rumbidzwai!!! -


Transcript of rumbidzwai!!! -

Na VaZimbudzi Areruya areruya tinopembera, ngaarumbidzwe!

Arikumusorosoro ngaarumbidzwe samutumwa waMwari.

Munonzwikwa samazwi makuru orudo.

Rumbidzwai, imi Izwi akava munhu,

Chiedza chikavhenekera nyika

Rumbidzwai Mupi noMuchengeti; Muchengeti wepfuma,

Sirivheri nendarama ndezvenyu.

Rumbidzwai Muchengeti wemhuri dzedu.

Rumbidzwai, Musiki noMupi weHupenyu kuzvisikwa zvose.

Hekanhiwaro Muvhumbamiri wamajaya nenhandara,

Hekanhiwaro Diziro redu murushambwa,

Hekanhiwaro Mudi wavasingadiwi, Nharire yekutanga,

Muvambi wamavambo,

Hekanhiwaro Shura rakava tsvimbo yaMoses yakatsemura gungwa dzvuku,

Dombo rikabuda mvura murenje,

Chingwa chakadonha kubva kudenga.

Maivapa bvute masikati, usiku muchivavhenekera.

Makafamba nevana vaIziraeri muri muareka inoera,

Ndokuvarwira pavavengi vavo.

Ruoko rwenyu rwukakoromora masvingo eJeriko.

Rumbidzwai nokuzvininipisa kuva munhu sesu!

Ndokutidzikinura kuhuranda hwerutadzo nokutifira pachipiyaniso.

Rumbidzwai imi makaita muviri yedu ive tembere yenyu inoera.

Makore makumi mashanu apfuura tiinemi,

Rumbidzwai Shumba yerudzi rwaDhaviti.

Rumbidzwai nyakutsigira Dhaviti pana Goriati.

Ndimi makagadza Maikoro jinda raMwari:

Maturunure, akarwa kudenga dhiyabhori akawira pasi,

Nhasi uno madzinza akasiyana siyana anovimba nemi.

Miteuro yose yatinoita tinorangarira Imi!

Nhasi uno tinokutendai nemakore makumi mashanu apfuura uno musha wavakwa.

Sesvinga rehuni rudo rwenyu runoti batanidza,

Varombo nava pfumi, harahwa nepwere munotiumba pamwe sehari.

Garai nesu nokuti ndimi Chitarisiro nokukunda kwedu.

Rumbidzwai nokusingaperi nokuti hakuna akaitasemi!

Mikombe yedu inopfachukira nomufaro nokuda kwenyu.

Nanhasi uno kubata kwenyu tinongokuona.

Nokusingaperi rumbidzwai; Amen!




|Worship the LORD with reverence and Rejoice with trembling

|Pics of The All Stars #TEAMSOCOMM#


|IF ANY OF YOU LACKS WISDOM LET THEM ASK GOD Being educated is important! The parish needs parishioners, especially the youth to be educated so it benefits from their knowhow.

By Social welfare Correspondent


We learn about how we can enhance our faith through the new media, how they work, how we can benefit from them and what the

dangers are.


|WHO IS YOUR NEIGHBOUR? – Parishes neighbouring St Michael‟s.



By Smart Sigauke


By Zephaniah Mzembi


|MAKE THE MOST OF YOURSELF Seeking spiritual and physical wealth is the birth right of a Christian. Christ does not intend for us to be poor!

By Brighton Tom

|I AM SOMEBODY By Chiedza Maphosa


|THERE IS A TIME AND SEASON FOR EVERYTHING We learn of the various seasons of a Catholic year and how we pray and what we are observing during that time

BY Calvin Murambinda



Who better to teach, explain & illustrate what faith is than the eloquent apostle Paul in the book of Hebrews.


We sit down with The Vatican Delegates; a mbira singing group. They specialise in religious music. We learn more about their


By Regis Shangwa


See if you can crack the word puzzle which focuses on Icons of faith in the bible




We welcome our new priest, Fr Tagwirei.

We profile him and privileged to read his

thought provoking & humorous poem.

GUEST WRITER Fr. Digwei bids farewell to us and goes

down memory lane as the Shepard of the

flock St Michaels.


Tinopa rutendo kuhutungamiriri hwedu

hwakasiya.Tinovonga, Sekuru Munyanyi,

VaChinyama na Papa Benedict XIV

A work of art, hand drawn and computer edited cartoon; which is a simplified version of the fall of satan and his

defeat to Michael.

Worship the LORD with Reverence and Rejoice

with Trembling!!

Editorial Desk Rumbidzwai!!!, Rumbidzwai!!!. It is befitting that Mr Zimbudzi helps us declare the real Creator of the

magazine, with his celebratory, worship and praise poem, as we pay homage to GOD. We acknowledge that all

things are made perfect in Jesus Christ and that without the grace of The Holy Spirit; us human flesh would not

have accomplished this feet.

What a Divine coincidence that as we celebrate our Golden Jubilee, it is also The Year of Faith. Because this is

precisely what we are celebrating! We celebrate that for 50 years we have had a Temple of the LORD where we

pray and enhance our faith. We celebrate the fact that faith is what has kept us going. We celebrate that we have

been seeking and growing in faith at St Michael‘s for 50 years. We celebrate that faith has led to many of our

successes. We celebrate that what binds us here at St Michael‘s is a quest to have a close relationship with GOD

through faith in Jesus Christ enabled by the gifts of The Holy Spirit. We rejoice that Christ taught us what faith

really is and that grace has allowed us to experience and practice it in the Temple of The LORD; St Michael‘s.

We are here to show and pursue our faith in GOD and to Worship the LORD with reverence and rejoice with


The first magazine, for last year, was to be an exclusive publication that was to be a once off. But we may make

our plans, but God has the last word. And as such, the power of the Holy Spirit has once again made it possible

for us to share our stories, to encourage one another, to celebrate together, to show off the talents bestowed on

us, to be proud to be called GOD‘s children and to teach one another; all this is done so that we enhance our

faith in GOD through Christ in the unity of The Holy Spirit.

Our magazine was much more interactive this year. The parishioners were a huge part of the publication and

contributed a huge chunk of articles in the form of mostly poems. The quality of their work in top drawer, as

testimony of Mr Zimbudzi‘s grand opening poem. We have grown from last year and so have come up with new

concepts as well as a more quality product. Our guest writer is our former priest Father Digwei who ponders on

his memories at St Michael‘s. We also welcome our new priest Father Tagwirei and profile him. As always we

tried to be all encompassing and touch on issues such as faith, prayer, worship, liturgy, motivation, education,

giving, spiritual and physical wealth, as well as a word puzzle and a simplified cartoon that chronicles the fall

of satan from Heaven. We also increased the space reserved for pictures to try and increase the people in them

and also made them appear in colour. We failed last year to finish off the documentary and perhaps it was a

blessing because we got new interviews. We bring it to you as our main attraction.

The number of individuals who were a part who co-created the magazine also increased. This gave it depth,

variety and uniqueness. To you all we say thank you! The hours you put in, the fights we had over content and

all the many resources you used made this magazine a piece of art. The same goes to our funders. Your

generosity is humbling! To you all who contributed to the article I say ―Your Father who sees in secret will

reward you in secret!‖

Tinoda kukutendai mose nekurudziro netsigiro yenyu. Tioda kuvonga nekutenga kwamakaita chinyorwa

chekutanga. Kuchiri nemabhuku akawanda eche gore rapera kune avo vangaada. Gore rino chiveregwa chichiri

kungoita US$1 uye mari yose, segore rapera, ichainda kukupedzisa kuvakwa kwe durawall yedu. Tinovimba

muchanakidzwa nekushuva kusangana zvekare gore rinouya, sezvo bhuku redu tave kuda kuriita gore negore.

Vavariro yedu kuramba tichikodza hunyanzvi. Mazita nemufananidzo inotevera ndeyeavo vanobata mabasa e

Social Communications pa St Michael‘s vanovazve vose vakabata mukugadzirwa kwezchinyorwa chedu:

Stanley Zinyuke, Precious Mudzingwa, Mpho Serame, Talent Rungano, Calvin Murambinda, Monnye

Mabelebele, Smart Sijauke, Brigton Tom, Tapiwa Mazhambe, Tatenda Chibodo, Itai Muridzo, Mai Dhomu,

Munashe Bernard, Fr. Tagwirei, Regis Shangwa, Prof Nyazema, Kgabo Mogashoa, Noel Muridzo,

Tinotenda Muzembi & Fr. Digwei.


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were

commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen

was not made out of what was visible. By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he

was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even

though he is dead. By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be

found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists

and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in

holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the

righteousness that comes by faith. By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his

inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in

the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs

with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and

builder is God. By faith Abraham, even though he was past age--and Sarah herself was barren--was enabled to

become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise. And so from this one man, and

he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the

seashore. All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised;

they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers

on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been

thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for

a better country--a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city

for them. By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the

promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, "It is through Isaac that

your offspring will be reckoned." Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking,

he did receive Isaac back from death. By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau in regard to their future. By faith

Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff. By

faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions

about his bones. By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was

no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict. By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused

to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather

than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value

than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the

king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible. By faith he kept the Passover and the

sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel. By faith the

people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.

By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days. By faith the

prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient. And what

more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the

prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who

shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness

was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. Women received back

their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better

resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. They were

stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and

goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated-- the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts

and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground. These were all commended for their faith, yet none of

them received what had been promised. Hebrews 11:1-39.



“„Jehovha akuropafadzei

uye akuchengetei;

Jehovha ngaapenyese chiso chake

pamusoro penyu

uye akunzwirei tsitsi;

Jehovha ngaarinzire chiso chake


uye akupei rugare.” Kuverengwa 6 v24-26

Nguva imwe neimwe tinokangamwa kungoti

maita; tinotenda! Kakawanda tinokonewa

kuona zvakanaka zvatinoitirwa, tinofunga kuti

ikodzero yedu kuitirwa zvakana. Asika haisi

kodzero yedu kuwana nekuitirwa zvakanaka.

Inyasha dza Mwari. Dzimwe nguva

tinofungira kuti kana munhu akaita chakanaka,

ndizvo zvagara achifanira kuita. Zvikurusei

tinokonewa kupa rutendo kuvashandi

VeKirike. Tinoita kunge tinoona pasina faniro

nokuti vasarudzwa . Ichokwadi kuti Mwari

unopa vashandi vake mubairo . (Vakorosa

3:24), asi kupiwa rutendo neavo wavaibata

navo chinhu chinofadza.

Kutendewa kunopa simba, kunoratidza

kukosheswa uye kunoita kuti atendewa azive

kuti akaita basa rakanaka. Iye Mwari pachake

anofadzwa nekutenda kwatinoita nekuti,

tinenge tichiratidza kuti takaitirwa nyasha

naMwari kupiwa vashandi veSangano.

Kubva panguva yatakanyora chinyorwa

chegore rapera, hutungamiriri hwepamusha

pedu, diocese uye Kirike Katorike rose

rwakachinja. Baba vedu vezvemweya; Baba

Digwei vakachinja musha vochiiswa

kuZhombe, Sachigaro VaChinyama vakabva

makore avo ehutungamiriri apera, Sekuru

Martin Munyanyi vakamira basa uye Papa

Benedict XIV vakasiyawo basa.

Baba Digwei ndivo vakatanga boka rino

reSocial Communications paSangano redu re

St Michael‘s uye ndivo vakauya nepfungwa

yekuitwa kwechinyorwa chegore rimwe


VaChinyama ndivo vaivawo mutungamiri

patakatanga basa redu. Vaititsigira nguva

dzose. Sekuru Martin vakavamba Social

Commmunications yeDiocese reGweru uye

Papa Benedict vainyora nekukurudzira pasi

rose kuti riite zve Social Communications.

Hurudziro, rubatsiro netsigiro dzavo kwatiri

dzakaita kuti tishande pasina


Hazvisi zvega izvozvo, Sekuru Munyanyi,

Baba Digwei, Sachigaro Chinyama vakaona

kubudirira nekukura kweSangano redu. Pane

zvakawanda zvavakaita, chimwe chezvinhu

zvavakatanga kuvakwa kwe Durawall

pamusha wedu.

Naizvozvo Sangano redu rose re St Michael‘s

rinoda kutenda Papa Benedict XIV, Sekuru

Munyanyi, Baba Digwei uye Sachigaro

VaChinyama nemabasa makuru avakaitira

Sangano redu re St Michael‘s.

Tinodawo kutenga vatungamiri vose; vangava,

masabhuku, vedzinzanga, ma committees uye

wose uyo, mupenyu kana akatisiya, ane

hutungamiriri hwaakabata kana basa raakaitira

St Michael‘s, kubva 1962 kusvika nhasi uno.

Hatigoni kukudomai mose nemazita, uye

hatingakuzivii mose kana kuziva zvamakaitira

Mwari. Mabasa akawanda akaitiwa paSangano

rino, akawanda, uye ose akakosha. Tinoti

kuSangano rose re St Michael‘s TINOTENDA

mose!!!! “Jehovha ngaakuripire

sezvawakabata, upiwe mubayiro

wakakwana naJehovha Mwari

waIsiraeri, wawakauya kuzovanda pasi

pamapapiro ake.” Rute 2:12

-TO PAGE 23-





Current Pontiff of the Roman Catholic

ChurchFull Name: Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Born 17/ 12/1936

Country of origin: Buenos Aires, Argentina


Pope of The Catholic Church

Papacy bega:13 March 2013

Ordained a priest:13/121969

Consecration :27 June 1992

Created Cardinal:21 February 2001

Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus in

Argentina (1973–1979)

Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires (1992–1997)

Titular Bishop of Auca (1992–1997)

Archbishop of Buenos Aires (1998–2013)

Cardinal-Priest of San Roberto Bellarmino


Ordinary of the Ordinariate for the Faithful of

the Eastern Rites in Argentina (1998–2013)

President of the Argentine Episcopal Conference


Motto: Miserando atque Eligendo


Born: 01/01/1950 in Mutero mission in Gutu

8th Born in family of 10

Attended Chishawasha Major Seminary for his Philosophy and Theology studies


Ordained as priest:20/08/1977

Ordained as Bishop: 14/09/2013.

Holds Diploma in Religious studies from UZ in 1978

1986 went to Rome & obtained a Licentiate in Sacred Liturgy from St. Anselm.

In 1990 he was appointed Lecturer and Formator at Chishawasha Major Seminary

Since 1998 he held the post of the Vice-Rector of the same Major Seminary. He

trained and formed the future priests of Zimbabwe for fourteen years.He went to

Masvingo diocese with Gweru diocese dividing to establish Masvingo diocese (1999).

Held various other positions such as Promoter of Lay Apostolate and Spiritual

Director of St. Joseph Association of Masvingo diocese

In 2007, Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops‟ Conference appointed him as Chaplain of the

Zimbabwe Catholics in England.

In recognition of his exemplary priestly life and meritorious pastoral zeal for the

Church in Zimbabwe, Pope Benedict XVI conferred upon Fr. Xavier Munyongani

the title of “Monsignor”.

He speaks well his mother tongue Shona, and is fluent in the second major local

language Ndebele. In addition, he is gifted in international languages such as English,

Italian and German


Born: 24/09/1980, at Masvingo general

Hospital Masvingo

5th born in family of 10; with 4 boys and 6


From a polygamous family, a total 21

children: 9 boys & 12 girls.

Ordained: 19/10/2010.

First pastoral year as a priest at St Barnabas

Mbizo kwekwe 2010-2011

2nd appointment St Pauls house serving

chiwundura parishes.

Nziyo yapamoyo Tenzi wakadaidza Jeremiya.

Favourite food Sadza and Gochi –


Vanofarira kuredza hove, kutamba

basketball and watching movies “Wild life”

Enjoy celebrating Mass nevatenderi

vanoimba vachitamba.

2nd Patron of St Michael‟s Social



Mate mumukanwa handina Sangano richisvitsa makore makumi mashanu ini

ndichiwanikwawo ndiri Sachigaro. Zera rangu rinondipa manyawi kusarudzwa

saSachigaro. Ndinovimba ndini wekutanga saSachigaro we zera rangu.

Handizivi chakaona vanhu asi ivo naMWARI ndivo vanoziva.Vanhu

vakandivimba, kundipa chiremera chakadai uye vanonditsigira neni

ndinovimba navo uye ndichavatsigira nepandinogona. Kuvatenderi vose; kuva

mutungamiriri unotungamirira nemazano eSangano, saka ndivimbisa kuteerera

nekugamuchira pfungwa dzenyu. Ndinoda kutenda vatenderi ve St Michael‟s

tinotenda Baba Tagwirei, vapiki vose uye imi mose. Tinotarisira kuenderera

kwembiri yaMWARI uye kubatana. Ndinoda kutenda varongi vezuva rino.

Tinoti Makorokoto St Michael‟s nekusvitsa makore makumi mashanu!!!!






By: Petronella Wilson

We welcome you Father Tagwirei,

When we heard that Father Digwei was leaving,

We flooded the earth with tears, not knowing that in return,

The Almighty had prepared an equally splendid present.

We welcome you, Oh! Dear Father.

You are a miracle that happened;

Our tears instantly dried leaving smiles on our faces.

You have shepherded us exceedingly well from where Father Digwei left.

We welcome you, Oh! Dear Father.

For the few days that you have been with us;

You have revealed real mysteries of life to us.

You have surely been sent from above!

We appreciate every moment that you have been with us.

And you being with us has been a true source of inspiration.

We welcome you, Oh! Dear Father.

Thank you for your dedication to your work.

“Mharidzo dzenyu Baba dzinotivaka, zvirambe zvakadaro Wamambo.”

Your words touch our souls and refine us to become better people every day.

We welcome you, Oh! Dear Father.

May the Almighty continue to bless the words of your lips.

And the works of your hands our dear Priest.

We welcome you to St Michael‘s Parish Reverend Father Tagwirei!!!



By Smart Sigauke

Advisor – St Michael‟s Social Communication.

The Holy See has given parishioners the mandate to create Social Communications initiatives. Social

Communications can be on a parish, diocese, national, regional or entire Catholic Church level. It is

an entirely new perspective of the Catholic Church. It is evident that God wants to enrich our lives

through Social Communication; ―Behold, I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not

perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert‖ (Isaiah 43:19). Pope John

Paul II and Pope Benedict XIV, the propellers and advocates of Social Communications emphasise on

the fact that for Social Communications to be successful, it must be context oriented. This means that

Social Communications, be it on a micro or macro level, has to cater to its parishioners‘ needs or and

the environment it is operating in.

Thus, the aspiration of St Michael Social Communication is to share knowledge, prayer and the word

of God. The strategies adopted by St Michaels‘ Social Communications group to attain its aspirations

in evangelisation is through; Sunday Mass bulletin and annual magazine publications, social

interaction, broadcast media productions and social networking. Mind you, we are in the 21st century,

where the way we relate to other people is being transformed because of technology. We are moving

from individual networks to a world of networked individuals. Accordingly, St Michael‘s Social

Communications group has embraced technological advances to enhance evangelisation at St

Michael‘s parish.

The Sunday Mass bulletin is the first venture that we launched and is in its third year running. It is

perhaps our most signature product and perhaps what parishioners know us the most for. The Sunday

Mass bulletin has been running from 2011 till todate. Munashe Bernard and Calvin Murambinda are

its stewards. It comprises of the Sunday Mass readings (zvidzidzo & dama rakanaka), announcements

and occasional catechism teaching. This Sunday Mass communiqué also ensures members to feel

connected to the church while reminding them of the community to which they belong. It is very

popular and has an average of 250 copies printed every Sunday. It has evolved over the years in

design and in content structure. A major draw break is the recent inconsistency in the Sunday Mass

bulletin over recent months. The main reason for this is a lack in funds and no real printing base. It is

our hope that logistics will be ironed out and the Sunday Mass bulletin becomes a household aspect of

our parish culture.

The St Michaels‘ annual magazine publication started in 2012. The initial concept was supposed to be

a once off celebratory publication in honour of our parish‘s 50 Anniversary celebrations. However,

we are back again this year and also want to make this an annual publication that centres around

events in our parish in a year and the Catholic theme of the year. We would like to make it an

interactive publication where every parishioner can participate and contribute to the publication.

Testimony of this is the greater involvement of parishioners in this magazine, compared to last year‘s.

As with last year‘s magazine, this magazine is largely in black and white, although this year‘s has

increased the colour pages. Once again, the reason for this is limited funds and it is our hope that with

time, we will have an all colour magazine.

Our most recent initiative is the 50 Anniversary documentary, with interviews of senior parishioners,

our two most recent priests and former chairpersons over the years. This is a new area and we hope

we can engage more such productions and be innovative and creative in their execution. Picture



quality may not be of highest standard but we believe it is largely satisfactory. Inferior equipment and

recording equipment was the reason for this.

One cannot ignore the social networks. Pope John Paul II issued the papal encyclical Aetatis Novae, a

Pastoral Instruction on Social Communication ―as the church takes positive, sympathetic approach to

media, seeking to enter into culture created by modern communications in order to evangelise

effectively. It is necessary at the very same time that the Church offers a critical evaluation of mass

media and their impact upon culture.‖ Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on a World Communication

Day‘s on the theme; Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for Evangelisation,

message said: ―Social networks are nourished by aspirations rooted in the Human heart. People are

engaged in building relationships and making friends, in looking for answers to their questions and

being entertained, but also in finding intellectual stimulation and sharing knowledge and know-how.‖

He went on to say even though at times it can be difficult on social networks we need to trust in the

fact that the basic human desire is to love and be loved and to find meaning and truth. Thus we have

created a St Michael‘s Gweru Facebook page. The page is not as interactive and established as

perhaps it can be. This therefore is one of the key areas we consider a priority and we intend to look

into this and make it more effective as a matter of urgency. We also intend to create a Twitter account

and also blog sites in the near future. Even Pope Francis has beat us to this and can be followed on

Twitter @Pontifex- he now has six million followers. Our recently opened email address is

[email protected].

Admittedly, our quality deliverance of our initiatives still needs a lot of improvement, but progress

has been made and advances have been seen. St Michael‘s and the Church as a whole is faced with

three challenges: first, to provide an alternative environment to the media setting; in the form of face-

to-face community; second to penetrate the media with images and messages that challenge the

media‘s own values and instead communicate fundamental human values and third, to teach

parishioners (and the public) how to understand the ways in which the media are being manipulative.

Without citizens who are literate about the media, it is impossible for the church to participate

meaningfully in deciding how our lives will be shaped by technology. Catechists should learn how to

take media into account as a crucial part of the cultural background and experience of those being

catechised; how to use media in catechesis and how to help their students understand and evaluate

media in light of religious values. This is also another project we intend to assist in.

Pope Benedict XVl reminds us that social networks and social communications in general offer us

opportunities for prayer, meditation and sharing the word of God. There should be no lack of

coherence or unity in the expression of our faith and witness to the Gospel in whatever reality we are

called, whether physical or digital. It is our hope that St Michael‘s and other parishes and different

stages of Social Communications in the Church grow and become effective forms if faith building.

We, at St Michaels‘s Social Communications would like to thank the entire parish, the administrators

and father Tagwirei for their support. All of us; we are Social Communications and your backing has

been our source of growth and endurance!!


Na Cynthia Tarusarira

Zvikanzi heino hondo; munedzedu pfungwa,

Zvemhando zvombo topakata.

Heya yamunofunga ihondo yenyama?

Asi iye nhasi ndati Maikoro ari muhondo yomweya!

Kareko nehwedu hunyanzvi, kuchinangwa taimhanya takananga,

wakaipa tichiita naye masanga,

Asi zvangove zvitaurirwa mbare dzokumusana.

Maikoro wakaziva wokubaya nerake pfumo,

Akaziva wokudzivirira nechake chombo,

Nyadenga akamuda nerwake rudo.

Ko iwe unoda aniwo nerwako rudo?

Mwari here; kana izvo zvepasi zvinodai kuparadzanisa vanhu?

Simukai nhai vatenderi!! Simukai kani!!

Mubatsirei iye Maikoro muiyi hondo yomweya.

Kareko kunonzi neyavo yose mwoyo nesimba vairumbidza Musiki.

Nhasi uno angove matakadya kare, asizve haanyaradzi mwana!!!

Nhasi uno chiitaka mutenderi tioneka ako mabasa.

Ake meso anongoti humburuhumburu segonzo rapotswa nekatsi.

Kungwarira paduri sehuku!Basa chairo pasi tsve-e kupedzera miseve kumakunguwo.

Iyo yako hondo ichangotanga. Vehama ndati, ichangopisa pisa zvino hondo.

Ko vanhu vanhasi munoiteiko?

Ndeaniko mauto amuri kubatsira imi? Maikoro here? satani here? Kana mumwewo zvake?

Zvawati iwe wada kubatsirana naMaikoro nerako pfumo unobaya ani?

Hezvo! Chobuda zvino chii?

Imi muchinge matamba ari munhava yomuvhimi,

ko munonyengedza ani?

Vehama satani dhiyabhori anofara kana mukasabatana.

Nezvedu zvombo pachedu tave kubayana.

Hama dzangu nyadzisai satani! Timuwisire pasi pepasi neakanaka mabasa!!

Tikadaro tinobatsira Maikoro hondo iyi yomweya.

Maikoro woye zvauriwe uri pauriri wehondo, tinewe muhondo!

Nezvedu zvombo tiri mushure mako, muvengi tinomuziva.

Tinorumbidza Mwari Wokumusoro anova ndiye kukunda kwedu!

Nemuna Jesu Kristo Mwanakomana wake.

Nokudai tinoita mamwezve makumi mashanu makore,

Vavariro kusvika muzana nokuraudzira tirimo mukukunda muhondo iyi yomweya!

Kusvika taona Mwari muparadhiso musina hondo asi rugare rwaMwari muna Kristo vakabatanidzwa

naMweya mustvene.



This is the year of faith. No faith of a Christian can exist without prayer: ―Do not worry about

anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be

made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard

your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus‖ (Philippians 4:6-7). Here are a few prayers that

go with the theme of the year, our parish and communicating.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit and enlighten us, Come Holy Spirit and transform us, Come Holy Spirit

and Heal us. Be our consolation in times of distress, Be our courage in times of our fears, Be

our safeguard against the temptations of satan. Be the light in our darkness. Change my heart

O Holy Spirit that I may be Holy. Come O Holy Spirit of God and renew the face of the

earth. Amen.

Prayer for the Parish

Almighty God who governs all things in heaven and on earth, Mercifully hear the

supplications of your people. Grant to our Parish all things needful for its welfare. And

through the guidance of your Holy Spirit may we be of one heart and mind in the fold of your

Holy Church to the honour and glory of your name through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

St Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in this day of battle. Be our Protection against the

wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou O

Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell satan and all evil spirits

who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Prayer for Communicators

Lord, let the good news of your marvellous deeds fall on every ear, and let all tongues rejoice

in your wisdom, your compassion, your faithfulness, and your love. Make me bold and let me

share your Word with those you desire to reach. As my heart overflows with your love, speak

through me. Let me proclaim your glory and your majesty, and tell of the kindness you have

shown your people. This l ask, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. #TEAMSOCOMM#

………. , to all who call upon him in truth. Psalm 145:18


The LORD is near to all who call upon him….

By Calvin Murambinda

The liturgical year, consists of the cycle of liturgical seasons in the Catholic Church that determines

how we pray. Let us learn more about them.

Advent Advent derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning arrival or coming is the first season of the

liturgical year. It begins four Sundays before Christmas, the Sunday falling on or nearest to 30

November and ends on Christmas Eve. During this season Catholics focus on the preparation for the

coming of Christ, not only the coming of the Christ-child at Christmas, but also, in the first weeks, on

the eschatological final coming of Christ. This makes Advent a period for devout and joyful

expectation. Songs of praise like ―Mwari Ngaarumbidzwe kudenga‖ are not sung during Advent

Masses. Liturgical colour for Advent is purple or violet.

Christmas The Christmas season immediately follows Advent. The traditional Twelve Days of Christmas begin

with Christmas Eve on the evening of December 24 and continue until the feast of Epiphany. The

actual Christmas season continues until the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, which in the present form

of the Roman Rite is celebrated on the Sunday after 6 January. Liturgical colour is white.

Ash Wednesday

Occurring 46 days before Easter, Ash Wednesday is a moveable feast that can fall as early as

February 4 and as late as March 10. According to the Gospels; Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the

desert, where he endured temptation by satan. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of this 40-day

liturgical period of prayer and fasting or abstinence. Of the 46 days until Easter, 6 are Sundays. Ash

Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a

reminder of human mortality and a sign of mourning and repentance to God. Liturgical colour is

purple or violet. The ashes used are gathered from the burning of the palms from the previous year's

Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a Catholic moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast

commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in all four canonical

Gospels. Palm Sunday includes a procession of the assembled worshipers carrying palms,

representing the palm branches the crowd scattered in front of Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem.

According to the Gospels, Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem and the celebrating people there laid

down their cloaks in front of him and also laid down small branches of trees. Jesus' entry to Jerusalem

would thus symbolize his entry as the Prince of Peace, not as a war-waging king. The palm branch

was a symbol of triumph and victory. The liturgical colour for this celebration is Red.

Holy Thursday Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with his Twelve Apostles; the institution of

the Eucharist, the institution of the priesthood and the commandment of brotherly love that Jesus gave

after washing the feet of his disciples. Apart from this Mass, the Chrism Mass for the blessing of the

Holy Oils that the diocesan bishop may celebrate on the morning of Holy Thursday also takes place.

Good Friday Good Friday is a feast day which involves a series of readings and meditations. Unlike Roman

Catholic services on other days, the Good Friday service is not a Mass and in fact, celebration of Mass

on Good Friday is forbidden. Before the service, procession with statues representing the Passion of

Christ is held. During the service, the cross is presented and the people are given an opportunity to

venerate it. The only sacraments celebrated are Penance and Anointing of the Sick. The altar remains

completely bare, without texts, candlesticks or altar cloths.


There is a Time for Everything & a Season for Every Activity

Easter Vigil Easter Vigil, the longest and most solemn of the Catholic Church's liturgical services consists of four


1. The Service of Light

2. The Liturgy of the Word

3. The Liturgy of Baptism: The sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation for new members of

the Church and the Renewal of Baptismal Promises by the entire congregation.

4. Holy Eucharist

The Liturgy begins after sundown on Holy Saturday. A new fire is kindled and blessed by the priest.

This new fire symbolizes the light of salvation and hope that God brought into the world through

Christ's Resurrection; dispelling the darkness of sin and death. From this fire is lit the Paschal candle,

symbolizing the Light of Christ. This Paschal candle will be used throughout the season of Easter.

Easter Sunday Easter Sunday, which immediately follows Holy Week, is the great feast day and apogee of the

Christian liturgical year: on this day the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated. It is the first day of

the new season of the Great Fifty Days, which runs from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday. Easter

Sunday is the main reason why Christians keep Sunday as the primary day of religious observance.

Easter Season and Pentecost Easter is the celebration of Jesus resurrection. The date of Easter varies from year to year, according

to a lunar-calendar dating system. In the Roman Rite, the Easter season extends from the Easter Vigil

through Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost (Greek word meaning after 50 days) is the fiftieth and last day of

the Easter season. It celebrates the sending of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, which traditionally

marks the birth of the Church. Liturgical colour: white, but red on the feast of Pentecost.

Ordinary Time This season, follows the Easter season and the feasts of Easter, Ascension and Pentecost. Ordinary

Time resumes on Pentecost Monday, omitting the Sunday which would have fallen on Pentecost. It

ends on the Saturday before the First Sunday of Advent. The Sundays resume their numbering at the

point that will make the Sunday before Advent the thirty-fourth, or are numbered as ‗Sundays after

Pentecost‘. Feasts during this season include: Trinity Sunday, the first Sunday after Pentecost,

Corpus Christi, Thursday of the second week after Pentecost, often celebrated on the

following Sunday, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Friday in the third week after

Pentecost and Feast of Christ the King, last Sunday before Advent.

Holy Trinity Holy Trinity is the first Sunday after Pentecost in the liturgical calendar. Trinity Sunday celebrates the

Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The liturgical colour used on Trinity Sunday is white.

Corpus Christi The Feast of the Corpus Christi (Latin for Body of Christ), is a liturgical solemnity celebrating the

tradition and belief in the body and blood of Jesus Christ and his Real Presence in the Eucharist. It

emphasizes the joy of the institution of the Eucharist, which was observed on Holy Thursday in the

somber atmosphere of the nearness of Good Friday. The feast is liturgically celebrated on the

Thursday after Trinity Sunday or, where the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is

not a Holy Day of Obligation, it is assigned to the Sunday after the Most Holy Trinity as its proper

day. At the beginning of Holy Mass, there is often a procession of the Blessed Sacrament, generally

displayed in a monstrance.


By Tonderai Huni

The sick say He is The Healer

The dying say He is The Resurrection

The dead say He is Life

The lost say He is The Way

The blind say He is The Light

The liars say He is The Truth

The hungry say He is The Bread of Life

The captives say He is The Redeemer

The refugees say He is The Prince of Peace

The sinners say He is The Lamb

The thirsty say He is The Living Water

The depressed say He is The Comforter

The lawyers say He is The Judge

The inquisitive say He is The Hidden Treasure

The builders say He is The Corner Stone

The denied say He is The Door

The employers say He is Servant

The students say He is The Teacher

The miners say He is The Rock of Ages

The hunters say He is The Lion of Judah

The vine growers say He is The True Vine

The animal farmers say He is The Good Shepard

The chroniclers say He is The Alpha & Omega

The watchmen say He is The Bright Morning Star



By Collen Mark Manjokoto Remember faith without works is dead. This is epitomised by our father of faith Abraham when he offered

his only son Isaac to God hence he was justified by his works (Gen 22). It is our onus to promote solidarity

and tolerance of diversity. Let community building be the key to our daily lives. As Catholics, walk by the

spirit and do not gratify the desires of the flesh, for the two are opposed to each other (Gal 5: 16,17). Fruits

of the spirit should continuously be noted among all Catholics. These include love, kindness, patience and

faithfulness. To be true charismatic heroes, let Catholics have humble and compassionate response to the

needs of the poor. Find support, friendship and encouragement from one another. Create an atmosphere

where not only prayer and meals are shared, but also where we relate the joys, sorrows and excitement of

our lives. All Catholics have to place their talents and skills at the service of God. Eventually, let Catholics

be quick to hear and slow to speak, slow to anger for the anger of man does not work to enhance righteous.

Let all Catholics be charismatic heroes before GOD!

Na Tinotenda Shangwa Amai Mariya musande vakapiwa kwatiri vatenderi vose kuti vave mubatsiri wedu; murevereri wedu uye

muchengeti wedu. Vatenderi vazhinji havazivi kukosha kwavakaita muupenyu wedu, musangano redu

nemuKirike rose. Mugore rino rechitendero zvakakosha kuti tizive kukosha kwakaita amai Mariya zvikuru

sei tichipemberera makore makumi mashanu seSangano repa St Michael‘s.

Ruka1:38, Ipapo Mariya akati, ― Imi ndiri muranda waTenzi, saka izvi ngazviitwe maererano nekutaura

kwenyu‖. Amai Mariya musande vanotidzidzisa kuti chitendero kugona kutendera kuti Mwari

unotiropafadza uye unesu tisati taona makomborero avanotivimbisa. Chitendero chedu ngachivandudzwe

nemabasa edu, mafambiro edu uye maitiro edu. Chitendero cha Mai Mariya chakaita kuti vave murevereri

wedu: Kuzoti waini yapera mai vaJesu vakati kwaari ―Vanhu ava havachina waini‖ (Johane 2:3). Nesuwo

tinodzidza kuti kana tikavimba nekutendera muna Mwari pane zvose ; nesuwo pasi rose richatiti

―Kwaziwai Muzere negrasiya….Makakomborerwa!‖ Tireverereiwo mai Mariya mubatsiri wavatenderi,

murevereri wavarwere, uchengeti wechirikadzi nenherera.

Mariya Mubatsiri Wavatenderi Tireverereiwo!



By Social Welfare Correspondent Jesus at the age of 12, we read, was left behind by Joseph and Mary in Jerusalem. In realising this, the parents were worried and immediately went back to Jerusalem to fetch Jesus. Of interest is where they found him. He was in the temple courts; more of a Jewish school, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions (Luke 2:41-48). Yes Jesus humbling himself as a student. Jesus was a reader and biblical scholars state that his favourite book was the book of the prophet Isaiah (Luke 4:14-20). With this knowledge from the scriptures, Jesus uses it as; teachings or answers to questions. So many a times he states “It is written” or “what do the scriptures say?” (Mt 5:17-43, Mt 4:1-11). The Teacher shows that he is a canvasser of the scriptures by his constant reference to them. The scriptures are His source of authority and blueprint to live a holy life. It is apparent that Jesus read scriptures; he was well read and was a scholar of prophets and prominent figures of the Old Testament such as Moses. Jesus has knowledge of such figures and the fundamentals of Divine inspired living because he took time to study the scriptures. This aspect of Jesus’ knowledge of the scriptures is echoed throughout his ministry and work. Although Jesus is Wisdom itself; the Divine capability and ability to have good judgement and capacity to analyse and act on situations with a level head, he also possessed knowledge from the study of scriptures. Wisdom from God is the most paramount form of knowledge we can have as human beings. Adding on to this spiritual knowledge, for any Christian, should be formal knowledge or education. Being able to acquire a skill, knowledge or profession is also very important. We all have talents and abilities that are bestowed in us by God. It is important as Catholics to combine those talents with education, gain knowledge and so make a profession from them. Our professions are meant to benefit not just us; but others, the world at large and The Church. God has given us different abilities that ensure that when we use them together, we become a better people and are drawn close to each other and to God.

The apostle Paul elaborates this fact when he talks about how “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12). The Church considers education an important ministry. Its investment in education is well documented and can be found at all different levels ranging from elementary school’ St Michael’s Primary is as example, right up to University: Catholic University in Zimbabwe. If you think about it, our very own Parish needs every single professional there is to function well. We need those who preach, we need those who cook, we need those who give us legal advice, we need social workers, we need business people for funding, we need the artists to make our home beautiful, we need sport people to compete, we need accountants to balance our books off, we need the singers to sing, we need the social communicators to help us communicate; we need everyone! There are many others not mentioned, but whatever you do; we need you! And you can contribute your part by acquiring the knowledge or skill of your talent. You have to invest in your talent! Then use your knowledge to better your parish and spread the word of God. This is how we see the importance and relevance of education to the Church and the parish more generally. Although education is open to everyone, the youth are more encouraged to peruse this. Because they have more time, can migrate more easily, are more energetic and are the future of the Church. However, this is not to say that the elderly cannot pursue studies. But what is education; is education important and how can I access education? Education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring specialised or general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. It is the result produced by instruction, training, or study: to show one's solution dealing comprehension. While the above argument is for the acquisition of knowledge through education, one cannot ignore or underestimate the cost thereof, which becomes a hindrance in attaining education. Education is not cheap; it is a service, which is paid for. Education, like any service is viewed as a commodity that those





who seek it must purchase on the market; meaning education must be paid for. A lot of us in our parish and the Church cannot afford education at high levels or at preferred or prestigious institutions that we would like to acquire knowledge from. This presents a challenge for many of us who may envy and appreciate the value of education, desire it but do not have the means to peruse it. Should we just give up? Should we say well we wanted but cannot afford and so there is nothing else we can do? One should subscribe to the notion that with perseverance and endurance comes victory! It is well that the theme for the Catholic Church for this year is The Year of faith. Thus we should have faith that God can grant us that which we desire if we have the faith that it will be such. Jesus states that our lack of faith hinders us from realizing our full potential. He says "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Mt 17:20) Where there is a will there is always a way! Scholarships are an alternative that can bridge the gap between having the ambition and capacity and lacking the means. By definition scholarships are grants-in-aid to a student, a college or foundation. These are funds provided as loans or grants to scholars who wish to pursue education. Often they are given on certain conditions; usually academic qualifications and field of study. Scholarships are so numerous and vary in scope and domain that you are sure to find something that suits your interest. God always creates a way for us! The most important thing; besides constant prayer for grace, is that we take our studies seriously, that we work hard, that we pray for the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom, that we have determination, dedication, perseverance, motivation and purpose for our lives; so we benefit ourselves, our families, our society, our parish, The Church and the world as a whole. Knowledge is an extremely powerful tool. Armed with knowledge; we can perform better, solve problems, make wiser decisions and generally improve lives - ours and those around us. Education empowers the mind to achieve its full potential which consequently contributes to a better quality of life and the smooth running of the Church in general and our parish more specifically. Our professions

should serve God. The apostle Paul is a great example of one who used knowledge to enhance the church. Having been a Greek scholar and a protégé of the great Pharisee Gamaliel (Acts 22:3, Galatians 1:14), Paul advanced his knowledge beyond ordinary standards. This knowledge is attributed in the writing of the 14 of the 27 books in the New Testament; making Paul a huge contributor to Christianity and thus spreading the word of God. Furthermore, let us always remember that God does not take too kindly to those who do not utilize their talents; “And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mt 25: 30). Ask God for a way and it shall be such. Ask for wisdom and knowledge and God shall give it to you, be it through scholarships or his own way. “For with God nothing is impossible” (Luke 1:37). God laments that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Therefore; “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5). So that when the Master comes we will have increased in folds the returns and utilised the talents he has given us (Mt 25: 14-30). In this edition, the article: Spreading the word 2.0 specifically gives you websites and applications that can assist you in searching about specific ways to acquire information on the Internet and how to use applications. These can be used to search for scholarships. You can also Google search the name of your desired profession for a scholarships and the place where you would like to study. Furthermore, St Michael’s social communications has opened a specific email address for St Michael’s parish members and all who read this publication to make enquiries. All you need to do is tell us what you want to do, your age, where you want to do your studies and qualifications and we will search relevant scholarships and options for you and send it to your email address. The help email address for assistance on these and such issues is: [email protected]. You can also send message or post on our Facebook page and we will get back to you.

Report on the progress of the YOUTH at St Michael

By Zephaniah Mzembi

The year started off on a bright note. The guild has been having frequent meetings every fortnight

with the number of attendees increasing every meeting. We have always been part of the liturgical

program at church and were always reliable on any aspect of liturgy. One of the most important things

we managed to accomplish was to help at mass as altar servers. As part of the congregation in church

we also have been designated masses to lead; in which we take pride and have activities such as

dancing as our mass festivities.

The guild has also been part of the main choir at the church and has participated in the various

competitions held during the year. Some of the guild members are also part of the executive of the

same choir with the latest success being second position at the Choral competitions held at St Theresa

Cathedral on 22 June 2013 with Stanford Hussein being the conductor of the choir which won.

We have however been unable to carry out some of our obligations. The guild, for instance, owes the

parish a significant amount of money. The guild has also attended poorly the last Deanery Congress

held at Nashville High School.

Currently the guild is preparing for the Diocese Congress to be held between the 22nd

and 25th of

August 2013 in Zvishavane Deanery. The group is led by Audrey Chitengedza and has Mr Mutodza,

Mrs Thaimu and Mrs Baison as social Advisors and Sister Camilla as our Spiritual Advisor. The

group is also lucky to have our Parish Priest Father Tagwireyi as the Deanery Spiritual Advisor for the




By Brighton Tom

“That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of

God.” - Ecclesiastes 3

Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a

really complete or successful life unless one has resources. No man can rise to his greatest

possible height in talent or soul development unless he has enough possessions. For to unfold

the soul and to develop talent he must have adequate resources to use. And he cannot have

these things unless he has wealth to purchase them with. Ahead of you extends your future

like a road leading into the distance. Along that road are ambitions you wish to accomplish

and desires you aspire to gratify. To bring your ambitions and desires to fulfilment, you must

be successful in wealth. A man develops in mind, soul and body by making use of things,

and society is so organized that man must have money in order to become the possessor and

user of things; therefore, the basis of all advancement for man must be the knowledge of

getting rich in spirit and that manifesting in possession. The object of all life is development;

and everyone has a right to all the development possible.

Man's right to life means his right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which

may be necessary to his fullest mental, spiritual and physical expression. Success in life is

becoming what you want to be; you can become what you want to be only by making use of

things, and you can have the free use of things only as you become wealthy enough to buy

them. Understanding how to get wealthy is therefore the most essential of all knowledge.

There is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon are

perfect examples of men of faith who were wealthy. Successful life means the complete

expression of all that man can give forth through body mind and soul. Wherever there is

unexpressed possibility, or function not performed, there is unsatisfied desire. Desire is

possibility seeking expression, or function seeking performance and it normally requires the

financial resource. In this regard however, it should be clear: money should be your

servant and you should serve the Lord, GOD and use that money to propel the gospel.

Therefore,”….seek first His kingdom and all these things will be added unto you.”



Man cannot live fully in body without good food, comfortable clothing and warm shelter; and

without freedom from excessive toil. Rest and recreation are also necessary to his physical

life. He cannot live fully in mind without books and time to study them, without opportunity

for travel and observation, or without intellectual companionship. To live fully in mind he

must have intellectual recreations and must surround himself with all the objects of art and

beauty he is capable of using and appreciating. To live fully in soul, man must have love; and

love is denied expression by poverty.

A man's highest happiness is found in the bestowal of benefits on those he loves; love finds

its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving. The man who has nothing to give

cannot fill his place as a husband or father, as a citizen or congregant, or as a man (a poor

man is disrespected by his own people). It is in the use of material things that a man finds full

life for his body, develops his mind and unfolds his soul. It is therefore of supreme

importance to him that he should have things. Our prosperity as a church or nation at large

depends upon the personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals. It is perfectly

right that you should desire to be wealthy. It is perfectly right that you should give your

attention to the knowledge of getting wealthy. If you neglect this study, you have neglected

your duty to yourself, humanity and most importantly to God; for you can render to God and

humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself (Mt 25:14-30). Thus it is

prudent that we make the most of ourselves and be wealthy in every single way; spiritually

and physically, through the talents God that gave us.

Proper preparation is the key to our success. Our acts can be no wiser than our thoughts. Our

thinking can be no wiser than our understanding. Financial understanding is very critical

therefore if we are to fulfill most of our desires, wishes and God given duties (dominate and

subdue the earth….). Furthermore, our understanding cannot be wiser than our wisdom, and

He is the source of our Wisdom. God created us with the full abilities to be wealthy in all

spheres of our lives; “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans

to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future(Jeremiah

29:11). Thus are not destined to be poor but rich in all ways; including financially.

Divine Wisdom makes total success in our lives possible!!. … LEST WE DO NOT



By Chiedza Maphosa

If you really want to know;

As to who and what I am,

Please just give me a chance,

To tell you on my own.

I am for sure. I am!

I am somebody!!

I am who I was made to be ,

I am what I have been made to be,

I surely am somebody wherever I am,

I am somebody no matter what!

I am not just somebody;

I am a special somebody!

I am not who they think I am,

I am not who they say I am,

I know who I am

I am somebody!

Somebody isn‘t just (just) nobody,

Somebody isn‘t nobody!

I have been through the rough road,

I have never lost hope!

I am a precious child of God!

Yes, I am a somebody!

Problems couldn‘t destroy me,

Problems will not destroy me,

Problems make me strong!

Reasoning makes me wise!

Problems make me really strong!

Wisdom is my guide

I surely, I am somebody.

Give me time, give me opportunities,

Give me days, weeks, months and years!

I will demonstrate to all and to you;

My strength, my love, my courage my wisdom,

Yes! I promise always to prove;

That; I am somebody!



The new media, especially the Internet and mobile phones have produced new ways of

communicating for Christians and Catholics alike. The Vatican has acknowledged the influence of

these mediums and has encouraged the church to use them for the spread of the word, for example in

Article 169 of the Apostolic Constitution on the Roman Curia, Pastor Bonus, promulgated by Pope

John Paul II. Below is a list of a few sites and applications that can help spread the word of the Lord‘s

grace, get information and thus increase faith.

Google-Developers: Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Began: March 1996, Website:

What you can get: Search engine for publicly accessible documents offered by web servers.22

special features beyond the original word-search capability. Includes Bible, Christian Sites,

synonyms, weather forecasts, time zones, stock quotes, maps, earthquake data, movie show times,

airports, home listings, download music, magazines, books, movies, television programs, Images,

Maps, Play, YouTube, News, Gmail, Scholar, Massive Store Drive, Calendar, sports scores, prices,

temperatures, money/unit conversions, calculations, package tracking, patents, area and many other


Pros: Perhaps the best place to get information about humanity. Can also be the best place to have

Christian and Catholic information. Handy for education and scholars. You can bet to get almost

anything about anything.

Cons: Anyone can put information there so authenticity is not always guaranteed. Harmful

information is also available such as pornography and satanic material.

Our Nickname: # InformationFountain# Alternatives: Bing, Yahoo Search

Facebook-- Developers: Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin ,Andrew McCollum, Dustin

Moskovitz & Chris Hughes Began: February 2004. Website:

What you get: The most used and preferred social networking service. Has more than 1.1 billion

users and growing! After registering, one creates a personal profile, add other users as friends.

Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by Parrish, Catholics, Dioceses,

Sects, workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such

as "People From Work" or "Close Friends". Users can create profiles with photos, lists of personal

interests, contact information, and other personal information. Users can communicate with friends

and other users through private or public messages and a chat feature. They can also create and join

interest groups and "like pages" (some of which are maintained by organizations as a means of

advertising. Events can also be organised and publicised. A user can organize gatherings, respond to

invites, and keep up with what your friends are doing.

Pros: A place where one can find long lost loved ones; such as friends and relatives. Can be a great

way to keep in touch as well as meet you people. A ready place where common interests can be

grouped such as Sects, Parish, Diocese,Religion etc

Cons: Individuals create fake profiles and there can be very obscene images, pages, language and

groups. Anti Christ and anti Christian or Catholic pages or views may also be created. There is also

wide spread profile hacking where individuals‘ profiles are invaded. Obsession is another problem

where users spend all the time on the site.

Our Nickname:#ModernWorldFriendsHangoutSpot# Alternative: MySpace



Skype----Developers: Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, Jaan Tallinn, Danish Janus Friis, and Niklas

Zennström, Began: August 2003, Website:

What it gives you: The most used proprietary Voice over IP service and software application with

over 700million users. After registering, the service allows users to communicate with peers by voice

using a microphone, video by using a webcam, and instant messaging over the Internet Skype allows

these registered users to communicate through both instant messaging and voice chat. Voice chat

allows telephone calls between pairs of users and conference calling, and uses a proprietary

audio code. Skype's text chat client allows group chats, emoticons, storing chat history and editing of

previous messages.. The usual features familiar to instant messaging users user profiles, online status

indicators, and so on — are also included.

Skype supports conference calls up to 25 people at a time. Skype also supports video chat between

two people for free. Screen sharing and group video calling is available for Premium subscribers

between a maximum of 10 people. Skype has also become popular for its additional features,

including file transfer, and videoconferencing.

Pros: A way cheaper form of calling relatives and friends in far off areas. In comparison to telephone

and mobile costs, the Internet charges are very low. It is also quite private.

Cons: Can be congested and so weak network or busy times are difficult to make calls.

Our Nickname: #DiasporaCheapPhone# Alternatives: Linphone, Google Voice, Viber

YouTube--Founders:Steve Chen, Chad Hurley & Jawed Karim. Began: February 2005. Website

What it does for you: Is a video-sharing/Sharing website on which users can upload, view and share

videos. a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music

videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational

videos. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users can upload an unlimited number

of videos. Videos considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered

users at least 18 years old. All YouTube users can upload videos up to 15 minutes each in duration.

Thus Sects, Parish, Catholic and Christian content can be found on YouTube. It is also possible to

create online tv and audio channels.

Pros: A platform to make tailor made material for a specific audience can be beneficial for social

communications. Also amateur producers can perfect their art. This is also alternative broadcasting

from mainstream forms.

Cons: There is a lot of anti Christ. There is also obscene material such as pornographic material.

Our Nickname:#MultiOnlineTvStation# Alternatives: ZippCast,Dailymotion,Metacafe,Google


WhatsApp Messenger--Founder:Brian Acton &Jan Koum. Began: 2009. Website:

What it can do for you: Is a proprietary, cross-platform instant messaging application

for smartphones. In addition to text messaging, users can send each other images, video, and audio

media messages. This means that Christians and Catholics can send each other inspiring messages,

news and share Christian or content.

Pros: The application is very cheap compared to classical SMS on mobile phones. It is also relatively

safe from hackng and transfer of private messages.

Cons: The application is only enabled on smartphones those without are segregated.Our

Nickname:#TheWusOfSMS# Alternatives: LINE, KakaoTalk, and WeChat

TwitterFounder: Jack Dorsey. Began: March 2006.

What it gives you: is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its

users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets"; with over 500

million registered users as of 2012, generating over 340 million tweets daily and handling over

1.6billion search queries per day. Unregistered users can read tweets, while registered users can post

Pros: Can follow world famous celebrities and influential members of society, as well as their most

recent activities and whereabouts. Users can share inspirational Catholic and Christian views. They

can also create a sect, parish, diocese or any catholic grouping tweet account.

Cons: It focuses mostly on celebrity life styles and so ordinary or less pop idol personalities are

seldom followed.

Our Nickname:#TheInternetAnnouncementBoard# Alternatives:, Rejaw, Pownce,


In this modern day, emails have become an integral part of modern day life. Work, education, fun and

even religious news feeds are all linked to emails. The two most famous email providers are gmail

and yahoo. Emails have huge data storage facilities and can be used for both private and public letter

and conversation purposes. All you have to do is register and have a unique username.

Recommended websites

Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference-

Offers Information about Catholic life in Zimbabwe.Includes info such as; national Catholic structures

and setup, bishops, commissions such as social communications,catholic news and pastroral letters

Catholic Online -

Offers general Catholic information. Topics range from: Catholic life, daily living, photos,

Newsletters, Bible ,Daily Readings, Catholic Encyclopedia , Prayers, Saint of the Day, Stations of the

Cross, Vocations , Year of Faith , Saints & Angels, Popes and Bishops, Church terms, Liturgy themes,

Catechism Homily, Christian Calendar and many other day to day issues.

#LessonToBeLearnt#: Not all information is helpful, neither is all harmful. That which can be

constructive and be equally destructive. Get that which is good; which brings you close to CHRIST,

through GOD’s love and the gift of THE HOLY SPIRIT to distinguish good from bad.



Na Mai Masuku

Ko, vanhu vanokuti ndiwe ani?

Ko, iwe unozviti ndiwe aniko?

―Vanhu vanonditi ndini ani?‖ Iye Mwanakomana waNyakumusoro akavabvunza.

Aingova mazita ainongeza mabasa matsvene avakamupindura nawo,

KJunongedza mabasa airo izwi rakava munhu rikavhenekera pasi rino.

Ko, imi munonditi ndini ani? akazobvunza zvakare.

Mhinduro yechokwadi haina kuzivikanwa nenyama neropa kwete; asi kutozarurirwa naMweya

Mutsene waMwari mupenyu (Mat 16 vs13-18).

Ko, vanoti ndiwe aniko? Ko unozvitiwo ndiwe ani?

Ndinoreva imi newe! Kubvunza uku! Ndipeiwo zvee mhinduro veduwee!

Ndivana musiya dzasukwa here? Zvimwe ndihandinzwarwo kana handiite?

Hausiri here haumharwi ne nhunzi, kana tinhai dzibayane?

Kana Chapungu, kuri kunyima? Zvimwe ndimazvimba kupa kana vana zunzai tiorere?

Kumarara tsvetai! Aya mazita nhasi chaiye!!! Kune mazita arinani veduwee!!

Ko,tisu vanaani ko?; Panotoda ruvheneko rwaMweya Mutsvena apa!

Tiri vana vaNyakumusorosoro, Musiki wazvose, asina mavambo kana magumo.

Akatisarudza pasi risati ravapo akaita tive vake nokuda kwaKristo.

Akatipa ose mazita matsvene kuti ave edu, iro zita rakanaka rinokunda pfuma (Muparidzi 7:1). Nhasi

uno, bva, kumurai hunhu hwakare mupfeke hwatakawanirwa naKristo mudzikinuri wedu!!!

Ko, nhasi tinorangarireiko kuungana kudai?

Makore makumi mashanu musha we St Michael‘s wavakwa. Ngatirumbidzei iye akatisika

nemufananidzo wake kuburukidza nokuimba nokudzana, nengoma, nehosho, namabhandira nembira,

namabhosvo, nemipururu nemuridzo, nekuuchira. Tirangarire kuti tisu vanaani nokusingaperi;

Amen!!!!Makorokoto!!! Amphlope!!! Congratulations St Michael‘s, Ascot, nekusvitsa makore

makumi mashanu!!!



By Regis „Abu‟ Shangwa.

We talked to the Vatican Delegates music group comprising some young members of St Michael‘s

parish choir. They are a group of young Catholics who make mbira religious music as a band. This

was our conservation.

Social Communications: Who are you and what do you do?

Vatican Delegates: The Vatican Delegates is a mbira ensemble that performs sacred Catholic and

Christian music. It is a 6 member group comprising of Tafadzwa Mlambo, Tawanda Michael Mkoko,

Shingi Mangoma, Sharon Marime, Chiedza Maphosa & Stanford Hussein.

Social Communications: Tell us a brief background about the group.

Vatican Delegates: The idea of forming the group was initiated by Tawanda & Tafadzwa. The other

four members were then incorporated as the vocalists to accompany the beautiful mbira beats of the

two founding members. We also have a patron and Advisor; Fr Mapwashike who helps us spiritually

and financially. Our producer is Tafadzwa ―Croft‖ Furusa.

Social Communications: How do you work?

Vatican Delegates: We have 2 mbira players Tafadzwa and Tawanda who usually meet alone

creating instrumentals and then the other 4 members are the vocalists who then meet the players and

then produce one final piece involving each member‘s contributions.

Social Communications: What role are you playing in your society?

Vatican Delegates: We are fighting stigmatization of mbira music and also pushing to erase the

perception in people associating the, instrument with mashavi. We want to prove to people that the

instrument is as good as all other instruments like pianos, guitars and so on. We are promoting


Social Communications: What has been your best experience?

Vatican Delegates: Our best experience was when we finally released our first album, Gaudete

meaning Rejoice which was welcomed by the crowd. We were also invited to perform Christmas

Carols at the Mayor‘s Christmas Lighting which was held at the Gweru Civic Centre in December




Social Communications: What inspires you?

Vatican Delegates: Our inspiration is Christ himself. We aspire to make our music a catalyst to

pulling people to God. As this is the year of faith, we would like to see our music enhancing people‘s

faith in Jesus. In the way we have opted for the mbira genre, we are inspired by great mbira player,

the late Taku Mafika who was a mbira music genius.

Social Communications: What is the major challenge that you are facing as a group?

Vatican Delegates: The major challenge is that since we are not all full time musicians, being people

with other commitments in life, finding time to practice is often a problem. This is limiting our


Social Communications: What do you like about your work?

Vatican Delegates: We like that we are all talented young adults who are using the different gifts God

blessed us with for his greater glory. St Ignatius of Loyola said ― Ignem Mittite In Terram‖ meaning ―

Go Set The World On Fire.‖ This is what we are doing, setting the world ablaze with beautiful mbira

music and melodious voices for the greater glory of God.

Social Communications: Tell us more about your first album.

Vatican Delegates: The album titled Gaudete which means Rejoice was released on 24 December

2012 at the Cathedral Hall. It has eight tracks including; Silent night, Jingle bells, Joy to the world,

Gaudete; the title track and Christmas day. It was composed by Michael Tawanda ―aka Mambombi‖

Mukoko and others. It is a great production which has won the hearts of many religious music lovers.

Social Communications: Professionally, what’s your goal?

Vatican Delegates: Our goal is to release a second album and even more unseasonal ones. We are

also hoping to get a chance to perform outside Zimbabwe, particularly the Vatican City in front of His

Holiness, Pope Francis.

Social Communications: What other achievements have you had so far?

Vatican Delegates: One of our group members Shingi Mangoma who sings mbira fusion recorded a

solo album, with the assistance of Michael Mukoko. With Tawanda, she also recorded another single

track titled Ndaramba. She also has a collection of singles which are also being played on national

radio. One of the tracks is in the ZiFm‘s Top Ten. Shingi together with Tafadzwa and Tawanda even

had an opportunity to share a stage performance with the famous Sulumani Chimbetu and Sandra

Ndebele at the recently hosted United Nations World Tourism Organisation together. Tafadzwa

Mlambo has won the National Best Choirmaster prize for three consecutive times and he has led the

Gweru Deanery Town Section Choir to the top in the National Catholic Choral Music Competitions.

The other group members are pivotal members of this great choir and share the joys of our


Social Communications: Wow, great achievements fosho hey. Any concluding words?

Vatican Delegates: We would like to give thanks and glory to God Almighty for the gift of each

member in the group, the gift of the talents we have and everything he does for the group.

Mwaaaaaaari Tinomutenda!! We also want to thank Fr Mapwashike our Advisor for the Spiritual,

financial and moral support he provides. We greatly appreciate and we pray that God may continue

blessing you and strengthening you in your journey of priesthood. We also thank our audience and

parishes and hope that our music is helping you to get closer to God. Lastly we say ―Ad Miorem Dei

Glorium – All for the Greater Glory of God.‖


By Father Tagwirei

If the parish priest puts on a smiling face he`s naïve

If he`s sombre, he`s always upset

If he`s handsome, ―why didn`t he get married?‖

If he is ugly, ―No one would have married him!‖

If he goes out to eat and drink he`s a glutton &spends too much,

If he eats at home he`s stuck-up and probably does old-fashioned penances

If he doesn`t dress like a priest he`s too worldly

If he wears his cassock he`s too conservative,

If he speaks with the rich, he`s too much of a capitalist,

If he speaks with the poor too much, he`s a socialist.

If he`s fat, he never denies himself anything,

If he`s skinny, he`s too stingy

If he quotes the second Vatican council, he`s a modernist,

If he says the word ―catechism‖ he`s a relic from the past.

If the parish priest preaches too long, he shouts.

If he speaks in a normal tone of voice, you can`t understand a thing he says.

If he has a nice car, he has too much money,

If he doesn`t have one, he`s behind the time.

If he visits his parishioners, he sticks his nose in everyone`s business,

If he stays in his rectory, he never visits anyone.

If he ask for donations, he`s greedy

If he doesn`t organize parties, parish life is dead.

If he keeps people too long in the confessional, he scandalizes and is boring

If he`s quick in the confessional, he doesn`t listen to the penitents.

If he begins mass on time, he is full of himself and too strict

If he starts a little bit late, he wastes everyone`s time.

If he is young he lacks experience

If he is old, it‘s time for him to retire,

And …………..if he`s transferred or dies:

―Who on earth could replace him?‖

He is a man of the word, of the sacraments and of love among the brethren.



By Father Bernard Digwei

“….Put things in order, encourage one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and

the God of love and peace will be with you.” 2 Corinthians 13:11

An English adage says, "We meet to part and part to meet". In the same realm, I began

shepherding the flock at St Michael parish on the 1st of August 2010 until the 10

th of February

2013 now I take a new journey in Zhombe. It is upon a reflection of the wonderful pastoral

work experiences which I went through which has prompted me to write a farewell message

to all parishioners and the religious of St Michael Parish.

In His missionary mandate, Jesus Christ said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching

them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Mt28vs19). It was precisely my duty to

provide spiritual guidance and lead the flock in sacramental life. While cultivating the family

approach to pastoral ministry. I could not do the work alone without the participation of the

religious sisters and the laity. My appreciation goes to the SJI sisters residing at the parish

and those who dwell at Bethlehem Community for spiritual, moral and material support.

Mrs Chayamiti and the entire executive in year 2010 gave me a hearty welcome and ensured

that the house was habitable by providing the necessary basic needs. By the end of the year

2010, the toilet had been completed. I attribute this work to the parish executive, building

committee, section leaders and all the parishioners for the spirit of self-reliance and


Between the year 2011 and 2013, Mr Chinyama was the parish chairperson. Working

together with the executive, the parish embarked on different projects such as the kitchen

project, chair repairs and durawall project. Different committees were set so as to enable

participation of all parish members. Mr Muchabaiwa and Mr Matumba led the Maintainance

committee, Mr Matukeni and Mr Mubako (Jnr) were in charge of Liturgy while Mr Vhengere



and Mrs Musuva steered the Fundraising Committee. The main durawall project comprised

fantastic, dedicated, self-motivated members. Chaired by Mr Sigauke, the committee

organised fundraising activities towards the construction of the durawall. Other members are,

Mrs B 'Pembe' Masuku, Mrs Mupandaguta, Mrs Muridzo, Mrs Makore, Mrs Shereni, Mr

Mubako and Mr Chitengedza; only to name a few. I also appreciate the work of Mrs F

Ngindi and all fundraising committee members for the tireless work in fundraising towards

the kitchen and the durawall.

Our parish choir improved greatly in quality and quantity becoming a giant to reckon with in

the deanery and diocese. I must applaud the efforts of Sr Gore, the Chairperson Mr

Musendeki and all choir members for their commitment and self-sacrifice. Catechists

devotedly gave religious instruction to learners wishing to receive different sacraments. The

fruits on their work were manifested in numerous baptisms, confirmations and an average of

10 marriages per year. The Social Communication department put us on the map by

producing a magazine encompassing parish pastoral life. Sunday readings, notices, feasts,

memorials and birthdays were scribbled in the weekly bulletin edifying the spiritual life of

the parish. As the book of Ecclesiastes says, "there is an appointed time for everything" (Ecc.

l3vs1). Times of challenges came in form of theft, illnesses and deaths of parishioners but the

parish stood firm through the grace of God. My special gratitude goes to the pastoral

associates especially Sr Rukasha and all the religious for giving spiritual guidance to different

guilds. The life of a parish lies in active participation of guilds at a parish.

My pastoral experience is half barked if I ignore to mention the issue of double standards

exhibited by some parishioners. The donor syndrome 'virus' has harboured in their minds

such that any project should be funded by donors or the white priests. Let this be known that

times have changed. Every parishioner should cultivate a spirit of self-reliance, self-

propagation and self-ministering. We own the local church so let the donor syndrome vanish.

I may have forgotten individuals or not mentioned them by name that have done great

work for St Michael and that I have worked with here; thank you all. Thank you all

parishioners!!Above all, it is greatest wish that a magnificent parish like St Michael

excels to greater heights spiritual, moral, economic, educational and infrastructural

matters. I wish all the priests, religious and the laity health of mind, body and spirit as they

embark on pastoral activities. May the Holy Spirit never allow evil to prevail but rather allow

the Holy Spirit to eclipse darkness allowing the church to grow in faith and works.

I thank you. Farewell!