Introduction to cloud computing and examine in the world and Iran


Transcript of Introduction to cloud computing and examine in the world and Iran

Introduction to cloud computing and examine in the world and Iran

F.Zareiyan, M.javanmardPayam Noor University of Asalooye, E-mail: f.zareiyan68 @

University professor Payam Noor International Asalooye, E-mail: [email protected]

AbstractWhile the topic of Cloud Computing has become prevalent in the last few years (roughly from 2006 onwards), the industry's leading IT companies trying to enter this category and applying it in their service processes. customers and users have. So that the top of today's IT world, cloud computing as a major competitive advantage over companies that use their rank.Cloud computing as a new mode of network applications for the development of infrastructure of the Internet. [3].

In this paper a general introduction to the topic of cloud computing deal Subsequent layers of the important featuresof cloud computing will be mentioned Finally, a comparative assessment of the country and the world will focus onthis area.

Keywords: Cloud computing, cloud computing in the world, cloud computing in Iran

1. Introduction A cloud computing

Cloud computing is a new technology aims to provide computing and storage services over the Internet [5, 6 ]. Overall, including infrastructure, platform and software as a service layer. Cloud service providers, data center hardware and software to provide storage and computing services via the Internet Rent said. using cloud computing, Internet users can obtain services from a cloud as it is a super computer Mstqrshdh. they can store their data in the cloud instead of your devices and the widespread availability of data are possible [7]. Internet-based cloud computing technologies to provide services to [8], That emanates from the cloud as a metaphor for the Internet, based on the images of computer network diagrams to simplify infrastructure complexity hides [9] can also be seen as a grid computing-oriented development of business to be [10] In that effort leads to success Hmga straw in computing [11, 12], while greater use of self-management improvements can be achieved with automatic calculations [13]. Idea of infinite computing resources available on demand, with eliminate the upfront commitment of Member Offers And pay for use of computing resources are required in the short term [14]. Additionally, the nodes providing the service There's no need for expanded services [14]., Which promotes the development of a cutting-edge web applications will be scalable [14], while its resources dynamically scalable and often virtualized as a Internet Service offers 17, 16, 15, 1 [, and users without the knowledge, expertise, or control over the technology infrastructure in the cloud They are supported ] 18 [ . Evolution calculations in such a way that it can be after water, electricity, gas and telephone services can be considered as the fifth element. In such cases, users who try to make based on their needs are and no matter where or how a service is delivered over the access. Samples from a variety of computing systems have been proposed that attempt to provide such services to users. Some of them include: computing cluster 1 , Grid computing 2 and Recently, cloud computing3 . cloud computing is structured like a cloud mass by which users can access applications from anywhere in the world. Thus, cloud computing can help Virtual machines 4 Networked, as a new method to create dynamic new generation data centers must be considered. Thus, the computing world is heading rapidly toward developing software that runs on computers rather than individually, as are services available to millions of consumers. The popularity of the calculations mentioned three different types of visual search engine, Google also evaluates the results is shown in Figure 1. This study suggests that cluster computing is now widely accepted is less than the other two, Grid computing is in second place, and the process of growing attention And far more cases. [ 19 ]


Figure 1 - Evaluation of the acceptability of Google's cluster system, grid and cloud in 2008 and 2009 [ 24 ]

2. Layers of cloud computing

Depending on the distribution of the three layers of cloud computing resources, infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and software as a service application is made.In the lowest layer, Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas) is called, CPU, memory and hardware components is provided by a cloud service provider Providers see the cloud infrastructure resources can network with virtual machines Started as a new method for creating a new generation of dynamic data centers, so they can be used to provide a flexible infrastructure for a variety of computing and storage services are available. If you want the highest level of flexibility to the users to achieve useful service, we need a flexible infrastructure that could be achieved by providers of infrastructure resources [1].Intermediate layer or platform as a service ( Paas ) Host of different environments to provide the service. Purpose of this layer is to prepare organizations for physical and virtual servers is required.[ 3] At the highest tier applications as a Service (SaaS) That access to these services through Web services and Web browsers place. [ 2 ]

Figure 2 - Types of service layers ] 20 , 21 [

3. Essential characteristics of cloud computing [22]

3.1 Predecessor Requested serviceA customer can Strain computing resources such as servers and storage The needs of the providers in the network to Achieved automatically without requiring human intervention.3.2 WANStorage facilities are available on standard mechanisms to achieve them can be found . Mechanisms of heterogeneous strong and weak contexts (mobile phones, laptops and PDA S) are supported. Sazyn enterprise cloud servers to dynamically provide the (Dynamic Cloud Server) This model of service due to high costs on a dedicated server or VPS hosting provides many hosting companies that may be thought to benefit hosting service, to the use professional users increased Quality web hosting services not possible with these hosting companies offering services, regardless of the model are [23]

3.3 Resources accumulatedWere collected with the use of computing resources provider "model more customers » The number of clients they serve. This means that some form of physical or virtual resources dynamically assigned and will be done according to customer's request.Here there is a state of non-attachment to the place where the customer generally has no control or knowledge about the exact location of the provided resources but may be at higher levels of abstraction can take place to determine, such as:, state, or the center of. For example, resources include storage, processing power, memory, network bandwidth, and virtual machines. 3.4 Quick flexibility - fitFeatures can be quickly and flexibly, in some cases automatically, to quickly expand the acquired data (from the perspective of scale) or in free space and quickly achieve a smaller scale. From the perspective of the customer to get the facilities that are available often seem unlimited and can be purchased in any amount and at any time. . 3.5 Measurements ofCloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use. It does this by measuring the level of abstraction appropriate to the use of the service (e.g., storage space, processing power, bandwidth and number of users) is performed. Resource could clear the way for the customer and the provider intended to control and be reported.

4. Check the status of cloud computing in the world [24]

Ongoing research conducted at the research center in line with the observations of cloud computing technology in the country and the world takes place, the curve of the situation in Iran and the technologies associated with cloud computing are plotted in Figure 1. In this graph, the emergence of technologies that are left in. Later in the popularity, expectations of rises sharply and a tab will appear. Gradually, some of these technologies are used by others for various reasons are disillusioned in the use of technology (higher than expectations, lack of knowledge, etc.). Some remain frustrated that the tilt, with more realistic to focus on developing technology that, if successful, and the existence of demand, the slope of the error and can be produced.

Figure 3 - review the situation in Iran and the world of cloud computing to the first quarter of 92 [ 24 ]

As you can see in virtualization state of the world and technology companies who are positioned on the fertile slopes of various companies such as Cisco, Microsoft, the I Weir, and the development of their products and Oracle compete for a larger share of the market. Applying this technology in 91 years almost to the point it had reached its peak in terms of expectations. Despite the fact that many organizations are beginning toThey use virtualization products, but the technology did not meet the needs of others.


So in 92 years, it has been observed that some centers are located on the slopes of frustration and a lot of attention towards infrastructure cloud service (IaaS) Has shifted its position and possibly control the fever will Expectations . The remarkable thing is that due to the infrastructure and software services in the reverse order of the world.This has led to a general analysis of the concept of cloud computing as well as in the Iranian market analysis differs from the analysis in the world. For example, what in the world is the growth of infrastructure services, despite the soft demand for the service, but in the absence of the demand equation has changed and what is currently emerging in the form of a service infrastructure tab is false and has been influenced more by marketing the world's leading industries and domestic demand has not been affected.

5. The main barriers to the use of cloud computing Iran

In this study, the process of adoption of the cloud, Iran as a developing country, we have considered., If the private sector can support this technology, we face the following problems:5.1 Speed and uncertainty of the Internet:The main concern of the management team of cloud computing is the lack of reliability and speed of Internet connection. If cloud computing (public cloud) for part of their IT services, we must ensure that this continuous access to data and applications on the cloud support. A sudden drop in quickly or impaired The Internet is a rare phenomenon in the inability to access data and services are included in the cloud.5.2 Data SecurityAs expected, data security is one of the main issues., With the use of cloud computing, data and information available to a third party (cloud provider ) Will. Hence, to ensure data security in cloud provider is based. However, if the information is compromised by a malicious cloud provider or any other person or disappear AnyLaw There is significant support for cloud users.5.3 Adopting a New Technology:When a New Technology There is First and foremost User acceptance issue ahead of next issue NecessityEducation For staff Learn New technologies 's.5.4 AffordabilityTo accommodate The cost of cloud computing Efficient Decision making It is quite difficult 's.5.5 Compatibility:Another issue that As a Deterrent Referred to Is Compatibility Available Infrastructure IT With Cloud computing Be.5.6 Maturity Technology:

Concept and Ideas Cloud computing In Country Relatively new. Therefore, may be a New Technology Be replaced. If Cloud computing With The new technology Be replaced, go to "Old style" that can be costly.If the public sector The tech support problems such as speed and uncertainty of the Internet, security of data and the lack of standards in every organization there. [ 25 ]

6. Conclusions

Promotion of cloud computing technologies into a system is a long time, and the need to build a data center, integrating resources, enhance service capabilities, as well as information security is a pressing need . With increasing development IT Network communication and data volume growth, coupled with the emergence of new applications and computational requirements necessary computing capacity is growing exponentially by the day. [27 , 26 ] One of the most fundamental requirements for cloud computing services, context-speed network between the server and the client. Because instead of processing takes place in the data center, cloud computing will be the only medium of communication network between the two units.So if our idea of cloud computing infrastructure, a network of high-speed action that will be implemented.Fortunately, the telecommunications network infrastructure services are intended as an intranet or national network will provide. That's why the current situation in Iran might implement cloud computing services, and Iran has been a growing trend in And the momentum going.


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