Renewing Understanding: Malaikah, Iblis, Syaithan and Nafs

Renewing understanding: Malaikah, Iblis, Syaithan and Nafs Achmad Marconi March 21, 2015 Abstract: In this study the basic understanding of the words Malaikah, Iblis, Syaithan and Nafs are being analysis and confronted to the law of physics. Combining the logics and dialectical conections among the diversified connotations and symantics in Arabic, Hebrew, Greece and Latin I try to confront it with particles physics and cosmology. By this effort I suggest a recourse of basic understanding in Quranic reveletaion interpretation. Introduction: Firstly, we have to consider is the starting point of thinking we shall apply in understanding the meaning of words that we haven't understood or that we would like to know. There is only one starting point of thinking taught by Allah swt that is starting from Allah swt. as the center of all that ﺪﻫﺎﺷﻣ- musyahad (perceptable) and all that ﺐﻴﻏ- ghaib (imperceptible). Our thinking should be starting from the Allah swt, existence . Such thinking is revered to as faith or belief. Nevertheless, the belief recommended by Qur’an is a belief based on logic, rationality and dialectical thinking which can be accessed through observation, field testing and laboratory review. Secondly, in building analytical methods of understanding we should exert strong effort that work frames we used onrush from Allah swt. and not from ourselves. The two thinking axioms that we set are expected to guide our analysis of themes we discussed to better drawing close to the objective reality that exists. So that we can gain a greater clarity of the theme real approaching intention that has been passed down in Allah swt. revelation, either in Qur’an model or Kaun (Universe) model. Where the guidance in verses of Allah swt. has been revealed as Torah, Psalms, Bible and Qur’an revelation, as well as in the perkament model to the Messenger and Prophet of Allah. In addition it has also been revealed to the universe or space- time continuum (in mathematical model). The true God Almighty is a selfsustained objective reality,[1] that everything in the space-time continuum completely one sided relies to Allah swt. We admit or not the existence of Allah swt does not change the reality of Allah swt existence. If human beings as we assume it doesn't exist on Earth, Allah swt. remained exists. This statement I use in order to avoid philosophical, al-kalam ‘ilm as scholastic theology and Sufism argumentation ever used by Muslim cleric to interpret Prophet Muhammad saw. received Qur’an revelation in Arabic 15 centuries ago. As expressed by Arab linguists (Arabist) and Muslims 'ulama at this time, when they read the books of classical Islamic literature had encountered difficulties to understand the terms and concepts used in that time. Similarly with terms and concepts of thought contained in Qur’an revelation. For example a word or term used by Qur’an revelation as Angel, Devil, Satan 1 Kwn

Transcript of Renewing Understanding: Malaikah, Iblis, Syaithan and Nafs

Renewing understanding: Malaikah, Iblis, Syaithan and


Achmad Marconi

March 21, 2015

Abstract: In this study the basic understanding of the words Malaikah, Iblis, Syaithan and Nafs are being analysis and confronted to the law of physics. Combining the logics and dialectical conections among the diversified connotations and symantics in Arabic, Hebrew, Greece and Latin I try to confront it with particles physics and cosmology. By this effort I suggest a recourse of basic understanding in Quranic reveletaion interpretation.

Introduction: Firstly, we have to consider is the starting point of thinking we shall apply in understanding the meaning of words that we haven't understood or that we would like to know. There is only one starting point of thinking taught by Allah swt that is starting from Allah swt. as the center of all that دهاشم - musyahad (perceptable) and all that بيغ - ghaib (imperceptible). Our thinking should be starting from the Allah swt, existence. Such thinking is revered to as faith or belief. Nevertheless, the belief recommended by Qur’an is a belief based on logic, rationality and dialectical thinking which can be accessed through observation, field testing and laboratory review. Secondly, in building analytical methods of understanding we should exert strong

effort that work frames we used onrush from Allah swt. and not from ourselves. The two thinking axioms that we set are expected to guide our analysis of themes we discussed to better drawing close to the objective reality that exists. So that we can gain a greater clarity of the theme real approaching intention that has been passed down in Allah swt. revelation, either in Qur’an model or Kaun (Universe) model. Where the guidance in verses of Allah swt. has been revealed as Torah, Psalms, Bible and Qur’an revelation, as well as in the perkament model to the Messenger and Prophet of Allah. In addition it has also been revealed to the universe or space-time continuum (in mathematical model).

The true God Almighty is a selfsustained objective reality,[1] that everything in the space-time continuum completely one sided relies to Allah swt. We admit or not the existence of Allah swt does not change the reality of Allah swt existence. If human beings as we assume it doesn't exist on Earth, Allah swt. remained exists. This statement I use in order to avoid philosophical, al-kalam ‘ilm as scholastic theology and Sufism argumentation ever used by Muslim cleric to interpret Prophet Muhammad saw. received Qur’an revelation in Arabic 15 centuries ago. As expressed by Arab linguists (Arabist) and Muslims 'ulama at this time, when they read the books of classical Islamic literature had encountered difficulties to understand the terms and concepts used in that time. Similarly with terms and concepts of thought contained in Qur’an revelation. For example a word or term used by Qur’an revelation as Angel, Devil, Satan



and Nafs. The term or word used in revelation of Allah swt. to explain a problem, answer questions, denied false assumptions and charges and killing braggart’s argumentation as well as Kufr polytheists. To understand this we need to understand the terms of the Arabic Qur'an, in addition to contemporary Arabic. This issue is important because it concerns the Qur’an semantics words beside the contemporary Arabic. It is important concerning the Qur’an Arabic words semantics by which the Qur’an Arabic experiencing development throughout history (real times) of its revelation basic meaning and its correlation of used terminology or words.

Discussion: Before Prophet Muhammad saw. received divine revelation, those terms and words are already known and used in diwan (poetry) writings as well as prose writing. And used also in everyday verbal language. This is, of course, is one of the basic frameworks for the emergence of Arabs weltanschauung (worldview) to understand life. In those days no one able and willing to explain what is the meaning of the word "Angel", unless the alleged (al-dzhanu) stating, that the angels are God's children. Allah denied this allegation by descending the word:

" Wa-qaaluu al-takhodza rohmaanu waladan al-subhanaahu subchanahu, bal ' ibaaduun mmukromuun – and they say God most gracious has taken the child, the Holy of Holies of God,

actually (the Angels) is a glorified servants "[2] With such revelation Allah swt. explains that Angel is also Allah swt. creature but glorified. Angels as Glorious beings obtained by his whole hearted devotion to Allah swt.: 1 – being Islam (obedience, total self voluntary submission) only to Allah swt, 2 – being the information carrier and mediator to Allah swt. creatures, 3 – moves in lightning speed, measured by the Michelson method roughly 300,000 km per second. The Angels motion ability at lightning velocity in revelation is described by Angels wings number. 4-Angel can transform themselves into a human or anything els, which shows his ability of metamorphosis. And many more glorious features that was reveal in Qur’an.

These above four main characteristics can be check by using Kaun verses references. The distance between the stars and the Earth reach billions even trillions km. The sunlight reaching Earth within approximately 8 minutes, the light made up of a wide range of wavelengths, ranging from light waves that our eyes can perceived up to a light wave that can only be perceived with today of the art equipment. This wavelength physically behaves like particle and wave simultaneously at a moment. One of the particles that has high energy is photon. Photons have mass equal to zero (0). The absence of photon mass tells the photon freedom from gravitational force influence. Photons are also not electrically charged. This gives an indication that photons are



not affected by electro-magnetic field forces. Uninfluenced by both types of natural forces and photons speed motion nearing to the speed of light lead to the straight fast motion. This trait can we infer to Angels just dutifully voluntary subservient to Allah swt. In high energy laboratories particle collision experiments such as CERN's recently we know that the photon particles act as carriers and mediator information during interactions between particles. The most popular example is the collision between electrons carried in particle accelerators to reach speed of light and then collided to proton that has been excited. In this collision, when the exact amount of energy is achieved, will produce a scattering of hadrons in which previously photons must be released by electrons to hook the quark parton comes out of the grip of a proton and releases a photon to reunited with the electron. Such a collision is known as the "deep inelastic scattering process". Here the photon functions as to deliver electrons message (information) to protons to kick out a quark parton. After quark parton with additional photon energy is transformed into a particle that was only ten gazillion seconds outside the protons then quark parton turns into hadrons thanks to photons that are released again. We can infer this collision reactions fact with the Angel specific second characteristic in charge of passing on information to the entire sentient of Allah swt, especially delivers revelation to the Messengers and Prophets of Allah swt. It can also simultaneously to be inferring with the 4th Angel characteristic that capable of doing metamorphosis. The lightning speed photons motion that able to approach the

speed of light can be infer with an Angel 3rd characteristic. This approach attempt to understand the term or word used by Qur’an in explaining to human beings what is meant by Angel that totally is not the children of God Almighty. When we compare this approach to an philosophical and theological approach methodology will we experience a feeling of head and chest relief. We tried approaching as close as possible to Qur’an revelation meaning and understanding as referred to by confronting it to our knowledge on natural living environment that let human beings develops biologically and spiritually. I use the term or word spiritual in connotation of "Al-Akhlaaq" [3] as critical weight terms or words having widespread surrounding space in life model on Earth. Especially for human beings akhlaaq became the main distinguish characteristic of human beings from other life model. The word or term akhlaaq also differentiates human beings from negative connotations with the word or term "Devils".[4] And here the Devil being the main factor of corrosion and fragility in human beings akhlaaq. The word or the term Devil which was adopted by the Arabic prior to the descent of the Qur’an revelation from the word or term "Diabolos" of ancient Greece and included within Arabs world view system on Arabian Peninsula as negative delusion and seduction of Arabs humanitarian qualities. And their assumption is justified by the Quran revelation as a comparative base for the introduction of a new Arab human beings quality which was revealed by



Allah swt. to Messenger Muhammad saw. The point of view in our approach can be found in Sura Al-Hijr (15) verses 28 s/d 44 that describe the dialogue atmosphere between Allah swt. and Devils which clearly position Devils as main human beings enemy. This Qur’an literary style (Qur’an usluub) used by revelation has given the beauty of the poetic form of lively dialogue on human beings Earth’s live stage so that it is easily digestible by the Arabs at that time. From the dialogue we can observe the development of formal demonic logic that comes showing Devils akhlaaq. At the time of the Prophet Muhammad's life and struggle, the family descendent origin of Arabs will determine the respects of community towards individual. The slavery society moral and ethics in prosperous Crescent area at that time was still in the process of progressing stages towards the liberation of the slaves around the Mediterranean coast and outside of mainland Europe. This reality is expressed in Allah swt. revelation featuring the Devil formal logic:

" A - Qala lam akunlli

asjuda libasyari khalaktahu, min shalshaalin minhamaa-immasnuun– Devil said: I'm certainly not going to bow to humans that Thou hast created it from dried clay of black mud which were given form "[5]. The starting point of this formal logical argument based on the fact that the Devil

self conceitedness: "

A -.......qala

ana khairuunmminhu khalaqtanii minnaariin wa khalaqtahu min thiin – Devil said: I am better than him You created me from fire, and You created him from the ground soil"[6]. We must understand this Devil argument through the history of religions in South Asia, Central Asia, Asia minor, the Mediterranean coast which in the past believe on fire as human beings veneration cult to the sustainability of life. When people can control omnipotence fire that burned forests and pasture steppe during dry weather and lightning strikes on summer and autumn they felt obliged to protect and venerates the fire. That’s why human beings maintain or even make fire by way of rubbing pitted dry wood against each other. Human beings benefitted the fire as soon nighttime lights the darkness and warms the body at the break of autumn, winter and spring, while it can also be used to burn in delicacy fragrance and taste the eaten game meats. Besides, watching oneself more secure from wild animals tampering and savagery as well as a surprise attack from other human groups. As the interpretation of classical scholars Al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi (d.320 H) in his work "Ghauwr al-Umuur-رمألروغ" presented the Devil formal logic as act of disobedience to the command of Allah. Al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi explain it as in assumptive comparation on the differences between ground soil (Adam origin) that trampled by Devil foot sole and the burning fire which gives light and warmth. And indeed prehistoric human beings that generally tractable in writing or only through story telling



(quoloqial) suspected the fire as the embodiment of omnipotence which dominates everyt living things. Then from this gnosis the cult of the Sun and his son Ahura Mazda created in the golden age of farming economy system in the Valley of the Euphrates-Tigris in Iraq. The human beings accepted Sun as God the creator, the giver and Sustainer of life on Earth. For that human beings build the grandest buildings or boulders statues, tall big pyramids and graphical drawing shapes stones on the Highlands mountainous plains as worship and sacrifice altar to the Sun, the Fire God. When we are approaching the Arabic Qur’an term or word Devil and paying attention to Allah swt. revelation regarding the prohibitions and warnings to not doing a thing, either in the form of real deeds, secret thoughts and feelings that indicates the word Devil and Satan have always connotation to hot heated atmosphere factually which is uncontrolled and explosive within human beings thinking and feeling. That’s why we are easily fall into the thinking and behavioral acts as well as speeches that results in despairs, unsecure, harms others, that we do not regard as best. Such inclination is taking place in human beings brain that leads to opposite direction against the guidance of Allah swt to live free and conscientious voluntarily in accordance with the laws of nature (on Islamic way). In physics we know light has dual characteristics: 1 – as particle and 2 – as waves. As particles we know light emitted by many kinds of radio active materials which can damage the tissues of our

cells body, where the rays types has its own characteristics according to its wavelength and energy quanta. This can we see from the bombing documentary film of Nagasaki City and Hiroshima in 1945 on the second fateful and depressing week of August. Popularly known and always talked about is the alpha (), beta (β) and gamma (γ) rays. Viewing from quantum physics the alpha, beta and gamma rays in its physical model is the helium (4He) atom core, electrons (e-) and photons (γ). Alpha particles have small energy quanta but has a very high ionizing power and its motion range at open air is between 3 cm to 10 cm, while the speed of its motion is 5% of the speed of light. This very high material ionization power produces a high amount of heat released by ionized material. Beta particles or electron emission generating low ionization power but has a very high material penetration with 30% - 90% speed of light motion. With its strong material penetration force and its motion speed the beta rays can damage the tissues of all livings body's cells. And photons with motion speed of light has the ability to penetrate several centimeters lead plate (Plumbum-Pb). With this powerful quanta energy it can also kick the basal stairs of the DNA doubles helix out, allowing rate of gene mutation. However all the particles individually very different and depends on the amount of energy quanta. All types of particles and light waves have always releasing thermal energy which is known as infra-red light that has a wavelength outside the visible light spectrum. Our body has a temperature of 37 degree Celsius and this temperature converts itself into heat that also emits



infrared rays. Thermal energy that excite the particles in the human body can generate bio-electromagnetic field force which in turn stimulate nerve synapses tissue residing in the brain and in the chest to deliver sense of feeling and negative ideas that defy the laws of the universe. In addition all the bombardment of cosmic rays from all corners of the universe to Earth, though the Earth has electromagnetic force field and Earth globule layered of gravitational force canopy on its own. The Kaun verses gives clues to us, that the role and influence of infrared light specific wavelength can affect the balance of bio-particles interactions in the chest cavity and in the brain which results in bad feelings, negative thoughts and condemned actions that indoctrinated as Devils and Satan's inducements and influences. In the days when knowledge and experience of human beings interaction with natural surrounding environment is still very limited, it is alleged, the prejudice and fantasy plays a large part in solving problems facing life. The limited human knowledge and practice experience in life environment, especially among the Arabs community in the Arabian peninsula, divert all practical skills and knowledge that is not in the Arab culture as coming from and is owned by a group of alleged beings that known in Arabic culture and traditions as Al-Jin. Everything that the Arabs are not capable of conducting, thinking and doing is always by the Arabs be associated with or originated from and owned or performed by Jinni. In the Arabs poets and shaman (kahin) culture that capability of making wonderful, attractive and high literary value poetry and healing spells are

always associated with Jinni that owned by the poet and the kahin. Similarly with the Qur’an revelation delivered by the Prophet Muhammad saw. is suspected by those who do not trust in Prophet Muhammad saw. as created by the Prophet owned Jinni or whispered by Satan. The Qur’an revelation also applying the foregoing Arabs sense of knowledge as in:

"Wa idz qulnaa lilmalaaa- ikatisjuduu li-adama fasajaduuu wa illaaa iblisa kaana minal- jinni fafasaqa 'an amri robbihi ... ... ... .... – Behold! we said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam": bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the jinns, and he broke the command of his Lord will ye then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? They are enemies to you! evil would be the exchange for the wrong-doers![7]

Jinni according to Qur’an revelation also created from fire. So self conceited Devils that judges oneself has better origins than Adam is a blunder reasoning of Arabs pagan that categorized Devils to the Jinni as sentient that never existed in the Arabs culture. Thus the Devils feeling is a deadly argument against their unbelief towards the Qur’an revelation descended to the Prophet Muhammad saw. who are really honest and



uneducated someone who are as well as themselves with 100% Quraisy Arabs blood. Devil's allegations that fire is better than the ground soil is by God Almighty stripped off with the word:

51. "Ammaaa assyhadttuhum khalqassamawati wa al-ardzhi wa laa khalqa anfusihim ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... – I called them not to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor (even) their own creation: nor is it for me to take As helpers such As lead (men) astray![8]

With the development of nature science and informatics technology nowadays and in the future we will be more to know particles that constitutes the basic of our body interacts with free particles emitted by trillions stars having a mass of 5 to millions of solar masses, by cosmic dust and gas clouds in infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, electromagnetic waves and gravity waves and many more types of waves and particles that we haven't learned. Thus it will be the more deepened our knowledge on the term or the word Devil, Satan and Jinn of which now we have approached through nuclear physics and quantum physics as electromagnetic field forces and gravitational forces influence caused by the interaction between free particles of the universe with bio-particles that composes basically our body - I use the term bio-particles that makes up bio-molecules so as not to be confused with a free particle which is known in nuclear

physics as the Standard Particle. Because the entire universe with all its contents is originated from particles created in the Big-Bang inflation that drastically decreased temperature of the universe in the blink of an eye or possibly shorter. Thus also our approach to the meaning of words and terms used by Qur’an revelation will be getting closer to the desired meaning of revelation itself. We've tried to understand and perceive Devils as a fields force that gives the uncontrollable "warm and hot" effect and in Kaun verses is explained by the factual physics behavior and properties of universe free particles and particles that constructs biological human body. The word or term Satan according to the etymology derives from the Semitic sources which further adopted by Hebrew, Greece and Latin. This word in Arabic is intransitive verb consists of a letters combination: Syin-tho'- nun - ش - :that articulated as the sound - ط - ى"syaith - شيط" (syin – ya’ - tho') that means: a tiny burn out (charred), stung, a sense of burning heat. From Qur’an weltanschauung revelation perspective the meaning of such content according to Quran semantics can be done by humans and Jinn. We have approaching the mutual relationship between the Devil, Satan and Jin, either philologically (lughowiyah) or through actual behavior attributed to the word or the term Devil, Satan and Jinn by Qur’an and Kaun revelation. Electromagnetic waves and gravity waves that move freely in the universe is the official sources of influence and causal effects for human biological body on Earth. And of all the human beings biological interaction mode with their environment until



interactions mode between human body clusters and groups of cells itself is then the particle behavior in the structure of biological and non-biological particles behavior taking a very prominent role on the survival of human biological system as a practical form of life evolution on Earth. This is shown by Qur’an revelation methodologically by revelation to the Messengers and Prophets, by inspirations to the expert thinkers and by basic instinct for all living things. Interaction of particles inside the individual takes place in the form of changes in particles motions chemically, mechanically and electromagnetically and the gravitational motion process.

Motion of charged particles produces a wave vibration frequency about 3THz - 300THz, with a wavelength of 1 micron - 100 micron in 1.24 eV - 1.24 meV energy package are marked as infrared emission or radiation [9]. When we are near to halogen lamps or incandescent lamps we feel a steady stream of "hot" heat on our body skin surface. Similarly, when we are directly under the shining sun we experience a sense of heat on our body skin of which results in resistance to the penetration of Sun infrared rays by cells network of our body that resurrect efforts process to decrease the temperature of the body. The excited sweat glands by the temperature sensory releases water steam-vapor to capture heating energy which then condenses on the skin surface as sweat. Thus the temperature of the body can be maintained around 37 degrees Celsius. This hot atmosphere is becoming generalized parable by God Almighty revelation for the human beings mind

and feelings condition when humans think and do something contrary to the laws of the universe that works before human beings are on Earth. This reality can we see from the Quran verses featuring dialogue between Adam, the Angels, Devils and God Almighty in order to explain the creation of Adam that should become the representative of Allah swt. on Earth. In the revelation is no words about "jannah" or “garden” conditions which there is no other occupant in addition to Adam and his "zaujah". The Almighty God said:


20. "Fawaswasa-lahumaa asyaithoonu liyubdiya lahumaa maawuriya 'anhumaa minsau 'aa tihimaa waqaalamaa nahakumaa robbukumaa 'anhaadzihi al-syajarati illaaaa antukuunaa malakaini autakuunaa mina al-khaalidiin – Then began Satan to whisper suggestions to them, bringing openly before their minds all their shame that was hidden from them (before): he said: "Your Lord only forbade you this tree, Lest ye should become angels or such beings as live for ever."[10] This word describes the Devils "whisper" and "the mind of evil". This is a genesis explanation of "the mind of evil" that appeared in the mind of Adam as a mind "suggested" by Satan. Thus



revealed human beings nature as thinking creature having clean (pure) thought. So there is possibility that Satan appeared during togetherness Adam and his "zaujah – partner of opposite sex" unexpectedly at "jannah - garden". Thus this unexpected "jannah" scène coordinate point should be in space-time continuum sheets that we know. The consequence is the unavoidable free particles of the universe bombardment on "jannah", where Adam and his "zaujaha" is located. The universe infrared waves particle signals colliding with the bio-particles according to Feynman PhD particle interactions blueprints in collision construction of “scattering process” and lead to the occurrence of another particle scattering, thus giving impulse to the bio-electrical nerve cells to convey information to various synapses nerve stimulating Adam and his "zaujah" decision to "eat" the fruit of the tree (al-sajarot). Coupled with the enactment of quantum physics law of non-locality as evidenced by particle interaction experiments called "particle quantum entanglement". On this revelation we can find also a law of science for human beings which is named as the epistemology of science. I.e. the demands of the unity between theory and practice through a process of studies, tests and experiment to trust a real, true and existed phenomena as nature dialectical logic of human thought in motion. As we know, that the Devil, Satan and Jin is a creature of God Almighty that have the same origin: fire. [11] And fire emits heat. Heat is in fact a force, energy or power that in the language of nature science referred to as energy. According to thermodynamics the energy

preservation law in a closed system prevent the energy to disappear or missing, but it can change forms. Similarly, nuclear energy can be converted into electric energy, heat energy and matter ionization energy. Thus we gain clues from the Kaun verses that our body's heat energy can be turned into bio-electric energy, bio-energy, chemical and bio-mechanical energy. Our body's heat energy is produced from our every cell body's metabolism coupled with energy inputs by universe particles bombardment. The amount of heat energy produced will greatly depend on the quality of the foods package ingredients we consume (especially) and the response ability of the cell body to universe particles excitation.

Excessive heat energy generated by food consumption containing excessive high energy resulted in the waste of energy in the model of bio-electromagnetic and gravitational field pressure on body bio-neural sensor synapse and the body's cells, especially brain cells and chest cavity cells organ. Such pressures led to bio-electromagnetic field fluctuations in psychological models and commonly known as spiritual instability. Then let us pay attention to Qur’an revelation guidance regarding good food and drinks consumption provided by the Earth for us using the good obtaining means. By obeying Qur’an revelation guidance implementation, with Allah blessing - insya'Allah we can avoid the Demon, Satan and Jin whisper. The Arabic "al-nafs - النفس" comes from the word "nafusa - نفس - nun-fa'-sin" which can be formed into a "nafas - نفس,



nifaas - نفاس, nafaasah - نفاسة" on the basis of the meaning: being precious, priceless. Then when you give "al" prefix becomes a noun (feminine) so that the word al-nafs becomes nufus - نفوس (plural). The word anfus - انفس then means soul, psyche, spirit, life, personal, moving, living beings, personal human, people, self as a human being, essence, experience, tendency, the desire, the will, the drive will, personal identity, self-esteem.

That word or term in Arabic take a flexible position in giving the thought intention of the user words or terms concept related to the problem of human beings and life. Qur’an revelation applying this basic understanding to draw up a concept and limitations of its use in explaining live, life and Quran world view point in using the word or the term nafs and its derivatives. Core center of the word or term exist on the meaning of "live" and "life". When we understand the meaning of "anfus" as " alive" and the word "nafs" as "life", then we also will bump against our understanding of phenomena that we understand as "alive" and "life". Our experience in knowing the environment where we are (on Earth) shows that we ourselves with our intelligence ability was unable to define exactly what we mean by the terms "alive" and "life". Among biology academician and undergraduate itself occurs dispute on what we mean by " alive" and "life". What we can do by reading Kaun verses in regard to understand and to comprehend of what we mean by "alive" and "life" are merely acknowledge the facts findings that in order to "alive" it is necessary the existence of some type of required facilities to sustain "life". For

example the existence of acid substance or the Oxygen, then charcoal substance or Carbon as backbone at any organics solution. Limp substances or Nitrogen is required to be present by every amino acid and become a core for the basis formation of acid nucleic and protein coupled with phosphorous substance or Phospohorus on each cell nucleus and molecules related to energy transportation. This approach merely turns in looking a simple cells in biological solution. We do not pay attention to the mutual connectivity and interaction of biological cells environmental conditions with the universe environment conditions. If we limit at the level of "living" cells, then the essence of "living" and causality which led to "alive" never can we find and approach. From the universe, until now biologists assert, there is no signal received yet from another intelligence unit outside the Earth. SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) project organized by the late Carl Sagan until now still continue improving signal analysis from the studied objects that may be emitted by intelligence units outside the Earth. But signs of the presence signal from the other intelligence units have not been found. By the way many cosmology and astronomy scholars reinforces the notion that human beings is the only intelligence unit of the universe. However, from the results of last outer space study we have been more or less get the data that demonstrate the chemical elements that we find and know it on Earth is actually produced by the centers of stars that have exploded as Super Nova (SNe).



Therefore in space spread out molecules in lumpy dust that became known in chemistry as PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon) organics molecules. These molecules can be get from charcoal, car black exhaust or kerosene lamps dirt. This molecule is amino acid raw materials in the plants and living cells, bacteria etc. Beside that water (H2O) has also been produced by the blasts of stars in a water vapor molecule crystallizes as ice in cosmic dust. Even the sugar-producing lipids compounds can be taken from space for free. Cosmic dust and gas produced by the explosion of a star and catapulted into space in the billions of years process further by the pressure of the stars glow and attraction forces of each particle in the gas and dust lump forms a matter and gas ball named as a protostar, the prospective new star. For example forming of our Solar system. In order a cosmic dust and gas clumps to form the solar system it is required definite amount of metallic dust contained in the cosmic blobs. Besides it should situated in the required cosmic coordinate layout around Galactic Center. Still a lot of terms of conditions that we do not know yet that it was possible in forming Solar system where Earth became one of its members. All of this must be exact and precise (fine-tuned). This process becomes a reality for the readiness creation of "alive" and "life". Allah swt said:

30. Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?[12]

In the above verse we read "............. Wa ja'alnaa mina al-maaaa-i kulla syai-iin hayyi.............-............... We made from water every living thing.............. " Qur’an revelation gives statement that everything living on Earth is created (made) from water. This revelation provides an origin explanation of early life on Earth. In past writings I have explain the role of water molecules which has its own unique characteristics as an solvent in molecular bonding model that approximates the tetrahedral arrangement, in which water molecules possess hydrophobic-bond. Hydrophobic-bond water molecule is essential for the formation of "alive" cells or biological cells.[13] "Alive" unit is processed inside the solvation cage existed among water molecules. Of the life creation process main lines we know and understand that "life" is not take it for granted after some basic requirements are met. But demands the entire process and requirements that are very precise and definite (exact). Conclusion: The word "lust" that etymologically can be searched in Arabic, firstly provides an indication about "alive". And everything alive have basic programs in his genes to be able to survive. One of them is "will, want, lust, desire". In every cell of our body there is



a will and a willingness to expand, sustaining its own life, renewing ability etc in accordance with the functions and duties of each cell. These will and willingness that encourages us in attempt to develop and sustain our lives respectively. In the context of will and desire limits we get guidance from the Qur’an revelation in order to obey the universe law that existed before human beings were created. For example the revelation concerning prohibition in damaging nature, acting and doing excessively, consuming unhealthy foods and drinks that should not for human consumption, etc. These are all true and if we violate it we will have difficulty in our life. Well, when we refer to the above discussion then we can more closely identifying ourselves. Thus insya'Allah we will be capable and brave to wage struggle in introspecting ourselves with Jihad Fii Sabilillah spirit to improve our Islamic ideology and with a smile advanced to the fore in improving life. In the past 15 centuries or even before, human beings don't have sophisticated intelligence and knowledge as today. Thus in understanding the meaning and understanding of "live" and "life" what widely used is formal logical thinking based on the pooling of practical experience sporadically and contemplating problems solution without study, trials and experiment. So the understanding and comprehension of lust are associated with the religions values basing themselves on guessing, presuming and supposing. The Qur’an revelation describes the creation of human beings, spirit, lust and the things that go in the "spiritual" landscape can be understood and know it for what it is (according to the sense-mind

understanding ability) when we use Kaun revelation to approach it.

Allah is the source of Quran revelation and Kaun revelation. In discussing or describing the one same problem then both types of revelation should be uniform or synchronic, match, conforming one another and not conflicting.


"Allahu al-shamad - دلمصاهللا" [1]QS.(112): 2,[2] Qur'an Sura (21): 26.[3] "Al-Akhlaaq" – innate peculiarity, natural disposition, character, temper, nature, moral values and ethics - Arabic-English Dictionary – The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, Edited by J.M. Cowan [4] Waines 1995:29[5] Qur’an Sura (15): 33[6] Qur’an Sura (7): 12[7] Sura Al-Kahfi (18) verse 50[8] on Al-Cave (18) paragraph [9] 51T = Tera = 1000 000 000 000; Hz = Hertz; e = electron; V = Volt [10] Qur’an Sura Ar-Rahman (55) verse 15 [11] Qur’an Sura Al-Araf (7) verse 20 [12] In Qurán Sura Al-Anbiyaa' (21) verse 30[13] “Bagaimana Alam Semesta Diciptakan, Pendekatan al-Qur’an dan Sains Modern” – Achmad Marconi; ISBN–979-419-314-3, PT. Dunia Pustaka Jaya, Jakarta-Indonesia; 2003

