mdchs2010 - Mater Dei Catholic High School


Transcript of mdchs2010 - Mater Dei Catholic High School


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Mater Dei catholic High School 1615 Mater Dei Drive

Chula Vista, Ca, 91913

(619) 423-2121

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Statues of Mater Dei Leonardo Pangco, Carlo Acosta and Alejandro Rivera pose in front of Mater Dei.

Lunch Time Talks

Angehca Smith, Christine Hillrnann, Samantha Baxley, Ryan Nesit always sit together and have talks.

Mainly Sisters Laura and Gisel Soto are sisters and Ehzabeth Gonzalez hops on for the ride.


To some the number ten is just a number. But to others it is so much more than that. To some it is a favorite number, the score one gets in a contest, but to us it is the year we graduate. It is the year we finally grow up and become who we are. That is for seniors, for all the

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By Angie O'Connor EiC

underclassman that means there is one less year before they become seniors and start their lives. One less year to create the most amazing memories they will ever have. For the seniors of Mater Dei, we finally have realized that we have made our amazing memoriits a�d it really is Sime ,,.to graduate in the year of 2010. f

Super Freshman Freshman football players show their team spirit by wearing their jerseys on game day,

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Fantastic Four Johanna Rhein, Camile Alvarado, Sergio Lopez and Diana Paredes are the best of friends.



_.MDCHS Seniors

- The seniors show their spirit at the rally and group together for a picture.

Bright and Happy Angie O'Connor.Jasmine Gurerro, Franklin Ausler, Tony Jaquez, and Jesse Edgar stay happy at the rallys.

Good Lookin' nicest for a mass day.

Theme 3


Freshman group poses eager to get into the yearbook.

' � • ,, Picture Perfect


Stephanie Santana, Ivonne Angulo, ilse Gutierrez, Hector Castenda, Yesenia Lozano and Andrea Navarro hang out after school.

Why Hello!

We catch Alvin Alrnazon and Fernando Nunez walking to lunch .

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.: ' •• By: Dia�e Acevedo and C�the:rin\ V-.;ilenzuela

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Orientation Already _

, : :-- Maci Guzman, Vera . . / \ () : .. , . • Gougoulas, and Andi V1laboy I ,

�� � U�h, it's another Monday morning, and you yearn for an exlGUsion of your weekend, But wait! You see a familiar face across the hall and storm to embrace them with a lGUder hug. Sound really familiar? It's because you see

excitement and annc1pation, students crawl out of their shells and go to the extremes. It is no longer your ordinary day of school as spirit fills the air. Don't you wish every day were like that? Make it that way! Despite

it everyday. From the long lines at the cafeteria to the the piles of homework, stress of acing a test, or terrifying crammed study sessions in the library, students would teachers, this is your year so make it worthwhile. Every describe this as a typical day of high school. But don't moment spent with your friends or new lesson learned �

think school is always like that, wait 'till you find out will truly contribute to your memories of being in high Spirit Week is around the corner. During this week of school. It's the little things that count.



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·�Hot Spotters \ An�es Gomez, Sal Juarez, and Michael Habana keep � .• -�

--.,;;.their bench warm.

Student Life 5 ·

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I 'Juicy buxgers are even better

on the big green." says Yasmin Gilbert, Juan Carlos Arana and

A very Finch.



Alex Giery goes all-out on blue and gold days.

Commandment S Espanol outside ok,

but Alex Limon & Marisabel Coppel

know not to speak it in class.

Commandment 4


Be sure to put plenty of chile in our soup; Daniela Corona keeps things spicy.

Cornman ent2


Marysol Osorio and Marquese Jimenez display both the long and short skirt styles of our uniform.




Commandment 1

Senior kids Andrew Haines, Oliver Caro, Deigo Velasquez, and Jorge Gamez always mess with Bob, but they know who's boss.

,a commandments

1. Thou Shall Not Mess With Bob

2. Thou Shall Wear Skirts at Proper Height

3. Thou Shall Not Chew Gum

4. Thou Shall Put Chile in Soup & Chips5. Thou Shall Speak Spanish

&. Thou Shall Always Love Cruz

7. Thou Shall Eat In N Out on Minimum Days

8. Thou Shall Park in Correct Parking Spot

9. Thou Shall Love Mrs. Alvarado

10. Thou Shall Always be a Crusader




"YELLOW KNIGHT!" That is what was heard

throughout the Medieval Times arena. The,..........,.._..�-.-....... --�_,...,,,._---,----,-�-------------.---'-----,

senior class made four stops; MCRD, San Juan

The show began and throughout the arena

all we heard was the senior class shouting

"Seniors", " Yellow Knight", and "Mater Dei".

At the end of the day our knight did not win,

but in our hearts he was a winner.

Indians for a Day

Ivan Abarca, Karla Jaramillo, Mike Nunez, Miguel Hernandez, Ashley Medina, Erica & Ernie Silva all fit in

the hut. '


Golden Feet

Ryan Ortega displays the feet where

JFK once stood.

Once a Crusader

Tati Tobe, Stephanie Tessamen,Marisela Archiga, and Camile Alvarado pose with former Crusader Roger Espe.

Man on the Moon

Michel Sanchez, Stephanie Santana, Cassandra Peraza, Ivonne Angulo,

Yesenia Lozano and Hector Castaneda

are with everyone's favorite astronaut.

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Cassandra Peraza

Alicia Lopez,

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Who are the Kings & Queens?

Monserrat Medina, Victor Garcia,

Ryan Nesbit, Andrea Lucero, Jose

Velasquez, Alejandra Perez, and Mauricio Lopez.

Darius Pitre, Patrick Mayor, Angie

O'Connor, Mario Cortez, Alex Ganz,

Crystal Zora, Steven Pena, Miranda

Zora, Jesse Edgar. Franklin Ausler,

Vere Jaramillo, Jasmine Guerruro,

and AJ Estaquio.

Melinda Jernigan, Dianne

Acevedo, Martin Gorence,

Elaine Guilas, Alicia Lopez,

Diana Moore, Jasmine Cota




' I

3 is a Charm


_ That's all you hear throughout the school from Karla and Vere


Ana Paola. Ana Gabriela, and Assael Madrigal are the only triplets at Mater Dei.

Troubling Two You will always find Erica and Ernie by each others side.

np2 Even though Daniel and Daniella Puffelis don't always arrive together they are still twins.

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By: Vere Jaramillo

Best Friends Alfredo and Andrea Lucero may be opposites but they are still best fiends.

es way


Do you ever see the same person or look alike around school? Mater Dei has 6 pairs

of twins and a unique set of triplets. The senior class has Vere and Karla Jaramillo,

Erica and Ernie Silva, Daniella and Daniel Puffelis, and Andrea and Alfredo Lucero.

The junior class has Chloe and Daniel Slovinsky, and of course the only set of triplets

Ana Gabriela, Ana Paola and Assael Madrigal. The underclassmen twins are Rachel and

Ryan. Barletta. It can be very difficult having a twin at your side all the time or sharing

your last name. Take me for example, being a twin mysel{ people always mistake my

sister and me for being the same person. People are always asking twins tons and tons

of questions like "Do you dress alike?", "Do you guys get alongr or even sometimes

"If I hit you, will they feel it?" At times this can become quite annoying, but being a

twin has it's positives too. Even though Mater Dei's pairs are not always together or

might not get along, in the end you can't doubt the fact that they enjoy the other's


You will rarely find these two together but when they are, Rachel and Ryan Barletta have fun together.

Daniel and Chole Slovinsky may be miles apart, with Chloe studying in Spain and Daniel here at Mater Dei, but they are still twins.

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·cardo Tamborrell

· anda Zora &

Marto Winata


Sam Cantu-Reyna

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Daniela Agutlar and friends.

1.Estefania Russo, "I alwa s wanted a hu from Patrick Ma or.2.Ricardo Tamborrell, "I never ·oined a club, so I want to."3.Jake Coo an, "I reall wanted to o to retreat."4.Jasmine Guerrero, "I allowed a teacher to chan e m oint

of view." 5.Marto Winata "I reall want to talk to a · 1."&.Daniela A · ar "I want to memorize all the seniors names." 7.Mi el Hernandez wants to win CIF in baseball.

aduate." 10.Samuel Cantu-Reyna, "I want the entire senior class to have

a arty before we

... - ""

I lived in Tacambaro, Michoacan, Mexito." 2. Ms. Anthony - "I taught at a mental hospital."

3. Carlos Alvarez - "I want to be an astronaut."

4. Angie O'Connor - "I sleep with seven pillows, my

door locked and a light on because I'm scared."

5. Geor e Sanchez - "When I et nervous I start to


Carlos Alvarez

8. Jessica Baum ardner- "I love to read random facts, and

I la the accordion."

9. Giancarlo Silva - "I fall aslee to music."10. Savanna Rudershausen - "I am an onl child."

15 Minutes of Fame The football players are right in the camera when KUSI came.

Teachers and Students Mr. Wraith and Andrea Novaro become friends through retreats.

Blue and Gold Victor Garcia really gets in the spirit and paints his face


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The New Michael Jackson Robbie Silva-Martienz dances his heart out to Michael Jackson music.


Senior Night Fever Kristen Carcano, Tati Tobe and Darius Pitre freestyle for their class.

Hip Hop, It Won't Stop Maria Ortiz and Anna Moreno invite students to join their dance crew.


This year's team spirit and n � tio have taken the forefront at Mater Dei Hig�/m stayjp.g 1frnight in the gym to screaming their hearts out at football 'games, students have truly represented their school. For the first time, Mater Dei was fortunate enough to have KUSI start the year at the first school rally. Having learned the students would be on television, they smothered themselves in blue and gold. Andrew Haines exclaims, "My friend and I woke up five in the morning to get ready. It was the craziest rally we ever had!" Being a part of ASB, Jasmine Cota says, "Finishing the decorations was so relieving. Just seeing the kids' surprised faces made everything worthwhile." Not only are the shouts and screams heard in the gym, theyf ¥e Jrought tut onto the field. A special s�ion for cheep. ! Dog Pound, has been warded off to s1 de w\th xcite t arfd passion. Richard Hernan�y� - -�

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my friends to give my all.To this year have truly Illede.-= .. -

Noon Time Tunes Who Let the Dogs Out?


Richard Hernandez entertains the crowd with his guitar skills.

Freshman show their spirit at the football

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game. •




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1. Sunglasses

• Star

• The word "Get"

• A Crusader

• Red Scarf



Marimar Gomez receives Eucharist from Mr. Smyth.

Llfe Long Friends

Ivonne Angulo and Natalie Villalpondo.

First Date

Ryan Ortega with his date Brenda Alfaro at Homecoming.

W//MSteven Pena, ario Cortez, Jasmine Guerrero, Jesse Edgar and Karla and Vere Jaramillo classroom .


Crusader Crazies

By: Catherine Valenzuela and Dianne Acevedo

From getting 99 cents tacos at Jack in the Box, came asada fries at Echale,

and running frantically for Rite Aid's Thrifty ice cream, Marian will always be considered as a second home. Nestled in a small but intimate community, nothing could overcome the pride and jubilance

W##;fl'i�e"11t//ffl'�//�f(f(f�ftts>-//tf�Xf'f�1{"e"e"6'gffl'tttt'g""///AW/A and knowing who was who, who knew that such a shrimp- sized community would bring together a second family. Oh, those sweet and precious memories will

.,,.,/.J;i,e,/;;�,e;i;g.,d,Jo.xg.z.e.J;t,N.Q..,,o.JJ.e_,,.w,,o.w,,d,,,,.,//AW/#/#, dare trade them for the world.

say that it is not the same as it was at Marian. However,

one could also say that it is growing back to the strong

faith at Marian. Through the help of compassionate

religion teachers, who take an opportunity to share

their faith, love, and stories of God, students are inspired

and encouraged to believe in Him. As for building

stronger relationships with Christ, students are able to

participate in liturgy, retreats and religious functions

such as Steubenville San Diego. First-timer Laura Soto

says, "It was a lot of fun, not really what I expected! So

many kids my age went and weren't afraid to show

and let everyone know how much they love God. So,

I also got into it. And honestly, my relationship with

God got so much stronger. I wouldn't change my

experience of going to Steubenville for anything."

Bless You Father Pat blesses Patrick Mayor.

Amen, I do Believe! Sr. Margarita distributes the host to Joshua Mireles.

One Bread, One Body, Mr. Beacher, Ms. Anthony, Mr. Smyth, Ms. Brown, Ms. Grosz, and Ms. Angeles prepare themselves for the Eucharist.



A Fallen Crusader

Rest In Peace

We will always remember you, Geraldine Bloch.

Teacher and Eucharistic Minister

Mrs. Anthony teaches in the classroom but gives communion at liturgy to Leslie Bustillo.

Max Bloch and his family remember his sister. They never give up hope and always keep their trust in God's plan. All Smiles at Mass

Sergio Lopez and Mariana Burkle celebrate church with a smile.

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Religion 23


Seniors, Rafael Blanco, Jacob Coogan, Marty Valdez and Patrick Mayor walk onto the field to start the game.

Bring it On . . Kimberly Tamayo is ready to catch anything the batter rmsses.


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Pinned Do*n � Jorge Gamez stuggles to· opponent down on �


By: Dianne Acevedo and Catherine Valenzuela

You see them on the field, pacing around the school, taking a plunge, or even shooting hoops. What does that sound like? Sounds like a compelGUt, saucy

But no, do not be mistaken, their determination and consislGUcy enables them to glislGn from the stands. So faslGH your seat belts, you are in for a ride, it's game

athlete! Although their days may seem endless, these time Crusaders. From the roaring fans, to the intense athletes know how to drive themselves to their full and unbealGn plays, these athletes know how to grab polGUctal. Grasping for air and drenched in sweat, you the aJGUtion of the crowd. Give yourself a sound of may be fooled that they would give up from there. applause, you have made our school proud .

Ona Roll S�rgio Lopez runs with the ball away from theo�nt Coming Through Fast

Patrick Mayor sprints down the court for the lay up.

Sports 3 3 · ·�()


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Plow Through Jake Coogan smashes the comer to catch a pass in the open field.

One and Only Benny Blanco Rafael Blanco unleashes a pass to one of his receivers.

The Vicious D-Llne This defensive line is ready to penetrate the offensive line of San Ysidro.


Kicker Jose de la Concha uses his great leg to make the extra point



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It's Patrick Mayor's blood type and his attitude through pain.


II Ten Tidbits

• Senior Jesse Edgar says, "We were one big family. Weplayed our hardest every game and enjoyed playing footbatogether as one."

• Jal<e Coogan had a great season, he had many great Rlays.• Marty Vaidez, a four year varsity Crusader was a solid player

who continued to sacrifice himself for the team with hisblocking skills.

• Patrick Mayor was an important receiver who always madegreat plays.

• Look out for Andrew Martinez, a sophomore beast, that willbe an amazing player for the Crusaders in the future. Hecould go far.

• AJ Eustaquio was always eager to dominate the field.• Rafael Blanco was a determined quarterback who always

tried his hardest. • Mario Cortez was a great pass blocker and opened-up holes

for the running game.• First year Head Coach Joyner, tried his hardest to keep

the team motivated, and put a lot of time and effort inrebuilding the pro�am.

• It was a tough year but the boys gave their all and we areso proud oCthem and we look forward to more Crusader football next year.

a row : . oogan, anco, . aynes, . amara,, . ortez. . em. C. Burritt, A Urrutia, S. Ordaz, C. Lopez, D. Delacalzada, (second row):J. Edgar,A Martinez, F. Ausler, M. Valdez, M. Nunez. A. Warner. M. Reed, F. Castillo,A Ganz, (third row)A Eustaquio. D. Pirte, P. Mayor, R Carrillo. M Gonzalez,M. Eribez. M. Aspili. A Jaquez, A. Brandon, (front row ):E. Parra, R Castillo,F. Nunez. A. Cardona, (not pictured): A. Basantes, M. Zea, H. Flores, N. Kaiser,C. Lewis, E. Roman, M. Gonzalez, A Garcia, E. Silvia

a _11.

: tt,ore Tidbits Joe Le Gerrette says, ''I love playing fc otball because I can take my anger

t on the other team." Austin Allen was motivated to follow in his dad's footsteps and be a great football player. Chris Medina has been playing since he was in 5th grade and still loves the game. Freshman football always fought until the final buzzer. Many of the boys say they plan on playing next year and are hoping to have a great season. Andy Baynes enjoyed being able to tackle guys without getting in trouble. William Shaw now has something to talk about at the dinner table. Cole Lewis says, "When I was playing JV my teammates really motivated me."

• And Martin Dominguez says, 1 learnedhow to cover the quarterback andnever miss practice. "



Get Off My Back


Tag Team

The Crusaders push the opposition way back.

Joe Le Gerrette holds the ball and heads toward the goal line.

(back row) :N. Hindi, P. Ganehn, A. Sepulveda, N. Kaiser, A. Barbosa, B. Nunez,]. Rodriguez, B. Gonzalez, D. Noland, (middle row):C. Lewis, H. Lopez, R Uy, A. Davila, M. Mottale, C. Galvez, A. Cesena,(front row): R. Barleta J. Armenta, C. Beltran, K. Lapurga, D. Munoz,F. Gonzalez

Ready to Take Off Crusaders show their stance before the hike.

All for One The offense approaches the line to protect their quarterback. Richard Somogyi.

(back row): S. Medrano, M. Caballero, M. Beltran, L Hernandez, C. Jimenez, J. Le Gerrette, C. Reed, ( 3rd row): A. Baynes, A. Pana,W. Shaw, K. Santana, Coach Williams, Coach Montijo, Coach Allen,A. Gomez, M. Dominguez, G. Cavazos, A. Montano, (2nd row):J. Rocha, R. Somogyi, P. Ortiz, S. Cruz, A. Rodriguez, J. Huerta.A. Allen, S. Fores, (front row):M. Newell, T. Carranza

JV and Freshman Football 37

Best Friends since Freshman Year Captains Mariana Burkle and Diana Paredes take a quick picture before the spirit rally.

Up, Up and Away Briana Gamez and Victoria Pena fly high in the sky while showing their Crusader spirit.


Sonic Smiles Tatiana Tobe and Marisela Arechiga pose for a pie with their bright sonic football.

Fun in the Sun Briana Gamez and Christine Hillmann have fun at cheer camp.


All Smiles The Varsity girls cool off in the gym.

Spirit Surprise! Cassandra Pimental celebrates her birthday with Stephanie Sanz.


·By: Tati Tobe

Ten Tidbits • Raise your hands, stomp your feet, Mater Dei Crusaders can't be beat!• The varsity cheerleaders have come a long way this year. They helpe ur

school spirit became more lively. Some of them have been cheering for

MDCHS all four years.• Flying is the second best thrill for cheerleaders; being caught is the first.

The most memorable time for our cheerleaders is at cheer camp. It makes

,their bonds stronger and it changes most of their relationships forever.

Win or lose, Crusader Varsity Cheer never stop supporting the players and

encouraging the crowd.• Stephanie Sanz says, "Cheering this year is special to me, because it's

my senior year and I get to show everyone how much I have improved

throughout these four years!"• Victoria Pena says, "I love the coaches, they made me stronger this year as a

flyer and they taught me how to hit a lib for my first time."

One more thing, it doesn't matter if you win or lose a game, it matters how

loud you cheer!

Stephanie Tessman says, "I love getting the crowd pumped up when are

down on the score board, it gives the game more excitement, and hope!"

Marisela Arechiga points out, "We may make it look easy, but like all sports

it take hard work and dedication'

Back Row : M. Burkle, H. Keen, M. Arechiga, S. Tessman, M. Marchesano (Middle Row): S. Sanz, C. Duron, C. Hillmann, M. Martin, B. Gamez (Front Row): C. Pimental, V. Pena, D. Paredes (Not pictured): J. Molina


�re Tidbits

The cheer1eaders have gained a special bond within each other. Th thing that keeps me motivated when I

er is mainly the other cheerleaders. we try to encourage each other to keep a

positive vibe." Andi Vilaboy Andi Vilaboy and Brianna Gamez are the main flyers for MD. Savanna Ruderhausen has been cheering for 6 years and says it has been so much fun."My most memorable moment since I have been an MD cheerleader was going to cheer camp, I learned new stunts, cheers and improved in many things." Vera Gougoulas JV girls look up to the varsity cheerleaders,

d it encourages them to try their hardest. he JV cheerleaders will always keep the

spirit going no matter how the football season goes. Courtney Princell says it feels great to get the crowd pumped up for the games. The JV cheerleaders keep the crowd pumped not only for sports, but for rallies as well. These girls will continue to cheer and always have the MDCHS spirit with them.

By: Karla Jaramillo

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Strike a Pose

Meghan Schroeder, Savanna Rudershausen and Andi Vilaboy can always strike a pose.

(back row): L Porter. R Gonzales, C. Princell, S. Rudershausen, (middle row): V. Gougoulas, C. Huinquez, M. Schroeder, J. Ruiz, (front row): A Vilaboy. V. Hedderson

Flippin' Brianna Gamez sees the world from another view as she is turned by teammates.

Spring Into Action The girls prepare to throw Andi Vilaboy into the air.

All Smiles & Ready to Work

These JV cheerleaders are all smiles at cheer camp.


Lauren Porter, Savanna Rudershausen, Meghan Schroeder, Renee Gonzales, & Andi Vilboy give us a quick smile during the game.

JV Cheer 41

Serves Up Veronica Vargas gets ready to serve the ball.

Friends On and Off the Court

Jump for Blocks Camille Alvarado shows blocking skills durin against Chula Vista.


Veronica Vargas, Sam Holler, and Maritza Lopez combine friendships and sports.

These volleyball girls need to strategize.


In Sync Ehzabeth Gonzales and Laura Soto jump together to block the ball.


Captain Knows How to Serve

Because Elanie Guilas is team captain she knows how to serve a perfect ball.


By: Erica Silva

Ten Tidbits

We are family, I've got all my sisters with me! Not only are the girls brought together through volleyball, they have been brought toget r like a second family.


Hit it with your best shot! Senior, Laura Soto, says, "I love spiking the ball at practice or a game. It's fun and stress relieving." Pump, pump, pump it up! Lady Crusaders love when their family and fellow classmates come out to their games and support them. When asked, Samantha Holler describes her most memorable moment, "When we played against Eastlake. The team had great confidence and it ended up being our best game!" Second nature? Elaine Guilas has been playing volleyball ever since the 6th grade and ever since, volleyball has grown to be a part of her When asked what her favorite game of the season was Veronica Vargas replied, "When we played Bonita. Even though we only won one set, we still tried our hardest and had fun."

• Victory is ours! The girls always take the time to pray and give thanksbefore a game.

• "Do it, do it, do it, go, go, go!" Sound familiar? The girls always saythis chant before a game to get them pumped up.

• DJ, play that music! Need inspiration? The girls say music alwayskeeps them on their feet.Volle ball=Intensit . Enough said.




.6fhe JV volleyball team strives for (i.Cellence and comes ready to

• compete.· Bianca De La Parra remarks, "Every

game is fun for me, and I am alwayshappy with all of the enthusiastic

ammates cheering each other up." ere is no negativity on the team,

just encouragement'' says Carolina Martinez. Elyssa Pumpelly raised the team's spirit with her positive attitude, "The best game I played was against Hilltop High School because I got to smack the ball hard enough to catch our opponents off guard." Don't judge a book by its cover! This year's team may have been small, but they ended the season with only three losses. Three's a charm. Taylor Cruse, Nitzia Garcia, and Avery Finch are the perfect package for a winning team.

• When asked what they liked aboutCoach Rice, the team responded, 'Welike how he pushes us to our greatestpotential. He encourages us to nevergive up."

Watching Out


Wanning Up Vianca De La Parra prepares for the game.

Elyssa Pumpelly awaits her teammates serve while Rachel Barletta prepares to block the ball.

(back row): T. Cruse, B. Driver, N. Garcia, P. Guardado, Coach Rice, (front row): A. Finch, A. Shultz, Y. Gilbert

Look Out Priscilla Guardado, Nitzia Garcia and Taylor Cruse prepare to receive the ball.

Heads Up Carolina Martinez starts the play with a strong serve.

(back row): P. Torres, C. Borchert, E. Crosthwaite, V. de la Parra, A. Robledo, C. Smith, E. Pumpelly, Coach Carla, (front row): J. Garcia,S. Grimaldi, Darlene Zoura, V. Manriquez, R Barletta, C. Martinez

JV and Freshman Volleyball 45

Hit and Follow Through Vivian Moreno show the proper steps in tennis.

Serves Up Jenny Borek hits one of her ponderous power shots.



Ready! Jacki Bennit waits for her shot at the ball.

Back Hand Hit Mariel Castillo prepares to backhand the ball as it comes.

Side Ann Vania Hernandez shows her side hit and follow through.


Grand Opening Mr. Milke celebrates the opening of MDCHS's new tennis courts.


Daniela Corona and Zayra Ruiz meet with their o onents.



Ten Tidbits

• Vivian Moreno starts off recalling the most memorable game,"When we played in the playoffs. Everyone did a great job, and emade it to CIF, I beat a player from Bonita. In the past I could not',.. _ __,_,,,beat her; it was the best sensation ever."

• Many of the girls say that tennis is their life.• The tennis girls love playing because they like the competition and

love learning new things about the sport.• One of the top girls on the team is Jenny Borek.• Jenny has been playing since she was 6 years old; she wanted to try

something new, so she tried tennis and loved it.• Luz Lopez and Lynn San Roman have never played together, but

they have won every set against other doubles.• The girls motivation comes from their coaches Lea and David Borek.

They talk to them after every point, give them advice and alwaysremind them to have fun.

• Luz Lopez has been playing sense she was 5 years old.• Dedica.tion is a key word to success in tennis.• With hard work and commitment the tennis girls went to CIF


(back row ):Coach David Borek,]. Borek, N. Zayas, L Lopez, V. Moreno, J. Bennett, D. Contreras, Coach Borek, (middle row):V. Hernandez,M. Castillo, Z. Ruiz, D. Corona, (front row ):L San Roman, V. Gene}

Get Your Head in the Game! Perla Laborin concentrates as she swings away.

I'm Ready! I'm Ready Ana Alcantara is ready for her fairway shot.


Swing Swing

Good follow through, Daniela Aguilar.

Hit Me Baby, One More Time Ana Alcantara hits off the tee.

The Hole is What We Aim For Fernanda De La Parra glances over the hole before she sinks it.


Patience is a Virtue

Daniela Agutlar and Perla Laborin wait for their turn ..

The Bonita Golf Course

A beautiful haven for all golf players.

Ten Tidbits

• The team is highly spirited.


If • All the girls would admit Perla is the best. She always helps and guides the

whole team giving tips.• "When I was nine I started playing with my dad. In middle school I never

practiced but when I started high school I started to get interested in it again

and have enjoyed it ever since freshmen year." says Fernanda De La Parra

"The one thing that I enjoy about golf is that in every hole, you can start all

over again!" shares Daniela Aguilar

There's always a next time. Next year, the girls will continue with their hard

work of perfecting the game.

"It would be nice if we had more girls out playing here in this beautiful golf

course."• What a wonderful world! The girls' golf team is fortunate to have the Bonita

Golf Course as their main golf course with its calm and serene surroundings.• We are family, I got all my sisters with me! Though the girls may have

struggled in their matches, they still stick together as a team and continue to

work harder.• Hip, hip, hooray! Daniela Aguilar keeps the team's spirit through her cheers

and friendly smile which earned her the Coach's Award.• "It has been a tough season, ending with a 3 and 10 record." Coach Bill


(back row)A Alcantara, M. Fajardo, P. Laborin, D. Aguilar, Coach Gerken, D. De La Para


Little Man, Big Leap Alfredo Rodriguez extends his whole body to block a shot

Scouting the Opponent The team studies the strengths and weakness of the competition.


South Bay's Finest Sergio Fourzan uses all his strength to block a shot.

The Coaches View Coach Souza barks commands at the waterpolo team.

Bloc er

Ray Lugo really knows how to block those asses.

WanningUp Kalem Figy prepares for the big game by passing the ball to teammates.

Ten Tidbits

"Pain is weakness leaving the body." says Coach Souza to inspire the team. The Aqua Crusaders won their second league championship in three ye Raymond Lugo finishes off the season saying that, ibis season was anothp�-� piece to the whole picture." Sergio Fourzan is the all time leading scorer at Mater Dei. He is also South Bay League's most outstanding player. The returning players, Mark "The Gambler" Laturno, Raymond "Ray Ray" Lugo, Ivan Chavez, Andrew Thein, and Claudio Gauge all show a bright season ahead for the team. Kalem Figy ranks second in Mater Dei history in goals and voted first team all South Bay. The varsity team finished off the season as South Bay League Co - League Champs and a tally of8-2 in games played Mark Laturno has had some tough encounters blocking passes and says, "I tweaked my finger a few times." Even though he tweaked his fingers he had 251 saves, the most in Mater Dei history. The JV MVP was Tyler Plaza . The JV team started because of the increase in players, especially the 6 freshman.

(back row): Kealoha Souza, Coach Souza, C. Gage, S. Fourzan, E. Martinez. N. Schmitt, D. Montes, J. Martinez, I. Chavez, M. Laturno,A Thien, K. Figy. R Lugo, A Giery, Coach Smith (front row): A Figy,A Avila. A Rodriguez, T. Plaza, P. Mendoza

Kodak Moment Isela Ruiz and Alexa Cervantes may be in training but they can still manage big smiles.

Go, Go,Go Diane Moore looks determined to finish the race.

Always Competitive Robert Garcia keeps the edge on the competition.


Top Girl Johanna Rhein speeds steadily to the finish line.

Muscles McBmssels Jorge Sanchez has the runner's body which makes going the distance a breeze.

And He's off Mauricio Vasquez starts the race sturdy and strong.


A Photo Op The Crusaders stop during a break to take a group photo.

Ocean Sounds

Jasmine Cota listens to the lull of the waves as she keeps up her stance.



By: Jesse Edgar

Ten Tidbits

Johanna Rhein explains how Samuel Cantu-Reyna is very competitive and trains very hard every practice. Samuel Cantu-Reyna explains how Johanna Rhein is a natural lea��-;,, and one of the main hearts on the team who keeps us motivated to succeed. Alicia Lopez says that running teaches you never to give up, keep going ana helps you apply strategies to other parts of your life not just in cross country. .Diane Moore says, "Our coaches are awesome, both coaches balance each other out which makes our team better. One coach is very strict and keeps us working hard, this helps us build our endurance and body strength. The other coach is more relaxed and reminds us that cross country is a fun and interesting." Johanna Rhein says, ''The season is going pretty good, our team is larger than last year's and we have some great runner's this year." Luiz Priego says that the season was interesting because they achieved a lot as a team. Jasmine Cota was asked why she joined cross country and she said, "I joined because I wanted to better myself, get in shape and have fun." Samuel and Johanna beheve that what keeps them motivated is accomphshing finishing a race, doing better every meet and keeping our team as one whole unit. "Going to the beach with all my friends and getting to enjoy ice cream was my favorite memory." Karen Sanchez Diane Moore motivates herself by telling herself not to give up and tha the race is almost over.

ac row : oac an y , . oore, a g , arc1a, . nones. F. Priego, A Atrushi, S. Cantu-Reyna, B. Daniels, H. Torres, A. Gomez,J. Hernandez, V. Gonzalez, M. Vasquez, J. Espinoza, A. Lopez, Coach Willich,(middle row): J. Cota, C. Borchest, A. Echeverri. V. Cardenas, J. Vasquez, B. Daniels,M. Gorence, A. Gomez, C. Covarrubias, A. Lucatero, L Gonzalez, A. Ramos (frontrow): A. Cervantes, E. Uribe. L Moreno.]. Rhein, S. Papapietro, K Solis, M. Davenport(not nirnirpn): T. R11i7. A. C:m7.

Dribble Dribble Shoot

Tati Tobe takes that ball to the hoop.

Make 'em Work

Alex Young passes the ball to tire out the defense.


Free Throws Win Games

Cardedra Evans steps to the line to shoot 2.

Is There a Stonn Outside?

Nope, it's just Wendy and she's blowing up the score board.


Michelle Andreoli protects the ball and looks for a quick pass.

Can't Be Stopped

Brittani Lusain dives to the basket for 2 points.


Ten Tidbits

• There's no "I" in team! The Lady Crusaders define teamwork.• "Being a freshmen I was accepted into my basketball family, and I was tr .... -�'l

like their little sister." Britanni Lusain • "This year was a tremendous experience playing with these girls. Like McDonald

'Tm loving it"! Cardedra Evans• "Go hard or go home," is one of Coach Dru's favorite quotes before eve

gaine.• The Lady Crusaders gained the Mesa League Championship staying undefeated

in their league.• 8 out of 10 players will be returning next year, and more unstoppable fresh

are on their way.• The best memory of this year was the team movie night at my house.

our bond stronger, and it showed on the court. Tatiana Tobe• With most of the team being underclassmen they have more time to grow and

become stronger student athletes.• Hard work and dedication is what this team demonstrated.• The Lady Crusaders got this far from never giving up, and always having heart.

They go hard and leave it all on the floor.• Thanks, Ladies, for a great year.

(back row): C. Erb, Coach White, Coach Monroe, A. Young, (middle row): I. Stonehouse, C. Evans, B. Lusain, 0. Escalanti, (front row): V. Manriquez, M. Arndreoh. T. Tobe

Jump for Joy

Nico Siragusa uses his height to make the


Can't Tie Me Down

Robbie Silva Martinez blocks his opponent and tries to steal the ball.


Llght on His Feet Routine Ritual

Denny Kremer swings around to Victor Garcia takes his time pass the ball to his teammate. prepping before a free throw



Can't Touch This

Raul Silva Martinez sweeps past his op­

ponent as he dribbles across the court.

Waiting to Go On These players watch carefully waiting for their time.

Ten Tidbits

With six returning players, this year's varsity team stayed strong and finished the season by going to playoffs. Fantastic Four! Patrick Mayor, Denny Kremer, Victor Garcia, and Robbie Silva­Martinez have grown throughout the years and played their last season of high school basketball.

• The Replacements. After a long day of practice, the boys played capture the flaginstead with ... Nico's size 17 shoe! Way to end the day, boys!Brotherly Love. Chemistry, trust, and new friendships has led this year's varsityteam ro success.

• Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now. Losing one of their most important players atthe Olympian game, the boys pushed themselves 110% and played their bestgame of the season.

• Glory Road. When asked hat was the most inspiring advice from his coach,Robbie Silva-Martinez said, "He teaches us not only about basketball, but aboutlife."Need a laugh? El Chico Nico knows how to put a smile on your face despite allthe suicides and multiple drills during practice.Victor Garcia said his most memorable moment of the season was, "This wholeyear has been truly memorable. It will be my last year as a MDCHS player."Most Valuable Player. Patrick Mayor leads the team as captain and point guardgaining respect from his coaches and teammates.Work hard and have determination are the perfect guidelines for a varsityathlete.

(back row): Coach Cruz, Coach Caesar. J. Martinez, V. Garcia, R Silva Martinez, A Atrushi, A Sadighi, N. Siragusa, Coach Gilliespie (front row): R Silva Martinez, P. Mayor, D. Kremer, R Sirnogyi, S. Princell, A Basantes, D. Delacalzada




rystal Zora & 0 • Catherine Valenzuel·

JV Boys Beep, beep, beep! Every morning the

0 bor.s wake up bright and early for their 6 practic�s. Wing Stop, Jamba Juice, and Carl's Jr. These are the team's chill hangout places before they

ve their games or they simply spend time 'th each other and bond.

CRUZ lovers. Ui.e team loves how Cruz tries push us to our limits to help us get better. When asked his favorite quote about basketball, Jacques Valenzuela replies, "'Scottie Pippen: 'Sometime's a player's greatest challenge is coming to grips with his role on the team.'" Coach Cruz's motivational quote: "Why did you guys wake up early? For me to yell at you . or for you to get better?"

JV Girls

The JV girl's basketball season was a tough experience as freshmen face competition and play at the JV level. It's a young team and has some new players but the team is brought closer as they make friends. Kimberly Tamayo believes that, "Coming closer as sisters is more important than winning a game." Don't we all know Coach Carla? She requires the player to run suicides and shoot free throws. Coach Carla and Mr. Smyth put so much effort into the team as they have practice everyday and to build them into better la ers.

;,;;...::;;,;:=.i::..:;;;.L.;:::..:;.;_ ________ ..,.,

a play for the girls. Triple Threat


Crusing Down the Court Kimberly Tamayo looks for an open pass.

Mariana Franco squares up, ready to pass to Katherine Matthews.

Add One

Out of my Way Victor Rojas protects the bail as he dribbles down the court.

ex Sadighi makes one for the team.

Fast and Furious

Spencer Princell takes it all the way to the hoop.

Coach Cruz, E. Reidinger, M. Domingues, D. Noland, C. Jimenez, A. Pena, B. Nunez, Coach Gillespie, E. Cintron, V. Rojas,J. Valenzuela,]. Decayo, G. Lugo,]. Huerta, A. Rodriguez

Coach Carla, T. Crnse, A Watson, B. Driver, K. Matthews, Coach Smyth, A Martinez, L. Peraza, A Lucatero, D. Zoura, E. Castillo, M. Franco

JV Boys/Girls Basketball 59

Over and Out Camile Alvarado strikes the ball while she takes the goal kick for her team.

Double Team Michelle Centrullo steals the ball away while Irene Moreno defends her teammate.


Tough Defender Starting freshman Priscilla Guardado kicks the ball out of the defense.

One on One Andrea Velasquez fights to get the ball away first.

Gone in 6 Seconds

Sarah Papapietro punts the ball to her team under 6 seconds.

Under Pressure

Daniela Corona passes the ball before her defender gets in the way.

irl By: Erica Silva and Andrea Velasquez

Ten Tidbits

Priscilla Guardado feels that it is an honor and really cool to be on a varsity tea.--..�=--'CJ a freshman. She also enjoys being on the field and making new friends. Camile Alvarado says, "This season was better than last year, and even though it was a young team we still worked together and did our best." One of three captains, Angelica Smith, says "It feels good to be looked as a leader and also the other girls can look to me for encouragement and support. It's a great privilege." These girls worked hard and had a fair season. After losing a lot of last year's seniors the girls had to rebuild and come togethe "One of the most exciting games was against Otay Ranch under the lights beca everyone played hard, had intensity, and wanted to win. It was one of our fir victories" says Andrea Velasquez This year, since half the team were underclassmen, the girls were able to have new and fun experiences. The girls all leamed from each other and played with their hearts. Varsity would not have been able to play as well as they did if it weren't for the inspirational talks from their coaches. Coach Lima, Coach Guerrero, and Coach Byrn did not hesitate to have many laughs and a good time with the girls.

(back row): Coach Byrn, E. Petway, L. Covarrubias, C. Alvarado, E. Pwnpelly, A Smith (middle row): M Centrullo, I. Moreno, S. Papapietro, A Garcia, A Velasquez (front row): P. Guardado, M. Barrera, Y. Glbert, C. Steeg, D. Corona

In Control Sergio Lopez uses his body to shield the ball away from his defender.

Getting Out Hector Gomez takes advantage and steals the ball.


Sending it Up Settling the Ball

Luis Ayala takes the goal kick and Ricardo Rosique traps the ball so sends it up to his teammates. he can pass it to his teammates.

Fancy Feet Cesar Trejo traps the ball and prepares to take a shot at the top of the 18.

Body Strength

Carlos Celaya uses his upper body to throw in the ball.

Ten Tidbits

• The boys played a tough season and made it to the CIF playoffs.• "I feel great about the soccer season, we have a great team and a great le

in Sergio Lopez." Luis Ayala""--- -0

• "Our most exciting game to me was when we played against Bonita, we

scored a goal in the last minute and won the game. " Sergio Lopez• The three captains of the team are Sergio Lopez, Rafael Blanco and Alonso

Moreno.• Paul Arriola said, "It did not matter whether or not I played for JV or Varsity

as long as I was able to help my team win."• The soccer boys were pressured to win CIF this year to keep up last ye

victorious win.• This year was a rebuilding year because the varsity soccer team lost a coupl

of starting players.• With the pressure of a full ride to USD, Sergio Lopez had to keep his grades

up and play his hardest for his team.• "Soccer is harder than people think, it is a lot of foot and eye coordination."

Rafael Blanco• The coaches do not accept anything but the best from the soccer boys

because they know their full potential.

(back row): Coach Caro, S. Wright, K. Logue, G. Silva, H. Gomez, L Ayala, C. Celaya, D. A;varez, C. Salcedo, S. Lopez, R Rosique, Coach Zavala(middle row): R Blanco, R Ayon, S. Ladin, R Eugenio, A. Moreno, I. Teon,M. Vazquez, A Gomez, H. Torres (front row): CTrejo, M. Sotomayor,P. Arriola, A. Golembieski, M. Rodriguez, R Rosales, D. Galan


More Tidbits

Girls Soccer With new coaches on the sidelines, the team was ready for the new and .----.._......, exciting season. The girls were committed to the team and showed up to all the practices. It takes practice, commitment, and �---'"'=

f>�tience to play on a team.JV girls built a trust with theirteammates so they could rely onone another.With their new coach, hard work,and dedication, the JV girls triedtheir best this soccer season.

Boys Soccer The boys _gained e�erience this year wip help them in the future on varsity. Although the boys had their struggles this season they stuck through and continued to play hard. The JV worked together this year as one unit and created new fi:iendships that will prosper through high school. Competition is a fun part of this boys soccer team. The boys grew through their experience because they have big shoes to fill on the varsity team.

Rwi Flores, Rwil


'Throw In

Isela Ruiz looks down line to throw the ball in to her teamm.ates.

Giuliana Flores dribbles the ball and heads towards the goal.



(back row): Coach Zavala, B. Morales, J. Villa, S. Parra, A. Montano, ]. Rodriguez, G. Caballero, A. Hennida (front row): M. Alonso, M. Nunez, A. Avila, D. Fernandez, M. Ortiz, A. Rodriquez, L Robles

Coming Through

Mauricio Vazquez dribbles down the field and looks for a teammate to pass to.

Go Hard or Go Home

Aristeo Montano uses bis speed to gain a better position on the ball.

(back row): N. Ghothra, A. Beck. Coach Byrn, Coach Godinez, S. Godoy, P. Torres (middle row): I. Ruiz, N. Garcia, V. Gonzalez,(front row): S. Persona, G. Flores, I. Alvarez, H. Mendoza, F. DelgadilloNot picrured: E. Garcia, S. Hernandez, M. Lutteroth

JV Boys/Girls Soccer 65

Power Half Mike Newell puts on the pain to crank his opponent over.

Metro Man Daniel Montes takes 3rd place at Metro Conference at 145 pounds.


Stay Down Efren Roman trips his opponent to keep him on the mat


Blur of Motion Claudio Gauge puts his Eastlake opponent straight to his back.

He Never Saw it Coming Nick Day throws in a wrist roll to catch his opponent off guard.

Preparing the Pin

Jacki Bennet does some mat work to get points.

Ten Tidbits

As the wrestlers become more and more experienced, victory has been ve


The team boasts 11 guys, 1 girl, and 4 coaches that have built a reputation for

Mater Dei.

Daniel Montes, Claudio Gauge, and Efren Roman all placed in CIF and went

on to Masters. • While the high school season may be over, most members of the team will

continue to wrestle into the off-season to perfect their techniques.• Daniel Montes finishes off the season by saying, 'Wrestling has put me in the

best shape of my life and it is an experience that I will never forget"• A broken nose and knee injury did not hold back Jorge Gamez as he brought

on the heat against other 112 pound wrestlers.• While Jacki Bennet may have been the only female wrestler, she stayed with

the intense training program and made it to CIF Girl's State as a first year

wrestler.• The four freshman that wrestled this season show great hope for the Mater

Dei wrestling program in the future.• Efren Roman is the first Mater Dei wrestler to place in CIF.

(toe): Coach U, Manager C. Duron, M. Gamboa, J. Mireles, P. Salem, T. Plaza, C. Alvarez, F. Nunez, B. Kalb, E. Roman, D. Montes, ManagerM. Martin, Coach Sardella, Coach Matsumoto (bottom): A. Almazan,M. Newell, A Rivera, C. Peraza, C. Reed, N. Day, L. Lopez, J. Bennet,]. Gamez, T. Corranza

Sky High Mikayla Conlin makes a great catch at home plate.

Everyone Loves Wendy Co-Captain Wendy Tamayo slugs one into the outfield.


Down and Ready Carina Erb scrunches down so no ball can get through.

Sweet Success Co-Captain Shelly Centrullo gets to first on a line drive.

Baby Tamayo

Kimberly Tamayo rounds second base and heads to third.

Power Hit

Maritza Lopez swings away at her tum at bat

Ten Tidbits

The varsity softball team is a young one; many new freshman jotned this year. Starting Freshman Taylor Cruse has her dad along side to keep motivated.

• The coaches are a great help to the girls, and don't expect anything but theirbest.

• The team gained 5 freshman who not only play softball but other sports aswell.

• "I .think we are going to have a good, strong season, and I believe we aregoing to be consistent to the end." - Veronica Vargas

• The team has great support and encouragement from their two captains,Wendy Tamayo and Michelle Centrullo.

• "It was always Wendy Tamayo, but now I am glad it's the Tamayo girls.actually was looking forward to this season because Kimberly was coming toplay varsity. She is a huge role in the team and she is going to do great. I'mhappy shes here and I know we as a team will do great this season." -WendyTamayo

• "I have been wanting to play all my life, and this year gave me my chance."Brittani Lusain

• Yasmin Gilbert has been playing since she was in second grade, and lovesthe game.

• Avery Finch says, "It feels great to play on the varsity team as a freshman."

(Back row): Coach Girard, Manager A. Baker, Coach Perry, M. Rios, T. Cruse, B. Lusain, Coach Cruse, Coach Mike, Coach Anderoli,(Middle row): V. Vargas, M. Centrullo, A. Finch, M. Lopez (Frontrow): K. Tamayo, B. Morales, Y. Gilbert, W. Tamayo

Call It

Alfredo Paullada stands by as Denny Kremer makes the fly ball catch look easy.

Power Hitter Andrew "Baby" Martinez always knows how to knock them out to the field for a secure base hit.


Dug Out Robbie Silva-Martinez follows the play of the game waiting for his turn to pitch.

Attired in, and Inspired by 24 Sergio Valenzuela makes a catch even the great Willie Mays would have been proud 0£

Home Defender

Raul Silva-Martinez can protect home plate while he seeks out and stops any runners.

Quick Tag Michael Carton stops the runner at second.

Ten Tidbits

Family affair: Five of the current Crusaders have brothers or fathers play at MDCHS and or Marian. Matt Bur en' brother Rob, Frank Salas' brothers Alex and Milo, Alfre ........... _.., Palluada's cousin George, Andrew Martinez' father Jim, Ivan and Miguel Hernandez are cousins and Raul and Robbie Silva Martinez are brothers. Christian Castro will be a 4 year letter winner. There have been only 2 others in the last 20 years. This will be the 10th year the team is headed for Vegas . And it is the 10th year the team has been invited to the Aztec­Foothiller Classic. Sergio Valenquela is trying to make All League honors for tli 3rd year in a row. 23 teams on the current schedule made the playoffs last year. Miguel Hernandez, Denny Kremer, Christian Castro and Jake Coogan are the last of the team to play at Marian. 80% on the current roster have a 3.0 or higher GPA. Three have over a 4.0. 15 years running the Crusaders have placed a guy on the All CIF DIV 4 team. Scorekeepers Diana Paredes and Mariana Burkle are awesome!

(back row): A Robles, C. Castro, J. Ramos, M. Burden, A Martinez, A. Paullada, M. Hernandez, F. Salas, (front row): J. Coogan, D. Kremer,R Silva-Martinez, S. Valenzuela, A. Rowan, M. Carton (not pictured):R Silva-Martinez, A. Chavez


Junior Varsity • Their happiest place on earth. Of course it's the baseball


Mr. All-Star. Nico Siragusa not only does he play baseball,but football and basketball as well.Anyone say practice? Wednesdays are the days for practicesfor these boys.

• Applause please. Anthony Rowan and Pedro Osuna arehighlighted as the best players of the team.

• Mr. Coach. Coach Grosz may be tough on his players, buteveryone knows he just wants the best for them.

Freshmen • Guys just wanna have fun. As incoming freshmen, the

team enjoys high school baseball and they say it's prettyfun.Oh, the sweet memories. The team considers their gameagainst Saints their most memorable game.Just like the stars. When asked who is his favorite player,Richie Somagachi says, 'Joel Mauer because he's a catcherlike me."Take a bow. Joe Legerrete, Arturo Golembiewski and AlexMartinez are recognized as the best players of the team bytheir fellow players. As for most improved, the award goesto Richie Somogyi.

• They like him. When asked what they like about one oftheir c;oaches, they said, "We like Coach Pablo because he'sfun and funny .

. 41-":,,.._,u's Baby Buggy es a few freshmen boys to the ball park free of charge.


seb II

Tricks of the Trade

Coach Pablo and Art show Arturo Golembiewski one of the best ways to hold the ball.

(back row): Coach Grosz, P. Ozuna, D. Delacalzada, P. Baynes, N. Siragusa, A Chavez, J. Ramos, N. Kaiser, Coach Ray, TonyBlanco, (front row): M. Mcbroome, R Beck,]. Ramirez,H. Flores, J. Espinoza, T. Ploza, A Rowan, I. Hernandez

Sky High Catcher Ryan Beck and the umpire both search the sky for a high ball.

Don't Give up Hope

Pedro Osuna heads toward first hoping to beat out the play.

(back row): A Baynes, L. Gonzales, A Allen, J. Hernandez, A Martinez, (front row): R Somogyi,A Golembiewski, J. Legerrette, A Pena

JV/Freshman Baseball 73

Never Give Up Victor Gonzalez finishes his last lap during warm-ups.

Painfull but Helpful The track team "grabs grass" to stretch out their hamstrings.


Joggin'Martha Plascencia jogs at practice.

Making Friends with the Captain Camile Alvarado and Johanna Rhien pause for a quick picture.

Stretchin' It Out Naveet-Kavr Ghothra does her quad stretches to make sure she never pulls a muscle.

High Knees April Gutierrez gets those knees high in practice.


Ten Tidbits

• "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."• The famous quote of Coach Cruz, "Improve yourself," ·

what he tells his runners everyday at practice.• Karen Sanchez explains, "It's my first year, and I love it

because I get to run with my friends and stay in shape!" • "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising

every time we fall." A quote from Confucius.• The five S's of sports training are: Stamina, Speed, Strength,

Skill and Spirit; but the greatest of these is Spirit. - KenDoherty

• Cardedra Evans says this year track and basketball are verysimilar, because we both run a lot.

• Johanna Rhein and Camile Alverado have be running trackfor the Crusaders since their freshmen year.

• Coach Carla always says ''Don't stop running until youcross the finish line."

• If at first you don't succeed try, and try again.• The concept of this year is to leave it all on the track, and

finish strong.

(back row), P. Quiroz, B. Nguyen,]. Sanchez, A. Cesena, C. Galvez, R Uy, G. Ramirez, B. Sancoval,J. Hueria, Z. Manuel. F. Gonalez, X. Villanueva, R Barletta, L Verduzco, A. Krasovsky, V. Gonzalez, (second row) C.oach Gray, Coach Cruz, Coach Lanier, V. vazquez .. J. Lopez, A. Zuazo, A. An-ush.i. C. Lopez, A.. Madrigal, V. Cardenas, D. Contreras, A. Echeverri, C. Kelbaugh. N. Ghothra, C. Alverado, R Nesbit, J. Baumgardner, C. Burrit, C Martinez. E. Kinon, M Martinez, (third row) L Bustillo, A. Tassinari, M. Coria, V Martinez. N. Paredes, C. Covarubias, C. Steeg, M. Barrera, J. Rhein, M Lopez. E. Uribe, L Ruiz. M Plascencia. V. Gonzalez. (front row) V. Hendderson, L Moreno A Lopez D. Moore. A Gutierrez, G. Flores, S. Estrada

Turf Pals and Partners Not only friends at school but they are also partners on he green, Ramon Cevallos and Susmo Azano.

Smiling Through it All Andrew Haines tees off on his shot as he makes his way aroW1d the course during the match.



Cesar Ybarra makes sure that the golf ball is aligned straight through the hole.

Full Focus Setting Up Leading golfer Spencer Princell Brandon Morales sets up the ball drives the ball through. for a great shot.

Serious Player Putting his game face on, Alex Giery focuses during the match.

Practice Makes Perfect

Francisco Palacio doesn't mind doing it again to make it better.

By: Crystal Zora

Ten Tidbits

• This season is with filled great players, new and old but with gr atskills.

• The boys have came even closer, because of their best player J osefopassing away, they all agree that they have him in spirit.

• These boys always encourage each other even when they getcompetitive.

• Being a great supporter Coach Gerken, always believes in his boyseven if they are down in points. He always believes they will win.

• The senior boys will be missed next year, and have made a hugedifference on the team.

• Ramon Cevallos feels that golf helped him become more relaxedand focused when he is stressed out.

• Andrew Haines believes that golf is an awesome sport, but gettingout of class is the best part!

• "Golf is a time to spend alone and concentrate on life." says SpencerPrincell

• "Golf is an opportunity to have fun and enjoy the afternoon." saysPatrick Baynes.

• The boys are such a close team, always saying jokes to cheer eachother up and relieve anxiety.

P. Baynes, R Cevallos, Mr. Gerken, A Giery, A Haines, A Martinez,B. Morales, F. Palacio, S. Azano (not pictured); C. Ybarra, S. Princell,B. Truffa

Bump, Set, Spike! Jose Martinez spikes the ball as he approaches the net.

Out of the Box Saad Guardado, Alfonso Cardona, and Mitch Travers sprint across court giving all they can to save the ball.


Hands Up! Scott Wright jumps tall and proud as he blocks the ball from his opponent.

Happy Feet Cristobal Salcedo sets Mitch Travers up as he cautiously looks for any contribition he can make for the team.

Sky High Alfonso Cardona prepares his team with a strong set to finish off the play.

Bump,Bump,Bwnp Saad Guardado gets down and ready as he bumps the ball to his teammate.

V Ten Tidbits

• The greatest volleyball commandment: Thou shall always keep a po itivattitude, have fun, and always encourage others.

• I made it. When asked Jose Martinez what his favorite part of a game whe responded with, "The feeling I get right after I just blocked the ball.Just knowing I saved the team truly makes my day."

• Practice makes perfect. Mitch Travers never dwells on his mistakes butrather takes them to his advantage and learns from them.

• Crunch time. Team huddles are always the perfect getaway to get theteam right back on their feet again.

• New kid in town. Transferring from Catherdral Catholic, Victor de Loeratakes his past skills and knowledge and shares them with the rest of eteam.

• Relax, don't do it. When you want to go to it, relaxation is key. Alwakeep this in mind, the team never lets their emotions control them.

• Follow the leader. Playing for his fourth year, Jose Brambilla learns toovercome his feelings before a game by becoming a role model for therest of his teammates. Jose is the M.V.P.

• Two is better than one. With Jose Martinez's aggressiveness and MitchTravers intensiveness, these two really prove to everybody what truedefense means.

• Antidote? Nothing can ever compare to the adrenaline rush the playersexperience right before a game. Way to get pumped up boys!

S. Wright, M. Travers, C. Salcedo, N. Garcia, B. Driver, Coach Brian, E. Gonzalez, R Rosas, L Ayala-Padilla,]. MartinezE. Aguilar, S. Guar­dado, A. Cardona, K. Espinoza, R Hernandez, A. Brambila, V. De LoeraA. Hawley, E. Guilas, I. Gutierrez

Put on Your Goggles The guys prepare for another grueling set.

Maximum Performance Straight Up, Straight Down Andrew Thein extends his arms out completely for a butterfly Raymond Lugo locks his arms stroke. for a fast backstroke.


Doing What He Loves Claudio Gauge perfects his breaststroke.


Just Do It

Kalum Figy jumps in without hesitation.

Role Model

Sergio Fourzan is the fastest swimmer on the team. He shows his teammates hard work and dedication.


Ten Tidbits

Swim is not about just jumping into the pool and doing a couple laps, but it is more about being strong and being in shape. Whether the water is hot or cold, the swim team is alway�---/ determined to give it their best. The schools top swimmers Giselle Suarez and Sergio Fourzan look forward to going to CIF.

• Coach Smith says that "The team keeps getting bigger and biggerand the freshman participation is immense."

• Las Pahnas pool is home to our swim team as they practice andtrain daily.

• The swim team boasts over 40 members and has an impressive 16freshman.

• The swim team has faced tough competition in the Metro Leagueand will continue to bring on the pressure.

• Giselle Suarez says that," Swim is a race against myself to do betterbecause I know I can go faster."

• Speed and the perfect execution of your body movements is keyin beating your opponent.

• Come out and watch your swim team compete! It is an interestingexperience that you will never forget.

(back row): J. Martinez, C. Gauge, W. Shaw, M. Latumo, L Soto, Coach Smith, Coach Souza, G. Garcia, K Figy. G. Arredondo, A. Thein, L Chavez (middle row): S. Fourzan, A. Bolanski, R Lugo, E. Parra, F. Martinez, A Alvia, A Figy, G. Camacho,M. Rodriguez, C.Jirnenez (front row): G. Soto, M. Medina, B. Sanchez, M. Davenport,A. Palaganas, R Cota, S. De la Garza, G. Suarez, J. Cota

Special Delivery Alec Vargas serves a quick on to the op· posite side.

Practice Makes Perfect Assael Madrigal has great hand · eye coordination.


Clean Up Alejandro Marquez cleans up after tennis practice.

Eye on the Ball Juan Hernandez keeps his head up while the ball approaches him.

Wind it Up Maurcio Ortiz winds up for the come back.

Enemies Bewate

Roberto Quijano serves the ball with all his power to get it across.

By: Jesse Edgar

ni Ten Tidbits

• Boys tennis has a new coach, but he's a familiar face to us, DavBorek, part of the tennis talented family.

• Coach Borek brings out the best in his players.• Coach Borek will also stress cross-training which makes better fit

and energetic competitors.• Emique Wehber was asked why he hked tennis so much he said,

"I hke being alone on the court, I don't have to depend on anyonebµt myself"

• Sam Acosta is excited about the season and thinks the team hasexcellent potential.

• Last year was a great season the guys had some double players thatcould be depended on to win matches, and hope to do the sthis year.

• Juan Hernandez thinks tennis is fun especially when you are on awinning streak.

• Carlos Ortiz is happy to be back playing a sport that makes himfeel he's on top of the world.

• If the guys keep working on it, the may be able to bring in sometitles.

• Here's to a great year and remember, "life is hke a game of tennis;the player who serves well seldom loses."

(back row): Coach Borck,J. Hernandez, F. Carbonero, S. Acosta, A Marquez, M. Mejia, A Vargas, E. Wehber, Coach Borek, (font row): C. Osvaldo, V. Lopez, A Ramos, M. Ortiz, C. Wasoomthara, R Luna





; .

Reading Keeps You Smart

Lilia Covarrubias, Alicia Lopez, and Elaine Guillas read away in order to stay smart and keep ."' ,rh�r positions as Ambassadors.

.. . J!'·


Ready, Set, Study · - -- •

In between classes Chris Weller�b · out the book and laptop -to ;tud before class. •:

- \ .

·�---..... . . •••

'I" . .


\, \


. '-, '

" .,

..... "



Read, Read, Read

Andrea Salcecio wfll ai ay:.. ..--..� caught with a book on he

By: Dianne Acevedo andCatherine Valenzuela



,. .-.-:. in Ms. Kelleher's class. - /

\ p-�. ·.. r > , .

���//<.� It's two o'clock, and you feel as if the seconds . [Gn di . ...r . dl . 9 m se scuss1ons, penormmg en ess expenments,couldn't pass by any slower. DING! The bell finally . [Gn l . . . d h d or cons1s t y mamtammg gra es, t ese stu ents rings. Students crowd the lockers pushing through tl h . hlGn h . d . Li [Gn constan y e1g t eir e ucatJ.on. s to youra sea of people, to rendezvous with their friends or h [Gn . 1· hlGn 1 Wh teac ers, pay at t1on, en 1g your c ass. osignificant others. But ever think about those who

stick around the campus for a couple more hours?These are the people who truly dedicate their time


knows? That student you always seem to look over

Getting it all Together

Hector Morales and Mauricio (Magic) Rodriguez arran

., I

·. se Rosill finishes homework just before the bell rings. �111111111,_.:i the parts of the analytical writing process. . 87 .:1

Academics �


Seniors Dianne Acevedo*" Marisela Arechiga* Rafael Blanco" Mariana Burkle*" Chelsea Chenelle" Jacob Coogan*" Rafael Carrillo*" Gerardo Castro*" Michelle Coria* Jasmine Cota*" Lilia Covarrubias*" Kacy Espinoza*" Sergio Fourzan*" Denisse Garcia*" Mariana Gomez*" Lucia Gonzalez* Marie Elaine Guilas*" Erickson Julve" Andrew Haines* Denny Kremer ID* Alec Kuzu.kian *" Nora Leyva*" Alicia Lopez*" Sergio Lopez* Alfredo Lucero* Andrea Lucero* Patrick Mayor*" Juan Moctezuma" Dianne Moore" Ernesto Moreno-Acevedo"

Andrea Navarro*" Paola Odriozola*" Carolina Ortega*" Marysol Osorio" Diana Paredes*" Nerli Paredes*" Alejandra Perez*" Erica Petway" Cassandra Pimentel*" Adriana Quiroz" Yazmin Razon*" Johanna Rhein*" Jazmin Rodriguez*" Estefania Romero, Michel Sanchez*" Stephanie Santana" Stephanie Sanz* Robert Silva-Martinez* Cesar Trejo" Estela Uribe*" Marto Winata*" Catherine Valenzuela*" Miranda Zora" Juniors Tiara Alvarado-Leon* Jeffery Alvarez*" Ivana Arias* Luis Ayala" Jessica Baumgardner" Samantha Baxley*" Nallely Beltran*" Teresa Blair*"


Daniela Blancas*" Leslie Bustillo-Ivan Camara" Moreno" Valeria Cardenas*" Edith Camargo" Michael Carton*" Karla Castro" Alison Castaneda*" Alexis Cervantes" Chelsea Chenelle* Theresa Chiappe" Mikayla Conlm*" Jackie Colgrove" Laura Contreras* Daniela Contreras" Daniela Corona* Mallory Davenport" Joshua Corona* Kenny Espinoza" Elizabeth Crosthwaite* Hector Flores" Nicholas Day*" Caleb Galvez" Carina Erb" Victor Gonzalez" Daniella Fierro* Alexa Garcia" Claudio Gage*" Jocelyn Garcia" Diego Galan*" Nathalia Gochicoa" Luis Garcia" Stephanie Grimaldi" Valeria Genel*" Ilse Gutierrez" Kristin Gonzales" Jeff Guzman" Elizabeth Gonzalez" Thomas Hahn" Saad Guardo" Alexis HawleY" Christine Hillmann*" Vannia Hernandez" Anthony Jaquez" Cassandra Huinquez" Abigail Jaurez" Hoolie Keene" Alejando Krasovskr Sanghee Lee" Yin Li" Stepnanie Licht" Logue* Maritza Lopez-Andrea Martinez*" Portillo" Valeria Martienz" Bridget Lyle" Eduardo Martinez- Viviana Marchena-

Pazzi" Pompa" Lilliam Navarro*" Katharine Mathews" Heidi Nguyen*" Alejandro Marquez" Pedro Osuna" Haley Mendoza" Ligia Quijada*" Anna Moctezuma" Rooerto Quijano,*" Brandon Morales" Maryel Quintero*" Brandon Nguyen" Jose Rebollar- Teresa Padilla"

Martinez*" Eva Perez-Cecenas" Brian Rodriguez" Paloma Polanco" Ricardo Rosales" Angela Reyes" Ricardo Rosique" Alejandro Robles" Isela Andrea Ruiz*" Jonathon Rodriguez" Cristobal Salcedo" Nina Salazar" Carla Sanchez* Carla Sanchez" Carolina Silva* Sabrina Scott" Raul Silva-Martinez*" Paola Torres" Daniel Slovinsky*" Brianna Truffa" Isabel Stonehouse*" Jun Woo Kim" David Tamborell" Thomas Wright" Andrew Thein

*Indicates NHS

Group Study James Mara, Kendis Barangna, and Marquise Jimenez work on homework together.

Science hnmersion Daniel Slovinsky loves science so much he looses himself in his notes and textbook.

Scholars and Athletes Luis Axala and Diego Galan are dressed for soccer but sta focused on studies.


Study Away Michael Carton make sure he always does his work to kee his ades u .

Alec Urrutia­Fensterwalder" Victoria Vigil" Alicia Wang*" Jalil Wehber-Zuniga" Christopher Weller*

Note: Sophomores arenot inducted until afteryearbook deadline.

Sophomores "Indicates CSF Paulina Anaya" Michelle Andreoli" Jorge Arredondo" Armando Barbosa" Mariana Barrera"

Pen Pals Jorge Gamez gives Marto Winata a helping hand.

Paperless Sergio Fourzan bypasses the old fasliion way of writing a paper and goes right to the computer.

Patrick Mayor Yazmin Razon

Marisela Archiga

Check Your Work

Catherine Valenzuela does her work quietly and makes sure its all perfect. "




Crusaders are very proud of their academic achievements. Two groups that

help recognize the students' achievements and great academics are the

National Honor Society and the California Scholastic Federation. To be

a member in NHS, you must be recommended by a teacher, and then

�ret approved by panel of teachers. After this process an interview takes

place, based on questions that include how involved you are in school

and about your great academics. In order to qualify for CSF, students must

accumulate a certain amount of points from their classes and their grades

for a semester. However, this process is a bit more complicated than it

sounds. Both these group focus on having good grades in school. The

difference between these two groups is that NHS is only given once while

CSF is earned every semester.


May I Help You? Alec Kuzukian stands ready to greet visitors.

Picture Perfect

Michelle Andreoli and a Japanese student smile for a picure that will last for years to come.

� Meeting the Bishop � Andrea Martinez shakes hands

with Bishop Brom.


• !I.. F.I. "'l� s , ll'St � ass ervice :.. l!'

• " �ah-Papapietro and Valeria • hcardenas open the doors for a\ wide welcome. ,


b ssa r 5 By: Nick Day

Whenever you need a good old­fashioned Mater Dei welcome, call in the Ambassadors for Christ Corps. These students dress for success when they are called upon to do service for the school. From Japanese students to eighth graders, the Ambassadors make sure that everyone who visits the campus feels at home. Outside of school, you can see the Ambassadors giving food to the homeless as well as visiting elementary schools to tell them about our campus. Mater Dei boosts an 88 person Ambassador

American Cuisine

group that is ready to serve on a moment's notice. These students are Mater Dei's finest and hand picked by the staff But being an ambassador is not all about wearing a cool blazer and name tag, it's about service to the community and modeling Christ. Jessica Baumgardner says, "Being on Ambassadors is a rewarding experience because I love to help others." These students are eager and devoted to doing an important job well and their hard work and dedication pays off The Ambassador program is an important component to student life and builds upon the cha;-ac

i of the Mater Dei community. .

Casey Pimental and Mr. Vasquez check on upcoming events .

f � , ..., . ,.,-

;' �

'-· _.

Welcome to Mater Dei Japanese students and Edith Camargo and Paola Torres soak up the California sun and enjoy some cheeseburgers.

Ambassadors welcome an OLG student for her freshman interview.

{(front:rJw): D. Acevedo, S. Sanz, D. Paredes. C. Pimentel, M. Marchesano, J. Bamgardenher, F. Lopez, C. Hillmann, S. Grimaldi, A Robledo, (2nd row): -----C:-�?zuela, P.'Odizola, R Silva-Martinez, M. Carton,]. Coogan,]. Bennett, D. Corona, V. Hedderson-Atkinson, C. Kelbaugh, H. Mendoza, T. Padilla, (3rd row):

S. De la G a, D. Zoura, L Bustillo-Moreno, I. Gutierrez, R Silva-Martinez, R Ros, G. Camacho, D. Galan, C. Salcedo, L Ayala,]. Alvarez, D. Blancas, (4th row):E. cia, N. Day, M. Andreoli, S. Hallee, I. Ruiz, C. Sanchez. T. Blair, E. Gonzalez, M. Barrera, L Contreras, (5th row): L Covarrubiasm]. Brambila,

, J. �ttisli�. C. Alv � Carde_p.;s, P. Torres .• A Beck, T. Chiappe, E. Camargo, H. Keene, A. Martinez-Casillas, (6th row): A. Lopez, A. Kuzukian, A Lucero, I o.._ E. Uribe, k Gonzales. B. Elenbaas, S. Baxley, A. Cabrera, J. Borek, A. Garcia, (back row): A. Smith, C. Erb, I. Stonehouse, M. Conlin, S. Papapietro, B. Tru.ffa,

" 1). Slovinsky, S. Wright.. ' '

Learning �ili �e}l:I�{ , a:MDCHS and�her sister scho.iYfrom,i1ap� share pictures information aboJt where they live and li'0'(jy lea'2i.

Student Service �

Marissa Marchesano, Alison Castenada, Christine Hillmann, and '{J

�� Ambassadors 91





Franco-accordian Jessica Baurngardener plays the delicate them from the French film, Amelie.

Music From the Heart Giuliani Flores sings her very own original song and gets the crow · to it.

lture Night By: Erica Silva

• Cultur ightiswhenpeoplegetto express Kroon and Mr. Van Wyke are totally coolv ·

1q-ways th':lt might surprise hard-rockers. Accompanied by Richie

their tlassmate�d it's when o"thers get Hernandez, they awed the audience. )- to find out things about people they never Everyone knows how talented Alvin

knew. Who knew Jessica Baumgardener Almazan is in singing and in playing the purchased a vintage accordion and has guitar.And ofcourse, weallknowChristine learned to pl�y it beautifully? Who knew Hillmann is on her way to becoming a Briana a,nd Brandon Truffa could raise Country Western Queen, writing her the roof by blasting a couple trash cans own songs and lyrics and belting out the in perfect syncopation? Who knew quiet tunes. There was so much more and1if youRodrigo Varandas could delight everyone weren't there, you missed a show. Now it's with flirty and flawless moves to a Brazilian time to think about next year. What talent beat? Culture night is a great way to find do you have? Do you want to make your out and appreciate the diversity at our friends rock? Get started now and maybe school. Of course some performances we will see you live and on stage. were no surprise. Everyone knows Mr.

The Boy from Brazil Rodrigo V arandas wows the crowd with his Brazilian moves.

'�'"""""""""' '- • Di ·ty Rul , Strik" p vers1 es � �T'�•j;_ e _a


e bl Sabrina Scott displays the Japanese part of her multi-enthnicicity. Tag Team

. I V>-C\l-11enn a ews ossoms as. Nora Leyva and Carlso Beltran

, she dances all around sttge. share the spot light.



Dynamic Duo Brianna and Brandon Truffa don't skip a beat as they put their sticks to the trash can drums. ,/


What a Performance

Laura Soto and Rodrigo Varandas singing "Lucky" had the crowd going crazy.

Cow Girl Sensation

Christine Hillmann �e au<W?riliqi � the clear and pleasing sound of her o�oiw



Culture Night 9 3


Naveneet - Kaur Nitu Ghothra From India but was raised inGermany,

. !-.

By: Jesse Edgar

E What a thrilling experience to travel across the world, leaving your family and friends to learn in a different country. Your surroundings are different, the food you eat is different, even attitudes are different. This is a big challenge for San Hee Lee, Navenett Chothra, Yin Li and Chaiyaphat Wosoomthara, but they can handle it. They are intelligent individuals. Ghothra explains that in Germany the school system is very different compared to the US. "We attend first through twelfth grades all in one school. School starts very early in the morning and we don't leave until very late at night." Our exchange students tend to adapt to the

, Rodrigo Varandas

�" � Fr�� Brazil Chat Time

ign r h nge

American culture and enjoy the many foods and music that American culture brings. Chaiyaphat Wasoomthara, known as Chip, describes his taste in American music, "I like Little Wayne. His music is not boring at all. It is fun and very energetic." When Chip is not jamming to music, he likes to teach Ameriaans a little bit of his native language, Thai. If he could teach one word to Americans he would teach, "Sa Wud Dee." That's Thai for "hello." All the foreign exchange students are experiencing a great time in Am


and love to mingle with others. If -yo • e any of these students, mak • o ayhello or "Sa Wud 'Dee.".


• • _ r ;

{ T-.tiey�ve Gatorade 1 / I ti O. .....__Chlp"'Wasoomthara and Rodrigo Varandas share laughs and talk about hof tlis.y-love the,�erican culture.

0 .......

I°'�--· ---------------------.

San Hee Lee From South Korea

Chaiyaphat Wasoomthara From Thailand




riegn Exchange 9 5

Ready to GoJune Kim prepares to answer whatever question comes

(back row): L Pangco, C. Acosta, 0. Escalanti, J. Arriola, J. Kim, Mr. Hall, (front row): J. Arredondo, S. Scott, M. Burkle, S. Lopez

The academic league is getting ready for another year of quizzing to

prepare for big competitions. With a new set of students, they hope

to bring on the heat �t other schools and dominate. This club is mentally demanding and calls for students to be quick-witted and fast on the buzzer. They are super smart at everything from mathematics to science. to history, and even music. These students need to have

a well rounded cranium. The�st important thing about academic league is to expect the unexp�d. This means that you need to be

ready for any type o estion to pop up at .n:iy time. Get ready to put


:y,i111� 01:1:Min-a�ybe yoq have what it

his way.


James Arriola

asks questions to test his

teammates on their

know- .. ledge


. l ' . . \_,_(1{£ .;�,1 ( • mlfflffl'''�

Gaining KnowledgeAileen Rosas and Dhvrce Fritz stu


nooK at me 11orary.


at their favorite Read Aw��#AY/A'////#////AWMW/##////1'/////AWA##HVAW/l'/qi'#//I'/� W.AW�////�//f'10'(/H/#AH#WH/('Wl'l'l'AVH/#

Leonaroo angco 1oses rumseu m an aunanac; he knows he can find just about anything inside its covers.

June Kim and Ocean Escalanti


Science Acad

Test It

Samantha Baxley and Barbara Elenbaas prepare an experiment hoping nothing will blow up.

Helping Out

Mariana Gomez tutors Raymond Lugo.

(back row): C. Galvez, H. Keene, N. Day, T. Matula, A. Martinez, C. Weller (front row): B. Truffa, E. Camargo, M. Sanchez, A. Navarro, P. Odriozola, S. Baxley, B. Elenbaas

This years in the making, the Science Academy adopys an addition of first-year students from the sophomore cl�s. These students willcarry out rigorous projects and experiments throughout the year. Second year students will prepare for their "Science Academy on the Road" program, where students will visit elementary schools to give presentations. The second-year stu� are also beginning to plan for their summer internships, where they can work one on one will real college students and scifntists. So get your,Y, otective glasses an join Science Academr., won t r t it! � -




Science Comnutations Standoff ////////#////#/////#/////#//Q//},M//////////#//////////////#///#////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////f'//////// ///////4 W/ //////////////////////////f'/////////////////////////f'#////////////////1','f///,////Q////IY//l'///#/////////#A

Caleb Galvez, Thomas Hahn, and Scott First year stuaents v sus secona year stuaents. Wno's Wright go to the internet for evidence. the best?Academic League/Science Academy 97

· 11.: saphy ByKadaJmmilloandEricaSilva.


Thinking and Studying Hard Diane Moore, Abigail Juarez, and Elaine Guillas discuss and have a stimulating conversation about the book they are reading.

Why are the walls white? How do you know you exsist? What is realand what is not? Phil

oCf phy is a class taken as a seventh period every

Wednesday. Mr Barbone, professor from San Diego State, comes toMater Dei and gives lectures to the students who are talking theclass. Marysol Osorio says, "I enjoy taking philosophy because itgives me a different perspe� in life." An interesting questionthat was asked was, "Could we all be rab�its?" Mr Barbone gives

tudents questi ns t ay �-�ittle strange but provokei' the o e that's th ·nd of thinking that is


You Got a

Friend in Me

Paubna Cardenas

helps Gissele

Cardenas on getting her work


Rea Awav ,-.r ,t _'J'..,L-� ... W'Q////Q#////,W//////nW//..WM'M'AYf'////AIH/HH/1'm'////////////,W/////-f'/.V/H////////////#/,W//A �{H///HHA'/('/H#///,W////P////..W///,W#/////H/////$/J,9.Jl.w/$�,,g,A"/////##//IW/////H/////H//////////////H//////H//// ///H///#H/H�////H

Maryso1 Osono gets a oeeper mearung aoout snapes Abigail Juarez-Rios takes the best notes to and dimensional reality. make sure she has something to study.


Art/ era -�

Picture Perfect Yin Ll takes her time on her project to make it picture

erfect Hands On

Teacher Critic Ms.Adams helps Jeff Guzman on his piece or work.

Ms. Austin shows Lynette Peraza how to cut ut a perfect shape.

Another very interesting seventh period is art class, which is held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:15-tJ0. Here the students are able to express themselves through their art pieces. They are also able to express themselves creatively. This class allows students to be unique and lets them be themselves. Other students can see what their classmates are capable �ing things other than normal class work. Art is a grea�thing when you want to get your mind off other things that are goi.>t-.--� ax Bloch sa he likes taking art b

Leonardo Da Vinci? Time to D� i ///////U////Q/////Q//////////////#'/4'//$//////////�////////////////{QW(/4'/////1'/#///// /#//////(///////////////////////////M'//////,f'////l'/1'///ll W///;'///,(//// /1'///A _'!'/'/////f'///////////////��://,f#///#f'/////#/////#//////////////////////////////////1'/////////////////A Close, Leonar<10 Garcia careruuy smooms Max B1ocn ays out s c1ay to ury m tne sun. out the inside of his decorative bowl.

Philosophy/ Art/Ceramics 99

* � •

Practice Time

Mr. Infantino practices with Alvin Almazan, Sam Acosta, Richard Hernandez, and Karen Sanchez on a few new songs.

_:-.-> � � . J .,· . •

Science Time

The clock stops as Brian Rodriguez works on a Science Academy experiment. Patrick Salem and Brandon Truffa look on.


. . \ ., -

, ... --....... . -· ....

'_t· ..


• By: Dianne Acevedo andJ I Catherine Valenzuela






. .

- .... 'Serious Design • �

� - �,


..... : -; Cardedra Evans draws ,1

··. , �: . � out a design for her pocce(y. , \ P . , .__.... r:. , .

Whether you are brainstorming ideas for rallies orgoing green, there is always something that will odGUkeep you busy. Join a club, aJGUd the meetings,

Capture precious moments as a photographer or singyour heart out in the school choir. Show the worldwhat you are made 0£ YOU have the polGn tial to do

and get involved. Bond with others, re-visit your anything you can.heritage or even pretGUd to be someone else in the

school play. These clubs help define who you are

by highlighting your talents and expressing yoursel£

�D� Strauss is flanked by 2/3rds of the Madrigals as theyalypso tune.

I Could have Danced all Night Frances Lopez and Alvin Almazan sweep around the £lootin each others arms in Pygmalion.

Clubs and Orgs 101



Our Blue and Gold Spirit Sergio Lopez DJs and dresses for spirit.

Friends Forever Edith Camargo, Angela Beck, and Theresa Chiappe are forever friends and ASB workers.

Free Hugs In light of spirit, Stephanie Grimaldi and Theresa Chiappe


,, e� Pose

By: Crystal Zora ne f taf Kin

This year we are blessed to have a strong ASB committee that has created opportunities to make many memories for our school. Our president Johanna Rhein says, "I am so happy and proud of all that we have accomplished. I could not have asked for a better ASB." They come together as a family and try their best to make their fellow students happy. We are blessed to have a very talented ASB this year. Having a fun and exciting spirit week brought everyone together as a school. Some days included Nerd Day, Hero/Villan Day, Decade Day and Blue and Gold Day, everyone loved it. The hard-working ASB

has meetings every Tuesday at 7:30 in the morning to make plans for upcoming events. We got very lucky this year to have KUSI news at our school. ASB stayed up all night to get the work done. During the Christmas season out ASB wanted to give gifts to children, so they found a girls orphanage in Tijuana. This not only make the orphans happy, but also the fellow ASB members. The ASB goal is to help everyone, not just people in our school. Once a month we have dollar jean day and all the money goes to various charities. With that being said our ASB is amazing we could not have had a more .spi�d •

year and helped more peo 1� tha�e did.


Enthusiastic ASB •' ASB shows their school spirit during lunch.


• " �Chiisune Hillmann, Jessica Our Great President Wild 'n' Out 'Bamngardner and Jacki Bennet• Johanna Rhein speaks to the students at our second rally. Our crazy ASB during the KUSI ' strike a pose under the �rch. rally.


.... ...

r '

QB;Jck rof ): ]. Baumgardner, C. Hillmann, Ms. Angeles, A. Beck, Mr. Milke, E. <Larnargp:,S.@pmaldi, B. Rodriguez, N. Day, { M. ·W.ihata, J. Bennet, G. Ramirez, M. Habana, Mr. Brunner, (middle row): <S. �ra,J. -Cota, J.-Rp'ein,'"<S Pimentel, C. Alvarado,

....__:�fJ�nez, ·s. Lopez, (front row): M. Burkle, D. Paredes V ...,. v


You can .find the ASB members Diana Paredes and Casey Pimentel hiding everywhere.

Big Smiles! Christine Hillman, and Jackie Be grade guests. 0



ASB 103

Small Groups Casey Pimentel and Alicia Lopez lead their groups to be closer to God.

All Together Together in a circle, Angie O'Connor and Dianne Acevedo talk to their group about the faith on campus.

So Serene Up as Whispering Winds student$ have a great opportunity in the quiet sounds of ea to think about faith


I Will Choose By: Dianne Acevedo

Christ "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change." Those famous words sung by Michael Jackson have influenced people worldwide, but ever think about the change you can make within your own student body? That's where Campus Ministry comes in. Moderated by Mr. Schnitzius with the assistance of Ms. DiTommaso, juniors and seniors are able to lead the underclassman into building an intimate relationship with God. From sharing personal experiences to planning for upcoming liturgical celebrations and retreats, Campus Ministers demonstrate their Catholic faith and teach underclassman how to become true stewards of Christ. Melinda Jernigan exclaims, "Just knowing that I am helping others grow as a Catholic helps me grow physically and spiritually as well." So lift those heavy hearts, Crusaders and get rid of those burdens. Make that adjustment. With the spiritu?ii

dan<!e ofthe Campus Ministers, there is no doubt that you will be takin one ep close to

� .

where you want to be. .. � �

� . r,;;;

�riends aml Leaders Diana Paredes and Melinda Jernigan partner up to guidetheir group.

Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes, Yes Lord,Amen! Whispering Winds � <t,Group A Nora Leyva, Dianne Acevedo, Elaine Guilas, Michelle Coria and This mountain hideaway by

'GI'tmp A, one of two Campus Mr. Schnitzius sing their way into the hearts of the students. Julian gives retreaters natural

�7?°��� 104

• -1----==----"""

• I

front,:ow): Y. Razon, E. Guilas, C. Pimentel, D. Paredes, S. Sanz,]. Rhein, I. Ruiz, (2nd row): V.Jaramillo, V. Gonzalez, V. Plascencia, V. Cardenas, ena, L Navarro, (3rd row): Ms. DiTammaso, M. Sanchez, D. Acevedo, �aramillo, A.Juarez, C. Zora, A. Martinez, C. Sanchez, C. Valenzuela,

1_ �-.essmen,J. Cota, M. Arechia, (4th row): Mr. Schnizius, E. Petway, A. Wpez, A. Robledo, P. Ordizola, A. Cabrera, A. Navarro,]. Attisha

ac 1): J. Coogafl, P. Mayor, D. Pitre, T. Allingham, I. Camara, R Quihano, R Silva Martinez, (not pictured): A. O'Connor, M. Jernigan, l.. Soto, M�chez

Ulho Hos thG HGS[ Hot?


Busy Bee(front row): N. Day, EiC A. O'Connor, A. Velasquez, J. Edgar, C. Zora (back row): A. Medina, V. Jaramillo, E. Silva, K Jaramillo, D. Acevedo, T. Tobe,C. Valenzuela

EiC Angie O'Conner is constantly editing and sending off finished pages to be placed in the yearbook

Yearbook! When you hear that word it sounds exciting yet stressful at the same time. Creating the yearbook is hard work, just ask EiC Angie O' Connor, she created the layouts and designs for this year's book as well as its theme, "Ten" in honor of the Class of 2010s graduating seniors. I can tell you from a photo editor's perspective that taking pictures, uploading, and placing pictures onto pages becomes a daily routine. But we didn't finish the book alone. We had the help of 10 other seniors and one junior who often stayed after school writing captions, copy, and getting last minute pictures

�aken. Although we face stress throughout the entire yearbook""4'>rocess we cant wait to see our hardwork and effort come into play

at the end�f the year. Yearbooks are hard to create but it wouldn't b · le without the kodak moments and awesome memories


Photo EditorAndrea

Velasquez takes pictures and chooses the best ones to place in the


-UClllQ c�� What's Their Name Aoam? 'Y////#////4"'(,f///�//#//A W//,f'/////,f:'////H//////A �#///// //////,,,,,H//,f',11.f/U////AW.-rf"/////////////////////,,'//////H/////////#/H//IW////////////#/////#//1'/,¼W//,W/////#//Mfa;/////AW//IW/////#////////////////l'l'////l'///l'l'//I'/ nca :>uva an ana J• o worK Olllgenuy on Catherine Valenzuela looks for familiar faces their yearbook articles. and names in the helpful ID book


The girls work on baby pictures



�,2..!,���i1,.,,.,�,.,2,!,�///Q/#////#/////¼9'/////#//////d///////////////////////$/////,@��.1?.��,§J,,,m,g,JJ,,�L..ll! �!§,,/////////////// /U#//Q//AW/Q/,W///.@'#///#///////////////////////////1'//////////////.l#///#AI :e Alec Kuzukian and Daniel Slovinsky edits Chelsea Chenelle fuiishes her article for the newspaper. ' the paper.

Yearbook/Newspaper 107

A. Gallegos, Y. Razon, M. Sanchez, Ms. Salazar, A.Juarez, A. Martinez, P. Laborin,M. Habana

Did you know that 150 children die from abortion in one hour? Mater Dei is not just a high school that directs its students only to academics and sports. Here at MDCHS there is a variety of clubs and organizations and the students can participate and get involved in. Ms. Salazar is the moderator of the Pro-Llfe club here at school The goal of this club is to protect life at a very young age. This club provides students with a different view and to be aware of the importance of life. Pro-Llfe teaches that abortion is wrong and not �affects the mother and child that go through it, but also the fa�y and friends around you. Students here at Mater Dei do so much to suppolt Pro-Llfe. Many times they will put up flags and

the greater good.

Flags Up! Nora Leyva and Yazmin Razon put flags up on the lawn to represent all the babies who lost their lives.

Club Leaders Yazmin

Razon and Michelle Sanchez

are the club

leaders for this year.

I Just

Throw it in the Can

Danielle Flores shoots her apple core into the trash can.


(back row): A Cardona, P. Mayor, Ms. D, M. Cortez, A O'Connor,]. Guerrero, V. Jaramillo, E. Silva, (front row): J. Cota, K. Celaya, M. Burkle, D. Paredes,K. Jaramillo

Recycle! It's something that everyone should be doing. In the beginning of the year, the club members put reyecyling bins around the campus. The ecology club also helps out the beaches on the weekends to keep it clean. Ms. DiTommasso is the moderator of the ecology club, and Q sets up the dates for the beach cleanups. The club has worked with Surfrider Foundation to help keep the earth clean. Throughout the campus the Ecology club members try their best to keep their fellow classmates aware of the harm that they are causing the earth DeY do

help the earth." •


not recycle. Angie O'Connor, head of Ecology club says, "Everybody should join Ecology Club, it really makes a difrerence to go out an

Don't Flick Butts Savino the Plant

¥ ,

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Karla Jaramillo helps out the Surfrider Arturo Golembiewki picks up some litterbug's s . , Foundation. 1

Pro-Life/Ecology 109

ni Allian

(back row): L Pangco, R Uy, A Estaquio, M. Habana, P. Mayor, D. Pitre, 0. Caro, M. Osorio, (middle row): Mr. Cruz, T. Tobe, M. Jimenez,W. Tamayo, K Baragan, J. Mara, C. Valenzuela, J. Valenzuela, (front row):J. Bensan, J. Cota, C. Pimentael, A Pascua , A Palaganas

All three of these clubs are on the same page because they all have one thing in common: lots of culture. APIC is filled with Asian Pacific Islanders and people who like those cultures. Hispanic Alliance is full ofHis�nic people. They put on reggaeton contests for the school and everyone joins in. And last the culture of dance. These girls performed at rallies and during Homecoming week numerous time. All these cl� bring the student body together and introduce us to new things, new experiences, and things we


(back row): J. Casillas, J. Br bila, P. 0 · ola, I. Gutierrez-Nunez, (middle row): V Pompoa, P. Torres, E a, n....,...-.. as, F. De La Parra, 0. Salvador, M. De La Parra. (front row): 'A. Ce tes, S. Ortiz, A Hawley, A Rois

Fully Focused Casey Pimental, Josh Bensan, Alvin Pascua, Leo Pangco may look sleepy but they are listening intently to their beloved APIC moderator Mr. Cruz.

(back row): S. Gonzales, A. Gutierrez, A. Valdespino, S. De la Garza, K Paderes, M. Lutteroth, G. Soto, I. Soto, N. Sanchez,A. Moreno (front row): E. Castillo, M. Lizaraga,M.Padilla

Proud To Be An Islander! Mr. Cruz throws up a peace sign with his Island Swag.

W////#///////////////////////////////H////P/////////////#'//l'/l'//////////////////////#////////H////////1'//� �#/H/////AW//#//H/#/////H#/////H/////H///#/#//////#/////#/////IW////H#///////////////////////////////1'////#/H/#/////#/////H/////#/H///////////HH////.U/////


Dance Dance Watch and Ponder Hispanic Alliance members Yesenia Cardenas and Paola Odriozola face up to each other and the music.

Ms. De La Parra, Cassandra Peraza, and Nora Leyva sit and watch their fellow Crusaders dance to reggaeton!

Snap Your Fingers Jose Brambila snaps his fingers to the beat of the music.

Best of Friends Nicole Sanchez, Maria Llzaraga and Sofia De La Garza hang out

even when they're not in dance.

Step Up Marisol Pa� works it at the Home­coming rally.

////////##/H/////////#/#/IW/#/##////H///////////////#///////////////////////////////////H//////H///,W////d/////////////H////////////////////H///////,W#///Ml/////�//////////////#//H///IW////////////#////AV/H///#/////H//////////////////////AI/////////////////////H///.Vh ,·

APIC/Hispanic ALiiance/Dance 111

Cafeteria Time Together Elaine Guilas, Erica Petway, Jazmin Rodriquez, Alicia Lopez, Dianne Acevedo and Nora Leyva

Bear Hugs Carlos Celaya goes around to hug everyone including Victoria Pena.

Tea Time Paola Otlriozola and Josie Casillas chill as they sip on tea.

By: Vere Jaramillo and Ashley Medina I

Hallelujer The Senior Retreat was a rite of passage for all the students who attended. Everyone realized that what once seemed like an eternity ahead of them as they came in as freshman was now quickly dwindling to a few precious weeks together. This senior class had a special bond: they were the last class from Marian and will be the last class to remember both schools. This and the retreat itself brought the students into a deep and emotional bond. The theme, Don't Hold Back from Loving God hit the mark. Inspired by great talks from former Crusaders, Karina and Jazmynn Himan as well as a chance to form a pottery vase while Ms. Kelleher talked about God as the potter and a talk by Mr.

Schnitzius on what to expect and plan for in college, there was a lot to think about. Confessions and adoration were also part of the plan and for many it was a time to let down the barriers and let God in. But of course the time spent with friends and classmates was the most fun. The guys engaged in horseplay all night long making it impossible for chaperones Mr. Rice and Mr. Schnitzius to sleep al wink. The girls had a lively night too, either screaming because they were scared of some imagined threat or getting yelled at by others who were actually sleep. Sleepy-eyed, but happy, everyon�t: came back as a class that had beeu� · � but now was reunited.

Play Time in Cabin Marisol Padilla, Adriana Quiroz, and Paulina Calleros play "Make Up."

Just Swin · Around Adderation Bag - · gmg . . . Andrea Velasquez and Denny

� tpatnck Mayor and Aaron Laura Soto and Jasrrune Guerrero swmg together dunng a break. . li tl all . E - . h th . tuff. • Kremer wnte t e notes to

, ustaqtuo s ow err s . their friends.

112 I


{ �--:-:.!' r '

Jump,•For.;L�Y , } Id t\ � Rafa�l Carrill0, Ricardo Tamborrell, Caesar Lopez, Perla Laborin, Marisolia�a. Sergio F0\,J.I'Zan, Raulina Calleros, Bernardo Sandoval, aniborge Sanchez jump high in exuberance. V


Show Your Talent

Mr. Schnitzius, Alvin Almazan, Sam Acosta and Richard Hernandez play and sing in praise and worship.

= Senior Retreat 113

By: Catherine Valenzuela

Where is the Love?

(back row): Mr. Infantio, E. Lopez, M. Sayasay, S. Scott, S. Tessmann, J. Attisha, T. Tobe,

K Sanchez, A Gutierrez, N. Leyva, M. Jernigan, (middle row): A. Wang. S. Acosta,

Richard Hernandez, Sam Acosta, & Alvin Almazan rehearse their piece before their final.

R Hernandez, C. Beltran, A. Almazon, B. Rodriguez, (front row): D. Acevedo, N. Salazar,

C. Pimntel. S. Sanz, C. Valenzuela

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do! Say what? This is one of the many vocal exercises Mr. I�ntino's students warm up with. Starting off the year with 15 members, they have succeeded in recruiting more people. Now a successful choral group of 24, they are able to break into parts of altos, sopranos, and baritones. Singing harmonically together, they �e produced concerts, brought vivacity to the masses, and jo� the people of the Eastlake Village Walk and el ly at Bonita's Sunris�Senior Home. These�..i..i.u�show tb' ,..,..,,,.,._,.�..,., enjoy spe11ding time

Christmas Cheer

Angels we Have

Heard on

High Elizabeth

Lopez, Leo Pangco,

and Jasmine

Ruiz share their

serene voices.

Students listen and wait for Mr. tino's The choir 2rouo soreads the holiday soirit ¥//##////#/////#H/////HH////H/////H/////H///////Q///#///////////h'/#////////////#H/#//H///////////A 1////////////////////#/H/#/////#/H///////////////////////////#//�/,f'/////#fll'///#l'�/#,f?'/nW/////_J////#�#//////////////d/////h'/////////////////k#/////H/#///

, next instructions. at me 1..-onvaiescent 1..-enter.


Stephanie Sanz & Casey Pimintel

Artist in Work Estela Uribe concentrates in the art of the steel drum.

Hector Herrera

Puta Smile on Your Face Mauricio Lopez poses for a quick picture as he plays some rhythm.

(back row): Mr. Peets, Ana P. Madrigal, D. Slovinsky, H. Herrera, A Almazan, M. Medina, R Nesbit, (front row):]. Strauss, A Lucero Ana G. Madrigal,E. Unibe, M. Lopez, F. Marian

When you hear them play, you sure feel like you are relaxing on a hammock in the Caribbean. They give the islan�vibe to the school as they use their unique instruments, the steel drums. Under the directions of Mr. Troy Peets, the steel drum band is viewed as a group of notably devoted students as they stick around after school everyday to practi�uring practice they learn new rhythms and just how to perfect the


·r b� ts. What dedicated musiciav-s we have! ,,..__..-v--.._

Oh Happy Day Practice Makes Perfe Monserrat Medina briPhtens un the dav Mr. Peets and the MadriQ ins oractice their beats on ///////#/////#/////,W//l'//#//////#/////@///#/////�/////////l'//// //////,W//// ,,W////////////.J////////////////////////".""('l'///////////////4"///#/ /,f///#/H///##/////#//l'/1'//#//Jmw.t W//////#/////Q///l'//////////////1'/l'///////l'//////////U//Q/////#/H/l'/////////#/////#//A

with her melodies. me sernor 1awn.

Choir /Steel Drum Band 115

(back row): H Palaganas, Ana G. Madrigal, J. Bensan, B. Tru.ffa, H. Herrera, A Ifante, B. Rodri�ez, A Kuzukian, B. Miranda, T. Padilla, A Thein, (middle row) A Watson, IC Schattinger, C. Burritt, S. Acosta, A Almazan, C. Chenelle, Z. Bishop, A Cabrera, K. Moore, (front row): B. Tru.ffa, A Cox, E. Castillo,F. Lopez, K. Celaya, Ms. Brown, E. Camargo, T. Chiappe, R Hernandez

What's a fun class to take after school? The drama club is the best to join and have a great time. The drama club is more like a family. Mrs. Brown treats her students as her own children. Her great attitude makes the club enjoyable. Clasissa Nuno says, "In drama club we are able to bond with people outside of our usual comfort zone; we are able to show a different side of all of us." �t of talent from this club is quiet surprising, the students try t� best to give the MDCHS family a show that they will look forward to. T� drama club is full of talent even if they don't


Elizabeth Castillo, Kari Shanttinger and Annie Cox get in costwne for the la ,


Smile On

Theresa Chiappe lights up

the room with her

big smile.

In Action

a 01;'-;';h;:-'Eu;;b;tftc;';tfff;tx;;r;;;''w;�;;;:""'"'"'''"''''c;;r;tc;t;y:,,;;rrr;r;;'R;clrl'�;t;zr�;t' K Schattinger, and Daniela Agular take a bow. in the play.


•• ,/ .. ,,� ,:'


� 1,

Point Proven

Brandon Morales argues his way through the battle.

Leading the Class

Brianna Miranda guides the class through the hot parts of debate.

(back row): A Zuazom T. Padilla, C. Kelbaugh, B. Miranda, Ms. Delahunty (front row): X. Villanua, C. Acosta, J. Arriola

With its ten members this season, mostly sophomores, and an occasional junior, the Mater Dei novice debate team came a long way. The debate team faced clashing practices every Wednesday and Thursday and occasionally on Friday. Because the debate team wg brand new they had many scrimmages with our old roommates High Tech High. Some resulted in wins and some in losses. During the winter the team competed in tournaments, though they dj.�not win it left the team hungry for next season. The best tourna:n.Q speaker was Teresa Padilla. She said she joined becau�she was arguing


with. Sister Margarita about �wers to � test. The team...p� to

rr; ]e e

good seasoned, non novice team next year. �

0 J\

Dress for Success Trvina to win �'hp :nunmPnt //////////////////////////////////////////////////h'//////////////////////////,W////////////#///////////;W//////#////#//,'/////$/#/¥§k'#,..,l'P'�l'//l/ll'/7J.l/7H/�/}H//H/H/b/HH#H/M�&////////////#//////#/////////H/h

Carlo Acosta dresses to impress and argues Xavier Villanueva and James Arriola battle to win.

Drama/Debate 117


Sky View Erikson Julve, Marto Winata and Anthony Brandon look down on students as they mill around during break.


Blood Drive · - --

Crystal Zora holds Wendy T�yo's ha ·

for support. - -- - .. --=-Iii••

• - \ .

, .. � ...... . ....

'�· .• •;


� ' .. •




. '-, I

' /

By: Dianne Acevedo andCatherine Valenzuela

Injured but Stfll SAliling Jose Martinez and Luis Garcia compare their_

/ predicaments.

Whether you are Mexican, African American, orCaucasian, you name it, we got it. Through the years,Mater Dei has blossomed into a diverse community.Who could ever feel threalGUed. No one ever feelsforgo JflU. From the fears of your first year as a freshmanto rowing into a confident, loud, spirited senlOr, youare bound change within your four years. No one can

break the bonds between the students. Bonds aren'tjust confined to being between classmates. Friendshipsare also made between students and teachers, forminga one-on-one connection with the faculty and staff. Weare the Crusaders. We are a family. So ... cheers to us!



., t

WaJking to Class ' �­Sergio Fouran and Pamela Dabdoub walk to Micoeconomics cliss V3together.

Bill Gerken Co-Athletic Dir.

Dir. of Alumni Services Gol


Nicole Limoges Co-Athletic Dir.

Computer Graphics L----=....__._

Bradford Bookser Dir. oflntegrated


Carston Kroon Dir. of library and

Media Center '------=---



TEC:n:rfs'[. Hardin, Ph. D AP Curricui\im/Instruction


SiRia Torres JMr.�guage�,,

Ac�m..y}uan Dieg � '

RoyVasquez Dir. of Ambassadors

for Christ

Chris Schnitzius Dir. of Campus Ministry

Robert Adams Security

Ahmad Rice Science, Science Ac,

Track & Field, Volleyball

Alejando Zavala Social Science,


Amy Gallmann English

Ana Lucia Lima Portuguese,


Andrea Puschdendorf · Counselor

Christine Alvardo Danielle Delahunty Dawn Adams Dalene Ditammaso Attendence English, Speech, Ceramics Theology Social Science, •;

Journalism. Comp. Lab, Debate, Lit Mag.

If we are lucky in life, we don't get called too many bad names. No matter what the sticks and stones jingle says, words hurt. But words can also be the best... a blessing, a balm that takes away pain, makes us feel special, super, safe. We love to hear loving words. And here are a few of the ones we hear around here. They are terms of endearment. Mr. Milke likes to call people "kiddo," and "tiger." He even calls the teachers these names. Ms. Angeles and Mr. Brunner use Spanish variants. Ms. Angeles says, "Mija or mijo." Mr. Brunner calls his kids, "Hijo or hija." "Ms. Limoges also calls people "Ladies and Gentleman." But when she's feeling not quite so formal she calls them all, "Luv." Mr. Kroon has a special phrase for his floor Ball team. They are "Nerds on Ice." How


'r Track & Field

. Icool is that? Ms. Kelleher uses a dozen terms: " ngel, Sweetheart, Honey, Good looking" are a few, but she has one exclusive one just for Anthony Warner. "He's my An teddy Bear or Teddy Bear for short." That nickname is always good for at least one hug. Ms. Alvarado, AKA "Mom," has one nickname for all her kids, "My babies." And even though Ms. Brown is an English teacher, she uses the German and French sobriquets, "Fraulein and Mademoiselle." Gut and tres bien. And now we'll end with Ms. Adams, who tops them all with just a few, "Honey, Sweetie, Girlie, Punkin, Princess, Prince, Sweet Pea, Babe, Friend, punkin pie." How delicious! Endearing tenns make everyone feel good!

By: Cristina Fuentes

Administration and Staff 121

. .-


Maria De La Parra Spanish

Kevin Smith Social Studies

1 Swim,

Water o o

Marissa Meda Counselor,

Foreign Exchange

Matthew White Social Science

Irvin Lynn Security

Michael Hall US History, Math Academic League

Jessica Austin Visual/Performing Arts

Margarita Hernandez Rece tionist

Michelle Brooks English Visual and

Performing Art Chair

Monique Escobedo S anish

Scott Ullsperger Math, Wrestling

Varela Darlene Registar

Joanne Mo rakes Counselor

Raquel Lopez Juan Die o School

Sherry Kelleher En lish, Yearbook

Patricia McGregor Science Chair

Sr Marganµ Gallardo Theolo

Paul Infantino Music, Theater

Steven Van Wyk English,

Cross Country

Peggy Chiappe Worla:u.nguage Chair

I Lleana Salazar


• Terri Dayibrary Assistant./


--- �

Staff 123

Double Trouble

We always wonder what Pablo Higuera and Guillermo Cavazos are up to.

Freshman Crusaders gather for a time to remember.


President Luz Lopez, Vice President Carolina Martinez, Secretary

,-----,,-------�;....;Ani=· t:::Z:::ia:....;G=ar�c:!:ia:z.., ,.::;an=d..::T:;,reasure Michael Habana.

Up Against the Wall

Sarah Colgrove, Valentina Colinas, Maria Salcedo and Mariana Franco come together to eat lunch.

Famous Salvador

Alexis Shultz, Carolina Matinez, Billie Driver, Fabiola Pena, Vianca De La Parra, and Rebecca Cota all surround Salvador Oilvares.

Brittani Lusian

Luz Lopez Carolina Martinez

Nitzia Garcia Michaelangelo Habana

Manessa Zamingir Elizabeth Lopez

10 ?'s for i=rosh

1 Why'd x.a involved in ASB?

L L nGGuusG I mam lD hGIP thG sGhool as bGst as I Gan. UZ OPGZ

Proudest moment? g u· h I I ff b WhGn UJG aGGOmplishGd lhG HomGGOmlng GVGntS and GVHnJlhing UJGnl smoothlU. 1111G 8G OngG O 8 8n8

3 Who is the bossiest? ft • • 6 • Johanna HhHin but onlg bGGaUSG ShG is lhG PrGSidGnt and ShG difGGlS thG mGGtings. nltzl8 . 8rGl8

4 Who is the funniest student in all JOUT classes? n• h d s •I'm lhG funniGS( in mg Glass bGGaUSG I makG mUSGlf laugh all lhG limo. 1G Hr 0ffi00UI

ti What is the best activity r.ou e1Ji�e�this '/.ear?lhG HomGGOming DanGG.JOG L(j uGrr(jttG

Who gives the most homework? 6 H • • L • Mr Zavala UJith Workbook aGtiVitiGS for Sponish OnG. rltl8nl USHln

1 When did you feel the most1roud of yourself il},�oJ? uorGnoWhGn I got o good urodG on o rnsL I mm 111

What do JOU like the most about Ma:�r Dei? H C 1· U

• I likH lhH onvironmGnL GVGrUOnG is friGndlU and UJGIGOmGS UOU. 8rD ln8 1118rllnGZ 9 Where is tlJe best ��'h� ¥M{�qioo1?

lhG llbroru IIILOU(jtn LUIJIJL



r ThG PGopfG:'1/Mo'ntiS t�afitlliGll 111d' �r JUnGSSH Zn�

Freshman 12 5

Alec Aguirre-Vargas Carlos Albo

Eric Allen Marcos Alonso

Juan Carlos Arana

Paul Arriola Adam Atrushi

Aldo Avila-Loaiza Roberto Ayon

Alexandre Balensi

Andrew Baynes Martin Becerra

Jose Beltran Marvin Beltran

Zachariah Bishop

Robin Brown Alexa Bueno

Guillermo Caballero Alexander Cain

Francisco J. Carbonero

Thomas Carranza Elizabeth Castillo

Guillermo Cavazos Suvin Choi

Mikel Ciafre

Sarah Colgrove Valentina Colinas

Eduardo Contreras Rebecca Cota

Annie Cox

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Taylor Cruse Samuel Cruz Oksana Dabdoub Ivana De La Garza Vianca De La Parra

Paulina De La Toba Eugenio Del Monte Flor Delgadillo Salvador Diaz Martin Dominguez

Billie Driver Carlos Duran Yuliana Encinas Sophia Enciso Andrea Escamilla

Alfredo Escobedo Alejandro Estrada Rodrigo Eugenio Maria Fernanda Ortiz Daniel Ferpandez

Jorge Fernandez Nickolas Fernandez. Alec Figy Avery Finch Saul Flores

Eliza Flores-Carrera David Francis Mariana Franco Melissa Franco Gabrielle Garcia

Y/////////#///////;W/////#//////##///#////IWH///.WHl'//////H////////////////////////////M'/////////////// // /////H//////////#/////;W/////#/////#/////#///////H//////// ///#/////////////H///////////////////////////H////////////H/////////////////////Q///////////#////////////#/////#//////IW////#/M///#H/IW/H///////////d/////////////H////.


Nitzia Garcia Robert Garcia

Yasmin Gilbert Anakaren Godinez-Duran

Arturo Golembiewski

Agustin Gomez Andres Gomez

Viviana Gonzalez Vera Gougoulas

Miguel Granados

Priscilla Guardado Paulina Guerra Paulina Guido MaciGuzman

Michaelangelo Habana

Edwardo Contreras

"To graduate with a 3.8 and have no regrets in all 4 years."


Fernanda Llzaraga

"I want to have as much fun as

I possibly can."

Joe Le Gerrette

"I am excited for fun and friends so I can have many memories when I grow old and most importantly, football memories."



Alex Martinez

"To make good friends for the� future; so when I get married I have cool groomsmen."

Ivanna Soto

"I want to meet new people so I can have life long friends

Alejandro Hermida Lorenzo Hernandez Luis Hernandez Selenne Hernandez Zarly Hernandez

Olivia Highum Pablo Higuera Joseph Huerta Brittany Jernigan Cesar Jimenez

Salvador Juarez-Ochoa Vania King Paulo Krasovsky Luz Lafon Salvador Landin

and have many adventures."

S t.0 f 111110. out o �,,:,, �ec" sc110 ....

·11,011 �

Anthony Lang Joseph Le Gerrette

Maria Llzaraga Elizabeth Lopez

Luz Lopez

Paloma Lopez-Gonzalez Alexandria Lucatero

Guillermo Lugo Brittani Lusain

Mariana Lutteroth

Cristian Magallon Alexandro Martinez

Carolina Martinez Fidel Martinez

Jorge Martinez-Gonzalez

Roberto Martinez­Lutteroth

Andres Mayer Christopher Medina

Saul Medrano Aristeo Montano

Hector Morales Anna Mia Moreno

Irene Moreno Michael Newell

Marco Nunez

Clarissa Nuno Salvador Olivares

Mauricio Ortiz Paul Ortiz Sofia Ortiz


�#MW//h'/AWN/HAWHAWAWHAW#//AW/#AYH//UH/.WAW//H/Nl'//#////H////////H/Q////#//H#///////H/#H///#////////////HH//////////Nl'H///HH////U//////////////////////Q/////HH//////////H/////////////U/////////////H/////////////H/////////////H////HU/////////////Q/////AW////H//H//H////////////////U//////H//////H/// /H/////Nl'////M


Haydee Ortiz-Anaya Aram Otanez Antronig Ouinigian Monique Oviedo

Aera Isabelle Palaganas Karelly Paredes-Vizcarra Alvinlouis Pascua Karla Paz

Andrew Pena Fabiola Pena Lynette Peraza Sabrina Persona

Lance Pittmon Courtney Princell Carlos Quintero Rafael Quiroz-Franco

Daniel Ramirez Antonio Ramos Christian Reed Jason Reidy

Mercedes Richardson Alejandro Rivera Luis Robles Jose-Noel Rocha



Adam Rodriguez Aldo Rodriguez

Alfredo Rodriguez Antonio Rodriguez

Marco Rodriguez

Mauricio Rodriguez Savanna Rudershausen Maria-Andrea Salcedo

Lynn San Roman Jose Sanchez

Kevin Santana Kari Schattinger

William Shaw Alexis Shultz

Richard Somogyi

lvanna Soto John Strauss

Kimberly Tamayo Kaitlyn Tassiello

.--.-. Carolina Teon

If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be and why?

If you could be in any movie, what character would you be and why?


Prlscllla Guerado

If you could be in the Guinness Book of World Records what feat would you like to be famous for?

"I would like to be known as the youngest EV02K (a video game tournament that normally consists of over 600 people and 6 of the most popular fighting games in Vegas) champion at the age of 14 or 15. I believe I have what it takes to make it all the way."

Alvln Pascua

Fernando Valenzuela Jose Valinas-Guitas Michelle Vargas Mauricio Vazquez Diana Velasquez

Andi Vilaboy Andrea Watson Alexandria Young Manessa Zarningir

If you could do one awesome thing for man kind what would it be and why?

"I would build an enormous gar­den that contains all of the worlds exotic plants and trees, so that mankind could see and learn all of the unknown plants.

Aera Palaganas

If you had the chance to relive one time in your life, what would it be and why?

"I would like to relive the day I fell in love with tennis. I remember when I first entered a tennis court it was the BNP Paribas stadium court. There was a tennis tourna­ment called Indian Wells. Because of this I dedicated myself to tennis."

Alec Agurra

Freshmen 13 3

Breakfast at Break All together Naythin Hindi, Cole Lewis, Andrew Martinez, Mikey Gamboa, and Nick Kaiser eat a healthy meal.

Free Hugs Ana Moctezuma and Rosa Watanabe are forever connected by their hugs.

Lwich Time Gang


Sophomore Sweeties Ana Moctezuma, Paula Hernandez, Bridget Lyle, Aniza Garcia, Aranza Otanez, Stephanie Licht, Nathalia Gochicoa, Tatiana Ackerman, Rosa Watanabe all hang out at break together.

Laughs and Giggles Vanessa Soto and Jocelyn Garcia always hang out and talk.

Edith Camargo Jun Kim

10 1's for 5 iis

1 Why did you join ASB? . "I jOiflGd JllW b.Q�jlUS@. iUOJIJi.Ur lihG fun. and I lihG to ffiGGt nGtll PGOPIG .. and SO far I hOVG ffiGl manu nmu

mcG PGDPIG'' iUGpnOnm UUIIIHIU What do ,XO)J like best about beJn11 in ASB? g lhGrGS8 Ch1"oppP-• I llhG (0 UIVG nmu ldliOS to lhG HSU" u

"OGflnltlu !tGOia�M'IOtMG 'S�rnrsrra1iu: 11"1UUtissli'ru1uGh runr ldith CamargoWhere's the best P,lace to hana out at sch90!? �

S H II "H( lhG lOblGS .. OIi thG CODI hldS hang lhGrG" 8ffi 8 Or

ij lo�11f

'Gh811DtifitllnllOIMtllli!Hllifi' !lkG'bfill� on individuor NiGO Siragusa Who is.r.our favorite teacher and whr,? 6

Nilu u'ffihWrhravonrn lGOChGrs urn Mrs. HUS(IO and Mr. smulh.. bGCOUSG lhGU urn both VGrU nlcG .. and runnu:·

] What is r,our fov,orite, timi: of day at school? • C d d ( "Mg fOVOrllG llmG IS Ofllif school .. I OGl lO OD to bOShGtball PrHGllCG" Hr G rD V8nS

0 What do _you �ike abovt Mater Dei? J IC "JhG PGDPlli arn VGrU nlCG and funnU" Un ulffi

What are.r,ou excited for this year? 9 11·,1cP-u Uamboa"i'm GHCltGd lO OGt mu IICGRSG" IWI nu What was your favorite rart of the xear? 10 ll (h" u· d""WhGn I PIOUGd in 8 varsilu football oamG." 118U m m I

Sophomores 13 5

J •



Tatiana Ackerman Carlo Acosta Jazmin Adan

Ivanna Alvarez Maria Amaya

Mariana Amezcua Michelle Andreoli

Julio Armenta Jorge Arredondo

James Arriola

Ana Barbosa Armando Barbosa

Rachel Barletta Ryan Barletta

Mariana Barrera

Angela Beck Ryan Beck

Marie Belprez Carlos Beltran Javier Beltran

Jaime Boquiren Juan Bremer-Ortega

Andrew Brodbeck Leshe Bustillo-Moreno

Edith Camargo

Alan Carrillo Karla Castro

Alexa Cervantes Arturo Cesena

Theresa Chiappe

�//////////////////////////////#///////////l'//#/////////////////////////////////////////////////$////#/////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////,W///////////////////////////////////////////#//////////#///l'/,,W///////#/////////////////////////////////////////////////1'////////////////////#/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// L�


Evan Cintron Jackie Colgrove Daniela Contreras Clara Covarrubias Karley Cruz

Ana Belen Cruz-Sanchez Jake Dacayo Mallory Davenport Andrew Davila Jose De La Concha

Diana De La Garza Juan De La Torre Fernando Del Monte Adrian Eng Oscar Eribez

Ocean Escalanti Kenny Espinoza Sofiarely Estrada Cardedra Evans Rafael Fernandez

Giuliana Flores Hector Flores Tanya Flores Dhyrce Fritz Osvaldo Galindo

Caleb Galvez eMichael Gamboa Paul Ganelin Alejandro Garci Alexa Garcia




Aniza Garcia Jocelyn Garcia

Leonardo Garcia Vanessa Garcia

Navneet-Kavr Ghothra

Nathalia Gochicoa Renee Gonzales

Benjamin Gonzalez Fernando Gonzalez

Nancy Gonzalez

Victor Gonzalez Stephanie Grimaldi

Manuel Gutierrez Ilse Gutierrez-Nunez

Jeff Guzman

Thomas Hahn Samantha Hallor Nicholas Hamiel

Alexis Hawley Victoria Hedderson-Atkinson



... talk about your ex's your future together?

-"Future together."

... go to dinner or watch movies?


-"Watch movies." .,

�eronica Vargas I



... go to Boomer's or Dave and Busters?

-"Dave and Busters" Dhyrce Fritz

Nico Siragusa

Paula Hernandez Vannia Hernandez Justin Hill

Naythin Hindi

Jan Holtschmit

Cassandra Huinquez Nickolas Kaiser Hollie Keene Cristina Kelbaugh Jun Woo Kirn

Carlos Lagos Kevin Lapurga Alexander Lara Erick Ledesma-Valencia Sang Hee Lee

Cole Lewis Stephanie Licht Maritza Lopez-Portillo Hector Lugo Bridget Lyle

... go to a sports game or go to a car show?

o a sports game."

Jazmine Ruiz

Sophom�S ,? ·��

Victoria Manriquez Viviana Marchena-Pompa

Alejandro Marquez-Escobedo Andrew Martinez

Katharine Mathews

Edna Mawhinney Marc Mc Broome

Marco Mejia Haley Mendoza Pablo Mendoza

Brianna Miranda Ana Moctezuma

Alejandra Monge Aldo Monraz-Garcia

Alvaro Montano

Brandon Morales Michael Mottale

David Munoz Brandon Nguyen

Daniel Noland

Bernardo Nunez Marco Ordaz Czarina Ortiz

Aranza Otanez Teresa Padilla

Daniela Paez Francisco Palacio Leonardo Pangco

Salvador Parra-Morales Thomas Payne

W/////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////#///////////#//////#///H/#///////////////////////////////// Q/////////Q // ///////#/////#/////////////////////////////////// //////1'/////////#//////#/////#//l'//#/////#/////////////////////U///////////////////////////////////#/////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////H////////////////////////////� *


Eduardo Pedrero Edward Pena Eva Mariana Perez-Cecenas Sarahi Pitones Tyler Plaza

Paloma Polanco Lauren Porter Elyssa Purnpelly Patricio Quiroz Angela Reyes

Sonia Reyes Alejandro Robles Jonathan Rodriguez Juan Rodriguez Erick Rubio

Anna-Nickole Ruffo Jazmine Ruiz Manuel Saenz Nina Riana Salazar Alejandro Sanchez

Betel Sanchez Emilio Sanchez Karen Sanchez Maria Say-asy Nicholas Schmitt

Meghan Schroeder Dara Scott Sabrina Scott Alejandro Sepulveda Elizabeth Sifuentes


Giancarlo Silva Nicolas Siragusa

Caylee Smith Karla Solis

Vanessa Soto

Kenia Soto-Fimbres Manuel Sotomayor

Christina Steeg Isaac Tamborrell

Alexa Tassinari

Jose Teon Paola Torres

Mitchell Travers Brianna Truffa RyanJose Uy

"Well, Screech maybe you're

pregnant. Oh, don't be ridiculous,

Lisa. I'm not



"I'm not full Mexican, but

the part I am, I

not ending thi night without

White Castle


"I go to In and Out for theDouble

Double, and I ack in the Box

for 99 cent I tacos."



W///////////////Q//////////////////////////////Q///////»kJ))»JJM CLEVELAND never gave me U'lA

cold feet. I � have always felt comfortable in

"No, No, I couldn't, well, ok, maybe just once. Just a city boy born and

raised in South Detroit ....... "

"I like the old

Andrea Valdespino Jaques Rolan Valenzuela Diana Valinas-Gulias Daniel Valinas-Paradela Veronica Vargas

Andres Velderrain Luis Verduzco Jorge Vi lla Xavier Villanueva Rosa Watanabe

Thomas Wright Nicole Zayas Darlene Zoura Mich elle Zoura Antonio Zuazo

W//////////////////////////////4 FTAI

Sophomores 14 3

By: Vere Jaramillo

The Three Amigos Sandra Gonzalez, Adam Gallegos and Abril Gutierrez are always together.

Picnic Time Vania Gonzales, Isela Ruiz, Maryel Quintero, and Nallely Beltran sit together as they enjoy their lunchtime.


:--:I::!·· ., -

JuniorASB President Luis Ayala, Vice President Nick Day, Secretary Christina Hillrnann, and Treasure Jenn Borek.

Junior Boys Diego Galan, Francisco Kuri, Ricardo Rosique and Roberto Quijano pose for the yearbook paparazzi before class.

Colgate Smile Cristina Kelbaugh, Frances Lopez, Jessica Baurngardener, Jade Molina, Christine Hillmann, Gabriel Ramirez, Marissa Marchesano, Jacki Bennett and Abson Castaneda all pose during lunch for their group picture.

Brina Morales Pe<ko Osuna

Christine Hillmann Marissa Rios

10 ?'s for Juniors - ------

Why did JOUjlet iP.VO�Wd iP, AS�?. I . ff . .. N·1G1t Dau• I Out lnLO mm LO gm rnvolvGd UJlth SGhOOI and StudGnt a HUS. n 8 What's the proudest ):OU ever felt doing ASB?

"lhG proudGS( IM_GL llill d.OifUJ.llSJl!U.DB. HomGGOming and Spirit UJGGh. I mas ablG to hGIP organiZG.. and it tumGd out rnanu fun:· lillrlSllnij nllllllilllll

3 What is the best payoff for being in ASB?.. ThJi.JIG..Sl.llPJWf f for bmnu nsu is UGttinu to hnom morn PGDPIG in mu Glass and amuanu havG a sau

in mhat UJG'II do:· LUl:i DUU a

1Dlll'l!dl!S§a'r«['iV�nlro�'ii1'1/tM1�f,tn�iif I almags ma�G UP mg miSSGd mor�.-

"I onJog�d lffi\' idiSMP'fulr g D2Ghtsn mttob1llri'!J'/ilg lti min urns of ramo: To nu JO Q u GZWhat is tbe b�SJ..ElOfe to .9et fQod

lin the Otgy Ranfh ar�a? R h I h .. Hr1·na uoralGS· ·rn N uo uGGaosG I a maus SGli mu 1rrnnus tmm SG oo t Grn. 1wa

z, Wh��is Q.De thi�xou would cbq_nll!.. about-MaterJ>ei? • .. "Gv·1n LOUUGUJOUlu GnangG um amount or IIUIIIGUJOrn lG8G11Grs UIVG us. II Where is the best place to hang out at school? H

"1 lhlnh thG 1unGh arna )JGau:u; nwrs tuhGrn ioost of thG studGnts arn and mu friGnds:· Marmmrna I arnnuno

')( Whaj wat the best till}e.r.ou had(this..x_ear

lduring lunch?

.. f Gdro OsunaVGrU 1UnG11 DGGHUSG I uang OU UJllll a I mu Hrnnos. What is your favorite time of day at school? ID

� . .:·1..J110Uld �auJunGh bGGausG UJG havG a long brnah bGfOrn lhG Gnd of thG dau and UGI to hang out · mu

frrnnds. uanrnm liOrona Juniors 45

( t


Eric Aguilar Enrique Aguirre­

Hernandez Ana Alcantara

Thomas Allingham Diego Alvarez

Jeffrey Alvarez Ivana Arias

Julissa Armenta Kristell Arreguin Matthew Aspili

Luis Ayala-Padilla Jessica Baumgardner

Samantha Baxley Charles Baynes

Angel Beltran

Nallely Beltran Jacqueline Marie Bennett

Teresa Blair Daniela Blancas

Geraldine Bloch

Celina Borchert Jenny Borek

Matthew Burden Christopher Burritt

Jose Bush

Bernardo Bustamante Ariel Cabrera Ivan Camara

Valeria Cardenas Alfonso Cardona

W""'///.WH-H//////.WA'//H/A'/////A'//#///A'/,W///.W//,W/////#AW,W,W#Q_,,,,.A'/H//A'////H/A'/////A'/,W////,W//A'///#////MW//////////////////////Q///A'A'/,@,W#//A'/#////AW///////////////////////A'/,W////,W////,W#//#AW/,W//////////////// /////,W/A'/,W/A'//#/////#//A'///#//// // ///////////////,W//,W/#/HAW#A'//&'////////////#,W/A'//A'/,W//////-""'i



Michael Joseph Carton Alison Castaneda Mariel Castillo Raul Castillo Jeremy Castro

Karem Celaya Thalia Chaidez Andrew Chavez Ivan Chavez Chelsea Chenelle

Mikayla Conlin Alejandra Contreras Laura Contreras Marisabel Coppel Daniela Corona

Joshua Corona Ricardo Cruz-Chong Luis Cruz-Sanchez Brian Daniels Marionne D�tzler

Daniel Davo-Gutierrez Nicholas Day • Fernanda De La Parra Victor De Loera David Delacalzada

Cassandra Duron Anarnikela Echeverri Barbara Elenbaas Carina Erb Joel Espinoza

Melissa Fajardo-Krasovsky Vanessa Felix-Martin

Erik Fernandez Claudio Gage

Diego-Emilio Galan

Adam Gallegos Brianna Gamez

Luis Garcia Elizabeth Garcia

Crosthwaite Valeria Genel

Stephanie Goday Andres Gomez-Rosales Kristin Nicole Gonzales

Elizabeth Gonzalez Miguel Gonzalez

Vania Gonzalez Sandra Gonzalez-Murillo

Saad Guardado Abril Gutierrez Hector Herrera

"It's going to be my last year

of high school, maybe last year of playing football, so I hope I can be remembered

and make a difference."


J 1 "Finally moving out of "I am going to finally

f my house and going to graduate, and am

� -_ c� j college. And of courseA . �,..,. • :r:-;,::._f -=-going to an mencaH� ... �r· Grad Night"t ,,..-_,I University and I am f-; F.f1: happy about that." - ·

Jacki Bennet

"I am excited for all the senior trips, getting out of school and wearing free dress on Mondays."

Ricardo Rosales

"Getting out of high school. One more year and I am free!"

Christine Hillrnann Andrew Infante Anthony Jaquez-Moreno Nicolas Johnson Abigail Juarez-Rios

Benjamin Kalb Maria Kozlowski Alejandro Krasovsky Francisco Kuri Jose Labastida

Mark Laturno Yin Li Alejandro Limon Kevin Logue Armando Lopez

Frances Lopez Jose Lopez Raymond Lugo Sofia Lutteroth Christopher Luu

hings to xpect out o

senior Ye

Ana Gabriela Madrigal Ana Paola Madrigal

Assael Madrigal Felix Magallon

Marissa Marchesano

Luisa Margallan Jonathan Marquez Mackenzie Martin

Alejandro Martinez Myriam Martinez

Andrea Martinez-Casillas Valeria Martinez-Favela Eduardo Martinez-Fazzi Jose Martinez-Rebollar

Simone Mascagni

Theodore Matula Joshua Mireles

Jade Molina Daniel Montes Kristina Moore

Brina Morales Lilliam Navarro

Heidi Nguyen Alexandra Orozco

Lizbeth Ortega-Quigian

Carlos Ortiz Andrea Osuna

Pedro Osuna Victor Padres

Sarah Papapietro

V/ ////////l'/////////l'///////H////////#/////#///////////// #//1'//////////////// #//////////////////////////////////////////////////#'//////////l'/#///// /#//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#'/l'//////////Q///////////////////////////////////////////////////////# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////�////////////////////////////////////////////////#///////


Jose Paredes-RuvalcabaAlfredo PaulladaChristina PerazaMaria Peregrino Martha Plascencia

Spencer Princell Paulyna Ptacnik-SanchezLigia Quijada Roberto Quijano-LunaMaryel Quintero

Gabriel RamirezJesus RamirezJesus Ramos Erick ReidingerXiomara Reynos7n

Marissa Rios Angelina Rios-BalladaresAileen RobledoBruno Rocha Luis Bernardo Rocha

Brian Rodriguez •Victor Rojas-RodriguezEfren RomanRamon Ros Ricardo Rosales

Ricardo Rosas •Jose Rosillo �Ricardo Rosique-GaxiolaAnthony Row�Isela Ruiz


Maria Ruiz Alexander Sadighi

Francisco Salas Cristobal Salcedo

Patrick Salem

Carla Sanchez Jorge Septien

Raul Silva-Martinez Daniela Silva-Soler

Daniel Slovinsky

Angelica Smith Gisel Soto Alan Stahl

Isabel Stonehouse Giselle Suarez

David Tamborrell Margherita Tarantino

Florencia Tena Andrew Thein

Ivan Tornel

'1 can't live without food because it basically keeps me alive. "



"I love my phone. It keeps me connected to all my friends & family and my friends and family mean a lot to me."

Vania Gonzalez

"I can't live without my iPod because I love music and it keeps me happy."

Isela Ruiz

Llha Valenzuela Alicia Wang Anthony Warner

Ivan Torres Lorena Troncoso Brandon Truf:fa Aleck Urrutia­Finsterwalde

Chaiyaphat Wasoonthara Enrique Watanabe Jahl Wehber-Zuniga

"Girls, because they keep me happy and because they are pretty."

Efren Roman

Christopher W�ller Karime Zavdla Manuel Zea ',!

"My friends are the second most important people in my life and they are always there so they mean a lot"

, Juniors 153

.., en n,..

By: Catherine Valenzuela and Dianne Acevedo Cassandra Pimentel President, Marto Winata Vice President, Crystal Zora Secretary and Treasurer

Cool Guys at Lunch Jake Coogan, Steven Jarjees and Anthony Brandon play off the cool look.

The Gift Bears Melinda Jernigan and Laura Soto bring gifts to all their friends.

Knot Quite Ready Denny Kremer fixes his tie in preparation for mass.


Study Buddies Jisselle Attisha and Marisela Arechiga study for their government powerpoint before class.

Rosca Vivian Moreno, Denisse Garcia, Marisol Padilla, Danielle Flores, and Paola Prieto ponder who will throw the party.


as !11 11'' Jasmine Cota

Casey Pimentel

Crystal Zora Diana Paredes

10 ?'s for seniors J What is your #1 most pet peeve?



u GhippGo nail polish. I Gon·t stand morning around hnorning mu nail polish is GhiPPGdrWhat place around Ot_�y_ do you su911est to eat? 8

M • J" "L&L DorbGQUG all thG rnou. I mould ordm musGlf somG Spomisubir OfQUISG lffiGUGZ

3 If_you were ��anted any SUIJerJower what would it be? "I UJOUl

jo'Wfflmd6cWfB8thlG OGGOUSG thGn I GOUid movG things UJlth mu mind UJhGn I gGt 1azu:·

If you were to leave a legacy behind, what would want to be remembered as? 4 "I UJOUld mom tlbbG rnmGQlbGrnd � thG 4 fOOL H.6 inGh girl UJhO UJOS OIUJOUS GhGGrfUI and UJOntGd to mohG thG


ti What will you miss most about ASB when you graduate? "WhGthGr UOU OGliGVG it or noL I'll miss GVGrUtning. HII thG hard UjfJrh 800 pr

morntion HSU . ,

Put into GVGrUthing UJOS UJOrth it. Hut OVGrnll.. I'll dGfinitGIU miss Mr. Drunnm and Mrs. HngGIGS. li8ffillG V8f8d0 �


advice .JOU would give to future ASB members? 6 J h Hh · "HI I GOn SOU is pion ilhGOd and bG SUPGr orgoniZGd. That'll gGt UOU through GVG[Uthing:· 0 OnnO Gin

] What is one thina._you always c"r wit


"HonGsJIU. 1 don·t m1oh I Gan "Ji · froua I tuJmn onG thing. 1 Gorru Gvmuthlng. 1 HLmnus supplu mu rriGnds rnitsomGthmg. uou nomG 1L I hovG It. g:;t LUI ii

H If you were to travel anywhere in the world, wherme ou 8__0 and wht

"I UJOUld go to SPOGG to GrGOtG thG nGUJ SP OGG JJ1 Ul� andJiPJ.G lllilGhinG UJith thG hnDUJIGdgG I gain from Mr. Oohm8' I UJOUld GrGOtG 8 nGUJ SPOGG PIOnGt for 811 Of us:· M ILIU UIIIIHlil

ii What teacher will r.ou never forget? • Mr. van muh bGGOUSG hG OIUJOUS modG mG laugh. SGfUIO fJlurzonWhat



r 1Wrouttht?��- roulino COIi Gros

I Mariana Gomez, will all my chicken lollipops to Ilse

Gutrierrez, Clara Covarrubias and Ivan Camara; I will my ability lo distribute these lollipops to my brot_her, And�es; My "fresa" comments to Claudio Gauge; Nerd Jokes dunng Science Academy to Chris Weller, my dance move� �o Samantha Baxley, and my "invisible" lunch food to Maunc10 �asquez.

, l; Jasmine Guerrero, leave my bestie Adam Gallegos my smiles, humor, dirty napkins and singing skills, my wisdom, to Brina, my short-stubiness to Baby Martinez, my candy to Tony, thrive to Keizer, my non cholan_ess to Sandra, my

, eyebowns to Efren, my ability to never give up to Smyth.

l,,Andrea Velasquez, will all my memorable moments and awesomeness to "My Cuz", Ms. Brina Morales, as well as all the giggles arid fatty moments we s�ared. All my brains and creativity to Mrs. Kelleher and the future y�arbook cl�ss so

' that they make the book just as great as this y�ar. I w1�l my Mac computer to yearbook's future phot� eclttor

_. I will �ll

my cuts in the lunch line to all the upcommg s�mors. I will all my love and exciting moments during football gam�s to my mighty junior, Tony the Tiger. I will all my sarcastic comments, laughs, and scrub moments to Mr. Matt Burde�.

, l1 will my curly eyelashes to Estefania Russo. My_ cu:ly h�1r to all the people who love to touch it and play wllh 1t. I will all my "Girlfran" yells to my best friend Wendy Tamay� so that when she misses home she thinks of me and smiles. All me beeach moments to Jesse Edgar. My lovely story times and beep beep convos to Vere Jaramillo. Also I leave

'my awesome birthday to Jorge Gamez. I will all my love for soccer to Meaty so that she will enjoy high school soc�er

as much as I did. Lastly, I will my best moments of !ugh 1 school to the incoming freshman class of 2014.

my sickness to Hollie. I will all my text messaging to Christian. I will Friday the trurteenth to Mr. Smyth so he will not embarass me for centuries. I will Meghan all my special talks and partying skills.

I, Angelina O'Connor will my car talks to Keizer , Fran½lin and Vere, my phones and all our crazy adventures to Danus, my dancing memories to Jasmine, my blonde moments to Hallor, my skills at getting Sam in the car an� my respe�,tBaby Martienz, my PT Loser moments, my �ey Tony.,,'all my food, my Jamaica lanyard and all our 1:1o_ments , to Tony, my hugs to Chris, my loudness to Clm�tme, my coldasack moments to Lisi and Vero, my sam1tches to Mario and Patrick, all my nights at Grandma's to Alysha, my softball memories to all my softball girls, that fact that I am a freak to Jose, my mini-golf skills to Jose and Max, my baby bruises to Jelly's big bruises, my sideline memories to �ll the football players, the name Kimberly to Joe and Austln, my Del Mar Fair memories to Brina, my baby_powder to Mikey, my water girl skills to Joyner, my TA skills to Cruz, my late slips and candy to Ms. Alvarado, my karate moves & pretzels to Smyth, my sanity, love , and Ecology C!u? to Ms. D, my bluntness to Ms Lima, my Campus Mm1stry memories to the next Campus Ministers, my computer skills to Ms. K, my patients and creativeness to the next EiC, my spirit to Mater Dei and last but not least my car Betty and all it's amazing memories to everyone who ever was ever touched by her.

All the rest, residue, and remainder of our

I\ Cristina will all of my love to Geraldine Bloch so that she

estate, real or personal, may find peace in heaven. I will the Chur�o Trust Fu?d to Mariana Barrera. I leave all of those beaut1ful memones to

h .

d Diana Valinas, Valeria Barbosa, and Christina Steeg. I will W eresoever Sltuate , to Ilse Guitierrez all of the chismes that we have yet to

1 dshare. I give my heart to Valeri.a Cardenas for her to �eep on that we may eave seize embracing the beautiful things in life. Finally, I will Cla�a Covarrubias my smile to help her remember that a laugh lS orpossessed, or tow hich all she needs to keep on going.

t Marquise Jimenez, will Mr. Joy�er my ecl�o!,ng laughter; we may be entitled at the my cousin Jake Dacayo the few study h�blts th�L I have

f d t Gecause he really needs them; Mr. Infantmo, Mana Saysay time O our epar Ure,· .. and Nina Salazar my vocal range and spirit of choir; Mr.

h (ruz my love for APIC and "cheesecake"; Mr. U a manger we be(l uea t , to our,, .. -\:who was as dedicated to wrestling as I was; my "volleyball :1 :�i��g

'�,�;�Rke, and my loudness lO Eng 3 Honors class

beloved Mr. Cruz .. o\0: I Marisela Arechiga, will all my energy, talkauveness, and

�C, ,: -dumbness to my cousin Art. I will all my waxing appoi.ntme�ts� w


,,::: to Ms. Bob. I will all my "boy talk" to the cheerleaders. I will


c, 9 7:· ·

Senior Wills 17 5


Diana Paredes To Our Beautiful "Baby Girl,"

We can't believe that you are graduating from high school already. It seems like yesterday that you were starting kinder­

garten and were refusing to wear the shirt underneath the school jumper. You thought it looked so much better without it! From that point forward, we knew your school days would

be fun and interesting ... to say the least.

We are very grateful to the wonderful friends you havepiade throughout the years. Because of them and your family, you

have grown up to become an incredible woman. Mija, always be true to yoursel£ Never let anything or anyone stand in

the way of your dreams. Keep reaching for the stars ... you can achieve everything you've always dreamed of

Words cannot express how proud we are of you and all of your accomplishments. To us, you're already a "superstar!"

Love, Papa, Mama, Paquito, Maya & Chiquita

Stephanie Sanz

Stephanie, We have so much faith in you

because we know how much strength and courage you have inside you. We want you to remember the following and hope it brings a smile to your face ... never forget what a treasure you are and no matter where you go, our hearts and hopes for you will travel beside you every step of the way.

We wish you all the best in life. Take it and share it with others. Please let nothing keep you from growing into the person you wish to be. May God bless you always.

Love, Papa, Mama, your sisters & abuelitas, family, Reyna ( dog), Co coy (fish)


DearMar, Thank you for insisting on getting ,

early to school. Thank you fo� �elping me find you rides, and for waitmg pa­tiently for me to come home from work. Thank you for always doing what you_ had to do in spite of my stubborn beliefthat "teachers leave too much home­work." Thank you because through you growing up, I've developed into a better human being.

Tu mama.

Ryan Ortega

Hey! We are so proud of you. From the httle boy sitting between us Ryan

Congratulations! We are very prou� of you, Son. Our support will always be with you in college or any endeavor. Always keep the faith and God in your life.

to the young man you are today. Set your goals high and keep your dreams ahve. We love you.

- Tim and HeatherLove always, Dad and Mom

Ryan is Cool Ryan is Awesome

I Love you! - Brigid

Ryan, Best of Luck. Congratulations. Good luck in college.

- Robert & Alma

Personal Pages 181

crystal Zora To our dearest "Chikita Banana,"

Jasmine Cota Congratulations!

We are very proud of you. Follow your dreams and goals in life. Continue your hard work in college.

We Love You!

Your Family, Mom, Dad, Alex, and Rebecca

Congratulations on finishing high school. We are so proud of all your accomplishments and look forward to seeing you reach so many other joyous milestones. Thank you for being a genuinely caring,respectul and beautiful daughter. God has truly blessed us. Remember that we are ALWAYS here for you!


With all our love, Dad, Mom, Chris, Alex,

Alexis, and Nicholas and the chickens

, Congratulations Cassandra on your •••••••

accomplishments at Mater Dei Catholicl We wish you the best of luck and may you continue to receive God's blessings. Always remember that Nanay is also proud of everything you have and will achieve.

Congratulations Cassandra!II We are so proud of youlll

Love, Lolo Tony 6 Lola Carmen Pimentel

Cassandra, you're the B.E.S.T. ..... Beautiful, Energetic, Super smart and Talented!! We love you!lf The Moore Family Tito Lee, Auntie Caroline, Sean, Matthew, and Isabel



We love you I \.,,. .Love, Daddy and Mommy '

Congratulations! We're very proud of your achievements! Good Jobi Thumbs up!

God bless you! Love from the Palma's, Tito Rene, Tita Tonette, Vanessa 6 Kristen

Dear Casey, Praises for a job well done! God bless you in your next endeavors! Keep It upl Love, Tito !tick, Tita Nette & Bernie Palma



wH1n.r::vr:1 diaJ.•

JWDP, learning l!aiii1 ..... ieii)iJe ppg zi1' -ddt wete{j\JSt� small challenge at

�J#Je. a ekci#i6Ul, triaReloua son, unique witti your own ideas, and abilities. You are leav.,ng • dhd&f'to become a young man at 18 years old, and so grown. When you look back think back of all the happy times that you gave us and the smiles you brought to the family. That is why there are not enough words or expressions that can describe the great memories, pride, and gratitude that come from having a son to love and to cherish like you. You are so special and you have made us very proud of you in your accomplishments and in so many ways. You have a pure, giving, and amazing soul.

Graduating from high school will leave memories behind like academic league, volley­ball, cross country, chess club, teachers, classmates, friends, and Kermy, yet the future has many more open doors of opportunities. The sacrifices that you have made staying up late, missing out on fun events, and working hard will soon payoff. You have gone through a-lot and we know that you have done all of this because you want to be prepared for a better future but also to please us. We "Thank You So Much" Going to college is one door that will be a new exciting challenge, yet beautiful experience of your life. You have the ability to be what­ever you choose to be and the very best at it. Keep your enthusiasm to learn, have a great atti­tude, stay focused, aim for your goals, work hard at them just as if they were fuel for your body, and use your time wisely. Put your heart into everything you do, set up your own stan­dards striving to be the best, and live up to them. Have integrity and good ethics in all that you do. If you want it from within it's going to happen because you have what it takes and once you have reached your goals enjoy them.

There will be times of tough challenges in your future but always keep your strong faith and God will be right beside you to lead you and protect you. Learn from your mistakes for they will teach you some valuable lessons. No matter what your challenge may be "Believe in Yourselfani'.J)pn't Qlilt'' Goel bas given you tnany talents and put you here on earth with a·

kJalm• 1lte·(U'(l�ry- and bas always strived to do ie w•a



Ma�quise Jin,enez To our daughter Marquise, Congratulations on your High School graduation. May GOD continue to bless you with good health and HE may continue to guide you as you enter adulthood ... Always do your best and remember that you could accomplish your goals if you set your mind into it. We hope that you know, "we love you."

Dad and Mom

P. Mayor

Patrick, We are very proud of you and all that you have accomplished in life so far! You are a very special person and we are proud to have you as our son! Set your goals high and you will accomplish them! Always keep God close to your heart! Next step in life is college! Keep up the good work and you will go far!

God Bless you always! Love,

Mom, Dad and Ryan lllalllll'l!!""'..-.-"==-"'".J1/'

Darius Pitre Congratulations!

I am blessed to be your mother and I am proud of your ac­complishments from academics to athletics and all your involve-

JOrge Luis Sanchez ment in school as well as being a good person. We have raised you and watched you grow into a strong. intelligent, young man. May God bless you in college and in all of your endeavors. Son,

We are very proud of your accomplishments. We I pray for you to have a good future: full of joy. love, prosper­

know that God will lead you to a bright future as ity and good health. May God and his angels always keep you

H h d . d� .al ' under his loving care and guidance. Son, always pray for strength � as ma e you uruque an so very sp��l · We and keep God in your life. With God all things are possible, so will always be there to offer our unconditional love. keep the faith. I thank God to have you as a son. I love you.

Good luck in college and all of your endeavors! May Children G�d·s Best Gift -Psalm 127:3 . God Bless & guide you always. May You Be Blessed, with a Peaceful and Successful Llfe.

We Love You Very Much We Love You, Mom, Dad, Brother Marcel, Sister Destiny Mom, Dad, Adrian & Isabella



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ture Answer Key

�.'Pame a-9:-Pa�a)'ri ·:10. Pa · CaJJ,e(os � 11. Perla Laborin12. Erica Petway13. Robbie Silva-Martinez14. Stephanie Santana15. Stephanie Tessman16. Edward Susumo Azano17. Ricardo Tamborrell18. Sam Cantu-Reyna19. Vivian Moreno20. Wendy Tamayo21. Brenda Carrillo22. Yazmin Razon23. Jorge Luis Sanchez24. Tatiana Tobe25. Michelle Centrullo26. Sophia Cai27. Ivan Abarca

·_�araganen Carcano

---.,,Lia W:alez artiniano Valdez

· ·,37. :t«arysol Osorio38. Patrick Mayor39. Ramon Cevallos40. Victor Garcia41. Victoria Pena42. Darius Pitre43. Denisse Garcia44. Rafael Carrillo45. Erica & Ernie Silva46. Jose Alfredo Brambila47. Bernardo Sandoval48. Anthony Brandon49. Alfredo Lucero50. Alonso Moreno51. Cesar Ybarra52. Christian Castro53. Diana Paredes5 4. Adriana Quiroz

55. Diego Velasquez5 6. Andrea Velasquez57. Fernando Nunez58. Gerardo Castro59. Gissele Cardenas60. Hector Gomez61. lvanna Hernandez62. James Lynn63. Jesus Briones64. Kacy Espinoza65. Laura Soto66. Lilia Covarrubias67. Mariana Burkle68. Mariana GOmez69.MarisolPadilla70. Natalia Barbosa71. Nora Leyva72. Paola Odriozola73. Ryan Ortega74. Sam Acosta75. Eddie Parra76. Yesenia Lozano77. Aaron Eustaquio78. Aldo Peralta79. Alejandra Perez80. Andrea Lucero81. Alicia Lopez


Shy seniors"'

82. Rafael Blanco83. Camile Alvarado84. Carols Alvarez85. Cassandra Pimentel86. Catherine Valenzuela87. Cesar Lopez88. Cesar Trejo89. Christina Valverde90. Crystal Zora91. Daniel Puffelis92. Daniela Aguilar93. Daniela Puffehs94. Diane Moore95. Dianne Acevedo9� Erickson Julve97. Estela Uribe98. Genaro Camacho99. Hector Castaneda

iJ100. Jaslnine Guerrero ' .,,,.

Hl 1. Jazmine Rodrigu 102. Jesus Diaz103. Johanna Rhein104. Jorge A Sanchez105. Josie Casillas106.Juan Hernandez107. Luis Priego108. Marquise Jimenez

Carlos Alvarez, Aide Barbosa, Max Block, Pamela Dabdoub, Danielle Flores, Maria Del Mar Gomez, Mauricio Lopez, Nicolette Lopez, Jaun Moctezuma, Daniela Ramirez, Michel Sanchez, Hiram Torres, Sergio Valenzuela, andJose Velazquez



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H Abarca, Ivan 7, 8, 113, 156, 172 Acevado, Dianne 9, 21, 24, 31, 44, 88,91, 104, 105, 106, 112, 114, 154, 156

Ackerman, Tatiana 134, 136 Acosta, Carlo 2, 96, 117, 136 Acosta, Samuel 83, 100, 113, 114, 116, 156 Adan.Jazmin 136 Aguilar, Daniela 13, 28, 29, 30, 48, 49,116, 156, 163 Aguilar, Eric 146 Aguirre-Hernandez, Enrique 24, 146,148 Aguirre-Vargas, Alec 126, 133 Albo, Carlos 16, 126 Alcantara, Ana 48, 49, 146 Allen, Eric 36, 37, 73, 126 Allingham, Thomas 105, 146, 173 Almazan, Alvin 4, 20, 67, 92, 100, 101,113, 114, 115, 116, 156, 163 Alonso, Marcos 65, 126 Alvarado, Camile 2, 8, 24, 25, 26, 28,29,42,43,60,61, 74, 75,91, 103,155,

156,173 Alvarez, Carlos 15, 67Alvarez, Diego 146 Alvarez, Ivanna 65, 136 Alvarez.Jeffrey 88, 91, 146Amaya, Maria 136 Amezcua, Mariana 136 Anaya, Paulina 88

� Andreoli, Michelle 17, 25, 55, 88, 90, 91,�6 Angulo, Ivonne 4, 8, 9, 2.0, 156

Arana, Juan Carlos 6, 126, 132 Arechiga-Romero, Marisela �O. 25, 130, 38, 39, 8f 89, 105, 154, 156, 175 .,,. Arias, I �a 25, 88, 146Armenta,Julio 37, 136 Armenta, Julissa 146 Arredondo, Jorge 81, 88, 96, 136Arreguin, Kristell 146 Arriola,James 96,117,136Arriola, Paul 62, 63, 126 Aspili, Matthew 35, 146 Atrushi, Adam 57 , 75, 126 Attisha,Jisselle 26, 29, 30, 91, 105, 114,154,158

Ausler, Jr., Franklin 3, 9, 35, 156 Avila-Loaiza, Aldo 51, 65, 81, 126

Ayala-Padilla, Luis 26, 62, 63, 79, 88,91,144,145,146,174 Ayon, Roberto 63, 126 Azano, Edward 25, 76, 77, 156

D Balensi, Alexandre 126 Banales, Ivanna Paola 27, 156

Barangan, Kendis 26, 88, 110, 156, 172 Barbosa, Ana 136 Barbosa, Armando 37, 88, 136 Barletta, Rachel 25, 44, 45, 75, 136 Barletta, Ryan 11, 136 Barrera, Mariana 27, 61, 75, 88, 91. 136, 175

Basantes, Angel 30, 35, 57 , 174 Batista, Tania 156

Baumgardner.Jessica 15, 24, 25, 75, 88,90, 91,92, 102,103,144,146,172,174 Baxley, Samantha 2, 88, 91, 97, 146, 175

Baynes, Andrew 36, 37, 73, 126 Baynes, Charles 35, 73, 77, 146 Baynes, Patrick 77 Becerra, Martin 126 Beck, Angela 30, 65, 91, 102, 103, 136Beck.Ryan 73,136 Belprez, Marie 136 Beltran, Angel 146 Beltran, Carlos 37, 92, 114, 136Beltran, Javier 136 Beltran, Jose 126 Beltran, Marvin 37, 126, 173 Beltran, Nallely 88, 144, 146 Bennett.Jacqueline Marie 31, 46, 47,67,91, 102,103,144,146,149,174 Bensan,Joshua Patrick 110, 116, 156

Bishop, Zachariah 107, 116, 126 Blair, Teresa 88, 91, 146 Blancas, Daniela 88, 91, 146 Blanco,Rafael 32,34,35,63, 88,156

:��· Geraldine 23, 146, 175

, Max 23, 28, 29, 99 Boquiren,Ja.inl.e 136

"Borchert.�a 45, 53, 146 Borck,)'ffuy 46, 47, 84, 91, 144, 145,

i�,jpse 91,110,156Brambilli'}ose Alfredo 79 Brandon, ,Aq.thony 35, 118, 154, 156 Bremer-Orrega,Juan 136 Briones.Jesus 53, 156 Brodbeck. An ew 136Bueno, Alexa 126 Burden, •,-i11M11=W 30, 71, 146, 172, 175

Burkle, Mariana 20, 23, 38, 39, 71, 88,89,96, 103,109.156, 173 Burritt, Christopher 3 5, 75, 116, 146 Bush.Jose 146 Bustamante, Bernardo 146 Bustillo-Moreno, Leslie 23, 75, 88, 91, 136

C Caballero, Guillermo 37, 65, 126 Cabrera.Ariel 22,91, 105,116,146,198Cai, Ruofan 98, 156

Cain, Alexander 126 Calleros, Paulina 98, 112, 113, 155, 157

Camacho, Genaro 26, 81, 91, 142, 157 Camara, Ivan 35, 88, 105, 146, 174, 175

Camargo, Edith 30, 88, 90, 91. 97, 102,103,116,134,135,136 Cantu-Reyna, Samuel David 13, 53, 157, 173 Carbonero, Francisco J. 83, 126 Carcano, Kristen 16, 20, 26, 157, 158Cardenas, Gissele 27, 98, 157 Cardenas, Valeria 52, 53, 75, 88, 90, 91,105,146,172,173,175 Cardona, Alfonso 35, 78, 79, 109, 146 Caro, Oliver 7, 27, 110, 157, 158 Carranza, Thomas 3 7, 126 Carrillo, Alan 136 Carrillo, Brenda 157

Carrillo-Baylon, Rafael 35, 88, 113, 157

Carton, Michael Joseph 71, 86, 88, 91, 147, 174 Casillas, Jocelyn 110, 157

Casillas, Josie 112 Castaneda, Alison 88, 91, 144, 147, 174Castaneda, Hector 4, 8, 157 Castillo. Elizabeth 59, 116, 126Castillo, Mariel 46, 47, 147 Castillo, Raul 30, 73, 147 Castillo, Ronald Allen 35, 157

Castro, Christian 70, 71 Castro, Gerardo 88 Castro.Jeremy 147 Castro, Karla 88, 136 Cavazos, Guillermo 37, 124, 126Celaya, Carlos 63, 112, 116, 157

Celaya, Karem 109, 116, 147 Centrullo, Michelle 21, 60, 61, 68, 69,157

Cervantes, Alexa 52, 53, 88, 99, 11 0, 136 Cesena, Arturo 37, 75, 136Cevallos,Ramon 25, 76, 77,157

Chaidez, Thalia 147

Chavez, Andrew 71, 73, 147

Chavez, Ivan 51, 81, 147

Chenelle, Chelsea 5, 88, 107, 116, 147

Chiappe, Theresa 88, 91, 102, 116, 134, 135,136 Choi, Su vin 126 Ciafre, Mikel 126 Cintron, Evan 59, 137

Colgrove, Jackie 88, 137, 174 Colgrove, Sarah 124, 126 Colinas, Valentina 124, 126 Conlin, Mikayla 30, 68, 88, 91, 98, 147

Contreras, Alejandra 147

Contreras, Daniela 31, 47, 75, 88, 137

Contreras, Eduardo 126, 128 Contreras, Laura 88., 91, 147

De La Parra, 44, 45, 124, 127

De La Toba, Paulina 16, 127

De La Torre, Juan 13 7 De Loera, Victor 79, 147 De Simone, Gino 157

Del Monte, Eugenio 127

Del Monte, Fernando 137

Delacalzada, David 35, 73, 1 Delgadillo, Flor 127

Diaz.Jesus 9, 160 Diaz, Salvador 127

Doherty, Ken 75

Dominguez, Martin 36, 37, 59, 1 Driver, Billie 45, 59, 79, 124, Duran, Carlos 39, 127

Duron, Cassandra 32, 67, 147

- 1,

Coogan.Jacob 12, 13, 17, 28, 32, 34, 35,71,84,86,88,91, 105,154,157,162 lCoppel, Marisabel 6, 147

Coria, Michelle 75, 88, 104, 157

Corona, Daniela 6, 26, 47, 61, 88, 91. _ _.......148,

G ,; DiezO'Emilio 145, 147 Echeverri, Anamikela 53, 75, 147

Corona.Joshua 88, 147 Edgar.Jesse 3, 9, 20, 21, 35, 106, 160, Cortez,Jr.,Mario 9,21,25,35, 109,157, 174,175,198 174 Elenbaas, Barbara 5, 91, 97, 147 Cota.Jasmine 9, 17, 26, 53, 81,-88, 103, Encinas, Yuliana 127

105, 109, 110, 155, 157, 173 Enciso, Sophia 127

Cota, Rebecca 81, 124, 126, 173 Eng, Adrian 107, 137

Covarrubias, Clara 53, 75, 137, 175 Erb, Carina 5, 55, 68, 88, 91, 147

Covarrubias, Lilia 61, 86, 88, 157, 173 Eribez, Oscar 35, 137

Cox, Annie 107, 116, 126 Escalanti, Ocean 54, 55, 96, 137

Cruse, Taylor 44, 45, 58, 59, 68, 69, Escamilla, Andrea 127

127 Escobedo, Alfredo 127 Cruz, Karley 137 Espinoza,Joel 53, 73, 147

Cruz, Samuel 37, 127 Espinoza, Kacy 88, 160 Cruz-Chong, Ricardo 147 Espinoza, Kenny 79, 88, 96, 137

Cruz-Sanchez, Ana Belen 53, 137 Estrada, Alejandro 127

Cruz-Sanchez, Luis 147 Estrada, Sofiarely 75, 137

DDabdoub, Oksana 127

Dabdoub, Pamela 119 Dacayo, Jake 59, 137, 175

Daniels, Brian 53, 147

Dantzler, Marianne 147, 172 Davenport, Mallory 53, 81, 88, 137

Davila, Andrew 37, 137

Dave-Gutierrez, Daniel 147

Day, Nicholas 67, 88, 91, 97, 103, 106, 144,145,147,198,199 De La Concha,Jose 34, 137

De La Garza, Diana 81, 91, 110, 111, 137

De La Garza, Ivana 16, 127

De La Parra, Fernanda 49, 147

Eugenio, Rodrigo 63, 127

Eustaquio, Aaron Joshua 7, 9, 20, 24, 29, 34, 35, 110, 112, 113, 158, 160, 174 Evans, Cardedra 54, 55, 75, 85, 92, 101, 135,137

f Fajardo-Krasovsky, Melissa 49, 148 Felix-Martin, Vanessa 148 Fernandez, Daniel 65, 127

Fernandez, Erik 148 Fernandez,Jorge 127

Fernandez, Nickolas 127

Fernandez, Rafael 137

Fierro, Daniella 88 Figy, Alec 51, 81, 127

Figy, Kalurn 51, 81, 85, 160

8 '

Galindo, Osvaldo 137

Gallegos, Adam 108, 144, 148, 175

Galvez, Caleb 37, 75, 88, 97, 137

Gamboa, Michael 67, 134, 135, 137

Gamez, Brianna 38, 39, 40, 41, 148Gamez,Jorge 7, 33, 66, 67, 85, 88, 160, 175

Ganelin, Paul 37, 137

Ganz, Alexander 9, 25, 35, 160, 174 Garcia, Alejandro 35, 61, 91, 137

Garcia, Alexa 88, 137

Garcia, Aniza 13 4, 13 8 Garcia, Denisse 88, 154, 160 Garcia, Gabrielle 127

Garcia.Jocelyn 45, 88, 91, 134, 138 Garcia, Leonardo 99, 138 Garcia, Luis 27, 88, 98, 119, 148 Garcia, Nitzia 44, 45, 124, 125, 128 Garcia, Robert 52, 53, 128 Garcia, Vanessa 57, 138 Garcia Crosthwaite, Elizabeth 45, 65,

88,148 Garcia,Jr., Victor 9, 16, 56, 57, 160 Genel, Valeria 31, 47, 88, 148 Ghothra, Navneet-Kavr 65, 75, 94, 135,

138 Giery, Alexander 6, 27, 51, 77, 89, 107

Gilbert, Yasmin 6, 44, 45, 61, 69, 128 Gochicoa, Nathalia 88, 134, 138 Goday, Stephanie 65, 148 Godinez-Duran, Anakaren 128 Golembiewski, Arturo 63, 72, 73, 109, 128 Gomez, Agustin 36, 37, 53, 63, 128 Gomez, Andres 5, 31, 128 Gomez, Hector 62, 63, 158, 160

Index 193

, uan 53, 82, 83, 160 z, Lorenzo 12 9

clez Luis 37, 129 de�guel 7, 8, 13, 71, 161

ula 134, 139 _·chard 17, 20, 79, 92, 100,

61 e 65, 129

·a 46, 47, 88, 139y 129

115, 116, 148 25,129

o 124, 129139

ann, Christine 2, 38, 39, 88, 91, 3,102,103,144,145,149,174

di, 37, 134, 135, 139 ol Jan 139

�o , - -� Huer eph 37, 59, 75, 129 - ,- G� · :nee, Mptip 9, Q · • Huinquez, Cassandra 40, 88, 139

�ougoulas, vda 5., '31, 40, 1281 Granados, Miguel 128

IGrimaldi, Stephanie 30, 45, 88, 91, 102,103,134,135,138 Guardado, Priscilla 45, 60, 61, 128, 132 Guardado, Saad 78, 79, 88, 148 Infante, Andrew 116, 149 Guerra, Paulina 128 Guerrero, Alba 3, 7, 9, 12, 13, 21, 25,

29, 30,109,112,160,175 Guido, Paulina 16, 128 Guilas, Marie Elaine 9, 24, 31, 43, 79, 86,88,91,98, 104,105,112,160,173 Gutierrez, Abril 75, 110, 114, 144, 148, 172 Gutierrez, Manuel 13 8 Gutierrez-Nunez, Ilse 4, 43, 79, 85, 88, 91,110,138,173 Guzman, Jeff 88, 99, 138 Guzman, Maci 5, 31, 128

H Habana, Michaelangelo 5, 103, 108, 110, 124, 125, 128 Hahn, Thomas 88, 97, 138 Haines,Andrew 7, 17, 21, 76., 77, 88, 159, 160 Hallor, Samantha 25, 26, 42, 43, 91, 134,135,138,142,172,173,174 Hamiel, Nicholas 138 Hawley, Alexis 43, 79, 88, 110, 138, 173 Hedderson-Atkinson, Victoria 40, 43, 75, 91, 138 Hermida, Alejandro 65, 129 Hernandez, Christian 160 Hernandez, Ivanna 27, 73, 160


J Jaquez-Moreno, Anthony 3, 35, 88, 145, 148, 149, 174 Jaramillo, Karla 8, 11, 12, 105, 106, 109, 113,161,172,199 Jaramillo, Vere 9, 10, 21, 26, 44, 64, 105,106,108, 109, 113,161,174,175,199 Jarjees, Steven 154, 161 Jernigan, Brittany 25, 129 Jernigan, Melinda 9, 24, 31, 104, 105, 114, 154, 161, 172 Jimenez, Cesar 37, 59, 81, 129 Jimenez, Marquise 6, 26, 88, 103, 109, 110, 155, 161, 175

Johnson, Nicolas 149 Juarez-Ochoa, Salvador 5, 129 Juarez-Rios, Abigail 31, 88, 98, 105, 108, 149 Julve, Erickson 88, 118, 161

Kaiser, Nickolas 25, 35, 37, 73, 134, 139 Kalb, Benjamin 67, 142, 149 Keene, Hollie 39, 88, 91, 97, 139 Kelbaugh, Cristina 75, 91, 117, 139, 144

Kim,Ju.n Woo 88, 96, 107, 135, 139, 173 King, Vania 129 Kozlowski, Maria 149 Krasovsky, Alejandro 75, 88, 149 Krasovsky, Paulo 129 Kremer m. Denny 20, 56, 57, 70, 71, 88,112,154,161,174 Kuri, Francisco 144, 149 Kuzukian, Alec 9, 88, 90, 91, 107, 116, 161, 172

L Labastida, Jose 149 Laborin, Perla 48, 49, 108, 113, 161 Lafon, Luz 129 Lagos, Carlos 139 Landin, Salvador 63, 129 Lang, Anthony 130 Lapurga, Kevin 37, 139 Lara, Alexander 139, Mark 50, 51, 81, 149 Le Gerrette,Joseph 36, 37, 72, 73, 125,

128,130 Ledesma-Valencia, Erick 139 Lee, Sang Hee 88, 94, 95, 139 Lewis, Cole 35, 36, 37, 134, 139 Leyva.Nora 88, 92,,104, 108,111,112, 114, 161 Li, Yin 88, 94, 99, 107, 149 Licht, Stephanie 88, 134, 139 Limon, Alejandro 6, 149 Lizaraga, Fernanda 110, 111, 128, 130, 172 Logue, Kevin 63, 88, 145, 149 Lopez, Alicia 9, 24, 31, 53, 86, 88, 91, 104,105,112,161,173 Lopez, Armando 149 Lopez, Cesar 9, 35, 75, 113, 161 Lopez, Elizabeth 114, 125, 130 Lopez, Frances 91, 101, 116, 144, 149, 174 Lopez, Jose 75, 149 Lopez, Luz 47, 67, 124, 125, 130 Lopez, Mauricio 9, 115 Lopez, Nicolette 27 Lopez, Sergio 2, 20, 23, 27, 31, 33, 62, 63,84, 88,89,96, 103,155,161,174 Lopez-Gonzalez, Paloma 130 Lopez-Portillo, Maritza 42, 43, 69, 75,

85, 88, 115, 139 Lozano Cardenas, Yesenia 4, 8, 9, 111, 161 Lucatero, Alexandria 53, 59, 130 Lucero-Canaan, Alfredo 11, 88., 161

Lucero-Canaan, Andrea 9, 11, 88, 91, 161 Lugo, Guillermo 59, 130 Lugo, Hector 139 Lugo, Raymond 51, 80, 81, 83, 97, 149 Lusain, Brittani 55, 69, 85, 125, 130 Lutteroth, Mariana 65, 110, 130 Lutteroth, Sofo 26, 149 Luu, Christopher 149 Lyle, Bridget 88, 134, 139 Lynn.James 161

M Madrigal, Ana Gabriela 115,116, 150 Madrigal, Ana Paola 10, 11, 115, 150 Madrigal, Assael 10, 11, 53, 82, 150, 173 Magallon, Cristian 130 Magallon, Felix 150 Manriquez, Victoria 25, 45, 55, 140, 143, 172 Mara.James 20, 88, 110, 159 Marchena-Pompa, Viviana 88, 140 Marchesano, Marissa 32, 39, 91, 144, 150, 174 Margallan, Luisa 150 Marquez, Jonathan 150 Marquez-Escobedo, Alejandro 82, 83, 88,140 Martin, Mackenzie 39, 67, 150 Martinez, Alejandro 35, 59, 71, 73, 77, 97, 105, 108, 150 Martinez, Alexandro 72, 129, 130 Martinez, Andrew 25, 35, 71, 72, 134, H8, 140,174 Martinez, Carolina 44, 45, 124, 125, 130 Martinez, Eric 51, 113, 161 Martinez, Fidel 81, 130 Martinez, Myriam 75, 150 Martinez-Casillas, Andrea 91, 150 Martinez-Favela, Valeria 25, 150 Martinez-Gonzalez, Jorge 130 Martinez-Lutteroth, Roberto 130 Martinez-Pazzi, Eduardo 150 Martinez-Rebollar, Jose 31, 51, 57, 78, 79, 81, 88, 119, 150 Mascagni, Simone 150 Mathews, Katharine 31, 45, 58, 59, ·88, 92,140 Matula, Theodore 97, 150 Mawhinney, Edna 140 Mayer, Andres 130 Mayor, Patrick 9, 12, 13, 22, 25, 32, 33, 35,56,57,84,88,89, 105,109,110,112, 164,

Mc Broome, Marc 73, 140 Medina, Ashley 81 3 6, 5 5, 106, 111, 112, 113, 164, 172, 199 Medina, Christopher 36, 130, 172 Medina.Monserrat 9,81, 115,159,164 Medrano, Saul 37, 130 Mejia, Marco 83, 140 Mendoza, Haley 65, 88, 91, 107, 140 Mendoza, Pablo 51, 140 Miranda.Brianna 107,116,117,140,172 Mireles, Joshua 22, 67, 150 Moctez uma, Ana 88, 134, 140 Moctezuma, Juan 88 Molina.Jade 27, 32, 39, 144, 150 Monge, Alejandra 140 Momaz-Garcia, Aldo 140 Montano, Alvaro 140 Montano, Aristeo 37, 65, 130 Montes, Daniel 51, 66, 67, 85, 150, 173 Moore, Diane-Leah 9, 24, 52, 53, 88, 98,164,172 Moore, Kristina 116, 150 Morales, Brandon 65, 69, 76, 77, 88, 117, 140 Morales, Brina 145, 150, 174, 175 Morales, Hector 87, 130 Moreno, Anna Mia 16, 17, 111, 130 Moreno, Irene 53, 60, 61, 125, 130 Moreno, Vivian 27, 46, 47, 154, 164 Moreno-Acevedo, Ernesto 9, 63, 88, 110, 164 Morlan, Fernando 115, 164 Mottale, Michael 37, 140 Munoz, David 37, 140

N Navarro, Andrea 4, 16, 88, 97, 105, 164 Navarro, Lilliam 88, 105, !.50 Nesbit, Ryan 2, 9, 75, 115, 164 Newell, Michael 37, 66, 67,.130 Nguyen, Brandon 7.5, 88, 140 Nguyen, Heidi 88, 107, j50, 173 Noland, Daniel 37, 59,T40 Nunez, Bernardo 37, 59;-'NO Nunez, Fernando 4, 9, 35, 67, 164 Nunez, Marco 130 Nunez, Michael 7, 8, 3.5, 65, 164 Nuno, Clarissa 116, 130

0 O'Connor, Angelina � 15, 30, 104, 10.5, 106, 109:' fl 3, 164, 174, 175, 198,199


Odriozola, Paola 88, 91, 97, 105, 110, 111,112,119,164,169 Olivares, Salvador 124, 130 Ordaz, Marco 3.5, 140 Orozco, Alexandra 150 Ortega, Carolina 88, 164 Ortega, Ryan 8, 20, 164, 173 Ortega-Quigian, Lizbeth 26, 150 Ortiz, Carlos 83, 150 Ortiz, Czarina 140 Ortiz, Maria Fernanda 17, 65, 83, 127 Ortiz, Mauricio 83, 130 Ortiz, Paul 37, 130 Ortiz, Sofia 110, 130 Ortiz-Anaya, Haydee 131 Osorio, Marysol 6, 26, 29, 88, 98, 110, 164 Osuna, Andrea 150 Osuna.Pedro 72, 73, 88, 14.5, 1.50 Otanez, Aram 131 Otanez, Aranza 134, 140 Ouinigian, Antronig 131 Oviedo, Monique 131

r Padilla, Marisol 27, 29, 110, 111, 112, 113, 154, 164 Padilla, Teresa 88, 91. 116, 117, 140 Padres, Victor 27, 150 Paez, Daniela l 40 Palacio, Francisco 77, 140 Palaganas, A era Isa belle 81, 110, 131, 133 Palluada, Alfredo 71 Pangco,Leonardo 2, 96,110,114,140 Papapietro, Sarah 53, 61, 9i, 1. 150,172 � Paredes, Diana +, 20, 28, 2 , 32, 38, 39, 71, 88, 91, 103, 10411'05,

20 155-.

174' �

Paredes Ruvalca, Nerli 7 68, 164 _,# Paredes-Ruvalcaba.Jose 151 ,/' 1 Paredes-Vizcarra, Karelly 30, 1"10, lj Parra, Eddie 31, 35, 81, 164, 172 r­Parra-Morales, Salvador 65, 140 Pascua, Alvin 110, 131. 13 3 Paullada, Alfredo 70, 71, 1.51 Payne, Thomas 140 Paz, Karla 1 31 Pedrero, Eduardo 141 Pena, Andrew 37, 59, 73, 131 Pena, Edward 141 Pena, Fabiola 124, 131 Pena, Steven 9, 21, 16.5


Pena, Victoria 2�0,�2, 38, 39, 105, �:,Jesus r

3, 15 ,. 112, 158, 165.\.. Ramos, Antonio , :53, 83, 131, 173, Wralta, Aldo 165 174 P�, Cas��dra 8, 9, 67, 111, 165 Ramos,Jes�3, 151

:Peraza, Chrisnna 151 Razon, Yazmin 1�8, 89, 105, 108, feraza, Lynette 59. 99, 131 165 Pex;_egrino, Maria 151 Reed, Christian 3 7, ,; , 131

Perez, Paulina 20 Reed, Mark 35, 165 Perez-Cano, Eduardo 165 Reidinger, Erick 59, 15

.-ferez-Cecenas, Eva Mariana 88, 141 Reidy, Jason 131

; Perez-Madrigal, Alejandra 9, 88, 165, Reyes, Angela 88, 141 �173 Reyes, Sonia 141

1-'sona, S�brina 65, 131 Reynoso-Iverso�a 151

�Y· Enca 25, 61, 88, 105, 112, 165 Rhein.Johanna 2, 2 , 25, 26, 28, 29, 7 Pimentel. Cassandra 20, 32, 39, 88, 90, 30, 52, 53, 7 5 , 102, 103, 105, 125,

91, 103,.,..04, 105,110,114,154,155,159, 155, 162, 5, , 174 l�

�Ji!l Richa

�dso .ercedes 16, 131

.. �one . · 141 '-.-ill-Pr

�os, · a-30, 69, 145, 151

Pirre, us 9, 14, 15, 1 . 105, Rio� ar��lina 1 10, 1511_10

'.. 162,-"l6!;, 4 _ · era,.Alejan , 67, 107, 131

Pittmon, Lan e , 1 R� o, Aileen 45 91 105 151

Plascencia/M:artha 52, 74, 75, 1os:,'"151 II Robles, Alejandro 71, s's. 14\Plaza, Tyfer 51, 67, 73, 141 Robles, Luis 65, 131

Polanco, Paloma 88, 141 Rocha, Bruno 26, 151 Porter, Lauren 40, 41, 141 Rocha.Jose-Noel 37, 131

Priego, Luiz 53 Rocha, Luis Bernardo 26, 151 �ego-Padilla, Luis 165 Rodriguez, Adam 1 32 �eto, Paola 27, 29, 154, 165 Rodriguez, Aldo 132 �cell, Courmey 40, 131 Rodriguez, Alfredo 50, 132 Princell, Spencer 57, 59, 76, 77, 151 Rodriguez, Antonio 132 Ptacnik-Sanchez, Paulyna 151 Rodriguez, Brian 22, 88, 100, 103, 114, Pu.ffelis, Daniel 11, 25 116 151 Pu.ffelis, Daniella 10, 26, 27 Rodriguez.Jazmin 31, 88, 165 Pumpelly. Elyssa 25, 26, 44, 45, 60, 61, Rodriguez.Jonathan 37, 65, 88, 141

141 Rodriguez, Juan 141

Quijada, Ligia 88, 151 Quijano-Luna, Roberto 83, 88, 105, 144, 151

Quintero, Carlos 131 Quintero, Maryel 88, 144, 151Quiroz, Patricio 75, 141

Quiroz-Franco, Adriana 30, 88, 112, 165 Quiroz-Franco, Rafael 131

H Ramirez, Araceli 9, 165

Ramirez, Daniel 131

Ramirez, Gabriel 31, 75, 103, 144, 151, 174


Rodriguez, Marco 63, 81, 132 Rodriguez, Mauricio 132 Rodriquez. Jazmin 112 Rojas-Rodriguez, Victor 59, 151 Roman, Efren 35, 66, 67, 151, 153, 173

Romero, Estefania 88, 165 Ros, Ramon 91, 151, 172 Rosales, Ricardo 63, 88, 149, 151

Rosas, Ricardo 79, 151. 152 Rosillo, Jose 87, 151 Rosique-Gaxiola, Ricardo 62, 63, 88, 144, 151

Rowan, Anthony 71, 72, 73, 151

Rubio, Erick 141

Rudershausen, Savanna 15, 40, 41, 132 Ruffo, Anna-Nickole 141 Ruiz, Isela Andrea 52, 53, 64, 65, 75,88, 91, 105, 144, 151, 153

Ruiz.Jazmine 25, 40, 114, 139, 141

Ruiz, Maria 26, 152 Ruiz, Zayra 47 Russo, Marisa 9, 12, 13, 165, 172, 175

s Sadighi, Alexander 57, 59, 152 Saenz, Manuel 141

Salas, Francisco 71, 152 Salazar, Nina Riana 114, 141 Salcedo, Cristobal 26, 63, 78, 79, 88, 91,152 Salcedo, Maria-Andrea 87, 124, 132 Salem, Patrick 35, 67, 100, 152 San Roman, Lynn 47., 132 Sanchez, Alejandro 141 Sanchez, Betel 81, 110, 111, 141

Sanchez, Carla 88, 91, 105, 152 Sanchez, Emilio 141

Sanchez, George 15Sanchez.Jorge Armando 27, 52, 113, 165 Sanchez, Jorge Luis 166 Sanchez, Jose 132 Sanchez, Karen 75, 100, 114, 141, 173 Sanchez.Michel 8,88,97, 105,108 Sandoval, Bernardo 9, 75, 113, 166 Santana, Kevin 37, 132 Santana, Stephanie 4, 8, 20, 88, 166 Sanz, Stephanie 20, 25, 30, 32, 39, 88, 91, 105,108,114,166, 173

Sayasy, Maria 114, 141 Schattinger, Kari 25, 116, 132 Schmitt, Nicholas 51, 141

Schroeder, Meghan 40, 41. 141 Scott, Dara 25, 141 Scott, Sabrina 88, 92, 96, 114, 141

Septien, Jorge 152 Sepulveda, Alejandro 37, 141 Shaw, William 36, 37, 81, 132 Shultz, Alexis 45, 124, 132 Sifuentes, Elizabeth 141 Silva, Erica 14, 15, 43, 69, 98, 106, 109, 113, 166, 172, 199 Silva.Ernest 7, 8, 11, 35, 113, 166,172, 174 Silva, Giancarlo 15, 30, 63, 142 Silva-Martienz, Robbie 16, 28, 56, 57,71, 88, 91, 105, 163, 166 Silva-Martinez, Raul 30, 57, 71, 88, 152Silva-Soler, Daniela 152 Siragusa, Nicolas 56, 57, 72, 73, 135. 1

139,142 Slovinsky, Chole 11 Slovinsky, Daniel 11, 88, 91, 107, 115, 152 Smith, Angelica 2, 61, 91, 152 Smith, Caylee 45, 142 Solis, Karla 5 3, 142

Somogyi, Richard 36, 37, 72, 73, 125,

132 Soto, Gisel 2, 81, 110, 152, 153, 173 Soto, Ivanna 110, 129, 132 Soto, Laura 42, 43, 81. 93, 105, 112, 15 4, 166, 173 Soto, Vanessa 134, 142 Soto-F

imbres, Kenia 142

Sotomayor, Manuel 63, 142 Stahl, Alan 152

Steeg, Christina 61, 75, 142, 175

Stonehouse, Isabel 30, 55, 88, 91, 148, 152

Strauss, John 101, 115, 132 Suarez, Giselle 81, 152, 174

I Tamayo, Kimberly 32, 58, 69, 109, 132, 172 Tamayo, Wendy 13, 21, 25, 68, 69, 85, 109,110,118,162,166,173,175 Tarnborrell, David 88, 152 Tarnborrell, Isaac 142 Tamborrell, Ricardo 9, 12, 13, 113, 166 Tarantino, Margherita 145, 152 Tassiello, Kaitlyn 7, 31, 132 Tassinari, Alexa 75, 142 Tena, Florencia 110, 152

Teon, Carolina 132 Teon, Ivan 63, 174 Teon,Jose 142 Tessarnen, Stephanie 8, 25, 38, 39, 105,

114, 166, 174 T hein, Andrew 51, 80, 81, 88, 116, 152

Tobe, Tatiana 8, 16, 26, 29, 30, 36, 38, 39, 54, 55,75, 85, 106, 110, 111, 114, 124, 163,166,198 Tomel, Ivan 152

Torres, Hiram 5 3, 63 Torres, Ivan 153 Torres, Paola 45, 64, 65, 88, 90, 91, 110, 142, 173 Travers, Mitchell 79, 142 Trejo, Cesar 63, 88, 166. Troncoso, Lorena 26, 153

Truffa,Brandon 92,93, 100,153 Truffa, Brianna 88, 91. 97, 116, 142

u U

nibe-Matamoros, Paulina 166

Uribe, Estela 53, 75, 88, 91, 115, 167

Urrutia-Finsterwalde, Aleck 35, 88, 153, 174 Uy, Ryan Jose 37, 75, 110, 142

V Valdespino, Andrea 110, 143 Valdez-Davis, Martiniano 9, 32, 35, 84, 167 Valenzuela, Catherine 5, 20, 21. 22, .33, 49,58, 72,87,88,89, 91,101,105,106, 110,114,119,154,167,172 Valenzuela, Fernando 133 Valenzuela, Jaques Rolan 58, 59, 110, 143, 172 Valenzuela, Lilia 25, 153

Valenzuela, Sergio 70, 71, 84 Valinas-Guitas,Jose 107, 133 Valinas-Gulias, Diana 143 Valinas-Paradela, Daniel 143 Valverde, Cristina 27, 167 Varandas, Rodrigo 92, 93, 94, 95Vargas, Alec 82, 83 Vargas, Michelle 133 Vargas, Veronica 25, 26, 42, 43, 69, 138, 143, 174 Vasquez, Mauricio 16, 52, 53, 65, 133, 175

Velasquez, Andrea 25, 60, 61, 106, 112, 167,175

Velasquez, Diana 13 3 Velasquez, Diego 7, 27, 167 Velasquez.Jose 9, 53 Velderrain, Andres 143 Verduzco,Luis 75,99, 143 Vilaboy, Andi 5, 7, 40, 41, 133 Villa,Jorge 65, 143 Villanueva, Xavier 75, 117, 143

Ill Wang, Alicia 88, 114, 153Warner, Anthony 35, 121, 1.53, 1 4 Wasoomthara, Chaiyaphat 83, 94, 153

Watanabe, Enrique 153 Watanabe, Rosa 134, 143 Watson, Andrea 25, 59, 1 Wehber, Enrique 82, 83 Wehber-Zuniga, Jalil 88 _ .. Weller, Christopher 88, r:U Winata, Marto 12, 13, 28,�88, 1 154,155,163,167,172 Wright, Thomas 63, 79, 88, 91,

u Ybarra, Cesar 76, 167, 173 Young, Alexandria 54, 55, 85, 133

l Zarningir, Manessa 125, 133 Zavdla, Karime 153

Zayas, Nicole 47, 143 Zea, Manuel 35, 153

Zora, Crystal 9, 25, 103, 105, 106, 118, 154, 155, 167, 174 Zora, Miranda 9, 12, 88, 167 Zoura, Darlene 31, 45, 59, 91, 14.3 Zoura, Michelle 143 Zuazo, Antonio 75, 143

I '

This is the rd volume of the Mat<:,r Dei Catholic High Schobl, Gauntlet It is the first , book done virtually by the staff. After 13 year­books Ms. Kelleher de­cided to step back and be an adviser.

Consequently our yearbook experience was interesting to say the least. The most experience we had under any of our belts was one year includ­ing me, the editor. We struggled, made mistakes, learned a ton and some­how we managed to finish a book that we hope you will enjoy.

This book was printed by HerffJones Yearbooks in Marceline, Missouri. It was serviced by representatives Steve and Tamra Bailey, and customer service adviser Amanda Stufflebean.

The cover was cho­sen by the staff. The colors are based off on school colors with some added colors and the design was made by HerffJones. Our theme is "Ten" because we are the graduating class of 2010.



,,, ' '

�\ .. The'layouts were�ade with yie help of rt:e

�rff Jones compa­

ny but touched by our Editor -in - Chie( me. For o basic font we used Jessica, for our headlines we used Antique Ollve compact. We also used DGSirGG .. here and there, and last for the senior section we used Veanna Script.

In order to get this job done we had our amazing iMacs and In­Design CS3. Thankfully Mr. Bookser and Nick Day helped us with the computer glitches. We also owe special thanks to Ariel Cabrera and Kristen Gonzales who helped proof the book: the perfect pages are theirs, the others we have to take responsibility for.

It is a full color book with 200 pages. Besides having some of our blood, sweat and tears, it in­cludes many memories we hope you all will look back on and cherish.

As an editor I have learned how important it is to be organized and responsible. I have also learned that it's harder to get others to do things than to do them yourself but you have to delegate anyhow. In the end the yearbook took the best days of our lives in the school year of'l0.

'EJC 7l.ngelina Jv[. O'Connor

In Class Work Tati Tobe and Jesse Edgar work together to identify Mickey Mouses (temporarily unknown entities).

Working Quietly Diane Acevedo pulls together some personal pages.

The Three Muskateers

Erica Silva, Karla Jaramillo, and Angie O'Connor managed to stay best friends even after facing trials and tribulations in Yearbook.


Computer Genius

Nick Day finishes up his page withhis characteristic intensity.

The great iMacs, Vere Jaramillo, Ashley Medina, Karla Jaramillo, Erica Silva and ,.!! -Ao·c 1,W, onnor

YOU klow�e�ook. �·· / ./ is your Ii,. "-'n

you stay working for. hours hoping�

you'll get an In N Out Burger but 1.1.­ishing the j�

matter wtiat.

Colophon 19 9

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