News-Translation-and-News-Making-at-RRI-Surakarta ...

25 commit to user 12 Chapter 3 Internship Activities This chapter will discuss my activities that I had done during my internship program at RRI Surakarta. Internship Activities in RRI Surakarta, The length of the internship program that I finished is a month, starting from January 6, 2016 to February 6, 2016. There were four activities that I had done during my internship program: translating news scripts from Indonesian into English; making news script for radio program, making articles and doing recording session. The first two activities were related to one of daily news programs in RRI Surakarta, Morning English News (MEN). Meanwhile, the third and fourth activity were making articles and doing recording session and they were related to English for You program. RRI has three kinds of programs: factual news program, actual news program, and entertainment program. Factual news is news that proclaims a real event (but the event is not bound by the occurrence time). Actual news is news that proclaims current news, hottest gossips, or latest news. Definition of the latest news means the latest facts found from an old events, or events that just happened. This kind of news can be found in a news program like Morning English News program. Meanwhile entertainment program is the kind of program that contains news and material about the entertainment world. The contents in this program could be various as long as the news has relation with entertainment contents. For example in one of the program sessions, the host of the program would read interesting facts and tips for the listeners. One of the entertainment programs in RRI Surakarta that delivers the material in English is English for You. Further details and definition of English for You program would be explained later. The first program that I will explain is Morning English News. Morning English News (MEN) is one of news programs in RRI Surakarta. It broadcasts in PRO 1 and PRO 2 every day starting from 8:00 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. This program is a program that broadcasts daily news updates and current affairs that delivered the news in English. The sources of the news in MEN were mostly taken from foreign news agency, mass media, and print media (televisions, newspapers, and radios), press conferences, press releases, resource persons, experts, and officials. The topics of the news in MEN are

Transcript of News-Translation-and-News-Making-at-RRI-Surakarta ...

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Chapter 3

Internship Activities

This chapter will discuss my activities that I had done during my internship

program at RRI Surakarta.

Internship Activities in RRI Surakarta,

The length of the internship program that I finished is a month, starting from

January 6, 2016 to February 6, 2016. There were four activities that I had done during

my internship program: translating news scripts from Indonesian into English; making

news script for radio program, making articles and doing recording session. The first

two activities were related to one of daily news programs in RRI Surakarta, Morning

English News (MEN). Meanwhile, the third and fourth activity were making articles and

doing recording session and they were related to English for You program.

RRI has three kinds of programs: factual news program, actual news program, and

entertainment program. Factual news is news that proclaims a real event (but the event

is not bound by the occurrence time). Actual news is news that proclaims current news,

hottest gossips, or latest news. Definition of the latest news means the latest facts found

from an old events, or events that just happened. This kind of news can be found in a

news program like Morning English News program. Meanwhile entertainment program

is the kind of program that contains news and material about the entertainment world.

The contents in this program could be various as long as the news has relation with

entertainment contents. For example in one of the program sessions, the host of the

program would read interesting facts and tips for the listeners. One of the entertainment

programs in RRI Surakarta that delivers the material in English is English for You.

Further details and definition of English for You program would be explained later.

The first program that I will explain is Morning English News. Morning English

News (MEN) is one of news programs in RRI Surakarta. It broadcasts in PRO 1 and

PRO 2 every day starting from 8:00 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. This program is a program that

broadcasts daily news updates and current affairs that delivered the news in English.

The sources of the news in MEN were mostly taken from foreign news agency, mass

media, and print media (televisions, newspapers, and radios), press conferences, press

releases, resource persons, experts, and officials. The topics of the news in MEN are

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usually about Economy, Social, Political, National defense, Sport, Technology, Law,

Education, Human interest, Crime, etc.

Morning English News has standards of their news scripts format. Below are the

rules for news script writing in Morning English News Program:

a. On the title section, the news writer or the translator should put the name of the

program. Along with the date when the news is broadcasted as well. The title should

be written in capital letter, FOR EXAMPLE, MORNING ENGLISH NEWS,


b. The number of words used in one news script is approximately 115 words

c. If the news writer or the translator wants to use a comma (,) they should replace it

with a single slash (/) and replace the use of dot (.) with double slash (//).

d. If there is an amount of money in a news script, the news writer or the translator

should type the money with words instead of with number, for example, one million

and fifty thousand rupiahs. This is to help the broadcaster to read news script

e. People’s and places’ name should be written in capital letter as well, FOR


f. The news writer or the translator should also put the source of the news along with

the scope of the news FOR EXAMPLE,




c) Etc.

There are a few sources the news script that the writer could use to make news script.

The sources of making news script that applied in RRI Surakarta are as follows:

1. Daily coverage

Daily coverage is where reporters from a radio station go to a location of an

event to make a report about it. But since I came from English Diploma Program

and I never had a lecture about journalism nor the basic of journalism before, my

instructor not let me explore this way of making news script.

2. Mass Media and Print Media (Television, Newspaper, Internet)

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We could also make news scripts by watching or reading other print media. For

example: we could make news script by reading daily news on internet and

newspaper, as well as watching news updates from television.

3. Live report

Live report is when the reporter is reporting something live from the location of

a specific event. For example, every Sunday Morning at 07:00 a.m., RRI

Surakarta always report the live broadcast of Sunday Church Service from one

of churches in Solo area. It could be any churches, for example in Gereja Kristen

Jaya Margoyudan. Later the host would make a short summary of the event and

report it.

Morning English News program is a program that has the main relation with my

internship activity. Since it is a news program that delivers news in English, and it is

broadcast both local and international news, RRI Surakarta needs a translator who is

able to translate the news from Indonesian into English. The second activity that has

relation with Morning English News Program was making news scripts.

Meanwhile, English for You is an entertainment program in RRI Surakarta that

airs every Friday starting from 04:00 p.m. until 05:00 p.m. on Program 1 AM 972 KHz

or FM 101 MHz. English for You is a program which aims to entertain the listeners of

radio RRI Surakarta. This program is generally made for junior high school teens to

college students. Thus the listeners of this program are mainly teenagers/students.

English for You (EFY) is a program that broadcasts about fictional information. The

contents of English for You program are meant to enlighten and inspire the listeners.

Usually, the host for this program would talk about certain topics on each broadcast. For

example, the topic was about rain season because it was a rainy season that time, and

then the host would read out some important information relating to rainy season. Rainy

season often relates to illness like flu and fever, and then the host would read tips on

how to maintain your immune system during rainy season. The source of the article

could be taken from anything, I could get the source from a book, a magazine, a

newspaper, a television program, an article from internet or the other way was that the

article could be made based on the writer knowledge and experience.

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Making News Script

The first activity I had at the internship program was making news scripts. News

script for radio broadcast is different from news script that we usually find on print

media or online media. There are a few things that differentiate news scripts for print

media or online media from news scripts for radio program. For example, the style of

the writing, the news in newspaper has long texts with many paragraphs that give the

reader full details about a certain event, meanwhile the news in radio program only has

short and brief content that only explains the main point of the news. The contents in

them also tend to be shorter and used special punctuation (sign posting). There are few

main rules of writing news scripts for radio program:

1. KISS method

KISS stands for Keep It Simple and Short. The writer should make the news

simple and keep it as short as possible. It is better to avoid compound and

complex sentence. Since the news in radio program is spoken and could only be

heard once, therefore, the news should be brief and clear. It aims to make the

listeners comprehend the news right away. Furthermore, there is a solid

provision for news script in Morning English News Program. News script for a

MEN program is classified as straight news. Therefore, one news script must

contain no more than twenty sentences, and for a whole 10 minutes broadcast

must contain no more than 10 items. The length for one news script is about one

minute. For ten-minute broadcast; there are about nine to ten news scripts that

would be delivered by the host. The news should be brief but clear.

2. Formula for writing news script

There is a formula in writing news scripts. This formula is a key for making

proper news script. The formula applied in making a news script in Morning

English News program is A+B+C= C. A stands for Accuracy. It means that the

news should be made based on facts. B stands for Balance. It means that the

writer could not use one plain source of news and to make a news script, the

writer had to look for other sources from different point of view in order to make

a balance. C stands for Clarity. It means that the news should be clear. And the

result is C which stands for Credible. Therefore, the conclusion after combining

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the formula is that we get Credible. Credible news consists of accuracy, balance,

and clarity.

On the first day of my internship program, my instructor asked me, or specifically

tested me to make a news script. He tested me by reading a news report that he heard

from television that morning before he went to work. He then read a few lines of the

news for me. He only read the news to me once. The news he read to me was about the

inauguration of RM Wijoseno Hario Bimo alias KBPH Suryodilogo as KGPAA,

Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya Paku Alam X.

The news was delivered in Indonesian. It was not like long news but it contained

many important contents such as long names, not to mention the title as well, and

specific dates I could not remember the details in a short amount of time. After that, he

waited for my answer; but as expected, I could not make news script in such way. He

then asked me if I ever had a lecture about journalism or if I ever had an experience in

making news before. I told him that I never had any lectures about journalism before.

He kind of surprised by my answer, but then he said that he would teach me about how

to making news script while I was doing translating job in this internship program. He

also asked me if I ever had an Interpretation class along with the translation class. I also

told him that I never had an interpretation class, only translating class. Therefore, that

was the reason why I had a difficulty while translating news.

The instructor brought many kinds of newspapers and he asked me to choose one

of the news and then transform it into a news script that could be read in tomorrow’s

Morning English News Program. The instructor told me that the key to make a good

news script was to mention the main points of the news or to use KISS method, Keep It

Short and Simple. Therefore the news script should be short and simple in order to be

easily understood by the listeners.

There were a few steps of making news script from scratch. The first thing I did

was reading the text thoroughly, because sometimes the text was so long that I had to

read more than once in order to understand a whole text in general and to get the main

points. The next was I had to make sure that I fully understand which part considered as

the main point of the news. After I got the main points then I could start making the

news script.

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The next step did was I made the news script again, but I made them in

Indonesian version first. For example, one of the news I made was about E-KTP that

would be valid for lifetime starting from 2016. This news had a long paragraph with

many details. I was asked to make a shorter version in order to fulfill the provision. This

news was taken from Solopos Daily Newspaper, Sunday, 31 January 2016. Since the

text was written in Indonesian, after I translated it into English then I shortened the text

into a simpler and clearer version. Below is the source news taken from Solopos

newspaper Sunday, 31 January 2016.

KTP Elektronik Berlaku Seumur Hidup

LAWEYAN — Pemerintah Kota Surakarta mengimbau instansi atau lembaga

pelayanan publik tetap menerima kartu tanda penduduk elektronik (E-KTP) milik

warga yang telah kadaluwarsa. Instruksi tersebut dikeluarkan menyusul penerbitan

surat edaran Menteri Dalam Negeri bernomor 470/296/SJ tentang KTP elektronik yang

ditetapkan berlaku seumur hidup.

Kepala Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Solo, Suwarta, telah

menerima SE Mendagri terkait pemberlakuan E-KTP seumur hidup. “Kami sudah

menerima SE dari Mendagri terkait KTP elektronik yang berlaku seumur hidup,”

terang dia saat ditemui wartawan di Jl. Slamet Riyadi, Minggu (31/1) pagi.

Suwarta mengemukakan penerapan E-KTP seumur hidup di Kota Bengawan

diproyeksi menimbulkan kebingungan ditengah masyarakat. Sejumlah KTP elektronik

terbitan 2011 lalu masih memakai masa kadaluwarsa. Ia meminta instansi atau

lembaga layanan publik lain tetap menerima E-KTP warga Solo yang telah habis masa

berlakunya pada 2016 ini.

Disinggung soal KTP yang rusak, warga diminta untuk tidak khawatir. Mereka

bisa mengajukan penggantian kartu baru. “Asal bukti fisik E-KTP sebelumnya masih

ada, warga bisa langsung mengajukan penggantian.” ujarnya.

After I read the text for a few times and got the whole point of the news, I then

made a simpler version in Indonesian. From the first paragraph I shortened the text into

Pemerintah Kota Surakarta mengimbau instansi atau lembaga pelayanan publik tetap

menerima kartu tanda penduduk elektronik (E-KTP) milik warga yang telah

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kadaluwarsa. I did not include the second sentence on the first paragraph

because the same information was already included in the first sentence of the second

paragraph. For the second paragraph I shortened the text into Kepala Dinas

Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Solo, Suwarta, telah menerima SE Mendagri

terkait pemberlakuan E-KTP seumur hidup.Again, I did not put the second sentence of

the second paragraph because the information was already mentioned in the first

sentence. For the third paragraph, I did not shortened the text whatsoever because all of

the important informations were already mentioned on the third papragraph. Suwarta

mengemukakan penerapan E-KTP seumur hidup di Kota Solo ini dapat menimbulkan

masyarakat kebingungan. Ini terjadi karena sejumlah KTP elektronik terbitan 2011 lalu

masih memakai masa kadaluwarsa. Ia meminta instansi atau lembaga layanan publik

lain tetap menerima E-KTP warga Solo yang telah habis masa berlakunya pada 2016

ini. And for the fifth paragrapg I only put a little information that really matter, Jika ada

warga yang KTP nya rusak, mereka bisa meminta pengajuan penggantian dengan

membawa KTP lama.

Below is the result of news script I made:

Also, while making news script, I had to put the name of the speaker or the

resource clarifying from whom the statement and news came from. For example, the

second paragraph explained about The Head of The Department of Population and Civil

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Registration, Suwarta has received a circular letter from The Minister of Home

Affair about the regulation of Electronic Resident ID Cards (E-KTP) that last for

lifetime. Therefore, the sentence in news script would be ‘The Head of Department of

Population and Civil Registration in Solo, SUWARTA has received a circular letter

from Minister of Home Affairs related about the validity of E-KTP that lasts for


Making news script from newspaper news was not my main job while doing

internship program in RRI, this job was only a side job so I only did this activity for a

few times. The instructor asked me to do this so that I could experience the process of

making news script from scratch. The main job in this internship program was

translating news script in Indonesian.

Translating News Script

As I said previously, the main job desk I had in RRI Surakarta was translating

news scripts. While I was doing translating activity for Morning English News script, I

mainly only translated the news scripts that the instructor already made for the next

day’s Morning English News program. The news I made were all written in Indonesian,

so my activity was to translate them into English. On each meeting, my instructor

usually gave me approximately one until two news scripts written in Indonesian, and

then I had to translate them into English.

While I was doing translation activity in RRI Surakarta, I also applied some skills

I had learned in Translation class. The first was about the step of translating a text. In

class, the lecturer told us about the step of translating text and how to make a good


Below are the steps of translating news scripts:

1) Reading the whole news script

The first step of translating a text was to read whole text first for a few times until I got

the whole message of the text. In this case, I usually read the text only about twice

because the news script texts were usually really short and straight to the main point.

2) Finding difficult/unfamiliar words

The next step was to analyze if there were any difficult or unfamiliar words that could

be found in the text. If there was any, then I had to find the meaning of certain words

from the dictionary. There were many new collections of words that I just found while

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I was doing the translation activity. What I meant here is there are many words in

Indonesian I did not know what the correspondences were in English. I would always

find new words every time I translate a new text.

3) Transforming the text

The next step was to transforming the whole text into English. The instructor gave the

news script that he already made and it was written in Indonesian. My first thought was

I could not do this job without any dictionaries. The reason was because apparently

there were many words I was not familiar with. So the key was by always bringing my

dictionary with me. There were three kinds of dictionary I used while translating, first is

Merriam Webster dictionary I installed on my cell phone, second is the copy of Oxford

Dictionary, and the last was Google Translate. While doing this internship program,

there were about twenty four news scripts I translated. But I would only explain the two

of them. The rest of the news scripts I translated, I shall put them on appendices.

Table 3.1 A List of Translated News Scripts on Appendices

No. News Title Date Page

1 President JOKO WIDODO changes the

usual tradition.

Friday, 11 January 2016 1

2 Fake bomb rumor on Lion Air plane. Friday,15 January 2016 2

3 The integrated lane between Tirtonadi

Bus Station and Balapan Railway


Friday, 29 Januart 2016 1

4 Inauguration of KGPAA. Friday, 8 January 2016 3

5 ZIKA Virus. Friday, 29 January 2016 3

6 Garuda Indonesia to open new routes

from Solo to Jeddah.

Friday, 15 January 2016 4

7 Haul Habib Ali event. Friday, 29 January 2016 5

8 Parties supporting Jokowi-JK. Monday, 1 February 2016 5

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One of the first news scripts that my instructor gave to me was a news about how

Shenzen police succeeded to disclose the prostitute business net. Below is the news

script that is written in Indonesian:

Polisi di Shenzen, China berhasil menutup jaringan bisnis prostitusi// Bisnis ini

melibatkan pelacur yang menyamar sebagai selebriti// Modus dari bisnis haram ini

adalah dengan menggunakan media social untuk menawarkan para pelacur ini kepada

lelaki hidung belang// ZHOU KUN dari kepolisian SHENZEN, China menegaskan

bahwa bisnis ini dimotori oleh kelompok yang memanfaatkan sistem online untuk

mengoperasikan usaha ilegal mereka// Geng ini membuatkan identitas palsu untuk para

pelacur agar nilai jual mereka jadi semakin tinggi// Salah satu pelacur bahkan

menyamar sebagai seorang model terkenal QIAO SHENGYI//Untuk mengkadali para

para lelaki hidung belang, Geng ini bahkan memasang artikel beserta sesi foto QIAO

SHENGYI di situs mereka agar lebih meyakinkan pelanggan

The result of my translation is:

The police in Shenzen, China succeeded to disclose the prostitute business net// The

business off prostitution involved the hookers or prostitutes disguising as celebrities//

The modus of this illicit business was carried out by using the social media to offer the

hookers or prostitutes to the Johns// ZHOU KUN from the SHENZEN police, China

stated that the business of prostitutes was motored by the gang making best use of

online system to operate its illegal business// The gang made the fake identity for the

prostitutes for the sake of hiking the price of the prostitutes// One of the prostitutes even

disguised as a famous model QIAO SHENGYI// To deceit the Johns/ the gang made an

article as well as the photograph session of QIAO SHENGYI in the website page to

ensure that the disguising prostitute was a real model//

The problems I found while translating this news script were mostly about finding the

meaning of the terms or words. There were a few new words I have not heard before,

for example:

1) Bisnis haram

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This was the term I am not familiar with so I had to look up on dictionary. I used google

translate to find the meaning of this word. If I translate ‘bisnis haram’ literally, the

meaning would be ‘illicit business’. Then I looked up this term on Cambridge online

dictionary and the meaning illegal or something that is done illegally.

2) Lelaki hidung belang

This is also a new term I have not heard before so I looked up on google about what is

the term for men who likes to use hookers/prostitutes. I found the term ‘the Johns’ a lot,

so I looked up the meaning of the johns on Merriam Webster dictionary. There are two

definitions which are a toilet or bathroom and a man who pays money to a prostitute for

sex. So I translate lelaki hidung belang into the johns.

The next article is about the increase in the number of foreign tourist arrivals to

Surakarta. Below is the news script that is written in Indonesian:

Kunjungan wisman ke kota Surakarta yang melalui Bandara Internasional

Adi Sumarmo di bulan Nopember 2015 silam naik hingga 119,17%

dibandingkan dengan bulan Oktober 2015// Dan ini meningkat 5,86%

dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun 2014// Kepala BPS

Surakarta R BAGUS RAKHMAT SUSANTO menginformasikan bahwa turis

mancanegara yang datang ke kota Solo di bulan Nopember 2015 silam

mencapai 903/ sedangkan wisman yang datang ke Solo pada Oktober 2015

silam mencapai 412 dan wisman yang datang ke Solo pada bulan Nopember

2014 mencapai 853// Wisman yang datang ke Solo didominasi oleh turis

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dari Malaysia yang mencapai 562 atau 62,24% diikuti oleh turis dari

Perancis sejumlaj 183 atau 20,27% dan turis dari Filipina yang mencapai

21 atau 2,33%. BAGUS mengakui bahwa penutupan penerbangan langsung

dari Solo ke Singapura menimbulkan dampak yang besar dalam kedatangan

wisman ke Solo//

The result of my translation is:

The visit of the foreign tourists to Surakarta through Adi Sumarmo

International Airport in last November 2015 increased up to 119,17%

compared to the month of October 2015// And it increased 5,86% compared

to the same period last year// The head of BPS (BPS-Statistics Indonesia)/ R

BAGUS RAKHMAT SUSANTO informs that the foreign tourists coming to

Solo on last November 2015 reached 412 tourists and the foreign tourists

that visited Solo on November 2014 reached 853 tourists// The foreign

tourists visiting Solo were mostly come from Malaysia/ reaching 562 or

62,24% followed by tourist from France with the amount of 183 tourists or

about 20,27% and tourists from Philippine reaching 21 tourists or about

2,33%// BAGUS admits that the closing of the direct flight from Solo to

Singapore emerges the great impacts in the visit of foreign tourists to Solo//

The problems I found while translating this news script were mostly about

finding the meaning of the terms. BPS(Badan Pusat Statistik)is one of terms I did not

know the meaning of in English. When I was translating this news at RRI Surakarta my

instructor told me that the translation of BPS is Central Statistics Agency and so I

followed his advice, but after I tried to look up other meaning on BPS website, and it

turned out that BPS website provides their website with English language for the sake

of the foreigners’ need. The English term for BPS is BPS-Statistics Indonesia.

Below is the list of difficult/unfamiliar words I found while I was translating news

scripts at RRI Surakarta:

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Table 3.2. List of Unfamiliar terms found while translating news scripts

No. English translation Indonesian terms

1 Constitutional Court Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK)

2 Constitutional Court Chief Ketua Mk

3 Corruption Eradiation



4 Chairman Ketua (untuk KPK)

5 Supreme Court Mahkamah Agung (MA)

6 Central Statistic Agency (BPS)

7 Head Ketua (untuk BPS)

8 The Maritime Affairs and

Fishery Minister

Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan

9 Maritime and Fisheries

Monitoring Task Force

10 General Director Direktorat Jenderal

11 Police Spokesman

12 Senior comrade Kombes Besar

13 State budget APBN

14 Local budget: APBD

15 House of Representatives: DPR

16 House of Speakers: Ketua DPR

17 Religious Affairs Minster Menteri Agama

18 Foreign Affairs Minister Menteri Luar Negeri

19 Home Affairs Minister

20 Cleric Ulama

21 Convict Narapidana

22 Coordinating Security Minister Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik,

Hukum, dan Keamanan

23 National Police POLRI

24 State palace Istana Negara

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25 Presidential Chief of Staff Kepala staf kepresidenan

26 Indonesian Commission of

Human Rights

Komnas HAM

27 Suicide bombings Bom bunuh diri

28 Horse draw carriage Andong

29 Clean desk tidak menyentuh pekerjaan

30 Boulevard Jalan besar yang di kiri dan kanan jalan

dikelilingi pohon

31 Avenue Jalan besar yang di kiri dan kanan jalan

dikelilingi gedung bertingkat

32 Country road jalan pedesaan

33 Main street jalan utama

34 State-owned enterprise BUMN

35 People Consultative Assembly MPR

36 Presumption of Innocence Praduga tak bersalah

37 Indonesian Child Protection



38 The panel of judges Majelis hakim

39 Field coordinator koordinator lapangan

40 Case review Peninjauan kembali

41 Mobile brigade: Brimob

42 Mayor Walikota

43 Hajj dormitory Asrama haji

44 Public order agency SATPOL PP

45 The Meteorology, Climatology

and Geophysics Agency


46 Sustainable Berkelanjutan

47 Offerings Sesajen

48 Banyan tree pohon beringin

49 Case file: berita acara peristiwa

50 Pre-trial pra peradilan

51 Small Medium Enterprises UMKM

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52 National Congress Musyawarah Nasional

53 Criminal code KUHP

54 Counterfeiting money uang palsu

55 People Conscience Party HANURA

56 File an appeal pengajuan banding

57 Penitentiary Lembaga pemasyarakatan

58 Wrong verdict salah dakwa

59 The johns lelaki hidung belang

60 Illicit haram (illegal)

61 Reciting Qur’an membaca kitab qur’an

62 Seize Menyita

63 Landfills tempat pembuangan sampah akhir

64 The Minister of Manpower Menteri tenaga kerja

65 The secretary General Sekertaris jenderal

66 Violating melanggar (pasal)

67 Prone Rentan

68 Civilian warga sipil

69 Lenient (hukuman) ringan

70 Representatives Perwakilan

Generally, there were few difficulties I had to deal other than finding the

meaning of certain terms. First, I used to always tempt to translate same words into one

meaning repeatedly. For example: while I was translating the word menegaskan,

menjelaskan, mengatakan, dan menginformasikan, I always tempted to translate those

words into the same word which is stated/states. It is perfectly fine to use that word

because the meaning is the same, but it may bore the listeners out if we use that same

term repeatedly. So, to avoid using same dull term we could use other terms to replace

the word “stated/states”. For example we could use “said/say”, “informed/informs”,

“admitted/admits”, “explained/explains”, “added/adds”, etc.

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For example:

1. President added that in the previous tradition/ the performance of the projects was

accelerated in the months of October, November and December but started from this

year/ the execution of the projects will start on January//

2. The rector of UNS, RAVIK KARSIDI explains that it needs the fund around six

hundred billion rupiahs to construct the hospital// He also informs that until now the

construction of the hospital has reached around ninety-two percent//

3. The General Manager of PT GARUDA INDONESIA Brach Office Solo,

MOCHAMMAD FIRMAN informs that the opening of the new route of Solo-

Jeddah is one of the efforts to develop the flight net of PT GARUDA INDONESIA

to give the alternative to the user of the service of the flight courier// FIRMAN

admits that it is not easy to open the route of Solo-Jeddah especially in terms of

getting license//

Second problem was deciding what kind of tenses that should be used. Most of the

events in the news happened in the past so the common tense I could use was past tense.

But in fact it is not always like that, my instructor told me that we may use past tense to

translate an event but we may not use past tense to translate news that considered as a


For example:

1. SPLENDID HOTEL/ a famous hotel that is often used to spend the night by the

foreigners and the representatives of the United Nations Organization (UNO) in

QUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso, was attacked by the militant//

2. To support the annual agenda of Solo City, SOLO GREAT SALE that will last up

until next week of February 2016/ PT KAI Operational Region Six Yogyakarta will

give ten percent discount for the passengers in eighteen different trains that have

destination to Solo//

3. The Minister of Manpower, HANIF DHAKIRI states that the foreign workers

entering Indonesia in accordance with the implementation of MEA, the Economic

Community of ASEAN will reach around seventy thousands workers// HANIF says

that the entering process of the foreign workers to Indonesia will be the same as the

entering process for foreign workers before MEA is applied//

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4. For number 1, the tense that I used was past tense because this event was happened

in the past. For number 2, I used simple future tense because by the time the news

was made, Solo Great Sale is still ongoing up until a month later. For number 3, I

used simple present tense because the statement by the Minister of Manpower is still

valid up until the news is reported.

And the last problem I faced was somehow the instructor pushed us, me and my

internship friends, to finish our translation in a certain time that he had already adjusted.

So it was totally different compared to the translation activity I usually did in the

translation class. For example, we had to translate two news in 20 minutes, no more

than that. He once said that normally, the translation activity had to be done by the

translator right in the morning. It had to be like that because the brand new news were

available in the morning news or in morning newspaper. Therefore, the translation

activity must be done very quickly because Morning English News is broadcast at


Making and recording articles for English for You program

Making articles was one of the activities I had done while I was doing an

internship program at RRI Surakarta, and for the total there are five articles I made. As I

said previously, the source of the articles for English for You program could be from

anything, such as internet, television show, newspaper, and magazine. My instructor

also told me I could choose between making original articles, where I had to write the

articles by myself based on my creativity or experience, or I could make the articles that

took source from various sources I mentioned before. I also could choose whether I

want to translate the articles that are written in Indonesian into English, or I could

choose articles that are written in English but then I would have to make the simpler

versions of them so that the listeners could understand the articles easily. What I meant

by making a simple version here is I would have to re-write the article using simpler

English language, because some of the articles I found are written by foreigners and

they tend to use formal language and somehow they were quite hard to understand by

the listeners whom mostly are still in middle-school or high-school. The totals of

articles I made were five articles but I would be explaining one article in this chapter,

the rest of the articles I shall put in the appendices.

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Table 3.3. List of Articles for English for You Program on Appendice

No. Articles Page

1. Benefits of reading 8

2. Steps to get better sleep 6

On the first day of my internship program, my instructor gave me homework to make

one article in English for You program. By that time, I still did not know what the rules

of making articles for English for You program are yet. Back then I only knew that as

long as the article could inspire and give brand new fresh idea to the listeners then it

would be just fine. So I just made one article based on my experience. My first article

for English for You program was “Where to By Import Books”, the purpose of making

this article was that I want to open the access for the listeners to get import books more

easily. Because it was still pretty hard to purchase import books in Indonesia, especially

in Solo. It was easier to find import books if you live in big cities such as Jakarta,

Bandung, Bekasi, Semarang or Yogyakarta, but for a small town like Solo, import

books were still pretty difficult to find. The only way that could easily be done in order

to get import books is by purchasing them online. In that article I mentioned a few

examples of online bookstores as well as offline bookstores that provide import books

and I also mentioned one biggest offline bookstores that many people already familiar


After my instructor read and checked my article, he told me that I should not

mention any specific brands, companies, or product names because it would be

considered as advertising. Advertisings are expensive and have their specific rules

before they are being broadcasted. Therefore, I was not allowed to mention such things

on my articles.

The next thing that should be considered while making articles for radio program

was about the listeners. I was get used to address the listeners as ‘you’, for example

‘Sugar is delicious, obviously// But you probably know that it is smart to reduce the

amount of sugar you eat//’. My instructor said that it would sounded less polite if we

address the listeners as ‘you’ because the amount of people who might be listening to

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the program was not only one person, so it would be better if we address them as ‘We’,

for example ‘Sugar is delicious, obviously// But we probably know that it is smart to

reduce the amount of sugar we eat//’. ‘We’ here sounds more polite and my instructor

also said that this was one of the ways to familiarize ourselves with the listeners who

were basically strangers to us. As well as the term ‘your’ could be replaced with ‘our’ to

be more polite. We could also replace ‘you’ with ‘you guys’ in this case is when the

reader wants to greet the listeners in the beginning or when the reader wanted to direct

the listeners to the main idea of the texts, for example ‘Good evening, dear listeners.

How are you guys doing on this warm evening?.’

Beside could not mention any products or brands (advertising) and change how we

address the listeners, English for You also has other standards for the format for their

articles as well. Here are the rules of writing articles for English for You Program:

a. On the title section, the writer should type the name of the program and also the

title of the article. Along with the date of when the news is broadcasted as well.

The title should be written in capital letter, FOR EXAMPLE, ENGLISH FOR


b. If the writer wants to use a comma (,) the writer should replace it with a single

slash (/) and replace the use of dot (.) with double slash (//).If there is an amount

of money in a news script, the news writer or the translator should type the

amount of money with words instead of with number. For example: one million

and fifty thousand rupiahs. This is to help the reader avoids misreading while

reading the article.

The sources for the articles I made are usually from Internet, for example It is a social media company that has many contents such as news and

entertainment. Buzfeed also often shares cool contents like DIY (Do It Yourself) that

teenagers these days enjoy, or simple cool tips for youngsters that are very inspiring and

easy to do. One of the articles I made was the article from Buzzfeed. The title was ‘14

Ways To Eat Less Sugar In 2016’. New Year and new resolution, it is a popular thing

around New Year. Since the time I made this article was around January to February, so

I thought that this article would be okay to use. This article explained about how to

reduce the sugar intake in our foods or drink. Below is the original text taken from

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14 Ways to Eat Less Sugar In 2016

One way to feel so much healthier is to limit the amount of added sugar you eat.

And it doesn’t even have to be painful. Sugar is delicious, obviously. But you probably

know that it’s smart to limit the amount of sugar you eat.

The average American eats about 82 grams of added sugar a day, according to the

Centers for Disease Control. That’s more than three times the amount that experts

suggest for women and children, and more than twice what they recommend for men.

We’re talking roughly 19.5 teaspoons of sugar, when you shouldn’t be eating more than

about six to nine teaspoons.

Because while sugar tastes great, it can also make you feel pretty crummy. So if

you’re trying to limit your sugar intake, here are 7 tips that might help:

First, keep a food diary for a few days before you start. Write down everything

you eat for three days, and make them three real days, not three days where you’re

eating as ideally as possible. This will help you pinpoint your biggest sources of sugar

on a daily basis, and get you to start thinking about ways you might make substitutions.

Second, Read nutrition labels and ingredient lists so that you can identify how much

added sugar a product has. Yes, boring. But it is also incredibly important if your goal is

to cut sugar. Beyond the obvious culprits — cookies, cakes, cupcakes — sugar is also in

the vast majority of all of our packaged foods. In a review of over 85,000 packaged food

products from 2005 through 2009, researchers found that 74% of those products

contained sweeteners. Some surprising major offenders include pasta sauce, salad

dressing, low-fat yogurts, and protein bars, to name a few.

Next is Watch what you drink. Sugary drinks include soda, of course. Also many

flavored coffee beverages, bottled teas, sports drinks, and energy drinks. Check the label

before buying a bottled drink to see how much sugar it has. You may be shocked. Stick

to water, black coffee (or coffee with minimal sugar), unsweetened tea, sparkling water,

or milk if you can stomach it.

Another tip is to limit your juice intake. Even if the juice is 100% fruit juice with

no added sugars, the fructose in it will be digested much faster than if you were to eat

those sugars in the original fruit form, due to lack of fiber. This leads to a spike in

energy and then a crash, which makes you crave sugar again pretty quickly.

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We also need to beware of low-fat products. Fat free may have slightly fewer

calories, but in some cases fat-free products can be loaded with sugar to make them

taste better. Just check the label to be sure.

And the last is get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night. Research shows that not

getting enough sleep makes you crave high-calorie foods — like anything with a ton of

sugar in it. Fight your sugar cravings by getting enough sleep.

For this article, I did not change many parts other than replaced the use of words

‘you’ and ‘your’ into ‘we’ and ‘our’. I did not simplify the diction in this article because

I think the dictions used by the author are not too difficult to understand by the

teenagers these days. And the final result of this article in the form of script for radio

program is below:



One way to feel so much healthier is to limit the amount of added sugar we eat// And it

doesn’t even have to be painful// Sugar is delicious, obviously// But we probably know

that it’s smart to limit the amount of sugar we eat// The average American eats about 82

grams of added sugar a day, according to the Centers for Disease Control// That’s more

than three times the amount that experts suggest for women and children, and more than

twice what they recommend for men// So if we are trying to limit our sugar intake/ here

are seven tips that might help:

First/ Keep a food diary for a few days before we start// Write down everything we

eat for three days. And make them three real days, not three days where we are eating as

ideally as possible// This will help us pinpoint our biggest sources of sugar on a daily

basis/ and get us to start thinking about ways we might make substitutions//

Second/ Read nutrition labels and ingredient lists so that we can identify how much

added sugar a product has// Yes/ boring// But also incredibly important if our goal is to

cut sugar// Beyond the obvious enemies — cookies/ cakes/ cupcakes/ — sugar is also in

the vast majority of all of our packaged foods// In a review of over 85,000 packaged food

products from 2005 through 2009/ researchers found that 74% of those products

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contained sweeteners// Some surprising major offenders include sauce/ salad dressing,

low-fat yogurts/ and protein bars too//

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Next is watch what we drink// Sugary drinks include soda/ of course// Also many

flavored coffee beverages/ bottled teas/ sports drinks/ and energy drinks// Check the label

before buying a bottled drink to see how much sugar it has// We may be shocked// Stick

to water/ black coffee (or coffee with minimal sugar)/ unsweetened tea/ sparkling water/

or milk if we can tolerate it //

Next tip is Limit our juice intake// Even if the juice is 100% fruit juice with no

added sugars/ the fructose in it will be digested much faster than if we were to eat those

sugars in the original fruit form/ due to lack of fiber// This leads to a spike in energy and

then a crash/ which makes us crave sugar again pretty quickly//

Another tip is Beware of low-fat products// Fat free may have slightly fewer

calories/ but in some cases fat-free products can be loaded with sugar to make them taste

better// Just check the label to be sure//

And the last is get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night// Research shows that not

getting enough sleep makes we crave high-calorie foods — like anything with a ton of

sugar in it// Fight our sugar cravings by getting enough sleep//

Beside writing articles for English for You program, me and my internship friends

whom also took the internship program at RRI Surakarta, got a chance to do a recording

session in one of RRI Surakarta’s studios. I made about five articles so I had five

chances to do a recording session. What I did was I read out the articles I made in the

studio. My instructor said if my performances were good enough then he would

broadcast them. But before going straight into that, I need to work on my articles first.

After I finished making an article I would have to submit the article to my

instructor. And then he would check on my grammar as well as my choice of words. He

usually asked me to fix a few things and give me some suggestion as well. And then if

everything is already okay, he would ask me to print my article out and also make one

copy for him.

The next step before doing the recording session was to do a production meeting.

Production meeting is a meeting whereas us, who would have our voices recorded, are

practicing before we do recording in the studio. It also considered as rehearsal. We all

read out the articles that we made, the purpose of this activity was to perfecting the

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intonation and the pronunciation. By doing this activity, the reader was expected to

reduce mistakes they could be made during the recording process.

The next step was recording process. The recording process was done in RRI

Surakarta’s studio. While doing the recording process, I got helps from two of the

operators whom task is to control the quality of the host’s voice during the recording

process. The studio we used has two rooms, the first room is where the operator does

his job along with the computers and the machinery, and the second room is the

recording room where the host would read the articles and had their voice recorded.

Before I read the whole text, I had to adjust my voice first, specifically the volume of

my voice. The operator would ask me to read the first sentence in the beginning and

then he would adjust my voice with the recording application installed in the computer

in first room. I had to keep the volume of my voice remain stable, the volume of my

voice could not go down then go high. If I made a mistake for example if I misread a

word, I had to read the whole sentence from the beginning.

The next step was the editing process. After I finished the recording process, with

the help of the operator, we would edit the result of the recording. The purpose of doing

the editing process was to delete and edit the mistakes I made during the recording

process, for example, if I made unnecessary sounds such as coughing, the operator

would delete that coughing sound. The operator would also edit the audio by shorten the

gap between sentences.

The last step in recording process was mixing. This process was done only by the

operator. Mixing process was when the operator would add the result of the recording

with more sound effects and background music to make it more interesting.

The problem I found while making articles was choosing the proper articles while

the difficulty when I did the recording process was I tend to talk faster than I expected.

1. Choosing the proper article

I had a difficulty at deciding on what kind of articles I should talk about. I love

books and at first I always had a thought on making articles that has anything to

do with books. On my first article, I mentioned a few names on bookstores that

my instructor considered as advertising. Later, my instructor told me that I could

go with the safest ideas, articles about tips.

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2. Talk too fast

This was actually my ultimate problem when it comes to do a public speaking. I tended to

stutter and talked faster that I meant to when I had to stand in front of many people.

When I sat down, I did not stutter but I tended to talk faster when I was nervous. When I

did the recording process, especially on the first chance, it was only the operator and my

five other friends that were in the studio but I still felt nervous. What I usually did was I

took a deep breath for a few times before I started reading, sometimes it helps. They key

was too stay calm and relax and read as if no one watches me.