KNUKiM Journal

"Social Communication"


Collected Articles

Volume 1


KNUKiM Publishing House



УДК 316.77 (063)

KNUKiM Journal: Collected Articles / Kyiv National University of

Culture and Arts, K.: KNUKiM Publishing House, Kyiv 2013. – Vol. 1. – 215 p.

– ("Social Communication” Series).

The Journal contains collected articles in which the authors research the

current issues of publishing and editing, public relations and advertising,

contemporary multicultural society, libraries, contemporary art, cultural industries

and information communication in contemporary social and communication space.

For researchers, graduate students, anyone interested in the items of theory,

history and practice of social communication.

Published by the decision of the Academic Council

of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

(Minutes № 4, 2013)



Poplavskyi M. M. – Editor-in-Chief, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

of KNUKiM.

Hurbanska A. I. – Vice Editor, Doctor of Philology, Professor of KNUKiM.

Bezdrabko V. V. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of KNUKiM.

Havra D. V. – Doctor of Sociology, Professor of St. Petersburg National


Matviyenko O. V. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of KNUKiM.

Novalska T. V. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of KNUKiM.

Poplavska N. M. – Doctor of Philology, Professor of Ternopil National

Pedagogical University named after V. Hnatyuk.

Tymoshyk M. S. – Doctor of Philology, Professor of KNUKiM.

Khavkina L. M. – Ph.D. in Social Communication, Associate Professor of

Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin.

Kholod O. M. – Doctor of Philology, Professor of KNUKiM.

Varych M. V. – Ph.D. in Social Communication, Associate Professor of


Kostyrya I. O. – Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor

(Executive Secretary).

Shevel I. P. – Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Associate Professor of


© Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, 2013

© Authors of articles, 2013





Mykhaylo Poplavskyi Applied technology of leader image formation.. 8–16

Larysa Kochubey Political PR: formation tendencies in Ukraine……..17–26

Lyubov Khavkina Newest advertising business parameters in social and private

communication areas…………………………………………………………26–36

Aelita Lytvyn Essential approach to understanding the concept of "image" in

terms of political imagemaking………………………………………………37–43


Theory and History of Journalism

Maryna Varych Genre of review on pages of specialized motor-car


Natalya Sokolova TV news as a source of formation of information field of


Theory and History of Publishing Business

Antonina Hurbanska Dialogue on cultural-historical and personal topics with

editorial and publishing activity of the Ukrainian writers……………………57–70

Halyna Hret Book trade company competitiveness …………………..71–79

Alla Mykolayenko Role of the magazine “Smoloskyp” in formation of

Ukrainian publishing house of the same name in emigration………………..80–88

Svetlana Semerenko Commodity offer as a component of Ukrainian book

market sales opportunities……………………………………………………89–101



Olena Zlobina Subcultures in student communication………………..103–114

Kyrylol Stetsenko Distinctive features of sociocommunicative function of show

business in post-industrial society……………………………………………115–123


Inna Kostyrya Political culture as a reflection of political–communicative

reality of society………………………………………………………………124–133

Inna Shevel Process of globalization in the world of culture …………134–139

Kateryna Yefanova Print media in the subculture of ultra……………..140–147



Ludmila Petrova Theoretical principles of modern library


Nataliya Kunanets Sociocommunicative approach to study of the history of

library science in the Western Ukraine………………………………………..156–163

Ludmila Prokopenko Social and communication activities of libraries in the

formation of information space of Ukraine…………………………………...164–172



Olena Honcharova On the issue of averbal component of oratorical


Lesya Smyrna Ukrainian nonconformist artists: overcoming of isolation from

the world art processes……………………………………………………….187–197

Liliya Derman Human body in communication space: modern fashion


Yanina Lytovka World music as a new communication of musical






Volodymyr Antonenko, Inna Krupa Problematic issues of the definition

«cultural heritage»…………………………………………………………..213–220

Yevhen Kozlovskyi Comparative analysis of corporate culture of modern

Ukrainian and foreign companies…………………………………………...221–233



Borys Kuz'menko Intelligent robotic systems in the field of

culture and arts………………………………………………………234–239

Halyna Ostapenko Key aspects of social and communication Internet

technologies for student environment………………………………………240–250





УДК 316.46

Mykhaylo Poplavskyi


У статті подано сучасні наукові тлумачення поняття «імідж».

Проаналізовано найпоширеніші механізми та складові формування образу

лідера в контексті портретного, професійного, соціального аспектів. Імідж

лідара вивчається як складний суспільний феномен, що формується в

суспільній свідомості завдяки ефективності інформаційних, емоційних та

діяльнісних прикладних технологій.

Ключові слова: імідж, лідерство, технології іміджу, статус,


В статье представлены современные научные толкования понятия

«имидж». Проанализированы наиболее распространенные механизмы и

составляющие формирования образа лидера в контексте портретного,

профессионального, социального аспектов. Имидж лидера изучается как

сложный общественный феномен, который формируется в общественном

сознании благодаря эффективности информационных, эмоциональных и

деятельностных прикладных технологий.

Ключевые слова: имидж, лидерство, технологии имиджа, статус,


The article studies contemporary interpretation of the concept of «image». The

author analyses the most common mechanisms and components forming the image of

the leader in the context of portraiture, professional, and social aspects. Leader image

is studied as a complex of social phenomenon, emerging in the public consciousness

thanks to the effectiveness of informational, emotional and activity applied


Key words: image, leadership, image technology, status, positioning.

In the contemporary world image is an important factor of social and public

perception of a leader: successfully created image makes it possible not only to


influence public consciousness, but also to manipulate it. Nowadays image of the

leader plays a crucial role in all public areas: politics, economy, culture and

education. Leadership is a multi-level and multi-type phenomenon that synthesizes

knowledge and strategic communications. Social and practical significance, as well

as the fact of presence of many theoretical and methodological problems of image as

a communicative phenomenon makes this article topical. Its purpose is to reveal

the nature and effectiveness of modern technologies of leader image formation that

put forward the following tasks:

to clarify the origin and modern interpretation of the term "image";

to identify the main aspects and approaches to leader image formation;

to analyze the most common modern technologies of optimal image;

to draw the basic rule of creation of positive leader image.

During the interaction of the individual with a social medium it is important to

study thoroughly the applied technologies, owing to which successful and effective

image can be formed. Due to the established image of the leader it becomes possible

to take right and worthy place in a particular social sphere. Usually the leader

represents the organization, institution or party, and for this reason public attention is

focused on him or her. This is a specific phenomenon, distinctive of the Ukrainians –

so -called "personification" of business, politics, education or any other field.

Therefore, the leader image formation is topical first of all for its practical

importance. It is obvious: recently, figures holding main leader positions have begun

to pay much attention to formation of their images. Until now in Ukraine this process

is spontaneous, but it markedly based on the proven technology. Therefore, it is the

time for comprehensive analysis of the most common image making technologies and

making of the basic rules for the optimal representation of the leader.

Image and its types are currently studied by many scientists from different

fields of science. Existing today works and literature on problems of image formation

makes it possible to navigate in the subject, but still there is no consensus on the

interpretation of the terms or coverage of the fundamental positions. Image and its


components is studied by Pocheptsov [7], V. Korolko [2], V. Bebyk, V. Shepel [9],

V. Moyseyev [4] et al. Mostly the scientific study of image of the leader is limited to

development of a political image problems and aspects (V. Smolyakova [8], Y.

Yegorova – Hantman [1]). So, there is a lack of comprehensive analysis that would

fully cover not only politics but also the other equally important areas of public life.

The term "image" comes from the Latin imago (image, display), which is

associated with the Latin word imitare, meaning "mimic". In English, this word has

many meanings: it is understood as a picture, sculpture, image, icon, reflection, copy,

character and so on. Instead, in the Ukrainian language, the word "image" has more

limited interpretation.

During the whole period of existence of the mankind the factor of image has

always had a significant influence on the course of social processes. Even ancient

philosophers thought about the image of the ideal leader. The ancient philosophers

not only presented their view of governors and leaders but also gave practical

recommendations on compliance to ideals.

Businessmen where the first who started to work with concept of "image". In

the 60th of the XX century American economist Bolduing introduced it in business

sphere and grounded its importance for business success. Subsequently, "image" as a

specific phenomenon started to be used by political scientists, who found it an

important direction of their work. Nowadays, the image has become an information

product for entrepreneurs and politicians. It is also highly demanded in pop culture

and theatre. Due to image political and commercial advertising has become well

developed service industry.

Although nowadays formation of image of a leader is an urgent need, we still

have no complete unity in the definition of its essence. Attempts of scientific

understanding of this term found ambiguity in approaches to its interpretation. Let us

study several variants of interpretation of the term "image". For example, V. Korolko,

referring to N. Webster vocabulary, considers image an "artificial imitation or over-

emphasizing of the external shape of an object and specially a person" [2, 294]. Y.


Egorova – Hantman identifies “image” as specially created intentionally generated

impression for achievement of specified aims [1, 5]. V. Smolyakova defines “image”

as visible representation of illusion of leadership and people compatibility, which is

impossible without solving the problem of trust [8, 103]. Thus, the image is a

representation intentionally formed and introduced to the consciousness of certain


The image is attachment to the present, reflecting even minor nuances and

changes in public opinion. There is definite reason to define three main aspects of the

image: portrait (honesty, moral rectitude, education, kindness, humanity, firmness,

intelligence, energy, adherence to definite principles); professional (competence,

businesslike character, capacity for work); social (care for people, sincere

understanding and bond to the problems of the people) [9].

Currently, there are many approaches to understanding the mechanisms of

image formation. One should pay attention to three approaches. The first one is to

build the image in nature way that is the image is the result activity of some

organization or an individual. The second approach treats image formation as art "to

convince people, to influence their mind, to support their willingness of necessary

changes" [4 ]. The third approach to image formation is based on the application of

scientifically based and proven technologies. Implementation of this approach

involves a sequence of following steps:

1) definition of business strategy;

2) selection of efficient technologies;

3) implementation of certain psychotechnics.

Creation of the optimal image is often involves the following


- “use of authority” – individuals or groups which target audience

consider competent. As an example, we can take performances of singers or athletes

in support of certain political leaders during elections;


- “join the winners” – intensification of the desire of people to be on the

winning side. The audience is convinced of the importance of being "like everyone


- “affirmative statement” – spreading of various statements in the guise

of self-evident facts, that may be either reliable or not at all. This manner is often

used for propaganda creation;

- “simplification the problem" – reduction of social, political and

economic challenges to simple interpretation that answers the interests of those who

are making propaganda;

- “random selection of information” – special selection of facts that are

the best for a particular party;

- “use of messages and themes for intimidation" – a combination of

threats and recommendations how to avoid them, confidence of the audience in

ability to implement the recommendations;

- “use of valuable words” – use of emotionally intensive words that are

compelling without any additional information and are not subject to discussion and


- “he is like all” – identification of a person or a group with the target


- “distracting propaganda" – drawing the audience's attention from the

enemy's propaganda topics to the other;

- “pining of a label” – exploitation of prejudice and stereotypes used by

people because of "pining of a label” on counter-propaganda object. The label

identifies such object as something that the audience is afraid of;

- “pseudological conclusions” – use of incorrect logical conclusions.

Examples include substitution of concepts or selective choice of information when

conclusions are made based on a limited array of information;

- spreading of rumours and gossips;


- telephone technology (calls with the request to support some leader or

intended to discredit the opponent);

- “cloning” –media clones, which are created to defame a competitor

using assumed name.

In the formation of the image of a leader it is important to consider such factors

as noise and interference, as they significantly affect its image. Noise is a natural

distortion, messages delay, often due to objective problems or significant differences

in the perception of the recipient and the sender. Obstacles are barriers specially

created by opponents.

We should mention such important part of leader image formation as

positioning. This concept is often considered in the context of market products,

particularly as the aspect of creating and promoting of brands. However, today

positioning of leaders is not less important because of its social significance. The

components of image in terms of positioning are, particularly, the following: the

basic ideas of a leader, behaviour, appearance and biography [8, 89].

For a leader the charismatic type of image is very important. The concept of

charisma, charismatic leader, was introduced by classical sociologist Max Weber.

Today, thanks to the development of media charisma may be attributed to a leader at

the expense of his/her full openness to the public.

Ideas of the leader should be based on topical issues of public life. The

behaviour demonstrates competence and defending formulated ideas. Appearance,

especially clothes, his/her face, figure, emphasize visual image of the leader.

Background, education, profession and other biographical data strengthen position

and status image of the personm make his/her image closer to the average citizen due

to enthusiasm, experience and so on.

Creation of the image is based on emotional appeals and harmonious

combination of internal and external factors representing the leader. The individual

must feel comfortable in his/her own “shell”, otherwise this discomfort feeling may

be transferred to the surrounding. As a result, it becomes a barrier to its perception.


Therefore, image creation should be based on actual personal characteristics, namely,

temperament, character, appearance, family, children, hobbies etc. Each of these

characteristics adds positive influence to the formation of personal leader image and

then is suitable for deliberate construction.

“Social characteristics” are important for the formation of leader image. They

are related to current political or economic situation, with which a politician must be

in line. He/she is must be focused on specific social groups, trying to get the support

of as many people as possible. In addition, the leader must rely on their demands,

depending on the social and demographic origin, real or fictional interests,

ideological preferences, as well as the situation in the country, city or region.

American researcher D. Burstin said that despite the specificity, the image

must be somewhat uncertain and balance between feelings and common sense,

between expectations and reality. Thus, the image will stand any unforeseen

developments of events and changes in tastes, meet the wishes and interests of

different people [11, 185–190]. The scientist pays attention to peculiar “language of

images” [11, 193 ], which replaced the language of ideals.

In modern world of constant rivalry in any public sphere nearly the most

significant place is occupied by the technologies related to discrediting of a

competitor, i. e, with humiliation of the opponent image: use of a negative image in

details, comparison of opponent’s behaviour with reputable persons, evidence of

his/her dependence on certain organizations and other groups. Creation of negative

advertising to antihero (antiheroes) has become now the main task in the process of

obtaining and strengthen of own positive reputation. However, not realizing the result

the competitors who dared to discredit the opponent very often not spoil, but rather

enhance the image of the opponents, because negative promotion is also publicity.

The basic formula for any image: modesty is the shortest path to obscurity and

poverty [5, 28]. Thus, we can derive the rule of image formation: a critique – is the

best advertising. Activity, which today is called “promotion”, is not limited to only to


positive representation. Image is a uniqueness, so it is necessary to create it by using

the show, which gives access to the wide audience [6, 93].

The researcher V. Korolko emphasizes that image "formation can be targeted,

it can be corrected or changed through modification of activities, actions and

statements of a social entity” [3, 452]. Image makers who establish productive and

mutually beneficial relationships between the leader and the various community

groups, try to watch and catch changes and transformations of social life and

accordingly present them to the environment in an attractive and simplified form.

Public relation experts are not much interested in shadows and illusions but in aims

and acts targeted to setting of social issues.

Thus, the image as a complex social phenomenon created on the basis of

information, emotion, activity technologies and for this reason its study requires a

comprehensive, systematic approach. Today leader image is a specific reflection of

public understanding of some social role implementation. On the one hand, the image

is a prerequisite and one of the main factors of success in any field of activity, on the

other hand its formation is accompanied by objective and subjective problems. In

intensively developing information and communication human and society

environment the role of image of an a person will definitely become more important:

the image has become not only a way of representation before a certain audience, but

also an important information product for the whole society.


1. Yegorova-Hantman E., Political advertising [Politicheskaya reklama]/

Egorova – Hantman E., Pleshakov K., M: Nikollo, 1999, 240 p.

2. Korolko V. G., Fundamentals of public relations [Osnovy pablik rileyshenz]

/ Korolko V. G., M: Real- book, K: Vakler, 2000, 528 p.

3. Korolko V. G., Public relations. Scientific principles, methods and practice

[Naukovi osnovy, metodyka, praktyka]: textbook for student of higher educational

institutions / Korolko, V. G., Nekrasova A. V., 3rd edition, revised, Kyiv: Publishing

House "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", 2009, 831 p.


4. Moyseyev V. A, Public relations [Pablik rileyshenz]: study guide,

/Moyseyev, V. A., Kyiv: Akademvydav, 2007, 224 p.

5. Poplavskyi, M. M., Image [Imidzh] / Poplavskyi, M. M.,Vol 3, K: Makros,

2009, 368 p.

6. Poplavskyi, M. M., Success formula [Formula uspihu] / Poplavskyi, M. M.,

Kyiv, 2000, 115 p.

7. Pocheptsov, G. G., Imagemaking [Imydzhelogiya], 2nd

edition, revised, M:

Refl- book Vakler, 2001, 698 p.

8. Smolyakova, V. V., “Political leader image” [Imidzh politicheskogo

lidera], Smolyakova, V. V., // Journal of the Moscow University, № 2, 2000, pp. 89-


9. Shepel, V. M., Imagemaking. Secrets of personal charisma [Imydzhelogiya.

Sekrety lichnogo obayaniya], Shepel, V. M., M: Kultura i Sport, 1994, 320 p.

10. Boorstin, D. J., The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America, New

York: Vintage Books, 1992, 315 p.


UDC 32.019.5:659.4 (477)

Larissa Kochubej


The article analyses public relations in Ukraine's political sphere. The author

studies effective technology of electoral communication in conditions of modern

information and communication technology development.

Key words: public relations, political PR, electoral communication, public

opinion, political strategies.

In XXI century public relations are an important and integral part of political

life, they are faced with the challenge of coordinating political, social and economic

processes in society, and also image formation, gaining the confidence of the masses,

win elections and so on. Political PR is an effective management tool, a significant

part of politics, the political process core. It should be noted that today, thanks to the

informational- communicative evolution world has entered into a new phase of online

interaction between governmental bodies and citizens.

Decade of dominance promotional agencies, and later – the romantic mood and

underestimation of public relations, "old " footage, resources lack, real independent

media lack – all this led to some underdevelopment of public relations in the political

sphere .

Political PR is a relatively new area of practical and theoretical work in

Ukraine, and we identify its development and widespread with the competition

intensification in terms of the society transformation.

Broad political participation and competitiveness as a condition of selection

policy decisions involve the use of PR in a democratically organized political system.

Political PR – is primarily a practice management in political sphere as well as the

field of modern political science in transition. Political PR is used most successfully

in stable political systems with a homogeneous social and cultural structures.

The purpose of political PR is primarily the creation of favorable information

environment. It is also the organization and management of mass communication and


information flows, an important component of state and non- governmental activity,

which aims to provide interaction between those who govern and those who are

governed. This specific field of modern society is in possession of highly developed

information technology, creating a fundamentally new opportunities for information

control and the impact on growth efficiency of information component.

PR as the realization of an integrated communication policy is a system of

measures to support the planning and constant interaction with the public, aimed at

achieving of greater governance transparency and strengthening the conscious choice

of priorities.

PR- managers have a need to understand the details and nuances of their

activity field. In addition, there is a tangible understanding that PR is not an

advertising servant and not a marketing addition. Unclear definition of a term PR

includes danger of blurring the profession boundaries when under the PR can be

offered purely promotional or marketing services. In this regard, the General

Assembly of the European Confederation of Public Relations (CERP) in 2000

recommended that all practitioners should use the definition of PR as a "conscious of

communication”. PR is one of the management functions. The PR purpose is to

achieve mutual understanding and establish productive aspects between organization

and audience through two-way communication" [1, 88]. This definition focuses

primarily on the fact that PR is communication technology which is aimed at

organizing environment within the communication space that is conducive to its


Public relations can be defined as a kind of socio-psychological management,

which on the basis of accurate information obtained from the analysis of trends in

political, social and economic development and respect for universally recognized

ethical standards, public interest systematically and continuously carried out a range

of measures to achieve mutual trust, harmonious and mutually beneficial relations

between society and power [8, 98]. PR is a creation of a systematic of informational


space for management purposes, creation of a positive and pragmatic models of

social behavior [4, 31].

PR is a complex information technology, to provide a certain theoretical level

which is extremely difficult, as any definition cannot be the same, it is capable for

development, does not deny the existence of other, earlier, and possibly include them

in content [7, 148] . Different approaches to defining PR indicate the emergence or

dominance of different trends in certain periods or in certain groups of researchers

and practitioners.

Only in a democracy, proclaimed and implemented human rights, free social,

political and economic institutions may exist such form of social relations self-

organization as PR. Therefore, in addition to understanding and learning motivation,

people thinking and the principles of their behavior as inherent knowledge of the laws

by which society develops that is PR.

Alternative is one of the main principles of public relations. Multisubjectivity

of social relations generates inexhaustible management alternatives: in setting goals,

choosing partners on joint activities, the use of various management technologies and

so on. There is no need in real PR for rigid compulsory regulation, certain "rules of

game" that are customized to the narrow corporate or clan interest, as well as for

harassment of thought energy [10, 216].

PR should be based on the principles of public consent – communication based

on mutual understanding, even when it originates in the conflict zone. Considering

the controversy, PR enables to form activities program based on the widest possible

application of the parties constructive potential, to find real-world or those that are

mutually created requirements. Communication success is consent success. For

example, the theory of constraints, developed by E. Goldrat in 1986, proposes to

consider the campaign as a system, in work of which there is a number of limitations

that prevent it to reach maximum capacity ( for example, the conflict between

responsibility and authority) [5].


The PR effectiveness depends on the professional approach to use

technological means. Professionalism of the PR specialists should be manifested in

the ability to find, collect and analyze objective links that are provided. To pick up

the implementation technology of required communication between the many

subjects that interact; to provide recruitment of information channels, make a study of

public opinion as feedback, etc.

Political leaders activity require management decisions, the outcome of which

depends on the awareness of management facility as functional integrity,

characteristics knowledge that define a particular object behavior. The most common

politicians mistake who have to make a decision is a failure to timely recognize the

situation because of the necessary information lack and reluctance to refer to PR

specialists. Because of such information lack a lot of policy decisions taken

intuitively. Conscious management decision is taken at the "second signaling system"

level [13, 89]. Such management influence level in the form of human interaction is

not purely informational level. In terms of the political sphere managing is important,

not the amount of transmitted information, or even its semantics, but firstly, the

management function and the pragmatic effect of managerial influence [9, 384].

Now, public relations in the post-socialist countries political sphere are still

characterized by the lack of public ( and politicians) understanding of deep content,

methods and means of the PR- specialists, the absence of sound training system .

The features of modern PR is the formation of public opinion mainly on

superficial elements, at the iceberg top of science and art of "reputation management"

or only as a image "maker" technology " [3, 11]. There is a PR- specialist seasonally

work, in the "medical emergency "regime, especially during election campaigns.

Although it should be noted that today particular importance is given for using a

variety of PR measures during election campaigns, based on the fact that the

campaign is a special kind of political communication between politicians and the



Political communication is the process of transfer and exchange of political

information that structures political activity, gives it a new meaning, shape public

opinion, provides the process of political socialization. Electoral communication is a

concept that describes the process of transferring ideas, suggestions, «messages» of

candidate to voters via certain channels or tools during a specified period of the

election campaign. It is important to note that this process is aimed not only one-

sided information and voters influence, but also communication of a politician with a

population on the feedback basis.

Electoral communication is based on the scheme: communicator – message –

the message conveying channel – the recipient. Efficient electoral communication

technology includes three main elements: 1) the content formulation of

communication message of the candidate to voters based on the characteristics of

targeted groups, the main provisions of the election program, politics image and

general strategic line of the campaign; 2) identifying of communication channels

according to plan strategies and campaigns 3) control on the voters reaction on the

election action, which allows for quick adjustment of election operations. Many

researchers believe that the U.S. President Roosevelt may be an example of sociable

political leadership. He succeeded, in challenging for the country 30 years of XX

century, to make contact with the public radio programs, which were called " fireside

chats"and who can inspire hope for recovery. In 1941, according to researchers, the

audience of "fireside chats" was 50-60 million people [16, 103]. In France, the

Roosevelt tradition of «fireside chats» continued M. Mendes France. In 1951, he

regularly arranged «radio conversations» with voters, in which he taught the

principles of his policy and decisions bases.

The managers reluctance to contact the consulting system has led to many

administrative decisions are taken by the lack of information about facility

management, the current political process, and in some cases – not realizing the

information value. On the other hand, the citizens as the individuality, separate

person, not the proportion of a group, have a much greater interest in the full and


accurate information about all processes that somehow affect their lives. It

accordingly requires the state to provide the opportunity to have this information,

thus contributing to the strengthening of democracy, because democracy is not only

guarantees everyone the right to appeal to the authorities with the hope to achieve any

individual or social goals, but also the right to receive truthful information about the

activities of authorities and, therefore, the opportunity to make political choices

independently and competently. However, as a result we have a little impact on

public acceptance of current solutions, implementation of ruling party policy

programs between elections, and therefore we can heard useless promises and

manipulation of the electorate is possible, negative electoral campaign, where the

discussion of vital issues is repressed by mutual slander and rumors. The process

does not stop, even between elections because the opposition highlights not

significant governmental failures, but small issues that attract attention.

Much is dependent on the skills of people choosing to use means of influencing

the electorate, shift of the significant factors (nature of the political program, the

personal candidates qualities) to the financial ability of candidates and parties and

skill in the use of electoral technologies . Due to the spread of information technology

and the growing influence of the network on public opinion this trend is gaining

strength. As a general trend towards increasing the number of PR – units within the

structure of the legislative and executive authorities, their activities often had

systemless nature and focused mainly on short-term results.

A variety of political methods used by agents and ways of informing and

establishing communications with their counterparts can basically be reduced to two

types of actions in the information space : the mobilization, including agitation and

propaganda, and marketing, presented by PR-methods and political advertisement.

Politicians, politics, parties, election contest, political and legislative activity

are virtualized. In addition, often this process is not only the transfer of the activity to

the grid but it is a principal election as the leading technology of electronic election

simulation activity, because real progress and impact of policy measures is more


difficult to predict and control than digital simulation. Real performers, organizers,

participants always bring a factor of instability.

The intense politicization of cyberspace demonstrates that the new policy is

based on the compensation of the real resources deficit and actions variety of images.

Today, the struggle for political power is not a party organizations fight and not a

competition of action programs. This is the fight of online identity – political image,

which are created by ratings and image-makers, the press secretary and show

business stars, PR and electronic media, recruited in the context of political

campaigns. Real person and his activities as a politician is needed only to

«information about» which is a kind of alibi for those who form the image justifying

real inaction. Politicians are rarely resorted to meetings and committees meetings, the

reform program as well as the content and government functions to control their

implementation. They left the inter-factional talks and party rallies.

A virtual policy is the policy created in the PR- agencies, television and in the

media. However, the authorities which obtain legitimacy with the help of such virtual

methods, is very real, although its activity has nothing in common with the manner

by which voters vote.

The modern experience of political systems really showed some tendency to

increase the role of technical and information tools to organize political life. This is

especially true about the additional technical capacity to conduct polls (including

electronic interactive communication systems), increasing the role and importance of

the media in the political process.

In the information market realized their political strategies of political agents

(formal institutions of the state, the state (national) media, independent and

oppositional media, corporate structures (political parties bodies, associations,

professional political advertising agencies, foreign media), are subject to the

achievement of their interests in power.

Due to the use of such techniques of informing a person as imposing pre-

programmed estimates and relations, communications degenerate into


indoctrination,or communication style which completely ignores the will of man and

his right to form own political beliefs, "... certain saturation that are convenient for

some beneficial subjects (government, political organization, party) content of mass

awareness in the form of beliefs, images, attitudes, stereotypes "[12, 198 ].

In addition, information overload deprives a person of opportunities to think

rationally and make better decisions. Failure to solve own problems under conditions

of increasing information flow causes "escapism" – escape from reality. Escapism

could take one of the following forms:

- «blocking» of the terrible reality – a man refuses to accept the new

information, deceiving yourselves (all clues seem to change only );

- reversion – «obsession with returning to previously successful patterns of

adaptation, which is currently inadequate and unacceptable," the greater the level of

environment influence, the stronger such person repeats « previous modes of action ";

- «simplification» – person is «looking for a simple equation that can explain

the full range of innovation that threatens to engulf him» [11, 391-393 ]. In the

information society the average person is difficult to make an adequate picture of the

world reality. Accordingly, during the production of information you cannot go out

alone with the challenges of society (which often seeks only "spectacle"). On the

other hand, the overload of the public mind with "serious" information is also risky

because you can lose your audience.

In contrast to such techniques of gaining the person’s consciousness marketing

strategies are formed according to the relationship of supply and demand for

information and intended to subject the necessary information at the right time and

right place. Goods (candidate, party) can be offered through selective technology

when the market was formed, which assesses the quality.

However, there is a view according to which the situation in the world today is

characterized by the systemic crisis of democracy – the most important decisions in

the economic and political spheres are made not by elected politicians but by officials

of international level, the management of transnational corporations, information


elite. Then this solution is imposed to most of the world under the slogan of

alternative [14, 64]. In any case, only information is the valuable «goods» or

«product» numerous communications which contained at the core of public relations

that inform society, forms its opinion, leads to certain decisions or actions.

Instead of an epilogue. One of the public relations founders Edward

Bernayztak noted on PR: «Ideally it’s a force of creation by which the information

provided about the interesting people and events, resulting in a growing interest to the

basic and important questions of life, the social, economic and political life of

society» [15, 33]. It remains only to thoroughly examine people's needs and to offer

to meet their specific program of action and the joint efforts of the authorities. Now

Ukraine is in anticipation.


1. Agha W. The most important in PR / W. Agha, G. Cameron, F. Olt, J.

Uylkoks. – St. Petersburg. : 2004. – 708 p.

2. Alyoshina I. Public Relations for managers and marketers / I. Alyoshina. –

Moscow: Publishing House "Dwarf -Press ", 1997. – 256 p.

3. Balabanova L. Public relations in the system of enterprise marketing

management: monograph / L. Balabanova, K. Savelieva. – Donetsk, 2005. – 308 p.

4. Borisov B. Advertising and PR technology: Textbook/ B. Borisov. –

Moscow: FAIR Press, 2001. – 624 p.

5. E. Holdrat. Purpose: process of continuously improvement [electronic

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6. Kara -Mirza S.Authorities of manipulation S.Kara -Mirza. – Moscow: Akad.

Project,2007. – 380 p.

7. Kochubej L. Election Technology: Manual / L. Kochubej – Kyiv: Ukrainian

Centre of Political Management, 2008. – 338 p.

8. Moiseev V. Public Relations. Theory and Practice / V.Moiseev. – Moscow:

OOO «IKF Omega – L", 2001. – 376 p.


9. Mysin N. Control Theory Socio / N. Mysin. – St. Petersburg., 1998. – 416 p.

10. Namynova G. Public Relations and Mass media: Management Information

and bonds construction / / Actual problems of politics and political science in Russia /

G. Namynova, pod Society. eds.V. Komarovskoho. – M., 2003. – P. 215-224.

11. E. Toffler. The shock of the future / E .Toffler. – Moscow: AST, 2004. –

488 p.

12. Sharkov F. Communication science: encyclopedia, Dictionary – Directory /

F. I. Sharkov. – M.: «Dashkov and K», 2009. – 766 p.

13. Sharkov F. Consulting in connection with public: Textbook. / F.Sharkov. –

Moscow: Publishing House "Exam", 2005. – 416 p.

14. Shashkin P. Sovereign democracy in the contours of the new world order /

A. Shashkin / A. Shashkin / / Political. class. – 2007. – № 6 (30). – S. 64-68.

15. PR today: basic approaches, research, international practice. – M.: Image-

Contact, 2002. – 308.

16. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Fireside chats / Franklin D. Roosevelt. – M.:

ITRK 2003. – 408.

UDC 007:304:659.1

Lubov Khavkina




The article is devoted to study of advertising in Ukraine as an integral part of

modern everyday life, taking into account peculiarities of advertising market

formation and newest tendencies of its evolution. Emphasis is placed on research of

advertising and advertise making as a source of neologisms, catchwords, anecdotes,

plot collisions of literary work, tele-and kinofilms, as a object of parodies and other.

Communicative potential of advertising texts, their ability to develop from social to

private communication, contexts and spheres of application in off-advertising


environment with determination of structural-semantic and functional parameters are


Key words: advertising, social and private communication, everyday life,

catchwords, context, functional parameters.

Now the actual scientific problem is identifying of the main trends in the

marketing communications field, and one of the pressing issues is the gradual

advertising erosion of the boundaries between individual and private communication.

The trend for the next advertising change in Ukrainian society life is notable, and is

associated with the perception of promotional advertising events as an integral part of

everyday life.

Advertising as an actively transformed discourse which constantly requires

study and understanding of its conceptual changes, particularly in its relations with

society, used forms of communication, and a place in society and the individual lives.

This is true for all societies, whose market situation requires pervasive presence of

advertising, which potentially requires a change in functional creative forms and

varieties. Because eventually all finds stopped to operate, "bothering" to recipients,

getting in their perception manipulation associations, and as a result, old fashioned

advertising lost or significantly reduces efficiency and, therefore, ceases to perform

its basic functions . This applies to all types of direct advertising – commercial,

social, political, but most notably it is manifested in the case of commercial


Promotional communication discourse complicates the selection within some

stages and periods, especially in the case of not too distant or, more, incomplete

temporal segments. The most distinctly this appears in the post-Soviet area where the

active influence of western advertising format consists of more than two decades,

Ukrainian society is managed in an accelerated pace to pass several stages of learning

a foreign advertising traditions, and repeatedly change attitudes to advertising and its

relationship .So it is time to identify the main promotional activities phases in

independent Ukraine, and to identify the main trends in marketing communications.


Currently we seeing a significant trend for the next advertising change in Ukrainian

society life, especially related with its perception as an integral part of everyday life.

One of the pressing issues within the scope of the problem is the gradual boundaries

erosion of individual and private communication, its penetration in private

communication sphere.

Therefore, the purpose of our research involves psychological characteristics

identifying of the advertising perception by modern Ukrainian society. Bringing its

final development as a part of everyday life, identifying ways and means of

advertising penetration from social to private communications.

Our everyday life is inevitably pervades by advertising. At the present stage of

advertising existence in Ukrainian media sphere there is no doubt about its influence

far beyond the purely economic factors: advertising practice became active medium

formation environment and public attitudes broadcast, values and pragmatic attitudes,

ideological basis – at the collective and individual consciousness levels. But within

the advertising performance of these functions there are constant changes that enable

you to allocate in the history of independent Ukraine advertising market at least three

stages, each of which is marked by psychological and creative-functional features.

For the latter, newest phase it is inherent penetration of promotional events in

everyday discourse, dealing with multilevel advertising reach fragile boundaries of

social and private communication of public members. During the 2000s, the society

gradually became more advertising in their thinking and communication, quietly

learned to borrow and imitate advertising in a very important part of ideological and

behavioral attitudes, stereotypes about occupations and social roles, gender and age

groups, past and present events, other countries and regions, and so on. However,

society has, from the time of the 1990s, more actively borrowed from the language of

advertising innovations and popular expressions, filling with them as other areas of

social communication, and purely private communication. With that "... all forms of

advertising get more freedom – if they are suitable for mobilizing attention, if they

functioning only as a communication " [1, 81].


As a result, the phenomenon of advertising existence on the verge of social and

private communication was formed. When all areas of social life are imbued with

advertising allusions: advertising quotes filled individual oral and written

communication, journalistic materials on any subject, lyrics and video cartoons;

advertising process and its direct participants generally become the basis of the plot

conflicts and TV movies images, and promotional events harping is an inexhaustible

source of humorous works of various genres (from jokes to television parodies).

N. Luhmann emphasizes such trend on the interaction of advertising and

society: "Legal boundaries are imposed for conscious deception, but they do not

prevent more regular participation in the recipient's self-deception" [1, 74].To his

mind, more and more “are falling fluctuations” on cooperation with advertising ...

Advertising recipients are agreed on interaction "[1, 80]. N. Luhmann also notes

another aspect of the advertising release out of its immediate impact boundaries on

economic indicators, "the most important latent (but then strategically used in this

form) functions of advertising belongs the formation of taste in people who do not

have it" [1, 76], so that " there is a combination of high standardization with as high

superficial differentiation – a sort of the best of possible worlds, where the order is as

much as you want, and freedom is as much as possible. Advertising makes this

procedure well known and holds it to life" [1, 82].

N. Udris believes that advertising is "one of the essential attributes of modern

social life in Ukraine [2, 3], and the speed of its quantitative and qualitative

distribution in Ukraine’s communicative space affects the life of society, on "creation

of social reality diversity" [2, 3]. According to E. Sal’nikova advertising is

characterized by many properties of mass culture: the appeal to the society majority

tastes, claims for their formation [3 ].

There is another trend. During the orientation in market supply people tend to

pay attention on the information received from private, rather than social

communication; they are trying to interview about people’s experiences from using

telephones or cars, or looking for answers on Internet forums. As a result, the


advertisers are looking for ways to put their applications in the form of personal

communication. Intermediaries in advertising communication are increasingly

become pseudo-consumers who post their pseudo-impressions about products and

services on internet forums, asking passers-by to photograph them on the latest

camera, wear stuff with branded logos, let you to "accidentally" hear their

conversation about wonderful club, beauty parlor, showroom selected for such effects

people, etc.

Let’s consider more factors and leading variants of advertising penetration into

the private life sphere, personal communications and related trends in expanding the

boundaries of advertising communication in contemporary Ukraine.

Key preconditions for the advertising functioning on the brink of social and

private communication is its informational, aesthetic and play value for the recipient.

Thanks to it is entailed a communicative game – a secondary advertising

phenomenon when the recipient of advertising appeal turns into the addressee of

promotional idea / name / image / quote.

During the specific effects determining as a secondary advertising, primarily

let’s pay attention on "voluntary" acceptance and subsequent advertising information

broadcast by recipients, absence / reduction of psychological barrier, activation of

pleasure category while reading the ad text.

Let us consider the penetration factors of advertising within the scope of

individual, private communication. One of creative – functional varieties of visual

magnification and activation in the audience imagination of advertising informational

value appeal is its implementation in journalistic form without labeling as advertising

– direct and fundamentally biased. Another direct and ethically correct option value

of information advertising appeal to attract attention and gain positive attitudes from

audience – even to overcome the limits of the social and private communication (

when the ad text will be cited, transferred, it will voluntarily return) is the

involvement to the advertising text interesting for the audience, socially important,

obscure or unexpected information.


At the same time it is realized educational function of advertising, associated

with informing the audience with information that has a value for it – applied or

abstract. Recently, some social advertising texts informed the public about the

number in Ukraine and the world of people with certain diseases and remedies

against it, the number of orphans in Ukraine etc., political TV-clips included

information on the demographic situation in Ukraine, including the number of

inhabitants and its reduction in recent years. Commercial medicines and cosmetics

advertising is constantly provides information about physiological processes in the

body, causes of deterioration or improvement of well-being and physical appearance

involving formulas, charts, statistics, information about scientific inventions or

pseudo-inventions etc. (e.g. advertising of shampoo «Head-and – Shoulders », "

Rastishka " yogurt, drinking collagen « Suage », etc.).

Both political and commercial advertising often contains interesting historical

facts: about the socio-political or cultural events, significant figures, important

inventions. On the one hand, it is a creative technique of incorporating the advertised

object, event or person in a number of historically significant, and on the other – it

makes promotional text information more interesting to the recipient, helps memory,

remembering, transferring of drawn from advertising media, including purely


Similar situation is regarding aesthetic function of advertising, which also, can

lead to a voluntary review of advertising texts, for example, second revision and a

desire to show artistically significant text to friends – to talk about beautiful

billboard, to extend video store in the social network, to save a card or calendar"

…change feature beyond recognition of motifs of whom advertising is offered,

performs dominant as in the images and the texts of modern advertising trend to

elegant form "[1, 74]. The "refined form destroys information”. It looks

selfdeterminated, one that does not require further clarification. "[1,75].

Aesthetic value recipients often recognize by the advertising appeal using

classical (TM «Ferrero Roshen», hair dye «Brilliance») or popular music (several


years old commercials TM "Korona(Crown)" with a voiceover Ani Lorak song),with

a quality – famous or not so – poetry ( commercials TM "Khlibniy dar( Bread gift)",

TM "Khortytsya "), samples of figurative art, as well as the following, which shows

aesthetically natural phenomena and objects – the underwater world, exotic plants

and animals (advertising of TM "Morshinskaya", TM "Khortytsya", throat pills"

Khlorophyllipt", etc.) .

Sometimes recipients perceive aesthetic function in humorous appeals, but here

we are dealing with a different phenomenon – game value and, accordingly, the

game function of advertising. It is largely a factor of unconscious secondary

advertising by initiatives for customers and dealing with advertising limits of social

and private communication. According to O. Karma ova, current recipient to protect

against adware manipulation should learn separation "proper aesthetic component of

advertising" and the perception of advertising as "a form of implementation game

intentions of human consciousness, it’s a kind of art" [5, 86]. Interestingly, that

McLuhan puts in one number comic book genres and the advertisement – as which

"belong to the world of games, the world of models and extensions of situations

outside" [6, 192]. In this context, the fundamental aspect is the existence in the

beginning of the game advertisement, which provides present advertising

communication access to a significant new level in terms of correlation with

collective consciousness and mass culture, so let’s focus on the more relevant


If playing with advertising its initiator can directly be the consumer, the

recipient, which recognizes advertising as a specific or ad text for fruitful source of

gaming, mostly related to the humorous situations which are able to make new

(especially entertainment) coloring in private communication, or another media-

communication member( journalist, creator of other advertising texts, art person,

public entity), which by means of appealing to the advertising phenomena capable

faster and more transparently convey their views to the audience. Let’s consider more

options of manifestation of this trend.


Neologism advertising s. One of the first penetration manifestations of

advertising in a private communication was borrowed from the advertising vernacular

innovation, the emergence of various types advertising neologism, some of which are

long, and perhaps forever linger in the language, which is often slang

("aromoksamyt(flavor)", "aroma mania", "tsinopad(price collapse)",

"sheykanuty(luxuriate)", "snikersnuty", "zafruktuvatysya", "odyvanytys",

"postozharyty », « sim-sim- family ", etc.) .

Popular expressions advertising. Advertising as aphoristic communication

offers vivid examples of phrases that can accommodate the idea, emotion,

impression, situation, stereotypical image or motif. Both social and private

communication are inevitably become advertising-centered – advertising is the most

famous source of intertext, and quote from it is a universal means to beautify speech,

provide humorous effect, to convey an impression concentrated. In Ukraine, the first

popular expressions of the advertising account for the origin of the 90 of XX century

and confirm that advertising can produce statements with exceptional communicative

potential ("shod and forget", "Sometimes it is better to chew than talk," "Why pay

more ? ", "Image is nothing. Thirst is everything", "Just add water", "Do not let it dry

up ! ", "New Generation chooses… ",etc.).

Aphorism is a requirement of effective advertising – society accustomed to

perceive slogans of this kind, to think and speak with promotional expressions that

concentrated convey values and attitudes, imposed by society by the same

advertisement ("And let the whole world wait", "Holiday is coming" "We are coming

to you," "Because you deserve it," "Does not change the world – change the mood, "

"warm and fuzzy", "Heavenly pleasure", "Are you from another planet?). Society

itself fills private communication with advertising cues.

Advertising jokes. They confirm the perception of advertising by society as a

signed phenomena, because jokes tend to reflect only the stereotypical, sign,

everywhere, everyday. Jokes about advertising or related with it phenomena are

relevant in almost every publication, in the pages of entertainment media and


specialized sites (, / ~ slava_78/anecdote/adv /, / reklama /, / anecdt / re /). For the most part it is unknown, have any anecdotes

happened spontaneously or were invented for commercial purposes on the initiative

of those whose products or brands featured in jokes. Any element of marketing

communications is parodied and played: the names of products and brands,

advertising texts and common formula advertising, slogans and replicas, characters,

consumers and their attitudes to advertising: “Pantin. Created by experts, approved by

experts. Here it is in Russian: created themselves, approved themselves!"; "Chocolate

is doubly tastier if it is at night and if you cannot eat!"; "New pan is not only with

non-stick coating, but also with soft bottom with the other hand. Tefal cares about

you, man! And many others.

The use of promotional expressions as one of the dominant choices of

journalistic intertext. An example of an expression to attract advertising journalistic

headlines are such examples: "warm and fuzzy" in various contexts: Chekalov S. "dry

and comfortable" (the market of dry mixes, " Contracts ", 2004, № 22), "dry and

comfortable. sums up the first week of the playoffs in the NHL" ("Sports

Portal», 20.04.2011),« Review: diapers for children. Dry, comfortable and

breathe easy? "("Test Center expertise. Directory user », and others.

Film and TV films, which stories are associated with the advertisements

production. Western film industry has long seen the fruitful material in creation of

advertising for harping on the story, and in the advertisement creator profession or

actor – humorous and romantic possibilities ("What Women Want," "Kate and Leo",

"Fielder’s Choice," etc.). Currently, and in the former Soviet area mass shoot films

where the plot conflict or images directly related to the advertising process ("Aurora

Love ", "Waiting for the Miracle", "Man must pay", "Ola + Kolya"), faced with

advertising agencies during a job search or in the course of professional activities

heroes of television series ("Mothers and Daughters", "Always say always") and

sitkoms ("Voronin", " Lesya + Roma ", "Advertisers"), and so on.


Literary works (many of which are the so-called mass literature) are also

actively seeking to ad production as a plot element or background ("BGD " S.

Ushkalova) and sometimes huge works devoted to it («Generation P" V. Pelevina ).

Significantly, that the advertising phenomena often appear in fiction, even in the

potentially fictional world the life without advertising have not imagined by the

authors (" Shutiha " H. Oldie, " Pentacle " H. Oldie, A. Valentinova and M. and C.

Dyachenko; a series of R. Asprin’s novels, etc.).

Advertising display and advertising technology as a form of social

communication is present in the cartoons – both in the West, and established in the

former Soviet Union area ("The Great Race " and " Pyramid " from the Russian series

"Smeshariki", American cartoon feature " Hoodwinked"). Prepared for this by

advertising children's minds today easily reads advertising intertext and sees humor

parodies for advertising.

New to Ukraine phenomenon – the advertisement billboards with private

content available on the Rights of outdoor advertising. In particular, this is reflected

in the television series "I Love You " on the novel by K. Vilmont "I want a woman on

roller skates !", where in the final, character puts billboards with a picture of the

beloved and the words "I love you ."

Advertising parodies as a separate genre transparently fill the media space of

Ukraine, becoming an integral component of humorous television . Getting laid ICC

events in the early 1990s, and today it is presented in the most appropriate programs

(«The big difference», «Comedy Club», «Evening quarter», "Kvartal 95", "

Smehopanorama", " Full house ", the same CEC, etc.).

These phenomena are accentuated by R. Sapenko phenomenon : "Advertising

is presented as a form of art in globalization era, with such characteristic features as

overcoming the division between high and low art, targeting a mass audience,

nonverbal communication ... [ 4, 27].

Covert advertising on internet forums. Reviews of products and brands,

dissolved among private messages, designed for unobtrusive advertising technology


intervention in individual communication. Internet everywhere blurs the boundaries

of private and social, which actively operates advertising. Users of Internet resources

distributed promotional in nature information in an effort to share its impressions of

the trip, club or car, while manipulating objects are those who consciously and of

paid advertising creates a brand, product, institution, giving her private experience.

So, the next stage of advertising development in Ukraine related to the change

of its place in the life of society and attitudes of its members to advertise (on

pragmatic and aesthetic levels). Measurements of these changes are caused by the

phenomenon of blurring the boundaries of social advertising and private

communication, its voluntary "intake" to its life as also within the artistic phenomena,

intertext, including neologisms and aphorisms, jokes and parodies, which is a

manifestation to advertising and deserves on further attention of researchers.

Advertising now appears as an essential component of everyday discourse, an

expression of popular culture and one of the dominant sources of aphorisms and

quotations. This is consistent with public expectations as advertising mass

consciousness, generated by advertising as a source of attitudes, values and attitudes,

the most ready to ensure that embody ideas, thoughts and opinions by means of

advertising the same formulas. Abandoned in memory due to expressiveness,

aphoristic and multiple recurrence advertising expressions are the dominant source of

intertext and clear signs of everyday life.

Today, communicative environment of Ukraine is a advertising centered,

promotional events, consciously or unconsciously allowed in all areas of

communication – social and private, related to professional activities and

entertainment. This process is made possible actively by info, aesthetic and game

value of advertising messages to recipients due to which members of society

voluntarily "admit" advertising in their lives and as fun or interesting information

broadcast advertising appeals, generally producing a secondary phenomenon of




1. Luhmann N. Massmedia reality / N. Luhmann . – Moscow: Praxis, 2005. –

256 p.

2. Udris N.Advertising as a form of modern lifestyle of urban population in

Ukraine : Author. Thesis . for obtaining sciences. degree candidate. Philology .

sciences specials. 22.00.04 " Special and Industrial Sociology " / N. Udris . – Kh.,

2003. – 20.

3.Sal’nikova E. Aesthetics advertising: cultural roots and keynotes / EV

Sal'nikova. – St. Petersburg. : Aletheia, M.: Epiphany, 2001. – 288.

4. Sapenko R. Advertising as a transcultural phenomenon : Author. Thesis .

for obtaining sciences. Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. sciences specials. 26.00.01

"Theory and History of Culture " / R. Sapenko . – K., 2008. – 36 p.

5. Karmalova E. Mithopoetic advertising discourse analysis / E. Karmalova / /

Bulletin of Moscow University. – Series 10: Journalism. – 2008. – № 3. – S. 85-6.

McLuhan M. Media Understanding: external human expansion / M. McLuhan. – M.;

Zhukovsky: CANON Press C, 2003. – 464


Aelita Lytvyn



Analysis of various interpretations of the notion of "image" through the prism

of Ukrainian and foreign scientists provides an opportunity to understand the fact

that, at present, there is no final specific definition of the term. This may be one of

the reasons why political imagemakers, who implement various image-making

technologies, fail to consider the fact that the notion of image is a complex issue, and

developing solely the look results in mutilated perception of the projected image by

the target audience.

Key words: image, imageology, image-maker, image-making, image-making

technologies, imaging, target audience, look, attraction.

Recently, we are increasingly become witnesses of various technologies using

in the political image-making due to the examples of foreign and native figures.

Some of these technologies are characterized by the professional approach to image-

making and some of them are being made spontaneously, without regarding to the

society status and needs, mentality, the characteristics of the image construction


The question of the image essence and nature, theoretical foundations of

imageology interested H. Pocheptsov, V. Korolko, V. Bebyk, A. Panasyuk,

V.Horchakov, V. Shepel, A. Perelyhin .

It has been already mentioned that image technology is an important part of

political technologies that’s why the scope of their application and further

development problems were explored by following scientists: J. Sehela, K.

Yehorova-Hantman, D. Olshanskyy, A. Feofanov etc.

Among domestic scientists, who have studied the peculiarities of technologies

at different political image-making stages, the following ones are included: N.

Likarchuk, L. Kochubey, N. Barna, M. Variy, S. Denysyuk, P. Frolov, V.

Kryvosheyin, A . Mytko, V.Tereshchuk.


The attention to three central approaches to the definition of "political image"

should be paid in the topic as well. They are ontological, anthropological, value ones.

While these issues are being often and meaningful observed in modern scholars’

publications, including D. Narizhyy’s, Y. Surmin’s, W. Kryvosheyin’s,

V.Tereshchuk’s, A. Mytko’s and others’ works, the aim of this study was determined

as an implementation of the essential analysis in the concept of "image" in political

image-making terms.

Before discussing the political image-making issues, it’s necessary to examine

the terms which relate to the appointed direction including “image”, “image-making”,

and “imaging”.

First, let’s look at the interpretation of the term “image-making” which

O. Panasyuk defines as "a set of technologies and techniques, components and

operations which work for implementing the image formation object (person, object,

phenomenon) tasks" [ 8, 27]. Thus, the purpose of the image-making measures is an

informational competition that aims to make a controlled candidate, political party,

ideology image and so on.

According to V. Shepel, imaging is a series of deliberately constructed

behaviors [11]. Supossably due to imaging we can design candidate’s behavior which

can meet public expectations.

Along with the image-making concept analysis A. Panasyuk gives rather clear

analysis of the «image» term, noting that it became actively used in Russian

vocabulary since the mid-90th

in 20th century. First it was used in political science

field in «image politics» context [8, 10].

First of all it is necessary to consider the complete definition of «image»,

which is offered in his work "Image Formation: Strategy, Psychotechnology,

Psychotechnics" as "The object image is the view of rational or emotional nature of

an object (person, object, system) which occurs in the psyche in a conscious or

unconscious in a certain (specific or vague) group of people in the image base which

is generated randomly or purposefully in their psyche as a result of direct perception


of certain object characteristics, or indirectly for the purpose of attraction origin

(people’s following for this object)"[8, 11].

After analyzing the following definition, we can say that the image is the

picture that causes positive attitude to a group of people, which happens consciously

or unconsciously due to deliberate or act of its formation.

But does the image makes the attraction? In our opinion, this question

definitely may be controversial, because attraction (Latin attractio – attraction,

interpersonal attraction) is the emergence of the individual in the individual's mutual

attraction perception, understanding and acceptance of each other in the interaction,

not only when actions are coordinated, but also positive relationship is established


Subconsciously person usually tends to cause adherence of others, especially of

those who are close emotionally, authoritatively, that’s why the behavior, appearance

are often reproduced in accordance with the expectations of this environment. But

can formed image be tempting or cause sympathy etc. in all cases? There are

examples in the world image-making when the formed image gives more negative

emotions, and even rejection than commitment in certain groups of people, but only

that’s why the object could show its position in some way and become special among

others, attract its target audience. Such imaging includes Russian politician

V. Zherynovskyy image and our fellow L. Chernovetskyy image. Thus, the formed

image, and we know that the image of V. Zherynovskyy and L. Chernovetskyy was

worked out by image-makers, cannot always cause all public attraction, but only for

certain parts of it – namely, the target audience.

DuringV. Zhirinovskyy image creating, his PR-Technologer S. Zharikov used

"self-abatement" method. It’s necessary to have some courage to look worse than you

are, and not vice versa, when you should try to look better than you are. The

interesting thing is that as a result of the prevailing image of V. Zhirinovskyy there

are no problems with paying attention to the person by media. Typically, radio and

TV shows with his participation are the highest rated.


Due to the use of controversial and scandalous image technologies a modern

Ukrainian politician O. Lyashko goes next, information about him is constantly found

in the media and he has become the media character, although he denies a specific

PR-campaign saying: "I do not make the image of the controversial politician, it is a

provocation carried out due to the fact that I am considered to be dangerous. Radical

Party has a clear program that will win the elections. I'm much more serious than I

am described by corrupt journalists.

I am a simple person and I think that is right. You should treat people in the

way you want them to treat you". [6] It is interesting to observe the spontaneous

formation of the politician image, and is it really spontaneous if this figured image

became quite famous so quickly?

In view to the fact that you cannot quite agree with the definition given above

for the term "image" which is given by O. Panasyuk, let's look at further

consideration of Russian scientist V. Horchakov, which describes "image as a set of

values and experiences of the person and style form of behavior, symbolic image of a

subject that is created in the process of interaction which is the universal

psychological process that is carried by each person during entry into certain social

group" [2, 8].

We can agree with the next definition only partially, especially with the first

part which makes some doubts. It says: "It is the symbolic image of a subject that is

created in the process of interaction". Few of us can boast of real interaction with

politicians, but in spite of it in our perception of the image there is a certain image

that was formed over a period due to the media.

Author Y. Perelyhina, whose determine is used in our study, stresses that

"social-psychological image definition should consider its bilateral – social and

psychological – nature." With this in mind, it offers a social-psychological definition

of image: "Image is a symbolic picture of a subject that is created in the subject –

subject of interaction "[9, 23].


Again, in the following definition of "image" we find the term of "interaction".

According to Y. Perelyhina, who considers interaction to be a result of not only the

subject that is a prototype of the image, but also all other participants in this process,

namely the recipients or subjects that make up the image of the audience, we can

make the conclusion that the formation of political image, which is formed mainly

through the media, is mediated by the interaction of a political leader with the public,

which is aimed precisely to this image.

Approaches to the concept of "image" by such Russian scientists as

U. Nekrasova can’t be ignored, she emphasizes that image is a set of visual

characteristics and behavioral acts of identity which the individual acquires in the

course of socialization for successful social adaptation and their individuality


According to U. Nekrasova, image is "one of the main social space forms and

filling for the modern information environment. Its dual nature comes from here: it is

a produced image and a way of building communication"[7]. She identifies two types

of informational images, which form two image types – the social image and the

individual image, each of them performs its task and creates technology based on

specific principles. Social image is used in the practice of politics and the media, and

the individual one is used in business and behavioral contact (in the creation process

the works is being done with specific individual to adjust his external and behavioral


We should pay attention to the interpretation of the "image" concept resorted to

by the authors research S. Kostenko [ 4], A. Ponomareva [10], who investigated and

analyzed the communication space, in the view to the political image-making, it was

concluded that the image formed in the mass mind and character stereotype is

emotionally charged image of modern politics, the structural organization composed

of the following components: cultural and social character types, roles, personal

characteristics of the subject, cultural and social context. Image policy should meet

the expectations of the ideal and reality.


Thus, image technology is a leading part of political technologies that help

citizens to form their own understanding of the political leader modern image. The

reasons for the increasing role of image technologies facilitate a clear and

coordinated politician’s actions during the campaign, making his "struggle" to be

civilized. Image-making technologies are political consulting basis. It is an

interesting and ethical interpretation of image technology, but the reality today on the

territory of Ukraine shows, on the one hand, the struggle (usually, not always

civilized ), but on the other hand, it shows the unprofessional political image-makers

and political technologists.

Another approach to analyzing of appointed phenomena is found in

A. Ivannikova works, who concluded that "image politics is defined as the image

formed in the image of voters that results from the perception of real quality policy,

its politics and policy deliberately attributed to the media and political advertising

qualities and characteristics " [3].

In terms of political imaging this approach deserves attention, because the

target audience does not have to occur in terms of cognitive dissonance in perception

of the image formed by the media and the real image of politics. This is often a

disruptive factor to generated understanding of image. If we move away from the

scientific publications format and seek people's views, we can describe the

professional imaging as "An empty sack cannot stand upright."

So, summing up the results of the analysis we can say that the representatives

of the ontological approach [5] were most close to the realities of political image-

making because, firstly, they believe that political image is not always fully and

adequately reflects the real object, secondly, it must contain markers that particular

object is identified and, therefore, singled out among similar, thirdly, it has a high

resistance and inertia force, and finally, fourth, the political image is actively being

completed by the recipients according to their own psychological characteristics.



1. Journal of Psychology and Pedagogy: attraction [electronic resource]. –

Mode of access: http: //

2. Horchakova V.H. Applied imageology: Textbook / V.H. Horchakova. –

Moscow: Academic Project, 2007. – 400 p.

3. Ivannykova O. V. Perception of Elections Campaign Candidate Image

[Electronic version]. – Mode of access: http:


4. Kostenko S.A. Modern Politics Image of Transformation Conditions in

Russian society [Electronic version]. – Mode of access:


5. Krivosheyin V. Image as a category of Systemology in political outlook

[electronic resource]. – Mode of access: = 40 & c = 789.

6. Lyashko O. I do not make the image of the controversial politician

[electronic resource]. – Mode of access:

7. Nekrasova U.S. Philosophical and Anthropological Changes of individual

image [electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http:



8. Panasiuk A.Y. Image Formation: Strategy, Psychotechnology,

Psychotechnics / AY Panasyuk. – 3rd ed., Erased. – Moscow: Omega -L, 2009. –


9. Perelyhina E.B. Image Psychology. / E.B. Perelyhina . – Moscow: Aspect

Press, 2002. – 224 p.

10. Ponomarev A.Y. Verbalization in political image at Russian and US funds

of information [electronic resource]. – Mode of access:



11. Shepel V.M. Imageology: Secrets of personal attraction/ V.M. Shepel. –

Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2005. – 472 p.





Maryna Varych

Specialized automotive publications pages review genre

In the article the use of genre is analysed review in motor-car editions,

subsequent progress of this genre trends are certain. Possibility of realization of

influence is examined by an afore-mentioned genre at choice reader. The methods of

serve of material are studied in a genre review, which will be orientated on a wide


Key words: motor-car magazines, review, genre, pages of editions.

Statement of the problem. Nowadays the demand in the automotive market is

developing. So it is not surprising that before car purchasea person is searching for

more detailed information abouther future property, consults with experts, listens to

the experts' opinion, and also findnecessary informationfrom the pages in auto


In these publications it is often possible to find the publication of such a genre

as a review, resorting to which the authors acquaint readers with the latest in the

automotive market informed of price comparison is carried out between the cars of

famous brands.

Analysis of recent research in thework problems view. Review of the genre had

much attention by Soviet journalism researchers, and it is rather reasonable, because

duting that period of time the genre has experienced its greatest prosperity. In

particular, it was examined by Agranovskyy A., M. Podolyan, A. Moskalenko .

Many studies in journalism field were devoted to the opposite view, to

economic and press reviews . However, inspection of automotive publications was

not carried out in the independent Ukraine. This is due to the fact that the publication

of such subjects appeared relatively recently in the domestic market and still has not

become a subject of interest in the media . However, they need to be researched, as

theyare a part of the development trends in modern journalism .

The aim of the article is to explore the pages of automotive media materials

submitted in view of the genre, and find out their influence on the reader’s choice.


The purpose of the study makes solving the following tasks:

1) to analyze the reasons why during the process of writing materials in

automotive media journalists often refer to this genre as an overview ;

2) to prove the efficiency of the inspection genre and predict its further

development in the magazines on automotive topics .

Object is special car editions.

The subject of the study is genre review to which theautomotive publications

authors refer.

Quite often in the pages of automotive publications reviews of various new

products are being found. Thus, in the journal «Motor News» March -April 2012, we

can see an overview of advanced automotive innovations that were presented at the

Motor Show, held in Geneva in March 2012.

The peculiar style of presentation can be traced from the first lines of the

publication. In order to interest the reader by resorting to various means: namely, the

author's style of reporting, which includes the original language, vivid illustrative

material, which covers about 70% of the printed text, and so on. The author's style

plays an important role, since the use of non-standard phrases, avoid cliches, cliche,

outlining text in own thoughts, tips, comments that create a closer relationship with

the reader. The author tries to present the material in the form of friendly advice,

which uses modern language, slang. It helps to level the boundaries between author

and consumer because of information and establish close contact between them,

trusting relationships. Reviews that are submitted in the form of mini-tips for

choosing a particular car, argued advantages of one brand over another, directly or

indirectly inspire readers to choose a certain foreign car. In particular, phrases like

"worth for closer look, you cannot resist the temptation, the real evolution of the third

generation, form please the eye, you will like this attractive car" [2, 20] interest

reader and draw attention to specific models of cars.

Review is genre of deep subject study; it does not imply bad knowledge, so the

author must be competent in a particular matter. His knowledge must be deeper than


the knowledge of the reader, or at least it should be the same level. Therefore, it is

assumed that the author should not only inform, but also make meaningful analysis

and synthesis among huge flow of information to choose the most essential, the most

interesting one. Also the author is obliged to study thoroughly the interests of his

audience in order to meet its information needs, to have an idea about the interests of

the reader and his interests.

The material would be more effective if the author did not just boast of a

certain brand of car, but also provides specific practical information. In most cases,

publications, such as “Bike”, “Motor News” are showing their competence, as the

authors provide such information which is necessary for motorist while using the car,

namely, maximum speed, fuel consumption, adjustments to roads and so on.

The text is supplemented by illustrated materials, for example, bright car

photographs in different angles, inside and out. Illustrated material makes great

importance, because a number of readers at first pay attention to a particular photo of

an interesting for them car, and then readers are acquainted with its functions,

features and price.

It often happens that in car magazines we may come across material which has

a detailed review of certain foreign cars models. Thus, in the journal «Motor News»

June – August 2013 it contains an overview of the model range of Toyota cars. We

should pay attention to the fact that each famous brand model has both advantages

and disadvantages, but the author draws attention mainly on the first one. For

example, phrases like: «Prius is true apogee of practicality by Toyota, it's really an

urban evolution", "What body type is the most popular in the world? Of course,

sedan", "Toyota sport glory is undeniable" [2, 20]. Of course, basic functions of the

car, the price palette, fuel consumption, turning radius, engine power are mentioned

in the material, so if it is necessary, the reader can compare one with another foreign

car and opt for the one that will suit her needs . However, this review still hides

advertising or perhaps the author's position regarding to a particular vehicle.


It is impossible to avoid the attention of column, which is the highlight of

automotive publications, it is motor-test. The author, having passed a test drive,

shares his experience with cars, talks about its pros. Materials of headings are given

quite skillfully, not as usual functions factice and adapt to a particular road car, as

well as a detailed description of all the details, with own thoughts and desires, "If I

had a diplomat of money, I would have no hesitation. It would be for having fun

forever and not only during a short test drive on Sunday"[2, 18].

It seems that you are driving a famous foreign car. It is necessary to highlight

the fact that a distinct architectural style is shown very brightly, sometimes quite

expressive, such as: "You press the accelerator and the car instantly rushes",

"realization of these benefits has caused us to capture unprecedented," "The result is

an incomparable feeling of control by car "[6, 68].

We also need to focus separately on the photographs that accompany the test

motor section. Cars are shot close-up at different angles, inside and outside. It is

impossible to overestimate the importance and significance of expressive means,

because photography is an important attribute, without which material would be

incomplete, it would make impression that something is not clearly enough.

In the "Bike" publication "test drive" column has certain characteristics. It

presents not only the characteristics of the motorcycle, impressions and experiences

of the author after riding on it, but the thoughts and advices givens by owners, also

usual language is used and complemented by a variety of emoticons. For example, we

read an issue of March 2013: "I bought it in August 2011. That year, possibility to

drive failed. It was only from the middle of the summer of 2012 when I stopped to be

afraid. It is tremendous!"[4, 18]

Also in "Bike" publication we can find a small interview with the product

manager or independent experts who answer questions about new ones, which were

held on a test drive. Questions are mostly concerned main advantages of the vehicle,

its main competitors in the automobile market and how it is justified from an

economic point of view to produce a new model. These short interviews allow you to


get more information and opinion not only from the material author, but also from

other experts.

It is rather good that the publication of "Bike" has a table at the end of the

material, in which novelty that has passed a test drive is rated on a five point scale,

marked with the phrase "fantastic, very good, excellent, nothing special,

sucks" [4, 18].

While describing a car or bike, authors focus primarily on their own feelings

that appear during the ride. The emotions they convey by words and phrases like "it

gives crazy freedom", "feelings of movement are chic", “I have never driven such an

unusual motorcycle", "And the sound is amazing, especially cool sound when

changing gears both up and down, you are listening to with aspiration"[4, 15].

Pay attention to the fact that the characteristics of the genre review suggest that

there are readers with confidence in a particular viewer, as the reader considers him

an independent expert on the issue. Review genre allows the author to give some

advice as well as to express his impartial opinion.

In a review the key figure is the very author of the material, as it is assumed

that he is a narrow specialist in that area which he is writing. Therefore, the

observations suggest that observers are mainly within jurisdiction. For example, an

automotive columnist will not write content on sports, political or economic issues.

Review genre is promising today, as it implies the presence of advice in the

story. Modern man is in a very large flow of information, which is difficult to

navigate, so he needs a friendly advice. This feature is also promising that today

communication process is beyond the face-to-face. Many people talk of not seeing

each other, and a key element in this situation is trust between communicator and


So, the analysis of most lottery Ukrainian automotive periodicals that

published in the last decade makes it possible to conclude that every year the genre is

becoming more popular in journalism. However, the modern review occupies areas of

human life (from sports to the economy) and takes on the European model. The


transformation of the genre is especially pronounced in specialized publications,

which stops using the traditions of the past, focuses primarily on the interests of the

consumer and not on established canons.

The main trends in the development of the genre are: advertising vehicle, its

advantages over other brands of cars, etc.

The rapid development of the genre in the national media happens because it is

the form and method of presentation resembles advertising, but also it is an artwork.

The author is able to approximate the reader all vectors of interest in review – from

time to space.

Review genre has been firmly entrenched in the national press and continues to

gain popularity, especially among motorists and professional drivers. Neither

interviews, nor report can compete with this method; the author's vision of the

situation is always contained.


1. Bidzilya Y. Journalist Dictionary: time, mass media figures / Y.

M. Bidzilya . – Uzhgorod, 2007. – 224 p.

2. Vasilenko M.K. Dynamics of information and analytical genres in

Ukrainian media / M.K. Vasilenko. – K., 2006. – 238 p.

3. Voloshchenko A. Porsche panamera / A. Voloshchenko / / Motor News.

– 2013 . – Jun . – P. 17-21 .

4. Herman S. Smartphones and Motorcycles / S. Herman / / Bike . – 2013 .

– March . – P. 15-18 .

5. 15. Zdoroveha V.Y. Theory and Methods of journalistic work / V. Y.

Zdoroveha. – L., 2004. – 268 p.

6. 16. A. Ponomarenko E.The Climbers / A. Ponomarenko / / Motor News.

– 2012. March. – S. 68.


Natalia Sokolova



Essence of process of forming of informative space of Ukraine opens up in the

article, the role of televisional news is examined as a forming source.

Key words: informative space, televisional news, source.

The issue of TV news space as an integral part of Ukraine's information space

is one of the problems that now becomes relevant. Numerous scientific basis was

accumulated in journalism theory and history field, but the researchers have new

horizons of activity. Prospects for scientific research are adjusted primarily by

modern Ukrainian society, namely intellectual potential of the nation, economic and

political conditions in the country. Changes that occur at these levels of society

functioning necessarily require new algorithms for solving urgent problems,

rethinking knowledge and developing practical guidelines that meet modern

requirements and needs.

The development of television news space cannot be noticed by scholars, who

have the question about the need for thorough research and development of the theory

and practice of our country's information space formation. The first steps in this

direction have such well-known experts in journalism and social communication as I.

Mashchenko, A. Yakovets, M. Shostak, V. Sappak, P. Datsyuk, L. Vasiliev. They

unanimously determined in their works that the news is an accurate, unbiased report

about event that includes timely or still unknown information which satisfies the

interests of viewers and which is important for their future. The fact is a base of this

message. "Information Program is only a part of the information flow that is

constantly complements, enriches and develops information world picture that is

displayed in the context of television," – A. Yakovets said [12, 18]. Every journalist

knows that facts are the foundation of any story: "The task of television in general

and television news in particular is an objective reflection of reality"[12, 18].


The aim of the paper is to reveal the essence of Ukraine's information space

formation process and a systematic review of the process through the study of

television news as sources in this process.

Information space means that the environment in which the circulating

information is produced. This concept incorporates territorial, technological and

human factors and public information is intended for the person as a consumer, it is

meaningless without people.

So when it comes to the information field of the state, its boundaries are

identified with boundaries covering the national territory, waters and airspace. In

these areas the media works that also informs, reportedly depicts, makes the idea of

something. But the question what exactly they are reporting, depict and make

impression, is for policy field and depends on the informant. If there are three spaces

– physical, virtual and informational – information space is actively used to influence

the physical one.

That’s why an object of the research is the source of the formation of Ukraine's

information space, and the subject is television news, its origins and impact on the

process of formation.

Ukrainian researcher Pocheptsov approached to information disclosure

mechanisms for the formation of space and set its constituent as much as

possible: "We are talking about a significant effect on the physical space by using

space information. After all, how can we accelerate certain situations, and detain

them. Moreover, today, referring to the idea of dynamic programming by Richard

Bellman, which deals with the transition to the final state through a series of

intermediate states and optimal transitions between them, it is said that even movie

fantasy can develop the action" [9, 2].

Thus, there are subjective and objective reasons for distortion of reality in the

information space. First, the objective ones need to include constraints existing in the

human cognitive system and information systems. In the description we actually get

the world that we want to see, because we can choose the characteristics that will fit


our conception of the object. The object has many features, which can build a

description. Therefore, the mass media describe the reality that corresponds to the

model of the world that dominates in the society.

Modern scientific researches devoted to television outline that including

conventional genres, there are two forms of news feed which are the "hard" and

"soft" one.

1. "Hard news" is a form that represents the reporter's work as a simple record

of a documentary reflection of reality as "pure information that most objected".

Anyway, this is a complete literary form, with all the attributes of the genre: special

action features, special style and rhythm, particular composition. "The economy of

thought" principle is expected to work. When we create "hard" news the following

features are important: random selection of facts, limiting demand and short

opportunity to clean up something significant, compact material "package" (for ease

of instant perception), which stimulates vision of copyright information.

2. "Soft" news is news that does not require high speed response. Benefits of

"soft" news are that they allow you to beneficial submit a fact which is interesting

due to its fragment, detail, but it is not rather important. This form of news helps to

apply different recipients.

The manipulation of sociology is the first one. In the studio there is always

survey the audience, but any small group does not reflect the total population of

Ukraine. Although the reporters are repeating the terrible word

"unrepresentativeness", it is clear that it still affects the viewer. The group in the

program is also under pressure of heard words and seen events unfolding live in front

of it, because the audience conclusions depend on the direction given by the authors.

The manipulation of topics is the second one. It is clear that the subjects

submitted for consideration by the audience will have some community displeasure.

Moreover, the system of discussion as opposite to lecture monologue attracts more

people on its side.


The manipulation procedure is the third one. Topics and people can be placed

in different time intervals when the program has more or less the audience. The topic

may be associated with illustrative material prepared or questions. Any topic can be

stopped by advertising, after which the passions can subside a little bit. Strong or

weak speaker also affects the perception of the topic.

Guests manipulation is the fourth one. When it is the one line statement, it is

possible to invite even international experts as we know in advance what they say.

The manipulation of time is the fifth. Different people can get the right to vote

or to make questions and they can talk longer and not be interrupted. As a result, the

discussed theme/person gets comfortable context to reveal.

Pocheptsov outlines political TV talk-shows, which get to news feed material

in the "soft" form and can perform the following functions :

-creating an agenda that is administered or topic, or take them out of the field

of vision of mass consciousness,

-entering and maintain the required version of the event,

-preparing mass consciousness to a new agenda,

-introducing new political leaders,

-crystallizing the view of spectators when a match individual viewer with the

idea that winning screen [8, 4].

The researcher L. Vasilyeva says that news materials can be divided into three


1. Calendar news. They are associated with the anniversary of the events of

that must necessarily take place, as well as historical dates, national holidays.

2. "Hot", straight news. The report is about the dramatic developments in the

country and abroad, the acute problems of international life, sensation, accidents,


3. "Organized" news. In journalistic jargon interest organization is called as

"smoked herring"- its smell attracts attention and "mislead" that provokes curiosity to


deliberately "put-up situation". It is an artificial blowing of pseudo facts, pseudo-

event or biased news selection [1, 40].

News prepared by own efforts, considered to be the "face" of broadcasting

company, it shows its level. Relatively small companies that do not have their own

news service, are satisfied by the information that is obtained from agencies.

News should be based on real events but not fictional information: facts,

information, and knowledge. In addition, the news must satisfy the interests of the


It is important to determine the significance of the facts that are selected for

newscasts prioritize a large number of messages. First of all it should be news that is

of general interest: the socio-political and social life, the most important events from

abroad. Sources of information may take various forms: public authorities, the press

service, correspondents, news agencies, newspapers and radio stations.

Despite of global network rapid development, the development of online

journalism, high speed and volume of information sources, television news as a way

of obtaining knowledge about the most important events of the day are still quite

popular among the people of Ukraine.

Describing the role which the media play in democratic societies, it is worth to

notice in particular way that it is not confined solely to the coverage of public interest

events. Media form specific information space; its key characteristics are unbounded

spatial boundaries, incompleteness, permanent additions and information

reinterpretation. From this perspective, we have to talk about the availability of

hyper-space, where information about the event does not exist by itself, but in close

relationship with the other parts.



1. Vasilyeva L.A. Cases News! / L. A. Vasilieva – M.: Aspect-Press, 2002. –

190 p.

2. Goyan V. V. Typical and genre features informative TV programs:

guidances. for students. Inst of Journalism / V. Goian – Kyiv Kyiv.nat. Univ of Taras

Shevchenko, 2001. – 52 p.

3. Datsyuk S. Modern news production analytical report / P. Datsyuk – K.

agency Humanities, 2000. – 198 p.

4. Dmitrovskiy Z. E. Some problems of political awareness in the Ukrainian

television / S. E. Dmitrovskiy / / Sat. works department Ukr. the press. – L., 2000. –

Vol. 3. – S. 82 – 88.

5. Carroll M.V. News on TV: Per. s English / MV Kэrroll – 2nd ed., Corr. –

Moscow: Mir, 2004. – 288 p.

6. Mashchenko I.G. Myths and Realities teleradioefiru / I. D Mashchenko –

Kyiv TRK Agency, 2001. – 260 p.

7. Mashchenko I.G. Chronicle Ukrainian radio and television in the context of

global audiovisual process / I.G. Mashchenko – Kyiv, Ukraine, 2005. – 384

8. Pocheptsov G.G. Why and how the distortion of reality in the information

space. [Electronic resource] / Pocheptsov. – Mode of access:

9. Sappak V. Television and us. Four conversations. / V. Sappak – Moscow:

Arts, 1988. – 302 p.

10. Shostak MI Reporter: professionalism and ethical / MI Shostak – Moscow:

Rip-holding in 2001. – 107 p.

11. Yakovets A.V. TV journalism: theory and practice: a textbook / AV

Yakovets. – K.: Publ. House "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", 2007. – 240 p.

Antonina Hurbanska




The article on the basis ofinterdisciplinaritydiscussessome aspects ofthe

scopeof interestof twocrossingbranches of science–literaryandsocial communications,

including seriesconnectionof cultural-historicalandpersonalissuesof literarycreativity

withthe editorial andpublishingUkrainianwriters.

Key words:literary work, communicative capacity, text, reception, emotional

content, editing.

M. Bakhtin’s thought about communicative literatureis especially important

nowadaysdue to modern approaches to the definition of the phenomenon inscientific

research problem of sociocultural communicative literary work in the fields of

literature and social communication: "Every literary phenomenon... is determined by

both outside and inside. Inside is it determined by most literature, outside – in other

spheres of social life "[1, 139]. The mentioned issues are considered in the

intersection of interests of different scientific schools, and even some areas of

science: structural poetics, receptive aesthetics, sociology, literature, history and

theory of mass communication.

In this context it is worth to highlight that long work of fiction (along with

universals of world, natural and human being) reflects cultural and historical realities

in enigma and diversity, comprehend spatio-temporal certainty of being, quality and

distinction, expressing ideological reflection of artists that determine the emotional

content of stories and their communication potential. However, the problem of

cultural-historical and personal themes of literature in science, as opposite to foreign

(E. Dayking, M. de Unamuno, J. Tan, W. Khodasevich, Y. Tynyanov etc.), still

represented at the level of individual remarks. Today, there is a need to explore it not

only literary but also in social and communicative, editorial and publishing

discourses. The aim of this article is to consider some aspects of the scope two

science branches interests – literary and social communication, including connection


of cultural-historical and personal themes of literary creativity with the editorial and

publishing Ukrainian writers.

Art works from different countries and eras demonstrate the richness and

diversity of cultural and historical reality. In this point of view literature is very

similar to such branch of science as ethnography and history. S. Schmidt said: "The

works of literature and art are an important source for understanding their creation

time mentality... and knowledge of specific" historical circumstances ", especially

way of life... the same time literature and art are emerging as sources of important

historical and graphical observations" [17, 115]. Characteristic type of consciousness

which is typical for different communities (mentality) is reflected and modeled in

works of art, it rooted in them (in life and people in general, and "cultural group")

cultural traditions, forms of communication, culture and customs.

The presence of particular place and time atmosphere in fiction is an essential

feature of genuine generated life, organic art. American critic of the mid-nineteenth

century E. Dayking wrote about "the need of writers to turn to national topics and

thoughts about the native land" [2, 373]. M. de Unamuno pointed out that we have to

search for a man in the "depth of the variable and partial", "lively, productive

versatility… is inherent in every human being... just because it clothed in flesh of

nations, religions, languages and cultures"; "poet of all time were concerned in issues

of the nation, religion, language and homeland... Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes,

Ibsen belong to mankind just because one of them was an Englishman, the second

one was Florentine and the third one was from Castile, and fourth was

Norwegian"[11, 318].

Imaging cognition of life reality is intense internal dialogue of writer with

national culture and history of his country and ultimately the culture and history of

the world, it is "binding" of the near and far, yours and strange. Anyway, the author’s

present is the most important topic of art, it is art "super topic". V. Khodasevich said:

"Poet is alive when he breathes the air of his life, listening to a man of his time" [13,


371]. Similar opinion was said by and I. Tan, who compared artwork with "the

general state of morality and conditions of environment" [10, 30].

In the context of these thoughts "single trend of spiritually artistic historicism"

(V. Donchyk) of post-Stalin era Ukrainian literature is emphasized, which is

remarkable for the interest in historical memory and national shrines and traditions,

time and generation connection. Rooted in existential perspective, this trend oriented

best writers in existential-philosophical study of human action against its national

spiritual leveling and standardization to confirm the true moral values. Thus, A.

Dimarov in his story "The thirties...", which he wrote in 1960 and which nearly a

quarter of a century was "the drawer", while artistically interpreting the tragic history

of the Ukrainian village in Stalin time, described the man in the best and worst

manifestations of nature: Novelist emphasized the image of a lonely man who was in

the absurd situation of dispossession, collectivization and famine period.

'The thirties..."is removed ending of the novel "And there will be people" by

General literature and publishing department. In his book of memoirs "To live and

narrate" A. Dimarov gave review of work by Professor G. Multikh which was written

on opposition to "party documents – historical fiction" – it is the third book of the

novel by A. Dimarov "And there will be people." Reviewer's advice is considered to

be detected difference in the Party line with the position: "The author should

fundamentally estimate the events that took place in the village at the end of 1929-

1930, in the spirit of historical documents and existing literature show to start, the

positive side of collectivization, highlight the leading role of the Communist rural and

party organizations in the socialist transformation of the countryside "[4: 2, 178-179].

Novelist restored and added to deleted storyline of nationwide suffering caused

by Stalin's forced collectivization, dispossession and artificial famine of 1932-1933 in

time of Perestroika. Selection was oriented, as he says, "to awaken public opinion to

educate the younger generation, to turn people their history" [4: 2, 179]. Exploring

the work of A. Dimarov, the author of this article has repeatedly been in his family

circle and recorded memories of his wife Y. Dimarova about editing writer’s 'The


thirties..." that show colorful image of demanding and extremely conscientious

author. ''The thirties..." tale was first published in a book by Dimarov A." In the

Shadow of Stalin "(1990) from series of "Novels and stories" together with others -

"Ashes of Klaas","Gods for sale", "Black Crow". It amounted the cycle. Genre of

'The thirties... "was clarified by novelist’s definition of" Parable of the bread", which

is a clear evidence of editing the author's own text method.

The thirties..." is a total meta-text, rhythmic amalgam of individual stories,

proverbs, literary and biblical allusions, legends, documentaries, letters submitted to

the reception of the author. Depicted fullness of life is based not only on the external

relations of the heroes of the world, but also in the interior, "cordial" relations,

providing experiences and disharmony, and independent character selection, the

image of whom the writer approached from the standpoint of understanding and a

sense of their experiences people, their worldview, mentality and way of thinking.

As in works of Dostoevsky ("Crime and Punishment"), Franko ("Fundamentals

of Publicness", "Cross-stitches"), actions of the characters are testing their morality in

works of A. Dimarov. The author appears different ways: as a talented specific

analytical prose master, good folklore and literature laws expert, publicist with sharp

reaction to social problems. The text of the story represents the artist's ability to snap

nerve of life events and recreate the phenomenon of man. While modeling picture of

the tragic reality of the 1930s, based on the psychology of art writer reveals the tragic

fate of the characters from the county center Horolivka (Khorol) and village

Tarasivka that is situated in Poltava region from the inside.

Scene paradigm work deploying identified binary dichotomy "man is a

totalitarian system." Social and ethical conflicts are under to the comprehension

problems of "man and morality", "man and God", "human and peoples", "life and

death". Through moral and psychological and philosophical comprehension of human

existence, the writer has used a wide range of techniques aesthetic impact on the

reader (play gloomy atmosphere of the time and inhuman attitude of the authorities to

the Ukrainian peasantry, its desire to destroy it, etc.).


The plot is the story of how the power is consuming food from the peasants

and condemning them to death, which determined genealogic semantics work ("The

Parable of Bread"). But the movement is not dominated by the story and characters

disclosure condition, which is combined with wide, built on documentary sources

(archival documents, newspaper material) copyright generalizations. Reflecting the

trend of the documentary "boom" in our prose that time its effect on the reliability of

these generalizations clearly marked publicistic. They are the defining evaluative

word by the artistic life in general and simulation of human lives in particular.

Models of "The thirties... "human being reflect the author's conception of man

and reality. The choice of characters’ behavior in situation of the disturbed world is

different in A. Dimarov’s work: contemplation of the absurdity revolt against him in

an attempt to absurd situations of self-realization, recourse to the only salvation –

God. So, rustic grandfather Hlypavka, the personification of the national conscience,

demanding punishment from God for Stalin, asks God: "Do not close eyes, my Lord:

you're a God, not a man! You teach us in scripture: Who passes by the crime, he

becomes a criminal. Who will give arm to bandit, he becomes a bandit. And who will

judge us if you turn from us? "[3, 175]. In the interpretation of A. Dimarov free from

the destructive effects of the regime of "no allowance" God stands supreme justice, it

is the guarantor of the universe, the beauty and harmony in it.

A. Dimarov gave impressionistic view to existential tension – through a set of

micro images(snow drifts, high drifts, etc.). Especially clear is the image of January,

1930, which represents the Soviet totalitarian system as violence against peasants and

marks the depression. The dramatic narrative is enhanced by comparing the

collectivization of special state of nature – a fierce blizzard. Writer turned to intense

expressive possibilities of common personification (winds blew dry snow, fiercely

shaking telephone wires which covered poles). Such ideological and artistic

components create text effect relief paintings and expressive characters.

The opinion of the author is an organizing center of the story, based on reliable

facts and not on ideology propagated by the model, which led to the establishment of


an ideal than real. A. Dimarov gave preference to the individual truth of a particular

person, referring to the modernist (expressionistic, impressionistic) principles of

image. Aesthetics of the sixties inspired the artist to show man as the subject of

history. Understanding human destiny of Stalinism was shown by images of

nontrivial characters – Hruhoriy Hinsburg and Volodko Tverdokhlib by entering

them in exceptional situations that compose the scene paradigm fragments of the

story. Content "resistance" of these images is tragic category that unites A. Dimarov

with the classical tradition, represented primarily by V.Stefanik ("News", "Stone

Cross" etc.).

The tragic "history" Hinsburg was modeled concisely by author. He did not

present the social function of the hero. Instead of it wasunusual alive man who fell

into the crushing mechanism of the totalitarian system. Fanatically believing in the

Bolshevik idea and being in the "boundary situation" life and death, Hryhoriy does

not lose self-esteem – that is the phenomenon in it. The character and fight of

Hinsburg with system are revealed through expressive symbols and semantic

relationship "fear-death" in an episode call to the regional party committee on charges

of opportunism and rebirth. In describing the meeting of the Bureau, the author

emphasized the inner strength, courage and decency of Hinsburg: despite of the

hostility of the Bureau members and their provocative questions, the character

behaves with restraint, especially on sensitive replica responds with bitter sarcasm,

not trying to escape at any cost. He, having chosen death, rebelled against the absurd

situation. Image of Hryhoriy is dualistic. On the one hand, it reveals the tension and

tragedy of human existence and on the other –there are presented fanatical faith in the

Bolshevik idea. Character’s suicide episode as his burial scene and image of

distraught with grief the old father, are particularly important in the ideological and

semantic sound work – they were objected by A. Dimarov as inhumane attitude

toward man and the totalitarian system generated political fanaticism.

In the interpretation of the history of collective farm chairman Volodko

Tverdokhlib writer convinced, a man, whose hands make evil, is internally ugly and


doomed to spiritual degradation. The image of the character embodies the inner

drama of young romance who is a spokesman optimistic view of socialist change.

Blind party loyalty does not allow Tverdokhlib worry primarily about his family

which means to act in accordance with the original Ukrainian individualism;

researchers define it as the main structural characteristics of Ukrainian ethnic

psychology [7, 61-63]. Moreover, he "doesn’t hesitate with any doubt that he will

make them [owners] see other dreams, knock bad dreams out from their stubborn

heads" [3, 136-137]. System cog Volodko has discomfort that affects his appearance:

he lost weight and turned black because of the “shame” number recording. Due to the

growing parts by graduation art the author showed Volodko being guilty not only in

the tragedy of the village, but also in grief of his own family.

As the revolution romantic of the novel "Me (Romance") by M. Khvyloviy,

Dimarov’s collectivization romantic feels personality split: on the one hand is the

duty, and the other hand is morality. Both ones choose duty. Typological relationship

is observed that the duty to the idea (system) is described through the death of

innocent people (the character of A. Dimarov organizes famine in the countryside).

However, the writers choose different style discourses: M. Khvyloviy preferred

lyrical base and all events were shown through the prism of character perception, A.

Dimarov chose epic images and put special stress on the artistic detail as a means of

concentrated expression of the idea of the author.

When Tverdokhlib had seen in the village hall his father-in-law, swollen from

hunger, his "throat squeezed" and "pity" was on his face. As lyrical character of

M. Khvylovy, there is a struggle between two "Me" ("Me" is a chairman of the

collective farm and the "Me" is a son-in-law)in his heart: he had to decide whether to

give bean bag for ability to live until the new crop, or not give. "A little more, and

Volodka would give up. He would order Komsomol people to give beans, which

were selected for planting. And suddenly he thought that if he concedes, the old and

young ones would say in the village, "Oh, yes, you see, he gave that to father-in-low,

but stealing ours! So that is Soviet power!.."[3, 161]. Extreme situation encourages


the character to make a choice. "We took the beans in proper way... We will not them

back..." – said Tverdokhlib. Hard choice of character, his inner pain is transmitting

details: Volodka’s face turned to stone, he frantically swallowed spittle as loudly as

possible, he refused the request of his father-in-law; "he didn’t look after father-in-

law, he looked at the place where he stood. There were bloody bare feet traces..."[3,


Volodko’s desire to self-actualize in the Bolshevik system in Holodomor

period was not satisfied, and a situation that V. Frankl called "existential frustration"

takes place [12, 246], – it appears in the noogenic neurosis form that occurs not in the

psychological, but in the mental – neological sphere of human existence.

The writer has interpreted Volodko’s internal suffering in manner of V. Frankl

as internal achievements because it leads character to spiritual perfection through the

existential crisis, though not quite completely the same happened. The artist

transferred both the regime’s servant desire to self-actualization and his purely human

fillings generated by the starving deaths of his wife's parents and by her silent

weeping in the Volodko’s image being strongly attracted by existentialism, with its

close attention to boundary situations of life and death In the intentions of author

Tverdokhlib is shown as a person who does not remained aloof from the outside

world and fill himself concerned about human misery. This author’s idea was

increased with the help of improper direct language: "Did he also want to let people

die this way? Whether he thought about it, taking bread away from the village? He,

Volodia, wished to do the best"[3, 162]. Such romanticism, transformed into

fanaticism and combined with promiscuity and thoughtless ardour makes Volodko

the victim of the system.

As we can see, A. Dimarov has shown forced collectivization and the related

Holodomor as a national disaster and his thoughts have something in common with

the idea expressed by O.Zabuzhko " The private land ownership abolition has not

only interrupted the organicity of Ukrainian nation that was safe and sound till the

XX century, its unity with nature and this generated ethnic culture unity, but it has


also undermined the objective basis of the personal sovereignty (Emphasis added by

A.G.), in other words it has aimed the core of the Ukrainian community as a

European one "[5, 33].

Thus, A. Dimarov brought to the fore of the real individual personal source,

which made his story some philosophical and journalistic sounds and determined the

socio-cultural communication strategy of the work referring back to the cultural and

historical realities of the 1930s and to the documentary material and existential


Unique and individual, spiritual and biographical experiences of the authors,

their ideological reflection overwhelmed with the emotional content of stories are

expressed in these literary texts along with the eternal (universal) and the historical

national (local, but at the same time overindividual) themes. Personal or biographical

subject, launched in the works of medieval literature ("Confessions" by St.

Augustine, "History of Abelyar’s wandering", "hagiography of archpriest Avvakum’s

life"), is clearly present in the autobiographical prose of the last two or three centuries

(from "Confessions" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and early Tolstoy’s trilogy to

"Travelling in youth" by M. Rylskyi, "The third company" by V. Sosiura, "The

Enchanted Desna" by O. Dovzhenko, "The siege" by Hr. Tiutiunnyk, "The silent

person " by V. Blyznets, "Embankment, 12 " by Val. Shevchuk, and others).

Time has the ability to acquire personal survey in works of art. As Pachlowska

has noted " The new understanding of time started from the sixtiers. Fixed gala time

of the System aimed at not too detailed "bright future" was just the “quantitative

depersonalization time”, indifferent to the needs and concerns of the individual,

alienated from the particular course of life. The existential time of Sixtiers was

personal, and therefore qualitative. It discovered the uniqueness of each moment of

human existence, its individual self-sufficient value ... The time is a fate and the

destiny is a choice. Therefore the time is inseparable from the essential and

determinant aspects of life such as birth, death, love, memory, catharsis, hope ... "[8,

69] (emphasizes added by the author – A.G.).


According to R. Korogodsky, the creative works of both Val. Shevchuk, Hr.

Tiutiunnyk Ye. Hutsalo and V. Drozd, demonstrates "a specific historical and cultural

response to the previous period of literary and artistic experience, which was usually

predominated by rosy-cheeked hero, representative of the collective consciousness,

and where the personal slice of the life was leveled and substituted by collective,

standardized, and in fact non-existent codex, when a pale semblance of life replaced

its full-blooded, deeply coded nature "[6, 52].

The world of the individual, purely conventional inner feelings of usual, not

deeply engaged in regime person with his or her own cares and joys, dreams and

hopes is the main object that helps us to know the story "Embankment, 12 "written by

Val. Shevchuk. The specific reality related to the period of author’s life in Zhytomyr

identified major challenges of the work line (focus on the man, his private life, the

struggle for an authentic life, freedom of choice). The writer admitted that "his wife’s

letters in which she describes the life in her yard in Kiev were used as materials for

this story," and that he "moved the action of the story to Zhytomyr and added to it a

number of purely Zhytomyr images"[16, 464] while he was interpreting life's facts

and editing the content of " Embankment, 12 " due to this facts.

The outside world of "Embankment, 12" is represented as an existential space

of the individual who is trying to overcome the absurdity of life and bring some logic

and sense into it. The novelist highlighted the person in connection with regularities

of the era, at the same time reaching the concentrated and informative representation

of human behavior and social purposes specific models, applying to the ellipsis of

established human relationships series with the realities of everyday life.

The heroes of the story are mostly represented by residents of Ukrainian cities

and almost each of them suffers because of loneliness, feeling it as a spiritual

handicap: monotony, mechanically existence that makes sense of absurdity more

deep and leads to the perception of life as a movement in a meaningless vicious

circle. However, the characters confront the loneliness, trying to understand

themselves and get out from the depressing social and personal circumstances (the


lack of family, the possibility of self-actualization and others), they are looking for

the absolute value and do not fall under the total alienation influence. Of course, a

shoemaker Paulo ("Embankment, 12") is an image of a man who has suffered in a lot

of grief his life ( Holodomor of 1930, the devastation by war, severe post-war years).

Paulo is trying to find the strength to live in religion and in the male community

realizing his alcohol dependence and family grief caused by this fact. The teacher

Anna, who lives in the same building on the Embankment, 12 have the same problem

of loneliness. She tries to fill the spiritual emptiness with work "tired and broken, she

was coming back to home ... And everything around was deserted and empty ..." [15,

48], but the real joy of this still young woman gets from a friendly relationship with

her husband. Plot structure of the story, devided into the individual fate scenes of the

house inhabitants, recreating vicious spiritual space, while "each individual road

leads inward of themselves" [6, 73].

The parallel image of the house interior signs of which are submitted in the

form of a kaleidoscope (lonely lightbulb; the corridor reeking of kerosene; dirty

painted walls in the kitchen) and the physical and internal state of the characters (the

teacher is "tired and broken"; the bookkeeper is "stopped frightened by something"

and "has a blank look", Theodore " cold-bloodedly replied") and brings up to the

mythological interpretation of the house (khata) image – it expresses the ancient ideas

of human well-being and happiness of the family. The house in Val. Shevchuk’s

vision has some signs of sacredness, it is a symbol of the necessity for harmony

between the man and the universe, some reminders for people about hidden ways of

improvement, which they must follow during their lives.

The process of the author editing has particularly affected the teacher’s

behavioral model, in the creation of which Val. Shevchuk showed his deep

knowledge of the female psychics and the ability to attentively observe the life.

Inspired by feelings to the widowed neighbor Mikola Haydayenko, Anna Ivanivna

reflects upon "There are things that should be in a human's life: a woman should not

remain lonely, child children should not be deprived of their parents, people should


not feel the emptiness around them" [15, 113]. This thought correlates with calls of

H.Skovoroda "Listen to yourself", "Know yourself." At the same time the writer

continued the traditions of positive existentialism launched by N. Abbagnano and

based on – "optimistic" existential happiness, blessedness, hope, peace, gratitude, –

implemented at the level of the soul of the individual, family, relationships between

men and women. The idea of harmonious improvement the human society and family

in general and the individual in particular, the impossibility of women's and men's

worlds existence apart and the need for education of children in full families was

claimed in this synecdochal way.

In accordance to Camus The sense of the existence absurdity can be detected in

acute experience of time passing through. L. Tarnashynska said that his works

confirms the irreversibility of time and causes a feeling that "everything in this world

is connected to everything. And the chain is endless, as time and as a human memory,

"[9, 136], trying to express Val. Shevchuk views on human life through the category

of time. Thus, Victor from the "Rooster shout at the sunrise" story prone to adultery

due to weak spiritual connection with Miroslava, wondering about the problem of

time, think that life is full of "errors and seductive secrets", "you need to learn to stop

on time as well as to limit yourself ", that "man needs a limit, otherwise he or she will

always be dissatisfied and do not have time to do anything "[14, 67]. Thoughts of

Val. Shevchuk about the eternal philosophical problem of time are organically linked

with spirituality, humanity and desire of personal fulfillment, projected on the mind

of the reader.

Therefore artistic works of Ukrainian writers marked with the communicative

potential can reflect the important cultural and historical realities in their enigma and

diversity, represent the comprehension of spatial and temporal certainty of national

life, the confessional self-disclosure of artists, their attention to the personal issues, as

well as they can reveal the actual problems of authors’ texts publication and self

edition, including such as the psychology of art, the technology of self-edition,


generic and history of the text that is now particularly important for literary and

social communication studies and determine the prospects for further researches.


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УДК 655.42

Halyna Hret


У статті досліджено риси, критерії та показники оцінки

конкурентоздатності книготорговельного підприємства, методи її визначення,

управління нею. Виявлено чинники, що впливають на конкурентоздатність

підприємств у книжковій торгівлі.

Ключові слова: книготорговельне підприємство, конкурентоздатність,

оцінка, показник, управління

В статье исследовано черты, критерии и показатели оценки

конкурентоспособности книготоргового предприятия, методы ее определения,

управление ею. Определены факторы, влияющие на конкурентоспособность

предприятий книжной торговли.

Ключевые слова: книготорговое предприятие, конкурентоспособность,

оценка, показатель, управление.

The article studies and analyses features, criteria, indices of valuation of book

trade company сompetitiveness and its management. The author has defined factors

influencing competitiveness of book trade companies.

Key words: book trade company, сompetitiveness, evaluation, index,


Relevance of the study. At the book market any book trade company constantly

compete for a consumer (buyer). The possibility of business to survive under these

conditions depends on its competitiveness, which determines its position of the

wholesale or retail trade book market. Practical issues of realization and evaluation of

the competitiveness of the book trade companies still are unresolved. Necessity to

develop the theoretical base and to work out practical recommendations on

improvement of competitiveness of book trade business makes this article absolutely

urgent and important.


The aim of this work to describe specific features of competition in book trade

business, to identify parameters of their competitive abilities.

To achieve the aforesaid aim the following tasks were stated: to evaluate the

competitive abilities of companies based on a system of individual, group

(consolidated), integrated indices and to identify reserves for competitiveness

management improvement.

Scientific novelty of the results is in the development of organizational

principles for evaluation, assessment and management of the competitiveness of book

trade companies based on the current experience of production sector and

extrapolating them to the bookselling market .

Analysis of recent researches and works. Problems of competitiveness of

manufacturing companies, its management, assessment of competitive ability,

analysis of competitors have been studied by many scientists, such as W. Humennyk,

O. Kondur, O. Kopchak, O, Nykolyuk, D. Panasenko and others. The issues of

competitiveness of commercial companies are covered in the works of L. Lihonenko,

A. Mazaraki, N. Ushakova. The experience of foreign researchers expressed in works

of E. Heckscher, B. Olin, M. Porter, D. Ricardo and the other authors contains the

important material for finding of rules and ways of enhancing and use of

competitiveness to optimize book distribution in Ukraine.

The category “competitiveness” has different interpretations in the economic

literature. To characterize it D. Ricardo uses the concept of comparative costs, E.

Heckscher and B. Olin use comparative advantage and M. Porter – comparison of

competitive advantages, factors of management and effective use of resources [2, 67].

However, all researchers agree that comparative and time (dynamic) pattern are the

characteristic features of this index.

Competitiveness of the company is an integrated characteristic of enterprise

(company) at a definite competitive market in the relevant operating conditions that

objectively reflects the integrity of its comparative advantage in the important spheres


of functioning, synergistic combination of which enables the company to take a

respective place at the book market [4, 36].

At present competitiveness reflects success and effectiveness of company

business at the book market and is influenced by a number of common factors. These

include the quality of satisfaction of consumer demand (volume and structure of trade

turnover, its growth rate, trading methods, competitiveness of sold goods,

completeness of the process of purchase of books). Efficient functioning of the

bookselling business, efficiency of use of trade, labour, fixed assets, attraction of

capital is very important for competitiveness. Competitiveness also determines

resource potential of the book trade company which includes volume and sources of

finances, organization of goods supply, productivity of concluded contracts of

purchase of goods.

Competitive analysis is aimed at identification of opportunities, threats and

finding of strategic uncertainties that could be created by competitors at the book

market. The analysis begins with the identification of the main and potential

competitors. The next step is a deep and thorough examination of various aspects of

their business: mission, objectives, strategy, strong and weak points. Rivalry among

existing companies starts owing to the fact that one enterprise or a chain gets an

opportunity to meet consumer demands better or there is a necessity to improve its

business. The main means of competition include lower prices, improved product

characteristic, the better customer service, special ways of promotion of goods at the

market, launching of a new products, and take the advantage of blind spots of the


Competitiveness is one of the important indicators of standing of the company

as business unit that determines the prospects for its further development, possibility

to achieve strategic goals and objectives. Maintaining or increasing of competitive

ability can be considered as one of the strategic business aims (objectives) of the



Regardless of the intensity of competition, every book trade company develops

efficient strategy provides competitive advantage. During the formation of the book

trade business strategy we should take into account the factors that significantly

affect the intensity of competition:

- competition is strong, when demand for a product increases slowly;

- competition increases when economic conditions in the book trading make

bookstores to reduce prices ;

- competition increases when customers costs during the transition from

consumption of one kind of books to the other is not substantial;

- competition becomes more intensive when one or more companies or chains

are not satisfied with their share at the market and try to increase it conquering their

competitors share;

- competition is enhanced pro rata to increasing of profits from successful

strategic decisions;

- competition is stronger, when the company must spent more to release the

market than to remain there and to participate in the competition;

- course of the competition is the less predictable the more differing are

priorities of the companies their strategies, resources, personal qualities of their


Management of the company competitiveness is an essential integral function

of management, effective implementation of which forms the basis for successful

operation of the business at the book market.

Management of competitiveness is based on a target strategic program that

connects technological, organizational and commercial structure of operation of the

company or the whole chain.

Competitive selection contributes to the competitiveness of the bookselling

business. The features according to which competition makes its selection are divided

into formal and real.


The formal characteristics are market position of the company, access to credit

resources, participation in business associations, the degree of adaptation to changes

in competitive situation and the other characteristics of relations between the

companies. In respect of book trade business we should also mention such

characteristics as range of new capital formation, losses from “trade wars”,


Real features include the ability to improve product sales methods, innovations

potential, forms of cooperation. Competitive advantage in this case is not attributed to

the volume of assets or ability to control market but a higher level of sales process

organization. Book trade business uses entrepreneurial strategy, focusing

competitiveness on promotion and development of new technologies and rapid

adaptation to market changes. There is a strong interaction between real and formal

competitive selection.

Evaluation of competitiveness of book trade business involves identification of

the circle of companies-competitors, collection of information about their activities,

formation of a system of evaluation indices, information processing and getting of

generalizing evaluation of the competitive ability of the enterprise [2, 70-75]. In

modern conditions the book trade business more and more often identified the main

competitors under such criteria as variety of products, market segments, pricing and

distribution channels; determination of the strategy of competitors and techniques

that they use in the fight for market; possible organizational structure and financial

position of the businesses competitor is also studied; pricing policy of competitors

and promotion of books on the market is also analysed. Book trade company working

with the competitors in a single regional market or its particular segment should

correspond to their assortment structure turnover, width and depth of the range of

goods and commercial services offering and existing in the same phases of the life

cycle of the company and usually, as a rule, have similar strategic development goals.

They are characterized by the presence of access and equality of opportunities of


formation of the resource potential of the company (primarily, on the purchase of

commodity resources, market investment and innovation).

Evaluation of competitiveness of the company is based on effectiveness of its

business process compared to its competitors. In this case, perhaps the most

important and difficult is to develop the system of indices that would fully describe

the factors (some competitive advantages) forming the competitive status of business

entity. For this research it is reasonable to use the method of integrated assessment

that takes into account the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of competitive

advantage. Their numerical interpretations define indices of economic activity which

are modified as a result of the formation of these benefits and at the same time

strengthen the position of the company within its competitive environment. The

presence of competitive advantage means that the book trade company lives its

competitors behind. For a quantitative description of such advance it is advisable to

calculate the ratio of the highest among competitors level of index to the actual level

achieved by the company (in case of the existence of a direct connections of index to

competitiveness), or the actual value of the business entity to the largest in the

industry (in case of the existence of an inverse connection to competitiveness) [3, 31].

In the process of marketing research evaluation the competitiveness of the

book trade can be performed with the application of quantitative indices showing the

degree of stability of its position, the ability to sell the book products that are in

demand at the market and enables the company to achieve planned and stable final


To evaluate the competitiveness of books that are in demand, there is a system

of individual, group (generalized) and integrated indices.

A single index is a percentage ratio of specific economic parameter value to the

value of the same parameter at which needs is completely satisfied theoretically.

Group (generalized) index combines fragmentary indices and characterizes the

degree of satisfaction of demands in general.


Integral index is a quantitative characteristic of competitiveness of the goods,

which is the ratio of the group index of technical parameters to the group index for

the economic parameters [1, 99].

To evaluate the dynamics of changes in competitive abilities level under the

influence of various factors for a certain period the indices of competitiveness should

be calculated. .

Competitiveness of the company can only be evaluated by comparing its

conditions, resources and results of book trade business with a selected group of

companies that are defined as its competitors.

Information necessary to evaluate competitive ability of the company can be

obtained by collecting of objective quantitative information about the main

commercial and financial results of the companies-competitors got from accounting,

statistical and tax reports; book market reviews, the materials of branch and special

presses, specially ordered researches, sociological surveys, random observations,

involving of experts etc.

Evaluation of competitiveness of book trade company is conducted by the

methods of differences, that means determination of advantages and disadvantages of

the company based on some indices that are compared (evaluation objects) only with

one company-competitor. Using the method of ranks, we can identify strong and

weak sides of the company that is evaluated in its battle with the competitors and the

most competitive company can be determined on the criterion of minimum or

maximum acquired ranks. Application of the method of points makes it possible to

make general quantitative evaluation competitive position of the company in the

presence of several competitors. This method involves drawing up a matrix of

evaluation indices to compare the company to its competitors and to select the best

meaning of certain index in a given list of companies and to attribute it determined

point value (under self- adopted evaluation scale). The method of standard is used to

demonstrate areas of competitive advantages and disadvantages of the company [2,



Method of points is more often used in book trade and the method of standards

is used very seldom.

It should be noted that the competitiveness as a characteristic of business

should be purposefully formed on the basis of appropriate management acts. Within

contemporary conceptual approaches to management process- structured approach

based on a combination of systemic, situational, functional, dynamic and other

approaches has been applied more and more. The process of management of the

company competitiveness on the basis of process – structured approach has not been

used at book trade companies yet. Its implementation involves two stages. First is the

fulfilment of general management functions such as:

- planning of competitiveness of the company, which involves the development

of competitive strategies, formation of programs to support the competitive ability of

the company, etc.;

- organization aiming to optimize the organizational structure of management

according to market demands and objectives of the company in the field of


- motivation of involved entities to enhance the competitiveness of the

company based on the use of forms and systems of salary payment, remuneration,

bonuses, premiums, wage plus payments, discounts;

- control over the parameters of competitiveness to ensure effective response.

Secondly, the formation of management methods as the way of influence of

administrative system of the company to the administrated one. Among the methods

of management we can specify economic (strategic plans, programs of improving of

competitiveness of the company, budgets, estimates, incentives); technological

(process schedules, business hours); social and psychological (moral incentives,

working conditions, social development plan); administrative (regulations, decrees,

orders, instructions, regulations, guidelines, rules and procedures that are aimed to

ensure an appropriate level of competitiveness) [4, 36].


Management of book trade company competitiveness is a complex, multistage

process which requires taking into consideration all the areas of its operation and the

proper resources. Application of process – structured approach to management will

contribute to intensify competitiveness of the book trade business in Ukraine.

Proper and effective use of methods of study of competitive environment helps

to increase volume of sales of books and to rise profitability that is one of the main

objectives of book trade business.


1. Humennyk V. I Management of organizations: study guide [Menedzhment

organizatsiy] / Humennyk V. I, Kondur O. S., Kopchak Y. S., K.: Znannya, 2012,

504 p.

2. Mazaraki A. A. Economy of trading company [Economika torgovelnogo

pidpryemstva]: textbook / Mazaraki A. A., Lihonenko L. O., Ushakov N. M., K:

Khreschatyk, 1999, 800 p.

3. Nykolyuk O. M. “Evaluation of business competitiveness” [Otsinka

konkurentnospromozhnosti pidpryemstva] / Nykolyuk O. M. // Modern company

management [Upravlinnya suchasnym prdpryemstvom]. Materials of VIII

International Scientific Conference, Kyiv, March 22-23, 2012 K.: NUHT, 2012, pp.


4. Panasenko D.A. “Company competitiveness management based on process-

structured approach [Upravlinnya konkurentnospromozhnistyu pidpryemstva na

zasadah protsesno-strukturovanogo pidhodu]/ Panasenko D. A. Modern company

management [Upravlinnya suchasnym pidpryemstvom]. Materials of VIII

International Scientific Conference, Kyiv, March 22-23, 2012 K.: NUHT, 2012, pp.


5. Tymoshyk M. S. Publishing and editing business [Vydavnycha sprava i

redaguvannya]/ Tymoshyk M. S., K.: Nasha kultura i nauka, 2004, – 224 p.


УДК 655.413:050(44+73)

Alla Mykolayenko




У статті проаналізовано діяльність редакції, змістове наповнення та

оформлення українського часопису «Смолоскип» у Франції та США. Виявлено

значення журналу в становленні однойменного видавництва імені Василя

Симоненка в еміграції.

Ключові слова: часопис «Смолоскип», Осип Зінкевич, видавництво

«Смолоскип», українська діаспора.

В статье проанализирована деятельность редакции, содержательное

наполнение и оформление украинского журнала «Смолоскип» во Франции и

США. Раскрыто его значение в становлении одноименного издательства имени

Василия Симоненко в эмиграции.

Ключевые слова: журнал «Смолоскип», Осип Зинкевич, издательство

«Смолоскип», украинская диаспора.

The article analyses activity, content and design of Ukrainian magazine

«Smoloskyp» in France and the USA. The author studies importance and

development of «Smoloskyp» Publishing House named after Vasyl Symonenko in


Key words: magazine «Smoloskyp», Osyp Zinkevych, Publishing House

«Smoloskyp», Ukrainian diaspora.

During the years of independence of Ukraine many suppressed by totalitarian

system names of writers and public figures of 1960-1970's was rehabilitated. The

curtain of silent over the main Ukrainian diaspora publishing centres was slightly

opened. Among them special place is occupied by Publishing House “Smoloskyp”

(Torch), which started its work in the U.S. and now continues it in Ukraine. However,

until now there is no research works that would comprehensively studied the role of


magazine “Smoloskyp” in organization and establishment of the publishing house.

The fact that this subject is not unexplored determines the relevance of the subject of

this article.

The aim of this work is to describe activity of the editors of magazine

“Smoloskyp” as a forerunner of the publishing house of the same name.

The aim has defined the following tasks: to study the state of research of this

subject in the Ukrainian historiography; to study conditions of creation of the

magazine in exile; to evaluate the role of O. Zinkevych in the publishing of the

magazine; to discover the development of “Smoloskyp” from the magazine to

publishing house; to analyse how the magazine announced the birth of the first books

of the publishing house.

First of all, it should be mentioned that the establishment of the Publishing

House “Smoloskyp” in emigration is strongly connected with the person of O.

Zinkevych who has been caring about publishing center till now. We should start

from the pages of his biography to see how long the history of “Smoloskyp” is.

Detailed interviews and materials about O. Zinkevych were publishes on pages

on the English-language magazine «Welcome to Ukraine Magazine» which

represents Ukraine abroad, newspapers “Dzerkalo tyzhnya” (Weekly Mirror) and

“Literaturna Ukraina” (Literary Ukraine). O. Zinkevich is native of Snyatyn region of

Ivano –Frankivsk province. His father, who was a soldier of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen

led by Y. Konovalets and colonel A. Melnyk was shot by the Germans during the

war. Then O. Zinkevych was called to the army. Journalist and writer N. Poznyak

writes about emigration of the soldier: “He participated in the liberation of Prague,

even got medal "For Courage" presented by Marshal Konyev. However, even at that

time the head of a young soldier who knew the truth about the "Soviet reality" was

full of plans to go abroad. And taking the advantage of the first opportunity he went

to West Germany, which was under the control of the U.S. forces” [13, 48-50]. But

he didn’t plan to stay in Germany. In one of his interviews O. Zinkevych confessed:

"... It was my dream: to get to France, to Paris! Either to work or study but to stay in


France. The Germans shot my father, and I saw what they did in Ukraine and I did

not want to stay in Germany "[7 ]. France has become a landmark country not only in

the life of O. Zinkevych but also in the history of the magazine “Smoloskyp” in


Detained by French police during illegal border crossing O. Zinkevych during

one year worked in a coal mine in order to avoid deportation, where he organized the

Ukrainian youth community. Later in Paris he was lucky to get a refugee scholarship

for international education (thanks to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ukrainian

People’s Republic, professor Alexander Shulgin) and entered the Institute of

Industrial Chemistry. The students came to the idea of creating a journal, which was

supported by the A. Shtul – Zhdanovich, editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper

“Ukrainske slovo” ( Ukrainian word). In 1950-1952 twenty issues of the newspaper

published Ukrainian youth page called “Smoloskyp”, the creators of which thanks

only to their pure enthusiasm laid a solid foundation for further creation of, first of

all, the editors staff of the magazine, and later the publishing house.

Special attention we must pay to the fact that established magazine

“Smoloskyp” has become not only an ideological continuation of the columns in the

“Ukrainske slovo”(Uktainian word) but kept order of issues. In September 1952,

when the first (twenty- first) issue of the magazine was published the publishers

mentioned that it was the third year of publishing. This issue of the magazine is

opened with the editorial "To our readers!" where the editors wrote about transition to

the “second stage of development” of “Smoloskyp”, a special, full edition in the form

of magazine and defined main goals: "We want our magazine to be the body of the

progressive Ukrainian young people in foreign countries. It should represent the life

in its integrity, the needs, spirit, their rivalry and aspirations. And that is the most

importantly to acquaint them with the youth in Ukraine. And this is one of our most

important goals. To open emigration youth the condition, the way and the life which

millions of our friends survive, follow and have in Ukraine” [6, 1].


The editorial, the first article of the first issue, called “Horiyuchyy Smoloskyp”

(Burning Torch), literary critic and writer O. Gritsay was able to present “miraculous

and saving symbol of persistency, deadly and passionate willing to compete and fight

till achievement of intended ideal, close to the concept and likeness to burning

torch”[4, 2]. At the end of the article he stressed: "How good it is, what you gave this

name to the tribune of your word inspired by your young efforts” [4, 2].

The magazine “Smoloskyp” was published in Paris as a monthly periodical

until 1957 (№№ 21-79). The editorial board was headed by the editor-in-chief O.

Zinkevych. Besides France, branches of “Smoloskyp” worked in the USA (United

Countries of America, as it was called in the diaspora), Germany, Great Britain and


In July 1953 literature commission of association of Ukrainian Student

Organizations "Zarevo” (Glow) founded supplement of “Smoloskyp” the called

“Yunist” (Youth) continuing to issue its published body in the pages of the magazine.

Previous publishing activity of the organization had no significant success. The

supplement edited by L. Vynar contained mostly sharp journalistic and literary

materials, appeals to young people, announcements of the famous writers death. The

importance of “Yunist” (Youth) for this student organization is described by M.

Antonovych, the first leader of "Zarevo” (Glow), in the newspaper “Svoboda”

(Freedom); it happened that for some period, due to financial difficulties association

ceased to issue its publication “Rozbudova Derzhavy” (Nation Building) [1, 4].

Besides, publishing of “Smoloskyp” was terminated that brought students

associations to volatile situation and withdrew them from the territory where they

could express their minds.

Problem- thematic orientation of the magazine further determined repertory of

published books and social activities of Publishing House “Smoloskyp”. So, some

articles and column of the magazine like “Youth in struggle and resistance”,

“Ukrainian students and youth in exile” dedicated to the activity of Ukrainian

diaspora youth in the domestic and international field. The magazine starts to publish


the first articles about the messengers, persons who “illegally brought from Ukraine

Ukrainian samvydav (self-published) works and information about repressions,

Ukrainian political prisoners" [10, 275 ]. With the expressive heading ”Messengers

are Crossing Border” in № 4-5, 1956 the editors challenges closed Soviet system:

“Fear, tremble and know and you must know this – the border for us is not closed, it

is OPEN!” [8, 1]. Then, just thanks to the messengers manuscripts banned in the

USSR self-published works, art prints, photos of persons from dissident environment

came to the editors of “Smoloskyp”.

Equally important is the second thematic direction of the magazine – reflection

of life in mainland Ukraine, in particular in the regular columns: “Youth in Ukraine”

and “School in Ukraine”, “Selected humor and satire patterns from Ukraine”.

Editorials were devoted to the topic of the famine in 1931-1933, deportation of youth

in Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Altai, the arrival to Paris of twenty students from the

Soviet Union, which at that time was an unprecedented event since the last thirty

years [5, 1-12]. The editors also reflected Soviet reality and the problems of youth in

the Soviet Ukraine through direct witnesses of reporters who came back from the

Soviet Union (P. Jenkins, P. Sahaidak).

Another main topic, covered in detail in “Smoloskyp”, was sports (column

“About sport in Ukraine”, “Sport” (based on news from Soviet and foreign countries

press and radio) "Sports in Ukraine”). Having entered international sport events

members of “Smoloskyp” editorial board had the opportunity to communicate with

the Ukrainian representatives, moreover, to exchange samvydav works and

information about mainland Ukraine.

The magazine published parts from “Zacharova Desna” (Charmed Desna) by

O. Dovzhenko, “Arabesky” (Arabesque) by M. Khvylyovyi. One of the issues

analysed two variants of the poem “Zolotyi Gomin” (The Golden Sound of Voices)

by P. Tychyna (from his collections of 1922 and 1946). Variant published in 1946

was found to be falsified, that was proved with essential arguments. For example, the

word “God” was replaced by “time”, “prayer” by word “shake”. The lines in which


the poet mentions Christ, St. Andrew the First-called, crosses are deleted. In the note

of editors it was stressed: "The places removed or altered in the collection of 1946 are

printed in black type. It is clear that after such a fake poetry entirely losses its

character and leads the reader astray” [2, 6].

This and the other notes which we can find in the magazine is first of all an

example of culture of communication of the editor with readers. Congratulations on

holidays, notes “Read in the next number”, “To be continued”, published lists of

donators and press fund of “Smoloskyp” prove the attentiveness of the editors,

creators of the magazine to the smallest detail, intended to establish contact and

feedback from the readers.

Despite of absolute value of the magazine for Ukrainian diaspora we should

mention low professional level of its designing in terms of literature, art and technical

editing, which is analysed in detail by the scholar M. Tymoshyk [12, 162-233]. In

terms of literary editing analysed issues has a lot of grammatical and stylistic errors:

incorrect reduction (miln., m, km.), euphony mistakes (Симон Петлюра й Євген

Коновалець). Editor’s omissions occur even in the headlines of the front page (parts

which should have been corrected are in clarendon): «Культ Т. Шевчекка», «З

гумору і сатири в Укаїні», «В країні большевицького терору. Наше перше

інтрв’ю», «Два імена – одна ідея», «Депортаціі молоді в СССР». Typical for this

magazine technical mistakes are wrong hyphenation (only one small column on the

front page issue No 2 (26, 1953 we can find: я-/ка, О-/лена своє/ю я-/кої жін/ки

сльо/зи), extra spaces between words and punctuation marks, inconsistency with

hyphens and dashes, uppercase and lowercase letters, upside footers (in issue No 2

(26) 1953), unordered presenting of information about the authors, titles and subtitles.

Art editing of the magazine should have been more careful since its illustrative

materials are not clear and too limited for their perception.

Not scrutinize preparing of the magazine issue may be explained by the fact

that editors were not specialists in editing. Hardly is appropriate to criticize the work

of the team of “Smoloskyp”: we can only be grateful and thank them for their


enthusiasm. Significantly, that the publishers did not hesitate to recognize their

professional faults. "To Attention of Enemies of “Smolosky-p” is the heading of self-

critical article, that in mocking and half serious way demonstrates the ability of the

editorial board to notice, objectively analyze the bottlenecks of their publication, and

that is the most important with a definite sense of humor to confess mistakes before

the readers: "This magazine is absolutely uninteresting, senseless, sluttishly edited

etc., even not good to wrap it in your "wether” because it is printed not on a fine

paper… The best way is to put it at once in a basket!” The editors do not stop only on

confession of omissions but also make recommendations to the readers: ”If by chance

you started to read please, mark with red pencil all its shortcomings. Afterwards

calculate them carefully, write on a sheet of paper and signing a pseudonym send it to

a magazine that does not tolerate of “Smoloskyp” because can not stand everything

that is “young and green and push forward to the place where must not be” [3, 7].

This approach deserves only a positive assessment, as it helps to establish a favorable

contacts with the readers.

American period was a natural continuation of French period of the magazine.

After a three-year break from 1957 publishing of “Smoloskyp” was transfered to

Baltimore (№ № 80-125, 1960-1967).

American and French versions of the magazine are markedly different with

principles of layout and art and technical design. Cover of the updated edition gets

the form much more common for magazines: with big picture and special

announcement “In this issue”. The second page clearly presents initial data and

content. Texts and headings of publications are written with bigger, more expressive

type. Although it has remained some inconsistency of font as it was in French variant,

the materials are designed and presented much more better. Publishers paid more

attention to illustrations. Some pages of the magazine are photo-reports from youth

demonstrations and performances with detailed comments in cutlines to each picture.

There are fewer misprints and technical errors. Main topics of the magazine have not

changed, in fact, thanks to the art and design integrity and care of photo materials


perception of texts was also improved. The magazine acquires regular columns

“Youth and Education in Ukraine”. “Creative Youth in Ukraine and Abroad”,

messengers materials, reproduction of prohibited paintings (such as "Shvydka

Dopomoga” (First Aid) by I. Hrihor’yev).

Before the first book was published by “Smoloskyp” there was magazine

publication “Freedom to Svetlychnyi and Dzyuba!” that started protest action

"against the iron curtain, which fenced off Ukraine from the free world" [11, 1].

Later, issue №3, 1966 announced publishing of brochure of O. Zinkevych

“Svitlychnyi and Dziuba" in English which became the first swallow of the

publishing house. The announcement gave information about the content, price and

address to order publications. On the back cover page of the brochure it is written:

«Published by Smoloskyp Publishers “Zarevo” Magazine of Ukrainian Youth and

Students». Issues № 4-5 not only mentioned previous published book but announced

acceptance of orders for the next “Z Heneratsii Novatoriv” ("From the Generation of

Innovators) by O Zinkevych. By the same type of advertising the publishers blessed

issue of many of their books, among them – “Lyho z rozumu (Woe from Wit) by V.

Chornovol, “Sobor” (Cathedral) by O. Gonchar.

So, in 1950-1857, 1960-1967 magazine “Smoloskyp” in diaspora has become a

trumpet for Ukrainian youth in exile and for the dissidents from mainland Ukraine.

Problem- thematic direction of work of the editors of the magazine laid a solid

ground for foundation, development and activity of the same name publishing house

named after Vasyl Symonenko.


1. Antonovych M., “Publishing activity of ""Zarevo” and its future”

[Vydavnycha diyalnist “Zareva” ta ii maibutnye]/ Marko Antonovych, Svoboda, №

31, 1959, p.4.

2. “Bolshevik fake of "Golden sound of voices” [Bolshevytskyi falsyfikat

“Zolotogo homonu”], Smoloskyp, № 3 (61), 1956, p.6.


3. "To attention of enemies of “Smolosky-p” [Vorogam Smoloskypu pid

uvahu] Smoloskyp, № 8-9 (32-33), 1953, p.7.

4. Hrytsai O. “Burning torch” [Horyuchyi Smoloskyp]/ Ostap Grytsai/

Smoloskyp, № 1 (21), 1952, pp.1-2.

5. “Make them free! Soviet students in Paris [Daite yim svobodu! Spvuetski

studenty v Paryzhi], Smoloskyp, № 5 (41), 1954, pp.1,12.

6. “To our readers!” [Do nashyh chytachiv]: (editorial to magazine

Smoloskyp)// Smoloskyp, № 1 (21), p.1.

7. Dubynyanska Н. “Osip Zinkevych: coming back of the immigrant” [Osip

Zinkevych: Povernennya Emigranta [electronic resource]/ Dubynyanska Yana //

Dzerkalo tyzhnya, July 21, 2001. E-resource:

8. ”Messengers are crossing border” [Zvyazkovi perehodyat kordon]

Smoloskyp, № 4-5 (62-63), 1956, p.1.

9. Zinkevich O. "From the generation of innovators. Svitlychnyi and Dziuba”

[Z heneratsii novatoriv. Svitlychnyi i Dziuba]/ Osyp Zinkevych, Baltimore, Toronto:

Smoloskyp, 1967, 243 p.

10. Resistance Movement in Ukraine: [Ruh oporu v Ukraini:1960-1990]:

entsyclopaedic reference book/introduction of Osyp Zinkevych, Olesya Obertas, 2nd

edit, K.: Smoloskyp, 2012, 896 p.

11. “Freedom to Svetlychnyi and Dzyuba !” [Svobody Svitlychnomu I

Dzyubi], Smoloskyp, № 2 (117), 1966, pp. 1-4.

12. Tymoshyk M. S. How to Edit Books, Newspaper and Magazines: practical

guidance. [Yak redaguvaty knyzhkovi ta gazetno-zhurnalni vydannya]/ Mykola

Tymoshyk, K.: Nasha kultura i nauka, 2012, 384 p., (Series "Library of the publisher,

editor, author"[Biblioteka vydavtsya, redaktora, avtora]; vol. 4.

13. Poznyak N. Osyp Zinkevych: «I've Never been Disappointed!» / Natalya

Poznyak // Welcome to Ukraine Magazine, № 1 (28), 2004, pp. 48-50.


14. Zinkewych O. Svitlychny and Dziuba / Osyp Zinkewych, Baltimore-

Toronto: Smoloskyp, 1966, 52 p.

УДК 655.42

Svetlana Semerenko



Розглянуто показники, що характеризують виробництво й

розповсюдження книжкових товарів. Подано стислий аналіз товарної

пропозиції на книжковому ринку України впродовж 2011 року на основі

статистичних даних за обсягом та структурою книговиробництва, розглянуто

тенденції розвитку галузі за роки незалежності.

Ключові слова: кон’юнктура, книжковий ринок, економічні показники,

місткість, частка ринку, насиченість ринку, пропозиція, попит, ціна,

асортимент, видавництва, книжкова продукція, книжкова торгівля.

Рассмотрены показатели, характеризующие производство и

распространение книжных товаров. Дан краткий анализ предложения на

книжном рынке Украины на протяжении 2011 года на основе статистических

данных по объему и структуре книгопроизводства, рассмотрены тенденции

развития отрасли за годы независимости.

Ключевые слова: конъюнктура, книжный рынок, экономические

показатели, емкость, доля рынка, насыщенность рынка, предложение, спрос,

цена, ассортимент, издательства, книжная продукция, книжная торговля.

The article studies the main indicators characterizing production and

distribution of book. The author presents a brief analysis of commodity supply in the

book market of Ukraine in 2011 based on statistical data on the volume and structure

of book publishing and examines development trends in book publishing sphere

during the years of the independence.


Key words: market conditions, book market, economic indicators, capacity,

market share, market saturation, supply, demand, price, stock, publishing houses,

book products, book trade.

Market research allows us to identify the place of a company in it, to identify

competitors in the field, to assess the level of competition, to study the supply and

demand, to predict the prospects of goods or service, to determine the direction of

activities in order to meet the needs of customers. Market analysis is a framework for

developing of business strategy, study and prospect of market conditions – the most

important elements of the analysis.

The strategic problems of the book market in Ukraine at present are studied by

experts in this area and Ukrainian scientists: A. Afonin, M. Senchenko, A. Antonik,

Y. Barnych, H. Hret, B. Durnyak, K. Indutna, Y. Isayevych, O. Melnikov, W.

Teremko, M. Tymoshyk, L. Shvayka, A. Shtangret, S. Yankovska et al. Full statistics

accounting of the printed products is performed by the State Scientific Institution

“Book Chamber of Ukraine named after Ivan Fedorov" (subject to obligatory

presenting of a copy of a document) and the State Committee of Ukraine on

Television and Radio. Systematic analytical book review is made by S. Buryak [6 ].

Analysis of the current state of Ukrainian publishing business in the context of

the world and European book publishing has been presented by the President of the

Ukrainian Association of Publishers and Booksellers O. Afonin and Director of the

Book Chamber of Ukraine, Prof. M. Senchenko [5 ].

Pilot study of the demand of citizens for book products is performed by the

Chair of VPK of the Institute of Publishing and Polygraphy of the National Ukrainian

Technical University "KPI", Ukrainian Academy of Printing (Lviv), the Ukrainian

Association of Publishers and Booksellers, libraries which carried out research

activities (e.g. V. I. Vernadskyi Library). A comprehensive study of the book market

is held on the initiative of the International Fund "Renaissance " and the «Fund fur

Central and East Europen Book Projects Amsterdam» (the Netherlands) as part of

Ukrainian Book Trade Project (2006-2008).


It should be noted that currently there are no systematic opinion on this field

and recommendations on comprehensive overcoming of problems.

Book market as a socio- economic category is characterized by numerous

parameters, depending on the purpose of the study.

Market situation is a set of conditions determining specific economic situation

at some definite moment or period of time. Market situation is formed by various

factors and is expressed in specific economic indicators. Economic indicators by

themselves allow, on the one hand, to give a quantitative description of the situation

at the market, on the other make its possible to identify trends and tendencies of

market conditions and therefore to make some prediction.

Review of national and foreign sources suggests that today there is no single

approach to the formation of market situation indicators.

The system of market situation indicators should include selected data that

most accurately and quickly reflects major changes, direction and rates of

development of reproduction process and which may be used for determination of

market situation prospects.

For example, V. Karpov and V. Kucherenko distinguish the following groups

of volumetric economic indicators characterizing the state of the market: fixability,

business cycles and the dynamics of the market development, market supply, market

demand, the proportionality of the market, business activity and commercial risk [11,

37]. Scientist- marketing specialist S. Garkavenko [9, 65] proposes to reduce the

number of investigated factors that form economic condition, selecting the most

important of them and to divided them into three groups: material production indices

characterising the supply of goods; indicators of demand for goods (volume, share,

market saturation, effective demand, market potential, gross import, export,

movement of stock of goods); prices (absolute, relative).

One of the indicators of book market situation is its capacity – potential

volume of sales of goods at a certain price limits for a specific period of time. Level

of competitiveness is characterized with such indicator as market share that is the


proportion (percentage) of the total sales of book products of a certain company in

the same market total capacity. Saturation of the market is an indicator characterising

prospects for change in demand, expressed as a percentage and is defined as the

number of customers who have already purchased goods to the total number of

consumers. Dynamics of stock is an important indicator of the economic situation.

The amount of inventory is determined by the scale of demand, caused in its turn by

the process of reproduction. An important characteristic of the market is the indices

of proportionality, particularly the ratio of supply and demand. Indicators of the

structure of trade turnover : absolute and relative volume of sales (realization) of a

product or product group is part of a system of market proportionality performances

and its quality characteristics. Supply and demand are connected: on the one hand,

demand creates supply, which in turn somehow effects the demand. At the sales

market the demand is focused on limited selling offers, at the buyer's market the offer

is focused on the demand. But there is another position: supply creates demand (new

attractive product gains market creating new demand).

In the analysis of book market conditions the most important of its categories is

the first one in the system of indicators of market conditions, namely an offer


The proposal reflects the amount of goods that the manufacturer is willing and

able to produce and offer for sale during a certain period at a specified price [11, 39].

The group of parameters that characterize the area of production, which is the basis of

market conditions offer include production index; output in absolute and value units;

volume of production facilities; indicators of efficiency of production (productivity,

rate of return). For the purposes of conjunctural analysis indicators of production

conditions can be divided into indicators of output, its quality and competitiveness.

The volume of offer is affected by the following factors: the acuteness and level of

satisfaction of needs, the nature of demand, supply and prices of related goods, the

cost of production of goods and access to the necessary resources, market prospects,


income of potential buyers, developing of tastes, values, educational and cultural

level of the population, time and place of presentation of proposals [15, 31].

Book market as a whole is subject to all the laws of the market, but it has its

own peculiarity – it is the market of intellectual products. Publishing of book

products is a material manufacture which is specific due to the fact that its content is

created in the sphere of non-material production, which is designed to meet the

spiritual needs.

Volume of the market is determined by the volume of sales of goods and the

number and size of companies and businesses that are sellers in the market – primary

(producers) or resellers. With the help of special surveys the range of unorganized

and "black" markets can be defined and assessed. Number and size of companies,

distribution of their shares in the total turnover determine the scope and extent of


The structure of the book market by the subjects of economic relations is

differentiated according to their participation in the formation of the basic elements

of the market – commodity supply and demand. Publishers of printed matters are

functioning at the book market according to this principle; its manufacturers are

printing companies, which at the same time can be the publishers; resellers and

consumers of books.

Publishers form of commodity supply of printed products at the market. They

accept the risk of choosing the product to release it to the world, make the editorial

process of preparation of the product, organize and finance its printing, form

distribution channels.

As of October 20, 2011 the State Register of Publishers, Manufacturers and

Distributors of Publishing Products registered 5100 of publishing business entities (in

2006 the Book Chamber of Ukraine registered 1614 publishing business entities, in

2005 – 2549, in 2004 – 2133). 1600 of the total number carried out only publishing

business, 658 produce publishing products; 336 are engaged in distribution of

publishing products. All other business entities combine 2-3 kinds of publishing


activities. The most companies registered by the State Register of Publishing

Companies work in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Odesa and Kyiv

province and Crimea. [7]

According to book publishing statistic data, in 2011 books and brochures was

published in amount of 14359 pcs. that is 95.5% of the number of books printed in

the previous year. Number of printed copies increased by 219.5 thousand copies,

compared to the same period of the previous year, and this figure is 26940.8 thousand

copies. 9443 units were published in the Ukrainian language with a number of copies

amounted to 15158.2 thousand that is 96.1 and 120.4 percent in the previous year

respectively. 3350 units were published in Russian with a number of copies amounted

to 9255.2 (fig.1) that is 87.1 and 73.7 percent compared to the previous year [7].

(-Amount of editions in Ukrainian, published copies.

-Amount of editions in Russian, published copies.

Надписи на малюнку 1)

Fig.1. Ratio of publications in Ukrainian and Russian

Publishing houses and publishing state-owned organizations issued 34.2 % of

the total number of books, 7.4 % of the total number of printed copies. [6]

Recently, we can see a trend of supplanting of the Russian language books by

books in Ukrainian. This substitution primarily refers to genre fiction for adults and

children, including translated. According to O. Afonin, the President of the Ukrainian

Association of Publishers and Booksellers, this phenomenon is caused by, on the one

hand, reduction of supply of fiction from Russian, on the other hand increasing

demand of Ukrainian citizens for Ukrainian-language books [4]

According to the analytical review “Situation with the Ukrainian Language in

Ukraine in 2011", presented on the occasion of the Day of the Ukrainian language

and literature, 2/3 of the total circulation of newspapers, 9/10 magazines and about 87

% of books offered to the readers in Ukraine is in Russian. The Ukrainian language

dominates only in the field of secondary education, film distribution and official

office work and record keeping, and radio and TV, service, press and book markets


are occupied mainly by Russian. The authors of the research consider that, still in

independent Ukraine there are powerful factors of Russification. [12]

According to publishing and printing statistics it has been recorded a decrease

of publishing of new editions both in variety of titles, and copies. Reduction of new

titles is reported first of all by publishers who with art and reference literature. For

thematic sections predominant is the issue of political and socio -economic literature,

fiction, literature on education, culture and technical books (mainly these are books

for schools and higher educational institutions). Number of literature for children and

youth (both number of titles and copies) and popular scientific literature has been


According to the analytical parameters obtained after processing the

information provided by the publishers (as of July 1, 2011) [4 ] the dynamics of

changes in the average volume of published copies has a positive tendency: an

increase was achieved at the expense of art, applied, education literature and books

for children. Average volumes of published copies of reference, social and economic,

art literature and dictionaries have been decreased. Number of publishing houses

which lost circulating assets has increased (40 %). The steady drop in turnover is

demonstrated by the publishers engaged in publishing of political, artistic, reference

and encyclopaedic literature. Growth in sales (about 30%) is typical for publishers

engaged in publishing of fiction and translated literature, history, science -fiction and

children's books, and a small growth (2.5%) was demonstrated by the publishers

working at the market of textbooks for higher educational institutions. The total

money circulation in the branch indicates that growth due to the accumulation of own

working capital have not been observed in any genre fields.

In Soviet times it was published 10 books per capita. Strategic problems of

publishing business in Ukraine appeared in the early 90 th of the XX century when

intensive destruction of this branch infrastructure was started (denationalization and

privatization of the State Association “Ukrknyha”). In 1990 in Ukraine there were

published 3.3 books per capita, starting from 1994 it was less or more than one book


per capita in different periods. (Fig. 2). For example, Spain published about 8 books,

Russia – 4.5, Italy – 4.4, Belarus – 4.1, USA – 2.4 per capita. The condition for

optimal cultural development of the society is the issue of 3-6 books per person. The

Ukraine is behind (4-5 times) in the number of published variety of titles: 100

thousand people – less than 25 titles (80-100 is considered to be acceptable volume)

[17 ].

As we can see the peak of book publishing in Ukraine was in 1988-1989 when

more than 189,505 copies of books were published, that constituted 3.6 books per one

citizen of Ukraine. As it is shown in the diagrams (Fig. 3, Fig. 4) aftrwards book

publishing fell in 1999 to 21,985.6 thousand copies, so decreased by 8.6 times and

amounted to only 0.45 books per person. Since 2000 we can see a growth in book

publishing industry and in 2001-2008 it reaches stabile position in number of

published copies and significant, by 30-40 percent, increase in the number of titles of

published books. During this tree times more titles of books was published in

Ukraine. In 2007, in Ukraine it was published 1.2 book per person (by the way, such

index we had in 1940), in 2008 it was 1.26 books and in 2009 (the crisis year) it was

registered 1,05 books per capita. In 2010, publishing of books per capita was less

than one – 0.98, there were published only 66 more new books and number of copies

was reduced by nearly 3.5 thousand copies compared with 2009.

According to statistic data, during the last three years Ukrainian publishers

prefer political, social and economic, art, technical and natural and scientific

literature for education and culture. There is a fairly small titles of books of universal

literature, art history books, bibliography, physical culture and sports.

In Ukraine some books can be published with 5 thousand of copies. It means

that directly after publishing it becomes bibliography rarity that only one of three

persons can buy it. Other three people, even if they have the money to do have

possibility to get it due to lack of books as such.

One of the main components of book market is sales, mainly book trade. The

general trend is degradation, changes in the system of bookselling: reduction of the


number of bookstores; evicting of bookstore from rented premises; creation of chains

controlled by large publishing holdings and as a result, the displacement of

independent bookstore from the market, which automatically reduces chances of

small and medium-sized publishing houses to survive and development; most

bookselling chains have strong contacts with the interested Russian publishing

houses; lack of competitiveness of the sector; unacceptable conditions of supply of

books and payments for their selling; no restrictions in trade extra charge applied by

book selling chains; poor culture of work with books and customers; absence of

wholesale segment in the book trade and so on.

In the early 90th of the XX century number of bookstores exceeded ten times a

number of publishers. Now the number of full-range bookstores (with floor area over

100 sq. m.) selling mainly Ukrainian books has declined from 4,000 in 1991 to nearly


As of the beginning of January 2011 Ukraine has 8511 retail book trade units,

including 1409 bookstores, 7102 book stalls and book stands [7]. Now the positive

trend of increasing in number of bookstores is observed in the following regions:

Donetsk, Transcarpathian, Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi

region and in the city of Sevastopol. Some reduction in number of bookstores in the

second half of 2010 in Zhytomyr, Zaporizhxha, Luhansk and Sumy regions was


Access of Ukrainian readers to products of national publishers is determined

primarily by such indicator as volumes of books supplied to book trade units. The

best increase in supply, according to data provided by the Ukrainian Association of

Publishers and Booksellers [ 4] can be observed in fiction – 46%, popular science and

applied literature – 40 %, fiction for children and teenagers, developmental literature

– 23.8%. 64% of publishers reported the decline in volumes of supply of own

commercial print production (average by 30.7%) (genre of political literature,

textbooks for schools of all levels of accreditation, dictionaries, reference books,



Full-range operation of the book market is affected by the absence of the

wholesale segment in the book trade. Wholesale has a number of problems associated

with high transport rates, lack of information systems serving the publishing industry

and underfunded libraries.

Most of the bookselling business actually works only with Russian books, in

the range offered by them Ukrainian books take at best 10-12%, most bookstores of

Ukraine sell books published in Russia and Belarus. The predominance of imported

Russian books in the East of Ukraine, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhsha

regions is associated with language situation (places of compact residence of people

of Russian nationality and the vast majority of Russian-speaking population).

Russian book publishing chains with a strong potential (annually produce

books in a volume exceeding Ukrainian "work" 6.5 times in titles, 14,5 times in

number of published copies) [3 ] have occupied key positions in the book market of

Ukraine and dictate "unacceptable, non-transparent and neglecting and in some

chains even onerous conditions that are hard to be considered a form of cooperation"

[3] such as: long period of payment for supplied products, failure to comply with

terms of agreements, sometimes trading margin is more than 150 percent of the

selling price of publishing house, non reporting of information about number of sold

books, charging of the publishers with all losses from buyer’s underpayment of

products, returning of book products in the non-tradable form (labelled with magnetic

and brand stickers, damaged) etc.

The basic precondition of offer (supply) determination is a possession of

information about character and range of demand, which is a basis for decision-

making on of consumer values, quantity and price of goods [15, 31]. It should be

noted that at present there is no systematic studies in this area and the lack of

information: statistics of retail trade of prints, export, import of books, the structure

of media in the country and place of books in it, the structure of free time which the

citizens have and its use, structure of family budget and place of costs for means of

information in it, including books, study of reading by different age groups and so on.


Publishing statistics do not fully reflect the actual state of the industry due to the fact

that not all publishers of the book market in Ukraine present a copy (that is

obligatory) to the Book Chamber for registration (due to objective and subjective

reasons). The results of the above analysis indicate that positive changes in this

branch have not yet occurred. We have failed to return positive tendencies of the

book market lost during the years of crisis in the economy of Ukraine. According to

the expert opinion, the main reason is a lack of the state strategy of humanitarian

development, strategy of development, improvement of modern Ukrainian identity

regardless of age, gender and occupation. In Ukraine it is necessary to draw the

Government's attention to the state of Ukrainian book, to activity of book distribution

companies and bookstores for "the official recognition of a book first of all as a

cultural phenomenon and then as a subject material production" [5, 29]; ensuring of

favourable investment climate for Ukrainian business resources for development of

book trade system; working out of contractual terms mutually favourable for the

publishers and distributors of books; preservation of preferential taxation regime for

publishing business. We must create the right conditions for the state publishing

tenders; marketing policy to enhance high level and provide funding of system

statistics, sociological studies; to separate in statistics publishing business and book

trade; to improve pricing policies and principles of determination of books selling

process; to set business rents for publishing and bookselling business at the same

level as for cultural and educational institutions; to contribute to the revival of the

book selling through “Book by mail" system with the involvement of private capital;

to develop a national program of Ukrainian book promotion abroad.

Promotional market activities, advertising, popularization of reading,

creativity, innovation in creation of new categories of book products plays the

significant role in the development of the industry. Tendencies of the national market

correlate with the world trends. New forms of electronic media such as AudioBook,

CDBook, EBook have appeared and are widely used but nevertheless the mankind

still prefers buying paper books.



1. Akopov A. I. Features of Russian book market. Marketing and management

in publishing business [Osobennosti rossiyskogo knizhnoho rynka. Marketing I

menedzhment v izdatelskom dele], electronic resourse / A. I Akopov, access via:

2. Antonyk O. “Studies in book publishing – to eliminate conflicts.”

[Doslidzhennya v knyzhkoviy spravi-likviduvaty superechnist], electronic resource,

access via:

3. Afonin O. “Publishing and bookselling chains. Chronicle of relations

[Vydavnytstvo ta knygotorgivelni merezhi. Khronika vidnosyn], electronic resource

// Portal of Ukrainian book industry [site] / O. Afonin. – access via:

4. Afonin O. “Condition of Ukrainian books in the first half of 2011” [ Stan

ukrainskoi knyhy v mezhah 1-go pivrichchya 2011 roku], electronic resource // Portal

of Ukrainian book industry [site] / O. Afonin, access via::

5. Afonin O. V. Ukrainian book in the context of global publishing [Ukrainska

knyha v konteksti sviyovogo knygovydannya], O. V. Afonin, K.: Knyzhkova palata

Ukrtainy, 2009, 277 p.

6. Buryak S. “Analytical Review of book published in the first half of 2011”

[Analitychnyi ohlyad vypusku knyzhkovyh vydan za pershe pivrichcha 2011 roku] /

S. Buryak, Bulletin of the Book Chamber, 2011, № 7, 1-4pp.

7. Publishing. Statistical data [Vydavnycha sprava. Statystychni dani],

electronic resource] // The State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of

Ukraine, official website, access via: http:

// main? cat_id = 34099 .

8. Havenko S. F “Commodity research aspects of book quality management”

[Tovaroznavchi aspekty keruvannya yakistyu knyzhkovoi produktsii], electronic


resource//Knyhobachennya: [site]/ Havenko S. F., access via:

9. Harkavenko S. S. Marketing [marketyng]: textbook / S. S. Harkavenko, 5th

ed. ext., K.: Libra, 2007, 720 p.

10. Hret H. P. Modern book market condition in Ukraine [Konyuktura

knyzhkovoho rynku Ukrainy na suchasnomu etapi]/ H. P. Hret // Collection of

scientific works of the National Library of Ukraine named after N. I. Vernadskyi, K.,

2006, vol. 16, 335-341pp.

11. Karpov V. A. Marketing: market conditions forecasting [marketing:

prognozuvannya konyuktury rynku]: teaching guidance,/ V. A. Karpov, 2nd ed. Rev,

K.: T -vo “Znannya”, KOO, 20013, 284 p.

12. “Russian language dominates in press and book market” [na knyzhkovomu

rynku ta u presi panue rosiyska mova], electronic resource,// Drukarstvo. Specialized

online magazine: [site], access via:



13. Papamonova T. N. “Analysis of the market competition” [Analiz

konyuktury rynku], electronic resource, // T. N. Papamonova, access via:

14. Teremko V. “Marketing culture as a conceptual problem of publishing

industry in Ukraine” [marketyngova kultura yak kontseptualna problema

vydavnychoyi sfery v Ukraini], electronic resource, / Teremko V. /Osvita regionu,

2010, № 4, 158-162 pp. access via:

15. Teremko V. Basic principles of publishing business [Osnovni zasady

vydavnychogo biznesu], teaching guidance/ V. Teremko, K.: Akademvydav, 2009,

136 p.

16. Teremko V. “Strategic challenges to print culture in the era of electronic

resources” [Strategichni vyklyky drukovaniy kulturi v electronnu eru]/ V. Teremko //

Bulletin of the Book Chamber, 2011, № 5, 1-5 pp.


17. Teremko V. “Strategic challenges of contemporary national book

publishing” [Strategichni vyklyky v suchasnomu vitchyznyanomn knygovydanni],

electronic resource, / Teremko V./ Collected Articles of Scientific Research Center of

Periodicals, Vol. 2 (18), 2010, 483-495 pp., access via:

18. Fedorovych R. V. “Marketing analysis of market situation”

[Marketyngovyi analiz konyuktury rynku] Fedorovych //Galytskyi Economics

Bulletin [Galytskyi Ekonomichnyi visnyk], № 2, 2009, p.49.





UDC 316. 723-057. 87

Olena Zlobina


The article is devoted to the elucidation of the functioning of the phenomenon

of subcultures in the modern campus. Based on the results of mass survey reported

trends legalization and legitimization of subcultures among students and define their

functional role as a means of identification of the young man.

Key words: youth, subculture, circle of communication, self-identification.

Although the concept of "subculture" is determined by comparing the cultural

mainstream, the common set of research devoted to the phenomenon of subcultures,

one can distinguish the mainstream – a youth subculture. It is no accident in the

definition of "subculture" is sometimes a special specification. Thus, in the

sociological encyclopedia, we read that a " special form of people (mostly young) –

autonomous holistic education within the dominant culture, which defines the

lifestyle and thinking of its speakers, which has its own customs, norms, values and

even complex institutions " [1, 1003].

The problem of youth subcultures has a long history of research in sociology,

established by the Chicago School (F. Tresher, P. Kress and others) And developed

within the structural approach of functional (R. Merton, A. Cohen, R. Klouord, L.

Olin etc.). The study of youth subcultures from the standpoint of non-Marxist

approach was organized in British sociology (J. Clark, T. Jefferson, M. Brake, P.

Willis, J. Hebdidzh and others). Consideration of youth subcultures as counterculture

was initiated and developed Rozakom T. C. Reyes. Among modern scholars should

be noted labor E. Bennett, M. Featherstone, S. Redheda, D. Mahhltona and works by

contemporary Russian research this issue Schepanskoyi T., S. Sykevych, K. Sokolov

et al. The specificity of the vast majority of studies of youth subcultures is, among

others, and uses mainly qualitative research methods. There is a lack of quantitative

data that would have made it possible to estimate the real prevalence of this


phenomenon and to determine the attitude of the youth to his public. The solution of

this problem and this article is dedicated.

The study is an attempt to at least a first approximation to clarify the features

of the physical operation of the phenomenon in contemporary subcultures students.

The theoretical basis is the functionalist approach, sound design which was

implemented in C. Eisenstadt classic work "From generation to generation". [2]By S.

Eisenstadt, youth culture has control function of the status of the child's transition to

adult status. In primitive societies, that role is played mostly family, but in modern

industrial societies there is a structural gap between the family and the socio-

economic system in which a young man has to take his place. The new social

institutions that need to support different aspects of the process of socialization,

proper and youth culture .Youth seeks to gain a sense of stability to compensate for

changes in social experience. It also tries to strengthen self-esteem, to compensate for

the lack of social experience of power. While society and creating special institutions

for young people, they are not usually monitored very young. Youth culture (in

different subculture forms) provides a definition of values and behavioral norms

which young people must be respected, regardless of the reaction of the external

environment [2]. Let's first of all assess the level of overall prevalence of the

phenomenon, to determine the extent of contact with youth subcultural communities.

Virtually the only sociological assessment of how youth subculture " visible " in the

student's environment, implemented in Ukraine in the framework of the project "The

situation of the student youth", conducted by the State Institute for Family and Youth,

together with the Ukrainian Institute for Social Research in December 2008.

The authors in accessing the respondents stated there are many youth groups

whose members are united by common interests, lifestyle, and asked to determine if

any of the above list such that similar surveys. It was found that close to consider

themselves certain youth subcultures, only 10 % of respondents. The general picture

is as follows in Table 1.

(Table 1).


The measure of closeness to youth groups, whose members are united by

common interests, lifestyle, etc., N = 5103

Youth groups %

Rockers 2,6

Gamers 1,5

Goths 1,2

Emo 0,7

Rappers 0,5

Punks 0,4




Football Fans 0,4

Bikers 0,2

Clubbers 0,2

Nationalists 0,2

Hip-hopers 0,1

Hippie 0,1




Informals 0,2




Based on these data, the problem of youth subcultures influence on young

people in general can seem artificial. As you can see, really feel for them who want a

small proportion of Ukrainian students. In particular, they consider themselves to be a

full member of a particular group only 2.4 % of respondents. Data from this study

also suggest that the question of what exactly is specified proximity, 4.7% said they


interact with members of such groups, 4.3 % noted the coincidence of their interests

and goals with the goals and interests of the group, in sympathy for group recalled

3.9%, the same said similarity norms and values of these groups with their own (3.9

%). But do not forget that it inspired the authors of clustering as close to the

respondent and, therefore, the very format of the question narrowed the possibilities

for the analysis of subculture influences on young people.

Overall, data from sociological studies have revealed the real involvement of

young people to certain youth subcultures bit. However, Russian sociologists who

study informal youth groups, based on the results of polls Moscow high school

students showed that the number of those who consider themselves among some

informal groups is growing rapidly. Thus, in 2002, proved to belong to such groups

23.1 % of students in 9- 11th grade, and in 2005, a positive answer to this question

almost every second respondent (47.6 %) [3]. As you can see, the difference with the

Ukrainian data is quite noticeable, but a direct comparison of the results of these

studies is not possible, given at least three reasons. First, due to different age of

survey participants: adolescents identify with informal groups in general are more

likely than older youth. Second, through research site: the larger the settlement, the

more subculture diversity and variety and are the most common thing in metropolitan

areas, which include Moscow [4]. Thirdly, there was a direct correspondence in the

lists of informal groups. In Moscow the survey indicated more groups, often

teenagers enrolled themselves to extreme groups, based on their preferences sports

(skate, roller skates, etc.).

Thus, the inconsistency from different research estimates the prevalence of

youth subcultures and ambiguity of data on their impact on young people testified

about the feasibility study of this problem among students KNUCaA. Given the

profile of the institution itself and its metropolitan location, it might be expected to

increase some "scale" phenomenon subcultures. Therefore, assuming that directly

subculture communities belong to a small number of respondents indicated entry was

not chosen to the communities and contacts with youth subcultures and the


attractiveness of a youth subculture. Accordingly, respondents had to answer the

question: "Are there any of your friends, acquaintances, members of youth

subcultures?" And "Is there any among these subcultures such that you like


Then, respondents were required to determine whether each of the subcultures

offered in the attached list. Given the complexity of preparing a list of subcultures in

view of their diversity and tends to the emergence of new phenomena in our study list

was created in the previous survey, the students of the University. In total, it included

22 items (in the all- student survey, there were 15, in Moscow survey teens – 14). In

addition to traditional repeating all listings rockers, rappers, Goths, our range

includes the following generalized categories like "sports fans directions or

commands", "fans in music or groups", "members of online-communities of interest",

as well as some relatively new subculture movements, such as "flashmob supporters".

Survey results confirmed previous assumptions about the very high level of

involving of KNUCaA students to subculture communities (Table 2).

Table 2

Evaluation of the representation of subculture communities in the circle of

communication of students

Youth groups % of responders

Fans of music or bands 42,5

Fans of sports or sport teams 41,6

Rappers 40,0

Clubbers 35,5

Rockers 27,9

Emo 22,3

Goths 22,2

Metallists 22,0

Members of online communities or the Internet 19,0

The Rastaman 19,0

Punks 19,0

Bikers 15,4

Gopniks 14,0

Flashmob supporters 13,0


Hippie 8,7

Satanists 7,9

Freaks 6,4

Indie 6,1

New-Age 5,7

Yappy 3,3

Fury 19,0

Another 19,0

Difficult to answer 2,7

There is no one 21,7

It turned out that not having friends or acquaintances among representatives of

various youth subcultures or undecided only a quarter (24.4 %) respondents. It is

clear that these students nationwide poll, according to which the fact of proximity to

the subculture communities have experienced only 10.1 % of respondents makes it

possible to evaluate the inclusion of representatives of these subcultures in real

interactions. Despite the small number of members of these groups are "visible" and

outside the circle of communication is quite a large part of the student KNUCaA. To

some extent, this is due to the very specific character of university. Not surprisingly,

rappers and clubbers are more concentrated there, where the specialized training of

experts associated with the musical culture. However, the influence of this factor can

hardly explain a significant portion of the students acquainted with emo or Goths. In

general we can say that our study revealed the presence of diverse subculture context

social circle of students, which makes it possible to track those real issues concerned

with the operation of subculture communities.

These realities discovered need attributed primarily gender sensitive in the

context of the subculture. We found that boys are more closely related to subculture

communities (Table 3).

Table 3

Gender differences in the representation of subculture communities in the

circle of communication of students


Youth groups Boys Girls

Fans of sports or sport teams 50,8** 37,9

rappers 48,9** 36,9

Fans of music or bands 47,4 40,9

clubbers 42,5** 32,9

rockers 38,7** 23,6

The Rastamans 33,1** 13,4

Metallists 31,6** 18,1

Punks 29,7** 14,5

Gopniks 25,6** 7,9

Emo 24,4 21,6

Bikers 23,3** 12,1

Goths 21,8 22,4

Members of online communities 21,4 18,0

There is no one 14,3** 24,6

** Difference statistically significant at 1%

Given that the total number of boys among respondents was 279 persons were

selected for analysis only those groups acquaintance with which they declared more

than 20% of boys. If we compare these data with the corresponding data for girls, you

will notice some interesting differences. First, among boys and girls among the main

priorities are the same. At the top positions – sports and music fans, rappers and

clubbers. Secondly, girls contact with the representatives of these groups. Among

them have no communication with groups such quarter (24.6 %), while among boys

of only 14.3%. Thirdly, there are youth groups which interact equally boys and girls.

It is above all the music fans and bands that basically are not surprising, since most of

these groups are formed with the same gender attraction. The same can be said of

contacts with members of online communities of interest. However, the groups to


which girls and boys in contact are equally as Goth and Emo. Characteristic that

distinguishes these subcultures desire to disguise gender identity. Both boys and girls

use makeup, brings eyes, cover your nails with black lacquer. Gender specifics are

not accented. And Goth and Emo seek primarily manifest their emotional experiences

that often embody the art form specific work. And finally, fifth, boys are statistically

significantly more likely to interact with the representatives of the majority

represented in the general list of members of subcultures, especially the difference

between girls and boys noticeable when youth groups formed on the basis of

pronounced masculinity with a penchant for deviance. Rockers, metal, punk,

Gopniky – are subcultures which are closely related to manifestations of aggression,

Rastafarians – the use of drugs. All this is likely due to the male gender. Not

surprisingly, among the girls are friends Gopnik only 7.9 %, while among boys –


In addition to gender, subculture involvement is closely linked with those at

any stage of study were students (Table 4). We can assume that as the age difference

between the first and fourth rate only marginally, says more about status changes.

Between freshman who starts his studies and bachelor, who expects to receive a

diploma, there are significant differences in the social positioning. In terms of the

functional approach within which our research takes place, joining the youth

subculture communities provide young people a sense of belonging to a socially

meaningful living space, which, in contrast to the usual "extensive " world, it is easier

to maintain a sense of self-confidence. Problems with positioning are complicated as

a phenomenon, which is formed as a result of various social and psychological

components. One of the key points is the inner contradiction of the status of a young

person who has dilemma "dependence – independence," "separation – recognition"

and so on. Dependence on adults combined with the young man's desire of being

independent, desire to emerge as an individual because of separation from others.

Table 4


Representation of subculture communities in the circle of communication

and students of the fourth year

Youth groups І year ІV year

Fans of sports or sport teams 45,8 17,1

Rappers 43,8 20,4

Fans of music or music bands 43,6 21,1

Clubbers 37,5 18,1

Rockers 31,8 14,3

Emo 26,9 8,6

Metallists 25,9 8,2

Goths 25,7 6,9

Punks 23,2 6,7

The Rastamans 17,5 6,9

Members of online communities 16,1 6,5

Gopniks 16,1 4,0

Bikers 15,5 14,1

Flashmob supporters 14,7 9,1

Hippie 10,4 6,5

There is no one 20,4** 29,1

** Difference statistically significant at 1%

The next task was to determine the attitude of students towards subcultural

communities. Respondents were asked to determine if any of the above list are

subcultures that like them personally. This formulation requires less respondent to

determine the proximity of the group, however, makes it possible to assess attitudes

to different subcultures. Ratings breakdown (Table 5):

Table 5

Assessment of degree of sympathy for subculture communities

Youth groups % of responders

Fans of music or music bands 19,4

Fans of sports or sport teams 17,3

Rappers 16,9

Clubbers 16,2

Bikers 14,2

Flashmob supporters 9,0

Members of online communities 7,9

Metallists 7,4


The Rastamans 7,3

Hippie 6,5

Goths 6,4

Emo 6,2

Punks 6,0

indie 4,3

Freaky 3,9

Another 3,2

Gopniks 2,9

New Age 0,7

Yappy 2,1

Satanists 1,5

Fury 0,7

Difficult to answer 9,7

There is no one 29,5

It is very noticeable that quantitative filling of the table has changed

significantly. The most informative was not positive and negative selection. Thus,

none of these groups are not sympathetic about 30 % of respondents were undecided

and 9.7%. The rest of the respondents found a group that something worthy of their

commitment. Also evident was the division into groups who sympathize with

relatively sizeable number of young people (fans, rappers, clubbers, bikers) and

having a minimum number of supporters. If we compare these data with the previous

table, it is clear that some groups whose representatives are quite noticeable among

young people, while virtually no public sympathy. For example, the metal, which

among acquaintances and friends called 22%, sympathy only 7.4%.

Thus, on the basis of the study it can be stated that in the minds of the youth,

the process getting used to the phenomenon of subculture identity. Subcultures,

despite their inherent uniqueness signs are treated as ordinary elements of everyday’s

life, which must have some idea to navigate in the environment. However, despite the

tendency of legalization and legitimacy of subcultures based on alternative

contemporary socio-cultural space, one can hardly speak about tolerance towards

members of the public most subcultures.


Summarizing the previous information, we note that subculture among young

people has an important functional role of cell identity. Thus for youth various

options of self-positioning – both through ownership and through the distances of

informal communities are opened. Despite a small representation of a real social

space, informal subculture among young people in today's self provide variation,

creating the system of various "mirrors", according to which young people build up

their own "I".


1. Sociology: Encyclopedia / Hrytsanov A. [and others]. – App. : Book house,

2003. – 1312 p.

2. Eisenstadt S. H. From Generation to Generation: Age Groups and Social

Structure / S. H Eisenstadt. – Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press.

3. Sobkyn VS Podrostok-informals: ACCESSORIES k and the group

zhyznennыe Orientation / VS Sobkyn / / Sociology of Education. – M.:, Institute of

Sociology of Education Rao, 2010. – P. 62-65.

4. V. K. Sergeev Youth subculture in terms of Metropolis / V. K. Sergeev. –

Moscow: INFRA-M, 2003. – 118 p.


UDC 792.7:316.77

Kyrylo Stetsenko



The article examines structure and content of communicative function of show

business. The goal of the research is assisted by construction of scientific definitions

of the subject and circumstantiation of show business place in social and cultural

space of post-industrial era. Conclusions of the article deepen the systemacy of

modern cultural industries concepts and show the ways of effective utilization of show

business potential in the social communication sphere.

Key words: post-industrial society, cultural industries, mass culture, show

business, social and marketing communications, communication channels.

The concept of post-industrial society, as articulated by the American

sociologist Daniel Bell [2], has received organic amendments and the development of

civilization theory of his compatriot Alvin Toflera [20] on the three waves of

humanity – "agricultural", "industrial" and "post-industrial". Basic productive

resources first recognized civilization era "beef", the second – "machine technology",

the third – "knowledge and intelligence." Economy has focused on the production of

services, intensify research, improving the education system and improving the

quality of human life. Undeniable assertion that a key factor in the development of

post-industrial society has information led to divergent interpretations of the post-

industrial society, as a "knowledge society" or "information", "science",

"technetronic", "digital", "network", "telematics", "post-informational" " creative"

and so on . The content of these models are not contrary to the public, in our opinion,

the basic theory of post-industrial world, but only differentiates and clarifies the inner

side or infancy and development.

Suggests that the economic ideal of industrial society has been working with

automation material substance and purpose of the post-industrial era – or rather, its

information phase is to automate the processes of formation, retrieval, storage,


classification and use of information. Exploring the post-informational content phase,

we received two hypotheses about its nature. The first is that the essence of post-

informational society – is the automation of work with spiritual values, by which the

identity of the ultimate and only performs the necessary work, namely an informed

choice of their own nature, personal meaning, personal’ life strategies. "Now is the

emergence of large market beliefs of the XXI century" – he says in the book «Dream

Society» [4, 135-136] and argues that a number of observations: "Before every

published standard set of values, just as the recruits receive uniforms. Now, coming

to a shopping center, you hear: "Take what you want." Thus was born the demand for

value ... Ecology, environment, human rights, ethics, animal rights, smoking, genetic

engineering, religion, power – all of these issues come to the fore over the past 10-20

years. They appeared as an option, which should be carried out... to be a person

become ordeal. But backing to our second hypothesis about the nature of post-

informational society, its meaning coincides with the ideas of Richard Florida, who in

his book "Creative Class. People who are changing the future"[21] shows that the

essential content of the post-informational era is a creative activity that turns into a

core social progress and provided the new creative class.

The study of the characteristics of the new community, which implements the

realities post-informational society, becomes subject of much interest economists,

sociologists, psychologists. Yes, the book «Free Agent Nation» American scholar

Daniel Pink [13] acquaints readers with the latest trends in lifestyle "freelancers"

(free agent), which constitute more than 25 % of working American citizens. The

famous Swedish producer, composer Alexander Bard and culture in his work

«Netocracy» [1] reveals the contents of the radical changes taking place in the psyche

of the people and communities 'network society', already permeates the realities of

traditional livelihoods. Features of the new philosophy of life and explores the

creative class and the American futurologist Ukrainian origin Yuri Ponomarenko,

who in his book "Oriyanstvo" shares following conclusions: "Widespread automation

and mass production reduced the demand for labor, but increased demand for human


creativity... Today, the creative class is quantitatively greater than the working class

and just a little bit smaller than the class of servants and definitely now has a decisive

impact on the lives of American society... We are witnessing not only the emergence

of a new economy, but also to create a new man. Because ... for a creative person the

greatest value, enjoyment of life is its knowledge and the possibility of applying this

knowledge to the creative process, such a person is looking for are not money, but the

working conditions and quality of life "[14, 19-22]. Summing up the latest trends of

civilization, we note that even acquiring general public legitimacy, the creative class

has contributed to the emergence and development of powerful new creative and

cultural industries.

Awareness of social and economic value of cultural industries occurred

simultaneously with the development of technology publishing, sound recording and

film. Proposed in 1944, the classics of the Frankfurt School Theodor Adorno and

Max Horkheimer the concept of "cultural industries" [19, 142] were further

understanding in 1947 in his book «Dialektik der Aufklärung». The theory of

"cultural industries" is widely accepted and mass implementation practices of post-

industrial era. It was during the second half of the twentieth century. to have the

traditional book publishing, newspaper and magazine business, concerts and tour

activities, film, music and gaming business record join the youth and cultural

industries – tourism, design, fashion, advertising, show business, video-industry,

electronic media, computer 'Computer games and health, sports, education,

information, communication and media business [18]. Today, the term "cultural

industries" is used in the plural form and means tens of socio-cultural practices that

are largely entrepreneurial in nature and are mainly in the form of services and

account for economy of post-industrial world, which is growing rapidly. Synonymous

or close to the concept of "cultural industries "are the terms" creative industries" and

"creative industries", denoting a wider range of social practices. To clarify the nature

of this phenomenon he suggests determination of the British Department of Culture,

Media and Sport: "Creative industries – these are industries that come from


individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for creating wealth

and jobs through the generation and use of intellectual property" [25]. In the same

semantic field constructed definition of UNESCO, which states that the purpose of

creative industries is "to create the production and commercialization of creative

contents which are intangible and cultural in nature. These senses are usually

protected by intellectual property rights and may take the form of a product or

service" [26]. Significant for understanding strategic trends of the post-industrial

world proved the statement of Prime Minister of Great Britain Gordon Brown, stating

that "the priority sectors of the UK economy are not aerospace and shipbuilding, and

the fashion industry, film, music," [27].

The modern show business was formed in the early 50's of the twentieth

century and became one of the most powerful cultural industries, which has a

complex, synthetic nature. It includes music and performing arts touring and festival

business, recording and audiovisual industry, entertainment and spectacular part of

the electronic media business and commercial services for personal branding. For a

complete outline of the subject of show business offer three complementary

definitions. The first indicates his social positioning "Show Business – is a type of

business in the field of popular culture, realizing the potential of the art market

entertainment industry" [16, 54]. The second definition emphasizes the specific

features of production and products, " Show Business – is a type of business in the

field of cultural industries, which is to organize the creation, multiplication and

market consumer products and services that are based on work time (procedural) arts"

[16, 54]. Finally, the third marketing approach says: "Show Business – is a type of

business which is the production and distribution of entertainment music

entertainment programs and their results on the consumer market, and the

profitability of these activities is provided exclusively branded the development of

artists are artists" [16, 54].

What social function does do showbiz? The multiplicity of ways to interact

with the arts, business, economics, politics, science, technology, education, media


and public entertainment shows impact of many forms of show business in public

life. Reducing lines of these effects to multiple vectors, we can distinguish six groups

of social functions of show business: 1) human recreation, and 2) the economy, and

3) promoting of employment and 4) enrichment of culture, 5) regulation of mass

consciousness, 6) development of the sphere of social communication [17].

Since the purpose of this study is to identify the features of social and

communicative features of showbiz, we consider the structure and content of this

function. Drawing on motivational theory of Maslow Abraham (Abraham Maslow),

we argue that focused on mass youth audience showbiz able to address personal

needs first of all third hierarchical level, namely “need for love and belonging” [12,

65]. Exclusivity psychological atmosphere shows, personal involvement to the

vicissitudes of life fans favorite "stars", the social and emotional relevance musical

style of popular songs, as well as a variety of subculture offerings that provide

customers with show business, create very favorable conditions for the realization of

communication spontaneous and gaming forms of socialization of children,

adolescents and young adults. This spontaneous process significantly enhanced mass

popularity factors artist, song or musical style. Add that appeal communicative

possibilities showbiz stimulated following properties of the products as

entertainment, attractiveness, provocative and suggestibility [17].

Considering the communicative structure of show business, it should

distinguish between two planes: the first – that is, information that circulates in the

"Artist – Audience" and the second one – the information flows within the

"audience". Information process in the first plane is governed by the producing team

of "Artist" and directed by "Artist" to "audience". Information movement in the other

plane is mostly chaotic and multidisciplinary. To this we should add that the "real"

club and concert performances, the system fan clubs, and network communication in

the Internet allow you to systematically develop back-links and interactive

relationships between "audience" and "Artist".


Since modern show business is a sector of popular culture and is positioned in

the market of mass consumption, we are particularly interested distinguish the

following communication channels that provide the greatest mass communications.

Communication channels show business can be divided into "general" and "special".

Common channels – those that use general social means of mass communication –

radio, television, the Internet, cell phones, printed periodicals, publishing and cinema.

It also includes four classic tools of mass marketing communications – advertising,

PR, sales promotion and sponsorship [8, 516-547]. General communication channels

show business can be marked as "secondary" because they are run as if on rails of

existing pathways and networks of social communication. Radically different way of

forming the special communication channels of show business: they are based on its

internal resources and therefore are fully autonomous. The special, or "primary"

communication channels show business include the following: a) production and

mass distribution on CDs or other media, or via communications networks and

entertaining musical soundtracks, video, their, b) production and commercial

distribution of computer simulations in) routes touring artists, d) specific mass shows,

festivals, concerts, plays, and e) cycles entertainment television show programs.

In summary, we undertake to assert that show-business has its own specific set

of autonomous and social communication, as well as through producers or partner

projects, it can be integrated into the general social means of mass communication.

Each partner project producing or show business is a tool to create the unique

configuration of the means of social communications, creating a unique package of

integrated social communications. The consequence of this interaction becomes

integrated synergistic effect that saving the financial, technical and humanitarian

resources, enables the most effective reach goal for social and communicative

marketing strategy or project [8].

The method of design integration of social communication, which deserves

further studying, can be successfully applied not only in the entertainment industry as

well as in other areas of social and cultural activities of the post-industrial era,


including education, art, entertainment, marketing, public and social work, public

administration and political management.


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order / Francis Fukuyama ; lane. from English .. Victor Dmitruk . – Lviv: Calvary,

2005. – 380 p.

25. Creative Cities of Ukraine . Creative industry. – Mode of access :

26. Global cultural center business. What is cultural industry? – Mode of

access : what-are-cultural-industries /.

27. Creative Cities Ukraine . Briefly about the creative class. – Mode of access



UDC 32.019.5:316.77

Inna Kostyrya



In the article a role and value of political culture is considered, as political-

communicative reality of society.

Key words: political culture, communication, ideology, techniques of

communication, tehnotelemedium, imaginary media of communication.

Political culture – is a multidimensional phenomenon that has deep historical

and social roots. Along with rational target positions and actions within it are

phenomena caused by the irrational, and therefore they do not have a simple causal


Different elements of political culture have varying degree of stability and

functional significance, while being in a particular subculture. Considering this fact,

the American sociologist William Rosenbaum proposes to allocate core components

of political culture, to examine its elements and phenomena that play a major role in

the formation of "political order of the nation". He sees three main orientations that

allow you to obtain the necessary understanding of the political culture of a society.

This guidance on:

- government agencies;

- other political systems;

- own political activities [6].

The first group is "targeting regime". This assessment of the main governing

institutions, their characters, officials and "response" to them and "orientation to

government" input and output. That demands on public policy – is "input" in the

political system of decision-making, and most decisions the government takes (mode)

– is "out".

The second group is the "political identification". This self-identification of the

subject with a particular nation, people, tribe, state, city, country, geographical


region, historical characters, groups of people (family, staff, friends) to whom he

feels affection, love, friendship, loyalty, sense of obligation, and the "political trust"

to anyone who has to interact in the political process, and the "rules" that should

guide the subject of political relations and processes.

The third group of orientation – is "political competence". This citizens'

participation in political life and their using of available means to ensure this

participation, as well as "political efficacy", is a sense of opportunity to influence the

political process.

Classification B. Rosenbaum reveals the importance of a number of values of

some components of political culture. However, it does not consider the entire space

of political culture within which and the need to analyze its structure- elements.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, in determining the area of

political culture to the sphere of political relations, it is characterized by the presence

of universality. Political culture as if dissolved in the whole set of relationships that

develop between political actors, that these relationships are imbued with certain

political and cultural phenomenon and marked prints of their action.

Why are we talking about relationships? Convincing answer to this question, in

our opinion, gives Russian political scientist, expert in political culture E.J. Batalov.

He said that political relations “are not only the form of expression, but also the mode

of existence of culture”. The essence of culture in general and in particular the

political is not in things as they are idealized, dead, or rather dormant culture that

may forever remain dormant. Culture – not in the head, not in the nerve cells of the

brain, because the essence of the past – no more than physiological basis of culture.

Culture – in particular, living relationship that constantly disappear or appear

between the active entities. No such relationship – there is no culture. Limited

Relations – limited and culture. That is why the nation, which has a rich cultural

heritage, but has poor social and political life, is usually undeveloped, primitive

political culture [1].


Different social aspects of life study of relations between people and reflect the

reality in politics and in political culture. Political culture is secondary with respect to

social culture. The latter think fit to associate with moral principles and customs, with

mental observations and life experiences that people share that transmit to future

generations. It arises and exists in a process and as a result of communication.

Communication – a two-way process. For reasons perceptions and

representations of other means of communication, they need to be accessible to be

accepted by respondents feeling. This is – a certain gesture, a sound piece of paper

inscribed with symbols on it, the language in which communication takes place,

which is actually given a special role in culture.

For the first time the term "political culture" has taken in the eighteenth

century. German educator J. Herder offers this term of Political culture, it is seen as a

set of values, attitudes, beliefs, orientations and symbols expressive tools that are

common and serve political experience and streamline the regulation of political

behavior of all members of society. It consists not only of political ideals values and

attitudes, but also the existing norms of political life.

Political culture is part of the spiritual culture of society is inextricably linked

to its other forms, including organically linked to the legal culture, morality and

ideology. Political ideology can be seen as the core of political culture, ideology

because it determines the content and scope of the right, the choice of ethics and

principles in political theory and practice.

To understand the changes that are currently taking place in the political space,

necessary to emphasize the importance of transformations (spiritual ideal, subjective)

information in the vertical policies that establish communication and elite non-elite

layers and is a defining element of the whole system of political power [5].

In contrast to the period when the images symbolizing the policy carried out

mainly on the basis of group (transpersonal) methods idealization of reality, in

particular based on dominance mythological, religious and ideological matrices [3],

the current social phenomena based on the basis of individual assessments Policy. So,


every political actor in its own begins to attach importance to the actions of

government and subordinated structures and relations between them that questioned

the principles of formation of the institutional and regulatory environment of

government authority.

In fact, we have witnessed a stage of society, when the previous ideologies that

simulate the approval of group values – stability, authority, order, national ideals,

progress and other determinant of the political game – are displaced to the periphery

of political life. Ideological concepts that have been associated with national, class

and other vested interests, especially symbolized fierce competition policy outlook

(giving rise to a blossoming of class resentment and hatred, xenophobia, and other

phenomena that accompany consolidation in the power of collective priorities), and

subsequently provided their reconciliation (in the framework of centrism). But now in

terms of their cognitive mass society and other features appear excessive and non-

functional in order to be semantic orientation of public policy, to broadcast their

interests, promote balance and non-elite relations elite groups.

Alienation of ideology is characterized by its rigidity, conceptual cruelty,

failure to provide effective communication of the upper and lower classes in terms of

the increasing dynamics of social and political relationships, the growing role of

culture in mechanisms to ensure social cohesion. Ideology has proved unsuitableness

for incorporation of holistic political forms of cultural diversity, which was formed

from industrialism society. For modern people prone to other cultures temptations

doctrinal convictions that shape attitudes towards the government is cumbersome and

inefficient. Ideology cannot long exist in today's "cultural chaos" policy.

Industrialized states have created political space in many individual

preferences and now no longer qualify for a merger. Irrationality, ambiguity excuse

simultaneous coexistence of conflicting versions of political reflection of life,

spontaneous emotional reactions of people on the actions of the government (as well

as on his own) were inseparable companions of the human perception of the world

politics. The dominant attitude to the principles of political reality began to form


cultural patterns that symbolize mosaic perception of the authorities comparing

different texts and political values, an ironic response to current events. For those

who turned out to be the most prone to virtual modes of communication, become

benchmark of normal cultural desires (English plug – “action clog”), that is "single

culture", which further enhances the disassociation of human communication with

authorities, partners and in general – other (non- I) policy [2]. These are the methods

of communication are the most serious challenge to the cohesion policy mission.

The inevitable destruction of the value- oriented and constructive functions

perfectly ideology, and the narrowing of political space for its existence suggest that

it is exposed to the historical marginalization. In addition, the marginalization of

ideology displaces the political arena and ideologues who are professionally involved

in semantic interpretation of events. Lack of power needs in shaping the discourse of

the masses eliminates activity ideologies of the last value.

The places of the "highbrows" take technologists, analysts, experts in political

advertising or (as they are defined in the broader context of the Hungarian scholar

Alexander Syladi) cognitive thinkers, those who technically create and maintain

communication with public authorities [4]. So, if you previously were the ideologues

layer, which monopolized the evaluation function, increased political importance of

social events, and institution their former functions are no longer performing.

However, the task is to implement their policy analysts, elite and even ordinary


Denial of service ideology is replaced by units operating on political

communication state and society, appeals to different cultural orientations, values,

attitudes and standards. This massive transfer of general orientations of the people in

the political sphere raises the complexity of motivations, forms of participation, and

thus the way to resolve conflicts. Citizens who are guided by the logic of individual

requests to the authorities, not satisfied schemes of reality that explain life and its

future prospects, and information about the reaction of the authorities' assessment of

various forces. They are attracted not struggle with hostile ideas and information that


allow you to adjust the positions of power to meet their requests. The information that

makes it possible to adapt to this development, it is much more attractive than the

true explanation of all reality. It is no coincidence, as noted by N. Kobzev, under such

conditions, "the greatest interest is no exchange of ideas and information that are

lighter than thinking, easier, more attractive". In this case, the individual who is in

political environment is acting not only as an ideologically oriented, but as an

"informational charged personality". This shift from ideological to an informative

message is due to the economic factors. Information about the actions of the

authorities has become more popular because it costs much less than ideology. Thus,

the required power and citizen political interaction effect is achieved due to the small

value required for this contact message (such as the spread of compromising the

leader of a party allows you to reach to attract voters to vote rather than explanation

of program regulations). This led to the widespread introduction of appropriate

technologies, such as scandals, leaks and other techniques designed to attract

attention and the acquisition of population change his sentiments supporting the

necessary political communication.

The political task is to prognosticate, that is a broad statement of purpose that

is ahead of reality. But it is instrumental and applied, thus shifting in a very narrow

field of strategic planning related to the functions of the limited number of figures in

the ruling elite. The main purpose of political cognitive is also a qualitative diagnosis

of current events and support the dialogue between authorities and society. However,

it is recognized that external constriction of intellectual functions by political

technologists are increasing their activities to meet the information requests as the

population and the authorities.

The formation of new structures and mechanisms that can provide information

and communications elites depends on several factors, including the emergence of

mass production of the capacity for self-politically significant information. That

population is not only a consumer of political information and interpreter, but also its

creator. Massive images, thoughts, moods are in a democratic space size, which is not


only impossible to ignore, but the presence of which (including this peculiar

environment effects autoinfection, resonance, duplicating standards self-mystification

etc.) leads to modification of the methods and forms of control over the behavior non-

elite walks by ruling circles.

With such a number of social sources of information space elite can no longer

claim to uniqueness its ideological products that have traditionally been the basis for

data communication with the lower ranks. Thus, it is forced to resort to new ways to

control public opinion. The sense contacts elites and non-elite, building power of

information vertically formed during the collision is not only targeted messages and

flows of knowledge, but also taking into account the special nature of information

dissemination on a massive subject. Ability of communication between upper and

lower ranks is the purpose to maintain the proper state to the degree of effective

control methods finding suitable compensation to new trends.

The latter are associated with the release of the political limelight media that

new methods of electronic transmission of information that contribute to the

emergence of political space hyper-space (allowing the actors to carry out contacts in

four or more dimensions). It stood on one side, the most appropriate partner masses

in relations with the authorities, on the other – and led to fundamental changes in the

nature of political communication, that institutional design field’s policy style of


Interacting with cultural values – oriented mass counterpart, the electronic

media for a short time created a society – wide dynamic and flexible political

communication. Practical experience has shown their ability to maintain contact

information and non-elite elites, to create such channels of communication that are

based, on the one hand, moving and unifying political feelings of the population, on

the other – meet the needs of the ruling circles in the exercise of leadership and social

development association population.

Thus, new information of media institutionalized vertical relations of the upper

and lower classes, which is consistent with the task of maintaining stability in society.


The high rate of flow of information, which hinders its transformation into a

meaningful social response of the individual, led to the emergence of particular forms

of relational political purpose – image. He is now able to perform the alarm function

for upper and lower classes that represent the public policy of the authorities to the

extent to which it is necessary for people to determine their own problems, to adapt to

the existing order, the realization of their intentions.

Having made empty (in the traditional sense) ideology of elites and non-elite

relations, the image provides an immediacy of emotional perceptions of world

politics, while maintaining a dialogic links the upper and lower classes, prerequisites

legitimizing and stabilizing political relations [7]. The image processing method as

semantic contacts characterized by adequate mobility, orientation to a specific

person, and creativity that helps build the necessary government reaction mass, and

therefore the relevant political relations and institutions. Thus, the image becomes a

means of media-legitimacy power (from the community), and the organic element

media-population (by the government).

That image ways of organizing political discourse is the new level of the

autonomy of individuals in the field of power. They enhance freedom of choice a

man of his position, while political alternatives. Image not programmed, and directs

the political choices of man. It focuses not on the expression of group interests,

problematic of social conflict, and to ensure the free agency of man, and the

provision of appropriate information, arguments that persuade her to maintain a

particular alternative in the implementation of the political project.

Typical techniques in image communication is the language of communication

power of the population – an easy and trivial, but attractive (through compulsory

element of fun additions) and is capable of spreading through electronic media.

The ability to image strategies media-presentation political goods associated

with the formation hyper-reality, including replication and virtualization of events

that actually occurred, and artificially constructed. Thus, a person evaluates political

events through images embedded in the position of the device, a pre- formed political


text that translates attitude to authority, but in combination with that and it turns out

his own position.

In this regard, the reality and the appearance of the image are fully identified.

Loss the interpretation of everything fills the political space and real time in politics

depends on advertising time, which is determined by the supply and demand for

political merchandise. It is significant that for all its things thus activates feedback

mechanisms in the political process and promotes interactive relations and public

authorities. Thus, image technology, is becoming a source of deep political

consciousness, not only replace but also create a reality that meets the needs of elite

and non-elite groups.

This directing of political relations inevitably affects the character display key

figures of authority in the public consciousness. Under the influence of virtualization,

political space transformed traditional ways of perceiving members of elite groups as

familiar figures of the political game. Politicians such as former perceived by the

population as a figure not only dependent on "TV-pictures" that symbolically reflect

the needs of the population, but also entirely virtual beings who have formed an

image of the contacts with the public ( in this sense, the audience can actually interact

with the image of a president who is completely elsewhere.

Thus the elite to the masses only perform the function of naive embodiment

and symbolization of power.

This suggests that stage-managed and directed through the media and the

public’ show of political mechanisms play appealing to their cultural orientations

masses. Therefore media-politics can develop only in a cultural space where class and

group conflicts do not cause sudden meanings people – orientation differences. This

aspect is significant that in a certain sense, this decorative representation of power

relations inevitably creates the effect of non-political is not ideological but extremely

flat understanding of politics.

Political relations are related with images of politicians largely projected media

activities (can monopolize the right of the masses to meet the challenges of time), so


the current policy of gradually begins to take on the traits that characterize it as

media-political. That policy is taking on the characteristics media-communication as

efficient and instantaneous, episodic way of keeping in touch the upper and lower

classes with respect to certain powerfully important projects.

Summarizing the above specific to the current evolution of politics and

political culture trends, one could argue that professionally built media-

communication indicates the transition of society to form a new historical synthesis

of the state. In fact, we are dealing with an organization media-political power which

is inherent in the political culture of "new model" in large upright society. This policy

starts to execute the first formation of mass society and form of government in this

society. New information and political culture, and thus created a system of relations

elites and non-elite reflect new developments politico-communicative reality.

Thus, the trajectory of modernity, which is formed in the advanced countries is

beginning to transform the policy of universal (which tends to totality) allocation

mechanism status and resources to a set of distributed, high-risk social threads that

connect people and government on specific goals and objectives (projects). The

changes taking place in the politics and political culture are evidence of a new era in

the development of a society where the political culture along with the economy

reflects the current political and communicative reality.


1. E. Batalov J. Political Culture: The concept and phenomenon / E . J. Batalov

/ / Politics: Problems of theory and practice. – Vol. 7, part 2. – M., 1990. – 127.

2. Brudnyi A. Window to the public connections / A.A. Brudnyi / /

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3. Zemlyanova LM O Post-modernism in communicative skills/ LM

Zemlyanova / / Vestnik MGU . Journalism. – 1998. – № 3. – P. 35-45. (Series 10).

4. Sylady A. Medyatyzatsyya of governmental policy / A. Sylady / / Questions,

questions ... Government Venherskoy republic. – Budapest, 1995. – P. 39-49.


5. Soloviev A.I. Political post-modernity AGE : evidence phenomena / /

General Science and Present . – 2001. – № 5. – P. 66-8 .

6. Rozenbaum W. Political Culture / W. Rozenbaum. – New York, 1975.

7. Habermas J. Citizenship and National Identity / J. Habermas / / Conditions

of Citizenship. – London, 1994.


Inna Shevel’


This article analyzes the peculiarities of global culture with a number of

interrelated processes: economic, cultural, technological, political, environmental.

"Global Culture" is a central concept which can be used in understanding of

globalization processes in the fields of culture, leisure, life, etc.

Keywords: globalization, global culture, glocalization, multiculturism, Western


Globalization shows interdependence, weakening the borders that existed

historically, the compression of time and space. In today's society interdependence

and interdependence are updated, which are inherited in all social levels and all

spheres – economic, political, cultural, scientific and so on.

The process of globalization is carried out through the creation of a global

network of cultural codes, symbols and meanings. Internet, fashion, advertising,

cinema, natural disasters, political events, scientific discoveries, exchange rates – all

these various qualities of phenomena, messages and symbols exist simultaneously, all

are treated equally and all have a corresponding effect. Due to the global media and

networking community, everyone lives in a single system of events and a single

system of meanings [2].

Therefore, globalization appears as a set of interrelated processes: economic,

cultural, technological, political, environmental. The result of these processes is the

unlimited flow of information, images, ideas, goods, capitals, people, lifestyles,

threats and risks across borders. Under such conditions the cultural processes, which

are crucial for social functioning and determining the identity of the members of

society, are almost uncontrolled on the political level by nation-states.

The contemporary postmodern sociology and cultural studies are fundamental

dialog in which the goal is "not to achieve the truth about yourself, but to maintain a

constant discussion, exposure certainly found a new direction and coordination

discussion." This postmodern focus on the dialog creates risks of rejection or


marginalization of views that are non-Western "other." Tolerance and pluralism

recede on the back burner when it comes to "dogmatic fundamentalists", who, in

particular, take religious truths as absolute. [1]

Thus, although the proponents of globalization rarely directly identify

themselves with post-modernism, it is clear that many of the globalization thesis are

closely related to the recognition of the "postmodern turn" in social intelligence.

Therefore, "global culture" primarily seen as postmodern phenomenon which is

characterized respectively by such postmodern features as fast changeability,

fragmentation, etc., that the conditions of postmodernity of global culture appears as

a natural consequence of it [3].

According to theorists of globalization, global culture is becoming a global

culture is that it is fragmented and pluralistic. The issue of global culture arose as a

problem that the amount and rate of spread of communication networks in the world

will certainly cause the flow of the network of cultural products, certain meanings,

values unified to the same extent as the unified catalog, standards of consumption.

Not only the network of McDonald's and other members of the "fast food"

(there already and we have a network of such institutions) spreads now in the world,

but certain models worldview, lifestyle. For example, the partnership "single use",

which do not involve developing and maintaining these relationships and mutual

compromise, while the strategy of "here and now", where transience and uncertainty

gain advantage over the duration and stability. Mutual obligations like "until death

makes us part" substitute such as, say, "until there is satisfaction." Postmodern

emphasis on the "use" but not on "production" puts into question not only the "eternal

values", but also necessity to take into account the short term of any action. These

hidden meanings and implications of cultural products industry global popular culture

penetrate into the fabric of social life and in some way affect it [5].

So the concept of "global culture" can be used in understanding the presence of

processes of globalization in the fields of culture, leisure, life, but not the

establishment of a single, integrated, standardized culture that replaces national


culture. There is expansion of certain spiritual atmosphere. However, this leads to

resistance, increasing cultural "vaccination" against the epidemic virus of

globalization in the fields of culture, then the process of manifestations of

globalization in world culture is undeniable, but to talk about the emergence of a

single global culture is too early.

However, the interpretation of global culture as a phenomenon of post-modern

world contains more than a statement of heterogeneity, fragmentation, fluidity as its

main characteristics. This interpretation should include an analysis of how the values

and meanings of Western culture adopted and adheres in the world, despite the thorny

path of rooting.

The conclusions of modern culture specialists, sociologists and art critics to

launch the global culture are reduced to a few generalizations. First, there is

suggestiveness the term "Western culture" in the context of globalization. Being

questioned the position of the universality of Western values, because they are

perceived differently by various social layers of society with different historical and

social experience, and therefore, are filled with dissimilar content (for example,

values such as democracy, justice, civil rights, humanism and under. during

implementation in different contexts in different societies). For example, what is true

for Americans (in particular, the principle of "winner takes all"), not fair look for a

Russian with his collectivist preferences.

Second, there is a clear variety, different quality Western culture. It has never

been homogeneous (only in comparison with the other), especially now that due to

strong migration to the West, mainly from former colonies, formed new cultural

identities such as "Asian Americans", "Black British" or "Muslim Slavs " who are

also part of Western culture and have a noticeable effect on it. Thus, such well-

known directions of pop music as "reggae", "rap" and others are not of Western

origin, but have become an important part of global popular music industry. [5]

The analysts of cultural processes centre on two different aspects of Western

culture: the first – a universal humanist values, that is, everything that promotes


enlightenment and self-identity, of the best in human nature, the spread of high ideals

of humanity, especially the values of liberal humanism. The second – are specific

national achievements of spiritual development, the best traditions and customs of the

peoples who have been called to integrate these nations by national ideals and


Thus, the ambiguous nature of culture, where the combination of human

humanist culture and national culture that developed in the nineteenth century. on the

basis of national languages, print publications and other media of national identity

must be taken into account in the interpretation of the phenomenon of global culture

such as ambivalence will persist also in it. It should be emphasized that there will

always be some tension felt between these two aspects of culture: the universal and

the particular supranational, national.

Thus, the current global culture combines universal Western culture and

uncontrolled cultures that exists "under the roof" of nation-states. You can talk about

the typical postmodern condition of coexistence of different cultures, including local,

which is not necessarily the bearers of universal values. Multiculturalism, which is

declared as an important asset of the modern Western world, does not mean rejection

of primary acquired identity, as stressed by William Beck. It creates a complex

intertwining partial "glocal" interwoven the communities in which we live and act.


The consequence of cultural globalization is not just some westernization

("macdonalization", "kocalonization"), producer of "Western" values and standards to

the "rest" of the world, but also a new relationship between the global and the local

(local, regional, national) in the cultural world [6].

The well-known sociologist A. Ruchka paid attention primarily on the

diffusion of cultural models associated with the ideas of the consumer society.

Although dominated models are typical for Western culture, but they operate

transformed according to local standards and local conditions, glocalized, not just

global models. Thus the world is culturally differentiated further that can be seen in


two criteria: first, the national government can not control the flow of ideas, images,

designs that echo across borders (internet, satellite TV, multinational advertising,

etc.), and secondly, global culture – a threat of homogenization, standardization,

while local stresses at specific, especially tailored to the authentic space that

corresponds to a particular way of life. [4]

So we can say that the pressure of the global mass media cultural

differentiation is changing its face. "In the context of globalization, it is not just a

syndrome of cultural differences and cultural heterogeneity of the organization,

which aims to stimulate the development of the human world as a whole." The most

precisely a phenomenon is defined by the term "hybridization", which means

blending the cultural meanings that have broken away from the main context of its

original manifestation, mixing elements of different cultures, different societies

belonging or being within the same society. So there is no opposition of global and

local, are interrelated and interdependent, causing joint dynamics of cultural

development. Obviously that globalization is large-scale, macro sociological process,

but its specification occurs in the local scale. Global manifested in a particular

locality, while the latter is defined the general discourse of globalization in

specialized isolation. The term "glocalization" best "catches" this two-uniqueness.

Glocalization -is a "global perspective, which is drawn in local conditions," or "the

way in which goods, services and advertising created for differentiated local

markets." They are always different, modified. For example, multinational firms

produce products for different consumer groups of specified countries, adjusting to

local tastes. Thus, the quality of Coca-cola is the same in Europe and in Africa, but it

seems also advertised differently.

In addition, the products of global culture will act differently because there are

different ways in which consumers make their global media culture and a special

selection of designs, images, metaphors. Yes, we know that "soap operas" are

different interpretations in different regions of the world, the same story lines are


different interpretation in different countries. Sometimes it is difficult to predict how

a particular turn of events on television will be perceived.

Glocalization also means that local cultural products are made to reach the

global marketplace. This primarily applies to products of traditional crafts to foreign

tourists. There are instances when the renovation was forgotten "folklore" of

production, based on international demand. This marginal minorities entering the

international market and local culture are becoming fashionable. Yes, Hutsul "wild

dancing " Ukrainian singer Ruslana were echoed in the European public.

Increasingly, examples of traditional, popular culture spread and become popular

globally famous through the world media. [5]

Hence, global and local, that are contradictory yet mutually interacting and

influencing of world cultural process intertwined in the joint motion of human



1. Beck U. The power and counter power in the age of globalization / William

Beck. – K.: Nick Center, 2011. – 408 p.

2. Global modernity / edited . M. Featherstone, S. Lesch, R. Robertson. – K.:

Nick Center, 2008. – 400 p.

3. Lash S. Sociology of postmodernism / S. Lash, Lane. from English. :

Y.Oliynyk . – Lviv: Calvary, 2003. – 344 p.

4. Sociological Theory : Tradition and Modernity : teach. manual / Ed. A.

knobs . – Kyiv : Institute of Sociology of NAS of Ukraine, 2007. – 363 p.

5. Tancher VV Shevel IP Global culture from the perspective of modern

sociology / Bulletin of Lviv University National Univ them. Ivan Franko. – Lviv :

Type of LNU. Franko, 2011. – Vol. 5. – P. 39-46 . – ( Series " sociological ").

6. Nash. K. Global Calture: Globalization as Postmodernization / K. Nash.,

Contemporary Political Sociology. – Oxford: Blackwell Pub., 2002. – 309 p.

7. Alexander J. The New Social Theory Reader: Contemporary Debates / J.

Alexander – L., NY : Rutledge, 2001.


Catherine Efanova


The article considers printed media used in ultras subculture. Analyzed their

kinds, types, history and role in the culture of fanaticism.

Key words: ultras, subculture, near football, flyer, fanzine, sticker.

Among all the known contemporary subcultures sports fanaticism, such as

football ultras movement, is becoming increasingly important and is going through

the time of its formation. Society refuses to take adequate representatives of members

due to lack of reliable information, media bias and incompetence in this matter. For

communication in around-football environment and community representatives ultras

movement commonly use a variety of paper printing products, which are

manufactured and distributed independently therefore important to analyze such

materials. The purpose of the article – to analyze the printed paper products that are

around-football, the impact on the public consciousness, history, evolution, current


The problems of around-football subject of many articles in journals, television

programs, films, but they do not reflect the essence of the subculture. The most

informative and truthful is fanzine, but despite the fact that the first edition – the

prototypes of modern fanzine – were unofficial, created and distributed personally

among "us", usually on sectors to explore the history of their creation and influence

in shaping the community – rather difficult task. Occasionally there are references to

them in specialized forms in books and memoirs written by fans [2, 23]. The site e-

shop " Magshop " appear copies of certain publications, the analysis of which by this


The simplest type of printed medium, which can no longer be used, is the

postcard – a printed sheet of propaganda and information character [3 ]. Leaflets were

distributed at the inception of the movement since independence . Usually these were

copied sheets, which contained information about the next game, including on -site,

calls for organized support, future events, information for immediate review, lyrics


charges songs. Some of the views in the leaflet could learn from program-paper

issued a club specifically to match, but because of the specific presentation of the

material – not facts, and descriptive – cards have taken place among some fans who

wanted to create support an alternative to the one that was adopted at the stadium

during the Soviet era . In the season 1998-1999 he was among the fans of FC

"Dynamo" ( Kyiv) distributed leaflet "Legion . Newsletter supporters of FC Dynamo

Kyiv . " It contained brief information about the matches that have already taken

place, actions and values the fans during the game as well as an invitation for the next

match information on visits, including overseas.

Today, because of the general availability of mobile communications and the

Internet it has become easier and faster to spread the important and interesting

information. What about the need to proclaim it during a match can be made via the

loader ( a person who manages the scenario performance during the game ), power

ultras movement no longer needs of advertising, which has been before. Postcards

gradually lost relevance.

By definition of a journalist LR Shovene, fanzine – is amateur publication that

produced to meet the needs of a specific group of people, as newspapers and

magazines, which creates group of fans, is that this type of press. Feature of fanzine

sports is that its content should be around-sport rather than analytical, one that will

interest active fans, authors of articles are people with movement into emotionally

charged, does not have to be exact periodicity exit in print depends on the availability

of material. An important factor in the creation of a fan edition is that issued it for

their own means of motion, without attracting sponsors.

The first edition was a Ukrainian fanzine "Ultras "FC" Heather " (equal), which

came into being in August 1992 [ 18], "is not an official publication of fan level", as

stated on the cover. Author and compiler I. Bespalenko known among fans as free.

The material is a description of the local and national groups, reports on visits, review

of foreign fans. He did not become a regular and popular as his age " Wanderer " (

1992), who created a fan of FC "Metallurg" (Zaporozhye) Protas . [15 ]. Positioning


of the product was as «Ultra magazine», log ultras. Propagated using risograph nearly

manuscript A5 volume of 16 pages, in Russian, with your own photos and clippings

from various print publications – all primitive by modern standards magazine, and

became emotional explosion phenomenon among fans. Because of the regularity

issues and the status of the first great demand fanzine Ukraine belongs to him, but in

the article " Time fanzine two fanzine » (№ 4, 1993) indicated that the first fanzine

was just "Ultras " with level [ 16].

In its first filling fanzine were now familiar information: photos, reviews of

league games from the perspective of a fan, reports, experience of foreign

"colleagues" and of course, an explanation of who the ultras. Although at that time

there was no clear understanding and delineation of the term with other fan areas, but

set an attribute that identifies the style of fan support for the team and is part around-

football . Subsequently, these publications gaining popularity, they produce more and

more groups. It is becoming common to have your fanzine any format ( glossy

magazine, newspaper ). For example, in 1993 in Rovaniemi, in addition to the

magazine "Ultras ", a misunderstanding editors Bespalenka IV and VI Romanenko

(Jack) appears competence " Wolves" [14 ], " Sector 23" FC " Vodnik" ( Kherson)

(1995) [8 ], «Volontaire» – FC " Vorskla " ( Poltava) (1995) [19 ], in 1999 postcard

of FC "Dynamo" ( Kyiv) "Legion" is converted to the journal under a similar name "

FANlehion " [17 ].

In 2007 the first printed issue of " Sviatoslav " ultras FC "Dynamo" ( Kyiv)

was published[10 ]. This brightly colored edition of the way printing quality

according to the authors was to become the main edition of Kiev fans, which aims to

unite representatives of all types of fans, attract new sector, to explain to the public

who the ultras [10, 2]. Despite the large edition (1000 copies) attempt to bring

information outside around-football topic failed. The selected scheme of distribution

– by reservation through the leaders of the movement – not given opportunities to sell

more copies and the number of interested fans who are not yet ultras. This issue is

still possible to buy, because at that time the sector was not so many people to sell


everything, and those who went to read it by transferring each other. Usually, journal

interest those who wanted to get a souvenir photo and story about the events, which

were attended . Number of second saw the world much later than expected – autumn

2008 as the year for going to and processed material. The third issue has received

digest form – sample the best in the period from 2008 to 2011 fourth exit number "

Sviatoslav " is planned for 2013.

Ukrainian analogue of the Russian magazine «Ultras Life», which united

representatives of all sports and areas became fanzine "Ultras UA» ( 2008). Unlike

foreign publications, the magazine dedicated to football, the text posted on the

amateur level, bilingual ( Article written in Ukrainian and Russian), the quality of

their external design (printing ), funded by fans, essentially without attracting

sponsors. How is it spread – is not known, but the specialized forums collected

barrage of criticism from those who created or was close to the authors [ 5]. Overall,

was published two issues "Ultras UA» and one issue of the magazine on newsprint

«FAN # 1" completely dedicated to the review of the performance of a large number

of Ukrainian Ultras groups, but most clubs Grande [6 ].

The existence of most fanzines gradually eroding, as their content is usually

not relevant, and most publications ceased to be something interesting, unusual,

becoming a regular press a certain direction. All events that can be described,

collected on the Internet site "Ukrainian portal ultras" and ultras groups. Those

fanzines that still produce, proudly point out this fact, such as in fanzine FC "

Vorskla" (Poltava) [ 21], which is not only not ceased to exist, but has a stable

frequency .

New and most popular print medium were stickers . Sticker (English sticker –

Sticker) – a label which contains significant information content with a small amount.

Bright, attractive, unusual and numerous, they will certainly attract the attention of

both fans and ordinary people. In addition to this printed product sticker is a visual

attribute, an element of street art, standing on par with graffiti and stencils .

Sticker advantages over other means of expression are in the following terms :


-plenty of information for small format . If this sticker is dedicated to the club,

then it definitely shown that due to the team : logo, name, achievement, pointing

friends – that is a reminder of the team, its glorification . Stickers can greet their fans

( "FC Krivbas Happy New Year! "); Insult ( unpleasant images or text in relation to

the opposing team) talk about their group, to report certain events ( invitations to

match the anniversary of the club ), call for help ( action to protect the family

Pavlicenco ), etc.;

- low cost and ease of manufacture. Print images can be both regular printer at

home and order in printing that specialize in such things. Distribution is usually free

of charge, under the scheme from hand to hand ;

- usability . Again, because of the size it is easy to carry and stick . Damage to

the aesthetic appearance of the area causing minimal. The place of " the mark " can

be both a lamppost hometown and a building somewhere overseas. During a major

international event host cities just cover stickers, which you can learn about the

geography of visitors and not just the countries of origin, and even in a specific place

("a fan of Dynamo Kyiv Pechersk"). Some stadiums are designated for wall stickers (

"Donbass Arena ", Donetsk, pass on the guest sector) that there are certain features of

this sports facility . Unlike stencils or graffiti to mark need only a few seconds –

remove the protective film on the back and squeeze his hand. To disrupt, you have

more work, but at that time he will have time to see and read the contents.

As for literature, which highlights the issue around-football topic then until

recently it was presented mainly British books Brimsona D., N. Hornby and J. King.

Perhaps because of foreign translation and terminology ultra equate to bullies, which

in turn leads to misunderstanding among ordinary citizens, and among professionals.

To some extent romanticization of the author and his adventures around the image of

bullies, led to the fact that among the younger generation of fans who would like to

become ultra quite a large number of hooligans who guided read without

understanding their behavior.


In 2006, there is a book «Don't stop. Fans – fans – hooligans. History of

Movement supporters of FC "Dynamo Kyiv" in the memories of "V. Almashyn – FC

"Dynamo"( Kyiv ). It soon became incredibly popular among all those interested

around-football and football in general. As stated in the title, the book contains

memories of the participants in the events that took place during the years 1981-2005

and involving Dynamo fans, the story of the birth of the movement to the present.

The presentation took place on 7 June 2006 in Kneipp Club "Cupid" [20 ] and six

months (from 07.06.2006 to 01.01.2007) was the best-selling [7 ]. In sports forums

call it a handbook fan. In early 2012 he published a second book V. Almashyn "

More than game. Tales, Myths and legends reactive obscurantism"[1], in which,

among stories of times past history appear white and blue movement and based on

facts explained around-football cause movement of fans around the world.

Inspired by the success of Kiev «Don't stop», fans Illichivets Mariupol, namely

A. Dikhtyar wrote the book "Brief narrative of formation and development of

Mariupol football fan movement 1987-2008" [4 ], which was published in 2009, as

long as around-football topic dedicated to the history of the local teams – FC "

Illichevets ." With a print run of only 150 copies, the book became a rarity among all

those interested in the history of the club and fanaticism.

Also the works of national literature that describes around-football space

belongs to a collection of "Writers of football. Literary team of Ukraine "published in

2011 Unlike books of Almashyn B. and A. Dikhtyar, it 's not about the fans and for

the fans, and" stories from his own life. "

Summarizing the material analyzed, conclusions can be drawn . Print tools that

are used and distributed community Ultras come in different types and different

information content . These can be postcards of fanzine, stickers and literature . Their

origin and formation depends on the needs and development of society. Not always

large in size and content publishing cope with the intended purpose – to spread

information about around-football environment as distributed within the community

and not go beyond it, do not become public. Disseminating information around-


football easiest way – copied Cards – founders of the movement increased and

brought to the community a large number of interested people . Evolutioned to

reputable magazines, newspapers fans gradually disappears, leaving in print again,

the easiest media – sticker. Works of fiction foreign authors slowly but replace books

of local authors – fans who know the history of the movement can be explained by

the nature and convey the experience of the younger generation. So the specialist

literature, becoming accessible to all, will lead to understanding and acceptance of

representatives of ultras subculture .


1. Almashin V. More than a game. Fairy tales, myths and legends of the

reaction obscurantism / V. Almashin – Lviv : Kameniar 2012 . – 136 .

2 . Almashin V. Don't stop. Supporters – fans – hooligans . History of

Movement supporters of FC "Dynamo Kyiv" in his memoirs ochevydtsiv. / V.

Almashyn. – K.: Nora printing, 2006. – 104c.

3 . Great Soviet Encyclopedia : 30 tons – Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-

1978 [ electronic resource] / Dictionaries Yandex . – Mode of access : ~% D% BE% D0% BA% 29 / .

4 . Dikhtyar A. Brief narrative formation and development of Mariupol football

fan movement 1987-2008 / A. Dikhtyar – Mariupol, 2009 . – 104 .

5 . Magazine " Ultras UA». Forum [ E resource] / Forums –

Mode of access : = 251 & highlight =.

6. Magazine «FAN # 1" [ E resource] : Ukrainian ultras portal. Fanzine . –

Mode of access :

7. Best Books – 2006 in the "Libraries Publishers' [electronic resource]: Portal Ukrainian book industry. – Mode of access:

8. Reprinted fanzine "Sector 23" [electronic resource]: Mag Shop online store

of fan literature. – Mode of access:


9. Writers about football. Literary Ukraine team / Compiled . S. Zhadan. –

Kharkov, Family Leisure Club . – 2011. – 320 p.

10. Sviatoslav : fanzine / screening in only .. Ultras Dynamo Kyiv . – 2007. –

№ 1. – K. 32. – Once a year .

11. Sviatoslav : fanzine / asleep. Ultras Dynamo Kyiv . – 2008. – № 2. – C.

108 s . – Once a year .

12. Sviatoslav : fanzine / asleep. Ultras Dynamo Kyiv . – 2011. – 3. – K. ... 181

p. – Once a year .

13. Sviatoslav : fanzine[electronic resource] : Sviatoslav online – Mode of

access :

14. Fanzine " Wolves" [ electronic resource ]: Ukrainian ultra -portal . Fanzyny

. – Mode of access :

15. Fanzine " Wanderer " [ electronic resource ]: Mag Shop online store of fan

literature. – Mode of access : content_64.php.

16. Fanzine " Wanderer " [ electronic resource] / Restoration magazine number

4. – Mode of access :

17. Fanzine"Fan legion " [ electronic resource ]: Ukrainian ultra -portal .

Fanzines . – Mode of access : _1.php.

18. Fanzine"Ultras " [ electronic resource ]: Ukrainian ultra -portal . Fanzines .

– Mode of access :

19. Fanzine «Volontaire» [ electronic resource ]: Wglife. Vorskla Poltava. –

Mode of access :

20. Don't Stop [ Elekronnyy resource] : National columnist – 2006. – Mode of

access :

21. White Green Life # 5 [ electronic resource ] / Wglife. Vorskla Poltava. –

Mode of access :





Luidmyla Petrova



We consider the possibility of using the library to manage new approaches and

management technologies, which will help to improve and increase the effectiveness

of management decisions in order to achieve the objectives of functioning library, its

transformation into a powerful information and communication center.

Key words: library management, management activities, consulting,

convergent approach, process approach, quality management system, situational


Providing a systematic, orderly, prudent management of complex scientific

processes of the functioning of the library in terms of information society

development and the development of market economy in Ukraine is a priority to

optimize its operations. However, the methodology of System Research Management

issues in library science does not have the basic scientific principles and is in the

process of finding and updating. Complication management tasks are updated by the

need of attention to the achievements of the general theory of management, including

testing new approaches and technologies to improve and enhance the effectiveness of

management decisions with a view to achieving the objectives of the operation of the

library, its transformation into a powerful information and communication center .

Before the library management system there is a significant number of

problems whose solution requires swift action. Under pressure from outside

influences and circumstances, internal library needs and desires of library managers

must constantly analyze the situation to improve and develop a management system

to provide a synthesis of management decisions to improve their quality.

It should be emphasized that management activities are one of the most

complex human activities, so a small number of scientists exploring management

problems . Practical mechanisms of decision management solutions are often latent,

still not fully studied . [1] Doubtless is the fact that management decisions based on


the information received on time -tested practice of knowledge, the results of the

previous experience of the director, supported by his professional intuition. This

combination defines the correctness of administrative actions and operational


Management – is a special activity that converts disorganized crowd focused

on efficient and productive group [2, 48]. In philosophical dictionary concept

management is treated as a function organized systems that ensure the preservation of

their structure, maintenance mode, the implementation of its programs and goals [3,


Sources of the concept of "governance" go back to primitive society.

Knowledge of management existed 5000 years ago in ancient Egypt 3000 years ago

in ancient Greece. The term "governance" has emerged from the Greek " hiberno "

from which formed the original " governor ", " province ", " governess " and

"cybernetics " [4 ].

In the context of the phenomenon of "managing" the analysis of situations,

which includes forecasting and planning, synthesis and formulation of objectives,

implementation plans, organization, motivation of employees, monitoring of

management decisions. Management decisions are the result of a proper

understanding of the situation, and ways of its further development.

Ensure the successful operation of the library requires clear thinking,

understanding and formulation of the purposes of this activity with further details and

a comparison with the resource capabilities to guide the planned outcome [5 ]. This

search process is based on information which enables to solve the problem of

selecting optimal management decisions.

Among managerial innovations that can be used in the practice of libraries,

there are many developments. It is important to realize that science is searching for

the truth and the laws and practice of accumulating experience and enriched

successful techniques and technologies. The success of management activities is the


optimum combination of science and practice, provided that scientific laws and

practical tools used in a particular situation in a particular institution.

Another important component of modern governance (management) should be

called an information consultancy, which is part of the process of automated

information systems. Information Consulting (IC) – a professional activity or group

of professionals working on strategic planning project information, analysis and

formalization of requirements for an information management system, the

establishment of information system project [6, 86].

The range of the main goals of developing information consulting projects is

wide, but its capabilities are primarily for libraries in developing recommendations

for the construction of sustainable technologies work of the organization and its

interaction with the environment, restructuring organizational and management

structure, streamlining information flows (eg, workflow) within the organization,

analysis of the existing situation and requirements for the design of information

systems management, the introduction of management information systems (MIS)

and others. The advantage is that the structure of a direct approach to information

consulting projects are planned, systematic and consists of certain steps that make it

possible to carry out a thorough survey of the library and to determine the optimal

variant of its work in the future.

In the last decade, research in the area of system management and decision-

making is increasingly moving from analysis to synthesis, from individual to group of

people from schemes to understanding and comprehension. Growing complexity of

management tasks makes searching for new ways to improve the sustainability of

their decisions to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Scientific studies have shown that the universal provision of certain structural

conditions for the convergence, stability and commitment of management

information processing and further use determines the success of the task. Intensified

such important elements of optimization activities like speeding up decision- making,

workers reach agreement regarding the goals and ways of implementation,


identification of priority projects and programs, database design, providing high

quality customer service, forming a positive motivation to innovation and more.

Under this approach to solving problems, such as ensuring the necessary conditions

for sustainable direction information processes to set goals, was called convergence,

and information systems, which take into account and implement it – converged

systems management and decision-making ( convergence is understood as the

convergence of the combination, interpenetration ).

Convergent approach were successfully applied in a systematic study of the

behavior of objects at the micro and macro level, he won a special place in the study

of administrative ( managerial ), information, communication, motivational problems,

so that made it possible to consider a new managerial experience in various fields [7

]. Its use in the management of the branch library, and the library management

provides new opportunities for sustainable operation and development .

Creating a converged management and decision making under the library

should be based on the potential of system analysis and synthesis, strategic and

operational planning, the use of systems and analytical instruments ( hierarchy

analysis, cognitive modeling, management motivation, etc.).

An important aspect of convergent approach in the management group are

convergent solutions, that collective consideration of the problem and how to solve it.

The most effective is a sequence of decisions: to build a common "objectives tree "

analysis of environmental factors and internal capacity, wording problems that hinder

the achievement of the objectives, the priorities of the development, the formulation

of related plans, projects, programs and activities.

Considerable promise in the management of a modern library at the convergent

approach makes use of a schematic representation of the situation and assess its

future development. For that determined the factors affecting the situation, and

constructed in accordance with the scheme, it shows the level of satisfaction with the

information services of the library and its resource capabilities and motivation of staff

for innovation, confidence in the guidance.


Factors may be quantitative or qualitative measurements and simultaneously be

targeted or management . Target – indicate the desired performance, management –

the possible effects of industry and management library for solving a particular

problem. Trust and managerial factors are closely related, which can be displayed in

the scheme targeted keys to further evaluation of these trade-offs . The construction

of such a scheme makes it possible to choose from a large number of factors, the

most significant and visualize structured problem that arises in the organization of the

library. Later elected the possible outcomes of management actions on certain factors

and their effects are predicted .

Significant prospects is the use of library management methods of strategic

analysis, including SWOT- analysis and its reduction SOM analysis. Their use helps

to structure specific situations and to present their phased sequence of actions,

including the following:

- Selection and definition of the problem situation ;

- Separation in this situation, factors within its external and internal areas

(external – those who head to the library can not influence and internal – those for

which it can influence and change them );

- Identification of positive and negative factors in the work of the library;

- Identify those factors that most fully characterize the problem situation ;

- Evaluation of interactions and mutual influence between factors.

After analyzing the factors and the interrelations between them choose the ones

that are directly affected, ie internal management factors. Simultaneously selected

factors whose values need to change according to priority activities, but it is still

impossible to make because these factors – external target .

Based on the results of this method, the analysis makes it possible to generate

several scenarios to proceed. From a computer on selected scenarios simulated

situation to assess the impact of time management factors on target . The application

of the scientific method simulation helps visually track trends in the values of the

selected factors. A forecast of the consequences of management decisions is reduced


automatically calculate the values of target factors in a certain period of time for the

effects on managerial factors. Consequently, the use of the scientific method of

modeling combined with computer technologies ( managerial applications) provide

significant advantages in the management of the library. It should be noted that

modeling is effectively used in bibliotekoznavchyh studies, but has not yet become an

essential tool in library management practices .

A major impetus for the implementation of managerial innovations, promoting

scientifically sound management decisions and at the same time saving time head of

the library is to create situational control center ( sector group), realizing the need for

leadership in providing information. However, only the collection of information is

not limited to his task . Management is important to quickly and systematically

analyze the situation together to synthesize solutions to accumulate the results of

treatment of existing ideas, knowledge and experience of the group leaders, decision


Create situational center determined the need for group cognitive analysis of

situations and strategies in case of problems. Source is the professional knowledge

and understanding of stakeholders management. Therefore, the Situation Centre – is

actually an integrated set of organizational procedures, information and analytical

tools, technologies and moderation moderator, software and hardware, including

visualization . Thus, in combination provided opportunity to make strategic and

tactical management to determine further management actions and implement

functions such as receiving and storing information about the current situation (

internal and external ), compared with the desired ( target) state, the decision to

change the status or achievement new goals, identifying strategic management

decision by consensus, the choice of management actions according to the chosen

solution. In fact, the possibilities are combined and implemented systems analysis

and modeling, first identified the situation "as is ", and then carried out a situational

analysis and modeled and formed the desired state " as it should be ", then a plan of

changing the situation and are monitored for changes .


Considering the management perspective, it is impossible to avoid the quality

management system (QMS ), which have become implemented in the libraries of

higher education institutions [ 8]. The basis of their work was based (according to the

international standard ISO 9001:2000) eight quality management principles :

customer orientation, leadership, employee engagement, system approach to

management, process approach, making decisions based on facts, mutually beneficial

relationships with suppliers, constant improvement. To obtain a certificate of QMS

implemented new technologies and management procedures designed to meet the

needs of library users and providing quality information products and services.

It should be emphasized that an important condition for the creation of QMS in

the library is used in the management process approach, the essence of which is to

review the functioning of the organization as a network of interconnected processes.

Therefore, to improve the activities of the library as needed to identify all the

processes described them set goals and performance criteria for the process to

identify the necessary resources to establish a framework of processes to ensure

management of these processes based on defined objectives and criteria.

Any activity begins with the definition of the purpose ( mission) management

system for its implementation (management) team and Performers (teams ).

However, you must remember that the definition of the mission of the library is a

testament to its development and improvement, the transition to a higher level of

management and organization of it – a sign of acceptance of leadership positions.

Creating a management system demonstrates an understanding of the needs of

organizing activities – assessment of available information and intellectual resources,

regulation of the activity process evaluation of labor, cost accounting of own

information products and services prioritization and forecasts. Formation of the group

– is the realization of the need to create a team of associates, provision of collective

capacity, corporate culture and deep, still not yet fully defined success factors : a

collective faith, enthusiasm, spirit, romance library profession. The combination of


these ingredients makes socially relevant content of the staff of the library makes it

possible to develop a concept or strategic plan for further development.

In the management of a modern library should be used and the achievements of

science and heritage experience. Science Management defines and classifies patterns,

contributing to the search for truth . The accumulated experience enables effectively

practice the successful management techniques. Knowledge of patterns of scientific

management, coupled with practical tools and direct their application in specific

situations allow you to make the right management decisions, which leads to a

positive effect of the organization and ensure the progress of modern Ukrainian



1. LG Petrov Library Management as the entity / LG Petrov. – Kyiv,

Ukraine NPB, 2001. – 54 p.

2. Meskon M. Principles of Management / Meskon M., M. Albert, F. Hedouri .

– Moscow: Delo, 1997 . – 701 .

3. Philosophical Dictionary . – 6th ed ., Rev . and add. – M., 1992 . – S. 473.

4. Drigaylo VG Basis for the organization of the library of the university :

scientific-practical . benefits. – M.: Libereya – BIBINFORM, 2007 . – 624 p .

5. Library management : ucheb. Conf . benefits. / A. Aver'yanov, AN Benaiah

VG Gorev, etc. – St. Petersburg. Title: 2002 . – 302 .

6. Greenberg A. Information Management : Textbook. benefits. for schools /

Grinberg, IA King . – Moscow: UNITY -DANA 2003 . – 415 .

7. Raikov N. Convergent management and decision support / AN Raikov . –

M.: ICAR . – 2009 . – 245 .

8. Vahnovan VU Implementation of quality management practices in scientific

and technical library of the National Aviation University / VU Vahnovan, OP

Shkurko / / Bulletin . Book. Chamber. – 2009. – № 4. – P. 10-13.


Natalia Kunanec’



The possibility of application of methodological approach of scientific industry

of social communications to research of activity of libraries of Western Ukrainian

region are analyzed in the article. Advantages and specific of social communication

approach are considered as the applied.

Key words: social communication, sociocommunicational approach, library,

library science.

The Insertion of Library knowledge in the complex science of social

communication confronts scientists of the challenges the industry to work out some

of the methodological paradigm of research. Since we consider communication as a

form of human interaction in the process of communication, remember that libraries

play an important role in shaping the informational aspects of social communication.

In order to confirm our decision we give the definition of V. cutthroat " for social

communications should be understood a system of social interaction, which includes

the ways, methods, tools, principles of establishing and maintaining contacts based

on professional and technological activities aimed at developing, implementation,

organization, improvement, modernization of social relations that develop between

the various social institutions which, on the one hand, as an initiator of

communication often act as social and communication institutions, services, and the

other – organized community ( society, social groups) as full participants in the social

interaction "[1 ]. The library as a social institution in all historical periods must create

pre-defined "system of social interaction" using " the ways, methods, tools, principles

of establishing and maintaining contacts based on professional and technological

activities " of some organized community – readers that regarded" as full participants

in social interaction ."

The study rely on methodological principles elaborated by leading Ukrainian

library experts, including L. Dubrovin, L. Petrova, O. Voskoboynikov – Guzev et al.


[2 ]. The methodology of scientific activity, particularly in library science, provides a

set of specific techniques, approaches, methods, activities aimed at obtaining new

scientific results, and based on the general principles of the study of objects of study

in the development of social phenomena and processes. Logical construction

methodology of our work is based on an interdisciplinary approach to the study of

library context socio communicational processes that contributed to getting the

results together methodological and methodical plan, which form an integral concept

of strategy development at Western libraries as social institutions designed to not

only collect, store and provide access to their funds, but also to build new types of

relationships between the librarian and the reader, the library and the community .

The purpose of the article is to consider the particular study of the western

region libraries using the methodological approach of the scientific field of social


The library is an integrative social institution, so multi-faceted and must be the

science of the library, which resulted in the choice of research methods, not only

from the arsenal library, but also a theory of social communications and information

technology. Since the present research methodology with the use of time-tested

traditional methods and approaches requires new paradigms and conceptual

approaches to understanding complex sociocommunicational processes, it is

important to consider the history of libraries in the light sociocommunicational

issues. Methodology of library experts studies, particularly those dealing with the

activities of libraries in retrospect, requires deep thinking.

Determination of initial social function library provides insight into the nature

of its activities in the wider social system. This systematic approach helps to identify

the role of social, cultural and historical mission and social function libraries and

their essential purpose and specific tasks in specific historical and socio- political

conditions. In addition, the library is provided as a systematic understanding of the

object, which is characterized by its own structure, stable relationships between

individual elements and subsystems, specific functions of the components and the


system as a whole. System analysis facilitates provision out of the library in its

structure purpose, object, subject, tools, results and characteristics of the activity.

System analysis libraries in the context of social communications intended for

the correct choice of system tools in order to solve this problem. System analysis is

seen primarily as a methodology of knowledge and organization, ie the so -called

structuring problem to be solved with the use of formal methods. Consequently, its

essence is not to use mathematical methods and procedures, and to compare

alternatives based on logical sequence of steps. System analysis enables to deepen

and expand the understanding of the nature of its structure, organization, goals and

objectives of the operation, development patterns, to determine optimal ways and

methods of control. Systems analysis is based on the following methodological


- Organic unity of objective and subjective in the process of scientific research;

- Structural system that determines the integrity and stability of its


- The dynamic system;

- Interdisciplinary nature of systems research ;

- Organic unity of formal and informal in the analysis.

According to the systems approach, a library – is integrity, which is

appropriately located and unity of interrelated parts. Mandatory to consider is the

commitment and functionality of each of the studied libraries.

The main features of the perception of the library as a system is the presence of


1) the elementary units – elements that constitute it (funds and staff );

2) subsystems – the result of the interaction of elements ( subsystems funds);

3) components – the result of the interaction of subsystems, which can be

viewed in relative isolation, without reference to other processes and phenomena (

interaction adjustment : the reader – the librarian – the book );


4) a certain level of integrity, which is a sign that the system is due to the

interaction integral component receives the result – the effect of library ;

5) within the system- the ties that bind the components and subsystems as part

of a single system ( the interaction of the subsystems ' Fund and the librarian, ""

library, and other social institutions ");

6) communication with other systems environment ( library activity in the

context of social communication ).

Analysis of the library as an important part of the social system consisting of

interconnected and interdependent functionally specialized elements makes it

possible to construct its structural and functional model . Each of the components in

different historical periods embodied in a variety of organizational forms, goes its

own way of development. The library has changed over time, but always embodied a

utility function for society – no matter how she was treated . [1]

Major subsystem library ( library fund contingent of users, library staff,

physical infrastructure ), resulting in the isolation of structural and functional analysis

of the library, supplemented by activity characteristics in the study of library practice

( processes of formation and use of library fund of reference and bibliographic

apparatus Library and bibliographic service users and others). sociocommunicational

methods and system approach. Based on the analysis of the development and

operation of the library can be made of the decomposition to determine the factors

that not only preserve the integrity, but also develop it as a whole. By means of the

library there are different forms of communication, and characteristics such as space,

time relationships, communication channels, create only the external conditions of

communication and proper communicative environment .

This is achieved through structuring effective study library, which allows to

describe the essential components of each of the libraries – subsystem connections,

properties, functions, and so on. The library should be considered a structural-

functional integrated system, in which each subsystem has a specific functionality

that is consistent with the overall objectives of the system as a whole. The level of


integrity of the system depends on the level of compliance of the structure and

function of the main goals of the system.

The level of autonomy and openness of the system to which the library as a

social institution is determined by several factors: the number of links the library with

the environment in the middle of one of its elements, the intensity of the exchange of

information between the library and the environment, degree of exposure to other


The library is not isolated from the environment, it is the associated

connections through which exercise some influence, realizing its mission and purpose

. In addition, it is important to act in the library from the external environment : the

study of these relationships allows the library to learn, not directly but indirectly

through other sites.

Such a complex system as a library specific to several types of connections :

interaction ( coordination), among which we can distinguish between the

properties of ties and relations of objects. Specificity of them is that they are

mediated by objectives, which poses a component of every interaction;

) when one object is the basis of the other;

, including include those marketed through a particular object that

provides this conversion, and those that are sold through direct interaction of two or

more objects, making these objects together or separately moving from one state to


, which suggest that the presence of some elements of

the system necessitates other elements that interact with the first ;

, providing a library activity . Relationships between elements of the

system are distributed in connection state ( the next state is a function of the previous

one) and functional relationships (objects related to a function of unity );

elationships and connections

status ( with the difference that the development is significantly different from the

change in the state as though it describes the state of the object, the main content of


the process are significant changes in the construction of the object and its life forms

). From this position, the operation is able to move the same level connected with

redistribution of elements, functions and relations in the library. Each next state is

determined either directly preceding or somehow " reforming " construction of the

object and does not go beyond its history. The development library is not only self-

revelation object mainstreaming potential inherent in it, but the change states based

on – the impossibility of preserving existing forms of functioning. Thus, the library

has to go to a different level of activity previously unavailable or impossible, the

condition is to change the organization.

The new paradigm of extended discourse studies that used

sociocommunicational approach. It should be noted that the library has traditionally

been studied in library science as a relatively stable form of social practice, due to the

needs of society . The library as a social institution attracted the attention of

researchers throughout the twentieth century. Emphasis was placed on library experts

most important, but only one institutional aspect – the library of interaction with the

environment. However, given the fact that libraries have always played an important

role of social institutions in society, work of library experts close to

sociocommunicational. In studies of individual library or group of libraries, scientists

must have considered their participation in social processes, influence the

development of social communication.

The main hypothesis of our study is that an extensive library infrastructure in

the western region of the operation created a basis for the development of social

communication it a special place and role of the librarian has improved due to the

gradual optimization of library technology.

Professor W. Rizun rightly believes that " methodological approach to the

study of phenomena, processes, functions of social communications is obviously

sociocommunicational approach " [3 ]. Such methodology we used in the study of

library western lands of the thirteenth century. until 1939. In the projection of the

history of librarianship, this approach gives rise to assess the state of the society,


which is indicative of the structure of social communications is a library that through

specific communication practices and library technology is constantly developing

information and praxeological components of social communication.

Library of the thirteenth century. steadily evolved toward social institutions

that served as a cultural center. Using the context of the historical development of the

region in the study of the evolution of library helped to examine their interaction in

the process of historical change and transformation, and identify the impact on the

development of basic conceptual areas of social communication. Research libraries

have been actively involved in social communications, involving the use of scientific

knowledge about communication.

Applying the theory of sociocommunicational approach to the study of the

history of library science at Western, we should bear in mind the needs of :

taking into account the spatial,

time and location of the communication environment ;

f the results.

So sociocommunicational approach involves research libraries in the social

dimension, that because of the way they depend on the needs, goals, objectives of

sociocommunicational Institute as they affect different categories of readers, whether

caused by these agents of sociocommunicational specific technology or includes

these features in particular for vehicles of sociocommunicational Institute and others.

Libraries, acting at Western since the thirteenth century. were active

participants in the process of formation of "social memory". It is in the collections of

libraries, regardless of plant species, accumulating documents, the value of which in

the course of our study can be estimated from the present position . The conceptual

paradigm of this approach is based on the need to study the role of the library in the

formation of scientific schools, educational and cultural processes, and the transfer of

knowledge of space and time recorded on the pages of books and magazines. The

analysis of social and cultural transformations that took place at Western since the


thirteenth century. in 1939 gives reason to formulate social mission of the library as

an important component of sociocommunicational society whose mission is to

promote the development and circulation of accumulated human knowledge and the

preservation of documented knowledge in the public domain .

Thus, the library is defined as a complex self-regulating system that was

formed during the interaction between the librarian and the user while providing

information services and between the library and the public. Through the operation of

research libraries can trace the changes that occur in various areas of life Western

region: economic, political, cultural, social and so on. For example librarianship

region clearly evidenced how the system of socio- economic relations, and

transforming itself the spiritual, educational and scientific life of society.

Consequently, the library belongs to the complex system objects that have a

social nature and do not exist outside of the social, a pan- context. Therefore, the

conceptual model library based on the structural and systematic approach by which

the content is determined by internal and main features of the library in the context of

the knowledge society.


1. Basov SA On institutional approach in librarianship / SA Basov / / NTB.

– 2011. – № 3. – C. 5.

2. Voskoboinikov Guzev-OO methodology of modern research

bibliotekoznavchyh / O. Voskoboinikov-Guzev, L. Petrov / / Library Journal. – 2006.

– № 6. – S. 23.

3. Rizun V. outline the methodology of Social Communication Studies / V.

Rizun. – Mode of access: http / /



UDC 023 (477)

Ludmila Prokopenko



This article analyzes the role and importance of library and information

institutions in modern Ukraine’s information space. The current library is considered

as informational,recreational and cultural center, which provides conditions for

education, training, recreationcitizens, promotes socio-economic and

cultural development of the population.

Key words: library, information resources; social communication,

information technologies, information culture.

The background of the subject is conditioned by the latest socio-economical

and political reforms in Ukraine, which significantly transformed the business

function of socio-cultural sphere. These processes are markedly manifested in the

cultural activities of libraries that have become a major producer of spiritual products


The activities of the library are governed by the Laws of Ukraine, "On

Libraries and Librarianship", "On Information", "On Culture", which establishes the

library as a subject of cultural activities, main tasks of which, is to give citizens a

possibility to freely use the library fund to systematically improve the culture of the

society.The library is a social and cultural institution, together with the traditional

functions of collection and preservation of documents, provides the public's right to

knowledge, education, cultural values and use of information.

The purpose of this article – is to summarize experience of socio-

communication activities of libraries, especially in regional universal scientific

library of Ukraine(Universal Scientific Library).

Modern Library – is an informational, recreational and cultural center that

provides the conditions for education, training, recreation for the citizens,contributes


to the socio-economic and cultural development of the population.Public libraries

appointment is permanent collection,ordering, storing and usage of informational

resources on different types of devices to meet the needs of readers.After all, society

is developing, changing, posing new challenges to libraries, to which library should

respond promptly and in theoretical and practical aspects.

As A. Chachko states, the social communications is anessential feature of

library activities(external – and internal communications) [10], formation and trends

of further development of libraries in the system of social communication is

presented in the works of V.Ilhanayeva [3]G. Shvetsova [12]. N. Zhadko [4], who

considered library as a social and cultural institution a component of social

communication, documental and informational institution in the cultural

communication.The current period is characterized by the librarian theory as

justification of new concepts concerning the characteristics of the library, and as its

social functions andinformation interpretation. Summarizing unanimous opinions of

scientists, the main thesis, expressed in their writings, library – is a special cultural

institution, satisfies informational needs of society, which are stored in the library,

and accessible in information networks. The pointis that the library is considered in

the context of the overall development of culture, in history, with the laws of social

development[8, 19].

Changes in social, political and economic life of Ukraine affected the needs of

readers, and made it necessary to move to an intensive process of implementation of

the library functions through the introduction of new computer technology.After all,

"the formation of modern civilization, is developedunder specific circumstances,

related to the use of telecommunication networks, and other means of social

communication and the conditions of their use in society. There is an assumption that

the informational environment can be seen as the result of human activities and

information as a condition of communication betweenpeople, and information

environment – as a form of social life of people"[5, 4].


Library offers Internet users access to the service through internal organization

of an on-line catalog, which contains information about the content of books and

periodicals.Forming factual, hypertext and full-text databases, librario-scientometric,

and analytical base of social,legal, economic problems, problems of science, culture,

education and management [9].

Intensity of use of print and electronic information resources for library users

in Ukraine reveals a significant contribution to library and information institutions,

for educational and cultural development of readers through the use of online

resources and free access to them.

The role of information resources in the social development of Ukraine

significantly increased over the past two decades. Informatization of society is

determined by a significant factor of modern life and covers the whole field of culture

– from the individual and general practice of means to learning and change human

reality. Informatization – is – a diverse socio-cultural process that involves a change

in the cultural paradigm of society [7, 77].

Information resources become important as a national strategic resource that

determines the level of intellectual potential of society. New methods of knowledge

processing are being introduced actively, which provide a high level of processing

information to its deep meaningful disclosure, shifting to the analytic experience of

users.The library appears as an institution of information and communication

infrastructure, accumulates, processes and spreads knowledge transforming it into

information – the most productive power of social development.

In the information society, together with the change of the position of the

library changes the status of the librarian as manager of library and information

services.Achieving success in becoming a librarian promotes expression of

competence in this aspect as professional in searching, analyzing, organizing and

providing information to readers.Library professionals must possess the

communication means and patterns of access to information, its processing,

distribution and making available to users by using advanced information technology.


Researcher T. Vylehzhanina states, that "modern library – is not only a

collection of books, but a vast world of social communications for people united by

seeking knowledge. The real future – is in those libraries, that combine the traditional

culture of communication via book and the new information technologies.The

diversity of library innovation can be seen in several ways:Technology-oriented

implementation of new information technologies in forming of the document-

resource base of libraries and library and information service users; functionally

meaningful, targeted at expanding the range of meaningful activities of libraries as

informational, cultural and educational institutions;communicative and social,

associated with the role and place of the library in society "[1, 7].

Libraries like socio-cultural infrastructure system components form a cultural

and information and communication environment,create new types of services for

efficient and prompt servicing for the society, devote considerable attention to

national culture and occupy a leading position in the information space of the region.

So, library is an effective link between global array of information and informational

needs of today's users.

Regional Universal Scientific Libraries are socio-cultural, educational,

informational centers in the region,centers of local history library and place the

population of informal communication.They are introducing innovative forms and

methods of work, form and retain information and documentary potential, create and

improve their information products and services. OUNB hold the main place in the

information and library service population of regions, providing the most

comprehensive access to information and knowledge.Doing social and cultural

function libraries popularize the local lore, and encourage people to explore their own

land. Using books libraries convey to users national traditions, formed over the

centuries, and help educate the public consciousness.

An important factor is the sociological study of the libraries, which enables to

identify the level and capacity of libraries to draw attention to issues, and determine

the location of the library's facilities in sociocultural sphere according to current


informational needs of users.For socio-economic changes that are taking place in

Ukraine now, the processes of global information, the accelerated development of the

media,As noted by V. Goroviy [2], that affect the activity of libraries, their operation,

have a direct impact on the nature and content of requests, the composition of our

users and acquisition funds.

On the basis of the program and methods developed by the National

Parliamentary Library of Ukraine, in 2007 in Cherkasy by The Regional Universal

Scientific Library was made a sociological study "Public libraries of Cherkasy region

in the context of socio-cultural area", aimed at identifying the role and place of public

libraries in the Cherkasy region sociocultural space region to study their image,

credibility among the population, the existing problems and priorities in the

activities.It was found that the information market of universal resource potential of

public libraries of Cherkasy region is able to provide services and meet the needs of

users.The results of a survey of users showed at Cherkassy Regional Universal

Scientific Library that the library meets reader’s interests, and is needed for the

public access. According to users of the library, modern OUNB –is an informational

center, which is based on usage of computer technology, the internet, the EBD, and

realizes the informational function.The second place of importance, considers the

library as an educational, cultural and recreational center.The third – Local History

Centre, a place of communication, and book renting (function of service users).The

main motivations for reading were: education, recreation, self-education,

occupational activity (respectively from 51% to 46%), hobby – 23% and 13.5% read

literature related to the management of domestic and social issues.Despite financial

problems, lack of new publications, libraries of Cherkasy region, diversify

recreational, cultural and educational activities, introduce new forms and methods of

stagecoach literary, historical, literary tours, intellectual games and discussion

activities.To improve the image, promotion institutions, build an ongoing relationship

with local newspapers, radio, television channels, provide an annual report of the

library to the public. [13]


Analysis reports of OUNB over last years of the first decade of the XXI

century, show that the library will continue to actively explore their audience and

improve its services.In 2008, the Ternopil Regional Universal Scientific Library was

directed towards achieving national, regional programs to improve customer services,

prediction of development of librarianship using analytical, social, statistical and

marketing methods; tracking innovation, synthesis and recommendations for their

use, with the introduction of new technologies in their services. Popularizing actively

electronic document delivery, which is based on the creation and replenishment of

new “electronic databases” (DB). The library is a representer of it’s own resources in

the universe.In the same period, Rivne ODNB for information support of the

educational process and requests of professional educators and educational needs of

the students developed and activated a web-site "Knowledge Navigator".In addition,

they designed a booklet "Rivne State Regional Library: guide", "Information and

educational environment of Rivne," poster "Electronic Resources RSRL" and pocket

calendar "Evrotsentr.". In order to attract the general public, library presents

announcements on radio and television advertising in weeklies information published

in the local press about the resources and services of the library.

Among the priorities of the Cherkasy Regional Universal Scientific Library

named after Taras Shevchenko, used differentiated softwares in 2008 in order to meet

user queries according to their educational, industrial and other purposes, using

traditional methods and possibilities of new information technologies creating the

right conditions for the use of library stock in the service department, accessible to

Internet resources in information resource of the Central Library.Among the studies it

is necessary to mention the following: "bibliographer and its place in social

communication" (Poltava Regional Universal Scientific Library), "Library.

Society.Culture "(Sevastopol TSMB) and others.

Modern library – is not only a cultural institution, but also a social

infrastructure, whose task is to assist the establishment and development of the social

environment in which it exists.Expanding the boundaries of physical existence,


libraries take advantage of their Web sites in a virtual environment that gives them

new meaning and significance.

One of the stages of production of the library is to creation of a corporate

library system that would help libraries to reach a new level of development and the

need to solve problems regarding compatibility of ALIS at all levels.With

communication channels, ALIS, the library information resources provide electronic

products and improve information service [3].

New technologies facilitate OUNB and other cultural institutions in the

implementation of library services and distributing them among the new classes of

users.Computer technology plays a key role in the development of innovations of

libraries expanding their functions, in order to provide free access to global

information resources.The accumulation of information resources in libraries in

Ukraine is characterized by intensive growth of unique content and diverse form of

information products, that are powerfully supplemented by the formation of

informational communication and the use of global computer networks.The

introduction of new information technologies, the use of resources on the Internet,

greatly extends the information potential of libraries and contributes to a variety of

cultural and spiritual needs of users.Because social features of library and

information services can influence the user to change his values, preferences, tastes,

needs, mediated system of social relations.The use of web technologies and

telecommunications networks make it possible within the organizational, technical

and programmatic support and technical information center (in the form of an e-

library) provide network providing systematic information on the source documents

or copies of them.

With online advertising online library expands communication possibilities of

finding information in universal specialized databases, and providing access to

information. Online advertising as a communicative phenomenon is growing rapidly,

which promotes and provides access to library databases around the world [11].


Information technology and socio-economic changes in the modern library

cause to rethink traditional approaches to management acquisition of library and

information resources, change the rules and principles of the library collections.

Thus, libraries, playing the role as a scientific, educational, communicational,

informationaland education centers, improve traditional and develop new forms and

methods of information provision for users.As system components sociocultural

infrastructure OUNB regions are databases of information which provide

accessibility of documents and services for all types of users, introduces library

marketing, create new types of services and modern technology for efficient and

prompt services.To ensure users they create IP information and resource centers.

Electronic form information helps to keep it stable and compact, and promotes more

efficient distribution.

Computerization has affected the transformation of libraries as information

centers actively introducing new technologies aimed at collecting, processing and

storing of information in different media in order for further implementation of

activities at OUNB.

The main social function of library and information service remains the same –

providing free access to information sources.


1. Vylehzhanina T. Innovation determinant of libraries Ukraine / T.

Vylehzhanina / / Ref. planet . – 2009. – № 3. – S. 6-9.

2. Goroviy V. Libraries : A Look at Tomorrow / V. Goroviy / / Ref. Univ . –

2006. – № 5. – S. 3-7.

3. David IA LIBRARY production in the Information Society : monograph /

IA David. – H.: HDAK, 2005. – 295 p.

4. Zhadko N. Analysis of features of the Library suschnostnыh As the Institute

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5. Ilhanayeva B. Theoretical aspects of social and communication structures in

modern information space / V. Ilhanayeva / / Coll. Math. V – Mizhnar.nauk.

Pract.conf, Kyiv, 20-22 May 2008. – Dhaka, 2008. – S. 3-4.

6. Ilhanayeva VA library education : a new paradigm of development. – K.,

1996. – 253 p.

7. Ilhanayeva VA Informatization of society as the dominant cultural life of

society / Information and cultural education at the turn of the millennium : Math. Int.

sciences. conf. 70 anniversary HDAK . – H.: HDAK, Part II, 1999. – P. 77-82 .

8. Novikova N. Children's Library in the culture of Ukraine in the second half

of the twentieth century: the monograph / N. Novikov. – K., 2005. – 281 p.

9. A. Freedom of Information Society Library : value orientation activities / A.

Freedom / / Ref. Univ . – 2008. – № 6. – P.29 – 33.

10. Chachko A. Social Communications as an object of modern library /

A.Chachko / / Coll. Abstracts Int. scientific- theory . conf., Kyiv, 16-17 May, 2007. –

K.: KNUKiM, 2007. – S. 25 – 26.

11. Black EV Concept formation library advertising as communication system

on the internet / O. Black / / Coll. Abstracts Int. sciences. – theory . conf., Kyiv, 16-

17 May, 2007. – K.: KNUKiM, 2007. – S. 75 – 77.





UDC 808.5 (37) (38)

Elena Goncharova



This article analyzes thenon-verbaltechniques and toolsof ancientrhetoric,the

historicaland cultural context ofpublic speakingappearance.

Keywords: rhetoric, ancient rhetoric, eloquence, public speaking speech, non-

verbal elements, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome.

Actualization of problem opening the subjects of culture, politics, public sphere

of public life in post-Soviet Ukraine related to the development of democratic

institutions, the social communications media, flourishing rhetoric.Ability to speak in

front of an audience, the presence of oratorical skillspossession, all rhetorical devices

are crucial to the fate of modern civil, politician or a public figure. A student assesses

public appearance in the light of the availability and simplicity of presentation style,

manner of speech, a set of verbal and non-verbal factors inherited by the

speaker.Using linguistic, rhetorical, logical, psychological techniques, facial

expressions, gestures and other means to influence the audience will depend on the

social and situational settings and purpose of the speaker. Contemporary rhetoric

operating methods and means of classical rhetoric, the study of which by analyzing

texts can help explicate the "depth" of the information contained in the speeches of

ancient orators.

The need to understand the specifics non-verbal aspects of ancient rhetoric,

structure, leverage, mechanisms of action that it performs, it is now imperative to

modern scientists and representatives of the public sphere, and that is the purpose of

the article.

The concept of oratorical speech and non-verbal component is used in the

scientific and journalistic literature in rhetorical communication and even educational

context. Issues of the study and application of influence of non-verbal speaker in


modern political technology, media, marketing communications, advertising today,

scientists are considering in the light of new approaches in rhetoric, philosophy,

psychology, philology, journalism [2, 7, 8, 9].

Performances by speakers were heard during popular assembly of Athens, in

Gelieya, proclaimed in areopazi, the Roman Forum and the Senate, the judiciary

Roman assemblies, in times of the reign of the polis in ancient Greece, in the days of

republican Rome. However, the most powerful role played by democratic regimes

werethe immediate environment, so it was important that public rights, have been all

the arsenal of tools, forms and methods of oratorical speech.Ancient rhetoric – is not

only an oratorio.Speaker's speech also contained a visual element becoming as part of

the spectacle from the court – to the political and ceremonial.

Even Cicero said that he should worry about three things to say, where to say

and how to say it [18, 339].Task of speeches are truly independent act of oratory, as

in music, one thing – the score, the other – its sounding.Sound of speech contained

(and contains now) non-verbal complex components, which can distinguish semantic

and non-semantic components.Semantic load exercise clothing and paraphernalia,

semantic and can be considered proxemical component, because the space around a

person endowed with a certain sense long ago: distance and height marked its social

and financial status.

Spatial division of the actors and the audience observed in ancient Rome: in the

National Assembly when the speakers stand, rising to a special area, and to make sure

where the place was surrounded by seats for performances, seats were reserved for

the tribe, and in the courtroom and the Senate.In other words, there was a division of

space into acting, and a representative on the spectators' part.Thus, at the Roman

forum,Praetor sat on a raised platform (Tribunal) [20, 389], the speakers performed

from a special tribune, which from 338 BC. BC was decorated Rostra (fore part)

enemy ships [20, 397].No wonder even today they perform "at the pulpit",sit "in the

presidium,and" go "on the podium."


In such way, Demetrius, recalling in his treatise "On Style" of his famous

predecessor – the namesake, writes about the figurative appeal, that a "way of speech

chosen, for example, Demetrius Falerskogo in an address to the governor of

Macedonia Crater, which in the purple dress, sitting high on a golden throne with

vanity received ambassadors from Greece.[5, 282].

Kinesthetic components of speech (gestures, facial expressions and even

posture) also often are rich informatively.Cicero, in his treatise "On Duties" wrote

that there are two kinds of beauty: one of them characterized by grace, the other – by

dignity, sophistication we should consider usual to a woman,dignity – usual to

man.Therefore, it is necessary to remove any external decorations which are not

worthy for man, and the same defects to look out for in their gestures and

movements.Cicero pointed out that "... it is necessary to guard against the slowness

and sluggishness in the course, not to be like porters..excessive speed and haste.For if

it implied, shortness of breath, changes facial expression, distorted his features, all of

which clearly indicates a lack of stability "[17, 172].

Cicero gave an important roleto mimetic component, since it is difficult even to

convey how important it is that good or speaker uses these tools (movement and

facial expression. – OG ). Even the people, according to the speaker, deprived of the

gift of speech, through expressive utterance often reaped the fruits of eloquence. A lot

of people through eloquent utterance considered inept incompetent ... and if no

delivery no eloquence, and utterance, and without rhetoric has the power ... then its

value in the oratory of great [19, 342 ].

Regarding the mimetic and kinaesthetic component oratory, Cicero said that all

the movements of the soul must meet the movement of the body, but the movement is

not a stage that plays every word. Rotate the body should be confident and

courageous, like a soldier with a weapon, a hand – not too mobile to accompany, not

playing words with your fingers, hand – forward, like a spear eloquence, foot kick –

at the beginning, at the end of passionate parts . But most importantly, according to

Cicero, is the face, because it is there all the power – eyes, ... as the driving force of


performance – the soul, and the image of the soul – the face and its mouthpieces – the

eyes, because it is the only body in a position to convey the nuances and changes in

mental movements [18, 250-251 ].

Giving a description of the perfect orator, Cicero, including characterization

and component non-verbal Public Speaking : pronunciation of a speaker " is not

tragic nor a theater : the movements of the body it will be modest and focus on all the

expressiveness of the face, but not to say that he hamming, and so that it naturally

expresses the meaning of each word "[19, 348 ].

The additional semantic load with such components as the moral authority of

the speaker, relevance (matching) the content of speech situation, taking into account

(or ignoring) the psychology of the listening audience. Usually they strengthen or

weaken the role of suggestion as an important element of management and

manipulative functions eloquence.

But declamatory techniques (high or low sound, voice) can be defined as non-

semantic, acoustic components of speech, affecting not to mind, and in sensory

perception. But even they oratory play a significant role in creating the most aesthetic

impression .

Recitation or proclamation ( voice) speech – is its performance. Moment of

sound – in fact, in both cases – is the execution of a work of art, it is a necessary

component .

At the time, Aristotle, focusing on this component of oratorical skill as speech,

stressed that rhetoric is akin to other verbal arts – poetry. However, the philosopher

did not study detailed recitation, indicating that this aspect has " the greatest power ."

In this respect "for rhetoric, there are conditions similar to the conditions of the

poetics ... Action is contained in his voice, should know how to use voice must for

every passion. For example, when you need to speak with a loud voice, as gentle, as

mean and how to use intonation ... poignant, deaf or mean, and what beats to use for

each case. Here are three points to which attention is drawn : strength, harmony and

rhythm "[1, 127-128 ]. As Aristotle observed " and won the competition receive most


speakers are perfect in this, just as the actors on stage means more than the poets " [1,


Cicero also believed recitation important part non-verbal aspect oratorical

speech : " Execution – a single winner word. Without it, and the best speaker has no

suitable and mediocre that it is aware, can often outperform the best . " And refers to

Demosthenes, who allegedly to the question " what is most important in eloquence ?"

Said: " Firstly, performance, and secondly, performance, and thirdly, the performance

" [17, 248 ]. Cicero pointed out that if someone wants to be first in rhetoric, then he

said in angry locations tense voice of calm – a soft, low voice give it validity, wavery

– touching . A statement of ownership and voice – in our power ... the speaker model

will change and diversify vote and pass all stages of time, then straining it, then

holding back "[19, 342 ].

On the closeness of oratory and the cast of the musical, at least before

Cicerotimes, that the early period of Roman eloquence, evidenced by the fact that

during a performance by the famous Roman orator and tribune G. Gracchus behind

him was a musician who " gave him tons of playing the flute, adjusting the strength

of his voice, the supporting language that weakened, then holding back too fast " [7,

266 ].

In his treatise "On the speaker " Cicero said that anger is expressed in a voice

sharp, excited, intermittent ... But boredom and sadness – voice plaintive, desperate,

trembling, tearful, and fear – voice, depressed, confused, and determination – voice

tense, hard, stern, which expresses the rapidity and severity. A joy – open voice, soft,

gentle, cheerful and relaxed, and depression – a voice tinged with grim violence,

constrained and subdued [16, 249 ]. Here at the forefront of most acoustic properties

of speech proclamation related part of the acoustic characteristics of the voice of the

speaker, in part – with the ability to have their voice and give him the necessary

(appropriate) color.

However, according to Cicero, can not be equated with the recitation of the

utterance as utterance – it's kind of the rhetoric of the body, which consists of voice


and movement. With regard to the actual acoustic component, Cicero said that

"change voice as much as the soul changes, which are caused mainly voice, so a good

speaker when he wants to express passion and stir the soul of the audience, will

provide the voice of a particular time " [19, 341 ].

Plato spoke about the important role of timbre in eloquence. In the dialogue "

Protagoras " he mouth of Socrates characterizes coloring votes famous orators of his

time, the Sophists Protagoras and Prodicus ' ... foreigners – from those Protagoras

entail every city, wherever he visited, bewitching them with your voice like Orpheus,

and they go to his voice charmed ... "[10, 196 ]. Obviously, it was a musical,

melodious voice, if Protagoras himself likened to Orpheus .

Cicero also attached great importance to the speaker voice qualities, since we

are talking voice, using what we want it to be loud and pleasant, in both quality ...

need to achieve by nature, but the first is increased through exercise, the second –

thanks to imitate people who speak clearly and calmly [18, 173 ].

Voice as body strength, health, good look, natural qualities of the speaker, said

Marcus Fabius and Kvintillian, stressing that "any speech loses the price of bad voice

" [6, 185 ]. Thus, due to excessive shyness and weak voice did not speak of public

speeches Isocrates, but because of poor health careers speaker was forced to abandon

and Virgil. A problem oratory of Demosthenes, which reported Kvintillian, lay in the

fact that he barely uttered the letter " p " [6, 66].

Aeschines accused Demosthenes against the vices of his voice – " shameless

piercing " [22, 155 ]. This characterization indicated combination of acoustic features

of the moral voice of Demosthenes . " Piercing " as a morally neutral concept is,

however, a negative connotation in terms of physical perception, and " shameless " –

in terms of human perception as the bearer of moral character .

Cicero, referring to Demosthenes wrote that he believed the voice of Aeschines

' sweet and sonorous "[19, 342 ], and the Demosthenes, Aeschines describing the

manner of, say, the last performed " curling ". Although it should be remembered that


this exchange " pleasantries " occurred as a result of acute controversy between the

speaker and is not the worst way, they pelted each other.

Plutarch remarked " nice voice" Pericles, ease and speed of his speech "[11,

288 ]. Also Plutarch, describing the failure of the first public appearances of

Demosthenes, said that the reason for this was not only " stupid building speech " (ie,

composition), " Periods were confusing, and the proof – unnatural and strained," but "

weak voice" [12, 500] .

Targeting acoustic perception in the further development of ancient rhetoric, as

evidenced by the treatises of Cicero and Quintilian, intensified in the late Roman


Thus, the rhetoric of antiquity not only exist as a cultural practice, but also had

an extensive theory of aesthetics words that sound. Ancient rhetoricians pay attention

not only to the numerous figures – language and thought, but carefully treated

perceptual features acoustic component of rhetoric, figuring detail the nature of its

impact on human perception. They studied the semantics of sound, thus laying the

foundations of a scientific discipline, which today we know as psycholinguistics.

Equally important rhetoricians provided averbalniy component and Public Speaking,

its similarities and differences to simultaneously acting. However, the most aesthetic

rhetoric took place during the Roman and Hellenistic period was a sign of the

decadence of oratory antiquity.

Focusing on classical rhetoric as primarily a word that " sounds ", defining

ancient culture as " oro – acoustic ", researchers are paying enough attention at the

time that the performances of speakers, poets, actors and rhapsodies were an element

of contemporary spectacle – the prototypes of modern entertainment, political and

more recently – thanks to television – and court shows. However, elements of

spectacular ancient culture were many and varied : sports, theater and choir (the one

that had meaning in the lives of the ancient Greeks, most policies choir competitions,

shows the existence of such duties as horehiya relying on the wealthiest citizens,

because the costs for equipment and training choirs for performances were similar to


triyerarhiyeyu – encumbrance of gear ships – triremes ), religious holidays – Walk

donators games in honor of the gods, the race of poets, speeches rhapsodies, and

circus actors, then – gladiator fighting and baiting animals to arenas in major cities of

ancient Rome. Spectacular oratorical speech STANDARDS provide not only the

spoken word, and visual and theatrical performances using aestheticization

movements, facial expressions, gestures, clothing and accessories.

Another important aspect averbalnym oratorical speech in antiquity is

kinesthetic. Indeed, gestures, posture, and even movements of the speaker was not a

matter of his personal preference, but rather defined by default . Yes, Kul C. observes

that in ancient Greece the speaker had to say, while standing in one place [8, 22,

126]. As the AA Kornylova speech, the speaker should behave with restraint, not

only verbally (this requirement does not apply for extension, that political speech ),

but also in terms of movement. Violation of this was seen as a reflection of the

negative traits. Aristotle cited as an example of a contemporary speakers – Cleon : "...

saying it also walked – showing exuberant temper and rude " [1, 316 ]. Even in the

time of the Hellenistic Roman orator, at least sculptor, afraid extract both arm and a

leg, so that all gestures, even the folds of clothing obey certain rules. Clothing has

long been a means of attracting attention . So, speaking of ambassadors of Asia

Minor Greeks who turned to Sparta for support against the Persian king Cyrus,

Herodotus reports that some Pifarem elected to speak on behalf of arrivals, wore

purple to collect as many of the people around them [4, 82].

In ancient Greece more clothes reflect personality traits of the speaker. Elian

says that Hippias and Gorgias " wore a purple dress, Pythagoras wore white robes

and a golden wreath and trousers, Empedocles – purple and copper soles of shoes on

" [21, 77 ]. Diogenes Laertius observed that Empedocles was wearing a purple robe

and on his head – a gold armband [15, 334 ], and according to Flavius Philostratus,

Empedocles tie their hair red and purple bandage [14, 177]. D. Barnes argued that

Aristotle was a dandy, wearing rings and short hair pidstryhav accordance with the

then fashion [2, 9]. However, too much attention to their appearance speaker


condemned. Yes, Aulus Helium passed that of Demosthenes, distinguished by the

fact that "the dress ... and pampering was elegant, graceful and extremely thorough,"

is often ridiculed for his " garments " and "short hlinidy " and " soft hitonisky, "and"

not even postponed .. not to scold his speeches that disgrace and shame that he is not

a man at all ... "[ 3, 43].

Violation of restraint in appearance and hurled Roman orator and art. BC Quint

hydrangea, because " he was dressed in a toga and drapiruvavsya with great finesse

and very carefully and accurately, and during his speech very clearly and strongly

gestured with his hands. And many said that he had during the proceedings and

judicial inquiries behaves like litsedeya "and some " called him by it is not even an

actor and dancer "[3, 44]. Other comparisons were very offensive, because the acting

profession and the profession of dancer considered shameful, and doing them were

not acceptable for a citizen of Rome ( for such seizure representative of the upper

classes could even be stripped of their status) [9, 60].

Toga as the main form of Roman clothing was very uncomfortable, and its

ability to wear required dress ( drapiruvatysya) and adherence to a particular style of

wearing it . Jean- Noel highlights " Ease associated with features cut toga, promotes

the expression of a gust of passion, it was imperative speakers who addressed the

crowd from the height of their own growth " [9, 63].

Fabric toga covered chest and right arm just looked out of the clothes. That's

toga worn by orators .Next, writes Jean- Noel, " Gaius Gracchus decided that narrow

toga prevents its movement and will not gestures complement eloquence. So G.

Gracchus desire to free his right hand was the beginning of a new fashion "[9, 69]. A

new way of wearing the toga was probably a kind of revolution because during

speeches at the forum to extract the hand of the toga was considered indecent. This

says Cicero in a speech in defense of Caelius Rufus Mark, "In my time has been set

... year period when we ( yunaky. – OG) were buried under the cloak hand ... and

who are in this age could not protect themselves its very harsh behavior by education,

he could not escape the notoriety "[16, 158 ].


Already in the first century . BC Rome was introduced mandatory for

performance speakers cape – paenula – narrow cut that interfere with the movements

of the speaker. He was obviously very uncomfortable, as Tacitus wrote: "Do we

realize how much humiliation caused eloquence required for us these coats, clamped

and chained if we turn to the judges ?" Also notes Tacitus and negative innovations

regarding the place of court hearings "Do we realize how much power they took in

the oratorical speeches of these legal premises and archives, which are now

considered perhaps the most cases? " [13, 519 ]. For the declaration of judicial

speeches isolated designated areas – auditoria, although political speech has long

proclaimed and Forum outdoors.

Even this brief review of the evidence most speakers and their contemporaries,

recorded speeches, treatises, dialogues, letters, makes it possible to consider the

ancient oratory not only oro -acoustic elements but also spectacular culture.

Entertainment was not only in the visual presentation of oratorical speech – a place of

speeches, posture, movements, facial expressions and even clothing speaker, but also

ensured perceptual characteristics of the speech. Speech could impress his utterance

duration that a certain time was in itself a surprise and delight listeners (Tacitus );

entertain inventions on peyoratyvnoyi vocabulary and capture the aesthetics of the

words evoke empathy awakening moral emotions skillful use of affective component

of speech.

No matter what was the purpose or that speech, speeches speakers were a

spectacle, as predicted publicity organized in space and time : a specific scenario

(sequence of presentations of speakers ), with some " directing " and " staging "

finally " cast " execution, which took into account not only oratorio ( sound ), but

averbalni components: facial expressions, gestures, movements and even clothing.

Their nomenclature and semantics defined by the cultural background of the era and

evolved from the Attic minimalist in appearance of glamor and restraint movements

orator oratory to ecstatic theatrical performances during the Roman Hellenism. The


visual aesthetic of oratorical speech accompanied by verbal, becoming one of the

signs of general decadence of ancient eloquence.

Thus, the analysis allows to state that the formation of a holistic understanding

of the nature averbalnyh aspects of public speaking appearances in antiquity, their

function and mechanisms of action and the individual, and to a mass audience, you

need an integrated approach. This could not eclectically combine different methods

of scientific fields, and promote the creation of synthetic scientific discipline within

which the system should give answers to these questions.

The rhetoric of antiquity laid the foundations of modern rhetoric as a social and

cultural tradition. In modern society, the skills of public speaking speech become

important due to the fact that most professional fields need specialists that can affect

the flow of information, opinion formers, to harness the power of communication to

the cultural and social sphere.


1. Aristotle. Rhetoric / Aristotle, [ per.s Greek. ed. AA Taho-Godi ]. / /

Antychnыe rhetoric. – Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow . University Press,

1978. – P. 15-164 . – ( Universitetskaya Library ).

2. J. Barnes, Aristotle : Introduction kratkoe / D. Barnes ; lane. with the

English. S. Freiberg / Jonathan Barnes. – Moscow: Astrel : AST, 2006. – 191 p.

3. Aulus Gellius . Attycheskye night . Books I- X / Aulus .Gell ; lane. with Lat.

Under the Society.eds. AJ Tыzhova . – St. Petersburg. : Humanytarnaya academy,

2007. – 480 p. – (Bibliotheca classica).

4. Herodotus. History / Herodotus, [ Lane. s drevnehrech .] / / Historical

Greece. – Moscow: Artistic Literature, 1976. – P.27 – 164. – ( Library antychnoy

literature ).

5. Demeter. Oh style / Demeter, the Greek per.s . / / Antychnыe rhetoric. –

Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow University Press, 1978. – S.237 – 286. – (

Universitetskaya Library ).


6. Kvyntyllyana Make Fabyya Twelve books rytorycheskyh instructed ; lane.

with Lat. – Part 1 . – Book. 1-6. – St. Petersburg. : Ymperatorskoy the Russian

Academy Printing House, 1834 . – 483 p.

7. I. Kuznetsova T. Oratorskoe èðêñððòâî in ancient Rome / T. I. Kuznetsov,

IG Strelnikova . – M., 1976. – 285 p.

8. Kul C. media in Ancient Greece : essay, speech, razыskanyya, puteshestvyya

..., [ Lane. with France. S.V.Kullandы ] / Korynna ball. – Moscow: New Literary

Review, 2004. – 256 p.

9. Jean- Robert Noэl . Rozhdenye pleasures : Ancient Rome in pursuit of

fashion / Jean- Noэl robbery ; lane. with France. – Moscow: New Literary Review,

2004. – 400 p. – ( Culture povsednevnosty ).

10. Plato. Protagoras / / Plato. Dialog ; lane. s Greek. – Book. 1. – Moscow:

EKSMO, 2007. – S.187 – 253.

11. Plutarch. Zastolnыe besedы, [ per.s drevnehrech . ; Foreword., Application.

L.Summ ] / Plutarch. – Moscow: Eksmo, 2008. – 640 p. – ( Zarubezhnaya classics ).

– P. 27-168 .

12. Plutarch. Favourites zhyzneopysanyya, [ Lane. s Greek. ] / Plutarch. –

Moscow: Pravda, 1990. – 604 p.

13. Tacitus . Dialog speaker volume / / Cornelius Tacitus .Annalы . Malыe

works. History. – Moscow: AST publishing house ; Ladomir, 2001. – 992s . – P. 483-

522 .

14. Fylostrat Fl . Life Apollonija Tyanskoho ; lane with Greek. / Flavio

Fylostrat . – Moscow : Nauka, 1985. – 328 p. – ( Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Literary monuments ).

15. Clips of early philosophers Grechesky / lane. s drevnehrech . AV Lebedev .

– Moscow : Nauka, 1989. – Part II – 575 p.

16. Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume speaker / Marcus Tullius Cicero / / Three

Treatises against oratorskom art. – Moscow: Nauka, 1972. – P.75 – 252.


17. Marcus Tullius Cicero .Ob Duties / Mark Tullius Cicero. – Moscow: AST,

2003. – 300 p. – P.105 -301.

18. Marcus Tullius Cicero . Speakers / Marcus Tullius Cicero / / Three

Treatises against oratorskom art. – Moscow: Nauka, 1972. – P. 329-384 .

19. Marcus Tullius Cicero .Brutus, Or at znamenytыh speaker / Marcus Tullius

Cicero / / Three Treatises against oratorskom art. – Moscow: Nauka, 1972. – P. 253-

328 .

20. Marcus Tullius Cicero .Speech 2 tonne per. with Lat. W. Gorenstein /

Marcus Tullius Cicero. – Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of

the USSR, 1962. – T. 1. – 444 p. – ( Literary monuments ).

21. Эlyan Pestrыe Stories / Эlyan, [ Lane. S.V.Polyakova ]. – Moscow: Izd- vo

AN SSSR, 1963. – 188 p.

22. Aeschines O predatelskom Embassy / / Oratorы Greece ; lane. c Greek. –

Moscow: Artistic Literature, 1985. – P. 127-160 . – ( Library antychnoy literature ).


7.072.2 UDC (477)

Les Smyrna



In the article exhibition activity of the Ukrainian artists-nonconformist is

examined abroad.

Key words: art, Ukrainian artists-nonconformists.

The purpose of the article – to investigate the activities of Ukrainian exhibition

nonconformist artists, scientists Diaspora contribution to the development of

Ukrainian culture.

In the 60 -70th years of the twentieth century, Ukrainian society outlines the

first attempts to introduce art, aesthetic world overview . Ukrainian artists who

emigrated to the West in the 70s of the twentieth century., Became members of major

exhibitions abroad. The first one took place in Toronto ( 1954), Montreal (1956),

Detroit (1960). Large-scale exhibition "Paris -Moscow 1900-1930 " in a series of

exhibitions devoted to artists modernist era, held at the Museum Center of Georges

Pompidou in 1979 almost coincided with the first traveling exhibition of Ukrainian

artists nonconformists in Munich.In the Parisian weekly "Nouvel Observateur" was

published four articles on Soviet art, which sharply criticized the exhibition for

"concealing the social and political context of the era." The exhibition at the Museum

of Wayne State University in Detroit and participated in it 76 Ukrainian artists as

jumped Kiev government circles of art, head of the Union of Artists of USSR Vasily

Cassian had to write a big two-newspaper article criticizing that exhibition.These

centers of nonconformism as Kyiv, Odessa, Lviv, Tallinn, Riga with their national art

colored, almost not represented in the world. In the West, the emerging myth of multi

Nonconformist art as " secondary Russian art ." Western experts on Soviet art and

those who find themselves in the West and represented the non-conformist art, still

denies it . Among them – Scheklocha P., J. Mead, A. Hlezer, B. Groys, I.

Holomshtok, A. Busket, S. Hordynsky, M. Mudrak, D. Darewych . Even in French


studies at the University of Grenoble in 2009-2010, Soviet Nonconformist art is

represented only works of Russian artists .

Intellectually and politically unbiased free IM Tsyshkevych with the arrival in

Ukraine enters the oppressive atmosphere of fear for him and choking. In the 1960-

1980 biennium Ukraine becomes a " testing ground " for the secret police : ongoing

repression against those who show signs of non-conformism . I. Tsyshkevycha as a

scholar – beginner actor who in the future defense of the thesis of L. Kurbasa

interested in Soviet art, cultural environment in Russia and Ukraine . In Moscow, he

falls into a so-called. " Unofficial " art circle and learns about the already well-known

in Ukrainian artist Vladimir Makarenko, met with the artist from Odessa, MN

Haiduk, who worked then graphic designers in Taganka .

Russian nonconformist artists most interesting phenomenon named it Odessa

Underground. It should be noted that 60 years of the twentieth century. given the

artistic culture of the outstanding names of actors A. Zverev, Vladimir Yakovlev, D.

Krasnopyevtseva, D. Plavinskoho, M. Vichtomova, W. and E. Kropivnitskogo

Nemukhin V., E. Nyeizvyestnoho, A. Tselkova et al., which widely

populyaryzuyutsya modern. Such artists as Vladimir Yakovlev and A. Zverev, A.

Gorokhov, IV Voroshilov, E. Kurochkin, MN Haiduk Ukrainian, V. Sazonov, V.

Makarenko and F. Gumeniuk participated in many famous and controversial

exhibitions at the same time – " Bulldozer " day- in apartments and studios in the

Central house of Artists in the Physics Institute. PN Lebedev Russian Academy of

Sciences, the exhibition hall of the city committee schedules on Little Georgian .

Personal and share creative artists of this generation have developed differently.

Some of them have received due recognition in exile, some do not have time to fully

unleash the talent and soon died, someone currently living and working in Russia.

Well-known non-conformist movement and a collector of contemporary art

Hlezer O. wrote that nonconformist art was compared with other avant-garde of the

1920s motifs, making a direct analogy with the vanguard somewhat incorrect.

Researcher M. Mudrak in article in Modern Art of Ukraine "(1979) attempts to


distinguish from the cliche " Russian Art "culture of other nations who are

persecuting Soviet dictatorship. [9]

Despite the stereotypes that have shaped the idea of the Western world of

Soviet non-conformist art as " ethnic ", ie peripheral, Ukrainian artists Exhibitions

abroad, individual and collective – has been quite active. Artists represented a wide

palette of nonconformist Soviet art in large-scale exhibitions that took place in the

Grosvenor Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Institute of

Contemporary Arts in London, the Museum of Grenoble, Turks and Laval, Palais des

Congrès in Paris, Galleries Chirico in Rome, Florence, Amsterdam, Lugano,

Copenhagen, Berlin and Los Angeles.

In France, which has been particularly sensitive to human rights and to the

persecuted artists, a favorable atmosphere for non-conformists . There have moved

Russian artists Zelenin E., A. Tselkov, O. Rabin, A. Leonov, A. Putilin, Y. hot, N.

Lyubushkin, Ukrainian – V. Makarenko, A. Solomukha . Exhibition at the Palais de

Congré (Palace of Congresses, Paris) was the first national exhibition of Russian

artists, nonconformists . [4]

First Russian Art Biennale «Premiere Biennalee des Peintres Russes» held at

the Center for Arts and Leisure Vesinet (France) (Centre Des Arts Et Loisirs Du

Vesinet) and lasted from 27 December 1979 to 13 January 1980 with the assistance

of well-known Russian gallery owner Alexander Hlezera and Dr. M. Dan. The

exhibition was attended by Ukrainian artists who emigrated to the West – A.

Solomukha, V. Makarenko ( Paris ), L. Mezhberh, A. Krynskyy, V. Bahchynian

(USA), Eva ( Israel) and F. Gumeniuk who lived in Leningrad and artists Georgia,

Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Lithuania.

In Italy, the city of Rimini, at the Salon «Fieristico» 23-31 August 1980 held

exhibition " Art Exhibition unofficial Russian art," which of Ukrainian artists

participated B. and A. Makarenko Solomukha . These processes exhibit was an

attempt to overcome the situation of isolationism on Ukraine and Ukrainian artists

involved they looked, with few exceptions, very situational .


In 1977, J. Tsyshkevych cultural exchange program gets to the Soviet Union

with his wife, scientist M. Mudrak . Meetings with leaders of culture and the arts,

artists, experts in the field of theater, film, music, fine arts circle injected them into "

unofficial " culture. Scientific outlook of young I. Tsyshkevycha at this time is

influenced by Professor University of Illinois, the famous Soviet film director Sergei

Eisenstein, graduate RSIC .

Fate brings Tsyshkevycha of I. J. miners, eminent theater actors "Berezil "

which gave him everything that happened in the Soviet Ukraine . Gradually

expanding circle of acquaintances : the acquaintance of Ivan Drach, D.Pavlychko, I.

Molostova, N. Kuz'kinu – researcher theater connoisseur, S. Parajanov and others. At

the same time in Kiev I. Tsyshkevych acquainted with the young artists Solomukha

A. and S. ghetto who will soon leave Ukraine . S. Geta in 1976 went to work in

Moscow in 1978, emigrated to Paris A. Solomukha . From 1975 until 1978, their

creativity and disagreement with political censorship attention-grabbing power.

Artists sought new forms have been filled with the spirit of resistance rigidity, which

was manifested in the lifestyle, clothing, musical preferences. The new Ukrainian art,

not a perverse excess of bright talents would be proud of the presence of such

masters, but they were expelled from Ukraine cynical different methods. Today, their

works – in permanent displays of museums in the world.

In 1979, J. Tsyshkevych with artist A. Solomukha meet in Paris, creating

Exhibition Committee and make a plan of work for 1979-1980 they begin exhibition

activities Western Europe, Canada and the United States. The exhibition committee

emphasized that art, which requires distribution of exposure, catalogs and critics are

not covered yet. Trade shows provide an opportunity to talk about the existence,

distribution and development of free aesthetic ideas in the visual arts in Ukraine .

Support Ukrainian diaspora around the world in this direction is an effective

contribution to the long-suffering Ukrainian culture.

The first traveling exhibition Ukrainian nonconformist artists, organized by J.

Tsyshkevych, A. and V. Solomukha Strelnikov, held in Munich in 1979 with the


support of the Ukrainian Free University and lasted three weeks – from June 15 to

July 7 in its halls . Private initiative and enthusiasm of Ukrainian immigrants, through

which the exhibition was held, could not compete with large-scale project of the

Museum Center. Georges Pompidou, which almost coincided with the exhibition in

Munich. The exhibition presented works by Anton A. Antonyuks, V. Basantsya,

Bodnar, MN Haiduk, M. Grytsiuk, S. Hety, Kovalenko, R. Makoyeva, V.

Marynyuka, I. Marchuk, V. Naumtsya, S. Sycheva, W. Strelnikova . The exhibition

was complemented by great photos from the past "Housing " Exhibitions in Odessa

and Moscow and received a great response in the press.

In his review, which appeared in the newspaper " The path of victory " 29

November 1979, the authors failed to clarify the term "non- conformist": "This term –

let it be recorded for history – purely utilitarian, he" devised " by the organizers and it

in no way claims to be the absolute definition of a single continuous direction in

painting, nor defines a kind of group and organizational linking artists whose works

are exhibited in a traveling exhibition, which probably go down in history as the first

Ukrainian art in the West exhibition " nekonformistskyh " artists from Ukraine ... The

name " nekonformisty " – approximate and intended solely for the western audience,

which is the name of a concept in itself that defines the group (now the inflation

weight) Soviet artists of the so-called. Third Russian emigration, including

respectable number of Jewish origin constitute painters . The only purpose of this

term is that in order to break through its Ukrainian window in the western world .

Despite this, so to speak, propaganda – journalistic goal of this name, current makers

of unofficial art in Ukraine create a separate group, which is entirely separate art and

national characteristics, so to speak of them as a separate group of Ukrainian

completely natural thing to this group also includes Jewish painters Ukrainian school

"[3 ]. The same terminology problem in the magazine "Modern" clarifies and A.

Olenska – Petrishin, noting that the term " Underground " has meaning only in the

context of a totalitarian reality [ 7].


In 1979, the exhibition, with the financial support of the Ukrainian community

in Munich, comes a unique edition print – catalog "Contemporary Art from Ukraine

", which first introduced the Western world varied panorama of unofficial art in the

USSR. The catalog includes works of Strelnikova, A. Solomukha, Shapovalenko, R.

Makoyeva, O.Onufriyeva, L. Hawk, W. Basantsya, S. Sychev, V. beetle, MN Haiduk,

V. Tsiupko, V. Sazonov A. Antonyuks, V. Naumtsya, V. Marynyuka, V. Makarenko,

FA Humenyuk, I. Marchuk, S. Hety, M. Grytsiuk . The article in the catalog of the

famous theorist and art critic, professor Ohayskoho State University of Mudrak,

which first highlighted the problem field of Ukrainian non-conformism Western

reader noted : mistakenly believe Ukrainian nonconformist art politically motivated,

since the vast majority of artists creates an aesthetic protest «l'art pour l'art »[ 9]. In

the works of artists and non-conformist " no socio- political commentary in the

treatment of dissident coloring matter", while art is optimistic, " conveys the

rebellious and submissive Ukrainian mentality " with its kosmolohizmom and

accentuation on the subject of Ukrainian village. Although the researcher's opinion

about the lack of social and political overtones Nonconformist art against the

background of its development nationwide is controversial (remember the politically

motivated work Zalyvakha A., V. Kushnir, A. Gorsky, G. Sevruk, V. Zaretsky, V.

Kutkina et al. ), yet it reflects specific cells artistic nonconformism Odessa, Lviv,

Kharkiv and Kyiv . M. Mudrak focuses attention on the Odessa Underground with its

well- organized artistic life. These are the apartment exhibitions of artists who are "

in no way meant to be demonstrations against the official," and were "real reaction to

unhealthy formal instruction toward individual expression of man" ; cataloging

creative works (" Catalogue of the Collection of Vladimir Asriyeva " (1976) " Hawk .

Oct. 76. Odessa") as an attempt to create a document of the era, philanthropic support

and collectible pieces. Creativity nonconformist artists, says M. Mudrak, it is difficult

to characterize as a whole [9 ].

The second traveling exhibition Nonconformist Art moved to London. At the

end of "Studio 68 " I. Tsyshkevych illegally trafficked from Ukraine hundred


paintings by Ukrainian artists and nonconformists . Some of the work he left for the

preservation of the Ukrainian Union head office in the UK ( SUB) and arranges for

support in organizing the exhibition. The obvious was that this progress Ukrainian

non-conformist art in the West was only possible with the full support of the

Ukrainian diaspora . This was evidenced by the fact that the exhibition was held at

the home of the Rome branch of the Ukrainian Catholic University, St. Clement in

London – one of the youngest research centers Ukrainian diaspora in Western

Europe, which established a blind patriarch Joseph (1892-1984) and owned Ukrainian

Union of Great Britain .

For Ukrainian organizers was important to show not positioned as part of the

history of Ukrainian diaspora and immigrant culture, and art as a separate event,

which proved to exist, and the development of free distribution of aesthetic ideas in

the visual arts in Ukraine . That is why the exhibition committee decides to seek the

support of the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London (ICA). The reaction of the

Western world for the exhibition was very supportive, but " no advantages ". Critics

noted the innovative art forms and lyrical softness content. Some expectations are not

fulfilled : after Russian unofficial art exhibitions London waiting strict abstraction

and symptomatic response to political circumstances, would find an echo in the

works of Ukrainian artists. Instead, the exhibition reflected the conditions in which

artists were – this pronounced small size paintings at ordinary means of execution.

Art critic S. Richards from the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London noted the

complexity and personal sense of nostalgia for something nevlovnym, calling the

works of Ukrainian artists reaction against the ideals of teamwork, " icons " of

individualism, they have something important to say the West.

As a result of the exhibition in Munich and London Tsyshkevych I., A. and V.

Solomukha Strel'nikov in 1980 issued another, but self-published, the catalog – rare

nowadays publication is stored in a private archive A. Solomukha in Paris. Product is

decorated in black and white illustrations Solomukha A., I. Marchuk, F. Humenyuk,

S. Hety, A. Antonyuks, M. Hytsyuka, photographs two-hour open-air exhibition in


Odessa S. and V. Sychev beetle to the State Opera and ballet in 1967, complete

catalog cover " Collection Vladimir Asryeva " (Odessa, 1976) and " Hawk . Oktyabr

76.Odessa ." The catalog includes critiques C. Richards (in English) and M. Bogush –

bumps ( polsk. language) and performance D. Tyner at the opening of Ukrainian

nonconformist exhibition in London.

Traveling exhibition in the United States (New York, Philadelphia,

Washington and Cleveland) was held under the auspices of the Association of

Ukrainian artists, galleries "America" based artists immigrants in 1952, the

organization and promotion of the exhibition patronized Association chairman M.

Chereshnovsky . The show was widely covered in the Ukrainian foreign press, in an

interview with the organizers on radio "Svoboda". The concept of the exhibition in

New York has been modified – the artists decided to present Ukrainian non-

conformist art in the way situational and conceptual artistic response to the post-

totalitarian art. Stage decoration – background for posters with slogans "Forward to

Communism," "Lenin – forever alive", "Our goal – communism", "Vlast – people"

were developed at different angles into the empty frames of paintings was empty

easel. It symbolized the oppressive bondage situation where ideology has become a

tool of destruction of free artistic thought.

The exhibition in New York was the result of years of scientific work

Tsyshkevycha MI – scale syncretic design as in concept and for its implementation. It

was the first retrospective exhibition devoted to the Renaissance, and the tragedy of

Ukrainian History 1920s – early 1930s, including the works of legendary director

"Berezil" Theatre LA Kurbasa .

The aim of the exhibition was the reconstruction of the history Ukraine early

twentieth century. L. Kurbasa through life . In exhibition space to archive IM

Tsyshkevycha were presented extensive verbatim copies of sketches performances

W. Muller, the artist – immigrant A. Solomukha . At the presentation was revived

nostalgic atmosphere of the period: from mediaproektora sounded play one of the

founders ukraïnskoï modernoï dramaturhiï J. M. Kulish voice miners . I. Tsyshkevych


done solo – read a passage from Beckett 's prose C. to combine Ukrainian and

European contexts. Synthesis of text, voice, Exposition and performances made it

possible to show the painful story of those years.

In November 1982 the exhibition moved to Canada and was held in Toronto

and Winnipeg. From 14 to 27 November at the Gallery of St. Vladimir Institute in

Toronto lasted four exhibition – V. Makarenko, A. Solomukha, V. and V. Sazonov

Stelnykova . Curator of exhibitions, nonconformists artists were invited Darewych

DA – Doctor of Arts, professor of history of European art and culture in the

Ukrainian York University. Archival A. Solomukha remained clear, the hour hand

painted Darewych D. plan stay in Toronto artists " who, what, when and where? "

Which was scheduled to visit exhibitions ( Ukrainian ceramics exhibitions artists –

Mr. Shostak and R. Radelytskoho) and concerts ( "Caucasus" S.Lyudkevych

performed by opera chorus and orchestra at Roy Thomson Hall), interview («Toronto

Star») and artistic meetings, including Canadian artists. The Canadian Press said the

diversity of the exhibition: V. Strelnikova extraordinary aesthetics, themes of sexual

minorities A. Solomukha " archaeological " streams of thought V. Sazonov,

modification of female silhouettes V. Makarenko.

The exhibition was also shown in Figure A. Solomukha – allegorical nudes, as

well as a series of gouache «Fairy tale» (« Tale "). The pictures seem mysterious

modern interpretations of ancient legends but uncertain . Vibrant colors of gouache

also resemble half-forgotten tales. Obviously, in this series A. Solomukha reinvents

the spirit and form of icons.

4-31 December 1982 exhibition held at the Gallery four cell Ukrainian culture

and education of Winnipeg in Canada, and 18 February – 31 March 1983 at the

Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art in Chicago (USA). The show was widely covered

journals «Ukrainian Weekly», «Edmonton», «New Perspectives», «Winnipeg Free

Press», « Free Word," " New Way", "Freedom". The result was the publication of

exhibitions rare nowadays color catalog " Contemporary artists from Ukraine ",


which was represented by the works of Makarenko, V. Sazonov, A. Solomukha, V.

Strelnikova .

The exhibition, which has been successfully held in Munich, London, New

York, Philadelphia, Washington, Toronto and Cleveland, moved to the House of

Culture Art Gallery of old French town of Metz, which is north-east of France.

Opening of the exhibition held on 2 October 1982, in his review of the event, which

was published in the newspaper «Liberation», featured historical reflection not only

on Ukrainian avant-garde boychukizmu, but the names of the young generation,

which after Archipenko sculptor and artist Andrienko, added benches " nomadic "

artists who lost homeland, " wondering why it happened, the answer can be found in

the desire of many artists as soon as possible to legalize their work, present it as an

already accomplished formed phenomenon of national culture. Halfway between the

icon and the abstraction of this warm painting primarily caused the desire of artists to

clarity and a deep desire to get rid of as soon as possible geographical and ideological

boundaries "[12 ].

In summary, it should be noted that the work of Ukrainian artists and

nonconformists in the history of Ukrainian art, their scientific contributions are quite

significant for the history of Ukrainian culture, and the world . Through the efforts of

members of the Ukrainian diaspora, which overcome the isolation of the world's

cultural and artistic processes, and presented to the world Ukrainian elite,

intellectuals, artists, actors and writers.


1. S. Hordynsky about World Exhibition of Ukrainian Artists : [ conversation

with the chairman of the jury ] / S. Hordynsky / / Gomon Ukraine . – Toronto, 1983.

– 23 feb. – Extras. : Literature and Art .

2. Darewych D. [ Preface ] / / Contemporary artists from Ukraine . Toronto-

Winnipeg – Chicago. – Toronto: Harmony Prynters, 1983.


3. Meeting with the work of homeland / Archive artist A. Solomukha :

Ukrainian Art Underground abroad (1978-1983, Paris, France) / / The path of victory.

– 1979 – 29 lystop . – C. 4.

4. Kravtsiv B. Sixty poets of the sixties. / B. Kravtsiv ; archive artist A.

Solomukha : Ukrainian Art Underground abroad (1978-1983, Paris, France). – New

York: Prologue, 1967.

5. Museum of Art nonkonformystskoho [ Elekronnyy resource] / /

nonkonformystskoho Museum of Art . – Mode of access : / old /

Fest / liagochev.htm

6. Ovseyenko B. Light People :: memoirs and journalism : In 2 Vol. Book. 2 /

Compilation . B. Ovseyenko . – K.: Torch 2005 . – P. 107-146 .

7. Olenska – Petrishin A. The dimensions of form and expression / A. Olenska

– Petrishin . – K.: Svitovyd, 1997. – 214 p.

8. A. Sidorov- Hibelinda Ukraine at the Venice Biennale. – K.: Our Time,

2008. – 303 p.

9. Modern Art of Ukraine : an exhibition of paintings, drawings, sculpture / M.

Mudrak introductory article . – Munich, London, New York, Paris, 1979. – C. 4.

10. Yusser F. Dvusmыslennosty exhibition "Paris -Moscow" / F. Yusser / / Op.

by: n think, 2011. – July 27 .

11. Chambard M. L'Art non official sovietique de l'URSS à l'Occident de 1956

à 1986. Deux parcours: Oskar Rabine et la revue A-Ya / M. Chambard. – UPMF. –

Grenoble. – 2009-2010.

12. Feigelson K. Deux Rendez-Vous Ukrainiens / Archive artist A. Solomukha

: Ukrainian Art Underground abroad (1978-1983, Paris, France) / / Liberation. –

Mardi 23. – Novembre. – 1982.


UDK 687.01 + 130.0

Liliia Derman



The article analyses the phenomenon of human body at the different stages of

cultural and historical existence of individual in fashion, space of communication.

The author studies design and technology of fashion implementation in

communication space, their interrelation with culture and communications.

Key words: phenomenon, communication, design, biomechanics of movement,

fashion, flash image, fashion body.

At any stage of human cultural and historical existence in fashion dominates

the vision of cosmological understanding of a man, his body in space

communications, that becomes the image (flash image) of measuring physical culture


The phenomenon of the human body in space communications has constant

structure and it forms anthropomorphic communication space of fashion creations.In

the context of communication the body models biomechanics of human

movement. The very "mechanics" starting from the definition of L. Manforda about

the body as a mega machine in ancient Egypt survives to the XXI century, when a

human as the mega machine represents gestural apparatus, cultural codes, insignia of

kinetics and body shaping capabilities. All of these becomes actual

in communication space. Bodily practices in the context of design, fashion

communication space become are constant regulators of design vision [5, 7].

Thus, the model reality of communication space as rhetorical reality,

transformation, modulation of body image gives the opportunity to increase the

thesaurus model designing mechanism. Anthropological configuration, the

biomechanical characteristics of human self-realization opportunities become actual

for reconstructing of creative forming in today`s cultural space.


The bodily self –identification is a transparent constant of modelling in the

space of world and the modern human culture. The term "self-identity" may be

described as psychological, cultural, formative, and communicational notion. In

other words, the self-identity takes place in the context of bodily practices as self-

realization in a certain body image and in a certain space. Thus the phenomenology

issued to the fore transformative nature of human identity and the world that it sees

via the reduction of the world. This radical transformation of human identity and the

world is deprived of many features [7, 3].

Physicality in the communication space is not a natural feature, it is a certain

symbiosis of cultural practices associated with cultivating disciplinary practices of

the body, self-determination of ideal physicality in space communication

space. Metaphysics physicality as ideological concepts and eidetics fashion is

dedicated to the study of philosophical principles and imaginative configurations in

different horizons of its self-identification. " Fashion body " is a concept in which

bodily identity serves to measure individual socialization in fashion.Socialization is

one of the first signs of communication space [3].

Disciplinary practices is a late acquisition of fashion, and the terminology itself

belongs to the philosophy of culture, derived from Michel Foucault. Along with

disciplinary practices note "repressive practices": repression of the body itself is not

only discipline of the body, putting it in a certain ideal, but also some tortures

necessary for the requirements of the aim.

The body in the space of modern communications exist as the reduced body,

representing a wish. The body is deprived of its own attributes: it is and space-

communication and it is a sign system. Thus, the transformation of the physicality is

carried out, bodily practices as means of communication that have become obsessive

and aggressive image using the information obtained in the outer space to advertising.

The designing activity sphere connected with the human body in

communication space, is creating a world in which technology

dominates. Technological design paradigm is a phenomenon of the industrial society


culture. Technodeterming, the imperatives of production used the ideas of life and

means of design. These motifs can be seen even in W. Gropius, Le Corbusier. The

Book “Problems of design” by George Nelson gives the idea of the thorough analysis

of the design by the artist practitioner [2, 12].

Bodily transgression of the Modern and Contemporary history is already a

sample of post-modern terminology, that was known at the beginning of the XX

century. Bakhtin mentions about it. He observes the transgressive reality of an

aesthetic act, carried like entering another person, surrounded by a vision of another

person. Bakhtin analyzes the "transcendent" as a fundamental principle of the

aesthetic act. Just during the Modern and Contemporary times a person begins to

form around himself a transformative, communication space. Structurally-build

cultural ideas of modern times proclaimed atomism that caused the current

monadological worldview.

Postmodern came into the vogue really early. At the end of the XX century the

fashion mimics from the cosmological level of entry into society, becomes a local

"reservation", the local image of the world or "island ontology", by Edgar Morin [11,

8]. O. Homilko observes that one of the fundamental definitions of phenomenology

as a philosophy is that it is carried out through an understanding of himself as a

being, which reveals its base. It is about the care of the human being or her own

efforts to determine the existence, as it is represented in her mind. According to the

works of Edmund Husserl and Heidegger, it is important that, the design makes it

possible to identify the manner in which each individual makes his own existence

come true. The philosophy is understood not only as a way of understanding the

human being and the world, but also as a way of transformation, way of being in the

constitution of human activities [3, 7].

The philosophy of transcendental phenomenological direction occurs in the XX

century. Avant – garde replaces modernism . Destruction dominates in philosophy

and culture, but also transformative aesthetics and ethics appear. Transformative

ethos, where the body, which is the guarantor of identity transformed into figurative


practices, becomes dissected into pieces. This body of Cubism, fonizm, futurism,

resulting in some allusions of Surrealism etc.

Transgressive fashion body has many different eidos, brands, simulacra, and it

fills the space communication space. Deconstruction in postmodern transgression is

the highest designation when the body itself "disassembles" and

"assembles." Japanese designer Rei Kawakubo introduced models which initially

looked as outrageous, and then people got used to them, and then the models became

a sort of flash image. This is a shift silhouette figure of a man with the help of air

voids. The silhouette is underlined by the external ornamentation. This unusual

transformation that has led to the fact that the human body started to be associated

with a particular mechanism, a machine that can change their characteristics by

increasing or decreasing the body silhouette features [5, 7, 10].

R. Kawakubo created many concepts of installations that present the images of

the reconstruction. Thus, transformation ability of fashion as cosmological

accordance as avant-garde body that exists in career conceptual avant-garde

metaphysical act manifests by cubism, by the space motion dynamics.

Communication space connected with the design is meant so if fashion is

something that signifies the existence of substantive reality, the material world, than

the design is a process of creating things that become objects. So, nowadays the body

is often abnormal, destructed. Moreover, you may find many such allusions as the

body without organs by Antonin Artaud, the body as "rhizome", destructed

multiversum. But the body with all of its constitutive features stays the same as it was

in Egypt. We have the opportunity to see the body as its presentation, personality,

face, its composition[7, 9].

Thus, in the present day design of clothing is regarded not as an object of

tailoring skills, but as the image of the world or communication space. The designer

assumes enable transgression, modeling, transforming realities clothes. Fashion is in

line with temporality, with the time in which fashion design lives. Fashion and design

are different realities, but they are united by the human body.



1. Roland Barthes The system of fashion. Articles about semiotics of

culture / R. Barthes: Trans. fom. fr. by S. Zenkin. – M.: Publishing house named after

Sabashnykovyh F., 2003. – 512 p.

2. Hlazychev V.About design. Essay on the theory and practice of design in

the West / V. Hlazychev. – Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1970. – 517p.

3. Homilko O. Physicality metaphysics: the concept of the body in

philosophical discourse / O. Homilko. – Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 2001. – 338 p.

4. Ermilova D.Y. The History of fashion houses [educational manual.] /

D.Y .Ermilova. – Moscow: Academy, 2004. – 288 p.

5. Lehenkyi Y.H. The System of fashion: culturology, esthetics / Y.H.

Lehenkiy, L.P. Tkachenko. – K.: Lehprombytizdat, 1991. – 416 p.

6. Lehenkyi Y.H. The meta history of costume / Lehenkyi Y.H. – K.: 2003.

– 516 p.

7. Lehenkyi Y.H The Philosophy of the XX century / Lehenkyi Y.H. -K.:

2003. – 417 p.

8. Lehenkyi Y.H. The historyof design: educational manual/ Lehenkyi Y.H.

– K.: Vyshcha Shkola, 2006. – 560 p.

9. Lehenkyi Y.H Fashion Design: educational manual/ Lehenkyi Y.H – K.:

KNUKiM, 2008. – 374 p.

10. Fashion and Style: MODERN Encyclopedia / ed. V.A. Volohodina. –

Moscow: Avanta, 2002. – 482 p.

11. E. Morin. The lost paradigm: Nature of man / Эdhar Morin. – K.:

KARME-SINTO, 1995. – 222 p.

12. Nelson G. The Problems of Design / G. Nelson. – Moscow: 1971. –



13. Tkacheko L.P. The Fashion as an aesthetic phenomenon: Author. for

obtaining candidate. Philosophy. Science / L.P.. Tkachenko, Hryhorii Skovoroda

Institute of Philosophy NAN of Ukraine. – K., 1999. – 17 p.

14. Shandrenko O.M. The virtual world of fashion from couture /

O.M .Shandrenko / / Art criticism notes: [Coll. sciences. etc.]. – K.:

Millennium, 2008. – № 14. – P. 143-150.


УДК 78.3+398.8

Yanina Lytovka



Aspects of origin and development of musical genre world music are described

in the article. Process of international integration in intercultural relations and the role

of world music as a phenomenon of formation of human culture been researched.

Key words: «world music», folklore, culture, music, globalization, integration,


Thanks to two multidirectional processes that are observed in contemporary

culture (the integration and globalizationon the one hand and differentiation and the

awakening of national consciousness on the other) from the end of the twentieth

century. musical direction «world music» is planetary gaining popularity. Mankind is

divided by religious, clan and national groups; continuing deconstruction of all

national things : a people's history, its sovereignty, law, culture, traditions and

values. Strengthening of these trends are updated by the growth of national self-

determination of ethnic groups and cultures.

The notion «world music» itself as a phenomenon of the formation of a new

human culture based on interpenetration and synthesis of all the previously separate

musical traditions of the various peoples of the world determines the actuality of the


The purpose of the article is to analyze «world music» musical direction and

its relationship with other musical cultures.

Research objectives:

to determine the theoretical aspects of the origin and formation of the

musical direction of «world music» .

to study the process of international integration in cross-cultural



to investigate the role of «world music» as a phenomenon of the

formation of a new human culture.

The end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. marked by the

emergence in the U.S. jazz as a fusion of African and European cultures. As a result,

such jazz styles appeared and developed: swing, bipop, meystrim, cool, progress jazz,

hard bop, soul-jazz, groove, free jazz, creative, fusion, postbop, acid jazz, jazz smus,

jazz -manouche etc.

The middle of the twentieth century. gave the development of such musical

genres as rock music.And as a result of its evolution it has produced such styles and

trends of rock music: an underground, rock and roll, big beat, beat-rock, blues rock,

boogie, garage rock, glam rock, jazz-rock, country-rock, new vawe, punk rock,

progress, psychedelia, reggae, rockabilly, hard rock, heavy metal, rock, fankfolk etc.

Among all the variety of musical styles and genres a special place occupies

genre of music, known as «world music». This trend appeared in the 80 years of the

twentieth century., due to the searches of western pop stars and attaching folk music

to rock music. In the world there are groups that are on the brink of different musical

genres. They are united by an interest in antiquity, to the point that awakens our

genetic memory.

Appeal of Western civilization to exotic traditions of other cultures and

civilizations can be traced from the Baroque music. There are examples of works on

the brink of ethnic and classical music ("Slavonic Dances" by A. Dvorak, written

under the influence of the music of Central Europe, "Symphony № 9" under the

influence of folk music and African American aborigines of North America).

Ethnic music had a great influence (especially the music of the East) on

American composers of the XX century., as G. Cowell, John Cage, L. Harrison and

A. Hovaness. In the 1960s, many rock musicians have resorted to the means of the

traditional music of the East. For example, in the music of the English beat-music

collective The Beatles Indian elementsappeared, and the band members were taught

to play the sitar by indian musician R. Shankar.


The phenomenon of the «world music» is a phenomenon of establishing of a

new human culture based on interpenetration and synthesis of all the previously

separate musical traditions of various cultures. Deep in the nature of human

consciousness, which is booming, regardless of racial, religious, social or political

affiliation, there is a deep desire to expand and enrich their educational general

cultural outlook.

The process of international integration is particularly intense in the area of

intercultural relations. This is because the universal language of art as best suited to

international and transnational diplomacy, as it is clear to all progressive-minded and

creative people. And modern communications and global market help to overcome

any distance.

More and more television and radio programs in different countries acquaint

his audience with the cultures of other peoples. At Music stores in any country of the

world you can always find large sections devoted to the music of different peoples

despite the global power of the Internet.

In the western and eastern music cultures the terms "classical music"

(professional-old tradition) and "folk music" (folk music) exist. Nevertheless, during

the contemporary globalization where borders style of music is increasingly blurred

divide these concepts is difficult because any that music with bright national colours

simplistically perceived as "popular" and the music of the past, if it has stood the test

of time, automatically belongs to the classical.

Starting from the second half of the twentieth century. music, compared to

other forms of art, becoming a leader in the number and scale of events on channels

of electronic media, in terms of production and sales of recorded music on CDs, on

the strength of the audience.

Due to enhancements creation and broadcast of musical works in the space of

any national culture can easily penetrate the music that has elements of popular

culture with its simplistic and primitive forms of expressive means. Music practice of


modern society is characterized by complex processes of exchange of national and

professional models of musical creativity.

Thus, in the musical environment of different countries the various forms of

music activity coexist. They are an important regulator of social relations, stimulating

processes of intercultural communication in the broadest sense of the word. There is a

huge variety of youth music styles, musical forms and respectively – musical groups

of different formats in contemporary musical life of the world.

Music is now one of the components of the life of a young man: a part of his

world view, psychological stimulant, a means of communicating theme and object of

study and worship. The active side of life, interests and needs of young people, forms

of leisure are inextricably linked with music: visit night clubs, concerts and

festivals. Indeed, the role and influence of popular music, becoming prominent in

youth because youth is a major consumer of music production. And when it comes to

the social and psychological effects of popular music, the researchers concern the

negative impact on its development and establishment of spiritual culture. Surface

analysis of the text content of many popular songs and video clips clearly explains

the reason for this concern.

Today, the national television channels, in particular the youth music channels

such as MTV and M1, all programs are mainly entertainment rather than academic

orientation. In terms of psychology, it is clear that along with entertainment features,

TV shows inevitably act as a kind of provider cultural patterns of behavior, attitudes

and values. No different in this respect, and policy state television, which also

dominates the entertainment-oriented.

Imposed pop-culture values and norms are formed mainly due to the activities

of producers, directors, image makers, stylists, music video makers, writers, artists

and other personalities of show business. Specified strategy exploits the desire of

young people to identify themselves with their favorite artist, the desire to imitate

him and to be like him.


Social behavior, which is based on the characteristic of the young age of

veneration and imitation of the musical idol. The result might be teenagers` abnormal

forms of behaviour talking about music fanaticism, when the "pop star" is a role

model in everything. Music idols are an important component in the structure of pop

culture and they play a significant role in the spread of pop music production, as a

source of youth lifestyle forming .

The independence of Ukraine had introduced many significant changes

especially in the spirituality of young people who have a lot of differences from their

peers before the reformation. The youth is guided by the imperatives that are quite

different from those determed the motivations of several previous generations.

Socio-psychological studies indicate that an important task of social policy on

youth music pop culture is raising the musical culture of the person and it is possible

to accept and will to improve the culture of personality. Current conditions for the

transition to the international community planetary models exist, communication

processes of globalization and the contradictions of globalization communication

processes and contradictions of the results cause ambiguity, multilevel, pluralism,

dynamism of intercultural musical space.

In the current conditions of global trends and strong technology base broadcast

music reinforcing intercivilization ties make them more multi-faceted, contradictory.

American and Western culture are the Worldwide leaders of the exchange. They offer

music production with mediocre form, internal semantics and genre certainty. It

provides contemporary processes of music sharing lots of new features. On the one

hand, global connections are internal to the enrichment of ethnic and civilizational

models, on the other making them more difficult semantic development. This is

especially true of musical cultures that do not claim to leadership positions or are

going through a phase of crisis, decline in activity. It should be noted that the most

fruitful and harmonious cultural exchange it is in music: there is mutual enrichment

rhythms, traditional musical instruments and elements of style.


If the current development of global interactions create equal for all peoples

and civilizations provided the music sharing community, the next phase of musical

interaction will be more balanced in terms of activity and broad participation in the

various nations and civilized communities. In addition, the mode of self-formed new

supranational and super civilizational level of musical space different from modern


Having Realized the archaic roots of rock, the music of the late twentieth

century. was forced to go beyond their own borders, turning in search of the lost

energy to the very origins of art.It was found that ethnic music has masterfully subtle

means of influence, particularly those which are not always successfully tried to find

psychedelic rock.

The main reason of fashion for the ethnic music is that with the increasing

possibility of communication between peoples and cultures and growing mutual

interest, humanity is the only, but also strives to maintain diversity. Ethno-rock

expresses humanistic trend towards global dialogue of cultures and peoples. In a

world where distances are gone, you need to learn to understand each other. And at

the same time particularly in some areas of rock culture is the opposite trend: isolate

themselves, to oppose the "alien".

Ethnic music is especially popular among the youth subcultures that have

emerged around the "antiglobalization movement" and the union of the left radicals,

anarchists, neohippi and "green." Antiglobalism opposed the unification of the world

economy and culture along the lines of several so-called "developed countries" for

the preservation of diversity for the intrinsic value of all individual and unique, to

ensure that each person had the opportunity to choose alternative routes. therefore

natural that their protest against the leveling human way of life inspired by the same

ideas as the movement of "world music": Underground, freedom of expression and

protest against reduction to the absurd exorbitance of rationalism of Western

civilization. Besides capturing ethnic music was just a genuine commitment


spokesman natural as opposed to "false and artificial mass culture" and show


This thesis is conformed be the fact that over the last ten years in the world

and in Ukraine has increased the number of «world music» festivals and creating

platforms for major festivals for the representatives of this direction. And all these

took place despite the global financial crisis. It would be enough just to mention the

huge national forums such as the

“Kraina mrii” (The country of Dreams),”Art-pole” (Art-field),

"EtnoEvolutsiia(Ethnoevolution)", "Trypilske pole", "Verkhobuzh" and so on. It is

also worth mentioning the victory in the selection of the "Eurovision-2012" of an

ethnic group of Udmurtia "Buranovski babushki" who left behind their backs such

popular artists as Dima Bilan, Yulia Volkova and Timoty.

Taking into consideration that the «world music» includes ethno-jazz, folk-

rock, ethno-rock, ethno-pop, we may say, that this direction is a versatile tool

interaction between musical cultures. The reason why this music direction is so

popular is the fact that the ethnic music of various extent that only can be any

expression of human thoughts and emotions. There is a general desire to look beyond

the style of popular music and European cultural tradition in general.

Deep in the nature of human consciousness, is constantly evolving, regardless

of their racial, religious, social or political affiliation are endless desire for expansion

and enrichment of general cognitive outlook. Currently, this process is particularly

intense because the boundaries between previously isolated cultures of different

nations of our planet are becoming more transparent and modern means of

communication become global international scale. Particularly intensive process of

international integration in the field of intercultural relations. This is because the

universal language of art suitable for international and transnational diplomacy, as is

clear to all progressive-minded and creative people. And modern communications

and global market to help people of different cultures to overcome any separated by a

distance and learn each other's culture.


Thus, the phenomenon of «world music» is a new interaction among musical

cultures of the world.


1. Volokhov Sergey Yoyk Kai and Ukraine / Sergey Volokhov / / Expert:

Ukrainian Business magazine. – № 28.

2. Horokhov A.«World Music – Music of the world Horokhov

A.//Muzprosvet. –Mode of access:

3. Yevtushenko O.M. Ukraine in rock / O.M. Yevtushenko – Mode of


4. Kozlov Aleksei Rock / Aleksei Kozlov – "Musical Laboratory and

Encyclopedia Aleksei Kozlov." – Mode of access:

5. Ruslana goes to Las Vegas for the World Music Awards / / Mode of access:

ruslana-edet-v-las-vegas-za-nagradoj-world music-awards

6. Petukhov V. Oleh Skrypka "Serdyuchka is a maximum evil that goes

after terrorism " / Vitalii Petukhov. – Mode of access:

7. Savrutskaia E.P. The Phenomenon of communication in contemporary

world / E.P. Savrutskaia / / Actual problems of communication theory: a collection of

educational works. – St. Petersburg. – SPbHPU Publishing house, 2004. – P. 75-85.

8. Sadovskaia I.A. Musical education and Mass Culture: Real and

imaginary values / I.A. Sadovskaia / / Modern man in Search of the soul: a collection

of materialsof international scientific conference. – Almaty, 2006.

9. Saulenko Liudmyla Youth subcultures: Ukrainian context / Liudmila

Saulenko. – Mode of access:

10. Richard N. World music / Nidel Richard / / The basics, Routledge,

Taylor and Fran cis Group. – 2005.






UDC 719:351.852

Volodymyr Antonenko

Inna Krupa


The article is dedicated to the examination of notion "cultural heritage"

applying the analysis of the same as scientific procedures of the leading scientists in

different fields of science and international and national standard legal acts.

Key words : Cultural heritage, Historical and Cultural heritage, Cultural

Values, Cultural heritage, Cultural richness .

Cultural heritage protecting is a key element in preserving the cultural identity

of Ukraine, development of historical consciousness, an influential leader of unified

Ukrainian national identity and strengthening the integration of values in

society. Effective preservation, restoration and use of appropriate cultural and

historical heritage requires scientific and legal justification of the conceptual

apparatus to develop public health strategies of cultural monuments and clear of all

authorities for its implementation.

Terminological range of cultural heritage consists of a set of definitions of

cultural heritage. A variety of terms and characteristics usually associated with the

goals and objectives facing researchers, theorists and practitioners. Any scientific

discipline can occur only when operated by a single conceptual apparatus. The need

to harmonize the definition of the conceptual apparatus of "cultural heritage", the

coordination of the national legal framework with international terminological

practices and determine the relevance of the article.

Research on the issue of cultural heritage subject of many works of different

branches of science. Among those who study culture, among those who study

different historical monuments the most significant are the research of Akulenko V.,

N. Boboiedova, M. Bohuslavskyi, V. Horbyk, H. Denysenko, S. Dolhov, A.

Dzhambatov, O. Dulov, S. Zaremba, O. Kalashnykova,

N. Kuznetsova, E. Lachyna, S. Molchanova, L. Ponomarenko, P. Skrypnyk,


I. Shovkoplias, V. Rastopchyn and other.An important role in the formation

and improvement of public administration in the sights of health play fundamental

works of scientists in the field of administrative law and public administration. They

are Averianov V., Alekseiev, Bandurka O., Halahan I., Holosnichenko I., Kaliuzhnyi

R., Katkova T., Rolpakov V., Korniienko M., Kuzmenko O., T. Kurylo., Olifer V.,

Sushchtnko V. and many others. [13, 15]. Noteworthy, recent studies have lawyers

Odaynyk B. and I. Pivovar, who made a detailed analysis of current interpretations of

this concept [11, 13]. However, theoretical and methodological development issues of

cultural heritage and its legal regulation in Ukraine today can not be considered as


The purpose of this article is to investigate problem areas of the definition

"cultural heritage" based on analysis of legislative acts regulating relations in the

sphere of use and protection, analyze scientific approaches leading national and

international experts to protection of cultural heritage.

Counting the legal definition of "cultural heritage" is generally regarded as the

Convention was adopted by UNESCO in 1972 to protect the world cultural

heritage. Article 1 of the Convention, the concept of classified material cultural

heritage in three categories:

attractions: architectural works, monumental sculpture and painting,

elements and structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave and group


ensemble: a group of isolated or combined buildings and architecture;

sightseeing: works of man or the common works of man and nature, and

areas including archaeological landmarks [1].

This definition sound and can be used to determine the internal structure of the

material cultural heritage and for organizational purposes related to legal and

property relations, but does not reflect its role and place in the modern world. [11]

All the more prevalent use of definitions and determinations made in the

practice by UNESCO experts and other related organizations at the global level. In


general and summary form they are in the study "Culture in sustainable

development", Sponsored by the World Bank. Unlike conventional approaches, the

paper defines the occurrence heritage in social and economic development. This

conceptual framework of the study is fundamentally different from the apparatus used

in the approach of many other researchers as cultural heritage and the associated

range of concepts are treated as self-worth, outside the context of current social,

economic and other problems of life and prospects of development of society [

11]. The study determined that:

cultural heritage consists of the following aspects of the past that people retain,

cultivate, study and pass to the next generation. These achievements are embodied in

a tangible form, such as, buildings, and intangible, such as different types of

performing arts. Cultural heritage is a fact that has gained value in the past, and the

value of what is expected in the future. Since this value and its expectations change

over time, it approved the same cultural heritage as the subject of dynamic change;

cultural heritage refers to places, structures, objects and natural landscapes that

have archaeological, historical, religious, aesthetic, or other cultural value;

material or " built " heritage are buildings, historical monuments, objects and

agricultural landscapes;

living or ' expressive ' legacy is a social practice in community life, values,

beliefs, expressions, including language, arts and crafts, music, dance, poetry and


cultural significance is used to estimate the value of an object or place. It

includes aesthetic, historic, scientific (research), social or economic value.

Preservation aims to protect all aspects of an object or its remnants to preserve

its cultural significance. It also includes use and may depend on the significance of

cultural artifacts and the accompanying circumstances, including conservation,

restoration, reconstruction, adaptation or any combination of these actions. [16]

Another interesting definition is given in the Framework Convention of the

Council of Europe "On the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society" in 2005.


[15] Thus, the document refers to a set of cultural heritage resources that have come

into an inheritance from the past and what people believe, regardless of its origin, its

ever-changing display of values, beliefs, knowledge and traditions. It covers all

aspects of the environment resulting from the interaction between people and space in

the process of historical development.

The definition of the term "cultural heritage" is given, in a special Law of

Ukraine "On Protection of Cultural Heritage." In the Art. 1 of the Act states that

"cultural heritage is a collection of humankind inherited from previous generations of

cultural heritage" [1]. However, in the opinion of some researchers, this definition

can not be considered successful because of its vagueness, vagueness and partial

tautology. It is also believed that it was not fully reflect the essence of the concept of

"cultural heritage" – a term that underlies the external reflection of national

culture. In addition, its interpretation is not consistent with the requirements

applicable to the formation of definitions [13].

According to the theoretical foundations of universally accepted system, the

definition is formed by combining two features: the clan (expresses a necessary part

of the definition) and species (expressing sufficient part) [2, 44]. The legislation

recognizes the definition of "cultural heritage" as a generic definition "a collection of

objects of cultural heritage", which actually does not reveal the content of the

concept. Thus, the above claim suggests the need to develop a new definition of the

term "cultural heritage" [13].

In addition, national legislation, along with the category of "cultural heritage"

is used related terms that are not always interpreted in the law that operate on these

concepts. A similar situation is also observed in the existing international


The term "cultural heritage" consists of two distinct categories: a) culture and

b) inheritance. But in contrast to the notion of "cultural values" components which

have not yet found an adequate interpretation in philosophy, sociology and cultural

studies [12], the definition of "cultural heritage" is simplified by the presence of a


clearly stated definition of "heritage." For instance, an explanatory dictionary

interprets the term "heritage" in two senses eligible this study: 1) the things left of its

predecessor, and 2) the phenomenon of culture, science, life and others, remaining

from earlier times, the previous figures. [4]

The concept of "cultural heritage" become part of the lexicon of legal and

social life of modern Ukraine and many other countries. As mentioned in Art. 1 of the

Law "On Protection of Cultural Heritage", despite its amendments and clarification

on some terms, there is no legal definition of "cultural heritage", it is, according to

this law, only – "the totality of humanity inherited from previous generations of

cultural heritage" [1].

A similar situation with respect to the definition of "cultural heritage" and

inherent scientific sources. Usually, scientists use the concept and practice as self-

evident, without any explanation. Trying to reveal its contents usually do not extend

beyond the description of possible objects belonging to the cultural heritage [8], or

reduced to more compared to the law, the characteristics of the object values to s

society. Works devoted to research the concept of "cultural heritage", although

making some certainty in the definition of the term, but, in our opinion, give it an

incomplete characterization [10, 14].

According to A. Brazhko under cultural heritage is necessary to understand the

material and spiritual heritage of human values that are created generations of people

for centuries. [3] In our view, this definition of cultural heritage and can not be called

universal, due to the fact that, first, it does not appear the legal nature of these objects

and, secondly, from the definition of this we can conclude: intangible cultural

heritage items is contrary to the definitions set forth in the law.

Exploring issues of cultural and historical values, it is necessary to consider the

historical and cultural value, historical and cultural heritage. This approach finds

support in the scientific works of Russian experts, including V. Bazanova, S.

Horshenina, N. Mikhailova. Thus, S. Horshenin considers the term "cultural heritage"


as a set of cultural values of mankind (material and spiritual culture) of all past ages,

the meaning and scope of which are constantly changing [5].

N. Mikhailova argues that the historical and cultural heritage is created by

nature and human material and spiritual values that are stored and transmitted from

generation to generation, and recognized by society and the State required regardless

of time, space and ownership for the maintenance of national culture and spiritual

development of the people. [10] Thus, V. Bazhanov by considering the concept

of "cultural heritage" stresses existing in it the historical connection of new and old,

temporal continuity [2].

In addition to the transfer of the object, you must take into account the

universal value (public definability) of these objects, supported by the next

generation. Heritage is a conscious process between generations, accumulating

material and spiritual cultural values, where the next era takes the best that existed

before it. Therefore, the concept of "cultural heritage" by narrower concept of

"cultural values". Themselves on their own cultural values are objects that meet the

spiritual and aesthetic requirements, while artistically and scientifically important for

a person in a certain stage of history.They reflect the ideology of the customer and of

the social order to which these customers are, and there is evidence of technological

development. If you no longer need the existence of a cultural object to the era

forever disappears and the object itself. Therefore, the process of succession

involving only universal cultural values, which for several generations represent

value in terms of aesthetics, science and history.

One can not ignore also the position of M. Kulishova that historical and

cultural heritage attributes of socially recognized material and spiritual values stored

society to maintain social and ethnic identity and to transmit to future

generations. This information potential embodied in the phenomena, events, material

objects, moral and ethical standards, scientific and philosophical ideas that required

for the development of humanity. [7]


Based on thorough analysis and systematization of legal and scientific

approaches to the definition of "cultural heritage" feel good definition I. Pivovar:

historical and cultural heritage is a collection of humankind inherited from previous

generations ob'yektyvovanyh material and spiritual values that are relevant for the

conservation and identity of Ukraine, its contribution to world civilization and to be

protected. [13]

From this we can conclude that the problem definition questions "cultural

heritage" has not yet been removed from the agenda and require further theoretical

and practical studies.


1. On the Protection of Cultural Heritage: Law of Ukraine on Jun 8. 2000 /

/ Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Evidences. – 2000.- № 39. –

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2. Bazanov V.L. Problems of saving historical and cultural heritage in

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1991. – 218 p.

3. Brazhko A. No culture, no people/ A. Brazhko / / interlocutor. – 2007. –

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4. The great explanatory dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language

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2007. – 1736 p.

5. Horshenin S.H. Politics of Soviet state relationships in cultural-historical

Heritage in the Great Patriotic War period and in the post war times First Years:

dis. ... Candidate. ystor. Science / SG Horshenyn – M., 1992. – 198 p.

6. Zaritskyi M.S. The actual problems of Ukrainian terminology: [Tutorial].

– K.: IVC"Politehnica",TOV"Firm Periodicals", 2004. – 128 p.

7. Kuleshova M.E. Notional and terminological system "Natural and

cultural heritage": Contents and Basic concepts / M.E. Kuleshova / / The unique


territoris of cultural and natural's heritage of regions: Sat.scientific. tr.- Moscow:

Institute of Space Device Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1994. – P. 40-46.

8. Lachina, E.A .Legislative security of monuments of nature, history and

culture: Abstract. Thesis. on obtaining candidate degree in legislation. Legal. Science

/ E.A. Lachina – Ryazan. – 2006. – 26 p.

9. Mironova T.N. Saving natural and cultural heritage as an obligation of

post industrial society cultural policy: dis. ... Candidate. cult. sciences: 24.00.01 /

T.N. Mironova – Moscow, 2000. – 168 p.n.

10. Mikhailova N. V. The State security of historical and cultural Heritage of

Russia in the second half of the twentieth century: [monografy] / N. Mikhailova –

Moscow: UNITY-DANA, Law and Justice, 2001. – 280 p.

11. Odainyk B.M. Basic definitions of terms related to the concept of

"cultural heritage" : issues. Access:

12. Pyvovar I. On the problem of the definition of "cultural values"

(philosophical aspects) / I. Pyvovar / / Philosophical, methodological and

psychological problems, the materialsof the 2-nd All-Ukrainian. Scientific-

teoret. conf. – 2009. – 284 p.

13. Pyvovar I.V. Cultural heritage as an object of administrative and legal

protection / I. Pyvovar: scientific and theoretical journal / Kyiv National University

of Internal Affairs. – Kyiv: The students of 2010. – № 1. – P. 165-176.

14. Rybak K.E. Museum in normative system (historical and kultorological

analysis): Abstract. Thesis. on obtaining of Powers Dr. cultorology / K.E .Rybak. –

St. Petersburg., 2006. – 29 p.

15. Ukraine in international legal relations. Book. 2. Legal protection of

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16. Community Foundations – A Tool for Preservation of Cultural Heritage /

/ Social development notes. – No. 108 / April 2007. – P. 1-4.


UDC 016.5:334.02

Yevgen Kozlovskyi



The research defined the concepts of corporate culture, specified the type of

corporate cultures functioning in Ukraine, performed the comparative analysis of

corporate cultures in the modern Ukrainian and foreign enterprises, developed

recommendations on creation of a strong corporate culture.

Key words : Corporate Culture, norms of Behavior, Multinational

Corporations, Management Style, Culture medium .

The globalized character of today's world makes the intersection of life, culture

and the ways individuals and civilizations. It is in civilizational terms acquire a

special status communication problems cultures of different peoples and

communities, including the problem of their coexistence in a single world space. The

interdependence of cultures in the modern world (national cultures and subcultures

within one national culture) felt at all levels of human life, particularly in the

professional field.

In recent years, Ukraine has quickly implemented the necessary techniques of

entrepreneurship, while the rules of civilized business are not fully vaccinated

because of a crisis of confidence in a partner. After years of communist rule values

and abrupt change in the socio-political system in our country, it is vacuum formed at

the evaluative level that defines the culture of society and culture of a particular

organization. An important role is played by the ability to shape corporate culture that

is essentially the "spirit" of human relations, which is the basis not only of civilized

and efficiently, but also cross-cultural communication in the team.

In terms of the public interest, the issue of corporate culture is relevant for

Ukraine also that using a strong and monolithic culture can unite employees of the

organization to achieve a common goal – to increase company profits and income of

employees, improving the quality and culture of customer service, increase


production, and hence the development of the economy as a whole. Therefore, we

believe that the phenomenon of corporate culture in modern Ukraine requires special


The necessity of research defined and the need to include the phenomenon of

corporate culture in cultural studies for its theoretical understanding. In addition,

understanding the subject and domestic experience in the creation and improvement

of corporate culture. Relevant is also the process of developing practical

recommendations designed to help improve the performance of Ukrainian enterprises

for their own success and prosperity of the country.

Corporate culture as a social phenomenon and an integral component of

society's culture has long been actively studied abroad. Accumulated foreign

researchers experience deserves attention of national scientists. Today, Ukraine is a

concept still seems new, although many elements of the modern concept of

"corporate culture" is used in this country during the Soviet era [11, 50].

Question of the definition and establishment of corporate culture explored such

prominent scholars as S.Abramova, M.Bohatyriov, V. Yevtushevskyi, E. Kapitonov,

T. Persykova, H. Khaiet, E. Shein, S. Shcherbina and others.

The writings of these scholars emphasized the appropriateness of corporate

culture, presented their design on its formation in enterprises and emphasized the

efficacy of this method of motivating employees. This kind of culture requires

scientific understanding regarding the new conditions of economic and social life in

our country, especially in terms of multinational organizations in Ukraine today are

not only difficult crossing cultures of East and West, but also contain a diversity of

crops post-socialist countries.

The purpose of the article is to define the concept of corporate culture, to

identify the types of corporate cultures that operate in Ukraine, a comparative

analysis of modern Ukrainian and foreign companies and to make recommendations

on creating a strong corporate culture.


Everyone usually performs professional activities in some organizations. Here

the person communicates and interacts with others based on their personal values and

psychological nature, using certain means and choosing appropriate forms of

communication. In a joint vocational employment occurs interplay each

other. Activity of any organization is a subject to a certain system of formal and

informal rules. Formal rules are the internal regulations. Informal rules regarding

clothing, jargon, relationships between supervisors and subordinates and others. The

formal system is based on the organizational structure of the enterprise, informal is

on that which we call "organizational" or "corporate" culture [1, 112].

The culture of the organization began to recognize one of the key factors

necessary for a proper understanding of human behavior and management, only in the

last decade of the last century. Originally was used and now extended the concept of

"organizational culture". Typically, it is used by specialists in administration and

management, while often mean the culture of the organization of production,

production aesthetics, cleanliness and order. Sometimes the emphasis is put on the

outside of the culture – the traditions, symbols, customs prevailing in the


Any organization is a group of people working there, and they are the bearers

of culture. That is the culture of the organization formed behavior, interaction and

communication, beliefs and values, which adhere to those people who work in

it. Probably because recently in the literature, particularly in management, began to

use the term "corporate culture." In this culture is seen as an environment in which

people are at work, all that is around them, human behavior as a product of the

interaction of cultural identity and cultural environmental factors and cultural factors

as regulators of human behavior. Because culture is a powerful strategic tool that

allows you to target all parts of the organization and those who work in it, on

common goals. It helps to mobilize the initiative of workers, has a commitment to the

organization, improves the process of communication and behavior [10, 75].


Regarding the above mentioned, we note that corporate culture is a system of

material and spiritual values, which interact with each other and reflect the

personality of the organization manifested in behavior, interaction and

communication between workers themselves and with the environment. The content

of corporate culture is a system of values, rules and norms of behavior in an

organization is a system of relationships and communication between people who

work in it.

Some scholars consider the corporate culture as a means of control. They note

that under conditions of high corporate culture of individuals and teams themselves

control themselves, contributing to the smooth functioning of the organization. In

building a culture involving all employees, keep it and follow established customs,

traditions and more. If culture is seen as imposed only attribute, then forming it is

only the prerogative of managers and owners of the organization. It is not stable, does

not contribute to the unity of opinion and not play a positive role [5, 69].

Most experts consider the corporate culture in corporations, multinational

organizations with a large number of employees and the greatest opportunities for the

formation of external symbols. However, the corporate culture can exist in any

organization, regardless of its size and field of activity. The reason is that every

community has its own values, principles, norms, rules, procedures, rituals that guide

its members to be passed to the next generation.

The existence of culture at different levels (in most organizations, sectoral,

regional, etc.) and that it is perceived differently by different groups that make up the

organization (e.g., multinational companies or the other, but multi-country) leads to

question of consistency culture. In addition, within the sub organizations,

professional groups, units can form various subcultures. They are an important source

of cultural diversity in the middle of the organization. However, they can form such

strong subcultural values that will form the basis of shared values [6, 152].

Today in Ukraine opened their offices and have been actively working on the

Ukrainian market of various large multinational corporations (MNCs): Arcelor


Mittal, Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Colgate-Palmolive, Nestle, Kraft

Foods, Coca-Cola, Philip Morris, Ernst & Young, KPMG, BNP Paribas, Unicredit

and others. Studying the experience of MNCs in Ukraine suggests that before

national experts who begin work in these organizations, there is a surprising number

of unexplained and unsolved problems, even if they have enough working language

of the organization, usually in English, in the process of communicating with

employees and managers, representing almost the entire range of national peace,

Ukrainian specialists undergo additional problems and difficulties of the features of

intercultural communication, as well as the norms and values of the corporate

cultures of these organizations.

Only targeted training under the guidance of experts in intercultural

communication and corporate culture can help to understand the causes of the

conflict of cultures and not only find a way out of problematic situations that have

developed, but also to prevent them in the future. Ukrainian leaders who are active

today in all global processes of different areas of life and work in multinational

organizations should be able to manage not only manufacture and staff, but also be

aware of the impact of national and corporate cultures of human behavior and be able

to apply their knowledge and skills to achieve the best performance of their


For Ukrainian reality is very important that multinational corporations are

associations of many heterogeneous elements (national cultures, management styles,

languages, national values and norms of behavior, etc.) that can operate successfully

only through a strong unified corporate culture. In its activity in different national

cultures MNCs use different models of governance: cultural superiority, cultural

compromise cultural synergy.

The analysis of the publications of the corporate culture of multinational

organizations suggests that cultural differences in the past were considered barriers to

communication and cooperation activities, today they turn to sources of additional

features. However, the successful activities of transnational corporations can only be


subject to adaptation company culture to TNC features of the national culture of the

host country [7, 80].

Based on the analysis activities of TNCs and further systematic theoretical

understanding of the role of corporate culture in the company, we came to the

conclusion that a strong corporate culture characterized by the fact that key

organizational values is actively supported and shared by almost all members. The

more people recognize the corporate values and the more they coincide with the

values of the national culture of employees, the greater the corporate culture.

Culture has a significant impact on the behavior of its members. Analysis of

international experience in the formation and maintenance of corporate culture

suggests that a strong culture increases the continuity and sustainability of all

organizational principles it stands for a kind of substitute for the formal bureaucratic

structure. The high degree of formal structuring of the enterprise creates

predictability, order and consistency, with a strong corporate culture achieves the

same has not developed bureaucratic structures and the many written

documents. Corporate culture largely determines the behavior of the employees in the

organization, the organization provides social stability, creates a sense of community

all its employees. Taking into account different national cultures helps employees

avoid conflicts of cultures and to provide cross-cultural communication within the

organization and with the outside world.

Corporate culture determines the degree of formality in the style of leadership

of the company (bureaucratic, power, target), the choice of a strategy for resolving

conflict (competition, cooperation, refusal of conflict, concession, compromise), and

the types and forms of organizational communication (written and oral, verbal and

non-verbal, formal and informal, horizontal and

Studying the experience of MNCs in Ukraine suggests that national experts,

who begin to work in these organizations unexpectedly face a number of unexplained

and unsolved problems: even if they speak working language of the organization well

enough, usually it is English, in the process of communicating with employees and


managers, representing almost the entire national spectrum of the world, Ukrainian

specialists have additional problems and difficulties dealing with the intercultural

communication features, as well as the norms and values of the corporate cultures of

these organizations.

Only specialized training under the guidance of intercultural communication

and corporate culture experts can help to understand the cultures conflict causes and

not only to find a way out from emerged problematic situations, but also to prevent

them in the future. Ukrainian leaders who are active today in all global processes of

different spheres of life and work in multinational organizations should be able to

manage not only manufacture and staff, but also be aware of the national and

corporate cultures impact on the human behaviour and be able to apply their

knowledge and skills to achieve the best organization activities results.

It is very important for Ukrainian reality that multinational corporations are

associations of many dissimilar elements (national cultures, management styles,

languages, national values and behaviour norms, etc.) that can operate successfully

only through a strong unified corporate culture. MNC use different models of

governance in their activities in different national cultures: cultural superiority,

cultural compromise, and cultural synergy.

The analysis of the multinational organizations corporate culture publications

suggests that cultural differences in the past were considered as barriers to

communication and cooperation activities; today they turn into sources of additional

features. However, the successful activities of transnational corporations can only be

provided by adaptation of company culture to TNC features of the host country

national culture [7, 80].

We came to the conclusion, based on the analysis of the biggest TNCs

activities and further systematic theoretical understanding of the corporate culture

role in the company, that a strong corporate culture is characterized by the fact that

key organizational values is actively supported and shared by almost all members.


The more people accept the corporate values and the more these values coincide with

the employees national culture values, the greater can be the corporate culture.

Culture has a significant impact on the behaviour of its members. The analysis

of the international experience in the formation and maintenance of corporate culture

suggests that a strong culture increases the inheritance and permanence of all

organizational principles; it serves as a sort of formal bureaucratic structure

substitute. The high degree of the enterprise formal structuring creates predictability,

order and permanence, and at the same time a strong corporate culture achieves the

same results without usage of any developed bureaucratic structures and multitude

written documents. Corporate culture largely determines the behaviour of employees

in the organization, provides social stability of the organization, creates a sense of all

its employees unity. The consideration of different national cultures helps employees

to avoid cultures conflicts and to provide cross-cultural communication within the

organization and with the outside world.

Corporate culture of the organisation determines the degree of formality in the

style of the company leadership (bureaucratic, power, goal), the choice of a particular

strategy for resolving the conflict (competition, cooperation, rejection of the conflict,

compliance, compromise), and the types and forms of organizational communication

(written and oral, verbal and non-verbal, formal and informal, horizontal and vertical,

external and internal). Strong corporate culture is characterized by "feedback" in

organizational communication [7, 82].

The transnational companies’ corporate culture and national culture of the host

country cooperate on the internal organizational level (in the intercultural

communication of employees) and on the external corporate and national level (in the

interaction of corporate culture and national culture of the country). The cultural

superiority, cultural compromise, or cultural synergy usage by the company

management largely determines the MNC`s success or failure.


According to T. Persykova, multinational corporations achieve success in the

global market largely due to the strong corporate culture which is characterized by

the following features:

- Creation the conditions under which employees can identify themselves as

their organization;

- Provision of the professional development and career advancement

opportunities for employee;

- Maximum team members’ awareness on the company's goals and tasks,

achievements and results, plans and future changes in the organization;

- Creation of the conditions for regular and effective "feedback";

- Concurrence of corporate values declared by governance and supported by

employees ;

- Regular expansion of the range of the employees` personal responsibility for

their work [7, 85].

The majority of the Ukrainian enterprises leaders are only at an early stage of

the corporate culture formation. At first the lack of knowledge about the corporate

culture creating or increasing technology and it relationships with national cultures of

employees stops their work. A number of contradictions and weaknesses that prevent

the Ukrainian organizations strong corporate culture creation were detected as a result

of this study:

- There is still no traditions of corporate norms and values formulation and new

employees’ selection based on compliance with these norms and values in Ukrainian


- For a long time in the socialism period was used a system of employees

promotion based on the so-called "long service". An essential element of the

corporate culture of many eastern companies is the respect to aged persons, while the

consideration of a specific contribution to the success of the organization is rather

typical for Western-style business culture. These two approaches now become

controversial in the Ukrainian business and require the solution;


- taking into account the development of employees` career should be noted

that nowadays such typical features for Ukrainian as modesty and desire “not to stand

out” cannot help employee in career promotion, especially in the western companies;

- Many leaders of Ukrainian enterprises emphasize the power of distance:

special places in cafeterias and for cars parking, special offices, personal secretaries,

the procedure for making an appointment and so on. Sometimes it is turned into an

organizational policy at all levels of management and after some time the

effectiveness criteria in the evaluation of employee`s real achievements is substituted

by the office criteria;

- The destination of benefits need to be changed in the Ukrainian companies

and the grassroots staff which directly affects the quality of work should be

encouraged, and also should be recreated the system of incentives, that will have

nothing in common with socialist society`s financial incentives system (boards of

honour, streamers and flags, medals and the title of "Labour Hero").

The following recommendations about the formation of a strong corporate

culture in Ukrainian and international organizations in Ukraine with consideration of

the international experience and national cultural specifics of Ukraine were

formulated based on the study:

1. The multinational organizations employees can achieve success working in a

different cultural environment or being in a situation of intercultural communication

if they will follow such principles:

a) To study and try to understand the culture of the country in which they


b) To analyze other cultural values for interpretation of the hidden cultural


c) To apply this knowledge in organizational communication;

d) To change the corporate values for their harmonisation with the host country

culture namely the adaptation of corporate values to national cultural values of the

host country.


2. For a successful business in Ukraine leader must have three types of


a) the national culture of the host country;

b) the national culture of the country of origin of the company;

c) the corporate culture of the organization.

3. All professionals working in a multinational environment must respectfully

treat to the existing cultural differences, be able to work with people who have other

ideas and values, be open to change and avoid expressions of ethnocentrism.

4. It is not necessarily to transfer management practices that got developed in

one country to another cultural soil. At the same time one should strive to create

cultural synergy, namely building of the additional capacity at the expense of cultural

diversity, which is the hallmark of modern organizations` corporate culture.

Thus, the leaders of modern Ukrainian enterprises faced the task based on the

consciously and purposefully formation and maintenance of the corporate culture on

the base of the national culture, effective usage of everything already accumulated in

foreign and Ukrainian scientific and practical experience, based on ideas and core

values that are shared by all members of the organisation.

It is clear that only experts with a broad humanitarian outlook and knowledge

of the culture are able to handle this task. Only awareness and consideration of the

culture impact on human behaviour, the usage of what each of the various national

cultures have in it and skilful combination of national and corporate values will give

a chance to take a new level of collaboration between business and culture of our


It is important to note that the article does not disclose issues of the whole

variety of problems that arise during the comprehensive analysis of corporate culture

as an object of the study in cultural studies. Among the directions for further work

can be distinguished the creation of models of corporate cultures interaction with

different national cultures and the development of new employees’ adaptation

methods to the corporate culture of the organization.



1. Bohatyrev, M. R., Organizational culture of the enterprise: Current

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predpriiatia: aktualnie podkhody k problemam identificatsii I upravleniia] / M. R.

Bogatyrev (2004)/ / Moscow University daily newspaper Vjesnik. Economy. -. – №

6. – pp. 97-124.

2. Yevtushevskiy, V. A., Corporate management [Korporatyvne upravlinnia]

/ V. A. Yevtushevskiy (2006), – Znannia, Kyiv, – 406 p.

3. Corporate culture: textbook for university and colledge students /

H. L. Khaiet [and others]; under general edition of H.L. Khaiet; closed joint-stock

company Novokramatorsk Machine Building Plant, Donbas National Engineering

Academy (2003), – Tsentr navchalnoi literatury – 402 p.

4. Corporate culture of the XXI century organizations: collection of

scientific works (2011) / Donbas National Engineering Academy; [editors:

Shevchenko and others] – DDMA, Kramatorsk, – 271 p.

5. Kapitonov, E. A., Corporate culture: theory and practice [Korporativnaia

cultura: teoriia i practica] / E. A. Kapitonov (2005) [and others], – Alpha-Press,

Moscow, – 351 p.

6. Lomachinska, I. M., The basis of corporate culture: textbook [Osnovy

korporativnoi cultury: navchalniy posibnyk] / I. M. Lomachinska, O. D. Rykhlitska,

N. V. Barna (2011); Open International University of Human Development

"Ukraina", – University “Ukraina”, Kyiv, – 281 p.

7. Persikova, T.N., Intercultural Communication and Corporate Culture:

Textbook [Megkulturnaia kommunikatsyia i korporativnaia kultura: uchebnoe

posobie] / T.N. Persikova (2002), – Logos, Moscow, – 224 p.

8. Tymoshenko, N. L., Corporate culture: Business Etiquette: textbook / N.

L. Tymoshenko (2006), – Znannia, Kyiv, – 392 p.


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Management Academy – Noulidzh, Donetsk department, Donetsk, – 168 p.

3. Shcherbina, S. V., Organizational Culture in the Western traditions:

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4. Yachmeneva, V. M., Corporate Culture of industrial enterprises: expenses

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Resort Development Academy, – Arial, Simferopol, – 206 p.


UDC 621.865:004.896

Boris Kuz'menko


Intelligent robotic system in CULTURE AND ARTS

The article deals with the application of robotic systems as modern information

technology, particularly in the field of culture and arts.

Keywords: Intelligent Systems, work, fiction, animation, film, music, theater,

subculture, portrait.In article questions of application of robotic How Modern

technology, in particular in the sphere of culture and art.

Keywords : Artistic literature, animation, cinema, Music, Theater, subculture,


In the article the considered questions of application of the robotic systems, as

modern information technology, in particular in the field of a culture and arts.

Keywords: intellectual systems; Works; fiction; animation; cinema; music;

theatre; subculture; portrait.

The development of robotic systems in the late twentieth and early twenty-first

centuryled to the development of similar trends in culture and arts, which

immediately found its place in almost all fields of cultural and artistic activities.

The aim is to show specific examples the need and importance of intelligent

robotic systems in all fields of culture and arts sector, particularly in fiction,

animation, film and theater, music and subculture.

In 1950, British mathematician A. Turing published in the journal «Mind»

work «Computer and Intelligence," which is given a test to check the program on

intelligence . He offered to put the researcher and program in different rooms and as

long as long as the researcher can not determine who is behind the wall – a person or

a program considered reasonable behavior . It was one of the first definitions of

intelligence, A. Turing proposed to call this behavior of intellectual program that will

simulate ( mimic) intelligent behavior. Since then, there are many definitions of


intellectual systems (IS) and artificial intelligence (AI) Time AI (AI – Artificial

Intelligence) proposed in 1956 AD Lyuherom .

Works as a cultural phenomenon emerged from Karl Capek play «RUR», the

author describes the pipeline, which collected the work themselves. With the

development of technology in society has become mechanical creatures to see more

than just toys. Literature reflected the fears of mankind the possibility of replacing

people by their own creations. Laterthese ideas were developed in the film "

Metropolis" (1927), "One Blade " (1982) and " The Terminator " (1984 ). How to

work with artificial intelligence a reality and interact with someone, show movie "

Artificial Intelligence " (2001) directed by S. Spielberg and " I am Robot " (2004) A.

Proyyasa .

Fiction. A significant contribution to the image of "work" in Literature

introduced by Azimov . He formulated the " Three Laws of Robotics ":

1. A robot may not harm a human or by inaction allow a person was harmed ;

2. A robot must obey orders man to the extent that it does not conflict with the

first law;

3. The robot has to take care of their security so that it is not contrary to the

first and second laws.

Azimov shows that these laws, as laid down in the brain – work program as

required ( course work to be performed) laws, rejecting the possibility of

manifestation of any hostile action in relation to the work of man. We give examples

of negative consequences that arise when the creator of the work on stage

programming blocks one of the laws (for example, two of the law). Then the robot

can find a logically consistent solution that would allow him to violate the first law

and become dangerous to humans.

Also Azimov (in the novel "Robots and Empire", "On the way to the bottom ")

formulated the so-called "zero" Laws of Robotics : " A robot may not harm humanity,

or by inaction contribute to this " [1 ].


In the work of S. Lem's works have a significant place. The cycle of stories "

Kiberiada ", which are only of work, and people are considered strange dream-like

monsters – " blednotikami ." I. Pacific useful as attention is paid to work, especially

in the " Laundry tragedy " (from the series " From the memories of Jonah Pacific "),

where the grotesque form describes the role of work in human society by law.

Work in animation. Various anime, which featured military or other work is

very popular in Japan, they even moved into a separate genre – Fur ( this name later

became the symbol of all humanoid fighting robot) anime. In the genre of fur were

created many iconic anime that became symbols of the world of Japanese animation :

«Transformers», «Gundam», «Voltron», «Neon Genesis Evangelion». Due to this,

since the 80 – 90s of the twentieth century., Work became part of the national culture

of Japan, and part of the stereotypes about it. The plot of the cartoon is usually based

on the threat to the planet from the previously known and powerful monsters, which

could win only pilots (often minors, the main audience for these anime), who ruled

the giant humanoid robots or robots with "soul" and control their behavior, such as in

the cult TV series "Transformers ." But the work also appeared and post-apocalyptic

scenes, particularly anime "Ghost in the Shell " and " Evangelion ". Subsequently, the

features of the genre moved into the Kids Movie .

Jobs in the movie. A robot from the movie "The Day the Earth stopped ",

became the prototype of many robots . Work " done" the same contribution to the

film industry, as once in fiction and animation, especially in the genre Kids Movie .

Yes, the movie "The Terminator" was one of the most iconic films in cinema history,

and its main characters are known to almost everyone. Images of work in the film

partly play the same role as in the literature. In the middle of the XX century.popular

image of the work was based on the characters ' Working guardian "from the movie "

The Day the Earth Stood Still . " He was a giant, whose main weapon was a laser

capable of destroying cities. Subsequently, the imprint has become so popular that it

is almost not used and not think out as one of hackneyed cliché’s of fantasy as on the

backburner as evil aliens with blasters.


During the entire image of the robots in the movie changed, unlike slow "cans

– driveller" Film 30 's and 60 's, modern image onscreen robots borrowed the style of

modern technology, including high-tech style . Design robots with aggressive now

become more detailed and "stylish". There is a cult following work -hero movies :

C3PO and R2-D2 – a "Star Wars", a robot guard – from the movie "The Day the

Earth Stood Still ", tripods (partially manned) – from the book of the same name and

the film "War of the Worlds", 790 – Dealing with the cult sci-fi series “Lekss”; KITT

– From the series " Knight Rider »; T- 800 and T -1000 – a film series "Terminator ",

deuterium – android from the series "Star way. The New Generation ", the robot

Bender – a cartoon series " Futurama ", Electronics – from the movie and book " The

Adventures of Electronics ", the robot from the movie " Valley ", Werther – from the

movie" The Guest from the Future ", Robocop from the movie" RoboCop "; Marvin –

the " Avtostopupo galaxy ", Andrew – from the movie " Bicentennial man", Optimus

Prime, Megatron, Starscream, and other works Bamblbi transformers, numerous

animated cartoon characters and movies about transformers.

In popular music. Sometimes R & D occurs in the songs performed on stage.

As an example, we can cite one of the first songs A. Pugacheva "work, become a man

", which began its ascent to the heights of popularity. In 1978, the German group

«Kraftwerk» released the single «Die Roboter», it has lines in Russian, "I am thy-

servant, I shalt Employee ." This track was later released many remixes, but the

original still remains a favorite among connoisseurs DJ and electronic music.

In subcultures. R & D has always been a strong foundation for the emergence

of folklore – rhymes, jokes and more. At its heart was a humorous attempt to "fit"

work in the context of everyday life. A series of jokes in the Soviet Union became the

father, for example, the domestic film "The Adventures of Electronics ".

With the proliferation of the Internet and the work began to appear in the so -

called Internet memah . All sorts of jokes, pictures and videos featuring robots began

to spread on the network virus pattern. In the English-speaking sector of the Internet,


for example, is particularly popular internet memes, which featured robot Bender

from " Futurama " Terminator.

In art . The boldest predictions of science fiction that people will live and

work-side by side with humanoid robots have already started to come true. Robot

developers believe that it stands for the future of humanity – this will be another

smart move residents of Earth. For the first time show the androids were able to

work, because for a long time it was thought that painting, music, theater, dance and

other arts can deal only with people.

Japanese robot in the theater. Japanese robotics engineers are not satisfied that

their work can sing, dance and play the flute . Robots have taken another step in the

Arts – now the robot can play in the theater.

The world's first robot theater actor name Vakamaru (Wakamaru). It is a joint

product of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which in fact it did, and the University of

Osaka, which experts have developed software . Vakamaru not only able to monitor

the actions of the actors, the people on stage, but also play their role in the play . The

play, which should debut extraordinary actor, called «Hataraku Watashi» (« I am a

worker "), the author -O . Hirata. The play will play the robot work: in the scene

Vakamaru must demonstrate not only the skills to perform household chores, but also

a wide range of emotions – from joy to despair. The main idea of the play – show the

importance of robots in human life. Does this add something new formulation of the

laws of robotics Azimov, the world will know after the premiere in theaters in Osaka.

Until vidrepetyrovano only 20 minutes play, but the developers are hoping for a year

to prepare a full two-hour show.

Works like Vakamaru were not designed for the public's amusement, and for

the care of disabled and elderly people. Jobs run under the operating system Linux,

can speak and understand human language.

A robot that sings and plays the piano. To create a musical work Teotronica

took four years of fruitful work. Robot pianist, presented in Italy, is able to perform

complex classical music tracks with genuine ease. He plays works by Mozart and


other great composers without a single error . The secret robotic music lover is in his

19 fingers. The robot looks and dressed as it should truly professional pianist . The

left hand thumb should work and play lower notes, while his right hand is responsible

for the higher notes. Its creator has provided work and vocal, because the robot is

able to collect huge halls and numerous amaze the audience with their many talents.

Robotic head that sings . This head developed at the National Taiwan

University of Science and Technology. She can not only sing musical parts

synthesized voice, but read them from the sheet. A research team led by Yu Chui Lin

has created a robot that can sing the songs recorded on paper using numbers and

letters, through reading the camera built into your eyes. The algorithm sets the right

tone, rhythm and expression, guided by the resulting image, and then recreates them

using speech synthesizer .

The robot who paints portraits. Many tourist places people can get their

portraits painted by artists in just a few dollars. Today these artists are working. The

exhibition CeBIT in Hannover (Germany) on the stand at the Fraunhofer Institute

(Fraunhofer) will be presented a machine that paints portraits. Plotters (devices for

automatic drawing pictures) existed for nearly thirty years. What makes this device

different from robots – ignoring small details. It is easy to get a computer that will

duplicate the image using the plotter, much harder to make a robot that will "see" and

to create portraits. The robot uses to handle edge software, which helps him to

manipulate a pencil. Creating a model portrait in the machine takes about ten minutes

then work is my work. The robot was developed by a group of artists Robotlab at the

Center for Arts and media technologies ZKM (Center for Art and Media ZKM) in

Karlsruhe, Germany.

Thus, robotics takes its rightful place in all areas of human activity, including

the arts and culture . It is advisable to develop this industry in Ukraine, which

currently has outstanding achievements in all areas of scientific, industrial and other




1. Intellektualne’s work yesterday, today and tomorrow / DA Dobrynin / /

Math. X Nat. conference .by yskusstvennomu intelligence. -2006 . – Moscow:

Fyzmatlyt, 2006. – T. 2. – 310 p.

2. Mobylne's work . Festival «Mobylne 's work at MSU [ Эlektronnыy

resource]. – Mode of access : http://


UDC 007: 304: 004.9

Galina Ostapenko



This paper analyzes the main Internet resources relating to social and

communication technologies and their impact on young people. The data surveys of

youth institutions of higher education on the Internet network and use its resources.

Keywords : social and communication technology, Internet technology,

Internet communication, chat rooms, blogs, video conferencing, social networking .

In article analyzyruyutsya Basic Internet Resources Network, otnosyaschyesya

k socio- kommunykatsyonnыm technology, 's Effect on youth. Pryvodyatsya DATA

oprosov young people wound Relatively High society uchebnыh Networks and

Internet – Using EE resources.

Keywords : social and kommunykatsyonnaya TECHNOLOGY, internet -

technology, internet – MyMLT, chatы, blogs, vydeokonferentsyy, sotsyalnыe


The article analyzes key internet resources related to social and communication

technologies and their impact on youth. The survey data about internet and usage of it

`s resources by young people from high school is given.

Key words: social and communication technology, Internet technologies,

internet chat, chat rooms, blogs, video conferencing, social networking.

Modern information society is characterized by access to large volumes of

diverse data. The consumers of this information is available and students of higher

education institutions as an active part of society, studying, developing

samovdoskonalyuyetsya and in the future will occupy key positions in society.

Social and communication technologies on the Internet are very popular in

young people, as are relevant research questions of their impact on students in the

light of social values and preserve its entry into positive social attributes. Today,

students need special attention of the state and the public, because it was a few years


they will be the core of Ukrainian intellectuals, of which will largely depend on the

development of society, its culture and direction of transformation. Students – the

future elite of our country that determine her face [2].

The aim of the study is to review the basic communication resources on the

Internet, identifying positive and negative impact on their lives of high school

students, a comparative analysis of social studies students from different universities.

ICT Internet researchers investigated the following : G. Fashutdinova, V.

Mikhailov, S. Mikhailov, A. Napalkov, S. Ushkin, A. Radkevych, D. Soloviev, N.

Marchenkova, A. Krasnytska, I. Zaharnytska, Drepa M. et al. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10,

12, 13].

Multifaceted resource information society is the Internet, because it serves as a

memory and store information, ie memory function, but also a means of distribution,

storage and exchange of information, a rod infrastructure of the information society

[5 ].

Internet is increasingly becoming a social institution in which are embedded

numerous social and community organizations. Understanding the role of the Internet

in modern life and influence of his personality is an important step in the effective

use of communication network resources. With the advent of the Internet created a

new communications medium that constantly involves a variety of fragments of

society [5]

Information and communication environment on the Internet enables young

people to not only communicate, but to share information, to find the necessary

resources and combine them, copy, replicate, spread in social networks your photos

and videos, keep diaries ( blogs) and present themselves. That such an environment

can be called communication and social institution.

Communication institutes are the organs through which the society through

social structures creates and distributes information. As a socio-cultural institution

performs online information and communications function that develops through the


creation of services similar to traditional means of communication, but it is

dominated by traditional means because of their capabilities [6].

Characteristic features of "virtual" type of communication that are becoming

more visible in modern life are: virtuality, interactivity, hipertekstualnist, global

thinking, creativity, anonymity, mosaicism [5 ].

For the questionnaire at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (

KNUKiM) were selected students of various disciplines (managers socio-cultural

activities, computer science, documentation, sociology, business economics) and

courses (I -V).

The question " what basically you need the Internet?" KNUKiM students gave

the following answers : for communication – 25% ( 94 students) for leisure – 20% (

77 students) to search for and store information – 55 % ( 152 students ), including 59

students chose the answer " for all " ( entertainment, communication, and stores

information.) That KNUKiM students use the Internet mainly for training.

Students of the University of Mariupol answered that most of them ( 42 % of

respondents) interesting educational information, 38% – communication, 10% – the

music, and others. [8 ].

Comparing survey students Mordovia State University, the first thing they need

for online learning (88 % of respondents), then – for communication (45%) to use

email (34%) and for others. [12].

M. Drepa in his study of Internet addiction prevention students believe that

every day of the students on the Internet pathological evidence of their global

network of interest and the desire to replace real- life virtual [ 1].

Surveys conducted in the Mariupol State University (2010) showed that 88 %

of students surveyed use the Internet almost every day, 36 % – for 1-2 h, 44% – for 3-

4 h, 20% – 5-6 or more hours a day [3 ].

Student of KNUKiM answered the survey (2009) on the time spent in the

network as follows: more than 5 hours a day spend 10.1% of our university students,


from 3 to 5 – 27.5 %, 1-2 hours – 33%, almost does not hold – 2.8 %, no internet at

home – in 13.8 % of the students.

Socio- communication technologies on the Internet used by college students

include: chat rooms, forums, video conferencing, webinars, Skype, email, social

networking and more.

Communication on the network is indirect and has certain limitations imposed

by the specifics of the resources to which comes the young, the computer, and

computer programs, the availability of the Internet at home, its speed and other

factors. The most attractive features of the Internet is considered anonymity,

accessibility, safety, ease of use, but over time these characteristics are relative.

Internet via computer technology is able to memorize, store and copy vast

amounts of information, it is communication and social institution for young people,

creating an information and communication medium for communicating via instant

messaging, email, video conferencing and webinars, forums, social networking and

so on. In information and communications environment of internet communication is

done on- line and off-line.

Chat – translated to English means "conversation" – a network tool for quick

text messaging between users of the internet in real time or online resource

capabilities of the IM chat program, at least – the actual process of text messaging.

Today the role of IM communication is reduced, as indicated by a sociological

study conducted by a Russian site ( " "), the question " whether you use

chat rooms on the Internet ?" Sample of 446 individuals showed the following

statistics : 60.3 % – indicated that they do not use chat rooms, because it is a relic of

the past, 5,4 % – said they are always there, 5.4% – the first time they heard the word

" chat " and 28.9 % – come to chat from time to time [ 9].

Today moderator introduced rules for using chat rooms, propysuyuchy ban

flood ( this is the spam, but the " public " in forums, chats and conferences ), capsules

(online text is typed in capital letters, is understood as a cry, someone who abuses

case sensitive usually advised : "Do not Kaps " or " push Caps Lock». Sans key Caps


Lock « scream " is not so easy), trolling (from Eng . trolling – writing on the Internet,

including forums, newsgroups Usenet, wiki projects, with the aim of provoking

messages cause the Flame, the conflicts between the parties, empty talk, humiliation,

etc. ), use of profanity, insults and degrading treatment of other participants in the

chat users. Also prohibits advertising links to other sites, chat rooms, forums


The advantage of email is the speed of sending and receiving emails, post

pictures, photos, music and videos. Modern applications provide page design for your

taste, the ability to send emails to many users simultaneously, connectivity to social

networks and other resources embedded in the email program. You can also subscribe

to various newsletters. But emailing has disadvantages with regard to spam,

insufficient security mailing deferred communication.

According to research by e-mail uses 81 % of students KNUKiM, ie, 19% do

not use it, though registration on any resources the internet happens if the user

specifies your email address .

Sociological studies on the benefits of students KNUKiM chat over email and

forums showed 66 % prefer forums and email, 19% – Chatham, difficult to answer –

15% of respondents.

A special form of communication can highlight communication in so-called

MUDs (Multi User Dungeon, Dimension or Domain, the Russian version – MPM

(multi- world) also uses abbreviations Mood and Postgraduate Studies) – a role-

playing game in which users are combined in a virtual space close to the

communication in the chat is taking place on-line, but differ in the presence of

purpose – to win . [4]

Skype – a program to communicate with friends who live in different parts of

the world in real-time free software with closed source that provides an encrypted

voice and video communication over the Internet between computers and pay

services for calls to mobiles and landlines . The program allows you to make

conference calls (up to 25 voice users, including the initiator), video (including video


conferencing up to 10 users), and provides transfer text messages ( IM) and files. It is

possible instead of an image from a webcam to transmit images from the monitor


Webinar – is an interactive technology where the audience not only to

contemplate what the speaker says and shows, but can ask questions orally or in

writing directly during a conversation in real time. The speaker also "sees" all

participants and can contact them with questions.

Video conferencing – a computer technology that helps people see and hear

each other, exchange information and share it to process in real time through a

specialized videoconferencing system ( SCR ). Videoconferencing is used in many

areas: in management, medicine, distance learning and more. Although they do not

replace personal contact, but make it impossible to achieve a fundamentally new level

of communication between people, sometimes separated by many thousands of

kilometers. When there is an opportunity to follow the gestures and facial expressions

counterpart, the efficiency of information perception is greatly increased .

Most students who have access to the Internet, also registered in social

networks. This is due to the fact that there can communicate with your friends, watch

the news, put off unpleasant actions, things and thoughts escape from loneliness, find

friends with the same interests, classmates, friends, see their friends, etc. The social

networks zastovuyut many communication technologies, a variety of resources that

are constantly being improved in order to attract more and more people to it.

Positives and negatives of social networking Mariupol State University

students are identified as follows: positive – is chatting with friends at a distance, fast

and cheap communication, rapid exchange of information, new friends. Negative – a

psychological addiction, a waste of time, injury, replacing real virtual communication


The main purpose of using social networks for 82.7 % of Lviv students are

communicating with friends, to 60.5 % – the exchange of information, 39.7 % – view

photos, 37,8 % – listen to audio, 35.1% – view video 10.5 % – play games [11 ].


Social networking is different from communicating in real life, it may be

limited by " likes ." " Laika " – a succinct expression of the relationship and the

easiest way to obtain and identify commitment, it does not need to waste time and

energy. Experts point out that the current becomes smaller and more perepostiv

comments and " likes " . [10]

Despite the appeal of communication on the Internet, most students KNUKiM

still want to chat with your friends in real life. When asked about the number of real

and virtual friends we got the following response: 78% of surveyed real friends over,

13 % have more friends in the virtual space, undecided 9% of respondents. The

positive social impact of information and communication interactions, according

H.Fashutdinovoyi are: expansion of cultural ties between the people of different

regions, national traditions, creating a new media that make contingent distance

between people, the formation of new cultural values on the scale of world-class,

expanding communication options, the availability of vast amounts of information,

the development of international scope and personal cooperation in scientific

research, followed by an exchange of information [13]. N. Marchenkova indicates the

positive aspects of personal development through online communication:

Overcoming the communication deficit, expansion of communication, awareness of

the issues discussed. With the internet young person can participate in the economic,

cultural, political, scientific society [4].

The negative consequences are the following: artificial communication

between people pushed real, potential cognitive ability, along with the extension of

outlook lead to social isolation of the individual, in the information and

communication interactions is an intensive process of reassessment of values, ideas,

knowledge, it becomes difficult to deal with the large amount of information, there is

a degradation of language areas. Virtualization is presented as a substitute for reality

images, resulting in a man frees itself from society and accessories to any form of

personal and social identity. Internet is the medium of virtual communities,

alternative real society [13].


In social and communication environment on the Internet using a specific

language that is different from the actual language of communication, it is associated

with signs. Verbal language is replaced by sign language. Communication can be

represented in three positions: I and other friends and I, me and everyone else. This

ensures that the network is possible to lose the ability to think sequentially,


Virtual reality creates the illusion meet most needs of students, promoting

easily accessible, clear advantages to using real possibility of creating a new image of

"I", the use of different social roles, the possibility of anonymous social contacts and

free access to a large amount of information [ 1]. Pointing to the negative aspects of

communication networks, psychologists have noted that, while a long time in social

networks, people vidvykayut make long-term conclusions and take responsibility for

their actions because they do not see any connection between the cases and reports.

Utilizing information unrelated, a person can fall into trance information.

It is necessary to point out that the Internet transmission of information is

carried out not in sequence, but certain parts. This reduces the consistency of these

messages, great lyrics users read less. The effects of quantization due to the fact that

getting various information in the network people have to in some way to structure it.

In the real world, a person must act intentionally, and prolonged stay in the

network leads to frustration goals. For example, news misleads Internet users if they

do not make informed views on the events taking place, and personal understanding

of where and why it moves.

Thus, the communication on the Internet through information and

communication technologies – a time challenge. It has its pros and cons, but

definitely in the future will be constantly improved, providing a wide variety of users

whim .

Stay in the network – a location in virtual communication environment and

communication through sign systems, causing an artificial communication, isolation


from real life, avoid resolving personal problems, especially communication, and

some physiological problems among young people.

The main areas of psychological prevention of Internet addiction include:

information about the mechanisms of action of the internet on the individual,

diagnostic methods and consequences of Internet addiction, develop strategies for

functional behavior and the development of resistance to negative social

influences the formation of interpersonal motives and value systems that match

a healthy lifestyle, personal development resources online dependent students to

initiate their personal development, skills development achieve personal goals in real

life [7 ].

Thus, the Internet technology and exercising a positive influence on student

youth (eg, availability of interesting and relevant information, the possibility

videonavchannya, socializing with friends) and negative ( Internet addiction, the

presence of unstructured and useless information, producing flood, lost time) .

During the study, we concluded that most, going through the experience of

being in the information and communications environment of the Internet, students

begin to understand the impact of a prolonged stay in social networks, large volumes

of unstructured information, flood, spam, etc., and give preference to those resources

that they required for training activities in order to avoid internet addiction and often

chat with friends in real time.


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Antonenko, Vladimir S. – Doctor of geographical sciences, professor of the

Institute of International Tourism, hotel and restaurant and tourism Kyiv National

University of Culture and Arts.

Varich Marina V. – PhD in social communications, assistant professor of

journalism and publishing the Institute of Journalism and International Relations of

Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Elena Goncharova – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of

cultural studies Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Gret Galyna – PhD, Associate Professor of the publishing, printing and

distribution of the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI".

Hurbanska Antonina Ivanovna – Doctor of Philology, Professor of Kyiv

National University of Culture and Arts.

Derman Lily M. – graduate student of the Kyiv National University of Culture

and Arts.

Efanova Catherine V. – Researcher of Kyiv National University of Culture and


Zlobina Elena – Doctor of Sociology, Professor of Sociology at Kyiv National

University of Culture and Arts.

Eugene V. Kozlovsky – PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of

International Tourism Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Kostyrya Inna – Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor of International

Relations, the Institute of Journalism and International Relations of Kyiv National

University of Culture and Arts.

Kochubej Larisa – Doctor of Political Sciences, professor, senior researcher of

theoretical and applied problems of Political Science of the Institute of Political and

Ethnic Studies of IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine.

Rice Inna P. – graduate student of the Kyiv National University of Culture and



Kuz'menko Boris – PhD, Professor of Kyiv National University of Culture and


Kunanec Natalia E. – Candidate of History, Associate Professor of Information

Systems, National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Deputy Director for Research of

Scientific and Technical Library .

V. Lytvyn Aelita – Candidate of History, Associate Professor of Advertising

and Public Relations Institute of Journalism and International Relations of Kyiv

National University of Culture and Arts.

Lithuanian Yanina V. – graduate student of the Kyiv National University of

Culture and Arts.

Mykolaenko Alla Y. – graduate student of the Kyiv National University of

Culture and Arts.

Galina Ostapenko – Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science at the

Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Lyudmila Petrova – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of library and

book science Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Poplavsky Michael M. – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, rector of

the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Lyudmila Ivanovna Prokopenko – PhD in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor

of Library and Book Science Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Semerenko Svetlana – postgraduate student of the Kyiv National University of

Culture and Arts, head of the library after-school institution " Children and Youth

Creativity" Energodar Zaporozhye region. Supervisor – PhD, Associate Professor

Gret GP

Smyrna Leo V. – Ph.D., senior researcher, head of international scientific

relations of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine .

Sokolova Natalia V. – Mariupol State University graduate student.

Stecenko Kirill V. – Associate Professor, Head of Department of Management

showbiz Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Honored Artist of Ukraine .


Khavkin Love Markovna – PhD in social communications, professor of

journalism Kharkiv National University VNKarazin .

Shevel Inna P. – PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor of Sociology at Kyiv

National University of Culture and Arts.

Research publication

Social Communication

Materials of the All-Ukrainian Conference

"Social media: status, problems and trends"

Editor and compiler – Sergei Bezklubenko


Alla Mykolaenko

Catherine Efanova

Irina Glygalo

Oksana Pashchenko

Editor Oksana Pashchenko



Published: 2013


Um .print. ff.

Obl. – ed. ff. 12.2

Circulation Ave

Castle .number

Editorial address: ul. Schorsa 36, office 905

E-mail: [email protected]