S·oviets 'regret' lives IO,st on plane - City of Newport Beach


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Transcript of S·oviets 'regret' lives IO,st on plane - City of Newport Beach

When the bell rang at 4 a.m. Teen crash victini 's parents relive agony as driver (aces court By ROBERT BARKE R 0t IM 0.-, Nol IWI

Seventeen-year-old Mkhelle Salle was the shining light in the lives of her mother and father .

Sweet, pert and loving, she also was a hard worker and an outstanding s tudent who planned to study bUsiness at Long Beach State University this fall .

On the night of Aug. lJ, the Huntington Beach girl visited friends in Newport Beach aft.er getting oH work at Mother's Restaurant in Costa Mesa.

"Shecalledabout9 p.m. and said she would be home a t 12 or 12:30," her mother lnge redlled today.

"I got up at 2:30 and I was fcantic be<•ause she

always was on time. I woke up my husband and he told me not to worry. ....

"Then w~ heard the door ~IJ ring at 4. I thought maybe she had forgotten her house key , But it was two policemen and they gave us the news."

The news - still too horrible for the Salles to comprehend - was that their daughter was killed in a spectacular a uto crash on Pacific Coast Highway west of Magnolia Street in Huntington Beach.

Traffic investigators said Michelle's car, a Volkswagen Bug, wns struck by another vehicle and careened out of control. It collided with three other cars in all and then began to disintegrate. (See CRASH VICTIM, Page AZ)




S·oviets 'regret' lives IO,st on plane Shock, outrage felt along_, Coast

Korean airliner's last hours: Where and when

By tbe Daily Pilot Staff Orange Coast residents ex­

pressed anger and d ismay today over the downing of a South Korean ;umbo jet by a Soviet fight.er plane with a loss of 269 lives - 51 of them Americans.

Opinions varied, but most inter­viewed agreed the United States s hould be aggr~ive in retalia­tion , with suggestions ranging from cutting off recently re­instated grain shipments to the Russians. to ending diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union .

" ( have this feeling of total outrage and I get the feeling that once all the facts cqme out I'll stiU feel outraged ," said Barbara Allen of Newport Beach.

" I go aJong with the idea we should do something bke cut off grain shipments (to the Sovtet Union). We all pooh-pooh the

LaWyel-s cite plan to county By JEFF ADLER Ol IM 0.., Net ·-

A consortium of Orange Coun\ y law fi.J'ms is claiming at can save county government about $3 million a year if the Board of Supervisors would agree to con­tract out for a portion of the legaJ services now provided by the county P ublic Defender's Office.

Attornf'y Paul Wallin, a spokes­man for four law firms that have banded together as Orange Coun­ty Defenders, Inc .. explamed that the group as interested in taking over all Municipal Court-level misdemeanor cases now handled by the public defender, Juvenile Court cases and tt•ose involving conflicts that now an· routinely assigned to outs1de rounsel.

ln felon y c.-ases. involving more serious cnmes such as murder, defendants unable to pay for their defensestiU would be represented ln court by pubhc defenders.

The Public Defender's Office as charged w ith providing legal ser ­vices to the county's poor and others who cannot afford to pay for their own defense

Private attorneys can handle cases "more efficiently" than " the over -burdened and tax-supported publi~ sector" and at the same time better represent clients because caseloads would not be as hea~ &fl

th0&eshouldered by deputy public defenders, Wallin said .

He urged the Board of Super­viaors to conside r setting up a pilot program in at least one MunicipaJ Court division to determine the feasibility of the propo881.

''W e thiJ'lk, this can work and w e want to make the board and the (See LEGAL, Page All

John Birch Society, but you have to agree that some of what they've been saying is right.

.. It's an unbelievable thing to happen - an unprovoked attack ."

John Hines, also of Newport Beach said t he country should sever diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union "because cutting off grain or something like that does little if any good.

' 'The Soviet Union is arrogant._ Every couple of )'ears they do something horrible like this and then act put upon becaase the rest of the w orld is outraged. We have to do someth ing to punish them."

Huntington Beach resident Don Shipley. former professor of biology and environmental stud­ies at Long Beach S tate Univer­sity. descnbed the incident as " murder and massascre." (See COAST, Page AZI

... •, A


Gr acie Lore tta York ( in~et ) watches as the tank gun system

.,.., ...... ,......., .... ~­named for he r he ro husband ro lls past cheering cro~d in lrvinf'.

Tanks for the memory Sgt . York gun system rolled out to appreciative audience By KAREN E. KLEIN 04 ltM Delly ,.... ''""'

The Sgt. York tank -mounled gun system - heralded as the lat.est in war technology - rolled oCf the assembly line at t he Ford Aerospace & CommunicaUons plant in Irvine ThW'8day to the cheers and applause of a crowd of engineers and their families gathered for a coming out cer­emony.

The $4.2 billion, Anny-funded

weapons program has been em­broiled in controversy since gov­ernment critics began to question the effectiveness and safety of the system - both publicly and privately.

But the cont.J't'versy didn't dampen the enthusi.aam of about 2,000 w ell-w ishe rs Thursday morning, who rose to their feet as the huge war machine roared out to the cent.er of a factory field .

AA three operators spun the

tank around, raised and lowered its two huge guns. and demon­strated its radar trackers, the crowd bunt in to fresh applause and cheers.

They also cheered Gracie Lorett.a York, widow of Sgt. Alvin C. York, the World War I Medal of Honor recipient for whom the tank is named. The 83-year--old Mrs. York. of Pall Mall, Tenn., (SH SGT. YORk, Pa1e Al>

Reagan denounces 'terrorist' action

By tbe A11oclated Pre11 The Soviet Union said today its

fighters had fired tracer shots at an intruding Korean jumbo jet li1ld regre t led the loss of life - but took no direct responsibility for the deaths of the 269 people aboard.

President Reagan, speaking before the M05COW statement, called the incident a "terrorist act" and demanded a '' truthful ac­counting."

The president did not threat.en specific reaUatory measures but did question future dealings with Moscow.

ln Moscow, the official news agency Tass said that, ''in the leading circles of the Soviet Union, they express thfir regret in connection w ith human victims."

The statement accused the Korean A.Jr Lines jet of providing a civilian cover for intelligence gathe ring and added that Soviet leaders "decisively condemn t hose who consciously or as a result of criminal negligence allowed death of people .... "

Tass said Soviet figh ters had " fired warning shots w ith tracer shells along t he flying route of the plane," which Tass accused of being a "cover" for a "pre-planned act."

The dispatch did not acknowl­edge Soviet responsibility for shooting down the jumbo jet Thursday. At least 51 Americans died in the crash near a remote Soviet island mili tary instalation.

The president, m a bnef state­ment before returning to Wash­ington from his California va­cation, asked:

"What can be the scope of legitimate mutual dJSCOurse with a state whose vaJues permit such attrocities?"

Reagan did not detail pos&ble U.S . retaliatory moves against Moscow, but his spokesman saJd earlier that a range of optlons are under di.scus&on.

Reagan, ~peaking at the Point Mugu Naval Air St.auon. said that · "all of us had hoped tha t certain, irreducible standards of behavior ... obtained," even with· the Soviet Union, "but this event shocks the (See PLANE, Page AZ I

Chess_ piece checkmated

An •ppM't'Dt chem nu\ hM ~ off • pretty lfteeky moYe in capiuri.ng the king -he atole it.

Fountain · Valley in · veldpton aid the thief ap­parently took the ornate. $300 ivary-«UlptUred piece from a dWp)ay board at a reGdence in the 1000 block of Daffodil AVf!n&.te.

It depicted an Oriental man with a long beard.

V alleY leasing space in 2 closed schools By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 04 the Delly Pllol It.fl

Fountain Valley School Distract trustees have agreed to lease space in two closed school" to pre-school and adult education programs.

At Thursday night's meeting. the trustees unanimously agreed to lease Building B and two dassroo.ms ..Jn Building C at Nieblas School in Fountain Valley to the Hunungton Beach Union High School District's Adult Education program.

Nieblas was closed last June because of declining enrollmen t .

The rooms will be used for education and for child day care.

The h igh school district has agreed to pay $3,000 per month for Building B, $576 per month for the two classrooms in Building C and $14 per month for \wo science lab cabinets.

The lease runs Crom Aug. 25, 1983, to June 30, 1984.

The ~tees also approyed a lease with Huntington Beach Head Start, Inc., for one classroom at Wardlow School in Huntington Beach, which was cl<>lled last year

because of declining enrollment. Head Start will use the room for

pre-school activities for low in­come children . The group will pay the school district $288 per month for the room. The lease runs from Sept. 1, 1983. to May 31, 1984.

Bandit robs Huntington savings firm

Huntington Beach police are searching for a man who robbed the California Federal Savings office, 7222 Edinger Ave .. of about $1 ,000 Thursday afternoon.

Police said the holdup occurred at 12:49 p.m. when a man walked into the bank and presented a note to a telle r , demanding money. No . weapon waa seen .

The man was de9Cribed as Caooaslan, about 35 years old. 6 feet, 3 lnch es tall, with a thin build, a \hick. mustache, brown . collar-length hair, and wearing• sunglasles and navy blue shorts.


~ - .. . .-

U Orange Coast DAILY PILOT / Friday, Sept. 2. 1983


From Page A1

CONTINUED STORIES Blaze damages church in Tustin Arson ' not ruled out' as cause of $ 7 ,000 fire in basement of Presbyte rian sanctua~y

SGT. YORK TANK ... took her fl.J'St plane ride to attend the ceremony .

Alter the hour-long program concluded, hordes of Ford em­ployees - among them many of the 1,600 who worked on the prlifct - gathered around the tarlJf and posed with it &>r pic­tures, boosting children up to sit under the huge guns. •

York was only in construction for six years. ·

This is due in part to another controversial twis t in the weapon's history. The Sgt. York is being produced and developed enUrely by Ford as a fixed-price Army contract.

Nelson said profit incentives have helped Ford keep the tank's development on schedule. The gun sys\em's detractor& criticize the Army's lack of control over testing on the warship.

Ford will earn $957 million for lhe production of 146 of the tanks - the first of which is expected to be deployed in Europe in 1985.

A fare broke out in a basement room of Tustin Presbyterian, Church early today, cawnng $7 ,000 in damage, according to Orange County Fire Department spokesman Jeff Taylor.

No one waa ln the 54-year-old structure, located at 225 W . Main S t., when the blaze broke out., Taylor said.

Fire investigators are working todetennine the origin of the fire. They have not ruled out anon, Taylor said .

Firefighters told or minister Howard Jamieson that a gas furnace located in a closet off the 8-foot-by- 12-foot room used as a children's lounge may haVf~ been

The tank is hailed by its creators as the most advanced weapon of its kind. Its ability to fire on the move, to track targets and monitor s urrounding areas at the same time and its extreme lethality are the things which make the Sgt. York - known aJso as DIV AD -unique, said John Nelson, Ford Aerospace DIV AD project direc­tor. JACKSON DEAD AT 71 ...

The tank is designed to provide front-line defense for M 1 Abrams tanks and BradJey Infantry Fight­ing Vehicles - weapons which would be following it on the battlefield . Nelson said.

The huge gunship contains two 40mm guns with search and track radar, a fire control center with laser range-finder, a digital com­puter and combat information display.

But critics say that th e tank's attributes are not worth the money the Army is putting out for it.

for Soviet Jews. He played a major role in the creation of the Envi~ental Protecuon Agen­cy and was conllidered a champion of organized labor and of civil rights for minorities.

and sip tea with its Catholic nuns. "l always thought he was

indestructable .... He took excep­tional care of himself," s&id for­mer Sen. Warren G . Magnuson, D-Wash, who served 28 years in Con~ with Jackson. "I lost a great personal friend. We were very close."

Denny Miller, Jackson's admin­istrative assistant, said Jackson had been at home with his wife , Helen, at retired early at about 7:30 p.m. "complaining of not feeling too w ell."

the aouree of the blaze, Jamieson said.

F1ames 1gni ted aornetune be­tween l p.m. and 1:30 a .m., Taylor said. A witness, a 22-year-old Tustin man who lives three blocks from the church, said he and hla wife were taking a walk and saw white smoke billowing from the church two blocks away .

When they arrived at the acene,

the white smoke suddenly turned black and flames reaching heightB of 30 feet began s hooting out of a ground-level window. he said from hia home this morning.

lo After knocking on the doors of

three residen<.'eS, a home owner finally heeded his plea to call the tire department, he said .

Thirty fire fighters, five engine

Nice to a fault? Consideration gets suspect caught An alleged burglar who returned to the scene of his crime to

put back stolen credit cards and checks Thursday found out tha t being nice doesn' t always pay.

Mark Tannenbaum, 21, was arrested about. 2:30 p,m . in an Irvine bow ling alley' on charges of residential burglary. according to Irvine Police Sgt. Dick Bowman.

Tannenbaum, who allegedly stole credit cards and a checkbook from a home on the 18000 block of Norton Street sometime last month, reportedly went back to the home Thursday afternoon t.o return the stolen property, Bowman satd.

"He had a field day," charging up the victim's credit cards and forging checks, Bowman alleged.

When he co\lld no longe r use the cards, Tannenbaum apparently decided to return them.

But it was his th oughtfulness that did him in. Police tracked him from the home to the bowling alley, where

he was arrested and later booked into Orange County Jail. Forgery charges against him are pending, Bowman said.

companies. two truck oompaniec. and a paramedic unit responded to the call. The fire was contained in under two minutes, Taylor l&id.

The fire caused $5,000 damage to the structure and $2,000 ln light smoke damage, Taylor said. The value of the church and ita contents saved by fire fighters was an estimated $1,040,000. Taylor said.

Trestle fire said not work of arsonist By tbe A11odated Pre11

BUENA PARK - Arson has been ruled out in the trestle fire that hampered rail traffic be­tween Los Angeles and San Diego earlier this week, o{{icia.l.s say.

" From the people I've inte.r ­v1ewed, 1t looks like it was accidental," Buena Park. (ire in­spector Bud DiUon said Thursday.

Meanwhile, most of •the 14 Amtrak passenger trains and 15 to 25 freight trains that croes the trestles daily , were on schedule Thursday, Santa Fe Railway spokesman Gene Flohrachu tz said.

One Sgt. York will cost $6 million - the price tag for the tank itself plus ammunition, sup­plies, support equipment, training and all the extras, Nelson said.

The 43-year congressional vet­eran w ho came to Congress when Franklin Roosevelt was president, died within an hour af ter being brought to Providence Hospital, just 12 blocks from his Everett home. Jackson, wh06e death stunned thoae w ho knew him for his hard-driving 11Chedule and energetic lifestyle , had never been in the hospital before, except to meet with its board of directors CO.AST RESIDENTS SHOCKED OVER TRAGEDY ...

That's almost three times as much as an M 1 tank costs, critics say.

The entire project - 6 18 units - will cost $4.2 Hllion, Nelson said. But he defends the expen­diture, pointing out that the tanks will protect about $50 billion in assets.

" I was a pilot in Vietnam," he said. "I flew against the most advanced Soviet systems and I would not want to be flying against (the Sgt. York)."

PLANE ... sensibilities of people every­where."

" It is E!'ssential," he went on , ' 'that as civilized societies we ask searching questions about the nature of regimes where such standards do not apply? ...

From Page A1 "lt's~elluva note, but it wasn't

one of our planes and I don't know what we could do. I would think the w hole wor ld ou tside the Communist countries would be enraged. There's no excuse to shoot down a civilian passenger plane."

Wes Bannister, owner of an insurance company in Huntington Beach, called it " the most ridicu­lous thing I've eve r heard."

Nelson also pointed out the : relatively short time in which the

"What can we think of a regime that ao broadly trwnpets its vision of peace and global diaarmament and yet ao callioualy and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings."

He said he would meet with his advisers tonight and with bipartisan congressional leaders over the weekend.

"We probably should go to the­U.N. and scream and holler. but I don't know of anything we could do unless we go to war . • system has been developed. Whlle

most major weapons take from 12 to 14 years to dev'elop, the Sgt.

"The plane was tracked 2 ·~ hours. I have to believe It was

. . CRASH VICTIM REMEMBERED ... Michelle was thrown 300 feet from the car and the car's engine was hurled about 70 feet. Seven people were treated at area hospitals.

Arrested and charged with vehicular man­slaughter. fe lony drunken driving and felony hit..and-run was Joan Kathryn Wilkoff. 39, of Garden Grove. 1

A pre liminary hearing as being conducted al West Orange County Municipal Court in West­minster to de termine if there is sufficient evidence for Wilkoff to face trial on felony charges in Orange County Superior Court.

About 20 of Michelle's friends and a representative of an anti-drunken driving or­ganization attended the proceedingJ in Judge Kathleen O'Leary's classroom, wanting to aee that justice is done.

Martha and Eamon Gallagher , w ho is taking time from his vacation . were among th<Jt preeent.

"We've known Michelle since ahe and my aon Brian started kindergarten at Meadow View School (Huntington Beach). They went through St. Bonaventure school and graduated together ft-om Mater Dei High School in June.

She and her father (an engineer at the McDonne ll Douglas Astronautics Company) had ,..


such as terrific relauonship. She was the p y of his life.

" We're here to make sure tha t the Laws a re enforced and that the driver doesn't get o!f.

11 "We've all joined Mothers Against Drunk Driving (an organization working for tough drinking and driving laws) as a result of the accident ."

Another spectator declared, "Somet.hmg has to. be done. We all have children driving Volkswagen Bugs at night. We don 't want the same thing happening to them."

The court hearing was too painful for lnge Salle to attend.

" I'm 80 upeet and confused. We've always · been such a law-abiding and corwderate family and have done everything rig,ht. And then someone irresponsible wipes it all out. How do you justify it. Everything'a ao lenient. The lawmakers don't care; they're not per90nally involved."

In Thunday's proceedings. Orange County Deputy S heriff J erold Brittain testified that the driver tried to flee after striking his car and that he apprended her at the main gate at Huntington State Beach.

Other accident victims were slated to appear as the preliminary hearing continued today.

supervisors before December. private basis for a below-market fee.

public aware we think this la the right idea ," the attorney said. " lt could save $3 million per year at a time whfn our county faces a .

• severe financial crisis."

A similar program to the one the attorneys group is urging has been in operation in San Diego County since 1977, apparenUy with mixed results.

Wallin estimated that the coun­ty could reduce the number of caaes for which it has to pay in this manner by :lO percent. • l Ten Municipal judges and one

from Superior Court also have J indicated their support for an 4 experiment.al trial program.

I Wallin said he is aware that the

county has hired a private consult­ing firm to study the possibility of contracting out various govem ­

l ment services. among them the 2 Public Defender's Office. l!ow -

1• ever. the consultant's final repor1 ~ ii not expected to be presented to

i •

i i •

We1re Listening •••


Under the proposal prepared by the aitomeys, the legal con­sortium would charge the county a flat $95 for each mildemeanorcase it was assigned to handle for an indigent client . In add1tion, a t­torneys would screen potential indigent clients and. ln some cases. rather than charging the county agree to represent the client on a

Similar sea.Jes a re established ln the plan for handling cases involv­ing a confllct. Juvenile Court cases and th08e falling into other categories.

If the Board of Supervisors were to agree to a pilot program, it would be required to open bidding on the contract to all interested parties.

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U•"'"I'" VOL 71, NO. 241


eith er a trigger-happy pilot or aomebody irresponsible on the ground. I can't believe anyone would shoot down the plane without provocation ."

K en Thomas of Costa Mesa said Americana have become ' 'patsies" for t:re'at.ini the Soviets so well.

"I feel you can't deal with them like you deal with other de­mocracies," he said. "They're barbarians and they always will be."

FeUow Costa Mesan Stan Gailey said he knows from his military experience that Soviet aircraft mistakenly fly across U .S . territory an<t_they aren 't downed. He said be Cil.lled Congressman Robert &dham's office twice Thursday night because he was frustrated President Reagan didn' tspeak directly to the Ameri­can people to calm and assure them he 'U demand answers.

" I know the guy's got a busy job and au that, but not to say jack d iddJy really makes it look like

he's too busy sitting around the pool," he said .

Je ffye Kem, a Sant.a Ana woman. said during a stop a t a Costa Mesa post office that west­ern nations seem to have little legitimate:: recourse, which makes the situation worse.

"I'd .hate. to think lf we shot ddwn a Russian airliner what they'd be doing right now," said Kem.

Irvine resident Robert Kley said, ' 'I think we ough t to get as tough as we po6Sibly can . We're dealing with people who don't play by the rules and w e s houJd do whatever 's necessary. economic sanctions and whatever e lse."

Robert Bernie r . a phone com­pany employee who Llves m Irvine. said . •·J thmk it was unmnigated gall for them to do that . l don 't think I'd ge t any tougher - not with the threat of nuclear war. But I think their wheat supply should dimin ish some ."

John Naus of Fountain Valley said, ''I just feel they (the U.S. government) should look into it and try to recover the black box Crom the airlin~r.

"h's a touchy situation. Somthing definitely has to be done. but if you start~ (in retaliation). you might oost more lives than were '°8t in the airliner. F.conomic restrictions (against the Soviet Union) might be a good idea."

Winifred Rainey of Fountain Valley said she reacted to the news of the s hot-down airliner with "utter disgust and dismay."

"It's terrible, unpardonable," she said "I heard that they (the Russian ,eta) followed at for two hours. and they could see it was a cornmerctal aU'lmer

" I think a first reaction might be to retalia te (nulitarily), but I don't thmk that would be very smart. But they should de firutely stop grain shipments (to the Soviet Union)."

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Orange C<?aSt DAILY PILOT /Friday. Sept. 2. 1983 AS

Interferon 'interferes' with cancer Women voters to hold information meetings

UCI researchei: says substance has halted disease, shrunk tumors in most cases

The Orange Coast League of Women Voters will hold a series of infonnatlonal meetings on its activities during Sept.ember.

Meetings will be held on Sept. 13 at 9:30 a .m . in Glendale Federal Savings, 24221 Calle de la Louisa, Laguna Hills; Sept. 14 at 9:30 a .m. at 24992 Buckboard Lane, Laguna Hills; Sept. 14 at 9:30 a .m. at 407 Snug Harbor Road, Newport Beach, and Sept. 15 at 9:15 a.m. at 1414 Carmelita St., Laguna Beach.

League meetings are free and open to the public. Further in.formation may be obtained by calling 645-7120.

Chinese paintiag courses at GWC Master artist and teacher Yung-liang Liu will instruct a

nine-week program in traditional Chinese brush painting and a 12-week program in china painting at Golden West College this fall.

Available through GWC's community services education office, the brush painting program will be offered on Tuesdays. beginning Sept. 12, from I to 4 p .rn. Fee for the non-credit program is $51.-

Cl'iina painting will be taught Fridays, starting Sept. 16, from 1 to 3 p.m . and the fee is $40. Supplies for each program will cost approximately $50.

Registration is by mail using the form in the community services fall calendar of events.

lnve~tors to hear talk on capital The Orange County chapter of ,Inventors Workshop Inter­

national will meet Sept. 12, at 7 p.m . in the conference room of American Savings & Loan Association, 23688 El Toro Road, El Toro.

Anthony J . D'Eustachio, president of Global Ventures lnc .. and J oseph C. Patterson of the same company will discuss venture capital for the inventor and entrepreneur.

There is no admission charge. Call Greg Beck, chairman of the Orange Countychapter, at 855-9250 for further information.

Self-defense courses planned Self-defense for women and men will be taught in a nine-week

Coastline College course on Mondays, beginning Sept. 12. The class meets from 6:30 to 9;30 p.m. at Fountain Valley High School. '

Gillis Brown will stress techniques that help person avoid becoming a victim. She also will teach ways of physically warding off an attack. For women, she will discuss rape prevention.

Students can register by mail or by visiting one of the Coastline College offices. In-class registration will be accepted on a space-available basis. A $2 class fee must be paid at the time of registration.

From 1&aff ud wire report•

Interferon, a body protein that fights diseaae, has halted the spread of ovarian cancer in nearly two-thirds of ~omen tested and in some cases shrunk the tumors, a UC Irvine resean:her aaya.

Dr. Philip DiSaia, chainnan of the department of obstetrics and gynecology, and a team of phys­icians used interferon to treat 35 patients with advanced ovarian canc;er.

The substanr.e shrank the tumors of five women and kept the disease from becoming worse in an additional 15, Di Saia said. Fifteen other women showed no favorable response after several weeks, and doctors switched them \9 conventional chemo1herapy. he said . .

DiSa1a and his colleagues con­ducted the trials at UCI Medical Cent.er in Orange, Memorial Hos­pital of Long Beach and medical centers in Oregon and North Carolina.

The patients ranged in age from 32 to 74 years. All suffered advanced disease, and all were expected to die within a year after

nventional therapy had proved in ffective.

six weeks, the patients recei interferon shots five days a wee . Interferon is derived from human cells combined with non-human virus, produced in large-scale tissue culture and purified.

The results come at a time when the medical community is growing disillusioned with interferon. Once hailed as a wonder cure for everything from colds to cancer, it appears to have fallen short of its promise.

Last week, an article in the

Quick-change artists pocket $87 A quick-change man-woman team

(money, not clothes) has tricked emp!Oyees of Rico's Pizza at f6155 Herbor Blvd., Fountain Valley, oot of $87. They told Police that the female member distracts them and the male member confuses them with last money changes.

A vandal, apparently using a BB gun, cteatroyed one mirrored window and damaged another at OB Properlel. 10540 Talbert Ave .• Foun­tain Valley. Damage was put at $3000.

A aecretary at Fountain Valley's ShOf'ellne Realty; 18384 Brookhurst St.. said someone took her wallet containing $12 lrom her purse beside her desk.

Huntington Beach A tire Iron was thrown through a

window overnight at Bio Hee.Ith Center, 15053 Golden Wes1 St. The ION wu estimated at S250.

A gray 1963 Volkswagen with a SYn roof and chrome rims was r8ported atoten Thuraday from the 16800 bloctt of Saybrook Lane. The lou waa eetlmated at $3,000.

A resident returning to her home Thurlday afternoon on the 8400 btoek of Polder Clrciil surprleec:t burglars. Who fled. Entry had ap­p81ently been made through an unlocited rear bathroom window. The ION Included $2,000 1n jewelry and a $60camera.

A aide window wu broken to enter a 1978 Audi 5000 patl<ed overnight Thurlday In a lot b4*cte a bualneu on the 10400 block of Adami Av­enue. The lose Included a S500 Blauponkt In-dash stereo.

A garaoe was reported burglarllect Thur!day on the 19000 bloc'< of Holly Streflt.A padlock wu pried oft to enter. The loss Included S-486 worth of stereo equipment.

Irvine Two resldentlal burglaries Thurs­

day night resulted In loss or jewelry. The first, on Peppergrass. occurred at 7 p .m. The second, on the 3000 block of Carmel Avenue, waa r&­ported about 10 p .m. It la not known II the two Incidents are related.

A painter working on the 200 block of Streamwood Thurlday afternoon was reportedly aasaulled by a 14-year-old boy carrying a pocket knife. Tiie man aald he was hatruaed by 18V9fal youth• Who aqulrted water at him with ayrlngea. When he went to grab one of the syrlngee. one of the boys swung at him with the knife. He was not Injured.

Laguna Beach Vandals apparently ueec:t pellet

guns to break windows at a hooM In the 1500 block of Via Cor1lca. the owner told police.

A man said he was beaten up by an unknown a.uallant In the 1300 block of Sooth Cout Highway late Thurs­day night, but Police were unable to locate hla attackllf.

Costa Mesa A bank employee helled a puelng

police off\cer on Harbor Boulevard Thurlday becauM a man wu har­rasslng a woman In her parked car In the bank's lot. The man, who pultec:t off ttte woman's sunglUMI and brolca them. told the offloer lhe was hla ll~n glrlfrlend who didn't come home the night before. The glrtf\1end .. kl she wa1 moving out and Mid she'd call for pollce protection to pictl up her belonglnga.

Thieves stole St ,387 worth of property from a second-story apart­IJlent on the 700 block of Shalimar Drive. police were told. Among ml88· Ing artlclel were fishing gear, a calcolator, a gold ring, coins, a tape recorder and a buncti of shirts.

Newport Beach FOUf 2-4-karat gold-plated wheel

covers from a Cadillac were pried off and stolen In a Hoag MemOl'lal Hoapltal pwklng lot. The owner of the car. an execu11ve eecretary at the hospltal, said the cover platee are worth $1,000.

A collection of braaa and pewter sculptures worth $ 2,725 were atoten from a garage on the 700 block 9f lrla Avenue.

A blllbo&1d depicting an lee cream cone In front ot Sparky'• IC Cream, 4547 W. Coast Highway, wu stolen. Ownefa of the Ice oream parlor said the sign, mM&Urlng lour by five feet , 11 worth $450.

Sunny holiday weekend ahead Coastal

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Journal of the American Medical Aaeociationsaid, .. The honeymoon (with interferon) is over "

Still, 'researchers have reported using it successfully to treat kidney cancer, infections, chronic

leukemia and Kaposi's sarcoma, a skin cancer common among AIDS patients.

DiSaia and h~ colleagues are !he finrt ,., report.its effectiveness m treat1hg ovarian cancer, the


fourth leCAd1ng cause of cancer deaths in women .

" It (interferon) never was a magic bullet," DiSaia aaid. "But, but haven't used it long enough \o know its true potential.''

HB group carrying the torch A group of Huntington Beach

residents is helping to rescue a damsel Ill distress on the other side of the t"Ontinent - the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.

The good Samaritans. mostly retirees or residents of area con­valescent hospitals. are staging a number of fund-raising events to raise money for the restoration of the colossal copper statue.

.- A spokesmann who wis hed to remain unidentified said the elderly people are "extremely patriotic" and are taking \o heart President Reagan's desire to re­furbish the statue through privat;e means .

The big event in the local drive will come Sept. 9 with a "Save the Statue of Liberty block party" in the parking lot of.the Huntington Beach Convalescent Hospital at 1811 Florida S t .

The block party will include games, food , music, bazaar items and baked goods.

Other activities are scheduled to lead up to the big day . A bake sale Wednesday featured . cookies shaped Like Miss Liberty and Thursday there was a rummage sale. An ice cream social was slated today and a plant sale Wednesday. AU the activities will be he ld at the Huntington Retirement or the Huntington Beach Convalescent Hospital.

To remain a tourist attraction, the Statue of Liberty needs restoration funds ra ised privately.

Proceeds will be donated to the Statue of Ltbertv -Ellis Island Foundation in Ne~ York.

Shyness .labeled inh~rited trait From staff ud wlr~ reports

About half the people who clam up around strangers and cling close to friends at parties were born with a tendency to shyness, a psychologist's research shows.

' 'Shyness is indeed an inherited penonality trait ," says Jonathan Cheek, a profe&90r at Wellesley College in M~huaetts.

But genes lio not determine shyness as absolutely as they do the color of one's eyes or the size of one's noee. said Cheek. one of 9,000 people who attended this year's American Psychological Association convention in Anaheim. •

Timidity is due just as much, and perhaps more to relationships with parents and friends, he said.

Cheek was one of several shy­ness experts who presented their findings during the convention, which ended Tuesday. The s ub­ject drew little attention until the mid-1970s, but re9earchers are now churning out two dozen

0 People find themselves in more difficult, more threatening situations. "

articles a year on the t.opic, Cheek said .

Shyness is on the rise as social relationships become "more com­plex, less ritualized," said Robert Arkin, a psychologist at the Uni­versity of Missouri, Columbia. " Increasingly, people find them­selves in more difficult, more threatening social situations."

Up to 40 percent of Americans polled say they freez.e when they meet new people, more than ital{ of teen-agers admit they are sh y, and social unease ii a "tremendous problem" among college students, said psychologist C.R. Snyder of the University of Kansas.

Cheek sa.id about half .of shy people inherited the trait. The others learned the behavior from parents or developed it after unhappy or embarassin~ social

Cheek's conclusions are based on a s tudy of 839 sets of twins. He found that if one identical twin was ti.nud, the other also tended to be shy.

But such was not the case with fraternal twins - twins with genetically different makeup -leading him to conclude that heredity can predispose people to be timid.

He said his work is supported by a Harvard psychologist's study that found some infants' heart rat.es increased as strangers ap­proached their cribs, while others sh owed no phys1ologicil. response.

Warren J ones. a psychologist at the University of Oklahoma. Tulsa, sa.id some generalizations may be_ drawn about sby people: Their behavior is often inter­preted as snobbishness, lack of talent, or unfriendlin~; they are often unaware of the tmp~ons they make on others; and they tend to forget the names of people they meet.

A WORD TO THE WISE There is a tendancy for many carpet stores to use strictly a warehouse

concept. One advantage is seeing carpeting in rolls rather than samples.

Many disadvantages are evident - most operations of th is type buy only Off-goods, so that the customer only gets to see old patterns. or carpets thEI mills coukin' t sell to regular outlets. Also, this type of operation generally feels that experience is unimportant. and consequently the salespeople know little or nothing about the products. Finally, most will farm out the installations to tne lowest bidder. guaranteeing a poor Installation. (Many of these installers are contracting Illegally without a state license.)

At Alden's we maintain a happy medium. We carry a large inventory. and the largest sample selection around. We have experienced salespeople, and our Installers were trained by us. Finally. we are a state licensed contractor.


Live the life of LEES


I 0

-'4 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Frida~. Sept. 2, 1983


Bodies of two U.S. Marines returned home for. burial By Tlte A11oclatecl Pre11

Two U.S . Marines killed in an assault on American peacekeeping forces in Beirut. Leba­non, completed their final journey home as their bodies arrived for · burial in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. A memorial service for the two -2nd Lt. Donald Loeey, 28, of Wlnston-Salem, N.C., and staff Sgt. Alexander Ortega, 25, of Rochester, N.Y. - was acheduled today at the Camp Geiger Chapel near Camp Lejeune, N.C. Both men were killed Monday in an exchange of gunfire with leftist Moelem militia. Ortega was to be buried Tuesday in Hometown, Pa.. and a funeral for Loeey was acheduled for Sunday in Winston-Salem. Ceremo~ were to be held with military honors.

McDonald wife eyes office ATLANTA - The wife of Rep. Lawrence

McDonald. calling the reported shooting of her husband's jet by the Soviets a " typical action of the communists,'' says she is considering entering a special el~tion to succeed him. Kathryn McDonald discussed the candidacy during a series of appearances on television news shows Thursday night.

Quints born in Alabama BIRMINGHAM. Ala. - A woman gave

birth to Alabama's first quintuplets, but two of the premature infants died early this morning and the other three were in critical condition. The five babies, four girla .and one boy, were born between 6 p.m. and 8 p .m. The mother, Jan Roberts, 28. of Talladega, was in satisfactory condition after the five were delivered by Caesarean section. Mrs. Roberta and her 34-year-old husband, Steve, h.ave no other children.

STATE Censured judge to retire

LOS ANGELES - Superior Court Judge Robert S . Stevena, censured by the state Supreme Court two years ago for making ot.cene phone calla, has been granted a disability retirement becau.e of poor health. Stevens is eligible to rec:eive 65 percent of his $63,267 judge's salary. or $41.,123.55 a year. He already geta a Legislative pension of $7.806.36 a year, making a total retirement income of $48,929.71.

Illegal alien hunt probed LOS ANGELES - Claiming illegal aliens

are "hunted down like the J ews in Nazi Gennany." civil rights and labor groups have demanded a federal probe into the Border Patrol clw.e of a car chat crashed, killing 11 Hiapanks. "We are asking for an investigation by the U.S . Justice Department into the tactics and policies used by the U.S . Border Patrol." Lydia Acosta, an organizer for the Los Angeles Equal Rights Congress. told a news conference Thursday.

Policewoman shoots teen LOS ANGELES - An 18-year-oldman was

wounded by an off.-duty policewoman in a 9CU.f:f1e that ~hen he allegedly jumped onto the hood of her car, police say. Lt. Charles Higbie said Offioer Teri T . Malveau. 23. accompanied by her two children, was driving out of a parking lot at Slauaon and Western avenues Thunday when a man leaped onto the car and began trying to twm off the windshield wiper. When she got out of the car and identified heneU as an officer. she war ueaulted and choked but pulled her gun and shot the man in the abdomen. Higbie said.

WORLD Aquino family says 'no'

MANILA. Phillpplnes- The family of slain opposition leader Benigno Aquino today rejected an invitation to partk:ipate in public hearings by a commiasion cn!eted by President Ferdinand E. Marcoa to investigate the killing.

Christians protest massacre BEIRUT, Lebanon - Anny troops patrolled

moatly MoaJem west Beirut in tanb and armored truck.a today aaresidentsof the capital's Christian 8ed0r ~ a general strike to protest a rnueacre of villagen by Dru.le militiamen.

' Bomb blast rocks village BESSBROOK, Northern Ireland - A bomb

planted in a parked car exploded without wamina today ln a village st.reel, damaging ~and sending wveral peo-ple to the hospital for ire.tment of shock, police Mid. A preaa offker at Be1f.aat police headquarten said no one was wounded In tbe expao.i.on, which occurred near a police mt.Ion.

Rebels launch major attack N'DJAMENA. Chad - Mott than 3,000

Libyan 10ldien and rebel "meroenarie1" laWlChed a major attack at dawn today on the i.otated ,ovemrnent outpmt of Own Chalouba, the pemmt'nt report.eel.

Clashes continue in Poland' WARSAW , Poland Govern ·

mmt.-controu.d Pollah newapepen said today that ...,11ne bombl hurled at police and children ~ ueed "to saw t.enlion" ln clMhet that ,rew out of demonltnj.lorw mark.Ina the th1rd an· nlwnary of Solidarity. ~ wue rwpcl1ed In at IMn n1M Polish cld.et and police ~ force to dJlpene bKbn of the outlawed labor W)Jon ln NOVt• Hu\a, Wroclaw. Lubtn and Q4lnlk. •

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Allies • irate, assail Soviets By 'he Alaoclate4 PreH

America's allies around the world expreaed outrage today over the reported downing of a Sou.th Korean jumbo jet by a Soviet jet fighter. •

Jobless rate ~ holds;.10 u.rd.c million idle


WASHINGTON (AP) - America's civilian jobless rate held steady at 9.5 percent last month. the government reported today. leaving nearly 10.7 million people out of work on the eve of the nation's Labor Day w~kend.'

Some 300.000 people found job! in August. But the overall civilian unemployment rate remained unchanged because lAt>,000 other Americans re­awned their search for work. but failed .

The Soviets, in a statement released by the Soviet Embaay in France, accuaed the United States of whipping up a "hysterical anti-Sovie t campaign" over the plane's disappearance, wt)ich 1\ called a "catastrophe."

In Seoul, Sen . Jesse Helms, R-N.C .• said he will recommend to President Reagan that he "expel all Soviet diplomats with the exception of the ambassador and a skeleton staff."

Sign-carrying demonstrators march near the White House, protesting the Soviet Union's downing of a South Korean plane which killed all aboard, including an American congressman.

Nevertheless, the total number of people with jot.reached 101.6 million, an all-time h.igh. Since last December, when joblessness hit a post-Depression peak of 10.8 percent and more than 12 million Americans were out of work. 8ome 2.5 million have foundjo~.

But, on a sour note. joblessness among black male teen-agers soared last month &om 47 .6 percent to 56.8 percent. an all-time high. In contrast, the unemploy­ment rate among white male teen-agers rose only from 20.4 percent to 21.1 percent.

In London, F oreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe demanded in a 30-minute meeting with Am­bassador Victor Popov a "full explanation" and expressed the Conservative government's ''strong condemnation,'' a govern­ment spokesman said.

revulsion ... that it has done damage to interna_tional relations and that the first means simply of lemening that damage is for the Ruaaians to come clean."

said. "Whal is concerned is a catutrophe of an aircraft which, furthennore, twice violated the airspace of the Soviet Union. For two houn the crew of the aircraft did not reply to inaistant signals addressed to them in ways con­firming to the universal inter­national aviation code.

The stagnant jobless rate came as no shock to Reagan administration officials and private analysts. who h.ad said in advance of today's Labor Depart­ment report that they aaw the dramatic 0.5 percentage point plunge in civilian joblessness from June to July as a one-time phenomenon .

Howe described the incident as a "matter of grave concern and horror."

The British and West GemlAn governments declared there wu no doubt that U .S . charges were true that a Soviet fighter shot down the unarmed civilian jet­liner over Sakhalin Thunday with the lcm of 269 lives - 51 of them American.

In Bonn, W~t German govern­ment spokesman Juergen Sudhoff told a news conference: "It is an inconceivable act of WlSurpaaBed brutality."

Sudhoff added, without elaboration, that West Germany had diacul8ed "the pomibUity of comequences" with the United States and its other Western allies.

In Paris, the French Foreign Ministry expre89ed ibl "sharpest indignation'' at the Joa of the plane, aying "In addition to the lack of eecw'ity of civil air trans­portation. (this incident) pu ta into question the principles which govern international relations and respect for tuuiwl life."

"The hysterical anti-Soviet campaign unleashed aa if by signal by the Americana is abeolutely unacceptable. It is even more incomprehensible that France has let ltaelf by swept up in it without having ita own independent infor­mation aa to what took plaQe."

. Indeed, presidential spokesman Larry Speakes, with the vacationing Reagan on the West Coast, noted that "this pause in decli.nlng unemployment rates comes on the heels of an unusually large drop in July. A downward trend over several months, combined with the increaae ln payroll employment, point to a steadily improving jobs picture. F.conomic news continues to be encouraging."

Some analysts, meanwhile, noted the growing number of recent reports signalling a slowdown in the economic recovery as pointing the way to little dramatic news on unemployment in the months ahead.

Howe said: "I made it plain to him (Popov) our horror and But the Soviet &nbuay in Paris

Soviet Ambuaador Vladimir Pavlov in Tokyo said there were "traces of an airline crash" in the Sea of Japan. but did not specify what they were or whether they were from the rniaing Korean Airlines flight 007. He did not say how many ships were searching.

An alternate unemployment rate, which in­cludes the more than 1.6 million armed services personnel stationed ln the United States, roee minimally from 9.3 perrenl to 9.4 percent in Au.gust.

Shamir moves to take helm Begin's success6r in Israel will face multi tu de of obstacles

TEL A VIV.' farael (AP) - But by afternoon, Shamir had Prime Minister Menachem drawn them back together again. Begin's successor faces a multi- One tough issue is the economy. tude of crushing prob1ema, rang- Begin's surprise resignation came ing from the military quagmire in just as the Cabinet was wracked Lebanon to a deficit -ridden eoon- by an agonizing debate on how to omy and widening splits in Israel's reduce the 125 percent annual aocial fabric. inflation rate and close a foreign

Yitzhak Shamir quickly dealt tradegapthatwas $1.678billionin with hia first challenge - as- the first half of 1983 - up 23 aembling a coalltion . Within houn percent from the same period in of winning leadership of Begin's 1982. party. he had drawn together the The resignation froze what has pre9ent Llkud bloc partners, become a pressing issue. Analysts enabling him to present .President say that if action is not taken Chaim Henog with a coalition quickly. Israel 900n will be spend­agreement if - as is likely - he is ing more to repay its debts than it asked. receives in aid from the United

By law, Herzog has to-give the States. first shot at coalition-building to At the same time, the Lebanon

• the party that haa the best chance. war looms as a major threat to The opposition Labor Party ia the pqlltJcal stability. Y itzhak Shamir

,,,..,..._ Jimmy Lee Gray, shown in his cell in 1982, was executed today.

Tot klller dies Victim's dad hails execution

lµgest single faction in the 120-member Parliament, with 50 eeata to Likud'a 46. But Likud haa the support of awing-vote 1pllnter parties.

Shamir, 68, now foreign minia­ter and fonnerly a guerrilla leader

Shuttle astronauts give materials test of space

way mark came around 3 a.m. EDT, aa they circled the globe on their <19th orbit.

and brael1 .ec:ret apnt, won the CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. Herut Party'• nomination early (AP) - Challenger's utronauta today by defMting Deputy Prime guided their ship 5' miles nearer Minister David Levy 436-302 in a to F.arth today to tea how umplew

PARCHMAN. Mias. (AP) - Child killer Jimmy IM!'Cftt ballot of the party'• central of future apace materiala can stand Lee Gray, executed today in Mlssiaaippi over the committee. up under constant bombardment

Commander Richard Truly and pUot Dan Brandenstein fired Challenger's maneuvering en­gines to drop the orbit from an altitude of 193 miles to 139 miles. steering the shuttle into the upper regions of Earth's ozone layer where there is a aea of atomic oxygen molecules.

protests of death penalty opponenta, "didn't h.ave the Begin'• reeignation loc:iemed by particles of atomic oxygen. right to continue~... said the father of a the 9ea1n11 that held hia ooe.lition More than 300 different aam-3-year-old victim. togetherforthelixyearshewuin ples, from paints to telescope lens

Theee mol~ules are formed when cosmic rays strike oxygen atoms.

"Even in priaon he had been able to talk. to power. Some of hia coalition coallngs. were being exposed to breathe and to laugh and he had taken all thae things pa11nen had cast sidelong glances the eroding effects of the hurtling from my little girl." Richard Scale. u.id from hil at the opposition Labol' Party, particles, in an experiment that home in Dallaa, after learning Gray had died in wondering whether it h.u more tO began shortly before the Mississippi's gas chamber for raping and suffocating offer them than Begin'• nillng astronauts paaed the midpoint of little Dare.a Jean Scales .even years ago. Likud Bloc. their six-day journey. The half.

Gray who was on parole from an Arizbna pri8on .-------------------------------------­when he' kJdnapped the child, agreed that he "deserved to die," according to miniaten who befriended him the 34-year-old born-again Christian at the Mialsalppi State Penitentiary in Parchman.-

Still. the first execution in Miaat.ippi in 19 years brought death penalty opponents to the pri8on gates and to the governor's mansion where Gov. William Winter declined to intervene.

"Killing does not show other people that killina is wrong ," said David Flockhart, a .regional coordi­nator for Amnesty International from Oxford, MiJa .. speaking outside the Mlsaiaaippl Delta prison.

"I don't want It done in my name," said Gen Yancey who drove two hours with her.husband. a Presbyterian minister, to the penitentiary vigil where hymna were chanted by 18 people bearing candles.

A handful of death penalty backea alao demonstrated at the pri.8on. " If they pve him life, he'd be out again,'' reuoned Wayne Langford of Jacluon.

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Victims rec.over, hearings delayed By GLENN SCOTJ' OflM~~· ....

Two Costa Mesa youths who were aerioualy injured at an Aug. 7 party when they were run over by an aquaintance's car a re home today from the h05pitaJ.

Irvine police .seek molester of baby sitter

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Orange Coast DAILY PILOT / Prlday, Sept. 2. 1983 A6

Cyclist aids cops, but loses wheels

·..C:omm,, . C'l"altv Proven In Self·servtce ' •und r fe s · Centte en ergy ~c1ent

torytng • Etec· ro n le

Auto-ory or Time Con trot


One Of A Kinds & Close Outs

Dalke ang other pohce officers who res¢'nded to the scene . He said the man, identified as Ray­mond J . Bruton, 67, of West­minster, was placed in Huntington Beach City Jail on suspicion of aasault with a deadly weapon and indecent e,cposlµ'e.

Regarding Pat.one, Swan said, "He l06t his motorcycle, and he didn't have iJlSurance because it had just lapsed. But as a police officer, I'm glad he did it. He took the inJtiatlve and really helped. us out."

Bandit gets drug haul

• ..


• Al Orange Coast DAILY PILOT / Friday, Sept. 2, 1983


Em ployees are the key To the F.ditor;

1 have seen a lot of explanations as \.0 why our U.S . Postal Service is so screwed up. I, myseU. have seen what goes on first hand. I worked 6 years for a mail contrac­tor, a trucking company con­tracted to the postal service to haul mall from one post office to another. My wife is employed as a maH carrier.

The postal ser'Vlce 1s divided in hall. One side you have manage­ment and on the other side 1s employees. I am not kidding when I say it can get to be a regular war, and our mail is delayed because of it.

Example: They will have an employee work 10 to 12 hours a day. expect them not to complain and then tum around and teU them their shorts are five inches above their knee instead of three. So they won 't let them work until their sho are lo ed. In turn, that pe who' bee'h-.~rking all these h h to put u with harraiwnent. e's not go· to walk as fast or sort mail as fast.

Now how many people care if that carrier's shorts are 5 inches above his knee or 3? Come on now, you want your mail and if that carrier's being comfortable will help speed it up, great.

Another example: A supervisor will come up with some kind of a rule. the employees won't like it and so they just slow down. In

, turn, there is your mail not gee ting to the carrier before he leaves to deliver, so your mail s its another

day . I used to think what would

people do if they knew that a package they would take to the post office and mail, say at 8 or 9 a .m , would not leave the post office until the next morning. l 'v-' ~n this go on for ye.::rs at a couple of the ~he post offices. The reason - because they did not have enough room in the truck and did not want to pay for a larger truck or have another truck go and pick 1t up. I've even seen a supervisor come out and tell h is employees to leave the parcels and take empty equipment. When you maU a parcel, it goes 3rd class. You pay to have It sent as soon as possible. You understand 1s t and 2nd class mail goes first, but not empty equipmenL ·

ls thlS the caliber of people running the Postal Service? From what I've seen, yes, it is.

I could go on with more stories of just plain harrassment or just plain ignorance and people would be really surprised to see 1t first hand as I have.

The Postal Service has a lot of problern.5, but I know if the manangement would take a dif­ferent attitude towards their em­ployees, maybe even a pat on the back for d¢ng a good job (some­thing unheard of in the Postal Service), the mail would speed up. The Postal Service needs help. Talk to your maiJ carriers, they can tell you .

RICHARD B. COOLEY Huntington Beach

MIAs deser ve our h elp To the F.ditor:

It is with much American pride and moral distinction that I praise Susan Boyd and Senator Speraw with their completely unselfish efforts in Project Bring Americans Home . And it is with much disgust that I denounce Mr. James Tag­gart's remarks against their patri ­otic efforts to save our POWs. (Letters to the F.di tor. Aug. 24)

First. there IS an ind1catJon that Americans are being kept in Southeast Asia against their will. The U.S . revealed 200 re pol-ts of live POWs in Indochina . It is a disgrace that thlS on-going atroci­ty has evoked a mere whisper of opposition among Amerit·an citn.ens.

We as Americans should be damn angry that our men who left their homes. families and ca.ri!ers to hght in a bloody war, are not even dignified through citizen protest of their inhumane slavery in Southeast Asia, f\OW 12 years to

date! To quote an MIA's son (he never

saw him grow up), " My father served the <."'Ountry, the country should serve him as weU."

It is our duty as a model nation of democratic ideals, to do every­thmg in our power to bring our men bac k. Not to do so removes any little evidence of ourselves as a nation prescribed lO safeguard democracy.

I urge all ci tiz.ens to become involved with thtS worthwUe cause, and to help bring our Americans home

And finall y. in regard to Mr. Taggart's pragmatism wilh his tax dollars. he should be remmded that all those 'imaginary war heroes' paid their taxes too, but they gave a little more than everyone else - they gave their lives.

JOHN GALT Newport Beach

Dally Piiot welcomes commentary from readers .

The Dally Piiot sollclta your views on any matters of Interest to our communities. It you wlah to contribute to these pages with a letter, or a long« commentary on an .IJSUe, please send your s.ubmlHlon legibly written or typed. Commentary plecet thoued be no longer than 500 words. Letters should be considerably more concise. Shorter lette~ will be considered first . Address such correspondence to: LETTERS To Ttt. EDITOR, DeHy Piiot, Box 1MO, Coete ...... CA., 12829. Please Include your name. address and telephone number.

If you prefer, you may call In your letter to the We're ll• l•nlng special telephone number ... MI~. Be sure to leave your name, address and telephone number so that we may verity-your comments.

Please do not call In longer letters or commentaries.

l. M. BDJd /Nor thern toll Q . How many Canadians w~re

killed i{I the Vietnam War? A. 56. About 20,000 served there

from 1964 to 1975.

ln Quito. Ecuador. is the Hosp1 -

A That weighty briefcase-size portable radio seen mostl y in the arms of teenagers not strong enough to take out the garbage

, tal of San Juan de Dios. It opened in March of 1565 And 1t hasn't closed, not even for one day, smt-e Don ' t b e li e ve any o ther open-for-busin~ re<."Ord an the Western Hemisphere can match that one

New York YankN' basebaJJ pitcher Ron Guid ry 1s a top ch~ player

Q Old the English dnnk tea in

Shakespeare's day? A No, but the Dutch were

gelling into it by the time of hlS death. They thought it was a laxative. Q What's a "homeotheml"?

A Any animal, Uk.e man. that 1 nonnally mat.nt.ains a constant

body temperature. The creature that takee ita body 1.cmpenture from itl environment, like a fl.ah , is a poikilothenn.


A nouaehold dog invariably likes one member of the famlly better than any other.

Q Wh1t'1 a "ghetto bl&8ter"'



A blaze, which broke out re<."ent­ly ln a fire-extinguisher factory m Belgium.destroyed the Inventory. correspondent.9 rep;1rt.

Q . Thoee moat famous Siamese twin.• of all time were named Eng and Chang. Which was which?

A. ln ThaJ, Eng means left and Chang means right

H.L. lchwerta Ml ~

ChaJJ)owllllbJ Cdllof .... "-'"'' IOI ... ~


' AGENT ~~7 WE'~ STUt'r'ING ~ IT-W~T MCRE. 00 YOU WANf? '

Nixon's oily Greek connection WASHLNGTON A lit -

tle-noticed item in the financial pages recently repdrted the purchase of Tom Pappas's oil company, Fsso Pappas, by the Greek government. There's a fascinating story behind the $15 million deal.

Pappas was a major fund-raiser and contributor to the 1968 cam­paign of ~d Nixon and his running mate, Spiro T . Agnew, who was to become the h ighest ele c ted o f fic1al of Greek-American background . The F.sso works in Greece was just one of the multimillionaire's hold­ings, which also included sh ipping and soft drink companies.

The Pappas enterprises were alleged to be fronts for CIA operations in Greece during the period when the military junta was in power More serious were charges that CIA funds found their way through Pappas back to the United States mto the Nixon-Agnew campaJgn fund. If Nixon got his hands on U.S . Treasury money indi rectl y through the CIA, it 1s a scandal of first magnitude.

Greek link An investigauon into the

Nixon-Pappas-C I A connection was begun by the Sen.ate In­telligence Committee in 1975. But it was dropped at the personal request of then -Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

The money trail led from the CIA to its Greek counterpart, the K YP, then to Pappas and back to the United States and into the Nixon-Agnew campaign. Pappas vehemently denied the charges,

G. .....-JA-Cl-11_1_11_11-1 -~-

which had come from Elias De­metracopoulos, a respected Greek journalist who had fled his home­land after the junta took over in 1967.

A few weeks before the 1968 election, Demetracopoulos took his charges to Lawrence O'Brien, then chairman of the Democratic National Committee. O'Brien is­sued a press release demanding that Nixon and Agnew explain their relationship to Pappas, but it drew little attention in the final days of the campaign.

lt is conceivable that if the truth about Nixon's secret funding by the CIA had come out. he might have lost the extremely close election to Hubert Humphrey. As thmgs turned out, though, the Greek extle leader's charges may have played an unwitung part in Nixon's ultimate downfall. Here's how :

In 1971, Demetracopoulos laid his explosive charges before a House Foreign Affairs subcom­mittee, and was asked to sublTUt de tails in a memorandum. Before he could do so, Nixon's longtime adviser, Murray Chotiner, told Demetracopoulos: " Lay off Pap­pas. It's not smart politics. You know Tom Pappas is a friend of the president's."

Then Attorney General John Mitchell got into the act. At a party, he confronted a Republican friend of the Greek joumali.st, Louiae Gore. then-ambassador to

UNESCO. She wrote De­metracopoulos: "(Mitchell) is furi­ous at you - and your testimony against Pappas. He kept threaten­ing to have you deported."

Spoke up Demetracopoulos submitted hJS

memo to the House subcommittee anyway - disclosing that he had documentary evidence to support his charges. The ~te House was obviously worried about De­metracopoulos' evidence - and. according to competent sources. that may have been one reason the Watergate burglary was authorized. Nixon wanted· to know what ammunition De­metracopoulos had supplied to the

·Democrats. 1lhe "smoking gun" m the

Greek connection was eventually provided by the late Henry Tasca. m 1976 testimony to the House lntel..Ugence Committee. Tasca previously half been U.S . am· bassador to Greece, and his sworn testimony was kept secwt a t his insistence. He confirmed the fun ­neling of money from the Greek junta to the Nixon campaign.

The eminent investigative re ­porter Seymour Hersh, in h is book about Henry Kissinger, has writ­ten that Tasca's testimony " raises the question whether the CIA ... was aware that some of its funds were being returned to the United S t.ates for use in a presidential election."

As for the Senate investigation of 1975, Hersh declares: "Sources cloee to the rommittee have said that its investigation was abruptly canceled at Kissinger's direct re­quest."

Footnote: Nixon, Kissinger and Pappas were either unavailable or refused to comment.

EXPENSIVE MOPPING: Be­cause some Naval Academy mid­shipmen had to swab decks and work in the galley for a few weeks - and a Maryland member of Congress misconstrued the reason for this demearung duty - the taxpayers will get stuck for millions of dollars

Rep. Marjorie Holl, R-Md . thought the midshtpmen's menial chores were caused by failure of private contractors to perform properly. In fact, it was civil servants who failed to perform; they transferred, quit or took early retirement when they learned that private firms had been awarded th(' Jamtonal con­tracts, leavmg the middles stuck with the dirty work

Holt's mistnformauon led the House to pass a one-year mora­torium on private contracung for the three service academies. Even when her mistake was discovered and the amendment dropped , the Navy - evidentaUy reluctant to offend the congresswoman -assured Holt that 1t will delay the switch to private contracting any­way. The move rould cost more than $5.5 million

TANK TROUBLE. T he Pen­tagon is trying to play down yet another problem w i th i ts trouble-plagued M-1 tank. During tests at Aberdeen , Md , last March , a 120mm sheU exploded in an M-1 tank's gun. The Pentagon called the mishap an "unexpected test incident" and said no one was hurt. Sources say three persons were injured, perhaps seriously.

It's an elevating experience U you've ever worked or lived

in a building where you had to use an elevator, you know that it becomes part of your ti(e. It's often as much a barrier between you and the ground. or the ground and your office or apartment, as an open drawbridge.

No one ever gets completely romfortable with an elevator. There's something about them we don't trust. Lurking in the back of our memory is the story we once read about the 12 people who were stuck between the seventh and eighth floors for nine hours. We look around, imagming what it would be like to be stuck with

I~' ' -11n- 11-11-11- '""""§t

the people now on our elevator

What's tht> story'! There's an uncertamty in our

mmds abou l the engineering prin · clples of an elevator. We've aU had little glimpses into the dirty, dark elevator shaft and seen the greasy cables palBing each other. They never look totally sale. The idea of bei.ng t.rapped In a small box going

- ., L.A.,........ • -----""'• .,_,.. • • IHI ... ,.... me we.ti I CD'9d i.ct." ' ,.

up and down on string11 induces a kind of phobia in all of us. There we are, standing on a platform, enclosed on all six sides, that could drop to the bottom of the buildmg in an instant if any of the strings and the emergency brakes fai led.

There's a predictable sequence to the little drama of an elevator ride. If you arrive at the elevator door first and the elevator Is on another Ooor. you press the button and stand ther~ with absolutely nothing to do. Usually someone else arrives before the e levawr does. Depending on your rela­tionship with that per90n, yuu say noth.mg. nod or say heUo.

invariably the second person. and subeequent persons who ar­rive. stand there for ten 9eC'Onds and then step forward and p~ the l:jutton themselves.

Reflex action I've never been sure what

motivates a penon to press the button when I'm already st.anding

·there. Does he think l'm 80 dumb I wu 1tanding there without prese· 1.na It m}'lelf?

"More often I think It's just a little llC\lon that re.llevea Lhe emb&rTatmnent of atanding there cloee to another penon without saying '1'Ything. It's 10methina to do. Often lt'a donv with an

,.&mpatient gesture. designed to prodl.K'e 1 rapport between thr 11.andeet.. by •'4Qfttina ' mutual clltapproval of the m11Chintry.

t work OJ.f the shnh noor of • bUildlni. 1 know IOme of the t levator Rden well. Othen l havr only tha' noddlna acquaJnt.ance with and .&mt ltt tota111trlln.gcrs.

I prefer ndlng wl&h tht~ 11rAnf(('l'S. Thew' {\levator fril'nds

' ------·

whose names I'm unsure of aren't comfortable with the silence, but we don't know each other well enough to talk about anything much. The conversauon often toms to the e levator it.self.

1f 1ts1.0ps at more than one floor. they'll say " We've got a local here."

I suppose that remark has been made an my presence in that e levator l.000 times

Id le patter Any other conversa llon 1s lim­

lted<to three t.op1cs and they begm with a quest.ion Those are.

1 ·'They keepin' you busy?" 2 " What's new w ith you?" 3. " ls at hot (rold) enou.gh for

you?" ~ 1ncllnat1on is lO JUSt nod and

smile when lheae are dU"eCted at me. I don' t want to be unfriendly but I'm not going to make a fool of myself by anawering a question that wasn't really meant to be one.

Facalators have always been more fun than elevators. although women often approach them gingerly. Years aao I talk'ed to a hotel archlt«t Nmed William Tabler who had just designed a new Hi.lton in New York. He·d put ln Iota of elf!vatora but he'd connected three meetln1 ~rn floors with e-!tealatora

"They're really slower ewn If you have to wait for the elevator," he said, "but people like to beo moving."

This week rve decid«l to pt in shape by walking up and down the alx rughu ln my buUdin&. h 's .aomtthlng I've dttldt'd t.o do th~ or four tlml's a year for th~ lul ten yrars. ~y r't't'OI V(> dLuppNn tn a ft>W day~"''" a r11 of· heavy broathan~

•.- .. - .r <


Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 .-7

Plant cool season vegetables now Just because summer is coming to an

end, it doesn't mean the vegetable gardsm · has to atop providing mouth-watenng

harvests. There are mariy vegetables that can be P.1¥'ted and harvested this fall.

Fall temperatures will please what is known as cool season crops like lettuce. Sowing the loose lea1 lettuce varieties now will probably give the best results. Try the head lettuces when the cooler weather arrives. · .

Even easier than lettuce are radishes. Just thin the seedlings to 1-inch apart; keep the,m well watered for a mild taste; and in a few · short weeks you will be harvesting a crop.

Another root vegetable ls carrots. There's nothing quite like tender baby carrots. Plant the •hort, early maturing kinda and harvests should be ready in September.

Spinach and endive are two great salad additions. Spinach can be counted on for tasty salads and cooking greens this fall . Endive with its crisp curled leaves provides a nice tanJt to any salad.

To improve the "texture of the leaves and remove any bitter taste, blanche them prior to harvest. This is done by taping the outer leaves up in a bunch over the head to eliminate the penetration of sunlight.

Another tasty leaf vegetable is Swiss

Pansies perk up flower, bulb beds

The pansy is a longtime favorite for dressing up nower. beds, containe.c;, borders and for covering bulb beds.

What makes this bedding plant so popular is plain and simple. You'll have color in the garden from the day you plant them.

T hey're available in a mixture of colors or in solid shades of blue, yellow, white, red and rose and now there's even an apricot colored pansy that's absolute­ly stunning. The plants grow quickly and are versatile in their use.

When massed in a bed either by themselves or covering bulbs, they provide a lush carpet of bloom.

Or, you may want to combine them ina bed with dwarf snapdragons, prirnroees, Iceland poppies, sweet william or columbine. With the last three growing taller than pansies, use them as a background so pansies can be shown off to their best advantage. •

0.-, ..... _ .., ....... u.-i

Doro thy Havely with super beefsteak to m a toes. ~ .

When planting pansies, be sure to enrich the soil first and then plant them 6 to 8 inches apart in full sun along the coastal areas and partial shade elsewhere. It's good practice to pinch back the plants frequently to spur on fresh growth and large.r blooms. Keep the faded blooms picked off.

A regular program of fertilizing every other week is suggested. With this small amount of "TLC" pansies will bloom from (all until spring.

Expectations exseeded Meetings resumed Tomatoes, grown by Dorothy plant would produce fruit weighing

Ravely, have surpassed all expec- 17 ounces or more. tatlons. These certainly have.

General gardening will be discussed a t the meeting of ~e Orange County Herb Society at l p .m . Sunday at the Mercury&ving,, Tustin. Speaker will be June and Duwanne Miller of the Orange County Organic Garden Club.

When she ordered the seeds, The Costa Mesan has picked

• • • she expected super beefsteaks - four weighing more that two after all that's what they were pounds. The number 17 figures In called In the Burpee catalog. The the circumference each company also promised that the measures 17V2 Inches.

Lagana Beacb Garden Club will open the fall

r • '

( r.:. ' :1 l ) -

season with a tea at 1 :30 p.m. Sept. 9 at Regents Point, Irvine. For infonnation call Mrs. Alton Pool, 494-1967.

LLDl'D•S oard~n sl1op


Due to expanded volume buying, Lloyd's is able to offer savings of from 20°/o to 40°/o on all nursery stock - offered with the same high quality and service excellence that Lloyd 's is known for.

NOTE OUR "NEW REGULAR" LOW PRICES Bedding Plants a 4" Pots f~m .........•..•..........•...•..•.••...•••...•..• 99• 1 Gallon Plants from ....•...•....•.....................•..................•.•.....• 12.98 5 Gallon Plants from ••.....••...•.•.•..••••.••..•.........•.••.••...••••.•••..••.•• '9.98


A rich, organic com­post , Gromulch Is the finest pfantlf)g mix available for trees, shruba, roaea. and all landacape plants.

BEDDING PLANTS Panaya a Vlol••

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Reg. 99° llOW

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As an additional Incentive to lntrod~~e you to Lloyd's : continuing high quality and NEW low prices, each customer visiting Lloyd's Nursery bearing this coupon wlll receive FREE - a 4" Chrysanthemum.

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1922 HARBOR Bl VO. COSTA MESA - 548· 1156


AND BASKETS These mini color gardens will add lasting interest to any patio. entry or garden.


20°1o·oFF FREE SEMllARS & DEMO'S Roger's presents gardening seminars Saturdays and Sundays at 2 PM. Sept 3 & 4 Growing Color in

Containers. Sept. 10 & 11 Growing Bulbs Spt 17 & 18 Growing Bulbs Roger's Hanging Basket demonstra· lions are given on Sat. at 11 A M .. 1 & 3 P.M .. Sun. at 1 & 3 P.M and weekdays at 3 P.M.



200/o OFF

chard. Either the white or attractive red-stemmed kind .offer continual harvests if you don't defoliate the plant

• each time. You can also plant and enjoy beets this fall too.

Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Bruaie18 sprouts, turnips and onions are alao on the list to plant at this time of the year. ~sure to provide all of them with eno\agh water to give the plants a good start.

As temperatures cool and the rain.a begin, you'll be watering leea frequently. Mulch to keep the roots cool and co~rve moisture. Apply a liquid fertiliz.er to 2-inch seedlinWJ to give them a boost and again in a few weeks.



7 LB. REG. s149a s 111a 2 LB. ROGER'S SOIL

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~I :I


~· Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, Sept . 2, 1983

Use this handy checklist for the items your family needs. Then bring your list to Mervyn's for supe~ savings Saturday, Sept. 3, Sunday, Sept. 4 and Monday, Sept. 5.

0 25°/o off Boys ' Van Heusenit dress shirts 4-7. reg . 6.50, 7.50, 4.87 and 5.62 8-20. reg . 7.00-12.00, 5.25 to 8.99 Ties , reg. 3.00 to 5.00, 2.25 to 3.75

0 5.99 3.01 off boys· tees 1n tropical or logo pnnts Pick Ocean Pacific. Lightning Bolt'• or Hobie . Sizes S-M-L-XL. reg . 9.00, sale 5.99

0 9.99 Boys' Levi"s • Cord Flares of easy care cotton/ polyester Sizes 8- 12 reg and 8-14 slim. 9.99 Students' 26-30. 9.99

0 9.99 Boys' Ocean Pacific shorts with two front cargo pockets Cotton sheeting or cotton/ polyester cord . in 26-30. Reg . 14 50 and 16 00. 9.99


0 6.99 and 7 .99 Special purchase ! Girl s' acrylic fleece ves ts with hood and side seam pockets L1m.ted quant ity Sizes 4-6X. 6.99 7-14 7.99

0 9 .99 Little girl•' Health-lex fJ dreues. Long or st-.urt sleeves. polyester / cotton kni t Limited quantity. 4-6X. Special purchase, 9.99

0 6.99 and 7 .99 Special purchase! Girls' pants 1n polyester/cotton cord. or cotton/ polyester twill. Limited quantity. Sizes 4-6X, 6.99 7-1 4. 7.99

o1.75 and2.10 30% off girls' apklets 1n white. pastel or dark \colors. Gi rls' sizes. Cotton. reg. 2.50 pkg. of 2 prs .. 1. 75 Nylon, reg. 3.00 pkg . of 3 prs . 2.10

0 50°/o off Clearance! Girls' sportswear. Clearance priced g1r1s· sportswear will be further reduced by 50% Broken sizes. L1m1ted quantities tn1em1ed•ate markdowns may ha"e been 1a~en

~ 0 2 for12.00 Toddlers' blanket 1leepers in soltds or prints with zip-front arid non-skid soles. 1, 2, 3 .• 4 years. Reg 8.50. 6.29 each or 2/12.00 -~-/' ~YIIJ ..

0 25°/o off Fine Sei ko and Pulsar • watches for men and women. All with quartz accuracy and dependab1l1ty Reg 110 OO-f95 00. 82.50 to 146.25

0 25°/o off Brooks jogger•. Famous stylln9. exceptional comfort. Men's 7 - 11. 12. reg . 25.00-29.00, tale 18.75-21 .75 Women's 5-9.10, reg. 28.00. 20.99

0 50°/o off Women 's back-to-school leather casual shoes 1n several styles 5-9. 10. Shown. reg 27.00. 13.50 Reg 25 00. 27 00. 12.50 and 13.50

0 9.99 6.01 o ff Cyrk~ shirts for juniors tn

sizes S-M-L. 100% cotton in stripes cir soltd colors with roll-up, tab sleeves. Reg. 16.00. sale 9.99

012.99 9.01 off 1uniors· sweater vests 1n s1Les S-M·L Choice of fall colors and styles all in easy care acryltc and more Reg 22 00 sale 12.99

016.99 8.01 off misses' P.S. '" Gitano• jeans. Stretch cotton/ polyurethane. proportioned to fit short. regular or

·1a11 In 8-16 Reg 25 00. sale 16.99

014.99 Misses· Levi 's • Bend Over ' Pants 1n sizes 6- 16 short and 8- t 8 aver age Stretch polyester in basic and fall fashion colors Sale 14.99

0 30°/o off Large size jean• 1n cotton denim, cotton/polyester stretct) denim or cord Some elastic waists. 32-38 Reg 28 00-32 00. tale 19.60·22.40


o1/3 off Wide choice of Maidenform~ bras 1n underwire, soft cup, contour and padded. Lacy trims. 32-36B.C.D. Reg 9.00-16.00, sale 5.99io10.66

3.01 off fabric handbags in nylon. canvas or corduroy Pick shoulder bags. totes. multi-compartment styles and more. Reg 8.00. 4.99

0 5.99 pkg. Mervyn 's own men 's underwear of polyesteri cotton Briefs. boxers. tees and v-neck shirts 1n S-M-L-XL Reg 8.50 pkg ol 3. sale 5.99 pkg.

0 5.99 pkg. Men's packaged 1port socks 1n crew leng th tube styles. White with striped tops. Fit sizes 10-13 Reg 8.50 pkg of 6 pairs. sale 5.99 pkg.

0 9.99 Save on young men's shirts 1n a choice of Swiss Army cotton styles. polyester /cotton knits. and more S-M-t. -XL Reg 14 00 to 16 00 9.99

0 7.99 50% off men '• terry 1hlrt1 with short sleeves and neat piping on the shoulders. Polyester/cotton. In S-M-L-XL. Reg. 16.00. sale 7.99


013.99 6.01 off young men 's cords by Zeppelin~ ... They're 100% cotton with five-pocket western styling. Sizes 29-36. Reg 20 00. 13.99

o 2 torS.00 Special purchase! Bath towels. Tiny flaws. L1m1ted quantity. Slightly irregular, 2.69 each , 2 for 5.00 limit 12 per customer 111 lhia price Ouenlitie a over 12 ere 2 .119 each

- b. . -·. -----= ¢1? ~

0 50°/o off 24-plece Nordic bar set includes 8 each 15-oz iced tea 12-oz hi-ball and 13-oz doub le old fashioned glasses Reg 24 00 sale 11 .99 set

Special purchase! Kitchen terries of soft polyester/cotton Tiny.flaws won't affect their wear L1m1ted quant1t1es Slightly irregular 99c

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l .


Daily Pilat FRIDAY, SEPT 2, 1983


Getting your head into the problem

By ROGER CARLSON Of IN 0.ily ,_ Slaff

You would think Ocean View High's football team has enough problems - what with the task' of competing in the rugged Sunset League with all of the wrong numbers in terms of enroUment, siz.e and depth.

But the Seahawks found another road block recently - they can't find a helmet for Artie Adolphson.

The manufacturers of helmets - Bike. Riddell and Rawlings - simply don't make one big enough for Artie, who turned 16 Wednesday_

" Last year we thought he was wearing an 8 112 helmet. and 1t fitted him," says his coach, Steve Colflesh. "This year we ordered an 8 7,~. but when the helmets came in WC'

found out the biggest Riddell makes is 8 .1/s. Artie can't even get that over his ears. We

TIGHT FIT called them, but they say they can't do anythtlng. We tned tO get a Rawlings certified. because it semi -fits, but they wouldn't do it.

"We know of motorcycle helmets and there' might be something available at Fairview Hospital, we don't know. We're just lookmg for ideas from anyone."

.., "'


·~ 0 I llow many area athletes are playing football ~

86 0 87 at four-year colleges ? 88 Would you believe 135. SeeB4. '

UCI crew post goes to Moore

Expos bailed out; Dodgers sink, 8-3 Astros beckon Heathcock

MONTREAL (AP) - Bob James wasn't around for the finish, but the reliever was there when the Montreal Expos needed him. L i ·· "'r.~:. (.:I The Expos hac.J struck earl y for a 4-0

lead against Rick Honeycutt, 2- 1, who had allowed only one run in two starts since coming over in a trade with the Texas Rangers Aug. 19. where ht> was 14-8.

Former Golden West College pitcher Je(f Heathcock , a first-round draft pick out of Oral Roberts in 1980, has been called up by the Houston Astros.

Heathcock. who was 10-4 with Larry Moore. head crew coach at OrangP Coast CoUege last year, has been named varsity coach at UC Irvine

Moon: will replace Mike Sullivan. who has resigned the post he hc1 '> held since 1979

With the Expos' 4-0 lead over the Los Angeles Dodgers sliced in half in the sixth inning Thursday night, James was asked to bail s tarter Charlie Lea out of a bases-loaded, none-out jam. He complied with the request. striking out Mike Marshall and inducing Greg Brock to bounce into a double play.

fell 3-0 to the Houston Astros. With Atlanta losing cthe St. Louis. the Dodgers remained 1112 in front of the Braves tn the NL West

" I love that lund of s1tuauon, one wht•rc there's a lot of pressure," said James " It's th~ 1.9ughest situation a reliever could be in.

Gary Carter 's RBI si ngle madl' 1t 1-0 in the Cu-st before a thrl'C'-run third inning. Tim Rames' started 1t with a double and sc.'Ored on Manny Trillo's singh·. When Andre Dawson followt'd with a double. Trillo stopped at third and scorro on Carter's groundout AJ Oliver capped thl' inning with a run-scoring double

a 1 75 ERA during his sophomore year at Golden West, had been • pitching for the Tucson Toros of the Pacific Coast league.

Moore spent six years coaching OCC's freshman crew, and during those ycdr,,, guided the Pirates' novice eight shell to \hree con­secutive undefeated seasons OCC's freshman rowers have lost JUSt two regattas under Moore

FOf the last two years. Moore has Oet!n Coast's head coach. re­placing Davi.' Grant. who wanted to devote mor<> time to work with then-rollege president Dr Robert Moore Moore reured m June of 1982.

Grant decided to re turn to the head coaching post this season . a position he once held for 18 years.

Moore rowe<.j for OCC and was an assist.ant crew coach at UC Irvine m 1975 and ' 76.


The lead preserved, the Expos went on toan 8-3 triumph, wh1ch moved them within a half-game of the Pittsburgh Pirates, the National League F.ast Division leader who

Surf meet

"The only reason l was brought m was because I'm a strikeout pitcher. But I was lucky with Marshall because he swung at a curve balJ in the dirt."

At Tucson, Heathcock was 10-3 with a 2.72 ERA and had re­corded 63 strikeouts in 106 tn­nings.

r • entering final rounds

They know they're underdogs The field has been cut to 32

men enterinP.: the final rounds of the OP P1o Surfing Cham­pionships at the south side of Huntington J?ier

After Thursday's activity, 30 surfers qualified for today's rom­peUtion with two more added by sponsor's exemption.

Thursday's surfing featured 10 six-man heats with the top three in each !\eat advanc,ng to the final rounds.

Set to defend his title this weekend is young Aussie Cheyn e Horan, wit,Q his primary competi­tion expected to come from 1978 world champion Shaun Tomson of South Africa. end Conner world c hamps Wayne Bartholomew and Mark Rich­ards,

Current world champion Deb­bie Beacham and seven-time title-holder Margo Oberg head the women's field .

Competition continues Satur­day and Sunday on the south side of the pier, beginning at 6:30 each morning.

Prlies and merchandise t.¥aling $Rf>.OOO ls being offe red to top flnn1Fwn this weekend

But at Ocean View, the Sea~awks don 't worry about it By ROGER CARLSON ot the Dolly"°' It ...

Don' t bother to ask Ot-ean View High football coach Steve Colflesh to give you a list of goals for his team - the Seahawks are in the process of of accomplishing them right now by simply doing their thing - and enjoying it.

" We've got 40 juniors on this team who have won two games in two years," says

Colflesh. ' 'They've had bad years and have no right to play. Maybe they're · nuts, who knows? They just love the game."

Colflesh and his crew take a light-hearted attitude toward the up­coming campailJl, know-

• ing they're the under­dogs each time out in the rugged Sunset League

The Seahawks have four returrung at.art.era and eight letterman from the 1982 unit which went 2-8 overalJ, 1-4 an lea~ue

"Jamie Craft (Fountain Valley'• wide receiver and defensive back) would plsy tackle for us," oonUnuet Colflf!llh "And Mike Newton (Craft's teammate at Fountain

FOOTBALL PREVIEW Valley) wouldn't get touched in practkc. But. Wl' feel good. we're having fun and I behcve we arc bullchng a trad1t1on here. We never quit

"Our goals art' to win every time out, but we realize lhc situation we are in . This is a group of guys who are fun to roach."

The Seahawks found out they couldn't ram the ball down the opposition's throat last year, so the offense 1s changing a bit, more to a multiple style.

Ocean View has two legitimate all-league candidates. according to Colflesh , who enters his scrond year a t thl' helm.

First - lmebacker-fullback Stefan Seanoa. a 6-0. l~-pound senior .

Also in that category ii strong safely Mike Oiehlman.

Here's a nlndown by pqsltion. QUARTERBACK - Bill Whalen (5-10.

165 jr.) was the sophomore team's MVP as a running back und defensive back m '82. Backing the right.hande r up are Stan Ol:dcwakl (5"8, 150 jr.) and Jim Menti (5-8, 150 ir->-

R UNNING BACKS - Thi"('(' Juniors -Wayn~Sf>anoa (:'! · 7. t r-.5) , Ttm Gn>eSOn (5- JO.

165) and Ken Reda (5- 10. 175 ) are bemg counted on at halfback. while Rick Lackey (5-9. 185 sr) and and Stefan Seanoa are at fullback. Also at the pos!Uon are Kelly !See OCEAN VIEW. Pa1e 841

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' 8S Oran Coast.DAILY PILOT/ Friday, Sept . 2, 1983 !r---------------------------..;.;~~....;;.;_...;.;._ __________________________________________________________________ .,. ------------------------------------

SPORTS BREAK Determined Weaver shooting to regain WBA championship Frem AP ._Ides

BALDWIN PARK - The after- • noon ia hot and muggy and even ln the gymnaaium. the air ia laced with ll'nOtr· Still, Mike Weaver, fired by a dream of reclalmi.ng what he considers juttly hia, ~ a few exira rounds.

"l can't place who it ia that I really feel bitter wward, but there'• aomebody out there that's

keepina me from getting a fair deal" Mid Weaver, the former World Boxing Neodation heavywe(Jht champion.

"I don't know whether it's an individual or the whole boxing aaocl.ation, but 800le­

body im't givin8 me a fair shake. Getting the mess stra.lghtened out, that's my goal right now."

Weaver won the WBA crown in 1980 with a· 15th-round knockout of John Tate. After defending the title twice, he lost it to Michael Dokes last Dec. 10 in a bout that ended abrupUy and controversially.

When Weaver was felled briefly and ap­peared stunned by Dokes' opening barrage of punches, referee Joey Curt.it halted the fight and declared Dokes the new champion. The fight was only 63 aeeonds old.

The WBA reviewed the bout and mandated a .eoond fight for the title.

Quote of the day J• RJaba1, the WMhington Redakina

running beck. on why he would 1.lke to have another Super Bowl rln8 to balance the whopper be received 1Mt January when the Redskins beat the Miami Dolphins: "To keep from walking~ in circles the rat of my

·lite, ru need another ring the same me on the other hand." .

Fishy situation in state lakes LONG BEACH - The a1ate II

Department of Fish and Game says lta plane dropped 448,800 small trout into 139 mountain lakes du.ring August in a program that will affect fishing for years to come.

"Many of the hundreds of high-elevation lakes remained ice-covered," said DFG hatcheries superviaor William Rowan. "However, only three of the lakes we acheduled for aerial plants had to much ice on them to drop fish into."

Plants included 436,000 rainbow trout, 4,600 brown trout and 8,200 brook trout, he said.

Jays,..snap Orioles' streafc Jeste Bmleld amuhed two home a

runa and Enle Will« and Willie UpQaw ~h hit one to back the aix-hlt pltchlng of Doyle AJeunder and lead Toronto to a 5-3 victory over Baltimore Thursday, snappm, the Orioles' winning ttreak at eight ... In other AL action, Mtnneeota and Bolton split • doubleheader, with the Twina._winning the first game, 11-0, behind right-hander AJ WUllam1. who eaattered five singlea for his flrst ma)>r-league ahutout. In the nightcap, Tony Armaa drove in four runs to power Boston to a 9-3 victory ... Tom Paciorek and Carlin Fisk homered to back the four-hit pitching of LaMarr Hoyt aa tbe Chicago White Sox won their fifth straight game with a 12-0 romp over Kansas City. Hoyt, 18-10, won his seventh straight and ninth in hia last 10 starts to beoome the second pitcher in 1the majors to win 18 games ... The other 18-game winner is Jack Morris. who pqched a sue-hit shutout and was backed by home runs by Tom Brookens and Cllet Lemon as Detroit beat Texas, 5-0 ... Cllrta CodiroU pitched a three-hitter to out.duel Dave Rlgbetti as Oakland blanked the New York Yankees. 2-0. Righetti allowed just four hits. ·

Ryan, DiPino blank Pirates Fireballing Nolan Ryu and a

Frank DIPIDo combined for a three-hitter and pinch-hitter Kevila Bus drilled a bues-loeded trlple in the aeventh inning, givinC HOlSton a 3-0 victory over Pittsburgh ThUl'llday ln the National League. Ryan, 13-6, yielded the three Pirate hits and walked four in teVe.n inninp. while striking out 10 e hia major leque record to 150 games

t ··1· ~

~ ,•

r .'f&:1~ I

with double-figure strikeout totals ... Elsewhere. rookie Carmelo Martlaes hit a solo horrie ' run to help Dick R•tltvea and the Chicago Cubs defeat Cincinnati, 3-1 ... Gary Mattltew1 doubled home two runs in the fifth inning to give Philadelphia a 4-2 victory over San .Franciaco and a share of first place in the F.aat Division .

ltYAM . • David Grtta'1 two-run single tied the 1COre and Darrell Porter put St. Louil ahead with hia aecond run-.::oring double of the game as the Cardinals erupted for six runs in the fourth inning and went on to rout Atlanta, 8-3, the Braves' fourth straight aetback at home. The Cardinals collected eeven hits ror their six runs, off Atlanta starter Pascal Pern, 13-6, and relievers Rick Camp and Pete Falcone.

·cosT A MESA GETTING DEFENSIVE. • • .from Page B 1 starts Sept. 9 (vs. Bolsa Grande).

Still, Hagey aays there'• room tor optimUan. "This club was 8-2 when they were freshmen

f'and they haven't been intact Ii.nee," Hagey explains. • "Obviously, our goal is to make the playoffs, which I certainly· think is attainable. I know we're physical

' enough to play with anybody, and I know thia bunch believes in therrwelves. They believe a great deal in

" their ability." ~ Although the Mustanp will atreas defeme,

•.quarterback Soot Hagey (yea, he'a the son of Jim [ Hagey) ia the ooe who figures to ahoulder (no pun ,.intended) much of the burden for c.o.ta Me.a'• ~succe91. or lack thereof.

A 6-1. 180-pound tenior, Hagey threw for more f than 1,000 yards in 1982 and added another 400 in

f ~rating out of the option veer, the .enior ~ Hagey says the Ml.IStanp figure " to throw the heclc .:out of the football" in 1983. llett'a a look: ,. QUARTERBACK.: Hagey wu a eeoond-team : all-league telection last year w ho, combined with hia ;,:throwing ability, ia al8o the Mustanp' best runner. '! ''That's why we run the option," says Jim Hagey. •Soot Hagey and Frank Werner (offensive center) : have also been named captains by their teammates.

JwtiorsM1keShuck(6- l , lS5) and SamStroich (5-10, l~) are the backups. "Shuck probebly haa the best arm in the program," oomplimenta Hagey. " He throws well long. He waa the freahman and sophomore quarterback the last two yeara.''

~ RUNNING BACKS: Errlk Sparks (5-tO, 160 sr.) > topa lhia group. " His ability lies in h.ia tenacity," says ~ Hqey. "He'• extremely tough." In a reeerve role last • year. Sparks n.aahed for 88 yarda on Z3 carries. , Lawrence Boyd (6-0, 160 ar.) figures to team with ~ Sparks in the backfield. Boyd played on the JV team ' last yf!ar. He pomemes 4.7 speed. Backups include ~Greg Kline (5-10, 175sr.) and Marc Zachary (6-0, 165

~ ar.). RECEIVERS: Mark Cook (6--4, 200 ar.) will start ~as one of the tight ends in the two tight end offente. A ~ returning letterman, Cook alternated at th.ls poaition Ol. laat year. " He'• got average speed," aays Hagey, "but

he's very bright, hu good hands and 11 a decent blocker." At the other spot there'• a battle between Brian Martin (6-1, 175 sr.) and Jon Zilcow (6-2, 17~).

''Martin hu excellent hands,' ' says H.aaeY· ' 'He '• not extremely faat, bu~ hu the ablllty to find the open aree. He '• abo our best blocJdnc deht end. Zikow la a little qWcker than Brian and hu good hand.a. The dltference will be b.lockina." The lone wide receiver 11 Din Shoemaker (6-0, 170 Ir.), who runa a 4.8 .0. A football player u a freahman and eophomore, Shoemaker lkipped football _. • junior ln order to oompete ln c:ro. country. Ron Youna (6-1, 170 sr.) U.O a,ure. to see tome action on the outaide depend.inc on his shoulder, which he 1eparat.ed u a

Costa Mesa schedule

Fri .. Sept. 9-Bolsa Grande (at OCC) Thur., Sept . !~ti.ago (at Garden Grove) Fri., Sept. 23--Los Alamitos (at Newport) Fri.. Sept. 30-at 1rv1ne· Thur., Oct. 6-Saddleback• (at SA Bowl) Thur., Oct. 13--El Toro• (at Newport) Fri., Oct. 21-Corona de1 Mar- (at OCC) Fri., Oct. 28--at Newport Harbor• Thur., Nov. 3--Univermty• (at Newport) Thur., Nov. l~Estancfa• (at Newport)

•denotes league game. All games at 7:30.

startin8 safety last year and hu yet to aufficiently heel.

OFFENSIVE LINEMEN: The Mustanp strong suit. At the tackles are Rich Schlesinger (6-0, 220 sr.) and Carlol Medina (6-1 , 190 ar.). Scheslinge.r ia a e_ower-lifter who recently won competitions at Dperama and Capo Valley high .choola. "He's bench.lng 375 pou.nda and aqua ting 550. ·· says Hagey. Medina alternated on offenae last year, while abo playing a lot defensively. At guarda are Mike Hovenon (6- 1, 215 ar.). a three-year starter, and Dominic Tucci (5-10, 180 sr. ). Hove?'IOn, who is fl)OVlng from tackle, runs a 4.9 40. Senior Ray Cruz. (5-10, 185) figures toaeea lot of ti.me in a reeerve role. At center ia another three-year starter in Frank Werner (6-2, 205 sr.) . Ha 1-:kup, since Werner abo plans to aee plenty of time on defenae, is Shawn McCuakui (5-11, 165 jr.).

DEFENSIVE LINEMEN: The tackles are Brett Forrett.er (5-11, 185 sr.) and Schlesinger. Forrest.er played football for the first time on the JV last year. " He'a inexperienced, but dedicated," says Hagey. The defensive ends are Sean Hom (6-0, 160 jr.) and Martin with ZUcow. Cook and Tucd as the backups.

LINEBACKERS: Inside will be Sparks and Cruz with Medina and Kline u the reeerves. The Jam (outaide) linebacker will be Werner with Tucci and Hovenon as backups. The Monster will be Rob Arevalos (6-2, 185 sr.), who played linebacker last year on the JV Hagey describes h im as an "extremely quick. talented kid." Stroich (the backup QB) will abo backup here.

SECONDARY: Comers will be Zachary and Shoemaker. Beckups: Young. Kurt Nickel"llOfl (6 -0,~ 160 .,pb.) and Rich Amann (5-9, 150 Jr.). Mltcl\ Putvin (6-0, 160 sr.), a returnln, letterman, wtll be the ufety. Shoemaker and Youna will alto 1erve as beckupt here. ff

~CKING GAME - Hagey aays he juat doeen' t know about here yet, although Martin will " probably do the puntina."

World pole vault record £alls ROME - T hJerry Vtgneron of m

France broke the world pole vault record, clearlng 19-B~ at the Golden GalA track and field meet in Rome • Thured.ay night.

LoWR Ritter broke her American record ln the wltnen'a high jump, clearing 6· 7 IA ln the meeL She then made ttiree tri• at a world record 6-8 ~ , but came cloee only on her aeoond attempt.

Ritter held the American recoc"d of 6-6~, aet at the U.S .-F.ut German dual meet a t Loa Angeles in June. ,,

He broke the 19-1 W cleared by Pterre Quinon of France in Cologne flve days ago to keep the pole vault record within the ranks of the French team.

Burroughs on path to title CHICAGO - Defending c.ham· n·

pion Jay Sigel came off the brink of defeat Thunday and inedalat ~k Burrough.a maintained his hammef{ng ..ault toward the title of the 83rd U.S. Amateur Golf championship.

S igel beat Bruce Soulaby of Columbus, Ohio. 3 and 2 and then defeated George MacDonald of Virginia Beach, Va .. 1-u p on the 19th hole in the afternoon round af1er being three-down with four holes to play in regulation .

Burroughs. 20, an Ohio State student from Overland Park, Kan .. eliminated Buckeye team­mate Brian Mogg, 3 and 2 in the flrst round and came back with a 2 and l victory over Bill Smunk.

The field was cut to 16 players who will play two more rounds today to determine Saturday's aernifi.naliats. The two survivors will meet in a 36-hole final Sunday.

French Majesty posts victory DEL MAR - French Majesty ~

joined the baattle for the lead in the early going and posted a 1 W-lencth victory over Roll A Natural in the $19,000 feature race before 14,334 fans at Del Mar Th~y.

French Majesty, carrying 115 pounds and ridden by Patrick Valenzuela, finished the . six-furlong race for three-year-olds and up in 1: 10 2-5, and paid $6, $3.80 and $2.60.

Roll A Natural, carrying 112 pounds and with Chris McCarron in the saddle, returned $6.60 and $3.60.

Lafflt Pincay brought Paskanell. 117, in third to pay $2.80.

The .show hol'9e was followed by Val.lar1a, Tricky Willie, W.C. Shecky and Solar System.

Television, radio TV: Baseball - Dodgers at Montreal , 4:30

p.m ., Channel 11.

llADIO: Baseball - Dodgers a t Montreal, 4:35 p.'fu., KA.BC (790); Milwaukee at Angels, 7:25 p.m .. KMPC (710).

Sports on TV for weekend

TELEVISION il:15 a .m. (4) - BASEBALL - Ptttaburgh at

Atlanta. 11:30 a .m. (2) - TENNIS - Early round play of

the U.S . Open at Flushing Meadow, N.Y . (taped) 4:30 p.m . (7) - WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -

Donald Curry (16-0, 11 KOe) makes the first defenae of hia WBA welterweight tit.le against Roser St.afford (22-3-1, 8 KOs) in a scheduled JS-round bout at Marsala, Italy (taped).

5 p.m . ( 11) - BASEBALL - Dodgera at Montreal. ·

6 p.m . (7) - COLLEGE FOOTBALL - UCLA at Georgia.

11 p.m . (5) - COLLEGE FOOTBALL - UCLA at Georgia (taped) .

RADIO College Football - Long Beach State at Kansas

S t.a te, 4:40 p.m ., K.FOX (93.5-FM); C.a.l State Fuller ton a t Bo~ 5:40 p.m., KWVE ( 108-FM); UCLA at Georgia, 6 p.m .• KLAC (570).

Baseball - Dodgers at Montreal, 5:05 p.m., KABC (790); Milwaukee at Angels, 6:55 p.m .• K.MPC (710).


10 a.m . (2) - NFL FOOTBALL - Rama at New York Gianta. (4) - NFL FOOTBALL- Los Angeles Raiders at Cincinnall.

10:30 a .m . ( 11 ) - BASEBALL - Dodgers at Monr.real .

1 p.ni. (2) - TENNIS - Early round play of the U.S . Open at Flushing Meadow, New York. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL - New York J ets at San Diego.

3:30 p .m . (7) - GOLF - Coverage of the 83rd U.S . Amateur Championship at Glenview, Ill. (taped).

RADIO NFL Football - Rams at New York Giants, 10

a .m .. KMPC (710); Raiders at Cincinnati, 10 a.m., KRLA (l 110); New York Jets at San Diego, 12:45 p .m., KNEWS (1190).

Baseball - Dodgers at Montreal, 10:~ a .m ., KABC (790); Milwaukee at Angels, 12:55 p;m., K.MPC (710). .

Eagles can run, too Despite the orni&aion in Thunday's Daily Pilot

concerning Estancia High's 1983 football team, the F.agles will have a corps of running backs th.is aeaaon.

·Here's a look: RUNNING BACKS -Matt Wolf (5- 11, l70sr.). a

start.er last year, returns at halfback. Wolf rushed for 432 yards on 82 carries in 1982. " He's not a breakaway type. but a real tough guy that will get you 90lne tough yards, which 1 like," notes head coach Ed Blanton. Wolf's backup is Sandy Estes (5-8, 160 sr.) , who played some at defensive back last year. At fullback is PhH Sanders (6-1. 190 sr .). another re turning s tarter


Lut year. we weren' t real strong al the skill positions," heaaid. " But lhia year. we believe we have some kids who are capable of runrung and catching the ball."

While overall expenence ts lacking on the line, Curtis is hoping that problem will be rectified in time for the Sea View League campaign. " We think our line will come on ~y then," he said. •

A battle is being waged at quar\erback , where aenior Will Watson (5-11, 175) and junior Andy Miller (6-1 , 175) are dueling for the starting a&IQgnment. Wac.6n holds the edge in experience, havi.ns started three games laat year for the Trojans, while Miller wu at the helm of the sophomore aquad.

''They're both puatling each other hard and that'• a good sign,'' said Curtis. "And they're each leam.lna the system really well.··

Spearheading the defeme is tackle Steve Boyd (5-10, 190), a 1enior returning starter, who excels in theclaaroom,uwell,witha4.0 grade-pointaverage. Juan Gen tile (6-0, 175), who played on the basketball team last year but has no football experience, is one of the linebackers. " He could be the best athlete on the team,'' said Curtis about Gentile.

The Trojans' preleague slate includes the same trio it faced last year - Woodbridge, Tustin and Laguna Hilla. University managed just one victory against thoee three last year and Curtis is hoping for better results in 1983.

.. We need to get the ball rolling right away," he said. "We can't expect to go 1-2 this season entering league and expect to ju.at tum it on ."

Here's a look by position: QUARTERBACK - Curtis labels Watson. a

member of the IOCIOer team last year. "a good running quarterback ," while Miller poe&eSSeS a strong arm.

RUNNING BACK - Benjamin is makjng the transition from tailback to fullback . and at 200-pounds. provides aome bulk in the backfield for

University schedule

Fri .. Sept. 9- Woodbridge (a t lrvme) Fri ., Sept. 16-at Tustin Thur., Sept. 22- Laguna Hills (at Irvine ) Thur .. Sept.. 29-at Newpon Harbor• Fri., Oct. 7- Estancia • (at Irvine) Thur., Oct. 13-Saddleback• (at Irvine) Fri., Oct. 21- El Toro• (at Mission Viejo) Fri., Oct. 28-Corona del Mar• (at Irvine) Thur., Nov. 3--Cost.a Mesa• (at Newport) Fri., Nov 11- lrvine• (home. at Irvine)

•denotes league game. All games at 7:30.

returning starter while Jim Singer (6-0, 190) lettered at end last yeu. Others w ho figure to play include juniors Todd Pearlman (5-11 , 185) and Tom Dobbs (6-3, 195) and Eric Carter (6-1, 215), a transfer from Hamilton High in Los Angeles.

LINEBACKER - Kearn and Arnold are 80lid prospects to see double-duty, while junior Todd Pearlman (5-11. 185) pas been elevated from the sophomore team and Gentile, one of the team captains, ia also a candidate.

SECONDARY - Favorite will dou ble at safety, with Mike Zaldivar (5-8, 150), a returning starter and a team captain: Jesse Hartz, alao with varsity experience: Roger Wilson (5-10, 150): and Chris Smith (5- 10. 175) probable candidates.

KICKING GAME ~ Kearn punted last year, averaging about 37 yards. but he is being pushed by Wataon and Smith. Sophomore WW Ferrell is working out as the team's place-kicker.

the Trojans. Bill Thackston (5-10, 175), a tran.sfe --------------------------. from Alabama, la the other fullback. Neil Thackston, who came with aw from Alabama, is a tailback candidate, as is Kalama Gohara (called Go-Go by his teammates), a 5-11. 170-pounder who runs a 4.6 40 and was a member of the track team last year.

RECEIVER - Mark Favorite (5-8. 150) tops the list and will probably double at safety defensively. Graham Everett (5-10, 165), who played basketball last year, wlll also aee action. "Favon te has ex<.-ellentj apeed, while Everett has good hands and good quidcnem,'' said Curtis.

OFFENSIVE UNE - Fighting it out for the tight end apot ia Arnold, who la up Crom the .ophomore team, and Mark Kearn (6-0. 190), a returning at.art.er whom C~rtil pralled for hla bloclc.l.ng and pa19-cau:hing ability

DEFENSIVE LINE - Tack.le Boyd ts a


R1•1t1-011tr1H1• lr1l1 • l • Yaht

llejines KO'd by Davila, listed as 'very critical'

TheM day•, more than ever, JOU want to preHrY• rour oar. Frequent oll

chant•• help to prolong engine ltfe. But changing oll I• expenelve when

you haw It done. And doing It you....tt le awkward, meeay, lnconMnlent. tlme-conaumlng, •nd potenttellJ

dMgeroua. Now there I•• new, rewolutlonwr, Nl'Y

... Y••r to cMnge row o11 ft•• Draln· A·Y•lve, the wt• oontrolled oll dr•ln. ln ... 1111 In mlnut-. Then, to change oll, almplJ pleqe • oontalner . •lontl•"'-rour oar, end pull Md twtet

•knob under the hoodl - AVM ... IAT-

LOS ~OELES (AP) - Kiko Bejlneaof M eXico w• hOlpitalbed ln crlUcal condition today after Albert Davila knocbd b1m out with a 12tti.rou.nd QUl'TY In a World Boxinc CouncU bant.mwellht title fllht at the Olympic Auditorium.

Bej.ns, 22, Of OuedaJajara, WU uncim-aolna ..-..ny today at Loe ~.i.c.ounty-µsc Mectical C.t.er wheN hew• trandernd by heUcopcer after .,...._ naahed ftm '° neerby Callfamla Hospital afw '11andly nllht'• fieb\.

More the tnnlftt an emer,.ncy room doctor at. OdlfUi •• ff.olPtal, who 111111.ed not '° .,. Mt.nu11tc1. 11ik1. .. He't wry cr1Ucal, I don't think he'a '°"'8 '° make ll.''

• r ·--··- --

four punch• to \he t...s pu\ Bejinet down early ln the tut round and he wu counted out by referee Waldenn&r Schmidt.

The rtna phystctan, Or. Demha.rdt Schwartz, II.Id, "Alter eruertna the !el:lmmediately pve oxypn and ameUlna aa.lta. Be nee wu unconlCioua. WI puptla of both eyes wem Md dllaied. ''

Schwaru ukS Bejnee dld not reaaln CONCious.­,,_ a1 all while bel.nc \aken to an ambulancr.

"We ~ &Uni to have• party after the f!iht. but the party'• OU"'9Jed," Mid 0.vlla immediately aft.er c:epcwinc the vacant lit.le.

On Sept. l9, IMO Johnny Owen of WaJes wu lcnndtl'd out by Lupe Pint.or durtn1 a flaht at the


Olympe and died two weeks later without ~g • CONdousne91.

Lut year, Korean box~r Duk Koo Kim died after belna knocked out du.rina a filht In Lu Veps.

Thu.nday n.lsht'• Ii1ht ended suddenly 33 teCOnds Into the lut round. But unUl then tho bout h.-d been relaUwlycJ.c.e. ln feet. Bejinee h.ad a aU,hl edceon tv.'O ,Juda8' cardaand the third Judie h.ad tne f&ahtewn.

Neither t11hter landed many eoUd punches tn the f im 1 l roundl.. howevw, and MilMJ' wu f'Yt"f ln trouble.

Bejlnea, the WBC'1 N~. 3· ranked contender . c.mc-lnto the bc>Yt •ft.er a year's layoff

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8 4 Orange Coast DAIL v PILOT /Friday, Sept. 2, 1983

zse .;'

Where they're playing Here 's a list of area collegiate football players By DENNIS BROSTERHOUS

Daily Pilot area football players are scattered all over the rountry as the college football season begins this weekend.

There are 135 players listed on four-year rosters for the upcoming campa\gn, including 11 currently at use. 10 at Cal State Fullerton, six at Long Beach State and four more at UCLA.

F.ciison High holds the largest contingent of former area prep and community college football players on college rosters with 26. All six. at Kansas are ex-Chargers.

There are also six Edi.son graduates on the USC roster. Here's a rundown of area players:

Pacific- I 0 Conference

Name. School Jeff Ben.son, Edison Mark Boyer, Edi.son Brian Brown, Marina


Mike Brummett, Htn. Beach.G WC Gary Fowler, University Dave Cadigan, Newport Harbor Dave Geroux, EdLSOn Duaine Jackson. Edison Chris Kiernan. Mater Dei Kennedy·Pola. Mater Dei Troy Richard.son, Edison. GWC

UCLA G reg Bolin. Fountain Valley Lee Knowles, Marina Duval Love, Fountain Valley Matt Stevens, Fountain Valley

" Arllona Mike Freeman, Fountain Valley Kirk Swarthout, CdM Jim Birmingham, Mater Dei

Art•oa State Curt Arons, San Clemente, Sadd. Brian Lopker, Mater Dei Gordon Moss, CdM Vic Sidler. CdM Mark Solomon, San Clemente Mike Copeland, Saddleback Col.

California Mark Long, Fm.son, GWC Louis Sergeant, El Toro

Oregon Harry BilluIJ6, University Ed Stringer , F.stancia.OCC

Oregon State Rex Brown, Ocean View

Stanford Scott Carpenter, CdM Emile Harry, Fountain Valley Paul Stivenko, El Toro

· Washington State John Marshall, Saddleback Col.


Pos . Ht. OT 6-6-T E 6-4 DB 6-0 OG 6-4 TE 6-3 OG 6-3 FB 6-0 DB 5-11 QB 5- 10 FB 6-2

p 6-5

TE 6-2 LB 6-1 RT 6-3 QB 5-11

Wt. 275 230 174 245 235 240 215 190 190 220 225

Yr. Jr. Jr. So. S r Sr F r So. Jr Sr. So. So.

226 Fr. 220 Jr. 268 J r . 190 Fr.

OG 6-2 244 Sr. WR 6-0 185 Fr. DT 6-3 237 Fr.

TE 6-3 OG 6-2

p 5-11 OG 6-2 ar 6-5 LB 6-2

225 236 170 250 271 210

Sr. So. Fr. Jr. Sr. J r

OL 6-3 245 J r . OL 6-4 230 Fr.

SE 5- 11 183 S r . OT 6-6 273 Sr.

CB 5-8 160 Fr.

OG 6-4 276 Sr. WR 5-11 166 Jr. LB 6-2 210 Fr.

WR 6-2 180 J r .

Cal State Fullerton So.


J r I ~ I

Ken Andrews. Estancia P 6-5 Andy DeLuca, Fountain Valley QB 6-2 Scott Douglass. El Toro DE 6- 1 Hank Goebel. CdM OT 6-8 Reggie Pendle ton. Capo Valley C B 5- 11

Other schools

Je ff Lee. Marina Bob Avila, Mater Del

Air Force

Boise State

OT 6-5 230 Fr. OT 6-2 240 Sr.

Mike Alexander, Edi.son TE 6-4 220 Jr. • Brigham Young

Mike Eddb, San Clem., Sadd. Col. WR 6-2 180 Sr. Cal Poly P omona

Don Howard, Saddleback Col. DL 6-2 230 Sr Rich Sanchez, Saddleback Col. RB 5-10 180 Sr.

Lance Martin, CdM

Kelvin Wooten. GWC

Cal Poly SLO


Claremont Chris Cates, Newport, GWC Tony Pastizzo. GWC

Colorado Re ad Long . Fountain Valley

Colorado State Chris Gahagan. MtSSion Vie)O G reg Webber. GWC Jim Taylor , Hunt. Bch. GWC David Harns, Dana Hills

UC Davis Mike Fiscus. University

Harvard Rob Hobart. University Joel Seay. Fountain Valley J ohn Mc:Daid, Laguna Hills

Marc Gritton, OCC John Hughes, OCC

Tim Reilly, GWC

Scott Collins, occ

Humboldt Sta te


Idaho State

Illinois Mike Giddings, Nwpt Hrbr, OCC Sandy Mc<de. GWC Bob Sebring, Saddleback Col.

Iowa Sta te Tony Johann, F.dison

fterwin Bell, Edison Dino Bell, Edi.son Ken Major, Edison Bill Malavasi, F.ciison Frank Seurer. &ii.son

Jamie Fortune, G WC



Minnesota J im Hollinger . Saddleback Col. Greg F.skridge. F.dison

Navy Brett Batchelor, Hunt. Beach

New Mexico Tim Quinn, SaddJeback Col. Dave Vranich , Mater Dei

Nebraska Bill Macias. Marina

Northern Arizona Theo Langford . Edison John Heinle, Ocean View Brad Rolland. GWC Make Berg, GWC

RB 5-9 180 Fr.

DL 6- 1 220 Jr.

WR 6-0 180 Sr. LB 6-1 200 Sr

OT 6 ·4 235 Fr.

OT 6-1 242 So. DB 5-10 200 Jr. DB 5-9 180 Sr T E 6-4 21 5 Fr.

RB 5- 11 180 So:

OT 6-1 195 Jr. WR 6-1 180 So. TE 6-2 200 Fr.

LB 6-0 200 Sr. TB 6-2 185 Sr.

LB 6-2 220 Jr.

DL 6-4 225 Sr.

WR 5-11 175 Jr. WR 5-10 180 Jr. LB 6-2 220 Jr.

LB 6-4 215 Fr.


5-9 5-9 6-4 6- 1 6-2

185 178 201 220 194

Sr Jr Fr. Sr. Sr.

LB 6- l 215 Sr.

LB 6-4 220 Jr. WR ~1 185 So.

DE 6-2 200 So.

DL 6-3 230 Jr. OG 6-3 21 5 Jr

OT 6-6 230 Fr

RB 6-2 215 J r QB 6-2 200 So DL - 6-2 220 Sr OL 6- 1 225 Jr

Cal State Nortbn dge J on Hamro. San Cle m .. Sadd. TE 6-0 215 Jr

,,, .......,... Rolf Benirschke can become the NFL's all-time place-kic~ing leader with two field goals Sunday.

Benirschke a part of success[ ul breed

SAN DIEGO (AP) - They ar­rived in the 1960s as fore ign od­dities in the United States' No l macho sport. Jan Stenerud was a Norwegian skier . Garo Yepre­mian was a G reek tie-maker , and Horst Muhlm.ann was a former soccer star in Germany .

All were among the tiny van ­guard that dared to invade the National Football League.

Today . the four most accuralC' kickers in the NFL, based on career percentages. are soc­cer-style kickers - and the trend should continue to grow. says American-born Roll Berurschke

of 737 He would surpass leader Toni Fritsch, .679: Efren Herrera, 678; and John Smith, .656.

Because of the growth of soccer in the U.S .. NFL teams " no longer fi nd it necessary to go abroad w find a good soccer-style kiclu~r." srud Benirschke. who play.ed foot­ba ll and soccer at the same during htS college career a t the UC Davis.

The antroductaon of scx"Cer -style kickers in the 1960s accele rated s pec1alizat1on at the pos.iuon . says Berurschke

Roger Reynoso. Mater De1 QB 6-2 John Schroeder. Saddleback Col. MG 6-2

220 185 205 258 175 185 228 180 235 175

F r j Fr ~-II--~,.----' J r

Blake Smnh, Sadd. High DE 6-2 205 Fr Notre Dame

Rack DiBemardo. Edison

With two fie ld goals S unday against the New York J ets in the NFL opener. the San Diego Chargers' kickmg specaahs t wall become the most accurate k11:ke r m league history

"They found the soccer -style kickers could luck the ball farther and do ll more accurately. They f~und an added bonus: that soc­cer -style kickers can adJUSl better lO a bad sna p or a bad hold and s tall be SUl'l-essfuJ . That's because 1 n soccer you become used to having to react to a movmg ball. P lus you hat the ball with more surface ar ea on the bagger part of your foot."

Greg Ste inke, Fountain Valley PK 5-9 Bill Smith, GOiden West C 6-3 Ron Fit.ch, Golden West CB 5-9

Fresno State Bryce Malavasi. Edison John Cuviello, Edi.son Craig Lindburg, OCC Eddie Kesky. OCC Jon Dimalante, OCC

SS 6-2 T 6-2

LB 6-0 LB 5- 10 DB 5-10

195 250 200 190 175

J r S r Jr.

So. So. Jr Jr. Jr.

O«ldental Robert Anthony, Newport Harbor

Redlands Pete Helfrich , Newport Harbor Mike Ren.son, Newport Harbor Bretl LaCluse, Newport Harbor

. Ricbmoad Clay Tut'ker, CdM. OCC

LB 6-5 225 So.

QB 6-1 175 J r

DB 6- 1 190 Sr TE 6-2 2 10 Sr. OT 6-4 270 Sr

QB 5- 10 175 Jr.

In six NFL seasons, Benil"S{•hke has been s uccessful on 98 of 133 a ttempts for a lifetime percentage

Pacific Bob Shollin , CdM DB 6-0

WR 6-0 .OT 6- 1 WR 5- 11 OT 6-3 TE 6-5 DE 6-1

180 170 225 175

250 230 205

Jr. Fr. Sr . Jr. So. Sr. Jr.

lllle• 9fowf'I O,..on tl. Tim Long. GWC

Sacramento State RB 6-0 200 Jr.

O'Meara takes lead despite neck injury

Derek Griffiths, Edi.son Neil Ross. Newport Harbor Gary Stenlund, OCC Steve Clower , Edi.son Tony Camp, &tancia Damon Lanier , GWC

Long Beach State Joe Donohue, Mater Dei LB Greg Locy . Mater De1 TE

Sao Diego SI.ate Brett Blanchard, Edison Steve Bullington, Nwpt Har, OCC J ohn O'Callaghan, Edi.son Rob Mella, OCC James J ohnson, OCC Blake McEfee. GWC Mike Matson, Coeta Mesa


WR c


t\-4 5-9 6-4 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-5

l90 200 230 200 215 220 225

So. Sr. So. Sr. Sr. Jr. Fr.

ENDICOTT, N.Y. (AP) -Mark O'Meara. a fonner MJSSion Viejo H igh standout, shrugged off a painful neck injury Thurs­day to shoot an 8-under-par 63 and take the lead after the first round o{ the B.C Open golf tour­nament.

swing, O'Meara nonetheless fell just one stroke short of Fuzzy Zoelle r 's course- record 62 on the par-71 , 6.966-yard En-Joie Golf Club.

Eric Nickel. Woodbndge OL Rich Stahlheber, GWC RB

6-3 6 -3 6-2 6-2 6-7 6-0

228 Sr. 201 Fr. 230 Fr. 190 Jr 280 Jr. 18_4 S r.

,~ ... 8-'ef 1(-

Sam Aiello, Manna. GWC QB University of San Diego

6-2 200 Sr.

6-0 195 J r.

" ( didn' t even know if I was going to play or not," said O' Meara. whose neck went into s pasms Monday morning. ap­parently from Lifting heavy lug­gage the night before

Three strokes back at 66 were Ronnie Black , Eric Batten and Brad Fuon , who graduated from Furman University this spring and turned pro at the Western Open alter finishing as the low-scoring amateur in the U.S . Open.

John Swoboda. OCC OL Paul VanL1efde . Saddleback Col. DB

Nevada Las Vegas Rod Emery, Fountain Valley RB 6-0 175 So

San Joie State Harold Hadley, Saddleback

Utab State Dana Johnson, Mission Viejo Rick Moser. Ocean View Greg Selby. New port Harbor Bruce Boatman. Capo Vl y. Sadd. Col

OL 6-0 260 Sr.

OG 6-3 . s 5-11 QB 6-3

c 6-2

240CJr. 180 Jr.

200 So. 235 Jr

G reg ~tein, Edi.son DB Tulsa

Ch ris Memhardt. Edison. GWC Utah

Bob Jenkins, Capo Valley

Mike Powell. Edison Craig Dumaty. Edi.son Kory Burwell. G WC

Mike Vanags. Edison

Weber State


OL 6-0 200 Jr.

OT 6-3 225 Fr

LB 6- I 210 So. OG 6-2 230 &> LB 6-2 220 Sr

OG 6- 1 210 Sr

" ( played with what I had available to me today. Maybe that's what I need to do more often," he said .

Unable to turn has head to the left or follow through on has

Fi rst pnz.e the tourney is $54.000 '

O'Meara played even par through the first seven holes before going on a blitz of six birdies and an eagle on the par-5, 556-yard 12th hole.

Massimino to compete in triathlon

America's Cup: Tension is building

The three players tied for sec­ond a re not regulars on the PGA Tour. O'Meara's best finish this year was second in the P h oenix Open. and he has earned $51 ,366.

S haring third place at 67 were sax players. Bobby Clampett. Gary Hallberg. J oey Sindelar, Mark Lyc, Viet.or Regalado and Don Pooley. the 1980 8 C. Open t:harnp1on.

Fonner UC Irvine swimmer and water poloist and current triathlon champion Dr Ferdy Maaaimlno, sidelined moat of this yMr with an injured right foot . wW compete in the Sept. 10 World Profe91ionaJ Triathlon Champlont.hlp In Nice, France.

Musimino. who now lives In Beneda with his wife, Linda and two daughtera, was the champion of the 1982 Nike U.S . 'Priathlon Qwnpionahtp held last October lo Ma!Jbu, hu been recuperating aft« auUering a plantar fa.tela lnjury.

Mulfmjno, an emergency room ph.1)1dan. la alto • 8Pol'U medl­dne author. He a19o teTVn u a teem physician for the U.S . water polo ..-m and has been Invited to p.rddptte ln medlcaJ supervtaion of athle1et at lhe 1984 Olympic 0-.. in Loe Anteles.

The World Pro fcH lon• I Triathlon Championship, with a purw ~~75,000, Will be taa.vwed by •

NEWPORT. R l (AP) - Ten­sion as building bet ween sailors of the new yacht Liberty and the oldtimer Courageous lO see which makes at to the America's Cup finals in just 11 days.

"I'd like to get selected tomor­row," Liberty's ' skipper Dennis Conner said Thursday after beat­ing Courageous by 26 seconds in an abbreviated race in shifty wlnds.

"I'd call it even right now," said Co urageous tac tic ian J o hn Bertrand in a postrace comment.

But Thursday's victory gave the ruby-hulled Liberty a 10-6 record for the final lr1al.s, pills four victories in the six racee with Courageous, now 9.9, ainoe the third pl'Ollpcct, Defender. wa11

eliminated. ln separate racing Thursday ,

challenger Aualralla £1 led all the way on the 24.3-mlle course lO defeat Brlt.a.ln's Victory '83 by • lopsided four rnlnutes. ~3 teCOnda.

That ~ned thC!tr 1evrn· r11ee series at one victory apiece.

Aftc!r the rocc ended In near datkneiaa, the Brttlah "•nap uk•'<J

for the one day off they are aUowed. That m~ansonl y Liberty and Courageous will race today In Rhode Island Sound.

a century by the New York Yac:ht Club.

A day of capnc1ous, light winds was w.ed by Conner, lhe 1980 cup champion, to come from behind and pin a 26-sea>nd defHt on the 10-year-oid Courageous., skip­pered here by John KoUus.

Conner said he twice caught up with Courageous early in th<• race. but rouldn' l hold the edge the first time. Seven players were another

s troke back at 68. J ohn A<WN. I Jim Neiford, Tim Simpson, David J Ogrin. Bruce Fleisher. Fred Cou­ples and Bobby Cole.

The races are to decide which two boats meet in a best-of-seven series beginning Sept. 13 for the old ~mng trophy, held more than

" When you go ahead and pass on the downwind leg, you can't feel bad about boat speed," he saJd.


Stovall (6- 1. 195 Jr.) and David Sacha (6 -9. 165 jr.).

RECEIVERS - Artie Hatfield (5· 11. 165 sr.), Rob Curry (5-9, 165 sr.) • nd Diehlman (5- l l , 165 ar.) give the Seahawkt exper1~nce and .olld depth at flanker, and Rudy Mayotga (~· 10, 165 sr.) la the lelldlnl andldate at split end Dana Sterr (6· 1. 195 sr.) la a retumint 81.artcr at ~l!"t end, badted by Mike McGIJnchey (6·3, "'1 v)

OFFENSIVE LINE - ~ Lln't a down'aexpenenceon the vanity levtiat th1a pc»ltion, but there ia po~ntJal - bqfnnlnc wllh eenlor Jerry 8lakefleld (6-5. 215). 1i1

tackle whl) hat never played football befott.

Jeff AlJoway (5-7, 205 ar.) la the other tackle with Chris Engstrom (6· 1, 200 jr.) a backup. Larry Lopei (6· 11 , 200 Jr.) ancf Roy Asuesa (5· 10. 205 sr.), who sat It.out last year, are the guuda. backed by Gl~nn Domingo (5-8, 190 jr.). Tlm Imber (5-11. 195 Jr.) la a t center . becked by John Dickman (~· 10, 175 ar.).

DEFENSIVE LINE - Eric Fleming <'-11. 185 11r.) and Mike 5ra (~11. 145 11'.) are \he enda, With o, Frank Duakln (&-10. 1e~ If.). t.nd John um (5-10. 17& )'.) tMddlna for stantt roJetal tackle. A t the noee I.I Oidunan, bllckfCt by L.ackey. the No. I fullblick .

LINEBACKERS I Su-fan &-aona '" a

mam\atay here. with S tovall on the other side.

SECONDARY - Hatfield and Mayorga are the comers. backed by Jamet Brummett (5- 10, 145 jr.) a.nd Kenny P\~l"IOn (5-11, 16& sr,). At safety I.a Wayne Schmlda (6-1. l 75 a.) or Tony Lopez (6·0. 165 jr.), with Gl'ft90n alao in the plctunt. Dl~hlm.n la the strong safety, blcked by Sachl.

KlCIUNG GAME - Richard Smith, t.M ASB preliclent, ll the tam'• pUtt~ kJcker. bu' even •n tel ln the arhool'• daily bulle\.ln couldn1

t tum dp • puntc!r "Tht- besketball team has lh~m all ."' M)ll Co10.h :fhe 84-ahawktl lll't' Allll looklff "' ~

J. . . • • • .. .... .. '


Orange Coast OAILV PILOT/ Friday, Sept 2. i983 R S

Madden, Olsen say what viewers want to hear By DA VE GOLDBERG ,.,....,..,_

Football is upon us - for real t.h1a weekend with the start of the National Football League seaaon. " Watch the wide-out on the poet pattern unleu they use the up-back through the point of attack," Charlie.

COMMENTARY There waa only an audience of one for Madden's

remark, made ill the privacy of a CBS conference room. But Madden would say the same thing to millions over the air - he has certamly made remarks like it on any number of telecasts over the past tew yelhi.

NBC - impart information with which viewers CJui Ul8t.antly identify. Like pasaea clanking o ff helmeta.

"Sometlmee I aay thing, before 1 even know that they're out," Olsen says. "That'• a httle frightening sometimes beause there are 1<>me things you don' t want to go on the air "

American Conference team, an NBC man do1t11!( :.i

National Conference team 1f they don' t? Wt•ll, h.-rt• waa NBC'a John Brodie one Sunday lla.5t yew-. speculating ~bout the capab1hues of Scott Brunner of the Giants, an NFC quarterback he clearly hadn't studied.

"Good point, Chuck." Amidst the jargon and othet chatter that will

emanate from the television aeta this seaaon, it's nice to know th.at there are people in the box who speak Engllah. Like, listen to John Madden on a certain NFL aggregation , which shall go nameless to protect the guilty:

Get a bunch of old football players and coaches in a room and you hear all klnds of opinions on players and teams. Put them in a television booth and you get lines like: '' He's90me kind of player," or"Wow! What a hit!"

Both Madden and Olsen do one other thing thelr counterparts of~n eschew - homework. They talk to coaches and players - even sporta writers -before the game and they read everything they can find about the teams they will cover. Madden, who dW.ikes flying, has plenty of time between cities riding the trains.

" l don't know why the Giants aren't throwing long," he said. "Unless Brunner can't throw lof\g"

Madden has the advantage of having roached 1n ..,. the AFC. But there's more to it than that.

"I've never seen a team where 90 many receivers get hit in the helmet by passes." The best - Madden on CBS and Merlin Olsen on

That's particularly Important when an analyst changes conference& - a CBS man doing an

" l follow the draft very closely," he says. "l look at a lot of film and I get to know the players. By the lime they get into the league. I have a pre tty good idea what they can do."

FOR' THE RECORD ~ • • ., "


Chic.go K.ennsCllv Oeklend

"""" Teus MJnnHOte Sffllte

81lllmore MJlwaukff Oetrolr New YO<k T«OOIO Botron Cltvtlend


"" .. 66 70 61 n 61 73 SI n SI 12

llAST OIVIMON 17 SJ 7S S1 7S S7 n SI n •2 .... 70 SI 76

TlMlndlt\"I Scent T w omo S. Balllmore J MlnnftOle ll ·J, ~ton 0-9 Oelroll S, THU 0 Chk- 12. 1tanw1 City 0 O.ki.nd 2, New Y«k 0 Ontv ~met K1'teOUled

TNlav'I Gelnft

l"ct. GI )7\ .. s .. s 4S9 •S5

. '30


. m S6I

.S61 SS7 S4S

·"' 433

111,., 11'17 15 IS'I'> 19 25

3 J .. ,., •v.

IS l1

Mllw•'*" ( Port ... ' "" . , ~ (F«tcn 11·91, (nl

Detroit l hreneuef' 7· • e nd WllCOa l · I ) el TOt"OOIO (LH I 11-10 a nd Acil ... ) · I), (2)

Chlc.eoo 0Coo""9n !Cl-6) e t 8o1ton (8ovd 3· • >, In>

9elllmore (F tene06ll l · J ) e t ~'• (Vlole 7· 11). (n)

K•nw1 Clrv (Sollllorll 10· • > . , TtUI ( Houo/I 11-121. (n)

Clt•Nnd <SortMen l · fl e t Otki.nd ( Helmutlle< J-3) , In)

New Y«ll. <Foo•-• • · 2) e t Sffllte <Youne 10-m, (nl

Ml""*¥"•~ Mllweullff e l Altelb, (n Oetroir e t TOt"oolo lklllmott t i MlllnetOle Chk:aoo er Botton CtevtlAnd et o.itltllCI Ka nws Cllv e t Texn, In) N- York el Sffllle. (n)

~ Atlante HOUiton Sen Ole9o

N•tlclnel LNtue WHT DI""'°"

W L n 5'

16 y 11 •2

" " S.n F re ncltco Clnclnnell

6J 11 t i 74

P11ttbur11n Phiteoe1oi.te Monlr•el SI Louis c~ N- York

EAST DIVISIO .. .. '4 ...... 67 '4 66 I S '° 71 SS 11

Tllunav't Sc.­Montreat I,~ l Hovstoo 3. PilllOuf'Ofl 0 Chic.ego 3. Clnctnnell I

l"ct. 57'1

567 .~ -• 70 0 2

.SIS SIS S11 .S04 • Sl •1•

Ptllr.CMION• •• Sen Fr enclKO 2 St Louh I . Attente J


""' ' 12 ,."' 17

,., I"' I ''>

l ) ' 't

~ ( llevn• 9· 10) et MOl\tr .. 1

111-s ''""· (nl Hovstoo tScoll I · • > 11 ChlcellO INoln S· l l

P1t1aour11n 1Ce nc1t11rle 11·11 e t .Ati.nta IDnlltY • · • >. <n>

Sen Olello ISllow ll-tl e t Nt"' Y«ll. (Trrttt S·• >. lnl

S.n Fre nch.co (Ce rvert • · S) • • Pt!llMNI· pNa (Otnnv 1>· • 1. In>

Clnc.lnnetl (PHIOt"e • · 121 a t St Lout• (LePolnl 11 · t ), (n)

~V'IO­~ e t Montreal, (n) Sen Oi.vc> e r New V«k , lnl S.n Fre ncltco 11 Ptiti.dtlP!li. . (11) Hous ton et ClllceOO Clnclnnetl ti St Loult , In> P11 111>ur11n e r Ali.nta



SSu?o BllusMlu ....... .. Gutrrtf Jt> Lando Cf _..,... ,. aroct1 10 V- c er-.. on ._.,ct•o MQlwtv "" HoOtono RNRvs o/\ tWt'll\- Cl a.o,wlllP T~o/\ T ....

....... l I I 0 • I 1 0 l t 2 I 2 0 0 I • 0 I 1 • 0 2 0 • 0 I 0 3 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 0000 1000

Ralntt" Trlllo 2" O.w.ond GCe rterc Oil.,,... It> Wellllc:n Jt> RHrdOne> WoNlfdr1 FlvAn " LHCI Jemes o Sdtl'Jclf' p

$e>tlar JO

11 > 7 > T­kwe W ..........

..,, .... 3 2 2 0 S I 2 I ) J I 0 s 0 1 2 • 0 1 I 3 0 I 0 1 000 • I I 0 ) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 0000 I I I I


Lw ,.,....... ... 11'2 tlO- ) ~ 112 - '4• - 1

Gamt· Wl11nl1111 1181 - GCa rter 121 E - 91ker , So.le< OP-Los Anoetes I,

MonlrHI I LOB-Los Anottts ' · MonlrH I 10. 2~•1nts . O•"''°"· Ollv ... . SS.A, W°""ord HA~ll.er ( ,., SB- 9eker (l ), Dtwt0n 1711 , llelllft 164) r F tvnn.

II" H It Ul 18 SO LftA ..... s

HOMvCll L,2 - 1 4 4 3 ~ A06f611 0 0 I

Hersh•- 7 I o Bedlwltr. 2 0 2

MefltrHI L .. W, 11·1 S S 2 2 3 Ja""' 7 1-l 7 I I I xnnor 1-3 0 0 0 0 ltH rdOn S.20 I 1· 3 0 0 0 0 1

LM oOCllMI 10 S llellf(S I~ tlll, Htrtnl.ef oitc:M<I 10 3 Clelltft In tin.

T-U2 A->O_.,.

A~~ .. ,..,.. s. °""" ,

a.ttltno< t 000 20 I 000-) t I T0tonto 110 100 Ola~ t I

....,_, Mefltrwr Il l - ~. Nolell 171, ~ - WNll w-Ate"'...,· 1~1 L--f'- . , •• Hlte-e.itlmot"•, -•'f CUI TOtOfllO, larfl9lcl J ( It) , WNll 1'11. U""9• ()I )

T- II, RM Sex 0 ,lr1tGamt

MlnntM>le 010 203 .00-11 If 0 Bo.loo 000 000 000- 0 5 2

WIMlerm 11\0 Engle, Ec,er-.iev, Aoontt (7) e no A11e<>t0n w - Willlam\ , 10· 12 L­Eckeralev, 7· 11 Hlh- Mlnne>ote , Bruna ntt<Y 2 (121. Faeoo (II

lled S.• f, TWIM J S.Ctftd CO.me

Minnesota 000 000 120-l 1 0 a os tOft I• I ?10 00•-9 10 O

Lvuncser . O'Connor (3), Wallt<'\ ISi. WhlltlloU\t 181 e no Le udne<, 01t<11, Cttar (I ) e nd Geoma n W--Oi.de. 1 7 L-Lvwnoar . • · II

Tieen s. 11._-s 0 T uas 000 000 000-0 6 O Detroll 010 011 021e-s 10 o

Tenene , Scnmldl (7), Henke 181 e nd Jo/\ntOn, Morrl' .,,d Parrllh W- M0<rl1, 11· 1. L- Tanane , 1-6. HR1-0etroll, Br~tn• (6). Lemon (20).

WIWte S.11 11, lttYall 0 Kenwa Cltv 000 000 000- 0 • 2 Chlc.llO tOO OSO Slx- 12 12 O

&Itek, Hultmenn <S> . Raumuuen (7), QulMlll>eNY m. SlmPtOn (I) . ,,., 5111111111, Jo/\nson (9) , Ho•I and F isk. w- Hovt. 11·10 L-Slad., l · S, Hlh-Cnlce go, F lsll CUI , Paclor.i< ( 11

A' s 2. y ... _ 0

New Y«k 000 000 000-0 3 0 O.ki.no 002 000 oox- 2 • o

ll l11httll e nd Ctfone. Esolno (I), CoellroU end HHlh. W-Coellroll , 12·9 L~lllhtlll, l• · S

NatleMI L .. tue Aslr9' l , rtratn 0

Plll~Clll 000 000 000-0 l I H~lon 000 000 JOx-l 1 O

Tunnell, Guanle (7), scurrv (7). Tekulve (7) e nd M.ev, ltve n, DIPlno 11,l e nd Mt1.,.oc11, Blor,man Ill W-lhuen. IJ- 6 L-Guentt, 2· 2

-- 10, GllM J ChlCe QO 020 000 l~J 9 0 Clndnnall 010 000 000-1 • I

Rurnv.,., Smith (I) end Oev11; 9t<'envl , Hume (f l a nd Chrl1tma1 w--flurnvtn, 11· IO L- Seranvl, 6· 14. HR-Chlcego, M.ertlntl 141. ......... ~, San Frencra.eo 101 000 00<>-2 9 O PMeOtlllhMI 010 030 00•_. 7 I

Hemmak..-, Berr (I ) elld 9 r4W14v. Ghtlfl, H ... nenoa1 (to>, Hoti.nd 191 e nd Dier W-Ghtlll. 1·0. L- Hem,,,.kt<', 10-1

CMdlNls a, llf'eves J Stloul1 010 610 ~ 17 I Ati.nre 10? 000 000-3 II 0

Alll<l . lion Ollltn (4), Foracn ( 51 e no Porttf, Peru, Cemo lf l, Fa tcone ('I . Moore 161 G.,_ 191 a nd Bt necttc1. Pocorooe (6) W-f'or\Cll, I · 11 L-Perei 1)·6

Aneel avw-.n IATTING

A• It H HR 1111 Pct Ca r ew •ts sa t• S , .. 349 OtClnce. :m '3 17 16 SJ 301 Burleson IOI " 31 0 11 ,,. Grkn 317 •S Ill 16 61 m 9en1Quet 1SO JS n J ,, ,.. konleo 2SI 42 " I ll 27S LYM "°' SJ 109 71 69 2'7 9oone 393 )9 10? 7 • S 2St Ro Je<.ktOn 2t3 JS n 6 J] 1SA FoU lJO 29 13 2 29 2S2 LUOr• llcll IOI 10 26 0 ' 24S WlllonG 106 11 26 I 12 2•S Downing m S9 7'I 16 4' 2• S VeltnllN 225 ?• S2 ' ll 231 Clt11< 17' 14 41 • 17 .'30 A4am1 ,, 11 11 I • .207 Rt. J edlson .161 '3 7S 14 ., 204 O'llerrv .. s I 0 2 167 Totets • , '31 411 1,221

~ING 121 511 2'4

IP " •• SO W· LERA Z.M 163\; 170 44 61 1· 10 3.4 1 s.ncnez 90 '° 36 43 1·7 3.50 Fe<~ll 112 "' •9 .. 11· 9 J .91 Curll• ~ " JS 33 H J .f? KllOll n~ 12' '3 13 11-S 4.0S Steir..- SCI"> " 12 n 2· 1 U6 JOlln I•\'> 227 )I SO 9· 11 4.SI Wiit 12S Ill S9 65 7· 10 4,7S ...... 33\') ll IS 20 O· • S.OI t:w" 141/!1 11 s 7 H u e

LauoNln ~·1> SJ 16 l3 t-3 • 03 Tot eh 1,20l l.J3S • 16 sso 6l·n .,.

S.vK Sanchtt 6, Wiil 4, Huller J , Curll> ) , I( IM>n 2.


BATTING (~ e t Miil 90lllls. ~ton 3'6, c..r.w, """"'' .-, Tremmef, Ot troll, J?l, McllM, lta nw• Cltv, .371 . W?lilektr, Detroit, .321.

RUNS· E .Murrav, Betti,,_• , '3; Rlpktn , ae111..._., '1. Mowt>v, Torooto. 17. II H«Wttf tOn, 0tkl6ncl, N . i'llolll«. M ii · WIUk" , IM

R91 Coootr , Mltweukte, 107, Rice. 116tron. 102. Wlflflelc:I. N- Y«ll. ... L.N Parrllh, Ottroll, '1, Slmrnonl, M ir WtUk", 90

HITS Booos, 8o1IOf\. 11• , WM tker Detroit, 1'7, c- . Mllweuk", 16J. McRet, Kanws Cllv, IS7. RI011111, Ball!· more, IS1.

OOU9 LE S· BOllOl, Boston , • I L.N Parrl•h, Oetrolt, 37, McRae. Ke nses Cltv, 37, 'Hr t>tll . Minnesota , 36, Rle>k111 talllm«•. 36.

T RIPL.£$; Gr lHltl. Toronto, 9, Gen1ner. Mllweuk" . t . Wlntleld. New York, I . 6 a rt lled wllll 1

HOME RUNS Rice . 9o•ton . 331 Armu. 8osloo. JI . Kltttt. e r.re.go, 27, Coootr Mllwe ulltt, 11, Lu1ln.io.I, Chlcego, 2•

STOL.EN ~SES. R.Htn0trt0n. Oa~ i.iw1 . n . R Lew. Cl\IC•llO. 62, J Crut , CnlcellO. •9, w Wlh oo, K• nw• Cltv , • 7. ~molt. Tnat, ll

PITCHING 113 deehlons) Heu, Mil we-. n·l , ll7, McGr-. Belllmota . l._S, 3.01. R'-111. New Y0<1t , l•· S. J . 11 . Heaton, Ctevtlend, 10-• , l.S4, Morris , Ot lrolt, 11-t, l n

STltlltEOUTS Morrl1. Oetroll, 194 Rlol>ttll, Htw Yor"k. ISi, Siieo, Te<oolo IU, F leMl\ltf . Ch~. IS2, ~tcllfte Clrttlancl, Ill

tAVE:s Oul~rv. ttAMe• Cltv, >6 lll.Oavl1, Mllwlelole . 2'. Stanln. lotlon, 2', Caudltl. Setllte, 22; L-1.. Detroit , 17

Natlanal LNeue BATTI NG (J.o el oehl. Madlock , Pit·

t1t>urgn, ;in, Htnclrlc:k, SI Loul• , J19, Dew\on, Montreet, .317, Cru1, Houston. .316; Puhl. Houlton • . 312.

llUNS MurClllv, Ari.nte, IOI, Rain .. MOnlrHI. 1()4, Oewi.on, Montreal. II. Ev• n1. Sen Fren<.IKo. IA. Schmidt. Pllli. ­dell>lll• ' 11

RBI De wi.on. Montree l, 99, M•iro/\-., . Alla nta , t3, Scllmldl, PtllleOelpflle , n G.,.,.._, Le> """'91<n, 8'1 H•norlc .. . St Loul\ 71

HITS Oawson , MonlrH I, 162, Tl>O<I Hou•loo, IS7. Otlvtr Monrre e l IS6, Crur HOUllOf\. I~. It llemiru . At1e n1 e . llJ

DOUBLES Bu<,ner Cnteevo ~. Knlvnt , Hou• ton. lL Otl•tr . MOl\lfH I, 30. J Re v. P lt1•t>ur11h. 19, W1Ha c11, MOf\lr .. 1, 19.

TRIP LES Butler At11 n11. 12, ft\Oft, Houston , 9, Crua, Hou1IOft, I , W8llll119lon, All1nl• , I , 7 e r• rleo wlln 7 t.

HOME RUNS S<r.mldt . Plllle delClllle, 32. Dewson , Montreel, 21, eve n1, Sen Fre n clsco, 11, MurPllv . Atlante 26. GU«Ttf'o, Lei Al!RIK, U.

STOLE N BASES Re1ne1, Montrea l, ... Wl1111ln1, ~n Oltvo . •7. s .sax, Lea A~. 0 1 Wiison. New York , '2, l eMasler , Sen Fre ncl•co, 3'

PITCHING ( 13 decl1lon1) Oro sco, New Vorll., 12 · S, I 19; D111ny, Phlledtlpllle , 13•6, 1.SO, Mc:Wllllem• , Pl1t11>uroll , 1J· 6. l .01, P.Pt<'H. Atlanta . IJ· 6. 3 18. Rven. Houlton, 13· 6, 2.36

STRIK EOUTS· Cerllon, Pnliedtlt>llle . 229, Soto, Clnclnne tl. 200, MCWllllaml. Pllllburoh, 164; ValelUuele, Les ""-"• U01 Rven, Houlloo , H S.

SAi/ES Lt .Smllh. CnlClllO. ll, llurd<>n, MonlrHI, 20; Bedroslen, Altente , II . Holtend, Pnli.11111>1111 , 17. T ... utve . Pit l ll><Hll/I . 17


(l1"d .. 4.J · cMY ~eel ~) l"MST ltACE. 6 lurtonll1

Got<Mn M ln1trt1 ID19<11) 41 60 17 60 6 20 Pomotl'1 91esl IV11tn1utle l It 40 7 40 C.P. Rtltcl (Pinc.vi 3.00

Also rec.cl O'Slllnftt\MY Stoan, Hle>h · t>row . Merrv Tooy, A-n Parley, Sir ltusMtll. WllMlln Htnrv, One Muter

Time: I.lo •1 s. SIEG0 .. 0 RACE. I lurtonll1

Wltn Rtservetloll (Blac k) 14 oo Gll8DO (Mate)

'60 3 .60 l .O HO

BOIO n· 9tlltf (Pinc.vi Also re ct<I Too Teri , IR

Alumlneut, a ... .,., Oe ncer. E l Nier Future . lle rlet>te Ihle , Pllnv Wino

Tlmt I 12 11S

C,ZQ Power . F aha d . HOeO'• -

U DAILY OOV9LE II 111 O• IC! t ?SI 00

TiiMO ltACE. I I 16 mile> P ino AIUI (E1trede ) •7 40 7 60 6 .0 Sll90Pv Tom (Ju<1lu 1 I 60 7 00 a .. u Moro (P inc.v i · '40

At\O r aic.d 5.ov ltev .au 1nc1u,•w• Ollmoo. O• r• Oor•an F U><A<>U> ~ .. ,.,., True lltO

Time 1 44 1 S U EXACT A tJ · S) Pl•C! UO 00

,CXHI TH llACll I I 16 m1'f• Golde n Benner CMc:Crnl I 00 • 20 J 20 Soda l At•le• (Ol1ver~ I J 60 2 60 Soots N Sock 1 ('PecJrote I • 10

Also rect<I Siii\ n Smootn Cn1c.e 11e ~ulllt In Gold, °""" Ph• ro• A Pltewnr World, !>moo1111v. Lt • s Gt • llact4 , 6ve Bve Love, Anna C.evt

Time 1·'6 llS

l'll'TH ltACE. 6 turlonv• Et>onv 9 roo tt (Hewtev l JSIO ISOO I .to Unoellnownst ro Me IL.a me nee l 7 60 6 ?O Rl•ell Fa e1or (Ollvere•) 10 20

Al•O ra c:ed Truxton' • Oou~t. ,,,. 1eercnol , Deconlrol. Senior s.netor , Witt> Llbe<IY, llt Kll• cllo, Cterlcv

Time· l;Ot J IS. 11 IXAC'U 110·9) oe ld ~f? SO

SIXTH llACll. 6 turlonvs T•ke • Sl\01 (Plnc ev l uo •.20 l 40 Ce ndectl (&a.c k l 10 00 6 00 Rtouttllon Miu (McGurn) HO

AllO reced. Sm•ll Het>tt , Anolller DIP, lttl>Ctup, Nol • Srrew, Ste r Ille. Petitt Bride, HOO to Ille F«•

Time· I 11 2/ S

HVENTH ltACE. ' lurloftcn LovUer Linde (McCrn) tO 20 S 20 J IO Prtncau Lurulle h (lllrul t 20 6.00 Sur11n Cut le (Mtll I 6 60

Also reced· BuMlon, 1nour1111on, Grltterv H9111on ~. Ceremt>Oll LucllY Cero

Tlmt l -ot l l S U IE:tCACTA 14· 7) ot i<I ttl2 00

12 l"ICI( SIX ( 11·1· 7· 10· 9 · • 1 e>• ld sSS.129 IO with one w lnn•nv tlc' tl o .. l>Orlft) n Pld. SI• con~tloo DtlO U ,75' .0 With 20 WIMl"ll l~th ( llve nora.t>

llGHTH ltACE. • turtonll• Frtneh M.eleslv (Vlnrl) 6 00 310 2 60 ll oll • Neruret IMc:Ca rronl • ~ 3 60 Pes .. • ntll IP lncav l 1 IO

Also re ced Vtllerle , Trrc .. v Wittie, W C Sntc~v. SOie r Sv\lem

Tlmt l 10 715

NINTH lllACE. l I 16 mlltl Sca rne (B lac~ I tu O ~ 20 • 10 L.e Notre IMcGurnl 1 IO • 20 llaotttlnv CEsrr edal S 00

Atso r• ctd Georgee11t1, Caot• ln Orhtlll . Blow Te o" Wellma Sen , Nel1'1e Pur

Tlmt· 1,43 31S U •XAG1'A 17· 71 oe ld U3 100 Atrende nct l• ,ll-4


I l:ntl M U · lllll!I 11.t'""I "'"""91 'lltST llACI One mllt Peca Bruni

Bev C Ve lle n<llllllhaml 17 .0 10 00 S 40. Mof111n HIM 10 00 • 20. St etler L111n1 HO l ime 1"01 • 1J ~ llXAGTA (2· 11 oekl ......

S•COND RACI . One mite trol Avrt Carc10 ( BevltH I 9 '° • 20 3 IQ, Como Sr e r ''° 3 DO, Ote mono Hunter 2AO Time , 01 • 1S. U aXACTA 14· )) 0.ICI 1107 10

THlltD lllACI, One mite - l.ffCI v .. r ( l(ueClltf ) 300 ~ 00 , 2.~. Howdv Sorltt 7 IO '20, ltovar 1u1wt11m, 3M lime. 2 01 11S ~ IX ACTA <• · I) Hid U0 60

l'OUlt"ql RACI:. One mite trol lti. ToclO co.satn.r) ll.20 11.20 S.00; TlcU I ltoom· S.40 2 IO. DH-muae > 40. DH-<eder Oevlln 2 IO Time 2'02 • I S D.._adlleet

l'll'TH ltAGI!, One mllt e>ac.t One ror De ne (Aut>lnl 1010 3 60 2 .0, M.erv ' • Comme nd 2 IO 2 .0, AndYI lle1Pl1 3 60 Time. ? -01 21S '3 E XACTA (• · I) 0110 '36 JO

SIXTH ltACE. One mlll Pe et F1n1 t Ce ll (Sll.,.ra nl 1• 20 6 60 • 40, Elita 9 rHre ' 60 • 00, Trotroo 9 IO Time I S9 2/S tJ ll:tCACTA tl · 2) De ld 5126 90

SIVllNTH ltACIE. One mile Pe ce Jen He l IGrunov l I IO 6 20 • 00, Claulc Gem 1060 S60, Cutlt Roel> 240 Time 201 llS tJ EXACT A (9· 7) oa ld s 202 IO

EIGHTH llACE. One mile oec a Scollll ll Locn 1v 1 111 iw111111ne m> • 40 l 40 2 to. Ooul>le GM 5.60 l . .O, Fa rner Outtv • 60 Time I SI J/5 U EXACT A tS·ll oa la Sl0.00

NINTH RACE. One mile Pe ce Klnv Amt>er (Sprl11111 I 21 00 10 20 9 . .0, Becneior Rainbow 6.IO •.OO. Bl1me r .. Hanover 10,40 Time; 1-57 31S. '3 EXACT A IS· 11 Ptld lHBO .

l"ICllt SIX U · • · l · 9+SI oa ld '3.999 40 wllh six w1nn11111 llck ets (five llOrlts l Ce rv O•tr DOOi S'6,09S 9'.

TENTH ltACE. One mite oe ct Le Norm (Aut>lnl" 3.40 ? .60 2.60; Reot Chlel 4.40 ) .0, Nethen·s Hooe 6 20. Time' 2-00 21 S. U llXACTA <2·71 e>e ld S2160

Alltflde nce - l ,099


S.twcMv f>ll lla delt>ll•• 11 Se n Fre ncl.co . Int

S4lftdlly Item• e r New Y«k Glanr' (CP\e nne l t e l

10 a m I llelden a t Clnclnne tl (Cha nnel • 11 10

e m .) Sr Louis 11 N•w Ortean• Green Bev al Houstoo Atla nre • ' Cnlce llO 9elt lmort e 1 New Engla nd Denver et Pll"t>urgn Detroit et T e mPa Bo M ia mi a l ButtelO M lnnnore 11 Cllvtlel\<I Se•lll• a t K.a nsu Cttv N1w Vor- Jtll e t Sen DI- ICll• M tl 4

-' I Pm I ~ ...

Dalles at wu111n11ron 1Cne nne1 1 et 6 P m)


CoMee IOo1tMll TllurldeY' I 5<­

Hoo>lon O A lee " '811KINV'• ~,.,,..,

Wftl Monl e ne St a t Wu111n11t0f\ ~t P ec111c • • °'"°" N .. v• CI• IRtftOI . , Ntvaoe IL.t i ll~u

S.cr1.....,10 St at~. St lt•Olft

C• • !>1••• FulifflOf> . , 9 o•S• ~· n O<lllO'I St 11 ArtlOfte. n So<,i111 Oe ko•• e t W•om1119 New Mea1co St • I Te • • • IE• PelO) n " " Force • • COIOt • OO St Ul • ll a l New Maaleo, n

MiclwKI Lonv e.acll St a t KenM• SI Sen Ole9<> SI • I TutH, n N«trwn tnlnol• • • l(e nw• Ktnt St 11 AkrOft, n NE Loul• l•n41 . , 1.ndle ne SI . n II,_ Island e r 9aN SI E11ter11 IMlnolS . , IMlnols SI ., n Marsllen er E H tt<'n Mk l\111111. n Ore lla e t Ne<ti..rn Iowa , n

SCIUWI UCLA et Gtorvle (Clla-1 1 e r 6 Pm l Ctfltrtl Mlchl11en el Ktflluckv Wntern Ce rotlne el Clemson Du.,• al Vlrolnla Ee1t Ceroilne al FIOrlde St., n A1>1>el1Clll1n SI. e l Wek• Fort1I. n M ia mi, Fie e t Ftor lda, 11 Fun'l\en e l Soulll Cerotlne St ., n Mc- sr. •• NW Louisiana . n Piii I t Tenneuft. n lllc:llmond a t Southern MIU IU IOPI, 11 Mlu lu .loe>4 •I Memonls St . n T ulene . , Mlu ln lDPl SI North C.roilne • • Soulll Ce rotlne . n umar 11 Nlcl\Olls st .. n

SWt!IWftl Celtfor~I• e t Teae • A&.M. 11 Loulavltlt e t SMU. n Wast f tXll SI e t Ne<lll Tu .. St 11

Eul Svr.c.,.t e l Ttmoit, n Otlto U a t WHI lllrorn1e

,...,.. aOltl Niil

aNtw VOt"k Glet1ll • over 11.Mnt AClnclfwwlrl 2 O•.,. lt•IM't • Sen FrenclKC> J..., ovtf Ptille<)tloi.1a aNew Enolel\<I S1'1 o .. r S•rtlmor e Mlemt • ll'r ov.,. ~•utt•IO ~Ctevetancl l 'n over Ml-I• • hrnoe 9ev l over Detroit • PillltlUrlll\ 1 OVtf Dtn•er • New Or1Hn1 1\i'J 0•9' SI LOUI• aClllc• llO 1 o ver Alleftta Gr" n Bev • • .., ov..- •Houtton aSe n Diego J o•er New Vor' Jail aK a nM • Clrv 2 Ovtl Se•llte Oe lr.> 1 O•ff • Wt11'1lngl0f\

COLLI GE t I Nor111 C1 rotl11tt 13 over •$0uln

Ca roline I• aAr l100• 2S over Or9900 Sta le IS ~Georgie 11"1 o•tr UCL,t. • - Otnoltl r>ome IH .m

.... c ........... ,

ltnltmwtltlhl• Allletl De •ll• ( Pomot\a) KO'O ltlllo ltii- (Mtkk O), 12 {Ortlla "'Int YK.Af!t World llollt.nv Councll btnle mwtfC>tlt Cl\emolotls!Woltl

B.C. Open (el Endkoll, N-Y.)

MarkO'Meere Bred F .. on ll onnlt Bl• Ck Eric Bell en Booov Cle mottt Gar• Hallt>ero Joey Sindel• r v lcror Reoa•a ao Don Pooiev Me rll L•• JOlln Ada ms J im Nellord TlmSlmP•on Oe vld ()grin Bruce l'tel•ne r Fred Cou ples Bot>OY Cole La nce T t n B rO&Cll llon Strtc., Bot>E Smllh J~v Ila"•" We vne Levi Miiie Go• • Tom J11111ln• Ge rv Koc11 Otnls We l•On Boob• Wedxln• Tommv lleltn llne Jtff Slume n S.mmv l!eclleh Ken Grffn 8o1> Tw1v Tt<'rY Oltlll Jev HUI Otwlll Weav~ Jim Simon• TOftY $Ills Cra rlflCe Rose La rry lllnlttr Bl" Murc:P\lson Git Morven Stevtn LltOlt< M ike Hota.nd Mer' HIVt\ Oe n Hellclorson Buddv Ge rdner M lkt Oone ld Joo Clllltet Mark Brook• Wallv Armstroov Boll E u rwood Beeu 9eUllll Relttl Ale rcoo Rta Caldwell Boo Glider Joe lnme n Tom Purrttr MlktSulllvan Lff Tre•lno Le rrv Zlectltr Rlehar d Zoll OI MlkaRtld Grt11 Powefl Oevld~le• J tfl Mltclltll Allen Millar P• I Lll\<lttY Pnll Hancock Ed Oouvntr lv ",.. ,., Conne<" J im Booros 8 111 Br lllo Tom Ltftman D.A Wtlbrlno Mk .. SOii Aale>fl Lendrum Donnie He mlT\Of\CI Ge rvMCCord Joe re'°'' Cr1 l11 Staottr NIO Prlee CeMnP"tt Alctt,Peerson Sltve Low.,.v Griff Jone\ Scort Hoen Ile ne• HHlner Tnomes Gre v Mar~ Cowero MArt1 Ce lca vecchla Steve He rt M lcnetr Bre nna n Rlcnle Kert Pel Mc.Gowen Mike Morltv · Kermll Ztrltv Howerd Tw lrty Currl1 Srr enoe Da ve Reven Anov N«tll Lllldv Miiier la rs MtYt<' IOll JoM Mc:Coml111 0 1 rrttl Kn rner Barrv JHCll.tt Mofrh Hetal•kv Ron Oun111m R•t' Ot loo s Bruce Oo1111teu Lon Nletstn JOftn Maue Aov Hunrer Boo Bvmen BlllC• llH F0<r111 F 111er Ptrer J acoos.n Mee O'Grtt<lv Gevln L• v111i.on Ml<lleei Hulbert Cur-I Bvru.m Sevmour ltoM LO<'tn Aot>erl• 9 ot> 9 ovd EdS-Jlmmv llov Joelle Mudd a1e1na Mc:.Alll•ter Lvn LOii Oe n Forsma n Je • Cudd Anron10 Cerda r .. nsmllh 8 111 ~"def Roel Nuc.,Oll> llod Curl Douo•hwtrt Tonv OeLuce Aol>tf't Branna m Oa nnv T r lve nl1 Mlll. tPtck Oa•t Elc11ttt>erNr Kt n Ktllev an l(r et1err 8 111 GellOwtv S•1P Mvtr\ WC>Odv 8 1• Ck0Ur 11 Re • Sttw• rt

SerMor teut'Nlment ' (al l.el"""""- 1(¥,) HO"'lt JOMtOn OollJ.-rv ....,... ThOmi.on Arnold Ptln°M' OanSlk•• 800St-


35-11-tl l' ·J~ 3-4-32-66 )6 »-e6 J• ·33-67 31 ·~1 )4 ·33-61 ll-J-1 ).4 · ).3-67 J l·»--.1 3• ·3~ 33· )5-68 lS· ll-61 l6· J7-61 )7•)1-.8 37· ]1-.S l6· 32-ol 3S· lol-69 lS· J 4-69 ).4 ·35---69 3S-l4-69 ]C-ls-69 )7·32-09 )6·»--69 36·J3-69 36·)349 )1·31-69 31· )1-69 3S-~9 :M· lS--.9 36· 34-70 31·32-10 36-3-4-70 39· 31-70 ll·37-70 3S· lS-70 31·).)-70 JS-3$--70 31· 3-4-70 31· 3A-70 J7 · 3J-70 37· 33-70 3'·3?-70 '36 -3-4-70 lS· lS-10 36· 34-70 J7· U-70 lS· lS-10 JS· 3S-10 31· 3-4-70 ll· JJ-71 J7 ·34-71 31· ).)-71 36-JS-7 1 l6· 3S-ll lS· J6-71 37·34-71 J.4 ·37-11 31· 33--71 l6 ·)S-71 36· .)$--11 37· 34-7 1 36·3$--71 ll · ll-71 36-JS-71 lS· 36-71 31 lJ-71 38· 3)-11 )7 · ).4-71 38· <1>-71 37· 34-11 lS· J6-11 J7-3S-17 31·34-72 37·3S-72 Jf· ].)-12 l6· l6--17 31· 34-17 J7· 3S-72 l9· 3J-71 31·1-n 37 JS-77 J1->s-n l9· 3J-12 J7 ·Js-n ~·ll-11 l? · JJ-71 31-lS-71 11->rn 39·.JJ-71 36-31- 73 l9·3.t-7l 36·37-73 3' ·3$--73 36· 37-IJ 39·34-13 31· 3$--13 l6 · l1-13 31·3S-73 •1 ·32-73 39. ,....73 J7-3'--73 39·34-73 )9·34-73 36·31-73 36·37-73 37· 3'--7J J9·3r7• .0· 34-7• " · ll-7' )9 · )$--7• 31·36-1• 39· lS-I• 3' ·36-7• 39·3S-1• J7· 37-7• 31·36-H •I ll-7' 36· 31-7• 11· )1-1• l9· 36-7S .0-3$--H • 1·34-lS l7 · ll-1S 31 .... 75 39·36-15 f0· 3S-1S 39-36--15 ll ·Jl-15 39·36-7S 11 31--1S )8 · 31- 16 •0-36-76 l9· 37- 16 • l-JS-76 le-40-1/t 40 ·36--76 • 2-J - 76 31·39-77 4().)1- 17 )l · lS-77 • t ·36-11 40. ,._79 40 ·A0-t0 U · Jl-ol l 43 ·»-tl


Distractions can't stop Connors or the 'other' Lloyd NEW YORK (AP) - Jimmy Connon

led the eeeded pla_yert' parade Into lhe lhlrd round of the United Sw\esOpen and continues to fiourith at the National Tennis Cen~r. a eet1ln.i many playen1 find nightmarish .

PJ,anes from nearby lAOuardLa Airport .,ou noisily overhead. The Cana are l:iollieroua. fttquently ambMloul to the pleu foc silence from the chair umpitt

Con.nore Ignored the dt.tractJona Th~y and di.If*~ Sweden'• 'J'hom.u Hop~t 6- l , 6· 2: 6-3. actvanctna alq wtth No. 6 C ulllenno VU.. of Arpnttn.. No 1 I~ Mayer and No 14 l!'!Uoc Telt«h'er

Vilas ou\l.asted Tom Cain 6-7. 6-3, 6-3, 2·6. 6-2. Mayer Md Teltfehe r alto 1urvived flve-eet t.est.3, Mayer de feating Criato Steyn of South Africa 3-6, 6-1, 2-8, 6-4, 6-2 and Teltacher eliminating Sammy Glamm.alva 6·2, 6..J, 5-7, 4·6, 6-2.

John Lloyd of Great Brittan. huaband of Chru Evert Lloyd, J>09t.ed the tour­nament'• blgest upeet eo far, atun.nJ.na No. tOJoeeHllU ruofSpt.ln6·3.6·4, 1.~

Among the women, top-rankttd Martina Navraulova 1\arted another qutst for htr flnt~~t()pen crown wllh a 6- l. 8-0 destruction of Arrntlne Em.1hlc.­Rapon1 Longo

Third Wf'ff~ AndrN JM l{t'r dawnNl

' El.I.le! 8urgtn 6-2, 6-3: No. 8 Wendy Turnbull of Australia defeated Sharon Walsh 6-3. 6-3; No. 7 Sylvia Hanlka of West Germany beat Peruvian Laura Arrays 6-1. 6-3: No. 9 .l\lldrea Temnvart of Hungary downed Vlr(linia Wade of BMtal.n 8-2, 6-8: and No. 12 IUthy Rinaldi dc1ea~ Vickie Neleon 4-6. 6-4, 6-3.

Seeded women I.a.en were No. 11 Barbara PQt~. beaten by LJ.aa Bonder

· 7-&. 8-7, 7--6. and No. 13 Claudia Kohdt of WMt ~rm.any. who bowed to Sonnie Gaduaek &-7, 6· 1, 6·2. ' '

Connon. tht" detf'ndtng C'ha.mpl<>n . (ti ~king a fifth U.S Open <'rown No man In lhe lut halt cenjucy has won thf• tltlr

more frequently and the ones who did it before him hod more 11erene ~urroundlngs in which to play.

The other C rand Slam even ts, Wimbledon. the French Open and the Austra.Uan Open are like libraries com· pared to the Open. 8ut that's fine with Connon

" Here you have the• planet Oylng over and 20.000 people crowded in animaliatic 1tylc. The Pf'Ople 1et you revved up to play good '4:'nnl1 *-lllf' they havt- f'Ve ry kt.nd of rport ht!n! and the!y want you to gu out th "' and ~ll yourself for them t tfon 'I mm~ .tlvlnll th,,• ''" 111

Al Be ldlng Ge v Brewer M ilter Ba roer Cna rlle $1Horo S.m Snea d OoUll Ford Biii Cottln1 Guv Wot• llftllotr'na Pe utTnomu C11a r ll1 Owen1 Jim Cocnra n Ptre Coo.,., J ec k Flecll AO<l Fun•ttn M a r ty FutOOI Fred He w.,tn\ Teo t<rott Boo Goelov Lrooer Hert>tr t Gtoroe Be ver 8 111 JOhnlOft Boo Err"son

' '

t •• DMP lea fllhlne

ll ·l~ JS 34-i>9 )7 l?-69 J7 Jl-69 J7 31-69 33~9 ll· :u.-69 36 )A- 70 )• )6-10 JS 3S--10 J~ )6-71 l6 3S-11 37 34-11 17 3• -11 37 JA -71 )6 )S--11 )6·JS-7 34· 11-11 1' 31- 11 JS 37-17 Ja l6 n )7 )$--1'

ART' S LANDING (Ntw-1 9Heh ) -99 •llllle" lJ t>eu, ~2S bOnllo ' \I m ac,a ral. 13 ror.~ ll•n. 1 ve11ow11 11. 6 •"'9011\ted, 1 •culpln

DAVEY'S LOCKIER ( NewCIOt1 8aedll - ?JS • llllltn l3 vetlOwlln tune . JS •11. IPleek 7'4 t>onllo, 690 ,,,., .,erel 2 '°'' tlsn, l I ••no oau, Jl vellOwt• •I

SAN DIEGO ( "6.M LANDING, FIW­man'a, ....,.. l emel - f<M • 11111tr1 91S vettowlln luna , 1• l>ioeve tune 16 ooroC!f.. 6.40 1kl01ec.k •une. 12l vttlowtell. JI OOn••o J t>ullel rune

u.s. °'*' l et New Yen I

Mel>' s S.Ctftd -~ Slfttle. Jimmy COftnon IU S I <kl TnofT'&I

Hocntedt <Sweoenl, 6· l. 6· 2 6 J Jonn Llovd (Brlleln) del Jose Hloue1os 1Soa1n1 6· ) , • · • . 7· S, Gene Me vtr 1u S 1 aet Christo Stevn (South Atrice l 6 1 7 6. 1> • 6· 2, Ellol Ttll\Cll.,. IU S I del Semmv G l1mm1 11re (US) , 6·2 6· ) . S·l • 6 6 ?

W-' 1 t"lnl Round S ..... 1 MArllne Nevr a lllOve IU.S l de! Emll~

Aeoonl Lonoo (Aroenrlne l. 6· 1. 6 ,0, Lt .. Bonder (US.I del Bar t>ere Poller IU $ 1 1- S, 6· 1. 7· 6, Bonnie Gedu>ell IUS t de! Cle u<ll• KOl\de (West Gtrmanv I. S 1 6 I 6· 7, AncJrtA Jeeoer CU S I del EllM! Bur111n IU S !. • · 2. • · l . Wend• Tvrn0u11 t Ausir a ·• ael sneron We l•n ru s 1 6 J •-> • e 11-, Aln11d1 IUSI def V•<' Nl!<son IUS • o 6· • • · l C arll,,o Ba•M!" C • ~• a• oe' L t!a AnlonoPll> (U ~ ~ 7 0 • ) . ... d,.. T~vor• CHuf'l9nn ... of'f ..,, • ..,, • • .-wo .,_. 18 r l111n 1 6· 7. 6 3 s •. .,. Hen•• "•\' Germen" > oei L• ur• Arrave p,,- ., ti

6 )

lntematleMI ~I (1111-1

MEN PV - l T"lemr ll•Qntron rrenct •

It· I > (world rtcordl .00 hurdle • - I Edw in MoSl!I

IUS),41 7• 2 O• •ld LH IUS ! n cn. J Dlat>e Ameoou (S.~el), •9 03

Miii - I M.enuet AlleK e l ISDa on1 3 SI 71 , 1 Pierre Dtltre (Swllterl• nd' l SI '3. JOH Mere lO (F"re ncel 3 S7 IC, • Seid Aoulla (Morocco) J ·St 97. ~ Svanl!\ Ma rff (US) , J SJ .O

WOMEN HJ - I LOUl\t Ritter !Us j • T •

(Am.r lun rtcordl . 2 Otl>ble Brlll IC.sn· • d• l. 6·2~

ThursdaY'i tr1nwctlons aASE9A L L

Am.laft LM-OETROIT T1GE RS- S111neo &oo

Motlne ro, outfielder KANSAS CITY ROYALS-Celi.cl uD l!on

Jo/Int.On. t1r11 l>llem111. 8uddv 8 l1nc:e1&na 1nlltl0er. a nd Oe nnv JecksOft ollc"9r lrom OMella Of .... Amtrken AO.OCl• ••Ot' ~n.s Oe rvl Mo• .. v. OUlfle!Otr from E•enJvllll ot the Afn9rtce n Auocla tion

M ILWAUKEE 911EWEll!>- " Cll•e ttd ltlcll Wall• . PllCl\er • !WI Con MolYIV IP\lrC! t>ntma n

NEW VOAK VANKEE~-l!Kellf'O JuM E solno cetcner trom Coiumt>u> Of ,,,. tnlt rne llOfte l LH llue

NalleMI LM-CINCINN.ATI ~EOS-AHcil•eled Jot

Prtce ollcher NEW YOR" MEH- Purcl\e\td lh«

c on1r1c1 01 l!on Oerllng 01tct1er r.orn Tldtweltr or lhe lnterna llonal L .. Qut

,DO"BALL Na"-l FeefMI l.NtW

CLEVELANO BROWNS-Cut D••t Rtt<I , dlttnslv• t1lcJ S•••t ~htler . 11vnr eno . a nd Ille He rrlson wide rec.l•t<

SA N FRANCISCO • 9E AS-Plac.a Ga rv MOttn, llnel>l<i\tr . on •ht lnlurtd rts~•v• 1111 Returned Cer r Motlrot tintt>eci..•r trbm waiver• ~ Slates ,.....,.. LN-

BIRMINGH'-M ~ T ALLIONS- N•m•a Pa t s- vie. pre,1oen1

IMWNlllMal ,....._.. '-"­FL01' 10.A-~ned tllue-._ f'Oftmell

111111111111 Ila(., , 10 • - · ¥H r contract HOGKaY

......_. 14.c:llt'f L.M .... DElAOIT REO WINGlo-SlllMd Lt rw

Lal'l\Mrt. rlllllt wino. 10 t tour · vffr con· tract

M<>fCTIU!At.. CANAOIE NS--"N>OUnc:eO lht r ttlrtmtnt ot Reiten Houle. le<wer o

Milke selected to Northridge po ·t

NORTHRtDOE (AP) - l,.,('gllp Milke haa been named h 3d women's basketball coach et Qll State Northrldg(!.

Milke, 27, the• assistant c"OOch the Pl! t thn.~ sea.sons, suet-.'t'd.s Dr Judy Bram(!, who wll! now concentrate her efforu tolely on h~r admlnbtntlv~ dut.1'"8 as women's ath.lNk d il"('('tor itnd with the NCAA. Bra~ ta a ~prt'IM'nt.otJvf' on

the NCAA Council Milk ... & four-y~ar varsJty per ·

fomwr ( 197!'>· 78> at Nor1hndg.~. lll>

thl• (ourlh· INlcilnA CJlrt.'t' r !IC'Ort'r 01 I he• 11ehuol


• ' ,•


. -

&e Orange Coast DAILY PILOT / Friday , Sept . 2, 1983

New line T ht' thrl'4' princ ip•I" of l rvinl'- b1tllt'1J t'innnl'iul MaKic- , Int'.. fro nt lt•(1 ,

Or. Al~rt J. Host· 11 ~ 1 4'i 11 , Ph.D. c h u irmn11or1ht·

board ancl ct:o1 t :ru i~ ,\ , Holt"m.tt' i 11 , v il' f" pr'"" ' "

de n1-murkt·1inl( u 111l Charl•·1o (., S uli11 hv q .

prt'11 idt't1I, n ·rc•11tly llf"ld a r~ct'plion ltl the· ln1111•

Mar rio ll llotf· I lo in -lrodurf' 1h1•ir 1ww l i1w of

in\IC') llll1•11t c•omtllll" r w ltwart' . Thr•' t' i;o(t w11n­

produc 11> we rt' un,•ril1•1I by the llf'W inu•i.tnt t' lll

computt>r i.o(tw a rt' 1•1un• pan y: \1un i '1nttit" t:or­poralt' \la"i" a nd P 1•11·

~iun Ma~il·

Linda Isle Ba Jl fro11t for Lease .

Long term lea e. Newly rtmodeled .

4000 sq . ft. Executi ve home.

Unfurnished 1 Bdrn1. 41 _ baths. Pier

anJ slip fo r ) boa ts ur to 55 ft.

Shown by appo intmenr o nly.

768-8018 673-2585 1-4% -33 57 ( oum:~r co Broker'

I $ 3.5 million ! FV con tract 1 to S tewart

The c:1ty of f ountain Valley ha:. awarded a $3 5 million L'On tract for t•onstruction of a new pulaL"t' stauon lO the J . A S tewart Cons truc tion Co of Westnu nster

The nc.·w hl•adquarters will be locatt'd Just w est of the Fount.din Valley Cny Hall.

The :! I ,000-sq. ft ma­sonry, steel and roncretc s ingle-story s tructure w11J w ill rest a top a 32,000-sq ft subterra ­nean parktng ga rage. Funds for the s tructure are Crom the city's re ­development ag ency .

The headquarters w ill h ouse th e d is patc h center for police and fire

I operations and for 911 emergencies. The fa ­e1Lity w ill have limited booking fat·11it1es, with hold ing ce lls for eight pn soners.


Richard Nay named agent for Allstate Insurance Co. office

Richa rd Nay has been appointed an agent wi th the All1nate Insurance Co. He w ill be w orking the the Allstateoff1ce located in the Sears sto re ir\,Sout h Coast Plaza.

" .. Fo un tain Valley - ba:sed Custom weave

Ca rpels, Inc. has appointed F red Bulman to the position of nudweste m regional marke ting man­ager, accordinR to Ken Esteves, national marke t-

mg manager for the com pany Formerly Custom· weave marke ung ma nager for O hio, M1ch1gan and Indiana , Bulman wiU now be directing marketing and merchandising ac11v1ues m North Dakota . South Dakota, Minnesota, the G reat Lakes a rea , Indiana, Ohio, M1ch1gan, Ken tucky and Toron to He has been with the company for fi ve years

• • • Jansen Associates In c. of Sant.a Ana has

awarded Ray St. Onge, agency president, w ith the company's "Biggest J" award for his outstanding contributions to the agency's growth and mvolve­ment wtlh the advertising rommum ty The agency's highest honor , Big J s are awarded tc Jansen employees who perform above and beyond the call of duty.


John F . Bishop, cha irman of the board of Cushman Electronics , Inc .. has reported that the previously announced discussions oonceming a possible com binauon of Cushman with other pqrues hae been termina ted. Cushman's boarp of directors has appointed Bishop president in add1uon to hss presen t positions as chairman and t·h 1ef execuuve orficer , follow ing the r~1gnauon

of former president J oseph F. Swyt. Thomas J , Glluso, former)y vice president and ch1e r financial officer , has been promoted to execull vt.> vice president and genera l manager of Cushman

. . . T he board of directors of EIP Microwave of

Newport Beach have declared the firm's 22nd consecutive quarterly cas h dividend . T he d 1vendend of two cents per common sha re is payable Oct. 1, 1983 to shareholders of record Sept. 15, 1983. EIP Microwave manufactures micro­wave test a nd measurement insturments.


S.le<:I OTC IConPo u u 1 Ka1va r NEW YORK IAP I Corai. > 7S , 76 • Kam e n

NASDAQ ouola llon • CortSI U ' • U , Kt llvSv •~wing n111nu l blc" Cro• Tr 16 76' • M. lmDe ll ano II>- •• oic ... , ti¥ CullFa t 7\o 1•~ Km111n1 ma ••et makt 'l a \ ot • D•• D• • 14 > IS Kk>OIG om Pr.ice' do not OavtM JI " lt 1 Kn• e>eV 1nc:•voe re1a 11 m.erkuo 0 8Ht 9 • · f6 9"9 Kraro, ma rkOO wn or comm DtklD.A 71 77 • K1.11C•e \ ·lu lOI'\ for lnur t.aav O• fC1nT 11 IP> L • l"K• $19Ck llcl A•k OtWIV • 17 171 , L• 'KIR ..

AE l.. Ina 37 ' • )1>. Dlt Crv> 0 ' • "6 > 1..a nt C 1 .AF AProt )11 > 3' OlvnCr )S '' JI > Ulnn AllM Co 1' • I DocuOt 7l" 2l ' • Lln B•O > Acad ln> l7 1ct ,,.., DolrGn > 11 1 11 1..09e1rn Atur av li lt 11 '> OoylD B 11 1 17 'MCI > AOdl>" W 73 73 1 Dnef<:n JI• , )I • MGF Oot AavRou 6 > . ... Dun• D > n't 73 Mt O>C.E All8ln 17'• 7l • Ourlfon I) I ) • ~egetPI AhCOln< • I .. Ea 11.Vnc •S ' ., ' Ma1R1 Amer -. n 1 "- I 'l Econlo 1S'• 1• • YiM r1on AFur" l l • 9 • EIP e ' I• ~ 14 • &ulLP AGrt t > 16'• 11 [ld•rB~ 10 11 MavP t Al nGo \ lot > 69 E leNucl IS • l l lt Ma vnOI

39 ., 40...., loml()ll II I• '4

7t ' ' ' ' 1

• 'Tovo•a •~ t ., IS' • 16 ' .. l W"E • 3 I I• ) • ~j ~ ~! • lr<coPo l6 ll 61\.. '1 hM>n • 10 > II 11\..17 • US E nr S • S > JO .. JO'- US Sur 11 l 11

I i. • • US T<c• I) .. 13 , ~~ !f; UVe B> > ,, .. ?'I\\ SI , sn~ unvEn11 J , )>.. 11 1 71 "• UPPt nP 11' • 11


, UPS ANO DOWN\ NE W YORI(. IAP) - Thf IOll(>wl.nQ '"'

\N>• ' 1ne Ov.-r ~ ,,.... CO\lnl• t ,1oc•u 1 nd .iwarre nt' '""-' Mvt ~ ... o lne "'°'' enG oown tile rno1• c..>e0 O" -cent pf , _ !or TnurMJt ¥ >ha~H ~~il~"O .-Ow U O' 1000

Ntt • Ao oerc.enteoe CJ\t~\ a re ' "'­cttterence bitf w....- t"« Of• YIOu\ CIO'to~ bid CW'l< e and toce v·, ,. , , 1>t0 ori<t


18 t 11 • \I H lll 1)0 1)0 , I ~ ; ~~ \ltlNll ~ 10 > l

Ult ( 119 Pc t l '- • '- \;O 71 6 ) 1 • ... Uo 111

l ?>o "<- 1 , VP 714 )... • ... UD 70 1

, ,.. • 1 • UD 17 s lt , )tl.. V• nDu• 13 • " l 39 ' • 40 • 1Ve1<ro ,. .. ?'I • l7 J7 • Vlcira s I " 9 ! ] ., .. J uo •• ,

• • + ,, uo ,, J

IS , IS' > Vo NB>n JI .. )I._ : 11 J 11 • WunEI 16 • '' J" 10

1 1• • .. Uo ISO S ~ ... uo h J

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) ~ :g~~ ,. r~ ·~" ~~~~~· ~01: •, ,~ ~~·" Aneo tt 10 1 10' • 'E"A'"' 4 lo\ • > .McReeO

~~ W-; ,v1oeoeo 11 11 . 1

~~ ~) . ; W>nE IJ • 1l • 11 1t , 1' •


WDH P 6oO 60 > 17 4J 14 > WHOIO ~ SI> • u

Name Sco'h"'' •Onet un V11'trt1 1ntLD • tn\fc.m Cortm w t

XO"OC\ Trn.snt Cooeri1< Co•met!>< 1..lllPr " P.,O•• G T .. P •1.1 \ La u mt MSR

17 • I .. UP IH I l~ • 1 • I.JD 12 0 S'• • ' uo l 1 i

The proof 1s shown below. the new BMW 3181

It's the first Cdr re sembltng the BMW 3201 that doesn't belong to that category defined by .Motor Trend as cook1e­cutter copies" of one

That's becaU8e 1t enjOys an advantage they don't It's built by the Jnly cornpanythatrloesnt have to wait to see v·1ha' BMW will come out w1U 1

next n 1e 3181 delivers tllP

spirited response of a BMW- enhanced by a

new electronic fuel-injec­t ion ~yste111

It otters tl1e legenclary road llold1ng nf a BMW

enhanced by a new, t11gl1ly refined !:>uspen ~ion system

The precise handling of a BMW - enhanced by a new variable power ­a~s1st steern 1g system.

fl 1c stopping power ot a BMW enhanced by larger c11...c brakes

The technology of a BMW - enhanced by sys terr 1<. t l1at calculate when rou tine service is needed and report on

your actual fuel rr.tleage. And the comfort of a

BMW - enhanced by suct1 improvements as standard air cond1-t1on1ng and increased roominess

In short. building a BMW is a t·ugt1ly desirable objective for a car com­pany to follow

The BMW 31811s t)L11lt tor those who pref er re­sults to ob1ect1ves.

The results can be

seen and test &·· driven at a BMW dealer near you. THI UU1MATI D1R95 MAO-.

ti I 1r 11 JH l l! ./ll BMW Pl /\I! f6 ARHAtK•I A fl IOf~UlJl,111 fS I DHIVL

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Orange Coast DAILY Pl l.OT/ Frldey. Sept 2, 1983 H'7

•IEBl IRllfl State's grape growers µnhappy with rain£ a ll 8 )' lbe A11oclated Pres•

SAN F.RA.NCisro - With the start of Uu; wme harvest a week or to away, Northern California grup..· growera - including the majo.r Sonoma-Mendocino region - were worrying aloud that this week's ramfaU m.taht COllt them 10 percent of their grape crop. especially the white grape growers CalJCorrua's $5 billion wine industry produces seven of 10 bottles of win e sold in the United States

Journal, Gazette plan m erger RENO - The Nevada State Journal and the Reno

ENening Gazette will merge into one morning news­paper s tarting Oct. 3, publisher Maurice Hickey announced Thumay. The two newspapers already are publishedjointlyon Saturdays. Sundays and holidays as the Reno Gazette-J ournal, and the new joint p uhl.Jcation wW keep that name, Hickey said

Braniff A irlines l o 11y again FORT WORTH. Texas - Jubilant officials of

grounded Braruff International received a bankruptcy court's blessing Thursday to fl y again. but they won ' t speculate on when flights may begin or when up to 2,000 of the airline's former employees may r t!lUm to \ht' payroll. Under the plan, the Ch icago-based Hyatt Corp hotel chain wW invest $20 million in cash and $50 mi l ho11 in loan guarantees in exchange for 80 percent of the n<-w air line's stock.

Nation 's retailers k ept busy WASHINC¥DN - Back to school shoppers helped

keep sales by tlie nation's major retailers moving a t a brisk clip in August. Sears, Roebuck & Co., the world's largest retailer, said Thursday 1t had its sevenLh consecutive monthl y gain in August, while K mart Corp.. the No. 2 retailer, recorded i ts Largest year-to-year increase since January 1982

New construction sp ending up WASHINGTON - New construction spending

rose 1.7 pen:ent in July, with most of of the gain in

housing, a government report indicat.es. The Commerce Department said new construction was put U'l pla<.'t' during J uly al an annual rate of $267. 7 billJon compared with $263.1 billion the previous month . Jtwas t~h consecutive monthly gain. /

Filing of jobless claims rises . WASHINGTON - The number of Amencan~ filing lntitaJ unemployment claims have nsen m each of the past three weeks. The Labor Department reported Thunday that new claims roee in the week by 9,000 to 436,000 in the week ended Aug. 20. compared with thl· previous week's total of 427,000. The agency also said that state benefit rolls tnCreased by one thousand nvcr the week ended Aug. 13, r ising lo 2,976.000.

Mutual funds assets declining NEW YORK - Assets of the nauon 's 309 mon~v

market mutual funds' assets fell $527 milhon to $I 64 8 billion in the latest week. a Washington .based mutual fund trade group says.



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~Co.I DAILY ptLOT/Frldey, 19Pt. 2. 1983


THE · ·-'"Ill' ( 'IRClS

"But I was just tryin' to find out how much toothpaste wos left ."

11 \R'I \Dl kt: by Br ad Anderson

" No. I don't want to see what you caught! "





__ Jii ' -j t• ·••1.t:• t:t:os

I H~AR ~t: PRICE ~· OF Sl~V~ ~WN l 1VtO roUAf\S.

.. 1

... - I .

l _.

KU; f,; •:ORG•:

{ I

by Gu!> Arriola

" Do you have a fire permit?"

Hank Ketcham



by Ferd & Tom Johnson

by Char ies M Schu lz


by Tom K Ryan

I CAN SEE 1}fe HeAPL.INfS: ''L.0Ne ftAHlilR ~VINe ~ SILUNG-N#J'


ll•1lh vuln..r11 hlt'. ~1111t h 1h•11k NOK1'11 + qJ lO / J 6 5 4

11 10 11 6 4 + All

Wt:ST t:ASl' • A74 • 96 52 '/ 109 3 ., Q7

11 A 9 5 2 11 Q J 3 + 952 +K 70

SOllTll • K 143 ·;i AK fl2 11 K 7 • qJ 106

'l'hl• h1rl1hn1e South Wu t Sorlh t:ul I Sl' f'u.. 2 + f'au 2 J'au 3 r au Pa o J'au IJj14'lllll)( l1•i1iJ ~Int• 111 '

r:\l•n lht' m1"I 1·:Cf1t·rto ·n1

DR \RBI.•:

1·11 p lnyn~ 1·110 111• l1 111l1·cl hy u l11lw rnnl Thi' h11n1 I i ~ lr11111 11 n •r1•nl ruhl11•r l1rull(1• 1(111111' 111 N1·w York ' , r1•now11 l'av1 ·n 1l 1~h ('luh

Nu r l h 1•111pluy1·1l I ht• Stnym.111 ('11nv1•nllon uv1·r h" p1rt n1·r·, no trump " 1:1.'n 1nl( lo r h1•rk on n m.1111r '111 Wh1·n th1· ht ~trl fit w," un r11v1•n•<l . Ni.rt h 111.uh· 11n in

vilnli11n11I r;11 M" hut Soul h. wi th 11 m1mm1.1m . rf1·rlin1•d.

W11h 11 n1•11tral lt·ad . d1·rl1ir1·r woulil ~url'ly hav1· madt• hi' rontrart II •· would h~v1• hall 111111· 11h1·rn.t11v1· 111 ra,h1n1e lwo h11eh h1•,lfh. anrl 1h1· ro·wlt would h.1v1· h1•1•n vn y f'l' ""'nl( llut t h1· w,.,, d1•f1·n1lc•r. II•·•· S1·h1·nk1·n, ll'll th•· nrn1· of h1·art,, .1nrf

UNBE..Ut=.\JABLE, SIS! - YCJV 51iL.L 1AL.K A60UT WHEN ARE you Got~ ~E. iif"IE I BROKE.~ To ro?Se.rffie. ouM!I' WALKING oou. -~ 1HE IH1NGS THAT 1iME: I CHAP-GEDlHE

HAPf'f.NED w~EN GUYS A NICKEL To WE we.RE ~ WA'TCH yoo DR.f:..SS :


DR. S,.0('1(


/ v..'H A'T" / n K I NP OF


DRESS I NC:S C' t c> c::;rc::icro R KOS~FF

APPl-Y TO IHA'T" GAL­'. IN 214 ~

...-------™~~™£ &?1 ™IN6 l) 00 '#MEN ~OU FALL CH A 00~~ I? 10 OCT OOfT ~KON IT •.

d1•rl1m •r fo11n1I h1• had 11 n altnnnt iv1• lint'. H tht• h•11d WllK hmWlll , l-:11 11l h1•1fl Q fO JI

of 1rump111 anrl th1•y roulcl now ht• pirkl'lf up.

I k•rl11r..r put UI' dummy'' 111rli. ol t rump:<, rov1•r1•d hy t h1• 11u1•1•n And won hy l h1• 11r1· Tht· ('luh lin1•ut• lost 1.l1 .:11,t '11 k1nic. and lh1· rluh n •turn wu tn li.1•n tn dummy. lk•rhm •r lt•d a low h1•nrt lo his right , nnd w11~ 11u rpri~1·d to fi nrl Wt.,, t winninl( lh1• lt•n. W1•l' t 1•.11 ih• rl 8art>ly wit h 11 trump. nnrl 1lt•rlnrl'f ~11 11 h;ul on1• r h11 n1·1· 10 l1nd 1-:i1 ~t

w11h th1• ar•· of d1;1mnnd~ lln for t unlll1·ly I hat rard w;i~

wit h W1·~1. and d1•rl11 n ·r ruulrl nut .1v111d lo~1n1: 1-.•11 d1 .1m11nd lre rk~ for down on1•.

Th" h11nrf twu~ out ,, ~int

"£ C ~ 'f 0€ ~INC, 1~~ L.A~ IN "~ !>L~E.P ~AIN, 8£.G~ 1 ~ID 1'~ 1.."~ MOWf~ .


I A~E£ ... fT'S ~I 01 (.JJL.OUf:> f

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. ·r ~~ .

th11I w1• luiv1• 11111'11 11111111'. II tJ< 1wt t h1· tl r1111111 t i1· 11lny11 I hnt hri111o: I h1• 114•1it r1•1ttt ll " /I. 1p111'1 l11t 111 1lt•r1•pt 111ri '" hlu•ly lo hr "' ~11rr 1·11icl11I 1101111•111111•' 1•v1•n n111r1• •o.

Rv'-lt" ltr lll1• rlalt1 , .. , ........ , .... '".,,, ut

lM feur-4Hl .......... feraat. De tM-y bew ..... tW., ' " dH 't 7 Cllarlu Ge ru 'e " t'Hr·Dul Brtcl1•" wlll l#atll yov lM 1lrawp1 allcl tMtJu of tlll1 IHt·,ated ac .. tie• gam• lhat P'HWH lM tttrf for u • llcllq ~,.. •·or a repy. wllcl 11 .75 te MGertD·t ·..,. 0fal," ean el thie ... ,,.,,,, P.O. BH 259, Norwooll, N.J . 07648. Mak• r lt•rke payablf to N•w1paptrbeoli1.




ov Tom Bat1uk

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C'2 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT / Friday, Sept 2, 1983

ANN l.AllDflS

DEAR ANN LANDERS: Take a short walk in my shoes. It is Saturday night. Twenty minutes ago a man in a pick-up truck hit a lad on a motorcycle. You step off the curb and walk between the flares toward the flashing colored lights. You hear the broken glass crunching beneath your feet. As you get clooer, you hear a young girl sobbing. She is sitting on the curb with her head in her hands. Standing nearby is a man cursing as he slams his fist into his hand. He was the driver of the truck. A policeman helps him into the back seat of a patrol car. The man turns to look at the paramedics working over the broken, bloody body of a young boy. He breaks into tears.

Just then a young fellow screams. " He was my best friend. Oh. God. what will I say to his parents?"

It is very quiet now. One of the paramedics sa)ls something I can't makeoutas they load the limpfonn into the ambulance. The ambulance drives away slowly. What he said was, "There is no hurry."

Maybe someone who reads this will remember it is not smart to drive when you drin k. Lord. 1 hope so. - I SAW IT IN SAN JOSE

DEAR WITNESS: Thank you for making millions of others see it, too. The message you have imparted cannot be repeated too often. Drunk drivers who kill are murderer s. The law should treat tht!!m as socb.

• • • DEAR ANN ·LANDERS: I am a person with a

demanding profession. After work, if I am not too exhausted. I steal a few hours to paint. Although it started out as a hobby. several friends have offered to buy my paintings, and l have sold several.

The problem is that I have given some paintings to l riends who have admired them. The following things have hap~ned: (1) I learned later that they tried to sell my gift; (2) they really d idn't care for the painting and never h ung it, (3) they gave it away.

~ould it be appropriate to approach these people and perhaps get some of my paintings back? Please give me your thoughts. - TOO GENEROUS IN OL' MISS

DEAR T.G.: Qnce you have given a gift you rellnqaiah all c laim to it. It would be tacky to &1k for It back.

I suggest you don't take too se riously the praise from your friends . From now on, wbea someone becomes ecstatic a bout a painting, wait for an offer.

• • • DEAR ANN: I phone a friend w ho is out and ask

if I might leave my number. The voict? on the other end says, "Walt a minute, this pen doesn't work." Or, ' 'There is no pencil here. I'll go get one." Or. "I have to find something to write on." These scavenger hunts usually take five minutes. Why can't every home­maker keep a usable pencil and a note pad by every phone in the house and save a lot of aggravation? -MITZIE IN MIDDLETOWN

DE AR MID: Mos t homemakers do, but some knucklebead inva riably walks awa y with tbem . Tbe only guarantee is an hourly cbeck.


DEAR DR. STEINCR OHN: I'm still in the age group that requires contraceptives. As a 28-year-old mother of foU[, I feel our family is large enough. But I want to be sure that I'm using a "safe" contraceptive. In other words, will it cause congeital defec\s if pregnancy does result?

I refer to spennicide contraceptives. I feel more comfortable with this type than using diaphragm alone, taking the Pill, having an WO, or even using the rhythm method . But I've heard that I'm risking having a child with congenital abnormalities. -MRS . T

DE AR MRS. T .: I can W}derstand why you're confused. The medical profession isn't without doubts eith er. In a recent study by J ames L . Mills, M.D. of data obtained from 34,660 Caifomia women, the malformation rate among infants born tO women who has used spermicides was not apreciably different than it was for those who used other forms of contraception.

Nevertheless. any woman w ho thinks she might be pregnant should have a pregnancy test before continuing to use spennicides. Results of some previous studies varied in their conclusions. In April, 1818, Hershell Jick, M.D. and colleagues of Boston reported an excess of deformities associated with spermicidal use. Yet, on May, 1982. Samuel Shapiro, MD. and colleagues al Boston University School of Medicine reported no increased risk. What to do?

You and your obstetrician or gynecologist will have to come up with some advice on which contraceptive Is most comfortable and effective for you. Peace of mind is important to prevent psychological probl.ems.

• • • DE AR DR . ST E I NCROHN: We are the type of

parents who pride ourselves on being good listeners. Our three kids have always brought their problems to us because they were sure they'd receive a patient and compassionate hearing. Lately we .. have a problem with our 16 year old who has developed acne. It is beginning to "~ug" her - in school and in social actiVities. We're willing to take her to a doctor but she wants to self-treat with drugstore remedies. Perhaps if you advise her to see our doctor, she'll agree. - MRS . Y. .

DE AR MRS. Y .: I'll bet if you aake<t moet parents which is the most commonly wied word by teen -agers they might say LOVE. They might be right , but a cloee9e<X>nd would be ACNE. Tell your daughter that · .elf-treatment often wor k.a. But If lt doesn 't , it 's safer not to delay a visit to the doctor .

In eomecaaee acne can lead to scarring and 11evere psychological prol)tema. Tell b.er there are new medJdnes th.at work quite well. For example, uae of retinoic acid, benr.oyl peroxide or local antibiotics. She may need to take antlbiotk:a orally. I hope she follows our suggestion and oon1enta to vilttln, your doctor. • ·

• • • DE AR DR. STEINCROKN: My huat.nd'a

family wu high blood prasure·prone. Yet. I h.aveall l ean do to preve:o&.hlm f.rom uaing &he salt shaker. H&. loves salt. Although hia preeau.re la setting hJV\, he will not quit. I'm gom. to 1queal on him to our doctor. - MRS. U. .

DEAR MRS. V.: Your husband would have been a wealthy man if he lived in the time of tht Boman empire. Salt waa highly vaued. In fact the toldien wen- 1>3id oH in .alt. But t( your hu.sbond keept on , \. • •1 • ' · ... ' "" - , ' ; - \.. ·- .... ·-_, -

Locker challenge Responsibility's too much

Within •week or so, schools will open their doors to students who wiU be faced with challenges ttfey never thought possible , . . challenges that some of them wil l be ha.rd-pressed to handle.


On the first day of .school, the office gave to me,

A locker with my very own key.

On the second day of school, my teacher gave tome,

Six heavy textbooks, five giant notebooks,

For my locker with my ver)'. own key.

On the third day of school. my mother gave to me,

A thennos full of Chill. sweater when I'm chilly.

A mirror in which to see.

An extra pair of shoes. umbrella and picture of my dog

For my locker with my very own key.

On the fourth day of school. my coach gave to me,


For my locker with my very own key.

On the fifth day of school, my girlfriend gave to me,

One framed portrait. one sc..-ented scarf.

A dozen brownies, A Michael Jackson

tape, two overdue books, For my locker with my

very own key . On the sixth day of

school. the band director gave t.O

me. One rented tuba. five

pounds of music, A cymbal for eac·h

knee, Fifty Booster bars to

sell for new uniforms. For my locker with my

very own key. On the seventh day of

sc h ool th e sc ie n ce teacher gave

tome, One microscope, one

white coat, A mouse that no

longer breathed. Eight restless "things"

in eigh t glass vials, For my locker with my

very own key. On the eighth day of

school, my principal gave to me,

One ultimatum. r·11 quote him verbatim.

"Either clean it or turn in your qwn key!"

On the ninth day · of school, the custodian gave to me.

One metal dumpster. two incinerators,

A mask so I could breathe,

How do kids survive four years,

With a locker with their very own key?

Three pairs of running shorts, two school T -sh irts,

A towel for P .E.

En·ry d<.i _,., all along the Orange Cva~t. \\om1..·n ·s liH~s are made eas ier hy tnformation :md <1dviet' found onl y

One jock strap. one sample of Phisoderm,

tn lh t· ();illy Pilot Daily Pilat ' .

vou anJ· . alcoholic? Take time to answer these questions as honestly 31'

you can. The results may ~urprise you.

n :s No I . Do you lose time from wurk dut' to drinkin~? D D 2. Is drinking making.your horn., life unhappy? D 0 3. Oo you drink because you are 11hy with

other people'!

4. Is d rinking affe•· tinji( your reputation·~

5. Have you ever fl'lt rt'morse aftt'r <lnnkin1f!

6. Have you gotten into financial diffi<'uhi~ H

a result of drinking?

7 Do you tum to lower companions and an inferior environm'ent when drinking? .


8. Does your drinking mah you carde!ill of D D your family's welfare?

9 . Has you r ambition decreased 11ince drinking? D D 10. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily? D D 11 . Do you want a drink the next morning'~

12. Does drinking cause you to have diffit"ulty in sleeping?



13. Has your efficiency decreaiwJ si11et' drinking? D 14. ls d rinking jeopard izing your joh or business? D 15. Do you drink to e8Cllpt: from worries or


16. Do you drink alom·?

17. Have you t>ver had a 1·m11plt•l i> lo"I' ,,f nwmory a11 a resul t of drinkin~?

I 8. Has your physirian Pvrr t n·ntNI yuu for drinkinA?

19. Do you drink lo 1111ild up your vlf· confidenr.-·!



DD 20. Have you ever been to ti b1l11pital 11r i11Hl1lutaoo D ~

on arcouot of d rink infl,? LJ

If you answC'rt>d yes lo any one· of thr •)llf'l'ltiou~. t.ak•· it as a warnin~. If you ·an~w..-r.-. 1 y•·~ to.two~ you may be an akoholic. If you an~wf'red yt-~ to thrt'f• or more,'you. probably are au al(·oholic.

What can you <lei! Call Can·UniL CareUnit is lhf' medically supervised alcoholism

and drug treatment program that succc.~fully treats more people than any other private pr~am available .

But before trratment can begin~ you have to cal l. 10 talk personally with one of our counselors. c<rll

your local C3ll or 8004224143.

REU.NIT· A'M"rvln Or(.omprchrnt}t• .. c.,.. Co1"fMH'11l km.


(AUUCf & AOO~ENT PROGRAMS• ~01 sotmi n rsnN AVF. .• llRANGf:, CAJ.IFORMA 92Mtt ..


10 steps toa

successful garage sale

1 Decide on dates. L.-ook al rt c. dlf!f1Q(l1 ano '"Jul the Oc:ltt!~ and l1m~s ot yout >Jit' we~•,.na• are u~ually go<><l Out many ~ucces~•u•

• , ., 1e., ''Jvt• t1t•1•n Ht!ld "" the even•nu 1ust a11~1 w o1 " Chl'C~ It•!' wCJlh1:r lu•t'ca>I ,,., t•ie pape1 dn(J w~l t h lur d"Y o tht•f 1.;iir 4e tuHnt lhal m.-l,. dttrac.t µOUHH1al t) uye1~ away '3HCff .11:. taH-, w tom111w"•lr ~ven1" H~ve you, ~.tft .. run aT t'd~l 'wn +Jdy'. '!tOme ueoo1P Hl/tV not b n i•ole tu t.unw ,, .J11y ._1ny1(11Ja~

Z What to sell. E.ve,ytfl •niJ ' Tt,at ,~ everyH't•f'\Q (•J u na<1en t .J~eo n uie

• 19">1 yea1 Han tlt:1m t\d'> anl•Q~ va1ue o' •:. 1uano n"w or Ha> unusual wa l u•~ tJe ~ure IO as"- a ne11tny pr ce 101 .1 Ge1 a oa11 01 pape• a•>O s.>arcn you• whole roo use Loo• eve1vw1w 1e ano t•st every1h1ng

3 Write your ad. 11ere •s a suyges ted ad Garaoe Sale - oesk•

• BentwOOd rocl\ing chau , 10 \'fl. infants cloth •ng, t922 V1c1tola 1n 0119onal cao1ne1. many gaogets 101s ot unusual items, roe~ collect .pn, plan ts Relrethmttnts 8 am to 6 pm Saturday and Sunoay 1234 Sou In Anystree l You11own Just wesl ol Main ano 2nd Use lh•s sample ad i!S a guide Be sure lo lost unusual •\ems Be as soecihc as poss1ole Give daec11ons •' needed Oon t use atiorev1al•ons - many people w on I DOttier 10 oec1pl1er \hem CAUTION Oon I aavert1se anycn1ng you oon 1 really ha11e Eve•v •lem '" the ad n'lust be on hano at the stall ot the sate

4 Where to advertise. Place your ao wtwrn •t "' '1 be W<>n Vy peoiite who love 1n the area - 1•10bl oeople sl\Op r10~ to home 1 he

• Oo1ly Pilo t •s •ea<l oy 88 oooaoulls '"Costa Me>a Ne..,POrl Beach L a11una Beau' Irvine Hunt•n9to" Beach and Fountaor• Valley -9uara n1ee•n11 1ou w1oe eKposure Ano with .II'" Poto! you'" no t p•y•ng 101 ~aste t.1rcvta1ton ~n lor. AtiVt!•~ or Anan~1m Pian 'O run ynut aU J fimP"' Ot rt10te anct !)f,_t I t d tew Ody!t uetore the sale so t>ar9a1n hunl&r> ' d i' ,, ... ~ pic,n1y 0 1 notice

6 Placin9 your SiCJ'. The "'orning o t lhe sale but not betor• place you1 signs Be sure and ado yow aod,ess ar\O anv

• airechonal arrOw• Tt>•s thOuld t>e dOne aboul a 11•11 hour t>efore tl'le sale ttartt Place your s19n where •t can be seen from ootn s•Otts o t the street by pusong cars and pedestl•ans CAUTION Some towns have laws 1hat '"'"'"the p1aceorn1 and duration ol garage saie s•gns Please check W•lh your tow,, s plann•ng dc!partmenl or clerk

1 Markin9 prices. · Mark pi1oe• where they can t>e seen clearly Ott•Cb supply s101es h8oll\ varo•us sizes and cotor,s. ot S1•c•e•s

• mat wor" well . or you can use maskong tape However vou mark. th"m -· pricft """· Garage sales are tor barga•n hunllHS Rememoer """ate~er you can I sell you 11 have 10 drail DA'~ 1n the house ann store aqa1n for ano1her vetH

8 ~h~ru:!'1 ~:.~~~~~=,,"~!;creates a'"~"~'• • atmosonme II ~l•O encou•ol(K'S IJOOPlf' 10 stay 1011111>•

anO pernAp~ llUV m(!I~ \Inv tUl •IO fVttn charge tor ' e , pens••t' •tt'm' loke nonuts or !tie • •<IS 1 oulll oo '"

ous1ntls.s tor Hw d"V w1lh A lttmonaoe stAnC1

9 ~!~.~~~~:eryt h111y c 1111 ti. seen Have caro UIDIH or • bQUOt'*'<l H sh•1¥tl Ot-n two c h••n Oon I •

c:ell'M l>JWPI• to tieno O"'lr unle99 you cen I hllP 11 v .. 01>• latil&'•s a desk where you can Ht tvtrythong ana teke money Uae only ont cetn DO• (\In cans or tio•lls work fine) •no mtll.e sure eo~o ••appointed

c11h1er al II.II 11mes Atrange Ollfortht,nd tor a rr,.nd wtio can ht•6 an1wer outt11on1. rthtt tor tunoh etr

DailJ.Pllt ClaHlfled AdY9rflalng

84'2· 5878


'f • j


Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Sept . 2. t983 Cl

.................. ·-------~-------'----~--~~------1------------~----1---~~-----..... ~~- ·------------''-------1 dlatan~ of 30,oe IMI to •n lnt•r" - -------------

B • th P'tB.fC NOTICE PUllllC llOTICE ......eta.IC NOTIC£ PUlllfC MJT!g uctlon with tM Northetly 1>f0long1- Ml.IC HOTICE P\8..IC NOTICE

Ir S l ----...:.=~----------------------------·1---..;;;;.=;;;,;;...---.....-___ ___ ....... -...-.. .......... ..._ ___ tlon of IM blWI)' llntt of l.ot tO 1n1----------------1-------------'ICTITIOUI IU....... NOT'tCI °' "'UITll'I IALI . NO'nCI INV"'9ilo -· HOTIC• o• ""'9Tlrl IAL.I BIOCll 20: 11\enCt 80Ulhetly ••o~ Notlot of 8•'- of Real f:ICTITIOUI IU ...... ..... ITATIMlffT ......... ...... NO'fl~ IS "~"HY o~ lhllt ~ ,....,,.. H id N0tt"-ly rxotonoetlOn ol LOI PrOC*IY At Ptlvete Sale NAM«. ITATalllbrT


'Mr. end Mrt St- L~. Foun­tain Valley, boy

A.,..tt Mr. and Mre, Norber1 Giitner. Coat• M-. gifl Mr. and Mra. Oevid Hoppeo, Foun· ttln V911ey, boy

A119Wt7 Mr .-Id M,.. Mlektty C.Cll, Coste M .... boy

Auewt• Mr. llnd Mr• Watt•. Huntington 8Nch. boy

A11fW.l10 Mr and Mr11. Sh•wn Stlll)honl. lrvllwl. gtrt Mr. and Mrs. Bent Jenaen, lrvtne, girl Mr. and Mra Tom Jooet, Fountain Velley, boy

Augwt 13 Mr. and Mra Alan Pinney, Irvine. boy Mr llld Mrs. Donald Nemchoc:k , Newport Beac:h, bOy

Auguat 1a Mr. and Mrs Mark Huet>seh, lrVlne1 otrl

Augwl 15 Mr and Mrs. Luke Sunwoo, trvtne, girl

HOAQ MEMOJllAL HOIPIT AL A..,.,,. Mr. 8/ld MrL Wltllam Geyer. tiun t· lngton S..c:h, t>oy Mr. and Mre. ~oy Hueristab. Coate M.a. boy Mr. and Mra. Getald MOflton, LIQun• Niguel. boy Mr lll'ld Mrs. Dell Vanell.eietiburg, ColteM .... boy

Augual 17 M1 end Mr9. OouQlu Kimberling , Fount.,n Valley , girt Mr. and Mrs. Pai.It Mtl'lef, Hunt­lnolon 8-:h. gtrl Mr. Ind Mrs. Wllllem Prince. Newport Beacil . boy

TtMI r<>11owtng person• •r• OOlng YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A ... i.d PfopoMlt lor lurnlefllng .. YOU ARE'!N-OEFAULT UNOt!A A to • • dl1lancie of 17.~1 t• t to I NO A 11 08 18 lhe lollowong ~11()(1· .,. OOtng 1>ulllnea1 ~ DEED OF TRUST DATED M !t lebOt, m1t9flM, llqlllpmenl, tr.,,.. DEED OF TRUST DATED MIMI- point Aid point IMllng N<>nh«ll In Ole SuJ)eflOr Court of ihe Shue bu1111eH U

PROPERTIES LIMITED, 2728& 1982. UNL.E88 YOU TAKE AC(ION pon1Uon 111d 111Ct1 other filCffltlM • bet 10, tHO. UNL.f88 YOU TAK! 119,oO IMC from IM Southerly llne o Of Calllornla foi the CO\Jrtly or Or· UNIQUE EFFECTS. 42$ hte .11..- , LU Ramblaa. •200. Ml .. ion Vle)O. TO PROTECT YOUR PROPER'TY, ll m•y be ,.quired IOf HAR80A ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR lot t In 810cll 20 thence WMlWfl irige Coron• d•I t.Aa•. C~ Q2025 CA 82691 !MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC 8 Al.E. BOULEVARD BUS SAY - EAST· PAOPER'TY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A paralter wtlh aakl 'southerly fine 0 Petr J Ceell•ltt•. 42$ lrlt Ave .

Ric;hard A. St911ton. 2728$ LU IF YOU NEED AN EXPL.ANATION OF SIDE - :t ~ 16' NORTH OF WILSON PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN Lot 9 1 dltlance Of 90 00 Itel 10 lhl In the Metter or the Esta te ol C0ton1 dol Mar, CA 0211211 R.1mbl.t1, #200, MIHlon Vlefo, CA. tfHE NA TUAE OF THE PROCEED- STREET will be~ by the Cit)' EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE true Poini of beglMlnQ, MURRAY KARPMAN, Oecoued D1o~ld Pe<.oraro, 110 t Ent I.A 8269 t ~NG AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD ol Coete MeH •t the Offtce Of the OF THE PROCEEOING AGAINST T~ atrMI IOdr"' and Otl'ltt Notloe 11 hllleby given I hat the P4lm11 Ave An1h1Mm. CA 92606

MICJIMI C. Hlten, 170 I llghlhOUM iCONTACT A LAWYER. City Clerk, 17 1'911 Otlw. Ooalt YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A c;omrnon d4Nlgni11on. II .ny. of tht undenlgned wlll Hll 11 Prtv1te ... le, lnos b\J11h1tu tt crondOC"t.0 by. a Lene, Corona del Mar, CA. 92626 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet Meta, Cellloml1. untu hour of t 1100 LAWYER rHI Pfopeny dnc:rlbed above It l o the hJghnt end betl llldde1, oufl· gt111era1 pe1tne<1111p

Thia bualrieM 11 conducted by- I lM.t.RVISTA FINANCIAL. INC., 1 GOf· a.m .. Sapt""'btf 6, lp83., at wtlleh NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1hat purp()(led to bt. 430 82nd St., New- Jeot to aonllrmallon or aeJd SuP*f10r Pttt&1 J CnnakH ge11eral p1rtner1hlp P<>reli<KI 161 NOf'th " E" SlrMt, Sen time tllty wlH bt oC)llMd publtclly and MAR VISTA FINANCIAL, INC .• I CO<· port BtlClh CA Co..trt , 01'1 Of !Iller lhe 20th day ()I Thia a .. lement wae 11141<.1 w1tn the

Rlehar<I R. Slenton bem11dl0

no. Callfornl• 92403, T..._ , .. d aloud tn tlw Coune~ CharnbW1. poratlon. 767 Norlh " E" Street. 81111 The und.rliOned Truit.. di•· S•~ember 1883 11 t1w1 office ot County Cle11! ol O•a"9f County On Thie 1t•tlllnlflt wH riled wllh lhe Phone Number (714) 381· 141 t , u S.eled propotala 1hall bear the mi. Bernardino, C .. lfornla 92403, T94e· clalma any llabillty for iny lnc:orrKt· JA ES l RUBEL. JR . A Law Cor- Aug 12 t983

County Clerk of Or1nge County on he praMnl Tru.IM under the deed of the worll 9nd the ntint of 1ht phone Numt>w (7141 361- 1411 , •• 1,..1 of the att•I M1dr ... 11nd other 1><>11t1on. 3432 Via Oporto. Newport '2:113971 Aug. 30, 1883 !of trU9t llefejnalter mentioned, wfN bl<lder but no ot"- dletlnglilllllng Iha pr-t Tru1lea una.r ttMI de9d c;ommon dtllgnatlon. If any. ellown Seac;h, CA 92663, County ol Or- PutlllaMd 01enQ41 Cout Ollly

F2240lllNl1 to the 'ilgheet bidder for OUh In mark• Any bid reotlved afl., the of trust heftlnalttt mentioned, Wiii here ange. State ol Catlfornta, au the Pilot Aug 26, Sept. 2, 9 16. 1983. Published Orange Coa11 Delly awful money of the UnltlNI Statee eched~led Cloalng time for oie re- Ml• 10 the hlghMt blddtf tor ctah In Said ule wlit be made wlthOut right . tttle and lntorett ot aald de· 47,28-83

Piiot Sept 2, 9, 18, 23, t983. Without warrenly or any kind, •I • oelpt of blda llhllf be r•lurned to the lawf\il money of lht United StetM aovenent or warrinty, exprHMd or c:eatlld at the time ol death and all 5018-63 publk; auetlon 11 the lime and pl- bidder unopened. II tll.,I be the IOle without w11ranty of eny kind. at a trnptled, regarding title, poi-lion the r1gh1 , title • nd interest 1ha1 me

.......... oaled btl<>W. In the County of reaponalbllily or the blda.r to - pYbllc; •uc:tlon 11 tile time and piece or aneumbraneee, 10 satiety the obit estate of salt1 deceased has ac:. l----.,.-.,-,tC-NO-T-IC-E----~,he.,,.lfS11et• of Ctllfornla d4Nl0na1ad lhll ht1 bid ta rec.,\19d In Pf<>P« dee1Qn1ted below, In tlw County of gatlone aec;uted by and pYr111.1ant to quired by operation of law or othe1· 1---.....:..r.::""";;:.:;:..;.:.::.:;;..:;=----~·IOW-·. 911 or ttMI right , title and lime. tile lll•le of Calllornl1 detlgnated the Power of Salt oonlerred In 8 wtee lhan or tn addltlor• lo lhel OI

n1w .. t now held by Mid TN1tee In A Mt of ptana. Special Provlllona btl<>'#, 111 ol the right , tltle end c:ertatn Deed ol Truel e~eculed by eaJd deceaaed. 81 the time of deem. FICTITIOUS llUllHE~I and to all lh•t c:«taln propeny wtlk:h and eddlt1on1 to General Provt!Non• lnterett now held by uld Tru1tee In T Ru s To R ( s) s us A N J . in and lo eM the c:ettaln real proparty

NAME ITATUff.N I t altuated In uld County end I• de- to the Standard SpeGllk;•UOnl m1y and 10 aJI that c:.ttaln property'Wtlleh FRACTMAN RECOROEO Septem- situated In tile County of Qr11nge bu~: .. ~o~~.wtng person Is do no torlbed below. Tti. llr•I llddr••· II bt obtained al the Office of the City 11 sltueted In llld County Ind 11 de- ber 15, 1982·, u tnll. No. 82·326396 Staie ol Cahfornla particularly de·

OOER MANUFACTURING t 17 any. or other common deelgnelton, II EnQln .. r , 77 Felr Drive, Coe .. M-. acribed below The 111 .. 1 •ddrM•. II In lhe office 01 the county Rec:ordel sc1t11eo aa rollows ~o-wll · So Brtste>l Blvd Santa Ana . CA any. of said property le Ml forth CaJllornl1. upon.nonrefundable pay- eny. or other c:ommon deaign•ttori . 11 ot Orange Coun1y The East 75 l&et ol lol 1 ol Re-92T03 ' ' · below m.nl of $6.00. An addltlonal charge •ny, ol Hid properly II Ml forth At the time of the lnltlll publt- survey of the Town ot Wes1m1nate1 ,

Ernesr >\rthur Cull, 1555 Mell Seid deed ol trusl wae e.11ecuted of $2.00 wlll be made ti handled by below. cation 01 this notice. the lofat Clly 01 wes1m111s1er . es pe1 moo re-Verde e Coat a Mesa Ca 92517 by the TN1tor dealgneted bt4ow •nd mall Plans. 1peclllc;atlon1 and other Said d .. d ol trust wH execuled amount of unp•ld bitence of the ob· corded,,, Book 2. page t 01 Record

Thia b~slness 1s c:oriducted by· an IW•• recOfded on the date, In the contr•ot doc:urn"'1tt may .iso be by the Trustor dealQnated below and llgatton seoured by the above de· of Surveys. 1n ttle 0111oe of the Coun· lndllltdUal Boolt and et the Page H Qtcurnent aumlnec:t at the Office ut the City wH recorded on the d•te. In lhe scribed Deed of Trust and e1ttmated ty Aeco1der ol sa•d Coun1y

E A Cull Number ol Ottlclat Rec:otde In tile Cterk ot the City ol Co1t1 MeH Boo~ and at the Pege 8tl Doc:umtnl coals expenses lees and advionces T~7~ttatemen l was llled wJth the Offk;e o! \tie County Recorde1 QI Plans and Speclllcallona wlll not be Number o! Of11ct11 Records In the ts v2,824 3!> to' dete~mtne the ope- 8~~c;ep11~g \he1eirom tl'le No•lh

1 0 c said County. all H dealgnated malled unresa the addlllonal $2.00 Ottlce ol the County Rclcorder of Ing bid 1 eet I ero ~oun~g c;:~~ o Dino• ounty on below. and c;onveyed said propet1y charge 11 tnc:luded with payment•. H id Coun ty. alt as de1tgnated Datlfd August 9, 1983 • more commonly k nown as 7 17 t

ug. · ~ to 1he Trustee the<eln specllled Ea<:h bid shall be made on the below and conlltl)'ed said property Trustee RUBICON CO Park Streel , Wes1m1ns1e1 CA Published orange Coast Deity Sate of the property wlll be made Propoul torm. 111Mts P· I througn to the T1ustee !herein ep..alfled By· PACIFIC LOAN MAN,f\GEMENT ferms 01 sale cash or1 law1u1 monuy

p 1101 Se 1 2 9 t6 23 1993 pur111.1ant to the demand of the P·6 p1ovided 1n the conuect doco· Sale or Ille properly will be rnede CORPORATION or the Umted Staleb on conttrmallon



The l otlowtng penon I• doing bullne.s as

GLOBAL AMERICAN MARl<ET· ING ASSOCIATES, LTO .. 21!1t E. M6Sa Or1ve. Santa Ana Heighta, CA. 92707

Mtcllael Oale Jost. 2t91 E. Meaa Drive, SanJa Ana Ha1g11ts. CA. 92707

l his bi.slness oe concluCled by· an 1nellv1dual

M1cttael D Josi This s1aterne111 was ltlecJ with the

County Clerk of Orange Coun1y ori Aug 16 1983

F22*1 Put>hshed 01ange Coast Oally

Pilot Aug 26 Sept 2 9, 16 1983 4853-63 P · · · · 5005_.63 Berlellclery under said deed ol trutt ments. and shall be ac:c;ompenled by pursuant l o the demend of the 20480 Pacifica Oflve. Suite A 01 sale. 01 Pllrt casn and balance

and by reason of default on the pey· a cerllloed or c;ashlet"S check or • bid l!!enellclary under said deed ot I rust Cupertino, CA 95014 t:.v1dencee1 by note secured by Mori - - - -----------!------------- mentor performance of obtigallona bontl tor nol tesa t11an 10•1. ol 1ne and by reason ol default in Ille P•Y· (408) 252-7660 gage or Trust OeecJ on the properly P\EUC NOTICE

Ntl.IC HOTICE eec:ured by aatd deed of trust 1nc:lud· amount or the bltl , ma<le payable to ment or pt(lorm1noe of obllgattons Pubhshetl Orange Coast Oally PUot so sottl Ten per cent ot amount bid -------------1---__.;....;;.;;..;...;._...;.. _____ Ing the defeull. nottc. of which was ltle City ol Coste M"8. No proposal MCureo by said deed of trust lnciud- Aug 19. 26. Sept 2. 1983 '759·63 to t>e depos1tet1 wolh 010 NOTICE INVITINQ lltOI

FICTITIOUI IUSINESS recorded on ttMI dete, In Ille bOOk shall be constd01ed unleSe aocom· Ing the default , notice of Wtllc;h wae Bids 0, ollers 10 be •n wrotooi1; 8 ,,d Nol•te os hereby giver> thet rile NA'i1£ STATEMENT and 11 1h41 Paoe. ind u Doc;ument panled by suah c:ashter's oheek. recorded on lhe date, In the book woll be received at the alore~atd or- Boartl ol Trust1Mts 01 the Coast Corn-

The rouowlng ~1son Is doing Number of utd Olficlet ~d• aa cash, or bloder 's bond and et tile Page, anti H Ooc:urnent P\&IC NOTICE flee at any tome alter the first pubh· muntlt College 0 1s1roet of Oranoe business as detignated below No bid shell t>e conaldertd unleN Number ot satd Olllclal Records 811 cation hereof and before <Una 01 County Callforn1a, wltl r-ve .. 111.

ENTROPY PRODUCTS. 6 t9 E. The total amou'11 ot Ille unpaid II os made on a blanl< form furnllhtd dfflgnated below NOTICE OF DEATH OF sale ed bids up 10 Dul no la ter than 11:00 Bay Ave., Balboa, CA. 92661 balenc:e or Ille obllgetton aacured by by 1118 Clly ol Costa Mesa and la The 10111 amount of the unpaid Willi H E di J ._ Dated lh•a 301h day 01 August , 1993 8 m Friday Saptemb6r 23, 1983 •I

Curlis Allen , 619 E Bay Ave .. !Mid deed of trust and fftlrnated made in accordance with the balance of tile obllgatlon seGured bv am • a e , r . aaa 1ne PurcMs•ng Oepanment of said Balboa, CA. 92661 , "°sis, expenaes. and •dvances al provisions of the Propolll require- H id deed of trust and n11ma1ed William Hunter Eadie, Jr. JAMES L. RUBEL, JR. college tlosrnci iocaieo 111 13·70

This bust11ess Is conducted by· an the time ol tne ln111•1 publ1C11ion of men11. c;o1t1. expenses. and adv•nc:ee at ANO OF PETITION TO AD· A Lew Corporallon A<Jams Avenue. Costa Mesa, Catt--------------ltndllllduel this Notloe of Truttee's S•Mt It dMIQ· "Eacn bTdder mual bt Uc:enllicl and lhlr1trne oUhe lnltlal publtc.tlon of a.32 Vie 0pofto lornta at which t•rne s8ld bids wilt be

DllJH NITICIS Curtis Allen nlled below also prequllllled aa required by tllW. l hls Notice of Trustee's Sale Is dHig- MINI STER EST ATE NO ... wport leach, CA. 92tl3 puotic;ly opened and read tor This statement was flied with tho Al used herein " Trullor" shall be The Clly Councll of the City ol n11ed below. A·1 lt7~7 LINDA KAfll'MAN PURCHASE OF DJSPLAY

••••••••••••- Counl y Clerk ol Orange County on idMfned to mean " Trustora" II more Costa Mesa r-ve1 the right to As uled herein " Trustor" shall be To all h eirs beneficiaries EH. Adrnlnlatr•. TRIX WITH WRITERS ANO SOFTWARE. Aug. 30, 1963 then one Truator ie deelgnated reject any°' all bids. dMn1ed to mean " Tru11ora" It more • • • THE WILL ANNEXED

F2240et below, and " Beneficiary" 111•11 bt The Contrector shill c;omply With ' "an one Truator ta designated <:,red1tors and contingent of the E1t•t• of u ld GOLDfN WEST COLLEGE WIK.LE ARY B. WIKLE. Publlshe<l Orange Coast Dally~ to ~ " Benellciarlea" II the provlalon1 or Stc:tlon 1770 10 below. and " Benelk;lary" ah•ll be creditors o f William H. Eadie, MUR"AY KARPMAN All bids afe 10 be in acc;ordenc;e resident o f Newport Villa Pilot Sept 2. 9. 16. 23. 1983 !more th11n one Beneficiary e1tecu1ed 1780 Inclusive, ol the Calll ornl• deemed to ~n "Beneflc:l.,let" II Jr aka William Hunter Oec;ecMnt. w1lh the Bid Document" Whlc:fl are for many years, she passed 5016-83 hne Nottc;e of Oefaull h41f'einabo"9 Labor Code. the prevaJllng rate and m°'e than one Benellc:lery executed "'-·d . J d hr Attorneys for LINOA KARPM.t.N, Ad· now 1n Ille and may be secured tn ttMI away o n August 24. 1983 a t !mentioned. ac;ate 01 waoea eatablllhed by the the Notice of Oe11ult htr.,nabove """ i e, r . an .pe':'°ns w ·~ mlnl1lra111x CTA oll1c11 ot me Director ot Purchutno

The lime end pl- of Nie. de- City of Coate Mell whlc:h are llled mentioned. may be o the rwise int.eresU!d Published Orange Coast Dally P11ot ol said college dls111c1 the age o f 101. She was born Pl&.IC NOTICE lecrlptlon of said propeny end other with the City Cterk of aald City: 1ne1 The time and pt&e11 ot ui., de- in the will and/or estate: Sept 2. 3 9 1983 Each bidder rnuat sut>rn•I with hi. in Fayette County Ohio. FICTITIOUa auatNEaS dat• referred 10 1bo11e 11re ae lol shell torl!Mt penaltlea Pfetc:tlbed tcrlpUon of u ld property and other A petition has been filed !>02~ ·83 bid

8 cashier 's Cll9Ck. cerlllted

Survived by 2 sons Carl NA• ITATEllolfNT owt: lher!Mn '°' noncompliance of Ille d•t• retetred to above are 89 lot- b ,... ___ I "'-d' ' h S chec:k. or bidder 's bond rnalle PIY· County· Orange said Code • iows· y ......... u yn""" te tn t e u - -------------

OW~~e Nor .• FredefricLak~~:~ bu~~~o~ng person ,, dolno[!t\lllOr~ RICHARD B VORPAGEl EILEEN P. PHIN~EY County: Oranoe B COULO .. BE periorCourtofOrangeCoun- POOLIC NOTICE ~~~.:~ ·~,~;:: g~~~oi::.,~i mO, . ;,ones 0 o-- GRAPHICS PRODUCTIONS 1652 ""NO SHERRY L VORPAGEL. HUS- City Ci.tk of the Truator. RONALD . ,.. ty requesting that Carolyn Trustees on an &mou1 M t leu than

Hills Ca and daughter . c BANO AND WIFE City of Costa Mell ANO MARILYN D. COUl.OMBE. . NOTICE OF TRU8TEE'S IALE ' · · E. Moulton Parkway, Tualln. A, IOMd of Tru1t: Rec:ord•Uon D•le Publlshed 011 Coast O•l'Y Pllol HUSBAND ANO WIFE Eadie be appointed as per- No TO 1084 love oeicenl (5"1ol 01 lhe sum bid ae 1

Mary Teegardm o f Costa 92680 µu1y ft 1982 0ooll - Page - AuQ ':r26 1983 4162-83 Deed ook - Page - Doc:ument No. sonal represenr.attve to ad- IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROP- guarantee that the bidder wtll eoter Mesa, C.a. Graveside mem· Neretli K . Ch1Clha, 22472 Platlno, Doc; ' 1 N •82•242299 • • · 83_109353 . . th f W'll . E.RTY OWNER onto tne proposeo Contr8C1 ti the

. ·u be h Id Mission Vlelo, CA. 92891 urnen °· . T CE S · .00 SE t , mnuster e estate o 1 Jam same•& awaided to h•m tn the fWlnl orial servtces W1 e on This business Is c;onduc:te<l by an Notl<:e of Default . Record•tlon Date Ntl.IC NO I Time 01 •'-· lO AM. P embe H Eadie Jr 'under the lnde- YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A ot latlure to en1er into such contract S d A gust 28 1983 at jAprll 13, 1983. BOOll - Page 14• l983. · • · ' · · · DEED OF TRUST DATED J 12 wlh ' 4:~P~· a~ Pacifi~ View In~=~· K Chedhe Document No. 83- 163691 NOTtC:E Of' TflUl"TH'l IAU PIK• of Sale: Al the North Front pendent Adrrumstrat~~n ~{ 1981, UNLESS YOU T.t.KE ~C~fON :~~t~ri:.~~notlh!h~~~~ 1 oon'::'.

Memon.aJ Park. ln lieu o f Thi• stetement was flted wtth Ille Time of s.1e· 10:00 AM, September T.S. No 836065-A entrance to the County CourlhOUN, Estates Act). The pettuo n IS TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT lhe l ull sum thereof wm be IOrfe41ed County Clerk ot Orange County on 1', 1983. Exec;uted By: Ned G. Smith 700 Civtc; Cenle< Drive W•t. Santa set for h earing in Dept. No. 3 MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBl.IC SALE tn &aid coleg& d••lnct

flowers t he family prefers A 29 1963 IPtac;e of Sale: At the NO<lh lront NOTICE Ana. Calllornll. 700 c · . ,._ Dr w IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION OF donations to the H oliston ug. ' · F223lt2 er>ltanoe to lhe County CourlhOUM, YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A Totel ot obltgatton end eaUm•ted at IVIC \..enter .. est, THE NATURE OF THE PROCEED· No bidder msy W1ll\d18w n1s bid

I 700 CM<: Center Orlve Weot , Sen1a DEEO OF TRUST. OATEO May 23. coelt, expen-. end 1dv1n<*I at Santa Ana, CA 92701 on Sept. G AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD lor a period or toriy·hve f451 d1ys M e thodist Church W omen's Publlahed Or•nge Coast Oa ly ,Ana. California. t979 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION tnltlal publlcallon. 1161,225.9t 28 1983 at 9 ·30 A ,M IN ' alter lhe date >et tor 1he opentnQ Circle, 1305 East Colorado Pilot Sepl. 2· 9• 16• 23• 19834 4 83 Total of obllg•tlon and Htlmeted TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT Street eddr- or common des!Q· ' . CONTACT A LAWYER. tha1eot Bl d p d C.a 91106

99 • lc:oa11. expen-. and •dvanc:ee •t M,f\Y BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. nation of Hid pr()j)Brty: 2243 Pacllk IF .YOU OBJEC'l'. to the On Seplembor 8. 1983, at ID 00 nie Board 01 Trustees 1_,,e1

v .. asa ena, • . lnttlal publlc:etlon: 1116,043. 16. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF Avenue. 118·105. Costa Mell, CA. granting of the petition. you A.M . BURROW ESCROW <:SQ_ . a the pMttage Of rejecting any 1no all STILLWELL l'tllt.IC NOTICE Srraet addraa or other common THE NATURE OF THE PROCEED- 92627 should e ither appear at the Catllornla corporellon as duly ap- ood• or 10 wa•v• any 1rregul1ttll .. Of

EULOLA C . STILL WELL. na1lon of Nld propeny: 2298 ING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD Oeacflptlon ot Property' PARCEL hearing and stale you ob,ec· patn1ed Trustee under and pursuant iniorma11t1es '"any btd or in ihe bid· Flc:TtTIOUI 9UIMU ,Redland1 Drive, N9WPOf'I Beach, CA. CONTACT A LAWYER. 1 That portion of Lot t ol Tr Kt No. . f ' l tt.e b " to Deed of Trust reco1ded July 9 tj111g

passed a~n September NAME ITATl•NT 82680 On Sept, 23. t983 •t 9: 15 A.M. 10491. City or Costa Meaa. In ll'le Uons or I e Wrt n 0 JeC· 1981 89 Inst No 12005, In book 1. 1983 in Newport Beach, The tonowtng person Is doing IC>elcrtptlon or Property: LOS ANGELES TITLE ANO TRUST County of Onlnge. S1•t• or Call; Uons with the ctjurt before 141"34. page 2!1 o t Olhclal Recordu1 Sign~ NORMAN E WA1SON C.a Lo g · t.e f Bertha l>Yslnesa u : lot 8 of Tract No, 3609. County of DEEO CO as rtuty appojnted Trustee l ornta, u tllown on 1 mep rec;orded the h earing Y our appear- the othce ol lhe County Recorders 01 St1cre1ary Boe1d ot Tru•t-

. Vln SlS r 0

r. A & M MANAGEMENT. 306 M111.1•. 10renge, State ol Cellfornla, ae per u11der anti pursu11n1 10 Deed of Trust In book 468, ~ 40 and 41 ot · . b Orange County. State ot Calllornoa roasl Community College Dttlrlct Sweet o ( Los Ange les. ~ .• Sama .t.na, CA. 92707 [mep rac:orded In book 126 p11ge1 29 recorded June 15. 1879, •• onat . No. M1sce1taneou1 Maps, records ol said ance may be In person or Y exec;uled by lESTER F GALE 4 Puohsned Oranoe Coas1 Dally P1to and H azel Reagin o f Para- Ar1hu1 James Wllnauer . 6 t8 end 30, of M1Kell1neou1 Mep1, tn 2 1640. on boo!< 13168. p.ge 12so. of County, 51\own and deft!liKi es Unit your attorney. MARKA R GALE. husba"d a11d w1te Sept 2 9 1983

83 d ise Ca S he was a member Brook •t- W~. Costa Mesa, CA the office of the Counry ReGOrder ot Otflctal Records 1n the offloe or the 11 on a conoomlnlum plan recorded IF YOU ARE A C REDI - Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 5006· f GI · ll p k Ch ter 92626 aald Coun1y Coulfty Rac;ord• of Or•noe County. Ju11e 3. t980 m 1>001< 13624. pe.ge TOR o r a contingent creditor TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH 0

assco Es Sarh I edap I This buSlness IS conducle<l by an EXCEPTING theteltom all min Cetlfornoa WILL SELL Al PUBLIC 1207 01110111 Records or U•d Coun- r h d __ __. ( 1 (payable at llme ot sale •n 111wtu1, POOLIC NOTIC£ it486 • e IV In 1nd1V1d11at erals oil g .. 1nd othW l'tyd1oc:art>ori AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER ty O t e ece.....:u. you must le money ot the Unoled States l al the -------------Costa Mesa for 17 years Fu- Ar1hur James Wllneuer tub1i1nO.. Mlled °' IOld from the FOR CASH (p1y1Dte 11 time ol tale PARCEL 2 An undMCled 1115th your d atm with the court or rront 0001 01 0u1row Escrow Co l'fOTICE OF TRUITE£'1 aALi neral serv1C'l'S wtll be held lhrs s1•tement waa llled with the above deac:rlbeel lend. upon the oon· on tawtul money 01 the United Stetesl 1nt•est In end lo 11111 po111on of Lot present i t to the personal rep- ~070 N Tustin Ave Santa An11 CA . l oan No.n-4!222·7i'MAHTILLA

on Tuesday. Septemt>E;r 6. ~~n~!>.c~8~ ot Orll"Qil County on l~~~i!'!1 t~ =~~ ~TLT6E F~~'!T NE~TERANcC6 00NT~~ ~t o:,~;~~~.~~4~:· ~.:~~~1C:n~ resentatlve appointed by the ~~ ~~~· n~'~e ~;,~ '~~er,~~~~~;:";.~~ I T v'°N~C~:;r 1983 at 1 1 :OOAM at Pterce F22215e ahell have no 1tght ol er>lry upon lhe COURTHOUSE LOCA TEO ON shown on I map reco10ed 1n bOOk court WUhin CoUr m onths Deed ol Trusl tn the properly s1l u- 5UPER10R TITLE SERVICE. INC Brot~ers Bell Broadway Published Orange CoHt Dally eurtaee or the land end lhall not drill SANTA ANA BLVO . BETWEEN 468, page• • O and 4 1 of Mia- from the date o f first issuance ated 111 said County and S1111e de- " ' duly ap1101n1ed Trus1ee unde< the C h apel ff'llow ed by mt.et'· P1101 Sept 2 . 9 . 16, 23. !983 lorsuc:h tubata11c:eswllhlntheupper SYCAMORE Sl & BROADWAY, Qtltaneous Maps, reco1ds ol H id or l e tters as provided tn Se<-- scttbed as Ab per legal t1&SGr1p11onlto11ow1ng descnbed deeo ol trull

' 5023-83 1500 leel ol llJd land. Hr_,,., In SANTA ANA CALIFORNIA II 11ghl, County shown and delined 8S a11ache<I herelo an<l made a par1 Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ment JI H ollywood Cem - !the deed lrom Co11 LOUIN Barker In lltle and 1nterett conveyed to and " cof!\mo11 area" on a condornonoum tum 700 of the Probate Code, hereol TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR etery. Pwrc.'\' Brothers Bell Ntl.IC NOTICE Oeed 1ec;orcleoJ Oclobtf 28, 1959' 1n now held by ti under tald Oeeo of ptan recorded June 3. 1980. in book of California. The lime for PARCEL 1 That ponion 01 Loi 231 CASH ANDtOR THE CASt11ERS OR Broadway M ortuary dlrec- book 494~. Pl9' 473. Offk;lel Re- Trust In the property tllualed In S8JCI 13624, page 1207. 0 11tc1et Recordl fi11ng claims will nol expire I Falrvtew Farms on th& Ctty 01 CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN t.o 642-9150 FICT1TIOUl IUllNEl8 cordl. County and Stall deterlbed u of Hid County prior t.o four m onths fro m the ~oSla Mesa Cou'nty ot Orange . CIVIL CODE SECTION 29241! (pey

rs. N ME ITATfMENT Oate<l ; Augusl tO, 1983 LOT 9 OF TRACT NO 3242 IN E•C41PllnQ from a pornon of aald tend . . C ' I m able at the time of ule In lawfu Tne foll:wlng per90na are dOlng ITruatee· MAR VISTA FINANCIAL. THE CITY OF COSTA MESA, COUN· one-11111 of all mln911J1, otl, gu, and date o f the hearing n o ticed ~~:::ofo:eco:~::;7~800:,: r:t pa~~ mon&y of the United States) ell right,

'I Dustness 81. INC. TY OF OR.t.i~GE. ST~TE OF CALI· other hydrocarbon llUbttanc:M, NVtl above. 71 ol Mlsoellaneou$ Maps ' iecords lttle and lnt-1 ~veyed 10 end KEY MAK. COMPANY, 44 11 E. le 1Publl1hed Ofenge COU1 Dally Piiot FORNIA. AS SHOWN OH - MAP or told from lhe ebove deecrlbed YOU MA y EXAMINE the of ~aid Orange Counly, desertbed 89 now helrt t>y It under at1od Deed of


HA .. BOR LAWN-MT. OLIVE Mor1Uary • Cemetery

Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave.

Costa Mesa &40-55~


MORTUARY f10 Broadway Costa Meta




Costa Mesa 6 46-9371

PACIFIC VIEW MEMO"IAL PARK Cemetary M ortuary Chapel·Crematory

3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach


McCOAMtCK MORTUAJtY 1195 Laguna C anyon Rd. Laguna Beech, C a . 92651

494. 94 t !i

PalrneAvenue. Ana~m. CA. 92907 Aug. 19, 26, Sept. 2, 1983. 47~ RECORDED IN BOOK 101 PAGES land upon the condition. llOwevef . file ke t b the court. IC ou fottowe. Seglnnlno 81 8 pOfnl In Ille Trusl In lhe propety 1>ere1neftef"Oe-Jlm De Foneat 6901 Quenll• de 35 & 38 OF MISCELLANEOUS th•t the Grantor or SUC09l80fl In . p y . y Souttierty llne ot seld Lot 23 distant scribed

Sanu-oo Anahalm CA 92807 Pta.IC NOTICE MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE lnt9fett of ownentilp lhall have no are interested tn the est.ate, thereon 230 feet Eesterly 1;0m the TRUSTOR.ERNESTO MANTILLA Stan 0. Forfest.'935.L• Salle Cr., COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. right of entry upon ttMI 11Urfl08 ol the you may serve upon the ex- Soulhweslerly cor11er ol said LOI end ANA MARIA MANTILLA

Anaheim CA 92807 STATEMENT Of The street Mldf... and other land and ahlll not drill IOf such ecutor or administrator or unnlng thenc;e Eeslflly alo11g S81~ BENEFICIARY UNION FEDERAL Arneridan Lock and Supply, Inc;., UANOONMINT Of' UH Of' common deelgnallon. If any. or the lll.lbttancea within the Ul)P9' 100 feel h f h • Souther I~ Una 186 40 leel. more 0, SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA

44 11 E. Le Palma Av1t11ue, Anel\81, FICTfTIOUI 8UllNlll NAMI r"I propert,y de9Grlbed •bove 11 of Niel land, " rMWYd by Laurabel upon t e attorney or t e ex- less, to a point whlCl\15 distant there- TION CA. 92807 The following person• have ab•n· purported to be: 248 Vlrglnt• Plaoe. G1rdlnw. • widow, and Mary J- ecutor o r administrator, and on 418 40 teei West8fly from the RECORDED January 18. f 962 ..

Thi• bulineu 1& c:onduc:led by; • doned the uM of tile Fictitious Buei · Cotta M .... CA. The und«elgned Gardtnw, 1 llngte woman. motller file w i th fhe court w ith proof Southeaslerly corner of said Loi, Instr No 82·0 l8160 In Of11Cl• I ~ genefll partn«Wttlp. nea• Name: STEVEN'S PHARMACY. dlse1atm1 any llablllty tor eny lncor- and d111.1gh11W, tn deed rec:orded { service a written r uest thence Norlherty parellet with the cords in thi! olflc;e of tile AllCOrder of

• Sean o. F0<r .. 1, V1Ce-Prffld1t11t t526 M ... Vwda Of .. Eut Co1t1 rectness ol me ttreet addr ... and April 5 , 195$, In b()()I( 3020. Peoe O . • . eq . Euterly line 01 seJd Lot 49 68 leet, Orange County se~a deed of IN• Thia steternent was filed with lhe Meta CA 92626 I other common dM19"111on, ti any, 339. Oftlci•I Racords. staung that you desire spec1aJ thenoa Westerly parellel with the describes the following pr09«1Y.

County Cle<k of Orange Coun1y on w11i1am Rlch•rd Robullo, 750 W. lhown heralfl. PARCEL ~An eaeemant ror either notice of the filing o f an in- Southerly line of aatd Lot 188 40 P~RCEl A Lot 16 ot Tr9C;I Ho Aug 29. 1983 Sen Jose Ave. 1(4, Ctarernont , CA. Seid Nie Win be maoe. but w1thOU1 entry;w11Y'9. C>•tlo or c.rpor11, over ventary and apprai!lement of feet, more or leas. 10 lho Nollh· 916J, 1n 1h• City or trlllne. Count)' 01

F22AOCO 91711 coven1nt or wwrenty. exprNI or Im- lh•t portion or the her91nabove 0... f th ti easterly coiner 01 the lend conveyed 01ange. Stale or Catllornla . .. per Published Orenge Cout Delly The Flcttl loU• BualntaJ Name r•· plled, regarding tlli., ~. or acrlbed c;ommon ttN wtlldl .,. e:itat.e aueta or . o e . pe . to Eiits N Stelter. et u• by deed map re<:or<k!d In bc>ol< ' 19, P-oes I

Piiot Sept 2 9 16 23 1883 ferred to above wu ftled In Ofenge encumbrllnCM, to pa)' the r91T\8tnlng ahown aa being 8'>C)Urt"'1•nt 10 lions or accounts menuoned1 rec:orde<J Aprll , 9 1947 In book to 3 1nclusi~e. M1scetl1neou1 Mllf)• • ' ' ' So35-83 county on Aprll 7, 1983 pt'inclpel eurn of lhe note(t) tecured Pwcel. 1 on rhe condOmlnlum plen In Section 1200 and 1200.5 of 1498• 111 page 254', or Olllctel Al!> 1n tlle offtc;e or 1he county rec:order o

!------------- Thi• buslneu w11 conducted by• by said Deed ol Tr~I. with lnrereat recorded June 3, 1980, In book th Cal'f , P bat Cod cords In the ottlce of the Coun1y•sa1d county lndlvlduat thereon. •• PfO\lkled tn Hid note(a). 1362• . p909 1207. Ofllcl•I Record• e ' 1 onua ro e e. Recor.de< of said Orange County PARCEL B An easement for~

Ntl.IC NOTICE Thi• eteterneot wa• filed with the 1d111nces. 11 any.~ tile t9tm• of of ••Id ~ounty James B. MacDonald lhe,,ce Southerly alof19 the Easterly. yard pu!POMs over the North county Cieri\ 01 Ocange County Ofl the OMC1 of Trutt, '-· c:nar991 and DA TEO Augu.11 9. 1983. %343! Campe1tre 1 llne 01 sa•d land conveyed 10 Stellei easier iv :i 00 fff1 of Lot 17 of Trac

Public Hearings wlll be held by the Aug. 12, 1983. eapen- of the Tru11ee and of the MAR VISTA FlANCtAL INC. Minion Viejo CA. 92ll9l 49 68 feat 10 ltJe poml 01 beQIMtng No 9163. u per map reeorded In Cosla Mesa Planning Commtsslon at Published Orange Cou t Oilly trusts created by said Deed of Trut1, • coroorellon, Trullee • bo~ 4 t9 PllQf!S 1 10 3 mc:lu•ve the City Hall. 77 Fe" Drive. Costa Pllol Au 26 Sept 2 9 t8 1963 10 wit $ t 1,640.26 lpp<o• SURA & HELL YER Published Orange Coast EXCEPTING th.e1etrom au oil, gas Mls<:ettaneous Mel)s . on ttte olflOe ot Mesa, CAlll ornta. al 6:30 P M or u g ' ' ''211112 The beneficiary unw Nkl Deed A PROFESSION~L CORPORATION Daily Pilot Sept. 2, 3, 9, 19113. and other hydronrboro •ubstances lhe coun!y recorder 01 sa•d county soon u poulble thereafter on Mon- 4140. 93 ol Trust he<eloforeexewted andO.- By· J.A. Whitmer. 5029-83 in or under said land•• reserved tn YOU ARE tN DEFAULT UNOER ,. tlav. September 12, t983, regarding Uvered to the underelgned 1 written Attorney• I()( TruetM• , 1he deed from WllUam Moo1os to DEED OF TRUST OATEO JAN 7 the loltow1ng appllcallona. .,..,11C NOTICE Declaration of o.taull •nd 09lnlnd ~bllanect Orange Cou t Delly Piiot 1111 .. 1IC NOTICC JoM N Hetty an11 wlle dated Jenu- 1982 UNLtSS YOU TAKE ACTl<>f';

I Zone EJ1cept1on Perm II rUU&. tor Sele, and a written Nollce of 0.. Aug t9 28, S~1 2, t96J 4157· 83 rUU&. ery 2. 1948 and llted 101 rec;ord TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT ZE·83· 126 and Reloc.Uon Permit l•ull and Elec11on 10 Sell. The under· M11cih I 1948 '" 1he office ol lhl! MAY BE SOLD AT A PU8J.1C SALE RP·83-02 for Margeret LlndHy. f~m~:~~~=· signed i::euted tald l>fotloa of Oef•ult Al~~: :.~::.:Al C01Jnty Recor<1e1 ol salcJ Ori!lnge IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION 0 aulhrortztd aoent ror Merk Cht. 752 J-" and Ele<:tlon to Seti to be recorded'" Ntl.IC NOTICE Coun t~ THE NATURE OF THE PROCEED West 19th Street , '°' a reloc:allon The tollowlnQ person Is dotn~ the county whw• the rNI propwty 11 "'on"TY p CEl 2 A 11 ht of wa foi weter ING AGAINST vou YOU S~OULC permtt tor two houNa to be moved buslneH as loceted Name StrNI .t.ddr•H and NOTICE Of' TIWITEE'I I ALE Notice ti hereby glvton that Under AA Q ~ N CONT ACT A LAWYER to 8 tot wtth one eJClstlng houM, wllh GUARANTEED ENGINES 0 Telelphone Nvmbtf of Trulltt °' lo.I • 1,_.,1 1nc1 purauent to S9Ctlon 1968 of the Plfe ':Cle.

1 purposgis ~;:;ty\ ~

68°;!:; ,,3 Atlanta. Irvine.Ca 92714

varlanoet from Ilda telba<:lt. OOOfl CALIFORNIA, 1617 Superior ""'"t per90n conducting tlle It CHICAGO TI ,, ,._,_, C1tllornla CMI Coele the properly ·~ Y ~ ee of the 23°i;'1 t t L t 23 ' ' Ill a atreet addreu or common l!l>Mle parking end vefllc;te man- Costa Mela, CA 92827 TITLE INSURANCE COM PANY YOU ARE tN DEFAULT UNDER A titted l>elow believed 10 be aban· 0 the we:terty ee 0 ~he 0r des1gn11to0t1 of property 11 sl\own ewer10g eree requirements, localed Marc JOffPh Holmqutsl , t llt T Su.I 3256 WILSHIRE BLVO •. LOS AN: DEED OF TRUST OATEO Septem· ~oned .~Y JAMES M WILLIAMS itca ~··:::~:d 1':;';;~~s8~1 m:pft 7 :.~1 &llove no werranty ts given a110 ltt It 2060 Maple Street In an R2 Zone. parlor " ve · Colla Me ... CA. 82627 GELES, CA. 90010. (213) 360-3940 bei 3, 1982 UNLESS YOU TAKE MIKE WILLIAMS whOH IHI Id· ~cellll'1llous Maps rec~t~S ot uid c;ompletenesa o< co1reclnMJI Tl!tt

1Envtronrne11ral Determination: Ea- Thi• buslneaa tt conduc:;teel by •r Armand C Seuct<lo, Aut Sec. ACTION TO PR0 1ECT YOUR dress ""11 128l2 Flo_, St • Apt . 1. Or~m Countv btmnf1c1ary under said Deed o r empt lndMdual. Oatlld· Augull 8, 1983. PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLO Al A Gtrelen Grove, CA Catlfornta 92842• Iii! Trusl oy reuon ot a Dreac:h or 0...

I 2. Tentat111a Tract Mep T· 11&9·7R Marc Joaeph Holmql.llll Publlshed Orenge CoHt Oatly Pilot PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED .t.N wilt bt told •t public auction At PARCEL 3 A llQht ol wey tor Pl~ leult on 1he ObllQatlona MCUred for FutQoe, Wllltarne. llndgre<1. and This ttatem111t was filed wtth tht Sept 2. II. 16. t083 EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE 1334~ Adland ST . Gt rdell Grove. ltne purposes over the Northerly 2 • her•t>v h0f'8totore ••tcUteel an4 Shor1. incorporated, authorized Counry Clerk of Orenge County or •873-83 OF THE PROCEE.DING ~GAINST C• lllOmla 9264.2. ori S.plernbtl 16. !eel ol Ille Southe1ly 51 68 feet ot dtthvelld 10 the Ul1dtrs•gntd 1 writ ' •Qenta tor County Club Vtllu. Post Aug 29. 1983 YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A 1963 •I 9:00 0 cloc:k A.M Lot 23ol Fllrview Farms. as per mep l•n Oe<:l&rallon ol Oelaull '"° t>t-•Olflce Bo~ 203, Balboa l1l1nd, tor a ,~ LAWYER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY lhet'ttol 1ec.01ded In boo~ 8. at page manCI 101 Si te. tlnd Nllllen nottc:e 01 t1entet1ve Tr&Cl Mep for a one-lot Publi•hll<I Orange Co11t Dall) Ntl.IC NOTICE On Th rs Sapt•mbef 8 t963 at TV Stand . St•r•o equalizer . 71 . ot Miscellaneous Maps, record• breatm anti ol elec;llon 10 cauM Ill«

\... C ~ 1•ub<10.v1eion tor condom lnouf!\ Pilot Sapt. 2. 9, 16, 23, 1963 t 30 p Mu 01 llld day, 01 the Soulh 6·tta<:k player, 1wo stereo 1peaker ot seld Orange Coun tv undeosogn..o to sell .. Id Pfopeny 10 ....,,__________ purpo-. 1n oon11111ct1on wtth • !>003•83 I TATl.lllCHl_Of' ·~WAl. ft'Oflt en11arice 10 IM Orange. Co.inty c:•btneti, mocrO·w•ve oven, gumball EXCEPTING THEREFROM the 18haty said ot>hga11ona eno t~• - - -.========:::;---iprev1ou11y epprovll<I 6-unll COh• . F=:~TM~fl .,. • Ol4--CourthouM . 21 1 w S• nlJI Allll mKhine; 7 bO~ff OI iomie OOOk•: 1 Easlnrly•4 16 40 feet lhereol •lier ll'te under 11gned c;auM<I sale

c ""' 0 -ro u ""' 41 > 0

en = ~ ro LI.I~

· z~

dornlnlum profec1, IO<!ated at 2674 P\&IC N()ffC[ Boutenrd coty of Sent• An• County bO• of record• ind l t tlCll l!IP". 2 -'lSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM notoc;o 01 1>1eac;I\ an4 01 ~a. Orange Avenue 1n en R2 Zone. En- FlCftTIOUI au ... ~, ~ 1 ol Orenoe'. Callfornt1. RulltCon Co. bo.llH OI mtnleture glHs botti.e. 2 Ille Was1erly 230 feat thereof bo record.a May 6. 1983 M lnllr wo11rnenl•t 0£terrn1n11oort· E.aemp1 'ICTITIOUI •Ul1"111 The foll o wing P• ' 0 1 ••Trust" Of 8UOOH110t TNtttee or gllH llgl.lrlnea, 1 brlatcue coritaln· Tne • tteel addr,an •nt1 omtr No 83• 1936 t o of Ottte11i ~·In

3 Zone E•c:epllon Per mll NAME IT A TIMI NT Withdrewn ti• Qtfll<•I pertn« lrom $\.!Dt1llu1a0 Trutt" wut Mii et t>tJb- fllQ CHttll• ttiptt; t box 01 cups •nd c:ommon des1gn111tor1. ti 11ny, ot Ille 1ht1 ortoee ot t11• Aecordw of Otanoe ZE-83· 123 for J Ward Daw.on. The follOwlng pet-50n1 ••• dOlnG :~~1fi!i'":,~!!°:.~'r1/~~[': lie: euellon to the htQnett blddef tor gta .... : : bo• 0\ .. = c~ln•; re11 property described ebovo 1, Couo11y: 3110 ••le wtll oe m9(M, but authorized IQW'll tor N9wport 0.- bualn1111 u 1 NG CO 2727 S CrOd cul'llC>•yaOttetttme OIMltlntawful aOCllOOI or oven. w ci • • 0 purported 10 be t91!1 Anaheim wottlOUI covenent or w•11an-ty, tit velopm1n1 Compeny ti , 2535 AMERICAN FIDELITY HEAL TH ;"~lE ~·~II Alli 'cA. 112107 • money or tne Unlt9d StalM) Ille lot- ;:•11 l~ur1~e::1 ,k m:.u•~ t':k. ~ AVI • Coll• Mesa. CA prn• or Implied. reqerellno tltte 009 Maricopa S1fee1. Torrance, for • PLAN 181182 Me.cAf1hur Suite 23& Y vt • • 1 1ow1n9 o.toflbtd real property lltu- llH 0 IO r n11 g Ml. x 0 The undertlQMd Trutltt di•· MHIOtl o1 -umbrllt1Cl9I to pe) condltlonll uM permll for $4-Unlt ltvlne.' CA. 92l16 • ' Th• flctlllout llu• nH• n•;: el«! In ttw County of er.,., 81•1• ollln• lnclUdlng. Jeck. Daniel bottlea; ct1lrne 11ny ll•t>llily for •n~ Incorrect- th• rHmlnlnQ Pflnelpal tuin of 1t1t Motel with • varl1nca with llldt MT· Viti Health 1naur1nee co .. tnc . ri::;rnentF!:

1~ 'r1:'fn tlle of CalllOfnla, end deKrtbtel u IOI· 4 ?::'.~1 of :•nor~ (am-:i> ~~or· nna Of the atr~ tda1 ... 111d ollltf note(•) -lftd DY ukt' <Ned ot ll1Cll requ1rement1. loeetld at 2644 18952 M~rlhur. Suite 235, lrvtne. Cou Ion r.O u ' tows •: N • m ~ er= '~. r·I> oi common dfflgnatlon, II "ny. llll<>'#n Trull, with 1n1 .. ..-1 .. In uk1 nore Newport Boulev1td In a C 1..CP CA 927 t$ n ~ o r~ of ht p A portlOn of lot 1 Jn 81<><* 23 lfld o Of'll'ltn OC r• ... lg O '*tin. Pf Ovided ld11•nete1 ii any, Ul'ldef l.ontt. Envlronment•I 0.te!'mlnatton: Thi• ~ II crondocllld by: • Fu~, :'49...... A~~ ~en 3';;. a portion of WlllWI SttMt adj()lnlng ..,, .. , mlfrOtt: '4 =·· ~ mus•i I Said 1ale Wiii bt made, but Without the ltrmti 01 ealel DMcl of trutl . .... Nt0•1i.. O.Ollfetton. corJ)Ofetlon eon 1 r ng. · e412 ' 8outlletly. of Tr.at No n2 In tl'le wooci.n corner • 1 11 m n • · co11enant orw•rr•nty. ••Prtlt or Im- cllargea and HP9n... of the

(or fuflher lnlorm1t1on on Iii. Oln1 MurMt Auby Ave., 8elb08. C~ 92 City ot ~ IMch. eoUnty ot lute liquor bolttee: 2 Jeck Oanlelt pllto. rt0erdlllQ tllte. POtH .. IOn. or Tru•tee imci ol th• l t\1111 Cf'Mlecl b) lbove appllo•tton•. telephone Thlt tllltllNfll wH Iii.cl wllh tne Signed: Ben ~ Orange, St•t• of Calltomla, .. P9f ~rlnkl~-·~':::1" ~o:i:t•: •nc:umbraf\Ctl. l1'Cludln9 let1, 11td Deed of Trull . 7~·$2•5 °' c.11 tt the o"IOe ol TM County Clwk ol Or• nga County on P t>llthad Orange 0081tl 0 .,1y ~ '9CO'deel In book 23, pegea 6 C::t;<>• 111\d !'" . 111 p~ "or Ju~• ch11ge1 and expen"1 ol th1 TruttM Se.Id ult wu bt lltld on. Monde)'. Planning Oepartmenl, Aoorn 200, 71 Aug 29 tt13 u • 2' !M3 encl e MieOtf~ M..,e, In the a M .,....... • • • · ol the tru1t1 orut9d b)' Hid Oeadof Ste>ltml>tt 19. 1983. at 2:00 p.m, •I F91r Ot!W, Coate M .... Calttoml1. · • · '1191!1 Piiot Stc>t. 2· 9 · 1"' 6ot&-e3 dftoe 0, the count~ rtootw OI eald : 2 bO•" Of l>OOll9' t boa" Of Tru1t, 10 pay the r11malnl119 prlnefpel the Ch1pm•n Aveovt tntrMOt to Pulllltlllad Or•noe Coast O•l'Y PllOI Publl1hed Ot•noe Cotti Dally tounty, more f*"lleulttl)' dttctlbtd e:• ~ pane; 1 boa 01 dleflel~ •nd eum• ol 1he notel•I atG"ured by satd th• Civic Cent•. Mdtna. )()() IMI Stc>t. 2, 1H3. Piiot 94pt. 2, II, 16, 23, 1983 •-II' Cfll'r • follow9: nlvea, IMI• end ec>oon•. 1 Old Deed of Trvtl l o wll ' S 13.000 00 wltll Ch•pm•n Ave . Orange, b.A

4992<83 &004.83 r~ l'IUl"4 8'iglrlnlng • I IN Soutn....t9'1y fpahlon r.Oto end reoorel yer. 4 11\IWttl theft()n lf()f11 l/2/H fl' Al Ille tlm.t of the Initial !Nbll· ------------ ----- STATlllllJn' OP ~WM. Q)f'IW of lot 9 tn 8tocll QO theno9 booll ~ 1 aoucn: 1 bO• of U- 1!1.0'l\per1nnum .. provtded ln N1d c•tton of 11111 notice, tile lo!al rueuc NOTICE -- ti> Mf\Tll'r PROM ,~ NonhtWly •'°"'- Iha W•t.nY ilne Of ~9dOll~ :.ciueen Ille wtlttbtd: notll(•I plu• COlll and any •dv•n089 1moun1 or fht un~d t>~ of ...

.-.-n. "" NL ONMTllO .,..,... Mid \.ot t and Lot 10 9rld along the .., .. ._ ••• of 11t, 128.00 with lnttrMt, approx• obl1Q1t1on MC:\lred by tilt eoo.... dt9-~Tmoul llUIMH ,ICTIT10UI ~11 ncTmOUI .,... .. ...._ Northltl)' P<~tlOl'I thertOf to a ~=~""~ ~ d:J~~tOI~"· lH3 1rna1e1y Euat opening btd m•y be terli>td dM<I 01 tru1t and•'"""*'

The ,:= ITATl...n' dol ltAMI ITATW•NT I rte fotlowtrrg P.., IOn hu """1 CWI e NM tflll la l)Mlllel Wfffl Attorney for 1.;._f!,;n OrMn Jr ODlllned tl\8 day l)elore the .Jl l• b~ co1t1. ••pen-. end ldll.__ It t>uttlWlt• ... s-a<>n• .,e no Tilt followtng ptrton II dOlf'lil wltlldr1wn tll • OIM(ll pertlltl' ff om ~ :!::tt!,1~~~ .J: ~ :':: Publl9Md or.;;; Coa1t bait) Piiot ct~~ ::;:~1·~~ undtr 010 DMcl 801~11 r~at tnaent~ IMlno .,

JOY NUTRITION, l85e t BOI .. t>t~l~A~• AME!AICAN M.t.AKel. :~~1fi:11":,9J!::~0f::= t!M true point of beginning ot thl9 S.t 2. 9. 1913. 4 • of Trull here10•0t• HllOUled i nd d .. 911tma1e on wn1e11 1T1t Of*'inG bid 11 Chtea 1110 • • 10

4 · Huntington fle..cl'I. ING ASSOCl.t. TES l TO 219 1 E nCHNOLOQV 1een CllemlOal da•cr1p11on, tlt • noe continuing Gell 83 llv91ed 10 th• underelgn11<1 • Wfltlen come_uled may t>e oblalneO by e-11·

CAD 92ll4d 9C M di 2 .. 22 a Mela DrlV9- Senta ~na ...... c;,: LAM. Huntlf\o10n 8eecn CA 92641 Mor\hefly l lOllQ Mid NOflhefly 0-Cltretton ol detauti Ind Demi •no Ing (7f4J 037~ tilt dl!Y WOf• .... ar•n . " "'"707 T1141 fl tll iout bulln'.ee1 .,.,. Pf'CllOt'lll9tlon • dl•tanot ol 7 113 ""' No matter IOI S4Ut.anel I wrntan Notice 0 0.. the Ille

Dlwnonct Cit • $ant• Ana. CA "'21~ 1•• • 0 n to.,. int....atlon wltft tM &Ou1l'llt'Y 1au11 and Cltetlon to Sell Tnt unoei- Dill.a A .,.1 t t9J3 l.l)Oll P Mtrandt. 8461 Cflndlll MIClleel Oale Jott. 2 19 t !. M ... •llllltlNl'lt tor rht PlflMl'lfllJ> *M OiOngttlon ct tti. W'ealet'tY line of Wh&t yOU' re 11gne<1 c:M1110 NIO Nollet Of 0.taun SUPll\t0,. 'fl TLl Se-flVIOf. INC

Ot • ~11n111191on teaeh, CA 1128'4'1 Drive. Santa Ana Hflohll, CA. 02107 fttecl on May 28. 1913 In !fie OOvn1Y r°' 1 111 llOCil 21, llltnOe ~ly and l!leotlon to Seti to be reoor(Je<I In I f •tllO Trusl.. tr f 0 RAVia! Tllll buMtea II COtl<IUCttd by • ~n:i::·- It c:onduetlMI by- en OI :>:~end Adclf ... Of the p.,. a10f10 Mk1 SOl.tt!Wty Pf0!0n09tl0n Of doing, your tne aounl)' Wl\9fe the r .. 1 property la COMPANY, ~t

oenerat penn«atltp M1c:h..i 0 Joat tonW11hdraw1ng t.en o..ioc.m- Lot f 1neio.2a. •~M01of20.•t hometown loc••tc1 By S•ndle A1rnenta. • ~~~.~.~~ .. i11«1 wt1h 11141 Tl\lt t1a1emen1 wu lli9d wflh 111e p110, 2aso ,...,~ 1 1-.0 . •ZOI. --~':,.!'C~"'°:.:, ~ D"~~.!'fJ~~~~':icfllow co. =·~~t l:".;:~.

County 0"'1I of Ofenot County Ofl County Olwk of Or111g1 County on Cott• M .... CA 12828 ~ ~ n. I dlltlll'C4t ol to 00 newspaper 2070 N futlln .a.venue 0 •flOe c. t2eM Auo ~. tt83 Auo 18. I H .'.1 "211111 lrgnao M.-i",,~o '"'io tne ~!,IY wot 1.0' I tn The.,.... San11 Ana. CA / u 1l35 HU ,.,.., I PuOlllhtel Ortngt Coat1 Dall)' Pubflttlled or-. COUI Delly llodl 23. ,,,..._ SOllll'llt'Ytfonq ... 17141~s . . .. ,1, Put>tllhad Of•• eo.t DMt ,,.:~~~~ ~l ~:;l Deity Pilot AUQ ,. ~o ' • ,, •• .,

7IP1101 Saij)t ' · . , .. n ... , hl1411'ty u .. of Uld lot I end lllOnO ns In. ~ullllth4o Or•not CO.ti r·~ !S~ot Piklt AuQvll lift 58'>t ' · .. tM3 ....

"Yt' • 50,.,.13 • · • '4m.ol , so t1-U ttwt SoutMt"ty 1tO!Ono11\0f' 111er«>tt 411g 11 24. &eot ' •H "' M ·83 • oM ... .,


C4 Orange Coeat DAILY PILOT/ Friday, Sept. 2, 1983

NOnclt TO WOM l'ICTmOWI ~~· Nol:lt:_n.::-_.,,.. ~~~~ T._.._ ... ~

of the wltNft ~ ~Ott•I ~..: .. -.:· ~ ~ tllel •~ ,,_., II eibolll t• be Gl08M. ~L.1*. 14 Hiii- NG 11 ICNf ·T~' m.cM on ~ ~ heN6n- .,.._ ww., ~ .. ,Wt A 9i1r ~~· L8nt, milliiiAJ'lllll-"'• .ii1911!!!~~~1!f'. eft• Cle«.ttbed: ...,_ber'I I . ~. 89~ CUlilleo T~... :ti No.._., ... rrrm:..

Tht neme(e) end l>ueinellt ~ Dr., HUntlnoton heell, CA. 924Mt ~CJA.'• . tl\om.W' 1 TG:t 'l~t~~~~\I~ of Ille lnlen6td ,,~, - · ~ s. Tlle)llon. »t &llllflf•. Tlllit.,..._,.~i.y; OtipellaCt., . . 0.H II ,, • A .... ~eei. •.. •1 •7. To..U hdn ~Clctaries, x~ ~~~ ~~"~=jo:i61~~· A":nt~kJ C~ . O~~ • • 2930 l.ono In~=:~.. -~ WllllMI Cen1pb9ll. g~~·2~C:g<1~~~:~~~~ C':~t~~. 111 ~mel, RlllphCt.·::. Jr , e10 Nf'WPO'I ctedltorl fa;:~LENconAtlGn~~ 92647 Belldl Blvd , Lono 8Mcll, CA 90903 Thi• 1te1emen1 wu llled wtlll the Not111 C.,,..._ Cl , Coele Meu, OA . .. et the 11/M of ... In lewfUI Chet9WOrtll. Ca OTIU Cenl« Or .. '1147, Newport a..c:1" c7'edll0n 0 •u:. "'"""

The neme(•l encl bull,,... ee1e1r- Thia bu.._ Je conducted by· • County C1"1t of O.anoe COuftty 02828 money of~ Ufllttd St•lell .. rtgfll . Thie bu"'- le c:onouc1eci by: • CA. 112eeo LU and penons who may 01111e Intend.a tr..,.1er0tt11 er•. DO gene.el per1MflNP AuQ. us, 1H3 Thie bueltltM 11 conoucttd by lltle end Int.,. COIW9)'eCI lo end general pannere111c> Thi• bullntM •• COOCIUC'teo by • be o therw1.1e Interested 1n WOONO PARK. 011e "-t111WOOC1 Hetbet'I e Doyle llmlted pettnerllllp now held by " Uftdet'.., Deed of Cwol lee fir• COtP«•llon °""'· HUfltlnQlon 8Mc:ll. CA. 92648 Thill •••t......,I ... lllt<I with Ille Publle/leel Of•noe Coul 0111)1 WllKem f . Cernpbell TNl'l In Ille PfCIP«Y ~,.., c»- Tiii• .... .._, WM fll•CI With Ille Relptl E Pllelen. J r ' PrMIClenl th e will and/or estate: IN HEE PAJIK, 97111 Pllltewood County Clefk or Oteng• Coutll)' on Pllol Aug 2e. Se9t 2. 9, 18, IH3. Thie tletemenl - rlleo ""1111 ICflbed: Coutily °"" ol Of•1191 County on Thi• .... _, WU 11*1 w1111 Ille A petition has been fiJ~ OrlYe. Hunltnglon Beech. CA 92848 July 2,., tH3 4a&e.-13 Coonly Clertt of Otenoe County TRUSTOR! DAVID c . CANNON Auguei 2. tH3 County Clefll of Ot•noe Coun1y on b FRA"'K M L- l the

Thettlle P'Ol*'IY pel11nenl l'letlllO na1• Aug, 30. 1883. CATHV A. CANNON. llutb•nd • Pmo:t1 Aug HI. 1983 y ,, . ""'""' n I• Clellortbeel In gen«lll u All 01111e Publl•heel Or•noe Cout Deity PtatC NOTICE wtte . .. JQ1111 191111/lll. Publllheel Orenge Cout Dally '2n014 Superior Court of Orange f\lr111ture, llxlurM, equlpmenl , lnven· P11o1 Aug. 28. SllQI . 2, 9, 18, 1983. MN ... P\lb~!Jhed Oterige Coul BENEFICIARV: MITSU MANU· Pllol Auouet 12. 10. 2e. Sep1, 2. 1983 PubllUl«I Orenoe Cout Delly County req ueating that IOty. euppllee. QOO<twlll, lfede nlllM, 4841)..63 Piiot Sepl. 2. 9, 18, 23, t1Ml3. FACTUAl!AS BANK, • Catttornl• 4539.83 Pllol Auo. 2e. Sfe>'· 2, 9, 1e, 1983. FRANK M LEE ..... A"-teuellolcl ln1«"1 end leeMholel Im· 'ICTITIOUI ......... 601 eotPClf• llon ,+... 4829~3 · """ r pt-t• of that W'teln 1u1 fOOC1 NAlllll ITAftMINT Aeeofeled: October 2e, 1983. __ ,,. NOT•rr pointed as peraonal ttpreeen· bu.- end I• ic-tee1 a1· 7871 rtll.JC NOTtCE The lollowlrlQ l*'toN.,. dolllQ P\alC NOTICE P-0-131ulnttr. No. 318571n8oolc rta.JC NOTIC( "- ~ tauvew admuwlterlheeitate Weme< Ave , Hunllng1on e..cn. CA bullneu u . Or.,. of C>mclel Aeeorele 1tt lhe ICTITIOU .,._.. f!IC1TnOUI _,..... o f HELEN AGNES LEE 92641 c.. NUTRITION MOT1VAT10N, 111M1 E F 0 .,. .. T office °' '"' Recotcter of 0renee ' • NAm •TATIMINT

The bueloele n111M 1411<1 by the N 0 T 1c 1 T 0 ,. 1 " 10 N 1 Brooklhtr• Lene. Hunllngton BMcll. NOTIC 0 r.n ff OF COUllty: ..._ 8TATDmNT (unde r the Independent Ad· Mid trenef9r0t(•) et uktlocauon I• INTWMITIO.. CA 928-48 Peter JW~ Tmu AND Mid O..CS of 1ru11 deectll>M t The tollowlng WIOll• er• doing ™ followloQ '*'°" 1' doing ministration of F4tates A.ct) . T Co TIO HM11h "~-·rr- ..., I .& "" IN ~A bual~t U · A THI t:ITATI 0, .IOHN H. ..__ - u roup nc . OF p ON TO AUM • totlowlno Pfopeny: Lot 30 of Trect CAAVAGAN ANO AEID MARKET REEL QUICK PARTS & SERVICE The petition 15 lel for hearing

Thi• NICI bulk treneftt le Intended MOO«ftl, OICIAHD 17941 Br()()l(lhlre Lane, Hun11no1on I S TE R EST ATE N 0. No. 8Hll, City of Irvine. COunly of • c ' De N 3 700 C I 10 bt con141mm•ted •• the of!!« of: Notice I• l'lereby gl\lfl\: S.e<:h. CA. 92848 Or911gt St•I• of Cllllfornl• . .. ING GROUP, 1500 Aelem• Ave., 320 E 171h SI . coate Meae. A In pl. o . at iv c llett• Eec:row Enttrpflaea inc .. 506 To •II persone lnler .. led. wt\ethet •• Thi• buslneN 11 conducted by: 1 A·l lHtl lhown °" 1 rnep recorded In BoOll Su .. 305, Cotta M .... CA. 821'28 92827 ~nter Dr , West, Santa Ana, M Tuelln Ave., Suite 180. Sen•• Ane, eteelllora, heir•. teo•t .. •. or de- aorpor1llon. To all h eirs, beneflclariee, 27'. Pao-- 45 and 48 or Ml• ..,.. w. Cr•v•n· 7306 Pier· Ray A. Fox. 2312 Sen•• Ana A11t1 · CA 92701 on Sept. 28, 1983 at Celttorllle 02705 oo ore"" Septem· YISMt. In lhe ""'e o t JOHN H. Greg WeUon. PrMIClenl reditors and contln~ent «*l•neoua Mee>•. tlCOfelt of Orenge pol~M Or , Hun•lnoton Beaatt. CA . . •J. Coet• M-. CA. 92827 9 ·30 A M ber 20 1983 BRODER$ Clec:elM<I wttoee lul eel· Tiile 11e1etn41111 ,,. .. flleel with the . • County Cllltt 1 t This bullnne It conelucleel by •.n . .

Thia. Bulk 'Trenst« 11 "-lb)eet to dress wu 7700 E.' t31h - •27. Coon1y Clerk of Or~ County on U>rs of Peter Joeeph VOU .ARE:;;" oEFAULT UNDER A J . ~· , S.58 Lupine s1., indlvlelu•I LF YOU O BJJOC:r to lhe C•lllOrftl• Uniform Commercl• I Wlcnlla. KS 67208 ""' 1•11•r• Auo 9 . 1983 and perlON who may DEED OF TRUST DATED Octobef" 7 VOf Ul'ldtl, A. 9211N Rey A Fo• Code Section 8106 1n1ement• or or 1e1m1n1s1ra1ton ,.222117 be lh · • ted in 1881 UNLESS vou TAKE ACTION Thlt 1• conelucleel by "' This •t•ltmenl wu llleel wrth lhe granting o f the pellUon. you

Ttie nerne end aeldr ... 01 lhe pt<• have '*In :leued 10 PATRICIA s u e Publlatteel Orange Coul Deity 0 . erwiae mte~ • TO PROTECT VOUR PROPERTY, IT un......,,pot.teel ueociallon other County C:"l< ot Orenge Counly on should enher appear at lhe aoowtth whom clalmtmey be filed I• COLLINS, EXECUTOR by' EIGHT· Polo1 Aug 26. Sepl 2. 9, 16. 1983 the Wtll and/or estate. MAV BE SOLD AT A P\IBLIC SALE. 111~ 1*1'*"''9 Auo 12· 983 nmn h earing and state you o b,ec· Betit Eecrow Enl"pri- Inc . 505 EENTH JUDIC IAL DISTRICT 4871)..83 A pellllon has been filed IFVOUNEEOANEXPLANATIONOF J-W Craveoe.n fl b " N. Tu1tln Al/ti., Sulle 160, S•nl• Ane. COURT SEDGWICK COUNTV b y Pamela A . Tr~zza in the THE NAT URE OF THE PROCEED· Tiii• •t•t-1 ..... llleel wllh 111• Publlltteel Orenoe Coul OlllV lions o~ I e wntten ° JeC· CelttOfnl• 92705. artd Illa IHI Cley IOI KANSAS. PROBATE DEPARTMENT P\8.IC NOTICE Superior Court o f Orange ING AGAINST vou. vou SHOULD County Cltfk 01 Ore.no• Counly on Plfol Auo 26· Sec>• 2 9· 18·4 ~98~ ttons w1~ the COW"\ before llllng Clelm1 by eny creditor shell be • court of competent jurisdiction ol CONTACT A LAWVER. Aug, 5· 1983· ,22230t 27 83 the heanng. Your appear· Sep1ern1>er t9. 1983, w111c11 I• •ha ltte Stete or KentH flCTITIOUI .UllHlll County r equest ing that " (II • '''"' aelelr"' or common Publleheel Ore.no• Cou1 Delly PUBLIC NOTICE ance may be m penion o r by bual,_. day be!Of• the cont41mm•· Thal the loffowlno Be.nk 11 no1e11no NA• tTATIMINT Pamel.a A . Trezza be ap- e1 .. 1Qne llon or property 11 thown tton dete epiec:lfled above. personal property 01 th• Hid Cl- Ttt• 1011ow1no person ,, Cl<>lr>g pointed as personal repreeen- bove. no .,..,,.,,1., 11 otven .. 10 111 Pllot Auo 111, 28, Sep1 2. 9, 1963 PICTITIOUI .... ..._11 your a ttorney

So ler u la known to N ICI tn· dent. Security Pecillc Na1ton.i Benk. bu~~~~~~~AL CONSTRUCTION ta live to adnunister the estate complel- or COfftc1nMe)." Tiie 4698·83 NAiii ITAT'fMINT lF YO U ARE A C REDI · lend.a TrenaferM(sl NICI 1n1ene1ee1 242 1 t Paaeo o. Veleftci• Leoun• beneficiary un<* NICI Deed or The tOllOwlng person• are CIOlng TOR red TrensterOt(•) uMCI 1he tottowtno ed· Hiiis County 01 Orenoe ' AND LANDSCAPING. 750 s Lvoo. of P e ter Joseph Trezza Trull by,....,,. 01 1 breach or cs.. PtalC NOTtCE bulln.N., or a conungent c JU>r Clhlonel bu9IMIS ,,_ end eel· n iet lhe uneleteig'*2 daalrea 10 •tS25, Se.nle Ana. CA 9270~ (under the Independent Ad- teun ' In Ille obllgallone MCU<eel L/F NO S. 19 C.orpor111 Plua, o f lhe deceased. y o. U must filt Cir- within '"' tl\r" yMrt 1••1 recajva the Mid pereoneJ propecty °' MlchMI Rey All-•y. 750 Lyon, ministration o f F.atatea Act) thereby. wetofor• uec:uteel •nel FICTTTIOUI au ... 11 Newport Beech CA 926tSO your claun with tht court or pu1: (II "none·· '° •t•te.) NONE collecl 1he clalm(•I end 10 remove l625. Sent• Ani , CA. 92705 T . h · Clel~ 10 the uncl«llQned • writ· N.u. ITAn•NT The Wllllem ·Lyon Compeny 19 th na1 0.1ee1 Augutl 23. 1983 Iha COINM:led or reoe4ved rrom the Thll bualneu Is eonelucteel by; en he petition IS set for earing ten Decter•tlon of Defeult encl 0.. The IOllowlnQ peraoo I• CIOlnQ Corp<><•1' Plau N-port a.'eon present tl to e peno rep-00 Woono Perk St••• of California 1o the et•I• """'' 1ne11v1e1u e1. In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic mend ft>f s .... end written notice of bulinee• u : CA 92e60 ' ' resentauve appointed by lhe In Hee Perl< tatters 1 .. 1emen1ary or of eelmlnlt- ~~· All~•Y 1 tlleel with the ~nter Dr., West, Santa Ana, brwoll end of election 10 cauM the DALILA MANUFACTURING, t281 Tiiie bullneet 11 coneluctael by· • court within four monthJ Intended Tr11r1aferM(1) tretlon h•ve ~ IMUed. Cou ~ 't'..~ ;,•• C n1y on C A 92701 on Sept. 21 1983 al un<l4nlgned to NII NICI proC*'IY 10 "C'" L<>oen Ave .. Coe1e MMe. CA. llmllad perlnerahlp from the date of finl t.sauanoe

• Publlelleel Orenge Coul Diiiy PllOI All pareona heve cllllm• eo•lnat A n ,V. 1983 o 11/lQt ou 9


A M ' Nlltlfy Miid ot>llQetlona, end ther• 921128 The Wllll•m Lyon Compeny, Vice of le tters 35

provtded In Sec-Se9t 2, 1983. the decedent or en lnter .. t In Mid UO '" · • · efter Ille undenlgned ceuMd NICI Euqulel Remo a , 7 18 $ . Prffk:lent _________ 50_33-3!! __ • 1•11\•enc1whlNnG10 objecl to eue11 P "*'

0 Caul Delly IF YOU OBJECT U> lh• nottce of brMdl encl ol eleetlon 10 Sycamore, Sen•• An•. CA 9270 1 Thi• 11.,_,1wu111ee1 wttn the tJon 700 of the Probate Code

•-.,. NOTM't removel mut t OIYt written nottc:e of P 1 ~~1

28 ~~ 9 18 19113 ting of the petition, you be ,,_deel o-m1>er 1'. 1ff2.. Thie buelnMe I• oonclucteel by. en Coun1y CIWk ol Otenge Coun1y onlof California. The lime for ----"-----·------ euch Objection lo the l*"80l1 or P«· Io ug . . , 4es.~ should either ap._,.,. at the 1ne1r: No. 82~7179 of~ ~ lnellvlduel. Auo ttS. 1983 hJma claim5 will not expire '°"' lnclebleel 10, Of hOlcllno per- . ..-- eotde In'"' Office of lhe Recorder of Ezequiel Ramoe ~ 0

NOTICa °' tAL.a eoneJ Pfoperly °'· '"' '**""'- hearing and state you objec· Of9119t COunty; Thi• ete1emen1wu111ee1 with 111e Publll'*' Orenee Cout oe11y pno r w four months from the ..::::,~'tf.~1111~ Such nottoe mull be ofYln to the PtaJC NOTICE lions or me wrl~ objec- SeiCIMlewlllbem.cM, butwlthout County Cltrll of Orirlge County on Piiot Aug 28. Sep1 2. 9, 18. t983 da~ of the h earing noticed Code of IN Stat I Celltornla the pereon lloldlng lhe 30 DAVS •"" tiona wilh the court before covenen1or-ren1y. •11pt-orkn- Auo. t , 1983. 482e-83 above.

' o • tint poblleallon of Ihle nolloe. Y04.I Af'I IN DIJ'AULT UNOtlft A plied, regardlnQ lllle POIHHlon, or fmlM underalgned, Hwt>or TowtngwtnMll DATED· Auo 5 1983 OHO Off TMllT DAlWD ,,__,the hearing. Your appear· encumbranoee topayttierMminlncl Publlthed Ofenoe Coul Delly -----------1 YOU MAY EXAMINE the ~=!'ni9!'4.r';o1~t~~!i s1onee1: Petricie Sue Coltlne. ex· 11. 1111. UMLlll ;o: TUI •c: anc:e may be In pel"IOl'l or by prlnclCMil eum Ot the oott<•I eecutecl Pllo1 '-UO· 2e, Sept. 2, 8, 18, 1"3. "8.IC NOTICE file kept by the court . If you T-. the 20lh ,._of "·-~t 1983 ecu10f of the E•t•I• of JOlln H. T10N TO ....one:_,.. ~T .. '1'fK» your atwmey. by Mid deecl ot Trwt, with tttt.,. 4714-&3 -mioua ...... ,, are interested in lhe estate

-• ......,.... . • B<oderl lltTV, ITllllAY•.._.. .. ,. IF OU ARE CREDI UlnMidn<M•PfOYICled, edvenoee.lf r,.. - • IN~ eutornoblle(• ). 10 wtt: Publlsheel Orenot eo..1 Deity Pllol UC IA~. • YOU NOD AN U y A • eny. unc»r Ille ttrrN of Miid Deed of P\lll.IC NQJIC( NAMI ITA,.._NT you may serve upon Lhe ex-(~CA IG3AB3TIC3SWl27425 Auo. t9, 2e, Sec>• 2, 1"3. 415~ T10N Of' THm NA~ R or!! conllncent creditor truet. l-. d\lr9f9, endex~of t>u~OllowlnG pereon 11 CIOlng E'<'Utor or admmistraU>r, or

18 Ford 8Kt3f'197539 (720UUMI ~ ~~ ~"::· f the de;cea.aed. you muat file i~ ."!:e«C::: ~~ lndte creetecl ~,,~. DESIG,:-PAVILION. eoo w Cout upon the attorney for lhe ex-CA YIA. your claim with the court or Said ..,. Wit be tM.o on· Frldey The !<*owing '*"'°" I• doing Hwy .~ BMcll, CA 92&83 ecuwr or admuustrator, and

Seid .... le '°' IN purpoee of PtaJC NOJIC( NOT'ICI cw TMJaTU'I IA.Li present il to the penional ~p- S«>tamt>er 1e, 1M3 et 2:00 p.m. ei bv"'- M : Etellat'I FerllOonlenel •k• Elehell file with lhe court w ith proof .. lllf)'lnollenolltleunClenignecltor T.. . ....... resentative appointed by the Ille Chernpen A-- entrence IO COSTA MESA GOLD BUVERS. Ehtemen. 10381 St11 .. Ave., •206, f . est 1owlfl9 end lltorege, t()Q9tltet wttfl ~~ ':: :uc:r:~~~o":'~ NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN, lh•t urt within four mon ths tr.. CIYiC een1 .. Bulldlng, 300 Eeal eee w t9111 St .. Cati• M .... CA. Fountlln Vlllley. CA 92708 ° ~rv1.c.:~ a wndt~,n ~~· coet• ol ed""1lalnQ encl •llPln- of D on September 22. !983 •• 10:00 e.m. c~ A~. 0renoe. CA. 92827 Areleten Ehlemem. 10381 S1a1er atatµtg u ... t you .,...re st""' .... Mia. IO. t•. UNLlll YOU TUI AC· of NICI Clay, In the room " t Midi for from the date of first 1-uance Al the time ol the Initial publl· Glenn V«dull JC>Mph, 1803 Chen· Ave , •206, Fountain Valley. CA. n o t ice of the filing o f an in·

O.te: Aug. 3 t . tae:I J •• ..._ ~ W ::~Tt :=: conductlno Truet .. ·• s ..... within I letters u provided 1n Sec- cation of ltll• notice. 1111 101111 •~. Anaheim, CA 92604 92708 ven tory and appra111ement of .,_ ,.._ .:. .. .•• YOU ••o ... u Ille officee of REAL ESTATE SE· tion 700 o f the Probe~ Code einoun1 of Ille unpaid belence of the Thlt bull,_ I• conelucieel by· en Thie bualnMt 11 conclucteel by •n ta~ ( th ti

Publllfled Orenoe Coal Dally Piiot UC - • CURITIES SERVICE loulecl • • 2020 Th OC>lioetlon MCUf.0 by the e1>0W 0.- lncll\/ldulll. lnCIMCluel es assets or 0 e pe • Sec>1 2. 1993. "-ANATIOM °' THI NA~°' North Broedwey. s;,n. 208, 1n o! Caillornl.a. e time ~or tcri6ed deecl of trwt end •llmatecl Glenn Vere1u11 Atdlll•n Ehlemem lio ns or accounts mentioned _________ 4&_26--83_ THE PltOCU°':°~~T u":I· C11yotSenteAne.Countyol0t.,., filing c launs. will not expare -'' · expen- . enc1 edvenoM Tiiie ••••-• wu Ried With 111t Thlt •••t_,t wu tlleel w1111 '"' ll\ Secuon 1200 and 1200.5 of

P\llJC NOTICC =. aHOUL.D A • 11•t• ot e.ittornle, AEAL ESTATI: prior to four months from the Sl22,495.19. County a.rtt 01 O.enge County on County Cltfll ot Ofanga County on the Califorrua Probate Code NOTlCI °' TRUITll'• IAU SECUAITIES SERVICE . • Celllorn4e le of the heartna noticed The IOlal Indebted- belt'O .,., Auo 1. 1983. Aug 11, t883 .

NOTICI TO CMDITOftl ca<porallon. •• duly appointed ••lmete on wllldl the openlno b1c1 le 1'"221111 P'122711 M A G O L E N 1 a d T.S . No. '*I Trutl" uneltt lll1d pursuenl 10 the above. compuled ~ be obtlllned by call- Publleneel OrlnQI Coul Delly Publlsheel Orange Caul Delly

OI 9UU: ~ft NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN, thll l>OWt( of .... conferred In 1ha1 ctr· YOU MA Y€XAMINE the tng 937.otee lhe Cley before the Pllol Auo. 28. Se91 2, 9, 18, 1983. Pllol AUQ. 28, Sept. 2. 9. 16, t983 WENKER IS-. 8101·8 107 U.C C.) oo TllUraeley, Sept 22. 1983 11 lO:OO teln Deed ot Tru11 execulecl .... {IJ k t b th urt tf y ui. 4883·83 4674·83 800 Finl Str~l

Hallee le lweby glwn to the Ctedl· e m of aald Cley In lhe room Mt v 1 e ep Y e <.'O • OU · C ·~of ALFRED J p LANDRV AND Uld• lot cone1'uct1no TrutlM'• STUART L PARKER, . married men aJ'~f'l'!ted In the. eat.ate Delee!: Auguet 8. 1983 T 0 Sef. Loa ADteles, A . toOU MARGARET LANDRV AN D LINTON Satea. within 1he offlcet Of REAL ES· ~~~~~~·~:es:~· yoO ~-Rrve upon tbe ex~ ¥1Qe.;;;peny f'talC NOTICE P\8.JC N0Tte£ (!13) 4 t · l880 G VORWERCK ANO MILDRED J TATE SECURITIES S ERVICE. offlceoflhe County R~or~ ol aalCI ...... tor o r adrrunlstntor or : Vldll ~~Int .... TTTIOU. - ·--·· .,.IC ........... -··-·· Published Orange Coast VORWERCK Tref>afetora. whoM loceleel el 2020 Nor111 B<oadway. . ~w • 'f • ..,.... rn. - - r ,.,...,.,. -- n...J p ·1 Se 2 3 g !983 horneeelelr-tt 7Vlll1ty\llew Cl1yof Sull• 206. In 111e City of Sen•• An1, Coumy, u R41c:oreler • lnerurnenl upon lhe atU>rnry fo r the e.x· Asaitlenl Sec:tatary NAm ITAn•NT NAMI ITAT'fWNT ....., Y ILOt p l • · • lnrint, County of Otenge. Stet• Of County or Orenga. •l•te or Cell · No 82.022t29e. by reeaoo of • ecutor or adrrunlstralOr, and OneCltyBoulevere1w .. 1 Tiie lotlowino PtBOO• ere e101no Tiie ro11aw1no par~ I• <1o;no 50 12 ·83 C&lltornle tllel 1 bultc lren11., ia lornla REAL EST ATE SECURITIES breach ol <lefeull tn peymenl ol I*'· Ora1191. CA 92ee8 business 11 bus1neu H abOut lo be med• lo HASAN ALI SERVICE 1 Celltornte corporeuon. lorrnenoa ol lllt obliQellorll MCUred file with the court Wllh proof (714) 1135-8288 REPUBLIC PRINTING CORPOR· ROCK OF AGES. 3 170 Pullmen ANO HAS AN ELWIR Tren1t•- u e1u1y appo1niee1 Trust .. underend :ha;et>,r· •:ue1:no~91 1lreec:ll Ofc:;of !ll'tv1ce, a wnu~n ~uest Pub11lhecl Of.no- Coawt Delly ATION. 1401DoveSlrMl.Sune&e6. ~ 1 . •117 Co111Meu CA 92628 PUBLIC NOTICE WhOM home eel<I- 11 4203 Liv• pursuant 10 111e pawer of .... con· ~u 1· 23 °1 9~ wn ~" !-;a' a ta Ung that yoU'destre special Pato1 AUQ 28 s.c>1 2 8 1983 Newp0t1 Buell. CA 92680 Ml<:h•• I O. Gren1 91• t Five c"' • t11 Oek City of Arceella. Coun1y o f Or· 1em1C1 1n 111a1 C41<1eln OMCI or Tru1t •Y 1 N ·


83•2 ::614 w:tr ;E~~·~ n otice of lhe fl Una ol an in· 485 l ·83 Republic Warren1v CorpofetlOrt. Herbora. Hu'111ngton Beach, CA vou ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A ange, Slate of Cellfornla ellecuteel by MlchM4 J Weg,,..- , .. men o · • 1401 Dove SlrMI, Suite 8tS8. N-· 92848 DEED OF TRUS'T DATED F«>Nery

fhe proper1y to be lrantftrrtel 11 corded November 4 1980 tn 8ooi. PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGH· ventory and apprawement of porl Beec:n, CA 92ee<l TMt buamau '' conelu<:leel Dy en 20. t9110 UNLESS YOU TAKE AC-CIMCrlbtel In Olf*lll ... All 11oc1t 1n 13820 01 0 111c111 Ri.c0te1i 01 u1<1 EST B 1D1D~t!! .j~~ c:,s~. l•wtul estate assets o r o f the peli· •-.,. NOTICE T1111 bus•Mu 11 conducted by • 1nellvidu11 TION TO PROTECT YOUR PROP-1rede. fl,llU' ... equipment and OOOCI Counly, •• pege 1532 RecOfelet'• In· "':.·~ cllaei< Clrtwn on·:: ... : c! lio ns o r account.a mentioned n-·""' corpotlllOn MICllMI 0 Grtnl ERTY IT MAV BE SOLD AT A PUB· Wiii of lhat . Retell Pe09ott-s ... 1trurnel'I No • 3e9 by reuon ot • Sec 1200 d 1200 5 f T J Aa hl• y Ex e cutt •• TlllS · ··•-t WU lll9CI Wllll IOI llC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLA-0-el lJCetlM •21-''94t t>usf.. breacll or e1ereu11 in peyrnen1 or I*'· nellonel benk. • ••••• or tederel In uon an o NOTICE OF DEATH OF \t1oe, Pret1Clen1 Coun1y Cterl< or Ot•noa County on NAT tON OF TliE NAT URE OF THE ,_. known u " M & M LIQUOR" tormanca of lhe obllQetlon• aecureel creelll unooft. 01 • 91• 11 01 1= the California PT'obete Code. L E O N A R D T . T1111 11uemen1 wu llled wtlh the ~ug t8 1983 PROCEEDING AGAINST vou. vou encl located 11 811 N FeltYleW Clly 111e<et>v, 1ncluellnQthal brNC11 0<<* .. ~~ 1~ •=~:=ii the WllH1m S . Ct ttll C AR UTHER S, aka L .T . County C~tc ot Orenoa County on Of eoa:~~ SHOVLDCONTACT A LAWYER of Sen•• Ana, COUnty or Otenge. leull , Nolloe of which Wll recoreleel "'"' or ..... it right tllle Ind Z7H No. Mahl St . c allUTRERS _ .. _ .. RED" July 21. 1...,3 Publlllled •not 1 -· Sl•I• of CaMfornle. October 15 198 1 •• R«:orelet'• In· . f . " • -- '22tfle Pllol Auo 28, Sec>t 2. 9 . 16, 19~ NOTICI Of' T'lllUlTIFI IALI

The bulk lret\tler will be conaum· 11rumen1 NO 14258 of Officlel Re- lnler•t held by 1'- u ru•••, In lh•I Saata Aaa, CA. tt7tl CA R UTHERS AND OF Pvblltheel Or•rt0• Cout Delly 4851·83 IJNDEft OUD OF TRUST m••ed on or '"" Ille 22nd dey of cord• of H id County. et pege 118, :~ ~~~r."J.!~~= 1~ ~~~nt> tSl-31811 PETITION TO ADMINIS. Pllo1 Auo 28, Sept 2 II , t8, 1983. TF NO 84454 s.c>1ern1>«. 1983 •I tO:OO A.M. •! Recorelef' t lnerurnenl No. 20684, TllOM Portion• 01 Loi 1 01 Trect Published Orange C.OUt TER ESTATE NO. A · llHt7 433&-83 P\8.IC NOTICE Loen No 4t9809 LEASEHOLD ACTION ESCROW INC .. elln. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 9280 lrtlheCll)'oflrvlne UP«rntip Daily Pilot Sept 2 3 9 1983 NOTICE I• hereby given lh•I SER-M.ntyn ~ • ..._ eel· TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR llleel in Book 378 PeoM 33 to 34 • .' ~2g.aj To all hell'I, benefkiartes P\llUC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH 9F RANO RECONVE'l'ANCE COM· Cir- 1' &40 N. Tuitltl Ave . Suite CASH. lewtul '"°"'! 01 lhe Untied lnclualve 01 M~• Mec>e'. c r.dltors and oontlngent NADINE EREMENltO PANV • Clllttornte Co<port1lon u IOI , Sent• Ana.

927os. e.ittomla. St•••. or• cun1er' ct1tCk drewn Recore1eotlllldeounty delellbeclln ~· f L..v"\.NARD T NOTICE OF DEATH OF STU•IJE AND OF PETI 1""11• · °' - '"""•· °' TM! Ille IMt date tor flllng cllllnl In on• '1•1• or netlonel bank , • 1111' Percele .. IOltowl · "8JC NOTICE u_.ton O s:AJ • a • eubllltuled trullt• punuenl 10 Ille the.cr- reterreel to ""-"'"S.- or feel«el crecll1 union. or •11e1a or PARCEL t · Unit 35 .. ellown end c:AilUTHERS, aka L .T . MAJllLYN W. MEAD AND TION TO ADMINISTER ES- Deed or Trvat uecuteel by J EAN M lember 21, IHS lederel aavlng• encl loen eMOCiellon cleecrlbtel In Ille Condominium Plen NOTICE OF DEA TH OF ~· aka "RED" OF PE11TJON TO ADMIN· TATE NO. A· 11 Htl RUOICHU~. A SINGLE WOMAN end

Soter•l9known1ott1eTr-. C10mtclled ln1h11ate1e, ellpaye1>1ee1 ' ISTER EST a TE NO . · Rec«deel Mwct131HO 1n Boo1I ,.,_, 1111 bull,_ n- Ind ed· the "'"' 01 ..,., ell r\Qhl , lltle end racora.d on A:'f"'1 3, 11178· In B<><* Leslie Evua AND OF PETI· and penona " • • To all heirs, benef'?arles. 13520 p n 1 lneirumeni No 344 elf- uMCI by the Trentfet0f1 toi Inter•• held bylt, u TruetM, In tllel ~11~ ~t~ ::0 ~:,,'::'~ TION TO ADMINISTER ES- w may be 1 otherwise A·llt711 . creditors and continge nt ot 0111c1a1~e1e 1n tl!Jotflceot the the PNt th,.. YM'I ere: SAME real properly 11tuete In NICI County Seplemt>er 24, 1878, tn Book 11eoo. TATE NO. A· ll t7H in ted 1n will and/or To all benellclariea, c red Ito re o l NADINE County Recorder of C>fenge Coun1y, Thie bullc trlll\llfer 11 .ub)eet10 Cell· end Slate, C!Merlbecl u 10110'#9: Lot Pege 1000 Of Offlc1lll Rlcofel• of T all h lt'I benetldarl . ltol"I contingen EREMENKO STUKKIE and Celtfornle. ene1 pur9Ulllll to lhe No-IO<nte Uniform Commerelel CO<le 34, Trllct ese2. Book 271, Paget Mid COUn . 0 e • ea., . :..1 YN llOe Of o.taun end Electlon to Sell Section 110&. 23-25, lnduelve of M~ PARCE't 2. An unCllYICl•CI cr~ltoni and contingent A pedtion been ._ W . pel"90na who may be other· thereunder ,_<ltd AptY 21. 1983 O.ted: August 22, 1"3 Mec>e. In the office ot NICI County of on..for1y·nlnlh (11481 lflt«-1 • • c:rediiora of Leslie Evans and b y John C Jn the who may wile ln~rested in the *ill In 8oolt NIA 1n11rumen1 No. HASAN All Otenge. tenenl In c;ommori In tne IM lntw"'1 penons who may be other· -""'-,._.:.of lnwrested in and/or esi.te: 83-177263 of NICI Offic:lal Aeoorelt .

• HASAN ELWIR The l lrMI Mklr- or other In Ind I Ille .. of Miid ••• m ~...,. .....,..., -·w· •1 has 11..- fil-' will SELL on September 18. tH3 II Tten9fer- comon cleelgNllon of'"',.., PfoC>- Lo1 enel ~rllCI .:::on..:, le°""*' wbe inttt"eSt.ed 1n the ,... ... ty reqUfttina ,.,._ . . A pe-.tion un:n ..... 0 15 AM at THE FRONT EN-Publltheel OfWIQll Cou1 Delly Piiot ttty ti.relnebove CIHc,lbeel I• In '"' Attklle entltled "Deftntllone" and/or esiate: Cr.n be a aa A hM been Wed by BERNARDS. STUKKIE TRANCE TO THE OLD OAANGE Sept. 2. 1983.

4986-«3 purported lo be" 1883 New Hamp. or •he Oederellon of Covenenle. A petition hu ~ filed re ~ '° 0 N . MILLICAN in the Superior Court o f Qp. c o u N T v co u R T H Ou S E .

etllreOffle, Cotte~.Ceitlomle. Condition• end Reelrlotlon1 ~ bv Pamela Evans Gallacher f the Coun of Qr. ~CountI ~eating that LOC ATED ON S ANTA ANA The underllQMCll'l«•bydlllCl•lm• a.d J ly 29 11178 I Book ~ state 0 ' ~ ..... . BOULEVARD BETWEEN

P\8.IC NOTICC 1111 llablllly for eny lncorrectnwa In ~830 ~ 793 io 844 l~kJllW ln the Superior Court of Or- O T . Y requesting u ... t G D · S be SYCAMORE STREET ANO BROAO. NOTICI TO CMDITOAI ulel '''"' llelelr- ()( 0111« com- of 0 11ki111 Record• of ...;, COUrtty ange County requestfna th.at (under the M NlCA MILLICAN be appointed as penonal rep· WAV, SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA •t

Off euut ~AND '"°" dMIQn•llOn. (Ille "Oeclerellon"l end eny lmend: Pamela Evans Gallacher · Uon appoln u personal rep- reentatJve to administer the l:bllc euc11on, 10 the lll0,,..1 blClo.. °' .....-.moN TO TRANIPIR _;::,,~Ap(W:.:1:pfa:. :=~ men1111;,e;~~-ERE~ROM appointed u pereonal e petition rnent.ative \()administer the est.le 0 f NA 0 I N E : =~·1 ~he.·::- ~~= ALCOMOUC •Yl"-'OI tno 1111e. poeMUlon. or encum· m.:rC: • . al\CI 01'* hye1::C::.: retentative to adrnl.nisier In Dept. No. eata.w of

1 MARILYN W . EREMENKO STUKKIE St•l•I e11 r1g111 , 1111e, encl 1n1..-1.

~ brencee. 10 Mlltty •he prtnclplll bel- belOW • deplh of 500 feet without esta~ of Leslie Evans ( Center Dr MEAD, (under the lndepen- (under the Independent Ad· conveyec:I to end now held by ft

1,!:;';, ta~ ": '"~!h~ ence of the NOit °' 01'* 6bl1Q• tlon the rlQllt ot surlece en1,Y, .. r• lhe lndepe~t A CA 9270i dent Adm.iniatration o f F.a· ministration o f FAtatet Aet) . under Hid CIMd 1n ,,.. PtoPtrt'f lltu· llcanM I bou1 MCUreel by NICI DMCI ot Truat , wit _.Ytld In lnetrwnenta of Record .,__ • \ates Act) ~ titi . aet Th ••tJ la f h•a..i .. n eted In Ml<I County encl S111' end

beWregt • • • 10 "' ln18' .. l •nd other 1Um• .. provtdeel EXCEPT THEREFROM ell uftcMr· tration of c.etalAl!ll A.ct). at 9 :30,A.M . . . pe on 14 e pe .. on set or ---... '!' deecrlbeel u IOll()oQ =-:,,:: c:'~~~:;~ ~~ tllerel. n; plu• •Clvenoee, If eny. u oround .... , .... tylllg below. depth petition la lt'l for hearinl d'l' for he9f'inl In Dept. No. 3 at in Dept. No. 3 at 700 CIVIC A LEASEliOLD ESTATE IN A. ND TO· tocaleel et 1900 WMI Belboll Blvd .. the '"'"' ll1tr.at •nel lnttt"t on ot 500 '"' from the 1Url- of Mid Dept. No. 3 at 700 Ci '°1 700 qvic.' Center Dr .. West, ~nter Dr .. West, Santa Ana. All of 111e rtgnt. 11t1t Mt••• and City of Newpor1 8"ch, County ot =~ eelv!~~ .. · •• ~~.!lu'c,1 '':· land. but w1111ou11he rlQllt of 1Urt- ~nter Dr .. West, Santa .... Sania~, CA 92701 on SEP· CA 92701 on Sept 21. 1983 al 1n1~M1 WhlOh tru11or m1y now heve Of'enot, Stat• Of Cellfoinla 82e&3. Truaf:'~ne1 ot the 1ru111 c1•teel b enlryel · " conleln«f In Deed• 01 ,. CA 92701 on Sept 28 1983 ~- TEM 28. 1983 al 9 :30 9 :30 A .M . or '"'Y "" .. "" llQQull'e In 1"!!. owb·

N.'".. Of Tr.n. rerore end eor · • A M OU on,_....,. h t-•n ~-.--.. ..... •t•I• cr .. 1- v NICI Oeecl of Trull!. The lolel emoun PARCEL 3. Non-exelvt1Y9 ..... 9 :30 A .M . . , lF Y °"~, to t e ~~;;' .._ ,_<*t ~ ~ -:r::::VFAA~~ of Mid obllO:f'· l~uellno ~ men11 over eue11 proper1y ellO ror IF YOU OBJlX:T to • IF :ill OBJECT to the granting o f the petition, you vember 3 1K5 111 Bodi 7728. Peet A. UR31NI. 1803 Hummlrt0blrel ~.:·:;~~ T::i .. :o;: llmal'-• tuCll purooeee, ell U IUCll - antina of the "°'tJUon y &r&nli the petition . you should ei the r appear at lht' 850 In Of!ici.i recorOI In the offtoe of Ofl\'t Coate MtoM. CA 92128 SS ,,_. . ' menla '1• Cleecflbecl In lhe Metlorw • .., r- ' our ap • . ·'d l th h I d b "'- ll'it Counly Record« of NICI county. •~30-7285. MICHALE PO TOMA, Initial pu1>1tce11on or Ihle Nottoe. ent llleel .. UtlMt._ .. ··s.111-11 and h ol.lld either appear It t b '"' er appear a e ear ng an si.te you o ,..... . lnclv<l•no 900ll 1nteres1 Whlc:ll may be

1803 HunvnlnQl>lfel 0\-lve, Cot•• 16,2&5 5I Enctoecttrnenl" encl ··eommon ArH h earing and eta~ you ob. non ° Y hearin& lta\e you obJeC· tions or file wntten ob,ec:-- ICQulreel under '"°" cer11in 0911on ......_ CA. 112e2e n#ntt, 10C111 ... ~~~ erf~rf'ric~~rT~S SER· EeNfMlll" of '"! Art~lt ot '':':'Dec· tlons or file written ob t.1ons o r wnl\en o bjec· u ons wit~ the court before PfOYlllon• "' 10<111 lhertlfl encl c»-c:;urlty nuMber encl bull/flea ectelr .. a VICE .. Tt1191M larellOfl tttlltleel EltlerMftll t 'o" • with the rou.rt bef A CREDI· uona e court before. the heanna. Yo ur appear· ml-the rMI property Cleecrlbecl .. ot lnttlldeel Tr-.nlf«- lnelvellno . PARCEL .. No!HIXCIUtlvt - • .... y ... .b lollo'#t" . z1p code. we: SHANTI s DEWAN. By. o . J . Morger menl• '°' ov•r euch property •n<I for the hearing. Your ap pnl creditor the · o ur appear- ance may be In penon or Y PARCEL 1 Lo121 ot Trect NO. 6791. 253 Cemlno Arroyo, Anllhtlm. CA =) ~ ":;:;::,.,': P~~ •uch purPQMt It tucll euemenfa ance may be 1n person or you piuat file ~ In person or by your attorney In 1he City ol Newpor1 e..c:n COunty auo1 s s •011-4&·90e3, RENU Sent• Alie CL 92708 · · 11ee1Mcrlbed 1nlheMC'llonun111i.cs your attorney the court o r your a y .. lF YOU ARE A C REDI· 010<enoe St•l•Of Cellf0<nla , u P« DEWAN. 253 Cemlno Arroyo , (7141 8~10 ··OwMf'• Right• and l>utlet. Ut11111M IF YOU .. 0 E " CREDI ............ t ~n. CF ARE A CREDI· TOK o r a conunae nl creditor maprecoreleel In 8ook 212 P90M32 "'**"'· CA. 92907. ANAND S Of end Ceble T ...... ltllOft", "Utllll..... n.n " • ~·-- ,. . '"' lo 36 lnClutMI ol mt~ DEWAN 253 c em•no Arrtzyo. Publiefleel ~ C:O..t "SuPOO<I end Satltemenl". "En- TOR or a conungenl creditor led b y the R conungenl creditor o f the deceased. you ml.Ill hJ~ mapt. •n the Otfic:• of tl'it COl.lftl)' Al'IW?lelm, ~" 921.07. s _s Piiot Sept

2· 9· 18· 983 croac11men1" 9/lel_'.'Communtty Fe- oLlhe..deceued you toU&l within four months f the a.aed. you must me your claim With lhe court o r recorder 01 .. 1e1 coun1; • t3t-61-t908, NIVEOIT,. DEWAN. cllTt1" Ee""*'l~f1he Art felt tttll· c' - ' - with the t'OUl't or the di~ of Cl.rel 1-ua.n<'e your c wnh the court b r prnent it to the N>nonaf rl'p- PARC!l '2 A non ... ~ _. 253 cenwoo Arroyo Anaheim CA Pt&.IC NOTICE lied "E....-nenlt 1n tllt Deeleretlon your "'""" 1 h n.aJ ,... men1 '°' "'II'"' a nd •or•n 12807 ' ' o r Covtnllflll end Condl110ft• resent at to the pef'llONIJ rep- Jett.en u provided In Sec- pt'"l!nt t to l e perao rep- retent.allve appointed b y the t11rauonou1 Loi 105 9')l)UttttlMll110

Tatel con11111er111on 10 be paid 1or 'ICTITIOUI MlllNlll R .. 1r1e11on1 reeoreleel on June . resentalive appointed by the ' n 700 of the Probate Code nc-eeni.tive appolntt'd by the roun within four months u ld IOll to Trec:t No 67M. u P« the P'oC*tY CIMc:flbeel. 1n gen41re1. Nllm nATl•NT 1978, In 800k 111ee. Peoe •20. ol coun wllhln four month.I <Ali61>1nia: T~ U.me for rt . ~thin tuur months from the date of first ia9ua~ mep rtCOl'ded 1n Book 212. Peoea:S.2 ::i ::::J1

!:.·d:U,:w."::,u;: rtte ro110W1ng i->n• .,, e1a1 ~~~~~~eo~.d~.~~~.~~~~- ~~ from \he date o f first mua.nce na:t; will not Hplre from the date of first luuance o f lcmen as proVlded ln Sec· ~~~ .~~,.."~:! ;'~ llcerwe 111213,000 00 bu=N~ON INT E~NA TIONA ernenelment• lh«atO of letters u provided ln &c--~ otlt,\OOj'thl from the of letters .. provided In Sec· lion 700 o f the Probate Code ~-of Mid QOUnty.

1 penone1 Cfltek4tO,OOO oo CONSULTANTS 1656 M ... v . ., The 11r .. t eddr ... or 01111r t1on 700 of the Probue Code te o tA' hHring notlced tlon 700 o f the Probl~ Code o f California. The ume foe Propetty lldOf- 11 putpOt1edly 2 demenCI "°'--to be·~ 1n Oftve Ea• •tH Cott• Me9a CA comon OM!gnetJon of"",.., ~ of California The dme f of c.lifom1a. ~ time for f iling claims wW not nplre 111nown ee: 2245 VIII• Huen ........

QHh through H Qrow tol•ll · m2' . . erty llttllln•bov• deeorlb9d la . • 1111-.. •-1 Ill n.ot u ... 1 ... .....,,. f ·'-- f th port 9Mctl, Cllllfoornle t2MC'. Tiie tno· li3.000J>O .....,.. Rowe 3101 VlllOMl purpor1ed 10 be: 17 Clover. tmne. flllnc daiml will not ex YOU MA y EXAMINE the ...... ,. c .. "" w .,.. .. ,.. • ...,r to our monu"' rom e tote1 fllmOlln1 of the unpe6d .,.....

1 1nt1111Ment not•. ~ •- °"""'· eo.t• MtM, CA ~ea. Glllltomi.. prior to four monthe from the lciep• by the mun., lf you prior'° four months from the date o f the ™iartnc not.Iced °' the ot>11Q1t1on MC11Keel by 1t1e mem _, uce-1 llnwlnO ••••• J- F Meaot1 1556 The~tieraoydlaclellN ~te of the Melin& nodced · - lntneated In the w1e datt! of 1he hffri!li noticed abow. ptopeny 10 be eo1c1 end, _ _.. ment 1n tavor 01 Miter n•••· ¥ de°'""' &at •tH Cott• .,..., eM Meblllty for eny lnQor*IMM Ill - ~ • above YOU MA y EXAMINE~ •tln\eled coete. ':f:': end Id- •

~==to.,. ,,_.,eel er1CI c~,:~~ la ~ducted by· = =-~n:'.!~ Ot' other com- ·~ou MA y EXAMINJ: \be =-=-~ ~:.::S:..'i!: ': YOU MA y EXAMINE th• file kept by tM C®M. lf YoU oetton :. \Mtt!~: ~~:t -~ wr. <>n-·a. a- enc1 wine oenerel l*'ntnnlt>. · hlO .... <111111 be meoe wttttout rue kep• by the coun. 11 you upon the atklnW)' for~ 0 . tUe kept by ~court. U you are lntel'ftted In the estate, 111.tM.41 • uo.n. No. 4 t-t03071 J-" ...._, werrenty, •~orlmptted, regwel· ~ lnleftSted tn the tMa1e . ~·~ and are lnwl'9t«I ln the Ht.ate, you may MrV• upon the ex· Only currently d•ted Ce.Ill!«•

T?le .... end,,..-., wlll be OOtl- Thie tll1emel't .. Ned wftll lnO '""· J)OllllllOll, OI ~ • ecutor or ..,. • • ... _ _ ... _ ,_,. OMck• °' c.rtlfl9d °**• .,. -...wnatec1 M tO A.M ot10tIller111t Coun •Cleftt of c> eoun bf..-. to Mttlfy IM ptllldpel 1*- you may .erve upon lbe U • fU. wt th court with proof you rnay serve upon .. "" 4tX• tcUtor or ll<IJl1&08l.faU>r, or c;etttflecl 10 ""' Tn1e':,iC~ tOtll I»/ o1 Octooer t~. " 1ne Auel ?e tN3 .,.. 'Y anoe of 1t1e Hot• or°'"" ~llon ec:utor or adft\lnl.ltntcr or of M'fVlce a writi.n ~Ulll ecutor or administrator. or upon w attorney for the ex• P'OC*' ldentlllo9tton It eaor- °"*1"*" ot e..11 &Qtow • • • aacur.i by NICI Deed °' Trvtt. wt1tt upon the attornc'Y fot ~ex· at.a" .... ~t you del&re apedal upon the attome)' foe th• ex- erutor or admlnlatrator, and leld Mia • be medle. ~ 'll4tMul IMerpNel lne .• at 506 N Tuetii\ P\IOllatled Otenoe C099t tnttttlt end°""' - .. PfcMded -.1-•-'--- and -• eanor or ldmlnlltrator and flle with the court with proof COY9l*ll Ot wwrenty . ...,..... °' ""'° ,..,. , '411t• teO. Sent• AM 92706, Piiot ~ 28 SeQt. 2 9 te l"3. tlMlrM; P4Ut tdltencet. If lllf'f, under CC\&'°1" or ...,nu_ ... ~:_, no\lil» of th& fllinl of an l,n.. fl.le with •he cow1 with ;........,.f f ,_ writ'- ,_,uett plied t90*dln0 1H1t, po 11111 ' o • 0t ~ • ' · 4aa..63 111e 1em11 ''*'°' and Int« ... ot1 f ile with the court wlU1 ~-.. ~"°" ..act apprallemlmt of .- - o eerv ... ..,, • .... · --. ~branaet, 10 Mtlst'f ""' ..,.. ""°''*~,,_end ae1. •uch edven~. •no otut ..... o f .. ~ 1 wrttlen ~ · ot of the -d of aervtce, • written request ata.tlna that you dealttapedal M«>•eel,_. eecur.o by 'lid o..o,

.,_ UMd b)' '"' TreMferor• c;haroe•. end e.pen ... Of t~ a•··•na• ... ~tyoud-•-·-'•' ~~~...,... . , !".:....;ai.tJnathatyoudettftapedal not1"9 of the flllng o f tm In· lfte1UCll"Qltlefwell<le•-.a41M

........, ""'PM' mr... .,_,,to,.,.. Tr~" •nel of tllt truet• c:r•ted by - ..... .,.., ~., ._ ...... Cit MalUntl men__.. •1 f ... _ fill f l . f '""' .. end ot the trutl• Ol9ltecl by 11 etnown to,,,. Trent•-• er• 111 1lllelo..do1Tru1t. TlletotlllM'OUnt notice of •he filina of an In· ln 8ec:Uon l200 and 1200. ~ nou<ll! 0 .. .., tlC 0 an n- ven\Oryand apptalRrnen• o Mid o.ed. advencee 1nereundlr • .... out .. _ .. , If.Ml for Ad Action °'Niel ot1"0111on, 1nchlellno ,_,, wntoty and apprm.ment of dw CalilornJ.a Probllie Code ventory and appra~t of et\.l'-t MMt.a or of lhe peli · wtth in-.t .. .,,~ tNtt*I. '""'*1* .- 111e1 111e oon· •bly .. 11mei.o i..a. ellWOOM •nel ••· atait ... u Cit of the pet.I· "tale wt.a or of th• peti• tlona or attOIU\ta mentioned end '"' unpeAO OMdPel at IN note

.... 8'iotl '°' IN ,,.,.,..., of the pene9 of ttle Trwat ... . , I lle time of •• ..___. IR UC It ll ll AN z a lions or a«OWU.I mentioned In SecUon 1200 and 1200 ~ of eecurecl by Mid OMCI .itll "*'-' ~ er"1 "" **- 11 10 bt Cal \t lnlt lel publlcllllotl Of Ihle ~lot. II wON or llC.'C'OW\l.a m.n.-_.. PERRY ' , a~•- 1200 and l200.. f ... _ "·llf u......... ,..:_._ t'*'"" M Pf~ Ill Mid NIM. peld .,.., .,,. °"*1IMl'll ot A.I- • 121.Ht.t• In Sec-Uon 1200 and 1200.5 of tn ..,_.\A1n .~ o u..:.... omla .-rvuew -.-.... 1>e1ec1. AMIUlt a. 1M3 OOt101C e.-eee COtltr01 11ae ep. Dai.t AuOuet 24, 1M3 ~ Call fom.la Probai.. c.ode. ay: ALAN N. O'&AIN, l!:SQ, the Califom.la ProbeMt Code. J• M. GH\.lf... s~HO "f~AHCI COM-. r,.-:o tN ,,.,._, '""""' DJv Plot MAL UfAT'I llOU"'flll Hf'. Jam• ll. NaeO.UW 0.. N~ Plaft, Ta&ai DANIEL A.. VEIUtUR 1 •1et MatAr•r Blv4., Jr4 """ ..d.~'M3 _, V'S.f..!!~~".1:,gw, ft•~ Utll ea.,...... ,_, UH ...... , ·~,. s.1 .. au,, .. , ~:IAWWWi•~:.

.,_, Potort1• M).VIS(I ~1Nclf1l lroedfty. sun. 20I, MIH ... VleJo1 CA. tUH Ne_,.rt a.d, CA. ..... C"" M ... , CA. tHH lrvlH, CA. Htl6 ft~.m1 8'l#ltl e o.wan r.J2 56"8 lent•~ n 7oe (tit) Slf·litt ' (714) H'""fl ('710 UMSU f7UI H\.1111 H M fl T11.111Me =:,c::;. ~Detty Pll01 V" • f 1 ~ ~ COlltl DlllY Publtahed Oranp 0-t Publilhtd ~ Cout P\.tblllhed Otan,\' C.t l'ubliJht<d Oral'\ll' °*' Pub:.t:,og:!!e. ~ ~·PllOI .. "· '* PllOI ,..,.. 2 . • • 1•. 1t1a o.uy Pilot Sept. 2. a. e. 1ea 0at1y Pnot s.pl."(· . a. 1M3. o.aly Pt10! St-pt 1. 3. 9. t983 0a11~ pj101 Sc-pl 1. ~ e. 1ea:1 ~uo " s.o• , • '*

• • S03•~ • ,. 5007·13 • , ~ 6027·13 '\"~-83 4090-H3 c 49"17 H:l • , ~.a_,


Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Sept. 2. 1983 Ca

....... la1t "J l-.utl ier Lit 1::;.;=..=..=;......_ .............................. ___ ...... ftr la1t .. lalt ....,. ...... r ...... iduahW ~ ... ua!.M ..

....... l"Jlc...raJ IOU Ctrtaa ..... , ·IOU C..11.... 1114 l..,!rt ..... 1Mt ~ .... fl 2111 la.... QM lt!J!rt ltac~ mt mm~iiiiii~•iii:::'iiiiiiiiiiii~~--iijjjjji;ji\iii~~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.iHarbor View duplex. IPT•TlllU By Owner. 19341 Port it188/mo. Y«Yleroe28f 41Br(2 muten) 2b• end Nr Udo~ I o..cn 2

l'LL SHOW YOU MIN• ILE Owner. '385.000. Bat Neet lilean 2 Br -+ derl Provence. HV Monaco, 3 2'A 81. Newport Cr•t unit twnhle. pluth new Br ramuy rm nlC"A patio

I, YOU'LL SHOW Ml YOU,RSlll LllO I buy In Cdm 8" 8--00te home. qui.t It Incl. RV Br 2 91, meny upgradee, Condo, cornpllly Nrn. 2 cpt , 2 Clll ger. 2 pool1. Nr dbl gar w/~rm & leun:

- acceai 5 1,.5 000 Chuck move-In cond. 1235,500. car oer~. w/d, ~· new emphl theeler . dry SOSO/mo llllO evall Bayfront single stL>ry 3 Br 2 Ba. beam ceilings. MUI•. am YllW Spiller


6S1-1'2ee . 75t-7aa.. 720~~ apa. tenn I eourt•. Ull $825/mo, 088· 1518. furn. 213/ S3t - t383 :


spacious terrace, pier & slip. $1 .250,000 2gg:1~~:~. ~°c!~3:~ ~~~: • OIAIMIM Ull UY .;a·:::r ·~J-llH circle 1h11 3-4 Br d .. 1,_81_3_.o_~------S539.000. 217 Jeemlne. OAPf Oii Ttft•I .. 11alde locel modern llr 3 Br, 2 bl, frplc, yrly AvaJI

&yfront 6 ba 7 'Ii bd.nn, Villa on wide lot. Acron f rom swimming beoch with fabulous pool , spa, dock for l20' yacht. $4,850.000.

boy view. The kids ore grown ond gone, Will trod. for smoller home o r sell Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. nn ..

beam ceillngll. fWTUShed, paUO&. $420,000.

llYlllE PUOE llYFIOIT 3 bdrms, den, family , formal l iving ond d ining rooms, 3 Yi baths. large rooms a ll. Top quolity. Come see! S pectaculac bayf ront dplx 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br,

2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces. Reduced - $1 ,!100,000.

Ownert agt 673-5561 3 bdrm 2'/\ l)lth CUii LIDO ISLE 4 BR. 3'A Bl. d /r 2 lbflh dbl Olr pool now. 12" 42nd St

C t .. I 4 lhruoui. Shutleri, 11~ Sept. thru June $1200/ ~39 8 1~0BE;T am fee 1800/ mo 563-0256 , ti I 11 ...... w/ f .... H 11~ cond .. oak wet ber. brlcll rno. No pet1. 87~7887 • 7&0- 1877 Rlcherd

110,• HWI Beeut. •Sr 2ba, 1Mnt rm, patio, etc. $209,000. Call ~lront-38r. 2Ba. dbl DRAMATIC 3br 2.,., b• "Br. 2B1. Npt Hte. 111 new -----··--- den & ptayrm. Corl'lef lot. OWNER 831-0710 eer. git 88Q, wlnllf, Jog to bch. Xlnl area Fncd. bllnt. refrlg .. 2car

2 Br l 'o'\ Be, spe, cloted E'slde nr 17th. Loll of LIDOISLE 2br 35. Slle0f $ 1100mo 650- 1225 S916 8"&-t035/8"S.9095 gsr , wtr / gr dnr Incl garage. short escrow. redwood decking & hot trede by owner $339,000 E llde-<ute t Br college, $ 1 1 SO Reta I 2 t 3) Only $99.500. Agent tub. Too meny extras lo 21 t Via Eboll. 876-11349 OCEANFRONT yard, adults $.475 • NC. 663-e37• 6,.5•916 t me n ti o n . $ 225,000 . Beauufulty furntlhed 3 Sr 786-20• 0 1,.·--8-r - 3b- 1- .- C-an_a_l _ fr-on- t .

6"2-7577 LIN ISU 2 Bl. frplc. d l wether. Ocean 1'1\ blk• Decll

Open House W.d.·Sun . 10... 2109 E. Balboa Blvd. PElllSIU llOIE OOUIFllOIT

Ocean & jetty view s. M arine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq. ft Xlnl parking. $l.385,000

1101,0001011 TtllS s c Plaza condo 2Br l ''• Beautltul custom Cepe pat io on 11nd. ' $925/rno. Lllllllll garage s l300/ mo 237 3 bdrm , ,,.., ba, 1>e1ulllulty ba, pool. spa. Own tor Cod home. w/ 1pproA. Winier rental 850-94199 I provide Quallfled people Canal 615.7450 ·

upgraded. giant yard coat ot renll S10K or lest 3• 00 1,f sllueted on or 982·" 21' to rent yO\,lr propertv. •---------Open house Sun. 2005 dn. By ownr $66 900 large 101 wllovely prlv111 TRW report t 1pplic11t1on Back bay area. 3Br famtly

NIWPOIT'S llST IUY AT $575,000

Free & ct.Gr f ·Z t.,ms. Owner financed. 644.1642 or 675-3772

Arnold . Owner, 6"5·341410 556· 1826 or 775·25So · used brick patio Peg & UM ISU lorm • prolesslonally home. Lse or 1911 option -1110

OOO --- groo11e & brick floora dral1ed lelM torm offef · $ 1200 A.viii Sect 15.

! thruout main llvlnn area. 2 Br 2 Ba. frplc, garag.• . Ing " OU maximum protec Bllr 6•"· 7•2•

2 master SU tell Green· £1 ftrt 1032 calm wood ce0

bln111, Winier SlOOO 675· 2705 tlori'. Cell Pete JOl\nl~ N ew 4 br. 4 1;, ba, custom French N ormandy house windows.~ cer al· 92k 1206sq It 2 r old crown mOldlng. chair rall 631 · 1268 ' BAYFRONT Mobile 3 Br. 2

FllllllllS 1111011 lllLL TIP

* HIRIOR RIDIE * Come visit the most fabulous'View . New custom home in Newport. Nothing to compare with this 4 bdrm, fam rm. 5 bath, formal dining, 3 frplcs, 6 car garage. Large pool & jacuzzi. Come to the !(ate and ask for 3 Yorkshire, 759· 1931.


Estate l.2 prime acr~ h1Utop Now $995.000 loc:ned 911aoe. 211 011h1 • Y · & blnnl1ter1. Fr doors. UN 1•• e: ••na- t>e. t>eh. pool, ape. StOOO, . leu than builder 's price 2t>r. ale. earthlone dee. le I,..,. I h & ._ _ -· yrty 673-6022

0 •.... , a Condo in Cedar Glen de- marl> r.,~s. ., • yu UM ... C II ...., IYS llJFIOIT a t on ly S 110 .0 00 ! velopmenl Owner wtll plaster thruout, ' Br, 4 .. BEAUTIFUL

Coronado Island cust bay fronl lo t . 85' boat 759. 1501 or 752-7373 carry 2nd . or shared Ba. formal d ining rm, 1111· Annuli !Mae. 3 bdrma. 3 NWPT CREST CONDO

deck. Plans avail. N ow $370.000 W/•·ade. w~ equity a rrangements •no rm. lamlly rm & '1udy, batlla. nloely furnl1hed -LA-R"""G~E--38-r--28-a--dlln- Lg "Br . tam rm, some .. •-LEE 552•6009 Featured on Lido lale Incl linens •o· • llP lar 1 yard ' $800 • ocean view Renl 0< 1911

• Home Tour Drop down MOOO/ mo. 67N,6270 dya mo. option. Agt &<&6--0686 lllllOWIUI llOIE Real Bltafe FHalaia sale price S695.000. 01· UH llULn · BRAND NEW LUXURY

Near new 4 bdrm, 4 bath, lake vtew. 3500 sq. Vall~ 1034 lered for sale by Owner Ill 1100 MESA VERDE 4lbr, 2bl, 3Br, 3Ba twnhM nr, achl, • •<• ... -.l._., Shown by appt. only. • d ining room S 1200. fl.. '!440,000. Will trade for a local property r::::n: 3606 el~ Br. bOnua rm, 833-9659 dya. 873-3996 979-2890 or 5" 0-0518 shops. bch. In Nwpl Hgtl.

~ 1 l .. d S 1050 mo. Cell 675 .. "3

•·aw FllOIT llOllE lllTS . 1ge pool, llC. n • l con ' ev"fwkndl. Ooelnlront 2 Br l Ba. Meal Vetdll: bllUI. 3 br. 2 •--------; l l 10t000111l2.. Sale comm. 0111re11 pat io, gerage, no pell, ba. Children & pets OK. Cuatom3Br,dlln, 2Ba. dln·

Prime 2 Br , 2 Ba & 2 Br. 1 Ba. Dupl ex on xlnt 2223 AVALON. sale. s55K dn, s25g,ooo. 1 - iw utlla plld. 1v111 1111 June $895. no lae. 759.SOO• Ing, country k i t . • 11

' · be h ood Lnco $725 000 Broket 5-4"-9019 AITO. Open wknda. Appl ..,_ ' 11-4. $625/ mo. 631·8569 •menlllet, pool, sundecll .

HELE. B DOWD swunnung ac g me. • · '<; 96• -5400 18126 Santa twm llllllS Near o.c.c. deluxe 2 br 2 Avlll s.p1 15. No pell. 1 Best view, tallest ocean Cront bldg tri -plex 1 T Tilf llftU C.Cllle One of the lowest priced OCEAN FRONT WINTER be pool patio blltn1 crpts SHOO 67S.3660

IULTll, llC. 144-113• with apacioua 4 Br. 2 8&. Neh.level $1,200,000. MHE'S Y• Dllllll IHI. ltacfl I I homes on Lido. Cultom3 RENTALS · FURNISHED. lhru-out s5oo·a flat LYiy E1tblH lmmac bright 3 Bdr2Bl. dtnlngerM + 2 bdrm -+ l.,nlty room 3 ~;S000; 4'bd, S tOOO. 539-&l90BESTtee 3Br 2 '1\Ba 2frplc's cllr gar. Good family ... EllTl 1111111 French dOOfl OQllt'I to

650 388 Not far to oeMn big 3 Br 2 1 1350. 750· 13" t Agt

Sl,000 H NflTS home Seller wlll !MM Ir .... , brtck patio, 2 lireplaca. VIiia Balboa Condo. Prol Ba '-l•m alnglea kid• --------Piii IY IELLEll H FIH wtoptlon lo buy lor 18 3 b d . I t 7 9 . 9 o o o S379;°2! 11ra1n deo. compt furn, 28r 2ba. pe539118tnc190d ByEdSo.,,. S600's 3 8d & 2Fll8a IPIOOITL .. ~

Seller wlll carry 111 of the mos. Submit on partlll 71•-1133-3134 .._ ~ Ir/den. dining rm, tam rm, • T 11 ' ""'""

s::::: ,~:~~r:"w':fti ~~ :ta,;~~ ~~~'~ l= s~~~,~~~:~~;,oo1,0~~: stlln Ill lfHUI lll-1100 pool/ spa. Beaut vu: ocn, Proleealonllly decorated 1 !5:~ e Viv~~ c ~9:f~~~ kitchen over look Ing draperies, and ,.._ paint cant. ready 10 oo·hurryl TRY LOW DOWN· LSE b a Y

111 •

9 · L e

111 Br. Condo. lrplc. micro, 63 t 1268

P,•llo, 3 huge bedrooms. Well lald out tllree Bdrm. Cu t H bert II A 1 OPT $ 1500/mo. 1·997-3000 garege w/opener, pool & •--·-----.---2~ blths. Lerge garege two Balh wllh a balcony • r 6;r1- t2Se · g 2 blks to beach. Only 3 yra IEWNl

111• TIOOMTI ~~;7\~~416. or av/wknd• •pa. s590tmo. 5"5·3tt5 ~~·J~~.:/:~r3~~.s~:igg.

with leundry erN. Onty 011 the master suite .r JACOBS REAL TY, INC. 2BR 1'/\BA 598,000 ~d Beautiful 3 Sr & rem- • t WMtllde 3 Br. 2 Ba. very PENN. 3br 3ba 2 bl alpa $129 , 900 . Al10 2 Leeveyourelbowgraase

675_6670 2, 3 E. 22nd C.M llyrm. 2.,..81. Callto dla- Just lell out of eecrow & ltu" Ualua~e4 nice. pool, dshwr , frpl, 12700 Agte.c2• 11113

bedroom, 2 '/\ bath , behi nd . Full pric e 979


cuss terma. S179,900. owners are motivated. lrlg. 11-42-7326 St25,950. Seller wlll pay , 99 000 751.319 1 Cindy Shew 631- 1286 Chermlno 3 Bdr 2 be GturaJ 2202 =---,,..,-,,-----=,.~••""! Lg 381. 2 '/\Ba. 1acuzz1. 2 S5.000 ot buY9f costs 0< • · NEAR 10th ST. BAY BEACH home. lnclud11 11p • .._ 11 ,. .- frpk:I, alt new. SI t75 mo. reduce price Call to - C::. SElE<T PML ... I guest houM & apeclot.11 *-• • ITU. • * 650· 1225 546-2313 .... PAOPEA'TIES $200 QOO Quiet locatlot\ J BR 2 Ba, yrd. Huny, It wllt not llll. Ort• If Tiie Or..t -Ll-do- llle- 3- Br_ 2_B_a- trplc-,

' llraplace, RV . acceaa. Curt Herberti II, egt Anlhelm 2br, 2ba 15~5 y e a r I y S 1 • O O I m o PML•E S1'8.000 financing by "'lni......,,.a-,----__,,1..,.64~4 531 •128& B. Park2br. yd. P91•M75 , 99_, 3 19 THE REAL


Slt,110 TOTAL PlllYICY

Big R· 2 lot w / 3 Br, 2 Ba, frplc. owner Cypr. 2br. gar, pet1$.425 --------T:a~:3f~ l:~ ~r~~ Submit offers. ••r MtOar~t Rttr. PARK lllWNIT ISWI F vuy 2br, gar, yd S6 t O ..---.jp.,.,,_ ____ ~~ M~~~ ~1~ ~:~ !

Needs TLC but has IJ1d1 141·1121 CREST Lrg dupleA, 2br, 2b1. w/ ~~r:fn 1'::;.~~1:1 ::k° $750/rno 873-6030 o f potential. Alk lng • ieundry hoolc up, both G.G. 2br.gar,peta$4'75 $133,000. Wiii consldet r -------- .Bdrm, 2\o\ ba. Plan 0 . unlla. llvelnone,rentthe H.8ch2br.ger,peta$.47S llWPIRTIElllTS olTere. 631-7370. • I •TIWlllllEI* Two 11ory llvlng 11 11 '1 ol het. Byo- S27".900 Stntn 2br. w/gar, $.490 F0< the dl1erlmtn1tlng, lhl1

TfUDI T 10\,\L RL\LT\

BEST FIN-"NCING bell Micro-wave. n- 111 826-82" 7 dy1 594-24412 S.A. Hurry. 3br. $350 lmmed, 3800 11, 5 Br. lrg deoor1tor1 home has 111 BEST PRICE carpet, recently p1lnted Such 1Deel 5br. $500 bonua. pool & Jae , new Ille. wallpaper & crpt

Mo1tsQuareloot1199. M o ve -In co nd i tion . Nice 38r.w huge fenced W1tmn1tr2br,ger. S500 clubhM, lllC . Nr bch. thfuoul 2 ' den or 3 COBS REAL TY, INC. Easlllde $205,000 y ard $09,000 Huge Seel Sch 3br, 2ba, $725 Exec 11· l Ilk> pets $1350 Bdrm, 2'>\ ba, lrg fem rm.

Open Dally 12·6 M u R C H I N S O N 100's nowt 898-8626 lee m 1 I nt . A E F S din rm. 2 lrplct. tome

A t>eautlt\11 condo tucked IWIY In e " Quiet Prlvele COfnef''. 2 bedroom•, 2 'A b1th1. spacious coun· l r'y kltefllln • d ining eree. Famlty lrN with brick llrepll04I. !WO patios. A quiet bargain $99,950. Ca ll l o r sh o w i n g 5-46--2313

l 5-6670 • 72-8230 673-7771 ~lsor ENTERPRISES 752-1173 1 2 Br ooeenlront w/garana 9&'-S-400 Santi Cecilla. hrdwd llrs. grdnr No

'' 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~ 4 Br 2 Ba attached gar I S 1250/mo yrly -..- GreenbrOOll __ ~~~ 0:ner1 ~:i;:i

RIHIDIJO,OOI • FIXE· - - 6-0a t<'O IOI, RV e>rkng ealty ~=~I 2 Br2 Ba. nr S C PIU . MC ..... ltac• 2240 Orange Charming custom N-· m•e: IRIS Wl'T " elc ,98 500 6•6-8386 gete a rec ctr $525/mo ---------

8"ch 3

bed ... Bring your paintbrust\ and - - LUil IPTlll 1 Br b1y1ron1 $895/rno ICJI 2 URI Sh0recllff1 lg 3 Br. ' t>a . r'1ity + derooml Id • .lmfHSILI ... save•Bdrm 2 Ba 2carCHARMING 2Br I Ba 651•1177 lhis Newport H-'-hll 35 Br, ocnlrnt yr 11a1ll11de1l mel10w land· famrm. frptc's. grtoc.an THE REAL ESTATE RS

Ii)\~ ts' Rea Estate TIE YEISIJLLES

Lu11urlou1 llvlng Two bedrooms, two b1lh11 cond o Flrep l eca Clu~M. pool and spa. Mini view. T_,ty four hour guarded security.

\. ~ mey help wl1h ""qOlftll and wlll caany

9KOnd trult deed JUST RED UCED TO S119.000.


Do II the easy way­adverttse In classified.

am room n coo ri• r•g• •ssu-e 8 5.,. hou,se Cost • Mua. -v s 900 1 vu walk 10 pvt beh be "' h bed roo m ) llTHEIJISILL " ... 7 ' $83 000T 5, 8 86110 Bdrmbeauty. (Or buv ll · I tmo lo rds ocean co•• • Locited 11 end 01 oan Owner IS mot1v1ted · erma • assume large loan) s. ... , 1 Wl9ttt 539-8190 BEST Riiy lee SHOO/ mo. 6.48-7639 cul-de-sac Perteet tor ILlfFS YllW A sk 1 n g S 1 1 O · O O O --.iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THEN BASQUE IN PRlf¥ ltlflh 4Br, 2Ba, adfacent to Slnole level 3 Br nome f0< children or prlvete coun- •HT SELL II 631· 7370 fllTllTlt ASllllllU - -=•L- llRl'n OVER YOUR SPACIOUS .llOllS IUL n elemenrary sch I 4 park. rent lleue $I 300/mo. l ryslde living 2 large Now reduced 10 only 9'"1% VA 101n 3 Br. ,,,., be _ .. _,,..__ _ A~~~8~~ISE INVEST. , • ., MUH•e:ie:IT $950 mo. 968·3042. Bkr 752-e363 yards . one fea tur es 1239,500• this vu 3 bed E•l ra large lot Clean and Univ Pk Terrace 3 Br MENT " -" " HOME FOR RENT Specooua 3 Br 3ba condo wa11r l1ll wl kOI pond. 2'h ba is In " move-In neat Asking S 124,900 Dover model, 2 Ba, xlnl Asking $219,000 l 1•/ llM 1ll Huntington Beecti 5 Bdrm. nr beach S 1075/mo. Prloe. $265.000 Large cond". Sp~ious 2-ltory , 1 location we1~ 1ng di • 2 13159' 9131 111 & 2nd can be .,. - " •• 23-45 1 th STREET lalka Jaa• 3 Be. lrplc, dstiwstir. dbl ... surned Clll Jay tor lnlor· with many upgrades °"'"·Ctn lance to comm pool Fee OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 I garage, family rm. Kids. S lou f t

II Walk by 32" Otero & call

1 Super 1harp ! 3Br 2ba alnd

7551239 .500 Jean AGT ANN 40"·775-4 Lrg tbr 2bl. frpl, furn. frt ....... ,, welcome. st 150 1p800ac ! u~n c°'ui ~"... ~':,.

ma on. to-. <> -11~ 1a l le•lble & h I d Co Lat- 1• 1 ~ h ••"" B k ... h ..,... .... " .....,.._ ..,... - A orne on cu • aec 11· - · • .. N , 'IK'VV· 8C , .. rn. II, $800 deposjl 863-1500 home cioee 10 b9dlb ~l~ . 1~01 1111 C ALL llYllfllft ~~~a ~~~t:::c•IM~~; Wll ... lllllllH 8:":n3m~·Ju~a:u~: On2brS500. 213-790-7302 Agent , no fee Sl20citmo 542-3572 IY

e~ tru Only $132,500 II Tll Piil rHtlon lac,. 10% dn. 12% S Bayfronl, 3 Br 2 Bl. Lg 2 a1y Hee home, 38', WESTCLIFF 4 8r 3 Be llll,OOOFHI IOllllllRULn 2 Br , upper un i t linen. ~5.000 Byownr lower duplex S1400/ mo 2 '/\BI, w1k lo l:>Ch, 11lnt winier ret\111 s 1ioo1mo

4 BR'a. 3 BA'a In pres- llt-••10 w/ deoorltor upgreda1 (810)729-1518 Onyearty t utll. loc. S976 rno. 982-38-47 CtoM to ltlops llChool !Ig loos area. Secluded - Incl wallpapert. mould· N. Beyfront. • Br 2 Ba, or 538·7" 03 . Call Liz, egt 6-42:5200 · patio w l lh swimming OPEN 'TILL8 PM. lngs mirrored wardrobe SDTll NIAi 11500/mo yeerly + utll. 1,0-------- ---------P o 0 I E )( c I u I I ve Ope'n l l ry specious From 28r, 281. Enjoy the On Abalone 2 Br 1 Ba, ger. ; ~~dlln7"1 hMCiure 3 WESTCLIFF large, bright,

Wgaltthe.gpurlavradteed ~amchmu~~i INCREDIBLE Below Mkl beat 'buy ior loce1ton: po o I & I u IC u r Io u I IPI $650/mo yearly + ~le .: ! ::;ich °'5:5oa: lovely 4 Br 3 Ba w l pool &

"" ,...,. $90 500 lncludel 1 "' cibhM owner w1nt1 to utll. 11 cabena. $ t750mo. Clll for David Hl rechlar , te<ms&lowdwnon2Br, wa~her & d/:!i': aell . $l86,000. Lor1V1nceR1tra673-4062 lee 539-8190BEST Answer Ad 692 , 6""4·7020 2Ba q uell t y twnhae .. 6414•8200. BYCO 845-2261 i&1'N Welk to tand n' surf cuuel &42·.4300 2" hr

Ll•llULUlATf G~den.P~:·~52• 1589 •st•n-•• pal ) ••- lll bungllowcrpt1bltln1& WINTER RENTALS now * ~ •-* t Ila I ._, fu1t S300'1 539-8190 avlllable. Clll for delall1. 1aJMa ltJa.. llOI Newport 2· 1ly, aherp StUdiO. 1250 yrfy, uti11 BEST fM Seutiore: 2Br. t "°'6M

11.,FIJ••n•o- llllYllll p o o111da townhom e plld. partllng. 673-7954. Ima •fl trom belcn. corner to-ia - • "' IWlll TIAISlllU w/ ger. $126,000 vllu.-1 210 44tti St ,.., . t .-4 cation $750/ mo yr1y

N~.~~"c::·~ ;~ Mull een thll t>Nutlful ,._ ~:'f RlllC !'Ollfmj O ~-= Ci,Ultaat • 2 to 5 lfdnne. if50.s2000. Big Cenyon: LC>Yely 4 bdrm vlled, shore mooring. modeled home feeturlng Lafi;!au itac' 1641 76()..8702/ 631- 1286. Agf IMc~ 1211 home w/ lovefy pool Ger-' Br . t ha e 1 0 s 0 ' Bdrms plus tamlly. aky· ~ den done by ROQlf'S- New Bayfront Agt 54-0. 1538 llghl. natura l woo d Custom Home. 3 bd. ala bA l P1ii11d11 1pilt leval lsor pelnl. Fresh •nd cteen.

throughoot Offe<ed at 2'/\ bl, Frencti door1, $ duplex 360 deg moun. Shu l II r s . 2 Ir p I c HSlllER t•AUTY alka only s 179,900 . Cell Frpl , •kyllte. l • cuul. 89 500 3Br 28a llln a. . oceen view. Lrg ealty $2500/ mo yrty

4 Bdrm, Sroedmoor . Ptai1t•la 1007 5•0· t 15t lor an 1ppolnt- brick & tlle d«:k and I kJx. 2br, 2 'Aba, w/1ppl'1, WATERFRONT HOMES Turtlerook, decorated In "';iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim men1 dri ve. $208,000 Al· S. Coaat VIiie. Lg end unl1. many Klru. $700 mo. 651·1177 83t· 1"00 exc ellen t 1u1e. Im· • 2024IOIPfWOT sumableloan. 499- 1&0• 05'1. In foll . Agent 681-2871 J 2 71 meculate home with ae- PHIHILINflT INIHIUY 1 4 BUll,.O YOUR HOME on I 731·51311 76-80841 C • JM.." 22" San J·~·n•:r,rL 3 9~, 2 eluded yard. 178,000 CHOOSE THE BEST • 1pec taculer OCEAN C .. tttrJ Wit ertal t -r - - "" "~

GE 75Q-9100 ---- - --- -. .

• U

.., l()U~ t1().t...af ._ tor yourself. Both lheM FRONT 3 Arch 81y tee Ct.fJ lUS ft'a yMrly 28f h1y1id1 a.o llllCHILM>W 8a pool hrne ,,._. bltln1 --------• ..,. • ,.,. Y hOrnlll are on Miramar • llmple tot. Clll owner Fri I apeetel quiet lncd yd wall< lffVINI llRl'n kld1/ peta $850 .. fee -------- AN.110<1. 675-6000 Juat 11111>9 10 ocean and 10 Mon (71') ,.90-3070 or '°' • l ot tit. IPtMle to beautllul bllCh $630 5 BR TR h 3 539-8190 BEST

Cote Realty & lnvestmPnt

l ... 1100

Ollll.flTln bay Duptexor alngleltam· 1~~~~~~~~~ Tu . I 0 Thu r . C&B. Blue Sprue. No a. 539-8190 BEST lee I .h ";· Ifs~;· nu Ital ... ~ 4 lnt . decorator, 2Br2 Ba WIWl••&lfF lly home -2 Bdrms. laige1: (2 13)709- t159 11c11on Herbor AHi 3 p us crp . mo. MODEL w/ vlf/w Wiii be _. llvlngroom wlthOreptace llW .. HWUITm Memor111 Perk $500 Hearty new 81. 38a. 2 Go l den Propert l ea Steps 1ob9tdl $320 r9n11 LIQIJIDATED this weel<. ll&STE• SlfTll Owner may help with BeaulllUI family home. O PEN S U N DA Y 3 70 OBO (805) 964-7581 lrplec, wet blr, balcony, 2 752· 1689 lhls rer• 2 room lldobe ' 150,000 VALUE. Wiii go This large llngle lamil'y financing $299.000. 4Br, 2Ba. fam rm. pen- Mountlln 2 Bl Wood cai garage, grdnr Lii A.IC 3 81 2 Ba h 1 nd w/ appl1 euy ltrml , .. for S I 14,750. AHume home with" bdrma a 2 ANO elllng. wood firs. Sl\elle shingle, spotlen hOuM St~ mo. 551-"893 e111 acaPtKt g1rden19rrp~c g 539-8 190 BEST Rlt'y bal F0t da11H1 cell agt, baths has 1011 of ciua & Large, beeullfully rool , lrffh & clean 12 25 wl legel unit, view. I bloclt 1258 Ill OM Wiii atyllm decor $700's ph PA T R I c K TEN 0 RE amenities LOW mein len· ramodf'le<I 3 Bdrm. 3 11num1bl1 llnenclng. 10 OlllCh S210,000 So H- hOOM. .......md 539·8190 BEST Alty ,.. W"taiattn 2ltl 780 87021631 1268 1nce yrd. btll redwood bal h home with large s 137 500 c 1 M 11 NeweH. 497-6• 11 -, ""'

• • deck Short dlstanC41 10 llvlng room and flreplace, · • 1 er yn -------- Great commerclel lo- Ollil .. l rpl. 2 Br 2 be, 2 cer Lg 1Br. 1Ba Condo 11 S275 P• YI ret1t & utlll prl-the beach1 759· 150 I or den and study New Agt &45- 1015 llEllOll IJOl,OM cetlon. B1lbo1 Pen at the oer S 1200/ mo. , Orangatree Terrace In vlte coiy bungelow retrlg 752·7373

1naldetrn<l ovt:Furnacei. N- cu11tom home In the lun zone (207 Pllm). OoeanBl .. 21rpl.VUS!3br Irvine Frplc A / C 1t0Yeprovldedwon·t1ut

0 ,.. WALKER&LEE o!'~!'!!' s~?!.11~5 Real F.Rate •22 Dahlia, COM Brand new home " Br • 3000 1q It Tim Rhone egt 670·6823 ..... ~ knodce Oltefl when yov u11 rHUlt-gelllng Delly Piiot Cl111llled Ad• 10 r.-ch the Orenge Colel mMlret.

Ptlonl 842-66711


P1()911 wtlo ~ P1()911 Thal'• whet lhe DAILY Pll.OT


plumblng, carpell, paint Nice 3Br, w/huge lncd yd gate gueraeo privet• Good lnco,,,..prlee ,... 2 Be S2250t mo or' Br 3 wthrl dryr , a. oiher up: 539-6190 BEST Alty tea and root . 1 IOlll S 9 '9 . 0 0 0 H U g I oeach communlt)' Erner- du Cl d to $ '0 0 I( 81 S2$00mo. Agl . M. Hiii l(radu. POOi. 1ecuzzls & a f z.L ..

charmer! S"9.000 Call M U A C H t N S 0 N lid Bly. ' Bdrm, " '>\ 81. 873-29" 3 759-9 100 1ennla oourtl No pell •tutatalt ua ... BlllGoldto llloneor ENTERPAISES 752-873 1 Over 4225 sq fl 1&0' eatl tll . S&OOmo Cal1631· 102• l&l ...

bOlhl NO QUALIFYING ooeen vi- . Flnenclng ; / l Low down 3 bdrm .. tam· a " I ' ' a b I• c • 11 1'1.n a It i\206/mo. pert filrn1Sfi9d. Orengetree Condo 1 Br 1 Ptalat•la 2'07

142-1200 lly room Neer bN.Ch 2131592-3747 Agl ex NA eEXcA-OCMn 5 Br 3 81. pool. pOOI ::1sr11ot~6"2~;:~2 9•11

2 6( t bl. pOOi, nr Litx>a $9&01 A t 67:}..8550 I .... v- 281 Opla, tully ea- hOOM Cell Mery Ann mo Pier WINTER O NL y



rno 0 !!J!rt eumable VA Loan. OOth 631 ·7370, 646-7838 ree. Woodbridge Eatatu " Un- $•50/mo, 1176- 1871 No 1W9alr1 • No Cleanup * la F Ht..__ ... _ * -onr11 newly petnted a r.. 2 8 8 1 c:oln" 381 2'.+ be lam rm llffdtd Everything II 'I , - cwpeted 1235 000 Agl r , 1 • • ger. bit n tinge Ind " m $ 1000/ • OCEANFRONT ,_ 2 newl C1rpe11, Drepes, Vll!WI VIEW! VIEWI 759-070-4 • & oven, open blem Olll, ~.2o;1 Owner/ I mo. 8r. 2 t>a noOlmo. Win· Renge. Oven. 0 11h· S.C. Bid . 2 Br 2 91. frig, b11d Cat OK. 1625 eg . ier ren111 816- 1919

~ 1 1 klet Pool. boat etlP evall. lac ... Prtt t 1800 dep. Avell Sept 1 ~au we er. ewn tc>r n

1 8y Owrw: 81M637 - 1912 AM~. 549-3-48,..1;_..,i.;;.-;;..;_.;;;.-....,.;;iiiiOii;; ·= ~L -•t 3 • 1'_. b1, dbl getege. -------- Newpo rt oce1n rront r Cotlege frPIC lr9 )'d ''iWiMiiiiitlttiiiiiiii• ....... iiPPiiojp rooin lor RV prll'a. no 4 II W/ llUI "1 trl-plex, prime IOCltlon. 2 bf cottege, stove, retrlg. pet Wllcon'i.. s6so1mo: 'A~4' XMG 2 loen tMe, OWC 111 TD 1.lkt NEW 2700 n Luauryl 673-7973 pMlo. No petl. $.460, 1st, Kall Atnlll• 497-"801 81' yrty. ger, tum or ~ ~~~~ 1~,~~°S.;. ~: hOme. Pool a 1enn1e-n11 TUil Y• .... 1111 & dep. 6"s-0111 38r a~Be. ,_ cpt gr.a tvm. no pe11. 87~

'::~~· S<C\\<l}~-~ct?-S· •••• ••••

S11urcl1y. 8und1~r lltlll'3T9."9.wl ll3t4~ I FOA C M4-Pl.EX 28RTr1Leve!Townhou11, v1e~1 11360 . mQ At1rf1Gtlvefy lum2 8t pvt ••- · ... ey, 11 • 5 • Intl Won' t 1111. Cell · • · · carport pool & ape '795 ~3 " " 8' " • · ct«* It I bctl ~ c;;_, of Beldl/ AmQIO P4TAICK TIN ORE A01prlnconly8"6-IM&4 823·752for775-243e ""' " .' Pl o ' er o ll M•"•' Piece . 180-t7cn/13M2M 'Leil r;; Lit ltil 3 8t 1....... .__ .,.. Btend new home In E ,,,,f50""_1.,...aa.,,___,.-...,...,..-' • .. ..... ac>Pt • ..... a ,~. 111c2 e.y. 4,225 eq n. 4 1 er.~. Siii'. Ott ....... ~ ( '-6• . ~ -----

-=~:=-.:. ";: .... ....... ... , ~--·

P I T 0 R M

I I I I' I

.... _L_"' .... " .......... c _u ........ 11• I' I' I I .

.__.,,.v...;£"'C~K_o~1. _:.' ,... i: J' I I . TOO• • 1 0<>00• '" emo .... • • • _ Oct• on 9'• O" a ll'• nt t 'IO ltll

------- ,,,. po191 10 Or ' "•" " • '• ' '""


N A l I C Ci


., n• •t t•0<;bltt -

. I I I r I' . o :.'7· .. ~ ._ ... ~ ' ... _ _:;,._ .... ... 1-.

....... One of a kind cuawm retldence In private waterfront community . Oourmet kitchen featured In major magu.lne. Leaded win· dows. beama. hand painted tiles. Beautlf ully ~ltuated with bay view


, 8tle or fr9de. of equel ltldll OK. AEF1. 1115 + ,~ ee. "°°°/mo. AOt· PTopeny tront bey. blkl Trede your old 1tutf lot velue. lot 11 ~•Dr-. gdnr . 87' Town• . 2131192-3141. to bctl. SH&. 873-esH n ew g oodlH w it"• • belt\. '3200 9e0.5954 &4f-12t5 eV9e & wlmd1. Oeiaelflld ed . ... 2 ... .,. I a" 5. ..., 1· .. ·- dA' 8 .. .... Cyn a oc.;;; VU, .. Br 2 ... Em• let a bf, 2 be 5,_.

•BAYS"°"°• ., • .,_. ...,x, ·" · nll. gerege, neiwty remodeled to beeetl. Ooten a bey PRISTINE 38dtm HI, 0tt2.p~ .. "'oe. N00

1 MOS · 1 1000/mo . ... ._8018 YM1W trom eundedl. Sl50

1'75000 tee 2861 Clrde 20: ., " · rch I . Wlr1'llt St&O ~ Of. ~ 8• 118un 12•1. 1aDM l1JaM IHI ~1921. • Letua ~l!e!l UH 67&-52o.t *"· 5 & illlllnde (1105) 812· 56'1. j7 14) on GY ii. G:Utifull; Ur 2bl. no.pete, llld• Ok. g;a~ld\t'C: OCIANFAONf ..t-4325 09Corateo 3 l!lr 2 ... IOI Jo.nn tt. 1725/ mo, T.H. Comm. pool, ape. lo I Br !Winier ,..-.111 MOO IA_._.. ul)pef du911• a1too1mo c:111IM._1836 1825/mo. mo. 960~2493 ,....,_. I • utll Winter Whit.wet« w .i.2 Br. atudy,

Call &4t-~ ror IPP•· On op.. It ""'* Winter m&Sllr ~ 8drma. 2'A "COiony Cove" • 1000. LIU MW NIU••· I 9r • ...... , renttl a' Ir 2 le. ::0:-~~~· gttege. f!Wtr. 41tCt-015& wl fW, F8Get_..,. Avlll 11~ llxed ttit '°:i J 1000/ mo • utll . left . tf' 10

June ,.rOtn '9(lO No IOefl ..... no Vence Anr tr3""°92 4 t>ctrm, 2 bl hOUtt. l.af'09 I~ ..... t -4000 cott Moneco wttti I ~·· dbte g«. cloM to ty;FtmW tC • ,... .,... YtlW "' ""' Vllllll tut '91al JI t CtlOOI• ' enoppl,,g. . """" ~. ui!m- "''v* Ftoee .. , • • Avll Open wltnd• 1. 5 ~t:\tWlftler.1511:. ~21':'}>1 L11}~~2~ 1 1 ~~(otclbOerdlng SeottOJvM r1om~ 84().1~ be,w/ct. trptc, poot. AUI o;o .. r • - or-.,.,. o"HJ 1 1200 mo 13~-4000

-~ a 10001mo t11.m1 ... ..,. 10-11)11'1 ConClo 1 llr I 1!11. \Op - i!P. • l.'811 -- Trlde )'OUf' Old etuH fOf llOof. sr;m . .. ~ ltt~.000 "nd w1111 yo" want In 10 • B~UI W ttllflle l llf MUI Dtl'/ nHr 1oodlH •Ufl a Ownr/lllr 873--27'1 Oelly Plot Cl....._ • '41.al18 Piiot Wtnt Adt. • Cl•tlftld acL M1·5'71

~· . . , . J

ce Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Sept. 2, 1983

M!!f!i!l!t ......

Th~·~·~r!'p~ya! a 30 day Id

In Che



DOITNOWll Allfll.1111111

Youro'i11y Piiot SeMce Directory RepreMntallve

142·1111 tlf. H2

hllMn C..tre•ttrt, Puaitut W•l•••1 .....,.._ .._ - . .......... • Pu!l!t P!el"t!!! Tree llrNt R:nOdlia 0t any inveel- Gtatral All type. 01 Flnlehel vour AftlmM eXCC JiJ!FI Cfpt a Window C1Mn1ng ti-Ill ,_ Pilllm £D'S PLASTERING IOlftlPl•ll lUL ment. qlty Improvement• Construction "A" ua Home 0t my Shop. St- JllClk of 1111 trlldee: carpen- Prof. reeutta at rwa. rat.. mllYllAlllt by AIC"Rard Sinor. Lie. Int/ext. Patctllngttexturee Free .. 1 Ron 845-2537 P.IJ.1.1. hlt1 ... Repalr••RemOd•Add'na 494-8937, free &t. try, plllMln~. ~· CALL 808 "4-4126 u..ar• 280f44 14 yft of happy ~luccoa 8AS-8258 • ...:__i ... (It'• Not Jual •Name) 24 hr emMgency MfVl<:e "-~ ~-L clMnupa. e c. No lob too It ,. •• 1 ... ~.... Wind"""•"'"'_..........,, ~ c:u•tMl*a. p••--u 1YJi9 11THt

845-3306 Lie ,320135 Lie. 334714. 855-oaeo -1•••J!f 1argeorama11. 546-0364 AC:~::C:Y&.~ner ~:~.;,'V• ThMk you, "3·4114 ...... ., S no!Word Proc:;;;ing

Ca~latl llllla1 FRAMING - CONCRETE TIEEI ~or;' Rec>fi!!:~r''Titry NG •rt1etna. ~1.-or tuun PAllTlll 24 W D f Ml· llH Outek •... Y revitlona. tR .... ubiMta, cabinet SPA INSTALLATION Topped/removed. Cl••n F90CI::: .. DON ::-O';!o EXP'Oc~~~~CBL:t,N• manual. pr om pt . n .. I pr 0. WATER HEA TEA Speolal AMton•ble 851-1a.1 facing, but & formlca MASONRY 675·8690 up, new lawna. 751·3478. . 804·1421or536-8332 11 yre•xP«lence, l9Mlonal1. 636-7149 Pootheatefl•Furn~ Vuai .. WtaL

••2 n991 H~ a--•·a c •...-1"' llcenoed, lnaur9Cf, UOvd'a • Fauc.1a•D11poN1t• a countar1opi. '" "" ~ Crttaiat ALOHA Pro! GARDEN.EA .,.. .... ........,- • -...-· " ' C STOM S ,. _ _ Hornet & Apt Cle11n...Up Plumblng - Cerpet. ~le. .U-eunT landcaape. U EXTERIOR Oreln1 cleared from S5 & HOME VARNISH WORK "11~81.!f euy dogal Grooming Yard Roto Edge M • CALL FFIED ~2·2~ ........... 714/507-7822 & INTER. RMt. ratea. Free $25 lllYllrM. Repalrt. Ooott. Rella. Bart. etc. CARPENTRY· &pert ail ~hyrl,: ~~;"l..~·2~~~her Weeding, • Treea' 1rfr:: ONE CALL DOES IT ALL We do throrouoh WOfk. Re- collect . ..t. Stew


1 85 l-960'4M&M432-0500 * 20 >'"exp ~75-6318 *

phues. 20 yr• In l rH . . Truh haul-a-way. We lix It . brMk It. buy" llebl• and REFS. With Renovating - Rotolllllng INTERIOR .. EXTERIOR Smith & Son Plumbing . , ..... Cltula1 Char Ranov 645-3749 D~all Free. • ... 964-8585 or heul 11 548-5009 complete carpel and Sprlnkleft. Clean upa Courteety ettlmat•• Plumbing repaJra & drain• WHITE wiilho

Remodel/repair Unique & oftYWXLVAC60SfiCA[ CLEAN-UP MASTERS llPlllS * Plllfm hooMCIMnlng. wlndowt Dav. 842-4853 DON 844--4798 cleated. Lie 845~426 WINDOW WASHING unusual work• apectalty Small Jobs & RepaJra All •lzes. Prof .• t'MS. Aak E\C. 0•"'845-5277 PTL done free. CALL TODAY! Bud 5-49-5265 •PAINTING • p .1.. I I I ''The onl IC I 20 vrt Llc"d, bonded BUD 552-9582 about our 25.000 lawn ., S40-5&54 lh ... .!f_ EJl18flor • ln11flor IJC•I .. Cl QUALITY"' y ~1-;026 Palombo Conat 962·83 14 El • I 1pecl1I. Call anytime. laallai HOUSECLEANING 8Rl<~KWORK: Smail JObS. Aetldent • Commerlut Ctaa1tlla1 ·

Repalr-A1tera11on1 tclnca 84&-6664 l MlcilHll DUMP Jo8S X 0000 REFS EXP'O. Newport. Co1ta M.... Free h1 53&-9801 R4ila1lonlhip r9COY9fY Re- "'Let the Sunahlne In" ~-Windows-Cabinets ELECTRICIAN Priced Clean Ups. Landacaplng SMALL MOVING JOBS Oledyt 549-0759 Irvine. Ret1 875-3175 RALPH'S PAINTING view, A-. Revtiattze CLi~~~~~NE Wl~~549 Panel-Pat101·Fanc" 35 rllght , free el1llllmba1e Loin Hauling . Tree Trim MIKE 84&-1391 JOAN'S CLEANING Custom Brlek-Sto~ .. Int/ext. R.aa. Llc'd. R1lat1onahlp1 640-6454 ..

J a46 4413 arna or sma o s c F ·~ Fr- eat 6•1--e812• hr ltiaat S.irYict I'll walfl av_, wtndow tn a . ,.,, I yrs exp. erry "' • .- · ree H11mates. 642-9907 Cookl~ Errand• · & All Bloc .. ·Concrete. Lk:'d ...... .. ,,., .. ~, na~i•I I 39662 1 673-0359 HAUL· MOVE· REMOVE " your house. lntlde & OYll -..~;;.;.-_."""!",....~~ Repair/smell jobs. Fences, larlltalq Wlltt... Furniture, Tr uh, Trees Hlhld tlet. ~0- !287 Relt. Free e11. 549-9492 12 YRS EXP· Nwpl area Custom retumetlcover Call Dan &46· 1355

rlv-ay-Parklng Lot shelves, per1111ona. Low 0 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Mowl11g. EdlB1i11g. Tw~ • 963-5415 NORM P•clllc Co11t CltMlnlng I'm imaJI, my prices are le11era/job search .-- L Aepalrs-SeaJcoa1l11g rates Steve 731·8311 uallty work/ Rees. rates " WE 00 IT RIGHTI" •Hia' tmaMI 650·6477 Ron c COS 673 talt IW

S&SAaphll63t-4199Llc - TOM63t-5072 month. I 0 t o $25. LT HAULING - MOVING- 5 CMOVING- 1IP•· all - 1107 546-9707 Rental Clean Up•. Jon Eat. Brochure 788-7894 " Pattriat I II j State law requlr" that all

l1Wl1tla.1 c ..... Ctacrtl• • Electrtclan: New/Repair JESS E'S G 645-8192/731-2918 a I Qulck·C•relul. Low rl1ft. _ " •• contractor• who pertorm -~BA•P!91119"'J""iff-,'!"!Nl!ll!G-- C 1 U na -Block All types. Low prices. Lie. I AROENING uall1y houHolean no. Lie. T 138046 552-0410 Farthl11g l11terlor Oetlg11 Huber Roofing-ell types work over S200 Including

In m .. home near Vlc·torla. 9mwa'"11•·C· uuost wo(k Lie Free estimates 831-2345 Compl Fclean ups & gen'I GEORGE'S CLEAN UPS thorough. retlable. Pal. HANGING/STRIPPING New-Recover-Decks labor and macenaJa must , ~ · malnt ree est. 540-8035 • HAULING No job too 494-0280 •A· 1 MYIM• VISA MC Sootl 673 1512 I'--- '---

Cotti M.... 642-8482 •381057 Rob 673-8094 ELECTRICIAN 20 YRS 0 • • Lie • 411802 648-9734 be """'* Unl-.iMd

EXP REAS R• TES Lawn/garden malnt· rnld, imall 895-8006 ..... u e--...1~ Best quality. 25 yr up ··we GALS SHOULD contr8C1ort thould 10 ... L~L'·· I Concrete masonry 1181- . " I I d Yd I Cl .. RITISft Compe11Uv. ralft HANG TOGETHER"' •~retadal state In th~ _ ......... ,11·ng

- - · ' 646-7602 comm · n us en up. ltaM Haia~ Lie T 8 28 730 3a3 ._, -· -..Y-• •fu""i""I --iAi-:.,.m•y-h-0-~-o-r work . found1Uons Bloek. _ Low ,.191 846-49~7 ev1 IRONING JOBS WANTED. - 11 ,4 - 1 "' 639-0730 Anytime! S.mctl Contractors and con-,,_ brick. Uc'd 536-50t3 Fuaitart ltliailliiat •BARBARA1

S UALITY my home. Excellent STARVING COLLEGE TYPIAG/8661<KEEPING sumer•. co011c1 Mary yy~~x:r~~~l~~O~~ 8adyaH HOUSECLEANING W<>fk. Reftrenc:ee Otl ,... STUDENTS MOVING CO fJaattr~lt~if Grondle at 558-4086 wtlh Ceatracttn, ....._ _______ .., - Cell alt 4pm 536--0694 quat. Phone 842-5470 lie T12• •36 I ... _.. PL. AS ER ATCHING~ For lndlv t eml bu!llnctss a11y qu .. uons Contrec-

,..,. All phues of con1tr. & re- · anyelme. ..~ · n-r-.. Hr/day/wk 640-0888 10, ·1 St ate Ltc enae You don't need a (lun to Gtatral Antique furniture restored, parr Xlnt WOfk. com- ROBIN'S CLEANING 641-8427 Reacuccot. lntlnl. 30 yrs

" draw fut" when you tree pick -up & del pe1ltlve prices. Jobs lg• SEFWICE: 8 thoroughly WATCH US GROWi Naat. Paul 545-2977 Selllng anything with a Board, 28 Cllllc Canter place an lld 111 the Dally Rem0det/ Reparr1. comm. 645-6434 all 6 7:._t-9173 or imall 751-0870 Jon c .. an houH. 640-0857 Make your tllopplng Ml· Dally Piiot CIUIJfled Ad Ptaz1. Room 690, Santa Piiot w11111 Ad•I Call no. & resld. Llc'd, bonded, - by ualng the Dally Pl- H•v. IJOITI91hlng to Hll? WANT ACTION? la • almple matter Ana. CA 92701. I &42·5678. Ins. For est. 559-4139. Clusllled Ade 642-5671! Sall Idle Items 642-5678 Want Adi Call 842·5678 ~ Claull led Adi. Cluallled ade do It well CIH911ed Ada 842-5678 Juel call 842-5678.

lta111 Uafuai1•.. Aurtatala. Oaf. A91rlatal1, Oaf. AJ!!l•••t•, Val. ltatala It ltatab Wul.. 2tOt C...trcial ,..,.,, ltacli UH C•••• .... 2724 Ceata .... 2124 •~ri ltacli 2711 2 \

1111•1 port ,nrc 111114111 llU ••••al• 2111 Ltv•-•board boat -32' Collage type 1 Br. utll pd. , •• IESERYE Ill 1o*!reathlaklng vi::; Pl.:. wsc:!5 + .; utll $450-$5oo/mo yrty. CIMn. Shop/Store/Offlce s~ • Chris Craft. utll lncJ. mo. pvt patio. lndry rm, gar NEW 2 T 1 Br dhc apt Iota of 5-49-S289 ~I-.. . quiet PlfM>n. 841-2281 ~1!'L~c?;. ':::.:1~'::· to mo. $400 + dep. $450/ mo + 1450 sec VILJ.~~ c°o ownhofYv• cto94111. 2 beleonlel, trpk; WANTED 2br In CdM or ---------

HOIOSCOPf 551-0305, 842-4027 dep. Reis req'd. no pet1 3 Bdrm. 2,..., B:-1~~1

sq :79_P~:~ ~~14~o . \~: ~t~·,';~~'J:i Belboa ltlend Good Wanted: buy, rent or OCEANFRONT. Bal Pier, 642.()350 ft . or pure luJcury Gar- Incl. S20 d9P 84U386 refw., & quiet 536-5850 leue/opt, approx 800 aq.


yrly. 3 .Br. 2 be. gat, "° E-side twnhM 2Br l')cba. ages, spas In every home 2 Br. 1'"" ba Studio apt Wanted· room by Sept 7 ~ac':·:~o~~~ d pets. $1200. 673-6640 2548 Orange. no pe11 - mascar sulce. dlnl11g 548·2682 Balboa llland HouM: 2 br, In exci\ange for 11 hale~· In N~port ... c . Mimi Sahr ay, Sep&ember 3

$e15/mo 642 2520 ooms ood b nl - 1 be, l rplo. $250, 111 & B "' ' · - •• 1983 OCEANFRONT. Sharp 2 . - . r ' w ur ng 2 Br 2 Be. cpt , drapes, nr IU1 Nick 873-2146 N • 1mpt. fem. 4,,4 .. 307 675-0212 , BR. S675 winier. Garage. l&aHI YISTA am llrepteces, micro-wave beech. yrly $750/mo. . /It_ I ARIES (March 21-April 19): Score appears to mount against No .... s. 873-78~ • • 85 1 Br, 1 Ba Apt. Frplc, ovens. private patio• & 548-9341, 646-2848 Bey & OCMn view, m1tr -r•ttt tr ' la•a1lrlal

...... .., yards ~rdener bdrm 1 11 emen11 ltat 2112 It I 2120 you,butgameisfarfromlost. You'll"escape"from apni:i,...nt .krill his P.110 .II I ' 2 Br, • 512 B ., . .... ~Dr. ' H . 811 I ,.,--Oceanlront/vlew. excep- O · • provded. E ant llvtng .. ..,.,_,.,,. Promontory Point $450 I 2 .. .,. ... ..,._ ... ,...~P.- trap Focua on atavina power ultimate vt"ctory basic .,....,. ,..;ty

1ioneJ tum 2-3Br. frplc, bu lt-ln1. only 15 minutes from See occupant. $800/mo. mo 673-4209or An• Ad ~double car garage $35 2.860 1q tt. 3975 Birch. · · J--o • ' ~ .... ' · lndry. ;at. Wlntlf lrom 366 Avocado FHhlon lalend, 7 mlt1utet 529-9060 , 731 &42_..300 per month, Laguna Newport Beach. S1330. Confidential information will be made avainable . Pi.sees plays $650 mo. 640-4784 TSL Mgmt 642·9• 12 to s.c. Plaza or o .c Air - • Niguel. 831-5888 t.A 1A zo111ng. Agent key role.

On 25111 SI. 2 Br. 1,..., ba, Graac 1br 1ba. lrpl .• O/W, port. Jus1 eat1 of New- · "'• is"1


' CdM 3 br. 2°" ba 2 atory Balboa tatand: Lg ovraze 54 t-5032. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Good lunar aspect highlights yeuly $8 00 / mo lrgbeckyard, gar., SSOO port Bl\ld & IO. of Sen ,,_,, . ., '" houH. lrplc. walktobch. w/ ttorage HI-dry New FllTASTIG ldeaa. trinor::, reunion with relatives. Debts are pai·d , you ' ll gain &40-2036 Ag1 673-1282 Diego Frwy 1 1200/mo COUNTRY CLUB u I '300 + ..... Utllt. 875-5015 roof S70/~. 64&-f333 ..-

631·5439 2473 Orange ---•lff Tew-• I• --111T added recognition, could be in line for promotion. Member of Perl. bach unit In new Vic- Houae· E/ sJd9 2 br. encl. Ave. Costa MeM. IN NEWPORT BEACH ~·-.'Wk WANTED. thop apace or • r..- . h d ·u kno . w tch torten house 1 blk from gar . lenoed. tndry hk up, Slngles 1 & 2 Bdrm Apar1 · M/F anr furn 3br, 2')cba: large garage tor minor ...... oppo51te sex cares very muc - an you w It. a bch on Npt Pen. Utll Incl xtraa. 966-2084 att. 6 Daaa p · t 272' """" & TownhouMI. lrplc, pool, ctubhH , new 1uto body repair, will pay lllllTll&L Rnl Capricorn.

••• Some are elegantly crp1/pnt. Reta. credit"' up to 1200/ mo. Cotti HASXLNTLOCATION GEMIM(May21-June20): You'Ugainwideraurue~.you $350 mo to mo. + dep. Lrg 2 Br fourptex 720A Spacious. bright 2 Br. 1ii't lurnlahed From $660 req. $350 + 11\ u111t. M ... or Hun11ngton Bch. 551 -0305. 642-4027. Shallmar . $49 5 ba. $625. 493..0467 On Jamboree Rd at 840-954741119/wknda Blll9e9-1221 NEWPORTBEACH get rid of unnecessary expenses and you receive credit long Avall 9115. 646-2613 No pets. Sen Joaquin Hiii• Rd. COSTA MESA overdue. Despite some minor irritations, you get what you want

Wlnllf, 3 Br. view & dect<. MESA PINES 2650 Harle Baat. lucli 2740 144-1100 WTILlff TWllll om.. ....... H14 • OttiCe WarehOUH - and you make money doing it. Libra native is in picture. West Nwp1 $825 BEAUTIFUL 1 BrS525/up. 2- Bdrm 1'1o Ba Condo •CONDOS• t.A/F to thr furn. 3br, 161'w .. tdiff.N.8. 27810 Combo CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Long-range plans come into 673-0241or831-4562. PRV pa11o,pool, spe frplc. dshwahr, p~1lo, dbi VIiia Balboa and Ver- 2'...,ba . frplc . poo l. 1365 aq. ft. Sullable for • t500aqlt to3712aqtt

WINTER RENTAL· 1 & 2Br. TOP area, quiet, no pets garage. s7501mo. $500 sallles 631_..960 ~~t~.h~~.tdi."~ ~~'~".~ medlcal or dental. Agen1 • Carpets, drapes, sharp, clear focus. Moon in your sign highlights initiative. cl.ari ty. s..as & S675 mo. 3 108 w 549-24•7 deposi t 863• 1500 Agent, urns 840_95-47 evl wknd 541·5032 • On ane MC. & mngmnc originality and ability to successfully initiate creative policies. Ocnlr ont 634-3777 .IN- Breed Apar1ments no lee •CONDOS$ • CdM. lormer manicurist •Beautllullyland1e1ped Define tenns, realize that your position is going to be v indicated. 2-5PM or 646-5902 eves Quiet-unique 11ndscape 2 Bd --1 B 1 • .-.. VIiia Balboa and Ver- Female rmmte needed. dlx tulle 2855 E CSI • A .!w, atlf ~:!_d LEO (Julv 23-Aua. 22): Follow through on hu ... ,.h . r--"--

rm. a enc O....v sa111es Studios· 1 s-2' s yearly rental ,_, beech s576 875 6900 v .... °'rm ...... occup ~ ""D ..... ~ Saa Cltantt 2'761 No Pets 1 bdrm. 1 be. single garage $450/mo 631·4960 $297 50 mo &42-9708 Hwy, mo · ... Ill that answers lie behind scenes and will soon become available

$49 5 . Bachelor/lo ft $390 deposit 863- 1500 m-1 2 Br duple•. close to bell & $495 393 Hemtllon . Agan• no lee $850/ mo 3 Br 2 B• Fe rmm1e wtd Financial * -11• TIO TllAY Sense of direction will be clarified - matronly woman

1 o w 11 S 5 o o / mo Costa Mesa 645-44 11 · upper umt. garage. wtd stable. lat• 20·1 c M. llml * 1835 Whittler Ave c .. t3 "testifies" in your behalf, sings your praises Some restnctions 492-e& 10 1..,_, 1 ed 2 Bd 1 2 Br Duplex. enclsd yard hk-up. 3 blocks 10 beech, Ouplu Own Lrge Bdrm I MO FREE RENT 142• llM 141-1111 will be removed. .

.. -~ .. pant rm kids. pets Ok $435/mo ell b1t-1n1. & bath . beox yrd Wlthll'IOrtterml9ue. full Af1rbltal1, Ual. ::3t~~~5~U~111 ~~~~ 963-8286 blr 2 30 208 Lugonla s325tmo Call Melanie. aervlOe tult ... Keep your WANTED· lhop 19&C• or VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Routine changes. exdtement laJMa garage. pool, no pets. 3 Br Townhouse 2'h Ba Tll•c•I 142-llH 64t- 1331 ocverhMdlow& ~~~~~~.:~rw1r.'~~ replaces ennui. Focus o n creativity, romance. fullillment of

Ptaiaiali 2707 301 Avocado 6•2-9850 lrplc. wet bar, yard. tor- Acron from beech flihr N.B lovely 3 story P8r8°11""0o~a0rllm. Sageulle11~4h. up 10 12ootmo Cotta many hopes and wishes. Lunar posiuon highlights per-- mal dining . garage. · 1 n hN ocein all . ... •• B · f " ·al g · Jun" f b ·

Lge 2 br duple,.. winter POOL. lrple, pvt patio. 5735/mo. 545•3 115 Bright/airy 2Br Iba. •~enrlle~. lrg gar ~t & Newport Beech ,...,.. or Huntington ch. suastveness, ln&nel ams resu g rom usmess o r career. rental 2 h ... from bch dshwshr. Eestslde. x tg 2 --- pa11o. $775. 968-8263 ssOo 831-3851 Bill 969-122 t Gemini, SagittariUf n atives play key roles. can l~rn S600 645-3434 Br garden •Pt S59filmo Studio apt w/ stove & Condo 3 bd 2 ba prlv congenlet


19 BALBOA PENINSULA huu ... tatt Jiii LIBRA (Sept. 23--0ct. 22): Stick with pnnc.tples. refuse to

557-2841 relrig . water & gH pd, ti • 2 pools . ded LIYI "Tll llAll .,_ h uali ed L __ , 1 C.rtaallel•ar 2722 P001sldecondo.


2Ba. c



beach S395 PL!h~·andAlry •• u7pg•9035• 400 aq It PV1 bath..,... • SPIRITUAL ADVISOR• compromisew ereq "tyisooncem . unar. numen1.AL1cyces _ • -- MI F rmmte wented. 2 t -25. done. S300 mo. 675-7904 Advtce In love marrlw & • t to ul•;-~te · to d t d · ble financial

New 1 Br Condo. rrpk;. carpor t. Jae . Hune. __ 00 DE XE 2 B 1 pie r~. prot n/ITTlkr to Shr .,_.,.. .............. •~ ... _.__ __ .. 7.r. 249 ,,....,....* pom ...,,... vie ry , a vancemen an p<l6SI carpet•. drapee. bit-Ins, lease $675 842~589 Wal~ lo beach, 1 Br crpts, LI r LU r. r · t>Mul apt w/ lndry °" ... , .. on1 . ..,,, ...... Pltivw. --- v .,.. " windfall. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio natives figure in e xciting garage, pool, mo/ mo . drapes .. stove & relnge lrf b lck patio. 11150 BalbOa Pen 1 houH parking. Janltorlal. i.lt i Jnd j1i4 · !MM. 1750 or S800 mo Private 1 Br. trptc. pool, $4SO. 53a-4637 - 8 S-6359 from OOMn. Super dell et3- 1003 ecenano. • 7141752-5071 brwn 8:30 patio. garege No pets. New evltf)'Chlng 1 Br. 2 a1S300. CallAllMorRob O..tgn Prol••alon•I 10 Mn~LllT SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21): Good lunar aspect coincides & 5:30 wkd'JI. Ask tor 399W Bay. 650--0e00 La1aa1 ltac• 2741 block• ott und at 875--0132 (8-5pm) or lhal• apecie a ~llY 1awcs 10 buy• bike. en withknowledgeofl.aw,pursuitofeducationalproject. traveland Bob 55&-5101 Sharp & clean 2e r . o•relen 2 Br 11'2 8a. lrplc, walk 10 $450/yrty 760-U82 875-5035 aft. 6pm. In new Dana Point offtc:e. route Huntington BMch special communlcatio118. Be ready for replies long delayed -

'""1 No ...... S470/mo I • ..... HIV\ 497-2333 10 Cott• Me941: (1"50. '"'--'ni v · Studio. S375tmo. 111. last .... · ...... · · own ........ ech . .-v/ mo Nr Hoag Hoap. 2 1tory 2 Lrg hOl.IM. oc.at1 view, nr · ,2,.20• 11,.10. 13)$1 loet answers could be amusing and rewarding. uti1u • irgo. & $400 MC. 842-4210, 546-9950 Incl. utll. 493-8538 Br. apt, 1'"" ba. garage, Hoag Hotpt1al, 111. laat mt. Pllf,""" Friday .. p1MM help. Sagittarius persona play key roles. Mon-Fri, 8-4 only. Sparkllng 2br upper unit: l-...rl ltac• 2719 de-hr. w/ d, no pela. S325 mo. 845-3281 Courtywcl, pvt bath. _. 999. 1221 TOdd S~GITl'ARIUS t(Nov. 22.Dec. 21): News of family member

CNta llna 2724 Meta Verde 4 plex. N- , •• ..,, S475/mo. 548--0230 Mala roommate 28 + bw: eec'I. btlllpg, phone FOUND: 2 wtllte •tandard earthtone cpl & cloHd On 25th St. 3 Br. 2 ba. yrly. needed, nr water, N.B. Mt'V. Lag. Bch. 494-0550 P di 1 t t in finandal distress oould be highlighted. Be calm, diplomatic

1650 aq ft. of quiet luxury, g1r. '525/mo, 1111tu1 + <pa,·rous slngl• one l l200tmo 840-2038 S325 & ..-. eSG-0207 °0 ••. ma • · and don't throw first atone. Ultimate outcome is favorable. rould 2 Br. 2...., Ba. w/-.. aec wlld9yt 408- 1938. ~ " ""• · vwy. -T"t• -• rernale, v1C lrvtne arM. • ··~, & two b d ts ~ '""_,_ 07&-0884 actually re9ultin happy reunion. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio penons irtr•. lncd yard. S750. St

0 ,..,. 1.,,.. 1 4 2 Br 2 · e room ap . Penln/Bey vu. 2Br 1ba Mature reef> peraon to ahr _.WPllT •••-

67:J..6338, 842-9&e6. u n • .,. ..- • II I dptx. l/p, 1 car epace. 3Br HB hM. Own ba. -· - figure prominently. lBR leooed yard. partly ::25°a~~~10~\~· ~ :1.,, S750yrty. 57~160 ~=~~~-~~Lu~~~:;'°'~~ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Locate legal papers, study furn S50 per week. THE VICTORIAN 2 er. 1 • ..., I I l ...... offtcuuttee fotll) ADS leaaes, be aware of license requirements and take advantage of 963-2431 Ba wt gar S520. Crpta. 9 1 • Completely refurbl1heo t.A/F tl-25 to lhr 48r Bal Recept ~ Aneg """'· opportunity to renegotiate agreement. Focus also on public

2 bd, dnst,.., gar. nice Orpea. bl1ln1. lncd yard 1._ I~•' • I] '11 2Br. 1Br upatal,.. apt ~t'::-+~8~":'9 Jr::.~~ ARE FREE relations, partnerships. pleasure resulting from stimulating area Vlctorl1/Cenyon. w/pat lo w11er pd. 687 w/wood burnl~ trptc & clash of ideas. No d"og1 Avail 9-4. Victoria SI 63~ 120 Call FURNISHED or PV1 garege. 5 8 lrvlne MtF 25-35 to ahr grMI 2 Lido Penlnaule -water Cal•. S550/mo 831-&812 1-5PM Ave Lae S700 mo. No bf. 2 ba at P~omoncory oriented ofllce bldg AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on health,

UNFURNISHCO. i>el•· Agt. 631-5 155 Pt, 11 neat, r~. & ICMt saoo1mo. 873--6030 141·1111 employment, added reeponaibility and extra financial outlay due 2~~~.: 8:0 bi:~:· ~;~: r:~~=P:~;,~ i!J. ! 1~h~:: ALL UTILITl[S Saa CJtatalt 2771 Nwpl. Allton 8 S-62a. NEWPORT BEACH offlce to dependent or care of peta. Older individual will lend benefit of

•• • ""1. • i ... 9957 1 sml .-1 ok $515/mo. PAID, H[ALTH M/ F 1hr lrg ...__,...He• 1 000 ft •tc ·actl • · ls •'-- dh " • ruJ " ,.._ · • .,,._"' '"" ,,.. CLUBS, TENNIS. 2 Br 5485. Furn. S520. • ....... ,,...... • 1q. · "' r v.. expenence. IJl8 1s w1al you a ere to s\nct es. '-Apnoorn ph 545- 1678 p d he>m9, non-amkr, 28- . Well Matntelned. MOdwn .,.---------...,,....--1 2 Bf 1112 Ba, lrplC. OIW, SWIMMING plus ool, y11r roun . nr Aval! . now. 831-1286, Bulldtng Otl Quiet Street. Found: Brn/wll t Fem plays im~rtant.role .

pV1 patio garage "° peta Ut lls peld. 1325/mo. 1 Br. h 1 S beach. buMS. No pe1a. ••2 ... 42 DI ·'"'-..AA p G Sp r Ing• r Sp an I e I . Pl (F b 19 ••--'- 20) S tlight ( t S540tmo'. 543.5,479 634 adults Pfellfred. quiet, muc more orry. 498-6277. ~ • ..,.. · ana A._.... llklng. .,. Brootchu"1/At1111111. HB. e · -n.uu~n : po o n your ee - you Hamilton patio. no pe11. 844-6958 no pets Models .:=11 1 _

1 ' tlO M/F to ahr 31>1121>e condo. • o • • A v • 11 a b 1 • 988-3048 could stub your toe or purchase a pair of shoes. Emphasis also on

opeo daily 9 to 6 ... ,.. • pool. Jae 5 min 10 occ. 8'5-4800/845-3323 change, travel, variety and cont.act with attrac tive member of 2 Br collage type. gar. pV1 Walk to beach, Bachelor. lml yrd 4 lndry $550 -+ crp11. drapea. stove, MC deP. Ref• req'd, no relrlge. 1JI utlls paid. pet• 842-0350 $400 536-4637

So. co .. t Villa i Br. 751-9455 Mike ... Y~NT BLOG BASE Found. Dog Older blk/1an 0 k d "" · male. Corner Placen- opposite aex. Project will be completed. you'll be relieved of a WOO 1500/mo. Joyce Waltte. M/ F to thr houH w/2 1ge ME 2 5oo aq II 11 a I V I ct or I a . C M bu.rd d

Garden Apartments 631- t26e bdrm•. lrplc. lge eun- 50ctl 1 00/ 1q n. Call: 845-72341 en an unnece911ary expense. ci.c11. 3 bike co l>Mch, Mori-Fri 9 •5 P I 30 2

I N~wport Buch So. laaMt ltatli 27U $375 utlla lllCI. 975.1721 642·4&44 FOUND· Orey cat, vie Lett I Ftull 3004 tfttH I 1 •ert11~H, 2 Br TawnhouM. very quiet. frple. JIC\.lttl. gar­age No pell S650/mo Cell 831-4984

1700 16th Street 2 bdrm, if25tmo: t bdrm, Mov. In nowt Pral. F to lflr NEWPORT CENTER. Full ~:~~~4 6 Hell. F V Lo11: Golden Retriever SPIRITUAL READINGS f .D. I 4111 llfe81iB.AU (at Dover) S596/mo: Slept 10 sand. 3 br 2 bl houN 1 blk HNloe becuClve SultM puppy , " Goldle". Adv1ee1na11mattera Love. WIDOW HAS SH 1



Nu Carpet1p11n1 18•88 lrom" beach NB. Yrty S575-S625 840-5470 Found. grayrabblt, Harbor Adams / Lake . HB marrlag• & buslnen T 0, 110000 N ~~ 2 Br. wllk 10 tr\opplng. TIWllllll ~St 213-592-2725 s260 • c1ep.'85G-4534 ·

1___ VlewHomee area, approx 536-3703 Al10 counseling. 1815 h '.; · 1 oc~lto

pat io. a1ar1lng 11 S52S. O..ffl fet rtlf ii;w~• -..'"" 2 wkl ego. 6••-.. 087 So El Camino Reel. San ° ec · no PIO•~ 557- 1430 Frplc, veulted ceUlnga, dbl Newport Buch No. lffal 2100 Pen1hOUH Calallria vi... momn 111111 LOii orengelwh1 cat. VIC Cltm Llc'd. 492-729e. len~ on & ~ 10,000

--• & 2 880 Irvine Avenue CH.IN'A COVE BEACH CIOM 10 bch, H B Pv1 F"ll Mtvlce fr--- u 25 mo Found In Sunaet Bch Hamllton & Harbor. Re· TO a o Denison Aaaoc. 3 Br 2 Ba, E.alde. yard. garage, P"':' spa. (a'l

6th) b I S32a " .,.. .. .., M/goldenretnver. lden1• ward. 631-6671 lc•tthl 873-73 11

lrplc nu paint/ dr•~ ' Bdrm Oen 2 1' Be $770 1 I HOUSE. Room. no kll , • entrance · " • C•ll 844-6800 tty 2 3-502 2608 ,... =-~=---...--..,,...,....,, .... CPI .S750/mo Ca11"'D'idt 1 Bdrm 1'r. Bt $630 645-1104 1S1 & lu1 $250/mo. Call ::::-5_3_,.8-o...,-7_9_,.4_,--,..--= Ole space, 2rma + r«:ep1. FOU~O k; t Loat. Slem•H M Cit , Ja1lr•Clita Jul ltlt Waat• Sl• 99a..73oo dyt, 840•2426 686 W, 18th St l 'I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 875-4231 6f>m-9pm POOl/jec: 4 br home. SC 1rea, 2 bath•. wet bar. I en . grey L1Qu11a Beach, r-•rd. Learn to tall with the pro- 16 SCTRVIA;OW LSM ev .. /wtinda 645-2739 _ ,, Furn rm tor empl. ltmlle. Plan. M 21-35, a1raight 830 91 4oc aq. ft c M ~~-;"~1~r P•a• ~II~~· 494-84671494-3872 leulconalt, NewporA t Sall- Need Mll-slartwwtlallllee

3 Br t01ally remodeled . ..... ltacli 2740 ..... 1eac. 274t Newport Hgts LI kitchen n/tmkr. 1275 &41~523 Avail. lmmed &75-7121 850- 1H9 LOST Sm•ll Whit• Ing lub and cldemy 10 WOfk In buay reolonal br1no new, 1'h Ba prlv S1801mo 642-6148 Pv1 entrance a oa. run co Offtce~forlene: 747 MALTESE· No THCh. Chertett. lnllwction and salea ()(c phones. lownhouM apta. DIW. gretnbl1 Ul ll pd $250. " · HOS/mo u111• pd AIC. FOUND: l.O Old TortolM In VIC: Anita & Oletl"*Yrl. MemblllhlPt


7100· typing monthly ~··

P111oe, kids OK, no "'"'"· K b k Ootr courM vu. Pool, llOt 53&-0704 grouA l4 fir . 10•5 El vie 17Ch & Santa Ane LB. on 8/7183 home ladatta~~ 4tl4 diet office lnC94'feclng ..- enney Un port? tub. Non-lmkr Chrlatlen C "Y "' Ave .. C.M. 845-1408 4 9 7 . 4 3 6 7 work . ~ Mull be Ible to WOftl ~ .. •9P5:mo oFc;;~..'!,a1.~:~. morel• Pvt entr RmmtNneeded lmmed:


... ,,.0r.Ofcc:._1~.~&· ,,_....,._ lltt ... 1,.,..,h·'r_.. 831 •0358 &Citing 1 arnith bUll. w/ lltoeaupwvtllOn, meet ..., "" .... .. .... S235/mo 851- 1910 tllr hOUte nr SC Plue. "'' "'· .--·- ........... ... -··• .. ..., awn., moving. Bull. xlnc. deedllnet & ht,,. P'Of. 91· ptielltton64S-e&48 Isn't that the horse that won $250-'300. 841-0124 Adema. ,,,... d<>G. muiti-c~. LOST: Yellow pe1 per•- Mobtleunttloeded:. gen., 111ud• a •PP••r•nctt.•

The Triple Crown in '72? M r.referrld , pool, Jae. ten· 754-1040, Mr Tracy downtown H.8 . N0·211f ""'· 'Aront.'. •l•o 1 2 way rldlo. echOol avall. Salary commenaurate 5495/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. pool, la.Jndry IOOfl', cJoee I~ ahopplng. t40 E. Bay St.

Tll lpt. 141· 1111 .~ ... ...

2 8r. Condo lrO/decll MS0. 131--4381,

IM1· 1U4.

MOO/mo 2 Bf 1•..; Ba TownllouM. grMflbelt. l/r. carport, b•lcony.

2071 Thuftn

Tll .... Ml-11N ............. 1 It. Condo. trpto, micro. Oll'llgll W( oPer*, Pool & ..,... IM0/"10. $45-3115

CMtr/llna I Br Apt, bttln tinge, frptc, MW Cfpt .

t:J:!° HIO/ Mo

WANT ACTION? ~ Me 142"6978

' -II you If not surt wllO (Or wh1tl Ktnneytwnkport wn . doll I lttt l>ICI ~u·re llOI ilonc KtnMyti.1nlpo11 1i ~ 01 I• dnl!nclfyfly dill tr tnt •oartmtnt tloofpt1ns

" St1w1nd V1h1Ct 1n Hvnhnrton Btxll Stawh'ld Ylllate " 1 1n1111 01 rotally l>tfjOflallttd piolmio11al

P'•nmnc Ille •ind ot •lltnllOll ,ou dtur•t A Pttlt<t bltnd ol n1111tt •!Id hYlllC fttstltd '" • lo1nl with blbllhnc bloel\ .ild quN1t pond1, cooltd by neturll ocun bl"ln 4dd to thal ttnnn court$. sw1111m1111

pool\. • ~~ .nd 1 con•tlllf!ll toolton 11tar ~n& tnd t111ploy111t11t and vov wt tot a Dlttt •n,one wovkl oroudly ull llOrnt (hen Kenneybunkportl One and

lwo bedroom ont Ind lwo bAlh 1pulmtnls 110111 $~~

s~Yi&~,~· t m~ IW!lflneton Y .. lw. Hllftt111Jon 14«11 C'A

(7 14) 898-9961 I

f rOlll !tic Sift 0...0 F l'WWIT dntt l!Ortll OC1 llt.R~ 10 Mc redden 111111 -al Oii Mc,..,.,. to S..ino ~llllft r ur n1""'1p •Ylll•lllt • Open clltlf I 0 AM t~ dH~

na,cootclng, we.lklobch, 8hr luxury twnlh* 2 mttr • $ 290/up, c arpett . FOU~O: M ... Cf'IOOOlat• amell ... grMO parakMt. Reduel9dtoU4,000 w l uper .. 8enel l1a . S250/mo. ut111 lnold. rma. 2~1•. PoOlelde. jec, dr-, • 'c, reetr00tna, I.lb, red OQltar, tern inlx Aewtru. 500 btk WlllOO. 180-0908 Pleaaent worklni en· 548-4280. IK3-4H8 lrpto. '350 mo. &e1- 1e79 _.._ "' 831-3123 11901 ._,,,IM!. Hunt· GotdenAet~.redcof· • Swlmmtng Poot ~!Cal vlron. A1k !or •wn.

Room !or rent,,.., bCh 4 Walk Ing dlatanoe to invton 9Mcf\. '42-2134. lat. tern lttllP mix P"P· SCRAM LETS Ser"'"9 Bu--. Cott• 553·0711 . RAPICOM twy. S250 mo. M3_..0S4 l>Mch. Poot. Jllc. tennll ... , _ blk / wht, male •hep . • Meta • rM no ••per INC 1400 BnttOI St. No.

U" •wn nr occ. _ _ 1 M/Of court• & OlubhOuee, GW· - ••w Huaky mix. Qrey/bre'M\. • n.ceaury.' wlll 1ralt1, Ste 130. N!>t Bch. E.O.E. .... -·'YI &g4'MOgeted, fullaoo.- ee.itlfUl .... offtoeav... Numeroue cell &11"1"'9. ·~WERs S55000 lull amount~ M/F/ H. F need ref9r'• · 1225 mo. to nom.. f'.enwe Ofttt. ..,.._ 842-4644. Mon-Fr1, even. Newpof1 1 hech ftn.l w111• ..... 1 .... ,, 000 •1 w- ..... --~--1-er-...... --. 1•talaa11>45-e024 Non-amlcrPNf, t.2tO/mc:ir. l ·S. AnlmalSMIW 1HMeM 1--va1ve .... .-. +. -to_.,, -r~ ...... . ...... . - c . .. .......... ~ COlleC1 M~Fr1 MPM. df..,... •tow a .........

)(l11111rH090lbctl . p¥tent ........., ..... v .... .. . M. M• Ml4I ~~OVEA" A1ll fof Tim (408) 1450.~7. :1tc':n~'103;c> H::!.t~eci ....... • .. F~: Mot'*~'.f:""" TOd8}' a ~II em- 887.0111. ._. ........

Z ...... ~,::r.: ! . Ee1eblltMd 12 ~ • aq H: ,,. I. rn ~'.':.11I.=o tr., r:::~ owit ... t!'J" ..!! 10· """ .. ..... !14 4 dey -- fot b4.;,...

1 ;-ti'":~-~~-f;;;m;i;iii:F. l ~"~'~ln~OC~-~!~t.3~2.-4~·1~14~ HWy, OdM. Avlll l'IOW. ...., - .... ......,. r.mn;-moMv 1or r.I', eetate lnve.t"*'t ol'lloe. 11 ot:I ~ Of r.nt Q. ~ 720o0373 Tuee ""'' ~ ,O\lNO: Tttrtet mix dog, an'JWhfft1 ilnce .. 2ncla. Allo wlll rotl cit.- Nw 0 c Alrpor'I. ....

, 12o-up w/kltc~ • Woocnwldoe apt 10 lht: 3 Fai rview & Adema. hawtrou•Al.LOVIA. count~ 4C 37 quit" math tY')lnO ...._ ev.ii. 878•8740 br. 2 be. C.Jl0f1. tennle+ 137.1321 tye, t7t-1t7e , . · pl\onM 1nd"con1rnUNo.. Jec. pool, ~tMtM. lake lfalab 1111 aft 8PM. . Ptr11aa11 , Jill •ri.... 11on a111111. Vacalln J>rlv. $260 mo + utitt. _ _ • I , r. ' 4_ le~ att Quiet. nonltme*••· Call 11111.. FO\lnd ~lrtw cocllall•I '* PllT&IY ,_ '* , , 1 ... l'lt-1111.

!.._.! 551.3219 GefttrCM '-*'' lmprOOM tame. re. tth a Acipe, ~Olrlll~Ceil liiiriiii •-·r-11a--Daul frool condoe -t• ••"to.,..,.,._ ft H.I s:te-7m J-640-4110 • tnJ ... _,._,_ • &f/d t 8r .. 8 1~-.1 .... A.. • ... -- ....... \....... ...,.,., .... • _, ............. a....... ,.,., motnlngl. .... asn ~ IY " a. -- - .. H'lff ofl~. 1.tOllt . 241& LOST .• , .• I .:..:...;:~ MC - VIM · AtrM • ._..,_ 1n t it I 2nd ____ .;;.____,_.....,. ~>9:·~~ WGann;a N•wpor1 •1. c.M """ ~•. bm •"-:.·-- ...,.111_ rr,: ... 9 Aet~ ...,_needed,

" y, II\ bflCf\ .,... """"'9 142-3490 ~VICI Holiday rN• ' "(." ti ' ldAMlt e:H-3123 or H2·1137 ~ IOC4I "9eher. IOnt ttlf'a. CM/HI t fttl & ..._,. t rv . NI "••art! _...,..~-=- i4M1 14~~ AM'°' Cindy

M50- a. 3. 10 Ult 5'3-1113.. ~a.eQft • .,.,... ..,to4 ......... , __ llebyaltttt. matute, m~ ct\91\0t for ~ r.n- • pwt{fnl, w oond ()Mw ..........._ ... , I • m tw.., - llome, Mon•Frl from Ill N02 tuatKn, C... Hav• f.OU read lofty a 97a..o l.Drr DOG. tlili & ""'"r 7_.Ul. IM-Ual 1"6fi~~T10ftCALL f"lOAM ... ltM ~

now Wor••tont- c1 .. ~i.cs Ad•? If iwt. .l'llfnf 11111. '" -...,. - .L Tm&al•ftl -----....... -· ...... you're,,... ...... Cl .. 1•..i Mil. ... or. ...... ...,.. ""'°,...HU. 14te Item• With. .. ..... ,. He .. ~ to"""" ,_ -· ..... ...... tn townt "°" "'°'"*" ... •auft9l. ~HM _ ~ ..... Cl•1lftld M ~c _ Ct........, ada iio It_.

• I

• .======~===========~M':':":".'.'"':~~~==~~~=-""':':=IW:11:'11~~-mn~T.=r-""'Tn:rTIC::-... -e_c_o_u,t~O,.A~ILY PILOT/Frid~. Sept. 2, 1983 "'' •u•• II• Ith'""' UM1m.1&..:;;~~.....111~ 1au:11:111---1~,~~~~~~1 lllT / IUTlll P"1· tlme RECEPTION16T Nl!EO!O lllllfTY llAU Ex~-" 1 ~ hper L!O AL S!C· fOf buty vet hoepftal. !x• Maun pel'llOl'I. for rec;. ·----------

.,;0:.::A':'..,...w ,·~ t RETARY, 675-4200 petlet\ca 11 .. pful. Perl/ rMllon .,. ~Weekend• · --· a ... ron time ...,... a ~end•. •


ACROSS t M s . O'Orsay 5 Slmulatea 9 Swagger 140pp~:

dlal. 15 Food flall 16 Emanate t7 Separate 18 Run 19 M ake tardy 20 NATO and

SEATO 22 Detour 23 Agreeable 24 Unconfined 25 Stage

whispers 28 Sign up

again 32.Roomter 33 Earlies t 34 Bever age 35 Moslem ~utor 36 Families 37 Brewer's

yeast 3 8 Auto ol yore 39 Twists -40 Fig\,lre out 41 Limits 43 Reproved «Iowa City -45 Ruminant

46 Interfere 49 Utenslls 53 Once more 54 Metal 55 Direction 56 Rent again 57 Negative

contraction S8 Ms. Hay.

wo rth 59 Hastens 60 M other

sh~p 61 Blemish

DOWN 1 Go l oodless 2 - Stravln·

sky 3 Discharge 4 Behind one

another 5 S torage

areas 6Soup 7 M an's na"" 8 Reposed 9 Conspicuous

10 Gad ab out 11 Solemnity 12 Addict 13 Omar's

product 2 1 Rank


22 Garment 24 Brackens 25 Cognizant 26 Quartz glass 27 Fool 28 Yemen

money 29 Austria's

neighbo~ 30 Tennis shot 3 1 Subdued 33 Insects 36 Promising

one 37 Some

roomers 39 Glues 40 Pung 42 Weapon 43 Artifices 4 5 Non-pro-

ducer 46 Baked Item 4 7 US author 48 O ffenses: law 49 Increase 50 Temporal 5 1 This: Sp. 52 - Chamber 54 Fish

te&K&nt. Call 075-0474 PART·llMf Po91tlOn .. 11all Apply wttnln; Newe>ort only). Call 40· 9142. HO .. working wfof\lldt'WI K.& HarbOr Anll'll.i H al. da.vt: 045-2439 evM.

~ 8Mofl. front of· grM In befor. l 9cn: 125 M ... Or., 0 .M . s.rv Staticlfl Attndl ~IT .. •------- --fie. Oleftl. m~. rm 00 at p6or•m•. OoMt Reflable pereon ltland tale I only I no FIB ...

Mature, attrac11ve honMt.. YMtA 042·= fOf tandwlch tl\op, Irv ~II .. no amkrt. 8" Mr 2 FEMALE 0 . HEELERS h • r d w o r k I " g · ., .. 071· 1739 0511· 1247 9ottt ~490 Fllirv!.w. C.M (Auatrallan) need good 714-64&-441 t 10 am . & p I/ ' Cornet Of Fair homtt. HOUMbroken, 111 pm. Aak for Devld Step· lrlOlll 1.1 IAUI llllT Stettonery StQfe In Corona 1no11, •P•ved. Cell -hene PIJrOtl IOfc:ar- poaltlon wfamall dal Mar needs FIT tir· & ~ndt, 351·1089

Hot roof.,., MGond m•n but i.edlll(I com~Clal perlanced Mlt1peraon. 1-G""'ol- den-""Re,...-tr_tl,...lltf'- ..,,P-upp__,lte- Cerna .....

... "'·.

lut. IHc~ Immediately. Call Bob • lssiSflllf brOk.,ag• firm. Degree 875· to10 AKC ti an t S 150off E•8.o7"" pref, a.11peor. not nec .... 1--------- · a 0 1• .,. Evet'lt. hlll(I rmm go Sat Mult i '--lly y- ·" ........ Sat "" .... ary. Income. training, n•tllUYllY 7141893·2180 10·5. 210 PolntMttla. only.'M. 421'N1;;;"s1.

Houaecleanere wanted. Bank of N.-Pof1 hat an beneflt1. Submit r~me peraon !*lded. lmmed. L.abRetri.vtf'puppltt, yel· Futn . •urfboarda, Need car. S5/ nr. Lv lm,nedl•t• opentll(I for a to Sa.lei Manager 3500 Opentng1. Good Ben· 1 AKC anot e11 clothel •• 83 1 8222 reeponalble lncllvldu•l to c 8 f 1 ow. • 1• a_mp · lniat . mt&Nge. • a.a•at ""'r ,.,..,...,..t-ol p.... e. out H~ ulte 1 eflte, xrotlt allarlll(I, u I ltn91 497· 1559 C~-.-~-----

- ...,. "" - ..... - C del C tu t' "" I ...... '-'I . M a Ill ORANGETREE CONDOS Hou~·-·"I"" part tt~ aonnel. orona er, a"· .me. p..,y n per ...... .. n ..,~ ......... _. ..• .._ """"2"' Tl-.. L.lq 495 E. t7t" PharllOll Hound pupa. ,,..... 20"' T I I s

help with driver• tie, over Hv " · ...... uor. ,, AKC Br.ad. Top Qualll)'. 12 pc dln'*Wart, crock v tlllg• o. rv. at 25 & e)(per . REFS. Reeponllblltleewtlllnclu~ St. Cotta Me11. See wonderful t.mperament. pot, GE elec oven, egg 9AM. Movlll(I every\hlll(I 494-2306 Ive name & prOCMtlng and updat• of lllTI •IYD Duane. Sire •ncl Dame avellable carton matt, polorold goee. Bdrm, refrlg, furn & number. all pertonnel rtlea, re- Some ..... expetlet\et. i.---

11- ,-

1-1-Yl- S_l _l _I __

1 0 r v

1•w 1 ,,

0 SX-70, patio rocker. an- totamOfe. 552·9381

cord• and legal <lOm· Own car. Pt/time. John, 714-835-3554 ttque fir lamp, twin bd ·a·-·-"' HouMkeeper, 4 hre per pllan oe documents, 847-41 t6 Play ground tuptrvltorl (mttl a bOK apgs), cs.p -• wk. $5.00 ,,., hr. H.B. typing and heavy pt\onel, ... II OLEll urgetltly needed by Hunt- Sherry'• Poodle puppy w/mlrror. m!K bike pta & 21n ... t COVWS, 5 Mu1t r .. d Eng. IHl2·3257 aa welt aa calculatton and - lngton Beech City School .. 1.. taacup· tOY min· 10y9, 412 Prine.ton Or. gal bottlel. 20 gal ften

P OC-1lnn of the Newport Stat lon«a ha• 1 Ofalrlet. 1 • 2 houri/day. atur,e. •250 up, 546-2848 Sat/Sun. tank~etand , lu'.P. ..... ge , .UllEPlll r v• ..• em- l ull time po11tton $5.076/hr. Apply 2045t • · -Live In lovely Npt'. Ben ployee payroll , avalable. win train. Mr . Crelmer Lane, Hunt. Bch. Pttl ss3s A- p-pl-c-. -. - ,-u-r,,-.-. ...,,.S-u-zu...,k"""'I _P_c_11en_ k_o_ 94_0·_4_1_ 4 __ home nr ocean. Lite Ouallfled cindldate MUST Emmon1. 883- 1200 phone IHl4·8888 2 1 8o 'c __. 1 & PE175, 990rt, hdwe & n kk d ft h I ge a Ornnr ctora hsllld Items. Sat, Sun &

s ~ an a er IC oo llave a min. of 1 year Sales SWI MMING 1n1tructor cage. $200. 851.0702 Mon. 1944 Whinier superv alon of t3 yr old prevtoua personnel eK· aa•• •II F-NL• ••s w/llc. needed for prlv daughter lor working pertence. be a NII atarter y....., do- d ou~- leaaona 11 retldence Aatltaff 1010 Everything must go . mother. Some evM & and tiave the abJllty to In- es. we an Y -n -wknds. Must have car. tert·- wttll all i~ela of tool Join our antheuslatlc llome. 873·2421 18 Century English Pub Culhman mtr 1COoter,

...,.., v• t Ill t"- west 's Plano. walnut burl . xlnt cruiser blkM & loll of Student pret Sml salary. stall and management eam se ll(I '"" TILIPIH•, p IT 388 E 15 11 s 675-2129 eves. , Requires excellent com- finest newsP•I*' We're Supplement y~r Income cond. ,,,000. 731-4479 ~\~at/Sun 8-5 t t .

IUUllSILI Captain• chairs, up· holatered rocf(er & chair . tablaa, stove, blankets, glaN & dlnnf!fWare. pic­tures, cJothlll(I. etc. etc . EVERTHING MUST GO. No early bird•. Sat only

lllSEIEIPll munlcatlon sktll1, some ~e ~os Angeles Times. by doing lntereatlng tele- Beautlfull~ refinished live In, non smkr. 2 chit· micro-com put er u - m?::itn ":.~~~s : P~om9 phone work on bellatl ot brass dou le headboard, G:0~j9 3~5~: ~!rryt 3L!n:: Ole,nt 3.famlly Sale d C f Good

perlence e definite plua. 0 ; 1 • • 1 nallonal compan ies. $250 645-8999 s S bor ren ., urn. This Is an 8)(eellent op- P5'110· 030,a1 us now a : Newport Beach Office Clothlng, book•, bed· at/ un 8-4, nr Har

9-4 12 15 Highland Or

salary . Reis re'!. portunltv tor Ille right In· .. • has evenings and week- OEARl~~:~~IOUES ding. bikes. mlac. _H_I...,. ~aoo,,....,,...1 5-=th_,S-=-1·-=---557-2488 dlvldual to grow In the Sales-Hardware. FIT pos- enduvallable . S4 /hr 3500 IQ 11 01 American An- MOVING SALE. Sat /Sun LIDO ISLE t43 Trleate

HOUSEKEEPER WANT· personnel field. ltlon In retell llardward gu11an1eed • lucrative tlques, 1180 department furniture, wasller w/gas Prlee to Selll Near NEW ED. To care tor t2 mos. You wlll be working In our store See Steve . , Incentive ptogram. Good 01 used furniture & collec· drver . microwave an· Wh• Chr Chair. Lamps old baby. Start 190 Wk . ...... 111 1 1 H.W Wright Co. 126 speaking voice a must. tlblel. Wiii buy Eatates, tenna. ski equip, c101hes, HondaGenratr, Near NEW Am & board 731-0595 ....... u u corporate 0 • Roc:hesler. C.M For Interview, Cati Linda conalgn or wtlat have auto stereo, misc. 227 Vespa Scooter. Sall and

-,.------· --:--- lice• l(l Newp0f1 Beach al 545-5776 w C M 642-0633 Motor Boat 4 HP Evenrvd ...,,..__._,_ ____ .....,... .... --. Houte'Nlvee, students, etc and enjoy a competitive Sales you? 501 No. El Camino alnut, · · Fiie Cab Disk Belt Sandr

• Full time and part-time salary and complete ben· MIOll ... PITEll Telephone sales- add Real, San Clemente, MOVING TO TEXAS. Misc Item• rea.I CHEAP! tempor1ry help. Typllle, ellts pactcaoe. Mature petaon wfbuat. & spec•. pit. flt , comm 492.0638 or 492-4554 rattan furn , glau tables, Datsun Toyota P•rt• au cashiers, ticket talters, cOfnputer exp. 754-8363 65'1• net Al 84 t · 4365, PRIMITIVE CNTRY PINE Oucatl moto rcycle . parts stored call first tight construction. Apply llyoucanmeet ,th41 abova 842-4231, 261 ·2076 Hutch, S750; dough box, radio's. collec1ables etc, Mora ... DIMES A LINE add In person. Mon-Fri, be- requlremen11, please Salatperaon for Pl•nt $325 od * "OO 190 Albert Pl down from FDEE GOODIES 673• 1784 tween 2·6 •I t 760 call: Store. Experienced only. telephone sales ; comm e, .., . C let Chi " C M ·~ •• 1 A s c 2 Mu1t work wkndt . Need pros to malt• top Pvt party 720-1888 llarl II, · · ---------... onrov a ve, te - • Peraont* Dept. 645-3392, Call 10-•~. dollar Mlllll(I adtspeca An·•iucn IOll YARD SALE-Sat!Sun 9·5.. Rella" din. aat, $350. Colla Meta. Celt be- (l 14) llO •• ....,... nallonwlde to bual- _., 338 Coeta M ... St .. CM. Marble top cherry coffee tween 2•6• 646-3966 UUI PllSll nettet. S100 bonu1 walk ifARBOR AREA Marine hardware. mach table. S250. 6 beige

llYllTllY UST Asslstlll(I In operation of corporate mall f 1tock room. Dellverlel, oper­ation of macnlnes, lhtp­ptng, receiving. Heavy llft· Ing lnvollled. Experlen<:41 preferred . Newpor t Beach Investment nrm. Own car required for er­rands. Call 553-0940

INTERVIEWING BY ltll 1114 ... tleftilll In through door for quaff. APPLIANCE SERVICE part a, hahld lteme, comtemp. tofa , $75. APPOINTMENT ONLY fled people. Early morn- We NII recond .. guar. clothes & m0<e. MagnavoK conlOle 1ter-

~ ...... , •nf ltete Ing and afternoon ahlfta. appltanoes. 549-3077 eo. S 100. Mlac. Sat. only. • .,.r, l1twleqe et Must tryl 530-4140, aak Baat. leacll 2427 PORT WHITBY lll•nhlJftl. &,"1 lorBrlan Doyle. B:,:9'1:15:U83~-~t:om GARAGE SALE Sal 9-5. Sat 8-12. 334 Vista

I Oal T Tele h 20871 Cllarwood Ln. HB. Madera. NB. Sofa & I ,.,...., • ~Ht P one Obi oven gaa stove $250. Furn & mlac hthld. matching Ibis, .chrome &

212 fertlt ltt, *TILi,_* Portable dtshwaaher 1 di 11 2 Ith .... •llLIOfTMI• $150. 650-5155 MULTIFAMILY GARAGE gasa nee, r .... rs. iAlau hMft, If )'O\I are a SWNt talk9' SALE-Sat only, 8931 SAT 10-4pm. 2926 Perla.

Safn,.rHl/ ..... er with a silver toll(lue-" Wa I llY lPfl.lllOU Bedet Or .. H.B. Eastblutt. Air hociley, MI F EOE Mature. Fullftlme, l or have thee job for U"- -No Les 05J-8 t33 SAT G-3 9AM . 20362 gamea, misc .. clothee,

_ _.._ ....... _...,_....___. Liquor Clerk needed. No Pharmacy ci«k for CM Balboa t1land store. selling· -. Maytag washer a dryer, Mooncrest Dr (n r playpen. Cash only. ei<pet nee. Part time Job. pharmacy, exit hra, uper Apply In peraon only Excellent aRcl profeeatonal heavy duty. like new. very Busllard lndlanapoll1 & Saturday Only, 10·5. 427 hours negoi l ab l e nee. Cell 12·5 for •pPI. 10-6pm: 228MarlneAv. working conditions . clean. $185 ea. OE Magl'lolla) Blkee.clothes, Vitia Suarte, E.utbkltt. il75·'864 642.0108, •Ilk lor Shelly .,,--------.,...-1 " Salary and bOnua". Call Aefrlg, •Ide by aide, weter houMhold. etc. Sabol, Mlac llemt.

LIT-·- PHONE SALES for carpet Salespefaon wanted for Mon. thru Fri. 1t:30 AM & Ice In door, 24.5 OU ft.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r~ retell 1tore In Laguna 1 5 30 p •• tor car rental~- Call cleal\efe, 6 hra per day, 2 "'A·-n. 4,,. . 5315 o : .... $570. 851.0192

•hftta. ,..,,.,, 2310 "3 ....-. .,..... Mr, Ceall 7 14-951·2777 F l 11.-Janet. 650· 11 • .,, ......,. • .- · 1.S,__--------1 Refrlg, coppertone, gd ua tart -·S leaullel• I••••

PRINTING •tel Temporary ottlce poaltlon, cond $85 9e2 29 12 eve 1"12 lllllTIUllOI CommlMlon uietperaon experience required. 1o · · · Convtn Oven $90. Wood • All atound maintenance mllllll IPIW with tratler boat ac- key. typlll(I, good In math. Refrlge $200. Washer & Or..- $50. 673-5253 LauUfUI Oak Pitryef pt;\0

mantorlargeapt. Pr ... operatorfor00175 c:euofYMlese~. Cry1tal Creatlona, 111w. Dryer $135 each. Dlth- CultOfn dallQned 8 pc $1500 . Oorg e o u 1 complex. Mustbe Muet have 2 yra r-t Leedlll(I Southern Call· 17tll. St. Coate Meea washer $100. &46--5848 bdrm M t. °"""' un'ft"'"'· blue/ bfown print kl~u

k --~-- a .. •-tn·•1 exper fornla Wholesaler . -· • ,..,... 1 .. _. • • ,.,.. ,,.,,.....,...g ,,_ ., · 714-840-8805 - ... W11 Relrtoerator. rune *•" All aolld wood, hvy. Incl H de· A· ....., -..v. •

bulldlll(ltrades. Xtnt TNltNalPwltlitlllq t•5 $t25totr. 646-9210 king sized waterbad 12.2cvbk:11 yellowfgold salary&beflellta. PleaM 1,.....,,.., Sandwlcll maker, counter lllTlllllT . frame . w /rl1era . 2 refrtge $200. 884-0807 do nol fapty unleu fully 2230 ~. bu t D natp, full °' part t ime. 1..,.rt hH• Refrlg like nu, tr~tfree, 2 dretMn 1 ><Ira lrg mlr- avet.

quallfled. Pteue call .An~::in r . adults. e)(per pref.• Mika now acoeptlng for th41 fol· dr. S 165. 893·9060 ror, 2 end tables. Bed has -M_,O,_.V-IN- 0-=-"""s,..,A-L""E,_: -=s-•• - r-1 _._l1_W_u ..... t..,•-.._ ... s_1_01_ lel1 Wut• SIM lel1 Waat.. Sitt &44-0509, (714)937.0531 appt In mornings lowlll(IPOSOtlona: Seara, neevy duty wash- con\lent lonal mattrt11. troit/lree refrlg , S200: bankang OILN Pl.MT lrfter/Salt Tr•ff Management E.O.E. MIF 898-0211 * LlneCOOk ertdryer 1150. 640-7088 All In Kint cond. (move sole & end tablel. sso ee:

IEW &OOTI llP .......... IT Must be 18 yrs old. Valld MHIC .... , °"''' PlllTlll UUI Secrel ll'ltl • Prep Cook• Wuller ct..-i. workt good rie: .. ~'5!J~1~BO. bunk bed•, s 175, at>uaed POllUon avallable for lull - - • CaJll lie. Good drMll(I re- Apta-80 units Costa~.... TYPISTI RC:CEPTIONIST -tf Bu-• $85 Orydt gu works ca eve sole steeper . $50 : time exper'd n- accts Hardworking lndlvldual cord. Neal appearance. Unique Landscape-.qulet. Well est commtt'citl ptlnt· tor busy. but tun. OC Air · * Olshwaehers good $75 548-4485 or 'Mindi . wingback chair . $75 rep, e•l1 working con- w / ptant knowledge Freeway Stores. Cell for well kept Mature couple, Ing 4 builneu lorm port aree office Book- * Host/Hostess For Sale • SI~ l oot 673-6228 dltlons & benefits, salary needed for lull time pos- appointment. 556-0363 well groomed, honest, manulac1urer 15 -king keeping a plus 549· 1757 * AM. Serve<s Aactlea1 6012 h1de-a·bed. Brown plaid, Jnel lilt co mmenserete with ltlon In Corona del Mar . hard w orking . o · ~~:~r:.'::ir:~~: Apply In person, 2-4 pm. Giant 2 day estate X an- like MW. $75. 850- 1710 . 2 ex per For appt call Design planllll(I & main- DRIVERS lull & Plll1· tlme. 04trlenced In main ten- llUnUl XLNT Pay & Benallta. tlque auction. Sept 9• 10, ""·t ,,.,... Set ..... ,.. Ceylon S1pphlres s 10, MarclatA.rby 494-9474. tllfltnce of annual and l\pply In peraon 298 E. aneaandbOOkwork. Man siract. Sendr-.imeorln- Corporate headquarters 210 N-portCentarOrlve ""'.._,room · .. ,". Garnets S5 ea. Blue EOE perrenlal beds & con- 171h St .• C.M. 645-3604 work history to: 393 Ham- qulrlea to• Salel Mgr, tor 11a1e-wide investment Newport Beach llW AOOlnlll w/green & yello* trim. Topaz S50 ... &40-8688

wmsnusT W/followlng. Top Pay. Beaut NB Salon 644-066 1

Blcycle serv tech. Muat be qualllled In alt areas of parta, S«Vlce & warn­anty. Apply In per1011 at 2146 Newport Blvd. CM

1alners will be prlnclpla Oflvers llton. C-2, Costa Mesa. Formpnnt Co. PO BoK services firm. Newport EOE M/ FIV/ H OllllllllllTS Kint cond 10 ptecat responsl bllltles. Call ••1111. 111 lllYEll CA 92627 . Attention 14 72 . Riverside. Ca 8Mch E.ccellent Career TOP $S$ 646-5164 $500. 644-0561 Otamond Cuttlll(I FactCHY: 6 7 3 • 2 2 6 8 Mon· Fr I - Da·•ld Steph-ns 925-02 Opportunity with di 0 s f Big sale. fant. buys, low

•• t h tld C llf O I • '"" · - Females Pref. ••od'""'s & FrM te Tta 1022 o r g e o u • o a pr'-, "'-Aut. dt·___,,,1. 8 30-4PM for an •"'pt . ... us. ave \la • r v· - Pr-r•..,/•-~ veralty and ch1llenge "" "' 1 """" .,.... -'"""' Have resume & ref.;'en· er s lie. class •2 lie 11•••1n •• _ .. ,., M st po-. lop level Etc:orls. (213) 866- 1984 w /match ng Loveseu. Alt SHAPES & SIZES 085 available w/ schl bus certificate. Mature .~onlllble per- tor new ltn1ncill aottware u 1 1 0 S LS Black male Lhuo. need• near new, a leg1nt Engagement Rlll(IS' ..,.

Hawthorne Christian eon to manage high vOI· development In OIBOL. :,~~· ~fe~~~:o sis ri~\ . ~~gg~IL Y loving pat ient nome. Herculon fabric, paid rings· Looea Dl~a.. CHmtPllSll Sehl, t6835 Brookhurst, umeeandwlcflthop. Mu1111aveaxp. &.degree. M Fl 9-530 NoExp. Nec. 828-2583 720-t4S8 S900 last mo. Must aell '7 14.887-2956

Aellable. Apply In ~n: Ftn lily 962·3312 Apply In person: The BIO Software. 957-4046. on- r • : . 2 thep X. t-9 mo, 1· 1'.'11 yr. $500. 213/8ll0-4408. The Tummy Stuffer, 270 (••atW Tummy Stuffer. 270 s. Pl• 111111 SllUTUY Take one or both. LUii Hld9-a·bed couch $125. ~::;:. ~~~·:'.'°~~ S. Brletol, Coet1 Mesa. Aecept1o:i:1. Secretary Brtalol, Cotta M.... Experlenc;ed, needed Im- "Friday" type TIAll I• clllldren. 839-0746 Rtcllner chair w/ elec prlca beaut dlamooda

Bookkeeper/Sec'y, 20-30 75 t..3566 and Jr. Escrow Offtoer. 751-35416 m9dlately, FIT, $5.75 hr, with • trong typing, lpelt.- •W Tl SIU 3 Kitten•, 12 wtl1. Whitt, heater $JO. 19" COio! TV All SHAPES & SIZES hrs wk, flexlble, local. C•ll l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- S1tarle1 commenaurate Merine Hardware Mlea benefit•. Proof reedlll(I lll(I, and dlctaphona tklll• Help give them • head org/ wht. blk/whl. IOll(I 190· Antique end table, Ell(lagernent Rlnga· ..,. Jan or Craig 545-527 1 with experience. Muet person. Experience r• unlvertlty mat.,lal&. Con· needed for busy medic* start. Earn top SSS part hair. 1 all blk. 751·8199 dbl deck fi1• 11 130· rlll(I•: LOOM OlamOncts.

Bullocks Wllahlr• Newport Ollmlllll&IU have proleaalonal ap· quired. 645-1711 tact Margoe Wt1twood. dlatnbutor. Must be welt lime evtnlnga. Only 850- 910 714~7.2956 Betctl hi accepting applt.- pa.ranee. Call 840-6040. 556-93e0 Ofganlmd and able to poaltlve, dependable, Bll<lk Oobef Aual• mlK. - I llY FIUITlll cations for full time 81 ... Local dal!y -.paper 11 ul< for Jackie Mechanic, exp. Own tools. work under preaaure. outgoing adult• need Male 3'~ mo. hM tmd, lliactl ...... 1 1211 In coame1k:8, part llme seeking • retponalble • M o atly domeet lc & PIT 10-3PM dally, food s.nettte. Sala'L n~- .pp1y, Phone 046-7021. IOvlble 406-775 L.. 957-3133 19" TV m . x™ night a w.t<end credit person to rvn one person llllltW SEOlnllY Japaneee makee. Brad. prep & MtVlng, kitchen llable. PhOne 1·2 5 2:30 10 6 p.m. Monday Oarllll(I FfAu1trellan Shep. Klll(I llze w1rbed. wfhrlr. 1185, crulhed ve111e1 gold caa1118f. a. nloht a. week· oredlt Of)et'ttlon. Duties Corona del Mar otfloe, 642-8175 cleanup. 549289 aft 5. between 10· t2 noon. thru Friday. 8 mo. free to good nome. waveltea mett. tall lldbfd rectlner $85. 045-9« 1 end Nlea. A.lated 41JC· lnclu<Se credit approval, bright mature person -·- PIT help ror 11ou1e- ••--UY/111 lfO .... m ••m 631-7931 wf2 cabinets & mirror. , .

1 d 1 bl collec11on, and etatement needed for OrangeCO\ln· N_!!5good•-s:"' •I cieanlll(I w/drtver't tic. --• •- - padded •Idea. $550. 3 x8 Chlneee Rugs. lt50. ~:.:an~ for·~:~ntt!. procea1lng~..-Experlence lies 2nd oldeat & friend· ....., Pt <>vet 25, well up. Ref' a Im~~!~ ~,~~l::r Newport Beach Trev1I FREE 5 D1!!~ll(I baby kndlt· 957-1753 or 545-7534 21 .76.C12ar1 ~t•~•~•Zlrcon-vlew •PP'- M on-Fri. In new9Paper or adver11s- leat company, type mechanic, ana · req'd. Clll 4~·230e purc • ._ll(I r • Agency . Non- amkr . tana, b ....... gray • ea.• _,,...,.,....

Ing lnduatrlea II de· 60WPM 1nd have desire 493-4309 tlon department for an Sabre. 1· 2 r" U• wtllte. 041-8885 Matching COUCh &. love- T * 7E 1 0 A M • 2 P M PIT hel I & Oul Photo axpeOenca(I peraon With c teal , $250. Beautiful Brvntwk;t( Pool bl ~ "· 714n59-1211 ext 275. .tr•ble. Benefit p.tek~ to advance Xlnt benefltt. Media Company need• lrvtne,p. c".r Required '. e.11otlltnt typing lll<llll and C:O~~~~~ · al Ard la, FREE to good homa, cute water bed, complete, 553-9688,751-8282 Equal Opporiunlty lnctudet company pad Ring 547-5625 asl< for production per1onneL Camera knowledge pref. 1 pleMlll(I phone per- BABY KfTTENS, 8 wtis .. $400, 557•5475 Cat play tree. Never used. Emplyr M/F. =~~~~~-=d s!~ E Lynn. ~~nTr~~i!r~~~':. w~ Hours, t0-4. 861.0181 aonallty. V811ety OI other I• Tlll·• Ullnl &40· 504' 7

MaU. &. frame: Twin, $30. Light brown carpet. E_.

~~.o~~~~ ::.= ~~r:i:u~~~ Dept, acri1un111u and FIT 545-6905 IECEmOlllT =:~.d::!!;: .......... ,,...... Lab Rl~back mix ml 5'~ King. $75. 845·2177 nlll(I• 559-7232

Cson. Cloeed Sun. and P.O. Box 1560 2 needed tor Newport Me 'N Ed'• now hiring. PIT. 8V9"11ll(I and ~ndl. Ing condition• wltll • Start Y3oudr newhlft card- on ~al n.'!°:~1':55trnd . Mull NII qull1ed aola & Everything for baby. Play-c ,,..E5370 c D gr ...... "" ~piny. Apply our . r s an pro- :E" love .. at, • 500, worth pen, ewlll(I etc. 752-2820 on. au .,....,. . Costa M .... CA. 92626 Beach Area company. ooks and rivers with N • w p o r t B • a c h """· ·• ......... gr"' Into up"""" man T d h 2 L b •

d d I I ••erced••· B•n• Deal· In per~ at: ....... • 0 g ome: a pupa. •eoo. Alao hld9-a·bed. Femi"' -'--"Ip, JOhn CABINET Sh / 11 Equal Opprtny Emplyr Excellent benefllt. Sand goo r v ng record. "" ~ ...,., ao-it level Dally 1n K h 63 1 1455 (7 30 • ,, .. _. ,,.....,.,, op o Ice Retumeto: A. J. S .. 200 Muttbe21+, PIT. Apply erlhlp. Apply In pereon THEJOLLYROGEA INC. terMwlhtldf;om 9 am: n::~705 (1 iO: • $275. Alllaonlyamoold, Wayne Club , $600.

::,f P g:c0tc,~z~T. c::'!ii Custom Cabinet Maker. No Tualln, Sult• 200, In petaon, 15632 Beach only Jim Stemmon• tm- 17042 Gllle1t•A11t 4 pm 11 12422 Lampeon I • pm) Exit COfld, 963-1791 aft 5 Pleut ca11 845-7991 oriented, PIT 15 hr. dependable , herd · Santa Ana, CA 92705 Re- Blvd. Huntlll(lton Beactl. port•. 1301 Ouatl Street, Irvine. 714-546-0331 street, Oar<Mn Groft. or Wondertullamlly pet. 8 ytl Oak Table, lnleld top, 6 F0< sale: 3 ~bike $35.

850-t755 working. Coste Meu aumee must be received and t2738 Beach Blvd, NptBch. S..NtlfJ/ lff mar. call7t4-537-4840. Germ. Sti.ptGolden Re- oak chalre. cuanlon end Conaole TV $ 35 . ··-·-·- area. 831-5115 by September 16, 1983 Stanton. RECEPTIONIST Comm'I Artlst Ar~in~c. I E.O.E. gtr=h~'49~~~3Jlnd backraat upllolatartd. 551-3105 ---•-rtU1n•... FRONTOFFICEentrypos- llllf PllOTIOlllll 11 :30- 1:30, M-F Light Temp tMI FM> ' 84. ~011 1700. 2450 Newport -----..,,.--.,,..,,.,,..,,..

&llU OllTlllDSllYlOE lllon. Looking to beOrPAneededPfTIOflam- typing. SS llr. Newport tonger PIT morn 0-1 P.AAT-TIME, Varledhour1 hraltart i02S Blvd, Apt 22· Coale J~~ 1'1:r;:,.~~. seoo. Matufe, raponalble pet· Pleaaant voice. lnaurance ch1llenged w/people, lty practio. & lnduttrlal Blvd. C.M. loc. 831·502t Mon-Fri, •KP· only. Type.I to ll'lclude Hrly A.M . 1 S4llttement lo:;;iy 80j1 & _M_ ... __ · ------l liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii t«ll for PIT employ- 8acitgr01Jnd helpful. 15- typ1ng, &numberssklll1? Cllnlc. (714)887- 1971 llOI __ ..,, flle, phonee6"3·2220 w.1<enda. Mu1thavedt- lovtteat. never tat on. Otk tr8llel tbl & bncnl• ment. $.4.48/ hr. Marina 35hrafwk, llex, hrt. $.4.75 Call957·8191. I Ill• Pl\ r•-1 ,., d Storatary, PIT. 70wpm, pendable vehtcle (small S•c. Sl50Nch $450 Pt1ypen sole, wilt Magic tlland Gold mem-Hlgll School. Huntington llr to start. 963· 7457 I ones. typ no. or tr dlctlphone for 1 peraon t r uck , v an , st a tion (2 131927•8511 Hestl•n cot $250. Maple l>ershlp. Bes10"9r. Mov-Beach. 893-6571, Ext HLlo.Tlll Fill TIMIPAY Cert . Nurse A ldee , g:~ii~r"c.'i:'t~l:'1~ otflQe. Cell att 6. leave wagon) to aulat ,,._. storage oablnet 125. lngoutofState. Evenlll(ll 238. 1 __,,,1 PAllT·TI•EWMI 3:30-7:30, 3-11:30, 11-7, qu• llflcatloni. 760-8304 paper dealer In Irvine 2 gold uphot llv rm chra. Child's drstr. painted 851.02,..

person. m .. -.. ate oP4M1· Opportunltlat avellable P•rt-ttme. Country Club all 5 pm. not before. erea Musi be T.:· S20 ea. 645-6905 $40 730- 1420 Carpenter Helperflabor Ing. Full time. Apply In c 5 9 306 c 1 Cut1om Home $.4.SO hr peraon HI Time Liquor. with the Lot Angeles onv. 4 • 1 a I RECEPTIONIST/ Secretarv/Raceptlonlat , dable Contaol r•g 2 lllghback velvet chtlrs Pr awlvel roekers. orange Men's 10 spd Bike $50,

640_4359 495 E t Jlh St. Cotta Times Clrculatlon De- Mon-Fri, 10 am-4 Pm. SECRET ARY strong booklleepping Hyde Mondt'j thru Friday llke nil* $42.50 eacll, velve1, S50 ea. 640_ 1141 Stepping 11onH .s 40 Mesa. See Duane. part m 11 n t In our PART. TIME. CO\lnter help. Nwpt Bch CPA Firm Metl · esentlal. typing & el\Of1· between 9:30 aod 10:30 642· 4397 642-8171 each. Plant• $2 up Bug

Cathler wanted.• 40 hr•. 1=-..,...------- door-to-door newspaper 11•3. Gary'• Oe!tl. N.B tng rnponatblt pereon hand. Sal•ry open Send a.m. on1y. 042-432 1 011Mn W1terbed wd frm. light $55. Qr•wlng Table Must be organized. lots Delivery sales program: GUaran· 752•5401 w/Klnt phone 1111111. OICi reaurne P 0 8oK 2990, • 4 country lrtnch dlnlll(I new heeler/finer only 120 840-8807 of •ttentlon to detail, IEUEDUIMt•Et teed hourly wage plu• uper rei. Typin g Nwp18ch. chre. S85 ea. Chlldabdrm $12 5 . 6 ' hld•·a·b•d1-----.,...,...,,..,.--,,,.--App1y 4625 Well Pacific DA I ~ .. - le commtulon. HOIJrt. 9AM Part time, experienced 65WP"' ermanent nr..... aet, $100. Mapledlllll>ed. naugh $ 125 875-7396 Mere-out 1:295. Tano.tn Cat Hwy, N.wport Beach. ro:nT:;. ;;-; c~~.; . 2PM, or 4PM • 9PM. general ottlce petton for IUll· llm';, Call Kathi• SIRITUY Exp nee. Commluton oanopy lop. $85.\;urlo • crulaer $145. Sollwlnn

Training ta p1ov1ded. &mall N-port Beach of- 759.051t ShOrthand requlr.O. type earning•. 581· 4031 cabinet. 135 Bird cage. Sofa /loveull , BHut S65. Baja 195. Moe>ed •llLATMS nave dependable econ· Potential to eern S300 floe - varledduttee.llght BOwpm. NewportCenter Wallreu/ Walter. PIT S5. 21rg Mexioan llghtflK· ~:i~:~11:1J4~.'J:43w111 $295 548-2429

e.;r~r:1:-!:!. aF1~Yii~i. :ZC~~rc~':'~:· :W~~ plus per week. For an In· typing, 2~ dayatwk . Find what you want In ottie.. Salary negotlabte. oar,•· Ov9' ta. Wiii train, turat. 831· 1338 M ... Verde Country Club ~a-3642 Call Vicky. 95t·7t13 lervtew . Call (7 14) s5.50 tir. 046-J008 OellyPtlotCi.elfleda. Call Kelly044•2507 Shraz - 548-7948 4pc llvlng rmMl.l wkold. SoldhouMmuatMll.Old GOif M4lll'lb«Wllp, prtoe

belorallAM. 957-2361, e1u1204 Walt 1 11

tun .. ~ tetlhtonea .. coetMOO, oakbulfetw/ mlrror$385. negoti.blt.54$-i203 CleenlnO People wanted r911 wa er, _.. • NII 1250 (213>402·0228 like nu eolld maple bd G,_I Company good Oeltvery Person ••flltllH hlherJ Newspeper vtoa r91taurant In ,Npt ' NI, dbl bd. dbl drtlf 2 lg New O'rltlll weteult $ 100 pay . el\ort houra lor THE FLOWER MAN, a Helper Muat be nt•t. KIDS·EAR.N GREAT TRIPS AND PRIZES! Bell Exp. a mutt. 7' Decorator qn linen alpr nlle atanda, ooet S900 Ulled weight benCl't 115. Me- l300 for appt Coron• def Mar A0'111. husky & •ble to think. Call 556--1292, 12· 7PM only. tofa 1500. 2 Chow tblt eelt $395. Old maple twin 984-5728

Muet be clean and re- Steve. 751·8822 Ftn Vat. Wiii/ Fii PllPLI 1215 pr . Antique Penn pint~ bed• 190. 2 ,...N,..lc_e,..I ....,5,,..0....,1-1 ,__,L_o_v-.. - .-a-I ,

i1f~ion1 Bookkeeplf\9. =~~lee::= d~~;8 Ull ITTUIT PIT Wftlktnd•. QOOd pay, = ~~ -~~· R~~i drop eat maple end Chair & OttOfnan, uled Apply tn peraon hretwlc. Call 840·9012 lllllllllf Mt·urpereonlorband. Gllrl150. Mlac84M414 tab1ttS7&pr. tem~. vwyllttte. ~tly.,.id M.,.,..,ltavtllt, 2332 W•I .._.__... 1n.-5, ~u• be rHllablt. ••lnut •

15• 2

Mtl n 1 70 0 . "" UOO . - ....,,...,_, ..,.. Atlol• Hlllr1()'11st.a tn the l54&-IT42 IHutlful a· eofe. Gold aprlnga-matt. 115 .. t . 2l3t402·92.28

C.et ~19,. · Npt Bch .. DellvetY petaon IOt nowet Mlaalon VlelO Mell an- prlnl. idnt cond. "400; 2 Huge cuatom table..,.,., ' 1:30-3.30pm. anop. Over 2t . 30+ nounce.outttendlng Job J1 .. Wu... SIR 1otd velvet onatr, S35. 2entqm~. drter Ou Olen McM11aln ~

Cltrloel hra/wti. Xlnt driving ,.. opp for ·x~rlenoed, c6N ...... ROCfi8N MAN 200tpr: 10" 8ftc &. Wht 1 150 J>r. 3 king D tt•t ~~· cemp ~ Npt 8cf1 office l:O'd req, Apply In per- quallfled lull eervic. half· ,.. , TV 150', 12" blll a wtll 110, $25, 115. Thur· at. Coett to..,.,.., , ... dwn ...U retPOMelble. well eon, 846..()()93 ttylttt l mantourlat "·VOi.i • hM:'.11 ~tcomm. exp. Tv'. 1~5; Colleotore only, 2972 Jec:arend• . pymnt s 1350. 562 .. 121 --...- lndMduat wtth areoutto maetopdollw • Cot'*r. co'a l pvt allu· .... L.I... L. k CM nrHarl>Oft l.iter .. ~ ,.,. ......... ....-... ---- DENTAL ASSl9fANT d ' _,_.. kl etlona cone. ("""'' will be mag-..nee, ""• oo • . ' . ._...., nill(l ti t .......... .. -~..,,, typing •kill• and °" t '"'"" WO( ll(I 1m-........ 1 ·M~ Nelton COll~J. 8 E Pott, Mele• ,. .. k Sttteo ee;;a; i3ao l>o0t1. MW. " 7141, 14$. (eo-e5 W¥PfTI), Minimum 1 Hvntlngton 8tectl hard With a grM t ettltudt A~ 11·14 "''~..,,; •• C M. • oner. e:s1·36llO teM & Ille end,..,.. ..0 7&2~'20 )'Mr~~,.. . 062-3319 OOtl'MI with ua, Quattn• ~.J .,.. .. ...,.,., -..-.,...,.,--...... ~--Quired. be• llent OP· Dttltat ANt tMCI .. ,~, commlMIOf\, EARN .. TO f75,00 PER WEEK Young 11ou-i1e Htk1 Briand new couctl. T'wo =j, = ~,1°· Wat• aoftener i100. Ofter P«tunltY fOf edvenc.- .. .... paid VllC&tlOn• llnd othW W. now llav. 1$ ooeiws, tor JOllllC ...., ln· home employment. chelta, rutt " beige. . . or trldt lot ,... '-" "*"· ,or ao90!ntment, F'ullltlrnt IOr fun office lnoentJ11t bonut point buvttatOllWf•rud.n"Tlle°'""Coeit Varltd tl!Pttltnce, Counl~prlnt. $450. Call Trtc>lt tnlalO drW. Kewei mo'#et. Mt-1808 caitt l'renl<le, 152.0707 8aclt ' frOftt olftce •P. Pf09f'MI., Call ~rtotte Delly Nol Our um Mlrt at 3;30 p,111, end Pteu• call L aur e t. 931-25 1 hbyOrenct pleno. beeut YouU'I bed w/3 ctr..... •111.&. LW Ult. Atlk lor Nancy, 846-7s&O. Clerk


· work until 1:30 p.111 • ...w.y,, On Saturdty. wt Mo-0173. liy llfll)t onfy: Antique 0111. ~ano0 1 '~ ... lt,!K1turea. drpe, .155, 17M1IO l!OI M/P' H""h tchOol atu~t. PIT ~ ._ ..., y ........ 1- tntty~wtmlrr0t, bul• "!'le, 7H '" •

lllTIL ,_.,.,. ; or k p r • p • r I n g wor • '"' "'°" """1" °" """ tltll llllftY • .,.. II let• tray ooolctalt tbl, tro Wetttbed. CJ'I dtir. 1111 .o. !u!!f •Ill

...... """ Hol\4mok., Ellpttlenoe t)r°"''"' 0811&4f.te4l Md=· ~·~.::.= mkmena, p;ai;;;:, brau llnlth lbl limp c uaortu aua . m numG:f 14" 1 1000 mo. 4 d~ wort! Otef Nwpt br. 144-0IH d You .,1 '!iterftW, ~~ Mf. i.rt. red mete. cr.-n rem•, w/Hnen thede & email 20t·2022. tn-.Hoe 8 •fftWV ew.. "--d . .-. 714/&.cM ti 7. A11k •• _. 1350. 531-tet2. metble top .-id tbl. 11' W"'lt IDldt ,.IO

50 t1a41:M

for ,Sheron. NHr J. ....... • Na. nififlll prww• rof ... 1111 IP $400. 15.9-1451, lltef· "t f ibe W'I "r,' -------"!"~ WffiMAlrpof1. • or~~:u:-' ::~*'::'_:; =cu~::':.9· t:r t = (714) 548-7058 ·- • 7 .. ...,.. noon• · ~ 111s~·o~::.! !uel la!!.

... • I .... -- - .. A.. vvXW pupa, • 1 ....... vv. ,. .. ..,. ltld ottotrien moo. ••ec ~ tolld • ..,_,. .,;;:-.,..,, llitll'IN ... 7 • _ .. I 1 ,. .....__ .,__ u r.,.: -...f . ..... ; Cotti HW;. Lag. """''· '""' AKC eti.mp llMe, ";;ft 11• .... '"1M' 1375 1..e., IOft. Hoo,' Gu It a' 1 7 a I 0 a 0 .,, .,,.. · r . - ,,..,...., Oood wttl\ peot)lt; tome 4•4...0U _M_ l_F_t3_ t·------ L' .,. ,_.._, Vtnll'I , 11111. 1?'3-5301 ·15H Com HOep. M1 Center, )nechllfllcal. exp: MIM· --- ,..._ ,. « t _...._. J.---------CO«a M... ~5614 o-tal •APtWlerlct Pf'tll but "'" • · .. "on amp ..... _.1 --..

...... ' not teQulted. Job ,.,.,. HM ~ want The taai•t draw 111 the amel COid "9hl9t I tH heutlful '-tn WOOCI fin• Miiie 111"' ~ ._. Flf\d Wf'lat'Yo~ want In tnoN a mutt. 87'5-tlOeO to Nit? ed• do .: ~·: • Well. • • D.ally ,llot " · O.·gl• cOftM tbl left I.Ml!! table w/IM/lf a i. IW Mllll'lg lie ~ ,.._ o.ity Pt101 C1111tn_,., _ __ __ It W911. M2&11. • • Cl......, Ad. "41..:_M,.!• 1100 Alt Ill new 55i·'278 df'IWtll' SH , I M · t&U lot Chlltred A&

r ... • t .. I

C8 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, Sept. 2, 1983

ltertlal Ctt41 1130 IHta, 1111 7114 Aatea Waatt4 tOll ,, ... , l•J!rt.. 11tt. l•Jt•tH A1te1, laprt"4 A•le•, a.,..t.. "'"· laf!!t.. ~ .......... __ ....................... __ 1 _~!.""-_._......,,... oWF RIP curl -i 1.ldo t4, xtnt oono . w11r1r . WI llY ID tllJ laraaaa Qla tl32 Peuc~1 1111 Vtlb••tta 1172 tlbw t1 tlU _c._.,,. __ 11_1 __ ...., ...... eulta. S40 to 1100 Surf.- &all•. H/O wap. nntno -b<>erd. 6' 10" trl · fln , b11d ... whllktlf pole etc OLUl 1&11 ' 19 BMW 3 • ·~ at

1 ~· ~ ' 74 911 l11g1, 5 tPCI. llr. ' 74 6UPER llUO N- '8' Rabbll O" 1.8. ffTltn8C '69 ConcourM wgn, good

1160 54e·8041 St960 213·691-1882 &II TllOll 110,ll&o 646· 2 ~ n · :'~6K 1 • new a(l'lflm mint, $12,700. patntlllrN 8nrt. Qd cond thruout, 60 MPO. air. cond 1900 All 6pm Sherwooo Rao .-u s SABOT eriN... p.itll, ·eo BMW J20I. Sunrt. 5 t ~~ OBO ~~· t393 646 72 t3 12500. 646-oe30 crulff control . 4 dr. 847-8436 Diver ' • 11um tank . $'76. 963-6272 aod. am/Im u ... 19000 -- - ' 75 9i4 rortchl l .O. wht. ' 76 vw BUO 8unrool, S38&ololr. 8-4M533 ~ preu g1uo-. Days 752-6200. 111/wtlnd ·eo. v.fl/ clMn. 111 atock, apPMr g1p, •t..-eo, 111n1 nHd• paint 12260 '81 Aabbh, lmmac: oond. '83 Chev Cavill* 4 Or, & mlK 01,,.. rr a.it Snf pePhoenlc 23588 840-0817 nu paint, nu r1.ldi11e. SSOOO/ofr 545•3046 751•2997 Jiy Rune ~tel, AM/FM. AJC, 6 'Pd. Ilk•""· te!IO

9 wlW•"gtt• trtr, uMd Ill· 20,000 on r1blt ang 1 . .. ""' ••• .. , tuN o~ IM Of nu ott~ 844•

47 tie tn racing cond Beat ConvenlentlyLOCal9d 12950 552-6616 ' 78 930 TurbO. .000- '77Aabbll, ln<f, 95Kmloo "..., .,.,, .,...,..l1'" ierma. 39 mpg hwy

n W i t otter 673- t 37~ -- &Com~tl~IY91yPrloed • • ••• ---- 9141 673-3337 ~~loobr~~y:'e:; • • ~~~ ·~1~:. 11:!:b1'JK ~rn· 846-7171

''"" ' &232 v;;1~~~~· ~~-~!;o'k, WI Ill ~ ' 17' Muda R5!3 weoon. lella a,JC' I 11 ev• 548·3269. X·cono. sa.eoo. 840-0469 IEE IS Fllllll 1 8!t11!!!!!1 1983 1« - USED CARS & TRUCKS "' compl, nd• ltflg w~11 'II 11 lllTLO ll •7• Aab"'' t , eunrool. t '" 111" Wt have •r: Mlectlon watt apkra, neYI< u..O. ar •• -J~ .., " ., - air, CUI . 4 tPCl. xtra ttnk VT 11...u ,....,. ,... _,,.., uu M l f!;' 7~011 CO"'EINOACALLFOR S11ff-SV'lc•L .. llng 1300 548-1483 XJnt 11'".500 1· "'33 '242 " "' • " ... NEW __ .. C .. -. worth $700 Ste 199 12' lnfi1ta • 'l>Oat, U50 FHl IPPUll&L fY"'t.I (AO\ /CR •1rct4tt leas I 45 -- --- $2850 OBO 5 .. 6-645 t 75 Volvo 244DL, OOoCI rOltt•I Sea u1 today! (2t3)927-851 t 15 HP Y•nmar Marine Cormler·OeLlllo 1~11 l'V ~ cond. Muit !Mii Sl950

9 ll'V • n . run• grHI, ' 78 Rabbit . (Uni Ilk• n-. Firm. 559· 4942 COHHELL CHEVROLET l' •

.... 1LirSl•l l D1eae1. s2000. 645-984 Ol1nll l lt.ll..o;~X1:·HMW 4 d / 1 l b ~ orig paint , 35MPO, air ....... " = 18211 BEACH BLVD •P • a C, p I. p . '76 VOivo 285 Wagon. Oonl waste my time 35 HP JOMNSON w/comp · '"'!~ ~.';: '. •.:~:''.!' '.!::;' $2195 pp 499· 4485 Hurryl 12800 646-6533 good condition. $4,595.

SAE components w/ AR 90 acoes 675· 7396 HUNTINGTON BEACH . '67 250SL, 83 Fashl<>n IOC'E ' 7 8 V W Po P Top 752-7455 after 6pm. 1peakara Seri o us 35 Johnson Etectrlc Out- 141·10111141·111l ~ .11m.alln taland Show CAr. Pro- 1'.,.ol i J\Mlll.'.i~tr'IJ """" u1 1..f"' ' " c ampmoblle , atove . ----------

')\.)\If"' " " Ill\ d 11('.f\"1~ '-> \

~46-1200 In veetore onty 13500 board, tong shart . har· Wt PAY TOP HLUll ~ Yll." 1an1ona11y restored '""".,.....'111.'"" ., .. ,....o...w ralrtg . 11c. am/tm cut.. Wlmt 24411111 .... -..----_,...~ Call 546-7593 ness & controls Call FOi llll ..... Sales-Satvlc• ·Le••lng l?0.000 7 t4/ 638-5924 ClOSfO SUNDAYS ' 41K. euper ctaan, $6,600 ·77 to '81. pp 642·8727 c•T.. 15

BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA 642-5800 _,. UlllEIT ' 70 280SL auto. AM/ FM. S.bar• -- 9167 OBO 840· 1292 - Misc. t 77 ' 6 4 c h e v Y • n u Color TV. 2 yr wrnty Avon. Redcrea1 oar;:-;,81, AW llAllll IMYEITOllY tow ml . new t ires ' 79 Del Rabbit . di• edition. Come In K see Newport t irae/batt lgen . 4 - dr s 148. Free d&I Open motor bracket Xlnl N•TIAO/ Sll&ll " 112.000 845-7559 1eo GLF calir Claulc Cpe, 4dr. air. stereo, xlnt cond, . adn Impala. 88K actual Sun. TV John's 646- 1786 Cond $600 645-6776 2460 Harbor Blvd. • '813201: 5 apd, an rt, 50,000 ml, "' spd, new 23K. $4500. 651·3922 Beach 9 finest aelactlon ml t tamlly owned car.

........ ,. 1012 18' ou#leld Bay b

1011. nu

b1tt. & molor A119 '83. Nr nu cond $ 73 0 0 6'15· 7673

19 It '.41 Chris Cral1 Aun· abOUt, lull restorahon. Concour.H In NB Labor Dy wt<rid, Nwpl Dunes C1mpground $17 .000 obo 805-495-9556

COSTA MESA ( tCHJt34) ' 71 220-:s;ir-;:-orlg owner radials , brka'6...& ahockf. ----- of prevlouely owned 11800 536-3932 Seagull 3"" hp mtr Used i•i. ••ool•l·l•ll • '813201; Sapd.AIC S3800 640· 6161 XI 0 ·79 Sclrocco full p-. air. Porschet, Audia and ---- A1ITii twice, under warn $350 ,. ... ,. ,. ( 1CUU4441 .

71 MBZ UOSE $48~ ~;~~ 120; t con etereo. nu red met paint, Volkswagens. Dt4~ 11• 17

(new 14751 673-8017 WlllTEDI • ' 79 3201: 4 apd., aunroot 1 ve,y clean & dependable, .._.__ 173 l50dge D~t Swtnna., S

._ DocL 022 (889XMKI Gas. sunroot, must HI '81 GL Hlchbk . .. whl dr. grt gH mileage. 14500 ..., . $400 548·5 24 ··wv• lifl • al . Good. clean uled can, ,.60 3201. iuto AJC S3300iobo 641· 4919 desperlle 15000 obo 645-5374 or &42-6169 ---- ")...

361 slip, power boat, utlla, prefer 1976• 1983 BulOks. (1AHV239) ' 72 280SE. orig, reblt 557-5040 '79VWDai Aabtiii ,d tx , air , 455

E Coast Hwy for• ./ 9319 dockbox, secur1ty. Weat J aguars . TA 7 s & • '803201. Auto. SunRoor mot o r betge . lully To Otl 91•9 4spd, 4dr stereo. xtnt Nwpt $250/mo 650· 1225 Porsches bul any model (748 Z>CR) loaded $6500 760-8865 l • 24K. ml $4700 651-3922 Newp673o-0900rt Beach 65 Mus11ng, •Int cond .

· con51dered Top prices • '80633cst. 4spd. Lo MI d JI 8708585 t978 l t Coro na 40K ml on rbll eng, 50 1:>oa1 sup shore POW&f paid! Call Clive tl Baue< 5555493 • ys ~ • evas Wagon oy~e! br ak ea. '60 011 011her wgn, 4 spd. every1n1ng has been re-& water incl Npt Ben Mo 1 ors a I (7 1 4 I • • 613201. 5 spd, Sun 75 450SE, 64,000 mo 1,,es 52•000 or bast air. snrl . atareo. 45mpg. A•IM, Deatttic stored. grail dependable

"' ed t ires S 12.750 Super laack 9307 Mark $32001080 644-4505 979-2500 Rool (1CRS207l I sunroof cassetle. good oller 857•8226 $2650 63 1· 30 t6 • car 642·09 t 5 alt 5

Larf• Ctaltr Sii• ' 82 7331· "' spd . toao Sharp• 657 - t598 1963 Supra s Paeilage 80 OSI Rabbi! , 4-sp, 4-df. ~ 22 11 Searey Cuddy cabin 23 t9 lh St " C". (73556371 Bllt l Blk S 14.900 obo 8 11 atarao, 66K ml.

167 Wildcat , 430 eng, ate , ' 70 Maverick, perfect eond Head. stove. sips 4 675•0236 131·1111 ·75 4SOSLC gold /sadole 759•9024 alter 5 pm absolutely 11iwteu lo ml. traller hk up. xlnt In & out New tires, S 11.675, 552·9726 208 w let, Sal' ta Ana I tnl . solld car Mal<e Oller $3750 63t -3016 cond $850 842· 5271 43.000 or1g m l A i r .

C I I Newp0riS1det1eup to50tt Ctoce<ISunday Oys 540-0 737 eves 82 gray 2 dr.-SS795 flrrn AM I F M a 1 a r a o 25' arver, mmec wl I No five aboard $1011. 000 C II ' 81 A- abblt Con-v - 51 000 Cu.II 9309 S 6 sett or lrade S t4,000 Call Joe 673-28 tO -LARGE SELECTIO-N OF 646-5865 ~~ 5 64':!2;:~ cond a m1. ••II $6950 S73-2658 } IC 1500/ bat olr 645-9 t 2 675· 586 I NEW & USED BMW'S! ' ll 1111.t • lllTI -- ' 73 Eldorado. II body dam- ' 7S Squire wgn & ' 72Plym

so· dal FI B Trawler Slip 10 37 11• Huntington & $28,500 1·533· 4242 Tri aapla 9171 age. $850 as is. 669-9 t86 Seb,lng Plus. like nu, cruise Me111co or Alaska HarbOf 2 13-592•2930 or - $995 ea 650-6130 s1rong vessel, all x1ras Olloce 7 t4· 639·3950 '80 3000 woryllvsory7 oo'not, ' 7m9o Trvteurymp~leSapnltafSlr3a4501o ~ 7c81~aEn10ocar~~aog, es~~wp rgoo~ · c-=7-=-6 -=G,...ra_n_ada. n.a-..a vatv•

WANTED. Slip for 45' sall· 4 wt.HI DriYtl 90 sunroof. alloys 1 • ~ e " · """" " Olfers cons to 8·31-63 w• LOH lbOI lllW Call 497•5654 833· t 198 ~ vertlble, 45,000 miles, Job. lront lender dented

·71 Classic. 18' Tri -hull , 4 Boal '" Bristol cond. loaded. perfect. 16500 SERVICE & I.EASING '80 3000. sunroof. •Int Velbw11ea 1em S 13.500. Call Judy ,. 673·4579 AYS 646· 9000 boat in Newport Harbor. '83 cJ7. red wfbiack, VOLUME SALES ,

113 ~ ~ every xtra, fuel Int sys· _S600/oller. 644-4817 .....

cyl Volvo 110. open bow 673· 68 lO obo. 644-5366. 851- 1525 3670 N Cherry Ava. c0ond. '~~3'~~~! 19:00. t978 Mustang laalbuck. • • 9· 5. 7141771-1520. · 7~c~~:'.a'!p ~a~r. 11p7s~

$3000/ 0BO. 650· 0435 Sailboar•a 7021 Tracks 9035 LONG BEACH •ys - , ves low miles. 4 Sl)'!c J , air, '76 Savllle, gray/gray, vinyl 7 4 ,ooo m l S2250 (No Charry a.ICll- 405) 675· 6476 sun-roof, V8, f' t S. P/B. roof . leather. elac sts & 553· t573 •73.32· Jeffries Crall twin

diesel sport fisher, very wen equipped Must sell $78,000. Boat at 858 w . 18th SI • C M. Days 631-9785: eves 642· 1136

Sallt:>oard cuatom 8'6" '73 ?ord Courier P.U., rad (114} ISl·lllO 60' 300 o , whl w/ belge, Flawless tan Interior. runs llllE lltll•U'I windows, 1 ownr, 79,000 new 1400 Wlndaur11ng tires am/Im stereo tool Trade-Ina Welcome ~Int cond, new tires. ale, and drives great $2,995. SOUTH ml, nu radiator. gd cond. ~Fairmont . •Int cond. Hawaii rig $400 . bo• ' compl , needs' eng amllm cass. sn rt . 970-0548 $5995. 675-6611 towml.$3000. 644-2564. 641 6819 MUST SELL · ·79 320L LI

• wor1<$500: S48·1463· I 19 .000 obo PP 1979 AabDl l . 6d.OOO ml cou11yy FIRST PERSON w/$2200 •

• I 1012 Blue. s Pkg. Racaroa. sn 955-23.4 t n '82 Coupe Oe Vllle-G6. IC7C II '77 Ford Courie< wtcmpr rl , blau am/Im cass, Perl&el orlglnal brown Like new, orig. owner. full geta this very clean '63

16 spd Peugoel Grand shell. $2290. 494-6955. alarm, Mich xvs. Mov· '80 SO Turbo Ost. 10 ml , body, flawless tan In· YOLISWAIEll pwr, cab. root. velvet Int.. Thundjl!.blr~. 759- 1914 P Iv vlnt Ip mp & ~at 851-0878 Ing. $8500 Call 9-6. tlhr $8819, Champagne teroor 4 speed, runs Ian· "wt WILL •• , cruise, am/Im stereo . ........- • -- •325

r ~ . ~ ' W U ~ laSllC $3, 150 970·0546. ..trcarz.... ~ bagS200 559-0796 .79 Chevy ·~ T tongbed, 71 4-751 -0749, Terry . ext $24 , 900 Oys IEllHIMU" Vogue w ire wheels. CONVERTIBLE Maseratt 12 spd, $295 nu eng, nu tires. lo ml. Eves, 213-456-3600 523-2590. eves 551-6344 1980 Rabbild~ delu11, VolumeSaMts. Service raduc . to S 12,950. ' 72 C''""ar XR7 $'900



S.4LE ONL'l'!

BllW'1 '77 5301

A u t omar 1c . option~


' 78 3201 4 s p~e- d opt i on ~ 1598VNFI

' 79 3201 4 spt'e-d low m1lu9e 154858681

'80 3201 A u 1o mat tc loadt'd I I AOHB0-41

·so 3201 5 spe-~d . loaded f1AOR2621

'81 3201 Auto mati c. loadt'd j0626231

'81 3201 5 spe-ed . load e- d fl CHS2711

'81 3201 Aut o ma11c. loadt' d 110083051

'82 3201

'78 23' Marquis 110 , 225 hp Mere, new mooring & camper covers. ship to lhpfe rld lo, tandem trlr , xtnt cond, doctl avail In N.B. $9900. 841· 3283

' 79 Boston Whaler , 2t ', 2·75HP angs, trlr. many Jltras $13,500 675-2837 IX 673-0740

S3 5 650 442, -- 7 -- 1 11 oot looks 546-4370 or 1-498-1481 -vw " 646-4857. eves .. 99'-4233 67 · - • " DatHa l '83 3000 Turbo, si r , ow m es. sun·r • And L•a"ng reott / restOfed 533_.242 - b 1 k 1b 1 k 6 6 o o m 1 and drives great $3,675 l87 l t Beact1 Blvd THE UlllEST S Pkg . black load e-d

Sc11w1nn l e Tour 10 spd. ' 79 Toyola pick.up, lmmac '73 1200, new tires, 4 apd, S ' J93 970-0548 Huntington Beach OJ•aat~ilt 93 7 j0264 I 2J like new $ 175 Kuwahar• $3875. (7 t4)848-8 t40. $1000/olr . 546·.4164 28.500 5•6· 9 - SELECTIOll BMX s1so 673·3600 (213)425-.4810 Ask about the money - "7s"5 BUG · RUNS OOOD (114) 142-2000 170 Cutlass 400, needs '82 528e

'74 260Z. good oond, orig can save you thru our S t500/ obo 551·3732 ol lala modal, tow mlleage p11n1. ate Aun1 gd SSOO Nettrliktt 101 ' 81Toyota 4• 4. Low mlle- ownr, newly --Painted. h &1 "'• 9 ---- -- •OlirOlflir•ir* Cadillacs In Southern Callal1ar6pm 548·3623 5 spet'd, •ow rnilt'~

age. A /C. PS. Bel Air bel""fblk Int SSOOO obo pure ue eese .,. n . ' 65 Bug. runs good, $1500 " "- C S od I I ERL 1651 SSO o ff New Mo Pads $8500 II .- Jll IUIOll b 551 3732 '71 Super Beetle. 4 epd. altlomlit 99 us 1 ay ' 76 Starll ra. 5 • ....,. -. V6. al e. I shell Mint. . ca Call Dale 752· 2540 dya 0 0· • Ilka brnO new $2595 IAIEllS ...,... '82 5 28

SACRIFICE 2411 Ma - through Sept 30 Mln~a. aves 642·0053 893-2220 avas. lllNllS •67 BAJABug 1600 cc B runs gd. StOOO 642· 7866 e raud-. Fresh 165 twin wa r d I E 11 1 s F v I y 30 a s ·72 Cmpr UI. extremely CAllLUC --- -

.; Mar;' cru isers Full" 962- t922 V1•1 9 ·77 Di1aun 200SX tPOr1 N1ewio~~IBEAtreeC~ motor, SK ml .. Maroon & n1et. aiareo. ale. 12995 ;-80 Cullan Supreme Au\ o m at 1c . loade-d 1

1 / I white, c lean. St 100 neg '68 Bun. snrt, stereo. 2600 Harbor Blvd. Broughn. am/Im stereo I 1FOE1901 equipped lor Catallna ·75 VESPA fas . Good '67 vw VAN nu trans, r• cpe, 5 epd. a r . am m 1••-t•oo MUST GO 548-8322 -· ••es Traller&fulloover Maka body, runs well $500, centneweng. goodcond caas .. lowml .. newtlres. •• • w~2bKlklntb, ~~~~I SB2295 COSTA ... A caas. tanMny11op, lo m1, '82 528•

If 979-56161 $2700/terms 154-7996 556-7549 or 549· 6421 ·57 Camper. All orig, good u4 om .., .., cro us. &•0-1860 fully loaded.S6900 obo. "'°" or vmessage 631·38530f544-8006 MG 9149 cond St999 54s.6786 collactoraltam, rnech Call 0111e 752-25.0 dY'. Aut o mati c, l oadt'd

Whale< 15' wl70hp MEAC. 'TS Honda EJtpress. 1200 '74 Dodge Maxi, 88,347 '81 01tS1Jn 310. lo ml. 11lnt perlect $2995 •-IAA 9313 893· 2220 a"" 11 eos 2811 I II I ... $2100 963 6812 cond t .. ruoul air I 1000 ' 79 MO M"""t convertible, ' 68 Bun, runs grt, gd cond '70 w 11 II c ..... •• OW mt, grN ... ape. Low mites Eves 644-0452 ml. • - oc " • • 'V" • 89 a a mpr. Olds '76 Cutlass Supreme $6000. (714) 631-8480 • 619-340-039Sah5pm belowBlueBk. Must - 19.000 mi. •Int cond $200011rm 557-5475 must see $2495 '64 Monza convert., part. Top consd New tires. '82 633CSf dya ·79 Puch Moped, JOO ml .. 82 Chev. Van "'· · llB. llll , $3650. 846-6533 $4000 673-9020 •68. good palni-:tiU radials Wrnty & financing 1vall. bodyteng/lrans/uphol/lo blue. pvt pty Asking


miles 12

AKV9991 xtnt cond $300. 559·0796 OZX T 5 •"" S 1600 obo 673-54 16 Vaughan Sales p. No dents or rust. $4195 -~ at 1635 Su·

---- air. hb seats, appro>e 500 '82 28 · · top. ...,w. Pta1Ht 9155 650· 2007. 553·9833 $1700 536 3932 ' ~ '83 3201 katt, Sail . 7014 f111t11eyclH/ ml. $9500top 662· 2673 loaded. E>ttended tan1ice --- - · . · perfor. c M 63t·0300

" A kt 179 ... oai so4. 4 spd. air '69 Bug. nu tires. nu paint. -- - - --- ---y, ownership Islander SO ScMteu 1011 evs warr, new atlckar 11 ng ' · 1 1 /1 VOLKSW,AOEN ·54 Nova 2dr. 6 cyl. auto. Pontia-;- a33s

II 75 0 I $5 500 - - - ..., -- S 11,900/obo, must sell. stereo. snr1. PS. PB. PW nu mot,or nu n · am m EXCLUSIVELY runs gd $495 645 7578 ~ "7 Mark ' s · ~397637 180Husqvarna2SO. s950 '82ChevVan·L.B ¥•ton·s. tSKmt 499-2922 35 mpg M in t cond cass t 450 548-0802 _ ---- - ·h C ata lo na Uoo NptBch lip • 646-4857, eves499· 4233 1111 wh .. H.B. seats. air. -

9121 $3650 63 1 3016 a1t 4 pm 1•:11'W'ESTWAGEN •':11 79 Camero Berltnatta 734-0690

5 sp e-e-d, warr an ty jl FV X4J71

'84 3181 27. Ertr•on, Atom- le 4 . l/ B. - - -- under 600 m1 $9.500 Ferrari 'II SUlllOOF l"I A personal and proud e11· cor1vert-'" to Z28 J2K - Honda 350 gd cond $250 k t l62 2673 80 dsl 505 SD auto . air. • "" alps 5, • Int cond New G la e over pym b • '64 3300T 2 ~ 2. 4 head ~lereo. snrl PtB P •s $] l SO 0, o ller 645•3127 c1ua1ve VW agency dedl· ml, ~lnl cond . 1 owner . ·75 Sunb•rd, auto. sunroof Au tomal•c. loade-d 1 5 I rnaTn sall , AOF tVHP . Ee.hplpes SS50Suzulll - - ---,-1 -910 tr hf abllangS11000 ca1eo1o qua111yserv1ce, PP $4900 / ob o 1111 wtieel. new t1•es . mile-~ 114204 301 S 18.000/olr 494. 7927 S t 50 obo 642-85 t8 llHTOllE 1 g s. r . . PIW 35rnpg gorgeous 70 vw B S 1500 A-bl t d 752· 1551 "•4-0527 62.000 mr $ 1700/obo

VW Van 1835cc cherry, 832-4726 - $6150 63 1-3016 I us I spare par s. an a corn - . ~ 646-0772 alt 5 28 ' Lance779. dsl, 3 sails, Motor Htatl I020 $3 500 645 1286 r· 9123 eng . new brakH/ tlres pe1111ve sales pre.sen· ' 83 Berllnella·loaded . - LOOK FOR RED TAG! wheel, VHF Knot meter. '11 PACE ARROW. 27' all --· - • 1at Poraeke 91571 Weber B11sta•n . Jack · talion or the unique everything. pert cond '80 Gran Prt• l(lnl cond.

S 25. •-t•' ••H, 1976 t2B Xlnt gas mlla- mans ma ny e iu r as Volkswagen quallty ve- loaded 3 4 000 m i lalho, nlee Try t5M xtras 37M mls, 1opcond. na 1979 P o rs c; he 92 4 673•30 13 937•2 132 hicles Sliver/gray ext charcoal Merril Sloop ' 80. last ' S14450Call 646-4546NB Clanin 9045 oagboe 6L4oo2·k5s70n1~ $1200 AMtFM. sunrool clean BOB CHALLMAN'S 1n1 4200 m1. St1 ,750 $7400 Cali alt 6 pm •• SI • • ,, Trv S t2•• 'l 1 Sl'lr" 1or1rn1r Obo. 966·0•26 962·6897 ... u ~ ' "' FOR RENT 4011 Motor 101 JllllHIJlll goOd condmon $7 500 " n " ·1 WEST WA 0 IN ,., Avery&Co 6Z5·8990 H om e co mp l ete l y 1 26 '66 Station Wagon. 4 dr 01 1>es101ter 751·6742 Arnt tmcassette ~. . • • "' A l .....1

Aal11, larr t ..

.ALSO ...

28' Swedish Sloop sleeps equipped 673-5133 o;:h1::":th orblack Y~:. $500 obo 673-5416 * 73 9 t4. l 7 • Int mach $2000 548·92 15 ~~~;·~:i''.': ~C::s •Ill, •f!rt-4. diesel ang. 5 sans. lully T ' I -- --- ertlt:>le top All pawer B1a•1 9125 cond new paint $5750 72 BUS·GREAT CONO• 7600WestmlnsterBtvd ·------------------i equipped. good cond raaen, $9200 7J l -480 or 675-4719 S2500or BestOller NearBaach /Waslmlnater THEY'RE SOii' FAST!


OF NEW '83 & '84 BMWs EVER/

$4800 / 0BO Prt1111e Otili~ 1026 213-493-115t '81 4d1Accord al r, euto 63 JS6S REN0VATION 631·32221631-4027 Phone7t4/ VW1-WEST Party 213-556-5781 eves 5v8 FOfd ru~k 8 ...,. TralL 1rn1, 20,000 ml. Ulla new _ T

1 P..,.. vw·

~ ~ ""' "" '29 Model A. 4 Door Town $6995. dya 720-0344 for 1ha discerning col· 74 Conv nu lop/tire'&, Ola .,.,ormanca I 1' 11" Monlgomery dbl S275 645.Q t04 Sedan. restored $9,995. av/ wknd 644-8390 leg111te Of other devotee amflm cau. 4 ap<l. lo ml. " Ara You ::.le<IW:~~~1a:1:S"::~ · Aatt l1tie11 S '46 Ford Woodle. navy laaaa till S8SOO 851· 5999 •Int $6000 642-7866 Havtn' Any Fun?"

Sell used w/salls $400 IMPORTANT blue. restOfed. $12,995 Aatu, l•J!rlt4 Aat11, larrl.. Aalu, laf!rtt4 673-e157 NOTICE TO READERS P.P. 675· 6181 - - - -

'73 HOBIE 14 wttrlr & AOVEAR~~SEAS llllnl IEPllCl •ttaa $700 559-8244 tt home. 833-1361 work The p rice o f 11ams Ok blue, sharp, best o er

advertised by vehlcla over $5600. 857·5518 dealers In lhe vehicle I _ _a classl lled advert i sing Aattl, ap1t-

'76 20' O'O•y w/trlr . sips 4, galkly. VHF. Ille floes. 6HP OB. 2 aalla. •Int cond 14400/olr. &42· 1706

CAT 27, 197:8, almo1t new Atomic 4, llB. S 11 ,950. Daya 83 5 · 866 5 or wtlnd/av 8-45-2203

cotumna does nol tnctude Aati 9107 any applicable taus. 177 A di F Station license. transfer fees. u OJI finance charges, teee tor Wagon, lmmac. run air pollullon control de- superb, 3Smpg, depend vice certifica t ions or trans. I 1950. 646- 116-4 dealer documentary ·77 Foic. 10 ml. runs great.

CLASSIC 78 It wooden preparation charges un· Sl800/obo. 646-0603 lldloon« now tor .. ie at tess otharwtae specified S 175,000 AMERICAN by the advertlear '80 sooos. S8100 or lake MARITINE YACHT ANO over lease 8'0-6653 SHIP BR Ol<ERAGE A•I• SerYicea/ 675-7295 Parta 9015 '80 5000 s White. an rt.

Hobie 14, S7SO. 2"1P OtB. ·51 Uez 220 hOOd. trunk . fully equipped $7500 $95. 646-'8571499-4233 o tnar parts S75 ea VW obo 831 -5965





Volumt Salee. Service And Laaalng

t8711 Beach Blvd Huntl"ilon Beaeh

(114) 142-2000 - - - ----- Bvs r ea r bench HOBIE 16. trau..- w/cat 66t ·2220 861· 2220 box. rainbow Jallt. many __

IMW 9112 J11ur l 173 BMW 2002. 4 sPd. 1nrl,

163 Jaguar M ark 11. xtrM, rwety uMd S~fl· PAINT ANO LIGHT BOOV !lice $ 1.950 873·3800 WORK Save SS & in- S3500t bst olr. 842·3152 Cleulc, 78,000 orig

mllas, 3.6 L. 4 door sedan . autom1t l c B o rg - Warner trana , amllm marina band Btaupunkt ste<e<>. bronze wllh bucket Miit, wtra wheels. S3500t OBO 983-3751

crease )'OUr cat's velue Ille 30 Mark 11175 OSI. by SS Biii 969· 1221 reoe/crutM rigged Npt

'75 2002 sunroof, stereo. beige. super cond • S3600 obo 548-845 I

Bch Slip 1 2s ooo Aatll WHIM 9020

iiiSiii3iii9-ii7ii6ii3ii7iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--1-.-------,_ '80 3201, 35K ml , S .~. Highest caSh lmmed '°' ,....,..,w

your vetoocle. domestic or air. 118feo. eunrool. new LIDO 14 w/lr1ller, boat lora19n 551•6265 trans . gold BBS wheels, cover. fully equipped xtnt , $1 t ,000, prlv party Xtnt cond S97 5 lAAOE 20"1.--o;;:;-.rshlp : 559·9140 t-498-15'19°' 581· 4126 2Br 2ba on 113 acre tor -

new 2 door car 675-3022 Cluallled Ads 642-5678

.. A-.••-",;;;j·-..... e .... rt~H;;._ ___ A_.,_ .......... _. __ ,._,,_t4 ___ Aatt1, r.prtH

'6 1 Jaguar XJ8. black, ten 17 K mi Xlnt condition $21900 640-0459

Aat11, laprtt4

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-~ .

The car that doesn't shock you with extra-cost options. The Peugeot 5058.

. .

• 1

. I






"' .. . " .... .

11ll YW IMMt- .. -·-·--Sl,MI 4 dr .. a11to. (No. 4688) 1111 ,.,.. • .., ..... _ .. _ .. ,_. ____ ,., .....

5 apd .. A/C, (8.C2VOU) 1111..,..... lerileL.--.... -·--11,9" 4 spd .. low mites. (163YlOC) 1111 YW ..... • ·-~--Wit -4 apd. etereo. O ARY465) 1111,.......11t ....... ....... .. apd .. sharp. (No. 1BZU938)

H,000 • ~ 1,ttt 11ll YW Illa ltnentMe 4 apeed, ste<eo. (4684)

1111 ,...... ..... 'z --·-·-·-·-·--- ...... Auto .. A/C. ( 1 BJZ490)

1111 ..... ....,..___·-··-··-" ·"' 2 dr .. 5 epd .. AIC ( 1EMC791)

1111,..... ....... _""---····--· .. --·-- ...... Dietel adn .. auto .. eunrool. (273ZBX) 1112 YW ...... _ 14• .. Ie,4..1/t, ..... (1111) tU1 .... leMf4....._ •••• --.. ·-·-·· .. ·-"··"' Auto .. AIC. low mite. llU ..... ~--·--···· ....... _ ...... M,HI 4 cyl., euto .. AIC. ( 1EWN343) 1111 ..... ....._ ...... - ...... ._ ............. _ ... , " ·"' Oleael, 5 epd .. AIC, 10,800 mites. ( 1FLG456) 1111 WW .a.tta. ................... ...__, .............................. ,111 4 dr .. 5 spd .. AIC, 24,000 mllea. ( 10UCC632) 1111 ...... neaa .... , .. . --·-..... "' 5 epd., A/C, eunroof. ( 1DEA432)

1111,....... 111-·--"""-·-·-ll'"' Mint condition. (4709) 1111 ft...,.... __ , .. _,_ .. __ , •1 ... 5 epd .. AJC, sunroof. (4870)

..... * ..... 1112 "''-"•----· ... ...... 4 dr., auto., enrf .• demo. (8597) 1• ...... , ....................... 11,411 Auto., A/C, 1Unroof, 25,000 mllea. (1CGX183) ......... " - Tl Wp .......... I 11t,HI Auto. (1 AVE374) 1111 ,.,.... tn. ....... _ .... __ ,11,111 Auto., "'"Y equipped. (4710)

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Comin Attractions .

Estelle Parsons to star in 'A Sense of Humor.'

Jack Lemmon will co-star with Estelle Parsons.


--------------------------------, ~

Glenda Jackson to star in play yet to be named.

~ " <D :l a. <D ~ ......

The Ahlilanson season ••• Top talents already scheduled Five Oscar-~g actors will head.line the

1983-84 season for the Center Theater Group at' the Ahmanson Theater in the Los Angeles Music Cent.er.

Pet.er Ustinov will star in the American premiere of his own comedy, "Beethoven's Tenth," opening the Ahmanson season Oct. 7. Then comes Jack Lemmon and Estelle Parsons in the world premiere of Ernest Thompson's "A Sense of Humor," making its debut Dec. 2.

Glenda Jackson has been signed for a play yet to be selected, opening Feb. 10. And Charlton Heston will head the cast in a revival of Sidney Kingsley's "Detective Story," ticketed for April 6.

Ustinov, who earned Academy Awards for his performances in both "Topkapi" and "Spartacus,'' is both star and author of "Beethoven's Tenth," a playful fantasy in which a lusty and acerbic Ludwig von Beethoven materia.Li,a in the modern world. With his hearing very much intact, the musical genius is the center of a story filled with satirical obeervationa on life, mUlic and artistic snobbery.

Lemmon, also a double winner for, "Mister Roberts" and "Save the Tiger," earned additional nominations for "Some Like It Hot," "The Apartment," "The Days of Wine and Roses," "The China Syndrome," "Tribute" and "Miuing." P81'90flS woo her Olcar for "Bonnie and Clyde" and a Tony Award for "Miss Margarida's Way" on Broadway.

They wtH stm in "A Sense bf Humor," the newest play . from the author of "On Golden Pond." It la a drama about two people facing a heartbl;eeking lo. and finding the strength and resilience to deal'With it.

J8clulon, honored twice for "Women in Love" and. ''A Touch of a.a..•• a1IO has been nominated for "SUnday, Bloody Sunday" and "Hedda." A list of comedlee and cle-'c- ia being considered for her, and the final decWon will be announced.

Heston, who won hi. Olcar for "Ben Hur," previously starred on the Ahmanlon stace ln ''The CndbJe," "Macbeth.'' "Lona Day's Journey lnto­Nlght.'' "A Man for All Se.Ona" and "The Cnaci.fer of Blood." ln "Detective Stotv" he will play the ro.le taken on the~ by Kirk Douglas. a police detecdve with wibend1na prindpl& •

"Beethover\'1Tenth" willplayOct. 7-Nov. 20; "A s.. df Humor' s. IChedUled b' Dec. 2-Jan. 15; Glenda .llldman'• play will run Feb. 10-March 25, whlle ··~veStory" will be~ted from April 8 thfOttCh May 20.

Charlton H8ton (above) i1 iM'hed­uled to star in 'Detective Story' at the Ahmaneon· Theater of the Loa An­geles Music Center this seaeon, while Academy Award winner Peter Uo-1tinov (at right) will etar lo the American premiere of hia own play, 'Beethoven'• Tenth,' to 1tart the HJ&IOD OD Oct. 7.

- - ~~~=~- - .-.--. . . . -.. . . .. ... .... . ~ . ,. .

·------------------------....-------------~ ...... 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111------------------------------Big Doings <') ~ lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiilmil ................................................................................................... ..

~ Irvine write·; ••• Obstfeld ready to tell how to write mystery Q. •

~ Nordstrom's fall fashion prol'.O<>tion will -..,,-~, >. remain under wraps until Sept. 6 when "Fashion: By SU~ MONAHAN ~ The Mystery Solved" opens at the department DailyPilotCorrMpOl\d.nt -.:: st.ore. in Los Angeles or Manhattan, but in Irvine and LL. Highlighting the promotion, which runs Costa Mesa. ~ through Sept. 18, will be an appearance by Irvine "All my mysteries at least start in Orange

f "S! author Raymond Obstfeld who will discuss his C.ounty, although they may veer off into other U latest book, a mystery set in Irvine and C.osta Mesa. areas," said Obstfeld. ~ ''Fashion: The Mystery Solved" will be the He said Los Angeles has been over-used as a ~ theme of the decor, events and some of the story setting. "Orange C.ounty is an untapped

merchandise at all Nordstrom stores. area ... There's more diversity in Orange C.ounty .2 The promotion is being co-spol'l80red by than 1n L .A." Besides, "I like writing about ii: Sherlock's Home Bookstore of Long Beach, and lrvine .. .l like living in Irvine."

each store will have a miniature version of the Obstfeld has been teaching writing courses at bookstore carrying hard-to-get m ysteries. Orange Coast C.ollege for seven y~ and he Life-me silhouettes of Sherlock.Holmes, Nick and advites his students to write. "Talent is a minol" Nora Charles and other eni,grnatic figures will be part of wri-ting,·•· .he say8." .. ·PreSeverence is found by mystery fans. Sets representing Sam everything." Spade's office and the front of Scotland Yard will Obstfeld him.tell writes for four or five hours be scattered throughout the stores. a day, every day. "You don't write only when you

While the props may be Bay Area and British feel like it. I do 80l1le of my best stuff when I don't in tone, the mystery speaker ia baaed in Orange feellikeit.becawiethen lhavesomed.ista.ncefrom C.ounty. Obstfeld will give a lecture on "How to it." Write a Mystery" at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 7 He admits, however, that just about every~ at Nordstrom's in South Coast Plaza. A question wanta to abandon a book after the first 50 pages. and answer period will follow. Comparing the initial stages of a book to the

How does one write a mystery, anyway? euphoria of a new relationship, he says, .. then you " Youkeepaheadofyouraudience," Obstfeld realize that you still have 150 more pages to go.

says. "All mystery plots have been done by .Edgar that the real work is beginning. And you want a Allen Poe. We're just re-working them." divon:ie."

Obstfeld has a method for dealing with Obstfeld, who at the age of 31 has written" 13 students who find themaelves in this slump. "l

or 14" books. alao suggests creating a main humiliate them." he says cheerfully. "I just keep character who ia likeable enough to hold the puahing them foe another chapter. then another, reader's attention even if the plot falters. until finally you have a novel! ' He says uat about

His own mysteries follow this formula. F.ach half a dozen of his students have had books chapter ends on a cliff, and part of the suspense published, and " there's no reaaon why they comes from a desire to find out if the protagonist shouldn't have.'.' will land on his feet. Despite his crowded schedule, Obstfeld does

Harry Gould is an unlucky and reluctant hero not see his job as a g 1.leling one. "I write because I who appears 1n aeveral of Obstfeld'• mysteries, like to write," he said. "Becawie I have an idea and including "Dead Heat." which was nominated for I'm anxious to work on it." an_F.d~g~ar_a_w_ard_._H_e_does __ no_t_h_~_v_e_hla_ad_v_e_n_tures ______ His_' _1_'d_eas_ Bl'_ e_no_ t_co_ nfined_ · _ to mysteries. and


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MIW .......... ...,. . ......

Raymond Obstfeld shows off a handful of books he has written.

hia books range from poetry to westerns. His latest book, "War Lord.a" la an adventure. Like many of hi.a books, thi8 one was published under a peeudonym, in this cue "Jason Frost."

Obstfeld explained that hi.a mysteries alJ'eady have a following and readen are aometimes confU9ed when a writer switches to another genre.

NegotiatiOnl to sell "War Lords" as a movie idea are going on, although Obat.feld can't predict the results. "lt'a meeting after meeting. 'We love it... we love it ... can't buy it right now'," he said. He abo says. however, that bis agent, Sandy Watt, is " incredibly penevering."

Obatfeld says that while he loves movitw and television, and may do IOll'>e acriptwriting in the future, he ~fen working on novels. "I like to get praile for my work, and you don't get that with acriptwritini. It the movie is a SUCtlif9, people aay, 'What a,._, direct.or.' lJ they don't like it, they say, 'What a Jou.y 8Cl'ipt' ~"

Hla fUture plans inClude more of the aame. He says that hill aabbaUcal UU. year will be spent making videota~ of reglOnal writer&, which he plane to I.lie ln tbe'clwlo6m.

He al8o expects to continue tumJna out his myat.eriea. which I.all ie. into the whodunit catepy than into the wtJl.tbey._...way .uapenee format.

>.. he explaina it, _....,... fiction, ' 'takee .,,.. people, with •veraae abWU. and puta them in a lltuatiol) beyond their control. 'rt.\ (t.M au~) maka them find reD.ll'Ca the~ didn't know they heel. It'a the modem CODdltlan ... by deMna Into OW' inner eelwa, _. ean CC111trol OW' ownlivee."

Nmdstrtm will mo be ~ ~ writer'I' autopaph partill on S.~. Sept. 10, from l l a.m. to noon at tht c.errtaltore and 2 to 4 p.m. at the South CoMtPmJ1tore. TheiwtY wtD contin"9 on S.turdQ, Sept. 17, from U a.Jn. to noon at the er. stcn ~ 2 to tipm. at the Glendale 1tore.

,Authon Ka Gtntd, '1'tm ~.Mark Rubel. Maril Schorr md MU1ft1 ~ ..,. .cheduled to an.NI all ,...cl&

- ----- ----------------------------------------- ---. Currently Hanging _

5 J!

miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiilll .......... llllllllii .... o MUSEUMS

90ftRS llUMUll. 2002 N. Miiin St .• Swita An&. " The Art of Metat In Amenca." 133 ~. bf' ... and bronze object•, through Sept. 5 , 10 Lm.-5 p.m. Tuea.-S.t; noon-5 p.m. SUn. 547..ao4.

EDWARD-GEAN lllUM\111 OF MCOllAllft ART. IMOt <>Ilk Glen Rd., Cherry V.iley, "French F*1ce and F.ience Fine: 8elec:tlona from the Mlrie W. FOtNet Colectlon," Flllenoe IH major Eutapeen eeremlc tradhlon of tin-glued wtheliw••· ttwough Oct. 30, t -4:30 p.m. Tue . ..Frt.; 10 a.m.-4:30 p .m. Sat. & Sun. ~2e26.

a.di, " At HOn11; ... " Ac*e, Relatlonehlpa, and SouMlty," and " Artlata' Boob by Women". exhlbtta wNct\ examine f9mlnlet art through envtronmenta, perlorm.nce, Ytdeo and boob, Sept. 4-NO'I, 6 , 12-5 p.m., Wed.-Sun. (213)439--2119.

L08 AMCIEl H COUNTY llUMUll. 5905 Wll9hlre Bt'ld., Loe AngeMs. woru of Paul Landecr•. t>Mt known .. a wood-engraver, on dl8pley, 27 dttlerent print.a and pr9p81'11tory drewtnoa. ttwouah NOY. 6. (213) 857~22.

NmWPORT HAMOR Alir WUll, 850 San Clemente Dr .• Newport a.en. "Through lndien Eyee." almoet 200 19th and 20th Centwy photographa from lnd4a.. ...... Cellfomla Arti9ta Part IV," ~ and exper'.mental worka by Southern C.ittorNa artlata. 1 t Lm.-5 p .m. Tue.-Sun. 673-3804.

NORTON -- llU9EMI. 411 W. Color8do. PllNdena, Mast~ from the RenaeliMnoe and Beroque P91od9, lndeftnlte., noon-e p .m .. Thur . ..SUn. (213) 449--3730.

OA.tw COUNTY CDllU fOll ~ ART, 3821 W. MacArthur, Spece 111, Sainta Ana. ''Ooc:umen­tatlon '83, •• • lfM>W expk>rlng ttwougtl the work• of Autl'I Ann Anderton and 25 other -.c:ted anlat.a, the wtde range of wthetlca and coocama wtthln the concept of pturlllllam, through Sept. 4; PllUI Derrow, Ray J9Cob and Jenet Toy exhibit, ttw~. noon-5 p.m. Tue . ..SUn. 54M989

UN COUNTY llUMUll, 2024 Orange Tree Lane. ~. Fine Art.a lnetttute 25th Juried Exhfbttlon, ttwouah Oct.2. 792-1334.

UCLA .... WI OF CULTURAL ... TORY, 2 H .... Hall, UCLA, Loe AngeMs, Aunte Art and Hlatof'y, II.It canturlee of imer.c:tlon of Atnca. Europe and t.aam r......ied IQ the rant art from the Akan peoplee of Ghana, tww ...... texUlea. wood c:aMnga and dllp&ay of contemporwy fek•. 0 See Currently Hanging. Page 16


..,,_ ... MT9 C0UNCL. 4801 Welnut A¥9., lrvtne, ''Landecllpe a.n.,,ts, .. WOftta by Bob At>r8nw, ~Bel. Sumnne au.t.Mnte, l.NM Oen6*. Peggy Jo&a. .-ry Mc:Gtd\, Edythe Stoler and Patttda Turner, ttvough Sept. to. 9 a.m.-9 p.m .. Mon.· Thur.; 9 Lm.-3 p .m. Sat. 552- 10n.

LAGUNA mACH llU9EUlll OF ART, 307 ' Clft Dr .• Laguna Bwft, "Contempoi•y Cellfomla Mi.ta 15," cibectlf"ome C010r photographa by Stephenie Sax and mixed rnedle CX>llaOe pelntlnga by Mlm Spenua, Sept. 3-0ct. 2. tt:30a.m.-4:30 p.m. deity, clOMd Me>ncMy. 494-6631.

~--------------------------------------- ...


Find mone~·-sa\· in g co ~·et last ~· rec1pt•s in ~

LONG mEACH llUMUll, 2300 E. 0ceen Btyd .• Long Wednesda~ ·s foo<l pages

Smokey's B&;ck! And The Bandit is at it again!


PAT ~ alll lRRY Rf£0 Wt1tten by STU ART BlRNBAUM & DAVID OAStlV k~lAARYCN&.ER Pr!Xb:ed by MOO [JmaRC Directed by DICK LOWRY

~Lo..-.. .,• ... ~.~c~ av~ m 11(.A bds & Cassettes A l!Yf...~ .... ~2

COIJA.uA fo-.. ~r· '31 M(tl

COITA•M ( ChoWOI so,,,,. eo.. ""'' 546 17" fOUllT,. •M.LIY Co-•~V-0 1~

STARTS TODAY AMIT• WM.LIY Ptcllic I ~ounllon V., OIMlll 91122 .. 1 llMll l.,,. w.o.t• ()lwN ., ..

NOW PLAYING 1411MA PAM FOUNTAIN VAUIY P.c111c s Buena P~rk EOwarClt Fountain Vllly Onw ln821 ~70 (714)839-1~

COITA•M _.. ldWtrdt frlSIOI Edwardl WooelbftdOI ~ 74.w cin.ma 561 .. R. TORO (d.iwMO$ Saddlltllcli 581 5880

LMUIAllD EdWlnb Sou1tl Colsl 494-1514

LA~ ,IClk's LI Mwlldl ... 24(1)



6 ___ __..._ __ . . 1* ... ...... .

Intermission p,) TO M TITUS

~ Opening nights ... Theaters offering old.stuffwith newtouch Q) (/) 1 Come Sept.ember, the marquees along the >- Orange Coast traditionally light up with new ca productions - and this Sept.ember certainly is no :g diHerent. u.. With very few exceptions however, th0&e ~ productions are new only in the sense that a fresh ~ company is mounting its own rendition of ~ something you've probably seen at least once

.JiC. before . Maybe more, if you're a dedicated ~ theatergoer . ~ Three playhouses, in fact . are putting on :§ reprise produc tions of shows they've presented in O: the pasl. And a fourth company is updating an

original play it introduced last year, this time at a different location.

In all, 15 local theater groups will put their latest offerings on the boards between this weekend (along with the end of December the Light.est on the theater calendar) and the first week of October. Here's what to expect, in order of appearance:

v Sept . 9 - A double opening with "Mist.er Roberts" making its second appearance of the year at the Westminster Community Theater and ·~cruc" opening at the Huntington Beach


" Rowdy and refreshing tun . Chevy Chase's fun­niest performance. This is the best of the Na­

tional Lampoon movies."

1":1:11 ~~ • • T I • e A L


Playhouse. The seagoing comedy runs through Oct. 1. while William Inge's heartland drama lasts a week longer, to Oct. 8. v Sept. 13 - South Coast Repertory launches its 19th season with the Orange County premiere of "Amadeus." The historical drama focusing on the composer Mozart plays through Oct. 16 at the Costa Mesa theater v Sept. 14 - "Guys and Dolls" makes a return visit to Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse. The Damon Runyon -inspired musical plays through Oct. 30.

Sept. 15 · Anothe r re turn engagement, this time of "The Boy Friend' ' a t the San Clemente Community Theater. It runs through Oct. 30. v Sept. 16 - Comedy night on three stages. "Pygmalion" opens al the Newport Harbor Actors Theater (through Oct. 9), Showcase Productions mounts " You Can't Take It With You" (through Oct. 2) and the Garden Grove Community Theater goes on a "Luxury Cru~" (through Oct. 8). v Sept. J 9 - The first of the "dark nights" at the Ne wport Harbor Actors Theater. The two-character play " Dear Liar" runs Mondays lhrOUj~ Oct 18.

Their odds are a million to one ... And Strykers the one!

• d•.a r d t 11111 \ TO l C llO .. 4 -Hllll -­IMlll - ~ 7444


H.Y. "-•

- --O . .._ __


v Sept . %% - The Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. now in a summer-long run of "West Side Story," puts "Romantic Comedy" on the boe.rds, through Oct. 13. v Sept. %3 - "Mornings at Seven" inaugurates the new season at the Laguna Moult.on Playhouse. ~gh Oct. 15. Meanwhile, the St.op-Gap Theater reprises its original drama "When the Bough Breaks," this time at the Garden Grove Festival Amphitheater, through Oct. 1. v Sept . !t - Jules Feiffer's " Hold Me," which was part of the first season at the Newport Harbor Community Theater. returns as the opening show of its successor, the N~wport Theater Arts Center. through Oct. 8. v Oct. 6 - Cheer the hero, hiss the villain as the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse kicks off its new season in a new location, the Rea Community Cent.er , with a melodrama entitled "He Done Her Wrong," through Oct. 29.

v Oct. 7 - The Irvine Community Theater wraps up its 1983 " revival season" with a fresh look at an old classic. "Harvey." The comedy runs through Oct. 29 at Irvine's Turtle Rock Community Park.

e dwards MESA CINEMA , ;.~·~-~ ... ._ 646 -5025

" KRULL" <PG> Tues .. Fri. 6: 15. 10 ·50

Sat-Mon. 1:30. 6:15, 10:50

# 1

" MORTUARY" <"> Tu.a-Fri. 9:00

Sat-Mon. 2:00. 5:25, 9:00

" STRYKER" <"> Tuee.-Frl. 7:15, 10:45

Sat-Mon. 3:4S.J: 15, 10:50

(kroPtJssY Tues.-Frl. 8:30 (PG) Sat-Mon. 3 :45, 8:30

__ ...... !~...!..'£!!!" -- . - 21st SMASH WEEKI- -


/ ,, ;

- ----=;.:,:;,.-.,

Currently Screening

'Mr. Mom' •.. Zooms to the top of movie box office chart

LOS ANGELES - "Mr. Mom," a tale of mother-father role revenala in an era of re­cession-spawned layoffs, was the top moneymaker at North American box offices last weekend.

cation,''from Warner Bros .. which 1ook in $3.41 million on 1,246 .creena.

Warner's "Cujo" earned $1.94 million in 1,025 theaters. MGM-UA's "Strange Brew," which opened Friday, wok in $1.91millionin849 theaters.

4. "HERCULES," $3.47 million, MGM-UA, 1,001.

5. "NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VA€ATION," $3.41 million, Warner Bros., 1,246.

The20thC-entury-Foxoomedy,atarri.ngMkhael .. Paramount's "Staying Alive" earned $1.3 Keaton as the howlehuaband and Teri Garr as h.ia million in 761 theaters.

Here are the five top groasing films of the summer:

working wife, earned $6.4 million in 1,235 theaters ~ Univenal's "Met.als1onn: The Destruction of throughout the U.S . and Canada between Friday and Jared-Syn" wok in $1.2 million on 784 9Ct'eena. Sunday, bringing 1otal receipts 1o $20.4 million for its first six weeks.

1. " RETURN OF THE JEDI," $227 million, 20th <:.entury-Fox, 14 weeks.

"Risky Business," from Warner Bros., was the weekend's 8eCOnd highest-groaing film with $4.8 million iD 1,089 theaters..

Orion's "F.aay Money," the prior weekend's winner, 1ook in $4.5 million in 1,171 theaters and fell 1o third. It a1ars comedian Rodney Dangerfield .

''Flaahdance,'' ' 'Trading Places,' ' ''War Gaines' ' and ''Octopumy" remained top draws and are among the five top-grossing films of the summer. "Return of the Jedi" is the summer's No. 1 hit.

Other top . weekend earners included MGM-UA's new sword-and-sandal epic, ''Hercule9.'' which grabbed.$3.47 million after opening Friday in 1,001 theaters and "National Lampoon's Va-

Here are the top five groeaers for the last weekend:

2. "FLASBDANCE," $78 million. Paramount, 19 weeks.

3. '"TRADING PLACF.S," $77 million, Para­mount, 11 weeks. 1. " MR. MOM," $6.4 million, 20th c.entury-Fox,

1,235 theaten. 4. "WAR GAMES," $65 million. MGM-UA. 13

weeks. 2. "RISKY BUSIN~," $4.8 million , Warner Bros., 1,089.

5. "OCTOPU~Y." $62 million, MGM-UA, 12 3. "EASY MONEY," $4.5 million, Orion, 1,171. weeks. .

For Ad Action Cal a

Daly Plot AD·VJS(I 642-5678

PureGo(c( GE.'liESHALIT. T°*Y, NI C·TV

Magic JACK K.ROLL • . 'lltw1•utk

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Utterly Original lJCHA.RD SCHK'KEL, TIM#


WCXXJY ALL.QlJ MIA FARROW l oc... ( C!Qumt' 1 ~"'

SUSAN E. MORSE $.ANTO LOQUASTO I ., • • • '• • • I ~ ....,., I )t t'CIOI ol t'hoeogt ollJh)r

MEL BOJRNE GORDON WIWS [ •t''""'•· f• ~ ••••" Pr«XM.td by

C~ H. JOFFE ROBERT GREENHUT ··· ~W~~~AU.EN r.oLN8r•~-·j \...J\.A..J I t:!!-.. • • .., • ..,. •

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7 ~ 0 -~

J G :> Q. ~ ....... ..,, ~ Q. CD '< '"'· (/) G ~ ~ I\) ... <O o:> (.)


----- --8. C')

Currently Screening ~ ..................................... 11111111111iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ......................... lii .. iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiilili ..................... ~ ... N CUJO: Railed R. You may newr pet a strange dog - or - ride in a Pinto - again after viewing ttvt tale of a woman (Dee i' Wallace) and her young son trapped In the car white 1 rabid en Saint Bernard PIQ89 outalde. Film Is bMed on the noWll by

Stephen King. Lewts Teague ("A*gator") directs at a anall's ~ pace early on. he dellverl a t~rlfylng climax. ""' "' "O FAMllY AND A.L.2.XA..:>elt Ralted R. Director Ingmar ~ Bergman h• created another richty textured and quietly ~ pualonate fllm, thll one about an lmaglnatlYe boy )oiled by

the changee In hll establlehed Swedllh family. Go to this thre&-hour film with your aenMI and expectat1ona open.

-.2 Cl:

Subtitled. "'"' "'"' Fl.AIHDANCE: Rated R. Newcomer Jennifer BMll 1tars

In this Yl9ualty exciting but weakly written fllm about a female welder who longa to become a ballet dancer. Olrected by Adrian Lyne . .., ..,

JAWS M>: Ralted PG. Two gimmicks for the price of one - a teary mechanlcal ananc and 3-D ettect.. The meeger ltOfYflneconoemslhant attack1 In Florida'•See World part( . The lhat1l scef'8I are chllllng, but molllegoerl may feel llke they've bean through theee wa1ers one time too many. Beu Armltrong and Dennis Quaid atw. ""'"'

KMILL: Ralted PG. If StanfOl'd Sherman'1 fan­tuy·lcience flctloo .alpt Md half the lmagln&Uon of this fllm'a exotic aet.a, " Krull" might have been fun. Ken Mar.hall 1tan. Petet Yatee (" BreakJng Away') <Mrecta at a~ pace . ........

NATIONAL LAlm'OOWS VACATION: Ralted R. A tun.filled driw from Chicago to Callfornla. Everything that could poulbly oo wrong on a famlty ra.d trip doee 00 wrong for Chevy Ch ... 11 the welk>rgantzed father and BeYerty o· Angelo as the patient mother. Fltm ftr:Dee out at the~. but there are p6enty of laughs along the wey. Harotd Ramis ("Caddylhack") dlractl. ...............

OCTOPUSSY: Raited PG. Don' t lool< for deep Charae­terlzatlons Of 90dal leeaon1, but If you' re a tan of the Jamee Bond Mrlel, you'll low thls lateet adventure. Director John Glen (" For Your Eyes Only" ) Nern• to be anxloul to top the outrageous ltunts In " Raiders ofthe Lo.t M ", and he c:omee awtulty cioM. Roger Moore and Maud Adame 1tar. "'"'"'

PONCY'S I, THE MDT DAY: Ralted R. The sex-ob9elaed Florida are badl In thl9 tame, lntermlnently tunny aequel to lut year's raunchy comedy mega..M. The mlatalle this t ime II that the Nm mall.,.. aim for eomething cornptetely at>Mnt from the mt fllm - reepectablllty. The kid• channel their energy Into Shakeepeare, for goodneu lakeel Bob Clat1l again dlfect1 . .., ..,

PSYCHO I: Railed R. Anthony Periclna retume .. nutty Norman In the eequel to Alfred Hitchcock'• grilly ltory about 1 mtldman who commits a Mfiel ol murderl. Once again, Perillna' unity Is up lor grabl. but thll movie Is not nee.rty u tunn~ as the original . ..,..,

· OF THE JlDI: Railed PG. ~ge Lucas' ''Star Wan" 1tory 11 brought to a stunning dlmax. The cnarect.,. may be a bl1 ~lmensional bl1 the ectlon MquencM and apeclal effect• are among the moet netting ....., put on fllm. Stars Mn Hamill, Carrie Alher and Hwrieon Ford. "',,,...,"'

IUKY llU9tNEU: Railed R. A teen MX comedy MV'erll cute aboYe the genre. A model young man grows up In a hurry when hl1 parenta lea\19 him in charge of the~ that tuma out to be not a home. Tom CruiM and Rebec:c:a De Mornay star . .,.....,.,...

STAYING A1J'n: Ralted PG. John TreYOfta r«ums M Tony Manet<> In the ~ to " Saturday Night F....., ... Manero. howeY9f. has dilcarded hl9 di.co dude and ll trying to !Nike It• 1 8'09dway d9ncer. TreYOfta II MXy and tunny. but this eequel. thantl1 to the shallow dtrectlon of S)'twWlr Stallone, doeen' t match the flavor of " Ffter." .,.....,

STRANGE llMW: Rated PG. SCTV comlcl Owe Thoma and Rock Moranil bring to the big acreen the Md<enne brothen, two Carmdlan .. ~ .. who Nern to want notNng out of llfe except a ltMdy aupply of beer and doughnuta. Thi• llkabte OOofb*I eometfy folow9 the dimwitted brother• aa they wort! In an beer fectory and 11w a loYety heir ... from a INld brew maa1«. ""'""'""'

SfROKU ACE: Ralted R. It may not be the worlt movie of the eummer. but It come. dMgerOU91y cloee. Burt Reynold11tars .. a reoe car dffler who becOfMI a mencetlng object for a tned chldlen king. ""'

9UPEM1AN 11: Raited PG. A aupel'Aaeppo4ntment. The wond'1 favortte ~ hero Is grounded by a wtu.. ecrtpt. Chrlltopher Ree"9 glYee another fine perfomlnce. but the lllm II thrown ofT belance by the hammy antlcl of Rlcf\ard Pryor 11 a computer genius hired by an eYll bu9k1eee man !Robert Vaughn). Directed by ~d Lest•. ""'""'

DUG: Railed PG. Woody AIMn continues to grow and expetlment Thll lnnoYatlYe comedy u.-newsteel ~and modem recolteC1lonl to tr.ca the ltory of a t..eon.d , a 1920s "chlmeteon" who kept ct\anglng In Ol'der to Uk by thOM around him. Mia Farrow co-ltan u Zelig'• peycNatrllt. ...............

""'""'""'""', Excellent; "'""' "', VfKY good; ""'"'. Good; ""' , Not so good.

"FUNNY, OFFBEAT AND ORIGINAL •• Perhaps the best film of ih kind

since 'The Gradua~"

" A first-class affair. Sexually ,. charged!'


Jackie Gleason reprises his role as Buford T. Justice in 'Smokey and the Bandit - Part 3,' opening this week along the Orange Coast.


--------------------------------------------------ml!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll--11111111111~----------9 What 's Happening

~Legion .. .' Blatty's sequel to 'The Exorcist' has last laugh ~ ~ 7t:

NEW YORK - ~William Peter Blatty tells " I came to a conclusion tha t permits good and ~ it, he's not allowed to poke fun at his own By DOLORESBARCLAY an abeolute God to exist . The answer is in g.

'Leaion."' ::' best-selling creation, "The Exorcist." o· -He'd like to do a comedy movie about the ~~~-~ri~---- For a writer who turns on with ponderous ~

novel of pc- Mion tbatacared the spectacles off of examinations of the human condition, Bla tty says ~ millions of readers more than n decade ago. He recently filed a $14-millionlawsuitagainst he dislikes challenges. He bu another seriou.S ~

"You know,'' ~ laughs, " like holding up a The New York Times, claiming the newspaper work in mind as his next project and then it's back · score card: 'Demons 5, Exorcist O.' failed to include "Legion" on its best-teller list. to comedy. ~

"Or," be ch ortles even more, "Mr. Al, The The book has appeared on at least four other Of all of his eight novels, "The Exorcist" was ~ Talking Mule, goes to Washington and gets national lista since it was first publlahed June 24. the roost exhausting to write, he says, because it ~ PCJ • •d. l:le thinka he's a caribou." 'lbough the book made the Times list Sept. 4, was bis first non-hwnorous book. "....

Blatty thrives on his humor, a talent, he Blatty said he would not withdraw the suit. "The " I don't like to be challenaed," he says. " I co A,..,... ,._ has been done _, _ _ _.y," he . ,.;d.' · -e CD laments, that goes unnoticed by roost people. ....."'"6"' C&U~ ..... don't like cold weather and I don't like hard jobs... c.> " People think I landed on this planet with 'The A Times spokesman. Elliot Sanger, said the Bla~. 55, grew up in various New York Exorcist,"' he says. newspaper's policy was not to comment on neighborhoods.

But he was a known comedy acreenwriter pending litigation. "Wewereevictedabout everythreemonths." before the first poeac ued howl punctured the "Legion" weaves a story of horror - a string he saya. "Finally, we had to go to Brooklyn because peace in that legendary Georgetown bou8e. Bl.atty of mutilation murders with the modus operendi of all the Manhattan landlords were getting wise ... had penned '"Ibe Man From the Diner's Club," a a dead killer - with the phila.>phical mean- His parents came to the United States from DannyKayeromp;"AShotintheDark.," withthe derinp over good and evil of police L t. Bill Lebanon.Hiafather, who workedasacutterin a late Peter Selle .. · and "John Goldfarb, Please Kinderman. clothingf.actory, leftthefamilywhenBlattywas3. Come Home!" .... " In my mind, 'The Exorcist' and 'Legion' Hia mother supported her five children by selling

make one book," aays Blatty. " 'The Exorcist' railled her homemade quince jelly. " I much prefer the comic writing,' ' says a lot of questions having to do with evil in the He won a 8Cholanhip to Brooklyn Prep. a

Blatty. "lt'a much euier and there's an imibediate world, but are WU'e90lved. 'Legion' attempts to school nm by Jesuits. Georgetown University, he reward. When I wrote a funny line at 3 or 4 in the answer them. says, was "another llCholarship job." It, too. is run morning, I laughed. I knew it waa working. With "I bad narted work on another novel which by Jesuits. serious writing, you must wait until the end of the was directly going to attack the problem of good Blatty majored in English literature, aractu -book." and an at.olute God in a world in which an infant a ted in 1950 and pursued a masters de~ at

Blatty baa turned to " terious writing" once can be born mongoloid and there are earth- George Wuhington University. He spent four again with "Legion" (Simon and Schuster , quakes," hesays. "Eviliabuiltinto the fabricofthe years in the Air Force, learning, .as he puts it. $._1_4._9--'5):..:.._a_.equel~ __ o_f _sorta __ to_ '_'Th_ e_Exorcist __ ._.'_' _____ uru_ ·vene __ . Wh __ o_ru_._d_tha_ t_?_ -----------" ho · warfare."

Mk-hart Keaton arKI 1\-rl c;a rr ill'I ' ttaP runnil'MI lhlnl( lohapflt"n lo naorie"f4 I hl14 Hurnm1•r!

At the Movies r.. : . iREN1n urNr:-:

Th~ Grey Fox ... A western wi.th little action and little else. "The Grey Fox" ia a 10ft, alow-moving1

western, the a1ory of a legendary s1age coach robber named Bill Miner, played by Richard Farnsworth, who eerves 31 yean·in priaoo and ia releued into the 20th century world.

What's dazzling about this movie ia the gorgeous aoenic shots of the moutain ranges and plaina of the Pacific Northwest and British C.Olumbia.

~ * PACIFIC WALK- IN THEATRES * ~ tr ~Bo . M . I •U;~1'i'.il1)l4) ·'W)~ • rgo1n ahnee!t . 'a'1'm • _ ~. •


All hrl••MM<" lolo11 ~ ot PM "EASY MOll[Y" (R) lh s,.c.. f~u• Heh> 11l0, 1J\, U 0. '4\, l\O, l0\\

IWHU6r1::4l "SlATlli #.M"' {PS) .,...0., .... LA llt!!AQA AT !!QHC!!MIS

"tDCWS" (PG) 1 oo. no. 5:40. a:00. lo·zo

"IDTUAIY" (R) IZ 30. 2 30. 0 0, 6·30. 8·30. 10 30

"RISkY IUSIESS" (R) 1245. 245. 4:45. &·•s. a·so. 10-ss

. .,. .. d .. (f) ll JO. • 20. I It

~mlr(PS) 11\ ll\. 10~

"STAYleG Al.IV(" (PG) ll .. 1)) U 0, 6.S I\\ 1100

I "1£TlltN cw M D " (PG) .. ,...,.., .... lllO. l OO. \JO. f M.) tto

I 00. JOO, \00. IC. H >. 111!0

"Fl.ASH DMC[" (R) ll JO. l ll. • JO. uo. uo. lOJO

"tDCtl.ES" (PS) 12:30. 3:00. 5:30, 8.00, 10:30

"flt( ., IC(" (PS)

12:30, 2;35, 4:15. 6: 10, ·~· 10:00

"SID(TMl)M IMllll ,MT T (PS)

ll JO. l'JO. •JI. uo. uo. ltlO

"STRM& ..... (PG) 1 :00, 3:00. 5:00, 7:00, 9:00. 11 :00


All OPEN 7 PM ~1or1s Duslt

"STA• Mr (PS) .... "MATE SClllOl" (I)

•'TM( IOUIOl IUl .. (PS)

""' ~...-(Pl)

l. "TUlllS kiCil" (I) i . "QllClt' CltOlll Sll.l ..... ,.\

"41 tlllllS" (a)






And it's complemented well by a .:ore consiat.ing of traditional Irish tunes performed by a grt>tJp called The Chieftaina.

What the film 1acb ia the oompami<ln of "Butch ea.idy & 1be Sundance Kid." 1be unlikely hero, although sweet, never really drawa any ayinpathy.

The story begins with Farnsworth thrust into a world full of ingenious gadgets, feminista and

"Is a film for the entire family .• ~ - Nancy Gould. KABC-TV

"A family adventure in the old Disney tradition!"

- Judith Crist

J ANlll (,11 111• 1\ I I rt t•f\I'

Tiii' IHI~\ J\1.41 ·- ~1h l l\")11\1) •llltl 1111' lt'll ll"' Wiii• ..,nJIUI I lA .... " \) ltW • • ~ •Ill\ l'Ml - 11\" UrtllfY

_ ...... ......... 11 wu tHMltU .... ..,,. "' .. , •• , , ... 1\. Mm-.. •• ,,.. ... .. .,.,.~

• • ,,.."O•ITI IAUl'I" 11 - wo l l \'11 n \If.I Ul'mol. " ' ·~ •fU~IAw.11 ~-=~..=...:!: . . ,....~ ,-~J.- ...

NOW SHOWING Gbllll ~ OllY an.mo 7H /e34•39l I

MAl'INUS OAllY -., llO l'A9KS ACCtPTtO AJ MOil THfAmS llOI ntll l"'*Wlll

CMIOIC ftttATll OtttCtOlllS OI CA\1 fClt SHOW'l'IMH

trains. No place to go, be t.akes a train from San Quentin to his lister'• homelt.ead in WMhington state.

Af1er 30 yean in the can. you'd figure Famswarth would have Md enough of crime. But no, be la a atubbom o1d coot. After apending a few days diatna oyst.en and awilliDc been at the~ pub wbett be enda up declring a guy half his age, Farnsworth reellzea be baa a calling - "rm no oyster P,icker, •• be announces to his lister. He's still got hia'ttutf. He'a ltching to lead a robbery. But not the atage coach kind. 'l'tme9 have changed.

'!be tum of the century targets are trains. To Farnsworth, lmocldna them off W!med f!8ll'Y --looked llimple in the lilent moviea be watched. But aft.er a muffed job led to a bloody gunfight, the Pinkertom were on hia trail - just aa they were a few deaide9 earlier when be waa known aa '1be Gent.Ienait Bandit" who coined the phraae "hands up."

Farnsworth takes on a new identity and boles up in a aleepy little town after robbing another train of aewra1 thouaand dollan. Here, be .ettles into • domestic lifestyle, falli.n8 in love with spunky feminist played Jackie~

'Ibey take long romantic walka in the OOWltryskle, where direct.or Phillip ·&nos treats the audience to aome breathtaking views of lakes, golden fielda and mowcapped mountains. Farnsworth beoomel a pillar of the community, even the local law enfoccement officer becomes a trusted friend, to the point of Upping Famaworth off when a Pinkert.on detective oomee marching Into town looldnc fot him.

H1a plan to play it straight foiled, Farnsworth eenda h.ia lover onto Chlcaao, while be and his two buddl• knock-Off .-aother- train. But- they get away with only tl 7 ln CMb and aome liquor. They head north, but are captured near the border by Canadian mounU.. Farnsworth goea to jail. but eventually e9Capee to join Burroucha in Chicago • aooord1nc to the epilocue.

So if you're into a relaxed. relatively violent-free watern with a tenllitive a':ript and rapedable actlnl. "The Grey Fox" la worth aeet.na. But don't expect to walk out of theater In tears.

TLK Gallery schedules four workshops for ~rts Month'

'lbe TLK o.JJery of Costa Msa wW Oller four free workaholJ9 on mekinc art In Sept.ember to celebrate 0 Arta kantb."

1be worlmhopa will be conducted at the pllery at 811AntalBlvdfrom1to 3 p.m. Data and propama are: ..., ..,., 7: Der\ Hendrtcka on watenx>lor peln~ . ..., a.,&. H: <Athy MCJl'ehMd on hand·mllde U.j,er art. t.rom fiber to f1nllhed c.t . ..., Sepl.11: PhyW.Onen on Jarse-«alewood and oeramk ICUlpture . ..., Sept. ti: Steve Zoller on printmUdnc (monoprint artwork).

At noon pncert•na eecb worlcabop will be an Introduction to the artwork In Noguchi Plua, which ii lituated neer ~~·

Spirltus slates fall exhibition 1be &.ft Sp.new Geller)' hail announced

the openinl ol ua fall exhlbUlon ICbedW. wuh W.. ~ahlbltiam by J~ Hmry Lartique, Btmard Plomu and Brian 'rQlor.

'nie exh.lblUont wt.n open on Sept. lo and run ~Qrt.16.

A reception foe the artlata will be beld Sesr. 1 .. 7.9 p.m. in the pllery, localled at 622 Old Newport Blvd. '°" tntonnaUoo telephone ttat..640~.


. ......

What 's Happening

PLAYS "CMARET," a musical Mt In pr&-war O.many, 1s being

presented at the Grand Dinner Theater. 7 Freedman Way, Anaheim (772-7710). Performances wtll be given Tuesdays through Sundays at varying curtain tlmee.

"fllAN OF LA MANCH~" a mualcal baeed on the legend of Don Quixote, Is the fare at ,Sebastian's West Olnne< Ptayttouae, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950~. Performances will be given Wedneedays through Saturdays at 8 p.m . and Sundays at 1 and 3 p .m. until Sept. 11.

" THIE PIRATES OF PENZANCE." a Gilbert and Sullivan aperetta, Is being offered aboard the Piigrim II in Dana Point. presented by the Pacific Ocean Foundation (261-2060). Pert0<manoes will be given Thurldaya through Saturdays at 9 p.m. and Sundays at 8 p.m. following a buffet dlnne< until Sept. 4.

"WEIT 8tDE STORY," a mode<n-day Romeo and Juhet musical drama on the New Yori< streetw. continues at the Harlequln Dinner Ptayt\ouae. 3503 S. Harb<>< Bllld .. Santa Ana (979-5511 ). Perlormances wtll be given nightly except Mondays untll Sept. 18.

ETC. ALLIGATOR FARM, 7671 La Palma, Buena Park, One of

the W0<1d 's largest reptilecollectlona, dally, 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. 522-2615.

DISNEYLAND, 1313 Harb<><. Anaheim, Senior Fun Puspons to guests 60 and older. Thur. & Fri. Part< offers m<><e than 50 attractions In seven theme parks. Including Flights ol Fantasy Parade, + & tO p .m dally, flr-orlls, 9 p.m .. dal ly Open 9 a.m.-midnlght. ~605.

KNOTT'S 9EARY FARM, 8039 Knott Ave . Buena Park, New Camp Snoopy area. themed to California 's High Sierra, features 30 attractions, new rides and shows dally. nightly llreworks. 952-9400.

SPRUCE GOOSE, World 's largest clear-span aluminum dome houMS Howard Hughes' world 's largest seaptane. Also Includes garden restaurant area. aviation gift shop, open dally, 10 a.m.-6 p.m .• adjacent to the Queen Mary. Pier J. Long Beach Harbor. (213) 435-5671 .

SUNLAND SKIERS " Ski Sale," through Sept. 4, Anaheim Convention Center. 800 W Katella, Anaheim



Performing Arts Cent8f, California StJite University. Full­erton. by appointment. 773-3511.

ORANGE COUNTY MASTER CHORALE AuotTK>ftS. 1 10-VOioe cnora'9, appointment only, Sept. 6 , 7 , 10 752-4041. LOS ANGELES ,.._HARMONIC ORCHESATA, JOfln Wiiiiams. conductor. Mark Pesl<anov, violinist, " Pop Goes the Bo wU" . tribute to Hollywood movie musicals, tnclud+nO a tribute to Fred Astaire, 8:30 p.m .• Sept. 2 & 3, Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N. Cahuenga. Hollywood. (213) 87-MUSIC


CITY LIFE COMCE~TI, Ciasslcal, blues, bluegrass,

LU XURY THEATRES 1st lwt flh li11u ShewinuOllLYS2.lllllllus0tlltnrise Nftfd

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Choral. country, soft rocll , (free). 4 30-6·30 p m. Thur.; noon- 1 p.m Fri.: through Oct 14. The Amphitheater. First St .. at PrOfMOade North, Long Beach (213) 494- t226.

9EAnEMANtA, Knott's Berry Farm. through Sept. 5; 3. 5 & 8 p.m .• Thur.-Sun., 4 & 8 p m. Mon • 8039 Beach, Buena Park. 952-9400.

CHtCAQO, Sept 2. 3 &4. Unlvetsal Amphitheatre, 100 Universal City Plaza. Unlveraal City. (2 13) 980-9421.

CULTURE CUM with MtNllTRY. 7:30 l).m .. Sept. 7. Pacific Amphitheatre, 100 Fair Or .. Costa Mesa. 720-0809.

DflNEYLANO HOTEL, Brandywine Trio, 9 p.m.- 1:30 a.m. Thur.-Mon.; Sgt . Preston's Yukon Saloon, shows every night. Tue..-Sat. 9 m - 1:30a m .. Whart8ar. countrywest8fn music, 5 30- 10:30 pm nightly, Polynesian Fantasy. tra­ditional music ol South Pacific, 8 · 15 p.m. nightly; Seaports Showcase. IOcal and other talented perlormers from around the country. 6 '& 7 p m . 1150 Cerritos Ave .• Anaheim. 778-6600

IRVINE MARRIOTT. 18000 Von Karman Ave , Irvine. Mich ... Jordon, pianist, Skylight Lounge, 4:30-8:30 p.m • Mon -Fri. 752-6171 .

JACK MACK and The Heart Allsc~ery Thur , Palace, 1713 N. Vine. Hollywood (213)462-3o00

JAN A DEAN, 4 & 7p m , Sept. 5. Slit Flags Magic Mountain, Magic Mountain Parkway exit off 1-5. Valencia. (2 13) 992-0884.

THREEDOONtQHT, 8& tOpm Sept 4, SU<Fiags Maglc Mountaln. Magic Mountain Parkway exit ott 1-5. Valencia. (2 13) 992-0884.

• LA KA08, 8 p m Sept 3, Radio Ci ty, 945 S. Knoll Ane . Anaheim 826-7000. \

JOHNNY MATittS with guest A.SEY LEWte, 8 p.m., Sept. 9, Pacific Amphitheatre. tOO Fair Or . Costa Mesa. 720-0809.

GARY MYRICK ANO THE FKWRES, Sept. 3. Country Club, 18415 Sherman Way, Aeseda (213) 881- 5604.

NEWPORTER, t t07 Jamboree Rd .. Newport Beach, Vincent Scott. guitarist. singer. dance music. 9 p m .• 1 am ., Friday and Saturdays. Indefinite. 664- 1700.

RIO, Top 40. high-energy trio. 6 p.m • Sept. 4, Heritage Park. Irvine. 660-3600.

TINA TURNER, 8 & tO p m Sep1 3 , Six Flags Magic Mountain. Magic Mountain Parkway ex11 ott 1- 5, \/sJencia. (213) 992-0864.

TIM WEl88Eft0, Sept. 9. GOiden pear. 306 Coast Hwy .• Huntington Beeeh 536-9600

COUNTRY & WESTERN I FOLK THI! COWOY. 2721 Manctiester. Anaheim. Country &

Western"""*' indefinite. 965-1412. GERALD RAY BAND. Throug.h Sept. 10, Crazy Horse,

1580 Bfookhotlow Or . Santa Ana 549-1512. Jiii ~R. Country music. through Sept. 5, evety

hour from 1:45 p.m .-4:45 t:<;hMon.-Frl .. t<nott's Berry Farm Bird Cage Theat re. 8039 • Buena Park. 952-9500.


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--ID CD Co>

It Comin Attractions ~ ........................ lllllli ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi


--~New movies ••• Oscar battle should begin to heat up now a. ~ . ~ LOS ANGELES - Just when you thought ~ they might have to cancel next year's Academy :2 awards, along comes fall and a host of promising, it dramatic movies. ..... Film prospects for the rest of 1983 aeem like a ~ breath of bracingly cool air aft.er a long hot -g summer of spedal ef fecta, snigering comedies and ~ puberty criaes. Virtually no\hing in the summer ~ fare seems likely to win a nod for the o.cara. ~ But hope begins to soar in the film reviewer's

0 heart when be surveys the prodUC'L acheduled = from Labor Day to Christmas, traditionally the n. time when the Ol!!lcar race gets hot. Among the

directors re presented: Mike Nichols, Costa-Gavras, Sam Peckinpah, William Friedkin, Francis Coppola. Carroll Ballard, Sidney Lumet. Bob Fosse.

The season won't be totally Berious. Richard Pryor returns with another of hia conoerta, and Mk key Mouse is staging a comeback after a 30-year layoff.

Among the forthcoming films that seem capable of award quality:

" Da.alel," a fictional acQOUntof the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case with 'nmothy Hutton and F.dward Asner, directed by "Sidney Lumet.

'1'11e Ripe Staff," based on Tom Wolfe's book

By BOB THOMAS A.odated p._ Writ.r

about the first U.S . astronauts. '"Tiie Dresser," with Albert Finney and Tom

Courtney in a film version of the hit London play. "Ue4er Fire," a Central Amerlcan adventure

starring Gene Hackman. "Braiutorm," the long-awaited final film of

Natalie Wood. "Star It," Bob Fame directing Mariel Hem­

ingway as the ill-fated Dorothy Stratton. " llaaaa It," another political film by

Costa-Ga~. with Jill Clayburgh. "Silkwood," Mike Nichols' account of the

Karen Silkwood tragedy, starring Meryl Streep, Cher and Kurt Ruseell.

"Scarface," Al Pacino in an update of the old gangster movie, direCted by Brian DePalma.

"Term.a of EHearmet1C," a mother-daughter drama with Debra Winger, Shirley MacLaine and Jack Nicholson. .

"Gerlly Parll," William Hurt and Lee Marvin in the bestaeller.

"Never Cry Wolf," second film by Carroll Ballard ("The Black SLa.llion" ).

"" 1~· 10 o<> \ ,,, t• ..... ? .... \)'IC""' ') •• 111 '> ......

' '"' "" ~ ~ ...... ' ,,... No matter what you ' re doing . your hometown newspaper

The llillPillt fits In


- .. o.wiol'llOlllSI · - f!WfWl'JI · "~MA¥1CW · - Ill


,POt---·•~ f~· • , .... .., ,.. . .. _ ,. ,..) Wj+.ffl'B/ ~ -~-·-1 /~ - - - -· , ... . ~ :;.:-...:~':~U:.::~~~--- . r--.~~~~-.J ~


* * *

" Beye9d tile Limit," Michael C.aine and Richard Gere in the retitled ''The Honorary Consul"

"Tiie Bia CMll." with William Hurt. Kevin Kline, Glenn CJoee and others as college buddies at a reunion.

Anlong the comediee acheduled for the rest of the year: '"To Be or Not To Be," with Mel Broob and Anne Bancroft in the roles once played by Jack Benny and Carole Lombard; " IUellaN Pryor UVe Gi' ~ Street"; Steve Martin as "'l"lle Leeely G8J"; "Gojq Benerk" with John Candy and the rest of the SCTV gang; "Sh'Uge l.Dvaden," a ICi-fi spoof starring Paul LeMat; "ne Deal of die Ceahry,11 William Fried.kin's look at international finance, starring Chevy Chue and Sip.amey Weaver; "Romudc Come4y," Dudley Moore and Mary Steenbergen in the Broadway play; ''TM Mu WM Love4 Womea," Burt Reynolds and Julie Andrews under Blake Ed­wards' direction.

Sam Peckinpah la back after a five.year at.ence with ~Osterman Weekmd," Burt Lancaster and Rutger Hauer. Francia Coppola aiqtinuea bis Oklahoma cycle with "R8mblef°'" another S.l. Hinton story.

Ron Boussom ... v From Pagel

Bouaeom, 37, celebrates 20 years as an actor this month. He's been with South C.OUt Repertory for the put 16 ~ dotng such roles as John Merrick in TIM ElepUat Mu, CheVallere d'eon in Oevallere - in which he played a man and a woman - and M. Fieurant in fte Imaginary l.Dvalld.

" I guess I've been lucky. I've worked steadily since I..atarted acting," he said.

He took hia finrt acting cla88 at city college in LongBeach.

"I knew l.rnmediately that acting ia exactly what I wanted to do. I walked onto that stage and knew. It was the total incorporation of all facets of my life."

"It was taking people off the written page and creating an illusion that would hopefully affect people in IOme way," be explalned.

That's what he hopes to do with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

"He's a human being cauaht up in the dilemma of geniua during a time that doesn't require genius. I can identify with him - maybe not the geniua pert - but• a human being who's not always undentood .•• said Ba. mom.

W. wife playa an opera linger in the play, a much anaJler' role.



Comin Attractions

Johnny Mathis will appear at the Pacific Amphitheater next Friday.

Culture Club ••• Hot new group set at Pacific Amphitheater

A new youth-oriented English band, Culture Club, and an American standby, Johnny Mathis, will make separate visits ne.xt week to the Pacific Amphitheatre In Costa Mesa.

On Wednesday night, lead singer Boy George brings his Culture Club to the outdoor theater at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Culture Club stormed onto the American scene earlier this year with Its hltslngle, "Do You Really 't/ant to Hurt Me?" which has sold 6.5 mllllon copies.

Publicists for the group describe ~.Jound 1't as an " amalgam of third world music," niixlnif .. · reggae, calypso and Junk wltll American rock and disco techniques.

Tickets for the concert are $13.50 for reserved seats and $8.50 for space on the lawn above and beblnd the seats.

Mathis, who has become one of the music scene's most venerated aO'id listened-to singers, will appear Friday (Sept. 9). A prominent record historian clelmt Mathia ranks second behind only . Frank Stnatra on the all-time llst of recotd·MHera.

Hts " JohMy's Greatest Hits" album lasted 480 weeks (that'• more than nine years) on Billboard's best-•lllng charta: Mathta pioneered new territory In . the PoP ~rket not long ago 'Slnglng the duet " Too Much Too Uttle Too late" with OenlM Wiiiiama: • .

Tick.et• to his ooncett ate on sale tor I 15 for reserved 1Mt9 and $10 ~or lawn space.

'\fZ POPE¥E'S ~LLE! &: ~AR H~USE

'LUNCH • DIN~a ~ COCKTAILS CHICKE.N • SEAF'OOD •STEAKS _ Raft'7 ii.., 75• ....... 1.00 W.U DNb ~Hon tl'Oan,.. •Poe&•.,_..

~•.::-•la 650-1840



Olll 7 OATS 5


"~' -FWY. ""=t" HJ..tll ·•

......•. .. ·····


LOCATION Even Better

Wholesome Chinese Food! Visit our new Wing-Ho Bar

*Tropical Drinks*

o,.. ... a, - ""' ,., Open Tuesday thru Sunday

Around the corner from old location 1713 Newport Blvd. 645-5550 Costa M..a {Between 17th and 18th)

CHICkEN DIVAN CREPE AND RATATOVli.LE CltEP£ · A lj."fy Chicken Divan Crepe complemented hy a Eumpean blend of \'l?R~t:thlcs

in ;1 crepe. Scrwd with a mixed green or orange almond salad.

LONDON BROIL SI acc...; of marinah.•d steak topped with burgundy mushroc '"' ,.;;wee.

Served with a vegetable and potatoes. Abn your choke nr a mixed green or orange almond sal:1d .·

FmtJCCINE CARBONARA RJhhons ()f fem1ccl~e sautet!d with bacon. mushrooms, onions and pea..; and

hlcndt!U into a \dwty :-.aucc: off n.;shly grated Pamicsao and Romano cheeses. Sc:r~d ~•Ith a mixed green ur oran~e almond salad

Right now )'OU l'an cxpt:ricna: del idow; old world cooking at a s~cial It ,w prke. ju:-.t S6 95 for any t me of lhese elegant dinners any night a~cr fl\.\!. Uul t.lo hurry. This lcrrifir price \von't ht.• around for long.

South Coa.o;t t>l.aza < ~M) 556· 1225 . 1 lniWNllty 'fl>wnl' Ccntt'r, San Oiegv (619) 4$3-6616

Offer ~0< KJ after' 5 PM. ~d try U.\ for 'Sunday Brunch.

.... <D CD c.>



14--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ What' s Happening ~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilililili ............................... lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiillil ..................................... iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia O> v From Page 11 Disneyland Pleu Gardena; 1313 Harbor Blvd., Anaheim.

<'Ii JAZZ. SOUL, RYHTHM & BLUES, BIG through Sept. 3. 999-4445. . BUDOY RICH !Ind hl9 Bend, Sept. 4- 10, Disneyland, a. BAND t313 Harbor Blvd .. Anehelm. 999-«45. , RIGHTEOUS MOTHERS. Sept. 2-5. 7:3-0 p .m. Fr1,; 3:3-0

& 7:3-0 p.m. Sat & Sun., San Diego Wiid Animal Park. 15500 San PasQual Velley Rd .. Eacondito.

~ AL JARREAU, Sept. 1-4, Greet< Theatre. 2700 N . Vermont. Loa Angeles. (2 t3) 460-6300.

~ GLENN lll~R ORCHESTRA. Larry O'Brien dlrectOf,

~ .... u..


At just $6.95

need~ say more. ________ - l'OP'SIRl.OIN srEn

Gnlnous cut U S Choi«. tmda & Juicy

TEJUYJUa STEila US Choice top slrtofn sJowty rnarlnamf for c:111n1 l1llYIX

TOP SlllLOIN STEAi{ AND CHIQEN BllEAST TEMJ'UltA US Choice top sirloin Kt"Wd wtth bofl~lus chiclwn breast with llWft1 and sour sau«

BUf ICABOB TE.alYlUtI US Choice bcd'wtth onions. mu.hrooms, etu.n peppns and cMITy tomato« on a bed of' rice

DEEP PJUED PltAWNS LieJltJy brudcd and deep &led to a aold«11 brown

CHlaE.N Tl!MPUU B0nck11 chldticn breasts. Tcmpurn atylc. Hrwd wtth sweet and IOI.If aaucc,

BU-a.QUE BEEF IUBS Ribs slnunacd an tlNOf'( blu-b-quc sauce

IDNDONUOll Sikes of'~ beef KNtd with au ju.a and atamcd

hOtWradish .. uce Al cntJaS taYed wtdt at.Ip~ salad« du~ your choice of'bah!d potato cw rtc:e pda( and :.:1 Ranch Scud.

Complete dlnM19 •Jal $6.95.

"You're gonna feel g<>Qd inside'.~

~ Q ••

SOUTH COA8T PLAZA VIUAOE. George Carr and the Rhythmalree. 7-9 p .m .. Sunflower and Beer. Coate Mesa. 751~595. •

TRACY wnu 8'Q SWING •AND. Sept. 3, doors open 7 p.m.; 8 p.m. buffet; dance exhlbl11ons by E.et1 Manning Dancers at 9 p .m.; Golden Salla Cryatat Ballroom, 6285 E Pedflc Hwy., Long Beech. (213) 430".0585.


With Brenda Caponera Restaurant Account


• • • •

THE CANNERY - NEW CHANGES Some new plans are In the making at The Cannery In Newport Beech. They wUI be enlarging the upstairs kitchen In the near future for the puf'POM of acc:omodatlng the ... food bar. Thia concept la designed for people that would rather have a teu fancier evening out, alto leas costly. The menu from the upatelra lounoe offers sandwiches. salads. ctam Chowder, • variety of seafood, and snacks. This oonoept Is alto appealing to dieters who want to avoid full courae meals. Entertainment Is featured seven nights a W'Mk. For more Information, call 675-5777.

COCO'S RESTAURANT NOW OPEN Cbc:o'a, one ol America's moat sucoeuful family res­taurants, hu opened at 900 N. Bristo! In Newport BMcil. The,_ Coeo'a reateurant, owned and opel"eted by Grace Restaurant Company. 11 located at the former site of Jojoa. alto a Grace Restaurant. The ctianoe 11 more substa.ntlal than name atone. As a Coco's. the restaurant hu taken on a wnote new character. A llghte.- Interior. new tabtewear and unlfOfml, and Coco's apeclal style of Nrvlce all reflect the change. Coco's menu la a nice change of taste. too. Its plentiful ctloloes era hlghllghled by Coeo'1 famous ham­burgefl. The pure beef petties are hand-formed for true. olcMMNoned llavOf and tendemesa. Coco's Mleds feature apedel dreMlnga 11\*'8 from exciuslYe Coco's r~. Other favorltea Include atx varieties of ometettea and MY«al cnoioea of MndwlChea and dinner ~altlea. Thick and froety mlft(lhakea, malts and deaaert• are Coco's apeclaltlea aa well. Schooner aund ... and plea .,.. eepeclalty fevored by Coco's customers. Even a dec.oe.otd tredltlon Ilka Coco's can benefit from freeh ldeu, and Coco's continues to spike Its menu with new offe<lnge fOf the etghtlee. Coco's wwm. friendly MNlce Mt• It epert from m09t coffee shops. and,h91t*149t~ Ila one.of.. the country'a~femily reateuranta.

~ Newport. Wa 0,-Sllr ·~·I& .

·.Downeu &, France

have something SP.!!drifter dellcloosly 3333 WH4 Pacific Coaat Hw y

In COlllllOll. ,,..._.,....,.... .. "" ,

llntrv.dons: 64l·l29S

They .it INN the kno'Medge ...... "'how to ~""" ....... •uthendc Fmld'I Countty ... ., .... , c:ut.ine. The Aeuenc Pu•nt offers true home ltyte F...ndl Country dining. ptttel'IWd 11 e ~ romen4k etmotptMn.

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- ~-~~~~~~~~~~~----~~----~--------------------------------------------------·

our on ~Ria



Includ .. Beverage - Well Drink or Beer

9 to 1:00 1712 Placentia 645-8091



A. T. LEOS Cahtorn1a cuisine Fresh 5e3tooo: pastas meat & pou1t1y Etegdnlly se1ved rn a casual atmosphere 01nnc1 trom S p m 7 days a week Wed01ng receptions and panoes 390 1 E Coast Hwy Corona oel Mar 759· t 654

THE BARN Amf'"tiln l uncn M F I I .> JO Don• •" M S from 5 PM Happy Hour M ~ 4 JO to 7 PM Sun Champagne Buffet Bruncn 10·2 JO Enteaa1nment & Oanclrg Banquet fac1il t1es 14982 Aedh~I Tustin 730-0115

BARN FARMER STEAKHOUSE Tne orog1na1 reatu11ng d1sp1ay br0<h119 Lu(!Ch Mon F11 I t 2 Dinner l\.ghtly' Mon F11 from 5 pm Sat & &in from 4 pm 200 I HarbOr BtvO Cosra Mesa 642·9777

THE COTT AGE RESTAURANT Open every day 6 AM Breaktasr & Orul'\Ch hit J PM Hearty & healthy tunche<>ns and dinners Fine C1trf0<nu1 v.atJet.al wJnes...308 J1L Co.Mt Hwy .• Laguna Beach Aes e1var 1ons 494-3023 from Irvine 955-0 t 4 t

HA•URGER HAMLET Famous Yllf}8~ of l\lmbUfgetl. 11toon 11Mlc ~. lobster bisque. onion M)U9 fondue Ind Chetty cob­bler Lunch & dinner from 11 30 M·Sel Suo. 10-10. Special Sund8y 8teakfasl G1eat ~r & happy hOu< 1545 A<Sams ., H11bOI Cosll Mesa 548-7392

PARAOtH CA,a Sen ~rencllCltl style. 1-reen 11111 •nd paste Patio din.no. Lunch M·F 11·3 Olnnef Mon ·Set ftom 5 p m Happy Ht M-F S-7 Wed Lldies llltt 50' well dflnlls l1om 3 pm 8enQoe1 feciltlltl eoo Newport C.nler Or F11h1on lsllnd. Newoor1 Beech 644· 12J7

""'1'1N8 0 Na1u1at1y .. cooktO 10001. horn

1>1nc111" to crepes 10 11e1111 An ll~ture "' l\llYtal eat1119 Hfl M F 111 m t? pm Sal & Sun 8 • m I? pm V111 / MC CH ul t Mode<llt P!oc" 3050 E Cout Hwy . COione Oii MM 8~· IS73

T. C. PEPPERCORN r ••e Oonong rooms w1rh forep111c;e l 11nch Mon r.. r I 30 J pm O•n•IPr l 11.1ys f1om S I'm Alt•r uoe ilCllU'>tmenr hOur 4 7 week<l>I~'> O;inc1n11 and ~nrpn111nmenr Tue<. ·Sal R;inquet fac1ht•ei. t!OS:? Sta1k Ave Hunt•ngton &,iacti 642 553!>

Chinese JADE DRAGON Sif'Chwan & Mandar1n (;u1s1ne!. 01 Ola China Host Wallace Lee Chel Yu Chen EleQanl d•nttlQ Luncn O.nner Sat & Sun ()m Sum fChlnese Tea Cake B runch) Banquets Beer & w ine Reasonable P11ces 12 tOO Beac'1 Blvd .. Stanton 89~·8g:J:J

Continental AIRPOftT!R INN Mitdften- ......, Cnnt•llt!Nal I unch M r 1 r JO ; JO Su·• Orunch 10 J ()() Otn•!flt rrr~11 5 JO HRPIJY Hou• M f £ nterrAlf'n!f'lll & 0<11ic1ng va1e1 P'1r~ing 8 11r1Q11f>I r'1c 1lo 1 1 e~ 18700 M11c Ar1hu• """" 8JJ 7770

CAFE LIDO A small and lnttmate 1lco11e ot d1gn11y that o tters an 1x1ensiv1 menu Lunch­ef M· F t 1-3. Otnntrs f'llO"tly !>· 11 P11no oar nightly from 9 r m Sun ·Tuff &- Mike Pa11e1son Wed ·Set 2900 Newpotl BlvO New l)Oll Beac'1 67S-2968

RIVIERA i:u,.ttn1nt111 Cnet R1cn11•d D!'•Ur"'' .,1ncP 1970 lnr1m111e 01n1"" l 11• t." t 1 30 3 00 0111ner hnm !> PM C':l11-Yl1 Sun & H ot•dllY\ A1111que1 •noo ' J JJJ S B••' '"' Co11t11 M'""'' !>40 JUO

Real Cantonese FOid'·

Ht h.,e or take hOfM


3421 Via Udo, Newpon 8eadl RaervMJone (714) 67S·4904



Italian TWO GUYS FROM ITALY H11111p"yle llil 1t<1n Cook ing 1n ii 11111111n1tt illmosphere Same owner •.111ce r91~ Oven Mon 11'\ru Thurs 11 JOAM 111 tO OOPM f ff & Sat 10 1 tPM !,u11 01unch 10·3 Dinner hH IOPM 2267 f1111v- Cosla '4esa 64? ) 500

Mexican CASACAmtO M'1rga111as alld great Me-ican IOOd t unch and d111ne1 7 days a week H11ppy hour M -F ' · 6 30 Sunday ~ brunch10..3. TwoOrwige County..Jocatlon9.- "2a-i . mta St., Costa M... 8•0-3228. 2011 1 Sfootch\Qt at AcWn9. Huntington a.en. 983-9741.

DONJOH'I lunch from I I 30 AM O.ily Speclels OIMer !tom S PM MafgattlU 11•" Pia M. TU, W 5· 10 ~ 9093 E. Adlmt.. Hun11ngton 9eech. 912-7911

Ml CAIA MallCAN RelTAURANTI · Ovl 1000 11 • l11J) to Mn1C01 Est srnce t972 ~ a.trly "om 11 a m for IUnc:h & CltMef CocklllllS Two ~ c111ona 296 E 1711'1 St . C..OSl1 Meta 645 7626 105 Malll St B1t1t1o1 67~9e00

Seafood & Steak BLACKBEARDS .... .,,.,,~ np.,, r,. ,..,.. ,._ ~ ~ . ·•' •<! I •' •' ' •, \ htl I Ji11rn11 '' .,. •, r t.A H +tt ' l 'y ····· ·· Mt , .,.., .. ., .. lit, ... , Rit 1 t.,111 ( 11. t• I 11\jlll' li ll lf \f ' 10 1 nn '1 ,,.,9 ~1 .t•1 1•1u, •1,• N1·N1 1 ,, n .. ,,, • an nnan

THE CANNERY Features rreSh local seatooo pasrern beel lunch. d1nne1 &illday t><unch lllld champagne b•unch h <t<bO• cruises fnte<t111nmenr n.gnrty and Sunday atte<noon lounge tooo ga1 ley His1ot1c: waterfront 1anamar ~ 1n Newl)Olfs Cannery v111aqeo 3010 l alayelle 675-!>777

DILLMAN& P11me A1b & Seatood Wild Game menu' trrst F11 and Sa1 o l mon111 Lunch M·F from 1 I AM Olflner ~ S rrom 5 PM Sat & Sun Brunch 9 to 3 6 0 1 Balboa B lvd Balboa 673 7726

McCORMICK'S LANDtNO Mesquile blOlted sealooO served night ly. elegant etmosphele with spec1acu lar v- ot the 81<POll runw1y Busy lunch 1 t -2 30 w110.,,S. tabutous Sun Oluncll !Mlh comp4omef\tlfy cNm­pegne trom onty $4 95 Eitc&ltent ente1-t11nmen1 nightly trom SPM 3180 A11 · way. Coste Mesa 546· 9680

RUSTY PELICAN frHh seatOOd AnO lots of 11 Newport Bel Ch • lunch dinner Sunday brunch Overlooks Newport Bay 27J!> w Coast Hwy 642 3• J I llWle • Lunch dinner hAj)py hour t830 '41111 5,~4774

TALE OF TI.- WHALE Open 7 Days Breakfast 7 "m M•f Lunch 11 · 4 M·f Dinner 4 I I M·S Sat & Sun bfunch 7 ' Oysllf bar Frt , Sat • Sun Banquet htC•llliea up l o SOO Entert11nman1 WICl · Sun Panotamic bay . ltilw •OO Marn St BatbOI 673·463J

TMWAMHOUSI rre i.h SPAtnod & hof t' lllllllOn111 C'""'11' Wnrr1t111111 ""'"'I' Cl't-1 ,.,,, tp~ 1<111.,u~tH I'"~ n n..1111'r Siii 8 Sun Award W1nn111g Brunch BanQuelt & C.1111119, Oyst11 Bar, tnwn."'"*" l..00 ...... Newpoit Bcoch &73· 4700 •

If you would Nice your Ii.ting to appur, ~ call SMnda Cllpotw' at W-4311, ext. H9

. j




./ 16~1111111111~------------------..... -----------------------------------------------------------Currently Hanging ~ ............................. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

O> v From Page 5 .. N through Sept. 11 , noon-5 p.m . Wed.-Sun. (2 13) 825-0288.

a. GALLERIES Cl> (/)

• ALLENDALE -GALLERY, 1540 S. Coast Hwy .. Laguna ~ Beach. Bennett Sculptures. 41 bronze sculptures by the -o Bennett brothers of Placerville, Indefinite, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. ·-=: Tue.-Sat .. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun 497-6005.

1.)'- BC SPACE, 235 Forest Ave .. Laguna Beach, '"Two -;:: Women Artists ... Soledad Biagi and Diane Hadley, through Cl> Sept 3; Also. works of Larkin Maureen Higgins, Chuck

~ ~.l~~~J~~ P~~ Te,~lat~~~:~~';;d.~ opens Sept. 7, 11:30 .Jtt CALIFORNIA ST A TE UHIVER8fTY FULLERTON, Eaet ~ Gellery. 800 N. State College, Fullerton, Art Deco/ Images of ~ Women. Sept 2-15, opening reception 7- 10 p.m. Sept.;

noon-4 p.m. Mon.-Frl: 1-4 p.m . Sun. 773-3262. o CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY LONG BEACH, ii '"Lono Beach "83," 50 works by 24 artists, all faculty

members. ceramics. furniture design, painting, drawing.

•t., I '"" .... ,. I ' Ii• f lf1d '-\J ....

' ' ~ t •' I~• ~ · I ,, . ···h• -\ ..,, I; '' i jl 'I• 111.,, fl +\l'\H 0

A'''' 1• h I lol ... , , , \ I 1.XJ\

. .... t\.. It I \,I h1 t1.11 . : ~ 11 ..

p , .,,tu, t<J dnd Otrt>f lrd H.,. Kt••I Juhn"to"

s & THE SYMPHONY Starring Miss Sarah Vaughan ,rnd the Ora~gc County Pileific Symphony

September 10, 198l 8 PM at · The Irvine Bowl, Laguna Beach

Tickets: $27.50, $25.00, $15.00, available at The La2una Beach Museum of Art 107 Cliff }jrive, t.-ona Beach, (714) 494-6531

T'tdt.«1 .A/JO 1hwU.ble Ar 1'- Door

crafts. scultpure. prints and textiles. Sept. 6-0ci. 2, 12-4 p.m. and 5-8 p.m . Mon.· Thu.: 12-4 p .m. Fri.: 1-5 p.m . Sun. (213) 498-5761.

GAU.ERV XYaT 1412 S. Coast Highway, Laetuna Beach. " New Directions In Wetercolor," paintings.by Chris Sullivan. through Sept. 30, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Wed.-Sun. 494-9137.

CHALLIS GALLERIES. 1390 S. Coast Hwy .. Laguna Beach, works by Ann Nagano, Ray Frie~. David Miiton, Dan Lutz, Jane Shuss. Carol Chapman and Frank Hamilton, through September.

HAGGENMAKER GAU.ERIES, 372 Pacific Coast Hwy .. Laguna Beech, " Harvest Light," limited edition ltthographs, original pastels and mixed media works by Alan Murray: sculpture exhibition by Dani, Indefinite. 494-2675.

HUMAN EQUATION CENTU, 1550 S. Coast . Hwy .. CHAPMAN COLLEGE aun-nMtm Art Gel....._, 333 Ill Glassell. Orange ... The Documentary Portrait, .. photo­graphic exhibit, Sept. 5-0ct. 7, 1-5 p .m .. Mon.-Frl. 997-6818.

Laguna Beech, " Sllenee and Light," Grey Crawford photography exhibition, through Sept. 9.

LESLIE 8 . DEMILLE GALLERIES. 1432 S. Coast Hwy .. Laguna Beach. Showings of Western art. Indefinite. 11 a.m.-5 p .m. ~ends. 497- 1050.

DESIOMI RECYCLED GAU.ERV. 619 N. Harbor Blvd .. Fullerton. "'New Paintings, .. works by Tom Wooldridge, Helen 8 . Reed and Alexander B. Reed, Sept. 6-0c:t. 1, 10 a.m.-6 p .m. Mon.-Sat. 879- 1391.

KOZAK GALLERY, 202 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, Wlldltte from an ertl9t's per9P9cilve In soft. graphic forms by Brent Harder, llthographe of Plcaa8o, Peter Max and more: Jeanne LaRae doee on-t~apot portrait•. 11:30 a.m.~ p.m. Mon.-Frl. 640-7259.

--~• HOUSE. 12732 Mein St.. Garden Grove.

THE EDGE. 212 N. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton. " Romantic Realism ... worlls by Don HMdricks. Susan Clover and Jim Lorlgan. Seot. 8-29. 871-5862.

" Jewels," artists Include Aavle Gavet. plastics with aluminum, copper and braaa works; Sharon Lynn lveoevlc. handmade paper; Bonnie Rock: peraonallzed col­lagea,throu~h Oct. 2. 1-5 p.m. Wed.-Sun. 638--6707.



JOHNNY MATHIS s n ;11>\1.1,1 •~"l .-.HH

RAMSEY LEWIS SEPT. SJ Aelerwd: S15.00/ lawlt $10.00 8:00 PM


AL JARREAU SEPT. 10 ReleMd: 11500/Uwir SI0.00



GEORGE BENSON SEPT. 22 Aesefvat $15.00/Llwn: $10.00 8:00PM


AIR SUPPLY SEPT. 30 RaserYecl: S13.60/Lawn: S8.50 7:30 PM

• ··-----8:00~- .• ., .. . .•• ........ -.......... .

··-··---· °FOSTER'S LAGER


SHEENA EASTON 'l'EI I \I. lol t:'T ,JIM ('ARREY SEPT. 17 Reserved· S13 50/ lawn S8.50 NOTE NEW SHOWTIME 7:30 PM

MEN ATWORK . ~~·£~~:~-r~NrrHfNG '>CTORER l ReseMd: 115.00/ L.awn: S10.00 7:30 PM

ASIA OCTOBER 2 Aelerwd: $15.00/Llwn: $10.00 7:30 PM A:,111 '01111 r ANr:F 1 l I fl 11 1 K' I\ RI I lH~DABLI Al POINT or i'llRCHASf



& S ~RCHESTRA OCTOBER 7 ReleMd: '17.60/llwn: s10.oo 7:30 PM

SANTANA OCT-OBER-&---~--- - - ·- -- ··­AeseMd: 116,()()(lawll; S10.00 7:30 PM ·

JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ OCTOBER 9 Rtstr1te1: sH.50/Lawn: 110.00 7:30PM


(213) 520-1470 (714) 720-0809 •



. . . \

\._ ; ~ ' -

Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 WHt B•y S~. Co1te MeH, Ca. Mall addreH: BOX 1560, Cott• MH•, Ce .. 92626 Telephone: 642-4321

JJrogram information IS provided by the networks land stations and is s ubject to change without not1re

-lnclax J)Qytlme L>rama ............................................... Page 4 Tube Toppers ............................................... ,... Page 7 Sports ................................................................ Page 2 J)Qytirne Schedule ........................................... Page 8 Evening Schedule .. ...... ............... .................... Page 9 TV Puzzle ....................................................... f'• 31

----ks "'f2) KNXT, CBS, 6121 W. Suneet Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. :(-4) KNBC, NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Ca. 117) KABC, ABC, '4151 Prospeci Ave., Loe Angeles, Ca.

8) KFMB, CBS, 7677 Engineer Road, San Orego, Ca. 10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 9-4 and '47th St., San Diego, Ca.

(39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. .- ... ···-·pis 1(5) KTLA, 5800 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angelet, Ca.

i9) KHJ-TV, 5515 Melrose Ave., Loa Angeles. Ca. J 11) KTTV, 57-46 W. Suneet Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. · 13) KCOP-TV, 915 N. La Brea Ave., Loa Angeles, Ca. - ... -~28l KCET, ~1 Sunset Blvd., Loe Angelel, Ca. 50 KOCE, 157•'4 Golden West St., Huntington Beech, Ca. 58 KOOC-TV, 1730 ClementlM, Anaheim, Ca.

-P!yTV (0) On;TV, 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale, Ca.

·~Z-TV, 2939 Nebraeka AvfJ., Santa Monloe. Ca.

I H) Home Box Office, Time-Lite Bulldlng, Rockefeller

ter, N.Y., N.Y. (C) Clnemax, Time-Life Bulldlng, Rockefeller Center,


'lEI ESPN Brlatol Ct. • L a.leo'tV, Marina del Rey, Ca. 8 8how11me 8 Sc>olllght

l C) Ceble News Network, Atlanta, Ga. ......... (9) WOR, New York City

,(1'7) WTBS. Atlanta, Ca.

2 Friday, Sept. 2, 1883

Charlie Waters (above),a three-time Pro Bowl defensive back with the Dal­las Cowboys, will make his debut this fall as an ex­pert analyst on CBS Sports' broadcast& of Na­tiot Football Le e,aswill Dick Vermeil, who helped guide the Philadelphia Eagles to four con­secuti~e playoff appearances.


_ ..... ay ___ _

-11a .. ay-· ---•

---The ' Piiot


Loni Anderson stars as a country entertainer in the made for TV movie,

•September 2 - September 8•

"Country Gold," to be broadcast Saturday at 9 p.m. on ~NXT ( 2) .

Donna devastated by son's fiery death I'

·-TV Antenna Richard Mulligan can identify \Nith 'Reggie' BJ PHIL SNEIDERMAN ... ..._ ........

-lUclWd Mulllpn IUJ'Vived hia firat mk!-We crtaia at aae 27.

Now, in bJa late 40I, he'a been ~out the same 80l"t of anxieties u the atar of ABC'a summer teriee "Reaie·" ~ la an Ice cream company executive who'a woodering if 11 aocma, romance and U1e in general have pu9ed him by.

''When you hear the term mld-ll1e criU, lt has to be about the feeling that life laalmolt over," MullJpnaays. "It has to be about feeling your mortality, that you better find aome answers and aome joy here. rve always felt that pn9W'e."

He adds. "I have a friend who got in touch with hia mortallty at age 27 beca\.18e'Of a physical problem. I didn't have that. I bad a mental condition. For aome reuon. I didn't think I wu F'ng to make lt put 33. So at 27, I thou3ht life was almost three-quart.en over few me. After havina lived put 33 or 34, I waa able to •Y I wu wrong about that. But you never know. SoJ've. been worrying ever.since.

"One of the thinp {haf sticka in my mind la about a tie • ulNm1n from Dayton who waa in New Yark Qty at one of thoee buying fairs. And a piece of Ice fell off the Chrysler BuiJdhig-and killed him. You never know, do you .... "

Mulligan baa time to ponder IUCh philmophjcal questions now. He'a finally catching hia breath after a a whirlwind 8Chedule of ahootingslx ''Rease'' epi8odes in ;..t eight weeka. Mulligan WU in almolt fM!!ey .:iene. He deecribee it .. the most most enjoyable two montha be'• ever put inr. lhow, but admita it required e.normoua energy.

•ion the tint abow, you crea1e a cbancter in our daya," be •YI-~ you get loW' more dl}'l-wpt ever-deeper when you don't eYe'll know when you came from the first tb:ne.''

Mullipn •YI it'a fortunate the writ.en and producers have boob about the cbancter and. Brttiah television eeriel to draw on f~ inspiration. Even to, MuWpn wu atartled to learn that the producer and hetld writers o1 thla ahow about a mkldle-age man'a anxieUel were three young w<Xnen.

" But the more I talked to them, the more they 8eelDed to understand it well," he says. "One of the answers from (producer) Barbara Corday was that abe livee with a man who ;..t went through it two years ago." .

Mulllga'n says his favorite epiaode ia the one in which Reggie has lunch with a friend he hasn't eeen in 30 years. During lunch, his buddy drops dead .. Other "Reggie" epUodes have focuaed on his barely coocealed lust for his aecretary, played by Jean Smart, and a surpri9e 48th birthday party planned by his wife, played by Barbara Barrie.

Despite a fine supporting cut, the 9eries must succeed or fail on how well the audience relatee to the lead character. The role repreeenta a career peak for Mulligan. a veteran of stage, ecreen and television.

Mulligan grew up in the Bronx, one of five aona of a New York Oty policeman. Hia early aspiration was to become a playwright.

While driving through F1orida in the mid-1950s, he had a flat tire in Coral Cables. He waa opposite a legitimate theater, and while the tire waa being repaired, he tried to convince the stage manager to produce one of the original plays he was carrying in the trunk of his car. The stage manager declined the production offer but did caat Mulligan as Andy Mayo in Eugene O'Neill'• "Beyond the Blue Horizon."

The acting career launched by that stap manager eventually took Mulligan to the role of Bu.rt Campbell in the

Actor Richard Mulligan .....

popular televtslon .mes ''Soa . •• He allO bad a teed role in the film "S .O.B.," playfug a~ film dlrector who bitm on iJii idea of preeenUng a porno mUlical aturlng a wholeeome actreaa played by Julie Andrews.

" S .O.B." was directed by Blake F.ciwarda, who allO cut Mulligan in "Trail of the Pink Panther."

"I like being directed by him, and I'll do thingJ for him that I wouldn't do for other directora." Mulligan aays. "When I met him in the aouth of France to do 'Trail of the Pink Panther,' we were glad to aee each other. But I alaoaaw that he had the camera positioned at the bottom of a steep hill - and I was the only character in the scene.

"So I knew I waa oorning down the hill for him here. And I went up and I did lt. I threw myself down the hill for him. No stunt man.... Maybe he likes aeeing his friends throw themaelves down h1lla for him. I came out of it badly brui8ed -my whole left shoulder was out. But I'd gladly do it for him becauae I like him. And I think he'll make it funny." ·

Duty on the "Reggie" aeries, at leut. hasn't been that hazardous. Mulligan said the ratinp have been encouraging, and ABC will aoon decide whether the program will be picked up, p<mibly for the aeoond seuon that begins in January. Mulligan is ready tooomrnit to a long run on the aeries, despite the intenaity the role requires. When his energy flaga, the mortality-minded actor aayw he just remembers that each performance might be hia last.

"That kind of respect for the unknown moment frequently makes me function better," Mulligan says.

Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 3

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. ·e Frtday, a.pt. 2. 1883 I

' ,

Gil Gerard •tan ba the dtle role ol "Johnny Blue • ., a New Orleans rMtaarateu.r. S~clay at 10 p.m. on KNXT (2) .


----------- -- ------- -

BY AN'S HOPE: "Jill bm the elec:don. Her half..._.

. in Clndy'1 bed, bopAnc lbe will nm to Paul IO be will .wt trouble ap1n. Patti can't undentand why Ju ta'° cold to her. Joe ccnflde. to Jn be now ...ita. Patti ahot Jn. Jn teU. Jill be mlabt not be mmtnc home to Patti and Jill fean that will brMk John'• heart. Carl te1ll Patti to come home and not return to Jd. but lbe c:m't .... that. Oypmender lAWll ftndl the IUD that.._ J-* on a c:awkted felon. Paul llaml Rkk'• ~ .. clMn. Tncy .. eda but lhe attrtbut. dm to too much ool:fee and not her diet pWa.

Maale arrtwe in town and convtncm Jill with documented &w • quesdtm eaut your lavorlt. -p OI" -p Dr1 proal that they are related. Jn 111 ln U. middle ot editinc hll Wnt. to Lyrm Blncb, clo l'Wd ~ ByndJaet.e, P.O. TVreportonJW'1campatcnwbenLelcb.hlllbom.fainta.JICk &¥ llltl20, Irvine, Cd/. n714. SM wUI __... • mAnY dllDown how much be loveaLelch when hedropehJa wen to qu.dom • llbe ma In ber oalwnn, but tbe ...,.Zume ol llM11 tab care of her. RaewarD11Ja that hJa TV stardom could be ~me~lr•!!,i"!u:!lll.!~-!.!~~~~~!!:_ ______ _ daneerow becau.e it could live him a fal8e .-we of power.

8JtARCH FOR TOMORROW: Before Wendy reveala to Bull that Wammgother prep.ant, Tom intem.apta with neW9 that Jo miabt be millina· A terrified Jo findl a psychotic v.,.._ flip-flopping between tendenwm and 1plte • he ~her with hJadelld mother. Lt. Bowman refuaeaTom'1 \aramt plea toaend out a-.rch party few Jo, believing ahe hu .eluded her.if in a holiday hideaway. Warren orden R1nco to tnck down Varpa, feartnc be mJ&bt enmeah them in a murder rip. A cautloua Suzi dodaea Warren'• att.empta at ........,llaUon foe now. Wendy makea one lMt attempt to rope Wsren into leaving Suzi and marrying her.

YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Tony planta tarantulu

ln•ex•pen•slve* *'(In lk spen' siv) not high In price; reasonable: classlfled advertising

lilly Piiat Classified Advertising 642-5678

Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 ' 5


-Dayti11ta Cont.



-.. -e Frtday, 8ept. 2, 1883

.. lrtl ..

.. -

-.. -



-~·--· .. -..


.. ..


.. --


.. -


Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 7

- l'riclay Cont.

liia g~ ..

llmllf FllFIMIW .. " Nonnan Loves Rose" (1982.

) Cerol Kane. Tony Owen. A 13-)'Mr-old's romantic pur.olt of his slster--in­lew leedt to tome very tentltlve compllca­tlont when the young woman beOomes

~~nt. 'A' (1 l'lr .. 40 min.) DCllWICS&& .. "On The Yard" ( 1979. Drama)

Tom Welt... John Heard. A quiet ht· otfendef, who doesn't rMlly nt Into prison IC>Clety, II caught In the middle of a power atNOQle be1WMn a new guerd capteln •nd-the tough con wtlo runs the action In


1the~~~y3Smln. )

f9 I Cll • ,.,. Feetured: an lntervleW with fom'oer Oakle.nd Raider Jim Otto. aa he recount. how his footbaff lnJurlet have left him a cripple; • reonlon or " Hometown Jamboree," one of Southern Celttomle'a popular programs of the 50'1, wffh Cllffle Stc>ne and Tenneaaee Ernie Font: a loOk at tome toe.I "P=:m."

11.'=r Feetured: Johnny Mountain QOM to a apeclal schOol for waiters; a pro­flle of Mlea Teenage Atneflca; a report on man' 1 fatclnatlon with gold dOWn thfough the centutlee.

l&:=r . •MTATAftm .._.,~ ... ··~-!-·-.. ~ - I I Thls lltut·

tton comedy tak• 1 humorous loOk at the Wahington ptM COfpl,

• CD) ueaw. MllwllOI<" Brewera at Cell­lomle Angele ( 3 hra.) ... "Nice Qlrl" (1941, Comedy) OMnne Durbin, Franchot Tone. A 1wee1 young glr1 trtea en ~t fllrt111on wffh OM o4 her father' I bullneas IMOCJat ...

:ii&.-... " Par1d1N Lo.t" !JelPOrtdtnt1)foduoer Aobel't "Shiel" Northlhield ~ on the affon1 to con­..,.,,. Amar1ce'a netlonel park tyttam. u Mii • ettemptt to ~ the gr1ZZly beer from extlnOtlon. (1 hr.) e • - "Grey Lldy Down" 11978. ~) Cheriton Heaton, o.vld Cerre­~ A nuclMr lllbmetlna owrytng 4 1 man II r84'Tlt'Md by • w.yward freighter ~ alnka to• depth of 1400 t.I, Whet9 It beoOmet ~rioualy P«checl on • ...

I. (R) t2 hrl.) .. ''Btldgef" (1978, A<Mntura)

Walnwflght, a.ii Murphy. In 1830,

~ ~:,":.:,:.~ ~o<ae~ North.-t by ble.zlnO • trell to the Im coeat. (2 fn. ) - Btneon and Clayton mete• ::, ~ =: ... ~ dleCCMty

1=::r.;,;tarDey" (~~1f? (1 hf ..

i'I== ~ cMllae taught In ~ Vllft I men wtlo ~

for otlebrltlel. ''The Rime And The ArrcW"

< eeo. ~, Burt LanoMtar, Vlr· oir- Meyo. In rnedlt¥el ltltly, • mountlln

10 Frtd~. Sept. 2, 1983

rebel leeds hla !*>Pie In revolt egaJnst the

~,= . ._ 1.. -~~Contrar._ an" Gueet: Dllvld Dreman. managing dlfactOf, Oreman. <3<1y & Embrey CC) ... " Leet And Found" ( 1979. Comedy) George Segal. Glenda Je<:Uon. A wldOwef end a dlvoroee begilr1 a rocky romance after literally meeting MCh other by accident at a French lkl reeort. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 46 mln.J. (()WI 1• CID ... "Young OoctOJ'S In Love" ( 1982, Comedy) Mlchael McKMn. S..n Young. A young surgeon trlee to over­come his fMr ot the knife In thit lpOOf of IQ9P opera cilchea. 'A' ( 1 hr., 36 min. ) Cl) .... "The Roed Wantof' ' (1981. A<Mlnture) Mel Gibson, Bruce Spanca. In en Australia of the tutu<• wnera cMllzatlon Is redUoad to a conaetlon of rural com­munes. a former highway oop mel<" a 200<>-mlla run for 11nctuary In a Pfomlled lend. 'A' ( t hr., 36 min.) .... "Reds" (1981, Orama) Wenen Baatty. Diane K•ton. American )oumalllt John Reed'• Involvement In the Ruaalen ReYolutlon of t917 la depicted. ' PG' (2 ln .. 40~

" (() 1W - Buster Drayton I Marlo M•ldonedo 10-rouncs Junior MW' bou1 (from Atlentlc city. NJ) ._jR) 2 hra .. 30 min.)

• • 9 I I...., The joint ownera of a mountain cabin find thlt they both wt111t to Ull the rat,..t wffh ~ raepectlv'I metea on the aama weatland: Bo Swn­aon. L..lnd9 Pufl and Chertaa ~91 ltar.

i ellmft--....-.r WU.fllmT- "The NIW COl'lhO­

en" Quelt: Oevtd Oraman. meneglng

dlfeotOf. Orwmen. l~ :=· • • cau•• " FOQUI On let ..... Jim ~ tmM to .., ... to take 1 look at O.C. •....., c:fty, Alhdoct. •Ito .,, ln~ilteW with Y1tJNk SNmlr, ,., .... , Mlnlltar of Foreign An.lrl.

• aJ•OA'ftm -· (I) IM&M Ray'• ...... of lllf·

bl9ma end aflQef at J.A. <Mt" Mldtay'a eoddant IMdl to I ~ of evientt with poaelbly tragic coneequeno-. (R) u tw_J • a • n rs •ru Burt Atv-

. noldl. l.lnde B*elf. ./tfn Nabor&. 9'• Sommer, Ctlnltophar ~ Ind Tony Gelty are emong. the mo-Al and TV ltlra ~IQ • vartely of ~ feat.: ~

Shatnlr hoet8. (R) Q (2 hfL)

I .... mAT 5 E I ' M "A For ~"The making Of the ="f)flft praaantetlon of RloharcfW19*'• Of*ltlc mThe ~ Of The NDllUngl.'' ..

ed. (1lv. • ... , ~ ' 'TNttl" Bii ~

and Or. Mortll'IW J. AfM are Joined by In lntametlonll pet'9I of IMdara for 1n

0 ot>tecttve and~ tNth.. , ) I

' 'Thlngl Ale Tough Al 0-" Comedy) Rlohlr'd ' 'Cheeoh" Mar­

in. Tonwny Chong, TWo men heYe nurrw-cu ~""' wNle drMng In Alel). owned. money-Mid 11mO to Lii Veget. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (J) - "FM1 Tlmee At ~moot ~· (1M2, Comedy) 8-\ P9M. ... nlW J9lon L .. ~et I ·~·

Amerto.n • -- oontont ... otl9-..... Clll ecMltloOd. dr\1111, .. and

-~irJ 1 "'·· 30 mil.)

-1-1•• ,,..__ ...... ,_., .. "Berberoea" ( 1982. Weatern)

Wiiiie Nellon, Clary Busey. A Tax.a outlew grows to become a legend whlla conetant­ly on the run from the authorities ·~ his ~wa. 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min,)

-1 (I) P:=" ~ Angela travela to Paris on 1 quaat fOf tactl thal wlM help her battle Richard Chinning, ·~ Vlcille dacldel to continue her affair With Nick agalnat ChlM and Meggie's wtahes. (A) L1 hrJ • • 9IClm Electiled claahaa with an attorney (Mel Ferrer) while trying to loeata the mlstr ... of a prominent politi­cian wtlo died In her arms. (A) ( 1 hr.)

I U ..... " Photography" H09t Charyl ~ P'Ofliea five !*>Pie wtlo make their TMng behind t"9 cemere. (~)

i - A ..aWAY The 1tory of Robin, wtlo la arr .. ted at ega 14 as 11 runaw.y, la told. • CC) ... ' 'Thank GOd 11'1 Friday" ( 1978, Comedy) Oonne Summer, Peut Jaber• One wild and crazy night et • neighbor­hood dlaco reauna In 9Y9fY'hlng from bUddlng romances to 1 snot at euooeaa fOf an 1aplrlng singer ' PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) .. " The Ultimate Warrior" ( 1977. Sdenc»-flctlon) Yul Brynner. Max von SydOW. SuMYora of a nuclMr holoceult In the 2111 century auffef from the aftectt of ~ end at1rvatlon. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 32

I~ .... - _, ....

- IM91MI I I 1•..,1•www.-.. :nm•w.••• "Seadl Of r· A group Of farrnera a~ proOleml oaueed by chemlcll lafmlng •nd the eooi IOfnlc dltflcultlee Of ahlftlng 1*llc to O!gw:lo methOdl. ...... (I) HJ II l•Cllmlll-W Rlchatd ''Cheaot\'' ~ end Tommy Chong ~ thalt tavotlt• toplot: .. !(,

~and roctc 'n' rol. (1 hr.) cm-.. "M""'" ~,:: Comedy> Dudley Moot9. Um . Whh hll femlty 1ttempt1 to fotca him Into a pr.­enwiged rnerrtega, • drunken, tiadOtllltlo • p6eyboy ,... In Jo"9 wffh • poor worl<lng _!._Joi ..;w..; .... ... -.._

V:.:, .... ,. NnlftU."9

.. ''8umrner' LO¥ttt" ( 1112. •) Oetyl Hannah. P9ttt Gel­

... ho ~tneftoln oOllaga etudlnt1 eptnd a .._ eplrttad "'""'* on a G<eak •

~~40mln.) = .... U.S. Open HIQhllctl1I" of the Clly'I tnatcNI (from the

NdOnll Tennie c.nter In ~ ~--.._.~ . L:=-~, .. ~ ~---Elnmt

-Daytl·ze Coat.

-l'riclay - .......... 11ov1es--· "'ffi'e Lone!Y Man" (1957, Orame)

Jeck Pelance. Anthony Perkins. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e " The Proud And The Profane" (1956, Oreme) Wiiiiam Holden, Deborah Ken. (2 hra.)

-· "A Llttle Sex" ( 1981, Comedy) Tim Matheeon. Edward Herrmenn. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.)

W (C) "Loet And Found" ( 1979, Comedy) George Segal, Glenda Jack80tl. ( 1 hr., 46 min.) 00 1'Berbarou" ( 1982, Weetern) Wiiiie Nelson, Gary Busey. (1 hr .. 30 min.) CD) "The Hound Of The Baakervlllel" (1978. Comedy) Peter Cook, Dudley Moore. ( 1 hr . 1& min.) (I) " Fast Tlmee At R1dQemont High" ( 1982, Comedy) Seen Penn, Jennifer Jason Leigh. (I hr., 30 min.)

• CH> "Sllenoe Of The North" (1981, Adventure) Ellen Bur9tyn. Tom Skerrltt. U hr., 35 min.) Cl) " The Secret Of NIMH" ( 1982. Fanta­sy) Animated. Voices of Elizabeth Hart· man. Dorn Deluise. (I hr., 20 min.) 0 "Love At First Bite"...(~ Comedy) George Hamilton. Sose~James. (2 hrs.)

.. (I) "Friday The 131h, Part Ill" ( 1982. Horror) Dena Kimmel, Paul Kratka.


CR.N(11M• ... . . ....... wt ..... ~ .-&., ........ ,. oawn-•-iAD-~ =-==.u.c-. :rs.rm .... --~ t&':iiii __ __

(I) " An Unflnlahed Piece FOt Player P\eno" ( t977) Alexander Kellegln. Bena SolOvel. (2 hrt.)

• CC> "Improper Channels" (1981, Come­dy) Alan Arkin, Marlette Hertley. ( 1 hr., 32 min.)

W CH) " The MOUN And Hit Child" ( 1978, Fentasy) Anlmeted. ( 1 hr., 23 min.)

we " Doctors & Nur ... " (1982. Come­dy) Rebecce Rigg, Miguel Lopez. ( 1 hr .. 30mln.)

• CC) " The Cowboy And The Lady" (1938, Westetn) Gary Cooper, Mene Obe<on. (1 hr., 30mln.) CD " L80Qhter In Paradise" (1950. Come­dy) Audrey Hepburn, Alastair Sim. (1 hr., 35mln.) CD) " Mountain Family Robinson" ( 1979, Adventure) Robert Logen, Su1an Damante Shaw, ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (I) " A Song Is Born" (19"48, Comedy) Danny Kaye, Virginia Meyo. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.)

--iliB'venlng .. , .... -=---11/LllO


l ... Ulf<Met:AlloeFeyi.' (R) Q -----Thie ~I PfHeUC>n lhow fMtuf .. • review of lut teaeOn, en enely* of the AFC end the NFC, a loo!( •t the MUOn ahead end a vltlt to the training catn9 of the chemplon WuNng­ton RedlkJnt.. (1 hr., 30 min.) e _. "ChlllY ~ Of Winter" (1979, Oreme) John HM rd, Mery Beth Hurt. A men obeeN!vely pureuee the woman whO left him beceuee lhe couldn't handle hll Idealized Image of her. 'PG' ( 1 .-r .. ~mln.)

I .. , ..... .. ... ._.....,. . llCI CAWTT "Literature Dllcu8Nd By

Its Cr1tk:e" Gueeta: Jack BMtty, Alfred Kazin, John Leonerd, Jamee Wolcott .

i art 2) (R) &L ........ , .. ''Charlie Chan And The Cut'M

Of The Oregon Queen" ( 1981, Comedy) Peter Ustinov, Richard Hatch. Chaiit Chan la elded by his bumbling gtendlon In aolVlng a ttrlng of murders. 'PG' ( 1 IY., 30 min.) Cl) MLmmlfMIMt .... "A New ~(1hr .. 30mln,)

-1---­mc ..

· Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities Under Ne w Management

" Ser \' ing All Patlhs"

J l<ttbor l,a~11 ·Mount Olive Nlen1orial Par·k. · Y1ortuary·


1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Gl•l•r Ave. at Harbor Blvd.) 540-5554

Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 9

- l'ritlay Coal. Cll .... W ~1_,WW Tha ~ Y9f9tlt oomedlelw .. petfot1111 abowd the Queen ir.wlth gueet ... c.rm.n Mc:RM, White. Jim Bectu-. Donna P9eoow, FM>lneteln and Undli Hop-kN..{!.,hr.) -l!--0-lllJ .. "Theatf9 Of Blood" ( 1973,

) Vincent Price, Diena Rigg. When he falll to reoeiv. • 00\leted award for hll etage ~ a cunning Shekeepaeraan actor dacldee to murder hll l:rttlca.. ( 2 hra.. ) CID - " U.S. ()pen" CoYerega of aarty round play (from tha USTA Natlonel Ten­nll Center In F1ulhlng Meedow, N.Y.) . (3

~- '4The Hound Of Tha BMker· Yllee" (1978, Comedy) Peter Cook. Dud­ley Moore. Muter -.ittl 8har1odt Hotnm lnwetlgat• my9tartoue QOlr9-0n •t 8-k_.. tW and baglna to euepact ~· lncMtlng hlmaalf. ( 1 tv.. 18 .!!" ..... Ml .. "Tha L~" (1987, Orame)

MecArthUf, Sulan OllYef. A cotlege pre>Meor baclOnllA the "guru" of an

-~M:~2tn.) ••1& Ill. ," F nal Exam" (1 98 1, ~) Cecla Begdld. Joel s. Rice. A klllf m1ka hll ~ on a cotiege

-lalurclay -~--"Prom Night" (1980, Myetary)

l.t; Curtll, lMle Nlellen. (1 tv .. -., .. -. u..--.r ....

9d Dll'ml - ''8atb9rou" ( 1982, WMttm)

Nelton, Gafy BuMy. ( 1 hr.. so ~ .... ''0." (1911, COmedy) ~ ~ ~. 8'Men Anepech. (1 hr., 30 I: ''StrMt Multo" (1911, Orama)

Diiiy, LMry BIMdlnQ. ( 1 hr:, 30

~ ::tr•, SP - "Football: ~ ~-..... ~ .. ou.t: En .,OHo .... ooech. (R)

:· •• ::~a· - - ·~ o.trlo a1me11t1r .. ••

WtM9m) Harwy Fondl. UndL

•<I>•=~ I H• The.,_., .. c1il f11111d1Hp °' two ~ .. ltl••• ~ ~ end ,.., • ---· ''9MX ~ ~· frtdlly.Sept. 2,1983

~~'R' (1 tv .. 30 min.) hopelellly lnlane murderer oontlnuea hie (%)--"On The Yw<r' (1979, Drema) reign of terror In a emell town. 'R' (1 tv .. Tom wan-. John Hwd. A QUiit first· 30 ~ oflilndar, who ®-'l' t rwlky flt Into prtlon ·1 -IOClety . .. caught In the middle of a power OMft ... ltl\Qlle between a MW gi.wd ~ fl&lm_.,IAT•--ancnhe tough con who rune the action In .. ''Thi Ultimate Wwnor" ( 19n. the PfllOn Yff ~:-ir ~:.. 35 min.) Sctence-Rctlon) Y\A Btynnar, Mu von

1-- ,., Sydow. SUtVlvorl of• nuc:taar holoceult In M .. "Rich And Famous" (1981 , the21atoanturytufferfromtheett.otaof

Orama) Candice Bargen, Jecqulllne Bil- ~ and atwvatlon. 'R' (1 tv., 32 a.t. Throughout the upe and downa of min.) their reapectl¥e ltarwy cafW'I and • a1' 1111•1111 --~ • romantic llYea. two women depend on d • .. "In Thie Houee Of Ihde" their frllndlhlp tor ltabllty. 'R' (1 tv., 65 (1975, Clfama) Diena Rigg. Judi Bowk•. min.) A wealthy wtdow glYaa up her CA'91f and

• CC> .. ''loet And Found" (1979, lode! lit. when lhe entare • Baoeclctll .. Comedy) George 6egill. Qlarm JecklOC'I. CC>n'tWll. ( 1 tv., 46 min.} A widower and • dlYorcaa begin • roctty •1,__, a a r cr nm NI •'I romance attar llterally meeting aadl other flllm_.,MT•--by ecddlnt et a ~ lkl rMOf't. 'PO' ( 1 .. " Feet Tlmel At Rldgefnorrt hr., 4e min.) High" ( 1982, Comedy) Sean Penn, Jan-

- - - - . niter JMon Leigh. Studlnta at a " typic91" • r• ..,...., American high IChool confront the ctw-• &J a -.. of acMthood. drual. ... and

-· achootwork. ·R'.u: ·· 30 mil.) .. "Metropolla" (Slant) (1929, •a1' M•W.. Gueet: Oon Sutton. Science-Fiction) Bctgltte Helm, Alfred i) Ati.1. In a fUturletlc city twWIQ no middle till OMN•• dMa, an elte group of Mltoeteta reap .. ''t<nlghtrldatl" (1981 , A~ the baneflt'I of 1he common 11Aw wettc.,._ t\n) Ed Hema. Gary Lahti. A group of @.:- _.,- blkare ride With a tr•~ renallMnoe fair

• -.a. r and dllcXMf that the ldaallttlc ltNQQle - ''ttalO••• II" (1911, HonOf) aQelr'9t ~..._In modem tlmM Mio.

lei CUrtla. Donatd .,. 111 no.. A 1" ( 2 hrs., 26 mlr\.)

-u- . ...... 1111 • •-1unu1•.-.11-

l-a: •• . .. .. .. ,.~~t:r. Comedy)

Burt ~ ~ O' Angalo. (1 hr.,

~=-· .. ""~lllhed Pleet For Player Plllno'' (1971) ~~a..

Q"'~ ,. .. ''FeMlet'' (191o4, "**-l - "*"Rwy~ °"' O'Her9'y. (2 hra.. '° - .... i i Iii '""*Cowbov, No. 1 .. c1es1. '-=> 0.. Mt.fy. Wiiiiam Femum. (1



1,., ... -· ._ • I I 11 Pwt 1 ' 'W°"*" O'I YW - ltOldwey't ~ Ladlel' •

Guettt: Elizabeth Mhtr/, ~ Budd•y. Judith Ivey, Elltn Burltyn. Pert 2 "Wtlo-1,_·· ~

W.u -.!!f!!B" u.r-·-- " Feet Tlmte At Rldgtmont

High" (1982, ~) 8-tl Ptnn. Jln­nlftt JMon Ltlgh. Studentt at a ''typoal' ' Amtrlcan high ldlool confront the cN.1-ltf'OM of adUlttloOd, dNQ9. eax and IChoolwortl. 'R' ( 1 ht., 30 mil.) e •C:U. Feet\Qd: Mr. T. Hollywood'• mMl*I man. (Per12) (1 hr., 30 min.)

tW~- " Prom Nlgtlt" (1980, Myaltry) Jamie L .. Cwtlt, lMlle Nltlltn. On prom night, exactly tlx ~ after • girt fell to her death after being teaed by frtendt. thr" of thoee frtendt begltl getting meNclna cella. 'A' () h.'., 30 min.)

tW{))_. " Ghoet Story" (1981, Honor) Fred Atlalfe, John Houaemen. Myst~ deatht begin to decimate tht ra{llca of • sme.M clfcle of ekMft)' men Who lhar9 both

• a m6nthly ttory1elllna get-together and • 50-year-old MCfet. ·~ (1 hr., 60 min.)

-· (J) - "The Bell J9r" (1979, Dra­ma) Marilyn H ... tt. JIJlle Harrla. 8eeecl on the autoblognlhlcal no"9I by s~ Plath. A troubled young woman trlae to cope with the lenslont and anxlell• building up within her es the J)fogr ..... from •dOletoenoe to adUlthood. (Rl

(vi.wet Ol9crtdon A~) (2 hte., 15

tr~-,_ In . eptelal repott-==t of hancbpped perforrn-

1: ..... "l'N Newf Forg91 Wh&h 'It Jl:n.:•• (18811 ComtOy) ()flon Wtllet, Qll"9I' Atec:I. A ~ful ~

up ~ to r.ium to hie cat• ~<~.t;. ... ~ 8rtttttl Columbia Llont

at Ott.ewia Aougtl Aldef'I (R) (2 In, 30 min.) -a>-.... -·. '91AY-- St9'Ae Won-der, 8llly Joel. Supettramp, UndeeV Buck· Ingham •nd Culture Club are !Mfured In mutlc8I mlnl-!Mtlnt. ( 1 hr., 30 min.)

l w • , IJU..-V1deoe Include:

Stevta Wondtr. EMMy Idol, Bananrama, Frt.M ~· t 1 !Ir ... 30 min.) •z"" __ ._.._. ... ~- A.mold Sohwarunegger ~ thla tour of &azll. ( 1 tv.) cm .. ' 'The s.v.ri Seduct1one 01 ~ Lau" ( 1982, Fantuy) Rlcherd Pacheco. AnMtte Haven. Sensual encounten ate UMd to awaken an ano­gant playboy to the facts of life. ( 1 hr., 15 min.) \ (%) ... "Arthur" (1981, Comedy) Dudley Moore, LID MlnMlll. White hla tarnlly attemptt to force him Into • Pl'• arranged marriage, • drunken, hedonltllc plliyboy f•llt In Tove with a poor working

! 'PO' f~~,,., - ... , ll Thle.itu.-~ • humorOUI look •t the

wr.re~ .... au.t: e..wty -f; ---..r! = -~~" (1982, F• nt.: ~~ .u, lM JourdM. A

I ,_,ch IClentllt conoocta a renwkablt .,...,engthenlng potion that turna him Into• herolO montter •"- r-11 nMlty klled In the dettructlon of hit lat» ratory_._'Fl9' (1 hr .• 30 min.)

w~ _. " Enter The Nlnjil" ( 1881. AdYentura) Franco Nero, SUMn George. An American mattlal arta txpert aet9 out to •venoe the murder of hit belt friend . 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cll)U,._. ___ _

Richard Kiiey holta thlt dooument..-y tracing the cateer of the "GrMteet Show­man On Earth." ( 1 hr.)

we - " My.tery Of EdWtn Ofood" (1935. Mystery) C'8ude Raine, Va6efte HobeOn. Adapted from CMtlae 06ckana' IMflnllhed novel. A mob gather9 with )&.-. lice U a goel when tht .. ~ent men meet tA<>l9nt deattw becauae of one glr1. J.l hr .. 30 min. )

~= "PrNat• Leeeona" (1980, com­edy) Sylvll Kriete!, Howard Heeaerrl9n. A houMkeeper hu an Ultertor mottvie for PfOYldlnQ her employer's teen-ege aon with hie llrtt Mxual exptrlanoe. 'R'

W estcliff Chiropractic

O ffice _,._.._. Men's & Woman's



845-5300 2043 W•tcllff Dr., Suite 1m

NewportllMch (near Coco's at 17th & Irvine)

Trad itional Wear

Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 11

- Salurclay Cont • f.,8~ =-~~~:t=: Miit (from New York, NV) . {1 hr .. 30

l"*'J.a,..,,,,,. ...

•atHIAT __ _, - &&I ..a 11.. .,.IOCllll!lllWllmllll• M 'J 8 I•""" E.L Ooctorow'1

wottl II profled. focullng pMwtly on the eYOlutlon of hll Wl'ltlng ear9er and hit tour nowll. • 1·=w s.n Diego Padr .. at New Yotk~3h,., ) e A , •• Two couplet now In their 30I confront the 1weeome queetlOn of parenthood. facing the pertinent .,.. to be c:on9idefed when making their deci­sion. ... " Saterl 3000" (1981, AdYen­ture) O.vid etn.dlne. Stockard Chann-~. (1 ht., 30 min.) • CZ> ... "Newr ~ Land" ( 1981, Drama) P.tula Clark, Cathleen Nesbitt.

lht •• 26"*1) .. --Mm ---·--fU-• ~l-t'!'Aogele9 Oodger9 at ~=(3hra.)

I~ Brothet'• Ghott" ( 11M6, Weetem) Buster Crabbe. ( 1 ht. ) Cl) a•ma19f11mr1 ''Plttlbur!T s1.-. '791ilahlahta" (R) CID''PT•lll---W..­Ma_,_ - a 111111111 ~ rence OIMef end Jeokte GIMeon pott,.) tw0 men .no .,. In loYe With the .. me women In u. or1g1n111 drama. < 1 ht.) (t) .. "Llat'I Moon" (19$2, Orama) Ma~=~-(1hf .. 45 min.)

• 1 .. "Raid On Rommel" ~Dr·· me) AlcNrd Button, John (2

· -rhra.--..... ....... - WY • - The Twelfth Night

Of'/ COmpeny oerforme dally at IChodl throughout Cdtornla. of*lng m1M1gee to educate end iNplr't young eudlenCel. CI) _,__ ...... _ ... "IYo

Vin DlmtM MMC" (from BrU1Mt1. Belgf­um) . (2 twe. , 30 min.)

.............. CC) ... "MarclenO" ( 1979. Biography) Tony Lo Blanoo. Bellnda Montgomery. Rocky Marciano rtMI from hll m.gl( beglnnlngl ... ~"' )'ClUnO" 1ter to become the arty undetteted hMyYWligh1 chemplon In boQlg *OIY·

& ~ "Star WM" (19n, FantMy) Mark Hamill, Hemeon Ford. A motl9y ~ lectlOn of rebela end robott b9nd together to 1tteck the ~ fort of an Qg><-.MI galactlo e. 'PG' (2 tvs.) tQ} ... "Tlme .... (1981. Come-<Jy) Craig Warnock, 0.vld Warner. A young boy II 11klf'I on I trip ttwough time by 1 band of dlmlnutNe would-be outtews who have 1t06en a tin.warp mep from the SuQfeme Being. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 50 min. ) Cl) IOCI OP,,. - The Stray Cata, A F1oct< Of Seeguh. ~ Pett and Chain Aeectlon perform their blggelt hlte. (1 hr,) • .. "Paternity" ~1961 , Comedy) Burt Aeynolda. Beverly 0 Angelo. A bech­llO< In hie fortlee who wenll to be a father Merehes for the right women to beer hll cNld. 'PG· (1 hr .. 36 min. ) Cl> .. ''The Geng'• A• Here" ( 11M3, Mualcal) Carmen Miranda, Benny Good­man. A men·a NM of being a lonely aot­dlet pie<* him t>etwMn two women. (2 -1J.i-Nnwl-.. _. "At The Cro.o.dl"

An explcntlon of wlldllf9'1 ltNggte tot IUMval In modem Amertce fMttnl meny end9ngwed memmell, blrdl and fW'9I thet hew~ been ftlmed befcn. (R) .. ,:-L '9r---IM9111U&hl 1 •••• 111 I I ,. ., I I I

I- . 5 Ii Ml.mA~m&T--.&.1 .. "The Belt Little WhorehouM In

exaa" (1982, Mualcel) ~ Dolly PMon. A lernboyent, raking TV~ !rte. 10 <** dOwn a~

=1'"' ii": 'Ir 11 ...... •'*'I

... , ·..o­··-''Aunnllya" - - Fftlinoe'• Jean-Oaude Illy, ..,,,. of .. ""-.. •ding gotd

medU In the 1911 ~ Otympb. II

ioftled. (R} "II'-

(1971. Horrof) Robett Querry, Meri9n• Har11ey. A bloodthlttty vampn aeet<1 out trllh v1o11me from 1 nearby orpharieOt. (2

hn. .....

i I 1•1-ill ... .. "U'I 8ctatch" (1970, A<Mn­

twl} An outdOOr ~ dllcoYets an ~beet oub. (2 hn.) •• ,.. ••• , . ~ ' 'The ThAmee" A trip taken along the Thlnlel RIYer documentl the meeeNe ~ that hu reetOl'ed ltl watera to 1 new Yl11~

i (R) CJ (1 hf.) NLL--•OPHHUU,_ .. " Tempest" (1982, Comedy)

John CaluY9tll, Gena Aowtendl. A New YOllt 11chltect IMvee the ~ of Utbln llfe end matrlage and eecepea to a Greek Island wtth hll dlUght• •nd • tr.. eplflted young woman In t"hll uc>dlted ver· alon of ShakllPMf•'• play. 'PG' (2 tn., 25 ;aJ. Cl) , ..... (B) .. " Faat Tlmee At Rldgemont High" ( 1982, Comedy) Sean Penn, Jen.. nlf9r .MIOn Leigh. StUdentl at a "typical" Americen high IChool confront the chll­~ of adulthood, drUgl. Ill( end achoolwottt. 'R' (1 hf., 30 min.) CD) .. "Young Doctors In L0\11" ( 1982, Comedy) Mlchlel McKeen. Sean Young. A young ugeon trill to O\llt' come hll ,_, of the knlf9 In thll apoot of ~ ~· Cllchee. 'R' ( 1 hf., 36 min.) ()) CZ) .. "Atdl" ( 1981. Drwna) Wenen Beetty. Olene KMton. American journellt John Aeed'• ~ In the ~ ReYoM1on of 19 17 II depicted. 'PG'~·· 40mln.) • ' 'The Aoed Wentor' ' (1981, A<Mn~) Mel Glbllon, 9Noe Boenoe. In an AudaNa of the Mure Where olvfllzatlon la reduced to • oolleotlon of nnl oom­munee, • fOtmer highway cop rnlk• a 200()..mllt run tor MnCtuary In a promlMd tend. 'R' ( 1 hf., 35 min.) ... "Born To h LOiied'' ( 1969, Orwne) Cetol Morrie, Vera Vague. An aging muelc teeoher Pf<>'Mll lf'll9lt•tlon to • WMlthy wtdow end • pllln girt who et

llMtEflnd romenoe to flll their llYee. ( 1 hf ..

- .... I - ·---Amold (Ge eoi.-IMll aett Into troubte wtth the F~ •long wttti ~y. who meneoea to Cid up t~ llOf9I goll'lmmlnt fllee on a oomputer. ff') • ._ I ' 'The M1n11Q1 Game" Eltr.lbett\ ... • IQ'MnOI Wfth • merrled men. the &ti of Lelcllter. (1 ht .. 30

.ar~ .... Cout1try0old" c1M2. Dr•­ma> Loni A~~Eatt HollmM. A count~ etat'I petton8I and piotn1lornlll 11119 .,.. jitop9tdll8d after n betrlel Ide • young women wt'°9I actlona ~to • ftec1 '* '*-- end (I tn.) £r An~ ector (l<eetwt

hlfpe Quincy= thet the ..... of en 8Qltla woman (JMY De Cemp) wee kllad by e oounollrr9n11 eon. (A) ( 1 ht.) • ,,..,_ .. !C?Y goee ~ • t • ·~ .,... llPMftllfll ~ to .. ~ . ... (Olirwd ,,.~ wtlO.,,. upon....,.,.~

If,} -.- ••11 r ·J,aweM..,,.1 - ... , 17-cl D1111W' A_,

... '" ,..,.. '" c.*91 ArnlftDI.

11\it~'':"'Q ~..., .. ' 'The Pride Of The v ........

<11M2. Blogll!phy) Glry Coop«, Tw w~ twt.. 30 min.)

~-·!.L-Puttutt Of D.B. Coope(' . 1:- Ad\lenture) T,..t w..m.. Aobef1

CD>.,; ~ t "° "*'1 young "*' ...,.,.. the ~ of triendlhlp and fei pl9y. ... "Sw_amp Thing" (1912. ,11111 .. .y) Adr1enne e.rt>Mu, Louil Jourdln. ( 1 hr .. 30mln ..... - 1=---··-_ _, --? ~ .. ,.. .., .... ~

Ill IP i. - "The Columbia 1" (from Tri CltlM. WA) . (1 tv.)

(%) .. "The Gang'1 Al.._. .. (1943,


ft'.!!!'a_,/&A_I __ ......... Llllll ·--..w-=1.T'A •ti., _ _, _____ _, .. "S.U Brummel" ( 195-4,

Adven~Elllabettl Taytot, Stewart Gtano-r. 2 tn.t -1,., ••nww. - ·- ··-""' .. ''The Tract<tn" (1867, W•t-em) Clayton Moot'•. Jay 51><.-tiull (1

lhr .. ~~•l'W'U. -Mflt Ill I

r,..-:r.s. " Building YOUI Best Game" (R)

® - - "' Thia apeclal ~ tt•M>n show r.etures • review of IUt MUOO, an analysis of the AFC and the NFC, a look at the aeason aheed and • vtalt to the training camp of the champion WeehlnQ­ton Aedlklne. {1tv.,30 min.) ·-·I I II -Gl) ICM .... Bob NM1 and Tim Foley

i evlew the 1983=footbell aauoo. n11 (l) ••nwe

llWM l age Of CNcago White Sox at eo.ton Red Sox or Battlmore Ori­°'"at Mlnneeota Twine (3 In.)

l~--g - .... ''Zacl< And The Magic Factory" A yoong boy (Jimmy Glitherum) tlndl more excitement than he imagined when he vtlft& hll eunt (Jene Wlthef9) • wno runs a highly unueoel ~ neea. -'art 2) (A) 0

1--~ Much, Too Soon" (1959. Biogtaphy} Dorothy Malone. EnOI Flynn.

i::..~Tf••••• Plttaburgtl Plrat• at Atlanta Brav.s (3 hrs.) ([) NA Ml CClllTACT UM11 "Wand llgh~t Chemplonehlp' ' (from B Paso, . (A) (2 hrt.) CD " Last Holiday" ! 1950, Come-dy) Alec Gulnneaa. Kay Wallh. ( 1 Iv., 30 min.)

.. " Ne vou wttn It?" (11M1, c·" ~l ~ O'COnnot. OIOa San

-G~~. ftr•Wl•1 Attanta

ftll = "U.8. Of*'" Eartv roundl IN U8TA NdOnal Tennie t.nter In ~one '911(, tfV) . (5

hr&,~ • str. wr:= au..: ™ ~~ ···=.:-9 Mab" (1981. ~) Paul NawmM. Sally Reid. (1 tv .. ae'l:rJ. CD> ''Time Bandltt" ( 1981. eom.-~) Crllg W~. ~ Wamttt. ( 1 tv., • "!,. "Ooctort & Nutw" ( 1982, Comadv) Re0eoca Rigg, Mlguel Lopaz. Utv .. ~min.> (]) .. ",:Mt Tlmet At Aldgemont High" (1982. Comedy) s-11 ~ . ...._ nlfiw Juan La6gh. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.)

-1~"'·· .. ''The Proud Onel'' ( 1868, w.tam) Aobef1 Ryen. Virginia Mlyo. (2 hrl.) • .. "Challenge Of The NlnJe" ( HMIO, Adventure) Lui Chla2 Hul, Kutate v..-.. (2hn.)

1--•AaMLflJ•···-· UP 1-----­aauw•aHllllll ~ ranee OIMer and Jadde Glaaaof\ poftray two man who .,. In low wtttl the Mme cm= !~~:r-~r~.,,en S.!ty. Olalw l<Mton. (2 hrl., "°min.)

-· • W-Vldeoa lnWde: YallO, AdMI Ant, Duran Duran and the Baatlea.

i \!SV/100.000 AMF HMd CuQ" Thia "tune-up" tor the U.S. Open ine*ldea oovarage of the man'• elrlQlee flnal at the Rye Town Hiiton Hotel il W.chalt., County, N9w York. (2 tn, 30 min.) •1•• 111• .. "Duel In The Jt.wlglil" (1964, AcMlnt\n) Dene Mdrewt.. Jeanna Crain. ~ hrl.) • -A ' 'WNIAe Wetdl" The magnlbnt gray whalM .... followed along their annu­al metethon migration, end an Intimate view of famlly ... among theM highly Intel-

~~~ =:~~~)/ Marlo Meldonedo 10,round Junior Mlddlewelgtlt bout (from Attentlc Clty, NJ) . (R) {3 hr9.) ® ... ' 'HoW to S.t The ttgh Coet Of LMng" (1979. Comedy) SUl8n Saint Jamee.~ Lange. ( f hr .• 46 min.) CD ._ " Beyond Death'• Door" (19l Documentery, Dr. Har06d Free­man. 1 hr .. 35 min.) e .. "Rede" (t981, Drama) Warr.n S.tty, Olene KMton. (2 tin .. 40

I:''-- "Roc::k, Pretty Bel>( ' (1 957, Muelcal) John Saxon, Luana P.tten. (2 hrs.~ w•.r:.c.-~ .. "Tempaet" ( t982, Comedy) John C-vet-. Gena Rowtanda. (2 tn. 25 min.) . ca>aM11• .. w1

-... , •• ._ • .,.op10'' _.,...._ ... "Wll ~· (ttu, w.tem) =··r..11r r-Jr"·.~::J,.. t

' 0.. fll*"OOld'' The tlrlt Of the PP'I'• that ~ up Rlohard WflfTilll'e epic cycle. "The Ring of the Nlbeluilg" .. pr...,..ted trom the etage of the w~ F ..... rt.tar In Bayreuth, Germany. (2 "'-' 30 min.1 - . .,., ..

====--- _, ..... lit II ''KM\

-1:'==..:r~· - .-.1mU.A. .. "t.uder, He S.ye" ( 1"'5.

llF.;:-~-.. ''Jim All Amef1clln' ' ( 1861. EMoataphy) BOO lAnoutar. Ptlylll Thaxter. (t'twt.) e , • .._ An hllt0t1cal loolt II taken • ., the American AeYc*ltlonlty wtr. with ~lwlaf emphMle on Franch lnvolY9-mant and the ~a leading up to the Bettle of Y()li(town In October.1,. 1781. (Ji) .. ·~ And 1ne Bandit' ' t 19n, Comedy) ~R9ynoldl. Sal)' r:lald. ( 1 tv .. "° min. ) CJ;) .. "Gae" (1981. Comedy) Oon­eld Suthettand, &,...,, Anepech. ( 1 tv .• 30 mlnJ.. 1 --"B<oedway" (11M2. My9tary) Geor~Pat O'Brien. (2 tn.)

=I ·--Gueet: Jottn RoblneOn. ( 1


lldl 111-'IWY "' __ ,,. ____ _ IM1i Ru Harrllon natrat• a look at

the populettty of toy boat9 In the 19th century, raaturtng old ,,...,.... footage of ocean llnaf'I. battlelhlpa end eubrMttnea. . .... ~


.. ''The Man Who Wr:xJtd Be King'' ( 1976, Aciv.titure) S..n Connery, MlctlMI c.N. (2 tn. 9 min.) ., ..... , .. ''The s.Yel'I Comrnandm8nJ9 Of

K~ Fl.I" (1979, Advenl\n) (2 tn)

l·--•t'W'll CIUJll llllm'I ,_ W&i -.r u. IOC .... - n I CM llml E.L Doctorow'•

work It proflled, IOCUling prlmerlly on the evolutlon of hit writing career and his IOUf novels. ~-- "Fellen Angel" (1981 , Drema) Melinda Diiion, Dana H• . ( 1 hr .. <40 min.) (l)W'l-CD> ... "Ticket To Heaven" (1981, Drema) Nick Mancuao, Saul Rublnek. ( 1 hr., 45mlnk.._ .,, •.

- --..... SchecMad: Doneld Curry I Roger Steftofd 16-found

Friday, Sept. 2 , 1983 13

- Saturday Cont. Mlchael Caine. Baaed on the atory by Rudyard Kipling. Two &ltlsh soldiers set out to Claim the richel and powe< Of a remote, legendary klngdOm. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) .. m ......... IAi .... _ ....... ... " The c;.ng·s AN H9fe·· .. ( t 943.

Musical) Carmen Miranda. Benny Good­man. A man·s ruse of being a lonely aol­dler plaoes him between two we>m41n. (2 hrs. )

...... " The Roed W1rriof" (1 981, Adv91lture) l.Ael Gibeon, Bruce Spence. In


-1-~-... -· CM1'•• ........ ... "The Last American Virgin··

(1982. ~) Lawrence Monoeon.

=11.~=~~I~:_ .. _,_ .. ... "The End Of Auguet" (1982,

Orama) Liiie Skala, David MarthaN Gr1nt. L! hr., '° min.) CZ) ... " A Clocilworit Orange" ( 1971. Scleno.-Flctlon) MaloOlm McDowell, Patt1ek Magee. Direct.CS by Stanley

K"'='~~~ .. a11a11amccu•• -., .. __ ------8 • lllUl

TN ..... ATYIFI I """---...... -- Ae!IQloul NrVloe oetelntlng ~ Jewllh holldeya • Roet'I tielNMh a.n<I '?om Klppur. ( 1 hf.)

ID~•Chemplon" ( 1981 , Ora· me) Yoko Stlimeda, Chrll Mitchum. ( 1 Iv., 45mln.) ~ om.&m flOOllM.L G.orgle VL UCLA

i~ "The SM WoNt!e" (1980. A~•) Or-oory Paok, AOQ91' Moor• .

~ ~ ' 'TNy Shell Hav. Mualc" (1939, Creme) J09I McCtM. Watt., er.Men. 12 hrs. . 30 min.) •--

1'Solo" (1978, Orama) Vlnc9flt

Gii, f!7 ArmatrorQ:12 hrl.) 111 .. - ...... "65 ••• - LM•=-1111!' mifu• iif,_ --~ ,.

an Austrella ot the future wtlefe clvillz.atlon is reduced to a collectlon ol rurel com­munes, a former highway cop mak" a 20()(}.mile run fOf sanctuery In 1 promised Ian<!. 'A' ( t hr .. 35 min.)

.. ([) .,.. "Looldn' To Get Out" (1982. Comedy) Jon Voight. Ann-Matgfel. A pair of gamblers nee to Lal Vegas from New YOfk With the mob on theff trail. 'R' (1 hr., 45mln. ) ·;...ca-... ,._.,w .. ''Ster Wars" ( 1977. Fantetvl

I mmTllOtilll -MT•-a •1 .... ... , ... ... " Mountain Famlty Robln900"

( 1979. Adv91lture) Rao.rt Logan. Susan oam.n .. sn.w. (1Iv., 40mln .. )

~ RI ms.--..:1 ---·--Ml .. "ShlpwfeoJ<" ( t978, Adven-

ture) Robert Logan, Mikki Jamlson-Ollon. 1 hr., 43 min.)

- '*"---·-Lii MUUl-·--Olll.-WWI ... ,,.,,,WQMllT --· ,. .. ,HD DI __ , ___

- .. ''CectUI Flow9f'' ( 1969, Com.-dy) Watt., Matthau, Ingrid a.roman. (2 In., 30 min.)

- 1--'-, .. ..... ._ IF , ....... ,. ...... WWI .. . -­,..,,.waJ. 0..-r.nr•Q .. ''CNmoo on S&fart" ( 1982.

Fantuv) 11hr., 35mln.) ® .. 1'R9da" (1981. Creme) w~ a..~ l<Mton. (2 Iva., ..a min.)

• ---wtlMe pldclng I>«· rlee In ..... tcna. two chllchn dl9covet a ~Md houM. (1Iv .. 30 min.) CJ) .. "Skin Deep" ( 1078, ecm.dy)

·1•:..-..... "':''Lr.ft' .. Anlmet.CS. Jutl9

Ancnwe OttMc* the ¥ok» <2' the tttl9 ~tact- ln "* etOtY • bOut • ~ who h9lpe • )'OUl'lg ~ °'*"* r9llOU9 hit tw"tl'IMrt from a wlok.CS oallpfl. (1 hr., 5 mln.J._,_lllU.

- iiiii'iii ... tllL

Maft( HamlU, Harrlton Ford. A motley od­lectlon ol rebels an<I robots band together to attack the huge space lort of an ~esalve ~lactic empire. 'PG' (2 hrs.)

dW.,.. Mr. Moto's Gamble" (1938. Mystery) Pet9f LOfre. Lynn Bart. The famous detecllve and his students stum­ble upon a murdef case wtlleh the stu­dents UM their deductive reeeonlng to solve. ( 1 hr., 30 min.)

• ; lODA"-­MY•--· rr• ..... WC'I Yll;lllf LOT tll)

Ca:l ... " Duncan's Wottd" (1979, Adv91lture) Larry Tobias, Don Momll. ( 1 hr .• 30mln.)

<ml ..

- ~':lODA' '*".U.YllOOI MY•-a•v .._._ ., ....... ,._.,_ 119IUlllU II us.,._,,, IR.'1-.mT• 1n1 " 1982 veer

In A9vlew'' .... "A Dog Of Flan<IM" ( t959 Orama) David Ladd. Donald Crilp. <2 hra.)

I C11111•a111•m"m• - IR. MIM.l Cowfege of Atlanta .i

Ctilcago. DatrOlt at Tampa Bay, OrMn Bay at Houston, LA Ramt at NY Olanta, Mlnnesot1 It Ci.ve!and, St. Loull at New Orleln.. (3 hrs,) DIR. ..oo"flM&. Lot Angelel Ralderl It Cincinnati~ (3 hrs.) .... " Murdef, He Says" (1946, Comedy) Fr.CS MaoMurr1y. Matl«f9 Mlln.

i hra.) .U.YllOOIGLG•• IR. fll0'8IMl Loe Angelel Rama at

New Yortc o.n.u.. Iva.) --· --=" UIND• •umu• .., .... ---·CJ .. '-0.th .Chin And The Curw The Oregon Queen" (1981, eom.cty)

P•ter Uttlno'I, Richard Hatch. ( 1 Iv .. 3() min.) (J) Mnl - " NASCAA Warrw Hodgdon 200" (from RMlnllde, CA) . (2 h .... ) CD .. "Tht s.. Wdwtt" (1980, AcMntlM) Gf900fY P9ok. Aogef Moof9. I

&l~"~sQll'1" (1982.eom. c:ty) GordOn JoM ·Slndlllt. 0.. Ha9burn. il hr. 30 min.) CZ) ... "Antu" (1981, Comed't) Dudl9y Moore, lira Mlnnellf, ( 1 hr .. S3 min.>


= 1.11--f ' m?P' Loe Ange6le Oodger9 It .~(ltw.) ........... _

- latanl.Y Cont. CNrlee jolne NI Wiie Celle In New Y~ !Or an uneucc.el\ll reunlOn. (Pan 8) (R) c;> (1 hr.) CE CA. ~ Brlllltl Columbia Lk>nt at Ot11we Rough Rider• (R) (2 hn., 30 min.) ([) fllMI " Lookln' To Get OUt" ( 1982. Comedy) Jon Voight, Ann•Mergte1, A. pelr or gamblefl flee to Lu Veo•• trom New York with lhe mot> on their trall. 'R' ( 1 hr .

'5~h : @.•.,.. •• ..,.,. ...... WJI 1ICmm T elevlslon newarnegazine. are apoofed In thla faat-peced comedy

lal. •••w • ... "The Lat American Virgin" ( 1982, Comedy) L1wrenee Monoeon. Diane Franklln. A atty teen•aget In loW le reluctant to join his t>uddlee In their pursuit of ae11ual e11~1enoe8. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.)

-· • CAIMI MCA A beautlful Muslim outcaat (Persis Khambatta) Is recruited by the Nazis to learn If Rick la hiding a !teeing Ethiopian general and a weapons cache.~)

l &:,.,,.ooo '"""' .._ " King Rat" ( 1965. Adllenture) George Seoat. JoM Miiia. A btllllant opportunist runa the ltves ol Pf~ In a J ne&e w1r camp. (2 hrs., 30 min.) .......

Mii • ~ The variety ot pres­ent-day Jazz. styles Is featured ( 1 hr., 30

;n~OPllAI CH> Im. Ya.I • r..~-- Young per· foima a selectlon of his hits, lncludlng " Hurricane." "Cinnamon Glrl." " After The Gold Rush" and "OUt 01 The Blue," In a concert taped Beutchalad Hell In West Germany. ( t ht.) Ct .,.. " Knightrlders" ( 1981. Adven­ture) Ed Hatrls. Gary Lahti. A group ol bikers ride with • travellng renal6Slnce fair and discover that the ldeallstlc strugg.le arlnst evil exists In modem tlmee also.

=1· . =:~J~Stewert' .. IANmAY9CllTINm

~ 1.1.f .l&t':'eorgla vs. UCLA

l hrs .• 30 min.) ... .......,,._ .,. "The Flame A nd The Arrow"

( 1950. Advenlura) Burt Lancaster. Vir­ginia Mayo. In medieval Italy. a mountain rebel leads his people In revOl1 against the Hessians. (2 hrs.) ~ ... " Absence 01 Mallce" ( t98t, Drama) Paul Newman, Salty Fleld. A legtt­lma1e businessman's life Is ruined by • newspaper reporter's story alleglng hie lnvotvement In the mob kllllng ol a lat>Or boss, 'PG' (1 hr., 56mln.) CH> MD¥ll "Smokey And The Bendit" ( 1977. Comedy) Burt Reynotde. Sall)' Field. A daredevil trucker accepts a char­tenge to run a trucktoed ol beer trom Tex­as back to Georgia In a Nmlted amount of time 'PG' ( t hr , 40 min.) ([) .,.. " Private Nurse" ( 1980) Karine Ganbler.Famlly wanl8 10 get rid of their dying mllllonalre uncle by hiring 1 nurse to " seduce him to death." ( 1 hr .. 30 min )

,..1::.r~ aM* ..... °'*'*' tW ... "One 01 Our Own" (1975. Dre·

ma l George Peppard, Oscar Homotke.

The neurotogy dePerttMtll Of e *Of h<>a-­l)ltal bu111M with eotlvlty u a typleat day

le etv~~2. hrl.) G • IA Y _, U'9 Ho.ts; Tom and Dick Smotherl. GuMt: Laut1 Brani--

lnJ:~'" 30 min.)

CWJllM ' ---WThe purpoee of the ~t It to cnooee the .Ptome of Cellfomla u reprttented by the ''GoldWI Glrt.'~2 hrl.~ • _........, Group dlaeus-­S!Of\8 Ind Int.,.,._ with oommc.inlty lead­ert and resldentt are featured In a ~ at the Middletown 1tudlll or the ' 208 and '30t Ind their relatloniNP 10 the MtiM that recen~lr'ed on public t~ ( 1 hi., 30mln.

i--·~ mnw .... _. " A Cloclcw<>tk Oranoe" ( t971 ,

Science-Fiction) Malcolm ~oOowell, Patrick Megee. Olreo1ed by Stanley Kubrick . When police ce~ture the leader ot a teen-age gang of rapttt1 and murder· ers, the method ol rehabffltallng him f>;!;OVes even more th1ea1Wtlng to society. R' (2 Iva., t7 min.)

tw 8 .. " The Shoes 0 1 The Fllhefman" ( 1968, OratN) Antt\ony Quinn, 08kar WertWK. In en 111emp1 10 avoid WOfld War Ill, a Russlen archbishop 19 elected to suc­ceed the former Pope. (2 Iva., 15 min.)

- (I) ... " Humongous" ( 1982, Horr<>f) Janet Julian. Devfd Wallace. A disfigured murderer stalks a perty of leckleea teen­agetS weekending on a remole Island. 'R'

lihr. , 35~

AUm4llDOCI 11111 II - _, ... - mTOP•11•n---_. " Night Creeturea" ( t962.

Adventure) . Pete1 Cuahlng, Yvonne Romain. A vWaoe cictrgyman leads a dou­ble Hie as the conniving leader of a band

~tvateera. (2 hr&) ........... IOOWMl(ll) ... " I Could Never Have Sex With

Any Man Who Haa So Llllle Regard For My Husband" ( 1973, Comedy) Carmine Carldl. Andrew Duncan. Bofedom leads to sexual shenanigans when two mlddle­aged couples vacation f()( the summet In Martha' • Vineyard. 'R' (1 hr., 30 min.) (Q) ... "Elttreme Close-Up" (1972. Drama) James McMullen, Kate WoocMlle. A TV reportlf's aaslgnment to lhow the ease w1th Which privacy can be violated tums Into a person.I obeeaalon with voy­eurism. 'R' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) ·--"Student Bodies" (1981, Com­edy) Kristen Riter. Mal1heW GO!daby. A heavy,bfeethlng psychotic klller atalka lhe Nn-IOVlng student• ol a typical American ~school. 'R' ( 1 hr., 25 min.)

.. (HJ .. " How to Beat The High Cost Of Living" (1979, Comedy) SUMn Saint James, Jessica Lange. No longer able to keep up wllh lnnatlon, three Oregon housewives turn to larceny to balance their bUdgeta. 'PG' ( 1 tv., 45 min.) ·1•-•-.&. 1-.n Ill llllTWIW ...

... "The Pride 01 The Yankees" (1!M2, Biography) Gary Cooper. Teresa Wright. BuebaK .,., Lou a.hflg over­comes the Odds to become a legend In the=~· 15 mln) .. _, ...

wl' .,. "Second Chance" (1972. Comedy) Brian Keith, Ellz.abeth Alhley. A stockbtoker ecqulrn a ghost town and tills It with assorted talent In need of ' another brealc I t hr . 30 min. I

• 91mt'_, 119 - Feet\nd; Amy ltvlng'1 role In e.rbt• SJrelMnd'• new movi. " Yentl": the IUCOel8fUI ecunde or female rnU11c411 groupt. ( 1 lv. l • ... "The M19ffte" (198f. Drama) ~~ Cffblt. Marilyn Monroe. A young dlvO(oee fight• agalnal the cruelty ueed In the 1oundup or wild hor9M. (2 tire., 45 min.) • ... " The Fear It SprMding" ( 1976, SuapenM) T1ndy Croo)fl. 09nholm Eltlott. An attractlVt young jOufnan.t on a routine alllgnment la MJddanty taken ho.

w Cir~ l!'r:::' ==-·~ 1 ~iober''

(199 1, Comedy) Wetter MetthaU, Jll Cllyt>urgti. A Nberal SIJl)(eme Court ~ tlce clllhel with the newe.t member Of the natlon'a hlghett court. an ultra~ let'Vatlve woman Jurist. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 mln.)

W C%> CIUllLll W fMD - llAf,,

--~ WlllMC ... .. e • DlllllT ~ - V1deoa lnc:lude: Bruce Springsteen, Floci< of Seeouflt, Grace Jones, Capt1ln Beeftleart. ( f hr .• 30mln.) CE 1UClt Al9 ,.. " lvo Van o.mme Meet" (from Brusaell, Belglum) . (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ([) ... " Body And Soul" (1981. Ora· ma) Leon taaac Kennedy, Jayt11 KanM­dy. A y<>Yng black turna to prtzeflght1ng to ra ise Iha money he needs for medical achOOI. 'R' ( 1 hr .. -45 min ) cma1u1amo g .._ "S.tarl 3000" (198 1, Adven· ture) David Carradine, Stockard Chann­ing. A meQl.Zlne reporter and a vettran race-car drlvef take part In 1 pefltous Afri­can road race. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) {%) .,. "Fas1 nmes At Rldgemont High" ( 1982, Comedy) &ten Penn, Jen­nifer Jason Leigh. Students at a " typical" American high schOOI confront the cha)­tenges ot adulthood. druga, ae.x end

=isc&r1hr .• 30m1n.> •

--~ llAllY ...... llAllY llAllTllAI .,.. " The Missionary" ( 1982, Com­

edy) Michael Palln, Maggie Smllh. In Vic· toilan London. an Anglican cictrgyman fresh from Africa la aaalgned to heed a slum mission tor fallen women with the flnenclal auppoo of hie amorous 1>enat1c-1ress. 'R' l-\llr., 30 min.)

.. 8 ... " Ransom For Allee" ( 1977, Mystery) Gii Gerard, Yvette Mlmleu.x. Two 19th-<*ltury depu1y marshall don dl9-gulset to scout the Seattle waterfront In search of a mlalng teen-ager. ( 1 hr., 30 mlnil..

~--~ caJ .,.. "Young DoctOft tn Love" (1982. Comedy) Mlchaet McKean, SNn Young, A young surgeon trlel to ove<· come his tear or the knife In Ihle epoof of soap opera cllche&. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 mlrl.)

1111~ .,. "Tempes1" (1982. Comedy) JOfln Cassavetes. Gena Rowlend&. A New York architect leaves the praMUr• of urban Ille and marriage and 9IC8P98 to a Greek Island with his daughter and a tree­spirited young woman In this updated Y9f­slon of Shallespeare's play. 'PG' (2 hra., 25~ (I) " The Man WhO Would Be King" ( t975, Adven1ure) Sean Connery.

Friday, Sept. 2. 1983 15

-Sunday Conl.

I ..... ,., ___ _

- •• u .. ..... _.. MC .. C ,_. lm "lnelde The KGB" Gueets:

John Barron, Arnaud de Bo<chgf9w. ( 1

~TO• 'I I IJlllCll ~ .. " Howz«" ( 1973) Peter DMl­anta. Mellala Stockln ( 1 hr., 20 min )

I ...... _

- ••n&1-- ,_ __ _ .. ..... .......... M .. "Llttle Miu Merker" ( 1980.

Comedy) Wetter M11theu. Julle Andrews. (1 hr. , ~ min.)

--ililvenlng - .. MTIOL fmi&.11 COlllT __ ._..Clllm:ll _,_ __ WAW.W­

Hoel1 Ablrdo Montalban and Ba.rbara Cerrera hon()( Hlepank: enterlalners for out=-~hlevement. (1 hr.)

1....... . _,,~,..,_ Liv. lfom Cee­

ur's Palace In LH Vegas, Jelly Lawis hosts this oelebtlty extravaganza to t>en.­nt Ille Muscular Dystrophy AMOClatlon with co-hosts Ed McMahon and Ceaey Katem and special guett atar Sammy 0.~1hr.) e " Frankentteln Cr•ted Wom­an" ( 1987, HOffor) Peter Culhlng, SUNn Oenbefg. Dr. Frankenstein experiments with bodlea of both tax ... =h,._) e ,_ 9Tt Talented h h achod-age artllts compete In the flnal 9Yen1t of the 1983 Arts Recognition and Talent S..reh. G IOWA "Whale Watch" The magnH\cent gray wt\eles are followed 1long thelf 9n00-al marethon migration. end an Intimate view of t1m1ty Hf• •mono thell highly Int•

e~ II PflMnted. (R) C ( 1 hr.) .. "They AH L1ughed"' (1981.

) Audrey HepbUm, 9tn Gauare. Thrte Ntw YOfk detectrvee ~ lnvOl\'ed In numerout romantic lleieOne wtlh tracking thelt ctlenta' errant wtv.. 'PO' ( 1 hr., ·~ ~ (II) .. " On Pond" (1981, Ora· ma) Htnfv Fonda, Kit~ Hepburn. Old f1rnlly ienelona r~ " an elc*tV ooup1e retlKn kif • lu1 eummer 1t thefr New England rttrNt and ere Ylllted by thelt deUQht91', her flenoe and hit eon. 'PO' ( 1 hr., • 9 min.) ... " A Dog Of Flar\dert" (19e9, Creme) David Ladd. Doneld Cftap, A vcunQ. Dutch boy Ind hie =tt• find a D8dly atMld dog and nuree It

-1 tO~M) - ==[I ... ~.:;•:: •~en

It IWO belle I'*'-~eygh al of the encllnt tgyptlln myt r. t»t r•

and Mtttng of the eun. oltclng Ml ar<MMd the tef1h. .. ' 'Sounde(' (197~)

T)9on. Peul Wlnftlld. tht d8ltl Oeprlelk>n VMtl. • fWnlY of lhat9oroppn •tnwe 10 •tay fopether 1n

J 18 Frtday, Sept. 2, 1183

~te Of ovetWhelmlng odde. (2 hr9.) Cl) .. " Prisoners Of The Loat Unl­ve<ae" ( 1983, Solenoe-Fletlon) Kay Lenz • Richard Hatch. An electrlcie.n most save a TV reporter ltom 1 ~ werlo<d wherl the two are tral\190rted Into anorhlf dimen­sion. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.)

I •n:•Ol'f•.,._.,.. ,. (I)•--• • .-•• mmrtTM A

science student (Margaret Atzoerald) creat• a paint that can rob Matthew of his extraterreetrlal powef& (A) O hr. )

I CllNMTI& .. "TNI Flight Of Dragons"

(Premle<e. Fan11sy) Animated. Voices of Johrl Rhllf, Harry Morgan. A young men Is transported~ In time from modern Boston to a wOtld of dragons and tor«*·

ler&s~~ ...... Ml=.:==::L. ._AT NN "Judy ColNne" Sev·

eral songe lmmortdzed by Judy Colllns are pec'formed; the late Arthur Fledtlf con­ducts the Bolton PC1P9 Otchletra In 90me Strausa waim.. (R) ( 1 hr. ) CJ) .. " Fut T1mee At Rldgtmont High" ( 1982. Comedy) SMl'I Penn. Jen­nifer Jason Leigh Student• 811 "typical" American high ICflool confront the chal· leflQlt of adUlthood, dwQs. sex and ~~1hr .. 30mfn.) =1:. • .,,. --·-·· "'•I IOCll Wembley ~ a tunnel thet. according to legend. swellowe

Ir.om ,. ..... ,. • Cl) Ma " welQtltHner (Tony Longo)

Nvtt Jolene'• Nie. lhen mlttakenly thlnka lhe'a falliln In 10vt with him. (R) 8 • _, _ Mlchatl end a prob-ing photOJoumalllt (Robin Oealden)

~ entlf a potentldy .. boteged 2000-mllt roed rece. (R) (1 ht.) • .-n--- Feel\Ked: Amy Ir.ling'• role In Batbre Strllaand' I new movie "Yentl": the IUCOMlfUI IOUnd8 of f9male muelcal groupt. ( 1 hr.)

~" .... --~,..._..,. .. "CuM Of Thi Mayan f tmplt"

977) C>owwtaty. The pOeerbMy of • ltOtndary tt888Urt bur*' In the M9xlcen

C.:..~~r-:.: • •••• ,_,. "The Flame tr .. Of Thb: Friendl In High Pleoee" The eon of the Orai,tt' held man flfm hll wey Into the dynamite at«-oe hue. (Plr1 ~ (R) D (1 hr.) CC) .. "Young Doct~ Ir\ L.cMt" (1982, Comedy) ~ Mcl<len. Seen Young. A young M;eon tttaa to O*­come hie ..., of the knife In lhll .,of of 128P J!Pl!I clChe8. 'R' ( 1 tv., 36 f'l'ln,) CID CJV .. ''Aedt~' (tMt. Dr1m1> Warren ee..ny. Ol9M Keeton, Amertcan )Ournelllt John Aetd'• lrwoMmalit In the Aulllln AMliutton of 1917 18 ~· ·pa·.:=-· 40 min.) • Cl) "FMt llrnea At ~nOflt High" ( 198Z. Comtcty) ...,, ~ Jen. nlMr Jlilotl lAlgh. 8tudanta at • • 'typ6oel' • Amettcan ~ 80hool oontront ... ohalo--- of ~ dNga, .. and

..-. . .: ~:\ ~1':;~ Comedy)

Ryan O'Neel, Jack Warden. A 1tufty cOl­lege profeaaor saves hla fethlf' a flounder­Ing garment factory by Inventing 1 new

f olladlel' Jeana. 'A' (1hr .. 31 min.) - _,,,...-.&.

- Cl) - DAY AT A .,_ Grandma Ro!nano (Nenette F1bt1y) returna from a crvlsa flt to a younger man (Jamee Darren) . R .... .....,. . (() CGLLlm flOOTIMI. Georgia vs. UCLA IB> (3 hr&) (JJ llOWll " Reds" (1981, Creme) Warren Beatty, Diane Keaton. American )oumallst John Reed'a Involvement In the Russian AevolUtlon of 1917 Is depicted. 'PO' (2 hrs. . .a mln.j

..(%) Cll'• CllUR.m TM.II .... llM,.. CiUI .......

- 8 Cl) ,_ & I a• George errengee • meeting between Jenny and • top fe~ Ion de9lgtlef (Georgann Johnaon) . (R) 8 .... " Deadly Treasure Of The Plranha" ( 1979. Adventure) LN Me)Ora, Karen Black. S.V.el robbers try to reo<>v­lf thel1 loot from • lake that hat been stocked with vicious plrenha fl9h by 1 trel­torous pertnec'. (R) (2 In.)

• 91\CT • .,.. - -,,... A look at the lmpect of mendl-IQrY bu9llnQ lour yea,. later. 8 ... ' 'Mitt Houston" ( 1982. A<Jven­ture) L• Horlley, Barbera Ce.rrere. A weahhy tycoon who moon11Qht1 11 1 detective la hired by a beeutltul woman aCCYSecl of kllllng her blackmalllng father.

i)I:: --~,..._~ ,_,. ''The Frame

Tl ... Of Thlka: Happy New 't'•r" a.p.th spends 1 memorable New Vt1r'1 Day with the CorlMfVltlve Mrt. Nimmo. (Part 3) IBID (1 hr.) G -...,.... MA• "Flicker•" Arnie Ind hie old fleme Letty tt1m up to begl.lllt a proepectl'Ye becker. (Pert 5) {8) D (1 hf.) (%) .. ''Arthur" (1981, Comedy) Dudley M<>Oft. Ula Mlnntlll. Whllt hie famlly 1ttempts to force him Into • pr• 1rranged marri.ae, 1 drunken. hedonletlc; playboy fall• In Tove with a poor wortllng

i . 'PG' (1hf., 63 min.) -... • Cl) •UllllJllAIR- Mitt wor· r1e8 ltlet an amotOUI friend · (Jed A._n) wtll abule Jenny'• ernotton.. (A)

I_,_. . . ... ... .. " Night Of The Juggllf" (1980,

Sulc**~ .1ame8 BrO!ln. CilJ Ootmen. A l0tmer officer l8unohel a delPtr•te ...,ch through the atrNt• of New Y~ City fof hit mllllng daughter. mlltll<enly kldnlpptel by • ~Ihle orlmlnll. 'A'' ~~· '1 min.)

_,. ·= New Ottew,... -...nt OWf'9f (OI °"9rd) wttt\ a 9hldY put trtee to tolll9 the murder of a lrtend.

i 7*:.. • - Ci8IY co.... •nd ~ ...,... ,_. ~tton of the pllQt.i of the 1.1 blmofl women In the ~· ... ,."' lllttona ~ the ltOrtle of • of U_lW.l

l °' - ....... .::::. The eon of~~ htlCI IMI'\ .... HI MY into..,. ~ ttortOt fNt. (,_, . . .

-lunclay Cont • ..... - ., .. tW .-rfllA&LOI ... ....... _ ...., ...

- "Jim Thorpe; All American" 1851, B~raphy) Bun L&ncaatt<, Phyllla

tf. ffhrl.l

' ...... ,... ... ' 'There' s A Gitt Ill My Soup"

( 1970. Comedy) Peter Sellefl. Goldie Hawn. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e - ,..,_ "loat In The Woods" The campera learn about what the wllde<· ness offera to Ml when they get loet In the WOOdl. (R)

l ...... NIS-• -----tW 1•=y 1 PlttlbUfgh Plfatt1 11 Atlanta Btavee (3 tu..)

nrtl (I) t••tu Houston Aatros at Chicago

Cu'~rra.· 16 min.) ,.I .. .,,. .... ,_._.,,.IA.~

-NATm " Going Home" A heart· broken boy le foroed 10 go home when his father loees hl9 )Ob. (A) ct) .. "They All Laughed" ( 1981 , Comedy) Audrey Hepburn, Ben Gazzara. Uhr., • smln.) CH> ,..... IOCI( Wembley dlacovera a tunnel that. eccordiog to legend. awallOwa 1!.e. Fraggtes. cg) ... " On Golden Pond" (1981 , Dra­ma) Henry Fonda, Katherin. Hepburn. ( t hr., 49mln.) • .._ "The Great Adventure" (1976, Adventure) Jack Palanoe, Joan Collins. U hr .. 25 min.)

tW CZ> CllMUI C..W TM.II .,,. llA&,.. COUl .... MW.

--Afternoon -1..-noa• ,__wmtlA•~ -:e, JU F IAllC• " Wagner's Ring: Die Welkure Act I" In the aeoond part of Wagner's " The Alna Of The Nibelung," Siegmund (Pater Hofmann) falls In love with Slegllnde (Jeannine All· mayer) • the wife of hTs foe and - although he doesn' t know II - his own alettf. (A) U hr .• 30 min.)

CID .... ,..,_ " The County Fair" The children discover the tun of cOOl<iog and l)fepare ethnic foods for the county talr. mi ([) ~ ,_ " Aspen Festlval" {!!om Aap«l, CO) . ( 1 hr.)

CID.,.. "The Music Man" (1962, MUSI· cat) Robert Preston. Shlrley Jones. (2

hrs .. 30 TiC'"i. ~=-Clllm " The late Mr. Hart" The first-year law students meet ProllSSOf Charles W. t<lnosfleld (John Houseman) for the llrst time. ( 1 hr.) CZ> _,. " Never Nevel' Land" (1981, Orama) Petula Clark, Cathleen Nesbitt.

lhr., 25 min.) _ --=.;:.,~~~u.'2 hrs. ) -- 'ZS IK• .... NA'*- " Saved From The

Pound" The campers learn some valuable lessons In respoo$1blllty When they find an abandoned dog. (Al we CJ) ,_ " U.S. Open" Early rounds (live lrom the USTA National Temls Cen­ter In Flushing Meadow-corona Park, NY) . 13 hrs. l

• !.£" r New V0tk Jet1 If Sin Chat (3 hrl l I 1':1 : I I II " tn1ertal1h Marrllge" Rab­bi Davtd ~the ReY. Or. ~lry Ellen Kllaby and Fathef Royale V1dlkan dlflCUM the eetlmared 40 pafcenl of Amt<loan C.thOllce and JeWI ~ wed outllde their


In,,. "Food Follle9" Memben of I Mtlior cltizeoa oentlf help lhe Chll• dr«i J)flt)ar• lor the camp lhow. (A) ([) 1llAGK • ,_.. " lvo Van Oemmt Meet" (IYom BrulMll, Bllglom) (A) (:: hrs.) CD - _... ,_. SallY l(elie<· man end Leelle NellMrl atar In thll come­dy whodunit, eel In • New YOO< apartment on New YMr'a Eve. Involving an ac1or, hi• wealthy wile and hla ambltloul egent. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) Cl) .._ " Mtfry Alldtew" ( 19~. Come­<M Danny Kaye, Pier A~I. (2 hrs.) ... "The Plumber' ( 1981. Orama) JudyMorril, lvart<anta. ( 1hr., 15mln.) ·r,,... MR81

---~ ..... . WIWWW An hlstOflcal look Is taken

et the American Aevolullonary war, with par1lcullr emphalla on French In~ ment and the eventa leading up to the Battle of Yorktown In Octobe<, 1781.

!=r=,rc9st. Louis· · (19s1. Biography) Jamee Stewart. Murray Ham­ilton. (2 hrs., 30 min.) (D) ... " Mounl1ln Family Robinson" ( 1979. A<Jvenlure) Aot>en L~n, Susan Demenle Shaw. ( 1 hi .. 40 min. CZ) .. " A Slave Of Love" 1978) EJe. na Solovel. Aodlon Nakhapetov. (2 hra.)

-1~1aMm • .._ "Trouble Comes To Town"

~972. Drama) Lloyd Bridges. Pat Hlngle. hr., 30mln.) .. " Houae Of The Seven Corpses"

( 1972, Horrcw) Faith Oomergue, John lr&­land. (2 hrs.) m .. "Houdini" ( 1953. Biography) Ton= ls. Jan.I Leigh. (2 hrs.) e "Cesanova'a B ig NIQhl" (195• . Comedy) Bob Hope, Joan F'"ontalne. (2 hrs.) e ,_ M,. MTm Joen Baez· 1981 tour of Argentina, Chile and Brazll to publicize violations of human rights In those countries 19 chronicled. ( 1 hr.) •-econ • all _. ....,. " Greenwlog" A youog man's faaclnalln with water fowl underscores the Importance ol conserva­tion in America through Pfoper manao-­ment ol wetllnd hebltals.

., ...... laMe ......... MATMIWMl'f ,_.AL

® IOU&AI IMCMlnla - D9Wff _. tqJ HolbfOOI< nanatee this docu-mentary that examines the catllf of the famous Wofid War II and KOfeen War gen.­er11. focusing on hOW his Independent. arrogant style !>fought him success In campaigns but eventually led 10 his down­fall. 0 .._ " The Eyes Of The Amaryllis" ( 1975. Drema) Ruth Ford, Katherine H~on ~1 hr., 35 min. ) • ••u~•l'OQI•~


- -··· .... u. ., •• M e • llml E.L OoctoroW"a WOik It profiled, locuting ptltnatlly on IM evOlullon of his writing career and' hit '°"' noveta. oo-.-. co _,. " The End 0 1 AUQ4.ltl " ( 1962. Orama) Liiia Skala. David Marahan Grant.

ht 40 min) LGU PMMIAI M NIT UIW • U1

LOia Falana perlorme " I Wiii Sur• vive," " Love The On. You' re With" and " WhO Will Buy?" In a COOC«1 pef'form­ance from th4t Aladdin Hotel In Laa Vegaa. 1 {1 hr.J

-· 9 tell "U.S. Amateur Champloo­ltlip" (from ltl9 Nonh Shore Country Club In Glenvtew, IL) . ( 1 ht., 30 min,) • nllY ..... ...._ " Htfpee. It There Ho~?" (Part 2) mma.:•Ana•--•• Tir IGA1' Re• Harrison narrat• a look a1 the Pof)Ularlty ol toy bOats In the 191h century, leatUfing old newtteel footage of ocean llnefA ~lllesttlps end tubmarinea. ifl) . (.." CID _,. " The Sea Wolves" ( 1980, Adventure) Greg()(y Peck. Roger Moore.

~'~ ~--~Ida" (1981, Orama) Warren e..~ Olane Keaton. (2 hrs • 40 min.)

• Ill> .-u W 8 I.,,. 1'0U Guests. Or. Mlcheef Peel<.

psychologist; Janel Ballard, Suicide Pr• ventlon Center: Anne-Grace Schelnln, su~ clde survivor and daughter of a suicide victim. II .mAY Featured: live lrom the San Fernanoo Vetley youth Pf<>oram, Pacolma.

i hrs.) WUCIC,UTml _,. " Return Of Coun1 YOf'ga''

( 1971, H()(rOf') Robert Quarry, Marlene Hartley. ( 2 hrs.)

· • ... " Wild And Woolly" ( 1978, Ora· ma) Elyssa Davalos, Susan Bigelow. (2 hrs.) • e .,.. " Duet In The Juogle" (1954, Adventure) Dena Andrews, Jeanne Crain

i ;~ tnmf- " The New Conlrarl· an•• Guest David Oreman. m1naglog director, Dreman. Gray & Embrey. CJD.,.. " Walklog Tall, Pan 2' (1975, Orama) Bo Svenson, Noah Beety. (2 hrs.) D llA~ ATM IUOU Featured: " Pre­lude To War" ( 1942) . e documentary directed by Frank Capra; a 1942 canoon and newsreel; and ChapJer o4 of "lost City Of The Jungle" (1946) . (A) (1 hr., 30 min.) CC) .._ " My Champion" ( 1981. Ora· ma) Yoko Shimada, Ch11s Mitchum ( 1 hr., 45ml~ ([) 90IT'fT9 (_m -- " The Sea WolVeS" (1980. Adventure) Gregory Peck, Roger Moore,

& h~ Melba Moore, Robert Guil­laume and Sherman Hemsley are featlXed in a perloimance of the hit BroedWay musical based on Ossie Devla's play "Pur· lie Victorious." (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 0.,.. " Gone In 60 Seconds" ( 1974. Adventure) H B. Hellct< I. Marlon Busla ( 1 hr .. 45 min.)

=~= fl PACI lMI M1Dt

Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 17

Adventure) Burt Lancaster, Vlfgln'-U.yo. (2 In.)

- CD "Thr" wemor." (19n. Oname) Randy Oueld, Cherte. White Eagle. ( 1 hr .• 49 min.) e " Paternity" (1981, Comedy) Burt Aeynolde. Beverly O'Angelo. (1 hr., 36 min.)

tW(ll) "Green Ice" (198 1, Adventure) Rywi O'NMI, Anoe Archer. ( 1 hr., 66 min.)

tWCZ> "Deepalr" (1919, Drame) Dll1t Bogarde, AndrM F'erreol. (1hr .. 5Qmln.)

-···--· 11ov1es--·- ''The Emereld Of Artetema" (1987, Adventure) Rory Cdloun, Jemet Phil-brook. (2 hra.) • " Oeedly Fethoml" (1972, Advefn.. ture) Ooc:umentery. (2 In.) a:> "H Thlnga Were Dlff9rent" (1979, Dr• me) Suzanne Pteehette, Don Muney. (2 hrs.) CJ) " Falllng In Lov. Ageln" (1980, Ora· me) Blott Gould. Suunnah YOfk. (1 hr., 30mln.) • " Patenole" ( 1989, Oram11) c.ro11 a.ti«, Lou C..tel. (2 In.~

.. CD "Night Shift" < 1982. Hanry Wlntcler, MtchMI l<Mton. C 1 hr.. min.)

-QI) "Ticket To Heaven' ' (1981, Orem4t) Nick~. 8eul Rublnek. (1 hr .. 45 min.) e "Whllkey G4alorel" ~Comedy) Jo9n Greenwood, BUii d. (1 hr., 30 min. )

•CD> "Chanel Solltalre" (1981, 1Mogr9phy) Mafte.franoe Piller, l\ltger HeUw. (2 tn.)

WCI) ' 'The Gana't M Here" (1943. Mull­ee!) c.rmen Miranda, Benny Goodmwi. 11hr .• 40 rm.)

•CCl .. Take Her, She'• Mini" (1983, Com­~~ J9mee St...n, Sendra OM. (2

CD "On The Run" (198t. Orem4t': Wlnfleld, Rod Taytor. ( 1 hr .. 46 "*1. Godl" (1971, ~) I

John Oenwr. (1 hr., 38 ~) •CH> Ice" (18111 AcMntln) Rywl

O'Neel, Anne Ardftt. (l hr., 86 min.) ~"Patttl)lty' ' (1981, Comedy) lk.wt

inolcla, 8Mrty D' Angelo. ( 1 hr.. 35

.;")'The 8ecfet Of NIMH"~ ,.,._ 9Y) AnhMrted. Voloee of ttl Hirt• "*" Dom ~ ( 1 hr., 20 "*'-> Cl) • ...., ... a..ncr· (1 .. 1, Olwna) PitUla Cllrtc. Cethllen Ntibltt. (1 "'·· 28

·[-""' _ .. (1111, eam.. ) Aeneid AMgen. ~ Lynn. ( 1 hr., min.)

' 'Love At Fnt Sitt'' =· Comedy~ hrl.) HMll!ton, .... Jlrna ( . ··-

•Cl> . ' 'The W'1 Of The Wind" (fl7!1 MMnturt) DOcUmentWy. ( 1 ' "'·· ~ .. cr~.ltla The°'*'' =Oclclume& tery, *""Wd by "1tlt • (, hr .• 31 - ~" " ~) Bin~. thr:, IO"*" ~ o.ctl" d·t:.

. ~ • ) U•Jt•p= - .._... Of The .....,,.,_ TltMIW' . '"'··••> . • ~6:~· = ..:_ ) Ntly o.r.tt. CyrieNI

~. (1hr .. 46 IM) ·, 12C! Friday, Sept. 2, 1"3


") Cl ( 1 tv.} .-T 2 Ml P 7 LW ''8rtdelhMcl

• ltldllheed 0 1 u rted'' Aftet apendlng two )'Mia In C4ntrll America. CNl1ee Joinl ,. Witt Otle In Nft Yortc tot 11'1 unlUOOtMIUI reunion. (Pwt I) (R) Q 11 tw.) Cl)-·-...... Edcle MUf· otw. 8endr'8 llen'Nrd. Aonn Luca and Herry Andetton .,. tMtUNd 1n * trom ~ "!Aft Offl" Vltletl theee then unknown oomlce oetnpeted fOt top honot'I In r9QloNI oompttltlona. ( 1 Iv.( 30 min.) • .. ''Blede Runner'' 1912. Sel­ene.Action) Harrllon FOfd, Rutger Hauer. In. wor1d of the M\n, • epecill police oftlolf II ...ign.d to trede dOwn and deettoy tour ~ 1ndroldl. 'R'

ltv~mln.~ - _.. .. .., .._,_ -., .........

tlll -=~=~·t':':· (1938, Orlme) Tyrone Power. George~ Brlleln'a ptMtlaloul lneufanc:e and bank· Ing fltm II the elt1 of• romantic purautt. (2 h,.. 20 ;r-J .• o ii-.iii a..-..-......, • lliiii ... au HNI a.bier anc1 Jet· frwy Lyone host 11'1 Informative look et whit'• new 11 the movlel. (I) .. " Mat(lng LOYI" (1981, OratNI) Kate Jec:Qon, Mlct\MI Ontk1&n. A wom­en IMtna that hat hu9barld II lnYOIYed In e homoeexuel relatlonlhlp. 'R' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) (%} .... " Skin [)Mp" (1978, Comedy) Defyn Cooper. The IOClal Ind MXUll hypocrlalel of tmaD-town Ufe lfl depict•

""'led. r.:=. tlll ....... WiiW · -­~o m.1•1-MW .... Glry

Colline and Mary AM Mobily holt thll look at th& chlldren of Ethiopia end Cam­bodia wtlo ere runnlpg out of tlml due to drought. famine end W.r. Gullt9: Leall1 UQoema, SUUn Howard Ind Oennll WM.Yflf ~hr k. • M ·-C Nl&Y A look II t1ken If the loY9 Ind conflicts of th& Wiiiiam C. Loud (emMy of Santa Barbara. ( 1 hr.) e LmY ._ Gueata: Bob Woolf, agent fOf 1tars In the sport• Ind entertainment fleldl; dlvo<c. lawyer Marvin Mlchelllon; rOCk lltlQef Meet Loef. ( 1 hf .. 30 min.) (C) ... "The Spirit Of St. Louis" ( 1957, Bk>gtaphy) Jamee Stewart, MurTay Ham­llton. In 1927. Chan.a A. Lindbergh becomes the first man to ny nonstop .crOM the Atlantic OoMn to Parts. (2 m.~m~ ., ([) ·~ CB) ... "Heartachll" ( 1981. Comedy) Margot Kidder, Annie Pon.. A ptegnant woman tlQI along wtth a playglri. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) CD) ... "Low & MQl'lwy" (1980, Adventl.Q) Aly SharMy, Omella Mutl. A Loe Angelel bank empk>yM' I '"- II turned upelde-down When he mMts end ~ romantlcllly ~ With the wtte of a WMlthy Germen entrepreneur. 'R' ~hr .. 36 min.)

tt111I ~'The Front PIQt" (1974, Corn­. ed)') Jlc6c Lemmon. Welter Mat1hau. A

tough dty ldltOf Ind a topnotch reporter COiier the IX~\ of a convicted ~

k--~\.-· 15mln., • ·~in· (1113. lulperwe) ,_y Mmand, Dennll Cdt. Tour nwnbeirl .,. t1'8C)ped In a netionll pelt('• otwrTW ~. rookallde, l~> • ma.,_ '9etlnd: Inter-... Include JcM Tmofta, who II ~ rentty uMng In the hit lllm. "Staying AM.'' · 1· 1<lng 06ok" (No O.t• ). ( 1 hr .. 1 min.) .. " Mad Mu" ( 1980, CQme) GlbeOn, Jo.Mt Stmuel. In an Auatra­

Ma of the noMoo-diltant Mure. the frltnd9 and flmlly of a top hlghwly pur'IUlt ~ man become the tatgetl of lldlltlc motoreydl gang. 'R' ( 1 Iv .. 29.mln.)

... .. ''Thi Bia Bounce" ( 1989, SulpenM) Ryen O'Neel, Liiah l'aytor· YQUOG. After he II booted OUt ol a migrll'lt WOftcer cemp, • man blcOn'iee lnvo!Y9d In

~yroll hllltm:, hra.)

- w•um • -~ - --1 I - &f"&lm1ILITlm ........ .-.i0£&£ .. "'T1ttoo" (1981, Orama) 8l'uol

Dem. Maud Adal'nl. An Ob11111d tattoo artist kldnape • luNon model Ind ptO­ceedl to COYf1f hat body wtth hll handl­work.'R' 11 hr., 46 min.) (%) ... 1.Scum" (1980) Ajay win.tone, MlckFor~rs.) e WI llOIMAL

W (B) ... "The MUllc Man" (1982, Muel­Cll) Robert ,,,_on, Shirley · Jonee.. A tut-talking Mleemln com11 to a amall town In Iowa to organize a bOya' band and lnactwrtent ly falll In loYe wtth an unmer· tied Ubrarlan. (2 tvl., 36 min.) wco-.-wcm ... " Jekyll And Hyde ... Togethat Again" (1982, Comedy) Mark Blankfleld, Bel8 Armttrong, A atra!t4eoed ldentlat'• accldental lngeltlon of a chemlc:al tuma him Into a laecMoua swinger. 'A' ( 1 hr., 25mln.)

WO llOWll "So Ane" (1981, Comedy) Ryan O'Neal, Jack Warden. A atuffy cd­lege profeaaor sa~ hla fathat'• flounder· Ing garment tect()(y by Inventing a new type of ladlea' jlant. 'R (1 hr .. 3f min.)

-Monclay -llOl'alng 11on..­.. ~ " Charlie Chan And Thi Curle Of Thi

Oregon Queen" (1981, Comedy) Pet« Ustinov. Rlctlatd Hatch. (1 hr .. 30 min. )

.. al) "SaH A Crooked Ship" ( 1982, eom.-dy) Robert Wagner. Dolofes Hart. (2 hrs.)

... "Oh Godl" (1977. Comedy) George Bums. John Denver: ( 1 Iv .. 36 min.) (%} "A Slave Of Love" ( 1978) Elena Solovel. Rodlon Nakhapetov. (2 hrs.)

-~ " Tanca The 01tet" (1979) Oocurnen­tary. Narr1ted by Petet Us11nov. (1 hf., 31 mln.) cm " Buu.ard" ( 1981) Christopher Hankt. ( 1 hf .. 16 rnln.)

J'l9 (1) "The Way Of The Wind" (1977. AdYenture) OocurAentary. ( 1 hr., 44 min.)

• CID " Gteen lea" (1981, Advent\Ke) Ryan CYNMI. Anne Archer. ( 1 Iv., 66 min. )

119 cm "SyMa Scattltt" ( 1936, Comedy) Katharine HepbUm, Cary Grant.

-i"' --Quell: Cofnd leln. (,

- ~l.Ad'f ~· l..cM(' t N 1 Drwne) 8yMa Kl19Cel. Nlohalat

, b.H. lawrtnot'I ltClfy abCIUt the wlf9 of •~ EnglWI arlltoofat wtw:i lekee her hulblnd'• .,..,.1111per • her

! retold. "' (1 ti .. 46 min.)

- N::mlln. - ":&I - ... ,..._ . --.. ''fhor-*ar' ' (1981, Adwn-

ture) ~ ~. Derby Hinton. A temaJe Mlltlel em teecher tr1Mll 10 lhl Orient In Mltotl other miellng lister. 'R'

I~~. )

- ......--- &lm11Ltftmeo-"lt

.. "~( 198 1 , Orame) WllTen Beetty~ Kalton. Atnerlo9n joutnlllat JoM ., ~t In the Rulellu'I AeYolutlon ot 1917 la depicted. 'PG' (2 hra..;wr.) 1r11• "Gone 1n eo s.oonda" (1974. Ac!Yenture) H.B. Halick!, Marion 8uM. A ptof9aelonal thief trtel to atMI OYet 60 .xpenelve automobllee In lele than a week. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.)

... (C) .. " Night Of The JuQQlar'' (1980, Sulpenle) Jamel Brolln, CM Gonnen. A formw pob Ofl\C« itunchea a delperate ... rch thfough the 8'reet1 of New Y°"' Clty for hll mi.Ing daughter, mllltllcenly klclnlpped by a peychoplthlc crtrnlnal. 'Ff

U4'1 min.) ....................... Hal Holbrook narr1t• thla doc:U-­

ment1ry that eXlmlnea the cat .. Of lhl larnoua W~ Wer II and Kore&n War J:: etal, fOCUllng on how hll lndeper t, arrogant 1tyle brought him ~ In

-i~ blJt eventuelly led to hll down-

•II I JI .,..flt .. _._ -·--·--.. .. "Heartachll" ( 1981. Comedy) Margot Kidder. Annie Potta. A pregnant women tege along with a playgirl. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 36 min. )

.. CC) " Galaxy Expr ... " (1981, Adventtn) Anlmeted. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • " Arthur" (1981, Comedy) Oudl9y Moore, Uz.a Mlnnellt (1 hr., 63 min.) (%} " Lightning Swordl Of O..ttl" ( 1973) Tomluburo ~wyama, Mbehlro TonU­kawa. ( 1 hf .. 30 min.)

.. G "Chad Hanna1' · ( 1940, Orama) Henry Fonda. Dorothy Lamout. ( 1 hf .. 30 min.) e "Prtvat• Hell 38" (1964, Orama) Ida ~no. St~Cochran. (1tv., 30mln.)

- CC) "Cannery Row" (19a2, Drame) N6ck Nolte, Debra Winger. (2 tvl.) CID " On Golden Pond" (1981. Drwna) Henry Fonda. Kathar1ne He9bum· (1 tv .. 49 min.) Cl) " The Student Prlnoe" ( 195", MUll­Cll) Ann Blyth. EdmUnd Purdom. (2 In.) (%} " Nevw Never Land" (1981. Orama) P9tula Clari!, Cathleen NeK>ltt. ( 1 Iv .. 26 min.)

- ai "The Flame And Thi Arrow" (19'50.

Friday. Sept. 2, 1983 19

- Monday Conl. au.-.: author Jay Robert Nutt ("Oc>9n Alea") : Mrt.. ~ Stallone, mofhet ofS= (1hr.)

1 .. ..,,... MA. ..... , LM.P AF ~-mu .. ''Chanel Bolllan" < 1ea1, Bloo­

f9Phv) Marie-France Piller. Rutg9r Hauer. The romencee and ~ tlruQQlee of Pwll faeNon queen Coco ChaMl'i Mt1y ~ate detali.d. 'A' (2 hrt.) CJ) .. "The Gang'• All Heft" ( 1943, ~I) C.rmen Miranda. Benny GOOd­man. A man'a rute of being 1 lonely~ dltr plaoet him betwMn two women. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.)

.. CD .. "Squeeze Play" (le81 . Come­dy) Jim Harrie, Jenni Hetrick. The glrt­frienda of aoftball pleyers deck:le to form their own team ea a way of avenging their ~t. 'Z,J.;.pr .. 30 min.) ·1:-... , .. --.. "In The Stapa Of A Deed Man" (1974, Sulpenae) Skye Aubrey, OenlM 8ucldty. An Englllh r1m11y harbot an Army deeerter who claim• he tried to uve their ton't lfe. ( 1 hr., 30 min.)

·-IOOl'T W (I) 1W TW l'....,t Don Adema and Don Alci<lee ttar In a lhowcaN of bu<· laaque atllta, une.naored comedy and lhowQ6rtl. wcC> ... " Payday" ( 1973, Orama) Rip

Tom. Anna= country and wtttern llrlQ9r Nt makea hie way to atar· dom by . ting and dllcatdlng ~around him. (1 hf., 60 min.)

W CJI) ._ ''The Lat Amencan Virgin" ~· Comedy) Lawrenc. Monoeon.

Fn1ntclln. A 1t1y teen-eger In low It 1'91Uctant to Join hie buddlea In their put9Uft _1 of·~·~~~ hr., 30mln.)

• " King Of The~" (1936, Weet9m) John Wayne, Murie! Evana. A yolM'IO iawv-. wtloM ~rtnlt wett mut• dered by a rvthlete o.ttle baron, Pf'tP9f91 hlmaetf oerefulty for an operi oonffonttltlon dl the kk. (1hf .. 30 min.) we .. "Partrwt" (1982, Comtdy) Ryan O'Ntel, John Hurt. A etralght cop end a D4IY pOlloe clerk go undefooYer .. a homOMJCual couple to ftnd the murdefer of a mele model. •ft ( 1 hr .• 36 min. )

W CI) .. "LIM Trap" ( 1978, SulpenM) AOr. "6cNnond. Robin Aalcwtth. An ermy WC•an eco6denlally b9oon'l9I In~ In a mytlerloul c.pet when he mcwee Into a frlln4'• 1uxur1ou1 apartment. ( 1 hr., 20

-,~-DI I -1.r----2 I I t•mw ''Wotld lnYftattonai

-1--i::,~~ (A) (1 = ''lyMt ec.nett" ( 1936, eorn.-t<lttWh H9pburn, Cery Qrtnt, A ~ women beoolMe mbced ~

wtlll Pf9f•odlog to be a Hood. (2 hra./ I

"Soum" 1MO) Aay 9ttnetone.

-··--· 21 Frtday, Sept. ~. 1883

~ • =-C.tch A Alling Star't 10th A " Rldwd e.tzilr. Pat Btnetar, Daws Brenner. 8llly Cfyatal. Gaba Kaplan and Rotlll'I Wlleme .,. among the atarl aalutlng the New Ven 9tlOWCMe club wtllctt 0-W them their •tan. { 1 hr .• 30 "*'->

n (C) .. "Cannery Row" ( 1982. Ora­ma) Nldl Non•. Debra wir.g.r, In a 19409 Cd1omla couta1 town, • mat1ne biolog6at ~ romantlcally ~ with a glr1 from the local bOrdelo. 'PG' (2 l'n.) ... " Fast Tlmea Al Rldgemonl High" (1982. Comedy) 8-n Ptnn. ~ ~ Jaon Leigh. Studenta at a "typical" American high IChool confront the chal­lerlgel of adulthoOd. dNgl. ..x and IChoolwott<. 'R' ( 1 ht .. 30 min.)

• (!)Nini• t'.II .. " Falllng In Love Again" (1980, Drema) Elliott Gould. Sulannah Yen. A man goea to hie hiQh achoo! rwnlort In the beli.f 1hat he can rM!W the good tlmee or 1he put. 'PG' J,.1 hf., 30 min.)

• <Y> -·-=•111 -Tuesday _..._......,..._ • tt> "Sooner Or lAtw'' (1979. Rornano9)

Dltllel Miiier' Au Smith. (2 tn.) CJI) ' 'Tr.-utl llland" ( 1972. A<Mintur.) Or90f\ w..... Kim Buttllld. ( 1 hr.. 34 "*'-) t'.II " The lrlthn'l9n" ( 1978. Orama) MlchMI Craig. Robin ~. ( 1 hr.. 46 min. )

• G?> ''Manhandled" (11M9, Myttety) Ooro­t_hy Lemow. Sttflng Hayden. (2 tn.)

• W " A Song It Bom" (19"41, eom.dvl Danny KaY9. Virginia Mayo. ( t hr.. &O min.\

.... •1Chllly ~Of Wlnttr" ( 1979, Ora­ma) John Heald. Mary Beth Hun. (1 hf., 40 min.)

NI(!) ~"Tugboet Annl9" ( 1933. Comedy) Matte cn.ler, Wallaol BeetY. (2 tn.) (DI "GIYt ._ Ubatty'' (1974, A<Mntin) AOber1 Culp, Richard Katy. (1 hr., 20 min.)

• OO " Barbaroaa" (1982, Weatem) Wiiie Nlll«I. a.iv~· ( 1 hr .• 30 min.)

• CC> " Goldtn RtndHVOUt" (1977, ~) Richard Harrtt. Oavtd ..lentMn. L1 hr., '3 min.)

... "Stuck~'t Latt Stand'' (1980, Com­edy) Whit RelcNrt , Ray Mz.alone. (1 hr., 30mn.1 (%) ' 'Thi ~ A• Here" ( 1943. ~ cal) ~) anda, Binny Goodman.

.. Ball Of F'Q" ( 1'M2, Comedy) Gaty . an.r. 8tanwyok. (2 hra.)

.. 'The LM1 Of Tt. ledmen" (1M7, am) Ototge Mol 1tgom11 y. Jamel

~; (1hr .• 30 "*'-) -~~·· Cholot" (1964. Ccmldy)

~~!!:'>!:~ • ''UM At Ar.e ..... ( 1179. CdntdYl Cieol'9I t•ulflOlo. ._,, ....,. ..,,... (I

_;->,'ftld ~ .. (1111, Wtetttn)

-~=·'tr.r,tt'=) (= ..... ~'*"' Kt9ton. (i .... '° "*'-b tW .. ~ .. . ,, ..... om lmothefl, c.roi ~ (1 .,



I ....

- -· 11:"''° ....... _.. ........ ,_T~~

.,. epooted In tNe fMt1)eeed OOMldy r. .• ' 'Starttruck" (1982. Mullcal) Jo Kennedy. Rota O'Oonoven. At~ Auttrallan girt flndl in.t.nt twn. u a punlt rod( ~ when het maneger-OOUllrl atagee a daring publlelty lt\Jnt. ( 1 hf .. 40 min.) (%) .. " o..p.jr" (1979, Orama) Dint ~de. AndfM Ferreol. A ~n COfr feefloner IMng In Germany It flC9d With totll Nin cturing the rlM of Namm. ( 1 hr., 59mln.) •(11)·--·--... ._ "Rich And Famoua" (1981 , Oram.) Candice Bergan, ~ Bit- , eel. Through()ut the upa and downt of lhelr r.apectlve Nterary careers and romantic llvet, two women dep«ld on their lrlendlhlp 10< ttablllty. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 65 min.)

-~-...,...--~Abilel11 Town" t1946. Wemm) Scott. Ann OYorak.

• "SIWrl ~ .. (t97tS) Doco­mtntaty. (2 tn.) Cl:> '!Qoonw Or Later" (1978. Aomanoe) Oifllae M.._,, A9x Smith. (2 tn.) • "Tlm" (1M1, Orama) Piper Laurtl, Mel Glbeon. ( 1 hr .• 36 min.) • ''Thi Eternal Sea" (1954. Orama) St~ Haydefl. Alaldl Smith. (2 tn.)

- cm "Goin' South" ( 1971. Comedy) ~ Nieholton, Mary StMnburgtn. (1 hr., 41 min.)

W CJI) "Smoltey And The Bandit" (1977. Comedy) Bun Reynoldt, Sally Fl9ld. (t ht .. 40 min.) CD> "Norman Lovet Role" ( 1e82) C.rol KaM, Tony OMn. (2 hrt.)

-~'Riel" (1980, Biography) Raymond ""· Ohrtttophlt PIUmmtr. 2 hrt.)

- "Tht Stretton Story" (194~. Blogf .. r:.~ Jemea SteMrt, June Allylon. (2

CZ) .. ..., NtVlf Land" (1M1, Drama) P'itula Clerk. C.thlaen Nelbltt. ( 1 hr .. 2& min.)

- Cl) ' 'The Ar'Mftoanliatlon Of Emll)I" (1"4. Comtdy) J9tnea Gamet. "'8 Andr9wL (2 Pft.!

• CD ''lht U.. Of Brian" (1979, Comedy) Graham Chapnen. JoM o.... ( 1 hr .• 33 min.)

• CDI "atv. Me Ubtrt(' (1974, Adventln) ~ Culp, Alchard Kley. (1 hr .• 20

arta.rSotr"90fWlnte(' c1m er. ma) JoM HMrd. Maly 8'11\ Hurt. (1 hr.,

min.) A 8ono II Born''~ Comedv)

1<8)19. Vlrglnl9 ( 1 hr~ Ml min. ) ( • a:> · " Ooldtn Rtn~" 1977. ~) flcMtd HMtt, De\4d '*-'-

41 mt\.) ~ ....... llMind'' c11n. AcMnt\n)

w.llte. l<lm ~ ( 1 hf., ,..

.. (t).Mld Mu" {1M DrWM. ) Mel Olb­Jolme IMMl (i ,,,, ... )

~ ....... ,141.~L: .....~(lhfl.

• OM'' 1 DrwM)

... (I) ., ... ~ beoOIW the

Cf.rtiY Colectlone °"°" '°' the 40771h.

J;> • .,. a e '9eturect. ttie WOf1d'I ....... rolw IMtr. e men who bull hla own lllllnd In Sen Frenclloo a.y; • -.nt men who w8lla on elrtlofne plelw W.. • dllUlaM mother who~ an Em:r"· (R) (1tw.)

1= lfle" (19ee, Comedy) ~ C.lne, 8hel9y Wlnten. A young ~-lgllll•Wjot..'lm'""r..,.~~ r tM womtn he

• • :r 5 iii I U • "8ridleheed Aivilltect: ~ Of The Storm" Ct.- end .Ma. bottt ma<rted, beglf\ • clendletlne alfelt aboatd • .,.,..Atlantic Mrlef dUflng a r9glng 1tonn. (Pert 9) (R)

( 1 hr.) I NI n• " Etta .Mmee" Ene

Or. Johrl end Allen Tou.llnt pt• ent en Wltllng of goapel, IOUI and tock and~1hr.) (I) "FlretNrd 2015 A.O." (1981, Adventure) 0.rren McGevln, Doug MoCture. In • wand where cat"I .,. benned beceuM of oll lhoftagee. ... ~ anthul!Mt9 atlll try to race. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 35iftn.\ CD> .. "s1erstruc1c" < 1982, Mulloel) Jo Kennedy, Roel O'Donowin. A teen-ege Auetr•n gltt !Inda lnetant tame • • pt.nc rock ~ when Mr ~-oouWt ltagee • dating publlc:tty IM\t. ( 1 hr" 40 "*'·> Cl> .. "Oeepair'' (1979, Drwne) Dlft( Bogarde, Andr• i:.rteol. A ~ con­lecttoner IMng In Germany .. feced with total Mi cbtng tM l1le of Nazllm. ( 1 hr .. 59mln.)

... Cl) •••l•lllllllrll TM Loudona dllcoYef an OiC:t body burted In the buement ol IM

IJttord Inn. (R) ..............

.. Ill ~ - "TM Columble · · " (from Tri Cltlea, WA) , (R) ( 1 hr.)

-·· Cl) a... &MIT Chrll and Mary Betti ere foroed to rely on • youttitul petty crook ~V-) to get evtdarlOe on a me~ . . (R) ( 1 IV.) 8 • During their Lake Tahoe honeymoon, OuWioy and EmllY are among thoM etelked by a vengell.ll kller. (R) (1 hr.)

l , .. , •. Tn. ---,_ A look at eome hc>t~ comlca. e _.._ "Etta J4amee" Ena

Jamee, Or. Johrl and Allen TOUIMlnt ~ ent an evening of ppei, IOUI and rock andr~hr.) • • "Kkl Of TM Ptaln" Mlc:Nel Landon narta'9e a 11udy of the big geme 8nlmell IMng on the S.engetl Plelrle of Eelt Afrtoa, focullng on the lntn­cate r•tlonehlp thet exllt1 between pt.­datore and their~· (R) CJ ( 1 hr.) CC) .. " " T'*9 Wh ~t" (1979, Drama) Suzanne Pteehene. Don Murray. A woman II~ faced with a Mf'lee ol dlfftcult reeponaiblll'tlee when her huabe.nd of many yMl'I lllpe Into an lne­Yet'llble catatonic tranoa. ( 1 hr .. 40 ~ CID•, JP ·--WllMIGll Ai • .,.. .. • •111n11 Lau­rence OINlef and Jackie GIMaon portray two men who .,. In kMI with tM same womanlnthlaGdrama. ,, hr.) CJ) .. "Jek And Hyde ... Toaettw Again" ( 1982, ) Marl< Blenlcflald, Bea. Armstrong. A 1tralt-leoad eclentlet'1 aocldental lngeetlon ol a chemlca.I tums

hm Into • laacMcMa 8'Mngat. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 25 rN\.)

~ .. "Young 00otorw In Low"

982. Comedy) Mlotlllel Mot<.n. 8eet\ oung. A )'OUng eurgeon MM to OYer•

come hll ..., of the knltt In thll epoof of _

1~.i;-~ (1hr .• 36Mln.) . ·=--···--­-·" .. mr.: .. "Mtv" ~~ Comedy)

Dudley Moofe. Uza • While Na tamly attempt• to tore. him Into a pr• wrangad rnam.aa. • druNlan, hedonletlo f)lavboY .... 1n rov. with • poor wonc1ng

,.l:wu~ ........ ___ _, ~ aueett: Joen Cc*nl, Berry Manllow, May P~t;u_30"*'. ) i

5 Elllmolf .... _. "1100,000 J &B PIAttr "~&:1 hr.) -IP-w ~~...... ••llJ ...

..... T.-...on~ .,. tpOofad In Ihle fMt1*1d oomedy r ..- .. Or.,.... (1953, My9tery) Ja Webb, Ben Alexandet. Betgaant Jot Ff'lday la celled In to etect< the caae of a ~·•nuder. (1hr .. 30iftn.) CZ> .. "Ughtnlna Swordl ot DMttl" ( 1973) Tomlu6uro Wek~ Mat9hlro Tombwa. A umural II lted and roama r · ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ......

,.. m .. ''Goodbye. etwt1e·· < 1984, Comedy) Tony CUf111. Dabble Reynoldl. Shot by an Irate hulband, a playboy la ralncwnated •a girt. (2 hra., 30 min.) tW. Cl) - ' '\J.8. Opet\ Hlghllghta" Hlghllghta of the day'• metchea (from the US"TA-Natlonel Tennie Center In Fluetllng

~one PW:ll:• •• ,.... Hoat: Johnny car.on. ~ animal expert Jim Fowtet,

If••• ... rt• .•..•... ,, NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT.,

• u .1.

Fat 0.-fJed Ad ACTION

Oii A M9'.l ... 01

... NOi Ml-1611


t:ajoy TerlyakJe'femrn s ........ ~ prepett4 by

_,. ,._ ,.,._ Cad I

•Beer ··- •Seke

Now Ooen For Lamch Mon.-.:r1.-n :30 to 2:00: Dinner 5 to 10:30 pm Sunday 1 to 10 pm

Cloeed Tuesday

RESTAURANT 3840 £. Coast HWy. c~ del Mar


Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 21

·-Tuesday Cont. aln'• famed oom.dy troupe ~NI• on ewae eome of their luMIMt eketchee. 'R' u Fw •• 26 min.) (I) .. "The Roed Warrior" (1981 . AdYenture) Mel Glbeon, 8Noe Spera, In 1n Auatralla of the fu1ure where cMllzatlon la Nduced to 1 oollectlon of rural com­~ a former highway oop l'IWMe a 2000-mle run tor eenctuary In a promlaed IMd.'R' (1hr .. 35 min.) ... " Time After Time" (1979, Sci­~ Rctlon) Mekx>lm Mcoaw.11, 0.Yld Warner. H.G. w ... chaael the lnfemoue Jeck the Ripper from Vlctatt.n London to modern-day San Francleco through !tie UM of a trm. mechlnl. 'PG' ( 1 fir.. 62

m1n..;. ID S5 - -·., ...... __ , __ =mu----... ---~~ ~ Prtdll Bemea, Tommy L.aeorde.

Ff9d Wllwd, Al'*'-"· (1hr .. 30 min.) .-.. l! .. ''1.A ":"eontinue" < 1981. Cre­me> AMle Gntdot, Jeen-Plerr9 ca.el. A ~arlllen houlewlfe with thr" young cNknn triet to put her !It. togettl« after the IUdden dNth of her hUabend. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) Cl) ,._ - ... " M> Van Demme Meet" (fl'om en..11. a.tglum) . (R) (2 twa.. 30 min.) CID -. ww • ocmmr voune per· '°""' • -.ctlon Of hie hltl, . lnCIUdlng "Hurrtclne.'' "cinn.mon Glrl.'' "After TM Go6d FUh" ltld "Out Of The Blue." In a oonoert teped It 0.Ut1CNlndhalle In Weet Qennliny, ( 1 hr.)

! -----"9 .. ·~Git• To Her' (1969, ~) NeYlle lkand. Ooklrel Mlehl­

..... ~ ~ cepture. group of Rtd eta. ,.... ltld 1 nun to prOlllde

-~""~u: ::::;: af the day'• metchla Chim the TIMll c.ntet In Rulhlng Patti. NY) . Hott: Johnny Cereon. ( 1

111:-..,.-&re:: .. (No DIM) . (1

hr . 41mWI.) .. "Fllt~At~t •• (1182. Comtdy) 8elr\ Perin, ~ J9eOn lAlgt\. 8Ndint9 II I ''typlOal''

Amartoan Ngfl IChOOl confront the ohel­.... of acMltlOOd. dr\'111. ... and ~.,.. (1tw •• 30mi\.) • ,. .. Feat\nd: Al ~

~...:.. "": c . .,:: .. 1 hr. 30 mWI.) - ·.:n;t CNd ,.....,... (1179.

a.; lrtdgaa. .. Brown. A ~ moetw "* to NOCMr IW two ~ ...... "°"' "" ~ 81.1 .... ' a .31- AM...,, 1...,.,..,.._rv.-.

- '""' ...,.. Anaat Of ,.. •• 1, Comedy) T1b Runter, LAM

la4 F~"'9Pt- 2, 1913

Prendea. While on vacation In 1 amell Spenllh town, 1 young men gets ceughl up In the local fervor OYf/f the dlMppMr-1noe of ueted cendleltlc*a from 1 ctuch. l1 tw., 50 min.) (I) IJU.,, IUITCIWWW ... (JJ) .. "Mad Mu" (1980. Or1ma) Mel Glbeon, ~ Samuel. In an Aullr•­lla of the not-too-datant future, the Manda and family of • top hlgtlw9y pur9Ul1 ~ men becom9 the teroeta of 11dlltlc motorcyde ~_tlQ. 'R' ( 1 fir •• 29 min.) Cl>~,_.•ww ... "C.t P9op61" (1981, Fantuy) Nast_,. Klnekl. Malcolm McDowell. Fd­lng In IOYe polel • problem for a young woman who tuma Into 1 19t0doul big cet If lhe mat .. with aomeooe who la not of het own kind. 'R' ( 2 l'lrl. )

-·· LAllW ... M•Ll21 'A Gueata: comedlln Jly Leno. ectr .. Loulle l.Mlet. (1 hr.)

I OOllUI _.,, .. "Baller'a Hewie" (1976, ArMln­

ture) 81.#1 lwl, Lee Hlreout1 Montgom­ery. A boy reecuee en 1blndoned hlwk and ~ cloM frlendl with 1 mysteri­OUI mount.in man who helpl him train the

~J.1: .. ~=~ I LOll.= •mu ..., .,_ The wOft( of today' • l)ott-1 young Wfft«t, directors •nd 1t1ra are gathered together In lhort fllm, video Ind anlrNttd tegment .. ( 1 hf.) (I) .. "Cennery Row" ( 1982, Dre­ma) ~ Nolte. O.br• Wlngef. In a 1$40a Cellfomll OOMlal town. a matlne bkllogiat ~ romantloalty lnYolvtd with I girt from the loCal bordello. 'PG' (2 hrs.)

- CC)-- "Monty Pvthon LIYe At The~ lywood BoiM" ( 1082, Comedy) John Cteeee. Michael Palin. MembeB of Bt1t­lln'a t9mtd oom.dy troupe re-ct•t• on ataga '°"" of their funnleet eketchee. 'R'

' fw. 28 min.) • - .. "Oeetroy Al Ptlnett" (1989.

Action) l<ojtro Hongo. Toto TIMluka. An alien~ tlk11 act.Nl1aga or the montter Gammef1'1 one weakn.-

i an an~t to conquer Earth. (2 hrl.l = "t<Jltf With TWo FIOll" ( 1974, Myatew) Donna Mlle, Ian Hendry. An at(M4flt rMk• In appointment with •

, young women to look C7tetr her new "°'* but NI men~ Ul'lbllanOtd twin etlOWI =~· (1 hr .. 30 min.)

w 'V."P.Un , ...... -.. =•••&u. w ''flret Monday In October'' ~Comedy) Welter Mettheu, JIM

A blnl 8upNm9 COur1 ~ loe- With tM ,,.... "*"'* of

the nation'• hlQlf*' oourt In uttr.<ion­~ wom.n )urtlt. :;.. ( 1 hr.. 40

•jl.-:,gs• 2 ...... 'U. • ... .,..,... ~ .. (19'0, Com-

ed'f) ~ ~ Howwd If IE 1•1. A tiouM1111per ,_ "" uie.tor '"°'""' for pnMIClllQ her ~· ~ ton wflh '* tlrll ....., u:;..IOi. .,..- ( 1 hr .•

l'!Ja ''Alda" (1•1. Drama= cw. .C.ton. Amertcen Jotin ,,;;;;. ~.,,. .. In the ......,, ~ Of 1111 .. dtplOted. "°' (2

- !Rif.l-.·--... it'1 ~ ..... ..... ..., ~ "°"" *"" .... mullo. ..,,..

lfi1t1rdom. - ------~U.S. ()pen" Coverage of Mfly roond plly (from the USTA Nltlonll Ten­nie Center In F1uahlng Meadow, NY) . (3 l'lrl.) ... "The ROid Wanlor" (1981, A<Mnture) Mel Glbeon. &uce Spence. In an Auatra.H1 of the Mure ~ cMltzltlon le reduced to 1 collectlon of rur.i QOnl­munea, 1 former hlghwey cop makea 1 2000-mlle run f0< aanctuery In 1 promlMd land. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.)

• CC) .. "Young Ooctcn In LOYe" (1982. Comedy) Michael MoK.-n, Sein Young. A young aurgaon triet to oYef­come hll feet of the knife In thll apoof of

.. ~~'R' (1hr .. 35mln.)

.. ... "Blondle Tak11 A Vecatlon" (1939, Comedy) Panny Slngle1on. Mhur Lake. The BumatMdl try to 11ve en old reaott hotel from bankruptcy. (1 hr .. 30

at.6... "Spell Of EYll" ( 1973, Myatery) Diane Chnto, Edwatd DI Souza. A llftel of bizarre .....,..._ '*-- 1 11Cret1ry to become llllp6cioo II of her bOll' I new wtte~hf .. 30 min.)

1 .. "Ghol1 Stoty" (1981, Hotrot) Fred Alt1lre, John HouMman. Myatlfloua dNthe beglrl to dtelmatt the rankt of 1 amal clfcle of eld9fty men who that'I both I monthly 11~ geMogettl« ltld I

6(>.l;~;.:u:;;,·~,hr .. 50 min.)

aa ... ATLMJI .. .. "Attadt Of The Montt«t"

(1Mt. Soteta-Ac:tlon) Nobutilro ~,.. me, Chtittopher Murphy. The lnhlbltanta of the planet T~ threlten Earth with

deatNCtlon. ~1:·,: min.) ~·Fiii I

~-:. ·=' 0enoee Alone" (No 0.te) . (1 hr .. 30 min.) cm .. "Pandemonium" c1982. MY9-tery> Tom Smothert. Cerni Kane. A oot­lege town pollce lltgall'lt ~ an 1&­YMr-old uneofvitd muttll)le nuder oea. wti~11 It that the perpetratot II .

i 'PO' (1 hr .. 20 min.) - "True Col1t ... oi•" (1981.

atna) Robert DI Niro. Robert ~ The ~ ttplrl'9 WOttdl of two broth­.... 1 Loe AngMll poloe detecttYe and an embltloUI AOman C.thOlo prteet. oon­-ve ~ • mu.+det ~tlon. 'R' ( 1 hr., 50~

aa CC) _. 'OcMdtn AlndNYoul'' < 1en, SUtpeNe) Alofwd Hln'll. Da'ftd Jenllln. An OClMll Iner oanylr\Q • C*Vo of gold and the IY'Mmaf .. ·IE~ .,. ttnat· .,., by the --.., of ,...., diletNO-

•hr~ "*'-l - -••2--~ • ''llondle Gola Latin" (1CM1. ) Pwwly -~ .. Mtu ........

... Dlgwood Ind Mr. '*"'- heed

r;;r-t;;;~'"· I - ~ .. Wtrrtor'' (1111,

) 'V\A lrynner, - "°" ~ ...... of . nuclw hO'oo"• In ... 211t '**"" ...... troftll tN ..... of

-~ .... , ..... .

-helelg Cont. Power. Anne Baxter. (2 tn.. 10 mtn.l

• <B> "Sllenoe Of The North" (i981 . AdY9ntuni) ~ aur.tyn, Tom Skerrttt

#itv., 35 min. ) " Fut Timeil At Rldgernont HIQh'

(i982, Comedy) S..n ~ Jef\Nf9t• J.eor, l~. ( 1 tw ' 30 min.) ........

- u:: ... --.,, ... --[l 1--a•• _ ..... .... /l.WUZSIM ... "HOblOn'I Choloe" (19~

Comedy) John Miiis. Charlee Leughton. A bootmak• attempts to retain hie cheep IOUfc. of labol' by preventing hll thr .. daughters from marrying. 12 hra.) (I) .... " Cannery Row"' ( 1982, Ora· ma) Nl<:k Nolte, [)e«)f1 Winger. In 1 HMO. California coastal town. a marine blologltt becomee romantlcally Inv~ wtth a gin .. 1 lrom• ==dello. 'PG' (2 hfs.)

.-Ylam ... -~ ... ''Stuckey'• Last Stand" ( 1980.

Comedy) Whit Reichert. Ray Anzalone An Inept head COUtltllor and and hit . equally Incapable staff unsucoesaf\Jlly t ') · to ~ a day camp for wealthy chll-

ldren~, ••'hr., 30 min)

NI C.­_,,MftMlm

•-;a.. =·~ W Ann Jiiiian

lalkl about her MW TV aetles.

11-.CD•• ...... 1111111-.r .WA " Not• Of A Blolog~atcher: A

Fiim With Lewie Thomas" t end award-winning author Or. Lewts s reveals some o1 Iha myaterloue wonders of ltfe. (R) D (1 hr.) (l)•U..-wlllle Moeconl vs. Minnesota Fats (R) (~ CID U'fTLI ._ • AUl'f'IMM The popular rock Of<>UP performs • selection of their hits In a conoert taped In Mel· ~1hr. ) · CD " On Golden Pond" ( 1981, Dr•· ma) Henry Fonda. l<Altharlne Hepburn. Old family tensions resurtece aa en eldany couple return for a last sum"* 11 their New England retreat and are lllslted by ttlelf Claugtl ,., , her nance and his .on. 'PG' ( t ht .. ~ min. ) (Ul ... " Norman LOYeS Roee" ( 1982. Comedy) Carol l<Alne, Tony Owen. A 13-yeer-old'a romantic punolt of his Sllter-ln· law feeds to some very Mnllt...,. compllca· lions when the young women becomes l':!_egnent 'R' ( 1 ht., .0 min.) CZ)-- ''The Gang's AN Hlfe" (19'3, Moalcal) Carmen Miranda. Benny Good­man. A man's rute of being a lonely IOl­dler places him between two women ( 1 ht., "°min.)

NI 1--0CMrrf TODAY P:ll ... NI I•,. '11111 Featured: a contrOYef'­

slal end tncreallngly popular phenomenon - underwater chlfdblr1h; an UQdate on r()Ct{ and roll pioneer, Little Alehllrd. eLA-6-.YICD•MY

e I'll• LA Ftetured: • r.port on blge· my. par1 t: a kX* baok at tht Nltory of makeup: Johnny Mountain get• t~ on how to make the perfect blllcetblll '<NM

lt'O~t" ·:.::" lif9ptde. NI&.---· 11 "I,_ ... .. ~.. (1948, Orama) w ..... Jeanette Nolan. Baled on

~··· pqay. The QfMd and 9mbl­tlon ot a man and hie wife IMd them 10 tr~ In 11th-century Sco11and. (2 hrl. ) -··Cl) - - A b00k1tor1 OWfW (Tovah Feldahuh) helpe her deteotlvt huaOand (0.nlet Hugh-Kally) lnveetlget• the stabbing dMth of an efderty woman.

i~ nm .. Robert Urich hoeta an '1tar lk*'C) of country music ar1ltt1 per­

forming oertltled Gold Record hlte: Ql*ll lnc!Ude T.G. Shepptird, Tanya Tucker, ~and Ricky ~(2 hra.) e _... "The Bar Of Broedwey" ( HM9, Mueical) Fr A.atalre, Ginger Rogers. A theatrical couple apltt up over• dllegreemtnt concefnlng their Mure only 10 ltod that their loY9 for each other le rfM. tallzed. (2 tvl.)

I O M1'WYmnr ,,._ .. " The Lonely Proleeelon"

(1969. Mystery) Harry Guardino, Dina Merrlll. A private tnvet&loator ~ the law and 1 flnanc:lal llll\Plre while trying to find hie cllent'a murderer. (2 hrl. ) • P& WW A visit with a retired maJor iMglll baMball umpl<e; 8 ladlel' wuhroom attendant who ts • high talhlon aotnes dlelgner. e - --Abraham Kent refutes to accept the responslblllty of the Kent dynasty and lelves Boeton to seek hll for­tune In the Nor1hwest Territory. (Part 1) (?hrs.) • IOfA " Notes Of A B~atcher: A Alm With Lewis Thomal" I and award-winning author Or. Lewis reveals some of the mysterious wonders of"!!:> Q ( t hr.)

I ...._ "Or. Joan HOdgman'' Or . Hodgman, Chief of the Newborn OMelon at Women's Hospital In Loe Angelee, CA. i!J>roflted. n ( 1 ht.) (CJ ..,.'""·young Doctors In Love' ' ( 1982. Comedy) ~l<:haet McKean, Sean Young. A young surgeon tries to over· come his fear of the knife In thll spoof of ~hee. 'R' ( 1hr., 35mln.) ([) .... CID .. ''Fast Tl"'" At Rldgemont High" ( 1982. Comedy) Sean Penn. Jen.. niter Jason Leigh. Sludef'lta at a " typlcal" American high school confront the cha~ teriges of adunhood. drugs. sex end aclloOl\ltor1(. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 mfn.) Cl) _... "Goin' South" ( 1978, eom. dy) Jeck Nlcholaon, Mary Steenburgen. A ceptured horse thief II offered a chance to escape hanging by ma~ a young lady ltom the town In wtltcti he • lmptiSOned. 'PG' ( 1 hr., '4 1 min.) 11 .. " Rich And Famous" (1981, Orame) CandlOe Bergen, Jacqueline Bis­set. Throughout the ups and downS of their respective Nterary carMf'I and romantic lives, two women depend on their trtendshlp tor stablllty. 'R' ( 1 hr , 55 min.) • 1Mi.•MN1&Y

" 10• 'II wmom - 0 ...,, llft FonzJe babyalll for Heather wtllle Ashley Is 1wey on e bull-

neu~a.. ; Mi..,., ... ,

=M-··--­UHI Eb ... ()) .. "In Low With All Oldlr

WOtf'MI" (1982, comedy) John Altter, Kale.\ c.r1eOn. A tt\.lffy jUnlor pettner at I pr ... lglout Sen ~ lew Inn .. hlmMff talllng In lcM with • ,_ ..... ., women 15 yeet1 hll IMlor. (R) (2 hrl.) • o ,__ a.., fem rwt1 ttrongly whel\ .Mok growe • ~ lo mike hln-'f mor. ettrecttve. (R) Q 111111.,,. Joan ~ .. °'· Hodamln. Ctllel of the Nlwbom OMllofl 11 Women'1 ~I In LOI Mgetel. CA.

~.:CS-~·;kduc»tlon" (t hr.) • ·._AT ... "Judy Coh'' 89¥- \ er•I tongl lmmortdad by J4i6/ Collrw ere performed; the let• A.r1hlJr Aedlet oon­dUcl• fhe Bolton Pope Oroheiltra In IOIM Strau.=atu.ee. R) (1 hr.)

([) CMIU - ft - Cetote Klng'1 lmplct on the muato world II onoe again l9lt In thll ~ , .. luring some of her or .. ,. hlta. (1

~ .. " Private Leeeone" ( 1980, Com­edy) Sytvta Krtstet. Howatd ltuumen. A hoosekeeper hll an uttettct mottw fot providing her emc>loY9t'• t_,,.. eon with hie lirtt MXutii ~.'A' (1 hr.,

30~ (%) "A Cloct<W(Wt( Orenge" (1971, Sclef'C4t-Flcllon) Mlk:olm lkOowel, Petrick M~. Directed by 8tanl9y Kubrk;t(. When polloe caiptur9 the IMder of e 1-.n-ege gang of raplett and nvdlf­era. the method of l'Wbmattng him PfCMll e¥en ITIOfe tht .. tenlng to IOdety. 'R' ~· 17 min.)

W all "'foung Mr. Unco4n" (1939, Biography) ~ FoncM. A.llcl &.av. Abraham Llncoln • Mtty llgill cer• ll ~oflled. (2 h,.,, 5 min.)

W. 0 110 I Vlolet'a OC>wontWI ,....,.., her sudden promotion whel\ lhe llartt dating a young executive (Chrtl Lem­mon) . CRl (C) ... "Prom Night''~!= ~) Jemie Lee Curtlt, Leelle . On prom night, exectly abc v-era aftef a glr1 f9I 10 her death after being teued by ll'tende. three ot thoee tr1endl begltl getting mena~ calll. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CB> " Barblroea" ( 1982, W-.m) WHiie Nelton, Gary Buley. A Texa outlaw grows to become a legend whit OONWlt­ly on the run lrom the euthortt• end ~ ·~~· (1 tv., 30mln.) -1..wmm-'L•& •,:.,. lnfatulted with Jonathan, an unetable young women (Mimi Aogen) plant to klll Jennlfef. (A)

i (1 hr.) • ._ ... , •• , GOii __ .... _ RIC8tdo Mon'*-

ban hosll a apecial honoMg Hlapanlc

.r~.(~~TheJohnF. Kennedy Center tor the P9ffonnl119 Ma celebfat• lta 10th·~ with a per­loonanc. ol Leonard Bemateln'a .. ....., A Theetre Pteoe F« Slngera, Pt8Y9"1 And Dancers" from WatNnglon, O.C. (R) (2 hrs.) ([) MIMI " Monty Python Llvt At The Hd­tywood Bowl" (1982. comedy) John Cteese. Ml<:hael ~alln. Membera Of Ml-

Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 23

- Weclnesclay Coal.

I 29

(1981 , Comedy) Walter Matthau, Jill 0.ybufgh. A Nberal Supreme Coon~ tk:e cieshes with the newee1 member of the nation' s Ngheef court. en uttre-coo­setVatlw women jutlat. 'A' ( 1 ht.. 40 l'IWI.) CZ>.-. "Scum" ( 1980) Ray Wlnstone, Mlctc Fop'!;.k' hr .. 40 min.)

... • ' ,.. F..ilng 11\et the con-stantly gets In ewtyoM's wey, JeMlf9' a.cJdila to leeve honW. (R) (!) MW um An embltloua young man (Merk Harmon) )oltll forcee with en optlml9tlc nlcicelodeotl operator (Vincent Gardenia) to coottruet one of the eer1'"1 dynesti. In the motion plcl\Ke

r:~=:~~m1n·1. -. w1.11••-·urm .i.mes Eer1 Jonee netrat• this documentary of the treetment of bMlct<s In the be.MbeN ~eegregated Ametfoa. (1 hr.)

I~ ..... .. ,._. .. ., or - e tr. 9

I - Dr. ~"°'1 deals wtth • patient (Ed Uluter) wno want1 to die. wtlle Or. Cr~~ a 1trong e111ectlon to a ¥telt Hungarian doctor

i taZw/,;}1 r.)

8 AlexJI end Ktystle ha~ • brawl on the Cerrtnaton •tale, and Kirby .cciclentaly .... Je1t and Fdon en.ting e tender rnomen~) r::i (1 ht.)

· - ..... .. A .. Voice From ~ The WOftd Of Wtot-aKy'' The ann!Yef..,.,. of tl'le dletti of Vle­dlnW Vy9otlky. the F\-.n ~-bde­deet and .. tlrtlt, II manced with a rftlew of his wor1t and an eiqMnatlon of wtiy his antl-eetablllhtnenl WOfb touctl the hMrtl of •vet• Aueelene. ( 1 ht.) ~ ... ' 'The Jed<po1" ( 1950. eom. dy) Jetnee Stewwt, Baro.re Hele. After wtnnlng a radio aw 1 ·~•M• a men trlM to T81M money to pey the tu• on his wtnnloge.. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) .. "Cerry On Emmennuelle" ( 1978. Comedy) Suzanne o.nnlelt. Ken­neth Wlllilrn9. lhe Court of St. Jeniee II ""°9d up by tl'le .,rivel of a new dlptomet with a tun-loYlna wit.. 'R' ( 1 tw .. 30 min.) . .. "Aedla" (1981 , Orama) Watr~ Beatty, OleM Kteton. Amenc.n joumellet John Reed' • ~ In · tl'le Au.elen Aevo1utton of 19t7 le .depicted, 'PG' (2

tn.t: rlihw - 1§· (' 19•12-­..... ----"a..dtOt ' A Qf°'-'P of, Wmerl ·~ problema oeuled by Qf*"6oal twmlnO and the ecooomc dlflcult• of ~ 1*ik to organic methods.

- ai .. "'" ~ Houri" (198t. eom.dy) Ernie l<cN9oa, CYd c::n.rt... A con men COfT* up wtltl • noYel ICNme to frlllk tl'le rtcfl by ectlna • • Pl c 1111' O>'lel rnoumer M ~ [J, fwt.) . iilfllf-----. - - 8cNcMld g&mtlC J90IC lAl'ftmOn. ONlta "-dlllbeel'r iiit:: (1hr .. 30n'lln.)

..... ' 'Dr. Joen ~·· Or. , a... of tt1e r.-n DMllor\ •t om.n'• Hololtal In Loe Mgllee, CA.. Ii Ol'oftl9c1 0 ( 1 hr.)

u 1 a.,..•»c111u.-i --wmKLY• •.....,. • • •11•• Lau­

rence Olll.W and Jackie GleUon portray two men wno are In love with the ume women In this original dtarM. ( 1 hr.) CD _. "Southern Comt0t1" (198 1, DrarM) Keith Carradine, Powen Boothe. A QfOUP Of National Guardsmen ()ti week· end maneuvers In • Loutslana bayou spart( a sman guerrllla war with a commu­nity ot bactcwoods Cajuns. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) CO) .... "The Lall Al'neflcan Virgin" ( 1982. ComedY) Lawrence Monoeon, Olene Franklin. A shy tMn-agef In love la reluctant to join his buddlM In tNlf puflUlt of sexual ellP411'lenoes. 'R' ( 1 ht .. 30 min.) CI) .,_ " MhUf" ( 1981 , Comedy) Dudley Moore, Liza Mlnnellt. Whtie his 11m1ty attempt• to force him Into a pr• arranged marriage, a drunken, hedonistic playboy lafla In Tove with a poor worl<lng Q!t. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 63 min.) tW• Cl) - " U.S. Open Hlghllghta" HIQhllghte of the day' s matchtil (trom the US'TA Netlonal Tennis Center In Rushing Meadow-COrone Parl<. NV) . D e 1.-r Ho8t: Johnny C.raon. Gueets: actreM Teri Copley (of the new Mfle9 " We Got It Made'') , Alcha.rd Benje-mln~t hr.) ..... " I MC-~ ~· •SW YMmn .. "Then!( God It's Frldly" ( 1978,

Comedy) Donna Summer. P9UI Jebara. One wtld and crazy Nght at a nelgl\bor­hood dllco reeults In ~hlng from budding romanc.. to 1 lt!Ot at IUOCe8ll fOt an elPIMQ llngal. 'PO' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl)MAMLOGmMITl-=r (J) - w • c ... The lrre­Wf9nt ~ petfotme abolrd the Queen Mery with gueat stare Carmen McRae, Batty White, Jim Beokue. Donna Peacow. Zllde Aubln9teln and Lindi Hop­klnt. (1 hr.) e Ma. r=.et~: C<letlne Oeler.en t•lk• •bout the 111eged oooalM tcendal conc«nlnQ her huabend. (1 hr .. 30 min.)

-· (J) ... ""' TWo ct.teotlYel (1'obiit Culp, Wayne Maundlt) probe I murder that "*"td from a bettll betwMn ~ ·youtti genge. (R) (2 =-)...W- ,,_ A IOo6c et f'V'1 hottelt brCthet end....., '-"'· Nino c and fltlllp Mcl<eon .

·~·· Mllonl" (1987. ~Hoffman, c..r AomefO. IRS agent 11 Malgrltd to Italy

to find out what ~ to the veet flnlnclel _.. of. deed moblt • • ( 1 hr ..

40 """'i E IJllTWIS& ..

- " Little Mlle ..... (1980, ) w ... Menheu. ~ ~ 8aled on the CMrnon ~ lltcwy. A gtuft, atqy 1t30a ~·· ..... turned 8fOIAnd wNr'I he ~ • ..YMM*t mocipet .. I ~ lor a racing bet. 'PO' ( 1 hr •• 39 min.)

- 1.A11~-IM9Wi i Pl ....... ,.,.,.., end""': waif: tllrnlMMt John wa-.; ~,., .. oomtdiln ~ llreltone. ( 1 hf.) l.F·11•1 A llllnl wewtd" ( 1987,

) Debof9'I w-. T~ 1Qr1(, A young men dllOcMfl ""''It'• bfM-.. not btewn, wHDtl .. wtn '*"the ..... of • OWt9lr\ ""'1Y Y'O"llll girt.

-Wad=e•day -~ ...... -• (8) "Bert>.roea" (1Ql2, W•tem) Wiiiie

Nellon. a.ty aue.y. ( t hr •• 30 min.) CJ) "A etocbortl Ofenoe" CHm. Sol­enc.Flctton) Malcolm McDowel, Pelrlcl! Magee. oncted by Stanley Kubrldl. (2 ...... 17 mln.l

•• "'Tlm" 1961, Orerne) Piper Laun9, Mel Glblon. (1 hr .• 3& min.)

• a:> "La Vie ConllnU9" (1981, Oramt1) Annie Glratdot. Jean·Pllo• Calel. ( 1 hr .. 36 min.)

• aJ "Blaaer Than Lite" (1959, Oram.) .MtN9 Mieon, Barbera Auetl. (2 hra.)

119(!) "The fbad To Zanzlber" (1941. Comedy) Bing Cr09by, Bob Hope. (2

~tThe Bed~ 8MR" ( 1978, ~ cty) wan., Mauhau. Tllum O'NMI. (2 hrt.) • ''A 0oo Of Fie~" (1969, Orame) O.vid Ladd, Donald Ctllp. (2 hrs.)

• CC> "The Splrll Of St. Louie" ( 1967, Biog­raphy) Jamee Slewar1. Murray Hamiton. ~ hta., 30 min.) (%) " An Unflnllhed Pieo9 For Player Plano" ( t9n) A .. xandet l<&llagln. Elena Soic>v91. (2 ..... )

• CID " Litt .. Miu Marice(' ' ( 1980, Comedy) Waner Matthau, Julie Arldrewa. ( 1 hr., ~9 min.)

•• "Time Atter Time" (1979. Sclence­Flcllon) Malcolm McOowall. David Warner. ( 1 hr .. 62 min.)

• (%) " Arthur" (1981, Comedy) Dudley MOOfe, Liz.a Mlnnelll. (1 hr., 53 min.) e " Welcome Mr. Washlng1on" (19'6) i! hr .. 30 min.)

- CC) "Loet And Found" (!~Comedy) Ge<>tge Segal, Glenda Jack 1 hr .. 46 min.) cm " Hurray For Betty Boopl" (1980. Comedy) Animated. Voice of Tommy Smothers. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) Cl) "They Shan Have Mualc" ( 1939, Ora· ma) Joel McCrN, Waher Brennan. (2 hra.1

- a.i r.The Left-Handed Gun" ( 1956, w .. 1-em) Paul Newman. Lita Miian. (2 hrs.)

tWe " Reda" (1981 , Orame) Warren BNt· !}'.,_Olene Keaton. (2 hrs .. 40 min.)

tW(Q) "C.aey'a Shadow" (1978, Orama) Waher Matthau, Alexle Smith. (1 hr .. 57 min.I (%) 1·A Song Is Born" (1948, Corned ) O.my Kaye, Virginia Mayo. ( 1· hr .. lb min.} -ai·--· llovie8--· "The CMetmu Kid" (1967, Orama) Jeff Hunter, Louie Hayward. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e "Claudelle lngllah" (1961, Orama) Diane MoBeln, Arthur Kennedy. (2 hrs.) Cl:) " Marciano" ( 1979, Biography) Tony Lo Blanco, Belinda Mon~. (2 hrs. ) Cl) " Gregory's Girl" 1982, Comedy) Gordon John Slnctelr, Hepburn. ( 1 hr .. 30mln .. ) • " Flat 'Top" ( 1952, A.dllertture) Ster· ~Hayden, Richard Certton. (2 hrs.)

W CHJ " Waltz Acroee Texas" ( 1982, Orama) _Anne Archef, Terry Jallrow. (1 hr .• 40 min.)

w cm "The Bed News BNrw" ( 1976, C<>mlt­dy) Waher Matthau. Tatum O'Neal. (2 hrs.) (%) " An Unnnlahed Pieo9 For Player Plano" c 19n) Alexandet KalMIQln. Elena SoloYel. (1 hr .. 30 min. )

• CC) " The Spirit Of St. LOO." ( t967, Bk>Q· raptly) James Stewart, Murray Hamilton. (:? hrs .. 30 min.)

• CIJ "The Men Who WOUid a. King' ' {1976, Adlleflture) Sean Connery, Mloheel Caine. (2 tn .. 9 min.) • "Galllpoll" (1981, Dr9ma) Mel GI~ aon. Mane Lat. ( 1 hr:.i. eo min.)

• CD "The Purtult Of o.B. eoop.r-· < 1981. A<Mntura) TtMt w-.ma. Robatt Ow.II.

40 min.) d Arthur" ( 1961, COmedy) Dudley

, Ula Mlnnell. t t hr .. 53 min.) -· "Swamp ™na'

1 . (1982, Fantaay)

Adtlenne Berbeeu. loult Jourden. ( 1 hr .. , 30 min.)

•CC> "~" (1980, OrarN) Tateu­ya Nakada!, Teutomu Yamazaki. (2 tn., 40 min. ) CD "M.tropo111" <Siient> C1928. Scl­eno.-Flctlonl Brigitte Helm, Alfred Ab91.

~~In OMp" ( 1978, Comedy) Daryn ~. (21n.)


• u=. -­.. ,._ #'°J!'ia. .. __ .... .....,,.._asa1a• __ ,. ... _ Live from Hammond.

IN. =· 30 min.) CB> "The SM Wotvee" ( 1960, Adventure) Greoorl Peck, Roget Moore. C>Jrlng World Wai ·u. a group ot Brhllh buSlneamen form a VOIUntMr regiment to destroy a Gemlan IPY neat In tfia lndl9n Oceen. 'PG' (2 hrt. ) cm-• Cl) _, AT .. Adam Rich hOllts this behlnd·the-IC9MI look ., the canine ntm star wtth gueet appearanoee by Chevy Ctiue. Omar Sharif. Jane Seymoor and Ben~lner, Fran6( IM. e ' 'The Stratton Story" ( UM9, Biography) Jamee Stewart, June A.Myton. The io.. ol a leg la 0\19fcome by buebeU ~~=:atton. (2hrs.)

• n; .. iiWT IP ~ A profile Of Vlr· .. :.\reaented. ( 1 hr.)

.... la&m ... &L&MPMaY

-~ .... c ... " Gregory's Glr1" (1982, ~

dy) Goc'don John Sinclair, Dee Hepburn. A Scot11ah achoolboY fda head-over· heels for his aoccer teem'a nrwt '9male

I~· 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) •.. .,.

,,. -­-­.....,.,. ..... ::,a. A train ride Into Mexi­

co's remote Copper Canyon: a group ol convenience cr .. 1~ who dealgn prOd­ucts f()( better everyday IMng. .......... ~'='••~w A look at

ITV~hott~ i~·nd elater !Mm, Narl-

1--r.: ... ., ..... ,.. .. ... "Wiid Stt1wberriel" ( 1957.

Or•fN!) Victor S)091rorn, Bibi An<*Mon.

Wtlle en route to **"'9 an flonolWy dear... an aging IWedW'I pofm~ re«ecta noetelglc)ely upon the turmola and~ tNt haw metNct hll • . c2 ·

tm-~ "C..W• Shadow'' (19711 Ore­':kt wan. ~. ,_.. 8mleh. " the oompetltM WOftd of hcne ,...._ •

men and NI aor-. '*9 their lilltt\ In 1tie animel th9)''w raJeed from blrft and t...ined to be a ctwnplon. 'PG' (1 hr .. 67

~"-"An Unftnlltled Pleoe Fot Player ~ .. (t9n) AleMnder KallaQln. Elene

:i;:~~'~ .. -Ron smith. the "*' behind .. thoae

09!9brlty IOok .. -lltee; a Witt to a ·~ llY't ~ ~ 8eeelor'I'' eponeored by the Loa Angetaa ColleottY9, a group of men att~ to rtd our ec»­ety ot aexllm; • day · at the Loe Mgelea 1\'efftc Courtt.

l s:-:=...c ..... M•LA Feat\nd: a ~riE

my part 2: • tow of aome of Loa · moat ·~ homel; • lo<* • ttle beautiful modela who.,. "()(Mt glrtit"; • proftle of aeff1tyted metoanety IJo Gfltl and hie att9mPfa to r900ll'er Amtflcana ~action In Vietnam.

E!d:;Tt __ ._ - AT CIC_, 11&&1 A_

The ~ elt1Qel' I IOngWl1ter J*· forma some new baleda and some o6d standbys from Symphony Hd In Boeton. IB> < 1 hr.) .... "TNt Cold O.y In The Patti" (1969, Orama) Sandy Dannla, ~ Bums. A aplnater le.Illa the proatltute en. hired for the young man she loYea. (2 hta.)

119 till t•=w, Atlenta Bra ..... at San Fran­ciaCO Glan19 ~

• 9 MClm fUm Murray Klalr1 (Martin Ballam) . Atchle'a formef partner, retUfnl to recialm hie Investment In ttle ber. (R) 8 • IUL ~ Pool pillyara who~ their noae. ea cue a11cka; a profeaeor who mal<.. food from garbage; tha !Im Rael People Fltm Award wlM«: mlallng ~ dten. (R) t t hr.) • llGIWll '1Good News" (11M7, MUlk:ial) Peter Lawf()(d, June Alyeon. A oo11ege campus Ce>rne8 allY9 wtth the exdtamant of lootbell vlo1oriea and Joyful celabra­tlone. ( 2 hra.) • 9 M MU. M COit, Howle and a rtval (Judith CNpmen) ... ,ch for• ~ an Wllo oharma, then robe. crulM ~ ~--~~thr. ) .... ' 'What's So Bed About Feeing Good?" ( 1968, Comedy) George ~ pard, Mary Tyter MOOfe. After a paJt ot New York.,. are Infected With euphoria. the happy diMaee lpfMdl through the

~~ • PA ••= A train ride lnlo Mexi­co's remote Copper Canyon; a group of convenlenoe eteaton who daalgr1 prod­uct• tor better~~ • M W Arter ttle adatlon of Abraham, the Kant '9mlty upon Jarod ea an outca1. f()(Ci1"9_hlm to !!;M

Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 25

•CJ) "fMI Siient. fU\ Deep" (1958, DI'• rN) Cliaf1t Geble, Burt Lancuter. (2 tn.) CD ' 'The End Of Auguat" (1982, Orama) Lilla Skala, Devld MarshaM Grant. ( 1 ht., 40 min.) . CD) "On Golden Pond" ( 1981, Ol'ama) Herwy Fonda, Katharine Hepburn. ( 1 ht .. 49mln.)

•<Rl ' 'Grein loe" (1981, Adventure) Ryen O'Neel. Artne Archer. ( 1 hr .. 65 min.) .........

PEOPLE COUNT ON US EVERY DAY FOR: Coupon Savings! .complete Stocks, Local News ar:-d Sports, and Advertised values. ·


• Frtdey, Sept. 2, 1983

-Wadne•llg Coal. (!) .... ,.. 0 ...W-~ A look at TVt hotttet brother and •ttl' 1 .. m. N811-

ii:~=b. ......... 1 ... -.. ''The Min Who Would 88 Kll'(I"

1975, Ad'lenture) S.an Connery, Mlet\MI calne. 88Md on th8 llOtY by ~d Klpllng. TWo 8'1tleh toldltrl ... out to cllllm tn. rw. and poW« ot a rwnote. legend8ry kingdom. 'PG' (2 hrt., 9 mlri)

- ai ... ''The Shutttl'td Room" {1987, Mystety) Gig Young. C.rOI Lynlty. A young couple lnhetft • CUl'Md mlllhouM on 81"1 i.nd. (2 hrt., 5 min.)

- CI) .. "What'• Up, Ntne?" (No Oete) . ( t hr .. 30 min.) We .. " Megk: Serpent" ( 1966, Adllenture) Horo611 M•ttuk•to, Tomoko Ogawa. Ten YMl"I •tier the murder of hll t•thtl'. •young men meett the llll!Aln and chdenget him to• dUel. ( 1 hr .. 60 min.) (!) .. "The Glau Web" (1954, Mvt­te1Y) Edwatd G. Roblneon. John f:'or· aythe. The murder of • et~ writ· ., .. ...... lnYMtlgated by the thew'• r....,cher. (2 hrs.) ·

I':. "look Bad! In OetllneM" ( 1976. My1tery) Br•dford Dtllm.n,

C.thtl'lne Schell. At a London S*fY, I celtbtated Jaa pianist he&r9 the voice ot the men wfio k~led his wife and blinded him 10 ~ •r1ler. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) Cl) Mint IMllll "NASCAR Warner HOdgdon 200" (trom Rlvertlde, CA) . (R) U~mln. l (%) " Skin Deep" ( 1978. Comedy) 0eryn Cooper, The IOcill 8nd MXual hypocrialel of tm11Hown lift are depict·

---.....11ov1es--· "Swamp Thing" (1982. F811tuy) •

Adrienne S.rl>Mu. [Quit Jourd8n. ( 1 hr .. 30 min,)

• Cl) "Scltm" (1980) Ray Wlnatone, MlcX Ford. (2 hrs.)

• CD> " The L .. t Amencan Virgin" (1982. Comedy) L8wrenee Monoeon. Ol8ne FrankNn. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.)

• a> " Llttle Boy Lost" ( 1963, OrarN) Bing C<oeby, Cl8ude Dauphin. (2 hrL)

-~ ''T•rtca The Ottltf" ( 1979) Documen­tary. N8naled by Pet• Ustinov. (1 hr., 31 min.) (J) "Prltoners Of The Lost Un!VerM" {1983. ~Action) Kay Lenz. Rich­ard Hatch. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) e " The S1ranon StOtY" (1949, Biogra­phy) Jamee Stew8ft, June Allyson. (2 hrs.)

• C!> " A8turn Of The Tex•n" (1952, West· em) Cele Robertson, Joenne Dru. (2 hrs. ) Cl) " Skin Deep" ( 1978, Comedy) Daryn Q<x>pef, (2 tin.)

• CD> " Dune8n'1 'ft'.ortd" (1979._A.cMlntur•) ~Tobias. Don MorrlN. ( 1 hr., 30 min.)

-~ " tt Thlngl Wete Different" ( 1979, Ora· me) Suzanne Pteehette, Don MUrTay. (2 hrt.) CID " Ster W811" ( 1977. Fantaey) Maril Hamlll, Harrison Ford. (2 hrs.) Cl) "Sounder" ( 1972, Dr•m8) Cloely • Tyton, P•OI Wlnfltld. (2 hrs.)

... "Sal•rl 3000" (1981, AdYe(ltUfe)

ed. (2~

wl !!'a .. ~ .. <1eeo. 0rame1 T•111Uya Naktldal. Teutornu Yamaukl. A look-4111ke thief tlk• over 8nd cafTlel out the reaponalbllltlea of 1 _,.,,.MM warlord who wee unexpeo1edty killed to provide hie lltutenent• wmi more time to en.ot thell ~. 'PO' (2 hrt., 40 min.)

.... "StUdlnt Bodlee" ( 198i, Com­edy) Krll1en Ritt!', Metthew Ooldlby. A hMvy-breethlng pey()hotk> klllf lt81k• the fun.bMg ltUdentt of a typlcel Amenun

I IChool.. 'A' ( 1 hr¥ 25 min •. )

w ••-• n a...----· .. ~!!'-......... .&"u.s. Coen" Cowraoe of earty

round play (trom the USTA N8tlonal Ten­nie Center In Flulhlng M•dOw. NV) . (3 hrt.)

MICI) ... " Body And Soul" (l981 , Ora· me) Leon ltuo Kennedy, Jayne Kenne- • ft./. A young~ turne to prtnflgtltlng to rU. the money he neede for rTl8dlcal tchool. 'R' ( 1 hr .. ~ min.) ., .. ... "Someone At The Top Of The

Stalfs" ( 1973, Horror) Oonn8 Miiia, Judy Carne. Two young women rent• room •t • forbidding Vlete>Mn rrl8nlllon 8nd dl9-COYer thet th81t '9llow tenant• 8fe not wna= appear to be. ( 1 ht .. 30 min,)

1---~,. -OOllll'f1'1AY' -.. _.ATU.. , .. ... "Buddy, Buddy" ( 1981, Come-

dy) Jacll Lemmon, W81tt< Matthau. Whtie .,, .....in conoentrat• on hie next kffl­lna. he 111'\Jdety Interrupted by • bumbling tab• of • men who II attemptlfig IUlcldt.

Oevld Cetredlnt. Stockard Chennlng. ( 1 hr .. 30mln.)

• CD> "On Golden Pond" (1981, Orame) Henry Fond8, K8thar1ne Hepburn. ( 1 hr .. 49mln.) (%) ''A Song II Born" (1948, Comedy) Denny K•ye. Vlrglnl8 Mayo. ( 1 hr.. 60 min.)

-· "Topaze" ( 1933. Comedy) John ~e. MYfl'\8 Loy. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.)

- CC) " Abelnce Of M•llce" (1981, Orama) Paul Newman. Salty Fleld. (1hr .. 56 min.) (I) " The Actr .... ( 1953, Dr•ma) Spen­cer Tracy, JMn SltTlmc>M. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e "Ooetcn & Nurlel" (1982, Come­<M Aebecc8 Rigg, M lguel Lopez. (1 hr .• 30mln.)

- ai " Here Comee Mr. Jord8n" (1941, Comedy) Robert MontQOtnlf'Y, Claude R81na. (2 h,.,)

tw(X) "Reds" (1981, Orama) Warren BMt· ~ Ol8ne KMl on . . (2 hrt .• 40 min.)

tw (OJ "The Hound Of The BaM<ervillee" ( 1978. CornedYl Peter Cool(, Dudley Moore. (1 hr .. 19mln.) (I) "Reda" (1981, Drama) W8rr9" BMt· !}'..Diane K•ton. (2 htt .. 40 min.) • " ()ti God!" (1977, Comedy) G8orge Bums. John Denver. (1hr .. 36 min.)

-a11eraoon Movies--• " Man Who Could Cheat 0..th"

(1959, Horror) Anton Olffrlng, Christe>­~Lee. (1 hr .. 30 min.) • " The Sins Of Rechel Cad8" ( 1961, Orama) Angle Olclclntlon. Peter Anch .

'A' ~ 3e min.) .. • " Warning From SP909" ( 19M,

SC!erw»F\otlofl) EW!t•ro M18M, 1'~ Kartt•. Earth lgnorM wamlngl from anotho tf pl&net of lml*\dlng dlsuter. (1 hr .. 30 min.) e ... "Charlott Of Fire" (t981, Ora· ma) Ben CrQ911, 18fl Chtneeon. 8ocl9I pr .... end pweonal turmol .,... two contrutlngly dlttetent Brthlh •tHef• on tMlt way lo dtOtY 1n the 1924 Pn ~

-~.;;· (2~ mlri )

I 11 lll'IW .. " Flrtt Monday In OC1ober"

(1981, Comedy) W*'« Mantwu, .. 0.ybufgh. A Mbtral ~ Court Mo lloe ClalhM with lhe neweet member ~ the Miion'• hlgtleel oourt. an ultr•~ serv•tlvt woman jurist. 'A' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) • (X) llllMI "A Song It Bom" (1948, COm­edy) Denny Kaye, Vlrglnl8 Mayo. A young woman wanted by.the Polloe 18 hidden by e group of mutlc profeeeore, ( 1 hr .. 50

. ctJ.m.. • CC>-- "The Spirit Of St. Lou9" (1967, Biography) James Stewart, Murray Ham­ilton. In 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh becomM the flm man to fly nontt~ 8Croee the Ali.title eee.n to Patla. (2 tw., 40 min.) --·-­... ..,_,_...., ....... ..... . .,_,.. .. ,.,

.. M&lllU -.. ·--·--CC) ' 'Tempeet" (1982, Comedy) John ca.a ....... Gena Rowtenda. (2 hrt., 26 min.) e "A8tum From The Put" (19'1, Hor· ror) Lon Chaney, John Carredlne. (2 hrs.)

W (8) "S.O.S. Titanic" ( 1979, Dreme) David Janaeen. Cloris LMChm8n. (2 tw., 30mln.) (Ul "Street Music" (1981 , Orama) 9za. beth Deity. Larry Breeding. ( 1 hr .. 30 min. )

WO "So Ane" ( 1981 , Comedy) Ryan O'NMI, Jaci< Wtiden. (1hr .• 31 min.) • CC> "Dreamb08t" (1952. Comedv) Otf. ton Webb, Ginger Rogers. { 1 hr.. 30 min.) (%) "Skin Deep" (1978. Comedy) Dtryn QQoper. (2 hrs. )

• CD " Beyonc:t O..th's Door" ( 1979) Doc­umentary. Dr. Harold Freeman. (1 hr .. 35 min.) Cl) " Prisoners 01 The Lost UnlverM" ( 1983, Science-Fiction) Kay Lenz. Rich­

ard Hatch. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 0 " S.farl 3000" (1981 , Adventure) Oevld Carr•dlne, Stockard Channing. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.)

• CD> " Ounc8n's World" (1979, Adventure) LArry T<>b18s. Don Morrtll. (1 hr .. 30 min.)

4111 (C) " Abeence 01 M•llce" (1981. Orarne) Paul Newman, Sally Fleld. ( 1 hr., 56 min.)

• CXI " Never Never Land" (1981, Orame) Petula Cl8rt<. Cathleen Neebltt. (1 hr .. 25 min, )

Friday. Sept. 2, 1983 27

CB)---(%) .. "Scum" ( 1980) Ray Wlntton9, Mick Ford. a\tC:)

-1~~ ........ ~U.S. Open" Coverage ol Mr1y

round play (from the USTA National Ten­nla Center In Flushing ._.dow, NY) . (3

~~ "Street MUllc" (1981, er.ma) Eizabeth Dally, LAny Breeding. Aeeident• of an old San Frandaco hotel, moat of whom are retn.t, fight to uw their home wher\ they .,. t~ h ... be c:a.d down. 'R' 11 tv., 30 min. I

-~-- 1'Vlca Squad'1

(1982, Orama) Seaaotl Hubtey, Gary Swant0n. A police delectlll'e and a streetwalker taam up to trap a pimp l'MPOflllbla f()( murdering 009 of hie women. 'A' ( 1 hf .• 35 min.) -1--ATLAm

• .. "Law And Order" (1978, er.-ma) O.rran McGavln, SUzanne Pteehette. 8aMd on the novel by Dorothy Uhnak. Ttv .. generations of an lrl8h family In New YOftc City P"'9Ue law enfOfoement u a cer.er. (3 In.)

ll...._1'mUA ~="Reda" (1981, Drema) Warren Beetty. Diane Kaaton. American foumaNet John Reed'• lnvolll'ement In the RA.alen Revolution ol 1917 It depicted. 'PG' (2

lhrs.~~ .. , - .. "So Ana" (1981, Comedy) Ryan O'Naal, Jeck Warden. A atufty col­lege profeeao< ....... hie lather'• flounder. Ing gannent fectOtY by lmentlng • nftW ~olladlel' jMna. 'R' (1tv., 31 min.)

-· .. "The Return Of Glent tAJln" ( 1986, Fantay) Kojll'o Hongo. SNho f\JjlmUfa. The enc.lent god of wer deetr0Y9 the enemy In • medlewl feud. '1 tv.. 30 min. )

·1··=1f~ll=l~li=··="* .., ...... ...., ...... : .. ~ry" (1982, Com­

edy) MlehMI Palin, Meggie Smith. tn Vlo­torien London, an = clargyman freeh lrom Alrtca It to heed • alum million !Of fallen women with the

flnanc:la.t ~ of hie emoroue benelec­tr ... 'R' (1hr., 30 min.)

• CD Nml• (%) ... "Nev9r Nev9r Land" ( 1981. Orama) F'.tute Clark, C.thlaen Neebltt. A ~year-old glt1 aacapee her lonell!IMI by tent~ abOut adwnturee with Peter Pan. 'G' 1 hf., 25 min.)

• CC> "China 9, Liberty 37" (1990. w .. tem) Warren O.t ... f!ablo T .. tl. A atubbom loner. formerly • gunftahl•. attigee a on.man bettle against • r9itoed ~ wanting to make track• acroee hilt.mt~. '_R'j1hf .. 43 min.)

---·-· 11 --...... ,_ -·- .. rbawdy. •dutt.-only ®'NdY mue. ( 1 hf., 30 min.)

..... "Fast T1mee At Rldgemorlt High" (1982, Comedy) Seen Penn, Jen. olter Juon Leigh. Students at a "typical" Amertc:an high IOhool confront the chat­terio- Of adulthood, drvga, MIC Ind tchoolwofk. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) .•. .,

• (!) •lKl:t.I

AuntHarriet always S\Wre ill go to the dogs.

. :Aela....-

- I ' I t- I '

. ....... Neel Oebllt end -"9y Lyone halt en ~ took el Vil'Nl'a new et lhe mcMll. CD> .. "Jettyt Md Hyde. .. T= ~ .. ( 1982, Corntdy) Marte ..... ee. Armetrong. A llrelt-leoed ldenltlt'a eoddlntel .. ~. of • oNltllclll lUnW him Into • ~ ..,._, 'R' (1 tw., Mi)

-· -·-A.J. trtee lO pnM ffilit ..W a nuder wt"9 on ..tton In mCllfomla. (R) (1 tw.) • - " .. (,...,,....•> 1'wo

(W.tt ~. Tom Vlllrd) wtth ltMdy glrttrleodl (8.,..,. l<rMlet, Bonnie ~ hlN a gcwgecg lt.ie-ln !Mid (T et! ) . .. ' Man Who l.qwd ~·

1973, Oranw) Bun ReynolCil. An outt.w - In low ...

1t1e u. arAYor of a tr.in '* g1r1g robbed and nut outwit hie cohortt t~ .,..... '* aaeeoe. (2 hrl.) 0 .. "The Man In The. lrott Meek" (ton. Adventure) Alctlatd Cttembertaln. Patrtok McGoohan. 8Med on a noYlll by All>*\def' Duma. The lnfemoua ~ de Rochefort ~ Louie XIV'I twin brother on the FtenCtl throne and lrnpn­eona the real~ tn the But ... (2 tn.)

I: ... _, llUSI llfl"I I M 11W -·--A behind the'°"* look 11._,, at the Dence ThMn ot Har·

lem; and a 1tory II told of a pttnot. a prtn­c.. and~ Fnblrd. (1 tv.) .... _ ,. • • .,.,... Aame Treea Of Thb: Frlanda In High Pleoea'' The IOn of the Grwtta' heed "*' tlndl '* way Into the dynemlta 1t0ft1ge hut. (Pw1 ~ (R) O (1 tv.) CID_,. Ill Thia aptCllal pre 1111 ~· ~ taat1n1 a ravtaw of IMt Maeon. en anelyala of the AFC and the NFC. I look at tn. aaaaon ahMd and a 1IWt to the training cemp of the champion WfllhlnO­ton Aadlklna. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) .. "Young OoctOfl In 1.cNe'' (1982, ComacM ~lctlMI Mct<.n, 8-1 Young. A young eutg90fl tl1ae to OOM­come hla tear of the k.nlte In thll apoof of ~~ cllChaa. 'R' (1hr., 35 min.)

• e • ~ Olene must a-t nWTtad within 24 hour-. or her motfW (Glynla Johnt) wW loM her Inheritance. (R)

Cl) -- : .... Hollywood IN­dlo d"9f Johnny Edge endwlgera '* "*'" rlege by romenclng an old ~ wt"9 a flnenclal ~t• trlaa to Inherit NI pow. In the motion plel\n lndultry.

~~~~"r-"'30· min.) .. !) Pl'- U.J. Puckett YI. Jimmy

car. (R) (1 hr.) -·(1)-L.-Homldda~ Jat'9t ~ (Joenne Pettet) tTtll to

prOYll Gery gully of k~ 0,. (R) ( 1 hr.) • .... .-r-Vlclcx'8 nll'COt· lcl oftlcet Benedetto (Dannll FIW\Z) return-. and Hanry tMI to deal wtth a murdat 1U1p1C1' 1 multlpla ~

il.J.1~l-•• ..... ''The Camc>elgn'' The ~ ltrlteglal and .,.._... lnYONed In Wuncla. lndlena'• ma)'Of91 race aruxamlr~) o (1tv., 30mln.)

·- --··r:t...AldHarr· Inga'' LOfd Peter WlrMey and hla manaar· vent 1tumbla ecfOla a oorpee wtllla on ~;Scotland. (P1111) (1 hr. ) CR) ' 'The Mlealonety'' ( 1082.. Com­edy) t.tlctleal Patin, Magcja Smith. In~ torian London, en Arigllcen clargynwn

- - -- - - -- - - -- - -

. tMI ([) .. "Trllhl" (1911, 8o61tw»-Ao­

ti0rl) Liie Del.Muw. A dlmerltad adantllt b1al to o.rtlct the ultimate t.nala IOtlot.

;:,;~JO "*1.) - l&J .. "O.Cour To Tenor'' (1MO;

) O.J. 8lmpeon. Me Johnlon. HlladcM "190d the pwa.-e end dr!Y­., of I LM V~ tow bU1 In the

-Well 12 Yw Leonard .... :';:..,. • tpeOlal rtpOrt on the Natory of COIOr In the moYtee. ~ "The Limbo Line" ~18'7 •

) Cr9la St~ Kate 0 Mera. balaMa II Ultd • a daot1; by

a Wtllem apy wno II trying to dlaoowef how the fUllenl .,. reclUnlng their tral-

E (2,...}

•- rr•ua=­==•,__-a._ .. - "AbMnoa Of Melloa" (1911, Drema~ Sely Raid. A~­lrMla •• ... .. ruined by • M M peiper ftpelftar'I ltory liUna NI 1nvo1Yamant 1n the mob klltng or a Tabor 00.. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 5e min.) •

-~--""fheCoolOnaa" (1087, eorn.

~Roddy McOowel. Debbie W1tton. A g roe'! •tat and a young girl laem up

bllltl • mualCeJ ctrwr. (2 twa.) -· e U11W ... 1A•&1"'hlll1illlil?•• GUa9t: corntdlan Paa w .. Hatman. (1


Wi GICllllSl.,...Lm• .. "ShadOw In The Btraata"

975. Drema) Tony Lo Blanco, Sheree North. A ~o6aa ac:oaptt I Job M a perota ~· (fhr., 30mln.) Cf) .. "Down To The Saa In Shlpa" (1949, AOY9nture) Richard Wldmatk, Uonal ~. Aft• a wNllng oepWlr'I who Ml taken hie grandaOn to ... II kMed. tha boy ~ the wronge he'• dona 10 the older "'fa ~t~· 30 "*'·> · -- Leonard ..... tin snaent• a IPedal '9POff on the hlltory of COIOr In the~

1 ......... , &-.•• -""" .. ''The Settlflar9 Of Alpha Blue" 1!981) (1hr .• 30 min.) Cl) ... " u.klng LOlle" (1081. Orwnl) Kata Jeckaon, Mlcheel Ontk•n. A wom­en learnt thlt her hulband II lnvolv9d In a hc>rnoaQual relatlonehlp. 'R' ( 1 hr., 60 min.)

-· .. "Gammare V.,.. Monster X" ( 1989, ScJenc».Flctlon) Genvnara, Kally van.. A vtcloul monatar loOrna ~ en lntematlonel expoaltlon untll Gemmera etapa In to da9trO)' the menace. (1 hr., 60

min. ..

• .. " A Time For E....,y SeMon" (,'912. Adventure) Dooumantary. A men and a young boy 1xpk>re the forbidding Alllken tundra. (2 hra.) Cl> •H•FI ~ U.S. YI. Chin.

~c;.ttfR=•<:> ~~ .. (1060, Comedy) Aodt-V Hepburn, Aleatalf Sim. An eocantrlc old man IMYM four relat~ hll • ate. wtllch they can rec:eNe onty

;i•~J*1~.t~~~ ~ma) Mel Gltleon. Joanna Samual. In an Ai*,. Ila of the not-too-distant future, the lrtanda and flmlly ot a top Nghwly put9Ult pob­man become the target• of Ndlltlc mo1ac-.1rrlQ· 'R' (1 fir .. 29 min.) -'·---·-··" Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 29



ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP- RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 549-8023

ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach - 640-6444

CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana - 835-3171 . LONG BEACH BMW 3670 N. Cherry Ave. Long Beach - 636-5790


NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 540-9100


CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 546-1200


ATLAS CHAYSLER·PL YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 546-1934

I 132 Fr1day, Sept. 2, 1983

Daily Pilat FORD

THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 - 540-8211

HONDA UNIVERSITY HONDA 2860 Harbor Blvd. . Costa Mesa - 540-0713


SOUTH COUNTY VOLKSWAOEN·ISUZU 18711 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-2000


BEACH LINCOLN-ME .. CURY 16800 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 841-7731


BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 - 636-2500


CHICK IVERSON, INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach - 673-0900

MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove - 836-2333


EARLE. IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 848-9303


SOJJTH COUNTY VOLK8WAGEN/18UZU 18711 Beach Blvd. Hun=on Beach 142-


EARLE IKE VOL VO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 848-9303

-TVPumde , 3 • ' 6


• 7


1,7 Stars on on " SportsBeal"

13 Miss Newton John 14 Role for O'Connor 15 Soldier 16 MISS Jillian 17 " WKRP -

C1nc1nna11" 18 Mr Wilson's ID 19 Mad or Park 21 Mario Lanza rote 23 Wah1ne garland 24 Stars on "Gimme a

Break" 26 "Cakes and - "


32 Running 33 Gordon Thomson rote 35 The Bruins 38 Mr Campbell 39 Miss Farrow 42 Rot:>en Wagner rote 4 4 -·CIO 45 Pa1n1tngs 46 Stallone. to pals 4 7 Neighbor ol MD 48 Mr Lear 's 1ns1gne 49 raoray. 10 l11-0nds 52 " - Cid" 53 She's Louise Jefferson

-Word Game FILL I~ nu~ M l~SING L..ETfEr<S I~

l'HE '' TV lJJORDS" BELOW . ...

I I MILll INI I IHl91LILl1 ISi MO IWI 11 IAI IDI •#t'> J.s.'~ IKI I I ISi IRIRIQI i 0


ILi 11 I IRIAICIEL • a\J NC;(,.) ru AR~Ai.JGE IHE

lo S"PELL I HE tJAME ~ A >"if:P n 1 '/a SUIE.~ ~AR : . \ \



27 Boone and O'Brien 28 Disorderly prolus1011 30 Claude Akins role 31 Proceed

1 Role lor Boo Crane 2 Stan's lat lrtend 3 Neighbor o f IL 4 Miss Gardner 5 - Tin Tin 6 Tony on " Taiu" 7 Carradine on " Kung

hi" 8 Rivet of France 9 Played 007 ·· inti

tO " Whal say?" 1 1 ··one - - u111t· t2 Grandpa on " The

Munsters" 20 Mr Wallach 22 Corley or Paclno 23 Quincy's " oHice" 25 Role tor Gregory

Harrison 27 Rote for Estrada 29 He's Magnum 30 "- Grant" 33 Carrero on " Bosom

Buddies" 34 Delores - Alo 36 - Vagas 37 Dahl or Francis 38 Captain on "Love

56 Role IOI Marilu 58 Chrl6topher 59 Jack 011 "Three'6


DOWN Boat"

39 Abby 011 " Knots Landing"

40 - Duce 4 t Starred on 30 Down 43 Mery - Moore 45 "The - - Love' 50 Miss MacGraw 51 - King Cole 54 "60 Minutes" essayist

- inil 55 Played Dan Augu!>t

1nit 57 .. _ Takes Two"

SOLUTION ~=r-:-7'":-r.::cr=" "=""'~-r=-r•

; CHIROPRACTIC ,OUTLOOK ' By Or. Gary Baranoski


' for many, pollen, grass, even house dust bring; on allergic reactions: Wheez.ing, coughing, difficult breathing, st uff~d nose, unconlroll11ble sneering.

Lowered resistance to allergens is <'Ommonly cau!ICd by an unsuspected malfunctioning nervous ayatcm. Ch iropractic care frequently reatorea this ayatem to a more normal state, quidly correcting this sensitivity to allergens.

By scientific exam and spinal analysis, your chiroprac· tor locates the aubluxation (misalighment of a vertebra in ita relationship to other segmenll) causing malfunction of the nervoua syatem. Through gentle manual adjuatmenll, this interference ia quickly eliminated. Correetmg the cause of vertebral blockage of nerve energy opens up the constricted t espiratory tract for better nourishment; it is strengthened to TCllist infections or irrita tiona.

Broughr to you u • ~mmum'l 'll' vice b,r _______ _

dr. gary baranoski CHIROPRACTOR

• ( 711) 675-3492 I

2345 E. Pacific Coast Hwy., SUie 0, Ca1ooa del MW Friday, Sept. 2, 1983 31

... .

When the bell rang at 4 a.m. Teen er.ash victim's parents relive agony as driver I aces court By ROBERT BARKER OfhDellf .........

Seventeen-year-old Michelle Salle was the ahin1ng light in the lives of her mother and father.

Sweet , pen and loving, she allo was a hard worker and an outstanding student who planned to study business at Long Beach State University this fall .

On the night of Aug. 13, the Huntington Beach girl visited friends in Newport Beach aft.er getting off work at Mother's Restaurant in Cost4 Mesa.

"She called about 9 p.m. and said she would be home at 12 or 12:30," her mother Inge recalled today.

"I got up at 2:30 and I was frantic because she

alwayt was on Ume. I woke up my husband and he told me not to worry.

"Then we heard the door bell ring at 4. I thought maybe she had forgotlen her house key. But it was two policemen and they gave us the news."

The news - still too horrible for the Salles tO comprehend - was that thelr daughter was killed in a spectacula.r auto crash on Pacific Coast Highway west of Magnolia Streel in Huntington Beach.

Traffic investigators said Michelle's car, a Volkswagen Bug, was struck by another vehicle and careened out of control. It collided with three other cars in all and then began to disintegrate. (See CRASH VICTIM, Page AZ)


Soviets 'regret' liVes lost on plane Shock, outrage felt along Coast

Korean airliner's last hours: Where and when

By die Daily Pilot StaJf Orange Coast residents ex­

preeaed anger and rusmay today over the downing of a South Korean jumbo jet by a Soviet fighter plane with a I~ of 269 lives - 51 of them Americans.

Opinions varied, but most inter­viewed agreed the United States should be aggressive in retalia­tion, with suggestions ranging from cutting off recently re­instated grain shipments to the Russians, to ending diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union .

"I have this feeling of total outrage and I get the feeling that once all the facts come ou t I'll still feel outraged." said Barbara Allen of Newport Beach.

;,:.I go along with the idea we should do something like cut off grain shipments (to the Soviet Union). We all pooh-pooh the

La-wyer s' .Plan aims

• at savings By JEFF ADLER Of ... o.llr-·-

A consortium of Orange County law fl.nm is claim.ing it can save county government about $3 million a year if the Board of Supervisors would agree to con­tract out for a portion of the legal services now provided by the county Public Defender's Office.

Attorney Paul Wallin, a spokes­man for four law firms that have banded together as Orange Coun­ty Defenders, Inc., explained that the group is interested in taking over all Municipal Court-level misdemeanor cases now handled by the public defender, Juvenile Court cases and those involving conflicts that now are routinely assigned to outside counsel.

In fe lony cases, involving more serious crimes such as murder, defendants unable to pay for their defense still would be represented in court by public defenders.

·The Public Defender's Office ia charged with providing legal ser­vices to the county's poor and others who cannot afford to pay for their own defense.

Private attorneys can hanfile cases "more efficien tly" than "th e over-burdened and tax-supported public aecior'' and at the same time better repretient clients becaU!le cueloedl would not be as heavy as thoee abouldered by deputy public defenders, Wallin said.

He urged the Board of Super ­vlaon to consider tetting up a pilot program in at least one Municipal c.ou.rt division to determine the 1euibillty of the propou.I.

"We think this can work and we want to make the board and the f8ee LEGAL. Page AZ )

• I

John Birch Society, but you have to agree that some of what they've been saying is right.

"It's an unbelievable thing to happen - an unprovoked attack."

John Hines, also of Newport Beach said the country should , sever diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union "becaU!le cutting off grain or something like that does little if any good.

"The Soviet Union is arrogant. Every couple of years they do something horrible like this and then act put upon becauae the rest ­of the world is outraged. We have to do aomething to punish them." ~~Beach resident Don

Shipley, fonner profemor of biology and environmental stud­ies at Long Beach State Univer­sity, described the incident as "murder and rnassa3Cre." (See COAST, Page A! )

Gracie Loretta Yor k ( inset ) watches as the tank gun system

Tanks for the memory Sgt.York gun system rolled ou t to appreciative audience llJ KAREN E. llEIN OfhDellf .........

The Sgt. York tank -mounted gun syttem - heralded as the latest ln war technology - rolled off the a.embly line at the Ford Aerospace & Communications plant in Irvine Thunday to the cheen and applause of a crowd of engineen and their families gathered for a coming out cer­emony.

The $4.2 billion, Army-funded

weapons program has been em­broiled ln controversy since gov­ernmen t critics began to question the effectiveness and safety of the Syttem - both publicly and privately.

But the controversy didn't dampen the enthuaium of about 2,000 well-wishers T h uraday rnomlng, w ho roee to their feet as the huge war machine roared out to the center of a factory field. ~ three operators spun the

tank around, raiaed and lowered its two huge guns. and demon­strated its radar trackers, the crowd bunt into fre11h applause and cheers.

They allo cheered G racie Loretta York, widow of Sgt. Alvin C. York, the World War I Medal of Honor ~plent for whom the tank la named. The 83-year-old Mra. York, of Pall Mall, Tenn., (See SOT. YOR&, Page Al)

Reagan denounces · 'terrorist ' action

By &lie A11oclaled Pre11 The Soviet Union said today its

fighters had fired tracer shots at an intruding Korean jumbo jet and regretted the loss of life - but took no direct responsibility for the deaths of the 269 people aboard.

President Reagan, speaking before t he Moscow statement, called the inciden t a "terrorist act" and demanded a "truthful ac. counting."

The president did not threat.en specific realiatory measures but did question future dealings with Moecow.

In Moecow. the official news agency Tass said that, "in the leading circles of the Soviet

nion, they express th~ir regret in connection with human victims."

The statement accused the Korean Air Lines jet of providing a civilian cover for in telligence gathering and added that Soviet leaders "decisively condemn thoee who consciously or as a result of criminal negligence allowed death of people .... "

Tass said Soviet fighters had " fired warning shots with tracer shells along the flying route of the plane," which Tass accused of being a "cover" for a "pre-planned act ."

T he dispatch did not acknowl­edge Soviet responsibility for shooting down the jumbo jet Thursday. At least 51 Americans died in the crash near a remote Soviet island military i.nstalation.

T he president. in a brief state­ment before returning to Wash­ington from his California va­cation, asked:

' 'Wl}at can be the scope of legitimate mutual discourse with a state whose values permit such attroclties?"

Reagan did not detail possible U.S . retaliatory moves against M08COw, but his spokesman said earlier that a range of options are under diacussion .

Reagan, speaking at the Polnt Mugu Naval Air Station, said that "all of us had hoped th4t certain, irreducible standards of behavior . .. obtained," even with the Soviet Union, "but this event shocks the (See PLANE, Page AZI

Chess piece checkmated

AJ't .,._...,ct... nut bu pulled oft a pnety meaky lllO\'e In capturtnc tbe king -be stole it.

Fountain Valley in­W.U.ton aakl the ,thAel •P­~took the ornate, $300 i¥clry.Wpb&red piece from a clllplay board at a J'eliidence in the 1000 block of Daffodil Avenue.

It depcted an Qrieotal man wtth •lone beard.

Chamber asking curb'. on political spending·

In a strongly worded le tter, the govenunent arm of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Com­merce has asked its members to fight back against the "insidious games" of state legislators by signing a petition to limit spending by politicians.

The chamber, w hich has mem­bers in Newport Beach and Irvine, provided members with petitions supporting the Gann Initiative. which could be placed on the June 1984 ballot.

The initiative would reduce the budget of state lawmakers by 30

• percent and cut back on the power held by the Assembly spelker and Senate president pro t.empore. Both posts now are held by Democrata. ,

The letter, written by Re­publican a.aembly candidate and chamber government chalnnan Stanford Green, deecribes the AIMmbly speaker u having "aeemingly dictatorial powers."

Gtten deecrtbee the initiative as an "opportunity to strike a blow for good government, and more specifically againat the often tyr­annical m.lau.ee of power by the majority of the LeP.tature."

Carol South, preSldent of the

chamber, cautioned that while the chamber supports the initiative, . the strong language in the letter-' reflects the opinions of Green .

She said the chambe'r board did; not uae words like "lnsidioua" «: "dictatorial" in reeiichin& Its de-~ dalon to back the initiative. t

Chamber Director Richard. Luehrs said the chamber has~ ~ •trona lltandaon legialatiw, matten l1nce the fi.rat of the ~ and.routinely lnfonna membera of tbe boani'• polltion. !

AS * Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Friday, Sept. 2. 1983


Blaze damages church in ·Tustin Arson ' not ruled out' as cause of $7 ,000 fire in basem ent of P resbyterian sanctuary

SGT. YORK T ANK .. . took her first plane ride to a lt.end

·the ceremony. After the hour-long program

concluded. hordes of Ford em· ployees - among them many o( the 1,600 who worked on the

(project - gathered around the tank and posed with it for pic­tures, boosting children up to sit under the huge guns.

The tank is hailed by its crea tors as the most advanced weapon of its kind. lts ability to t ire on the

I move, to track targe ts and monitor surrounding areas a t the same lime and its extreme le thali ty are the things which make the Sgt

unique, said John Nelson, Ford

York was only in cons trucuon for SIX years.

This is due in part t.o another controversial twis t in the weapon's history. TheS~. Yorkia being produced and developed entirely by Ford as a fixed-price Army contract.

Nelson said profit incentives have helped Ford keep the tank's development on &ehedule. The gun system's detractors crltlcii.e the Army's lack of control over testing on the warship.

Ford Will earn $957 million for the production of 146 of the tan.ks 2 the first of which is expected to be deployed in Europe in 1985.

A fire broke out in a basement room of TuaUn Pretlbyt.erian, Church early today, causing $7,000 in damage, according to Orange County Fire Oeput.ment spokesman J eff Taylor.

No one was in th~ 54-:year-old structure, located a t 225 W. Main St.. when the blaze broke out. Taylor said.

Fi.re investigators are working to Cieterm.ine the origin of the fire. They have not ruled out anion,

Taylor said.

Firefighters told aenior minister Howard Jamieson that a gas furnace located in a cloaet off the 8-foot-by-12-foot room used as a children's lounge may havP. been •

1 York - known also as Orv AD -

I Aerospace DTV AD project direc· tor . J ACKSON DEAD AT 71 .. :·

j The tank is designed to proVlde

lfront-lrne defense for Ml Abrams tanks and Bradley Infantry Fight·

oing Vehicles - weapons which : would be following it on the lbattle{ie ld, Nelson said. ' The huge gunship contains two 40mm guns with search and track radar, a fire control cente r with laser range-finder, a digital com­puter and combat infonnation

1display . ; But cntics say that the tank's i attributes are not worth the r ~oney the Army is putting out for

I It.

for S<>viet Jews. He played a major role in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agen­cy and was considered a champion of organized labor and of civil rights for minorities.

and sip tea with its Catholic nuns. " I always thought he was

indestruct.able . ... He took excep­tional care of himself," said for­mer Sen. Warren G . Magnuson, 0 -Wash, who served 28 years in Congress with J ackson. "l lost a great personal friend. We were very close."

Denny Mille r , Jackson's admin· istrative assistant, said Jack.son had been at home with his wife, Helen, at re tired early at about 7:30 p .m . "complaining of not feeling too well."

the aouree o{ the blaze, Jamieaon said.

Fla.mes ig:nlted sometime be­tween 1 a .m. and 1:30 a.m., Taylor said. A witnea, a 22-year-oJd Tustin man who lives three blocks from the church, said he and h1a wife were taking a walk and saw white smoke billowing from the church two bJocks away.

When they arrived at the scene,

the white smoke suddenly turned black and flames reaching heights of 30 feet began shooting out of a ground-levef window, he said from hla home this morning.

After knocking on the doors of three residences, a home owner flnally heeded hia plea to call the flre department, he said.

Thirty fire flghters, flve engine

Nice to a fault? Consideration gets suspect caught An alleged burglar who returned to the scene of his.crime to

put back stolen credit cards and checks Thursday found out tha t being nice doesn't always pay.

Mark Tannenbaum, 21, was arrested about 2:30 p.m. an an Irvine bowling alley on charges of residential burglary. according to Irvine Police Sgt. Dick'Bowman.

Tannenbaum, who allegedly stole credit cards and a checkbook from a home on the 18000 block of Norton Street sometime last month , reportedly went back to the home Thursday afternoon to return the stolen property, Bowman said. ,

"He had a field day," charging up the victim's credit cards and forging checks, Bowman alleged.

When he could no longer use the cards, Tannenbaum apparently decided to return them.

But it was rus thoughtfulness that did him in. Police tracked him from the home to the bowling alley, where

he was arrested and later booked into Orange County Jail. Forgery charges against him are pending, Bowman said.

companies, two truck companies, and a pa.ram4ildic unit responded to the c.all. The fire waa contained ln under two rnlnutes, Taylor uljS.

The fire cauaed $5,000 daJnaie to the structure and $2,000 in light smoke <tamaae. Tulor said. The val~ .. of the church and ita contents saved by fire fight.era waa an e.ti.ma~ $1 ,040,000, Taylor said.

Thieves grab NB dentist 's auto arsenal

An Israeli-made machine gun, a powerful .357 caliber handgun and 250 rounds of ammunition were stolen this week from the trunk of a Mercedes .Benz owned by a Newport .Beach dent.Lst.

The 40-year-old dentist told police the weapons w ere in the trunk, along with an au.ache case and a hunting knife. when he took the car to a local gas station for servicing. The theft was dis­covered when he retrieved the car.

The l06S was estimated at $1 ,340.

The stolen Uzi machine gun, a semi-automatic, is a legal weapon and popular with gun collectors.

One Sgt. York will cost $6 I million - the price tag for the I tank itself plus ammunition, sup-


, plies, support equipment, training and all the extras, Nelson said.

That's almost three times as much as an Ml tank costs, critics

I say.

The 43-year congressional vet· eran who came to Congress when Franklin Roosevelt was president, died within an hour aft.er being brought to Providence Hospital, just 12 blocks from his Everett home. Jackson, whose death s tunned thoee who knew him for his hard-driving schedule and energetic lifestyle, had never been in the hospital before, except to meet with its board of directors COAST RESIDENTS SHOCKED OVER TRAGEDY ... PLANE ... From Page A1

I sensibilities of people every· where."

r The entire project - 618 units • - will cost $4.2 billion, Nelson I said. But he defends the expen-

"It is essential," he went on, " that as civilized societies we ask searching questions about the nature of regimes where such standards do not apply? ...

"It's a helluva note, but it wasn't one of our planes and I don't know what we could do. I would think the whole world outside the Communist countries would be enraged. There's no · excuse to shoot down a civilian passenger plane."

diture , pointing oul that the tanks will protect about $50 billion in assets.

" l was a pilot in Vietnam," he said. " l flew against the most advanced &Viet systems and I would not want to be flying agaiNt (the Sgt. York)."

Nelson also pointed out the

Wes Bannister, owner of an insurance company in Huntington Beach, called it " the most ridicu· lous thing I've ever heard."

relatively short time in wtuch the 1 system has been developed. While j most major weapons take from 12 J to 14 years to develop, the Sgt.

"What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global diaarmament and yet so calliously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings."

He said he would meet with his advisers tonight and with bipartisan congressional leaders over the weekend.

"We probably should go to the U.N. and scream and holle r . but 1 don't know of anything we couJd do unless we go to war.

"The plane was tracked 2 'h hours. I have to believe it was



CRASH VICTIM REMEMBERED ... Michelle was thrown 300 feet from the car and the car's engine was hurled about 70 feet. Seven people were treated at area hospitals.

Arrested and charged w ith vehicular man­slaughter, fe lony drunken driving and felony tut.and -run was Joan KAthryn Wilkoff. 39, of Garden Grove. ...

A preliminary hearing is being conducted at West Orange County Municipal Court in West­mmster to detennine if there is sufficient evidence for WiJkoff to face trial on fe lony charges in Orange County Superior Court.

Abo~t 20 of Michelle 's fn ends and a representative of an anti-drunken driving or­ganization attended the proceedings in Judge Kathleen O'Leary's classroom, wanting to see that justice is done. •

Martha and F.amon Gallagher , who is taking time from h is vacation, were among those present.

" We've known Michelle since she and my son Brian started kindergarten a t Meadow View School (Huntington Beach). They went through St. Bonaventure school and graduated together from Mater Dei High Schoo) in June.

S he and her father (an engmeer at the McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company) had

such as terrific re!auonsfu p. She was the joy or hJs life.

"We're here to make sure that the laws are enforced and that the driver doesn 't ge t off .

"We've all joined Mothers Against Drunk Driving (an organization working for tough drinking and driving laws) as a result of the accident."

Another spectator declared , "S<>metlung has to be done. We all have children dnvi.ng Volkswagen Bugs at night. We don't want the same thing happening to them."

The court hearing w~ too painful for Inge Salle to attend.

"I'm ao upeet and confused. We've always · been such a law-abiding and considerate family and have done everything right. And then someone irresponsible wipes it all out. How do you justify it. Everything's so lenient . The lawmakers don't care; they're not personally involved ."

In Thunday's proceedings, Orange C.Ounty Deputy Sheriff Jerold Brittain tesUfjed that the driver tried to nee after striking his car and that he apprend .. '<i her at the ma.in gate at Huntington State Beach.

Other accident victims w ere slated to appear as the preliminary hearing continued today.

;,LEGAL SERVICES ... public aware we think this is the right idea," the attorney said. " It could save SJ million per year a t a time when our county races a severe financial crisis."

Ten Municipal Judges and one from S upenor Court also have indicated their support for a n experimental trial program.

Wallin said he 1s aware that the county has hlr~privateoonsult­ing firm to s tudy the possibility of contracting out various govern· rnent services, among them the PubUc Defender 's Office. How­ever, the consultant's final report is not expected to be presented to

We're Listening •••


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supervisors before Deoembe~.

A similar program to the one the a ttorneys group is urging has been in operation in San Diego County since 1977. apparently with mixed results.

Under the proposal prepared by the attorneys. the legal con ­sortium would charge the county a Oat $95 for each misdemeanor case tt was assigned to handle for an indigent client. In addition , a t ­torneys would screen potenlial indigent clients and. in some cases, rather than charging the county agree to rep~nt the client on a

private basis for a below-market fee.

Wallin estimated that the coun­ty could reduce the number of cases for which it has to pay in this manner by 30 percent.

Similar scales are established in the plan for handling cases lnvolv· iflg a conflict. Juvemle Coun cases and those fa lling Into other categories.

If the Board of S upervisors were to agree to a pilot program. it would be required to open bidding on the conlract to all interested parties. '-

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VOL. 7t, NO. 241

either a trigger-happy pilot or somebody irresponsible on the ground. I can' t believe anyone would shoot down the plane without provocation."

Ken Thomas of Cost.a Mesa said Americans· have become "patsies" for treating the S<>viets so well.

"I feel you can't deal with them like you deal with other de­mocracies," he said. "They're barbarians and they always will be."

Fellow Cost.a Mesan Stan Gailey said he knows from his military experience that S<>vtet aircraft rniatakenly..fly &ero65 U.S . territory and they aren' t downed. He said he called Congressman Robert Badham's office twice Thursday night because he was frustrated President Reagan didn ' ts peak directly to the Ameri­can peopk: to calm and assure them he'll demand answers.

" f know the guy's got a busy job and all th.at. but not to say jack diddly really makes it look like

he's too busy sitting arounJil.. the pool," he said.

Jeffye Kem, a Santa Ana woman, said during a stop at a Cost.a Mesa poet office that west· em nations seem to have little legitimate recourse, which makes the situation wof'8e.

"I'd hate to think if we shot down a Russian airliner what they'd be doing right now ," said Kem.

Irvine resident Robert Kley said, "I think we ought to get as tough as we po68ibly can. W e're dealing with people who don't play by the rules and we should do whatever's necessary. economic sanctions and what.eve r el.ae: '

Robert Bernier, a phone com­pany employee who hves an Irvine, said, " I think it was unmitigated gall for them to do that. I don't think I'd get any tougher - not with the threat of nuclear war. But 1 think their wheat supply should diminlsh some ."

J ohn Naus of Fountain Valley said , "I just feel they (the U.S . government) should look into it and try to recover the black box from the airliner.

" It's a touch y s ituation. S<>mthing definitely has to be done, but if you start eomething (in retaliation). you might cost more lives than were lost in the airliner. Economic restrictions (agaiNt the S<>viet Union) might be a good idea."

Winifred Rainey of Fountain Valley said she reacted to lhe news of the shot-<Jown airliner with "utter disgust and dismay."

" lt'a terrible, unpardonable," she sa.Jd. "l heard that they (the Russian jets) followed it for two hours, and they couJd see ll was a commercial airlineT.

" I llunk a first reaction might be to re~te (militarily), but 1 don't think that would be very smart But they should definitely stop grain shipme nts (to the S<>viet Union)."


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Women voters to hold information 1neetings

The Orange Coast League of Women Voters will hold a series of informational meetings on its activities during Sept.ember.

Meetings will be held on Sept. 13 at 9:30 a_m. in Glendale Federal Savings. 2422 l Calle de la Louisa, Laguna Hills; Sept~l 4 at 9:30 a.m. a t 24992 Buckboard Lane, Laguna Hills; Sept. 14 a t 9:30 a.m. at 407 Snug Harbor Road, Newport Beach, and Sept. 15 at 9: 15 a .m. at 1414 Carmelita St., Laguna Beach.

League meetings are free and open to the public. Further information may be obtained by calling 645-7120.

Chinese painting courses at GWC Mast.er artist and teacher Yung-liang .Liu will instruct a

nine-week program in traditional Chinese brush painting and a 12-week program in china painting at Golden West College this fall .

Available through GWC's community services education office. the brush painting program will be offered on Tuesdays. beginning Sept. 12. from 1 to 4 p.m . Fee for the non-credit program is $51.

China painting wilJ be taught Fridays. starting Sept. 16, from l to 3 p.m and the fee is $40. Suppla~ for each program will cost approximately $50

Registration is by mail usmg the form in the community services fall calendar of events.

Inventors to hear talk on capital The Orange County chapter of Inventors Workshop inter·

national will meet Sept. 12. at 7 p .m. in the conference room of American Savings & Loan Association, 23688 El Toro Road, El Toro.

Anthony J . D'Eustachio. president of Global Ventures Inc., and Joseph C. Patterson of the same company will discuss venture capital for the inventor and entrepreneur.

There is no ad~ion charge. Call Greg Beck , chairman of the Orange Countychapter, at 855-9250 for further information.

Self-defense courses planned Self-defense for women and men will be taught in a nine-week

Coastline College course on Mondays, beginning Sept. 12. The class meets from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Fountain Valley High School.

Gill.is Brown will stress techniques that help person avoid becoming a victim. She also will teach ways of physicalJy warding off an attack. For women, she will discuss rape prevention.

Students can register by mail or by visiting one of the Coastline College offices. ln< lass registration will be accepted on a space-available basis. A $2 class fee must be paid at the time of registration.

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT / Friday, Sept . 2. 1983 * Al

Interferon 'interferes' with cancer UCI researcher says substance has halted disease, shrunk tumors in most cases From staff ud wire repori1

Interferon, a body protein that fights disease. has halted the spread of ovarian cancer in nearly two-thirds of women tested and in some cases shrunk the tumors, a UC lrvine researcher says.

Dr. Philip DiSaia, chairlnan of the depart.(nent of obstetrics and gynecology\ and a team of phys­icians ~· interferon to treat 35 patients with advanced ovarian cancer.

The subs~ce shrank the tumors of five w omen and kept the disease from becoming worse in an additional 15. Di Saia said . Fifteen o the r women showed no favorable response after several weeks. and doctors switched them to conventional chemotherapy, he said

DiSaia and his colJeagues con­ducted the trials at UCI Medical Center in Orange. Memorial Hos. p1tal of Long Beach and medical centers in Oregon and North Carolina.

The patients ranged m age from 32 to 74 years. All suffered advanced disease, and all were t-xpected to die within a~ar aft.er conventional therapy hid proved ineffective.

For six weeks. the patients received interferon shots five days a week . interferon is derived from human cells combined with non-human virus, produced in large-scaJe tissue culture and purified .

The results come at a time when the medical community is growing distllusioned with interferon. Once hailed as a wonder cure for eve rything from colds t.o cancer, it appears to have fallen short of its promise.

Last week. an article in the

Journal of the American Medical Association said, ''The honeymoon (with interferon) is over."

Still, researchers have reported using it successfully to treat kidney cancer, infections, chronic

leukemia and Kaposi's sarcoma, a skin cancer common among AIDS patients.

DiSaia and his colleagues are the first to report its effectiveness 1.n treating ovarian cancer. the

fourth leadin&. cause of cancer deaths in women.

"It (interferon) never waa a magic bullet," DiSai.a said. ''But, but haven't Wied it long enough to know its true potential."

HB gro.~p carrying the torch A group of Huntington Beach

residents is he lpmg to rescue a damsel in distress on the other side of the continent - the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.

The good Samaritans, mostly re tirees or residents of area con­valescent hospitals, are staging a number of fund-raising events to raise money for the rest.oration of the colossal copper statue.

A spokesmann who WI.Shed to remain unidentified said the elderly people are "extremely patriotic" and are taking t.o heart President Reagan's desire t.o re­furbish the statue through private means.

The big event in the local drive will come Sept. 9 with a "Save the Statue of Liberty block party" in the parking lot of the Huntington Beach Convalescent Hospital at 1811 Flonda St.

The block PartY will include games. food . music, bazaar it.ems and baked goods.

Romance ends - with police help

Other activities are 9Cheduled to lead up to the big day. A bake sale Wednesday featured cookies shaped like Miss Liberty and Thursday there was a rummage sale. An ice cream social was slated today and a plant sale Wedneeday. All the activities will be held at the Huntington Retirement or the Huntington Beach Convaleecent Hospital.

A bank employee llalled a puslng police office< on Harbor Boulevard Thursday because a man was har­raulng a woman In her parked car In the bank'a lot. The man. wtlo pulled off the woman'• sungluaea and broke them. told the offioer she was his llV9-ln g irlfriend who didn' t come home the night before The girlfriend said 1he wu moving out and aald &he'd call for pol~ protection to pie!\ up he!' belonging•

Thieves stole S 1.387 worth ot property from a second-story apart· ment on the 700 bl~ ol Shaflmar Drive. polk:e -e tOld. Among mlu· Ing articles -e fishing gear. a calculator. a gold ring, coins, a tape recofder 8/ld a bunch of 1hlrt1.

A 19·year-old Anaheim woman told pollce a group ol local juveniles are using her vacationing parents' houae on Marsellles as a " party pad." A runaway glrl who was allowed to sleep In the hquse apparently la hosting parties In wtllch the young­sters are breaking Into the parents' liquor cabinet, she said. Officers said they'll watch the house.

Fountain Valley A quick-change man-woman team

(money, not clothes) hu tricked employees of Rico's Plzz.a at 16t55 Harb<>< Blvd .. Fountain Valley, out of $81 They told polloe that the female member distracts them and the male member conf\J96S them with last money c:tianges.

A vandal, apparently using a BB gun. destroyed one mirrored window

and damaged another at OB Properles, 10540 Talbert Ave .. Foun­tain Valley. Damage was put at $3000.

' A secretary at Fountain Valley's Shoreline Realty. 18384 Brookhurst St .. said someone took her wallet containing S 12 trom her purse beside he< desk.

'.'Jewport Beach Four 24-karat gold-plated wneet

covers from a Cadlllac were pried off and stolen 1n a Hoag Memorial Hospital parking lot The owner ol the car. an executive secretary at the hospital. said the cover plates are worth $1,000

A collection of brass and pewter S<:ulptures worth $2,725 were stolen from a garage on the 700 block ol Iris Avenue.

A billboard depicting an Ice cream cone In lront ol Sparky's le Cream, 4547 W. Coast Highway, was stolen. Owners of the Ice cream parlor said the sign, measuring four by live feet , Is worth $-450

Irvine Two residential burglaries Thurs­

day night resulted In loss ot jewelry The first , on Peppergrasa, occurred at 7 p .m. The second, on the 3000 block of Carmel Avenue, was re­ported about 10 p.m It Is not known If • the two Incidents are related.

A painter working on the 200 block

of Streamwood Thursday af1emoon was reportedly aaaaulled by a 14·year-old boy carrying a pocket kn lie. The man said he was harrassed by several youths who aqulrted water at tilm wtth syrlngea When he went to grab one ot the syringes. one

1 of the

boys swung at him with the knife He was not Injured

Laguna ~each Vandals apparently uMd pellet

guns to break windows at a houN In the 1500 block ol Via Corsica. the owner told police

A man said he was beaten up by an unknown assailant In the 1300 block of South Coast Highway late Thurs­day night. but polk:e were unable to locate his attacker.

Huntington Beach A gar-oe was reported burgrarlzed

Thursday on the 19000 block of Holly Street.A padlock was pried off to enter. The lou Included $486 worth ot stereo equipment.

A gray 1963 Volkawagen with a sun roof and chrome rims waa reported stolen Thuraday lrom the 16800 block of Saybrook Lane. The loss was estimated at S3,000.

A resident returning to her home Thursday afternoon on the 8-400 block of Polder Circle surprlaed burglars. who !led. Entry had ap­parently been made through Ill\ unlocked rear bathroom window. The loss Included $2.000 In jewelry 8/ld a M!Oumera.

. . '. . ; ' . .

Sunny holiday weekend ahead Coastal

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To remain a touris t a ttraction, the Statue o f Liberty need s restoration funds raised privately.

Proceeds will be donated t.o the Statue of Liberty-Ellis l.sland Foundation in New York .

Shyness labeled inherited trait From staff aad wire reports

About half the people who clam up around strangers and cling close to friends at parties were born with a tendency to s hyness, a psychologist's research shows.

"Shyness is indeed an inherited personali~ trait," says Jonathan Cheek. a profeMOr at Wellesley College in Massachusetts.

But genes do not determine shyness as absolutely as they do the color of one's eyes or the size of one's nose, said Cheek. one of 9,000 people who attended this year's American Psychological A6socia ti o n convention in Anaheim.

Timidity 1s due just as much. and perhaps more to re lationsh ips wilh parents and friends. he said.

Cheek was one of several shy ­ness experts who presented their findings during the convenuon. which ended Tuesday. The sub­ject drew little attention until the mid- 1970s, but researchers are now churning out two dozen

• "People ri"d themselves in more difficult, more threatening situa tions."

articles a year on the topic, Cheek said. Shyn~ is on the rise as social

relanonsh1ps beCOme 0 more com· plex, less ritualized," said Robert Arkin, a psychologist at the Uni­versity of Missouri, Columbia. " increasingly, people find them­selves in more difficult. more threatening social situations."

Up to 40 percent of Americans polled say they freei.e when they meet new people, more than halJ of teen-agers admit they are shy, and social unease is a " tremendous problem" among college students. said psychologist C.R. Snyder of the University of ~.

Cheek said about half of shy people inherited the trait. The others learned the behavior from pa.rents or developed it after unhappy or embarassing social

Cheek's conclusions are based on a s tudy of 839 sets of twina. He found that if one identi(:al twin was timid, the o ther also tended to be shy.

But such was not the caae with fraternal twins - twins with geneticalJy different makeup -leading him t.o conclude- \ha heredity can predispose people to be timid.

He said his work is supported by a Harvard psychologist's study that found some infants' heart rates increased as strangers ap­proached their cribs, while others showed no physiological respome.

Warren Jones. a psychologist at the University of Oklahoma. Tulsa. said some generafu.ations may be drawn about shy people: Their behavior is often inter­preted as snobbishness, lack of talent. or unfriendliness; they are oft.en unaware of the impressions they make on others~ and they tend to forget the names of ~le they meet.

A WORD TO THE WISE There is a tendancy for many carpet stores to use strictly a warehouse

concept. One advantage is seeing carpeting in rolls rather than samples.

Many disadvantages are evident - most operations of this type buy only Off-goods. so that the customer only gets to see old patterns, or carpets the mills couldn't sell to regular outlets. Also. this type of operation generally feels that 'experience is unimportant, and consequently the salespeople know little or nothing about the products. Finally, most will farm out the Installations to the lowest bidder, guaranteeing a poor installation. (Many of these Installers ere contracting Illegally without a state license.)

At Alden's we maintain a happy medium. We carry a large Inventory, and the largest sample selection around. We have experienced salespeople, and our installers were trained by us. Finally, we are a state licensed contractor.

Live the llfe of LEES

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S.1.-l Nel ~I•• N•I ~I~ Nol P ·E 114> CIO_. C"O P E "°' C 10-.. ( l>Q P E tlCI\ CIO_. Cl>Q

--· ---· - ......----· -----·---

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Sept. 2. 1983 NB 81

Dow Jones Final

Up 8.64 Cloelng 1,215.45

llllEll llllfl State's grape growers unhappy with rainfall By tbe A.11oclated P re11

SAN FRANCISCO - With the start of the wine harvest a week or 90 away, Northern California grape growers - Including tlie maJOr Sonoma-Mendocino region - were worrying aloud that this week's ramfall might cost them 10 percent of the ir grape crop, especially the white grape growers. California's $5 billion wine industry produces seven of 10 bottles of wine sold in the United States

Journal, Gazette plan m erger RENO - The Nevada State Journal and the Reno

Evening Gazette will merge into one morning news­paper starting Oct. 3, publishe r Ma~nce H ickey announced Thursday. The two newspapers already are pu blished jointly on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays as the Reno Gautte-Journal, and the new joint publication will keep that name, H ickey said .

Braniff Airlines to fly again FORT WORTH. Texas - Jubilan t offici,als of

grounded Braniff International received a bankruptcy court's blessing Thursday to fl y again, but they won't speculate on when flights may begin or when up to 2,000 of the airline's former employees may return to the : payroll. Under the plan, the Chic.ago-based H yatt Corp : hotel chain will invest $20 million in cash and $50 million : in loan guarantees in exchang·e for 80 percent of the nevi • airline's stock .

Nation 's re tailers kept busy . . . . .

WASH INGTON - Back to school s hoppers helped • keep sales by the nation's major retailers moving a t a • brisk clip in August. Sears. Roebuck & Co .. the world 's : largest retailer , said Thursday It had its seventh consecutive mon thly gain in August, while K mart Corp.. the No. 2 retailer, recorded its largest year-to-year increase since January 1982.

New construction spending up WASHINGTON - New construcu on spending

rose 1.7 percen t in JuJy, with most of of .tht- ga10 in housing, a governmen t report indicates. The Commerce Department said new construct~on was put in plal·e during July at an annual rate of $267 7 bilhon compared with $263. l billion the previous month . It was the fourth consecutive monthly gain.

Mutual funds assets declini11g NEW YORK - Assets of the nauon1s 309 money

market mutual funds' assets fe ll $527 nullion to $1 64.8 billion In the latest week, a Washington-based mutua l fund trade group says.


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