r::;eAL NEWS-'.•w= 'l:enator' l\:litchell's b;ll e~ten'li:g tbof. TI ...


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Transcript of r::;eAL NEWS-'.•w= 'l:enator' l\:litchell's b;ll e~ten'li:g tbof. TI ...



__ ,uc._w c6

r::;eAL NEWS-'.•w= 'l:enator' l\:litchell's b;ll e~ten'li:g tbof. TI~EBL.i..N=-The b!~=;..,,:.:= i~nowon Coot to give ~~w~:;::'-~:::~:5

·::;-'Joh: A Confession. -il·•-n. ·. . . . b , & • h 14 h h , grauuestbanquet of modern umes m •

' . ...\. mnn in th0 noi·thcl'tl part ~ . , . time for lue com!Jieuon. o! tb~ mRlU lwe s!t:~r~:=ber;~~d~ 0~r~vf·it:s\bnt~·rs~ar~ j t:llicago, iu August, 1880. It is a I!Jug Ellington played poker in Dal-t. th f' 1..,.0 J·a 1·1,0 W.ass:L~GT<>N, March 14- rhe navJ fl)J· of the Northern Pao1fic l.111!roal to ,1 bl ' 1 d .• C 1.f' . 0 tlny atwali but not too soon to Lenin ton, Ky. E1'11I'n!!ton th<>U!..•ht that o c prevuv:e o ·"' ' nc . . . . d 1 . vr-yP..., !JU 1c 8n w 1u a 1 urma. rr"cn . •. . h ., ~ ~

has contessed upon his deathbed propnat1on btll recently mtro n ctJc tn eit;ht years. The billRs nmP.tuled c;,m' t&llfi \\ashington Territory, vuhl<~bl() fur a~ nfian <?f tue mu.~nllude o.ft e tn· 1.{

t hat he was the real author of the hou~o IJy n cpresentativo ClymPr sp .. !leis the C.ompnny to build 01, tha south chi~fi· ;or timber, t ml nulit for culti\·a· Jt<-rl ?.loment 10. qu.,suou .. It ~~ to be . end ric k cheated, and stabbed prollriates the to!l\1 sum of $H,OS4,C34. 1' ~ide of the Colum. bia rivt r to Portland lion, .. ty btl IKllll to U. S. cnizens iu ~ponfthheo 1c[a:n~ut oTf tl:eltnenmt~AI mee.t. him in the arm; but after a sat-

the murder of n fr.mily of eight tl ic not xceediua 160 acre• 10 1ng o 1 e .Uig .. s t:mp an o men-persolls l·n l 8"-", for , .. hic h a Throughout the bill tho Apeeific objecls ·aud to Kalama, W. T. It lhron &II qoam il " '" . t. ·

1· 'th ell, \\·hich ig to tnke plnce here at rbnt IS factory explanation, the cut

v • . • ..a Q I · atnJ O!le llPI&Oil or ~~~~f•~l:l IOn ll e . ha 1 , ·It ,_ d lO wealthy planter·, by name }fotta ~f ~be appropn~lloa a.re stateu. II y lands open to Fettlement by pre-emp- miuill)·.m price ,of $2 50 per acre, atal !lime. At t -·~~qnet WI we Meatti. ,- wns ·p laster~d up, and tho game Coque·11•0 nnd three of his s la\·es :;;1 .::.00.000 nre approprmted for lhe pre- tors ut two dollu1·s and .. bnlf per a.cre. J,on<lsjlllluable cbitflJ ror ator:e ruav I.JP. Oh:JO peloplc, wb•f arhe to be t~erved mall r·es umed. Soon Kendrick ·ac-

' ... · 1 b k i · . . ld " ·h t 'l'h b 'H h t e e egance o t e mos eowptnous ,1 El were executed in 185G. Tho I smv!lhon of ve•se s on t e sto~ ·s, nnc The proceed" to be pRld ruto tLe U. S, so c:" l e ~u1!Je . erms. ~ ' ow- fea~ts ner ~pread. 'fbe meal ia expeot~LI cuseu . lington of cheating, house i~ which the victim!? !ive:d in or,~i~!lry ~nrcb~sc: of .materil\l and Treasury, sud by the Socreta~y of the ;i~~!~f'.:~1i~;~~~f:8 r~~~h~tlsm~~~~~= to coRt ~v.er $?0.000 and n~ proli:.11 t~ knocked him off' his chair, aud was set on fire after tbe crime stores o. all kmds.labor Ill navy :rnrd Treasury pl<tced to tht. eredtt. of the ments of aor bona fi<le •eUler or lands th1 ca.e1er. lhe pi~ 1s ~l spr .. llO ta stamped eut three of hi!! teeth.

· · • · d · f · t' · f c \"h · · · Jd ·1 · ... blwS- czm .. ule ct aeatln~ one honored "'h th I had been committed. SuspiciOn an 1~ ore1gn 11la 1ons. preser~auon o :ompany. ·• en any section or sec' coniBlUI~g go , HI ver, cmhauar, ~op: . each o(the knights and tbeir friends .L ere wa~ hano er e:xp aoation, • havincr fixed itself on Motta Co- m&Lteno.ls, purchase of toots, "ear nud t10os of the read nre C()mp!eted and ac- perd or coal,,.and

1all stat{> sele~lwo~ 111 r1on tbe lake front if the weather is after whn the pluy was con-

• 0

, • • liD er gl'flnts &Or I'< IICIIhOD,1DtllrDaliW· ,. . ·. ' · ' · t' d ' bl fi b 1 que1ro, .l,le nnt.l three ol hrs slaves tear and repuu of vessels ~>flo~t, and for cepted by tile Government, thea t~11 provPments or otbt-r purposes, or lands !•norub~e. 1f .~ot 10 the Expoartlon build.. IIIUA am1ca y or a w i e. At were brought to trial. 'I' he evi- the gener11l cnre and protec!ion of the Secretary of the 'flcl"o!y shall pay d1- witllm Indian or ·mihtnr3 reservatione., ~og, wL1eh \\,U h~ve a tem~orary annex length ~llington was unmistak-

. · · · · d f 1 · .... ., d h t h .... 11 b 11 1n order to wake rts capacuy equal to '' l ht t k ' th dence was weak, but so strong navy m hce, oa construction and repair, rectly to the Compauy the proeee s o t 11 "'"o pr?Vh•e . t u t e •·• & a not the occasion. '!'he waiters will number flu Y caug n stoc mg e was the feelin o- ao-ains t the plan- incidental npenses, namely, advertis- oil hutds designated by odd ~ections ad · 111~!e6at any .rlghthts c?nhfetrrefd by

11beda.cthor 1 000 and will be divided into ct~nturies cards, aud Kendrick sho.t him 0 0

. · · "" ,granting e Til( 0 way or i!c ' ' ' E h h d d '11 b tl h t' h . ld Th ter that the jury found lum gUll- iug and foreign postsge. jacent·to the completed roftd on wb1ch es, etc., ov'lr public lands. or imp:t.ir uod tens. ac . one un ra WI e ll'ong ne s on er. at · ty :1nd the Cou r·t of Uchltion nt Ten thousand new dollars \\·ere re- pre-emption filings !;,ave not b('en m11Je any bona fide t'laim uod.,r any .IJ. S. Jaw. uuclc~ 11sbce.?luntan1, ~nt.l eac.b ganEg obf ended the gum e.

' ' ' ·. ' · · · · 'l'h b'll · t · · ten WI e uJrec e< "Y a walter. lAC Rio Jun~ll'O confi1·med the sen- ceJVed at the treasury to•Jay 1md three to tile · OompRny, w1tb the restriCtions ~ o 1 cont.ams ~ nugent pro'.'l~· lnL!e will iu this way be served by ten A recent effort to transport to tence of death. Ha and hi~ thousand paid out f.>r golcl. tha!Aey shall be rol~ in quantities noL 1?ns t.o g~ard agamat the. ncqtusi- W8iter~ as promptly a8 though it com~ this tountry from En~land some friends strenuously asserted his Secretarv Schurz beina asked what h .. ' exce.ing 160 acret1 to one pet·son, and hons of h~l~ for specnlnhve .pur- posed the entire b8squet. Most of tht: sol es and turbot for stockin!! our ·nnocence and when it was tholl"ht of yfsterday•s"' cebato in the at nJt uceediog1 $2 50 per acre. The posea,requumg!among other tbl:l~s. food .i~ Lobe put upon the tnble in do .. v~- ~ 1

' . . "' . . . . . . personal affidaVIts to be made by the mcMJc i:'tyle, every tenth mBn, for ex- ~tern bays has pro\"ed fruit­found hopeless to ol>t:un h1s ac- senate upon the pr->secnuon of limber bill alRO provides for the pro~ectto_n of applieauts that the land is of the ample, cuving for his neighbors. Iw- less, tho fish all perishing in quittal, every possib)Q eft'ort was depredators in Montana, said: l:;ome settlers on landJ in the ev~ secllonP, prescribed character; that they ap· w •n!.e ra11ge~ will b" !J'.Jill to c!>olt tood, transit ·but two specimens. An­made to induce the Emperor to senators attacked the interior flepart- , whicL are thrown open to homestead~ ply to purchase for iheir own use •·h~eh w1H be a .P~omn~eut feature of other effort to Amerrcanize these gr:\nt him~ pardon. It is even meut for doing a thing it has Dot dcone. I ers,1CO acres to each penon. Ir al11o and benefit; that they have made no f~~~~epna:b ~u~ 1~1•1 1141dt' 2/~ fowls <.Jninty fish will be made ·in the eaid that sums amounti1w to We are a resigned for l:svinn prcsfcutect l'erwits those who huve been res1ricted agreeme•t to aleniate the title; ~bich ~,', . 0f11~h .~'· .e~ ~ 0 sa/;~ e cr8

1v- ·

• 0

., statement to,.,etl..er w1•h a mmute lDgs 0 e n•aat Y aJilpe 1 11 or rou~ ~. spring . 5250,000 were promtsed to per- Sl'ltlers And minors wLo wanl rd a littl.. to tig!.lty acre~ under <'Xistmg laws, to d . t' ' "'f •1 l ·d· , II b st.llld>i, etu.- Gi.iw.go ln!er· Ocean . d tb .,,, . t . . . CO 'lb. escr1p 1on o •· 1e an , so a e It is_ ehar_goed tll!l.t Bri

0.,h:un sons sreun e ~mJH css o Ill · wood ar:d !Imber for their stores and enlnrgo thir rlaimg to 1 acre~. · 1s published far sixty clays in the r.ear· -- • y -

duce them to enltst h er sympa- wines, while we really baJ nnly prose- e:~:tension is on tbe t'Xpress condJtioo est newapayer, ns notice for adverse Captain llenry Ron:eyn, of the . oung stole 83,000,000 f1·om the thies on behalf ot the CODLiomned cuted ~peculators 'll'ho bad depredated that the Northern Pacific R11ilro:.d Com- claim. etc. False swearing is to be Fifth Infantry, is now in D etroit re- Mor·mon Church. As Brigham man, and thus, b,- means of her upon the public lands on o large scale pany shall commence the con•d·ruction punished 118 perjnr,Y and e\•asion of covering from the woun,ls which he WaR the church, and is now ab-l.ntorces"'IOn \YI.thJ the E'mpei'OI', other ~rovisions.of the a,ct wi.J

11 work received in the last battle with J·o- sent on ecclesiastieal business-' ~ for the •al.:e of personal profit. Under of tbeir road nt Portland within nint~ f f t f t tl 'Ih b l seph's warriors. He tells the story h a \ · "' . t h h

to att3in the ~bject in view. All, iustructious of this dt~partment not a monlhll after tbe date or the pass\ge of a or.~1 urteh 0t f~ e. 't 8 :· n:':! thus: "You see, I had been struck 1

·m'? gob.nell 0 see W et 01' however was in vain. The Em- s~.ttler nor a rolller has been touched the Ac• and shall construct at least ~3 provrces a a er 1 s enac men 1 fi t' b II h t · t 1crc Iii! a e or not-we see 110

' . . E· . _ d .. shall be unlawful to cut, destroy or ve Ime!l, one n 6 ·a tenng my pos;;ib le <rood in d' cu s' tl p~ror was. firm, the mp1 e:os c- except where persons had cut tiwber miles within one Jear thereafter on tLe remove timber from any public field·glWis, another raised a disagree 111 1~£tcl'. o 18 · s mg le chned to mterfe1·e ; ~he govern- under fraudulent pre-emption or home~ south siJe of the Volumbia river, and iands with intent to export or dis- nb!e lump on my left shoulder, uuu mcnt sent a \'esse) ot war to 1\Ia- stead claims. When these spec&lators th11t each year thereafter tbe Company pose ef the s~tme, and no owner, the others only damaged my c!oth-c:ihe to prevent an,- attempt at b · d f $5 t S" t f £hall boil' one Lnndr·" miles of road, master or consiwneo of and vessel, ing. I ought tG say that very early

d M J • d o lame rom o 0 per cor• or u "" . d' ; t f in the fight my horse was killed, -reacue, :m - otta Coqumro llD wood and from $20 to S60 per thousand at least t'll'euty-liYe of which shall be or.ow.oer, uo .or o.r agen o any and when I SII.W (Jenera! Miles riding nis three sl:1ves were executed feetfor manufactured lumben1;hich they on the Pacific coast. The bill further ~~llroai shnl~ knowmgly tr!l~srrt close up, apparently unconscious for a crime which it turns ou·t bad taken /rom the public lands, thev provides lb8t the ;oat! from Umatilla e same. · · ny person VIO a lug. thnt he was getting into tho hott-est

· d 'l'l ~ these prohibitions shaH be tlne·l . now they never co~m1t.te ? . le could afford to.pay the gonrnweut at to Portland shall be common for then11e from $100 to $1,000, but nothing corner, I warned. h1m to keep ~ack. man who lately dwd ncknowl- least a sm&.ll part of their profit, as pee• of the Northern Pacific, Salt Lake and herein cElntained shall prevent any I. had .been lyJDg comparatively edged that he, assisted .by some pie in other parts of the country have l:lonth Pass Companies, under such miner or agrieulturslist from clear- Iudden In the long grass: I stood ofh1s dependents, dehberately tod.o. Aatodepopnlatingthetemtory, tecmaas theymay aaree npon,aDdin ingh:" li.•d in the ordinary work· up.to takeo au ob~rvatl~ •. ,w~eu murdered all the inmates of the ing of <llilltmiJ .. ing claim or prepar- q.ulcker than a flasli som!3 \\Arrwrs h h . h th • f• . . d thl're are no ~igns or that either in the event of a failure to agret', alleh ing his fum for tillage OT from tak: I 81n.gled me out a~d let dnve. I felt

ouse, " ' IC e~ a .el "ar 8 Montana or any other territory in con- terws 88 m11y be-agreed upon by three . . · ' h' as 1f a red hot non bar J1ad been burned. The doubts which arose !ng t1mber necessary tG sup~ort Is th h I t--.1 t d·. , . . , se'l uence of the action of the interior persons selected by the President of the Improvements, and the penalties pro- rong me. 8 uwu roo ,e m my as t? ~he JUStice of ~Iotta ~o- department; but it is a notorious fact United Slatlls. The extt>nsion does not vided by this bill shall aot take ef· tracks fo~ 8 mo.men~, gasped, 3~~ quelrO s fate and of those "ho tor.t the consumption of &imber which extend to tbe brAnch line acrosa the feet until one vear after its enact- felt the au commg 1n at my back. tmffered with him, after their pers~;~ns take for nothing from the pub- Clll!Cade Mountains bnt lsods on the ment. The bill providss with regard ~~e next instant my m_outh filled executien, are supposed to ha,-e ll·a IRnds will beindefinitey more waste- b h t' t ')J' k> all territories except Washington \\lth blood, an~ then I knew that I rat sed llh uneasy .feeling in the ranc ' amoun mg 0 seven mi

100 that the number of acres of timber had been. abo~ In tht' lung. I wal,~e<l Eml)eror's mind, ami he has ful than if they had to PRY for it. In acres, are restored to tbe public domain, land purclJasable from the gover.n- seTenty-tive Jar<ls and then fell.

tLis way mountain sitles in these terri, and in lieu of these lands an equal t b - • since, it is stated, s howu a great ~en . y

1any one person or assocl!l-

t.lisinclinatiGn to allow sentences toril's will very soon be stripped of their amount is granted to the Salt Lake and hon sha.l not exceed forty. A baker in Paris haYing nse<.l, for forests, and if the forests once be <le- South Pass Company, in aid of tbeir •- • heating his oven. painted woad from

of death to be ca!Tietlmto cft'ect. etroyed the monhtaiu sidelwill be bare road from Umatilla to l:ialt Lake, under Gen. Jo.hn A. Sutter, the orig- old houses whick had been torn • - ' · h t · 1 .1· f' ld · c r do\vn in opening a new street, many A fe- -~ks srn· ce a ves~el from fore\'er. If that goes on m t 'presen like restrictions as to the ule of laDds IDa ulSCO\"Orer o go 1D a 1- h t h b d .

w "~~ ~ d f b · h persona "' o a e t e r&a were se1z· Callao arrived, having on board a wastllful manner oaly a sbon period by the Government, and on coBdition fornia, instea o ecommg ric ed with vi&lent symptons of .lead-livit armadillo, which died the fol · louger, then these territories will io port tbot tlle Com(:any shall commence 11.t by his g ood fortune, lost his poisoning. 'fhe heat converted the lowing day, and was thrown ovcr- booome uuiubabited sud depopu•ate:l, Uma1illa. within six montlls after the land to the American govern- paint into pulverulent oxide ot lend, board. A sailor picked it.np an<.l e~pccially tho valii'JS which depend date ot the passage c.f tbe ect, 811d ment on a fln w in his liexican which adhered to the moist surface gave it to Judge Swan, who reques- upon a regular suppl7 of water. If the build and equip twenty-five miles 0 f title, before h e could get any one of the loaves. The men whn brush­ted Capt. t:alganlno tq put it in ~;alt , cons mption of timber can be rrduced road within one year thereafter, fifty to dig ttle gold fo1· him, and has ed these lo:1ves were the first to suf-. and send it to apt, l:itratton, tlle " b' t · fer, and then all who ate the crust to•vdorml'st, tn stu II. On. Snuda'.' to the nctu.al necessiteR of the people I miles withiu.eac.h sul'ceeding year, a~d .or t 1rtcen yem·s pas l:>cen try- . d . L I . t ... • ~ - · · expenence' wlt." more or · ess men-

lasi Del, examined the animal, and by the achon of tho t;overuweut and I the wbole ~1lh1D focr years from the mg to get some compensatiOn sity the a:;ony of "painters' colic." finding it in good com1i tittn, wipe<l tl:e wilsie now soing on preventud, the colllmcncemeut c.f tlle work. for i t from the Go>crnment. lie A police regnlaticm has been issne<l, it dry and laiu it on a large pbt ter, t ~rri:ories , instcnd of being depopu' I . -- is now in W !!Shingto n on that forbiddiu~ the use by ba!oers of which he placed in tile shl)w •:i ndO I\' l.a.ted, willl.>e protec:ted ogains.~ the .most T <IE <.·nu:c~s su~D.'-Y. mission . lie is dcscribtd ns n wood from oltl houses. at Woodard's rest:J.urant, where it • t tb ..,.l • 1 m.s!lsterous conseque. nces, wlltch otht'.r·l MF.nwms T PROTESTANT CHUJ(CR. man Yery s.ou , · ou., l on Y a - • attracted a gre:::.t m:::.ny veoplo who )' 1 f' " t h' ' 1 A ' · n ' d ne' e•· had seen such a creature ~ . - ~ ' "' L t · d · 1 s:nall but selecL dinner pnrty, Lhe ether b ' w1se must nece sanly ensue. I not1ce .


D . Da!!le,-, pastnr. 1\I;,rnin". Fnner· Itt e over n ·o oec tgtl, ant rn~~~ young m!ln 111 u<Jstou ns~e a O,.e, The1' r 1'n"'·•·est wa£ increa-t-d cnr met bod of doiDg this bas been call- ,11 service, WIU. Dinsmore. Subiect, >cry g ray. u nct1ve an SOCJ!l .

. '" - • t\'Pniog, the folio win~ conundrum : by n Peruvian opo-d el-doc, which ed nu-A.ruencno. I never though that Abo!ishiog rlenth and briuging life and A. dow n-town man, notet.l for "Wb,v is Longfellow Jil:e Lord Dllnctre-was considered prett.y near to armud- it wns tin-American toflnevent stealing iwatort .. tiry to Hght. through the Uos .. his goot.l ll.lt ure, says: ' ' \Vhnt's nrs ?" uu!l when they had all given it illo, the true name. cr to ton force the Jaws . We are bound p&l. Text, 2 vs 'lim. l ella pt. 8 uurl 12 h f I ? N b up, replier!: '·.Gecnnse he bas got a Bro·

· v~rse~ . The speaker spol;e of tbe abol- t e us e 0 wmng ing · l 0 oJy tb~r ~uru." Au icy silence fel l upon ..-\ lieutcnlln t of the l!uss inn t!> execute laws os they are ns well ns isbiDt; of death, rt ferriog to Hebrews can teil ho w easy It i!l to get the comJ.mny. His falher re~olvcd to

navy bas recently pnteute d a we can. If tbe lows are not as t!ley 2nd Chnpt. 8 11nd 15 v~rses, Jobu, 5~h along without whrangling till lea~e all his ·fortune to on n~ylum for subs tance for the )H'esernltion suonld bl', it ·is the business of congress · Chnpt. 24 and 20 verse~ by wny c f e::s:" they try. Now, 1 li ke t o sleep horse-car coonuctors,nnd his betro<hed, of metals. It IJids fair to be to make tbem. 'fbe operations of the t>hlnutio~ and emphasis. He regarded on the front side of the bed ,· so c11sting opon h1m a glnnce ofiudiguat-

. h fe and 1nucortnhty as brought to ltgbt ion that wcll&nigb fu~ed her sp<'c~. eaid Yery successful, nnd has, after a d.,partment :or tbe pren·ot~on of t~m- by being taken fr"m a general, HSIIe does my wife; but we diun' t rbat henceforth, and ev:en in a rnilway long series of expe1·imcnts, been ber devastatiOn npply on:y 1n Yery hm' position. they had in the poblh miud, wrangle · ' !>out it- we just moved collisiOn, they must meet as st1·augers. ndopted by the ministc1· ot . ma- ileJ exteui to the territorii's. The priu- eudor~ed, illu.;trated and emphasized as the bed in tho center of the •-rille in tbnt country. B.}' :l)>J>IJ' - cipal .field of operation is ill the timbl'r christian doclrine, also as being in Gods room. It's a heaJ> easiet• than Mrs. E. A. Barber, iu the Americrrn

. . . system of truth mn<le tile world's prop- Naturalist, notes a singular rite forwer-ing this material to the surli.!ce states, such as l\Imnesota, Mlch•gsn, erty- the common heritage of humsni" wrangling 'bout it." Jy practiced by lhs :5eminoles at the to L e protected, a.nd then cover- Wisconsin, Florida, Lonlsiana, Missis-- ty, aiw aa it was used for practical pur' O S th h 'christening' of their male children . At ing 1 t with a coating of ordinary oippi and others. . pollf's by the Divine Teacher, ilh1s1rated ur ou ern exe anges com- the age of fourteen. the boy was incised paint, it becomes absolutely in- l3cbnrz ooiog asked 'll'bether he had in Hialife, death an:J reasmection,. The plain that, as a rule, New Eng- with a sharp flint a1x times on each "-w Scnsl. ble to moist.ul'C. d h h'J . th 1 whole wor~ referred to was rons1~ered 1 land people do not 1,mderstand anJ leg, the length of the ic<'isions ue-

Cardinal Panebi:1nc·o (white bread) was not elected pope be­

. cause he was too Cl'UHty. He may have been the white bread of Pie Nono's dream, but "as

. not " the eheeso" for ~the Con­clave. Tho Cardinals woul<l think it :. burning shame to

. " toast" such a pope) In Ellg-]aad they would make him .Mas­ter of thG Rolls.

At a meeting m CaRlbridgo, .Mass., testimony was gi,·en to the effect that the English spar­row has driven our !Jative birds ft'Om Washington and fl·om .Bos­ton Common, thr1t insects arc in<:reasing in numbers and that the sparrow eats fruit buds.

The Prince Imperial of France will offer h1mselt' as a cllndidate for conscriptiOn. Bemg the on­ly son of a widow he would be e xempt, but he elects not to be ~0.

mn e a speec ,.. 1 e ro e sena eon 811 aceoRJ.ph~hl'd and to be ~ccomphs~ed the sentiment of the South. ing about a foot. If the lad flinched or the mmety system, denounci11g spies lhrongb the Gospel -Gods redemptive p h ft. h'l N cried out, he re"'ived an insignificant in the revenue se!,ice, eaid: So fsr os •·ork. er ups, a er a W 1 e, ew name; but if be bore the pain maDfully, he could remember he had Dot uttered EVENING. England people Will try harder. he r.;ceived a higb•&Juoding title, and

Te&t: Mstlh~w. Chapt. 1, 21 verse. wss d.,11t1ned to become a areat man in a word in that d~bale nor iD any other Jesus Chriet was considered as the sent Boston has more th~n two the tribe. Rl.>out spit~s. ThoRa who were called of God. His name as of Divine appoint- hundred churches. Th" fir-st_w_•_tc_h.,e4s.,.w-e-re_w_ a-de at Nur-spies in the employ of the interior de· ment. Hia office and work, the salva-.

· lion of Jehovah. Sin was spoken of, u Slade, the SJliritualist, is in emberg ia 1477. The first llllescope partmPnt were simply ogents, whe were S p b wu probably used in England in 1608. sent out to diacovere what depredations the center o! all edl and its malignity, t. · eters urg. Tbe first steamboat plied the Hud8on in

power, 4!ssence and guilt briefly regard- I' r h' t 1807. The first use of a loc-motl've l·n had been couuuitted and who committed d J · H ' 'd d A po rceman of \\as mo- on v e . eso8 In IB energj' was cons1 ere o this eountl'J' was in 1820. The first lu-. them, and if the department wantP.d to 88 mattng Rnd mlltching the goilt of sin says he has not seen a drunken eifer-match was ml\de ia 1829. The know anything about matters these by pardon. free, full, absolute and eter- man in the streets tor more th:m ft • t 1 d · 1830 Th

nul, also the e&sence tbereor, b:r cleans.. rs. s ee peD was ma e 1n · e ugtmts had to he called on for informa- ing, pure aud spotless, the moral death a year. first non steliDltlbip was bnih in 1830. tioe, as the depr.,dntors bad not been in of tbe soul by the lift~ of God, aud the S:m Francisco wags stuff old The ftut envelope• were u~etl in 1830. the hsbit of reporting themselves. punishment by the abutting its door• elothes with straw and let them

NEw YonK, Mareh 15.-'l'he TriLunt ':; :!:::::.v tho .. of Par.Wise to all fall from roofs to sidewalks to Washington special says; Evarts during ======~ sell anxwus crowds. an interview to-day said the reductions A largo number of' Cincinnati in the salaries of minister will prejudice ladies are greatly ashamed at the diplomatic service. The minister having permitted themselves to to England, he said, · must par from be gulled by a handsome adven­thirty to forty thoUBand yearl7 more turer. He lived sumptuously in than bia Alary. the best hotels, pretended to be

W.snBaroN, March 16.- Tbe Sub-' a clairvoyant, gained the confi­Committee of the s .. nate OD Pa.aitlc deace of his dupes, emptiet1 Railroads to-day made a unanimoua re-o their purses, and tinalh· fled port to full Committee in favor of from the city. •

The eucalyptus tree sends 1ts roots tlown fifty feet.

S~nator Bruce, who . is very dark, employs a white coach. man.

The mind of n bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the mere it centracts.

There is no doubt that within the last few years the book agent has in n great measuret abandoned forcible measures, and it is only in remote districts t~ he still makes a prac­tice of knociling his victim down Rnd sitting on him while he reada extracts from his book, and offers the alternative of purchase or death.

Mrs. Phillips, of Hopkins, Ky., went out to ahoet her hnaband, from whom she had parted, and who was throwin6t stones at h"r heuse. By a miato.ken aim she killed her brother.

Mr. Russell Gurney, who re­sided nearly two years in this countr·J· m comiection with the A lahama ela.ims, has resigned the Recordership of London, worth 515,000 n year. 1'he of­fice dates from 1298, and is one of high dignity.

The ~GT-~iiid Lodge of~ Free Ma- · sons of England unanimeusly passed a resolution refusin~ to recognize as a Free 'l\fason any person imtiated in a lodge where the belief in God is ig nored .

A female servant in Dublin has been sentenced to fourteen t.lays' imprisonment for pushing her mistress out of the kitchen, and calling her a " kitchen wal-loper." "

There is no sadder moment in u pool' mnn 's life thau wheu he rakes together Lhe last few grains of a fif'ty-cm.t bag of smo­king tobacco.

The celebrateJ. Eddystone Liabt­house in the Hritish channel, which h~s buffeted the waves of a century. '11'111 probably soon disappear,owing to the undermining of the reef be­lo;v by the water.

Hnnk l\Ionk, hero of the familiar story about Greele.r and the Califor­nia.· stage coach, lives near Carson Nevada, and has grown quiet and religious .

A n Ohio hill-pos t er pns.ted sbow bills on the tombstones in a ccmete1·y. No doubt he wis hetl to giYo the ' 'dead heads a show.'

' ·I am so unlucky," s:lld n follm7 who had failed iu all his undertak­ings, "that I verily believe, should I become a soap-boiler, the use of soap would become unfashionable."

"WoULD yon like to know a good thing to put in practice?" asked a · yonsg lawyer of an old friencl of hill father. " Yes, tell me." "Well, put me in practice," answered the young lawyer.

A colored teamster in Nash­ville declares that be must either give up drivmg mnles or w ith­draw fro;n the church, the two positions being incomphtible.

The new Pope avoids the men­tion of the Virgin ~fary in his coronation speech, and made no allusion to his predecessor. Was it accident:ll . -.

"I told her I'J neTer smoke another cigar," be said softly, "ond I wont. A pipe'" plenty !!'ood ~nongb for me" '­and be gr~ocl'fnlly drew a match over the largest part of his t.rowsers.

. Eighteen hundred revolutionary la­dles have been flogged by order of the Russian. Government. This looks like noiTersal enlferage.

Mr. and Mrs. Barron of Ne. v~(!a hav.o. each asked for o. ju­diCial deCISIOn us to the sanity of the other.

A Colorado man . has started for Texas on a velocipede, which is arranged so as to run on rail­road trucks.


0 .



..LW.DE ~Y, F~ lf. WAUil! , B. L. NOlr..Bt..T DJ:".l:.U.ll IiftOWS.

Olllce-. D!spa!;;h Buil!iin!JS, James Street.

too THE EYFXlXO DJ8PAT U. pr.b11>i:tol r'l'­ery day in lbb wed< (ocr·pt t:'m,.;a)). liiglll dollars rcr ~car by u..!Lil ; One dollur FCr n.m1th by carrier

TRF. Wf:.EKLY DISP • 'fCIT. pntl!•be,; cvtlj Battird:ty nvr"'iu:;. -'l'wo t.lolbrR pr· r )'\·:lr.

All bu:--ifH .. fS, n e ws lcih •rt=- or tc}J.~J.!r:ipllic t.l:s patches JUUS I \ 't" 1:\d~~c~d. ~~L~l.~. llJ~P.,T~I

SATURDAY .... MARCH _:J, 1 78.

Mill l'lr'len, See to It! ·nder the above head the

'Valla Wulb Tlc1tchman contains the followit~g item:

"M:·. John Siag lct.on _reeciYc(l some h;mbcr for flooring- from Portland, wbich stan ' s him $46.50 per t!Jousaud, tlr•'S cd :wtl deliv<:!reJ. \Y c :ue sorrY to no­tice the w holcs::lc importation of' lumb r, laths and shing les, vet such seemed. to be tho on! Y

ulternati\-e, but we hope ou~r mill men wi!l not pcrm1t this practice to take root. It looks strange that it should be in ,-og tie at all and is a las tin...,. in­jury to the coun tt·.r, Lut who is te blame?'.

This it"m has more signifi­cance th:111 a fi1·st glance would indicate. H sbows how mutual nre the in t er· sts of both sections of this TetTitury nud wbat this side ioscs by not opening ~om·

munication with the e:~stcm s ide. The t1mber and prail·ic lanJ: of the T crrit.ory :u-e o s ltuatetl

· that one h · al;solutely neccs -:u-y tathc otller-WC require the p rO­ductions or the cast, they r e­quire tbc l:t:n~cr· awl oLh e com­modities of tbc wc;;;t-nnt! :1 ro n­neetiou that \'•ill gi\' e us thi ·in­terehanf;C -.rill bt~ild up one o the most po\\· Jrful and W<'althy commonwealths in t he ~· ,,ited

States. On the eastern s iJc arc situatecl fertile pruiries and val­leys of iliimitauio exton t, en p:r­

ble of suetuinin~ n lar/.iCI" popu­latiOn than it; eont::in cd in any one of the Eastern States; \';hiie on this side we have iucxh:iu:;t ­ible forests of tile very bei't or timber for manufacturing pur­poses, coal aul iron in super:1-bundnuec, and a gnwd ocP:tn harbor, all of whieh is an :!IJSO­

lute n ceessity to the pt·oplc on the eastern stde. At pr·esent they are "at the me1·cy of th~ most grinding mqnopoly that ever cu rsctl . a connt1·y- eon­strained to pay extortil'lnatc rates for the truns:>ol"tation of such commoditi es as enter into their li>ing, w1thout hope ol r e!i{'f

Crant In the Ea•t. Obstructl:)nl•t.:" "Tbe wicked shall not pros-Egypt has caught the enthu- That some men will OPJ ,. r.'.- · Fer instance, Col. . Bo~

siasm of the western countries ef the fin·mation or n State gol"em- ge~110ll, the infidel, has netted Europe in 1ts reception of our meut is to be expe('ted. Outside QJily 520,000 from his lectures. ex Presi~ent. At Alexandria be of those holding office under the· this season, while many clergy­has been received with all the general · government- who of ·mtm ha'\"e tailed to draw a pay­honors at its command, while ut course dislike to be jostled out ing house at 25 cents a bead. Cnim a palace has been phwcd of their comfortable positions- 'rhere is a moral in this same­at his disposal by the Khedive there is a clas11 of men who will where, but it is not the right and a special st£'amer to give be frightened by the bugaboo of kmd for a Sunday-school book. him an oppo1·tunity of seeing taxation. But it can !Jc demon- A new way tJ> end a divorce tbc famous river whieh tho he- strateJ thnt tho Lurdcn will , in suit was attempted at Holyoke, r oie Stanley has forever linked fact, be dim in i.~!ted, instead of in- brass., on .Monday. • Oscnr S. w ith the uumo cf tbe United I c reased.. 'l'bc very fad that a Ca~t: iii th~ plainti1fz .a!Hl as _n Stales. It was, t1.r the way, a con>enhon has been called to, p~I.tmg tto~en of nftect10n Ius

· · -d · f 1· t" 1 t t ·' wife sen. hnn a handsome pi·cs-cunous mc1 ent that tho illus- mmc a cons 1tu 10n 1as s at· eu ·t f · _ d b _ 1. _ . . . . . . _ . , en . o a s1x-poun ox o po'l'.-tnous sold10r nnd the mJon11- an mcrcasmg flow of lmnllgr-a- dcr anti slu~!!. She evidently table .explorer should have met Lion to \\":1r.hingi.o11 'Territory1: intended n pleasant surprise fat· and cxchan <,.od o-rcchn ""S ou and l1y tho tunc the Stntc will lie· him, but suspccl.ing :\ plot I-.e the bordei·o lin: tho"" one admittc 1. wo shall have three tl?£?k measures that saved his

' ~ . e coming out of that mysto- m en t o p:1y the tax<'s whc1·e otl. · - ~---rious land crowned with now has to Lenl·· the Lurden. . Tb.e nd,:nlllugc>~ of crying aud r.ronn•

m~ 1n ponn nre set forth by n French glory as the otber wns prepar- It \\·as the experience of Oregon puysici~n. wiJo holds thnt these ::nodes in!! to enter it m a blaze of offi- that the rnteo of tnxniion was ac- of exu~E"s~iou nre Nature's own methods ~ of miJ,1ning the kPenue,tl <'f physical

cia! splendor as the guest of its ti.1ally tiim inished after the State suhe·iug. He would hnYe wen freely I"Uier. That ~cnei·.nl Gr.'lnt ~ 1 d - "Ia Rvailtllewselvesof this weans ofnu:nb· ~ •• •• was ormct ' ~.' 0 n Slllll · 1: ex- ing their sensibi lity during surgical should have taken special pams pcricncc n·as the lot or most if ope<fllions. .Jrrh1~ iu children should tor o t th .., . t" · h d · not all ttl" Rorth-\\re ·tern State~ . not be repressed, fur, accordin~t to this

11 e e ulS mgms e JOUl"ll- ., au:bority, ~ucb Ie)'ression mny result ulist and hear from his o,•,-n lips 'l'bc first move of the obstt·uc- in vAry s<:rious consequences. ns St. tho story of his marvellous tionists has ah·cad_r been .made, Vitus's dance, epi~ic tits, etc.

ncbie,·emcnt was as high a rocog- and that is an cifort to prevent A l\Iinncnpolis boy was sen. nit ion as he could give of tho ap . the passag e or. an cnabl1ng net by his toach01·, a woman, to th' prcciat10n in which he hoJJs Mr. by Congress. 'rho bill introJueed Superintendent to be whipped.

S Th~ ltltl suspPetod the cont~nts

tau ley's services to the cause by Jacobs has been r ·forrcd to · d 1 _ of the noto au 1ired a boy he of ~cience and ultimately, WC the appropriate committe£', and met on tho st1·ec t to deliver it, hope, of ci,·iJization_ 'fhc ex- has not y et been repo1·ted to tho giving h11n ten cents. The Su­Pre5itlcnt seems to bo tleligbtcJ Ho1tse, ar:J probably nevet· will pei·mteutlent did 110t d iscover \ri tb his tour, :md be is ·certain- be if Jacobs follams t.he load of till after tho castigation was

over that the boy he had flog. ly !'ot·tunate m being so many disappointed and selfish men got! had :oot seen the inside of a ihousanJs of miles away from herd at home. llo•mig ht just ns :school bouse Jot· n month. the wretched wrung!ing nt well know now that the peo ple --

\\. 1 · The Placer (Cal. ) Hemld, hr.s :1s Hngton anJ the secmi:l!!:lj• \Y ill hold h im responsible fot· the .. ~ - tuc following sad case recorded:

intcr mina blc l;oui;;iana quabblc. fai lu re to pass this bill nt the A fhnner in tho valley who,

ICI·,;:rges Ag<Jinst Lin::lerm~n.

Dr·- I L R. LindCI:man, Direct­o r of the U uited States m!nt is

pt·csent session of 'ongress, anu sint·c last Jail has lost his only that it will in this ·ennt be cb i!d from diptheria, has been

·-ompelled to pay :;, surety note of 1,000 and interest, had bis house Lurned tlowu, his barn !;!own over , his stock d1·owned xnd his <.:1·op destroyed by over­flow.

passed at the next fic'!sio n . with­out h is aitl and in spite of his oppositiOn. .But we do- not be­li eYe h e is so weak a m:m as to be led by the obstructionist · a t home, in a matter or EliCh vital

p~trti culady the San Franci.,eo 1U1portancc to the people or the

u:·:u1ch, that indiv1duals anrl pri-

II O W the s ubject of an investigtt­tion under the c harg-e thai h o .. o ui l·ccts the operations of the ~a­tiona! Mint and its branches,

'l'crri to rj-. Uis eonstituonts were vdo bankers mnko lnrgc gams , " pi·ofit t tl . 1. well s atisfied with his a1·gt:~nt :.uu s a 10 expcn"e o . . · • . h 1·' d d 1 · t d tl 1 before the committee Iii faYo r of o ucrs an en crs m ra e o -I h l ld d d I . dl the enni..ling bill, nod will not :us, w o 10 an <?a 1n goo . . . .

!'• "tl th t th n· t f I I bcltc\'C him eapable ot go!Dg a1 1; a e Irecor o t1c . .

· t h d 1 1 ·' back on Ius wort! at the beck of mm as use mow euge ac-quired by him from the Trcns- a few disappointed aspit·ant:; at


-------This is a good season of th~:: year ,-.J-...-.. Il:alanc!tc. The man that wns fount! with anotltei· man's wife in his ..A.. saw ':'* soon afLer.-Nucleus: Yery clever,,_ '!'hey should both be n·amed in [) and bung upon the wall.­Tt!legram. 'l'hc perpeLrators of suc h stufi' onght to ha>c at run mto tlwn.

The nncnlcnla.ting enthusiasm nry Department in his official cupa<:ity to enable individuals to speculate wrongfully in trade dollars; that the D1rcctor of the mint discloses the orders of the

. . which often accompanies tempe-A Pans•an Fraud.


1·ance revivals w:.s peculiarly il-

Treasury Department of the Umtcd States :1bout to be made, :mtl before they nrc pn bli<:ly an­nounced, for illicit pui·pn-cs.

A few_ months ngo a Frf'nch gentl e· lustra ted r ecently in Arkansa·s., man ot mstt:~g~tshtd rm •. nnd assnm.mg wberc a club of ""Olln . men to hl' a spng of the Partsl!.n nobthty, J g _ RTI"f\·~d 1n San Fr"ncisco nnd Joco\tect pledged thomsel ves to nbs tam himseif m sekct qnurtfT.i at (h ilbnrd's, ft·am the usc o f alcoholic liqn01·s, a rrench bot~!. on J'ine street. He auJ then cclcbt:a tcd the occa­regi 1er.,d blmot.lf as Guptuine ::iaintout, !ion by- rrcttinr• rh·unk 0 beer nud by h1s gen ·ral address nm! lofly ::> o n -pretensiuus spe~dily ingl!illllied himself - __ .. ._. ... _ _ _ into the confiJenca hnd high favor of In th~ D epartment of the Pny-

save the speculative one held ou t Judge Wino:arc! . by the railroad comp[tnics who T his gentleman has JeclinoJ

the :c:~ of I he .Freuch popul<ltion of the de-Dome, Madame M., the wife city. Do c .. prnine pn:tenr.ed to be a o f a Colonel iu the Ft'encb a r ­• er,oeu of nu bJnnded wealt h, r.n terrus m - 1 1 , .. ·t l f" • f"' •d of'i:HiHmcy '~Hh tho Ft·cucll ~oubi l it}, } , laS wen:HI C!:i cc Ot tat.

contcmplatcextcnC: ing thcirlincs the n·ominntion for delegate at across the Cascades somo day. large, tendered him by cit izens The d.ro:oscd lnmbc1· m cnt:oacd irrespective of party in Eas tern by the Tf"r:ltcfmwn, wh!th cost Washington. While the people $46.50 pet· thousand feet, can b«> h:.ve cause to regret the absence procured h ere for 820, and could of sur:h a man frvm the conven be landed there by rail for 85 tiGn, Judge Wingard has himself per thousand, making a tlift'er fut·nished the highest evidence enee in favor of the consumer of of his fitness to make lnw, by his S2L As now conditioned the careful regard of existing law. 0. S. N. Company on ono side The Organic Act of the Territo­and the Northern Pacific Rail- ry abf'olutely prohibits any per­road company on the other are son holding a commissian under erippiing the energies of the the United States from holdmg people and retarding the growth any office created by the Terri­and development of the conn- tory, and as the office of menr ber try. '£his can only be overcQme of the conventien is one of the by a united effort on the part highest legialaLive character, it those on both sides whose inter follGws that the judges are ineli­ests are staked· on the early gible. Not alone this, but the completion of a railroad across U. S. revised statutes provide the Cascade mountains. that whenever any person hold-

This might be used as an ar­gument by persons who are op­posed to temperance reform: A Philadelphia workman, . who was booked for passage to Seuth Ameriea on the unfortunate Me­tropolis, stepped ashore to take a parting uip with a friend. The ship sailed without him, and While ItS passengers 1\•ere the sport· of the waves he was at home safe and welL

ing a commission under the United States shall accept a Ter­ritorial office, his federal office shall at once cease.

Judge Wingard, doubtless, having a proper regard tor his official oath to support the con­stitution and laws of Congress, has given such proof of his feal-- . ty te law as to mer1t the regard of his fellow citizens.

Kosciusko, Mii8., is a model place to em1grate to. Buttor 15

A carrier pigeon sent from New- cents a pound; rib beef, 4 eents; pori, R. I.,_ recently made the fiight chickens, 12 cents each; eggs, from that city to Providence, in the 8 cents a dozen, arc the lat'!St Dille State, in thirty-two minutes. I quotatio~as.

P..n<l a til--t f~vo ri ! e iro the ~a!oo~:s of . H e r htt~>bantl has gone out of Par:s. His vi•it in s,.u l<'mud~co wns his mind in eon equencc :1nd generH!ly for pleusure, IIIHI part icula~lv be t• son or 1 has blow'n his t.,r tho ndvnucemr;ot of no lXIeustve b .. i . ·~ wiue interest in .l!'raoce " ·h ;ch L <.~ "~' 1.1 US Ol. ·

. --------SUUH:<i to represent. Wuile rcwuini ng A Chicago inventor recently made a at G11ilbard's be experieuceri lhe iuevi-table v"xatioh uf rlistingnisLPt! foreir:u- smalllan ·wheel, :o be placed in tbt1 hnt, ers reacLiu~ this bourne, n do•lay in the 10 k~f·p :l:Jc heaoloool in wnrw weather.

He set it going on hio own b:lt, and the receipt of hi.: rewitlnuccs, nlld couser:t• first thing he ~no :v his hair was wound eel to ·~ispcl obe annoyance by IICC~i- tiug np in the machinery. The t;prio,. wns loan>~ from his palrouiz'nrz fticnds. In very stiff, sud before be could r~leaee the meun time, some wePkR since. he btru~elf ~ .. t f h" h · mni!e ·he acquaintance of l\lessrs MRu- · ' p •. r 0 IS air was pnll~d . - • · · out by tl;e roots. rice rmd Cohn, a couple of gentle..ueu ---- - -engaged in the liquo.r trade at Pet~In~ · Wiliiam Pavitt of ::it. Paul on mn, and De CaptomP. waa prevmled b . - ' . upon to pay them a YiMit at:d enliven etng arrested .for bra~dwg h1s the socitJ! almosphere of tba~ Becluded unruly son's tongue With a hot tGwn with the eft"ulgPnce of his presence. iron, ~:~aid that things had come Not~~cg was ~P.ar<~ «?f the d.isting~iPbed to a prettl· pass when a parent Pans1un by h1• •ohcJtOUR fr•Pads ID San lei • tl" ! 1- h" Francisco until his arrivAl there recent' con not ISCifllDe IS own ly in the custody of an officer, who held children. him on a charge of llwindhng. De C~tp· --------taine imposed upon ltis·confiihug friends A country editor propounds the fol-at Petaluma to the foil limit of tl!eir lowing 10onderful sentence: ••ouly men loaning capacity, alld tben absconded, of positive Rntecedecta have succeeded having been overhanle(l at Napa. He in stamplug their names on the tablet& was accommodated with a stateroom il! uf the past." Tht' average man ia of the city pri110n until the depRrture uf the opinion that the present ie the tablet the boat for Pettllnr.~n, on wltich De 11p.>n which his name should be stamp-Cnpt&ine and his custodian embarked. ed. · . -· Austrian newspapers ·are dis-

DIDN'T WANT fT.-At nn auc- sati~:~fied with the peace condi­tion of household articles the tions, and express the opinion auctioneer held up a thermometer that tho . most difficult phase of' and pleaded for a bid. No one the crisis is yet to be passed. seemed to want it, and he turn- • _ • ed to a farmer-looking man and Whell a religions society quarrels said : and splits, it stands to reason that

"Take it, examintl it and give the devil gets one of the divisions. me a quarter for it." The election of Pecci seems· to

"No-no," replied the man, .give universal satisfactiou. It was bnclnng off. a measure pro bono Pope Leo.

"What! Don't you want ather- A New York policeman was dis-mometer1" covered awake on his beat the other

"No, sur; I had one a year 'or night. He will be discharged. two ago, and I worked 'a6d Half the paragraphers in th worked, aad fooled around and United States can't tell why a s'RD. fooled nr~und, tho I ct~uld nev -1 fish baa no lumbar plesns. er keep Jt re?ulated worth a The only fuunJ thmg about 8 eent. I conl~n t ,even open the j crematory ia ita retort.- Graphic. the ornc;:ry th1'lg! Who fiU11AC8d JOU thatjoka? .

. \


'~~~~'i_\) "\~~


. AND~



Its competitors receiving ·only an award for some speciill featUre of their machines.

'rile World-renowned Wilson Shuttle Sewill[ Machine Has Unlimited Capacii.J to do all kinds or Family Sewing and Manuracturlng,

ITS PA.TDT AUTOMATIC "CUT OFF" on the hand wheel prevents the maa ebine from running backwards, and obvi:ttes the necessity of taking the work from the ~~;~achine to wind thread on the bobbins, which must be done with an other Sewing .Machines, to tl1e great nnnoyance or the operator, especially in tucking, hemming and ruffiing. It doe~ onc·tllird more 'York in a given lengtk

·· or time than llDY other Sewing machine. WITII EVERY MOTION or the FOOT the 1\IA.CHINE HAKES SIX STITCHES. _

'fAree Wilaou K~hines will 4a as much work m out 4ar u four other l&chilu. It rcqllires no special instructions to use it; an mustratcd Direction Book Is furnished with each machine.


A properly execu~ed Certificate is fnr~ished with eaeh maehine, gaaranteeil~ ... to keep it in repair, free of charge, for five years. Maehines sold on euy terms of payment, a.nd delivered, free of charge, at any RailroiUl Depot ia tle United States where we have no Agents.

Send for mustratecl C~taloga.e. 1!11" qenta WaAtea. For twl particulars address . .


dccllt R. C. GRAVES. Agen t , Sea ttle, W. T .

WATCHES! A First-Class \Yatcll for S f3.o:>


P klC[S!

Facts for Watch Buyers. Ia. orc.lc r to ln\ rodu ce o •t:- N~w Am{'dC":=n Wa~:1!: ,

we: ott Vl' t!.ch::rmmed ro d! • :\rJ the u:mal prac:ict' or ~eiHtt~ to J oiJt•cn , a rd si~ !l bereahl).r- D. al Du ecr.ls \Vitt1 Lt.e Re·a it Purch<t.ser, a:!owlftt:! bfm the sev?ral hea,rv Jlrofl!s ite W·lUid be ol.>J!J:;'~J to paf i f be pJt ronizatl t Ue r~fail deAler .

We b~ve j:J~t. comm("netd ttle m:.tnnia( IOrfl of lh~ Best L'l'' P o·ice 1 ~u.tcb t- l" .. r di' r t-d Ill 1-lthll or aor ot iiCI' C··Unrry , :m•t In £·rCeo t..o iotr:~clnct- i t thorougHy~ trill ~e:l :11 R f'ta il fe r the T c>ry Low~~ Wbol~ale J obhin;; l'ri~e! T •J is is in ac.:ord:lnce witb t be ~eoc: a1 •IP1.re =si:..n of lJu5ineEs ~ utl .t loud o re!I!S!''Jr fl~m:md for Uo; ns aw..~:: wit '' two or t bree wic!tllerue&t ltf'fc•r e n·art. ir•z tUe rt'tail p~n··lr· se '".

Tbe mol'ements 1 fthb Watch i~ tilt- we:l-knowo '' Americ:a11" ~' ·'· le, :n,d lor Ueli:tU:!Ity JUld Dura b11ity C•DtJOt, l:e t:XCt•l led ll,\· D<l\o watd';- ~ll:t.\1' \".:'r the pr1ce or i\' hCr t! n r l!l ••<..:.e-:tor; oU'~: ed t •1e Amcric:.! u l'~ople. I t is pu:. up m a o~a; ly de signet!

COIN S!LVF.R llU}lii:\G CAS,:::! Wari'.:!D ct! in ev,.i .v !Hut icr.l :r-~nar&:J tt><'d to l•f> a .,.A•ch v b:cb re,u!ly r•!·ai is aL fi.om $25 to ;3 .S antlls v.·c.ll wu•t b tb~ mone~·.

l!F..\D THIS OFFSU! Delicd!lg !baL we ~u ~ecure ;,r: (·X~C'P S\ve lr:J .. h~

tb rt>ug:10UL lhC Uo!t ed St.a t~ by a s.ntellJ or ) j lo. e1·nl, taia· a.!ld tJOunrall!e dea!io~ rdih 1etall pur­r ll!l.St'rs t·f \'fatcbe!'; 1\'l" make tile :oro" in'~ urr. pt eceJentcd otr~r to a ny oa...:: \\'ao· ia;t o 11 ';Va~ ..:ll

FOR T!ll!tTE£~ DOLL I E!

Pa:ific Mail Steamship Co. S !JMMl::R ARRA.NCEMENT

Ta ~ SPJ,ZN JlD SI!>i!:\\llEEL

STEAMSHIP · DAKOTA <2, I 00 Tons.l


'Wlll lenvo on the da.tes heren!tiir men tioned:

Fare from Seattle t:> So.:1 Frs.nci£co-

CAlliN, S30; STEERAGE, $15.


h u ••. .... •0 I Jau ... .. . .. l!l l J an . . • • ... •. 21 ha ....... .. 3o) J f"eh •• ••••• • 91 t eh •• • • •• •••• 11 Feb •••••••. 20 Fch . . ..•... es 1 Ma<ch •.• • ••.. 1 M'orc~ •• • •• !1 I March ....•. 18 1 Martb .. .••.•• 20 Mo· cb . •... EO I I


W. n. SE.\.BURY, CO:ll'ND:ER,

'\Yill leave on th~ fol!ov:iug: tl .. t-t"-8:

R\S F&.\ NCISCO. I S~A:ITLE. \"lCTO!t!A. \T'~ r.iH ~ead one o: I 'leo ;ti)n'.-c w&tcU"':; t .• a.,:r :u.J- • ell~~, by 1 Xl' ress, C. 0. D ~ l'lnc1 g1v.:.- yrtu ibc I On Arl'l\:a J. I J~n •••...•• •• l privi c~c of cxr.:r.lnin~ H ll,;Oi fiU~Lly LJe:c; .. }H\'.'• Jan • • ••••••. ] U I '' ·~ .Jan • •• • •• ••• • 80 h::.; rllr ir . \ '."e'"1!1ld it ~t rt :;;ions to • ~. · o.-4S~ A.:t:Ut .. l-'t;h •. ••• ••• !1 •• " · .Fe: ••••. ••. ... ~0 to a l'nw c·\· .. n m:rc:t:~ s•t· to op_ i:i 1Lt· p'lcl~<q.! .! Knd :\ l~rch . . .... 1 \ " '' I ~~ ~u cb . ... .... 1 cx am HJC t!t ! rr~tt l'l l heft•:-.! h: uav.-th..: 11wnc\'. Lf n~:~rcb • ••• _;.~ I 1\ t,, rc;h . . . :.:.::.::·o tbt: \ "i:t tcll cliJt>li nnt f=Uit :~ ~· u, r't:t.t:n• i1 •n us at 1 ur }>n~cHgt·rs f z·om Pnrtbnll ::.nd u p-Sountl port s exp~ • t:c-.vou. w.ill l>~ u :tli c. !' n~"~_oiJ i g"·d i·Hl to tn k


will mkc t:·u~d ~our:d Mail ste:ttucr a:td mnltc l~ :rom tl1 • ~xprc·s ; Offil't_', 'f...: t; n: ,vnu c.•\"'crs c utu;t cHon v.·ttb ' ·Ctiy of r:uuuu:~" at Victoria clumcc. II ~·ou :n·c rot. n j ·t· ;~ o.r: w:..•ciH'S~ ::!.CI Ste:uncr u n:.:.kotn." ~Ot:!S thrcu1.! ll t O Olympia .. snllle one •\ b\l i : to ( Xhiil l•l tr t lt t· ' ' ..:'C.J :or .vl)u, 'rllc·:;e ~re:~mcrs lea Yo Victorm. nt n oon on the We ;:re :'!Wa .e that '-!,..:.lh:r s br. \·e <•[..!rtf! w·Hch · s in dnv ndvcrti:;ed. 'l'iclicl $ arc ~ood only on the tl,is l\'aV uerw·r, IJJ! t no Coin ~~~ ,~er A:nH·ican Rk~:mu:r for which llit·y :u'C p urchased and a re Wa:ch n·-:~ e\·er nlft..r?J l;~.u~lil!~~.e l!l'tnufac! c-- n e t' tr-.JD!i.t'crnl•lc. I•'or frt::ight or p:tS$age apply tors in t ~1~ m:.tn ,••r. Tc<:v. \ e a& \, a. s ~t'!' ' Oil!. on bO~lrJ ~ or to ll. L . 'l'IDBALS SO!l1~ tuuta t on lY.t•cl·~ W il1.c '1 \\Oulcl "' q~1re : ll~ Gcntra! :!gent for P11get Sound, ' purcu.tser from thr~e t o S'X m<•o bj t.). und ou.. .. P ort Townsend. whnt ft w:1s. \'t' heu 11 wou trt ~t·ov ~ 10 be m:•~!, or some eq a ·dl.r wort h ie$ n:e·al, wi :!.1 a ~h_ ltt gt1o iog • ----------------

o: t;'01d , ami r.o~ '"' .riiJ ooe-founl: :!Je moo~\· it ~-•JrQ ~E· S KT.>EZER cost yoa. Tnere i> 1ou buwuug au" UL uur utr,r. J.ii'J.. ..J .t!.i ' , Gtvr u, a tr!:t:.

Fall HF :u :" J:OLL.\RS We will send wlt!t tbe Wotcb one or o• r new and elegant raotern

VEST CHAINS A!'D S.E~! Warranterl to tet:tln i~s color- 18 karrtt. golJ.:...tnr flve years nnfl c:tnnot Le told Cr.>·u \ t;e ::~oulne artJcJe. Th:w ~r~'lt ofl"<!r lo watciJ buJ crs is a eavtog or at lea•t .

TUIRJEES DOLLARS !! On any re' iab)~ watcb you cao bt•Y• Recollect, wat.cbes will onty ht sent eiugl.v to on~ adffre~•. u oar objec:: b tt> Jotrofioce ttJi.! W:11cb. We C::o not aell 10 jJhbo·n . Exp,•IS cb>rg~• oo tbls Wa.t\:b attd cbaio do ool t-s.ceed 6\) cen1s to a:Jy part or tho SLIIt~- as •• have a opo-cool ...-range­-Dt wltb lbe COWJ>l'Die"-

Wrlte yoor name~ Slate and t he expre:aoftke to wblcb ;.oa wlab tbe Watcb leD\ iu a ct .. .-ar. legible band, and addreos

OlllltiDA WATCH CO., Ooetda. N.Y. P<>tt-OIIce II··X 1.009. ru~'OJU




Oelicac:es of the l)eason, ~ERVED ni THE BEST MANNER,

At PIPE.R'S. --------------=~plM

s. KENNEY· .,

Merchant Tailor,




Is prepared 10 do



Buildings Raised and Moved. SllOP ON lliLL STJ!EET, Opposite lbe Mlll


EastwicK. Mo.rris & Co., CIVIL liiD liNING

ENGX:l'¥EEB.S. [Roolll No. 6 Bttmett'a Building]

Cor. Coanmerelal &> Wa..aaarton 1118.


Coal, aDd other Miner•' Lands. and mlneP. 1\urveye<l. exllnllned and l:<lpfl>tt>ci upon, Pia JJ and rstimates for mining mpJHveUIODla. Curn­nl~h•d. Special attentlon given to IIIDd survey aud to the l0C11ti9n of (,,ty Lots and Blocks. Mop&IUld ruechan1C3l D.rawing t>XPcuted .

Nonmbo:r 2. l lr.7.

~.NELLIE, cAPTAIN .•••• . •.••••• . . CHAS. LOW

Leaves Snohomish City for Seattle and way la.udlnp every

Mondav Wednesday and Frida Re:UmiDg. will leave Sea1tle for lluclillteo, Pried P .>lnt, and SnohDmlsh City every

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ' clc28 t! BENJ. STRETCB.

I .

.I _).

• ..

CENERAL NEWS. I accord brought before the c;n:;re~s. bat ,ll3th u]timo. CaldweU, armed with Even. the Indians have their J . a far more importaut issne tbRn the in .. two six shooters anti a knife, tliie ~rieTn,nce!i ngainst the. Chinc.se.

VIENY.l, March 13.- A dispatch IIRYS tere~ts of any power is Ill stnke. We morning went to Flick's bouse, c,~. Thompson, the Pmte chJCf, I a preliminary conferanct~ of atub"~~o\dorR 1 take our stl'ud upou e i"t in~ treati~R .

1 knocked at the doer and was polillely .~:ime into our office this morn­

is being planned at llerliu to H&ttle th~ 1 The one !.:.ope uf s:ute~nl!'n for the fu- invited inside by the doctor. He ~ng~n.d inquired it: it was ~he question of procedure at the congress. 1 ture peace oi the ..-orlrl mu&t be found- entered and before be con]d make 0 mten,tl?n of the w h1 ~cs to drtve

01:o. W. HOBD.


A Pari>~ conespo!Hient say~ tbo pro- , ed n;>vn the utvelopmrnt of a Nysttm of movement Flick haJ a re\'olver at I, the Chmnl.nen out ot town. It posed preliminan· con~erenceis rl'gnrd' pub:ic l •w nud upon the ruaiuteuance b" b _1 ' 1 d .1 h " t th \t'llS expi::Hn ('! l to h1m that the

- • . . • . lS cau am Qr ereu 1m o row ·I 't I I · .1 . , , · ed as n Ia. st effort of resistance ou the anti mcrcase 11ftbe nnthor1ly ot trefllle&. . 1

F. k d' d h" " ll o peop e ( OSII'Cu to geL l'lu . . 1 . 1 . . E b 1.d up hts umds. • llC tsurme 1m of tl , • 1 t' 1 b t b part of Jtuss1a. Tbe meetmg of con· t t :e vnlll:c law ot · ll rope e va 1 . W vC cs 1a ~. u y p e ace a-

gress tbon«b possibly not nun! tho 15 nu !il forru tL!Iv n·pe:d e•i, any new ar• and sent lum bac!t to Hayward. hie mean:'!. This tlid not sef'm of A~ril, ;;ny be collfidt>utly conn ted rtmg• m~ut b~tweeu I;us~ia nnd 'l'nrl;~y OliAIIA, 1\Iarcb 20.-Wm. Greene. to suit Thompson, anti he mdig­upon in conse'luence of en ergetic re:>· fili i~ ipso fa cb l>y lt< vecy nature withiu bound for the west, was robbed at n :;ntly cxclaimecl: "No good ! resentations cf Plince 13ismarck, who he s ·o;•e c•f the t1·enti<•s of ·;;G and '71. Iowa City on the Chicago and Rock Why. no white mnn heap kill almosl entirely shares tbe · vil!IVS or It is not iu the pcwr r of Russia, r.ud it Island train last night of $3,150 by cl-n Chinaman? Chinaman all Austria nnd Eoglnud. It i~ doubtf>Il is n o! ~~en wi:hiu the compotE'nce Of two men one of whom pickeJ his same hcup bad." 'Vhcn ~sked whether. Prince GurtRchnkoff will b~ the C!Jngres~. to dl'cide wbet!:er or net pocket w'bilo 11e was asleep in the in what pm·tic:ul:u· the As1atics well enougL to attend t:bc congress. cPr t:lin c!tnlses cf the nEw treaty fall car. The act was wiLuessecl by a were so bacl , he !i'aid: "Him ' A Vienna sremal states that Prir.c~ ;\'ithin tLe cogniz,,r.ce of tho ~igoatories ladv passenger, who nwaked Greene, ~h111aman too ~-n . !'1:1_at; all Bismarck nod Count Autlmssy cousid E'r of tbe olu tre>lty. It ia bonud to tate b t -th had d t1mc heap cheat em lnJlrl play that Russia ba:1 "ielctatl euon••h in ofl'or· tue uew instrument into consi.leration u ,.ey: escape • poker."

J .. WAsmNoToN, March 20,---'rhe, ___ _,._., ... __ _ in"' to submit to tb'.l c:>ngrP.ss the cllln~· ~sa '4·hc!e . -

.. housecommitteeon coinage,weights .:. A well-known Oxfo1·d man , 811 it ;nay· d e'si::;m•te . A spdcial from Be1·liu snys the Rus, l l

and measures, agreed t.o report w lO was at t 1e same time fel -LQ~·Do~.-. '\i;lrcb 18.-' telegram from siaus ur'l c:~ustrnctiu!{ a mil wily from I I' I . II d d

(SU.:::CE:EOll:! TO J. }', MOi!RIL!.,)

City Dru.g Store, "t7Vhc:>1esa1e d:9 :R.e'ta:U :O~trf.&-


Trusses, Supr:orters, Toilet and Fancy ·Articles


White Lead, Linseed Oii, Puttv TURPENTINE. VARNIRRER 11!! kinds), SHELLAC, CAN COL­

ORS, DRY COLORS, full r.~sortmf!nt of UL!.~S. - WHIT, lNG, PARIS WHil'E, KALSOMiNE ~>nd GLUE.

" •• "' :A Marsh's bill pu_ ni&biog Jct'accrs of. ow o • liS co egc an hen mns-ViJenna states 1bat Co_nut Andrassy be - Bc;m·gas to Jambo:i. As Jau,ho!i is con- t f

gelcl and silver coio. et· t> a prosp e 1·ous grammar ing asked in the bud.,<>et co. mmitteo of ueot!'d wi: h Adri ,luopl~ by mil, the new c h I tl t t tl b

Nolan, agent of the interior de- s 00 • '~as one? e ec e Y an

Also,·~a Full Assortment ot Brushes, Gold.tea.f and Bro~as "W'.AL~ PAPER Ready Tri:mined.

the Austrian .d!!legaliou whether he liue will encthle ltussiuus lo ~end h·oops .. . . old pupil s katmg on a Sunday . meant to resist the formation of new direct from Odussa to Cenlflt.l aud partmen. 1D Mont!&na, wntes Secre- f't , ,1 th' I d t , . a ernoon. m '• oc or, ~lav states, said the problem was not So:1thern Bn•g, ria aud the 2Egeau Sea. tar~ Schurz that deep~te the .reports was the not unnatural obset·va-to undo r&ults of the war, but to bar• The Daily Nw:s in a financilll article wh1ch ha•e gone oot tn the 1aterest tJOn, "you once fioggetl me for mooize them with rights and interests l snys: The United States is said to be ot' the timberdepredo&tors,cord·wood boating on a Sunday." "Yes, of Europe and Austria. · a purchaser of silver,and the announce• is now sold lower thaD ever before my dc:u· !Joy," was the reply,

The Mor1;inq Post · cot1gratolates the :.neot of the arrival a~ Q1teenstown of a iU the territory. None but the rich " antll did qlllte right. If a man country on the nnnnimity of ~be mini~~ ~tcamfr for New York with $500,000 of sawmill men haTe suffered by the really l ikes boatiug, one day to try in the pre~ent critical pos1tion . this w .. tal has boeu wade. It wonld be efforts of tho goverr&ment to stop the him is the snme a"' another.

CHIC.t.GO, March 18.-The Triblme·~ intereM:lng to know If this consigUJ:pent depredators. Sioce the stoppoga of Skating is cntu·ely different. It London special says : Altl•ongb the Rus• proceeded to thto United States or wn~ these depredators by the dollar tax, may f1·eczc hat·d on the Satm·­IO•Tnrkish treaty bas been r 11tified b]' disembarkE-d at Queens town. It would small dealer& have kept up supplies day night, and then thaw again both powers, the situt\tion of Affairs is not be the fir•t time the latter course before day b1·eak on Monday

bas been ~dopted. It is curious, con- of wood from dry and fll11en timber morn. ing." ngarded as very dangerous to the pe·•ct? which has heretofore rotted. -of Europe, and while ostensibly there tempor::neously with this r~port, that A ---~ ... __ _ is no desire for wa.- by any power there ~250,0CO was ~hipped last week from Cmc.I.GO, M!U'ch 20.--The 1 im~' sympat hetic but inquisitive are i!:dications that the general dr:ft is New York to thi~ city. London specialsavs the <:ituat'on is young man, who wus visiting a

- • •. ' <•ounty prison, gentlY asked a warli&e rather tl.:.nn peaceable. H;::-rcnrN~. Tex'\~, J:[a!ch 18.--The unchanged. There. 1& shll a dead- ·gi rl prison e r the cause of her

'Tile Times' Loudon Fpecial says: ."train due hue ut 10 o'clock wus rolJbed lock between Russ1a and Eoglantl beiug in s u c h a pl:;.ce. " 0h.'' New's of the ratification of the treRty re· this morning by four mnslicd men. fhe. on the b<\sis o r congressional discus- said she, with a contemptuotis cE>ived here l!kst night hns not hnd the P:tprE'SS wafi takt>n and m~il l>lncdered. sian. 'l.'be impression is gainin/l LQSS of b e l' h ead, ccf stole a eft'ect to rt>lieve the general apprE'hen· ' Auout 15 or 20 shot~ w.~re exnlmugecl ground that the difference is in:mp- wntermill , :; ncl g ot off' safe, but, sion. A proc::iuent conservative Rid Ex!'ress :Uesd"D"er 'Ihoruns was woucd~ J' l f 1 I "' erable, and many confidently com- I \ c a 'oo , went back after the member of the government s:tid, on ed. t t • t ·' t d

prebend war as the only outcome. ,; r eam ,':::t", .. urncu I , an w~s learningoftberstificat ic>n, •·I nen:rthE'• Yr RGI:;u , :Unrcb 13.-Al.wut llo'clock Public feeling at l::)t. Petersburg is urt·cstcd. Inc young man left . leas b(;lieve w.:r inc·ritnble." thi~ evening J ack K11gle, forernun of the

Rocin:sn:a, ~Icrch 17.-Rt;v. John Parker, a v11ternu i\lethodist minister, died to-clay; n;:;ec 78.

Belch(lr mine, got into a 10w with D en• nis Call .. h:m. at a dance in Gol:l Hill. 'fh,. trouble begnn iu " b,,;r room, ond

--~-represented as all one wuy, in f~•or A ftc r a lapse of sevent y years

PEsTn, !lbrch 18.-Princ1 n1smarck was S£ ttlerl o•JtsillR with pis~o ls. K••gle's has n otified tbe J.ustri~n goverumeut shot mi~sed Callahnn nnd entered the that Ru3Sill, in couseqneuce of hiA in· bowels Gt X1d lloyle. fo1 emun of the terventior.t, has consE'nted to subwit all Ait!l. Boyle will die before momicg. the peace conditions, without esception, ELIZABETH, N.J., J\hrcil 1:J .- A pas­to the co ogress for discussion, should I sen~E!r traiu on the Central H,.ilroad the congress wake a demand to that ef· ~trn ~k a womllu untl two cbilureu uenr feet. Rnsel!e, and killt·d all i·n~t,.ntly. They

· NEw ORLE!.XS, :llarch 18. _ In the were wal!dng on th11 track.

of hostilities against Eng land. A the herrings h:we l'cturn e u en teie;,rram from there says the gov- mussc to Lite s h o r e>; o f Sweden, ernment seems to be yielcliug to the and t he fi h e ri es nrc now in the ir popular clamor and that there is g lOI'J ogai n , to tbe g 1·eat r elief reason to fear the worst. The Brit· of the coun t 1·y. The las t disap­ish government evidently fears that' pea.ranee was in 1808, and ac­the result of the present dencl lo~k cot·d ing t o tradi tion t ~1 ey s hould may be armed collision. The fleet be plen tiful fo r sixty OJ' eig h ty

has been reinforced, and everytbinaj1 ye:1rs to eo mo. - ...... is baing ~repared for action in cas9 T_l1e man_ t h~t dies and ;·eturns of necess1ty. . - to i.'fe ugaiJl JS a hoax. Once

case of the state \'S. Thomas C. Ander~ 0TIAW.l, M.ucb l:J.- In tbe bouse of SAN FRANCisco, March 20.--Tbe Jeuu Rtay tleaJ: )lr. Chandler steamer S~int Paul arrit'ed to-day , should brood O>cr tbis. son, appeal for a ne·,. tr ial, the supreme

conrt reversed the •erdict of the jory and ordered tbe prisoner to be released.

NEw Yons:, Mnrch 18.- A. Columbia dispatch says: 'I he force of thirty men who started in pursuit of l:edmond and his gang Friday night succedcd in cap~ taring si:l, ~e•·eral of whom were ccn· eemed is the re•cue oi U. S. prisoners rom Pickens county j.1il. The Stan~

!sills, two of the three men 1escued by Redmond have be"u recaptured.

Meetings of Co bans in this cit:r who opposed the ending or tbe war in C!lb~&

aDd the action of the late Cuban jnnt,a of this city in resigning were held to­cla;r. Seve!'al speeches wer!) made urg' iBg that the struggle be renewed, and suggesting the fitting out of au e:rpecli, tion to Cuba for ths purpose of reviv­ing the war. A letter was read from a number of Cuban young men, offering 10 per cent. of thlllr wtekly wages in support of the movement. A committee of 15 was appointed to ssl11ot a revolu­tionary committee of fi•e to luok after Cuban interes:s. While some revolo · tionary speeches were be1ng made a load noise, like the explosion or a lamp or f&lling of a heavy body, occurred, and the whole building shook. 'fht:ra waa a general stampede of the patriots, aDd the wildest confnsic.n prevailed, which was allayed in a few minutes and the meeting adjourned.

LoNDON, March 13.--England bas pro­tested at St. Petersburg dgainst the Russian advance on the straitP.

Turkey will rema1n neutral in case of a alrug:Jie between England and Rus,;iu.

Russian troops are reported concen­trating on the Aust:ian frontier.

The Austrian delegation to-day gn10t· ed tha demand of the minister of war for 657,009 florins for military stores.

Lo!>'DON, March 19.- A Berlin specinl says the governmental paper, the North German Gazelle, adverting to certain arti· clea in the English Jlrcss, ridicules the rumor attributing to Germany an iuteD­tion to annex Holland.

A leading article in the Times. after considering the terrible conse<Jnences Uaat wonld fo>llow a great war, and the tremendous reeponsibilily of the powers which wtJolcl bring it oo, concludes as follows:

Nevertheless England must adhere to Uae demand that the entire treaty of San Stefeo be tmbmilted ta the con­gress. The alteru~tive plan suggested by Russia W:Juld raise the previoutl question on every clause of tbe treaty except these which Russin of ber own

commons, Bunstt r moved that the (;OV•

ernmeut insert a clause io all contractil for the construction of the Canada-Pa­cific llailway, tbat no w an wearing his hllir longer than Jive and one b!llf in~

cbe~ shall be deemed e lisiblo for em­ployment in t<aid work, etc. He went on to say thRt a~ the CbinE>se residents of British Columbia were Chinese sub­jects, this wal!l the only sbupe he eonld bring up what wua in reality a grea~ DB­tiona! question. He referred to the im· migration of Chinese and contended that iu many wayR their presence in Briti11b Columbia tended to retard its seltlewE'nt and progress. Tbe m'>tion was intended to preven& thoir being em­ployed on the Canada Pacific Railroad. After some discussion the motion was voted down.

------~·~~·--------from Honelulu, bringiag as passen- The drunkes~ young man picked gers John 0. Homini11, governor of up in Washington fo r a y Mr had Oahu· Princess Lililiaokolani heir letters from tweh·e senators recom­appar~nt to the Hawaiian th~one m~nding him as a sober und indus-

' tnous voutb. and Wm. F. Allen, collector gener ~~---~----_,.,._,...,.,__

N~;w YoBx, 1\larch l:J.-The lle1·ald's Washington special thicks Sch!f!icher'a commillee will recommend that Diaz be recognized. Evidence taken by Lbe

al of cu~toms of Honolulu.

The chamber of commerce held a

meeting this meeting this afternoon to consider the · question of trade dollar coinage. A resolution was adopted that the chamber consider­ed it unwiae and ioexp11dieut to cease the coinage of the trade dollar,

and directing t.he pret~ident of the chamber to communicate the resolu· tion to the California delego.tion in congrcsSJ and urge that they 'uso their. influence to defeat the measure. Attention was cn1led to a provision in the now silver bill which makes all silver certificates issued relleema­ble in New York except those issued in San Francisco. A resolution was adopted premising that thiil dis­crimination will work great injury to the interests of this oonst by con· fining our certificates to local circu· ]ation, and aaking the congressiona] deleghtion to secure a modificatioR of that clause of the bill.

committee shows that cattle end other raids have greRtly rliminished in numb­er 11ince the accession of Presideat Diaz. We have now on thu hllrder 5,000 troops, and this number is found to be sufficient to guard the border. If Diaz should eucourage immigration into Mexico by off.,ring protP.ction to public improveweutR and to private enterprise, he woul.l do nauch, it is thought, to setLle the question. Noboily here de·

. ~ cil'r10us case affecting the lege) defi• E>ires to ucquire any territory from mtlon.of_ "crt~elty to animals" hos just A!e:~:ico. been ~~~d_ed JU_the English Exchequer,

S.&.N Fn.\Ncrsco, liarl!h 19.-Mrs. Dr. nt the 8Jtttngs In Banco. 1'be mngis-trates of Upper G11ueur·Giynn,in Ctud­

C. L . Hodgdon, chargerl with committ• igan. hnd decided tb~at it was not erne!, ing a murder by pr~duoing alJortion, ty not to shoot a mare-which wss in Wll!l b&fore police cou1t this afternoon foil I, and kept for the sake of her espec· for exam~nation. AlHander Campbell, ~ed foal-h-snllfering from a bopeltl~s in-

JUry to t e eg. wbicb CflUiied her gre:•t for the prisonPr, waved examination, torture whenev11r sbo move•l shout· and und the court, after reading th6tetdimo- this decieion the cuurt of Excb;quer ny tn:n n before the coroner, h.elt.l Mra. contirm~d. But Dthe m01gistrates bud

. _ not ren11tted for appeal tbe point which Hodgdon to t\uswer before the grana both the Chief Buroo 11nd B11ron Clans-jury in $20,000 bail. bv rE'garderl as the 011e re111ly at i8sue­

The failure of G. A. Conrsen a plomi· nomely, wh&ther it was ••ttt cruelty to nent member of tbe San Fra~cisco Ex place the poor animal io " tiehl where . 'I she could only feed heu elf by inflictiu<> change 1s announced, AYsets and lia. I g~eat torture cu lterAelf throunh con': bilitil's nre not yet mRde opnhlic: It is stant motion, instead of feeding ber in tbougbt he m"y be able to maktt a set- a sta!l •. where she need not h'\ve us!'d tloment nnt.l_ r esume. He trau11acted a the lllJDred leg to anything like tbe large corumisslon bnHtness ancl enjoyed sRme extent. a monopo!y of an imp~'rtaut line of . _ _ ...,._,_ __ _ orders which are filll'd in this city lor A li ttle boy was con-rictcd of eastern uceouut. The Cf\oses of his murder by hi!! playfellows in a JOnspension are princip111ly the crash in moc k trial in Madison, Ind., nnd Ophir and ativauce in Eureka Con.

sentenced to bo hn~ged. 'l'hey DzADWOoD, D. T., March 20.- - put a 11 .1 1 oosc ll t'Oilllu 1is neck,

The P enning ton ring sheriff, Cald- tbrew tbc rope over a dool' and wen, and posse entered Custer City bois Leu him up. H o wa~ i'::tst from Hayward last night !or the p ur· choldng to d eath when a woman pose of a r resting Dr, D. W. Fliclt stopped the foolery; bu t he was for being an accomplice to the pur- so bad! v i nj til eu that lH~ s o on loining of the county records on the diet.!. •

Prospactus ol the Ninth Volume, I 878-9



~lostoLT. n :;o C!NTS E•ca. It il the purro·e ot \be publish or.~ to P'""'evere

to tb~1r tfftlff :j to k~o T o £ ALDL~E. a!" KO ezpo · oeot or An 'lfN k, tree f1um corumJJe::.ith"l!l aod t o !!!pare neit.!Jer tht~u,;:bt. nor t.lpP08e to still.turlt)er hoautJiy and hnprn\·e the broad p>ges of tbc WOI'k . •

\Vhi'e urg in '{ the neces~ityor c nllivctting a ta.st.P for th t- b :!:tUiifGiln Na.t ure ant! A rt . 'Ius ALDIS C has not bct n uu .n ind ru• o r the f~r.te or e1U&mple !1nd Jllu~trtttJon; t hcr~fore :t Las bo-.:eu a r.ou•ta.nt stutly to sl10w, In tl:e pwges or the work itsf' lf that lmprov~meot so certain1y C•J:~sequent upo~ siucert! m••otlfl n totuclt sul,jccta. As mtbe p:tst so io t l:i e future, TuB ALDI:CE will continut! to be an tX!im l1le ef tbe progrt-ssive and refining to8u· enc cs nf connt-t·t1ou -.nd as£o :i:uio a wu4 tbe bea:ot1fld a tld true.

T he voluml! now in preparation, wl·ile h will not ~uddcol.Y d tJ)Brt Crow the lenetnl !oor3e of it! predece~IO"!l, will yet pree~n :. many m ·I(J.iOcatiliOS L'ld improv~meuts the .e~ult o r ~tudy and a pe• rten~ in 6nlo~ Tua ALDIS£ to W•1rtbi lv maiotaln its poattlon as "l he Art J .mroal of Amtr lc:.."

In tbe more mt-ebaoica.l d t'p·l!'tme ut of I be :~.r­r:tn.:~ me-n:. or m· k~·up, chao~ea. l!J tilemse:Ye! shgbt, wi•l la;·gf 1.¥ eobaoce t.be g '!neral bt>aulv or t be pare,a, 11ihich had already won MdmJratioo so bear t.Y stncl su uniy 1ttal.

EDITORIALLY, 1u• ALDUE will deal bro~~lv and f,~aJrl.v "·1111 Arl iu)!eucnLl,antl .;\med c.an Ar~ to particular. Corerully prep:tred p.1pers will l<oep I be re3der W'Cil totonotd Ou .Ar t t opics or tbe 1m · portaot Ar~ c .. n : rcs or tbi9 country and Europe. Tbe im'-'Or: ant tXhlbit'ons Will u~ceive rnu and thot ly n ,•tict'; nod art fs e wb,•: e 2..ch ;evcmt-nts hAve wou tor , bt::n Lbe ri ! bt s iJall he iutroductd and g:veo a pt op .. r p~rson11li· .V by f 1::~tcbes lJIOI(· rapbk11l and crit iC!11, lt 'ft"ill he tbe purpflie of tbP eCitor to e;uu ior thr Critical a.nd L lfenuy D.?p:trtm~·ut. ct •ru.: ALDINK a rec•ll:ui&i u to ev' r y wa.v wor t by of i•a ~tu l>li :-~bed and atlml teJ pre· cmir.e!lC~ in Art i•lus:ratlo n.

TilE ART UEI>.\ J:TM!::ST or lhiovo!ume r.ill be r icl.ier in reprPI!cn•auoot or t\m~'>ric;an natural SC('Df' ry tba:l auy oi ita predtce-ssors. To aid a pt'IJ'u'ar d~c1s:or1 en t••c Cldi:ns or rtv"l lccaiit.i~s te 1 be t ltiP, u J'h· Sw.:z.-rhwd or A medea.." our ar ists a ro expJc,riug •L" u·o ·.H.!ers ol tllose r egion:§ Of ou:· countr.v w!th:h bave tn•Jre r~ceut 'y Lcen brouc-h t i nto notice.

1'ue ,,ubll ·bers have en t ire C'>n0 der.c'! tbnt the pul>l ic will contlout> •!Je evidPuce or tbt-oir ao~tref'i<l· lil)ll oltbe~e tlfJ rts to Ul~n•ain an .Art i •u hhc:&· lion tlm.t sb:tl l be cbs r3C'ci·bt'c :nul wrJI'I bv of !lie pro;rc:ts and liberul ta teJ o r Arueric~LS .;od tbe v aoth:lpat.c '~Vi ! h ple;•sur..! t lu.! opvortu~a v (or a pr,Jct..ical verd ict on tbdr ,.as' ~chievemeoai3 wtdcb t be commeucen•eut ot a n • w volumt- atr.:>rJ s.

PLAN OF PUBl.ICATION. TilE ALDlNE vo:t:.rn<• Will io futu r" bo ~Oir.

plt k d ia . :!4 p !ir(S, Il L 50 Ct't1fS e:tch . DUb:isbed mootbly. a~d :~uhJ. onl,v to EUilsc.r;her::s for tlJe c~mp!cte vuln'llc. Sab. r.r i!.Jr.r§ w~H pay on d e livrry IClr tl.Jc Pf.trt" actua lly receive!!, and co ca~v:J.-:!ea or d~ liv~·rer b aut.hu :-lz .:d to r :lo fY tb~ tt·rrus io auv way or to ntokc au~ rf>uu~:eulat ioms Q.D ~ohe ralth ol t~e J>UIJ!isbers outside ot tbe regular pro•pi!ctus.

'.JUE ALDINE "lll nClt he !OIJ hy h{K-·k or r.ews dealt-rB g t:u"'r:tlh•, but will t:e pi~!Ct J ill tll ~ b:1rds ol o ne dealer In ef\ch to ... ,.; a nd in all J•lil"CS where no &gent Is :IFJX'iu •ec1, peri>o:•s d1-s:r:ng s.u ~~~~f;~~:3~way do so by dlrccL &P(Jlicatluo t o the

· A~y person flesirlng to act as IIJe a~ent for ~toy pa.•Ucula.r localny s ,w ulrl up;.ly p romJ)t ly, .::viog rull pl\r~:CU)af! a~ IO b U .:i :t..'J~, r~fl!l'!'OCi:Si, 8.Dd terr itory d~lret.l. L bera' ~naogeweuB wUl ue rnad.! wit b lhe hl!i t pa rtieos.

The ALDIN£ Publishing Oo., JAM~ sur•roN, Pr<>l~eul,

lS Yese1 S!ree1, N~w Ycrk.


. I haTe the largest and best ai!Fortment on the Sound, Bt prices to snit the bme.s. Consto11tl;r on hand R U 8 B E R P A 1 N T acknowledged to be tbe btost paint in the world by all that have nsed it. 1

r;;F' Promp' attention paid to orders from abroad. sepl4tf


NEW BRICK --Br-- ·

FRAUENTH:A.L BROTHERS. Commercial St., Seattle.


Dry G04Mis, Clothiu~. Boets, Shoes. Hattt. Blaukets Wall Paper, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Millinery Good,

Trunks, Valillle8, FDJ."8, Ete., .t.te We tihall endenor to be known for the B<.st Goodo nnd Lowest Prices. Se~ttle, November Ist 1876. l 'RAUENTHAL BROS.


Furniture and House Furnishin~.r

GOODS , CGII'IIIIERCIAL STREET, NEXT DOOR TO_ NEW EPIGLAND HOTEL, SEATTLE, W. T ~The most complete •tock of Parlor, Dinl."Ig-room au<f _ChamberFumiturelu W118hinl

ton T erritory. A 1eo, ~ancy CubiLet Ware. Purlor DruckFts , Well Pocket'~, Book Sbelver •c Mirrors, Window Shlldes, 8pr ng F'lxtures, Picture MouldiD:; and Fram•s. ChUdren'g carriapi' and 6verythlng nsually kept in a Firat·cla118 Furniture !Store, which we offer at prices that def'i c?mpetlon. CALL ~D l':l!CE OUU 00011::1 BEFORE POhCHASING. Particular atten&loa goven to mannfactunng Office 'fables and Desks, nnd Furniture <'f 'all kinds from natiT9 All r.nd 1\laple: also from Pacllic and Eastern· Walnut and 1\Iexicon Woods. Q" All goode guar-mutCC<l ••!'<'presented: · novJ9tf



Wholesale and F.etail Dealer in






Peoples' Market • . COMMERCIAL ST., SEATTLE,

Opposite ScbwabiJ:Cher Bros. & Co. '1

Proprietors and Whol~•sle and Retail Dealers

Beef, Pork, 1\Intton, Veal, CI11'8 1\Ieats and Vegetables. Work Oxen k ept for sale.

tP" Patronage respectfully solicited An~r. 5. 1&74.

ti"' Goode delivered to all parts of Cigars, Con-&ect•"onery the city free of charge. I'


~ Hot Bread and Brown Dread every 8anday morning. novl7tf

Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Algar & Nbon, doing bnsmesa at

tke Grotto SalooK, in the city of Seattle , Is lbts day dissolv~>d by mutual conl!(\nt.

'fhe busioel!ll will hereafter be conduete~ by F. C. Algar, and J. C. Nbou, under the 1lt'm name of Algar & lSJXon.

All outstanding ! ndebtedne;;s will be paid by J . C. Nixon. and all bills due the bte firm aro payable to hun.


Truslln;: the new firm will receive a contin uance of past patroua,!ll, . which they ha.-e so well merited during the past three rear~~. I remain, yours etc. H. S. ALGAR. ·






OFFICE:- JAliES STREET. OPPOSI1.'1! Tm: Occm&..~TAt. HoTl!L.

Seattle, Wash. Territor

Residence, Third st, nc..~ Episcopal Chur< b SellLtle, \V. T ., July !l'I,~S7:i•

Etc., Etc., -.I.T-



U,.DERTAKING. 1'be undeNI gnca is PI'<' Pared to· do all lt71et

of UNDERTAKING. And all ordere lett wtt MIUIIJl8, ILu.t. & P .u :t.llOY or BoLXU .t GLO

will be promptly attended tc. 'I alto ha,;. charg~ of the Ua•onic Cemetery. ·

Residence, Front street, Seattle , W~lm T~S. RU3~ELL .



JACK CEE, Proprietor. l\fEALS, 25 CTS. ; OYSTERS, 25 cTS,





Marble Monuments, HEADSTONES ct TOMBS,

- Dn. J. C . GRAS8E, DEN , TIST. Office in Stone & And furnish Sto::Jo r r bo.Udinlf' pnrpclllioa

Durnett';; new building 011 <'.cmetors work of all kmds neau7 eXMU&ecl v Jmmercial street. .\11 work wnnan- P<r:sonR Uvial( at 11 iltstauce, by sending a cJa .cd .SCfiJlllon of wh11t they w1sh, eao haye ~

OCt.~ : •11' pt'ices, etc, ISCIIt to th>ell& tU ~b'XIIIO fNiao "''

I •



• \

' "11 ble it is not 'fiery I A VEBI' rapid, _sate ·and easy wa,-\V_ E.tU~L y DISPATCH.\ Middle-Class Destitution. I cabinet 'furniture of whatever The New York Herald says gress w1 a!II!Cm • . . to make money, 18

to prooare terr1-

~ We h:w~ for !:'e\"E.'ral yent·s ex- material, not otherwise provided the opinion is unanimous tbat likely to be euocesafnl 11 1t, does. tory to introdncethe latestnsefnl in-

1 I d Ensland and Austria are accused of vention that iswnnted every_ day, by llERIA.H TIROWN & CO., pericnccd pretty hard timc:s on fot·, in pieces or roughapd•not ex-Surgeon General Hammon being animated not by mere desire eyery one, e'!ery-,vhe~, who ha!' a PBOPRIETOns. tlus coast, antl many families finished, 30 per cent. a~ v!:'!.9- was unjustly treated during_ the to protect their legitimate and Illata- not a full sJZed sew1ng DlaChme,

~. "·w·••·•· ,_ L. ,. 1nrcP that formcrh· cnJ.O""ed :J.flluencc rem,· cabir:ct wares and house war; t~at hi~ removal from ot: r;ftlJ'nt~·sts but by iealousy of the with table and treadle, for only ·'· W.D!-; u...-..:. r r J J - ~·~ - . E" hteen Dollars,

BEJILUI lliiOw~. arc now suft'et·i:og the tt·ials of furniture finished 35 per cent. flee wns ono of those arbitrary militarv and diplomatic success of •g G:tice--Oispatcll Buildiny:;. J~1 :1~s Street. a(;tual poverty. Everybody who ad valorem. Casks and barrels, acts in which that periOd of our Russia~ 'They are aupposed there- _:r.u..'iAF~~~~~~~s:uFG

HIE En~!NO Dl!:;PA'rc;;, puLu>~:•.J . ~.v· has much acquaintance cu11 eall empty; sugar box shooks, to- histOJ'Y was unfortunately only fore to oo desirous .of diminishing, does the same work as a ~hine you ~~1~~~ :~~::r '~~!&U';x~,~: .t:l::!;~~.~~ .C~~~ to mintl instances of this sort, bacco box shooks and packing too fruitful. Tardy jus lice bas, os far as possible, the conseqnences pay eighty dollars for, rapld,lllllooth b

f be d l · b the of a -ar. Russia, it is stated, will and firm work, and makes a seam so Y '"'rna and some of them o a very boxes of . wootl not otherwise howe\"er, en one urn Y " · -11

bef th TlJE WEI:.I':LY DISP-I.TCH , pu Ii.-b c<ioYcl')' declare, though she is willing to strong the cloth WI tear ore. e

f ntnT<h,· mona in~. 't'wo dollar•l·cr Y•·•:r.- ,. p:.unful cbamctcr. 'fb is is due TJI"Ovidod for 20 pot• cont. ad va- Sen a to in restoring hi~ name t6 stJ"tches rip apart. Ag_ents only nee_d Alil;u;illhS, UrW~ h·llt'N r t.·io')!l:O ihllO d .... I' h h U f ODS ftS that Of the t 11 patcbcd llllltSL t>ead<Jru~s,.t w l!.v£"

1·' · JJ'''' ' T" .. _'" iu a ,1:rrcat measure to the ubbot·· lorem. the army register and in rcmov- ave auc q es 1 show them in operatiOn o se m

J straits discussed, the conditions she every house they enter. Thirty dol-SATURDAY ... . !-JARCH 23, 1S78. renee of this class of people to A Post~l Savings Bill. mg the disqualifieattOu ft•om has alreedy signed are the minimum Iars and upwards cleared daily _by

---- sutfel" thcil· children to learn A Postal Savin!!s bill)>repurett holding office under the govern- of' what she bas a right anddetermi· smart agents. No such ma.!hme ~ h · h II that he was ever offered at any such price. The New State. useful trades, wltic.:h in case of by :\Ir. Phillip::o, of Kansas, has ment, w H.: was a nation to demand. A diminution of

'fho title of immigrnLion w hi ·h adverse fortul1e would furnish been appi'O\"ed by a majority of' asked in his request to reopen results of the war being thus impos­has set so st;-ongly to w:trds this them the means to not only se- the House Committee on Bank- his cnso. sible, Englantl will seek to increase

Territory bit!;; f~tir to giYo os a cure for thcm!!el\"es but for their Jn!! and Currcnc~·. It is believed Jeff. Davis, through his pri- them by demanding an extension of b ls 0 I ' L 1 1· -' ~ J Greece, but the effect Gf this will be l>OflUlation .r ll l"gu cnOUJ parents a comfonabio ive 1hoou. b.'" sntJ!!uino ft·icuds that thie v.ntc sccretat·y, .. faJ·or Walthall,

·• - ~ ·• -" to break the last link or Engli11h al-to entitle us, under the present All must be profession:J.l men, bill will pass the House hy ~ denies having been disguised in liance with Turkey, and the sultan ratio of rcpnlsentaLiou, to a and as a result our medical col- neal'ly unanimous vote. It will · woman' s apparol at the time of will then recognize Russia as his mcmbe.- of the lowCI" llouse of leges, theological seminaries, and make every money order post;,. ·his capture. lt will be diflit:ult surest ally. Thatthese wild notions Co.ngrcss. lt' this a10niJ p:·ovc Jaw schools at·c yeat·ly turning office a depository fot· money in at this Jato date to mn.ke people should be seriously entertained by to be the fact, there will be no out graduates in such gt·eat num- sums as small us t.wenty-tive bolic,·e this, pat·tH;ularly in the persons_ot authority in the Russian difficulty in procuring il10 aJ. bcrs that the ranks of the so- cents, the d epositor to receive a face of the evidence already col- capitol inclicates a condition of mind

S t II ,, 1 . 1 " • t by JlO means favorable to a satisfac· IDJSSion of the ta c. ca cu earneu pro.esslOnS mus ~assbook like those given hy lectcd on that subject. Jcff.'s tory conclusion of the present nego·



Demand increasing every day where they become kno'!n. Mi~­istoJrs. judges, lawyers, ed1tors tail· ors machinests, 4-c., reccomend the~ perfect. Rights given free to first applicants. 1~ there ~fino agen­cy in your place wnte. for 1t or b~y a machine for yonr fam1ly or relat1ve, tilere is . none better or so cheap. Machines sent to all parts of the coantry, on receipt of price, $18. Read advertisement beginning.

'.fhc legislature haYing pro- be more than filled . .People thus savings banks. When the de- ~aptors · are either all romancers tiations. The terms of the peace

vitled for a connntion to frame cducatt>d arc too proud to do posits by one pcrsen amount to or tho Major was not pt·esent on b:fR~:i.: i=~o~~=~:gsE~;~s;~ MOSES KEEZER, a «onstitution, it shoulu Lc r e- manual labo1·, anti nrc really fit ten dollat·s or any multiple ot' thnt interesting occasion. How- to place a favorable cou3trnetion ... ardcd ~~s !\ unty by every citi- for no other, hence tho destitn- ten dollat·s he it! entitled tore- cvet·, the question of veracity is upon them. CONTRACTOR AND ~miLDER, 0

• • 1 t' d · ·1 h ftl.n. 'fhe Russians nilll Bonlair have zen to take part 111 t11c sc.cc.: IOU tion an paupcl'lsm \\" liC a · tw. cei,· c a bonrl fer that amount to now raised, and it is probable .beea rE:inforced. Is prepared !O do of its membct·s, untl to await the that peculiar class. be entered in his paesbook as a we shall soon reach the bottom

I . J '- b ''o tak E j t" . SS r · A tr:1mp entered a house in CARPENTER AND JOL.'IER WORK, result oft ~~n· auor::; c. t·c - ~t uca ·10n IS a '"01T ncco :I ) douit to oifsct the same amount f:acts of' this matter. h d 1 11 1 Athol, l\Iass., the ot _ct· aY_, ing ground agains t any ant a thing to ha\"t' Lut it (,ocs not of ci·cd1ts. 'l'he:;o bonds are to when only a woman :md ~H:n·

efl'orts to get from uuclcr the ncce;,sarily follo w that those range from t en dollars to one 'fho Portsmouth, tho last of child were p 1·esent, and catchm~ Buildings Raised and Moved. yoke of 'l'erri:.ori:tl vas:s::lage. who receive it s hould turn their bnntlt·cd uo!lars in C\"Cll multi· the :;-o~crnmcnt ship!! cornmis- up the latter th~eatencd to kill. snol' o~ lilLL STREET, Opposite the ~Ii!J


That a constitution wil t lJo !":·am- attention to the len 1·uod profes- pies of ten IIJ> to fifty. The t•ate ionell to take goods free to the it if he was not gtven somethm~ rcbltr 1 1 1 · ·1 1 tl to cat at once. The mother went od for snbm issiou lu l.JC pcop c s ions. "\fhy not earn some usc- of Irl'ct·cs t i~ to be 3 65-100 })CJ" Paris Exposttton, SUI e< on 10 d

• " into another room, but instea whic:il will Le fully up to t he ful trade? The more iutelhgcnt t:l'nt .. th!lt p:uticulat· rate beiug lGth instant. ot bringing back food presented EastwicK. Morris & Co., prngrc_s of the ag e, \\" C sc:o no the man th o mol·e skil lful the adop tetl for connnicnce of cal- The National uebt r eduction a pistol. 1'he tramp dropped g-ood rrason to doulJ ~ . and !hat :n c lt:mit-, :u:ti th o_f; l' ~te l" assur- c.: ula twn, sinee tho interest on· a for Feuruary was t\Vo and one- tho child and made his e.'ut. it will uc nuopt •tl lll<i.)" L<.: l'C· ante that h iS I IY ill_t; 15 SCC:tll'C'<l. one hundred uolla t• Lond willl.>c, (l\!:1, Iter millions. -- - [UoomNo._6 Burnctt"ailuildingJ

ul . I L I d The gl·eat sensation n ow in Co•·· Commercial & \Vaslllngton sts. g anlcu a::; r ·a ona Y t <: nam. , h i. better to ~:we a om.r , 10111

1 rxae:tlv one cen t per clay. Those · Ohio is: Two young coup les got SEATTLE, WAs il. 'l'ER.


'l' here a r c etrorl ' t.Pim_:: r.lac." with moue.r in it s palm, tt!Ull a bo:-.d;;.;no to uc exchangeable at C~N~'i::t~AL r.n::ws. married. Tho husbands staid a

in omc quartCi'S to throw J'i i- soft wbitc one witl1ou t! L· t,10 l', in,'tsu re of the hold~r for -.r h lG little too long at tho wine cup, Coni, and other Minel':l' L.'UlcJ~. and mine~. ~ DE.\ DWOOD, D . T., luarc -- I 1 Surveyed. examin~d IUld t<'p~>rted upon, Pian

culc upo:l t h' t:CIJU\'01lLi O!Ij Lut rc~ul:tl' foul' pel' cent. Lonus of 'rhe Calec'.ooi·" mi' ne, located in and when they rctJre< to SlUm- andestimatesfor mining mpwveiJ.tent.;. fnrn.. · Oppasition to Free ~h:ps. ~ - ~ Lcr eac h made a mistake in the nisltrd. Special uttentlonmven to land survey these ett"ur t::; C'O itl · from t c rtain n 1 tt l · b ' I ·' ll: e !!O\"CI'nmcnt,· Lut in this Sl:oemnker Gulc!J, between L ead oudtothe Ioc:•tion of City Lots and Hlock.s,

J o hn .~.,o:tc 1, :c 1:p Ul um·, ~ .. room, and tho trouble was not Mapsandwecha.mca.J Dru";ng rxecuted. disappointed C• ll Jit!:tt C' . ru :· liOI1l· in :m ::.rgumcut uefore the Com- form tho g o,·crnmeot is to take City and Central, was purchased on -discovered ttl I tlay!ig ht iii th e , No\"omber2.1877. inations, auu c: llllOt Lc:

1 <'~<~ n!c~l mittce of '\"ays and .i\lcnn;;~, in no special s tfpcrintenclcnce or the l:!th by California men !9r $80,· moming. Anrl no w nil tbc old TilE P.I.'!On!TE sTt::.\l!EI~ "S S;""''1<·· !•t . r '1 11

1 lic ~ l' ll t l - . . • -1 . ' '1·.·' !1 '·· l' ,· t::~.· : • t"ll•' l'.l. j"i ut ' 'II " lloldct·" 'o[' 1!1c CO:l. WOlllCll and the la\\'j"Cl"S in tlie " · .::J·· · ~ · ! • u t ,;po~lt~un l O ~h.! ~·t:c _ .._ - ·.J "' ..... ~ "" v ""' ~ •

U ' · r 1".). Jc • ,, f b 1 Last ni0rrbt · Charles W. Hunt, nei!rhborhood are trying to fix ment. u t ;.w_· '"'''n .:·' ' - in the Tarifl' bill, maintained that 3 G5-100 bonds :tnu o pass oo ;:s ~ NELLIE, 1 · "·Lile under the influence of liquor, up matters. prevailing Stntlm ut., ad a_r a::: ., .. , 1-t should become ,, law it in which sums arc entered can --- -went to the Citv lodging Honee and f E 1 All th t

we arc ~bl? to ofusctvc fIt , IS would c·ripple an indnstt-y of tlra w money from the post-office began n tirade of abuse against the 11/!~~os:~~e~dedt~~~urche~vbe~~e f:u"~ss~~~~;nisb City for Seattle and wny

strongly m faYOl' 0

t 1

" t)l·mu- 2 644 000 tons of shipping in our very mucL as depositors do from proprietor, C. W. Tappan. He was tho minister made an cHimate, Mondav Wednesday and Frldaj . tion of a State go,·el"llwent, ~,nd c~nst;ng trade and 1 ,63-~,000 in savings banks. Ot course the req11ested by the latter to leave the the r esult of which T>"as that out Re~rning. will leave Sea<tle !or Mnckilteo, we bclic•e the men w be are our foreign trade, making a to- s ums which arc m ere ly cntm·cd house, which he refused t,o do . .!fter of the whole human race, no Pri~tPJlnt,..,d snohomish City every

CAPTAIY ..... .. . ..... .. CIIAS. LO\\'

icleotitieJ with the com: tl'Y :!S tal of 4,2!) ,000 tons, valued at in the passboeks will bear no in- some more sharp words Hunt drew more than one in a thousand Tuelday, Thursday and Safur4ay. bona jide residents wi!l cn;p;ge 855 per ton, or 8236,390,000. terest. A. pecial form •f legaL a revolver and shot ~r .. ~appin woultl be saved. On the an- de

2su Bx...w. STRETCH.

lD the enterprise Wttil an er.er~,;y Tho foumlries, mac·hine shops tcnc.lcr Treasury notes is to be through the bowels, JDfhcting a ~~ou~le~~e~~'\:f at:: ~!~f~~dA~I:~ that w ill iodurc ,;u: cess. lt is d i"sued for redeeming- the new mortnl wound. . "al I PUCET FOU. N DRY

and rolling mills have invcste - ~ NEw YoRK March 17.- A. specJ saying as be went: "Gent e-not, perhaps, to Ul! ''-"tHidcrutl ;:L, fot· the pt·otcction :J.nd t•cpnir of bonds at the moucy orc.lcr post- f N H. C . A men, if any of yen want my that United States ' otlit:iab rom ew aven onn., says. chance you are welcome to it.

T . . 1 this property $50,000,000 more, offices. South Carolina officer, on a requisi- It is not worth staying for!" would prefer the errttOrla con - while to man and equip this ton- If tho system of postal sav- tion from Uovernor Hampton, on WHITE & TENNY, PROPR'S, dition, us the State would put nage rrquires · 250,000 men. A ings is once adopted it will be Thursday, obtained an order from Women are not "\ery proud of their :m end to their t erm of oflice, b . h so I>OJmlar anti beneficent that It Governor Hnbbarcl, of thia state ancestry; not neatly so much so as men.

large })art of this us1ncss as ' You will find a thousand men named (Succe~ors to .J, F. & T. WILSON.

and we must e:s:peet the chief op- been builL up since 18Gl , during will never be abandoned; and if for the arrest af H. H. Kimpton, ex· Adam where you will lind one women position to come from th1s quar- hi!!h prices for labor tmd n)ate- this bill becomes a la\V it will financial agent of the ring which named after her illustrious grandmoLh-. All kinds of Iron and Brass Casting done at

B t th . ia"S of obstruct ~ b b · d t sold illelr-' bonds of the state of er, Eve. ter. n IS c ~ - rial. It would be a great in jus- pt·ove to c t e Wisest an mos · ~'" ------- - \)an Francisco prices-ionists is very small in numbers, t 'lce to O"vnei·s of" th"ls prOI>crt~· salutarv act which Con!!ress has Sooth Carolina. Kimpton is sup- A new book is called "My Heart's

' J - ~ d t h 1 rt th "t in the Highlands." This is rather Orders from all parts or the Sound will be and the force of their oppos ition to allow foreigners to bring in passed in a long period. It will pose o a'\"e e e CJ y. n a carious state ef affairs; but prob- lu!Qd with promptuess and dispatch. oc2tf

would be broken by the know). b ' It h .• r encourage habits of sa':irig ev- LoxDON, March lG.-The Times i ably it is not so painful as if her . foreign Ul s 1ps :wu orcc an editorial says: On Monday the liver was in the Lowlands.

edge of tho interested mottvcs down the pt·ice of labor s till crywhm·o anti create them in Russians occupied several villages

which prompt It. furthe r, wbile now thousands of largo districts where savings around Constantinople and took NORTH- PACIFIC RURAL S KENNE}Y. ot accounts Of men wc1·e unable to obtnin over banks do not ~st. The abso. possession of a point on the edge or •

Dispatehes give d •t "II ' M h t T ·1o Seven cents an hour for their lute safety of tho epos1 s WI the most northerly plateau, rnnning ere an 81 r, the re\·iving of tho ' 'hazing"

1 f f th

work. The row lines providing relieve the laboring c asses o down towards the entrance o e process among s tudents in Eas- • 1 1 all nnxi"c•y t·espectin!! their mon- Bosphorus. The small forts which CLOTHING AfiD FURNISHING GOODS, for free ships, he satt , strnc' at - • ~ tern colleges. It is uoquestion- d tl ~ t s f e command the entrance lie directly COMMERCIAL STRE"ET, SEATTLE.

bl t h t 11 b s · a )arget· interest ~bun any othct· ey, an IC per ec ense o s - r h . . th . nov:rott a y rue t a co ege oy m1s- curity will culti\"nte more and at the foot o t e po1uhon us oc behave. tbemselns to greater in the bill. copied, and these 'forts are open on

mere the disposition to save. the- land si"de. The RuSIIJ"ans h'lve excess and extremes than do any The Tariff Bill. OYSTERS! other elasscs of youth congre- 'l'he following taken fro11:1 the · Several weeks ago the Presi- power to march in at any moment

"ff b"ll · f f and elose the Bleck Sea. Aa our gated tog thcr. Instructors say ue w Lal"l 1 now m course o dent received a letter t·om a r e-that many a boy who has been preparation, will be interesting liaule source stating that the Vienna correspondent observes:

b . t d d to manufacturt>rs of lumber in . r f: Such· 1\ movement does not seem a model of so r1e y an ceo rum \VI' iter was m posscsswn o nets calculated to dispel the appr~en·


at howe ~nd in preparatory this region: Boards, planks, and to the effect that. colored men, sions maintained that though tlere school, is DO sooner within eol- d eals, and other lumber of hem. citizens of Florida, had been may not be a se.:ret treaty, a facit Delicacies of the £Season, le2:e walls than he is seized with loc:k, whitewood, cottonwood, kidnap1>ed and tranSI)Ortcd into understanding has been. established ER D .E ~ s VE IN TUE B •ST MANNER, the convj ction that he must g et sycamore and spt·uco, 50 cents Cuba, and there soltl mto slav- with Tnrkey which may involve ar-

into some kind of dc\·iltry. Fot· pe r 1,000 feet, board m easure. ~ry. The writer says that mom- rangemcnts most material to the de- . the first tirilc in life he •·obs ap- All othet· varieties of suwe_d bel'S of the families of some of c"lsion of the other powers. It is to pie t1·ees, sacks hen 1·oosts, and lumber S l per 1,000 feet, board the enslaved citizens had re. be presumed the terms of the treaty

At PIPER'S. &ey13t

J"oins in homing and hazing measure. When lumber of any ccivcd · intelligence from Cuba will provide for the evacnatioa of . all Ronmelia and consequently YESLER'S 'MitARF 0 "1 C 1 ' scrapes. The impulse lasts him sort is planed or finish ed, in ad- from thc.il· r elatives stating that • • , ppost c o eman

any position now held near Cons tan. Mill, Seattle, until he rcnchcs tho uignity of dition to the rates herein pt·o. they were beltl in uondage there, tinople, l>nt meanwhile Russia has


the Ju~ior classes, and then it v1ded there s hall be levied and and the matter was communi- established herself on the Bospho- 1s MA!IIUFACTtrru~G ruE OELEBrcArz D

ceases as s uddenly as it began. paid f:-~r eac h side so planed or catetl to the Pt·esidcnt fo1· such rns. Not only is there nothing in R E E D E R He is again transformed int9 the finished 2a cents per 1,000 feet ; action as might be tlecmed best recent movements of the British to WIDE susPE..."isrox YIBR.\.TIXG srnua orderly person that he was be. and if planet! on one side and calculatetl to vindicate the Amer- justify this advance, but there is BED BOTTOlUS. fore his Freshman days, and be ton0«ued nnd g roO\"'{H), 5~ cent! ican di_2:nity, in vic·w of ,1 p1~ce- little doabt it must have been adop·

·~ h d COMDI.NIN~ NEATNESS. COl\IFO!tT, .t cBntmncl:! his mild-maoncnd per 1,000 feet ; and if planed on durc so grossly in violation of ted prior to t ese mo,.ements and DURADJLITY.

d independently of them. It woul course throug h life. His la wless two sides anti tong ued an the civilization of the times. An Having l'I<Cclvcd Firat Premlnm.o ond Dlplo. have been difficult hr Russia· to maR from Slate and Connty Fairs, and bavtog ~aroerseoms to be tho outgrowth g roo>ec.l, 7j ccuts per 1,000 !cot agent has been sent t() Cuba to atlopt a course lci!s likely to eoncili- · Given satisfaction to those now using them. we

· d d u•J not hesitate to pronounce them tho b eRt

A Monthly .Journal Devoted to;theJ

Mec:Ila.nical and Industrial Be­sources



Ter~~~s, • · 81.30 Per'Year. The RURAL being a bound p3111phlet,

&pleDdidly adapted to ~>end to your friends 111 tbe Eastern States. k.Idress,

K.mx C. W A.RD .t BROTHER.

Office Saloon!




I S THE PLACE TO GET GENUINE l H Cutter, Old Golden and Gaines', Old Her­

mitage Rye Whiskies, Tbree Star. He1111esy and lllartell Br:mdies, and the Best Wines a.nd Ci­g-.u-s; also to ha-.e a game of Bllliardll on aflnt­cla8s table.

N.B.-We have a numbe1' of private Ellub Rooma for the accommodation t>f peats.

New England Hotel.


Seattle, Wash. Territory. of a notion that in those two Timber h cwu Ol" sa we , square investigate the mattet·. ate the good will of Europe or this spring be<l uow in market. Orders solleit•d.

1 d · I Address, (lLE SC111LLE5TAO. N p • f years must bo compi·essed the or sided, aud tim )Cr u sc In country. •er3!1. l. c·. HARMO ' ropne or. d ~~ A sad picture of domcstie no-deviltry of a lifetime. l1ecent building wharves nn spars,.;, l . Our correspondent at St . Peters· . happtncss was prQscntct 111 a

· events go to s how that the soon. pc1· 1,000 cubic foot. Hubs, New York court tho othei" day. burg does not' give a more cheel'fnsl [ ISAAC m. HALL, fiTThis Uotet is ~~<~wly huntandhard11n-l I b t I t · there s · d b rso !shed through~ut, has well furnished roo1111, er this notion is crushed on t of" wheels, pos t s, etc., roug 1 lown A couple who had livc tl to get er repor · IS 111 Y pe R LAWYE:t, SEATTLS, WASH. TERRITO :tv. and firsk:la38 BoU'd, at lllodente Prlcea.

II b ' · d 1b b t t · I I ·nc c J ~cc.J t o 15 thirty .Years WCI'e s uill0" for a of considerable influence that while

CO eg• OYS lllln S C 6 Cr It 01' SU W C! On y, i 'I" ; • it is b.- r.O means certain the CQn- l Officc-Coroer -Front s.':Jn~olombla S"·tei•- Ur will bo for tbem . }>c t· cent. ad Yalo1·em. H ouse or di\·orec. J The Best Hotel in the Cltv.

I • = ' 'II DESERTJID.-The long array ol PosTAL. - .The foHo\ling postal TOWN AND COUNTRY. , 'l'beSpeUlacBee-dCoa...,rt. ' IFromtheDaily;f11lond•'1· • JuBTICK1~ OoURT.-;-Lawrence Pe-

At~ almost everybody and their CAUGHT AT IT.-Last &turdas ters,· aliiis "Dutclly" was brought From tbe l>:l!l;r or l!3tuula: . ,. . I wil'es were present. i~ is perhaps ur• night a party by the name of 'rhomp- before Justice Scott this morning

THE LITTLE 1\Ic:<>:-A r_cp~. t('I of necessary to S;}y that Yesler's Hall son from the rural districts caz:::e to for a preliminary examination on a the Sta.ulartt recenti.~· wt.!le In con- . ·d ·' ' . to-·11, having in his possession a charge of_ grand larceny. Several · - 1 C · d .,.- t• "as crow e .... ast evenlllg on the oc- " versat10n wttu ommo ore ... ,u •, . , . sack containing about S175 in coin. witnesses were examined, and the learned that he and the :Major have cas:on of. tae spelhag ~at.ch and As n:any other foolish penons do e\·idence was sufficient to warrant r etire(l from the stage and will make eoncert gtven by the ladtes of the nuder like circumstRnces, he went t.he J11stice in holding the pri:soner taeir home generally in that c1ty. Methodist Episcopal .Church. The antl got drunk, und \\'hi!e in t~at for his appenruuce before the next They will tra\"!ll between Portland opening nuthem "The Earth i~ condition fell in with a petty th1ef grand jury, with bonds fixe(l at a~d Snn Fra.nciseo, and their exten- the Lord's , was' effective} r d . and "hoosier beater" named Law- SSOO-iu dQfnnlt of which be was lStHl ranch m the Palouse coun!rv. ' . Y en er renee PettB:s, commonly called committed to jail. There is not the For the pnst fifteen years Mr. J. D. eel by t!le chmr, consisting of "Dutehy," who "·hen l1o work~ at slightest doubt from the evidence Nutt, their brother-and by the way 1\Iessrs. K. 9· Ward and J. D. Lo· all, generally follows the occupation but what be will be convicted in the a man of •9nal stature- bas been ,ntan, ~1rs. :Northnp and Mr~. Ward. of waiter. Together with a com· District Court. The penalty fixed superintending the ranch. and herds rhe s:uuta~ory add res!! o~ l\11ss Jones pan ion known as "Big Jack," they by the statutes for this crime is of cattie in which thoy nre all inter· :ms a bnef and se~s1b!e eJ!ort, fastened on to Thompson, and 11fter impri~eumtmt in the penitentiary esteJ A few davs sinctl the Com- ,TJOugh somewhat laekmg 1n nmma- drinking considerable whisky at for not less ihnn one nor more 'than mod~re pnrchaseJ a large tract of tion and g:estures. This was follow· his expense, they very klDdly con· fourteen years. Nothing co11ld be land ndjoinin"' their place and also ed by a duet, .. Changes of the ducted him tu hi3 room up stairs prol'et:l ou his companioB, Jacobs, 1.500 head of;'cattle with ~vl!ich the Bells," b;y: 1\Irs .. Ward a_nd Mrs. over the resttmraut of Wm. Gross, and a simple charge of yagrancy stock it. On tlle lust steamel· from N~rthnp, tn whtch the ncb clear on Mill street. Meuntime Marshal was entered ag11inst him. He was San Francisco came a " little man " soprano of the former cGmpletely ·.rhorndyke had shrulowed the trio, found guilty on this charge, and numed 'Ym. Yeoman who sold to d_rowned the alto of the latter and after the~ had entered t'be lotlg· ordered to pay a fine of $100; in do­Commodore a number of line blood- Slmply through la~k of confide~':e ing house. b!f'ascended to the upper fault of which he was committed to ed horses, which a•·e coming ,-in the on the part of this lady. l h.1s story of the building immediately the county jail for three raonths.

illle coal cars, piles of iron fasten- c anges in Wa'lhington Territory ings, car wheels, etc., accum:llated a ~ announced by .telegraph: llt the olll bunkers of the Seat.tle N mecbanged--Carbon, PieroeOe., Cnal Company 4lll Front tstreet, g1ve to Ortincr. Wm. P. &naer has the Jilace a particularly quiet and baen appointed postmaster at Sum­deserted appearance- unlike the ncr, Pierce county. noisy bustlillg scene that formerly A Onl.ND yachting and rowir:g grt>etc<l the pa:~ser-by. One can form some iJea of the imm~>nse contest is contemplated by the Vic-amount of capital in\"esteu and lub_:_ torians on the 24th of May, (the or performed by the company, by Queen's birthday.) .· A nnmber of inspecting the great heaps of well- l'o1 tland experts are making ar.• wom rails and bolts aud tho long r .mgements to take il hand. line of idle tre3tle-work. The boil· THE secretary of the na..., has er and engi!les of the Linnie C. .., Gray ha\"e also been brought in. 'ordered that steam launches aad We do not know what disposition cutters furnished nal'al vessel,. will the company will make of this old hereafter be employed principally material. The iron will probably for towing and other s~ips' purpose&, be sold to the foundrit~s antl the and not for the exclus1ve use of offl-cars broken up. cers.

B.m 'Bo-ys.-For some time past SEATTLE ,coal is seiing in San peoph in the vicintty of the North Francisco at present for $5.50@ st:hool house have been considerably SG.50 .Per ton. There is a ·large '

Sound . These brothers, whose was amply nton:d for, boweYor, 10 over the express office, and watched reputation reaches from the rising ~be lJU~tette whtch io\lowetl, where· operations in the room oppo'!!ite. A TonxADo.-1\I. z. Goodell, a to the setting snn, and who have Ill all <hd so excellently~ as to amply After the victim had fallen off in a subscriber living at Elmo., Chehalis 'Visited almost o\·ery court and clime co~pensate ~or all prevtous d~fecta. drunken sleep, "Dutchy" arose county, reports that section having arc satisfied to discarcl the stage Thts we con.slder was theclu:f d oucre from the bed on which he was lying been visited by a tenifie whirlwind with its flattery and popularity, and of the evenmg. ~~was the old but and proceeded to light a candle. or torn&llo a short time since, which become citizens of Portland, in the always yopnlar . Co~e wbero my While Peter:1 was in the act of made satl havoc with his ruill. The Iar west State of Or(:Jgon. Notwith· Love hes Drea~ung .. l'I~. W:a.rd, securing his booty Thorndyke had whirlwind was only a few yiU'ds in standing the storms of the past liD - tenor, exce~le.ll hlm.self m this plece. crawled into the very room on his width, but had terrible force, and usual winter they <ieclare them- anu we behe'e ne,er sang to better bands an,l kncPs and hid behind the in its progreBB jumped along, strik· selves Letter' pleased with that than advantage. Naturally possessed. o( bed, unnoticed by Peters. When ing the ground eyery fewyartis, and any other country they ha,·e visited, a sweet and w~ll ~odulatecl. volce, the latter turned to leave Thorndyke entirely missing a fane~ in its route. and are satisfied to mnke it their the. onl.y d~fe~t ~e have -hitherto immediately jumped up and in- After demolishing the mill, it struck future home. It is the intention of nohccd m ~IS s_mgmg, was a tende~· formed him that he "wanted him," 8 log building, taking fllff its roof these broth~rs to purchase property c.y to restraun lts v~luml'. In thts enforcing his request with a patent and several top logs; and twisted in Portland, for which negotiations lHe~;o ~he soprano lS 6 .f coarse the persuader kt1ewn as a six- shooter. fir and co:tonwood trees, two or

. quant1ty of coal at that port now annoyed. by the condn?t of a crowd which accounts for the depression of ruffianly yonng urchtns who make in prices the day hideous by their vulgar and · · noisy actions. These depraved IT is stated that the extensive yoo~gsters amu~ .tbemselv:es by m!ll property at Port Ludlow ·will makmg obscene.wutmg and p1c~nres wlll be sold at auction soon This on the sidewalks a~d fe~ces _in the would never have happen~ had ne1ghborhood, and tn n8lng msult· the lamented Phinney been living ing and vulgfll' language to ladies ' and school girls. The young scoun-drels should be looked after at once, and if their parents are unable to $18.-SE~G .MAOHINE, -$18 restrain them or teach them better manners, they should be taken in hand by the police. We suggest to Marshal Thorndyke that he take a walk up in that direction some after­noon, and gather in a few of the offenders.

are now pendin"'. m?st tlliflcult part, an<l ~t was sus- "Dutcby," seeing the game was up, three feet in diamerer, into splin-o tamed bv 1\Irs. Ward, 1n a manner delivered up his . plunder and was ters. It is doubtful whether ever

LARCDIY.-The case wherein L. worthy of a professional. This lady conveyed to the calaboose. Marshal before sucb a whiflwind was known hnffor, of Steilacoom, is charged has a voice of great flexibility, and Thorndvke tlien went and hunted · tb t 't

extraorilinary streugth, which was up Jnck, the pal, and found him at m e ern ory. by Jesse Shepherd with obtaining ·d - b th ' th h ' h en eucea Y , e ease wt w 1c tho window of the jail talking to LEFT.-Tho steamship Dakota money untler false pretenses, wa~ she san!! the· higher note3, aad were •·Dotnhy," and 1'n order to "'t've him 1 f f S F ·

l a d · J · .B b • ~ ~ o e t or an · rauc1~co about half-cone u e lU nsbce .., ee s conrt combinecl with the soft ard pleasant a better chance to converse with his . . iu P ortlan 1 ant1 the cclendi!nt was alto of JJrs. Northup, the effect was friend put him inside the calaboose past 3 thts mormn~. She took as held to answer before the grand most charming, iudeod. Mr. Lo· and locked him up. This "Dutchy" pas~ngers from th1s port the fol­jnry, in the sum of 1,000. Mr. man ha!i a voice of much eweetncss, is a bade"'"' nncl would sooner steal low!Dg persons: 1\Irs. Boyd, J.W. J. W. Whalley, attorney for the de· though somewhat lacking in than work"~;v time. A few months I French, D. S. Galbraith . .D. N. Hill fenclant, in his argument boforo the strength. But in this quartette we ngo. Henry I' oster, tllc night clerk Miss F . Hoffro:m .. Mrs. Hoffmau, W. court, openly char~etl George Cog- think all did exceetlingly \Yell, and at the Occidental llotel, discovered E. ~tubl.IH, I . Ku~g, A. 1\:lund~: S. gaus, proprietor uf the St. Uhar:es it wa!l a fair test of tho ability of him trying to tap the till , and after Dnv1s, C. B. Tiobbms: and 4. Qh!O!l­~otel, with the larceny of the miss- the respectiTe singers. The two fol· atlministering a good l.Jootiug to the men . Also the follow!Dg fretgbt: 4,­ln"' money. He said that if larceny lowing selections-a dut>t, ':Voices fellow, s ufl'ered him to depart. Tllis 148. sks potatoe~, ~!10 _tons; 11 pkgs

4. d been committed, anti he thought from the Wa,·es," noll a tr~~ "Life same fe!low "·as urrcsteu at Tacoma chmrs, 1 case c1gar~. <> l::oxes mdse, had, that Cogt;ans was the guilty has no Power," aHhtmgli:. difli· a short time ::go for petty larceny. 3~ cases ~l!i'niture, 4 bales_deer skins, an. I cult, were sung well. 'l'tie. entire Jack. his companion, has been em- ~6 dry h1des, 118 gre~n h1des, 2 bbls BADL~ Cn.-:-his aftcrnoo:J, ubont selection of music exl1ibi~ good ploye,l around town in the capac!ty ~sb. 10 be.cr kegs, 13 butter boxes,

2; ;. o'c:oc!>, the wai;ers at the American judgment and tnste, and nswe trom of \miter and bar-tender, and as1de ,,()()tons Seattle coal. the shttrtness of the progrc~mmtl, is from the company he keeps has been

House t~;rned n stre!lm of water on the ·u d all · 'I'L enb e to pratse. ue accompa· consitlerecl honest. Both these par-

ODD FELLows' A...'\"NIVERsA.•.n:-.- The celebration of the 59th ··anni\"ersa.ry or Odd Ft11lowship, which occurs on the 26th proximo, promises ta be celebrated in a becoming manner by the different Lodges and the En­cami'Jmcnt in this city. A grand invitation ball and supper is to he given at Yesler's Hall, c.nd the names of the gentlemen comprising the different committes gi\"e assur· ance of success. 'l'he mnsic for the occal!ion will be furnished bv Ha:vs' string band, a!ld the prica of admis­sion is fixed at $3.


H I Q HIE S T ' A¥' A R D ~ -AT THE-




Table and Treadle.

On.ly Ei~hteen Dollars. The most simple and compact! The most

.Jnrabte and ecouomicnl !!! A· model of com­bin! <l simplicity. strength and beanty !I!! ~ew :md num t rous patented attachmants. No compliet!ted machineTY to ·be constaott1 getting out of order, So eas.y ~o le::.rn that a child em run it. Will

do·all kinuR of sewing from tbe finest to the cd'arse•t. will hem• fell, tuck, braid, cord, gatla· cr, embroider, ete,; uo;.,s self-adjusting straight ueealcs , and all d~scription of cotton. silk and thread. lla!<P.s tbe strongest stitch known­the cloth will tear before the seam will rip.-­useP the thread direct from the spool. Tl•• ma. chine is beautifully Jlni,;hed and lugbly orn,. n1entcd, anJ

.floor of the office, ir:tending to hnvo n general clean-up. While engaged in this sanitary oct·up&tion, a yonng Chi~ naman employed in the hotel ns cham­bermaid, CiliDe down stairs, :md as he enterell tho oflille one of the \miters playfully turned the hose up:>n him, de· luging him wi th water. We all know the Chinese have no reason, nnd for this playful tl'ick of the waiter John be~ camed indiguaot and struck him with a black!n~ brush which he held iu his hand. This aroused the bile of 'he waitEr, who at once seized the hose 11nd ~truck John several heavy blows on the side of the bead, causing the claret to :!low quite freely. The Chinaman ran out and ruEhed up the street, taking good care to catch tbe b:ood in bisband and rub it over his face as he ran, so that wben he rcacheJ Occidentall:lquare he was au object frightful 10 behold. Here he Diet Marshall Thorndyke, who at once proeeeded w1th billl to the hotel and arreiltt:d &he offsndiug waiter.

niments were played by Miss Clara ties hail been oraered to leave town McCarty, and are not a fmr test of some time ago. 1\Iarsha\ Thorndyke that young lady's ability, frem the deserves credit for the masterly fact that the instrument used was manner in y;hicll he managed the slightly out of tunc. and not in arrest. condition for use. Were it not for

T he IIoko S:.t1mon Company is making extcnsiye preparations for a lr.r~e amount or '1\'0lk during the next season . The lumhsr which they are taking down, will be used in the erec&ion of their buildings at Clalam llay.

FoU.liD Ao.u~. -The little dangh· ter of Dr. Lane who lives on Front stret above Pike, wandered from h er home this morniug in company with a playmate, and caused her mother much uneasiness fora time. Search WARRANTED FOP. FIVE YEARS.

T HE Walla Walla Statesman henrs of an old settler named Miller, liv-ing near Dayton, who has literally lost all his posseseions. His pre· emption claim was"jumped," andoQ examination of the pa1>ers, it wu found that he bad never had the claim properly described. He next fell back on his "homestead," of which he had been in possession be­tween eight and mne years, and here again the' papers were at fault, and ao at the end of half a genera· tion be find,; himself without an aere of land that he can call his own.

this we might have had 11 chance to criticise tLe accompaniment!!, but we feel that under the circumstances it would be unjust to do so. A little mite of a girl, Annie Kolberg, re­citell "Ueady fgr a Kiss, Mamma," ,·ery cunningly. 'l'ho re3dings of Mrs. Keith and Prof. Ingraham elicited marked approbatiiln.. When the spelling match was announced there 'trllS considerable difficulty in getting contestants. At length about twenty persons were formed in the class, and Prvf. Ingraham gave out words from Sander's Union t)peller. 1'he first word floored a member of the school board, the representative of the perss followed, and a justice of the peace kept them company. The words were of 10imilar pronunci­ation, but not similar in spelling. Soon all were down but J. W. Eas· ter, Mort. Coombs, and Tillie Pi­per. These three held their ground for a !ong time, und the words were pronounced and spelled rapidly. At length Easter was brought down by a word which he evidently would have spelled but for this haste. The others spelled a few words, then Coombs spelled ",wady " \\'ith two ds, but it was not noticed in the

was instituted immediately nfter discovering her absence, but n con·

• ple of hours had elapsed before the San Francisco Post savs that it is be- AN indiviuual who in celebrating wanderer was foun<l. When niscov-lioved the steamer Cordelia (now St. Patrick's Day yesterclay, hod be- ered tile little toddler was playing bottom up oft' the west coastj was com.: too full for utterance, was near t'Je store of S. Ruter & Co., upset off Columbia rh·erbar, drown- gathered in by the police and kept and appeared as nnconeerned as ing all on board. The Cordelia was in the calaboose over llight. This though not.hing bad happened.

'r.a:E 'VnECE:ED ConDELll.-The

a small screw propellt>r, of seventy' morning he was released. SEVERE WrNTEB.-A. correspond· three tons burden. She was owned by Gruve & Renck, mill owners on .MRs. F. DEKU)I, who died at Port- ent writing from Kittitas Valley the Cc:f]uille river, and made month- land a few clays since, was a sister of suys that in thlit region they have ly trips between San Francisco and Mrs. L. Reinig, of this city. She never bad n winter like this before. that port, carrying lumber down and was a lady nniversanlly beloved, and It bas been a mixture of rain anti! supplies back. She left San Frail- her fuueral was attended by an im- snow and alternate freezing and cisco last about the 20th of January mensa concourse of people. thawing. The thermometer has not with a consignment of about 81,000 indicat-ed colder weather than 20 worth of goods from Kruse & Faller WJ\1. BALDWIN is fitting up a llegrees abol'e zerl). Stock h;;.s done antlsmallu consignments from Root fine lawn with ot·namentai posts well on the ran~e without fetid. To & S::.nderson and .others. Her cap· at each corm•r, at his r esidence be sure animals are not fat tain was George Clements. and h er on Sixth sh·eet, near the Rob- enough for beef, but are coJlsitlered crew consisted of fonr men. She bins }llace. by stock men in good condition. was fil'e yenrs old, and worth al.lont $8,000. THE March t!!rm of the District T HE superintendent of the Sea-

BADLY MunDLt.D. - The aff .. Lir of the Court commences at Snohomish City beck mill will erect thia spring near money bags a& Portland between Sba!'- to-morrow. Judge' Lewis and sev- the shipyard at that place a build­fer, the S!eilacoom brewer, and Shep .. eral members of the bar went up on ing, 40x160 feet, and put ia a planer

the Nellie this morning. 'tabl f 1 · b 1 t d herd, the musical frnud, appears to be sm e or P an!Dg t e arges an still in doubt. It is thought by many GoLD in New York has declined to loagest ship timbers ancl planks in tbat even if tbe misll,ke which Sbep- 101!. Legal Tenders in Portland use. Also, endless saws, or band herd claims, occurred, that be did not are buying at 97 7{ , and selling ai saws. that will cut the ship's frame,

IC A.U T I 0 N ! • . AU )lel'SOns are cautioned not to make, deal,

sell, or u..e any sewing machines that sew with our needle, and make the Elastic stitch, or that have· the new Patent self.feed attachment, ua­les• the !Wnc are purchased from this company or their a~en:s or licenses, and &lamJI"d under our patent. Beware of .wortbl,ss Imitations a.nd WlSCrupulou• parties who ba\ e copied our ciNu!.:u-s. advertisements, ac, and buy only tbe mocbma manufactured by us. ~ "The wonder is bow so good a ma::hioe c~ be sole\ at so low a I' rice.- [Globe.

·we hns seen ·the machine and coustder i' fir.;t·class ine.-ery respect.- [Transeript. ,W< can recom'!'en<J it to our readers.- [Cbrls.

han Index, N. I. · The machiue arrived safely; we·are more than

pleoscd; it doeti more tb:m you claim for it, We sbnl! nail the attention of our readers to '!~. - [St. Louis Christian. •

A thoroughly responsible compUly. prompt in llll their dealings. and one that .,..., can COJII• · mend lo our readen.- (Age, N.Y.

Sample machines with table and treadle f<'r• warded to any part of tbe world on receipt of

El::hteen Dollars. Spect:ll terms Uld extra inducements to malo

and female agents, storekeepers, &c. County rif!hts given to BJDart agents free. Samples or sewing, descriytive clrcnlars containing terms testimonials, engravins, &c; ~~ent free. AU money sent tn Po•tomce Ordeni, Drafts, or Ex. press, are perfectly secttre. Safe deJivery guar. an teed,

All Ordera, communications, etc , mn.at be addressed to the PEERLESS MJNUFACTURIN8 CO. J7 dw·ly 2403 Rld&a Avenue, Philadelphia. Pa

have so large a sumas be says the purse 98Y. and98X. knees, eto., at any bevel required. contained. 1\Ir. Coggan wbo ga'l'e tbe S BAXTER & CO purse to Shaffer says tbat be does not TKB steamer Teaser went down tct SBIPPI~G. - - The 1hip 'Vestern • • b. k · t · d b Tulalin this afternoon. haste but by Miss Piper. The word

"shoddy" was next given out, and 6T()PP~:D o~ TilE Ro.!.D.- .A.bont 12 spelled c~rrectly by MiBB Piper; she

o'clock lost niJht, a man named Cal:'t was asked to spell it again, and left penter, who for a few days bas been ont one d. The question was then employed on the Dak,ta, while pro- asked how Coombs spelled "wady," ceeding to his residence out on the tela• and i t was discovered . to have been graph road, and when about &be same missed; 1\liss Piper then spelled it spot where ti.Je man Ha~genson was correctly, winning the $10 gold coin murdered, he s~yR be was stopped by a premium. The premium was award­man who ordered him to hlllt and throw ed by Judge Lewis, in an instruc­up his banes. Carpenter immediately tt've and interesting address. Sup­

t 10 tt con atne a sum anyw f!re near r Shore !las taken on a cargo of 2,000 $1,100. Thero is a marked difference in one matter in the testimony or Prom th~ Daily of Tuesday. tons of Seattle coal. Her place at IMPORTERS AND Shepherd and Capt. Gilman. The form' Too TIIDI.- The Northern Pa.ci.fio the bunkers will be taken by the er testifiea that it waa between 11 and folks are 11 little chagrined that bark J. B. Dell. The Lizzie Wil-12 o'clock wben the 111Iuir was di&co'l'er' . . Iiams has not yet completed her ed--he stateH that be Is positive that it their propOintton to build th~ir road load of screenings. Tke bark Au­WI}S not before 11 o'eloc'k. C11pt. Gil - froJU Tacoma around and south of reolll, which will also load coal, is rnan jnst as po~itiYely asserts tbat .the Mount Rainier to Yakima is not still lying at Marshall's wharf, time was before !I o'clock. · 11 d b 1 h k th

Commission Merchants, SOLE AGENTS for Western Washington for

tho California Farmers' Jolutuaal

FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. swa owe y peop e w o now e awaitin~ her turn at the bunkers.

Collli~G l.l!:IIIGR.o\Tio~. _ Upward country. None of them were ever TE'"'TENT'S AI" p· d Q OFF~U FOU SALE TO THE TBADB ONL~ .

turned and fl ed towards town, olnol d1d not stop until he bad reached tb3 Grot- per followed. The receipts abtJve to saloon, where be related hi~ ad'l'en~ expenses were a little more than tore to a couple of policemen. SlOO.

over the routf', have no possible idl.'a PoSTliASTEB general Key, decided -'~' • ""'• JDts an uart1. of 110 passengers came up on the of its winding cour;;e, · or of the on the rect~nt npplication of a man BARS' ALE " · DakoLl on her last trip to Victoria- distance or. difficulties of building for appointment as postmailter at a the largest number brongh~ to that it. They know if their compa•y


and 1, 2 and 3 stM in case. TnE Tribune of last evening

made a s tupid Llunder in sayi ng that the party nt Heinig's llall last e \·cn ing was g iven by the lflyl'tle Club, when in fact it was merely a gath e t·ing of sch ool children. O ut· contemporat·y can a lways t ell wh en the !11yl·tle 's g ive a party, by r cferl'ing to th e Dispatch.

_ __ .... _ does not soon build a road te the cross roacls office in Michigan that SoLD O uT.- Mr. John McNaught point for some ti.rne. After the l st east of the mountains, grant or no no person who cheated the printer

proximo we look for a full list by grant, oome other company will was a p __ roper pe_ rson to hold. the hll~ so'1d his meat market on Front te mer The Pnc1'fin 1\fnt'l " 1 Th 1 1 1

a every s a . ~ ~ ~ build one, and they fear it will be p a?e. IS ru ID_? a so app les to street tG Messrs. 'l.'htl)mpson & Bige- Company are preparing to accomo- through the Packwood or Cowlitz dehnf]uent subscnbers for a news- 1. 2 and 3 star io cas11.

low . ... Ir. l\IcNaugbt continuino" the date on their steamers an immigra- th 7 · t Be 'd paper OTARD DUPUY BRAN.DY t'n Oc•-·e" •• t1'on to Bt·itish Columbia and Wash- pass, says e 1·anscnp • 81 esl · • -· ..

wholes:~.le business. Messrs. Thomp· th hope to reach those bin' coal w 1 f tl • and CBS:>. ington Territory of from six to eight ey . ., E earn rom persGns recen y son & Bigelow will deliv6r meats to fields· whtch thev can nevt>r do by CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY iu

b h · d 1' thousand persons durin!? the com- ' • np frgm Noah Ba ... that consideraltle any part of tho city y t eu e 1very ~ the •racoma road. When they . J • • Octave. wagon. ing season. builcl a road to the top of 1\Iou~: t t~otfble ts .apprehe~ded ':anc~rnmg SCOTCH WHISKY in case and bulk.

News comes fl'om New Taco- THERE waa nothing, aside from the Rainier for pleasure seekers, then t~?e tro.de lD se!"lskins ":tth the In- IRISH . " " •· we will believe they will build over d~ns.at that pomt.. ·~hrs has been CHAMPAGNE-

Ina that the N. P . R . H. Co. is dispiay of a few green flags, yester- the Packwood p~ts3, if they have quite a remnn~ra.tive mdus~ry and Cbas. Farre, in pints and quarts.

1\IARTELL BRfi"DY in Octaves, and

caus ing abrm a mong its em day, to indicate that it was the anni- money eDough. th~se e~ga~ed .10 1t are not hkely to Landsberger's California, Imperial THE A sloriarl says the steamer ployees on account of a. failure versary of Ire land's patron saint. relinqmsh 1t W!thoutlkuggle. and Pri'l'lte Cuvee, in pta & qll.

P 1. 1 · b b ' ll The Portland people are celebrating SrTX.A. T:&ounLEs.- The following . · . e !can, p ymg etweon Coos Bav to lil]_uidate I s. to·day, by a procession and ball. tele!rram from Port Townsend ap- TRADE dollars wtll_ ' n h_ e a thmg SHERRY - Finest Old Golden, Old d S F · h b ~' I - f h h ' h Garvey aud California in case and an an ranC!sco, as een eo:... 'l'uus fal' the lucky biudcr for .. . pears in a late San Francisco paper: o t e past, as t etr comage as bulk. ·

and is being refitted and strengthen· the mail contract be tween Port 'IRE ladtes oftha PresbJte:lat: Cbnrcb Iilicit d istillers at Sitka sell ·•boo· been stopped since the passaae of PORT __ Imported and Califomia ill ed for-a in.!ln·of- war. TQ whom she 'l'ownsend and Neah .Bav is not will bold:.. sociable next Tuesday el'~n- che.noo whisky." in the streets at the Silver Bill. As they c:nt.ain case an•l bulk. is sold rem.iins a my.>tery smre think 1 1. • ing at the church. A pleasant evemng tw6nty cents a bottle. Houses are 7 Y. mGrt'l grains of silver than the ahe'is solei to Mexico, others to some , nown. . . is anticipated. All are cordially invited being robbed, the Indians for~g le~al tender dollar they should be BOUUBON WHISKIES ·- HotaliDS'I South America republic. She may A NEW delivery wagon costmg to attend. tbeir way throug h the whites' worth a premium. ' J!enuine J. H. "Cntter in case and

• be sold to an agent ot the Uussian 8220 has just been built for Chi!- 1 CArr. BAILEY bu snt•ere~detl Cnpt. lwuses_. '.fhey pretended to be ~ bulk; White House, Universal, Hil~ government, but no one i!l able to bet·g Bros., bv J . w. Hunt, of ,Jackson m command of the steamer sear~h.tng. fo~ an ."'seaped murderer.. Tno:m•so:\', the gnm>mith, is mov .. Tori~cc~·-:~i G .

1 discover to whom she is sold. this cit • • Zephyr. The dtstrtct ts " 'tthout a collector ol i.ng .. his ~hoTp to the bnildi,'ng _nd- Long Cut. ru~. ranu a•ted and ) · customs. law or officers . The Wran· . Tb~ differen~e bHtweon a boJ and a 'fnE appointments of llisbc>;l Morris gel and Sitka Indians threaten JOlDID g 1\Ic:N.aug ht & Leary ~> office, CIGARS- The largest Stock and Beat TB£ fun01·al of W. P. Dins.

mor/v,ill take place from the Brown Chut·c h at 11 o'clock t~ ..

barn ts that l<bmglell are apphed to the bring him to Olympi .. on tbe 3bt iust ., trouble, antl best citizens will leal'e on Commerctal s treet . .\sl10rtmen& on Puget Sound. rod of tbe barn. and to l' ort To~~o·nsend Apri1 7:b. the Territory ii the government af- HoPS in San c'rnnci"sco are way ~ We are the only house in Wuh-

ington Territory &hipping Fara direct Gcx. HowAP.D will probably re- THE amount on deposit in B. C. fords no protectioq within nitJet~· down at l>edrock, and bringing~but to London, England, and are pa7in&

turn to Por!l:1ntl in about two weeks. Savings Bank is 8 1,017,496 GO. days. ] Beven cents per }>Ound. lho htgbest cash prices. llOT~ett morr ow mot·ning.



. . .


From tho Dai!r of W«·dne&t•y. WJ,...ra--. ,:c==> ,.. • .~ From UaeDa:ly of ftn:alay.? . ...

EXTENSIVE hrruon llE:STs.-lm­provements are ~oing forward at a rapid rate at the Seabeck mill. .Ail· ditional hoilcrs four in nu:nhcr and fifty feet long: have alru.llly been set up in the miil and thu old ones reset. A new foundation has l•een laid for the new engine, to utilize the additional steam, and the power thus increased will make the cnp'\C· ity of the olJ. mill at le:tst 100,000 feet and perbap~ more. for twel\'<' hours. The new b111lding now in process of erection fo: sawing- ~hips' timber and knees will be ?.0<> fce.t. long b'T 42 ieet wide, and two ~tories high. ·The tim hers of _the first stot·y are now erected on Sills and posts outside 12x12, the middle ~ills aJ?d posts 12xl-!. 'The second story will be prop01 tion ... Uy smaller, an~ ~he roof will bl\ supported. b.r partltwn in addition to the outs1lle pbtes, so as to give solidity_ to the ~tructure . The machinery will consist of two planers (one of whi~h is already on the ground), of sufficient capacity to plane timberd of all lengths used m ship l!milding, and a ba!ld s~w for sawin" knees-all of wh1ch will be driven °bv au engine of enflicient power locat6d in the building, sup~ plied with steam cond_u~tors a~d large pipes for the add1ttonal boil· ers in the sawmill proper. When completed, it will be one of tbe most complete establishments on the

The followmg letter which is sclf­explnnatory, bas bee& banded us for publication:

M.illiNE TBoonLE&.-_ The ebip Western Shore having fiaished tak­ing in cargo was to have sailed for

coast. FI:ss WoRK.-J. "-· Hunt, who em­

ploys the only w~>gon maker in the city, has just completed three elegant deliv-. ery wagons for different firms hece. One for Cbilberg Bros., another for Schwabacher Broa. & Co., and tbe third for L. Reinig. Th~y are all models of strength and mechanical skill. Tha first is alr~ady in use, aud the other two are in tbe hHnds of the painter. The painting. which wu& done at the shop ot W. H. !:'hourly. i~ very fine>, and the colot·s used are rich and appropriate, the paneling and stnping indicating the skillful artist. 'fb., whole work is n credit to the city. anJ goes to prove that there is no neces;;ity for sendiog abrolld for such thmgs, 'll'hen we bnYe me hanic~ nmongst us fully competent to nun out work qmt" equal. it not ~nperior, to .. nythiug ob-

PoaT G.ulnLI, March ~-l:b, 1873. '1\Lrm;n Ssnn. Eoq -l'orL B'uely-!Rar ::Iii:

Circumstances compel me to with· draw my name as candidate for Del­egate to the Constitutional Conven­tion from this Council District. I am RO situated that it wonld be im­po;ssible for me to attend the con· ver:tion if elected.

Respectfully yours, S. W. HoVEY. -------Dnux&s.- Offic.,r Wright g~tthered in

a couple of "drunks" last evening whom he found reposing in the arws ot ~{orpheus on the soft side of a plank tlown on Mill Rlre~t. 'l'be argus-f'yed Lyts nlRo arreat~d an inebrinte wbom he fonud restiug in lht! &bade of n lumber pile. They were all kept in the skookuw hou~e over night. and no charge haYinJ been entered against thew, were d1~charged this morniag.

THE coal trains are making an additional trip to the mines Jlow, commencing this morning·; the first train lea-.ing here at 4 A. ll. This makes five trains per day. Under this arraugement the company ex­pect to be able to briog in 500 toBs of coal per day, which will greatly facilitate the loading of ahips a\ the bunkers.

THE NoliUNI:II:.- Dr. J. S. Hoa2hton, of Port GIIDlble, has been selected as the candida&e of the Republican party for Delegate to the Conatitutional Con• vention from the Council district com• posed of Kitafl, Snonomish and What· com counties. l111 is spoken of as o worthy gentleman, and oue well quali· tied for the position.

THF: Vaucon-.er Indepelldent says: ·'Again the proposition to annex Walla Walla and Columbia counties to Oregon, is being agitAted at Walla Walla by Senator Mitchell. Any thing to keep Washington back and place Oregon in the foreground me-ets with the approval of the Ore­gon delegation in Congress.

tained elsewhere. Wn.L RESUliB.-There is a pro3· TaE PorsoxL-.;G c .. ~B.-The editor of pect fo:- a speedy reopening of the

the Wallu. W;'ll" H'ut.:hman bns ~eceiVl' Utsalady Mills on or about the 15th ed a Jet·er from a lady in l:'eubeck. in of April. New machinery is re­which slle pleads in a fceliut; m!lnner ported to be on the way from t.he the Cll~e of rred.,:icl! ::-iobiP, chargei East for the refitting of the mill. with tbe poisoning of Cl:qrl~s ~t-wlnud. whic't will be run exclusively upon Sbe ~·· !·" •rp 1-, , w hip) f rnm hi • ,·nnth , forei3n ortlcrs. Up and thr~ l :..w !u !d Hi\\t •. ,~ lh · t.ll l u. g •i dd

boy and mnu : tbat his poor old mother Tru: iower end of Commercial street is was grief strickt"u ~oigh m;lo d eutb over in a mr>ft wretched condition. It is one the sbocking ictellicecce.. Ste C>tnnot mass of semi·finid mud, fall or ruts believe that her boy was gui lty of the horrible crimP, etc. Tbe l ruly ti.Jinks there is a d~rk cl and hoTPriug over tbe tragedy, which, i! time iF gr;u,ted, will P.ventu~lly clear away nod Ji,;elose the real murdflrer. '.rhe lVatcl.man SI\'I'S a few are of tbe same opiniou. Lnt Nr.ble will receive b fair tri,,l and a chnnce to remove tbe strong ~Ubpiciou wbich uow reste upqn htm.

ACCIDENT. - The n D. ltlail says: "The steamer J. B. L ibby, carrying the mail between Seattle and this place, broke down at Coupeville on her way here Monday. The 'l'elll!er was dispatched to take her place, but she, in turn, "got left" on the flats below La Conner and iD!Itead of adjusting herself to the rising of the tide she caree.ned and tilled; wherenpgn the cont.-actor was ob­liged to carry the mail the balance of the way in a small boat, arriving here last Wednesday night."

THE canilidates at present in nom­ination fClr D elegates to the Consti­tutional Convention, from the Third Judicial District, are as follows: At large, 0. F. Gerrish and Etlward Eldridge; for the Judicial Distric,, C. H. Larrnbtle; for the Counoil Dis­trict, J . W. George, Da-.id Sires L. B. Andrews, H. Il. Emery, C. M. Bradshaw and R. C. Hill. Any of these gentlemen are well qualified for ihe position.

and chuck holl:e, nnd it is with extreme difficulty that teams can Ret through. The wonder i11 tbat they ever pull out of it after they have once got in. It is high time thia was repaired.

IT is rumored that Capt. Starr will shortly commenc& the construe· tion of a new steamer, intonded, probalilly to run in connection with the North Pacific, to perform the daily mail service between '!'acoma and Port Townsend.

A l>'EW frame building is being erected oo the small lot between Gasche's building and the meat market. A two stor_y framtt is also in process of construl'tion at the lower end of Second street, opposite Hunt's blacksmith shop.

1\la. Shaffer of Steilacoom, charged by JesFe Shepherd with obtaining money under false pretenses, has been held to answer by .Justice BJbee of Portland, for bis appearance before the grand jury at the next lerm of court in the sam of $1,000.

SHEBIFF Wyckoff did not put the refractory prisoners Moss, Shay, et al., at work to-day on the streets, to the disappointment of an anxious crowd of idlers who had assembled to stare at them.

MAJWIED. - At Port Gamble, Sun­day, March 16th, 1878, in presence of the congregation at divine ser ­vice, by Rev.. John F. Damoo, ~fr. William H. Hatt and Miss !Iinnie E . Smith, aU of Kitoap county.

San Francisco last evening. and the tug Donald was alongside for the purpose of taking her out. But the ship lacked one of having her fttl l crew, and the remainder refused to go to sen "·ith less than fonrtee<~ men. The meo. had been drinking, aad were quarrelsome. The mate got into an altercation with or:e of them and dr~'" n revolver, but the man struck his hnnd with a belay in"· pin and took the revolver away. The quarrel resulted in the uis­charge of thA mate. The captain then came ashore after a man to complete his crew, leaving the sec­ond mate iu co:r.mand, with orders to not allo\Y any of the crew to lea\·e the ~hip. lie had scarcely disap· peared when the men informed the mate that they were going ashore, and then left him. A warrant for their arrest was sworn Otlt, and they were taken in custody by a deputy t;heritr, but were released at the re­quest of the captain on their prom­ising to go on board. The difficul­ties lVere settled in some way, for the ship put to sea this c:orning about eight o'clGCk.

A RUINED HAJWoB.-The Olympia CottJit:r tells the following: "La!;t Wednesday there were 14 vesse!ll !.ring at the mouth of the Columbia river waiting to cross the bar. One of them had been there sixty-eight days. She will now, undoub~edly, have to discharge a Jl!U't of her car­go, in order to get eufl1at all, as she draws twenty feet and J;:ecent surveys have demonstrated the fact that the ship channel ha11 alioaled fonr feet and six inches during the storms of the past winter. The deepest chan­nel i1l on the north aide of the river. and it remains to be demonstrated whether it can be made available to shipping. The Ancon was delaved 62 heurs in crossing t.he bar last trip. Verily, with the present railroad ontlook and with the Columbia bar so that only the smaller CQastiug craft can cross, tha prospects for Portland are depressing indeed. Nort.hwnrd the star of empire takes its \\'BY."

Dr.Y£R.- Dr. Lane, agent for Kelly & Cole's Dryer. has one of his machines on exhibition on Mill street.. in front of the shop of o:e Schillestnn, where it can be seen in OiJel'lltion: l'o-:Storday he u!'ied smelt finely in thrre hours and <Lpples in two boars. - The capacity os this dryer is about twenty bushels of npples ill twelve hours, and the cost tifty dollars. Mr. Lane in­tends to have the dryer m'lnulactul·­e~ in this city.

ExACTLY So.-"If England goes to war." said an eloquent roan in a Portland barber shop the other day, "our grain exports will be quadru­pled- quadrupled, sir, a golden st.ream will fl.ood onr coffers, and --" here he glanced into an oppo· site mirror antl recognized the features of a man whom he had been owing $2.25 f-or eighteen wonths.

WALLA. WALL.-\ Statesman: "A corr3spondent informs us tbat large tracts of land are .aow open to set tlement along the line of Crab creek and extending to the Fonr Lake country. These lauds are described a.s being af the very best, and in the the immediate neighborhood of ex-tf'nsive cattle ranges."

CIIURCH NoTicE.-Thcre will be special services this evening at the M. E. Clturch,led by Rev.M.Judy, of ~ew Tacoma. Mr. Horton will also address the meeting. All mem· hers anll friends of th~ church are requested to attend.

0PL~ING OUT.- Toklas k Singer...: man are opening out their stock of clothing, gents' furnishing goods, trunks, valises, boots, shoes, etc .. m the building on Commercial street which has lieen fitted up for them,

WE have allowed John Moss the use of the columns of the DISPATCH in his contro'l"ersy with Higgins. His side of the story appears in anothercolunm. We believe in giv· ing each a fair show,

FEAST OF PUIUll.- Last evening was the anniversary of the Hebrew festival ef the Feast of Purim. This festival commemorates their deli'YeraBce from the wiles of Ha­man, as recorded in the Book of Eather. The observance of tltis feast has been religiously observed by the Hebrew race down to the present time. We bel ieve it was not obsenecl by the Hebrews of this city.

Ho:s-. S. W. Hovey, on · account of his re-engagement in the service of the Pnget Mill company, has de­clined the Repuhlican nomination for delegate to the convention.

THE citizens of Semiahmoo talk of building a fifteen thousand dollar sawmill, Messrs. Willson, Marne and others being the chief movers

;FoURTEEN families have settled in the Mags Creek valiey within . the last two weeks. The railroad has helped wonderfully in settiiag up the vacant lands in the portion of this county through which it passes.

in the matter. •

Poe Reciting "Tho Raven." Once, in discussing "Tpe Ba­

ven," ro~ observed that he had never he1u·d it correctly deliver­ed Ly even the best readers­that is, not as he desired that it. shoulc! be read. That. e\'ening, a number of visitors I eing pres cut. ho was requested to recite the poem, and com,Plled. His impressive delivery held -the company spell-bou_nd, but in the midst or it, I happened to glance toward t he open window above t he level roof of the green-house and he held a gt·oup of sable fnces, the whites of whose cTes shone in stwng relief agains't the sur­•·ounding darkness. 1' hese were a number of our family servants, who having heard much talk about " M1·. Poe, the poet," and having but an imperfect 1dea ot wbQ.t it poet wus, had requested permission or my brother te. wit. ness the recital. As the speak­e r beeame more impa.l!sioned and oxcited, more conspicuous grew the circle of white eyes, until when at length he turned sud­denly towards the window, and extending his arm ~ried, with awful vehemence: ~ "Gel lb<e back lalo the &empet& &Del the D'trbL' J

PlutooJan ahore p•

There was a sudce 1 disap­pearance of the sable visages, a scuttling o( feet and the gtll­lery audience was gone. Ludi­crous as was the incident, the final touch was given when at that moment :Miss Poe, who was an extraordinary charaete r in her way, sleepily entered the room, and with a dull and drow­sy delibe.-ation seated herRelf on her brothet·'t! knee. He had eub­sidcd f1·om h is excitement into a g loomy d espair, and now, fixing hi8 eyes upon his sister, ho con· eluded : ·~And the- r:H·r n, ne\~er fi it tiug-, !till ia sitting,

st ill is ~lt.fu;!l , Oa lhc polii<l bust 0 1 Pail as, just"' blod my cbam-

1 er door; ADd ih ty<S ...... all I be <eemlog or a demoo lbat

h. d reamiDg--''

The effect was irr esistabl& and as tho final "DC\'el·mol'tl" was solemnly uttered tbe half-sup­pressed titter of two very young persons in one c01·ner of the mom was n~spondeu :o Ly a gcn­et·al laug b. J)oe reuuu ·ked q uiet­ly that on h•s next delivery of a public lectu1·e he would " take Rose a!ong, to net the part of the l'avon, in which she seemed born to cxcel."-.:llrs . Susan Arche1· Weiss; Scribner f or ... '1Iarch. -------At Otis, Ind., a negro woman belonging to a t1·oupt. of jubilee singers sang with so much sweetness and fervor that t he citizens g•·cw e11 thusiastic in their admiration. They g~ve he1· as "a testimonial of appi'Ovnl of artistiC me1·it and humble worth," a purse of silver dollars. She got d1·unk with the money, and when one of the admiring <•itizens helped a censtable to ar­rest her, she fatally stabbed him with a kmfe.

The alarming prevalenc:o of diphtheria throughout 'Tennessee has induced the !:;tate .Board of Health to issue a circular pre­scribing a general mode of treat­ment.

A hyena broke loose in the New York Central }>ark the other day and knocked things hyeaa kite.

N e-w- Advcrtil!!llenaents.

Noti~. llurlng tho ab ·ence or ai r. R. W. Pooth11 his

bnslae111 will be atte nded to hyl. M. R~<ll, wbo hold• t. geo•ral power or attorney from Mr. Pon­t~ua for 1Lat put pose.

I . M. HALL, Alloroey ln faot. for n. \V. Poat.tuo.

Seal!le, W. T., ~larch 20, 1878. m20 d2w



Ball . and Supper, -AT-





Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots,

Shoes, Trunks,- ·\fallses


Every Description of Cents~ Wear; . --'-AT--

At .Jenning's Old Stand, Commercial Street.

r;i'"Hatv a speciality -all the iatest style~ by every Atoamer. m22-tf.

FOR THIRTY. DAYS! In Order to make Room for Our




We Offer a Reduction of

TEN · PER CEN.T. On all CASH PURCHASES in the Line of

DRY GOODS, C~othing, Carpets, Boots·and Shoes

_, -I ' _.

Don!lt f"ail to embrace the opportunity. ·

SCHWABACHER BROS. & co., l'!!Jeattle. W'ashlnaton T erritor y.

CRAWFORD & HARRINGTON Importers and Jobbers,


DEALERS IN Groceries, Provision&,

Teas, Hardware,

Cutlery, Class and Crockery Ware,

Hemp and Manilla Cordage,

Wines, liquors,

Agricultural and Mining Implementa:c.

1\loru: LIGllTIIOUSJ.:s.- It is under­stood that Col. Wilson, Chief of the United States Engineers for the 13th District, who bas just returned to Portland from his tour of inspection about the Sound, favors the erection of several lighthouses and fog sig­nals at suitable points on P un.et S!Jun~. which is~ move in the right d1rect10n, and will be hailed with delight b_y navigators.

Tms is the way the fuu·ny man on the Portland Standard tells it: "Miss Tillie Piper is the boss orthograph· ist of Seattle, tpd wears the cl.lam-

• STREET C:>mmissioner Blackman, with the help of the county pris­oners, is doing goo4l work on James street. A few more days of such labor will put this street in fine condition.

FRIDAY, APRIL 269 1878, Paints, Oils, Blacksmith & 0 arpenter Tools,

Cumberland Coal, Iron, & Steel, Flour,

A commsro:sm::sT writes that the quaint old town of Uamble was the scene of great e:-tcitcment yesterday. morning. Two birds whose cage was suppose~ to have been guarded , stepped cautiously aboard a waiting steamer and saileu for the other side to be united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Everything peaceful at last report.

THE keel and ribs for t.he new light-draft steamer to he built at Lake's shipyard, Dc1ltown, have al­ready beelllllid.

pion belt." · ·

lT is rumored that the W. U. T. Co. intends Lui!lling n telt~graph line in di1·ect opposition to the 0. S. N. Co. from Portland to Walla Walla. ~CEDAR !!hingles shipped from

Portland and ltiid down at Walla Walia cost $-!. 75 per thousand.

LA Cosnn has a debating society with 1iO members. Dr. ~lackey is Presiuent of the society.

A..-.. olll wood-cut of Tom Hen­dricks wa!l 11a!med off on several 01·egon newspaper& lls Le() XUI.

TIIE British ship St. Lawrflnce has been libeled for non-payment of towage. The captain of the ship denies his responsibility, asserting that the tag towed him ushore.

THE rush toward the upper coun­try continues. The !tu~t Statesman notes the arrival of 300 passengers a week by the 0 . S. N. Co.'s boats and Dr. Baker's railroad.

Mns. W. H. ANDREws, of this city nccompanied by her daughter Jel"'nie arrived in Walla WaJia by last Sun­day's train.

CO~IMI'l'TEE OF AllR.ANGEli i\Nl5: OLIVE Baucu, roo. 4, 1 Se•rns, No 7,

I!"RA~K IIA_Nror..n, P. C IULBE:Ra. (iEO. W.llALL, k (,ODL,G.

Eaca.mpme nt, Jous LETT.

CO~JliiTTEZ OF RZCEPTION: OLIVE Ba1scu. No. t. I SRA-rTu, No. 7.

J. WX!<ZLER, E. L . tl ALL. W. II. P UliPDR.IT, II. A. DIOKLOW, u. A. KELLY, E. 1'. DllCL

Kncampment, Co.ts. LIPSEY.

FLOOR CO.IIMITTEE: OLIYE Ba.&.scu. No. 4, I 8£! TTLS, No. 7,

c. w. YOUNG, 0 . P. F!RllA P.. l '. li.lSC!I, 0:. GoDISQ

Encampment. P. W. \ \r.\LD.

MUSIC BY HAY.;' llANO. Bon.s.- Nenr L!!. Conner, 1\Iarch

18 h th ' f f C M TICKErS, ( bv lnvi•a:ion) _ _ ts.uo t ' te e WI 0 0 • H. iller a Meml·.r• or tile O.tler Jre cordiali,r Invited lo

daughter. pa:tlclpate. miG·td.

F E E D 9 • E T c . 9 ETC.

H AVE NOW IN _ST~RE AND WAllE HOUSES AT SEATTLE A. FULL !JTOC~ .)J' ALL . Goods ID theu lme, which will be sold at tho Lowest Prices posalble. 'llle, 6ila(p and

public generally 111e invited to an mapectlon or their stock and prlcea. Their put ~ ~ bnsineu in this city is a ~te-e to the public of reasoDable prices for good goods. , '




_Imperial Fire Insurance Company of London ,


l'lom tile Dailv or Fridl&y.

CoNBTITUTIONAL Convention Can­didate for King county Coqncil Dis· trict, J. W. GEORGE.


A. Waral ...

Sa&nu, !\larch :n.t. 18~ To m• FDtTou or TDB DuP.t.TCII:


Notwithstanding the dull times there is some show for the "lava bed!!" yet, as you may eee by calling round on Washington street at al­most any hour, day or night, and there see young men with ftash dress and gay fur caps or canvass shoes, hanging roun1l the females of that locality, but I Jearn tho.t some of our most vigilant county and city officers haYe their eye on s •me of these yonng bloods, and as discretion is the better part of valor, it \l·onld be to the honor of some of Seattle's as well as Snohomish'!! best families, for tho~c young mon to abandon their present nightly hunuts and by so doing keep out of tb_ clutclJCs of tile limbs of the Jaw.

OnsEn>ER. .-:a-----

THE D:~y ton l{etcs, nllutlin~ to th<:' nominees of the late Convention

AT LAST.-Aleiander Iv1mhoff, a diatingaished Scion of the victori­OUd empire of Russia, who first made his appearanee in this country as an auaclte of the :young Duke Alexis; wall left beaind by that gen­tleman through some unaccountable ovenight, and has since passed through the vicissitudes incident to American life. Alexander was n blonde und a baritone, anJ ' 'isited this cit.y some ~ime ago in company with the llichings-Bernartl opera tro~e. Ou tho departure of that company, through some irregulari· ty, he was left behind, as in the ca~e of Alexis. Not being a prudent man, what money he had was soon eJ.:plilnded, uucl he then found that a noble in Seattle 'ITitheut cus!.t was n• better than any other man in the samo condition. He wr.s a large for tldeg~tes to the Constitutional man, of compact frame. but he Convention. has this to sa)· of tho coulun"t wot·k-he wasn't used to it! canclitlato who represents the 3<1 .In­Professing to be a Catholic, he in- Jicinl District: "Judge Larrabee is gratiated him&elf inte the geod will the righ~ man. and is well qualitiecl, of the congregation of that church, i ~1 all respect , for the position. In an41 was attachell to the choir. where 1$.J7 he was a member of the Con­he ~ang on several Sundays. Ex pres- stillltional Convention of Wisconsin. sing himse!f very desirous to vi~it Five years he was a Judge of the San Fnmc1sco. where he would be Snpreme Court Clf Wisconsin· and more likely to _meet his fellow n_ob les, for ten years Judge of the Ci~·cuit the young lad1es of the Catholic con- Court. In 1858 he resi.,.ned his gregation circulatea a subscription Jnuooeship and ran as a D~mocratic paper and soon collected sufficient canclidr.te for Congress in a District fund t:o not only pay h_is p~ssuge to wuicll was Republican by 2,500 ma­t~at City, but ~o sustam h1m some jority, and was elected by 1,300 rna­time after gethng there. The money jority. No better man than Judge was passed m·er to Alexander who. Larrabee could have been placed true to his noble instincts, instead pnou the t ra"k ·and the voters of his ofnt once proceeding on his journey, cli~trict will ;U:nu in theil" own li,..ht proceeded at once to get l:!n a big ii they do not elect him. "' drunk, and finally wadt:d mto the bay with the intention of ending his A.N Jx.n:sTICE .-The artic.e in this unh!ippy life. Gut the cold salt rooming's Jntelligencer referring to chuck brought him to his reason , and soon after, hearing of ilie ele- tile difl"crent hotels, in this city is gant culture of the people of Olym- full of blunders and a serious injus­pia, Lo sought that burg. 'fhcre tice to the Occidental Hotel, besides finding it mo1·e popular to be on the which there is no other fin;t-cbss Methodi~t side he at once tinughim· house in the city, exce11t tho New self into the arms of that church, England, and there is no such and has since fed alild supped at its persfm as Hiley employed o.s runner hospitable board. Only a few clays in that house. Doubtless all the ago the ladies of Olympia ga,·e him nmuers employed in the various a grll,lld benefit, reatizing fn nds suffi- houses are smart enough, but if any cient to take him to his desired of them can get ahead of Jim Lyons, haven, and if he is at all prudent he of the OccJdental, wo have yet. to see will not ·•wait on the ord':lr cf his hiru, and as for the others getting a going, but go at once." Prom the • ·Ji~tle the be?t of it," ~he _full list of fact that Alexander left several bills arnvals published dally m the Drs­unpaid here, nnu expended th~ II'_.ncu, give;; the lie to that nsser­money raised in gQod heart by the twn. young ladies in ri~tous living_. a GREESn \ CKS LosT _ c W shadow rests upon his name whJCh ' ' · • · can only be obliterated by his future Moore went uown to the cx-g{)od conduct. change office of L. B. Harkness

WB hue done some awful mean things in our life, but we never were· mean enough to hurt the feelit.gs of three women walking abre~st on th~ cr011aing by stepping oft" in the mud. There's something hnman left at>out us, if we ara iu tlle newspaper busi-neas.

SoYE one keeps o.skiog the o.·e­gonian, "Does wheat turn to ciless?" The Oregonian man doesn't s em a1ble to answer the conum::Irnm, howe\·er. Oh, ask him somt:lthing easy; f'riustanco, ··Does three ace3 baat four kings~"

'l'rrE District Cou1·t a.t Snoho­

mish C1ty adjourned ycstenlay, :md Judge Lewis nnu me1nbors of the bat· c:.tmo down this :lfte1·­ooon ou tll'e Nellie.

'rliEllE u.rA three letters in theE,.­press otlice 'lt1J rcsscd to 1\Irr:.. J. W. Denny, uncalled for.

Trrn steamer Panama id expected to urrivc to-monow evening.

'MAISOll Dot:J:~ !t.t:s-.ur:;t<.!.:I'T h<ts r e­m.:.nJd nua door ;,buve I I.Jt< Alct~<lt', ou Front street. The U•'"t ftnms i.J•·tl tublc in tb11 city cau alwuys bu lunmt nt this re~taumut. j2Jtf.

FouND AT L.isT.- 1 'he people of Seattle are now happy. CI.Jarlcy Ros;; has been seen at the Centennial 8a­loon, going for I he free clams. *

HoT and cold baths at the Front street bo.rbe\ shop, opposite Post Office. marS-tf

I wrr.L fllrnisb teams tor ft~nerals to 1\hs::mic Ceuu;t<:ry for ~;3 et~ch.

dec201f. W. H Bow.

"BE:.roLD we cnme Qnickly." Hendriclts & Cm·tie nre s,ill here in ti.Je town of SenLtle, t!nJ are olfer­ing theif setlYices to any r.nd a1l that may want ga.s ot· steam liLting done, They keep all kinds of \\":Iter, steum and ga. pipe at low, yes, ve.ry low figures. Pumps of the best sort. saws gummeJ., filed and pnt in good shape. Remember the place, cor­ner Front and Cherry sh·e~ts. j:l4tf.

!§pedal llotl-

~ Tal!! N.t.Ttolli.t.L ~ M11:n.u wse award• oo to .llrndlcb k Ralort'On fur the betot .l'llow­gra2J:8 In t~ultcd StAtes, and VioDD& ·"cd•l ( .. 'l!<A be•~l!o the" world. •211 .Mont;;omers 11~~· S&n ~r:anc~~· it •

- ~ a_2 tor 5o. a for 50. 'for 50.

n. ... vA.XA~C!O.UlB, u~ Jack Levy•s.

rf7' WILt. CuRE CoNBU>n'TIOlf. To all snf­ferln;: froru tbe f·Jil\lwinq ui...ases :>ray or hopo i"4 Ul'ered tbrougb I he hl!JdUetS8 of a.miseiOIJilTy iritmd who h:u; ... ~lJt Ul~ tl!e formulu. or :l pure­ly ,-~geluolo medlciue wblcb baRioug b<>en uocd l..ty tlw native IUL'clieint: mt•n o f HimiostKn:-for rbe pot:tili'!e and r:viic~al cure ot (.;ommmptiO!J, Brouollith, Ca~srrh, ASJ.hm3, l.Jytipepsia, Throat oti{l I4ung dH!lculty, (h·ucrol Vt-l•Uity, Loti~ ol 1\.ta.uhooU uucl all Nen~on~ Afl'ections, 1ts power ·ba!il betln tetitt!d in htwtlfl.·d3 of c.uses Wltliout. :. failure. I now feel it my sact"t:d ju­t 'I as t'w- as IWSsi b1c to reHcve human n.iwry :1nd wi.l send the recipt'-l":tEF. Of' t:U UIGE-to llt:y pt·rt>ou \rho ru.:~y tlflilh.: it w.i.tb ducctions f~r n•i"g· · S euL Ly ru!uru mail by kddres~iug wlth :! titAnlpS namiuf.{ tb1~ !,>tllJbr. J>r. 0 . lt. Dn~tu:un, Dr.awer 28, Utica:' N _ l .

C;l" A Ca_nl. -oro oll \>ito nro sul!"orir.g from tht CITOnl ·tt~hl)ntliscre li .. uEt of you r:b, n ervous wec.kn ..,e::_i:l.tlY dt>e:::y, lnSS'of u umuoo 1; &e. , I W!ll wn<f'~pc thot wid CIU"ClOU, lOREB UF OliAltGt~. Till · l,'l"tnt remedy wa~ di£covcred by G lttiS.,1Qii3ry in S01uh America. Send a ~~I ... ~ddr,•!il:red t:lln:lopc LO tbe ltEv •. rosuu '1'-i:<:'>l.l>'. !:it:tt:Wn D. IJtble IIouSc, New York C1ty.


: W. ·11:1. T!RTLOT,

a.u!J W.:1shiDgton T~rr


Office bon~s-at his office over ll3rrls & At­tridge's Drug- Store, UoDJJI'!erciaJ. Etreet-from to to u A. M .: un<l ut his r•·s iden ce. Corne.r of ~Iadison und Second street. Irom l to 3 o"clock P M. . ocla

D. P. JENKINS, ArTomiE~AT-LAw & Sor.'n 1:< Ca \.N.

Particulsr ethln!ion given to Cbanccry.cases. ut~l!~ruE.-tlft Cuwm i.'cW YtreeL upvoblte tlw

U.::i.!:luL, l. .•. -~'~"


Pro& outing .\ttorney :1.1 JuJic!al Dt &trid. jyt7t! ..

C. D. · EMERY,· 8 pounds of G. C. Sugar for Sl.OO 4 pounds best. CostoRica coffee Sl.OO 11 do Cart.inc rice for Sl.OO 1 do .!\aturnlleaf Jap. tea 50

CoUNsELoR-AT·L ,nv A~'D IN ADillRALT"£,


3 No. 1 l\ILLCkerel for :l5 cents. m2tf. T. LYL:::, 1' ront street.

Tnm.- Jamieson gets the correct timo cillily by telegraph. fcb7tf.

UO'l'I':L AKlUVAI.s. SIATTLr, Ma:ch ~2, 1S78.

OCCIOEXTAL. L D WSb.e.ltou. O'ymoia;A P lh.wn, While riverj 'E U"mmcnJ, &1adisoni A C Kimbala, rio L ~lewart, Cily; F .1aco1JI 1 do A ~c~raider. Ohmrb; S Gr3n1. do J V ltllacb, R~nl "'n: )J DauTf'IS, Wall:lchet; J 1-Iil<.l.erbrand • .NY; H A lVebs~er. l'ort1and; D M Kcent, O:·~goo. D Forrester, Victoria.


jo2 d&w~3m SEATTLE, W. T. •



0 ffice-Rooui: 1. DIBPA'TCB EuUtling. Opposit-! . Qccld•ntal Hotel.:_

I;. ·- ..

M'IAUGH:T I. LEARY, · Ano~-o:Ys • .Om CouNsELoRs AT LAw,


o. a. HA~.:rono.


H.A.S RE 0 V £D.


Masonb_ Hall, Front St., Opposite Boyd, PotJCi~ &\Young's.


Je,velry,. Music & Machine Empo~inui-! ;:F FOR !'ALE-HANDSOME FI:XTUI!F. ' , ' ' Tr ROI:. GAS Cf!'A .. ''iDrLH:r:s, .A::<D WAL~tJT


"~· G., J .... -l~1I.ESON.


SEAT'I'LE PLANING llillLLS, Commercial_ St., adjoining S. and W. \V. R. .

Sash. ancl Doors,. Blinds. Frames, f:Jhutters~ & · Wood .Finish

Of every De~~eription. Seas:med ~umber of all Kinds Const~·otly : n Hand.

Our Cedar Doors the Best in America

PAULSON & co., Manufocturers and Wholesale Oealers In all kinds of

Furniture, Carpe.ts, Oil WlrtOOW SBA!JES, SF.ACKETS, PICTU!lE FRM,ES, ~lOLDIN~S.


--- A. FC'LL STOCK OF ---

Uoholsterv Coods, All ~(inds. . tJ7' We are con•tantly r£cetving Parlor ond Chnmb•r Suites of the latest st;le which we

w11l sell 10t prwes tllat defy oompetttton. Visit our .l'.:ctory, ut the Feet of' Commnr~ial Screet ond ~3!l,sf~, )"u\11"1!Cl! all to onr abilil.o t o MANUFAOT 'JJ.:J! Fl!UNI'J"UI:E A'£ S.>N Fl~A:S.C LSCo' PJULE::., Salesroom- Commercial Street. Seattle. nv\"litr

L.A.. TREEN, Commercial Street, Seatt!e.

Cork-soled Boots for Ladies a~d a. S}">ecialt-y.


A DELusiON.- A maniac, writing this al"lcrnoon, .and purchased under the nom de plt,me of •·Shy Sl20 worth of greenbacks, which Low," from Kittitas Yalley to the . he cat·efully placetl in his vest Portland Standard, and who was for- pocket and went to h is saloon. merly a correspondent of the 'l'ri- .A.ftc1· r eac hing there he put his bune of this city. indulges in half hnnt{ in h1s pocket to get the a column of balderdash about i\Ios- notes , and discovered they were es, the ·'g reat" chief of the Yaki- ~ Iost. )fr. :Moore cannot imagine mas; sp~aks t:f his nobility of char- where he lo~t the money as he acter, mtelhgence, and all that, ·n h · ' · when in fact he is one of the most '' «.s n~~ more t an. five rnmutes miserable scrubs in the Territory. g o1ng 1rom tho offi~e to the sa­ami so are his "brave warriors. " loon.

By Tirhe or an f'Xe(Dllon ts!IUC'd rut or tbe D's rict Court or t he Th;rd JufhCittl Dl~& ·ic•, or " -rasUinJr.OD T~rrltor,v, tto1d1 og term!l :\\ SeAttle. in K;ng county. on 1'1e !ltb •l.ty o lltUcb, A. D. 181'8, in Lbt> ca~e -.herr b Dt:.S:~ t>r lJ,,r:oo aod Ar1ttur A. D~noy •-re l'1 ..: inti:T~. anti 1b,. T:.~ tbot CJal Com­pany is deft::n:lun•, to m t.> cl rcrtftl and d~livere.i, C0ffi0l3.Dd1Dg m~ t O t •. ka' ' I tO t>Xt CUtiOD tbe p .:>r· !'011~1 property or tb -e e:a d h·ndan ' s. and tl suf·


Moses i'> no d ifferent from tbe rest of his kind, and i3 teo lazy too work, but· no( too honest to steal. He is known to be a manlcrer nnd a horse thief by every old settler in the ,·alley. In f.:ct, with few ex­ceptions, the whole crowd nrc as miserable and worthless a set of uogs as ever breathed the air of hea•·en . Their highest ambition is to go tearing over the sagebrush on the back of a hali·staned cayusE> while the equnws &tsy at home anci clo all the work. Its no usc talking , au "Ingin is an login" e>erywhere, a.ud tl1e Yakima Indians are no bet­ter than t.lle rest of then::. This ••e know. because we have been "tllar." Shy Low to the cont1·ary, not•;l'itli­standing.

To correct nny fal se impression that mr.y have been created, we will state that the letter from John l\Io~s printed yesterday was published merely as a paid communication or advertisement. 'Ye do not necessa­rily endorse everything we publish - particularly communications, bnt we give anybody the privilege pf defending himself through our col ­umns.

HoN .. HE!I"BY B. EMERY, is the regulu Democratic candidate to the Constitutional Convention from the Council district embracing the connt· ies of Kitsap, Snohomish, and What· coin. He is.said to be well qualified for the position, is a graduate of Bowdoin College ani of Han·o.rd Law School.

A SociABLE will he given this evening unuer the direction of the ladies of the Congregation<~] Society at the residen.:e of l\lrs. J . H . San­derson. The programme will be as follows: Keep mum, vocal and in­strumental mnsic. A cordial wel­come is extended to all.

Chief Joseph has turned bigamist, having just taken to him~lf. a ne.w wif11 the . ceremony cons1stmg In givi~g his bride's father a few bl~&nk­ets for her. Hi• deposed wife is re­

flcient l)t'r~O!lrll p rop,:.·.-t. anuot. h C (Clnn d . t.l1e0

SnorLD :CE l\IovED.-- Now tho.t the the re3l p ·ooortv of •a•rt clelendR ' '"• 10 .,· i· f.v 3 jud~m..-nt fe r tlte ~Utn or e ight liUIHht>d a url thi rt.\• four nud •ixty one bund:cdlh do"la,.,, ($831 GO 100). ia silvt>r CAiD1 w rL iu tf·:esl :ur!"eoo ~ t the rare l'f nne and on"-h:~l :', ON ). pe:" c..eo t. per montb~ from rhe !hU d<Jv o1 }'cbur~n-y, A. 1>. 1 i S. unt~J p.:!iJ, and CCIS~'J of ~uit. ann'lfnt;nc- to rou t '"eo :ted D' ll ety o e IJII !tdrctldJ d~.o l 'af!l, (~14 £.() l CO), and increased co>l.J.

wenther is getting warm, it would be "·ell for the fish venders to move their stands into some more shady cornt-r. 'fhe smell emitted is vory off nsive iuc1eed, and, moraover, it inja rcs their business if they did but know it; for d<er snifting the oilor­iferous odor of a sun -bakecl halibut a person is not liable to want any fish for some t ime. It resembles liml.mrger cheese in this respect.

No\;' . t btre:crc, uo 1>e ~ona l property b"in~ lou n,l, b.v \"ir ue nr ~aid c xw ut.!oa J buvt: l~vied cp~n t c iollowing (iC!'Cr:b .-rl real pr••J)~I ~y, to-wi :

The r ast h ::.: :r of t he smulleasL o r. a 11er, anll the MUtll r.c-s• qua1·•er or th <' so'' he1o.:t q ua• r e~ of ~cc. tko ni•u;h!cn, ( ~)€ Clf .:EJ-.t & ~Wb of s;.; t\ sec. 1!' ). 'r h ... ~o ulbr;u .. L q ;u rer o r rlJe t~o ;t,. r.t sr flu;p ·ter ors c:1 iou ! 'Nt":la . { .::W~{ ,,f ~WJ.;( scc. :20 \. T1H: wc:-t h,tl l f"! t u .: n• ·t·~lnVC' "~ t lJtl.ll'l -!1' uf 5tc ' ion T'o\'f"Dt.y-o iuc, (\l ): t r N ~\' .U :>t·C. ~!l\ a:;tl the

rr.\DLLS TGn~~D .-'fl: c Tuscarora c·· ~t h:ll f ;f I I e nO"thca!1L qu:ll't r ( f !I!Cr!lou 3J,

("-r ) 7•· R .

1 CJ . ( F. ,..~ of ~~E).! : ec. 3C), n.a ,n , uwn:;hip t\\-l!uty t hr"'e,

~.e,· . mzes- . evletc says Llc Jl-,l13). nootll, '"" ' " fi v• (<n . . ..... anrt continuir-g nese and Ind'ans in tllat local it.· ' 11!e' hu o•l: etl ""<l t -~cmv, ("}2_~) . . "" e; , and .vi' I

.. - iJJ ae1l the , a,,ue Ot) Moo 1<-< V, t tJe ~! ua\· o i ,, t•r ll, A. ha>e formed n coalit.ion to pre>ent ~ . 1 8~!1. at the hour of J(o o'cl_o,·k, _A. " ·· aL the .1 · f _ 1•• 'rh· . ... out·~,. llouse d:>Or 10 Seat: It-, 1n s.:.·td '! 1Unly of

v. n t.e men rom "or ... Jng 0 lS JS Kir;;. :lt pUl>liC a act io ... to lh bi• h••t bldrle-. for a new phase in the labor q uestiou c"s" in ; ilva coiu. or ' o mGch tbereo; •• will which will sta"""Cr the wits of the s"nsfy SJld J'd; mcnt, lmerc; t. ,co' '"- " '"I mcroas-

. . n o <>I C•.S s. L. '.WY CKOFF., SOCial economJSts. Shrr;fl" of King couo>y.

J,ESTE::-1 SERYICES.- 'l'rimty Church, Rev. C. R. Bonnell, rec­tor. Tuesdays, at 5 P. 1\I.; Wed­nesdays, at 9 A. :11.; Thursdays, at 5 :P. lll. ; F1·idays, a~ 9 A. 1\I., and 7:30 P . ;u. Holy Week­morning and evening of each uay.

AT the a ssignee's sale of the

pl'Opcrty Gf A. S. Gross, in Port­land on Wednesday, the proper­ty owned by him in the different counties about the Sound was sold at nominal figures, moat of 1t going "for 51" to C. P. Hogue.

WE noticed at the store of Hall, Paulson & Co, the other day, a very elegant card receh·er macle at -that establiehm~t. It is made of three different varieties of native wood­maple, aah and yew.

BEBIAH BROWN, JR., who left here over a year ago for Australia, arri­ved in San Frucisco on Wednesday morning from Honolulu, and on tht­same day took p~JSsage on the Pana­ma tor home.

Jons ~- ~!cGIL'rBA nntl ruos. EtrRE:E, Aanroeya for l' .alnt!tr~ m23 5t.


Offie2 0'9er FraoentbaPs t lore, corner Commer-ctai aod lliU otred>, Seat Lie. W. •r. jaS.If

In Probate· Ia the Probate Conrt or King Connty, Waah­

lngtoa Terrtto: y, Ia tbe matter or the eotate or Alnander B:uror,

decetied. NOTICE ra CREDITORS.

Notlc:e Is herebJ ~rinD by I be underoigoM ad­mlalatr.toroft.bentate of Alf'xaoder 81rroD, d e­cealed. :o the credit on of, and all ~r!lons ba•· lnar e'•lm• against 111 1 decea!td, to pre•eaL them with tbe aee .. sary Tooe~e"l wl•hlo one year afler tbe llo PL pabllcatlon or tbl• notice to tire s3•d ad· mlolslra'nr, at lib place or bualness Ia rt• CUr or S.~n.•, K ing Coan~y. Wll•bln~on Territory.

Ca.tnr.s W. Moon•. Admioh-trafc.r or !be ••&ate of Aluandtr Bar­

ron, d ecf':tllef'!. D;o:td at S<:att le, March 7, 18'78.


A NeYI and Delicious Fruit. THE DIOSPYRUS KAKI,

Knowa as 'be Date Pium, or

Japanese Persimmon



Wf • pracU<;p In llll tl1e Coorts of the Territory. i.w 5wt!


Also, U. s . l'E:;SION S U RGEO:'Il.

Office i.:l TTemout rnildiug,Lowcr Floor. U U \'UJ

~~~~~---:-~.r::e:s:;;;;;a:.w . . - - - .. - -

for Sale! A OOOD F,\f:l\! OF

Two ~crcs cleared, s!luated


Will ba aold !cr

$700 CASH. Good Farming land. eovcr<d with •mall har<l

wood timh<:r. eosy to clear. l''or p..rticuiiU'll e'l-qulre at tbia ollico novH!s ------ ----- ----



:::,.PREPARED TO DO AI.I. . ltiads 'lf M1ll, Steamboat and

Loqing Camp Work In Iron, Bran, titeel and otb .. r

mebla. rfT AU.; ltlndll or BlAcksmith Wotl doneto rder·l



WilJ· le:an S..!tle ror T•eoma. Blellacoom and OlymPia •very M"odoy, W edo.Sda:v. aad Friday morc1ion, conuecUng wttb. tbe cars at T~com~ lll't?dav mornlop:

DENTI!!t'T.KY. ported to be weeping in seclusion 0PBRATIONS have been temporari-with her child, since the religon of ly suspended en Wenzler's new the tribe; prohibits a chief from building on Front street, owing to having more than one wife !At a SO)Ile dispute concerning the prop-

Tbe aodenl1111Pd bavia;: rtC<Ive I • few or I be above tree. •Ill dlapo ... or tbcm at f a1 Jlo"aneloco prleeo. Fall lnformatloa r~ven oa •Pplleatlon, ellher Ia ~ersoa or by ltller. -


time. 1 erty. Sstt1e,lluch 6, 1808. F. 11. WIIITWoau.


Will pndlee his '(lro!eeeton In alllts braDeheti Permanent loeatloa. Boom No. 1. np Klalrs. n Praro\Jlthal"a Bk>ck my25-tf

Has Unsurpassed Appliances for 1\Inking

First-class Wor]i for Ladies an~l Gents~ oecGtf ====================


Jobbers and !Oealers in

Choice Grocer'ies, Ot·egon · Flour . '


.RICE FLOU~ and FEED. Also, n. Well Selected Stack


Wllioh &h11y propo118 to aell Cbnper than any other house in Seattle.



They. Co I AND o ·LYMPIA.J

iThe new P~~cnger Steamer HAVING proelll'l!d tile eervleea of tbe ];lest

~o=n that can befouad, lam now prepare.:! Jiiit,M E S S £ N G E .ft

Every Style of Boot or Shoe cAPT. J. c. PARKER. Will lcavu Senttle

Thatr.an be had In any elty In tlieUnited Stateo, Every Tuesda'"., Thursday and1 Saturd_ at N~>V YOllii OB S.L'i' FR.L.'iCISlJU Pl(JCEll 1 • -

N . B.- I doa't lmJl'.)rt any Eutt>.ru work and palnl it off u my own make. but I manufacture r.ll goods In my own shop.

A ftl'!ll ewe Dair or worltlng boots made toorderlor •.•.•••••••••• •••••.••••••• . $G 00

WorklD1: shoes mad" At • • •• •• •••••• •••••• a 50

A IS'peclaltJ Made of Repairing.

Bcots half-aoled for 1!S eeats. Olve me ~call.

B. W. OSBOmtJOt.,


(Above Jlie1t ED gland Hotel.)


AT S.!;;V.l~ t, CLOOK, A. JII. . jy31tf

$777 Is not t asily earned in th<:& hard l ime;;. but It can be madel three months bv any one or elth

er ~:1:, ln any part or tb~ country, who wilt lng to work steadily at the "mployment tha we fnmlsh. SG6 per week In yonr own town You Deed not be awny from home over nlllht You can giTe your whole time to the wort, e oaly ,our Bo>D'O moments. We have agent 11·hcr aro ruakias over: ~lO,pcr dny . . II u, gage at once can make money rast .. pn!&ent time mcnev <'.ann ot be made 10 and rapidly "'tony otl1er business. It OO&t nothing to try thA bmines•. Terms ~nd f5 outfit frte. Addt'lls~ at ot.ce H. HALLETT&: Co., P o;'lbn<!, Mlllne. oelO-dw 6m


. , .

. . •

/ .'

\ I

Tas.l F.AMILY FLOUR City Tax Collector's Daerl!~!l ... EXTRA ~~""'"'•no L•ru ''l'S lob lllllll8 .& .& D t,o Bl D •••• .. •..•....••••••••.. .. •.•• 2 5I



•I•· loetlolativc A,..mbiJ' otwe TerritorJ or Wa•~· i.o~otl)r, .... r vYecl NC'vewber OLP, 181'5, I •1U ren au. puhdc o.uc too a\ tbe Coat' Boa~ to &be cJLJ of Soottle. tbe r.U eBIJft~ deocrilled lu &be follow· ifhi!C u~ • lOT tbf delh qtJeDL City !'ar~ for tlr.l~ ~e:r r 1871, uult-as lbe Fame be •ooner redf'emed by be ownt<tl or tbdr .. c~ot~. Tbe ult: wUJ com· -

.Jactuoo T...,s,J ''ill leU Lll Ul.,.!_aar.pl . . do lot• 23 I 11 ~4 ~'!." p• . .... 811 fJf

Xro•w.J •Ito I•• I :t 3' ~1111 Dri 1o BAD ~Iii Kelley lieo :01 8 bk 3 &Jl l 0..DDJ 1!1•.... 2 4!1

d• "::l.... .... .. .. .. ........ .... 1 sa Koos .Jobn D te> I 5 6 bt lJ3 Delay IO II A .b 9 Mi KaJcb& lOami, Ke•dlotr Geo E 1>& 5 bt 4 Eu 1 Oii

do ':6 ..••.. •••• 8 81 K~llb l &x erlot•l218bkl? tloly<aru 40 lli Larsen l.ctrb n b1 Jo~ 3 l:t 4!1 M:ll natd .••• tiO 011 L ·•c L BlotS I' IW•o .i K•>~g"t . .... • 91 Lylia C 1' lol !I ~k 14 Dena~ ,.,, . . . . . . • • •• 1 ti6




I . w. BUZBY, Proprietor. L oswell .J ClotS bk I4 E ~ei k K.,;g~;.. . .. !)~

do '7il............... .......... !).; Extra Family Flour, Grabam, Crneked Wheat, and Corn llleal ahvay L:logorber U U looto 2 3 bk 3 B3reo pt .•..• 13 95 ~ on hsnd. Oround Feed, Dr~n, t!horts , Middling~, and Chicken },'c.ed.

do '76.. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. • .. .. .. 13 9.; f O%l.~ J~pt>r!O!I lo1al :l hk 18 B;,') • ue.. 2 US L.lllg E F lui' o 6 ~ ~I< 43 T~:ry pt...... .. . 8 00

.!n~ con•lnae from day to d"y h•twePn th• l·ours J.uuu k P•t•r,on lnl! 1 (bk t' DeonF p: ... 8 45 \)i lll o'docl.': .1.. M. ~ntJ 5 o\:loek P. Y , unt.:J all L;mlslr=.Y Wm 1 nt bL:: Ctl uo • •• 1 8j

~ r.oode <!elivcred to any part or the city.


The Fear:ess Cllamjlion ot; Rig:;t, ::.nd l:n c:>m;J•:l:n:s!n~ Enemy of \\' ror.g.

>u rb r~al est.,e !U&II bnv.e ~>ten •o:d c,r ,,.ice of· y , 11 Is W ·oo lot 4 nt 49 ~(ayno•rl pt........ 4 U5 f' r?d for ~Mote. OEO. 11. lULl , \ IC'Ort' E lllD' U Uk 7:, D~nnv ut. • ... . .. . ... 1;, 5:

Tre-.lstr Pr Ktr.~ Count~· and Collector Dd ioq!leot ii<'Gotk e A U l 1l! 912 kGG U-=U!Jy p ..•. i 4:i C1ty TJ >c!. l!axwdl !I L 11oL in llao:orrts p' .... .. ... 1 41

:Same<. Dt!Scrlp:ioo. T:x. Mtukstad• !'red lo& li bk A 8Jh pr ... .. .. 7 28

10 ,.. M•d1ocks .t U:11 lots 3 4 IJ~ C Denov p .... 11 ';',;

A"no:d G:o ~~· 1 t k 87 n •r<" It ~ :U.>Qre c w lot. (j 7 lot t:l Roo·eo; pt ... .. Atlams Cr.r•t J 1' Jo.s 1 :l ~ 4 5 G 7 S b!< 35 do lo:a 7 10 bt 24 D, n0 y pL . .... . . !.'j 10

lLn n·11 d pi !l 9J ~>oro Is )larg:u e~ lois 2 3 nk 5! T-r y 1,,. .. Allert. li SloB!; G ~J,; r,; lo:.s 7 S b~ 3S :llay· .:o lots ll5 G S i>l< i4 D,no• pi 11 75

nard pT. 9

'I d · · 12 42 do '76 ... •.. .. ....• . •• .. . <r.. •• 7 7'J I A!JrJn•• Uobt e hllo~ r; h~ • ~aynor p:; :.131011• S..r:b E lot• 2 ~ bl< Cl 'l'errs ~• ... .

do s hr J,, t 6 II.; 9 c!o du Jot ti !,k 2(; Ilaufort! P:.... .. 3 19 tlo lot ~ hi; :2 D<noy J>t ~lcCa:tl oy J W Itt!. 1 bt 17 U 1..,.;q 1• .... .. 1ii Iii flo lot s 141Jk 25 do ';0 73 liunr••e \7 ·r IGts 7 S b1< 22 D to B .1: D 1 t . ~ !);;

Adonu .\ ll Ia's ~ 5 bk 1• .lllayn•,rd pt Melhoru Mr• J .u lots (j 7 1,1,; llO B ueu• 1.t .. ii l:i d> a!lbk23 •lo .\lcL"IIau J•s M lots 14bk 6;'l'<tlys pt .• a.• lot• I 2 7!! l•k 21 ll> du lot 5 na 8 B lb pi ....... tlo loh 1 2 3 4 nk 2a do do lu1 4 t:k ~~~ do . .. .. .. . 5 15 tl• to11 56 bk 00 do Mr Donald D lot I> bl< Ofi lleon• pt........ 1 SO do lots 3 6 ~k 31 do YcL ·10 tnd Tboslot• 12 4 7 S !I 2u 24 27

Pos•.tive in E\•erything. uo lots~ti7Shk~4 •I~ s~~~ "'-c~ao~bui:x .. .. .. .................. 2 75 All•n R S 1 t 7 ht 4 E.atkrc pt "' )lcLera•nJ Tb•ll '7•;....... ... ... .. • . ... :! 95

d& 'o6 do do 1 19 Me:r} man .J c; lot • 3 4 ok 1 lleoov ot...... 5 :.!5 A~drews Urtt P •ter lot 5 bk 25 Centl'lll pt ~ 89 McOarvo r Mary Ann lot• G 7 lok 66 Tony 0 Aode,.oa Hn Ele>t• 4 5 bk 3J &reo ut lil 65 d·• 1111 2 -{)k 25 I) 1o c .t 11 5 1~ Allen C N '7G ICI(s 11120 ::n 22 McN:.ugllt ~t 3 3~ McNoal Geo W lot 8 t>k 10 ~hyl131'J r•t .. . .• Bowen Chas 1 lot ia Denny at 6 ~~ do lot• 1 7 S bi< 1S do Bronn A J lots 2 3 6 It F Dtoay pt 19 95 Uo lot 6 ~k 4 I:ttl• p : .. ...... Busb .Jr.• lot ~ bt 13 Eastern p& 5 ;!\! do loti 5 ,; l•k 9 do NEVF.t: XiW rRAL !

Bu ler Hlolory lou 6 7 bk f ll<>ren p: do lot 4 1 k 2S do olo 101& 58 bt !!7 Boren ~t G2 62 <lo lOt.! 7 Sbk 2\1 do •••••• 21 43

HUCH McALEER & co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in'


Iron and Cranite . Ironware, Wood and .Willow-ware.

I do '7ti lot • ~k 13 do 1 19 ua lh 5 G bl< 15 do

;;uck & Pope lot. 3 bk 'Eaotern Jtt l U ~I on ia r C l?tr 1 2 bk M Abynnrfl I•' •• . , , ~ 41

I ndgbt J <sse D ro:s t ~ 7 8kk 25 !!tlaynarJ P ~tclio<~olclt: IV I~• 11 He;ro ~ Au...... .. 1 81 Particular Attentlcn Paid to Ceneral Jobblna and y 1·n RoofinC

d> :>II bk 26 do \h,.; e ee lJ <o 0 lu• 5 I k 4 J::n ••~ru pt... .. 9~

Suhscr·lptl'on Reduc· P.,d t" . $2 I ,d,ao •,'o't,• • .,2_ ~a.17btbt··~O ~o" ~rcc.lli~: .. c""' I"'• 71G 11 "k uo i).:n n•·. 17 oo _ 6.1 '"' ...., u )hr~t:."- 'iO ltsl 21JLL :!5-\ AD lo 8 &"JJ 2 51 <!o •• ,. :H 56 bt ., do "2-i "s-l' MH.Y li"'" A '7G 'otG ~k l ut o~ouy Pt...... l w uo '76 :11 ·L• ug!J lln E '76 lot 1 1tk Gl Rc, rco pt.. .. . 7 a5

Bmin:_;! A A to\ 1 bk 18 4o 3JcC,m:JIJa t~ N '70 1111 6 bkt~ E· nion vt .. .. do l•ots 2 • !>lo; U d? do loll 15 loi< 3 Judkins tO:.. . . S !ll do lot 5 lit 10 •·o 1

1:; ~ Mar,lmll J •ho II lvt 1 blo: 9 llono Jit .... .. . 2;; 23

Crgiven F. lot f ~k 2\IBein of SA ll~ll pt "' Molson ,, W • II bk 61 Te~r_v ot. ......... .. u:u,~o A It X lot 5 bk 4 Jndklno p<

1 -,1

do lull 1 2 9 lU bk 9l'lumwer p: .. d<:f lot 4 bk 11 do <Ia Jo:.s :J o( b~ 8 Jaoktcs "' .... ..

llurk e\' J no Uei11 u<l hf oCbks 3!l U Ward uo !o • 5 S ht 59Teor.< pt ...... .. · d' do bits Ill 10 do •io lo; S b~ G!J do .. .. .. .. 26 28

. ?::!: YiUR~PAYADLE !X AD\" AXCE."

do o·o lob 12 16 181!1 tlo S 1 ~ MoCal!i ter J 8 tots 11111 bk 19 Denny p .. The D~SPATCll lo n ow con.!n•:te.! by four ReckWm n 1•1 of 1ol6 ~t40 M••nnl"' pt. 1 ;JI do lnL 912,t 5l do .. I S 4S

J:-r~c~icsl prin:t-rs And e..xpeciencecl eel ito:-~ und J Bud:an:'ln D M of lot 1~ bk 28 llell 4: lkny : ~ NebC\:l AJ S fots 2 3 bk V9 Terry pt.. .. .. . . . . :.! 9.; r.rown \V P 2X ac• ln Ed.,1 A: ¥oigb . a. l't '"' d11 "76 • •• . . . . • ...... •. • •• • . • • . . •• ;! 51

publi:J..ters. wh'l arc d~!et'minell to make it the lligt-lo~ U A lot 11 bk 22 Deonv pL ~. 03

~c!son Alhe'J I t);~ 1 2 bk !S ·ten.-; pl.... . . ~ !}5 · do w bf or lol2 tk 'Jl Bo··~n rt do ·~G . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 51

bf>! t ::s ·•rell as the cher.pcst t:cwspape.!' in Drn.1ke :El'z:ab~'b .t Anctrcw lvls G 7 bl.;. 51 Xorr;s Thf'l!llut 12 u of s A !Jcil. .. .. . . • . . . :! ti' Terr7 pt 7 91 ,x,•rd • J W< lt1 or lot 11 rio .. ....... .. . 1 ~ ~ 'Wa£hington Territory. It gives a larger :1ruou nt

and greater vnriE!y of origin• I r eading matter Ilro• o Beriah oil bk HE~ ... & Knl~uts plat N<l,ou J .II h •oc ~ tp ~·I n rg ~ e, 5 acrs ... 1:i Sa

do )')t.:; 2 3 iLk. !kJ Tt"r ry pt t~Jcl.:. :-cJ 1 Ot'o w hf 101~ i l 8 •·k :l! Udi IJL 7 W uo all bk 6:1 r.o ~I ~2 I' '~' "'· C C • ur lot 3ltt ~I T-. ry J pt 1n 0~

ihan ar:y other p•per uow 1 ubl:snc:l in the !l:own Amos lnt15 6 s l•k 13 p oren t>t Pir!tt .i 11onlhoro, IOl ~ k II ~f lot a tk M do oX o : lnt 6 bk C Der.a.v p; 4!l :;.; 1' ~1n a I p · 5~ vo

•t erritory, n:tJ further im?ron:n:.<.:nts wi ll be na:fev • .\ s '76ln\! 5 8 I k 70 Terry f)t. 2 !).) PrtnlrH!!t". p J 1J!6 0 ~113 & !t :J!; 49 Me· I; , J ~ ·sF 'iG lot 4 bk 51 Denny p~ S L9 ,, !...,q t 1 21

I BrouHette ''i61ot 3 nt.: 2!l c!o 7 ~!) Pi!•~r .-\ W tott l :! tt.t 1:! t~!~ 11 P l,)u:!us pt 4 'i'i Cunoingu•m Mai'IC•Iot S bk ~ t:eno.~ p~ 5 15 1'1.tte, .\~o· · It lo:• 1 I.~ bo-1 J~o~~.u. vt 1 al Cunoiogbam .lobo lds 2 3 t..k GS Telry s :!1 d'l (lS'iG) U v lll) u oa I Ct~!On B! 'bf or !.>t ... n ll f o! lot 5 . k ~- inter. \V u lul a bt. OO Tcr ry Jtl. 1 t)j

I 1:; !loren; 4!;x60 It e en•l of loL S l>L: 7 tlo (ld'i6) ,;o u" 1 t;3 ~Ja\'lr.ud 2:3 2i Pe:-id o~. Cha.:'l l·lt S bi.:: 9 E. !:trn pt 1 0-l

('omsi: ck J Jot 10 bk 49 Me Ale-• p: <lo ( IS7tl) d • do !If> do lot 2 t•lt a2 to 21 Prl'!tOO, C II lot... S 9 .t 12 i>< ;r. D .t D pi 1:! 85

E y :Ua'.l, 1 copy per yeo~, p: s t,.:;e p1i 1 t: 2.0u I Claoc v T uo• lots 56 7 S 9 bk 6 U or S A R l l'•t:erson, W lllo:. 2 8 .i ~ seo: 3 1p 2 1 :. rg .,~, , .. ..,q , ,. .. ·do lotai81k. 9 uo ..f c; ! brorne {t - of H!" ·1 Tp ::-t n lg4e 1!) ~·& "'- "'"- u 10.f·O ~" total~hk4 Bo!l•11t Patle••on, ·w ll ( :,;c) B:,· lJa.il, 1:? ., ~O.OO


0 11o0tt s1._bk1:,~81ce~lt.r1~1 pt l-'a:!~, J U lut .i 1,1;,;- -49 10: 6 h\; 51 Ho 'lt'~telU 1 21

• " l• ·w~: tl.-1ot:-7&Sok;.!OO ioU&Upt :l9,) I:y 1\lail , ~0 " 3~ 00 do l!s 1 2 & n hC lol 3 blo: 1:; M.l vn P .pe, l:i D lnt !I • k 4 lo1 4 bk 15 1-...s.rrn pt 1 Il l

do lola S 4 i\ G hk S3 do s:; OS t:o (11·76) d.t do d 1 v3

m ::.de a...' its cir~uhtiou inr :\: .. ::scF. .

-- TERl!:l: --

c~,-ac~t~gb ~~ L lot. 7 ht 2 D.;!nnv pt Pt· .. rv, Caleb w bf Job ~ ~ 3 b~ 7-: lor 1 hk 2U 95 ao Iitts 12 bk 4 Uc!'i ··ul bt 3d tii f erry pt 10 i!l d o ltotsl2G8blc9 uo ro:t<: . JJft ( l !r.C) Io ·t 11•:<5 JucklD• r~ \lj do l·' f! ] 2 7 Shlr 10 d(\ I Q~tml.ly , r.~ p w :&li Lit: ti Easu~; o lJt 2 w co lot• 6 7 ht 5 lllc~a ·~bt d o (!t;;G) d.t ,,, · 2 !lj

I do Jot 7 hk 67 Teary ~J 2) ;;; Roltlns .. n, 'IV W lo!s 5 & G I ~ ~ De::n;; p: 8 H

'Will be furni :ihe l to fU"J .;c:-iO"r .; o f tlle !JJS ClVm~~!, SF loti 1&: 4 nk 6 Dt-on.v J•t. . • •• . It 4~ Ro.:s, J •ha lot. 5 t k 12 ilo1 t:'ll lJt. l J (ii Cbarlt:swurtb. Geo ~~ IC!I ia D .!D1 •• V tin ct. G 00 ll1.ndolpb, s p Jot l Uk m tlo ! :; 3.1

rATe;; at $1.00 a year. Curlis .J F toto 3l 4 bk 8 Bell pt. ....... . o; ;,.; 1\u;s•ll. Rob•rt lu:s 1 & ~ bl; 2-1 D,"·· n pi , t iltmg~ 8 E lou 6 &: 6 "'k C dn • • •• • • • . 5 15 l'lt 7 bk 14 f.:.. ! lern p t. 3; 9.:

17' Al.,DRESS, Cdcb•o'n. Nellie M lot> G l7 bk 86 8 re• pt Ro~bins. L M to llen o.v pt II S5 lol Bitt 44 Boren pt. .......... .. ... .... S 45 l:u;.-ll. b W In" 2 .i 3t>• 3~ 0 o:·m I'' ~I ~~

'PUCI::T SO·~P~!l DISPATCH," Ca•d,..eti,ECehflo•3bll:51udlo:iuol•t . .. lt>5 Ruon•li•.T.rns tor~ .JJ 18 ~1

Tha North-Pa.c:fic Rural

Promptly. nntl Sati8factoriy filled.

seplO Commercial Street. Seattle.


The Most Wonderful Discovery of the lgE.

The World moves, ·and unless we Pro~ess we m::lllt 2:" Eac.k ward. N cthing remains StationarJ.

In offering t~is medicine it ia not lntendPd to deceive tht> people 1\S n curoo, for _cvE'r~ complluut on eartb; bu: a roallyscientilic article of tiJe greate~t merit, wb1~h will prove a boon to su!f~rmg hnmanity- bot_h ~n accoull t of jtq adapt a~1h~y to both man and bea1t, tts teadtness of apphcatlon, aud tho; prk~ lwwg wllhlD the reach of all. It will nctuully cure

llhenuudi~m, Lanaent"f!ls, Nearaf&ia Swell in~ Coutt•act.ed Corrh,G:.at.

Contracted M:nselet!l, Cots; Stiff' .Jojnt.c, Sores. Sure 'rhroat. 6praial!l, J .amr. Back.

Brni!iles. Diarrhrea. Cramps. Hentlaehe. Colic . .t~aeeache

Burn and Scalds, Esracha, !nflammation of the Kidneys,

do 118'iC) do dt• d·> . ' ~~; Hunnell• , u n lot 2 b:. !I ~0 1~ 6:; A d 11 N d I fl C!nrk, HeorfiOI! 7l s b~ 5J lllayaard pt.. !l :',.'i ilt•n.tall' E G lutsl ol: ~ •·k cO-il ;).! p! 7 a.; n a. ervous ar:~ n ammatory Aches and Pa:ns. CraU0!"7 Mta !! hrto&. 4 hk a a .. n pt.. . . • 1 ss UoiJh in", It th A lots~ li 7 & s bt. :!J u I • t•n 2S ~5 Se3~t!e, \\'. i'. Collin•, jnh" k C' IJ'S1 2 3l4 lk 1 ll>· d" (1876) do -do W 03

I ren pt. bolancetn: ........... ....... .. 1 !6 OS l:obcr • · J oun Clot G bk 1~ MaynarJ I>t :} ~!1

OrFICIAL DIRECTORY. comp 00 L I' lot 1 bk .'>1 Bono11 P· .... .. .. 4 Sl do (l!r.O) do ao un 3 &0 KING COU.N'rY. Campbell', Ca•hedoe lnt 3 bk vl T•rr.r pt.. 1 :>; Rolteot<, )IMith:t A lot 3 bk ~5 ~,a_vnru·<l pt 1 59

D". Stet!~. " 'ho ha• for Tears ~n In the Proprintary ~Iedicine hnsiness. and wh o h•s ~Is'. t• .J m vao·wn" pllrts of the world 10 searah of Information, hu gre:>t conllden cA in the Ell H>l g~:~~;~ a~ tbu .. Nu .Pins Ultra" of safe. sure and reliable rtllledies for e:cnera.J use a~:; a F~ily

J . R. L~HS .. ......... Jutlge o! DlstrictComl Co:~i o•. J nbn toto 1 ol: 2 ltt ~ ll.>r.o> ~:. lot 6 , .• !t~:J,iu.'o",• R<~el ~ ~"~t 'l lct tJ -"•""'.~ ~ ! .i k ~HUil EO~ liE p b t J d·• I bi< ~8 Maynar·l .. t ... . .... .......... .. .. ·G r . - • • n JK I' · lo .. v to 10 b• --_1•·• ~to l U _ . · " ; · · ··· ····· ······ · ro a e u .oE Cbeas:v EL1ot5bt17D oo•r•t ...... . . 9 5·, lJk";,lot341oUfJLo: l :J.alltu " a_rd ut. S·t 'i 1-E'\"t~S v. '\'Yl.i.KOFF ..•.•• ••··· • .•••• •• Sb~rlft I CbaCl•~e;HJX., E32!:6U rt lot 8 hk 15 )!Kynard 9 11 R··t 3fl :. ,.. II T ~ ln!E 2 ~ · .: hk ;.,:,! n )ren 2-1 ij ; ~· S. ~OOTH •· ••· •··• ·· · • · ·· .. . .. .. A~d.it~r Cb~all.l !' . (.;1m~r (1816) lot 8 t,t 15 •:o,eo fJt. 5 ::g 1::a . I'IJII!i ,. (IS~U) lo·s 1 :2 3 4 nk T~ ~J a:t"n S ti7 ~- D.,HILL. : • · •• •• · ... · ! • ••• • • • • • • •• T~rc·U:~1~r D~ nn ..-, J .1tn W lots S 1;9 & l'l l!k: 65 D~nny 18 01 tton~rr~. WM!r,m:;:oJ A ••·ta iJk ·13 ~la.~t·na1 d 1 ti~ ,~. L. :r~OS.~E; .. · •• • · ·· ··········• .. Sune.}Or Dam(~lJ J F io ,.5&8hk 23 8 1'\ren ut . .. .. 1:! 51 8<-iHLc'b· Yaril~ 1 ..~:. 4 IJk :, C niLII pr, 1.1 of

Pro,·!de yonr•c!f wD)• a bottle without dol~y, an you will always keep it In tbo farni1y an( 'S:w e mon~·~-. J).Jn t h• •tt off w1th some other prPpnr-.&tJon. Tu.ke only :3TEELE"e P.uN ERADr· CATOJ:. " c r ,nu p;Otlncc tl~ot!sands of testimonials aH to Uae cures m:ldc: bu~ a tri4t will provP. tu tbe mo•~ s~epttc.o 1 that >t ts tmly on Erndi<::>tcr o Pllin•. Aches nnd Intlamma:ions. It b•s been . :mt1 1s now .. eon~h!.n.t l.r u~~tl by bnrso.men u a Liniment, and has sn·ed moreval n;,bJe property nf !hot kuad tllon sny ot~er preprar~tion. Tul<et' pnins to see that von get the genuin •

Pu t up in !a~:;~ bot~lts, and for .rue by druggists an d ile!!lera. If yon hop ,.., n tn t.. in a 1::,: V • H . SUQ_~Dl: · · · .. • • · • · · • • · • · ·•••· .. \~!lessor na·.~i!ll , i cta & J..,co~o lor G bk 11 B..,re!l pt. . .. : ; G :J I lo· ~ .r n bt lor. 3 blo; M 'l' r rx 0 1 !Jl. :15 !l7

G£0. A. ''..t.ED .... • • • · ·• •• •• · • • .. l;oroner D.1t"!Uson &: J -nes . 10 au in Deuuy Co d. .. G 1.5 N'b:n• 'f! 1:. Utown. lo: 4 I k: i) U1t cn pt w Uf ':ahty . wbt·r o ~TEELE s PA.!S ERADIC.\Ton cnnuet be obt.aiu&l. eeud to t J 1 , 1 b t wholesale? urng:;:.s t, or to 1h~ Agt nts,

CiTY GF SEA. TTLE. do (1<H0) on ... 5 1;, 01 :~· .. I ol: ~ hk SO :U •••uao rl pt ~ 24 n;; G . A. WEED •. .. . •. •. ••••• •. •••. . .•. • .... ~ .. y()r Dou"'be t t .,. !\tarv lot !2 hk lti )iaynl\rd p• . .. I ;"! G::! .:!.LR!o• d. )I S 1 ) ; -4 Ha 2 E 1.3ff'r n vt ! -~ lJ. 'l'. " 'aEEL.Eu .... . ........ .... . . ...... Clt!rk D.du0~1 c·a~s lo; a Lk 00 'D: r ry p:.. . ... .. . .. .J, W ~w!t.tJ, [ V l··t!l ;.t: !J "" 5 d•, 1 ::1 J .. J . licG:u..yra .. ... . ...... . ... . . Cit:.· Atto rney , Do!an.'J:uue· ~ b f l.lt 4 IJk 8 Uell ~ UetHI'' ·• !) "tjl) ~urbcr. \\' II 'ol. 7 I k 2.> ];~I t & llt.nuy p~

ORANE & BRIGHAM, Wholesale DRUGGISTS. H. W. r..o,\"'..A..,"D ..... . .. ... ... . _ .•••• . Trt•!l,.:nrcr lJ\•C: G r .. c '! \" tot ~ 4 5 C A: 7 bk: ti .\lc XaugLl •\lt ~ b:. ).; IJ.:.un,· Tit ;~7 !ll E. A. TiiOn!:DYKE. ::U:ar.•ht:! U!Hl <.:hi~;:[ or P viit:.e .P'

1n t-.f lo::; Lk 6 u~nlJ_\' ut . .. ..... . ... 1.-! ;!1 .5tO!J(\ c 1' Od ti ,,; -: bk j Tn :~::1;:: p' 1 ~.:

Cl'IYCOU~ClL:\1£:,:: Oc n ;l \' S'll1Tt': lui.,! ~ 2&: ~ 1Jk(jll)t!nn_v. 11 ;.0 S;orruu· , \'uu ~ l{.tt l ·.!h::ti J l) ·;•• -y :·' 1 ~ 1:2:!, 324 a!lc1 3:?G F1·ont Street, San F-mlicisco, CaL

Bail~y Gatzer t , Ben l h t rphy . A. A. Denny, ~ D.:v()~,1 Tho~ J l iol~ 7 &: s l ·k 0 l!t"a :J'' l•lt s . .r ltt~. u ,\ iOL"' : ·.: 7 & ~ I. k ·i!l ,\j ~ .\'11:1.1 d 4 (J."l i:tzt r~·· Goeurge W. Hall , A. \V. I•i (1cr, 1 r:u U. 5 t,; 6. lo ; 1, lots 2 & a :t il; lt) 3 \'3 in :\lt1,\·· ... _ ~w ~wb•.~ry \ On:•s :c..' ;_'.!;,_ j uk ~. " -, ,.,! i ='.\ Jr.. :! UJ 'lln.thlas. n ::m.l dn cl .... . ..... . . .. . ... ... ........ 2 ... s;) ~wx lLtt li ~J~l •!t· ll , Su l· .. l ~ l ·.:,·u t,l.!~ 1 Ul

t; rice $I Per Largo Oo;tle. ::a, Bott!~>s for SS.

hl. K i':LLY & CO., Seattle, W. •r., J obbing A~nts for the Sounl1 ports. T ERl\13 OF HOT~DIXG t:O t;l!T. Dawson. J oLn to ( U:fili) lut s :i .. (: ~ k ~:J Bu· S un!J. 'j'lulntas iu .hiU I~tl l'• p t ::1 0: · f'U1~nt:lrE coc r:-.r. · rc::1 pt .. ..... ..... . . . . ... .. .... ..... !2 1!: S.:lfl.-11. F··aok I·Jt 10 11..,. 3; U·~ :l !''· 7 :J·!

At o .. !ympia. t !J.CJ ~econd ~[ouUay in July. I E·.ou!' l'.· • tl\' lnl<l D e h: .In• ,; l·k 7 Bore::! f)~ ... 12 la ~· "' !? .. , !?eG l o~ !! L:: ~J. jlasu;.: d :1:. :l -.1 D I STB.!CT coUI:T. "l'HU.O IJ!:-':'1:..!(.7. t.:uscic ;: .l:! lo t :; t & 3l..k T.:i D .::uo.r pt. Jot U :'! 'lt D . ~ !I 11 ~ 1 13 !u{ ;H U "'II G\" p :, S ~·~

S~e:.lncovm-Second Monl!~y of Jnnuur· anU Bk A . D.!ll & :>~ouv nt. .. . . ••... . . .. .. • l :J :;t raomas. J "' l t ·h :! .\: i1 d~ ... 0 1'. r ' .r , ~ 11 ;t; t:tr t ;.~ont!a.y in .l n e.u s r. .J E mmer5 .. 0 . p ..,t, ' f'lt :t::! & ~ 1 k 01 D:::uny Jlt •• 11 -;~ · 'l'nu: :ll alir. lub i & t1 11:o i :.! • :t.Fl 't " li r t 7 ~.;

Seattle- 'f'otnth )IonG.ay or J:m u. !'y and third !:!.s r,e~·, \\' 'V lo t 7 Uk 1;. H~l l pt. . .... . ..... J ::.; ·r uomj3, ~ C lots 7 & '"" "!..: 1 ! l l of ::! .\ B ;tt 7 t rv · irt. C"'f nn on!Pr of snl, i~~ue:J ~mt o~ tl1e l!onday o f August. d fl (lSifi) do d o • •• ••..... . . 1 ._;~ TJ. v i~! .. Jbns I•K 1 l !: .J.::! tJ o.: lll \ f· :O :3 -w D l:;tdcl t. '.lUI'f or the T nild J .li1cia t .n ,s:ricl or

Port Too\-nsenrl- Fourt h :Mn:wl:ty of Ft bru. Ede;, R oc.'a A a! I t f bk3 4 j T 10 1~ 11 20 :.! l Unkcown. all of l:~ ~ti, In';; 3 .~ ! r.t ::;..;, !o: ::; I \V.1~hi<h. t..~c T rr11 r.\·, h 1idm~ !c:rnu at t he Cuy sey :!llfl second !\fo u da.y of Sept4:·rnbc.r , 2-1 :l5 28 A: 2!1, lot~ 4 .:. 6-; S &:; !) ~k 1~. lot;; ~ 1 :! 5 & 0 1 1~ ;';1 a !I ; :.. :'·! · .. ' 11;11'd pl JG l;j o.r C.:catne, io !~ ! tJf:' ~ ... oa?t_,., t'Jn the 15th d a.v ,.of

enohomiili City- ThirJ 'l'ucsday or lfsrc p 9 iO 1112 13 IL 1111k t•, :til 10 F.~ Its & '.,_~u J:?-.~r~n, C :ll ll,_., :. 1 6:;!, t...l>: ti u .. n ' Y p~ :! 93 b.:\.11 ua. , .• A. D .. 1$ ,::;. ;n t ht> ~!lc u uru ~ r ~t, 2nd t!J.jrd 'l'uesd:n · of Nov.::!1lhcrof e!u:b .Year, K ig hL'! ' 1lt •.... . . . ..... . . .• · · · · . . .. W G: ''.!lug:•, f.a~ H lut ~ bk 4:-1 'j .;7 \7 · ert>lo J :J1T!t.S Cr:~,~·rom and \tm. ·'.· 1J J rrm~:ou,

E ie-s Rblld:! A {l S.'7G) .... . .... .. ... . . . . . 2;; w \\ liSO ~, 1110~ lot l L v~ :o If of !E An rt. 11 j;j p.:r::J er~, d·H n l! UU'Pte5S undPr rlu linn Oa'.lJ~ 0 ( E 'es' & Kui"'ltt lot 2 .\: p.art Jt 2 St'C a~ tp 2-J. Whit~. '" i-1 1ut.l l,..l &j T~rn !H. :! l 'j l:r ·~ .. O. d .t: llarr· o~ton, ~ re p!ain:irr~. and T;HH!I•

Ex. E •••• • ~... .. . . .... .. . .. .. • ~ if1 Uo (1 7U) l , (l oiU ~li ~ IJ'j .J Ja(_9f'!<!•Hl a1lri t..I!Z I .T:!ck:!O:l, nis wiitt, Wm. ~o:de3 k Kni!l ~t '76 !!~tlllc. .... . . •. • • •. . • • . . 2 IJi \\~ebsler, U li tot :! IJk 7 lklren p: 11 ·i · U tU:)tor. • • Jarm.:s S~!ot t &nd Amlt·ew Moore a.:-e rle· Fox Wm lot. -1 tuc ~9 Ut·!l & D .. mu.v J.Jt .. •• • 3 51 'lVbile, ll A in ~~c ;,s;j t; 1 :!:. rg ·1 t: hi !~ ac"' ::; l .J 1 t· 1 ·d:a "'l:~. r n'liillnt. .. :l wi·h ca£es numhc1ed 17J. to""~ny E p Joi s 14 5 S t k 45 '1'~ 1·y pt...... 5 15 _ clo (18~ 1}) • • t!o du 4 '2"i ~h) & ~~1: ?" a_judg•neat a !Jd ,Je~rce there.in ren-

do '7G s..rmr- . . . . . . .. • • . .. .. .. .. 4 :n W~edln. n L let G 11,..:: GO 0~ n'• p~.o •! til u cr ... t 1:'1 ~ u.t t our t on t il~ 15tb tb.v of Fenrua1y, Frat!k c Otl.i !man 30x6J ft ol H 8 l·k 15 May S 6i '' )'ckolf L V o l1 1 ~.-i:. JU:.JU it u! ~ llf lot ! bk .\ . JJ • 1818, no!} to me oirect ed. comma ndin!! me Gr.ffi! l.J Ja~ lot (; hit ~1 DPnny pt . .. . ...... 7 blat,\'Uald IJt 1.0 llll. k ':! ~H i e or tbe propertt' m ·n tloned und de·

do tot 1 Lk lG :'lla vn., n l Dl.. .. .. . • 32 ; 'j Wyckoff L 'i iots 1 4 3 h!i" 3 B"'r en p:. 12! :,2 !o=C ih.!d In s a ·o deer~~:: :o !at1s1y tbe rot low in~ Gut;t-nhar•• Foa.ok lo: -. 14 1,k 11 Uareu p1.. ' Vc&. UU005!' & Co ll't ·1 h k lt) DJ:&,ruanl p '· h~1 j n lgtn\!lltS, t • · .\' ':

;]; lot 2 ltlt; J Jut k ius pt... . 57~ ~k t;4 MrN JU!.!'Uts pt; l· 8 bk ti1 't:e.1 S.J :.;.3 lo' • r~t .iu .'g tnrnt Jn ca:1e N ?. 3G4, far the ~um or do Jot 8 , k 5 tlo . •.• 2:; 3'J \Viltiam .. on M.&r.v J 1.-,: li hii l 'i D~u uy I>t. ~ ;;._t S;J.~~~~ go:tl r:uiu . wiLI.J i ntf'tt-st nt.onC" ;tDd O"~·

Gu.re F l1 D'tf q r 101 8 i·k 10 Ma.tn :u·d p... . W u iU: Bl r 10. Hi 1U'.'N ltl:;;,p t:;x. b9 ~MI! pn ;e:t~r IUODlit_, fr\lm i'·e!Jrua ry 15111, 187~, do .. bt It I & n ~' .L 2 Lo . . . . \\' d ··b Ja:t 10'. a IJ!c ti .! l>e Hlp pr. until patJ, t og.::the:- WI! b. tbt Stlt!J o t th ree per do 0 ~ r )"'I 2 Lk 7 t.lo do lota 'l :1 t k. ll li'!'l pt s 45 Ct'U t . 0 11 Ll e amount rt'cover·.d a s attoroev r~es do lot!- 2 a & D hf lot G bl: 5 Dean.Y . . IeoO!O Wadden r.t . .u~t J lot 8 •·k 40 Ma.vnarJ pt ·1 U5 lo.r pla intHl"i .. :t.orney!l, and. forec;sts ot Cou rt,

GodJre• Wm·luts 2 a l·k 30 B-lleo·.. . . . . . . . ll :;(; 'Veth llr tud lo~~ ~:} 4 .j l•k 5 ~c~au,..tit pt wa;b accru!ni ~od lnt:l't'ai'!d cos !s. Godkin O&to ;, to til ! 11k 27 H of l! A ll.. .. du lo• 3 hk 4J l laynard 111 ° ~ 'W 'ecood juclg•oenr. for b:>bocc rrmaialag uue

LA RGELY STOCKt:D THE PRESE:JT SE.I.ii'ON do lot• 5 8 bk fGTerry ot. ...... 8 00 Wee:iln Anna M '71i Ia :• 5 i :l il~ I U2 Deny :J 3& !be ""idplnln•·lT• on. l~e decree or •!>I• Coao·t Grant J ob" lot 7 i 1.:: iS D ao 1: &: D Pt..... . 1 85 \ e:slt-r B L pan duct, H4 :t.ci'; Jot 1 s~:c ;; to 10 cousolltfa terl ca::e ; N.>!t. 171, 29.1• i97. amcu ::n.·

Willi EVEI:.Yrtli!SG I S TilE d? 'i6.. .... .... . .. . ....... ..... .. 1 6:! 2~ r 4e. l01•:; 4 ; ec31 tJt 2;; r.r 4 e, 5!acs ing to tS,';lJI.6i. gold coin or the Uolted ;t1ates, GreJ L sIn ti :J. I I;: 2~ ll :ll ))t . . . . . . .... • • 2 ~J lot 1 8; }I uf IOL j bk l ; •. )t 7 k tJe q r or w; ;b iu er~t lro:u .. ehrua ry 15t.b. 187'1::5. at tbt

do ~6. .... . ... . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . ... 2 5, tot l 1Jk _?; lo.il ~ :!, «. w ht lots '; S bk 9; r!lte or one aod on<.·balr per ceor. ~r_,!.••onth , un· Go'ldmooson 0 Jo\ 11 bk %ll 8.:1 pt.. .... . 1 H.> lot• 1 2 1 S !lk ~a ~••.vna1~ pt; s sioe Mill lli Jtl l<l, lo~etbenr!lb t t.e som nl $ 1~ t.91 lor In· f-4yde lbrv s :ot•l 4 bk 26 Bort'D p L . ••••• 2!) ~ sr W~l!t; I\litl ''''"'lots 1 :.! 7 ~a: pa1 t. IOLi suranct' aod taxes pu.id by ~aid plaintitr' in ac-Hy~e D N lot 7 bk 8 d~ .... .. 4 5 bk t, lots 7 J t! & r,ntlou 2 4 u bk J;! cord.ooce witb tbe de~rce therein, wl&b accruiny

Jo lot a 6 bk IG Thmny pt.. .... . . . IOl! 2 3 tolo; 83; lo• s blk 6,;; M blk 43 aod iocrcaoed costll. do ] Cit ! 1~ bkG .lud,inl •.•• •• •• •.. 17 98 h ·•reoa 1•1; C..:?uut,\ ' UuUJE!!; I rut ok; 41 ti:! · I baYe l~l"led uJ)nn lbe property de!cr~bed lo

Ulllll A loll 10 11 bk 26 llonoY...... .. . .. . IS 59 liS 1>1; lo:o 4 5 S bk d.'i Terry pt; areal Lk said decree Ia case No. 3M, t"'"'i : All or Ms lwo Hanford E Iota 3 4 56 hk 31 B>r<D pt. .... . 29 79 B:llloreo p: ; ~I til propaty U3I !J I (2) and tbtc~ (3) ;n blJ•·k numloered lwenty. rour Ha lpin M B lo~ I hk a l McAI.,.r pt... . .. .. .-.. 124) In tbal ~arl nf th City of S• •tlle hoid .. n· and

do lot Utk 32 do .. .. .. .. I 21 - ----- platted by A. A. lleun.r, and known os A. A Den· S!IRUBl!, ROSES, BULUS-- . H•ya Joh~ 101 2 bk ~~ Bol'1!o pt .. .. .. .. ... 1 85 fi~ET THE . nv's Auditloa tn So1tlle, t ngetbe" \\'ll lr;;: and • In·

UARDI':."' !>EEDl!, ETC., ETC.- I:Iowlbo•aeL>DII'l lola U 12bt :Y.! ... .. ... . I 21 llli BEST' sui r lbe I n=n•ts. Lere<!itamen" and appur· Dill W Lair lot I bt 5 }All era pt .. . . . . . . . . I 10 • t o•naoces tbereuoto b~I~Dh'lo;r. iu K!<g county,

do '765&roe ••• • • ••• • • ; . .. . . ...... 99 1 \VasbtD~tou Ter~tory. . u,.., .. ,d !'o lot 3 bk 18 LllO B • D. ......... I g.; - J'Kt: . And DOW, by vartue ~r •••d dec,..,. and orde• or ~ , s tfe. on \londay. the 7' 11 d!!.y of Avril, A. D., 1878.

HYYe.v Uri c ,t .. IG "" 3 n,.;. pt. .. . .... .. 2 u at the hour or 1~ A II .. in front of t ;,e Coutl do 76 oame .... . .. : ........... ftlil New Hamp h' Ch Hou;edooriQ S3idCI·yofSe .. ttle, lwl't <ell t the

HAll J obo Elots1 2 3 I>~ 6 ~.cNat•g" p.... 2 95 s Ire urn hl!fh~st b!dder tberPior, lor ra•h . goid- Cll;, at llawle:o- J Mepb lot4 1,k8 B• lli.Jr oor p .. 4 61 .,abl:c aucnoo. all the ri~;h•, tiLie. lnter•st lind

§lU.'!i.'iW's Sale.

Kelsey's Nurseries






c;w- S.e!:!d tor <'ata10;..""Ues, Free.

tlec1!1dw3:n 'IV. F. KELSEY, Proprlelor.

Sheri fl., .s ~ate. Dy vir~n~ of :1 Oecr,::.e :mtl orcler o~ s ulc ia­

Sttl.'<l c ut or the l Ji.-trk r Cou rt lor t b c 'rhir'n Ju<J t~!al Distric t of v;·aE.bi:1gf:ou 'l 'Prr !tory. holdlD!! t::rms at . Sco.ttl,;~, in 1\iog count,·, f•Jl' the. counlles of .Ring ~ nd lUt s1p . in l lu: civil M!t ton of Joh..."'l. T . :-i:t(·wart. p laiutiff ;t(9n:nst .John J. Soerly, dcfead:~ut, rtuly att~~;d tLe 20:.b d~y or 1-"'..,br-aary, A . D . 1878,lla:n ·f1U"·it>ll u pon the foltowing l:t.ncl :md }Jremi.scs. situa­t t!l in. thu conn'y of ~tnu i ta s:aid T erritory or \\ us luug-lOn , • utl parttcularly bo uad<"'<l ;..ncJ. d t· scribe•!"" follows, to wot:

All of the northo;ast quarter of. •ection 1 in to w':' ~;hip 22 ~or'tll of l'U.ll'!C 4 e-ast (excepting a. port10n of saul n orrhea o,;t qunrtcr containir.~ 1'0:! ro<lo. cor.veye .1 to Danl• l W. Post by deed, recorded in vohtw ~ 1::! of dee d s. pages 5~ aJld tlO Ki~g county record•); also one acre and 12 •·.xts de)ICribed as follc.ows: Bee inning at the n orthWf-1\t COI"Iitr of section G in to wnship 22, north of range 5 east, and runaing thenca e~t ~·8 lOti&. 10 feet and 9 incllc•, thence IID11fh G rods, theDce v;e~t 28 IOdB, }0 Seet and 9 inches, thecce north 6 rods to tbo pl•ce of b<oginning. Also 3 acres or land moru or l t'SS iu the soothwe .. t con~r of t;CCIIon at iD townr;hip 23 north of range 5 east cowmenciJJg in the ctlntn of what J& know~ and called the Dig Slough, and where said s:ou~:h crosses the south line or salt! eectlon 31 and running thence west to tho S<lUthwoat cor­ner of &aid sectle>~. thence n.:>rtb to the cente r o! said ~longlt, theuce southeagt following the center or satd Sioogh to the p lace or begin­ning, all oltaated in King county, Washington Territory.

Now. therefore, notiee Is h el't'by given that oo IIONDAY. MARCH 25:h, A. D. l tl78, at t.he h our of 10 o 'clock A. M , at the court house dpor, in the city of Seattle , and county or .KiDs aforesaid, 1 wilt sell at public auctivn to tbe highest biddf>.r for cASh. gold coin, Lbc above dc&eribed land and l'~'<'mlfl•S.

ISeatUe, l:ing count~, F<b. 20. 1878. L . V. WYCKOFF,

Sherilf E&!d King County. I. Jl. H•LL, Attorney f ur P luintlfl'. feb~3.0t


r ir.g 0~ t oe uusl,.,.. or lo"gm;; OD Woldby h ­luocl, bu been dtss;,lved b~' wu:.ual con~en~.

Henry D G e u,r lots 2 3 lrlt 77 lkany pt.· · • 2 9j _ . , equily e>1 red•o>vtio~ or ea ;d .Jeleori~o ts, Toomao do 76 aome .. :· ... : .. • ...... .. • 6 9r b S'lpe~lo~ to I'll _oth• r• 10 the. followingpolf!t& J. Joc~!On , £1'n J ack•on, lis ortle, Wm. t:auutoa, PONY S A L 0 Q N. ,

Dyde Aotb?oy lot2 ,.., 3:ltt• 2ii •I: • e...... 5 31 - It 1" eAillry worke.J, having cog wheea, Tue J •mcs Scotland AndiPW Moore lo of and to tbe

GE:OitGE A. CU:!IUIAN. CllRISflAN Zlltl.l\IEltHAS.

'r be under, lgned will coo1wuo to corry oa tile hc.sinet~s at tlle old e:Hop.



. do t'lti aame . . .. . ... ... . . ... . . 4 30 laraterpatttl'll8 hav~ donble bottom_s toregu. allf•ve descrU.tet! p· or~ny, Gt'IO' m:.cb ,b re-o·f :.a.'! D ond• S D E!late lot · 18 bk 2 :V.yoard pt.. I tOte tbe t6m!Alratnre of the ere~ 1111th cold or •ill ••tis fy said jad;;m•nts, olecreeo. costs, •ttor·

do f bC lot!~ 7 do Wl&nD water. From the shape ot the rraddl~ • ,,ey fees, int•rest, and accroiog and locreuo:d d~ all Lk 53 do .. 99 75 eo• •• os a rore .. ld.

Hall OiiYer lnt 4 bk 7I Terry pl . • . .. ..• •• do loti bl< 16 do .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 35

Uarkiat J' H lmo 3 5 6 'I hlr 5 lki'a 1>1... .. .. 21 89 Heltber II J:nrl!rht '71llol I bk t'1 H S A Bell I 00 Hatfield, .J N. '76 9aco tp 2111'1 te.. .. .. .. .. 7 S~ .Jooeo D W a .. Ia Iiles l J[pll& ... ... .... 2 15


Can be cltW'Sied In from Rlx to teo mtontes. Shop with B. A. HO.L and OLE SCHl.LLES­TAV, on Ulll street. Address b7 mall,

J •. V. WYr.KOFF, Sherllr Kinrr Co., Wasb. 'i'er.

Blc:i~uoRT l Lun. Alty'o lor Plalc>ti.Ta. lie•ttle, W ••b. Ter., .reo. 28, A. D., 187:1


• ... XEPT BY ....


Corner Commere-:al and 11' ain Street'>, <Jppoaiio U. 8. Hotel.


A II ~Ofle iodebte:l to me I hope will call and ••t'llle 10 11·hole or part as I muot have money to l'!t::ttle my b ills . • <!t>e;rtf

J c bn10o Nelle>• !Ill 6 bk. UeNaagbt p:... . I 31 do ' 'tlaame . ................. I l!J

.Je.rleo & W Iota 51> hll 10 R•ren Ill .. .... II 7.; Jobnton .J S h ts U 12 bt T Wuds P'.. ... I 21 HU!IT & ALBRIGHT, SEITTL£1

.r To ADYEJmaEBI!.- Doolr: of 1110 psgea "'DDP .. "' Uit of Newapapel'll Uld Adnrti.Mina P.ate.•. By mall 25c. Addre3S G&o. P. Bow>a. &: Co., :New You.;

My J!!tR will al.,...:r& be ampplled with tb•

WINES, LIQU03S, ALE AND PORTERt W.B. SHOUDY. .JJeob! 01 ~$ oCI·t 5 bk I6 D>roo pl..... 9 au nov2iwt! ~D CIGARS.



A. PBOOL.UIA.TIOll. Whei'8S the Legla1dtye Ulemb17 of the

Territory at Wullhl!tc.D bJ on act apprned the 9th day of·Nov~m~. A . D. 1877, provided that a op.o:elal el~llon llhonld be held 1o ll1lid Territory, on the 9th daJ' of l.prtl, 11178 tor the purpo811 or cboosing dclegotes to uae'mbte .. W:&!la Walla, in said Territory, on the 11th doy of June, A. D. 1878, to fr:tme a state Oon­a1itotlon; aud

Wherell& It l~ farther providt•d in 111>td 1et, that delegatea to a:\id COnvtntlon .m.n be elected In the Territo!') ot lvge and iD diatrlets u fol owa:

1 'Ihrec delegutcs lrt !lie Territory et.larp"e. One <~P:legate iu the First Judicial Dt&trtc!. One deleg~ie In the Sel'ond JudlclaiDI&trlct, On" <lelEgate l" the Third .Judicial District One delell"te in the County of•Walla Watb, ' One delegate in the County ot .KiDg. One delegste in \he Cou&ties of Thnnto:1

and .L<>wls. One delegnto in tl!e Counties of Clarb, SQ..

manif, Klickitat and Yakima. 0~ de,1•s~t• in the Cvuoti<s of Co'lrlitz, p,..

clfic ~nd Wu!Jkioknm. One dtlepte in the Ccnnties of Pierc~. Che.

halis and Mnson. One dcle:;;otc in tru. Counties of Clallam, Isl•

:md. J~trel'SO:l &lid Slw ~uan. One de!e ;:o,t• in tha Counties of Kitsap, SaC).

homiJ!h ra nd Whutccm.· One delegat• iD the Counties of ColumbiA,

Ste"\·ens •nd v, Litmnn; on<l Wht rellS it i< further provtded ln sniil act,

th&t <be c :.un•i•S or ldnlw. Shoshone and Nez Per<"e~ in thfi 'ft:rritory of Idaho, may b t repre­IVIlted in • aid Convention by one delegate who Ebat lllave the priviJc~e of lhe lloor, bUt aball no r 00 en1irled to a vote ;

Now. therefore, I . ll.LhliA P . FERRY, GoT· ernor of the Territory of Wuhlngton. by vir­tua of the pow• r and authority l ome veoled by said act, do horeby caU a opeclal election to be held in the several conn tit& in thta Terri· tocy on tbe

NlliTU D.!Y OF APrJL, A. D. 1878,

For the purpose or electing I he delegatee here­in !vet ore mentioned, 1'h e E&id elEction to be ccndncted and r~turnK thereof made and tra.as­m itted aa is now pro,i<led by law iD Cllle8 of goL<l'lll elections for Dele!ll'te to Con&reBII, Pfot;<:CUting Atw rn•y and' members or the Leg­islatfve Council of the 'r<nltory. And the said counties of ldsho, Shash<•ne and Nez P~rce,ln the T ettitc cy of Iilllbn . ere requested to elect the dcu•gate to said ConTention provided for in !l&id act, at such tim' and lD euch monner as may t e d~med advirlublc by tllc cltizena ct said conntles . ln testimony whereof, I hn·e hereunto aet my

band ond cs\lsed the Great Seal o! tbe [L • ] 1'crritory to be om:red at Olympia, tbis ·

24th day of January, A. D. One thou­sand Eight hundred and Seventy-eiaht.

.ELLS'H.a. P. FERRY. By the Governor,

N.H. 0Wil<GS, , feb2td Secr<t:o.r;r uf the Territotj.

Sheriff's Sale. By vh~ue ofa de~reenod ortler of sale issued

out of tbe Disfrict Court or the Third Judicial llistrlct of Washint;ton Territory,holding ter111s at Seattle, in King county, for the counties of King ar.d liitsap, in the Cl\'il action or D. Rice Can,pbell, plainttiJ, a:;liiost Willillll! H. 8ny. cier aud )1:-.rt.b:~- ~. Snyder, his wife, and J'ohn W. l\Iopl~•. delenil:ont•, duly attested this !!Otb doy of Ft•bruary. A D. 11178, I !lave levied UP­on the following lend aucl prcDJ.iR~B s ituated iD 1be o;ai<! county of Kin~:. fn eold ·r~rritocy or \\n•hlngton. •nd p:.rticularly bounded'lllld de. scrlbPd as follows, to wit :

Begimllng ot a po•t v;hich betu'B n orth 11 rbeino. west 25 chains, ud n orth 9.!l'l chains from the quarter ~ction coruer on the north and •oo:th line btt,..een seclloaa :J and • In township 23 n orth uf rouge 4 cast, and tun11log then~ · weMt, 17 .01 c l.taiiJa, the nce scuth 12.00 ebci<~s to the norlh und rJ~ht bllnlr: or tbe Du· watul h river. thence up streoun followlnM tbe mettndt:rs of Maid rirer to a whit·c Ur. trecf 60 >nch<s in diameter. standin g at tbe northwest corn<r of !i'idney McCarg•r·s tand on the right bouk of said river, thence cr.st 311.83 chains, thence north 23 deg. • •st 7.56 cholns, thence w<:st 4.53 chains, thence north ~.62 cbalna, tb~.nee WO"t 33 30 chaino to the poinc of begin­ning, cototaioing .&-~ 61i-100 ~Cret1 of l:l.nd, all in King county, Washington Territory.

Now, th~fore, notice Is hereby gh·en that on MONDAY. MARCH 25th,.&. D. 1818, at the hour ot 11 o'cloct· A. l\1 • nt tbe court h <>• oe door io the citv of Scattle 1 and county of King uforc•ttid, r will sell at FD!>Iic auction to the hf~he~t h!dder for cash, goJd c01n, the :1bove clf'f:lcri bf>d bnds :~.ud premisE's. ·

lieuttle. liing couuty. Februal'y 20.1878 . L .. V. WI'CliOFF,

· t>her iff .. ttl .Kiag Cour>ty. I. !If. HALL and W. R. A!<mu;:ws.

fcb2.).5t Attorneys for phlintur.

To Capitalists. The Dnard c.f Cr unty Commis~lonPt'!!l o f K in,..

~ou tJ ty, Wil.sbi:Jgtoa Te'rnton~, bavtog by are~ 1utic-:J ,;uly enured of r~o:-d 111 t Le minu1e~ of tht'lr pr~edingi, at a t~1ar me~tiu;! bt hl Fc=b · nl3 r~ 9 n~ 1878,;-Jected to horiow tbe sum of Fi. te :n T'Of'U~and D."l) la r~, Upf'D tbe c red;t or ~:tid lioOJ: , o·m!y . as P!"0\"1 -t'd ILT h~· :ln Ae· o r t he Legi~laUve Asi:em',ly or l l;e Tcr1itorv ct 'Vasb­in!;t no, ;lpp· ove.d November 9tb, 1 77. r..'o::fi.e:i· lion ls hereh.r g iv l!n t b:..~ t Uil1s are m1icited lor t he supp l.\•in!! or t h2 sa;d SUtU of money .. s p rovided fJr 1n s:titl .:\,.r. _ t-'u• ther 1nfonr:a : ion r an he obt:.lncd, an! a

COJH" or the: I.,w s·-"f'•• nt t lle office o: tl.Je All<!i,or ot l.~io~ <.:ocmy. \V'. '1'.

All h it!:! m~st \)P fi led wit h the Au r ·or or said coun t.v heff)· e tbc flo~t ~j ' ::l: d~.\' in l (J v, 1 7b.

·_rhe Uoa:-t! rcse: \·es UJC r iglJt. to r t ject <.OJ anU all l>id>.

Y. S. B!lOl'ii, A ·Jr) i ft'l King Couut.~. \ ¥. T.

t;y 0 . M. R.t...L~, D211U'y, Office nf : hto Au ditor o f K :cg CuiHJty. , V. T. ,

&-attle, l'dJ_'.U:tt.r 20, l~'td. feh~3l&ovtd

Delinquent Tax Notice. Au act to nrovide for t1•"" lllcor,·lO~IIltiGra or citi l!3

[l'IS. e J ••t the las!. st:-ssln:1 M tbe T~rr:tot·i<~ l A3· ~.·mh ly of Wa:;Oi ng t.nn T :::-n i io:-.\· , provitles 1 oat the Dt111'1Qu~t Cil.V l'<1x (Oa sball bP eo:Jected hy the Cta nty Trt".t~u •·er at the same time ADd m t nor ner as the d elinq••eot couuty taxe>. T~e l ·at or De1toqu~ot. Clty Ta .. "Ces o f S~::a. tiP , ror the v t-ar 18i7, is DOW in m.v tJands ror collec tion. Pav~ ment of said tne• be for• ~hrch 1st 1~7 • ill n.~e ao additional c Ft. for advrrtisl~g. 1'r t:O~ uo t•l berere ... nril l, 1818, all prorerly u<ilnquen: for s.:sid 1-a:rt.""s wi!l · be 5:0id :..t. public auctioo rur the s"m". GEO. D. UILL.

Tre .. urtr ol Kin~ Oountv. Oflk~ o' K :ng c,uniJ Tre::suror, l!!O<U 1•, FO!J>.

ruary H,lti1S. r.bl<;d.t:otm:u-1


Notice is hereby· given that the Co­partnership heretofore e:r:istio~ between J. H. MAl!lhall and Robert Koipo do· iug business nnder the firm uaO:e ()( MonSIIII & Knipe, is this day dissoh·E'd by mutual COGsent. Accounts of tile old firm will be settled at their for.mer place of business. 'fbe business will be continued by J, H. Maraball.


March I, 1Sj8, · m2 .. w-l



• Great Bedaetioa oa Saa Fran"lt~eG Price •

Apply at Worb"of


_ --., ~-~ .... _ ~ · - - ;

PII&ET •. . . d .. t • • •


C ;OUN,.-Y

T.tl £011!£TOifS c;.. ~ • • .·: • • : J, • - ••

~-'- J»aYI!t'K. 1at .;., ,~ .. ~a.;;a .. · ftll&~f;'ll- .... , ;·• I ft mar-._••""' ~·-· tl w 2!1.~.1 :: , , * - ' . 101111' . ,, o · !ll~·aw' car._ . lltp~nilps.t••••- ·. 1U1

----------· ---------................. ~&.' ,._ ' IIDIIII.'••~a&I•A IT.il' . "·' , .ta fr ~ ............... , ......... .

pili ' "'"'' "'" •• .......... ~.-... :.,-........ . .......... u..... .. 111& .. h=----····. ~. ...,. ., . ' ..

T. 1~18.

> ' ...... ~-··ilf•. •"- .,. ....... 1.--., ................. . ,..':rl"rar~;~,.; ·•~11'· ....... . ...... ~.,&:-:•lptt.ftlllill,llll-ac ~~lcte1 8 t 1611 Ublk~ · •:= ._ .;,. -_ • ehe qr ~ ~-tp 11• Jr;;i ~- ._ _ Iota, • .l i I 10 ~ • 8oaU. •.-..J: ,... .... 1ft....... .... • . plot '

L-.& ~ loltt-1 '~ IIIII P~7 pi it'• , M

· Wotloe :of 8ele.

C,OW,l~b w .... 1-i allO.Jio. .. . ..... aae~.~- - ,... an CariH!eJ.; B C e bUot I Ullr Ill __ ._ ill 1 • Cd!lrq • .,.._.. • bf or Jot ll bill • .,_ ·

naJlla&' 1111 ...... ... ..... loll 1ft • Ortll'l pial 11r1c11- a . ...... lallttllk•o.t'lfla&

.... " .... .1.""' .... 11 .. • .. --Cllort. Jotall lt bill. 8oatlll pi 111 IIUII'ra,..laUO.a 'tl ..., • · do • tae.•ll&llnTOft7}11ol 818

~'/ .... 1ft& 1 .a 1 • t • IIQ, lhte .1. loU bill let :o.a,- plot :171

,__ ............ 1111:101'~ ......... lil5 ~-=:··~ ... ;_ ........ 1 CDDdoll. l T lot t bUt llllell 6: D plat t n ................ tlllllltalew'i .. ,.., .... .....,. ... ·-· .......... t•·- • ••

lloil ~OfleUift~t .. w-cotet 1• llllaololniU.,.&br.JotaUtl0-tltp2f .....,. ._lo lllf ot 11qr-tll tp:D ..... 4,il.eno;toe.4186:..,qrof•

..._,:_ .... .,a'l'*•• ... •,au ,, lllp:.IBJa&·'*·a--..~ - lltl .

-t:a4er ~od11>1•irtae orlia &ct..tt~ tftrl*ll,_ A!liia11>11 of tiHI Terril- ef -----. ..,. llt'Oftd 'lio.-ber IIIII>, 18'1'1', I will aall, at palllk: aactlaa a' ttae COart 11-lotllle Clt7 ~l!llltla. !wr .u,.,....., eo.DUlJ; acto""' 'l'erllteo&al .... opeelaltaaea lor tbe yoer 1811. t'J.,.; .-1 .-ate .... ocrlloed lo tbc f<>Jlotrl•l lilt, oolera the - .. _,r retleetned IIJ tile pcroea to.,.,_ I bey are ..-.aed, or tlllelr apal•. I will al.,. l!fll• at IH .. - Dlatt all JatMia ~retotore aol.i to &falf <GOD· n ror lelJDqvu& la>:l!W !tor &be yeara 18Tii anll 1il'i'11, aod wblcb bawe oM olnoe beeo redeemed, at allown by the list publl•bed be...,w•tb, Til~ eale will COID1DCDW 00

dlarll, Beiii'J' loU' 1: 8 btk 110 KaJitel pi 8ft ea-.. 11 ....... 1&4111111 DooiD7..... IICI:t OocllW.AJMalltlllllt 42 ....... pl\

• .. . aDefiA 41 do . 118 CNc:•ell, Bllab IDl1l IJ 110 U A 11111ta U

8lltt1Ce.re# .... • qr- Mtp:H ..... .... _ .,._. 4 .-.. qr .-ot& tp ...... a, 111IICIW; ~- BICIIHTJital uwqr .. ,.. qr.ec211tp21 ki&8A:..,qr .. qr-•tp!M ..... 4; ' ftlll!e4,JtlhCI 10.. Joe.lllll~s:lt)!:M IIIJIII84,112-;

... .......... .. ......... 'l'ri!Dk ••• ,~ · air qr a .... ., ., ...... -•&p,•-tr···.,-· -·

~.~................. . p · O....·a&&, a.tl .... 8110 llA tiWot~US

La•'•lM ..-..... . l'lllft tact ... • •r or.., qr- 4 tp IS ~t, B ... eiJ af ll>loc:lt !10 Law'a .. .a. r .... ·s • , di\l<u l'ana Lacuada te q~ HC Ill tp • raore 8,

Cro. koll, Ru .. 10 Iota Ia blocll 11 Lsw'a t.J !4.1 aeo · · !10 18 Mdll .. o a !U l'<rrJII: p Jotlt • Ill 8 ltllr. 411 'l'errJ'• lint

er-, Ill bror.., qrrec S9 tp t8 ranft G yla&- - 8 81 4o~a00JHII or (lit • ad of lot S bit 'I' llay l'err,- C P lo& I - to lp !l,....p I, M aea

Bnro.labo~of e.,ot 11 qrolwqr- loiTMCt8'tp14 J'llllp 4. 7f.ene; Ia tD&p211raon4.1·- . HI W~'ec:l~~eel2tp28 I'DD.II,80ett 60~1

llelllowtlllutlotl1>11115lla)'Unlplel liD •~·••E..eSOtpK ..... t,llee; a...,.. .lalo& t IIIII t s.w•a pia' ..ellli tp 34 ..._. 4, 111- 3 IT do . lo& II bill at do KciOMe, ;Jelm lot I II De qr •w qr 11ee Ill do· · '"'•otAIIIbltGr..w•aplal ttl tp2Sr11J1118II ; letel81aec1tp~3 mg

Bu•retl II: I' lola a At bllt 11 L••'• ~ pit Ill a, U9'ecftlll 16 &'I Habllonl GC 'Iclt lt-1ttp1114raant.lac ~ 11 Kercer, Aaron put or R D Ounpbell cl Ba .. bon~e B Lie taU A12 bill !211: Air .a I 211 aee 4 tp 221'1111(1e4; 40acrea 13 83

. -·lp· ..... ·1·- 1418 ~~IIAII!f'ILIII &.a&.-ra J•~t .. , ••• IS 1'o Dter, H 101 I loll 1515 Ter..,. pta ••••• ;, t TT Plate, Adolpllk*1 a.tltll: 4 ~~ p&... 1 'II hrrJ,Idcno~ Llo1116 4ltii:IIJDe .oJ p( I 81 l'refaa..aoe, • X t~et~r ·JI'aotlu' 4}( -·· 188 ~!per, .1. W lola 1 2 11 A 12 ... 11 l'alrriew

................... ; ...... .. ........... 2:'M'

Monday, April I ; I 878, tlard'a pld hny C P .,.lallol18 loclahe aec :'4 tp ill c ........ , II u 'Ill or •• fiT ..., at tp i& rau11e ran~ 3, 9 act1

Bo•ell Cbu lola 1 to ltllo blllll8 JWe,- plu Kurpby. Tbomu De qr oc qr ""'" 20 tp 21 4 -a do lot 1 bill .1. do 2 ts I'DDge' t, 40 aerea: a 77

Bihbea TN lot 'l bllr 5 -•b Jlht 1 Ul KeSorley, lu lot 4 I< e bf or oe qr aec 20

Pel kiD:, c c e "' ol ..... or .. qrof-14 ' 'P2$ nocea!IOacreo • bflot II oil: II Ter-17 3d I'll lotio bk42 Daloo C p'· ..... :1:1-12

Pickard, Oeot~e •• bf ~r lola 'l .t 8 b& 12 4 'Z9 Hotcb""oa H L lola 10 11& 12 bllt 12 Jto1o. tp 23 nDge 4; MW qr BW qr aec ~I tp 7J

1-. ptal 1 Oil nnge •. 110 acrea 9 l1:l AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. :11., 5180DCt<a I bt Jot4 block 15 &rtn'• ad· Fookr Pbtoeuae qrofoe .-oDd D1f qr or

didoa ae.qrorelhp:Brae~a,80- Bell8dp! .... . · ...................... . .... ... ;tncl wi11 coutil)ne Ia l}m day to da,, betw~n \b~ boara ollU o'ck>ck A. • • a ad II o'c oct P. a.. •olll a 1 ~ ucb ~•• ea:a ;e sballl baY~ beet~ sold or tw.~~

C.o•H!D, B a 16 J:t 5 bloclr. 15 B~reL'I at!- J'nnlt·ID Loual~y Ia II: Haaf.,...'J ~-loa • ditlou G'f !4 elal• to M n..,e 4, 10 ace, Iota 1 8 9 :.0

Clarll • .I F. Jot 4 .t .,., q~ ofn• q• aecli tp23 11 12 blllSooulb pial Beodtuuo 8am'l an ef hlll8 Bnblt1110D plat 1 !IT Ku beam, Nellie part or lola 3 II 6 blk t :: Ho;tlon 0 C l<>lo a t<o12 bill I L1w'• 2d "' 19'7 Terry p.at 2 77

Petcnoa, 0 T lola 11 A ttl b& 17 B!DlOD pt. 2 TT P•!ller, D loU 1 2 a 4o Ill 12 A 13 b& ~ llal~o -

plat; Jot 11 bit 10 l&eatoo pi .......... ·- 12 11 olrered lor oale, ·

G EO D. lllLL. ~n1e 4 ) rr.l>lliiD Loalll~y Iota l a... 2 bill 3 lOUth

Comp:oo. L F Jot 1 block 51 Boreo 'a plat 1 86 plsL H1aeo Duld Jot 1 HC 2 tp 26 ra01e 3, ZttO- McSorlelf, ElleD lola 1 :1 aee :14 tp 26 rg ~ ;

ito 100 Del 2 'i'i lot • aec 11 tp :!6 range 3, 128 acrea G 80 BolmH C S • bf or ne q r .t e bl of n• •r Moms, David 2 Ioiii in blk ~South plat 96

Pr-. Cbulots!IIA12blt27DeooJ .,.. 141!8 PeLtiDiill 8 B lola 1 a 2 bll S 1j. obi lUCID pt; . ,

1M S bll21i C..o'qrt~ Jot 10 bk 12 Ceo'J "' 1 411 Pitta, Sllo. 2 bk 4 L••'• pl ... -.......... t;j l'lper, C N lots 1 2 310 UA 12 bll24 South

Collie•, l!lelll>ea e br nr Colli a "• do c1 No 46 l'lklda~r Noab l'e q ·of oe q· ol oe qr we - 2&tp ~4 raace 4 318 at•.. a11p t3 rann 4,1J acres; lets 4 56 H~

Collla•. Slepbco e llf of •• q r 1: Iota 1 l ! bill a C<>Ye plat sec i1 tp !I raace 4 80 acreo l'llc:lllncer l'oab IAH aec !G tp !5 no a~ 8, e

Name«. De!ctiplion. Tax. C<>Uina, 8tepbto lot11! .t ta aec !:8 tp 2-1 ..,_;Iota 1 2 3 4 9 IU It It olll4 Law's plat .-\lien. Henry s lots 7 an<l 8 blk 38 :\lay- · raage 4 :111 ac,..• 46 f8 J',u k Dl"r Moab Ioiii! aod 3 bl& 101 Law'•

nard plat Cortil. J r .... . 3 l 4 Brll'• !>12t .. '19 pial

Trt'a.!UC't'r Kin:. CJ, :tn ~l Collt·f <ro . dc•ltq•·c1L coo nty t • .. -.. s..

A oec:ll tp 2S raop a, UIU aco 8 82 Monia, Margtlota 2 a bll iii Teny pt; Its

HootloJ:'on Thoo '""' 4 .t 5 h'lt 'l".! nu.,- piL 1 111 S 5 ti II bk 7! Denny pt; 1 lot South pt Haale on l H lot 12 bllt t8 -~~~ piM 15 Meuegee. Geo D Jot 5 bitt Eastern P' Bowell 8 a a ., qr or ae qr of •• qr sec: Sl Morris, Wm lot 4 bit 49 Ma)'Dard pt

tp ~a r&Dn 4. 18- 1 76 Merrymau,l Clots a 4 be I Denny l>t Hltlnaleea Oh• In oe qr or ne qr fee 1-1 tp McLear~l, Thos lola I 2 f 7 8 9, k 23 ~•

pial ...... . ... -. .: • .... .... .. ·· · ---- 1 9i Pray, Ja..,es B _loL 1:1 - 4 tp 21 raop 4;

J.ta 1 A 2 sec 5 tp 23 ••uce 4 511!0 IOJ acres .. . .......... . ....... . ............. 4 'It

24 ran-I' s or• 1 'l6 27 McNan1bt Ex; blls a • 5 Bums A: A~ c 13 '17 e• • ; . • Lellao pt • Ill al

B~!: ~~~· A El n lotoli e 7 A 8 blk 12 McDonahl, D Jot 5 bk (Ui Denny pt 2 77

Allen', Henry :; Jot,; ;; and 1; blk 1>1 Moy- Cbanber' , Fraok lolllll: 12 block 93 D T Pllelliotl"r Noah lolsl 2 8 4 56 'i 8 9 blk 1 nard plat $1a Sli ' Denn) '.; pial a ill Ls•'alld pial .

P1nk, L>aba lo"' 5 A 6 b1< ~ La••' 2~ pt.... 93 l'llrller. Jobo G In .ec 18 tp :!3 ranp 3 D·

'l01otlll<ret ........... .... , ......... :, , 171 .-\<larus, n M Jol 11 IJ!k U ~enton plat 2 77 Cbea••r, lbrgu·et lot 5 bl<><:k 11 Dtony'a Predtrlckioo. llapr in ltC 7 lp :ill r:tDJe 'i. Albert. }' rank Jut J2l>lk lt• l~euton J>lat ~ 77 plat ~ 14 ~ IIOua ' ' · . Agnew. Peter Jut 1 ~ IIIII: 15 ltenton plat ~ 77 Clougb, ~ E lo s 5 .&: 6 block C B A D pial 10 84 f ,owera .I L .o• q r olaw qr "'od lnt• 6 aod

9 'I! HetlftS .lohn .t F.ilu toto 1 .t 2 bllli ·Jgd- McMillan D R sw •Jr """ 13 tp 2't range 4 k.'ft~' p1at :) 'i8 160 acre&; in I!W Cor IIW <Jf t;ec ~4 tp 2"J

Pltl<lo, l W 1 bf let 6 bl< I! tlayoord-pt; all or 1JII: 16;. lo1a 1 9 tU a: 12 bk 29; Iota 2 .t

. 3blt ~ lots 'l.t 8 bit 9; lo•s518 bit 10; lou 7 AS bit 16; ot 5 Lit 4; .Jots 7 A 8 bit

Rill B A uadl.- bf nr 'j)jf ocs a .. r L1b Un· range 4 9 acrn • 25 00 loa. :n.; • .,. lo bit 1 IJt>lna plat McCJintoc~ , Jame• n hfnw qr oec Ia tp

Jllll B A •• ~or oe Qr .t oe q · or 11., q- . ... 20 ~ge 6 , s hf .,.. qr sec 10 tp 20 mg 6 oei: 11 tp !3 raa;e 4, 80 acreo; frat!'ol bll< . 160 acre~~ • . ' U 88 11 Uo on pia• Me Donald, D ,_ m n w cor D A ,;eely <In

Hill' B A-Jolt h) .t 11 blk til Denny nbt . 25 46 claim, I acre 1 76

Allen, Annie G Jot• ~-~a r. ancl7 t;<oC ~4 tp ~ampbtoll, Wm Ioiii block ~9 C•n·r•l J>lat !l6 10 fell dip 33 .-an .. 5 ~t range 7, 144 -; ~~lllil acres _ 10 St C~mpbelt Joba A lot f) ~lk 6() Ceolral pta~ 911 flo•·e•s J L lot 2 lee 21 tp !3 r:l~ 5. !Ill

Ah·crson , J w s _l!t nc 'I" sc.: 12 tp ~~ (l!emeos. !lttro A lnt 4 blk 311 C<olral plat 1111 11<'11 11 Ell Coo Drll, R 0 lol 5 bit 4~ Central plat- !Ill F,ox l W lot j blk 19 B •II A DPDPl''• plat

AI':!';:;,:, J w nw ,1r se <JI' sec 12 tp 2J Cooolck, Carrie G lot I blk 4l C..Dtral plat II; Fo" .I W Jot•111113 :lila ad l'l' b k 118 oor-

ran- a. so a..-rf'l! s i!l Cbewell, t: G lo · 3 block 21 Ctnt.ral pin 96 - tb.,n pia'

23, all lo Jl .ll'a ,, . ......... ~- "" ...... 55' 2Z Pea•lq, 81 lot! 4 5 a: 6 :ee II tp 2lnop 4; · lo\81 A 2 •ec 'l' 'P 21 r:anp 41tltl ac. ~4.·.. 11;.8;)

.,~ 11 Chri .. iliDIOD, II Plot 5 blll80 C!nlral plat 1111 Fo11l W loti 'i 8 9 and 10 blk 21 oorlbtm .\ndcrson, Mat tin U S l oU! IJJk a'J an- 2 3; C!Jrbti•DSOD; T M i>l o blk 1~ O.:tatral plat 1 Oil p!U .

(pr<lt>lat d . IJI.k , Conlll~man. I' I! Jot 4 blk 11 Central plat 1 96 l'aller G II 'ot 1 Ull 'lO TerrY plat

llolpte ._'flza'be\11 •ot !II: 4 blll~h-tb pi lie r.etlan, Frank n e qr ne qr sec tJ -tp 86! tlo lola'li6'ii:Sblt<28 do 22nnge5, mvqrn,.·qr sec 1~tp2'lrng

. dn· - • lots 117 .t !-hi" • - clc> 1 'i6 5, I!Oacrrs • 18 91

Pot~raoo, W U lo•• 2 8 • 4 aec3 tp24 •re 486acre>; ebfolaeqr'\Jlaec4 1pKrae 480a~; loi$2&31Da:ca SA 9 lp 22 range· a 39 • .,,..;1M 1 Ia •ec 111 tp 2t rce 4 37 acreo; io.a 1 I a A t iec: Sltp ~ rae ,\mlrews, S p k Cos bf lOis :l an ti • ~ U 1~ Cook, Joho lot 1 bllr. 211 Central pial 9'1 JPallor G 1110 lou In l.olk 46 Uoioa C olat

, 0~~!asrd. JSa;,J,~~e M w bf Jots~ and~ blk Clark, A.C Jot 9 blll 21 Ceotral plat. 911 l'ruler DID'I I"' 10 bill M Ceolral plat 7111

9tl llti

Uolnle L J Meallo>r . doD cl• , aeca M .t 25 llcMIIlan, L•••• e bf or ue qr 1: lot 9 sec 24 tp ~3 rilio~e 4 100 acs . 31 02 'P 22 range 4100 acl'ft 20 !13

Uam!Doad Jnolt • br of ae qr .t ae qr of . llcCo.-ltle, A a1 lo •• cor C C Tbomp'IOL '•

116 ae qr ~ I'l t" !2 n- 4;1!10 "'" 13 113 do _cl sec• 23 A 24 lp 22., r .. nre 4. 5 acru S 62

Bart U Af' i>art- 111 B llladdock's dala.- llullea. Denau lotS sec ~3 tp22 range 4

~ un Collloa, lltnry I >t 11 bll< 5 Ceutral plat 1 Oil Foste! lin L .I lo• 1 bill 1 do 2.5 Tury's l si plat Cluaer.o. 8 unl iot5 blk 4 Central plat 1 C6 Prftma:l Fl'td lot9 bill U Ceotrat plat

Amlrews, Nellie :U lots 3 uud 20 \Ilk :!ll 17m Choir, )lele>dy lnt 3 .bik 3 Central Jllal . 1 06 J'recmiD rred lot2 blk 2~ ~nlral plat

4; rot 4 lEe 81 lp 24 rao~e 4 18150 100..,. « 64 , Po•"'o,A W lo:.tl!lllOlll: 1'& bllllt.wo' "' . · rbt . .. ... -... ~ .......................... 1 26

Ptarce, Tbo• lot 9 bl< llli B•ll p ; Iota 6 .t 'l 111• 22 ranp•4 . · . do lot 8 sec 2Hp 22 ••nee 4

11• Runt H )I In ne q- ,_., 11 tp 2'! ran 4. i ae 4 79 do loll sec 2tllp 22 rao~re 4 ~4-lhrrla~u W D Jo• 5 blk 38 lloynard t>Jat. 2 71 ~0- 100 •=•

l\lr.-\leerplat . . 96 Cba ... ,W8ond31olfr1obfocc ~9lp 23 l'upln.l~meololsllaodli blk29 Law's Anderson , Peter lot 8 IJ\k 9 Central pi IS6 range 6 114 acres . . :!0 93 plat. ,\lleu I< Johnson lot 3 ulk 64; Sonth plat Cllllen, '1' A lots 1 2 3 4 & :; blk 20 Kidd'~ 1'4rpln .laiD .. lola 1 and 12 ~lk S Lawo plat

bll22 J>eDDJ pl-..... .. .. ... : ......... 22 4j, f611ter, Jou" l.ot 6. ~1< :lG Central pt; 1M 4 -'

bk30C:otralpt .............. .. ...... 116 :\li en . H J oil ut' blks ~1, ~~ lle~•u;;bt !!

67 J>ilt · 2 'i1 l'rjborw lobo Plot 'l blk S C ·nl'ral p!at '

extension . C:arr, c r lot! 3a 3t ~ .t 37 b!k 25 North- l'rybotg J<>ba I' lot 2 bit< 16 Cent.ral pial Andrews. L L w hf se qr s w qr sec G tp em plot 1 as Fraoclt Pblllp l lots 12 !S 4 56 'l' blk 14

Raasrd 8 lot 3 b:k lS A A·-D to Brll 1: ·u .. ueo, _Denals lots 4 1: 16 sec 24 tp ~~~ 1 16 Denny nlat. · 2 r. nuf!e 4 .

llarvew 1\ln C lot li blk 3 Bell plat. 8 28 .Mullen. Deonlo Iota 3 41: 8 A e br or ow qr

Petenon. Artbur I~ 1 blll5 Ceotral pt.. • • 1 OG Plnlt,Cuulotloblt20Cenwal pl .... ;.-..... . 9~ Pamplett-, Tbos Jot ll blr 63 Ceotra,· pt; lol I

:!3 I'll 4 18 ac rt s . lots 1 ~ bk ~3 ~orth'n Cullin•, F.Jtelle lot 1 bit 14 ~ntamlt plat 1 16 · Riley nlut Ua•ley .loa 40 It e eod or •lot 4 bit S Bell leC 21 tp 2'! raoge 4100 66-100 ocres 36 07 1-k 1S Central pt• .. • . .. .......... :..... . 1 26· Amlre.ws. L L Juts a 6 an1l i IJlk ~8 :Sorth- ~ :Jfo Conoer, J J 13 Ioiii In b:k :!8 Nortbero pia\ Prancla Pblllp .I lots 2 and 3 bit 8 Riley

~rn plat li6 CoDntr. l l 51ot.a 10 blk 27 Nortbero plat plat Atkinson , Isabella E l ot 6 b lk 16 Law 1' 1 Conoer, J J til loll Jo blot:k tii!Sortb~m plat Prtli:b DB h •• qr of oe qr sec 24 tp l!5

1: DrnoY plat. 'I' S1 llcllaboo,Miebael se qr ol •• qr-' •• qr of 1 tl6 Reorr D G ~ br lot• 2 .t 3 hill '17 DenDY pi 4 'nl se qr A ow qr of ae qr A De qr of n• q~ of

B~lpioe M D lol 1 blk 31 UcAleer Plat 12 tp ~ r_.,5e f lbO aerO!<, ... .• ,, -•. , .. 20 93

Pagb, Carrie G loUO bll 119 Cen&arl pt.. • '91> Pobamanna, John lot3b)k34Centralplat 9& P~llet~t~en, H lot 6 bit 81 Cell. pt 116 Parker, W W in sw qr ne qr aec 14 tp 24 do · · Jot 4 b'k 32 do 1 55 lloore. Jglu\ be qr of •• qr 1: lo.t~ 1 2 1: 3

1 06 B~u .I P, Tbotl: ~iub-!tb 1\)\ 4 bl~ 1!7 !efS 'P 22 nDge 4 ...... · ... · • ... ,.. .. , •

I 'l'e1T7 JK plo~ --- · · · · 2 :IT lloore. John lotl sec 11 tp 22 ruge ..- 1M· .

,\ d ams .-\ H lots 4 zmd ~ blk H :\1aynord Couner, J J tt lou Ia blk :U Nottbem plat nore 8, 1 ac; Iota I and i olt 6 w•'• :=d 110 all or bll< 20 llaynard plot Cooner, .J 'J 'IIIota ID block 3 Northern plat.ll M pat du Jut s .I nml ~ blk ~a :Usynar d Carr. R Not 3 aec 1\llp ti taoge 3 !8 1(1. i.~t Ol!!lllle e !Jf 1>f I!' qr ·~ ~ lp ~

range 3, 8 ..-res ·1 ·5.'> P:uflgard, Cbrtalots12blt41Law"s2d pt :w

du Juts a and 4 bUt 23 d u 100 acrn •. • . ! 2'l r;l~ ! d o Jot• 5 au<l 6 blk Jtl <10 c p 1 "" du h:Jt

3 blk 31 do Ollbmao, Wm R lot 1 aec !U tp 2a •aQ~:e 3 rost SlliD e" lot a: n• qr ot sw qr sec;;.,

du lot 5 and 6 bl t 3~ do eu:~fdo '!:':.!~ !~t l !<c 19 lp 23 range 4 r.!!ttllo':.':~ ~. 'J' or s• qr sec 14 tp !5 1\v Jut i and 8 bill: 3f olo c b · ·- H a, do Je t 1 {,58 bJJ,; 42 do 1'f.) 7i US mao; .. m . !'It' qr or It qr SOC 25t-p 2ij Ull~ tQO ICI . •

raose 4 40 acrts - .. G 'nl Frott O.wnle e bf or re qr and se qr orne 1 B Cooper' lfa17 a; lot 10 bill~ S>lllb p!lt 80 qr- 111 tp t5 nor a, 1611 aco . ·

lloll.llobert 8

hf u c qr ne qr sec 10 tp 2"~ Clatlr., Henry oli( or · oe'qr l o ·br 01 .e qr l'ro•t O.omle nw qr of sw qr oec: l:llp 25 4 79 sec 18 tt, 26 raop 5 1611 acr.. · · · S 82 nnp I. "0 act • l!O AS

range 4, 20 acr e• ' C:ark, .I P (br or •• qr of ow' qr- 10 tp 23 P11rbosb Or!~ a Jot 2 bllt U Robbiton pial , 86 B oyce, Gco P nc qr nc <Jr ant! lot 1 sec 36

1H !JO range 11 ~ acr11 • . . . 1 93 Plowen ,Allen '& lnl 7 blk 41 La•'• ill plat. ell

Ilt~;;;; :;~;~ ~01~!.~i~e~lk 38 Dcnnypl 5 1!0 CS~·=~;~\Ilird lD ile' qr sec ~itp ~5 range 86

r~::; A F ow q_. HC :t8tp 26 ranee 4,

llillings, B A lot 1 blk 18 l\layuard 1' 1"1 Can:y._J R Jot li'blk4 L 1w'• pl•t 80 neteber A F 1~1 2 aecl41p t5 .... ~. 3 d o Jots 3 t Ill k 14 do c 1 • " <lo Jut 5 blk 10 d o 41 12 o soa; CrJn lvt S bllr. 3 Cove plat 1111 F1!!,c~r1~ _!, lo~ 4 aec 2 tp ~ nnce 3, lO ~,c

Bush, James w w hf se qr n hf ne q sec (.'ampbell, Jbbn n bf of ne qr 1: •• qr ol oe .., JOJ w -· 6 16ll H 67 tJr oe<: llO tp ll5 range 1 1., acrea s 8! <-il- ·. ~0 and 21 tp ~*range • •~ t eo! Cruoo, ,Jool.ea sw qr a:c a!!tp 28raop 1180

:Cnruett, C H •e q r se qr sec 14 tp ~~ r:; 3 _ acroo , : • -., .. . . 16 811

B1;~':ti: c H nw qr no <Jr sc~ I tp z;; r,;;; ·cburcb, ·lots 'i .t S 1>!1.; 33 D.:oo.r to 8 A D · ·

~'I) mes • a -~ . ~j~:! w·-w. D br .Of~ qt lee lJ lp iira..., t 'It Ball. B F lot 2 blk 12 l'ruuu plot . ~ 4 Bogart, JamCt< '!lloL< iu b111 !I :SOut h plat 1 36 ClicO W W .sw q · ot~e qroec ll t~ zt ranee Bnn1s, J ohn s l)f Juo l!uckley <Ill cl , :J!.'O . 41~ ar.oe. - . 18 IU

acres 2:! 68 CaYaoauab. M L D~'Ar Smltb'a Co•~ t acre BanksOn, CH in sees 2~ and~~ tp 2t rug lot 7 Ilk 2 Deon.J '•·plaUon 1& t hlock 4 ·

Gow A:f"r~ It" n'tr:• ,,. :nut Jot! 8 A. 'i, eee 6 • t tp I! •••P a, I% 'It! ItO aca l l 46 Gnod S..al • lof ef .. qr and - qr or ue

qr-lO,tpl:lraopt .. , Gruod S.ol aw ., of ae qr l•u :M aet, oeo .8

.-tp th..ap 4. 1111 ec:s . . ' 1!!17 Oraat .lebo lot 'l blk lS Deo&:r A Bell-pial 2 'i'l' Ge>dkla Otto loto 11 aad 1:1 bit :n' 0 '01 8 &

· 1 :18-tOOae:-es......... • ...... ·---- - ... 10 35 lianlo. Nelson io ,.., cor W H Bro•o '• do

Piltz, Finneqr ne qroecHtp24 nnge 3 uacre~~ ~rr

. . ol iec: Sltp 23 raoce 4 2-l ac.-.. .. .. .. .. . 3 'i'7 Indian Geo · -Teni> biU in llcl ,uc'a claim Kaddocts, M B lota16: 2 soc 10 tp23 ran0e

Palmer, _EBlD ac qr De qr aec2Hp2t ··

2 a.,. ' 1 11 4 . Iream P D ~ hr or •• qr or a• qr Ire I tp Ma;,~ji."u 8 i~i~3,·7 &'8 'A · ~·~ q~· ~j ~-,;

nnge 3, 8 acre~~ 2 361 Q_u~by, LPallor ~~~~~stern rt ' 3llf$

tll ·nfllle t. 13 aea • , i 11 qr l(c ti tp ~~ranee 4127 ac:rea. •••••••• at 1? Jlfldlao Dao A etbtn oonb cod I' Aodrew I Morru, T,ul5 BIn !ec 191p 25 ranee 4 lot 4 R · claim, •eo.aes 2 .'1'7 lll:IOTern-'a plat-........... ....... R bet M--'h A I t3 "•" ··s u rd

lod•ao Cbarle.Y Chouse Ia ~e 18 tp 211. llorrla. TboeB lot9bllt 19 Nortb p1at.. .. 0

r 8

' an. a 0 ~.a - ~ ••yDa '

rallp 4, ter. a<rea 1 16 do Jo:s 1 A 2 blk M Hayn...O'• Ri~~rdson, Belen Lola 1 2 bk 31 MaY~ ·2-·11

J · plat .. . ......... ..... ........ ..... ... . 7 80 plat 882 Mc!'ielll. Geo W lot ll blllO M~1oord'a J>lat Robolrts, John CLot 6 bll 12 Maynud pt 10 ill

Jdf• llc)>ai'Jllolt 4 56 7 S .t 9, IIC ~ tp !'l notre 5 ltot• 51 t:t 18 A 14 aeclltp

. Ill NDJe 5. llil aoo; pat1 lrio11'1 tl1111 • IDI No ,.,.,e 31 lp 22 ""'"' li; ·lnt• 1 6 lA e bf of' ow qr aec 80 tp ~ raDII" 5, 104

·.•cr. botDNtead.IIO aco; Ia S.,.. Lalr.e ilell ~lm 'l' :1<0; OW q• or tiP qr 1: W hf n< M q~ • A lotol & t •ec 8 In tl ra~~e 4, 14Jij - 61 37

.1- :D W iD E4ea A ltnil!lll'• nlal, 5 am 3 28 . l~ll'rln R W' let• II A 8 blk 10 Bo,..o plat 81 02 '.len"'!• w!" to•• li ~ 1 bit I Demay plat; lot -

1 bll< lll KcAI<er plat · · -. 13 ~6 lbrdan Job11 T IotaS !I 6 16 -. 29tp 24

.' rati1e !1: •e qr tree 30 tp 2f raoge II; pat'\

:~ ::~•61.,1 ~ •:.,:,~. plat~ .. _ .. _ RQbbiDs, Ruth Iota 5 6 7 8 bit 29 Boren pt lil19o Rich, Cbas 2 Lola ID D T DenDy pt . • . !0171

dodo ,. ~~55& •. ~:~~5 :: :::::::: Ruunells,Tboalots2 blk 11 Boren'pt;.U ~ blt30Law~pt 11:1-13

do lot4bll28 do ........ Ritz,Geo rnwqraee2tp2S~ · d~ Joe a 'l.t 8bk 2SI do .. :.... 6() 2l! 4, :11' acree . · · 'f:»

U .. eer. Ander,~ br of H! _qr!'r tw qr aec Ru-.Jl, EFsbfnwqrncqr&: wblpeqr , 14tp25ranse32Jacr ................. 176 nwqrneqroec:ltp2a ranae4,25.erea ,200

Mont., Coroelioa lola 1 2 8 A 4 bk 68 .81- b : leJ'• plat . .. ......... ........ ..... .... 1 16 RolilDaon, WmWLota56 ltEDeDDypt 10,81 · .

McAIIot~r, Cba1 Iota 'l' lU Ill bll Gu Den . Robbinl', N M Lola 3 4 ° 6 see 16 tp 2S · s 9 -nnge4,153 ocrea · 1311& DJ 'a plat ...... · .. .... .. ' " .. · ·.. " '" • 1 1 Robinaon, R rrl bik& 2 4 15 20 Ward pt;

Ha:rwel•,SL1lotla Hanlord'o plat ....... l , :ltl all or bk 17Wardpt ; Lola a to10bk8 lkCorltle, A 111 lots 9 A 12 ol< 66 DeoD) '• lola 3 to 10 bit 7 Ward pl; Lola Uo 9 bk

· 5, 156 acres · . . , 1~_, ~7. , Mr.N ~agbt'o 3d pl•t lot. 1 ~7 A 8 bll·9 ate-Brooks Augu•t lot 2 bl'k ~~'ferry plat N~ugbt •• 3t1 plat . : . . .• . · lleglcy' James S hf liC <Jr nw ' II' uc qr: "" ',' v o C.vaoaugb. &I [; lotsl:! 7& 8 l>lk· 10 llc-

-Bp1at Ge>dklo O;&o lola G and 8 bllr. 66 Torry p'al -­G'ue .. II n• qr or De qr or se qr lieC 81 tp

28 raflll" 4, 1U ac•; it• qr Jot8 bbl. !I Ha.r·

' or Joto ~ .t 3 .t • hr or .,. q~ ,.,., liO tp ~4 6 Sl raDII" 5. 11'11 ac•; loll 3 4 5 A I blk £7 11~\~·:w.:.;&·i~-~~;.;.;~;;;·~dd·l;j.;~-~·.·.;.. 4

'i'9 _t3Wardpt holl•••el•ts567.&Shk3P•IrY£e• 'il lat 4. ~9 Rly, ZT aU ofllblti7Edenpt

tUB 377 47~

qr n~ qr """ 2 tp :lt r•ngc 5, ldtl ~>e re• '~ NaugiH s 3d plat lots 6 .t .7 blot;k 6 .'Kc-Bowan, Charles"" •1r sc ' lr •cc ~; tp 2l N"ugbt's 3<1 plat lot 7 bll 61 Ttn) 's plat ... ll li!

ron<!c t , 40 ac re~, lot• 11 IJik.aa D 1< D plat · . ·

Bvwau, ·c bs riel; sc cor Jot 4 8CC 2G lp 24 ranne 4 ~ acres · · 7 43 · D_v,.-, Grac• \' IJts_ 4 5 611 In blk 6 &lc- ·

Brooks,,\ k Elizabelb lots _6 and-; hlk Gt N •u~ht's olat Terry: plat 5 si> Dyer, Grace"' n br ol lot 5. bll< ' 6 DoltloJ'•

Brunk, W 'H. 4 1ots in Fairview a 80 plu . . . 14 911 Ballard Irv-iugn'b.f Iot ti blk H Boren p l l t!~ l Daridson 1: J Jaes io A A D•nay's doo c1 !lu•b , l~cs Jott l>llr. Ja .Eut~rn plat . 1 27 10 • .,...., ' . • 5 80 }Iarrow, Alex lot _t blk 11 Judlr.ins ~>!at . _ . · Dfeoer , Cllas Jo~ IJ bl'; M '1:--ny's plat . _ G 1!1

do l ot a hlk 4 d o 1 •ti DOrau, Fr.~nk ~ qr 1ft' (9 tp l!4 rilo&e"5 151 -' · Bullene, G W Jots 1 and 2 blk 5 !llayoar<l ,. _ acreol"' 7 bl~_Slh'eo',o plat.- .. -

plat - - · · · • · · · · w 07 j)j)ran, Fra~ loll 11 A I! Wanl'a-plat 9 4! Beck, Wm efitatc n hf lot 6 blk 40 llay· " •• .D>Ian, J~meo aw qr of ne qr A oe qr of ·ee


Ha .. rortl nlat 69 · ~5 Moore. Geo 3 lot• In Soutb •M .... . ... ,, Rundell , E G Lots 1 ~ bk C Bell's 3d pt nard plat

Guye I' M .., qr ohtw qr aec 2j lp !5 .-aop 3. 40 oro; w bllot 1 bll< lU Ma)'Daid pl•t

Ga1e r II a oae 1birJ lol 2 'bllt JO llay. oard riM

.laalclr.e .I G loto 10 1: 11 .t e bf or se q• sec 4 lpllt ...... " 'l'. 1. a~ . . .

Jobooon E !' lot 1 bill 87 ceatral plat · ·

Gayer~ lot t bit I>'D,oo,- plat · . de lot a Wk li lkot>y plat

J ubnt!OD.B w loti blk 2-• eeotn&hl•t lt>bt>IOO Aodre1J le' 7 blk '3jl ~lnl JOt. , Jones J B n bf or • qr A D~ qr Ol 8 • •• A

. . .. .. qr orne qr lee 11 tp 21 nore 3, liD

'" do o bflot II blll6 O....ay plat do a bf lot t ljllt '7· !tla,-ntrd p:at d<> all ef1ollr 21 Ualob pta£ -do le11118 'l't! lttlk IS Uoloo plat, t'.D Jot 811119 Union piaL 15~ 1T

Groowor CUI part or l Barltle.•'• doutloo. ~ruaecMtpMranp~30~ 9~

Grllllo Tllo- •• qr or · ae 'I' and se ill' of

ae-~ . -.lacobll r. Ill e bl or •• qr A •• qr or n•

qr sec lS tp 26 raop 7, UO a&

K lt~ll1llrs AI LIn aw corM B Maddock's

,elm oec 11 lp 22 ra•1e 4, tw • an

6 ~1 96 !l4i !l6

do 2 loto In Yeller .t MrO'o. piaL . .. 1 46 Jl!chard, 8 Iota 1 2 blr 2 I.aw'a 24 plat, McElr•.•. )Irs U~nnab Jots l 1: 2 block 33 ' Lola 3 4 bll ~.Lola 1 2 3 46 6 bk 5, U>ta

M ani' 1 t , '4 'nl 12' 34 6 7 bll31, all io Law's 2d p1 2 311 •~~J~. Na~ iot (' i,i.' 3iJ -~~;;..;i j,i~t : :·:: De 'BIJ!II, 'lbtodore L lot 12 hll41i Lsw'a 2d pi 811 Mlll•r, AdeUne 1.,._ 8 bk ~ Central plat, ., 911 ltN:Itard•oD. B B lot 10 hlll9 Noo h pt ••• , 1 16 M.er. J 1!: lobS .t 9 bk 5 South plat; Iota 1 pt;IM 10 bit 19Nortb pt 1 16

8 S .t 12 bk 21 8o , . lat. 1 9T Rllfl' &: Earls Loti! 1 2 bit 8 South pt ' t16 ~ Murpby, C· a~S'J~~ ..,~-2-tj;iS' ;,;n~-3'46 3 '1'1 Redmont Me kCM Lola1 '.!3U6blt60

8 82 IIO<>rt. A W at a~, lot3 sec 6 IJ' 13 raJ!ge 4 Sooth pt . 8821)-100 .ere. 8 TT Riley,GeoP Lota,667bk72RIIeypt

·Mollllt .t Carllli;;~ii oi'~k -iti~;;;~.pl~ 8 17 Rille~, Josephine Lot 7 bUS, Lot8bU1 llyers. baacln .. ·910 All bl< ·41 Low'• ' 2d Law. pt -

plat; Jot.• S !110 .t 12 bltt3Law'• td plat. t ·46 Ritter,Jobn Lola3' bk:JO Law pt ; Lola llalflor, T'oo. lola 1 .t 2 bk 5 Cove pbt ..... 1 Ill 12 3 4 bk 15 Law's td pt Uattbews. J W .t Co In """ 3 tp 23 raoge 4 Randall, B Bin aw qr ac qr oec 11 tp 24


lie nard plat . . - I ' qr • De qr or. ;t''! qr A se qr or ... qr lee

Boulla, Anthony lot H blk 37 lloren plat 31 01 11 tp ~4 raose 5 ltY.I acr .. e br lol4 bllt S •• qr-aod Jo·• 11 12 A Ill- t8 tp !5

• . range 1. liT ac• · - . 8 88 Glbooo II: II Iota 11 A 12 bllr. 8 L1•'• ~~ plat

Kelsey GPO Into 'l' 1: S hit 3 Bell pt ltoedlatr Geo E lol5 blk 4 •UI@I'n Ill It•o•or by Marl' lots II 10 11 A U blr. r.

580 s Sl 126 10aene ...................... : . , ..... ,: 2 TT nnge3,8acrea

Morna. E )l Jots 7 .t s bll: 14 La•'• plat.. 911 Richard, F Lola in blh 22 23 McNaught Moore, W 8 5 lots In bit 19; 12 loti io ,bk 1S; Ex , , US Buckley, J hcil'll or bf or blk 3 Ward pit lkll'a prot . 13' 86

do do· bl of blk 9 do Dioomo1e A SJ&ttllcll, gr of block 10 Unioa do d o hi of blk H do plat ' 1 06 do du hf frl blk 5 do Dioomtlre. Wm P lol8 block t8 Bell AD plat. S ~

-•lo ao· llffrl bl.k 6 do -Do alii, Wm .l' Iota 1 t 3 4 5 A 6 ~a. do hf i'i-1 bik 10 do Dnaltl. Wm Plots 'l' Sl lll 11'& 1t block 21

d" do hr blk U . do Low's 2!1 plat . . do do' ' rrl blk 16 do Drultt, Wm P all·of-blnc:lt !lll.aw'o lot plat do do . br of blk 18 do . llrultt, Wm P Iota U AU blot:lt 1 Law'o :M' do do hr frl blk 19 do H 1-o"l pial

:Guck o!i Pope Jot 3 blk t Eastern J>lat I ~'6 .DndU. Wm P Iota 1 At bloclla Law'• ttl B1acll, Wm IOta 2 3 ud 6 blk 60 Denny pi 12 86 pia& Bright, J D lot& 16 7 8 blk 25 Mc:Saoght Drulu, Wm P Iota I U A IWIII!tlew'a 2!1

do all of blk '26 do pW a 98 do Jots 2 3 6 7 8 blk 42 do Dewloc, Tbos .I pari or llaYI*II clahD 10 do Iota :1 3 6 7 bill t3 do ac:na lola 'l A 8 bllr 10 Bell'a plat do Iota 3 k 4, 6 at 6 blk 44 do •~ 17 Dewloe, 1'baa J Iota II A I Dill Ia Bell'a pial

Boyer Jolm t'-e.hf ae qrac qraec 21 tp 2S Derioe, Tllos .I loll bllt t8 llell'o pial range 4 ~ acre& Dni1Nt, ~ .I Jots t A a hill 19 ;Bell'•· pia&

Doyer l~lm F ne qr aw qr sec 21 tp 25 Derlne, ~I all bllt 19 Jl,JI'o flU 4& 1S rallp' 40 acrea Jot 2 blk 17 BoreD pU 10 liS DloMDOft,lllltoo loi81Mlt 11 Oft••• pia\ Dro'll'll w , 1D Ed~ • Kolgbta plat 2 ~ Di-... ,llllloD a .... Ia D T DeoaJ'I plat 115 •

_; . 2 n DoJao, r.-..u ia- • tp • nap 1 1158 a:' D · 1 W Jot 9 blk 71 Central pit acreo · 9 Ill w~ anae lot 6 ·bll1. 311 do 1 35 DDnll, ,_ a bf or •• qr A.., ,.: of II qr

B ltle~ William lola 7 ~ 9 10 blk 60 eec 1a tD •,.... 8 ltD •- 14 a ':;;, tb. lat 1 16 Darla. l- lol • bllt. Cnlnl 111M •

B tt!r.b P & Rutledge oil of bloclul 16 &: 0,.001, Jolla lot I bllt '.4 Ccot.rel pie& • u Y Dllloo, Tbos lot I bllt 86 CleD&ra1 plat 17 RaDford plat Df11oia. Tlloa lot ll•lk 11 Ceotnl plat 1 11

BuUenby k Rutledge bl~ 24 k 25 HaD· 1., 86 Dan 0 Blot 10 blk 1911eAJeer'a plot 1 11 ford plat • . lat - »aY!d-, W•lo& 1 IIIII JO Ranbera .,..,

.Bowei:l, Wm lots 7 8 9 bloelt 5'J Riley P DaridiDo Wa lola t tat 15 I 'l .t. 111k 11 do lola 6 7 8 bllr. 57 do N~ ...,.. 2 11'1 do lote 5910bllt 73 do n-- W!l~tA101111150Dftplat 111 do lot9blockA do 278 -. 0 of 1a.11a. L f c R lola 11 and 12 blll 16 :Sortb pi I 56 DD'rla. Oeo ood 41' Joca • • oe ...- o

B~~~\ L B I ta 8 k 9 block 10 Robin- D1f qr A DW II" of DeiJI'- 30tp tanop _Jl,_...e, 0

96 I lit acre• . .,. plat A E. 1 1 Sa: 9 block 31 Law'" Daril. Geo 0 abfof oe qr A ae qr.,aa 'r Bor&bl'Op, o a · 96 aec30tp•nop 111111-100-~pl,.t , d 1 t 86 Daria,GeoOiolatAaeec19_tp ...... 6

.Blewitt.~~ I1ott87bblkl~~ ~~~ 2P1~ a 86 Dawio, GeoOaht ef ~bfaeclllltparup

Buttlt, N~•we o s IIIII-Bartlett, Geo ~ ~ :: 16~~~~"'ac~:" 8 79 DaYio, Oro 0 Iota 1 8 A 4 A .., qr - • lp

qraec4&pE231 •1t!Ob''- 31 Law'~2d plt tt...,..&tlllt&-100-blkaa_.A88 Boetwtck, A 0• .- 1 06 Baofold'e pial lOt 45

do lola 1 k 2 bllr. 28 do DariMoD ~ W C eatat.c Ia ae qrol ow qr Buma,lobD E lola 5 61 blk 11 do 1 06 -24 ip I& nap a tt'aere. t. JleD)teri,.IIICDb Iota 4 6 6 7 blk 19 do 116 Do1J, J BIota t 6: I b11t a BoNo .. o•a plat lJI .BucbteU,loaeph II br ae qr aw qr &W qr 1 76 DOoefta, .loJlD loll 'JS910 1J a 11 bJk 4l

ne qr ..,., 20 tp 25 J'DDge 5, 5 acrea Law'a plat Bulb. )(lot II bllt 68 Riley plat 96 DoMftll .lollo all of IIIII 44 Law'a plM I Ill Brookll, Geo w lola I& 2 De qr DW qrsec 9 83 Dober\7,'w Plol'lbllt lOL~··•M pial as

18 tp 26 ronge 7, 114 20-100 acrea Doooboe. -.tw .., qr - • tp 115 ...... li Brewer. AJl(beW e bC "" qr"" qr ne qr 110 acrea 10 84

..,., ao tp 26 noge 1. 120 IICftlll 8 82 DotaD, Pat 1ot 4 bllt • Central pJG 11 Brenctt. loaepb B bf '; qr.,. ~r 1~ ~! 16 811 Deeaaoao, J W lola 4 A II& a bt olat qr-.. qr aw qr..,., 9

1 tt, n~lk lli'l D T 'l tp M noplllOII- 'lll

Bucl, Henry L 3 o • o 3 Oil J)eDDy'a 1•* plat C E

CbeMUe L lot 8 blk 16 lloreD plat 12 86 s-, Tlloll lot e aeftl lp IJ I'll- 4 OoDIOY,'J)eDDyDeqr ne qreecU,tp23 Ull ·=·Patae qror~¥- t0 tp ft

~~: :;r: qr A'lC 30 tp 221'DDse li ~.Pat lola Ill. e-ll tpB ~4 '""&. tote 10 a: 11 ..., ap tp 23 nnge 11 18-lola lA a blcl!·t 11 o.or:•• piM It liS

_..do Iota 10 a: 11 (I- 11 .creal ..,., ~. 0 lllte Ill A em tllf 'a pial 1 11 • or lJ $p 22 ruse 11, 111 111-100 13 46 kq, W W lol 'llllt llllell'a pial S 11


do all of bill. t7 L•w'• 2d plat . . 3 88 Ooodmao P .I Iota 10 A 11 bllt 18 -IAw'o

p:u . · · .. ' · 116 Gauflo• A In re corDer D T Dcony'a dona· ,

tloo rlaltD, 4_oco . · ! '17 Garleld A Gallatrber ID Riley's dooatloo

clal• ..e lWHp t1 ran.., 5, 1110 ecs . -- .16 8:1 G11rtleldt l!e•acllll e bl or ae qr a oe qr or aeqr-a:ltp~raepS, UOacs; J:Ml ! 8 a 4 ltltl8 Baorord plu 9 0!

Glbbooe .lu R Eltate lou 1 t a 4 Ill I 1 bill 114 ane. plat

Glbbooo .lao B EJiate ICtal A 8 bill .1. Jllley ~ - · · ta

Gilbert· Cbarlea lola 1 t a 4 9 A 10 bill 51 · IUkT -ula& . Grllll'b SJl'Dh •• qr ol nw qr - II tp t8 "'- t, • sa. too-~ "" a blk 11 Jod·


••••• plat

DeDDJ pi; loti 'S A 9 bit 18 uortb pt :ill '17 ltlo~ CaiYio part ol sec :1C, tp it ntoa• 4,

!14 ac:o; pa1t or aec 10 tp 21 ranae 4, 180 acs . . II CU

ll:lm~aii.AC •• qrA panae qraec 4tp28 · ranre !J, 20•aca 18 Ill ltrletror Cbu Jot 4 bit *I ceotnl pt 1111 Koach llia'tb loiS llll 35 do 911 ltoata Uartio J:•tate lot t A ae ., or.., qr

aec 1!0 tp ll5 r....., 5; Iota 1 ll A 3 ate II ap !IS, !'RIIn II 10 64

K.,.,.lloo A B ne qr A ne br or ow qr A ae qr Of D1f qr A nW !If or ae qr a at flt or M qr - lll tp 28-4, o(t:O aea *I 91

Kelloa lla17 t: leta 1 A 21111: 8Law'1 Ill! p$ 86 Kina Broa a bf oloe or aec IO'tp t1 raare

I. 80 ac:s; leta 1 6 ll -I tp ,_ raap 1i 83 DOl 10M

L Grllltll •rab lo eec 1!1, I act li 49 Ooarlar If-. Iota I A 1 b II: 1111 'liCinll pial Land o A ae citr or • llf o; oe qr aec 10 tp

lie lo114 bill 80 McAleer plat 1 !I'T Ill nnp 4, 4 ace a 11 GudDP.r ••1 w bf oloc qr A ·" qr ef •• qr Lanll9loo .Jolla Ia C C 'l'be~a'a cleD elm ·

aec • tp •,..... 4, 110 a- 'lilt aeca t1 A 114 tp :U nore t, 1!10 at:11 81 • Geetlei- W-. 1M I bill: 13 Law'a ,Ut \ LoDpere B D Iota ,. a a 1111: I Jloreo pt II 01

..... ~-- ~ ~-~eW: ~f o':':~•q·P,~ • qr or 116 La•••ll .I clot 8 bk 14 II: A 1r p1 1 111 • - - l.tlla C P lo& 9 bll II Deoaw 11& I TT

ae qr A •• • oln qr aec 30 tp B raep :r.r- Laalt u bf lot 3 '* • lllaTaaod pi ~ 7'f 5,180- 881 Leo1LB1M8Itll:ltii:Airp' 106

Gerdoer II- • qr of ow qr A De •• of •• Lacy D 8 Jol4 1111: 1e BDrea p:; 1o1 I 1111: GO . , qt A lola 1 A 2 - 18 tp M 1'1DP I. 14·1 7errJ p1 8l 011 -

J21-loblltl7; Slota Ia bill 28. all In Rowley, JamesLola2 Sbt21Northernpt 1'3i )(orlbef!l pat ; .. ............... , ._...... 8 20 Bob.tiiCoD Mor1 E lot-8 bl. 13 Cebttal pt _ 1 c.;

llcBeorJ • .lobo oe qr "'" 30 tp 2t range 'l' Rice J .. M Lot 10 bk 18 , do · · II 160 • .,...,.~ n bl of n bf sec t61p 21 range Bader & R Lot !I bll I; Lob 7 S bit 15 do 1 4& 6 1110 acreo; lois Sit: 4 aec 30 tp 21 rao&e 1 Kobloooo I lben Lll 8 1>lr 5 . do 1 Ill 8t ~1·100ocre!'; e bf of •• qr St-.: 82111 21 Bot> o!!Oo E U Lnt 1 bk 88 ' do II ranp 'l' 80 aCI'e>; ae qr aec 30 tp 21 nnae . Rnpr• I: B Lot I bk 18; Lot 11 bit 1 do 1 1G 7 UJO acl'ft; w br of w bf oecll2 tp 21 rup Bldd•D II P Lola 2 A Ieee 30 lp 28 nap 7 lll)acrea; J.,u .t e br o1 •e qr .taw 'I" 5, 9'7 ~JOO act 3 'I': of oc qr aec 26 tp 21 noae e 157 IIIHOO R..to· • Aoule L:>ta 1 2 a 4 5 bit 41 Riley pi acrea .............. .......... ....... ... 194 46 . · L"'7blt A do 1 fr

uo.-.. ~~ pert ol •• qr or oe qr sec: ~ tp .Roach l V La!a 8 4 bll 1 low- Jlli Lot 1 211 ra-..38}( acrea lois 1& 2 bit 2a B A bltllll Wanl J>t 1 S D plat....... .. .. • .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 29 llef4 1r CLot 8 bk Ill Law'o 2ol pt . -~

lllller, D A ID oe qr or..., 2& tp 1114 ran.., a ,Roberta A Ball bb 2128 29; I.ota 10 11 12

..:~al"i.;&8 bk·i·~~i.-,;-1--Pia"l:·.:·:: t: _ Bic":~J::'~~ 1:..1 to s bUS~···"' r I UcCrarm, J lo e bf or De qr occ :11 tp 2t · noce 4 8acrea ................... ·... ••• 1 'l8 lUte PbDip • X •• )( or • X A • N of Ilea ... .,. T D lot a bll '10; lot G bll81; lot •w ~or"~.., 21tp z ra 4. •-;

482, alllo C..Dt.ral pW...... .... ....... U!ll L'lll 1 2 a 4 11l11KaJnanl l•t; 1r }(-or lloDoDald, Aona Iota 'l' .t 8 bit 13 Boolh • H or .., ~ of aw )( • 2l tp 25 r 4 10 ..

plat; lota'l89 tO 11 A l:lblt 298oulb pta' 2 lT eX or ae ~A"~ orae "of • X ol ne lfco\lpto, ,._ Ia ow qr or oe qr ae~ 14 tp " or ae ~ or 0 X of eX of ae ~ er ••

ft~ 8 1 ""' ~- 2Uap211qr 4: ex or •• ~or ae ........ ea acres...................... - ~..c!10tp211qr420a; Lotaa4Aow ~ !lldDIJ'1'11o 8- ae qr of D1f qr ate e tp 25 /I8C 18 tp 23 ra 4. 23t .a; •• ~ of ae " .=:.!.~~~-·i&p·:z·.-.·i·iiw: 4

'nl wet8tpl3.-4,tOaea; eX of-~-.81 2~•ra~•Hofaec:Uap2Sra4.G 100acrN. .............................. v ace; WI -1tp2& qr4, 19.a; oe}(

... .. w, Alu "" 1- ta tp 22 note 4; or .., ..--u '~» 25 ra 4, 40 ac:r., e X or lot 4 - 1114 tp 2S ....,.e' 44150-100 acrea.. a '" " ~ 80 -

OanJoer·ll- lot 3 aad ow qr or ow .r ar. . 2tp.raa~8,9tiM100aea lt18

Lewta, ~lot 4 blk 27 Cntml plat Leo1UY;d, Tboe A lot 1 blk lT DeDDy pit LIDd&Jey. Georp Joto 1 8 bit 92 D T De•

llc'I[JolleJ, Tbos I ow qr of ae qr of ae qr De ~ ICC 18 lp !U fl •• ecs 11 •• 96 aec22tp25raocea10acra•; awq•or.., BobliiDs.l Bbb •N a11aar aeaAtO

6 81 qr oee &Hp 21 !UIP a -10 aan. .... •••• 3 TT Uoluo P' 8 81 Gill J G lila& 5 bllt 12 Ceot.ral pW 116 61lltq Wro J<>t 1 bllt 21 Ceot.ral ala& 116 Qatdoer P B lot 12 blll11 Ceotral plat • Oe9e Waa Jata11A 12 bllt l'l Cent.ral pia~ 111 fhod Gee Plot 12 lollt 28 Ctolnl ,U\ 9tl Gnr l'!HN If lot I bllt • C...tral plat 9tl IHlttoD Lymao lot 8 bill 24 Central pial 9tl G'.<>rd A IMI .I A 'l bllll2 Law~W 01 Oaroa E all .r bllt 22 N~bera t

do Iota 811A 10 lillt 64 •1 plat 418

H BUIDD a-p D br De qr I; De qr of DW qr

aec 18tp t5noae'l.120an BilleD Georp Jot 6 aec 20 tp 211 rup 4.

UXacs tON Bali OtJywr w llr or •• qr 1: ae qr oraw qr,

Jot 4 bill 'll Terry plat; A •• qr of• qr oeealtp28rauce 5,180acr; lo&1blll11 .,. ... ,ptat as•

a.,. Job a 1o12 blll40 Bore• plat 2 n Ball lira Pht~~ne II: lol t bllt e 11011111 plat 116 Bollllard llartlo W ow qr or ae qr A oe qr

ef 81fqrA JotaaA l-30tp:IIRIIPD, 144aca 881

Bufad ~ Ia II lluford .... elal• ta M nap 4, 101 ace; 10 Iota ID b It 11 Raeford plat

Banford Tbul~- 1 llf of N qr A a qr of D bf or oe qr- 1 tp 21 nlll(e 4, 100 aca; a Iota Ia bit< 18 Baaford plat

Jlaaford Tlladdfwa lollS 110 a .., qr ofoe qr A Iota 1 2 A 12 bill 41 Law'• ~ pia&

.,. plat

Long, Wm e hf 11e qr.., qr ae qr &: lot U aec 12 tp 26 I'DDae II, 112 acres

Long. Robert aw qr aee !M tp ~ nDge 6 UIOacrea

Lewis, l L· lola 1 2 3 4 5 8 12 blk 21 Nor­them plat

Lewle. Wm. belra of Iotti II A: 3 aw qr ae qr aee 19 tp 24 P11J1118II

Lewta, Wm. beln of loto 8 A: 9 eec 30 tp IN I'IID&e 8, 161 90.100 Krell

Lepper, A lot& U to 18 blli 2 OQye plat La«oia. Marcel lot 11 blk 20 Central plat Lulgley, Cbarlea lot 2 bill 38 do

do lot a bill 13 do Law. K kl& 1 blk 14 Central plat LJ'III&Il, Peter lot II blk 37 Central plat Libby a: steerDa. lot 1 blk 2t Central p" Lobr,-, E K lot 5 blll18 UDioD plat Lord, DR lot t blk 18 North plat Levener, Geo lot 10 hit 18 CeDtml plat

do aU of block 82 Blte:r-. plat do kl&a 1 8 blk 63 do do loUO blk 118 do do ... .-toto 1 2 bill 89 do do tote 3 8 bill 811 do do lola 1 8 9 10 bill ell do do Jote1238blk12do do loto 8 910 blk 1i do do Iota 1112 13 bill A do do tote lt 15 blk A do




~ 16

983 126


1 18 9tl 96 911 118



N Kelooo A Olaoo, lot 2 .t ow qr or .., qr aec

12 tp 2'l n~ce 5 'Ia acre• ... "' .. .. .. • • .. 4 II! NeeleJ, DAdo cl Ia .. es 101114 A 15tp 23

l'lltlft 4120acreF; J: Cooper'• d• cl -111 tp22 raap416J; w bfol • qr A 1-12 4 Allaec 14&p 12noge U6.1118100acrea.ll5 29

Mellon, Allred lots 1 A 2 1111: 118 Tert'J''I plat 4 'nl Nelooo, L II Iota 2 A 3 bk 59 Terry'a lllat. : • 4 'nl Melioa, .Ill portsec411t 24rauce411acrao 2 TT Norrla, .I W a bf lo& 11 blll9 belra ef I A B

plat ...................... ... , .......... t '1'1 Xatlon, .lobo loll 1 A 2 bll 4a 8 A D plat... 5 80 Nortb hcl6c I"DD Worllo, lou 110 11 A 1~

bll II: Deony'o plat .. " .................. !1 9'7 'lielooo, .lobo Jot 111111: 2 ... lot 2 bll a Cea·

t't'lll pial. ............................. 1 1515 Nel11011, ._ooel lof'l bll11 C...lftl pia&.. 1 Oil

0 Olaea, .lobo I' Ia Uoloo CltJ .. ........ •• • • 1 21 O'Inla• rena-Jr • qr or ne bf- 12 tp

12 nap 448 acrea...... . ..... ...•.. .. •• 8 81 Olaallf ... Jobu D 11ro1 aeqrAaeqror.., qr-12t~ftrauce4111- ........ IO&

O'Laqbbn, LDCJ' .1. Ia lot 1 aec 30 lp ill naaell8810 acret ..................... 1 'l8

Ott, llolterUot I bll 'lO Cfttral plat.. .. .. .. .. II

o;.g:;:.f'J.t~·~-~~~.;-~~.~ 118

Blebonlaoa Ju Lot 1 bll 5 !llcNaarbt p& 1 1'6 llay Waa L~t a bll. DCDDJ'... 4 'It


- r

- .. ' . . . ... , .. ... .neta.,AB'111111&2-J41.f'Z 111 u tLa:-li:..,•~IOhkjiiO.cft . 1a ... ....,.a- "'I. lea.,.,., • .,... A Liverpool cerrt~~pGndent·or ...... Deecrlptl• a. Tlt:E.

:-:o-::.::.~~~:' 11 ' 111~11& JUT ~pt·· ~ "hlo& ~~ 6 ..

111ui· epa~'-110-- 8 · .· . •so tlle 'Eogliala . Mecbaaicp de1cnbea

.................. ~,. · ••• ·JAwt•,JL~eba•XG!t~Mnlpt ,. ' • aaenglne Ia which gun-powder

artuha•. ,_ B la-·&~talll ... 410XaeN~III•11U&Jtlili: 211 Oalllio "·l0&5oeolllp•nDp'4U-IMe 'J'SeJ011&1tllk. Law'• 2111"; 1loa In Ltw'a 11' pl ........................ 11 ..

8Drber wnwrof•••·• .... ••a-..... Y 1 •a~ttt Ja r.~•·• II J6 : I 01 · • • · - ......... r.m "'" 1ou '1'161 a f • • i h tl · .,..,'o~'tll .. qroh•q• ..... "• - . ._ M .,.., 35-, 22 .... •lllh a': :.a .. l ~~to g t'e t e mo vo power.

lllla ... l_,tt 1111:6Lew'•2.tll& ' I II ~ • - " ' ~ 41- Th )'nder et l'k 111 a;" l'alllrf' tiC 90-100 - Jo& ., .. 28 BAD pt· lnU Ilk B A & D pl ........... 15 8'1'

8eld.t, FrUok lot 10 Ilk 311 D to B A D pl.. • 4 7il Bwulbel'll, Cba• tot. t & 8 tilt 'Ill De1111•l'-- 4 'II llolftDDL Lewia lob 4 5 I a 'I' Ilk 76 I'! II:

J'reacb, G P '18- JlfOIIIftJ' a u lllimuct, F A 'T&Iowno aee Up ~II 4. s ... '!:-~ •; . as eli ere was a cy 1 ' c., 1 e , ..... O.U•Ie "fSe bfofDeqrlle> 22 lptli 35 acr 1!1118 S:-lu '111, ao&aa Deqr of .Mqr- 82 . the COrrespondiDI part& Of a ~h

111: • llfoh• qr& Dwqrot•• qr HC llurray,Annie"'&e hf.e qr, ewqr.eqr, tatiq4; wbhln •-a tp21ra"4 pressure steam engine Outside 21tp IS rc I; •• qr or IW qr HC U tp 15 ae quw qr..., 23 tp 25 rg &, 160 acr 13 51 111- 14 ll3 - •

.,a; Jobs a 11111 • a a a: .,. .. . ... .. • . . . 3 IS 8MIIJ', I-• Jot• 'I' a 8 Ilk illllaJ'IIard pl.. a 71 Mlal&ll· & D """ s a 11 Ilk a Euaens ~-... .. 1 'II .....:cPio&IHC11tp211rup ll'l'IIG-

100 acres loll 8 I 'I' Ilk 51DdltiDI pi, W bf olewqreoc~1a.Mn!IPI4111-100aca 882

81ar1r. J B lo~8 a Dwqr of ow qr- atp 21

q~ebret•••••ot .. q, _ _. II~WBWIW.Iolllt",I2Jolahl ~-"11. uts the cyhnder was a brass wire, ••1111: -•rot••tr-lhpZrat•M , httl,l21«*iabtl7, a l«*IDbkts ~•WH"III.•qrAIWqrolaeqr- h t db 1 p The supply

Wn~e&. 011ua1. .,. .-~ • 411 l!ionlla pt • 1t u ., "' 2211 a; lot 2 _ 17 'P 22 ra a. lli • 11 • ea e 'J' a am • J'4rni•,J-"ll5~oaeua12 blt211,1ote Jloore.WB"ll IJa 8alr7ft'WR.,., 11110 efgunpowder was in a hopper lf&Hbltllaltl•~•'•t:IP' 842 llarphy,TbGD"'5Deqraeqr~~ee20tpK lllarri:A '111.•wqr .. atpl511r4,lll'lec • h . l '

J'arplD,I_eo "18••-prope!i.r au ~ 781 .,10ua • ,refDeqr .. Utp!llr a. 100 from wb1c a plug-tap, revo V-

....,. &; lotttOa 11- 8 tp 11 raop 11: IM 10ax 'l'tpll rupU6SIIO-JIJO-lli ''I'

s,taalac, :c B lo• a bt Tl Terry ,., 2 '1'1' l!alhb, Levi lou 'I' 8 a I A tie qr "faa q r NC

2Up:MJ'I4; lota2 a a- 10tp22 1'15 . 11'l' .. 101) ~· . 211 lit IJDbole•. 1' R Iota 1112 1a A 14 bll 15; '" 4

bli: U; 1 II 'l8!110 A 11 Ilk 10 all 1D Jtea toD pl • • 81

lllerley, lao I Dt qr seel "'t2 11: & 1111 * 100 """; ID D W Poot'• cJ Hi aet; ID IW cor J T Ra11\'t cl 2~ aca 12 IS

.. ltb. B C 11 qr of oeqr -26 '" 21 rc4; Jo&l&4- 311to II I'C 4; loti& 8 teellll "'21 rc ' la'l ~180 are; If qr of .. qr . A••qrol tieqra Jo&i....,ljtptiJ'I4 l!'l80Ioo- . a a

' tlloDe,A HIDe bfofD~qr- 21 lpK ra4 8M H t S8

lpuldiDfl, T W" • llr of aw qr HC 2t tp 11t1 1'1 880ICII 5 Ill

llpuk•, J a a •fof oeqr-22 _lp 21 ra 8 80aoo 5 Ill

ti&Na•, Art bur Iota 2 a 8 bill Nmb pt 1 15 8 :rtclder, W A eRetr, loa a A 8 A w bf oflw

qr - 18 lP 25 ,.. 4 lit 80-100 acs; 1 bf ef Nqr-lltpml1!5811a<~ 12 oe

BAWJ'er, W B oe qr or ew qr of ae q• ree 'l tp12 ... a; ~ot 2 ;;ec 11 ap2J ... a tJI• 1110- Jt 86

Banp. lobo Iota 1 2 a 8 loli: B; lob J1 a I:! Ilk j all ID &'>biD- "' 1 ll6

lladero, Pbthp all Ilk 40 IAw'a 2d rt I 1'1' lhreeaey, l'rlllk Jo&l bkl8 CeDiral"' .. l!lnrary, 8•~ le&llliii:IS do lie &aJtlt, eeu.ertae lot 5 bl< a • do 81 a.. .. , H~•r.r lo& 5 bt 12 de 1 08 -llnallfrJ, Cbu Jo& I 1111 a do M aa-, llary&Clot5liii:M do M 11attDVn,Cbulot.lllk'1'4 do

do 1Mlbll:5 ... S.l .. ,lemeo & l<K 'i bk 22 do ........ ,LDiollil>li:l . do l!aoae Almira L • br of aw qr - llltp 21

rr-t; wbfot nw qr .. c'l',piiJ'I4,JIIe '15-100 IC>: I br "' ~ qr NC 15 lp ft 'J 4;

lZ • 108

Ito 1 a I oec U tp II ra 4, 144 111100 •••; lleSalirecl1'p z,.4; Ito 1a :II A a br of M qr ote 18 lp !Ill 1'1 4, Ill 61-100 I 1'1' 118

l!loaei .. JtSA aeqr or .e qroee lltp21 ' 1'1 4: • bl or .. qr.., II "'13 1'1 4, 111'3 a I 31 l!cot• 1 .. 11 2 A ar qrof .e qr A owqr of 11

qr aec 4 tp l:lrw!; lU a .. qrof •• qr tecllp l:l rl; It :t-18"'!11 I'C 1110 a 'I' t:l

SaaUJ'Iaol~l a 4 oec 81 'P Mrtr5: IY ~A w bf of •• qr eoc U lp M ra 5, lw an 'l 80

1!Sreet .lllopb ill: all or ltk 111 wn p& I • ~AlcSitalto8bk:S . de 1116

T ,._,boll Poult It 4ac I& tp 1M rr 4: 1111 I &

3 a e bl or aeqr-I:HpMJ'I 4. tolac: I st Tbo•piOD W• para ae qr or ae qr aoc lllp It nr 4. 1:1 aeo t Ill

'l'horDioD Joba W bf of De qr I II qr Of De qr oec 18 lp M ra '1'. UO au 4 'II

'l'hommea Jolla ~ or 'I' ee Ia BonDI e, 1' a 81 Taylor lu It 'l bk 11 Cea pL 1 08 Tayler 111 blof n qr -151p UrI. 801 4 'Ill 'ftppen Wtn It SIlk 111 Cea p& 1 Ill Talltua Cbu e bf af r:e qr a DW q~ of De qr~ecUp21•r4, 5ece 1•

Tloa•u W• lo ae qr of De qr It~ D tp 96 ra4,8ae~ 11'l'

!aile AI·" lol J Ilk 2 K'lbl- r·l • Ttoomu Ricbard lta 11 a 12 Ilk 17 c.,. p~ 1 '18 n-Wm It I Ilk 15 Jtealoll p< • Talbot Coal Co e II r ofle qr - 191~ ll3 I'J

5; •• qr of n qr- til lp 1111!6, UU Del; .. qrer ~eqr11Cll•p!IIJ'IIi. 40ac w br olaw qr NC 18tp 111'15; e lltlolae qr MC Sltpiii'J:Ii. l&'Jaa lOB !!I

Tltu I B In 11 B 11acldocb cl - 11 tp ft ra 4, X ac; 11" Ia oee 11 tp\lt rc 4.. :he; JD •• cor or teqr-14,pllra 4,10 aeo 8 II

'f41bia C B Ia No X B B Tobia cl, 100 acs 11 91 · TJaomulll lolo 84 bk IS Alto 9 10 llkl4 ·

Hofll& Bp& 811t TllotuiJ B loto 5111k13 B of lAB pl 4 'I'll 'l'hliJaal~ I• • Jor k 9 Ilk ~ JJorera pa 3 '1'1' ""-iSCiot'l'8bltUBafSA8p& 4'1'11 Tltylor Cbaa Ita I 4 5 1111 8 8otdlt pl 1 IS '!'IJo-. 3 W Jut I Ilk 80 T.rrya .., p& 10 N 'f.U l!aDila bf .r .e qr a ee qr -"'~ qr -

tlpMil!l; aw'lrol••• ~tp M rali. 1411- G 11e

Tattle lluaalo B w llf of w bf IIC lM tp ~ 1111i. 180 aco; he 1 ! 14 a 1 llkllll!<>etb P' 'I' 'iO

TIRtleP Q a WDw qreocllapltra5,110 8a; oe qr of .. qr a De qr - ' lp ,. .. li, 11 ace 10 18

TIDoey 'P1101 ll 'I' Ilk 101 Dmay pt t '1'1' 1'ilaoo Marl< lh 7 a 8 bt 12 Moyaanl II& 10 84 UalYenliJ' of locbtaler 1!1 T 8 Ito Ia bk 40

Baaforll pa t • v Valade, lllrl! M B Jot 5 bk 47 Denny pt VIJ>cent,BP.Dj lot&bk 11, lot17 bll S2 )(e.

Aleer pt 'VIniDg, B c e hf De qr, n bf ne qr ac 26

tp31 renre 4,160 acrN; lola tllO 1112 ba 1111 Nortbero pt; all of hli: U llc:Maut Ez; lot 3 bk 9 Euteru pt; lot89101ll!!


bk 20 Northern pt ; lote 1 13 4 5 G l bli: 19 N~rtlleru pt 12 ~~

'Videler, lamea II lot 9 bk 3 Cen pt 1 08 Yenner lam• F lot119 to 111 bt 2 Cove pt;

lote 3 4 56 bl<21 Northern pt 3 18

vv Wldbam8, B A lots 13 I& 15 16 bli: 5 C~.e

pt --WlJUama, B 0 lob I 2 bkBl Buford pl,

lot 10 ht 18 Benford pt


146 371 Wilde, L lot. 11 12 bk 20 belra of SA B

1\'eyman, Clare lot 8 l>k 'i8, lut 7 bk 20, It 2 bk 30 Cen ~ 1 36

Woodl'Ulf\. W_ H lola 4 5 bk 103 J>eDDJ' pt 3 1T Weill!, BeliiOGID Banford dn el G acree, "

or Jot 2 bk 5 McNaught pt ; lot. s 4 5 bk 5 lleNalliht pt; a Ill lot 3 bk 411 llla7· DUd pt 629

WUliamll, D Tin aee 29 tp 25 range 4 4)6 aeres, 1ote 7 8 910 billS Law pt 2 67

, Walker, Wm bli:D S U J2 U H lllcNaqht . ... 5~

Warren, Oro WID froat of lot 9 bli: 1 May-DUd pt 4 'i9

Wllllllllll, Mary B .e qr •• qr aee 25 tp 26 range 5, 40 acree 2 :MI

Wblte, II T bk 16 llcNeqht Ex 1 36 Wllaon, Caroline E lola 1 2 8 bit 59 Soutb

pt Will lama&: Kollock lotlll 2 U bli: II lu•­

kin pt; Iota 1 2 a 4 blt lOJudli:ln pt Wlllaon, Thomu lot 11 bk 10 heir& or S



4 37

882 Weedin, Anna Jl lot. 57 8 bli: 102 DenDy

pt 619 WllUBIDIOn, lulla loU 1 to 6 bk !Ill Bell pt 18 91 Welch, lohn nwqr nw qr eec 29tptsrg

4, awqr•wqr~~ee20tp 2611&. • qr• qraee llltp ~ 114, ne qr ne qr aee 30 'P 26rg 4, 160acree 8 82

Weddell, Jlargt J lot 8 hli: 40 lleJDird pl 7 80 Weteon, Wm M ln • Ill llnuell dn cl ~ ~ 12~

Wllkee, P 8 aw qreec: 20 tp 26 rg G 160 acr 6 48 White, Geo In tp 26 rg 6, 160 acr 9 82 Wright, Thoa A Jot 4 bk_4 Ee8tem pt 1 1111

BenleU E a ''lS. e bf el a qr - llT tp 21 rw &; lUoec ~6 tp 141'14. I& ace £11 411 ...._.,_,...., .... ua~att ... a •

do ''Ill. do do do t 81 BalDI lobo 8 "'a, lta Ill 'I' Ilk J1 do Ill

hlOitltll do2d 818 IIDntaloba B "ill, 2 'Ill lin ... n .... bllue "15, ll 4 a •• qr of ee qr

11Cl'l'tp II 'Ill: lte 'I' a 8 a e llfof aeqr eoc 1'1' tp Ill •1 5, !11 ac:e · "1'1' 44

aa ... l'bao,.u .. "18, 1' • BowuoADD'Tii,allbk6&JlKAII:p& 8'18

•• "18 . 10 114 IIDU.Netlle "l5, I& 'l bli: 5 Lsn lid pl ll '1'4

do ''18 t • BlawlttiB "1'5, I 74

do "18 2. 1hrUeU C C '15, para •• qr of ae qr oec M

""15 ... '· '"'..,. . 2 '1'4 Baralet" C C 'ill II m B'elle EW "i5, Itt Ja &14-' tp M 1'1 4, 80- . 2318

8nwer &Ddmr "18, e bf of .e qr a w qr of De qr IOC 10 lD *I 'lf'l',liOICI Jl D

llroek• Oeo W ''ll, lt. 1 a ! a aa qr of DW qr oeetS 'P Z 1'1 '1'. 114 !l·liiOICI 151M

Bucli:bam &allerooa "18, • llf or ae qr aec 28"'111'18.80~ Wli&

8ur..,..1 Wm '71, • bl ofae qr NC t8 tp 23 I'll 6, 8hct JO Ill

Bnll:duaU 1: II "18, I bf of DW qr- 2S tp 21J'II,80aca JO lie

BaUer 118''111.1\2 bli:lll; .)(orW 11111:11

Tf'tTY "'" Beab 11'11, Ia 5 Ilk ~Riley p& IIDcbt•IIIM "18, a bfot e bf of w bf el IW

qr or aeqr..., 20 1p 25 rwll. aaca

II fl tt2

Ill 8e Bater Bro ... '16. 1~ 2 t.t 20 ~••.r p\

BrlJI>~ le!ll D "'Il, ltJ I 8 'l81111: Z; IIIII til; bkC'; lto2Sill>kti; Ita 14 51bli:4C .......... "' 81182

Barthrop, U E 'i6, lota 8 II bk 31 Law'a pt --:~ 09

Bludale, L B "16 Iota 811 bk 10 Rohiuoa ~ 3W

Black, Wm "16 loil 2 3 6 bk 80 Denny pt 7 25 Bordeen, T '76 Jot 7 bk 29 S A B 3 31 Buckley, Wm '76 Juts 7 8 910 hk 80 Sou'h ~

Brown, Perry '76 lot 10 bli: 21 Cen pl Bo'fl'&ll, Danl W '76 lot 9 hk 77 ,lol 6 bli: 38

Cen pt BWJer, W T '76lot 1 bk 69 Cen pt Buali:iDI, S E "16 lot" 2 3 4 10 U bk 12 Clo­

nrdalr, lot. U 19 U 15 bk 11 Clover-dale

Bro1n1. AlleD 'iG part of lot 7 k oe qr nw


301 191

220 1!11

JI'arrHt.E s 'Til• llfol .. qr- • tp21 r II • Thoa "151ota 12a •~:rrlfc • ... o br'" l'I''PIIra4, •-.; • llf HC18 10g with •be ftw-wheel carried 780 aa · · · lO lie Naqht J:s v"" tp 21 ra 4, Ill at:• '18 11 .. J '

JIDJey, Job• "fS Ilk Ja Lew'• 2d Ill 4 11e JlcLeoDAI'd, Thoe "IS Jot.l 2 '2427 lie- ~ _ ..._..a.., .... , Ill ••I*Jt-..r 1 -u a ~~~nail quantity ·of gunpowder, ......,A .... Ie&'l.,.alaw'alllll& 1• ......, .. ,101111,1811 lleL·JII •" -• do ''II • 1111 d · • • t I th J'•rbalb,Orlen"'llt211kltllollla-pt 2111 llcBenry,lohn"'5lot.J2UA:ehhw m.-llarll\''llbk21lca1'BAII~L - 284 an at ... CertaJD po10 D, 8 P•rrJ', o P''lll" 2- ~'" 22ra lilt HI: qr ne qr, • hfowqr - 10 tp 21117 Bl<lel J'rui .,., .. 10 bli:IIID aoB &B 1 81 movem.en"t dropped the porttOil

loll 1 to 181Dclad•e- :M lp 21 1'1 a I 476110-100 acr; W hf wIll MIC fi tp lll II· Spitall Alts •u lot. 1 ao 8 Ilk a tan pl II lie f d • b · d h , • aa; 1tbl..,..ta-111p21fll It 01 -- 7,160acr;_.eqr.....,aotp 2lrll7,160!"'r l!cDliJ'Iuor&'oD4 WP"'S,toil4 IICP o pow er on ·t ere o .. Wire.

J'Oikr, PblDeel ''IIIII qroraeqr. DWqr of D hfn hfoec 36lp21 117,18011Cr; e Ill . ,.,,. ... G· lw2Aw bf of .... -. tp The. working of the en-loe JS N qr-12 lfll5 J'll80aca 8 • oeqr, a qraeqr-lll"tp21 11 II, 16'175- - IN 11 ' 2t 48 • · 6"

'•rry, &P "'&lola uu 11111: •T_, p& JUSt •oo.acr 31942 s.n.':.l o "'I. wtllll:allcA._ p& 2 J'l' thus epitomized: "The theory Preacii,UeoB"nnlan,rorae., IIC 21 llc~eD17,Iolul·'T8 -: 18:11111 ~lee'W,IotjiH'lrel••••., L.:: · t-lfi 1 b t tb fi o.-

tp23rf"llalo&el&lllk6Laa'sltpl au llollllt~CVIilla"'5allorbU6Law'aM ol -aqr-f'PI2ra2;Je&aa .. ,.,or w!'s uuau o, II upoll' e nv G 1l~ttA:CVlill ..,6 :: .. qr-a'r22~2; "'-l&tp21rl sea tnal, unfortunately, the whele

ll;er, WIIC "15:..U011 hk&l; lot.st ==-~~~"'l,~:a•llkawc::.ral : = &ft'air 'Went oft' 1

80 COIIlpletely . Gilaa., w B'75rwqrof••qr-26tp 2S 101112 bk 43 Law'eMpt 4114 ~a&,., wa1111: ll do 1 11 (very nearlv takhlg father'•

ra4; panol .. qrofnqr-8tp Z II llyer,Iaac"fl 459 l!oneooGao"JJI.Je&a .. 26 .. 111 J • • *• 5 a 6 ~~~ 41 • ..,_.."' 18 08 llorril, BennaD "15lot. u 6 bU; lata 4 lliDWI 0..111 A "'I. tou bli: :se do 1 tt head along with It) that he 'let Gellftwoa, IOIIall "ll5 Ia tp :10 r 6 180 1C1 41 11 li 8 II bk 15, Jot 7 bk 20 Boatb J•t & 31 ....... Plllllp •'II. .. til IAWI Ill pia& • 4 111 t t • d d •d t · k O....._,JieDj"15wblofteqr& • qr or lle71or,Thoe"'5lot1112bkii'Conpl 2• ~W•"'II,fotal&l~' .. 3 JO I _ Wen, · &D 1 DO ma e any

1 11' qr eoc !lllpi&IIII\'OICI 1!1811 Maylor, Thoa "18 . 219 ..ua-11 A "11.111&1 awl~ •Ia K pl·'. more." . Oardllel', BeDJ "'ll - piOplltJ' lT 11 Moore, A W "!&lot 3oec 5 tp 23 II 4, 3S acr 6 40 twc.. o .... A & '78, Je&i 4 a Ilk 43 ao.ta I 111 ---------Oar8eld, S "15 I bf of' •• •• of D8 qr .. a lloore, A W "16 8 00 ~!aroDa Art.llv '78, lela 1 a 1111: UN..U. p& 3 10 tp2&~~rl10aa; ebfol···-··p:M llarpbJ,ChaiS "15lotlaee 2*112311'3, 81o11eB"l8,1aea.f'Of aeqrra:Utp2&.. . A bright story IS told of the 1'1180 aa; ae qr of N ••- 85 lp 46acr , 840 48a~:~ 411· 0 I' bed Jfi•-n d d IN ra • •-JoY 1 11 a a ' 1111: 28 BaD· llurphy, Chu s "IS Jot 1 aee 2 tp 23 11 3 sp•aalDI c 8 '78, ..,. a ~~~ n THr7 1 86 ace mp IS w ..--..ow ea -ford"' 14 01 46 acr; all of bk 311 Cell,, • 610 lpaal41ra,. w '78 D.., of .... - 22 tp of Geri. Boeker. When she was

Oarlle14,S"'IIe.rofeeqraowqrafMqr Jleqher,FJl"16puloflot2oecl2tp~ ...... 80- • 10111 the admt'red -u-.· ... Gr--L--k, of' HC35tptcrtra1~-loll1tl&& Ilk llll,8"acr 431 l!parbiB"'Iabfof•qrHCfl tp21.. JD.n .,_,~ 18 BaDdlonl p& 14" llyer, Jue x "!Slot. 8 11 hli: G lot.ll12 1, 80•·.. 10M Cincinnati, 1he wu ·once at an

Garlleld A OallAiller, "'ll Ia alley'• dD d bk 21 Sooth pl 9 27 s~,-. J' W "'IIII& 1 a bf 10& 7 -1t ao II ' tp 20 ll!lilllhu 11 'l't !lUter, D A "!SID 118 qr aee ~ lp 2• 11 :s 11 II¥_ ... 1111 111 s 1111a P': Ilk 8 evemng party when a fuhiona-

8~b!:::~t':'ii::'ft•~Y11& JUI ~~~i~~::ID• qr 118 qraee:ss *~~ 21 459 =~ .:-.• .. ":J:,.:~pt; Ilk I 4727 ble young dandy wasaskedifhe 1211k8alllaJ.ew'a~P' 191 llliller,IIJ'711MqrDwqr,ehfawqr Bte•-WP"'814Kea&Uik2041pl 112 WOUld like ~0 be presented to

01-,J:JI"'II-)Iftpefty a• aecl0tp26117,120acr 1353 IDJtll,llnJCiba"'fl"lllfofDWqr-Sto h <Oh " 'db l h Geller. W• "!Slot I Ilk Jlilll&8 Ill< II all lD llethodiltEpil Cburch,J BPD:rae, Tra.- 2¥ra 5; loU 1 a 2 IIC Up21J'Ia!Za,a, er. ' 1 ye1, Sal e, aUC •

Law'elilfll 2 '1'4 tee, '761ot. n bk2 Boreopt 2170 ~oaeJ a' 1111 111ern"' 11 u ingly, "trot her out." The lady 0-1•,111"15111&15Aibk151.n'e"JI& 1'1'4 MayDAI'd,CathT"'81ot2bll611eynardpl24~ 8>Jder,WH"'IIpar\of-M tp a 1'1 4 ·

do 'TI do do 2 15 ~~attJae-. 1 w a: eo "IS 1n aec 3 tp 2111 411 611-IOU _ 21 46 overheard the remark, and when Oardaer, .._ "ZZIoe •• or ow qr A De qr 4,10 aer 459 T h t d h d' ted

or ... qr&lo&sla~a.ez•,~• ,..a 14'l 11err~mu, 11 "18 JoUuhtiDanypl 11190 e was presen e , 8 e a ~us .ce: Ill& a a .. qr.," qr-hfl lira I Miller, AdeaDe "16 Jot a bli: 51 Boren pt 1111 'l'e!Dpldoo, Joba c "B a llf of •e qr a oe her eye-glasses deliberately aad llaa . 11151 llcLaugblln, E "18 Jot 1 bli: 61 do 9 52 111 - T '""' J ..,. 1 1 d h' l th• Gardaer,llo-''ll•s:epropei1J' 1:148 McBqhkOreen,"'GIDIIBII..wock'• qroiDwqr- 'P-re .... aa 7wo SOWY SeanDe 18 CO lOg

Ooarley,ll,. "'&loll 8 a , b& I Nortben c) IMIC 11 tp 22 II 4 7 li8 Ta,lor, II 8 '7111 bfohw qr -~~ tp 2t.. from boot to ·-collar. The IQr• pi; 1M 14 Ilk II llc&teer P' 10 l'l' llcCiellu, • .t M "Ill lot 5 bk 8 Boren pt 3 58 a 8J •ce 7 81 ·

Gilbora,Oen w "IIIIo&' Ilk 1111.,..ard P' J! !11 McDuteJ, F P "16lot n bk20 u of II AB :s1111 Taykw, 118 "'I vey fini£Ohed, she waved her hand God~ w ·- 1 1 .. :s ~ 10 •-- ~ .... 'I'IHmotea, .Joba "18 w bror ae qr -18 ._

,..,,., • •v""' • - -.-apl ~- llcOarvey,MaryA"'8Jot.67bk66Terry 4114 7- •r d I I •d ''T t h'm 61b!on. Qeo J' '16 D to B A B pt; lo& 1 bk McJUnney, T 1 "18 nw qr 118 qr, .. qr aee 1111111 1-an 1 1' II@ an eare ess y sat : ro I ncea~ Jt& 15 '1'1' 22tp25113,10 acr; ew qraw quae 35 Tlloeaa,lillll "'tllo!el • 1 - Up 22 111 back, 1 have seen all _ there i1 of

tfllbtrt,Cbrt."'lallllk&;loliJ!a51AJO tp26rg9,40acr IIIII 4; puaoh•qrofaeqr-31pMra4GJ him." llk5JalllaRIIeJ'pl 5'l8 lloCuUen,D"'Glot2l'OClltp25113,3l}f ~,OQ"'ICO Petklae ........ tt 3

1037 011~. J W "'&loll 1 2 310 11 A 1! Ilk 18 acr 10 66 llrlfaaaba II& 11 1 ;

I'! a II: .r, I 17 llcA'plne,lu "18 ID ow qr oe qr ..., u a-, 0or .& '78 J,; o1 'laCIID w Bowea'• ADclenoa, the OOD1'ictecl member of G1;!et;• ~· "llllot I Ilk 11. lot 8 Ilk 11

2 111 tp 2& II 3, 8 acr 181 clal• 7 'Ill &be relontiDg board of LooWaaa, ... m...!..' p J ~~Ill& 1& ae qr of •• qr NCI8 :!ll~::bt' ~ ~;.• ::' 5

bk Rl, lot 5 bk 70 2 u ~":.;.II "18 1 llf or .. qr tee JS lp ti q3 • MD&tor iD &be legialalore of that ftale

tpd,..a•]t'..,. 18111 McCrackeD, 1 "18 IDehfDeqraec Utp!N !'ale, Ales "181e1 1 11k 2 ......._. pl ~ i~ for about tweD&J-eiJbt yean iD ~ .. Garre~, • "18 W< 22 Nort.,ena pt, 111&1 8 1 a 11 4, a acr an 'l'arllal r 11'18 1 24 M eD •aceeaioD Ha waa a clemoantio

qr He 20 lp :H II 4, 8 aer 4 39 10 Ilk 114 alley p& t! 118 llcFiddea, 0 P "II lot 2 hli: 111 Cell pt 1111 lot ~·I ;• A " 4 - 'P l'lr ~; " ' _. ...__.. Capu, Epbrlam "15 whfneqr, Dwqreec Glloo~, ~ "'!!lo&8 liii:IIO..wal pt 1 111 MeSorley, lobnlot 4 aee 121112611 , ; lot8 • 3 • bfofae qr tee Ill tpM ra •aator aor aome .. xt .. a JeaN -on

36 '' ~ 11 1: lot 9 oec 2f tp K r11 :1, 158 2f 05 Glbaoa. L:r- "nn It 8 Ilk M do 1 It 1 2 &: •w q ew q..., 86 tp 26 11 ,,120 acr 13 oa Tl 4 :IO:l~ ,7 .._ 31 43 &be war, aDd • CoDfederat. lltllltor for · Corcoran. D "15dD cl _,., 1 &: 2 tp ~ rg 6 Qrey, 'l'boall "18 lot II Ilk :fl do 1 11 tball, • e w af lH a Ilk~ l'm, pl I 'i5 foor wean dariog &he WU, IUl4 thm a

160 acr 16 71 Good, Qeo P "18 "'' 11 llk t6 do 1 11 N ft-. •• "'lla • llf "'" qr A IIW qr of " Coulter&: Tilley "15 n hf Dw qr .ec 14 tp Ganlow, r u "nnlat 12 bk '1'1' do 1 11 ae qr 10ell "'M •• 4 I- ! '15 ·aeoator with democratic proclh-itl .. for

24 11 s, 80 acr; n hf ne qr..., 23 tp 24 Gelte, W II ''It lot J Ilk :11 oJO 1 11 N"J10n, Emuuel "!Slot 7 bk 12 Cen pt 2 U Tall ... , Clbaa '711- 3 'P lD 'I 4 5 act~ 2 l'l tbe ei&b& yean that followed &be war. · rg3, 80 acr; ew qr eec ~ tp ~ rg 311111 001',1 G ll "18lelallll82 do 1 !IJ Nugent,Ju "18 hfoflot 5 bk!l llafJUil'll 18116 'l'letaluot, B-G "181ote 3 4 5111111& 10 l>k \fbile HeDry Clay Wormoth ,.. po.. ·~r - hf nw qr ~ ~· tp 2' ... s - Nelaoo, Edwd Jot 7 bk 11 CeD pt lllf · let; D T ~a•• p& 4 Ill Lo - • cl • - : ft ~ - ...... ' ~ H 'l'nar, ...... "1'1"" 7 .. JOS D 'I'~.,."' II la eroor or DleaaDe,AD -0 wu ODe o. f.~~!::,~'" •w qr

88 qr .ec

34 'P 26 II 37 011 -0 · 1'3~1or, lu ''lG lot. G a 'l Ilk 38 OaaaraJ"' 2 2U &ha& pecolia'l' olau of poUtioiau bon

eu.biDID, WB'i5lot 1 o;ec 24,lot liM'C 111 Boleeo.l D -.a. "15loloi7A 11& ow qr UDII:aowa, "1'3lo&llll11 2:»2ltiiSAM .. ~ •• "Warmoth Demecra&a." SiD" IU& tp 23111. u acr,aw que qr aee 25 tp ot Rqr NC'2Stp!II~J:IJ80..., 11 'l't O'Conner- '711 lot 1 A: ow qrnwqraec IT 21 tp:M 1'1 43a•c• ' 6 411 epooh he b.aa called laimMif 1 repobli- -:1:1 11 4, 40 acr 16 n Ra.-, L c ''ia loU a 4 fa tok 13 Ua p& 1 w tp 25 116, 71i acr; ID IM'C n lp 25 II 4, 40 V oan. A odenoo wu r-•decl u • loeky

CDahmao, W 8 "16 do do II 0'0 U1810D, te. "Jli ln RC1 T lit 1• a 20 tp 21 Kr 9 211 -.-Carr, B P '75De qr D hfwhf,nw qr.e qr ra8 18 .a • 'II O'NellJ,IohD "16 Jot.1 2 SH8hk 42Law VI-at, let W "15qrotallfolw qr HC 2i) politieit&fl UDtil he (ell ioto the Laocl1 .

eee 20 tp 25 11 4, ~~ acr; Iota a .r; 6 7 Hall, w a 'iii .,.ra or ... qr of Me !l8 '' • t4 pt 3 Ill 'P 11111!410....., 4 t8 of alae ' '1'iaitiog a&ateamen." 'llteir...., II~ 10 1112 bk 21 Law'e 2d pt; 1" 3 aec t'lf 4 5 kl' :Sl•ot• Ia Uaioa pl 28 01 ObreDd, JohD "Ill l;,t 111 blr 8 Cen pt 1111 V~lo, haa~ 111 'l'8 'o> t Ilk :S Ceatral Ill 1 86 oipal ti br b& hi t Rri 1 IUid 19tp2'liiS. 2Sacr 726 a-eli,Sa"iGDwqrolaw 11rofoeqrleC Ott,Roltert'i61ut9bk70Ceapt 191 VeoH:.I .. J'lllk-' · 1&5&6t.k21Nort.b • Olltl oog m 0 1

Carr, B P 'i6lot3~~ee 19 lp 22 11 s, 23 oo. 8lll3" -ttllacs . 11 p•; IIMollo 11 1111 u:..- p& ' ";,g IO rata. A• be luoks up from hia fallen -100 acr 3 114 Rowell, t!'a-'7& n P eoadition to nae laigla plaeee Dow oon•.

Cooper, Geo N "'ii lot 1 bk 20 Law'• t4 pt 2 u Baaletoa,J H "111111& 1\11111: • lloiiU. pl 44 ~ pied by hia Rdueen, bow bitterly -be craig, JohD '71lota2 A: ·3_ne qr.., qr _, do "18 .., M G1 Plke,BL Iota 8lhee 4tp 24 114,15acr 11 &:1 ma•& 0 Ha Sh lloUh

30 lp 22 11 3: lit! qr ne qr lteC :11 tp 22 11 Baaw.&oa, 'l'h• '1U lola 4 a G 1111 71 aur~ PlnaaU, lohD W '711 .e qr ne qr A: lots 1 Wood...., Geo •t5 e •f el w bf a ae ¥ ot 0 l'M N yee, ermu, ewa .. 3; Jowl a. 2 aec :!5 tp 22 11 a; n hf •w ,._ 11 2 3 _, 20tp K rw&. 142 acr; Ill unlm- •q•- 30ao2iqUII•ct a 81 SloogbtoD, oyee,ud the rea of them. qr, .eqrawqraee 8 tp 2211 3; e h{ ne BualiDrrtoa ,.,. "18 · • pi'Oftd DUICoPvm tp24 rg 6, 121acr 61 '7 Wllkooey, 1:11 "lllaw 'I• oi-IO.tP 21 1'1 • ---.-----qreec'ltp22113;whfnaqr118Cllltp !Hoi ... ,IR''I51ot'l'liii:•Le•'•-"lpt "Pqel8d8omMDit"lllehfDWqraec 2& Ia7-;Mqrteeili'PS8ral180..-. Hll A Detreit widow oceupies a 22 rg 3; lot loec 20 tp 22 rg a, 491 acr . 42 90 HakbiDp, B W '75 lola 8110 11112 .. , • tp 211 11 8, Mlacr 6 67 Wllttaey;Ell 'rt · 26 ~

Craig, lohn '76 :!9 oo La•'• ill,.. • PDrker,l o '751D aee 13 tp 23 rg 3, 9 7~ Wayckl.<k, J " "II Iolii a 10 '* 15 Lla'• cottage under the shadew of a C...-on,B'751lDdhflo&7A:.,qr 1wqr ffibbeD,t'N''llllo,7bk5S,atbp& " 100acr 354 tclpl · te~ h 1 t 1 b t • d

aee 5 tp 'll6 11 G: 1lDd Ill .., qr ew qr _, do '74! do do 10 Paner,l o "IS au w..,.~ J w "Ill 2 8f c urc l 8 eep e , t a IS aoppoae 6 tp 1111 rg5 ; und Ill nw qr nw qr aee 7 u.,., SoliD '111 q· of e llfof• •• of If 'I• ._...,., B L '15 tot. u 8oec 6 tp 21 11 4: Wtal~ a» "II aU'* I, loU 1 a. 8 bit I to be in danger of falling should tp2611u,80acr 11 21 IICI!ItpeJ'I410aa • lot.1t...,'l''tptl11•. 168acr · 1297 Oion... 1111'7 b h

Ciaco, WW"'8 e hf neqr, awqroeqr Rare,Joloa'1111 111 PeMiey,HL"'e • 1504 Wt....,llarya'1aoeqrotnqr- 20., a ig wind Llow. At midniglat, """u 'P 22114,120 acr tiM Ball, Saralo I "!$pan., •••"' •••rHC Pltte, 81 "1Glola2hk4 ~.a ... pt -~ • 1'1 140aa ~!! a abort time a•o, the wind blew

Church, - "16lota 7 8 bit 33 D to B A: D 6 13 tlltp :G fC 45.... • do "18 2 ll' Wllaoa, lll•y·a "18 · • - to eoomt.e,lllln F -rslot.l4 bk eDennypt 1121 JleUield.IN 'Tii"' 10_,,.,,. .... _ • PIJift,Clnuoea ua I01112hli: ~ &o.th ·a• Ward. c- "'IIW&e4& 5 liii:IOIA..-•111 p& :a IN fiercely, so she got up and dreel-ero.,Jonoa'76ahf..., 32 tp 211 11 7, lletailea,_~,Suoe7'1111ot17- Jl tp lN do "'I , · • · 3'1!5 do 'T8 do • 211· d d 11--• th h ' ld

l&Oacr 9199 J'll1acte 2'1'1 hl8w&ll.'11,la .. 4ret .. ..,._Mk> W-,011Yer7SIMI11Al2~J'I·Ln'a . e ,an Ca -=u e C I r81l- llp CoocbevlJle, Le..U '16 lot 1 :S 4 Porter's Bill, Peter "'S WB 8;-owa'e .. d -11 &• - Mrtrl.llaa~ lalla • 'I• of .... _. Ill pt· 2 IN and dressed them, and folding

tralrle, eec: 26 tp 21 118,11 40-100 acr 4 fJ 23 ra 4 1!0 IC!O I II 1p 21 rw 2.1 ae I 18 ...... ..,..A "'lllol.llS 1' :b a·u .. a Conchnille, B c '16 ew qr, Porter's Pr Baeli:fDa, lleoJ "ll5 • •r ofw qr- it tp K Pifer A w "'I. h• 1101112 11aa111 .,. 4 11e Coft II& :liO ber arms remarked: " If ' that

oec26tp211'1(6,160acr 1647 rr4; awqrolaeqr11CI5tp:MJ'I4120 .. ,., .......... 111& ... 8011eAJftr 274 --.. ... ,,.A'78 ' ill steepleflls nd klll us peo l Campbell,lohD'76DhfDeqr,~wqrne aa J:lllii~HC'1111,lae .. fofew'lrtee11lp Wella,B .... "'IIlaBaaforde .. cltaoaa a :l S' pe qraee30tp26117,t~acr 1!1 53 RocltiDI • ...,J"'& 18M •ra4. 10.a 2'1'4 llfoll...,ll4&1iblt511da,.to&JII.•W will know we were areapectable

Clarke;l E "Ill lot• 56 bk 1& Law pl ~ 16 BiltoD, Jalut H 'tllo&l 3 A -tbk 4 Inti•• . ........_ I• "'Il, 1 bf or n q r of n qr of ot~M Ilk • JlayunJ P' 1 85 ti 'I G b · b Campbell,IAA:W'76lotHbkFDenDy Jlla' 611 ,..., .. l&ap211ra4,he~ file wure.,a•"lGloalllk41Deaaypl all amty. eorge, yon ro·t np

pt , 8 39 Howard. 111 "'&• llfofw qrHO 18 "• ......, ...... _ .. '76,1' 11111 81111ell• r' Ill w,-. Cllala '76lol811k 78CelltraJ P' t 8f your h:ur more, and Sarah, you Chetiholm, CollA e.t '76 lot. 8 9 10 1112 rw 'I' 80 aa 10 Ill Nlad< 0 W "'ll, Ian •• of 1e qr eocll '" w ..... Clara 76 14Ke 11 A If'* 20 loeln of

bli:ll,lota 8!110 1112 bk 12, bb 19 &:20 Bapkl-. w u '71• llfolew•r- tstp 21 Mql_ :Mac.; •• •• qret .. qr.ec 14 11 A B pt. . 4 111 take your feet oft' the etove L•••lll 'f!ill J'III!Oaa JOII ,.,:M,.a.21- a33 WU'Ia-,Bo"'elaUOhkl8:Jota1A!Hk hcnrtb and pin your collar to

Cooper, llary E lot 10 bt 211 !Iouth pt 2 20 Dual, Beaq II "18 ,ert ar II 8 Jlad4acib' Pa"-- 1f H "'I, lhl2 a-& eoc I .. ~ 1'1 4, -Sl llurn r.: . a 88 ChapiDID,IIIIIICM:"'6n Ill neqr,ewqr nci11C11"'2l'l4'-ee IIIII 81-; 1te 2&110C8-IItp221l!l.ll.a WJspat,&D 711lila&olaCon"' &119 the left a little."

ne qrDwwqrneqr eee 2' tp 2'J 11:.! Ron,., I....,. "'''l I" ~IIB&Dpt I a . bJteeJOtpHra• l'l'a.; ellfel .. ., ;o1a.. W•"/6"*58781 1111 u, Jatel ___ ..... ,..._.._. _ __ _ 160acr; loUeec:30tp 22 11 2: e llf ne Ranta, B "''GJo&llliii:IOS.U. Ill 1111 tee4'P:N11!4.•-; au 21hec31 lp It& llilllt e Co••• a 11 Th~t uomberolpeopla who ban bela qr, ne qr.e qroec 31 tp22 112.161 acr 2.i f7 HaatiDI\H,I& "'& Ia •• qrof .. qr- 24 24 ra 4; 1&4- fi ••:Mra4.ll]t' ICI 611 4'1' w ...... llarc''P "'IIIo& 10bk8 CeDtral p& 1 8G

CNde, J.o' "16 In ew qr eec: 29 tp 25 11 4, 9 lp Ill rR 8 ~X a:• I 11 Ptl&lqiU tt B "II, It I a 2 lilt D &>~Ia-; Wa!W, A "16 1<1$ 811k 1 ea J a,; killed dariag the ChiD .. rebelUo• aDCl ~1110 acre~~ ~ 7ii HU•, L w "nn ... 1 Ilk 5 lllloteno P' 2 J8 "; k 10"" 12. h 8 .. 20 o .. ,,.. Jll a '10 lfanJ. lobo '71 lot s k 1111 .. 1 86 wan ia ewfallyeoonoooa. D•ri-c the

ColUna, Eatell~ '76lot 7 bk u II'IUDIDitpt :us .-e.,c II "18 • bfol aeqr a e llfel aw ....., a..- "'l.lwa & 'r 8 Ilk 4; li167 w~y-. o '71 1&7 Ilk 101t711ka:l do t lll put rebellioD iD the aortherD pron.-er.wtord, as '76 ln aee• ll8 :.ro 32 a:...., a ..,. - 11."',21 t'lf a 180 ace JIM Ill 20 Len"' s N wu-. W•, '3 lo& t ~ 15 a. 1 85 ... . • _.__. ... _

t 25 • 4 L uo HI DeL o .. ·d 'IIJo· 1-2 tp 26 ra a 111 ._. n. "'llw IT lilt 22Deuy Ill 21 211 wuu. •• Cbu "'I lot 8 '* 6l . do 1 t"l ... , ~pte ·II e.ata•- AIDODI ... c..!'.e i'B·-6-~r .. ~or frl o hfeee !.!9 • nteoaee • 4 5I Payae •a "'l.lll&llllllk UIIAJ8efll 4 IJ w..,. •• , a.o w 181D frotll of lo~ a t.k: milliuu. Th- Chio- atrooidee.,. lp 23 11 e. i,. acr ,., 3l 84 •Ha!&IPI'o 0 C '111oH llo 12 bllt Lt•'•lil l'ea•cy ~-"'I, late 5 81111: ID ...._ p& U 6& 'llv~ pa e 13 of the moa& Jaonible dlliiCrip&ioa. A&

Clemena, &tn '7lllot r, bk 4 Ceo pt 1 91 P'•'· 4 • .. ,_, J B "ii, &oa 1 ~ 12 Wa,.. '": X ot' Wilcoll,llela '16 re..,. olaw qr- 25 lp 2G Hoou, a town of Kaal:-•. tba Cbiaeae Chrlelia~~.an, TIll "!&lot 7 bli: 1~ CeD pt l 91 Hutcbl-, R L "ii~oU 10 J1 A 12 1111: 10 k" 6 W< tt lleyoard Ill; to alI 10 12 1111 11!1 40 aalotlll & 8 Ilk 52 0.DD.J II& 11 11 •-CoDoly, Tbomu "!II loU bklll do 191 Jlobl..,.,pl 8 12 28, Jot• 2111k ~ ~ 'l'8bk II, lo:.e58 Ilk W•J•-.., Cerollaell '7G .e&.l 2a 11111118 Ill II Ill troor• uc:eutly ·mauaered 15,000_--. CoDnell B o '7tllot 5 bk 42 do 1 91 Ballbee, Ia ... "iilot 1 Ilk 4, luta 4 A 5 bk . otO. loa. 'I' 8 Ilk 11, lot II 1111: 4. loll 'I' 8 Lk Wooda, •-•oa ''II Iota • 5 e llll:li &obluoa womeo u4 ohildrm with the moit ap-Campbe'n, Jolin A "16 lol 6 bli: G1 do 1 !II 45. lot a Ilk n. •lila La•'• II& , . a 12 U. '* 11 Belh "' 8D 1111 .,.. 1M 1 llkl2 loblaeo• "' a 111 palhog oatraaH A robber olaief WM Clemeae·IINA'76)ot4bk39 c1o 191 .. .., ....... a:r"'8Jo••IA411kl1Law•pl 220 PopeiiD'111;1o• lllk4..1oU!!k151'!utero 2'1'4 WaUaoa,'JI"/8 611 _ _. h • 1


· · ......_A 'll qr or 1111: 8 lleJD1f11 P' 'I' z P.rldoa Cbu ·-.., ""8 bli: 11 do 2 I'r Zhz: .... - •c- '7S lohl& a 6 1111 2~ 8 _ root .... & • go1'ent•eot aOI'CII, Ia lllld &o Catnpbeli,Wm'7Gl"' 8~211 llo 191 HJQa.l'ruicla'Otle&lOllkl80eiatral~ 111 P..nrWW"'I,Ia••••of~~eqrtec14tp · --.-•..- ,.. ill laa1'emauaered600,000belpl-1'ieti .. D Bolt, Alld.- A "'I"" t hk 13 do 1 Ill 24 ra I. I ..,. I l'l ia ooe cla7, aad a few claye aftenrarcl a..

H_pb,.,. l..,... "M lo4 t 1111 • .., 1 It ....._a 'TI, Ill I '*Ill C..traJ P' 1 M Tbe Albany Laze Journal pr10ta balehered .00,000 femaiH. He~ ..... l>oi1Pai7 .- W P '7u lot 7 hk 10 Law :ld pl ~ 14

do '76 d" ·2 21 DlDIIIIOre,~amea 75 loU 4 A: II ..., 8. loU 10

A: lliiiC 7 tp H 11 5, 185 acr 1111 41 o ... .,, Joh J' "15 to&or li a 8 lit IS Bon•

pi; all Ilk II! Uaioo ,& M 10 o.a, w a "15 lola 1 a 10 bit a eoore pt 1 74

' do "'I do cia · I Ill DJ'~r, ll•e Grace "''a lOCI 4 I I A 'I' Ilk 6 lle-

!li•Difbt pl I 12 D•t'i•, Blcllanl "18 oa Porter't Pralrte - 1

tp 12 raG 180.-:• 12 10 DeauDoar, J 'It' '78 I ')Ia 4 & 5 A I IJf ef II

q· ee~ 7tpl4ra a; '""lOA 11- 8tro 14 rr5llll>aco 19.

Dualep. C)u ''18 • br or ne qr a •• qr of •• qr a aw qr olwqrbotDftta• HCII!tpM tglll63- 105i

Dolaa. P:u "18 ao' 4 Ilk :G Cntnl pl 'I' '1'0 DolaD, Jrraak ''18111&1 1 :II a I •• ., or De ')r

oeel!S tp IS rr 'I' 1411111-tCJO eca 14 01 ~8:.:· rA• "'I •• fir or - lllp :1:111 5 22-

12 DoDOftD lobD "18 loll 'I' 81J0 I Jl b)[ 4!

Ilk 41 •II In L"•'elll P' Dow, J B '71lote t A I lilt I Jlolll- pl D.! Were, Dooean "'I• Itt of oe q · a •• ••

or le q• seel8 tp 23 rc 5: •• qrel De qr oecll:! tp23 rcneo- J8 lit

~~ore, Tbot I '78 In IIIJ'11ar1't cl 10 aca •~•• 'l a 8 bt 10. nts 5 a 61111 31. ~ot I Ilk Iii, lo:e t a a 1111: 28, an Ilk 111, ell Ia aen•.

HaHWit, 8&,. "JJil ICIIID 1lorft cl 4 • ......... •• lao "'Il, lo& I 1111: 24 de 1 It .. _ .., B•'-all, 1 o "'Il lola J 2'1' as Ilk 16 t.a• •~a.,_ .&ra~~ar -.. Je& 1"" 11 .. 1 11 the following extract from a loog after abot by oDe of laia owa .....

pial a :u Pra&ber r- "'Il. Jo& I Ill • lkA!ftr p& 2 1 'l C t ti 1 lett T Th- flpree are .o . euorm0111 u to larahaal, B ,. ''I& 11--.d ID- 2 tp 2S l"aJ- a: A '111, I• n •• of • qr -IN ao one an nop e er: o a IMm iDCndible. aai make oae napeo&

,.. a w..,. Ja 81 2& 1'1 I. 8 ..,.; Ill& tt111e qr or eeqr- 1 Tnrk a court of ju1tice, in the thattbeylo.,. 1o --1 e1'eD t..__,_ ..... ~ ...... J lp 21 1'1 2, 1ae 4 1M A ....,.., - --R merlcan acceptation ot the riam by meau of oriental nagentioa. -,_,IC~Iol811k01aw'•2d Ill lac:oba, C II "18 t bioi- qr A ae qr of ••

2 Ill term, ie a thing unknowa. They ~t-:s;!Pirt lola Til • n- ftp2i a 11 never finish a cause at the firl!t .llr. Fiu baa iatroduced ilitotlleliew

• 11 .,.. 1 York aaeuably tbe Calitoraia law to aa...... ..., .. q,_ tp:GJ'I4.180ae 23.11 hearing, nor do they render an • o "'I. 1 11 preYeu& rio&a. I& pro1'i4H &bat ~

alcllarilla ... r "'151otel214 bk2 LtW12 immediate deCISiOn : bot af\er all peraoo who io the p~-Doe of 2$ or ::N::~8~.!!:;r:: p•; 1"'• 12

1 2~ the testimo•y has been offered more peraou •hall alter uy 1aaauae . a c11ar .... .,"II, ., as t.be kadi" Uodge) adjourns ~bo with ioteo& either to iDcite • rio& i& die

-rr IUae .. !-L 'Ta."'l lo' 12 bk 411 ~n'll"' 22 111111 further trial ot' the action uatil time the words are uttered or iD the fa-~ - tare, or any ao& or aoll of odmbaa11'ioo.

KWoJ, ...,." •tstoula JOllil 2 Law'a2ol ~A·~ Ill& tO Ilk l'lXortll Ill ~: some future time, for the known leooe apiaal penon or propertr, aball ~ a 15 a.er • ..,..'111, 111&11 a 2Lt8l!ouuo" 1 :n purpose ofaft'ordlng the litigants eaa-& or acl1'iae or aDCODrapforolbJe

a:,.;r..:a.;:;:.'i':~!-~:;• :.':. ... 2

IN aeJ•::o .,,:: 111 t2u ~8" 80":.u .. :: an epportuuity of making him =::-:hall •t.•:!..!!cJt::u~~ :~!= 10 tp lllrall&hce 17 ~ do "'Il • 82 presenta. These· be accepts Df, ud 08 ccm1'io&!oa thereof llaall ba

~~l:.:.::::.=!..":,':::,!~'::. 813 ~·L!;':.! • 'ta, loll u aaunsllll: , • from both parties, and in ninety- paDiahecl by impriaoameat aad laecJ. 40•ce lot.UUT8110a llllk ~ ... - Rlctllardeae A a "'I. a CJO nine caaee out of' a hundred the Thelawh¥swork..clweUia Calilenaia.-

IQ':;,-'~·,;-6~:,.ocu'p!llrp5,1"1~61 Rl&t-'':P:.lae"''',::;:~•~r.s.:'"' 2st decieionitJin favor of the per- TroyTimta.

;_~,:.; ~ ~:: .. 1~:~ .. ! :=:! ':r 6& ': atater ,::. ''1&. ~ ~~ ~: ~ r..":."' :1 Ill sbol n wTbohse gift is the mollt valua- Evcr_v--y-e_a_r""''w""-•it~n•• e_s_s_e_s-cnrioue

qr -lltlp Mrc'l'120ace 11 a Jec:bGto, 1'- "18 lo& 1 tok 8 lla7aanl .,t;

lnt.51111Al4bt21Lawa p& 1'1'1 M left-lei, BW '78lole5& 811klOB>mt pl 1118 lob-a, B W "18 I• I bit 28 Ce•tral pl 1 II llollorbol-, E "18 lnt I Ilk ll do 1 11 loll-, E 6 'lllo& 11111:. do 1 It

WUUatn¥>D, Mary I lot 6 bk 17 DenDy pt 6 81 Zlodarll, Henry, estate lot. li 6 bk 28

South pt pia' • It

96 ~oomore, lira R s ''l8 lo' 1 Ilk 1 D 'I DetJ· ~pl . 4"

~fofeeqr~ec1atpiiJ'IUICI 40zt do llll21&411k1a do a81 e. ere nsed , to be a judge ~ .. nd showe•· • Ch' h Ir~~~za;:5'7!!;"t!:J';l•;',: :: "'Il lol'lbli:4'1.411 : 3 84 named Kaimil Pasha, who did ~.. • • s m ma, w . en

at tpzrwu- tea a.-ua8bo,•• "D, a11or Ilk 92llolltb" • 31 not go throug h the formality of tbe~e Js netther cloud_ nor fog in "Zaewre, lu (Indian) In lot 8 sec 17 tp 20 rg 4, 10acr


Prlce:'l'hos lot 1 bll 39 Denny pt 3 77 Law, Ju WDwqr oec 21 t1>2'l rg 4, 160ac 2093 Pettygrove, A B Iota 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 bk

30La ... pt an Muller, Berman lots 7 8 bk 8 North pt 1 76 Freeland, B B u ~.; of Jot 6 bk 6B A: D pt lG 89 DUreDbaeber, B L 1 lot in bk 8 Law's 2d

pt M ..Bellew, Edwd loU 1 2 li,li: 21 A A D pt 4 7!1 JkKecknle, And; heiN of Iota 2 3 bk 18~

Dorea pt 5 80 Zlmme!1111D, Chrle I~ 11 bt 28 Bell pt 2 77

Ta ... of 187i and 1878-Lands Hold to County.

A Atk'- Jabc:lla II: lll'i5, U 0 t.t 16 Lt., 2 44

do 18'06. dot du 2 91

Delio• I, I W ''18111 nw qr oflllltee 4 tp H '141.)( atl 2 '1'4

DrJDOal. lobo ''l6 lo& 8 Ilk 74 Cea,,.l pl 1 It D1lloa, 1-.., 'l8 ~ qr of De 'ir aecfll tp a 'I 4; lotal,A 5 A aeqrofoe qr eoc t5 lp • I'& 4 1116 ICI I) 25

E Kdel a KDIP.!.t 'i5 Jot.s a a 4 a 111ra or10~

tRcl:etp:mn f6aca e !II Edft, Gto & 'ill blu 4 5 e 710 12 1'1' ~ 21 2l !I A 28, Jells 4 G 6 'l 8AIIIIk 18, loll 1011 lUI a 14, all Ia E a Jt II& 4 ft

E ·lcboa A -Ita, '1• I. 1 bli: I '" 10 tk 3S all Ia Centr.tl Itt :! :!2

Emmereou, Pat '71 De qr of Dl 11•- 10 tp 2'J ra 4; Iota 5 a 8 11Clllp lit If 4 '18en1 tot• :t a s hk 111 ~··~ pL 82 OlJ

'-•Rbloom, 0 ' 'llllo&s 5 A I bk !I Nortb'a pa :1 l t! t:u ... Wm '711 lota \5 a 111 '* 1a La•'• !!d p; 2 sa F.O<y, A L Iota 1 i 4 bt '1'1' Deauy pt

F All•• C N 18'.'S, lhl Ill i0tl ll2 UrN •·x 4 7S Fo;1e•, E<lw ' T:i bp·:nestead fa !ec 31 tp 2] Alklrts>D a l'errhll 18'ia, II 8 l>t 4:> Ltws ~J il t9 · "14 168 aca · 29 17

~=~~:~:::fu":..•.,ee..~ ... .,~ ~ t :=r:.or.."':-~~~~~8..1'.:~~ ua listening to the evtdence. He t~~ sky. T~e son 111 scarcely • .., 11aloa r 111 Ill WU therefore regarded by fbe VJStble, }ookmg very much 88

L =a~..!:. ..... ~::l111!!.:r:;;1oua common people as tb'e most whenseenthroog hsmokedclasa. ·

~el!il.f·7~:::5s:?s4J.:,.a:.r ~= qroeclhp21 t'lfl,11511l-100- JIM learned kadi thateverlived, for, The .sand penetrates • houses, do ..,, do do I"' ~1~-~ 111&121- 10 •PtiJ'I'1',10"" said the,·, he understood the reachmg apartments whJch seem

Law, lama w Jot.7 8 bt '· 1ote 10 u bt ··-- ..., - J secure ly clo1ed It 1 nna d Ill, lot. 71012 bk 15, all of blllll, Jote ..... _ ... .., E..,.. lot 711k l'l', ""8.. Koran 80 thoroughly that he . • • s S!!Pr:--e

x1! .. ~!'!!'·J.o~:t!t~!::w:.~r:~~3• 909 ~=:::·:;rlo&lllk1111&'1'8bli:IG~••'J ~ill could render a decision before a t~ be e arned by whulwmd.s seacr: lota7 8 bk 4 Law'• M pt; nw qr ._..,.~~·'II. ... i a .. 21 N•>tabern pt 3 u particle of testimony had been from the rreat desert of Gobi, eee 21 lp 22 114, ISO acr; Iota 10 u bk 10 Rlclaatdaoa r "18. .., 22 • lieN ~;.. a 86 t d b ' th and the storms are mdic ative of Law's id.pl, Jot 4 bt 92,Jote 7 u u bit llollertfoa llartlla "nn,lll& a bll e lla,....rd a 80 presen e y eJ er party. f l fi rt' l ' t !&, Iota 15 J& bll 211 Law'• 2d pt 22 08 lla&lollla. Dnll& aa-

7 "'In bf of

1 _ ____ n year 0 nrge e 1 1 y.

Laws, lletthew "181 hf •wqr, homftlecl 'llf- a:ltp 21rw 11 49 12 sec 2 *P 25 115,110 acr ' 10 n_ Baadall a a "18, Ia •• qr o1 .. q r _ 11 111 . "God helpa the man that helps htm·

LeziD•ty,Boae"l6lot9bt4s aouthpt 220 2&ra3,8 i .. ,· lottl&-tllll 2.,t.a••P' .. 81 sell but God belt the man c h• Lenglev, Clwl "16 lot 2 bk 311, lot 3 bit: 13 • • aug • Cen p' t Roberta A B '76, Iota 10 11 12 bk 1 Law• 211 helpiD .. -him11eU ere," is a no"'"""

2 20 bib 2'1' 28 28 do 12 o;; "' .,.~.., Lupper, N "16 lot1111 to 16 bk 2 Cove t>t a 11 80111! .. 1 "il. s 11r or nw q · oeclHp 21 ,1 poated behiud the counter of a llil-L:rman.Peter "'8 lotlObk3'l Cenpt 191 I,I!Oaes 71itl 'th' • Bosto Lewia, Tbeodore "18lot 4 bt 2f Cen p t 1 91 R<MID~Y ADDA ''i6 .... . 1 .. a 4 ~ lit 41 I t ~ versml s 1n D. A double Lans, M '76 lot 7 bk n een pt 1 n bt liWie•" ' · ·. - " ·. 0

' 3 83 barrelled guo haugs n ear ·the no-Lagols, Marce!ais '7G Jot 11 bt 20 Cen pt · 1 911 a ,l,ly G _.., ·p •;r., !o!a 4 :; 61 bk 72 Bl!>y pl a 11 tice.

A laz y flllow o nce declat·ed in public c ompany that he could • not find bread fe1· his familv. " Not· I ," rephed an i ndustrious

man, " l'm obl iged to w ork •ftn· it."
