lRL I). fll.SOJf• 11 ,;\ Thul.a Stlb.mi tted to the Ora4uate V1rg1n111 ...

lRL I). fll.SOJf• 11 ,;\ Thul.a Stlb.mi tted to the Ora4uate 00.i 1.tee :roi- im Degttee ot V1rg1n111 Polytechnic l:aat1tute 1939

Transcript of lRL I). fll.SOJf• 11 ,;\ Thul.a Stlb.mi tted to the Ora4uate V1rg1n111 ...

lRL I). fll.SOJf• 11

,;\ Thul.a Stlb.mi tted to the Ora4uate 00.i 1.tee :roi- im Degttee ot

V1rg1n111 Polytechnic l:aat1tute 1939

I with to take this opportunity to thank Proteaaor 1. M.

Biu•rini;or, or tbe Buainoea A-~1nistl"6tton flttpt-u•\nient, Virginia >

1 DErlNITlOlf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l

11 BJIBD'l '!'S .AND OIJ'l!O'l'IVIS • • • •••• • •••• • • • • •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • ,& A• tn,.1oaa Tin Point••••••••••••·•••••••••·•••·•••••·••••• 4 B. ~rom M&aagemeata S1Ud,o1nt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6

l.ll A.O'fUI\L PROOJSS 01 BAR&ININO • •. ••. •• •• • •••• •• ••. • •••• •. •• •• 9 A. Reoogn1t1on of Uni.on. P:rerequi11te ••••·••·•••••••·•••••• 9 B. Baaio P~inoiplee ·•••••··•••••••••••••••••••••·••••••••• 12 c. Eaant1al• tor BuecMa ia Coll&cti~e ~~rgi1~inc •·•·•••• 1, D. 1'11• Aotual Proe••• ot Bargaining••••·••••••••·•••••·••• 17 1.. Tb.e 'l'ra.<ie•nt ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , II

1 V 1EtlitU.L LEGlSLA.T'll)t: tilNCX 1~30 •••••••••••• • ....... •......... 43 A. •• I. 1. A• - Jfatieal tabor Boar4 •·••••••••••••••••••• ,s B. Nat1oaal. LabQr Relat1oaa ot 1981 •••••••••••••••••• • 49

Vl EViLLU.&'l'lO:t:: OF OOl.LmTlVJ JlilRQAlN!NG ••••••••••••••••••••• ., • • 66 A.. Prl•rily- tl'GBl the Ptablio'• View Poiat ••••••••••••••••• 16

LlTIRATORI CIT.II>••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••• Gt

U'!lllA,,umc UAD IIJT IOT Cl'l'ID •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ?2

1 • Dd'lKl 'l'lOJf

Oolleotive bartJaining is \he prooea1111 wher-e'bJ an ql'ffllell\ is

noP,otiatad "'"• a IJf"OUl> or emplo-,.••• or their repreeen..,tivea on

the one h.!lnd, ud the ma~t, or tbelr rep;n•entativea on the

other hand, to aetenaine definite oon41tiou ot apl.o)'me, tot" t.Je

workers ooao•n.ed. The ,el"ll& ot •ployment are unally t1xe4 tor a

certain period of the, 'ba.rpining alao the en•

toroemet ad. inter,rete.t1on ot the oolleo'live asree••t throughout

ita lite.

Then an three phu•• ot aolleoti•• bargaining, namely:

leg1&lat1••• or the orntton ot the terma or eploynmt •hiob ••ually

tel.'IU ot the eoatnot, "1:1.ich 4epen.4a on good will and a1neenty on

the part ot both ottieei-• ad Mmbe:ra ot •ob aid•• Judicial, or the

interpretation ot tbe contract conoeming the vu1oue 4etailed tema

ot employment. '!'he latwr f'unoUon 1nvo1Yea the appl1oaUon ot the

agreuumt to Yarioue queationa which might bappen to oose up during

the lite ot the agNNtmet.

lnduetrial hiatory ol.Mrly ind1o~iea that ooll•otive

bu.J"p;aining 1a the method by wrh1ch progre•• is J?1ade 1n indualrlal

rel!ltiona. Fiepreeentativea or employers Md the •Ployeea meet " on ground to discuss &Jid to fix ~rally aooep11(1ble ccnditions

of employmeai. Contereaoea help both \he .. ._., an4 the work•~•

to a better uad•retan41ug ot ••h other• pJ'Obl•••• 00Ueo,1ve

bargaining ahould lead '<> ooope,a'1oa belWNn ... ...-, u4 labor 1a

the aolvina or iaclua,rlal proble• eo \bat Moh •1 'fMmeti,.

la order w el4r1ty \Ile eoaoept or oollectin barga1a1ng it

:tr:,,..-.y be nll to •••ider ,11e tollow1ag ••• c•ei-.UJ uoepw4

detin.itioaa: "00llee"1ve baJ'Slintac 1• \he p190 ... wll.,.oynpre•

•••tat1Y .. ot a uion ••• with aa -,1019r or r.,._eat•tiYu ot

a.n ..-ployera aaeeo1a,1011 '° th: tu ienaa et _.,10,-a, toz, • ee"'41a

period ot tble. 1, iavolfte alao ••• u:f'ore .... , -4 ,u 1atenn-

tatioa or the acr..._• tb.:ousao•t till• J10a• ot 11a 4u-aUo••• (l).

"Coll.eotive ba•aa.iaia& ia a p1"004tlta ot 41aouaeioa u4

ugotialioa oe, .... wo parU••, oae oz, io\a ot • .._ :ta • croup ot

pe.1•aou aotiag ia ••••'• T1l4t NMlliiag baJ'pia 1a • Ull4en1iuding

•• to the wnu or aoa41 tiou ud.el' •Dicll a eoat1a•1aa ••,...1•• 1• to

be pertol"Md. Mon a,eoitioall-7 oollfftiff 'ba1"81lia1ag 1a tho

prooeduN by •Moll aa -,loy•r OI' -,1o,...,. o4 a proup ot •ployeea

aane apoa the oea41\io• ot worlt." (8).

We observe trom the above quotations th&, the eaaence ot

collective 'bar81,1ning 1e that. it ia a prooe4ure, a technique by •hich

two parties come to an agreement on. epeo1tio point• ot interest w both. While the uae or tbia method my be t'ound in •ny t'ielda it

is ordinarily reatr1ote4 to the employer•aplo7• relalion.ahip. lt

1a not only an 1a•trwneat tor 4atena1a1ng working oonditioaa but 1•

alao u1ed •tenaiTely to eatagua:ri u4 l111it oond.1Uoaa of aaploymea't.

8o• 1tu4•t• ot lahoi- rel&~•• loot upoa it bro11.4lJ u u

inetnunnt ot orpaizaUoa. ( 3).

Ou parpoee ia th1• 41eouu1ou ie not to 'take 1aaue with

the eo-oalla4 ol'llloc1ox noaaio ,._.,. ot wage utend1ta'Uoa (the •rsiaal protuoU't'it1 theo17) but • uow that oolleo\ive

bargai:aing cu be •4• • 4eaii-able iaetf'UIHt tor etteot1q 1a4ua-

trial peace, eapeoially it the r1pta ot nrken iu•• &WIJ'Uiee4 bJ

legialation.. ( 4). Oppoaitioa iaTariably dev-1.opa oa the part ot

employen, ud IDU7 tiua the public, wha aploJM• exhibit too

moh strength thi,,ugh oi-aa,aizatioa. BonTer, it 1a OUt tia belief

that a b1Uer tight to the tiaiah betnen the two poupe 4oN not

produce the beat n•lt. lea.ea are at bellt merely poatpon.ed not

settled. It employen ou be :perna4e4 w 1,elieff ta, and. the

goveJ"Bl9at be move4 to ao\i upon oolleotive bar..,i:aiag, thea perhape

the principal eourou ot triotioa can be i-at1onall7 eXUAine4.

11. BDiiPI'JB 4111) OBJ110TIVJB

A.. Prom the Union Viewpoint

OolleotiYe bargab.iag 1, daeiped to 1mproTe the eooaom1o ' statue and the worldag oon41t1oaa ot the •a• by the u•• ot

group action :n.\ber th«a aotion ta the •kiag u4 ••

forcing ot acr..-ata. !bi• Mlhocl lillit• 'tb. trHAa ot the

1n41vidual, c4 tor th1e Niaeoa it is trequeatly oon4eamed

enoroaobmat upon th• "uh.ral righta" ot the izut1Y14ual. HoweYer,

the 8\lbor41aat1on ot the in41v1dual ia jua'1t164 by tnde uionlata

on the gJ'OUD.4 thai the 1n41v14•u l>enetiu IION tbrOUgh the•-

huotNnt ot the group.

Ture are certain ad-.ntagu of celleotive bart,daing t.o

the employer wh1oh the Ulllion.s tn•e uadoubtedly ainoen in clabiiath

although the imporkuce of th.eae ad'fUtagea ••' oerlainly b4t

aeoondary in the mind• ot the • Jori ty ot union MllM1"8.

labor •ploy-era will be aided. 1:a the toll.owing N•,eeta:

( l) • •union• can eupply wol"kmen who an auperi()r in

pro4uotion ud ete.bilit::,;ff i.e. '1'he fypo~pb1oal Ull1on., lateniatioaal

is eapecially n.oted tor thia. l!ben u UtJ)loyer need• a worker be oan

call the Union h-.dquarten and they will a-4 a worker o•er that ie

guaranteed by ,hem w be etteoieat, thereby eadag the •Plo::,er the

ti.N ud exp••• ot a acie11t1tio plaomunt bureau.

(2). "Wo?'Ulea are funiehed a't oiu,e, when needed.

(3). •union• control their members so a• to el1a1nata

spora4io strike•, aa.botage, ud prod.•otion wa•t••• (t). "Aareaent wt,b •niou eaable eplo,an not onlr to

reduce labor eoste wt alao to oalnlate ,u1r labor ooa,e tar in.

adYance, theta providiag the baeie tor atMdier o~eJ!'&tioa.

(&}. "&ll aployen in a given d1atr1e, or industry who

deal wUh w,.iODJt are put on a more eq_ua1 COJIPeli\iYe level, beeause

priotwreduo,1ona through wage aeta ue el1ainale4.• (5). i.e. !he

International Brotherhood. ot ,-..tere, u AN:riod fe4erat1on ot

l...abGr att1liate, 1e in the uower ot one an, Dave Betlr. He naliae•

th$lt an •"" 41ttin.U')' ot in.tellignt gove:l'lffl!IN.t is to •k• people

see •• 11 ia good tff thea. A rnent ino14nt on the Paoifie f:c:iaet

illustrates thie. ror e:au1rple, when tlae lauttry womN wanted a.a

5.:norease ot five 4ollaN a week, they uke4 Beok to get it for them.

re toll! them that tie would •~e •hat he could 4o. Taking llta Oft

acoountaata he •nmin•d the book• of the la.u1.ul17 tmainen. Ria

dba .. pproval ot the in.crea•• in wages oauee4 an \tfroar a1110na ••

laundry 1rorkore. Be thea erplained to them tb&t tbe laundry buain•••

was in a al.ump because WOMn were doing their own neh1ng, thd a

tenmster oou.ldn • t make hie wife send. her w1•.u1hinR: to the l11undey, and

if their pay wi;u,1 raised• the laundry would lave to raiae pr1oea, and

att 11 r:10:re wo1nen would do their own laundry, and as a reaul t r£ th.18

there would be f'enr lat1ndry Job•• Beek iatol'M4 the work..-. that

they could haft higher ..... Of' tall .,1.o,.., wt llOt both. fte

work..., deeU.ecl to k .. -, their jolt• ritllout 4eaa111ag a alee ia pay.

i ••••.__up before leek INI •• aaelher kiad ot

seca.uel. bnwen t8dll\ere .,... a-..uag u tuna•• 1a pay •.

A• •n111, wl ,11 llla G1ffl aooouatut1 lie -1ne4 ill• 'book• ot tlle

bnwing 1n.4eetry. :le to14 hie .._.11•"8 tlllll they lul4 the po• r to

get the iaor--•• •--• bl.ti tblt at tlte -- ti• t:u lll'ftiilC

induatry eoultlll't atton to •t" ••• ••• lhal tile bN!lntriea htt.4

to ake a p,otlt. Bia , .... wre nr• ••rr naN11a.1tle about thte.

A aboM U• later, one ot the 'brewert•• nt the prtoe of tUir beer.

Beek went 1o lh• o4 told lhn it tb.,- eoull attol'4 te ftt the price

ot lteer, ,._ , ... ten wou.14 take the 111UNae in •- tat tbey

waiwed. u • the prioe out•• oaaoellN, a4 the bN1ring

in4u8tl'7' Of Seattle trae -•et fNJI ll )!Jl"1H ftl'e

•••t Beek •a1• to blleiae•• ia, tn etteot, th1e: Let ua

collaborate. l'e tb: nlPt•• YN tts the pr1o• t)lat u• aeee••IT

to pay t~ •see aa4 lea•• you 11 tair profit, aa4 let•• 'both be

:reasonable. we will polioe your prioee ,o aw that ao ellialer

breaks tha do•. That la •n tho 10t.t ean do tor you:reelvff." ( 6).

D. ll'roa Uanu,;eenta Stand.Point

The employer who is oppoae4 to oolleet1we bargaininc ia

natunll7 not in favor ot boor ,u1.iona. He doea not nn1; o outsider

to tell him how to eoaduct hie buaiuae. because it ia hia propertJ

and be wishes to operate a aa he •ee• ru. Thia desire oa tte put

ot the employer will aatun.lly ooat'liet with the aiu ot labor

unions, who depeai t1pon job ooatrol '\h:reugh tbe me41um ot

eollecti ve barpi:aiag. ••1 employers ue frank 1a aw.Ung tbit ir

dislike ot labor organia'Uou, while other• are more deYiOlle in

their atateaen'9. SOiie typioal ••••--•• ot t12e l&ttu are:

( l). "Union• •• INOh all right ia tlaelr proper apherea,

but they ehould try te Uote.te to employer• how to nm their

busineae .. wb.iell lftM?l& th&t union• should be mere bcet'i t a.saooi a tioaa

w1thou* buaiuaa runctiona like eollective barB111ining.

( 2) • •collective bar• ining is 1t good thing ia prinoi ple,

but should be limited to a plan.t'a on employee• - whieh means that

dealing with 11. eoaJ)&ny union con.trolled by the employer is pretenble

to making ooaoeaaion.a tc union r•preaentativea not respouaible to him.

( 3) o "Collective barpining and. un1oua are 11. denial to

wor~r• ot their "Mtural",, righ'8 and of the f'reecl.o:m ot eompetiti•

and liberty ot ooatraot. uphtiild 'by the Coru•t1tutioa - which 1118a118 that

some •MPloyer• prefer ind1Yidual bJJlre;aiaing /ilD,d free oompetition

among workers becauee und•r oomli tiona tbere are ao roa'trictiona

on their aontrol of the term• ot esployment; it also m,eana that

employ••• would deny to emplOJ"M• the ,am• sort of organization ad

coll:tbors.Uon which they enjoy 111J110ng tn,,meelves.


{ 4). •0011.cti,,.. bal-t/l11liD.g NOON all lfO&-ker• to a lo•

eolll!'IOn deRminatian. f$r ~nioa rule• torb14 indiviiual exoelleaoe and

out11t,lntUns iaduatrial aohi9VJMl&t UD!'lg ...._.. - which is a Tal14

•rgument wbea applied 1Mt aotM uioa• •• 1• largely utN« or. otb•••

(e). "0oll9otiff barB11a1q b,- U• Neirto,1ou drift•

NM employwn out ot 'bulaiaeea .na ••1••• prioee • •• publlo -

which...,.. ,hat..,.. aaplo,-.ra atnnouely ob,1ee, to lNaeaina their

ehttra ot iaeome ia tawr ot labor •114 which 1a unttoub~.Uy tn• in

80lM 1rutu,rtea lln4 with aae ua1ou." (7).

Ill. AC'l'UAL PROO:SSS or BA.llOAlllNG

A• neoopi tion or tlnion Prereq,u1a1 te

The priMJ'Y an4 tu11d.ueau.l probl• of all unions: te to

obtain recogn1i1oa of 1,a orgu1z•tioa &8 tbe official apokoRlan ot

a single plaa,. worken ha•• Tery little control, if Gy,, uvor their

Jobs. i aepan.te orgubation 'th'lt. i.a eatinly ind1tpe:04ent ot tlie

intl,umoH ot the aana,-,et ia tn. Nfleftiial pnrequ1a1 te to de.ling

rapre-aontativea, strive tor whatever ai• uthode they llff f'i t.

The amunt or control exeroiaed at tirnt by the u1oa ie not aa

em1>loyer to deal with the union a authorized &gen\• oa aay point. t l:!.a.t

may arise • .\tter reoognit1on is obtained., tb• uni.on will

bring up NJ.11' 1t4t!U of Job oontn>l in jo1at diaoua•1ua.

There h~ve been auy bitter and bari fought ba\tlea between

preauure, and tlie inorea•• in strength ot unions, many t1u>1n'P,diea tor

the .f'irst time signed union contracts. O'lher 001,rpaniee, however,

refused to become atf1liate4 with the uniou, and the ••' th:d they

•ould do was to fflftt wUh the Np1'cuta'iat1Yea of wa.1oae .aa waa re•

quired by law. Certain aployen 1t0uld argaia with a1on nprNent-

at1Ye• hu:t th•T wen uaw1lliAC to n:ter iato 07 torm.l apeouute,

or sign an1 oontrao\e with the unioaa. Thie,-,,. ot reoopition on

tu part ot 80lle co11P4aiea agiiatet •• union ...:Del's, aa4 otten

1-4 to lli ,, ... i. slrU::u. Moat of \M etl"ikea ia tbie thne 7Ml"

pe~iod wen over uaioa noogn111on.

Then are aeveral eouoa metnoda uN4 by the unina to

obtain rMOgni.Uon: {1). ~There ay be o.r31.aiA&1on agiu.i:lm by

paid wdon orgaa1ure OJ' oftieere UtOq t.he employee• ot a given

-plaut. ,1.ttor a JR&Jority luus beea converted, the Mpl.oyer 1e

app~oh@d; it he ntuaes recognition, a e\l!"1k.e •7 be called to

toroe it fl!'Oll Ila. 'fb.ia 1• the old method .,., uaed 1n the 4N'• ot mili taacy before tbe nr aDJ1 oft• 4uriag the ••• Deal.

(2}. *The orp.nizen ay tr, te peNUade the effll)loyer, without

worl{:ing ~moq Ma •plo:,e• 1 of the valp ot uaioa dnliag. !'bis

newer. 'hat-1n•b411d.' Htho4 aa uae<l during 'tu -poat•war, pre-New

Deal ynr• {••El•, by the A. F. ot L. :l.n 1-M •ttort w un1on1ae the

southern textile 1nclustry ia 1929) ud eome1iue duiag the Nn- Deal

period (e.g., by oertaia •• ,. ot L. Ubiona in \heir uti• c. l. o.


e&11paigns). It 1• lea• expenahe, but probably a.l•o l••• etteotive.

( 3}. ,.Th• union may be oalle4 in by uo:qan1sed employeu who haTe

P:rieftn.eea, •• na the uatie4 'hxtile Wo:tc•l"'• at 111•betllwa,

!'onn•••". in ltat. 'fhe prooe4uft MY ,ban be tbe NIH u lhat

deeor1bec1 under (l) or (4). (4). "II04•1'11• 11,---.1e. atrons

union•, au.oh aa some o-r the o. l • o. orpnisa tio11a in u,,a .. 37, uN

all the approYed aelliq taetioa and preaaun ot big buaine•••

Tl1ey tlT '° ban.1ah tear among the worure ad onate in th• or tooue tor them the c.leain tor ia4uatrial 4aoo.raoy au oolleoti .,..

eell1ng ot labor th1'01tgh uioae. tttbey also tey to bring eooaom1o

preaaure to b•r on an -.plorer :f'roa 0,1:ter eaployera or t:roa whole•

saler•, reuilna, an4 bank.a who t•r the·U ff oon.aeque11oee

ot • atrike. (&). •tteoogniUon 111ay ao• unaaka4, like a 11r,. Thia, ot OO\d'lle, ia not unal, but eooaa11oaally h&ppeaus wh• u.

•ploye~ 1• altwiatio or 14eal1atio uut is o0llv1no•4 that the union

will be II ool'latz,acti'fe tone uoag hi• amployee1. A good eXUIJ)le

•• \he inn 'kt1on ot "Golden Rule" 1n Cine1nnat1 to the

A.lllllpat-4 worte:re in 1916." (8}.

After the union ha• won reeogni t1oa it ••• oouaol14a ie

1ta poei tion and aaint.ain morale antl diaoipline amoaa the workers.

ln their tnneaetioae with omployen, the un1ona leave no room

in the •~loyen mind tor doubt aa to the u.n.1one boneety, ainoerety,

!\Eld good will. Very of'ten labor organization• are n•glient in the ot the oont1nu•no• ot recogai ,1oa • ad. oonaequentl7 IIUJ

employen baYe broken ott oolleoUYe •P--t• NO&IIM ot 4.ia-

aatiataction. Anothel" knor in the a.,.1118 ot l'elaUoaahipa between

eJll)loyera and union• ie the ret11M1 et u1ou w •-- to n._obme1tt

ia wagea ud. beura 1a a :pel'iN or ••a-1• deprea•1oa.

I. Baaic Prino1p1•

All •at.on -b•• who advocate and pnotloe the ,heo:ry ot

collective barpin.iag atan4 upoa owtain. baa1o prinoipl••• "!h• f'irat ot tl:leae, reoogaisiq tbe •Nkn••• ot tho in41vitlu1:d bul&t ner

ant the low level ot •se• usu.allJ tound where coa,eU tion ~•s ,,.

that since a higher price tor 07 eolf4U,7 ou "8 etteotivel7

maintained. only by a oonatut l11dtat1on ot Ua supply, labor being

a oomodity to the nten.t that Ua prio• OJ" a.p ia ~lao aubjeot to

foroea ot demand~• supplf, eaa only eahaao• ita Talua by Mking

itself BON 804U?oe, and auoh aou•oU1 a..a be aeeu.Ntd onl1 wheu all

the work:ere bargain ru one ... ( O}. ln other word•• a unitiod

troup will elimina ta eompeti Uon. among worker•• reetl"ict the' •t>ply

of h.bOr, and neton bargaining etnagtb.

A aeoond tun4-n'41 priao1ple ot colleet1Ye 'bllrga.iaing 1a

that the teme ot emplo,meat mat have a certain eta1ukrcl, and tn,t

they nutt be the ._. t'oJ' nary llUtbff ia the grouJ>e Th1a pl"bci-ple

explains 1taelt. It•~•• hours, •nd working conditions are not

tbe SJ:Ime throughout the, tl:utn 1a ao nal aollec\tve aoUon.

nere 1r0rking coad1t1ona diftal' U'!O:ng the wo!'kera in• plant. ih•re

will be 1ndhridual ba~l!liAing and CO'fflI1•titioa tdlOlll ,11... l f' all

emp1oyeP oa.n get e. tM union Na w won ••••ti• tor wages under

tho•• pre1oribe4 by •• oolleottve agre--t, 11"h••• td men

weakani11g the etnetun ot their OJ'lf&l.liatlcm, lonriaa wap re.tee,

and t.atiQff work tJOm tl'Mlir tellow wrken. Thia priao1ple do•• not

work uong employers. ror thea tbtl rev_..• b tNe; their ...,keat

member aids 'lhe poup tor the NPgiaal a,loyer dri't'M the 'hneat

•8• ba1'81Jl11l. PrequerrUy be ean stay in \nta1n••• cmlf •• long a.a

he pays low wpa. ht bargaiahig oollutively, the uaion tries to the wea.kut :m•iber •• atroag •• the 1rllole oraGiaation., by

1neiati1ag on atandal'd an.4 uni.tom eoa41 '1ou.

The'"" principle apbaiaee tu f<'lct thtt.t the sturdal'd•

iaatioa of ,ae moat iaporkat tema et el'IPl.o.,._t ia ao, wttioia ••

but tba\ •••n a1aute ••mot -,1.o,-a, ••' be •4• a'4a<l•N and

unit'ora. The ap:plioatloa et this p:r1ae1pl• often eil'Ollaes tlMI &llRftl"

ot eJll';)loyera, 'beoauae ot tbe ••7 11!ln11Mftble nrkiq nlee aud re-

atriotioa•• The reaeoa tor theae aay wl•• u4 reauietlona are,

there l't!Ust be 110 competition wh~t-1110-e,rer UJOng worker•, and the

?!!Ore rules and regubt1on.s that ,n•• put in the ~1greeient, the smaller

the ohanoe tor dieputH to arise 1n the plant• throughout the Ute

of the ,1greement.

A. tour\h fundamental Pl"inotple ot oolleoUff bar-.1at11g 1•

that th•n RUat not be uy ia the ten ot eaplo,,._, in the

period ot t1ae epeoitW 1a tile conuaet, &114 1t c,hdgea an pent tted,

thay must IN 11aite4 on.17 w •••ta S.aetaa••• u4 mat tolln' a

eel't.aia ,nNClan. 1M applioa'1oa ot •M• pri.utpl• ,..,, w e11a1aa.te OGllJ)etitioa ..._ ti. woaua ia a g1Yea pl.ut. Oftr t.hia

priaoiple 41a,--. •r ••1•• .,..._ -,io,-. a4 utou. ,.,,..

uaioaia\ olaiw\!&at •• •• apl.oyel" 1•--•••...., M'lerial,

pl'Ooesaea, aa4 •ckiun. tlla\ the aoli4aritf ot ,a atoa -••• w ex1at.. Jbr tllta .,.._., tlle atoae ••• a 41etft8t ot ...

industrial •"11•4•, • oangN 1a ,i. pnnotift NI-.P, NOlmN

they el.aim tllat the aployen ue tr,iq • taeir etreqth

u.d poa1'1on. 1'he uiou ••U·•• tlla.t their t•t p1aa •• 'be •••

by lhe a 111.wn.uoe ot tJle utabl1eu4 ono of thiaga. oa tu other

hand., tl'MI emplo,el'II olaia that tne ualou &N 4e\r1-tal • proo••, ud that •--- ••• n •• ta odft to 1111M Jl'Ot1u.

Then ia a aNiu17 pl"iaoipl.e wtllotl 44Nlla w1'11 ... beu.tita

ot oolleeU ft 'bl.rpin.1•1 to aplo.,..n. Ho...,.., ,w.a •• alreacty

beea •ationed. abo••• U4 will no• be, teal, with h•N• ( 10) •

C. xaaentials tor Suooeaa 1a Oolleeti ve .f.larw.tinin,;

lllployen would more than likely oona14er collective

o.rpining a••• it ow~• of work nre elimiMted, if'

competitive oondi\iona IUIOJ:18 em,loyere Nre 41min1ahe4, 1t unit ooata

were lowere4 eoJ!l8Wbat. u4 it t>J"04uotioa waa in•.N&8e4 u.4 ••l>1liaed.

The publ1o would pro'babl7 N111ia uaoonoeffl-4 it pri.oH nre aot

ra1ae4 too hip, o:r if 'llleH nn u ••1-• aviku or loetnta.

!be uiou 'IIIOUl4 ocme14er tu Vfti ot ul• ...... -.n, u4

woJ'k1ng 001141'10••• u.4 ooapan \he alatin ot -tae u1oD l1811Nl"

w1,a ,na'\ ot ,he aoa-uion .... l.t .U 1bi..- nn taYOn.l>le '° 11he uioa .. , taay WCNl.4 oouiur collN'\in ba.r•iaiaa • ••••ff•

Pnba1-ly ,.._ ll•t au\eat et the oaaie pJiiaeiplu

aaoeaau, to# &tUOGeu 1a oolleo\1v-a MJ11&i:aia1 ie i-ke tollowi-a:

11thoa • ftl"f•7 et tae eotiU'tN ot eol1"'1ff ~1n1ag la

41tteNat idu\1"1•• & mmbn ot ta1to•• ap, ffO•uan OI"

teaiald.e fol" ••• ... • Ta•n ••• WNallr " a larae pGNa-.. ot

orguiaatioa • ai4•• lt ••• OI' a peai ••7 ..-. not metabe:n

or the 11.aaoolaUoa waioh bargaiaa with tu ••1••• •• 1a •h• 1-itumiaou•

oo•l• tesl1l.e 1 QA &la•• "''l• i••••vi•• 1:>•tON •• Rn :Deal, then

th4t "'uion• e:pl.o,u-e •1 f•• •••re O'OIIJ•Utioa &114 a• IUl&ble _,

provite wu.n. ooad1 '1eaa; t.heJ ay ta •- aA 'be oompelle4 to with-

draw reoop.i \ion. Slllil.arlr • it a l@p tao\ioa ot ,tte np•

•r.n.•:r• do u, 'bel.Onc '° '\he va1oa, ••in,.,...,... .. X.l t~il•

indu•t1'7 'beea••• ot Ulllipu:ta in t:be laa\ eacl pa•p•r1ae4 tU'ller• in

the SOtlib, an4 a• 111 \lla pre-tf• DNl. 1ftlll aad atoel 1s:ututry beoauae

ot aegroa and iiiex1-.a en4 llu-oPe&D i•igraa\a, 1\ la euy tor

employers to retuH naogi,.1 t1ot:1 fdld btu•gaining. on the otan,

oolleot1 Ye buptn1ag hae bad a long, 11111:aterJ"U-p,ed ai-rt.nN in

at;J."C)ngly Ol"f11Ulille4 tiel4• Mi.Oh •• ft11ftte4 taia opeJation., lb•

bu1ld1n.g indut:r,, ........ ,.,. .. publ1ahtna ...... JNHlUil'IINNll

ror noc ... t.l bu'ptatq ta tl'lilt both a14e1 abou14 'be et nla'Uvely

equal atrengtll. !Jlan aa be no- aatual ••11inin1 .._ ,._ a,lo,-ra•

group dom1u~.« tu •nioa, •·• victe ._... la ••h •- tlle powerful

aide praotio.!11117 tiokw. \he tenae, •• ii. bu.il41agu1ona --..t111••

l.a:ve. But to natl ih• report• ot a-.otiaUou be..._ \he u\b.racite

ooal open.'\ora !ln4 \be U:nUed U.tae won.en or ae, .... tb• clua bottle

muiu.tact....._ the Olan•lk>°'U. iilowe1"• betore 111• ie 1iO be atruok

with the mu-....1 n•peet each aide held tor tbe otl:iAJr'• poait1on and.

&tNngth. ln. 'ibe 'hir4 ;plaoa, it le 1aportaat ,., the b3".1Dill£

group ou eaoh aide be ua:u. heottatione are no\ eue11tiall1

democl"atie, u4 too aany bar111.u apo1l t.tla b:rotk, tum1ag the

proceediqe 1a\o a oluur. oumbenome tona. ,_rthenon. the

bargainera abould oom\lille honNt7 • taottulaeN, tlab\iag q:v.&11 u .. , uc\ • thorough 111'1.•01 with all teoba1e'3.l pbaua et tlul buaiuaa.

1it1;.h, tbe:re ••t be •tl"Olll ottioer-• a4 a ••lt d1•o1pline4 rank

ud tile ia order to &IHUN obaenaaoe ot tho &6J!'NZ8111 on the uniou

aide. on tiae •pl.01or•a •ic:lf• there 111at be aood tailh ia.u tib1l111y

\0 aimoat. tore,,mn lnto ooaer,.1111 the epirit aa wll a• the let,v ot

the a3ree,i.eni. la othttr word•• eaoh ei4e muat Na;HJOt the oon\raot

and be reapou1ible tor eu-ryiq out 1 ta proY1a1ou. '.l'h1a la.u to

the conoluaion ,hAt in the laet analple • ••• 4-1 ot the au.10..-

ot oolleotive bal'flliaiq depallA.a upea ,i. •will to •cne'• S:bu'J

pnctioea &IMl 4J111Uu• MUU••• will ltitiat• the napp,ouhlllea,

be,... -,io,.._ ua4 uioa •n qu1oklJ lbaa aa1'1llaa •lo• 1.'luatte

mat l)o oenUmae4 hoaM•1 _, aineenty ot apirit Hhiad colleot1Ye

de&liac• ot all k1a4a. l>ia,rut aacl n&pN1oa baff t"'ltl••lJ lei

to iadu•tr1a.l nrtoe." ( 11) •

o. fte ietual Proeeittft ot ~rga1nb:,;

'rlle ttut~tl.ll url pr1•n Jl"Oblem or 1. untott, in tb•

ti.bsenoe or labor lqialatioa. a:nd h. th• ,,neen.oe or •ti•u.nton

emplriyen , 1• to o'btain reec:p1 ti.on. ln the la•t ba.lf'•ottntury th•

mat 1PTpOrtut iaaue •• a ea.UN of etrlke• •• wagea, but the next

1mport\Ult 1an• ouie from 1M retueal ot employer• to naogniae

union.a. Bo1'eT•r, 4ur1ng ti. -Hn Dftl" pe:r1od union reeogni Uon

took t1re1. plaoe a.a a. cau•• ot ot:rik••• Dtt:rtng lh1a period 1t0rk_.•

under the eacwnge1Mmt of' th& Oo•• •hond their deaire ror

oolleot! ve aotlon and labor 4nooftttY by Ol'Pl:bing at unpne•dentecl

ra toa, and 4eap1 te the llflll loyere o:ppoai \ion, tltey oa.11•4 tt la.r~e

nnt1tber or etrike• b orde:, to t&N• th•tr ~lo7er• w reeogn1 ?:e

th•, or 1he1r rel)Naenta.Uvttl .aa th• t,tf1 oh,1 l:f}'.)(')lrelfflllm of' tb.ei:r

org.a.~1 •~ tion.

~'!'he tint year ot r•oovary illld the im,etua tor increasel

labol' aa\ivi"' Nnlting tl'OJI the National lnduetrtal Rff0ff17 Act

doubled the auuer ot atr1kN 111 1,11. Danna that __., to-r tb•

tirat \1111• 111 , .. ,....-. th_.. w•n DI01:'8 than lOO 11• ev1lce1 eaoll

mon'lh, u4, tor._ t1Nt 11• •tao• ltll '•" WN NN tho

1,000,000 Nl'kn11 iaYOlfttl S.n aulk• a.ring t• yeu ia:w,lviag

10,000 or •re~.• (11).

On••tta1r4 ot tbe a\rlk•• 1n lMI NH tw woe reoop1t1oa.

'!'hen••• noeeNtul a111n1e Ul4 • walt-eu.t ot MJ,000 -,i.o,,... in

Mlt•a olo'thtag ,pla11ta in NW !'on aa4 Ma.171.dd, •• •• the •,rtke

ot lf>,000 d,- wonen 1a ••• 1.,.-,. on tJHt ethU ».a4, etrik•• by

ailk worker• 1a Rew .1.,..,.. •,1 ..... ia w•N aot ••oea•tul ta

that they 414 •• •••ta neoaitiea. -. .... ,.., tu,- plaet

noopi tioa totar rean l•••. 'l!bere hft al• 1'ftl.oqed mining

atrlktta 1a IYed V1ig1a111 . ._._ Peae7lYQ1a 4-1q lNI Oftt- the

question or »MOlll1t1•••

•ftffe •• a lll04ua'- tneNUe 1a ,i. hltMJt ot ats-1k•

4u1q lt3'11 with a lal'f191' JM!'OJIOl'\1on ( ,1.1 pel' ••tJ tu to thputea

oYas> u11ioa neopittou, at.N:riataatln, elttHl ehop, •'-• ftue

were the 4D1D&lll Uh.. la ... .,,.. ...1 •trill:• ln 4'.l&bUII •

•••t V1l'£t1nh., an4 K:ea:taoky. II01IIMt ot wbl1ob wen auooeaatul. !he

attikea ot 30,000 •• T•l'k •---• 41'1...,• bN,ught 1ea wago tn•

Ol'eUM, 'but unlon noopl ttoa ••• n.ot fflllled utll ltt ,. 111 193'1 •,. ( 13) •

la 1136 the tw •• i-,or•nt etrikea nre ,hoae or tbe

Su rnnoiaco loagaho:rean, which brou«h' oa a no 4ay a••nl syaapthy etrike ia ana ot Sul Pnao1eeo, •cl the gaen.1 textile

strike, ia wh1ob IOt,SOO tnt11e wn_.. 1• -..,y ••••• wn ia•

vo1Ye4 am a lftenl ,,.,_.hf e,a-ite et OU 4aJ ln. whl•ll N,000

b.oeiery ancl text11- ftrkel'• wn ia'fOl'f'N. 'lit• ,u,.._ ot •••

loagahor-- naalW ia obtalaiag u1oa NOep1ti.n, a4 aA.tu ... t•

in wagea and llova tor all port• on tN hoitie !he '4tn11•

atJ'ike, which•• ffel' r .. op1Uoa, bl'Ollgll• ••1Y $ ,_.1,e ot·a.n

1a:•u-t1gatiea b7 • -,..1-1 Nllll1t• appo1ate4 by tbe PNe14•'•

Ia 1111 '1111 atnku to• 'Ulloa NOOp.itioa,

amoutiag to ..,.. M1f tu total ot •• ._.,_ ot ••1"1k•• to• •••

YMJ'. Ot , ••• evikea, • .,. llalt .......... M, u4 ..... ,.

quarter nRlted 1a ....,...1 .... lt •• &vlag '"• pn1o4 ,._,

the..., llliled JlulJJ.Nr woner•• ua1• ••••• to» N00&11it1oa, u4

uaed the a1t-4on alit1ke tn •• tint tiM • u1 peal awat.

•'l'lten •ere MN atr1ko 111 ld'1 ••• in aay year 1a tlut

Nation•• hinon, altllo'agla the IIUIMI' 1a 111, •• alatet a• PMt•

However, the number of wol'k.,. ia"Nll'N4 1a •t•llcea 1a 191f •• i.ea

tban halt ,hat la ltlt, a1,M11gh -•• --••• t:Jwua in au1 other


•ft• 41reot taotoi- (fol' tllia aaber of atJ>1k••> •• tu aooelerate4 gronh on all f:,ont• ot the tn4..,..ioa aov•••• fta4••

uuioni•, which ba4 'beoome n-T1 u.Uze4 with tu begiaaiag ot the

u • .a. A•• ade at.e!'A4Y p:rocr••• cluriag the follow in& tour 1s1urs. The

J.l& of the NaUoul MlOOI° aei..,1011• Aot in 19~- Gd BION

eapeoia.lly the 4eo1a1one ot tu Sil».-. Oovt oa april U, l'il:.S7,

( suataiaed the oonati tutieuli ty ot the ht.ieaal LabOI> Rele.Uoaa

B.ct, in tl:18 tollowing ouN: • Joa• m La\\PliA Steel oor,oration,

Fruehauf ~iler co.• Frie4Na-litUT1 Wan• Clotb.1118 oo., Iac., 1'be

,:'..saooia.ted freaa, and qal..ington, Yirgiai", and»..:rylan.d,n :Jo.;

asaurt•t'i hitherto unor~1aed worlure ot tb.e1:r r1pt to Join Ille

ran.Ka ot or51,Uli'&&s l~bor au ot their rigat tiO pc»o't.aotioa ~iaat

di ac1· il!lln• ta.oa. '' ( 14) •

•P:rtteident Boouv•lt 011 J\aly ~. 1916, aigno4 d ao'ti deeigaied

to dimiuiab the eaueea of' labor diaput•• b11u,d.aiaa or ob.ftl'U4\iag

interstate u.4 tonian o-n•• Sy virt~• of ,2:d.• atot the N&tioaal

lAbOr Rela.tiou BoaN _. nft'M'ied. BJ u ord.•r ot Jue

29, 1934, the Prea.i<ieat MH.bl1ahe4 the CU,"iltl'Mll Nati.<>Ni.l l&bOJ'

Rela tioaa Doari punuan'i lo a PLtblie r•olutia 01•.. 4') -.pprove4

June 19, 1936, \o ettfft'll8.tfl Uie polioy of the !lational Luduat.l'l.&l

Reoovery • • • • a.• Judioiu boari ot three --1:>ere ••

created tor the u;prua P\ill'PO•• ot •oUling lAbOr dtaput•• ~Ai

e, the , oi' col.leo\ive h&lrttain1ng. In

the l 1ttt1t:r object. the law deoluu cenain • U.ea or employe:ra lab<Ul' p-:raot1oee. ~ietly praotioea ar,u { l) t;Q 1.11:t.o.-t•r

with, restrain, or oocu:•c• employee• .in or~@h-:l\ioa Ol' oolleot1ve

b&r~1nin«; (a) to doaia11te or interter with the tol"ll!ltloa or acl•

r.dniatratiGn of labor o~~n1aa~1on; (3) to encourage or 41a•

(t() m~r,-l)ere'1S.~ in any lf.tbor •rf!JUliZat1on by cU.eoi-1.twiatioa ht

tilt) atter ot bi"1.n.g, or peJoio4, tea, or conditioa ot aplo,..t;

( 4 l to dincha.1:'Re ff d1attnaine.te agt1.lnat u -,io,._ beeauae et the

tili.n~ ot eh".!"f.'" •~in.•t u enwployer; (IS} le Nh•• to bd'fir&in

oo.lloctive:l:, i,;i th ruprel!ler,.~t1 fffll ot tM 9fflll)lo,,._e.

"lJkti1 Bection '?{a) or tbl't Bational lnflu9'•1d 8.00Tel'Y !\.et

ot :une le. 1933, the new N11Uoaal Labor RelA'iiOII• 4•• a .. laN4 a

similar purpoee ud obj•ot enao1.i1:ng the law, tbat •-,lo:,e•• aball

h'111VEs the right to aelf""Cl'e,att1z~'1on, ,o :ton, Jota, or uaiet labor

or~iaatio11a, 'lo ••••d• eolleotively, thMUtlh npnaata.tiTN ot

tttei:r own @ooatng, and to 8!l8'Jll',$ in oonoert.a aet1Y1t1•, tor the

pur110oe of oolleo11ive barfl)lilling or othfl' tllll'l'W!ll •14 OJ' '"'"'ion•. ''04ilni,il ~., ffl»T).10191'8 or right o't eoll41ft1ft \Mu"gaiaing

tJy th~ om;,~loy~~a. the le«l•la•i'fe in•t ot the ao\ 4ec,1ane, 'l•tta

t(-., :,·;rib,s iHld nther fol"l.'48 ot irtduatri,t.l s,nte ~:I' uarnt'. 'lbe•• i.n. t:cQir 0:1turtt h.<J.'lfe tJJiit 1 et-reot ot wl'4ettint, o.r- obetwotin11•

interstate '\t~d ft:tffif:!:'1'1 o.,..r,,•, 'by fJ!H:tO\:lftlJlnr, the pnotiee and

!)Noedare o.r -~lleet1..-. krip:\ai•ait•

.. tf'b~ lfr•sld~nt alao ?<>in.tea out tb4t th• j1l41o1al tunetion

,ind t't€: med:h.tion ft.inetton 'sho-ul<t not be ®nti:1s4"1• lUl4 ,11at •eoa1>rol'lise,

tht: e:u,ence ot mediation hat no place in t1lfi 1nt•l'PN'ktion au ea•

forcement of the law'. The pu:rpoae or the ,ut, the Pnaident ta14,

should not be m1atnterprete4. While lt may eventually •l1m1nate one

major oauae ot labor diapuiea, 'it will aot atop all labor fiaputea,•

the President qid, d4 •111 doe• not ooYer all 1ntluatry anti labor,

but ia 11tppl1oable only wbu. violation ot the lep.l l'ight ot 1a4epeJ1.dent

selt-o:rgaaiaUon would burtea or 1at•ettu oeaeN•'.

,,lOCepted by la.bOr, oapikl and the ,ablio ia a cooperatiYe spirit and

'with a a,mae ot aober reepona1b111ty', the nn law, the Pna14ent

aonoluded, 'should ••rve aa u iaper'tant atep toftrda the aohievement

of' just ud peaoetul labor rel.a Uo:na 111 industry• • • ( 15) •

During 1917, the aiatea ot Utah, W1eoona1n, Na York,

Massaoliueetta, snd Peeaylvania enacted. labor relation.a aota mo4eled

11ttor the Wagner-Connery Na.tion111l Labor R•la'1ona Act. ,.All ot the

State acta regulated. the labor relaU011ahlpe or employee• fHl«aged in

work or a atriotly 1n11netate natun. tll prev14e tor a board or

co-.iesioa to adminhter the law and gual'Ultff to -i,lor••• the right

of eelf orp,aniaation an.4 oolleet1ve 'barp1n1ag. oertaia aeta ot

employer• are torbidden aa unfair labor praotieea. 411 ot the aot•

authorize the labor :relationa board to determine the representatives

of the emplo,-eea,. by taking a aeoret ballot ot the employffa or by

utilizing some other method to determiae the npr•••tatioa.

"In mat or the etatoa the aot doee not provide Mob.inery

for the settlement of etrilcea. UaW1lly eeparate agenoiN are provided

to arbitrate labor 41•patN. fll• aet aln proY14ea tor ,u appointment

of two o"9B1 \'8ea 1;o 1nv .. ,1. te ueth1nl. 1)J:!'a0\1ou ot .-ployera or

labor ergaai.zatioaa. Violation ot tJOUeot1ft bal'{llining agNiellftla

•1 be reterre4 1lo theae oomt ti... te appopJ'1at• aot1a. !tie

.tllo4 ot JGblio1,y 1• NaOrW ••to:,,,_ •f'U---1 ot oollR11••

baJ'f! ~-- Th• rigll\ ,o M8 --- Pl'M~ in all

or tu act••" (le) •

Tu prif\o1i,,le pl'.'O'fi•ions ot th• &•ta lal)Or r•l4tiona aota


( l) • P\IJ'l')ON

(H). A.dmin.1•va"io11

( 3) • Ri~ht to o~ni .,..

(4). Unh1r labor M!'AOtiee

(5). Deaiga,ation or Npruentativea

( e;. Rev~

(7). la1toN __ , ot order•. appeal•

(a} • Viola tiou

attar the u111oa htt.• oll'-ined reoogai t1cm ut .. oolleo,1 ve

bargaining. there ue mny t.hinp ,ha.t it oaa do to ulr, •• -.,loyer

by iell1ng hia what ia m"Ollg with bi• tma1••• A. nU•utabliahed.

SM well•l"Wl ~:nion can, in CO-Opot"i'1tl0%1. With 'She fffi1Pl&Yf1Z,, elleo\tl'fU.!';9

iatell1«en11 pant rmJMNh., &nd tbenby employer•• aoney

an.d the wonere jo'b8.

O• ot th• many n:,• tba t tbe union ou1 hel~ is to de\om1ne

& method of nate elimination. Tt:is ffllY be dona by ~~J.y4ing the

books and • au • tin.4 when the gna.tee, prepor,ion of n:p.,.ea

IP and it a eertain percat.~p of ?rOduotion wouldn't :ri•t Rl"M,ter

savings. SUggeationa fmm union members should be eolieited n-

gardin.g delap am.4 what the apparent oauae 1•, &ad repor'\• ooaoening

waste or material.a or time which are ot 11 ••riou• nature. Other

oausea ot nate ue lack of' n111able -tru-,orta1J1011 ot ••ri&la,

spoilage, haety aH1&mfflllDt work, a4 laek of apeoitio 1natl'Qotion.

la •ay taetoriea Ul4 mill• abep plauiag 1• lett up w the

to,....._, whO •r• '1lu lloly dOu \h1a plaaaiag in hie he&cl. Where

thi• 1• true, the :f'ollowiag u•a·Uala of • ayatea ot good •hop

planning will lee.,... tao'-T or aill aoa,a aa.4 raw• irritations

whi oh ru.uoe ,.- wapa ot tha worken c

•r1n,, ,he'Nt athould. l>• ,.,_,, U&lyate ot e'Nry iacoaaing

order ao that botll tu ••••l nee4-4 d4 the naot tne ot

lll!U'tl1i11ea nqa1red will bit Jounm.

"Seeon4, tun ahouli be ~tion •t wol"k tick.eta u4

atore iseuo (or o1Jha wlteDa whloh ahow JN01Hly what •tmal,

too la, and work .,.. to be NQ.tlind.) • Thffe are ue4 for -•

orderly u.4 illex:penaive prep&l'll1:10a ot tb.e ••ek, MUI toola acl tor

tbe planning ud aaa1_., ot •rk.

"!h1r4, 11 eohe4ule ot 'ffrk allea4 1a required, atiowing in

•n houra how mu.ob work ie to be 4fl4ed. to ,he pnan.t aobeclul• to11

each operation.

"J'Ovth, SOiie aeoban1oal •~• ahou.14 be in••• by

whioh the wo:-k tieketa ( or other symbol• of 'the wot'k ,o be done)

show for every type of mchiue, (a) the work wbiob ia r•dy tor it,

(b) when ii is needed to meet ;>l"Omiau, (o) abo\tt now long it will

take to do it." (l?).

Diapa\ea otie arise between the matlage,ent aad men ae

what c01u1titutN a r.1r 4&y' a wort. The ••-• •1' el.aim the

men are soldiering on the jeb, u4 \h .. n •Y eomplaill ot apNd-up.

la order to avoid arguieate of thia produet1oa auadarda

should be eet by agree-•• bet••• tu _._., au the worie:re.

'!'hie Olla 'be 4oae by haviag repreeen\a:ti•• ot '• _.....,t and

the union ob•en• a wener (wbO lule beea told to work al hie n.ol"ffllll

speed.) and •f.tftl" his speed. Bott,;,, a1dea ahould agne as 10 the

result•, o4 it neoeaaal"f' tbe obaenaUou ab.ou.14 be rePM,ted.

several Umea. !\f'ter the record.a ot thue ha.Ye been

atudied, and atwr tboae •ortc~ atudied. 1-.Ye ben 001utultecl, !di

agree•nt ahoul4 be reaohe4 •• to how long it 1'111 take the operation

in question to be d.on•, an.4 b.ow may u .. it ahou.ld be done per

hour or per clay. !'hi• ~nl 1a known •• a produo'1oa •t.odard.

QA worker will want to live up to a standard that he himaolt

hel pa to aet, and agl'Na to. Thft'e oa.n be ao dispute between toreman

and ffn the TH-'OPfll" S,H4 ot work when ,roctuotion. atand.ard.a have

been earetully ••t up by aoe••t betweea the union and mauagen nt.

aoine of the •• t proftl"Nai va od aucoeaatul unioaa have eplo,ect t.hil

inethod. w1 tlt beneti t." ( 18) •

Men or•an compla1a or arpeed•up 1u16 ovfftltraia ta \be Job.

It there 1• to be reaNl"Oh along th1• 11••• 1t elloul4 be generally

agreed tl'at a Job •hould not be IM>re arduoua than one which an e:verage

lfflrker can 94t1•f'eustonl1 o,ent• ,._,. at'4W ,... A. tat1gae aady

ot opentioa ahouU be ade • 4e\4ll'lllhe neth• • aot • 4etia1•

a1okM•• ia ••• to oven:vaia ad .,....,.,. u4 it thia alokn•••

oorrupoacla with thtt o,ea·tt ... 1aftlft4. lt ,-. b ... PN•• that

net• tnqu•t ea.cNlh w ,...._, talllQe are eoonomioal. aA4 an

better thaa the .... aaouat ot l'Nt taken. at longer iaterq,le.

WOl'Un •1' eompl.-h that •• opeatloa PIY'• too 11,,1. ••

ooapantd with olben. ,la .-1,at• ot '\lie llliau ot akill, n4unaoe,

Jmowle4ge, and n,ertenoe to cto tb.e Job la fl'IN'1on, ie neo•••l!'1

before the Yalue at au job N1l 'be ..,. ... willl .aotur. so. Jobs

•Y require apeoial qaall ti.a ud •n klnu ot apt1 tud•• than other•,

but it abou14 be borae in a1n4 that all q11al.1U•• an ut or the ftM

value, and that one Job •1 •--• a hi_. 44181'" ot apee1-.1 Gl&li Ilea

than uu:,ther. ftveten, 4•tS.a1te ftlu• ahoulcl be #Ji•• lo the

gual1tiea u.Md, all4 they ahoul.d 1ae ,., into pnatlo• ao that ibe wo operaU•• MY be eoapared.. 111 aeul4 be r••••• t.bat toi- ,he

plan to be "'' in'° 11N, it aho'1lcl be well u.t:eatool u« ••t ooa•

te1n well 1n.tol'TM4 judgae ta on. the nb jeet. ·

A. Milhod ued. by ••4• ua1on1et ta gett11aa aill ..,...una 0011oerned Oftl' MallO&al--,lo,._, ia to•• \be111:'N.11H the

amount th•ir coapaay etana.a w loae 'by hl.Yiag 141• equ.ip,unt. ·rhere

are three metlmu ot a:roua1ng the 111,enat ot exeou\iYN 111

regnlariaing aaploYMn,,

•1. A. ooa'ting eyat• whieh aepa1111•• oat o4 aon •hat

thecoet ot idle ertui,-at ••lly 1a an4•• the oeapaay etrioiala

and etook hol4era to 1"81llize ila lmpol"lalla..

"I• l '•1-'P •Pl•-·· taow,o• aMMJ>illg 1lle 4eg:ne of

aucoeu in kM•tng-the •rken flll)loya4.

•a. '!'he ooat.,.aoe •ttio4." (lt).

Then ••IIN• ibat ••• been toucl uHful in plan•• where

'the 4Piff to :regalaria llu bNa 4ffelope4 •• .-,1 .... a aN ul"lfMI to

aasemble ud ... f'CllUlf kia4a of blllsio 1atol'lllltion.,

•1. On .-....i ••1-• ooacU tie• \he eountr1

u4 knowle4ge ot •• prob&ltle U'ft48.

•a. Bute tao• abOut their ,anialar ia .... ,n. "3. hots._.., their on ea...,,riae to gift• pro,-r btaa1a

tor ju4g••' u w geeral policiu.

"4• Knowledp ot the -..-1 onc11, aitu.tia u.4 ot their

Oft bankta,.,,ti\\ule towana ntaatoa ot loau.• (IO).

Other ••tho4e that••• J)NYea auoceaetul ia regular1za't1on


•1. Pnctuot N&eau•h for 'ttUen• M be •4• up 4ur1ag elack

aeaaona. Thie 90Mtiau •k• the tora of etaa4&1'4 8004• whiob

there ia r•aonabl.e aaava.aoe will, in ,11ae, t'1n4 a ane11; u4

aometi•• ot a aomewh&t 41.fteftllt prod.uot Ol" Una, •rk•u.ble •h• the replar liu• ar• alaok.

•a. storage taailit1ea atudy. s-.ttaea, u in the eau ot

anthr.o1te cea.l, •te.n4al'd goo4a oould 'be wA• •P it taeilitiN tor

atone:• nre not :prol111Jit1Yely expeuift •. What atoage expaN

would uount lo, an4 how 1t OM be N4laoe4 or peaeibly clieiri'lnlted,

should be explon4.

"8. Tnaater aa4 ta1a1ag Mthocla. ...,,1.JIM a ab1tt ot

:pl"Od.ucta ndc• 1 t a....._ry in order to k•P a atea4J wortiag atatf',

to train an4 tftllSt'ez, work•• tl'Olll •• opefttloa to aaotbel"•

••• Pri.ff iata•--•• •ke poea1-.1e a 4ecz,ee ot ff&\llal'iaa tion,

eapeoially whea lOM thJ'Oqll 141.e efl\1,ipnlllt ta JalOft.

•&. Plant •al.u'-•t lild.'" - nll ........ ,.. SOM

tar a1pte4 exfflltifta aner enlarge their :,laata uUl they ou kMp

them lnla,- in '11.eir d•ll••t ,er1o4a. !Ilia .__., ot eovne, -tbat when

there ia a 'beOll u, tay ••• to nfv.H one»•• Bllt tuy have

'11at, the ae8\U'1ty et the JtNJei-11 ia their •1-l'ae •-.1ule 'l1da policy,

and alao that they••• dtar1q full U••• get thttil" oona\noU••

don• at the lOwut ..,.t. laciden.111.lly thie e.l•o tNppliea woJlk and

purchasing pcnNJ' at thoae '1•• when th417 an 11101Jt aNded. 'tUlTth1ng

which control• upanaion lft4e w luau 4apreas1011••" (81).

The opportunity ot the union in the riel4 ot aeoident

preffn•ioa ia ot i•--• i111pei-taaoe. Jfo\ only hs.Ye they the oapaoity

w 4-1 with tile ~i oa ••• tol"U, vat 11111oa l.eadereb.ip op

cany ooav1ot:i.oa to the __..ft, w1\b.ou' •n• 'burde ot aupie1en ot

tome ulterin •U•• tor 4uir1Jlt ad vgiq •ft7 aeaauN, t,hat

•OISP"l'lY' eDCNti .,. •• an nl>JeoHd to. la plaaw wane aen.t1 ••• are

noi ready to11 Jolnt Nt.,..k. on aubjeot.a tbat an tel'l • \M tll•

mrmagement'• oonovr&, a highl7 aoeeptabl• Meting g1'CJIWl4 1• toun4 in

oo-operation tor Kfty. A. Jola well•• ia tbia ti•ld will IIONt

than likely lead to bettu rela.·Uon• aad to IUOoeH ia tlelu DOW


'ftMl bal'tllilt1nc teohnitu• w• •-•11' uN4 ltJ' •• o. 1. o. is to orgaa1ae the WOl'On ftnt, lbea tl-4 l'N081lit1oa t,oa the

employer. -a. ffeha1q_ue tnquatly' u.a. by 1he A. r. ot L. ia juet

the HYtu:-N ot thia, al~ \!le C. l. O. ia not akv• uaing 1 t.

1h• •• 1. ot L. ottea w,-a • or-.n1ae an -,lo,er beto:n bia 1n:u•kera

are orp.u1se4. It tb.41 eaplo,ar aflNN 'tO \he oon41t1ou ot

orgaai•tioa betor• hi• womra aooept the-• pl'Opoei\ioa, 'the

ac:r•••• •Y or •Y' a.oil _., with ti. aJJ)1'0'ft.l of th• -.10,._a,

'.l'hia woul.4 be coui4el!'e4 • Yiola:tioa ot the •-- ut. Tlloae • mbera

ot the A. r. of L. wbo hava bee ft11e4 1a thia ooneept ot eollective

b&r'gflining, re._t the t11.ot tlat 1, allotll4 be eu,-tet.

A. recent 1llua\nt1on of tb1e point is to be touad in the

diaagreement beweea the opuaton 1n the APP&laohiu ooal tielda,


and t-he United .Mine 7i1ork•n ot .unerica {1~1 1939). John L. Lewie,

repreaenta.tive ot the uked ,he Ol,)ttJ."llliore to in.elude 11 union

ahop ( cloeed ehOp) elauN ia their acn..nt. flle opeaton nt"uee4.

:tewia th• req.uH'Hf that the e.lau•• torl>id4ing ,he mia-.s tl'Ol!I

atr1k1ng be elimiu'94 t"111 •• olcl ooa,ft•t •4 that won be n-

aumed undff i, pending f\trthel' ae.-,t1a:Uou. 'fh4l opeftton ntu••• thia aleo, c1--.n4iag a tw YOIU" nanal ot the old oonlaot unollanged.

Ln1a ref'uH4 aa4 11:he o,ea•n NU•N4-, ottu111& M eoncine ,h.6

cheok-ott e,a-.an4 w Aeduet u ..-1 allOUI tna llOll•unloa umbers

pay u4 haa4 1 t .,.._. to •• u.tea. la a.ckt111oa they l)l!'Ql\1ae4 to dM.l

only with MIIIMn of tbe Uai tel Ni• loneN, la ao tv a• the --•

A.Oft J)4ll!'lli-. 00.Uil ror the lliMN 4eolaN4 ••ll Pl'OOedun to be

illepl _._. 'Ille --• ut, bean taia retu••• Ta• 1••• waa tinally eettle4 by tu opeNtora a•o•p'1q \lie uiou 4eaaa.4 tor a

cloae4 ebop.

Ba,..in1ng teebniQ.llcu, &N uae4 aot oaly 1»1 uaiou, bvt by

4ffl!'Ployera aa nll.. 81:s prao\1eu poi.ate• on uaioa NlaUone nn

NQOllffiffflded to 89JPl.oy•n or a Hanard. pl"Otuaor. or. sueer Hllber

Sl1cbter, who hel.4 leot11na oa •PJ:obl.,. la lnduan"'ial Relatiou•.

Re adviae4 thea au

"1• find aew waya to keep the dooJ!' open to p1"01ll0ticn tor


"'I. Keep lMladll ott wor1:en• orpniaiio••

"3. Use no apiea.

"'4• Pl'Omo'te no OOIIJt&llY u1cma, tor they bne4 ei'Mown etr1k•••

"5. Don't reoogn.iu •• uion as •xolue1ve krgaiftiag agent

when there i• a oon.tliot but t17 to bl"in« •• ua1one topther, bNat.t••

1t ia ao, lo ,i. employer•• 114.,._iage '° deal with oc.pet1ag as-not••

"'• a.Yo14 aga .. ,a with exp1rat1oa t\atea, whioh precipitate

or1•••" (11).

!bit fta• v...a1._, Ul4 Geaeftl ..... _. ot au,, Soluatftaer and

Man, Monia Cnmsberg, in u utiole •• nioaNla'tlona, poi•t• 0'1t

aoae ot \he '8ehn.1que• uaea l,J h1e oompay la 4-.lUag with \be

_,,1_..a Clothing Wonr.ere traloa. i.ltQ4 •••• aeioJ'it.y goT•rn.ed

layotta, be replhd •• and went on to npla1a th!ilt the polioy tollowad

by his 1-,otta _. eqwal d1Yia1oa ot won.

A t'tUfliliar pnbla to •n1 1nduatr1•• 1• ita h.troduotion ot•••viJ.l{J improveaen,e. In dealing wt '12 a 1)1'0bl• ot 'thia nature,

m1rt, Sobatffner •ml .tlan oall in the unioaa r-,reeesrau., .. to •it

down a.nd work out the mer1\a of the probl• in eOII& awm.ner. Th1a

require• negotiation in nob oaae, but with t;be n-.ilt. thlkt tht

union haw n•••r taka t!Mt attitude ot •ay1q th&\ despite

the nffd tor 1mpro,,...,,t they will not allow the iatroduotion ot

1-bor-aaving aoh1Bltl"f•

A pro~lnl illffl'fing the eaploy111nrt Of ~WO hur.t.4Nd new

worker• n• worke4 out tor Ha"" Sobattner una Man by the unioD.

Ynowin.g \hat tho oomp1:1ny wan:1414 lo Mke a (lllal1ty obaage aa well as

reduction in tl• union li>rottght. ia fl'Oll the at:ree,a no hundred new people, a 'typo or worker thlt t,bey oould not eupply.

'!'hey alao 1na1aled ttla, the •OllpUY m aa .age liai t • aad tak• no

one over , .. ..,._,-, tor the pupNe of 'briagtq ia •• 1-loocl u4

reducing coat.

ltt'. GrNnbfl'C alao a44ed ••• ihe ualoa ••• 1nleten4

in the tn.1n1ag ef aw ,eopltt, a.114 1fhe '" eo-..y ia taeed. with an

inonue 1n ftlUlllt .. , WM14 ft.Mlt1•1-• an lnoNU• 1a Jn'OGOil ..

capa;oity, 1, wou14 lMI 4ittiftl1J o•• •• illpoNible • •~ ••

wortteN • •• they OOlll.4 d.,._ • •• 11a1on to 000,.._u w1 "11 th••

!. The t'radtt ~reentat

1'. trade agreemeut ia an Cl'!plo)Wllt contn.ot that is Wl"kea

out th~;, tl.18 proo•eo or collective 'barpin1ag bctwe.-r.i eaployen

and un1ona. Whe:revor union.a ah reooS11iasd by amplOJ&N, •here

oolleot1ve b . 1a pt-.... otioed, tNde tt.RJ'"1aftia will be tound

to exist. '!bey :.t.n tlle goal ot e-VerJ union. in their dJ>ive tor

raoogn1 tion and or-gitniz.aUon, and w1 thout tnide a«reementa, 1 t wt>ttld

be impossible to diacuea oollecti•• barge.:lning, and vioe voraa.

'i''he following quotat.1one are gen«u•\.;.lly oonaidered the beat

datin1tions of tt"•d• av,,reementa.

"~.ade ~greementa or joint trade agreement• ,are collective

arNngemcta resulating wagee, lioura or labor ;and oondi tiona or work

tor a ate.tad. period u4 are naohecl thNNgh oolleatlYe baJ"g1l1ning

be._ a trade uaion u4 •• arplo,er 01' aaaoo1atioa ot -,1o-,e111.

The soo:pe ot th• .,..,._., • tba t ie. aet:bn 1 t ta appli .. ble to a

given. OJ' lo all eana in a.a 1a41Y1chal plut, in a J;Nll't1oulu

looality or tllrougheut ,u ooutr,, ftl'iN wlth the Ju:riadiotiou u4

barsain1ng power ot tbe uftioa a114 ot the -,lo1ff'• aaaoolation ud

oondttiona or th• iactuatr,. JUetor-1oa11y the 46ftloPMnt haa been

from lood agre•••'• oot"eriag a •incl• oratt to -tho•• whioh, it not

neoeaaairly national ln aeope, are a11 ... , limited by the alandarde

or tho national •r b,w.nattoMl u1oaa. Punotiona.111 1he true

agreement rep,,.._u • aya'8a ot jo1at ', nglll.attoa or labor

oond1tiona, the 1nwrpre\at1oa et 1,a ,_... aa4 the ••Ju--• or 1

gr1evano• he1q proY14e4 tor by a •111•• of ftluta17 Ott110111at1on

aa a subatiiute tre tu aetmaa ot 41Na1 aott.oa.• (11).

"The tale tau -,11o1, ••tt.•1 ot \be 11erma

ot tbe col1ee,1ve Dtl'@lll1a; 1, •k• • tonal tollpllot. ft• •••Ual

part• ot a •••• aoe•••• aNc ( l) .l pNllllble, 4etin1ag 1;h• ,sniea

to the aCND•t, 1 ta nope or tield1 1 u tuaU••• and 1 ta geae:ftl

p.irpoae. (2) A lq1•1a•1.,. ao4e, giving the woning ml• eto. 'lhe

point• co•end bJ' ,ne lagialaliTa paJ"I ot the •P•••• range trom

wagea lilld houn to the .. , lli•t• ngula.Uou or all tbe teohniaa;l

oond1 t1ona or 1no14en.u er •* u4 'P4"• ( I) a j,141018.l oo4e letining

the :mode or 1ntorpniat1on. (4) An executive pan. pJOTiding a mode

ot en!'oroament. Hot all t.rac\e agrfffNDt• bav• all \heae 4ietinct and

eaeential J~u•ta. '!'hey J.'11.BC• tl"OII tbe n41•nta.l"Y oaH, 1aolu41q the

pNUble and legialative cod•, to 'ihoM whioh an_., toBl!ll ud

elaborate, all pane.

•'l'YPN ot ~• a,ooo1"41ac to nope:

1. tooal: •bop on.rt aB4 111411a\l'f •

a. lnMJ'Mel1ate or 41atJ>iot: ontt, allied oratt.

3. SJ•t• d in4t.tatry.

•• Natio•l: ol'lltt u4 iacblltl'J'

"Pal"'i1•• 1lo ibe -~,:

1. Looal: {a) a1ngle eaployu u4 oopJ (b) -,10,ere OJI -,lopn• uaooiaticm ••« looal uat\ u1oa.

2. lnteme4i8te: (a) l.ooal emplonr•• -.eaoo1a,1oa ud looal

oouaoil •r allie4 oratt;.a; ( 'b) ayate ottio_., allied

entu ot •,ata; ( •) •111•• •ttiffft , ontt

fffflaizaUoa ot •1•-.; ( 4) -,loyen ot t1e,r1ot u4

diatriot aioa ol"gaa1sat1oa.

3. Nat1011111l: (a) aa\1onal eapl•J1mt ••••1ai1oa ud 'the

MtiOMl \1111en, oratt or lnnatrl.&1.

i.Tbe aoope ia <1..-e111.nea. by:

1. The ctegree or ua1tol'lli 11 ot oead1 ,1eaa.

a. '!'he •t•t Md Obal'lloter or lhe ort,lniutioa oa both


:s. '!'.be ot OOIIP•'1 Uon." (a,) •

There are thrN NJdlft\e ~uul 41•tinot ,art• in tbe pl'OGHa

or oolleotive b,u•ga1aiag. The tint ot the•• ia t:be orNt1on ot tbe

, •greeaent, which uually follow• a •• -proee4un. laoh aide

tormula ••• 1 ta 4eaa4a u4 then aeleote a a:,oup or OOll!lll1 ttee w ba7ga1a tor th•• ... , a oonvea'Uon or oauoua the groupa meet an4

preaent tbe11" •--•••• the1t> a•tu111at.i aa4 ,i. rea. .... 1n wnort thereof. a.a intO'f'lal 41anaa1oa ia tbm lle14 a4er the obainanehlp

of the employera• or utou• pNeident:, and rebu\tala are •4• and

aonoeaaiona aaket. ,or ___,3.e, the J'ePNHllta'1Tea tor the eaplo1era

u.y try to ahow that tlle ia4u•11'Y ie la ftoll a Nlldi Uoa that 1 t will

1101 aupport the 4•muta ot the u1oa, •hile tile ,.., .. ._.u.,... ot th•

unloa •Y tJ'J to '""• by tu "" et Mb1at1••• tbat thia 11 not

twe, and that ,u oo•t ot liYiag jlaatit1ea • N1•• 111 • ..,.. Vaa1

pl"Oble-M are 4180Q8Nt 4urtq whicth _,.ate ..UO\tMB •11- helA d

to the PMOl1b11ity ot 01" hol4ing ...... •• • nl• ••ll 914•

uoually "'•• •• a ua1-.. '!'he t1al •Y be hel4 up by the

eettlemct of ou OJI' two ,oin'la. wtt1oh bo$h ailea a ... u b•lq

neoeuuy .. Me·rretuen •J!.N:·ad8111,o it:bia ·rNIID.~ atrike.

Nego'lialiou be.., n AP.1'111, 1011. be,ne lb.a Un1'ied. 141•• •n•n ot ilJl&rioa ud ._ A.ppalaohiaa ooal opea:wa, · ad ,,... no, eettled

until M111 15. ltM. ·The 1••• invol•94 - aot higher wage.a, not

ahol'ter h0t.U'8, 'btlt the oloaed shop. 1'119 ainen wer• partioularly


concerned •bout 'thi1 point b•oauae ot an A. 1. ot L. eCl!llpetUor, the

Progreaai ve Miura ot .,\11uwi.o.a. The opera ton 'tNU;•e reluctant to

oonceed the point tor t•r of':wo m.ueh union 1111•rt•re110• iu

sraaag.,.nt. ii.a noted above, th• ooami N4&4 ia a la:rp lPMSllft

ot viotory tor tile aiiuwa. lt • qNellel'lt 1- 4ov.bV.l, \be pe.rti ..

•1 aomproa1••• alt.4 tra4e ••• a...,a« tor 1uit1~r. l t 1ih• pani•• are

ot equal etnnath, ••• 114• will ao1i be ravond ov•r tu otbew ia th•

oompl'Ollliae, it not ot equal ••~--h, 1, will tavor ,u aoa, powerful


••tailun \o r•olve tu oppoaiq 4--.u, or owne, reaulta

ia a bnak:-up ot the eoat.-eaoe. tb1a 11117 .._ ••• in iu tom ot a

drike or lookout. la ran••••••• 1a tile al&•••t,ottle 1a4•'1'Y,

atoppap MY be awid.ed b7 ooa111•1aa tor ••••nl aontu ou the bade

ol ibe old •sre-t, tn& .rtor\a b•1a& ••• atift the lapa• ot a

ye&r or le••• lt ' 11ut••t•1 41noUy •tteota tlbe JM,tolia welt•"•

the ekte or f•4ffal goverDllll't •Y inh"•• ft.a Mdiator or -.rbitrator

before or aoon after the tial b:reak-11.»•

l'fDittenat ualoaa haft ad.oJff4 41tt•r•t Mthou tor oarrying

on neg01a tion• w1 th aplo,ere. SoN • like tlle Pria ten u4 the OlJi•• Dottle Blonra, give ,-.1r ott1•er• tuU ,ower to ooaolu4e agreements,

whiltt othera. like "1l• Mi• Worker•. requ1N th• N~•-•i1TN w report tu ree.ulu 110 tbe local•• whoa• IINllWu'a '4ke a retena4•

vote tor ratifieatioa or (a&).

The eeeon4 part o~ the Jl"OOe•• ot colleetlTe bargaining ia

thft en:forctetl'lent ot the tftde agreement. •-ri th :reprd '° enton«nmt,

t1ro question.a tlriaes bow o-r,letely are the \91!'118 obaeJl"V'etl throughout

the life- of tl:te •gre.,.at, !ID• wJtat &1B•td an there w 1.a•i•t upoa

auch obael"Va1use, fte a1u1n• • the rtrat 1a no, •-.uiYOoal; tun

Mff bNn ,1 ... ·-.... •14• -· f•1le4 to ObMffe tile , ... aane4

nl>Oll. ~loyen n4e?' 'Pftl!& of atTeNe NftcaiO oll"•. llaYe

br<>ktm o'ft ni•u; ff111Jet1Uoa ho• MB-mlio• -,io,,.n, tor

eftllple, caulHMI thl• to he:ppa nth• rnq11•tly in tat• el.othiag an4

bituainoue eo..11n4-•trtee in p,....._ De:al ,-re. Oel'lain. t1111oM

haTe al.80 t1111N • lln 111> to their oontnota whtta 1, ....« w btt

to their adnatae• 1lo brMk ti.a. s-..g 16eal uatta, in 418ftgard

ot national ol'd._.., ha•• eomeu_.. _,.e on '•Uaw•·• tw114eat' • or

"quiokie" atr1t•• A. mmb•r or be111pfta\ •t1-uion ..,l'J>Oft,ift• and enrployaa' atl80eio.ti.ttn• nae a.e one et their •1• •~•• •Pinet

uniotta thMA •~lee or l'.>44 te.11Jh, and ••Ml't tu.t. oolleoUve

bar~ining 1• tor the vath1nkabl• • loag a• l•bor org.uizatione are

un1n'.'.'t0'.l"p0ft\e4 au« not le~lly liable tor a.-... a~1e1q out ot

hl"eaoh or contnot. Fl\it the _,..-,enoe ot other ua1cms an.4 other

urployftl"l!I rurnieb a.noth•r, brighter e1d• to the piotut"•• U/1.ay

emrloye:N hft'f• ne•n tnile4 to obi de by their r.,1'0Jliau, and a number

or unions, e.,tt11 hl the, or .,4.,.,.. oond1t1ona, be.•• ot

llonatanoy that 11N eri4ently pra1•ewortby, auch aa thoae of th


uial.€Jllllted Olo"ttbing Worken, the Printer•, the Bailroad. BN'lharhooda,

and the Uni tad Mine WOl'k••.

"111\toz-e••t ot •~•'••--to d.,..4 ehietly upon two

thiap. la th• t1ra'I plaoe, \hen IIIWlt he goo& will an4 aineer1,1 Oil

the :pvt ot otfioer• and _.__ ot ... e14e. 'fbll u4•111a1 •'Piri t

ia ia ,. la•• tlllalyata the ••t81'111111ng taet:o.-. 1 a the •--4 plaoe,

tl:tUtf abou.14 be aoM JJOV1aiou fol' aAeqta\e aobi__, to bl'lag N•

caloitru't Jf141Mben iato line. Iaelinatioa •st be nppl•eat-4 w·ith

a.1>111 t:,. !Illa 1a •• ot -• ••• reuou te '21a ai•tano• ot a

atroag oa,1'11ze4 ..-aor ot oontzol ia uioaa. Pr•••t maohinery

f'or insuring the o'baenano• Oil a«n .. aH in thla oHnuy 1nolu4es the

tollowiaga (l) lo1nt OGnlit_.. it uaplo,_. ad t111Plo741H ue

obooaen by bo\h aid• u4 gi •• the pGWI', •• ill ,a ._pal)W •

publidlling, pott.GI')' • &nd ooa.l""'llia111g ia4utri•• to tire or wspend

or expel. (2) M&tional u.d cU.a'iJ.'ie, -.ion otfi.o_.. •• ageata in•

veetiF,1ate and 41Nipl1n•; t,ocal bwlt1a ... •ce•• eoalrol in•

d1vi4ual union J1Nbtt11 .a4 aJ.80 ouu v.p oa epl.O)"el'B• (8) llllployer••

aseo\liat1ona coatnl 1a41Y1dual eaployers ,_.ough national officers

!!¼nd. by the uae ot ti.AN, Rltl)euiea, or KJN1•1on; 1a41vi4u.l -,loyera

ocnt:rol ,ne1r e. ftperiatedau aa4 tor-.. au •l•a notify union

agents or union tatlue ,o obey tbe a«wt." (II).

TM third au ou of the moat iaponaat point• in the prooeaa

or oollec\ive oupining 1a il8 1awrpN-.tioa or the ta4e agneaent.

~hie phase or collective bargainin~ ia easenti&lly a Judicial function,

!ind deals with the quenioru, or point• th!d my oome up eon.oern.iug

1ihe sg?-eement. 'l'fhen this agreft'tent 1& create4 e'Y'ery poaeibl• Jlllinuu

detdl ia ffi tten into it, with the idM. in mind that 1f ,any eontU tions

should arise th•Y will be covered by the agJNNaent. Uawa.lly agNHmienta

contain olauaee which provide tor 1-ts 1nterpntat1oa au \he eatablish-

ment or 11 juclioial agaey. ln sou oaau, a 41e1n'iel'eeted d4 iltl)artial

third party mq be •lled in to aettle 41spu'les. l!O'NTV, th1• ia

uaually dot.le oaly u a laat r"8rt, •• the em,loyere and unioa.s try

to settle their 4ia,utea a:mona theuelvea first.

"The ialerpret1n part ot oolleotive ay be

illtu,vated by "° ay·ateme which have attraoted u11on~l attention

by their no\able auooua in pNVenting the ••%• or i.1u'lustrial

warfttre - those employed in the p1"iut1ng treu1ea an4 in the mens

clothing 1nduatry. There ,1re. of' eourae, nwnerous other plane, eueh

11s those in the •teel and eoal•m1n11ig industriee, building trades.

and on the railroad•, but their eucoMa ruaa not been ao u11diluted.

ln the printing tradu J.,rovieion ia •d• f<Jl't

( l}. Attarpta w se~tle all (!tU.ttlltiOttS be.WHI\ th.a shop

f'orean. ;1nd the obaime,n or the loool or 'ohapel'.

{ 2). l~eterenoe of' tuu1ettled points to a looal joint boar4

made up of tbrtHt union ortieere and th:r«t lll!'!tloy~re• representatives.

( 3}. Further reference of i tettJff still tmdeeidet io a board

repreeent1ag unioaa au 9J1Ployers ot all the pl'111tiag tn.d•••

(4). !'iMl. &ppeal to an4 4eoia1on 'by a natioiuu. joiat

arb1\n.tion boa.1'4 uaully o0lll,)08ed of one atioaal unien ottloer a4

one ot the omployen' 1111.Uoaal npreaentativea.

tfS). R.-f•NON Of ,_ 41•-- by, ....... 1n -·· or

inability to 118"8, to a llfttftl third J)U'tf who ia ael•tN bJ th•

and aou as •l:'1•'41 ump1N a:a4 an11ll'&tor. '!'he bM-1 tnon agree11umt

or thia kin4 baa eai•w4 b•h'Na I.he ..,_,_"1" Pu•li ... N' A.HOoiation

and the 'l)'pographioal tJa1oa. l t. Juul a avtk1q nool'tl for peaoetul

•et,leet ot diaput••

fflfh• fa-- .......... bet. .... ti,- of Bot, S.battn•~ !llld

Man aaa •• -.1 .. w Clo1ih1n& worura _. ••• in 191.t u4 •••

oontiaue4 a1ace tllea witaoul allatut1a1 aba_.. la bl'iet, 1t

providu tor tae toll.owiq •••,• 1a 1atupM'1na nlea au aettlinc

_..nno• ot o.ay aa-wre:

(l). '!'he QO'P au,-r1at• u4 tbla u.1on ahop nprueata.t1Yea

4iaouu with ea.oh o,be:r U1' CJ'l9't't1MN e1eb haft lteen ~-• to their

respective n.otiuN by foreman or- uniou IIIIIIMl'fJ.

( e). It lb.Ne '" Ol!U'll\Ot &O'ff • a .. ,,1 .. ,, the 41aJNte

then ~•• to two 4eP',lt1ea, who 4N olel"ka choeett b7 ea.ob aid,e to

in'll'mitii'(!J.te and a.djua, srieTanou u4 io iaeun neov.1ion. ot the '8rma

of tile £t.Cl"OOINA t "

( :5). P'ailure ot the de:pti"Giea bnnp the Ollff to the !nde

Bo!lrd, a body ot eleven •n •de up ot r1 Ye union lHBlbers eleete4 by

their fellows, five nployeu ot ezeou~ive ftllk, ohoaea by the

Company, and a tull•time presiding ehai?'IIIU1 aelected by Joint ooneeat.

The 'l'rade Board ha• juria41ction over ciu .. ,1ou ot taet aa4, atter

hearing Mk•• it• 4eoieiou by a Jori ty TO'Mh

(4). 'l'b.en 1• opportunity '8 appeal tna t>ae 'fft4• Boan'• ae,,1.ement w a tinal eourt, The Board ct A.rbitratioa. '!'his body

also ha• original ,1Ur1a4iotioa ot qu•atioa• ot priao1ple and on the

applieation of th• agMllll8at to eat1NlY nn •1tUtl•1ou in tha in•

duam. l I ia eowpoa94 ot tllrN men, one :f'll'W11rtaeb. ua a

neut:ral '\hi.rd pan,- ehoaen by the o•uJ' wo; thie thin man 1a

aeleeW a4 paid to deTOte: all his tim and etUP"D w his Judicial

dutiea. He i& the well•kaown '1111.))artial ebail."r!!llln'.• (If).

ln O,'\l"ri:~inf': on ne~ot:iations. the ordin"!lry typet used by the

u~1ons are:

(l). a teJrll)Ol'flJ'Y or epeoial ¢OJmnittee ae in the building•

trade• union•, • railway employeea, etc. The t•porary committee

1a regularly oompoeed ot •~laried ( prflt°Nsional} union ot"ticere.

(2). standing or pemanet oomm1ttee - a• in the oaae ot

the rdl•<lY unions, printing tradee I nud OJ)el"ative potters.

{ :5). A. eon11ent1on or delegatn, ae with the Uaite4 Mine

Worker• ot America, the Longehorem,m, ru,d the :,.r,aalg'\lll!lted l ron, steel,

and Tin Workei-a. ('!he convention of the merely adopts a s•l•

whioh is eubmi tted to the Mveral llilla.)

on the aide of the employer the negotiation• are oarr1a4 on


(1). Ria numager. eto. • 1a efteo1S1n.g a ehop agreem•t•

(2). Oft1cere of theeaplo7ing ool')IOrattoa. •• in the ea••

or a steam nLilny • a tree\ N.ilwy • Analguw\ei Copper er the AJMrioan

Looo:moii ve Ooapa.117.

(I). Oomi tteea ot el'lployen• uaooia tiou • 1.e., aalar1e4

otticera or ii!lportan:t member•, an with the Stove l'ound•r•' Na\ioae.1

Defense uaociatton., M..,_pa:per Publiaberst .tuooiatloa, the 'United

S'latu Po'lwn• aaooia1don, take Carriere' usooiation, Ohieago

wara?1ouaa ~en'• uaoei.8.tion, eto.

( 4) • A oonven1t1 on ot •r,loyera { coal aiae open tore) • " ( 28} •

l V. 11Dllt\L LlWI SL&'fl ON Sl501 1'130

4-• t,t. 1. R. a.• National tabor Board

on J"wie l&, 1933, I>ree1dent Roosevelt approved the National

1ndustrial Recovery A.ot. Thia aot na beyond doubt the most eigniti•

cant of the law• passed tor the rehabilitation of industry end the

relief of uneploynent.

"The obJeotivea ot: the act were declared to btt: The removal

of obatructione • to the tree flow ot interstate and tonip commerce';

the promotion of oooperatiYe action tl"ade ftl'OU.P• and betwna

labor and -.nagemcti the elimination of unt-1r oompet1t1ve pra.oti•e•;

the promotion ot 'fulleat poaaible u:'111zatioa of the present pro-

ductive capacity of induatri•'• and the avo14anoe or un4ue reatriction

ot production; and l.&atly • ti. 1nonaa1ng ot t'be purohaa1ng power ot

the people and thereby their ability w oonw• induatrial ud

agricultural procluota.• (29).

Title l ot the act permi tW the •mbera ot uy trade or

induatry, or their aubdiviaioaa, to fol"DJ.late a aode ot fair competition.

Thie code had to met wt th 11he 9,pp:roval or the President, and upon

approval it 'became binding upoa the entire induatn an4 ita aubdivieioru,.

The provia iona were theratter to be known aa the atanda.rcla of fd r


Section '1 of Title l or the A.ct state• that employees shall

have the right to bargain oolleot1vely tln'ougb repnantat1vee ot their

own cbooai~g; that all codes an NqUired to 1nolu4• pl'OYiaioaa aa to

tlle oondi tiona ot eaployment, the -.dam b.oun, ,ne m1a1mmn -ge•, $,1.Dd to eon lain. the oondi tion that no a,loyM or pe,,._n. •eetdq

Elffll)loyment ah.all 'be requ1ff4 w join a GO'llpany un1oa or to Nfftin.

trom joining any labor orpnlsatl•a ot hht own ohOOatag.

l t 1• alao pro•14ed un4e1" Ne'1cm , ot ft Ile l that 911Ployere

and e-.ployeea oall be giftll the opportttn1'bf to ••'-bliah by ••al agre._t the ••ndal"4a or hour•• wage•, aad world.111 oea41 tlona, an:4

it this agreewt- 41'. not _, wi ,h th• ap,...._1 et ta. Pl'eaidftt,

he_. autboriae4 • iaYNtl,a'te thl labO!' 'P'ftGtieN, houN, wagea,

no. ot ••• in4u•t17, ad to Jl'Nertbe • 0041• ot tatr ooapeUUon.

1M tu:, et aNUo• , or fl.Ile l of the lt&t1ona11114\tat:,1,1

RMOffl"Y Aot le •• tollo•s

"(a). lftl'Y oode ot tai:r com,el1ttcm, agreean11, a.a4 lloenee

approved, preaol"i bed, or 1aeue4 un4er thia title aball oonta.1n th•

following oonditiou: (1) 1'bat aploy ... ah11ll haft tile ngll, w orf!lftnhe and bargain eollee111ftly through npNNtlt&tl••• of' th•ir

own ohooa1ng, and eh.all be f'ree tl"OIII \he 111terteren0•, reetn1nt, o:r

eoeroioe ot employere ot labor, or tbetr agenta, ln the 4eatpation

of' such H1'1"Hen'8'1VN or in •elt-organiaaticm or 1n other oonoerted

act1v1tiee tor the pu:,,oae of' oollectiTe barptning or other mtual

~id or protection; (2) that no em,loyae aa4 no oae •eeking employment

ah&ll be requ iretl u a oondi ti.on ot ttflllPlO}"llat to Join uy GOlllJ)allY

un1oa or to ntrain hom jo1a1ng, Ol'fllla1111q1 or aaa1a,1aa • labor

oraaaiZllltion ot h1a owa ohooa1q; u4 (I) lltat emplo,-n shall OOIIIPlY

with 'the Mxt-. bou.1-11 of la'bo~, a:Lahlwn atN ot ,.-, alllll o,ul'

oonu,1oaa of elllplo,aat, appro•ed. • 'PftNribet bJ' \h• Pl'Nicleat.

,., b). '818 fnaiuat •11 • tu u pae\1oaW.. attoz«

'"81!'1 oppo:rlU1 'IJ' • _,io,._. u4 -,1.o,.... ia ._ ,,,_ ot 1.ndua'U'T

or MtbdiYiaioa tMNOt with nepeot to whioh th• .,.U,Uou Nf•l"N4

to 1a olaUN8 (l) a4 (I) Of abNotioa ta) pnvatl, to Htabliah by

mutual agJ'Nlllml'l 1 t;he ••AaN• a• to ta NXtaa Jlolln ot la be,·

miainma ra.tu ot pay, Ult •oh •tlsfli aoadltlou ot ~t u •r be nMNMJ.7 :la euoh 'lft4• • 1n4uah7 or eul>41Y1eioa thneot to

etfeotuate the polloy ot tbia ,1t1e; u4 the •--dane •••bliehad

in auoh agreeaeta, •h• cp-provn bJ' * Preeiclent, ahaU baYe the

... etteot u a oo4e ot fair eoa,ettt1n, appio•e4 by th• P:l"eaid•t

under eubeeot1oa (a) ot aaotioa 1.

•(o). Where ao aoh 111-.1 baa bNll &PPl9VN bJ

the Preeictent, he may iaYeni@llte the labor J)ftOiioea, Polie1ea,

wapa, houn ot labor, ucl ooa4111ou or eaplOJ'IIIIU1i 1a ROh tn.cie or

1.ncluatry or n.bdiY1•1oa tl:ltnot; ad upon thll lluia ot non b.•

Y88U8l ,,. ... , ·- atte ••• baaringa •• the Pnaldeat tin.di ad'riaable 1

u ie au,mnffCl to ,n,oribe a l:1.a1W oode or ta1r OOll!IPfltition

tixing auoh au:illa houn of labor, alahldl at. or ,_,., and other

oon.d1t1oaa ot eaplo,..nt in the tnde or 1n4a.•t1"7 or 1ub41v1a1on

tbareot 1nvea•i•te4 u 1- to be n•NMJ'Y to •tteotua\e the

policy ot thia t1 ,1e • wbioil ahall have iu ..... etteot •• a 004• ot

tair ooJl1)et1t1en. &JJ>l"OYH by the l:'ftaiten, a4er<•••tioa (a) ot

eeotion. 3. !he P:rea14•t ar 41 ttenali&te aooorctinc to nperi eaoe

o4 8k111 or \he apl.oYNII att•D4 u4 aoeol'41q to the looal1ty ot

emplOJffl8at; mt no • ._..,, nall N a4• to 1aue&ue uy elMaitieation

aoool"41ag to ,,_ •-- of the •r'll 1aY01Ye4 whioh lllpl Md '° ae11

• maxillua •• Nll •• a lliaiataa •--• 11 (4). 48 UM ill llu.a t1U., ta ..... "1'eN08", 1DC1\'14ea

_, 11141d.41fllll, ,artael'Ulip, ••01&"1-., tm••• 01" GOJIOalin; u4

Ille .... "ial•••• uct tonip ..,....,..,. aa4 •1atental4t ••

ton1aa ..,.... tnoJ.uAe, ••• wun othuwiM 1u1 .. w • trade

or c<awaeNe--. tu ...,...i 8ta1u eat toN1p Mtlou, or

be..._•• Diatriot ot Colwnia 01' _,. TeffiwY' of tu tJa1te4 S.t••

uA uy atate, Teffi_,.. or toalo aa'1oa, or bet ... all7 ialhWU"

pouHaiou or other pl.-o• at• t• ju1"l84iolt.oa ot •• UA1te4

3tak8, 01' be-.. PY 8110A poa-a1oa 01' pl.aft a4 llllJ' S14lte OJ"

Tel'1'1wry or the U'aJ.'llect s••• OJ!' ille l>le,rtot ot Ooi.abla or aa7

ton1ga M.tioa, or wit.llia th• Dia11rie11 ot 001Ullb1a or •1 Ten>ito.17

or uy 1naular poHeaa1on or o,.._ plaoe a4u the pr1e41o1;1on ot

the United Sta tea.• ( 10) •

li.8 a ot lhe na,1onal In4's•tnal RMoY_., Mtt ud


related leg1alat1on there develo,-4 a nN4 tor a more ooapnheuive

ayats tor the ••·Ul••t ot lu.oor d.iapu\• \1'.lu h&4 pnT1oua11

mated. The ti.rat impo"'8.a' •• 1a ,ll1a 41noi1oa .,.. the eN&U••

et tbe kt1maa.l La'bol' Boacl 1a ,t\UfPl•I ot 11• • ft.18 IO&N na ,_

priaotpa.l nattOM.l .,._.,. ter 111• •AJutaat or Jal>or 418J1lt• l.lai11

J'U.e 1914, •• it _. .,_.e4e4 ar: ,11111 llatlo•l tat.or lela'1aa

f!OU4. Tl:18 dmla1•vat1Ye piriae1pl.N, -. ........ u4 tailun• ot

._ Ratioaal La.•• Boal'il 1&14 la IMlaS. tor latn J.e&1•lat1Ye :U.4

ada1n1atnl1ft utioa. The Jl"ino1pl .. whi,h nnlte4 troa "8 uu1..- act deoiaioaa

ot \be Nat1-.1 tabOI' Bout wel'e ooaonae4 wila ~n. •i• thiapi

( 1) "'U'1-w1oa cl1aorlll1nation taot1oe of naployen; ( l!l) Ohoiee of'

repnaentatl••• tor eol.l.N111ve bal'tlllaiaa; u4 (8) OOlleol1Ye

b&rgt1n1nc obliaatioaa et NQ)lor••• • USU. Oa the piaoipl• uti-ualon 41aorill1aalioa. '1le BN.»'4 ftle4 that: (l) eapl.oyen

mat not aot 1a 07 .. ur W11UU ~•r -,10,.... ao •• • 41aoounge

•llbenh1p 1a u111ou; (I) tl!at -,,1o,111e ... t Niaatate worken dia-

cbarpd tor uion ao,1n·U••• ut ta.a laok aoa..Y1ol•' •triltara

atter Boart 4eo1e1ou; (1) tbat empl•,el'II _., not kke ,-rt ia \he

open.tioa 01' OOlltl'Ol of eompuy 11111.a ao •• to d.iMl'illiaate ap1ut

uio:u aa4 their Jtipt ot Hl.t-...aiu.\1••• W1 t-b. to lhe

J)l'1nc1.ple ot •• oboi•• of n,Nea•U•• tor ooUeoUve bargaining,

the Boa.ri ruled that: ( l) work_.. aat be tree to ohooae uiona or

individuals as their repreaen.tllltivea; {I) in••• ot a diaagr..-nt

over the duipation ot repreeent.'tiYN • eeoret eleotioa• ahould tMJ

held uude:r the 1uperviaioa ot tbe Board; an4 (3) -.bat ,iae npNaea'llativea

chosen by the •JorU,y ot the worker• &ho'1ld be deeipa'ied •• ti.

bargaining repreHrttativu ot all tu •rkera. W1 th regard to the

third pr1.n.o1ple, tm, oolleotive b&rp.tainc obl1&1&11ou or omployera,

the ao.,rd. held '\bait (l) tke cmoae repreNnta.ttvea ot 'th-e •JeritJ

or the wonera ahould r.oei •• neogai tioa tll'Om employen; ( a) tba

UlilJ)loyera mul •k• a naac:uiable ettol't to naeh an a~ t with

the 'IIIOrkera npneontatiTH; n4 (3) woh agrHmct• that an reached

1a \hie •Y ahou14 be ,mt ia uUia11 a4 eiped. in order w ••t&tbliah

eorta1ntJ ad pod -1.ll.

The tailun of tbe )fati.<tnal tabor Board wa• du• •inly to

1\e lack ot •'-•to1'7 at.tu• an4 authority, s.n4 the itu1bil1ty to

enforce its Nliasa. o,har te.otor• eontribuUng to ito lack ot

euoooae weN the 1nauttie1nt pereormel to ct•l wUb th• lc-ge

ot oompletin'te; the b1•,art1Nn aka up ot the Board. whioh J)l"eTent~

l"Ml Jut!lioial couideratitn1 ot oompla.1:nta bnugnt betore 1 t • and the

rurt th1d the ltoard •u oompoae4 ot •• wboae 1ntu•ta lay elstNhere,

ud wbo .. re lax in their attaclance •t the BoaF4 meetings,

the decilliou to be work«!. out by f1Dettt11'e 1Hctreta:rMJa .md legal

etnft members wbo ._ 1IO hold uet or ,ne hM?"inga.

B. l'ational Labor Relation• ot ltU

Tbe National Labor lt•Lstiou A•t ot 1088 la eou14en4 the

moet impoPtent law• le.Ml' ral&t:Loaa in lhe Uni-4 s-.tea, tma the

stt:&nctpoint of 80ftftfl9 GI ,ol•tlal ett .. t on 11Ulu1'1'1•1 J)NN ua 4.-ol"!ltay. Ia ,i. A.OI ••1 prlaet,l• "" 1aolu4ed ,hat wre 4e-

velope4 by ••ll•r llew Deal labor boau«•, .a •ttorte ftN -4• 11o

avoid the we,tnee ... ud t&U.un• ot ,rm•• law alld ageao1••

•The Ratio•l• Ktllalieaa ut •tab11Ae4 • Jtat1cmal

Labor Bele:ttou BoUd et th.Ne Uft•lelMn", noa--,lo,- -1HtN with

two •1• taot1NII: (1) to PN'f'•t ._io,-. tl'fti •aaciaa ia

oata1a •ata1r labor paotioN'; all4 (8) '° oon.ductl eleelion.a among

employe• ta ona to aee.,..:ln whiob _..,,._--.11a,1vu uou1• ••• the

right to ..... 1.ool1-t1••171t11b -.ploJ'U9 Will'l M111N to the basic

leJ."118 ot fllll)lo,-t. tile 40, -•• ti.ff •atai_. pftotioea•

whioh the Boar« ... 81iipONN4 to pnbiblt (8Mt1on I ., the A.G'I);

{a) tnurt .... e• witll, l'Utatnl or, OI' toeNiQll ot -.ple,._ 1a

their aelt-orpn1ution an4 ooll•etl•• -d'(l91iniq ao11,1t1ea; {b)

t.10111natlon ot, intart•nn•• or t'iaanoial aoatr1bu111on to the

tol.'Dltion or opention et uy labor ff&flaia•U.•11 ( •t:oept ,._, tnitter

Boe.rd regu.14 tiou -,1o,. .. 1111b t eoater w1 th -,10,-. 4ur1J.WJ

working houn wttbeut lNa et pay)• (o) 41aor111ieat1on. with l"et9llll

to 0011di1J1ou ot eaplo,-nt, aimed at eaooungiag or 41eoourag1ag

membership 111 any labor Ol"9ud,at1oa (neep, that oloee4•eaop

.. 50.

agreement between eployers and outa1de laboi- or~iizat1on• were to

be pemiaaible); (4} ctiuharge ot, or d.1aaria1aatioa &l!liaa,, aplo,_.

beoaue they' ••• tiled eba.v811• or givea teetimcmy u4• t.-. Mt; ud (e) retual to l•u••in eolleotively wi\h '1le 4¥17 ao.ctre41ted

•Jority npna•11&t1v• ot -,1o,...a." (Ii).

SN\ioa n1ae ot .._ N&li--1 Ulbu lel.a:iioaa Mt 4•lt with

the eleo\iea • aol.41»& tuel1oa or \he lloa..J'4. To t.11wtaia the

ob01o•• ot the •Jmty ot '\he -,l.OJNa, \1- Bo,arA _. -,owen4 w 4eais-u ,b.e a'11.:n u.4 •••• et th• appronia'ia baq&1a1ng uuit

(i.e. ofttt, plaai, o~ -,lo,ol' uaJ.t) ad to ii•• aeo;ret be.11<.Jta OI'

other eldhble Mtbou,

ieot1on tea an4 tNl•• ot ih4l ut can ta :eoud oar'

powera ot :,ro,ut®ft ud aaroneaan, • a.a ,., •••bliabaeui ot euob

penonael ed re3'll4tiou that it 4..-.4 d .. 1able w •tteot-w&~• the

provision.a of the 4.ot. l 't bat ,11. ri.&h* to aubpoeaa wi --•••• ,... ..

quire auba.lNion ot NGON.8, u4 ooul.4 puniah ob1,w,11oe. taoUoa by

tine or i11pJ'iaoimen\. lt -.ttw a heai-1ag tbl 4itC14-4 tba'i an

employer had been guilty or u Wlf'&1r labo:r paetioe, ii •••

.autuorized to iuue a o-..e•u.4-4u1at cn.-4v, ui 11" 11; •• u,

ooaplied wilh, • to4ea.l OiltCUt OOUJI'\ of' a.ppnla oould be IMti lione4

to~ the eniONeJ181li ot \he or4e. oa •• o\.iler tum.d • J.t ibl 4.oiaiou

ot the BoaK wen 41••Ustaotor., to some P4Wsona, the, oou.ld petition

a tadera.l oirout ooun or appGala for rniew, JllOdU'iOl'.il.tion, or eett1q

•tide or the ordera.

ln ••c,io:n 1hirMtm of the Aot, ,he right '° atrike n•

preeerYei:t, aad ibe proteotiol'l ot the 1ot •• to hOlcl tor employe•

not. working becauee or atrik:e. lookout, or 4iaeriai..,.r, 41aoharp,

unle•• they had obtain.e4 re&11lar epl.e,-at elllewhw••

"II 1s eouoeded thtt 1.n JJtbol' a1tuat1on• 1nwlv1ag eontlio ..

ot inter .. ta the pabl1o in•••t 1a Jl&'ftl.lOUt'lt, that 'thtl publio interoat

ia beat aene4 bJ labor ,-oe baN4 on tne labor 4.-oraoy, e.a4 that

true labor •-•noy 1avolv• joint ooat110l et labor JNtlaticU d4

001141tiou by • ...._ t1111l•J'V and wona ol'fjlllllats..ou, the it met

oe oa,nwd ,., the National l&boi- Rela.t1ou 11.ot •• a atep deeidedly

1u the rigbt 41net1oa aa4 that 1, noul.4 ooatiae to be 1n toNe ao

l.on'l u poNri"ul aployua oentt•• to fla;bl a1ou a.114 w 4•Y labor

dall001"&07. Ono• -,1o.,... ba.4 acoeptie4 ouu14e·unioa1• u4 gi'ffll

up \heir u•• of unfair pn.euo .. to blook uJ.oni•, tn Aot•• Min

reason-tor-being would bav. d1Mp,-nd. !bM • it the ul1kely

th1ng happened • a aarked ehU"t il'l eoon.011,to ,ower from ort,ll!lni~ed.

employer• to OJ"{ll.!ll.fti.H4 won ... w1th an anti-aoeial au.toon.ey

abuae ot Po••r by union 1•4era • • ajority ot tbl 01,1.-. ooula,

through the ooa.aiatent exero1•• ot 4niooi-&'1o ,roo•du.Jte• ourb theee

abuae• by appropriate e'tatutory prohtb1t1oa ot tmfair an.4

adirin1atratiou thereof." (38).

Durin£~ 1937 the ie,:µ.a.Llturea or t'iv• at11tea {Masaaohuaet:t•,

!tew York, W1eeonain, Pennaylvan1a, 3Ud Utah) enacted labor relai1ona

act• m4eled lifter the Na~iou.l .Labo:, Relationa .\.Gt, although there

are eoa important 41f'tel"eou au a.4d1t1ou. The t1'6.h .\Ct, tbe tirat

suoh law tot. aaot.ed, 1• ftl"Y oloeely attw the N111U.011Al

!...,abor nel,-ttion• !lo.Ct, while too ~riaoouin Aot, the aeuond Si;ate labor

r&l~tioua w.ot 1io b-0 pq.ased, divtirgoa aa great d•l r1·om th• N'lti<>Ml

,iJt. Tlw on b:.,porb\ri. t tl1f'ter-0ne~ 1n the Mal'IAaohutWt• ;\.Ct ie iu-

::ilutiion or the sJ.t-dom:. strike Q.s ~n urd', l.ubox.- p.r11u.ltice. '!'he

:-'o.1m,1ylv1.ini'.l ttnd !few Yo:rk :\.ct$ der~rt trom iiha &tior14.l I.abor

R,1lit10t1S >.Ct t¢ :t, .:Jonsida:r<:ii.'1M degree.

ill ot the St'"'w .:..ow regultttG the labor relt~tion:shipa or aa.p10:1e~3 an{~:.\{{04 in WON af ·" str1okl.y intra.stat• mtur. ttnd prov14e

fo1 .. a 001,1n:..1sinn or i)<hi.l."d to adminiet&r the law and a,u1rantef!t to

ern<p:;iy:J,)a t 1:(t 1--i;;f,t or aelt-or~ni311t1on ~nd t»lleotive bu-ga!ning.

'i"hH Jt::i.tti i\.~IM .;;1.lso :::i.uthorize th& l:1bor relation.a bo:i.n.•d to detm.•Ntine

thi:'3 npr1:u1ontativcs or th$ Willployeea, by taking tt aocret ~llot fir

tr.!$ ~:plo:,ees or by ut1l1zlng some other -.tlod to d.etfJl"rnine the

ro~reaim ta tion.

Ut1,;ah is th.o only one of the ti ve ata 1es ldiooe .t.ot ta at'i-

m! n.:..:;tered directly 'by the :Jta\eu Inauatr1al C:omtdss1on. 1n nmr


York, PenneylYanla, and .MaalMlOhuNlte, the labo:r l'elatioae board

eatabliebed by the aota 1a la the s11ate iabor h,art•••• wt la tu

laat two ot tbeN 8tatee 1, 1a apeoitioally prov14ecl that the boud

ahall tuaet1oa 1114t1J:Mt1tcl•tl1 et •u labff a.,...--,. la Wi•ooula

the Labor Rela t1ou !Oal'4 1a a ffPlft\e •ti -.y t•• tbl 111aeou1a

lnduatria1 Comiaeion, althenlgh a __... ot tbl GOllll1aa1oa Hff•

on the bOarl.

Ia all the •••• ,he Pl'O•e4un tor 1••••1• 111HI, hea.ringe

by tbt bau!'4l, e4 tor t111q elai• tolio. oioa.1,- ••• et ,m

NatioMl la.bol' lela,iou -.... All ban tbe r1gbt to subpoena

w1 iaeaeea, to ,et1 Uon OOU'U te11 •ton-.nt, u4 all. apMlty, aa

4oN '1a BaUOMl lAtllol' blaUou, , ... t1'e t1a41aca •t ,.

boal'd •• 1IO tbe taeu, 1t aupporte4 by ftllaoe, ahall be ooa•

clua1Ye. 'The Rn Yen U4 Pouaylft.llla A.OM ••• tbat othel'

&VYemMntal aceao1ea d4 mat ate a•tlable w tile

labor rel.atiou bom df latonatioa or J"NOffl that the boo4 ay

require. la Utah, '11eoou1n, aa4 MaaaaohuaMta, •• with the

National .Labor ftelattou sou«, thia 1nr--.11oa 1a tun.1ahec1

only upon the NQ.uNt ot ,he ehiet UHa.tlft.

The 4eol&nt1oa ot pol107 ot the lot• of trtah an4 Maaaaobuaette

f'ollon that ot the ••tt.onal l.Abol' Relation• a, pl'&otioally • ,be

letui-. on the oth.8" baa4 1 the a.eta ot RN Yolk, P8llllaylTU1e., and

w1eoouin do not t111Phaa1ae u their •J• purpoN ,he N11110val ot

ot diapulH whioh tenet to obatnot oeaeroe, mat ra'Gher the

remo-v11l ot' •• 1aequal.itiu ot bargaining ,onr d4 ot poor woning

condition. 'l'lle M• Yol'tl: ocl Penftaylvan.1a A.eta rater apee1t1oall,-

to ,,,..tahope, clepreeae4 punbaaing ,...,., NO'lll"'NDt bulin"• te•

pruaiona naulliag t"roa dieparity b••- pJOctuotton and oonaump\ioa,

•• ffil.e ,-., ue )D'Othloed w-.. -,lo1ff• &nd employ ... by tla

1neq_ual1 t,- ot the barpiniq ,ower. 'flbe wteoonata A.e1 4oea ao,

mention the obaii.ot1on to the tJ'ee flow ot c<IIIJm'oe, •• the

damage to the welfare _. :tt.&1'11 of the lftlblio, wt ntera t.o ti.

1aequa.11 ty NtWNll _,io,.,.. at employee•.

Although ,_ 1atetioa ot all tl'ff ot the Staff A.Ota -· to

'bring under ,uir proteotioa thoae _,1o,- mt oe'ffl"84 by the

National La'bOr Relattou ut cw the ,-.,.1 Ra1lny Laboit, the

Juriadiotional llaea betweea the 8'8te and Na.tienl boa.rd.a are •ot

unitoi,nly ezplielt. 'ftle Peaa171wn1a 1a41eaW that tu tuaotioaa

or the Stah Boa4 ••-1•• WUN, •• Of'" latioal La~ Rela11NU

Boa.rel leaYea off. Tl» ........ ,. PNY14• ti., 111 aball no,

be applicable to untaiJ' ,aeUoN tbal u. nbjeol to the Battonal

Labor Rele.'\iou, wt 1\ •••• aot pl0h1ld.t the Stat• loa1"4 f'l"Oll

conduoling el•\toaa ia any pl.aat.

The Utah uolud.N tho•• nbJeet to the Rail•:, tabor ,\ct,

but gi••· the State loaJ'd lhe l')O'Nl" W 1aYNtipte dl" oontoYONY

atteot1ng tnt:ra•tate ooaeree or the operation ot industry. "l'he No

.. 55.

York ••Y• tblt it 4oea not apply to tbOae emplo,eee who are

aubjeo\ to aat protN1ie4 by the ••tioal tabor Rela:Uoaa "ot u4

the ,ectenl :Rail•Y Laber AG,.

fta W1aooub .lot 414 no, 11m11tioa Iha aul'tJeot ot lur1a4ie\ion •

but ,lleS-late loa,C ••-· tat '\be pct1NP to NfllllaM> Nlation.a

la not npuae4el by the llatieul IA,.. Relatl o• 10,. All ot the

state aota uel.1114• aartG11l"'"1 u4 taeatte •l"k•r•, an4 tfhoae la


Like lh• •t101Ull tabor Rela ti._., all ti. ff or the State

Act• nter to• labor 41a,nt4t u II oentNYertlY Nlahet 'IO the t•l'IIII

or oond1 tlo.n• ot -,1o,-n, a.a q,uMt1 ... er repftlt•tettoa. "1e

right to atr1ke ha• 'been pruened in allot the State il.O'Y, but the

Maaaach\taet'la AOt 4eolant that• a1t-4na a,r1te 1• aa ufa1r labor


fte Skte aottl toll.ow the Batieal hlaUo-u ta 1n.elu41ag

aon.g tboN w be pNtNtect '••• 1a11nnal• no lilaff ••••• wostag

•• a cenuqunee ot Ol" la eonaNtion wt. th a labor diaput•. flle ••

York ud "1.._.ta uta teolan tat• atrllce-ttnater -.u llot be

eotUJ14ere4 aa aployee •• tu •• pnwo,ton u4ff tblt A.Gt ooruterne4.

Tbe Mn Yol"k law detin• a a\J'ike•l>:rea.ker a• an 1a41Titlwll employed

oalr tor ta 4uat1on et a lahoi- 41SJMi•, ud the WiMGUln law

clatine• a a\rtke-bneker a• d ladi nclal who takee lhe plaoe ot

eapl.oyeea cturing a

'?he A.eta of Pennsylvania, Me.asaomuH1tta, and. r.rt.h resemble

the National labor Relation• in the respect 1lh&.t their la•• give

their boards"- power w deoide 1,:a each oaao whether the appropriate

ua111 tor the purpoae ot colleo" 'bl.:rpiniag aball be eaployer unit,

on.ft uai'i, plant unit, Ol" ao• aub41Yie1en lbllJl'eot. The Kw York

>i.ot atatn that the •Jori.,y ot •ployeea ay ha:nt tile l'ight to

oh.ooae the type ot ont11 tt1a• ie beat niwd tor their JNl'1JO•• and.

the bOard will 4e•i- \e thia p.rticm..b.r ,,-,. ot ontt as '11•

appropriate unit tor the Pftl1)08e of collective 'bflJ"81lil'lilJ8, The H18oonoin

·1..ot declarea tut the baN MY deoliae jurl.a41ot1oll ia uy 011•• it tt believe• that the Polio1ea of all oonoerned will be~ p1"0f!'\Oted

by not acting.

'?he untair labor pw.ctieea al)tl'oitied in tbe Utah aa4

PennsylvlJ.llia a.Ota are P11111et.eall:, idetlcal with tbttN in the National

labor Relation• Actt. 'i'o thia u.., Ille Ma.lHhlohuNtta at adda the ait-

down •trike. Th•••• Yon and Wiaoonain Aeta e.d.d to the Uat ot un-

f'a1e labor practieee the u•• ot a,1ea uaft. bl&okl1ate, eel they alao

go into ach 8ft8.'-r detail tbaa the ffaUoul labor lelatiou A.Ct with

re•pect tonwhat ia eona1dere4 •• employer d.omiutioa aad P•rtioipation.

'fbe Utah a.n4 Manaobuaette u,a, lik:a the kUoM.l Labor

Relation• ±Ult, de:tin a labor o:11pniM.ti0n to man u orpni11at1oa or any, or u employ• NJ)reaen'ktion OOD'!littee or plan, in whiob

employee• ,art1c1pate, and wn1oh niata for the purpose ot dealing

with employer• oonoorning ,grievano••• labor disputes, wag••• hours

~nd working oonditiona. The Pennaylvania ict atatd tht.t a l~bor

orguiaat1on IIWlt not deny membership to uy in41viclul or

1"411oe, cre,ul, or color. fb.e Nn York u4 liaoo1taia Mt• 4etiu •

labor orpnizatioa in tU'U eiard.l.a.:r to thtt latioal LabOr Rel&_.ou

A.Ct, except they e.4d that a GOllp&JlY union 1• ut a labor orpa.ization,

an4 dertae a company u1oa •• •n C111Pl01"8' apaoy in tlle ona.tio11

a.nd tunetioni11g of nioh the -,loyer panioipated. la pne"iiee,

company union.a •• hen 4etined cuu, be 4eelt.::N4 1.Uegal by the

National Labor Rele.tieu Boal'd ud. the Utah. -.aaebue1rta, and

Pennsylvania floarda, on the baaia or tbo atair labOr practice

proviaiona or the &eta.

'!'he Wiuonain ia the only 8'11.M law which gives its

Labor Relation• Board the power ot arbitration and ocnoiliation.

The Acta of Pennaylnnh., Utah, and. MatJsaohuaetts follow the National

Labor Rel.a. tiona A.ct in that they ata.1ie the Board ia aet att'ihoriud.

to appoint 1a4h1.duala tor the purpoae ef •41atioa an4 coneiUation,

where aueh aerYice ay be obtaiaed t!'Om the of tabor.

'fhe New York .io.Ot ie inore direet and deelarH that neither the Board

nor ita aganu ea 11eo.iate, oonoiliate, or arbitrate 07 labor

disputes. The W1aoou1n &ot, on the other, state• that tbe

Board my appoin.1' oo:aoiliawra and J>l"O'Vide fro their expenaes, l t

alao ampo1ren 'the Board to aot 1.u.1.d to appoint othen u arb1 tratora


in libor disputes.

All five ot the State ,\.Ota {exeal)t tie• Yol'k) toll.ow the

wording ot the ht1onal LabOr Rel& iiou at in •pcnre!'iq their

Boards to decide when a queaticm et re,reanta'1on ha.a ar1••• u.d. t

the option a.a to whether or not an elect1cm ahall N belt. ffhe Rew

York 1lOt doea not allow 1ta Baa..rct to aet 111 juJ'iadieticmal diaputea,

but 1.t pel'Jllllta aployen to petitioa t«r eleetioaa, although their

requuta ay not be •• acle det;enain.aat et whetb• aa aleotioa aall

be held. TM 1.e, wo epeoit1es tbe,t. the eleotiona allall ut be held

on the amplOJeN' Pl'OPO\Y, .s,u:tng wol'ltiq noun, OJ" with the aasistanee,

pan1oipati.oa, .- au:r;,en1e1on ot empla,e.

Ot tbe t1Ye State A.O\a 'ihe Bev Yon Mt ia pJ' the best

troa the a-.nd,oint of ooveaae, etc. 1.'lle princd.pu. ,rovtaion.s ot this

aot are aa tollon:

AO'U ot 113'

"l~'!!, - The purpoN or ~hie aot :ta to 41aiaiah the eausea

ot l.4bor dhputea. to a&ftl'e wonere the fl'lvU.ege ot joiniq labor

ort~niZ"d."Uona ot lheir on. oh01oe, .ad guarantee eolleet1 ve

bar ff'.ia.1113.

4.b1n1a,tmt1op • Ii. State ltbff NlatiOfllll bctu4, composed ot

three meaben, &ll,Oiated by the oovenor "1 an4 with "-8 a4vioe ad

eonoent or tbe senate, ie or•'te4 in 11be clel)llr-., of labOr. T?w

board shall not en,cage in aay effort to m4iate, coaoiliate, or

ub1tnte a labor 4iapu'4t.

'R,ie! I!. oi-191• • -,107•• aball have the right .., eelt-

organiat1oa, 'IO toa, Joia,, OJ' .-1a, label' Ol'IUl1n,t.ou, to

bsr{f&1n oolleetively tlm.'Mlgh repHeentats..-.. ot 'IM11' own ollooe1-,

auc •-.... 1a ooaoerietl ae,1Y1t1•, tw-. ~•• ot oollea~lft

bu311a1:n.g or otlla •wal 1114 or 1>10tMtla.

UD.ta1• ,labal' metift! • l t •Jball lHt a uata11' pao'tioe

( l) to apy ut,0n •• ic-, a4ff •n•S.11.tmff ,0.7 aot:1¥1 Uu of aploY'ffB

oz, tbeu npre .. 1au ... 1a t» enn1•• or tha riah• auuaatee4 bf

th1a act; (I) w prepan, aia11ain, tlS..tdba'te, or eil'ftla~• u.:,; (S) to 4oa1Mte or lnUJ!"ter with 11- toniat1oa or ad-

m1n1svatioa ot uy labor •r1U1lzatioa •• eontrib•t• t1aaao1al or

other aupput to it; (4) w nqatR an -,10.,.. OJ' oae •eaiag

_,1.o,..,. u a eon.41'1on ot -,1.,..,, to jo1a aay ooapaay untoa

•• to Nhain hGlt jot.a1ng •• t•nd.11& •• aa1n11141 a labor Ol"ld•

1zatian ot hi• owa ellooelng; {I) w •~ or 4ia....._. .... .-

alt.ip 1a aay labor oJpD1aaU-oa b7 di•r1.alaatlon 111 l'tt8llN • bin

or taun ot -,lo1f11811t ot •• teN ot oon41 Un of -,1o,-nt

{eloH4-ahop. ••--••• ho...,_., are pennitted); (6) w nrun to

b&rfl!1a cellaa,1vel7 with "9 NPNfl•'\atlYH ot hla -,1.oyeea;

{7) 1iO Ntt1n to dt.aau• ¢nauee with re,na•tat1v• ot t11111Plor•••;

{O) w d.i.eohal'le or othefti.M 41Nrin1H\e ._.,._, a.a ..,10,._

beoo.uae he baa tlle4 ohaJ'tlU or g1 •• tnt1may undo ~ia aot; and

( 9) to interter w1 th, rN1U,'lllin, or ooeroe eu.ployed ht the exerciee

ot the righ'8'8.Atee4 by thia act.

Deaiptloa ot !!J?J!',e89P'1lti•• - Re,NN11w.t1••• deaignaied

or Mlecte4 :tor ,he p.&l"JKHHN at eolleo'1Te barpinia& by the •Jorit.1

ot the e-,loyeea in a. uai t u.PPJ'OPl'ia •• tor aaoh J')Url)OHa ehall b4t \be

exal.uai •• ft'PR•eatidi vea ot a.ll ihe 81Q>lOJ'MS 1a suob unit tor the

purpoae or oolleo1iin 'bd',,..ini.a~, ht rNpe,t to ra-.. ot pay, wagtua,

houre ot urplo,-n,, or other oond.Uiou of -.loyaet. The boari

ahall deoi4e whether the un.1, n,ppropriate tor eolleotive bar~1n1ng

sh~ll be the -,layer uat•, e:ratt w:a.i\, plat oit, •I' d1' other

uni 11, p:ro'ri.ded that ia. a117 oue wbeN \be •Jor1 ty ot employees of' a

part1oule:r catt shall n 4eoi4e tu bean ahall 4ee1SM,te auch or•tt

aa a unit ap,ropria,e tor the l)lD'poae or eolleo\ive u-..iaiag.

Whenever \hen ia a flU.Utioa OJ' ocmitNYeny caeaaing ~• n,preaea•

tation or amplOJN&, the board •1 in"le1ti191,1e tile eoatrov•n1 an4

oert1ty to \he IJ!lt/111 .. , in n1.'1ng, the ••• ot ,a npneea'4Uvea

tm.t haft bee dMipate4 or Hleote4, '!'be bN.1\11 •7 take e. aecnt

ballot or u,111- ur other suitable Jllliltho4 to aaoert~1n ti.


~!.M!., • OaeTe any 1>9raoa 1• cbar-4 with u un•

ta1r labo!' paaiiu, a hMl'iag •Y oe had before tla bcJfu>4 or a

~ber, or lMPtor• a deaignate4 agent. Tu teatilllOll>' ••ll be tiled

with the boari, !ID4 if' the l)aa1'1!1 t'1nd.a that the orua.rgu are vue, 1t

shall iasue lln orc.\er requiring the RU1l'ty peraoa to atop noh uat"air

l.!lbor praetioe, ud to 114k• euoh att'ina.'ti•• aotton, 1nelu41q re•

1nau.tement or 91111>loyeee with or without back pay, a• m7 be rittoaa•r:r•

The bo.art1 eha.U _.:i"etUire, •• a ooa41Uoa preotMt•• to taking e.olion

or ieauiag uy ol'tei-, tba, aplo,.... Oil atrike llh&ll 41uoat1aue auoh

atrike. "fb8 'boal'4, o• lta 4ltly autbortse4 •-•• ahall at all

N480ll&ble tiaea baTe aooeN ,o · any e'fidenn ot a Pttl'8on being in•

veet1•-«• lfbe boald. -.,. 1NU• nbp-•, aclm1aiawr oathll, eamiu, an4 noe1Ye ff'l4eaoe.

Baton--• or •-«--• •Pl!!!• - '!'be l!Oal'il •Y ,-,1,1on the

eupNae oourt in aay oounty fol' the em:t'oN..-nt ot aa oldeit. !be

oourt •7 gaat tuoh tNipon,..., Nl1et or natni11ina oae. a4 MY

enter a. deone atoning. 1Ddit1ing1 or 11tt1r'1ag ae14e 1.a whole or in

part the order ot the bollJ."4. '1'he tindin«9 ot •he bott'ftl eh&ll be oon•

cluai•e •• to the taote, it suppo~ by eridnoe. !be juria41ot1on

or the ni,reme oou.rt •ball be e.nlualft a.u 1'8 Ju4-t u4 4eone

ahlll be tim.l, l1Ubjeot 1 however, to review by the apJHtlls.te 41viaion

or the auprane court.

14.D.f penon agpl..-e4 by a final ••• ot ,ne boa1'41 -,

ob1Gaia a :MYiw ot auoh orcter 1n tbe ap._. oov.n bJ fiUa, a ui tten

petition praying that the orte et the boarf be •d1t1ed or ••t aa14e.

V~ol,:!Uona - Paiab•a:t by tine or bl>r1Nuaaat or both ia

pl'OY14e4 te any person naiating or 1.ntfff•1as with uy aeaber ot tbe

board in the pertol'm!U1ce or h1a dutiee.,. ( 34) •

A• the eoope or \be Railway Labor Bela tiona u, •• narrowly

restricted., and ae the Na.Uonal Labor RelaUon.a A.ot applied. oaly to

tho•• iaduatriea which atfeoted the tlow of interatate commerce,

there reainecl a luge mmber ot •ployaat• whion oalT atate law•

could cover. AJDOa« th••• uaooYered iaduetriea nn -...ri•• Irate

re1ulered 'by hotel•, rea1la.11raate, beeJ1tale, lamulr1•• u4 filling

etatioaa; r-e\ail tra4e; local 11tiliti .. , loeal act iatn.••••

tl"l\naponation; buildiq tra4u, ed thoae --.11 eoal.e Ma-atac\uree

that rely Ul)OJl lNal •n••· W1111'. •• -. .... , ot etaw l••• ,-nlleliq that ot \he

Hatioul Le.bor Relatioaa Aal, ••• probla ot JuriedioUoa will D"1turally

a:ri••• Tlle Na'lliOMl Bartl ahoul« llaadle •u• atteeting iawntate

OODaeroe, and the atate boarda should 4eal only wii}). tho•• utair

labor praotion that atteo\ intraatate eo-.roe. !Ilia appana.11

dittioul ty •Y Ito r.a.ndled by appl7ing a :rule ot oonui ty, •h•reby \he

firat oourt "° o&taia juria4iot1C)B ehall aot be ia\el'tend with by

the other.

!'he erploita.Uon ot •rk•• by aae -,loy-eN baa •4• 1t

neoeaaaey for th• OoTvmnaai to paae lan that 114.11 elilliaak au'b•

standard workiag conditiona. \'he exia\anu Of au'bate.D.daNI working

condition• in the long naa will eventually leeA. to 1a4uatr1al eoatliet.

lu order -to meet tbe neeaa ot worker•• an4 • ))1'10111.0te ••

eatabliahmeat ot .re ancl tair wol'k1rtg oonditiou, a state Labor

Department ,ould require the following ol8U'l7 4et1ae4 powen:

8 (a) l.nvutiptft eoiuiitiou ot emp1o,-,, n:por1' ••

pubUah iatona tion.

( b) lll8JeOI all •rk plae• u4 eatol"Oe la\>or la•· <el se, 4e'41U.e4 •t.aa•r«• ter P4 healt~l PftOt1"8,

min11Ul1l ..... 04 O$h•· .,1.,-.t ·••UtioM ,ht. t ....... M

?ninvtely PJ'MOl'ibec\ b1 law. by tnwiq a,p .... pN111118tl,\1ag .. , .. --·

(4) 4.daiaS.•'ter wol"kltea'• ...,._.,1oa • to• 1aJaNCl workan.

( •> it""1a1awr _,1o,._, auv1•• J tor, wll'keN ... kill&

Jobe, alM1 .,.1.o,._ ... kine •a ... (t) A.daiautu ....,1o,.., ...,_.u .. "" tor u-.iployet


{&) Meti&'-, oono11iate, aa4, on nqUMt, aniu.u ia•

d.uatr1al 41aputn.

( h) Malat woJbn ta ool.lAtot1ac ftli.4, ua,ai4 RP e1-i•.

(1) Ooo.P'Jn te •1 '11 ether aaeno1• ta •81'¥1•• to wol"kara,

employers, u4 'ta ..._.n.1,,, 1/Uld la inpl"O'l'lq ..,io,-at ooa41Uon.e ... (55}.

l r • .,._,. Labor ~•• nre llflPOl'UN • a. all t,aue

th11119. it woul4 obvioual:, .nqu1n aa authle appropri••t••• •

qu,lit1ed 1tatt, an.4 thf, wuluataa41q u4 appWt ot ta pu,'blio, ia

order to our, ou, ,_ha iaatNctieu tNOoNatully. .Reeopl.Uott tat

~ise labor legialat1on pnunu 'hi rtpu aa4 ••ll-l>e1ag •t \be

uulividwll, aD.4 alleYia'I•• aoo1al aad ••onoaio iajual1oe, 1•4• to

u appnoiaUoa ot the 1apo1"tanoe ot the State ageao1 obarpd w:i th

eatoroiag and adainia\ertng th••• law.

la V1rgia1& iun ia an BO'fl:n Law tol' womltll wh1oh p:mhl bi \a

the •11J>loymen.t ot .._ worken tor V.a a1ne hftft • da7, and

tony-.1ght b.oun a ••• Then an a.lH la•• whtoll relate to

aan.i '\a'Uon. and eafet7 ia 1n4uatr,-, and a law pnllibi•t•a G\lll4ay work:

(exoept tna, whioh 1• ooaa14ee4 a ••••1'1')• 'l'llu• la•• 114k• tor

better working oon41ttou in 11141let17, au an an ai.4 to the

hal"ll!Oaontoua nlatio1uth1,- n,...._ aployen aa4 -,1o,-a. 'for thi•

and 1111u1y othN' nann.•, tlle labor la• of Virginia aboul4 be n-

pu,ded a.nd 1aproft4, a4 tbe :penouel of \he Depanalat ot tabor and

lndua11ry alKntld be enlarget, •• taat n:1atiag aal tutun labor lawa c

oaa be •l'II ettee'tl•ely eatcwoet. The la•• 4ealiJ11 with aat'\y in

inciuatry ahoultt N nrrtNt aad •x,u4e4 ao u w ps-e>Yi4e tore. grMtel' ot aatty aa4 fol' betteJ' ,n'4Ml'1ea et tlae publio. 'l'hen ahould

be a stat. wa,- aact IINJ" La:w lo nn1 ... , "-• Na,1oaal ta• ao tba t

aployen 111 1r.ul'utrl• to1ng a local aad ••'• aal .... onl,-, •Y

nee1Ye pro'4Httioa from long houn an4 1ew wgea. The -,101ee who

get• a fair qge, who wrke uter pleaaaat o.4 ... 1,_,. ooa41t1oaa

and reasonable hours, u -••rally kt1at1M. '!b1a •tlataeUoa 1a

••••nt1a.l tor \he beat rela.tione).tp 1Mt._.n -,loy•n •• -,loyeea.

u thel!'e ta uo aoh1nery to batldle intua,rial. 41aputee, •

state Labor Rela'iiou .i.i.O't (pnt.,.•11 pa,temed anei- the Mn York

labor Relaliou ,lot) ahould be adoi>ted u.4 a llledla:\ion board created

in tbe s-.te tabor Depa,rwat. lf the boU'd 1• to bl auooeut'ul

there •hould be r..o pol111oal a.ppoia~t• to it. Mecliatioa baa bNJl

euccea•ful bffauu it don not. aJ.PlY' pnann or ooeroi®. Peaoe

is achieved by bringing both aid•• to,ethar on a t.HllS>ll gl.'OUnd ot

settlement, when they l•m to know and undeNtta.n4 Moh other bett•r•

and lMm to make oon.eeaeiona and oomp1"Ql'11aN. •r ••b'born 4M4-

looks hi•'lf• been broken by ~••• ned.1ator• who baff iupind oon-

t'ideace and respect in the ttia1JUtanta. l!eeau•• ot the-., ad-vantagH

and opportunitiu :ror iD.duatri,al 4ffeloprnan1; ia Virgiaia, a st.t•

l.~bor Helations !t.Ot, with prov1aiou to aettla itu'mstriu 41apu'tea,

atop •ny ot tbe evil.a ot atll"iku.

'the :reo•t tnm4• in labor 1eg1,1a,1on are a Nault of the

ohanae• in public tbougbt. Socia,y 1• beainnin.g w ~1ze that

equal trea'ta8at of u.aeca.-l.8 ia ..,..,. am tbeit aoe1al 1n'41reate are

more 1-,oJflant tfl!IA the ia41v14ual right to u abatno, fneclOltl ot

contziaoi. The legal euotion tor aaoro11ehmeat upoA tne4oa i.e

rouud in the polio• l)O'llfeJ' and nen though the ooUl"'h h1,:re aot bNn

aa willing a• legtalato?!"S to nal1ae the legttiao1 ot inter:terenoe

with individual righta. public opinion ll~• gradually 1ntl,umoe4 oourt

opinions. ln the tutuJ:'9 1 the attitude ot the oourt to•r4• labor

legialation, will be pidecl by 1oeial aHda rather than 'by lepl


'fl. :SV'A.WA'flOlf OY OOIJ.JiX'1'1 ft BUlGA.l.MUIO

1. Pr1mr1ly rroa the :Publ1o'a Vin Point

There ia a growing tendency on the J)&l't ot ihe public to

recognize the dutter ~nd n•te whioh Hftll 1rhen induatrisl dieputea

are aettle4 by 1nduatr1al nrtan. The loeau reeulting trom such

strife, are not eaay to •a.sure. Du.• to tba 1nt:r1oate Ht-up or modern ind.u.atry, the atoppage ot work h. a 1ingle i:ad•atry will have

a wideapraa4 etteet upon other 1nduatr1••• u 1a4uair1al 4ilpr1te that

involve• a key induatry auoh as mining, ateel, or public utiliti .. ,

will panlyze bu.aiaees in a large area, l.iUid will ff(!uee th• oommttnity

income or t~ public.

Squally impor~t ar• the intangible lo•••• wh1oh reault

t"rom an a tmoe:phere et bit. ffl''IUNls uA ill wi U. lase ean.ers 1111.k•

up the largea1 ail\gle group in the publio, and 1n ao tar •• thlir

rights and grievuoea can be woably a4Juated, the public benetiu.

Tile tNditioD.8.1 ineoriea or eocaomioa aa4 politiee being

baaed upon the principle that there ia oomplet• freedom or aetion of

fffllPloyera and employees, are no longer tea'bl.e. Trade and employer•'

associatione, like labor organizationa bar6'1lin a• individual• onoe

did. For this reaaon there is a 4-.n.d tor governmental direeticn

l.lnd supervision w aaaure the •~rety ot tho consumer an.d the certainty

of fair play among theae orgQnizationa. The atopp,a.p ot the pro•

duction or tood • tuel, emd tranapor'tlltion has aroused the

h-. ot \he publio, aD.d at tlaN 1.he Ni-iu of labor tU.aputi• are not

nooga1ud beo&uH ot '111• iff1 ta.j1•• If the aovermaaat 1a too

haaty 1a 'their at111oa, ,ti-, N7 4~••1'b a J.-git1ate u4 nll ... •oa4uote4

aw1ke. 1.oNY.-, 1• 1u,1q au 111 Ille eakl)l.1abaeat or

••r-u1a OfftQl'Rlle\al ._.o1 .. whioh-. tapanial 1aYeaticat1oaa, and.

1atenene., t.hJ'oNb tll• ••• •t •4iatioa u4 arb1uat1oa. ln4u8tl'1al PMN oPaOi be •lYad by ..a$1aw1q etl'J.kea. The

11aJo.r1ty ot atr'1kN ooav •-• ot ,ne•n ••n• by•• o:r both

aid.u 1n aa .,..,, '° 4r1v• a betteJ' b&:rp1n. The oalr n.J 1tr1kea

OaA b4t •••• 1• 'br nba\itu:Uac a bett•• •tho4 ot u1vias bapiu.

a• \he UN et oont.-...a. the ainNN 1aveeti,at1oa• into

the oau•• ot •trite, Ud oantull.7 inn a.atraota betwe aplo1en

aail e.ploy.... a.v.._a-.1 apem11oa wiU beooM neouea:ry it suet:

methoda U"&\ aot voluataril.7 emplo,a4 by 1114u, ... f'M baaia for paoe-

tul 1a4uat.rb.l coa41 t1ou 11• 1a ta opporwn.iv toJ" oolleoti va

b4'.J."sa1n.1ug to be e&ffie4 on thJNHlah Joiat oont•••• ot union re•

p:r••••tivee ••4 r49NHatat1YN ot tile _,10J4Q'S.

!be nau.lw .i •• ex,erieace 1».cU.oate tu tat;1lit:, ot

at'811pting to obtain 1a4U~1al »•••• by ul1t~ lqiala$ioa. Under

a.-,cra'1o • .,...._,. ~017 ubt lration 118UUZ"N are •• with

111.tle •uooeta. la. all .... ooao111a\1on 11.u p,rove4 mat aati•tactory.

Ro1l e. ..U NaMJ.N ot auooM8 b&• been •obi.Ped. t~ M41ation.

Sinoe 1034 the 1Meal OOYel"IUNlll baa taken import11n$ atepa towards

the scope or the l11gner ;tet in prodding tor orderly aolJ.eotive

bar,f'Jlining in oases or a.ninteretate na t,u.-e. l mve tu.rther pointed

and oontrol oolleoti.-e blrgaining in. Ju.rely int:rae'tate caaoa.

mehinery tor 4ta.lilective bu•111ining it is J11JY f1m belief that it

would be des1Nble for V111tinia to OMa.te the n"esMry legislation.

Since 1 t baa al:N&tly been etated $.8 eound public polioy by

con~ress and approved or by the Suprmne Court, 11111' recomendatione for

d1 reetly in line with our beet 4etn0eratic principles. A.• ncte! by

the Chi•t 1ustice ot the United States, political democracy and Oltt

industl"ial eteaoora.ey are q,uite eonaiatent,1albng •i th the other.

Since I am a thorough believer in demoontie gov<trtu1,wt, 1 bt11lieve

that our ComonwMlth oan beet be served by es·h.bl1shing and•

taining industrial peace throu8h the fair and democr~tio ~ethod ·

of oolleotive bt!trpining.

ll ffla'NU 01 Tm ( 1) • Dau~;bert1r, C. R.

Litbor Probl_. 1n JUMr1oan ln4u1u,,. !:ouah, toll Mi:rtl1n tlOl!t'P'IJ.iY, Wn York.

Obapter XIV - fuaotional apeou ot TJn1oa1am. pp 4150. 1038.

(2). The Erioyelo,,oe41a Of' tq SOoi•l sole.ON. '.che Ma•llall COJI\P$.rt1, h'e• York.

Vol. 111 • pp &18. 1988.

( 3). For a. IION complete di1ouHion or ti. conottpt ot oolleotive baX-Q:.iiuing no ll'10:,rolopo•di~ or the Sooi.,,,1 Stlionoes, Vol. llll., PP· eas.

aoxic. • 11. r. - -rr-a.:le tinioniaa tn the Unit~tt E; t.u. ta..s ~pp 856~425. !l'I.Ugherty, o. R. • Labor PN\leu in AJNricaa ladutry •

PP• 00~. Webb, Stdaey amt lla1.l!'io• • lndu•tri-.1 OemooftCY .,. pp 1'13•849,

337-006, 440-517, 804-813.

( 4). The eooaow.c th__,. 1nvolvd 1• nll hand1e4 in; llioka, z. a ... iftleol")" of Wages. Douglaa, P • .H. • 'fheoey or ffl!lges.

(5). ~le>r, •• G. Lat,or Problelll a.114 t&b01" La••

:P:ratieo•llall, Ne• Yon. Oh&pte11 lV • 0rp.A1Hc1 Labor: l U J>rilllU'7 Objeotift• •

.Pl> 87. 1938.

{5) • ,'4rret t • Oa.:ret nta,'bor Al The OOlden Gato".

T!.e Satu:rd.Q" E:venin,;i :Poat. pp 12. Va.Nb lS, l9t,'g.

( 7) • U.&ughtt.l'ty, c. R. tabor Pl!"Ob1- in Uter1eu ln4uatJ'7.

!t>upwn Mi ffli11 OOl':'J)any, New Yor,k . xt "I .... Junc\1onal upecta. ot Un.ioniem. pp ue ...

447-~::,S. 1938.

(a). ____ ,, 4:15-448.

{~). ---- pp 44.'1.

{10). See 11 BsnGfita ~ d Ob jeatin.s.

(ll). Daugherty, O. R. I..£.bor rx-ot:l•a l:n ,:i;n,~rioa.n l rtd.i~st1•y.

Houghton W.ttlin Coapar, NH York. Obapter n i - Ptll'u.rtional .u,ecta or tJnioaism.

... '69--iBO. 118.

{ 12) • Pete:noa, r1o.._.. Review of :.ltrir:es in ti1e tTn1ted Stattt8. u. s. O.,artMD'I ot tabor Jllllet1n. Serial No. R.,,o.

pp 13. l9ZS


( 14) •

( l6) • l• UoA&.l l&ior a.~ t 1ona •ot u. s. l>eptll'._, or Lallor lalletia, Serial Ho. 1.:r,a.

l)J) 1-2. 193?.

( 16) • S'ia\e l.&boi" Rel.a 1P.OM ~ta u. s. Dlts'la.,._, ot taltor !1111.letin, No. a.Gl8. PP l-2. 19:rl.

( 17). St.eel Workers Organiz1n.g iloit!mi ttee Pllo4uet.ift Pabl_.

Publi•a•icm. N&. a. pp 5.

(18). ----'' 11. (l»). ____ PP lt'i.

{20). ____ pp 17.

(21). ---- pp 18.

{t2). Muoat1o:n ... &ohool to~ 'l&Y!)lo,..n Dr. Sumer 'ffuHI" SUohter

Time. 5•pt. e1. l~~,. (23). ~xi•,R.•, :r.

Trade Uuionlla in tbe United Siat•• P• --~pleton aw.:!. Oot\'lpany, new York

Oh!lpter X - Collective Bargaining an4 the Trade Uaiou i'>rogl."U'l. pp 264. 1923.

(25). llauperty, O. R. Labor Problema in ArNr1oan !ndu•tey

Boughton Mittlia COID.pUY, NP York. Cuptel' X1 V - rwu,ttonal aapeota of ua1onio111. pp 451.


(28). Bos1a, a. r. 'had• Ua1o•i• 1a '\he Un1,ed s-t•••

o. Al)ple\ou and CoaJ.wu1y • .New 'f~rk. Ohai,tv X .. Oollecliff Bargaining and the Tnd• Union

Pro~. pp 248•!69. 1923.

(29). Rational Reoovery ..a,,iniatration L:J.bor .tspecta. u. s. lbnau ot Labor Statiatics, Bulletin Ro. 616.

Jiu4'book of La\R>r Statistics. pp 491. 1936 edi Uon.

{31). Daugher,y, o. R. PJ-obleu in __.iou ln4uetry.

Boughton M:1ttl1n Oompan.y, !Jew York. Ohapta Dlll • 'fhe Law and lndustrial Democracy.

,, 918. 1938.

( 32). ____ pp

(34). Sk\e Labor l•ls.t1ou uia. u. S. !ku-eau ot LabJJr Statiatios, Serit1l Ho. B.688.

PP 3 ... 4,. l938.

, 35). sate n., ot t.A•r. u. a. De,-J'treeat ot Lill bor .. Di vision or labor Staadards.

PP e;. 1988.


Weinatoae, ·Hlliu "The Great Sit•Down Strike".

worker• Ubra.r, Publishers, Ine. 1939

Kulp. 1oeep P. "1o1a Tile C,I.O. aa4 Help Build a Soviet Aaerioa".

oonstit•tioaal ltuoatioul League. 195V

Digest of Principal State tabor Legislation. United i::itat•• Departae:nt or Labor

Diviaioa &t tabor Staadarda. 193,

Digest ot State and ledera.l Labor Legislation. United State• Department of Labor

D1Y18loa ot tabor Standar4a BulletiuBo. I, 11, lt. ltM

Discusatoa ot Labor Laws ad ft•ir United otatea Department ot Labor

Division ot Labor Staadard.a Bulleiia Bo. l. lhl

Monthly Labor Rev1••• United Stat•• Depart111ent ot Labor

Bureau ot ta'bor Statisttca 1u., l•b•, Mar. lt&I

Labor Legialatioa laaote4 in ltM. United State• Depal't.lllent ot l.acor

Bureau or tabor stattstioa Serial No. R. 195. 19~

R1gat ot Labor Relation• Board to Conduct Hearings. United States Department ot Labor

Bureau ot Labor Stat1st1ea Serial No. R. 726. 1938

Arbitration and Oonc1liat1oa. United States Bureau of tabor Stat1stiea Bu.lletia No. 616

Handbook ot tabor Stat1a,1oa; 1936 ed1,1oa

National Labor Relations Act Declared Constitutional. United States Department ot Labor

Bureau ot tabor 3tatist1cs Serial Ho. R. 504. 1937

National RecO'Yery Administration Labor Aspeats. United State• Bureau of Labor Stetistioa Bulletin No. 616 of Labor 3tatist1os; 1936 edition

tabor Legislation Enacted by Sevent1•tkird Congress. United States Dep~rtment ot Labor

Bureau ot Labor Statistics ~erial No. R. 141. 19~

Federal tabor Legislation, 193'1. United States Department ot Labor

Bureau of tabor Statistics Serial No. R. 640. 1938

Smit)I.. Edwia s. ~~aat Workers and lillployers Skould Know about The Jfational tabor Relations Act".

Labor Information Bulletin 1UH 193'1

Digest and Progress ot Principal Labor Bills in 8tste Legislature Meeting in 193,.

United ~atea Department of Labor Division or Labor Standards. 1937

State Agencies in tu Field of Medietioa ud oonc1l1at1on. United States nepsrtment or Labor

Labor Law Information Dhlsioa Bureau ot Labor Statistiea.