Juneteenth: Politicization and Grassroots Movements

1 “Juneteenth: Politicization and Grassroots Activism” Emily Blanck Associate Professor Rowan University Please do not cite or reproduce without permission of the author. In the post9/11 world, American society has drifted toward being more comfortable with African Americans and their history as being a part of the American historical narrative and thus as a part of American identity. While the election of Barack Obama might be used as an example of this, the holiday Juneteenth offers us a more enlightening example of how Americans have embraced the history of African Americans as a part of our own history. Conservative Americans in particular have worked very recently to revise the history of slavery and freedom to link it to their own historical identities. Juneteenth is a celebration of the emancipation of Texas slaves over two years after the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth has spread throughout the United States in the past 147 years. For most of its history, it spread because Texas émigrés moved to new parts of the country and shared their celebration. However, in the past 20 years a few groups have campaigned to get it recognized as a state (and national) holiday. It began in Texas but now it has spread to 43 different states as an official state holiday.

Transcript of Juneteenth: Politicization and Grassroots Movements


“Juneteenth: Politicization and Grassroots Activism” Emily Blanck

Associate Professor Rowan University

Please do not cite or reproduce without permission of the author.

In the post-­‐9/11 world, American society has drifted toward being more

comfortable with African Americans and their history as being a part of the

American historical narrative and thus as a part of American identity. While the

election of Barack Obama might be used as an example of this, the holiday

Juneteenth offers us a more enlightening example of how Americans have embraced

the history of African Americans as a part of our own history. Conservative

Americans in particular have worked very recently to revise the history of slavery

and freedom to link it to their own historical identities.

Juneteenth is a celebration of the emancipation of Texas slaves over two

years after the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth has spread

throughout the United States in the past 147 years. For most of its history, it

spread because Texas émigrés moved to new parts of the country and shared their

celebration. However, in the past 20 years a few groups have campaigned to get

it recognized as a state (and national) holiday. It began in Texas but now it has

spread to 43 different states as an official state holiday.


This paper is interested in examining this spread as a way to understand the

how more Americans have embraced African American history into the American

narrative. In particular, I argue that these state governments are attracted to

Juneteenth as a holiday because it offers an inexpensive route to embrace African

American history, to acknowledge slavery, but by celebrating a more uplifting and

acceptable principle, freedom. Thereby unifying America around the theme of

freedom, and, in effect, forgetting slavery. In the end, acknowledging these

holidays helps, in their minds, to right a wrong and eases the moral weight of

slavery from lawmakers’ shoulders without doing much.

But this engagement would not have come without active efforts from black

grassroots movements that have a wide variety of goals. While Juneteenth is a

very political interest for white Americans, it has personal, communal, historical,

and political interests for African Americans, the folks who actually widely

participate in the celebrations. The meaning of the holiday to white Americans

tends to only intersect with black meanings when grassroots leaders are attempting

to gain the holiday acceptance in mainstream and political realms. These two

unlikely parties have worked together to spread Juneteenth throughout the country.

In general, for the African American community, it has allowed them to balance the

conciliatory effort to bring national unity with a contradictory message to

remember the crimes that the US has inflicted upon people of African descent in



For the first 135 years, Juneteenth was almost exclusively an African

American holiday. Celebrated in the center of cities throughout the United States, it

served as a day of community-­‐building , remembrance, and uplift. It commemorated

the emancipation of African Americans not by the script that white folks read: “In

1863, Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation” but

by their own script that highlighted African Americans taking control of their own

history, remaking the traditional narrative, and remembering a narrative

appropriate to their era. Moreover, its proximity to July 4th allowed African

Americans to provide an alternate vision of the birth of American freedom,

resounding Douglass’ plea, “What to the slave is the Fourth of July?” For much of its

history, Juneteenth’s public and exultant celebration of food, friends, and family

reminded white Jim Crow Southerners that African Americans were indeed entitled

to total freedom and happiness despite every apparent effort to demoralize and

marginalize the black population.

The movement to broaden Juneteenth and gain government recognition

began in the late 1970s with Texas Representative Al Edwards, who spearheaded

legislation for Texas to recognize the holiday and evangelized the holiday to other

states, getting recognition in Oklahoma and Florida by 1994 with his organization,

Juneteenth, U.S.A.1 Then, in 1995, two grassroots leaders outside of Texas emerged,

Lula Briggs Galloway and Ronald Myers who created a national convention of

Juneteenth organizers and encouraged them to campaign nationally and state-­‐by-­‐


state to make Juneteenth an official state holiday. They distributed form-­‐letter style

resolutions to simplify getting passage the holiday. In addition, they worked with

leaders from both parties of the Senate to get a resolution to recognize “June 19th as

Juneteenth Independence Day” and encourage “its observance.”2 From that

convention until Galloway died in 2008, 30 states recognized Juneteenth as a state

holiday. The campaign continued under Myers’ leadership. In 2013 the 43rd state,

Maryland, passed the legislation, and Utah is close to doing it as well.3

Black activists drove the spread of the holiday but amongst African

Americans feelings for the holiday are mixed. Not all African Americans are

supportive of this movement. I have spoken to several people who complain about

“celebrating” slavery, a moment of oppression and pain. Others, particularly in the

South, who believe they have their own local emancipation traditions that reflect

their own local experience, and who feel that Juneteenth is an event in Texas, that

has been over-­‐inflated, do not think it ought to be recognized broadly.4

The Juneteenth movement was born in and has ridden the wave of late 20th

century identity politics, especially in the Multiculturalism and Reparations

movements. The Multicultural movement sought to recognize cultural difference in

schools, politics, and popular culture. It began in universities, but it quickly spread

to public historical sites and primary and secondary schools. Identity politics and

diversity dominated 1980s racialized intellectual and political culture.5 African

Americans had become disenchanted with the lack of progress in the 70s and 80s

and recognized that they had to demand cultural power. Drawing from intellectuals


in the Afrocentric and Black Existential schools, African American and other ethnic

academics fought against the ghettoization of non white-­‐male content to the

sidebars of textbooks, for it to become the center of the American narrative.6 On the

more popular front, we can see this when Public Enemy rapped in Spike Lee’s

film Do the Right Thing that “Most of their heroes don’t appear on no stamps,” that

they needed “awareness/ We can’t get careless,” and that the “freedom of Speech is

the freedom of death.”7 They felt voiceless and lacked a place in American history

and culture, so they would demand it.

This point was an important part of another concurrent movement, the

Reparations movement. The reparations movement sought to recover damages for

the effects of slavery and segregation through government programs and significant

cultural changes. The Reparations movement was revitalized in 1999 when

Randall Robinson published The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks. A primary

focus of his reparation plan included cultural reparations. He demanded that

America revise curriculum in schools to include African history and include the

experience of African Americans in important American monuments and museums.8

While nothing near parity has been created, and it was too late in coming,

Americans heard this plea (were perhaps guilted into it) and made a great deal of

change in American narratives of its past and present. In the 80s and 90s,

universities began requiring general education courses in diversity and

multiculturalism. Primary and secondary school curricula began to recognize

diversity. Culturally, films and television shows featuring black celebrities and


directors became mainstream on a whole new level. For example, Denzel

Washington, Halle Berry, Spike Lee, Oprah Winfrey, and Michael Jordan all became

central cultural figures, winning awards and being recognized as important role

models. In 2000, the National Park Service began requiring its sites to interpret the

history and experience of slavery and African Americans.9 Likewise, the

Smithsonian is completing its most recent museum on the Washington Mall,

National Museum of African American History and Culture.

For many of these changes, conservative Americans and politicians reacted

negatively. They thought that the growth of identity politics was destroying

American culture. Books like Dinesh D’Sousa’s Illiberal Education complained

that it disunited America, and Harold Bloom complained in The Western Canon that

it was tainting the intellectual level of American education.10 In these culture wars,

Conservatives asserted that America should be “color-­‐blind” and that this new

America committed reverse-­‐discrimination against white men who were losing jobs

and cultural power to others like minority women. Moreover, they worried that

these new linguistic rules of diversity and respect had turned into “political

correctness,” a new form of censorship in America.

Amongst these changes and culture wars, Juneteenth could bridge both

sides. The recognition of Juneteenth became an easy way to continue to advance

this new modern vision of America with virtually no cost. Moreover, the message of

the holiday could be unifying. In the minds of most Americans in the late 20th, early


21st, century, slavery was a mistake. Therefore, celebrating the emancipation of

slaves was much more appealing than to censure the sins and sinners of the past.

This emphasis allows an erasure of the sin, a focus on redemption. This movement

has, therefore, encountered receptive audience of Democrat and Republican

legislators as well as Tea Party Activists.

For the first ten years of this movement, African American activists slowly

worked to get 11 states recognize the holiday and gained national recognition (not

observance), but the movement has raced more into the mainstream in the past 10

years. Since 2003, thirty-­‐one states recognized Juneteenth. It seems that Congress

recognizes it as the main emancipation holiday. When Congress announced

legislation for an apology for slavery in 2000, apologized for lynching in 2006 and

apologized for slavery in 2008, they did it on Juneteenth. The state government of

Maryland, who was the most recent to pass a law to officially observe the holiday,

sponsored a very large Juneteenth celebration before it was officially recognized.

But recently, Juneteenth has passed the mainstream and has moved politically to the

far right. In 2012, a major tea party event was Juneteenth Redux in Atlanta.

But if we examine the practice of Juneteenth in a few locations, one can see

that it holds much more complex meaning for most of its participants. There are

several efforts to create a “usable past” out of the celebration.11 In 2013, I

attended Juneteenth in Watkins Park, Maryland, where the participants focused on

historical memory, personal and collective. The day was separated into two close-­‐

by but very different settings. First, beginning in the morning, was an all-­‐day


genealogical workshop called “Footprints and Roots” at the Watkins Park Nature

Center. In the afternoon, about ¼ a mile away in a distinctly park setting with food

and home-­‐grown entertainment, was the Juneteenth festival.

The “Footprints and Roots” workshop was a serious, but friendly, event

where participants learned about African American History and how to recover

their own history. This segment was academic, personal, and quietly emotional at

the same time. Every participant (50 people) in the audience identified themselves

and why they were interested in their own history. They distinctly worked to seek

family connections among this group of near strangers. It seemed that each person

that spoke could be a long lost cousin holding a piece of their history and could build

human connections to the past. The agenda featured academics, experienced

genealogists, and a griot, a traditional story teller. There were two primary themes

that emerged from these speakers. First, they wanted to remember, with as much

first person verity as possible, the difficult and heartrending experiences of slavery.

Second, that each person must live in their post-­‐slavery freedom and define their

own histories and identities through understanding and reconstructing their own

past. These themes fit well into the goals of African American-­‐led Juneteenth

celebrations and would be reflected frequently in the festival part of the event too.

In the festival, African Americans had space to share their history. An African

American man told the history of Slave Spirituals in one tent, but spent much of his

time just discussing history one-­‐on-­‐one. On the stage, dozens of local African

American community groups performed and often shared bits of their own past or

brought meaning to the past. In this context, people shared their history as much as


they did in the Nature Center. Most commonly, they shared their concern that their

historical education, and America’s, was insufficient.

In addition, there were more official narratives that the state government

hoped to promote. Anthony Nolan, who helped organize the event for the state, said

that they celebrate Juneteenth in Maryland because, “Juneteenth symbolizes the

start of a new country, and for many a new day of independence.”12 More

prominently at the festival, however, Maryland attempted to tell the history of

African Americans through Maryland’s historical sites. Several black and white

re-­‐enactors recreated every-­‐day activities: medicine, cleaning, food preparation, etc.

Throughout the space were large flags that each featured a different Maryland

historical site, with an interpretation about the history of African Americans. For

Maryland, this was an opportunity to pique interest in their historical sites,

especially to the African American population. Also for Maryland, Juneteenth was

an opportunity to show that they had relevance to the modern story of America, one

which acknowledged its history of slavery. But it was a flat history, like their flags,

denoting the firsts and biggests, the architecture, prominent names, and the very

few sites that still exist today. It focused very little on the past that many African

Americans seemed to connect to, one that was personal and seeped in the hard

emotions that slavery and Jim Crow America brought forth. This moderate and

politically correct event combined the interests of the state to justify their state

historical treasures with the traditional African American festival.


In contrast to the lack of politics in the Maryland celebration, this year I

attended San Francisco’s Juneteenth Celebration, an event organized by local black

political figures. San Francisco’s celebration has a long 65-­‐year history and was

brought over by a Great Migration Texan, Wesley Johnson. Juneteenth consisted

of three main units, a commemoration of Juneteenth in San Francisco’s beautiful

City Hall by local politicians, a small Jazz reception of Juneteenth and black political

leaders, and a traditional street fair and parade. The first two events were distinctly

political. Many decried the loss of political power amongst the black activists and

urged everyone to fight political apathy to heal community divisions. They also saw

Juneteenth as a moment to remember African American history. They argued that

African American history has been lost, so a new historical narrative needs to be

constructed. The street fair was much more a cultural affair, recognizing local talent,

food and organizations, while engaging many aspects of their African ancestry.

As already noted, for whites, the purpose of Juneteenth is primarily

political. The events at the 2012 Juneteenth Redux (R–E-­‐D-­‐U-­‐X) were purposefully

ideological. Wholly an indoor event, it took the celebration literally into a different

kind of arena. Clearly, a main goal of the Redux was to try to prove that the Tea

Party was not racist. The event featured about a dozen black luminaries, some of

whom would be speaking, others just playing table tennis, (literally). Moreover, in

this event, tea party organizers sought to portray a more human side of themselves.


In addition to being a Juneteenth celebration, the event raised funds for Childhood


The ideological stamp was undeniable and Juneteenth offered a way to

integrate the message of limited government with a twist: racial harmony. The

motto was “Liberty is Color Blind.”13 The entire event, was OK with remembering

the distant past of slavery, but fought against the identity politics that brought

Juneteenth to the fore. A year before this event, Panhandle Tea Party president

Karen Schoen stated,

Juneteenth, … guaranteed Freedom for all Americans. Therefore, let us welcome all our neighbors as Americans first, celebrating Freedoms that united American citizens. Let us stand together against the use of racial identity, African Americans, Latino Americans, etc., to prevent us from being called simply, "Americans."14

Juneteenth has offered the far right a way to fight against progressive ideas of

recognizing and celebrating diversity by co-­‐opting one of its products, an African

American holiday.

This endeavor especially strives to rewrite the history of conservatives and

African Americans. The event home page began to do this,

We've listened to our southern patriots, who've asked that it be held in the heartland of liberty, where emancipation isn't just a buzzword...Atlanta, Georgia. Our focus is on educating Americans on what it takes to be truly free of the government chains of slavery. It will now be held in conjunction with Juneteenth...the true independence day.15

The Tea Party in general promotes re-­‐reading the Constitution as a way to promote

a more limited government, so there were many, so called experts on historical


topics. One participant in the Redux event really centered on these ideas in terms of

race, K. Carl Smith.

K. Carl Smith was the founder of the Frederick Douglass Republicans and

is promoting a revised version of the past where he argues that there is a continuous

line between the Republicanism of Douglass and Tea Party activists. (In 2012, he

had a very contentious workshop this week at CPAC, where a participant started to

rant that blacks should be grateful for their enslavement).16 He emphasizes that

Democrats were slaveholders, and segregationists, and conversely that Republicans

fought against slavery and segregation.17 Other conservatives, like Michael Zak of

the conservative website, American Thinker, have used Juneteenth to reframe the

history of race relations to emphasize the role of the Republican party.18 They

argue that Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society had destroyed families, enslaving them,

and forcing many blacks into poverty, not allowing them to escape. Juneteenth is a

tool for Conservatives to rewrite the historical narrative to distance themselves

from the racism that Americans have linked to conservatives. Again, it is a shallow

form of re-­‐writing, born out of a simplistic and ideological narrative of history, but

Juneteenth has become a tool to help them promote it.

Now, these ideas are not just in the most extreme stretches of Conservative

thought. Moderate Republicans have also seen the need to make ties to a new

narrative of American history that includes African Americans. Juneteenth feels like

a more comfortable, “American,” way to commemorate African American History

than MLK day. 19 In 2013, the RNC’s Committee on Growth and Opportunity plead


with Republicans to “modernize” by reaching out to more demographic groups.

They stated, “If we want minority voters to support Republicans, we must engage

them, and show our sincerity.”20

I want to conclude by circling around back to Ronald Myers, a man who sits

at the crossroads of these various currents. Myers has actively worked to expand

Juneteenth by encouraging these Republicans to see Juneteenth as an opportunity.

Ronald Myers of the National Juneteenth Holiday Campaign emphasizes Juneteenth

as a movement to reconcile divisions between blacks and whites. His optimistic

present remembers a horrific past. His website frequently refers to maafa, the black

holocaust, and features images that hearken back to the torture and oppression of

African Americans under slavery.21 Currently, Ronald Myers is seeking to move the

national recognition of Juneteenth as a holiday to the observance of the holiday.

Even though most of the sponsors are Democrat, Myers emphasizes that many of the

national leaders who have publically supported Myers endeavor have been

Republicans, like former Congresswoman Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Sarah Palin, and

Mike Huckabee.22 In contrast, and to highlight the racial complexity of this

movement, on his website, Myers strongly works to shame President Obama into

support; support which has not come.


Appendix 1. SCREENSHOTS: JUNTEENTH RUDUX WEBSITE Main Page and Participants Footnote 13

5/21/12 Juneteenth Liberty Redux


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WE HEARD YOU!This event, which focuses on bringing awareness to teen leukemia and raising funds for DNAdonor drives, has been redesigned and relocated. We've listened to our southernpatriots, who've asked that it be held in the heartland of liberty, where emancipation isn't justa buzzword...Atlanta, Georgia -­ and will be hosted at the historic 200 Peachtree(www.200peachtree.com). Our focus is on educating Americans on what it takes to be truly freeof the government chains of slavery. It will now be held in conjunction with Juneteenth...thetrue independence day. More details very soon.

Polatik "WHY HER"

FBTF Camaro Angel Series


Join Saturday Night Live's Victoria Jackson,

Juneteenth Foundation Founder Rev. Ronald Myers, M.D.,

Alveda King, Lt Col Allen West, K. Carl Smith, and more

All-­American Juneteenth celebrations are exploding in America. The Juneteenth Liberty Redux, will bringtogether fellow citizens, patriots all…Blacks and Latinos, Civil Rights leaders, grassroots activists, FrederickDouglass Republicans…on common ground. Whether conservative, liberal or in the middle, all agree on

LIBERTY. We love it, and it's our right and duty to protect it! Come discover what you can do to protect ourfreedoms by knowing our enemies and learning how to fight them: sharia law, Agenda 21, and abortion. Learnhow to regain control of your kids’ education, about healthcare options you control, and how to keep your familysecure through preparation. Liberty IS colorblind! Come hear those who have been on the front lines in the battle to protect our freedom.Organizers will be honoring the legacies of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rev. A.D. King, along with Dr. S.Knight Preddy, owner of the first racially integrated hotel in Las Vegas, "The Moulin Rouge."

Our sponsoring organization, A Place for Us National, has a huge DNA blood/marrow donor bank. We will

hopefully help identify potential DNA blood donors for kids with leukemia. Black and mixed blood kids have

the fewest donors, and we expect to find many through this drive. After doing inner cheek swabs, we will sendthem to our bank to find life-­saving matches for kids waiting to live. This event is hosted by A Place For UsNational, a non profit organization since 1984. All contributions will go for Blood and Bone Marrow DNA SwabDrives to fight Teen Leukemia. We look forward to you joining us!


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Some of Our Participants

Here are just some of the people who have agreed to participate. They are participating in many ways. Some are playing in tennis or ping pong matches, some aremaking themselves available for photo opportunities, others have said they will help in whatever way they can. We want to show our appreciation for these people whohave so graciously agreed to help. You can show your appreciation in many ways. If we have a link in their information, visit their website. There are also CD's, books, andDVD's available for purchase. That is another way you can show your appreciation to these participants.

Lt. Col. Allen West, USArmy, Ret.Lt Col Allen West (US Army, Rtd), born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, is third of four generations of military servicemen in his family. Hisparents instilled in him a love of God and Country. In 2004, when it was time to retire from more than twenty years of service in the US Army,he brought his wife and two young daughters to Broward County, Florida, where he taught high school for one year. He then returned toAfghanistan, to advise the Afghan army, an assignment he finished in November 2007. He received his Bachelors degree from University ofTennessee and Masters degree from Kansas State University, both in political science. He also holds a Master of Military Arts and Sciencesfrom the US Army Command and General Staff Officer College in political theory and military operations.“Education is the great equalizer,” hesays. “With a good education, any child in America can live his dream.” Col. West has been honored many times, including a Bronze Star,three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals (one with Valor), and a Valorous Unit Award. Congressman Westrepresents Florida's 22nd congressional district, serving since January 2011.

Yvonne DonnellyYvonne Donnelly is the National Chair of The 912 Project and Executive Director of Constitutional Champions Foundation. She is dedicatedto the grassroots efforts of connecting to communities through education and service. The direction our Education system is taking with theteachings of American History and Constitutional studies, prompted her to start Constitutional Champions in order to meet the overwhelmingneed to educate our youth.

Victoria JacksonBorn Aug. 2,1959, in Miami, Florida, Victoria was raised in a Bible-­believing, piano-­playing, gymnastic home with no TV. Her dad was a gymcoach, so she competed in gymnastics from ages 5-­18. She attended Florida Bible College;; received a gymnastic scholarship to FurmanUniversity, and then attended Auburn University for one year. She ended up in Hollywood, CA via summer stock in Birmingham, where shemet Johnny Crawford (The Rifleman) who promptly put her in his night club act and sent her a one-­way ticket to the show-­biz capital.Supporting herself as a cigarette girl, a typist at the American Cancer Society, and a waitress at a retirement hotel, she performed stand upcomedy for 2 years until “The Tonight Show” starring Johnny Carson put her act (which consisted of her doing a handstand, while recitingpoetry) on national TV. Following her 20 appearances with Johnny, she starred in many movies and TV shows, most notably six seasons on“Saturday Night Live.” Says Victoria, "Well, I’d feel like we didn’t really connect if I didn’t tell you about what I really feel is important. I am agenuine true blue believer…not in Kaballah…not in Scientology…not in the New Age movement…not in Mormonism…not in Buddism…notin Hinduism…not in Catholicism…not in Protestantism…but in Jesus Christ. I’ve studied all those other religions…and as a cynic, and a freespirit…I personally decided to put my faith in Jesus. I’ve read the Bible all the way through….and I believe it is the Truth…the Word of God.

5/21/12 Participants


Dr. Alveda KingDr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, is the founder of "King For America Inc." and is a minister of Father Frank Pravone's Priests ForLife. She is a former College Professor, holding a Masters Degree in Business Management from Central Michigan University and aDoctorate of Law was conferred by Saint Anslem College. She has served on the boards of numerous organizations such as, the Judeo-­Christian Coalition For Constitutional Restoration. Alveda also served in the Georgia State House of Representatives, and is anaccomplished actress, songwriter, and best-­ selling author of "Sons Of Thunder"," and "The King Family Legacy". Dr. King also graciouslyaccepted the coveted 2011 Racial Harmony Hall Of Fame Inductees Awards for she and her Uncle Dr. Martin Luther King's great work topromote racial harmony. At The Tea Party vs Hollywood event, she will make a presentation upon receiving the 2012 Racial Hamony Hall OfFame Inductees Award, in memory of her late father, Rev. A.D. King.

K. Carl SmithA Frederick Douglass Republican™, K. Carl has taken what began as a mantra, or rallying call, and has spearheaded a movement that isincreasing in numbers daily. In 2011, The Conservative MESSENGER evolved into The Frederick Douglass Republican™ Movement. Aformer Army officer, he is a servant, messenger, political agitator, and motivator. His FDR message is taking America by storm. He captivatesand inspires audiences with infectious energy, compassion and satire. He brings his expertise and provides down-­to-­earth solutions on howthe conservative movement can broaden its base. K Carl leaves audiences ready to take action which could change the political landscapeof America. Tea Party Groups, GOP organizations, collegiate institutions, and faith-­based groups alike secure the services of K Carl for hisstimulating and enrapturing LIFE-­EMPOWERING message. His presentations serve as a “beacon of hope” for those who hold Liberty in high-­esteem. To broaden his reach, K Carl recently authored Frederick Douglass Republicans: The Movement to Reignite America’s Passion forLiberty. www.frederickdouglassrepublican.com

David Saucedo

David Saucedo (AKA: Polatik) is an exceptional artist of political and passionate music. Using Hip Hop to create controversial and heartwarming music, sharing his personal thoughts at the same time educating the public on current issues.David volunteers his own time while on tour with the Tea Party Express as one of the lead entertainers. He understands that the current pathwe are taking the United States of America is a path of destruction. He wants for the American people to have a better future for themselvesand their families. David works hard cleaning the local community with his Waco We Care program, picking up trash and recycling goods fora cleaner community. Giving the community a tax write off for donations made with recyclables. When time allows for David to help out theyounger generation he'll spend time with Right Track Ministries, assisting as best as he can, to guide them with a better path. A path that isbetter than what he had experienced during his life time. The largest project ever taken on by David is We The Solutions. It is about localpeople who are providing solutions to their local community. You can keep up with David's current events by clicking on NEWS at the top, orenjoy his wonderful hip hop tunes by clicking on MUSIC. Visit Polatik.com frequently to stay in touch with David Saucedo.

James O'Keefe IIIJames O'Keefe, 26, is an investigative journalist and filmmaker. He is president of Project Veritas, a non-­profit organization dedicated totraining video muckrakers nationwide. Mr. O'Keefe is most well-­known for his 2009 ACORN investigation, which exposed systematiccorruption in multiple offices. In addition to his own reporting, James is committed to empowering the next generation of citizen journalists.Read more about James O'Keefe III at biggovernment.com/jokeefe

Stephani ScruggsStephani Scruggs is the National Co-­Chair of The 912 Project as well as President of Unite In Action, Inc. As a writer, speaker and political analyst,Stephani focuses on the principles of liberty. She has made numerous television and radio appearances including the Glenn Beck Show to discussthe importance of the American Constitution and the rights it grants its citizens.

Larry GrathwohlFBI undercover operative, Larry Grathwohl joined the US Army in October of 1964 and became a paratrooper. He deployed to Vietnam with

the 1st Brigade as part of the 2 Battalion of the 502nd Infantry in July of 1965. “I was 17 at the time and I consider that this was the first time Iencountered the communists and the threat they represented to the United States and to our way of life.” During his 13 month tour, his unitreceived two Presidential Unit Citations, a Meritorious Unit Citation, Valorous Unit Award, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm UnitCitation and several other medals including a Bronze Star with a V. In the summer of 1969, as a University of Cincinnati student, he wasrecruited by the Weatherman faction of the Students for a Democratic Society. “At first my reaction was to pay little attention to people whoappeared more crazy than real”, but after reporting it to the Cincinnati Police Department, he was asked to attend meetings, and report theactivities to them. Later, the FBI requested he become an undercover operative in this group of dedicated domestic terrorists, and foundhimself in meetings, planning bombings, meant to kill and injure as many people as possible, focusing on police and Army personnel. Hewas the only source of information the FBI had in the group, when the decision to go underground was made. He wrote a book, “BringingDown America,” published in 1976, detailing his experiences with the Weather Underground and the FBI. “I have spent years attempting towarn fellow Americans of the dangers these people pose now, as well as they did in the past. Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn have notchanged the color of their stripes and they continue to this day to destroy this country’s government and replace it with communism.”

Ben SmithBenjamin Smith is a Former Navy SEAL, who from 2000-­2006, deployed to South America, Africa and the Middle East. During his first tour to

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Iraq, he was assigned to guard and and protect the “Top Five” of the Iraqi provisional government. Benjamin is also an actor, contributing

author, public speaker and is working on a congressional campaign. He is involved with several national nonprofit organizations, includingAmerica’s Mighty Warriors, and is a spokesman for Move America Forward. Since 2010, he has overseen personal security details for severalpolitical luminaries during campaign stops and public appearances. Benjamin is also a freelance contributor for BigGovernment.com andother online news magazines and has been on FOX News several times. Benjamin was born in New Jersey and graduated from theUniversity of North Carolina Chapel Hill with a BA in Communications.Company Short Bio:Depending on the emphasis, E3 CORE Solutions can take the real world, and make it your world. Where many instructional elements aretheorized in closed classroom setting, E3 places the you and the elements on the street, in your business, or in your home to create the mostaccurate learning platform. With the average person only retaining 10% of what they read, 20% of what they see, and 70% of what they do,E3 CORE Solution strips the fat off traditional training and places you, the student, in the environments and situations that are real to you andthe world you live in. The concept is very dynamic, but when applied correctly, has more impact on your ability and mindset to Empower theperson you want to be when you have to respond to the world.

Ryan SorbaRyan Sorba participated in the now famous undercover ACORN investigation along with Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe. Ryan Sorba isfeatured in the 2010 CNN Documentary "Right on the Edge." View Right on the Edge.

Christian HartsockChristian Hartsock is a conservative filmmaker, journalist and columnist. Mr. Hartsock directed the undercover investigation video "TeachersUnions Gone Wild", exposing corruption in the NJ Ed. Assoc. and earning the accolades of Gov. Chris Christie. He also produced "B-­roll" forJames O’Keefe’s and Hannah Giles’ investigation videos that brought down ACORN.Christian Hartsock is featured in the 2010 CNNDocumentary "Right on the Edge." View Right on the Edge.

Deborah Ringhaver LaneA housewife, mother of four, entrepreneurial capitalist, and fierce patriot, Deborah Ringhaver Lane lives in a small town in her home state ofFlorida. In 2008, she founded BEEME.US a small business that creates and sells politically incorrect car magnets. During 2009, she beganattending rallies and joined Putnam County Tea Party Patriots, the 912 Project, “As A Mom...A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots” andHomemakers For America, where she eventually became the Vice President. March 2010, she began development of TSPAN.US a webchannel designed for people interested in the patriot activist movement. Site was launched in June, 2010. Through her involvement with theHomemakers for America, she became devoted to its adjunct project: The Abigail Adams Project. “After the 9/12 March on Washington, D.C.in 2009. I needed an outlet that would allow me to be a part of something that would make a measurable difference when the elections wereheld. t seemed that what we really needed were informed voters! I was looking for a way to help my country, and its future, reclaim some ofwhat has been lost (through years of complaisance) to the political process. For me The Abigail Adams Project was the perfect fit! Throughthe Project I could help raise Constitutional awareness, which would have the effect of grooming statesmen without having to enter into theseaminess of the political fray. Eureka!” Since taking on the leadership role Debi Has travelled 31 states in search of voters who will informthemselves and others prior to elections of Constitutional offices.

Debbie LeeDebbie Lee is an author, public speaker and political activist, who has traveled the nation telling her sons amazing story and advocating for

our troops, their families and families of the fallen. Debbie understands the sacrifice our troops make and that "Freedom isn't free." On Aug 2,2006, she received a knock on the door that would forever change her life. She was notified that her son Marc Alan Lee had been killed inaction, becoming the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq. Since that day, Debbie has dedicated her life to honoring our troops and the families of thefallen, defending our defenders and fighting to keep the freedoms that our troops have fought for. By God's strength, she chose to rise abovethe most devastating circumstance of her life, to impact other's lives, giving them hope and encouragement. In response to her son's last letterhome, to "pass on the love, the kindness, the precious gift of human life", she founded America's Mighty Warriors and opened "Heroes HopeHome", as a respite for other Gold Star families. Debbie is the spokesperson for Move America Forward , the Tea Party Express and hascompleted a multitude of cross country tours, endorsed and campaigned for conservative candidates, organized shipments of care packagesto deployed troops ,visited Gitmo, visited Iraq in 2007 and 2010, becoming the First Gold Star Mom in history to visit the combat zone, whereher son died. She has conducted over 700 media interviews and can be found on Capitol Hill, advocating for our troops.

Ruth Bryant WhiteRuth Bryant White was the first 2008 Presidential Candidate before Hillary, Obama, or McCain. She received the 2010 Salvatore Prize fromthe Heritage Foundation, as a leader in the Tea Party Movement. Originator of the Tea Party vs Hollywood Challenge for a Cure Event, andthe 100% Healthcare Now Plan, she's also Editor in Chief of BreakingNewsJournal.net (www.breakingnewsjournal.net) and host of BreakingNews Journal On Air Radio. From 1994-­1997, Ruth was coordinating Producer of the Post Oscar Showcase, sponsored by UniversalPictures, Paramount Studios, and Women In Film, and was supported by icons like Susan Sarandon, Beau Bridges, and Andy Garcia. Asexperts on race relations, the entertainment industry has called upon Ruth and husband, Steve to consult on movies, such as DenzelWashington's Devil in A Blue Dress, and Showtimes's Mr. and Mrs. Lovings. They are authors of the book "Life Through The Eyes Of AnInterracial Couple". In the Media workshop, Ruth will discuss the new media, such as blogging, on-­line news, youtube, blog-­talk radio, etc.and what she and other grassroots media are doing to inform Middle America of everything from community concerns to entertainment.Breaking New Journal has a ground-­breaking method, called "voice columning", which allows "volumnists" or celebrity columnists, who want

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Breaking New Journal has a ground-­breaking method, called "voice columning", which allows "volumnists" or celebrity columnists, who wantto sound off on issues of the day, to do so at their convenience. This can be done in one of three ways: 1) live recording, 2) video, or 3) inwriting.

Prof. Steven WhiteProfessor Steve White is the Founder of Master Educator's Tutoring Services and XChange. As an educator for over 30 years, he received the2002 and 2003 "Outstanding Educators Award" from the College of Southern Nevada, and in 1997, he and his wife, Ruth, received the"Changing Images In America Award" from the Entertainment Industry. In 1984, he co-­founded of A Place For Us National(www.aplaceforusnational.com), which seeks to move America to a color-­blind society. Professor White specializes in K-­8th Grade, SpecialEd, Phonics, Reading, Math, Liberal Arts, Composition, English, and Literature, and prepares adults who need basic education to receivetheir GED's, or pass exams. The Master Educators Tutoring Service is frequently called upon by such private institutions as Sylvan LearningCenter and other private clients. He is a published co-­author of the book "Life Through The Eyes Of An Interracial Couple" and his mathcurriculum called "Math Soup For Scared People" will be available soon. Steve's workshop will reveal his method of education, whichmatches students and parents with educators across the country, to give them a viable, economical alternatives to the public school system.

Charlotte BergmannCharlotte Bergmann, is founder and president of CharlottePAC, a federal PAC and founder and president of The GOTV Club, Memphis' cool,networking Club which gives citizens the necessary voting information to protect their own interests. She currently owns Effective PMP, LLC,a specialized strategic project marketing company, providing high-­level global expertise in business development, marketing/marketresearch, strategies, government relations and total project management. Her has over seventeen years experience in InformationTechnology, marketing, and project management, combined ten plus years in leading new application development across multipleindustries within Fortune 100 to 500 companies. In 2008, she served as VP of Publication for the PMI Memphis organization, and as VP ofStrategic Planning & Information Technology for Inclusive Marketing Consulting, LLC., all the while fighting homelessness, due to years ofinadequate job opportunities in Memphis. Memphis has always been home for Charlotte. " I believe that our United States government isfacing an economic crisis. As a country, we are in danger of losing the basic understanding of freedom upon which our nation was founded. I

am committed to supporting the entrepreneur and small business owners, the most important economic venues of this country to help makethe American dream possible again. I will work with our elected officials to keep jobs in Memphis without bankrupting the Americantaxpayers." Due to her courageous stand against the ranting of a uber-­liberal black, racist talk show host in an interview with her, she hasbeen likened to Rosa Parks of the Civil Rights Era. www.charlottebergmann.com

Melvon AndersonAuthor Melvon Anderson reveals legal cover ups and government bureaucracy gone wrong in a new book, WhatLies Beneath Workers’ Compensation: Volume 2: ( published by AuthorHouse ). Now you can find out howemployees can protect themselves against the bureaucracy that plagues the system. When Melvon trusted herselfin the hands of the workers’ compensation system, she had no idea how cruel those hands could be and howindifferent her employer would become. Her book makes the point: You cannot fight what you do not understand.Through the real-­life stories in this book, you become involved in the struggles and frustrations of those who finallyfound solutions to their predicament. For a copy of Melvon’s book contact AuthorHouse at: 1-­800-­839-­8640 oremail: www.authorhouse.com or Melvon’s websites: www.takingthefirststeps.com orwww.awarenessandadvocacyservice.com . Esté libro es en Español.

Brenda LenardBrenda Lenard is running for U.S. Senate for the state of Tennessee against incumbent Bob Corker. She is officially on the ballot for the 2012primary election. Brenda is running for the U.S. Senate to restore the American Dream of opportunity and end a nightmare of an arrogantfederal government that spends too much, borrows too much, taxes too much and regulates too much taking wealth and jobs from Americans.Brenda has taken Corker to task for his votes including TARP, the Fannie and Freddie bailout, the phony continuing resolution, the job killingminimum wage increase, and numerous increases in government run health care. Corker is under fire from conservatives, has the lowest re-­elect numbers of any GOP Senator in the nation and is the top primary target for Red State's Erik Erickson. Brenda has drawn a line in thesand on the debt ceiling debate, stating that without real cuts of $370 billion this year, a cap to limit future spending and taxes, and passageof the Lee-­Hatch Balanced Budget Amendment, the debt ceiling increase must be defeated. She invites you to join campaign for a betterAmerica at www.brendalenard.com

Stacy M. SwimpMeet Stacy M. Swimp, a dynamic and inspirational national speaker, columnist,and dedicated public servant. Stacy is also a member of and Spokesperson forProject 21, a National Speaker’s Bureau. He is President of the FrederickDouglass Society, a Public Policy and Education Institution and he is host ofContagious Transformation, a weekly Conservative Political Commentary. Asleader of the Frederick Douglass Society, Stacy has been a champion ofRepealing the 21st Century Jim Crow Law: The Davis Bacon Act. He alsochampions school choice.

You can learn more about Stacy at www.stacyswimp.net . He may be contacted [email protected]. His twitter is @stacyswimp. His Facebook FanPage: https://www.facebook.com/stacyswimp . The Frederick Douglass SocietyFacebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-­Frederick-­Douglass-­Society/230443450376397 Listen to Stacy's archived shows at:www.blogtalkradio.com/stacyswimp


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is accessible to those who earnestly seek Him in prayer. The revelation affected him deeply and impelled him to become steadfast in a dailyprayer life, a commitment he continues to honor. As a young boy, Jim had a natural flair for comedy which played out at family gatherings. In1989, Jim opened for Tim Allen at Governor’s Comedy Club on Long Island. This sparked a close friendship and a big boost for Jim’s career,when he was offered a popular recurring role as donut-­loving freeloader Benny Baroni on the hit show Home Improvement. Jim later gueststarred in other network sitcoms and motion pictures, including Disney’s hit, The Santa Clause. Like most comedians, Jim’s early routineswere steeped in adult themes and vulgarity, but Ephesians 5:4 led him to reassess his core values and contemplate serious changes for hislife, leading his new CD "Heart Improvement," available for purchase. Jim now travels the country speaking at business meetings andmotivational seminars, and continues to appear on television and in film. In recent months, he's also been gallivanting across the countryaboard the Tea Party Express, alongside former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Saturday Night Live’s Victoria Jackson. Despite hisexpanding political activism and unwavering reverence for God, one indispensable fact remains true – Jim Labriola is ridiculously funny andnever one to pass up the opportunity to elicit laughter when two or more are gathered together.

James CannonFather of famous actor, Nick Cannon, host of "America's Got Talent", and father-­in-­law of famous icon Mariah Carey. James is a supporter ofPresident Barack Obama, and is a motivational producer and televangelist who hosted a public-­access television cable TV ministry inCharlotte, North Carolina. He wrote the book 'The Calling' for which his son wrote the foreword. He claims he will beat Sarah Palin, andanyone we give him to play tennis against.

Lisa Mei NortonLisa Mei Norton is a retired Air Force Senior Master Sergeant turned political singer/songwriter/activist. She won "Best Female Vocalist" in1990 at the annual Kadena Air Base, Okinawa talent competition, and toured with the Air Force’s elite "Tops in Blue". Mrs. Norton hascombined her passion for music with her love of her country by performing at local and national patriotic events. She and her partner,BigDawg, launched "BigDawg Music Mafia" to help promote other conservative artists. Read more about Lisa Mei Norton atlisameinorton.wordpress.com.

Mia LoveIn January 2010, Mia Love began her term in Saratoga Springs as the first black woman to serve as Mayor in Utah. Mayor Love originally gotinto politics when the Supreme Court began discussing removing the phrase "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. She saw a needand wanted to help her community. She served on her City Council for 6 years before becoming Mayor. And now Mayor Mia Love is runningfor the U.S. House. Read more about Mayor Love at mialove.net.

Roark CritchlowRoark Critchlow is a Canadian actor who is best known as Dr. Mike Norton on the daytime soap opera "Days of our Lives". You may alsoremember Mr. Critchlow from movies like "Mr. Deeds" with Adam Sandler and several TV shows. Roark Critchlow currently has a recurringrole on the science fiction TV show "V" and on ABC Family's breakout-­hit "Pretty Little Liars", where he has the role as Tom Marin (HannaMarin's father). View photos and check out some of Roark Critchlow's work at roarkcritchlow.com

Michael JoinerMichael Joiner has been performing nationwide for over 18 years and is rated one of the nation's funniest "Clean Stand up Comedians". In2006, Mr. Joiner was one out of only four Comedians chosen worldwide to star in the top selling DVD, "The Clean Stand Up Comedy Tour."He has worked in many national TV commercials, starred in several movie and TV projects, and currently writes for many stand upcomedians, including his son, Dustin Joiner. Michael Joiner's most impressive credit to date is as the lead in "The Grace Card". Read moreabout Michael Joiner at michaeljoiner.com.

Lejeune BryantLejeune Bryant is best know for his modeling, gracing over 1000 Runway Fashion Shows and features in magazines like Bridal Magazine,showcasing designs for such moguls as John Vervatos, Eddie Bauer, DKNY, Rusell Simmons, NFL Sports, & Perry Ellis.

Torry MartinAlthough Torry Martin has a long list of accomplishments as an actor, author, storyteller and comedian, he prefers to use his gifts for laughter,writing and entertaining to bring serious messages to audiences through the softening blows of humor. After finding the Lord, Mr. Martinmoved to Alaska and gave up acting and comedy for two years to study the bible and become grounded in his faith. Mr. Martin won the grandprize two years in a row in a national competition at what is now called Seminar in the Rockies, and now returns annually as an instructor. Healso has written for “Adventures in Odyssey”, a children’s radio series produced by Focus on the Family. Read more about this self-­proclaimed "Hippie for the Holy One" at torrymartin.com.

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Doc Myers

Dr.(Doc) Myers is the leader of the campaign to make Juneteenth Independence Day, June 19th, a National Holiday Observance, like FlagDay or Patriot Day. Founder & President of the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation (NJOF) and the National Juneteenth ChristianLeadership Council (NJCLC), his efforts have resulted in the recognition of Juneteenth as a state holiday or state holiday observance in 41states, and the District of Columbia. It is an Independence Day for all Americans, and one of the most important celebrations for BlackAmericans. Also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, it, honors Black heritage, by commemorating the 1865 announcement of theabolition of slavery, in the last hold-­out state, Texas.Doc is also founder of the National Day of Reconciliation and Healing From the Legacy of Enslavement, observed on the “3rd Friday in June”,which includes the National Juneteenth Black Holocaust “Maafa” Memorial Service and the World Day of Reconciliation and Healing from theLegacy of Enslavement, observed on the "20th of August", the Rev., Dr. Myers works with church leaders to seek God to bring healing to thenation from the scars of enslavement. Rev. Meyers is also an accomplished horn and piano jazz musician, and serves as Artistic Director ofthe Mississippi Jazz and Heritage Festival.www.juneteenth.us

Audrey RussoAudrey Russo is the Host of the weekly REELTalk Radio Show and the co-­host of WOMANTalk Radio Show and handles Middle EastIssues/National Security/Terrorism for their eZine. She has also been a frequent guest and guest co-­host on Clash Radio with Doug Giles onthe IRN Network. As well as a guest on several radio shows including The Rick Amato Show, The Simon Conway Show, The Pat CampbellShow and The Mike Wiley Show. Audrey is the Managing Editor for the online opinion journal Ediblog.com. Her articles can also be read atThe Center for Changing Worldviews, Examiner.com and the Gold Coast Chronicle as well as other online journals. She is also an activemember of the NYC performing arts community as a singer and actor.

Ava AstonAva Aston is a recording artist with a uniquely crystalline vocal sound all her own. Truly beautiful vocal melodies that rise above smartlywritten songs... Musical styles and fads may come and go, but one thing remains true, Ava’s love to sing. She lives to create and performmusic that makes you feel something, music that makes you smile. Ava’s song “We The People” has struck a chord with many in the TeaParty movement. She has become a favorite at events around the country. If you want to meet Ava, visit www.avaaston.com or you candownload all of her music on iTunes.

Resa KirklandWARCHICK is a military historian/conservative commentator. She is a frequent guest on multiple talk-­radio shows and is author of theforthcoming "Forgotten Warrior" series. She coined the phrases "Political Castration"-­-­nothing correct about it-­-­and ISLAMMUNISM-­-­thesecret combination of Islam/Communism. She sounds the war cry on North Korea and its unholy alliance with terrorism. She is the creator ofTELL DISNEY NO CENSORING THE PATH TO 911, SUPPORT A PRIVATE ONLINE VIEWING ON THE ANNIVERSARY. She has a degreein Education but stands firm against the NEA. WARCHICK has been an online favorite since 2002.

Wendy L. GumpertBelieving that every child deserves a loving, nurturing, permanent family Wendy got her first taste of activism when she joined the pilotinitiative in North Carolina sponsored by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation-­ Families for Kids. Guided by 5 simple goals, she issued the“Challenge for Children” to Guilford County-­ one of the original eight counties to participate in North Carolina. Today, the ground breakinginitiative-­ Families for Kids five goals have been adopted as the primary goals for children’s services in all of North Carolina and ensureschildren have safe, permanent homes within one year of entering the foster care system. Foster parents in Guilford County, including Wendyand her father, decided to begin an initiative of their own when they realized letters, court appearances, and concerns were goingunrecognized during crucial court hearings determining a child’s placement or future permanency plans. With their new found voices, thegroup went to Raleigh and lobbied at the state level for foster parents’ rights to be heard at the forefront. Legislation giving the right for foster

parents, pre-­adoptive parents or relatives providing care for a child to be heard in any proceeding held with respect to a child was passed in2006. After participating in many groundbreaking initiatives, Wendy and her family found themselves in a modern day David vs. Goliath whentheir three foster/adopted children were removed from their custody. Policies Wendy and her family actively helped implement in NorthCarolina provided them the power to maneuver through a devastating situation and provide what would have been an impossible outcome-­ afoster parent victory. Wendy, this time, pushed for changes in local policies and has participated on several boards and panel discussionspertaining to the power of permanency for children and foster parents rights.

Alfonzo RachelAlfonZo Rachel is a musician, and martial artist and now gaining much notice for his fun and energetic commentaries in self produced videosas a social / political humorist. The videos promote conservative ideas, and started an immediate buzz;; getting the attention of people by themillions. This was rare for someone promoting conservative ideas on youtube! From being an attraction on youtube, he became a feature onPJTV.COM where he presents Zonation.

Jim LabriolaJim Labriola was born and raised in Queens, New York, and grew up in a Roman Catholic family that believed in God, but rarely attendedchurch. However, when he was eight, Jim stumbled across a bible at a friend’s house and began to read it. A key passage revealed that Godis accessible to those who earnestly seek Him in prayer. The revelation affected him deeply and impelled him to become steadfast in a daily


2. SCREENSHOT: AL’S BLOG Footnote 19


3. EMAIL FROM ANTHONY NOLAN, Maryland Natural and Historical Resources Division Chief Footnote 12 Good afternoon Prof. Blanck. Thank you for your interest in the Department of Parks and Recreation's Juneteenth Celebration event. Please see below with answers to your questions regarding Juneteenth. Please feel free to follow up with me either via email or by phone if you would like additional information. Anthony Nolan, Division Chief Natural and Historical Resources Division 6707 Green Landing Road Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 301-627-2270 301-952-0936 (fax) [email protected] www.pgparks.com Hi Ms. Blanck, I am forwarding your email to Anthony Nolan who can answer your questions. Thanks for contacting us. RG From: Blanck, Emily V. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 2:29 PM To: Gathers, Ronnie Subject: Hello Hello Mr. Gathers, I am a Historian and scholar of American Studies at Rowan University in New Jersey. I am researching the history and spread of Juneteenth. Last summer, I had the privilege of going to


Maryland’s Juneteenth Celebration at Watkins Park. Right now, I am writing a paper on why state governments have recently become interested in sponsoring Juneteenth events and observing Juneteenth as an official holiday. Would you mind answering a few questions or referring me to someone who could? • How did Maryland Parks and Rec become interested in putting on a

Juneteenth celebration? Who was involved in the decision? Were any politicians involved? Local activists?

Originally, the event started out as a small gathering (approximately 100-­‐150 persons) with a lecture regarding Juneteenth and a performance of sprirituals from the Civil War period. The idea originated with then Councilmember Sam Dean (District 6, Prince George's County Council). He played a pivitol role in providing additional funding to grow the size and scope of the event. In addition, a local ad-­‐hoc group of groups and individuals, the African American Heritage Preservation Group (now a registered non-­‐profit), dedicated to sharing African American history also took an interest in promoting the event. • Why do you think that Juneteenth is an important holiday to

celebrate? Why do you think Maryland’s government/Parks and Rec should commemorate it?

While Juneteenth originated in Texas, it has a significance that reaches beyond that state and highlights a critical point in the history, not only of African Americans but of the United States. It also transends the boundaries of Prince George's County, Maryland, one of the wealthiest African American majority counties in the United States. Many of the individuals and families who now reside here have relocated from across the United States. For many, Juneteenth symbolizes the start of a new country, and for many a new day of


independence. Given the varying dates and times of the various acts that ended slavery, this one day plays a unifying role in bringing all Americans together to commemorate. • I noticed that Maryland’s history became an important focus of the

event. Why do you think it is important to share Maryland’s African American historical sites with the public? Why do you think the historical and geneaological events were important to include?

The event has grown to attract between 2,000-­‐3,000 individuals. This provides an excellent opportunity to share the history tied to this commemoration event as well as the history of the surrounding community both at the time of this event as well as subsequent historical events and personages. Many of the patrons who attend the Juneteenth are unaware of local history and sites. While each site is unique in its own way, they represent similar sites in other communities and states (churches, schools, sites of significant achievements by African Americans, homes of important persons) and stories (personal achievement, overcoming significant adversity, the development of communities, the advancement of a people over several generations, the transformational process of a society). With regard to the geneological event, the Afro-­‐American Geneological Society had for many years held this event to provide information on resources and methods to both scholars and those interested in tracing their own family histories. Co-­‐hosting the two programs at the same park provides an opportunity to highlight both the scholarly as well as the culturally important aspects of history and its role in our current lives. • Any insight on why Maryland has not recognized Juneteenth as an

official state holiday? (43 states have... ) Many individuals are unaware of Juneteenth and of those that do,


many feel that Marylanders have their own date to commemorate. One important aspect regarding Maryland and the end of slavery is that it was a border state during the Civil War. While the Emancipation Proclamation freed enslaved persons held within the Confederacy on January 1, 1863 it did not free those in the border slave states that did not secede, of which Maryland was one. It wasn't until Maryland enacted a new constituion (which went into effect on November 1, 1864) that slavery abolished. It is hoped that events such as the Juneteenth celebration at Watkins Regional Park raise awareness of this important moment in the Country's history as well as all of the history that surrounds us in every day life. Thank you very much for your help. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who could help answer these questions or might have some important insight. Sincerely, Prof. Emily Blanck Department of History Program in American Studies --


ENDNOTES 1 Elizabeth Hays Turner, “Juneteenth: Emancipation and Memory,” Lone Star Pasts: Memory and History in Texas, Gregg Cantrell and Elizabeth Hayes Turner, eds. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M Press, 2007), 163; “Al Edwards: Juneteenth USA” The Gazette, North Texas Weekly Paper of Choice, June 13, 2002, 1 2 “Juneteenth-­‐ Ring the Bell of Freedom: In Celebration of Our True Independence Day” (Saginaw, MI: The National Association of Juneteenth Lineage, Inc. , 1998), 57. 3 Ronald V. Myers. National Juneteenth Observance Foundation, “Juneteenth State Holiday Observation” http://www.nationaljuneteenth.com/St_Holiday_Legislation.html (accessed on 7 September, 2014). 4 While I gave my paper at the American Association of Geographers meeting in 2012, a young African American man made the comment that the holiday feels overblown and has crowded out local Emancipation celebrations. At the “Footprint and Roots” Juneteenth Event in Watkins Park Maryland, I spoke to a woman who felt troubled by the way that Juneteenth’s emancipatory message overpowers the painful memories of slavery. See also, Kwase Impotep. “Junteenth is Misguided,” http://daghettotymz.com/rkyvz/articles/juneteenth/juneteenth.html#.VBHd8GRdWXw. 5 See for instance, Jurgen Habermas, Anthony Appiah, Amy Gutmann, Charles Taylor. 6 Martha Biondi, “Controversial Blackness: The Historical Development & Future Trajectory of African American Studies “Daedalus, Vol. 140, No. 2, Race, Inequality & Culture, volume 2 (Spring 2011), 226-­‐237. Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, (New York: Little, Brown, and Company, 1993). James A. Banks, “The Canon Debate, Knowledge Construction, and Multicultural Education” o ( 1993) Vol. 22 (5), 4-­‐14. 7 Public Enemy, “Fight the Power” Fear of a Black Planet, 1989. 8 Randall Robinson, The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks (New York: Plume, 2001). 9 Dwight Pitcaithley, “’A Cosmic Threat’: The National Park Service Addresses the Causes o the American Civil War,” Slavery and Public History: The Tough Stuff of American Memory James Oliver Horton and Lois E Horton, eds. (Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2006), 169-­‐186. 10 Dinesh D’Sousa, Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus, (New York: Free Press, 1998); Harold Bloom, The Western Canon: The Books and Schools of the Ages, (New York: Riverhead Trade, 1995). 11 Friedrich Nietzche, The Use and Abuse of History for Life, http://nietzsche.classicauthors.net/abuse/abuse1.html (accessed on 9/7/2014); 12 This quote was garnered through email correspondence with Mr. Nolan. The content of the email is attached.


13 “Juneteenth Redux” www.teapartyvshollywood.com/tpvh/Home.aspx (accessed on 5/21/12), since this page is now inactive it will be attached to the end of this paper. 14 Karen Schoen, “Tea Party Black Juneteenth,” http://www.juneteenth.us/teaparty.html (accessed on 9/9/2014). 15 “Juneteenth Redux” 16 Jillian Rayfield, “CPAC Panel on Racism Goes Awry,” Slate.com http://www.salon.com/2013/03/15/cpac_panel_on_racism_goes_awry/ (accessed on 9/7/2014). 17 K. Carl Smith, “About Frederick Douglass Republicans” http://frederickdouglassrepublican.com/about/ (accessed on 9/7/2014). 18 Michael Zak, “Republicans Celebrate Juneteenth,” June 19, 2006, American Thinker http://www.americanthinker.com/2006/06/republicans_celebrate_juneteen.html (accessed on 9/7/2014). 19 Al. “Juneteenth Redux” Al’s Blog, Myspace, www.myspace.com/blanctrash/blog/279177999 (accessed on 3/20/2013) As this document is no longer available online, I will attach it to this paper. 20 Henry Barbour, Sally Bradshaw, et al. “Growth and Opportunity Project,” Republican National Committee, https://goproject.gop.com/RNC_Growth_Opportunity_Book_2013.pdf (accessed on 9/7/2014), 10. 21 Ronald Myers, “ Reconciliation,” National Juneteenth Observance Foundation Celebration of Freedom, http://nationaljuneteenth.com/Reconciliation.html (accessed on 9/12/2014). 22 Ronald Myers, “Juneteenth.US” National Juneteenth Holiday Campaign, http://www.juneteenth.us (accessed on 9/12/2014); Ronald Myers, “Reconciliation.”