Making your mind up More info about our courses

Making your mind up More info about our courses How can Melio help me? If you want to enhance your learning, you’ve come to the right place. Melio is all about helping people boost their academic performance, by exploring their chosen subjects with a true global expert. We’ve seen the benefits of one-to-one tutorial teaching first-hand for more than a decade. It’s no wonder Oxford and Cambridge have stuck with it for centuries. It’s personalised, it’s rigorous, and it provides a safe space to test your thinking. Honestly, you’ll never experience anything else like it. Our teaching is totally focused on you. No question missed, no detail unexplored. And because your tutor pitches everything to your particular level and passions, you’ll never get left behind or bored. Tutorial teaching also gives you time. Time to delve into the subject you love, or think you’ll love. Time to explore ideas from a number of fascinating angles. Time you simply don’t get in typical school or university teaching. Again, this is a safe space. There are no stupid questions and no stupid answers. You’ll be encouraged to think for yourself and craft original ideas, thanks to the hallmark features of tutorial teaching: close academic attention, in-depth feedback and constructive guidance. All we want is for you to become your best. That’s why we help you learn from the best. What sets Melio apart from other online learning? We’re not here to brag, but here are the facts. Our online academic experiences are tailored to you. They’re taught by Oxford and Cambridge tutors, and leaders in research. They’re mapped on to the prestigious Oxford and Cambridge tutorial system. And they meet the same standards of excellence as our sister company Oxford Summer Courses, an award- winning education provider. Quite simply, nobody else can offer all that. What is a tutorial? It’s a one-to-one class with an expert academic (and teacher) in your subject. Tutorials last one hour, and each session is unique. That’s because your tutor will adapt and tailor your tutorials according to your interests, ambitions and ability. A tutorial usually has three distinct phases. First your tutor will give you comprehensive feedback on the work you’ve been asked to prepare in advance. Next they’ll challenge you to

Transcript of Making your mind up More info about our courses

Making your mind up

More info about our courses

How can Melio help me?

If you want to enhance your learning, you’ve come to the right place. Melio is all about

helping people boost their academic performance, by exploring their chosen subjects with a

true global expert.

We’ve seen the benefits of one-to-one tutorial teaching first-hand for more than a decade.

It’s no wonder Oxford and Cambridge have stuck with it for centuries. It’s personalised, it’s

rigorous, and it provides a safe space to test your thinking.

Honestly, you’ll never experience anything else like it. Our teaching is totally focused on you.

No question missed, no detail unexplored. And because your tutor pitches everything to your

particular level and passions, you’ll never get left behind or bored.

Tutorial teaching also gives you time. Time to delve into the subject you love, or think you’ll

love. Time to explore ideas from a number of fascinating angles. Time you simply don’t get in

typical school or university teaching.

Again, this is a safe space. There are no stupid questions and no stupid answers. You’ll be

encouraged to think for yourself and craft original ideas, thanks to the hallmark features of

tutorial teaching: close academic attention, in-depth feedback and constructive guidance.

All we want is for you to become your best. That’s why we help you learn from the best.

What sets Melio apart from other online learning?

We’re not here to brag, but here are the facts. Our online academic experiences are tailored

to you. They’re taught by Oxford and Cambridge tutors, and leaders in research. They’re

mapped on to the prestigious Oxford and Cambridge tutorial system. And they meet the

same standards of excellence as our sister company Oxford Summer Courses, an award-

winning education provider. Quite simply, nobody else can offer all that.

What is a tutorial?

It’s a one-to-one class with an expert academic (and teacher) in your subject. Tutorials last

one hour, and each session is unique. That’s because your tutor will adapt and tailor your

tutorials according to your interests, ambitions and ability.

A tutorial usually has three distinct phases. First your tutor will give you comprehensive

feedback on the work you’ve been asked to prepare in advance. Next they’ll challenge you to

defend and develop your thinking, with counterarguments and alternative ideas. And then

you’ll have the chance to ask questions, pursuing the topics you find most fascinating.

It’s all about building a meaningful connection with your tutor, and seeing where your shared

curiosity takes you. Giving you the most personal, rigorous and memorable learning

experience of your life.

How bespoke is the experience?

We’ll ask you to tell us all about yourself – especially your academic experiences and

aspirations – when you register. And then we’ll pass that info on to your tutor so they can

tailor the perfect series of tutorials for you. In short: it’s the most personalised online

learning experience you’ll find.

Who will I be taught by?

Most of our tutors are Oxford and Cambridge academics with intimate experience of the

tutorial teaching method, from both sides. That’s what makes us different from other course


All our tutors have a qualification in, or significant experience of, teaching. More than that,

they have a real and demonstrable love for it. Our intensive interview process ensures we

only work with the best of the best.

Will I get to see inside Oxford or Cambridge?

We’d love to promise you’ll be taught directly from the hallowed halls of an Oxford or

Cambridge college. But for as long as Covid-19 is shaping everyday life, we need to keep our

tutors safe. It’s unlikely they’ll be hosting your tutorials inside either university right now.

Will my tutor give advice on university access, or higher education in the UK?

This is all about deepening your love and learning for your chosen subject, so your tutor will

focus their time on that. But good news: we’ve designed a special package to offer support,

guidance and insight if you’re interested in higher education in the UK. Our support team

have all the details.

What will I get when I finish my Melio studies?

At the end of your tutorial series you’ll be given a verbal and written assessment of your

performance, as well as advice on how to further your academic journey. You’ll also get a

digital certificate confirming you’ve successfully completed your tutorials. This includes your

name and subject, and it’s signed by the founders of Oxford Summer Courses and Melio.

Will I get graded?

We don’t believe that would be helpful. There’s no meaningful, fair or consistent way to

apply a grading scheme across all students and subjects. The most useful thing is a

thoughtful report on your performance with recommendations for your future. And that’s

what you’ll get.

Can I see an example Melio package?

Of course. We have a standardised syllabus for all our subjects, to give you an idea of what

your experience will be like and to show what our tutors have delivered in the past. But

remember, your tutorials will be carefully adapted to your own pace and passions.

Can I have a taster session?

It’s not practical to offer taster sessions but you’ll get a real feel for our tutors and our

subjects by watching the video content on our website. If you try your first tutorial and

decide you don’t want to continue, you have up to 24 hours to cancel (with a full refund,

minus a £150 set-up and admin fee). But we’re sure that won’t be the case.

Gearing up for your course

More info about practicalities and payment

Can I study more than one subject?

We love that sort of enthusiasm. The answer’s an equally enthusiastic yes – and we’ll help

you build the perfect suite of subjects for you.

Our tutorials come in blocks of 10 hours, with one tutor in one subject. You can buy as many

of those 10-hour units as you like, in a range of subjects. And you can take part in two

packages at the same time if you want to study a pair of subjects in parallel.

How many packages can I buy in one subject?

Still loving the enthusiasm. You’ll be an expert in no time.

You can buy as many as you like. One thing to note, though: you can’t study multiple

packages in the same subject at the same time. If you buy two 10-hour units in, say,

Medicine, they’ll run one after the other and not in parallel.

This will help you build your subject knowledge in the most solid way. It’ll also help you meet

new tutors in your chosen subject, exposing you to an even broader range of thinking.

Can I choose my tutor?

We can’t guarantee a particular tutor’s availability, but we’re certain you’ll be delighted with

whoever you study with. Our tutors really are an exceptional group. What’s more, we

carefully match each student with their tutor, based on experience and enthusiasm.

Are there age restrictions?

As long as you’re 13 or older, we can’t wait to share the Melio experience with you.

Do I need to be in full or part-time education?

Melio is for anyone who wants to learn. Whether you’re in school, at university, or simply

pursuing your passion.

Do I need a visa to study online?

We’re proud citizens of the global village. No visa required.

Is there a minimum academic standard?

The best thing about tutorials is their flexibility. It means we can provide the perfect learning

experience for you, whatever your ability and age (as long as you’re 13 or older). All we ask is

a genuine passion for your subject and a willingness to open your mind. We’ll find out all the

relevant details about your background and interests when you register.

To get the most from your experience, you’ll need a solid standard of written and spoken

English. If you’re not from an English-speaking country, that means a level of B1/B2 (IELTS

5.0 and above).

Do you ever reject registrations?

We do everything we can to support candidates through a successful registration. But we

apply the same standards as our sister company Oxford Summer Courses, and sometimes

students are unsuitable for our academic experiences.

We don’t want you to waste your money. If you lack the necessary level of English, curiosity

or motivation to make the most of what’s on offer, we can’t accept your registration.

What's the admissions process?

Head to our website for all the details. Just fill out the registration form and your adventure

can begin.

Will I need to prepare anything in advance?

Once we’ve connected you with your tutor, they’ll set you some work and reading to

complete before your first tutorial. The earlier you can put in the effort, the more you’ll get


Where’s the best place for me to be during my tutorial?

Let your common sense guide you. Find somewhere you can listen, think and talk without

disturbing others or being disturbed. Somewhere you feel comfortable and can fully focus.

We’ll give you extra advice in our information pack when you register.

What technology do I require?

We try to keep it as simple as possible. As long as you’ve got a reliable internet connection,

headphones with a microphone, and a calm environment, you’ll be fine. If you can use a

device with a camera (such as a laptop or smartphone), you’ll get even more from your

tutorials. We can work out the best browser and platform for you to use after you’ve


How do I know I’ll be safe?

We take this stuff seriously. All our staff, from our tutors to our support team, have been

through safeguarding training. They’ve also had official background checks through the UK

government’s Disclosure and Barring Service. And we’ve signed up to the Safer Recruiting

scheme, which follows best practice endorsed by the UK government. It ensures we only hire

people we can trust with our students’ safety and wellbeing.

I have an alumnus discount code. Can I use it for these packages?

Welcome back. We’re more than happy to accept it. Please note, though, you won’t receive a

subsequent discount code after completing one of these packages.

I’m about to complete a Melio package. Do I get a discount if I book another one?

You know us so well. We’d be delighted to offer you a discount on your next series of

tutorials. Just make sure you book before you finish your current sessions.

Getting the most from it

More info about the day-to-day experience

How do I arrange my tutorial sessions?

Once you’ve booked your package, we’ll plan your tutorial sessions with you – taking into

account your time zone, your preferred time of day, and your tutor’s availability. We’ll make

sure the timings work for you, and there’s plenty of opportunity to tweak them.

Within five working days of completing your payment and your initial assessment form, you’ll

receive your finalised schedule. From there, we’ll need you to commit. It is possible to

rearrange a scheduled slot, but that’s subject to a £50 admin fee. You can only reschedule

three times – and add a maximum extension of two weeks on to your course – before

triggering an automatic termination of your package.

We’re not being unnecessarily strict. It’s just we need to protect the experience for all our

students, and our tutor’s time is precious.

A friendlier note to end on: we always schedule one spare slot in case you need to miss a

session because you’re ill. There’s no charge if that happens.

What’s the best way to guarantee the slot I want?

We’d recommend booking at least two weeks before you want to start studying with us. The

more time you give us, the more likely you are to secure the tutorial slot you want. And the

more regular you can be – picking the same slot every few days – the better.

How do I make the most of my tutorial time, practically?

It’s probably best, if possible, to be ready and online 15 minutes before your tutorial is

scheduled to start. That gives you time to handle any technical hitches, and it ensures you

get your full hour of tutorial time.

It’s also best to allow 15 minutes for your session to overrun, in case you get interrupted

along the way. So, for every 60-minute tutorial session, we recommend setting aside a total

of 90 minutes.

Don’t worry if your time gets cut short for reasons beyond your (or our) control. We’ll provide

a full replacement session for free.

When will my tutorials be?

Tutorials take place Monday to Friday, not on weekends or UK public holidays. Each package

of 10 tutorials will be allocated over a four-week window, so you’ll tend to have a couple of

days in between each one.

Remember, you can only have two packages running at the same time. If you book four

packages, for example, you can either study in parallel (over eight weeks) or one after the

other (over 16 weeks).

How much work will I be set?

You’ll have at least two pieces of work formally assessed by your tutor as part of each

package. There will be other work throughout your series as well, to support the areas you’re

covering. That means about 14 to 20 hours of independent work.

How is my work set?

Your work will often be emailed to you directly. We’ll also give you access to our document

sharing platform, where you’ll find all your tasks and supporting materials.

What feedback will I receive?

After each tutorial you’ll receive a short report tracking your progress and outlining the aims

for the following session. Your two or three pieces of formal work will be fully assessed by

your tutor, with comprehensive feedback.

Can I contact my tutor outside of tutorials?

It’s not possible to contact your tutor outside of your sessions. But our support team are

always here for you. They’re fully equipped to answer any questions you’ve got about your

timetable or independent work. You’re never on your own.

Will my tutorials be recorded?

As part of our duty of care – and to help us moderate standards – your tutorial will be

recorded. All our recordings are stored securely. The only person who can access them is the

member of our team in charge of moderation. Nobody else, including you, will have access to

them. We can’t permit students to record their tutorials.

Is anyone else allowed to listen in?

To keep things safe and productive, the only people allowed to participate in a tutorial are

your tutor and you. If you’re under 18 and want your parents to listen in, that’s totally fine.

But they must let the tutor know at the start of the session and agree not to interrupt.

We’re sure this won’t be an issue but it’s our responsibility to state it clearly: we can’t and

won’t tolerate any harassment or inappropriate behaviour towards our tutors. If that

happens, we’ll have to cancel your entire package.

How can my parents track my progress?

You’re encouraged to share the progress reports you receive after every tutorial. They

explain what you’ve covered, how you performed, and what you’ll aim to achieve in the

following session.

If your parents want to discuss your progress directly with your tutor, we can arrange a

feedback session halfway through your series of tutorials, for an additional charge. Just let

the support team know.

Taking the stress out of it

More info about changing things along the way

What if I can't finish my package or have to miss sessions?

If you need extra time to complete your series of tutorials, we can arrange a two-week

extension for a £50 admin fee. Your remaining sessions will be rescheduled during those two


Because of timetabling pressures – and to ensure you complete the sessions in the most

effective way – we can’t usually extend beyond two weeks. But do stay in touch with us. If

you’re struggling because of illness, for example, we’ll find a way to help. Just let us know as

soon as possible.

What if the tutor can't make a tutorial session?

This very rarely happens. But if your tutor becomes unavailable we’ll let you know as soon as

we can. We’ll then reallocate the missed session at the most convenient time, with our

sincere apologies and no extra cost.

Who do I talk to if I have concerns about my sessions or my tutor?

Our support team are here for you. Just send a message to [email protected] and

we’ll be in touch as soon as we can. There’s no concern too big or too small.

What if I want to change my subject or tutor during my package?

Quite honestly, this almost never happens. We’re confident you’ll be delighted with both. But

for your peace of mind, we’ll allow you to cancel your package up to 24 hours after your first

tutorial with a full refund, minus a £150 set-up and admin fee. If you’ve progressed beyond

your first tutorial and decide you want to change subject or tutor, you’ll usually have to

register for a whole new package.

From our side, we may very occasionally recommend changing your tutor – if, for example,

your academic ability means a different tutor would suit you better. We’ll always discuss it

with you first, though. And if it does happen we’ll reset your entire series, making sure you

get the full 10 hours with your new tutor.

Remember, if you’ve got any concerns our support team are always here to help.

What's your refund policy?

You’re entitled to a full refund – minus a set-up and admin fee of £150 – if you cancel your

package up to 24 hours after your first tutorial.

In your first tutorial, your tutor will assess your proficiency in English. If they and the Melio

Academic Manager agree you’re unable to continue, you’ll get a full refund.

In the event of illness or bereavement, we’ll pause your studies and give you all the support

you need to return to them as soon as you’re ready.

If your package has to be terminated for disciplinary reasons, you won’t receive a refund.