Medical Diagnosis Systems exemplified with Watson by IBM

Medical Diagnosis Systems exemplified with Watson by IBM * Thomas Haider Matrikel: 2740256 Universit¨ at Heidelberg Institut f¨ ur Computerlinguistik Hauptseminar Computerlinguistik und Gesellschaft Prof. Dr. Michael Strube March 6, 2014 Abstract This paper argues for medical diagnosis systems such as the Wat- son system by IBM, which was originally developed to (successfully) beat humans in the quiz show Jeopardy! and is now adapted for the medical domain. The aim is to support physicians in their daily routine, to eradicate diagnostic errors which hold the majority in malpractice claims. After expressing reasons for the need of diagno- sis systems, we review current systems and their limitations to bring forth the criteria for a successful diagnosis system. Thus, we intro- duce the technical background of the new IBM system and how it is adapted to the medical domain, to arrive in a discussion of their experimental results and conclude with some critisism that raises technological, ethical and economic implications. * A review of: ”David Ferrucci, Anthony Levas, Sugato Bagchi, David Gondek, Erik T. Mueller (2013): ”Watson: Beyond Jeopardy!”, In: Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier”, Henceforth Ferruci et al. 1

Transcript of Medical Diagnosis Systems exemplified with Watson by IBM

Medical Diagnosis Systems exemplified with

Watson by IBM∗

Thomas Haider

Matrikel: 2740256

Universitat Heidelberg

Institut fur Computerlinguistik

Hauptseminar Computerlinguistik und Gesellschaft

Prof. Dr. Michael Strube

March 6, 2014


This paper argues for medical diagnosis systems such as the Wat-

son system by IBM, which was originally developed to (successfully)

beat humans in the quiz show Jeopardy! and is now adapted for the

medical domain. The aim is to support physicians in their daily

routine, to eradicate diagnostic errors which hold the majority in

malpractice claims. After expressing reasons for the need of diagno-

sis systems, we review current systems and their limitations to bring

forth the criteria for a successful diagnosis system. Thus, we intro-

duce the technical background of the new IBM system and how it

is adapted to the medical domain, to arrive in a discussion of their

experimental results and conclude with some critisism that raises

technological, ethical and economic implications.

∗A review of: ”David Ferrucci, Anthony Levas, Sugato Bagchi, David Gondek, ErikT. Mueller (2013): ”Watson: Beyond Jeopardy!”, In: Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier”,Henceforth Ferruci et al.


1 Introduction

Physicians are swamped. They are overwhelmed with what is to be seen

as their main objective: To make a diagnosis. This might be an exag-

geration, but following several studies regarding diagnostic errors (Graber

2005, Singh & Graber 2010, Schiff 2005, Kirch & Schafii 1996, Shojania

et al. 2003)1 we may determine that diagnostic errors hold the majority

in medical errors. For a set of 100 ”error cases” i.e. malpractice claims,

Graber (2005) reports that 65% of these cases had system related causes

and 75% had cognitive related causes. System errors were “most often re-

lated to policies and procedures, inefficient processes, and difficulty with

teamwork and communication, especially communication of test results.”.

Cognitive errors were primarily due to “faulty synthesis or flawed process-

ing of the available information.” The predominant cause of cognitive error

was premature closure, defined as “the failure to continue considering rea-

sonable alternatives after an initial diagnosis was reached.”. Graber thus

identifies the major contributors to the cognitive errors:

1. Premature closure

2. Faulty context generation

3. Faulty synthesis or flawed processing of the available information

4. Misjudging the salience of a finding

5. Faulty detection or perception

6. Failed use of heuristics

Following Graber, ”cognitive errors [do] overwhelmingly reflect inappropri-

ate cognitive processing and/or poor skills in monitoring one’s own cogni-

tive processes (metacognition)”. He suggests the following:

1. Compiling a complete differential diagnosis to combat the tendency

to premature closure

2. Using the ”crystal ball” experience: If the clinician’s diagnosis is

incorrect, what alternatives should be considered?

3. Augmenting a clincian’s inherent metacognitive skills by using expert


He also notes that clinicians continue to miss diagnostic information. An

aid for this dilemma could be automated systems that support physicians

in their decision-making. Unfortunately though, current systems are not

1References taken from Ferruci et al. 2013 to make a point. Graber (2005) is includedin the references and was read by the author. For the others, please see Ferruci et al.


widely used, for several reasons. (1) Those systems are not integrated in

day-to-day operations. (2) Patient data is scattered across many different

computers, if there are any computers anyway. (3) They are difficult to

interact with and (4) the entry of patient data is difficult. Furthermore,

(5) they are not focused enough on actions that are to pursue next and (6)

are unable to ask the practitioner for missing information.

2 Current systems

Question Answering (QA) in its primal form can be understood as Infor-

mation Retrieval, as a form of finding documents for a query that might

be phrased as a question. The system that changed the history of the in-

ternet with this, is, of course, Google. Also mentionable as non-commercial

alternative is DuckDuckGo, which in turn also makes use of a contem-

porary Question Answering System called Wolfram Alpha that is able to

process natural language questions and is especially fit to adress mathe-

matical questions. (Though it is not able to find a scientific publication

about itself). Another one is AnswerBus.

As Ferruci et al. (2013) put it, there are three types of medical QA sys-

tems, categorized by the way they organize their information: First, struc-

tured knowledge systems, which usually operate on a manually constructed

knowledge base, using production rules in the early days and probabilis-

tic reasoning later on. Second, unstructured knowledge systems, that are

most similar to Information Retrieval, where disorders/diseases are tagged

in documents that will be retrieved. The third kind operates on clinical

rules where disorders/diseases are adressed directly by some kind of ques-


Examples for recent medical diagnosis systems are askHermes (Cao et

al., 2011) and medQA (Lee et al., 2006). askHermes and medQA both

originate from Columbia University and seem to share a great deal of sim-

ilarities. They are both passage retrieval systems with additional summa-

rization of those passages. Unfortunately, medQA is only fit for definitional

questions and the evaluation reveals that it performs poorly, especially in

terms of relevance and usefulness. askHermes is a bit more elaborated.

Their main focus is on the analysis of complex clinical input-questions, a

dynamic model to rank answers and a question-oriented display of answers.

Cao et al. (2011) also contains a comprehensive list of QA systems and

they make heavy use of the ontology UMLS for query term expansion. The


evaluation is carried out with a manual judgement of 60 question by three

physicians on the following dimensions:

1. Ease of Use (scale of 1 to 5).

2. Quality of Answer (scale of 1 to 5).

3. Time Spent (in s).

4. The Overall Performance (scale of 1 to 5).

The overall evaluation with all four dimensions combined does not yield any

statistically significant superiority over Google or the engine UpToDate.

The numbers for the dimensions 1, 3 and 4 are slightly better than the

other two, but askHermes definetely lacks in quality of its answers. It has

an online interface at

With this bad (and recent) example we may say that passage retrieval

alone does not seem to be the way to go. However, the TREC-8 Question

Answering Track Report (Vorhees, 1999) puts it this way:

The goal in the QA task is to retrieve small snippets of text that

contain the actual answer to a question rather than the docu-

ment lists traditionally returned by text retrieval systems. The

assumption is that users would usually prefer to be given the

answer rather than find the answer themselves in the document.

So basically, a QA system should return a natural language answer to a nat-

ural language question, ideally interact as humanly as possible. Ferruci et

al. (2013) conclude that ”system input must be minimal and efficient, and

information provided must be unobtrusive and relevant.”. Furthermore, it

should be able to track the history of users and operate on natural language

questions, primarily to tackle the problem of (1) premature closure and (2)

faulty context generation.

3 DeepQA and the Jeopardy! challenge

3.1 Jeopardy!

Jeopardy! (note the exclamation mark as part of the name) is an american

television quiz show that first aired mid-1964 and is still actively produced.

The task for players is to find questions for given answers from a broad

domain, using rich and varied natural language expressions. (Ambiguities,

puns, or other opaque references). Note that here we use the usual (re-

versed) terminology, which is to get questions and deliver an answer. To


stand a chance, players have to buzz in for at least 70% of questions and

be able to answer more than 85% of those buzzed questions. (cf. Ferruci et

al.) Moreover, answering must be very fast. Buzzing must be done quickly

to preempt opponents consitently. Hence, determining the answer must be

fast as well then, too. An example for a question might be:

Q: These toys represent one’s common sense; don’t ”lose” them

A: What is ”marbles”?2

Finally, in 2011, after four years of development, Watson was capable to

beat the greatest human players.

3.2 DeepQA Architecture

Figure 1: DeepQA architecture, Figure 1 in Ferruci et al.

For Ferruci et al. (2013) it is important to emphasize that DeepQA is

not a simple question-answer mapping, but that it is a ”Massive Parallel

Component based Pipeline”. The core algorithm employs abductive rea-

soning, supported by plenty of NLP algorithms and models. As can be

seen in Figure 1, the first step following an input-question is to analyze

the question and conduct a topic analysis. Following this, the question is

decomposed and several hypotheses are generated, based on forward chain-

ing. Forward chaining uses Modus Ponens rules for inference, i.e. those

rules are executed until a goal is reached, presumably until the inference

rules are exhausted or a certain treshold in number of hypothesis is met.

ModusPonens : Q,P → Q ` P (1)

2Show #2905 - Friday, March 28, 1997;


Subsequently, the system attempts to (iteratively) prove those hypothesis

with evidence, particularly with dimensions of evidence. For Jeopardy!,

those dimensions are type classification, time, geography, popularity, pas-

sage support, source reliability and semantic relatedness. Ferruci et al.

(2013): ”This analysis produces hundreds of features. These features are

then combined based on their learned potential for predicting the right an-

swer. The final result of this process is a ranked list of candidate answers,

each with a confidence score indicating the degree to which the answer is

believed correct, along with links back to the evidence.”.

Figure 2 shows the dimensions of evidence for the Jeopardy! clue ”Chile

shares its longest land border with this country.”.

For the medical domain, dimensions of evidence are based on the patient’s

Figure 2: Dimensions of evidence for Jeopardy!, Figure 2 in Ferruci et al.

electronic medical record (EMR), including symptoms, findings, patient

history, familiy history, demographics, current medication and many others.

Dimensions such as source reliabilty and popularity are still included. See

the Appendix for an illustration what the display of a differential diagnosis

should look like and how physicians are able to see comprehensive lists of

present and absent symptoms and how it is possible to give feedback to the

system, e.g. by rating the sources.

3.3 Medical Domain Adaptation

For a first experiment to adapt Watson for the medical domain, Ferruci

et al. obtained 5000 medical questions with their respective answers from

ACP Doctor’s Dilemma. An example of a question-answer pair looks like



Figure 3: Dimensions of evidence for differential diagnosis, Figure 3 inFerruci et al.

Q: The syndrome characterized as joint pain, palpable purpura, and a

nephritic sediment.

A: Henoch-Schonlein purpura

With this data they attempt to extend the original domain, which is rather

broad but nonetheless intended for Jeopardy!. There are three areas in

which it should be adapted. Enumeration from Ferruci et al. (2013).

1. Content adaptation involves organizing the domain content for hy-

pothesis and evidence generation, modeling the context in which

questions will be generated.

2. Training adaptation involves adding data in the form of sample train-

ing questions and correct answers from the target domain so that the

system can learn appropriate weights for its components when esti-

mating answer confidence.

3. Functional adaptation involves adding new domain-specific question

analysis, candidate generation, hypothesis scoring and other compo-


3.4 Content adaptation

Content is to be understood as textbooks, dictionaries, clinical guidelines,

research articles and public information on the web. For Watson, the devel-

opers focused on content from internal medicine and decided to incorporate


ACP Medicine, the Merck Manual for Diagnosis and Therapy, PIER (a col-

lection of guidelines and evidence summaries) and MKSAP (a study guide

from ACP). They scanned the header hierachy for disease names and key-

word variants for their causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatments,

ultimately as input for an Information Retrieval System. The Information

Retrieval is based on ’pseudo-documents’ into which found passages about

diseases are extracted. The Retrieval itself is split into four stages:

1. Search for documents and propose as candidate answer.

2. Search entire source content for relevant passages.

3. Find textual support for evidencing.

4. Extract associations between symptoms, findings and tests as knowl-

edge base for hypothesis generation.

3.5 Training adaptation

Training adaptation utilizes machine learning techniques to determine how

to weigh the contribution of the various search and scoring components in

the question answering pipeline. Basically, they trained an unmentioned

algorithm on 1322 Doctor’s Dilemma questions, a subset of the 5000 ques-

tions mentioned earlier. Note that they did not only use diagnosis ques-

tions, but also non-diagnosis questions, since performance then seemed to


3.6 Functional adaptation

Functional adaptation is by far the most extensively discussed adaptation

method in Ferucci et al.. Apparently, this is their main research task, since

(as we will see later on) the earlier two adaptation methods (though effec-

tive) do not yield much more room for improvement. Watson for Jeopardy!

is mostly reusable, since it is rather domain independent already. Nonethe-

less are the dimensions of evidence different which affects hypothesis evi-

dencing. Additionally, it has to be revisited how questions are analyzed and

interpreted, how searching, generating the candidate hypothesis, retrieving

supporting evidence and scoring and ranking answers is carried out. Plus,

there should be new analytic components from domain-specific resources

such as taxonomies, corpora and also reasoning axioms.


3.6.1 Domain-specific taxonomies and reasoning

UMLS is a medical ontology which contains the taxonomies MeSH and

SNOMED. Those encode information regarding (1) paraphrasing, e.g. that

age-related hearing loss is refered to as presbycusis and (2) hyponymy like

the fact that pyoderma gangrenosum is a of skin disease.

3.6.2 Concept detection

Concept detection aims at named entity disambiguation, measurement

recognition and interpretation as well as unary relations. First, the system

should recognize that hypertension can be interpreted as either hypertensive

disease or hypertensive adverse effect. The measurement issue regards that

a 22 year old person is a young adult and that a value of 320 mg/dL in blood

glucose is a case of hyperglycemia. Unary relations describe the problem

that values can be expressed lexically (e.g. elevated T4) and that concepts

may be negated. For the first, Watson uses statistical classifiers and rule

based detectors. The negated concepts can be detected with NegEx, which

locates trigger terms and their scope, specifically for the medical domain


3.6.3 Reasoning over concepts using taxonomic resources

This is used for hypothesis evidencing using unstructured knowledge. The

algorithms attempt to compute the similarity between hypothesis and sup-

porting passages in documents. Concept term matching is used by DeepQA

passage scorers by matching (sub)sequences or align predicate argument

structures between the hypothesis and the passage.

Type coercion is an entity disambiguation that maps candidate answers

from text to medical taxonomies. Coercion denotes ”how easily a candi-

date answer may be ”coerced” to the desired lexical answer type of the

question.”. (Ferruci et al. 2013)

Answer specificity is important to decide how general or specific certain

diseases are, since specific diseases are rare.

Finally, answer merging finds variant realisations of answers and merges

them to eliminate redundancy. Again, this is done by utilizing taxonomies.

3.6.4 Resources mined over medical text

A mined resource here means a matrix created through Latent Semantic

Analysis (LSA). This loosely captures topics and then computes similarities


between the terms in the clue and the terms associated with the candidate

answer in the LSA index. Next, Structured Symptom Matching attempts to

measure the informativeness of a symptom for a given condition. Ferruci et

al. (2013) create an unsupervised resource from their unstructured medical

content. As similarity measure they use Mutual Information.

3.6.5 Refinements to handle medical text

As last functional adaptations, Ferruci et al. (2013) employ some refine-

ments. The first is called Multidimensional Passage Scoring which segments

a question into multiple factors describing correct hypothesis to find those

factors in other passages. The second refinement is Supporting Passage

Discourse Chunking. Usually it is assumed that a retrieved passage text

is associated with the candidate answer. This appears to be violated quite

frequently in the medical domain. This might be one major issue why the

askHermes system discussed earlier performs so poorly in quality of the

answer. However, consider the following example:

Collagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis are distin-

guished by the presence or absence of a thinkened subepithelial

collagen layer. The cause of microscopic colitis syndrome is


A Bag-of-words model would associate each colitis with each. So it needs

to be parsed syntactically to map presence to collagenous and absence to

lymphocytic. Further, they implement what they call ’Simple Discourse

Chunking’. According to the information provided by the paper this does

sound like sentence splitting, since it only separates the second sentence.

4 Experimental Results and Discussion

4.1 Precision on ACP Doctor’s Dilemma questions

The evaluation of Ferruci et al. needs to be prefaced with the measurements

they use. Figure 4 uses Precision and Percent answered. Precision measures

the percentage of questions the system gets right with its top answer, so

for the differential diagnosis only the best match is considered which makes

a lot of sense in the context of Jeopardy!, since only one answer is correct.

Percent answered shows the percentage of questions the system is required

to answer, which it selects according to its highest estimated confidence


score on the top answer, i.e. the system selects those questions which it is

most confident to answer first. This is a somewhat unrealistic setting, but

makes the graph look nice. Figure 5 uses Recall@10, meaning that the right

answer is in the top 10 of retrieved answers. This is generally a good idea

in the setting of differential diagnosis, but the treshold of 10 seems rather

high since it may obfuscate poor performance. Granted, the precision in

Figure 4 gives a point of comparison on the rightmost side of the graph

where all questions were answered, but neither does the Recall@10 reveal

the position of the correct diagnosis, nor does it show how pracitioners

would interact with the system and select the actual (correct) diagnosis.

It might be a long way from this evaluation until a state is reached where

this system is reliable to trust it with people’s lives. Just imagine a setting

where doctors solely trust the system, or even worse, a cell phone app to

diagnose yourself. But more on the ethical implications later.

First, a discussion about the actual evaluation figures. Figure 4 shows

the performance of the adaptation methods stacked successively on the

baseline (core). It it obvious to see, the more sophisticated the models, the

better the performance. The models answer those questions which they are

most confident about first. We see a steep drop in performance in the first

20% of answered questions for Core and Core+Content. This could mean

that the training adaptation improves the model to a steady confidence

that gradually decreases. The leftmost i.e. most confident answers are

probably simple question-answer mappings with few (if any) alternative

hypotheses. The intersecting lines between Train and Train+FuncAdap in

the first 20% probably occur because the Train+FuncAdap model is more

general. On the rightmost side of the graph, where all test-questions are

answered we see that the two bottom lines and the two top lines are closer

to each other. This reveals that Content and FuncAdap bring relatively

small improvements compared to the Train model which has quite some

impact. We also see this effect in Figure 5 which is basically a histogram

of the rightmost side of Figure 4, just that it is counted as success if the

correct answer is in the top 10 of the ranked list and not only the top


4.2 Conclusion and Criticism

The largest improvement over the baseline is achieved through the training

adaptation. Apparently though, the model seems to saturate. Therefore

do Ferrucci et al. conclude that future improvements have to be made in


Figure 4: Precision on ACP Doctor’s Dilemma questions

• Core+Content+Train+FuncAdap (Functional Concept Adaptation)

• Core+Content+Train (Trained on 1332 Doctor’s Dilemma)

• Core+Content (Medical Content Adaptation, but trained on Jeop-ardy!)

• Core (DeepQA baseline - Jeopardy!)

the area of functional adaptation and in aspects that existing components

do not currently handle. It will be interesting how far the Watson team can

pursue this, since in the paper the part about the functional adaptation

takes up four times the space as the other two adaptations combined.

So far, the Watson system seems to be the most sophisticated medical

diagnosis system that is currently available. It is beyond passage retrieval.

It is actually capable to make a diagnosis on the patients symptoms and

history, thereby promising ease to interact with it. It would be desirable


Figure 5: Recall@10

if the practitioner did not have to make any keyboard entry, to ask natu-

ral language questions verbally and let the system run in the background

while examining the patient and just have a quick glance what the system

suggests to get some feedback. Yet, while Watson in its current state may

be fit for internal medicine, is the situation a different one in a surgical

context. There, it would need highly sophisticated image processing and

still, the case might be covert. As a friendly physician said: ”You should

not operate images.”.3

Plus, the precision of Watson needs to get better than the 50% (77%)

if it should be considered reliable and be trusted with lifes. As mentioned

earlier, just imagine a setting where doctors solely trust the system, or

even worse, a cell phone app to diagnose yourself or a diagnostic booths

where people are sent in to report their symptoms to an android, basically

a camera and microphone equipped with a reasoning algorithm that hands

out medication!

Here emerge both ethical and economic implications. Watson might

help country doctors a great deal to get some feedback in their daily routine

and it should ease cases where the medical record of a patient is enormously

long, with quantities of preceded surgeries and medications. But what

happens with the data? Are our medical records safe with IBM? Especially

with regards to personal data commodification? An example for this might

be the sale of WhatsApp to Facebook for 19 Billion US Dollar.4

IBM is just as much a (monopolistic) giant as are Google and Facebook.

3Christian Bergdolt, Universitatsklinikum Heidelberg4Spiegel, 19.02.2014: ”Milliarden-Ubernahme: Facebook kauft Konkurrenten What-




And it appears that what they are doing with Watson will have some im-

pact on the medical world. The Google query ”watson medical diagnosis”

returns 4.900.000 pages. So at least the medial attention is ensured. And

it is obvious that IBM is in this for the money, since they are driven by the

economy. The kick-off funding for the project was one billion dollar. From

this, they expect to pay up to 2000 employees, at least that is what they

want to have until the end of the year.5 As if that was not enough: IBM

found a new domain to adapt Watson to: Finance!

5 References

YongGang Cao, 1, Feifan Liu, Pippa Simpson, Lamont Antieau,

Andrew Bennett, d, James J. Cimino, John Ely, Hong Yu (2011):

AskHERMES: An online question answering system for complex clin-

ical questions, In: Journal of Biomedical Informatics Volume 44, Issue

2, April 2011, Pages 277–288, Elsevier

David Ferrucci, Anthony Levas, Sugato Bagchi, David Gondek, Erik

T. Mueller (2013): ”Watson: Beyond Jeopardy!”, In: Artificial Intel-

ligence, Elsevier

M. Graber, N. Franklin, R. Gordon (2005): ”Diagnostic error in in-

ternal medicine”, In: Arch. Intern. Med. 165, 1493–1499.

Minsuk Lee, MS,1 James Cimino, MD,2 Hai Ran Zhu, MS,3 Carl

Sable, PhD,4 Vijay Shanker, PhD,5 John Ely, MD,6 and Hong Yu,

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5Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 09.01.2014: ”Derschlauste Computer der Welt soll jetzt auch Geld verdi-enen”




6 Appendix

Figure 6: Exploring differential diagnosis and evidence profiles. Figure 4in Ferruci et al.


Figure 7: Factors related to Uveitis diagnosis. Figure 5 in Ferruci et al.