Note on the Transliteration of Khmer

Iottrnal oI Kltrtie'r -Sfrtr/lt't UDAYA

Transcript of Note on the Transliteration of Khmer

I o t t r n a l o I K l t r t i e ' r - S f r t r / l t ' t



) dou-hould)gram


s u'ith


tllnffi / Contents/ Table des N,Iatidres

Hf;U9/Art icles

Note on the transl i terat ion of I ihmer

Michel Antelme

Les mr>rphdmcs F^n /na.:/ et # /?e:i l cn khmer: 6tudc svntaxiquc ct scmantiquc

Deth Thach

rili "1ufinu" lurirlurnr nr s f Uir uJn 4JU: ns f,u:/4s 6rl

iluJfir;li / srurn"rusrd/ A ' U l

Lcs pcinturcs khmircs dc l ' l lcolc clc l ' ()knha' l 'cp Nimit NIak

Madeleine Giteau

Storr '& \\bdd: ' l 'hc Ethics of N.Ioral Vision in thc Gtt/ i lok. of Uki ia Suttantapri ja Lrd

Anne Hansert

Ilcologie e t llnvironnement : le (lrand J,ac -lrrnle


IVathalie IViuot-Goes


UnfLU/ Translatr<tn f 'l'raducrion

q ! , V V ) U d .

uxurf sus nfirf 9 rfi uJfTs9 filGeorge Cedis (tgurugmrfrrur * nirl 4nNs;


tmUJil tn"n / Reports / Rapports

l ir-olution clu sol cl'Angkor aprds cleb<>isement. Prcmierc ri'flcxion

Tan Boun Stry

,\ l 'ombre cles traditions chansc2lntcs

Pi Bunnine

Programme de rcstaufation clu B:rphoun

Pascal Royire

1 1







1 0 3

9 7


Nlichcl $ntclmeMaitre rte cottferertces, hrctitut Nationrtl des Langues et Ciuilisatiotn Orietttdles, Paris

In orcler to understancl rvht ' in some scholarl t ' fexts on I ihmer studies ()ne can f incl Khmer

u,ords rvri t tcn in l{oman charactcrs, in a svstcm cal lcd "transl i tcrat i{)n," but rvhich clo n<>t sccm to rclatc

to fhe pronunciation of tl-rcsc l{hmcr rvords, it rvill bc ncccss2rr\- fo har-c a c1r-rick hisrorical and linsuisric

or-cn-icu,i liirst of all, rvords such as "transcription" and "translitcration" nccd to bc dcfinccl. According tir

The Oxford Companion to the English Langttage (NlcArthr,rr 1()92), thc rvord "translitcratic>1r" in Irnglish

clatcs from thc 1860s and is composccl of "l-atin trdns - across, lit(t)era:r lcttcr, ancl - ationl" ancl is "fhc

lrction, process, or result of conr-erting ont: set of signs to anothet, usuallt- inr-olr-ing at least one sct of

alphabctic lcttcrs. \\tl-rcrc trvo rvriting svstcms har-c a c()mmon basc, such :rs for Polish and llnclish, rvhich

use variants of thc Roman alphabet, transl i terat ion is unnccessxr\ ' . despite dif fercnces in sound-slmbol

corresponclcncc. ' Iransl i tcrat ion

bccotnes ncccssarv u'hen the st 'stetns dif fer greath'."

A nuance has ro be made rvirh thc rvord "franscripf ion." l) ict iona.r ies ckr not real lr- cl ist inguish

transcript ion from transl i terat ion, but in l inguist ics usage, "trurnsctipt ion" is a svstem used fo s,r i fe dorl ,n

spokcn rvords. So a "transcriprion" is a script u'hich fcprcscnts spokcn u'ords. ' Ir-anscript ion is i l \ \ ' r l \ . fo

render sounds, rvhereas "transl i terat ion" is a more l tmired norion as rt is l ln ()pcrxt ion through u.hich a

script uscd for onc la.nguagc is transcribcd into anothcr script, i .c. c:rch r-cxvcl or consonant st 'mbol tn a

script has i ts counterpart in another script. Nloreover, and this is not explainccl in dicr ionaries, hhmer

languase special ists make a seconcl cl ist inct ion benveen rvhat is simplr. cal lcd "franscrip[ ion" ancl "phoncric

or phonological trenscript ion."r u'hich is based ()n the International I)honetic r\ lphabet ( l l )r \) . \ \ ' rrrcls in

IPA cir-en in rhis tc\t rrc u'ritren in l>ack slashcs.

To give an example, the name of the Cambr,cl irrn crrpir:r l dtnro, is "Phnom Penh" in franscript ion,

usins letters of the Roman alphabet and in-rperfect l l renclerins the pronunci:rt ion of thc name; this namc

is "bhnam bci" in transl i tcrat i()n (thc rcason fcrr this spcl l ing is the verv subject discusscd in t l-r is papcr);n,. ' ,1 / ,- ' ,1t, . ' , , ,1-, 11..11/ in IpA using symbgls basccl 9n thc l tgman alphabct and 1'h11sc t-alucs, - 9f ic1 unkn1.;g.r-r. . . , - l l , r r g r r l l , ! . | | i

to fhe lavman, give to linguisrs an acclrratc iclea of thc pronunciation of rvorcls.

Horver-er fcrr I lhrner pr()nunciat ion rhere has nof becn an\- c()nsensus vcf as f() thc u'av to rcncler

al l sounds, such that there are cl i f fercnt svstelr-rs of phonetic or phonokreical transcript i()n such as

Flenderson's (1952) (also usecl br.-facob, ancl larer on bl l .ervirz/Pou rvith minor mocli f icat ions), I luff t"nan's,


crc.r 'l 'hcsc

cliffcrcnccs 2rrc cluc to dielcctal \-21riati()ns, alrhough lir-rslrists s.'hen rendcring rvhat thev considcr

as "sfilnclarcl l..htnct" tcncl ro imaginc rl-reir transcriPrion f() fclrcl tou'arcl fhc urost statrclrrrd f<rrm. "Standarcl

]:.hrncr" bcing ncarlr- an rrrificial tt>r-n, each :itrtl-ror is hou'evcr not c\clrrpr of inflr.rcnccs frour his orvn

rl ialcct or l-r is infrrrmcr's dialcct, hcncc dif ferent svstcms.

Indianization of Cambodia

(,amboclia unclcnvcnf a pr()ccss of incl iani;rat ion irom thc bcuinning of thc (-hrist ien era..

Inst i tut ions. i l r ts, tel iuioLrs bcl icfs ar-rcl r ircs as rvel l us language rcceir-ecl stroug inf luence from thc Indian

subconfincr-rt .' I 'hc

frrst clared ir-rscript ions in I lhmcr discor-erecl so f irr , dare from thc sixth ccntur\ ' , \ .D. ' l 'hc

scriprs usccl in (-arnbocl ia from thc bccinnins of (-arnbodi:rn historv also c()f fre from Incl ia.

Indian scripts

All Incl irrn scripts steln frorn ()ne srl lc sc:r ipt, thc RrahnrT script. ' I ' l -rcsc

scripts har-c bccn used to

nr>te ckru'n clt f fcrent languagcs. ]n thc North of India, thc lnclo l inguist ic gr()up prer-ai ls, rr 'hi lc in

thc South lansuages bclong r() fhc l)rar-idian sr()Llp. Southcrn lansuagcs har-c bortr>rved substantialh' from

Sanskrir, rvhich bckrngs to Indo-r\rvan.

North ]ncl ian langurrgcs scclrr tr> clcr ir c frour onc sarre lrrnguagc - or at least from ()nc sanlc s()urcc- lr l -r ich rvas turthcr cml>ocl iccl into onc f ixed lanuuagc cal lccl Sanskri t . Sanskrir has been uscd in both India

ancl (-alnbodia but ner-er supplantccl local languaecs. I t seems that thcrc \ \- i ls rr rcperdti()n behveen thc f iclds

thcsc languascs wcrc usecl frrr (acLninisrrat ir-c s'r ir ings, kinss' eukrgics, ctc.). In Camboclia thc r-crtracular

lungrirsc also t i>uncl in str>nc inscriPtiotrs is Khrler, and in incl ia iocal ianguagcs usecl in evcrr.clav l i fe, as

u'cl l as in stonc inscrinrir)ns. \ \ 'crc cal lcd nrakrt-s.

Khmer scripts and their Indian roots

, ' \ccorcl ins t() \ 'aslrndhara l i i l l iozat (20{)2:10), "al l thc scripts of al l Indian latrsuascs arc dcrir-ed

trom fhe same l lrahmi script of r\Sokan cdicts." ' I 'hcse

cdicrs of I i ins i \soka wcrc lbout thc iclcals of

i l r-rciclhism an.l \ \ 'crc cngrrn-ecl ()n st()1rcs:r l l or-cr lndia in the third ccntr- lr \ '1].(-. \ \ /hat thc script \ \ , i ls bef<rre

that t imc is bcvoncl thc scopc of rhc present stuclr ' .

So manv scripts clcr ir-c from the Asokan l lrahmi inscript ions. Ar the beginnins t l-rese scripts al l

shurccl thc siunc pattcrr ls, r ts folkrs's.

ln (,runl>ocl ia, t l ' rc script usecl in stolre inscript i ,)ns t() n()te br>th Sanskrit ar-rcl l ihmer is derived

tiorn rhc (-altrkr-a and Pallar-a scripts fbm thc Sor.rth of India. : \ seconcl scripr, rhe Nagan scriPt t l '<tm the

l l ) r . 1 ,h , , , r , , loe i , . l l r r r rnscr ip t ion t rsc r l t i , t ' t t rodc t t r Khrncr i s b l tsc t l on I l r t i i r ren (1 ( ) -011.

t r : rnscr iy - r t io r r s ( ' ( ' l r s r ( ) l r c lnscc l on a c l i : t l cc ts 'h ich . l i i t c rs s l ig l t t l r t t ' r ,m thc onc I l i t rou .

s c c f r t c o b ( 1 9 6 0 ) . . f c ' n n c r ( i ( ) 8 0 , 1 9 f i 1 ) r r n c l l i c r l t r s ( 1 9 ( ) 2 ) .

l t ) - { ) l r . I h r r re n r i rc lc on lv snr r r l l rn , , t l i f i c r t ions , ; rs l l r r i tn -nn 's

l irr thc sLrpl 'rosccl phor-rolouicel trrtnscripl ion oi olcl I . 'ht lcr.


I t

N rande"b



n ( ) t





se (

rvlF f lt t u


l . t .

crl l,c ( ) L l- l r


l cn i


i r '- l

latc6 - r r




r cf1l.


. Thc

;ed t<r

rile infronr


Incl ia


aculariie^ as


:als ofre fr rrc

prs ail

erir-ccl)m rhe

L I I I I l I I I I I S

L l.,hrlcr.

Note orr tlte tratuliteratiort of- Khntet

North of Incl ia, has bccn usecl in a group of digraphic inscri l-r f i ,ns. i .c. u. i t l -r or-rc siclc in rhc Southcrn script

ancl rhc other side in the Norrhcrn scripr. ' I 'hese inscript ions are in Srrnskri t . In (,an-rbocl ia, n\,-(),scripts havc

derir-ccl from thc Southern scripts. 'fhcsc

arc callccl mul uro (mcanine "rouncl") :rrtcl jriei tgRtfi (mcaninq

"bcnt").r ' l 'hcse

nvo scripfs \-1lr\- onlv sl isht lr . ot-r thc shapc r>f some lcfters, rhe mul is usccl t i i ' t i t lcs ()r f()

ncrtc Pal i , u'hcreas jr |ei, rvhich is morc cnrsivc, is usecl for lat-texfs ()r usual u'r ir ing.

In thc Nagari script as rvcl l as thc (,elukva-Pallar-a scri l -r fs, thcrc is onc rvri f ten sign f i>r each

;lhoucme lucl cach sign can har-e onlt ' ()r ' rc protrtrt-rci l t i r ln, r .r)ntrarv ro t inghsh u-hcrc r i lcrrtcr l ikc "g" crrrr

har-c different prorlunciirtions, fcrr instance in rvorcls ltke general <',r grtmbler.

I i i rst, thcrc rt t 'e signs rcprcsenrinc isolatccl r-ou'els, i .c. not affachecl [r) a c<-r lr .sr)nrurt in pr,xrtrnciat ion: '

f T l lu u f ' t ne 9 e 9

u c l i: \

2 h a Aa r i TrJ rf'l X Jl t t t r b i J



T'hcn there ,Irc thc c()ns()1r2r.1rts:( '

ka kha sa

ca cha l2rtlr tha cle

t2r tha d1

pa ph^ ba

| a : r ? l a

Sa sa sa

( )



c l r a n a n g n U J

t h ^ r i a D 6 f r n - uclha 1..r'.1 d L? g |?t

l f . ^ ) ^d l t e l r " r l n U S R

b h a f f r l l u f i n n

\ - a U J t f U l

ha n Lt R-l Ll



In Sanskrir, rhese signs wcrc to be reacl and pron()unccd uri th a shorr ":r" u-hich is oftcn prr>nouncccl

as a schrvt lal (unstrcssed r-ou'cl) in tnodcrn Incl ian l :rnsnases. ' l 'his inhcrcnf r-c> in t l -re grrrphic siun

ncccssitatecl thc use of part iculat tcchniclues t() rcpresenl cons()nAnf clusfer:s. 1n l)cr-rrnrqarl script thc

scconcl consolrant \ \ : i ls attachecl fr> thc lou,cr palt r>f r l-rc t- irst, such that thc nr-o nrergccl as a neu- signl

u-hcrcas in the scrillt derir-cd fron-r (-alukva and Pallava scripts, u'l'rich thcn bcclmc fhc l.,hmcr script or

nufilnJl l{arnvujaksara, tl-re second c()lrs()n2llrtw'.ls writtclr under rhc fir'st ()lfe, s()rnctilncs unclergoing sol-}rc

chhnscs in shapc.

c( )ult t l ' \ '1.

s' t tnc vt ' l r .rcs in l)cvlurirgltrJ tol tnstutrcc

I rhonc t ics as t t rcprcscnrs t l t c g lo t t l l s t ( )p in l . . l imcr .

u t ' i t t cn rs t suPCrscr ip t , i . c . : r l>ovc t l i c c ( )ns( )n ln f u l r i c l r t l r ' l k r r rs in sPeech:

' l ' h csc s i qns i tr n-toclertr


i ac]a


lx r


si l

- ln l . ; ' l u

I S- l6 m 9

- lt flJ r'!.^

; , :; ; :; tt -

U ! .

a a

; ;. ( , |

h t J

; ;t -


t l -U L /

, I o - fn ,-J








t z t

i"l) itI

r ' / l


l ih l

ch l t

t l t : r

th:rt . 1 . . .t " ^ "


q , t

Xlicltel Atttehttc

Khmcr lre u'r ir ten rrs iol los's:


j ha




I t : r

\ \ 'hcn the r-on'cl in a st ' l lablc starf ing u' irh a sinqlc c()t ls()t1ant ()r i l . consolr l l t r clustcr is orher thrut

thc inhcrcnt \-ou-el. u uraphic sign is rrt tachccl fo fhc c()ns()n1lnt sign(s) f() rcprcselrt i f . In nt>clern hhnrcr

script, thc sign clt tr be plecccl bef<rrc. abor-e. bclot, rrf tcr r)r sLrrr()Llncl ir-rg thc cr>nst)ni l1]t sign. l lor ir-rst lncc,l le l , rs : I r ( ' fh ( ' s igr ts r ( ' l ) r ( 'scnt i r rq rh t ' \ ( ) \ \ e ls i ror r r 5 , r r rskr i r :1 /

a, t

i l l\f-

( )f-l

l lLl

r " j



Scholars bel icvc thut thcrc \ \ :erc lr l2ur\- ln()re r-ou'cls in hhlncr thun in Sl inskri t sincc prc-r\ngkorirtnri tnes. (,crtain c()11s()nlurf snbscri l-r ts, sr-rch as r- l iancl r-a -. ' t re thought to har.c becr-r r-rsccl to replcsclrf s() lrer-orvels or dipl-rtl-r()ngs.

Incl ian scripfs usccl i t- t ul t i tr latrcl Southeust : \sia can be usccl t() t l 'al tscribc Senskrir and P,.r l i u'orcls

atrd texts. Sotnc of thcsc \\-cre progrcssir-elt ' aclaPtccl fo t l ' rc pl-ronetics of thc r-entaclr lar langnagcs t l tcl '11,s1's

uscd f<rr, i t trcl slou-lr-u' i th r iure. s() l lc letters t i ' r>tn Sanskrit or Pal i snch as thc series of rctrof ler c()ns() l l i l l r ts(ta, t l -ra. cla, ciha, r.ra). s-crc tolsrrkcn. ' I 'hc currenf l ,ut> alpl-rabct. u-hicl-r has unclerrgone repc,r lccl rcfr>rn-rs, rs

an e\trelue of strch siutpl i t- icat ions. Hon,cr-t :r a rel igious script, aclaptecl fo both Pnli ancl Lao, hits bccntnaitrtaiuccl.

' l 'hr-rs thcr-e is a cotnplcfe correspotrclatrce in r-ou.cls ancl c()ns()ni lnts r.rsetl for the nofat ion r>f J)el i

irr rlrc I.'lrtlcr tuul scrrpt ancl tl-rc l-ao relisious sctil-rt (callccl -fhan-r

frc>nr Peli mq r/hantnta). Nlanr.sisns irar-cItos-er-er bcetr aclclccl t t i the part icr-r lar scripts to rcncler the r-crnacnl irr lar-ruturgcs. I ior exumple. in

' l 'ham

script stgus hirr-c alsci been r lcsignecl to rcncler c() l lsonl l l r ts u'hich clo not erxist in Sanskri t or Pel i sr-rch as /f / .

, t l t c s r r l rsc r i l . t s l r ' r l ' r cnr : r r r r rsc r i l - l t s i lonr t l r r

thc t r r i r r n tn l scnpt .o t ' thc sLr l rsc r iy r t fo r s : l ; ln ( l s ; l t lo t ro tt l t l t t thc ron1 l5 l t t ' t t1 l t ' cL r t l ( ) t r tPPc i l r

o t ' t l t l r r t s l r e c n t o t - s l k c n : r n c i c r r n r r , r t l r c r l i s t i n q t r i s l r c t l t r ' , , n t' l r t ' u i n n i n e , , i t l r c n v c n t i c ' l l r c e n t r r l v r r n r l i n L h e t l t s t l s : r r t s , , i

l l r c , , r r t ' , , i l : r , l r r r l i n t l r c l n s c r i P l i o n s \ [ o r l c r r r c sngXn:iUl I i ,uttbtr ja:rrr i .1,7. i ts sh:rpc rcscnrblcs rhc

r r l )J rc r r in t l r c l 'DS lSf v ig* t \ ' hLa t tA t t r rk r ,u t t 1 , , -1 ,111,1r ,y l x r t c ln l>c to r rnc l in t r l : rsPcr , , ( l ( )15) .a t t r tchc t l f ( ) ; l c { ) l rs ( )n :u r t in K l rn rc r inscr ip t i , rns :u rc l t ( ' \ t s . thev a lc l t ( ) t r ( 'p l ' cscn tcc l in r t su l r

Note ott t / ,e lr , t t t . ; l i tct ' t l t iurt oJ' Klt t t , ' t '

The transliteration of Sanskrit in Roman characters

\\ 'hen \\ 'cstcrners in thc ninetcct-rth cenfurv felt the ncccl to studv Sanskrir [c\ts, especielh'(,ermun

scholars at the beeinning and thcn lrncl ish scholars, thet ' coir-rccl a sr.sfcm r() reprcsclt t cach r-rxvel ancl

col ls()nanr used in Sanskrit . lncl ian scripts clcarh' rcpresent Sanskri t pronunciut ion phonericl i l l r ' . ( lonfrerv

to [tr-rglish or l"rcnch spcllinus n'hich are erllnolocical ancl freclucnth' no longcr match pronur-rcilrion, the

rcacl ing oi a Satrskri t rcrt c{oes not al lou, 'r t trv inaccLlr lrcv in pr,rnunciat ion. Sanskrir is a highh'tormalizccl

lansua{re rvhich becamc artificiallv ri{ridificcl o\-er timc, losins tl-rc fluiclitr- of a lir-ing lanslrasc. r|lthough

rhcrc are f lucut speakcrs of Sanskri t . r- ir tualh' n() ()nc s; leir l is Sanskri t l rs 21 1n()thcr t()nguc. i \ncl i t is a u-cl l

knorvn fact that pronunciation in a lanuuagc changes rvith time. llcxv fhen, onc mighf lisk, can \\,c be surcr

of thc pronunciat ion oI Sanskrir u'orcls nscd a feu- mil lcniurns ago. u,-hcr-r s1-rcal iets r>f Sanskri t , usr-ralh'

Rrahmins har-e cl i f ferent Incl ian languaqes as m()ther ronl l l les? \\ 'c can be sure of i t t l -ranks f() tc\ts

u 'h ich erp la in hr>u, consonants anc l r -orve ls shor . r lc l l>c cracth 'pr ( ) l rounccd. Descr ip t ion o f Sanskr i t , lnc l

in p:rrt icular irs prouuucirt t iott . is pror- idecl in qreat dctai l in l)anini 's classic srammar of thc lansuasc

u.r i t ten in t l-re sixt l-r ccntur\- R.(-. (or cadier, or arotrnd 4(X) l l . (- . accr>rcl ins to sor-ne). And also rhlnks to

r-ert 'str ict methods oi oral transtnissirrn. ' l Nlorcor-er, althor-rgh lncl i :rn languagcs har-c unclerg()nc s() lne

phr>netic changc uti th t i tnc, lran\- of thern sccm nruch mofe "conscr\- i l t i r-e" in pronunciat ion rhan - t i r t

crarnple - modern Latin l :rngttaqcs such as I ircnch or S1-lauish vu'hose pronuncirrt i , ,n h: is r-rndergonc grctt

chanse since the 1-rcriocl tl-rat Lritin s.'as still a lir-ins lansr-ragc.

l io r ins tancc, f -1 cor rcspot rc ls ro f l . ' t f , i .c . a krncr -orvc l ; i l to f t f ,shorr r -os 'c l ; rv i ' r i i c r l reprcscnts

l o n s f r r f , c t c .

As for cons()na.nts , ka f i rcpresents ' .111 unr-o icec l unaspi rared gut tura l s top /k / ; kha g is an

unr-<ricccl aspiratcd gr-rrtural srr>p /kh/, ga R is a r-r>icccl unaspiratcd qutfur:r l stop /g/; g| 'r l . l l t is :r r-oicccl

aspirated suttural srop /gh/; na 11 is a suttural nasal f \ f , crc.

\ \ ' c sha l l sec bc lorv that the l {hmer r -oca l ic systcm is r ichcr than thc Sanskr i t one r rnd r -cr \ '

sraclnal lv the I ihr-r-rcrs hitr-c adcled ncu- si11ns fcrr t l ' rese r-ou'els, lrr-mocl i f i ' ing erist ins siqns und sr>rnetimcs

borrorving thcm from the Siurncsc rvho appcarecl to be part icr-r lar lv crcatir-e in rhis f iclcl . ' I 'his

is u-hv

scl-rolars had to acld ncu' rransl i terarion sist-rs to t l ' rc original t tansl i tcrat ion svstem r>f Sanskri t in ordcr t<r

rcndcr Khmcr te\ts. 1 shal l nof gir-e un crhuustir .c l ist oi schr>lrrrs rvho har-e rvorkecl on rhis. \ [ost signif i

cant l \ , , r 'u 'c shoulc l note : Avmor- r ier (19(X) , 1901, 190,1) , N lar t in i (1912-15) , Au ( - l - rhrcnu (1953) anc l l .es- r fz

(1969). ' fhe tratrsl i terrtr ion proposccl bl l -crvitz is thc one usccl in this art icle. ()r l icr autl-r()rs hlr-e aciclcd

c\.cn morc signs to tr\ ' fo ge t a transl i tcrat ior-r : ls lrccurate as possi l>lc. I ior example.f enncr ancl thc l , ibrarl

of (iongrcss uritkc the distinctiotr be nvccn ff i, an.l # n-hich is composecl of tlie isoletccl r'<xl.el "..1" ff lurcl

lhc vovu'el sign frrr r, i.c. the r-orvcl sign uscd in combinati()n u'ith a consolrant sigr-r. 'lo

clistinqr,rish rhc latter,

an ap()s t rop l ' rc is r - rsec l br -Jenner : '1 , and thc lc t ter q is t rscd b l the l - ib rarv o f ( . r>nsress: r1r .

l r , .' - l ' ( ) l ' l t o t - S u t t s l i r i r , i t s p r o r t t u r c i : r t t o n : r r r r l l ) e r . r i n i . s t o r l i . s t r ' , \ l l c n t 1 ( ) . 5 . 3 ; : L n c l 5 r r L : r i ( l ( ) l i l i ) .


Pronunciation of Sanskrit words in Khmer

r\nv spcaker of l{hmer can onl l be surpriscd after thcsc cxplanations about Sanskri t pronunciat iou,

as :r Sanskri t rvord such as gaiga "rvater; rhe ( lanses" writ tcn nf i l in Khtner scri ;r t is pronounccd /ktraq-

kie/ in standard Khrncr, ne\-cr /geq g:.; t / . ' Ib unclerst:rncl such a discrcpanc\ ' , onc must nlrn to hist<>rical


Pronunciation of pre-Angkorian and Angkorian dialects

Pronu nc i at io n of co r tso I tttlt ts

Whcn thc l.,hmcrs borrorvcd their script from IncLa to rvritc Sanskrit as vu'cll as Khmcr, it is sure

that ka f i ' rvas usecl to rcprcsent an unvoiced unaspirated guttural stop /k/, l i l -ra I an unr-oiced aspirated

suttr-rral stop /kh/, ' t .qr u r-oicecl unaspirrrtecl sutt lrral stop /g/ .gha, a r-oicccl aspirated gutfLrrxl stop /uh/,

n a a g u f f u r a l n a s a l f q f . c t c . ( ) f c o u r s c , i t i s p o s s i b l c t h a t s o m c c ( ) n s o l r a n t s i n l n c l i a r - r l a n g u a u e s d i d n ( ) t c - \ i s t

in l{hmer ar-rd l{hn-rer uscd rhose siqns t() reprcscnr phonetrcalh'close cons()nants. I ior inst:rncc r l /s-hich

is reacl trs f rvf in s<;rne modern Inclian lansuagcs, n-ra)'har-c been /B/ rn pre-i\nukorian Iihr-ncr. F{ou.ever

it seems that the Indian script w'rs m()re or lcss suff icicnt to rvr i tc dou-n l . .hmer c()nson2urts and cons()nant

clusters. , \s frrr f inal conson2tnts, I{hmer can onh' har.e onc f inal conson:ln[ in pn-,nunciat ion. Some con-

sonants \\-cre cloublcd (rr fcr l lorvcd bv their aspirated countcrpart) pcrhaps uscd ro shortcn the prececl inq, ()r t() inclicate rhe cncl oi rhc s.ord.

Pro nunc itzti o n of u o tue ls

Ir seems that since atrcicnt t i r-r ' rcs, Sanskri t r-orvcl svn-rbols coulcl not rcpresent al l rhc r-orvels of

I{hmer. Ilorvcr-er the ancicnt Irhrncrs made tts' innr-,r'ations to nlorc zrccurately reprcscnt thc I..l-rmer

r-ocalic svstem, ap2ut from thc follorving combinations:- ui l , . fcrund onlv in onc \-erv comnlon rvord: g"i lmclning "fhat is to sar' , i .c." ' .rnd s' l-r ich is gin* in

mr>clenr I i i rmer u, i th thc ; lhoncmic r-alue: lkl- i / . ' '-

la J, lA -t ,y t-J in prc,. \ngkorian f<x / ia/;ya I,ya WJfor f ref ,ancl ya -J,yo wJ,lE _Jl for /ne/ in

Angkorian accordinq to -facob (1960).- u d r , u a t l , u o l f i n p r c - A n s k o r i a n f < > r f v u e f ' , u t t - i t > r

f v e f , t t n t l u a ; , u t l 1 , r ' o 1 4 R > r f w a f i n A u s k o r i i u r

accord ing to Jacob (196(D.

()n the r-altrc thcse svtnbols could havc in olcl l {hmcr. \ \ .e alsc., har-e thc rvorks of -Je nncr

(1980, 19U1) but the latcst research is that of } ier lr-rs (1992) rvho gcncrated the ft>l lorving aftcr comparing

different modern dialccts and thc epiuraphical evidcncc:ro

l l | . in .q r , i s ts : rc t t r : r l l v th i r rk th rLr i t( 1 9 9 2 : 8 2 ) .l+ . f l c , rb (1 96 t ) ) s i tn l l s : i r . ro thcrI ' ; ' l 'hc

tablc bclou' is cl i i f i ' r .cnt lr '

, r s hc g ivcs phoncr tc vuhrcs t l rs l

r ' t t t l : la t t r i f i ) f i . , r pc rs , , r ' re l ner lc o f l rnknosn nru : ln ln { .

o rsan iscc l t ron ' r tha t o i l i c r l r , rs (1992: l i - ) . I pLr t thc r i r r rph ic svmb, r ls f i r s t , k r l louc t l bv thc i r phonc t ic vahrcs . uhcrc

to sh,xv horr, thcr ' \ \ 'cr( ' rcpl 'csclrtc( l in lhc u'r i t inq slsruur.

Note ott t/te trtuu/iteratiort of' Khnrcr

I ' ransl i tcrat ion [',hmcr script Phonctnic r-aluc in prc,\n!'koriun

Phoncmic r-ehrc in'\ngkoriatr

a (inhcrcnt r-orvcl) / t / o r / t / f nf r r f tnf <r / t / <tr / t t /a (inhcrcnt r-orvcl) | clor-rblcc()lrs()nilnt in rvdtirrg as \rrrcl cuding

/ , r /

I f , r f , , r f ' t t f f , t f , r f t t f

/ i / o r / t t / o r / i / < r /+ t / < t r

/ i c / o r / t c /

/ i / o r / i / o r / l / o r / 1 t /

1\ / t r / c t r / n /

1 \ ' \ - ffff*d / r i / < t r / ' ; /

I / l i / , , r / n / / t i / , , r / l t /I t f /1 t /

LI f u f < r f u u f , x f u t f / u i <> r / t t u l

u1 / 1 i /

u /uu f /uu f

(- /cc / ( ) r / ic / ( ) r /+c / ( ) r

f c c f r > r / e e / u / t n /

f cc f <> r / cc / u / ee /

a i "h

/ , r t l , ' r f ' t t1 f f r t t f o r / t t t / l

(.) / t / ( ) r / t t / ( ) r / ( ) ( ) / ( ) r

f trcf <>r f uaf

/ i / t t r ' / t t / , , r f t , r , f

t r t lc {

f itrvf <r f rrxvf f xy' f rr /nrx' / I

\ ' 2 -J /vr/ f t c f < r f n f

V a -,1 /v r /

\ . 1 ' t / yr l

) ' ) 'e I qJ / rc / or /vr /

\ ' \ ' A ' urllO

/ r t t /

v a f u , , f , , r f u t f f u , , f , , r f u t f

V a I /urt,/ f t t f

\ '( ) [;r / Lr() /

' l 'FI l l l t l r( ,()NS'i ' l tU(, ' i ' l ( )N OF \ '( ) \ \ 'Ul .S IN Ol, l) l . 'H Nil l l {

Bttsed on Ferlus (1992).

Irhr.ncr l tur -au - l l l - l /?lu / in t l rc Surin cl i i r lcct.

l s , r | |l ' ' ' l ' h i s l r . rph ic c ( ,n11) in l l l i ( )n i s 1 - ross i l r l c onh ' r 'hcn lhc t t rs t l c t tc r o f thc sv l l lb lc ts th , t : rep /u subscr i l - r t s iun :t') Ilrirl.

Note ott the trttus/iteratiott of Kltruer

olcl I{hmer t l-ret.were pre-gl()t fal ised cot 'rs()r lAnfs: 'b ' . incl ' d.-- - I 'hcsc

rrvo voicccl consonants are ne\-cr found

in f irst; l<lsir ion i t-r an init ial clusfcr. So u. ' l -rcn lrrt u is rvr i t tcn as thc frrst cons()1r2111r in a consc)nant clusfcr,

i t i s pr r ) r ) ( )Lu ' rcc( l / l ) / .

,\t tl-ris st'.lgc, the hl-rt-ncr langr-ragc phonr>lrx-tiscd a clistinction bers-ecn nv() r-oicc rcqisfers concli-

tiotrccl lx' the c()nson'rnr. Thc r-ou,els iollorvinc tl'rc scrics of frrrmcr unr-oicccl consonants wcre pronouncccl

rr-ith a "clcilr" r-oicc (sarulei sral mtufrUunj ot samlen tuc f,Jtv tfio in l{hmer) rvhcre:rs thosc follor',.ir-rs thc

fbrtrler r-oicecl cons()nalrts were pfonoullcecl rvith '.i "breath\'" \-oicelr (sanr/ei dhian' R-ttufim B r>r sant/ei

dharn n-l fpf im). ' I ' l "r is resistcr dist inct ion has norv disappearecl from m()st I{hmer dialccrs, but is st i l l presenr

in, fcrr examplc, the I..l-rmcr dialects c>f thc (lardamom ranse.' I 'hc

I ihmer vocal ic svstcm vu'as i tself spl ir inro nvo, i .c. the r-on'cls rook dif fcrent valucs rvher-r

coming aitcr a f<rrmer unr-oiced or r-oicccl c()nson2rlrt . I Iere is onc hvpothcticl l seclucncc of e\-ents:

, \r rhe bccinning, rvi th the unr'oicinc of colrsonanrs, ka f i1 /kaa/ rcmii ined /ka.a./, pronounccd

rvith a clclr t-oice, rvhcrcas ga m /gtvr/ bcclurc /ki ta"/ l ' i th a breathv r 'oiccr. l .1i tcr. gV f i /kia/ l>ccanrc

/kia/ rctaiuius rhc brcathr- r-oicc. ' I 'his recistcr \ \ ' rrs r l ' ren lost in most dialccts fo bccome lkial. ' I 'hcre


no chatrse in spcllilrg; the gral-riric sisns sin-rplv hacl ncrv phonctic r-ahrcs.

Sr> t l ' rc vr>cal ic s\.sterx ucarl l cloublcd. , \r t l ' rc s2lme t ime, s()r le r-r>rvcls also unclcnvcnr othcr

changcs in their pronuuci, l f iol l duc to ir r-arictv of factors such as thc inf}-rcncc of the f inal cons()nanf.

Anot l rc r e \amplc is that somc ur r rds t i th /ce/ r t chrn.qed t , feef , then in Stanc lard l {hmcr rhe leeybecarnc /tte/ rvhen associated rvith a frrnncr unr-oiced colrs()nanr ar-rd /ee/ s,hen associafed rvith a fcrrmcr

r -o iccc l consonant .

'ltr gir-e an idca of thc doubline o[ rhc r-orl.el svstcm, belorv is a tablc u'ith thc rraditional alpha-

berical orclcr of r-orvels associared u, i th cor-rsonlurts ha ntt lga.r i Elch syl lablc is gir-en f irst in transl i tcrat ion,

\ \ l l l L I ) i l , l s l r r - c i l I 1 1 1 p , 1 7 7

l r s c c l t i r r l t t l c , L s r n v o t l i i t t ' r c n t c ( ) n s ( ) 1 l 1 l n l s i n l l - ( ) l t u n c l l l l l ( ) r r .

t l c i r t i l s . s c c I l c t t c l c l s r r r r 1 l ( ) 5 1 ) r r r r r l l " c r ] u s ( I \ ) ' ) 2 : 6 2 1 .

l r l i e i l r r t l l r c c n c l o i t l r c l o r c l i s : r n a t u r u l P h e n o r . r r t ' r r , , n r n t l r c t l o l r r n q r u r g c s ) .

t r r r t l r e r t r d i r r l t c t s . i f i s p r o t r o u n c c c l / b r / . u s f h c s f u n c l : r r c l f t i t , ' c o r r c s p o n c l s t o / k / . i n t h i s : r r c r r ) .

Michel Anrelnrc

thcn in I . .hmer script, tol bv phonetic tr lnscript i t ,n.











k ioe





k o


kut l



/ k a a / ,

f klutf ,/ 1 - / 1 '

/ t \ c f / . -

/ket / ,

/kat / ,

/kaz/ ,

/k>? / ,

/koct / .

/kua/ ,

/krc/ ,

/kie / ,

/kre/ ,

/kec / ,

f ,


fkxt f .

/kas' / ,

/ k , r m / ,

/kqm/ ,

/ktm/ ,

/kzh/ .










gi ctc


















nI t i

t^1r r r lU)-

f r i0 r r JU


bf t it t l

f ' i lb t t l

r rJ





' i o


a t






f 2 i

r ^ lD r t J

)-f2 i l






tnr^ - Jt n l




r t I

t s o

/ k t t / .

f kre f ,)"

/kt? / ,


/k+t I ,

/k i / ,

/ku? / ,

/kuu/ ,


/kqq/ ,

/kia/ ,




/ket / ,

f kux,.,tf ,


/kumf .


lkriam/ ,

/keet't/ .

-l ir i l lustrate rhis, belorv is an e\cerrpt from a cpap

'studiecl [1,.Jct'rner (1976 6!r) uivcn first in

modern l.,hmcr script and spellinu, folkrrvccl bt' transliteration, follou,'ed then bt' a phonetic transcriprionof a ht'pothctical middle hhmer pnrnunciation beforc dcr-oicine, and frnalh', bv a phonctic trlrnscriptionof standarcl moclcrn I{hmcr oronuncietion:

l ( ' I ' r , , , ' , , r . , , t . , cc I /kcc / in sornc c l i r l c t : t s to r ins funcc fhc Kornyrong ( .hhnang d i r r l cc t

/k ic / .l - , \ l l s r l lab lcs r r i t l i a shor t von 'c l in s t rcsscc l pos i t i r in r - r - r r , rs t havc a t - inu l consonunt . I r i

thc glott l l stol-r is pror-rouncccl.l8 lr-r s,r, ' , ' r . periphclul cl i l ' lccts, thc 1-rroriunciut iorr is /kr,,n'r / . thus cl i f- fcrcnr fu,rrn grutt 6

rhr,rs n'rakilru rhr'. l i i tcrcncc *irh gzr rnJ,,'t i"/ an.l l le tnJ

rc lc l ing thc l r lphlrbct , uhcn no t inal consorrrrnf is r r i t ten.

/ kum/ .

1 0

Nota ott the trnn/itertttiort of' Khnrcr


' d u d

f [InnEltnrln

Transliteration:Rakv neh ja cpep'ebLrk it drabv

J.ok tha bhlocri bhli

' I ranscription in ht'pothesised

baak neh jaa cpap?a:rbuk ?it drapt'

Iook thaa blxaq bli-i

s q"ls 8Jn'tu6 , r


u:mnjdr 1


dr-rnman ov gap'i tT gap'duk or.brah peli tha.maen bit mr>h ?

rniddle Iihmcr:duunmaa.n ?oj g:rpvii uap cltrk ?ooi

brah paali i rhaa.ffrEen bit moh rii

RSrfl i lrDt{JJ


t l

kr-rn car-r e krot'

tae bekt, neh t<.rr'

bum smoe surir-a l . . . ]

k r - r r r r r cen- t " ?ae kr , , , r j

te : I r r : rk ns, [ q loo j

butn stnur suri jaa [. . . ]

l ioon ceu' Pae krl , r j

t're pie? nih daol

pum smae so?rc?jaa L , l

nf Rin_ffn'l

'I'ranscription in modcrrr Stanciarcl Irhmer:

pia? nih cie cr,bap tuunmien ?ao; kciap?irapuk ?bt tr()'ep r-ei kciep tuk ?aoi

1,,,o? fha:r p'lacr p'lii L::'iffl'il!"Tr-


' l ' ransl i terat ion of Khmcr texts in Rotnan characters pro\-es to bc useful on four points:

1. As l{hmer has bccn noted dorvn at least since thc sirth centlrrv of thc (,hrist ian cra u' i th Indian

scripts ancl has borrorvcd hen.i l t ' f rom Sanskrir ancl Pal i , ancl ro a lesser e\tcnr trorn lncl ian Prekrt-s, thc

transl ircrat iotr of I ihmer rcrrs frrr historical ancl l insuist ic purposcs helps to l ink al l these langurrses.

Nlorer>r'cr as neighboring lanuuages such as Siamcsc, l ,ao, I ]urmese, Nftrn, crc., also use Inrl ian scripts,

sometilnes borrorved from the samc region in lnclia or c\.cn r-ia the I{hmers, trlrnsliter:rtion allou's us [() scc

horv all these langr,rages har-c adaptcd Indic rvorcls. As m:inv different scripts har-c been adaptecl from the

RrahmI scripr and har-e er<rlr.ccl in differcnf \\,:r]'s, pcople misht knorv onc or n\-o or three diffcrent scriprs

but i t is uncommon to f incl pcrople rvho can reacl al l Indian ' Irensl i terrrf ion is a solut ion to r-rnirc

al l thcse scripts. On a 1l()re Phonol<>uical ancl pl"rr>netic etr>uncl, transl i terat ic>n uscd akrngsiclc phonctic

f ' ) . f " , r , , . .

g ivcs rhc p ronunc iu t i ,n /c " * / .Jr.r-f cnt icr givcs thc ptotrtu-rciut ion /clr: l r1-r/ , l l r t lhcn tt clocs not rhvrnc l ' i th /g1lp/.

l rv r r t r r ra l c ( )ns( )n : r l r t u ' i th thc c rc r '1 r t i , t t < t [ , / t f . / r / , / t / . /h , , .

rr hcn fir'llot'ccl

l . l i scuss ion o t


illicltl Atttehtte

transcript ion helps fo shed l ight on thc rvavs al l rhcsc l lnqtuiqes har-e phonctical lv er-olr-ccl. ()n the other

hancl, i t is impc)rtant ro rccal l that t l -rose rvho u, 'r i fc rcscarch pxpers in Khmer can n()tc Sanskri t or PCli

u.ords pcrfcct ly in I ihmer char:rcters, as fhc I ihmcr alphabet s-as in f :rct created, in parr at lcast, to rcndcr

Sanskrir. Pel i has also been \vr i t tcn in (-amboclia in I ihmcr script frrr ccnturics. ' l 'hus

i t is importxnt rhaf

the nerv sencrafion of ( lambodians clocs not break this l ink u, i th the pasr.

2. Sincc thc trvcntieth cenrr-rrr-, I{hmcr rvritinc has hacl rclativelr. consistcnt spelling, rvhich is ar

once phonctic and etvmolosical. Iihmcr lansuage itsclf has cliffetenr dialccts atrd diffcrcnt '.lccenrs,

although inrercomprchcnsion is not a problcrn. ' I 'hete

is a statrclr ird norm of pronunciat ion vu'hich is the

one heard on raclio, tclcvision and taught at school. r\lthr>r"rgh it is not entirclv clcar rvhich region:rl accent

the standard onc is based up()n, ir is a l-knorvn fact that thc cr>l locluial languarc of the capital Phnom

l)enh is not st: inclarcl ar al l . l t sccms that the standard accent is from thc center of (,amboclia. or e\-cn

nrin'bc thc south of llattamb:rng pror-ince, though cach rc{ir>n uraintrrins its ()\\-n ztccent, and in each rcgion

scr-cral n-r inr>r accents also cxist. Thete afe m()rc or lcss acccptccl l l ()mls, such zrs tr i l l ing the "r" r 'u 'hich is

not donc in the ])hnom Pcnh cc>l locluial languagc. As ftrr vr>n-cls, thc isstre is t-nr-rch morc compler. Er-cn

s-hct-r tr t- ing t<> speak u' irh a "standard" - \ \ ,e shoulcl cvcn sa\ ' an "af t ictr late" - pI() lr l lncizrt ion, Phnom Pcnh

rcsidcnts do not mirkc thc clistir-rction benvcen scr-cral vorvels that arc clistir-rglrisl-recl in l-riting and in somc

other spokcn d ia lects . ( )n the c( )1r r r1r r \ ' . i t ' r I ) l ' rnour Pcni r co l loqu ia l c l ia lcc t , s ( )me r -oc i t l i c d is t inc t i , , ,n

c()rrcsp()nds t<., rvr i t ing, u, 'hi lc in Sicn-r Rcap fhat saurc cl ist inct ion rvi l l not be tnade, and sc.r on. \ \ 'herr irr

cl ict ionarics, frrr instancer in bi l ingual cl ict ionarics. l phonctic or phouoloric:r l transcript ion of I ihmer

rvords is givcn, i t can Lre consiclcrcd :rs ncarh' arr i f ic ial. rr-rakins manv r-ocal ic dist inct ions n()t ctx-erccl bt '

a single dialcct. ()n the other hancl, somc disrincriol ls l l rc frccluentlr- n()t tn:rdc in bi l ingual dict ionaries

rvhich uir-c phonetic trxnscript ion - c\-cn though spcl l inu ancl cl ialcctolosv pro\-e rhat thcv crist. This is

oftcr-r clue to the inf lucncc of ()ne pecul iar acccnt ()n rhe cl ict ionarl 'compilers.' lb

sivc examples, in fcrrmal spccch the Phnon-r Pcnh cl ialect docs not make rhc r-ocal ic dist inct ir . ,n

bctrveen rart []s /rian/ "merchandise srancl" '.lnd riett rtls /rtan/ "[o learn," whcrclts ir-r the Surin clialcct of

Thailancl, the f irst rvorcl is pronouncccl /r ien/ and thc scconcl one f r t tn/. In turn, s()mc Surin dialects d<r

ncrt makc rhc drffcrcnce benveen the u,,orcls bhtlen fnlrX "rain: to rain" a,n,J bhlei tnrt /phhtI/ "music; song,"

rvhereirs thc Phnom Penh dialcct clocs make i t as thc lattcr is pronouncccl /p1'199.p/ 2ls opposcdv> bhhei

rnf t i 7pr,11eq/. Spcl l ins overcomes c1-r i te l thesc phonetic dif fercnccs.- ' lb

gir-c one last cxample of horv importanf dialcctal r-ariat ions can bc, a senfence l ikc "the hen

sirs crn eggs" mrtn'krap bai L' lsui lunrX, rvhich from a lerical r- icrvpoint has no dialcctal r-ariat ions, u. i l l bc


/mo"en kraap p)t/ in t l -re so cal lccl "standard Acccnt,"

f mien kraap pueq/ in Surin or in s()rnc p?rts of Siem l{cap and l laruambans prr,r- inces.

/rncr:en kieep p)r\/ in l)hnom Penh,

/tnc"en kraap prrq/ in Nloat (-hrouk pror- ince (nou' in Yictni lm and cal led (-hau Doc in

\ i t ' ln lu l t ' se) . e tc .

So i t appcars that t rans l i tc ra t ion in a I i rcnch or l rnc l ish fc r t abr>nt I {hmct s tud ies is a good

solut ion i f onc canrl()f incluclc I{hnrcr chancters r>r i f t l ' rc tcxt is aclclrcssccl to rcadcrs u'ho ' . i rc not supposed

fo knorv l{hn'rer script. A pl-ror-rcric trrrnscriprion basccl ()n ()ne part iculat ci ialecr c: i tr Lrc aclclecl, but

transl i tcrat ion u, i l l help o\-crcomc cl ialcctal pl-roncric cl i i tcrcnccs.


Note ott t/te trans/itetittilrt of Khtnrt

3. Transl i terat i()n also sr-rbscquenth' hclps f() bctter unclcrstand l inguist ic rcl :rr ionships benvecn

eri-rnic gr()ups speaking l :rnsuages from rl i i tercnr l insuist ic gI()ups. l lor instance, I . 'hrncr belongs t() thc

Nlon-l.-hrncr famih'u'hercas Siarnesc belongs to fhe l':ri-I.'adai thrnilr: Thesc fvu'o languages har-c heavih'

borrorvecl from ()ne anothcr in terms of r-ocabularr. and their procluctir-e rclationship s,'cnt up t() the point

oi back borrou,ins fronr Siamcse to l{hmer. Transl i terarion helps to scc imn-rcdiatelv rvorcls si lni lar ro both

laneuagcs r-ia borros'ings evcn th()ugh currcnt pronunciations clir-erge. Souretimcs, solrc u.ords c()mmon

to both lantuages clo not corrlc from ()ne ()r the othcr, or frolr-r lndic lanqr-rages, but insteacl from othcr

languages such as Chincse. Transl i tcrat ion hclps to sec rheir comm()n ro()ts.

I ior instancc, "t{) think" is f in / l<+tl in l . .hrner and 6n /kl ' t i t / in Sianrcsc. In transl i terat ion, the u,ord

irr bcrth laneuages is git . I)ue to the fact that both lansuases usc lncl ic-basccl scripts transl i tcraf ion shou.s

tlrat thc rvorcl u,as originallv rouehlt'pronouncecl /gtt/ rvhen onc borrorvccl ir ftom thc other.'l 'he

ucrd [<rr "craftslrlan" is frtri /craql in lihrr-rer ar-rd ll 't.l lchia,ql in Sian-rcse. Iu transliterafion,

the rvrrrd rs jai in l{ l ' rrner ancl jat i in . l ' l r i . rvord, mavbe oi (- l-r inese orisin, u'as probablv

pronolrnced / ia,a,q/ rvhen i t rvi is borrorvccl br- bc>th languascs (regarcl lcss of thc fone in Siamese).

4. IJecause t i-rc l . 'hmers br>rrorvccl t i -reir script beti ;rc thc r,rnvoiciug t>f c()ns()nrlnts, tr :ursl i terat i() l l

helps make r l-re i ink u, i th othcr Nlon-I lhmer lansuascs rvhich 2rrc m()re "conser\-Ati \-c" phonctical lr ' . Somc

of these lanquages recenth'acquirecl thcir osrn script bascd on fhe Roman one, th'anks to rnissionerics ancl

l incuists.

I i onc looks at l ists of u,orcls in NIt>r-r- l ' , .hmct langu:rgcs af random, ()ne can f incl in Nln<)ng Ro'kr 'm

(spcrkcn in northcastern ( lamboclia and south centr2rl Vietnam) the u'ord.ft i l "ro rvipc" (Rlood I976:11)

n' lr ich can be comparecl to l{hme r lcuut/ (sarne mcaninu) u'hich is urr i t ten dR and transl ireratcd, iul . ln -Jch,a North Bal-rnaric languase of tirc Nion-Khmcr fat-rriiv spr>ker-r in I{onrunr pror-incc in Vicrn:rtl, ()ne calr

find thc rvord gap (pr<>ncrunccd u'ith a long r-<>rvel) "to hold (rvitli slit stick)" ((itadin I()7(t:27) rvhich can

bc ccrmpalccl fo ] .rhrncr /ktap/ "t() prcss, c()mprcss, hold bt 'meat'rs of pl iers or fweezers," r l .hich is u-r i t-

terr f i l l r and fr lnsl i tcratecl goP.I" i \ [o'dra ancl l) idr i , trrrr ' l t r 'drah

cl ialects. a North Rahnaric lansuase alscr

spoken in I iontum pror- ince, fhe rvord f<rt "thrcc" rs pi ( longy()\\ /el) (( ircucrson ancl Smith I973 175) to

bc compared rvith moclern I{hmc:r /l>e1/ (same mcaninu), rvrittcn fr ancl transliteratcd pt.

l 3


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