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Guidelines of Reflective learning joural

First meeting

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini sesuai dengan keadaan anda !

1. Apakah anda mempersiapkan diri sebelum masuk kelas spaking di

pertemuan pertama?


2. Kegiatan mana yang anda suka jika di beritugas: a kerjasendiri, b kerja

dengan teman kelompok. Mengapa ?


3. Apakah anda senang belajar bahasa inggris ?mengapa ?


4. Apakah anda suka dengan metode group discussion yang di terapkan di kelas




Second meeting

Guidelines of Reflective learning journal

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini sesuai dengan keadaan anda !

1. Apakah metode group discussion memberikan efek positif bagi kepercayaan

diri dan kemampuan diri anda ?


2. Apakah kesulitan bahasa inggris yang selama ini anda miliki bisa berkurang

dengan metode goup discussion ?


3. Apakah anda termotivasi belajar speaking dengan metode group discussion



4. Bagaimana anda mengatasi kecemasan dalam berbicara sebelum tampil di

depan teman kelas anda ?

Third meeting

Guidelines of Reflective learning journal

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini sesuai dengan keadaan anda !

1. Apakah anda mampu mengatasi kegugupan dalam berbicara setelah

melakukan metode group discussion ?


2. Apakah anda tertantang untuk berbicara di kelompok anda ?


3. Bagaimana perasaan anda belajar speaking setelah melaksanakan berapa kali

metode group discussion ?


Table of reflection

First meeting

1. Apakah anda mempersiapkan diri sebelum masuk kelas speaking di

pertemuna pertama ? mengaapa ?

2. Kegiatan mana yang anda sukai jika di beri tugas: a kerja sendiri, b kerja

dengan teman kelompok

3. Apakah anda senang belajar bahasa inggris ?

4. Apakah anda suka dengan metode group discussion yang di terapkan di kelas

? jelaskan !

NO 1 2 3 4


Sudah ada persiapannya

Kerja dengan

kelompok Suka karna bhs

inggris adalah



Suka, karna

dengan metode

ini kita bisa



materi bersama



Ya, Supaya Tidak Gugup

Kerja dengan


Ya, karena

bahasa inggris

adalah bahasa


Ya karena dapat



Ya saya mempersiapkan

diri, untuk lebih

memahami materi yang

akan di pelajari

Kerja dengan


Sangat senang,

karena bahasa

Inggris adalah

pelajaran yang

menjadi favorit

saya,dan saya





bahasa Inggris itu

bisa membuat

saya untuk bisa


dengan orang”

dari mancanegara

Sangat suka,

karena metode

group discussion

itu bisa melatih



pertemanan dan

juga melatih diri

untuk tetap


dengan teman”

kelas lainnya


Ya, agar mempermudah

Kerja dengan


Ya, karena b. Ing



internasional dan

kita sudah berada

Ya. Karena seru



menggunakan b.


di era modern

jadi menurut

saya b ing itu

wajib dikuasai

5 Iya,karna semua harus di

persiap kn dari awal




menarik Iy,karna seru


Ya. Karena dengan

adanya persiapan saya

daaat lebih mudah

berbicara dalam bahasa



Kerja sendiri

daoat mengasah


individu saya.


kerja kelompok

membuat s aya



pelajaran dan

saya ingin


teman saya

yang kurang



Ya. Saya


pelajaran bahasa

inggris karena

saya dapat

membaca dan


pengetahuan baru

yang tidak

ditulisakn dalan

bahasa indonesia.

Saya suka.

Karena saya

dapat bertukar

pikiran dengan

teman teman

saya yang


memiliki sudat



yang berbeda

beda. dan


pelajaran lebih


karena tidak


diri sendiri.


Iya,sebab kesan pertama

kepada guru itu penting

dan juga agar kita tidak

canggung saat pembelajaran

kerja dengan



Sangat senang,

walau sebenarnya

saya agak sulit

untuk memahami

bahasa asing

namun belajar

bahasa inggris

sangat seru dan


Tidak terlalu

ribet, dan juga


bahasa yang

harus kita pelajari

karna merupakan

kewajiabn kita

sebagai siswa.



bahasa inggris saya masih di

Suka, karna

membantu saya

atau teman2

yang tidak

lancar dalam


inggris dan dngn

kosa kata yng


membantu kita

untuk lebeh


pelajaran dengan

teman2 yang

bisa dibilng

mahir berbahasa


bawah rata2



kerja dengan



iya,karena dapat

menguji skill kita

dlam berbahasa

asing.. Selain itu

jga bahasa

inggris adalah



bhasa inggris


dibutuhkan dalam


iya saya suka..

Karena bisa


kinerja kita..

Dan melatih diri

dalam bekerja

sama saat



Tidak, karena saya

mungkin telah terbiasa

belajar bahasa Inggris

dimana saja

Kerja sendiri

Senang, karena

kita bisa belajar

budaya asing




iya saya suka..

Karena bisa


kinerja kita..

Dan melatih diri

dalam bekerja

sama saat



Tidak terlalu, karena sa

kurang mampu belajar

bahasa inggris

Pada obsen b

yaitu kerja

dengan teman


Sedikit, karena

saya ingin lebih


bahasa inggris

Senang , dengan

adanya group

discussion kita

bisa menambah

banyak kosakata

11 Iya, karena setidaknya

saya harus mengetahui

dasar dari materi


Kerja dengan


Sedikit, karena

saya ingin lebih


bahasa inggris Ya


Iya,karena agar saya bisa

mempersiapkan mental

saya dalam

menerima materi yang

diberikan oleh guru.

kerja dengan



Iya,karena bahasa

inggris dapat

membantu saya

atau orang lain

disuatu saat jika

ingin pergi ke

luar negeri untuk


pendidikan atau

jalan-jalan diluar

negeri agar tidak

membuat kita

jadi bigung saat


dengan orang

asing disana.

Iya, karena

dengan begitu

saya mudah



13 Iya,karena agar saya bisa

mempersiapkan mental

saya dalam menerima

materi yang diberikan

oleh guru.

kerja dengan teman


Iya,karena bahasa inggris dapat

membantu saya

atau orang lain

disuatu saat jika

ingin pergi ke

Iya,karena saya dapat


pendapat teman-

teman saya

dalam materi

Reflection question Students answer

luar negeri untuk


pendidikan atau

jalan-jalan diluar

negeri agar tidak

membuat kita

jadi bigung saat


dengan orang

asing disana.

yang diberikan

guru dalam


dikelas dan saya

dan teman-

teman juga bisa



dalam mengisi

materi yang

diberikan oleh


14 Iya,karena agar saya bisa

mempersiapkan mental

saya dalam menerima

materi yang diberikan

oleh guru.

kerja dengan



Iya,karena bahasa

inggris dapat

membantu saya

atau orang lain

disuatu saat jika

ingin pergi ke

luar negeri untuk


pendidikan atau

jalan-jalan diluar

negeri agar tidak

membuat kita

jadi bigung saat


dengan orang

asing disana.

Iya,karena saya



pendapat teman-

teman saya

dalam materi

yang diberikan

guru dalam


dikelas dan saya

dan teman-

teman juga bisa



dalam mengisi

materi yang

diberikan oleh



Tidak, kurang tau juga

Kerja dengan


kelompok Senang karena

bahasa Inggris

kan bahasa

internasional, jadi



komunikasi antar

teman dari luar


Suka, kebetulan

saya kurang jago

dalam berbahasa



dengan group

discussion saya

dapat bertanya

dengan teman

apa yang kurang


1. What is the benefit that you felt

after did this method

- Get a positive effect

- Felt confidence in speaking

- Felt not shy

80 %

13 %

7 %

2. What is the chance that you did

after using group discussion

method in your speaking practice

- Motivated

- Little

- Not motivated yet

67 %

27 %

6 %

3. How you train your self-

confidence before doing

speaking activity in front of


- Doing the discussion

- Focus with the material

67 %

33 %

Second meeting

1. Apakah metode group discussion memberikan efek positif bagi kepercayaan

diri dan kemampuan diri anda ?

2. Apakah kesulitan bahasa inggris yang selama ini ada miliki bisa berkurang

dengan metode group discussion ?

3. Apakah anda termotifasi belajar speaking dengan metode group discussion ?

4. Bagaimana anda mengatasi kecemasan dalam berbicara sebelum tampil di

depan teaman kelas anda

No 1 2 3 4

1 Iya

Iya sangat

memberi efek

positif sehingga

saya tidak malu

maju kedepan Iya

Cukup dengan fokus

apa yg dIbicarakan

2 Tidak terlalu Tidak Tidak

Saya tdk dpt

mengatasi hal itu...

Jadi saya maju dgn

kecemasan wkwk

3 Iya Iya Iya

Berusaha untuk

memahami materi

terlebih dahulu,

mengumpulkan rasa

percaya diri,berdoa

(agar berjalan lancar)

4 Iya Ya Ya

Ya. Karena seru

saling bercengkrama

menggunakan b. Ing


Iy,karna sy bisa


pendapat sy.





Tarik nafas

dalam",kuat kn iman

lalu baca dengan

suara lantang.

6 Iya Ya Ya

Biasanya saya

mengulang apa yg

ingin saya sampaikan.

Atau berbincang

dengan teman saya

mengenai hal hal

menyenangkan agar

saya tidak terlalu




dengan metode

ini kita lebih

percaya diri

saat maju

didepan atau

apapun itu krna

ada teman2



kita terlebih


Iya, dengan

bantuan teman2

dan metode ini

dapat mengasah

kemampuan saya

yang awalnya agak

susah memahami

bahasa inggris

Iyaa...sangat saya

tertakir untuk

belajar speaking

karna menurut saya

itu menarik


8 Iya iya Iya

berusaha untuk rileks

dan tidak tegang

9 Iya

Masih takut salah

berbicara Ya


semuanya sebelum

tampil, dan



kesalahan yang akan

terjadi sebelum maju


10 Iya Ya YA

Dengan tidak

memperhatikan wajah


11 Iya Iya Iya

Menjadi lebih berani

dan percaya diri

12 Iya Iya. Iya


materi yang akan

disampaikan kepada

teman dan guru.

Reflection questions Students answer

1. Did you prepare

yourself before

entering the class?


- Yes. Because not felt


- Yes. To comprehend the


- Yes. To make it easy

34 %

33 %


2. What is your

impression toward

learning by own

self or learning with

the group

- Learning by group

- Learning by own self

- Both of them

87 %

6 %

7 %

2.Tarik napas

sebelum memulai

presentasi didepan

teman kelas.

3.Berbicara secara

pelan dan tidak

terburu-buru saat


13 Iya iya Iya


semuanya sebelum

tampil, dan



kesalahan yang akan

terjadi sebelum maju


14 Iya iya Iya

Biasanya saya

mengulang apa yg

ingin saya sampaikan.

Atau berbincang

dengan teman saya

mengenai hal hal

menyenangkan agar

saya tidak terlalu


15 Iya iya Iya

Dengan berlatih apa

yang akan

dibicarakan di depan

kelas, dan tidak

terlalu menatap

langsung dengan

teman sekelas

3. Did you like learning

English especially in


- Really like

- Like

93 %

7 %

4. What did you felt

about the method that

used in learning


- Could share the ideas

- Compactness

- Added new vocab

73 %



Third meeting

1. Apakah anda mampu mengatasi kegugupan dalam berbicara setelah

melakukan metode group diskusi ?

2. Apakah anda tertantang untuk berbicara di depan kelompok anda ?

3. Bagaimana perasaan anda belajar speaking setelah melaksanakan beberapa

kali metode group diskusi ?

No 1 2 3

1 Iya Iya betul

Perasaan sya, puas dengan metode

group discussion

2 Belum Sedikit Biasa saja

3 Iya Sangat tertantang

Pronoun saya pernah masih kurang

bagus namun, setelah belajar

menggunakan metode group

duscussion menjadi lebih baik

berkat teman” dan bapak guru yang

membantu membenarkan

4 Sedikit Ya

Saya cukup tertarik dan itu


5 Iy Iy lumayan tertantang Lumayan senang karna bermanfaat

6 Ya Ya

Saya senang. Awalanya saya tidak

percaya diri, namun karena

dibiasakan saya dppat mengatasi

ketidakpercayaan diri saya sendiri.


Sedikit yah...yang

namanya berbicara

didepan khalayak

ramai untuk seorang

siswa biasa seperti

saya merupakan suatu

hal yang susah namun

setelah belajsr dengan

metode ini membantu

saya sedikit demi

sedikit untuk

memupuk keberanian

Ya sangat, namun dengan

kemampuan saya yang

terbatas membuat saya

agak malu didepan teman2

saya apa lagi kosa kata

saya yang kurang

Karna saya tipe orang yang

menyukai hal2 baru dan menantang.

Saya sangat suka dengan metode ini

dan membuat saya merasa


8 Iya Iya Happy

9 Ya Iya Sangat senang

10 Sedikit Tidak Sedikit termotivasi

11 Iya Iya Senang

12 Iya. Tidak Senang dan Gugup


Pada saat pertemuan

ketiga saya rasa saya

dapat mengurangi rasa

gugup ketika berbicara

Tidak juga, cenderung

malu karena di kelompok

saya dominan jago

berbahasa Inggris

Enjoy tapi masih gugup bercakap

dalam bahasa Inggris setidaknya

kemampuan berbahasa Inggris saya

sedikit lebih baik dari sebelumnya

14 ya saya bisa sedikit tertantang

saya senang bisa sedikit demi

sedikit bisa speaking setelah

melakukan metode group


15 Iya Tidak juga Alhamdulillah senang banget

Reflection questions Students answer

1. The effect of group

discussion for

student in learning


- Can resolve the problem

in speaking especially in

building the confidence.

- Not yet

93 %


2. Does students’ be

challenging in

speaking practice

after did the group

discussion method?

- Be challenging in


- Not yet

93 %


3. What is your

impression after did

the group discussion

method in learning

speaking ?

- Pleasing

- Satisfied

- Interested

- Useful

- Motivated

47 %

27 %

13 %

7 %



Teacher : Muhammad yusuf

School : Senior high school (MAN 1 Kendari)

Allotted : 3 weeks x 90 minutes

Topic : recount text

Goals :

In the end of study, the students are expected to be able to more understand the

material by using teaching method group discussion in the classroom and have

confident when doing speaking practice.

Objective :

Students are able to tell the generic structure of recount text.

Students are able to write a recount text in coherence and unity.

Students are able to perform their recount text writing in front of the class.

First meeting

Steps Procedure Times



The teacher will greet the students and then

ask the students to pray together before

began the class. After that, the teacher will

absent the students to know the students in

the classroom.

After that the teacher will introduce herself

in front of the student.

The teacher divides students in to groups

consist of 4 students

The teacher asks the students to write their

own topic about their sad experience.

The teacher moves around the group and

gives the guiding questions,

1. When did it happen to you?

2. What did happen to you?

3. Why it happened to you?

4. First, what did you do?

5. Then, what happened?

6. Next, what did you do?

7. After that, what did you do?

5 minutes



Post activity

8. Finally, what did you feel?

The teacher changes the questions according

to the topic written by the


The teacher allows the students to ask their

friend or open dictionary when

they get difficult word.

The teacher moves among the students to

give guidance and assistance as


The teacher asks the students to submit their

recount text.

The teacher asks the students what they have


Before the end of study The teacher will give

the students reflection.

5 minutes

Second meeting

Steps Procedure Times


Teacher greets students

The teacher gives a brainstorming by:

Asking the students what they know

about personal experience.

Concluding the definition of recount text

and the relation with personal experience;

5 minutes


Post activity

- Social function (to give information

about the writers’ last experience)

- Generic structure (consists of

orientation, sequence events,


- Language feature (use past form

The teacher asks the students to make

voluntary group consists of 5 students.

The teacher asks the students to write their

own topic about sad experience.

The teacher moves around the students and

give guiding questions.

The questions are grouped based on the

generic structure of recount text :




The teacher invites each of group to speak

what they write in front of the class

The teacher asks the students to submit their

recount text.

The teacher asks the students what they have




5 minutes

Third meeting

Steps Procedure Times



Post activity

Teacher greets students

Teacher reviews the last materials by asking

some questions.

Students respond the question that is given by the


Teacher gives several pictures to students that

showed about the unforgettable experience of


Students respond by giving their opinion about

the picture

Teacher asks students opinion about the picture

Teacher asks students to discuss about their

unforgettable experiences.

Each group has to choose one story of their

members to present in front of class.

Students work in groups. Students discuss their

unforgettable experiences.

Students choose the most interesting story to be

presented in front of class, the story have to

follow the generic structure and language feature

of recount text (the materials have been learned

in the previous meeting)

Students can use power point presentation to

5 minutes



5 minutes

present their stories,

The teacher asks the students what they have


Appendix 3: teaching and learning media

Recount Text bisa juga diartikan sebuah kegiatan untuk “mengingat kembali”

suatu kejadian yang sudah terjadi pada masa lampau melalui cerita sebuah text.

Adapun ciri-ciri Recount Text sebagai berikut:

Menggunakan kalimat past tense karena menceritakan suatu kejadian yang

sudah terjadi

Menggunakan action verbs seperti visit, walk, eat dan go

Menggunakan conjunction dan time connectives seperti before, after, then,

when dan first untuk merangkai satu kejadian dan kejadian lainnya

Menggunakan adverbs and adverbial phrase

Jenis Recount Text

Personal Recount

Menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis. Seperti contoh tentang pengalaman tak

terlupakan, pengalaman di sekolah, ataupun tentang liburan ke pantai.

Factual Recount

Laporan peristiwa yang benar-benar terjadi (fakta) di masa lampau seperti laporan

percobaan ilmu pengetahuan, laporan kepolisian.

Imaginative Recount

Menceritakan imaginasi penulis tentang suatu hal dan dituliskan dalam bentuk past tense,

atau menuliskan kembali peritiswa/kejadian yang telah terjadi.

Historical Recount

Membahas tentang sejarah baik itu tempat bersejarah maupun benda bersejarah. Seperti

contoh candi borobudur.

Struktur recount text

1.Orientation (Pembuka) Pengenalan berupa memberikan informasi tentang siapa, dimana

dan kapan peristiwa atau kejadian itu terjadi di masa lampau.

2. Event (Isi) Merupakan rekaman peristiwa yang terjadi, biasanya disampaikan dalam

urutan kronologis, seperti “In the first day… . And in the next day… . And in the last day…

.” Pada bagian ini terdapat juga komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau kejadian yang


3. Reorientation (Penutup atau kesimpulan) Pengulangan pengenalan yang terdapat di

orientation, pengulangan tentang rangkuman peristiwa atau kejadian yang diceritakan.

My Holiday with My Family at Pangandaran Beach

Last month was New Year holiday. I and my family went to Pangandaran beach for

a vacation. We took a tourism bus to go there. We left at 07.00 o’clock in the

morning. The trip took about four hours and we arrived at around 11.00 am.

As we arrived there, I walked down to the beach. It was a nice sunny day with a blue

sky and a gentle breeze. I saw some seagulls flew around hunting for fish.

The waves there were suitable for swimming, but I didn’t swim because I couldn’t

swim and only play with the water on shallow part. We also didn’t miss our

opportunity here taking some pictures with the background of scenic Pangandaran


Before we went home, I looked for some beautiful souvenir at the nearby shop there.

Eventually, we went home at about 05.00 pm. It was a memorable experience for me

with my family

My First Time in Yogyakarta

My family and I went to my grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta last month. It was

my first trip to this city. We went there two days after my sister’s gradution

ceremony in Semarang.

We arrived at Yogyakarta at night. We spent a week staying in my grandmother’s

house which is 5 minutes away by foot to Malioboro street.

In the first morning, we were still too tired after a long trip from Semarang to

Yogyakarta. So we decided to stay at home to recharge our energy. I walk around

the neighborhood with my sister just to experience how it is like to be in Yogyakarta.

There were too many house, I think, which made the space between a house and the

other was so small, even the road was also small that only bicycle and motorcycle

can go through.

On the second day, all of us went to Malioboro street. We saw so many merchant

with various of product which they claim to be a traditional product of Yogyakarta.

I bought some wooden figurine and T-shirt with the word “Yogyakarta” printed on

it, while my sister bought some leather handbag. My mom and dad were busy

choosing some merchandise to be brought home when we go back.

On the third day, we went to Taman Sari and Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat

to see some historical building in Yogyakarta. We took a lot of picture there.

We also took some picture of the building so we can check it again at home. We

found some place providing Yogya traditional food around the building and we

jumped in right away.

We spent the rest of our week in Yogyakarta by visiting some Shopping Malls such

as Jogja City Mall, Malioboro Mall, Hartono Mall and Ambarrukmo Plaza.

We realized that Yogyakarta turned out to be very warm during the day, that was the

reason why we decided to spend more time in air conditioned building like this.

Lazy Day

Last weekend I spent all day laying on my bed. It was just like the Lazy Song by

Bruno Mars, “today I don’t feel like doing anything” hehe. But sometimes doing

nothing was just something that we needed the most, especially after a long and

super exhausted week at the office.

It was Sunday and I woke up at 9 a.m in the morning. I looked around me and I saw

a new comic book that I just bought yesterday laying next to my Macbook. I try to

dragged it closer to me by using my foot, and then I pick it with my hand. I

unwrapped the comic and start reading it. When I just reached the middle of the

story, I felt thirsty so I got up of my super comfortable bed and walk out the room. I

walked down the stairs right to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and I found a bottle full of chill orange juice. I opened the bottle

and pour the orange juice into a glass. When I checked my fridge, I saw that I still

have a leftover Pizza from yesterday, so I decided to reheat it in my microwave. So,

I sat in the kitchen for a while waiting the Pizza to be ready. When the timer of the

microwave is off, I pick the Pizza up and put it on my plate. I took my orange juice

and my Pizza and brought them back into my lair. I enjoy the Pizza and the orange

juice and continue reading my comic book. After that I decided to watch my favorite

K-drama on my Macbook, so I set my portable laptop desk on my bed. This way, I

can watch my favorite show without having to leave my super cozy bed.

Proclamation of Indonesian Independence

The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was read at 10.00 a.m. on Friday,

17 August 1945.

The declaration marked the start of the diplomatic and armed resistance of the

Indonesian National Revolution, fighting against the forces of the Netherlands and

pro-Dutch civilians, until the latter officially acknowledged Indonesia’s

independence in 1949. The Netherlands declared that they had decided to accept de

facto 17 August 1945 as Indonesia’s independence date. The United Nations, who

mediated in the conflict, formally acknowledge the date of independence as 27

December 1949.

The document was signed by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who were appointed

president and vice-president respectively the following day.


The Supersemar, the Indonesian Order of March the Eleventh, was a document

signed by the Indonesian President Sukarno on 11 March 1966.

It is said that it was giving the army commander Lt. Gen. Suharto authority to take

whatever measures he “deemed necessary” to restore order to the chaotic situation

during the Indonesian killings of 1965 – 1966.

The abbreviation “Supersemar” is a play on the name of Semar, the mystic and

powerful figure who commonly appears in Javanese mythology including wayang

puppet shows. The invocation of Semar was presumably intended to help draw on

Javanese mythology to lend support to Suharto’s legitimacy during the period of the

transition of authority from Sukarno to Suharto.

In effect, the Supersemar came to be seen as the key instrument of the transfer of

executive power from Sukarno to Suharto.

Bandung as Sea of Fire

Bandung as Sea of Fire was a fire that occurred in the city of Bandung on March 24,

1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burned their homes.

British troops as part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Bandung on October 12,

1945. Bandung was deliberately burned by TRI and local people. There were black

smoke billowing high into the air everywhere. The British Army began to attack so

fierce. The greatest battle happened in the Village name Dayeuh Kolot, in South

Bandung, where there were a large ammunition depot belonging to British. In this

battle, Barisan Rakyat Indonesia destroyed the ammunition depot.

The strategy to fire Bandung was considered because the power of TRI and people’s

militia was not comparable to the British forces and NICA. This incident inspired to

create the famous song “Halo, Halo Bandung”

Battle of Surabaya

The Battle of Surabaya was fought between pro-independence Indonesian soldiers

and militia against British and British Indian troops as a part of the Indonesian

National Revolution.

The peak of the battle was in November 1945. The battle was the heaviest single

battle of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian

resistance. Fighting broke out on 30 October after the British commander,

Brigadier A. W. S. Mallaby was killed in a skirmish. Although the Colonial forces

largely captured the city in three days, the poorly armed Republicans fought for

three weeks, and thousands died as the population fled to the countryside.

The peak of the battle was in November 1945. The battle was the heaviest single

battle of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian

resistance. Fighting broke out on 30 October after the British commander,

Brigadier A. W. S. Mallaby was killed in a skirmish. Although the Colonial forces

largely captured the city in three days, the poorly armed Republicans fought for

three weeks, and thousands died as the population fled to the countryside.

The peak of the battle was in November 1945. The battle was the heaviest single

battle of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian

resistance. Fighting broke out on 30 October after the British commander,

Brigadier A. W. S. Mallaby was killed in a skirmish. Although the Colonial forces

largely captured the city in three days, the poorly armed Republicans fought for

three weeks, and thousands died as the population fled to the countryside


Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie known as BJ. Habibie was born on 25 June 1936. He

was the Third President of the Republic of Indonesia (1998–1999). Habibie was born

in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti

Marini Puspowardojo. His father was an agriculturist from Gorontalo of Bugis

descent and his mother was a Javanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta. His parents

met while studying in Bogor. When he was 14 years old, Habibie’s father died.

Following his father’s death, Habibie continued his studies in Jakarta and then in

1955 moved to Germany. In 1960, Habibie received a degree in engineering in

Germany, giving him the title Diplom-Ingenieur.

He remained in Germany as a research assistant under Hans Ebner at the

Lehrstuhlund Institut für Leichtbau, RWTH Aachen to conduct research for his

doctoral degree.

In 1962, Habibie returned to Indonesia for three months on sick leave. During this

time, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the daughter of R. Mohamad Besari.

The two married on 12 May 1962, returning to Germany shortly afterwards. Habibie

and his wife settled in Aachen for a short period before moving to Oberforstbach. In

May 1963 they had their first son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son,

Thareq Kemal Habibie.

When Habibie’s minimum wage salary forced him into part-time work, he found

employment with the Automotive Marque Talbot, where he became an advisor.

Habibie worked on two projects which received funding from Deutsche

Bundesbahn. Due to his work with Makosh, the head of train constructions offered

his position to Habibie upon his retirement three years later, but Habibie refused.

Habibie did accept a position with Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm in Hamburg.

There, he developed theories on thermodynamics, construction, and aerodynamics

known as the Habibie Factor, Habibie Theorem, and Habibie Method, respectively.

He worked for Messerschmit on the development of the Airbus A-300B aircraft. In

1974, he was promoted to vice president of the company.

In 1974, Suharto requested Habibie to return to Indonesia as part of Suharto’s drive

to develop the country. Habibie initially served as a special assistant to Ibnu Sutowo,

the CEO of the state oil company Pertamina. Two years later, in 1976, Habibie was

made Chief Executive Officer of the new state-owned enterprise Industri Pesawat

Terbang Nusantara (IPTN). In 1978, he was appointed as Minister of Research and

Technology. Habibie was elected vice president in March 1998. On 21 May 1998,

Suharto publicly announced his resignation and Habibie was immediately sworn in

as president. Habibie’s government stabilized the economy in the face of the Asian

financial crisis and the chaos of the last few months of Suharto’s presidency.

Since relinquishing the presidency, Habibie has spent more time in Germany than in

Indonesia. However, he has also been active as a presidential adviser during Susilo

Bambang Yudoyono’s presidency. In September 2006, he released a book called

Detik-Detik Yang Menentukan: Jalan Panjang Indonesia Menuju Demokrasi

(Decisive Moments: Indonesia’s Long Road Towards Democracy). The book

recalled the events of May 19

a. Historical of recount text (Jusuf kalla)

Fill the blanks with information about jusuf kalla mentioned in he reading



Date of bird




Return to politic

Re-appointed to the MPR

b. Historical of recount text (Bj Habibie)



Place of birth

Date of birth

Parents + Origins


Marriage date

Marriage date

Name of wife

Name of sons

Work Experience

Picture about Vacation :



London city



First meeting :

Second meeting

Third meeting :