FOR OUR CATALOG! ITS FREE!



HAPPY DONKEY Mendell, practical nmeltlf came. mlee of laughter! Made of natural vencee weed, chew. ly colored. 'Maid mere, Hold. pack of matches. Come torn-elate salth Pest 011we low wend box and SO matcher.. Mlle on eight for Mk or me,. Gnat Scluenlr! PranUinvil Etc.

.75 t4 A SOt Per Or.

gis WW1 Order. ORDER NOW! Or Send 00+ ter 2 Sample" •ral Cmaloe of Unusual flarehlee.

H. FISHLOVE /I CO. Mfrs. 1429 N. Orleans St. Chicago


AUTO 111A1110 try. A greet bee. 0-Inch dynagelo M le tne get thet's awmplm the mum In

Direct From Manufacturer Si 230 TI

Leta speaker. IS RCA Ilutenett tub,. Full. of 3. dell ton. Phew, of ,clue-,e, 1 1..• or dashboard mounting. Very many In- • stalled. Gan he uend at o hou. radi•

.315 Swop.

by Meng a 0 volt A BMW,. Mt

Ormplete With Equipment

Also A. C.-D. C. RADIOS! S.So

INTERSTATE RADIO CO., 363 Sevenlh Ave., New York, N. Y.

••CopyrIght.” Re 0 Varedroa Dell 14 1 ." ICoh. Flashy

With unid. Special at $3.00 err dot. Pr.. 8 d..-L. to anntainn.

OUR SUMMER SPECIALS Something New and Something Better. Flash your store with brand new inviting iterns. We manufacture a complete lire of Plaster Novelties and Lamps. "Re-member the best is always the cheapest." Terms: Half Deposit with Order, Balance C. O. D. Send for our free Cat.,Ing.

CLEVELAND STATUARY MFRS. 3921-27-33 Payne Ave.. Cleveland. O.

Re 1 1,. rttle. Anon. Red and tor. fish. 33.00 par doe. award 3 dot, to container.

Hustlers.. Look..Cash in some real money uell three COOL rourotrranr.r. BASEBALL PARK. ,TAle11114 end REArti craellIONA. Gram CONFURT end keps <1,,,,,,ou CLEAN. EVERYBODY BUTS.


In Ones Lets FABRIC

Tenn, Ortrr. %tune« C O. n. si•trapi.K rail, • '.111.1. sIIIPPK» PARCEL PORT,

1,•.,, . • el Money Order Cl'




Coot Store WInderes-Dcpartnent Sterem-6 • 100 Stercs-Gh•w Storm

Non N..... flealth Lmei All altraellge flashy 2;Ie nu. , rut loe. Tniuiw.iit. lente MIL la.,?. hy our nun ile• .... ustsaters MI ctn. Ilse could'''. Offered for the 8,51 time to pitelitnerl. You eon /gran MI

Th,..• Item, Are Wm...1,nd Numb., for Fain Send MN fer temple. sample line and sales plan.





MANUFACTURED SPECIALTIES CO., 1252 Voskarnp St., N. S.. Pittsburgh, Pa.

PLASTER PLASTER PLASTER Concessioners Attention Midseason Special CoIIM flog. ghin, Gram Doll. Police DO, A•l , Trey, Petro, Oere De., I mien X e•,t, Shusmed Dog, Corm, Arnett* nra. 11 imbes. All bright. Imenme pr., 1115 00 nee 100

SPECIAL MIELSEASON PRICE. 512 .50 Inv 100 terms: 55.00 nith orme. IMInnee C. O. D.. Alm many meter imrts-Larnps, Small Plotter. Eta. Send lm seiwowa Price List. New Reedy. All

the Illearest Items Elawolifully Finished, 8012/1 Lome Are.. ST. LOUIS ART NOVELTY COMPANY. AT, LOUIS. EM.



FEATHER DOLLS Three Me wiling Cel-

luloid Dolls With Deco. rated Fares end Peether Ornamentetlon.

5612.3--11 In. al. mot Hal end tg s25 Cane. Per Doa.. en 5612+2-7 In, sln

et abet, Oce. .15

561251-7 la. Silo,

Per Dot 15 N. hat or cane

0012.4 - 1115.0. Dancing

Mule Doll. She aloe., the Ch., she dram me crowd, Wind Up nunernant. Orgutold and in, et • I construct.,

Colorful Howells. Drees Net, gl In. $2.45 Thie le a weer. Per Doter,

Redssos--Etenty dons ••Preoch Amour" Doll So In. tall and SO in. also,. Den. sr erred. In •stt. pastel mien. 92.00 51. 40

STUFFED DOGS •--Sundlou end

MUM. 7" Doe, Hal rolm •nu smolt noises. 59.50 Pr Grout

B513/1103 - 7" Pli,. lehr. Dogs. As. e• ne wiled. Pee Doe • • 7.)

1151 - 91i Inch lent., Rabbits. 85c

11017J25--durnbe Fo intaln Pen. One of the big nomUr hits of the ...Ca. 1 le. 014m. Blom heotel Geld plat• point and trIm. 53.95 Ocien

Tennis Rackets $- 50 5_

Pea sow 141 101A-Mart. the Mean« then with (hie

Mg ha n ra u... A ene bralinnn't Grnd quell mod frame, brawn throat. White combed handle. Orlental out. •0.1 and tentess .50 binding. toIt, SOci Dosen. • BS 031416- Br.r.dtellt. Imparted Entree,

Smelt, a. Sit.. • '. . Wourprom 1,9c Cent. Well H. itch. Damn

1181741-Full site S.. BueMlls. Doe.. Sto

WIND AND SUN GOGGLES B51031110 - Pcoolhir clemfittlr. •hem.

Metal Frame. Mho•tah , Meneles, Curved Glass Lens In AmMr. Blue. Ortan and denote. 212.5. Per Om.. S1 se: nor G•em • .

Fran.. ......... 10n Meth Men tor ranee PM Woes $7.20

A New WRIST WATCH by . . . 11AGN only $1.85

each 50111N33.4-Valet la the name of (hit me

aehmarnent. Made hy one of America, fon• meet menstfmturns r111. 1.1Virl, for u.. Costs no mere then pram». Watch, and has three Hem Use flash. Attrmtiroey begs.

- 74.1p.p.ogeA ...ens .5

et , ewe.

eteg-tsnu Hole Lapel W.., leammesnelud DWI. Lame Watch« an a big hit and thl la the biggest efehm P. e. deal today. TM« la 040.00. Pays eut 40 pap. cliquy...

Poe Deal DIAS In Leta of 5 5.75 In LOU SIS, ...... , 5.4.

Li BIOS -Colorful MO Rare. av R. X sienna. Dnt .75 lq Odd peg. «Sonnet, catalog ot enema..

foe Concensionort. •.trninon. Dportland,. Paw °prolog, Iran on emotion. Alt lot yang can tog,: Vale eon. bunnene. 45.4 deco-it ropoom on O. O. D mum,

JOSEPH HAGN CO. "The World, Berge. NOV... • Dept. BB

217-220 W. Mediae.. St CHICAGO, ILL

100 The Rdlbottrrl ROUTES June 27, 1936


Bo the firct in your territory with ••DE LUXE --

Seaton', Top Money Ge -Hot Leaders-for

every typo of Concession. The Sweetest New Line

of Plaster Novelties.

WISCONSIN DELUXE CORP. 1902 North Third St., Milwaukee, Wis.

"IF IT'S NEW, WE HAVE IT"-On• Day Serene


A LARGE 25e BOX FOR A 10c SELLER TnIs Pecaage Centel. Chocolate Creurned Cheryl.. A Sen.nuen In

Pe.» Paean«.

(100 Ballys to 100 Pkgs.) 10 Plot;. FREE with every radon PACKED 110 TO CANTON.

Carton, $41.110-1 Cartons, 5115.50-10 Cartons, $45.00 Bend for Prim Pmerme Catalog of All alorneert. 20% Cmorialt with Orate. Balance O. O. D.

DELIGHT SWEETS, Inc., r.o..E.A.-OreClieY

ON 00sCEMIONAtRE13, PARKMEN. MEN • now platting. LI trill' selth nor new gelmler oared., et low prime. Steeetiandlee lin l'wen C,nintry trine, l•Phnont. Pate, 'rill-Yam-IS -ta 11.11

it Jet.. a..., %Ester Art.. lootnt1M Slum, 'ewe. Peno, Ite...a. Only Cflflitol upply Neu. In Louise'''. AdrIrem all ormar.uulenee to

Non Catalog Now Amoy. WrIt. fOn cos/

Epwlal Pact. toe. Ore.Day denim.

G. C. J. MATTEI and CO. 027 Ent adao,on. 1.0u1S1rItte. KY.


OM died.'

GREATER 'UNITED SHOW A EVA OK LA.-Ili di...a tilt. riaabireeelk.. IELE. ON LA.-Fr, Fair.

BORRAN, TEX.-Free Pale. eel., . TEIL-Free p.

PARSONS. KAN.-TH-1SM Fete. LUFKIN TEX.-Fair oOkrlienra, KAN.-ma/elem. ma Santora' PILLS. TEX.-Fslr.

TEMPLE. ygx,-Faar ant EroodUain. OTTAWA. KAN.-Fe ea P.R. CUERO. TEX.-“Teraray Tem.. CHANUTE. KAN.-Fm. Pale. •EIEVILLE. TEX.-Free Fag, PlITSSURO. K A N.--04riebeation.

CAN PLACE Moms and Corona Elan nace Ontill for Plet.rm Show WILL nteOit HI CATERPIT.I.All • PONT RIDE, CAN PLACE. Talker for Cord D_yr. Kilos e


An w, Athletic now ' latit._Orth. and Prr.itecy lar Wolin] Ileats 15Mtra Hearbe and W t). Also Ride Help for Elstis and Lama-o-11





PliNaerrth Annual Roam and Old Matte& Aeunlan, Else County Legion Posts Behind This Elan, Everybody Hey Abner. 5051. Tou Ail Know What Newete fa.

CAN PLACE tkinle P.Or Can.', ram., Snow. Inters, eerl.r.lrer Pho-to, eaelnalre, CtiNf•E,NIONS-- All an,. men Come nfl So, will *'.r>. WANT orymileed Mtn-Heel with hand, man,w hou witt Tel Faesk Slow. Shut. blue Eye., Athletic Show P.O. tale for Attile.le Mi.,,,. Wm. PI.Al'E any Stow of Ont-ri L WANT ft,ler rant ountliri in, r: ,...1 some...ton to Ted* Velo.el and Tilta Whirl. 1V.11 pay half tom ..... tattoo after MInto• WANT Loop-o-Plaree. Lew Fairfield come. Maillot, .s.nt for WANT )(India Auto ItIde and Drtee-Tonmell Arun It9.1•, Track* Manioc mu for Nnarsta ray crillorim Into S.fflat4 end end •t Coffortille. Kan. Show Kamm to 1..r.,..rortl.' Kan. from Nt.wato \Inman, tt mill lo one mile. then buy month', lieen.m. very ma-',noble. se ANT Hou In en denertments- .10ortrielan. Rids Sien. A-1 il•nmay Mug minable of enrittect.

I.enenwortb. Ilan., to follow Smante. lhen 10 Fairs and Celehrattnne In Nebentia and Routh Dakota. with NM Boullon. Palm to 11.100. Wire no time to write, You pay yours. I pay nine. Addeo.

HARRY MILLER, Neweam, Olde,







WONDER SHOWS Mammoth Fourth of July, week Ium 29th to July aifta, Tmanluen, Ps.. Doom Grind Show, Mimeo) Show People, Chorus. Musicians, Girl. for Girl Show, Rlde Help: no ••clusave. Ad-dress Caltrarplitar Foreman. All Comenfons Opon. FRANK WEST, McAdoo. Pa.

WANTED MHO AND OONCESSIONE FOR JULY 4 in. space far Huh, ecummak,n apace

53 ao ET ROGW11111.1., RIO Lela, Wilt

GREEN LAND SHOWS WANT Ktork Coriew..ions of all kind VANT min gr..I Kid. Man for Wheel or CI...Ironton. Prater

Otore Aannen. Hork Finn answer WANT line pion M.A.,. Vivo or Ten-m-One. rat F.1.•”u or say Show Owl don't conflict. Hare Wheel. l'a.mamolme and Cniletin fnr rate. cheep Our rsCI

Addarel. Vs.. June 22 to 27 Load., Vs. Fah. June 29 to July 4.

LITTLEJOHN RIDES WANT-Foremen for Merry-Co•ROund and >Arent, THOS. P. LITTLEJOHN. Enterprise. Ale., this week.


Can place Shoves. Rides and Concessions of all kinds. No graft. Km real Fourth of July epee. Wilda or wire Carneaie, PA. this week.

Privileges For Sale With Three Ring otortaed Mews: Candy Finn. Mug Joint. Nomitim. own more faet-OePPIrre Fetal, Bate... For big alum, Clown, Ticket Hallam Animal Ante. WIM Ward Iv O. morn Stock and Tran.rertallne. All PrIrl! settle or

CIRCUS. elm deck lelllhalr, all other. M °enamel °Meer, Ilerabso. sv •

WANTED A-Ne. 1 Big Eli Ferris When Opittattot

at ea«. .1. C. WIF.ft SHOWS

Soul Seed, Ind.

ROUTES (continued froM pope 844)

Van Atrium', .hdo. It . Ranh" Barn Dam Frolics: Newport. N. IL. 24, Leconte 25.

REPERTOIRE Milroy Comedian,. Billy Weillee: Bethlehem.

Pa.. 22; Bangor 24; E. stroudaburp 25. Pert Jerrie, N. Y., 30: MontIMio 27, Middletown 29: KIngston 30.

Push-Pine. Players Myers. N. 7.. 22-2T. t heat*. Cornedlanfi: Ridgway. 22-37. l'..vortte Player.: marshal]. Ill., 237. Oinniven Frank R.. Dramatic Co.: itylvo:ds.

0., 22-27. • n aa I v a n. Norma. Dramatic 00.: Tremont

Ind.. 3242 li•rvey't Comedians Sleeker, 43010.. 22-7? Princess Stuck Co litackwater. Mo., 22-27. Radler's Own Cu.: Pampa. Tex.. 22-27. Scottie's Comed.ne: Pierson. Ia., 22-27. Sweet, Oto. D., Players: Ilknosettaburs la

32-27. Tobys Players Ms, Vernon. Mo., 22-17. Tolbert, Milt. Player.: Union Clty, l's .. 33: Corry 24; Warren 25; Jamestown. N. Y., 21; eli101•11011, 97; Kane, Pa., 29.

CARNIVAL COMPANIES-(Continued from page 43)

Legg. Dee: Macomb. ; Memphis. Mo.. 99-July 4.

Meets, ¡League Park) Wormier. Rum Liberty National: Glasgow. Ky.; Tompkins.

Ville 29-July 4. Littlejohn EnterprIm. Ala. McMahen: Battle Creek. Ia.: Onow• July 2-4. Majeatia Midway: 115th • Multanphy sta.) Et.

Louts, Mo., E2-29: Bonne Terr• July I-4. Mork. Leek Haven, Pa. Metropolitan: Halley, 011.; Howatesolle 211-

Mfduteelten. Karl: Batavla. N. Y.; Well.V111c ca-eay 4.

Ntldwe.t: Monticello. Ind. Istmer Model Expo.: Ambler, Pa.; Olentlde 29-Jolt 4.

Sillier »roe.: Pake,Ille. Ky. Mohawk Valley. Fennell.. Va.; Elichwood. W. Va., 29-July 4.

Northemétern: nronson, Minh. Page. J. J.: Logan. W. Va.: ReY2tono 23. July 4.

Par.-Amerteno: Klein. HI-P•arlese Expo.: Paden City, W. V. Pearson: Ruellivalle. DI Poll. as Latta: Freeland. Mich. Regal United Am. CO., Colo Camp. Mo.; Wind-

sor 29-July 4. Itrld Cream, JaelteOnvill• Roach, Fia. R0(1.• Greater: Nashville. Tenn.; Martin

29-July 1. Rogers A Powell: Rev.:ides, Ark.; Hardy 29.

Jolly 4. Royal American: Grand Forks, N. D. Royal Ainuseutent Co.: Kenton, Tenn.; Colon

City 29-July 4. Royal Palm Dothan. Ala. Ruble. A. Cherry Expo.: Neptune,. Mich.: Cal-umet 29-July 4.

She..., Midway: Pilot, Mich. Sletarelnd Bros.: 0.41 Falls, Mont. Salyer State: Lovell. Wyo.; lied Lodge. Mont.. July 3-5.

six. J. Harry: Louisville. KY. Small • Bullock: Madigan. W Va. Smith Great Atlantic: Johnatriern, Pa. Bohn Liberty: Plymouth, WU.; Men0/111.121..

2S-July . Southern Attrs.: Solana. Okla.. 1-4. Simmer, O. L.: P”nkfort, Ind. Silencer, Sang Tyrone. Pa. !aneroid P. J.: Plano. HI.: Hampahire 29-Aar 4.

State Petra (Stampede) Alliance, Neb.. 27-29: ¡Roundup, N. Platte July I-4.

Tilley: Ottawa, El. trotted Showy of Amer.: Brainerd, Minn. Valley, Ireton, Tax.; Own. July 2.4. Volunteer Slate: Athens. O. Wallace Iroquois Palle. Ont., 050. Wallace Broa.: tirean•• minivan 29 Joe 4.

Wade. W. O.: River Rouge, Minh.; Owaaso 20-July 4.

Ward, John R.: FaltOn, ASO.; Trenton 32. Jolly 4.

Weer, Mabel R.: Tiffin, O.: Napoleon 20' Jolly 4,

Went Bros.' Am. Co.: Durtselth. N. D., 22-2A Rolla 25-27; Maddock 29•30, York July 1-2; Cando 3-5.

West Coast: South Rend. Waeh. West Coast Am. Co.: Laassirw• Ore.; Klamath

Palle July 1-5. WM. W. C.. Motorised: Paola. Kan.; Rich

HUI. Mo., 39-July 4 Weetern State: Laramie, Wyo. Wimps World's Wonder, McAdoo. Pa. Weydt; NellisvIlle. Wis. Willson Am. CO.: Atlanta, III.

Prankenmulla, Mich.; Caro 29-July 4.

Wintern Expo,: epringdele, Pa.; Knox 20-July 4.

Work, IV H.: Johnstown (Weettnont, Pa.: Johnelovro alAraln Borough, 29-July 4.

Solid of Mirth: Mt, Carmel, Pa, Vellowttone: Hamlin. Mont.; Lavingston »-Tad? 4.

WANT Ferris Wheel and other 1114« for carnieal unit, Organtaathert works all Onneeenon, ,1 premeoltIon. get on ecnnethIng real. Fuen ••

heath.. weele Time 22, flarliale. Pa.. •• Sotir CelehntUen. week June 29, Ham.... BARN( V TASIELL. 2036 Omen PI., Pnlledel ,

0,10. Pa.

WANT Rides, Free Acts and Shows, Street Celebtm

!ion Int three days in July. COMMERCIAL CLUB. - Wray, Colo.

FAMOUS WEN HOFF - - Still Serving the Trade !

MARABOU DOLLS in Gwent Demand Will Produce terser Coen-

UM for lets GET IN THE DOUCHEi rollow the exterterwe et the socce.dol Cot.,....ortatte

nut Fleniennin. ATTRACTIVE

Marabou Doll «Wee ti•Peite AND ...... NEE Han.


Pelee Renee IfS sae. lue fromasid Up

Ell% dermil Wirh tinter,. thil eon,. C. le I,. Mend 52.00 fr Coml.. Somali.. Lino ef All 1090 Neer Mode.. Dembess litleths-•Imali and Cherry ça••••.••,).

CANt-S tVe he.. a 1,1111.-...r. L... lb... Can. at Very Len Priem. WrIte , All Kinds el Feathers aultable ter Plaster ana OUwea

Hens._ We Hem Ne 0.1,10..NEW ART TOY 4 FEATHER So. SS Mat 10th St. (Stay, tier Tub Sky


Wont, fIrlIterod In I...wee .1.1 dote- with all.e

we oleo lorio astortnient tU Email Planar.

Oldeet and roan r,. hotte Platter Man. ufacturinp Plant In

i•-rTees - Mend For Cateles


Phenol Grand 1.192.



-Char Silly Team Distributing Pomorn"

_ %.oncessIsm_aire s . NOVELTY SUPPLY roe; guicusis. GEIHO 57056$,

ateameS. FTC

Caleloq with Nev Low /Wert Tsar TIPP NOVIRLYV COMPANY

T. .rv. 0..0


CORRECTION-. tt•iii pot play Brost.. Coln. 40. hen Lace., Colo . metead Reid Celdheattau. lttw Onto., first marrileal FeFt1 tear. WANT Art.. Talker tor lilt and Well Shaw,. C.ontan, Athletic Sinn. Stow.. eneeeselom Open. La-....

11.1. week


EIGHTH STREET MUSEUM. 253 N. Illth St. PhIledelenia Fi


BERT PAGE Operating


11,1411111onee Wartime 40111

Acme United Shows Want

Fee Aaron. O. and rinnitr, Aldo. Pot liNdliddit u.II t., .1c or lene nhow. all Node MM._

leenuonte ,ti sll Itinda ”om .•u 1.1..t.. I

atol 1.' wIro to lark X ;,er.oll• cure Cur,n11 P•loollt.e dalOn. 0. ClaRlt write or wire PAUL ..... CLAN. ENOS STROUD. this week Rétunan, O.

Thant Tou foe Mentioning Tlw

Jane 27, 1936

for only



35 Lbs. JUST THZ THING tor Traveling Veen,

•‘5 lielia Parka Essuremisiscra :ors. Etc. lib Wait output operate. oi, 1' 0 Toile A. CL Complete trait conoluts et ,.. .1 11 Nu P'c'A,,,t,llfltr 9 liaaa.;,.

3 Tub. and limo! ifiamolso. (Geis from abate). Non.: Hooka Op With

(No Rat. Pane Neeweet71.

smel for our Lassa 1'. A. Catalog-

In.iruction Sheet Gluon Free With Chtit Il ''') freo.oll on Lech Vint. Bal. U. 0, 1..

TRY-MO RADIO CO., Inc. 55 Cooll.uldt S. New York City.

Popular Profitable


All Musical Instruments-Summer

Musical Novelties-Harmonicas

BARTH-FEINBERG, Inc. Wholesalers

Quality Musical Merchandise

17-19 Union Sq., New York City

WANTED Teens Si., 't or Woman. si ,re, ranee. casaba.

Mw. Monkey.. powww. Wylie

Don Stephano's Circus ileelonann • Carets She., 2d end Capitol Hle. Seam, Wis.. June 11.17; Iron Mountain.

Mien., sm. or Rath.

ItEV'E. Connie,, Colt 12 me. 0114. Includies 11010 intl

ite(re.Morat Crand, Elea-Meal &tulle sci pm-ration Will wt op. take de. end

Who,. end Moines a rosary de.

onla. Pa Phone, Pennon.... 217 . JANE SHAW. Awl twat. True,

leveland Home Shows flo.ei1n. 1 , ,̀..ro get

, das. Bunn, nt .01 of season. L. LOTS, en. Notel. Oimeland, O.

LECTURERS WANTED !quad, !deg to with Mask

ng, mol mewoleo to miada senor. owl tlanapoomion. Wote or wire

arrsate ir HOFFMAN, "MATTI.« WHAM Ile CO.. OloverwIlle, 111.14: J...tewns 25*

Ea; Olene Falb, 17.9. Saminfl s.. 20-30, all Nee Shea

WANTED el. 101, all Calomel... roan nand _isn't. • 520. Week .Inno 20, Jnenbs Enwe.

Intr il. Firemen's Julnloe 1.11.setensre. at. I. July 13. Eton. Pe. 11111 book Rile"

ter NI`ones with Oran went. so mend. lww L. O. POPION, 940 Tilled Ave., Ptill.


n,d 0. •lso Muskier,. doubling stage. Week stands Address

et,ZGrit TtNT THEATRE. - Lebanon. Va.


ether new ettractoans Write. Phone or wire.

004 AMUSEMENT COMPANY, ..... ah. Kv.

ROUTES-GENERAL OUTDOOR edger, O. P. United Billing.. Mont Zlmdam Greater Mason City. M.: New Mine., 29-July 4.

Additional Routes (Iteeeleed Wee late Mr el. that

liege lima . Tent eh.; wait:Meta. VI... 22-21. nnieit Family Shows, Dublin, Oà.. 22-27. isetorrost Elhow, Wartburg, Tenn. 23-27. Oscilo, Harry, Adrian, Mich 23-21. Del Arao, Walter, Papehelo(i.i; Marjah, ma-

gician, Willis..,. Vents-Untwist. Plena 22-27.

Drenen At Purcell Circus: Centerline. U. 24-21; New Sear. 24; Washitartole 21728, Otttnam• 31I-J0

Emperors N.a Clothes, Owl. Head Park 23: ClraVenend Park 24; Prospect Park M; Jeffer.on ET; all Brooklyn, N. Y.

Eta. as bud.. tBeeconl Winnipeg. Can.. 22-33.

Fades. C.. Show, 13o.ra. TWI 22-111. Eugene. nor, Troup... I Wes t slew Park) Pitts-burgh 22-27; ICelebration, Phoenixville 2$. July 4.

Follett, 'King. Magician, Sim uuuuuu , 2e.. 22-27.

Hale Comedy Show, New Providence. Pa.. n-fl.

Harris Road Show . Hawley. Mann.. 22-27. Hamm, Hap Mary, Hewer., S. Shield..,

Eng., 23-27. HI-Way Variety Show, Harry, Ili.. 32-27. Istlernattonal Aporlagnen Show, Poetise/.

Idlers., 32-27. lacier. «smolt Show, 'Capitol/ N•nalmo, B. O., Cum, 24, (Capitol) victoria 22; IBA.) Tweets Wash, 27.

U T.., Lea Show: Roe. City, allch.. 22-27. Ludy Brost hillalature Unce Cars, Van ¡Wren.

Ind.. 23: PentIvIlle 24; WliChaater 21; Union City 3g; Lynre 27.

McCall Broa . Dog O Pony Sito: Searle,. Minn.. 23; Cambria 24; nutternot 25. Jost-wan 24, Lake Oryatel 97.

McNally. Variety Show: Well). Vt., 22-27. triarine-Hressone Co., lirownwood, T.., 22-

TT; Brady 29-July 4. Miller. AI IL. Show: Ority. Cht., 22-27. Molly's Creator Am. Shows, Lewielon. ?dn..

22.77. Peres Lallor Co.: (Indoor Circuit Sioux City.

la.. 22-37. Brarpeteen Show. Tpellontl. ktleh,. 22.22. Wham ran Show, Humboldt. la.. 22-27 Taylor, Wm. P., Show, Portsmouth, 0.. 22-27.

NEW ITEMS (Continued from pope 96)

le made of nickel with a braise-plated cute and haa attached a metal bracket hanger by which the eearCh light can be

made to stand, hang or lie down at any desired angle.

Wlth every order TJ. S. P.lectric la giv-ing plenty of flashy window streamers and attractIve sell-selling merchandise displays.

New Counter Card Idea The Prim Allied Corporation has de

veloped a new. attractive and sanitary all-metal and glass counter display for Aapirin. Breath-0, Prim-Lax and similar

iirm's. They are giving this cabinet, which any retailer a ill want no soon as he neon It. absolutely free to cus-tomers.

D. II a display that la at-tractive but not gaudy and taktia up only a tiny apace on counten. Moreover , It

can be hung on the wall-nn-way the retailer finds ennventent. The manufac-

turer of thin item claims it la one of the greatest sel/ing opportunities in yearn and offers a wonderful chance for any-

one to get into a business that will be absolutely permanent and assure un. Usually large and steady earning.. The

item repeats very frequently. The dealer makes 100 per cent and the salesman or distributor a handsome prof It.

Prim Allied absolutely guarantees the gale of Its products. Anything not

sold may be seturned for a full refund.

Anti-Clog Salt Server Diatomite, taken from the bottom of

lakes and marsh land. In P1Orldit. IS the

secret of the new salt shaker beln g placed on the Mar-ket by the All Florida Novelty Company. The new ni a t erial has the ability to

absorb up to 125 per cent Of It's weight n water, and when used as the cap of

the new aalt martir prevents any moist air from reaching the salt. The atom @okra ltke a natural for demonstrators snd agents.

Donne' In f orm a t ion

Will Be Found on Page 46.

The, !tilfl eeeee re! 101




DI,.Onc racn;.,rnhaas.blue remlly so. es* It nab -Fl..a.11•• snin bums, enlar und merlon-end it modem. mrfeetly poosswl tint so , ET.E'

Entirely New and Modern in Every Respectl A new ••Aistwaitie Lye" and ,ienlly trolled kettle moons poftwn7 f• sue. l-150, -in ores ,

Larry popplint eupe,iir to take .. The he. peteneed dideloa. r.ght In the . Ina a harele..o,e prollt of 70v eters, ,,n t., .. ,Y •..

-With m.nnut 'serer Now ta.ek:rsi c.Ineset dowel; ethos...1r trimme, chrome/doted .1...1 with rot and LI... trance's..

Large Mw-75" biro, 2335" long, 2(1 ,1' wide All elec. tn. iteeolviwe Illuminated Men, Inclinsct e•blOet or manta models.

Unusuelhr Lew Priced I Buy no mr.ohlow until rou bne toredlestad the World. Ihir Special. Ile bar peke will eursolso sun. IF.'. setts pay tome-set Ihe fort, Conyerment t,rnis make this model

in own. Writ. roe catalog tedset

ADVANCE MFG. CO., 6322 St. Louis Ave. St. Louis, Mo.



ALSO "PROGRESS" MODEL Ni* Up-trectet• Full Oebinrn goes all glecirlo Popeorn Machine. with $11.00_ par Imo. «omit,. ONLY 1330.0o DOWN



-waeues-Psmose-namee -_alum -Salle«. •nd ememewors-Chme-Alsoninum




/ /



Send for Your Cepy Today

JUMBO CANDY 29% Ilepoelt orIth All . $4-10 .0. Orlen. 151.1,-. 0 0. lb. Pa.I foe FREE ILEEn. de"... s'' `'•••', 'MATED 111311 l'ATA- . imi Our Candy If .10.00 I 000 Ouswenteed To «tend laa ,layr, Up In All Weather.

MARVEL CANDY CO., Inc. '`„",,V3„,:,',Ire'7,„.A! •

(;rullerg's World's Expo. Shows Wants Pr the %tame nt the reason Ineindlne ill F.lt, and the It.. Took [Mete Fete, Swann, N T. Itotwoirmne. must he fed!, equipped with Ma.. Riddle Auto Ride um soy Itieln. Loweetbe-lwax pl. a Pm Grind »tunes or mrnt. Res loner Vr.1,1w TOrdall leelurer end • half and half. Ilene hare wed wardrobe anal Intshr M.Th.. Joe Swift write, Conee...now all open •.r.,gn ,-,t n.- We • or Mr, WORLD'S . 'WORLD'S EXPOSI-TION SHOWS. Ulm..111e, N. Y.. thin werk; lieet kn.., N. Y., next week.

Itilloneter punted Wilt, çar. 11-Ist he careble and h.,. elre. arperlerse..


Shows that don't conflict. Will furnish outfits or finance. Can place

Talker and Acts for Circus Side Show. Want Talker-Manager and Band

Musicians and Performers for Colored Minstrel. Want Hawaiian Show. Musicians

and Dancers. Can place Stock Concessions, also Agents for Wheels and

Grind Stores. also Girls for Ball Came,,. Want sober Cookhouse Help.

Address Elgin. Ill.. Phi, week: Sycamore, Ill., Big Four-Day Fourth of July Celebration to follow.


Sparta. Mich.. 4 Days; White Cloud and Sand Lak•, Mlgh . uly 3 and 4.

Two hottest 4111 spots in State of Michigan. Vic Horwitz no longer connected

with show. Can place Concession, of all kinds for next week and balance of

season. Need good Corn Came and Cookhouse for balance of season. Nynn's Cookhouse. wire. Leonard St., Grand Rapids. Mich., this week.



JULY cstriinarion NC X T wore: WITHnoenwootio, PA OLD Howe WI, I< ON Ttet stilt TTS, TO FOLLOW

1, Wet.

,I.: Isifluk

I. COREY. as Par 1,l1/t.,

102 T Itill hoard GENERAL OUTDOOR _N., 27. 1936


On Hot Dogs and Hamburgers with the smowicH KING


$87 50


Cash in While the Season Is at Its Best! Order From Your Equipment or Supply Inbber, to, Write for Catalog Today.


Hero It la! 91.e find and only machine of Its kind to imt antra

ori Ulnae tun prima ,4-

1.., Ite«. It'. • reenbeled bot doe and hamburger erlddle end hot dost and 1.11 steamer: ear a lorieli golf and warming oven. all In one eons-Peet unit-

HANDY • SPEEDY - PRACTICAL I.. .1 ,11 .o ibut

I ed.,- 1.011er.

Ineelien ale! Ono orriern. ..f nil n ionnilarinn arol Ime,sta

the ne.e a.m.riea'• two beet nelling riandwielseq.

Large rapacity griddlne--bli steam. Ind nomnortment loads approsi•

Inn Norio. It.. large reterity a-arum. 0.11 Milt the I.eady milting beard built in oven d•mr.

Either Electric or Gas Models 31"•111•,(14'• high. Ton large griddle». reels 11'•5 1 -.; t.,c

I •ri•i. deep. Steel frame porcelain ex•rwInt in red and IdaelL I.,. ITS tbrooghout.

IOther Profit Makers, Too Mar l'oneoni Slochlnes and 1.:ebt 1.0111-1, niniona...i. ban, non a ,...V.,,,I.., t, 1. ;eta fin, leudlnia queue, .., de ri. Ii) Melt-field. Pao I. r tie ii.iii,on unie and run,. lit torreowel nridde. loitenligatel

6306 St. Louis, Ave ST. LOUIS, MO


THE NEW "ROYAL" COACH It's the Most Complete Home on Wheels

Several Model, Popular Prices

II r I e. for .Neur Catalog


ORR Ts ORR Chicago DistrIbutor)


t'ilu rgis. 4640 West Washington Blvd.

Chicago. Ill.

WALL Heiden'


:.. T41 Tents Gire

Memotrernents tot Indicated

BUY teNoTri front Factory

SAJ'E Money

POWERS & CO., Inc., 26th & Reed Sts., Phila., Pa.

et, 20

Cowboys and



Why Pay More?

With Genuine A. N. RICE SAYS: -The Boy's Line is the

Felt Hat World's Greatest Value..•


ROYAL PALM SHOWS Just returned from a seven months tour of the Inland of Cuba. no-on our summer and fall Fairs and Celebrations.

Can place two more good Grind Shows, with or without outfits. also Caterpillar or Rideco. All Concessions open. Need good Advance People.

NOTICE TO FAIR SECRETARIES—We have CARVER'S DIVING HORSES AND HIPPODROME for your Midway. the most beautiful presentation on the road today, has the greatest drawing capacity of anything you can offer your patrons. Will double your gate receipts. Has no equal. This, with our othe r quality Shows and Rides, will give you a substantial offering of Amusement,

Due to our late arrival from Cuba can use few more Fairs and Celebrations. This week, playing Dothan, Ala.



Beautiful L.dOgnOr


K. C NOVELTY STATUARY • COMPANY 505 W. 25th St. Kansas City, Mo.

C. A. RICE, Mgr.

11(y Firemen's 52d Annual Fourth ot luly Celebration.

Crayson 114.1 Fair, week July 20. Harrodsburg (Ky., Fair. week Italy 27. Russell Springs IKy.1 Fair, wrek Aug. 3. Vancrburg (Ky.) Fair, week Aug. 10. Ewing (Ky.1 Fair, week Aug. 17. Germantown 'Ky.) Fair, week Aug. 24. Greensburg 114.1 Fair, week Aug. 31.

If you want to play real Fairs, we hay them. Want Kiddie Rides to loin On wino Want big Feature Show and Stock Contes ions. Addeass

Hodgenville 1Ky.I Felt, week Sept. 7.

Centerville I Tenn. , Fair, week Sept. 14. Imkson (Tenn.) Colored Fair, week Sept. 21 Dickson 'Tenn.) Fair, week Sept. 28. Fair wanted for week Oct. 5. Louisville •Miss.i Fair. week Oct. 12_ Fair contracted weak of Oct. It. Canton Mris./ Fair. week of Oct. 26,

F. H. BEE SHOWS, Inc. Pan Ky , thin or ono e on Creenten. KY • neiit week.


FAIR SECRETARIES IN VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA, WE HAVE A FEW OPEN DATES. Want Motordrome and Grind Shows that do not conflict. What have you? Can place Loop-the-Loop and Loop-O-Plane. Want legitimate Concessions of all kinds. Rates reasonable Week lune 22, State Firemen's Convention at the Fair Grounds, Hagerstown. Md.; Week 'line 29 to July 4, Inclusive, Big Mardi Gras and 50th Anni-versary. at Annapolis, Md. All mail and wires as per route.




September 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1936.

Good locations open in Buildings for Exhibits. Jewelry and Novelty Stands. Desirable locations open for Lunch and Refreshment Stands. Also for Mer-chandise Wheels and other Legitimate Concessions at reasonable

CHARLES W. SWOYER, Secy.. 522 Court St., Reading, Pa.

CEILIN WILSON SHOWS Can place now and balance of season: First-class Talker for Illusion Show. also Seven-Car Tilt-a-Whirl and Twelve-Car Rideco, legitimate Concessions only. Week of June 29. Big Fourth of Iuly Celebration. Clearfield. Pa. All address, this week, P a wncy, Pa.

BROWN NOVELTY SHOWS WANT—Legitimate Stork Concess'ons. Can Use 10 or 5.in-I, Snake and Illusion Shows.

Red Lu wants Drone and Steer Riders for Wild West. This week Liberty, Ind. Milford, O., Anniricsn Legion 4th of luly Celebration, Chevrolet Car given away. Piqua O.. following. LOVELAND. O., Firemen ,. Celebration, lute 10. Chevrolet CAI as Grand Frise Address inquiries to F. V. VASCHF, Mgr., Brown Novelty Shows, 1006 Centr•I Avenue

Cincinnati. O., or Liberty, bd.



LOWEST PRICES LOWEST PRICES Largest Line of Fair — Carnival — Bazaar — and Bingo Merchandite

J. J. PAGE SHOWS WANT For Fourth of July Celebration. Keystone, W. Va., and balance of season Shows with or without own outfits. Have outfits for -Grind Shows. Can Pltf legitimate Concessions: reasonable rates. Want Colored Musicians to strenehf band, guaranteed salary and percentage. Want Hall and Half for Side Show , a

Musicians and Dancers for Girl Show. Everybody address I. I. PAGE SHOWS Logan. W. Va.. this week; then the Big One. Keystone, W. Va.

June 27, 1936 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 103




test NOW BOOKING Wed GEORGE HAMID, INC. 1560 Broadway, New York City

BARNES-CARRUTHERS 121 N. Clark St., Chicago, Ill.

{ There are no other authorized Fair booking r 'i agencies for Major Bowes Amateurs on Tour>.-



1 1639 Broadway

wt. New York City




1639 Broadway

- New York City

Ill The nil/hoard GENERAL OUTDOOR June 27, 1936

WANTED Good Carnival. Concessions, clean Show,

Acts, Rodeo. for

FREE FAIR AUGUST 1R, 19, 20, 21.

GEORGE KIRN. Cotten, Mich.

WANTED Mho, .11.1 Conomilimo (No Itaeketa). Rids,

Arta arid Athlone fireer Bea.% .1 .e•' Miliar itt Prol ante.

PARKE COUNTY FAIR fen Pared latraertel

ROCKVILLE. IMO.. Airs.. 1114Mgd. I, In.. oto. ACIIWIN, JR.. Porrotary.


WANT Shona and Coneesainns that work ter seek cub. Photo, Noyelthre, INteh.TIII.NoenWrn. Romper. Itnailloig Alley, elite/ Apple, Pon, Buracroltre. KY, thle vent: °lames. Ky., weett of July 4111.



4 Big Days, July 1 -2-3-4 BONNE TERRE, MO.

At Lake Qum Part. Auspice. Me •Iii. Raitroed Itouteet. Club

Three ,,r.f e rash Mewing. on 11...te f101,1. New oar draw July 4. Addo GEORGE MIT014- LEY, Oberman. Donne Term, Me.

SIOONCI•NAND SHOW Pft0 RRRRR FOR SALE *15.00, Netelite. Chinaman Illusion, working gnaw. 1135.00, IStrimsee Oenee. Car • Tree, thippina crabs 11.118.00, Star Fortune Teller, Beam. end Boa

Nomewepe 1{3.25, TRIM Dee Ceramic 4 lSc slue.

Elevernmont 10.Incis Flood Light. We guy ikon«, all makes, 14 RIM. Film, Coop.

Ow Tent., WIIII.1111 CURIOSITY SHOP. 20 5. 24 IM...

Phlredelphla. Pa,

BABY WHALE 8 Ft. Long, $75.00

Petrified Man, 840.00. Tate nf Mier,

NELSON SUPPLY, 514 IL 4th St., South Beek" Nun,


Illanchalch and Sakil sk.•,. ran fiord Wait«. Morph,. Jo, Tee. Otter. write. Frank. nee yon in grab. wire it omen. REX WOWS. Dalkon% World.. Fete Sheers, Johnstown. Po.

DOC HOWELL'S THREE SHOWS Want Ralf and Ilelf for leantifolly-framed Trwin• One. Pew now. married men. ennoble. moored openings. Con :dine Islam on ticket too., re ic=1 utility In siring. lfewallan anal Alligator

, No milt mos... all shown get them 1.11.1. thing straight nermainage. pine meals TM. week Peoanontaal. Va.


WANT rartimel. Amine/news. Free attnedon. Par iiiivredni cnoninutleate.

WILLIAM WINDUS, City Clerk. Put Falk, WI..


WA 1-1, •osl to join Week June MARKS SNOWS, Klmenning. Pa.

WANTED, QUICK Deibel & Patterson Circus AU Sane tet.;„;/;.R.letible,,,.... All ;sloe A.,. end


W. E. WEST MOTORIZES' SNOW* WANT eamble. Show People. Renner Ilan, no Lemur. Ram Ina and Penner% for real god. ahoy, Other dines that do not rennet Want Rail Osena, Candy Flow. Nneerloo. other legitimate Oonneinkms. Alm rapier,. Aaron,. Rich 11111. Mo., Jot, 4th. Oland end largest reberatirm In Olio part of tie enuntry. All Celehrorken and rules hI fallow. ado. Menke rails,. some two mote a meet. Paola. Ken.. an this week Prank Ttlition wIra.



ett.ag.ttnem. Plandebb end think Arend, Let to .11,1, 2 For Mtn-m.01,m write

RAYMOND OSBORN Paredes, toe.


Gatkny, f1,11 Own, sue Pond.

We1ll. 111.1. RRR R -i;11-e-..kverè,e';A.,;ez likurew Delivery. Iteminan, Mids.

WANTED Eating Stands, American Palmistry. Devil's Bowling Alley,

and any other Concessions.


Kenmore, N. Y. JULY I -11

Ice Cream Stands

, e

( a a


For balance of taimon. fitstmlus still dates, good July Fourth Celebration. and 14 Palle r I.. New York, Virginia and North Carolina, capable, shows with or without outfit, will furnish wagons for sent, Wild Animal Show, Monkey Circus. Big Snake or any other good show. Can place eeveral legitimate Concessions. Our Fen ttttt August id. Albion, Caledonia. Batavia. Cortland, Hamburg. Dunkirk and Bath, all New York; Suffolk and impede, Va.: Meb•n, VS ashl ; Tarboro. N. C. Two other Fairs in South will b.

. Fred Thomas wants Attrtetions, Novelty Acts for his Sid• Show: Robert Manalield wants Pantin for his Hawaiian Show. Can tn. a capable Promoter that can kiindle Fair.. Wire Clone Falls, N. Y., wank of June 2.2.1, Plattsburgh, N. Y.. week of

June lath. Can us. Aldo Help and all around men. 1 t , ,

HELLERIs ACME SHOWS, Inc. CaPastadt. N. J , this week, Iwo Sunday.. P•Itt,,,.. Pi. I . Glen 1.1.,k L.,. week poo"2. ,) to July 4. Then eh. Big One, Haw York and Haw Jersey Firemen's C ion, 2 Sunday.,

inly S to 12, Inelusien. Ha.brouk Heights and Woodridge, N. I.. Flee Dreparhytent. awn-blnod. Semeth ,ng dong every day. First Organised Carnival to play either one of thou few. in 3 years. Clive another Dona fide Home Week and I COG, Year Anniversary booked. WANT-Legétimate Concessions. Shows. Free Acts and Useful Show People. Will furnish twilit, for reliable thowerian. Want to hear from Charret Houtron. Freddie De Pron. All Sddross as per route.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CELEBRATION City Park, Martin, Tenn., June 29-July 4.

Want Loop-O-Plane. Shows. Concessions. Mrs. Walsh wants Readers, Ticket Sellers for Palmistry. Murphy, wire.

ROGERS GREATER SHOWS Haymarket, Nashville, Tenn., this week.

AL G. HODGE SHOWS, INC. Want two more Shows with or without own outfits, legitimate Concessions of

all kind for Marefiall County Centennial. Plymouth. Ind., June 29 to July 4, and balance of season. Celebration and Fair Secretaries, get in touch with

us immediately, as we have few open dates. Niles, Mich., this week; Plymouth, Ind., June 29 to July 4, Inclusive.

FRISK GREATER SHOWS Want for long list of Caletwallons and 7 1.,,,, , tar hog FlutehlrWOrk a and 4; also Mannoreen, Mn,,, (2-3-4 Fair). Want Concoctions and Shows for both places and balance of season No racket. Want Unborn-Creation, Macnervcal, 10.in-1. Want Diggers. Darts, Watehla String Game. Penny Arcade, Custard, or any other legitimate concessions. MCHarvey wants Concession Agents. Will hook Loop-O-Plana or Tilt -A-Whirl, or any other rid. that does

not conflict. MONTGOMERY, MINN.. Week lone 22.


KAUS SHOWS, INC., WANTS for New York Stn. nail l...na ten .. o h....h. 7 Cat .1.1i n.W...d. U.., the Lt.,. lt,Lion. ,p/Intet, D.Drioelt Cam arid Pony Unle. Ahem that don't conthet with what we hate.. Arfeila and Leidlinalr. Conomation. No esolnum. WANT: lilt. llelp. nple-flrew Peonl, ralkett ah.1 °Meiners, Inc Alton, Motnelettne Ittelert. It.owell Nattith went• laltniallit flirt, Monde Mack went, Oriel Atom Agent and expel...wed flonlie• Fiber Help. We play lb. following tole' heath:en. and fair, LancaMer. Watertown, 'thane and East Aurora, N. Y. liunlinsdon. Ebel, Irma and liner...Mlle. Pa., Lannmen, Ann:mill, Mere INV and WektIstock, kg.: Wotan's. Littleton. finencrie. Weew, New Bey, Ilerthern. and Wo.,.tonYlnlen. 'calmed', N. (1. Ad , 'ir.,.. thin week 1111.1dletown. N. Y. (Celehrettonl: nest week Binghamton. N. Y.

POLLIE Cr LATTO SHOWS Cae place for season. booked sold until October. Chair.o.Plane, Kiddie Rid., Loop-

the-Loop or any novel Rids. Want fint•elass Road A ' to r•psint Merry-Go-Round.

Can piece good Pit Show, ono raso,. li•Ily Show. Conc./Jon. Photo Gallery, Long Range Shooting Gallery, frozen Custard, Irgilimat• Grind Stores. This week, Freeland, Mich. Wave coming celebration week Juno 29th, 4 Days Legion Celebration. West Beaneh, Mich.,

with bigger.t Fourth and fifth t follow. All address 141hIRY I. POLLIE, per route.


t 0... tttttt 1-2-S-4 AND FAIRS AND «LE. BRATIONS TO t0.t

Conerlalens el An Kinds. Conk Itone to loan at once. prinlege in romi racket. Ralph Vanish. renew Dirt airs. Ilaro menine ',a. Flo., corn Gem. reed. Gonsbetg trite and .11 ..ther nt.....a Contawalana. elnowe of all Linda rol:h ern manta. will farm,l, fortis for Ton end Into Ilemtational t,.... Art. one adds nermarons prefored We have a en. atril e nf fore ant eel-teatime ITim all common:ranee te JACK H. . BMW.o inenseret NA 51. R. WEAR. Owner and Mew aer, Tiff:, tr.. week .1.ine 22. new Naseinen, (1.




ONCE/C*10NA WANTED--Merrhandiee W)aaeb, rind Morn, Eat Stands, l'or Corn, Promo

nard. Cotton Curdy. nigh Strike. eta. Alm ho.. (bat do not conflict. Grillers stay away

'rite or Use. JOHN tttttt . Ilacarina. 111.

CAMPBELL UNITED SHOWS Vanta Rid. Help, Colored Performero and usielans, Girls for Revue. Will book Show.

r Riders that don't <onflict. Can pinto Con.

onions. Rif Wlinbla not with show any VIII eso,., Mod Minstrel. Can place Pro.

ore, Binghamton. N. T., this week.


)nn nlr.rd Chimed JAInateet ',ow. hale comp.-re 0.01,1. red, to work. Con Pier any 11.0. ••it ate( eenrilet. Ovneesviona one, Frown et Cream. Pin, Candy. glocola, lantellne ,a1 to. htlono..1, Mower. Jewelry.I ,- .. chino ro ory. Monk What., Gribil Id., Cia.

PO. Obtoa 11/111111 June 22: Pawnee ale Poona 1•Oration on We Courthoure

for July 4 Cielegratiu foe week of Juno `2, Union City. Tenn.: KI.1.1. Ride, glom. no7 kmonelone. included Cookbene. Com Cream, P,

'on, Candy Flos, l'hotee. Direr, Elan drtuent. •ipond, Steeple. Worohh, umpey, Orareari.

Ia. Still /Men, Pileh Till 17 Win, Beryline All,, nd other Melt Morns. Fran> Mullen. Krueger. Joe liorler. Preen Atalullali Italiale. tri R. Clark and C It. ithae) almns wire sa llownag thin maid us play 14 (alai earl rot..-

.unions in Teeneet.ee. Arkenào. and Loulsiant, ndIng 1Nesintred 1. Wire J. E. ttttt Mg., Royal Arnmeirent. 0o.. Kenton, Tuna.. .111 GM Union City, Tenn.


Ponta-011e. Ky. Ma week; neyl week Liverehoy. 1C>. Re 4th July Celebrate.. In heart et the Imo 1111 0.11o. florbeeho hod flmortorkS Grryi Mork 1...roetalrent. Wheel Agent. flee* outfit hie thrl lehow. Want Grind Show. with outfit, •oloreel Perhytnets telth ro «Moott lira.. cool otaeo Ifor.ager In. tame. 'pun to handle Cok. ootte. Peurline Parker, Inunie lloaranl. ll.ynes why. lahle 11.1p come en. Banner 31.5 ease. Puasn Play. - for Ile e 'Want ti" ....ro-Ittte MANAGER, A OWENS.

WAN TS Aoher. Reliable to .1.',atonal,. rare-a Puma" «Ire. W111 bay Wilt Aulnel Memo fe

Can b. co-a1 Runler. tuller, tor the ria noes Will rttnild lron•poination for pm.. ear. Ire balance it wo.ortn. Ralph Noble wan, fro ttld• About ng Veda. Dee, Terry New and *Flow vlie erIkrt. JOE B. WEBS. nun

21: 'tutor, 2f 1,11, 2h, Shen... 2... ',ore. 27. All in He.,


LIPSKY Cs PADDOCK Johnny J. Jolla gripolltIon. Eels Llyarpeol. tnlo week.


Big July • enlidlreatIon--...1. seek,. T. Washington Callow

Ilerry.Gollourid and Perri. Wheel. Jig Alma .111 (leek Itl. ,,e: aloe a feu. ‘1 ,...le ronratelona Me. ogee Con pitee Co plaee for belanre o me f sean, e l wool.. In Atlanta, 'nth hir,m •,nn,,to, fol. to IO low. ATLANTA ATTRACTIONS. IRS H. K. Pair EL. Atlanta, Oa.

WANT ALI WHEEL FOREMAN AND SECOND MAl lang .raton. Pride eatery ettoetod. Want ta Inty emeowt-hand ponh-oot numbered belie he Bowling Alley. Write oe WOO

I. K. WALLACE. Care Maus gape. Show.. Nimenewern. N. Y....1 of June 22; Binghamton, N. Y., wee* of June 211.


WANT Conbesslont and allas.

HAPPY ATTRACTIONS Plaalant City. O.. Nis week.



Want Ferris Weal. Kiddy Ride. Ilernkfleltme " Tenias 15 nee rent. Show. of any SIM. 20 Pe cent. !Strait and Leeristmate Coneeeekto. gln 1120 Cont AAA ree pernentage. e

. ginernarke Attmetiens.

WANT CARNIVAL With Lighting Plant for four day Pleat» at Den, Promenade tar Jul, 2. 3. 4. 3. Alm want ria..e Ad Pm. an telle,. t.. 0. E. HAMPTON. En. and Conowelon Quad«, Okla

June 27, 1936 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Mil!hoard 105



ATLANTIC SHOWS Wgnt Leiritbnate Cane...Mom Ten.In.flogoo. lialted Rh,., Stookey Ahoy, ntnu tat. earn° Athletic mom, flare emu. orw. outfit. Wilt feintth outfits ta :garner] oho oan produce. Mans Robby Ityseas wm Thl• show ha. mi• of the W M llorte of lair and colobraUnns hookol. *ANTICS • 10 SNOWS, Johnittown. • Jnee 112-27; MOmefietd. W . TA. Imo splay 4.

WANT Motto Mock Caneaulam, temo-Plebe end

to Kiddie Rid. for Milano. of amen. Smith Ran., this week. nrreenle. Men.. week Juno

ocholgios ath end r,!!,. day nod night. Plenty • rol celehratton. to (galas, eire pima • meggi

Agent, alsn Orek Shove and >toehold...I 8111 Motherland wnor, to, hear frmi imiter

e•got anal It it. Ilato. Joo Molt mal Peter, t. Can place you. Join on wire. Hasa Lc Pan, Arcade.

JOE STONEMAN Joe's Playland Shows theltb Olaster. Han.. tight week.

MUSICIANS y-e lest Minstrel In North, Misdeal AM fm. erle term. Alm Accordion Player. CaO tda 1,gr Imagism!. examenimn. Pair erentarlea,

and Sitrarsol, ham few open detes (Yemen«. and October. RetaiL, Igia., Ikager Pam and edgitosh, Wi., folloelog.

C. A. VERNON, Manager Greater American Shows

Wanted Agents Beeline Alloy, Blowe, and glee. Stoma

R. W. ROCCO Onee Rubin glom? gepo.

gm... gmegg Jogne 22; 4th of Mich

i 2-3-4 JULY ORLE•RATION g• Il.t g r hut 1Inngg riment in follow. rea clime t gLage, La...a-14mm Keel eim Flat Itide.

all open. 1.1hend percentage. Comm. g I open. Including t• .nkhngis ând e.grn (Inn.,

- wire ITONDIlltl..1Nli AllOsis, Char.


ith July Celebration and Democratic Rally Trenton, Tenn.

¿TT. JOHN R. WADE, Trenton. Tenn.

OLF GREATER SHOWS eat ati.Irtie. Snake. Illmion. 1121hilly and 51.1.

1.00p-n-Plane, Pony or 11,1e1rtte M.. n.n.,...alona. including enm Drone. 3lail

1,,ge t'alla, Iltnn.. Weak Jorge 21: the agg Nwthern Illonceota.• Neareat Fourth tif


MARIETTA. OHIO. _.to Pile and tautp-0-Plog, Plugwn .e n11 kinds.

..g. crone on. CUNNINGHAM SNOWS. this week.


Me and Rolm Man and Wife «Irr''i.,Iticin.Pn-la. Nan., thin week.


nrag Ride, /Omen and ern:melons for mug]. t• mods, ,,,,il. Will end

oig W. Now on tour. Rona open dates_ g. that .10 not conflict and n

The fellow that bed the Oir , gls nie Ian, >no' «ire WILLIAM B.

0.8s. 422 Weibel... A.4 . O.



urndt, a %nit!, eint CHAO ERARD. thae, Ill, EMIT Broadwa y' N. Y. O.

FOR SALE • the most moister and completeir hewn-and Parka In Ventral Pennggylratgla. in. iggr Filing Mathes. 11,1- and 1.1,,810, /1,rtr Menke booked. O. F. IIINARO. woe. Pa.

ossi's Band Wants rit cirre. 01km'. mite. Bore

JOE .1i,%58Z in,e.zre ,Firi.14.. Mee% MK.

2C.XisriisiibrieliTiToâeAKER CARS the

No repairs—no new paint lobs-4n perfect condition KKKKK two .... of wear. Operation costs LOW.

Now in use at Parks, Fair. and Carnivals, also by in-dependent conem.ioners and ride men. Write for prices, description and track layout information. Universal Appeal. Adults as well as Children ride Baker Can.


r• Get the



N 0 W!



C NI NIC) NI I3LL.L. Et A FC 1E 12 Va: 902 Garfield Drive, Indianapolis. Ind.

The. Aristorrat j the Miniature Car Field


No hard times here. Oil wells working day and night. WANT all

legitimate Concessions; Gook H . All Stock Wheels will work. Will book all

Independent Shows. Big Week for Everybody. Good Route le follow.

FRANK T. GRIFFITH, Pennsbero, W. Va.



LAKE COUNTY RESTAURANT Cr BEVERAGE ASSOCIATION, INC. Oar?. Hammond. East ChM..., Malone Herber. Whillne. Hobert. Cancan Point. Lae.. Cade? LAW

and many tone, town in the county represented 100 mr cent. 200 Lire Members Coasting. FAIM GROUND'. CROWN POINT—SUNDAY , AUOUST Z.

TWO PrATI•RE HIIOWN IT..eato lu,!/Ungar will do TWO MAJOR KOW,. Cateerdhn, Jmulm. Whip AIT. PNINCEAMIONti OPt:N. ALL ENI -Lretell, Conk Holm erepaide try handle bore ,rrgrerl. Canto-a, Nat Drink,. WItEEIN Or ALL KINIMI. Ire Cream., loue Renar.finligri. cograel. r,n/rs NALLY CLOWN. ANOTIII:It PICATCRE PIMP. ACT TWII MORE K.xl•E.L.-}:,,•'Elt PitilMOTERD. II you hare roar 1.1..• cong ige yogg. Addeo. All Mall. Wire.

CLAY M. GREENE, Omeral Director. 443111 Broadway. Phone 44410. MARY. IMO.

Yr. R.-1 ham another Inruc prgn.. I.on innnedialnlY follgwrinc if intermogi.

KEYSTONE SHOWS WANT One more high-elm, Free Act. must ba sensational. Want Monkey Speedway or Monkey Circus, Dog and Pony Show, Half-and.Half, Snake Show, or any allow not conflicting. Will furnish outfit, ro reliable showmen. Can place few more C sums. Diggers. Pitch Till You Win, Fish Pond, Cleave Gallery. Lead Gallery. Wheel.. percentage only. lack Mol-row want. Wheel Agent to loin on wire lack White wants two snore Girls for big Girl Review Show. C. A. HARTZBERG. Manager. This week FM . N. Y.. Sheffield. Pa., big Fourth of July Celebration to follow. Followed by all Celebrations and Fans.

WANTED MAJESTIC MIGHTY M I DWAY SHOWS WANTED FOR RIO JULY 4th CELEBRATION, BONNE TERRE. MO., JULY 1-2.3-4. Under Ampler. blusour1.1111nois Railroad Booster Amegemtlen. Rank Night Dolly. Bin Auto Drawing July 4. Over 20,000 attendance last year.

CONCIESSIONS OF ALA. KINDS CAN PLACE SNOWS THAT 00 NOT CONFLICT. Want Organised tellretrel Sheer. Will footle demono quarter. on train for mInstrel perlorreers Slim Russell, mew on, Minstrel people addeous

TED PIUD. RIDES Leop.o.Ptane, Pony Track, Kiddie Auto Ride se any OW. not conflicting vole what we nave Add...

MAJESTIC EXPO SHOWS, R. C. Mellendrin, week of lone . 22. 1936, Bristol. Va.


BA.NTLY GREATER SHOWS For Pennsylvania's biggest celebration. Penna. Laurel festival, 100.000 visitors, week tune 29, day and nit., Brookville, Pa. Want Conension• of •11 kind that work tor sleek, will furnish complete outfit, for capable showman. Betty Main wants suitable Acts tor high-elms Side Show. Five.Piece Colored Band. man to mak• openings on per ttttt ge. Address HERMAN BANTLY, week lune 22. Kano, Pa.

WANT WANT WANT WANT JULY 2, 3, 4, 5. FOR RICHLANDS, VA. JULY 2, 3, 4, 5 Ehit fourth of July Celebration in Virginia Coal !HIM. Free Acts and Shows of all kinds, aide, such as Loop-..Plane, 1111-e-V/hirl. Caterpiller, also Kiddie Rides All C lion,, open Will book C Diggers, S<A1104. Nails, Fish Pond, Bowling Alleys or any Wheel or Grind G ion. by,. Mk 1• going to be a Bog ene. Our Fain start second week I August. at Mountain City, Tenn; Dung , Va., H ttttt r, Vat Clintweed, Va.i Astsevillis. N. C.: then Into Alabama. Send all letters or M.. to Bristol, Va.

MAJESTIC EXPO SHOWS. R. C. Mellendria, week of- June 22. 1936, Bristol Va.

TILLEY SHOWS WANTS Shows. Will furnish outfits for saute. Can place Concessions. Acts

for Side Show. Talkers and Grinders. Georgie Spears. wire. We have liso

best 4th of July spot in Illinois. Address Ottawa, Ill., this week: La Salto,

to follow.

T.J.Tidwell Shows —WANT— —WANT—

mon. ,, ,'fit g n- to it t e,gfiet.

•. , Ae....•• ••• r• I .g. on In..... nr write T. J Titan/ELL. In. ol:1.1. noet June 22.


EDGERTON PARK, q.t....et, N. 11., Ad, 21.25, Incl.,.

s 2,0On porno.. ,ng.tnl fh.r..nee Taller ITEM. 1,11' Wiping. $500: Ilnllelontannt. 1300: Metes bromic Rollo. 8400; Oldie Dronk Riding, a OM,

Nleer Biding, 8200. Flotnime Ices 115 and 810 •pplorgt 'Inn! tr,nn, 11,1cd op-


liammera Hotel, JIM [SKEW Arena Direct., Attigg•.i .g.gg. Ingul Jggly



Ocentsined With Firemen Ownomtlen July 1E-10 31. mintigagic Wheels and ilrIngl Ni,,,,. Ng

thnul openitht fur r. .0501e. Lee Dinpen Want 111.1. Dime for Jul ,

1842. With honk act ot 1(1,1,11. Uhl« 1/... somek Mentirimoron.

JACK DAVERIN. 03 Eon IOUs Si., BROOKLYN. N. Y. Buck. 2-8285

Positively a RED one fee SNOWS and LEGITIMATE 001.1011•11101«.

Mammoth Fourth of July Celebration CARO, Mich.

On main «InT• I .rt and bedew earn. 11111M tor 7

3 Oro—Jug, TT.. Nantmtlennl Prre AM, Paul, Pend« ee4 Mt-hilattat This will ho very Igle: not doing* over held on main ntreets. exelnal•en. hut .5.0.1. mmt he Legitimate. Rat... 111.50 • foot. SCORE-VARY OF CONCESSIONS. 414 et July Pee. OM. Caro, Mien.

NAPPY DAYS SNOWS. ONO. Amerkee Nesrmt Sial Clemomt Midway can tiara for long, pleasant and monlaile regoan. Stmelgagg•Ilm Canoinelons only. Ptah Prowl. Melee. ete Shows: Itie Roth., Motor liront.. Fronk Animal . Water a, ens and Working World. Any new and towel, net mutilate. with the 10 we have. Fair .,., will bend your fair. owner dedrow. "Check on our neforegewea... W elitist I d ledr1 Orb, week' etorfordwille. led., Thaw (Mantle. illelortoratlen. Juno 29-Juls 5. MIS» waste eedkOnewa kelp. Me Handers want. couple for nhnto booth. f.. !Wt./morn want. catering hoed& yenta. J. J. Fontana went, nail etene agent. (le. Ted wane banner man Milo tar land nef erne«.

Oet With • LI» ebereJe

Original Mid-West Shows WANT

Rhone of an kinds that /mil esmIllet. if.,, com pieta frame-no fee name. Athletic Mum. Cameo.-'dons that work for stork. I'vens Game twee. American Vainglory emely Pleno. Moak Orillen rare simile Torn-. Plat,. or other Ride. with goon tramnorration that don% meek... Ride lielp that has teen with mn before, eome on ne elm. Atwood, Kan . June 211• 27. Oberlin. Jolt 1. 15.000 guaranteed *Wend. an Illegtet thing In the country. Palm to follow. P. 8.--11111 RImpuns mina on.

HUGHEY BROTHERS SHOWS WANTS for lug Celebration, Chet...sett, 171. July I 2, PI, Tann-o-Plane: terms, not coo. flitting: element". No melody.. for ChM..

rtb. mend Pop Com. flookhroma and mi=1 flame. All eemoirms mot he Meetly esnormlongs. rurracuat. Ill,, eat we*.


want,. nor r, ay. .twgigs Fratgore Freak Attraction for Tessin-One. CAN MIR a lee won Among Ads. Illechattioal Man erne Stale all In Oro AMR».

AL RENTON, a. Pee Route

RIDES WANTED Merry-et. rerTI• Whawl ele. Atomism Lemon (letrbratInn, Waunakee. WI.. Amt. 6 end lf• span. Pr.. Est., lama emerd.. 'listed

Other openings ...Dell. RAY NONLITTEIN. Waunalel. VOW


Free Art.. Ridge, ruttenn.lono. etc.. for annual Hommomtng, Erode, and 1atombor. AIDOITRT ill gold 15. F.stablidunt celebration data* for 50 3MM Write LEO WEBER. Chairman, Cullen.



AUGUST 20. D. 21

II A OAR so té. eremite. Olen% lad.

une 27, 1936 106 The Rillboard

,s,amusEmENT meniNEs A Deattineetfiz Opnatoza, Jobben, Dieu' baton and Manufactugem

Communications to SILVER SAM. Woods Bldg.. Randolph and Dearborn Streets. alkalies

NACOMM Directors Discuss Machine Taxes and 1937 Plans

Ideas are advanced for more effective co-operation with State and local associations—proposal is made to charge admission fee for public at 1937 Chi convention

• CHICA00. June. Se.—Directors of NACOMM met recently to consider meom-

mendetion. of 1he 1017 convention committee and to traneact other business. One nf the mom ,rinces prohleinn threatening all branches of the ooln machine industry. In the oplmon of several directors present. I,' the constant attempt to levy addltionnl taxes on the Industry. This danger will beouine particularly acute early in 1937. when 41 State Legislatures meet in regular atecion. and the directors of NACOMM are building plans to co-operate with State end loco] asnociations. With distributors and with other., in opposing unreaenunble tax proposals.

It was eugge.sted that this work which the manufacturers' amocintion In doing could be merh more effective if lending distributors. Jobbera and operators then-out the country. a, well as ope, atore. ne-«relations would keep in direct tou-11 with NACOMM and with the varions legislative and tax prorosnle which are made. This can he done. it wne pointed out. thru amoeinte memberships. which are available to nut companies, emenda-tions or individuals the have a direct interest in the industry. Information regarding associate member/daps will he furnished to interested perrinms from the onlee of the secretary of NACOMM. 120 8. LaSalle street. Chicago. At the directors' meeting I.rn J. Kelly

was elected a din -nor or the ansoriation to fill a recent vacancy in the board.

The tremendoe, growth in attendance at the annual Coin Machine Exhibit dur-ing the last three years hm made It necemery for NACOMM's convention committee to study plans for controlling the attendance tif those not. directly connected with or interested in the In-

Several operators. Jobbers and distrib-utor« have reperted that at certain hours the exhibit halle have been no crowded that they Mier found it difficult to in-spect an carefully as they would like the many new models on display. This Crowded condition has been due, In part. to the admission of the general public with no requirement other than regis-tration. The committee would prefer to re-

strict admission to the exhibit solely to members of the induatry—operaters. Jobbers and distributor's. Ilnwever. with the thousands of persons who would be properly entitled to admission under such a plan there is no doubt but that many would fall to receive their admis-_Ion cards and would be keenly disap-pointed in cage they were unable to establish their right to visit the exhibit. The committee is therefore consider-

ing the proposal of making a small Charge for admission. my 50 cents or Si. Which would entitle all operators, Job-

(See PIAC01111 on page 1171

C. S. Darling Appointed To Natl. Institute Board

CHICAGO. June se—The coin ma-chine industry has recently received rec-ognition nationally among the trade as-sociation, and chambers of commerce of the country thru the appointment of C. 8. Darling. secretary of NACOMM. as a member of the hoard of managers of the Nations: Institute for Cr.mmercial and Trade Aeeociation Executives.

This institute han conducted an an-nual rummer 'wheel at Northweetern University. Evanston. Ill., for the last 15 years It Is sponsored by four well-known orgardobtione the Chamber of Commerce of the United Sunni. Amer-ican Trade Ammiation Execut lLes. Na-(Meet AMoctleetion of Cenimerciril Or-eartimition Secretaries and Northwestern University Each of three rsan three representativet on the treird of man-agers, which includes President Waiter DUI Scott, of Northwestern University.

LEO J. KELLY, sales manager of the Exhiint Supply Company. Chi-cago, who becomes a director of the N4C011.11L

Kelly Elected NAÉ0311%1 Director CHICA00, June 20.—len J. Kelly, of

Exhibit Supply company. was elected a direetor of the National Association of Coln Operated Machine Manufacturera at the executive meeting of the emacia-tion held June 2.

Kelly hats given unstintingly of his time in herself of the National Ataxia-Hon in an effort to create a better Under-Mending between manufacturer. operator and the public. Kelly has contributed many articles to The litliboard of far-reaching importance to the Industry. His letter-writing contest, which wag pub-lished in full in The Billboard July 27. 1935. has been put in operation by vari-ous operating amociationa, with the re-milt that much good publicity for the entire industry hae remitted.

December 25. 1935 Mime of The 811/-board carried a special message from Kelly to the Retail Merchants of Amer-ica that wes received by the operators as much-needed malatance. That the operators of the country ap-

preciate the good Kelly has accom-plialied for the industry was indicated by the action of the National Council of Coin Machine Operators' Amociation. which mowed a special resolution at it, meeting in Jarnmry commending Kelly's firm, the Exhibit Supply Com-pany, for the co-operation given their mrsoelation:

and Dean ft..lph E. Heilman. of the &hot of Commerce of Northwestern Uni-versity. The errorse of study for trade enuncia-

tion and chamber of erimmerce execu-tives. usually a two weeks' manse will be limited this year to one week, begin-ning August 2 The echoed drawn at-tendance from ell parls of the country.

§lant That§totti otathe Raeli

An article well worth the while of any of the fraternity who write publicity copy for machine manufacturers or ad-ertising agencies handling coin machine accounts is one titled

"Legitimate Publicity" appearing in the current issue of The Advertiser, published by Manuel Rosenberg.

Quoting from the story: "Publicity space is unquestion-ably very valuable—in many instances equal to that bought and paid for by the advertiser, and when judiciously filled, with the reader's interest fairly treated, accounts for powerful reader interest and effectiveness towards the advertiser's cam-paign. Most advertisers, however, need coaching on how to treat publicizing news of their product and service . . . they arc too apt to try to push too much advertising promotion for a product into their story and thus kill its cfrect upon the very readers they want to interest via the news route, and it is often necessary to explain to them what the great editor Dana said made news—in a sense."

The above quotation can hardly be questioned. Reader interest should bc fairly treated with the proper sort of ma-terial if it is to bring results that advertisers aim tor when they place copy in any media. Overdoing the lily-gilding of a product frequently augurs to have just the opposite effect upon the reader. What Dana said about a man biting a dog being news is still very apt.

Especially apt in.the coin machine industry, where prac-tically each and every publicity release seems to ignore the most pertinent selling angles required for getting even a yarn glorifying a peanut vender across to the editor first and then in turn to the reader.

Just as most editors have a definite concern in the pres-entation of news about anything in particular to his readers. so, too, a concern by the coin machine industry in publicity copy to their advertising media could be felt. In fact, even a little alarm can be evinced by the industry in this regard.

A great deal can be done to overcome and improve thc material that is so important an adjunct in getting sales acro-,s for the manufacturer. We quote again from The Advertiser

"Every manufacturer, every national advertiser has a legitimate news story in his plant . . . but comparatively fe‘s really "see" the very feature that makes a good, acceptable story. Advertising agencies, however, aid their cliente to gain publicity, many having regular publicity staffs. Only tho-e writers who are recruited from the ranks of the nation's news-paper and magazine staffs have a true, trained sense of appre-ciation of what will gain an editor's likely acceptance.

"The advertising agency. or advertising trained mind, den the other hand will perhaps unçonsciously fill a story with too much advertising plug instead of getting a news angle ai a style feature, and consequently the story is killed when the article reaches the publication office . . . after much expense has gone into its preparation. There are exceptions, of course. but few in our observation of more than a score of years."

The above lines are hardly in the nature of orchids te' those fellows who try earnestly enough to get out the right

(See SLANT THAT STORY on page 11?)

him, 27, /936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES Tho Billboard 107

These Concerns Will Have

on Display

JUNE 27" nd Thereafter

ALABAMA Birrouren V,' iiiir, 211 Thiel Ara.. N..


CALIFORNIA 11,erina Antemerlr

1021 Golden Da Pm Erasure

Netineel A.Weili.ntl , 14411 Wert Weelonatne Iti• I

Lem Armen..

ILLINOIS Dernon A Glee.

014 'Arena, Anil..

Town Main 0. 411 No. Ileln Mt.

Dra-al sir.

INDIANA horministe A11111,1*.

log N O. EMIIOD. Emmett e NnrelD 43,

033 No. 11111101,. Ps.. Inehanevelne.

IOWA AillefltAla halm Co. 3003 Ile



KENTUCKY Keritimliv Amusement Co.

220 IV Warms.

LOUISIANA L'. IA 31. Novelty Co.


National con, Met... Cone 1124 No rbarlee



Ausomeue Coln lleeldnis Co.

Trill..., Cr.In illarhine Co. 116* Warnimtiin


MICHIGAN D. D. Orlelts

11762 Woolnent Are.. Detroit

Rine Pin Damn Co. efIll Piirtme. Kelm:ammo.


204 Ilth Are. tie. Hismemolls.

MISSOURI DervfhmIng De.

103 Wart Linwood SIMI.. Kane. City.

rnited Ammor 8411 Halts Monet. Kam» CAW.

Ideal Novelty ro. III? ItarLet At.

fit Louie

NEW YORK Ammer, Tontine Co.

351 Broom /Iron/rise

NORTH CAROLINA Towline Merbine 0o.

2e5 Pmeklin. FamtterlIte.


These Concerns Will Have

on Display

JUNE 27" The KEENEY 1-BALL PAYOUT GAME and Thereafter ... with a NEW "Re-Play" Principle on the coin chute - so player can either "COLLECT" or "LET IT RI n second

DE ,/ inshooting forlarger i awards - and without in-

Possible Awards on First Play

10c 20c, 30c. SOc.

and 52— Possible Awards on

Second Play

20c to

$20. "VELVET" nine pays $2 en alike, Den or se-ems play.

"AWARD - AND "RE-PLAY" BUTTONS PreHnIt the waver to erther

thdeaw his winnings on Ihe first play—or fo tmve them ”in the game'. in trying for Surer Payouts of $A. Steered *r1 on his ”Re.Pla,.. oe sec •

IM•Play $lot Poem aaaaa froriet 12.Coin Escalator World .. Sat"

Parma UnIt —52" • 26' Cableme

$159 Ho tat. Chase to. Cheek Seen


1-Werel DM greatest nickel-getting play pnernOte mee infrock.ced--0 game. foo, Mat lendees • mime« PH-ventage et the *Hamm -back Mho 1k. rimima." VELVET roues an entirety new slant Voto payout THRILLS and APPEAL—Me playa Meets for " la-pore" . Me

M ," .S by far the CACATIST of all Pier hooaah• P. 31. Os Of $2 or aver are ne•3e p, t-ca•re—kem

CO3m,soe checks in • • •

NATIONWIDE INTRODUCTION JUNE 27th See Display Points Both Sides This Advertisement

Write or Wire for Samples TODAY!

J. H. KEENEY& co. 2900 S. Michigan Chicago, Illinois


M. ïrete. Ire! Co.


M T. Ma,, Co. 113 St lit stenos,

le ton.

eireina 3Ife no. 1922 Fronows,


31» Toramerovrn.


C J. Sehon 422 W relaAme Ave..


.1aok ft M.enr. 411 A W latu.



Kamen emelalit Co. 1310 Panel, et.

B. I. Lazar Do 11 o Penn At.

Meetly. «elm« Mirka Dien Perk.



miss Elm OM CM 1200 romp arm..

Deft. fltronehee tu

Aut.merle Ammeminat 1304 Terrelmertnes

M. Worth.

Hello L Hoene 1311 Loahearie et



liTAN B. P. eogrig,

linrel feels Lela (SO.



intl K lanne Partneed


lal•—•a•r ee Isiwc.


Boron Pa. •.-•*, .7 1111q• li., at. ewe.. ye,

Nee« • femme,' SIT %nett, tl-a.t.•,.



11)8 Hi/lboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES June 27, 1936

INT[RNI1J.10 t4 1,11 yill:Tp5(APE fris

16-2G W 34




544.50. P. O. B.. N. Y.

P sssss us this Appearance and Me-chanic•I Perfection et an It pensive Come. WIRE YOUR ORDER TODAY!


HURDLE HOP centains she retold-known RN EC ROLL Target design under Mar.& •eflutil• flat.. tO ut by ce• National Sae. Ball ad New Yore. Sur no





Nothing n Needed to Stimulate Play on this Fascinating


1 11,

All the Features at a SKEE ROLL ALLEY . . Same Simi as an ordinary PIN CAME.



$59.50 Tax Paid. F. O. a. N. Y.

Also N.J. in Automatic Ticket Model. Write for SPECIAL PRICE!


Rush Your Order Today

,1.NEW CRAZE 4oti4.

SWEEPING hte CCPU,PSety Meechandise eriv•I awarded

rer OHlul play. A

-frril rnoting g.nio that wt. 100005 ••teaneennary orairl

A ample fool prod a..., Ism Ina Itturdt.Plathy Citron. lern TrImmon Cob-bles 7 11.25 In. No •al-Metee — «ate on 110 Volt A O. Swum current.

5 Indio Rubber Dolls for Sc The player rolls each boll down HIMSELF—no plunger—as rho ',di hits the pocket the corn,-spending square In the Blue Mir-ror back lights up Ace. King, Queen. tic. 5 Balls to get a good poker hand!

Standard Model, $125.00 Tax Paid, F. O. 13.. H. Y.

Special Operators' Model with Full Plate Class Top and Hand-some, Sturdy Legs. $17.50 E•tra.

Rush Your

Order for Prompt Delivery


No Attendant Needed. No Photo Expelente Needed


ORDINARY LOCATIONS in an ear 4I of Manure.' “Jrn, Ex-po-lance reo here never had a marhlre Ann the Inner-era *pored of the PHOTOMATIO. Rtatonooly gentrd end so Ert,sdI5c,Y Remelt Producer. Now talco ruceeerfall• or. roared theonehent the U.S.A. and men/ torsion

Write or Wire Today for Full Detain.

Top Row, Bambino Going Top Notch CHICAGO, June 20.—How lis Top Root

doloc? According to Leo J. Kelly, sale. manager of Pbthlbit. Supply, the game in eollig top notch. It tOnturen the Ho.'

Idea one-shoot table changes with the usual proeecture of playing small vein-Wrig payout holes at the lop of ti,i playing field. Free play arrangement tu

also an innovation of the game whereby special traps are cloned to make it a more interesting and unique game. In territories where one-bell play Is not permitted. Top Row Is furnished h will,

two-ball play RIO OLIVE ST., ST. LOUIS. MO,

Tirket Unit jor Bambino Exhibit Supply Company le now de-

livering Its Bambino 10-ball baseball game, with a ticket for every winning

combination. Ticket inechan.sm taper-etee In conjunction with the •utomatie payout device and, according tirr the makers, the unit can he dLseonnected In

nn seconds and the game made to pay Off In reins or tokens. Leo Kelly MIS. Bambino sales indicate

that operators have been searching for a gaine of this type In which skill and amusement featurecc dominate. Buothino

elves the plover the laical of a run Inc bis as well as real




INTERNATIONAL MUTOSCOPE REEL (0 .1 '1""-s1 nc saw With( Ill


the Coin Operated Field . . When it cornes to

Diggers Wise Operators corne to

Mutoscepe for the Crane that has

Everything .. Pin Carne Op-erators can graduate to the ciass of

really BIC MONEY MAKERS by operating Cranes.

Write or Wire Today for Full Details

?e_rr off

S/6 W.34,, SI.


RECONDITIONED B [ „.. a A UTOMATICSo, ,..«. ,, ... ..., . In.rondilleneel AltOhleer—ThOr Word is

Ow Bend, BIO LEAGUER 111132.00 CHAMPION 12E0 NOCEOLA DELUXE ulia`• 40.00 DO OR DON'T 20.00 JUMBO Saco JUMBO Moon, 115.00 PEARL HARBOR 25.00 PUT .11 TAKE 15.00 SUNSHINE regnant 55.00 r1000tET 10.00 SPORTSMAN 111.00 PROSPECTOR 82 he STAMPEDE . . . 2h an

TERMS: 1 ii Eleasoili. Cal O. er. o


Gaylord's Freldend-Aire Meets Heavy Sommer Demand

CHICAGO. June 20.—Reports from C

W. Clippie. sales manager of Gaylord Manure...luring Company here, indicate that it, line of high-stand, wall model

and law-stand Freell'od -Aire fun-type Units la meariHng With an extensive,

Lirrilout the country. Mr. Dip-

ole has outlined a few reacions for the ex.-lien." of ilYeoh*ncl-Aire. Re stresses

'lie fact that air-comfort takes on a new meaning for me:slumts who've been wondering how to solve the problem of customer satisfaction with reference to

air conditions in their Mores. Built in one single compact Inex-

pensive unit. Freall'aid-Alre Is said to provide thora circulation of all room air without draft. In addition, Preoll'od

Aire la equipped with purification, de-calorirIng and aterill,ing compartments The result of the entire combination Is a conselocie feeling of from 8 to 10 de-precis lower temperature. with a notice-

able condition of Invigorating fresh's , » that makes people feel truly comfortable

wherever Fiesh'ndsAlre is Installed. Such dangers as leaving a room that's

been exce.sively tooled are eliminated. so that there's no shock upon leaving

prerninea cooled and circulated moperly stitil Fresh'nd -A ire. Which occurs No

often when a great difference of tem-perature exists between Inside and out-

door air. Ancther consideration of material im-

portance to merchante In particular ex-ists in the fret that Gaylord Fresh'orl-

Aire involves no costly Maintenance, yet

provides the very kind of air-comfort that patrons have learned to expect

when they patioisize their storea.

SLOTS Ieme2 $10:1 CONDITION up

Send For Our Complete List ...Out TODAY!

NATIONAL PRE1111.11-..EN11:.

General Amusement Reports New High in Rebuilt Sales HARTFORD. Conn.. June 20.—Abe

Fish, of General Amusement Game Coin-pally here, reporta that his flint hag been enjoying the largest select in its existence the past few months on Its recondition.]

games. The firm epecializes in used machines

and hue won a fine reputation In the industry for the manner in which It h.

reconditioned the games and the way it ships them to the operator's. Abe is ane

of the first men to arrange for two keys

with every used machine the operator buys. He claims that every operator ap-preciates the extra key and that most operators need it for their machine route

system. "Tho thia piares us to greater ex-

pense,. Abe states, "we feel that we are

repatd by the One letters we are con -

11.-0 FAST ACTION 'Annuity receiving from operators to BALL PIN CAME whom tea stills our reconditioned ma-

chines with two keys. "I believe,. he continued, "that this is

non of the greate-st reasons for the in-creased sales wchteh we have been en-

,o-ing on used machines. We will con-

tinue this Abe has been doing a whirlwind hipli-

neen and hen gained a great following. He Is one of the moat active workere in

the State for the operator, welfare and has been responathle for Irectitutins many Improved operating condition..

WE'RE DOUBLY SORRY! The Price of the Setae. Auto Trailer

$33,95 F.O.B. FACTORY Instead of as li.ted in the liana 13111


• TIE•SCORE. the New 5 Ball Llte.Up baseholl Came. Is on display at the HENRY W. SEIDEN Zr CO.. incorporated,

General Olf






In on Nero.' .0•11 In Se, to4111/Ot Write r. NOV. men 4851) Rareenle Are. e

McDermott Appointed Park-o•Gral Treasurer CHICAGO. June 20.—From the eseet

Live ranee@ of National Fark-o-Graf

paration comes the announcement thi George A. McDermott le now

of the corporation. As announced in a recent releaar 1

The Dit/board. David C. Rockela bee the National Part-o-Oral Corporation


Mr. McDermott, the new trea.surer

the corporation, is a well-known business executive. Ile hne made a nee for hunself during Ill. connection

the Wells Gardner Company and later vice-preeddent of the Oulbranaen CEO




for thc



fruit . 27. 1916 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 109

[ 4-for-10c Operators Make More Money

with Quartermatic than Any Machine

4 PhOr0510 ji•. .. • ,

1! 1 '

b... Ps, fie. 1.792.025. . ,...,,,....ffi... PM-grow.. I.... rota-

1...•11.• t.1.1 11'. •tr Iii ('..Utl. ter rod sr. il II.. I, I .0

on the Market!

photo ma-weather.

in. gauge 4 to

darkroom, curtain.


1/ you darkroom

QUARTERMATIC The Rolls-Royce of 4-for-10c chines! Fireproof, waterproof and proof. Its made from 1 /1 6th steel and outlasts ordinary machines 1! Complete with equipped booth. adjustable stool, lights and All ready to set up and begin

PANEL AND CAMERA . . . may be purchased Separately wish to bland your man booth and arid save the difference.


PHOTO - JEWELRY CAMERA ____.._ Newest Money-Ma ker on th e M arket f A, ..

WITH A Terms : Hid sill, (. ..k.ï é F. 3:5 Lens $3 75. Order. &I. C.O.D. j

This NOVELTY CAMERA takes 10 pic-tures for only 1c1 Pictures are developed 1.45 • ' WIle

V and mounted In attractive rings, pins, tie holders and other jewelry . . . cost you fe ONE DIME to produce, and sell on sight for from 35c to SI .35 ! Shoots 1.500 pictures without reloading. Write foe complete descriptive catalog.

All Things for 71-for-l0e Operators

MARKS ilt FULLER, Inc. - .4// Thonge Photogrophic Since 1860"


A Special

$3.50 EA. Site Piste..

Gee a, , . o. it.., un $4.95 EA.

MI.., sent rot. in-.,, .

ret n '111,ra"

ee Lionts Jew,. Runts Pay oft Machine. perfect condition

MN to (WI Cold Ito.ds

Reset. Caarnemns an A•roy.

Tyne Pay

"'" s 8"""euli We Will Buy


REAL BUY Ticket Games. $5.95 EA.

Beam 1 no er.......men trron.Payort)

Crlo Croat toi,oew Sono Elitists Brora.a•LIro

$8.50 EA. I dro.1111t7 131 0 Rapid 'frontlet

515.00 in c.,,

5 7.95 7.05 9.00 13.00

Troia, Slight gerarÑIPtr e

Pamysookt. lonthes.



Rot Traffic Plu Yr. Put Door

Carioca. Gold Do

y Used, 0020 .Crerr.'


- - READY Whirlpool and $6.50 EA. I. 0. u.% Dialers 11.1.olltilt Biro or Illwro Trl.a.t.lte Osetit. er. Action. S . Auto Banat (A. S. T.) •

la Squadron.. -511.50 wash Peroute.812.we

a MMus sure Island A Taro Or ••., t,

Rush or Don't

and I eatnetes

0:er . tr 1)=siiitrLI telly Derby's, Any

(F. A. MANN,

FOR Rodeos $7.50

Jennings Country

JannInot RON

Con-Gros- LItes

$7.95 Rolc.A..1.1to Po 21 Rocrola

I 12.50 19.50

14.00 14 60 15.50 15.00




EA. Gros




Robot. II

SomooM Want Dnily Douai ..,,i. Malls TO.01•1018 De Lusts •• Rodeos Shall Came

Itsla ..1;;t s Clem. Per it P"ne. go:3.117" teed Yew


Each $6.95 EA.

Sines11.4n Motor Loomis Cannot F.... ..•

$9.50 EA. Cheer teaser nriP,4",:,01‘... Tackle PrIsli Snit Ire Soreamo

ah Imes 521.50 21.50 24.150 27.50 82.50 94.50 25.00 27.50

Caro 0 5.00 . • • • 1 .10

Best Prices.


GUARANTEED BARGAINS IN USED PAY TABLES ley Owe, _______052.50 Reshot 010.00 Peeve Porto,. II» *tombs •5.00 Champion -.............. 10.00 r,. $85.00 Salden itarveat. 10 Nee rooter tel no en.. Cue. tics« • bah •it 00 5.4 arrow. Ills ewsw- 15.00 cad, comb.. Ilk. new 713.00

Frown« 95 00 Irootsreen. Throb -- 12.50 [roily. la ttt type ... 20.00 111 Packet 39 BO Trotan 39 BO Panne Faiselie. thew et Leo ell 35.00 Sunshine Derby - «0.50 oomph 100.00 ii,, sun«, war Traffic. con payout « 12.50 Put 're Taro Illta new 30 00

.1^,015 se.so Nina P.M. latest "IN MOO alre 22.50 Dali, DouaI. , __ 9.50 MIR. TIcketto 8.00

Write for our Rot rontaining lowatii prices on Payout Table. 1/9 Denotlt, Dolan» O. 0. 0., F. 0. 5. Newark,

RO YAL DI ST R I BU TO R S, y N c . 1 iNv ABRR (-.)., A, oni.es...


i...,.„.„ ,..

I.%'-- HE

PLAY PHONOGRAPHS" VICTOR buteenweit that es Sr. houleatine are anesio REIN-NeVell UNPACK ED

Cmt Originally 5250.00 each. OUR isfeles-Selka0--Net Con (With Ordor). , n • hold tau. 1101 record.. Mahnnany Crolnet, 49.201.20. COLD TRIMMED mechanm is.

th speak. •nd Radlotront. READY TO PLUG Into any light »rout and make 010 ' "i'erIe'sn. 2r.:Iee..tu''.'- eu%Vallee ire, renrgivehr° "'IT' "" P. K. SALES COMPANY, CAMBRIDGE, OHIO

Nat'l Named Gottlieb Distributor for Illinois CHICAGO. June 20.-Dave Gottlieb

announces that the National Coln Ma-chine Exchange of Chicago has been np-pointed exclusive distributors for Gott-lieb games In Mirada. Joe Schwartz, head of the National

Coin Machine Plschange. states that he is proud to have been chosen by D. Oottlieb Ar Compsity 1.0 reprenent them as their exclusive distributors. He also states that the four games now being offered by Clottlteb are among the fluent machines he has ever offered coin-ma-Chiite operators.

-Daily Races. Fence Buster, Broker's Tip and Sunshine Baseball." nays Joe, -are reel grimes all the way Limn. They have the eppeal that makes them a success with the playing public and the mechanical developments and im-provements that make them popular with operators. From Lite c,ellituritr, I've been hearing, backed by orders alai reorders, the operators too are enthuM-Indic. The games have what it takes and that's exactly why they're going over big with the public, and operator alike."

Al Schlesinger Prepares Big Feature Sale of Tables POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.. June 20.-Al

Schlesinger. president of the Square

eAgmalunsernpreenpar°°1nrPeonrY. areP"feCurthe arstalehe of" used pay tablee. He hopes that thie gale will be tte well approved by the operator. as was the last one he ran.

After Wet lest sale, he reports, it was necessary for his firm to place extra help to get the machines on the way to the purchasers and he was so swamped with orders that he followed hie first advertisement With one offering to buy as many pay tables for cash as operators cared to well. He has spent more than Mx weeks

gathering POD» of the beat pay tables in the industry for this coming sale. Be believes that the pay table operator. everywhere will appreciate the remark-ably low minas wititit he in featuring.

Al believes in this method of clearing his warehouse of machines ever so often These periodical bales, he say*, are looked forward to by operators, and general opinion is that when "Squero Amusement run ate sales they really are

The firm la expanding Its present space. due to Ite Increased sales Dineen the State.

Hy-G Games Co. Appointed Exclusive Gottlieb Distrib CHICAGO. June 20.-After an inter-

view in which fly Greenstein. of Hy-0 Games Company. Minneapolis. and Dave Clottlieb. of D. Gottlieb et Company, took part. It was announced that the ex-clusive Northwestern distributors for Gottlieb pmduets will be given to the Hy-0 Game,. Company. The firm has het, doing an excellent

Job in furnishing the operators of its territory with Gottlieb games. Ship-ments or Daily Races Fence Bunter and Broker's 'rip nave been made In carload lots. Cireensteln reports that the op-eratore have declared the three games to be the finest machines given to the industry In ,some time, Hy has been keeping In close L.-inch

with the Gottlieb plant and for the last several weeks has been flying here every week. Since the Introduction of Smut/Noe Baseball, fly hot been burning up the long-distance telephone wires pleading with Dave Gottlieb to hurry shipmenta.

Big Game Hunter Draws In All Type of Location CHICAGO. June 20.-A. B. Big

Clame Hunter la going stronger than ever, the makers of the game announce Inasmuch as the pasmen is strictly a skill device. It. may he operated anywhere and everywhere. While the Big Game Hunter Clicks well on all type* of locations, there are many spots thruout the country where an expensive machine will not win any more than this low-priced device due to the clientele which patronizes these location». The miniature shooting Reinert. is a

good investment for an operator because 11.4 complete appeal never grows stale. It is new made in an appealing cabinet and emnes in either 1-cent ri-,r nt play in both three-ball and five-ball models. The A. B. T firm eaten that the thou-

sand. of Big Game Hunter,s now on lo-cation, many over a long period of years aro a groat testimonial for the game.





knee lee Wiece éalthe

Ps° fern"


They Last Longer

They're More Dependable

They're Available Everywhere

And, of course, "Evereadys" present no fire hazard

larilleedeof Jediee,go " ezatee:of

Get in on this special trade discount!


SPECIAL TRADE PRICES If you are a legitimate distributor, jobber or operator of pin games you can take advantage of our special trade quantity prices. For complete information fill out this coupon and send it to-


Grand Central Station New York, N. Y.



Distributer Jabber Overseer

Yroroll OtILE

Unit el EhafeIll Cerbidr and Carbon


110 nifli000rd AMUSEMENT MACHINES June 27, 1936

Tte Opetatet qtows WAS n terrible infant that

early pinball operator who got Into the butaness on the gremild floor. Hie greatest trouble was that he didn't belong on the

ground floor. Ho didn't even belong in the basement.

The fact that pinball nurvived his awkward and often misguided effort. should be proof eneugh to the industry that the marble games can take a world

os punishment. DIU and Joe were two friends of

mine who saw poselbilltiee for huge prof-its in the business bark in the daya when most of the game tables kinked like products of the Junior Boys' manual training cite.. They were the typo Of fellows whn ,it around cigar stores talk-ing In box-car figures and dreaming of gigantic financial coupa that somehow never materialise. They'd make a million out of pinball.

they decided. Maybe not • million, but a lot of money. Easy money.

Somehow or another they managed to serape together $1.200 and then they began to Invest it.

There was where they made their fleet mistake. They spent the entire work-

ing capital on machine..

The machines arrived, and 11111 and Joe were in the pinball bushier.. They selected good locatlr,tls and sat back to wait for the golden harvest. A golden berate% It was, too, for the nickels began


100 PENNY PACKS at... tie EACH

‘• ,•rente.41 t ,n iv.teira sod artre.r.

•uer. true en ten •ttarhett We ate wooderturere autharlzed dleteleulart sad Wm ail te.ailabla we elec5Inet for ha-

reduce delver,. WILLS.

Tweet moles Deeek. Header 's Weer. Natural

SW Lane Sip 11.eh 120/71.121r$

Pet, Races Oust, ..••••• 21.1 Sunahifla 114.45•11

J11111111110.• 5.4 saw Beediall PhWar Cita Vend.

A Sta Captain Kidd PACOS *awe and we weeniest

-ew ••1 ". LIGeTt• USED AND FLOOR 1151021.211.

KJ., JU 111000 1142.50 Tir TAT-TOE., Weed nee 12-50 KOCISOLAS SLACK 1115•10 50.00 DAILY LIMITS . 04200 seiet pang qua 112 SO SONOS zdti5 547 .11 02 50 ', COOKS_ bettare, ta. we 17.50 T•C-001.11. feel le medal II2.50 0122101.11121. Pme eel tee« 50.00

Ilmediee: Sall pmen, p esee se tee 215 00 lefolaWie le.d.s. MI5 1. 1130.00 Yfl14,e.c2.41-0ettere, tf 25. 55 00.



r., 1-‘4,11 piovt Phew. S 43.20

21 gdoetgat,

Lip location owner, the operator. the jobber, the distributor, the manufacturer and all the employee° of all the finite with which these people do Mien...

to roll In at a rate beyond the fondest Is quite another. You can't strong ann The 1932 model operator didn't bother hopes nt the two operators. The first people into buying entertainment. to explain throe things to the public, week's profits amounted to nearly $250 A few of these men were blessed with which is probably one good reason why and Dill and Joe had over $100 apiece brilliant minds and quickly mended he la no longer receiving the bone. for spending «i.e.', their ways, becoming quite as respectable lite of that public's patroness., bell the

Here wee a week's profit of nearly business men as those who ordinarily customer on the merits of your product $2501 At Inset that. what Dill and Joe engage in any field of reputable en- end what It means to the nation and you thought. As a matter of fact. It was detour. A greater number, however, have gone a long way on the road to over four months before they discovered gave up In disgust, deciding that pin- public acceptance. their error. They found out irk the ball was 'lust a dud." They passed on third week that there la such a thing to more alluring lince which .eined to No Place for Chiselers its maintenance cost and they learned offer easier and larger if lee. legitimate There wee one particularly futile type from time to time about other expenses. profite. Their withdrawal f the bust- of early-day operator who was ISO 2111.1tios It was nearly five months, however, be- newt met with a concerted sigh of re- to secure locations that lie didn't care fore they learned the awful truth that lief from the steadily growing group of or didn't think about making a legitl-the profitable life of the average pin- clenn-eut Molliesa executivezu Whit were mate profit from them. He was the hall gatne la Mur montMl. bullrling a solid future for their industry, chiseler who Infects every line of huai.

Profita had dwindled down to almost There was a time when it seemed nees at mie time or another. Whenever

nothing, and the heavy income from that the motto of neony operators wee the early days of the machines had been "Anything goes." And anything did go ripent. Several location owners had for n while. Operators existed who were thrown out the pertners• games in favor so hellish as to place batteries of games of newer and more profitable ones. In locations adjacent to public schools.


It had been fun while It lasted, but Dome there were who placed last one-the business was wiped out. Pinball. shot payout games in doubtful locations. they dec ided sadly,is all eight if you 'ro put it bluntly, there were operators have enough motley so you can keep in- so shortsighted as to try practically any-vesting in new machines all the time, thing for the sake of increasing 1m-

If only, they mused wistfully, they had mediate linens. Their taeilee isroUsed enough financial backing to really en-gage In the Mistiness on a profitable


Business Management Changes There Were 2.1111t1reds of more or lens

modified Dills and Joen. Some of them lasted a couple of years in spite of their

poor management. find one car-Today you won't In n


.. - • ta ,...Pezzieoire.ret c,ele 48,,. P.O

Into an iron-bound egreement to operate stand up beet and which Once will give operators arc in the pinball buntline

only multi-ball games with only counter the most trouble. He can figure the The playboy. et the first yearn of pin. awards. The. operators realize that profit compensations which sometimes

atorms of proteeta from many Individu-als in the territories whore they operated found that the regular percentages and they were Bolin put out of business worked out by experienced operators automatically by the cloning of their allow for the inevitable depreciation on territories, equipment. adequate servicing and tir.

New Crop of Operators quent innovation.. His abort-profit ar-

rangement didn't allow for those 'flic new new crop of operators w hich ha'. sines WIC steer it was his only Induce.

alternated this claw% is leaning backwards in effort. to Uralrosneor ment to location ownern he wound up

slightest bit of censure from tile public. on the outside looking In. load, Pintsell has become a big business cieersioes in ngiiittr, territory eeee The up-to-date operator la in partner-and there is no room for the get-rieh- e ''"••• ship with each of his location owners.

banded together and are seerialetently en- Ile demands n fair nront in his invert' quick boys who don't know the farts forcing their rules of conduct. They " •' of life concerning sound bu.slness °per- g.,, pr. it no ingrobn, or their go ment and gota it. In return he gives

ation. The change in boldness man- to do anything that will mart. tag» tulip the location owner the kind of service agement began 'slowly. hut has pro- detriment of 12.1e business The ha,' that la bound te. bring revenue. to.

greased like greased lightning in the last had a hard time reo peningbusiness. They cation owners, he hose found, are fah,

year and a half. The operator of today the y itro not intogre a repetition minded busing-en men who are willing to can quote depreciation figures by the of i.. r _ go' g n foolishness that brought mi all pay handeurnely for anything that will

them a greed return. They prefer column. He knows his maintenance the trouble. give meta to the fraction of a penny. Ile I know of certain open but doubtful to take a smaller percentege from an

knows. the exact titile to e at which It Ls territories In 1936 where the operators nperator who will bring them a greater

most profitable to move a machine nut gross. Rit en vigilant in their efforts to main-of one location and litas nother. He Operators who have ceased to exist

tain good van that they have entered knows which twee of machtnee win • were in trio pinball game. Present-del

June 27, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The RIM ttttt 1

certain tried and proven rules which auct be followed. and he gives the extra

ray and time and thought which e the difference between mediocrity

cl outstanding success.

Se le proud of his business and ud of the part he plays in the in-

eery as a whole. He holds his head eh. for he knaves that he and others e himself have been responsible for ping hundreds of thousands of peo-off the relief rolls. He makes no

uses for hie blame., knowing that is giving a great big nickela worth fun to every customer who playa games.

He has had to reach his present foi-to-to position by the trial and error e. tte has made mistakes and he i probably make more in the natural me of things, but he will not make same mistakes twice. He le eager

aid In the aelvencement of the bust-which has rewarded him so well he LEI proud of growth and rise to

ularity which the business Be a whole enjoyed.

He has high hopes for the future. He the assurance of shrewd butane.a

iyete that pinball b no panning cy. It has lasted too long and has 'ad too etcadily and consistently to regarded as another faddish whim.

The modern operator Is doing his I best to fill a need for low-priced esome amusement. He has made it

liable to the public when and In stover quantities they want It.. He striven to maintain public interest being ever on the alert for anything t will offer greater player appeal, laity and exhilarating. stimulating <lament. He Is a merchant in happiness. His res steady the nerve, and smooth .ntled brows. He erne clean fun at a ,ce that anyone can afford to pay. He ham a right to feel important. He s•-, longer a minor lector in the amuse-eat field. He has passed the awkward fat stage and has matured Into a erica executive. The operator has grown up. and it's e fa bet that he can look forward to a • prosperous old age.

dy's Horses Timely Game KANSAS crrY. Mo., June 20.—One of e newest or the new counter games is ney's Homes, a machine In tune with r tanes and in time with the lemma. tha is horse-racing season all over • country, A. B. &radials., president the Great States Manufacturing Com-m, Kailas City, Is tying in with the . tine news with this new machine. According to the manufacturer. ey'e Horses will do everything the race-horse games will do with the

etion of automatic payout. The in-len of a coin (or coins) and the press be handle ant ex horses ta and circular track. nie twinning ise lock,' in front of judge's stand. da that change with each play are brentically established a split-second

fitg start of race, resulting in added IIE and glamour.

&adv., Horses ta equipped with six in chines, enabling any number of

es from one to six to play at one and giving each player the option

of playing either pennies, nickels, dimes or quarter.. Players usually start out playing pennies, graduate lip tiàru nickels snd Motel% and end up playing quarter. In an effort to beat the game.

The mechanism of Smarr Horses le sturdy and cheat-proof. Last coin played in any or all of the Crate. shows, and If machine is tilted, a hood drops down over the odd,' card. Repents are ire-poasible. as each spin le of dIffeient length. The game le enclosed in a hand. 5.001e birch cabinet designed by a well-known furniture stylist. Color in pro-fusion is used fo reye appeal and horses' heads and race horses in action are pic-tured on the cabinet to carry out the turf atmosphere Mr. Sandblast,, who ha been a sue-

cement operator for nearly 20 years. Is authority for the statement that has new creation Is one of the most de-pendable profit producers ever designad ?Leavens» player appeal and a take of 411% per cent has rebated in the game netting • daily pront of from MI to 1120. depending, of course, on the location

Sandy's Horace has been on the market for only •SO daps but already has been enthuslaatically reeeieed by dialers. op-erators and jobbers Its all parts of the country and is being steered by nearly all or the leading distributors in the coin-machine field.

Bally's New Air Line Game Promises Summer Success CHICAGO. June 20.—RocallIng the

prolonged run of Airway in 1033. Ray Moloney, president of Sally Manufactur-ing Company, predict, another "ma-rinaded'. summer this year in the la-bel clam. -ru never forget" Ray reminisces,

"how Airway kept going right thru the heat wave of 1933 and herniae of Its great earning power continued to sell in volume even with several 811COCARIlre price Increases.

"This summer operators have another 'airplane' gaine to keep up their 10-ball earnings. Altho entirely different than Airway and an automatic pay-out ma-chine, our new Air Lane has the appeal of planes in flight—an appeal that has a greater hold than over on popular imagination.

"Operators ten us that Air Lane is bringing many dead sputa back to life, particularly in exclusively 10-ball terri-tory and even in strong one-nhot see-Hone Air Lena is getting a very re-spectable play. We are confident that. like Airway, the new multiple pay-out Air Lane will retain Its popularity way Into the fall..

Nionopolee's Mate CHICAGO. June 20.—A companion

game to Monopoles la being devised by the experimental laboratorlea of the Chi-cago Coln Corporation. Lou Koren, Sara Wollarg and Sam Genaburg Mato that the new game, to be announced in the near future, will have features so unique that It will be inetantly accepted by operators everywhere. The new gante is being built not from the manufac-turers' standpoint but from the oper-ators. Its makers reveal. they have wanted to make a game na a companion to Monopole, that would entirely fulfill the operators' needs and Warta. As result, they declare there will be noth-ing lacking in the garnn that the ore,-Mors look for in a smart pay-out ma-chine.


StItSe V3* ell. loP ?el 0"

0% IV( teitb 5 Vi Met "'— d p,01%1

Sieed e

C011tS? et b\e 111 Gems P1ated, ‘bst


Positively the greatest money making novelly skill game ever

produced. Nothing on the market like it. Accept no substitute. De-

mand "GUSHER" tram your jobber now or write!



Not a wafer tumbler lock

Unique Seven-Pin Tumbler Cylinder. turnbitve operating at seven depths. 75.000 key changes possible, of which 7.000 are now in us, leaving 68,000 additional key changes now available. Strong tubular key f or round keyhole. No center key slot. Thief-proof

Hardened steel center plug cannot be drilled or sheared open.


Ts an./ co.., Hot NAleussento en mu

tea burro. per Sulu ,' ACC

buy. Cry nmouIrT.-tune e el Seem,. t • ro. Outr•suters and Coteau.. vr I. 9 bar • surr.r. ACC my oumurs. ter mu. us* ens, u• .,II we-o Iy mareeNturere oath SINN loges only


GOOD USED MACHINES AT YOUR OWN PRICE el 16e us se 'II .. ...t eason.bie





nOr"R-OLA OPFICIAI.S WPI.COMA VISITORS Lrit to right Dill COPE,. sjPe^I Atitomatgo .1111ffi• Coltsilt1 (s. New Yoele. Dal id r Rotectiln, tia oldent

Alent,fnefitring Corporation. gnus Xresherp if/PEW/At Cspdfoi Auto-'C huzfc, acid Jock NPI3on, yertera4 suit* mUltaler Rock-Ois.



112 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) June 27, 1936

Rock-Ola Purchases Decca-Disc Phono Co. ,ra

M .US I glottAL,

SouStern Automatic Reports Record Sales With Symplionola CHICAGO. June 20.—S. L.. Sttenet nad

Ion Weinberger. of Southern Automatic Music Compeny. &rebuilt distributors for Kentucky, Southern Indiana anti Southern Ohio. report larger aides than any time since the. show. Joe and Hein Weinberger art in charge of Cin-cinnati branch. Leo Weinberger states that operators

are learning that music is a necessary part of their buelnem and in one of stability. The public has become music coma-loos and merchants have learned that a phonograph in ais asset. Ninety per cent of new phonographs being in-stalled today in, being placed in new, locations which have never before oper-ated music. The operators' Job in one of promotion and work opening up new

locations. Operators of Seeburg high fidelity

Byrriphonolnn mport they are being wel-comed with open arms by merchante who have neen the beautiful modela and heard the mervelous tone.

Southern Automatic Music Company, Inc.. reports Inerriused cellections by their Louisville and Cincinnati oper-ator,. After many yearn of distributing coin-operated machines as the Southern Automatic Maties C,unpuriv, they have tie.-continued till types of machines and me concentratmg un music only. Altho in the music busing,ss less then two yeers, they have made rapid strides. Ench week opernters in their territory visit Louts-van or Cineinnati and spend severni days, visiting locations and working along with the route men to het ‘mie

better acquainted with tile many phas . m of phonogiaph operation.

Large shipments of Symphonelite are received daily in Louisville and CM-ehmati to be delivered to the many See-burg operators in the territory. 'the first shipment of the super dr luxe three-speaker Symphonolau has been re-ceived. Fleet one in Kentucky was re-ceived by C. B. House. of Kentucky Amusement compati)'. lquinvIlle: fire in tridiosiaprille by Colonial Novelty Coin-pony for an exclusive club.

Sam Broudy's Radio Clicks NEWARK. N. Y.. June 20.--S..m

Bloody. of Jersey Trading Company. tisis city. also a few weeks ago introduced the first model of lois own radio, the JTC JunLor Are, reports that it. has clicked in a big way.

...The Iloilo Le probably the runallcst In the world." Sam ray, He reports that the ealenboard operators have taken to the radio like 'Murk% to water- and that. business has been booming from every

direction. The ladle features the new Quern

Chromatic Speaker and alaolourehielded and licensed RCA tubes. It is made of minded widnut and has a Mind-curved and grille front. The midget la attractive and can be handled eitioly. Other models will be introditer,1 by

the firm which believes that the low price on the radio hm helped gain the great popularity which it now enjoya. Repeat orders have been streaming in daily, Broudy reports, and fine comment has reached him from many operators in the country.



Symphonola MODEL "0" & "D" MODERNISTIC


Sheet-Music Leaders 'Week Ending tune 201

Based on reports from leadinc lob-ben and ...all music outlets from Coati to Coast, songs listed are • con. senses of music actually sold from wock to week. The "barometer'. is accurate. woth eeeee sary allowance for day-to-day fl ions. Number in parentheses indicates position in last week's listing.

Sales of music by Hut Maurice Rich-mond Music Corporation. Inc., are not Included. due to exclusive selling agreement with a Mimi.t of publishers. Acknowledgment is made to Mayer Music Corporation, Music Salts Cor-poration and Ashley Music Samlv Company, of New York: Lyon 6 Healy; Carl Fischer, Inc, Cambie Minced M usic Company arid Western Book and Stationery Company, of Chi-cago.

1. Is It Truc What They Say About Dime?

2. It's a Sin To Tell a Lie 161 3. Glory of Love '41 4. Robins and Roses 121 5. Melody From the Sky 131 5. Would Tout .7e T. Sin. Shall Have Music ileo S. Small Hotel .I4i O. All My Lil• 15,

10. You 19) 11. You Can't Pull the Wool Over My

Eyes 113) 12. Tormented 1121

These Foolish Things Remind Me ca, You 1151

il. Lost lai IS. Twilight on the Trail


CHICAGO. June 20.—In a statement turned by Devitt C. R.:x.1mM. president et the Rock-Olio Manufacturing Corpora-tion. It wan all1101111C011 that the Deer.. Dlec Phonograph Company. of Wayne,. boro, pa., had been purchased by th. Itork-Ola firm. The purchone Include% all trade marks, trade names, patent, indents pending. foreign putents and au other rights for past and present in-friegernents of patents. together with all dies pee, fixtures. sound-initiating ',cord rhungere, complete aenembliee ete rrtOttl was consummated for an aa.

named cash consideration. It has been pending for several years: in fact. Meg Rock -Ola purchased the Smythe patents. which are recognized ma the origine petrels on Multi-Helectors.

It la underotood that the entire equip. ment will be moved to the Rock-Ois plant In Chicago.

Navickas Party at Wiirlitzen BRISTOL, Comm., June 20 —Geom.

Novicki..., prominent music operator ps Benno', accompanied by Mrs. Nectar,' nnd three of his employees—AliCe u,.

Marie Matta and Mra. Huy Stankun--were recent visitors at tes Wuriliver plant in North Tonawanda N. Y. The party motored from Bristol to North Tonowanda mid spent coned erable time observing the manor:nu,. of Simplex automntle phonograph. (See NAVICHAS PARTY on pep, 1:4,

Colin and Sommer Find Tha 2,080 Phonos Are Big Stack NEW YORK. June 20 —Irving C.

Sommer anti Nat Cohn. of Modern Vend-ing Company. this city, who recently atitonithed the coin machine world with the purchase of 2,080 1936 Worlitzers in lees than lour months. played nmthr-mattes the other day In computing put how high a Mack 2.050 Wurliebers would make il placed one atop the other. They discovered that the 2.080 Wur-

litzers placed one atoll the other would reach to the tremendous height of 9,100 foot. This la more than seven times higher than the Empire State Building and more than nine times greater in leneth than the Queen Mary. The boss are shorpening their pencils

°rein and will soon have figured Met how high the 5.000 machines whiell they hope to have used by the end of this yern will reach.

"It will take a few weeks to work out the proper cerreparlsone." they any, "but once they have been completed thee will be cd unuesial interest to everyone concerned with the music ma-chine indost ry.” Cohn and Sommer believe that by the

time they have really covered this mos.-ket that the tiguret which they will then be able to present will no dwarf any-thing known at present that they will probably have to compare the figured with the circumference of the world




Radio Song Census Selections listed represent The mot

board's accurate check on three nat. works, Wl2, WEAF and WABC.

Only songs played rit least ones dur. Ind each program day are listed. Idea Is to recssonize consistency rather il,,, e score. Figure in parentheses In. dl number of times song was played according to last week's listing. Period covered is from Friday, lum 12. to Thursday, lune Is, both dOrs Inclusive,

Robins and Roses 1271 IT Is It True What They Say About

Mule? 1221 34 Take My Heart 1241 II She Shall Him Music 1191 31 Would You? 31 All My Life 1241 11 On the Beach at Bali-Ball 1171 211 These Foolish Things 21 Limy of Love 1161 17 There's a Small Hotel 25 You '201 14 You Can't Pull the Wool Int 21 It's a Si.. To Tell a Lia (161 20 Let's Slag Again list 111 Lost . IT Touch of 'Your Lips 17 Melody From th Sky 16 lest C e I tO TO.1 15 Rs. With a Drown 15 Stompin. at the Savoy 15 No Regrets 1151 14 You S Mc Dreamingi t We'll Rest at the Ind of the Trail. 1/ Lore Is Like a CI eeeee II Sing, Sing, Sing 10

HOMER aT. CAPS:HART, WURLITP.ER VICE-PRESIDENT. hopnobbine 111urtlt.aer representattrés and the Cuban police at Sloppy Joe's Par, during the American Steel Eeport Company's recent convention there. A can Steel Export represent., the WurlItaer firm in the distribution 01 Sine». phonographs fn the world markets.

»fie 27, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES ( MUSIC SECTION1 Tha Billboard • 113


WI-SELECT II k The tremendous nation-wide demand for

OCKOLA Multi-Selectors bears out the

laim of veteran music operators that

ock-Ola Phonographs are superior to any

ther instruments in the world! Experienced

perators—men who have spent a lifetime

ith music—arc positive in affirming the

oct that ROCKOLA Multi-Selector Phono-

raphs give operators "The Best There Is in


o it is only natural that the whole country

ould be swinging to ROCKOLA Multi-

lectors. The public demands the beautiful

nc quality of these grand instruments.

ocation owners insist on the distinctive

pearance of Rock -Ola machines. Opera-

rs everywhere are hopping on the band-

agon. And they're riding along with a

eeping victory of the finest profits ever

flown in "the music business!"

y all means, see your Rock -Ola Distributor

day about getting started with your

OCKOLA Multi-Sclectors—"The Best there

in Music!"

OCK-OLA ANUFACTURING CORPORATION O North Kedzie Ave. Chicago, Illinois, U.S. A.

114 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) June 27, 1936



\Wv11 iet latC1M 1 1L

Success in -operating- automatic phono-graphs depends on getting and holding the best locations. You can't make money on

second and third-rate locations. Successful

operators know this—operate with the

Wurlitzer-Simplex, the automatic phono-

graph with the beauty and tone that gets

the big paying spots. Write, wire or phone for Wurlitzer-Simplex Proposition. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER MANUFACTUR-ING COMPANY, North Tonawanda, N. Y.

Marry D. De Schryvers Marquette Music Co., Detroit Ise/sled/, sera, - 1936 Simplex simply great. Beautiful. not fad-dish. Their troc lighting effects make them Irresistible."

Merry G. Graham. stand-ing (same eorowtoyl, tags, "Service men par-ticularly Impressed with full unit control and coin trip mechanism. New improvements led me to say Wurlitzer is Certainly on to their

Stu( f."

Sad 64.tee OPERATORS

TI sou uf Spartalliallrg

Clicking Well With Music SPARTANRIMO. S. C., June 20.—In

juet a little more than ts year R. T. (Sabe) Thointuon of the Amutill Nov-

elty Company. this city, has developed

a highly efficient muelo operating or-ganization. and. judging from the num-

ber of units he hen In IMP now and hie

plane fof the future, he bide well to be-



That It





DURAPOINT Ceirireet'r neerlhenVintleters""el leeyersett

pert met pondt•I l . pal aana.psee the

ewe, t.t 'Tee MULTI-COLORED COLLAR GUIDE er,? "t-,11 dear

, . 0,1. 014 tO

ilia nett pt1. «te. dew You senate It, me.1. sin, me too ti id• ball, I ail, ti • 1,1,11 ind, +meetlt.



•mSdnt.t. le« ee. Oily.

;lucid r. St .... ' enre • • iu,isnotsl

innurnirer Nittintelt at nor pare. mutts .. ... Plioneseste•

rg er" „ nol It Ill weer to u. rituk tS:\T.e :enamel. • we ...se you ire. Check. moon Ord, er 15.5 • meth order.

Come one of the biggest in the country. With plenty of experience in the

amueement odd, Thonuseon ham more or leen concentrated entirely on mimic. He has studied it clodely end halt en eye , teinntteed hie operations thnt he totem hie trailing area like is blanket, necuring end holding Mention., on a tenteentage margin which net« hhe snakimurn profits. Ile drew not believe In rendom opera-tion over ti large aren neeking only the big-money Spots. but rather he be. !levee in the theory of intense enverage of n11 peeeible Mention. tle depend& upen a large Yellin., with a compara-tively high average intake from till lo. rector. to give hunt hie profit. limmaann recently visited the WUr.

titser factory. arranging for mora chip. merits.

NAVICKAS PARTY (Continued /rote page /M)

gape naturally, the reenie ernrideur of 'fleece Flat. mime In for its share at itention Thlis was one of the high mild of the Own variation trip.

Singing Suds: NEW YORK, lune 20.—Ileard it Aide,

mint recently d•tilehtd it wee tame to end the "shads' days et prehlbitlem and voted enemies...1y to amend the ..... et law se al to permit radio and plano rdUll. In bars and ether rhInkIne pine without th• pro• peer. being r•euired to teete eat a cabaret New nee wee ...... r•d by Althorn•n

lames A. gad., of Q who le fend et eld•thee enteledles ever Isle old, enure, law, d dud. prohibition, tend•d to millet outbersts tat melody to the relatively few ¿pets that torsk urt caber. Ilrenset, inasmuch as tame sort at mane sum, t• be to •e100 reg. humenleine.

It Is Alderman aureate ..... Mien that • temp ..... drinker who le tempted to lift tile rel. In tone Mudd b. •ble le de ere without hIndrame.

to beeem• •fiective Carte'. bill must pest the, Ileard ire [dime. brands of th• municipal assembly and foul. the nuset'à signature.

7-nett 771a.citittes itt ettiGa50 By CHARLIE RILEY

Exhibit Supply Company, from J. Frank Meyer, It* dynamic preiddent, down then the varioue departmente, le decidedly wen Maltese with eXeeUtive talent. Take Lec .1. Kelly. nueve man-ager, who handle. His multitudlitotus fiea tall for the firm with eerie and fines.. Leo makes short work of getting thing* done and in addition to hit ditty actlel-tied at exhIhit hi.e been ',rutty elected to fIll a varnncy on the NACOMM board. Another hustler out at the Lnke street plant Is Oscar t3oellner, wizard of the brunt and layout, who holds down the poet et advertising manager.

Thing@ are always plenty buey at the Aths. Novelty Corporation, but the Gina. burg boye. Al slid Morrie, seem to find a few minuted to devote to eueryone. Thn boy. 'dentine • heavy production ached. tile, even go lit for U bit of baseball amt. ftoin the various reporte your scribe has been hearing. they are doing better than tu I right aids the pastime, haying trimmed a number of fine teams.

Morrie and Al Minkel nut their kottak the afternoon your reporter visited them end «re-,sed the lat.' film in their nttidlo taken ata pletilc a few weekrs ugu. It vies almoat ea funny es a Chaplin two-reeler. with elnee-upe of Motile on his letti hot dog and wielding a be.,,e- bell but like it big league singe,. One of the Athol aids. Harold Schwerta.

iecently made the connubial leap and was aired over WON by Quin Ryan, who do« a dully broads/mg: from the marriage license burenu la the county building. Harold garnered the Atlas. Novelty is smart hunk of free publicity by giving his firm a terrific plug. Two floe boys. ihede Ginehurgs. Whose rise in the ma-chine industry rivals anything Horatio

Alger hes written.

The thermometer was doing some fancy climbing the other afternoon when thiri department ¡stepped out of the sunehine into the office of the Onylord Company on Walshington bottles/milt—and stepped Into 15 degrees cooler air to en-joy a breeey chat with Colonel Bohan». A few minutee with Al S. Costello. of

Meal Manufacturing Company. oil* inOrning this week to find Willie (Little Napoleon) Blatt And Alf Cohen. of Coln Operated of London, in Ara office pre-viewing a new counter punChboaril that loges like it eurn-1110 hit from where your correspondent sat.

The exteencles of a deadline pre-vented n trip to the "advertising men's" tulle at the Sherman the other evening. where elle of the most colorful galaxies of the coin industry held forth on the 111th floor with what my super spy re-ported nt • rather thick tongUe the next morning ai "considerable Jollity." The hallroom Mecum laid hr. heard rodeo of laughter emannung from the butte eon-Mining Mesta lUy Moloney. Jimmie Buckley, Truly Clasparro, Willie Blatt. Alt Cohen 13111 Gerais, Jimmie Johnson. Al el. Doug]. and a nimber of others Ile probisbly omitted, as it teems that Jimmie Buckley enured rny eMineary and (flagged him into the .01nm—which nc-canine for everything.

Keeney Company, le becoming a great air having hopped from es plane let

the municipal airport here after a 5,000, mile flying trip from the Wan Conn only to Eden into an east-hound able for rs sojourn to Broadway on Munnetra hay Becker, notes manager of Jack'

firm, la that the Villa Vafiloa has become the mummer headquarters far the coin mnithine Imbutry with us many ey the boys out here of an tiler:ling ea gather at the Celtic Cafe of the Sherman du:. •ng the winter months. nay la ipute agog abolit Keeney's new game. Velvet, for which he Is plenning t nation-ales IntroductIon June 27. The Chicago Coln Machine Company

le is veritable beehive the. days. Quita a confab with Leine Koren. president d the firm, before Sant Wrilberg and Sant Oeneburg left their porno, to lead the way Hum the plant on an Inapectleri tour.

Dote and dashes from the cuff. , Jeek Neb./tut certainly n buey fellow at

trylng to keep tap With Mil orders that continue to tench hin eon dally. . . Date Robbins writes thet Turf Champs. the Stoner game, is the one With "It" for hint. . . . Note no Claude Kirk . Still gunning for a win watch In Unit Rotary Merchandiser m the lobby of is certain hotel. . Jock McCiellend, of National Amusement, back from the West Coast with O'Toole.' Hollywood egg shampoo rind wants all bald-headed suits machine men to write. . . . Dave Gottlieb e busy man thee days with lilts machine SUnelline Base. ball. . . Plenty Cork on the Summer Special. boys. See you next weekl

Pittsbutylt PITTSBURGH. J tine 20.—Coln-operated

machine. are going to play their pelt to the rie,trand annual Pittaburgh Jubilee end EXpooltion which will be held at Forbes; Field here week beginning Hoe. day. The latest its eigaret m.ehines gut be displayed by leading distributors her• near the entrance to the Said and on the midway. They will all be available fee actual operation. Floyd Cooding, whole bringing rides and shown for the midway, le expecting to install a complete penny arcade replete with novel coin-operated inaohtnee and contraptions.

The Allegheny Clignret Service. open. trig from tint Squirrel Hill district, is die tributing in this territory a highly Si' tractive machine manufactured by tile Rome firm. It. la a popular machine the downtown district.

The B. D. Linear Company Is enjoyirg 'toed huelnesa In mont of Its lines. Met chandleing machines. partictul.tlly Us. makes selling summer wared, ate in g demand

Credit for the favorable public given pin games an n result of 10 of th Intern games stationed on the camp,. the Unleersity of Pittsburgh here go. Jack Levin. of the Coln-o-Matic Sa

• Organization, a former graduate of tit

A tour of the Pacific Amusement Com-pany plant title last week dieclmed us great number of interesting production angles. Fred C. McClellan. president. and Iry McCarthy, tales meneger. both attest blameiti top notch, as it alwayn in out here rst thle went side plant to keep McDongall, leennerg and Peterson buoy in the engineering department de-•IgnIng new gem., and genial Claude McClellan. production manager, equally na active In hie branth of the game.

Luncheon With Alf Cohen. of Coln Operated of tendon, who le npendIng nix moistly, Mt thee old* of the Atlantic and who dame nut to this hinterland to buy MOO or lea machine. Alt rrinde his pur-ilineee here and then returned rant. Wiser. her will hendquarter for the sum-mer month*, enjoying the ocean breezes nt his cottage at Manhattan Beach.

.t. 5. Rhode., prefildent of the Arizona Novelty Company. distributes. for Bally to Arleen. and New Mexico, retinal,ng a trifle the other afternoon in the "eon ference room" at the Maloney-Iltickley 'Insentient. Jim Buckley and his able ...want, George Jenkins, terolt Mr. Rhode% en a pereohaily escorted tour of the Chieingn night epots and reported hnt a terrifia tidie wan had by all.

Jack Keeney, monarch of the J. H.


Sam Strahl, of the American Clan Machine Company who is now worke in Nese York. etopprel at the meal OM for a couple of days while coming th during Isles Chicago Lo New YOrk trip.

The Coln-o-Matie Sales Organized reparti eplenelid inneras,s with the '11 Score gen., WhIeh It in dtstr,butirui this territory. While on the market f only.ri couple of Weeke. the demand ready elefestia the Supply.


ttflfl, 11111111,.'''ti

Yueii•rd , n,.., aitart.

o e nc, 0 ,,f turizetree

nee. novae, iteedieti. g.iremiders. •• Sreo, ilnav lat. seaman, oilier herigiudes lured anal imannia. re re,onli. eater. et lath • abet-Mra Ft. etemmielle. For tan. cornet.. amen,, et ,. wino or r lot or. 12" RECORD ALBUMS 14.50 Dot BARTH-FEINBERG,

• la

e ;1 3 1/2 '1-1> ro

willesem RUMS




JOBBERS, OPERATORS! 1. Shipments now being made.

2. Franchises for Exclusive Territories going fast. Write for open territories if able to buy in quanti-ties and give satisfactory representation.

3. Quantity shipments start July 5th.

4. Il you haven't yet tried Skill-Ball order a sample today and be convinced. A deposit of S100, re-quired with all orders.




'> / 414 • 4.4.,

.•,44).e .4.4 • • Pee..

e 4e. /14


• b.e •44. I*/ ed •

-- • 4 •••• -- e="-..— ', •....".•fr ..".•..44•,-,..„,,, Np , .r

• *Q.* "Mlirgeberp,..r.• ..*41.1r. 4 •i'.• .." *47-' Me*-4-4e-

-•-ere'' '''




2. Earns greater profits over a longer period of time than any other amusement game ever built.

3. ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! Completely Electrical - Triple Feature Scoreboard - Beautiful. Streamline Appearance - Portable Construction - Replace-ment Game Feature - Sound Effects - Magnetic Playing Appeal - Location Tested.

4. And many other reasons why you should WRITE TODAY for our 8-page descriptive Booklet and natural color circular.



• •MM


1936 MODEL

mooEan yEnoino company 156 IIRORDWRY


June 27, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) The Billboard 115

CAPITOL AUTOMATIC SW West 34th Street Phone: Medallion

PHONOGRAPHS like New $95." Never before have you had an opportunity lik• this to got beau. edul, modern, perfect pho aaaaa phs at only • traction of their original cost. "Streamline" Model E Gabel 24-Record Selective Phonographs: All like new! Fully guaranteed tor t year!

Specifications esientrus Webskr amplifiers and mck.ups. The popular 1 e nse n D Id C 10 X or Magesasec 125 X Speakers!

SIZE: Haight 45 inches Width 19 inches Leman, 37 Inches

Features Distinctive modernistic cabinets in the following striking color «eire. binationm Walnut with Maple and Ebony trim, Chinese Red with Black and Saver —as well as rich Green and Cold. I 3 Cash, Balance on Delivery.

MUSIC CO., Inc. 3-5090 New York, N. Y.

72etv &Jeans pm ORLEANS. June 20.--In spite of e weather eoui-machitm operators re-m good business in this Section and pecularly In the city proper. AU three pylands operated here are steadily (led with players. hut this is probably lte to the fart that owners realize that Ir constant changing of machines eates good business even at is time 'Ns play would ordinarily let up as Frew got on their vacation and others

to sit at homo to avoid the beam-t; gun. SidlY'a new five-ball machine. Sky-e, is creating n good following here, le one on location at Louie Boasberg'il put Center in the heart of the city Is ring played consistently. Louie says let the machine has been popular that g plena to put in a Keeney Booster in it ea loon as the factory ships ULM N.

Entirely reclerfsrated and enlarged. the New Orleans office of the LoUlsinno Amusement Company la very attractive. In the modern display Morn Opened Hits week the company is showing a complote lino of Roek-Ola'n Multi-selector and re-ports n good interest by location owners In spite of the wartn weather. Mel Mallory. Manager. han rearranged the «d-ike and installed some new office equip-ment. A shower has been installed in a rear room to help the boya thru the summer.

The first few days following the pay-ment of the veterana' bonus finds a noticeable pickup in coin-machlne play thruout the clty. "The veterans are convinced that coin machines are a fine diversion at the ponalble cost of only a few nickels." one op says. And this op cure is right.

J. Fred Barber, New Orleans manager for Electro Ball, has just returned from a fortnight stay at the home office in Dallas. where Fred haa countless friends

MUSIC OPERATORS pe`ysc.,'',":1J,rury

Victor AND Bluebird Records

1 They feoture big-gest -name" artists and orchestras.

2 They warp less.

3 They save you money. I Two ranee, \ \ suit your needs)

HCA Manufacturing Co.. Inc., Dept. B

Camden, N. J.

Plea., put my name on your free maillite list.


and where he went to nee bis daughter graduate from high school. He was ac-companied home by hie daughter, who also brought a achool chum back to New Orleans with her for a visit. J. P. (flus-ter) Cleat, owner of th. (treat Southern Novelty Oompany, here, drove along with Fred, the he found that Fred's pace was a bit too fast for him and finished a bad necond. In fact. Bunter limped into Dan.. 48 houre after Fred had landed, deciding to atop over for a night in Alexandria,

R. H. (Mac) McCormick, Dallas arid New Orleans offices manager for Decca Distributing Company, has finany rested long enough to answer a question or two of your correspondent. Mac answer. that the demand for records remains near the peak of the season. He states that Is True What They Bab About

is his bent seller of the week and believes that before this piece dies down it. eaten volume may come close to the recent record set by The Music Goes 'Round and Around. Mae has just com-pleted a circuit of the South and South-weat, where ha bays that music machine* aro steadily growing in popularity.

No. Machines Operated

Jerry Clermenis, New Orleans territory distributor for Wurlitrer and one of the largest Intlele-MaChIne operetore in the South. hiss organised n now oil develop. lug consimny and nay, lie WIII Start dr ing in "proven" fields shortly. LeaUlainna is rapidly becoming n major oil State, with new gunhers bring brought in each day until the etannusiswenith now etnrldn third tir fourth in the biggest producing State in the Union. Chest luck. Jerry, and here's hoping you strike as much luck as you did the clay you beean 50 a dividend by Mrs. Oerinents. who pre-&entail hi soadth a baby boy. him with a baby boy.

The newly orgenired United Music Op-erators of New Orleans will hold their first regular meeting within IS few days. Jerry °eminents is the new president of the group and he is planning a big or-ganisition party at the Jung Hotel, Oharlea Phillips, owner of the Conceal

Novelty Company, hae 'announced the ac-quisition of the Antornatte Novelty Salmi Company'. business thru purchase from Morel Elmer. Charlie is rants of the old-timers in the op game end bisa one of the best setups In the city.


1 B6416 — ••T he St.,' of My Heart" and "You're Toots to Me." Shop Fields and arches- fra.

7640—"Christophm Columbus" and "All My Life." Teddy Wilson and met. .

729—"Christopher Columbus' and "Froggy Bottom." Andy Kirk and Ms 12 Clouds of Joy.

25333—'9-onerous'', China Boy" and "OM, Lady, B. Good." Bonny Goodman and orchestra,

3110—"Swect Violem" and "Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet." The Sweet Violet Boy.

2 116417—Do You or Don't You Love Me?" and "On the Beach at Bali-Bali." Shop Fields and orchestra,

7633--"On Your Toes" and "Quiet Night." Ruby Newman and orchestra.

727 — "Goody, Goody!" and "What's the Name of That Song?" Bob Crosby and m. eh

25334—"Where There's You Thmee Me' and "Do You or Don't You Love Me?" F. Han- demon and

3235—"L•re Sing Again" and "the Glory of Love." Mal Hal. left and etch .

3 136418—"A Rend With a Dream" and "Us on a Sim'. Shop Fields and orchestra.

7667—"Oh, Babe! Maybe Some Day," Duke Ellington and or. ch . •nd "Monopoly Swing," H ttttt -Die ttttt Orchestra,

768—'1,S/decree, Stranger" and "Is It True What They Say About Dixie?" Pommy Dorsey and orchestra,

23116—"The Glory of Love" •rod "You Can't Pull th• Wool Over My ryes." t Coed man and orchmtra.

3238—.5/addle Your Blum to A Wild M t e" and "I Like a s" The Islet Crust Doughboys.

4 56362--Is It Tru• What They Say About Dixie?" and "Moon- risa on tho Lowlands." Willie Seyant and orchestra.

7634—"There's a Small Hotel" and "It's Gotta Be Love." Hal Kemp and orchestra.

776—"Robins and Roses" mid "Sing, Sing. Sing." Jimmy Dorsey end orchestra.

25335—"Numb Fumblin• " and "Smashing Thirds." Fats Waller and orch ttttt .

3234—"Robins and Roses" and "I've Got a Heavy Date." Stuff Smith and his Onyz Club Bey*.

5 136359 — "You Started Me Dreaming" and "Tormented," Wingy Moneen, and orchestra,

7660—"The Glory of Lev." and "Les, Womb.," Nat Brand- Wynne and Stork Club °relies- fee,

810—"The Martins end the CoyS" and "Jolly Bean !He's a Curbstone Cutiel." Ted Weems and ores

25296—"All My Life" and "It's No Fun." Faits Waller and or- ehestra.

3239 —"I'm a Ding Oona Daddy" and "Did You Ever Hear a String Band Swing?" The Light Crust Doughboys.





1e. V

06412_...g.s..m on• al th e save.," end "He.. a Curbstone Cuff," Chicago Rhythm Kings.

76,51--t., It TIM, What They Say About Dixie?" and "Stream- line Strut." Ogele Nelson and orchestra.

796—"Th•r••s Always a Happy Ending" and "Sweet Dreams, Sweetheart." an G and olds .

25320 ...._. •.sre, Dust," Benny Goodman and orchestra, and "Star Dust," Tommy Dorsey and etch .

3225--"Yost Can't Pull the Wool Over My Eyes" and -Take • Coed Look all Mine." Ens-matt Matthews and orchestra

B6400—"Sh• Shall Have Muele" and "Theta Isn't Any Limit te My Love." Chicago Rhythm Kings.

7637.-- "The Hills of Ole Wyornin"' and "It's a Sin To Tell a Lie." Musk in the Russ Manner,

797 — "Somebody Stole My Break" and "I Come From a Musical Family." Louis Arm- strong and orchestra,

25295—Us on a Bus" and "Christopher Columbus." Fats Waller and orchestra.

3211—"Christopher Columbus" and "Blue Lou. Fletcher Mets. derson and or ch

B6413—"Whera There's You There's M. and "The Old Kitchen Kettle." Chicago Rhythm Kings.

7626—"The Touch of Your Lips" and "Lost." Hal Kemp asd orchestra.

798—"Let's Sing Again" and "It's a Sin To Tell a Lie." Bobby Breen II years old) with each

252114--"You Slatted He Dream- Mg" and "Robins and Roses." Tommy Dorsey and onchrstra.

3215—"The Touch of Your Lips" and "Every Minute of the Hour." Henry Allan and orchestra

B6363—"DelftIng Too Far From the Shore" and "What Is 1.10m0 Without Lova?" Monroe Bros.' Orel.

7654—"Small-Town Girl" and -You Can't Judge • Book." Or- ville Knapp and orchestre,

751--"It's • Sin To Tell • Lie" and "The Call of the Prairie." Victor and etch

25329 — "Renkenbee" eind -Walk. lonnie, Walk." Benny Goodman and Orchestra,

3199—"Press My Button" and -Ce. 'In. From the p Man." Lil Johnson.

B6391—"Robins and Roses" and "I'll Stand By." Dolly Dawn with orchestra.

7659—"Stonspin' at the Savoy" and "Doing the Prom." Co•zie Nelson and orchestre,

381—"Tear It Down" and “Seger Blue'," Clyde McCoy and orchestra.

25315 — "Cross Patch" and "C•bin in the Sky." Fats Wal- ter end orch .

3191—"Coody. Goody!" and "Is It True What They Say About Dixie?" Wingy Ma ttttt and orchestra.


—̀ 'A PAY-OUT MACHINE FOR ONLY $9.15 The Penny Coen In Here

A 100% Skill Game That's So Much Fun You'll Keep One at Home to Play




Operators are now cashing in on this machine.

A "NATURAL" at last. Skill consists of rolling the penny down to the arrow.

If successful, then turn the handle and cheek COMES OUT HERE. When people stay up hours at night tune to play this game, it most have the carne playing sheet as the bagatelle game that gave 10 balls foe a nickel. This gone mes the roll of the penny. That's Why the money goes in so fast the roll of the Penny Is capitalized for the first time. And how they roll in.

Every location needs IWO Ma-chines because of such tremen-dous play . Loedt.nos on eye, counter— and HOW the pennies roll into 11, each Yxad

Real money used to play the game. The pennies go ..ROUND AND ROUND" and the play goes on and on.



lir.em checks furnished with each machine. s.

AY J. D. DRUSHELL CO., '7 C5 3H 13C1 erl

Automat **Vendor Acclaimed by Operators and Jobbers

I.• Steel Isni,h:r Nomad, Ole., amend I•• i•a r Itid•her thon,, ni Ihhh • . echnal or Wall II on, ils Von.

E, phut and Jun 'hoot ennshset Axe, 1Syels12 ... II , its S lie. of rowebasaLlse awl can be adjusted tu ans• amount

SEE YOUR JOBBER AT ONCE , ,..lov direct Root 41.00 rank de r. O.. Pt. O. B. our lacier,


rl 1 , 11


a ere


ITIERCHARDISE MACHIRES Mills Cigaret Machine Has Many Unusual Features CHICAGO. June 20.—One of the most

Beata:fill and accesetble clgaret vending machines is asid to be that of the Mills Novelty Company, which features the most modern refinement. found In thin type vender The machine. according to W. W.

Ronehro, ealee manager of the clgaret divisions. Is practically clog-proof and jam-proof and is claimed to shVe an operator from 810 to •25 per year per machine on slugs that the machine will eject. The machine hue double columns and

double capacity, which eliminates o great amount of servicing, and will accept thin dimes nnd thin nickel.! flac long aa It le real American money. Sticky plugs, to-gether with slugn that have been ',Incited With Iron or other metal, will Imme-diately be kicked out of tints machine by virtue of a sweeper device.


The machine makes a positive delivery of the rigaret package CY en t ho the match column beeumes jammed and eVen when the free match columnis heCuts10 jammed by matches opening in the column. The machine la flexible to the extent

that with a few thumb ecrews and even without the aid of a screw driver it ran be set in a few minutest' time to send any price cigaret on any column from 8 erns. to 20 cents The machine also delivers a free book

of metchee from nue eds.:111 desired and can be controlled not to deliver a book of free matches from other columns. For example, on brands where operators are working un a clone margin of profit and de, not want to give free matches the machine can be regulated accordingly. Some of the features of the machine's

lower incl,ed eland ere holes in the bottom 8f the stand en the operator can bolt it or encew it to the floor if neces-ary. It la tibia ecpupped with leveling screws on the lower stand to ennble leveling the machine where the floor is uneven. Holler casteret on the lower stand for outdoor locations emit as fill-:1,g stations. gal ages. etc.. tire also avail-hie on isprrsal older,' which, makes It

poesible to roll the machine in and out-doors. The machine has a special door on the

side of the robinet for the eLchlt box for which a lock and key, when specified. are aleo nvalleble. Also Included as standard coutpment in a complete and ,pfireite penny match title, nlln the price marka nnd elguret brand names are in-terchnngeable There are many other feature. of thin

itinchnie and one nf the most modern is that of the rnoney-chringing unit which elves the customer one, two or three ;Jennie. In change by simply pushing a lever a notch.

New Butter Dispenser DETROIT. June 20.—An individual

butter dispenser which can oe erupted for coin machine operation is being placed on the mnrket by the newly formed National Sanitary Sutter Dia. penser Company. It tonsuits of a bright ihrome eylinder of about 12-inch dines-eter by 18-Inch height.

It contains e chamber for refrigera-tion. elther be Ire or by the nee of rode CcelIllerted with a mechanical refrigera-tion ardent. The vonteiner also revolving magazine with fotir t•ompart-menus, into which nrr fitted the equine quarter-pound cartons of butter. Grav-ity bears these down ici, the maehine is revolved by turning the handle at the aide and the nutter pasees heross a thin wire which acte as a knife The Individual potty drops off at the

bottom and thIrkneste may be con-trolled by an adjustable screw. A glass opening In the front show, how much butter is left in each magazine. The machine Is Intended for restlau-

rants and met, be adapted fOr alltnthatle operation by the addition of is coin

The company is owned by Metre Man-terie. with Steve Menterin as general manager.

S dl.RA Dreb Slat .v Pelts,

GaNn OHO U ta-LornsnIns

Radio station I.O.U. Weld Seel. Nature, Counter Gen. Neer/

SA.50 ?do.",tcaect leIT,.... sesgárq Aelinn Sr. BM/ BeamIlte

ea• e. U Ca. Rao,OSO. und Roebola's RI

rat,. Cannon pin. au.• Winner Can't. II—Counter Game Cyclone

(how) anni•lite 9 en Line


For any ncees imene 02.50





COIN MACHINE CORPORATION 1227 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, III.

Mturves Equips New Arcade NEW YORK. June 20.—Mike Munvet

announces that he has just made ar-rangements to equip a penny arcade lc. Tony Chrlstephatio. Lotter halt been Op. crating penny arcades for tunny years in the East and is well known na one Of the lenders of this type of amusement enterprise. The new arcade will be located cm 14th

Street near Irving place. for which a 25-yonr lease has been signed. It le asid that when this arcade la completed it will be the finest of Its kind over built.



ettristue pe•er•rea Drprnbabl•Perlerrearra Durable Cnnoteocalon

and Rader Illamlerns

create Large •nd Steadier

Fronts roe this Operate«,

WHY Per Circular.


lo and Se. Blud.Prod. Corporation We ...Nil - P.M Title a Trod Bldg Preorwn of Rational - ROIL MICH greened of A. M. O. A DET ROIT,



PENNY KING The 13ig Profit Vendor. Vends l's" or 3/a.' Ball Guns.

WRITE TODAY for Details and Prices.


12394 Rosolawn Awe., Detroit, Min.



BOOTH or BAR The Ideal irlar-Itirre 1.r LeseatIons where n•••


$300 0

easel t or 514.1. Will



e>04/PRICUàaitei eué ,teedicrAdiete



Writelor Low Pric ON PEANUT AND BALL 0"


_ . Alm nte. Sin! Ven, '

" Self-Sery Mfg. ‘.• CAMDEN. N. A


SENO 115.00 FOR




SI en

ei•e: dero :a.

, !es iss:seee Ze

te. ess.,ta.

• e '1 .0,'...e..t.evo* • o• e- u libers.;

>Nerf Novelty Co. gesemes"ealeo :Ne°

1310 N. Charles St. rer ges75:1,te re•

laitimore, Md. •10_e



MODERNISTIC DESIGN. Fout Illeutifol Ness Colo, Effecto Law P•14•6-4.1.-h.enc.Ity Pathet.

G o E N

G o E N

Italreem/ by tha Dont. al Inurnal flottes.. Tr.orn.land deloal.a at...ta. attoo. •.r:. • Vtol Roue, Imova Contectene

W U Cauca, Onces Unusual Pro-Ms MO. Minimum Caftans., Cons.

Reus Cs Around Iton,

ICALIIACH-McDONALD CO. 141 Fair...une Ace., Philadelphie. Penn.

Dept. "Ott


1$ 1.,...11oy Ilannlaalon.a flow un. Otan aIll ELECTRoPaitti— agnat>,

B,P "rTItll'AKS eseg ormnAvnner atei Vit IMAN PEN (JANS: Br ELISIINANNINO . Viraricert.AcmàfICYT 008T13,• BED00- oc eris_ocor: diatelce. cada.re AND tritrIel.: CONTI,. ^l^, ts lise co.dnerrinE bensilastes et those inottesons.-11ialisT ON (1ENOINZ Emre-

you mottenere rtmt ...Or ...' ' "' •INIII ., Electrical Pr oduct. Company

r I

Ut, nuaml .Nert. Ouro.. Mea





LOS ANGELES, June 20.—What with most of the pin and marble fellowa in the high Sierras and flehIng hangouts there la a great dearth of news ln these parte.

Irving Cohen, of the Hamilton Manu-facturing Company, planning hie nana! summer vacation, but keeping hi, des-tination secret. with Sol Gottlieb sug-gesting that he and hie competitons Rive (savane° notice when they vent be away front business, which gives every-body an even break. Jack McClelland, of the National

Amusement Company, back to Chiengo for a week or 10 deys, to return by way Of Rein Franchie°. %Mine Klassen Dranden brick to work

after several months away !rom the Na-tional recovering from an appendectomy.

Earl B. Lusby. former Watthinetortlan, la new addition to sales force at National end Dixie Mc8hiffery la ln charge of the demonstration room recently com-pleted for the Rock-Ola Multi-Selector. George Sax, of the Superior Sales-

board Corporation, making an extended tour. carne In Rom Texan accompanied by Prank Shounttnr. of Orange. Calif. They >nec for the North <hie week.

Note from Henry Stewart, Who le ar-riving ln the Antipodes, trying to get off his sea lega.

Peul Hay. Of the P. its H. Amusement Company. San Diego. In town for a abort look around among the dIntilbs. H M. McClure away from Cathedral

City, Calif., combining business with cooling off. Thermometer, he said, at the desert tram 118 when he left.

(ffeeg LaBeauve. Of the National Amusement Company. covered near-by territory ln Interest of Rock-Ola phono-graphe.

Will Canaan :ormets merchandise vending machine» going over very

Sol Elottlleb reveals Single MYelcrY and Delly Races both doing very

Ed Daveny. of the Western Vending Machine Company, says business good. especially on nec« gaines.

Bert Dentier plenty bus., with own route and doublmg for Bob Orindley, who le due to arrive hem the Orient July 1.

Paul Laymon ana minima busy as usual. Max Mohr says the Oayiord fans going

at top speed. At Caltfornia Exhibit Johnny Rau

announced they are almost ready to shoot with the new game, Draw Bell.

NAC031m-(Celn .neird from pape 106)

bers and distributors to a season badge that would admit them to the eXhibtt, at any time, with an rouai charge for a tingle admission ticket to others not connected with the industry.

This admission charge would auto-matically cut down attendance by aev-eral thousand of the general public atm Lave been accustomed to visit the show without charge, and the committee Zens t hot when operators appreidate the reason for making such a charge the,' will be wholeheartedly in rayer of It.

At the same Ume, if the proie:cul 15 approved, the committee i.e considering the Use of admission fers for the pur-chase of a number of additional prime to be given away to nucce.eful corridors, Jobbers or distributors. Tho automobile which han been given In each of the putt two yearn has added greatly to the internat of attending the show, and the committee believe, that oie-retors will be especially interested in competing for number of nettes instead of for One. The committee twill be glad to receive

suggestions on tille proposai to control the attendance of the general public. The suggestions should be addressed to N. Marshall Beentirg. chairman of the committee. OT 20 O. S. Darling, secretary of the National Association of Coin-Op-erated Machine Mennfacturers, 120 EL Lasalle street. Chtcago.

SLANT THAT STORY (Continued front page 106)

sort of publicity for a manufacturer or for an agency handling a coin account, but from thc point of vantage of an editor's desk that is a diíily clearing house for a vast amount of coin machine publicity it does seem to put a finger on a salient fault.

True, not all writers are fortunate enough to have gleaned their editorial experience from metropolitan newspapers where the fast tempo of gathering news, writing and rewriting it, makes for a terse, clean presentation that is quite capable of holding the reader's interest.

The boys and girls in the agencies have all the best of it so far as the time element is concerned. They all have time to devote to a story, while a reporter working against dead-line has but one chance and rises or falls with his reader on the merit of a yarn, most times done hurriedly but well.

So it would appear that with the time in their favor those who purvey publicity for manufacturers need but apply a bit of the technique of the reporter in slanting a story; place themselves for a moment in the world of a reporter who has a story to write on a sheet where the editorial space is "tight" and the advertising rate is in the first flight class. The re-porter is trained to slant his story to get the maximum news value in the minimum space, as any perspiring tabloid scribe will readily attest. In order to achieve the same results of the newspaper man who is by the very nature of his trade both a comic and a dramatist as far as bringing news to his readers is concerned they can follow no better style.

The newspaper man must not only 'see" the news and have the prosaic proboscis for it, but in addition he must "feel" it in order to properly color his story. lead or first paragraph must possess the strength of appeal not merely to hold a reader, but beyond that to fascinate him and make the reader peruse the yarn to the finale

The same applies to the publicity releases from the coin machine industry that bank an editor's desk. They must of necessity contain news or feature element; in short, be "slanted" to make the editor feel that the copy is important enough to elaborate upon in presenting it to his readers. Mere "puff" is quite transparent and its effect upon readers and the buying public quite often reverses the idea that it was originally intended to convey.

National advertisers min do no greater gond in the sale of their product than to have a newt man on their staff who can "slant" a story to make it worth while, and a man like this will always pay his way with the space gained flint legiti-mate news that is excellent advertising any way you look at it

ROL-A-TOP BELL The aboya machine is the first and only Bell type machine on the market with a coin top showing the last 8 coins, the besf protection against slugs.

Built in 3 Models, Bell, Front Vende, and Cold Award

Built for lc -Sc -10e-25c Play Made Only By


CHICAGO, ILL. •... 00Lemout *770

Gable addrest -WAT LI NGIT E•• Chiante.

A Cigarette For a Penny

Equipped with Latest Type Slug Ejector


Internal Revenue Department s

SILVER eowsr conuat te combanal with otlarr nadrn.., u il la far steselot la muntoction. la (set. Durit to last seekniately. Win buta ne weight 04 tsn ordisuor Ilftff1 embout banales the Iwo chine la the ha«.

euthi5 est rende a clavette eudi trusts • eusse, l husetIed. CILVI1M 00111ge eeem • nets tolet Passim eslii 4edoloarnr. Il I,• ne re: leu idetbor. ot illersbetios III. ln, unl. nous117 osenenned and Me mont st.1..11 ionisai product ma th. Atore...••. Ille mle né eia•moco one al a ro.... II •- ,nett 1111,VE11170111C7 alloua an st (11,,, with a adobe= el teerbeor

Lire erre% Daims and °marnera lorit, for urtloolars.


REDCO PRODUCTS LaCrosse, Wisconsin

FRANKFORT. Ky . June 20 -Articles of Incorporation of the Miller Automatic Oasien Company. Louisville. capItallked at 110.000, have been approved bers by Charles D. Arnett, secretary of state. InrOrpOrsitOrx terre Ward A. Miller Jr.. Joseph B. Everhart and Kathryn Broya.

118 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES June 27, 1936


S,acc EARNS tile LIMIT with this Smart N,av Dae Src Rece ,mag game. Simple te oederttand--Looks EASY to -beat -. CECI the 'play" and HOLDS it continueudyl

This remarkable eba.,,re Instantly con-verts "26-- - 14--Indian Dice._ etc., Into a ganse of RARE FASCINATION!


-s:icase4 e"



Cigar Stoma


dug Stem,

Nit. ChM,



HI-Way Inn*


THOUSANDS et locations that now shako dael

FOR EXAMP'S @ Pleellit 11151 ItOltg • litiaîti NO.9 Ili 01118 CODS»

emmem man 1010 status toes one le All COMM..

MEO3M, nos 7LqnIl sou»

eta 7 II COMBO

MEMAN, nuns 1211S1 Is "arum sea • ms All COVIRID

AV,MAM THIN II 11 is memo

Mos. I,4.42 All COWIteD


$1.00 in Track I

Thls new principle of dice play has started a craze that's cluicklY sweeping its way across the na-tion. robbers report calmcllY orders from retail merchants. Full and part-time salesmen call it the BEST DICE IDEA in YEARS! List Price-Score Sheets $975 Included .

Write tor Pull Deist's Without ria ,, o,i


Flashes From NADA

CHICAGO, June 20.-Tunny how easily diecouraged some folka can gat over a few adverse decisions made on the legality of the pinball games. We need only to look to California to get the real trend of affairs. whlrh will un-doubtedly influence surrounding States and eventually get over the mountains into the Middle Western. Kostern and Southern States Recent legal decielona In Cellfornin have provided distributors, »bittern anti operntora with much en-couragement relative to the operation of automatic payout and one-ball ticket machines. The effect of theme decisions should be far-reaching and do much to create a more liberal attitude on the operation of such types of equipment.

NADA ham always held to the view that what one city or State does In the way of passing favorable leglalation stir-'interline cities and States will be in-fluenced, and the same in true with legal decialoos, either for or against the ma-chines.

At the present moment we find many cities drawing up favorable ordinanege that will permit the operaLon of all types of pin tables, Including other types of machines. Everything ',chat to better conditions within the Industry. It behooves everyone to put hie alsculder to the wheel and do all he can to legalize the machince. Ae in the cote of the 15th Amendment, public sentiment played an important part in Its repeal. We are more liberal-minded today than we were a few years bark and with this new attitude. plus proper publicity. the troubles of the coin machine Industry ehould soon be over.

Scrams! A month ago It was reported that Berm Kaufman (NYC) would have to scoot around for larger quarters if - her business continued to grow. . . . Well, come to pass and after July 1 address the Babe at 250 West MUS street. • . Babe will be in Chicago 'inertly to 'amp pentonal Invitation to the higher-upti of the trade to attend her gala opening party. . . . Those Wolchers certainly can cover the

ground once they get sway from their home port. . . . Lou (Advance of San Francisco) popped Into Chiraao recently on his way to NYC for a vent with his Mother.. . Fle reported the San Fran-cisco territory as being in fine eherpe. due to recent favorable legal decision, and expect.. 1036 to be his banner year for sales. . . . That aviator brother of his, Harry (Western of Seattle). can always earn a living. . . . Harry holds a trans-port pilittai license in addition to • Mernberehlp In the O'Toole Tribe. • • •

Continuing on the eublect of aviation. . . George Potmer (Newark) le an air devotee. . . . Every time he leave» the 0Mco there's a look of anxiety on the faces@ of his employees, as thty never know whether hear going out to the cor-ner hamburger stand for lunch or down to the airport for a little jaunt to Chi-cago. . . Right now George it, talking a well-earned vacation Huy the South-west. . . Jack Pltzgibbons (NYC), who is

known to his New York pale na Jake. spent a busy two days in Chicago re-cently. . . . Moat of hie time, quite naturally, was spent at the Bally pliant with Ray and Jima Bee where the boys on the Coast have

dubbed Jack MeClelland (National of Loe Angeles), Bally Firecracker Jack, in honor of his long standing as • member of the O'Toole clan. . .

Smiling Carl Tripp. (Ideal of Bt. Loutx) he. bought out another going concern. . . . This time it's Jack Rosen-Di. of at. Louis.. . Jack turned lot-k. Mock and barrel over to Carl and after taking a varntion in Europe will be-come associated voth Ideal. . . .

Right at this moment Bill Heir-Dee and Imo, Rotheteln (Keystone and Ban-ner of Muter) pre do.ng their port to make Philadelphia Tarr for pinball ma-chines. . . . The city (athera are carry-ing on a prolonged debate over the games, but may eventually pass the model ordinance that will license the machines. . . . Meyer Marcus IMarkepp of Cleveland)

is erecting the tr•iric at 1'4 new Ottilr(t. find PlintierlIf11-11,1 1«,:titrd lit 33ad Carnegie avenle . . kte).r is another NAPA member who has a...Inflect himself with every progreeelve movement to promote the legality of the games as well Its to build up public confidence thru well. planned advertising cetopeleim. • • • Fame of Meyer's trailer han spread to ell parts of the country and many Bally distributors are writing him for ocro-

plete Information on the trailer and its activities in the field. .

Platting on Olseaspeake Bay is one di-version that taken Carl Mantel' (National of Baltimore) out of the city over the week-end.. . . . The coin machine Dual-nee, la far from Carl% mind as he sits on the stern of hia yacht Milting IT001 morn till night. . . . The queer part of it la that Carl doesn't cat Salt and We. Mantel' can't undernand why be puts hie time Ln fishing. • • •

It seen» fitting and proper that we take titi., opportunity, belated as It might be, to congratulate Jack Nelson on his becoming general aisles manager of the Rock-Ola Manufacturing CeePetratieti. . . He has the best wishes of all NADA members and their organizations. . • •

At leant the caption under Harry Moselera (Richmond) haute that was pictured recently in oue of the trade parsers did not mention it was the house "that nickels built." . . . (Apologies to Harry Drollinger). . . . Just the same. the two Harry. ran be mighty proud of their beautiful homes . . .

Art Sauve (Detroit) says this year hits been an excellent one for him since Detroit is back again In the money.. . Clue» the (trina Art does busmen, with are past an pleased as be is over the comeback of Detroit. . . . And, by the way, has anyone seen Jim Ashley (Amer-ican of Detroit) lately? • • • Nary a word from him since he waa In Chicago and It's hcped the big bad wolves of Northern Michigan haven't token n fancy to . . . The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Club of

NADA has ridded another member. . Thia time It's Wilds. . . . He's manager of Automatic-Markepp, Inc.. Chicago. and doubles@ in braes as managing di-rector of NADA. . . . Commodore Lazar, Dave Bond. CieOrlit0 Poneer and Dove Robbine are the charter memberft of tho new negn 'ilea tIC n within NADA. . By the way, recent visitors to Chicago

include Dave Robbins, J. D. Lazar, 8. L. Stanley. Bill Manner. Carl Tripp. and Meyer Marcus. . . . MP, well on the Ohio. but Bill 6262r

mer (Sicking of Cincy) has premised to turn up In Chicago right soon with an-other brand-flew counter game idea. . . . The trade still can't figure out how Bill can consistently bob up with winners. . . . Seemingly without effort on his

Any day it's expected that S. L. Stan-ley (Automatic of Memphis) will come forth with an announcement that he haa bought an airplane no he can cover the territory more efficiently and quickly. . . . Jim Buckley (Bally's) is sicking a lot of airplane manufacturera' salesmen on poor EL L. . . . The north and south of California Met

on a common ground in Chicago the other day. . . None other than Lou Wolcher and Jack McClelland.. . . Both were ennokIng the peace pipe in Con-ference Room A with Al Tate (Bailie.). over faithful AI, better known as Chief Drinkemup of the O'Toole Tribe. on hand to take care of their immediate need.. . . .

Willie Blatt in Chicago NEW YORK. June 20.-Willie Blatt,

president of the Supreme Vending Com-pany, la in Chicago to take up the mat-

ter of developing new games for th territory.

Blatt la taking with him borne Idea which he will offer to hia manufactu He Maims that the operators need n game» to bring up the play on their 1 cation. 'and he believe, that the Chi, oigo manufacturers are not giving ti111 of their Tea attention to the prone situation here.

Blatt will have with him an importa visitor nom far-oft India. The visitor be say.. has been one of hie beet cu tomera and has developed a great mark for the games.

It le believed that some of the gum which Willie team ils mind will be for tit large export 'mamma which hie firm eel, dune and that he will arrange for ht. games to be made for the export mark at the same time. Sonic of the gam which no will propose. he mys, will revolutiortary from every standpoint at. that the operators are going to really some fine gamea after their construct'

Gottlieb's Mystery Single Coin Slot Still Going Big CHICAGO, Juno 20.-A Gottlieb res

Lure which has taken the industry storm is the Mystery Single Coln RI Territories In which multiple coin eel are not permissible are rapidly taking the innovation.

-The action of the unit makes it intriguing es it multiple coin slot, witb out the ma-realty of tweeting additio coins,' Dave Gottlieb. head of the Ore explains. "For instance. the Afro Single Coln Sint Metalled in a Dill Ilaies game would work like this the coin is inaerred into the t light-up rack bursts, into it flash r rotor. For a few seconds you can't • whether you're going to get two horse with win nrido of 4 to 1 or all eIght hOrnen with 40 to 1 odds. After Bashi from ono horse to another and from u net of odds to another, the lights !Mall come to rest at a certain combine,. which may leave the player any flunit. of homes, from ono to eight. with odd up to 4 to 1." Comments are being received dag

from operators all over the coon More and more orders are requesu games be equipped with Mystery Sin Coln Sloth. The Gottlieb factory is we mg at top speed to produce enougi unite to install on Daily Races, Feue Burner and Broker's Tip.

Western Distributors Move Portland Plant to New Spol PORTLAND, Ore., June 20.-Wes

Distributors aro moving Into a in specious and central location here I. aceording to Budge Wright. manage of the branch. Tho new location will 1633-53 West Alder street and a it celebration will mark the change cif ad dress. Wright is also the proud papa or

nine-pound boy preaented hIm a Ni4 ag0 by his wife, Joy. The new &equal tints to the Wright household has bet named John Peter.

p riKillahlkMtaggielIMIIIMeel.t911‘.011000110WIR Al OIMMIBMS1.151101heanKilleghl%. NEW ACHINell

0 Dean,. lemphreal, {our mower. .....__sisW,.rillos p.oto.nhc,.....Terl.....èMe1.6191.0...limes Glenna« Owno.111.18 01 Ray-0-1.1ta Ring Ranee

„elaS ini.so caiaia a, Row >Pe 1111ant Ball He% tc- ...........,.. 127.50

0 Turf mea. TIMM AUMV{Ment 137.50 re.:Ideeenda• 4750

0.00 Ile RgOORDITIONED Yawn arA0Milii-

liaelmes enrol/warn 111.111n• _.. ---------5200.00 Pm oared-it-

01 Action Jtenler S 5.50 brehnwtretah. Race ANN Lit. -------8 7.55

% 2=.r.v.17.11. Newt 10.00 .119"etir« Sail Pan 10.00 Alan 815.50 ear.. __--3.00 Star Liao

4.00 Lacey Star 511 :11.110.00 T77.ntes:eIll..-..1.11'11:•7L--..--.."-: 01 Brame.

10 ale LMMNP. Vauban__ 12.50 Mad Cap. Eloetrosralt_ 35.50 Trp AM • Cries Gross-nine ____ 7.50 PM. Play ...---- ____ 17.60 Tip It ---,_._......

Croat Roads _ __ 10.00 Par Oolt Station ____.

:72., .1.::, - - -- cc. Mod Coir

Radie 16.00 Rapid Yowled{

9.50 7.50 Rebound Seale/ 10.00 Yenaado _._ .00 A 50 Trallieu.

v7:1 _...: g 600;0

0° CID :le1 ,111K-aId"al 16.00 et.a.a.1.1te 7.10 115.0°0° 1NVISHA i 13 0_ Vileneérri.".A.-1.---T. -Teei--- II:

10 110enu . liewbura. WM -.-• 17.50 Sink or gialm ---___ 1 .010' imam li as p1 Hood 1.10 17.50 oraamo

• 0 Dandy Vendee, Orasnahen.67.60 Radio Berard Poor J•elis. Flolds 6.00 Ponrhatta 5 8.00 Tn.., Cedes.. A. 8. V.-6 S.00_, -------10 .00 rit Tat Tao ____...-,„ 111.0_. 00 Poor Slam goniblt DIN. 1.00 Sonntlan• A. B. Y. 10.50 Wagon lantools. A. D. T. 10_.= 4 Penny Amens 900 lAnme-Pal. DIHOIP--- 9.9. 111.60 Tao, Leaguer _ _ 15 .,......,„ Di,. pa...1{00.00 Little eriaatnnatireCHINESS80.00 ViratIleg Bell J. P...inaleitastre

0.ard Champion. I.e. ACM Allan{ Escalate, 00.00 Vender __ {Nadine Blue DOM Molls hells Jma pet Ball 15 00 Watiwe Twin !arisen :5:0:

00 hurt Rims Home Nun. P. 0 K. No Jack- •2.00 anat am 7.50 Pecs Bantam Sc. Play_ 21.50 Oald Award Pot Wonder


I;I ra th 545. Trowtadour 85.00 10 00 liweiwpw. Model g _ lb 66 00 C61."cro'bra'n," =-riror.".1.1%.00 m.o.. Model 501 - ___11 •500 troArro Audio....

with Radio 0 Dana- WWI« Tern»: I II Dww{it. estanco C. O. D.



June 27, 1936

• eavy Shipments Leave • cific's Chicago Plant

CIIICA00. June 20.-Word received Fred C. Neel*Ilan. president Pacific

useinent Manufacturing Company. It that Pitmen Chase and Palooks

wor. both in payout and ticket nu:sl-• ue being shipped In carload Iota to

distributors In vailoue parts of • country.

The shipment,. beglnnine June 18. • a result of orders placed following retort, and jobbers' reactions on • !lee of both machines.

Fame° Chase incorporates the new wiple whereby players attempt to pel the ball into a payout pocket ni-eitaneoualy with the errival of moya

light. Chase has a one-two-three • m of Progreesive ball and light ani-mal. extending from the top of the • to the bottom. and is reported to getting the heaviest kind of play di y operating reporte

palooka Junior, like the /feline Model many respects, has a elnule coin

ate which nevertheless tae.en In an united number of coins, and it M-• ateo Pacific's "odds-commutator."

rtnon Chicago Visitor [ICAO°. June 20.-Mr. S. D. Mar-• and son, Gairehtint. Visited in Chi-

last week. They made a tour of factories. Including that of the Chi-

Coln Corporation, where they wrd the firmei new Monopedee, one-t payout game. Harmon was ox-homily enthused with the "play

•' feature of Monopolee and said t he was aura the players in his In-ns would go for Monopole. In a big

B. Fisher Is Brown Rep SILAS, June 30.- Ptah« Brown, l-known local distributor, announces appointment of L. R. Platter. 1300

range *Venue, Bartlesville. Okla, to die the entire Brown line in the en name In the titete of Oklahoma. Fisher is well and favorably known operating circles thruout Arkansas Oklahoma and understands the of the operator and jobber.



far the



AMUSEMENT MACHINES , The Flillboard 119

Dettoif DETROIT, June 20.-Cleorge IL Haw.

ley...Meta« general manager of %%nine Corporation, spent the past week In New York. He closed a large deal alth Con-solidated Vending Company while there. This Is the third large order from the company.

M. L. Joelln. general manager of Peck. it Company of America, statnt lust evek in Chicago. He appointed two new die-tributort for hie operating company while there.

Three New Charters for Firms

ALBANY. N. Y., June 30.-The follow-ing new coin machine and amusement device corporations were Issued charters, of Incorporation by the secretary of state the past week:

Surfeit Amusement Corporation. Brook-lyn. Recreation devices of all kinds Capitol, 100 altar« of stock. Share-holders, Joseph Wcchter. Arthur HorOld and Ruth L. Sandman. Brooklyn.

Midwestern Amusement Company. Inc., Buffalo. Amusement devices of all kinds. Capital. 200 shares of etock. Shareholders, John E. Leach. Paul D. Graves and Perry E. Wuret Jr., Buffalo.

TH-8tate Automatic Candy Corpora-tion, Buffalo. Vending machines of verloter kinds. Capital. 200 shares of stock. Directors: Charles L O'Reilly, Benjamin Sherman and Irving Pried. New York.

lott Wote. PORT WORTH. June 90.-Ai the coin

machine Industry is a fairly young in-dustry, so are moat Port Worth machine men too young to have gone to France Inc the war. As a consequence, no local cot:linen receiving bonus bonds has been located by distributor, so far.

Harry Hoosier and wife have gone to New York on a combined business and pleasure trip. Hoosier la well-known operator. being vice-president of loud coinmen's association.

Instead of the usual talk of which me-chines arc good, bad or indifferent. the talk among local operators this week le The Streets of Peril at the Dallas exposi-tion. A huge number of local operators have inspected the show and they spend their tinte now discussing it and telling others about it. Tho local boyet have really taken to the Dallas show.


REBUILT PAYOUT GAMES Si. Casino 111011.00 Aportrman 514.50 Hollywood 12.50 Raps.., 47,30 W. S, Or 50.00 Oo tar Don't .... le.« stroke. • 50.00 Ace 28.00 Prom«, 16.00 Illeto. of Turf . • 22.60 •ampo parlay, Sr. •1400 141011 Pea.), .. . «so ',Mee Parlay, Jr. 10.00 0.loca 14.15 o tycoon 02.00 Giant . ...... *0.00 eon.. 70.00 COUNTER 'seem& Double Some 00.00 Pay-CMIL Equity 10.50 Blact Iamb • • •A* 1.50 Poorlaa. 70.00 Mystarloo, Eye.. 23.60 0.111 Limit 60.00 Totem (714.4) . 5.00 Whirl Pool le0.00 S.. 10.00 Poe Sali s ..,.., 115.00 Target Wm. tan Lest! Anticiparte Tour »Mt Nor Coal

Order by Wino--Prone te Special adiverti Ail Pr5..r• 5 0 5 C)11eapn.

,e) Wtesà.




CHIC4,0 lL Wea••.u/IC.N.

MONARCH rim,. Whirlpool.

3.46 a.. Ribbon

Gale , nLwer Bret•Oo- Itrumd hr .

JUNE SPECIALS FOR ALL SUMMER PROFITS I Rodeo. Football 10-Roll Payout, Illee new, won Clock Senor..., ...827.50

4.45 $5.45 Action Jr, C4tle Llto Drop El. Orit. Croat FiTeiniezo Ratery •Ional Jr. Contact


$6.45 Atonal S.. Major Leagu e ErmatIon Salir Pool Army A Nan,

$7.45 Oils. Trolls. Il earnIlt• Mille Impact Bowen Roc..-Ola 21 Reeballto

$5.45 Cr1.1-6e...11. Kings Rotollte Ohbram

E•onarla Kin ea Tor,

- n Y.

A._r+ "...opt

re', :::1°,

10.45 Tic Ice 74 lloollIto A. e. -r. All-

.Siee:„,. Par Golf

$11.48 $11.48 $13.48 14.45 Barrel Roll Che. Leader Qulear Ally. I Banker Man 'n Moon Ball Fan Hornr.trer 060 Auto Flaal. Dorn... ralrar, Reenld Transit Auto g.),„ ,-, ?"•^:i.- 8,,,w,paor. Fire A Two Berman. Sportamon Auto Count Ill.. Hunt Payout

All yobrna in rw.f t ma•thanIcal combilon! I.'S ll*Poill wl ,A l.d....

ONARCH COIN MACHINE CO., 2308 Armitage Ave., Chicago, Ill,

UNDER THE MARQUEE-(Continued front pape 48)

Circus at Pottsville. Report niws show, stormy ueether and fair crowd.

COLE-BEATTY did almost capacity Minimise at Binghamton. N. Y.. despite rain. Roth papers there gave the allow considerable mention.

- - CRAWFORD DROEGE and Prank Nor-

ton saw the Walter L. Main Cirrus at Dunkirk, N. Y. Had two parked house. The hoys had a nice visit with the Newtons.

ADVANCE of »lily Bros.: Ed Sclimiter. Relierai agent; Oscar Decker. brigade agent and bow billporiter. Jack Fitz-gerald, boaa lithographer, assisted by James Sierra. Carl Johnson. BM Clark and Carl Edwards,

ARTIITJR A. °ASHTON saw AtterhUrY Bros.* Circus at Ellsworth. Win.. June 3 States that il la a neatly fraitud Show under an 80-font top with three 40, Had packed house in afternoon and strewed them at night.

O. A. CLINES 'dates that Russell Bros Circus showed Ann Arbor, Mich.. June 10, that the show et new up there and surprised the auçltencee with a nut-moving performance with a good lineup of acta. Advance posted plenty of paper.

R. J. ERDLITZ and wife, with Mee Walter Clollinar and eon, Walter. re-cently Waited Belle-Eiterling Circus Mar , Perilits steles that Stan and John Volera. bar and flying act, have joined Lewis Bros.' Circus.

MRS. JOE MARTINI joined the Haag shove at Blountville, Tenn. Was With show two weeks and was called home at Hope. Ark., due to eettlement of an estate. She left at Newton. N. C. but expects to rejoin within the next month.

GLADYS ADM/RE. advertising banner salesman and merchants,' ticket agent, o Atterbury Bros Circus', attended school exercises at Indianapolis. Her daughter, Virginia, has been attend. Mg school in that city. She made the trip via plane both wept.

UR& MARY NORTON, of Christy Cir-cus unit, who suffered • broken foot caused by her high-School horse falling on the floor with her during a per-formance at St. Louis Police Circus. Is rerovering and will noon be back at work.

LEO ABERNATHY, international prat-Went of the billposters' union, motored to New York from hie Pittsburgh °Mee to attend an intermit» board meet,ng June 18. He reports that he will leave on his vacation July I and will be gone a month.

PRANK LITTLEFIELD pens that Downie Brae nt Lynn, Maas, packed them in at matinee and warn on straw at night: at Gloucester, parked holler In afternoon fin rain). and aleo packed at night De Barries Side Show also had big business. Jack Hold° received a new hoUsecar.

IDA SHOWLFB. E. P. Day, wife and daughter, Virginia, visited the Blg Show at 'Trenton. Mini Showlers %netted with Maude Millette and daughter. Mildred. and Day otsited with Ralph Clawson. !Imo, A. ICemp and wife. of Trenton. 08, J., arid Hanel Williams,of Eddy Blue. Circus, spent June 8 with the Days at Long Branch. N. J.

HOUSTON PICKUPS-O, C. Bimmone. Midget clown, has reUred from the road end hae • peanut and pop-corn stand en North Main erect. . . Jack Stanley has opened a booking °Mee. . . . Jack Driscoll Le now in Rosenberg in the cafe business.. . . Jack McCully. prams agent, formerly with Sells-Ploto and Other Cir-cuses. Is doing publicity for Chamber of Commerce, In aleo head of pitblielty for San Jacinto Centennial Committee.

- - - - JBEifilE ROBINSON, billposter. who died

at McKeesport. Pe., recently, WAS burled by the Billposters' Union No. 3. Pitts-burgh, in ita Highway Cemetery lot near Pittsburgh. The union'. annual memo-rial services were recently held at the cemetery. Ono hundred and ten mem-bers of the billposters' union are buried there. Services were conducted by Leo eberniithy. natIonel president. WI,-father made the first arrengementa f. ,•• the cemetery to be used exclusively for members.

DICE by FISCHER A Rxdically New Idea in Dice-Now Sweeping Everything before it-SETTER than • 26"-"I4" -Indian Dice or anything else!!

Cigar Stores - Taverns - Drug Stores - Nite Clubs - Wayside Inns-EVERY 'across-the-counter• spot INSISTS on it-TAKES IT ON SIGHT . . .


Here's a Set of 3 of the CLEV-EREST. Most Handsomely De-,igned JUMBO DICE over tossed on a counter or bar! Imagine! HORSE RACING - with player selecting 'horse' 'number/ to "Win"-"Place"--or "Show"-or 'across the board' for BIG ODDS every 'race.'

A 1-Roll FAST ACTION Trade-Stimulator Dice Conne with awards paid in "TRADE ONLY. -



JUMBO SWEEPSTAKES List Price: Score Sheets Included $975

JOBBERS: Order VOW' Samples TODAY! Write for Full Details Without Obligation-



AMUSEMENT MACHINES June 27, 1936 120 The Billboard


IC or Sc or S



A small investment earns you a substantial Income for years. not months. A statement backed by thousands of BIG GAME HUNTERS now on location. It Is a 100 skill game and therefore. can be placed everswhere and anywhere. Order yours today! A route of BIG GAME HUNTERS well provide tinancéal Independence

tor you.

New York Office $32.50

. 3682 Broadway

A•111•T cbt tier 17 3 1 I 1 -II CARROLL AVE,CNICAGO, ILL,




43.30 PAYS OUT




Meolbuters, Operators Write to. Quantity M...


When Dealing With ACME NOVELTY CO., of Minneapolis, You Must Be Satisfied IRECONOITIONEM AUTOMATIC PAYOUT CAMF-4

JUMBO 842 SO 1149 SO AAAAA DERRY . S9.50 I .1.50 MAMMOTH ... 59130 I l RODEO , 29.50 DC LURE -me" 19.50 REPEATER . 44.50

nortlrro stscritec BAFFLE BALL. Very cu., =12 an

SPORTERIMI LW Cola VIld• STAexoC-1 13.11 TREASURE HUNT- 1 R.LI 9 8 5 I I rna IttOrtnet—t es.or 198 5





ECONOM ICAL ELECTROPAK eliminates batteries, saves from $30

to $100 yearly per location. ELECTROLOK saves its cost the first time used,

positively stops cheating.

Cover-Up and J ho Sweepstakes by Fischer CHICAGO. June 20.—Phil Fischer and

O. IC. Fischer. Of Plucher Sales Company. prominent ngures in the coin machine tumble. for years mid known to have designed some of the bluest winning

principles ever built into uunirroun coin-operated machines port raying their

handiwork. are now savaged In the man-ufacture and diatribution of two dire ideas, among the cleverest ever created.

Their entry into the dice hindneas with covet-Up and Jumbo Sweepstakes Is said

to be Opening up a new tirld for counter nice operat ions. According to report..

the two now dice setups are in heavy demand.

In an Inteiview with The Rif/board's

representative P1111 Fischer stated that thousanos of locations arc lititInry (Or new and original Picas in dice that will bring back the players Ume and again and bold their Interest Indefinitely. In

bringing out the two new dice Ideas the Fischer inmthere eay they have kept in mind that the games must be attractive. with plenty of eyeanimeal. Simple to understand with "Ionks-easy-to-brat" ap-

pearance. and that they must let players turne close to winning every time.

Before releasing Cover-Up and Jumbo Sweepstakes to the trade the Pinchers report their actual location testa proved both of them to be good for a net mont running mighty close to four fignres over

a 30-day period. And since launching Jumbo Sweepstakes with win, place and

show—actual horse racing In a dire seine —together with Co.,. -Up, where the

player stakes the house to retire a com-plete set of numbers In eight Locher,

ninny score sheets have been tilled and turned over at a handsome pront to location owners. Jumbo Sweepstakes Is

ono-mil game which permita the

player to chose his number and lay It on Will. place or show, or nerdsa the board.

The location owner keepe tab much the same a., 111 -2,1" and other counter dire

gamest, excepting that the fame is much tooter and Useol special score sheets. Cover-Up takes eight ahaktes to the game and is not as speedy as Sweep-stakes; however. It inemporatcs the idos

of "building up a score:.

Trend to Simplieity Seen in Success of Bally's Natural CHICAGO. June 20.—That there Is n

definite trend toward rumple. eany-to-

understand games with fundamental play appeal, Is evidenced by the immediate spontaneous popularity of Natural. one-shot, payout ogre game. arc-or-Mug to Jim

Buckley. general sales manager of Bally Manufacturing Company.

-Jumbo and Bally Derby.- Jim points out. ..nwed their fine success to their

simplicity. When we asked operators why these games were going over sio Mg, the nano' explanation was. 'Because anybody can get the drift of the game at a glance and they don't have to figure nut the angles, before they shunt.' To-day the eame thing is being said about

Natural. Everybody understands dice mid here» a gaine where you win on 7 or II, lose ou 2. 3 or 12 or win when you muse your point. Nearly every pin-

tame player has rolled the bones and It's only natural for them to km for

Natural." Jim pointed out that public taste In

games runs in cycles, the demand for simple games alternating with a demand for more elaborate types of play. "But right now." ho concluded, "simplicity

nrinte to be In the saddle, and. as Usual. Bally Is promoting the kind of games

the public want."

Keeney Firm's Velvet In Lavish Introduction CHICAGO. Juno 20.—The new Keeney

game Velvet. about which much Is being noised about the industry, is all net for Is big "coining-out party" In Jobbing and distributing Showronms thruout the na-tion Julie 27, according to Ray Becker,

sales manager of J. H. Keeney 8c Com-

pany. The game la of the payout variety and

incorporates variable odds in the form of a standard odds commutator situated

in the backboard. When the game Is played it it optional with the player to nc,ept his winnings In accordance with

odds showing or le given an opportu-nity to multiply his award on a second or replay shot. Two buttons on the

front of the machine are used for this purpose.

Payouts range from 10 cents to 83 on the initial ertempt and in the event of

a replay. after a winner is established.


; Tj Lamm o

assort — t-

Cath Card $25.00 jack Pot

Brings In $90.00

Average Payout . . 55.00 Profit $35.00

Complete Sample Deal $6.00

WERTS NOVELTY CO., Inc, Muncie, Indiana

player awards can be increased to trills or as high rot 820. Of course. It'

necessary for the player to set the gam for a replay shot when Coln is Insert<

and in order to hit the top awards

P20 he'd have to get top odds, hit th payetit hole on both, and, of course. I doesn't, happen that way very one

When the replay Shot Is In effect an awards amount to more than 62

ticket showing the amount is hand to the player automatically. Awards

82 or tinder are paid in cash or cher Mr. Becker advises unpreCedented in

terest in the new machine and prom , tome big happenings when June 27 r around and Velvet begins to roll out

heavy shipments.

Power Roll-A-Ball a TM NEWARK. N. J.. June 20.-0

',tanner, president of George Penser Corn pany's Roll-a-Ball sales division h declares that the mairse has bane, what every operator has looked for that every waterier becomes a player.

The Roll-a-Ball machine is entirel

electrically and automatically contrelle It its constructed of fine material and h an appealing design, comes in two tire 12 feet and 14 feet long and 29 inch wide. It is 71 Inches on foot In heigit In the hack while standing and 22 inch on foot in height at the front. The

Chino is portable.

An outstanding feature of the game Its attractive score-light arrangemen

The automatic acorer bas a flashing changing lights and a distinct Clickl

or bounds respeterIng the scorn. It 0

crates on a contact lighting plan tone It has instant.tneons. positive sionn

in addition to two counters. One elm up on the number of times played. whil

the other automatically registers tabulates the number of winning Est. from whatever score one wishes to tall After a complete game of nine balls h been bowled the electric time clock

the machine will keep the score light for about three to four minutes and tee

automatically flash off.

According to Ponaer. operators distributors have boon clamoring for e

elusive territorial privileges end In cent weeks production has been gout

at top speed and all orders are b.' ifl

shipped without any delay.

une 27, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 121










345 W. Eric St., Chicago,111.

Ily Challenger Came allenges S Slump CHICAGO. Juno 20.—Raid to be the

pin-game deliberntely designed for tic-weather operution. Bally. Menu-erring Company's new Challenger ;rates the extent to which psycho!.

7 is utilired by the modern creators cimes. A one-shot. automatic pay-game with the always popular

:icing odds end multiple coin chute. Menge, features o new type scenic nrl emptiest:ring the pleasant aide of -nier and drawing the player's mind 1, away as possible from thought» rising temperatures.

ni,ussing Challenger, Ray Moloney. !y's president coined a new term. scholugical air conditioning.- and e an interesting angle on the design pin games. "Of course, players feel and dusty' when the weather's that

y." may stated. -but the Men IS not let the weather man chase your mis-ers away---but Instead hold 'eta with

'psychological air conditioning,' h as we built Into Challenger."

"What is the one thing we all think ut In the summer? The answer Is 'ail Even a cooling Tom 001111m or in Buck is largely composed of water. in the weather is 'atom. we want to It It. swim In It (water, I mean, not

ii Bucks), fish In It and sail on It. vast is more natural than to put Iota

of water on a pin game? That's what we did with Challenger—the entire play field is an ocean—or maybe KS n gulf ITexas papers please copy i—but nnywni It's nice cool-looking blue-green water. Why, they tell me the temperature drop, 15 degrees the minute an operator pouri a Challenger into location! -But water wasn't enough. We wanted fresh air. cooling breezes. winds to waft our wor-ries away. Well, you can't paint a pic-ture of wind unless you put in sonic kind of container, such an is balloon, a bagpipe or a nail! And, believe nie, when you sec those Challenger sailboats with the wind bellying out their ealls and driving there over that cool blue sett— well, one operator had to take the ma-chine out becnitso the storekeeper kicked about the draft!

50 Grand Cont . a us Outstanding Genco Hit

CHICAGO. June 20.—One, two, three, four or five nickels; theta the feature that operators are going wild over in Clenco's 50 Grand game. The machine is reported to be is five-ball novelty that will match or even top profite of any one-ball payout game. Genco officials state that the firm Is

reluctant to name actual earning figures of their producto tes-auge reports as • rule are blamed. However. a 50 Grand on one location, picked at random in the East. has been clocked at an average of 89 an hour for the second consecutive week.

In the new game Cioneo. Inc.. has another natural. The player Immediate-ly understands the playing principle. 50 Grand is said to be easy to play and exceptionally entertaining. While It's a five-hall game, the player shoots each hall carefully with the same dexterity hi-cause a perfect Score, 50.000 points, can be made with Just one ball. The machine seta it new standard In

pin-table construction. It has been thoroly engineered and made so as to assure the operator of absolute perfec-tion. One distributor In the Fast has pur-

chased more than two carloads of 50 Grand and has another carload leaving tills week. When gamma move In euch large quantities operators can be sure that the game le 100 per cent.

Genet) Has Model Modern Plant, Production System CHICAGO, June 20.—The Ocnco aye-

tern of production has been widely ac-claimed by efficiency em'ineere thruout the country. Using a system of person-alized individual piece work by experi-enced craftsmen who understand their task thoroly. Gesteo has worked up lle production to a peak of efficiency. Each man In the plant has his certain

dutira to perform. He la equipped with the need. modern labor-env:rig devices, which result In great speed and fine workmanship. Btapervlsorn In charge of each step of production Glumly check each unit of operation. When the games are completed they go thru a triple check system.

Because the Working conditions are ideal in the eunlit modern plant of Gene°. Inc., there is an absolutely minimum of labor turnover. All ma-chinery and moving mechanisms are pro-tected far In excess of the requirements of the rigid Illinois labor laws

tt011R RROTHERS. DOWNTOWN DISPLAY ROOM in Los Anteles. stall It kresh•nd Aire Ft.rts of Die Gaylord Manufacturing Company. Mohr Brothers "'id additional apnea in a busy bank corner tor additional displays of teis An «red have been doing capacity business on the new summcr cooling unit.


11111.010F. PRODUCES a NEW KIND of


with these Arrestingly







50 SPEEDS the Exact Measure of

Air Movement Required

Under Every Conceivable

Temperature Condition. High-Stand "FRESH'ND-AIRE" Showing Relative Height compared to Store Patron

Instils NEW LIFE into Every Business at Once! Today every merchant realizes the importance of "air comfort- in stores.

The tremendous publicity given air conditioning has taught customers to expect to be able to shop in comfort.

They no longer tolerate stuffy, smelly, hot still air in the places they patronise.

However, air conditioning. as available today in addition to its great cost of installation and maintenance) is not satisfactory to customers and em-ployees because of the great difference in temperature created, which is a shock to them, also making them all the more susceptible to the higher

temperature after leaving an air-conditioned room.

FRESFUND-AIRE now solves this problem for you effectively—at astonish-

ingly low cost.

In one, single. compact, inexpensive unit, it provides thorough circulation of all room air without draft—PLUS purification, deodorization and sterilisa-tion of sir. The result of this combination is a conscious feeling of from 8 to 10 degrees lower temperature and a noticeable condition of invigorat-

ing freshness that makes people feel really comfortable.

Gaylord FR ESN'NO-AIRE—in all models hare capacdalor motots--rnore advanced —and now actually replacing ell other types. Nigh El licieney—LONG LIFE--

Self.Cont tin..0 Otiing Syeterrie.--Mcchanically Perfect Moving .nd Ltstieeiir Par.—are your GUARANTEE of a decade of Trouble-Free Performance.

Ask Us to Arrange for a Free Demonstration! We Have Distributing Points Throughout The Nation From Which a Free Demonstration Can Be Arranged Without Obligation.

GAYLO RD MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1227 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, III.

122 The. liallumrd AMUSEMENT MACHINES June 27, 1936



DEAL WITH CARL Always A SQUARE DEAL g ,.. New Machines I personally g recommend without hesitation I


5130.00 Nally Baby Multiple .. .... 514250 MeCloy

Selene 'en eer,..,........ ints zee.';,- 1:::: 0 199.50 Wham. of Fortune.. 120:00 4erthrnallo . . A . . . 21.50 0

My 14Ism 90.50 Payday 09.50 Hasie• i Sixties> .. 17.50 Pain.. Zee. dr:: glee gruÓlV Head 116 gó n."*"..yOgill .. lien 0

". Tege d Clalloolne Plues ... 149.00 Tint ahem. «.... • • 127 40 D="

Closing Out Sale of Guaranteed p Reconditioned Machines d n


Ranee, 30.0 I •DO 1950 Wagon Wheels 573.0 .5500 gogi

Punchallte Bally Benue 075.018 Tree, 1....“••• • One ladianse erowe.ior 26.00 imam Tall

Aoe ........ 26.00 Minter Clenteet 10.00 «PTItu"re"1.13"""Ice(111a- nW. 158 :er 1.0 Jenolous Hunter.... 27.110 /awns Em .

Connell Maur 46.00 Cmtbe LIU 11.Ln Held Draw Rambler . Realsellta 6.00 Ileac". 11.50 Match-Th.01a. .... teen Blue RN.« 500 1.1 :;:ranClar 1/gg 0

Sportsmon ...3 lee 20.00 ass L•••••• 7.50 Penny Peels Enalterill 12: r 1713. .0 g e Want 50.00 Array • weer 5.00

Fiore., .. 20.00 Ohamelen Pek-O.Enes Traffic (Model Al ... 10.013 Iller Lila 170.000. Penny Peet.

12.00 Slue« Sally Rootlets . ..9 for 80.00 Ban,. Roll 4.00 . er ea 13.60


0 Miscellaneous 0 Mult1.4electer PhonateNina Write I Elticale_y Dlearre (De Luse )

5•61.0ell NOW lym .. ph.01a Write Mlle Dewey* MIII neernisalere I Used, 5125.00 Callle's Deere"

TERMS: 1/3 Deiposlt, 134/anoe O. 0. O. turdy de luxe cabinet le outstanding

glir.rjee reeINI A with an attractively colored ltght-Up STATES OP MISSOURI AND KANSAS ••NEVER OPERATE OR SEND SALESMAN 1,Pi panel. Jitter. DI ready for Immediate


TIESal Western Announces Jitters, Fxeiti New 5-Ball Payout

d ng

s.oil 00 Trene.Attantic 17.50 Drop Kirk 2.00 A Grose Road. . . 17.50 Action. Jr. "Itoinn.e"..111z. Sr. 11.00 p 'Pio be equipped With WOMBED'S check

0 In o ,cpnrator nt a alight additional cost. In teen- 5.05 Cannon Flee Otail•A Peet °Meese Snub NeWe. • 100 0 Beat It 5.00 Sernatlen Jennings Tamell . 1.00 liddition to the automatic payout table Red Arrow 10.00 IMentact ... 7.60 Oldsty POMMY, Tall... •.00 model Jitters in also available in n

ticket model which la equipped with 0 Western's proven, poetise ticket vend-

etancor Univerter power packs optional Write

von. 01

CHICA00, June 20-Jimmy JOhi iion'e pet saying, "Olve the operators ti. typo of game they can make a steady 131-: pro/It on and the sales wIll take care of themselves," has been worktng out very well for Western operators, distributors,. Jobber, and the company Itself. Coco,-nuts and Weatern.a linen, two recent. stieccesen. It is reported, are still going over like a million

This week the aggressive Western arm announced a new and Proven .3.00.04 by the name of Jitters. The new Western five-hall automatic payout La appro-priately named from the standpoint. that rach play la so exciting in its delayed und rollicking action that it actually

the players the Jitters, but. they love It? The big playing idea behind Jitter. Is

the fact that any one of the Ave balls may be a winner. Primarily, the player tries to match two pockets of the »ante color if mercer:eau' he is automatically rewerdod an high as DO cents. In anidi-I on to the many matched color Poeltvla• coy ono hall in the $1, $1.60 and $2 rockets automatically paya out that Amount. The playing field Is arranged in nn uncanny manner that presents a simple-to-win appearance.

Weetern'n new motor-driven payout unit Is Included Eta standard equipment. Operators ore afforded the choice of tither taitterie4 or ' Brancor Univerter power parks when ordeting. Jitters can

Ing Ellechs1115111, with batteries or

Vent. 10 Again Western scales the heights of 'reality in cabinet design. Tho large

o lJNITED AMUSEMENT CO. # o ,ielivery.

0 New Games A ....... sliced 10 fly Exhibit Supply Co. 3411 MAIN STREET, KANSAS CITY, MO.



Sky High weITE

Captain Kidd i mien

Electric Eye S165.00

TICKET GAMES Exhrelt, Ploy Nall _535.00 EstoblVe ',terser,' __ Si 60 ExhIblt, ___ 46.00 Jumbo Ticket 47.50

Guaranteed Used Machines

Conch (asilen Three In • Row Die 5 Senior alo ti Junio, Dilly Limit Tycoon. Moor sample..-Electric Eye, il “rople Gulden II Belly Bally Pre2.0Cl.

I «Leo 40.00 45.00 36.00 45 00

96.00 115_00 se so •0.00 33.50

Bally Am 0014 Ruth Western Parlay -_---TWIN, A Traffic. Oath 0.12/...-Mills Equity Neer Yorker Chnmplen late model_ Illeorternan. VIalble soortinvis, brown cob. Reel Arran

II 20.00 1560 17.50 riao

12.10 10.00 9.00

10.00 14.50 10.00 7.00

Meth the Plat Oulcat All,., NUM 90 Moon

Cannon Flee IN. g nn Genre Batee•II

, U Ins Geer One-Two-TM. )

12.50 Rechellte Army & Nary O•stle Lite Skyscraper 6.50 Fifty F ifty

LIghtnIne Golden ante Drop le let Werld Series Airway Raley


State whether for lc or Sc play





PACES RACES Line 1035 Model!...$209.50 5.551 BleShots. best Madcap,. ellohtly uted.11 24.50 1030, at, latest ... 305.00 novelty lame nf the °pianist 0375 Radio 1035 P-12 Wurlitters. 140.50 Year. Perfect ....$20.50 • Pines 119.60

Prices slashed en hundreds cf bond used One Ball Automat. and Snaloht PIC SPECIAL BANOAIN• IN ALL TYPES DIGGERS.

All the linen One-Bell AutoniNns, Including V•iret. Turf Champs. dellesdne •lues, Air Lene. Amman Etc., et a•lo es the Newret Neselly O•rnes.


CHTIDA00. June 20.-Clusher, Eithibit i,upply Company's new dye-ball game. carries out the novel idea of an oil "rid on a large player area. Player shoots hie first ball then an oil well. DTI-pelt lights up odds on the back panel vary-ing from 10 to 160.

After the ball seta up odds it con-tinues to travel the balance of the board. ultimately landing in a colored pocket. With !mil- additional balls to shoot, player hnn only to get In two balls in identical pockets to score. When the word oil nets up on the back panel the player has struck Oil.

Machine haa multiple-type act1011 and

permits player to play se many as five coins at ono time.

Exhibit's Counter Quartet A quartet of counter games celled

Tango. Key Hole, Baseball and Win have litai been announced by Exhibit Supply Company.

Exhibit la looking forward to a great •-iiceens with these games with inter--Iiiingeable tops and cubes, which per-mit the operator to give hui location. new game and a new attraction each week, The new games are low priced nd Exhibit wipe that operators will find

'lient extremely profitable on their ountere.

Totalite Is Approved OFITCA00, Juno 20.-Detrolt Board of

tnapeetion. Department of Dames, and the Los Angeles Coin Machine ODOTatOrts. Association have given approval to Totallte, manufactured by the Rock-Ola Manufacturing Corporation.

In Detroit five gamed were presented for approval. but Totallte was tho only machine to get the okeh. Th• tact flve-ball strident noveltv

gains la getting the play everywhere. The fasclnating playboard le simple to un-derstand and it*. especially adapted to competitive play. The pay-out reglater Installed on the

Inside of Totallte, where location owner. and operator can easily see it. leave. considerable time of the operator in cheolting up location on payout.. It also helps location owner and eliminate's unnecessary bookkeeping.

These Important facts, together with the fact that it la extremely easy on batteries. makes it the ideal genic for operators.


2230 Pine St.


Distributors and Jobbers of all the


Complete Price List on Request.


W. will make Llberal Allenvance on Yen, Mlle Blue Frente (MIndeni P•IP out) In trade ea notes NI•liesit


RetlaelOg Mite Noel Ter-eier•TOR ....... 7.06 EXTRa-filitioll elutes for

your Pilo Teeter (Boa of 10) -54

Settee. Jr.-0 350 Angle Lite,. 3.55

14.75 11•11 Fan - 14 75 escila____ 20.50 Bottoms-Up 6.76 Budget - 1/7.50 Chew Leader 0.75 Oncaço

- 1250 °e'en, _--- 14.76 a,» °weer

a.Lne •.05 _-- 27.60

D▪ omino ___ •55 Flee °Met 00 Flee A Tea 14.•• ✓enal ____ 7.50 Gold Medal 17.50 IlIgh Nand_ 15.05 Ni Liu ___ 11.50 Nee Metals 17.50 LIne 19.60


Manhattan -11 0.50 Man-m-the-

Moon __ 950 Match..-0101 14.75 Par Calf _ 12.50 Pay Day __ 49.50 Plants ___ 1750 Poole. _ 27.50 Rely Poly - 2240 Rockellte ebb Maple Transit •.75 Scrimmeee - 14.00 Scream __ 14.00 Mar LIM - 7.50 I',,,. Shot-- 49.50 Spit Flee _ 5.50 Spot PAY - 5.41 Tackle -___ 14.50 Top Nat __ 2250 Tornado -- S3.00 Touch OR - 25.50 Treasure

Hunt --- 15.50 Wine LIM - isso

Licessit Balance O. O. D.


Carnival Merchandise

New Corn Game Items

Pitchmen's Specialties

Premium Goods

Latest in Novelties WRITE FOR CATALOG.




SCIEnTIFIC nincHint CORP 1072 wri_nn-ric Five


AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 123 June 27, 1936

Our Credit Plan hag belped many ope rator to act Int. the real inoncy • . . you can punkone our lacehon ttttt d «tontine Same. On cenernient paymenta and gel edurseit a s0asend han•rali • •

the laic*, and best games at no increase in prices. VIIIITS TODAY • . . AS1( fOlt CRE.017!

MERICAS clitcAclo.


936 gre HIC.1-11,NOC en

gayribe Held h epee.

Atlas Novelty Headquarters For Out-of-Town Operators CH/CA00, June 20.—Atlas Novelty

Corporation han been a yern.able bee-hive of activity for the last few weeks. Hundreds nf operators from thrisout the Middle West have made the !Wag firm their Chicago headquarters. According to Monde Ginsberg. one 03 the firm. new and used gaines have been literally pouring out of their plant. The Atlas firm. direct factory repre-

sentatives for the Stoner Corporation and the Western Equipment nod Supply Company, are featuring all the winners from all the manufacturers. The Atlas Pittsburgh office also features gamest from every manUfaetUrer. Ho.. .ever. they have recently been appointed direct Lac-tory repmnentatives Tor the .T. P. Bee.. burg Corporation, featuring the complete line of Seeburg Symphonola automatle phonographs and the Serhorg Ray-o-Lite electrical eye shooting device. The






EXTRA SPECIAL 1 TYCOON . .......... $89.50

MAMMOTH ....... 37

DE LUX 46 ......... 37 50

TRAFFIC A ......... 14.50

ROCKETS--Brown Cabinet • . ...... 9.95

PUNCHETTES ....... 8.50

A.B T. WAGON WHEELS ......... 8.50

RAMBLER .......... 49.50

BIC FIVE—IR. Er SR- . 34.50


Down, Balance C. O. D.





.l.tr 0Cear . .... ... . eas 00 +LI; Joanna £.00

67 so %Ço RA LOOK A 82 NO moo 4/4 00 ACO RED RAILS 67 50 0 Rus/4 15 00 »EDE 17 50

32.58 sa ..... . . 0 ..,,uti484R—All


N.. tw

Pittsburgh office is also direct factory rpresentatives for the Western Equip-ment and Supply Company and the Stoner Corporal ton. The Pitt nhurgh branch is tinder the direct aUperadrann end management of Phil Greenberg. whose experience in the automatic field goes back many years.

The emcee/is 'dory of the Atlas Novelty Corporation 1501Mds like another lloracio Alger tale. Storting In hu ,:nere tint quite two years ago. they have built up one of the most outstanding distributing organizations In the country. Starth14 from scratch, their field of operaUon„. now coverts the entire nation.

Birmingham Business Booms BIRMINGHAM. Ala., June 20.—Mai

and Harry litireleh. owners of the Bir-mingham Vending Company, this city. report that they expect a busy summer with the many new machines which they are featuring. as 'sell as with the bock -Ois Multi-Selector. Max reports: "Many visitors to our

neadquartern have beer. impressed with toe way we are rushed for delivery of the new gantes and also the number et the new Rock-Ola multi-Selector phonos that we have been selling-

"Regardless of how busy we are the operators who visit lift alWays remark on the fine manner they are treated. We have established a department for all the operators thruout the South to semi in their problems and we give them Im-mediate answers. Msny tunes we go to the expense of wiring to those men who need answers Immediately and we al-

check up before wc make any bug-gestions." The boys feel that this summer will be

the busiest of their careers in this lc-oustry clue to the great number of tic Rock -Ola phonos they have been selling and the great number of advance orders which they have already taken for il ----'r MiLiele machines. They hase been devot-ing is lot of their time to getting Inree operations of these phonon started in their territory and the general belief Is to the effect that If they kern this up they will have created a record for sales in the South. At the same time they nro uninmatly

busy with the new games and are tie Mg these to their Customers as fast an they eats.

Hannah Petersen Resigns CHICAGO. June 20.—Hannah Peter-

son, in charge of the vending mar:blue department of the Pan-Confection fac-tory here, has resigned her position to tnke an extended vacation. Miss Peterson boa been associated with the firm for more than five years and is very popular with the trade, due to her fine person-ality and helpful knowledge of the bust-lies,. Mine Peterson will 'spend her vacation

visiting relatives in Michigan, after which she will travel to Vancouver. El C., nod Seattle and then for a boat trip to Alaska. Ted Thomas will replace Miss Peterson

as numnFter of the vending machine de-partment, it Wan atilioUriCad by C. A. Clerlach, sales manager.

McClelland in Chicago From L. A. on Quick Trip 'CHICAGO. June 20.—Jack MeClellend,

geneial director of the National Amuse-ment Company of Los Angeles. spent a foot and eventful visit of a day and • half in Chicago this week. Most of his time was spent at the

Rock -(Slit plant with Jack Nelson. it •ck-Oln newel gale, manseer. nnd other Rock-Ola executives checking on de-


"America's New ai-- Bowling Game fl!l ie

noLL •re :ALL












• Call • Write

• Wire

LOCATION-TESTED . already a proven sen-sational profit-earner! Absolutely legal . . . can be operated In closed pin game ternntrory. Portable , . . completely electrically control:ed.

skill game. Nine wood balls for Sc. Registers number of plays and winning scores. Flashing arrang^rneht of scoring liens. Coln-°mated; no levers; no plun,ers. 12 ft. or 14 It. long by 29 Ira. wide. An indoor or outdoor

money-maker! Immediate delivery—No Delay.

Rush request for photo and full detals.





WUNLITZER'S P12 --------11111111.00 RIILLS SINGLE JACK POT. will. GABLE .ine.. eniv.ilso 59.10 JANNI11011 VICTORIA ell:: aseLe MODEL 4.8.4. IMADOSR. Ni

na nic. cabinets 148.50 Re444.4.

. All Mao., i.e. p.1‘.. 11,• WRITE IOW Base a SARUM. IILITS.


11 LI 'Id

m n n 455 /Eat 42nt St hffhe«3-0468 C

NEWEST JUMBO BOARD ON THE MARKET 1.000 Made A Pall Posed. Made In Pfieln, CI,arctta, Money and

1151e 11411114.441

Price Only $1.50 Alta Corwal Antrnattc Sain ard NOA

ii I 1 ̀i

'CENTRAL PRESS. 425 Market SI, Philadelphia, Pa.

ELIMINATES SERVICE CALLS.. ELECTROPAK always works, once installed requires

no further attention. ELECTROLOK 24-hour guardian of your cash box; in-

stantly cuts off power when tilted or tampered with


46 RI GI-1-1" F.F2. I CE " P. S.—CA Our Price, Bi-fore Bwitrig Elsewhere,


Rock-010 t.ro.iticts and mit-lining future roles plane aa Rock-Ola ellatributod in Los Angeles.

McClelland left the Rock -Ola plant highly enthusiastic over present •nd future sales poseihIlities -They trice some wonderful things ar Rnek-Ola.'. he said, "and I know the National Amuse-

ment Company is SollIC to continuo tiotng a big sales job for those great products."

"It was sure great to find my oil friend Jack Nelson all e-tablished at n,,,k-Ols." McClelland went on. »ADO I have assured him of my 100 per cent oo-operatiOnl"

12.1 ItiMotet! AMUSEMENT MACHINES Inn, 27. 19:ó

• I ,


bi • `,;:b



F. O resew»












PR * First and only

$ 6 0 Attrological Ma-chine selling un- it

PER MACHINE der $300.

Earning Tmmendous Profits from COMf to Coast.




PIN NALL MACHINES. DELUXE 44. mlyinal case. A-1. 139 715, USED. 5, 7.. %TA/SLITS. CHEER LEADER. orbbnal mem. 524 76: Umd. 51,75. Gold Ruth, $23.00: Sollarim Ut,. Um, Ma 73 afm.. Cteea. S19.715; UM Fro. br., 2 or S ball. 659 50: Alkenman, as, aerl. new rample. sag SO: Slop "Em UP. ram. 113e 00: UoM Meek- Am., 17.50: Cannon Ohm Jr., 55.00; CO,. C•flontI, non TIII•141.17,fff. A•1,515.75. Orwildro 15c Mob mom. briers. C. O. 0. All 2.0.0 Alernonis


Perms Will Wm recast on Rrohmr-



IS_BRAW POKER •. Ask yourself."Is draw poker good?" A Noniron

sure winner as a pin game! Player shoots 5 bolls ... then draws up to 5, simply by pushing "-DRAW BUTTONS" as illustrated.

:Game' plays one pair, two pairs, three-of-a-

kind, straight, full house, and fours. So wish no more...' BALL answers your

' prayer for a game that players all know and like.

One they will be playiny

yaat Porn now/

1 L— Order yours to-day, start

cashing in now.


McCall Novelty Opens Quarters in St. Louie ST. LOUIS. June In —McCall Novelty

Company. located at 2230 Pine street, la the latest to join the ranks of Ms-tribUtore and jobbers in the Mound City. A. McCall is president and general man-ager of the firm, and M. R. James la aaeletant manager. Thu firm carries a complete line of

pin games, phonographs, automatics and slots and maintains an efficient staff of mechanics in its workshop. The McCall Company features the fact

that the office hour's are from 8 a m. until 12 pm. daily and from 10 am. until 5 p.m. on Sundays, enabling the operators to call at its headquarters at their convenience. According to Mr. Mc-Call, his personnel numbers 18 men and the company has seven truclui and serv-ice care in operation. James, ea.:Intent manager, was until recently with the A. B. C. Games company. thia city. reeign-ing from that firm to join Mr. McCall McCall Is located conveniently, being within walking distance of the Union Station in St. Louis.

Motor-Driven Payout Unit Feature of Gottlieb Games

CRICACIO. June 20.—D. Clottlieh and Company announce that all Gottlieb gainei, with the exception of Sunshine lineeball, are now offered with the Gott-lieb motor-driven payout unit na stand-ard equipment. The unit has been on the market 30 days end the compli-mente received DO IILT have been highly gratifying. The payout unit does away with Inac-

curate, jammed payouts. Ait a payout Is scored on a seine the unit Immediately grew to work and disburees the exact amount In split seeOnda. Fatter and surer, the unit is quickly taking IN place as one of the outstanding coin matinne innovntiona of today Dave Gottlieb Kaye that the unit la

powered with a motor strong enough to carry much more than the utual load given to a partait unit and yet Is eco. nomical to operate.

iler.itute of the exceptional reetrionao to this feature the Gottlieb factory la working at capacity in order to produce the number at tints required to install

on all the Deily Rarest, FenCe Buster and Broker's 'Tip machines being shipped daily.

Fishlove Featuring Campaign Novelties CHICACIO. June 20.—Everybody's talk-

ing politics it rieeme, but no matter which candidate wins H. Plehlove and Con-nany, manufactilirra of minimal novelties, are going to be ahead. Their new campaign noveltlea. Lucky Jumbo and Happy Donkey, are 'Staring a hit wherever shown. The two novelties are something dif-

ferent, being made of Whricted WDOel brightly colored with a head that 171,,(21. A park of matehea i held on their back. with-h gives these premiums utility in addition to their comic appeal. Stores and pitchmen in Cleveland and Phila-delphia. convention cities, are reported to have reoreleied time and time again.

Socko Soccer!

CHICAGO. June 20.—The following telegraphic account reveals the surcese the Weston Novelty Company, London. England. has had with the 0-M Lab-oratories' Soccer Genie:

...February 17—Ship as many Soccer', as poseibIe on the Majestic—Weston Novelty Company: February 10—Under. stand 70 Soccer. sailed on the Majestic Thursday. Ship another 190 on the Arita-tanla next Wednesday. flood lurk: Reti-ring!, 25—Ship 100 Soccer. nn the ner-eased& March 4. Elhly another 100 on the Auultoina March II. Ihrw is that tor the nr‘t day of the convention.— Tony Ciamparro; March 1—Soccer going well. Increase order for shipment of March 11 to 150. Further order 125 ship-ment March 13: April 30—Have just delivered our 1000th Soccer now. What about It? Cheerio—Major Pella Sump-eon: May 13—Please ship further 100 Peareera Wire when we can ship. It..

—Weetnn Novelty Company; Mar 15—The directors and staff of the W.'.. ton Norelty Company want to thank Mac, Partons. Bradt. Jim and staff for the splendid job you have made of Soccer. We have not had a cingle failure and in my opinion we have not finithed vet. Congratulations. — Major Felix Sampson." •



OUT TABLES Hells Dent 1110.00 S,OrtSIT.I1 I lam mededil 10.07 Liberty Hell (10 balll 10.00 Treanor Ship (I ball) 10.00 Plus A MMus 11 ball) 10.00 Raebet 7.50 PM 'N. TM. OM mariada) ,. 1200 Am —,. _ AS Or Promector SC Electric Redfla ben ......_ sa OM Casino -_ ------ ------- r( Sunshm• Darby G Ton Orand _ es .t, EXIIIIIIT'll Foollseill, Demballe Ronan. (10 ball oarnutsr...._ 27 30 Whirlpool '10 ball ticket) --- 27.60

111-Z-Vds Stool lialarRet 45.00 1/3 Drama. Italenro CI. 0. D.,

F. O . II. 311Inairkre. NEW GAINES—G.4 Our Prient

MILWAUKEE COIN MACHINE CO. 3725 W. (enter St, Mdwaukee Wis.



PROFIT With TM, 0,-a

Arad Le. Worn wale.

Ifialkr.f3tad• More:MM.

Ic ....board. C. m No. 0110.

$3.65 C"-ar..r". Send for Out New Bargain CIRCULAR.

Full of Many New

lc -2c aid Si Salesbogd Assortments

LEE-MOORE & CO. 152 Waal Adam. St.. ONIC1 60


Jane 27. 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES Tiro Billboard 125

FENCE BUSTER "Gottlieb's New Baseball Payout"


SameIhnla new en bane:will Player acts es manager at one or more baseball teams out lo win the clIernpionshlp Pays for Chant-r.norHapp. Runner-Up and Tb.,.] Place. Odd, up to 40-I. mechsn.tally ad,,,table tor tight or léberal wean's. Just wad end tee what thn remarkable beseball game does for YOU when you put it to bat in your roughest spots!

beautiful Duo•Tone Cabinet . rneawre, SO .' long by 27 - w.JJ.


We also highly recommend the following Automatic Games. SUNSHINE B•whall_11 90 nO i RELIANCE $119.50 I HrALEA11 . 1130.00 BROKERS TIP .. . 125 00 ALANO lease I MULTIPLE .. 142.00 BAMBINO . . . 123 on DAILY RAGES : 125.00 SKY HIGH 99.60 GEE WHIZ (Coun.) 19 SO ottAND SLAM . ._ . 127 On RA Y•S TRACK -- 800.00

THE NEWEST HITS IN PIN GAMES srg rio I FINANCE S33 50 NEIGHBORS .... $30710 50 GRAND .. 69.60 ranee.)

MAD CAP 47.50 47.00 oto IS Ban) .. 50.00 GREAT GUNS 02.50


. , xigiao i HORSES I nuedw ri . R sta. SALLY HAT t1r1..517 50


CHINES AT THESE LOW FIGURES ACTION. tar. S 5.00 FIVE A TEN SIP, no SIGNAL. near, I 3.00 IWAOON . .0 TIT.FOR-TAT 7.00 BEAM LITE $.00 LUCKY 111,41-: ... «-.-... 15.00 Titi.o.LITes ___-- 5.00 BLUE 0 iBBON, tte play 2.00 SINK OR avner::... 3.00 TORPEDO __---- 20 00 CRISS CROSS. Plain. SPITFIRE - - .. 1100 TRICKS. unall ---..-- 10.00

sc play enII 3.00 STAR LITE - --....... 300 TRICKS. Inc. ---«- IS 00 DEALER 3.00 ECREASIO - 12.50 ZOOM -.-. 15.00 SIGNAL. lame.........-. boo

ONE BALL AUTOMATIC PAY TABLES BALLY DENNY TION ET PANIC.___1170 00 PALoOK AS SENIOR (111to nee). RALLY DERBY, &Poloist Money__ 00.00 SH•loht Morny 199 00 nALLY BONUS, Stralobt Money ____ 05.00 SUNSHINE DERBY, Stringht Meow_ 9/3 00 SALLY ...... SI. Oneek Separator KEENEY DOUBLE SCORE. Stradobt

or Strelont Meney 00.00 Mon.y 00.00 RALLY JUMBO. Straight alonre-__... 45.00 KEENEY IVORY COLE (I ball).

511•19111. Money 30.00 In rerletIng wart world/lc, oA to nt. 0-,,, In or ne rio, 1.1 ...Ind and worlp.1 of Whmeent wetob.: AIT ',Morn moht be arnanu•ninl by I .3 deHeir ii, r ', Het elurTli, nod. Of money order. Prompt yew ern ousrAnteel. (kw rerernI loerihm Ion., a .-" , le tr. ,•rtt II. (night or err.O. Arr...

%ouzel-F.111 • - - - WIRE!!! - - - - PII-táNEtt1

MORRIS NOVELTY CO. 4505 Manchester, St. Louis, Mo. Phono F ..... In 0767.

S • I' tir in« Expands Euro, Monnpolee will leave long life. the =ricer,' state. The game Lena designed

primnrily to be a steady income pro-Factory Facilities Clucer for a long period of time. Be-came, of the build-up play et atonopelee.

NEWARK. N. J.. June 20.-D. M. Stein. the player seldom drops in just a few berg, secretary-treamtrer of the Stirling Coing and then walks away. 'rho player's Novelty Company. Inc., thin city. an. Interest is Increased with every play.

bounces that concurrently with the sr- All win heirs pay IC conta However. rival of Leslie G. Anderson as general after most of the holes are made the

aides manager this coming Week, ItTrange second and succeeding timen, they pay Menta have been made to tenso a factory off greater amounts until a mortgage

outside of Newark with 50.000 square feet hole Is made. Then the player starts

of floor apace for production purposes. all over again buying "property." In. interest Shown by distributers, operators stead of having the app.! all wrapped and jobbers In the compony's up in Hurt one play, Monopolee builds up mousement machina, h. made It nee.-

DRY to increase the present production

faclitim of 15.000 square feet In Newark. Company, with it. new factory In pro-betIon within the next two week... will

pe able to take care of all orders on hand ne the Increase business anticipated reause of tales promotion activities hich will be Inaugurated Immediately.

ieago Coln Offers unratttee on Sionopolee CHICAGO. June 20.-Chicago Coln

tmirporation announces a new guarantee lb its one-ehot payout game. Monopolee.

eY urge operators to try Monopole° at Sn Chicago Coin's own risk. If they

re not completely .ttafied after 10

vs they may return the games and the II Purchase price will be refunded. •ere are no strings attached to this of.

!r whateriever. It ta an iron-clad guar.. tee, the firm says.

Officials of the Chicago Coln Corpor-

ori say that they are ao completely Usried with reports from operators

be have Monopole. on location, that ev feel secure In making a liberal

srantee. As Meted by a member of

Inni. Operators are not Interested in

11Thoo about a game nor talk of big flllitjng what they wont to know is

xr the Fame wal do for them. Chicago la permIte them to find out and at

1r1igo Coin's expense. Chirac° Coin feels confident that

arpnlee will prove Itself a /niecea on and that extremely few, if

7. uperatora will have orciedon to so-n" their purchase.. Because of Ma Unlque "play egoln“ fey.

the interest to such s point where the player dare not leave the machine with-

out feeling that In the next allot he'd click.

Monopolee is de luxe thruout and It le housed in an attractive checkered cab-

inet with a beautiful light-up reek. It comes equipped with elretropak and at no extra cost to the operator.

Practically all mechanisms of Monop-

olee, with the exception of the power Unit and the payout unit, are conven-

iently mounted on the door of the back

reek. When HIM door is lowered, the operator has all the vital electrical parte

at hie finger tips, with all parta labeled.

Thus ger/IfIng, when and If necessary. Is minlmierd.

Chicago Coin's new payout unit used in Mormpolee is an improved motor-driven type, has been thoroly tested nrci engineered and hag been acclaimed as one of the finest In Its class. Tried and

tested for a long period of time, it has

proved to be dependable and trouble-free.

Because the Chicago Coin's plant Is In

full production on Monopole., Immediate

delivery is ensured.

American-Southern Expands NEW ORLEANS, June 20 -American-

Southern Coin Machine Company, which

Malted In business at 507 Baronite Street here two and one-half months ago. ham been forced by Increased bu. .l t

move to larger quarters at 840 Poydrais street. New display rooms are ideally

located Palward P. Rodriguer. and James P. Tnlion, who operated In Nov

Orleans for a ntunber of years. are owner. of the ADMICIIR•BOUthern arm.


SUNSHINE BASEBALL SUNSHINE BASEBALL is a en. ball estew ntatk payout at a e.,:ce far below its

true valwri Player can leave odds

stand or has one opportundy to

change them by successfully li.t.

t.ng i'Change Odds- pecker.

leading Major and Miner

League teams are represent-

ed. Pays 2-1 for Cellar

position and up to 40-1

for League Champion-

ship. Pennant Winner and Serle•

Winner, Mystery Payout Hob, pro-vide add.t,onal

thrill.. Order now!

11M raw. el N or artten 55 • Hero/ nwo•a f • • t, bill . . . the rnn.1 generous -...

1eirball pat. Oet bel•Ine e real glens . . . nut field. Ditch your loeatInn Muhl Into big

money with Sunthle• DarthaIII


2 ball May, USOwere, a ball play. $10 Game. 510 Nam: Ontea Seawater, Sti

battery elealeo-

pat. Sb extra. D. C Adaptepat, 110

D. GOTTLIEB & CO., 2136-42 N. Paulina St, Chicago •

HEADS or TAILS Coanter Sensation of the rrar

It's Different Fun To Play

Profitable to Operate Not Complicated

Operators, Jobbers. Distributors, write for territory and particulars.

"Thi• House of Serrici."

COIN AMUSEMENT SUPPLY CO. 1 353 Sylvania Arc., Toledo, Ohio,

USED MACHINE SALE-REAL BARGAINS 21 .1 . .. S n ao I JUSTICE $17.50 I SCORE A•LITC 5 3.45 NEIGHBORS 32.60 I fluor:Era 30 00 I DEALERS

83.90 •.55 INTERNATIONAL CHECKERS 5 STAR BALL CUM-112.00 per Case (Gate 1 °LOBES toe All Meechandlae Sillschlesetko.

Carnal.. 10,000 10,000 Bells.) MODEL No e. 11, P Om

1/3 Drounll With Order, 13•Ionce O. 0. D_ Or Cast. With Orage.-2% Olsoeunt. WRITE FOR PRICES ON ALL USED MACHINES. NEST BUYS IN U. IL


BUDIN'S SPECIALTIES, Inca 174 S.Portland Ave. BROOKLYN. N. Y. Tel Newns 11.7523.

LOW COST ELECTROPAK lowest first cost, no replacements,

low current cost.

ELECTROLOK cheapest cash box protection avail-able.


126 The111..mrd AMUSEMENT MACHINES June 27, 1936

J I Theeip,,,, g#0 Ge rive 4) ,t4„),




• 2 Balls in same colored pockets pay as high as 50c — any I ball

in $11.00. $1.50, $2.00 pockets automatically pay out the highest

amount . new, sustained action ... deluxe 22" x 48" cabinet ...

beautiful illuminated backboard . . . WESTERN'S NEW MOTOR DRIVEN PAYOUT UNIT ,

Immediate Delivery •

$99.50 ili•lhnil1t or Stentor Un...ert•. Optional. Ch•cli S•p•raio• SS 00


$109.50 t-


Ben Palastrant Is Exclusive `Eye'Distrib in New England BOSTON. June 20.—ben D. Palusti ant.

Of SW...need! Vending Company of New England. Ine., has been granted the ex-clusive distributorship of the Electric Eye machine of Exhibit Supply company. Chicago, for the New England States. Ben claims axles there have been

booming for this machine Since he brought it back with him from Chicago. Beh feria that title Is the game that

the operators have been seeking nod feele that the territory will find it to be ono of the greatest money makers It has ever enjoyed. Due to the lack of pin games in this

territory at this time. Ben reports, the operators are going for the Electric E)e in a big way. He believes that the first carloads to arrive will be placed on loca-tion within 24 hours.

Eleetropnic Standard Equipment DETROIT. June 20.—Electrical Products

Company, Dir., reporta that Re power unit, the Eleetropak. la recognized tito:-out the industry today as standard equipment.

atnnufacturere of Importance are fea-turing the Eleetropak with their ma-chines as part of the game Itself. Op-erators. jobbera and distributors thruout the country have also created a tremend-ous demand for the Electropals• to be featured on all games.

Operator.. aererding to A. B. Chereton. president of Electrical Products Com-pany, Inc.. are nreponsible for the adop-tion of the Electropak as standard equip. ment by many of the leading mnnufar-fusers. due to the fact that they dis-covered that the unit will save them thousands of dollars yearly. The Electrical Products Company of-

',chile belle., that their Adeptopak will also soon attain the etandard equipment stage. Many leading manufacturers are now

featuring the Adaptopek on their nin-chines The latter unit tramforma DC to AC. and is therefore invaluable to many operators thrurnit the country.

Coin Men Gather At Rork-Ola Plant cruenoo. 311110 20.—AS ueual, the

Rock -Ola plant was the meeting place this week for prominent coin machine men from every part of the country. Jerk McClelland. National Amusement

Company. LOS Angeles. spent most of his one-and-a-half-clay stay visit in Chicago nt the Rock-Ola factory. Lou W.Icher. well-known head of Advance Automatic Sales Company. San Francisco, was in Chicago at the same time, and wart also neen at the Rork-Ola plant a great deal of the time. Another Important Rock -Ola visitor

was Sam Kresherg and partner. Bill Goetz. owners of the Capitol Atatomatie Mu,le Company, New York—exclualve cliatributors in that territory of Rork-Ole products. feresberg and Goetz closed Several big deals for Rock-Ola products while in Chicago. Upon their return to New York they were accompanied to the Municipal Airport by D. C. Rockola, Jack Nelson and L P. Webb. They took a fast plane back to New York.

Bill Schmidt. well-known Wisconsin operator and dietributor. hurried Into the Rock-Ola plant this week to piare some more orders for Alamo—which. be says.

A new 5.052 Combination. Taclunt numberal 101.11$. Radula? Par Style.

10e PLAY. Take. In farm ii2.•1.00 132.00 13.W 01 lit r. In Joek r..t Acbrilic 28.00

P...0“? Prat% $ •7.50 Far Sc pi•si tht lame award. PM wad on Me Joo5 pet card. Vote. in S I .2.1111--/lnt• iict PO non pay n•II on 0.1k twit ratal ate., 126.00 .Attrate loiti i125 110—b0 Aral Jai, 1...1 a-e npernnt. IlamPie deal comolete. 11 3.75 tax paid. • Deal. corceles.. 20.00 tax paid.


is going en' at RUM In Ills territory. A. J. La Beau. progressive St. pant dit.

tributor. also hurried to Chicago this week to confer with Rock-Ola officials en deliveries and future distributing plans on Rock-Ola prcducta.

Tony Ciasparro, of the Weston Novelty Company. London. was keenly interested in his recent trip thru the Bock -Ola plant. Mr. I:brunette, stated that he had never realized that the coin machine industry could bonst such a tremendous and impressive institution as Rock-Ole.

New Gillen Addition NEW YORK, June 20.--13am Cletlen.

Pastern representative for the Mills Nov-elty Company, announces the addition of an eight-pound boy. Louis M. Cletlan. The United Automatic Sales Company

was the arene for a celebration for the event and Sam declares that he will seen have a news picture of the newcomer for release.


NEW OFFICER AND IHSPLAY ROOMS or THE lifeCALL NCit' EL rl. PANS'. lefrat distributors and 1,, bh....9 to enter the eoin niacin inc field in Se. fonts Photo shows roar of the /eaten truck. in use by the firm in ISS Duets., of fobbing and operating.

lane 27, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 127




$49.50 I TICKET MODEL $131.511

1 Ornai, A 15e Clemette Machlry.. Gum ar tl Menus Menblren. end Sr.)... le »admen te Me O...-res, Will, tor cur Ccrnebne Catew , Now and Wed Verealn• and Annnernent 91,.eb,....

D.RoBB1Ns & rn 1141-5 05K YAL5 BRO LN.14.Y. Steam Money


BOX SCORE! Made In four beautiful colors with a $10.00 top.

Arcrage payout.

600 Holes. Takes In $30.00 Average Payout 14.04 Average Profit

Price with easel, SI.64 plus 101, tat.

Write for 1936 Catalog!

GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY ,4.. 02 W 3.27 Here .*.

IA. PA 4111 South Well, Strut.

CHICAGO. ILL. 1355 A E. Mr. Ameba.


227 IL Pena, Street. SAN ANTONIO. TEX. 22 West 234 Street NEW YORK, N. T. 245 Marlette Street ATLANTA. GA.

3502', MK Inky Street. TACOMA. WASH. .ç/AI



eft. SIGNAL 995 TEN GRANO SOTO LITE (IStets ) 995 '

HOLLYW000 (Meer temblem) 50.00 LICIIITHINO 4.95 TORPEDO I Fleet Sernoten) .. .... 32.50 A , Alacklme Guarantee« to be Rndy to Plam en teen... ,,. Tarns. 1/3 CHM *Kb Oren.

Saban. C. is. 0.. F 0. U. BerrnInebant,

PAY YA111.7.21 PUT •N TAKE 514.95 DO OR DON'T 14.95 GOLD RUSH 14.95 ACE 29.95 IIIIISTEPIT 5 39.99 ATI.11.15210 20.00 DELUXE 45 29.95 9191111,10TH 39.95 GIANT 20.95


Lint "Word" in Your Letter to Advertisers, "Billboard".

Tops Them Al!! 'BARREL of FUN' Low Ball Tri-Pots

(Copyrighted 1935 By Cam Sole. Co.)

Most Sensational Money Getter in Years

WE sit» 'main it $235«





10 Cents per coupon

205 &weds

Average profit

, $45.00

Me ea 1=1

( Lam. Sall TH.Pme

Rel ••.• U., •••-•in tee,.

I c•.”. n• 11.711.••••••



Ravel of Furl Low Ball Trl has 1836 vorraons which lakes on 5183.00 and glows Sva,age Drell of 45.00

Bonatide operators and distnbutors mr ,tefc, pf ,cc ,.

GAM SALES CO. Mant.lart,orers o

123 Th.0 Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES June 27, 1936


..iiii'eitta.:ï.11..e:.t..is._.i• • a s• 1

-14DYS eolims/ tio$2,,cm IC>Cly in petoefrs. DOES ANYTHING ANY $500 00 RACE HORSE MACHINE WILL DO


SANDY S HORSES is a small dynamic game that embodies all of the thrills of a 550000 race horse machine. Tho insertion of o coin (or coins) and the press of the handle set six horses in motion around circular track Chang-ing odds aro automatically established a split second after start of race Winning horse "locks in position- in front of judges stand.

Six coin chutes enable any number of persons from one to six to play at one timo, each hav-ing the option of playing pennies, nickels. dimes or quarters Marvelous player appeal and a TAKE of 40 insure BIC STEADY PROFITS. Sturdy. jam-proof. cheat-proof mech• unison Repeats impossible as every play a different length spin Beautiful cabinet A MONEY-MAKER DELUXE IN ANY LOCA-TION ,djujesrCipkiride&



LwraTul. n



Dimas 8


1 eecon, ••• - • "ye -

e .

of ¡O f mud»





mdactumfOni09 GREAT STATES M FG. COMPANYK 1601-3-5-7-9 East 39th Street KANSAS CITY MISSOURI

OM Moot e




AMORTArr :Ain • SEW= CO. corr=r-smiressno co

Euenorry salOWCOLS IICAls CO

conr-lCol r.TWL-171.0 CO •-••••••••••

A. I. •Al.in CO


°MATO. sionnson r..


11.3 SAL. COWAN.

4Tertrl• ARM:HEM CO.


orsnm• eso noo054 co.


Sitel03.4r .000.3 CO

TIC T▪ OO.. mine. ces

na P4*5105CC

con'tsems «oic.- NAOMI c-C,




nrcnio mu. CO.

ILAAt P.M01.06 wro




t j.


OPERATE FOR CASH OR TRADE Tbe No.! lawlattlna ¿WM of lbw oga, A. trade srarmlator overact. 523.130 and aver In one bee, .III• 33'5 lo /We loon,.

nesrhaff. POOL RACK . F... draw-n,: alnot by numb., 114.W.11 pool Iklrels 1•116 16 club, tar lite not. P.O oupply co band, Annttre weal ren.atInn of the tat -

too:. 1001 emIL b., Hearts In alem• Lr ehnelwo •ny and. Ur nutting the web It toll put the •InnOw nwoha ALL PItIo•I›

L II I /3 with (»dn. Italanro C. O.

,o look. 113 no olniksitr4sTli Wm. I T A TANI:. 57,50 11.4•13‘71, Bateau!:

Irclay 04 prin. on to-lt•t• weal. It•ek..



United Amusement Co. Eyel,.1114 DletrIbotara

1425 Na. *MUM AW. CHICAGO.

Teem.: 1-3 Deposit, Bal. TICKET GAMES C.O.D., F.O.B. Chloado. PLAY BALL

NATIONAL COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE, "°70111=4..1'11. Ply« With the Lawm New Gana. Ma Your Name on Our Udall ra List


SALLY magus _asset, weenteci6i. moo SUNSHINE VVVVV -- 55.00 PIN GAMES 10511110 44.00 DITTO 524.00 MAMMOTH DE LUXE .n45. lt:00 III 00 aLITE 15 00 [loop. BALL 51100 GINGER 17,00 PROSPECTOR 3550 BANKER 16.00 RODEO. 1 Sall 2450 HI-HAND 14 00 SONARES I Ball ---- 24.50 FIVE • TEN ____ 14.00

VARSITY.t la 15.00 SALI, PAN 12.00 STAMPED SE SO SAO 13 00

CARIOCA 14.00 IMO OA« 10.00 PUT •/11. TAKE 14.00 le IN«........10.00

SINOS OF THE TURF. 5.00 WILLIAM Tell ._. •.00 CRISS Memos LIT« - - - 7.00


10.1 Ice Cntntralt. flS0Qttl. Chant/Inn odd, pay foam 2.20.

3 coin rIcar far each of 10 Fain. A sonsatIowal Ten, • ‘•41410. $ 19 25 F. O. IL CA, is,

GROETCHEN MFG. CO., Olz etouc=" '

Jerry Kuhn Acquires All Onootanding Stancor Stock CHICA00. June 20.-Standard Trans-

former Corporation. one of the leading

manufacturers In the treneforrner In-

dustry. la on 1/1Inola corporation or.

ganizecl in 1030 by ./nrollte J. Kahn. C. R.

Slisrat and two other financially In-

terNted Individuals not actively en.

gaged in the management of the com-pany.

Kahn and Sluant were recognized

leader. In the trarinformee Industry.

having been active in the organlration

...I Progress of the Transformer Cor-

poration of Anirrles w1.1Ie in the Hens-

former manufacturing business. and having severed their connections with

TCA on that corporarlon's advent Into,

the set business Kahn ha* been the

active head of Stancor from It. begin-

ning. and Le accredited with being re.

sponsible, to a large degree, for the

present merchandleing plates on replace-ment parta-having introduced the "ex.

act duplicate' idea to the Industry.

/n announcing his owneralelp of all

Enamor stock, ho acquaints u• with

the feet that !Harlem's McIntire are

among the coUntry's best and moot com-pletely equipped trartsformer plant,. On

traosformer production, built to menu-

facturen specifications. Stancor Is serv-

ing NATE, of the country's targeted net

manufacturers, as well as having a most

extraordinary jobber setup on replace-

ment parts. Stameor SISO makes a line

of power devices for the electrIfleation

of pin garner.

Calculi Publication Ready FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. June 20-Joe

Calcutta'a new coon machine publication. Tile !ark Pot. made its debut this week.

It consists of 48 pages. Is small In elec.

done in two colors and contain, many interesting nesve items and features for


The feature article In this issue is by

Joe Calmat end deals with future event,.

In the industry. The publication I. be-

ing malted free to •II protean:mud coin

machine operators and customers of thm norm.


SPECIALS NEW TIT TAT TOES I., °memo c sletam.1 11.60 015.00 1 USED AAAAA guanaco's

Will, Roaster* 14.00

U-SIFX) COUNTER GAMES TIT.TAT.TOE • 750 TIT.TAT.T011. whit RogItlae ---... II 60 AAAAA PACK 7.40 MOLD AND DRAW 11 .00 0[M . blank lath 131045,... 0.00 TIONETTE. Mills WAGON WHEELS 1.00

10 00 SLACK MAGIC. Rmailla 16 00 01INT.A•PAOK 6.00 JUNIOR MINO SIX. JR. SWEEPIITA K «Woe. can. 500 SELECT •EM 0110E 360 COLD RUSH 1500

113 tereesits Ammer O. O. O.


t 00


POKER ROLM» eats Fro S Inclus-5 inn po,

Plaths-Doemla--Mtenan .cally 51051

$95.00 Cocos Island


AMERICAN FLYERS A H•nd.Oonoellod Still Oanw and a Pr,. on Merey Getter. Look It One tor 1034


FOR SALE Faeroes • !tent, fun rue STAt FA ,:, ..... Flat 00. 15 fat eoruldRe. s5n

AAAAAAA Parrsoirle 577 'emote...Oa Ara. ereardra.

hut, 27, I 936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 129


There's Long Life and Consistent Earning Power in


Length, 14 ft.

Width. 29 In.

Height at Rear.

6 ft. 2 in.

Weight 355 lb.


525 lbs.

SKEE ROLL Skee Roll is the result of 20 years experience in the amusement device business. It has been improved

according to operators' recommendation and adapted for heavy duty under all kinds of operating conditions.

Skec Roll has been tested on every type of location with uniformly successful results. Shea Roll is en-tirely mechanical in oper ation w ith no electrical experiments 10 cause trouble. You need a game that will really do the job. Place your order for Shoe Roll at once.

Get the original 3 dimensional bowl-ing game that everyone can play and enjoy. Entirely automatic-the player

does everything himself SKEE ROLL

requires no ballyhoo. The set-up and

the players furnish the flash that

draws the crowds. Legitimate iri

every way. 9 balls for Sr gives eve, player his money's worth. The com-

petitive value is great. Players can easily watch one another's scores 3nri will vie with each other sometime.,

for hours, thereby inducing the greatest repeat play ever known In a

coin-operated amusement device, If

you want a game that will REALLY

do a job, place your orders for SKEE ROLL at once.




SIM ROLL is a real piece of furni•

tore. Its inndern design with ehrom-

ium titling, alr;ac Is the crowds.

SKEE ROLL opens up new loc•tIons unheard of with other coin operated machines. It is NOT a gambling de-v.ce. Churches and nrganntation• have approved it because it provides clean. wholesome amusement.

3Perfect mecha nical construction. Needs no se rvicing except to •tek,

0054? profits.

4 Young and old alike get equal thrills

playing SKIÉ ROLL. No strength is

needed. It Is purely a game of skill.


Send Now for Descriptive Literature and Prices.


A Square Deal To All Immediate Delivery on these new machines

Fifty Grand 559.50 Daily Races $125.00 Races 5125.00 Sunshine Baseball ... 99 .50 Pam,. Palooka, le, . 159.00 Top Rove 89.50 Fermis Ch.. 139.00 Alamo 119.50 Wheel of Fortune... 125.00 Ecnc• Buster 125.00 Rainbow 104.00 Big Richard 149.50 Galloping Plugs .... 149.00 Totelite ...... 49.50 Bambino 125.00

Will allow you the highest pria., for your used machines In trade. Deposit yrifh order.

lieech Scale Co., Decatur, Ill. A SENSATIONAL "GENERAL." SALE! I

TRAFFIC MODEL "A" *12 Every machine completely R•condltionad. GUARANTEED Ircellent Condition. 2 Complete sets at Keys with every marhine. TWO FULL PACKS OF TICKETS with ewer, machine fell Cash MUST accompany order-fillance freight shiPPcd C 0. D.. R. O. B.. H•rttord Conn





PIN GAME 8. PAY TABLE ACCESSORIES sn•e money on these Indinowntmle Darts snit terry thorn sun you at all times

"EEL 11ALLS-1 loch. 131.00 Der., 610.110 IS•est: '. Inch. Tee Doz.. 58.00 Gee, ae Inch, ViCK 0,1. 3,40 Gross.

glieNZE BALLS-1 Intl, 8200 Oct . $27.00 arms; 'n Inch. $2.28 Dee.. $211.00 Cron,

inch. 131.00 Do, 510.1110 Gym, 149311 , “FIREBRAND' 3o4:1Ity.-1 Inch Sod II; inserted colors 100. 82 851

FtLT PLUNGER BUMPE11:-00C• «le bu0. Peperr, a"'ndF rrEod Got% Si:1.n... red, and an inch thick. 3/.00 por 100: 114.00 pie 300.

rec. STRIPS---Kees duo, dirt and tAlt lieolds 0,25 of inaohinsw. s2 foot lereths 81.00 PM Dr', traitor., SPRINGS-3 Cell erotic wire type. 11•Id In slams by a sloes screw. Very poporw.

'113OUND SPRINGS -3 Itat-SwerTim s50 'nerVoe* .c2i10..0.1s'en' t1 rr-ackeit. 81.20 Doz. seri HArgorsIT -um met. Stuart. balls (stied •nit glass) and Plenne• bilmners• 51 50 pSe ti'



tsrsrtnn EQUIPMENT A SUPPLY 00. SUCKLES' MANUFACTURING CO, MILLS nDO-RE.S11... '" 1/ or IS." Ne,, M ly Ne Mills oo taken Tr do on "

One New CHIEF Moro oemin Er Di, Jennings and Mills S. Parts. ' A•Ple 1 Stet and Pln Came Mechanic. ."

250 USED PIN GAMES WsAn" eill'N'Er r ree;:,%e«in: WRITE FOR PRICES.

t VVestpcœt Distrilbun tig ,y Westport Read, I Phone: Westpcn tint 0,, llamas city,





Beth Battery and Plug-In Models,



Also Slightly Used






There are about 300 of these games, Make us a price. These arc going to the highest bidder regardless of loss to us. Opportunity is knocking; act now.

McCORMICK VENDING MACHINE CO. 121-123 West Fourth St., Greenville, N. C.


June 27, 1936 130 The Iiillbmird AMUSEMENT MACHINES

Chicago Coin's De Luxe 1 Ball Payout Game with Positive "Play Again" Appeal!
















100.. Legal Sala .04/3 Deal that It a off Anualno. faselnat ,no and • rIct of

fun. Sell; out fmt In latent, Club', C....! Siff. Drue Stores. Restaurant*. el, 130 pulls and mere pull It o winner. 13e.1.1Stf ct 130 mama, and earn tont•Im «meaning aneranTonila 111 Notaltlf. Tricks, Jame.. CatIrer. Wolf,. Limp., ft, el right. 24', wimn. Appro•unate Weight, IS Lbs.

Takas In $113.00 Can be retold at $0.75. Peabed two to tn. $6 84 Cenen. orate Na. 924. Our Price en Lots at 2. Each . • In •Inble Lola. Cea-n 37.73.

Alt Ice Our 11110 Neer Cat•lop 363, car, 131nIng 1134 p•oes it Nortlalet and Jewelry.

JOSEPH HAGN COMPANY 217-2*iS'Ww."¡Zd liss"On' "S it:Chicago

SUPER-VALUES In Some of the Recent New Cames That Have Been Super-Reconditioned!

Write for list and prices! They'll "floor" you! NEW CAMES IN STOCK AT ALL OUR OFFICES Alamo Daily Races Play Ball Grand Slam

Rithmatic Auto Punch and Others! Superior Sales Beards Now in Stock at All Electro -Ball Offices.

Order From Ono Nearest You.

ELECTRO BALL CO., Inc. 1730 CAMP, DALLAS Fort Worth, Waco. San Antonio, Houston. Wichita Falls, New Orleans,

Memphis. Oklahoma City.


Jack Rosenfeld to Europe In Interest of Ideal Firm

ST. LOLY/S. June 111.—Jack Rosenfeld. former president and general manager of the Union Novelty Company. Inc, this city, and now associated with the Ideal Novelty Company, of which Carl R. Trippe Is owner and manager, will sail July 1 from New York for London. He will tour England, Rus.sla, Austria, Italy, Switzerland. Prance and other countries on the Continent to contact as many foreign diatributors, jobbers and oper-ators of coin-operated machines as pos-sible. His principal mission will be to oeil them rebuilt machines. nu whirl' business the Ideal Novelty Company has built up an enviable reputation.

Ideal has been shipping to foreign countries for the last several years. doing a big export buslnesn In rebuilt ma-chines especially. Scesenteld expects to be in Europe for three months, making a thoro tour of that Continent in an en-deavor to land new customers for the Ideal Company.

Foreign distributors will be able to

contact Rosenfeld during the next see eral months thru either the London or earls offices of The Billboard. Rosen feld. altho one of the youngest men in the coin-machine Industry in the mat-ter of years, is a veteran in experience.

Landau Makes Record Sales PHILADELPHIA, June 20 — Harold

Landau, manager of the Jersey Trading reports that the firm has been

making record sales of merchandise to the ope thruout the Southern territory as well as in this city. The branch has beg-rime one of eta

busiest firms ever to sell premium men, chandler in this city. Landau joined the Jersey Trading Company some yeala ago and Is considered a radio expert. 33 well as one of the best premium merchandise men in the country. Ma knowledge el the coin machine business is just st great as it is of the premium buguirsi and many operators here depend entire'r upon hie judgment for choosing Pte. mlutna for them.

BASEBALL SALES TALLY CARIX and all 31341G...1 for Operienrt. Pant and Net It *flee. Name, and Numbers in Not. and eng 1.641.3 1.14«. V•31, •itner Amer. Alen. Patine Cunt, II lonal. Wett•en. N. Y. P., Onuthern Tgj League, 2. 3 ar rImay BalrImil Safe. and Tittart. 2 3013. 3 4<e4. equate Deal. Rothe Cell Sete. Loch? Numbrf, Economy Play. 31•44N. Ifedilnet. Dell, Double, Tim, Oanus. eta,, ont now teorriented ccrondernial Coaere St" IDurtirnr. lu. out---"NOW TO START IN TS BASEBALL TICKET 111.11111331111... Pr.. 550.14 Poli tu.ruculart mur mate $300.00 •••1 Send S2 00 NOW If 1115.00 worm Ana... AM

Oftlop. Rule* and Paralculft. Retard re ergo, I S.L. 1•111. Rte., Dun Illeadatetet i, yr. It heee. Rush! Wire err write FERGUSON MFG. CO., Dept. 10 322 N. Senate A tongs. Indian."...






June 27, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The flillbnarrl 131

* * * * * * * * * * * *


the board with Daily Races, Ma Kline with real Mee tr.mls Muru eh? Odds up to 40.1 PM Oft On Win, Place and Show. Multiple Coin Slot tttttt m much •1 $1,00 •r more on each play. Cet In on this •1sure. thine -pia cc Daily Races today . the gerne that accomplishes lelert Man Products ti111 . Mae fer as high as $500 ou


Ticket Come $135. Electropek Equipped I Battens. Optional,

D. C. Adeplopak, $5 Petra. Check Sep tttttt . S5 Eat.. 20,3 Ball Play, $5 Extra.


SLOT availab!c rn CM175

COO. Single coin

gives 2 to 8 horses at odds high as 40 to I.

FENCE BUSTER Something new

in baseball! Play-er acts as remn-age., of one or more baseball trams out to win the championship. Psys for Cham-

pionship Ronner•U p and Thud Place. Odds up to 40.1. Multiple COM Slot equipped. Just See what this remark-able baseball game does

AWARDS MECHANICALLY for you wh•n you put it to brit in our tou

ADJUSTABLE spots! y ghest

D. GOTTLIEB & CO 2736-42 N. Paulina St.., Chicago

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. ommizzazas 0 T I e r I lizzazzliza I zi* .

II 16 . . um 1,. We ffiare proud to announce our appointment as exclusive distributors a

. Inc D. Con_ b Cr Co. products in the Northwest. We can give .Limi

à MI Imincdiare &livery on the following games:



HY-G GAMES CO. q ainizzaitzmumummumunnumwe *immo*

We Are Pleased to Announce that D. Gottlieb Cr Co. have appointed as exclusive Illinois di 'butors

for their complete line of games. We are equipped to render immediate

delivery on:

1641 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

BALLY'S NEW AUTOMATICS: ALL SURE-FIRE WINNERS APR LANE e 97 1:0 RAY'S TRACK 5500.00 'ATONAL 139.50 RELIANCE 119.50 ''ALLAH 133 30 eh Y-HIGH (5 11.11) 99.50 MULTIPLE . , • • • t t t t t • • • , . 142 50 PARI•MUTUIEL 177.60

We are m ttttttt Dilly Distrioulcas for Illiscurt and Southern Iluncis.

USED AUTOMATICS: ALL GUARANTEED A-1 CONDITION sOLLTY/0011 e 57 30 PLUS AND MINUS $19.50 SALLY DERBY 7500 PuNCle-A•L ITE 6c (Counter) SS On OSILy DOUBLE 20 00 PUTN TARE 11.00 ratitC0 JUNIOR 36 cm narensta I to Ball) 40.00 ME i 1 Itatli 20.00 RANGER 1 Bally, 12.50 1.157 GRAND Ele (Counter) 1500 RAPID FIRE 12.50 SIC oily& SENIORS ra or ti egm .... 43-50 al.104" IRIS Mode" 9.00 IELMSE 12 113111 12.50 RODEO 110 Bell 22.50 ELECTRIC EYE tE•Whlt) 50,00 SILVI R STREAK 'Counter) 9.00 *J. 47.50 SPANK PLUG er ieisurner) 10 00 21.15110 'Ticket 1 Ball) 96.00 SPORTSMAN 12.30 IIILL• Q. T. Pot T.I. 16 00 TARGET Sc (Counter, 6.00 MASCO PALOOK A 100 00 TOTEM 5.i. ITéMat Count«) 500 PEERLESS 70.00 REX 12 90

ATTENTION FOREIGN DISTRIIIUTORL lier Mr. Jack 110minto(d will be In Europe during July sue A,..4.-01Inleet him Moo the London

er PD.. On,/ et The 1111110nard,

EAL NOVELTY CO., 1518 Market St. ..zerZ.;72) ST. LOUIS, MO.

NEW DAILY RACES I. Derbys. Rn-,bows, Crencl Slams, Alamos. Totalote. Western Racers. Monopoly, Fifty

1.1 h'ull,ples, H Wear,. l,lad CelD1, Turf Char", lheit Baby Derby, Peerless, Prospector, Stamper/es, Sunshine Derbys, Pronto Palook.e. Leith, tVhiripoolL Write or


B. M. Y. NOVELTY SALES CO. I PAY>, AVE Cherry 0249. CLEVELAND. 01410.






k4 .... _ :inv.. ion. 'WI lb:I!, t I it so l •••ttlt

'..• IIIIMIIERS "•°::12fer:r.""




1000 HOLES Luge Holes, 2$ Halts h.. Square Inch.

TAKES IN $10.00 Available with Payouts id 111•41111 30 he SO



(1,1 ow latest circular describing ttsm• and

other New Herne, Profit Makersl Write. iasting yeur line or business, to


ATTENT ON PIN TABLE OPERATC/RS 1 edge» ... sgo 00 2 LionMlne . _ $ 9.00 AUTOMATIC PAYOUT e eamléte .. ttttt 5.00 s SI, Slit, 8,. ge.00 1 Km• Plats $20_00 S Cannon I'VO 1 Am 22.00

tssinfearet •.00 1 Subway 9.00 1 a Ins or Veld R Onlemo Exprooà... • 12.00 1 Three In Lln• 10.00 le 5•111 15.00 I Dim KIM • 00 1 Tr.41.1.11e 9.00 a 51111001•• 00,7 . • 4 • 45.00

I Tycoon them 12 50 5 wc.nrrs Seers (n Is) 3.75 Pack) 56 00

▪ None et Turf . 10 00 h Mills °Mr.», .. 3.00 Jumbo 44.00 1/3 Cash Dime'', With Order. Balance C. O. D. 3 Erw-tra Held Cram, *5.00

PARAMOUNT AMUSEMENT CO.. Inc. 0426 Well. St.. Pt. Wayne. Ind.



The Billboard AMUSEMENT


" 1% 11re 311

e •

IT'S THE BIGGEST AND FASTEST MONEY MAKER IN HISTORY! Odds as flan n 87.00 toe Sc! sensat.on, Numbers rodIng In • In 0 and In BO are W1nnees! Numb, 200 or 3 Red Llohts entitles play« to punen In .rorkren comportment, .rof tens aro 50o and $1.00. $2.00 Jactoot Oka GOLD AWARD of $5.00: The greatest Payout conse-nts In hinge, WITH “REGULATED PERCENTAGE 0 FEATURE( A Sotto, and Palter Moroyddoker than a SIR and glaStrotard niNEDI





ce e" t„ 'este

In Reel you 00111.1. ohm seam, •


DRAW CARD., ...In,t the

noun The Hausa hand and Ass..

CHANGE 4114 EACH PLAY. tha soma es

en real glum JO.! II.seaT lehnr-e1.15, -

We en.. the pity.. ed.. eon,. $

In, tree!, 2 to 1 ta 100 ta 1.


c our., game YOU NEED fee

Prone. Setup and STEADIER





MACHINES nr 27, 793(



Do Luxe 46 S 35.00

Jumbo 40.00

Stampede 22.50

Te.x as Ranger 22.50

Sunshine Derby 47.50

Daily Double 35.00

Daily Limit 57.50

Fortuna 40.00

Repeater 42.50

Shells 35.00

Prospector 27.50

Trojan 32.50



Ace 522.5

Bonus 65.0

Peerless 65.0

Tycoon 85.0

Rollette I 50.0

Electric Eyo I I 5.0

King of the Turf. 5 Ball 30.0

Colder, Harvest, 10 Ball 43.0

Sportsman, 10 Ball I 6.0

Traffic, 5 Ball I 5.0

Mills Single 25c Jackpot with Reserve $13.9

511LIFIR nmusEmEtir E 335 MILL ST POLIGHHEEPSIE fly ....Dohyy.eib.wii /X, 51JURRE,sbueeP)

SALESBOARD OPERATORS finis bole drol , arof,ma 2 Etoro or Waltham Roonf

Watch.. Tab., In 87,11.01/ on1 ,ut 00 "a 11.11 SI 5.00 worth Dearolen. PROFIT: $30.00.

Operator's Special Price Only $4.95 With 2 Anteeloan.Made Pecan Watches. 02.215.

gy., 0.hosn. Solana. C. O. D.

Novelty Sales Company 806 Wlnt St., Philadelphia, Pa. WRITE FOR OUR 10,10 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE.


Fleet 52 95 Electra 83.55 Rebound s 4 "s Contact AIM Golden 054 3.56 Chnkero .14 Ear 2.9ft 3.96 • ., Stenrollne 2.95 Super •.8- 3.95 Illns or InsIrn .... 404 11.1n•LIna EMS 3.95 Boss Light 4.55 11.4eten B.» Act,. 3.95 Drop Kant eel SW EMIR 395 ds,e5 William Tell . .. SW Arilo 5.44 :e3:4:1e: Turf •.95 Orlat Crost.A-Llro., 6 W Wcrld•• Senn 2.95 0. 0. 0 •.115 ON. Laser 15.58 0501.1 Baseball ... 8.95 Crin Cron 444 50410 . 5. 88 Plying Trap aro .... 3.15 [Semler 4.91 WIng Lit o 9.81 Cannon Fii 555 4.95 Geld Medal 5.95 PRAM Ken 9.95 age III-Lo 9.116 •arear Zone 8.95 4.95 Troato 1. P3 Flny Chloe 1.95 4.05 0. see • • Ta•Tat•Tu 1.99 cp. 1.4.1,1 Frog as PS Angle LIte 9.95 4.95 Maroon Moon .... 25.11 Sensation 2.44 B•lanee Luse •.96 Afro,/ A Nary 3.95 TrI•A•Ltte 4.55

Scar•A•Llte Elmo Table Bulldog Una. Skill Cleo. Rock -Oie ••21.• Ileandlto

PREME VENDING COMPRNY IN' 557 Roger, Ave, ACME VENDING CO. 922 - 8th Avenue Brooklyn. N. Y. um tr. mums AS,. u. y. e. New York N. Y.

JUMBO PROFIT Fastest Selling Novelty Item of Today

4 00-Hole SC SIX Cutout Onard. complete with 6 11121.0 FOU VAIN PENS. foot times as large as orOlnery pen. Takes In SI, • PAYE out $450 worth of elgarettes 130 Packages'. fieh $15

Operator's Special Price $4.75 for Sample. $4.50 in Lott of 10 or Moro. ORDER NOW


June 27, /936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES 'I lit- Mill 1,4,rirri 133

REEL ••2I" IS ••BLACK JACK Ph? 1t ,e, le

, xi,


$23.75 mute, come Ye .1 a:Ts:Arm:a I -



Ficie Forro 3875

,cs in $15.00 'age Payout 7.54

Le with Easel 1.10

Plus 10'77, Federal Tax.


00 Harvard Ave., Chicago, U. S. A.



The player can make a perfect score with ¡ust one of the five balls ... More -almost" wins keeps player's interest keyed high every game

50 Grands on location have been clocked at $9.00 an hour. This is not an exag-geration but an actual fact. Payout tables profits for non-payout game operators. Order 50 Grand today'



Mills Bells & Venders


Write for Complete Catalog

MILLS BLUE NNNNN InVeTtRY HMI the peel pe.pular hail and V. tier It, the werki. A r,..rool 1,3r r4ted..tent. mer/tee. Nip, nits nit Vinirier. Yana in le. fun •n,1 2,e

11111 Freeman Av.., Cincinnati, Ohio

PeroM711:i\ -JACil POT •

see SI ▪ Le▪ it-. II kg



et—çe to,


e-,.- ••O ,•¡•.,,, IC, 1 Thank You for Mentioning The Billboard.

, More "KA LE ,, with , 1 ,

CAILLE _ . ..... CADETS .._ . , i. CAILLE CADETS are 1 .• ;;., ii...-1 making more money for % opera tors everywhere. r ' '‘a7.74e

Their bright baked enamel

finish and stainless steel r,:e-......

trim attract attract customers as t: -.. +emu.— uvei. , i --.......- _ soon as they come into • -... -"------ - ‘".{---.1

., ,.."

t / le sight—the large round

jackpot and smooth, si- No ousts charge for choice of sins sparkling colors — Red. Green, lent opera tion of the Blue, Yellow, Orange, Black, or

machine do the rest and 1c. 5c. 10c or 25e play. Both standard or mystery bonus pay.

assure a steady, profita- outs, also venders if desired.

ble play. CAILLE BROTHERS CO. 1121 Sawed Illsd. Delred, MèchIgag

USE THIS COUPON FOR Full, M.:T.111.s! ---

CAILLE BROTHERS CO., 6222 Second Blvd.. Detroit. Mich. News,. send me complete information about the new


Name Address


Earn Up To $50.00 DAILY With New DICE GAME E\-ERVi;ODY unilcrr4atuli. au! ;c t.- a hick dice!

That's why NATURAL is cleaning up biggest profits on record—because NATURAL has all the thrills of real rattling bones! WIN ON 7 OR 11—WIN WHEN YOU "MAKE YOUR POINT"—lose on 2. 3 or 12! CHANGING ODDS flashed on LIGHT-UP BACK-BOARD—from 10 to 100. PAYOUTS MULTIPLIED by number of coins played, up to 4. Odds-Changing fea-ture collects up to 10 OR MORE COINS PER GAME. And earnings protected by 12-COIN ESCALATOR. Act quick, as hot spots being grabbed fast I Order today!

42 IN.


20 IN.




$107.50 Check sr-parator

45 00 P.tra. P. O. B. CHICAGO.



$139 5° Noes t. for Check r. e

P. 0. 13. CHICAGO.

50 IN. BY 26 IN.

Liceneed by Conaoliclatcd Pat. Corp. (Pat. No. 1.5021321)

and Ace Pat. Corp. (Pat. No. 2.010.055).




-1 I.\-BALL turritiiry again ,,ays rich dividends when you place this: beau-tiful, speedy game on location. You'll see why when you see and play AIR LANE—with every hit instantly flashed on the Light-up Back-board— and the possibility of scoring SEV-ERAL SEPARATE PAYOUTS PER GAME—ranging from 10 to 150 POINTS! It's definitely the biggest buy in the 10-ball class. Get yours today—and start "getting yours" from the hi' AIR LANE cash-box!

RELIANCE PAYOUT DICE GAME Duplicates every play known to dire! $25 00 GOLD AWARD) Roth bell and table operators call It greaten money-making idea in 10 year.. A few RELI-ANCE rnarn.nra*111 put you on racy Street for years to come.

NICKM. e 119.00: QUARTER. $124.00.

BALLY BABY NOW 3 MACHINES FOR PRICE OP ONE— Penny Cigarette (Same —5-10.25-Cent Sales Stimulator—new NUR. BERRI GAME with 400 to j odds! Need. only 5' by 5' counter apace comPurra for 3 inter. changeable gamed(

OtitY 611.50.

MULTIPLE Inc a.tu ti

12TH WEI-3( nod earn-ing biggfr prollts ths0 ever. Not too late to start getting $50

t3(1 daily prcntl


A. I.1 egildmr••• inc.. Eastern Distributor. 453 W, With St.. New York. N. V.

Jun, 27. 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The MI:hoard 135

ALREADY ACCLAIMED BY ALL COIN MACHINE OPERATORS .. . 'The greatest coin machine house organ

—EVER published!'




They're going FAST -- Write for you, FREE copy of this historical FIRST EDITION Today!!

You know it's Better—it's published by . .



NEIGHBORS ih 10-Ball Novelty Game $ 50

Light DP Back- 37 Board - Non Payout— Fast Money Maker.

TYCOON $149.50 McCOY $130.00

DOUBLE HEADERS . . . .5115.00 Equipped with A, C. Pack, $5.00 Additional—D. C. Pack. $7.50 Additional

TICKETTEs UsedLoOR nloyil Is 5Wsosselsoi) SEIS..c0s0.. Ea.

in 5,000 Lots.

1,3 Cash or Certified Check Deposit With Orders. Balance C. O. D.




ASTERN DISTRIBUTORS FOR MILLS NOVELTY COMPANY EsIly Mfg. Co. J. H. Keeney CY Co. Exhibit Supply Co. PacIfic Am. Mfg. D. Cortheb Co. Dayal Mfg. Co. Croctchen Mfg. Co. A. B. T. Co. Western Equip. Co.

KEYSTONE NOV. & MFG. CO. p'n'17.1.



bese are the two most tletbortairt pay tables issued in the history of the business.

Above you see the famous :Mils :McCoy, Iwo ball >quiet, mid) big nlystery Bell

uuthanism. You will gasp at the beauty of the cabinet. Price $130. Below ts

rats Tycoon., seven slot selector, one shot, bigger money-maker than the fabulous

wey of old. .7qeso improve.1, fool-proof coin mechanism. Price $149.50. At your

jobber or direct from I1itts Novelly Co., 4100 ?Idler-ton Avenue, Chicago, XL


136 The ¡Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES 27. 1936

olil uttrieTtlau931/T11 To ceiffiliackine






...and due to POPULARITY of


PAMCO CHASE! ALL The MONEY POWER of Bell Reel Machines When Thai

GIANT ODDS COMMUTATOR SPINS Then Comes This Clever 3-Way System of Scorin

8 Lites sr,c, it Upper Payout Pockets— and Kg:, R-O-T-A-T-I-0 ,N

to RIGHT. P , the player to -CHASE" à SKILL writ it, one of these PocI• ' "catch- a lite SIMULTANEOUSLY upon Ito arrival, as Indicated al No. "6". Then "Odds" al

autornatrealty as pasted on the Commutator at rear. Snot.Id ball hit a "dark- pocket P

no Payout—but Life stops and holds its position MumMatted.

U. S. PATENT 2,029,177

we are obliged to enter production on 400 MORE Deliveries start June 22.


IF IT MISSES ABOVE . . . "in ,Perween - Pockets pay Low Awards omen enough lo KEEP "EM RIGHT AFTIR

"Cotter, Egg- Bead tor $l.50—.and THEY MAKE IT, TOO! A ''Wmner" and Liter


WHEN BALL FILTERS DOWN ALL THE WAY . . Podicla in halt cercle—arsom... H I I .-çltOVI. taI,-0 I A 1-0

RIGHT to LEFT. while LiPPer Lites are trawl r,c urt appeal. Agaen theta's a di •'CHASE" and - tie" a Ida as It pauses tehmd each hole! Another chance Ix

,ayout as posted on Odds-Commutator 1

You've never seen anything like FULL of ANIMATION Top to Botto



Immediate Deliveries WRITE! WIRE

I 11 rt. 27. 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 137



e • • •



SIX DIFFERENT ODDS of 2 to 30 to One on Conirmutator—SIX SETS of VALUES around Bowl Scoring Arca—SIX CHANCES to WIN for EACH Nickel Played!




A Standard - Panieo" Carne—NOT a "3-Weeks" Machine!



Co, Ch ute Payout Coos For.u.Ird


M CO PROM SENIOR $1805° EVy DEMAND! Priced at

mediate Deliveries! RITE! WIRE!





CHUTE U. S. Pat. 207,71 Electropak and Chi.rk Sp-

orator Equipped.





VIP.011 KE.

(OM Ineel



souitt co AS Ariammie cotewAs HOU $10 FIAS


138 The Billboard

53 In. by IN In.




Onc-third with order,

balance C. O. D.,

F. o. b Chico.








AH°Y' operators! Don't let the Weather Man chisel on your summer profits!

Players are "hot and dusty" these days, but CHALLENGER'S blue, breezy beauty peps 'em up—cools 'em off—restores their sport-ing spirit—puts 'ern in a pin-game mood again!

Plays 1 TO 4 COINS PER GAME--and PAYOU rs MULTIPLIED by numbcr of coins played. Ideal for crowded spots, as players can "get on" every game. AN! MATED ODDS CHANG kit spins at sta of each game—and players can't resist R PEAT PLAY, as they never know wh easiest hole on the hoard will pay top od of 30 to 1—$6 00 TOP when 4 coins played MYSTERY PURSE and GRAND TROPI IY each pay MYSTERY AWARDS of 50 cents to $1.50.

Easy on ,the eyés—easy to understand easy to play—CHALLENGER is the kin or restful "take-it-easy" game you need to insure high earning average all summer an way into the fall I ORDER YOURS TO-DAY!




Unoartend by Consolldatad Pat Corp (Pat N., ,.`,' 21) and Ace Pat Corp

2640 BELMONT AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. JOHN A. FITZGIBBONS. Inc... Eastern Distributor. 453 W. 47th St.. Now York. N. Y.


Don't be content unless you are getting

top profits from the equipment you're

running. You are entitled to the biggest

possible earnings from your route!

ALAMO! ALAMO Oros Irma Ms kind of prof% vim should have

Mi. summer. ALAMO has such a big •wiery of play— tech sure-fir• action—,cl. g '•coisse-hither'' wooed,

—suck intense. lasting appeal—that it steels the shove

and grabs the Cream at ifie profit% in ever, tertitmld

And no wonder. Look at Ph.,. Matures! * Multiple

coin chute * 50-inch heavy-deity cabinet * change-

able more-increasing odds * in-a-drawer mechanism.

first sited by Rock -Ola * Perfect Universal pay unit *

Comet with Rock-O-Pm and b "es--operates en

both * $10 top aurard—$5 Lone Seer Pocket *

Earning power of $40 a day or more

Get going with ALAMO! Complete with Rock-O-Pec botte/y 50


Mint Vendor-510.00. Tidiest Unlit—$l 0.00.

TOTALITE! tabla Mat,.

Ifi. T. ovary typo of locatiori. In ra territories. And lee snaking spectacular p•ofits .dhaiepvp, ir II placed. Here ere it. feature, responsible foe TOTALITUS ;mat success: * Past S-ball action! * earls roll ever magic aelleti-incraaaing switch.,! * Seoree i ly fleshed and asitornmically totaled on the brilliant light-up panel! * T).. special ball shOeell Da« the elevated runway and boosts the score 3 tinsel! * All the color, action, appeal, aaacipartiOn it take, to mak• TOTALITE the enOsI•tallkad-ol—the anew spot -tied--and the most profitable pin table in the Miami». today! * On top of all those, yen have the special score-keeping register that increases and p your peofits by showing you th• emeit filoiediker Winnerp and amounts! ON VOWS NOW


TOO North Kodzio Arienuo,Chreago, Illinois


Money Mak-


MEN'S HOSE N^ C364-Made ef 11V. finality atan. well constructed. Colors: Grey. Black and Brown. 81aq: 10 to It.

Doan Pair SIN


No. 04139-Men .e Fancy llo• means. popular patterns.

Dean Pair iglio

------- --------No, 0484--A asaMint, vela. Child.. Ankle Sm. Pain colon. Sine 11 I.e.

Dozen Pair 660


• ge • anon

ewe mead,


No. T2.2111-18MIsforilen Guaranteed or Mora Back. A non-halt forming preparetion. Maw Irnos barb, mod, ea. procured from naive'. flea. glawnranded to. con.tipotlOfl. •uto-in. to•Netlen. it.. Pekoe $1.00 rte.04 on each be*

Illarrinie 130. Dozen •Se. 1.000 140 60

3 No V2104--Wateh. Lonatt--eleamendable. 11,1. non-beealtabla crystal and non•larnlating caw. for gaci,ey ood men. Fitted Ma • onela1 \Orin band. Mona [tack It not plemed.

Eats $1.79


Igo. 7P-Remeelation part ace lea, A aceetional Mama and • wonderful promis... Sells for 10e.

Dozen CS. Ci•••• 82.45

1282-13estume necklace.-c-10.112e reproduction brotal -----

fla quality chain with double 'Milli Saw. 4111I• for 10*

Omen 430 Oro. $4.*S

LADINO-Wash A. Weedbuoy Deal.

No. 011115-Four piece dal Woodbury product. are national,. known. Demand alreedy crest.. Cash In on It. Consists of Wrn A Woodbury faa peed.. Sold cram. perfume and limlica. A Super-Vida. 690 Sala Coupon for thle deal Illtte 1.000.

Somme Drat 25e. Doan 27c Each Deal. Orms 260 tab 00.1.


6300-A new Ideal Tine blew's! aller in centuries. No blanks-• winner every time Player pays only 14 ta 10e and receive. every time an article worth at least 10e to 200 mail and • Harms en tn. Big Pea worth 33 to $S Drina In S• SS. Contlete of the follovelne, Lapel Watch. maln peat 10 seat moo., Pita. 10 bet.. of peefuens. 10 inahanIcal pencils. 10 tle cellar ma. 10 Imitation damped fine. 10 act.., rain. blades, 10 mama-eh...4 Packet lighters. 10 ea Inclicestah 10 bot-tle openers and capare. • nuoc tops and 2 elephant lighters Money back If not la binait loll., Mu ear taw. Shipped by 0111,01,4 o. OH M% Only.

Wholesale pea 83.96 Each Dal

""'..faer" No. HS-Money-baca

la anti each netkeee of Drozel rum bladm. Mae for repeat bull.... Packed It blades in a package.

20 packcoc. In a carton. Zan.. pas 75 100 Blades 89e

/to 1- 12-Corter7 blue-Heel. out wage elate* Pealed It >lades In • packages. 20 Ilatba0•• on • new tsee-coar display carton. 100 Clad. 42*

1 000 BIN« 83.1111.

fEe7171714.7-15Wiiii7 -LsTra. Corn« In matted brands, 6 bledo, In • package. 20 pea.. In • carton. 100 Bled« res. 1.000 glades 52.86.

Lady Blendell Pace Ponder and Perfume Combination

Mo. Est L-Cerna In «Hat,» sllow and black boo. Can be had wrapped In maned colored ...P-ollan. Perfume can« In a shaped hmthre. Sample Sc. D:i.•it 64* Oro« •Fee each pkg.

BIG BARGAIN SPECIALS No. 4148-114111 Page Puule-Or. 11194. 414111-Merlog Picture Ter-Or. Il•o-lfàIII•As•rt Good Luca Chaene--43r. 7110 V39-11Iutterfly Pins. Ate% Colors-Or 79e V 116-0ood Compasa--Or. 750. 4144-Noalty Two Dice In 11105-0f. 79e. Jade-Pam Nat.* New SI, Aset Colon-Or. 38e. 4245-TIn Ph. Truclis-Or. Hs.

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