Assignment - M&R MATERIALS AND RESOURCES ASSIGNMENT Name and surnames: Carolina Susana Sepúlveda Godoy Alejandra Catalán Ruiz José Faiver Sanjuán Gómez Login: CHFPMTFL643693 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX COFPMTFL1304571 Group: Fp_tefl_2013-02. Date: 04/08/2013 1


Assignment - M&R



Name and surnames:

Carolina Susana Sepúlveda Godoy

Alejandra Catalán Ruiz

José Faiver Sanjuán Gómez










Assignment - M&R


INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………...............


RATIONALE …………………………………………………………………………………………………….




- Nature of the syllabus used by learners


- Nature of the materials used by


. …………

- Discussion about design, trialing, adaptation and

evaluation ……………………….

- The belief about language learning and teaching



















Assignment - M&R

- The need about materials and resources perceived


- Teacher´s guide


APPENDIX (the self-made kit)


ANNEXES ………………………………………………………………………………………….……………

ANNEX I.Multiple Intelligences test ……………………………………….


ANNEX II. Materials Evaluation Feedback Form (For


ANNEX III. Students Materials Evaluation














The purpose of this work is to develop a kit of material and activities with

detailed explanation for English teaching in foreign classes. Moreover, the kit3

Assignment - M&R

includes the teacher's guide to allow any teacher to be able to carry out a

class using the material presented.

To design this kit there are different aspects that are taking into account.

First of all, the need to consider the context, which according to Funiber

(2013, p.3) quoting McDonough and Shaw (1993) can be separated into two groups:

Learner characteristics and educational setting.

In relation to the learner characteristics we are considering age, students'

interests, aptitude, mother tongue, motivation, reasons for learning, preferred

learning styles and personality. In addition, the educational setting refers to

the role of English in the country and school, the teachers, resources,

physical and socio-cultural environment and the type of evaluation used.

On the other side, it is pointed out the need this matter is perceived by the


Finally, this work states the belief about language learning and teaching that

the materials designed in the kit represented, and how these activities are

intended to be evaluated.



As it is well known, context might affect the design and selection of

materials. The selection of an appropriate material is conditioned by the

student's context and setting. A deep examination of the context leads to the

identification of course objectives and thus to the adoption of an appropriate

syllabus and materials.

Considering the students' characteristics and needs, these students are between

the ages of 13 and 14. They are in the adolescence stage. In this stage people

experience cognitive and social changes, which lead to more mature stages. They

are trying to create their own identities. In this way the context plays an

important role. Thus, the cultural context influences them including the4

Assignment - M&R

culture and his context; therefore, as context is everywhere, it also has an

influence on everyone.

During the adolescence people enhance their cognitive competence that includes

such things as the ability to reason effectively, problem solve, think

abstractly and reflect, and plan for the future (American Psychological

Association, 2002). This is why the topic "going on vacation" has been chosen.

This topic allows them to talk about future and personal plans, personal

preferences and free time activities which are what more attract them.

Materials presented to adolescent learners should be challenged, where they can

think and solve problems. As it has been stated, design and adaptation of

materials is considered to be the

most difficult area of communicative design, because of the criteria, the

difficulty of the task and specially to “…make an objective assessment of the

criteria” (Funiber, 2013, p.66). However, the development of the high-level of

thinking doesn't mean they can carry out task by themselves. They still need

the guidance of an adult to help them to get their goals, in this case the


Additionally, the students' level of proficiency in English is a mixed

proficiency. Most of the students have a low level on L2, there is also a

minority of students which struggle with language learning. But they show a

good attitude toward the English class because they understand the importance

of the English language in nowadays society. Another characteristic is that in

this group-class all students share the same mother tongue which is Spanish. In

this class there are students that show different learning styles: visual,

auditory and kinesthetic. To handle this, test of learning styles should be

made a priori (see annex II) But most of them have a tendency to be visual

learners (see annex II). Students show preference to work in group rather than

individually. This former aspect is considered very important, because since


Assignment - M&R

the psycholinguistic research pair work and group work is essential for L2

acquisition. (Funiber, 2013, p.66).

Finally, in relation to the setting, this group of students is large and most

of them are interested and motivated for getting good results in evaluation as

their work has habitually an academic aim. Here is a clear example of mixed-

abilities, many students are looking for a grade, they just try to solve

activities and finish quickly. The tests lay on use of grammar rules and chunks

of language as verbs and vocabulary lists, as dialogues and heart leaned

activities. The resources used in these materials (handout) are available, what

makes the lessons feasible to carry out in most contexts. Personalisation plays

and important extent, so materials must allow students a particular output task

which is proper of mixed ability solutions; nevertheless, there is not an

established material, students work with photocopies which facilitate topics

proposed by syllabus. Nowadays, internet is a tool which has become essential,

and governments are improving the use of the net around (ICT). A great majority

of pupils have access and training on information technologies(ICT), what

facilitates variety of information and access to it.

It is necessary to establish that the role of English is very important in

South American countries, as it is a compulsory area in academic fields.

English is understood as a lifelong skill essential for our times, in this case

English is a compulsory subject which is evaluated from primary to university

studies. As teachers, it could be understood that this role involves a lot of

responsibilities and all the school community should give a great importance to

the language learning. Nowadays, there are many young teachers eager to work

and interested in improving their level and their teaching abilities, most of

them are nationals and have Spanish language as a mother tongue, they have a

good attitude towards their job but in some cases there is a labour

instability, what makes expectation be untie with processes and students6

Assignment - M&R

interests (short term contracts/being hired). On the other hand, the average of

time to teach oscillates between 3 to 5 hours per week, what makes the process

difficult because of the pressure put on teachers to fulfill academic programs.

Nature of the syllabus used by learners

Students in this group are used to multi syllabus classes. The Grammatical or

Structural syllabus types, Functional-notional, and Task based syllabus are

used during classes. As we all know the grammatical

Structural syllabus understand language as a set of rules, so for learning to

be possible, these set of rules should be learned and practiced in various ways

to make meaning. It has been noted that this syllabus has had a great influence

in students and there is a tendency to emphasize on grammar rules despite new

trends aims to communication through competence and then grammar comes.... On

the other hand, functional-notional syllabuses focus on communicative and

interpersonal uses of the target language. According to Wilkins in Nunan (1998,

p.27) these syllabuses can be considered as synthetic language teaching

strategies because different parts of the language are taught separately, so

acquisition is a process of gradual accumulation of parts units.  In addition,

task based syllabus focus on linguistic and communicative competence. Learners

are asked to focus on meaning and message which is a discourse level. The focus

of multi syllabus was certainly on semantic criteria: nevertheless, the

teaching materials derived from this perspective (Morrow and Johnson,

communicate, 1980) have both communicative and formal elements, and include work

on functions, settings, roles, and grammar.

Normally, students carry out communicative task like asking for permission,

talking about personal information, likes and dislikes, but these tasks also

involve grammar exercises and practice. That is why it can be concluded that

learners are familiarized with these syllabuses but especially with grammatical

Structural one.7

Assignment - M&R

Nature of the materials used by learners

Students usually use photocopies to cover the topics, as it has been previously

said, the character of school programs, the socio-economic situation, the

material prices, the emphasis on grammatical rather than a communicative

approaches, generate a tendency on reading and writing skills as a constant in

these school groups; time is also an obstacle in the sense that classes are

shortened by several activities and there is not a real process in which pupils

get benefit on a complete skill development. Nevertheless, the effort of

teachers in order to improve teaching and learning strategies lay on the

constant use of media as videos, songs, role plays, spelling contests, karaoke


Students usually use photocopies to cover the topics, as it has been previously

said, the character of school programs, the socio-economic situation, the

material prices, the emphasis on grammatical rather than a communicative

approaches, generate a tendency on reading and writing skills as a constant in

these school groups; time is also an obstacle in the sense that classes are

shortened by several activities and there is not a real process in which pupils

get benefit on a complete skill development. Nevertheless, the effort of

teachers in order to improve teaching and learning strategies lay on the

constant use of media as videos, songs, role plays, spelling contests, karaoke


On the other hand, in some countries and school materials used are not really

focused on students needs and the school chooses sometimes their approach. In

most cases schools focus these materials to get better performances from their

students to show the improvement on international tests. With those test

results they get more applicants and more financial support from the sponsors

(i.e. in Chile, there is in secondary a standard test to measure this

performance - Simce Inglés - Pet/Ket and Toiec- and in Colombia there is a8

Assignment - M&R

similar test called ICFES - based on Pet/Ket both countries base tests in CEFR

at ALTE levels)

Discussion about design, trialing, adaptation and evaluation

Firstly, the topic chosen for this self-made kit was thought regarding the age

and interest of learners, as it has been mentioned, 13 and 14 year-old

students, and one of their favourite times is holiday. The activity is

intended to begin with a warm up which allows the possibility to explore

students´ previews knowledge and personal interests and needs. Attitude

according to (McDonough, J. & Shaw, C. 1993) is one of student´s

characteristics which need attention when designing or adapting materials. The

teacher in charge is encouraged to use L2 having in mind that it helps

communicative abilities. Students have the opportunity to participate and the

activity becomes an opened-ended teacher questions interaction pattern which

increases communicative skills. Penny Ur (1996). The feedback to learners is to

consider the form of the question; for example, yes/no; true or false/;

multiple choice; non-verbal matrix to be completed; feed-back facilitates

students´ accuracy in pronunciation, structure and vocabulary acquisition. The

vocabulary introduced has been chosen having in mind socio-cultural aspects as

holiday attractions and economical factors of the group. Most of the

vocabulary is related with cultural celebrations and feast in South and Central

American Countries. Warm up presents a vocabulary adaptation as it is stated by

Funiber in M & R in TELF, 2013,p.70) quoting McDonough, J. & Shaw 1983,

“Effective adaptation is a matter of achieving ´congruence´…. among several

related variables: …” in this case students´ context but specially external

features has been analyzed in order to help student attention and attitude as

It has been previously mentioned. In the same way, vocabulary in this case is

offered with colourful comic pictures which attract teenager´s attention and it

enhances motivation.9

Assignment - M&R

The listening activity presented in the kit was thought having in mind the

nature of the skill and micro-skills, so authentic material, level of students,

and listening for gist (accuracy on vocabulary) are used, so students get

familiar with real use of lexis. There are two basic language functions

according to (Brown & Yule 1983), they are the transactional and interactional

functions, and the former apprehends with the transfer of information and the

latest with the conservation of social associations, these two roles facilitate

input and also output of L2. (Funiber 2013, p.62), since the unit objective is

to teach the present simple continuous, in a real context and personal language

production. On the other hand, teacher´s role in this exercise plays an

important part because must be a moderator to control the times and rhythms so

the activity might be agreeable and meaningful.

In the speaking section, various features are relevant to be beard in mind,

(Funiber 2013, p.64) firstly, the promotion of interactional language use. The

exercise encourage pupils to participate in a communicative task, the

performing action is to give oral response to a question which implies a

personal response, that is the second feature for the speaking activity;

according to Ellis, the task must involve actions, specified outcome, language

comprehension and production and focus on meaning rather than form. (Funiber

2013, p.47), nevertheless, grammar is involved but as a secondary aspect

because what is stressed is fact that communication takes place. Here the

teacher plays an imperative role since she/he must highlight the “micro-skills

as it is pronunciation, stress, intonation, discourse features, etc.” (Funiber

2013, p.64), teacher notes give some suggestions in order to make an accurate

use of the task and it may be successful.

Grammar is presented as a reference exercise, having in mind that the goal for

this unit is to teach the present progressive tense, the communicative and

interpersonal uses is being applied through practical use. Teacher is intended10

Assignment - M&R

to check learners´ performance in order to elicit any doubts and a simple

comprehension exercise is led to clarify the use and spelling of the tense in

course, avoiding in this way the use of long grammatical rules which is not

convenient for beginners or students with low level.

There are three main steps to provide a writing environment; the pre-writing

activity permits students planning and gathering ideas, for this purpose

pictures invite learners to imagine and chose a personal perspective and begin

working on a draft to prepare a final work. According to Funiber, quoting

Nunan, currently, there are a few steps in order to do a successful writing, it

is not seeing as a final product but as a process in which learners and teacher

are involved through activities such as imitation, expansion and formation of

paragraphs to obtain little by little what is required to be expressed (Funiber

2013, p.63). At this stage, Students are intended to use grammar reference for

spelling, and struggling to look for a reading as a guide in order to organize

the content of the writing work. That is why the reading section is offered

ahead in order to reinforce ideas and learners might encounter a way to clarify

and polish her/his final work. As it has been stated, the choices of authentic

reading materials do not only help students to increase the ability to develop

the natural use of language, skimming, scanning, inferring meaning but also it

promotes bases for the written final product (Funiber 2013, p.61). The reading

exercise applied in the kit, offers a rationale amount of length, level,

authentic adapted topic and material, a task, encouragement to react and

develop another skill, etc. These aspects are what make evident the nature of

reading skill, supported by the suitable guidance from the teacher who provides

the environment and leads students to develop other skills and sub-skills,


Hedge, who refers to the production of piece of writing as ‘crafting’, ‘the way

in which a writers put together the pieces of the text, developing ideas11

Assignment - M&R

through sentences and paragraphs within an overall structure’ (Hedge 1988,

p.89), gives us a clear idea of what is a written product. In this way the

reading material has been chosen having in mind the audience, their age,

interest and specially the needs. It allows students interaction but also the

teacher has the possibility to reply or initiate through the activity suggested

in the kit. A writing perspective is offered to pupils in order to allow them

to move among different stages and create a recursive or even a messy

production till they obtain a personal and polished version. The teacher plays

an important role because she/he encourage “activities highlighting the micro

skills, such as linguistic characteristics of different styles, discourse

features for linking and organizing text, punctuation, layout, writing

conventions around internet … , etc.” which are used in the material. (Funiber

2013, p.63-64)

Regarding evaluation of materials, as it has been noted, it is not an easy job

but a complex matter and according to Rea-Dickins & Germaine, quoted by

(Funiber 2013, p.35-36), basic questions must be reflected before doing an

evaluation of teaching and learning materials. As materials to be evaluated,

there has been taken the self-made kit which has been design to continue a

process of achieving L2, but also with the purpose of a specific goal, that is

to teach present continuous tense and its use. The material has been produced

by teachers, who have done a particular reflexion on students’ needs and group

characteristics. The material has been prepared using pedagogic but also

authentic pieces of information use in the media as it is South American

context features, in this case holiday practices. This material is to be used

as a unit which is part of a secondary school program in a syllabus based on

multi syllabi structure as it is Grammatical or Structural, Functional-notional

and Task based.

On the other hand, the roles of the material lay on the students’ interests

because of their age, context, and time. It is intended to facilitate pupils12

Assignment - M&R

the use of practical and personal English as a Second Language throughout

teaching a particular grammar chunk as it is present progressive tense. The

material is going to be used in a 3 or 4 hours of class, in a large group of

students with mix-abilities and good attitude towards L2. Particular

instructions are given on the teacher’ guide in order to chase a goal as it is

the use of L2 in a task which involves skills developing and functions in a

real-time communication. Top-down and bottom-up processing, is evident in the

activities where “…Learners are asked to focus on the message and to organise

their ideas before beginning communication. In writing they are asked to

analyse models on how a text is organised before beginning to write and are

provided for a reason for writing, in terms of audience and an appropriate

style.” (Funiber 2013, p.58).

Ellis proposes various steps to evaluate tasks, as previously it has been

stated, he makes emphasis on process and concentrates in communicative tasks

(Funiber 2013, p.47) Macro and micro-evaluation is to be done during the

process, as the name indicates, the self-made kit is a part of a micro-

evaluation which must go hand to hand with macro-evaluation too if there is a

term program. On the other hand, Funiber quotes Littlejohn in Tomlinson (1998)

who states: “…to enable a close analysis of materials themselves, as a support

to designing materials and as a preliminary step to designing materials and

classroom research”, and following the analysis of materials is how good

conclusions can be made. These reasons and many others give support to initiate

an evaluation of the self-made kit; timing, suitability, layout, motivation,

usefulness, interest, variety, among others, are important areas in order to

make a good evaluation. Teachers and pupils must have the opportunity to

evaluate and enable any correction and polish may be done, also the teachers

will be asked to answer a questionnaire. To be able to identify how successful

is this material it must be used in the classroom but following some criteria.


Assignment - M&R

Based on Ann Riddell Akin & Meral Guceri´s article (2001) the following aspects

are considered in order to evaluate the self-made kit:

a) See whether students find material interesting and motivating

b) Whether the time used was enough for input and practice

c) Whether the material have variety of activities or task

d) Whether required task were easy and practical

e) Whether the proposed objective was achieved or not

f) To identify whether the teacher reached the proposed objectives using the

materials or not

g) Whether the layout was attractive or not

Concerning these basic elements, the self-made kit has been planned to be

evaluated in order to improve any weakness and get more contributions for

further materials (see appendix III & IV).

- The belief about language learning and teaching

Students are accustomed to work on multi-syllabi with a strong tendency on

Grammatical or Structural syllabuses types, but with an important influence on

communicative focused ones which are known as synthetic language teaching where

acquisition is a process of gradual accumulation, focus on meaning rather than

form and make communicative competence more prominent. Although, in some other

educational places, there is a tendency in communicative approach which is

mainly given in private schools or some semi private schools as in Colombia or

Chile, where schools choose their own materials with an extra economical

support; however, this is not the same situation in public schools and some

semi private schools, despite the government provides a standard type of books

which are the same for the whole country. In those, teachers have to modify

certain items in order to get them closer and meaningfully to students. This is14

Assignment - M&R

teacher’s perception in relation to activities required and how they have to be

done, i.e. focus or modify into a more communicative approach. In this case

there have been included as a self-made kit to be used to this kind of purpose.


The need about materials and resources perceived

To design and evaluate task is not an easy work because several aspects must be

taken in account as learners’ characteristics and educational settings, which

gather diverse and complex cultural and personal items. These previous ones

have an important influence in the use and effectiveness of materials and


The topics chosen for the self-made kit, have been designed according to

students characteristics and needs, this allows a truly response to the lack of

motivation and attitude because the topic is related more with socio-cultural

patterns and personal interest issues. This elements which are associated with

transactional and interactional functions, invite pupils to use benefit in the

input and output of language.

In addition, a very important role of the teacher is expected during the

implementation of the material in class, she/he is the one who facilitates and

guides the process in which all different aspects are canalized chasing the

objective which is the prize of the process.

Finally, evaluation of this material will be applied through various

questionnaires done by teachers and students after being performed. What is

expected is to find a well-supported product after teachers and students give

their opinion on the success, weakness and the strength of this self-made kit,15

Assignment - M&R

nevertheless finding the results of the micro evaluation results as well. Under

this prism it is important to take in account the way that this is going to be

carried out. This type of exercises are chosen after having taken a syllabus

level diagnosis test which will show where in ALTE level Ss are, and a learning

styles test, (see annex I) which is intended to give information of the better

way students learn, .also..... Materials´ Evaluation Feedback Form (For

teachers) which is to get information to improve future kits of materials

(annex II ) …. Student materials Evaluation Questionnaire, which takes into

account the students opinion since they are the directly involved in using this

material and the ones who will make this material used in this learning

process, succeed.

Teacher´s guide HOLIDAY


This lesson covers basic vocabulary and grammar (present continuous tense),

about holidays. It intends to give SS the elements to interact about their

experience or their ideas, thoughts and feelings about holiday periods, using

the four basic skills.

1) Warm up

Use L2 to introduce new vocabulary (you can write on the board if necessary)

different words students mention in L1 or L2, you can write them on the board.

As they participate ask SS to write the words in the corresponding box.

Allow students to read aloud by random the group of words and correct

pronunciation if necessary. Use questions to improve SS participation such as:

What do you do on holidays? What is your favourite weather? / What is the

weather like today? / What season are we in? ... etc.16

Assignment - M&R

Give a few minutes to SS to match pictures with words; ask them to read aloud

the new vocabulary. You can explain, using L2 which are the seasons like and

their characteristics in different places.


Ask SS look at the pictures and elicit any unknown word, Play the video clip

while students write on the corresponding gap the word they listen to. You can

replay the video two or three times if necessary. As soon as they have finished

filling gaps in, check the answers. You can ask questions like: what is the

weather like in France today? Etc.


Focus on pictures and ask SS to answer the questions, as them to move around

the class asking tow of their classmates the questions and write the answers in

each box (you can give a few minutes to complete the activity). Finally, ask

them to give a report about her/his classmate answers. (e.g. Juan is in Brazil,

He is visiting a friend, he is having a cup of hot coffee, etc.) At the end

give group feedback to correct any errors.


Ask SS to look at the box and identify the meaning of the present continuous,

explain them this tense have different uses, tell them that future arrangements

can be done with it, give them its equivalent in L1. Remind the use of be with

I, YOU, SHE etc… you can tell SS that this is the only verb conjugated in

English (am, is, are), are the utilized forms.

Tell SS to do the exercises and check their answers. Encourage SS to observe

the spelling rules and clarify any doubts about it.



Assignment - M&R

Encourage students to match pictures with the sentences in the boxes then walk

around and spot on the answers and elicit unknown words. Give few minutes to

complete the activity then ask students to work in pairs comparing the

responses. Check around and help SS explaining any doubts.

Teacher asks questions in order to check match and comprehension accuracy e.g.

What is she doing in picture 1? Are they skating in picture 5? Is she skiing in

picture 5? etc.

Ask students to write the correct form of the verb filling the gaps with the

corresponding sentence. Walk around offering support to students who require

it. Finally, elicit answers writing them on the board if necessary to check



SS are encouraged to read silently and answer the questions below. Afterwards,

they can read aloud and ask and answer each other the questions provided.


Students should be encouraged to put pieces together and teacher gives clues to

improve word and sentence linking and organizing text, use

Extra activity: if there is time encourage students to think about one of

her/his memorable vacation and ask them to write an e-mail to you, telling what

are they doing in that place right now, what is happening around and what are

their plans for their holiday. Use the exercise to check out writing accuracy

individually; it is important to have in mind both product and process

evidence, if there is not time, it can be assessed as a home work.


Assignment - M&R




Below are some activities that people do while they are in holiday, level them

into the right box.

See statues – exploring nature – see horses – buy souvenirs – visiting places – playing soccer – visiting

relatives – dance traditional music – see parades – visit museums – visit parks – go swimming – eat

traditional food – try clothes on –

Tourist places Shopping Eventse.g. visit museums

a) Match the pictures

with the correct










Assignment - M&R



Watch the following video clip, “International weather report” and write next to each

flag the climate mentioned there.


Assignment - M&R



Choose one of the pictures and answer the following questions writing in the

boxes, then ask two of your class mates and get information to give a report.











Assignment - M&R

Where are you at the

moment? What is the weather

like?What are you doing

right now?



Assignment - M&R

Right Now Around Now In the Near Future

I am having a cup of

coffee now

My friend is taking

pictures these days

We are coming for a


a) Complete the sentences using present progressive and check when they


Right now Around Now In the Near








I ___ _____ a lot of coffee these


My friend ____ _______ money now.

They ____ _______ for a parade

next week.b) Study the spelling rules when using present continuous tense


most verbs: + ing remove e + ing double the consonant +


do --- doing /study---


make ---- making cut ---- cutting

go --- going /play ---


smile ---smiling sit---sitting

ask --- asking / enjoy ---


come --- coming run --- running

draw --- drawing / cry ---


write --- writing swim --- swimming

Grammar in focus



Assignment - M&R

Look at the following pictures and complete the e- mail Alejandra is

writing to her friend José. Level the pictures with the sentences in the

boxes and write the correct form of the verb.we/do/






my friend and I/take/a cable car/to

top of mountain


La Plata



we/go/to/Geneva I/sit/in/out door


Mm publications


Assignment - M&R


Read the postcard and answer the questions below


Assignment - M&R

Dear Paulo

I am here in San Agustín, it issunny and nice, though early inthe morning it is raining, Ilove it here! I am staying at a small hotelin the town which is on thesouth of Colombia.I am visiting San Agustínbecause it is a very specialplace. I am enjoying theArcheological Park, and takinglots of pictures; tomorrow, Iam exploring the nature andlearning new things about thepre-Columbian archeologicalsites.I recommend you San Agustín ifyou are looking for a goodholiday.

That´s all for now, I am comingback home next week. See youthen.

Bye for now!


a) Where is José spending his holiday? ___________________________________

b) Why is he enjoying his time there? ____________________________________

c) What is José doing at the moment? ____________________________________

d) When is he coming back home? _______________________________________


Assignment - M&R

Look at the postcard written by Jose to his friend Paulo, write an e-mail

telling your friend what are you doing now while spending your holidays in your

dreamed place.


Assignment - M&R



ANNEX I. (www.LearningStylesintheESL/EFLClassroom.http://www...)

Teaching Theory: Learning Style Check List

Instructions: Please read each statement and write the response (5, 4, 3, 2 or

1) in the space after the item. Answer in terms of how well the statement

describes you. Do not answer how you think you should be or what other people

do. There is no right or wrong answers to the statements.

5- Almost always 4- Often 3-Sometimes 2-Rarely 1- Almost never

___1. I can remember something better if i write it down.

___ 2. When reading, I listen to the words in my head or I read aloud.

___ 3. I need to discuss things to understand them better.

___ 4. I don’t like to read or listen to directions. I’d rather just start


___ 5. I am able to visualize pictures in my head.

___ 6. I can study better when music is playing.

___ 7. I need frequent breaks while studying.

___ 8. I think better if I can move around. Studying at a desk is not for me.

___ 9. I take lots of notes on what I read and hear.

___ 10. It helps me to LOOK at a person speaking. It keeps me focused.

___ 11. It’s hard for me to understand what a person is saying when there is

background noise.

___ 12. I prefer having someone tell me how to do something rather than having

to read directions myself.

___ 13. I prefer hearing a lecturer or tape rather than reading a book.

___ 14. When I can’t think of a specific word, I use my hands a lot to explain.


Assignment - M&R

__ 15. I can easily follow a speaker even though my head is down, or I’m

staring out the window.

___ 16. It’s easy for me to understand maps, charts and graphs.

___ 17. I understand better by looking at a diagram than by reading a


___ 18. When beginning an article or book, I prefer to take a peek at the


___ 19. I remember what people say better than what they look like.

___ 20. I remember things better if I study aloud with someone.

___ 21. I take notes, but never go back and read them.

___ 22. When I am concentrating on reading and writing, the radio bothers me.

___ 23. It’s hard for me to picture things in my head.

___ 24. I find it helpful to talk myself through my homework assignments.

___ 25. My notebook and desk may look messy, but I know where things are.

___ 26. When taking a test, I can SEE the text page and the correct answer on


___ 27. I cannot remember a joke long enough to tell it later.

___ 28. When learning something new, I prefer to listen to information about

it, then read about it, and then do it.

___ 29. I like to complete one task before starting another.

___ 30. I use my fingers to count, and I move my lips when I read.

___ 31. I dislike proofreading my work.

_ _ 32. When I am trying to remember something new, for example, a telephone

number, it helps me to form a picture of it in my head.

_ _ 33. For extra credit, I prefer to do a report on tape rather than write it.

_ _ 34. I daydream in class.

__ 35. For extra credit, I’d rather create a project than write a report.

___36. When I get an idea, I must write it down right away, or I’ll forge


Assignment - M&R

Transfer the number you wrote on the checklist onto each line. Then total each


1. ____ 2. _____ 4. ____

5. ____ 3. ____ 6. _____

9. _____ 12. ____ 7. _____

10. ____ 13. ____ 8. ____

11. ____ 15. ____ 14. ____

16. ____ 19. ____ 18. ____

17. ____ 20. ____ 21. ____

22. ____ 23. ____ 25. ____

26. ____ 24. ____ 30. ____

27. ____ 28. ____ 31. ____

32. ____ 29. ____ 34. ____

36. ____ 33. ____ 35. ____

___ Visual Total____ Auditory Total ___Kinesthetic Total

My favorite Learning Style is: ______________________

My next highest is: ______________________

My least used style is: ______________________


Assignment - M&R

ANNEX II. (Akin & Guceri 2001)

Materials’ Evaluation Feedback Form (For Teachers)

Teacher’s Name ……………………….. Course……………………..

Please choose the number you consider most appropriate and as a feedback please

write any comment you have got. Thank you for your time and co-operation in

completing this feedback form.

Circle 1 if you strongly agree and 5 whether you strongly disagree

Teachers’ guides

1.The teachers’ guides are clear

1 2 3 4 5

Suggestions: ______________________________________________________________

2.The teachers’ guides are easy to follow.

1 2 3 4 5

Suggestions: ______________________________________________________________

3.The teachers’ guides are suitably detailed.

1 2 3 4 5


4. The time allowance indicated was appropriate

1 2 3 4 5

Suggestions: ______________________________________________________________

Material Layout31

Assignment - M&R

5.The material was reproduced well.

1 2 3 4 5


6. The material was well-laid out.

1 2 3 4 5


Student Motivation

7. The students were motivated by the material.

1 2 3 4 5

Comments: ______________________________________________________________

8.Students were motivated by the material as it is useful for their studies.

1 2 3 4 5

Suggestions: ______________________________________________________________

9. Students were motivated by the materials as it will be useful for their work


1 2 3 4 5

Suggestions: ______________________________________________________________

10. Students were motivated by the material as it is interesting.

1 2 3 4 5

Suggestions: ______________________________________________________________

11. Students were motivated by the material as it will be part of a


Assignment - M&R

1 2 3 4 5

Suggestions: ______________________________________________________________


Assignment - M&R

ANNEX III. Student materials Evaluation Questionnaire

Dear Student,

We would like to know your opinion on the materials in order to improve their

quality in the future. Thank you for your sincere response and time to complete

this questionnaire.

Please circle your responses.

A) Timing

Choose 1 if your strongly agree or 6 whether you strongly disagree

1. I had enough time to complete the work

1 2 3 4 5 6

2. I was given too much time to complete the work.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Comments (if any) __________________________________________________________

B) Usefulness

The materials are useful for my learning process.

1 2 3 4 5 6


Assignment - M&R

The material will be useful for my near future.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Comments (if any)__________________________________________________________

C) Interest

The materials were interesting.

1 2 3 4 5 6

2. The material had a variety of tasks and activities.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Comments (if any)__________________________________________________________

D) Difficulty

1. I found the language of the material difficult to understand

1 2 3 4 5 6

2. I found the tasks and activities difficult to do.

1 2 3 4 5 6

3. The material made me do new things.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Comments (if any) __________________________________________________________35

Assignment - M&R

E) Layout

The material was well laid out.

1 2 3 4 5 6

2. The type size of the material made it easy to read.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Comments (if any) __________________________________________________________

F) Learning

I improved my English with the help of these materials.

1 2 3 4 5 6

2. I learned a lot from using these materials

1 2 3 4 5 6

Comments (if any) __________________________________________________________


Assignment - M&R


Annett, J. (1969) Feedback and human behaviour: The effects of knowledge of

results, incentives and reinforcement on learning and performance. Penguin

Books. London.

Binnie Smith, D. (1996). Teacher decision making in the adult ESL classroom in

Freeman, D.& Lenon, A. & Ball, P. Materials and Resources in EFL. Formación

Universitaria, Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER).

Brown, G., & Yule, G.(1983): Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.


Assignment - M&R

Ellis, R. (1998). The evaluation of communicative tasks. Chapter 9 in

Tomlinson, B. (ed.) (1998) Materials Development in Language Teaching.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Funiber (2013:35-36) Evalutation of materials

Hedge, T.(1988): Writing, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

McDonough, J. & Shaw, C. (1993). Materials and Methods in ELT. Blackwell.


Nunan, D. (1988). Syllabus Design. Oxford University Press. Oxford.

Rea-Dickins, P. & Germaine, K. (1992); evaluation, Oxford; Oxford University


Ur, P. (1996) A course in Language Teaching Cambridge University Press.



Akin & Guceri. A Macro materials evaluation. Link to webpage:

[Read: November 8, 2010, GMT-5].

American Psycological Association, 2002.

English Teachers Association NSW. ICTs in English: Overview.

Han, Z. (2001). Integrating corrective feedback into communicative language

teaching. Web link:


a080679247 [Read: April 22, 2013]


brian/courses/1100orientation/learningstyleinventory_survey.pdf [Read: August

2, 2013].38

Assignment - M&R

Morrow, K. & Johnson, K. (1980) Communicate 2 : English for social interaction

Riddle, A. Cuceri, M. (2001) A Macro materials Evaluation: for Better or for

Worse. The weekly column. Article 56, April 2001. Web link:

Swan, M. (2008). The Influence of the Mother Tongue on Second Language

Acquisition and Use. Web link:

linguistics/influence-second-language.htm [Read: April 18, 2013]