Kebijakan Intervensi Militer Perancis ke Pantai Gading tahun 2011

ABSTRAKSI Skripsi ini menganalisa intervensi militer Perancis ke Pantai Gading tahun 2011. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tindakan intervensi tersebut, dengan mempertimbangkan faktor domestik dan eksternal. Kerangka pemikiran skripsi yang digunakan dalam ini adalah konsep politik luar negeri dan faktor-faktor determinasi politik luar negeri dalam frame work K.J. Holsti. Argumen ini dirumuskan melalui tahapan analisa, yaitu dengan melihat sejarah konflik di Pantai Gading, dinamika hubungan Perancis dan Pantai Gading, dari masa kolonial hingga keterlibatan Perancis dalam konflik di Pantai Gading tahun 2011, serta menelaah kepentingan nasional Perancis di Pantai Gading. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa faktor domestik dan eksternal menjadi faktor yang menentukan kebijakan Perancis dalam melakukan intervensi militer ke Pantai Gading. Faktor domestik tersebut adalah kebutuhan sosio-ekonomi dan keamanan, atribut nasional, partai politik, opini publik, dan peran Nikolas Sarkozy sebagai stake holder mempengaruhi tindakan intervensi Perancis. Pandangan politik Sarkozy yang beraliran nasionalis-Gaulis serta hubungan personal Sarkozy dengan Ouattara dan Gbagbo menjadi faktor determinan dalam intervensi yang dilakukan Perancis. Sedangkan peningkatan peran Tiongkok di Afrika dan ancaman kelompok ektrimis serta kejahatan transnasional menjadi faktor eksternal dari intervensi militer Perancis ke Pantai Gading. v

Transcript of Kebijakan Intervensi Militer Perancis ke Pantai Gading tahun 2011


Skripsi ini menganalisa intervensi militerPerancis ke Pantai Gading tahun 2011. Penelitian inidilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan. Tujuan penelitianini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yangmemengaruhi tindakan intervensi tersebut, denganmempertimbangkan faktor domestik dan eksternal.Kerangka pemikiran skripsi yang digunakan dalam iniadalah konsep politik luar negeri dan faktor-faktordeterminasi politik luar negeri dalam frame work K.J.Holsti. Argumen ini dirumuskan melalui tahapan analisa,yaitu dengan melihat sejarah konflik di Pantai Gading,dinamika hubungan Perancis dan Pantai Gading, dari masakolonial hingga keterlibatan Perancis dalam konflik diPantai Gading tahun 2011, serta menelaah kepentingannasional Perancis di Pantai Gading.

Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa faktor domestik daneksternal menjadi faktor yang menentukan kebijakanPerancis dalam melakukan intervensi militer ke PantaiGading. Faktor domestik tersebut adalah kebutuhansosio-ekonomi dan keamanan, atribut nasional, partaipolitik, opini publik, dan peran Nikolas Sarkozysebagai stake holder mempengaruhi tindakan intervensiPerancis. Pandangan politik Sarkozy yang beralirannasionalis-Gaulis serta hubungan personal Sarkozydengan Ouattara dan Gbagbo menjadi faktor determinandalam intervensi yang dilakukan Perancis. Sedangkanpeningkatan peran Tiongkok di Afrika dan ancamankelompok ektrimis serta kejahatan transnasional menjadifaktor eksternal dari intervensi militer Perancis kePantai Gading.



Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin, segala puji penulis

haturkan kepada kehadirat Allah Subhanallahu Wa Ta’ala,

tuhan semesta alam, berkat segala rahmat, taufik, dan

hidayah-Nya, penulis dapat menyelesaikan penulisan

skripsi ini dengan judul, “Intervensi Militer Perancis

ke Pantai Gading Tahun 2011”. Skripsi ini dikerjakan

demi memenuhi salah satu syarat untuk mendapatkan gelar

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Penulis menyadari bahwa skripsi ini dapat

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motivasi oleh berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, penulis

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pihak yang telah mendukung penulis untuk menyelesaikan

penulisan skripsi ini, diantaranya:

1. Bapak Prof. Dr. Bachtiar Effendy selaku Dekan

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Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Ibu Debbie Affianty Lubis, selaku Ketua

Jurusan Hubungan Internasional Universitas Islam

Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dan Bapak Agus

Nilmada Azmi, selaku sekretaris jurusan

Hubungan Internasional Universitas Islam Negeri

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

3. Bapak Andar Nubowo, DEA. selaku desen pembimbing

penulis. Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk

memberikan masukan ilmu dan motivasi dari awal

penulisan hingga skripsi ini selesai.


4. Orangtua penulis, Papa Almarhum Drs. Teuku Sofyan,

M.Kes dan Mama tercinta Tjut Rachmawati Berabo

atas semua kasih sayang diberikan. Terima kasih

atas doa, kesabaran dan motivasi yang diberikan

selama penulis menyelesaikan studi.

5. Adik dan kakak tercinta Pocut Nayla Annisa, Teuku

Muhammad Rachmanda, S.E, Cut Galuh Vanessa, S.E,

drg. Cut Nadira Sabilla, Teuku Miersal Fajar

Almursalin, M.A. dan keponakan terkasih Cut Shayma

Amira dan Cut Shaza Altayra yang menjadi motivasi

untuk menyelesaikan skripsi ini.

6. Teman-teman jurusan Hubungan Internasional UIN

Jakarta, khususnya angkatan 2009. HMJ HI 2011-

2012, terutama Departemen Advokasi Mahasiswa yang

membantu penulis menjalankan tugas.

7. Teman-teman IMAPA cabang Ciputat yang telah

menjadi saudara seperantauan.

Jakarta, 4 Desember 2011


Teuku Muhammad Valdy Arief


ABSTRAKSI .............................................


. iv



............................... v


ISI ...................................................

.................................................. vii





..................................... xi



................................. xii



.......................... xiii


A. Latar Belakang

Masalah .....................................

.... ..... 1

B. Pertanyaan

Penelitian ..................................

........... ..... 6

C. Tujuan dan Manfaat


.... 6


D. Tinjauan


................... 7

E. Kerangka


............. .... 9

1. Politik Luar


........ .... 9

2. Faktor Determinasi Politik Luar

Negeri............. .... 10

F. Metode


................. .... 15

G. Sistematika


.............. 17



A. Sejarah Konflik di Pantai



B. Pihak yang Terlibat Dalam Konflik Sipil

di Pantai Gading



..... 28

C. Internasionalisasi Konflik di Pantai

Gading.................... 30



A. Sejarah keterlibatan Perancis di Pantai

Gading........ ..... 34

1. Periode


..................... ..... 34

2. Periode Setelah Kemerdekaan dan Sebelum

Konflik Sipil




..... 38

B. Sikap dan Kebijakan Perancis terhadap

Konflik di Pantai




C. Dukungan Perancis atas Intervensi

bersama PBB di Pantai Gading Tahun


............. ..... 46




A. Faktor Internal Intervensi Perancis ke

Pantai Gading



..... 48


1. Kebutuhan Sosio-ekonomi dan

Keamanan................. 48

2. Atribut


......................... 56

3. Opini


............................. 58

4. Birokrasi..............................



5. Faktor Kepemimpinan Nikolas

Sarkozy................... 62

B. Faktor Eksternal Intervensi Perancis ke

Pantai Gading


................................ .....

........... 64


1. Kebijakan Negara


........... 64

2. Masalah Global dari Sektor





.................................... 70






............................... xxiii



Tabel II. B. 1 Nilai Ekspor-Impor Pantai Gading

tahun 1988..........................40




Gambar I. Peta Eropa Barat dan



Gambar II.1 Afrika Paska Perjanjian Berlin dan Sebelum

Perang Dunia............35

Gambar IV. 1 Tren Ekspor Impor China dan




AOF : Afrique Occidentale Française

CSIS : Centre for Strategic and International Studies

DK PBB : Dewan Keamanan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa

ECOWAS : Economic Community Of West African States

FPI : Front Populaire Ivoirien

HAM : Hak Asasi Manusia

MINUCI : Mission des Nations Unies en Côte d’Ivoire

MJP : Mouvement pour la Justice et la Paix

MPCI : Mouvement Patriotique pour la Côte d’Ivoire

MPIGO : Mouvement Populaire Ivoirien du Grand Ouest

NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization

PBB : Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa

PDCI : Parti Démocratique de Côte d’Ivoire

PIGS : Portugal Ireland Greece Spain

PS :Parti Socialiste

RECAMP : Renforcements des Capacités Africaines de Maintien de la Paix


RPR : Rassemblement pour la République

UA : Uni Afrika

UE : Uni Eropa

UMP : Union pour un Mouvement Populaire

UNOCI : United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire

Gambar I. Peta Eropa Barat dan Afrika


Sumber :




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United Nations S/RES/1975 (2011)Security Council Distr.: General30 March 201111-28476 (E)*1128476*

Resolution 1975 (2011)


Adopted by the Security Council at its 6508th meeting,on 30 March 2011

The Security Council,Recalling its previous resolutions, in particular resolutions1572 (2004), 1893 (2009), 1911 (2010), 1924 (2010), 1933(2010), 1942 (2010), 1946 (2010), 1951 (2010), 1962 (2010),1967 (2011), 1968 (2011) and the statements of its Presidentrelating to the situation in Côte d’Ivoire, and resolution1938 (2010) on the situation in Liberia,

Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty,independence, territorial integrity and unity of Côted’Ivoire, and recalling the importance of the principles ofgood-neighbourliness, non-interference and regionalcooperation,

Reiterating its strong desire that the post-electoral crisis inCôte d’Ivoire be resolved peacefully and require an overallpolitical solution that preserves democracy and peace andpromotes lasting reconciliation among Ivorians,

Commending the constructive efforts of the African UnionHigh-level Panel for the resolution of the crisis in Côted’Ivoire and reiterating its support to the African Union andthe Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) fortheir commitment to resolve the crisis in Côte d’Ivoire,

Welcoming the decision of the Peace and Security Council ofthe African Union adopted at its 265th meeting at the levelof Heads of State and Government, held on 10 March 2011 inAddis Ababa, which reaffirms all its previous decisions onthe rapidly deteriorating post-electoral crisis facing Côted’Ivoire since the second round of the presidentialelection, on 28 November 2010, which recognize the electionof Mr Alassane Dramane Ouattara as the President of theRepublic of Côte d’Ivoire,

Welcoming the political initiatives and noting the communiquéand the resolution on Côte d’Ivoire adopted by the Authorityof Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS on 24 March 2011,


Expressing grave concern about the recent escalation ofviolence in Côte d’Ivoire and the risk of relapse into civilwar and urging all parties to show utmost restraint toprevent such outcome and to resolve their differencespeacefully,

Condemning unequivocally all provocative action andstatements that constitute incitement to discrimination,hostility, hatred and violence made by any party,

Condemning the serious abuses and violations of internationallaw in Côte d’Ivoire, including humanitarian, human rightsand refugee law, reaffirming the primary responsibility of eachState to protect civilians and reiterating that parties toarmed conflicts bear the primary responsibility to take allfeasible steps to ensure the protection of civilians andfacilitate the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarianassistance and the safety of humanitarian personnel, recallingits resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009) and1889 (2009) on women, peace and security, its resolution1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009) on children and armed conflictand its resolution 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on theprotection of civilians in armed conflicts,Welcoming the Human Rights Council resolution A/HRC/16/25 of25 March 2011, including the decision to dispatch anindependent international commission of inquiry toinvestigate the facts and circumstances surrounding theallegations of serious abuses and violations of human rightscommitted in Côte d’Ivoire following the presidentialelections of 28 November 2010,

Stressing that those responsible for such serious abuses andviolations, including by forces under their control, must beheld accountable,

Reaffirming that it is the responsibility of Côte d’Ivoire topromote and protect all human rights and fundamentalfreedoms, to investigate alleged violations of human rightsand international law and to bring to justice thoseresponsible for such acts,


Considering that the attacks currently taking place in Côted’Ivoire against the civilian population could amount tocrimes against humanity and that perpetrators of such crimesmust be held accountable under international law and notingthat the International Criminal Court may decide on itsjurisdiction over the situation in Côte d’Ivoire on thebasis of article 12, paragraph 3 of the Rome Statute,

Determining that the situation in Côte d’Ivoire continues toconstitute a threat to international peace and security,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Urges all the Ivorian parties and other stakeholders torespect the will of the people and the election of AlassaneDramane Ouattara as President of Côte d’Ivoire, asrecognized by ECOWAS, the African Union and the rest of theinternational community, expresses its concern at the recentescalation of violence and demands an immediate end to theviolence against civilians, including women, children andInternally displaced persons;

2. Calls upon all parties to pursue the overall politicalsolution of the African Union and, in this regard, welcomesthe decision of the African Union Peace and Security CouncilSummit of 10 March to appoint a High Representative for theimplementation of the overall political solution and callsupon all parties to fully cooperate with him;

3. Condemns the decision of Mr. Laurent Gbagbo not to acceptthe overall political solution proposed by the High-Levelpanel put in place by the African Union, and urges him toimmediately step aside;

4. Urges all Ivorian State institutions, including theDefence and Security Forces of Côte d’Ivoire (FDSCI), toyield to the authority vested by the Ivorian people inPresident Alassane Dramane Ouattara, condemns the attacks,threats, acts of obstructions and violence perpetrated byFDSCI, militias and mercenaries against United Nationspersonnel, obstructing them from protecting civilians,monitoring and helping investigate human rights violations


and abuses, stresses that those responsible for such crimesunder international law must be held accountable and callsupon all parties, in particular Mr. Laurent Gbagbo’ssupporters and forces, to fully cooperate with the UnitedNations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) and ceaseinterfering with UNOCI’s activities in implementation of itsmandate;

5. Reiterates its firm condemnation of all violence committedagainst civilians, including women, children, internallydisplaced persons and foreign nationals, and otherviolations and abuses of human rights, in particularenforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, killing andmaiming of children and rapes and other forms of sexualviolence;

6. Recalls its authorization and stresses its full support givento the UNOCI, while impartially implementing its mandate, touse all necessary means to carry out its mandate to protectcivilians under imminent threat of physical violence, withinits capabilities and its areas of deployment, including toprevent the use of heavy weapons against the civilianpopulation and requests the Secretary-General to keep iturgently informed of measures taken and efforts made in thisregard;

7. Calls upon all parties to cooperate fully in the operationof UNOCI and French forces which support it, in particularby guaranteeing their safety, security and freedom ofmovement with unhindered and immediate access throughout theterritory of Côte d’Ivoire, to enable them to fully carryout their mandate;

8. Calls upon all parties to fully cooperate with theindependent international commission of inquiry put in placeby the Human Rights Council on 25 March 2011 to investigatethe facts and circumstances surrounding the allegations ofserious abuses and violations of human rights committed inCôte d’Ivoire following the presidential elections of 28November 2010, and requests the Secretary-General to transmitthis report to the Security Council and other relevantinternational bodies;


9. Condemns the use of Radiodiffusion Télévision Ivoirienne(RTI) and other media to incite discrimination, hostility,hatred and violence, including against UNOCI, as well asacts of intimidation and violence against journalists, andcalls for the lifting of all restrictions placed on theexercise of the right of freedom of expression in Côted’Ivoire;

10. Expresses deep concern about the increasing number ofinternally displaced persons and Ivorian refugees,especially in Liberia, caused by the crisis in Côted’Ivoire, and calls on all Ivorian parties to cooperate fullywith United Nations agencies and other actors working toenhance access to humanitarian aid to refugees andinternally displaced persons;

11. Reiterates its longstanding demand that Mr. Laurent Gbagbolift the siege of Golf Hotel without delay;

12. Decides to adopt targeted sanctions against thoseindividuals who meet the criteria set out in resolution 1572(2004) and subsequent resolutions, including thoseindividuals who obstruct peace and reconciliation in Côted’Ivoire, obstruct the work of UNOCI and other internationalactors in Côte d’Ivoire and commit serious violations ofhuman rights and international humanitarian law, andtherefore decides that the individuals listed in Annex I ofthis resolution shall be subject to thefinancial and travel measures imposed by paragraphs 9 to 11of resolution 1572 (2004), and reaffirms its intention toconsider further measures, as appropriate, includingtargeted sanctions against media actors who meet therelevant sanctions criteria, including by inciting publiclyhatred and violence;

13. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Annex I

Targeted sanctions


1. Laurent GbagboDate of birth: 31 May 1945Place of birth: Gagnoa, Côte d’IvoireFormer President of Côte d’Ivoire: obstruction of the peaceand reconciliation process, rejection of the results of thepresidential election.

2. Simone GbagboDate of birth: 20 June 1949Place of birth: Moossou, Grand-Bassam, Côte d’IvoireChairperson of the Parliamentary Group of the IvorianPopular Front (FPI):obstruction of the peace and reconciliation process, publicincitement to hatred and violence.

3. Désiré TagroPassport number: PD – AE 065FH08Date of birth: 27 January 1959Place of birth: Issia, Côte d’IvoireSecretary-General in the so-called “presidency” of Mr.Gbagbo: participation in the illegitimate government of Mr.Gbagbo, obstruction of the peace and reconciliation process,rejection of the results of the presidential election,participation in violent repressions of popular movements.

4. Pascal Affi N’GuessanPassport number: PD-AE 09DD00013.Date of birth: 1 January 1953Place of birth: Bouadriko, Côte d’IvoireChairman of the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI): obstruction ofthe peace and reconciliation process, incitement to hatredand violence.

5. Alcide DjédjéDate of birth: 20 October 1956Place of birth: Abidjan, Côte d’IvoireClose advisor to Mr. Gbagbo: participation in theillegitimate government of Mr. Gbagbo, obstruction of thepeace and reconciliation process, public incitement tohatred and violence.
