Marines leap into action on an unlikely battlefield - City of ...


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0 ~~ A N I I f ( I ) lJ N T y ' 1~ ~ I F (J H N I A 2 ::., c E N T ...; . ---- ,.

Candidates e gage i~ hOt debat~

-' ' ,

Assembly hopefuls exchange charges, bitterness devclopina in race! work in the Repubhcan Party," Newport Beach busincssm Gi FeJJuson added.

Commmee ofOranic County. Fcrsuson said 3.000 copies of the

mailer were printed with the word ••for" missina between his name and the wofds .. 70tb District As. temblyman. '' Ferauson said bt1 staff corrected about 2,800 mailers by hand but that 200 were d istributed accidentally.

criticism in race for Bergeson seat Ferguson was quick to e . . rize Carpenter defended him.elf by Ken Carpenter, ooe of his s1x Re· • sa~na he simply bu developed a r.ublican opponent&, as a pawn for wtde base of suppon that includes ·~fitical .. k!n~en" and " ma- some prominent officials.

By JERRY HJRSCll OfhO.-, ........

With the election only a month away, the campaign 1s heatjnJ up in the "T'acc for the 70th Distnct A~ scmbly seat being vacated by As­semblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach. ·

The seven Republicao candidates

Coast A telephone caller got more than he bargained for when he Invited a woman to visit him In his apartment./ A4

The PU01:tflcldes not to close crlppltd San On­ofre generating Unit 1, out of service since Feb. 1982./A4

California A state appellate court upholds a ruling that ac­cused mass slayer Kevin Cooper be tried In San Dlego./A3

The defense claims It has new evidence to help nurse Robert Diaz, con­victed of killing 12 elderly hospital patients./ A3

Nation House Speaker Tip O'Neill ls pushing Rep. Geraldine Ferraro of New York for the Democrats' vice presidential noml­nee./ A3

The stock market went Into a deep dive on F rl-

.. ~~r..:~.~~ ............................... ·.· •.• ~ .. ... ..... ·.···· ... ····················J-~·~ World Israel rejects a PLO offer for mutual recognition put forth by Chairman Vasser Arafat./ A3

Pope John Paul 11'1ssues a strong Indictment against ''naked terrorism' ' during his Korean trip./ A3 ~=·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·

Religion The 12th annual Farm Worker Week will be cel­ebrated Sunday In Or­ange, under sponsorship of the National Farm

. 't!?.-~~~!.-~.'-~~.~~!J.:(..~.! ...... ·.······· ·.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• .. •.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• ............ . Youth The young performers at the Laguna Moulton Play­house will put on "Rumplestlltskln" next weekend./ A7

Sports Dallas tightens series against Lakers wiah 125- 115 vlctory'?!tl the Mavericks' home court. /81

Orange Coast College's Todd Andrews just misses set school record In the 110 hurdles at South Coast Conference track meet./83

Entertainment That '·Australian'' actor, Mel Gibson? He was an American for his first 12 years./A9


INDEX Bridge Callfornle News Claulfled Comics Crouword Death Notices Horoecope Natlon11 N9WI Public Notices A .. 1 Estate Religion Sports T•vlalon Theatw1 Weather World Newt Youth I A7

A10 A3

67- 10 A10 89 88 88 A3

A-4 , 8 5-6 c 1-2•

A6-7 8 1-4

A8 A8-9

A2 A3


and two of the three Democrats vyina for the offi ce met for a taped debate on a public television program, Jim Cooper's Oranae County1 at the KOCE televison studios in H unt­ington Beach o n Friday. The debate was to be a ired at 8 p.m . Friday on KtOCE-TV. Channel 50.

During an interchange on the

Cinco de Mayo

chine polttJC1ans. . At host Jim Cooper' s behest. Ferguson was referring to Carpcnten:lsocriticiud Ferauson for

Carpcnte(ssupport by 0ranae Cou~- a campaip mailer that listed ty Supervisor Bruce Ncstandc, Shen ff Ferguson as the district's incumbent Brad G ates and other local Re\_ assemblyman. publican officials. . ~ ) Carpenter has filed a complaint

"The young man has absolutly no over the mailer wiffi the ethics qualifications and has done li ttle committee of the Republican Central

A tttird candidate, Ron Cordova. ca.lied-the complaioiand controvcny " hop'Ub that distracts from the issues." But during the debate, Cor-

. dova, who represented tbe Assembly

Jl'tnt arade madenta t Park Prt•ate n.,. 8cbool celebrated Cinco de MaJO ln aatt •tyle with their Tenlon of the

lledcan Bat Dance. Tbe llbWlaJ eommemoratee tbe llestcan•' declal•• Tictory ner tbe l"reaeb In 1882.

An alWt Wettmmetet womtn la cndlted With helpeng polce ..... ture two·~ blftk r~ Friday wh9n lhe noticed tMt •car pned outllde her "°"" lootted Nk• the getllWay *** ..,... tn anotW bri het9t tut month •

We9tnllnlter Sgt. Wlt'T'en O'NelH said the woman - who wu not ldentlfted - catled podce when • tamfllet car ttos>ped near her home af)d the drtwr got out to ~P the.lloenM plat•.

•"My Lord, It's hap Ing

Speaker square off on penny tax issue ,

By JEFF ADLER Of .... Oellf ..... Ulff

In answer to a transportation sales tax proponent's claim that O~n$e County highways and freeways will become m ore congested during , the next 20 years. a tax opponent Frid ay issued a warning: " Vote yes on A -and perpetuate the traffic mess."

Tax opp<>ncnt Nonnan G rossman. representing Citizens Aaainst Unfair T axation. made his'F<>mment during 11 morning debate in Newport Beach on the merits of Proposition A, t he ~nny transportation sales tax in­itiative set to appear on the June 5 ballot.

Grossman argued that the pacb ge of transportat ion projects prt~rcd by the Orange County Tran-.,Or­tat1on Commission has "a lo\ of holrs" 1n 1t.

He sard that llf\er 15 years of tom­up roads and business d1slocat1ons. county dnven would be encounter-1na the same congestion they fllcc today.

And he attacked the SI 4 billion ,lated to be Stt 111de


for a propo~ C'osta Mesa-to-Fullerton haht·rttl line as a "blank check" tha t could be used by govcrnmcf\t for an> purpn\C t all 1f the roil t nc fa il to win

approval * Mike Schneider. SJ>C" k1njl on

Pleue eee PENNY TAX/ A2)

Marines leap into action on an unlikely battlefield By ANDREA ADELSON Of IM DM!y l'llo4 lt8fl

" I JUSt did what I hope someone else would do for me." said one of a dozen El Toro Man nes in a leader­ship school. who put their classroom-

taught skills to work on an unlike ly battlefield Friday. f

The classmates, some of them on the last leg of a mominaj<>&. and a pair of passing motorists he lped pull two accident victims from the mangled

wreckage of their vehicles. a (alt­fornia Htghwa) Patrol officer !>aid

Their quick thinking, pulling one man from hts burning car. d1rect1ng traffic and soothing the tv. o tnJured

·rPleue .ee ltlAIUNES/ A2)

Marlnee wllo palled motort.ta from Dam­m. wrecuae (mncttnc. left to liCllt): Cpla. Brlan Sweet and Ste'f'en llhln. Lance Cpla. ....

............... -.u. ....... &rte Jacob9on. Mark Jeoten and Paal

• Pokll.kbau; (eeated): Lance Cpl•. Jamee Norri• and Baldon Blake.

distnct as a Oemocrat before Bap;IOn won the teal in 1971, loa very few chances to refer to u the younsest and least-experienood candUSate in the race. ·.

Carpenter, a Newport ~ bUll­newnan. is 29 yean old and it the yountett candjdate in the t9CC. He is the other q.ndidates in both raisina funds and 10 the number of endonements from state and county politicians. Carpenter'• f&lber is Den­nis Carpenter, a former usemblyman ....._ .. cANDJDATS8/A2J

Poli Cy on arms control defended By ANDREA ADELSON .,. ...............

The Reagan Administration's in­itiative to e~pand chemical weapon production in thrli.S. u intended as a deterrent to the Soviet Union' s use of biological warfare, an administration official said Friday.

Kenneth L. Adelman, director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarma­ment Agency. defended Reagan's initiativC-a.nd the U.S. call for a worldwide chemical weapons ban.

" We think our deterrent capability is about to erode, and this only increases the likelihood that (use of chemical weapons) would occur on the other side," said Adelman, ex­plaining the contradictory ideas to the Oranat County World Affairs Coun­cil at the Saddleback Inn in Santa Ana.

The ab1hty to wage b1ol0&1cal warfare gi-vcs the U .S. -an important mcenttvc" m trying to ham mer out an international ban on chemical weapons, Adelman told the audience of about 300.

President Ro naJd Reagan' s con­troversjaJ 1983 appojntc:c to the arms control agency, Adelman outlined the Reagan Administratioo't · p b for arms control talks under wav on

. several fronts. ·

He said the U.S. chemical weapon ban proposal made in February by Vice President George Bush was labeled "i>atcntly unacceptable" by the Soviets.

(Pleue eee ARMS/ A2) a;;; •

Wall St. tax case starts up Irvine businessman one of five -charged in securities fraud-From 1&aff and wire reports

A New York prosecutor opened his case 10 th<' largest U.S. tax fraud ever. charging five Wall Str~t bust· nessmen faked billions of dollars 1n secunues trades to set up S 130 million m phon} tax deductions.

.\n lrvme man 1s among the five defendants who art accused ofselhng bogus ux shelters to §("()~ of tn­H·stors. 1ncludmg composer Henf) Mancini. actor Sidney Ponter and telc"1s1on producer Nonnan Lear

Joseph '\ntonucci. 37. of Irvine and four East Coast businessmen entertd innocent pleas m Dcccm~r

l\ione of the in vestors was charged v.11h v.Tongdoing. But '\ss1stant U >\ttomcy Wilham J Schwartz told a JUf) the fi,·e busm~smen on tnnl ran

"'a " paper mill" that created fict1t1ou'> documents to JUSt1f) uu-losses based on non-<x1stent Trcasun bill trade-.

" These so-called trades wen· c;ham ... the prosecutor ..aid a\ the tnal opened Thursda) ··Nothing aboul them was real··

c\n attome) for Antonucci. has "ltd his chent ts a v1ct1m of nrcumstance Loe; ngclcsattome) Jan L. Hand\ltl said .\ntonucc1 did not \hare '" tht" firm 's profi ts nor did he deal d1recth v. llh tn'\ C''llOf'

" II 1\ trag1r that Mr i\ntonucc1 ha'> ~n indicted for ~mtthing that alleged!\ tool pla~ thttt and a halt }ear'I aio and which 'tem'I from h1'l sta1u as a lov. -kvel cmpll)\('(' ot the l·om pan' Hand\ltl \atd

H1\ 'itt'tttan 1n l o' A.ngefec, 1>a1d Handsltl 1s in "I~ ~ ork and could not ~ ll'~hed for ~omment

~ h~aru ~1d the dC'kndant'I ran their ~hMle h-. 5.Clhna t.u 'helter' 1hrough hm1ttd partne"h1ix ba'\t'd on W.11 \trtt\ \cn11ntl < 10' tmmcn1 ~untie\ and ~nllnel f 1nan<.·ual ln\trument\, rt'l~ted companiei. hr (llled 1 " wortd of dC'C'Cpt1on "

(Pleue Me l'RAtJD/ A 3)

.. .. Orange Coat DAILY PILOTISatw~. May 6, 198'

. Nucle·ar reactor shuts down for scheduled maintenance

A second reactor at the San Onofre nuclear power plant was taken off line Friday for scheduled maintenance, the plant's majority owner said.

A Southern California Edison com· pany spoke man said Unit 3 y.o1ll be out of service for about th~~ks whale plant crews perform a vanet)' of maintenance act1v11ies, including ad­JUstments to the turbine ienerator system on tbe non-nuclear side of the plant.

It was a leah valve on a waste treatmenf oomr)fasor shared by Unit 2 and 3 that malfunctioned this week, allowing a brief spurt of radioactive gas to escape into the atmosphere. A low-level emersency was called Wednesday but the contamination posed no risk to the public and did not affect operations. officials said.

The reactor which will undergo maintenance bas betn in continuous

operauoo at full power for the past 32 day&. As Unit I has been down for repairs for sometime. only one reac· tor will be-1n opention at the~ plant. south of San Clemente.

Smee U nu 3 was synchronized with the electric system last Septem­ber. it bas produced about 2.65 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. The utility estimates the saving is equal to about 4.S million barrels of oil.

-· gn5111m1111.JYlll----......... ....;...._----------ARMs CONTROL POLICY DEFENDED ... From Al

The need for such a treat) I!> apparent because the use of chemical warfare 1s on the nse. Adelman said. He pointed to the so-called "yello"' rain." allegedly used in 1975 b) Vietnamese and Laotian troops.

A more recent incident is Iraq's use of chemical weapons in a war with neighboring Iran .

.. lt'~ the poor~ weapon of mass destrucuon:· he sa1~

The ban's intent "1s to resurrect an 1ntema11onal standard against the use of chemical weapons anywhere in the world." Adelman said.

However. the treaty's strength would depend on compliance and venfication. a continuini stumbling block with the Soviet Union. he said. " In arms control, we can't trust the Soviets." ..

Without describing specifics 1n detail. he said a Senate committee was told this year of seven Soviet violations of arms control agree­ments.

Adelman laid some of the blaJDe for ) ears-long and seemingly frtlitless tal.cs on U.S. shoulders. Political expediency and impatient nego-

tlators have resulted an pacts that favor the Soviets. he said. '"Through the years, we'vegiven up a lot because of our impatience." Adelman as­serted.

He credits the Reagan Adminis.­tration with brinJing a more hard­nosed and realistic approach to the bargaininJ. table.

Asked 1f it is possible to force the Soviets lo keep their promises, Adelman said ··1 wouldn't bet on thaL BUt I think it1s wonh a try. The most irresponsible thing to do 1s sweep the violations under the rug."


dnvers unttl paramedics arrived "certainly helped ... CH P Officer Jay Genule said .

··They are \Cl) fonunate to make 1t out alive." he said. " In that type of accident. fataliues are commpn."

Marshall Bum~. 29. and 22-)ear­old Cpl. Edward Prezz1e were both listed in sat1sfac1ory condition late Friday in the intensi ve care unit of Western Medical Center 1n Santa i\na, a hospital ~pokeswoman said.

Bums' pickup truck. traveling about 50 mph. apparently dnfted across the center llfl.e and smashed head-on into a brown Pontiac Trans­Am headtnittoward the Marine Corps Air Stauon on Trabuco Road.

Two c1v1ltans. Allen Farrar. 23. of Northern California and Dennts Kelley. 20. of Santa .\na, witnessed the colhs1on. according to the CHP

"We d1dn 't really get a chance to see 1t . We JUSI saw them bouncing ofT each other. I looked at my watch - 1t was 8:40-and then we went over the fence," recalled Cpl. Steven Minn. interviewed with his classmates Fn­day afternoon in a base classroom.

Minn and three others were in a car dn.,,1ng on a base penmeter road toward class. Coinc1dentall) . their classmates in the non-commissioned officers leadership school were JOg­gingand heading toward the back gate after a 4.5-mile run. Gunnery Sgt. Keith Gamer explained. Drawing on boot camp dnlls. they scrambled over an 8-foot fence topped with barbed wire

o\lthough trained to adm inister fim aid, the young Mannes sounded a bit surpnsed that they were able to take control of!>omething other than a disaster dnll.

One went for blankets. another to nouf~ authont1es. a third to grab a

small fire extinguisher from a pa\smg garbage truclc. and others to halt traffic.

Lance Cpl. Enc Jacobson said he ran to the flaming. crumpled Pontiac and found the bloodied dn ver slumped over the wheel, a scat belt still across his chest.

They took Prezzie's pulse and tncd to keep him from touching his face. The impact of the collision broke his Jaw and check bone. the CHP re­ported later.

"When he heard the sirens. he tned 10 get up. He'¥~ going into shock. He began to shake. l guess it began to re&ister that he was hurt," Jacobson ,aid.

Bums. the dnver of the pickup, at first told his rescuers he dido 't Med any help.

"There's one thing, I had a lot of

respect for that civilian. He asked about how the other guy was," said Lance Cpl. Mark Jensen, whp eventu· ally helped Burns, still consciouJ, from the twisted truck. I

"I just did what I hope someone would do for me. I know l would want out of that environment," Lance Cpl. Paul Poklikhaus said.

When the highway patrol and paramedics arrived- "it seemed like forev~r" - the Marines said they were reluctant to leave. "We wanted to sec it throu&h." added another.

"ThefOad all these heroics and still weren't late to class." pointed out Capt. Tony Rothfork, spokesman for the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro.

Burns was not cited, but an in­vestigation into the collision 1s con­unuing. Gentile said. Neither driver had betn d.J:inking., he said.


behalf of the pro-tax Crnz.ens for lktter Transponat1on, said the coun­ty's growth. lack of highway and freeway improvements during the 1970s and scarce financial resources are responsible for the "'traffic mess" commuters confront every workda y.

He said the S5.4 billion program the tax increase would pay for would improve freeway traffic flow by 44 percent and improve the county's arterial highways by 20 percent.

The latest confrontation between pro- and anti-tax campaigners came during a breakfast debate hosted by the Newport Harbor Arca Chamber of Commerce at the Balboa Bay Club.

Also. appeanl\$ on the panel, but taking no pos1tton on the ballot

measure. were Kepubhcan U.S. Rep. 'iiton Packard, who represents south Orange County; Caltrans Deputy U1rector Carolyn Ewing; Supervisor Thomas Riley, chairman of the Orange County Transponation Com­mission; and Newport Beach Public Works Director BenJamin Nolan.

The government officials were invited to ~xplain how funding for transponauon and transit projects is obtained from the various levels of government.

Members of the Newport chamber's board of directors already have voted to endorse Proposition A. according to chamber official lkverly Nestande.

CANDIDATES EXCHANGE HEATED WORDS From Al from Orange ( ount) wno now 1s a lobb) 1st 1n Sacramento

The. connectLOn is not lost on Ferguson who. dunng the debate. said < arpenler's campaign was a "conflict of interest" - a veiled reference to ( arpenter's lies "'llh his lobbyist father

Despite thl'lr sk1rm1shes. the can­didate' did spend some time discuss­ing ISSUCS

'1e1A.pon Beach p~) chologist Stan­ford ( rreen. a Republican , said he would worll to1A.ard reforms in educa­tlOn. l nminal JU\t!Ce and welfare. ( rreen also said he "'as concerned cihou l protect1 ng the small-business \Ommun11\ 1n the ~tale

"'e" por·t Beach Cit y Coun­ul'-"ornan Ruthcl\n Plummer, a Re­puhlitan said "'ater is one of the maJor i ssue~ of the campaign: She \uppon' a recent water program prop<1">Cd b) (Jo, George Deu­kmeJ1an hut also believes strong ' Jt1on 'itep~ are needed at the local lc'd

" \11ll111n.-. nl at rt' feet of waterjlow from 1he Santa o\na River into the

Just Call 642-6086

Delly Piiot ~II very

11 Guarant••d

ocean each year," Plummer said. adding the water could be put to good use.

Merl "Ted" Doty, a Republican high school teacher from Mission Viejo, said the pnmary issue in the campaign 1s education.

"We need to secure a strong base of financial support for oducauon," Doty said, adding that he opposes b1llngual education and 1s for stncter academic and behavior standards in

the classroom. Newport Beach Republican John

Dean. a Whittier College education professor, agreed education is the most imponant issue of the cam­paign. but he said another concern 1s the environment

Dean said he would fight for a bill to require deposits on disposable cans and bottles.

Democrat Jim Thorpe. the former mayor of San Juan Capistrano. said the stale must concentrate on im­proving public schools.

··Economic stability 1s a prod\Jct of education, .. he said.

Eugene Hunt of El Toro. running in

the Democratic pnmary under the banner of .:ontroversial technocrat Lyndon LaRouche. said the main issues of the race arc '"global and str.itegic. The local issues are subser­vient to that."


Investors paid a cash fee "up front" and received losses that could be deducted on federal income tax returns, the prosecutor said.

The detendants, all charged with conspiring to defraud the Internal Revenue Service. were identified bX the prosecutor as the " mastermind.' Michael Senft, of Manhattan; his brother. David Senft. of Manhattan; and three men who at various times served as the .. chief tax fraud tech­nician." They were identified as Walter Orchard of Somers. N.Y.; Antonucci of Irvine; and Frank Susi of Stamford. Conn . ...

What do you like about tbe DaJly Pilot? Wbat don't you lib? Call the namber at left and your menage wlll be recorded, transcribed and delivered to &be appropriate editor.

Tile same U -hoar answering service may be used to record letters to the editor on any topic . Contributors to our Letttr• column must Include tbelr qame ud telepbone oamber for verification. No clrcalatlon call1, please.

Tell us wbat'• oo yoar mind.


Daily Pilat H. l . Schwartz ltt


Clrcutatlon 714/142-4113 c1 ... tfled 8dvert1.ano 714/IC2-5171 All other depertmenta 142-4121 MAIN OFFICE 1l() WMt ~y S• Co.11 "'""" ( . ... Mt• ·~"' 80• t~ Cotti~ CA 9mtl

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VOL. n, NO. 128

. .. •

I WlAlH (R ~ - - - - -~ -

elear' warmer for the weekend


Bicyclist down

sa 53 19 eo sa 30 S7 39 53 50 so 4i eo ei ~ 47 411 43 95 6e 411 48 81 43 se ,.. 57 4e 11 38

: : S4 32 63 38 70 u 52 43 55 32 74 eo S3 49

se " 11 et .. 68 so '8 91 S5 97 74 51 40 70 42 90 87 78 51

" 93 se 53 91 47 71 · S4 14 71

Inatead of eoarlng over hllla, blcycllat David Haymond •truck the pa•ement near Placenda Avenue just north of Swan Drive ln Coata Mesa Friday. A paramedic and ambulance attendant came to the 17-year-old'a aid.

., eo 62 42 511 42 64 63 15 62 74 52 91 u 6$ 41 78 ... 59 '8 91 71 10 eo M 70 so 45 47 43 51 44 se so 19 e1 511 35 es 4t 71 63

leUlllNfllO " a . ,~ .. .. 11,..._T.,,._ .. n .... Lek.Olly It ... SenAnloNo .. " ..,, OieOO 12 ... ..,, "rtne*IQO IO .. ..,, Nfin,,, ll '° u ..... w.n. M ta .... .. 40

="= Q N 11 40

""*- llO ao ,,._ lt 45 T~e

,, 41 fyCtOfl

., IO Tulle n .. W ....... Ofl 74 Q

WICNt• 1) 47 w ... ..,.,. 64 $1 WllmlngtOl\,0.

,, It


FntlOw 7'24."' °' =~::rtow 2.4ta.m 3.0 &.Up.ffl u

auMDAY Finl high 12.20a.m 6.0 f"'9110w 1"3&m .0..2 Second fllOtl 4:11pffl 3.2 Second low 7 p"' a 1

S.... - ICIOey el 7 40 pm . ,_ Sundey IN I a.m .._,_....,IN 1 40 pm

Moon ,_ al 9'24 a.m latUtde'f, MU et 12'"4 a.m. Sundey 9l>d ne. 90M' at 10·20 a.m

o..cnoee w w w w

Bandit flees bank with $1,000 cash

A man who waited in line to gjve a teller a note demanding money held up a Huntington Beach bank Friday and fled wuh S 1,000, police reponed.

The lone robber presented a note to a 21 -)ear-old female teller at First Interstate Bank. 7902 Edinger Ave., about 30 minutes after the bank opened. police said.

The note asked for cash and said the robber was armed with a gun. '

After the teller handed over the cash. the bandit fled through the bank's south door. No one wH harmed in the holdup.

The bandit was descnbed as whtte, in his 20s. 5-foot-10 inches tall, weanng a plaid shin and jeans.


Services held for CM man ·

Funeral services were held Satur­day for Arthur Olsen of Costa Mesa. who died Wednesday at his home. He was 74.

Mr. Olsen. who was born in Norway, was a carpenter who had lived in Costa Mesa for lhe past five years.

He is survived by his wife. Selma, and son. Allen. both of Costa Mesa. as well as another son. A. Palmer Olsen. of Long Island, N. Y., and a daughter, Arleen Tallakscn, of Scottsdale, Ariz. He also leaves three grandchildren.

Services were held at Pierce Brothers Bell Broadway Monuary chapel by Or. F. Kenton Beshore of the Harbor Fellowship Bible Church in Costa Mesa.

Correction An obituary in Friday's Daily Pilot

incorrectly stated that funeral ser­vices for Jerome Thomas Blake Sr. of

- Costa Mesa would be held today. The services for Mr. Blake, who

died April 25. were held April 28. The Daily Pilot regrets the error.


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Forecast results in sharp drop in stocks 8y Tltt Aa1ocla&ed Pre11

NEW YORJC - The stock market dropped sharply Fnday, beset by a familiar nemesis - a nept1ve intcrest­rate forecast from economist Henry Kaufman. Auto and ~ousina-related issues showed some of the bigest losses, tn response to fears of costlier credit. The Dow Jones averaae of 30 industrials feU l 6.22 tQ l , l 6S.3 l, finishina the week with a net lou of3. 76 points. Volume on the New York Stock Exchange totaled 9S.S8 million sham, :•t 91,91 million .Ihuaday. Al midmomtna. Ka " • economjst at Salomon Brothers Inc., said it was likely that interest rates would SQ ••spectacularly hiaher" by next year unless stronJ measures ~taken to narrow tbe federal bud&et deficn.

Holdln61Jrm merger Ord CHICAGO - Esmark Inc., the huae boldi~a

company with $4. l billion in sales in more than 100 countries last year, said Friday its board had approved a $2.43 billion merger bid from a New York investment finn - a deal which would be the largest of its k:ind in U.S. history. Esmark's subsidiaries include such familiar brands as Avis reltal cars Halston Enterprises Inc., International Playtex Inc., STP Corp. and Swift & Co. Esmark chairman Donald P. Kelly said the merger bid by KohlbelJ K.ravis Roberts & Co., drew ••unanimous support' from the company's board of directors when they were canvassed by telephone.

Tobacco comment. 110ught WASHINGTON - The Agriculture Department

said Friday it wants to hear from th~ public before it decides on the level of federal P.rice supports for various kinds of tobacco that farmers wdl vow m 1984, except for flue-<:ured. Everett Rank, admimstrator of the Af!:icul­tural Stabilization and Conservation Service, wd the department recommends no change in last year's SI . 751 per-pound price support for burley tobacco because there already is an excessive supply on hand. The department has no recommendation for other kinds of tobacco. however, he said.


Cooper trial •tay• tn Saa Diego SA~ BE~NARDINO - A state al)pclla e court et

stand ~nday_ a1udgc's order that Kevin Cooper, accused in the Hills massacre. of four people, should be tried-in San Diego. The 4th D1stnct Court of Appeal in San Bernardino ~enied wit~out comment a petition of mandate that ~ad been fi led las~ month by Deputy Public D_efendcr Da_v1d Negus aft~r a J.udge moved the pending tn~l10 San Diego. Negus said he intends. to appeal Friday's rulinJ to the state Supreme Court. Negus claims Cooper, w~o 1s black, would face racial prejudice from a jury in San Diego, where only 5.6 percent of the total population is black.

New evidence In Diaz case? RIVERSIDE (AP ) - Sentencing was postponed

Friday for a nurlt convicted of killing 12 elderly patients with overdoses of a heart drug. Following a S1h-month trial, ~iverside Superior Court Judge John H. Barnard bad said he intended to sentence nurse Robert R. Diaz, 46, to death for the 1981 deaths of elderly patients at hospitals in Perris and in Banning. But at Friday's sentence hearing. Bar,nard delayed sentencinJ until June I after Riverside County Public Defender Michael B. Lewis said he may be able to produce evidence that a Los An'eles County hospital patient who rccentJy died received normal amounts of the heart drug hdocaine. -yet suffered symptoms consistent with lidocaine overdose.

A park'• not an addrea SANTA CRUZ - People who camp in city parks

can't use the park as an address when registerin~ to vote, a j udae ruled Friday. If _park residents could register under that address. there would be nothing to stop "some enterprising candi&tc (from) emptying skid row in San Francisco, busing the ~pie down here and registering them in San Lorenzo Park," said Supdior Court Judge Harry Brauer. Activist attorney Ray Grueneich bad filed suit on behalf of residents of San Lorenzo and Tom Scribner parks.

4 dleln car, traln 1Vreck EL MONTE - A mother al'\(f her three young

children were killed instantly Friday when their small car, without applying brakes, crashed through a railroad crossing gate and hit an Amtrak passenger train, officials said. The northbound Datsun station wagon hit the Los Angeles-bound Sunset L1m1ted - with 162 passengers and IS crew members aboard -at the Peck Road crossing during the morning rush hour, police Officer John Oliver said. Carole Natividad, 27, daughters Michele. 9. and Harmony, 7, and son Richard Nati vidad Jr .. 3, of El Monte. were all ejected from the on impact .


Sakharov plot charged MOSCOW-Tass on Friday accused U.S. diplomats

of plotting to use dissident Andrei Sakharov in an anti­Soviet campaign. and Communist authorities said they had uncovered a plan to give his wife asylum in the U.S. Embassy. The embassy denied the Soviet allegations. Poli~ blocked the apartment of Sakharov's wife, Yelena Bonner, and a friend said she had not been seen after promising to be in Moscow on Wednesday. Sakharov, winner of the 1975 Nobel Peace Prize, has been in internal exile in the closed city of Gorky since 1980 and his wife has served as his outlet to Western journalists and diplomats.

More Jewish terrorist. found TEL A VIV. Israel - Israeli security agents have

uncovered new Jewish terrorist ~lls that were plotting attacks on Palestinians. in addition to cracking a Jewish underground that already had acted, Israel Radio said Friday. The independent cells were said to be ~lanning violence agains\ Palestinian students in the occupied West Bank. Arrests have been made and more are expected. the radio reported. It did not give the number of arrests.

M08Cow, Poll•IJ tlea stressed MOSCOW - President Konstantin U. Chernenko

on Friday accused the United States of trying "to bleed socialist Poland white" and indicated to Pohsh leader Oer.. Wojciech Jaruzelsk1 that the Soviet Union will not tolerate ex pen men ts with Communism m the Soviet bloc.~ Jaruzclsk1, who amved in Moscow on Friday after two days of unrest in his homeland1 ple<:l~ed to work for .. ideological and polltica1 uni ty" m PoTand"and assured Chernenko of the " close and unbreakable union'' with Moscow, the official news aaency Ta s reported.

Peron ttrlll return for talk• B0ENO AIRES. Argentina - Fonner President

Isabel Peron. who has hvcd in pain since be1na rclca!M from fiousc am: t in 1981 , Wiii return to Araentma this month to lcaJ the Peron1st delept1on m political talki with Pre tdcnt Raul Alfonsan. the aovcrnment said. Pres1dcnt1al ~pokcsman lanac10 Lopez told ~O\lrnal­isu Thuflday n11ht that Peron asked Alfonsan in o telephone convtrsation to po tponc tart•n& the pohucal talks to allow her to hcnd the dclcillt1on


C rt denies pa mentin ra e incident

SAN RANCLSCO (AP) - An airline stcwardeu who said he was raped while on a 26-hour stop in Honolulu ay not collect workers' compensation for emotiona r psychological disability, a California Coun of Appeal led Friday.

Th~ peat court reversed a ruling by the State Workers' ompensation Appeals Board, which on Aug. 11 , 1983, und the woman suffered an injury " arisina out of and i he course of her employment." The board's ruling ha verturned the decision five months earlier of a workers' mpensation judge.

T he cstem Airlines fli&ht attendant bad arrived in Honolul bout noon on a niaht on which she worked from rantisco. She was slated to work a return fliaht the next moon, was on salary during the stop, and the airline her hotel bill.

The ly restriction placed on her a~vities during the 26 h rs was that she should not drink alcohol 12 . hours re takeoff. The employer neither encour&Je<i nor disc ed social o r recreational activities_or dating.

Wb Sitting on the beach after arrival, she was !fh~c by ~ stra~er and agreed to go on a bike ride

Orphaned cub She ct the man at his apartment and at his

sugcsti changed into more comfortable clothes for the bike rid The man said the clothes belonged to his sister. On the m to his apartment to change clothes, she said, the ma rcibly raped her.

Sh 'd she suffered emotional and ~ychotogical disabli ~d should bc_compcl\sated through her workers'

ta on coverage. . ..

Chancee of n.ntnl appeU .um for tllla cab and lta three albllqa, •Y oflldaD. at tile Reddin& offlce of tile l>eputment of Plala and Game, where the cube were bJOaCllt early thla week. They ha Ye alnce been aent to a wtldlUe

rehabUltatron center In <>neon. trol Lt. .... Callan la mown holdln& tbe bear, . wllo9e mother wu probably ehot by poachen.

B use speaker pushes Ferraro as vice president W HINGTON (AP)- House Speaker Thomas P.

O'Neil . is promoting Rep. Geraldine Ferraro of New York fi the Democratic vice presidential nomination bccau ·an the ijtctors are in her favor," an O'Neill spokes n said Fnday.

newspaper. " Her name is Geraldine Ferraro, she's from New York. she's a Catholic, she's been an effective (member of the House) and she's very sman.."

The newspaper sa1d O'Neill's support for Ferraro was unconditional, despite a recent poll which showed that a ticket with Walter F. Mondale and Gary Hart would be an even match against President Reagan and Vice President George Bush.

consider women as running mates, and Rev. Jesse L. Jack.son bas committed himself to quttinga woman on the ticket if be is the nominee.

"Certainly we're not upset to be mentioned 1n his context," said M~ha Ackerman, an aide to Ferraro. However, she added: " We arc not running for vice president. You don' t run for that position. You run for president." ·

Fe ro, 48, a lawyer who has served three terms in the Ho ·• "has a lot of political moxie. The speaker f~ls she w Id add to the ticket dramatically:" said Christ her Matthews, O'Neill's press aide.

O' ill disclosed that Ferraro was his 1;.hoice for the No. 2 s t U1 an interview published in Friday editions of the nGlobe.

.. Ste I have a candidate." o•Neill told the

O'Neill, who has endorsed Mondale. think.s Ferraro .. 1s a big plus.·· said Matthews. "She has great insights. She has played a role in nationaJ poliucs and is very repre1entive of her district."

Earlier this Wttk. Ferraro told reponers that she wa.s having a "marvelous lime" responding to questions on speculation about herself and the vice pmidenual nom ination. However, she said she was 001 the post and planned to support the vice orcsidcnual · Both Mondale and Hart have said they would

Po e speaks oµt strongly ag. ·nst 'naked terrorism ·

SEOUL, uth Korca(AP)-PopeJohn Paul II o Friday denounced .. naked terrori!lm" h as last year's bombing in Burma that attered the top rank of the South Ko n government. He said Korea's pro ems are .. emblematic of a divided wor . "

North and outh Korea "are a symbol of a world sit tion that cries out for a respo~. a attitude, a new heart," the pontifTtold fi eigndiplomatsassembled in Seoul. He s e at the end of his second day m South orea, pan of a five-day visit here and an I -day trip to Asia.

provincial capital of Kwangju and bnefly visi ted a leper colony on the island of • Sorokdo, where he touched the heads of the most seriously ill patients.

Bad weather forced him to cut short his trip to the colony after he held a 20-minute Mass for the 400 Catholics among the 3,000 repers. He left a S2 5,000 contribution and a three-foot-high wooden cross. The remarks he had prepared were read by a Korean priest.

Today. he was to visit the southern cities of Taegu and Pusan for an open-air Mass and a rally expected to draw as many as 300,000 people.

The pope. who was shot m an attack by an assassin in St. Peter's Square in 1981 . spoke strongly about terrorism.

Actress dead Actre•• Diana Dora, once Brltaln '• anawer ., llarllyn Monroe, died l"rlday In £DCla.nd after a ton& battle with cancer.


She wu 52. The photo at left wu taken In the mld-1950., tbe photo at right ln 1981. She wu for a lunarloaa llf eetyle.

While the pc and hundreds of foreign Journalists vi ted the South Korean capi­tal, S,000 st nts clashed with police at Korea Univ ity. although the protests over the last ~ys did not appear to be aimed at the ntiff. School sources said about 1,000 udents occupied a library Friday eveni .

The pope o Friday visited the southern

Speaking before diplomats in Seoul on Friday night at the Vatican envots residence. the pope condemned efforts • to gain ~he upper hand br, acts of naked terronsm as m Rangpon.

______ ... __________________________________ __ Watch points the way to Mecca

Terror n Daytona Shareen 8ahman, 25, c~ea ln fear .. au boyfriend. Joehaa Brown, 27 holda a platol to her head Jl'rl- ln Daytona Beach. Momenb liter the pboto •••

taken, a pollce aharpebooter killed Bl'VWD with a ahot to tbe h•d.. The woman he took b.09tace late Thunday eecapecl apparently unbanned.

Carter Hawley efforts to stop takeover halted by U.S. judge

LOS A NOEL ES (AP) - A federal Judge Fnday issued a temporary rHtrainmg order souaht by the SccunLles a.nd Ex· cha nae Comm1ss1on apinst Carter Hawle) Storts Tfic. to undo m°'t of Its ant1-takeover tactics.

The rulin& was the latest salvo m a potentially precedent -setting battle that could decide how far a company can iO to defend itself apinsi . an unwrlcomc takeover bid.

HowtvCT, U.S. D"tnct Judac A \\allacc Ta1'1'11ma made It clear that he wassranung lhc OrdCT onl)' lO Jl"e the federal f"CIUlatOf)

ency a blftthma s~ll to 1t rould attempt 10 prove its case and ~k a prthm1naf'\ in1unC\1on later ttus month.

" I am not ruhna on the merit' onl> on arant1n1 the TRO for 10 day ," Tashima uad

H1~ order ~rJ ntC'J all o l thc rroh1t'l1tton' sought b' thr '-IU "'•lh onl\ .. 111}\1 mod1firnt1on\ ·

E( regional adm1n1str.Hor In 1ng Emhom ~1d he "'1' pka~d '>'111' tlie rufina r and wa' not d1\ma\'ed tht• JUd"e did not ruk on thr ffil'n\\ or the ca:i.c

..We art not conn·rnN that thr ~a~· "'II not stand up 1n t" o " <'<'l~ ... h nhorn -.aid .. He did 11 (1\\ucd the TROl 1 h1\ '' significant ..

( arier Hav. k\ ( hatrman Ph1hp Hawk' v.a huddled v.1th attomC'" out"\k luun and did not 1mmed1atei} rommcn1 1n rcponc"' on the dC'<"1\ 10n

The < wu ~lm a ruhna that v.ould forbid ( ancr Ha'>' It~ lro m bu "'I ba '-. an} more of 1h \ toc:k and keep H frotn vo11na a hu&c m•w bloc of \I°'- i.. a '°'' the tnk~' "r h id h .. Tht l 1m1tcJ

SAN FRANCl~O (AP) - Thc Califom1a Pubhc Uuliuts Com· mission has deaded n will not order closure of Sao Onofre nuclear sencr· at1n1 unu No. 1. whlcb bu been CllU of service SJ nee February 1982.

The PUC satd tt would not be reasonable to shut down the fac1ltty since the unit probabl} wtll come back on hnc 1n less than a )'tar and continue to provide customers -w1th

economtcaJ clect~t't. HO'wt'VCT, t~ PUC said until t~

unn rnumn operation. owners Southern Califorrua Eduon and San Diego Gas&: Electric must ha~ with_ ratepayen the riik of a prolonaed ~uiqe by choosina between two accouotina procedures. ,

Both methods would ~u1re the uoliun to bear some of the cost of repairing the plant or reduce cam1np



TAM IA Ml 42" Leo Tbf 14 Chrs reg '876 '499 48 • Leo Tt>f 4 Olrs reg S9QO '599 42" Ped Tt>I /4 Chrs reg '905 '575 48 • Pea Tbl / 4 C11rs reo '945 '619 Ad1ustabte Charse

/Arms reg 1359

15• Side Table 1eg •125

MAUNA KEA. 42" Leo Tbl /4 Chrs reg '1476

48 • Leg Tbl / 4 Chrs reg 1151611059 Ad1usral:>le Chaise

I Arms reg 5299 '209 QUANTUM I --48 • Tbt /4 Chrs reg 11365 '939 48 • Umbrella Tbl

'949 14 Ctus reo 11375 QUANTUM Ill

on tbe unu 1f 1t is not back 1n servter by Jan. I

The unit was shut down for ~paus and seismic modi· 6cauons ordered by l.bc Nuclear Rqulatory Com~

The PUC. wtucb has been con· s1dttin1 the futu~ of the unit since Oct~r. said tbe $37.S malhon bcina spt"nt wtJI be cost-effective even if the unit Optta\el aJ normal capacny for

Adrustat>le Chaise 1495 ./Arms JeQ '619 48" Tbl /4 Chrs /Custl reg ' 168111219


QUANTUM II 48. Tbl Y4 Chrs reg 11325 '989 48 • Umbrella Tbl

'999 /4 Chrs reg •1335

48" l:lmbrelti- l'bl reg ' 1695

11299 - f 4 Chrs /CuSh Adrustatle Chaise


J /Arms reg 1749

Srde Table reo •1sq '150 BOLERO

A<l1ustabte Chaise 1479 /Arms reg 1599

42" Tbl 14 Chrs '579 UMBRELLAS /Cush reg '857

48 - Tbl /4 Chrs 1599 200/a ·OFF /Cush reg 1936

Adrustable Chaise '269 po,U1 QOOd flVOUQll lolly Xl 1964

/Arms reg '369 ~et! IO SIOQ Of' 'U"ll


NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN tll•t • public heating will be held by the Clly Planning Commlulon of the City of Hunhnglon Beactl. Caltfoml•. tor tile purpose or conll<)et•ng • ProPOMc:I emendment to the ClrculatlOn Elemenl ol !M <Hn«al Plan jCIR 84-1) 8od Negative Oeclarellon IM· 14 wtncll •ncludn lhe follO'*l ng 1tams

1 Reelionment o l F1hn Street to tie In wttll Sixth Street between M ain Str .. t end Or•• Allttlue. deSIQnate u 1 eecondary 2 RedeslQneuon o f Stz1'1 Street from 1local10 1 primary be,._, Oranoe Avenue and Pecitlc Cout Highway 3 Deletion of Fthll Street between Mein Stree1 and Pec1fic Coaat Highwey 4 Red4tsionat1on of Or•• Avenue from• MCOndary to• primary betwettl Sixth Street and the ue 1n with Allenl• A-...nue et Lue Street S ~alionment of Lale• Street (above Orange Avenue) to ·T · 1n10 Oranoe AYIOUe (\Ila Third Street RO w 1. realignment or Allant• Avenue

north.,.,..terty 1n10 Oranoe Avenue, realignment of LMte Street (aoulh of Allantal to r Into the Atrante/Orenge connectlOl'I 6 AedetlgnetlOn of Wal!"'t A~• pnmary'*-1 Lah Street and BelCtl Bouleverd. dettgnatlOn ot Welnut Avenue u a secondary

bet- Litke Street • nd jlxth Street

Seid tie.ring wlN be held et t,,. hOur of 7 00 PM on Mey tS. f914, In the Council Oteml>ert Building of 11\e CMc Cerller . 2000 M111n Str11t. Huntington Be.en Caltfom ..

.All 1nterffled Pl'IOl'll are 1n11tted to •ttend said '-Ing and expr-... their oOll'llOl'lt '°' ex agains t the pr0905ed Circulation Element Amendment 8'·t and Negatr;e Oecla111ton 84-14

Further 1nlormaoon may be obtemed from tile City Planning Oeoer1ment Teleohone No (7 t 4) SJ6-S271 0 .A TEO 11111 3rd day of May 19e.

·­-. - ·:....- .. · !!.....-

.1 ~· . • /

.. '


HUNTINGTON BEACH .... ' ' .... "



t.C<~ •EO iJ" O fl cr.A..f'Cl 'If \ 10. ~I() 4 V,ll OCC I? 1976


.,..., 'r

T " ""' te-••I I• • ..,- •.-' -. - • """' ""' I \ ••~ ' ~ • .._. • • ,,,.. • ,.. •••

,.~ J ............ , ..... , . .... ~ -.... ·., ...... ,

only J.S mornl'ls more.

Len for future cons1dcrat1on 1s whether It will be cost-effective to make addttt()nal Jllodafication'° tn· volvtn• ft~ and environmental prottti1ons lhat would be requued if the unu remained 1n semcc until the year 2003. when its license expuu. Cost of the modifications has be-en tsf mated at S200 million.

PUC an.l1)'$1 5a1d the cost coukS beustilied 1f the plant operated at 6S ~ntofavcraaecapaetty untat 1991 ~ SO percent until I 99S.

cl.llhomeB by S 11 .4 m1Uion. When t~ unit returned to ICt'V~. the carryin& costs would be added 10 the rate~.

tnc proposed accououna 'method

~d remove the unu from the rate

and provide a method for lina carrying costs, cutting an­

n~l rates for Edison customers by S13 millio n an<i San Dieao Gas

Another plm-would-bq> I.he unit 1n the rate baJe and set up an account for the 1984 caminr.· rr the was delayed beyond an. I , pan of the eaminas would be rctumed to cus­tomers.

Cleaning up on the aanda'1 Ray Wldlowak.l of Coeta lleu trjee)Ut hi• new metal detector u be .ea.rca for

Obscene Victim to

Register· now fo.r LB kindergarten

Kmdergarten pre-registration for the 984-SS school year starts Tuesday in the Laguna Beach Jnificd School Dlst('lCt.

Children a~ eltgibk to be enrollo 1f their fifth birthday 1s on or before Dec. 2, 1984. Pareas should bnng their children's birth certificates and 1mmun1zation . records for venficauon .

Registration from 9 a.m. to I p.m.will take place Tuesday at The Top of the World Elerentary School, 2160 I Tree Top Lane; on Wednesday at he Comm unit) Leaming Center, 625 Park Ave .. and onThursda)' at El Morro Elementary School. 8681 N. Coas Highway.

$~ PER 3 LIND 11 p 111 I w11l1 ·

1539 Monrovia ~ve . #8 Newport Beach. CA 92663


Window Cleaning • Repair a sell Bllnda


O(WI 10.ys


poealble buried tteuure on tbe beach n-.r 20th Stteet In Newport Beach.

Poster artists win ,

solar calculators Forty Laguna Beach elementary school students

received solar-powered calculators for the posters the) created rettntly to publicize a low-income energ)' conservation program sponsored by the City of Laauna Beach and the Southern California Edjson Co.

Qualified low-income residents seeking to reduce their electnc cooltng and heating costs in Laguna Beach may receive free attic insulation, weather stripping. air duct and water heater wrappping. low-flow water restnctors for showers and minor home repairs needed to reduce energy loss.

Winners in the poster contest will have their work on display throughout the community to remind residents of the program's availability.

Four grand pnze winners named in the contest were Eugene Goc1 and Justin Seymour. both students at El Morro Elementary School, and Natasha Ries and Scott Bonhw1ck from Top o f the World School.

To be eligible for the home weathenzation proaram. families must not have income more than 150 percent of established federal guidelines. For example, the maxi· m1um income for a family of two 1s S9.810. Othen may qwihf)' 1f an immediate famil) member is rettivina Aid for Dependent C1uldren or Supplemental Social Sccurt) income.

Both homeowners and ._nters. with the approval of 1he property owner. may qualify.

For more information call 497-3311 Ext. 211.

Coast students feted . at school in Arizona

Several local studen ts have ~ived honors at the Orme School in Mayer. Ariz.

Newport Beach students Tracy Glascow, daua)1ter of Barbara and John Polloctc. and Phil G lascow. made the high honor roll and received the art history academic award. Tracy also ~iv~ the most valuable athlete award for soccer.

In addition. Tracy was elected to Mu Alpha Theta, an 1ntcmat1onal h1ah school and Junior coUqc ma&Mmatte ct ob

Chm Wray. daughter of Dr Rea:inald Wray of NewPon Beach made the honor roll and she received the French Ill and advanced computer science academic awarda.

Ted Adkinson, wn of Mr. and Mrs. Don Adkin10n of Balboa. made the h1ah honor roll. Adkinson also rettaved a wre- thna letter.

Tosha Brunick. daushter of Sandy Brunick ot Irvine received an uward for JUnior vanity chcerleadi"' and Ehubcth Bo)'d. dauatncr of OouaJas and Jean Boyd of Balboa received a soccer lrtter

The Orme School is a coll~e preparatory boarchna M"ho<ll


.. • ' . . • .

. .


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Tnls beautlf\JI stereo bench was speclaltv deStgned tor dtsptaytng any . stereo. tuner, t,ape<Seck. turnable ~ Video cassette recorder.reatures record compartments and snetves. Handcrafted from warm teak fOr yltars Of en)OVment. Measures 60"x18"X28"H .. A $209 \ialue.

.. IMPORTED TEAK DINING TABLE Tnls handsome teak dtrnno table ts beauttf\JllV designed an<f crafted Of flne warm teak. It extends from 35Y· "xSJY. " to 35Ye"X92Y. ". Even more Im· port.ant, It setts at this INIGl(OI( TIM CMAHt lncredlblV low SturdV solld teak $ 45 prtce. s249 with durable ro ..... value. $69 ~ seat. value ·-······



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~~mp.le te .observe Israel's indepen denee T••IM l1alala (Colln"atJve). 2401 Irvine Ave.. The public iunveted and tor turther jnfonnation II J k$ · · Newpan Beach. will hold a special celebration at1: t~ ~48-6900i;>r65<M4'°. ,ca yac on,i.,pastor, m her mesJ&Je enlltled .. Bchcve in his "secrcts'ofhcalth, wea. ltbandhappiness.

P·&n.. May 11, commemorating the 36th year of Israel's ,""' • • • OUD(D Ir, Ill \he 10:30 a.nL;iCnt•cc Sundal. For more. information. call 646-JOJl.-mdependtnce. N.._"""il CGlllnotlou.I Clu1rft, St. Ann' s and r .. Jackson wall expla10 thAt one o the cause$ of • • •

H.i&hliahtina the double Chai . Yom Haatsmaut G~nneyrc StmtJ. Laiuna Beach, will present a readiQ& of unhappiness i~ dis~tisfaction with one's self and we must 8'~r H•·Ma'alot - Harbo~ tt.fori:u Temple, 2 J~A tbi~ivitfes .will. be a guest appearance by Sbimon Frcm~ thea.sthounofJcsusaueen throuah thetyttof.Matthew. all learnt~ behev.e in .ourselves. , . . Ma~ Vista, ~cwpo~ Beach, wlll hold ns annual Sholom . re~ Bnpdier GeneraJ of the Israeli Army. who will Marie, Luke and John. at the 10 a.m, worslup servioe Special music will be provided by Richard Kinsey, Aleichem NiJht at 7.30 p.~ . Sunday. . debver an update on world affairs entitled "Options For Sunday: . . tenor. . . . • • • The wnter who ro-~nvented Jewish humor al~ Peace in the Middle East." Tins special rcadins by the Adult Bible Class i.s . . This as Fam1IY, Wonh1p Sunday and children arc fo~ver cha~ humo.r an m~st other lanauagcs. His

. . . praen.ted tn observance ~f Eastertide, the 40 da mvlted to a ttend with their parents insle4d of attending art.1s~ry was quintessentially Jew1s~. but appaf!o~Jy sp0ke Dundedg the Yorn Kippur War 1n 1973, General Frcm follown\IEalter. Jt isaperiodofmeditatioooftb e Passio~ youth church. A coffee and fellowship hour will follow the a universal language. Tevye the dairyman, of Fiddler on

~J:Dman a force that reaeh~d the Su~ ~nd The cJtW'.Ch choJr. under the direction of _J fi · service. the Roof," is understood an Japan or Siberia or Belfa~~ or ~Se ~ed tW e~c1rcJ6eT~nt oft~e EgyptaanfA.rmy . . Dunna T~ompson will sjna. and Patricia Mitchell, guest oraariisf . A Bible $tudy clan which exl>lo~s the metaphysical Dut?tin as -well as in New York Ci&y or Beruic's

e ix ay arm I , e ~s 1~ charge .o opcr1u1ons for waU be at the console. • mterpl'ct.ation of the scriptures is taught by Dr Don Dehcate$San. . "" ~J Ge~eral Staff. .1." the Sinai War 1!1 1956, dunng Ushers for the service will be John Laine and Bob Sharer, associate minister, at 9: 1 s a.m. · Sholom Aleichem was never simply a joke·teller.

pcrat1on Kadesh. he captured T el·Ansh. . Ro~rtson oflagunJ Beach; Don Bes tor of Laguna N · uel; On Tuesday, May 8th. Dr. Jackson will begin an eight· So~e of his fanta~ies w~rc. w~ven around well-known Fo~ fi ve years .. General Frem wa~ head ao~tructor at Lewis Crosby <?fLa&una Hills; and Peter Smith ofNe!'pon week . course on " Reincarnation." It will Cover the Jewish (or non-~ew!sh) ex1stmg JOkes. but he transformed

the National Sccunty College and dunng Israel s War for Beach. Acquaintance time will follow the service with meaning, purpose, process ai'ld proofs of reincarnation them Utterly. Has aim was not for belly-laughs but at the lndcJ?tndencc. he captured Beit G~z and coabled the refreshments in Grego!)' Court . On Saturday, May 12, Bud Johnson will present his heart. . . . opening of the road to Jer;usalcm. Duryng World War II, he . The Adult Bible Oass meets at 9 a.m . in the church Ultimate Living Program to e liminate stress. fear and The community 1s welcome. For more mformat1on. was ~ppomt~d by pav1d Bc;n Gunon .as co~mander. library ~nd S~nday Sch~t classes meet at 10 a.m. A doubt. .Th~ ~minar will ihow how one can have call 644-7203. heading up illegal 1mm1grat1on bases 1n Belgium and nursery as available for babies and toddlers. everything m hfe by overcoming fear. , • • • Holland. . :At 3f·~·· the formal installation service for the Rev. An author, lecturer, teacher and seminar leader, Cron Valley Covenant Cburcll, 24600 La Plata

Currently living in the U.S .. General Frem holds Wall ·a~ ·. E1le~. n~w pastor. will be held. There will be a Joh.nson has been featured on national television and Drive, Laguna Niguel. will present the "Kinf's Kids" in a positions of leadership with Bmu-Bnth International and reception an Bryd&e Hal! following the service. radio talk shows !hroughout the U.S. and Canada, sharing special product ion of the two-part musjca "The Time 1s a cabinet member of the Unttcd kwish Welfare Fund For more m£0rmat1on, call 494-8061 . Tunnel' at 6 p.m. on Sunday. and a board member of the Center fo r Strategic Studies at • • • • The pubhc is invited to travel back in time.with them Tel-Aviv University. lrvllle Pre1byterla.D Cburcb, corner of Alton and as they visi t God's first created beings, Adam and Eve,

.A birthdax pa n y Oneg Shabbat. honoring Israel's Meadowbrook. will present the Biola C horale in a concert WolllaD of Year when they were " the new kids in (own." Then move with anniversary. will follow the program. entitled " A Praise M.ecti!lf'.' at 4 p.m. o n Sunday. _ them further along in history to sec King Nebuchadnezzar

The choral music wtl mclude the traditional and the and Shadrach. Meshach and Abednego when they "talk contemporary. T he music of Gibbons, Bach and Brahms luncheon slated about the hot seat."

Mother, daughter dinner sc·heduled

The women of the Crystal Cathedral of Garden 0ro'1e, C hapman A venue at Lewis Street, invite all mothers and daughters to a dinner in the Arboretum on Friday, May 11, be~nning at 6 p.m.

Entitled "A Wanning Team," the even t will include a Fl~rence Smales fashion show, music. surpnses for the children, and highlights on "Succoessful Teaming."

Reservations are available through Monday, May 7. · Call the Women's Ministries. 971·4080. for information and reservations.

will be balanced by contemporary English compo~rs. Admission is free for the performance in the church Walt~n _and Rutter. T~~ congregation will participate in sanctuary. For more information, call 495-6071 . · the sangan4 of_ two fam1har hymns. The conclusion of t~c The Cathol.ic C<?mmunity Agencies Auxiliary of the • • • . concert will mclude r«.cnt co~positions of American Roma~ Catholic Diocese of Orange will host its 8th UnJlarla.D UnivenaU1t FeUowablp, 429 Cypress hymns and spirituals. Catholic Woman ~f the Yea~ Luncheon on Wednesday. Drive, Laguna Beach, will ~resent Dr. Hans Aslceoasy.

:me Biota Chonle, direct~ by -Loren Wiebe, is May 9! at the Mamou Hotel m Anaheim. Juvenile Justice psr,cholOJ!St, who will examine the considered one of the outstndang college choirs in His E~cellency the Most Reverend William R. problem of defining ' insanity" at the I 0:30 a.m. meeting Southern California. Their annual concen tours have Johnson, Bishop of Oranee. will be the special guest at the Sunday. -tak~n thc .. m throughoitt the United States and Canada. annual benefit for.~thohc charities in the d iocese. Helen Dr. Askcnasy asks the questions: h insanity This years performance schedule concludes in June with a Anderson of Tustin is chairman. dimi nished capacity or violent predilection? Who are the two-week concert tour of Europe. A social ~our will begin at 11 a.m., with luncheon at tnsane? Who j udges them?

"!be P.ublic is invited and admission is free. A goodwill noon. Following the luncheon will be the announc.ement A coffee hour will follow the service. ~ffenng will be accepted. Nursery care will be available for of the Catholic.Woman of the Year, chosen from among Also scheduled for the weekend is the Fellowship infants. some 35 nominees from parishes throughout Orange participation in the anouaJ LilJuna Beach Book Fair at Ltte

For more information, call 857·9023. County. Orange County Library on G lenneyrc Street today and N wn lat"' ... ti• J.... • b


8 hS C Tacket donation is $20 per person. For reservations, Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

e . oag "'ant u "'uarc . . I t t ., osta call chairpersons Irene Weihng at 545· I 44! or Katherine For more information, call 494-4743 or 95 1-6622. Mesa. will hear a challenge by the Rev. Dt. Eleanor C. Horan at 542~6842 . _(Pleue .ee RELIGIOUS/ A 7

Or-ange (;oast · MUNITY CHURCH ---1

5120 Bonita Canyon Or., Irvine 833 9800

Tim lim"mons, Pastor


ITIUIE LMllll PICUIEI" Tim Timmons Speaking

Sunday Services 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 A.M. • 7:00 P.M. Evenin Services


110 W. 11th St. Costa 1111

(TtHllllC S.ltHI tf lid). " IELIEVE IN YOURSELF"

Bible Study Class 9: 15 Sunday Mornmg Mes.sage, Healmg

& Junior Church 1 O.JO li1l-A-l1ua11 HI-HU

Pri101 of P1101 Luth1r11 l.L.C. Pastor Dan Brendtro

SUllAI, Ill Ith 1:00, 1 hOO g Morning Worship

WEDIESIAI, llY Ith 6-7 AM: Men's Breakfast at church 8:30 AM: Bible Study - Philllpians

E. 1111 Ytr~• at Iller, C.st1 IHa Plt111141-0112

S.\I~T I J.\.\I ES

-WELCOMES YOU SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES ., 30 AM · Holy Eucharist Ri te I 9 00 AM • Holy Euchanst Rite II

'11 45 AM . Holy Eucharist Rite 11 Ct ,1rch School and Adult Eoucat111r1

9 00 & 10 45 AM , Mu•" ':rPrmon and child care at 3 sf'rv•C.•''>•

"PRAYER ANO PRAISE" 7 00 PM - First Sunday of each month

MID·WEEK WORSHIP Mond;h - F rrday · 8 30 AM Morning Pr ayer

T ue.,dc1v 10 00 AM EuchanS1 & Healing 5ef"11C(:' w .. rlnPsddy 6 30 AM Holy Eucnar 1s1

Rector. F' John Aahey • Astoc .. Fr. Brian Cox Assisting

The RF<v Todd Sorensen • Mr Samuel Snater The Rev Thomas Henry • Mr Ronald Doiron

.., \I\ I I\\ 11 .., I 1 •1-...1 111 '\ I < 11 l I« 11 3209 111a L•O(J • NP~pon Beacn • 11 .i -6~s-021

CHURCH OF CHRIST _, W. WJteon, Coeta ..... M14111

we·re A Going - Glowing - Growing Churefl tUNDAV llRVICll

...._. ITUDY t A.M. W~ 10 A.M. a I f'.M.

10;00 A.M. 11EXPERIENCIHG Tt£ RIS£N CtlUST" . Luke 24· 1-3-35


ltlMll TlNH'nall, Mtn,.ter - DcM'f eoi., Youth Mlne.tef

COMMUllTY CHURCH BY THE BAY Flower!~ Tr" Foun<1aUon


- "11¥111, Dblll I lllWI• tr Thurs. 7·30. tO:OOPM Guest Speek•r•

148 E. 22nd St., Cott• Meu MS-7850


7tO Vtctorta It-. Coeta M ... Lothtr v. Tomow, , .. .., - a1-1111

Bruce '"IC•, Pettor WoHhlp l«Ytce 1:00 a 10-..30 A.M.

Sunde, Schoel 6 Adult 8ff>le Ca.tu - l;20 A.M. Chrl•tl•n El.m.mtery khoo\ - !Ml· MN



Su1•11, 111 Ith, 1114 "IDll llD FILLEI Ill"

Coate MeH - Flrat Church of Chrl1t, Sclentl1t

2llO M ... Verde Dt., Coeta ....... Church I lundeJ lchool - 1* A.M. Reeding 9'oom. ....... V.,de Dt: I A.M.-4:1G P.11. Mon. thru a.t. Wed- 7· l:IO P.M. - 1-1'.a> , .M.

1rvlne - Ftret Church of Chrl•tt. ~cl~ntlat RenchO .......... lnt.,rnedfit• 9CftOOI •1 MlcMeteon (Neer Y•) Church I lundh lchool - 10:00 A.M. Reeding Room, 43IO hrrence Pkwy., lutte 145

ltOMCJMk , .. u 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. Mon. thru Set. 10 A.M. - 7 P .M, Thu'9dey OHIO Cere - Sund.I V 4 W~nesdey \.L._

Huntington Beach - Flrat Church o¥t;hrlat, Sclentltt

Ith I OHY•. Huntington hach Church I lundey tchool - 10:00 A.M. Reedlftt 9'oom - 221 Main It.

Newport Be•ch - Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclent11t ~ YI• lido, Newport Beach Church I Sunday School - 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. Reeding Room, 3315 Vie Lido Mon. thru Set. - 9 A.M.·5 P.M. TuH. - 7·9 P.M.

Cn+ld Care PrOVlded T uflday~ 9 30 · 1 1 10 A M IO! Stuoy l •me

Newport Beach - Second of Chrlat; Sclentlat

1100 Pectftc View Dt., CoroM def M•r Church I IUftdeJ lctiool - 10:00 A.M. Reeding AOOfft - SIOO ..... E. CM*t Hwy., CdM


All ~re cordially '"vlted to atte"d the church services and en1oy the 011v1leqes of lh• Aead1n9 Rooms Chrtd Care Provided Al ALL SERVICES

Chlld C•re Provided AT ALL UAVICll



Member of the United Church of Retlalou1 Science 2205 MAIN STREET. SUITE 23

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 Adult a & Jr. Church For tnformetlon

9:00 & 11:00 Rev. Peggy Bassett 969· 1331 __ _,

r -~

IOPORT H~ LUTJDAN CtUtCH 111 Oo9er Of. NIWPO«T •ACH ...... , .....,, . ..,,,,--*

WORSHIP SERVICE ............ SAM & 10:30AM SUNDAY SCHOOL.. .......................... 9:15AM Slgnlng.b' H.earJng impaired.~. SAM Service

.......... OM9 AYM.MLI



1:00 AM Euthlrlst f IS AM Eudtlrlll, Cludl khool' lilufy

428 Park Aw1., laf'N Beach 494·3S42


Co.utfTY CtUCH CONGREGATIONAL 911 HeHotrope Aff.

C0tona del M•r 144-7400

Don•ld W. Kuta. Mtn .. ter 10 A.M. - lunc19r W~tp

Chu<UI SdlOOI Md Nl.wwY cate


(Olectplee of Chrtet) 2401 trvlM •t lanla tubet

141-5711 Morrinc

Y Worship 10 AM.

Sooday School 9 AM

Gene lwanaon, Mlntet.,

hurch of t. Matthew by the ea (Trad111ona1 Episcopal)


c Boow-oH~omfT'!on .Preyer - H~28t

· MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church

611 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar Tht Rtw. James ltDNfetd - S32-2201- The Rew. SMMI Sd!elb6er

This Sunday Worship In .

IT. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St. Andrews Roed • Newport Beech • 931 ·2880 °'·,,.,... A. ..___,",,,,,....


Communio'n Meditation • 7:30. 8:45, & 10:15 A.M.

" DOES GOO HEAl TODAY?" JolN\' I) ti

Ir. HIJe a. ........ "·,,. ..... Programs - 7:30 A.M. - Chllci Care 8:45 A.M . - lnfanta thru High School 10: 15 A.M. - lnf•nta thru 6th Grade

All IWUlt Ml-IUI -

~~~~·~ 4 LagunaPresbyterlan Church A The .. Churc h of the Ch imes ..

41 5 Fo~st Avenue · Phone494·7555

A lnf'nclJy «hun-h lo r t h t' South Count\'

IEUCIOUS SCIE.CE ~ta;~l~t;~y._.;;:s~a~~~~~=IC , ~

Child car~ provided ~ 141 22nd St. Church School 9 :00am

Costa Mesa NO: 960-2715 wm Illy procirams tor ct11ldnn yGlllll ana 111111ts ~ 111111•1~-... .., ltlt TeJllS Or AnlV J lnentt' StlllOl l'ullr ~

Rev. Ernie "lnlPllYllOAL IWJll" ~. i;.,.q •·11·~.,s In(! 0r £ttw1to t.1owt11 Au1 ,...., ~ Nylander' 7 ~ - - DIAL A PRAYER - 494 PRAY ~

"1!!1!!1!!11111111111111111111111111111 .... , ~~~~~ A Cordlal Welcome from The



CHURCH 19th St & Harbor Blvd.

Church Schoof f'.30 W0t•hlp 10-.45

Charles 0 . Clerk. Minister



Worship I Church School 8:30 - 10:00 e.m.

Dr. William E. Steel Newp ort Beach



1173·3805 Dr Robert B Shepard. Jr Wo,.hlp I Church School

1:30 A."'. W~d•y Pre-School

end D•J C•r• 7:30 A.M.-4:00 P.M.


6662 Hell Ave. 642·"4461 Wor9hlp 9«Ytc.

1:30. 10:00 1:30 aunCS.y IGhoot 10:00

Interpreter for the Hearing Impaired

1a110 00 " M I

Fountain Valley FIRST UNITED

METHODIST CHURCH 18225 Bushard St.

M2·2m James R. Hadley. Pastor

Worehtp I Church lchOof l tJO . ; ••

......... _ re\~r-;R,!Utti'W"uscH


MM7'5 Worthlp & Church 8choot 9:30 A.M.

Rev. Ken cMlllan I

You Wiii ie WelootMd .- . And Hels>MI


Melft at AcletM. Mufttlftllilft ...._ •UNOAY:

Morning 'Wortntp 9AM Bibi• School 10:45AM Evening Worship 8PM

Acttw9 "-"' Oreupe-""""" ....... Mike Ferre. Dave MIMOO!n, Mlnlilen. 4 M•rQit let.fl. •

Director of Ct1rt111an Eouc:aoon

lulMlfl " · a ......., """' ..... .............. , .... Rodget' Whitten, Mullc: Oltec10f

Adutt tducatlon • CMd c.,. HO a.m. Wonhlp I Church lchool 11>'-*>

C•re •t lloth ttoure - For Into: c.n 144-1'41

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT .. ,..,..,.. ....... Coeta ..... -117.-.0

lruce A. Kurrte, PMtor

Terry McCanne. Dlrector of Yooth MlnlS1rles Cyndi McCanne. Director of Chlldren'1 Minl1trle1

tundar Wontttp - l::IO a 10:IOO A.M. Chwch. lchool - Chlldren thru AduH9 10:00 A.M.

MutMry cer-e • .,.....,.. - t:ao • 10:IOO A.M. v....,.. - 7:00 P.M.

All SAINTS AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CtuCH Acc .... to..._ I '21 , ... flf c-PMyw

1 ~ Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-3801

I~. STll'HIM W. NU ... llC'TOI

HOlY COMMUNION ......................................... 1:00 A.M. MO•NINO HIAYflt-OiU.CH SCHOOl .......••.•.... 9: U A.M. MOltNINO HIAYElt t. SIRMON ........................... tl :OO A.M. ...,c. I• -

PWtt & ~ ,_., I I A.M. Se:&_. & ~ t: 11 A.Mo.

~I! S~!~~~~~k9T lZI:j. :::r:.""?::i.:=- ~:::

Senti& tM ~·Inlet Aru - 2111 k ltata Rabbi B«natd P: King Mutlc: .Arie Shlkl9' Educator: Nancy Lwtn

All vt111ore w...._ ·

vAQ (COf'IMtVatlYe) . ¥ Pr .. School - Hebrew & Sundey School Bar/ Mlttvlh Trelnlng

Youth Group - Sl1terh00d Se1'vloea: Fri. 8. t5 pm Set . 9: 15 lm Sun. 9:30 am

11i Wett Hemllton. Coata Mff• 831·3212

Femlly ~ • ltt Friday Of Month - 1:30 Rellglou1 8choOI. Adult Ed , Youth Group., Sinotte

1011 C•melNck, Newport Beectt (Off"9mW• )

M4-1MI •


Firing of p.astons at pe.ak ·among Snutl)ern Baptists By GEORGE W. CORNEU.

-~· .... When • Baptist conarqation doesn't lib its peJtor,

it's free to fire him. Indications arc that s1.ach 01.asten are at an all-time high these dayt. and eft'oru are beina 1tepped up to mitigate the problem - and also the wounds it causes. ·

Pismissals, tometimet hittina hiahly capeble miniJ.. ters, have increased sharply in recent yean. II\" lbe Rev. Brooks Faulkner of Nashville, Tenn., supervisor of the Southern Baptist career auadance teetfon.

He estimalel 2,500 Southern Baptists ministers on congregational staffs arc diamiaed annually. That's nearly 7 percent. of the denomination's 36,000 clergy servina conarqat1ons.

Faulkner says church members "don't have the respect for ministers" that was accorded them in the past when clergymen. by their trainina and role. were accorded a spc<:iaJ standina and deference.

Nowadays. he says, " many people are u academically trained as their ministen" -even thouah generally not in theology - and "sa)'. 'we're u good as you arc."'

' "There's a suffenina attitude.'' he added in a telephone interview.

In any case, the conarcaational impulse to fire is being exercised with rising frequency, he said. and programs are being developed nationally and at state and local levels to try to temper it. . U nlike most m-_jor Protestant denominations, Bap-·

tJSts uphold the full autonomy of local congregations, not only in hiring or firina m inisters, but also in ordaining them .

Most denominations, either through area agencies or officers, such as bishops or superintendents, provide for their f!lUtual action with congregations in placina or removing local pastors.

In Methodist and Roman Catholic churches, bishops have the controllinJ say in such matters.

But with Bapt11U, each congreption makes its own choices. and the swelling toU of dism issals prompted last June's Southern Baptist convention to urge "positive corrective measures related to this sensitive problem."

Provisions wctc recommended for "preventive and redemptive suppon services to ministers and churches" in dismissal cases, and Faulkner's office is working to extend such help.

Alrudy . .he said. 17 state c-0nventions have named full-time mtnisu:rrclationsconsultants, and 11 states have pan-time officers in such capacities~~f: ~~~= - .,,,......-..l"ftf'l·grcptionti conflicts OttatC-lhe · ·

A main issue in these cases. he said. revolves around


Farm Worker Week celebration slated

The 12th Annual Farm Worker Weck wiU be celebrated in Oranac County Sunday a .. the Chapman .College C'hapel and Fellowship Hall, 333 N,, GlassclJ. Orange. •

An ecumenical worship service at 6 p.m . will be f~llowed by a Mex.ican dinner, a folk music grou{>. and a video Lape, " Magrantsand the Law." The public is invited.

Farm Worker Weck is sponsored by the National farm Worker Mmistry. composed of 40 Catholic and Prote'itant church groups. which honors the effons offarm wor~~rs ro bnng about better Ii ves for them sci ves and their fam1hcs.

For more information. call Jeanne Giordano 760- 1052. . .

Friends of Music

" who 11 in charle'r' Mth the ministers involved beans unable tb .. ettabliah his leadershi p satisfactorily, to win respect and ettabhsh allfes with any dqree or strellfth." .

Yet "some of our mostly hiply reaardcd mirusters" who teem ' 'Jtronalr, com~tent end up being forced to teti&n or voted out, • he 111d.


Laou P,...yteriaa C.arcb, . 415 Forest A vc., lquna lkac:h, will hear the Rev. Craia Williams, assistant past~ preach at the 10:1 5 a.m. service Sunday.

1 ne Otan~l Choir, under the directjon of Mitzi lnte~ndi. will sina. accompanied by Ellen Wright. orprust. •

Child care is provided and a coffee fellowship an the patio will foil ow the service.

At 9 a.m., a new seven-week aduhclass will begin wJth Dr. Terry Argast, clinical psr,choloaist. speaking on .. Anger, the.Energy of Intimacy. ·

Christian education is offered to children of all ages ·at 9a.m.

The Becomers Fellowship meets today at the home of Warren and Mary Lou Cannon to celebrate the .. Cinco de Mayo" holiday. ·

The Rev. Dr. Jerry Tankersley's Bible classes for women meets at 9: I 5 a.m. on Tuesdays and the men's Bible classes meet on Wednesdays at 7 a .m. -

Junior and Senior High students meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays for dinner, recreation and discussions.

For more information, call '494-7555. For inspira­tional help, Dial-a-Prayer: 494-PRA Y.

• • • • Calvary Evaa1ellcal Free Cbarcb, 468 Legion St..

Laguna Beach, will host a one-day seminar on ··walk Through the New Testament" today, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The unique method. taught throughout t he day of the Bible. recalls the historical placement and living signifi­cance of fulfilled scripture by Jesus Christ. It makes this a most mefGorable event m the life of every Christian. Fee for the seminar as $ 25 for singles or $40 for couples. and includes a syllabus.

For more infonnauon. call 494-6191 • • •

St. J amu Episcopal Cbarcll, 3209 V ta Lido. Ncwpon Beach. will hold its annual rummage sale on Friday and Saturday, May 11 and 12, from I 0 a .m. to 5 p.m.

AU-types-of collectibles, household goods. clothing. toys, games, bric-a-brac and books will be available for the thrif\-mmded shopper. Coffee, punch and cookies will also be sold.

The sale is for the benefit of the Episcopal Service Alliance, a social community service of many churches in Orange County working together to reach out and aid hungry and homeless people in the county that arc not being hel~ by other agencies. One of the many ministries of ESA as Martha House, a home for battered women which provides shelter and a chance to stan life anew with renewed hope.

For iuo~ information . call 675-0210. • • •

O.r Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Clattrcb, 1441 W Balboa Blvd .. Newpon Beach. has nominated Mary Bahan as its candidate for the Diocese of Orange .. Catholic Woman of the Year."

Marge Dignam. president of the Women's Guild of the church. says. " Mary 1s devout m her faith . devoted to her husband and famil)' of eight children, and a JOY to all who know her. Her quack wit. generous spirit. loving manner and open mind endear her to us all."

Mary has been a member of the parish smce 1951 . served on the Women's Guild board. and has cons1stentl) supported Juild and pansh activities and projects.

The diocese will name 11s Catholic Woman of the Year. chosen from among some 35 nominees from parishes throughout Orange County at a luncheon on

t · 't rt Wcd(lesday. (See story elsewhere on Religion Page).

,,I 0 prese~ conce . O~aaae Coast Uoltari.; Uotversa ll1t Cburcb. 1259 · V1ctona St. . Costa Mesa. will feature a poetry ·and drama

The.("alifomia Heigbt5 Met-hodistChurch Frietrds of .l>fCSCntation by Jane Stilwell a t the 10:30 a.m . service Music announces fhat the C hancel Choir and orchestra. Sunday. under the direction of William Hatcher

1 will perform "Ein Following the service. tamales will be served by Dale

Deutschcs Requiem'' (A German Requiem) by Brahms on Donnell and Sherry Grossman to observe Cinco de Mayo. Sunday at 3 p.m. Children's religious education programs are con-

Fcatured soloists will~ Eilenn O'Hem, Soprano. and ducted during the Sunday service. For details on children's C'hnstopher Lindbloom{ bantone. programs. contact Irene Nilsen at 963-1766 or Betty

The program wil be pre~nted at the church Hogan at 897-8191 . sanctuarv, 3759 Orange Ave., Long Beach. for more information regarding the diurch"s ac-

A $150 d onation will be appreciated. tavaucs. call 646-4652.

Lake Hills sets Mom, daughter luncheon

Lakl' Hills Community C'hurch of Laguna Hills will h old its annual Mother/ Daughter Lunch­eon this }Car with a French fla ir. on <iaturday. May 19 at 11 :30 a.m. in the worship center

The lumheon will be catered b) the Pet ite Cafe and the co'it wall be $5 for adult'i and Sl.50 for chil­dren

Tht·re will also be a fa<;h1on 'ihow by Adnanne, mu'i1c h)' Judy a nd Heather Elhs. and inspirational message~ b) Lois Lccstma. and her daughters Mary Houser and Heather.

Fur more information/' ca ll 837-7729.

Singles to host · ·brunch

1 he Newpon Bat Yahm Singles groups will host a Sunday brunch on May 20 at 11 .30 nm at Copa de Oro Restaurant 1n Cos1a tAesa

All Jewish sin&Jcs ar an­v1tcd. Cost will be S 12.SO and advance rcservauons arc requ1~ by May 18.

C'aJI 760-9641 or send check to Newpon Bat Yahm Sinalea, P.O . Box 7S91, Newport Beach. 92660.

C'op.i de Oro 1s located a t 633 Anton Blvd.J.. across from 'ioulh Coa11 t"taza,

Lots of Room For Any Room

ALL THREE. $179 E ac11 ready to assemble unit stands n11 x 30·w x 12 <I Sinore bOOkcase S76 Also available in 16 • depth at 3 lor S231 Extra shelves cabine1 doors and desk llap are optional accessories Clloose lrom lhree durable hmshes white. <1ar~ butcher block and oa~


DIRICI """''"" wit* ' flffttHce. Open Daily 10- 6 Sunday 12 5

3015 Bristol Street · Costa Mesa (714) 751·2'!17 IEVlALY HJU.1 LONG BUCH

Kaaey Donahoe, Mell••• Lowey ln " Rumpleadltakio' ' at the Laguna Moulton Playhouae.

For these kids, education pays

HILLTOWN, Pa. (AP) - For some third graders. going to school means earning their pay.

At the Margaret M. Seylar Elementary School in Halltown, pupils earn money for cleaning desks. handing 1n correct homework. working as bank tellers and leading the Pledge of Allegiance. They rc:gularl)' buy their supplies, even their desks .

They get paid by teachers. spend. money in the classroom store and save mone) in the classroom bank.

The money isn't real. of course. It's pnntcd on plain while paper and 1s pan of a course. geared at teaching children the value of money. taught for the past eight years to third-graders b) Nancy J Mullo} and Irene K. Robens.

" Before this they generally didn' t know the d1flerencc bet"een nickels and quaners," Mulloy said ... Man) of them would go to a store. get something. and the pnce didn't mean much ..

Coast student s set for Olympic chorus

The cla ic &iry tale "Rumplestilllkin" will bie pttSCntcd next week.end by the IApana MoU.lloe Youlb Theater.

Adapted and d:irteted by ti• Sarene, Wbo bu manqed the Youth Tbealtr ror over 20 ,_,... " "" is the story of a prioc:n. who 'Pim straw mto Sok!.

The cast of 26 child.ten .. have developed their own charac1en and even written some oftbt lioa;" ICCOtdina t~ S~rette. The chaf'l!Clen include 1 ~Ill dnlonfty, a s1n11nlcockatoo, •~a beetle ancf aq 1ntd1ectm.I tk\mk..

.. umpltttiltwn • will be performed nnt Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 2:30antl 7:30 p.m . a1the1..apna Moulton Playho use, 606 L.aiuna Canyon Road. Laauna Beach.

All ticketsarcS l.SO and reservaoons may be obtained by calling the. playho use boA office. at 4944743. The box office is open from 1 to S p.m . Tucsct.y IJu'ouah Saturday .

College pl~ns kids' computer courses

A special two-week computer class' for children from I 0 to 14 will be conduclCd this summer at Cal State Fullenon. ' .

Topics to be covcie.d including of basic J programs, entering data intoac:omputer, concepts behind computer games. gcneradng computer araphics. storina data and ustnJ the computer calculator. . SiJl sessions of the c lass will be offert.d. wtth enrollment limited to 20 students. Two sessions will run 'from June 18-29. two mo~ from July 2-13 and 1M final two from July 16-27. .

C1a~s will be offered from 8 to 10 a.m. and from 10:30a.m . to 12:30 p.m. and may be taken in conjunction with the Titan Summer Sports Camp comblnin& computer lrta1nm1 with athletics.

The fee for the class is S 195 and mcludes teltbook.. matenals and a cenif~tc of completion. To cnroU in the program or acquire fwi.her information. call the Office of Extended Education at 773-2611.

, Three Cal State Fullenon students have been selected

10 sang an the Olympic Honor Chorus at the opening and closing ceremonies of the 1984 summer games. 'Lemme out'

Jenepher Berg or Corona Del Mar. David E. Custer of Costa Mesa and Mel Whrtehead of M1ss1on V1eJo will Lacey, a 10 -mon th-olcl-1olden Labrad.or, perform a specifically composed repeno1re under the aeema to be appeall':t for ller freedom. "f o. direction of Dr Charles Han . ~ could do the JOb at e lrrine Anlm•l Care

Rehearsals an Los Angeles have al read) begun Center ln Laeun• Beach.



DISCOVERIES Roger's Gallery

is full of ever­new and exciting

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ideas ... sure io capture her



GIVING Delight xour

mother with a mini color

{)afden or one Qf

SPECIAL AND UNIQUE · ~, CREATIONS J _· Put a special ) ' :: twinkle In • .tf mother's eye with ·a selection from our rainbow of floral crea­tions ... all done with Rogers uni· que flair. Roger's Florist offers a beautiful world of dried and fresh arrange-ments.

A SPECIAL DAY FOR MOM In appreciation for • your patconag~ . Roger's. will be presenting these special activities

,, _. _\\ -4

for moms on

ourmany~:!1!!!!!!!!!illi beautiful and ex­

May 13: • A string tno entertaining 1n the gazebo. 1 1 -3 • Free flowers for mom all day • TrH imoros ot

iiillil.~ililiii._ili=~ ...... mom an a garden set·

otic plants for .......... _ indoors or out. OPEN MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 13, 9·6

°""' 0 ll) ~ J • • '

t j l I I • ('

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. . . . . . • ' " .. ,.. • 1 . ,.. .. .

ting all day • Floral ammg1ng demonstra· lton at 12 & 2 p m

...... ...... kl,. ..

'•. l • ,.:.r, E(

T ,




• ... Dllllt &AM. NJ.. a.

lu..,.~ • 1·~=-mom n11•nt1lM ~ ATJHHitO• * "Or . ... Md Mr • ..,.-· '' i11111 1·~~, .....,c.t\. APPLB••nrrmai...M- rzail WY lllLL8' ONIT. ,_llCA GMAT091010Mm --nwtLJll

COWfTY TM1 DOUt9t TOUCH ® WCME ~CMOIC&a t t t ''The Gt'Y FOi'' ( 1M3) Akft. MCM!

1._ ltd F•r...,., Jale 1urrougf11. t "ltfond Mombw" (1957) Cot·

I Cl) NCM i.::w. -a.- Ml Wiidt. Donne Alld.

"""'°°' ITHElllOADlOLOIAM°SR ~~'T°*9" (1912) OUltln tll ICllNTUaCY 08WY ~ 4 AU ilwf.U ....,......, HofllNn. Jeellcl l.Mlge. INTIQ)UCIG lk>l.OGY cWAlBT 8PORTI Lmaa ~~ lone _ The MM"

I Ql.Llfll~~ • * ~ Hound Of The .... ~983) Jdwl uthgow, Vlq Morrow.

-·..,..-- ......_,, (1978) ......... r ....... , n.- uu MCWIE KON ._ ,._ """"" __, ** ''TOUQfl Enough'' (1M3) Den!}ll U(MI IMoor°" CAMP\J8 Oulld, c.-i.n. Wllltlne •

,.,,.~ ·~ecllanlc" (1972) THEMClAlJGHUNOIQjlP - 8:30-..,. __ 8'.,......,, Jen.Mlchtll Vin- 1 M•A•s•H 9 (I) MOYIE ;"' 8 e NEWS **~ ''TN Wit' (1971) Diane Roel, **~" (1t m ~Adi· OTTOMEllUBtFB.IXTHI Mldlell.llcbon. .......... CAT 8 111 JENNffA SlS'T HEM

~' Joel ftrTtr. - 5:30- Cf) LRSTYW OIF THE llCH ANO AMSICAH STORY D NEWS FAMOUS MOYIE I SPORTSUNE • MOW ••~ ''Lctl Attd FIMICS" (1979) DOCTOAWHO ** ' 'Oeelh Race" (1973) Lloyd • ~· Glenda Jac:bon CO INTERNA TlONAl EDmON Bridget. Doug McClutt.

** ·~ Up" (lM3) Jetry aw= ~~ To Sing About" ~ * * " Slmufal'' ( 1979) Joe Ptnny, ( 1938) J1mt1 Cegnty, W1111n F,.._

~·· "Who .. Klllna The Grt1t ~~ ley. a...°' Europe?" (f971) George mwAHtESE.~ l aPE<>Pli~Fu..Nv 59.~ Billlt. (%) MOYIE · 9 L<M BOAT {I) WV..E t t t ''W-- ""'- .,_ .. ( 1""'7) Tit.Mr e.&OI - nrTt-.. *** "Min. WOlnln And Child" "''-' .,._ - · .,. ·~-"""'~'""" ( 1983) M1rttn ~. Blytllt Dlnnlf. Joel McCt'M. ~ .. Ina. Cll MOYIE .. ,,..,.._ * t t t "Lenny" (1974) Ouatln HOfl·

- NO- -8:00- ITllll. Vlltrte Ptmnt.

I~~ avftftM IJ (() CBS NEWS (%) MOYIE e ~ST'"c:>RY"" ' "'" D HBC NEWS Ht~ "Thi Hunger" (19831 Ctu. • HrT crrv 8 CHIPS rlne Oentu\11, ~ Snndon.

8~T - t:30-- a:ao- • HOW THE WEST WAS WON D a MAMA'S FAMl. y

~ I~ 1:scowNtf (f) TWIUQHTZONE GTHESTOOGE! ...,,,E ••• "Glt(){"(197&1Burt ~ - 10:GO-DMOVE *** "TM er. Bottle" iiM4) LMnnHutton. D 8THEY£UOWAOSE • • * "l<Jll Me 11 You Ctn" ( 19n1 T n-...o...a 1 • Off'/.---. Burt 1"91. ID MAGIC Of R.ORAl PAINTllG ~tl/E.WS Alln Aidt. Tala Shlte. • Ill WIDE WONJ> OIF 8PORT8 QI~ HOUSE ON THE flMRE """'~ (!) LEAD-Off MAH G THE HARDY IOY8 / NANCY Ct) _,,,E * * ~ ''TN Strtngtr Within'' ( 197 4) G>MOYE DfEWatfS!BIU **"' " D""*" flt" (1-' ~- BertllnEdln,GeorgeGttmtd. "tnstructora °' O..lh" (Ho o.t•I I t«NA sta1ona.'c;twllthert."""' """9t91 • SOLi> GOLD 8ll ~ON COWUTERS: PRONAl FINANCE CID cm MOYIE G L.Er9 TALK A80VT YOU errs ANO BYTO (I) HARRY 0 .. .. Auttlorl Auth0f1" ( 1982) Al ct) AS8AlA. rm NUTS I!> BUSN:sS Of ~GEMEHT Q! MOYIE PICinc>. Dyan Clnnon. CID ntE FAR PAWJOHS CC) MOYE • • • • ··ZJegftld F-ollla'' 1194&1 AOCK OF n£ ·eos cm EURmMCS: SW1£T DAEAMS ***',; "Tootsie" (1982) Dustin ~ .a .. ...i..a .,....,,,~ "--·-J\MO-JU. - 8:30- - 10:30-Hoflmln. Jeaicl Lange. • NIElW:.A AOCK8 9 8 (() NEWS Cf) SOLi> GOLD

MOYE (%) MOYE I .,...., .. YNO 1~=T U~ "The l(lllng 0t Randy Web- ***.,; ''Tl* Men Mu11 Olt" (1970) """"' °" · st•" ( 1981) Hll H<>lbroott, Dixie Mlc:heal Ductlluuoy, .-, Venne. "Ii)~ ~~=F-OR ~ GD MOYIE )?\ Cart•. -!:30- - HOU............. TUl'Wl8A...,, ··~ "My Otar Secrtlary" (1948) (Q)OH THE AJA MTH A0GEA ANO 9 ~ - 'nvuv. '.._ """""" _,,,~ IONE llGHTS Llrlinl Dey, Kirt Oougla. ..........,, tt 'h "Sctten't Ot The W°'f" (1974) G ~RACING (I) MOYIE . Clint Wllttr, Pet• Gtavt1 - 7:00..!. CC) MOYIE *** "Oii God!" (1977) George 8ATMMOYIES D~~~~VI> ** "Saturday The 14th" (1981) Bums. John Denver. CJ) UTT\£ HOUSE ON THE HOAOWfT7 · RiOOlrd Benjamin, Paula Prtntla.

- 1:1::15- PAA1A1E '"" Cf) BA8EBAU. • PER80NAI. F1NAHCE • 8ASBW.l -10:46-

-12:30- 9 THE ROAD TO L08 ANGEl.£S 8 HOU YWOOO ClOSEUP • 8 SAT\R>A Y SPORTS PAGE 8 9 WIDE WOA1.D Of SPORTS 81 Tlt8 WEEK IN COUNnrf ~ ~ - 11:00-

'Wlz' return• Michael Jacbon and Diana Roa head the cut of the mulcal .. The Wis," rebroadcut u a •peclal praentation tontcht at 8:30 on CBS, Channel 2.

MOYIE •*.,;"Horror Pllntt" (1981)

- 11:45-8 MOYIE ••• "Beneltll The PW'8I Ot The Apel" (1970) Jamea FrtneilWI. Kim Hunt•.

-11:50- . (C) MOVE

-1t15-(l1) MOVIE • ·~111t1" (1981) Annette Hewn. Usa De Leeuw.

-12:30-BMOYIE • * \,; "One Ot Ow Own" (1975) Geor~d. o.c.. Homob. Cf) .

BMOYE ** " Squad" (1973) Robett

Fcntlt, MelYyn =· IE°:vuo TRE

MOYIE I H ''Tiie Kid From Broold)'n"

(194&) Denny Ktye, Virginie Mayo. -2:56-

(l) MOVE ** "Six Pack" (1982) K*"1y Aogo­en,~l.Mlt.

~:GO- / eMOYIE t 'h "The Leach WOllWI" (1960) Cole9I Gt1ty, GRnt Wll9na. (Q) MOYE ••• ~She Wore A Ytlow Ribbon" ( 1949) John w.,,... John •

-3:10-® MOVIE *** "The Gr.y Fox" (1983) ~ ard Fll'TllWOr1h. Jldlle Burroughl.

-3:15-(C) MOYIE •• "Jinxed!" (1982) Btttt Mtdler, KM Wahl. '


e Nll1'( GNFRTH MUSIC • a • (() a a t11E.WS ----------------------, ® SOMECAU THBI ~ • BfTERTAIMNT THIS WEEK 8 AMEAICAHVIDEOAWAADS


• • "The Big Brtwl" ( 1980) Jadtle Chan, Joie Ferrer.


t * * "Un6on StltiOn" ( 1950) Wl­Mlm Hotden, Berry Fllzgnld.



-3:45-tl) MCME I

-4:00- (() TOO ClOSE FOR COMFORT e MOYE D TALK ABOUT PtCTUAES 9 TIISISYOURLR tu•,; "The Exorc:IS1" (1973) Ben 8 MOTOOCYCl.E RACING QI NEWSC9IT9I DIGEST &n a MOYIE m MEUI NO GUNZO lyn, l.#lda Biii<. "Hind Ot" (198:!) JICkle (})MOYE C)HOTSEAT Chan *** "Oh God!" (1977) George ~OfBIZAMEQ ~~And Lightfoot" ~Denver *** "Whit Do You Say To A

I 197 4) Clint Eastwood. Jeff Bridgte * * "lhlnstonn" ( 1983) Na!Mie Nall.O l.lidy?" ( 19701 Documentary ,.. MOYIE -11:05-.., WOOd, Christopher W•lfl. ~ ·~ **~ "The lncredlblt Mr l.lmptl" UU"""•~ ( 1964) Don Kno~. Ctro1e Cooll. - 7:30- ** "Babe" I 1981 I Bobbi Jnton, e AU NEW THIS OlD HOUSE 8 DANCE FEVER SMllnlha Fo._


MOVIE **~ "The Kiiiing Ot Randy Web-

* * "The Tlngler.. ( 1959) VirlC*'ll Pnce. Judith E¥el)'n.

-4:00-• NF#8lilAKE.RS

Richie says 'Hello' to No. 11

By Tbe Associated Press

a!)APflUEDSKETCHNl D THISISYOUALFE - 11:30- The following are Billboard'~ hot record llU 990-4021 llSSIM nat 495-6220 (() STAR TREK I= LA • 8AANA8Y .K>NES hns for the week as the} appear in of UAMOVICS4 £0WAROSVIUOMALL GTOOETHEAMTH SHIRLEYAHO l!>THEGAEA~ I Q! SATUADAYNIGHTLNE · e1llboard magazine. Copynght 1984,

g1n-Ep1c) I 19."The Reflex" Duran Duran (Capitol) 20."Dancrng in the Streets"' Shalamaq

(Columbia ) •

COSTA llUA 546 2711 OIAICE 637-0340 ~T= (() PU8UC AFfAN ABC NEWS Br II board Pubhcaltons, Inc. Reprinted EOWS SOUTH COAST Pl.A.ZA AMC. ORANGE MALL **** "Grllldllluslon"(li37)Jeln 9 EYEONSANOIEOO ~~WBTIEWS with permission.

TOPLPS l ."'Foottoo~· Soundtrack" (Columbia 2."Can' t Slow Down" Lionel R1chi

ctSTA llUA 631 3SOI OIAICE 6309ll Gebin. Erich VonStrohelm Q! wm<BtOMAGAZJNE '8 FNIE HOT SlNGLES EDWARDS HARBOR TWIN UA CITY CENlER (Q) MOYIE -7:5e- 9 SOUND FESTIVAL I ." Hello" Lionel Richie (Motown) (MolOwn)

t ** "She Wore A Y'"''- Ribbon'' 8 DD (() Pf&IDEHTIAL (() ...,.._ 2 ... A0 ,.inst All Odds" Phil ColJios (Al· llYllE 551 ·0655 GUICE 634-9361 """"' PNMARYCOVERAGE ....,,.~ O"""

£0WARQS W0006RIOC£ PACIFIC'S ORANG[ DR·IN (1949).lolln Wayne, John Agar. Ht \,; "The Quie( Min" (1952) Ian tic) 3. "Thriller" Michael Jackson (Epic) 4." 1984" Van Halen ('Warner Bros.) 5."Colour By Numbers" Culture Ctu (.S) MOVIE -4:00- John Wayne, Mueen O'Hara. 3."Hold Me Now" Thompson Twins

lJCIU llW '768 6611 IUTlllSTll 895.;333 • * "Six Peck" (1982) enny Rog- IJ (() BUGS BUHNY BUSTIH' OUT 0 Koe AOCKS 10 • (Arista) ~-~~G~~-~-L_s _~_L_l ~~~~~~~-~~~~-T-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 4 ."~s HcarltFMt~B~''Dcni~

(Virgin-Epic) 6."Heartbeat City" Theurs (Elektra) 7."Spons" Huey Lewis & The New!4


UAlllJI 639 8770 SYUF"Y ST AOIUM OR ~ ll THO 581 5880 EDWARDS SAOOUBACK rHITAll VAWY m 1307 rAMll Y 4 CINEMAS lA UIU (2131 691 06.l.l NltC FASHION SQUARE


A Ml(mU ~ PresenlM""IOO An £OGE CrrY Pmd\Jdton "REPO MAN"

HARR' -Of.At\ STAN'JUN ·EMILIO ESTEVEZ , ,.. • .1 ... - , \l.f.X COX, r ... " .... "'"'• .. \ilC'HAEl ~F.SMrrH

~,... ... JI >"'iA'ntA~ WK.K$ ""' PETER McCAR1liY --· A lnrwrsal Picture R- ··--____ ,..__. , ..... .., ..... l -...i•-·--- •

NOW PLAYING ll0$TI llllf'SA """". llllO¥t 04Wltt --~ ~~ ............ ..... I ~nOr1J1• latutf'I ( .. "wlk .... .,,.

"' Ol 1()4"1)• l)u·ro °""'"'··-f l i'OllO QIWlel OIWll( ., ......... ..... ~1-·0"4'll"' ..... ' ~'I' Mt1 ui r i. c....,.., lll'Cf"lO•OO

• 'Ml ' I l•I fJ.W tfl!! '"" (llO~f .. ,.,


COSTA MESA E owaros Bnstnf 540.7444


A l'/\RA~.~~~ ~ ~......,..,...._ ,....,.....,,... I

~ ...... ......_ - .~


WHTMINSTER Edwa1os C111ema Wes1 891 39JS

lel;lljif:fj ~Si.i111M>


Eawaros Newoon C1nerm 6'<1 ·0760 Pacific s An~1m Dnve·ln 879-9850


1st 2 Matinee Showen~ Only $2.75 Unless Noted

S •3t.14eI•Juil6J63~ 2553 /~~. ) FOR Funt EXCfTEffiEnTI Y1s1tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES* ~~'!'~'1"

At 12 : 10 2 : 10 4 · tO , : 10 1 : 10

.. 10 : 10

At 12 : 30 2 : 1S 4 : 05 5 :5 5 '7 : 45

.. 9 :45



Toda1 1:15, 3:30, 5;45, 1.-00,


GREYSTOKE At ~~~O'~ n" "'·'~'" '" 2 : 40 S: J O

TARZAN ~ 1 : 00 • '1 lol1l11t Utt""' 1 O: JO

1st¢i]t•1,a1.11.i161639 a1101~~) - ' 1 Alla BOUNTYTBI - Alto

Sllowlnt f'talvrlnt H ot Dot 8 r .. ll'lltU

llZ , .. , la ,.,


AllO "umbl• .. ,,,, , ,. '

Aho ll'v•pl• HHrtl


-~· Alt o ~ Sl'IOWlftt - f'OOllOOtl

" CD (~Ol

* D•l•• · ln1 Optn 7 : )0 W .. ll•nch I I 00 WHkn lt M1 * (hilt!"'" lJnlil'r 11 FR[ l Unit'\\ l\/01et'I

lllEDIATE OISH Williams (Columbia) 5."Love Somebody" Rick Springfield

GOLD, DIAMOHDI (RCA) Md VALUAllUI 6."To All the Girls I've Loved Before"

8."Love At First Sting" Scorpions (Mercury)

n. ~7~~"'!fLlll Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelso n (Columbia) ~ 7."YouMightThink"TheCars(Elektra)

9."She's So Unusual" Cyndi Lauper (Portrait)

1 ~!!!3!!!1~18~N~e!!w~·~B~l~v~d~. ~ 8 ... Footloost" Kenny Loggins (Col-i.:: umb1a)

10."lnto the Gap" Thompson Twins (Ansta) •


f.- ... lest flf ,_ ...

llZ2- l lft. COSTA •SA - 541-1151


That Has Al of America T •1n1. Is Now In

Oran1e CCU1ty •!!(HARO rll((014AA ~~lllWl'A"l'RS

9. "Oh. Sheme" Steve Perl) (Columbia) 10."T ime After Time" C) nd1 Lau per

(Ponrait) 11."They Don't Know" Tracey Ullman

(MCA) r2."Hcad Over Heels" The Go-Go's

(l.R.S.) 13."Tonight" Kool & The Gang (Dc-

Lite) ,;.;.. 14."The Longest Time" Bill~ Joel (Col­

umbia) 15." Breakdance" Irene Cara (Network­

GefTen) 16 ... The Authonty Song" John Cougar

Mellencamp (Riva) 17."Sister Christian" Night Ranger

(Camel-MCA) I ~."Miss Me Blind" Culture Club (V1r·

11."Touch" Eurythmics (RC<\) , 12."'Against Aft Odds' Soundtrack'!

(Atlantic) 13."Gracc Under Pressure" Rush

(Mercury) 14."An Innocent Man" Bill) Joel (Col.

umb1a} 15."Uh-Huh" John Cougar Mellencamp

(Riva) 16.'"Hard to Hold' Soundtrack" Rick

Spri ngfield (RCA) 17." ln 3-D" Weird Al Yankovic

(Rock'n' Roll) 18."Ammonia Avenue" The Alan

Parsons Proiect (Arista) · 19.''Talk Show" Go-Go's (l.R.S.) 20. "Leaming to Crawl" The Pretende~


Orange County's Relaxlng Music Station



KDCM tlD.t ,,........, ••1CEMAN' IS A UNIQUE, MIND-TURNING EXPERIENCE ... Stunnlna at tta bat, tM moll bypnock diam ol dllemery .mt. '1Nl: A Spece Odr-1' .. . •iceman· become9 one ol the p.a~ oa ftlm." --

NOW PLAYING tl!O M.1'111 B••• "'•" s~ "'° COllA Mllo\ fo-,,4, '.oiJlll f1)nt PW•W.'7'1

COITAMIU ,,,...,,.,... .. t\oltl~


'°""°' '""""'•' !181~

l'OUW1 M9 WAl.lf'f

r •fl'lll¥ '°"' l 1)07

Wlft.amt l OWOlllOl!:N .... '""' '91 '1113~ ID !hi$!

.(, ·~

IAll JUAll CA"1TllMIO "'<Jc,._.._ °"'' "' 4914~· .. _, ~...,.. .. _ ._., ............. ,

NOW PLAYING AllAlllW am•IA .... t•.U.U l .._ l'l<O!lt••- ,_,_c:..o. ,....,.,_ ..... ,...,.SMlllC.&.! °"'" ... ,. "' .,.. ....,IOll • ., Jiii COlfAlllUA l-C.0.1"1C.."•'4' .. -•.et-"'roo""'1•-otw"1

ae•••Wl tlae Bea•er · ....... o1t11.eon..­bial -- Of tM 18d'7 . TV Mrl• .. Lea" It to a.YU•• - from left. Tony Dow e.). Ka 0..0Dd

). Bubua 8111-., (Jane) and

Jerl'J llathera (Beaftr) - celebrate tile uow•a retarD wltla milk and eookl• at their tele .. ftalon home. The new Mrl•. ••still the•• will air OD tbe Dia_, Channel In the fall.


Mel Gibson's no.Aussie He·s 'theirs· now. but actor spent his first 12 years in United States BJ BOB THOMAS Ii I 'J'J.,,_..,_

BE".'ERLY t:flLLS - When Mel Gibson burst upon the movie scene in such Australian-made films as "Mad Max" and "Gallipoli," American audiences figured he came fror11 Down Under. The Aussie accent sounded like the-real thing. ~

But as his fame grew and the int~rviews came, people l~rn~ that Gibson had been born an Peekskill. N.Y. He hved hi~ first I~ years in the United States until his parents and their I 0 children moved to AustraJia.

When .h~ was here last year for the opening of "The Year. of Living Oang~rously, .. the actor's accent was unmut.akably Australian. Back a""n for this year's Academy awards, he Sounded Amencan.

"That's because I've just made two films as an American." he said. "The muscularity of the mouth becomes a habit that is hard to chanJ.e."

The two films illustrate Gibson's rise as an international star. "The River," with Sissy Spacek and " Mrs. Soffel," with Diane Keaton.

One warm afternoon at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Gibson sat down for an interview. He was dressed in a terrycloth robe, and the suite looked cyclonic: clothes draped over furniture, fiUed ashtrays on the breakfast tray, phone mC$Slges strewn on the floor.

His wife and three young children had left for their Sydney home, and Gibson would join them as soon as he wound up his obligations.

Interviews do not seem to be one of his favorite pastimes. He appcai:s nervous and ~mpatient, though bis answers arc responsive.

"I resist in the begjnning, but once I get into them, I can find them enjoyable. It's just a matter of getting into ~car," he said. " J want people to sec 'The Bounty,' and if uttcrviews will help, I'll do them."

"The Bounty," is Dino De l.,.aurcntiis's $25 million version of the mutiny tale that has already been filmed


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·--o y~ • .... ~ ....... --·· .... -. fOlMTAlt VALUY 963-1307 F am1ly 4 Cinemas 11161 BIC>Mhvrsl

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GMOEN GROVE 530-4401 Edwards Westbrook

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• PfllSlNTED W O<l8Y STlR£0

twice- three tames 1f one includes the Australian version with young Errol Flynn.

Gibson is cast as Flctchrr Chnsuan. played by Clark Gable in 19 35 and Marlr n Brando in 1962. Gibson studied with a voice coai;h to adopt the accent of an English gentleman-sailor of the 1780s.

The new film contains something remarkable dunng me mutiny itself. Gibson. who has presented an intense but self-controlled imaae on the screen. s~ddenly erupts in violent emotion as he rails against the brutal Bligh, played by Anthony Hopkins.

" Y cs, that was rather a surprise when I did it," said the 28-ycar-old actor. "I studied both the Bligh and the Morrison accounts of the mutiny. Both of them were eyewitnesses, and both said that Christian was ·,xtrcmely agitated' and 'sweating and crying.'

'"I'm in bell.' he said. " I figured the way to play that was by flipping out," Gibson said.''l didn't tell anyone what I was going to do. After the first take, the d irector, Roger DonaJdson, ordered extra cameras. Obviously, I couldn't do it many times. This was primal-scream time."

Gibson has been on the move for more than three years, making films in Manila. England, Tahiti, Tennessee and Quebec. Everywhere, It seems, but Hollywood. That suits him.

" I don't really know this area," he remarked. " If you want to know about the inside of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, I can tell you. But Los Angeles - I only come here for two weeks or less, and I sec notbinJ of it.

" I don't fit here. It's just not my kind of place. I fUCss it's a matter of 'different strokes for different folks."

Traveling hasn't been so bad, he added, because he is generally accompanie.d by his wife, Robyn, daughter and twin sons - "they stay with me as long as they can stand me, then they go home. I'll see ' em in;a couple of weeks."

Gibson 1s the major product of the creative explosion of the Australian film industry, which, he lamented. has fallen into a decline.

"They opened the door and let other artistic people into the country," he said. "A lot of good things happened. but there were some abuses, too. So they shut the door. and film making is dormant at the moment. I think they made a mistake. They should welcome talent from wherever it comes." •


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LA<UA BEACH 497·1711 Edwards South Coast Laguna

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LA HABRA (213)691·0633 AMC Fashion Sauare <MANGE 634-2553 SYUFY Citv Center

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After 200 _vean. th1 truth behmd th1 ltgnui.

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Max fiail takes 'Babe Ruth' role


(AP) - The 8abt h()pes to swat another one out oftbe ball perk. Actor M~" Gait will _play Jhe. immonal Babe Rueb in a ooe-mao &bow oa Btoadway and an a TV special.

The three·act play will preview for three weeks on Broadway beainnina about the fif'lt of May. NBCs " Today'' show featured Gail~& Ruth Tuesday a! V•~kee Stadium, which is ca.Ued "the house that Ruth built"

The show will also be videotaped for a spccual. Negotiations are now under way with the networks and the pay systems. • L!=============-=-====,...---,,....;.~

Gail was Wojo in "Barney Miller" and most recently was seen on "The Whiz Kids." He also played a taxi cab company owner in "O.C. Cab." ..


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by Gus Arriola

,, ~ If!> Hll.L.L" -6tllJ. &eeMW

II~ ~ Ff.AJ'!.. GEJ.J.~Z

by Jim Davis

by Virg il Partch (VI P)

~~:;;;o---~ \ ~ t .. -


Q.J - Holh vulnt>rablc, ., Soulh"you hold: •7652 1;tQJ6 OA95 ·~3 l'arlncr 01wns tht• hiddlnl( with ont· (•luh Wh;1t do you rl')Cpond'!

Q.2-A~ Soulh. vulntrahlt•. you hold: •95 <:> A93 0 95 + AKJ872 The bidding ha<; proceeded· North Eaet South Weal 1 .'1 1 • 2 + Pau ~ , f>1111 ~

What .1rt1on 11o \'1111 t.1kc·'

Q.3- Aa South, vulnerable. you hold: •JG <:> KQe OAJM •KQJOZ The bidding h1111 pr~t·cdcd: •:a1t South Wei t North I 'V I NT P111 Pat1 2 l:J Pua Paat 2 • Pau ? Whnl action do you takt•'!

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Q.5- As Soulh, vulncrablr. you ~old : •AJO <:>AKM73 0 A6.•AI06 Tht bidding has proceeded: South We1t North •:&1t I <:> PH1 2 + Pat• 3 0 Pa11 4 + Pan ? Wh11t do you hid now'!

Q.6- Hoth vulnernblt• . as South you hold: •AKJ9 <:> 95 0 95 +KI0876 Partner opens the bidding with ont diamond: What do ynu rMl)()nd'!

t.ook for aMwrr11 on Monday.

Have you beee ,....,., lato double trouble? Charle1 Corn help yoo fW your way lhroqh tM •ue of DOUBLES for peaaldt• aad for takeout. For a f9PJ tf hie DOUBLES MMJet. •lld 11.85 to "Core•· o..blta," tan of tlaJ1 aewepoper. P.O. Boa 259. Norwood. N.J . 07&48. Make ell«k1 payaWt to New1paptrboob.

by Jeff MacNelly

L 00'(.

1. PtJTW~~ I~~ . l . MPM~ 90RNE~ . 3 1lJ~ OO~ER ON ~I~ .

. ~~ ~

~ BRABBLE by Kevin Fagan

"Adius.t the color, Daddy. The man said Kentucky is bkleQrass country and thi' looks green." ''Hold It, George! It's MY break."

MARMADUKE , by Brad Anderson DE~~IS THE MENACE Hank Ketcham

" Maybe he isn't In 'drive." '

f l t

' {


by Ferd & Tom Johnson MOON MULLINS

BOTTOM LINf ... ------9:JN.E. ~ENING WliL DoME<ioOt>· IT1LL wo~ OFFA F~W




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1l41S ~'5 ~IS PIN6 UN6, A ~1Nese 'flV(:K· L.,A~ R>~ iHf AAJ~OACZ

by Charles M. Schulz

- ~ - =-----_....j. ~ • -r ... .

- - • -~"- I -.I.-,.

-_y --r -,._. -- .- ... _r-- ---- _L-.__ •

by Tom K. Ryan

M'i '1£».I.. I~ 1'0 SW>Mf. A ~010 ~"fC~l5T.

~. 1. ~Jo-,' ~M6 Vf.OfU. WI\~ ~'f~f.

t--- 4 ~~






-r~m.·s Jvsi ~ei-~lN6 A60Vi AN E.c.lf.Mff<IC. !>E.R~N fAAi 1 f1NO ~E.R'i EMOE.A~\Ne, '·

IT'S ~ 1M€ 5Nff. 1Hlt(',,HEA'TMER ! <;ex) U8E ~ -SIX WHEN t;(XJ E'f

~ . . \ '>

DlO 1 f.\)ER 5~ ~OU M'< ~°' 1Mm~1~?

by Lyn~ohnston


by Tom Batluk

I ~::::::i'.~~na~mm v --.-..i~•

by George Lemont

AN P 1"He Y Pt,AY "fHe "fRACKS!

. .. ; .. . . I

I.US~ ... UHfL . 00~!

by Pat Brady

ai, l?AJS •.. THIS IS Ml TIRE.~~/


' by HarOld Le Doox •

----___________ .... - ....._

.. . I> . ..


Top crews row today Jn regatta

The 19th annual Ncwpop ln-1'hational lntercolleaiate Rowing lleptta is on tap today, with the ftrit race set to be&in at 8 a.m. and &be last e•pecled to conclude at approximately I 0: IS.

Held on North Lido Channel in , Newport Beach and hosted by Oranae Coast College and UC tr"vinc, the field of entrants in­'Clude California, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara Loyola Marymount, Long Beach St.ate, University of San ~ and California Maritime A my.

Admission is free, and the best vantage point for spectators is at OCC's intercollegiate rowina and sailing base.

Near-record effort

- .

-Dallas enjoys. t e last.laugh Lakers have no defense for Mavericks: · series tightens after 125-115 setback --

DALLAS (AP) - It was the Dallas Mavericks doing the lauahing Friday ni&ht.

ihey blew away Los Anaeles, 125-11 S, almost in the same manner the Lakers disp<>sed of the Mavericks in the first two games of their National Basketball Association series.

"I never accused the Lakers of laughing at us," said Dallas Coach Dick Motta. "I just said they were laughing and havin& a aood time."

Motta said: "We can't play any better than we did tonight. The LaJcers are still the best, but it was nice for our kids to have a win tonight. It was good for them-and good for me, the old man. ·

"We gc:tt our confidence ' built up early. I was hoping we could lead after the first quarter. Rolando (Blackman) aot us goina. He made some great moves out there."

Blackman scored a career playoff high 31 points. ,

" We were here at home and down 0..2and we wanted Locomeoutanddo the best we could," said Blackman. "We had been down early before and wanted. to come and set a lead. I'm sure the Laxen will be ready Sun­day.''

Laker Coach Pat Riley said "It was a great, great baske\ball aame. The difference obviously was their eutside shootinJ. They aJso did a much better job of handling our pressure." •

He added that the l..aJcers played poor defense.

"We gave up 65 points in the first half and that's not playing \'Cry good defense," Riley said. ~

Mane ·A&uirn, kept under close & the 1.aken in 4J and 16-point victories, bit 21 j)Oints.

The fourth pme Of the series Will be played Sunday, with the Lakers leading 2-l.

Earvin ~Magjc" Johnson bad 24 points for the heavily-favored Wm with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar scorina 22 and Bob McAdoo getting 23 offthc bench.

Danas raced to a 19-point lead in the first half then beat off a late Laker rally with radar accurate shooting

' from the field. ' Dallas outsbot the Lakers 57 to 56

percent for the game. • It was sweet revenge for the Mivs.

who. had never even led in the two previout 11mc1.

Guard Brad Davis and forwmd:Jay Vincent eacb scored 18 poiDll for 1bc Ma vs, who enthralled a ldlout c:iowd of 17,007 fans in Reunion Arma.

Mavencksoutshot the Labn60IO S3 per cent in the tint balf and outrebou.nded them 2S·l9 for a stunnina 68-S3 halftime lead.

Dallu built a 19-point lad in one sizzling shooting strelCb behind Aauirre, Davis and Blackman.

An omen of thinp to oome wu Johnson's miss-of two free tbrqws to start the pme for the ~ -

Davis then stofet~ ball three times an the first five minutes.

.Barons battl€ back to win; 6--5 Trojans, Irvine fall two games off Sea View pace

Fountain Valley fou&ht its· way back, much in the same manner that junior pitcher Bob Sharpnack has done this season, to remain in the picture for a CIF 4-A playoff berth -at the expense of Sunset League title challenger Ocean View- to highlight Orange Coast area prep baseball action Friday.

Herc's flow it went Friday: (J

Fou&atn Valley I , Ocean View~ Sharpnack, who began the season

with a not-so-great 1-2 record, did it all in gaining his seventh straight victory on the mound - and witb the bat, be was even more,impress1 ve.

The 6-31h, 195-pound junior came .. through with a two-out, bases-loaded double to score three Fountain Valley runs in the 'bottom of the seventh inning to give the Barons the victory.

" l t was the biggest win of my ca.rcc:r at Fountain Valley High," said the Barons' coach, Tom DcKtaii ... If we don't win that one our chances f« OF are prcny sJim."

Ocean View bad stniclc for five ' lfUns in the third inning, sparked by a two-run double by Robbie Gibbs, and ap~ to have the vmiict locked go1"1 into the bottom of the seventh, need mg a victory to stay within raqe of league-leader Edison.

But the Seahawlts (now 9-4) drop. ped I in games off the pace u Jeff Olson, who had an RBI-double in the third inning. stroked a sihglc to put two runners aboard.

Sharpnack, who bad a two-run ~n&le in the first innini, unloaded on an 0-1 pitch two out to score the thru runs and pull it out, giving him a 3-for-4 day, and a stolen base.

Although be was touched for five runs in the Ocean View third, only one run was of the carncq variety because of Fountain Valley errors.

The victory pulls· Fountain Valley to within a half game! of Westminster with a 7-6 record. Westminster (7-S)

(Pleue eee Pll.SPS/BSJ

Cillay: No hitter, .17 Ks AV ALON - Newport Chnsuan High 's Conquerors took their .act

to Catalina Friday and David Cillay went on to strike out 17 in posting a 6-0 no-hitter. facing the minimum number of baners in pavina the Wll¥ for the Conquerors' ninth win in 10 Academy League baseball starts. ·

They'll try it again today with Chns.Howard on the mound after the 6-4 Howard powered the offense with a single, double and solo homer in four at-bats Fnday.

~e Cout Collete'• Todd Andrewa, left, uaea a late kick to wi.n the 110 6i41h hurdle. Friday at the South Cout

Conference track and field champlon•hipe at UCI. An­dreW8 tied a Khool record. For the •tory, mee 83 .

Cillay, a 6-5 left-hander, used just 89 l>itches. with 12 of hts 17 victims going down swin~ng. The onl y base-runners for AvaJon came in the fifth inning when C11lay htt a batter on the foot with a curve ball. and in the seventh on an infielder's error.

Eagles, Artists, The CIF 4-A boys volleyball play­

offs began Fnday n1$!1t w11h few surprises. with the possible exception of Corona del Mar High's marathon verdict over Fountain Vallc;y.

The Sea Kings rallied for a 15-9. ~3-15. 5-15, 16-14, 15-9 decision over

the Sunset League kin$pin -the only loss for a home team in Fnday's first round of the eliminations.

"Our passing .broke down in the fourth game," said Fountain Valley Coach Gregg Svalstad . who saw his

team rally to lie It at 14 1n the fourth game after leading the series, 2-1.

Peter Nourse was Corona's main weapon, while Fountain Valley's best moments came from the area of setter Tom Power and outside hitter Scott Mc Keough.

Fountain Valley, unbeaten wtth 12 victories in the Sunset League, fin­ishes the season at 14-3.

Meanwhile. Laguna Beach brushed aside La Quinta, 15-4, I 5-6 15· 5; Edison topped Capistrano Valley.

15-5, 15-7, 12-15. 15-5; and Estancia .cased past San Marcos. 15-3. 15-8. I 5-5.

Laguna Beach gains a chance at a measure of revenge in the second round of the 4-A playoffs - 1t was Corona del Mar which applied a three-set shocker overt he three-time defending CIF champions in early-season play. ,

In the Artists' victory, junior outside hitter Mike Stafford ( 12 kills) and junior middle blocker Curt


Blanton (eight stuff blocks) were the staJwarts.

"We played real well tonight," noted a pleased Laguna Coach Bill Ashen. "Their defense had trouble 'Wtlh our sp1k1ng ...

In defeat, La Quinta setter Russell McKenzie played well .

Edison's victory was spearheaded by senior outside hitter John Thom­nas and senior setter Dave Frazellc.

"But the rest of the team also played well ." saict Edison Coach

Rocky Ctarelh. ··1t ~a!> one of our better matches ...

The only bump 111 the road for the Chargers was m the third game when Capo Valley scored the final three points to win. 15-12.

At Estancia. the Sea View champ Eagles asserted themselves quickly en a,:>ute to their sweep.

" We came out and played one of our best games 1n the opening game." said Estancia Coach Tom Pestoles1.

Zahn hits century mark against Seattle ca•w .... "" ....... ....... Llllt c:MMll ........


NtwPWt Harbor Hlttl S.. View LNeut finals

St Tort Hitt! 10 •.m.


hlldl;-c .... Mela Vt. ... WNM

H..W at OCC, -• ._ VI. Wttlmlftl!lw et

... -- ~a111. 1 """


Left-hander hurls three-hitter for-1 OOth career win

SEA TILE (A P) - As long as veteran left-hander Geoff Zahn steps on the rubber. pitching milestones are bound to come his way.

But Zahn did more than routinely pick up his I OOth career victory Friday night. In a virtuoso per­formance. he hurled a three-hitter as the Angels beat the Seattle Mariners. 4-1.

"This is probably the best I've felt all year." Zahn said. "For me. 11 was a milestone. I'm very, very thankful for having this much time in the big leagues."

At the alie of 30. Zahn finally establ1she<f lmse asa majorlequer

·with the Minnesota Twins in 1977. -..'.!'.[here were lots of times when I thouJht I'd never have 10 wins 1n the big leagues." he said. "A lot of people wrote me off a few 11 mes."

Zahn outpitched three Seattle hurlers. who also combined for a thrtt-h1tter. Mike Moore worked the fint six innings and gave up all 1hrec hits.

" I prob:lbl) ~hould h ve taken my~~f out of the game. but I f.01 a couple ofrasy out'i nnd my pri~ tte~t


, ....

me from doing 11 ... Moore said after he gave up Doug DeCinces' two-run homer in the sixth inning.

Moore. who developed a sore elbow in his previous start last Sunday against the Angels in Anaheim. said his arm stiffened up going into the sixth.

With two out in the sixth. Fred Lynn walked and DeCinces. who

extended his hitting streak to I 0 games. belted his fifth homer for a 4-1 lead.

Moore. 1-2. retired the first 12 Angel batters but gave up DeCin~s· leadofT double in the fifth . DeC'inces went to third on a w'ild pitch and scored on Bt1an Downing's sacnfice fly . Bobby Gnch then walked, stole second and scored on Bob Boone's

single to gl\e the .\ngels a 2-0 lead fhe Manne~ sco~d their run in

the fifth when Bob Keame) 's two-out double brought Dave Henderson home teve Henderson and Da"c Henderson wal~ed to open the in-ning. but tc' e Henderson ~a thrown out tr)ing to 'iteal third on a hit-and-run pla} that backfired >\fier Darnell Cole!> flied out. Kcamc' doubled. ·

KentllckyDerby: Anybody's race LOUISVILLE. Ky. (AP) - The l IOth Kentucky colts in the Arkansas Derb)'. while one of the stretch

Derby today shapes up as extremely competitive. missing runners 1s ber entrymate Life's Magic also a fill} some of the toP. horses and offering more plots than a cheap Two fillies have won the Derb} - Regret in I '11 ~and dectect1ve thnller. Genuine Risk in 1980

De~il's Bq. Time for a Change and Dr Carter, who Other contenders who figure to be on or near the pac-t w~rc pnme Derby contende_rs. did not make the race. but are Taylor's Special. wale. Fah Time and Van-11 sd1fficult. J>C!_haps1mposs1ble, todetractfromaraccthll landrnabam Three: other stretch runners to_ v.atch are has become a p1ecc~mettcan1 . Silent KJOS, Gate Dancer and Vanlandingham's en-

Bcs1dcs. there ·~ quaht)'. an what will be the nchest lrymate. Pine Circle runn1n1 of the I v.~m1le classic at Churchill Downs with a ., purse ofS7 l 2.'400 and a wtnner's share of$537,400. This Derby has a full field of .O 3-\car-old~ and n en

Post time is 2:38 p.m. EDT. more human interc t angles " It's a good field , .. Jack Van Bera. trainer of Gate At the first Derb). which was ~on b' ~nst1deson Ma'

Dancer, said Fndty "There as no super horv in there we 17. 1875. women wtre not allo~cd into the 1iand~tand know of yet. but 1t 1s a very compc11t1vc field. You can pick without an escort. 10 or 12 ,horses. and any one of them could win .. In this Derby. thcrew1ll a woman JOC._C' and a "'Oman

There 1s aenuine speed an the race. and 1here arc $OC tnuner &ood one•run horses, whose Jockeys will try to move at the Pam ( ooltsc). who w1ll ndc So Vague. v.111 be the naht ume and hope their mounts can sustain a wtnn1na ~ond woman J<>ckc in a Derby dnvc to lhc wtrc " H1~1ory wa1 made when Diane (rump did 11." 1d

OnC' of tht' spe-ed hone the fill y <\lthca. who heat the 2(1.ycar-old C ook\C~ . known ao; P J



- .,. .. ..

Penyresigns as Southern Cal athletic director r""6 AP d.llpa&clM!t

LOS ANGELES - RJcbard M. Perry • h.a5. retiped as atblellc dlrector at the Uruvers1ty of Southern Otlifornia, which faUcn from national sports prominence in rcc~nt yean. the school announced Friday.

.His resignation comes in the wake of a study by a special Southern Oll athletic advisory council fonned by the university's p~ident. James H. Zumberge. The council, which studied all facets of Southern Cal's athletic program, was fonned after the Trojan football team in 1983 had its first losing season ( 4-6-1) in 22 years.

Zumberge said a search committee will be formed as soon as possible to recruit a replacement for Perry.

Perry will be reheved of his duties on July I and return to his former JOb a~ associate professor in Southern cars Department of Ph)SIC'al Educauon , the

· school said. .. I have made this decision personal!~ wnh the best

interests of the univ~TSll) in mind:' said Perr, , 54. .. Some people have viewed the past le" years in USC"s athleuc h1stof) as tumultous. I am concerned that this perception 1s so deep-seatffi that 1t will slov. the progress of our athleuc department

" I am therefore stepping dov.n be-cause I ha ve decided that a new leader with a fresh perspective 1s ~~ 1n order to ma1nta1n our commitment to • thlct1c e>.cellence," he said 1n a prepared release.

Quote of the day •t1Dldl SMn'od, writer for the DaJta8 Tlme9

,....,_., queetfon&ng the preeence of a woman trainer at ttM KentUcky Derby: "It the Lord had 1n-..Ktect llld* to handte thoroughbred hotlel, he woutd have tnvented the $1.98 window."

Sutton takes two-stroke lead C ..\RLSBA.D- PG.\ ltlle·holder Hal n

Sutton. annffi "1th a nev. dn' er and a new putter. b1rd1ed the last tv.o holes and opened up a t"o-shot lead Fnda) in the second round of the el11e Tournament of Champions.

Sutton fi,e strokes ofTthe pace v.hen the day's play staned. compiled a 5-undcr-par 6 7 and completed two tnps over the 6.911-)ard La Costa Countf) Club course rn I 36. under par

In the seniors bracket. a separate tournament being played on the '><tme course. Don January manft,ged to match par· 72 and led the over·50 field by one stroke. He was at 144. e'en· par for 36 holes.

Meanwh ile. 1n Roswell. Ga .. the opening round of the LPtiA e' cnt was canceled and tournament officials said the first round will be played today and the final round Monda~ because of Ooodin$ ·on the course.

New York cuts Celtics' lead Bernard King and Ray Williams m

sparked a 27· I 2 second-half spun Fnday night to lift the Ne" York Kn1cks to a I 00-92 'actor) o"er Boston and cut the Celtics' lead to,:!- I in their Nauonal Basketball A\SOC1auon pla)'ofT senes Kmg scored nine of his 24 points in the final 7·40 of the thir4.Pcnod as the Knacks rallied from a 60-56 deficit to a 7f.. 70 advantage at the end of the quaner .. In another NBA playoff. Walter Davis scored lO points and tnggered a torrid third penod as Phoenllr. beat L'tah. I 06-94. to take a 2-1 lead~ WILllU.u De.t.e

Jay• aae bunt to beat Royal• Alfredo GrtfflJ1 dropped a tw<H>ut Ill

bunt single down the first-base line that scored Geor1e Bell from third base in the 10th inning and gave the Toronto Blue Jays a 4-3 victory over tile Kansas City Royals Friday night in Amencan League acuon. Bell drew a leadoO:...walk from loser Mark Ha11ma.u, 0-2. went to scc:Ona on Gartll lor1'• sacrifice and moved to third as Beck Mart!Mt grounded out. Gnffin then draged the ball past the onchugrng Huismann and first ~man Job Wadaaa'1 throw to first where Hu1smann went to cover wasn't 1n ume to catch Gnffin ... Lo• ~taker had four hats and Howard J-.On hometed as Detroit snapped 1ts first two-pme losing streak of the season and trounced Cleveland. 9-2 .. . Fran Viola pitched 7ll> scoreless innings and Tim l..alldner doubled home the first run in the sixth inning. as Minnesota defeated Oakland. 3-1 . Ron Davls P.QSted his fifth save despite allow1ngahinth-inn1nghome run to Dave~mu,his I Ith. tops in the maJors ... Jim Sudbtfl 1 eighth· inning sacnfice fl y drove 1n an unearned Milwaukee run and Cllack Porter and Rome FlAaen pitched a combined thrcc-h11ter as Milwaukee edged the hapless New York Yankees. 1-0. It was the Yankees' founh consecutive loss and eighth in the last nine games and marked the seventh ume they have been shut out, siir. coming in the last 12 games ... Storm Davia finished with a three-hitter after hurling five perfect inninp and Floyd IUyford drove in the first of two seventh-inning runs as Baltimore blanked Texas. 2-0 ... Veteran Tom Seaver scattered seven hits aod posted his first AL victory and the 274th of his major-league career with ninth-inning help as the Chicago White Soir. defeated Boston. 5·3. on the hitting of Jerry DybtlnskJ and Carlton Fl1k. Dybzmsk1. the ninth batter m the Chicago lineup. lined a pair of doubles otTthe left-field wall and scored both umes on singles b) Fisk.

Dodger-Pirate game rained out PITTSBl1RGH - The Pmsburgh Ill

Pirates postponed their Fnday night game against the Los Angeles Dodgers be<:ause of cold weather, instead turning their Sunday afternoon game into a doubleheader. a team spokes· man saJd

Tht' effect of the postponement on the pitching rotation was not immediately annnounced.

The three-game Pirates-Dodgers sene~ 1s to open this afternoon at Three Rivers Stadium.

Lazers fall to Wichita, 5 -4 INGLEWOOD - Omar Gomez m

scored three goals Friday night_ to lead W1ch1ta to a 5-4 victory over the Los .\ngelc!> Lazers and gJve the Wings a :!·I lead 1n the Major Indoor Soccer League Western Conference semifinals.

The founh game in tht' bcst-of-fi\C pla)ofT senes will be played at the Forum Sunda} A fifth game. 1f needed . v.111 Ix played at W1ch1ta neir.t Wednesda)

Gomez ~ored the first two goals of the game to give the Wings a :!-0 lead in the opening minutes. Andy Chapman talhed 1n the final minute of the open{flg penod to make ll 3-0.

Cabe walk tO win onr Padrea . Kehl! MtrelaM drew a beso-~ a

walk in the ninth 1nnins Fn~1~rce in an unearned na~nd ss~the · Cubs a 7-6 victory over the San Dieso Padres in · Nauooal W&ue acuon. BM Denltr opened the ninth wuh a walk and Ryae SuAer1 was saft when KCOnd baseman Ttm Flanery booted his ground bell. Gary W~ sacrifi~ the .runners alona and.Le. Dvtaam was ilven an 1nten11onal pa s to fill the bases. BW Bec:btr foKe<t Dernier at lh~J>late before Moreland

• walkedoffl0$er '-4Mellce,2·1 to force in tht winriin1 run .. . Bo. Darllac and Jesse Orosco com­bined on a three-hitter, and Hable Brooks hit a solo home run in the second innlng to give tbe Ntw Y<trk Mets their fifth straijht victory, a 2-0 triumph over Hous­ton. The Mets have won si~ of their last seven while the Astros have lost six straight on the road. Darling. 2-2. who faced Houston

llorela.nd for the fi r;t time, allowed two hits Struck Out fi\le and walked two, leaving aft«.Jssujng a free pass to Terry Paid to lead off the ninpi ... Dave Parker drove in four runs with a a pau of singles and a double as CmClnnau ralhed from a fi ve·run deficit to beat Philadelphia, 9-.S.. and extend their winning streak to ~ven games. Reds ng~t-hander Fran Pastore, I ·2. worked 81A innings 1n rehef of Joe Price who left after g1v1ng up three first-inning runs. Pilstofe allowed two runs. four hits. struck out eight and walked one ... Jack Clark singled home Mauy Trillo 10 the first and ~venth innings, pacing San Francisco and rookie ri~t­hander J e_ff RoblA1on to a 2-0 triumph oYCr St. Louis .. .Fnday night's game between the AtJanta Braves and Montreal Expos was postponed be<:ause of rain a spokesman for the Expos said. The game will be m~de up as part of a doubleheader on Sunday.

1'EUVl8ION 10:15 a.m. - aA-A' I · Dodgera et Pit·

taburgh. ~ 4. 11 a..m. - PRO aAKa'TllALL: NBA Pla'/Ofte,

Mllwauk• at N9w ~_,.. 2. 12=30 p.m. - ... OF IPORTI: Pert

1. KMtudcy Derby .,,...., women's ~ dMng, ~·· CUp gymn8lticl meet (tmpe), CMnf*7.

1 p.m. - GOLF~ Tounwnent of ~ from~ Costa. ~ 4.

1 p.m, - IB•M: Eat« Bowl tun.k>r ChamC>kM..,...,. (t--=- 28.

1:30 p.m. - RACING~ Kentucky Derby, QwM 7.

1;90 p.m. - QY..aaTICa: NCAA ~1. men•1~.>. Chtnnet2.

2 p.m. - ~: Athfetioo Madrid ve. AttMttc BUMc> (played ~. 4 In MMrtd). Channe4 3'. .

3 p.m. - ... Wc.u> OP ll'OWTS: Pert II, men'•~.= (tape), Channel 7.

3 p.m. - ICOPI: Auto...clng, cn.nnet 4.

1 p.m. - . BASEaAU.: Angell at s.att1e. CMnnetS. ..

RADIO 10: 15 a.m. - •AU•A• I . Dodgera at Ptt~

Wburgh, KASC (790).. 2:oe p.m. - HORSE RACING: Kentucky

o.bY. t<A8C (790). $ p.m. - PRO POOTaAU.: USFL, Ptttsburgh

at LA Exp"Ma. Kl.AC (670). 7 p.m. - •AUBAU.: Angeta at Seattle, KMPC

(710). •

. '

Drivers g,, ..... ~h ~p for Ind¥-.,,..~.,..~ .....

• INDIANAPOLlS (AP) - The Indianapolis peedway ts open for practict today as drivers and~

for a TCCOrd 11 7 entne'I prepare for the Ma'-l nd1anapohs SOO. the richest and possibly futnt "' of the world's premier auto race.

A.J . Foyt, the only man ever to win the race four • defending champion Tom Sn~va; track record-bolder Fab1. who last year was the first rookie in 33 yean to from the pole pos1t100. and five other fonner wlnnMfl.illt entered this year.

Some two dozen rookie drivers. includin& I world dnvmg champion Emerson Fittipaldi. alao ' seeking spots in the 33-car starting lineup, wbkh be determ ined during the two weekends of timo-trials y 12- 13 and May 19-20.

" It's going to be a very competitive race," said Sneva. "There has been a tremendous1echnology advancement.••

The qualification records set last year by Fabi were 208.049 mph for one lap and 207.395 mph forthe four laps nround the 21'1-mile track. Sneva won the race at an average 162.J 17 mph. the second-fastest speed 1n Indy history. and he earned a record $386,000 for hJS team frorn a record purse ofS2.41 m1lhon.

More lhan half the cars entered this year arc new. Even Sneva's winning car of· a year ago. a 1983 model. is considered so out of date 11 was given to the Speedway Museum last week. Fab1's 1983 race car aJso is to go on display at the moscum.


La Velie sets national mark

Tami LaVelle electrified the crowd with a natioual record-setting performance Friday night at the com~unity -college statechamp1onsh1psa1 East Los Angeles Coll~ as the Orange Coast College women continued to lead Diabto Valley in the team standings entering today's final day of compet1t1on. ••

LaVelle brought the biggest cheer of the night at East LA College, when she not only broke, but shancrcd. the national record rn the 200 freestyle. her I :53.15 swim in!he event topped the previous national mark by more lhall a second a~ was more than four seconds better than ber personal best.

Others aiding the Coast cause w~ Shelly Moorwood and (third in the individual medley), and the OCC 400 relay team of La Veile, Laurie McKean. Dana Barnes and Onalee Outmans. The Pirates set a state record 1n that event with a 3:38.12 clockinJ.

Meanwhile. on the high school level, the Sea View League swim finals are on tap today at El Toro High School with championships on the line in boys and girts classifications following Friday's final session of pre Ii m inanes.

In the boys division in the Sea View, dual meet runner-up Newpon Harbor takes aim with its depth at dual meet champion El Toro. while in the girls division it's a three-team race with El Tore, Corona del Mar and' Irvine, who finished 1-2-3 in the dual race, given equal b1lhng in the finaJs.

Corona del Mar's Michclt Bird and University's Amy White led the way in Fnday's preliminaries for the girls each g_uahfying first in their s~tics. '

Bird was the le.adins quahfier in the 200 free (I :54.16) and 100 butterfly (59.92). while While sped to clockin&s of 2:09.86 in the 200 md1V1dual medley and 59.58 in the 100 back.stroke.



Cowboy end Martin quits

DALLAS (AP) - Vet­eran def<'nsive end Harvey Martin. troubled by ph)!ll · cal and personal problems in the twilight of his Na· tional Football uague ca· recr. on Frida' became the third Dallas · Cowbo} to retire in the ofT-season.

UCI posts 14-9 triumph UC Irvine lashed out 18 hits in one of the Anteaters'

more producuve offen~1ve showings of the season Friday, handing the University of San Diego, 14-9, in a Southern Ca lifornia Baseball Assocl3tion contest at UCI.

The Anteater attack featured 12 extra-base hjts, 1nclud1ng eight doubles. three triples and a home run. Brady Anderson had a pair of three-base hits. driving in two and sconng three runs. How Do We Sell So

Many Spas? LOW PRICE!


Bill Joe DuPree. a tight end. also retired this season. along with tackle Pat Donovan.

Manin. 33. the co-Most Valuable Pla)er of Super Bowl XII. took a JOb as a sales manager for a local electronics firm . saying. " I wasn't giving Coach (Tom) Landt) my all."

The Cowboys' all-ume sack king said the 1983 season "was the lowest point of my career ... not fond memories at all. ..

Meanwhile. Doug Irvine had a solo homer in the seventh to go with a double and single, and Paul Hammond accounted for a pair of doubles and a trip&t while dnv1ng in t"'o.

UCI. now 8-14 in SCBA play, will try to keep rolling when 1t v1s1ts San Diego for a noon doubleheader today.

Chrjstian wins at speedway Alan Christian of Huntington Beach was the winner of

the scratch main event Fnday night at the wcek.Jy speedway motorcycle program at the Orange County Fairgrounds.

Mike Fana of R1 vers1de was second and Kelly Mortn of Norwalk th ird before a turnout of 6,620.

In the handicap main, San Clemente's Brad Oxley outfimshcd Buddy Robinson of Ri verside, while Costa Mesa's Tim McCaslan was third.

8J .. l. • SI\ I. FS • T'J.1 .. . • ~: ;. t

' t· I" e " •'\ ' : t I ) ,; ~·1 I

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occ•a Kelly Baker (center) bettered her prellm by more than ab aeconda tn

.,.., ,... ,.._... ~....,. ic.....

wtnntna the 800-meter race with a 2 :12.8 effort at 8CC Cbamplonahlpa.

·Andrews just misses mark By CURT SEEDEN pionsh1ps in both hurdles events last DT- 1 BOiton <GWCl. 144-7; 2. Francine °',,...,..., yearbut " l wasblownaway"hesaid <SA >. 136"7• 3 Arwi.rson <OCC>. 13H, 4.

Orange Coast Colle~ sophomore Todd Andrews came w1thin a tenth of a second of breaking his school's oldest track record Friday at the South Coast Conference cham­pionships at UC Irvine. >,Andrews, out of F~untain Valley

High. clocked a 14.3 1n the 110 high hurdles to tic a "lark owned by Roni Stomp and set in 1961 .

Andrews' effort. ~combu1cd with a first in the long jump and seconds in the triple jump and Javelin by Sheldon Blockburger, helped OCC capture second place 1n the meet ~hich was won by favored Mt. San Antonio.

"I knew I had 1t in me," said Andrews. " I JUSt relaXCtt and ran my own race. One th1ng you can't do is panic."

Actually. the only real panic prob­ably came from OCC Coach Fred Hokanson, who realized Andrews was very close to the school record.

" That record was set when I was at Coist," Hokanson said.

H ' LI • th . h . • F 'd . Hawkln1 (SAi. 13S·7. S Olcktrtol'I (MSAC).

e ge 1sc anceagam on n ay 131-0. at the Southern California prelims at JT-1. 0r111 <MSACJ, 199·4; 2. V9"9«

C · C II (GWC), llA·O; 3 BIOc1tt1uroar (OCC> 112-11 4 emtos o ege. Ko"• <MSAC>. ll0-4, s. Bam1sn (MSACJ. 116-4'.

South Coaist Confwenc• championstlls>t MaN

100-i McCov !Car), 10.4. 2. Uribe (MSAC). 10 6, 3. Cl!ffk' IMSACl. 10.6, 4. HudM>n (MSACI, 10 .• , S White (MSACl, io.-.

:!(»-I McC/Jv (<:tr), 20.e. 2 Uribe IMS~C>. 21.i; 3. Moodv IMSACl. 2i I, 4 Atkins IMSACI. 2U, 5. Smith ISA). 71.9 ~1 Brown (MSAC), "-2. 7. Atkins (MSACl. 4'.S. 3. Smltll (SA), 49 .. , 4. WIHl•m' (Carl. 49.9, S. Trani !GWCJ. SO 0.

I00-1. Bovo <Fl. 1.S2 s. 2. WIMlllms !Cl. l·S2,s. 3 Guell (OCC), I 52 7, ' L•mOie (!>A). 1:54.1, S. Ctarv (Fl. I.SSS

l,SOC>-1 McM.utar IOCCJ, 3 S6.S. 2 Clllrv (F), 3.57 0, 3. McGell• (SA), 4 01 2, 4 Aodrt0uer lMSAC I. 4:Q3 0, S Bauo11 !OCCl. 4'03 7

3,000 ''"Plectle-1 Oellv IOCCl, 9:23 6, 2 Hardiman (MSACl, 9;n 7, l. T9fr1Quer (OCCI, 9 4S.4, 4 Coe (OCC). 9-4' 0, S Gutferrn CMSAC), 9-.SU. ' · Hoag tSAl. io 13.l, 7. Fflroer• ld <OCCl. 10-14 4 •

S,000-1 Qulnonez !OCC>. IS-OS.3, 2 D•llv .lOCCl.IS 17.0, 3. Wiiiem' lMSACl. 15226. 4 Aodr~l. IMSACl. 1s·23 7. s EO<lv <SAi. IS:M.1.

10.000-1 Qulnoner IOCC). 33031, 2 OcftOa ISAl, 33'2S..4. 3 P.rar !SAi, 33 40 l, 4 ~lddH (OCC). :M.02.1, 5 Belzer IGWC), ~ 09 S

110HH-1 Andr•w' (OCC), 10, 2 St•vans (Carl. 146. 3. Burns (MSACI. 14 6, 4 Porlar (MSAC), 14.7, s MartlMr (MSAC), 1S2, 6 M•ck (Fl. IS2

400IH-l Andrew' (0CC), S4. I, 7 Aven (OCC), S4.4, 3. Graoo <Car). S4.I, 4 SIHb (MSACI, S5.l; S. Carmona IF), SSI

400 rei.v-1. Cerritos. 42.1; 7 Santa Ana. 47.7,

Ttam Korlno i Mt. San Antonio, i74 \'J; 2. Ore~ Cout, is.Ii>; 3. Cerritos, 93, 4. Senta Ana. 62; S. Fuli.rton, SO, 6 GOiden West, 31; 7 Compton, 9, I. Cvl>l'an 6. ·

WOMEN IC»-1 Jonnson (MSAC), 11.S, 2 Newton

(MSACl. 11.7. 3 Orlf1 (Ctr), 12.1. ' · Comcilon (MSACl, 12 S. S Ova <Carl, 12.6, ' · Carter (F), 121.

:!(»-I Jolln'°" (MSACl. 23 S; 2 Newlon IMSAC), 24.1, 3 Orll1 (Cir). 2S.O; 4. Aftburv (F), 25.1, S Robins.on (MSACJ, 2S.2

.,_1 Aslburv (F), S7 7, 2. AOOlnson (MSAC), SI 4, l Gonzalft>. 51.7, 4 Unsicker (Car), 1:03 i.

I00-1 Bak.; (OCCl. 2:1U; 2 Cllft (MSACI, 2 13 2. 3 Cwav (GWCJ, 2:13.7. 4- Booovkll (MSAC), 2·17 0, S ldllkawe IF), 2.111

i .~l Sota (MSAC), 4.33.0, 2 ZulSlll (SA) 4.ll.4; 3 Aowa COCCI, 4 '6.0, 4 Torre1 tMSACI U7.I, S Whlsllar (GWCI, 4:SSO. 6 Garcia !Car >. S1>t 0

l .DOCr.-1 Sore lMSACl. 9 5' s. 2 Torrar (MSACl, 10 IS 9, 3 Howe IOCC I. 10-.34 7, 4 Kwiecien <Carl, II ll S, 5 G•rcie (Cer), 11.3'2.2

lOOLH-1 h•I IMSACI. IS.2, 2. Wllllams IMSACl, IS., 3 Sorlnoer (OCCl. ISi, 4 Bludto <C•rl, 1' 2. S FrenkNn IGWC), 16 S, 6 Youno (MSAC), 161

400l.H-i SPl'l~r (OCCJ. i:os.i. 2. Wtftlem' (MSACI. I 06.l, l McCerd IOCC). l-<16.7; 4 Havas (Fl, I 07 4, S Caldwell (F). 1-01.7.

400 ralev-i Ml Sen Antonio, 47.6, 2 Cerritos, 41.6, 3. Fullerlon, SOO, 4 Dr•l'tll9 COHI. SO.I

Tars' Henson, Irvtne'sChapelsplit; Anderson a double winner for Sea Kings ByCURTSEEDEN Of .. ~ .... ....,

It was a ni&ht of very few surprises but severa[ ihrillera It the SQ View League track and field cham­Pi'?nships at Newport Hatbor Hiah Fnday.

As expected. Corona del Mar Hiah took care of the boys team tilJe and Irvine rolled up the points for the girls' crown.

In add1t1on, the distance events belonied to CdM's Dave Anderson (he won the mile in 4:23.88) and the two-mile (9:2S.77). while Saddle­back'sTeddy Baker won the 100{9.9) and 220 (22.2).

Estanc1a's Myron Felix captured both the 120 high hurdles and 330 intennediates in the biggest bright spot for the Ea&les.

The excitement occurred m the girls' events, panicularly the mile and

two-mJ&e, which pitted 1..line's Laura Chapel and Newpon Harbor's Maa· gie Henson.

And two s.plit, with Ch<.1~l winnina "the mile in .S: l0.46 and Henson the two-.m1le in 11 : I 0.4. CbapeJ also won the 880 with a 2: l6.9J whit~ Newport's Buffy Rabbitt was second at 2:2 1.94.

The Vaquero airls-oompctmg for the last time on the 3-A level (they'll move to the South Coast league and 4-A competition next year) - fin ­Khed with l 30 points while the host Tan were a dist.ant second at 71 .

The Irvine girls rtmarbbly man­aged to qualify at least one athlete in every cvcn1 except the hia.h J.ump.

.. We h~ve ~t depth, ' under­stated Irvine gJrls coach Scott Fier. "It's been great in this league. We were league champions 1n four of the six years."

Elaina Oden captured the shot put

Rish paves way to share of title By ROGER CAR~N doubled, takine the long Jump with a oi ... .,_.,"-...,, one inch mal'Jln over Edison Junior

Chap Rish repeated his tnple con- Eric Wheclwnght with a 2 l-3 Jump. quest of the best the Sunset League had to offer in the I 00, 200 and 400 s-Mt LMWe t1M1s meters Friday niftct - sweeping to <• > ~ tw a~ •·A.,,.._, t' tJcs · h f , h 100-1. Rllll (M}. 10.. 2 T'homoM>ll (HIU, 11.D, 1 m eac o t ose events 1or t e 3 Maswv <M>. 11.0. 4 Karman (Ml, 11 i, s

)CC()nd strai&ht year to pave the way H•lnn !El. 11.3 CKarmen -llfl" tor CtF for Marina Fli""'s Viki~ tonb a l>eaUM of Rlstt's ootlon 10 drOO Nrned entrvl

'&'' ~I. Alstt !Ml. 21.l (I~ ~ r9'0fd), 2 share of the lcaJue trac an field Thorn- <HB >. n °'· 3 Sc1er1e CFVI. 22.A. '-cham pionship with Fountain Valley H•I"" <E>. n.o. 5 K•rmen tMl, 22.f

Fn.da ght at Ho t ' .., Be h _._1. A1111 <M>. 4 .7. 2 s-ie (FVl, 4'A; 3. Y ni n lne.on ac . w11'°" 1ov1. so 2, 4 eavnon <El. 51 7, s Nowotnv There was a certain amount of deja <E>. su

vu in order as Ri$h cut down bis eoo-1. ••IW)ar !HBl. 1 5'4; 2 Nowotnv · · · h ' · . !El, 1 :~ (M ). 2-01 D, 4 Brown (FVI, opposn1on again , t 1s time w1th 2:03.1; s 1Clen11 <He1. 2:oJ 4 impressive times of 10.6. 2 J .3 (tying a , 1,~1. 1ov1. 4:23 i. 2. L-1 standard by Santa Ana's Roben 1ov1. 4:30.1.l Ael>lt• <w>. •:334, 4 Mor•n <Fv1. H

. 9

4~.S; S. Ztmenek (El. 4:S2.I. arrell 1n I 721 and 48. 7, but in 1 .~1 TllOmPIOll 1ov1. t·42.3. 2 wav·

reality, he's not lookfog for anymore rt1omas <E>. t-.Aa.o. 3 z.emaiw- <El. 10-ou. 4 of the same thing in the future. Acer,~~\ 1:'~· fMt~~~v.J· ,!.~:! ~lone

A year ago Rish turned the hat !Ml. 1s.1; 3. Goroon 1w1. is a. 4 Aorh 1ov1. 1s ' · trick, then sat out the balance of the 6· Hlc:lls cwi. 1""-lOOIH-1. ThomCKOn IHBl. lU, '.I OouCI (M), year because of a knee operation. 39 a. 3. w'-ler <Ml. 39 l, 4. e.niwtt <E> . .o a. s

No f h · · --" Llnv IE>. 43..0 ne o 1s races contamn1 any 400 retav-l MarlN IK•rman, M¥1ttf. drama - each was a runaway for the Hu1ct11m, Massev>. 43 9, 2 E01Mltl. "2. l swift Rish, who sped to his 48. 7 just Fount•ln va11ev. 4U. 18 ft · · h HJ-1. WhM!wr1911t (El. .... 4, 2 Mltcll MalOna

minutes a er competmg m t e <M>. 6•2. 1. "'°''''°" tHB>. 6-.o, 4 Mill• Maione I 00. tMl. 6-0, s. ci.vtor (FV), s-10

.. The 2 and 4," was Rish's com- LJ-1 Harn- <FVl. 21-3.1 w11ea1-'11111 <El ments ,_,,.rdmg upcoming com~t1· - 21-2. 3 Ro.,.... iw>. 20-'t, 4 Mlk• Malone CM>. · ~- 20--4'n, S. Hutchin' IMl. 20-4 • t1on In the CIF 4-A prelims at ahr T J-1. H•rrv (FVl, 4HV» ( lffOUB racorO), 7 High on Friday, alluding to the 200 W'-lwnont <E>. 42-• ..,, J c1ar11 1ov1 •2-s. 4

Doud (Ml, 42·1, S Sutton (M), 41-7 and 400 meters ... It's the 400 at st.ate. PV- 1. Koottn <El. 12-•. 2 Wlld<ar 1Fv1 that's what I really want," added the 12-0; J ~us tHB >. 11-0, 4 Cu11e<11Ml. 11-0. s Viking Junior. no ~1 wenl 1Fv1. SJ · l.2, 2 Masanollav IHBI

Rish finished ofTthe ns~t by taking ss-2; l. slrong lOVI, 52·t, • w .. ronat tFv1. the baton IO meters behind Edison's 5i-a•.<.; s. Hlcl9 IE>. si-1 J N fl

. OT-1. Wen! (FV). 171-~. 2 Masaf'tllllev on owotny and ymg to a winning <HBl. 1..rJ, i Blelldlte 1ov1. w-•~. • •-..•

effort for the Yikes' 1,600 relay team 1ov1. UH'h. s. Ri.oer1ct1 <E>, m-s'" - an ironical twist m that a second Flnet lffm scorlno 1 Marine. 70, 2 Fountain I fi

· h Ed ' . h Veltev. 48. 3. EOIMltl, 47, 4 Huntlnoron BHch. 39. Pace mas to 1son m t at event s Oceen v1ew. l3. 6. wastmln$1ar, 12 would have provided Marina with an outright championship, rather than

(37-1) and the datcUJ (12~· hithl~t lhe Vaqs' faeld eveat

lrv1ne's 440 relay team, comilti• of Tina Ortell Ruth Hobt. ()llf"f Mc:Fcttcrs ana Ma;..; Coleman ecllDd Newport Hart>Or 1' Lo to 51.17).

S-VlewL-... ..... t•, ....,.. ... ma :J.A .-.i -~~~..,.;;-1-1 100-1 . ._.., m. ' ·" ; i. s.i (c.M), tt.1t; , ,

L.ovt'laClt <S), 10 It; , , ... ,, lU), lt.jl; I hnlemlll (U), 10.AO.

no-1 ...., m. 2u. t. McOr9llt cc:.fM), 22.f J J. SMt (CdM), 2',t; ~ Ftllx (l!lt). U.t; J. lec:ker (I), 2". .....1. McGr•th (CdM) , .,,,,, 2. ....... {I), to.1s1, ~ <o, 50.16. .. c..._.. u>, ..., s. Ftemer CC4M), aA.

1;ff':i1it:: Wt ~}.'Jf;'j. ~~~:

2.0.U ; S. Klltl <ET>. 2C. I. ~I. AndW1ofl (<;4M), 4:22.JIJ 2. .....

(Ell), .e:MAO; l . KflOI (Ul, A2'.50; ._ tWllWfll), •!)0.70, S, Allllll (ET), 4:36.M.

2-mlle-1. AnderMll (CdM), f:JJ.17; 1. Wllll*'t (U), f:2US, J HO* (Cdjo\), t:Jt.f ; 4 Allen (ET), t ::JU; S. HaVI* (CN\),~,6lJ,

120HH-1. Fell• (Etf), U.ft; 1. ~ ($), iU. J Pllltner (CdM), 15'...17; A. ~ <ET>. 1S.Sl, S. Jon.- (NH), lS.7S.

m...._1 Feb ce:.1>, .eus. z, McCalUm <C4M>, '1..5, >. Mllulldl (E11), 41.4; 4.....,,..., !CM), G.22; S. JoMllfl (ET), 46.

440 rein-I. SecUllll1C*'..a.»; 2. Cor- Oii Mar. '3.ft; 3., 44.a; ._El Toro, 451; S E 1tancla, 45§1.

Mlle re111-1.corone Clel MM, 3::29.J; 2.. !NIM, >:2U, l . s.ddlllbec'k, 3:32.3; '- Eltencie, t.22..11 S. NewPON Haf'bor, 3:33.7. I

HJ-I P•imer (CdM), • · • ; 2. Harrh (NH), 6·0; 3. MH~ ICdM), S-10; .. St.,_ (E11l. S· 10, S. Mc:Men!olil (CCSM), 5'-10.

LJ-1. Jonn (I), 22-1; 2. CO!emell ICM), 20-1011); l. Pt'llMv•vong (S), lO-N; 4. w .. MI (Ettl, 20•7\'J, S. Jen (U) . 10-fV..

T >-•. Jot1M m. ~1. -. on,...._~ Pfllaavevono ($) , o-~: .. Plltnw' (CdM) • .., .. J s Lorentltll IE11l, 42-2.

PV-l. Ho..._ (HH), 1•-6, 2. Schoen91 em (COM), IH; 3. Scnnue (COM}, 1'-0, 4. ~ (S) , 1)·01. s. Madlln (S), •12--0.

SP-1 .,_n (CdMJ, S3• 101h; 2. '/...._, ICdMl. S4 ·~. l Werrrar (CM), $\"4; <t. TomlcNll ICdMI. 4'-61J.; S. ~ (CdM), ... ..,.,

OT-I. Vatqua (CdM), 14'--4; 2. ~ 151. 1...,_., l. Guardadel <Sl, 144· J; 4. sv1..-. (ET!, iG-10; S. Duvel lE10. 136-f.

TMm KWft. i . Cor0ft9 dll Ml¥, l6oe; 2. SedclleOec:k, 104, 3 E1tartde. S4; '-El Toro, St, S.. lrvllta, 0 ; 6. ~ltv, 35; 7 NewP«1 ..,_., 2s. a. eo.1a Mesa 11

GtaU 1 ioo-1.MononUl, 11..SS; 2.Grant tEll), IU,I.

lovd ($), 11 " · • IC.emper (NH). 12..0; S. VllllE ... (5), 12.l.

m-1. ROdlen (Ul, 2'.n; 2. Mot'lon m. 21.a. 3 Cif'•nt (Ett), 21.11; 4. Hoftt lll, 27..14, S. F~ (CMI. '17 fl.

..c>-1. R•llMlm !ET), Sf.10, 2. Collmen (I), 1:01.l, J Ho11t UJ. l:OUO; 4. Event (CdMl, 1:01.75; S Haf'rlnetOll ICCSMl,

M0-1 Chaoel (I), 2:1"91, 2 "-*'' (NH), 2:2l.f4, ) wr1ot11 ( I) , 2:2U6; ._ ~us Ill, 1'24.23, S. M.oOe< (CdMl. 2'27.SO

Mli.-1. CtlaP91 (I) , S:I0.4', 2. ~(NH), S·l6.7S, 3 Ske .. (CdMl, S:2U2.

2-mi.--1. HenlOft (NH ), 11:10..4; J ~ ICdMl, 11:22.6, ). WrlOl\I (I), ll:lU, 4.. LM.IG

o( NH). 11:A7.0; S. Sdw1ten (I), ll:SU 110l.1'+-I Morton (I), 1S.S; 1. AttleMV (NH)1 lU. 3 Orteoa (I), 16.7, 4 Or- (NHl, 16.74, i

0.lft (ET}, IU v llOU+-1 AttleM"I !NHI, 46.34; 2. Morton (I),

47 1, ' torn (I) , ..... 4 Panlan (CM). &.S, S. Holldav ISi. 4.A ' 440 ,_v-1 trvlM, SI 0 , 2. Newll0t'1 .....,._., Sl 7, l Corona OBI Mar, SU; 4. Estande, SUJ. i. S.Cldlltledt. S1"'

M"9 retrev-1 Irvine, 4.:0l.9, 2. Cor- dll MM, 4 u 7. l Et Toro. • .14..A; 4- ....__, Hwtlclr, • 1' I, S Unlwnltv, 4~'-7

H)-1 G•rc1• <CM), S.-2, 2. White tETI, S-2, l. Luor• <Es•I. s-o. 4 Hool*e tETl, s-o. S.. Burton ICdMI. 4· 10

LJ-1 Ramorn IETl. 1 ... ~. 2. Collmen (I), 16·5. 3 LOos ICCSM), 1'-41"2 , 4 JKO«llOll (COM), 1•· l, S Falt tE111. 15'-S.

SP-1 Oden II >. J7·1; 1. ~ (ET), 31·1 l Gtnerldl <Estl. 31·41h, 4 Paiee (U). Jl-1; s ~&!ETl. 30-1

OT-1 Oden (I) , ln-t; 2. SlloemMler CETl, 115·1, l KOdler Ill. lCIJ-1. 4 Wllliamt ($ ), 100-lO, S CllonO (COMI. 94·9

TNm scorn 1 Irvine, llO, 1 New-1 Hertlor. 11. 3 El Toro. Sf.• Corona Clel /IA¥, ~. S Estancia, ll, 6 S.ddleOaell. 24. 7 Univar'llty, 19 I Costa Nina, 6.

. Andrew.sedgcd his stiffest competi­tion, Cemtos' Anthony Stevens and Mt. San Antonio's Aaron Burns who finished second and third respc~t1ve­ly.

··1 lost to Stephens in the our tri­meet with Golden West and 1t was the first time I've run against Burns," Andrews added.

Andrews also captured the 400 intenned1ate hurdles with a 54.1 and teammate Shaughn Ryan surpnscd lhs, field by finssh1ng second at 54.4.

3. Fullerton, 42 7, 4 G~n wail, 43 I, 5 Orenoe Coe,r, ' 3.3.

1,600 ralav- 1 Mt San An•onlo, 3 16 s. 7 Orenoe Coe''· 3:19 7. 3 C91'rllo, , l 20 S. 4 Fuli.rton, 3:22.0, S Santa Ana, 3 26 4

HJ-I Porter (MSACJ, 6·6, 1 (11e1 Fltroerelo IC.r), Beml'll CMSAC >. 6·6, 4 Plllflips IOCC ). 6·2; S Ceflowev (GWCl, 6·7

LJ-1. Bk>CkDuroer IOCCl. 23·1• • 2 Coocn (Cef). n-s~ . 3 HOl~d•v (MSAciil 21·1. 4 Bar,..n ts-A1, tt·4•r. , s Bemfs11 !MSAC>. n -J•.-.

TJ-1. Cocos (Carr), 49·1, 7 BIOckburoer IOCCI, 48·7, 3 Miiien ICerl. 46-S. 4 Orernes IC91'), 4S·l"-, S Kraloer (Fl. 4S· l

1,600 r••ev- 1 Mt Sen Anlonlo, 3·S3.8; 2 Fullerton, 3:S9 4. 3 Oranoe Cour. 4:00.3, 4 Carrilo,, • 26.2

HJ- I CoOll (MSACl. S·8. 2. Tul (MSAC l, S-6, 3. BoHon !GWCl. S·2, 6.....YPUno (MSAC). S·O, S Orlfr (Carl. 4· 10 ..:::- '\

LJ-1 Frve (C•rl, 11·6'" 2 hal (MSAC), 18·3' •, 3 Frenklln (GWC). 18·1'1>. 4 Compton (MSACI, 17·Sl.., S SP~lnoer <OCCJ, 17·3"'2.

SP-1 B•ker IC•rl, '4·S''" 2 Tsai (MSAC), 37·4'1>, 3 BOllon (GWCJ 3'·6'1'>; • Young !MSACl, :M·ll, S Gfll'Mf IOCCl. ll·S'">

OT-I BOiton IGWCl, 112·9, 2 Tsai (MSAC ). 121·3, 3 Beker <Cerl. 116·10, 4 B.,_ac (F) 106·0, S Giimer <OCCI. 103·8

shanng the crown with Fountain Valley.

Fountain Valley outscored Edison by one point in the race for second place at the finals, giving the Barons the necessary edge to keep a portion of the title.

Aside from R1sh's endeavors, there were other big moments - most notably a leasue record-setting 45-61/2 effort by Junior Carl Harry of Foun­tain Valley in the tnple Jump, and a double by Ocean View's James Thompson in the 1.600 and 3.200 (4:23.1 and 9:42.3) Harry also

Schermerhorn triples with ease

Andrews was the Sunset uague champion in the 330 lows as a senior at Fountain Valley. He advanced to the Southern California Cham -

PREPS. • • From Bl meets Edison tonight at Mile Square Park (7). Etta.Dela 6, Irvine 3

The Eajles continued their role as sJS<>ilers in the Sea View League, dropping lrv1ne with a four-run fifth inning - keyed by five singles and a double by Tim Deutsch.

Mike LuJan, Scott Clements. Deutsch and Matt Wolf all had base­scoring hits in the inning. which helP.Cd Estancia raise its record to 5· 7. whale Irvine dropped to 8-4, falling two games off the champ1onsh1p pace of El Toro.

El Toro 14, Unlve"lty 4 El Toro clinched no worse than a tie

for the Sea View League <;ham­pionship, utilmng a 16-htt attack with a pairof six-run upnsmgs to bury tbe Trojans. who broke on top, 4-2, before the roof caved 1n.

Catcher Frank Appice went 3-for-3 with 3 RBI . including a two-run double that snapped a 4-4 game at\er Eric Brass had tted the game at 4 wilh a two-run double in 1he third inning.

Saddleback 8, CdM I The Roadrunners improved their

Sea View uague record to 7-S to remain in 1hc hunt for a CIF 2-A playoffs benh, strikina for five runs in the first mnma when Corona del Mar was guilty of three defen!>1ve miscues, and putting together two singles and two doubles m the third for three more lo back up l.eonllTd eamrm't four-hit p1tch1na.

Woodbnd1e I, Mlutoa Viejo t Woodbnd e Haah's Wamors, be­

hind 1en1or lef\-hander Rand y C'ook. wl10 stifled Mt s1on V1e;o on six hits. upped their South C'oast Lcaaue rtt<>rd to 4-6.

IAJH• Beull J, Su Clemente l Lef\-hander Cob)' Nacss struck out

7, walked 2 and allowed an Clemtnte JUSt 2 hits 1n nine 1nninas

PV-i Orllr (MSACl. lS·O, 2 Hitt IF). IS·O, 3 White CMSACl. 15·0. 4 Tevk>r IMSACl. 14·0. S Hertwth IOCC), 13·6

SP-i.BoUon (GWCI. S0-711), 2 Sousa (OCC). 41·9'1J, 3. Rooe<s <C vPl. 4S· 10 4 Martin IC•r l. 45-4, 5 Cren<San (Fl, '3·2, 6 Hewkin' (SAi. '3· 1'1


JT-1 Gilmer (OCC >. 12S· IO, 1 Jiau IMSAC I 105·61'>. 3 Berregnon <Cerl. 101·6, • MCCerd tOCCl, 100-4, S Caldwell <Fl '9·9. 6 Slaven' (Fl M·l

Tnm Kor•ng I Mt Sen Antonoo, 20S, 1 Cerritos, 12, 3 Drano- Coast. 77, 4 Fuli.rton, 46 S Golden WHf': 39, 6 Senta Ana, a, 1 Cvl>l'en I. I Compton O

By RICHARD DUNN ._...ta .... Dlllly ......

W oodbridge High ·.-, Ert l

Seahaw];{s trim Fountain Valley

Schermerhorn. the class of Orange Count} 1n the ~00. 400 and 800 meters. easil) captured tho<;c three events Fnda) night 1n the outh Coast League t1ack and field finals at M1ss1on V1c10 High. but 1t stall came as a surpnsc to Woodbndge head coach George Van as.

" He's had ~uch a long layolT frogi good compcllllon. wtth Easter break and a recerit meet where he reall) didn't run against anybod) (up to his caltber)," Var\a!> .-.aid. "and that made It tough 10 rnme hack.

Ocean View High stayed within a game of the Sunset League l~ad with an eiJnt-inning shutout of Founta1n Valley Fnday l\fternoon in women's softball actio n.

Here's how it went:

Newport Christian 9, Avalon 0 Kelly Davidson pitched a two-hatter as the Con­

querors won their I 0th victory witho ut a defeat in Academy League play. • " Now he kno" ~hr"' good "

Schermerhorn oner again proH.·d his ab1ltt~ . Ocean View l, Fountain Valley 0

Jackie Oakley hurled a two-hit shutout and thr Scahawks pushed over a run 1n the bottom of the eighth inninJfor a 1-0 victory over the Barons at Ocean View

Darcy Degele supplied the punch, dn ving in fi,e runs and Davidson, who struck out 14. also tnplcd in the fourth to drive in a run .

Newport Chnsttan 1s 14-1 overall. Golden West 1, Fallerion 0

The win moved the hosts into a tie for second in the Sunset League with Fountain Valley at S-3. Manna leads at 6-2. while Edison and'Wcstminster are each 4-4.

The conference champion Rustlers not o nly con­cluded South Coast play with an 11-1 mark. thq knocked Fullerton out of a tie for second place

Sou1'1 CNst LffVU• finals IToo l ouallfV fer Cll" l·A Pl'ttlnu )

80YS IOC>-1 Broo" IWl 10 89 7 ~oacr. •L H

10 91 l Ph1lllP\ IW 11 00 4 F Ouetoa I W J nt S B•ts • •C V• n1 ~I !.cll• rmeri.orn •WI 11 IS 1 S•m,

(OH) 77 30 ) Broot.\ tWI 12 ~ 4 Herv•v IOHI ?771 S !lets•\ (VI 1217 lrvt.De t , Eatancla 1

The EagJes were victimized in nine innings at Irvine where the Vaqueros took their 12th straight Sea View League decision without a loss.

Adnenne Mason drove in the game's lone run wnh a sacnfice fly in the top of the first annmgand patcher Karen Carlson made it stand up. p1tchmg a four-hitter 4'»-1 Sc"9rmerr.orn WI 4714 2

(LH) 41 IS. J S•rn, IOH 416' 4 Hervav IOH 4914 S C"9, •tv IMV SO ll

Orange Coast 5, Cenlto1 0 Lisa Manin led the way for lrv1ne with a run-scoring

double in the seventh inning. Estancia's Kimberly Houston had a run-sconng

rlouble in the first inning. Estancia is now 8-4 in league play.

The Pirates concluded their ~ason. as Angie Antrobus recorded her second shutout in as manv days. scattering five hits against Cegitos. -

~I x r..r merr.orn W . I S7 ts 7 S•m\ (OH >. 1S4l2 3 C•on.11 IMV I IS1JI 4 Mavnero ICV1 IS7 31 S B•racr ·LHl 700~ 1

I .ot>- t lltllv.IOHI • 2' II 7 Ct1r"1._ INV I • JI 93 l Berac1 (LHI • l7 6J • Fooor IMI/

Antrobus also knocked 1n the fi~t run of the game m the top of the fint mnmg.

4 J7 6' S Wtlhem' COHt • JS U l ,._1 Kelly <OHi '"SJ 7 Withem\

IOHI 9 4At() ) ~~ro (~ I 9S40t 4 1\1\alf'V

An all-Orange Coast final in SCC tennis • Coast College's men's tennis team continued its w1nnina ways at the South Coa!'>t Conference \ hampionship at Mt. San Antonm College. as the Pmues arc guaranteed of having an all.OCC' final toda~.

JcffEwiq WOll hiuie.1111finalmatcfl and will play either Brad Parker or Mike Bonfa 1n the final . Ewina had to defeat }Cl another OCC player, Jeff Barnard. in the quarterfinals

Coast ha JUSt one doublC1 team "lllll 10 contcnuon. Ew1na and P rker. who defeated their nta Ana opponents. 6-1. 6-1 1n the third round.

In the P c1fic Coa t C o nfcrcncc Cham­pionships at San D1eao ( C. ddlc~ck'\ JeO Frantz upse1 No 1-sctded Chris Ullman of 6-0. S-7. 6-4 1n the third round a\ the Gauchos clommatcd the tournament Frontl cnttrcd the tol•rnament a" Saddleback'9 No. 6 sinale plavtr

Saddleback's David Salmon and Jim Stpchc:ns 31SO won their quarterfinal matches and tht'n teamed to win their semifinal double~ match.

Orange Coast '5 women'i. tennis team con­tinued its dom1nauon of the South C'oa"lt -C-onf'ert'nce finwtnt('yp"'" College. wrth B«ky Rannorc and Noel Gaytan goina for the double l rOwn today (at I), while smaks Stan SULanne Brodie nnd Beck> Barmore hive e1rncd hcnh-; in toda' 's sinale semifinals

llrodie m«"h Santa Ana's Nancy Da' 1 and Barmore pl&) \ Jill Gauthier of Mt. San ~nton10 at 9 n m with the final~ Khcduled for 11 a m

In h1•h hool matche • La&un1 Beach celebrated its South Coast Leaaue finale an fine stylt. knockma off third-place n Clemente, 22'"·S11l.

fhe .\rt1sh. who movt.• into the a Vie~

Lcaaue ne'lt season. nt' vcr lo\1 11 ~outh ( oa,1 match m 6Q out1ngi. The:' ' II cntC'r the ( If playoffs with a I q_ 1 o' era II f't'Cord

Corona del Mar fina<1hcd 11s~a \IC"- 1 <'36\UC season with a 14-0 rt'C'ord. upp1ng 1he a "lntt'' overall record to 20-0 . .... 1th a :! ~-' '1Cton o' er vmtlng SaddlrlJatt

Seniors Da'1d \\ in smglc'i pla\ and Manchestc1 and Grant Dunn1na in doubles. pa'cd the wa for the ~a K1na.\- who e'tcndcd their "-toning 'ltreai.. to 4" 'tro1ght a-. the~ await the: ti"t round of the ( If 4- \ pla H>lh Ma) IS

f\tanrnt head<; rnto tht C Ir pla\olh a\ the Sta Vie~ · th1rd-pl1<'t rtprt";,enuu" t.' .i ttcr dt'> Pos1na of l rvine . 1)' >·4' ''

F.: le 5Wtt~ in 'Ingle wrrc tc&1't<'rcd ~, Damon Robbins and C,lcnn Ba~r


MV I 10~ S6 S Klein (MVI ICHM 7t llOHH-1 Gr_.v IMV> 14-70. 2 EUlinoul

CV 14 70 3 Ivy ILH I IS 11 4 LMy (MV), 's ., s Ru•••t1oerg ILHI nl

l30tM-I AoK?I ILH 37M 2 ~ MV I 3116 3 Fle<Q IOH 40 ti 4 Martlf'll (W ),

403' S Burr-" !MV 4167 400 rtlav-1 Woodl>f•009 '3 SJ. 2 C.P11w­

v a11ev '3 to 3 Dene Hiib " 17, 4- v .. .o 4S 30. S San C14'mente '6 fl

I 600 •.iev-1 Dena HIN,, l'2S 16, 2. MIHlofl V••oO ) 7133 3 Laguna Hllh, '5, • C•P•"'•"° Vati.v llJ M. s WOC!dbriOet • )Jt99

HJ-t Gare•• ILHl 6·4, 2 Muertc:ll (M'V), 6 1 ) C.on•eng MVI 6 ~ I 4 ""M (SC), 6-0, s. Eli•\ W l 6·0

LJ I Mu•n<h IMV • 21·S, 2 PtlllflPl (W), 71 I J Xh•rrnerMrn IW) 21 ·1, • Cllenel (W), 21 0 S Yer11 (0"' ' 10·8 .,

f J 1 Gr~or.,.. MV ), " · 11 '"I, 2 OftlallO I M VI 43 10 >. l Merling (Wl. 43·•· .. 8n>wn ll H •1 9 S Yartr COHl. ' 2·S

PV 1 x wer1r !MVI, 17·6, 2 Anctr9W\ (OH• 17 0 l Tl\ttl IOHI 11·6. 4 Slmlno10fl tCV 11 0 S Ger~r lLHI 10-0

~p I Blu"••cr ICVI IM·7 ''), 2 Ali.~ I .Y V 6) C l Wftg!'ll I SC) 49·9'"1, • COOk IOHI ' ' 0 S Fthk ICV l 47-11

o~ - I A '' IMV) 176-1, 2 Btulrlecfl •CV 111 0 ) PrHton (UO 1'3-0't>, ' TetT\' ILHl 139 10 S Pr~m IMV I 13'·1

f n M \CO'" I M 1U t0n V .. IO l :M, 2 O--. H iii\ PO l ""OOobr'dlle 100 4 L~ Hflll, 74, \ C•" '''•"" V•I~" 5o'

GIRLS 100-- I L•O"S LH ll 30 2 Wlalllm1 (M'V),

1; 69 ) Mo;.Me• MV tl '4 4 Scrtweni 1t.• v !) 16 S T .. •~vi~ IMV) U71

X>0- I l •<>"\ l H 26 26 2 Wiiiams (MV}, 76 ~ l W••molt MVI 2610 4 T~ (M\ft, 26 '° S Long M'V I 27 IS

~00- ' 5,.,,,,, Wt St J 1 2 Wllmoll (MV), ~9 'I l t..0"9 MV ! 59 6J 4 Ttlom\Oll (MV), l 01141 S We ... , 10H) 11>2 3'

lro I L0"9 1 YtV 7 113' 2 Smfftl (W), , n., J ~trooot IWl ? 2• ot 4 PeltrtOn <L•> 17, "° .

160<>- 1 Heim IL H s20n 2 O.IV (MV), \ lO 10 l H1.1tc,,1nson •M'll l S )1 '4, ' °""" • 0"' S J7 S3 S Sir~ IWI Sle '7

) 200- I Hu!C"•nson !MVl, 1111 00, 2. °"'"" OH " 7• 1 s J Helrn I LH ) 11.3714, • Oelv l\llV II SI C9 S Vaughan 10Ht. lt:t2.QI.

100 LH I Lvon' CMV l 15 03, !. ~ I M V I 16 t7 ) R~v !W ) 16 40, 4, Mltttft l B 16 &I s Velleno ILH) 16,,

)()0 L11 l IOH) ., • • , •OOlfV W '11 • ' M(H•lt \M V) .. '" 4 ~

IMV "l1 s Valleno (LHI. '°SI •OO •ttev-1 M iulon V'- 50'7; t l.eeuN

H~t\ Sl tt l O•na Mlfts Sl 20, • ~ u~ '

I .00 •••ev-1 M.u lOll VletO, 41117, l 0.,.. ..... , • 16 SI ) Leoune M•!I\ '16 ... ... Weef• !'f •Ooe c I 1 40 S L ffU!\ll 8-ctl, 4 $1 "

HJ-I Clercr..ct. 11,.H) S•2, 2 "°""" (W), S 0 l ~ • .-- (WI S 0 • P9"1 ... IMV) f-10.; l Weu"f4 MV 4•4

L J t .._ ., .... (WI 11 2 f W tMY , 1, 1 > ve• < LH 1 " 4 • • • 4 9'andlere , I \ 1 ~ Al)elt MV I U ·1 't

T J-1 1c; V9ft IWJ, lt· Ol'a , 2 T~ IMVI l) II 3 ADele (MVl. l)-t • ~ l "' I ,, 6 l ~ "°'9ttnt.• t MV) l2 l oil ~P-1 Wll\oll (Wl )7 S 2 ktr...., VJ ,

\t ) ., , W-·· (Li l D ·4 • °"'"""-" IC:VI )J , ~ \....... MVI ,. ~ •

OT-I W"'"' tL&l il2· 111-,., J CWJ, 17J ) 1• l ~~ l(V ), I~. • \<!I•- • I M VI I 11·6 •, $ MeerMw t0.0 10' • •

Tt• m Korn ' M•U .... Viel9.. - l Woodbt l , 10.. l. U.. H • ... OW. HI!\ ' ' L ffU"9 tMcll 27; • l'f Ve • 10 1 ,.I\ C-IW I

... ..

" .

Ex-Diablo to compete Former Mlulon Viejo Hlgh •tandout Steve Kerbo. presently a UCLA 80phomore, will face flelda in both hurdle race. Sunday, May 13, at UCLA'• Drake


, Summer tennls camp fhe Newpon Beach Mamo11 Hotel and

Tennis Club will Its summer tennis camp program for beginning. intermediate and high school players. agL~ 7-17

Five t"'o-wcck ~s1on~ arc planned. wuh the lirst scheduled to lxgin June 18 and the second to suin Aug. 13

The camp. now in 11r.c1ghth ~ear.1sd1~ctcd b) Robyn Ray and asmted b~ Nila Sm11h Lawson and Mall Richardson

.\t the end of each session there "'111 be two tournaments w11h the winner of each toume) rcce1' ing a new tennis racquet and second place finishers getting a troph)

Thcrt 1s hm1ted tnrollment .o\n)one 1nttrested 1s aslctd to phont tht Mamoll Hott!

• at 640-4000.

Three-way racquetball tourney Orange ( oasa ( ollege will host a thrct-wall

outdoor racquttball to\Jmc) Saturda) and Sunda>. Ma) 12-1'

The toumr~ includes singles and doubks compe1111on .,

Entn fee: 1s S 15 for singles and S25 per team Rrg1strat1on deadhnt 1s Monda).

Compet1t1on will be held in men's open, B. C. no,,1ce. and Junior singles. women"s 8 and C \1ngles men·s open B. C and senior doubles. womrn·s Band ( doublts. and mn,cd open. 8 . and ( doubles

Trophies "'Ill be awarded to the first .thrtt place' in each di\ 1s1on along v.1th tht consola-11on winner Shin~ v.111 be given 10 each paniupant

For more 1nform:111on. phone 432-5124 or ~2M-~ 102

Semi-pro ba•eball tryouta ~mi-pro ba~ball tryout\ for the West Coast

League!-\ .\di\ mon) will be held toda) at Buena ParJ.. High \lhool at IOa.m

The V. c\I C oa\t League 1s a~ted w11h the 'a11onal Basehall Congrtss

lntrre\ted pla)cr\. manager; and coaches art 1n.,1trd to thr tnuuts

The kaguc plan\ an e1ghHeam AA d1' 1S1on 1n Orange Count' 1h1\ ~ason

.\n'l-one mtc:rntcd in being a manager or rnach 1\ asked to attend a mee11ng at Q a m

Buena Park High is located one block nonh of the QI r recv.a, on Magnolia

... .

Regional bicycle trial• Regional rnmpet1t1on leading tn thr I ' S

Ol\mp1l h1cHhng trial~ will be held Saturda\ Ma~ I~ at the ~an Diego \ elodrome

(}uahf~ mg will tic11.1n at 8 a m and the finals 1n the four Ol\'mp1c e"tnt' will take place at noon

( }l liSts from California. t\nLona. Hawa11. I t;ih ( olMado "le"' Mr"co and "levada "'111 \ompetc 1n the spnnl l1lumtter. indl\1dual pul"\u1t and the point' raet"

\an l>lt'gO will he one nl ,.., e regional rnmpelltltln\ v.1th 1he v.1nners' )tng for tht final pl•ll<'' Jul) fl 7 at the l ' Ohmpll Training C ('ntcr in C nloredo \pr1ng\ C olo

T1\ket' arr pn<c-d nt S5 Im ,1l111ll\ w11h lhtlJren undt'r I.:! aJm111C'J lrer

ror lurthrr information pJ?onr (hlQl .;!Qll I '70

Stadium in W e.twood. Kerbo will run in both the 110-meter and 400-intermed.late hurdle eventa, factnc Greg Foeter and Edwin Moeet1 among othera.

Marlin fi•llln6 •emlnar A three-part mar'Tln fishing seminar will be

held June 6, 13 and 20 at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club in Corona del Mar, beginning at 7 p.m.

Cost for the seminar 1s $25. Ed Martin Wlll conduct the seminar for the

10th strai&ht year. Martin teaches the fishermen to be anafyt1a.J in their approach and to adopt proven methods of marlin fishing. He will also give hve tack.Jc dcmonstrauons.

All proceeds from the seminar Wlll be donated to the National Coaht1on for Manne Conserva-11on. a 'f'IOn-profit organazauon dedicated to the pr~n-ation ofgarnefish and omer fish s~1es. many of whose numbers have decreased scv.crly an rcttnt years.

To attend the seminar maal a check for $25 payable to Ed Martin. trustee, NCMC Balboa An&Jans Club. "'A·· Street. Balboa. Cal.. 92661. Please include your phone number.

Attendanet 1s hm11ed.

Teanl• Tournament of the Age. Tennis players of all ages have their chanct to

compete dunng tht Westin South Coast Plaza Racquet Club"s seventh annual Tournament of the Ages and Genera11on Gap events Junt 16-24 1n Cosui Mesa

As many as thret gent'ratlons of players may compete 1n this toumameot wb1cb features men's. women's and mixed doubles in com­bined ages oflOO. 110. 120. 130 and 140 years. For example. a 25-year-old may enter wath a 75. )Car-old or tv.-o 50.)'ear-olds may team up. The number of age combmauons make tht outcome of this tournament unpredictable.

The oldest player to wan a match receives dinner for two at Alfredo's I tahan ~staurant and the .,-oungest winner receives Sunday brunch for four at the Orange Gro'<' Cafe.

Entry forms arc available at all Orange County tennis clubs. Deadline 1s June 5 and final matches will be officiated by the Orange County .\ssoc1at1on of Tennis Umpires.

For more information. phone Paddy Speyers . tournamen1 director. at 752-0306 or 640.4673.

Area ba.eball .cbedale Hl&li Sclloot1

Today- Manna al Huntington Beach, noon: ( osta Mesa vs Newpon Harbor at Orange ~oast College. noon. Sen 1te at Mater Dc1. noon, Westminster vs Edison at Mile Squa~ Park, 7 pm

Tuesda) - Ocean V1tw at Edison at Mile Square Parle. 7 p m .. Cosui Mesa at Estancia at TeW1nlcle Park. 7 pm Wedntsda~ - Huntington Beach at West·

minster. 3 15. El Toro at Corona del Mar. 3:15: Un1ver,1l) al Saddleback. J 15. Ncwpon Harbor al lnme. 3 15. Capistrano Valley at Laguna Beach. 3· 15. Laguna Hills al Wood­b~dge. 7 pm . Fountain Valley vs Manna at 81'.ur Field. 7 p m

Fnday-Corona del Mar at Ntwport Harbor. '15. Estancia at lJ ni vers1t) . 3.15. Irvine al El Toro. 3 15. Saddlebaclc at Costa Mtsa. 3: 15. Woodbridge at Laguna Beach. 3: 15, West· minster vs Ocean View at Mile Square Parle. 7 pm

Saturday May 12 - Fountain Valle~ at Huntington Beach. noon: Manna vs. Edison at Mile Squarc Park. 7 pm

CommnJty Colle&et Today - Fu lie non at Golden West. noon:

Orange Coast at Santa .o\na. noon. M1raCosta at liaddleb3ck, noon Tue~a} - Golden Wt\t a1 Sant.a Ana. 2.30.

Saddlcbad at san D1qo CC, 2 30 Thursday - C) prcu at Golden We$t, 2 30.

San Diego Mesa at Saddlcback. 2 lO. Oransc C.out at Mt San l\ntonio. 2.30

~turda). May 12 - Golden West at Oran~ C oast noon Saddltback at Palomar, noon

Collet et Today - l'C Irvine at U San Daqo noon

!doubleheader) . l ue\day - Pcpperdant at UC Irvine. 2. lO f nda~ - U( ln1nt at Loyola-Marymount

2 ,0 C\aturda)'. May 12 - Loyola M11rymount at

ll< lr'l-a ne. noon. (doubleheader)

; .. £ Qd Q 414


Rook-~s·take spotlight f

E • v co.ctuq s&affi xpress .1~oun~"r""""""--ttl~· r-, "'e nm pfct in the usn M ul ' R i draft, bun., exactly aet the leque on a ers oz er fire. The S.10. 210.pound runnina

meet at Coliseum back. who sat out last Fridafs 17-7 loss tQ Memphis with a mild <:Oil­cuss.ion and strained neck suffered ·

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Pit­tsburah's Mike Rozier and Steve Youns of Los Angeles. one.two finishers in the 1983 Heisman Trophy-balloting, will be showcased this evening when the Maulers and Express collide in a United States Football League co ntest..

Thepme is scheduled for a 5 p.m. kickoff at the Coliseum.

Although the Maulers landed the Heisman Trophy winner in Rozier. they have been having their problems this season. ·

Pittsburgh has lost its last four outinp to drop to 2-8, and head coach Joe Pendry was fired and offensive line coach Ellis Raiosbergcc named the club's interim head coach last Monday.

1 he game against the Ex~ss will mark the pro heading coaching debut for Rainsbe1Jer. a veteran of college and Canadian Football League

The U.S. women'1 Ol)'mpic wt. leybett ....., .... gilt • btg booet from tennla 8tMdaut Mlll'tlna NawatlJovl 8und9f at M ~ bJdon match at LOI Cab .. 1roe ~Md 8'>ot1a Club In foui). taln V"""!.

Action begtne at 2 p.m. Navrattlova.. the Ho. 1 women'•

ten,.~ In tttewortd, wtl meet Hu Na of Who ~ to the Um1ed S...._ ._ ,..-. The exhfbttlon fa being ataiged to r.ue funda for,the U.S. WOIMn'I Otym. pie YOMeybal -.n. .

the pre~· s week, has rushed 147 times for 8 ~ds this season.

On t e positive side, however, he has grabbed 29 passes for 237 yards, more receptions than he had during his entire career at NebraskA.

Young, the NCAA record-setting passer out of Brigham Young, seems to be havirf~ a growing impact on the Express. wh1~h has won 1wo of its last three outings to improve its record to 4-6.

He has cranked up the Express offense since making his debut five games ago, Wllh the cl ub averaging 26 points and 441 yards in its last four ou1inp. Los Angeles had averaged less thanrl4 pomt.s a game earher in the campaign. ·

Young bas completed 60 percent of his passes, 'oing 99 of 165 for 1,301 yards and six touchdowns., with just two interceptions. He also has rushed fo r 266 yards and three touchdowns 01\ 42 carries.

"'Obviously, we have a challenge

NEW YORK (AP) - Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn said Friday that an arbitrator's decision li{'\ing his suspension of Pascual Perez was wriucn in such a way that no further action as possible in the case.

Last month, Kuhn suspended Perez. an Atlanta Braves pitcher. until May 16 for his conviction in the Dominican Repubhc on possession of cocaine. Last Saturday, aribtrator Richard I. Bloch announced that he had lifted the suspension after Perez took the case to union grievance.

On Fnday, Kuhn saw the wntten d ecision for the first time.

" Arbitrator Bloch's full decision ...

ahead of UJ &bis week. .. said Ra ~ tJie former It K.a=.,.-­State . .. ~ •• no question lhllS Y OW\I is one of die m0tt ta.lenl!lld quarterbacks in footb9Jl. He can h"'9 you in tbc air aod.i' • eJtCt'pUOnal runnina quarterback. . . ..With our S«Ond&ry a1J banacd it's aoina to take an excellent efron tjj our defensive line. We •~ aoina fQ have to put pressure on Youna." •

The Maulen Wul be without slad. ing safeties Dave LaQ&lois and Jiff Delaney, both sidelined by iajuriCI\

t:os Angeles cs comin• off~ m." matic 27-24 ovenime victory oyte Houston In the Astrodome last Mot­day ni&ht. Tony Zendejas kicked a 4J.. yard neld goal at the end of reguladqn· to send the game into overtime, theft booted another from the same 4;... tance to decide the contest

Express Coach John Hadl brando;d the victory a critical one for lbe Eltprcss, saying: " It reinforces * hard work and it creates SODIC momentum. We beat a divisiOD­leading teatn on the road and m.t speaks weU for the progress of oDt youngsters."

is so wrinen as to overrule my Perci decision both with regard to biJ possession of cocaine and to hh obstruction of my investigation by lack of candor," Kuhn said in a statement released Friday. 1

-since we bad not been previouslt aware of how the arbitrator would deal with the obstruction ~ucstion. there had been some possibility of nix taking further achon on that point, Kuhn said. " Mr. Bloch has noot precluded even that course."

Kuhn said. "Considering Mr, Perez's obvious lack of candor, I fini this determination as inexplicable.a Mr. Bloch's order of rcinstatcmenJ last Friday."

tn addftlon to the Nawat1Jov1 match, the women'• volleyball team Will ttilge M ~bltfon game With en AU-St# telM wNd1 Wiii Include .Witt~.

\ ~

Tisdale to an.noQ.nce choice Donations .. $15 for the two

exhibitions or $150 for ff-. Hgotd pack. •• wtlloh wm tnoSude ttte exhl~ 1 oockattt hour md a buffet.

Tid<ets can be obtlllned by phoning 967--8788.

NORMAN. Okla. (AP) - Way­man Tisdale, a two-time All-America from the University of Oklahoma. has called a news conferen~ today to announce whother he'll stay in college or play professional basketball next

the door on the possibility of tumini pro.

"Quite frankly. I've Jost som~ confidence in h1m," said a school spokesman who asked not to bt identified. "There's been so mutt. going on the last few days, you jull ean't tell what he's going lo d o."

yew. •

Loe Cab.neroe hl8 been the offtclat home for the women'• voheybalf team ~ Februaty, when It moved from Coto de ca:za.

Tisdale earlier said he was "95 percent" sure he would stay 1n school for his 1unaor year, but some reports this week indicated he has not shut

Oklahoma Coach Billy Tubbs said he did not want to d ivulge Tisdalc's decision. which is to be announced It noon.


Yanks' pilot on the hot seat?" Steinbrenner denies

.!lo-. ----------~ Berra's job in jeopardy -----

NEW YORK (A P) - New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner has denied a published repon that Manager Yogi Berra may be dismissed because of the team's slow start. . ..

"This should be clearl:r understood - Yogi Berra 1s not goang an ywhere," Steinbrenner said in a statement released by the Yankees Friday in response to a story an USA Today b} Rick Ostrow im plying that Steinbrenner as consaden ng changes that may include Berra.

The story quoted Steinbrenner as saying earlier an the week. ··unless there's substantial improvement, we' ll have

Cloud of duet If

., to consider changes. ancludang the manager.··

The owner agreed that changes may be in.the offing for the 8-15 Yankees. who began play Friday in last the American League East, 11 games from the top. Bu& Friday's statement said Berra's job was safe.

··However." he added, "some other guys ARE (going somewhere) if this team does not start playing up to its potential ... and soon!

··1 ha ve great respect for Ostrow.·· Steinbrenner said, '"but I have not spoken to Ostrow about this matter, nor have I spoken at all to nim since the beginning of tbc baseball season .

" I feel sorry for Yogi Berra and for all the millions of fans who m usl feel as badly as I do about the slow start cbc New York Yankees have gotten off to, but this is not the time to ga ve up on Yogi Berra."

., .........

White Sox owners Illay buy Blitz

CHICAGO (AP)-The owners.of the Chicago White Sox confi~ Friday they were considering purchasing the beleaguered Chi. Blitz from the United States Foothill J,..eague. "Th~ USFL came to them." said

Sheri Bumgardner, an assistant lO White Sox co-owner Jerry Rcinsdorf. "They arc considering the proposal/'

Ms. a ·umgardner said Reinsdorf, who also serves as chairman o f Balcor-American Express Inc., woo.Id be in mcictings all day Friday Wl unrelated·business and would not be available for comment on the matfer.

Eddie Einhorn, the other owner of the Whi.~ Sox, did not return sevctal caJls Ftmay fro m The Associatod Press.

The Blitz has been for sale since Milwaukee' heart surgeon Dr. James Hoff man turned operation of •he franchise over to the lcque.

Hoffman reportedly owes Dr. 1'td Diethrich, the Blitz' first owner, more than $6 million under the origilya~ purchase agreement of Sept. 30. 1983. It is believed the new owners w~P,ld have to redeem between $2 milijon and $3 million in debts incurred sisc Hoffman bailed out of the franchU..

Blitz spokesman Kay Schultz s'lid from the team's Chicaao office -t "everything is being dQpe (thro\lfh the leaaue offices) in New York."

Spokesman Doug Kelley said from the US.FVs New_Yod.headquanm. " We have no comment on situauon."

Since Hoffman•s defection. Che USFL sent its player personnel d i • tor. Carl Marasco, to the Blitz as actina scncral manager dunna search for a suitable owner.

Cblcaio Cabe' ahortatop Lury Bowa tai• oat San Die&o'• Tony Gwynn on a •teal attempt Friday at Wrflley Ftefcl.

Lee Stem. owner of &he Chi Sting of the North American r lca&ue and a member of the Wllite Sox board of directors, said Fndaf he was one of those approached about purchasing the USA.. team.






f1 .'R lHt RfCO rW -- - --

MAJOlt L9AGUll nAMDtlllGI ~L ......

WllT OIYtM* W L~d. GI 11 12 .SM IS 12 .5S6 I 14 n .m 2 13 15 ..... 3Va ll 13 •. 451 3\ll t IJ ,A09' 41.ot

· ' 17 .346 ·~ , I AST 01.tlfON O.troll Toronto Cle11t1111c1 MlfweukM lanlmort aos1on Hew 'Vork

to 4 •• 10 11 I I II 12 12 14 11 l S . "

l'rtmY"• sew.. ~4. S..1111 I

I 9, Cltvtlanct 2

5 I 11.ot

' 10 17

lo • • Kan1a1 City 3 ( 10 IMlllo11 Natoo S, Boston J

Mllwa\jkM 1, N.,_ Yorll 0 ltltlmore 2, TIXH 0 MIMelota 3, Oakland I

T .. '1'10-~ (Wiii 3· 1) a t S..llle (ISHttle 1·21,

(n ) Chlca9o IOOllOll 3-21 at 8M?oll !ISoYd

0-2) Ottroll (AOOOtt l · 11 • t CleYNlld

(H .. lon 2· 21 KllMll CllY (JltdlSOll 0-2) . , Torortto

(LMI 4·0) O.itlalld ICOOlrotl 1-0) at Minnesota

U~ulchtr 2- 11 New York (Guidry 1· 21 al MllWaullM

(HtH 1-2). (n) eanltnof'e <Ftana11an t -21 at T111u

(Tanana 2· 31, tnl

~Y'•Gamn ....... s..111e Ottrolt at Clevetalld Kan .. , City at TorOlllO Chlet9o at 8o1t011 Oelt:land a t MlnntSOta N- York at Mllwaulo.M Battlmore at TuH


W L Pd. GI Oedllan 119 .6'7 San Dleoo 16 10 '1S I VJ Cincinnati 13 13 500 4'n Atlanla 10 13 .43S 6 San FrancfKo t 17 .M6 I VJ Hou.ston I 17 .no t

New York Chka90 MonlrH I PtlllaOllClflla St. Loula Pll1Sbur9"

EAST OfVISION IS I 13 10 13 II 12 11 13 13 1 IS

6S2 565 5'1 .sn 500

.311 f'ridaV's ~

Ded9lf's at Pllllbur9", OOd. ra in Chbeo 7, San Oleoo 6 Anania a1 MoatrHI, POd . r a in New York 2, HouslOll 0 Clnclnnall 9. Ptllladlll)tlla S San Francisco 2, SI. Louis O


l 2 '1> 3 ,.,, 7111

Oedllan (Ptn• 4· 1) al Ptttsbvr9h (Candtlarla 3'-2)

Atlanta !Camp 2· 0 or Perez 0-0l a t Montreal (Lu 4- 1) ~n Dleoo (Wlll lSOll 2-21 t i Clllc.too

l?tout 3- 11 Cincinnati (B~tnyl 1· 3) at PnlladQ>tlla

(Koosman 1·4), (n) Houslon ($Coll l· 11 a t New Yor• ( Ter ­

rett J· 11. (nl San Franclaco (Kl"Ullow 1· 4) a t St Loul1

(Forsch 0-21. (nl SunMv'• 0-

~ a t Plt1Sbur9h, 2 ' Atlanla a t Monlr" '· 2

Houston . , N- York Clnclnnall a t PtllladelPllla S.11 Francisco at St Louis San Oleoo a t Ollca90

A.MERtCAN LEAGUE AneMI 4, ~riners 1


Pettis d Carew lb LYM rt O.Cnc.s 311 ReJll"1 dh Downing ti 8enlQUl If Grich 2tl Boone c Schollkl" T.r.t1

aerb91 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 2 2 1 l 0 0 0 l 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 4 0 1 I 4 0 0 0

Ptrcont 2t> ISOMllllf AO.vis lb Cowertl rt SHndSll dh OHnc:lsn cf COies 3b K .. rntYC Owenu

2t 4 J.4 Tt'llll S<-bv'"""'91

.," .. • 0 0 0 4 0 I 0 4 0 ' 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 I 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 I I 3 0 0 0

21 I l I

Callfwnla 000 022 000- 4 S..• 000 010 000- I

Ga me WIM IM R81 - DownlM 121. E-MMoore. OP-California 2.

LOB-Callloml• 6. S.allle 2 2B-c>eclnces. KHrMY. HR--DeClc'es IS). SB-Grich !ll. ReJaclilon (2). SF-00Wnl119

CalNwrl&a IP • H It lllt BB SO

Zahn W,4·1 9 J 3 2

** MMoore L, 1· 2 6 l 4 4 I l -3 0 0 0

l 4 0

s 1 J,

Mlrabeta St811IOll I 2·3 0 0 0

WP-MMoore T-? 29 A- 13,426


(Tlnutft T'twndllV'• Games ) BATTING (40 at l>ah l Garbev , O.lroll ,

.43S, UPslltw, Tor011to, ,)90; Trammell Detroit, 371, E1111le. Mlnneio11 • .367, Ga r · cla , T orOlllO, .364.

RUNS RIP«ett, Balllmort, 23, Trammell, Detroit. 23, Whita ker , Detroit, 22. Upshaw, TO'OlllO, 21 , P91tb, Antell, 10.

RBI: Murray, Belllmore, 26, Kl119man, Oakland , 26; Oa11l1, Seattle, 23; 0.0.-., ~ 22J Oew'Nne, Antlb. 10; Lemon. Detroit, 20

HITS: Ga rcl1 , Toronto. 39, Bell, Torortlo, 34; tit:t>ek , Mlnntso1a . 33; Trammell, De­troit, 33; OtC!Mft, Af191b, 32, Upshaw, Toronto, 32.

DOUBLES: a-, Ane1h, 10. Bell, Torortlo, 9; UPl lllW, TorOlllO, 9, BeN. T .. H . I , MalllMIV , New Vort<, I

TRIPLE'S· R Lew, Chlcaoo, 3, Sller ldtn, Kansas Clly, 3. 12 ere lied with 2

HOME RUNS: KIMman, Oakland. 10, Davis . Suttle, 9, Rloken, Baltimore , I . IC lltle, Chk a90, 7; 4 are 11tc1 wltll 6

STOLEN BASES: Butler. ClevtlallO. lJ. Garcia, Toronto, 13, ISernaHrd. Clevela nd . 11, ~ettb, AnetlS1 10, Henderson, Oakland,

• PITCHING (3 dKlslolls l • art tied w llll

1000. ... 36 STRIKEOUTS ISlyteven, Cle11 nd . •

Morris, O.troll , ll; SmltMOll, Minnesota . J2 Moore, SHllle, 31, Wiit, ANlh. )1

' SAVES QulMnC>erry, Kansas Cll11, 7, Ca udln, Oakland . 6. Lamo, Toron10, s. Davis. Minnesota , 4, StenleY. 8oslort, •

N•ttonlll L .. ~ ( 'TIIAutft TltvndlY"• Gtmft)

BATTING (40 at bah) GwYnn, San Oltoo •. 4021 Rav, Plltiburoh, .36.J, Straw· • t>errY, New York , ..363, Ral11es . MOlllrte t .J5t, Mat•• .... Oedllan, .l5l

RUNS: lltalnes, MOlltre'4, It, Wl09ln$, Sen Dlt90. 19, Gwvnn. San Oll90. 11, s amuet PhllaOllPhle, 11, Mclttynolds , Sao Dttoo. ' 17; lax, o.Mn. 171 SChmldl. Phlltldtffll'llt . 17,

RBI: Certef , Mol\lftal, 24, Ma'""'81, ~ u. Mc llteynolda, Stn OltOO, 21. Garvey, Stn Olto'O. )01 Wallach Montrtal, 70 Wa1t1l1111ton, Allalllt , to.

• l'OTS: Owynn. San Oleoo. >7. 11ter11ta. Montr .. 1. ,,; St•, ~ JO, S ar e tiff wlltl 7'

OOUll.ES Ca rter . Molltt .. t, t ; C oavts, San Fre nctsco, I , Little, Montreat, I . "'• llCOftt . Montr .. 1. 7. Strewt>tt'rv. Ntw York 1

T~tPLeS McO". SI l.oUls , • . Fotev, c~~ i. 14...,.. tied " "h t

HOME lltUNS ~ ON9tn. I . Wastltntton, Atlante, 7, Inell, ~, ~· Mcltt'(n06dt. Stn Ole90, 6, •ate lltd w !ti"

STOLEN IASES $tmuel, PhllaOl!Orl<t, IS, lltHuS, CfftcfnNlll, 12, Mllfttt. ClnCIMatl, JI, W"9\n1, Stn Ole90. 11. V HtYH,

~-. · ··-PITCHINC (J decl1lon1) Hewlllft\, -· Oltoo ,..., 05 HeM¥cvft, ~ . ... 1.a HudtOn ...;.ladelOtll •• M . J ... Lynch, - Yerk )..o 1'9 4 are tltd wllll too

STlltlKlOUTS k•o Cincinnati, .o. llnn, Holnltn, " · v-:!'~ °"""", CIMI~ • GOOdtfl New YO", .,.., -eny

:i.~~e~ o.. ..... ~ °'"°' a.1¥11•. SI. Ltu•t, 7. Holland, PfllltdelOl\la , S, Smith. Ctlfea9o, s. 4 tt• tied wllh •

~--C-... UC'"'- 14. U. .. s.-..t

'1- ol SM 06eee •l 11r U>-t W UC 1MN OOl QI 0•-14 ti t

HtWWfUlll, Stvi.t II>, 0- (II Mf RU.-.. , Jintl. Mlirtln Ill, TalD If ), Kffll C91 Md MltMn. H1MM ll ). W-J""', J•7 l tltwtllifilll, M . 'le ,._,,.,.. .. tUCll I , SNtlds (UCI) 2, O'COl'IMI IUCll, Devil (UCI), ltvlin9 CUQI, Mot°tM (UCI), ""' Stone I SO!.~ IUCll I , ~ mono IUCI), H,._., ..lactlt• ISOI, lfWll <UCll

C~alllel or... cew • c...- i

OrtllCll Coe" J05 450 120-20 to 2 COMOton 100 000 !11- t I) 2

ltomo, St~ (6) , Mdrtw1 Ill and hrrvf!IH, ~q (6); P1rrllon, T~­.11111._Q) Md ~ W-Jlomlt, 4•0.. L-Parrt.on. 2t-Whllt (Cl, O\ll'on (Cl , Gome! <Cl, ~ C<XCI • ...,.,_ IOCCI. 3~tnd41faon IC>. lltelmer 1occ11 Kwolell (OCC). Hllt-$enne (OCCI, BtrrYhlll (UCCI 2. RelnhOll1 IOCCI.

COMMUNITY C:OLL•G• s.uttt CMit C•1 ... •Q

GOidtt't W"t Oranoe Coa11 Sant• An9 Cerritos Fullerton

W l T Ga 11 6 0 11 6 0 " • 0 16 • 0 2 13 11 0 5

Ml. San...,,,_ CYPf'tsl Comciton

I 16 0 10 • It 1 13\'i 0 2' 1 171.'J

l'rtm'I'• IAr9 Oranoe C0tst 20, eomc>ton I

T•Y'a~(Mllt) Or•nee Coa1t et Senta Ana Fullerton at Gotdeft West Cypres, a t Ctrrltos Comot011 11 Ml. San Antonto

Hiltl ldtMI , ....... v.., 6, oc.... "'8w s Ocnn View OOS 000 0-S 7 0 Fountain Va lley 210 000 >-. 7 2

Douty, WlllOll (7) and Klrbv; Sharpnack and L1011are1.. w- SN""1ack. L -Wiison. 29-<>ISOll. iFV), Sharpnael\ (FV), GI~ (OV),

EIT-14.~' Unl11enl1Y 202 080 C>- 4 7 2 E t Toro 026 600 •_,• 16 2

SlornbaUQt\, Paul Brown 13), WllSOll ()) , Slaff (41 and Pat Brown; GUftt, Perkin• (3) •nd Aootca. W-Perkln• . L - StombaUQtl, 2&-erau (ET), A~ IETl, Siewert !ET I. GalPO !ET>, Brllllnoham (Ul

•.a.Mia ,, lnlM ) Eslancia 010 140 e>--. 13 2 Irvine 201 000 0-3 3 2

FoteY and Wolt, Htn19a n and Rallmlltutla 2B-0.UISCll IE ), WoH (E l

Sa 'Q 'pell • • c- .. Milt I StddleMck 503 000 ~ 10 Corona det Mar 000 100 C>-1 4 3

Demian alld Camacllo, S.tchtll, McCormick (l) a nd eo.1 W-01mlan. L-Satchelt. 2&-0n11111<os (S), Camactio !Sl, W. M4.llCO (Cl

W111•11 ..... 6, Mil .... Vllte l Mln loll Vltlo 020 000 C>-2 6 2 WooOOrldlle • OOS 010 .__. 7 0

CatT\Pbell, Sc:nulte <SI 1nc:I ltobeoon, Coo« and McNM. W-Coo«. 1· 2. L-CamPbelt. 3B-Peace (MV).

L.ttuM ... ch >. sen OemtMe 2 San Clemente 100 100 000--2 2 2 L.tlluna Beach 010 001 001-3 t 5

Devine and Suffr kloe; NMss and Falk. 2&-Arndt ILBI. Brown !LB) 38-falk (LB), McCormick (SC).

NftPll't 0Vtl1'11n 6, AYalefl 0 Newport Chrlslla n JOO 011 1-. 10 A11aloll 000 000 ~ 0 1

ClllaY a nd H_,,cu11. HerrlngtOll and F•Qal. 29--Howa rd ( NC I. Frederlctu.on (NCI 38-i..M (NC). HR- Howard (NC>

EdlsOn W L GB 10 2

Ocan View Weitmlmter Fountain Valley HuntlnQIOll BellCll Marl/la

' ' 1•1> 1 s J 7 • 31.'J 3 • 1 I II 9

Fr'ldllY's sun FOU11laln Valley 6, Oceen View S

TadllY'I Gemes 'Wftlmlnster YS. EdllOll a t Mlle ~re

Pe rk (71 Mar ina a l Hunlln11I011 &Hell lnoonl

TueadllY'I Game (7 11.m.) OcH n vi- vs. Edison II Mlle S<luart

Park WedMtdilY"I ~

HunlingtOll BHcll a l Wftlmlnsier (3: 1S) Founla ln Valle11 vs. Marina at Blair F ield


El Toro Unt11eri.lt11 Irvine S.ddlebacll Estancia . Newport Harbor Co11a MIMI Cor011a del Mar

WL 10 2 . ' • • 1 5 s 1 4 1 3 I 2 10

Fr1clav'I~ I , Corona det Mar I E l Toro 14, Unl111tr1llY • E1tancla 6. lr11lne 3

TMaY"IGame (- )


1 1 3 s 5'"2 ,.,, •

Co,la ~ vs. N-POrl Harbof II OCC TUfllMY'S-$ame (7 itJn,)

Coste 111. "'Es11ncla 111 TeWl11kle Park

TuesdaY's Gamn U:lS) El Two at Corona def Mar Univenltv al S.ddlat>aek N-OOl'I Harbor at lrvlM LHtue

CaPillrano Va llty L111una Hllll

W L T GB 9 0 I

San Oeme1111 Mlssloll Vlelo Woodbridlle Dana Hiii$ L1111una Beacrt

9 1 ' .,., s s 0 41,.,

4 6 0 Sih ' 6 0 s 2 9 0 • 2 I 0 71/J ,,...,,.,Sc:-

Laguna Beactl 3, San Clemente lnnl1111sl

WOodbrldlle 6, Mln lOll Vleio 2 Luuna Hlll1 3, Dana Hiiis 2

Tllffday's Game (l:IS) San Clement• , , Mlnloll Vltlo

w.-.-Y's Gamtt Leovna Hills 11 Woodbr lCIH (7) C.P11tra no Valley a t La9Ufla

(l· IS)

~ • I

I ' • • Women's~

COIWli\UNfTY COLLEG• 0.... West I, """'*' 0

1 (9

Golden WHI 100 000 C>-1 6 0 F ultertOll 000 000 0-0 4 0

Ctr1$0ll 1"4 MHOll, FrHQUt1 a nd It a mos

ar..... C:.Jt S, Ctn1tM 0 Oranoe Coast ICM 000 0-S 4 O Cwrltos 000 000 0-0 S l

AnlrOOuJ al'ICJ Sanct*l• Clair, HollO""•Y ISi and Swenson. 1&-Solh tOCCl , All· tl"OOu\ IOCCI

"1lllmlJr t , Se H II I Cit S SNdleba<tl · 010 OOJ 1- s ' ' Palomar 1»0 '°3 11-f 10 1

llt111ef'e t nd Lodlhart, La rSOft a nd JoM 3&-JOM (Pl Hlt- BOO<lrv (P ) louffarel (S)

trw. t. IUllMlt 1 Ettanc1a 100 ooo 000-1 10 a ,,..,lfle 000 001 001- 1 s 0

K•l'le ancs Cieoroe. loolhrOYd anci 1(-•rsdl 28~ton 1£ 1. MM1111 Ill

Mew"'9 OV1s""" t, A..e. 0 N--· CIVl\llen 012 2°' ~ • Avt!On 000 000 0-0 1 ,

~"'Id'°" Mc1 AnOlf'IOf\. Sllll'!l!Ofov1t •nd Ston«, W• m' (S) Jl-4>•vklton INCi Hlt-0..- INCi

K ... c:-.W-.llM Tiie ftefll lor todev't I tttt. tcefltudy

o.rtw. wlfll Ml.I lllO&lttoft, horW't '*"'· IOckt¥'• - ..,. .-:

1. • · Allt!M c McCarr1I ,.., 2 . •••• """" W*4ln 20-1 ,....,HUii, ~ 20-1 ._f•lo Veeua C.MV 12-1 S, a-Life's~ ~ M '- Fltnt C>Ytr Ver..,a 21>-I 1. Ftll Tlnw Hewtev IM • • t -ltdouln ~ 12-1 t. f· lltxson•1 ~ Otfftllone 12·1

10. Ttvtor' t SOKltl &.Matte 1JJ 11. Sllllll ltlllO ~ TF1 12. D•Vanlendlnentm OtY 10.1 13. t· Secftt Pt!Me Perret 12-1 14. At The ThrW\Old E. /MM 20-f IS. Sww Plftcty J· 1 1'. f· Meleltlc Short U'ttW IM 17. t· llloXMlldltll Patt«Mn 12•1 11. .-Pine Clfde lmlltl I0-1 It. t-Cou ,,,. Chad McC-...v t2- 1 to. Galt Dene« DelMIYt 15-1

.-0. Wayne L~ trelftM tntrv. D-Sftut McG~ lftlned .,.,,..,, +-Mutue1 Field Treinen ( trv oost POl.ltloll): I. D.Wtvnt

LukM. 2. s.Natort c.ri.o. 1 lloeer l..a4.Wlf\. 4. Gerrv llUUllL S. D.Wnne L..ukea. 6. Jofln ParlMAa. 7. Gerv JoMI. I. Rlctltrd MendMla. t . H_,o6CI ROM. lO. 8 11 Mott 11 lud Delp, 12. ~ McG~. la. It• Tll'rlll 14. "'""" wtiltlne.. IS. WoodY s1.­htM. 16. Lor«1 llettle. 17. ~ CtrD«llt. II. Shue McG8UllheY It. llOf!nlt WarTWI. 20. Jack Vt ft !kit ..

0wnen (by POSI -itlonl: I. Devld Avtu'ovd, ......,. Alexander tM' Htlac1 Grovn. 2. lrwln Finer. l. Tevlor'f ~dlaM Farm. 4. Hvtlarlon ~ S. MIA Hatley and .Euoane l(tillft, " Bwitmazon Farm t11c1 Tad S.bartw. 7. Jim MamlluK and Marc StUbrln. I . Elmelldorf Farm. t . Elslt llOM. 10. WINlam F. Lucas. 11. Ha'#Qworlh Ferm. 12. LOOlotY Stable. 13. ElalM Brodlkv. ''· w.c. Par.... 15. Claiborne Ferm. 16. WIW.m Ololtnow tnc:I Rotlerl Plllool.. 11. OltnM Car11t11ter. 11. LOOloffy Stable. l t . Elmer Mllfir. to. Ktn· ntlh Oo1lel11.

Welellts: Althea and ute' s ~le, 121 l>C>UllO$; other1. 126 POUnck nc:h. Dlstance: Iv. mltn. Purw. S712,400 If 20 start. First o!Ka: U37,400. Second lllect: 1100,000. Third place: 150,00Q. Fourttl Piece: W.000. Post time: 2:31 P.m .. PDT.

Los AlamlM l'lltoAY'S RESULTS

<• .. n -111111t ...--.. ,,......., l'•ST llACIE. 400 yards.

A Zure COPY (PaullM) • uo 3.40 1.10 9o6d Stor,,_ (Mlldlell) 1.00 UO Hidde/I R~t (Gift) 6.00

Allo r acld: The Rl1111 Leader. Touon Witt! TheM, Chasing Tlle DraOOll, 9oObv Darrin.

Time: 20.5I. t2 IEXACTA (9'-3) paJd 147.40. SIECOtfD It.AC•. 350 vards. ~· s~ (CrMIM'I uo uo 3.IO Wiid Azur~Trnwrel MO 5.20 J-el Twister (Frvdav l 4AO

Also rtael: Soul On Fire, Chbeo Bug, On The R~. Maril Ott Fa11orllt, Decked Ou! To Win. Handaome Judy, Two In The T-.

Timw. 11.11. TH•D It.ACE. 3SO yardi.

KltMffort Joe <Trvl 10.00 Moon HtmP (Adair ) Bucks Bro111er (Ward)

5.40 3.40 4 40 l.00

2.60 Re-Also r~: Little Hublt, 8obblft

-•. SCledacutar Pau, Chica Banet Tlrryr. 17.13. !'OU.TH OCIE. 350 yarch ..

Mlgttty Polley (Creager) 9.40 3.AO 3.00 Jttt O Luck (Harmon> 3.20 2.~ Andy Bull (MYlft) 4.00

Also l'Ked: OIOltal, Bama Bluel, TrlPOI Prune, H9ez Clauy.

Tlmt: 17.tS. '3 •XACTA ll·ll oakl IJ0.90.

""" •Aa. l50 vwros. Anoell Rib CTr .. wre) UO UO 2.40 Miu Ludly MelodY (Adair ) U0 3.10 Ctlltno (Bard) UO

AllO racw. Shorttv After F lw , Monier Suoreme. Flamino Hemcl.

Time: 17.16. SJ •XACTA 16- 2) Hid 150.70. SIXTH llACE. 350 yards.

Tlle HIOl'tway Mall (Bard) 1.20 l.60 l.20 Lonoorla <Garcia ) 3.40 UO Flastl Dancer (Floresl 1.IO

Also rKICI: AN!lel Tomorro111t, Oh Anni. Time. Cllar11e It Bou, Bank The Caitl, HOiiywood Hot, Pacific Glau, Born A Bo.

Tlmt: II.OS. · SIVl&NTH llACE. 170 yards.

ClabOer Lucky Win (Trsr ) 7.00 3.JO ~ Swlu Banker (Zufelll 9.20 UO BOC>by Oh Oh !Garcia ) 3.40

Al'o ractd. Relallalor , 5eern1 True, Telco Tom, Tout1 Moon Oa1t1..

"time: " .50. '3 &XACTA (6· 51 paid S9S.70. llGHTH llACE. 350 vard1.

Mechanical Doll !Crealltf'l 6.IO 3.60 2.60 Judy Norlh (Harli HO 2.40 Jeremla (Garcia ) 2,60

Also r aced: Just HHnn, Wln1tormer, N- Wive, Lady C.l>allel.

Tlmt: 1795. '3 IEXACTA (1·2) Paid S23.70 U pt(I( SlX (3·1-6-7-6· tr~kl S7,210 00

wltll 1111 wlnolng tickets (six llOrlftl. 12 Pldl Six COlllOlallon oakl S207.20 with 130 winning tickets 111111 hones).

NINTH RACE. 350 yards. Crimson Nuwett (Ptk11tn) UO l.IO l .20 Mt Moonla,_ (Garcia ) 4...0 3.40 Sangr ia Moon (St-• rll S.60

Also raced: PrOPO\td Toal!, Tlny1 Big Boy, ~u Native Bar, Solid AU.I.

Time: 17.16. T•NTH llACE. 350 vards

La Tt Oouott <Cr"981'1 S.IO • .00 3.00 Efftrvnclno (Valdet) 11 40 6.40 Ms Win A ~I TtlrM (BrOOlu) s.tO

Also r aced: Cheri\/'! Rib. Trulys LUCk, Chic AP<lllo, Ola l Arrow, Snvw Sleeves.

Time 1129. U •XACTA (7-3) 1>111d SSl.00. Attenoance: 14,607.

HolVwood P•r11 l'lllDAY'S ll.ESULTS

(lttl af '7·dlY tllertUINlr9d IMatllle) l'IRST It.AC•. 6 fvrlonos.

Lll1c Rldlle IFuentell 15,00 7.20 S.40 Court Ltadl< (Oeloadlllo) 15 60 9.40 S.111119 Wt:St (Ollnres) 6.60

Also r i ced: Rec Ind, GOiden Clrcle. AIShurouk , F irst Blad, CaiOltrY, Guachan

Time; 1:11 3/ S. S•c:otfO llACE. 6 turtonoi.

Tllfel lof Two (Olivares) 3.60 2.60 2.40 llurnlng Both Ends (~lllO) S.40 4.00 Five Pennies (F .. ) 7.IO

Also ractd· e>onnw Pan. Wfllle CIOud, Conack Prince , Oe' tente Man. Flnt Lad, GOiden Match, Aeravate, Bar011 VOii Lie>

Tim.. 1'11 21 s n DAIL y DOUILE (2 ·41 oald S27 '°· 12

CONSOLATION OOUBLI (2· 11oaid1)240

THIRD It.ACE. ' turlonos Suno1' 1 Star (Garc ia ) 9 70 S.40 UO O.control (Sibille) t IO I IO OIYmolc Games IPirlcaYl UO

Alto raced: ~I Maneuvet, Pyramid Zoth , Sul>dlvldl , &artet' Gold. Bandelalre. ShaYboob. Daddy Lon94ells

rime· 1 10 1/S. U t&XACTA (6 ·11 6.1d 1231.50. l'°""TH llACIE. 6'-' lurtono1

Oewn's Allftlanc• (Fell) 7?.20 J.00 It 40 Soring Bid IOll11aresl 17.20 10 .0 Romantic lltoman (Guerra) 11.00

Also raced: P rOUd n· Panlonale , H•lllt Wino, Ack Malula, 11'1 • Rome>. Martllt Elltebelll, LHy Rldee, Aprll F., lmllallOll Prlncets . 8aMydOOfl,

Tlmt: 1:11 l /S. ,,. U •XAOTA (9 · 1) o.tld M,130.00. '''™ tlACI. 1 turlolm.

Why ?tnlht (Black) S0.40 IUO 7MJ of Soells <Garcia ) 6.20 UO Orlenlal CNmo !PMctl 7.00

AIM! rec.ct 8unc1I a ~. 8 1n11lnclble, Wtlk Oft Down, L• Vet'ne' s Sona1a, Pll' teciablMIY

Tlmt 111 ) / $ U UACTA <I SI Ptld ~SO SIXTH aAC•. 1 lurto1191 Mt"''' ..... , ($ ) 14'0 1 00 '40

Au emar (Oll118'") I 00 S .0 T # Stadecl 1T oro1 UO

Also rkltlll lold OiMtOelo, Stlc'elle, N\Mtit' s N•ftv, PuUIOrl Ptlofo. Pr­s.tfctlOll llt\11\ Joy ll un

Time In 11S U IXACTA 11· ) 1 NICI"" 50 MIWNTH uca. 6l't t"*10s

MolMt• (OelMdillol • U 00 12 40 UO Htu9'11Y but Nk:e ($ltlille) ) .0 J 20 Gemini ~ !Black l t 60

AIM tac.d ICKa NoOlt, °"9fOIY, WHI ern, Patrick Merle. Klaua

Tiftlf 1 1$ "s. U IJCACTA lt-21 Hid M'4J0

•at '9Ctc St.IC 111t • · t · t ·2-•I N~ ? ' tt l ,11200 wllll - - wtnnln9 lleket (fl"

'-'Wtl c~..,., DOOi m.moo.

~wrldra 125, Laartn 11S LOS ANOIUS - COOPt!' I , Rllmtlls 2,

Abdul· JaO«ltt 21, Jot1n,on 24, McGee IS. Wortny ll, Scoll 6, McA4oo 23. Nater 2 Tolab: SI-ti 10-17 115.

DALLAS - Aeulrre 21, Vlnctnl ll, Cummln91 11, Otvls 11, Blackmtn 31. EMi1 16, Nlmoflkls 4, Ha rper 6. Garnetl 0. Totals: s 1-90 22. 2t 12S.

Sciww IJoY OMrtar'I LOS AllNIM JO 23 J6 26-llS Dallas 35 l3 l2 25-125

Thr-POlnt eoats--<ooper 2, ~­FOUied out~. R~oi Anoeles 3t (McAdOo I I, Oalla1 • 1 (Cummlntn 14). Asslt11--l.01 Anoetes 27• (JOf!Mon 14), 0111as 11 (Davis 6). Tolal foub-t.oi Anfflel 26, OaHH 20, A- 17,007.

Hal SullOll Tom Kiie Hale Irwin !left Cr-new Bruce Lienke TomWatSOll lltOMleBt.dl Seve~teros Lanny Wadkins Fuuy Zoeller David Graham Gary~OCh Wayne Levi JotWI Malltff9y Pay11es1-ar1 Fred CouPlfl Davkl EdWards L¥1'Y Mlze Jack Renner Larry Nelson John COOi! Nick FatdO Alldy Bean Morrl1 HtlellkV Danny Edwards Tom Purt11< Jim Colber t Maril Llnchey CaMnPeete Rex Caldwell Nick Price Bot> Ea stwooa Maril McCurnber Corey Pa11ln ~Lye

DOii Januarv BobGoalbv OrvllleMood11 ROOFUM81h Dan Sikes BIM ColllM Miiiet' Bartier AmolO Pall'Mf' Doug Sander\ BINyCesoer


T ... ha1a.. Open Denll Wiiton Kermit Zarlev Tony Siiis Biii Giasson BIH lsrHISOll Marc Arn.tit AttenMlher Mike Brloht S1t11e Thomas Gt vln Lev111son Buddv Gerdntr Tommv Valenllne Paul Azl1191r Sieve Harl Jim Deni La rrv Rlnllet Miki Hulbert Forrest Feiler J-'f Tllomstn Rod Curl Robert ThOmPSOl't ltay Barr Jr Jay Cudd Tom~rntf' Da rrell Kes1111t Jeff Sander I Eric Btt11111 Wood¥ Blackburn La rrv Zlellter 8o08oyd Miiie Gove T lf'l'Y Sno<lllr au llobbv Wad41llns 8ot>E Smltll SleveJonel ' JOMGodwln Miiie Hiii Mark llelefl 8ih KOkoll ltOCltrl Donald Brad Fae.I Jort Chattee Bol>Murollv Gtor-99 JOlll'llOll Jeff llolh lltlctlttd Cromwell 81alne McCalib•er Ltnce Ten Broeck Mlk• $lnltll Ooue JoflnM>n 8Hu Be\1911

"""" lruntt Grl"MoodY ltlck H•rttnaM C'*1le toi1 no o.11 Ooue19u

""" acMel ....

..... 7-1)6 71-61-lll n -67-ut 61-7l-13' n -..-uo ..-71-1.0 71·7C>-141 71· 7C>-1'1 7o-71-141 '1 -1..-w 64-n-1.i , • • .._142 74-..-142 71- 71-142 70-71'-142 6'~73-142 71-71--143 71-72--143 70-7)-143 71· 73-144 74· 71- 14S n-n-145 72- 7)-14.S 71-14-14S 70· 7S-14S 7S· 7l--l46 71- 75-146 7S· 71--147 74·7)-147 73. 7..-147 74.7..-141 11- n-141 69-IO-UI n -n-1so 74-n-1s1

n -n-144 72-7)-145 71-75-1'6 71-75-146 76- 7S-1S1 72·I0-1S2 76· 76-1S2 76· 76--IS2 73· I0-1Sl 76· 79-lSS

6'· '7-13S 6'-6t-136 69-61-137 66- 71- 1l7 73-6S-131 7C>-6t-1ll n -..-131 6'· 7C>- l l8 70-6t-131 70· 6t-131 71-6t-ll9 70-69-139 72-67- 139 70-6f-139 7C>-6t-1)9 6t- 7C>-1lt 61-71-13' 70-7C>-UO 67-7)-1.0 70-70-140 7o-7C>-1.0 71· 6t-140 n -6t-1.o 71· 70-141 7 ~C>-141 71· 70-141 73·6t-141 n -6t-141 72· 6t-IO 71 · 70-141 n -..-10 70-71-141 71 · 70-1'1 61· 7>-141 71 · 7G-141 73· 6t-141 67· 7-141 71 · 71-1•2 70-71'-1'2 73· 6 ...... 142 10-n-1u 70· n-l42 6>-75-142 72·7C>-142 71-71-\42 6'-1>-142 71-71-142 11· 71- 142 ••· 7>-142 •t-7>-142 73-6f-142 7Ht-IU ,.....,_141 71· 72-14l 11-..-143 n - 11- 143

WftHT ~A~ aiH>fYIDUAL f'lNAU ....... -- cc.. c.... Mftal

CM tMMI 1 Kim s..-1, ec..n v..-. J Mall~. Mw'lrMI l Tad Delft~. Manna 4 Jofln "°""° ,_telll Veley $. Scott Sdw-Mer, Fountain Valle\' Gr" Mf/wJr, ldl.oa


EdllOll ) "°""''"\ v.-.,, ec..n v ... H\.tl'tlfntton ISH<ll Marlfta wntmln•••r

w I • • s J •

15' 1'1 16) 16$ 161 , ..

I. 1 1

' s 1


---.. 100 lndo-1. Rlchwds <~I. 2"12.00. 2. Prett (Olarl*> Valllly). 2'13.2. 3. Mor'WOOd IOrantN Co110. 2:13.Al; '- Pennis (Orlllllt Coe51), 2:l09; S. McCMla (OIMIO ValltY), 1:l6..47; 6. Sco\'et (Cabrllo), 2:1U2.

200 tree-I. L.tVllle !Orenot Coull, l :SJ.15 (Stele allCi natlontl rlCOf'd), 2. Rlcflwell !P9lon'wlrl, 1:5U., 3. Stauffll' TCueltal, 1:56.16; 4. SCo11t1 (C8*'1'111ol, 1:51.50; S. Goodrich (Olalllo VelleYI. 1:5'M/ 6. Barnes !Ortr111e Coestl, 1:5t.!2.

50 flYo-1. lbldlnl IOlablo Valley), ,.,., tstata and natlollel reeord); 2, H..-nMI a>leb6o v.ii.v~ U:A7; .l. Ferm 'CerrJIM), 27.56; 4. McC•l>e (Ol.ciio Valley). 'D.n ; s. out~ (OrllflN Coast), 27.'4; 6. 09nnls (0rtf!M Cont), 21.1 1.

50 badt-1. hldlnl (OlaDio ValleV), tU2; 1 Kint (San NWMI, 21.71, >. Averill <Orenoe COHtl. 2'.l7, 4. Moroan (Santa ltOM), 29.St; S. Sw .. tlallcl (Wftl VdaY). 2'.19; 6. Smlttl (~), 30.ts.

50 bret1f-1. L.tVelle !Ora1199 CoaSll. 30~; 2. er... !Merced), l2.27, l <•lel ltvno (Golden Wftt) Md Pole (Ventura), J2.2t; 5. Glnlaluro <~rel, 32M; 6 Romano !San Oleoo Melt ). 32.16.

400 fr• relaYo-1 . Oranoe Coasl , lS 12 (Ital• record); 2. Olablo v...,,, >Al.SJ, l. Stllta Rola, J~7.31; 4. GolClefl Wftl , >.AUi , S. ewtlo. 3:49.M, 6. Groumont. 3:49 lt

TMm KOrft· 1. Orenoe Coast, 211. 2 Olablo Valley, * ; 3. Cabrlllo, 16, 4 Palomar. '6, S. Groumonl, 60, 6 S.n1a Rosa. Sf


( at .. T-1 G•U

200 fr-I Bird (CdM), 1.5'. 16, 2. Pederson (I), 1:57.07; l Glllflole (ET), l:SHO; 4. So1om011 (U), 2'02.S3; S. Hackett !ET), 2:02.t 4; 6. Rellty UI, 2:10.CW; 7. LoofbUrrow (C4M), 2:12.00; I . Cannarllato (CMI. 2:12.09.

200 lndo-1. White !UI, 2:09.16, 2. Rt­IMold ICdMI, 2:15.16; l . Barrett (I) , 2:17.10, 4. Pooo !ET>, 2:1US,I S. Wont tETI , 2:19.9'; 6, Crlwoon <Eat>. 2:26.0I; 7. The>mP­'°" (I), 2:V.09; I . Boda IUI, 2:27.10.

SO tree-I. ~ttte (I) , 24.SJ. 2. Krektman (ETI , 2S.J6; 3. Palellt (U), ~ ... ; 4. SChotH (Es1),; S. Harvev (~). tS.'3. 6 Nlc:kel (ET) , 26.AI; 7. Walen ( (M) , 26M; . Gibbs (Ul, 27.40.

100 ftYo-1 . Bird (CdM), ,,,f2. 2. Telc:flman (I), 1:02.66, 3. Wono !ET), I-out, ... YOllOI• (ETI, l:Os..13. s. Crlvnon IEst ), 1~· 6. MadMn (Estl, l:OU7, 1 Ow~ (CMI, 1:07.13. I. v-.. (I), 1119.26

100 lr-1. ~tte (II, SU, 1 Piiiette ( U l SU4, 3 Glllftple ( E Tl . S5.S9. 4 5ol0.- IUl. Ss.61, S. PvYllllo IETI , S7.30. '- Sdloles (Est ), 51..56; 7. Harvey (CdM) . SUl; .. Loofburrow <CdMl . " 17

500 trae-1. P9dtr10ll (I), s-ot.n. , Hackett (CTI. S:2Ut, J PYYllllo (ET), sat.71; 4. Madlen !Estl, S:lUI, 5. Can­ntrlllto <CMJ, S:4Ul, • Loofburrow (CdMl, S:SU6, 7. HeQW (CCINIJ, S.,._t2, I Richter IET>. ~l.11.

100 beell - 1. Wt11t1 (U), St SI, 2 KrelO­man (ET), 1:03.'2; 3. YOllota (ET), l:OIA7, • . Tl!ornPIOll (I), I :Ol.57; S. Lortie ( CCINI I . IM . .,; 6. Boda (U), 1·1001, 7. Loofburrow ICdMI. l:IUO; I. Loyd (CM), 1:12.26

100 breast-I. ltelnllOIO (CdMJ, t:09 50, 2 Barrett (I) , 1:11.o3, J. Smllh !CdMl. I 13- 13, 4 Nordstrom (Elf ), 1'13. 16, S. ~ <ET >. 1: 13.22; 6. VOllk (I), 1:1..00, 1, Tan•lk-• ti) , 1-16.t?;-t.-X- <CMI, l IW


PtcMlc w L T Pct. " Denlltf 1 l 0 700 m

E~s • • 0 400 170 Arlzooa • 0 400 2St Oaklllnd I ' 0 100 " Canlral Houllon • • 0 600 Jll Mlctllpn • • 0 600 ?'6 OklahOrnll • 4 0 600 IS3 Ct1ica90 3 7 0 JOO m S.ll<Antonlo 3 1 0 JOO 121


Pnll1dei011ia 9 I 0 900 New Jeruv • , 0 IOO PlllsbUr911 2 • 0 100 Washi119IOll I 9 0 100

Sou"-" B1tml119lla m 9 1 0 900 New Orleans 7 3 0 700 Tamoa Bav 1 3 0 700 Jaell iOnvllte 6 0 400 Meml!flts ) 1 0 :JOO

Tiida \"& Gamft PittSOUl'llll a l Ex:preu s p,,, Denver a l Oakland Ta mpa Bav 11 Jacksonvltlt

s.ndaY"1 G-Ch1ea90 a t San Antonio OklallOIN a l New ~rsev PlltlacMlc>llla a l B1rmlnol\am Houston at MIC11'9an Memotils at Wash11101on

• Melldav't Oam. Arl zOlla at New Orleans

Meet'•~ COLL.CE

NCAA'r­(al ~._,, Pt'llhll


257 239 161 139

m 219 2• 7 m lS7

~A 212 n• 175 2)1

2'2 211 m 163 170

11 s 1SS 1'9 m 1'6 211 1" m 1SO

PeooetdlM Ott G-" Mtson t~ · 12, IS· S 1S-13

UCLA ~ Ball Sla te IS- I IS 4 15 • T ....... s MatclleS

Thlt'Q "'8ce - G-" MaMI<\ Ul •O v,. e.n Stal9 (M· 121 s,30 om

Cllel'nPOOllU.00 - UCLA 137 0 w\ PM -dine t l3 61 7 JO am

.. H~H SCHOOL Ctft4 A "8"9fl\

"'"' ..... M1r1 C°'la ... Oena Hlh IS S. IS I 11· IS, 1$-2

Dot s 094 NOttrt Torra nce IS ·S l · IS U•I lS•t

CO'one del M¥ Of1f r 0un1a 111 IS t . U IS. ~ · U 1'• 14 t~-· ~ 8"(11 or l e Qui ..,.. I' 4

1\ 6 IS S

s.r-111 MOiile• or c..i..., Cih '' • 1~ I), IHI

s.tnta B•,._ni oe• "-* 10 I~ 1~ tO. IM 15 10

E:dllMlll - Ca0<atrano Vallih IS ' 1$7 IMS, 1$•$

stancla .,. U ·S

llH'rc.• t i · J IS I

' ...... acMel ......,, ...... "'· c.sta Mesa 4

lllllNI lllnntrom (NHl o.t. Wel"ntf' . 6-J, dtlf.

Quac:h, 6-1 . def. QIAcn. 6- 1; def. Nutellterieln. 6-1; Conk9v (NHI Iott H ; won 6-l; IOll • ·6; won 6-2; Miiier (NHI lost 4-6, won 6-3, 6• 2, ~ (NH) lost 1-6. - ...... 6-1, .. I.~----, oe..s

Manin-Gr.._,, !NHf def. Am· Strok:h. 6-4, 6-0, def T..-.-Me, 6- 1, 6-1 , Valenu"'9-W•trous. (NH) won 6-2. 6-2; won 6-•. 6-t.

C- •Mer 25, S1'C P di J ~

We!IMr !Cl o.t Yl, H . ~. Gunter . 6· 1, def He, 6-2. def Lft, 6- l ; Jaye (Cl IOst 1>V o.tMA!, won 6- 1, 6-l, losl 3-.; Torrell (C) loll 4-6, won 6-0, 6-4. 6-3. NICflOI (Cl -1· 5. 6-3. 6-3. 6-0.

Delllllll9s ~-·OuiWno (Cl Oflf Grisnav«­

N9uven. 6· 0. 6-1; def. Shicio-Le, 7·S. H . GatuW·telrscti !Cl won 6·1, 6-0. - 6-0, 6-3

Eallfldl U\o'a. lnrN f~ Mllllet

Rotlbl"' !E l OM KnloM, 6•0. det Tartar. ... 3. def. Olis, 6-2; def. .McCalk#n. 6· 3, Sando11tl (E l IOI!, S- 7. WOii, 6- 4. 6· 2. 6- 1. ear"" IE > won, 6·1, 1-s, 6-3, 6· 3: Alayra <El IOll, l -6. 3-6, won. 6·2. 6·1

Deublel ~ (e-t-def. C-o1<-Hlclu, t-3,

6-3. def Betfleld· Butt, 6- 2. 6- 3. Brown· Studet>ak« !E l U>llt, 4· 6, 6'-4; won, 7·6, 6· l .

&....-- a..dl 221ft, San Otmellle J~ ~ (Ll!ll ~. Morris, 6· 3, ~ Delarosa, 6-1. det. KrUP&aw, 6· l , IM'f HIM, 6· 1, 8rumfleld (LBl won, 6· 4, 6- 1, 6-1, 6·0, Tim Brandt ILBl lost. 1· 6, won, 6· 3, lost, 4· 6. "'°"• H , W111act (LBl iOSt 4-6, S- 7. WOii, 7· 5, 7-6

'**-' Frost · Perrv (L8 l def Weekl· Orllz, 6- l ,

6- 2. def Da v1s ·Lu'°9n 6-2, 6-1, .,..wonll­Ted Brafldl ILB) won. 6-0. 6- 4 solll 6- 3. 4·6

Oua""""'81 """" Oav1\ ( ~nla Anal def C.aylln tOCCt 6·0 6· l , Brodie (OCC) def BalOwltz !CvPnnl 6·i . 6·0, Ga utlller (Ml SAC) def LancHlff' IOCC), 6· 2 7-S, S.rmore tOCC> def , Ranll.o (Santa Ana l. 6· 0. 6· 3

TIWd lteund O.U..S E'Paria· NeQrele (Ml San Antontol def

Brodle· Lancuter !OCCI. 6-3, 6-3. GMY · Kanode IOCC I de! Gautttier · Marquez (Ml San An1onio) 6- 4. 6· 2. 8armore- Gavta n IOCC I Clef C1mlno·8oland IFullef'tOll ) 6·0 6·0

SemllNft ~ Barmora ·Ga vtan !OCC> Clef G•leY

Kanooe <OCCI 6·1. 6· 2, Oa vis · ReMo (Santa Ana l def E'oaru · Nel>rtte IMt San Antonio! 6· 3 6· l

NHL SllaYGtb COHl'all.EMClf P'1NAU

T .. '1'1 c;.,ne '\AontrH I a l NY 1"9n0er\ ( l~a~s leld

"'" •' 3·11 • TueMlllV's G9M NY !\lander \ . , MOfllrffl Ill ~Ml•VI Note E dmOnton ,,., aov~ to Sta llW"

Cuo llnatl wltll • · O '"""° Of Mlnn.tt0111

'-"'*Y• ....... ~ l'OO'TaAll ... .... , ..... ~

BUFF ALO BILLS-~ M8nt1 le~ •ell-·'~

CINCINNATI BfN<'.ALS-si..e &r11111 ~ ..... 11el!Mm8.,

DALLAS coweovs-A~ "'­... ,~-· 01 .... ,...,, llil\et lln OltMnl .. -socco ~ ... SecCillf L.t9wa

""<)fNI" Pitl0(._,.1reo Oa'"a r..-.. d•~'-' 01 broa«t""'9 ...... ~~~

VANCOUV • WHtnc·~-.... -~ ... IHlld t tr'rV ~ .. .., aUl\lallf

cou.H.a M>UtHEllN CALIF'O.WNIA-~ t,,. ~·on.•• .. • ·- <\II llW'r\o tllllefl( Olr'actor


' 3 f


I. • f f

• • .. • • • .. • .. •

a 2 a

NUC '!IS ~mm 'f !!!!CC "°':L':'l~ru ..:=•=t.. :::=::~ ..... cmeo1=::,,. cunu a. P!t:G: •-.ii• T.a....... cnY•...r•wAU.n • caaacu r c .... •.,..•u.c.c.> 1in.,.......,., .. ~"°'°' \'OU AM JN DWAUl1' UMDIJ\ A NOTICE e .... ., C11¥1N I* .U Cll&T PALllD. ab No-. la ,__ ...,_ lo ~ kNSTIH VOUNQ, ,, ... OI•, tlllf

al°i.~:::-'UNL°la"°~ .,.....,....,._ u. 1'M-•e..oG C8UT&ll &OOIBY&LT tan Of IN_..,., Wltd nn. ot,._. ACTH* TO -1-T -- ~~theCouncl.~ . ... PAl•Q AND or PETI ..,OIJ•)INU~tl ..... IUboUt _:_~o~c ... ·-

r"" "'" '""'" -- A~ ......... ., Yllty, TION. _,, '"D ... ..,llTEa· to.,.,,....°" perMNll ~ _ ,, - --PRONA'TV,ITMAY•aot..DATA C.ilforftla.ti-.QeyCounch•ldd •v " ,_..,. .......... ~ <COhd'L PUklC SA&.!." YOU HftD AN aput11cheettnQon1Mto1owe11g: ESTATE NO. A·lUIM ~ '*"* and bu111nw eel· WHIMAI. KN8TI YOUNO. ~TION Oft THI NATUM COMllHHTION !'t DI• To all heirs bendictaries ._..oflNtnwMMd.,.,_.Oi, PetltkMW Ml Ned a~ w!1h Of'_,,. ~ AGAINST \l'ILort:mn Ml ·1Nf -.. __,,., d' • •1 • .,._ RTTY C. ILAKILU:. 1117 t"4t deftl oC ttlia COUf1 few a~ YOU. VOU SHOUU) COHTACT A TWUN PAl&Y tmALnt MO- ~con . conuqent ~- A~., ~ ~. at\INlrlQ ~· 1*M trCln'i LAWYe. MAii, ..c., lllfO 119 cm OP ~ton of CHESTER R. CA. t2MS KAIS"'l'IN YOUNO 10 KllUSTIN

A.LC. TRUST DUD MAVICU. flOUWTAIN Yl&.UY. PALMER aka CHESTER The Nml(e) and ~ ed- AOAWill YOUNO: ~.•~tot Ml.A ANANCtAL 'nlOM ~to i.ttl)' 1n ~ p '"LMER aka CHET ct,.. of the In~ 11.,...M(•I IT IS OAOIAf.D that all l*'tOM CO., a ~ ~ .. 0tln~toltileprqioutwlll n • aN AIC"-'RO W1NST.AHlEY and In..,..... In the aoove metter ap. ckity ~Md Trwtee under the .,.~_,~todoao. H PALMER. aka CHESTER KAREN WIN&TANUY. 2117 pewln~30fthla~. ~ d..olbed Deed of T!Wt turthet lnlormattan le dMnd, '°" ROOSEVELT PALMER Layt .. t• Ave .• Newport IMdl, locetW• 100 CMc c.nter Dftve,

TO THE L~i:~E':?8~~~T,~ ::::.~~1~ ~- and penoM who may be CATI!.~~ pertinent ..... ~ .~s~-~~ CA$H (PtYaible It time of .... In CITY COUNCIL Oft THE Cf'TY otherwi.e lntensted ln the to .. dteef~ In ..... - .,.., .. the metW fNty .,. hewd, lewtul~otthe~St•I•) OFFOONTAINVAU.!Y wWand/orestate; BOUTIQUE Md locaMd ., 2117 ,andatlOWO*IMlfMV. ~1N"911- 1----------- PtCTmOUelUHllM all tight, title and Int.,.. oomi.-)ttd E•yn McClendon A petlUon has been filed ~· AY9., Hwpof1 Beed\, tlon for Cf*'Ot ot name lhould not MAim 8TAW

~ot~!':° t:' ~ = = Or9n09 eo.t o.ity Piiot by MARiL YN JOAN The~ namfl U9ecl by Nl4 ~'~ftTH!R OAOEAU> ~" •-----. ......... ....,.....,,..-.....-._,. doing .,,.,., deecl !bed: May• . ttu p ALMER CARPENTER ln lranefieforl at Mkt toc&tlon It: ...... copy Of""'~ 10 thow '**.,. P9CT1TIOUI .... •• w .. 1~ Chrlallan Mlnl1tr ....

'MUSTOA: LUIS A. ALCOCER. 2417 .... th~ Su~rior Court o( Or- TRIGUE'' ~In the Deity l'tlot • • ~ ..... STAW 30t32 P.-m.tto Place. L.agune an~ men and LETICIA o. • .. .,. '"'-··- t v ~ • .-1 .... t'--t Tl\4at Mid bUllt trW\lf9t It in.. paper ot generet olfQlletlofl pnn'9d The~ _...,.doing ._,.., Callfornla t2t'IT • AAMl"!Z. en UfVNfl1ed worn#\ - .. - '-'UUll ~ ·-,--,. ,.. tended to.,. ~ted at the lnOrangeCountt.Cellfomla.oncea ~ • ~ lAlah Walling, 21931 I. Bf.NEFICl~AY; MOJ\TClAGE , ___ NIJC ___ ..,_TIC£ ____ M A R 1 LY N J 0 A N ofrtc• ot: WESTERN MUTUAt. we.a fOr four ~ --. ,...., VACHT CHARTEM.' 2751 Almtlur9t Or., "!.I Toro, ~

LCM:N8 AMERICA. a COf'P«etion NOTICE°'~ HRAMeO PALMER CARPENTER be ESCROW CORP .• 324 Old~ ptlot lo IM dat• ... for hewing on ~Hwy .. NRpoft 9Mcf\, 129Mhny A•" McP•ak, 30832 or..,ilzed and •lClaelnO under the a.. A~ ZONE~ appoil\ted as ~l"'IOnal rep- BIYd . Newpott, County of tN.petttton. S1'ICIMn 1

..... Of ClllWomla NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tNt ·-u· ·- -..>-•-·-·- th Otano-. Callfomla 929$3 on or after Delee!. Aprll 11, 19U ,..___... M~ ..!.!!!"' ,."1.· PMMl\Q Ptaot. IAguna Nlvuet. Aecorct.t DacemW 8, 1982 • reRn .. W o.u mu.nwuaocr ~ Mrt 23. 1_.. FRANK DOMENtCHINt, Juctee ot -.-...-one, • ._.._. _..,, .-. ~ t2t3t INtNment No. 82-<630138, ot Of. 1119 °'7iCounty Boardof~· Htate of CHESTER R . TtienameanchddN•oftheper· theSuoeri«Coun IHeS Kr/Mt1McPMk, '°"2Palmet1o "°'9 Aacorde In "'- Offloa ot the mor• hold • public heer1ng 0 PALMER, aka CHESTER eon wetti wt1orn delfne m1t a. tMec:1 ITIVfN A. 11WJCM ~ 9 • wieet. "11~ w. Piece, l...,na H9*· Callfornlia Aecol'Oet °'Orange County; Mid ~ ::C.~t: ~911)'.c: PALM'.ER , aka CHET .. WESTERN MUTUAL ESCAOW moc.....-DtM oc.antl'onc, ~ Baactl. CA. 92177

~ ~ daacttbM the IC)llow.. the Com Meta ar-. PALMER, aka CHESTER ~ 3~~ CA~ 'l':~; ~n:=-- Ca. W '2: R. Mi, 27:S'° eo.t ::.:.~~~by. a ·~land refwred to 1n tNt DateolHMrlnQ: MayHS, 19M ROOSEVELT PALMER ~OW'#'4-71219'dtheia.tday ~Orange CouU>ellVPllot ~~IMcf\. t2tt3 KayannMcPMk

.,_,.anl• II enualed In 11'\e Stat• of Time ot Hearing: 1:30 A.M .. or.. (under the Independent Ad- tor flllng dalmt by any cndlt« thell Af>rll 21. H . Mrt 5, t2. llMM ~ la ed by: • Thll ••....,_,. wM tied wttll "'-c.Mfornla. County ot Orange. City ot eoon th«Mfter .. poal1>6e, .,..; .. ; ....... tion o( ~-ta•- ,. -) be May 22. tlMM, wtllch is the but!- 2214-14 eener'll partftat'INp. ~ a.ii of Orange County on Ooeta w.&. and la cMectlbed u Location: Heiaflne Room, .......... • ~ ~ nu · MU drt b«or• the contUf'IVNltlofl S.M. "*°' "Pf1I 20, 1_. -----------fc*owa: Hall of Administration, 10 CMc: The petition is let for hear- date soecl"9d atxrta. Tiiie atat.nent wM flied wttti the "'41GO

PARCEL 1: An undivided 1111111 c.nter Plaza (Comer of&~ Inn in Dept. No. 3 at 700 So,., .. "known 10 aMt In· "8JC ll)JlC( County a.ii of Orange County on Publlahld Orange CoMt Delly ----------lnt...e In and to Loi 1 of TrtlCI and Santa Ana Blvd.). Santa Ana. C~ Ce Dr W tended Tr.,......1) MM1 Intended A.'*1124, 11MM Piiot Aprll 28, May !I, 12, 19, 1114 '1Cnnout lllll ... 11228, u per map r900rded In Calltoml&. . I c nter . , est, Trllllller0f1t) uMd ttM lollowlng .0- IUfleW COURT OF P1iM11'1 22116-14 MAim ITATV MT Bo<* 4M, Pagaa 45 and 48 In the Propoaal: C"-tlge ol Zone C- Sant.a Ana, CA 92701 on May dltlonel bu91Mas namaa and lld· C .... OMU COUWT'Y Publltlled Orange Coelt Deity ni. fo1oW1f19 S*90f\ le ~ office of the County R.a«der of :~ ~~~:"~~.: 30, 1984 at 9:30 A .M . d,..... within the thf .. YM"9' tut In the Matt: ~ieaUon of P110t May 5• 12• 19• 21. 19U PmlJC 11)11C( bu11neM • :

-:X~r7No THEREFROM Unite R1 "Single Famlly R"'denoe" DI• IF .YOU 0~ to the ~t:~ll 18• 198-4 KATHY EHALICH, Petitioner. for 2S80-l4 ACTmOUI ....... ~HAL=ER~~ l through t8 u enown on the Con- *·~o~,:. (2400) "Group DMll- granting of the petition. you Rk:tlard Wlnttantey Change of Ham. Pt8JC NOTICE NAm aTAftmMT 92983 to, • Oomlnlum ,,...,., recorded In Book COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALI· should either appear at the Karen Wlnttanley OM>9R~O ~CAUN The following ~~ .,. doing M«9llall T. Ofomer. t1 14199, P• 11MM and r•recorded FORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALi- hearing and st.ate you objec· Intended Tran•f--<•> (CCf' \1277) . '1Cnnou8 ....... bullnaaa M : • lo. H4Jwport lleach. CA. 92113 In Book 14288. P• 874. Ottlcial TY ACT· lions or fUe written objec- WllftftN MUTUAL llC:ftOW WHEREAS. KAT'HY EHRLICH, N.AmaTAnm.MT Sai.Quwd lnv ..•, 11 13 T'tlllbullneaale~by:• Recorde. It wa1 determined tllal the · "th th be( CORP. ~Ilion«, hU flied a P9(1tloner with The lollOwlng pereon le doing Beiler St,_, •E. Cotta Meea. Ca. lndMdual.

ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM propoMd project wlll not II•~ • lions Wl . e court ore * Old ~ ...... the dwk of thil court '°' • elect.. ~ .. ; 92e241· ( M.,..,.. Cfomet ell thoM ••CluslYe euemente fOf eignlflcantlldv.,..etfectontheen· the heanng. Y()Ur appear· Newpott..._,CA..-a changing Petltloner' a nWM trom SONN ASSOCIATES, 420.B ~~-Inc .. 1113 Thlaat.a'*'*"-.Nedwttlltf\ ~p.: = r~: vtronmenl and therefore Heg8ttve ance m.y ~ in person or by p·~~ J>'a.ange Cout Dally KA T~Y - EHRUct4 to KA THAYN NatCWUS. Corona d.i Mar, CA. e.k• E. Cotta ....... Ca. 9H2t ~.~of Orange County 0

to. Oeclaratlons #IS 84-008 and IP your attorney. t "'97 • 242044 ELIZABETH EHRLICH; 12,~!.tt) St9V91\ Sonnenb«g. Thie~ le conducted by:. ...... ,...

PARCEL 2: Unit C-2 u tlhown on M-031 was granted. £F YOU ARE A CREDI- IT IS ORDERED thet al pwaona 420-B N--"--·· , "--ona ..._. M••, corporation. .... . ~ "'-:'r. COMC Dal I.._ "-•-•-L. All~ either favoring or op- • ----------- lnt.,..led In the •bove matter ap. _..._. """' - - ~d Propert._, Inc. .....,__, "" ,,. .....,,"""""""m Plan referred to ..,...."" tll11 proposel .,. lnvtted to TOR or a contingent creditor •-.,. MftTJCE ~ In Department 3 of tNs c:ourt, CA. 12t25 I.any E. W*hman, Piiot Apl1I 28, M9y • 12, 19, 1114

I In ~~E~ •:.o-: ;lldust~ .... p;';,;.;.';t -their views befor• the of the deceased, you must f'UUU'- nu located at 100 CMc: c.nter Drive. Thie~ le conductllCI by: en Thie steterMnt wu tMec:1 wlttl the 227CH rMnt for patio pu~ over llial Boeto of SupeMsc>rs. Materiel that file your claim with the NOTtea TO CMDfTORS =•. •Anal IJ 15 ~~. ~ .. ~ ~· Ind~~ Sonnenberg ~'(e~ of Orwige County on •-ti' Mftftl"t

p PGrtJon of the '9etrlcted common you wish to be bfougllt to the Board court or t . t to the OF MAX TilAN9'Ut "' _., .,_,.. Thie etatement wu Iliad wtth the ~ rwaA nu1-. .,.. ..__. ......... 81 p ,. 2 on 1.._ of Supervleon' enentlon 11 ~

1 Pte9ell 1 per- (..._ t101'4107 U.C.C.) after .. the matt• ruy be .....,d, "-·-tu,.._._ ... ,... __ "-~tu on ................... "":r, ,.___. ~ 1------------B abowi '7'"..;;;; 10 ~ lleerlng muet be ftled with the ca.ti aona representative ap- Notice ta hereby gi.,,.,.. to credl· and eflow c:auM, If eny, wtiy lhe ........... , .,._ .. "' ..,._..,... ............ , ,........,,_ "' .,.,_, _, AC'"10UI w•

ft Plan. of Ille Boerd 24 ~or more prior pointed by the court within tOta of the within nernecl tr.,,. P9tltlon lor ctl8flQe of neme ~ April 25• 1984 ~ ~ Piiot A.Pf112I, May • 12· 19• 1984 NAm ITACT MT - Ass Es s 0 R . s p A R c E L to the 9CheckJled heer1ng; six~ four months from the date o( ferOl{I) thet • bulk transfer II about "°'1TbelS gtantATedHEA. OADE.RED , ... ...,, • Pu~ Or- eo.t ~ 2279-6C The folowlng per90M .. dotr1 a• NUMBER.:"'"'" ,.7 ,.,.7 are required. first . .6 I to be mede on pereonal prQC>Wty FU ,,., -....- .,..,, bullr'9aa •

· _......, ""' FOf turthef Information, pereons muance 01 ett.ers u hereinetter deecrtbed. eopy of this order to lhow ~.,. Piiot Mr/ 5. l2. l9, 28, 1984 PmlJC NOTIC( FALAFEL HOUSE. 73eO Cen'4 ~'~= ofendlhe

0= lnvrted 10 c.n Mldll Herrls In the provided in Section 700 of The MIMI encs bullMte eel · pu~ In the Dally Pilot,•,..._ 239&-14 Avenue, Huntington Beadl. CJ property ll•r•ln deacrlb•d 1, Site P1ennlng Section at (714) the Probate Code o( Cali- dr- of the Intended tr.,..,.,ore paper general c:trC\Mtlofl l)Ml9d 1----------- '1Cnnout WM 92&47 .,.,,_.__. ........ 350 • 834-2070 or COtM Into the omc. f · The . . are: Either Teentnttty, 9977 Gar· In C>rano-County. Callfomla. one.• •-.,. Mn~ MAim eTAW U.. SlndeM. 123M E. Drodor ,.......,.._, 10 ....: .. voc:edo locattld at 12 Civic Center Plu.a. orrua. time for filing Ii.Id Ave .. Fountain Valley, CA we.a tor lour •cc111tve wellk• ---'"----""-'------ The fotlowlnel persona.,. doing Ptec:e. c.mtoe. CA. 90701 ~=· •C-2• Coeta Mee&. Call- Room G 19. Santa Ana. Celllomla claims will not expire prior 92708 prior to the date Mt for ""'iftO on ACTmOUa .,..... bu9llleaa-. Sltnlta Slndaha. 12318 E. Dro1

The ~ TrustM ~ 92702 PteaM refflf to zc No. 84-5 io four months from the date The location In Celilornla of the tne petfOon ~ STAW Boa 0 ' Boogers, t807 w. Bay torct PIAlce. c.nttos. CA. 90701 .... ..._, ....... u ...... 1.., for any i~~- Alt.,nete of •'-e heArina noti-..a a"-- Chief executive Oftloe or pMdpal Dated: April 18. llMM The loltowlng '**"" le doing Ave, Apt . A, Newport &Mdl, Ca. Lila SlncWMa • ..._. .. -·

1-..,. ' ' ·~·-·· BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF ui ---e u:u uvv~. bualMSS ottlce of the Intended FRANK OOMENICHINI. J~ of t>u.inaaa u: 92983 TNs ~ ... Ned "4ttt th

neeeoftheetreetaddrMlandothw SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE YOU MAY EXAMINE traneferorla· seme. theSue>ertorCourt AMERICAN COLORSCAPES.,... RogarB. Btyvi, 1807W. SayAve, County~of<>rangeCountyo common dMSgnatlon .. herein<»- COUNTY. CALIFORNJA the file kept by the court. u All other buslneu ne~ and ad· •l'WVtN/4. •HMJCH 31632-A Cout Hwy., s. ~. Apt. A.. Newport Beadl. Ca. '2ee3 April 18, 11MM !°"~ben.ticlery undef Mid Deed (S~t•,: April 31·1~~4 0 . ROBERTS you are interested ln the es- dretw uMd by the Intended Iran• ~~~... CA. t2en Dorl Btyan, NfM .. abow. ,.... of Trull, by reuon °1 • t>reacn or CleOc of the Boerd of t.ate, you may 1erve upon the =~ p:!~~ '7~ee ~m!,'' t~~ (1 .._ ~~f~~ s. =cl iS:.'t.," inJi:u.,~ .. condueted by: an Pl:;:~ •. ~;r. 1~ 1= =~.'"~':to~·!~.~~~ - Supervtaore ot Orange executor or ad.mlniatrator. o r 1nt4'n<led tranateree ar•: Valley of Puprlbllehed Orange Cout D~ly Piiot This buslneal 11conductedby:1n Roger a. Bty_... 2271-t deflvertld 10 the un<tereigned •writ· County. California upon the attorney for the ex- Rowere. 11211 &OOkhvret. Fouo- A t 21 , 28. May 5. 12. 111- lndMduel. Thll atatament WM ni.d with the ten Oeclarallon 01 Oefaun and o.. PubllShed Orange Coast Dally Piiot ecuior or administrator and taln Valley, CA. 92708 2215-84 Stefan v. Gencarz County a.ii of Orange County on mand for Sala. and written notice of May 5, 198-4 fil ' th •'-- • .th The narne(1) and busiMU ad- Thie etatement waa tiled With t"4t ,.,,,,... 20, 1984

237~ e W1 uu: court WI dr ... of the Intended tran1ferM(1) ty Clertt of Orange County on e'~~0-.:.':c;c;,,:;~ proof of service, a written are: Kuutlu International, Inc .. 890 125, 1~ -........ ...

PIM10I Publlahld Orange Cout Dall)

PllOt Apr1I 28. May S. 12, 19, tle4 1&11sty Mid obllgattone. and tiler• •-.,. Mt\TJC[ request stating that you de- S. B4MMlh Blvd .. • 212. Anaheim. CA. P(BJC NOTIC[ .. _,. aft J'~ nu ......1

61 928()4 Pub119hed Orano- Coul o.l1y

not~heot ~~ cauMC11 ..._.._Mid sire •~ notice of the fil · Thal 111e proPerfY pw11n.n1 her• ACTI110Ua eu..... hot May 5. 12. 19, 2e. tlMM .... ..,._,, ,,..., o _, ..... ,to K·1t221 ina o( an in.,....•~ry and an- .. a._ aTAT'lmlfT

be: Recorded December 28, 1983 NoUce of .... of --e ...... .., ,. to Is descnbed In gen«.i u Florllt - 239344 u lnatrument Ntl 83-585858, of Of. ,._. PrOl*1Y et prai.sement of estate asaets o r and located at 8977 Garlleld A'I· The following '**'"' .,. doing f1e1e1 Record• In 1119 office of the Pmr..e a"'9 of the petitions or .. , .. ,., .... ,e enue. Fountain Valley, CA 92708. butlMaa aa:

~..,_.,.., T"'- o. .-i..-· ft·- u...,. by ·-•• VILLAGE GREE~MERCtAL Recorder of Orano- County No. A-121653 mentioned t.n Section 1200 ... .,...,,_ ·-·- -.. ....., PWlJC N011C[

Said aete Wiii be ~. but In Ille Superi« Court of the Stat• and 1200 ,.. f th Calif transferore at uid location IL Foun· DEVELOPMENT. l Oo¥9 Street. ---------------without covenant or werrenty. O · of C&lllornl&. fOf the County ot Or· .~ o e orrua taln Valley Florist. Suite 300. Newport 8-ett. Cellf. ACT1TIOU9 ~M preee or Implied, regarding tltle, ange Probate~. That said bulll tranefer It In· 92~- W M ... - . 28181 .... _ MAm 8TAW l>09Ml9'on, or encumbrancae. to In tile Matter of the Estate of SPEERS DANA TEAL & ,.,,ded 10 be con1Ummated '' 1ne ,.....,._ .. _,_ _. The followlng S*'90fl 11 doing ,.... the remeinlnn ........... ....., -- _, suERRY LEE ZJEGcaT "'------" office of- Norns & AMOCiat.M Inc. bell Dnv•. LAlguna N9*. Cellf . ... _.__. -.,.., . .. "'".......- _ .. "' ., '"''" · .,..__,, BALFOUR • 4570 Campus Drive. Sult• 9. ,......,. mn ----· the note MCUfed by Mid Deed of Notice la hereby g!Yan that the •tc. T ,,_ Stewn G M ... -...., 57 10 Horttl OPTIMUM CARPET ORY CLEAK-Trust, with lnterM1 u In Mid note un~ w111 Mii at Prtvate Ule, • .. 0"11 ~acer Drive, 11 tit port County 01 Orange. Cal~ 25111 Piece. ~i'." Arizona

85009 ING, e 102 ~d. Huntington

prOYlded, ectvancae. If any, under to the~ end t>Mt bidder, eub- Floor fornl• 92860 on or after June t , Th .. buelnaae 11 conducted by: a &Mdl. CA. 92647 the tenne of Mid Deed of Trvtt. )«:t to confirm•. tlon of Mid Superior Cotta M•••, CA. ttt•t 1™ limit--' ............... Ip ~ MlchMI Bell, 905 Welnut ,... ctler and .......... ,,.._,_ _,. 5 d '"- " This bulll transfer Is subtect to _, ,,_,,..,.,, 15 ..... _ • ....., ...___.. CA. 92141

· OM •xpen- "' ,,.. .....,.... " on or .. ,., the 1 111 ey 541-SIOO Callfornla Uniform Commerclal Andr- W. Mlliayto " · ........ ~..,.on ,._,.,, TnntM and the truat• oreeted by Mey 1984, 11 the offlc• of Pub"- '-ed ('\....,..,.ft Coas ,,..__._~~ion 6 1~ Th .. statement.,,.. flied wl1tt 11118 nu bUllneM le conducted by: an Mid Deed of Trvlt ANDERSON & BAUMAN. 1805 E wan ...,.-.uge t VVU9 .,,.,..., .,., lndl'ltduel

Said aete will be held on Friday, Fourth StrMI. Santa Ane. County of Daily Pilot May 5, 6, 12. 198-4 The nameano aodrea of the per. County Clertl of Orange County on Joaapi.Mlctlael a... Mey 11 , 1~ et 9:15 AM at the Orange. Sme of Callfomla 92101 , 2418. 8-4 '°"with whom ctalme may.,. flied Apr 11· 198-4 This etatement WM flied "4ttt the front entranoe lo the Old Orange Tel: (714) 953-6555. all rtglll . Utle ti Norris & Aesoc1ai ... Inc., 4570 Publlehed Oranci- Co.~ County Clerk of Orwige County on County CourtllOUM, located on and lotfrelt of ukl d«iNMd at the 1----------- Campus Drive. Suite 9. Newport Piiot Arvfl 21. 28. MP" S, 12• ; Man:tl 15, 1984 __ _ Senta Ana Blvd . betwun time of d4Hltll and all the rtglll, tit.. rtaJC NOTICE Beach. CA. 92660 and the lut day ... -, r--Sycemore Street and Broedway, and inter .. 1 that the-ate of Mid 1----------- tor filing claims by any crednor lhaH 2l49-34 Publlehed Orange Cout o.lly


fltCTmou9.,.._U ~STAW

The folowlng pweone .... doing bualnaae•.

ARS ENTERPRISES. 25182 Char1lnda Of lJnlt C-34, Mllalon Ca.

Frank P . Meuana, 25112 cn.rtnda Dr.. Mlsalon Ca. 92te1

Thie buelnaaa le conduc1ed by. .,, lndtvlduaf.

FrriP.~ This ... ,~ ....... wtttl "'­

County Clark of Orenoe County on April 20. llMM ,....,.

Pul>llthed Orange Cout Delly PllOt ,.,,,,... 28, May !I, 12, 19, ,_.


PIC'"10UI ....... NAm aTATlmln

The fOll<Mlng per'SON .. doln bu91neaaaa:

C & C DEVELOPERS. 1822e ~ McOunnott . Sult• 0 , lrVIM, C4 Senta Ana, Callfomle. O.C.ued llu acqull'._ by oper- MN-8lt37 be May 3l, l984 •I 5:00 PM, wttlc:h ----------- Piiot Aprll 14, 21. 28. May 5, '*

Al the time ol the Initial publl- •lion of law or olllerwlM other than NOTICE OF DEATH OF Is the business Osy before the con- Plll.IC NOTIC( 2090-8.4 • 92714 . tlon of thl Ice he al di I 1 d eummetlon data specified above ~nt 01111e ~npr:~ bata:ic. o~~:i. ~~at',;: ,:~';'d!.t~~:; RICHARD ff. GEORGE Dated: April 26, 198-4 Mt.JC NOTIC( obllgatlon sewred by the 1bove <»- to 1111 the certain real. property ettu- AND OF PETITION TO AD· Kuuku lnteme11ona1, Inc .crlbed of trvll and •llmated •ted In the City of Seal Beactt. MINISTER EST ATE NO. By: Pulln Slleh, P~esident cott1, ••'*"'"· and ad~ 11 ~ty of Orange, ~tate of Cell- A-l••t?• Intend.a Traneleree(•) ·

FICTITIO<la 9U8INlll NA• ITAru.MT __ .,. Mftftl'<r

The tollowlng pereone are doing 1---~-__ nu_i ~----bullneu u · '1CTI110U8 llUIMIM


W ,207 22 fornla. part1cularly de9cnl>ad u fol· "" Nofne I A...cte ... , lne. Dattld: April 12. 198-4 10'#9, to-wtt: To all heirs, beneficiaries. 4570 c....- o.t... luit.'

(e)BALLY YACHT CLU B ,.._ITATamNT (b)BALLY SAILING ACADEMY Tiie followlng P9'90M are doing

The lollowlng S*'90M .... doing bullMaaaa:

ML.A FINANCIAL co . u uld Lot 7, In Block 207 of Stanton end rediwrs and continge nt Newpon llMcti, CA. talO

l~~ .. TRUST DEED SERVICES, ~~~lll;~~~::::~tty~ editors o f RICHARD HO. P1:r:~ t~f'09 Cout Dally

(c)8ALLY YACHT SALES, 3101 W. buMlleu u : Plldflc: Cout Hwy .. Newport BMdl, EAGLE PASS ASSOCIATES.

w-.m Gr9Pt1tc lnstallellons. 185t2 Bladcbeard LaM. # 104, ~tlngton BMctl. Ca. 926'9

INC u Aoent tor tne Trull• M8') recorded In Book 3. page 29, of IDRGE and peraons who 2416-8-4 3685 Mt Dlablo Blvd .. Suite 361 f.411<*1aneou• Map•. in the oftloe or y be o therwise Interested

Calif. 92883 2943 South Pullman StrMC Santa Baity Yacht & Charter Clube Int•- Ana. C&llf. 92705 '

natlonel. Inc. Celttomla, 1939 0.... Cambrldoe Capital Group c.t-KJm H. Megr-. 18512 INedl·

~ard Lane "10•. Huntington BMctl, Ca. 92&49 Lafayette, CallfOfnte 945411 ~he Orange County Recorder . in the will and/or estate:

(415) 28-4-4644 more commonly known u : 307 A . . h ..___ filed A~. Irvine. Cellt 12714 fomla. ~South Pullman Street.

Tiile buelneet le conduc1ed by: a Santa Ana, c.llf. 92706 Thia buelnaae le conducted by: en lndMdual. By CLAIRE M DUBE. ASSIS. 8th Street. s..i BMctt. CAlifoml&. peuuon as ~n

TANT VICE PRESIDENT Terme of .... cuh In lawful y THEDA E. BOREN in t h e STAT£MINTOF

UANDOHMIMT OF UN Of FICTTTtOUa 9USMH NAME The followlng pereons have aben·

cor~!.">°M H ..._. • ...__...__ Thia bullneaa le oonctuc:ted by. e Kim Maeraw Pubflltled Or9n09 Cout Oelly money of the un11ec1 Sta1ee on con- uperlor Court o f Orange

Piiot Aprll 21 . 28. Mey 5, 198.4 ftnnaUon ol Nie, or pert caSh and o unty r e questing that

............ • .. --.. . .... _ .. llmlted pertner-ahlp T11t1 11a1ernen1 wu filed with the St.wn L Edwwd9. &.ecutlWI

County Clertt of Orange County on vioe Pr-'dent Thia .....,,.,,t ... "*' wftti the

County ca.ti of Orwige County on April 20. ttu 2208-84 belence evidenced by note MCIKed

by or Trust Dee<! on the~· ·~~A E. BOREN be ap-doned Ille UM of the FJctntoue au. MU Neme PACIFIC SANDS, 1760 Monrovt• C-2. Colt• Mesa. CA 92627

Apr 11, 19M Thie etatement WM fled with the ,....,..


DONALD G LANE passed away on the morning of May 4,1984 a l Eisenhowe r M e m o ri al H os pital i n Rancho Mirage, California. H e is survived by his brother, John J Lane o f Laguna Beac h and his close friend, Linda B rawn o f Rancho M irage Pnvate ser­vices to be held m Newport Beach o n May 19, 1984

HAA•OA LAWN-MT Oll'n Monuary • Cemetery

Crematory 1625 G1s1er A"e

Cos1a M esa ~Cl SSC.4


MORTUARY 11 0 B•oaa .... d~ Costa Mt-<, d

6• ;> 11 •<,Q

BAl TZ 8E'1 Ct 1'10 h 5 MtT H & TUTHILL

WE ST CLI H ' CHAPEL J '-..,, , ,

• t ~,., t


PA CIFIC VIE W MEMORIAi PARK • • .,,,...,. . k• ·t.

t ril... • ' .... t'T • •

p I( I f J •" ·,. ,_, .... , . t : 1


McCORMICK MORTUAlll 'f I '9~ l <)Q 1'8 ( •r r C " Q13

l • ou,,a Rf' l · ,. r • ..... 1~ ~ 1 • QI •• 4

Pfoper1y eo SOid Ten per cent of int.ed as personal rep-emount blO to be depc)llted with ntative to administer the

Publletled Or Cou1 ~ County ca.ti of Orange County on ange Apr. 11 , 1914 PllOI Aprll 21. 28, Mey 5, 12, 19U nam

Publlehed ~ Cout a.My Plot Aprll 21. May~. 12, ti, llMM

2283-&4 bid BIO• or 10 be In wntlng and tate o f RICHARD H .

wtll be received 11 the atoraaeld of· IDRGE (und er the lnde·

Ann M. Weiss. 778 Scoll • « , Costa Mesa. CA. 92627

2156-84 Publllhed Orange Coat Deity

----------- Piiot April 21, 28, May 5, t2. 1N4 -----------flee at any time atter the nrat pubfl- ndent Ad.mlrustrallo n of

The Fk:tltlous 8utlneu Name re­ferred 10 above was filed In Orange County on September 21, 1982

Thi• bullness _. .. conducted by a ln<Slvlduel.

NlJC NOTICf 2154-M Ml.IC NOTICE cation hereof and before date ot Act). The petition is

~ated 11111 27th day of April, 198"4. t for hearing In Dept. N o . 3 'ICTITIOUI eu ... M NA• ITATDllNT PWlJC N011C[

JACK 0 BAUMAN l 700 Civic Center Dr .. Alt~•) tor HECTOR & ~NOA est Santa C A 92701

Ann M Weise The followlng persone ate doing

00~':'.:s9sOclAT~. 881 W. 18th ~A~ CHACAMATY ' ' HECTOR CHACAMATY n May 23. 1984 at 9:30 A .M .

Thi• 1t11emem was flied w1111 the County Clerk of Orange County on Aprll 3. 198-4 Street , Colta MM&. C&llf. 92827 Tti. fOllOWlng pereon le doing

WANDA CHACAMATY IF YOU OBJD:T to the flllt97940 Publlllled Orange Co .. f Dally

Piiot April 14, 21, 28, Mey 5, 1984 2022-1•

Robert Miiton Blactcbum. 152 bultMea .. Joann SlrM1, Coeta M.... Ceflt. HALF DOME HEAL Tl1 FOODS

~d='=' tlle Eetet• h ~tind g .ohf the petition, ytho u Publllhed Ora,. Cout Dally Piiot 0 . eat e r appear al . e

92J~n Wllllam Verley, 158 Joenn ~ ;:~ Aw .• eo.ta .._.; StrMI, Cotta MM&. Calif. 92t27 .John Willa'n 711 8ou111 Mey 5. 6. 12. 1™ eanng and state you obJ'C·

'o ns or Cile written objec­·on.s with the court before

Thia buelneu Is conducttld by: a Maxine St., Santa Ana. 'eat1t.


U~OfUNOF ACTmOU8 .uaeNIU ,.._ The lollowlng P«SOna haW aben­

doned 1"9 uee of the Flctltloul Bull· ,_ Heme; SUMM IT RIDGE. 185 t Eut Fourth Street. Santa Ane, CA 92701

w .. t~ Horn., 1851 Eu1 Fourth Street. Santa Ane. CA. 92701

Bramalea Llmtted, l 15i Oo¥9 St., Newport BMell, CA 926e0

The Flctltloul Butlneea Heme r• ferred to 1t>ove wu flied In Orange County on Nowmb« 9. 1981

FILE NO. F· 175259 Thie ooelMN wu ~ndueted by a

general pertnerllllp WEA YHERFIELO HOMES.

ll'al Partner By: Glen H. Breng .. Th .. etalemerit WU flied wllll lhe

County Ci.,k of Orange County on May 1. 1984 PAUl. C. HIGHR81 0000, WLOllAM. HEO.U I W.U.Y IOOO CMtpwe 09"'9 Newport hed\, CA. talO

Publllhed Orange Cout P1101 May 5. 12. 11. 2e, ttu


'1CTTnoua.,..... NAmlTA~

The lof!Owlng 1*10N ate doing bu..,,... ...

International Whol9Mi. MarUI· Ing 525 Victoria St #95. Coeta ,....., Ca 92127

Jayne Rowe, 525 Vk:1orla SI •95. Colt• Meta, Ca 1212 7

Tiils bul"-1 .. conduc:ted by .,, lndMclu.i

PlllllC NOTICE h e hearing. Your appear- FlCTTTIOUI M.lalNIH

be NAIE aTATE•NT may In penion or by The lollowlng person• are doing

our attorney buslnelll u : IF YOU ARE A CREDI- RITCKEY PLAZA SOUTH. 1570 R ora contingent creditor BrO<*llollow.Drive.Sutte.200. Santa

f the deceased. you must Ana. CA 92705 LM W Ptlelps, 9778 er.Mew

ile your claim with the Circle. Vina Parle CA 92887

general partnership Thie bulkie. 11 oonduct*' by. an Roberl M. INedlbum • lndMdual Thia 1t1temenl wu flied wltll the JoM W. Garr'lltt ,

County Clertc of Orange County on Thie etat..,_.t ... fled wttf\ t"4t Apr I 1, 1994 County Claft( of Orwige County on

Publlehed Or Cout ~ Apt, 11• fN4 l'Mll9 Piiot Aprll 2 t, 2:.t:ay 5, 12, 11MM Publl9hecf Orwige eo.t Da1ty

2153-84 Piiot Apr1I 21, 28, Miiiy 5. 12, 1114 2151 ....

NlJC NOTICE urtorpre.entlttotheper· Denn i s K . S enft . 1570 onal representative ap· Brool!llollow. Sent• Ana. CA 92705 FlCTTTtOUa .., .....

Tiiie butlnea ts cond\icted by 1 inted by the court within general part'*"91\lp ~ ITATW

our months from the date of o.nn11 K Sentt The 10llowtno .,. doing MAm STATWT . t 1- f I te Thll 1t1t.,,,.,,t •a tiled l!Wltll the buelll9Se ea The~ S*'ION.,. doing IJ"S .... u.ance 0 et rs as DIVERSIFIED INVESTOAS FVHD bualf'9lra u: The f°'°'*'D l*'tOM .,.. doing rovided In Secuon 700 o f =~5~=. 01

Ortn04t County on XXll. 18952 MacAt111ut lllYd .. ~ BEOUNEAS LIMrT!O. 1eoa ,_.. ~ a.: he Probate Code o f Cali- ,t.Ml12 400. Irvine, Cellfornla 92715 ~ Cir~ Huntington 9Mcf\, THI COOKEM' AND PtE 8"0P, omia. The time for filina HUWOOO a ADKIHaoN 04Wf91"9d ~ore Fund. Inc • Cem. 92648 13110 Y ... A~ lldf. G. lrttne,

--o MO Newpott c.nw ~ lte IOO C.lffornle corp .. ftt52 MecArthut Berry James Jottnlton, ail> 1. Olltffotnle !aims will not expire prior ,. 0 llo 907 ~ · BIYd . Sull9 400. ~. Ctlllfomle 20th St. Eni.rprlllflg AeulMlng Maocfiat•

four months from the date ~ ~ CA . ..a 927 t5 12. Cott• Malla. ca.If. t2t21 Ho. ""'9, lfte., a CeMfomla oorpor-f the hearing n o ticed above. (?14) ...,.,,,, This~ Is conouatect b'f: • Victor T. Voaa, a.40 ~20th It. tltton, -40 Aedwood T,.., !Mna. C..

YOU MA y EXAMlNE Pubn.hed Orange Cout Delly corporation. 82. Coeta Malla. calf. 92121 Thie ~ la conduCt*9 by: • Piiot May 5. 12. 19, 26. 1984 Olveralfled Proe>art*, lfte. Thia~ la COl'lducted by: a OOl'JIOf•tlOn

h e file kepl by the court. If 239&-14 catot. Hardina V.P. oenwai PlttlWINP Ent.,-prlllng Aet~ o u ~nterest.ed ln the es· Tiii• •••t*Mnt wM flied wttti the Barry Jamaa Johnllon "91oQat• No. FM. Inc.

th'- County ca.ti of Orwige COunty on "'* .uMmant ... Ned wt1t1 the ~ Jf11 Cola te, y may aerve upon e P\8.IC ll)llCE Mardi 21. 19'.C County CMrti Of °'9noa Qounty on Thia etaterl••nt ... Mad .ttf\ the

xecutor or adminiatratoc, or FM.- IMM County °*" of °'1 Coun pon the attorney fo r the ex- '1CTI110UI w.-H Pu~ e>rane-~ 09ly Apf.


1 ,_ ~ft. 1914 wige 'Y on

\or or admin.iat.ntor, and M~TATDmN'T Piiot Apttl 21, 28. tMy 6, 12. 1"4 PublleNd Orwige ~ Dally ,...,, lie Wlth the court with ... ~~lowltlll.. 1 ~·.,.. doing 2200-84 Plot Apr11 21, 28. Mft1 S, 12, 1984 ~ 0...- Co.I

....... _ 21&1-14 Plot Apfll H . May l . t2. 11. 1114 roof of service. a written RITCH!Y PLAZA NORTH. l "8JC NOTICE 2211 ....

uest SUIUJll that you de- Brool!holow Drlw. Santa Ana. CA - .... ~.___of ... _ ( 11 92705 l'tC1TTtOU8 ....... ·~.,.... ~ uwr a-- S~K o.ntrler, H 0..wood NAm ITAW o f an Inventory and ap- bit. INN. CA 92714

ratSement o f estatt ~ta« Bradlord H. M!ll• r. 31962 TM '°"°"""9 '**"" 'II ctolnQ ...,... aTAmR fT Mnnoue ..,... .. · f the petJUona or aooounta :re::o Way Trabuco Canyon, CA ~ :'OAEIGN CONV!RSIOH, ~ ~ S*90ft .. doing The : ST~~

ntioned in Section 1200 Thia~ I• conducted by • 5tn 8olM. au.t. 10I, Hunttngton NATIONWIDE LANOSCAPINO, ~ -1200 tt # h "'·'•f 1 ,_., ......... ...-.... ~. CA 92Mt 4800 Cempue Or • ..._ 13S, .._,. KfAAHIY IY1T!MS1 •c.Mr

,, Oi t <' ~• om a ..-- ..- ., __ ..,., Da vid !dward Salley, 1431 JIOf1 hedl, c:.11f tatee> St. , eo..a ...... CA. 9*7 te Code Stani.y K Temaru •9. Huntington 8-dl, CA. Miohael W. Qanl, 11841 ~ Ml'llier Pe. K .. rney. IN

PRAY, PRICE, WJL· ~~-n:·~~~·= 92&49 V-.YAd., Fort.Jonw.Cellt M032 . Coate ...... CA.12121 lAMS 6 RU EU. Aprfl ~5. tlMM Thia bua1neaa 11 c:onduc:ted t>y. an Tiils ~II oonc:tucted ~an Thll ~ 11 ~ ty."' .. E ""--- 8 d .... ,..,..,, tnc1MOua1 ~J lndlVtdl• .. 5 • ""'~ Iv •• ., MAltWOOO & AC*MaON . 0.'M 8alllly Mlet\MI w CWll JftMtllel t. ~ I 0 ao....,.,. c..... ~ .. ,.., - Thie atat9ment .,.. lllSd wtttt t"9 . nMt etat«Nnt WM fll9d -ml tt14t Thtl .......... .,.. llecl-'"' .,_

County Oletlt of Orange County on I BtaRi CA. toStt ''°· ._ ,_ ~72 c;:,. of Orange County on County ca.ti or Or ... County on Coun7. OR of ar.,.. County on Aprll ti. HIM ,,._. 1~4b3l~:L...1 ~ "'~-~ ~~CA.'*I · ,_.,Apr 11, 198.4 ~ ~ 8, 1114 nattt

Publllhed Orange Co.ti 0.llY U .. """' ~·nit' ~t PubfltMd Ofan;. Cout Deify Pu1>411Nd Or~ Cout ~ Pub4Wled ()qnge CO&lt o.ity ~ Of'"91 CoMt ~ Piiot Aptll 28, May 5. 12 11. lN4 Daily Pilo t May~. 6, 12, 1984 PllOt M•y &. 12. 19, 28 198-4 Piiot N>fll 21. 21 . May 5. 11, 19U Piiot Apr1I 2t, 21, Mar 5, ti,' 1114 Piiot Apt1I ¥l'Y •• 12, " · 1114

1278 84 2• 21 34 2397 .... ' a tM-M 1157.... ..

Th. ~d F. Cfnfol'V Corr pany (CA. Corp.), 18228 't\ McDunnott. Sult• o. 1rvin.. c' 92714

0 . J . ~ Cofflpany, (C' Corp.). eee w. a. • . Sutt• 40! Coeta ~ CA. 92t2t

TNa buaif.aa .. oonctuc:ted by:

~· partnenhlp. Detllel J . ~. CEO Thia stawment ... n1ec1 with ttt

County ca.ti of Orwige County c Aprt 25. 1984 ,...

Publllhed Orange eo.t Dal Piiot May s. 12, 19, 21, 1*


AC11T10U8 .,._ .. NAm ITATDmlfT

The followlng person .. doln bullr'9aa M:

TARTAN DETAIL, 2033 Po CM1eM Pl.. Newport &Mdl, C1 92MO

Aober1 T. McGliha, 2033 Po Cllel8M Pl., ~ &Mdl, Ct 92MO

Thie busineal It conducted by: • lndlvldd.

Aober1 T. McGaha Thie ltatement ... mad wl"' tt1

County Olwtt of Orange County c April 24, 19U

l'aMtl Publllhed Orange eo.t Oat

PllOI Mtly 5, 12, 19, 21, 19" 2392 ...


fltCTmOUa Ill II DI N.Mm8TAW

The 'Ollctwtne S*90f\ .. doln bullMMM:


:'~· D1 HumtnftOn 8-:ltl. Cl

Jtie* fcMeftt Cblll•. 117C o.nlot't Apt. o. Huntineton 9-=t CA.t264t Tllll...._.~~·

ln•e1•pen•1lve• • (In • .,.., ' ... , "'°' """ In pr lc• : r a1aon11>la , :'=o..., .. Ctawflna~7r~ng


• , • , I

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• 5 6 7 8

·D A · I L y

p I L 0 T

c L A s s I F I E D

6 4 2

our.famous _DIMES~A-LINE ___ ..

WAH ......... ~A .,_ - - ..... l...!!l'!llLw 2N T.D. en Mliort ........ W = ~t1181 20~ 1

"1• ::==if".: .liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•

w:a,r.m~ ~.:arr 11111 -=--~:r: ... ~.~.~~!!!:~·! .. !1!.;ar;.~. ~~ De:iilaoft' AMoc ni1 .,.. ...--.. -.. Aere _,._ ..

TA.l! SO" de" Mth fold.. ZENITH 11'' ~TV. 38 INCH =-= ...... oopy meciHnlt .... .. l!iii D• Ing .-. .... ..... ..... ............ tnoteo-121. loxtw'I ti Chromo color, wotk• wood '1tt41 • 0-. ...... ~ ...d 1!00Jht9Wf:WdtG :.=·:~ qP....,,U. ;11•11

lnoh, two llPMd 17.60. or-tM0. 873-4111. ~ Mnc1...,. nm Ito. W..., OOb' bOM ...__.._.__6 ___..c:: ~ '•~ ..... - liflllllil.._.1W,_.,. ~. - nice .-.... ;J 1800 .... llO. Wood - MO =... ,_._ - --- - ~Iii I II .. *" ~, •• ,,, """""'uES •• 17 br •.a ui. *7 u _, ,._**..,,1• • ............. ltion9. ............ • .......... O.I 9wll\, C., • ••--5 for - of ""· Tlt91, """""'" ... . -- - ·- . ,__,, -- ....... .... -- --- .. _...__. ... 7 •101 ........... two .,,, ... 11MI ~ Ooul* bed '40. Otllc anttqUe wood tlMdled hold., 20. Antlq.,. ,.._ -"'· Atlflltt In "' oc . r~. Ilk• ,,.. 144. '25end l 15tolH. Oof· - end ,...,. 1346. drif*lng trierd llO l*'Of\ontr. IAXT'IJltl 1111 f/I ~,,_ ......, Con c r • t • b Io ck a fee ...,.. '20. End ...._ Tl'llr1Y entlqu• braH Multl c:dcnd v.. M '. I tlO ~It, N.I . 1 • ..-+ 9"xl" x18", 12 for It. II. T'Mh bedl S15 end blowtOtCMI end ltont WNt .. lll't deCO weee la& le - --.. 1111 IW lll?Hal Large plumber ator• $20. 8el>v bHllnect Ind S3·112. Antlqu. oalc Whltut ... vwl10. Otd ExP!r~!n!! ' ; •d, '~==.: OM ol Or-..~ bin l20. Chest 4-drewer, atr«*r S14 end 115. mMll 19. U.S. made Vic- ,...., ~ Ind ltlede ttMvy alp, ~. ~ rol, OIL.. wtl be..,_. olllllllcoe••..___. to-t>oyl10. ~73. Kitchen tebte 115. tor wood~ It. V•- 145. Old vw SI. rol ta,w, knoll1._. Of lntlnllM P.C. w. ... .....,....,.brtpl,..

0r.... 135 Md '40. !My of wooden tabtel and Hand ,ouncMd bfW all a. IBM PC .,...... ~ ~ end ... ..... or ...... WASHER, dryM, dish- Orwer S15. Lamps 15 d9eltsll480. Mapteftu- vaH 110. Am• rlcan 714/ '32-1181 . ne9d M .......... ...--... w1.iron1 eecretarlal

............__ ~... end S7. OW. 50t to dent .dtJ't U . Soltd M..-1M c:olecton plaM -•--- ........ and -...:; .._ --·•·-·~or. S 5''---11 ... ..._ ..........._. .. __.......... t· ........ _. 125 W"'I - 11" •··· teem member In .... -boy' • and otrt'• bill• ISO t . ... _. to .... ...... ..... ... , ....,,,_ - ...... . ,. •• ...... o- -. AWrm °' ..... ," .,, .. ,.. .. type '° ..,,..r Vecwm cteaMr frtgerat• S35. 153-1318 Art deco tab'e, 4 chM'I plate 15. White pink to the Controll • rl l.elleatThe,_.811Don ..,.. . ...,... 135. PUltt mower 115. or 953-14e7. 145. FM d.-C b9de ftower9d -.110. &..- Tre .. ur., of • f .. t Ud. Me.1471, ltl IDM. Nnt L~ 5'7 221 Flow« Stt9et eo.ta 1 10450· C&aMle pedal & C1atk co1eetora _. growth eommerdal A..E. Mela. After t2. ' 'f'~ 8.1'0

oot .::. t ~ cars Md W9QOf'9 112- 110. AnttQue wood. nr. _,..op. In Newport Ill ' ••II - lllll!ITllT :::-.::.-:-...... ~ ... ~·d ~=-. 145. Radio nv- country ecreen 145. ~ ..., Beldt. fYP6nla. -ord pro- PUblc acoour-. olllOe. ~tenoed beoutdt¥e ~ .. u ~-- ..... _., wagon. wood, bW end lerr'9 and lhade 135. oeeelnO & per.o..191 116- c.i e•e 1112-. M . ..,...... tor m J - •

CLEAN working 12 toot OM pair Roeeianol Ilda aldee 145. Chalnctrlv. Bra .. hurricane temp mln9trattonwtttt~ pubtieher. Muet ..-.....,. Frldgldalre ISO. EJlceMent $25. Don. &45-6014. coast• brel<• lldewelk 135. 1851 pr~ bOOk lng/tr....-y 91tp9tleuoe Ill • • good attorthaltd a.._,. :ooc:r':t:C:=r ~ BEACHCr\Mw$30. Bak• bll(•l12. 2atoryellwood S5. 1813Trewl9 book15. a p1ue ~rowth .......,,,. I ,rt ..... , eklle. A~---· Video Tronto compact ride $25. Patio furniture Vlct0t1M dolll'louM I fl. 1NO IMbte S5. 1887 Map gr-.t .ilVtr ~ good .-ry Md ....,. IMne. Cel 752..,.74 promotion sound and ISO. Book cue 17. StOl/9 Wood hoba:¥o horM II. 38 book SS. Otd 'dltlboerd to: PO Bqx 7070, New- f>en.flt1. tftv .. t men t ~ t:::ur.

-~- I SO. 17 $50. Cook top ISO. 2850 Inch Holly bby kltotlen 15. Wood btw:I boet'd • port aeiac:ti 82168 company toceled In.._. . FIT TAAVl.L AGINT . .... .,. Ot\loe Ro4MS , Colt M9ea. cabinet and etove '9. 15. Old wooc1· ro11ng pin · port a.di. lend ,..._ wtltf QOmPUMr ....._

colof , works '25. ' • Many phalta Md atoole S16. Old wooden apoona •• Ml to Matwlt, 180 f11 mpott IDr toc:alt llllf-=r• WeetlnghouM rMI to-1M1 Meft'S Wld womM8 10. from ~ wa S4-$50. S5 eedl. Yelow candV Full Ume/pst tlnle. ~ C.. Dr, 8te, 2-00, ...... IMd ,...,. to P.O, lom tap. rcorder 125. Oat· epead blk• 145 eedl. Matched . ••t thirt y' • dleh $2. ar- old urn 30 wPft'I reqult9d. CaM port~ c.11. tltlO 2184, N .. 8 . l2Mt

~~J •. •~r ~~ ~ ~":'!r~ 'ror::. ~"-;'·'"~; ~~~P•tAn~~~~:,.••;~~~ . 1-0.t40 EOE llDI/~~ ~~= ~ p1«1e copper kttotlen eet typewriter 1.15. CNw Ndu .. ISO. Oek ,......._ WOOd c:wwc1 owt W9I I Ml •I• IMmno: • loclll ._.. ,. 19. Exc .. t9'1t Ludwig blkel45. 2CMIOStat•AY· ctlb $18. 1915 dated d9cof•tlon 15. WOOd Ttilepholl•~ 'c:ar9 &~N.8 . ..... -~· ..... . snare drum atend 112. enue, ColtaMela.Fotlow Peloun 2 pound candy mushroom wall decor· OeyttmeSNft/TopP.y c:mlx-f9Yofftoe.7a.1058 N.8.12!113. · • Wood bongo dNma $2. Oek Street. Home afts ~ with acoop '28. atk>n '5. Eut Indian 382 ~It. Laguna 8eect1 8* t><w aphoon 14. 12noon. • 143 WMt 15ttl St.r.C, batik fram ea sso . ___ , ,_.SSI p Many type lampl from CoetaMeu(off P*-"tte SwecMltl blue Y9e SI . ........... ., .. ., Ull111Sl?I · _... cl!C1111a In TUlilft. ewry•a, oM Md-.ctrlc 2RATIAN90fMISOeedl. Str.c). 5'&-0135. 84dur- White ml*gi... candy All ehlfta. Full/time, Rubfl le loc*lr'I tor en. Some ...... needed. 14465. Good WOf1t1ng 8 Bodi cw 15. 200 hatd-- day end Sunday M . dllh I 10. Pewt. bowl pert/time. Min. tYP'nG 9raat1c. ........ lfd. cal tor If Pal tM•lt.

1Nt1• • . ~ ,.~ ~ ~~~· ~~ DINETTE eet, wood grain, ltO. 8ledt gtw tr.y 15. eklle NqUINd. Plld whl9 wMlib IMI l -- 13M511 llli Jar.._ u .,,_.., ..,...,. • .,_ chair's CamlWI bowl S5 eedl. twNna. EOE. 557-70U, houri. ,..M$ ... Gk; .... iiiil.iiiiiffiJiiiriiiiHiYiii 9'0n S3I 8 c:luelc beds 9'\C9 fiction , romenc. formlce top, 4 ' M)'rttewodd ~ 561-1777. 7~ wortc._..Md be .... WTUAE ,....,.,_

Sfo-sso· Wood epool beet....,.,~ good condtoon ass. End '5 petr. c..nic~ 1nx~ I to ...,., ,.,.. m-. ~a No eJIP- .w . at..,. . J9nny uf.ct bed ISO Old tnat covers. teblea 15-S10. Table Mil s 1o Hlppef~ • 44M-«151 Dougl75-Gl7't feahlon 8 dt ... White It..,,. 12. For~·· Dey. tempe S5. 650-7045. bnllh hOtd. t2 w:h. RETIRED .Jook~ =-t . Oii Fol-:.:. -liiiiiiUiiiii-MWlng mec:hln• With Seturday/Suncl•~ Mey NEW IMttler 17 c.rarmc ashtray $2 each. Ing tor extra Income Md *"' ~"'...,.an M.f " ... good working .i.ctrtc 6-8. Herbor reena 110. Portt~8** Blue end gold v-. 15. • lowietv p6ece to...,..., ..;.u11nor3pm-5pm: Mn . Tuu , Ttt, Fr . haed ISO. Polletted eol6d apartment, nw M•bor. p.ata 14410 ~ ~ Wl'ltte mlllcQIW tamp Md RelYe menaoeie only 2 AubY• 1 a.. PW l :aC>-1:30, Wed 1:30- I .

~t=t~~ ~::!0~110:.~: ~:.,:-~~14~~ ::S-J15~~= ~~=~ CAAPEN~JM & FOAM- =be~~ trunt<a end c:Meta S10. 85()..9988. CUh only. Men's clothing 1 1.13. figurine . ltO. Small t• t•. huebend for "*tor SETTERS ~ ~pttanemaniwr& 145. US pl«ie eet 1914 ATTR ACTIVE bteck Boy's navy 3 Piece IUlt pot l10. 0ldphotolllbum melntenanc:.~ 1560fmo only. (714).14331 type 45wpm. nlctcel 9'1Yer VOftu sod• wrought Iron beker reel! lin 18 115. Min~ bill• S25. Mirrored tr-.y $5. or 1 Bdrm apt wluth .. l's....._ KNOWLEDGE OF SAIL-founteln dlahH 139. S50. Antlqt.le gold bekera $40. surf boatd S35. Bike Collector• cup end •valt. &43-0212 ~--~ =~ ~~O Box• of en~ 1111/er reek 125. 552-t424. aurf rack $10. 7249 s... uuc•ra I 15 Heh. I/I am ':' dWI wortc ... '433. 1

plate $t·$15. Weet TRAILER hitch S40 Tool . worthy, Huntington ltmoge but1er pats 115 lmmedla .. --i.... Mutt • I N ... f/T ~:i:•r:.<:.1 n=~~ SOt-StO. Antlqu9 ·d~ Beach. 536-2140. wh. Wedg9wood cup be ·~';;d"'..;";o K-.y Ill I Typing, f111nO & hwly Seturd•y end Sundey $ t -$20. Plant.,. 10C-$2. OFFICE chelr S 15. CeleU· :'!. ""': e!. -r:G· l datAI entry on Com- Metlft S*90ft, to wortc 22 pfM>nlla. 8oft'9 ....._. 9-6. BookC:He 115. End latOf S18 Tebt9 lemp II Pocic: 1ch $45 0ti put• lnc:tud9e lnvoldng. hrs per weelt In Fountain wortc . .. ...,,.,... by wt

tableaS5-$40. LampaS5- ·s · 1 Ing~" eraM hall ~ cncttta & corn- Valley. Pr..aur• job, only:: ,..._7441. • A N T 1 a u E ch• at '40. Jeck atenda $2. Oii tamp 12· Siii/er tM pa nt~S -"· million ' for Mfg Co ..,.... enjoy detal wortc Ulll'I I BI 21" 122" 152',\", 8 drawer BaHboard electrlc Mt 135· Umoge plate tr .. l4 . S..~wat• Good

1beneflta • No~ ' AIDl l'lrl at time.. M -, ....... -

150. swinging gtua door heat• S 15. 8lcyd9 $35. ~~~ ~~ g'-;-0~~ :=. ~· ~ ~ IM\'IClMr. Appty In ·penon tr111n. 14.50 to •tart, I :O ... ~!.3:-"Jo!rs;*'Metl~ ~ci!~~i °'l.~ wn..c.1t~ .. s.40 . .z:;e =. S3~s5. ~ ~~~<°"~ ~~ ~ " p~:-"~lo:;.:.: ~al fremed windows Men '• end women1 mlmn St7.50. Tr tobecco Jet S15. Tulip &11T•1•u- M2-I052or531- 1537 Union. Sott'9dertc:et•· 48" x50" S5 Metl. 2 teble clothing 254-'5 Mowef hltctl S5. Floureacenl ..... C...... 1- .,....a ~ Pae-

$20 . llooka ·1sc- S1. ttohtaS25. Cotf .. pot $4. 'IWS35. POftho141rnlrror FuNon llland cMe9• w ,... .... _ ,..... ~ .. ?~. ·s~ = HOUMhold Items 1oc-s5. 2211 Tualln, Newport $20. Acom brw coet bOuUque. expen.ICed. aper. 30 l'lrl Wk. P9Y :: :: can ..:"': - s 8Mct1 hoot! 13. &ue be1 St2 . ........ Ful/ •' -...: 7...._ """"" baeed on eicp. W. 2214 Elden Avenue, Toya, games 10C- 3. · Breu lncflrMtM 110. .._.. .,.,... .,.,.._ 842-2000. Aelt tor Tracy. brendl oMca. P--. <*I Co.1• Mela. S48-5143. C<aft auppllea 10c-S3. 4-CH Akel llCMI deck ISO. er ... towel Mga. "°"' 111a1• ~LEA.HING EXPERTS• 556-3110 btWn e-.5:00

Plcturea S1-$30. T~ Four VW llMw rims $40. hMda StO each 8'ue • .,, GARAGE ..... .ix l'IOUMI< write< $20. Stereo end 15 gatton atelnteaa at... pots S5 w:n. Br-m door .im lfWWWil needed by M9da of Or-Two 3.00- 17 motorcyde apeekS2 bo~TIS35rea .t5FxruGlt7J'!! lank $20. 850-.3M5. knoCker 17 er ... Mil- Interested In the O.C. alt- ange County. Own ~ WhMla end ttr• S20. ... o .., boat $8. Brua towel po11 area? The COPY PIT. Top pey. 7164222

~~~:_•r,s:,~r~~ =:;i-., ~:,.sew~~ BAR 11oo1a s15. 0rapee ~~~= ~Wp:c:t ..... .=':l:i •::::,;;:::;~ llr• 8?8-14 115. Baci1 pen S15. 5331 Bonenza. S50 . . Toys. ctothM 50c. twpoona Ito Metl. SN- turning t.o full tllM In •En/ IYPllT pactt gMI' St up. Swim Grehem end Werner. Child 1 CS.- S25. Lawn ,,., d41mi-teaapoona S20 aummer. Worttlng wltllgfl Need re9PQfllibte penon fin• S2 each. 1332 Con- Huntington Beec:h. Setur- mower S50. 1998 Lem- Md'I. Covered porc:.laln epMd Xerox equipment with ltrong typing aklla HAIR DRESSER SP9Qe · way Avenu.. Cost• Mela. day/Sunday~. nos Drlw, Co•t• Mela. sugar bowl s1o. ChlnW a with tM publk:. Muet be to wi.t In Ad'lertl9ilig =n~:'=t11:--________ GLASS top con. tebt9 BEAUTY salon hydrollo actoff cloth $10. Antlqu9 neet In appeel'anc9 & Department. Wit do flt- ·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SCUBA = tenk1 ISO 5'x2' $25. Whit• pole comb OU1 chelra, 2 t><own e&ry~!akue• $20 •~h. ~tu' c.,•tt1t1 uaude•t. Exp. lng,d~. ~· ,... atora- S30 -tS;-Sf'Mllt-wl'llte no- 125 MCh-609 Weal llhb. - .. •-.,, " c:or k9ePinG;..0·~-~"'~fi-t---lftlUllti S20. Weig t betta S25. mar teble $7. 531-3198. Coate M .... 646-6255 or V«coltectorupoonal10 951-<>643 FUI lfme. 111

Back pack• $30, 120. 8.46-7545. each. Electric adding ma- Ask tor Shaton Of Cheryl Send,..,,_ or tettw of Ana S15. Ma.ks $15. Div· SUNDAY only: Flfberware chine s2o. Small antlqu. --y la&. appllcaUon to: Ing light S25. SPMrt. rottSMrle S10. Elecfrlc KING size mettreae, 2 tebt. clock $25. s'""' •w .. ,... M91inda Thack gun1 $5. Flahfng rOda broom S8. AntlqU9 J9w- month• old $50. Foun- atrlklng table clock $45. Hl••Tll .-Y Mgr S25, 120, I 10. N•ll S5. elry SS0-$3. HouMhok.I d1tlon S50. Weight Mt Well atrit(lng clock 145. RMI &tete co., Nwpt Bch, aueHled A~Pl.lf Gaff 15. Tecklea 254-$2. Item• $1-$2. Ant!Qu9 04ak w 1th bench S 4 O. Old .. ..,,,.. truntta $20' hu lmmed. ooen1ng fOf lllLY SIMplng bags I to Metl. chairs. dining ISO each. &45-5243. MCt\. Bruaaplttoon I tO. dynemlc tndhtlduaT to 330 w. Bey. P.O. Box 1580

Outgoing. enthu~aatlc 8dutb - pert/t.,,.,. ~ Inge.. You must enjoy , working """" youth end be• poetttvie moctvator.

can fOf an 1ntervtew:

Ml-7121 ..... Air matt,... $2. Cooler Clothing S1-S5. Wtcli:er 1741 SUperior Avenue, menege amell tnv./malt ColtaMeu.CA92'126 '5. Pottle 15. Stovea 115. hamper $8. 498 Eut TV atend S 10. Ratten Coat• MeH. Setur- operation. ~lb.. &42'""32t ext. 302 li--------Foldlng blk• ISO. Or111 11th, Colle M.... batatool $25. Singer NW· dey/Sundey 10em to tor coordinating P'OfeCte. HOUSEKEEPER: IYe In tor pr ... attachmant $15. RACINGformbae*IMuee Ing machine attachrMnt 5pm. aup9r'llalng 3 Inv. mall busy N9wport ~a Tool box $5. This Sunday 15 for $5. Evapor•tOJ .,; b u t t o n h o I • r S 3 5 . ctenta. prec>#lng repor1S, I I mll.l/n beby. F,.. to trawl, good ~ M8)' 8. 9 to 6 et conditioner S8. Record Pecblnk,O.. geme $20. shipping & r.eeMng. I dd ti heeltl'I, aome EnQIWI. 3 t 8-5 Mubor , Coate plaY9f 58 Clock redlo M.nen gatM S1d. Udlla pruchaatng auppllH. Hot ywoo pro uc on 873-7521 Mela. 1 bloc:tt aouttl 405 19.50. &4&.3782. coat end J~et me 12 S5 Heavy ~lrtlng tnvoNed. ~ ":: t::! llll•----. treewey each Men a ault, clottlM, Exp r9q d 553-0940 •••--.-ru111

· CHILD'S Str9Wberry <leek fla al?• 42 end lg SOc- · · · oue ~ & pmt lMM\ or out. FIT. Coe*. TOP oval part of car S 15. Clothes 15' Heh S 10 LaCti.. long dr... ~191ng for summer dean, i...nctry for coup69. double bike rectc $7.50. H•dboard $10. Mat- end blouM 42-« S1-S3. 1portawHr, •thlellc tiouM on bay. 845-790I Boy'1 MX 20" bike S18. tren 115. Sofa $25. Ledlelahoea6'h-10BSt· equipment. tall tuhlona --------Redlll white P195Rt4 Chair $5. Lg TV $5. S3. Purte111~S2. Hou... :.::· ~~~~:~ =~lcaAQnc:y tlr9S S10 fO< two. Pinto 536-6030. 19861 Clar.. hOld Items 25'-$3. 10-5. tndep9ndent Of J :30-6:30pm. lmmed opeolOO•l Howe-wagon top tuggag41 reel! mont. Near Mervyns. 176 c.ctl Piece Ott bank has lhe fOflowlng man, LIQ Bdl, ful chg • S8. 545-3838 22nd. 842-5872. openings tn our Newpori lllllllltm lfF1ll CompanTona, coupl•a. --- ----- COCO lnatt lor BMW ............ _... .... f "' .,..,. ti t TWIN bed eet, full bed .. t. 2002 $30. Rear window FOR .. le: Single bed end .,......, ,__,qu.,era o. OM per.on offlc9 poeltlon .. ou..,.~ra. ve n wtth frames S30 each. for Datsun plck-Yp $30. box mettr ... end treme flee: In OC. Salary com· M 2-8t42 Mia. 0 . Good con d I t I on . RAL 3000 home stereo S40 536-2769. LOAN PROC./SEC'Y menaurete w ith ex- 1111N .. RWlm 650-6418. John, t~eakers S50 HCh . Aaslat In pranaretlon Of perlenoe. 1~771

2 ft 30 631 1049 ...-- nd VII • avg l'lrllM.

6 3-8299. 26" bicycle $50 EKO • · wmmerclel & lnatatlmen1 .. (....,_U..) Strong .,...1ao1y ekltls. FIREPLACE acreen with gull er 125. 25 volume en- loen docurMntetlon. P,... Hiring lmmedlatefy The Engl./Spen. spMl(tng. \. lmplement1 $ 10. Two 8" CRAFTSMAN tableMW eye loped la Brlttenlc1 DOUBLE bed complete vlous experience In COf'· Tele of the Whele Ae9- SURF & SANO HOT'tl tlrH excellent trHd '...\ HP double shalt motor. S25. 26 volume Funk and S40. Atari game 140. pc>fate banking environ- taurant. 400 Main St., Ms McCullough 497-«n E 7 8 . 14 S 1 o each . fence. mitre head, querd. Wegnetls $25. Amerlcen Atari games and all ac- ment Of equlv....,t Pf9- Balboe 1,.. Carina 0< Laguna BMCtl EOE 557-5791. blades S50. 2906 All• Tourlste< ovemlght beg ceasorles $35 Shoea. !erred BIH~ 673-4635

Vista Drive. Newport $15. Wood wlM reek Penny toefers. men's LOANESCAOWASST - . .. II II More femlli91 are 119ttlng Beach. 644-0780. $7 50 Wattle Iron $7 50. S 15. Standard ladleS bike Assist In pr9C)9retton of Olll (DP'I) Cell &73-3382 eft 8PM on tM camping "bug" tNl t-------- 20" roomtanS15 Motor· $25 Basketball 1hoel. conttNCllon IOen doc:· KitchenpastaS31-3433 wttdaya.anytlmeWll-ens. year . If you have • MET LAX Poppytre ll cycle helmet $5. 452 leather IMte new S8. Con· I umentatlon Prior wortl - .--------- -ii'iiiiiiiiiiiiii-camper that'• not getting Rooster pattern, have 95 Swarthmore . College sole TV record pla~ 1ng kllO'#ledg9 of Income Cook• MiiW ••••• Uled, Mfl It now with • pieces tor S1 to S50. Cell Park , Coate Men $25 2406 Norbonne proP9rty & lnduatrlel SHI OllF Needs •JCP9' FIT ....__ Claaifted Ad. evoenlnga. 546-5449 24 t-8362 Way, Coste Mesa. toane preferred In en wl h "'•-uet ch9f baek· tent. Spac9 planning. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii~~~iii!i!!!iiiii!iiiiii!i!i!i~!'mlmii!iiiiii~iij~ etefOW. banking or •v- 1

........ phonea. lhOWrOOm ~ Au...-.nh 3111 AutUmanh 3111 Lest I Ft... lngs 1 loen envtronment ~;r~db.c!';ou~': ~2-~~lc "*· JILL. Mey I eacort you on SPtRtTOXL READINGS llH•I U IPA E.xoellenl ben«ill. com- manager SURF I ANO • prom night, May 19th to AcMoe tnaHmattera. Love. pet1t1ve mark•t lalariea HOTEL. ~a-en. llY. llllL. am th9 Anaf*m Conwntton matrlagit & bualn•u. •SIMI comrMn.aurete with P· Cell Chef "7~rom Real est•t• co . Nwp1 Bch, c.nter? Low. Tyter Also counMltng. tet5 fNa.\ ADS 4320 Campus Or!V9. auite pe11eoce. Cell Pereonnel· 11am-2pm 497-« has lmmed. opening tor

So. El Camino Reel , Sen UU1111 190, Nwpt Bd'I. 556-2280 851-9900 EOE Inventory/ mall cl•rk n 111111w11mss ciem. Uc'd. 492.1m ARE FREE TOP .. * o.11very , .,octc wortt. 0u11ea 1nc1. ma11 ~'

S -JAA. 11r. ft ._ 8llto parta. M/F eppti- dlatr1button, ~di. plrltufel .,.. .... - . • er ~ pref MOd4lla end .... ~, • . ~ .. .. ,_ ... Mt tributlon, ~ & .... ct.ath. [acture, Home ~ llAlll ~ &corts. ,2, 3)886- 1984 S.rt>er atytlat wented with ,_,, """'""'' ............, DrOmeilllncl Federal, 2111 Main St, P .. t . Prwnt,tutin Cal: c:llent ... to rent apeoe In ~Co, 522 N9wport _ ... .,,. proc 11 l lnt mw Hunt 8ch. Mon. M8Y 7, edvteor. 15 yrs. axp. ladwaa COM Gary 675-9914 • t• Mela. :9M.a.t""':n ~';: 7:30 PM, S3.00. Work- 871-5120 213/894-3259 .., ... .,. •-- •·•- _.•t• BARTENDER llUftlf/ errand&. .._vy Uftlng ln-ahop1=4:~ae~J:OO. ... -- '"' • e.xper'd.;~" .. or

7.., pain

5._.""*- s2 Hours. 1a yrs+ vo1¥ec1. EG . .,... . ....._

Publk: ta 1nvtted t I fnH JIM NwJ>t """'· v ..-1 "" 495 e. 17th St. C.M _ce11_:_s_53_~.oMO ____ _

• Splrltuat AMder l Ad- FOUnd: 2 .aml Qk shaggy LOST PASSPOAT If twncl BE~'U~lJeN~A~iN •• ~~ e..u~ ....... ,., ~--~L-- RO"' , ... - - =~-!!~!. .. WM. 1~ ......... "du•- In · " life """'• In Cent.rel Pant. ..,... .......,.._....., " .,. .,. .....,......... ..,.,.., .. ,...,.. " ~- - .. ..,, ....... 7•41•"• -""72 call Kamran TelcHh GrMt IOcatlon on P.C.H t"' ........ tlc ..- would w H9mloca w- 8.A. matt.-.; love. merrl~, H\lnt. ........ • ........... 845-373t In Newport Beactl. Com- Acrylic nelll, wlctlent... ~RDA-~ gen- · _, ,

bullMU, NB. 831


Found: Boyl bill•. l90una loet rebblt REWARD, 18th pi.tety atoctc.ct, wtUlng to 8~ CdM6;:;,25 era I den tel offfc• . IMiiM VSP. Inc ennounc:ee e MW Beadl. Call 494-8338 to Pt l Orenge, Aprlt 2t negotlet•. Cell evt•. 644-1405 Needed hind kntnwl for progrMt to help youth• Identify. 831-4143 or 987~ 8714105 belluty ..__..a. YeMa. FUI °' end famlUel In crllle. F nd·Long hair cat tiger II SHAMPOO ASSISTANT mflL .-TAIT pert time. Cell IC & 0 FIN 18'anda Of Sar.ty needs OU • • V ' L t fOf busy Mlon, must be s..tllng ~bte per- Imports, Mil tor .a... votuntMr femlllH to =":~~~ le ag, ... 14 llcenMd 831-1390 eon wt1h opportunity to 711-21'4

provide --..pervtalon to grow • ~ memberlii~=~===::=-• ::;..T~"-~o!: ~~c~ A,?'~~~PM =~~~l1'f ~·~· ;:::"',.~1:: LlllLllllOm 494-0e11or151-1811 • 121 83Mm • day, 7 dtYt • weelt. -· Ml tltM 8tllnO tor oeAeat fr1nOe beneftta , ... peoec1 N.a. ,.... ..

Preeent tflll ed and ,... SflfF Medtcer• end ~ CNlertQling poedKltl to tale ._.....,. """ _.. Found llMll llP type dOO. oet¥e e two m.-t~ for T ... cal ~· E)(p9r. pref. front office r .. oon-~ ..--.oM recently ~. fluffy tM IWtol ot OM. • 1 hull•nt benefit a. llbllltiel Phone anytime teoal a«r•\•ry. T"'-brown / wh l te , vtc . ...... .... For Lie Trust Deed, Pottnti.1 for Oto.tlth. 79-\0CM c:t\11119119 poll]IOif\ rell Beed\/Maln M3-1SS7 111L111111 UCC.1 lndultrial ~ Send ,_,,,. to SMryt ~ ~- .._

r..... .nd ....... tie dOO ......... I D • • • • erty, Coeta Meea 08¥9 Ever.on 3" ~el Donutl leer + llelt.,..t ... I. "11ct Mtenaon to 0. ""' : "'"~ "'"' · fa.LDTll 1111 Meyer Pl. c M Rd Newport ·~·h. • . eocps'd, ""' prwro. , ... "*"'•llOM,...,.... =:'w345eAntma1 llM1U IJlllm.D Ceftt. tM3 === MOIM2

Lott· M Malarr'!ut• mi.. EIOMTl/MllU ~....... 111uma UIT doeed ""'* OI VM. be·-------gr-.y, blk & wtlt, M9ea ln 19'&2nid PIT. &nthuliaetlc, good ,.......&lmowC>rlnge& -:t .... 1*9 Ada ant tM Veres. ..... 179-3232 OUtcall ONL v '" TO I Stnce 1149 phone """""'. •tttntlOn LA COlll'IU.. . tmm~ ..... •o • -~

LOST Perr•kttt, ChM1· SEX TMlAAP'Y: COUl'\llet- Robt. mer NH/CM to det Some Mowt- opening tortM rtgilt lnOI- ,.,...or ,.cs ..... " .. ,.,.., tllM, vie &Ide tno for S.xual eone.rnt RE 8roker 80 RMltora edge of llbpg, fwMna I ¥!duel C9lt M1-21H. '*"' .., to ... f'llClf'9 C.M. ~ard &41-4221 av APPT 640-145~ 842·217t 54$-08t1 _omoe_ Cd 871-7 \00 . ~ - 9Gf MlrtV ......

~~~---~~~~~----~---1-~---Jl ..... ~----~~=--:~~==


Wlti .. 1/ l-.41liat hu113/Rem0d: OIC. klt, rm add + bay wndw. French dr, patio cov/ decks. Lie 44&.'485. Steve 547~8076


Lie reas. Professlonal compt service. 631-2345

AJtliuct a ••rair ,.,.., Ar••.,,., ....

Prompt, courteous ser· vloe Factory trained technicians 54.9-3077


u.nday, May 6 ARIES (March 21-Apnl 19)' Family member discusses personal

problems. Sttks your guidance. Remain neutral while showing that you do care and are sympathetic. teer clear of co-signing, of taking sides against another relative. Pisces. Virgo natives play key roles.

TAURUS (Apnl 20-May :W): Response received to recent request - telephone call is harbinfer of good news. Relationship grows stronger. additionalfunds w1I become available. Focus on vistts, trips, close neighbors. r"elihives and positive answers. Capricorn plays key mle

GEMINI (Ma) 21-June 20): By finishine what y~u start. y~u 1~sure -;uccess. Wader audience awaits your dec1s1ons. opi nions, d1rect1ons. You' ll locate item that had been misplaced -you'll learn more about investment procedures. Anes. Libra natives figure prominently.

CANCER (June 21-July 21): You fed free. creative Juices flow. :you'll make fresh contacts and new starts 10 new direc!J,Pns. Trust your own Judgment, pay heed to " inner feelings." Light win be shed on area prcv1ousl) shrouded 10 mystery. Leo, Aquarius persons play key roles.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Someone is trying to tell you somcthin$! Female family member expresses idea 10 succinct manner. Intuition 1s on target . ~ou'll recognize truth when you hear iL Sense of purpose, d1rect1on 1s restored. Cancer, Aquarius persons figure prominently.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Diversify, make mquirics. plan entena1nment which fea tures food from foreign land. Display humor. versauht). willingness to make special cffon to accommodate one who 1s tcmporanh handicapped. Gemini, Sagittarius nattvcs play key roles.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-0 ct. 22): Define tenns. check with iM1vidual whose opinions } ou respect. It may be necessary to take some backward '>tcps tn order to rectif)' recent. mmor errors. Don' t permit pride to O\. Cf"\\helm common sense. Scorpio. Aquanus persons figure prom men ti} .

SCORPIO (Oct . 23-No' . 21 ): Emphasis on communication. l·hansma, physical anractton. Relationship intensifies. travel plans are discussed and long-term ambitions are delineated. You'll receive call which relates to educauon, pubhshmg or Journey.

SAGl'ITARIUS (Nov 22-Dcc. 21): Individual who holds key 10 lina nc1a1 power takes a hkmg to you. Entenain at home. be natural and stress d1plomac) . Focus on design. harmony, arrangement offurn1ture and photographs. Taurus. Libra persons figure Qrommently.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Define tenns. go slow, check legal documents. stand tall for pnnc1ples. lnd1v1dual behind scenes docs .:are. "'orks tn manner that will ultimately atd your cause. You'll geJ 1cmp11ng offer that 1s associated with publicity. partnership. marital 'lt31U'- \

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Don' t neglect safety, secunty. basic chore\ Focu~ on special services. communication with those who rely upon }Our Judgment Lunar cycle htghltghts dependents, pets and general health Cancer Taurus. Capncom persons play paramount role'

PISCES 1Fcb 20)· You-' 11 receive plaudits as r.suh of 'DC~ 1al effon Focu!> on populant y. charisma. intensified relationship. 'r ou"ll cornplcte assignment. man y will be drawn-to you and seek your l·oun' cl .\ nc~ . Leo Libra persons figure prominently.

......... uioiiiioioiit ...... _...Sl--.1•11 WutM 91 ltlt Wut.. Siii ltlt WulN 9111 J•M Wut.. Slff J• Wu... 1111 hnltut llU PUT /Tiii IE.,,...., llLEI s".::url~; & I gate tender. Veterinary kennel ...... ~kr'5·d=~·or7:. 7 !n':.~1~~°':'fagood .

Houaecleanlng. Mu.I be honeel & relfabte. GOOD PAY + BONUS. 966-1300

p / T lffll• Anht..t Afternoon hours. Call Karen 6U 6800. 8:30-6

PART TIME:J)n call per­aon for clefflal Mlea poa.­ltlon In CdM- $5/hour.

Cherie 7ec>-1822

lmmedlete opening for en Start lmmed. Apply et needed. Exp. preferred. 1

..-4 Ion lndMdual experienced In LIKE ART, INTERIOR DE· 1t31 B.ckbey Or, N9. Two potltlona e>pen. Hra housakppr, ut .,....t BMut kl I b9d handlllVI a buay tel•· SIGN? Wiii train. PT /FT. ms>; very. Int~ from to VIP In CdM 8yra. Aveff. · ng a we er •

... Aa .. f M "·ewf d ..-.. . ..... , . 5""'· 1182 80r~ m&ot~~~· -"!'!.· phone conSOle and greet- ... or r. "' or : 3- PM Tuea-Frl. 125 '""""' ,,.., .,,... .,.... .._._.. ·-Ing and dlrec11ng lneom- 1714>543-6862 STUDEITS M ... Dr, C.M. 631- 1030 Honeat , Intel, diligent board. $225/obo. Pteue ' Ing vialton. No typing r• Sales llT _ young retiree, Mella job. ive mesuge. 72<>-1823. quired. Apply In person I IUIE & MCI I ,... -m 11•--•- 1n Sept. Mr D. s+&-7400 alter 10:30 A.M At 11-. Ml llWU •• · _,_,_ a..ut. WOOd rOll top Oeek Greater Irvin• Credit IT&IT Hll Wt have e>penlnga for WlllDS Mele Attendant 10 yra exp. & Chfi48x221n)new saoo. Union. 238 Ascher Ave . The Loa Angeles Ttmea bo)'9 a glrla between SIO. te 1111 • ..,, w/handicapped ~ ~- SAC $450,f"'S-7339 Costa Mesa. Clrculat1on Dept current· 12•16 yean Old wonctng • .,. 1, U If... Resume. xlnt r ... .,.,.!hr . .,,.----:---,-.,.---:--:--

• ti I ly hu position~ avalleble evenings & Seturdav-. 21• ••1 2111 Stev9 997-lS:M Chrome & wleker c::t\alrt

101, II sf In newspaper Mies Al 8 Earn money.. tr I pa &. ._. • PRACTICAL Nurae ex- ~ top din tbl ' 725• PUT/ TUii for busy escrow offloe In field repreeentetrve earn bonuses. Call WAITRESS/WAITER perteuced w/eldett~ mlrr~~50.~;';3:-. ~=? F!~~ttic~ .. ~ :~o:~~~:i=n~ H~; M.:~:ou111ntr1ee HOSTESS/HOST In, local reft . 830-

........ IJ hly Good benefit '4p(J'l-9pm. For more In- - · PIT dY9. Trea Am~oe R.,. Resp rettr«I lady Maka De~~~ at;~· 9::,n{:U, t,P81~ ~r~~~~~ 'C:i~ri:~ne: 953-eo20 a. formation, call 957-2361 Mon.-Frl. 10am-3pm taurant e.'42-827 · C.M .• potltlon In W•tcllff area. ~"''a.2•7270 • r · lngton Beactl, 10 verity ext. 120'4. WAITDI Sift 11111' Exper'd In fHtldloua ...-----~--.,=--= new.paper delivery. Re- ReceptiomsllSecretary Sales Sw"'-""-a1.1 a.... • ..a..- lntetlor & exterior WOOd· ctlentele. e.'4&-7840 Oecof'ator Mlling 2 8 ' I ble S" tnterlor Design. Well or- ._ •..--• k F 1 .. ~re ..... 22 ... tofu, S350ea. 548--7145 la auto necesaary '> ganlzed; excellent phone lllllEllY SALES Full & part/time allitts. Wiii wor . or app . .,...,....., ... U Gorgeoue condition. per hour ptua mileage • typinn a•lills ,..._..o,.mlc N. ___, lie I train. CM 642-3013 ~ Sia-. Appty In per90n at The 0

••• vyy.. ...... energe person o -- •• Olvofc:.: MU81 Nit: ,,... Dally Pilot, 330 w Bay, atm0$phefe CdM. S 1100 grow with established Telephone saleS. Make Wiii• Plln1llS ep, '.c:n IOt &1)! cuttofn g1us top d in rm Costa Meta. see Mr mo 494-8808 company Minimum 1 S300-S500 per person or couple . tbl wlglaal bale pekj Ctyde Batrow. EOE HCEPTllllST year retail nursery ex- Hunt Bch. Stan 964-6700 &Y&IUIU 754-1113 can 8em-1pm $7000, .... for $3500. ---------1 Person with lots of pa- perlence. Full t imne. Telephone aalea Looking Early morning hours de- "-- SSI New ortentel rug PfT wtlnd H d lience. We will train Buay Starting salary S900- for prof tetepn00e sales Overing newtpaperS to ::i: S8400 . ... I for $4200. ~•bte 'g h;::Ork:; phones. greeting and $1200 mo, Paid holidays people in the H.B. area. carrlerS. Hourly ~a1e plus Ill e.lfft lttrltftr 2 new custom mede 8 ' to olean yard. pollah an- directing Incoming vis- & vacations; hospltat In· Lucrative sales position ~llNge reimbu 141n'*lt. Beaut pup 1180 e.'42 7326 black vetwt1 eofaa paid llque ""Clea, etc $4/hr. •tors Full benefit pack- surance available. Inter- w/earnlng potential or mall truck or wegon • · • $4000 ea, Nit tor $2000

., 6 3 0 9 " views by appointment $50 OOO+ ,.,, yr Art sales neceaalty. Call Bruce Cocker spaniel puppies, 8 ea. New ew1om m.cM 650-1352 Ref's req. age. 55 - 11 . bet • ., only, Wed.-Frl. 646-7'441 Miro Ch;oau . Plcauo. Emtley 11am-7pm: wtla 2 M 1 F. S75 ... -glast top coff tbl pe6d POSITION AVAILABLE RECEPTIONIST, front LLIH'SlllSllY Datl.548-9353'. Blalr. ' . MJ41211xt,JOI , 6··2·9187 $3000,MltforS1500. 0y9

Rothchild'• Reateurent . desk. Phones & cterlcal 89~7517, 9¥99 642-3119 Apply tn peraon: 2407 E work. CM area. Apply In TIU ... UL.ES Ftm Doberman, 1Vt J"· Coast Hwy. CdM Res· person, Auto Linet Leu- S lea for MADO Benefit Show WELDER: Apply 7am only blac:tl S100. 650-71 ~=~~~;:';. ~~ tauranl exp req'd Ing, 2927 S Bristo!. CM a -•-( ,._m C M tocatlon. $4 &. up. MecOREGOR YACHTS SO CALIF 000 TRAINING nit couch Peld '3000

966-5252 ._ _. Partt ttme· day, evening 1631 Plac:entla. C.M. In home obedience train- u · · PRE-SCHOOL =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiliimlil An established pol11tcat No experienee nee. ... ,._._ Ing. ANs. rat•. 15% off Hcrlflee $2100 / obo.

Teacher/Aide. FfT 10-6 • action group Is seeking 754- 1941 -- thta monthl 963-3388 Deak &. bOokeue aet. IRVINE 786-7'49'4 Restaurant aalea people In this area M•J0t law nrm haa Im- $225. Moving, r1\1.4St Nit

Prestigious lrvlne based land development lirm seeking Legal Secre1ary, send resume In con-11 den c e to Olen Properties. 17991 Cowen St. Irvine. Ca. 92714,

attention Gall

PfT SECRETARY Type, Ille. phone e.'45- 1823 Student preferred.

ASST IUUIEll Muat have professlonal TIL!Pml Wiii mediate opening. Vydec Pm II· S <494- 1989 •fl 4 pm. Your future i1 what you appearance. Full product Up to S10 hOUr Appl. set- experience req 'd. Leoal BabY Qt;;;&ld m on H.U.O.D.l .E. cl\lldren·a make of ti. Malle II better training provided lor ters for sales crew. Salary experience preferred but Parrot & cage, ucrtnce furniture, 2 MIS. Bed, with a career at .. those who know how to + bonus Mr S. 957-3046 not nece11ary. Good $375 673-3600 dreaaer, desk . bull . 1111111-IHIMIT 9911 Immediate-high com- bef'leflta, congenlal ot- • · bOird. c:hr. $550 both or

"-FEE llln mission earnings. Call Travel Agency Manager flee SC Plaza area. Call ~t~ =H ·$300 .. Mt. 973-5381 .,.... Mrs Long (714) 494-529'4 Immediate opening. Min. 2 Caraml• at 641-0217 m. .--w w/ ,,._

More opponunllles We yrt exper Dataa JI New- ·-- "' I llT fmn'lll promote from within POf1 Beach agency. Yacht Broker's License Country GP tr!JM LES 957..a133 -Restaurant experience SALES SECRETARY/ 548-7742 wanted, new & UMd 982- 1981 pre! Call !or appl boats, luxurloua loeatlon. Antique oak IUll bed hand

1213)!M5-3659 CUSTOMER SERVICE TUYIL Alm San Diego. Ca. License la carved natural wood ---------1Xlnt opPOflumty With es- Outalde sales. 661-9260 to be lnectlve or not In 1275 Call 497•2331 ·

OA/OC very exp· retiree labhahed co .. general of- RO 00

ST current use elsewhere, --·-------oti . C>n-aJI 1nsp. In your RESTAURANT lice exper req'd, prefer U L I must not have current af· Antique RoM Medallion

......... ,.,. ..... 111.11

Save 60% & more on new top quality bed eeta. all fully guar. Not 2nda or r• bunts. Twin aet. juat $69.95. All alzea evalf. Fr .. delivery. 534-5080

area. Resume: lntertell. Crown Point Reataurant customer service back- Office Nurse. Nfb Exp. litllallon or prior coment- Porcelain .Nearly com-930 lndlan Park, Rolllng now hiring Sous chef. ground but not crltlGal. preferred X-Ray. Cyato, menta, xlnl opponunlty. plete Ml. AppralMd. Catt Hills, CA 9027'4. baller. line cook, stew· Send brelf resume 10 Ad Vasectomy etc 6"'4-ft722 Send resume documen- di 241-a221 ev 497•5832

ard, receiving person. 11 110, Dally Piiot. PO or 759· 1104 eves. tetlon of lleenM & salary ---------

IPL llTATI Salullntah

*•nm 11101111* LIC'D AGENTS ONLY

. Pl•ra l.E Ill· 1100

dishwashers, broiler per· Box 1560. C .M. 92627 VALET ATTENDANT requlrementa to l235- Lovely aolld mehogan'

Psoenr,sogunardcmognrl ln&epnrteapl Seamstress experlenCfd Npt Bch Restaurant. Call Loma Portal Dr., El Cajon credenza. Curved front.

od E I 63, "260 ,.._ 92020 drewera. 2 cabinet a. cooking exp helpful Pis In canvas pr . ucts nee rnes · .., ...... $425 obo.

apply 2'4601 Dana Dr. 631-2931 8- '4.30 D. a1·1y P1·1a1... ......... .. . ... 49~7 aYM Bldg F, Dana Pt SEOllT&IW. IHY '"., A~ 1

retteurants Needed for exec SYiia • ---------1 COCKTAILSERVERS Free rent, acroN from : Amana 25', Ilda by Exper pref High e/'19fgy, OC Airport. 549-2185 . · side w/lce maker. ~· 4

Maple Twin Bed, Oak Cof· t .. Teble, e.'42- 1648

MMt. & box 1Pf'ng8 $50. Oak table $75. er ... bed 1150. 87~75 12

Queen R eofabed, $200 Sewtng/ wor1( table, 8'x3 ' $50. 49'-1817 ett. 6pm La~:':~~~~:~~co. hard wo~k~&i<s11ract1ve SEClnUY 111,200 PART Tl ME ~ :.'n~~=~= & •::,.

---------•-------- ... --------- heavy phones & typing, Experience pref Type 60 Grow with great. ti« new wht gaa atcwe Btlt Waatt4 5100 ltlt Wut.. Siii ltlf WutH 5100 sttorthand or equlvilant BOOKKEEPER tun company In Laguna s250• used wht washer & SACRJACE: Beeut. oek

bOl'm, $4001 Gorgeous eofa/loYa ... 11 SOiid oak : coffee tbl Ml, wall unit, hope c"-t. china cablll Din. aet. $200. 543· 2241


req ' d . mature non PIT.experpref. APPOINTMENTONLV Motor Route Available dryerS150, evt051-·0 104 LIFElllllll Medic.I Recept. Busy NB smoker. 71 '4 / '432- 1181 Apply ln person, M- F Liz Reinders Agy. Inc Must t:>e 18 yrs Flrsl Aid office Seeks enthualutlc, PUT TIME1 Receptlonlal/General Of- 2-5PM Baxter ' s. 18872 '4000 Westertey. Eat. ' 64 Newport Beac h area, three

card A must• Apply 1m· pe~nable, prof. person. Early morning single copy Beach Blvd, Hunt Bch. Newport / 833-8190/Free mediately, testing w111 be Busy phones. typing distribution for Newport !~~erto~o~~:~nrig ~~: No phone calls pteaae SECRETARYI RECEPT hours per day. Earn approx. Ma" 12 No phone calls 6"'0-2023 Beach arH 3 •..; to 4 1 i31 Back Bay Drive NB hours. Sunday morning phone per90na lly, non- restaurants Top skills, references. for 600 ~r month. Call 11 :00

Requires dependable ~ smoker Wiii train Gourmet sandwleh aaln buay Laguna Hiiis law Of· MAINTENANCE PERSON Model• Mate/Female hicle. (Contect Mike) Apply In person Neat reliable car A dlf- flee 830-6660 lo 4 :00 PM. Ask for Bruce

1209 W Hemlock Way •VE NEED NEW FACES 557--83~3 E.0 E. 17&.'42 Cowan St. Irvine lerent concept 968~777 I , ;a- t/ tf I [mQley. Santa Ana For placement In modetlng --------· RECEPTIONIST Wl1h Retail IO J IOI, 0 If """"' --------•I JObS In Orange County. PART TIME Gelato Clualc Secretariat Beckground llllT TIAllHI Computer co. '" Tustin IAUIH IEW Ylll WllT/ Ice C<Mm Store. COM Builder/Developer exper needs organized. career

THE DAILY PILOT ts now T.a..t :a:tMY - \ 1 t -3PM, 3 dY9 a WJ:ltk. helpful. Non·amkr Send W.U CLElll minded non/ smkr. min. acceplmg applications 1•• I 213-304-6811 retume lo P1rs. 1600 Retail record, tape. & IYpervlslon. WI P 50 wpm

CIRCULATION DEPT. 642-4321 F.OE for D:str1c1 Managers to - U" Ot _.. Dove St, Ste 25. New- video aalea. Full & pert wt WordStar req'd IBM

super vise newspaper NANNY wanted: Brit. Of Part ff•• .rary •ra port Beach. CA 92660 lime. Advancement po- PC pref. Salary ' com- ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT carriers Must have van, Irish trained for girts agn Substitute ctetk poSltlons llECEPTIOllST hmtlet Wiii train. Apply In mensurate w/ ablllty & J30 w BAY Sr . • COSTA MESA CA 92626 wagon or pick -up Good 4 g 6 Inquire 752-0700 needed for NEWPORT person: exp Dolores 855- 1106 AN 1 u•1• 1 1w.-0111u '"'', , ,.. P, "'' 11 salary. mileage allow- BEACH PUBLIC Fullttlme position Muat be 11110 Plll ....... ... .... . , .... .. .. ......... . .. ... .. . ance, company benefits Nurses LIBRARY Cterlcailpubllc faalllon conscious & en- 2407 s. Bnst ol, Santa Ana IJOIRln / Uft 11&11 • and bonus opportunity CIA 'I I IA 'I contect exper d8$1reble. joy working with people Laguna Beach area pr1vate A I I D I muat heve t>n-call mint- Richard Ouellette Salon ROOFERS-REPAIR community. Swi"" lhlfl pp y '" person a at Y Appllcallons being ac- · ·• Piiot Carcuta11on Ott1ce cepled for part a lull mum evallabllly, 20 200 Newport c.nter Dr Must be exp In alleke, Ille, S4 75 per hr to alert 330 West Bay Costa time Convalescent ex- hrs/Wk, d•Y9. evea. & Set Fashion Island Cati cold process & compo-


Mon thr Fri for epp()lnt· S5 76/hr .. ppllcatlona 644~7 t sltlon e.'42· 7222 ment 494-8571 Mesa Monday lhru F11- perience required Call · "

day No phOne calls 661 ·7 40 t Mon -Fri. avallebte a 1 Newport iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil•.l•liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii E 0 E I _ Cent8f Branch, 858 San

....... &tlfl Clemente Or, NB 92660. aper

mu lne -- A~;nv~~t-h~t':~ L~~~':r~•Pfc,':1~1:~11on , KIDS-EARN GREAT TRIPS AND PRIZES! lllEI OPEllllS Laguna Beach. Exc.Ctent Newport Bnch Publl<: LI-

for quallfted ONLY marine incentive program. Apply brery addr... ••me u l iberglass. painters. elec- 1n person, between 9-3. above Flllng deadline trletana. cerpentera and 450 Glenneyre St, _5_-_14_-.....,e,_.,4,,,,...,,,....,.,,,=-=-mechllnk:a Apply Laguna Beacl\. PUT 111111 USll Ullll, 110 nasiM &llllTllT Pll-.T

873-0360 Cet1tf~ or ex:perien c.d. Exoellen1 opporutunlty In a MfCHANIC'S HELPER Full time 3pm to 1 lpm pteaunt working en-

Own hand loots Excel benefits Conv vlronment Our Newport MacGREGOR YACHTS Center, NB e.'42-«l44 Beeetl office 19 looklng

1631 Placen t1• . C M Nur*ng 811.11. 811 lhltta. for mature. reepontlble

M EDICAL RECEPTIONIST Bristol Care Center 1209 = .. ~ Secrettrtal tkIDI gooo W ~~.,.,.,-.~. W-.lf dt-natlon.r com-personallty Wtlllng to ..... .-•• 0 p&n1ea Good epeel(lng learn front & blck otfic. ..... vofce • muat Cati Mt Precedures. in CM arH ror chart8f eo Knowtedge M o k "" ~" "771 5'46·2781 . bet9- t 2. M·F ofbotts&organlzetlonal ur oc : ~.,..>I

I 1k1ll1 req'd lite mechen ••••••••• M edic al Rec ept1on11t . 1Cel exp pref Mu.- be r• PART -TIME. Vart.d l'loufl Ophlh office lront d.-k I aponalble. friendly & P<>9- to tnctude earty A M part 11ma ex par d sesa good job r9f1 S8· wMtl•nd• Mu11 N:v. de-540 4585, 8 ·5 Mon-Fr• S 10 hr 675-90f4 pendeble vehtcle (tmell

tru c k . van , atatlon What • WonJet'UI World .. , ... , •• UelHfftt wagon) to ..... , MWl-o f Shopping r tgh1 at I""° H P nee; -~t. relleble paper dMt.r 1n tN!ne your t1ngen1pe ev«ydayt $4/hovr 11,,.rs • ' fT .,.. Mutt be d~ Dally Piiot Ct1u111ed 983 41 '"' dable. Contect Greg Ada To plaoe your •d .. _ .. d , .. _.'rid~ , .11 M 2·5e78 •nd let a I PART TIM[ GC:N omce Hy ....... on rt '"" - bttwMn 8 30 .ncs 10. Ct tlfi.d AO-Vltor '*P 'A/J> ln~a. typing. ftllng • m, Ot\'X e.2-4321 you ' 3 10 ~V 6-48-34.43 lilliii. iiiil • ._ ... ili.~


(71•) 548-7058


coHl•I commuoily 04l'Wtp•pfr, hH • .,ant'I)' of full and part lime ~ltioo• a.-ailablf. An) onr of ttM rollowln1 it an opporlunl•r lo work whh an ou111andlRJ 11af(. lntnftlf'd In uhl11.,,ln11 only the bnl within an ndtl1111 lndu•lr)

AOVERTlSINC • Ou11ld' Salee - CJa.ulfied a Retail. Ha•' dltpla7 territo') opnmtpa for l'andldaJt11 wllh npult'nn 1od a pro•t'D lracli rttord' lary pliu roms:tluloo.

Bl . l""FS. OFFIO: • \ t t aunll RttelnbJ, a,,11 - Enlr) ,,.HI potnlon. So "'P'd"'tt nttn.Mry c:."dld11r .. 111 b. traln,.d. Full 11""· hourt~

tmt'f'ORIAI. • ( ltr~ I Twi•t - P1r1 lllnf' po1illun ln\•utlln' •OP>• aorti1111 mall and Jtll!'rll r r rlitn& n•11pen•1billl1~ 20 houn•. houri, .

'ft " oHrr r uttr ttro .. th, d4'>Plo51M1tn1. and 11 coniJ.lfllllH' hf.n,.flh park•&• If l1llf'rr•tf'1J , l'lr••f' rntnf' In aod appl~ from 10 2 1le1h. or •rnd rr •umf '" Pat "ttpht>naon:

.... .. Dally P.llat

if\t ••••.,....,, •• , t•wr• • t ••"•- • ~u 1,

DRYER. Maytag Eletrle, exoel cond., $ 100

all S..9-0283

. Eat•t• Sele: Stove, UMd 1 : month, coat SSOO-Mll • $300. Heve selee allp & : paper1. CdM 760-1238

: GE Weiher & gas dryer. : $100 .. 546-a872

SMra drop In gaa range S 100, SIS Sink & flU09t $20, 4x4' wood coffee tabl9 $25. 2 nit• atndt S10ea. ratan rocker $35, 31,u5• d ining lbl/ tf & 8 ehra $550, 2 tw 'Pf/ matt SJOee. 87~8829

: GOid 17 cu tt rroa1-rr.. sore & IOveMal w/mateh retrlg. 1 yr guartnty $2 · cf'lr & ottoman, brn tones,

850-0371 xlnt cond. $275 97 4-2158<4

, For Ad ACtion Cll a D~ Plot AD·R 642-5671

-' I



Sofa & -Low Seat, 8*•. Lot1 Miid. tteme, No. Junk. Sun. 5/&,9-e. 3165 Harbor 1 bl. 1 of 405.

Sunday only. 8:30AM. 185 ea.ta M... St. Repro croc:ttware & mlec.



1 Church group 53 Re-embraced __ _ 5 Ofsable 5 7 Said 9 Known as " 0 - nl "

14 Unique thing 58 Dogwood 15 Pimply state 59 - man 16 Leave a bed robot

• 17 - -de~amp 61 Czar of old 18 Mr. Coward 62 Chipped m 19 Aclress - 63 Green shade

Berger 64 Tidings 20 Weasel 65 Encounlers.l' 22 Moved 66 Notable deed ....... ...,. ....... ,. 24 Tautness 67 0 1herw1se 26 USSR city 27 Ball-strike

decider 28 Cob, e.g 29 Be sorrowlul 32 Esoteric 35 Breeze from

the Pacific" 37 Ranch unit 38 Performed 39 Tabled'-40 DOM well 43 Neptune

moon 45 Small

mouthful 46 Ares' sister 47 Edible grain

2 3



DOWN 1 Seaboard 2 Put together 3 Deloded 4 Valuables 5 Can prov 6 Future oak 7 Arrow poison 8 Sof tened 9 Beginning to

exist 10 0 1 a surface 11 Candy 12 ltahan noble

name 13 Ext1r1c1 2 1 Measured


interval 23 A-S money 25 Choose 28 Europeans 29 Tumuli 30 Until 31 A parad ise 32 Weakens 33 Light tan 34 Whip part 36 R1eshng 38 Very wet 4 1 Firecrackers 42 Love deity

7 8

43 Weight unit 44 Deserters 48 Winter pre-

c1p1tat1on 49 Heroes 50 F1ct1()n i tem 51 Lures 52 Soundness of

reasoning 53 Be nomadic 54 A-S laborer 55 Quote 56 Toledo's lake 60 Alter taxes

KAWASAKI KZ 400 '76 Nu TlrM. Nu ~In 1200. 846 0573 lv M...aoe


HO a oay Olt• Ill•



lON<l.BEACH (No CMrry exlt·-405) '114)Ul-11IO 'f rac»-11'11 Wetcome OPl!H SEVEN DAYS

available '41-H28 1--------

•lltlllll'I SOUTH cou1n

11111 "Wlftl•T ..........

Volumes ..... ServQ AndLMllng

18711~81vd Hun11"iton 8Mcfl

(114) 142-IOOI 1raua I

'11 Ghia. ;;Qt eno. iPOriY fun 12* obo 7&MO ~ ~ 7204$31 dyt

..... tm '71 dle&t •• 1 ;pa, air. atereo 4Jm/tm, xln1 c:ond 12200 Jan oet-1206

'82 Otluire Cpe auto, ale.. Cfulae cont. pwr wnctw.. mega, alee aunroof much m0<• 850-t709 WI, (213)2M-1900 dyt

'11 GLC Muoa. 5 epd. air . ctMn.,,.. tlrea So'441 Of b•t otr Call 5• 9-9431 ---""'=r.:=-""=--...=--~




Tll Tt«U F~&. 7:30 TO ~:30 PARTS DCPT orot. MON. 1:00 TO 9 P.M.

T\l. THRO BJ. 1:00 TO S:30, SAT 9 TO 2 P .M.


Hare you seen the line-up of cars on this page? Take a look!!!

1111 TOYOTA 414 PU Sn Rf, AM / FM Cass. Custom Paint . Chrome Tacoma wheels w/ All Terrain Tires (018890)


bttlla I S 7 freeway Aaa~el• 311-1111

MERCURY '81 · Colony. Park Wagon

- . .,

Automatic . air londltionlng, PIS, P/ B, power • windows. trlt , cruise (Ser 1868100) ·


2060 Harbor llvd Costa Mesa 142-0010

Hare you seen the line-up of cars on this page? Take a Look!!!

Aulo, AtC , PIS P/ B AM/FM Stereo Cass , Mag Wheels . Vinyl top Lots-Lots More ( 1FWT370J

$10,995 THEODORE ROlllS FORD .

2060 Harbor llvd Costl lua 142-0010

Hare you seen the line-up of cars on this page? Take a look!!!

Landau, Excellent condition , 58K miles. Owner must sell!

$3200 obo Dqys 549-2711 Eves 850-9968

Is your next car showing on this page? If not · check next week!

OlllPUTRY lllTllH. Won troph'y 1983 Costa M esa Concours D'Elegance. Red on red w/ off white Interior . 3 spd. Rarest of the rare!

121,000 .~. 211-111-1331, 4ays • Hl-OIU tvts

lllW '12 833 csi

5 spd, leather sn rf low miles, absolotely loaded' (Ser 505133)

CREVIER BMW 208 w. 1st Santa Ana


Auto V-8. PI S. P/ B, P/w1ndows. AM/ FM stereo, Mag wheels. (Ser 119586)


2060 lbrbor ltvd Cost.a Mesa 142-0010

1111 PAOUll 200 HLll SEIH


IE TIE UI WIO IWIS Ml 'Original owner. Very good cond. Runs well 148K mi Eng/ trans rblt . Shop manual & ell service records Many spare parts. Garaged

SELLING YOUR CAR? Picture your car on this

page as shown ·in the example below.·

Starting Friday May 4th in the Auto Pilot section


1980 280 zx 10th Annlver1ery

Edition Red and Black- all options. includ­ing T-Top

PHONE 000-0000

ONLY •_2500

per day

if you furnish the picture of you r car. $5°0 additional if Daily Pilot takes the picture. 2 days for $45°0


Reserve Your Space Today. For .Next Fridays Publication. · PHONE 642-4321


FORD '11 F-110

Automatic, PI S. P/ B, AM/ FM radio, cust Wheels, rear step bumper, 2 new tires (Ser 2043896)


2060 llarbor l tn Costa ltsa 142-0010

1110 OLIS TOllllAIO

Full power. A/<:,, Wire Wheel Covers, Tiit Wheel. Cruise Control. Vinyl Roof. Exceptionally clean. (2ABU 112)

$1411 IUCN LllOOLl/ IEllOUllY

16800 luc• ltn Mntlactoa l c• 141· llll

Is your next car showing on this p111? If not · check next w11k!

"Auto's on Reriew" is a good place to sell my car!

1111 TOYOTA CELICI IT Auto, AIC, PIS. P/Wlndows. dlgltat: AM/ FM Cass, Sn Rf, Tilt, Crulae.,! (038035) $1211 _-:

STIDIUI IOTORS : btefla I 57 freeny ll*~l•

311·1111 · -~---

1110 TOYOTA SIPlll Black. Auto Trans, PIS, A/ C · P/ windows. P/door locks. Cassette Tapedeck. Tilt wheel. Cust Wheels Sun Roof. low miles. (351 ZHZ)

$1311 IUCll LllCOLl/ IEllClllY

16100 leacll llwd H11tJ1ctH 141-1131

'75 914 Appearance Group Immaculate In & Out. 1.8 Engine · Many extras! New tires. Car cover. · Current smog certification. Lo Miles~ Must Sell! Asking only $6300 ...


"Auto's on .Reriew" is a good place to sell my car!

:: ~· , . . . •• . ' 0 I . ' . ' i: ... . ' ii t: t: ,. I : .. • • , . .. . . •• .. •• I• .. I • I • I• ,. ~~ •• .. .. •• .. , . .. " " " •• . I

" I

.. ,

- ~·

Nevv ·1984 IM:P~'~"'r,.,.~~



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We Have 'J"he Best Resale Bu~s Too!


FLEETWOOD DEVILLE SEVILLE Brougham No. 1696 7 5 {325 RKR) ,922 MPY)

'10,995 s5995 s7995

2600 Harbor Boulevard, Costa Mesa . \ (714) JS4Q-9100

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IEW LISTllG l 11111 - Wiii •1111 A Beaut! 3 bdrm,\2 bath home ptus 1 bdrm~ 1 b8lh ln~law u"nlt plus 2 bndrtn, 2 bath rental. In CdM, So. of Hwy. Neat prop­erty! Only M25,oeo.

IPB 1111111111111111 .., ........ , ................. .... $395,000 .......................... 2001 Altura. Irv Terr, CdM ... , •• , ............................... 11111. $1,000,000 ........................... 3335 Oceen Blvd., CdM ............... 2 ... 2 __ ..... ,.,. $380,000 ........................................ 232 lri&, Otd CdM ....., .. tu hnn, l 11, l u.-. ... • $225,000 .................... 403-409 Poppy Ave. Otd CdM

IPU 111111 •Y ...... 'r\ .... 4Wnl,2.&,dlt ...... $399,000...................... 1230 Sand Key, HVHla, CdM ...................... $285,000 (LH) .............. 2801 8'ackthom, E/EMuff, NB let~,..., .... , .... l • ., .. ., $360,000 ....... ~ 4501 Wayne Rd., Cameo Hlnda, CdM

~r.~.·-~.~-~3~'\!.'!~r.~:.~CdM c:...lry b&llll. ..., ntalt •/~ ... J •. ,_ ra. $435,000 ............... 528 Seaward, Corona Hinda, CdM

I t121.-111211,111 I ~

WIWl WllllWIJ - 3 bdrm wtth neutral decor and great loans, comer lot, cloee to schools. Now at $162,900.

P1P11.A1 I • UI Liii ID - Great locatlon, '8f'ene courtyard & a view of the mountains In ASJ, $195,000.

I 1111. IOI. - Newport condo, cute as can bel 3 bdrms. 1 fireplace and next to nature park. $118,900 (lncl. $4,000 dee. allow.)

11111. Olm - Classic old CdM duplex, Batten Board, brick fireplaces. tons of threes + Invest­ment potential. Only S.;215,000.

UPI .... llWBH•t - Outstanding values, near CdM beaches, 3 bdrm, 3 baths, brand new, decks, spas, fireplaces. From $225,000.

lllffl IAllA• - 3 bdrm, 3 baths, 1850 sq.ft.I end unit, patio, nice decor. Only $189,900.

IPll • 111111 - Outdoor feeling, redwood lntertor. skytlghts, French doors, open to grassy yard, 3 bdrma, 2 ba, quiet cul de aac. $179,000.

TDIUll Tlftll• - Brand newt 3 bdrm, 3 ba, fireplace In muter aulte and IJvtng room, French doors, patio and aundect<. 1209,000.

MWS•T W H•ll 1111 - Lovely k>catlon, sunny 2 bdrm, 2 ba. ftreplllOe, pool Md upstairs privacy. Only 1128.000.

Tll.....S . ................................ "" .. ..,,. .....,. ... , .. ,,... ...., ...., a.-- • ......... 1 .......... ,..... ......... ....... ....................... ., ...... 11n..., ,. .......................... itlll ..nt .. ......,..,, ..... .., .......... ......,., """ lllTTAIY WMll - Attractive Costa Mesa area, 3 bdrm, 2 ba with used brick fireplace, pavers, wood floors and pine paneling. Ah-dor-ablel $147,500.

Slll,000 T 1 1111,000

IPAMll • 191.D - 1900 sq.ft . bright w/ beam cemngs, 3 large bdrms, rental Is 1500 sq.ft ., 2 bdrm1, nr footbridge. $385,000.

Ull .... Tl PW - Dellghtful CdM lo­catlonl 2 bdrm. 2 bath claasJc, lge Master suite, den, enclosed patio, yard. $380,000.

IUL ._ •TAU - (Duplex) 2 three bdrm, 2 bath unite, newer wtth fireplaces, decks, beams. neer CdM ehopa, only $320,000.

... LIT • lllYllW - Great city tights vtewl Ocean tool 3 bdrm, 3 bath home, located near comm. pool, apa and tennis. Prk::ed to Mfl at Of'lly $346,000. ... IT. nana IT - CdM R-2 lot wtlh older

home, hu plans, posaibiHtt,e, location & mnlng, only $229,000. •

IEW LISTllG l4 ... • • eorner 1ot with poof. spa and 3 bdrm, 3 bath home, 2 fireplace home. Perfect tor a a decorator with an active 1.

famlly.L Airy and empty. $380,0QO.


HIM..,. • - - Prime area, 4 bdrm with corner lot, patio. french doors and ftrepfaces In living & (amity rooms. Onty $375,000 fee.

- "Tll ... - Port Royal plan In Seaview .. 4 bdrm, $30,000 In extraa. Tasteful excitement. $449,000 . • IMlll - 2 bdrm, den, 2 bath condominium, behind guarded gate. Spacious, light and a bargaJn lit $335,000.

llUT EIUllMlll - HVH Broadmoor, 5 bdrm, slngle story, backs Jo nature like open space, skylights, spa, near comm poof, $379,000. ~ ... .Umllml ""' - On Corona del MBI cliffs overlooking entJre Newport Harbor. 3 units, wtth decks and magnlfk:lent views. $87 4,000.

Tl UY '1'1'11 LIT• •Ill" - Isn't enough! It's huge; It's beautlfull 5 bdrms +bdrm rental, near beach In Cdm. Only $685,000.

,,> llllllT LIT - Sport court, covered paflo and pride of ownership, 4 bdrm, H.V. Hiiis. near park. $399,000.

.. m Ill- YllW al.I .:.:.. Spacious Burlingame 4 bdrm plus lge rec room, canyon vtews, owner wants ~ti $405,000 .

llLllllT llU. - Speclal offerings of a speclal project. Quality construction, ocean views, se­curity, tennis and a gorgeous pool. Priced from $440,000.

111111 Ill ma •U• - Canyon views, yet spacious 3 bdrm, fam rm _pnd vlewlng deck. A special home. Owner/agent. $435,000.

IPYIUll lllf••T - Huge and vacant, 5 or 6 bedrooms, beautiful pool and view. Cul de sac. $550,000. ~

11111,oeo .... ·•I -U.ll YllW - Adult home plus guest apart­ment, breathtaking location, very unique. $750,000.

... - But wetl preserved 3 bdrm, hugs the cliffs over beach, surf, jetty, CetaJlna and suneets. Ananoe: owner. Prtoe: A mllllonl

llllU m. •I IBU&ll - Looks hlstorlo, lives contemporary, 4 bdrm, 4500 sq.ft. and grand porch overlooking the vaat Pacific. Presented at $1,750,000.

U~KlUI: tifMl:§ •. ~LT()~~. C3lti·f)Gf)f) . -- ·


I •

" . . 4 - Orange County Real Estate/ An AdWrttslng supplement to 1hil DAI( Y PILOT /Saturday, May 5, 1984

Shortage of airport area off ices foreseen ... A major Increase In leasJng activity around

John Wayne Airport during the put six months Is expected to create a " critical shortage" by the third quarter of 1984, a Grubb & Ellis Commercial Brokerage Group study has dlscloaed.

The report shows that, as of July, there wlll be a minimum amount of premier office space available In the county's airport area. Currently, there are 672,925 square feet of vacant space and an annual absorption of 1.143,335 square feet.

" The Orange County airport area has defied all reasonable expectations and absorbed most, If not all, of its excess space," said Stan Gale, a senior marketing consultant with the firm's Newport

HB realty firm a 'best-seller'

Century 21 Emery Real Estate, Inc., of Huntington Beach has received the 1984 Century 21 Centurion Award recognizing the top-setllng offices in the international real estate system.

Beach office. . Grubb & Ellla' detailed survey broke out both

low- and hlgh-rtee ftrat-dua office structures In the greater airport area. A total of 20 office bulldlngs were surveyed, totaling 2,923,562 square feet. _

·'The airport area la the hottest marl<et In terms of annual offioe space absorption," noted Gale. " It typlcaJly accounts for 80 percent of the entire Orange County office apace abeorption.''

" Tenants are attracted to the airport area because It provldes ~numerous amenities and an ldeaJ business climate. Amenities such as flrst­clasa hotels, restaurants, and proximity to the John Wayne Airport are extremely Important to office

users.·· According to Gale, as the supply of apace

dwindles, lease rates wlll r1.. aigntftcantty until developers Increase the supply through the completion of several new projects that are presently on the drawing boards. _

"The recovering economy has creased an expansionary business enV'lronment where com­panies are experiencing growing aaJe8 volumes and the neeg, for additional staff and offk:e space." he added.

" Psychologically, business decision makers feet confident $.bout the economic outlook for the next several years.''

Emery was honored as one of the top 152 " otttces in a network of more than 6,000 Indepen­dently owned and operated offices.

. . Receiving the award in a ceremony at 1he

annual Century 21 convention In Florida were brokers Kenny Dong and Jim and Tom Emery.

Offices receMng the award produced a minimum of $850,000 In closed gross commissions during the year.

Car nia- Sandling tours local sites

Carma-Sandling 's board of directors " didn' t realize how much vitality, excitement and activities were generated in Orange County," said Larry Lynch. vice president of the Carma-Sandling Group, following the board's recent visit to the Southern California market.

Members of the corporate office, Carma Developers Ltd., Calgary, Alberta. and the U.S.­based real estate development firm, Carma Developers; tnc .. in Houston, Texas, spent a-full day eyaluating project sites currently under construc­tion by The Carma-Sandling Group.

Sites visited included Laguna Heights in Laguna Beach; Whiting Ranch and Serrano Creet< Villas in El Toro; Villa Mira condominiums, Niguel Beach Terr ace and Vista del Cerro In Laguna Niguel; and -Seal Ranch. a master-planned com­munity of 1,375 homesites. also In Laguna Nlguel.

Members of the two companies on the Carma­Sandling Group·~ guided tour included: Joe Combe, chairman; Roy Wilson. president and chief executive officer; Howard Ross and Ron Zall , members. board of directors; Paul McAteer. vtce president and Murray Fox. vice president of finance. all of Carma Developers Ltd.; Stan Hopper, chairman: Wayne Sramek. president; Bernie Haines, executive vlce president; Dave Burris, vice president of finance: Bill Reid, general counsel ; and Maurice Chornoboy. member, board of directors. all of Carma Developers Ltd.

. .

Award-wtnnl n& Century 21 broken J amea Prealdent Richard J. LoaghU.n (left) and (eecond from left) and Tom Emery and J ohn regional directo r Da•e·Daweon (ri&bt). Doaden recel•e their trophy from Century

Sniith chosen hostess of desert club Charlene Smith. former manager of the

Peninsula Point Racquet Club In Newport Beach, has been named tennis hostess for the Sliver Sands Racquet Club In Palm Desert.

Smith will be avaJlable Friday through Sunday of each week to take reservations, arrange court times. set up matches and assist with tournaments.

According to sales manager Bob Ogle, Smith wHI aJso arrange matches with players of equal skills.

" We're quite pleased thal Charlene is joining us," said Ogle. " We expect this new aooommo­datk>n wlll greatly assist residents In their rec­reation plans, especially vacation residents who may need help In finding players of equal skill among their neighbors.··

The Sliver Sands Racquet Club Is a Mclain Development Co. residential resort community.

Central to the planned community Is the private racquet club with eight nlght-Ughted sunken tennis courts. a spectator area overlooking the exhibition courts and two air-conditioned. enclosed racquetball courts.

Sliver Sands residences are arranged In individual enclaves, with each home steps away from a private recreation area Including pool, hot swlrl spa and sun deck.

Two- and thre&-bedroom home&' are available In !Ive floor plans, offering up to 1,84<4 square feet of llvmg area, most offering desert vistas. Interior atrlums, bay-windows, vaulted oeftlnga and fonnal dining " galerlaa" are among the design features.

Greenhouse windows, Interior planters, wood­burning fireplaces and ceramic-tile entry foyera are Included. One plan, ldeaJ for dual ownenhlp, features two complete master suites at opposite ends of the home.

Common areas and facilities are maintained professionally through a home<>wners auoclatlon.

Priced from $127,500 to $194,500, Sliver Sands Racquet Club models and sales office are open daJly from 10 a.m. to 5 p .m . The 24-hour guarded entrance ~ the community may be reached by taking ~hway 10 to Bob Hope Drtve and turning left onto Country Club Drive for two _____ :...:....:..~:.:..:=====:.:.:o.:..::.==:::=============~=~~~~~~.!,.,.~~-!!:.- ,,, ., . . . . ............................. .

..... i111 ....................................... ___________ ......_ ______ ~


IRVINE Piil 11111111 Step into the world of elegance. Thia beautifully decorated and completely upgraded home gives a new meanma to condo living. Only $128,500. 759-1501 ·--In Uni~enity Park with 3 bdrml, 2 ~ baths. Excellent location. End unit with beautiful private prden & .-do. Only $149,000 & you OWN the land! 759-1501. -····-In this extra speCial value in University Park greenbelt area. Short walk to pools & tennis. $10,000 under nearest cxmparable! 7~-1501

nm:. ....... Original owner & pride of ownenhip. Outatanding deconting. t>Muutul entry, abake roof elegance. View of partc & lake as well aa golf mune. ONLY $159,900! nu. one is a sialU 759-1501 •..•.•• 1•-···· Twoplua'cten plus 2 betha plus 2 car garage plus fittplace. Very private end unit. Shake root. Italian tile in atrium with fountain. Decoratol" wallcov~. Thia one ia EXCEPrlONAL. 759. 15b1.

••••••••• 1211.- . Profemionally decorated and landKapedl 4 bdrml, 3 baths, 2 fpks, formal dining room and family room +elaborate 9eCW'ity system. Mouvat$1 eellen! 759-1501

•••• 1~11n In beautiful Univendty Park with bike 1raila. parb & swimming"pooll! Big double car garage, dishwasher, fireplace - even baa air conditlonini! Just put on market. Only $260,000 for this super location! 759--1501!

I NEWPORT BEACH/CORONA DEL MAR ,....... . Short walk to the beach from this 3 bdrm, 21h bath Towne Home with mini ocean VIEW! Well maintained aurround.inp with tennis crta. pool spa & clubbowle. Lender says "SELL IT!" ,Only $169,950! 759-1501.

Ill ... I-., 1141 ... 3 bdmW, 2 ~ baths in one of our most 10Ught a4er area! Beautiful greenbelts, bike trails & community adivities. 10 minutes to the beach! Just listed. Better 1ee this one FAST! '169-1501.

11,lllPD•&ll With part of monthly leMe toward the down payment when you leue-option this 3 bdrm. 2 ~-beth residence with mini ocean view! Only a few lldoclra to the beach! 759-1501

1241,111 MIT Ill' c.omes with this exceptional property. Completely renovated. 3 bdrms, 2~ betha. 759-1501

IHl,lll llUI 111W From this 3 bdnn·j>lua den executive home in one of OW' most exclusive areas. Extra lge lot with room for pool/tennis. Private beach access included in low a.x. dues. You OWN the land! 759-1501

111111 ... PllTlflll •••B. With super location near IChool, park and pool. 4 spacious ~ plua eeparate 1 bdnn guest or in-law quarters. Large 9ecluded yard with spa. in allWD&ble financing. 759.1501

111• ..ux, PLa·•m 1m1 Ideal location - large corner lot - investon delight! Only $269,500. 759-1501

........ ~Liii Belt value in Harbor ftidee. A.•mable $165,000 loan. Almost 2,000 IQ ft · of ccmfort le luxury in thil ideal location. One year Bame Warranty provided. 758-150 l .. _ ...... ·2211 ... Beautifully maintained with tmp-e91ive brick paved driveway. Beauti­ful interior w/custom w/w earpeU.O, and Van Luit wallpaper. A maantficent executive re8kleoce f« only $329,000. 759-1501

11•N1•1211 When you ie.. option this immaculate Harbor Ridie beauty, hardly lived in! 759-1501 .

1111,1• r•An 11111 ~ CDme9 wtth this C\Wtom built hillaide home in c.orona del Mar that providel a .. countrylide'' feeling with views of hills & "open apace". Owner ~J~le_ with Jaw int.erst finandnc. 759-1501 m•-From ~ f'XClellently located duplex SOt.rrH OF THE HIGHWAY!

F.njoy stained g1- windows, frplc & spacious room mes. Shon walk to the beech! 7~-1501 11•,111 ,.. m11n11 On this 27001q. ft. one level executive &em located in pn! Harbor IUdae. Privat.ecul~ac for~ and quiet at the TOP of the WORLD! Fanlutlc VIEW! Excellent ,_llT)Bble loan. 759-1501. ..... 1411,111 Newly 1-edeconted featuring ocean view. beautiful pool and larae lot. L.ota of l.-d brick liva warm family ideal f« entenainina. 751-1591_ --•111 ..... 180 dep>ee 'vtew of the ocean to Catalina and a panorama of apariding lights a t :fh~~ 4 bdrml, 3 baths with added bonus room. ONLl' '579. iiw\501 ii I . . From this 3·bdrm, 3 bath executive residence with pri~at courtyard entrance, large pool & 1p8cioua family room with wet bar. Just put on the market. 759-1501 . ..,. •• , .. -..n 40 ft dock and view. Spacious one story plan with 4 bedrooms. 4 baths, aecluded patioe and 3 car f(aralfe with workshop. $645,000. 759-1501 .. ... ,_,. .. __ ....... From this 4 bdrm mansion high atop Spyglass· Hill. One of the best panoramic ocean and bey views we have ever aeen! Pool, spa, security system. Over 3,300 IQ ft of executive luxury. 759-1501.

I COSTA MESA •111u.-FOI' super Towne Home in ~xceptionally maintained development. 2 spacious bdnns & 2 baths plus attached 2 car garage! Large private deck foe SW) bathing! 759-1501

1111,111 Large 3 bedroom home with fireplace, beautiful kitchen on large lot . 759-1501

Rl. 11111 IPI ea.ta Mesa F.astside Oasis T owne Home with 2 bedrooms + den + 2 baths+ double garage and running streams, waterfalls & trees, trees, trees! Fantastic "woodsy" atmosphere. ONLY $132,900. 759-1501

Ell1lm IUITf With hard to find hardwood floors. C1me to shopping & tl'aJ'llportation Large 140 ft. deep lot with fruit trees & room to expand. Only $137 ,500 759-1501

11,.111 PD 11211 - Wll • Wll/ lfTlll Thia Brittany Woods beauty with over 1700 eq. ft. of comfort in this ~ 3 bedroom, 2~ bath. St. George Model. Big double car garage, bup muter suite. Ideal Back Bay location. 759-1501.

AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service .Things That Service You."

NEWPORT l&ACH OFFICE 2170 Son lllg•I Drlvt

Newport ltadl, CA l2llO (714) 11t-11 .. 01 .

. .. s:'

6 - 0rMUe CoUnty ~ ~te/AWA~ ~f10 Wt OAILY Pfl.mYSa~, -av s: "19M -;

It'a posh at Parkside Parkalde. a new colHlomlnia.m' 41e~lop­ment in Gar41en GroYe. cemb baea atyle wldl afforclaWe prlcea. Alllenitlee lnelwle pri­vate wood decb or .-doe. ral9M celH•&•

.. Newpor t a r ch itect to discu ss housinr

Architect Arthur C. Dante4ian of Newport Beach-based Danielian Associates wiH tead a seminar on housing design at the 1984 American Institute of Architects National Convention in Phoenix Wednesday.

Danielian. a past chairman of the AIA National Housing Committee, will also moderate a slide presentation showing case studies of various types of architecture throughout the United States and join a panel discussion on opportunit ies for architects in housing and marketing.

Danielian is past chairman of the Orange County chapter of the AIA and of the Affordable Housing Task Force set up by the Orange County chapter of the Building Industry Association.

Land being cleared for Hutton Center

More than 21/2 acres of land in Hutton Center, a master-planned commercial communit y at MacArthur Boulevard and Main Street in Santa Ana, are being cleared to prepare for construction of the third office tower in the 46-acre complex.

The $13 million project will consist of a 10-story office tower comprising 195,000 square feet, and an adjoining five-level parking structure for 6-40 cars.

General contractor for the $13 million building - due to be completed In May 1985 - Is Equldon of Irvine. Designer o f the third tower is James Arthur, AIA, in conjunction with Envlronmental Planning and Research of Newport Beach.

Hutton Center Is expected to take eight years before It Is entirety complete, lncludlng eight office towers, a hotel and several restaurants. A lake and landscaped grounds are already in place.

Hutton Center is being developed and man­aged by Hutton Associates of Santa Ana.

. -~ ............. .. _,. 2

... formal •••••& rooaa. lllodela are epen froa 10 a.a. te 8 p.m. daily at 10961 8eYille eo.rt la Gullea Gro•e. hr dlrec­deaa, call 638-8852.

Architect Arthur C . Danielian

----------~---------U nderinsured homeowners taking chance

A recent study by Equifax Services Inc. points up the need for homeowners to check the adequacy of their insurance coverage. ._

The study notes that cum~latlve effect of continually rising construction cost• has changed the basis for establishing homeowners coverage amounts.

It Indicates that 66 percent of American homes are undertnsured - that Is, they are Insured for less than 100 percent of the amount It would cost to replace them In the event of total loss.

In most states, a home must be Insured for at least 80 percent of replacement value to quattfy for full payment of loss claims; otherwise, the insurer will usually pay such claims on a depreclated basis. Almost 4 t percent of the homes surveyed failed to qualify under this provision.

More than 5.000 homes In varlous price ranges and in various areas of the country were lnciuded In the study. The sampling was selected to represent the country as a whole.

" Most homeowners assome their Insurance Is adequate," says Bruce Rothmann, product man­ager of Equifax's Property and Cesuatty Market Center. " Unfortunatefy, that Isn' t always true . Coverage that was sufficient a few years ago may not be realistic In light of today's Inflated construction costs.·'

$50,000 condos drawing buyers

Tli'e Barratt-Las Palmas phone Mne has been rlng1 off the hook as Interested Shoppers call to find o about the new condominium deYefopment - priced from the $50,000~ - to open soon in the planned community of Mission Viejo.

Following Initial preliminary advertlsJng, 25 calls per day have been received requesting information on the homes. according to Barratt Irvine. Tim Unger, Irvine division president, said the Las Palmas development will mark the first time that Barrett's studio concept - a fully furnished condominium home - will be offered In Orange County.

The concept has enjoyed excellent success in projects in Northern Calif ornla, the San Fernando Valley and Ontario, Unger added.

In addition to the studios, there will be one-·and two-bedroom plans available, and most homes will have views.

Las Palmas. which Is planned for a total of 405 units, will offer such on-site amenities as swimming pools, spas and a recreation room.

For more information, call 250-0438.

Assessed value of property $3 trillion in '81 Assessed value of U.S. taxable property $2.5 trillion of the nationwide total. About $1.9

totaled nearly $3 trillion in 1981, the latest year for trillion of this real estate Is located In metropolitan which figures are available, according to a areas, according to the survey. Commerce Clearing House report of newly re- Residential value totaled $1.5 trillion of locally leased Census Bureau data. assessed realty value, with all but $191 bUUon of this

The data is based on .a 1982 Census of value In single-family residences. ~bout 80 percent Governments s"'rvey on taxable property values of residential value Is In property located Inside and assessment-sales price ratios. metropolltan areas. ·

The $3 trillion figure represents a tenfold The aggregate ratio of aaaeaed value.~ to increase since 1956, when the first survey was realtysalesprlcescllmbedto40percentln198f,;,;p taken, with two-thirds of the ~ncrease having from 31 percent In 1976. Among etngle-famlty occurred since 1976. house sales, the ratios rose from 33 percent In 1976

Locally assessed real estate accounted for to 44 percent Jn 1981 . ....____ - - ---:11mm~rG~mlt"L!• - ----- ------.,.. . -. -. -.. - . . - -·---- -_::.:: .. ·

·E77Zttt >


Ovsr Sixty Ysars of Turning Orsams·lntQ Reality

QEOltQl!OUS QMENml!LT LOCATION New on the market. 3 bdrm. family room "r · plan. Decorator perfect. Private, IWU\y courtyard & lrl t:i.iamy overlooklnc one of the mast beeUliful sre.en­bella in the Blut&.. Priced to .U at $259,SOO. Call CAROL PANGBURN

OREGON ESTATE Two ~ on 3.2 llCrt!I on bankl of Cbetco River ln BrookinP. ~· $189.000 with uswnable financing. Includes 3 cornh, hone .track. ch.lcken coop. ~ producing fruit orchard and more. Seller will corwidet' e~ for ()ranee County property! Pbot.ol and maps available ln listing office. Calf MARY JANK

m. llUYI nt11 como Cheery 2 l\ary' 2 bdrm. 1 ~ bath condo with .anew auached pnce. :e.Jcooy off m1111ter bdrm and sna1l endmed patio. Allo include comm pool. .pa and .ecwity pte. Call DONNA WEBSTER




13 fixed In~ 30 year loan. Three bdrm home with lpec'iow room and -s-rate llviJ\c room 1n quiet location. Walk to abopping cenier & Fedto. 1136.000. Call SALLY SHIPLEY

EAITSIO£ COSTA •SA Large family home featwinc 3 bdrrm. family roc:m and • 3 batha on otra Jarwe .R~2 lot. Showa lib a model Includes 1 yr home WVT&nty. Enjoy llUDllDel' ID YfNr own pool. Call MARY JANK

TAX 9HEL TIR 5 bdrma, 4 baths, pool, rme garden. Large 1 OUT8Tum11n ·-a ...,1,.900 _,_ IChedWed income on thia Coda Maa n .... lot _, ,.. -· • • ..- ft'ftd . ~ . Quality built. lib~ ~ l&W>d.ry eech (ourplex.Priaedforfutaale. Nodef ma111te\anee. ~------------------- urut. 2-car P"P· Beamed ceilinp in aome. One 3 Call toe more detaila. MA&Y JANK OlD CORONA DEL MAR bdrm. lix 2 bdrm. Upgnding area. $695,000. Call

A rare opportunity to own one of the attM landmark MARILYN TWITCHELL

EASTBLUFF YEW HOIE Four bdrm, Luak plan " D'' family home. ()peon family room and kitchen with trench doon. Formal room. Warm. laltdul decor throu&hout. Pool aize gted front courtyard. Dramatic Catalina & IUD8el views. $330.000 FEE. Call DON DeTHOMAS

4400+ SQ FT NEWPORT BEACH HOME 147' bay frontqe w/private dock Lor 70' boat + 4 bdnns + convertib~ lwdy, 4 ~ baths. formal dining. room and step-down llvU\C room -;- _,,., mMttt wine w/lllning room. fittpl.ce. twtn walk-In cbrta - of­fered with land for $1,700,000. Amumable, Call TODDY SMITH or DON DemOMAS

VILLA BALBOA Two prestigiow ocan view concb ln ..curity bullding. Both uni.ta include 2 bdnna, 2 baths, fireplace. Ww pata and community pool and spa. Minuta to be9cb, FMhion laland and H~ M.d.lcal Center. Aakina $1~.000 and $230,000. Call DIANE CARFORA or LINDA TAOLIANE'M'I

SELLER WANTS OFFER The perfect home for a IJ"Owlng family, 3 bdnn. family room "Portofino" model h.u plenty of room for~­panajon.. J...Mae oountry kitchen opens to a lp8Cioua family room and large bee* yard. Motivated wlltt is open to offers. Call CA.RoL PANGBURN

homel on Ocean Blvd. The charminl reGdence with rambUnc rocma ii oeminilcent of a pMt en. Located on a~ 65Xl40 aimer Jot with a a-noramic view from Dana Point to Pakll Verda Bee.listically priced at il, 100,000. Call BINNIE DIXON


Splenchd 4 bdrm re8dence in pres1igioua Cameo High­lands with spectacular ocean view. Feetures 2 fire­places. one in muter bdnn suiie, S>lar heeled water system & computerized 1prinklen. $449,000 including land. Call JOYCE DABOL T or SALLY SHIPLEY

EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Cbarminc. three bdrm borne with entry courtyard & spa. Family room with firep&.:e opens to a eecond patio. Priced to tell at $1~.000. Call BINNlE DIXON for de~.

EMERALD BAY-PRICE REDUCTION ocee;n view home. Must be IOkt now. Three bdnns + convertible den. Immaculate condltioo. $595,000. Call JOYCE DA.BOLT or SALLY SHIPLEY


Orl8lfl&I owner says "eell my 3 bdrm. 2 bath Cannel aiodeJ home" . Mint condition. New paint. new carpet. quality landmcaping, quiet atreel RealisUcally priced at $249,500 Including land. Call TODDY S MITH or DON DeTHOMAS

NORTHWOOD CONDO I bdrm .+ k>ft. plan "B'' near a babbling brook. Owner may trade for R-1 lot. 1110,000. Call MARJA BEROOVITZ fM financing.

CUSTOll-HEWPORT BEACH 3 bdrms, den, family rm. matter bdrm suite and 3 fireplaces! Located on an Hln Larp lot al end of a cul de MC. Lovely outdoor encet'tainmenl area includes pool, spa. w~. bullti.n BBQ and wood deddnc Abo has ~nhouR. workroom, vegetable garden and nxre! Aak for DONNA or BD..L


Single &eYe1 3 bdrm ... ,.. wr\h extra larg. deck overlooking the canyon and back bay. Excellent con­dition. Owner wanta fast sale. Submit!! Call S ALLY SHIPLEY or JOYCE DABOLT

BLUFFS " ONE Of A KIND" Expanded front row end unit o'looking Newport's prestigious back bay. Built by the developer of the Bluth u his penona.l residenor on l 'A lota wrth 180' view. Features IWlken coownation area and builtm welbar. $43i,OOO lncludina land Call SAL.LY SHIP LEY or JOYC1!; UAHUL l



.. \

I ,_ I



---... ~------------~---:----'1-------::;;;;-----~~------~----.... --~----~_.. .... ..,.......-~~,....,...---:,.._.----.,..-...~~·=­"""I.. -

8 - Orange County~ Estate/An Advert.latog tupplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 5, 19M


mTI mu .i - - Beautlfulty landsc;aped, sttuated on comer tot. RV acoeas. Formal dining, lrg F.P .. most popular fl<>Of plan. Great areal Assumable $89.500. 12.5%. 1st Trust Deed. 3 BR, 2 BA. It has It all! $126,950. 979-5370

Ml 1,IN .. ST. - Owner says low down. hit the ground, pack 'en In & sign on the 11!'8· 3 BR 2 BA w/added on family room with F.P. Pool table In­cluded! Only $120,000. Assumable financing. 979-5370

1111 Wlllll lalllll LIT - 100x50. Only $79.950. 979-5370

....unlY ....... . - 3 BR. rv. BA w/new earthtone carpet. paint, drapes, llnofeum. oven & cooktop/ butcher block center. Owner will pay $2,000 ol buyer's costs. Priced to sell at only S 118,950. 979-5370

IHllU -.T - Large EastSKSe home on a com« lot. 1700 sq.f1. 4 BR, family room, F.P .. formal dining. Only $139,000 with a $1 10,000 fixed rate assumable first. Priced rock bottom for a fast sale! See It today1 979-5370

llUll WILL PAY..,.. • mT1 - On this newly listed customized Mesa Verde home. 4 BR, 3 BA, 2 fin~ places. Family room. May be used aa a 3 BR + mother-4n-taw's quarters. See this European style courtyard entry. All for.$159,000. -Make an appoint-

• ment to see It nowt 979-5370

mtWITD llUll - Mak• an offer on this fabulous VIHage Creek Condo near South Coast Plaza with over $25,000 in upgrades. Assume this fixed rate 9'h% loan and owner may carry a 2nd T .0 . with a large down. Price reduced S 10,000 to S 119,500. Check It outl 979-5370

I Lll•-.u I I r•m ""' - On thtS pnde of ownership-New Wortd condo. Model perlectl 3 BR, 2 BA, with 9fldosed patio. Quiet llfM. detached dbt garage. Onfy $100,900. lndodes Home WlfTWlty pofk:y. Call for en llPPOifaboent to now. 9~5370

1-- 1 ma Lll&Tm - Close to schoots & freeway. Lovely family home with neutral tones throughou1. E.xoetlent area of lrvme. S1op loOking & mu~ an appointment today. Only S 145.500. 979-5370



UUll lln .,_ - With your~ own hornel 3 BR, formal dining, large yard plus 8. t5% ...Umable loanl PHced to .-1at1131,500. 979-5370

I uam llftl) "'ICUYD.Y 111111 ... - Pride of owne11Np . .. BR, 2 BA, hardwood noora. Block ~ eurrounda beautiful back yard In bloom.Orlglnal ownera VfKY anxk>ua for an offer. Leaving the state. Only $97,000. Cell ua for more detalls. 979-5370

I wnm•11aJ lllUT - • lll - Quiet CUI de UC. Fantastlo curb appeal. Every room remodeled & upgraded. Open beam oelllngs. skytlte. Mparate dining & huge covered patio. AMumable flnandng. Owner will help with buyer's dosing costs. Eatth tone decor/ new roof. Only $112,000. 919-5370.

I PUlllTll J PW UlllB ... - S&S Quality patio home In Placentia VIiiage Groves. 2 BR, 2 BK'sfngte story, private front & ~yards. F.P .. central air, skytlt•. Owner says make me an offer! Priced to ... I at s 116,9501 979-5370.


nraralld f'd \il"w- Bar k Bay. Cit y l.i~hu. Mo~aini.. fa llhion b land . Nf'Brly f'Vf' ry room hu a vi.-w.

Rdurbi1>hf'd - "lear nf'w ('oodition. new pool. 1pa. wrought iron ff'n<'I". r u!.tom drapn. all new brick work throughout.

Quality - Leaded ..... 4oon. brairs fixturl"s, tilr noon. doul1lr dreuing room lor .aa1ter bedroom. •-

0\ r r 1;, arre of land. fioanc·inc - 1250.000 a a le ltt. w/ Gibrallar S&I... .

' "lt>w fir1t of 1560,000 availabfe. 0... will earrr. leue oplrnn or trade.

Pool & Spa - 5 Bedrooms+ fam rm, each with walk-in <' lo1t>lli and bath. bru1 sink in wet bar. soaring high beam cl~1.

Expansin 11izt' - Approx. 5,000 aq . h . <'Ulltom homt larg~l lot in Dover Shore . All oo ont ltvd.

1975.000 frr.



e & F

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Orange County Real Estate/Ao ~dvertisln·g supplement to fhe DAILY PILOT /Saturday, ~ay 5, 19M - 9



Dunri begi~s • construction

on 3 facilities Dunn Properties Corp. has begun construction

of three new build-to-suit facilities at the 57-acre, master-planned East Anaheim/ Dunn Business Park on La Palma Avenue west of Imperial Highway.

The three buildings, with a combined value of $4.3 million. are being built to specification for Hlsco, Inc., a distributor of electrical wtring and Insulation; Quality Research Engineering Corp., a manufacturer of high-technology testing ~ulp­ment; and Macrolink, a producer of comi>uter interfaces.

The largest of the three Is the 50,000-square-. foot. two-story corporate headquarters and manu­

facturing and distribution facility for Quality A89Jt8rch Eng~g. Built on a 2.5-acre stte and valued at S~.6 million, It is scheduled for completion in December 1964.

The Macrollnk building will be a 16,000-square-foot. two-story corporate hea-arters and manufacturing center. The $1 million project Is. scheduled to be completed in September 1984.

'Class' lunch . hosted in CM

Sullivan Concrete Textures of Costa Mesa recently hosted a fund­ralling luncheon for the American Society of Landscape Architects' Class Fund, designed to raised money for stu­dents echolarshlps and equipment at academic institutions .

For Hisco, Dunn is constructing an $800,000, 14,000-square-foot warehouse and distribution center that is expected to be ready for occupancy In Sallh'an crew demonatrates w-eatton ofBomanJte pattern.a.

The .society holds monthly Class Fund (catifornla Landscape Architectural Student Scholarship Fund) luncheons, with funds dlrectec:t toward locaJ colleges, Including UC Irvine' s landscape architecture extension program.

May 1984. : The three latest facilities join two-build-to-suits

that • Dunn Properties has completed in the complex. They include a warehouse and distribu­tion center for Clothestime and a corporate headquarters f acillty for Data Processing Des1gn. In addition. Dunn has built and sold 17 free-standing industrial buildings at East Anaheim/ Dunn Business Park.

Investment fund closes this mo.nth

Plans call for additional build-to-suits and R&D facilities to be developed on the remaming 2.5 acres. ~

Langston atten·ds national se1JJinar

Colleen B. Langston of Euro-American Kitchens and Baths has just returned from the 1983 National Kitchen and Bath Conference held In Orlando, Fla.

The conference Is sponsored by the National Kitchen & Bath Association. Included were more than 27 seminars on a variety of design, manage­ment and sales topics. as well as the major annual trade show of manufacturers of products for the kitchen-and biith.

Langston reported that the seminars con­tained a variety of information that she intends to

• put to use right away. " The annual conference is very important to us in keeping up to date with the latest in new ideas, services and products for our customers," she said.

More than 300 exhibitors from the United States. Canada and Europe showed new stytes, designs, and colors in cabinets, appliances, fixtures and equipment for the kitchen. bath and laundry. Many products were shown that are adaptable to use as furniture and storage In every

Butterfield Securities Corp. has announced a May closing date for further Investments In its Preferred Growth Fund '83, according to Dick Ferree, Butterfield president.

The Butterfield Preferred Growth Fund '83 is the company's first public real estate limited partnership registered by the Securities Exchange Commission.

Its target was the acquisition of resident ial income and commercial units In Texas, where Butterfield currently manages 14 properties and has an existing strong operational property manage.!Tlent base. The partnership will provide tax-~heltered income during the operation or fhe

'properties, in addition to long-term capital gains at the time of the sales.

The two Texas properties designated for the partnership were the Bearcreek Apartments in San Antonio and the Willows Apartments In Waco. The 148-unlt Bearcreek Apartments were purchased because of the opportunity for growth In the metropolitan San Antonio real estate market. San Antonio Is the 10th largest city In the United States and Its population Increased 30 percent between 1970 and 1980.

Waco is located in the " growth corridor" between San Antonio/ Austin and Dallas/ Forth Worth, which makes the area a center for distribution. trade, banking and general com-

Birtcher/ A111erican buys space at Park

part of the home. Birtcher I American Properties has purchased Langston said contemporary styling is still the 116,061 square feet of Industrial space at The Park

strongest new trend In cabinetry, but traditional Is from Cove Development Co., according to Grubb & still number one. ·'There Is a wider variety of cabinet Ellis Commercial Brokerage, Group. styles and finishes in wood, steel, and laminate than Birtcher I American's purchase totaled $1 o I have ever seen before. The variety of design mllllon. The company was represented by brokers possibilities open to us Is virtually limitless.·· Jeanne Scott, Tim Joyce and Bob 'Murray from

The appliance manufacturers have made Grubb & Ellis' Newport Beach office. styling -changes and added Increased depth In The Park offers lndustrlat tenants lease rates functtonal benefits for the consumers. Many of 80 oenta per 1quare foot, according to Joyce. manuf acturer1 are lnctudlng down draft venttlatlon • Grubb A Ellla comprieee a network of 29 offtoes systems and thermal magnetk: eooktng untta thta l 9P9d•tz.tng ln offloe, retail, lndustrlaJ and Invest-

_ year, she noted. ~ 1Mnt ptopediee.Md &eoct . _ ... •

merce. The 200-unlt Willows Apartments Is three miles from the Central Business District &pd dole to retall, commercial and financial facilities.

" Butterfield has always been 'ahead of the game' by going to blg growth areas before anyone else does," said Ferree. " We have researched the mart<et and found San Antonio and Waco to be two of the best growth areas In the country. Both apartment complexes are proving to be an excellent choice for Butterfield Preferred Growth Fund '83."

The Fund is currently distributing an an­nualized rate of 7 percent fully tax sheltered. Shares are sold only by prospectus- and-NASO member broker/ dealer firms.

, ..


ENCHANTING HOME ON FULL ACRE - SPECTACULAR VIEW! R~ach out and touch the 1tan! Perched high OD the Cretll of a fo~t-likc hiU, thu •pec:taeular 11et1ing could be a proper place for an eagle'• nest! Instead, it ia the perleet site for a Yilla that might well be out of a story book.

This charming and delightful country home i• a masterpiece ol perleetion in iu authenticity or an era in history known for graeiom li•ing. Panoramic •iew1 from rows ol French windows are portraih of real tile murals of distant snow-capped mountains, a billion city lighh, hilltops and treetops . . . a daily 1peea.ele for. IOIDeOne fortunate enough to own this incomparable itome and setting.

Almoet 5,000 square feet of li•ing apace, on a magnificent lull acre, with full grown pines, eucalyptm and an orchard with dozens of fruit t~, roec gardens and enhanced by a sparkling pool aad •P8 with never ending views.


A Masterpiece in Coniemporary & Traditional Uniqueness! .,,. This superbly designed and constructed estate, built by renowned beach area contractor T . Duncan Stewart, offers onr 6,000 square feet of cuatom-crafted quality. It is a gracious home with an e legant uniqueacu blended with contemporary excitement, a quality often AOUght bat teldom found. Its wann and rich appointmcnll arc greatly enhanced by the abundant uae of richly finished, exotic wooch. A mammoth poobide family room with full kitchen and movie projection room promilefl many memorable family get-togethen. A long 300' private driveway prowides lor lutun electric gates for additional scelu.11ion. Great financing awailable. Trades eouidercd.

Open House Sunday 1:00 to 5:00 1710 La Loma - North Tustin (Near Redhill)

________ ..___

s: C! 4

•• ·-


I 1







THREE BEDROOMS + BOAT SLIP Best value Newport Townhome .. . $239,000 includes the land. Great location with · super greenbelt view. Excellent condition. Will trade! Call 11sn 111mE11 631-1266.

EASTSIDE COSTA MESA .•. A STEAL Three bedrooms, plus den, 2 car garage. Quiet location. Priced below market at $122,900. This won't lastf Call 11sn lllmEll 631- 1266.


POOL HOME* * * $125,000 Three bedrooms, two baths, great neighborhood, beauti­ful yard. Super buy ... Call llSn lilllTllEI 631 -1266.

THREE BEDROOMS UllDER $80,000 Vacant and ready to be moved into! Good location and perfect condition. Stop paying rent.. ... for details call llSn lllmEll 631-1266.

BEST BUY IN BLUFFS Bright and airy four bedroom, with bonus room. You own the land. Assume $200,000 1st fixed at 9. 75% - 30 year amort. Call 11sn llllTIEI 631-1266.

IAYFIOIT $150,IOO . ASSUME· $6801 AT 9~

Immaculate trlplex - possibility to convert to private residence with separate income unit. Excel­lent opportunity. Just listed. Ill llMDI.

Cdl FIOIT ROW VIEW Super 3 bedroom trl-level home with SWEEPING VIEW O~ BAY and OCEAN. Newer construction. Shown exclusively by appt. Asking $900,000 W -DI fl1111-12H.


UE llDIEIS Ri'AitlC-131-1211

, IACI IAY-t,4 ACIE W/POOL .. Just listed! This Superlative 4 bedroom home combines elegance and casual lifestyle. Spacious newer home with family room & kitchen. Superb grounds & pool area. Asking $370,000. W llllDI 631-1266

CAPE COD - CUFF HAVEi Exceptional custom built in 1983. Combines f.ormal elegance with family comfort. 4 spacious bedrooms. Ma~ter suite with artists loft, balcony. 4 fireplaces. Family roS)in & pool room. 10% cash down & assume 11.8% financing. Excellent value at $395.000. llE llMDI 631-1266.

NEWPORT HEIGHTS I/GUEST UllT Completely remodeled & expanded in 1982. Delightful traditiOnal 2 bedroom, den home. Two story with ocean view from sun decks. Complete assumable financing. Great opportunity! $283,000. W lllUU 631-1266.

NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW • $295,000 2 bdroom cottage with ocean & bay view. Prime location across from park. Large , lot - room to expand. MOTIVATED SELLER W llllEll 631-1266.

NEWPORT HEIGHTS $17 4,000 Newly listed 3 bedroom home. Open beamed ceilings, country kitchen. Large private corner lot. Copper plumbed & immaculate. I.IE IHIEIS 631-1266

NEWPORT HEIGHTS POOL Delightful 3 bedroom, split level home. High beamed ceilings yet warm and cozy. Immaculately maintained. Price just reduced $199,000 llE llllEIS 631-1266.

BAYFRONT LIVlllG • $496,000 Superb views from your master suite & living room. 2 bedrooms & 3 full baths. Boat slip available. Call for private showing. UE llllUS 631-1266.

234 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA • 631-1266

~ ' • I


Must see this custom built & decorator home. 3 bedroom, 3 baths,·game room, family room, formal dining, oak & peg floors, custom carpet, brass fixtures, skylights, basement. The custom black bottom free" form pool & spa with watertaus Is one of the most beautiful ever built. Putting green and your own tennis site. Asking only $925,000. Will trade for H.H. custom or bayfront with boat dock. • H HYlll•

LI)() ISLE PR•ST LOCATION Complete turning basin views from this 4 Br, 4 Bath remodeled home with new kitchen, baths. Beau. tile work. ' plus dock for 50 ft. yacht. $1,950,000. •II MYIE lllP

MOTIVATED UIDA ISLE SELLER 5 Bedrooms, 5 Baths, Fam. Rm. Din. Rm. Beautiful Master Suite with trge sitting rm., maids qtrs. Room for 2 large boats up to 60 ft. · Lowest price on Linda. Very motivated seller at $1, 100,000 • R llYIE lllP

UDO IAYFRONT BEST BUY View of ocean, bay, Fashion Island from the top floor 2 or 3 bedroom, 3 bath, den, large master suite, sec. bldg. Undergroand-partdng, boat-dock. WM shofktotiGe, sellef­will ffnanoe with low down payment. Great price $495,000. IRll•YIEI•

HARBOR RIDGE LAUTREIONT 4 Bdrm, 3 Ba. Oak Bar, marble In baths, oak floors, beautiful city, ocean, mountain views, room addition upstairs, will lease or option, $520,000 in assumable financing. Steal at $695,000. Ill II llYIE IMP.

TUDE IAYFROIT FOR BAYFROllT W/DOCK 3 BR, 21h BA, Fam. Rm. Huge master suite w/ jacuzzi rm., 5 yr. old home w/all new decor, 2 lrg decks, 30 ft. boat dock. Asking $5~5,000 w/ $270,000 1st T.D. assumable at 12.5% ... R MYIE IMP .

5 UllTS COSTA MESA Four 2 Bdr. 1.5 Bath one 1Bdr.1 Bath, Approx 8 years ol~ . 2 Separate bldgs. Total income $30,060. Asking $340,000 Submit any offer. Ill II llYIE IMP

Boll I loYie loop TOP SILES PRODUCER FOi CALIF. 1913

COIOIA DEL Ill UllTS 2 Bdrm, 1 Ba. $70Q mo., 1 Bdrm, 1 Ba. $550 mo., Bachelor $350 mo. $217,000 in assumable financing. Priced below m~rket at $250,000. • • ~ IMP.

THREE ARCH BAY 01 OCEAI CUFFS The most fabulous Ocean & Beach view in Southern CA. One of the largest ocean front lots anywhere. Private stairway to beach with exclusive man made swimming pool in high tide water line. All in the private three Arch Bay comm~nity. $1,900,000. • • MVll I• 631-1266. ·


4 Br. & 2.5 Bath, family room, 2 fireplaces, wet bar, nice yard, view of city & ocean. $395,000. • • MllE 1•

· HAr"A" """'r • • ""'"ru"u"' , USE . 4 bedroom, 3 t L EA S E D •grades thru o~t. oak floors, mat ...,,..., ....... ,.u ..... , • .-u.,,. -..... n ... • A ocean and mte lites. $2, 700 mo. Ill H NYIE lllP

STEAL -WILL TRADE EQllTY -STEAL 3 BR, 2 BA. Beau. remodel & redecor. Hot tub & jacuzzi, oak floors, ceramic tlle firs, $248,000 assumable, asking $309,000. Trade for boat, car, sml. condo. Ill Ill HYIE lllP .

KINGS ROAD; CUFF, BAY & OCEAN VIEW Best bay & ocean view in Newport. Beautiful home. Move Jn-Gond.-3-bd,--3 ba,-bonus room, wet bar, large sundeck, room for poolt Owner motivated. Make any offer. $595,000. Best buy on Kings Rd. Ill er HYIE IH1


66X300 S.A Heights, Income $1,000 per month. Very motivated. Asking $265,000. Must sell. Submit any offer. Ill 111 NVIE lllP

CONDO 1 bedroom, 1 bath, living room, breakfast area, tennis courts, pools, jacuzzi, guard gate, quiet neighbors, patio. Closing costs and take over payments. $78,900. IOI II llYIE lllP

BIG CAIYOI Broadmoor on large lot, four bedroom, family rm, formal dining, air cond. security system may lease option, lowest price at $695.00. Ill Ill llYI~ IHP


_234 E. 17th ST., COSTA M~SA • 631-1266




Tf' lephone Ser \'in•: \1 onda) · Frida) 8:00 A. ~1. - 5:30 P. \ J. Bu~ineSI~ Counl<'r: \1 onda) · Frida) 8 :00 .\ . \ 1. -5::30 P . ~I.

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: ~ :00 p.m. :u10 p . 111.


( . 111 1 c·llal11111 ... J llcl l'Orrt·1·ti u11 !\ 11la\ I"' 111.1elt· 1111 ... a1111· 1lt ·adli111· .. a-. .tho\ t• .

l ' lc-.1-.t' .1-. I. for ;1 cann·llation nurnht'r ~~ ht· rt 1'a 11 n· llin j! ~our ad . ERRORS: ( 'ht>c·k ~our ad dai l ~ and rt•fwrt 1·rror .., im rnt•d ial t'h . Tht> () \11. \' Pl I OT a-. ... urn t'-. liat",i11h for tlu· fir ... 1 1111·orn ·C'l in !-i nlion on h .

CLAS ' l f l ED 642-5678

IHsn ltr Salt Bt .. n ltr Salt ... ,11 100% c. .. ,.1 1002

LIN ISU I 106 Via Lido Nord Open 1-5 BeautJful 3 Br . 3 112 Ba, Bayfront, pie r & I floa t for r,5· boat. Best b uy at $8~000. 2 14 Via lth ica vpen 1-5 ~auufuJ 3 Br. 2 Ba, playroom, tJ.repl.ace, beam ceilings. Xlnt. financing. $420 ,000.

IAYSlll lllYI l&YFIMT .._ Jetty & Bay view, newly decorated Mai

IRVINE/WOODBRIDQE ........., "-'9"eded 2 bedfoom condo "' Woodbttdge v._.. Chet.e41 complex. Thie le e ,.,. .. dHUX model With Mtthlone Colon. lettlo9 .-110 end menJ extr•f Prtce reduced. t1•,IOO. '31-1400.

NEWPORT CORNER-POOL Owner le "'Y motlYeted to ... 1 end wUI cOMktei HCMnge for home l"':Z, Buch .,.._ A ....., piMMnt, lotellf COCMYted 2 bedroom end den + t.mlly room r..adence AJlpHlng exterior end lerge PoOf end deck --. EMJ to .... $MS.GOO. Jndudee the a.hid. IS1·1400.

NEWPORT CREST CONDO apectow· dee6tn end ln..,_tlng ....._ In tMe lerte PIM 4 wlttt lob of mlrron end decoretOf ......... s tot.I bedrocNM (Mp«­••• meeter 1ulte), dini ng room, ldtdlenltamlty room comblMtlon end 2 deck•. Community pool a ...,,. end ... , Jog to the beech. t1M,OCIO. IS1· MOO.

BALBOA ISLAND - RETREAT OR? .CozJ beech cottege Oft • ,......, ...... lot.

nJoJ .. • MCOnd home Of IMlfld two unite for mr.eot11M. Call for detaMI on thle 2 bedroont.

,000 . ..-n-eeoo.

WESTCLIFF- LGE FAMILY HOME Thea ••11911oft" buftt home le one of the few bedroom hofnee tor the family needtng 8P8cel a prtyeq. An extr....,._ lot. quiet,.,.., end quellty ' ... .., &*tltructlon. 9-!lll'lllYll .,....,., new coppet plumbing, 2 ••W ......... 2 ftrepl*'M end • generoue kitchen. EMJ to lhow. S325.000. fn.4IOO.

EASTBLUFF CONDO elepn'tc':d1l1d 4 bedroom condo

le pertecttJ on • comer lot with • 8fOUlld" petlo. ..... bedroom end .. brend new.==" ....,..ced bJ

unique ....,..aon end ......... tloon. c .... down end tlwidftt. own. ..... lble. IM2,,900 Cell IS1-1400.

BALBOA ISLAND HOME Ka.J. 2 Br, 2 Ba, 40' patio. $695,~. I

llfm 1DUIE ..... locMlon CM"1 OM door from South Panoramic bay & ocean view. 4 Br, 4 Ba, . YllW ti.., end'•"-' fnMft 2nd floor patio. pool home. Fee price $775,000_ IM.ner ...... Upgnded I ndac•MM .....

ftoor'I a .... of ....._ - eo11-..,.. PflmlU 11111 llUlflllT ... Chenae fOf "-~· A-..nallh

loefw on n.- J bedroom end den end owner Ocean & J etty views. marine room, 4 Br, d help bJ cerrr.11111 •not. a T.D. t••• 3 Ba, 3700 sq . ft., car parking. $1 ,285,000. 1-1400.

IAYllH PUCE IAYFlllT I S pectacular bayfront dplx. 2 Br, 2 Ba up, LIDO ISLE - CUSTOM 2 Br. 2 Ba down, 2 boat spaces. $1 ,350,000.1 App1911nt, brtaht, chNrtul a preeftsltoue

r..adence In a line locetlon. T ote1tJ coordl-


..... decor ...._ ,Nftd; doora. gourmet BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3-t l B., y,•d• O• ., . l\i B o 7'l 61 6 1

'::~:~~· S©\'.4U1'i\-l££!fs· :::: ·-~. (~l I~

0~=··:"!:.b':· :o,~, ~ ----~ 1 t04- to-,1 "' ~P .. -O-ch


I I 1 I 1 I I

I i" I· w r I I I K H I p y I ; A httle g1r1 was 39has1 vpon

hf!a11n9 o l a man ea11ng

I I I' j 91asshOC>1>trs while los1 on lhe . :! w1loe•rif!Ss 'Whal s w•ong wllh ------tha1" 11110<100 a bey My g•and

I 0 A H L I H I m01he• -- 1hem

I I I Is I' o ~. ... .. . . . : ~- ·•d • • - - _ " . I.- ' ,J ''f' '"H 4 WV'"''

YC "' 1.-.. ,. 4 ,,... ' ' '"( ~,,..L ) t'l'l l("- _,

~ JI•.• NVM6f;f0 t(ll f·~ IN I ~ l><f Sf ~ • .., J.U! S

......... .. ............ 1211

llUldMM'I end .. ..,..... felnlJ room." A flM 4 •llll~OCN-m home fOf the ......," buJer. "9-lduced to 1471.,500. A1· 1400.

LINDA ISLE VILLA One of the flneet hofnee on Newport ..,. 0¥9' 7000 eq. ft. wtttt I bedroome, 5~ be + .utdlo, muek: room, elevetor, ....,.. end 5 room m .. ter .utte. Centered wound a luehtr planted atrium •"" woe PffY• ••"'""*'t pool. CU9tom, ••c:.ptlonei end gr•nd In ewery way. Pler/ 1llp for teree r11eht. 12.300,000 and ow,,.,.. wlH negotlete. 131-1400.


"''"' R..-161• f><<ll>O"•v M.,...., f

24J6 IA. C °"" HW1. 11 !> M.nne /\w ~WDOfl e.. .. h 8.t1bcM l.&.nd

'31·1400 '7Mf00

let Us Help Y H

Sell y .. ,,.,.,,,, The Olly Plot off en you ttis Hid sae ad on our "Picbn Pase" wetllnts fw just $25 pet day, °' 2 ~ys fw $45.

Stbnit a pkt.we, or we'I photoerl9h it tor you at wniirnal char11.

Call C11111flt4


Hunt & Associates REAL ESTATE

Mll DI This highly upgraded 2 Bd. con­dominium is located on the Bay in bea utiful Corona d e l Mar. Full bay aetivity. jetty an~ channe l VIEW! Owner will consider trade. Just reduced to sell Call for f\,trther creative financing de­tails. $639,500 .

640-4888 2125 San Joaquin Hiiia Rd.

Newport Center

OPEN TODAY 1-5 · Very C8ITtlt, 3 lh. .... w1M t1Mn, .-U... $395,000 ............ 2001 Altura. Irvine Terrace. CdM

llcrM YI. 1 "ps,w", Ill&. SllW 3 Ir OWf Sl,000,000 ........................... 335 Ocean Blvd, CdM

'II II te Mia, 21r, 211. .... .,.. ,n $380,000 ............. ....................... 232 Ins, old CdM

.,_.lftTlltm, llr,. 311, .... Wa, fr,ea From $225,000 ...... 403-409 Poppy Ave., Olde CdM

Awe1 'n IC. 41r, 2 ,,,., dlt .... dell $399,000 ....... .... .. 1230 Sand Key, HV Hills, CdM

4 .... lira• ........... ht .... $285,000 LH ..... 2601 Blackthorn, Eastblutt. N.B.

hw MilM tc1 sJM 41r, 311, lf,I. '"WI $375.000 ............... 320 Seaward, Shorechtts. CdM


lmllT WOii UYFlllT This has to be one of the finest water­front Dover Shores homes available. Large Dock 'fill Handle Large Boat 60ft & 2 Smaller Ones. 5 Bdrm, 4 'h Bath, •4500 Sq. Ft. French Doors & Windows. Brick Deck and Courtyard. Two (2) Stairways.


11• ••• .... """

lllUIYH 3 BR

IPll •1111 MJllllY 1-1

7 Rue Chateau Royal

.lmlffl -· $485.000

llLOlllT llU 7 Northampton 2 BR & Den IUllA unan


llYMI TllUCI 1717 Bayadere 4 BR, View, L .H. Oil.YI Y-

~ $575,000

..... Ill 1111 Tit-PW This is prime investment prop­erty w ith excellent comer lo­cation. Income high yet rents are low by today's st.anda.rda. AU records available . Must sell. Call Bill Wed.more. 551-8700. Offered at $294,000.

11Y11t••11•1 ..... Llllll UNI ... m IUll

5 new condos on Balboa Penin­sula with 2 & 3 car garages. Spectacular ocean/sunset & bay/ night light atop garden deck. Owners will exchange. Priced from $290-405,000. Maggi Macbaln 551-8700.


Cltry &s. .W Estate W/CllJI " • llr, t.,. 1 Ranch style 4 Bdrm. home with

$435.000 ...... .. 528 Seaward, Corona H1lnds. Cdm pool+ spa. Newly carpeted with upgraded, ceramic tile areas.

llrge lot, ,..tis,.. llr, 311, 1iry I ,.,ty Two lg fire places located in fam-$360,000 .. 4501 Wayne Rd. Cameo Hghlnds. Cdm ily room + living room. Quiet

cul-de-sac loc. with lg private I J~I( 'I JS:: ti{) ..... s:: ~ ~backyard. Just reduced $44,600.

RE:LTO~~ . 675 _6~· -~ Lorraine P . Reyes 551-8700.

2443 I •~•_'_ ~:~· -~~~:-~ ~· - ~ ~·:·:~n- ,1~ 1 ~-~~ ••


0 HUMDRUM. HO HUM HOME EREU 3 levels of fun living from e large living room with high­

. gh beamed ceilinga. aYL'J fireplace cathedral windows to the effi­

ent gas kitchen. bay-windowed ning room & out to the sundeck.

luded master suite on the top oor with a wonderful ocean view cool breezes. Second master suite lower floor opens to a patio and

ade garden.

ge A-1 lot from Hazel to Poppy. y $350.000 (Shown by appoint­

ent only .)

&01N1 tlt"lolfn; .9~.--m;u

6~ .w~+&-.~...-.°""

3641 t .... c..... .... 113"*4M


1310,000 MYEI 11110 I UT /Sii 1-1 .. 1 ... 1 laluy lritt CIOUS 4 Bdrm & d~n. 2 1/J baths. o 2 car garages. Large lot wilt. m for pool or RV parking. tlse1 R.WHH, INlhf Mi-IMl

111111111 est location on goff course. • room, 5 bath. Putting green and

ddle tennis court. Listed at .695,000.


-i/6 bdrm, big dock(s), ptay lawn & swim beech. Walk to ocean fun. 7 car

parking. Low QWner fin. $795,000 (land loot) Open Sat./Sun. 1-5 . .


llUIFa.T ...u' , ..... 11111"1

3 Bedroom and Bachefor on the sands of Newport. Asking $429,000 - but will listen to any offer!!

~~ns Ul-1111 ~T~ Ml-4111


Beautiful new condo 1n a gate-guarded community with ocean and Catalina view. 2 Bdrms. den. 2"'1 Ba. 2 marble fireplaces. A.IC. centr. vacuum. lovely pool, spa and comm. center. Excellent assumable 111.4 30 yr fixed hnancmg. ~88. 750

Just look what you Je~ Ideal location only 1tepe to main CdM beach. Ocean vu, 2-aty 1t/apeciooa rooms. 3 Br, 3 Ba,. lrg cosy fun rm w/frplc. Kit. w/breakf•t nook. Lrs dee~ covered peu!:d 40' lot + motivated aeller. Re-du to 1370,000. JACOBS IBALTY 17Ml70

.......... , .. . 111U U.. •., a.ta ... lil&Ms

COUNTRY RANCH .. Bdrm 21A Bath, 2 Story, Circular Dr., vi9w of Newport Golf Course.

11-. ......... 1121 .. ITAI


COM TRIPLEX. with sparkling pool. Channing front house with bachelor at_tached. Large I bedroom over dot.Ible garages. Live in Par&dise with rentals to help with payments. Priced at $310.000. Owner will consider trades.

leallst.te ... 111-1111

L•• FM TIE IUT1 A pride of ownership home in a pride of ownership neighborhood. Spacious & beautiful 3 Bdrm with famlty room & formal dining In prime Costa Mesa area. It won't last at $176,950. ·



- ~ \ ..... -.,..mam llf•dee .._5,000 sq.ft . custom home on 'Ii acre lot. r..•••llld W..- Back Say, Mountains, Fashion Island. Nearly every room has a view ,. lelll'tl1h•- Near new cond ition. new poof, spa. wrought iron fence, carpet. drapes

Motivafed Seller will exchange ~d carry paper. $975,000. 111 ll'fa1•1... 111-Hit

HUGE 5 IEDIOOM - POOL Buccola built. 8eovtiful & spacious home with approximately 3,000 sq . ft . of living area. Lorge lot on o cul-de-soc with frvit trees & garden in Sonta Ano Hetghts area. A lot of house for on $182,000.

2 bedrooms, 2 baths. large yard, att. gsage, custom kitchen. 2302 Elden Av. (comer of Elden & 23rd St.). Costa Mesa. Open SaVSun 12-6. Wknda 19-2174 Wkdya ~-

• '

' • I , !


I ~ I I

.. -16

• .1

-~ ' . . .. • . •' • ~· · • .• , t • • t • •• t •t • r ' • t • t _. t ,._.· If. ~ t t • t

Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/SatUtday, May 5, 1984


2 BEDROOM 2308 Cliff Dnve. 'View' (Npt Hts) NB

646-7171 $395.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

483 Mornmg Canyon Rd , Corona Del Mar 759- 1642 $315,000qs Sat. 9-5

34 Sea Island (Ford/Jamboree}. NB 662-1673 $325.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

118 Via Mentone. Lido Isle. N.B 673-7300 $325,000 Sun 1-4 30

2 BR plua FAM RM or DEN * 1429 Dolphin Terr, Irv Terr. CdM

673-4400 $750.000 FEE Sat/Sun 1-5

=2 Creekwood. Woodbridge, Irvine 857-6011 $172.500 Sat 1-5

232 Ins. old CdM 675-6000 $380.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1 1 Madronna, San Joaquin Hills Rd , RSJ 640-4868 $177 ,000 Sunday 1-4:30

•403-409 Poppy Ave, otde CdM 675-6000 From $225,00Q Sat/Sun 1-5


This Weekend!

3BEDROOM 1509 Abalone Place, (Lii iSL) Balboa Island

673-8017 $375.000 Sat/Sun 12-4 • 2001 Altura. Irvine Terrace. CdM

675-6000 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

• 2001 Altura, Irvine Terrace, CdM 675-6000 $395,000 · Sat/Su'\. 1-5 ~

943 Arbor. Costa Mesa --......;,. 720-1060 $105,500 Sat 1-5

20451 Bayview Ave. Npt Bch (Back Bay) 650-5520 $158,500 Sunday 1-5

1040 Concord, Costa Mesa 957-4800 $147,000

24 Eden. Irvine 751-3 191 $162.500

* * 3311 Finley (nr Lido) Npt Sch

Sat 10-4

Sun 1-4

673-3777 $449.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

702 Larkspur. Olde Corona del Mar 640-4254 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

215 Morning Canyon Rd, Corona del Mar 833-3622 $560,000 Sun 12-5

1977 Port Card1tt, Newport Beach 644-6926 $219.000 Sat/Sun 1-4

*4645 Roxbury (Cameo Shrs) Np1 Bch 644-6200 $499,000 Sun 1-4

14 19 Santanella Terr. CdM 644-7020 $299,950Fee

1096 Seabluff, Costa Mesa

Sun 1-5

546-2313 $147,000 Saturday 1-4

120 Via Quito, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $425,000

142 Via Undlne, Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $3'49,000


Sun. 1-5

Sun. 1-5

,. i' ••

3 BR plua FAM AM or DEN 1509 Abalone'Place. Balboa Island

673-8017 $375,000 . Sat 12-5

263 1 Crestview. Bayshores, N.B 644-7211 $215,000 Sat2-5/Sun 1 -~

200 Hanover, Costa Mesa 545-8685 $134,500 Sun 1-5

**1205 N. Bayfront, Balboa Island 673-7300 $925.~ Sat/Sun 1-4:30

207 Vta Orvleto, Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $395,000 Sun. 1-4:30

209 Via Cordova, Udo tste, N.B. 673-7300 $550,000 Sun. 1-4:30

3335 Ocean Blvd. CdM 675-6000 $1,000,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1528 Orange Ave.(Com. Palmer)Costa Mesa 673-1600 $215.000 Sunday 11-4

2053 Port Bristol Cir (Hrbr Vu Hms) N.B. 759-9100 $269,000LH Sat 1-4

2685 Ragin Ln•Meaa del Mar) c..u. 645-0303 $1.C0,000 Sun 1-5

5004 River, Newport Beach 646-7~71 $199,000 Sunday 1-4

500 RockfOf'd Pl., Cameo Highlands, CdM 759- 1501 $295,000 Saturday 1-5

11 Rue Verte (Bg Cyn) NptBch 64'4-6200 $7 45,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

322 Poinsettia, CdM 644-6200 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-4

• 2 Rue Fontalnbleau (Bg Cyn) Npt Bch -644-6200 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

• 3506 Sausalito (H.V. Hills) Npt Bch 644-6200 $319,500 Sun 1 :30-5

528 Seaward, COrona Hlghlands,CdM 615•6000 $435,000 4 Sun 1-5

3107 Sumatra. Mesa Verde, Costa Mesa 546-5880 $134,500 Sat 1-5

3058 Van Buren, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $129,500 Sat 1-4, Sun 1-S

214 Via lthica, lido Isle, N.B. 675-6161 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* * 106 Via lido NOf'd, N.B. 675-6161 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

• 218 Via Quito, Lido tskl, N.8 . • 644-9060 $425,000 Sunday 1-5

4 BEDROOM * * 4 15 Bayside Or, Npt Bch

644-7020 $500,000

• 1221 Berkshlre,(Westcllff) N.B.

Sat 1-5

548-9516 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* 1336 Galaxy. Dover Shores, N.B. 673-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30

**661 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, N.B 673-7300 $1,495,000 Sun. 1-4:30

* 1806 Galaxy Dr 'View' (Dover Shrs) NB 646 7171 $700,000 Sunday 1-5

1821 Kings Rd (Clfhvn) Npt Bch 759-9100 $639,000 Sun 1-5

20102 Kline Dr. (Santa Ana Heights) 646-7434 $185,ooo sun 1-4

**5 109 Seashore. Newport Beach 545-2847 $495,000 Dally 2-5

3154 Sharon. Costa Mesa 75 1-6064 $129,000

435 Vista Trucha (Bluffs) Npt Bch

Sun. 1-6

631 - 1266 $259,000 Sat/Sun 11-6

2015 Windward Ln (Bycrst) Npt Bch 552-2000 $319,000 Sun 1-5

. ~

- .. Or Cou •

ange nty Real e.a-..e/An Advert'*ng IUpplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. M•y 5. 1984 - 17


4801 Surrey (C. Hghlnds) CdM 759-9100 '4:49,000 Sat 1-5

1789 Tanager (Mele Verde) C.M. 645--0303 $240,000 Sat 2-5

4 BR plU9 'All RM ot DEN 2124 Vista Loredo, The Stuffs. N.B.

759-1501 $215,000 Sat 1-5

. *** 107 Milford (c.m.o Shrt) CdM ~ S1,t75,ooo 88t 1:30-5Sun 1-5

** 30e Mitford(~) CdM ~- 11,295,000 Sun 1-5

••••101 Via Udo Soud, N.B. ~ 673-7873 $4,850,000 S.VSun 1-5


8 Canyon IMand Or, &'a Canyon, N.B. 6«-7424 $220,000 l=/P SUnday 12-4

1105 M-.. Btuffa, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $145,000 Sat 1~

2 BR plue FAii Mi or DEN *13 Petoe, Sain Joaquin HM ... lrvtne

759-1501 $159,900 Sunday 1-5

3 Mpllla FAM Rll ot DEN 2131 v~ LMedo (Bk.Ifft) N.e :

759-9100 $259,500 . Sun 1-5 • 2919 Baker, eo.te Meea

5'46-2313 1171,900 69t 1-4, Sun 11-2 •*4501 Wayne PW, Cameo Highlands, CdM

675-eoc>o $3eo,OOO 5un1-S - 2101 Yacht Graytjng, s.vw. NptBdl.. _ 644-9060 $378,000 Sunday 1-5

•2601 Bleckth<>f'n, Eaatbluff, N.B. 67~ $$285,000LH Sun 1-5

•2921 carob. ~ 8eect1 768--045-' $350,000 Saturday/Sun 12-5

262 1 Clrcle Or (Bylhrl) Npt Bch 644--6200 $395,000 Sat 1-5

1108 Dennis Or, Coeta Mesa 5'5-0318 $249,900 Sun 1-4 •

9932 Effingham Or, Hunt 8ch • 974-2190 $195,000 Sat/Sun 11-5

19 Hermitage (Bg Cyn) Npt Bch 644--6200 $550,000 Sat19"t 1-5

* * 225 North Star (OW Shr9) Npt Bch 644-6200 $875,000 Sun 1-5

333 Mitford (Cameo Shr9) CdM 644--6200 S895,000 Sun 2-5

26 Royal St. George (BgCyn) Npt Bch 644--6200 $1 ,095,000 · Sun 1-5

292 1 Java (Meea Verde) C.M. 751-3191 $234,900 SaVSun 1-4

8791 Luss. Huntington Beach 963-6767 $134,900 Sat 1-4, Sun 1-5

1970 Port Dun'81gh Clr, N.B. 786-7500 $324,000 Sat/ Sun 1-4:30

• V-2024 Port Weybridge Pl. HVH , NB 759-1501 Sunday 1-5

1230 Sand K.Y. HV Hiiis, CdM 6 75-6000 $399,000

320 Seaward, CdM 675-6000 $375,000

Sun 1-5

Sun 1-5

3363 Wisteria. Costa Mesa 645--0303 $179,900

l . Sun 1-4

.. " 5 BR plue FAii Rll or DEN

* * 239 Vla lido Soud (Udo) N.B. 759-9100 $1 , 750 , 000

SaVSun 12:30-4:30 . * v 6 T rafalger, Harbor Ridge 640-4866 $1,950,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

2215 Alta Vista (E.bluff) Npt Bch 64-4-6200 $305,000 Sat 1-5

••51 Goteta Point Dr, Corona def Mar 759-1501 $849,500 Sunday 1-5

220 Jasmine, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $479,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

••101• Mariners Dr. Oovet Shores, N.B. 751-5989 $975,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* 1948 Port Albans Place, H.V.Homes, N.B 6«-9060 $3·15,000 Sunday 1-5

•7 Royal St. George (Bg Cyn) Npt Bch 759-9100 $1 ,695.000 Sat 1-5

**2 18 Via Udo Nord, Udo Isle 6-«-9060 $1 ,950,000 Sunday 1-5

I BEDROOM * * 333 Via lido Soud (Udo) Npt Bch

644-6200 $1 ,300,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

8 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN * * 103 Via Lido Soud, Npt Bch

759-9100 $3,750,000 Sun 1-5 ,

4 U plue FAM Rll ot DEN . . •• 21 La Aochefte (Hrbt Rdg Est)N.B.

644-4424 $8.45,000 Sat/Sun 12-5


211R *2603-B Delaware, Huntington

892-3607 $97,500 Sat/Sun 12-4

7 Norttwnpton, Belcourt Hiii, N.B. 6«-9060 1570,000 Sat/Sun 1-5


DWLEXEI FOR SAU 314 Gotdenrod, 1 & 1 BR CdM 786-9773 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

3 BR plue 3 BA plue DEN 430 Begonia. CdM

675-2500 $385,000 Sat 1-5

4BRplue28A . * * 132 So. Bay Front, Balboa Island

644-9060$1.100,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

• ~pa *Pool * * Waterfront * * * Waterfront & Poot

v Give address at guard g11e

Home Sweet Hon1€" Investment .Y ~ With all the interest in real estate as an investment, don't forget that your home is al so where you'll be living. Sure, resale value is important, but so are your housing needs now. For a good balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS®.

Each one is required to be a real estate professional, actively engaged in real estate , and publicly committed to a written Code of Ethics. REAL TORS® are experienced in helping you find the right home for today and tomorrow.

It could also take a heap o' lookin'. Before you start, call a REAL TOR® first .

ra .. !?£Al TOR

A public service of the



ri1 b

. . I I j

. -- .:;:~- - .. ... ... .....

.......... _..... ....... _ ..... , ............... w. ......... . -leMrll ••jl!!!!." J •• ..... ·-c....... 1111 ce""' llM Cllta... • .. c.e..... 1ili bjii,iujiiiiiiilM ____ ......,.....,.

....... ..+ ... * le.e.ldeCoetaMeea3•. I WEAAEALWAYSHEAEI 1 · 1K .... il11 • .. UT I• 1-1 fl -. Owner hM to Mlt thla 3 Br Goru-<>u• 3 Br 2 Ba brtck frplc, roof/well 1 ml - I .. NO QUALIFIHG

- • 21111 Outltllndlng 8'ngle ...,.. 4 1'A Ba ~Only 5 yre w/frplc, femlty nn, end 11n1ulated, remodeled I• •FM · YOU! Yout YOUt Turtteroell Twnhm with Pllfll1' Llmlm Bdrm t.-n1ty nn fonNI old end Juet ~ to mucti more. Price ,.. kHchen, 2 cer gereoe. Exception•,.,. mcl. Fht -mTI I view. Juet reduced.

d1ntn9, w/~ .. yerd $89,000. ~ulltlngl· duoed 110,000 to only


1145,000. tlmeofWed. Prof. deoor· THEAEALE8'T.ATEAS $52,000 dn. 11r + Oen. l1•11•t1Mn.- In prime .,.. of Me9&1 io.n. 1 125,000 wl,termal A Devin A.E. ~~ . 8tedttwuoutw/ 8Cll9rp00t · &4fr2313 1113,000. 151""'7 Bkr. 5 Bdrms. 3 bMhl, lndudel Verde Thte home atlOWI bergllinl Wont lest. To IAITlll •II• + epe + ...._ Vert __ _::::::::::.:::_ __ t-::::===-====--1 master aulte end lllrge the b.t of «:#9 end Tr dit• I ue cell PATRICK •••-.. - epedoue. & bftght. Only Skytttel~, ltort!99, IT'?B ...... family room and off- quality. Full Pftoa 11 onty a 1ona I TENORE 710-1702 lar.t poter1t1111 for~ 121t.t00. To .. cal 2tw, 2·~ ~ lrddnD upgiedee end street parking for up to 7 1199,500. 751-3191 I Realty i 't!..tonlothere.ln .!__~_!' Petric* Tenore 7._.702, locatlon, community * · 2 • . Uno'wrltty Town.

the entrance to Main Sil.KT 631-7370 side locetlon. One 3 . Nancy .,.,..,,.IO "-Mor unit. Only •111,tOO. Aat cara. Only 4 doon from • ,..,ge _..., ..-.- emenltlH. •137,500. CntrCOndo, brtgttt~

Beach. NOW on the mar- PNJllRTES Bdrm & one 2 Bdrm. Only 144 tl3I 1n!9 711-7500 711-7811 ketaton~ S'479,000. • . 111Pm ........ -* ~._"':,1put on South eo.t Y*A. ey - · !H,11•111,.. Lll' .. MUlw I 111TIMEBUYEAS Havectuptex.wtlttedefOt _,_ Owlw 3 lklrm 2 Ba ••11•1 Rrl-111

COfporate owned. Com- Gr•t ..... .OC.lion • 2nd TIME BUYERS houle In Newport. Gt-. Lile en eocdtlne S Ir 298 Condo, highly upgreded, 8Pecb• end unit • ~ pany transfer foroee...,. ., zoned A-1 c., be .... 11. tntereeted In prot .... onel for inv.tcn. For detall home.ettiaHOGEYA.AO nu central air. Many .,.., roomy kltdten Wttfl of this 59ec10u15 Bdrm. 3 Into 2 tot• 78xao· lot ;;th help with HO SALESMAN. alt for Bob Younker end muc;t, men In prtrne .,. 1U11 1nc1ue1ng pod bulttna end ~f .. t Ba. home. Belt Me9a agwage0ntheproperty. Involved? lnterHtedl 131-1211 E.elde? FOf futtt. ct.- ~~o.8o~ C ... operqtoblgdedt . Verde location on quiet


Alklng Pftoa $'435 000 enough to pertldpat• 1n

1 talla contact Alta Wede • Prtvq her• but ..,,,.

street. Move In condition. _ • · yur purchaM to pocicet 131-1211 1104,toO. (714)11&-2504 · pooee, etc. av...,.. .; Vacant & offered at T . . SUBSTANTIAL CASH. . (ev.)orl45-8130(deys). complex. Conveulent to $206,000. Call 546-5880. radibonal I And out how. Ralph., I 11111•1 Mk for Mlchael. Northwood •hopplng. hritlcelllt11••• 1 Realty Hrs: 10am-2pm Sat .~ *..__* Lrglot older home Room Wll'JmT'lml Cellto .... *94,500.

631 1310 973-8550 ~ 3 .. 2th ea . ,2 . '°' 3 ~ • 1e0-e:te.. E.elde kMly 3 Bdr • den I 142-1111

WI.LA Ml W .. I - la.a•• IUlt I• :J:8'L1k~M. utJIMdnn ~ I :;-' ~2 ~~. Beautifully detailed and I ....... ITUU vate. Only I 134,100 llAl1W •.llLll .. lalm ,_ 1 dmlng. Only 1122,tOO. I upgraded beyond com- Ill HU l<>ne ac 5 Bdrm 4000 •f w/tennsl To ... ce11 ISma1 complex with pool. TNthomelnA-1condttlonl To ... call Patrick I pare. Everlasting view of Thie 11 the prettlelt house · eatate ~/pool .&.


PATRICK TEN 0 A E I End untt CQndo with 2 hM beer! upgraded with 4 Tenore 710-1702 . ,

j Pf Tf ' BARRET I REAl rv ocean and hills. 2 muter 01 all Thtl 4 Bdrm 2 Ba apa . Sacrifice f or 790-8702 B d r m • • I a r g • bedrooms, 2 bettle. Neer

Bdrm• with ba~hs end 2 1 with Poot and S550,000 w/greet terma. kltchen/famlly room. lhopplng, IChodl, ..._.I I nice decks. EnJOY MCUr- , IP& on a Call PATRICK TENORE Double gereoe at your W'S'/ Wiii go VA. Oftered -------·· 1ty, Slng!&-.levet living In . n *ceei-:.:: t': ~ 790-8702. front door. A...... 11t at S127,500. A triftc ,-------~eh convenient area I i.t T"'- u t a.... T0. ~1109,000. buy! t==: 1 w , .......... ~219..'°° Call to ... macu e. ,.., ""' ' ..... e •••-1211 IW"LL .,_ · '

• ·2· 1211 has Its own bath, fire- ... ...z -.& Lm 11an " you ... p.- thll up, • ·-mn • • . . I place and private 11alt· IOUIDATIONI Newport 111-J• thw ~b9ll1 table llqW- Large affordebte 2BR 2ba

I way to the pool & IP& I Hgt• model perMet, 2 Br datlc:IMI Lovely 2 Br 2 Ba twnhm In deelreeble loc.



area Don't mill thl• one. ...... ...... I 2 9a w/ frpk: end garage. w/alt cond., pool and G•ege. lnelde lf!Undfy & 1 It could be just what you Only S1 19,tff. Won' t apa. · 10 . 5% a11um. encl. petlo. Agt 544--5213 I arelootclngfor. Fullprlce LI.ULia . 11a1t. Call PATRICK ...... •• flnendng. Only Wood cott. de-

$160,000. 751-3.191 3Br, 2Ba, Qln. Rm. F/ pt., , .. ENOAE7 702 I l /_lr __ 3Br2. S.. ~·71,000. tecMd~. 3 .~Abe, I • SQECT ~~ ~ ~~~N~:-

1 • . ASKINGl134,500 =:.=o wi:: =~ lrg fem rm. 1114,llO. 2

------- ~s $375,000. 87M017 • IEucutiw home, Plua dlli ~den~~~ 2.: mo. Cell Patnck Tenen ~ ~7.J:"'~· -.... liii-::;;;;-•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil C.... .... llU lfti I Sol, form. din rm, f8fn nn prtde of owneilhlp. S'8p 710-1702. = ~.... IMt - •nnna 314 moa 2 uni; •••• ,, w/wet bar. 1249,toO. on to bee&lt. encl. dedt ~ iiiik

ocean tide of fOotbridoe bMuty! Southern c::twm I Agt. 545-0318 from den, fruit treee. trg


~ TWNHSE: 1 3 Br 2 Ba. remodeled on lrg lot, hrdwd . ... llO.OOO. w/ O#IM. trim ttvuout this cov'd wortc.,... & IPeo9 gar, 1 '*'PO't. WMh-() fb di I ded Aseume 111 To-ao, · 2975' home wn..- lot H•• 1111111 for boat. AV & ~ 3415 er/dryer, '9frlg, new crpt,

rs, rm. n , ea glass, frpl & 78&-9773, 643-2484 on Qulet ~ Onty Muat ..., gorgeoue 2 er 2 e. 191. h St. l42-n2t appt 11111 hllii llB · C:omm. pool/ epe. 1110K.

owner unit + 3 Bdr ratttel TENOAE 710-1702 SUME 12.50% l3K 11t ~29 3:;, ~~..!~ .. -.. .. (714)12W314 more. Just listed at $255,000. IDUPLEX. ctetuxe 3 8dr $230,90011 Cell PATRICK Ba lie• new condo. AS- DOLPHlN PAOP.

LM • •.mt - ··= Poss trade 1395 oeo TRY LOW DOWN! Seen- • ' . ._ .......... , Mey 5' I . .. Bdrm. 2 ba. ~--MiiiiiiM:~I 3 Br+ 1 Br, both w/ frpl & hi beam Opn. Sat 1- 5 . '43c) Ace at 111.9,900. Cell Ptace.Agent751-7148 pvtp_d9dc, P9tJC>, licy- ••M•T1111L*

li I Begonia. 875-2500 PA TA IC K TEN 0 A E _, _ - lights & more. """'9c. Secrtb gorgeoue 4 8' cei ·ngs, 7 yrs new, 1 blk to ocean. ESTATE SALE: Shorecftff 710-1702 S .C . Plaza locatlon 1159,500. 33111 BIN Dr pool home w/vtewt 3000

Steal at $269,975. , ' 3br 2ba, ·~ blk from bch Abtolutety bMuttful 2br :/t~ ge:.U~'::........ liii ~ of,!'.x":!.,~~ 11~% FllR I ™<>.ooo.133-3822 2baTwnhe. Bwnedcath ioM g::·._ 000 c.. 38&2Ltm,:glety,. frpk:8, & more. WW_.

Futloceanvu: JasmlneCrtl celllnga, frplc, akyftte,ot* nowDlenal31~1- 'A ml. from beech, dbll for$239,t00w/greetlow BANK REPO, 30 yr fixed finan. 2 br & den. Ownt agt w111 ateirs, J*.11t1 new cerpet, Liii.. ' caw. MC. gate, pool, t.n- 1nt...i terme. To ... w/automatic d~uctions. Buy w/ 10% finance. (919)729-5151 xtra 1g yrd, ac>a. pvt ertd nls. Jee. 1130,000. By . PATA ICK TENORE

d unit up-greded ttwu-out 2 Bt + den + 2 Ba condo • Owfw. te0-1085 I 710-1702 wn. vu, 2 Mstr suites, form. din. rm ...... au By '0wner Reduced t~ w/2 c;er gar . end pod. I

etc. Prime location. $150,750. Great Fam11y,i,ouse s128 000 · Open ~ Secrtflce l15K below _._ ........ . Large Yard, Prime Area. I Sat 'g Su,, 1•5 2198 meritet. Only 1111,000 Open HM Sat 1M. 1040 2br, 2ba. trpl, tenni.. pool.

IELIA •LUii 1• 1-12... 4BR 3BA. Family Room. Kristin Ln. 946-4221 'N/termet CaJI Palrlck


Concord. 3 Br 2 Ba. epa. eec."gete, ..,,,,.

!===========·===~ By Owne<. &.«-4147 Tenore 790-8702 Shows gl'Mt. 157-8400 loen, 1 ml. lrom beech. •• lllJ U 1-------I IEITllY•TUITI s111;500. 8rk731-4te1 ... ~ + lw+IHst+ ...... Condo nr SC Plue: 2 Bf ._..... OPEN SAT/SUN 12-4 llllJ,.

IUCI PlllPElfY llCllE PllOPE•n

116 34th Street ................. ... $279,000 4BR/3BR. Assumable 1st

•IElllR 841,111• 1'!. ba. NC. carport. Let'e to Mii attrectfve neat, 2903-B DELAWARE . !Unique ltg 3 Bdt 2'A Ba Spotleu3830efduptex make a deell 1?9,950. By ciMr'I 3 Br. ~ Ba. home Twnhee 2 etry 28r 1'M>a. w/dWng rm, frplc, MC owe 111- 1~ .. long term ownr 556-192t n5-2580 I with RV ace.I, pool, bttlnl, encl tlo gate and your OWN 3br/3ba+5br/3ba-1vac .... -..n11111 located near s.c. Pma. pool S9r's0o Bye:! . , BOAT SLIP . Onl y

509 Acacia-wall( to beach IEIT Ill • TUITI NMteet EMtalde duplex. CeJI Joen for detaltl at · • · r $239,900 w/ termsl (low

I 399K20%dn-Appralsed Condo nr SC Plaza: 2 ~ Deluxe 3 bedroom, 2 540-1 151• WIUJI• 11-1 down OK). Mult ... this «OKown/bkr945-7048 1'!. ba, ~.:.f8"PO" · Let• bath, 2 car gwege, 2 4 &dr 3 Ba. 2200 aq. ft, oppt ' y . For detalls

L H Du le .,

2 makeade.i1 S79,950. By patlol ........ for 1950 1195,000 . 9932 Ef· PATRICK TENOR E

1.1xury uge P x, - ownr 556- lfS29 775-2580 mo For mom· a cozy 2 n----- Dr Brookhurst 780-S702 #

Br. So of hwy. Xlnt flnanc- I · · '"''-" · .., ••• Ing Owne< 981-0860 BY OWNER: 4 BR. 2BA, bedroom with lingle GW· at Atlanta. 1.4 mi to II!' · F/ PI, New carpet. lfg age & patio all fenced & beech, back• to park. Ex·

L.uxury In o+de COM; New yard. $129K 751-6064 anug. Oualtty conetruc-- cell. cond. Many extr ... 3Br 3ba hme. R-2 lot. hon, no 11epe. $215,000. --9llT all Don, bkr. 974-2190 $395K. 940-4254 y owner, c:tlarmlng 4 Br, U J J . I H - . Opn HM Sat/Sun 1-4.

1¥. ba trg lot, 60 x 110. 1 f '>OU>na aa v JUlll. New ltltlng on qui.t tree luL larlttu IMI ... flllll IPUsm&Y 1-1 Covered patio. tr .... new I {.i>;.,,J.L>,J ·.. lined at. All on 1-11y, the coRb0· 1 IRw/toH BHt Newpol't buy l

809 POPPY roof, new plumblng . ~tr~•~ lergeat tot In Me9a Verdel 'A ml to bcti Pool temla 0orgeou8, bnght 4 Br. 2Br on A-2 lot 1219,000 S115,000. 973-7794 'Wlf' ~9 8


,_ 4 Bdr, formal din & fam 1139K. OwMr ~· 2580' w/bonuS rm, for-Agt 844-2212 973-5354 I v~- "I· Y rm. $234,tOO but wttt rnel dining rm, frpk:, hM It

906 W. Balboa Blvd .......... .. $325,000 OPEN SUNDAY 1_5 If.... 31411. HlrJ., CdM cont6der all rwonab1e tniM lMf ::: ~~~~· ~ 3BR/2BA-2BR/2BA. Trade 4l1l lllllD llM M ... del Mer 3BR 2ba. RV ~~~Jr more Info call IETTEI Tiii AXEOtl Thtl lea BEAUTY

Dramatic Cameo Shor• 3 AJI In excellent cond. .... that won't lat. You own 200 7th Street ......... .... $325,000 bdrm 4 'h bath pvt MOdem kitchen. 198,000 ... mlm IEW the land end H'a IM~ 2BR/ 1BA 2BR/1BA Own beach. tulh cou:..V.,d a11umable at 12'1<%. 4BR 2ba. Me9a del Mar. .....~ ATELY aV11tab1e To_.

- • e r will w/pool ForeYer h.rt:c; & 2 7 1 2 San Car Io•. Must ... • very nice. o.rttng £.aide home 2Br & Custom bullt home In call PATRICK TENORE carry ocean · view $795 000 $142,00 Full l)ftoa. Call Cell 941-8833 den, w/2 aml 1Br unlta. Northwoods. Terrlftc: 1n- 790-8702

Incl land . ' 549-9030 SUCCESS REAL TY Only 1171,500. Owner tide corner location. 111111111••• 101 3 W Ba $4 ... U WL. ESTATE mottvated. Call Sheryt Badia to park. Alaoda-est y.. .... ............. 05,000 Brewer 131-12M tlon poo1 and tennll. ·4

3BR/2BA-2BR/ 2BA, Bay view 790-1468 497-2433 IPEI SllllY 11 II 4 ' bdrm, 21A be, too many ~~~~~!!I

123 Grand Canal. .............. $549,000 3BR/2BA- 1BR/1 BA, Owner will carry

lllSET YIEW- I IPllT&alll lllTlm ._ ::'C: t~ "'::' ;:_ ...:

IEN. 1121 .... , m (lentf et Pllller) thlnO ..... 2 er.9'.~o o p:; l~ht~~ ~::: COSTA MESA: BRAND NEWr?~ ... ~-aenlso_·_r ~· LNM opt •..&It 1v1 -.i..n time OF A KIND CUSTOM MED _ 3BA 2ba. l 15K dn. owe . down. 1329,000 WO'lj ..,.... ...._ balance 30 yrl 12'~%. I 790-1134, 545-5279 wt tots ~1 ... h• a RANEAN STYLE with 21 ft . vaulted Prtnonly. Aak for Hytch. , ea ty = ·l1e, cou!try'e-:c:::i ceilings, 4 fireplaces, oak kitchen, CA'LLl41-8833 I Full"!,.~~B ~· frml g: rm~ f~ trench windows. 3BR 3ba, MUST SEE mHa II.Ill 7 86-1172 2ba. ap11t leYll, pool, ten· rm wet · · TO BELIEVE! $215,000. OWNEASAYS~U.1 nit, apa.. ~ loan. ba1 11.2% 1n. cait ~ n E - aa...llY Spartttlng • .••OW/I tu1 price. Tom Nalh

5 or.~~ , , ..,..... eldetlnatN,500. *3,500 OPENSUN0AY12-4

x~ 52- v1vw or 111-1 ......... ""'- ctown~~=·500 3NOM'=""Drtv9 #~=:t:~

Or. County~ Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturd8y, Mlly 5, 1'1M - 19


, 1 ba, cor. llit, $2'5,000 • 1 ba, cor. tlit. $275,000 • 1 ba, Mid. U111, $2M,OIO

• l 'nb1, cs. "'"· $345,000 . 2 ba, end Ulit, $315,MI

at sips avlllWe, *-'lily poll. ~y IJld&. VD, ... VD . .

IULTY 111·1•

8Mut brand new 14X44, loeded w/upgredea In adult pk, CM. $27,IOO.

Want Mobile Home. 991-4990 "'845-1808

BY OWNER. 18 x 48, Buyers and Miier• meeM..., new 2 bf, 2 ba, 2 car '82 Cc>lurnt*l. Adult Pn, every day rn c1aulfied o-. blllc. l ... Sl50 mo. 28r 1i.. be. 4M-4940 642·5878 551"""'93 lift. 7pm

-----------·-------- . ·-------·

---.- --


l ... --- ... _ . .. ... ~

. 2 Br 2 Ba 2 atOty nr 541-5442, no-M21

PCH $580 Won't i.t ... ..... 1111 •S»-e190• ViW COMSO: HM L BLUFFS lrg 2 Br, f11m rm, r=, ._,~ Ofll', 2~ Ba. PQ91, S 1300/ mo. $1 . Agt4N- ar. 844-0134 .. , .. Ull. -....r

JU:t 3 Y'9 new 3 it 2 L Loe:. 1n Newpott Shor9e, 2-mufti fem 1700 kid/pet lty 3 Br+ den, 3 Ba. 2 53e.f190 BEST Alty... frplca, dOI gerage, Ir

petlo & <**. Comm. ..... ..... , 1141. a.oc., 2 pooll+ tennis. 2& nu; conao. cov p:ao Avtlll. 5/ 15. $1250/mo. $575 mo. 538-8030. ytty ... 845-M4e


19181 0...-nont, H.B. OU< 2 BR CONDO: Nr bc:h. 13bf 2ba fllmly home, dOM Pool, epa. o-. 118CUrity. I to ~. 8Wll June 1st. $1000. Yr i.e. 831-6741

882-5757 tor Information. HARBOR VIEW • ~Br + Amazing ofter 3 Br 2 Ba den/38r, 2 ba, IV pool & ... Mnt.111 frplc & 0- par1t. Gdnr. $1350/mo. under MOO wont lest 644-8076 or 845-6412 53M 190 BE.ST Atty ,_ HARBOR VIEW 3 bt/2 ba.

Cott8gr. $485/mo, EZ d9') fwn. rm. nu J*nt, ·O-· term&. Nk:ie, quiet street, derler. $1350. ~295

I HARBOR VIEW-4 Br 21..\ . EXECUTIVE HOME 2'h ba. f11m rm, .cr0et from

b6odt9 to ~- 38R. par1t & pool, o-dener. 38A, Every eonv.n6enoe. S1800/mo. ~144 11400/mo. 833-4145 HVHme 38R Monaco June

Femlly W8nted 28r 4 fllm 1st. $1300/ mo wig::. home newer kltttl nr bc:h call Rtt. for eppt. -1485 kid• ok det•il• ... Senk• 832-0020 639-8190 BE.ST Atty ,_ Shr 38R 2ba Newport

Otd town dMtlc 3 Ir 2 Ba Crest. Pool, tennis, and frplc r bak:ony kids pet I • p • . I 3 8 5 I m 0 .• 164 others avall 144J.1189/842-3840 53M190 BEST My ... -l I DO BA YFRONT

.tt.2&.s:!! PEHTHOUSE: Or11matlc view. 28r/deo 0( 38r. I 1 IOO/ mo. Property

for ..... frpt, "*'°· per- HouM 842-3850 quet, dbl 1;:· w/opn, no

LIOO ISLE aAYF~ pet• saso mo. -.2221 ~ e er. poo11apa,

Cati UI ,..,.,.. ~Wew!Yrty l9e.

!Mne~ 175-7173

J~sorl 'NEWPORT CP.EST. Aval-alty , • .. Aprtl 15th, end uni(


w/2Bd. 2'hoba.. c:loee to

786- 1172 1 pool Mow In condttlon. 11200/mo ..

J .. lllli~ I ~ .... rtr ...........

Ut-1• ... Beaut 3 Br 2'..\ ba end unit

-!- .• ·--- - ------- - · ---- ·--~---- I


' .,


j 1 I j l -

I ·1 I

I -I ! .

' '


-~ --------~----------------~-----------------------------. 20 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/satuf'daj,' May 5, 1984


-. . . There la no reHon to keep thing• JOU don't nHd or enJoJ anrmore. Juel bec9uee theJ'" not valuable to 1ou, there are cuetomen wllllng to paJ good moMJ for thing• JOU're tired of. ContKt the "Recrcler of Unwanta," th• claealtled department of the DallJ Piiot. You wlll be pleaHCI with the Int, apeedy reaulta. Aa faat •• a phone call, reeulte happen I

.• .

• •

'i/· ~

• I


Dail Pilat .


'- ,. ................. _ -- . - -· .... . . ------- ---- --- ......

h•mr ... ~a~GT~~----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--.-....iiiiiil ... a.....-< ..... __ --=~---~------.......---~~:...=. ~=--- ---

a I ~ J..4

Orange County Real Estate/An Adwwt~ng euppJenient to the t¥1L-V: PILOT/Satuatay, ~ 5. 19M - ~1 ,

, ........ ht. ......... .... .. ........ hl ..... .... .... - .. , ....... c.ea ._ nM c.u... 1714 c..a ._ 1714 ....._ 1.._. ma Elnpl. l9dy °' atuc1ent. 1aw. .. I It. 1 ... 14751mes. LWllWllll• ... ,..-........ eo;;ao m Lowlyroom,poo&ltUCPfW UlllE .... ....... rltWbWrt. l.kFof· on couple.~- Uti Newly r edec oreted , Nice, qu1e1 ~ 2 8r 1 & 2 8r • ....._ vi.. 8"Pe to. beedS. nr lilrpOt1 '300. ~140" .d.. for """"*· .. rwn °*" woods. $2250. ~ ==-~~;: 1~ Ba. P¥1 P9do. pool, ..,.,. 11;,~:.,~ 1150 mo. Call Tom F. non:tlmill, ege 20-30, 111 pr wknd & up. v... Poot, ,,.... o-r. ~.

2bA. ~ • 11 CWport. lndry . no p.ta. pets. l515-M25 644-8001or7M-1701 ~1onthoMe. Al pttw. MC24 hr ,_.~.._ 1325+ utl no.M51 ~~= ,,,.tt,~Gnnada· Avail 513. 842-0985. TSL Momt 754-0081 or ~JIM' Ifft '280. eecM409 714437-8561 Prof F. 25-35 to etw a.I ~ 2 b09t = 1895

• M2· 1803" ~ Furn rm be. Pf1lw 9"try Lrg 3 .. ty, home, tum. P9nn furn homd460mo

Fer~ & H 1.:.c,1 :V~ ~ POOL frptc PfVt patio luL..... IHI 9'ec gar, ~~.~'. r:·~~,M= i:,~::d'rn~· m~:.~ ::~~":t~7; ~2- 1113 Ind ud. e;rn = ~ ~7~64 f Iii liiCd to m . 28J( $550. 87M.l3t IU-ICMt Fl"S*: G- . ... ,, 122 • • ..,.1 38r 2_ 1 ..... Furn. Rm., Lndty, Kit. 1----------- Prof. Fem. to 1tW 2 8t 1 Be

1 Ir Condo. lakH, ~ 2 br wl~ 9th St. ~;;"· -., mo.doM to' .,. to Pnv. Alfa. $295 mo.+ ~ N.BCH. 111l be. pdo, P¥1 • ·a.I•. '325/mo yrty ..,_,,., ~ frplc, peUo, w/epece of 1200 ft b9ic covered~ utll. 1 100 Sec. 831-1196. ent, A\lllMS/20, l 12C>#tt, Non-oemkr. 873-8279. Un. mlCrO .-.. Ger w/ocw. l'lm. Charming llhuttered 2 IL•I.... tum. 203'33rd St. • lrvlne/baJcony, i.uncl,Y, $190 mt 11178 u,14) Quiet F to*· 28r. 1 a. :=. ~15 ~ ""- =:t~~o~ ~ 11111 na. .-y U9 1MI khc, pool, apa 121&. fSl&.3592 or 1 1 7 -s>t nr 17th & Stinta Ana,

.......,"' .. .,.... -, Oulet Matute/F 7M-3tee ~ lleedl 1'A llOc*a <:m. 1275. 1tt & Lat. 1 BR 1n ~. 2H5-8 new crpt/dfils, lrg llcyltte 0..1Qhtru4 ocaen breeue, OCEAN VIEW 1 br "Pl*' 1 oceen. o.ux. 3br 2be Mll eeoe MlrlS St. No peta. 1425 bath & walk-In, w/d '*~ redecorated, all new $400 Ind lta ' Poof llcte room to qu6eit O _ v _ ______ _ _

mo. Bot> Horwttz: eseys In dbl gar. wl entry, Mlf ,pluatl <*1*• & dr11C191, gar. -.. · ut • non .,,._. or drtNCet • . '500 wtt. Cl11> 111•1705 RESP. F to * condo In S4$-U!51. ~ 851_2115 c1n owns • MC. bet's. Ho dl1wuher1, Iota of

6800 ~~v~·-~ ... 17

. ok. ok. t JFl1llll1 lnl. lritne1. -so"'imol.ic.~f1~1,,-..Jutt • pell. 740. Avail . 5/ 1. clOMta, private gan1ge, .. - .... .ir-. 17&/Wk W a...L....~..... ... .... """'

28A 1~ prt pet6o & gar- 646-1233 (5-9pm) latndry fecllltlel, eome utlla lncld, 545-<4158 ~ _. _ Reep rmmt•. 38' condo. 1 • · Walk to 17th St,.... I ·- 1 8t . .. t nnta private patloa. Private room, beth. w;.. "'........... btk to bch In Newport .nopptl19 .,.._ S550 mo. -V"' • ,,., · ~ .. • 38drm. 2'/\ Ba. WI ........... • .. D/M2-3710 1!1643--2218 dfl», poo6, landec-.>ed 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba. ctm. ~. 35+. F '290.+ .au -45 + w . 831·2'.Mle

pool .,.._ $400/ mo. No 1 Bdfm. 1 Ba IN 8EAC Reteletae. "46-3524 la•n na.tlM Ammt• needed 1350, f)Kn. 2 BA down. DWlw.._, peta.&48-3e18aft3:30 2211 ... St Agr .. tplacetol\ll9onthe OUtELAOOM w/pm Nr ...... 1. room .AY91l now CifMld

,.::.._ _ _...,.,--..,-=--::=- gMlge. Av.II 5/ 2, 1110 • Upper Bay. Privet' 0CC In C.M . .W.. ms •- le OK. Att 7prri, S31-9oe2 Vlctotl&. Call to ... Ho 3 8'. 2 ba. trplc, patio, aaa ••11 clubhou1e1 & hHlth Ind. utU.. 54S-72... Dan ntl Rmmt t- u /F

3 Bt

doge. SMO/mo as1.a12 encl gar, lower. Avail ...,.... 8 t nla ooun 7 wan..,, .., •

· 5/ 22. $750/mo, yeara spu, '" •· Room for rent ..-..:. zar ZD8 ept, • .,.., 511. 4-0 1'h Ba Condo nr s .c : 2 "°'* ..-. remod ,____ ..... t"'"" pools, cloM to ~. n my ,.,..,_, wtta. poee - rmmte .... ___ ......., ' ·-·, I ..._ req . .,..... ...... I OC Airport Fuhloll $250 't dep. A.WY In P«· 7~4. MS:25.47 .. ._., garege & .,...,.. •,:.. UIS ::1,,;::~=· MESA PINES 2850 Hana 2 Bt 1 Ba 4-i>tex. bit-Ina, llland, conven..,,, atiope aon Sat & Sun btwn 12 .. 5. • . U 2 5 / mo. + u tll a. $595 e31~11 · Ul<E NEW 1 Bt $560 cpta. drapes, wuher/ on light. 2t10 Santa....,.., C.M. 3 Bt. 3 l)e ,_ w/W.W, 986-182 t .INI... PRIVATE PetJo, ......... ...... dry9r hk up, erld ger. Room ....... ...... 35 '-a Bet\ $3751mo Hugh -c........--,..__.---~---

~- a- ......,, .....- $875 536-0921 IQr.v.1ee 1 & 2 Bdrm • "'-- . .. " ....... .-omen ""•21·1- ""'"21 ....... _~·or. ' · Ba, d/ w, wl d hk· ~ TOP area. quiet , no pets. · ..,.."' ._, & up. Newport Beec::hr ..-v WJ~ .. _. .... ..,... 'f04.lf hOme-« toot! . lrplc, $850 W . .icte. al n.w. 1~ Ba. Mtal .. l · 2 Br'1 Ba '-'Pt*'. garege, menti l To•llhou ... $205 M5-2590 48'3bacondo Pool tQDetherforerental 2· 7789/9e0-1193 patloe. D/W, no peta, $540/mo. Nr lhop ctr. from SMO. (Ask about · . . $300 If>&. Calf Anawe Ad i 101

r"-- 1-L-I klde OK, avail """'9d. New9f 2 Br. with pa11o & 7571 Volge , epl 4. lumllhed epta. oornptete SEA & SUN l.OOGE ~Crest. /mo 642-4300 2~ hrl tab....- Sl75/mo. Ms.e&4e , gerage , no peu . M&-4990 wlthTV, llnfna&ut..,., $ ColorTV + ut 64S-2547 • ·

3 ....

2 ba. "'"'

15 Or-- 5530/mo. 831-5553.


2 .. _ bit'- - ,,,. ....__.. may be,...,,.., fat lhCWt 302e W. eo.t Kwy. Npt Alternate llMtyte rmte to W/F, non-emkr, empt to

------ ... ~ - ..,.. .,. noa .,......, term or tonger). On Jam... So Lag Hr Bet\. Empl non- atw HB ept. 1250/mo, lhr a IC>4C Westdlff ~-Ave. lndry hkupa, BEAUTIFUL & SPACIOUS gar, belt area $875 No bor .. Rd. at Sen JoeQu1n' lmkr F•...., t\lm/utf pd IMI0-3228, 840-6510 Walk to lhopt, pool . .--...... . .. _ ....., ••v.. like new, tor the partlcu- ...-. 76G-1713 ..... ''""'7 I Hll'- Rd · _, · $300+ ·~ utlll 543-541• - ........ ._ ..-~ ....... ~~ .. .... 1IOO S300dep. 493-3490 Big Canyon condO: fat»- . •• 21111 s.r•M9mtM


4 :::::~: :::'~f~ •S4001up. , Br. .....- ~~ ·r IOU9lytum.-evefYthlngrF lnlabWu• .. IHI oon type. m 3 8', 2 be ~ In pertc mdt age cp1 must ... to pool, If>&. 18992 Florida. Quiet 2 br 1 ba. pool Mr ~ pref. $500. 759-1290 Young uoa; & 31/t yr Old

tio. good loc. You eett~SCPtua.Chlld appreclaie . $550 . 642·2834, 8-42-3172 No s>eta.' seoo. 1&o 1-8 ...... Fem. 21•30 ""new 3bd daughter want to lhr $375. tidy pref. OK. mo. 720-980 1 646-M42 or ~759. Deluxe 3Br 2Ba & 2Bt 2Ba 15th, Npt Htl. 550-8213 .,. • duplex C.M wl aame $275 home or apt In eo.ta 67

5-2055 '1 .... Tll In • -p lex crpta dr.,_ mo 650--4212 Iv mag Mesa. S250mo 642-5451

• ..._... ... WTW bmne pr S725-llDO WATERFRONT: Newport Wkly renta. 1125 6. up . ..,.---·---,..----=-=,.... ---------HI 1 Br tBa. new"'"' & cpt, Sharp & clean 2 Br, range, No .,_. .. 540 4414 ' lslend . ~acloua re- Color TV, rree coffee. Fem to lht Irv. houee, 2 Br, Young Prol/F aeeklng

oar.. 1495/mo. Owtw own, D/W, pvt patio. pvt dilc:orated 2BR 2be, fir.. hellted pool & st9PS to 13-45mo + 12 utll. Nn- home or condo • · share No 5'49-2042 K;r + par k space mnllTll 11111 place. Olh/Wlhr, In~ ocean- Klitch't evall. amttr. Kathy 552-3918 In Big Canyon, Herbor

-=--..,..--:r..-::.-r $485/mo, Ira 1 Bt, 1 ba, 50/mo. 648-97~ 821t SAN ANGELO OR. ~5.~~~~~ 1·

1 -~ =-~ F rmmte for OCMn W.W. ~~ ~'-:le=

rrptc, up9taln unit OYer Quiet 1 Br. 1920 Wanaoe 1 br, 2 br & bactlelor apta. __.- • poot9'de Promontory Pt Need t>xJune tit, e¥e °'

uhtul & parl< like 1ePa11os red Par1C lng IOUSAPIS gArea ·ln-Cloeets e-llke Kitchen• II. 10 Huntington l

cerport All bulltlna. Ave $420, w/gar $470. TelevtMd security, eool YM lllllft m ..... ..... HIS .,. $475/ mo. 644-7076 wkndl 759 - 1732 o r beautlfUI email oompe.x. Sierra Mgmt 64 t- 132• garegea, pool, Jae. tennis. GATED VILLAGE COM· • II

4 .............. HOUSEMATES 752-2761 ext 210.

3416 Avoc:adO. ctubhOUM w/lull exercise MUNITY • 2 Bdrm. 2'~ ba. •• •t .. IN -- UNLIMITED 1!.---- - ,-----~~ Mf·M12 IS~=:: !~r ~ a2

,: room. S•8-t613

- 1600 sq tt ot PURE 2A Hr. Cere. Lovefyblnte WILL LOOK FOR YOU! -.lfn tr $525. Large quiet 2BR iree $545 710 W 18th St STUDIO APT util Included, I LUXURY. Garage, SPA In hOme. (714) 979-5466 I "Gain comfOftable rent & Ital 2912

I 1ba. new cplt, drps, fresh THE GABLES 2 Br w/gar $325 mo M. ature, stable master I Ulte. d i ni ng luaaa the ntoe feellng of finding e'Side c il 20 x 20 ti pa.Int, lndry fadl, no peta. "'P'- dra......, bltln1 fncd single person desired room, wood burni ng la••b --1 •new friend"! Storage. ooly Avail llOW 311 W. W .......... 631-21 n ... .. _.. 960·l239 frplC, mlc(owe~ oven. .. .... NEWPORT & TUSTIN •7 E ,.,. ,,_ 723

.,..,., yard wl pallo $605/mo uper 2 BR ,.,., BA Fr/Pl, private patio. ELEGANT Furn. 2 8( 1~ L fitl8. ;ip; 832-413' lo 21st - - ' $650/mo. loYely 2 Br, 2 be 2• 39 .. A" Oranoe Be LIVING only 15 min trom 6. avail. 6/16 thru 918. 1 Single garage tor rent, TOWMM. Frplc, all bltna. 63~ 120 Call 1-5PM :::: ::I>J5~1~1 10 ti. .Faahlon 1.iand, 7 min to 122 , 71,.. St. Npt Bet\, Lg. Bact<bay houM. Pool. I storage only. $60/mo.

940 W. 18th Street • So. Coaat Plaza,~ eut lower unl1. 860-1206 Jae, Lrg mastet suite, Costa Mesa A3 1-3615 6428221 evee&wknd• WEIFFD&IHI · aaa ltacla 2'741 of Newport Blvd & south SSOO. MatFem. 662- 15421--. ------


.,.. - ••• 1••• Want a select ion of greet of the San Diego Fwy. Furn 2 Br Condo, evall LG 1 -·na .. __ _,_ .. __ IOffict lntab 2t14 ·--• -' - living? We ,. ... "ffer any- EB YIEW 3 o • c c II -v- ...,_., '""'""· ~------- ..... v 24 7 range ... v e et 16-911, .M . • oceen canyon view $400l 1617 Westcott Dr, N.B

LITiii.FREE '~,.;...2:.,: ~: ~~'1/=.! ~~ ~~ ~~n~ ~~n= ~~~~ 631-5439, by eppt C>Ny. ~~~j5~~.~~·rnAd + uttt. 491- 1241 att6 I Agent s1 30 sq~ 1_5002 turn .. From MOO I 1at mo+dep. mow m. CM, NB or HB think of us ooean view from Dana . Looking for dynamic prof. --------unlurn .. Ftomse&o Kida, pet, IN ott. Agt rlrat 'i1v1°' that ctlOloe of Point 's most aeoluded Spacious single. one Furn wttly rental• Aprll- j for rmml, 1in block trom $330/up crpta drapes ale

me rvrn .. From saoo I 645-QUO ldealTSL .. GngT ... 2 1603 scenic bluff. Like new 2 & two ~droom apts. sept . step. t 0 ocean In CdMI $500 mo. 17301 Beactl Huntington UINTAHERMOS m3M - - I oc:Mn/ bay. Call Alrporter Inn. Maryl Beach S.2·2834

A Bach $375. nk:ietv furn. utll N B REAL TY 67> 1642 Br wi den, xtra large prl- --..... 111-4112 Foster. 642-5678 or won< .,_,...__ 1....... ---•1 of-1 t Parl<lide Ln, 1 pd. al90 1 & 2BA. -No vale pat i os . C ell •- ........,. _.., .. ,..,

west of Beec:tl, 3 s-ta. 848-5282 Hew aomethlng to sell? ~ 1 or dr!Y9 by <213> 586-3437 Iv 1n9g. II cea . 12 5 0 & up. soot Edinger. Claalfted ad• do tt well. 24585 SentaCtatato~. L8111U Mature rem lh Npt. Ht• 752-28'1or673-5374

Hl·M41 B~~~•ore.u~.::,e p~i~ : lut. ~ %741lut. 1tac• 27tl Completety tumllhed 2 pool home. N-amtcr. Reta CdM 175 sq. n. L.eaM rt lucla kltch . , very cleah , bdrm• + den, 2 baths, $400 utl Inc. 645-2683 $200/mo, lnctudeaevwy·

$ 4 1 6 / m 0 + d • p aunny patio wlgu BBQ, Mature fem th Npt. Hta thing. 759-8389 °' apt nr ~~ I 850-4 l 80IV1n9g. K b k ? FURNISHED or 2 bikes, + tabot In boat pool home. N-tn*r. Reta - EXECUTIVE sum: enney U O port• UNFURNISHED. ~"· Tennla, bay/ $400 utl Inc. 64S-29e3 Newport $550/$775 $400. 760-9229 • " Walle to thops & 640-5470

I -FOL• II Isn't that the bo. at All UTllffiES resteuranu $20001mo. Mature tm tHmkr lhr •• •• , • ~ PAID. HEALTH • Juty A It 2 ptueh 3br 3ba CM cond'O F Mrvlce Newport

·----- that won The America's Cup 1n '75? CLUBS.TENNIS. ~~.' ugu · mo. *350·~utll64>7480 ~r. Two~~a11Mey ,... 8:::1::--~~ i:.: SWIMMING. plus l.81 llALn Met. woman .... Fem 1. The Executive Otfloe. c• n 11 Petto/declb. Ho ••. ~ ~ fD .,, / ........ much more! Sorry, 171-1• rmmt e. Sml pet OK. lov9- 110 Newport Center °'.

1 Bdtm '650 no pets Models ly Mela Verde home. Pvt #200, NB. ~92 GaJaxy, Do\1W' 2 Bdrm 1~ Ba M35 d lty 6 Br & Ba. '350. no ut11 • ...__... •-- ...a •..1&-..

- 1501 151E.2111. 548-2408 If yott'rt not wrt who (OI what) lltnneytlu~ wu. open a 9 lo . wa- Valerie 2e1· 7653 ~--••1t-

itl llar nn 2 Bdrm W1 Ba le26 one of 14 dlstlntb\'ely dtfftrent 'f)lrtmellt lloorl)IW Uffllm Mw Verde. Immaculate! alrport. LOWEST RATES don·1 r.I bad - you·re nol alone llenneybunlport is ~ __..,. - OWectly ectoa from OC

2Bdrm28e SM0 at "· · -nd V·Y.- 1n Hunh".ton Beacll. Staw1nd SUMMERAENTALS M/F. $300. + 100.dep. In town. 549-1"80 ,,,...,., -~ .,., Call Mltle 241-1221. 2250V.-.guardW1y Ylll.,e 11 1 rtwlt of totally pen onakied PfOftS$10nal ApArbnetlts *Ill•'"" Wtas•

540-te26 J)tanntnc The kl/Id of •ttentJon you dnerw A r>trltcl M/ Fem to ahare 2 Br , Ba. t MO FREE RENT EaatakM 2 It 1 Ba. Petlo, blend of natttrt llld hY1nc - nestled 1n 1 lo1tst W1t11 Newport~ So. Apt, Balboa laland. W/ lhort term ...,., f\JD

1------- F/ PI, 0., "° P9tSt Lndry blbtJl!nc bf* ' and Qllltt ponds. cooled by nalwrll 1700 16th Strffi $350mo yHrly. Non eerv tultea 831 Doll9f Of Am. 1575. 831""403e ocean breun Add to tNt teclnis eo11rts. SWll!lfllllll (at Oovtr) • tm0k•_67>9564 Jerry Sui1• 14, N.B. 831-365 1

mo. $50_0 depoatt ~ncld 642-3099

E.llde dbl 2 8r twnt., 1 '4 Ba. lndry, no Pit• 2548 Orange. $835. M2·2f20

Lrg 2 br, 1 be. crpta; drpe. :ittre lrg eundedt, ccw'd ~. wooded land­~. strMm. 2 pools, '9C rm. $500. 644-2181

pools. 1 spa and' conwenient loc1bon M¥ QlopcJirc 642-5113 Sumrns Aent911 MI F for 2 br, 2 ba llPt. all luiana and tmployment Ind )'Oll


¥C aot I plfcc anyone would Pier RMlty amenltlea. Cloee to OCC. zt ' pioudly c:lll home (hen Kenntybunlport) One and Newport Buch No.


9326 Barbara $300 + ~. Avail. 611. lntah 1

two bfdfoom, one and two bath apartmerits 880 Irvine Avenue Dale: l'lm 641-0239; -" ... .,. NI iih and l ownllomtS (it 16th) Matha 850-7827 l<MP trying STORE or OFFICE SPACE

645-1104 latab lllT M/F lh. 3br 2ba. F/pl. 1 bl Avail. now 673-6640

5v.Y~,·-1sm Huntqton Vlllact Lane. Hunti~on Bueti. CA

(714) 898·9961 rrom the San 0ieco Frt<IWI, dnwe nort!I on Bueti to

McFadden. theft -..ton McFadden to Siewind Vlllaet futflishl., anllatlle • Opel! dlil) JO ,,,. 'bl du,.,

lllil•ll!lll•••••ll 2 Bt 2 ba ept, 8Vlli 517. t:8 ~~n~ ~-/~·1 F'!r S1ore or office specie tor .1u __ a....~'"""'"'"ta_...,m ... .,.1 -"•· poea perm rmmte. o.orgeenna 549-5721. rent In Coeta Mesa. 2 Br. c toM to bMCfi 760-8224 °' 845-2541 approx 500 IQ It.

•s.N\ .... aw•- M. to lhf 1'9nt 1250 + 12. 957-0808 586-881' ~Imo. ~- __..._, 1100 def>. Pvt entr &•- ---..,----

223 Le Paloma. 837-7911 e.oent 2 BR 2be home. petJo. W/ 0 avail. Nptl~ .. a.1MI ..... PrTvacy-~toplef. Hgta. can Tom 642-7918 lntah 2911 lic~.u.P.~3P.s;,..., ..'. ..... R"'r..:;OCC..... ~;c'l.n.. r:: •. m: NB nr Bet\ lh. 28R 2 BA 1ilUO Aer&Or F v

All prlv. Prlva1e bath. quired. ()wt,., 813--6372 Apt. wlc:pt. $400. + utll. 1240 aq ft. S300/mo. ~9-3e74 ------- - • M&-3016 or 547-3303 AQen1 541- 5032




Older homes sometimes offer many advantages over some of their newer counterparts. according to the National Association of Realtorse.

Many older homes are located In established neighborhoods where public transportation, shopping, schools and churches are just a walk away. These houses frequently offer more spaoe for the money than new homes.

If you are thinking of buying an older home, here are some po.ints to consider:

. - Find out the age and condition of the roof. Certain

roofing materials are more durable: slate and clay are your best bets because they often stay In good condition for 40 years or more: Wood and asbestos cement roofs may last up to 30 years, while common asphalt shingle roofing lasts anywhere from 15 to 30 years. Inspect the roof for loose or missing shingles; check the chlmmney tor loose mort~r.

• - Check gutters and downspouts. They should be clean,

rust free and in good repair. Downspouts should empty onto splash blocks directed away from the house, Into drains or an underground well. The ground should slope away from the house so that rainwater runs off.

- Check the outside walls. If they' re made of brick or stone, test the mortar - especially near the ground - with a screwdriver to see if It is firm or powdery. Crumbling mortar may let in water that can crack masonry and damage interior walls. Bulging bricks could be a sign of structural defects or loose brick veneer. Non-masonry walls should fit well at joints and In corners since gaps give water a chance to rot the framing underneath. If painted walls show signs of blistering, flaking or peeling down to the wood, It could mean the walls were built with no vapor barrier.

- Check the exterior wood elements, such as deck supports. They would rest on concrete to prevent rot and deter termites. Ask for a report on · termite inspection and control.

. - Examine paved areas for cracks, uneven settling In

the driveway, patios and sidewalks.

- Visit the house after a rain to see how well the gutters, downspouts, runoffs and basement handle poor weather.

A sound exterior is a good Indication that an older home may be a very good Investment, but Inside you'll need to check the wiring, plumbing and heating system as well as other items you would inspect In a newer home.

The National Association of Realtors* says that a growing number of homebuyers are using the services of a home Inspector before closing a sale since a professlonai Inspection will provide an accurate appraisal of a home's physical condition.


••• PNME AET AIL SPACE 700 eq ft • 1700 NNH CM bef'*, NB.

Jtldcle 2 13-290-3112

• CdM <Ix......_ AC, 11'nP1 ptkg, trotn S200. 2855 ~ Coeiet Hwy • .,6-81()()

.. tab .. t288 ..... ft&lt OMO:: ,8 d r ive - In rr door , $480/ mo. 121 TerriW ':3~M. 640-N52 dya,

1 9"'91

1800 alf. w/eml oftloe. 60Q p/ f. 3 pt\99. AMdotph St, CM. 548-1863

2000, 2000 & 4000 eq ft 3976 EMrch, NB.

$.50 eq ft . Ag1 541-5032

r----..., .... CIHaffhtdact.



lfl>EX To Pllce Yu Ad, Cal


HOUSES FOA SALE Gener• ........................................ 1002 A.w.nHtle ............................... 1004 ~ lillllnd ............................... 1008 89l>oa ~ ......................... 1007 Ctip6ett•M> ~ ........................ 101• Corona det M8r ........................... 1022 eo.ta ..... .................................. 1024

. PcMnt ................................... 1029 El Toro •. _ ........ _........................... 1032 Fountl6n ~ ............................ 10$4 a.den OtO¥e .............................. 1038 HufOlgton Bw:tl ........................ 1040 Huntington Hsbour ................... :-1042 lrWMI ............................... - ........... 1044 Llgune ~ .............................. 1048 ~ Hiie m•••••• .................... , _ , 1050 L.aaune ._,,.. .............................. 1052 Lli• ~ ................................. 1055 M6lllof\ V1eto •. .. .. ...... ...... .. ............ 1087 Neiwpoft a.ct\ ............................ 108' s.... Clement• .............................. 1078 San Juen ................... 1078 Sant• Ana ................................... 1080 Seel~ ................................... 1084 South Laguna .............................. 108f W•rnlntt• ................................ 1• Tusdn ........................................... 1080 Moblte Home Salee ..................... 1100

REAL ESTATE Ac:reege ....................................... 1126 Aper1rnenta .. ..... ... . ....... .... ........... 1150 Beect\ Property ... .................. ....... 1175 ~ Property ....................... 1200 c.n.t.ry LoCa ""-..................... 1225 Convnl. l'roperty ......... - .............. 1250 Condofntnlurne .. .. ....... ....... ........ ... 1275 Oliptex•IUnh:a ............................ 1300 ~to be Moved ................... 1326 ~ Property .......................... 1350 lndU9t.r1lll Property ....................... 1375 Lot. for s... ................................ 1400 Moble Home Plrita ......... --..... 1426 MountaAn. o.-1 ......................... 1450 Orange Co. .................................. 1500 Out of County .............................. 1525 Out of State ................................. 1550 Ranct-./Farma ............................ 1575 Aeeol1 Property ........................... 1580 Time Stwing ......................... _ ..... 1580 R.E. Exd\anQe ............................. 1800 R.E. Wentecf ................................. 1825

Rf;NTAL.8 ~ FurnAlhed ........................ 2100 ~ Unfurn61hed .................... 2200 ~ Fwn. of Unf .................... 2300 Condo. Furn. .. ............................. 2400 Condoe Uni . ................................ 2410 T~. Furn ....................... 2520 T~. Unf ......................... 2525 Ouplloc•. Furn. ............................ 2530 °'---· Unf. .. ...................... '" .. 2636 Aperttnenta. Futn. .. ................. - .. 2tOO ~ Unf. ·-............. - ..... 2700 Apta. Furn/Unf ....................... _ .... 2tOO Aoonw ......................................... 2900 AoOfn & &o.d ............................. 2IOI Hot9la. ~ ...................... _ ...... 2804 ~ Hon'99 ............................... 2905 aunw.. Alntm .......................... 2908 Vecatlon ~ .......................... 2901 ·Rent• to .... ........................ 2908 • Alntale Weni.d ......................... 2908 Gategee tor Alnt .. ........ ... .. .......... 2912 Ofb~ .............................. 2914 ...._ Alntata ......................... 2918 Convnl. Rentale ........................... 2911 lnduet. Alntlel ............................. 2920 StoteOI .......................... - ........... 2922 Mlec. ~ ............................... 2925

Orange Coun~ Rell Estate/An Advetttllug.•tpplement to the .QAJLY PllOTISatwmy. ~ 5, 1184 - 23




I ' CISTI• CEITW. •1n111 - Mesa Verde ex­ecutive custom ranch style home. central courtyard. Living room, family room and all 4 bdrms look out to gated private courtyard. A must see for only $213,000. Call for showing on this one-of-a-kind. 546-2313

IEWPllT CHIT - $179,900'. Largest model and also the lowest priced 4 bdrm in the tract. Two story 2'h bath with wet bar. enjoy the executive lifestyle at a very low price. Call today for information! 646-7171 COTIASE II CISTl •HA - Eastside charming, refurbished 2 bdrm. Hardwood floors in this cottage with an added step-down family room. Lots of charm. A must see at $129,900. Call now. 546-2313 •111 UICI - Botanical gardens + waterfgall on 1 acre! Exotic tropical setting! Beautiful home + family room with skylights! Greenhouse, enter­tainment bar! Wine room! Firepitl . A unique property at $180,000. Call 963-6767 TUE llYUTAIE - Only $99.9001 Lovely 2 bdrm condo glowing with warmth & comfort. Near new with 2 car garage. pool & spa in desirable Eastside Costa Mesa. Don't put off seeing this home or you'll pass up a rare buy. 646-7171 1111,HO, UIUJI - 3 bdrms, 1% baths, double garage. New paint and carpets. 546-2313 IEWNIT IUCI CISTM! _:__ $269.000. Gorgeous 3 BR. home! Family room + fireplace + bay windows! Wood plank floors! Sunshine garden bath + sunken tub! Country-like neighborhood. 963-6767. WTSIH CllMS IHICU - Jwo large condos only 5 yrs old In a lovely complex with courtyard, pool & spa. 3 bdrms, 2'h bath with formal dining. Drastically reduced to sell at $127,500 for 1550 sq.ft. Call today! 646-7171

111,IOO, CISTA •HA - Very popular condo with large living area. 3 bdrms Pl• baths. Cozy kitchen overlooks private courtyard. Priced right at $97,900. Call for showing. 546-23 13

I 11 •W YOH .. - $239,000. Owner motivated to sell this spacious giant below market. Just steps to golf cour~I Extensive landscaping- fabulous from entry area to entertainment patio! Call now, 963-6767

lflM.I -· UITS9I - Very nice, clean & desirable park- preferably for adults over SO years of age. 1 bdrm custom coach extremety wetl priced at $16,000. Cheaper than rent. Don't miss out on tbls great opportunity. 646-7171

FHI M•H II l LIT - Great investment op­portunity for the smart investor. All single story homes with attached garages & individual enclosed yards. Well maintained with lots of curb appeal. A super value at $275.000. 646-7171

111,Mi TITal PllOE - Try 5% ($31000 or 10% ($6200) down. 1 bdrm plus den condo with pool + spa. A bargain at $61 ,900. Call now, 546-2313

STIPS Tl IOUI - $199,0001 You 'll faJt in love with this 3 bdrm, 2 bath home which Includes 2 stone fireplaces. skylights & high beamed ceU­lngs. Also only steps to pool, tennis & parkl A value packed, comfortable home you should see today. 646-7171

I 11, •LY 1111,000 - Completely refurbished 3 bdrm homet Brand new carpeting + fresh paint! Excellent neighborhood! Don't wait. Call 963-6767

mn Tl IUOI - $159,950. Newport Beach bungalow within SO yards of beach. 2 huge bdrms, large country stile kitchen. Bright & airy living area. Price only $159,950. 546-2313

L.111111 FM TIE llST - A pride of ownership home In a pride of ownership neighborhood. Spacious & beautiful 3 bd.rm with family room and formal dining room lfl prime Costa Mesa area. A first offering that will sell fast! Only $176,950. 646-7171

IEW •EU YEI• - Just listed, a spectacular one story. Enter a large living room with trench doors. Family room w/ double fireplace. 4 giant bdrms. Pl• baths. Lush landscaping, patio with hot spa. Vacant and owner says sell. $171,900 total price. 546-2313

·1700 Newport Blvd .. CM. 2790 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 21030 Brookhurst, H.B.

646-7171 546-2313 963-6767

4 U OllTA mu,.._~ $132,500. Ceramic_ tile entry to beautiful home with cathedral cetl­ingsl Plush carpeting! Fabulous Anthony pool surrounded by lush landscaptngl 963-6767

MUI All UY '1EW - Panoramic view extends past Catallna Island from this attractive 2 bdrm home. Ready to be moved Into with fantutlc potential for added Improvement. Priced at $395,0001 Make the first step to better living, call us nowl 646-7171 .111,111 llWI - Perfect starter! $96,500. 3 bdrm home I Take over low Interest FHA loan & owner wlll carry at 10% for 10 years! No quallfytngl Cati 963-6767

111.- tnw•w YA LIU - 8.5°1. payable, $554.52 PITI. A beautiful 3 bdrm H-'• bath home with a large famlty room. Fantastic kitchen, laundry room. Spectacular Irregular yard. A cream puff with a great loan. Price only $109,000. Try 10°/e down. 546-2313

INE 1111111., ,.. - Buocola bullt. Beautiful & spacious home with approximately 3,000 sq.ft . of living area. Large lot on a cul de sac with fruit trees & garden In Santa Ana Hefghts area. A lot of house for only $182.000. 646-7171

UWJllT 1811, WEITIUff - $94,900. One of the best and largest condos for your money. Highly upgraded. Walk to shopping. Call now. 546-2313

11111111 IUll llTTAll - Just steps from surf & sand. This enchanting 1 bdrm home may be enjoyed as It Is or the R-2 lot offers fantastic potential for added Improvement or redevelop­ment. Best price on Peninsula. $165,000. 646-7171

IUITlfa Ill.LIU PAii - A must see this onet A beautlful living & famlty area with brick fireplace. Country kitchen. Spectacular rear yard with Anthony pool. $132,500 total price. 548-2313

1111'1 ll&IT PWA. TIP If TIE Lim - $155,000. 3 bdrm + den/ll~rary + formal dining room! Spec­tacular skyUghtsl 2 decks off upstaJra bedroom & huge entertainment patio off llvtng roomt 21h baths! Impeccable condltionl Try 10'1• down! Vacant & ready to move Into. Call 963-6767

UIUll 1124,111 - 4 bdrm, family room. Brick fireplace. Air conditioned. C'9an and neat. s.46-2313

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