Interview of between the NRC Incident

_ _ _ _ . . .. . .. OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 9 MOUG NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION O RAD 10GRAPillC SOURCE INVESTIGATION Docket No. 030-29300 mMN: BURCINGTON *,c MA PAGE DAlli: . . MARCil 12, 1990 1-20 ANN RILEY & ASSOCIATES, LTD. 1612 K St. N.W, Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20006 I# A _ (202) 293-3950 ;Q7' 2N, upf.: f w.. : g e i% ,,,,,; g nr r ui. _ _.__.____.__._.__ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _______ _

Transcript of Interview of between the NRC Incident

_ _ _ _ . . .. . ..




Docket No. 030-29300


PAGEDAlli: . . MARCil 12, 1990 1-20

ANN RILEY & ASSOCIATES, LTD.1612 K St. N.W, Suite 300

Washington, D.C. 20006I# A

_ (202) 293-3950;Q7' 2N, upf.: f w.. :g e i% ,,,,,; gnr

r ui.

_ _ _ _.__.____.__._.__ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _______ _ -

_ _ _ _ - _ - . _ - _ .





Investigation of the March 8, 1990

event involving cross country transportation of

a radiographic source from Korea to Amersham

corporation in Burlington, Massachusetts.

Interview of between the NRC IncidentInvestigation Team and Corporate Manufacturing



March 12, 1990

3:20 P.M.


9 40 North StreetBurlington, MA

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1 INTERVIEWER 2: This is an

2= interview with William M. McDaniel,|

3 Corporate Manufacturing Manager, for both

4 Burlington, Mass, and Arlington Heights,

5 Illinois, on March 12, 1990, by several

6 Members of NRC Incident Investigation Team

7 regarding the inadvertent shipment of a

8 radiographic source from Korea to Burlington,

9 Mass.

10 What is your job title?

11 INTERVIEWEE 5: My job title is

12 Corporate Manufacturing Manager.

13- INTERVIEWER 2: How long have you

14 been in this position?

15 INTERVIEWEE 5: I've been in this

16 position for about fifteen months,

17 INTERVIEWER-2: Prior to that,

18 what was your experience with Amersham and

19 other companies?

20 INTERVIEWEE 5: I've been with

21 Amersham for about 13 years, and prior to

22 this position, I was the manufacturing

manager in Arlington Heights.9 23

24 INTERVIEWER 2: In that experience



1 at Arlington Heights, the operation there,

2 how does it differ from this operation?

3 INTERVIEWEE 5: Well, mostly what

4 we're dealing with in Arlington Heights is

5 smaller quantities of cobalt cesium in a

6 concrete hot cell, as well as we utilize some

7 americium foil in the assembly of smoke

8 detectors and dispensing of P-32-and sulfur

9 35 compounds.

10 INTERVIEWER 2: No radiographic or

'11 well logging type sources?

12 INTERVIEWEE 5: No, and actually,

13 we handle the well logging sources, yes,

14 there, but we do not handle any radiographic

15 materials in the Arlington Heights Plant.

16 INTERVIEWER 2: You say you were

17 there for 15 years?

18 INTERVIEWEE 5: I was there for

19 roughly 12 years at that point.

20 INTERVIEWER 2: What type of

21- educational training have you had?

22 INTERVIEWEE 5: I've got a

'23 Bachelor's at the University of Illinois in

24 Biological Sciences, and I have a Master's


- - ..




(r#'Y 'l Degree-in Business.l.ij

2 INTERVIEWER 2: I take it you must--


3 have, from time to time -- have you had any.

4 training in RAD protection? ;

.5 INTERVIEWEE 5: Yes, I have.

L 6 Actually, I was-the deputy -- what did we.-

7 call-it?


9- INTERVIEWEE 5: Not the Deputy

10 RSO. I was the -- we have a RadioactiveL

11 Incident Squad in Arlington Heights, and I

j' N 12- was the -- I forget the exact title for it. ,

13 INTERVIEWER 2: Team Leader?

14- INTERVIEWEE 5: Yes. I was the

15 Deputy Team Leader. The actual leader of the,


16 team was generally conducting any sessions

17 that we had, any trial sessions. So I've

18 been through the RAD Safety Courses in

19 Arlington Heights as well as the';

20 Administrator Seminar out here.

21 INTERVIEWER 2: Could you tell us

22 about your-involvement last Thursday with the

.f's 23 whole thing?41t, 24 INTERVIEWEE 5: Well, at this





1 point, what I can say is that Kate contacted

2 me immediately after the retrieval-had been

3 completed. From the discussions of time

4 frames we have, I wasn't really paying much

5 attention to what time it was when she

6 notified me, but it must have been around

7 3:15 or thereabouts.

8 INTERVIEWER 2: Is that the first

9 time you were aware that something unusual

10 was going on?

11 INTERVIEWEE 5: Yes. She

12 contacted me as soon as it was complete. She

13 came, I believe I was in the assembly area.

14 At that time she came up to me and she said,

15 "well, we've just concluded a retrieval

16 source that came back from Korea", and she-

17 started to explain the situation to me. We

18 then went out to the dock, and she was.

19 showing me the crate, and.we talked about all

20 the things they had done during the

21 retrieval.

22 At that point, I got the serial

23 number of the source changer. We have a dual

9 -24 system of track and source changers in house


_ . _ . . . . .


- 1 currently; one which is on our mini computer

2 which is part of.the order entry system, and

3 another one is on a PC which is sort of an

4 accentuated system, and to track down who

5 that source changer had been shipped to andi

6 when, when it had been shipped out. At-that

7 point'I got Linda' involved, Linda Sheff,

8 involved so that she could check on the paper

! 9 work. Once.we did determine that the

10 customer and the ship date, she pulled the

11' file on that paper work.

12 INTERVIEWER 2: As a result of

13 that, I understand you sent off a

14 communication to somebody immediately.

'15 INTERVIEWEE 5: Yes. As soon as I

16 had all the details that we had under our

17 control and had formulated the majority of

18 the questions that we had, I sent a FAX off

19 to Tony Lawson and Sam Lau who are two of the

20 people who work out of our Hong Kong office.

21 Tony Lawson is responsible for the Korean

22 section -- among other things, he's

23 responsible for Korea.

9 24 INTERVIEWER 2: They are Amersham

h O'BRIEN AND LEVINE. . . . . . . . . _ _




1 employees?

2 INTERVIEWEE 5: They are Amersham

3 International employees, yes.

4 INTERVIEWER 2: They're a

5 distributor, and they are, I assume, are

6 incorporated in Korea; they're not a U. S.

7 Company?

8 INTERVIEWEE 5: That's correct.

9 Well, they're not a U. S. Company that I'm

10 aware of.

11 INTERVIEWER 2: They're not an

12 Amersham company?

13 INTERVIEWEE 5: They are not an

14 Amersham affiliate, no. They are on.some

15 sort of a contract with us.

16 INTERVIEWER 2: I believe you

17 received at least one reply to that

18 communication.


20 INTERVIEWER 2: We received a copy

21 of that this morning.


INTERVIEWER 2: Was there another


24 reply that had just come in?



- - - - . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . . .


_ 1 INTERVIEWEE 5: Well, actually,

j 2 we've received two replies to communications-

3 that I've made with them. The second reply.

4 is the one'that you have received as of this

5 morning. The first one we received on

6 Friday.i

7 INTERVIEWER 2: Just a brief look

8 at the inquiry that went out the other day

9 and a reply this morning, I surmised that the

10 tone of those is to find out what the hell is-


11 going on in terms of how they do things over

4 12 there, I guess. Give us your impressions, if.

} 13- you could, of the requirements that are in

14 place in Korea, if any?..

15 INTERVIEWEE 5: I am not aware of

; 16 any requirements whatsoever.

17 INTERVIEWER 2: For licensing or

18 end use?

19- INTERVIEWEE 5: I honestly don't-

20 know how the licensing is handled for Korea

21 going several generations there. I'm not

22 certain whether Linda checks the-licensing or

. 23 whether the Hong Kong office checks the

Ej 24 licensing.



. - - . - . . - - . _ _ _



1- INTERVIEWER 2: I'm talking not

2 with respect to the licenses to export to

3 them but in terms of licenses of the end

4 user.

5 INTERVIEWEE 5: To handle the

6 radioactive material. That's what I'm

7 referring to. I mean, we're dealing with

8 several generations out. I'm not certain

9 who. I believe it was Korea Technologies

10 Incorporated was the real customer of this

11_ particular source, and I really don't know.

12 We certainly did not know that until this

13 morning. I'm not certain if Hong Kong -- if

14 the Hong Kong office or if NDI are the

15 parties that verify licensing for handling

16 radioactive materials.

-17 INTERVIEWER 2: You have been able

18- to identify the name of the end user?

19 INTERVIEWEE 5: Yes. That was in

20 this morning's FAX.


22 INTERVIEWEE 5: Yes. Actually,

they've answered almost all my questions at9 23

24 this point.


_ _ . _ . . . _ . . . . .


1 INTERVIEWER-2: As I was pointing

2 out earlier before we started, a lot of our

3 questions relate to trying to get more of a

4 feel for the adequacy of regulations in

5 general to cover export / import of hazardous

6 materials in the United States, and we're

7 looking a lot at trying to find out who is

8 the shipper and right now it appears it's

9 NDI.

10 INTERVIEWEE 5: Yes, NDI was

11 indeed the shipper.

12 INTERVIEWER 2: We're trying to

9 13 get a description of the whole scenario here

14 and get more of a feel from the people.

15 INTERVIEWEE 5: Yes, it's looks

16 like Linda did a nice job.

17- INTERVIEWER 2: Yes. Well, I

18 donit have any more specific questions so why

19. don't I throw it out to you guys.

20 INTERVIEWER 1: I just have two.

21 Have there been any previous problems that

22 you're aware of with shipments from Korea?

23 INTERVIEWEE 5: The contamination

9 24 -- the two-source changers we received, I



_ _



/"S 1 believe a couple months back, which came

2 _back, in my terms, grossly contaminated in

a 3 terms of the source tubes.themselves. We

I-4 inquired through -- Well, Linda inquired


5 through the Hong Kong office and'then we had

6 one of our UK -- well, one of the Amersham

7 International employees who comes here, he's !


8 one of the product managers, came on site two

9 or three weeks ago, and we followed up with

10 him expressing that we had never received a

L 11 response to the contamination inquiries thati

'~~g 12 we made, and he was going to follow up on ;!

A 13 that. At this point I still have not yet

14- heard of that. I know on one of the source I

15 changers the wipe was 80 MR. We had to

16 decontaminate it down to a level that we1 :L j

| 17 could actually do counts on. Other than !| d

18 that, that's the only incident that I'm aware- !i

-19 of, certainly, that's happened since about| l1 20 January of '89. |

21 INTERVIEWER 1: Does it concern

L 22 you that you've never gotten a source back .i

i23 from Korea?

9 24 INTERVIEWEE 5: Yes. The whole


h ,


_ _ .

..- _-e


| f' ^N 1 situation in terms ef foreign countries '

~) IL'~'~2 returning or not returning courcos became a i

I3 bit more of a concern during one of the NRC

4 inspections where people started asking what

5 exactly h9ppens and prior to that I was not)

6 aware that we were not getting return sources

7 from some foreign countries. So it certainly

8 does concern me what they're doing with them.

9 I would hope that Korea certainly shouldn't

10 be an uncivilized country and should know how

! 11 to handle these types of sources, but they're ;

(''N 12 certainly are not shipping properly.

\ i13 INTZiRVIEWER 1: Do you have any'


14 plans to request Korea to tend them back or

15 request that they tell you the disposition --

16 final disposition of the sources? )j

17 INTERVIEWEE 5: Well, for the 1

18 final disposition, we probably can get some1

'19 leverage there. I'm not certain that we

20 could actually exert any pressure that would

21 force them to return the sources. In the

22 second response, they did state that there

was no particular reason to not return the9 23 '

24 sources. It just is a standard Korean


.__-_ __ ._--. . ._____ - ___._ __ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . .-





13 ii

1 practice, apparently. That's what they |' '}|''

2 responded. I just don't think there's i~

l i

| 3 anything we could do to force them into|

| 4 roturning sources. j1

5 INTERVIEWER 1: I think I got the;

6 impression from the response from Korea this]

7 morning that sometimes your source changers

L 8 are used for storage devices. Does that

9 bother you and if so, do you think something|

10 should be done in terms of a notice orr


11 something to the end user that this is maybe

I 12 inappropriate?r~')b 13 INTERVIEWEE 5: Source changers is

14 a very difficult thing to control. We've

15 spent a considerable amount of time in the

16 last two to three months developing and fine

17 tuning a tracking system so that we would

18 know exactly where the source changers are at

19 any point in time. In terms of end users

20 using them for something -- well, using them,

21 period, is a problem from my angle because we

22 can't supply the whole world with source

23 changers so they can store things in, but7-~g,

f 24 that is what happens. We're trying to





, - [ '} 1 educate the International Division that they( /' ''

2 need to exercise more control in our behalf

3 because we can't afford to have these source

4 changers sitting out there. This one was out,


5 there for five months and that's an .


6 unreasonable amount of time, but on the other;

7 hand, Nordion has just licensed that exacti

8 same source changer for use with some of

9 their sources. Now that certainly isn't j

10 something we authorized. However, they're

11 certainly saying point blank that they dol!

' ~ ' 12 plan on using our source changer for

' '' 13 something.

I 14 INTERVIEWER 2: Do you own all|

_15 these? *



17 INTERVIEWER 2: The other source,


18 changers, there are several designs, are they

19 sometimes owned by other parties or are they

|20 all owned by Amersham? 1


21 INTERVIEWEE 5: It's rare that

22 you'll find source changers owned by other

r- 23 parties. Through the acquisition we happen

( ,7 24 to own most of_the source changers that have.




['')N1 been designed.


2 INTERVIEWER 1: Do you think it

3 would be a good idea for people such as your

4 distributor, NDI, to do verification of the

5 information that they get from end users

6 like -- do think it would be a good idea to

7 require NDI to do a survey to make sure they

8 are empty?

9 INTERVIEWEE 5: It appears as if

10 NDI did a survey and that also is a part of

11 the facts that came in this morning. It's

12 difficult -- it's a mixture of Korean and\

13 English that's on there. However, you can

14 extract that they account for 14 changers and

t 15 then there's the comment that they all check

16 out okay. There's some other dose

17 measurements that are listed on there as

18 well. So it appears as if NDI is doing that. q


19 INTERVIEWER 3: Were these dose

20 measurements NDI took or just reporting the

21 ones from the end users?

22 INTERVIEWEE 5: It was on NDI

23 document. It was their letterhead.

24 INTERVIEWER 1: They could, maybe,


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T '''T 1 14tva been reporting something that was

k'~']2 reported to them?

3 INTERVIEWEE 5: That's a good

4 question. I can certainly ask that. I do|'

5 think it is a good idea to require

6 verification on that. j

7 INTERVIEWER 1: Especially in

8 ' light of NDI in this particular case being

9 verified as the shipper and subject to the

10 DOT regulation once it gets into this

|11 Country, they are subject to that regulation.


('"N 12 Just one last request that I have. Can we'

.\13 get an organizational chart? I

| 1

14 INTERVIEWEE 5: I already have

15 one,


| 16 INTERVIEWER 1: That will help us

17 to identify people. That's basically all I

18 have.


| 19 INTERVIEWER 2: I don't have

20 anything else.i

21 INTERVIEWER 1: I think onej'

| 22 question. We asked this of everyone. Do you

,e 23 have anything that you'd like to add that youk(,f 24 haven't said already or any recommendations


O'BRIEN AND LEVINE-. __ _ __ _ ._ . _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ .


'^'N 1 which might prevent this from occurring in.

'~'2 the future or might lead us to find out what

3 actually happened?

4 INTERVIEWEE 5 No. I think,

5 certainly, in the course of our discussions

6 over the last couple days, we've covered most

7 of the ground. It certainly appears to me

8 from my limited base of information that

9 dealing with the export market in general,

10 when it comes to radiography source, it seems

11 to be a weak area all around.

(~' 12 INTERVIEWER 11 In terms of\'

'~i 13 regulations? i


L 14 INTERVIEWEE 5: What are the rega.|

15 that are tying people together with U. S.|

| 16 regulations et cetera and what about the,


17 return of sources. There's one angle that,

18 yes, it makes me feel insecure that the

19 Koreans are not returning their sources, but

20 there's the other angle that also says that

im 21 we don't have to deal with the waste.h

22 INTERVIEWER 1: And you're

23 grateful that they don't.9 24 INTERVIEWEE 5: So if they are




O'BRIEN AND LEVINE-- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -__ _ __ __




' \ ;'

1B !''

r'~~ N 1 dealing with disposal of sources'

;: o


~'2 appropriately, then there's certainly

3 advantages for them to keep those sources,-

4 but it certainly seems that there's a lot of |.

5 grey areas in terms of the interactions

6 between the U. s. markets and the export,

7 markets. It is, as a company as a whole, the

8 export market is actually larger than the

9 domestic market for us. We'd certainly like

10 to continue doing business on the export ,f

11 market, but I certainly want to make sure

t' N 12 ve're doing it safely. I mean, this type of ;

: 13 an incident, and I'm sure you've picked up on

14 my tone in the original FAX I sent to Hong

15 Kong, that I wasn't too happy about this.

16 INTERVIEWER 1: I appreciate that.

17 Just one last question. What's the average

18 turnaro'and on a container like this, from the

19 time you ship it until the time you get it

20 back?

21 INTERVIEWEE 5: I believe that the

22 -- there's the real long term one that's been

9 23 out there for more than two years, but if you

24 discount those, and let's just say those are



I |! iI |



^( 'N 1 lost, then I believe the average turnaround'')i jl'

2 for the export market is 9 months. That's

3 because there's a lot out there, longer term,i

4 We are implementing various incentives,

5 positive and negative, for customers to be

6 returning sources changers. An example is

7 that we plan on invoicing our parent company:

8 for any source changers that have been out i

!9 for beyond a certain period of time. |

10 Domestically, we're going to be incorporating

11 a demurraged charge. We'll pick a reasonable

12 period of time that the source changer should,


13 be out domestically and that's really about

14 two or three weeks, I think, in general.!

15 INTERVIEWER 2: In round numbers, !

16 how many source changers would you estimate

'17 are in your total inventory?

18 INTERVIEWEE 5: I would say on the

19 order of four to five hundred.1

20 INTERVIEWER 2 So this particularl

21 model is about one-fifth of the force, so to

22 speak? -

23 INTERVIEWEE 5: I thought there9 24 were more than a hundred.

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- - _ _ . .



[ '') 1 INTERVIEWER 2: One hundred and- L. J t

2 twenty, I think. ;:

3 INTERVIEWEE 5: Is it only one

4 hundred and twenty. That's probably an,

5 accurate figure.

6 INTERVIEWER 2: Will, do you have

7 anything you want to ask?


9 INTERVIEWER 2: We'll give you

10 this guideline for review and availability of

| 11 the transcript.

L (''} 12 INTERVIEWEE 5: I think I may have


a copy.

( 14 INTERVIEWER 2: When you get thei

15 transcript, you have the opportunity toi

16 individually review it for technical

17 correctness, and if there's anything

18 substantive that you wish to amend or add to,

i 19 the last page is for doing that.

20 INTERVIEWEE 5: Okay. Fine.

21 INTERVIEWER 1: We plan to have

22 these available tomorrow, if possible.

A 23

_/ 24 (Concluded at 3:40 P.M.)Ll


| O'BRIEN AND LEVINE. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - ._ .







This is to certify that the .

attached proceedings before the United States,

Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the matter

of the Investigation of the March 8, 1990

event, at Amersham, Burlington,-


Massachusetts, were held as herein appears,.

and that this is the original transcript

thereof for the file of the United States

Nuclear Regulatory Commission taken by me and

(' thereafter reduced to typewriting by me or;'

under the direction of the court reporting

|' company, and that the transcript is a true

and accurate record of the foregoing '




{ / n-/1'Li.,0:1x /y : jef'

7111 Benjoya '/, ,,,

My Commission Expires;'March 26, 1996


| (r~%)L



. _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -

/}bkkgp,. vScL M d e o.- S ea dot'a/uw w g





KOREA USER - Korea Industrial Testing Co. (the Korean licensee)|

" Shipper" - NDI (a distributor of radiographic equipment in Korea),

Freight consolidation - Diehl Shipping (packers of the crate)

|VESSEL Hanjin Mokpo|


USA freight consolidation - Fidelity (a Korean company who facilitated


i a container freight station - NOVA

.Hotor Carrier - Covenant Transportationo.

CustomsBroker-131(Amershan'sCustom'sBrokerinBoston)Patriot Transport - local delivery carrier in Boston

Amersham - consignee







PERU 1. Direcci6n General de Capitanias y GuardacostasPlaza Grau s/nCallao 1. Peru

Tel. Nos. 29 0693 Telex: 2607124 409229 7276

2. Empresa Nacional de PuertosTerminal Maritimos del Callao s/nCallao 1, Peru

Tel. Nos. 29 9210 Telex: 2001029 0355

PHILIPPINES Philippine Ports AuthorityPort of ManilaSafety StaffP.A.193, Port AreaManila, 2803, Pldlippines

Tel. Nos. 47 34 41 to 49

POLAND Office of Maritime Economyul. Hora 2000 521 Warszawa Poland

Tel. No. 284071284001 Telex: 821681 GOMO PL813407817421

PORTUGAL Inspecgao-Geral de NaviosAvenida Brasilia-Pavilhao CentralJunqueira1300 Lisbor.Portugal

Tel. No.: 64 63 91' Telex: 18533 SETEIN-P IEIN P

DirecqEo-Geral de MarinhaPraga do Comdreio1168 Lisboa CodexPortugal

Tel. No.: 37 06 36 Telex: 43536 DIRMAR-P.. gv umMAR-P.... ... ..... ....

ftEPUBLIC OE lhapaction and. Measurement, Division eKOREAA Seaf arers and Ship Bureaue'*

K'9rea'Marhime and _Pon Administratiort263,. Youngi-dong, Jcpgro KugS'coul .Korest q f


Telf No?.763-89721; , Jelex: KPA 265282

IMDG CODE - PAGE 0126 5Amdt . 24-86


f% [l/~{]N()mgf|u 'fic83br46





The U.S. Customs Service of the Department of the Treasury and the U.S.Coast Guard of the Department of. Transportation hereby agree to the following

; Memorandum of UnderstandingF


The United States Coast Guard (USCG) and the United States Customs ServiceL (USCS) have mutual interest and concern regarding the enforcement of

Federal statutes related to the suppression of violations-of customs andtransportation safety laws in intermodal freight containers.

The USCS recognizes the authority of the USCG to enforce the Hazardous!- Materials Transportation Act (HMTA) and the Safe Container Act (SCA), and

that the Coast Guard has an interest in certain routine examination ofcargo for assurance of HMTA and SCA compliance in which the CustomsService may have no enforcement concern. Similarly, the USCG recognizes;

the authority'of the USCS to examine import and export cargoes forcompliance with Customs laws and regulations. To ensure that bothagencies' priorities and concerns are addressed, it is in the interest ofboth the USCS and USCG to maximize communication and. cooperation in theseenforcement objectives.

The parties have entered into this Agreement with regard to intermodalcontainer inspections and examinations tot

1. Ensure that jurisdictional issues are clear and interagencyrelationships are fostered;

2. Promote the effective use of personnel and facilities through acooperative effort;

3. Define the nature and extent of the services, systems, and- .!authorities each agency will make the other; and '

4. Provide for the timely interchange of information to permit properplanning and communication.


Definitions of terms used in this agreement are as follows:

-1. > ACS - The Automated Commercial System, a computerized databaseoperated by Customs which tracks containers, cargoes and shippers..

2. CES - Centralized Examination Station, operated by Customs in allports of entry, where selected imported freight containers are taken fordevanning and thorough examination.


_ ~

,1 .


!.. ] 3 m



[ The U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Customs Service agree that:

1. The USCG and USCS will work in close cooperation and support each; other with respect to the suppression of violations of customs and

transportation safety laws in intermodal freight containers.>

H 2. All special dockside operations that impact hazardous materials' transportation will be coordinated by officials at the local level. For

the USCS this means the District Directors for the USCG this means theL Captain of the Port (C0TP), Commanding Officer of the Marine Safety Office

(MS0), and/or the Group Commander.

3. At the local level in each port, each agency will designate a point,

F of contact by position, location, and telephone number, and communicatethis designation to its local counterpart.

4 Routine meetings to exchange information and address issues of mutualconcern are highly recommended between Customs and the Coast Guard at thelocal level. These meetings should include, where possible, the USCSDistrict Director and Special Agent in Charge; and the USCG COTP or theCommanding Officer of the MSO and Group Commander.

h. 5. When Customs personnel determine that no probability of a Customsenforced violation exists with a particular shipment, the shipment willbe authorized for delivery for Customs purposes.

6. Customs will assist the Coast Guard in arranging for the examinationof hazardous material and suspected hazardous material cargo by theCoast Guard by providing contact and procedural advice. Examination ofuncleared imported containers by the Coast Guard will be coordinated withCustoms. Customs will not place a " Customs Hold" on hazardous materialscargo for the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard is responsible for makingexamination arrangements with the carrier.

7. If, in the course of conducting hazardous materials or othershoreside examinations, the Coast Guard discovers evidencelof possiblecontraband and/or other Customs enforced violations, the Coast Guard willimmediately contact the Customs designee for appropriate action which may1,nclude a joint enforcement response. Similarly, if, in the course of anyCustoms examination, Customs discovers evidence of possible hatardousmaterials transportation and/or any other DOT enforced violations, Customswill immediately contact the Coast Guard. designee.

8. The Coast Guard is responsible for contacting'and coordinating withcommercial carriers, or their' representatives, when seals are broken by.the Coast Guard for examination.

|- 9. The Coast Guard will ensure that all seals removed by it from| examined containers are noted, that the containers are re-sealed withL Coast Guard seals after examination, and that this sealing information

is made available for Customs, should subsequent questions arise. !,




|n* - '

10. When it is determined that Customs has an interest in examiningcontainers targeted by the Coast Guard, Customs will coordinate a CESexamination. However, shipments that pose transportation hazards will,

be examined at a site determined by the Coast Guard.

11. If the Coast Guard has an HMTA inspection interest in any CESinspection operation, the Coast Guard designee will contact the Customsdesignee concerning permission to have Coast Guard personnel presentduring the inspection operation.


12. When a shipment is seized or detained by Customs or the Coast Guard,and the shipment is to be moved on public highways under Customs or'

Coast Guard control, the controlling agency shall ensure all motor,

carriers used in puch a movement possess a rating other than" unsatisfactory" from the Federal Highway Administration.

13. The designated local point of contact at Customs should be kentadvised of shippers and importers who are suspected violators of DOTregulations for review and possible inclusion in the ACS database. Localpoints of contact will determine the extent of information to be exchangedand feedback desired.

14. Cross-training concerning these exarination procedures will beprovided by each agency at the local icvel.

15. Each agency will keep the other advised of all public affairs.matters, including news releases, that concern the other agency. Newsreleases of national interest will be coordinated between the appropriatepublic affairs information personnel in Washington D.C. and released



simultaneously whenever possible. Releases of local or regional interestwill be coordinated and released jointly at the USCG Area or Districtlevel and the USCS Regional or District icvel, with copies sent to eachagency's headquarters Public Affairs /Information office. Each agency willexercise its own discretion in responding to inquiries with factualinformation concerning its own actions.



1. Consistent with the purpose and provisions of this Agreement, a localworking agreement may be developed by and between USCG Area or DistrictCommanders and USCS Regional Commissioners or District Directors. Noprovision of any local agreement may contravene the spirit or letter ofthis Agreement. Copies of such working agreements will be forwarded toCommandant (G-MPS) and the Commissioner of Customs (I&C) when executed.

2. This Agreement and any local Agreement pursuant to paragraph 1 of this :

section may be amended from time to time as may be mutually agreeable to i

the parties thereto. !




y.i.F, *


3. This agreement will be effective from the date of signature. It maybe terminated by either party upon 60 days advance written notice thereofto the other party. Upon termination of this agreement, any subsidiaryagreements made in accordance.with paragraph 1 of this section will alsobe terminated.


This document is an internal government agreement and is not intended toconfer or create any right or benefit on any private person, or party.


1. Agreements between the USCG and USCS are entered into under' the authority of 14 U.S.C. 141. The authorities to perform the

responsibilities contemplated in this agreement are delineated in49 U.S.C. 1808 and 46 App. U.S.C. 1504. j

2. This Agreement has no impact upon nor does it amend the InteragencyAgreement between the USCG and USCS dated July 10, 1978, which addressesinteragency cooperation in the interdiction of contraband within theCustoms Waters and on the high seas, and the USCG and USCS, DrugInterdiction Lead Agency Role Memorandum of Understanding, datedMay 11, 1987.


| 37 '

_ . .,~

% ~_ [ (* ' ( ' ,/ p i g

Commandant c : Commissioner'

U.S. Coast Guard' U.S. Customs Servi/

/ / 01/2 /89-

,Date Date'






-Y <%. h0| 0|~l'81d

y y ap g psk $41 ocht desw3 sew gy g~,

(fCY(n/9b3OUESTIONS FOR DOT lilTERVIEW y/ ail to

3lzult c AEb ^ * ' ' ' " "'

r o.ceviatti A( *r 7s c0 0 '* I V ist t s C - 4 gst4 uc.sryo$pw

s.t. 9tu

1. Would you please provide us with a brief overview and synopsis of the

p . system of hazardous materials regulatory controls as you understand it.L with respect to the importation of a hazardous materials package into the

USA, such as the recent raoiographic source changer package which was

transported from Korea to an NRC licensee in Boston?

2. Would you please give us your opinion as to who was the " shipper" in

this shipment, in other words, who was responsible for compliance with

the. requirements of the hazardous materials regulations as they apply to

the " shipper?"

3. Would you please give us an opinion as to the role and responsibilities

of " middlemen," such as brokers, freight forwarders. warehousemen, etc.,

with respect to transport, including importation of hazardous materials




4 What is your underst61 ali.9 v1 tre role of USA Customs with respect to:i


a. inspecting hazardous materials shipments|;

b. reporting of discrepancies which they might observe in safety

requirements pertaining to hazardous material


-_ - . . . ,


y. . ,


'(uestions f or DOT Interview -2-

5. Paragraph 171.12 of 49 CFR requires that a person who. imports hazardous

! materials into the USA provide the " shipper" and the forwarding agent at

the place of entry into the USA with timely and complete information on

the hazardous materials requirements which apply to the shipment within

-the USA. The " shipper," either directly or through the forwarding agenti

at the place of entry, must also provide the initial carrier in the USA

with the appropriate certification of the shipment. With regard to these


a. Who is the " shipper" referenced above at the port of entry?

b. Is this the same " shipper" as is referenced with respect to

providing the certification to the inii.ial carrier in the USA?

c. Is the requirement for the person importing a hazardous materials

package, e.g. the " receiver" to provide " timely and complete

information" to the shipper, an enforceable one?

d. Do you have any idea of the history of enforcement of this


6. Do you know whether the Republic of Korea has regulations in place which

impose requirements on Korean shippers for transport of hazardous


{ ], . s-


Questions for DOT Interview -3-

7. If they do have-regulations, do you I,now whether they are based on the

standards of the UN committee of experts on transport of dangerous goods

and/or IAEA Safety Series No. 67

8. All of the provisions for excepted packages, e.g., 173.421-173.427 are

essentially excepted from most of the requirements of 49 CFR 100-189,

except for incident reportir.g (171.15, 171.16, etc.). In view of the

fact that no exterior marking is required, and in view of the fact that

the relevant certification statement for these exceptions may be 3 or on

the package, how likely is it that a carrier would even be aware of an

incident involving such a package?

9. An " excepted article containing depleted uranium" (173.424) must have a

surface radiation level of less than 0.5 mr/h. If it exceeded that level,

would it be permissible to overpack such articles, and ship them as an

j excepted package, provided the dose rate at the surface of the overpack

was less than 0.5 mrem /hr.



kQ & |S$l$--04~0610Ewvd3b7%


Questions for Interview with D0T/ 3pi|4o'Office Motor Carrier Safety (DOT /0MCS)

( o sed a.s a ynJ< GrorM d<s w O S

,1. With respect to importation of a hazardous materials package into the USA, '

we understand that a shipment become subject to the DOT Hazardous Materials

Regulations in 49 CFR at the Port of Entry. When such a shipment enters

the USA by air or water, does this mean that the 49 CFR 177 requirements

apply at the point it is unloaded from the aircraft or vessel?

2. Briefly describe for us the program for surveillance of carriers by

highway for compliance with the Hazardous Itaterials Regulations.e

3. Does this surveillance program involve looking at the packagingh

requirements to any degree, as opposed to the motor carrier safety


4. When hazardous materials shipments are inspected at the Port of Entry,

is there any interface with US Customs?.

5. When hazardous materials shipments are transported "in bond" to their

destination, is there any surveillance by OMCS or a state agency?

If so, is this at the bonded storage area of the local carrier?

6. If so, is there any interface with US Customs at this point?

.-_. , -

7 /W06'-82M



bsJ MsSvk M ved hw.my1. Please describe the system of hazardous materials regulatory controls which

apply to a shipment of hazardous materials by water from a foreignshipper into the USA.

2. In the scenario we have described to you relative to the recent shipment'from Korea, would you give us your opinion as to whom you would be most

culpable as the " shipper."

3. Would you give us your opinion as to the role and responsibility of" middle men," e.g., Customs brokers, warehouse men, terminal companies,with respect to the hazardous materials regulations.;

4. Please describe the mechanics of how U.S. Customs is involved ininspecting incoming shipments of foreign origin.

5. What sort of surveillance program of surveillance of hazardous materialsshipments is carried out by USCG.

6. Does the surveillance program involve monitoring of radiation levels onpackages or freight containers.







,L hMr[<







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IMDG CODE - PAGE 7000Amdt. 2183


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I _ . , 4 A y ,


o - CLASS '7 - Radioactive materials -n,

. , 'r.

:>v- N; ,, g \ Table of contents . Uh. j;1.,.


- Pope iw- ir4

, ,



hc f - Glossary of terms usedin this vo6ume.'



sn ' ./_

cune v

|a *


7 .m

, , -- Containmem systemmM&''


. ' Contamination ,~^

,~ ' " Fasile ,


3< , ,

Packagmg 02, n ,

t.Y -(_


, Package s

b}v , '


Radionuclide m-g ",o Radiation level1 R . Unilaterat approval4

Multilateral approvat

W, Qk.1I-.,,

~J .

5 - 1. Generat 7006-,

. ,.

. Basis .-- 3

' Oi> . PropertiesPackaging' < ,

s s, .

s "

2. Detmitions and emplenettons '7000| /'

_ Hi .;

fj . , A and Asi

Fi -J t ' CeteDoriesQ .

Transport inden qii'

Types of packaging and packages'

-y -f . 1

' ' * Freight container,

Low specific 6ctivity matenalss .

v . . - Low level . solid redtoactive materials -P- > . Full load - '<

:r: Fissile materlets --

6 ,."Special form" sadioactive materiais'

Fpecial arrangements and explosive radioactive materialsp"., w .. ',.

' Defined occk area - ~- , " ' " ~ ...

3 uc

_ [ -r. _3. Limited quantities ; 70111

f%ckmg relaxatens -''F


% ' k. ;- I

4. Low specific activity materials (L$Al and low 6evel . 7013'- O '',

solid radioactive materials (LLSI~ '%N*

'General . ..


, =

Low spectfac activity materials (LSA)-~ Low' level 6 clad radioactive metenels (LLS)>!# _ ,

, , - _ , .

S. ~ Stowage and segregation from persons and undeveloped film.. |7016 --and plate $ ~ j__p_ . .

. ' ' StoWaDe fe4uirementsa~, . , '

% 1- ' Segregation recurrements :-

Segregation distances - ,


cfy j Table 1 in metresu" '

. Table 11 in feet -,

N Rules for the use of the nomographst


f. Nomo0raph in raetresTNy1 . Nomograph in feet



i >


IMDG CODE - PAGE 7001'J Amat, 2183'

k.7- 3(_[]

- m. vL


Wv 4


Q; , | ~ , . , fi.

f; 19 + .a

W;cy #jh;$N;' - Ff-% 3 --.

h)%;QY; a. , #. .c.


Wi;g ' fh3_~Vd*' '


_.uQ X: ' . y ,



f}p .N.',9q% Y e.p:M.%-ecye' %y*,


m , d. d' .5,- p.1 4 4n)gw,, > %v W a c , y< w"d ;,



a -

..s~ ,

[L . g 't.'. (d. d .v - . ''

.i. e...- 4 .

..,. ., .



:..3.g m c < y w . ..: . ..

h h $. Y ~M|I


: -Y

M.pp.M..<.%..&')JM.'Y(.,&' '


Q'Wh d.tiWvf Elp@ -

% &w$2;hh.yp&y,3 Q ,p.- -

.4 ? ,$. *9? .? t

j.ft % Wf-%m .. %n:en ,An[s. p

- - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ' ~ ~ ' * ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~

% n

[m| .q. bec'J. c.>:.$.M ;[N 44$ bcM g.L-

h N d h d h :,. ) CLASS 7 - Nadioactive motorialswmy .

E Table of contents (continuedt

4.. m m:|*015;] & Mea:a p .o.

.L .&y

h ;w , s . I poor. . r. r . .


t y g. . .,If g. y ;g */,,. ~. a( ? ". ' 1,& -. g . ,, 4- .

C. Contamination 7024.. . fys, a -w, . . ..

.1>g t.,. .

,7,, us ., Contemnation en purkapes, b;k. /,47IM *p */ 2'* Decontaminetton of stowage speces

^ & &.)?&*k'h*)f f G'fSy[|,' ' W gs - ~9C j 7. Labolkng and marting 7026


wy, ~

g taempt nomsm, e. . ...r. - *1 - ,.

btpty pkCkDQtnQSF **

M.u .s.'.[? }[ Cetegory 1 - WHITE or c ategory II or lit - YttLOW,

y r, ! .g;9 r. s.; . |- ; h.oelled packages

. g . c ' . R ,I,,- . . ~, . . u7 V ' 5 . v M # e''t,.. ,,

x ,.

M .r t LCA ann LLS packagess

1W EV ( 1 hasita matensla ,7t!

.g 4q'. e,f ; E ' Q q ~ 1.,-| Freight containers \ tt,

< n rt*r


t ef *J E . .v.* O ~ . , ,d', hacott'ing of vehicles and large trr.ight container 6,,

J 7f 'ip .(4'' 7 4 s . * $: ',' special anangementsy no v. ps e . :.a n -


' +3 ? / e k ,,&y&w ;; ..' ;[ |'

C- S*9'e06 tion from other (*angerous goods 70274| . p.,1.

n+ vie 4 g h' s , M.. . .,N t .,. h.,

M >. '-y D. Transport documents 7028yoy . -

g y.hg.7Ajg d:<*(gi.W.. . Perucuys of consignnant

.. ?,

.a[g% Q . "y *h.

.< .,i , .iRif .rGru Shipper a certificate%. 7%

sy4p +M) h. a ', ,, '.

b 't mpetW emony ceMcatesc-

:P information for carners

$q. Mg '!.4JT4pf 4' @k:?! %' Notification to com,% tent outnonty

f &h:*t% hjsTj':.h tmh / h.ih.neN "I.'s I 10. Accidents 7031a,, %w w u s. :. w . - cene,-

. g. [[ 4, .,i4 w'.h,e. . eu . .c. . .

9e . . v,hn,.3by' p. Ar.cident proceduresp . .@ * 4 -.a. -

a . > . ,,. jt _ _;.w -.,, . 6.w .. irewG(*1 m MJ 'p?.J: , Ia .

P g[t k g hmhud]N"Es 11. Caposure of crew 7032

(@- @ H.p<a R.f M M;"4 D; g- $di .

12. Appront 7033 gLi ,''.t Approval of special form mitenals. pat.LDoing end'

sA .. .. w -

?g-NgT','gMyp s_w, , ' ,* . 4 packnoe veugns

k h,@ ff* h , g . h. 9 gt g n - % q

* Amnoval f shipments ane; prior notihcation


. MN.3 ' v'y,CNc1 Basic trefont syinbot, redioactive labels and placard - 70354


b h. fi0ures and 5

d U2*p/*y,,I,n D.e:,&.,,Q.$rt'#"M */* ?..d s4=

$.4 +, v -., h,y- ,

Y .,fM % g Schedules for class 7 materials 7037\$ I.h M k .*$ h )k

.J,, <*~%VRTF(ppQ,ut D E Thble 111 - A, and A values f or radionuchdes 7050$$Y

Ch.,$ . Tabl.. IV - Artivity mass reintionshins for uranium and 7062'df. h Mh** %t' A; M.y.! #.[j<.M R g% $,7;*$QW*%.' <a%s .'e

()qJ fs)Q natural thorium

< j g,J.i G -- .;Jt*, e.% yy. p -

w ,L '.3%=aa.e/ g % -4

^ /e -

....i.g 8. yw ,

.., , p . , g?. ** .e 1%sr o .e c.. >7 ,q.g


s ..

'.3 p,,7 "dW 5 Mi |M .4,*fL :'w, WD0 CODE - PAGE 7002

q}.,. A.(. ch.:p(m , 'y ?$A I

4 Amdt.10 00. .

y%%j::}a. D,.x. ;L^. wKMw-e."g. y( xw. %w. . w+ . . ;, g . n. .= ~ . ~ , _ _ .. . , ~


* * * *

& Q $ig & & W h u . ~. &$'


g 4o


CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials



A curie is the unit of activity. A quantity of radioactive material has an activity of I cune if thenutnber of disintegtetions of atoms per second is 3.7 x 10* f 37 thousand milhont.

A milhcune (mCd is one thousandth of a curie ICH.

A microcurie luCU is one milhor th of a curie ICA


The components os the packaging specified by the designer as intended to retain the radiogetivematerial during Chrriage.


Radsoactive material which may be deposited on surf aces such as the outside of packages, or floors.Contamination can be "fised" and therefore very cif ficult to remove, or may be "non. fixed" andtheretc'c removable by washing of by other rneens of decontamination,


Capable of undergoing fission. a process in which the atoms of the fissite redsonuclide are splitby neutron radiaten into two approximately equal parts (fission productal. with the attendant releaseof more neutrons and energy in the form of heat and ionizing radiation.


The assembly of components necessary to ensure compliance with the packaginD requirementsof this class. It may,in particular, consist of one or more receptacles, absorbent materials, spacingstructures. ladiation shieldmg and devices for cooling, for absorbmg mechanical shocks and for 'thermat ensulation. These devices may include the vehmte with tie-down system when these aremiended to form an integral part of the packaging.


Packagmg together with its radioactive contents as presented for carriage.


A shortened form of " radioactive nuchde", practically synonymous with r&dsoisotope or ra$oactivo -isotope. A radionuchde cont;ists of identical atoms all havmg the same atomic mass and atomicnumtser. A particular chemical element may have a numt ar of nuchdes, some of which may beradionuclides, charactenzed by the r:ame of the chemical element followed by a number denotingthe atomic mass of the nuchde in question e-g. cobalt.60. uranium 235.


. j| .&,| I'

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3 w 7"; 'rp , yg . . ._ ..: .+c,, , .o.. .g%.. .

y| .: b: -. . p,h$% ,

k . h-)#gNi s'T ' E, , [g< . .V ' f l*m.a $'l *g.h.m,u xN ' . ,:9 ~ ty:. sf .

w,. y

gh,9 -, ,m. ,j pvh Q . w/ g' f'y ...: '%.c4

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m ;~ }, ef y f ffshQ #. % ;),,t,Q / g " f |;,.}4 - ;..r . 4

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}. ,

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-+ . . y,^. .



M '' _ pf MEf}![%ofk ~ . J.1,b CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials,

'" '. '<[Q.'(Y"h. . V <h8.Ag b,- u.;

T D. 'd.

. y p.y RADIATION LEVEL'' * I f N.y;@.'


)J U"' cor.esponong remation dese covivaient rate entassed m mdbrem er hoJr. The ra'siationleve.< 2 i t' M,;.".;,'' ' ' 1 ;ft. Q ,. ' ff,, .1 p ,


! 4 , f. q et a particular mstance from a radiocetive source sa e rneasure of the ettern6. teamtion herstd.. c 1..rlhe temation levet cecitanes with increasing costance from the source of by interposm0 radiotton. .-

. ,

" i,7 , shmiding butn en cargo of bulkheads U.e radiation level can be rimaturto wah a suitable instrument., t : ;M%;M, A.V.M{,V c ,y

' y,1 %,,

; .. d..h .. . < . ;".>

i;| q443\g}/4. 9-


t v. - e, ,


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A0Movoi by the t urnrmtetit euumrity of tne ct;untry of origm eniv.

. ~ . h'. '' (k .hp7. ,,.'...1



e' + O d. , M'rs4' 1|4 ., '


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, . ' .,a--. ,; , , .

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e n sv. . q &.44 r se .! '


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|'N [[ T . Nh ^,,., m +7 4 .i;)' kQC .~.t".u.y,#bo

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s xn,

Y k .a .M*&b y. #g.A

w .: u; s ;pL, . ,. M JQ* e r. wrg, ,,gqg .

,. y ypp

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19M p, r ': -:vg.- :s , v

,.v,.x.,ts* w.vs., sp w m ~ ~ m - - :..a m* .. p m..4 s

, ,. _. ;,. f*A.<6 :." * 4. ac. .. ,4;, - .. < g, L '~


,j y If J JQ1 CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials_

d .

. :.c;<?;taqA, 4 y,)-ey ..,,s W . .. . . pr - ,.

)h[ -fj. .$1 h.{c y;e- - . - Y RADIATION LEVil


" 1 Gd The torresponcing raoiation dose-covivaient rate e movested h nmurem pr nour. The ea-nation levelr

V ". ' m.';; ;,;, 4.||q@q U,Q'[ &[ M.

at a particutor distance from o radioactive source is e tutosure of the extvinal reciation hereid.c,. t ;j p1he f 6diation tevel Cectestet with increasing d4thhte f rom the sou'te or by mterposing f arbation*

i s*"* . 4 V' ,.iJ thee6 din 0 6uch et targn or bu*heatts,1 he raciation tevel can be eneaturbu with a suitatAe lnttrument.4"a ,, .qg;w$ '',c,4,y)S t, ;e;.-


3yy.~.v . Q;- *.',-M0 -

|t' ' t .,2 ~ %. c. , k,'j,f UNILATERAL APPROVAL,

v ,

,; , A . $. .MDroval by the (OmpettPt OutheiltV of the Countty of Oripin oqiv.


j. '?;7 hi P 'y . g,.. .

- f .'. . .L

* f**4 ( 3; ,,f' ' y,~


t, 3 - %

;..,' . # :.?,i.'i'a;y*/ W MULTILATF RAL APPROVAL. t ,, ,, J .p- % -

EL * ** -' ' ' Appr0V81 by tioth the stHevent competerit pathetit) of the country of onpm chd of each country

. ..s . .1.d{,gQ{ 1,';;;4y.y, g, , through or into whicn the consignrrent as to ot* tarried.s..,,........,_

ww,ww[* . , * i

:%.y:e N q.Ygy%is? q f,4r. u ,3..& yjQys;, 7' i..f~: .w_ ? 3,xQin

Y, s. {'b 'h f ',4,, 4'*,s h'h



a , ..<Y.,hi ,.t k>$??. *

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khhf?$$hg ,t hj s . #.f5 Go

':ms.p|f.,ss@A* 5W+; W..w&.gk '*.5eif+.@*,4e , 4#

o vg* ;9 m

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i'w. *4u . . ...y ; 4Y. A **W_ ,.. v5#f #


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te' " Mi,h. ,ff' .h *'*, a 2yI ;d%'"* 3fa

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'be? $ fl f,

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,q$P- 9 .r.m _'?gt y&4 3.. .;


, a m :. W.t. n .s g g$'ry-eivoo code - PAGE 7004

c. .%,,N: ey 1~. 5.,. .;~q:g~ g,

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CLASS 7 - Radioactive maintiMs($!


l 1. GtNERAL( ,L f;, ,j..,


t.t p. nets

ev ,( 111 ther., provisions are t>emt upon the pnncves of the internationei stomic [nergy Agency 3,

t ; a; U AL At ReQuianons for the $ ate Transport of Mactoattive Matenals.1973. revistid edinoh.*

.( $j'

17 -1*.w .

"4g.) ttj They of fer guidance, particularly to shmowntra and to handlir'g pac-k apts in ports end


gi .C ' on boato shms without teessanty tnnsulting t% IAL A Regulat+ons AH detnits not constoered.p/%.M[ f:Q yd,(.gjiO t > tie ni direct merest to shipownm or + asters of sh+s. sucn as t%se concerned with the. . .


.y,:* %. |.Q - nvpn ano testing of packaging ana the cetared cnteno conceming 14soe packages, are omitted

- I b.'WU':|ng* g., Af

* Op., bom there provisions. Those oerigne's one carriers entereste d in sucn octoils are adviseu to

W c onsuit the iAE A Repuiations put>%neo as No. 6 in the Safety Genes by the International Atomic

la n Energy Annev. wenna;, , , g g ,-

b6?g* - , "- p. g: gy. .,wp.,* 113 r<.1 trwurpoims nt carnaue any matenai with a specific actory of t ater than 0,002 microcune* ,

>. >

#3 N ,f C per gramme must be cectateu as a radioachve matenal. Neverthetest a matenal coming withinJthat definition may de present in such small cuantity or incorporated in another material to such

Y 'I O[%7 d %i

- t.ackapmg and iabethng roouirements Me section 3 and schedu!es 1.2.3 er 4 es oppropnoteP .an entent that its hazarcous nature is very much reouced ano it mov de exemptea from certain*


,y .y'.

4 ( 1.1.4 Fnt non'esempt racioactive matensis the appropnete packaging eno labelling teauirements andp t once the approonate scheduie wai depena pnmenly ori the ot;tivity. Where the activity per* ;


-P unit mass is small they enay be treated es tow speciflC Octivity molenets (see schedules 6 andi b) or es low level solid radioactive materiais (see schedule 71. Otherwise they may reautro to"(


C be corned in type A packagen unoer the provisions of schedule B. in 150e B(V) packages underg r

'* t '4 the provisions of schedule 9 or in tvoe BiM! paesages under the provisions of scheoule 10.

J".-. Y " "' - 'g

Q in, fissiit radioactive materiats the prosioons of schedule 11 are appucacie in addition to thoset .


A ad $ - of the schedule appronnete to the activny. Ior specmi arrangement shipments the provistoris

. k" J a scheouie t a apply. The transport occument wm specify anich sc recuic is apphcatue to the}


*1 conoonment., . . ,

,' r .fo . 12 properties

t.2 1 M rochoactive tr#tenais are canpe'ous to a prester or a li'ssar ocorte becausu they emit invisibied % |Tp,.e a;i' . n (74 ye oatson v,riich mo unmage bocy tissue. This camage enses enher from etternalirradiation

'Mh'' Mh ND or frominternai vradiation tollowing the mtate of racioactive materialinto the body. Two otherk Q h propertms of radioacove matenals are heat emisooh ano Imbihty to cnticohty, The former isbl* L=

2., ( $1/ . % ognificant only with very large avantities of the radioactive matenai whereas the latter is peCvh0r, . "

4 tcs tisue radioactive matenals.

1.2.2 Anhougn certain radioactive matenals may be exempted hom some or oII of the provisions of', D D *G fg[]'"? g's ., f - - ,. the cbss it must be kept m mind that such substances may nevertneiess be subjected to thei .

O C. M ''" d Novisions of other classes of this Code.* : r. g.

[,, i h 5. Cb. kAhtgQ Ai * unu ss ommise stated a i reterences g,ven in the text refer to inis chiss oniv.

m > r .:C Nbd.? 1- r

l. .A


., .

- ' IMOG CODE - PAGE 7006'

MN Y .(( /Y% g r) w . s)

_ ..A p.g%.3. y kygo . 7 ,,_ , _ g,._..._._. ._ _ . _ _ , _ _

~ ke .

. 2 g e w e giaja*A .

,, c- s.

,a TJ W G ,vi W r. W T n W m W nn n- Pwn, ,.

y' h, h hp%'N I' O[$%?h?E'?ne f| k;q.m % . Jug ,,p: mh "

% . ...2

, .

" . ~ y

J K.9. .%. y, %,, ~v,E, - Q ' t [ty..mL.a:%e, n....



1,Q.y.g* ' 4 Wy* ,4'

.s. y ,e,.-;;. .w ' f..#'',, J7

. r,i% ,,r, , |.f;

, n.d y,

4. b,

d . 6* QW .g '|o ,ft'*r-

7.w'',t, va|,f + ,t,3 + f pe y .r +.

n. . , : w . . ,A .

.4 o.c-6 .

, e x,4m. ~ ~,o

u., 7.. a .q r?

. n'v. < , {. ,.

. h,. < u t

w .. y . o .c

1/17# r . 'y.r

1[ - " - - - -- --- -~ - - **~~ " ~

s . . < ~ ( i. v" ,

,g( . ij ~ j~.

ng. ,

y .99 . ,

* O CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials- ,,

v. M . , . ' f, f'. ', *

v m, , f-:~+,


s. -. '; 1.3 PeckaginDqy& , , , , ,

:. 1.3.1 Packapng is designeo to:*''

W) "tmn the matenat;t

(b) imrve as a shield to reduce radiation to an acceptable level;i.e

s 1 ,u(c) prevent crnahty;nu(dl promote heat dispersion.

1.3.2 The Dackaping und stowdge provisions for each type of racioactive material have been summanzedin this detailed schcoules 1 to 17,<


. . - .


.. . .w t e.


... 3-

'h' , . - 2.1 A, and A,~

y,,,.,f 4 ._

A, shall mean the rnaximum activity of a special form tredioactive metenal permitted in a.;., %m , e . e :. . c. type A package. A, shall mean the maximum activity Df 0 redicactwe matenal. Other than O. . . . . . - n + e.3 ;

..a,,."_, .rpecial form radioactwe material permitied in e type A package. The values ore listed in table lH.. ". . ;

- , 4

g p,6 d.t: . *9: .. >p ..

4 : g. .

pj. e .. .. Jg .v m .1-..s , 4

, .

's , , , . s , . } 2.2 Categorinsg., z n i


3.. ic,L . ,

MJ:. T*.~ , , g#- categones:v


! Packages and freight containers containing radioactwo matenals shall be in one of the followinD*


. w3.,:, *-,. ,

Gw wy 1 - IVHITE2.2.1 a+p. ,. .. . , ' .e .

;'; 9 L ,: ,, *; ' ; i.- ~ - .

.'. , b g .?,,- nv.,

~ ?.2.1.1 Padq if * ,, ,s

~ .. .-.

. n.t %: A lF m w - r- *- ?% - -., j O 6 miihrem per haur as the maximum radiction level at surface of package.q, . .g ,. ;%,rt c y e p :r. --

, . , 4-- ..,.g< , g, .- ., p 2 .


..n...~p. ' . , -. 9. Op1.- rieight conteners'-, - a ~-&&: T y: *


@\ + - f'M.o,, I ' i.!' 'f When none of the packages is in a category higher inan category 1 - WHITE.-


T,.m .tm - *-

t. 'a D',

h. h e..k b g*[ 8.N..(n,; ' \, a .N*

I '' "# N ' '#G m c..u x

' Q,;,q'. .(01,-

e V p H 1.1 2 %*% ps 7 p, * .:*'. * , e 1

i . 'f.t



| 2 2.2.1 pdc kay Sr.'4,' . | i J. 4. , ' .. j-

yW :~. m +%.,

! c&. , ;J J jeg A , ra -., .s~, & ,'

r nn:t y ',-Yk - . ,f.',. N ,'


Radiatlan level et Surface Of p3ckage more than 0 5 milkrem per hour. but not exceeding 507g e.* 64 + * ,

.kTM ' [ 'i [ * '" " " **

% ,. - m,, , .

.t<,i 4' * S e, y' l r , . ,..a '8.g_ + 7yy g g'

; .w . s. , ,e.

.d ,,*r *

?.~ # When the total transport index does not euraer+ ' .0 and no fissile class lit packages are packed

I!I thr5 04 JOT!Df WI .~ *a.

44 " ** . #

- U ;^ ;. | ' Z g n

9 'M ' g '*

IMOG CODE - PAGC 7000, ,

a~,.....y N h:Y *iQ "g~_ w' *

.', . y y&|??bb;%[;. w.~w * t

n .- + -. |,. . . , , - - . , , -

- . ~ .n,--m*>r,


,.s . y;

.&. .#.& Y. w w- 4..._ - ,

A~, 0. ** % * * * ' . '} h}A%m. . |.Y, '',$, ' . + : w-



i.M. - p?y'w& .* * i


%; t

.- *f f - 9 '*.


- . '~~

M.h$Y** *'&s i * e r.4)u '. r <,W4* W-)n$_5< Q if. ( c', .:>.~ 8,r. .N..


-4 ;.

@*3 y,-

a?' % .3~

wr. A \ '' -

_ . . . . . . .

;&gMwmi v -

, .3g ,


s 1

' cy*-


m.c <~4

*q ,

n. ~ ,



*,. .

'~. . -

. . - - . .- . -

CLASS 7 - Radioactivo materials.- ~ tg


2.2.3 Caretory 111 - )l'LLOll.

- ws

2.2.3,1 PaChages

Up to 200 milhiem per hrior us inaxirnum raidiation lovei et suitate of package. The transportiridex shall not exct ed 10 uniens carned as fui' load. Treio+1t containers

When the tMai transpost incas exceeds 1,0 or hssile class 04 packag?a are packed in the containeren if carried under special arrangements-

'. 2.2.4 Caravnes for Jiulle pas Aages (see suotection 7.5)

;-)Finite class il packages must be trouted as cetegory it or category Ill . YELLOW,2.2.4 1


,sf2.2.4.2 Fissiis ciass ni pachsgu toust a6 ways be treated as category iff - YELLOW,


2 2.5 Categor.r Jrd spedirl d'rungemertts (see subsection 7.8)*


Any package carned unde.r spncial areangements must atways be treateo as category lil * YELLOW,'


-2.3 7 ansport index'

The transport index aprAes only to category || and category hl - YELLOW cackages and is Indicatedon the YELLOW lauef to lacihtate stowage end seDregation Isee sutssection 7.31.


i .

2.3.1 The transport index for a package shall be:C,'J ' . . a - }r

,$% 3^ a

' *-. t ; , S4 .


the number expressing the maximum radretion level at one metre from the surface of theg

f) 2.3.1 1'

package; or for ossde class || and class til packages. the larger of the following numbers, +

the number expressing the maximum rudiation levet dehned in above:4 3


the numeer otatained by dividing 50 by the ellowable numoer (see IAEA para-Mgraph 110) of such packagus.

ik ' 7.3.2 The transport intin for a treight c ontainer shall be:ss

tw sum of the transport indices of all paskaqos witnin the freignt container, except that fors*

?) height Lontaintra packed with fis3dd class til twckuges, the transport index shall be at least 50: or^"

IMOG CODE - PAGE 7007Arndt.19 80

.. .


y ,#


w .. n .Mg W ' <-

n5 QM.MIi ,


s., . v. . pWM-j. y N. '@M p N t - -..Tj',"M @>*. *,

$w Yhh, , -.s. jkhp&q.f


, o4 - og.mbWY ' i ~ ~?. . .$,3 As

n s_ Y|n4 .

- y* e * 5 UE df*Q ; y *f. g 4''1g "

&. w o; g w . .,n ~, '

wM~Y; ,::q f Y? 'Qm g .y m R a. yc,- -;i

hr f ,k%f:ff':D 0-0 INN |?

"h[ Aid.sN P W y: ;!L y'A &- ,4


* '

h ), g$p+3 N NM; V '' / U'*NgA g .t Qah: 9;&

-QwcMp& - h,Q 6 g e; %w} [ 4 [ v*r ', . ,,

p 3 ., ,, ,

M4 n. -n '. ~

M - NMrWMN y4 * 9 % M, ;;c M T i: E :- n . m : '. '


3 6**'4

-O h W'

$:e fM> h &q .y $- -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ +-~ ~~~~~

W; h 'ggM. ;m f'$eq[M%.eb f,,;.J[W -Q of b. #*" " " " * * " " - "


% % % P'' @@ tab2 3.2.2 for l'e'ght containers 'not packed with fissite class in or class ill pac Aapes,in t'le case of fullloads

h.L* + e ;.

@<%1 ontv. the numtwr expresung the maxnnum radiation level m retem per huu* at une metre from

hk k i, any externd surf ace M me freignt container rwniobed by the value given m m - 4.1,1

- @ @h%pe M-ML " " " * " ' ' ' ' ' " ' " " ' " * " ' " * " ' " " * ' ' ' ' ' ' " * ' " " " " ' ' ' " ' " ' " ' ' -

d [ p k g7 , W h in;;Q 3,year

A. ~ Y@mt-

Me Q@hgM 2.3.3 f or the tran6purt Index of low SDeCifeC activity matenais h.6 Al H90 low level Sohd rt f uClive

f tn;rA * y.,NitT !M %N matenais tu.Sh see section 4 int anemauve provisions to tho:;e ci taned above.'

H M 4a94 s 44

e :$$ h 5 ? ? ip ~Q..'/ 4 k,hfMi*:h h%.$ [ [;* * humDer npressmg We pansport inux is munM W to N W decmM Wace.k|*. q y f .,t .

N.h, num of two indivedvai transport indices of the pricka0es ce tresht contmers as appropriate.

s.V_ Q The totM transport inden of a group vi pactaties or freight ccanern shat! be the anthmetical'

V a G C %|. .,' A. ,s:M wM d> m(4 'W, . W.,f,pAjg N;om

h W Y |.'[[ W @ M y;MkkU.'


:c.Mh.D2.4 Types of packaging and packages

]>-.w,m.hw~$yW.h1iQG;XMD%QXh;g U .1 Gnwercwt ryeg y.. mbw.e.w3/M % N dil.p f y g gj Shall compnse packaging so designed that uncer normal conditions et carnage there can be no

e p C;bj#bu t? Qs M yi'3r;J inakage of todroactive it'aterial and which meets the reQunements of IAE A paragrapns 201 to

-QM /%g# sg%p&g h kg.j%yfM~

-p 4 200.This type of packaging may be uwd for exempt items and low soucific activity matenals,Y.* Gr


,,; e* ~m.g ,

Y Y*.J. \Y. . &'; v'3q : , f N R 20E IlliW4 !!'*IMIThl! ISli

" M ** Shall compnse industnal type packaging which will prevent sny loss of contents when sublected4 P--

W N'M % y - YE to the tests specified in lAE A. paragraph 20S. This type of packaging is required to be usedo

NfN.y ykh| M.Q.R..e[$% % fcr a low level solid radioactive matenal.

A WT% @R h 3$.W$%M.|r s

* u.o & .,mp .

j Y M 9 k.c , w @d .1 2.4.3 I. ire A iwA%p"g . Shall CompnSe packaging designed to w;thstand tho normas Conditions of camage as demonstrated -

gk'r. y {,,*

| by the retention of the inteDrity of containment and shielding following tne type A performance.( g :p tests in lAE A. and with contents hmited to A, or A tsee I AL A paragraphs 210 to 227).

%) d E. apm.d Ig' ''d' h_ Q& ', f. Qd | 2.4.4 f.spc WG) packayAf% = ? j.. hj g' d I ' '? Shall comprise type B packaging deugned to withstand the damuging effects of a transport



|d.accident as demonstrated by the rettntion of the Integrity of contronment and $hielding. following.


'3d yt the type A and type B performance tests of IAE A, and because the packaoe must be designeo*

4,D ;%fD s ' "'h ir) accordance with specified design and containment entena renutres uniiateral approval only. 1 3

; %' eh y"" y/S''syf?- [ [yr (competent authonty of country of ongin) of the packt'ge des gn and of any stowage provision

*k N that may be necessary for heat dissipation. The ectivity content is abwe A, or A: and is hmitedg$1 h., | by the certiticate of approvalissued by the competent euthonly. (See IAE A paragraphs 228 to

he,h[, - 241LyONY$t,b . ..


. 3 .-

Y.kThh), h & ,. k .' 4 VQ.

M. . . # 4,.W pW!pg W '-

..g'h.T W h' y';y' g'T D

.% IMDG CODE - PAGE 7008

Amdt.10 83!v ;'Q 5| R 4 ,b.y. R$&[email protected] % .. yy_" "-,_. , , . . , ,.

M N..,Q,s ?

}fn _

,M M; |" y% ofg.y Q. Qy,

&,q*%. .. . . v. ,.-WEN $&?y. ,Y%h? U#*

- a - ~ -

3 p%pM . , ,,2* .,; . w. t . . . , s.

Q& . &3 .;YF'

< pn. r ,~y .--


-.- _ .m .- & v W, y .ej r'



a:n ,

CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials

2Ab [ype IR All pm k age

Shall be as a type BM package except inat the design f ads to meet one or more of the specificadditional design criteria, and as such requres muitdateret aDpros al of the s:ackage design lapprovalby all countnas through or into wnich the package is to be carnedl, arnd in certain circumstances,of the conditions of shipment, As with type BiU) package. the package is for activity Contents 'to excess of A cr A, (See IAE A paragraphs 242 to 244L


2.5 Freight container

for the purpose of this class treignt container shall have the meaning assigned in section 12ci tne Generalintrooucuan to this Codo but must be of the "closco type" es cetined in 12.1.5cf that section. For tne purpose of this class large f reight containers are thos which have either;overait outer rhmensions not sess than 1,5 m. or nave an internai volume c, more than 3 mt

2.0 Low rpocific activity matenals

Low specihc activity matenaN (LSAt comt:nse certain ores. matais, tntium as dilute tntiated water,metenuts in whlCh small amounts of activity are uniformiy distnbuted and Cer10in extemallycontaminatad oblects, gwen in the detailed scnedules 6 and C,

2.7 Low level solid radioact;ve materials

Low level solid radioactive materials ILLS) comprise certain so6;ds such as consolidated wastesor activated matenais, and certain contaminated obiects of higher activity than_LSA, given inthe detailed schedute 7.

28 Full load

A full load sholl mean any load:

2,8.1 from a singic consignor having the solo use of a holdicompartment or defined deck area of a ship;

2.8 'e m respect of which all terminai handhng ano intermediate loading eno unloading is carried out -in accordance with the instructions of the consignor or tw consignee;

2.0.3 unless otherwise speci6ed in this class, such a load may consist of radioactwo matenals of diffare 4kinds in packages which may be accompanied by non radioactive substances in respect of which 'nuxed loading with radioactivs matenals is not prohibittu.

2.9 Fissile materiais

2 9.1 fissile matenais comprise p!utonium-238, plutonium 239. plutonium-241, uranium 233,uranium.235 or any material containing any of tt.ese radioisotopes Unirradiated natural anddepluted uranium coes nei como under this dehnnson,

IMDG CODE - PAGE 7009Amdt. t 9 80

~~~~ ~ '

. :?.1- n av. u m J,w >.'f$.D/ W D ; kpew :,.

' 7 4 | .i, 1y o - e ,_' , .'


V.J. t 5'*i; s . .



"#%.< .

4|) ,,

| 1-

, 3; -


? . ,r .

>.' '' ^- ,

s f,,

.c ,;-. , , ,

;.,, v.

T4 g

x J,

. ? gg *-




<, - -. _ .._ _ ... - -.. . .. . . - . . - - .- - - - . -- - . ~ - - ,.



CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials

.:2.D.2 hwie mesena;s. in naditsun to moeung vil the other relevant reouvements for radioactive materlais, e.

shalt be pacr.ed and sNpped in such a manner that criticanty cannot be reached under any - g'f aisneeble circur'wtonces of carnage. Except for packages of fiss'le exempt quantities (IAEAratageoph 601) packages of fissue materials conform to one of the followin0 three fissue classes:

h) Fdsr/c c/JSS ll bckages Which are nuclearly safein any numb 9r end in any arrangementuitder 0111orseeatite circumstances of certiage.

ibt fissi/e r;/ ass ll' Packages which in bmeteo number, that is to say the 4i1oWeDit r. umberluee 2.3.12) pie nucecariy safe in any arrangement under all forsceable circumstancesraf Carriage.

M frssive c/ess I//' Packages wtuch are nucicarty sale under a!! forsecable circumstancesn! camage by reason of special precautions, ut special admemstrative, or operationalcontrols imposed upon the camage of tne consignnient.

T.293 A9 the design aad cantical:ty assessment require e competent authority approvaiIsee subsection di

12.1) febe Waps must t;a dtcari,0 4.s such m the trantpyt cocuments,in order that thecarnet may check that tne necessaiy approvals have been obtained,


110 "Opocial form" rcdioacdve materialy..

, ,

1 10.1 A special form r adioactive maternal shall mean either en indispersible suhd radioactive materialor a sealed capsule containing radioactive material, The sealed capsule shall be so constructed& ~^ $that it can be unened only by destroying the capsuie. A special f orm recroactive matonal shallmeet the following requiroments:

y,, s_

tal it shalt have at least one dimension not less than 5 mm;'

M lt the+t comply with the rMovant test reuutrements specified in IAE A paragrapns 726 to 737.

'2.10.2 in general the special form concept permns tne inclusion of a greater activity in a type A package.s

The design requires uniiateral approval (seo. however, 9.3,1(ah.., ,;

. . . , . a. .

q. ' r'c' e

' !#thr 1

;k 2.11 Special errengomunts and cuplosive radioactive materials -

2.11.1 A consignment of rad,onctive materials which does not satisfy oil the opplicable provisions of'

this Code must be carried only under special arrangements which require multileteral approval.'f6 ' o.,

A " ' '. } The special arrangements shall be adequate to ensure that the oserall level of safety in carriage

! n at least equwaient to that which would be provided if all the opplicable provisions of this Code 't-. v,. . . , s

'' . :<= ~';m.3-- a',; . i had been met.'s*

. ,

:'.1 i l The curriage of explosive racioactive matenais shallbe permitteo only under special arrangements.? g v; ;: ,,,

- , .

-- ~.h' ,

U AV ' ' 2.12 Defined dock aron*


2.12.1 Dcfined deck peva shall mean the crea of the weather deck; or of a vehicle deck of a roll on/ roll-off


h,' 5 *F ! ship or a forty, wnich is allocated for the stowage of radioactwe matenals in accordance with [C'


Mthe prestwns ut thit Code.


INIDG CODE - PAGE 7010Amdt.10 80

. . u -' - ,7

*r% .. s --

. .

*gr af*


# . . cir.,,

d' s.. , ,


ES * * q Q ) y_

* .,' y e . '*%W*C jf %,1 y %;.s

;f " his ...

. .. . ... . . . .a..



CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials



3s1 - Packing relanations

3.1.1 The rr.menals, instruments and attfcles described under 31.2, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, in the quantitiesspecified in the table hereunder, and empty packaginDs having contained radioactive matenais,are exempt from the requirements for radioactive packages provided tFst they meet therequirements of lAEA paragraphs 201 to 208. the conditions soecified in to -

* and the reievant conditions specified in 3.1.2 to 3.1.b Isee aiso schedute 1.2,3 or 4 as appropriatel.

I Maximum acovityj

, <

i instruments and erticles > j MatennisNature of contents

I i| Solid s i


Special form j 102A; A 10'A,i

! 102A: ! A: 10'AOther forms



Tritiated water

< 0.1 Cia 1000 Ci

between #

0.1 CLIand1.0 Cill 100 Ci

> 1.0 Citi 1 Ci

Other hquids 10 'A . .{ lotA. 10 A4

Gase s

T ritium ' 20 Ci 200 Ci 20 Ci

Special farm 10'' A , 10 A. 10'' A2i

210 A, 10'AOther forms 10'A. 2



These values also apply to tritium in activated luminous paint and tritium*

adsorbed on solid carriers.


IMDG CODE - PAGE 7011Amdt. 21-83



,. s . ut .- w, - .t

?n&miW,kt.%.&. ph W m m% ~-.tlV.w b. W ',


'w.~/.Mfh{ A li - *

7. . m ..

- fyr , _ r; - + ' .

' JRsg s, + nu. ..,4 y c. ,, .g.

.-4, ,

g. i u-o,




iy %

+7 - ._.... - - -.- - . - . . . - -- - *





CLASS 7 - Radioactive rnutcrials1 The surface rathation level of the package shall not exceen O 5 m'em'h on equivalent.[Ei

1 y lhe non hxed IadioattiVU contamin0hOnleVel. If Dny,of the o8ckrgte shalt nut exceed the levels3' laid down in subsecbon 6.1, Cacept for the arocles listed in 3.1 A bslow. pacupes contaimnii urenmm 230 shall not containmore then 10 g of that isotope anc the ornallest extern:,4 dime -on of souch packages shall not

, less than 10 cm.

3.1.2 Hiidiosclae matenals are exempt from the recurements f or rM00actwo pxkages subject to theconditmns i.pecibed in 3,1.1 and provided then

> unuer normel cond;tions of carriage inere con be no toeka)e of radiencove material:

'' the pacnaon is marked os specif ed in subsection 7.1< f ,,

%.s .

Instruments tsuch es ctocks. electronic tubes or coparetua, or other samdar n.anulactured goode3 1.3, ,

2. or devices, having a rearoactive rnatenal as a component port are exempt trom the requirements.

}\ for radioactive packages subject to the conoitions spedhed in 3.1.1 anet provided that:.t.

. ? g'1 . ,

E [? ,O ._ ; 3,14.1 the rod,ation level at 10 cm f rom any unpacked insuument, apparatus or device dons not excced


; 10 mromsh or equivalent:

A+ @%; , , I ine instruments, apparatus or devices are securely packed:'

"; +,


3 , cacn instrument or nrticle (except radioluminescent timepieces or uevicesHs marked as specified- c. < .

... ' in subsection 7.1,g gy. ,j,

' *f.v .

., '! 3.1 4 Manufactured articles,other than fuut elements,in which the solo rarhoat:tivt motorialis natural,m "

or unpieted uranium or natural thonum are enmpt from tne tcQuiremontr, f or radiuactive packDQes'


sablect to the conuitions spucibed in 3.1.1 and pruviuaa thrtio s

[4Wi $p'!~

f. . |, - .

'?"- . |, q,

Yhkkh,[e f[, @h ' ih - |3.1 A l the outer surf ace of the uranium or thonum is enclosed in en inactive metsitic sheath (such orticles

may be packagmgs for the carnage of radioactive rnotenalsl.aj

$ ' . [ , ' i .I , N)*,4 %~ *? * . -


Empty packagings having contained radioactive materials are e xempt from the requirements for O'

j 3.1.6radioactive packages subloct to the cond,tions specined in 3.1.1 and provded that:h,,- 4 ;g a . j

W v.4 4 i ..'."4.g; A ,c '- g ' g@i ,;4, ,

J they have been cleaned infomally so that the non-hxed contamination dues not exceed one bndied

liY.Y.; e.iM,, 4ce g;T %,, ? c. /,,e.. :b y; , j*MM M'.PT/.* times the limits given m subsection 6.1:<

., A +, n,<(3 w ~.e w 7 % A f *cf % :, w . N tt

' 3.1. 6. 2 they are securely closed and in good condition;" ,;W ;Y ,

i py. . 9,, :9My o W.< p ,'*? t, s

!3h -y .5 Uh[1y 6 labels sha!I be removeo or masked in accordance vnth autasect<on 7.2.

'Y?h&, J;YO Q,a,," % & ;.; q4iWp .iNME '4 3.1.6 Cardiac pacemakers containing a radioactive matonal such as a b.utonium battery when implanted

%.% - 4 e i~

i in medical patients are exemot from the previsions of this 1 *:V7

y.gfppf{W 'f."S . + Q; ye. .3 , to* ,,,

y y. { p '7',

M. . ; 3.1.7 Explosive radioactive matenals are not exempt.( R M.*S'i gs 'y , '

- .

.i f . ,V, .s t,,



, ,

, J@u IMOG CODE - PAGE 7012*

.1.',e .f.t.J |3.., M r y,.,, .


eg i

e, ---r

* , .

* * * . .,9

, j.

- i

s ' .' a . -- -4


*,i% .,*# h -h *., 4 ,..3 . Atj

h. h hh, bM,h .6-:..:! ? W,,% _; - * *y :, ~

^ %${WWN$ & '}'Wmy:;|$N.,MQ:,~ 4kk%| * AL '+ Y: ; 5 .,

f m < .' <

v& ,ng e .. r; m-


..;_ -. : _. : ; . . , . . , . , , . , , .. , ..u .,

. J.-

h;M', f.f;Y $~ h, .... pN ,' .

, . . . ...v .. . '.

s. b~

d. *

k.h.49f,Q{%dMWW4% . ..

, . ' MM&MnQ' -H..'

jh ANQ,h.*h . fi,

I#4%w.s "1


, ~}'

%s,if +g Q.w:. ..? t

< ' ,


.i>g . ,.a . g9

0 5}W % MJ'.rg ~ af*




b [,k !bT b.'( 'J.I[d) I '


8 Ek,$hN.f8'

A, YIfd|v.Hy}.,f,m$.U/N " I'~ ' " ~ ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ' ' ~ ~ ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - -

W %'d!a dr.y .. ..,,,~..m...G *,M[(w& @kny I'"N @. j V'f


#it CLASS 7 - Radioactivo materials.

-}"i ., t

.pdQUe%U , ! N (.JMio 6 "S'/*pm *'t h , o j -f

'q n ' s : , ':' n Q ,-


d {%-,


. $[['% Qlfi .3i.|, '' MATEHIALS (LLS)t'. ),h6, ;' Q M,;'s. y G..

- . ,;

I kt''. ;. Y ; 4.1 General

v M ,7,f,, fy :. ' N. ii* .

I 4.1.1 Provided that the low specific activity materials or low lovel solid ra$oactive materiais are described'j N.<fr F n'y[: . . .'

*;u, ! on the package label as. or carry the notation, "RADID ACTIVE LSA" or "R ADIOACTIVE LLS"? DN4 P'i'." * 7, . ris appropriate, the trensport index for packages in a compact stock of for e freight container .

%[;;c .bh h (${ ~.

may be token as the number empressing the maximum radiation tevelin millirem per hout et any' ~'

point 1 metre from the external surf ace of the load multiplied by the value on the table hereunder,,

;MCf. .st

Kt O ef/;.T l ', , , The transport inden of low specific activity materiets in bulk shall mean the above number,

m%a %d'.g'.O | ,N* ' ''M '. 9 4 h M h. .?;"".

- .;m.s . -.Yt h .tt 1 $ '


': . . ': V

!{ ' [. . ,

w?'N 1g(w|},\y't. i %mn,f '.laf.[$ ,' .-

L L' , J (Cross sectioned eron measurement of9i

$k%< 'If*NE'*

h$'% '[.;3

the load perpendicular to the direction

N ? h,]i'lQ D i * '.'|.ka g,* * ;. g. of interest).


I *b ;fQC'?").4jMi, > Less than 1 square metro 1

1 | ft%4

#/ p h:n k, ~. +p. M W ' %;From i sauere metre to s sauere& ,- -

metres 2

3; % by, y.W W .s..% ., n v .. .-: '.

%s%.,;'d P g a h.? ,h c P ].-

', More inan b square metres and up to.,

20 sauare metres a

. Nwig>_ . u;f.pv . .W M.. . .. h. 1

;cy , oc%, h. fg:. .I'M,Q:p| dp{ *My-!gJf;98


j Mureihan 20 square metres and up to7. ,

@f 1 100 sauare metres to-

i.p#. w ;.te, I--


.t .'.%'F.ty ;.

, Fr&&&. (Q:.

. , CQ[c."w';


8,.w. . - Y'


Lw..g|t p g:4.,. n: . .$,, un mu$' ' . .tV .;&,w&q% ,

t . , .

@$ $;'


yNy?$U $ k$,k ?

G.S;f : .a ,t-

..< ^v4,y

9. ... .c.vN,.Nf.f*

g wp,y.,...uh,,W n Ce4m .

m . s.k ..,af - s

vt3p$4k, . a, ,h- . .. .h!' %d,..e,

hi+ ;

QN@dSy,9Wpj , imoo CODE - PAGE 7013?i

3 Nfd:M;Jh"' A';.. '.V Amdt. 2183

~;.,pp',Q e r,b. V .ispuSf.;s,*m.Q:g~,y.:..:1Mi :

':w~ ..

N* - ' - ~ ..,,r. w, n ~.' +x e f . v.

M'# .-

AI '''

~ , M.) ,d.e...,... .. N *,.

E 8<c:a . A .. ..'

. . ' *{g.


. a.s =s, . ., , , ,

' '

.,,--m- . .. - ..-

- - w t.c w., u,gmn. gm. w.e +mgp, w .r.'? N , p<!m*.. %. m

.m . ' ) ; o > . .wg,m w .

xp i ~rs.a, M- a, qw,&n' . N. W,h,.y -a a;W n **

A. ~ .. .\

. a s . ,.. n '

. ,.a , _ .' ' ' . Q?' f'Y ',\

" | ' .'

-!. JW.Y.}sV<

|'tk,-%t '

(|. * ; . -

s , ; w n?*; . <., y p a..

.w .n'h.h ~k~| !Ekbh .n., t .hh b~k.w s W '

wmag w m eg eq.n, s4.

g .


Y' ~ *

' k h| i Y h h ? * ? b u m "f? !-

b' '.

Shhkh ~ |'wpawNd 3.gM. g gspf p g e p %,.p @ah w;


%.. m.. h 4 k W N g , h j p2:p . .



.g.w g., , .g. ~ g. ..s. ..e. , , , ,, m. . ~

e e., 5G $p&p?n,;. , <s . .441 c

w u & e$5 & &y n&d^* ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


M, q,M T.y m m.c::IWMM.M &.W,(g. .p . 1+

4 Q. Nd M ffM W#'% moy M Mg CLAGS 7 - Radioactive materials

D O h N j Q [Qf e$,n* w 6Hw %: fp'% c% Me:

7 %,' 4 1.2 h the absence of an actual tn&ation level tneasurenient, the approphate figure finm the following .

.dh *f|.1*W; b '. *' list may be taken 65 the maumum radiation level,M ,t6 _ U.*. D.[*; ,%'.

-.4 W - .y'.fy m $w %i!Q r . W. 9


.,y',s. - - 40 miem'h for ores and physical concentrates of uranium anc thor:um:'%| MW Wyf '' , n y% Q:T, . .}.,


*fn . L.&s.1 ",

"'M- ~. W .t! V. { 30 mram/h for chemical concentrates of thoriurn:'

- f>* W A l ' ? hp .i- 9* +

Q.h;|hgo. ] 2 |Wem-h for chemicci concentrates of van 4um other thari uranium hexattuoride.h .,y |,3


* &

# * *'o

%gq.m ;;g.,g .

4.1.3 Los specinc ceuvity materials (see scheau'es 6 and 6) and low lovei solid radioactive materials'

"4a .4

|3ee Bchfrdulo 71 t'.pnt5tning a fissile matef'lal abOVO tre hmits spetthou in IAE A paragraph 601, ,, ,

thall b0 trQ8ted DS tiSBilf in DCcOldance With subitection 2.9.' #

5 + .' "" 'g ( , , o,. . . .

< ~ , ;,. .( r* 2 , , t>, . 5,. W.m',. .

, ..t w ,,-. s0 . r .:c. . ~. ,

ga ;'<

.j 4.1 A The total activity allowed per hold, compartment or dock arce of a ship is as given in the table) [ 5;s ,s',.'b~I.[4' ST. e...V '

'; I herg undor:- . Tr. .s

M.3 'o e ,2-'



, h' s ,,.C'[|1 , s ..s,.,

, , , , 3 ,


-s-gw,;. vv em. . my ;, lj Acbvity hmet per hold.

lify D . .$[ N/;d [,3[ p'

M 'p f Nature of material compartment or dock area

h'd M Q' +y h".| ?,M b.|

f'qr t*<w %, t:. A ,


%w@n . n . w$,L %,&w . ..-. n; ; ;y-

Solids No limit%. T4 WNf3r

.f. v g y % '. %w,. d &; tr s . ._c't|r . g .P .


* qi%.3 f K $ ;',N.y 3 4. Q % intmted water 50.000 Ci

%,k, Q.J m ..? g@wgp ' -b A * 4s1hi d .W. ,


N |. qh Otner liquids pod gasas 100 x ANi# ?

. ? LQ %]ygy

iW; 'p, ,}5 -* 1.. ',. W,1 i )_** ia.h|1 cx M t b.p f .g.,y W .,, % .m W \ %. j ?.'''Q.'

|,- ) y se +-

%;b w.,p e,u.a e v p- %,u. n..s ; w r u .:3' Ew*".M 2,/n'% 4 4..,f k. h #y*'M f$1 4


l''. t g@g y* - ga m

sye .vst a 9 N.b C } 4.2 Low specif c activity materials RSA)-

b k |?? Y Q .;.

A2.1 As defined in s:hedule 5 the tWe items of low SDecific activity matenets may be carried in bulk,2 { Q[g;P iW ;5 M 2 f jf;..Es . gd ns a full idad, or in t.ommercial type packages either se;>aratoly or as a fullload. Providing the

'f[Q[. pJ [' t ;| V k;**,Q , matenats do not possess other hazarcous prop 0f ties, the p3ckagings need only be robust enoughVi 1

' MU; tys

M*H Q,'h+- g yp wsAt; @,A,sg ,' 1 to retain their contents during normal conditions of carriage.

d ?g W -, W.s t.% 9 % d?& Q n.


hD.%hf.Nd{y , ., J 4.2.2 Packages of thorium nitrate and uranyt mtrete shall De labelled witn a subsidiary risk 'OX1DIZINGs

d N' k. AGENT' label. Packages et uraneum hexalluonde shall be labelled witn a subsid:ary risk ' POISON'. Q ; pp4Av hh };


5';. i hibel Isco scheduiu f4

* g& ai a ?fM KRW, 9 c. , h V .,,,f,g. . '..

4,,h . ..N. '1, 42.3 Lcw seccibc actmty matenals as defmed in schedulo 6 shall be carned in packages as a fullload,

M pp'?g..O M. %e 1,.&,., f.m,

q% mD 7.w gQ3,g 3av.3 fN t w4 .i

s. r ., ,.


, b, ,y,.? , *%e, Y. !*

99J <% r e; - g w . .as ....p ; * - g.

v ?,cq '3 . . . ,| IMDG CODE - PAGE *1014ygp -Ww4pv- .

j,,* +

: , e * !. * o '.., 1, : 4. 1 Amdt. 19-8 0,

.- Ai~ 4@, r,.

's--4 .y > 46 4;.

a y g *t s. m -,. y ; . L , sJgq * . -



k,h % %$, ,. J W ..~r--- ~ - ~ ~~ wyy

Wh %mrw ~ ~ ~-m~,nm-.|? u * J'


?N $? A ' < . '| kkkD h?'

; . =. . nnty, m..h. m[d) N hk~ ~+x. , .

, . ,,}.

- -. _ .--__ -kh .x m[a m ..g y.. y[ g?

w .- . . .

E^M 7fl-

..a . Mt h . , k.h,. .

NMk ,, jh[dhc% - 4 ./ sC ay, ,. -,


5 h k . 'i W $ f Q :|.t Othic.Q h GW.W~k.A. t? .

1 k d )'k k :n .e ."

d.. n . i ( & t} @ % w ,<O W I+ pf .


OfM VSRn.+3 -

4. . ,,. .9 ; .. .e

W!5th.:,,,, hD.$5& &y s.,

- ..

,|,' ',e b3.,% g .. w, .

. .. ..7 -- - . ~ . , ~ . . . . . _ - -. - _ _ . . _


sK % %, . ' , .

n%.fy. 4 i w ys.9.,q.?f'/, *,,*

*c p.f' f + aj . G >,9-o y w r J.M, W..h.

iyjnpp ,,r%p. . . ,,

s 4

/p-m , p% _.:yq.,,c,3..r CLASS 7 - Radioactive materiMs, .. w; - + ,ai

p s .,hr.. , t. , p %. g*. I,j,s s . . . .g

@. 3 .4-

w s . , _- % 'N.- ap -

- p i444 Onen not tarned as e toit load a non f ueo contaminat.on on the surf ace of the packages shall


f.; I '.;, r',[ny, '. . , ' g,

' * * *

ot exceco the hmiti statea in sut>section t' t. . . -' ;R| * *


e .' 'N*.no, ..

, i

* .1 a25 merouaited naturai or cepicteo uranium or unnradiated natuen thonom cameo in massive solidtorm. shalt be pace eu and stowen 60 05 10 prevent movement o' any kind which Could Cause,


1obrasion of the maienal in wher sona compact formt, they shan be c ontained in an inert metal

.. > .

t over or other sut stant.o 6 heath so tnat the 6v tate of the metensi is not exposeor,,.p.. .


426 ' hen c arnen in bum the matena:s snaq Le conhnea m sm t a way that there is no leakage outside.

' e spHCP i i W hec h thPv d f t! $10wed

- 43 Low seivoi sond radioactive materiais (LLS)

.. ."'

ww levei sona radioactne n atenais us cehned m sc hea vie ' shan tie t.ameo as a f ull load in' { _* . .,b ;,


wong i iaastna type pac keges which ( ontorm wit" the provisions of 2 4 ;- ,

4 ' . , e


. 7. T ' . . 9 . . ' . - aj .y,'",k ch '.i m, W ' ; *,


.yg**' '< 3.j :. .y >

. . .

I. ! , &..*&. s.t } , f., . .A. u..q*%.s.,,- W . , '-|" *

a-Wp. '

:yqg 2 . ,.ay ** .


jhk,t'([4. _.4

M$fM9??$M'h. f'.s

. . . . ..

W.0 ~

% k ; )9 |,W* Q+tih'e1." w,rs iG;4.Q.

4. M.,.A..c.*v@n;. %4 h.2 u , ,, ,;w;. < . ,. :y" :y .+

m g,7 ~ y; 1.: . . ,m-


5& ,, ,, , . m y - p

~ [ " . ,t W g, .g .-y% h|w.,,. ; .ath.f JQ .Aaq.g% .' / ,d.i ' .''

4p~.,.y(.a%,*|%.'4 g.A.t,ds*. t!y:''' Mu

p. 14'4+ f s' ,j '- ,t'

;t 1'


' . . - e . ! e.-

fNQ ~.,.Qg.''

'ht,t.h"gg ?;..

z Q, i ;j.)

* MEW &;Qy''m"%? y .'|pd;& $[N...O}ec..-}9 i %.. p .p

M;jAfk.Yfk. %N.9g ke1

h.}g,.,k. h, a''

t ). Qr*A W. 1 n..% WhQ*m n !Gk. t:? a....w


%ne % .. * yt~ v j...

?'E, .

*3 e, m.w f ig g.n.g - 1 - 4 e , 9. is .'p.. ;yy -.2 ~-

$. W frc.h. , . ,.,.o5 N'

e . ,3s w w. . <q w y,

."n '

a,4 i*,a. . . ,, gsy; - , ,, i IMDG CODE PAGE 7015'

, 'g. - t

wJf f *i;7* ;' M.'y Amat '9 80~> >


'.*.2.7,1,f8 6


' , _ . _ . , . . _ . ,_ , __ g-.g st s -e * * - .4[ * '. . ,


; '. ' ~ -' ', .

.. ~ ~ ..,n... . . ,

b N' i . , - ' '.'


g ei/T!PFQ'%v. .M,W . 4 o i _ < my V-"-

'- - - - - - -


.m;&y%.M- s''

yun .i o - '.

3 -m .a4. , as 1 ? - #Y., w s.


,3 , ,, sa gm m... .


. .

%y .n ,. - >i . ,.

WW s s. .

3 w. _. . .. .-.g.y ,

..k. g f, - - - g - 49 *:m.Q _,, -

. ..,y ,,

. gg , '

n[ g,t / 6 e.,

. . .w r-y ,


xm.>. . :y

* __.~_.--.;-- ~. ._.... .-.yyy,



. st o + y

rg.@; '


CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials%.,W ,

: .' t . I



6.1 Stowage requirements'{

L.1.1 The number of category 6 - WHilE 14clied packanes sn611 fiot normany Du bmited..

[ :- +1

1 0.1.2 T he total sum of transport r. dices of each group of packages or tropht coatainers snati not exceedFO. Each group must be segf egated from any other proup of c:.;cuegos or fretant containerscontaining or packed with category tl or 141 - YiLLOW latelled packsges by a c4tance of notless than 6 moires (20 feet) at eli times.

4 B.1.3 Enr mixed loads of packages not in freight containers and packages in ireignt containers the

. , ' ,. stowage requirements for the former shrill opply. p,.=-+s98-s,


1h 4


5.1.4 The number of category Il or til - YELLOW labeHed packages und ticsnt containers shali nortrallybe 50 hmited that the sum of the transport indices ducs not etceed 200 in eny one ship.j[y.



S k-F.3,L,

s. _,p ,, .u


.( 51.6 The number of packages or freight containers in any one ship shull be I mited so that;4; rQg:, N


.g- . .,

p tmw + , ,,

fel the total sum of the transport indices for packages not in frei 0ht containers does not.t-g.~# ,

] exceed 60 in any hold, compartment or defined deck area;* ''pQD Mn . ,

5'd.J % .,,

M @9,.,, ,

'' - ;s, ji..t * 'd .

lbl the total sum of the transport indices f or packages in freight containers coes noti.... . . i. (

@a?,'.R.n / W* e*

i ;, 4 -gcm

AWK ' .t ,iJ '4 exceed 200 in any hold or compartment or defined ceck area.'

c cy* u . gg,/ 'hh !gf ? ' t (, ,-W..* js ' , . <

U.1,6 The requirements of 6.1.2 to S.1.5 shall not appny to low r.necit;c OLlivity rnatenals or low level,

T J- 3J; , 9 sohd radioactive materials which are destnbed on the packago label 65, of carry the notation,, ,,

,i 5 ,|;

^* f&! yn*;& &*%&| {t,n er fun I ad c nes the or wsons i 2 and Bu shae not ww now ine

hhk. k h. .[, g.

p - s,

. % ,,n N''e , d, . (4 for packages not in larpo freight containers the adu abic number of hssile class

Mh't M[iM;.M N, , ih Il packages in each hold, compartment or dehnud deck area is not exceeded:,

^ Mg f ., ni * WV4 f , . '.,|%.a Adj %

p.,,.q;M?:hM Mg M f or packages in large f reight containers the radiation level does not exceed 200W .y g.

Dihl[blW'.hfig5N]h *h.. mrem!h et any point on and 10 meemth at 2 metres f rom the outside surface ofN N? i

h dQ~NSMgy- y' the freight container, the allowable number of fWs'le clasa 11 packages is not

- M {[y$s a;r , g&.,",.;, h.u*p.a w -E exceeded in eachlarge freight containen and four t:mes this ahowable number is-

%kst $Os f f.n.M *.yd not exceeded in each hold. compartment or defined dark area:, % Szg,W,+f M*M e j 9 , W.


* %y fA;gg& gtp

r4 .|,us yr

h.N hdQMkd['- (c) each allowable number of fissile c. lass 11 packages is separated by a distance ofd"

e 3 %a(, y '.S,OCM, s w'r. f . ;6MQ JJ ~ not less than 6 metres at all times.5; R.. .. . %p+b. p $;r;% g m'e,M.CT". (0

ytMW ,Yl''WY-' Wp*ikJ c

drk,. ,

-;W mg.

a ,g~.u n,,, ,


if,[,j,'d,.QN'Bpf ;;,d|'N I #Ie .e. . < . . . , ). g

IMDG CODE - PAGE 7016. g+ i - 9 , W. , .,. 6, w ."n 'w ,2 A.$,.f,3 :r .


m e; 9 f 's c. Amdt.19 80, 74 . " #:. Tpg _ , . ..

>wy,- .,te* .c g,,

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,. X.Q,.y L ,. .a:, '. , y n,

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-i .4


4 e

Y t

__ . -_-

CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials

6.1.8 The requirements of 6.1.2 to 6.1.7 shall not apply to a ship used exclusively by one consignor -provided that the number of fissile class 11 packages aboard the snip does not exceed the allowablenumber ,

6.1.9 For the purpose of consignments originating from countnes where control is not effected by 'reference to transport indices, fifty category li or five category ill - YELLOW packages shall be -taken as the enuevaient of a transport index of fifty. Where Dackages of both categories are presentone category Hi - YELLOW package shall be token as equivaient to ten category II - YELLOWnckages.

6.1.10 The stowage and segregation requirements for fissiis class lit consignments shall be as specifiedin the competent authonty approval certificates and the transport documents.

36.1.11 Provided the average surface heat flux does not exceed 16 W,m , a package may be carried*s

together with packaged general cargo which is not bagged. StDwage must be in accordance'

with the requirements of the competent authority's certiftCate. to ensure that heat is freely ''j # dispersed, the permissible accessib!e surf ace-temperature is not exceeded and the package

temperature is not increased to such a degree as to impair the efficiency of the package.

6.2 Segregation requirements


6.2.1 Category I - WHITE or Category 11 or 111 - YELLOW labelled packages and freight containers shallbe segregated from living accommodation and from regularly cecupied working spaces and fromspaces that may be continually occup:cd by persons, except those exclusively reserved for counersspecially authonted to accompany such packages.

5 2.2 Category 16 or tit - YELLOW labelled packages and freight contamers shall be segregated frompersons and undeveloped film and plates in accordance with suusection 6.3.

5,2.3 Main bags shall be assumed to contain undeveloped film and p;stes and therefore be segregated


fiom radioactive materials an the same way as undeveloped fdm and plates.!Q

5.2.4 Low specific activity matenals and low level solid radio 6ctive materials carried in untabcIledpackages or in bulk, os appropriate shall be segregated in accordance with the transport indexIsee 4.1.1L

5.2.5 As stowage distances ero based upon the sum of the transport indices of packages to be carried,carriers shall make due allowance in this respect in their initial stowage if they intend to loadadditional radioactive materials en route.

5.2.6 Where oniy one consignment of a rauroactive matenal is to be haded on board a ship as a fullload, and no further consigriments are expected to be loaded during the voyage, the appropriatesegregation distance may be established by demonstrating that the direct measurement of ther.idaatinnlevel at regularly occupied working sp xes and liging qu3rters is loss than 0.75 mrem /h.



Amat.10 80

m ,,



- b,w s.y. .op4so. o . . .

,f7 ; 7 pt. .

L- .v...

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_ , _ . - - -. . . .- .- .. - . -

CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials

L.2.7 Mo's than one consignment may be icoded on board a ship with the appropriate segregation

f.Ahdistance established by demonstrating that the direct measutement of the radiation level atregularly occupied working spaces and hving nuarters is less than 0.75 rnrem/h. provided thatthe ship is chartered for the exclusive use of a competent person speciali2ed in the carriage ofrade, active matennis. Stowage arrangements shall be predetermined for the whole voyageincluding any radioact!ve materials to be loaded et ports of call en route. The radiation level shstbe measured by a responsibic person skilled in the use of monitoring lnstruments. The wholeshipment operation shall t.e approved by the competent authority (flag state of the ship),

L.3 Couregation distances

6.3.1 The rumation exposure of passengers and crew shan be based upon the maximum ennual doserecommended by the international Cornmission on Radiological Protection for members of thepublic of 0,5 rem, y

5,3,2 The isuysegetiun tirute i or 11 un pages 7010 and 7020 which are based upon an assumed annualtime of exposure to radiation nf 700 hours, shall be followed in relation to persons,


5.3.3 The sadiation exposure of undeveloped f aim and plates shall be based upon a sing!c voyage'

esposute of 10 mram. The segregation table i or it on pages 7019 and 7020 shall be followed,

5.3 A As an alternative to the use of table i or it, segregation distances may be estimated by the useof the nomographs in subsection 5.4. These nomographs will be particularly usefulin cases wherestowage f actors (cargo density of thickness of cargo) are significanti" different from the figuresDiven in table I of li,

5.3.5 The competent authonty concerned shall arrange for periodic assessments of an..ual radiationdoses teCiflVort by paSsongers and CrCW.

5,3.0 AU countries may not use these cntena,in which case it may De necessary to consult the competentauthonty concerned for rulings.







|e. ., '



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~.4., 11 IMOG CODE - PAGE 7019

6]g .J[ f.- ~y/ Amdt.1940.,

e, .u t. a

a n ,i'. .

- <-. . - n.- .- r.e

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CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials

. [ ,k|****"E"0%4:0L$0] | '[ { I*)*

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3 R$** RR$R2..L..'~ i- )., 3g3g .


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IMDQ CODE - F' AGE 7020Amdt.10 00'

,- T ]*~ - < 2F*"8,',?"5"77,7y; ""-r- y .,-

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4 v,

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m ,-, h. u mpg _k5d.- .. . . . . , . . .. .

Qu icigt., $na o - y rfJ., , . AN 4'

Ra.m,%;.W.C .y u # ; g S.. ' ""

- . .. .:y,$.W& '. .! % " s^f .


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'I MYN w)/

- CLASS 7 - Rndioactive materials!' '.

WW.9'4 g 5.4 Ilutes for the use of the nomographs"


t - %' DN/Iua 5.4.t When there is no intervening cargo between the radioactwo materials and persons, or film, or

b[f.g~;. pe., p.

f pi'.L plates. calculate the safe distance as follows:9'

Mph Persons - use the F, G sco!es, tend off the safe distance in metres or feet on the-+


hh f.., ta!< . . y, G scale adiacent to the sum of the transpOft Indices N on the F Q d p'

| @h f" M.fty )%[[Q'I[)A.;.A 2 . . .''N


tb) Um and plotes - oraw a stronght line between the lengtn of the vovege,I scale.;

g L ,s . . and the sum of the tf tinsport indices. F Scale 6egregation distance in metres ort

98$D,NMyA@ff,|@!ND '"' "'" b' '"' '"'''sec t i n n H scale.M ,

$g M y' b,'M f.i'NTjj. *

5.4.2 When there is interven ng cargo between the radioactwo materiais anc persons, or film or plates,? ; "*'''''"'**''**'*"''''**"**;7 RW


Persons - drew's atraight hne through the thickness of cargo in metres or feet)7. ' W$1 6 tt. .M.t S M d 40' ' . 374 h.

7' g g .~c .$ uu,.g d A scale, and the stowage f actor B scale, which is the cargo density, intersecting-

Fe.(W$[ Q the C.D scales. From this intersection draw enotner straight hne through the value:f* k .t

-* "% Me +. y? of the sum of the transport indices, E seaie, cutung the G scale et the safe distance'

(,g u r e .Mt,g 1*g?O ..- ' L,y;Mg:.


[ - 4,, . .: . .s,[i. Ib- [. (b t Film and plates - as for persons. but from intersection on F. O scoies drew a straight

's , e ;k. c. E d ; .. * 'y, a ,j hne to the i scale, which will cut the H scele at the segregation distance for film., 3

s g w&%n ~~-

|'.L L/ ;; Yriy RW?h,(-|| ~': & Note: for thickness of cargo up to 2.5 metres i10 feet), use the left of A scaleand the left flowerlof B scale. For 5 between 2.6 metres i!O feet) and 7.5 metres'

. , , D W > Q ' , Y. cf'!'4'' .x &(;', 130 feet) use the nght of A scale and nght !ct upoer) of B scale. For S in excessk 7 '' of 7.5 metres (30 feet) thvide both S and U by 10 and use the corresponding partsaj $

yf ' Q'f. N vi A anti B scales. When there as no interverung buikhead use the lower knes of,.y' a scate. for one butahead uw nucaw tua una for two buaneeds, um top lones.

|, qw. : |v . +*

Sk h "f' 4 5.4.3 Other problems, such as estimating the mmimum thickness Of cargo, or determining the stowage.j ( f actor 01 intervening cargo when the thickness of the cargo is known, can also be solsed by

'|(} ~. q \ . 4 g-J. . ,, , W , -p means of the nomographs.I

% .i ' . .. -..

A. ? ( ;|;J ? .,,

y .>

s, . ,i . ' e ' , . ' . p .'r 4 yJ||[ ?[*| | [ | .[:7..f f:

L | ,, s. , ' 6 [ |} ^ . 'N

'- |h [$ I '' ' [. t g [ [p-| . 4gg.

;,;i':s, . , y : ..- - y L.

g, ., wa f,.g.- .7 .n

|. ?,."\..4


,A'. , , a . . - s _ ,s .4 ,r

I),)> , . , 3 * j ''s.~

e & %. N ' Y jy ,'"'


%E $!g IMDC CODE - PAGE 7rt?1

~ <k'S**7M: "D ,- mew-w w,=, -,TE W --

. ( - ,', q+

.-: a cw~ q @ q@ 1E $ a^ W W m


M,b'N um .,*w ,. , . .

- ' - . . - L.--...... . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ . _ _ _ . , , , , , . . _ . , _ . , _ , _ , , , , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ,*..-Y ' q- r.

, .

: o. . a[k V j %


3- .' ~

(%f[,MM;,gk,fw;ft z wyg ,;h M:w.


N4 * J.t ' $N-|fqi .p 3-g


w4.a&ey4.xm %. m ,w m s. .s .,


- , . ?. h L ,.n . K:w . .:4,c ' , w. a r.

Q~,"+ s',. YP& b,r%..e g. ' % .g,p v', n V., n, e' Ns .r . ..e.,. 4 # .


~Q. ., , p .' sy 'r , M. ..( , . . ?. a e- g y,. <agp .,.. . .: . ....s c

a.b.3.Q , em~ m a * R.. ,l.i ",, 4. ,y: p . M ,.. ( M{g is $,;.. h, .


43.,y ;L t-' 3,,.

w.' T

. p%t

-'t '. r-

_ %,Wf{r .:" .

S:tn.. . -. . . e:, . ,.w - -

. ,

*ki kb

hN h.q.6 ,hcW.2 -.> a

Ih fk CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials

.h }i ' ,y f|'h,,.,A o (~Q.'D,.


q .,% ,, . ~ -# . .,.& _1yv f%< . ,r -

e. - . - _ _ , - _.

;,. . .


",? :[' @4 c 1a j ? (;..,,' s. .. _ _%. ' -



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'' .T ], t,, 9 ). . o < * y, + , ;** -

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.. .. c .

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'k, ' "j , .T'{y*, / % ; D C Kp, j"

E - - e


kr me t r es* -r * *,n. mu m c ;ta nce ' r om persons

M'p.dd. hi@,,, d.M, ,g,T[.), '.yf . ,,

2r -

,g .

e w. . - - ..:4'y.A,MJ"yTO . @,) s aA

.. ' "~

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;Wk.g Y s. D J $ Sum of the transpor t indicesY .f . '', aan s 4ay ; .,

' D ,M :.- ',y- p!D ,,,,

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Qf|,7 . . ' . ,h, deco., we w.upk-h

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CLASS 7 - Radioactivo materialss .


6.1 Contamination of packaues.

Except for low specific actmty materials carried in a tu'. toad, non.haco contamination on thesurf ace ut packages when cveraged ovm an crea of 300 square centime.tres should not exceedthe folioWinD levels:

310 * uCi.:cm for t> cts and gamma enutters and the low forcity atpna emitters natural uranium:natural thonum: utaroumO35 or urumum 233; thanum 232. thonum.228 andtnonvin 230 when conteined in cres or pnvrical concentrates; radionuchdes witha half-hfe of less than 10 days; or

105 pCucm2 for all other alpha emitters.'


6.2 Decontammation of stowage spaces


1' 6.2.1 Except es provided f or in 6.2.2, any conveyonce, equipment or part therect which has become

, /* contaminated in the course of carriage of radioactive materials e. hat! t)e accontaminated as soon.

as possibio by a quahhed person and shall not be te rna unless the non-fixed radioactivecontamination is below the levels specified in subsection 6.1 above and the conveyances,'

equipment or part thereof have been declared safe m respect of residual radiation levels by o, ', N.{

mI qualified person,' '

~. s.

6,2.2 . Conveyances or compartments used for the buik carriage of low specahe activity materials in, ,

full load shall r 01 be used for other goods until decontamined as sDecified in 6.2.1.*,

,. ,

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CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials


'' E xempt nems

No to:mb,r o is reasired on tru out s ae tit t '' r m kaue I. r. e u"nta matei. 'Is descnbed in31 J ona 31 i ine wora WADIOACTtwL nust to: ure en c o tne packaging in s. ' h a manner

eny toe package Rada 'uminousin ^ ar n o' me orewer,r e aat si utenu > aa-3

t!merneces or ci v K es need not be sa mon ea

' Empty packagings

Empts peckaginnt wnon intendeo I:s an aae u tne o u emption wh.< red to in 3.1 5 shalln ,

emna[ tatets or s, mnois ' e me . e u e * T es. "o s in he ne ionper visible .r,ve

'3 C .tegory 1 - WHIT E or category || or ill YELLOW labelind packages

A separate lat>ei is usea to aenote eacn of the ttvee L atequoes referred to in subsection 2.2.

R ese taoets are oepictea ,n figures 2 3 ano 4 page 7035 As mascatee m figures 2.3 and 4tne consgnor shan speciiv on the tabel the rnnupas radionuchne and the activity F-or categoryIt and category itt YE LLO'A !abeis tf a; ares J and 4 > the transport indeu shall also be specified


'31 f ach package over 60 kg tone cwt i shah have as weight puen s ano durabiv marxed on the outs'de.

'32 , ne A pac nades shai' have T N PF A c a rm and carabn, n'aseo on the outside All type B(U)anc t v oe HiM' pactages sr.av he re nrm m1 'PE B @ i PE M.h as anpropriate


'33 4. packaaes recoinna competent autnants aromvin , e. ta .. e paasues. type b packages and]

s p ec ia t a rangement packages snal. ais , et niarv en extema.w wth the competent authonty|

utent,iicat on rna'v

34 L xh ',pe b U. package or h ue bM DAr ige 10. us i n e the outermost receptacle which

is resistant to tne ettects of fue and water pia niv mw ea t;, en t.assing stamping or other means

resistant to the ef f ect of f r e ar'd water with tt e treh' sy rrt;o6 thquee il

I'4 LS A and LLS packages

Pac * aaes of low specific a:t sitv matenats or k a mve4 so i 1 r e::.oactive matenals not containinga fissite matens above the bro:ts sneaf ma m i AE A paragrapn 601 snaq Ucar category 1 - WHITE



or cateco's h or II> YELLOW 1abeis as apprornau w in the conte"'s aesenhed as ' Fi ADIO ACTIVEL 5 A" or P ADIO ACli\'l L d'' a 3 appropnole Exkaars o* a /v speratic actmtv matenals or

w. deve: scha radioactive matenats contam ng o Nsoe nwer.a at>ove toe bmits specified in IAE A, paragrapo f;01 semn t,e sabeood una marwo m att orn m e wan subsections 7 3 and 7.5


IMOG CODE - F ACE 7025A mo t 19 f10

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CLASS 7 - Radioactive motorials

7.5 Flasile materials t(wfissile class I packages shall have either a category 1 - WHITE or category 18 or ill - YELLOWLibel depencing upon the radiation level f rom the package, but a basile class il must have e categoryli or lit - YELLOW label (see subsection 2.21 and a fissile cless til pacb age must have a categoryill - YELLOW label. The allowoule number of hssite class 11 or ill packages corned at any one'

time being related to the transport incex, the sum of tr0nsport indices pilowed 6n any one shipis normeily limited (see section Lt. The use of the transport index system makes it possible foralt packa90s. whether containing fissiis or non fissile materials to be treated alike for carriage .purposes.

7 .6 Freicht containers

A freight container packed with packaged radioactive materia |s must have category 1 - WHITE -or category it or til - YELLOW labels on all f our extemal walls. The sue of labels (placards) on (**large freight Contaitiers must be at least 260 mm by 250 mm. See subsection 2.3 for transport -



inde x .


.;- 7.7 Flacarding of vehicles and large freight containers

Vehicles and Iarge f reicht containers packed with packaged radioactive matenals otner than exemptpackages. section 3. shall bear placards as per figure 5 on page 7035.



7.8 Special arrangements

Packages and freight containers carned under special arrangements shall bear a category til - -YELLOW label irrespective of the transport index marked un the label.





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y,M.; yd.A *p:

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x r-e b CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials


ti' & .y f ' QW*-1;. ,W.. .. . . p s e - sp5% t?,.e..MM-

h *kh' g [g.. (Jp,a. .'''.,'!C. StGREGATION FROM OTHER DANGEROUS GOODSs

- ,f.ts

khb '

7k' <. M, ( )hN,4b* - .s - 4 .* 6.1 Ocquuements in th.s respect win t>e f ouhd an betti on if> of the General htf oduction.

**61 pfha b' L.'.'vyG,$,h(''ZU'. th! ^ ' l*WW

;?'&yy$Ekhk'.f; L:3 ta 7 MV-??

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M=NM)$w6h N M AN N: M N M S @$ ,M k , 4 p*.

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Wif[bkf(L ,ig %%g.h.ib ~[[email protected]#

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,', % . ?. - . . a wu t,bi* gbz\wep.y ~.,% . , . . Mkf s, ' e;c

'mf f R-e[M([t / - $. + - . , + .Na d 4

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Eq)wp*p.. . . w$:.n - - .1 | - .


. c m- <g- ..

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r i?.j@yf$9m .- p . ~ . .'' :g. ;My u :*- ~, c.n , ,."'D <s#

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4] q) Qw';> N1'- -m .c, s - - - - ---'' -- ~--,


} f Y .JM v.N*,Q $A% , t~d1 Ct. ASS 7 - Radioactive matorials

|y.?cA,| qy .i,

g , ', 4 gyV~V w a .,,. .|" Q ?rWW y.2 % '3le lip,S >+MfCyp. D .c


. .d ,,.

;;$h" ""*"'-""a*"-"'

4 > %t[ e;1)wSWM',, 4@&.RQ||l All radioactive maton#r, must be decimed M such in the transpott documents I or all Consignments.~ 9,1,1&[.^e.k .W -



tMj d$ . fg g..

f ar a cons.pnment of low specine act:vity matenes, the wotc6al

* )) LOW SPECIFIC ACTivfh"Nh hh./L;:h;1'j,[- .,


y &g' sy fyk [h k ; f. -*d44 t,-lor 0 coasignment et low levei sobd tacmactivc materials, the worus~' *- M

"9 i tow Ltv.L soucaE ;dq,.nb,g, p a|3 ~yfor type A packap s the worus '' TYPE A" 4f#


Ei k m0O w the identahcation mark of each competent autnanty certthCate tspeual form.p. r p' w w' '

'h ,jd(hl.

' "~"p2 1hi # "

Y, $s h0I.. '

g.L sc) the name of the radioactive matenal or nuthoe;b.E Y g 9 Q ;gi{fg gg y

a ocscnption of the phviscal and chemical form of the matenal. or whether it is -"%.y , {w7ht W

j , , SD*CW IO"E. ',

g,, " A h.f/'i

the OClivtly Of the f adioactsve matefial in oppf Dpnate' Cune umin'3N?- (e),p,.the category of the t;ackage ku. "Cate0ory 1 - WHiiE", " Category H - YELLOW",


[ q p['-,(,s (f)) *q: '' Category DI - YELLOW"t: , ,; 4

_Jg M ,


E 4 9 < ,.~a, ; g n, . Ino transoort index k otegory 11 and category th YLLLOW on,y),. . . + v -(Wn

;;; 7, '*" g ' If,5*9. .a '


'' :.] b thi - for a consignment of hssue matenais:' ' ' ''j if exempted under the provenons of lAE A paragraph COI the words

46h, til'


"" ""''""'""'d''' ' " ' " ' ' ' " " ' " " ' " " * * " ' '

gf , $[h Exempt items must be declared as specibed on the nopropriate schedute (see schedules I to 4L9,1.2

$@6** m4

. ,,


h' '

gr*; e h a.$i&5''

fi$$N*JP MNw pd_


,' ,. n. $4M$

SchWJulo flu. to br' rv.;ortr'tt$,4,;,e "3 hg ", -f .~2 g. , A,,.

v. ',

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/|W IMDG CODE - PAGE 7028,f VM-

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. ,. .y; EE M . . _ _.6.W 4 ", -' +

.. m _ _.mm_-,


" CLASS 7 - Radioactive materals


9; Shipper s certificate

'l. ' r the same nocumtml containing the part.c u.a's of co s r "+nt as bet out in 91.1 ecove.>

3 nat t>e the s cert ficate f rom the consgn,r or r s y e"r certaving that the contents:- . * the consignment are propeny cescntaec by name to uav as o'e propeny marked. labelled.

'' Y i nd I.iic k dged 'i. ,K cor danc e witt. Inf re.e vdnt pr', suFi'. * h C db5 Dnd fire in a proper COndillon

c a ' nage T he c ertMcate snah t e signec and cated t>, * e : unsigno'' r



43 Competent authonty certificates

hcert htates are e- eto e' m 'no cases4, . '1 - nortent outhan , aporm a: .

recia f orm cesign w hen actwo , ei . eens ? 5 e a+i n f or specaa+ tarm in the table

__ } Jt subSOCtron 3

" ' ssue pac kage aesign

? g fie 6 V . Of type il Mi packMpc JPS.Jr

hnipment et rthcates in respect c'r1

type BN) pacxages spectany ce00nec to aoon Lont.nuous venting

'.vne BNI packager with ac t .it y contents g eater than 3 x 10' A , or5'


3x 10'A. as appropnate. De 3s ! OM - wn<chever is the lesser-g


uni f ssue class lh packages,

liv s special an anaements toc add-G e spios s e r adicac ta e materials


# .1 . uprova. cert.hrates a e not mauired f or ,sem aa >aaes r 6 i end Li 5 pac Aaaes nor

noaes aesronec n r mn t ss i e i e ian7 - tsa * ,



*33 ' ach cert fit ate issued o, a c ompetent a.a n a v v.a Oc : 'e:t5 an mentihcation mar * <see

I,* '

ut they n.ust t>a pros t< red tc arne s t>efore tr aJ r.q .m : o' ra tr anshipn:ent

. Af A p iragraphs h22 and 8231

34 pa k aoe a m sniement c ertif n a tes n..n tm .cmh ( ) smo e cert.hcate' o

93* '' e appt.ab:e competent authont s cer hc ates r.:ec not ne e can 3 a :rmc'any the consignment..

94 Inf ormation 'or carriers,

b T he ennvanor snat rnvide n the t anspon co .m.,e iteme a jarding Jct 10ns if any,1"at must t'e tak en b , ine u,rrie. T he sto tem +mt shat i e ' r k oauages deemed necessary

- tw the ( arner or the cornoetent autnantres c oncerne- o o s'o i moe at least the fotiowing= r .vormat,on


hk. '



6- "

|., ,.- - . . . . - -y. .

- . - . ._ _ , , , ,

*.. .

. .

i .W " iJ"

p, .,,

h ~.s$. ~a. .x .., h, , ,.h,Y . A '. I..- . x-

. +.s, . ..s. ,.r.y> , 7 . mw .p .,

.. v . % m :, 4.. g| ,. fp., 3 4 y Q , [w,.h.. n&y % _ y. ' 'b f

i|e Y". &$3, -


f.. ,

, e

4 .w % a$MMhq$QNp3,.g,

ND[p q [, , ,w ., o. r %,-,-. g yi_.q;.t N M N, ,.m..a.t ~ '


4 p p. ,-- w. .


.z. in. . g:. ; @4 i ,,a. , A,c,

- . , . , , - . _ -

?p. f ? Qg- ~ a . .~:,,.. yy ,

, .

. , < ~~A'' qcc v,

D$ W? \ rh m.=A-==~=~~^ = " ~ " " ~ ~ ~ * ~ " - " ~ ~ ~ ~ * ' - ~

-w :&t, w,

Y,ow hk.k&h,, | -||b-

CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials.-

g'@Mgf.7.n e %:qS .,'#., ,9 W ' ]. g,:


i k '. ffy ?; ? ~| M. ) y 4 'Mi suppiementary operational requirements f or loading, C8Filage, unloading. handhng


{h*Ma ff P Q.*

i 7e 'n~ Bud stowage for safe dissipation of he8t. or a statement that no suppltrmeritory( 4 tas

w.N.a g ,'N, b, a k,g#.; g,.[[opef ational feQuirements are neCessarV:

, , . , -+ r,, '

(bl . emefgenCy proc 0dures 8ppropriate to the Consignment;i. . '4,

i ', , g f' e '

?* .ah,.u,a

fcl the emergency schedule number.1: %: 7p , Q & ', *.

, ,:.. a a w . nM*- ')d 9.5 Notification to competent authority'' C ~

b 9 5.1 Cefore the first shipment of any package requ4nng competent authonty approval, the consignor -sAa# ensure that copies of each c impetent authonty certificate applying to that package design

+ .|* t have been submitted to the competent authoritr of each country through or into Wt ich the



consignment is to be carned.'g.4.

- , . - . , . , , .. ,, ) , )s 8 , ,:. ,. -x.: 3 ,. + ry : 9

' U12 For each shioment listed in tal to id) below inclusive, the consignor sha# nordy the competent (h .;.'



| fi !., y y * , = ,, - authonties of each country through or into which the Consignment is to bG carned. This notificationshalt be in the hands of each competent authonty pnot to tne commencement of the shipment,t

.s, p('.AM@$h - / h gi4 N. g.'.

Q , and preferably at least 15 days in advance:,

3;m :: Sy r;.c.; .v .+type B(V) packages contaming radioactive matenals with an activity greater thanf %.% ' M . C't' tal

'* * ** 3*

c4 y b. ,y,gw.. . g~. ,as .y.. p% .. . ' 'm . BA. p '

h k .[g}h h (c) fissile class ill packages.


[:p:t'' 4dJ. % .1,%m. . .;*, t

a ;~J r . s. > 1p m #2: . (d) transport by special arrangement.

hO 'fAMihFM.$' d |g%gCb.Wg %+04 M.M. ?

dffgM 6 9.5.3 The consignment notification shallinclude:

x*'. , .. . W '' ~k*

MN N 10 sufficient information to enable the identihcotion of the acckage, including allBf/$[J)M.,. . . .

' applicable certihcote numbers and identification marks; and

M. h! .m+t *b h .,d*=* * s % ,s x< w i;r M w %. . J,t .f

information on the date of shipment, the expected date of arrival and proposed- e p-, %yp:*r,h"r.p>M '' Wp%n, .p.ja-(b)

T , m J. w u..A t.c.3.h routeing. isw.

, n, c

y&,g ,+y;gj;& m an.4. g 4 s

; w .8 . . . .m .c . : - i w.

' Ei k'& $ $ 't.:. .h ?%~h. eE .~

J+ h.$,m:QWWW-m%;ysMan*N *e?^ *& 2?'

.AQ A(D.{.f *>M. . Q'O'Iv1M.'s, .WR ' 9tW % ;;;%d"


- A .r. w4 ?!t0 Q .M

> Fb / '} Qpag.7:& 9, ,; t& ~~ . ::m

' s.s .a&,4 % .A v w.

p! % & * g .j4'*c' & y,*.

e a hg9 v;;pl.s r %.&,I.!% , 4.m%p.m


. v..m/; ; ."m:t M,Mgw. ..;g.% ,,g .9 .;.Q ~. pis

c .w.m .;G m Mw,y y4.. . -{s %.h.M, hv p p s..QfMM.R

y c.; b e ,.. . ;.

'N C. DYihWN2H W,'i m- w rs 1ev-

$M. > ); N, ..p'.,.',[% N. .di. ,.,< ..



.INyy.. .: @#,g.L,Y [',M.. *

Amdt. 21-83, - . .v~ 3 v .M Q-r *t : .> e t m.

,4 {|h'.*S f'. %

,, c .3. , W c' . * * %'"U - - m-m y1. . .


y mm , , m ., ,p . ,.m. ,,,. , - ,4 .R7 e.,v-e,

T M. myp(, ..

b n n p ~,r[..- e ,p :w#p gpd*


. d.-

m%r ;&a y%q.g,s.2 y 4&t- M?,l'snm ,.W g:m, 7' t9hqsM.rre w

dv ..:: 6'' MpNO c. <-

. 'r:# ; ....

'% hht-


.. _,

- _ _ _.

.t!wn%q...yw,~t.e = = m - = vm 1.w;yg.g--

m y-.< m l , .

43..c. M. '^'- - %& Q . W1.?w y s'~M^#....A


.o .

N. . , L.-?g6-- m

g $ @h.hd ? D ;| Ek.h'

' |~i .


. f 3 p c Mr.

W , b;|bN, @f%,yNW , :.


V .. .> <

Y $ |'' '|m. +unnmmnw -:

Y MdMMk.9EdM^; Y,':+ ,


uN Yng , .4. .. '

' fg$$.. 'un. Q~.1, w:nwdh .i W N # ":' %. ~"



~^ "-~" *~ ~~


3 A ,4 - .s,a. w rwt%,.g.wv.n w - <i

' /g#.... Q jNe&$*. : - CLASS 7 - Radioactive motorialsj;G,,T. i ,,&"7dg pum+= 'i+ #+t *


N' T-,*

h.h- j.: . kom

-.y.a* M,, h.. Ms g

y/] ic

f-Im Mi1 10. ACCIDENTSS is r-aM.e m Q. -.., A . %

$'Q;f* A*h&j $y, sV <* %N'.. % A'^A

&m:),)e&r&*h 'O^ * * * * ' * '

& %>:~... 4 ;f3[J.Ja .;p'n/3 e , ;i = 4 '5',.


10.1.1 Type A packagus en well as inuustnal packages (see subsections 4.2 and 4.31 are designed to <UMht withstand the tiormal conditions of Camage, including minor mishops. without loss of the Contentsa%i& 3 | m t M.,}.A;c , , or reduction in radiation shielding efficiency. The raoicactive contents of these packages areL,

so restitCted that,in the event of an accident Ond damage to the packaging, there is a high. [- h

* i4n

probabiftty that any material released, or shielding efficiency lost. would not give rise to such, e ';J., % ; . F { f.." +F ? (, , , ,

I:j t .v Vy [ -|hmra as to intettere with normal fire. fighting or rescue operations.

' ' '& .fM . ( s

,'a !> 3

' 10.1.2 hpc 0 packages are designed to be strong enougn to withstand severe occidents without. .

;- .n.'.,-,

smnificant loss of contents or uangerous loss of radiation shielding efficiency.f7(ri. ,. -r.g W6C. .| .. . .Q _

4%3~.W i g tje t g . . ., |w4-.. w -,p e,.e. 'o % 9. .- 10.2 Accident proceduresw- 9j ; x.. - Q.._-g.,,. p. . :- w - ,.s.u. a nr. .s

[email protected]~,g~.C (.',3.. @ , ;,[.

10.2.1 At seaN

"f.,......Q ' y,% f. Attention is drawn to the latest versions of both the f mergency Procedures for Ships Carrying ..

.. q G. a;* h .u !. ?)$_% w W g&g[([is ; L N f. 7yQ , }, . .

.'j p : Dangerous Goods (ems) snd the MecticalDrst Aid Guide for Use in Accidents involving Dangerous ';Goods IMFAGl which are issued as separate IMO publications..-

<1lo .- . +$14 6 - .. u u f 4...

Ih d N k h Q M { Q,y 10.2.2 in port

W$@@k}n[M[p"dNf|f.!Nt?l A//- ~ .y.y T . ; in the event of a package containing radioactive materials suffering from breaking or leakage

. N .

,b or from the national competent aJthonty. Procedures have been drawn up in many countrieswnde a ship is in port, the port authorities should be informed and advice obtained from them

":.%n,J./h %J| hyNf %gg

!.h '%q;'d..t..,4([,3. 7,.M [1 for summoning radiological assistance in any suen emergency.g O %.lfL."g Y *.bay.. .

q Q. F ,T -


, Uf. ., s ,Lg.,.r 3gh" h.h'*DbhM* 4p A.

k. ?~ + . ~ ' %y C w,. x.o . sa s .x..-.6 p d.i.. ,v4u


w ,ceo&

~b f mayM$.y .

% ;&@MMM.7jIi+hrew,gy.p'D:'|,#


? s$'O ?k D Qf.Qf f,}

pgw %qf$*9fp.g|a d,

d h htf, ).NM MMg. M+hr MM

A .y. m m , ' Wh.tG.x -WO}- Lyw. pap &y g .g.R gW tp 1$ k.& }< "|| s.F .f.M l%4.M MQ* **y L 1N9

,h' e.h h.4' . . . y[i ';hh._ffbb- e .. . ..A w v f4Ap

t%g[I';'N ;f',, g.QQ y 7Na( W.,b73 <


h( 4d4M%g [email protected]< 1Mhd SihW .}-,

7.u, 4. - n .~

,, . =| .,_ _


;g 4.Ctr %... b $ y . m.: . 4 i,

. .! fy r *| s., . '

G. y,Ng;*e@,9,. d.Db .'' ~ t.a, ?.

| n

< - i IMDG CODE - PAGE 7031,y e.% ,n p - 4.jA. ? si Amdt. 22-84W CyQ[c.O{y . tNG*.N%e. 3, ?,,.

a ;he ~l. 4 J, . , ... .y tLi r.:p ; m GM: 3 ..;V .;

-1;;y.p:'' f V ' vQ 7% '. . - - - . . . - . - - . -..

. ~ u . . . . M % ~ ,, .--- m _- .. .

h .3 +.n , . . . v e

. .,*y p".Q +:% , s,,2,.gyg;r q. ,w :a

.,r. ' [q., y



"2tkkgN, .z .

.m . x. n'I[,r9pcn D & , /* ?.1 UMO N^ *'

+.yWh?&$$sk l: S h h-A

.,*,hh,,h.,b$.WY''.%w .mK'4R:.hp><i M|fr ,, . .> -'.,.c ' '

~ ' . ' Q. 'f- +' '

' '


Wk , .

y. c,

- .;.... c: , .,

' ,Q h> :c .

s, n,; g a n ~- . +.

gw . q .ff Q .C' "gg@W"- 3q. whf. ...


m . . -



r p y 5:4: d d,'A. p, t-

.w . W-.

:tpyn ....v....

. a '..


tRa3+y4: 2 ..

n ,

M,u,p,i.?,f . %q%@%, $ , r'

. .sge. ;-

.v. w . .w

A. |

' .

.' :y|hl! '.M * ,.Q~

% =; tk s y g * :,~

.p::w g ; t.3' ''n -.

v,a m(:1.f'.m .,' e+; . .wgl .-

----~~ - - ~ ~-

.k *. , s . . . n..

,- - - - "~~~~


n. :

, m.f. .pij:% "">,. y-

y- .. ,~ ~ ~ * ~


. vv .,t , m., -t A,s.~z_, g. ; e,.M . -


. ..: n.x: .

v. x,

mj cp,.a y.s W .p.A.* y f. n ; e, -C, ;S 7 - Radioactivo materials. c .c,


s. e

$p $ y4 -..3

Wf, phc ; -

up: a N'#, 11. EXPOSURE OF CREW 4->

' qj3.;5], p . p-.-f Q

. .s

11.1 Ine present low treauency of carnage of radioactive matenals by sua coes not justify members'' : D.M. . t of the crew weanng fdm badges nor need thu ship carry any speciaiinstrurnents for messunn0. . . . ,

, d es radeation. Segregation aistances f rom imng DCCommodation are set out in totale i or it on page' U' i r; e7019 or 7020. It however, there aie nationat regulat:ons as to segregatuen, tnese may be used


c .u. .d'f>**i '; in their pim.e.t *

W7,. ,.. --



*h4 _p y



4'9 ,.


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, g Y'.*>-

2 .XA .|}$4yhum.%.W..&t.%'u:S. O. i.


h. - -

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* , ,. _ ,. . . - juf&y p4e*k w'g$'? p.,l. ?..A

. .s-

.s g.5 m. o .x . .4g -y

** 'l '4v V Y 1.h '. 3W,!I , , % *

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, s e

'My%&tWgst+g;wQ.pff .td t.a-

: cs,

#&W"* mpy % k'h N | *. ,.q|&,14s ?4A- *

. 9 n*.n. a p:id,rm... D 4jI Q* @3 n : v $, c. va ,! ['!;s= 'Ag <.

m;s pc- .

_|. eN>we. _m .,- ., v4 :

M;[$hN, k ' ' ft} *[:M nh.,a g (f .|'

M-Q' .1*FMX,[

2 r :.g t ). kJp..f,*9%.h%w#g;. . ,

. Q,G'M -- ' . . ''--

.. .. e ^e Aw -.K + r*. es t ,. %. ,. ,,s '1Y 'W|* Qt\&' (s p .a- p '

' $ {-| 1 a

. ,

h. ,%'? fhb" ${,,1| - _.a ~$. W. Q_*} ,*.sr* T~go A?."h ,k y

$ lwFd


IMDG CODE - PAGE 7032dI@l W; @' t.n ; %.,./ M;" ? ; & i.tsu.p ., ;. u. , . <w. . a .9,, Ek :: h ('|S'j.T.

.s$9W #* N



E &l*fQ , ' - |j . , w p % ,A.* ' =i:! ' i,, .W'g ';' ; ..-- . my

w . r .4. <. w '.- - + . . . . -. . , , M, ,.y i

s.*/. 1 - "4 'f.. y$AW4.f. A1 Gh s $ D)k$Y

.M %f {y$ L -;'' g,'f''

' N wfu&. g$ .1

$&. ., f'. ' h, <' ' , ' ~ig$ns.+- )g_? vin.,'(- Y-


~4 s .

L *- . . . . . _ . ~.._----_m. . _ _ _ _ ._._. .,

.Oi- gm w Mar:rrygntW Q TO %:q e n.s-W : 1ox . .<-- , ,

A s;,,|yk h ' $' .

? -

J A**W w, W /;. w k r:;<;.s.*a r e..w" ,x ,' . . . , . - ,.

, A'e~+- r e ',q, .-am. <u :

.'e! ,: p.c , ,g M,4 9.s,.. . i -4.--

n,%y - .

.e ,



Q, . :M y h %. ;. M.s; A;n . ..,' ,{




,. . p .


a ss. ~ .

3 ym .%. y 3y; .4~m%._ p,1. . .; 9. . . .,g.,.


, : -,


r. #,.4. 4. 2 . ,.i-. . . . . . . . .


,..,i-- .

L :yom wpp r,. ,:, ; n. .. ,g -

..g-n s.....>,, e. y i * w; + a+ a :s.,' ..,;,. % e. ,


. j* <=, m ., ;m ..;,q

c .,. . ., ,

w. 'm[.a$., y , WA.k './I ,h .' +

. -

- - - - - --y ..

4 m..;~^ > ; &.. . #:::?. .: g,, .*


;, ,.? eA;.. i u, ,,:._

, , , , , .

, , ,. . f . m Wfi,.,,[.CLASS 7 - Radioactive materialsJ

- ., -,; ?w +:'

qw . ,<. '-- ;-- 12. APf30 VAL4- . . . - . ,

.> ,,

. %~. ,.

('--4 .*, ,


d12,1 Approval of special form materials, packaging and package designs, ,, ,

Provisions are su:nmar Jed in the tatde hereuncer:,

,. s y a


. ., . - ij | Competent authcrity whose

Subject of approvw l approvst is required{i

!'1 Special lotm matenal ! Country of ongm. , |

. '2 Type A, commercial type and None uniess contents are fissilo


qeg stron0 mdustrial type and not exempted from the' *.

fissde reovirements under IAE Ag) ;

paragf aph 601 in which case* ' '

u , '

|country of ongm., A- . a



!- .

, q s u, ; e--- ., ,


6' , C , |i 3 Type Btu) Country of ongin>- :.,

. .= ,j C . 'j;3 .J; .E 7'; ' S ", 1 4 Type atM) Country of onnin and all* = .s.. **

.. .~pr; . ,4

a.$g .t'Ad. M,,f."eJ9. ,gg.y".f,*. . . . . |h.,. ,, I

* Countne8 6n rout 0omaa m , , , ,o

c ,13 .n. ,3.,n 4m s ;.y . Q,j. w :1; .


g p%m.;'.c ay i-~'i. . - - . . -

- b, .o!.",.o; n ;.- 5 Rssile packages'

j e . .y g,7. ,.~t ,. ,y. . d,*. . q'4

. 4.y g v... ., , m%., ,-- s. ...,e..~.;,- ,

-.' %v .u,'? * d' Package desinns complying with Nor.e

..-M Och . .. ,@|;;[g, ?M ? .7;.y*Q,

Y-k |. ~ y,

IAEA paragraphs 620,623 and#'v ; , M.V*p - M,9f - M 624

..1%, | * p 'r ~ ; y' 1

4 (G.cM Package designs complying with Country of onoms|,J,y ,hQ gtp y-


h,/b.[Ng M@gh<%p %sM,,' M T M .Ml ; ,

lAEA paragrapns 612 to 614 and622

kpv ..oy p4

IdAll other package designs Country of ongm and all

. Q $'};".. y.331g

yg W4 {d. .pM. s ,'.4 countnes en route..~d . m , ,; .+. ,I s,p.1,M.4;o (4"4'.h .U. 14nkW d *L3 l;7'N,) . / :. s,h. ' ..g..;. Fissile packages will also come under one of the types of package in 2,3 or 4*

+. u 4 r.,g r w% : - mTabove and the relevant information therein will also apply.

D,f. ',M4W

QT.%.Q),M|*7i!:#gM., Ef '$'n,;$(0* . - a Lv -'p. p i.s

;.Id@j a@M NOTE: " Country of origin" refers to the country where the design originated."


-: % dg y Q % . yy.u.Y

-4 m& $v %, & bi [.'' W &.&' ?.'

C heTMyMc//Agt, ,M@hp.

d|*GNDWWMAMY| ~ UY.. f Y$ $. W(?{ $$ Y % &ypy:f h:.? @'"'M ? % , .t&m&. . . .. - 4f '



0[h! e?w ed . m M .Y, . . . ,a # .n . tv IMOG CODE - PAGE 7033,g,f f NWi L. 4*+ s;*gt

m< s ,,.n, ..h* hQf|W+?* (e.r. ,.N. $,

m. wcW., . 5. af.f ,y[.._ , , . . m. . a\A.n ,

, .4; z.y,.e

|.w ge ; _*rm;

4' p i;.},c .y;.,h o go -; AJ de" 37mgv{.m~y,-: .g-~.-r w, -, em ~c -- - -- - - + - - '..,7 r .

;44 |

d (''


yms%gepw.%pggegap $ @ lpm. ..

.. W W W W @; M;.sy_ ' ".'



..$.;'- -?-

M*.%n%. v",Y,N ' T ST ', l'If '. ,r w

4i.s., v. 4.. yr .y

.. . ,, '-g.


.7,a d e '. .];i.

1,.;< Q@g A.m c . .;fi . , -"-



< = cm .14. . < .w,.,,

idd%Ve,g,4;y . ) r. ., p "'' ' ~ c6 m ?u g %..


m :z ... .p y-

.v o g$f a>t.'.J t .%;;.: h. ;'.2 r,ja. ,n,. . . ;. .

3mV,<,m. .y'2. .s .

tp$.% . .nb.7 0 %n..' .,

4. .s:,;, , ,

a vM g, . , ,< -.. . ~ , _ --.%j .


( . u d n, f, M. .

;-- - s

Y= v ..+,, m .re , , ..,.., * ^ ^ ^ * ~ ~' * * * ~ ~ *

.: +

Yi. b ~Y ~ *" ~^^" "~ " ~ " ~ ~ ~. $.4|

.s , . s -t

* yg,.y; 4*y* ( ' N. p ,.


9 sq s a

W(".y.p.+ I.A..,i

( ..,w .

CLASS 7 - Radioactive materialsU,...,. >

e. i s.. 3 .u,t.t,re, ,( *4 V s . :, e.>

* . q'h,* *5 it LKPOSURE OF CPtW N ..

; .,'


j hA} r* ' JM! 11,1 The pret.cht now trenuency of carnage of sadioactive anotennis by a to oces not justif y memtiers

of the crew weanng ldm badges, nDr need the th@ taffy DnY 5peChalintifuments 10t measuring'I'

rad'ation, betirepution ois.tances trom hvmg eccommocation mit St.t out in tr.tde i or II on page.

i. , 7019 or 7020. If, however, there sie tiational tegutattens as to 6eregaticn. th we mey tie used,,' M$

*- * Hi their platta.'. . . ,

.g;5 t,

7, * P s* % i )

.s*g ?=*

i. ,

,L g * eu., Y* y:C*,

'Ca' N ;. .t -Es


. ?,'A. P.* .

*k- .. 8

. .'M

' ' . 4.," ( , .jq

, , ,, ia. . ,. .# +n . d. .s,..-

8, , '4c 4

y.y. to, 4 *a- . j* .,.,..*...A, .

M f.? , jd

W.E cf' V./t

W $y, .? KM;a .:, ' *kr p d W .';3r . 1

.' .<.f y5s >m ...

f} * ,:42

hy,.W}'m, . , rp ... ; M, s . .. , <.)n -



yL|M.ysn{:, f; *


syg,%. g.?}y +n

% M: . i- ;Ms , ,*, - -.-;'ya g M :,ts

g*dg. q- fp . A **e- .f

* - e ' p,. 8 * pQN s > * ,= g y, , .


ph D*'. Y, j =* eseJ*.


3 Js.. *. , O *.h 4 t.t*Y\,J,y,*''


aAv - ,je - .. A4 ,,4 g e : p p . :. c L t, a ... ge ,3

M[*'' i.%' dy. p * tP' Q&ea m a * ., ' It,

~ $g i

y'k'M:.w,'M / y ' 4MT.o 'lysamT'%A, f 'k tf*} ' w~ 'p

p' 'Lf tf 6f?i ,' " f

J.i %yehp ,gN::#. ;. ,vv5f;TV *.W4

AJpW: "

4b h"G. jn yJ.,.6< @-e - t


y%'r'p{ 4.., $ Hfh@;&*c.ym < s g|d{g ;.~.*'4 p

v' , 4'a q +vv. -; s.,

' ' * $% ' f M hh*h % f||'g ? jyN

r%.N)4.g 4;.&.. h*v ;,%,Q& M. *<,


3,e< J :~ - -. .W . . .- 5.+ r

A M.Q."(4 gM ?...(; [ {;jg.3 'M ..Q F

M W. y.nM, f,.|94 -e.#.,x$.

m v-

m; . . , eg p itg s, 4 . 79. .. d

. p=,,. y, -h hhk. '' -'


dMe .;:u, f %y,[(gj,M <s ,'M ,M.. ,

n a p ,k,.r.u k' (.-... . ~



i h,k..., . h g ? y ,* d 4 IMDG CODE - FAGE 7032d41

n ., .m ~! c;- -*'

ey t(

?; 9. . w, c ..p . ~,} r...- . . , ,

w e..k~.:+

#1 ..,1* * " . , * * ' ' ' , * ' ~ * ~ ~ ~ 4 . g,,t y M. - '

,. * +___.,;c,.*eg' . y$/ w~e*op eq9dp/r. .4 f +, , . ., .W. s.y~ W;'d Pgj:. D I M b p c ".6 .pD.~' ' M,'NW


q7-. , ,, n,,,, . u . v s w ts . u ,


p . 1 hN 'I.. . .. _ .

;ingv,+ ..v>m. oa.rm> .yn,v,: 2. ,- . . m ym .yz - .

' " 3. ~ m.

M;'<rm.n ' J .^"+. .s . w. M .. A .P m ,.; y .;+ w-.

- ' w. ' . .' :}; .

, r s) p, ,,', p_ - . m ,i kt4f,e , . ya, r ; s , l? t , sw .e ... g, ,e,: .: . . .x ' z,:~-?

. g. . . . . . . . .

jif. h;D,s,q:h.. (C.:', i . ' ','' ' ' . .

, .. . . . . .

w +. : g .,. er g, ,y f...," 7 ..'

,L i . ^y y . y .. 3.,.,

s c _ '. - *&. . ;. ,

. * , .:. enn .7. ;v:* ..,* ' , J ', * -. .y,

+ . , ,, ..., i,,t

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.. . ."

~ -~ - ~ ~~ '~~~~-- .~ ~ ~~, .

^ ;

. . ' . . . : r. ....+o. . .


. .

. .. 7 ....

/ s 'A - CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials'



, k. w .. %,-

' . 'y . . ., ; ;e*,

12. APPfl0 VAL', . a*

, , . , ..

12,1 Apprownl of special form materials, packaging and package designs'* .

Provisions are summarised in the tabie befeuncer:' t :t ;*,


| Compf! tent authofsty whose*. 6ubject of Dppfovel| bliprDval is f eQuited


1 f pecia t fe"ti matenal ! Country of onpins,

j 2 I ? ee A. cv atype and None unless contents are fitsale;.

%) | | .no inaai s. ; and not exemptea from the.

g . ! fissile teQulfemonta under lAt A' I paragraph 001 In which case' e, , , .

A* cout try of Dfigifi.,

,: \ * , ,,

i / ,

" i' j 3 Type B(U1 Country of ongene,

/,d..' ,

:: J ?cA,.. * 7; ' ". q= 4 3n,.

4 Type BIM) Countty of onnin and all'

g .

,.g countnes en toute. s ' M .s ; ,,

. e i , ' . W .n> h ",, ;g 't . * " n ... j .

. t. ,. 4. a , -.L s.


v fu .

,.h* h.p ' T^[ Y'; 6 hssile pack r*.'< y. ,' *

\;y.::, s'':? W[|:q' Q' c-;, . '[.9 ' ' , Package designs comptying with tJone

.e ; 'n.u +Q'! 4 ',W ,

c. .

0;y - . s , s;g/g ;. :' IAF A parogtephs 620. 023 and-

.! * * * ' , 2.*|f, 'm,L L |1,'' : )1',_


; di '


-.D "'

M N$h.I '.N ,jY v.L A.. {IAE A perspiaphs 612 to t:14 and

| l'ackage Ces=gns cof* plying with Country of ongin

. . Q'j, ae'

>k Mfly '

bdh h b b Y N'' 0

$:k w?- 4%k . .. , s,r a g &'o.,

. .gv':v34tc.'. 1%{ P,.

Ah 0"''' P8cO90 *5' ens Country of onoin and en1N,4 g 1 | countnes ten soute4,; M. ,fs .,.7 4 gv.o .;.

. m. v::: y, . .,. .. m .<.t "% . r.+. 4, . . , '. . . ,

M.1, bs)V gMM',h;C,'MhMh||M]j Ass 4 p6 ken.5 wn! eiso come under one of the types of package in 2,3 or 4

N aMw &ns two evievan; information therein win also eippiv.

4 f- M<*'9 <y-P-,2% : I

W c7j ^/ *f'..-

|t f . | IVOTE: " Country of origin" teters to the country where the design onginated.vy, . G :*g %. i p; .,-. 1.yL



'kb e d. C ... h ,[e 4 h

,.,?dh8 *,i %$;r) .g ' .,f*s, ,/4 7d 8 Md

y,. c a. ,%. ps %: nt+ y4,' d .

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;l Af |$4id , 9G0km.;?. fA, . U)

.% 1. W gt,4,f aW

- .. ; w.''p .s .- 3

,4 ? ''.:Ms(MT. G'A' j$,d y.if. f r ,y:?q.,f.i


"*> fir -'

(" I ... i t ..

.. . - d G *<,j,WQ,f?7:||.hy Yh.'., '|0;,);* .; .


iy;00 00% - PAGE 7033st e ~. ,. . a ,..- . . 5 o ee g . ., . #

..q.y, /p. e. .c

, y' Y % ? N h 2$ WQ'x .W i.p&*z, H <-Qpu w. w%w %,, .. fn,.i

.q- .. . m c

k(7,% ';%,fv*,Q ' m y~h h i . h E h7 " w n:- ~

~ ~- m -* w-,,h ' . y % k s-m,y ~ u m c-- .~.r ~m : - :

%..b.. . Id..h$ bb . ,k F. ~ .m. # ._ ...a , .



...'i, . . . . , c, . :c- - .' *

- yno


. use

; v.g,

_ _ _ _ _



CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials

*.[n ppiOh'$$ Di GI%f|llfl@MI$ hh{l pPl(,lF NOllil( fltlDf ts

,k 6

e i. . . .m , n > e e . , n e ,c, . . - , , n me , e,c on ne, 4f3

4. . . _ __.

4_ - ._

' (.'tipt t e n t h v '' i, ''y A' u, , ,

4; e..( , . o .. o ,e 4 . . m. ~. m ,i,., , . , , ,

, . . o , , o , . . .. . a- ,

g;e4 ',pve t if st-

46 - - - - - - - -

. I t' |T '+ t- 4 i' ' f ' n l'f ( 'l0''- (e' id BI',,a.a+ g.. u' ''it n i 7 'rm g. A hen*

g,igi ,4 jff.h '

- -nti 'o t en t oco , 10 ts

- - eo' ' -r s. < . c . . e , c , ,,f ,,

{ 8 - (* 1(' h Pg (4 '-


_ . . _ . . . \a

D' 5V' f ' D ''d O '-.. . . +6'''O! ' l'' M 'D d'' ' C'I'% ( ''

''ltf 'itt |r t < p dfill if *$i ('l l f {lVI(.g. , , .g

0 0 %kIflh

.__ - ._ . -_ - - - _ _

I ti n (g'id Hl' ' D OF it' y Of Ofl(lif) Ofi(1 bliv pt' ke d/ 'tir minut il' y4 I I

f f 5 t' % t' ' ' (1,i l i e's ' f* II VVI'l''e $ $2 E1 I (.J sJ l l'! f nO1If9ij(I4 t y

l\ Ie c'4Ill1(J ff l i' '' l h e ) (. I' lt(! fl

- ) (I k. (t I @ g,[l' (){ b' T||$ t'i(f(i AP i,[ h O , q* I e l. I f it3

} .

,. u. . .

e ~ , , . ,..c .,e,-;hshut unsb I a o ' . f- ivant'

uf '(. > D (JD b ( Ihf DP 5) PlO Wit t bOh@ V '18 eh t. I $'i f ' fiP #1 lh lI l' IE4t t' tt b ( les b b A ' i


M( A pAing' apt, t , ^.' O i . t i s ; ofnpeten' ot o hti :t s

l i l| F f Y 43 ' ! |1p i r ' O '. 6' ig'.l's (a* f . :)|f ' d90 p

6OUhl ' 'e h I' F I Y O (lll'.

k i dbl'h (' bfICID Obd 6 5b |El e ( It h5 OI VVlll f ) b O ' ih 'It DIld $5 ll

* k bunifitPh e ri t hete tunif it f L'h f Outt


0 Pu:6 nges $stneri coonirs os o'er. coc or r. eun t a of o,0.n and at

' - ( 4e '' Ift p t U f e:199 Ovhlfte k P' . l'( st ilil f tfit t' h fGt.;(

speciw wionpe

'tiuo t s'


' b h 0 b$' |141( h Mde b hs L$1 O!b(' , )IIT glI1 O (k e bill'' O l''$ Ot lei e!l!!Iek l '' kbIh k eki$( hIIb k lh8 4*IG 4'41Ill th$Of 9'Hli(;h T htJ' {'1h W llI thi&( lt( pi)

t hipbin(i S t g lit blU i pbi.6 6Qe ll5t ; DhtehTl> O' n ' A h I!> C Pt0 3 "' I O k-''O 7[ I3 f* toff i

or 3m 10 A, et opprnonete t 3a 10'L. w?nthes ef 4 t'ie sessef toe the first7,

lHYSP thf n Ohb6HnOf riiUM (In%W t 1h01 C OD'en 01 Pat h lip (>ht Mot LDmittefit Dalhont),,

i e'idtf Ste applying 10 the O('f 60h titive bech $ubfnitted 1( t' e LOmpetent authorit)' t hobe i Otin t'veg lhr ouQh v' Ifit O Wh'Ci ltil10 be LB'fted (Oy st'y of af twn re t *F5t


- 13 the ( oarq' g i Sec t t h si fhi( "+f it O ' L g li t b i D(1

* -.

3 *", '',,by+ A

itADG coot P Act 7034


-?p g. 4,. x 9 g=f yR, u; T. :. $@f:yd ' "-

J g y c a g r yg / w n k j g (.7 .

f *fi. & y?ff?a- . n . - w: a u s ex







. . . . . . .

CLASS 7 - Radioactive matettals1


__ A,


4+, C h r, i .?s, . . , , , + ,. e.

~u. , ^., -.+20 ,nm - + ,,\,.. .,

4 ,nm ' mm** - l <'s- ,- ,,


',s, Thlf Olt LYMBOL SHOWING / 'N'


,' e N,- vs, DAsic enoronuoys ,,,.

,,.- Lh x, ,' g N,,

.- - . .


. ..

c 'NJ.s, x _D.I..DACTIVE il,X, ' >'

x ,x RADIOACilVE 5 ...exN' RAc

.s... .

.x Nqq, . . . ... ,,, .. /,, g,,-

, ,,.,

% s.,g.3.+,,

% Ng,, ,.' +,,

i, ,,.,


-, s s ,,

y/ N ,' FiO. 2 \,/ Fig. 3' \


u'ei ,- '$ Q

', ,y' % . '%>, $'

p. %,, x ,/ N,- , '- s

,/''/8 (A 'N,,9''


'\'' 4h R':., A.. :, ,




\, N N ., ..... / ,,' 7 N ,, /\,'s |:' '"| / \\ /\ ,' , g '


' ' , ,' M.nimum \\ / MinimumN

g ',h 77,p, uimensiong \'p 7 ,/. ' dimension.0N Nv, ,e 25 cm g ,e 26cm


,/x s.Fig. 6'

,/ N4O x


NU /L ALL L ACELF W'IH Whit [ pDHu[n

IMDG CODE - FAGE 7035Amdt. 21-63

,rg.|I#k I.


.j. ~s


Rw.imn '.v.2.h n,w r . : ' 7t; 'y >.9m%. pu M;.ny.,. .

> a :;;L ,#,~g. +.m. , ,,pr ' + y;,a h t. ~t . , ... .

t. .

. . - o, 1..


- 4;, ,. ., , ,


' -

5 ' ~;.Qsg.g . ;. . .<

,,.-4 - . , M f.J 'q.- - . 'm. -

' ' * ' ;d'



. . ..e4 s,<

..*; }'- a


mt. ;.,ys,

. ,,. , , .


~ * r 2. x-


. , S.b %'<

~.e" r;ky*,

., , . , _ . - . _ _ .....-..-.-.--: -




CLASS 7 - Hadioactive materials.


n.. .. ..

.s ;a

. .



> .


r . ,. ' .r. a .a .

.)t 1.4;. . ,.+

s +8

.. , .,.

4 . , t,

+;. , ,.

',. ,~*

4.. .

, ..y . , , .. 4..

69. 4


, , ' , ?|L*i . ' ' .:,; }T * ' ;y * 1


. ' ." . ,,

v.',fh. ~ , : . ,. ' ).q> -|%

c,,, . : L 4: : .

, f. , . a, n ~ , ' ' :.:-a. yc w; e c q.|p:w .*.;N .yj'4 , . . . .

. ( .9a i .; .

j. , , ,. , - A ',



. . -. p i f, , . ~ .*' . c .s l

i. +4*q,\}.[p,N<...,;*O ' .2 'g*,/@.% ,;. :%; . ?:nX. d


.T up sc. vi s ;y,. A,. ;o

, 4 3.* ,b. m. ,,..y/. , p<f! Wb.6

- . f ~: 4. ,v p., n..U 'l4L*he-pk.,


n --... .

+ 4. w #.t*$1 h: $'N y:{, .s t,* gt e . Mh.t 'T3O %* Y A


. 4 '' .'ds#.:' . ' V v.v. ;1., 0 V,'p|U. .$.m.f. ..pC'x. f'U n.M,.Q,it- ns:

d. P.t. .in. y s , -ac.

:&p- ~ .w. .. s, ~y /,. : ;. - , .<


. !; ? Kfth|:y. .[. p .; v;g.;j' p.,;s :s ,, ?; ,' T.'p *;Y:<sp',.R 9 @...s n

. ; s ., ,. ..n. . .~ >.s( . .a y3 :. ey .c,. ,.

-**'iky. p ., M.) .#7,2Q,}'[;;[.%],., . .. .x


.<; :;&?iQ . ' W t. .f%. . +8

.s, - ; , ,, .

.D i .' u. .*3 , , y : * |* ?, i<,s.-, .

..., r n.: f.s;j4g.M. IMOG CODC - PAGE 7037> e G s g . . :' ,;%. e 0 r%.' p].

* ? ;*, ' ,4 i .ej e , ;,,*;I**

...''J..',.a* r. - sog, , , .. , .*s,.,

- . ,*4e. 5eb 3...a. . .

L ...c .C .m ,.:, ,.3. . . .: Wq ". ;mw; ' 4 h+*.. m ...w .,c.b43. m. v - , -



I m# , .') $ . .. o e. q Tk'*k4-[y:a,c.,m![3N..,3. *+.



.r 4 -

-4 .wM;e: . . . . 1..p.,- ,s. oy.

. [E.*h..i / * *u . r. . , t. . . . ., ,-~..

* . n' q= am . ...

e r . G h ', ,. s f . *e, n|, '

. - 4 .g . ,6* f. q.NE,' ( j !&^ cs

. .*\.*%,go, . i )41r N A,,3g,)9}*,s

, 9~c. : , ,y k h. , s >e.e e e*

pf .gh,;y@l;?)i. \| . '44ya,%i%.9.yf$[,%,* -

3+ h< g *. .s*.* . i .o

*$5 35. ,@@. h ...i ,0H/ i

*,*- oc .r-

N IN ? . y,,"

.: ,, gM.

. .

s \ ; k n.h.W*~. %:.,Q ; s.D' . , ' -h .i j ?1Q*. ' mq p * *6mg g, vww. .;- ' - . .m~ .,n . .

g <. w meg. 'y,s,,a3. h,,4 .,p ,,.V d } O,i. g. :.r.o- er

- ;Q . y.. .R. .. < ,t% ,,y .g, .m

*.% ..

W ::&y;tc y Qr. . *|g: %,, . .k, % . . : . ' .<| % *'* ' 'hy. 3

.< , . ,-

4 . nk.< 9. m%|g' d,, i w..n Ga t r.% :w:t ' W. .h h,%. .u.

Q'V,[ fi,*% ].'||,"' .|f ,$ @'p. g|c,f |ni 1

iR11 ,

,4. *4; u.,) ;jn.,so .

3 ,w .r t.. , _ . . _ . _ _ _#n .s .

,y . v w_2.u . _;.._.._.

P-Q ;, - .,} %, , g/ ' .3- q ,'.~:;. ., , ., >

_ _ . . . . . . . . . .

nn.,p.- +ft . -.

.;-. ,

v. . . . v .

CLASS 7 - Radioactive rnatorials'; .,n... J..

- ' S.

*% . .. u .. r . ,',

y , , , n. . 9. ~ ' f,. . n -

s : ,.

;, m4

. . , | R ADIO ACitVI M AT Cht ALS Schedu/e f i*t:i/S. .,,

.C Y ''


f EMPTY PACKAGES Properties,


Os kaping which has contained redionctive materials.* '. , .

't. ' - .' |4



An ernpty redioactive package may contain residual radioactivecontammation up to the level of 100 times that given f or enternalt ontamination in subsection 6.1. To be declared as* ' ' ' *

'"Redioactive insterial enempted under 6chedule 1"4

' . - -7 ,, , ,

my, . , . . ..j..





r.-%, .

! '. , . . , , , ,.. + {'.

,m, v. , .Peckinga . ., , p .,

, a J ,3f 3 . 3;. ]tii? i.

'"k,*'i ta) Only articles or documents intended for use w6th the contents

~ g e +^ T M$ ','. ,*'!'.; 'h,,i. k.', I*.d .. Vif - ' ,./ rney be enclosed in the package.

* -c.

- E' ,J,',' ,f Ibn Maximum levels of non.hred contDminallon on the external

h, .';'kh b surfaces of packages as specified in sutasection 6.1.,

',Idi t|,a;. .. y '-ms;;s. .d

-:.e. tk. ,. svy .<. a y *6i a- ic) The maximum permitted surface radiation level is

y t M'(Q,f'Q' :4M f gyf * gr @c.(,. 7};ta f. *t D. 9 e 46 rnremih.* * .b

M M,, ' % h h Ng. %- Ig N,.tfg n j. -y m .n .. e,n, o. '' ~<- ,. w,. . et e aa s

%$ N t.abel*

&$d&gtv %',]* 'g * N % k. Any label specihed in section 7.b / yJ. *

# 9'*: ~.G. M,,p,,A,3)y &.t No .Lp"?.


.. must be obliterated as no label,, . . . . . . ,oj i .t ~,

.#.3 W is required,. *

i .sp.4i-% * . e.M t~?]o -s M;a p,.w. . . . . ,d .f ,'4q# $ ) }%q ~~ i

6. ...

k .'. , / .b


4 4y

[jMU.@Mg'4ci Jh .J ,q.7 %-Wi ,M L # % q.o v., W ,3+ Q 9e.X e,a f T M M .y,p p d y' }Pr'. ,' . ,7,Nt .J@ ?g . w w * v{*Q'

Stowag*..g g 7

MMM f hh MI No segregation from persons et film or plates is required.

M,~ k u ,, /@.I.hjg g, mg 3Wib i ( y 6

N 11Pr4Ah hu[ha y k]. } ON DECK ORCargo ships.

G or passenger ships which are tarrying i

3[1f dj Qd ' ~. .t K h not more than 26 passengers or 1 per I UNDER DECK)I S|% n.9esht

3 metres of length. r ..,

w1 n .,+ ,w,. vi. , . , Other p6ssenger ships: ON DECK OR UNDER DECK' Y.yJ

- A m'g., , , , a* .~n. ,; fm. .,g . . . ..

Pecking. St' wage & Segregation (.] ' *' fy .

,[j . .. See also GeneralIntroduction and introduction to this class -a* o.

, , b,' "e L y*..c- ; y m ,:. w w# p bW 9 .. o , J.gpc.,'

?W . ; y - %}."'



.hMg* - j iMDo CODE - PAGE 7038EW+s ..(t# y

.m .: : ,

.. a %. .Mm .p. h -a . MyW4L , .:.7~w pt..

,; 7';5mr r*.--r m.* w.v- -y - . + -- -- - ~< + - - - - -- -.

.r m

.n y .s,Q;, &. W W $ g ,,.h br.. . ~ gg

y ei s

, m .. m m.,u. ..n., . .~. , , ..

5. . k' ;., . a . . .

.., ,

;, |T i; W N W , ,, ~ . a.~

'%a. "& .


. -e . .. > g..a T*m+ ||: tp p?*K4 . - e

.ta,.. . g .- .,.3 s .,<r

a a, :, .. . J. , n .. ,'jg.. . y~. ;,9 4 !,C.n . ,


, . r ,s ;.~-

m, .x,- e.p


, e -- .s , c.,

w--. %, c ., ,- A, s , A.s.,ig . 'ss-,4..- e .q.c, m.v.g -.

*. , .,

% j'*f *p' ,*s;. .. s:, , V }-tQ$m


?.:. 4;,.3.v + #. . , , . .


. ;:.%$'i%! %&f . -

. ' . a. c 's . ..

4 ,

. 4. , q. ,4. .. *, .

. c ,

n ~;p, , ' -,

y . 9 ;; f, ?. ,. 9, .. 7 3. -a ")a



, ' . q. ' '' , . , p.'

- -, ,

t - v" ' ' ' ' - - -;L ' . - . - . . . - - . . . .. . . . . . .- - - . . . . . . -

**. i. ; i,

m 3,

~ ,

- e t. CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials |t


. .3

r ,

,. .

. 9



e tesomnicih and the enwnel reeauon of these articles isDLPLETED URANIUM 04.




Observations'Manutettured articles in which the soie r8dio&Clive fnetsN31 is

natural or cepleted uranium or natural thorium. Such art 4ies may be,7

packagings tot the carnage of radioactive malersals.To be declared as "Rasoactive niatenal enemptec under schedule 2",

** The outer surface must be enclosed in a sut'stantial sheath..

Y I',

, s

~, !, ,

,1 ,


- (a ) Only enticles or documents intenced for use with the contentsM- .., - may be enclosed in the package,*

;a tc. ,,ru. ' ,. iril Maximum levels of non fixed contamination on the external

.%, ,-[ . ,,'.$)5 ' aurface6 of packages es specihed in subsection 6.1,. ,

. , . ..

.e p ' ; .|j. < ,, kl The manimum permitted surface radiauon levelis* '

n3 7;;.y,'* G | 0.6 mremth.'

;MW% d. 's, ,


Lehel....,t,-. . .w,:..: 8. + t ,


W < $'e 'f, ~ . ,_ NO LABEL REQUmED, v;; cs.


MdMe ,;4nmv.x . ,; ,,

s.. cu i ,

% ! t' q q 0 ,1 M .'' -|%.-: Mn$- h.. . >;.~4, -.x v 4, . . !%<. *; :W s.. . . .ye w. . '


o,. um siow.go

#Ngfe,m,.....h..c.iA Q h!!.M,hib,.j No segigapon from persons or him or p4tes is reavod,


a.. c,, ,


i[ '. Cargo ships,

v%:N!.qh)7?.dIf '.ff/',.Q;M'


,; or passenger ships which are carryino ON DECK ORJ if W /*f*.',7,M "c .' ;r * not more then 21, passengers or 1 per UNDER DfCK%n . d%u.1%.:<,%.sw .,m, , . . . 3 enei,es onenotn


v, ,' W ..p,.rt%;<yc%g,r ,,. . ,.. # m p ..%y ,tff@'i.,|d ''

Other passenger ships: ON DECK OR UNDER DECK'ijWw i

c, g n S S c,, :aW ' 3 f.".n,oc ~~ e..

, t SQ[ h.I5 h.d,i .Nk '

@h/ Packing. 6 towage & Segregation*e, - . ,

.j , .$k ? 3 See also G<meral Introduction and entroduction to this class

. i.i , , ,r

: h D |~~.y j _ .M'k"tFJgQ | ;"V.J.T 7- IMDG CODE - FAGE 7039W,+ # #,. .. 6,.;. >4s .:.. ,. . . .IIL *4 FeI M '. /% f 4 ,

1. 3

..',p. '

* -' ** ss

, .y ... ' g :, A . g' e f 5. = 1 ..ha* .yf, ,C i. t ,. s * *7 -*** ? TP

* f * y ''r 4*- e ,. Q ] 4' , ! .

- 1*

-d$i MXk[R**2***J' $$.n.;. d.Y ''iie%|d ow m

'* ,-, ,~p -

^ - *n

.( .[~ %.' ... y, . *'

.- . v.- e~ *.-<s' yA.'.' & ?.?


' W . . *h M @Q." $.Y.'? - > R [R ,: K.' , .

M, ' '. * ~ '-,

, ,



M,?NNhM.m .,a, 2%kk NMhk 5 ' ,e: , #,,


J W A,M<& m.[tc.qc:yu,.c; & --- - " ~* " J-" ~' - .M .K.yc 9. v -

{% r . .s%;;,m. .w;c, . ;. . tj- ,

3 %|i:b 0 \

} $ M [f @t1 I

w. ,7.. C, ( . f;&.. . . 'l CLASS 7 - Radiowtive meterluis+j.u %. . t .C.



',(+3 ) \.~; , * .+ . . x. . . ,.i., , i4.. es & k< A, . i t. A,* %


-n=;yg. 4. ., y

.N .k ' < ' OCbfdUIU O M'?,

M,6@ * *,% Q ;'9;f [ft" *RADIOACTlyt MAT [hlALS

q$'.,I'UU''U""% h ',(r :/117 ., Q, $ - f MALL QUANitTilC OF

' '* '' RADIDACTIV( M AtlHIALSThe tedituomit.ity of the matenals mey t,e high t>ut the oventity isb 7 ''M, + 9,%, y[e. 4. n '

,.,M,s, m eA ,. ,,,. asmalt and thus the hazard from tne package is sment.

.c .* ,4

y t Observationsn.' y3g ,

. J h, . h I '. ', Not tnote than it, g of uromum.233 or utomum-235 is t ermnted in a'' "

' W'' @' g(' f ' C *n g, d 'e pM kepe.-

To tie declartd es "tadioacthe matenait I me mpted under schedute 3"., . . . y

deU!S $ U U?*T -. '1 Packing'

*? 4 ta) Only articles or ctorumt>nts inteneted tot use vnth the contents*'

U. p, *

#,a , ' ,1

. id may lie enclosed en the ackage.'

a.| tbl Menimum levels of non facd contommation on the. external'

. . a.

-@/ ';**^ * surfaces of the pockepes as specifited in suotoction 6.1'.;., ,

j kl The maximum permitted surface radiation tevel is' ' ; 9-

' .;g .', , ' ku Pockupes containing uronium.233 or uran um.235 shall have d* '' 4 0 t, miemth. gs%*

. .*.

;,, , ,-- ., j no enternal dimension ites then 10 cm.-4,

M Acovity hmits $s specitied m the taNe hereundet:


I Materiets Packope limit,


[,,.,, , ,

.m a' .t'

q . t..q ,

-| Colids: j; " ' ''

.M . N NM. u; - .d l Special form 1 10 ' Ai.,

{ Othet forms i 10'A.y QC ' $' | '' [' '''*.

3 y . M , # D, *,.".'.< .l. ; Liouds:,

Tntiated water3.p ,

< 0.1 Cid 1000 Ci

h;gtp o 4 . _** *

- ,Nd! * l'etween 0.1 Cid

- 9.s L n';.' ',. i ', labels and marking*

and 1.0 CIA 100 Cie #'''* W|% p%;J.L;[P 4

. p > 1.0 Ci1 1 Cl... 61 Packages - Othet Iquids 104A.

. !S ' g.'M;. , J;. ! M.". ; . i,4 Outermost surlate of theb "'i ; i


7i fJ 0"$'8;

q 8, Q /s $a 4hhg N@. NM.b.|%p@'',. N.i{e;;. I .f 5 p :! contamment system must t>e

,0 Ci2. ntium 't O mart ed " RADIO ACTIVE" Special form 10'Ad

.6,1|f k { p'. S 6 en a warnmp an openmp 3

Other forms 10'A...

hh. the package..

WJy g{QA yd Fh v|% ?*(td Fro 6ght contamets * This value also appbes to int um in activat6d

' SD.M.. .n[. .. .y;b. 4.. . ( L yJ..,''q@. )'/%>w

No label trouirect, lum 6 nous paint and intium edsorbed on soud corners. (- st y.

6, e , . .2.': ' N,~


9 'd 4 s?/.Wo co a .aot- Stowage No seg'egation trom persons or him or plates ism

f --;2... ,'. . s' ..

-n. ,. a ..v. y UM.

. WtW''.h,:/wj/g%'%k ..w a ,.3 / -* .M. *b. 'On 4 .g 7


o. 6 /~ Cergo ships. ')W i, w

.c,-2 v g; k y T j h ,.sr y .

m?tSM'e%..g. w ON DECK Oft5 C. Q;x y/ or papenger ships which Ore carryinDn

Sy <

h'iv'.h) 4$cnot more than 25 passengers u 1 pet UNDER DICK; ).

,,..chf,,$p,%2'h,v'q.7,*W@ 3 menes of length2 ..m.4 J ~ . 4 ~,?X$ .. .

(, nyt

&y N d ,,.3- w

*t Other passenget ships: ON DICK OR UNDER DICKp.

fnh@%.t.v A .Nw g ,I.%' .4,,..J

%n[*: Q Packing. Stowage 8, Begregation

"y't cf M> $ .gD@' d,g.

See also General introduct.on and introduction to this classy9ip

: .b 3c.?...-$, , k, , . e n.h Ydf.[. ,;,.st.


~v. c v

I' 1 +e epIMDG CODE - PAGE 7040


cT )g.. W g&*?.

' j Y,5 '.

* * - Q 't* t Amot.19 80hTMX i'q w *;

. Q*)0:{.Y :t :M.

D&,M.-; Nh ( q (.* w. ,r w ~ - - - . ---.------e rm; 3.) , -h.w. ,h yg-,;,%. W f

3[. *7 - 3., .

% .* f .

. %r.q R w ,y n m W,a. _a . , . ..

% p: W W R f. 3. .

W J i,W.

MPN MM.,.s &|.M|,N.Q~! *. A 'o$/,.id


4% ^|* ' *

- wM <.c. w . ~.w -+

W, f'.kte$fh A & fi$ hea5 a 4 &pc y .'. t ' , .4 7 -,

. ,. - , ,.,


4 i *

<- 6

M I N,, N N' M M M M N @ N . M : a dd..

' * . .,




_ w_ _ ou .

CLASS 7 Radioactive materials.

Scheuwe6R ADIQ AWVI M AllH A. 'hrat

LOW bPL CIFIC t-( ' 'Y r q ,,, e n atena<k eri p' e sent u+ n' t s ! n k o' * wou e ti s' .a

/i A T L Hi Al b itb Ai i .g, 60 m aud=tior' t o t he !" i+nts'' ' ' * C ht oale


E+e 6 AL A par up'.aphs os n .'6- g3 , ,

ie>vna p,n *


3- ..aneo unoer to s he ydont m a

u' tini im P i ne o' t 8 o' ( o' e' o' t is

i ,

'it '' H0 tSt eo rib t u' ai O' lied'et e0 d'C' " O' ''' O d ni eO ' t h t d' O'

labets markmp and piec ern'nu , , gg g ,gg, j,g

p,tiaten n oie. 0 u I o' ou.

,, n,,,,,,,,, o g, unaoung a u ntw$ t ; & ' 's F 'A p o'r OP n kapet, en e' tho 'i s ..

, AD ano not t pianao% e ' na g , , , , , gg 4 pg, g;p,p. ,,; , , ,


ti t ot hrtiinotta o; +( t t f.H c L oiu' sa u m not (p eater tien /D<

rtiat orin atieve t'+ nnut s c '''W F Uecita ei tiet) '3Al A par atpapn fW g , ,,, g g ,,1 o g g, $ ui r"- -


u ,' +. v D t * ' o',,, , , . , . , , ,, , .e , ,, n s , n

q i in ego,, i we t ..

, . , , ,, ,,g,,, ,

'lt %\c ategor g 11 or ih i ,gA,gtabeth int e bgu'e 2 3 m d' p

q to a opposite sices 6 P, t '+ ,,

, , g,, , gg, gy, ,n g p ,,n

i antenta cescot+ed as AAD4 U. "

U" '. a' t a te s orACTivl Lb A'- uoc umers intenaet to si min the contentstr i

ita Packapos as E ULL 614 mag et encmsee in the patkeue

not containing a hasue rnater a' ui Unieu c orned unce' F UL L W AD nw ons" 'eveis ot non f aed,

;above tne I.mitti of I AL A PW h c ontammnuon on the e tter na' bo''m n e' Ubu out 5 ch speutiedgraph 601 in F.ute C lion t.1

1 Ne labei reuuired t>vt (c ' No avantag limit but maunum pe'muer Dal khpe sur f ace rainstencihed or ma'6 ed 1+on tes pi is 2 00 m'em h ano t e rw e m , et i n+ tie tr om sor ta< e

p Dansportec as i VL L L O AD the loos mor o'.e hbove suhH ADlO ACliVf L S A .t

60M''' MN"**** #d"*"* #"'###a ' Pac k ages c ontairuna e ''u +

D 'O U '' O ' '

rt i u t e f ia l abovt t'st i ' " * t. E al A paragrupos b34 and 1,J 11 AE A paragraph 601 Mn be c arnea m tuna unan M 6,W


see mino scheduie 11

id : Freight conta ne's b ".*U'to Soc snus b 49 smage and smeWn W pmbons a%tategory I A Hlit o,

Mm ai d inntest.atego's u or m vluOn b im seg'egabe b e m am mus 70% 4'

M e snhnn.atiens isee buure . J s' 4in m \Yner bt iW$ ((,s AD t o b(- de b g 1 ' D '15 to olSt d'!i ho alb 10 U v oid

D f o ur sides mntaminationArt &1ionang iv ge t'e? t See section 6 ter oecontanunanor 'i au r e r' nt s e tter ca' nopeo!

.e' in oecer to as oid contammauor e e ivo. newahsonoe shooid bec ontaine r sp acards thee hgure 6. or et tstow ed separateo Pom ni 100c e v 'stour uoesie t Packages and treignt c on Cargo khrDs )tuiners c ontaining thons'n a panengei Wrs wtoch sie can var ( DN D(CK DRt

n>tr ate ut anvi ruuste ana''" nat more than 2t. g.phsenue's nr 1 P *' i ENDER DICK-

Iu amum hexahuonce. subsicia vr3 met'en of tength. -


be thortam naret e and u' anyl

tutrate - DXID@NG Dther passenger stups M MC A M WO M C F-

AGENT'/Packmp Stowage & Segregationtea uranium hexahunnoe \^See s'so Genem introoucuan ro moonacoon to th's cl6ssCORROSh'F

IMOG CODE - P AGE 7042Amdt 21-10


-" - -

| % g*R. ~ s. . -. .w g , _ ,

n m my;Cyg n c , , 4. . . . ' 2,,

. .. ; , ww , . .J ,..-,,

u..y-. . . -p ,. 6m c/F ' %g

- 1o,w . . . . , .,

h." * ' ' - Y. , .

Y ;ak,Mgr * v: ' ,p 2.a.:r -

. cg. c. ; .

[ ?k' M*C ' ' . ka

I kW|:*?.1 % . ~ * :A*

o a , . , , 4j* ., 4w t. .

,T e. s,


[4y(jQgf., |A% t

V m. 3- A__. __


, . _ _ _ . .. _ ..-.. _ ~ - . - -,w

h'b{ CLASS 7 - Radioactive matorials

a .%f.%g.1 @ nADioACTwr MATiniALS

3 gSchedu/e 6

.. "'C$b Notelf fissile materiala $re present, the provisions of schedule 11 she|| be!* I. $ i. AggI w

J. ]'s ;ggV T' complied with in addition to the provisions of this &chedule,a' g. Mpa.,iMc c'* iAt A parageophs 121(di Peopes ties

-, ,


'" "* + The radictonicity of L$A Il materials is low,

' 4 "%. tM,. h4,4p. S,, }'t

M [7f ' i ks (I:

. (- h- I Observations


lh h included under this heading are.rid , t[&t -

}m.4 | io ;,',, >qi " e +%+p (al Mater 6als With uniformly distributCd DCtivity under the conditions-

I - Ibfl3h'< Diven in IAL A par 6g*eph 121tdl,;

ou A" n ,8h e Wiswl N .I..~ D h 4k? .; .tbl Objects with nonet.persuble contamination less than 1 eCi/cm3'e .

' N tbetaepamma' low touiry BIphal or O.1 SCl/cm2 (othet SIpha).' ''

$* MT.'.M W) % j

,/' " " '"

Peckingg p.. ; g,.y tal Packages not containmD e fissile

j, eg j resterial above the hmits of IAI A tal Commerc6al type pac kagmg with no external dimension less than

y d' ' paragraph 601 10 cm.3

' 'tb) Only articles or documents intended for use with the contents

r arked A IOAC 'tk LSA" may be enci sed in the pac 6.ege.

kmD (b) Packspes containing a fissile (cl Mailmum levels e,f non fixed contamination on the external

iih material above the limits of surf aces of packages as specified in subsection 6.1.

see at o edul 11 idl No quantiry limit, but the maximum permitted package surfacef radiation level as 1000 miemih under specified conditions

, y, (c) Freight containers * (see IAL A paragrapns b34 and 637)."C

g category I . WHi1E orcategory 11 or 111 - YELLOW tel Most be carried as FULL LOAD.o

labels luce fi0ure 2. 3, or 4 onall four sides.1

) f. Additionally, large fre10htMowage1


containers -

j placarda tsee figure b) on all (a) See section b for stowage and segregauon from persons anda four sides. film and plates.

(b) See section 8 lor segregation from othet dangerous goods.

Cargo ships,],

or passenger shrps v6hich are carrying i ON DECK ORy not more than 26 passerigers or 1 per i UNDER DECK

i.3 metres of length )"


[ Other passenger ships: . ON DECK OR UNDEH DECK.e.


[ Packing. Stowage & Segregation? ..

See also General introduction and introduction to this class.



iMDG CODE - PAGE 7043.7 Amat.19 80.



v:pW.n ,k, :.:;NI$i'[ s- -.--_Nf,@*.kkM.g f.k.Y # 'V* ,' .. .

3.y @4. t%'7;,s ~..

. p.; n.r c . z .. ;, e .:

, . . . ., yH.$.Yk..'$''.**~*. . }.k,|N i . '$ W* $ W' .

*Y :p .D % t:

. . . .a 4 se,u,. . . _


. N $ f ?j'$ 0 k kAp . Yh;$.x '.

f- .t ..v. w %.y,;;m. e ';.. ~ ~ . .f



, . y: % pJg Y.A.g.vo., cs.s . . . . ' "



g .,,2PL h' ..

~ iX

$ . 4

M> {Idi @ W@ i . '@Mh.1N # -


. 1.W Wg .- #.


R& - ' . '3. %. .f M. iik w' m ,y. ,c" y-


. . ...

., -

- - . . . . _ . . . . . . -



i "6(. CLASS 7 - Radioactive materials- -

,ij .



Schedu/c 7jb | RAoiOACTivt MAT [RLALS'

A' oreP'L' t LOW LEVEL SOLID lt tissile motenets are present, the provtsions of echedule 11 shall be.e . g 1 e ,

MA M IAlb IllbI complied with in addition to the provisions of this schedule..9

E'0P'"'"' M See lAE A paiegraph 120' . '

, '[;'W. The radiotoxicity of LLS meteriets is low.


/g : " . . |.,Observettons

.f hs |- locluded under this heading are:

N . dr.?JN 5'h [ 3, j (an int.oluble solios (conschdated weste, ectivated materials, etc.$j,g; 4.WMrf.9 t , , Of $D'C'I'C 'C OV'tY "01 '"C''d'"O 2 " I U ' A lC'l

')(bl Contem neted obiects where the contammation is non.

. .-



et %-,,

V N dispersible end less then:

j 47[Elp?.h.,

:? P - 20 SCLcm for bete >ge.nmentow toxicity alphe emitters3

*! '

. N) ~MI (M.- 2 pCi/cm: for other eiphe emitters.y


d. - w . .isa'

. ;g kN p[.f Pecking

Strong mctustrial type pockeging, meeting periormance tests ofr

- ,M lol

; n tJ Labels, merking and placarding lAEA peregraph 209 and no externoi dimensions less then 10 cm.

(b) Only ceticles or documents intended for use with the contents(a) Packages not containing a may be enclosed 6n the packageI tissile material above the knutsof IAEA peregraph 601 - (c) No quantity hmit, but the meumum permitted package surtece

no label reovired but stencilled radiation level is 1000 mremih under specified conditsons (see4

t. or marked " RADIOACTIVE REA paragraphs 534 and 6371.

uI"' (d) Must be corned as FULL LOAO.S

-J (b) Packages conte ning a fissile-

i metenal above the limits ofIAE A peregraph 601 -*

see also schedulo 11.N'

gk) Freight contenners - Stowage

- category 1 - WHITE or See section 5 for stowege and segregation from persons and(a)category 11 or 111 - YELLOW Nm and pmtn..a

[ labels (see figure 2. 3, or 4 on*

- / eli tour sides. Ib) See section B for segregation from other dangerous goods,

Additionally, large treight gg; g,3, ,.eway from" toodstuffs to es to avoid contaminetton,3


containers - (di See section 6 for decontamination reauirements ofter carnage.placeros (see figure S) on oli-

' N lour sides., Corpo ships.

*3 or passenger ships which are carrying ON DECK OR

, h r.ot more then 25 passengers or 1 per UNDER DECK

3 metres of length1

# Other passenger ships: ON DECK OR UNDER DECK

' ,,Pecking. Stowage & SoBrecationSee also General Introduc'oon and introduction to this class



f i w s ., .7 m.

.y'. wi .g+

IMOG CODE - PAGE 7044Arndt 19 80:



y* *

|m" N'"'****FT?{ ""'"* *7Q,- ,,

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r. - if@. yht

.. ws;&.. _ M ,67;<> % q,

_ 7 y _

,.%. i. .

,,c s s -n o - c a - 2 0- a c t, 11,2r .

W S'Mo'


fr(y /dNtFIDEllTY TRANSPORT, INC.Nsocc/coNsouDAtoa . INitrac*h nmat ;on6A90tm . tv5 mo 32d/d'~







%%% PLEASE REPLY / CONTACT: FAX (213)802-0848 PHONE (213)921-3995 %%4
















1341711 PUMICE STREET. NORWALK CAUFORN A 00650. TEL: (213) 0213905. FAX: (213) 802-0848. TLX. 3715638

r- s


.. ...



tierch 15, 1990 Interview with Robert flalissey, Boston, MA by A. W. Gre11aj

Gre11a:. Hello, Bob, I don't know if we've met, but I have heard your nameand everything..

Halissey: Well, I've listened to you talk about transportation enough times.

Gre11a: You used to know Bob Devlin, was it, are you his...

Halissey: Yeah, Bob used to be in industry.

Grella: Okay, okay.. so your organization is responsible for mainly,what, x-rays and..

Hallisey: Yeah, yeah..and nuclear power and emergency response area, yeah.

Grella: You haven't reached the happy status of an Agreement State, yet.

Hallisey: We're working at it, we'll be the agency doing that also.

Grellp: Dkay, well..this call is a combination courtesy call and just a callto let you know what's going on a little bit, and

Hallisey: Yeah..

Gre11a: As you know, after, as of last Friday, ah, after our regional peoplecame up to make initial investigation our Executive Director foroperations, Jim Taylor, formed a formal Incident InvestigationTeam. It is only the fifth such team that has ever been formed andit .is the very first one involving either transportation ormaterials. All the rest have been involving reactors. I don't knowif you know any of this, but it might be helpful to you...

Itallisey: Don't worry about repeating, what I don't know..

Grella: Okay, and the team is chartered by the bucutive Director and reportsindependently to him and we are chartered to do a number of otherthings and basically, to find out the facts and the cause and comeup with source terms, estimate doses, and come up with findings,not recommendations, and one of the findings we will be looking at isthe adequacy of the regulations for this whole kind of thing.

Hallisey: Yeah.,,

Gre11a: So, ah, the team is formed with about six or seven people, several ofwhich are working right now around California, and they've beenworking on tracking the route and talking to persons that mighthave been exposed from the time this package came off the ship.

Hallisey: Yep...

- I

j . . ..

c .


Robert Hallisey -2-

Grella: And we have been working off at this end and talking to Amershamof course, who received it, interviewing their people, and wehave been over to Patriot, and reinterviewed those people, andthat is about where it stands. We're nearing the completion ofwhat we have to do in Boston, but we will be going back next


| week and starting to digest all this stuff at,d work on a report.There is still a lot of loose uids that we have to tie up but so itskind of intensive and we have been able, very fortunately, tooestablish with, ah, almost a 100% certainty, the serial number of thesource and its exact strength of its starting date. Which is reallya gold mine of information for us, and through the interviews we'retried to reconstruct time and niotion of the drivers and the handlersand those kind of things. So that part of it is going very well.

Halissey: Okay, now the source is foreign, icr't it?*

Grella: The source is of U.S. origin, sold by a source manufacturer inCalifornia. It is not an Amersham design or supply-type source, butthey suspected that it was source manufactured by this othercompany and we've contacted this other company, and fortunately,we had a QA inspector out at that place this week and that workedout real good, too. So as of this morning, we've gotten confirmationof the source from both the distributor in Lorea, as well as the +

supplier of the source, originally, in California, so that partis really Utopia. Because a lot of sources are sold and trying toidentify a particular one we didn't think was gonna be too easy ajob, but it has turned out very well.

'Halissey: How old was the source, Al?

Grella: Ah,let'ssee,Will[ Brown],whenwasthatsourcesupplied? It wasshipped originally to Korea last October, I believe. So, what wculdthat put it, nine months old? And based on that, the curve for the


source, that source at that date, the estimates that you have been ~

hearing of 3 curies, aren't bad. It's coming out pretty close tothat. So, we're talking about the original source strength, whatwas it, was it 1207


IBrown: 56 curies.

Grella: 56 curies at the outset. So that's what we are talking about,a pretty highly decayed source, and as far as the package, youmay know that the packages were of source changers and they hadtwo parts in them for containing sources which are always attachedto cables, pigtails, in this case, the source had the pigtailsnipped off completely. So all you had was this little pill. The pill !was apparently inserted into the source changer and we found out thatKorea has a habit of using these things as storage containers as wellfor non-radiographic sources because we think that maybe the sources >

at this activity f or other purposes, maybe for calibration or dosimetry.But in any case, they put it into the source changer and there was

. . .. ,

_. - _ _ _ ___ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _




Robert Hallisey -3-,

no cap in place at the time that the tube arrived, so the cap eitherbecame unscrewed or it was never put on. And the source was essentiallylying inside the inside chamber of this, the device. And so in thatsituation, there is very little shielding.

Halissey: Yeah...

Grella: Now the orientation of it males a big difference as to dose rate.The package itself was a crate, an overpacked-type crate containingtwo rows of seven each of these devices, presumably, as empty.It turns out that one of them wasn't empty. The device, themselves,has uranium built inside it, so there is a normal dose rate associatedwith an empty device itself, you know.

Halissey: Yep..

Grella: So anyway, we're trying to get all the f acts we can on the packaging.We know a lot about the paccage and we're going to male an analysisof the regulations, basically, from the standpoint of the event,we're talking about 00T regulations, cause DOT regulates the carriers;we don't regulate the carriers. They are not licensed. We haverequested c,od obtained a DOT inspector from headquerters who is nowout with the guys that are out in California. I am not sure whathis status will be, whether he will stay with team, but he is ahazardous materials inspector from the headquarters Research andSpecial Programs Administration. So he is with our other threepeople, actually. They are uut there now, so we've attempted fromthe outset to coordinate, this very closely with DOT. Ah,that's a capsule of it as far as it goes now, but it's a pretty e

formal thing and all the members of this team are like prisoners.'

we're bound to this work until it gets done. Unfortunately.

Halissey: Yep, okay, well, you know, I think its significant what happened,and I'm glad that the NRC is investigating the way that it is andI have some questions.

Grella: Well, go ahead.

Halissey: One of them is, the whole Customs process. Am I right in assumingi that this package was never monitored in any way with instrumentation

until it arrived at Amersham?'

Gre11a: Okay,1, that's right, I'm glad you brought that up. Because 1 didunderstand you had some questions about the Customs aspect as wedid also. And we have determined the methodology of the processfairly well. To answer your first question about surveys, I don't

i believe that Customs makes any surveys anywhere in this scenario.There were allegedly some surveys made by the distributor orwho offered it for transport in Korea.

Halissey: Okay

_ _




Robert 14alissey -4-

Grella: In terms of Customs, this whole operation is done through brokersfrom the outset, When it arrives in the United States, and I under-stand this is true for both air and water and highway shipments,that if its going to a destination other than the port, it isjust superficially checked if at all by Customs at the Port ofEntry. And it does not actually clear Customs until it gets toits destination. And that was what the case was here. We haven'tdetermined the Customs involvement at the Port of LA was much atall, nor was it supposed to be, according to what we are told.The package is then placed in bond, that a term they use,

llalissey: Yep.

Gre11a: and shipped to its destination. Okay, so this shipment was inbond, while it is in the overland route, all the way to Boston, andwhen it arrives in Boston, it is placed in the bonded storage areaof the transport, the carrier. And that what was done with thispackage, l'or most normal shipments, in Boston, particularly atthe airport, ah, the Customs, the transporter brings the packageto Customs and gets it cleared there. That was not done inthis case because, since Patriot is located on the property c.f theairport, the Customs inspectors usually come over there and makethe clearance and that what's was done in this case. Because wefirst thought that this package came to Patriot. We first thoughtthat this package came to Patriot, was stored, picked up, broughtto Customs, brought back to storage; that was not the case, it

stayed in storage in the location it was and the Customs inspectorcame there. That person is also someone that we have interviewedto try to see whether there is any dose involved with her. So thefact that it didn't "go through Customs" at the Port, that is partof the system apparently and we haven't been abit to determine that,exactly, what the Customs involvement at that end, but it doesn'tappear to he very much. It may be just looking at a piece of paperyou know. So there doesn't appear to be any Customs personnel thatcould have gotten exposed at that end. Ah, yeah, you had somequestions. Go ahead,

llalissey: Okay, well, it just occurred to me that we have extensive Customsprogram involving the importation of drugs, etc., I was just |

curious. I also understand that on the third day that the shipment i

arrived at Patriot, the Custom person saw the open box, saw theradiation label, that I'll have to do something about that and thennever did. And, I am just real curious, why someone along the line,until it got to Amersham, didn't do something. That's botheringthe team also, or your not thinking about that?







Robert Hallisey -5- |

Grella: Well, as I said we're thinking about the whole process and we're |going to be coming up with findings that will speak to the process. 1

As far as whether the Customs person looked at the first day, I'm ;

not sure we've determined that. Ah, it seems like, right now, weare laboring under the fac t: it Customs..

Halissey: I think, A1, that that was stated on the day that the team was there,ntv people were there with th9 original people, at patriot. '

Gre11a: Okay.

Halissey: Individuals brought that issue up on that day, and I'm just...

Grella: That could be the case, and it didn't actually clear Customs afterthat, until some papers came through. That is probably the way it wasbut, we'll recheck that. Ah, as to whet'her the Customs people doanything after they observe that package, yeah, that is somethingwe're interested in too. But at this point, now, I agree with youthat it doesn't appear that the Customs involvenient is not much morethan verifying nu?'bers and doing whatever they do to see if thereis drugs, or material of high value that they're going to make somemoney on, you know. But ah...

Halissey: Let's get back to the whole issue of the DOT regs because I think, ,

I am very concerned about this particular case, but I am moreconcerned about how many more of these are happening and no one -

knows about it. Getting back to the transportation issues now,is it your impression that the company in Korea, did a healthphysics survey in the terms of packaging and said that they metthe labels on the boxes and then they shipped them out, r

Gre11a: Well.

Halissey: And no one until you got to Amersham went near any of those witn aninstrument. Do you hear what I am sayirg.,

Gre11a: Yep..and I think..

Halissey: It had to be leaking, if l'm reading it right, it had to be leakingin Korea, before they even put it on that very first car to go tothe airport or to the ship. So in other words, the Korean people,their health physics check was apparently not worth anything.

Grella: Well, we don't know that it had to be leaking when it lef t, see,what, the scenario could be different, in that, the source obviouslywas put into that device, we surmise that it was put into theinside port of the device, the J-tube, we surmistd that the capmay not have been put on or if it were, it was 50 loosely screwed,that it came off during transport, that is probably the most




Robert Halissey -6-'

likely scenario. Okay, if the changer stays in its horizontalposition, no problems, unless the changer is tipped up on its end,and the thing literally slides out of its J-tube having no cap.We've even run some little experiments over her with simulated pill,ah, non-active pill, tipping over the device to see if it slidesout of the J-tube, and it certainly does. Now the package wasbadly damaged, ah, we don't know at what point the damage occurred,there were several places at this end where devices were observedoutside the package, including at the warehouse.

Halissey: Yep, I understand that.. ,

Grella: Okay, so...what probably happened was the

Halissey: and the officials saw that..

Grella: The source was inside the J-tube and at some point, came out,it was lying in the compartment, in an unshielded position, thatcould have happened anywhere from the time that they loaded inKorea, unloaded at the ship, 6nd it probably stayed in its conditionuntil, in that condition, until whatever condition it was, until .

it got to Patriot. It cobid have even cort out when they roundedthe turn coming off 93 to 128. That could be optimum; we're nevergoing to know. We're never going to know that.

Halissey: I know that, but my question, A1, is this, the label on the outsideof the source exchanger, would that label be the same as if therewas a source in it or empty?

Grella: The, ab, that would vary. The source without the changer itselfcontains uranium. And as such, without a source in it, it wouldrequire even a Yellow 11. Depending on the strength of thesource it might require a Yellow 111. Okay, now that's a transportpackage at that point is the source changer requiring either aYellow 11 or a Yellow 111 label, depending on the strength of thesource inside it. As an empty package, without any source, itrequires at least a Yellow II. He have becn able to determine that

| and that's what kind of labels are on them. Ah, it is, it was shipped,as a category called Radioactive Device Containing Uranium, or somei

| words to that effect. Basically, it was tendered as an empty packagedescribed as a radioactive article containing uranium. And there is

| a provision for a proper shipping name, somewhere to that. However,L the limitation to that is .5 mR/hr at the surface, so that it is

improper, it would have been improper to offer these as an emptypackage containing uranium because they exceeded the .5. Okay, itappears that it would be permissible however, to put those kindof things into an overpack and then label the outside of the overpackwith whatever label that would be required at that time. And therewould have to be another label with the statement that the insidepackage it has complied with the prescribed specification, well theydidn't do that, there were no exterior markings on the outside of





Robert Hallisey -7-

the package to indicate that it was hazardous tr.aterial. Ah, there wasno notice in or on the package that would be required even f or a limitedquantity. So, basically, the thing was not packaged and labeledproperly, whether or not, it was an excepted device, or a labeledpackage Okay? We're getting all that information down and weeven took yesterday, and loaded two rows of seven each of the sourcechangers into the remnants of the crate, trying to get it back into ashape and took dose rates around and we determined that it did indeedexceed .5 at the surface of the crate. Sothere's that aspect of it and so in effect, shipping these as emptypackages, excepted articles-type thing, ah, that was not propereither.

Halissey: Then nty question is in terras of responsibility. Kho is responsiblethen, the company in Korea for mislabeling the devices in theprocess of shipment or is it Amersham who is receiving it. That'swhat...

Gre11a: Amersham has no responsibility in this that I can tell, other thanthe responsibility to supply their customers with information onthe package which they do. They even go so far as to furnish themblank labels and seals and this is standard practice along witha copy of the operating instructions that goes with the package.Then they put these in any of the packages that they send out, ah,as far as the responsibility for the shipment, that is with the

i shipper, whoever that was. The_ shipper, in this case, appears to bean organization called f4DI in Seoul, Korea, which is a distributorof radiographic products. They appear to be the shipper, now theyare a foreign shipper, nd again the questions are good ones andwe are interested in that too and for that reason.

Halissey: Now it seems to me that we have perhaps an excellent opportunity| to solve the nation's low-level waste problems.

Gre11a. I don't get you on that..

nallisey: They could simply package them and ship them out of the countryand ship them places. You know, the problem I have is that I don'tthink that the people in Korea, if they put in a source from adifferent company, the California company, in the source exchangerthat belongs to Amersham, I wonder what else they have done wrongin their process.

Gre11a: We're trying to get more information through Amersham and through i

our own international people on two things. What kind of regulationsare their in Korea for regulating the licensing and possessionand use of radiographic products; secondly, what kind of transportregulations do they have, you know.




b. .


Robert Halissey -8-

Halissey: I understand. Now, do I also understand correctly that there areother company's I guess, besides Amersham and the one in California,that have an Imt licensee to ship sources in the multiple curiecontent to foreign countries, such as Korea, and then not expectnot to see those sources ever again?

Gre11a: Well .you've got a couple of questions mixed in one there. There areother companies that supply radiographic equipment sources, notvery many though. I only know of three Amersham is the big one,Industrial Nuclear in San Leandro, California, and the third oneis Speck Source Production Equipment in Baton Rouge. But Amershamis the big one. They are the main suppliers of radiographics sourcesand equipment. There is a number of other licensee 9 type companiesmany in Agreement States, thbt supply industrial sources forcalibration and things like that. Now, as far as export of device,'

radiographic devices, 1 believe at least tvo of these other threeexport devices and sources, I'm not sure about Speck, with respectto Korea, both Industrial Nuclear and Amersham tell us that theyare the only country, they never get the sources back from.

Halissey: I heard that, that bothered me.

I Grella: So that getting this source back from Korea was not wholly unusualfrom that standpoint, it was also unusual obviously for the f actthat it was cut off and it was put into the device, presumably, theshipper didn't know it.

You see, there is another party involved at that end. Thedistributor receives and collects these source changers from users,the licensee, we have the name of that corpany. How what kind ofregulations they have we don't know. But the distributor claimsand they sent us some survey diagrams, that they did survey thecrate to make sure that it was less than .5 mR/hr, so it appears

.that some sort of survey of the crate at that point. But I wouldseriously doubt, as you do and has asked the question, that anysurveys are taken along the route from that point, and yourquestions are good ones, should there be surveys.

| Halissey: The next thing it leads me to is the state program that has someresponsibility, the ultimate responsibility, that protection of thepublic's health and safety within the Commonwealth. Whether 1 haveto then address some issue in terms on the Port of Entry withCustoms, whether I have to address some issues directly with theCustoms people here in Boston that some type of survey is donebefore it comes out of that airport, because, otherw'.se, I wonderhow many more of these got away.

| Grella: Yeah, I think that is kind of a generic question, too, in respectthat, 1 guess you guys, or the state, is involved to some extent

| with OSHA regulations, right?



.. .

Robert Halissey -9-

Halissey: Yeah..,

Grella: How carriers are not licensed, you know, they are not badged, notrequired to be, ah, so obviously you guys are interested, I guess .

in their exposures, too, if for nothing else. OSHA regulations 1

or maybe your own state regulations. Ah, but as far as to ,

whether Customs should be making surveys, that's a bigger issue ini

question and I don't really have much of a feel for it, you know,other than for cases like this, it sure would've been nice.

Halissey: I think, you know, I'm going to explore it, but I think that nothingwould preempt this state from making an arrangement with Customsat Logan Airport that nothing gets released until a survey is done,whether it's done by the state or whether it is done by privateconsultants or something. So 1....

Gre11a: Yeah, that's something.,

Halissey: So you should know that I'm running that way; I'm thinking that way.

Gre11a: That's a tremendous undertaking, ah, if you consider medical, forindustrial it wouldn't probably be that big of an undertaking, butanyway...

Halissey: Because we do have other cases involving n,edical stuff, the onlytime we get a call is when there is something leaking or broken. Sowe have a good relationship with the people over there at LoganAirport.

Gret Yeah, you know, it's kind of ironic that most of the concern of theCongressmen and such seems to been with low-level waste where it'sbasically a non-problem, you're not going to get these kind ofexposures.

Halissey: Low-level pales in comparison..

Grella: That's right...

! Halissey: With this situation.|

y Grella: That's right, that's right and but anyway, this is kind of off therear.,


| Halissey: I know, I know...

| Grella: But anyway, did you have anymore questions, Bnb. as I sey, weL wanted to touch base with you..|



r ,



!: . .



Robert Halissey - 10 -

| Halissey: There may be other questions, but ...

Gre11a: Dy the way, our Team Leader, Will Brown, is kind of writing and !listening in so Will, meet Bob Halissey.

Brown: Hii

Halissey: Hi, how you doing? Lets, no I'm anxious to find out what you dofind out about the California routine, you know, there are twoissues that keeping this together to try to figure out exposuresthat people may have gotten, here, within the country, but itopens up the whole Pandora's Box in terms of importetion of '

materials with radiation labels from other countries.

Gre11a: Yeah, I just might give you the four major items in our Charter,because we have a written Charter and that is to reconstructexposures, source terms, and all that stuff. Stay times, andestimate exposures, that the first thing; and then determine theroot causes. There we have to look at the packaging, shipping


procedures, and the approximate cause of the source gettingunshielded. Determine the adequacies of the licensee's responsein this event, by the way, our own observation so far, is thatthere response been exemplary.

Halissey: Amersham.

Grella: Yeah,

llalissey: Yes, yes..

Grella: Then determine the adequacy of regulatory controls concerning thistype of events. And , we just been talking about that.


! llalissey: Yeah

Gre11a: So anyway, that's where our Charter is, and we've got 45 days to comeup with the written report and so we go back Monday or Tuesday,

I we've got an office that we report to, we don't go to our regularoffices and we're suppose to have all kinds of access to typingand stuff like that. So we've got a lot of information already,and there is a lot still coming in, but we've got, we're pretty muchdone with what we're going to do up here.

Halissey: Yeah.

Gre11a: We may be calling you or others from time to time for trying to getsome information on something, but right now, I don't know what thatwould be.

Hallisey: Okay, bet you know the two people, George Swible and Bob Watkinsare the two people that went...

r ]-

r -



Robert Hallisey - II - j

Grella: Yeah, yeah, I pretty much just did what I consider a telephoneinterview with George, he's going to fax ut a copy of his reportto you and we're just mulling over whether it is necessary to call



the other guy, Watkins, my personal view is probably not, but I'll '


discuss that with Will here in a minute.'

Hallisey: Okay..well if you feel it's necessary, he's in the office here today.t

Gre11a: Okay.,

L Hallisey: All right..

Grella: Okay, Bob. .

;Hallisey: It seems to that by the four items. you've got it covered by yourCharter. The first three you've got a pretty good handle on, butthe number four is going to be the straw that going to break thecamel's back. !

Gre11a: We M anned, even though, we requested the assistance of a DOT'inspector out in California, and he is out there with them. We

plan on trying to get some names of people in DOT headquartersthat are knowledgeable of and can tell us about the regulations,procedures, and everything from their standpoint. He plan to try to '

interview those people. But you have to do that and okay...

Hallisey: Okay, Al, it was great talking to you and I'm sure we'll be talking :

more about this situation.

Grella: Thanks a lot Bob.:

Hallisey: Actually, I thought, as a final word, that the press was relativelykind.

Grella: Yeah, they were, they were. Okay, Cob, we'll see you.

Hallisey: Bye

Grella: Bye Bye. . .






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March 15, 1990 (kid -

Interview with George Swible, U.S. Customs, Boston, MA,by Al Gre11a S/ NSwible: Hello.

Gre11a: Hello, George?,

Swible: Yes.:t

Grella: Can you hear me.

Swible: Yes.,

Gre11a: Okay, like I said, I just wanted to get a chronology of yourinvolvement over at Amershan, last Thursday. I'll be trying to getBob Watkins later to do the same thing atid os I said, I've got alittle tape on here to help me in taking notes.


Swible: Yep.

Grella: I'm not going to be sending you anything that you will haveto review as far as transcript. What we have been doing this weekis gettin interviews with Patriot personnel as well as the personsup here and the people in California doing the same for the driversinvolved in the long haul, so this is part of this investigationteam effort that we are doing.

Swible: Yeah. Well, our operating procedures here are after such a call asthis one in Amersham, and we have a write up that we are required todo and it is pretty much, it is a synopsis of what happens and then

i the boss gets this cetailed question whatever. I would like to readthat to you.>


Grella: O kay. Let me ask you, George, has the write up been typed up yet?

Swible: No, it is in draft form right now.

Gre11a: Okay, will it be...

Swible: She is going to make the corrections on it this thing and then I'll'

L f ax you a copy to wherever you want, if you want one.

Grella: O kay. Will that be today?

Swible: Yes, I can get it for you in about an hour I imagine.,

| Gre11a: O kay. Let me give you the fax number for Amersham cnd if it is donetoday fax it to 617-229-8164

Swible: Fax it to Amersham.

Gre11a: Y0ah, and if it's not done today, ah,

Swible: No, I'll get it out in a matter of a couple of hours.

Grella: That's great, that's great, and that'll kinda of supplement the notesand..


-. r,


Goorge Swible -2-

Swible: What I would like to do is read this thing to you and then any questionsyou have I can discuss them with you and get this part of the !interview over with.

Grella: That's great.

Swible: Okay. Ah, this is a memo to Robert Hallisey and George Swible andRobert Watkins, dated March 12, 1990. Subject is NIAT Burlington.Persons involved were Kathy Roughan, RSO and John McDaniel both ofAmersham. John Miller and Eric, I did not get his last name, I never '

did get his last name.

Grella: Uh, you know something, I didn't either. What of our gals heresays it might be Clark but he is kind of a trainee, and a newfellow at Region I and I know most Region I inspectors, but I didn't ~


know him. That's good enough for now anyway I guess.

Swible: Okay, well the thing reads: Mr. Hallisey called me at home onThursday evening 3/9/90 and left a message that I was to respond toa call on NIAT. Bob Watkins advised me that Amersham at Burlingtonat about 9:30 a.m. on 3/9/90, answering a call from Kathleen Roughanand William McDaniel. Ms Roughin told Bob and me that a truck fromPatriot warehouse in East Boston arrived at the loading dock at about3 p.m. on 3/8/90. When the shipper went out to it his beefer wentoff, he had a survey meter reading of 60 mR/hr at he approached thetruck. At this time, he immediately called Ms Rogin. She immediatelysurveyed the area and supervised opening the back of the truck. Therewerk 14 source changers, and one broken crate in the back of the truck.Ms Rogin then isolated the one source changer that was " hot" andfollowing established procedures, supervised the examination of thatone exchanger. It was found to contain a loose source estimated byher at that time to be about three curies of iridium. After removing


the loose source and properly storing it, she made all the necessaryr.otifications to NRC and to DPH.

While this explanation was going on, Mr. John Miller and Mr. Ericwhatever, of the NRC arrived. They were informed as to where we wereand then Mr. Miller took over the information-gathering procedures.

| Judging by the questions that were asked, they asked me if I knewwhat happened. They were getting ready to define potential exposureto people end what each individual's dose r:ight have been. It wasalso noted that the truck was driven by a Mr. Tony Mucci, a driverfor Patriot. I called Mr. Hallisey and informed him. He told me

|,that the shipper of the crate lef t Korea on January 29th,1990, byboat; arriving in LA on February 9,1990, ah, through Customs, onFebruary 14th through 16th,1990, arrived at Patriot February 22,1990, left Patriot warehouse on March 3, 1990, and was delivered bya 45 feet truck to Burlington on March 8th,1990 in the af ternoon.

We reviewed the related events before leaving Amersham. The sourceL exchanger left the Amersham loaded with 50 curies of iridium and goes'

-to a broker in Korea where the iridium was taken out and the emptysource exchangers are returned to Burlington. About 20 exchangers

j are shipped per month. During initial survey of the truck, theI

, -

, , l.



G0erge Swible 3-

warehouse men were getting in the range of 100 mR/hr outside thetruck and 10 mR/hr inside the truck, and ISC R/hr et six inches from

!some surfaces of the exchanger.!!

The crate of source exchangers was stored at 151 Prescott Street,East Boston at the Patriot Trucking warehouse. I have a phone number i

for them. Following NRC procedure;, when Mr. Miller interviewed his lfirst worker in the warehouse; the borehouse man showed immediate !signs of distress and I took him aside to calm him down. After this, '

he WLs okay and the interviews with other workers proceeded.Mr. Miller had sufficient data to call the office; his office, meaning !

the NRC. The only news was that the NRC was sending another team toMassachusetts to pursue an investigation. Watkins briefed up theHallissy teara and told us at the of fice that there was a press release.The items discussed in this report and formally submitted to include



,10 photographs. That is the guts of what happened.

Grella: O kay. All of that ties in pretty good with what we know and what we arefinding out. We filled in a lot more details of that sequence of eventsbut that is pretty much the sequence of events that were known when you '

were involved.

Swible: You noticed that I observed critically that Amersham at Burlington waspretty much okay, but at Patriot I fell apart because I spent a lot of timetalking with two of these guys, one human to another, to try to keep anyrumor started between the troops. John Miller was very serious taking inotes and gathering data. I didn't get into any of that.

Gre11a: Okay, I understand that. Who were the two fellows that were showingthe most distress, Mucci and Fabor, the warehouse driver?

Swible: Uh, huh.

| Grella: Yeah. Ah, far, ah, back at Amersham, where you in any situathL where you might have gotten into any exposure, in other woros, how

close did you get to the, oh, you were there the next day, so I'm sorry.

Swible: No, to start with, Kathy used a pocket dosimeter and one of the filmbadges, I believe it was. I have my own film badge. The badges 1I,

haven't seen yet, but the dosimeter said something like 2 mR/hr and,

I was pretty careful to keep a distance between me and some of the-sources. If I got anything it was a couple of mR.

Gre11a: Ah, you were ;here the next day anyway, right?

Swible: Yes.

Grella: Okay, so that was was kind of a moot question. The source by thattime had been put into the hot cell.

Swible: When we got there it was, I consider, a variable operatinn, that hadan interesting event preceding our visit. They were all stabilized orwhatever word you want to use. They were back to normal operations.Kathleen and McDaniel sacrificed their afternoon for us.

Grella: Right.

_ __ _ - _ .

. .


George Swible -4-

Swible: Most of the operation was going on normally. They were receiving crates ;ar.o raoving stuf f out and all that sort of stuff. So they had everything !

stabilized and were back to operation excq t toe the (xplanation of whathad happened. Ah, ar d as they say, we ireeanteiy proceeded thck to !Patriot, then that's another aspect of this investigation.

)Gre11a: Yeah, as i explained, we are working real hard to reconstruct the route and

try and determine what person may have been exposed. We have three :people in fact out in California working on that end. but we're all '

part of a f ormal investigation team which was formed last Friday atthe first response. The team was f ormed by our Executive Directorfor Operations and the team reports directly to him, ah, we haveto come up with the report in 45 days, or something like that. But ,

the team essentially takes it over from the regiunal people, who madethe first response up here. That's John Miller and the otherfellow's first name is Chris, We still don't know his last name. SoEric is now Chris.

Swible: Oh,

Grella: But, ah, from the standpoint of you fellows, this report that you are !makirig is actually a report from both you and Watkins, right?

Swible: Actually, this part that I am making is f or c'yself, alone. Patkinscame along with me aa an observer, more or lest.


Grella: Okay, so he is not making any report.

Swible: As an observer.. and I was responsible for that and as I say, Iexplained to you that I should have been taking notes but I thoughtit was more important to keep people..I don't know if you have beenon any incident where people have been exposed or thought that theywere exposed to radioactive material, they really loose controlof themselves very, very f ast.;

Grella: Yep. We know that and we..,

Swible: My first duty at Patriot was to keep the citizens calm or asrelatively calm as could be under the circumstances. And I losttrack of taking notes.



Well, I think, that is good that..Grella:

Swible: That is what happened and you can..

Grella: Well, John Hiller was taking copious notes in his interviews andwe've been over there again, so we've...

I Swible: Sure..


Grella; pretty much tried, gotten, the facts frnm the people we interviewed-and, ah, what we do is compare those with other interviews and tryto see, you know...

| Swible: It's the way to go, sure, you can pick up or loose or whatever..



'-L-.J'..- ' ' ' '. . . .'



George Swible -5-

' -Grella: But our primary job at the outset 's to oefine who is exposed.

| Swible: Uh huh,

Grella: and then try and come up with a source term and then estimdtedoses to these people, you know, these guys..

Sutle: This wo:, sery, very evident when John Miller was asking questions,he was almost, he was very systematic about it, you know what Imean?

Grella: Yeah.

Swible: And it was very evident where he was- going, I could see that evenat Amersham, before he got to Patriot. Ah...ano he was consistentin doing that and, ah, that leads, that persistent throughoutthe incident.

Grella: Yeah, well John was aware that this is what they would do normallyanyway at that point he probably wasn't aware that a formalincident investigation team was going to be formed, but he didprovide some real good leg-work..

Swible: While I welcome you moving in on this, I certainly, you know, thething is the, whatever loop-hole allowed this to happen should beidentified and then corrected. You know, conceptually, it is thatsimple. Now practically, I don't know the hell you're going to do.

Grella: Well, yeah, one of the things the team is going to try to come upwith the findings on is the adequacy of the regulations and sincethh irvolved the import shipment from a foreign shipper, it'sa pa cty complex process, but we are definitely looking into that.

Swible: We, ah, at Amersham, we asked Amersham representatives there wheredo they loose control or.where does the control of the material andwe couldn't get any satisfactory, so that was up in the air as faras we were concerned.

Grella: Right.

Swible: I thought that you people might look into, well, good luck.

Grella: Yeah..ah, Bob or George, ah, I don't have any other questions,ah, I believe Hallisey has been wanting to get a call from theteam here this week, we tried to get him yesterday..

Swible: We'll try to get you back to him.

Grella: Okay, now, did you have any other questions, ah...

Swible: No, not right at this, I am only a field person,

Grella: Right.


_ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . .



George Swible 6--

Swible: that is all. Administratively, Bob handled had he talked to,

Mr. Miller ana to Senator Kennedy and Representathe harkeycalled him, ah, during the afternoon that we were at-Amersham. Sohe is the chap that handles the administrative end of this. Thisteam we have, basically, is a bunch of field people and oneadministrator and PR person, that is Mr. Hallisey, so you have toreally talk to these two individuals to get some kind of anidea of the scope of what we covered. And to who supplies you withthe most relevant information, thet is for you to determine.


Gre11a: Okay.

Swible: Please hang on, and I'll transfer you and tell Lob where you areand he can pick this up. I don't want to screw this up on thetelephone.

Gre11a: I don't want to screw our speaker phone and tape here and so I amjust going to stay put.

Swible: I'll leave you alone for just a few seconds and I'll go up andhave him pick this up.

Grella: Thanks a lot.

Swible: Thank you.


y . ,. .-.


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= Requestor's 10:ROHRER.

Author's Name:,Grella-

Document Comments:IIT telephone interviews with Grella.













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j'CREAT DANE TRAILE"1 SALES INC. ' ' ' *;-, .,

DIstnbutor:. Great Dane Knoxville. Inc. senois- %,


Custorm- Covenant TJ_ang ortNdi 7d h4 MQ_S.onth Creek' Road .


Cha_1 tan 0Rga, Tenn. 31422Ovantity:P.O. a. Date: y1 g,gg 15

h Production Schedule Dry Freight Van 7 88-1 Code: Fweing

7311TJWL*Base Model: YOveroll Height:Overoll Length: See last page ,

Overoll Width: 102"U.c. Helont: 47'inside Height: _109.50" F - 113.00"R -

Bogie Location: Super Slide Bi

"'* 8 ' I"'' 275/80 R 22.5 Michelin XTA' Delivery NET,-. -

Cotor I050 P / P White Alum. y Sytnless Steel'.050 Bright Alum.. . . FRP Panel Omer. .


*_ -

Flat Side Sheet Omer. ,Shi Texture


. .......g

10" Rad. 2.00 Al Zee.. Option #1 Bevef.- Option #2 Bevel . Omer.- Front 10" Rad. 2.50 Stl hat .. )

y Stainless Steel FRP Panel.. , Omer. .? Front Matt Aluminum.- .

Frame .. Rollup Todco P/F.. Rollup Whiting P/F... Omer.= Rear Door Plymetal... . . . . . .. y

Stainless Steel--. -- Omer.= R Dr Matl Aluminum.- )i

Other.Roof Sht .040* 1 piece alum... y .


Side Door No Side Door - y One curbside Door.. One Roodside Door.. Omer.

U. Coupler .25" Mainbeam Plate y .38" Mainbeam Plate , Other .

Can Hauler Upper Coupler Omer.Type Std 4 Rib Upper Coupler Joggle Upper Coupler g

. K.P. Loc. 36* nose / centerline .. 30" nose / centerline .. 24* nose / centerline .. 42*' nose / centerline Other.y

Supp Geor Great Dane Model 50.. Omkley 51.000.. Binkley 50,000.. Holland Mark V.. Other.,y. .


Loc. @l09.5 from K.P. Other. jSupp Geor Loc. @97.5 from K.P. Lot' @80.5 from K.P. Loc. @l03.5 from K.P. g -

Supp.Cear Crank Handle Cbside. Crank Handle Rdside. Omer.3 ;

List Subtotal

List DeductionsSee Miscellaneous Page 2List Total

DistnWition- 49 58 71 74 75 78 82 85 86 90 ET AC BELL INV PUR ENG GC Net Price


Total Net Pnce.q;

- Allowancei

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Distributor: Serials. I

Customer: c'm-ntJransprt



Siminor to: Dry Freight Von 4 87 2 Miscelloneous Poge 2 Pricing

Other. .L Xmembers 4" Sit I. booms 12" c/1 4" Stt-Alum 12" c/l . . ................ ................y

Other,Tire Corrier Single RockCutiside . Single Roc * Roadside . Delete Tire Corrier . . . . ................


;[ Suspension Great Done V . , . . . . G.D. 'H' Sgl Axle . . . . Noway AR95-17 . . . . Noway AR90-1 17 . . Other. .X


- Springs 3 Leof Springs . . . . . H.D. 3 Leaf S' rings . . 8 Leaf Sp6ngs . . . . . Single Leaf Springs . . Other..p-


16 5 x 8 5/8" 16.5 x 10" . , , Other.Brokes 16.5 x 7" , , ., ...y,..


| - Axles TN46700 onles , IN46800 oxles . T046700 oxles . . . 1046800 oxles . ...

!TP46700oxies , TP46800 oxles .. . . TN46100 oxles . . . Other... . ... . . ..


- Oil Seois Stemco . . . . . . . . . CNcogo Rowhide . . . Mechonex.,....... National . . . , , . . . . . Other.

Wheels 20" 5 spoke . . 22" b spoke , Steet Disc Wheels . . Alum. Disc. Wheels . Omer.. .


Rim Sue 20 x 7.5. 22 x 7.5. 22.5 x 8.25 . 24.5 x 8.25 . ,, . . Omer. .*.. .......

Drum Assy Inboord Mtd Cost . Outboord Mid Cost . Inbd Mtd Centrituse Otbd Mid Centrituse . . Other..y

Omer, ,Mudflops Sproyguord on bogie Cust. Furn. on bogie. . . . . . . .... . . . , .


Bumpers . Option #1. . . . . . Option #2 . . . . Omer. .,. . ,,. . .. . . . . . . ..

Side Lng .25" Plywood Sides . .38" Ptywood Sides . .NoSideuningwmv Omer . .s .., , . . . ..,

/ N X

l Omer. .'

Front Lng .25" Plywood Front . .50" Ptywood Front . , .75" Ptywood Front . . . . , .

Ceiling Lng. No Ceiling uning . . , . .25"x48" Wide Plwd . .23fulIWattiPlwtt Omer. |.. .. . .. . .


Uprights 1.13" Sleet Hot . . . . . Sgl. Punch Retrollt . . . Dbl. Punch Retrofit. . . 1.13" Alum. Hot . . . . Omer..'

I x

i ' Upr.' Centers 24'' Center Uprights . 16" Center Uprights . . 12" Center Uprights . . Omer,. . ...

f.lcor .1.38" Lom. Hordwood' 1.50" Lom. Hordw# Omer. 1................y

Threshold 3" Threshold Plate . 15" Threshold Plate , 27" Threshold Plote . .13"x27" Stl Dio . . . . Omer . .1

Point Chossss Aluminum . Chossas White . Omer.

Electricol 100 001 12v. 7 way connector w/ DOT lamps

Excsptions and/or Additions: See Miscellaneous Page 3


9 - 5f vnt 54 pi(5 50 #0 #t As 75 HV -SM (t eC eo tt Ot PROC PUM (n y p S( R

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. . .


b* 1. Install center cam lock on rear doors..

2. Spray bottm of trailer heavily with undercoating.

3. Paint steel disc wheels white.

4. 3.5" wedge construction consisting of wedge body and intermediate wedge topa rail.]


5. 3" steel crossmember on 12'! center over slide, 4" steel crossmembers elsewhere.-

6. Install 5 hinges per rear door (total 10).

7.- Lining: 3" plywood X 48" high with (" plywood above to ceiling, sides only.Note: 3" plywood X 48" to be cut lengthwise into 24" wide pieces. Ib not

; install "H" moulding between 3" plywood sheets.;

" 8. Webb brake drums.

9. Brake drum to be balanced.I

10. Install narrow header to give maximum rear door opening height.

11. Axles: Eaton J-501L single anchor pin with non-asbestos brake lininv andstandard oil seals. Purchasing to verify same cost per axle as Rockwell.

4 12. Haldex autcmatic slack adjusters.

13. 39" steel threshold plate.|

| 14. Install Great Dane Ultra seal wiring harness. i

| '15. Paint rear frame Great Dane white.,

16. Install custmer furnished decals.|'

17. Drop top rail center clearance light to bottm rail.:

18. Install VIC metal products manifest box on lower roadside front.

| 19. Mount Mansanto sprayguard mu8 flaps on rear sill.Make sure mudflaps have Si" - 6" ground clearance.

20. Overheight condition at rear is acceptable.

21. . Install 4 hazardous material placards; 1 oncurbeide front,1 on curbsiderear door and 1 each side at centerline of trailer.

22.- Install Grote 7" diameter turn signal with directional arrow lense mountedunder bottm rail at 45* angle.Iocate 1 eac..a side just behind landing gear.

23. Factory to furnish sales with record of tire serial numbers with trailer serialnmbers and location of trailer.

24. Install custmer furnished unit numbers,1 on lower roadside front mountedon corner radius approximately 10" above bottm of bottm rail and 1 on

g lower curbside rear door. Stencil unit numbers approximately 72" floor:}- to centerline of front lining and roadside rear lining. Unit numbers to;- follow.

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p. , ' , 2 5 .- Install ~lo-profile sand shoes on support gear, j. .


, 26. ~Veeder root hubodometer on roadside front axle. |



, 2,lr s

27. . Furnish 1 spare 275/80R 22.5 Michelin XZAlT tire per trailer. .


|h .'28.-'Michelin will direct ship all tires to Covenant.. .


29. Gladhands and electrical connector offset to roadside. ~





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EATON EFA-12F4 12EFr Axle: 1

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Weight: 15',859 1hs.

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Veuph i c= 1 ee St ammey,,

UnitModel Restrictione

TOOO Length (f t):Type: Tractor 3+ axles Width (1n): 65-102

Height (f t): 13.5Application

Commodity Hauled: ChassisFr Axle Load (1bs): 12000General Freight Rr Axle Load (1bs): 34000Intended Service G.C.W. (lbs): 80000General Tractor Service Maximum Grade: 6%Road Conditions:Trailer

Type Class A(Highway) 100%VanLength (f t): Class B(Hwy /Mtn) 0%48Height (f t): Class C(Off-Hwy) 0%13.5King Pin ~ Inset (in): Class D(Off-Road) 0%36- Wheel base (i n) :Cntr, Line of Axle: Group (in): 52 222Corner Radi us (i n) : Fr Axle to BOC(in): 74

1 Cab to Axle (in):Number of Trailer Axles: 2 Cab to EOF (in):148

Axle Slide Length (in): 208OLand Gear Clearance (in): 120 Special Req.None

Approved By 5-Date /- -- /|





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Mr Phillip Spayd,-Regional CommissionerU.S. Customs10 Causeway St.Boston Ma. 02222

Dear Mr Spayd,During the week of Feb. 22,1990, while performing cargo

examinations at Logan Airport, my partner Leo Harvey and I observed abroken crate at Patriot Trucking. This crate was inside the Customs1

Bonded cage. There were no outer markings designating the shipment asradioactive material, but we both could see that the canisters inside hadyellow " Danger Radiation" markings on them. Normally exempt radioactivematerials have no outer markings. But because this shipment was


damaged I assumed that perhaps it was not quite safe.Suspecting that something was wrong, I went into the Patriot office

and spoke with the office manager. At that time I told him that neither henor I could be sure that the cannisters were empty, and if per chance theywere not, they could be emitting radiation, thus endangering hisemployees as well as Leo and myself. In addition I told him the crateshould be removed from the cage and isolated. This incident was reportedto customs.

A few day later, when I returned to Patriot, the crate was still in thesame place. I was unable to find the manager. Since then the chiefinvestigator for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Mr John White,contacted me and informed me that one of the cannisters was indeedactive. He asked how much time I had spent around the shipment and whowas with me. At the time I could not remember who was there becausewe change partners so of ten. As to how much time we spent in the cagethat day, we assume it was about 10 or 15 minutes before we noticed thecannisters. The crate, however remained at Patriot until March 8. I don't

know how'many times af ter that first week I went to Patriot but It wasmore than once.

Mr. White was very candid with me, explaining exactly what happened.The live cannister was shipped in error He also told me that if I d10receive any radiation it was probably minirnal since time and distance aredeterminant f actors, out I wanted more assurance since this was a majorincident I asked to be tested. My request was granted and specimenswere sent to Oak Ridge Tennessee. Within two weeks my physician shouldhave the results. Mr. White and his colleagues have been very reassuring

;g ;-



. .



and helpful In this matter. I have nothing but praise for his agency.I chose to write this letter to you, Instead of my Immediate

supervisor or the Director of Inspection and Control, because as Regional I

Commissioner you probably come in contact with other agencyCommissioners, specifically the Departmont of Transportation. It seems !

Incredibly irresponsible not to label ALL potentially hazardous,radioactive shipments. DOT does not require labeling of exempt materialsyet we inspectors are subject to health hazards when we open unlabeledcartons and discover inner vials stating," Danger Radioactive" If thesevials are really empty why do they require markings on the Inside. 3Obviously there Is some residue.

A few seeks af ter the Patriot incident, I examined a shipment atSwiss Alr. Again the outer package was unmarked but when I unwrapped 3

the inner box It stated " Danger Radioactive" This time I called mysupervisor and asked him to call the Federal Avtation Administration andask them to come to Swiss Air. They responded and WIthin twenty four

' hours explained that the Ingredient " Tritium 2" was not dangerous, but theairway bill was incorrect. This shipment was not " exempt" as stated, but" accepted". Perhaps this shipment should have had outside markings. Thisis t'he third time In nIne years that I have been exposed to radloactiveelements.

About SIX years ago this same scenarlo was repeated at Swiss Alr.When I called my supervisor, Jack Holzman, he took action immediately,-made phone calls, and had New England Nuclear, the consignee, call me toreassure'me that the cargo was harmless.Obviously we need to know more about what we are. dealing with here.Customs House Brokers are no longer required to submit airway bills ororiginal btils of lading which contain warnings regardIng hazardousmaterials in order to clear an entry. Yet it Is the broker who knowsexactly what the shipment contains. Therefore i suggest that brokers berequired to submit these bills with hazardous shipments, specificallystating what thc shipment is on the f ace of the entry, especially notatingthat the shipment may be hazardous. The recent shipment at Swiss Airsaid " Light Sources" on the entry. I am not a chemist, and in ,y ignoranceI assumed I was looking for some kind of light bulb.

I hope you can Influence the Department of Transportation toreconsider marking all hazardous materials, full or empty. Inspectorswill then have some knowledge of any potential health hazards. As forcontraband smuggling in hazardous shipments, that's what ACS is for, toevaluate shippers and receivers If a shipment must be inspected we



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should have experts available to assist us.Finally we should, in my opinion, have a local saf ety committee.

There are many agencies on the local, state, and federal level with whomwe could establish information networks. For example, some chemicalsthat spill on flesh should not be washed with water. We should beinforrned as to what to do immediately. Because of this most recentincident we now have a contact with the NRC.

This is not a complaint letter about the customs service. We are notat f ault. It is however a complaint. Radioactive material can causecellular and genetic damage. None of us should be exposed to suchhazards, especially if they can be prevented by such simple measures asexternal labeling, input from the brokerage community, and a saf etycommittee. Thank you for any consideration you may give to theserequests.Resp

Jo ce CannonSr. InspectorBoston Ma.

c.c. SCI J. HolzmanA.W. Grella N.R.C.

. .

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TO - John: White -


FROM Harry S. North . //Health Physicist :

0 'DATE: March 22, 1990.;



Enclosed is a copy of a draft, narrative, report of the shipmentof an : unshielded ' Ir-192 sealed source from the ROK to. Amersham,-Boston, MA.-




I want to thank you and= the other members of the NRC's AIT fortheir assistance and cooperation.


Our--office address'is:

Department:of| Industrial Relations .I: Division of Occupational Safety & Health 1

' Radiation Health Unit<

395 Oyster Point Blvd., 3rd' Fir., Wing-CSouth San Francisco, CA 94080

.Tel'. No. 415-737-2913


Department of Industrial Relations *

Division'of Occupational Safety &-Health'.

Radiation Health Unit ~- !

i ~P. O. Box 603San Francisco, CA 94101-0603







:e,c ,= m m 3-n-r o., ; --- -- ' . . w- = - . , , , o m ,g. w g rq.m g

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DRAFT mu. m.


Unshielded (r-192 Source Ship:wnt



Industrial Muclear Company, San Leandre. :A (1,1 cense No. 2229),.

manuf actured Ir-192 sealed source Serial Numter 1062 on April.."13,;h,

'999, a: >>hich '+:!me it contained 56 curies. The source was shipped-.

.gr'ay Gateway Express Co. to Boo Kyung, EA Ltd., Seoul, Korea, for use

by T.orea Industrial Testing Co. Ltd. (KIT) k,,

..: . ;'


ar5,{ ..p

'?n faren 13, 1990, Amerrhr. Corppration, Mi.trlington, MA, reassay'ed~

the '.ource at 2.49 C1 (a decay curve corrected ./alue was 2.42"C1)x,o.

ry + .s . 4h;:..,gggy

At some_ time before January 29, 1990,- KIT tranc.terred a model-: 500'8013%$~

source-changer to NDI, Korean distributor for Amersham. '5abse-w. .mwmw-

quently, ND: crranged with Diehl Shipping Co. Ltd. for shipment pf*":.

14 empty model 500 SU ,s:ource changers t o Amersham, 3 arlington, MA..

~.s 11 ::urco changar: ':e r e blivered te_- packaging firm, which.

placed them in an 18" x2 4* x4 0" -wooden t.ox . The box was lateric'on-,

solidated with cther carge in a 40' container (H3CU 7046731') and

loaded on the S.S. Hanjin Mokpo. Thecoxwas.'.ccatedapproximate1h. if+

30 feet from the container doors. The container was loaded 'orr-the.&#ND

anip with the doors facing af t, immediately fc rward of the

of 'he superstructure housing the crew's mess e.nd lounge. TBt: con--nowtainer was the second in from the starbeerd aide and in the first?

rier (closest to the deck - actually on a hatch cover about- S'ftabove the deck). The ship sailed January 29, 1990, and arrived in [




.- .. c.; . r. .-x -. c ,. m =- . ,, w, e...

-,, - . .



ORAFT. a,e ,


The shipc he '. s Angeles-Lung Teach harbor on F 3bruary 9,1990, %:ncnoted cut from the pier until 0605, reocuary 11, 1990, when the

She container was reme1Eed~;..,...

llan31n pier (berth 127) became evailable. qc.

from the ship at 0200, Tebruary 13, 1990, and placed on a tractor--@irailn chassie and parked in *.he Han$in serpinal (a large fenced ~

jats eith very low occupancy) in 6pacc J-53,-

. , rstir;a ced that the 'ongshoremen *.;crhing cargo during the un-.:rn s yu.

..cading probably apent less than 15-30 c.inutos in close proximity tom;Wh! >

:he :ource,- i.e. standing on the roof of r.he container above-ths.c<ri- +c.$.ha s-to whole body . distance upproximately 11 feet.~ Dis


source, acutce A r-for 1/8'cotating chielding t'l other cargo at tb t '.ocation, except


d < eel icontainer wall) the dose would have been less than111 mR/hr f or a total maximum exposure <,.! :.8-56 c. rem.


hasidering the placement af the source in the container 10. feetof the container and the upwed with which offloadingt r e:n front

containers are positioned at the Manjim terminal, the exposure ol'

the t racto r-t railer drive r was insigni ficant while moving the' " "

trailer to space J-53.,




-_- , - - - . -.. . . . _ _

. ., +.u.. ,,, v.4.g7 :m . : r ei! q "42 m2:s a.

<;(.-- ,q.I MlIN|


4M36 J,




It 's believed ihat n: ,orconnel exp:su:re :ccurred while the...

7.%iematrailer vas parked at the dan]in terminal .lue t o the la rge= size of,.i.

. . ,

the terminal yard and the low occupancy'. One indication of the m u.a., .

in-- ' 'mghave with con

hfrequent: contact any one-individual might

*ainer is indicated 'by *.he rumber of containers handled by H'8.

. m*2ar ..c nt h . Alfred C. Giannetti, .v.anager, "snjin Terminal, said' that.w;~J..e yard handles 3000-3500 ntainers per month with one loading /offJv.

amatng crane. MO*

7p g. . . s.

M' , b?

Obs centainer, mounted on a trailer cnassis, was picked ur fion ^*"apace J-53, at berth 127, by NOVA Container Freight Stationdhive&r,$|fdra

wCc '.es Arture Rodrigue:, California Driver': L:. cense No.. . . <

n February 14, 1990, at 0900. Rodriguez ist.imated the driving. time::: ;ar h '.07-t: t n e :.0'lA " nt:iner ? r.;ht ?':!:10n 'CFS) , 355 W.

qqgCoroo, Compton, CA, at 40-45 minutes. Jur ing the drive, the driverg

was 125 inches from -the f rent of the c The source was 10 #~

.wfeet from the front of the container. Taki.,g :.o credit for shield-


m.:t:Wing due te the cargo, i:he criver's exposure would have been 30 mrom'. 7

cr. er.ii t n c r. e o i t for shielding due to cargo, che's exposure would-L-- -

-have been insignificant. The container was spotted at one of*the(.$174,

wSOVA CFS unloading dock doors and unloading ..egan. NOVA personnel

est:2.ated that unloading required 2 to 2-1/2 hours and that the box-+;a ..wr



. an c,. ...c^; * w ..v ~ c :ch :, p., ..::: em- 4Wy'I14218 b.


. .



,a,e 2

m| |-

Of cource changers was it .oved betweem 1100 to .'.130 on. February 14ee

u 1990. The box was picked up using a forklift and taken to warehouse'

s :w,

ic ca L: cation 29 on the loading side of the sarehouse. A forklift:, c !:.'I: An;. nova of about 5 minutes.

+hh.. .',


he "argo in the freight :entainer vae ':aded unpalletired and..

! aut ng unloading lighter estgo had to be placed .;n pallets to permit.

.' e n. '!!! handling. The snipping document:- ident!fied the we'ight and_ iMEE

volume of each-lot of cargo shipped. The location of the box-ore w:wm.y

sou::s .. hangers ~in the cargo container '-le.w ettirated by the~vol6me~ "*

. ,.h?&}}e-% 5f ca rgo '.oaded af ter the tcx of source changers.s.) <

The estiaated r.2x1;;um exposure f or the_ .';; ding :rew (2 unloaders,.

aevecal fork]ift drivers, and a checkcri J u r i t:q a 2-hour unloading> q..

period corrected for the antelding provided by the average density.

of the cargo-was as high as 250 mrem. This possibic exposure was.,

. 1

tecsived by two unloaders . Alternate scenarios would result'in- f'!,

ceri'ced exposures. The e st in.ated e xposu r e of a forklift driver-

emcVing the package and Saving it to a 9terage location was.55, ;,


mrem, assuming direct line +.xposur e without chielding.'






. . , : r- - - .T-

, T;T;-r :: -

. r m n:1- Asf P A21s 5.

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Mk 1 '4 1990 {t


DRAFT219e 5.


. ::.e 'cox ci acurce chanwa ,;as placed i . 'cestion 28, which was 25:' . 30 feet from the desk used by Julie :t dmath, Shipping Clerk, who 1

0 .:c %rprL works 2-hour days. The :ox was placed at t ha.t location about-1200- a

,m;w ;

es .- _son February 14 end removed to be icaded f or s.hipment at aboutt 1000i'

ppmL *n * :b rua r'/ 16. If 9c, sudmark occupied her desk full time '(she


wc ad this was not the case), 8 hours'per~da.yr her exposure would


h r/e 5 een from 120 to '50 mrem. Based on Ms. Budmark 's statement '

r.a t ene :: pent only 45 .unutes to i hour per day at her desk,.andW4EWn

|_ the rest of the titte working at the various shipping doorsi itiap_ ~ '


L peare reasonable that her maximum exposurewas approximately,M W Y J3701 ;'

' @<L .tre.t. These estimates r.ssume worst case uith'no intervening shield -|-



. ten d.e ::x ci source ::ngers was 'unicaded, r.he unloading checker,

?Ar.los Ramos, coserved r. hat the box was damaged. The top-was par- ..|

::. lli !.if ted e.nd tha rir. iced side had 2 iw.' l e . apparently caused by~

a forklif t. He said he spent possibly : 5 minutes within 5 feet of:~


4t%the box. '31s estimated exposure was approxic.ately 170 mrom. A'~

t. 1

-X . , j

:% 1i' On Tebrusry 16, 1990,..: Covenant Transport :nc., Chattanooga, TNr|


trailer was loade6 with freight for Boston, MA, Philadelphia, PA,>

'e '.t imo re , MD, and Corspol?.3, PA. Leading the trailer required 2' |,

c.ours and was ccmpleted at 2000,;




- - '

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1 o


Y.A k D W W

%ge dORAF s


*ho box of-sourco changers was the firsc froight placed on-the-

. railer and was en the passener side of +.he trailer.. The estimated' :.~

excostre 0,f the loading cre'.i ( rew cor. position was the same as:.the~


.inlodoing r,rew) was escit.sted to be 3esu than 350 meem with the samee

:n: ./.a:::1::ns previcurly udr?tsed f or ne unloading crew. 'T"

" h e e.. Covenant Transport drivers ~left '!OV A , Compton, CA at.2000,-

'sbtaacy is, 1990, At 0030, February l'7, the t ruck stopped atithe>

-Le':en::1;dge in San Bernardine, because Cajene Paus was closed due toc.

, . p, q.m9tne weather. The truck and trailer were Larked at_the Econolodge,

l.T:: rC''?.beut 100 to 150 f eet fr0m the lobby, until 1500 on February''17i-

. . .e1990, when Cajonc pass vpened- and the t:uck c coceeded on I-15~ and

c nc -as 35-40 milo:: Sast of }*ingman , M a t 2100.- The truck was

..90, at Ontario, CA,. cupped at-a scale at-2230-D00, Februaty 16, '

-and f or noter vehicle inepections at 2330 '.400 : at Fontana, CA, and

february 17, 1990, in Colton, CA at 1500-1530.

@The truck completed discharging its load in Boston, ..A on February,."

22, 1990, at 1630 EST. Initial NRC estimates of the drivers' ex::n?t ts were in the renge ci 20 cem. Elood sauples were collected

trom the two truck drivers on March 1. 4 and 15, for chromosome

analyis at Cak Ridge, TN.


. _ _ _ . . _ . . _

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Page 7

DRAF. ! # -


1,ivf i)-.s% -- . ,

NCC ;1hns .: be-present in Long 3each, i;A tc observe . the un[ 5 din '.m .

. .

a.,a ..

af- he S.S..Hanjin .Mokpo,-when it next u ri';e.s on or about M Idb 235'

1990. At that time, entitr.ates of longshoremen unloading m 11be avsluated.

. This will be the S.S. iian]in tkpo's last vo d g.*

I:w e:s.:o be sold for :: cap after this e, rip. ]w;gg.,



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o S/N SU-699, 618 - Each S/C was added shielding welded to back and rightrear sides

o S/N SU-527, 50-518. 50-517, 50-522, 50-618 - have Serial No. en raved on,-

top flat surface of lid plus engraved [ PROPERTY U.S. NAVY

o S/N SU-556, SU-447, SU-530 have engraved on top flat lid[800-AUTOMAT 10N - XXX S/N]

o S/N' SU-518, SU-547, S0-530, SU-522, SU-517, S0-527All have shallow lid angles; all others are steep

o S/N 610 has steep angle

o Inventory of S/N of all 14 is:


o - Each source changer was visually examined for signs of denting, gouges,-e.g., as from a forklift fork. No signs of such damage were observed.Superficial scratching was mostly evident.

Alfred Grella

Earl Easton


E 6N/fd,.

#. = HEM+ c- gyjgMarch 15, 1990 I

Telephone Interview with Leo Harvey, Customs, Boston, MA - A. W. Grella

Customs: r

' Grella:- Leo Harvey, please. Mr. Harvey?,

Harvey: Yep.,-|

Grella: I just talked with Mr. _ Guem. This is A1 Grella of the NRC. |. I

Harvey: How are you doing? l

Grella: Good. We're just trying to tie down some loose ends, I guess that fyou are somewhat familiar with this event that happened over at !

-Patriot. |

Harvey: Patriot, Yeah.1

| Grella: We were told.that you were along with one of the inspectors, !

| Inspector _ Cannon on the day, I guess, that you came upon theshipment, j,

L Harvey: Yep 1

| i

Grella: Presumably you weren't over there to inspect that particular |shipment, right? ;


Harvey: That's correct.

Grella: Did you spend much time in and around the package?

Harvey: Well, we to look at different freight, so we were probably |

in the warehouse, roughly,15 minutes and then we had been walkingthrough the bonded area and we'saw the crate that was busted openso we just went over to see what was in it. Because we were looking ;

for pilferage and stuff. You could see the nuclear symbol on-them ;

you know, plain as day, you know? -

]iGrella: So your time was spent mostly in the warehouse area, with a little )bit of time in the bonded area.

Harvey: No, we were in the bonded area all the time. That is where all our .,

cargo is kept. )

Grella: What do you think your total time in the bonded area was? I

Just a rough estimate. j

Harvey: No more than 20 minutes.,

Grella: Okay, of that, would you be able to recollect how much time youmight have been anywhere near that broken package.

Harvey: Well, right beside it was probably two minutes, maybe, becauseonce we saw what it was, we wanted to go tell the guy in theoffice, cause the outside of the crate there was no markingswhatsoever.



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-Leo Harvey -2-

Grella: Right, right. J

.Harvey: We wouldn't have known what it was it had not been broken open.

Grella: Okay,-uh, did you have any other occasions during the period thatit was over there, I understand it was over there from the 22nd ofFebruary until March 8th, did you have. any other occasions to goover to the bonded warehouse.

.Harvey: Not myself, because that was the last week of.that particularcargo rotation that I was on and I was out to the airport, but Ithink that Joyce was down there for a few more weeks after I left.

Grella: What's this cargo rotation? You rotate.

Harvey: Every, we stay on a particular job for 30 days. Then after 30 daysare over, you know, we have about a 45-day rotation, and we just |keep going through it.

Grella: Okay,

Harvey: And then I came to the airport.

Grella: Yeah, I understand that Agent Cannon has had an examination. '

Harvey: . Yes, she told me, you know I didn't even know any of this investi-gations going on, because she had been down working cargo and Ihad been.up to the airport and she came up and told me that shehad to go and get a blood test and everything because there was aproblem with that shipment we saw. So I found out really aboutmaybe three days ago that you guys were, that there was a problemnow.

Grella: Well, we don't know if it is serious problem, what we are tryingto do and it's pretty difficult to reconstruct the whole routeand determine who might have been exposed for any appreciable ,

periods of time to make a judgment based on that.

Harvey: Those guys, the people that I would talk to, the kids that worksin the warehouse down there. You know, the forklift operatorsand such because they are in and out of the bonded area, all daylong.

Grella: Well, based on that, can you tell us, it doesn't appear that youwere down there very long, I definitely wouldn't have any concernabout it, so did you have any questions that you wanted to ask us?

Harvey: No, when Joyce told me she was getting a blood test, I just said,well, I guess she is going to get it relatively fast, and if she

|-sees a problem, I'll go get it checked.

Grella: Yes. Is Joyce Cannon around there today?



( , ,

. . .'j, ;;. , :-

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Leo Harvey; -3- _ . , -

Harvey: Yeah.-

Gre11a:1 How about if we can talk to her, if. she would like.

A Harvey:. Would you like to hold on a second?g.

:Grella:: Yeah. Thanks a= lot.

Harvey: O kay'.',












.- - - - - - - - - . _ _ . - - _ _ --- _ _ _ . - _ - - -5-

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bD{t)?j04-1/2 40

- tiarch 15,1990

4 Telephone interview with Richard Guem; US CUSTOMS, Boston,f4A,by Al Gre11a r


Guem: Hello.:

Grella: Yeah, Richard?

Guom: Yes.'

Gre11a: liy name is Al Gre11a. I'm with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission aspart of the incident Investigation Team that's looking into thispackage that came to Burlington last week.


Guem: Right.

Grella: And you may have been talked to by a fellow named John White.:

Guem: Right, a hum.

Grella: And we're trying to tie together some loose ends and we have beenispending all week talking to people and everything else and I just

got done talking to Dennis Vecarelloi

Guem: Okay.

Gre11a: to try to get a little idea of the process involved in inspecting incomingimport shipments and he gave us a pretty good rundown on how the processworks.

Guem: Okay

Grella: We hau a couple of questions that maybe you could help us with.

Guem: Yeah.

Grella: Do you happen to know whether there was a second inspector involvedthat was over at Patriot warehouse?

'Guem: Right. There was a second inspector there and his name is Leo Harvey.He, ah, Inspector Cannon, who was tested, in fact, this afternoon,by his physician, instructed, ah, no, advised, inspector Harvey ofwhat happened and he wasn't very cor Arned because he said he wasn'treally near the merchandise.


Gre11a: It appears that when they were there the fact that there was aradioactive package in their presence was incidental, they didn't goover there specifically to inspect that package, did they?

Guem: What happened was inspector Cannon was in that area to inspect otherfreight and noticed the damaged piece of merchandise. So she looked ,

a little closer and noticed inside it was marked " Radioactive." Soshe went into the office and advised the Patriot personnel that thisdamaged freight.was marked " Radioactive" and you people should getrid of it.

Gre11a: Okay. Uh, do you know someone named Irene Yee, YEE7


. . .

so( ,'

Richard Guem -2-

Guem: We thought initially it was involved with, ah, was with inspectorCannon, however, ef ter talking to them, she was not there that day.

Grella: It was Leo Harvey.

Guem: It was inspector Leo Harvey, right.

Gre11a: You don't happen to have his phone number, do you?

Guem: They are both here right now.

Gre11a: What's that?

Guem: They're both assigned right here today,

Gre11a: Ah, Okay.

Guem: want to confer with either one of them.

Easton: We'll talk to Leo.

Gre11a: Yeah, we'll talk to Leo after a bit after we get done here.

Guem: Okay.

Grella: Ah, let's see, there is one other question I'm trying to think of here.As far of this particular shipment, this particular package, do you knowwhether an actual inspection was made before release, because.we understanda great deal of the cargo is released after a paper check and that not allcargo is physically inspected.

Guem: That is correct. No. There was no physical examination of this piece ofmerchandise.

|'Gre11a: Okay, Um, will Mr. Harvey be there for a little while yet at this number?

j' Guem: Yeah, he should be here for another hour or so anyways.1

Grella: How about if we call you back in about five minutes.

| Guem: O kay. And your name again?

Gre11a: My name is Al Gre11a, GRELLA, and I have one of the other fellows on|

| the team, Earl Easton. John White is part of the team and we're nearing| up our work up here in Boston this week.


|' Guem: Okay.

Gre11a: and we're trying to tie some loose ends down on this process of Costomsinspections, etc. you know. |

Guem: Okay.

Gre11a: Okay, thanks a lot, we'll call Leo back in a few minutes.1

) Guem:- Okay, bye. ,




m .

OW59d 7-

3|B}76 i

March 15, 1990Telephone Interview with inspector Joyce Cannon, Customs, Boston, MA; A. Grella

Cannon: Hello.

Grella: Yes, Joyce?.

Cannon: Yes..

Grella: I am one of the other members of this team, NRC guys, that's uphere for the investigation. I guess that you have talked to JohnWhite?

Cannon: Yes. *

Grella: Okay, we just wanted to, we had Mr. Harmon, or Harvey on the phone, !we learned today that he was one that was along with you, and we


thought that we would touch base with him, 50..:

Cannon: O kay. .!

Grella: So, since he said that you were there, we might just touch base withyou and suo if there were any questions. We ur.derstand that you didgct your blood.,


Cannon: Yes, today. '


Grella: I suggest, I'm sure that you will be informed of the resultseventually, and, ah, if you have any questions at that time, don'thesitate to ask the physician, okay..

Cannon: I won't.

Grella: Okay, because that's the logical response to anybody that has hisblood checked, okay, what is the result and what does it mean.You know.. i

Cannon: Yes.

Grella: And, ah, hold on a second. How often were you at the Patriotwarehouse during this period the package was over there.,

|L Cannon: Okay, we're figuring, Mr. White told me that it came in on the


Grella: Right

i Cannon: And, Leo, when did yua leave the cargo? That week. That was Leo'sL last week, Leo was with me, so that's the week we found it.; The week of the 22nd of February. Okay?1

Grella: Okay, but was that the only, were you over at the wart; house everyday during that period or just on that one day.

Cannon: Every day that week. i

. . _ _ _



.w ,




Joyce Cannon -2-

I*tila: Okay.4

cCannon: But we didn't see it, you know, until probably the 22nd or the

23rd. It was that week that we saw it. And the day I saw it,~


I went in and I told the warehouse manager or the office managerto get it out of there because it was broken and you could see >

that there were , canisters with the warning labels on them. Isaid neither you nor I-can be sure that this deactivated container :and for the safety of the employees you should get it out of hereand isolate it '


Gre11a: John may have asked you some of these questions, already, so:bear with us if we are repeating any of it. Let's say the package

was labeled and identifiable as such, what different would have.

taken place?

Cannon: Okay, it would have been isolated in the warehouse away from >

the other cargo. That's the normal procedure, if there is a labelon it, they store it in a special place.

Grella: 1s it safe to say that a formal inspection should or would have beenmade also?

E Cannon: No, we wouldn't have touched it.

Grella: Is that right? Because we just learned that normally or 90% of.

the freight is inspected anyttay and the rest is paper work. We are '

trying to determine if you were going over specifically to inspecti

;I that shipment.

Carnon: No wc didn't. We were in there in that cage about 15 or 20 minutesand was inspecting other things. That's when we noticed it. Again,

| 1 said, I told them to get it out of there and I went and told my,

l supervisor about it, but i know that I had been back in thege'

and it was still there.

Grella: Right. The other places that you go where there is hazardouscargo, restricted articles, is it also a practice that type ofcargo is isolated in the bonded area.

Cannon: The only thing I can really tell you is that they are good. ,

Grella: Like I say, we just thought that we would touch base with youand we are glad that they took the semple .and all I can say isthat if you have any questions, I am sure that you might, when youget it, don't hesitate ask the ohysician.

Cannon: Yeah, I have already talked to them about it..

Grella: Thank you very much for your cooperation, by the way, we appreciate [it.



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' ' ~

f ate FEB. 06, 199!


d k-'To: Nova Container Freight Station '


Nova Transportation Services, Inc. ii -

- 355 West Carob Street ;'

Compton, CA 90220 Attn.: Sil0RLESTER / BILLY CHAN'



Our Ref.: FEDS-0802

'- 13417 1/2 PUMICE ST.!

i* NORWALK, CA 90650From: STELLA '

Please arrange for the pick up and devanning of the following:,


Vessel /Voy. No. IIANJIN M0KPO V-092E ETA 02/09/90 \. . . , ,


Container N . IlJCU70 11JCU7703604/ !!JCU7747979 /-OBL _ llJSCPUSA16149303[hb



Location 127 SAN PEDRO'

m rm t \ r"1-

W ' "2 ,

.. _ . , ,

We enclose the following documents:t

'~ M

@ M B/L Copies @ Manifest Co @ Coples of each H B/Lf

Devanning instructions:

b Thereis 41.940 CBM as leave on. Only devan - 21.286 CBM.ICU7703604 :

IlJCU7046731 IlJCU7747979: NO LEAVE ON CONTAINER.O There is no leave-on. Please devan the entire Container.



* ULB-900174 (7 CTNS) ULA-900169 (250 CTNS) : " HOT CARGOS"|

Please bill detention of the leave on container to:

Consignee Custom House Broker Trucker- X NVOCC.Consol, FF


For services covered by this document, the l' ability of Nova Tran.:portation Services, Inc/Nava CTS la limited to$0.50/lb, or $500.00 per shipment, whichever is less, unless a greater value has been declared arid charges


for such value paid.




s es 7/no..

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,, '~~ TE :1990/01/30, *

=======================================H.5/R NO : HSt-900141 C0NTAINEE L0AD PLAN / . " . 01 DA


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3 LEA 3JIN HOEPO I V-092E I 01.29 !. 02.11 l_ HJCU7046731 1 25695 1

------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------.------- ------- ---. -----_ -------------------.


3 I I DAE!L SHIPPING *S CFS I < >20Ft <*>40Ft < >40J l

------------------------------------------------ ----.------------.....--...... ----------------------------- ---------------------.I SIDE l LOADING PORT I PLACE OF DELIVERY l FINAL DESTINATION I


---------------..---------------------- ----.--------------------------.------...--.--------------- --- ---- --- --------------------

--.--.----_--- _-- _----_------.---- --------------_---- _-.---------. _-----_---...-_----------....---_-_.--_----- -_ ------- -- --1 IROI 8/L N0 i SHIPPER I MARIS | COHNODITY l NO.0F PEGS I MEASURE IGROSS VEIGHT(EGS) i

1 1 I l | I I (CBM) !REHARES I- ------------ ------ ----------.

---. ------------- ------------ ---- ------------.--------...----- -.-------------- ---.---- --

101]DSH-900010lSUN EYUNG EXPRESS Co. LTD IS.I.E. lH/K GOODS I V/S I 12.7911 1.000 1*



i 1 I i ! l I I I

-------------- ..-------------- -------- ---------------------------.----- ---------------------- -------------------------------

10210BO-9001711NDI CORPORATION |ADDR IT. EMPTY I IB0X 1 0.2301 371 I

i | 1 IBOSTON I I i i !

I 1 i ! ! I I I I.--- ---- ------- ------------ -----

---------- ----------------------------- -------- --------------.. ---...-- ------- --------..

103!0CH-900150lSANNI CORPORATION IBOX N0.31 ILlHKS ASSY l 180 1 0.420I 415' I

i i i IPART N0.:7708169 | | | 1 1

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104|DDE-9001511SAMMI CORPORATION IJ H L ICOMBO AMP s4V/ BOX 5.6651 4.084 I1 10 8

i i ! IDETROIT | * .jhd i I !


i l | IP/0 NO.:150879 l)hd2--- ---.-...-------------------- --.---- -- ----------------------------- ------- ---- ----. -

10510HO-900193110REA OVERSEAS TRANSPORT CO.. LTD. IITI ICOLD SACK ! 36C N(S)! 3.3501 929 .0,

1 1 I | HOUSTON | I I i l'

I I ! . IP.O. NO. ITI-4058 I I I ,I O--- ---_--------.----s-- --------.-- -----_----- ...- -------- -.------------------.----------- ___----- -----_------__-- -------

10GlULA-900144tFAltVIND 1RTERNAT103AL. LTD. IBV/IP |S/B CASE 6V A i .8201 5.165 {

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02/07/90 NOVA Container Freight Station Page:

[ CFS Operations & Accounting System-


'NVOCC Name : FIDELITY TRANSPORT INC. Reference.No'.t' FEDS 0002

V ntsol Name : HANJIN MOKPO V92E container Nois HJCU7046731

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--02/07/90; NOVA Conteiner Freight Station PageCFS Operations-& Accounting System




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SAFE *UARD NOTICE: While this vessel is m the terntorial hmets of the United States, no crew member or other person shall remove any of thefollowing items encept by specific permission of an agncultural officer: (16 fruits vegetables, meats, or other animal products, (2) lave plants; (3) liveinrds: (!) hay, straw, nce hulls. hold sweepings or dunnage. ($) garbage from food matenals includmg rooterop bags, meat wrappers, and other foodcontainers. GAftBAGE MUST BE KEPT IN COVLRED, LE AAPROOF CONT AINER$ INSIDE THE VESSEL'$ RAILING 4T ALL TIMES

If any agricultural items are scene.J, the $ccis are not to be broken or removed while tius vessel is withm terntorial hmits of the United States or theSt. L;wtonce Seaway encept undur direction of an agricultural officer.

U:AENING NOflCE: The requ6rements above are specified m 7 CFR 330 and 9 CFR 94 and violations are puneshable by fme and impnsonment(7 U S C.1$0gg)

ti. l Fulty Understand the Safeguards Prescritied Alsove ($sgnature of Nnpimusw Sh9/ a @8merf 1s TITLE is DATE




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(Th;s Section Must Be Completed Before Driver Witt Be Paidtt)DMfVER NOTRS / 00MMWWD'

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Q)n 4A ABA Aa F W1*C"!$R:eson for Layover- cuy state

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ADVAN N q ,',...Driver Please include All Highways Usedil



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C-D'ST* * *vy'**\*",o**~~ l'L*g7pa,%*,g t;n,'j:;,7h'~j -

aN %>- are customs purposes

f 24.1 certify pet as statements inade and as enformaton contated herein are kup and coroct; and that I tee read and undwstand we instructons for preparaton of the document, sei| torth in tre " Correct Way to F6tl out the Sh6pper's Emport Declarsteon." i urdiwstand

that c#ml and tsimenal penartet. incluthn0.hng to prowde tre requested entormaton or lortorlanture and sale, may te imposed Ior matungfatae er fraudulent statements terem, taniaton or us town en esportaion <is ust tee. 305,22 UAC. sm 40t, is vttC.sec. iooi. 6ou sc Ancx 24 toi.

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'm ta'm a w. i m .utwo._,|;nnerm, . 2 6. AcIHENTecAlioN (ntevi avsmss

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The ' Correct way to Fill Out the Shipper 4 Export Doctaration* is available from the Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233.

.._.___ _ _ _ _ - _ _ , . _ . _ _ _ ,.

L; . '' c' ^ (Provide at least tw3 copies 13 the alrline. !+ * *


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*P'' TWR1!m TM. M M Air Waybill No-

, 2506 M VIS sr 180-1011 2944(osc os4tpo)SAN IKARIC CA. 94577 Page of Pages

2 2Shipper's Reference Number

r e n.o

consignee 2 M E 00 I.E SF ERFA (M M M M $41DIID-Datt lautetztnac-IST EBOUL 150 MarA


Two completed and signed copies of this Declaration must WARNINGbehandedto the operator

TRANSPORT DETAILS Failure to comply in all respects with the applicableDangerous Goods Regulations may be in breach rf -

This shipment is within the Airportof Departure the appilcable law, subject to legal penettles. This 'timitations prescribed for:

M '"*" # 8 W Declaration must not, in any circumstances, begg3 g completed and/or signed by a consolldator, a (g, gRG forwarder or en IATA cargo agent.


L Shipment type: to. sere non-atecath)Airport of Destination:rTMpo . M I - o ^ ~ - r_ l RADIOACTIVE | t



Proper Shipping Name, Class, UN Number or Identification Number, number of packagos, packing Instructions andaIIotherrequiredinformation. .j |J



IIGDRM 192 'j,'q (1) TTPE B PACRIBB, M % MsMOGM '?'

tau arIAasL II| 4 .

TRRIERGE' DEspt I (1901 PAO W E$ g== x m= cum MOwmo @ k

{Syncan m amarrrems eusvoiss/mm-mmCuso

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tINalHandbing5n ormat?Ad

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1 herebyI iste that th contents of this consignment are fully and Name/ Title of Signatory9, ritie' ,aboye by proper shipping name and are classified, MDQt 3GIE/S M Nac'etirate,fy d

paoked.. tht , ,,jand, labelled jand are.In all respects in the properPlace and Date N,q.gO


condition)pttransport tiy'$1f Ac,cerding 1o the applicable internatlonal and*

Na 6,na[o6FfnehM6)ulatioks. '' ~ j %. , . Davis St., San Imardro C3' r.c. 3 .. 3 pg ignature3 e.<q.y




, @. ,1 ' y ? )L % (m wamwo ntm) |} &a ,

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'# Plant inspectirn C;mpany

Plant inspection Laboratories @^, .

INC / Plant inspection Servicesq

v' '


V .- 2500 Davis Street. San Leandro. CA 94577v 35 Hegenberger Place. Oakland, CA 94621

(415)568 7775-(415)562 7500-

(415)568 0132



IRIDIU4 192.


WIDO-EU WUdINGPO-13 P .O. 10, 89 D'i 17. ~$'




s o c. .


b S/NI#










'Ihis is to certify that the abcree named articles are properly described, packaged,.marked, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according tothe applicable regualtions of the IMpartnant of Transportation. t

HEALTH PHYSICS SUlWEY: 'Ihis , survey is the result of readings taken aftermatarial is empletely packaged and ready for shipnent.

. .


thxinun Surface Radiation DeviceMR/HR 0 39" _ 2

2tbxinun Surface Radiation container tm/HR ,

MR/HR @ 39" |


DateApproved For Shipnent


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g- 2506 Davis Str:et ;

"San Leandro, CA 94577

l rPLEASE REMIT TO: 3(415)508 7775




BLDG 34 YODO-D0tcORDER NO.( @pE%gg j




'' >


SDOUL 150 1DREA y P.O. NO. 890407-2*

890412-3SHIP VIA





3 3 IRIDIm 192 2072 GDQM3DE 8 S/N 1051 575.00M3D E 7 S/N 1060 575.00 -

M3 DEL 8 S/N 1062 575.00 1725.00.

1 I IRIDIW 192 1369 GBQ 510.00 510.00FDDEL S S/N 1063

|-| 2 2 IR-50 S/N 299

S/N 0103.



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survey instrument Ceubretion REMARKS PARTS 2235.00Cmm: rey cafitrations a*e rnade we Cesium 137. A compleie record of each instrument ismaintned in es files. Danery chech.s and routine preventive maintenance are also included aspa t cf the cahtwation procedure. Cesium source used in ca4tration is traceable to an NBS CAllBRATION TAX % ,

can.tted Cobalt 60 source.DATE:

N;t:: Survey rneters are calibrated to the front of the outer casing at the GM tube locason. LABOR

m t se .nw ie -. _ b e= es nwSERVICE CALL

isoo em i

t i CUARANTELPi.ase vote that the cha'pos s ted two, this spe:Mca

si8 80 4 reno p e,vy. we gua ani.e an nans insisted t,r us. tv e" MINIMUM CHG'7C'E'.",I,1*d,823"ifEf%a'io M'' ' 5

" ' ' TE.r,..,"..w K 'E ".f M. E. U. Tc,o. S. 7.r$,syippigo~n . , . .,,,, e,,,,, , t,,e .=*aw w the r*...o vas.

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ro,m 704 rney. out Customer. White Aecto . Yoflow Aceta. . Pink _ P_ackinn _Slin G_oldenrod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

r - -- -~ - .. .

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A b^X646 fm1._hctes6m47 ;

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SGS Industrial Senices -



,__-4 ,,5

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2$06 DAVIS ST. (415) 562 7500'


SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 FAX (415) 562-0762~

. . . . . . _

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. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -

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250s Davis street. San Leandro, CA 94577






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:eme e,m .ffJDA

f Of Ai Mitt 6 DnevdeG TODAij"~

(Dhidt H'N ' iGNATU' E IN f UtLi$ R

COVENANT TR ANSPORT, INC. w .-. _ _ . . _ . _ g gg. g. -

_ 9,:4,4,9tt,g, ,

4130 SOUTH CREEK RD. - CHATT ANOOGA, TN 37406 . - _ -


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DATE: TR ACTOR / TRUCK NO.: T' .., 4:S) NO.(St. ._ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _

{ g i deluct no defect or dehc'ency in this motor vehicle as wout.1 be hkely to affect the safety of its operation or

(> result in its mhtianical breakdown


"{ g i detecs the following defects or deficiencies in this motor vehicle as would be hkely to affect the safety of itsi opetahon or result <n ris mechanical breakdown

Indicate whether defects are en TR ACTOR / TRUCK or TR AILER - Use suff;cient detail to locate for mechanic,

. . . - . - . . . _

- - .- -


.. .__

_ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ,g.


. _ _ . . _ . . _ _ . _ _

DRIVER'S SIGNATURE _. _ _ . . . _ . . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _

O Abeve defects corrected O Above detects need not be corrected for safe operation of vehicle

MLCHANIC'S SIGNATURE - __.. ___ _.- -._. . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . _ ._


* cm..w ms a v4 o,2 i man a owcares at

DRIVER'S DAILY LOG RECAPpa cus= dan DAv u nouRsi mom ^t 'a+=r=> o- ~~n+'. ., DUPUCAM Driver retams m his poems.on ior ogN &


MCii"? |}U & J ii,L ~ j} - GQ =|%"wosr <DAvi 7vi A/, now uaAnivoDAy, u.,i.w . . .... . .,mor.a MnRs ssowtAcs<Ni

com e,.as10pm. . -. .

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001 AL MitI$ DRIVING TODAY) (Dmy't P $ $4GNATJHt IN f utti

COVEN ANT TR ANSPORT, INC. wmvs.h a irme

NAMI QF CAHRif R 00 (ARRiiRS# INAME Of CD DHevt R) *"'


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/ < b * vi ,N 1 -

get k. t ,Cs ,* B+'

y 's ,' Ir P P A3 ,og \N

y ,%c p c '. s'iJ g 3 i; g g'* t*66;; i i;;


c{@ 1 .\ wa isv *

y ,(s u'4, -t- i,d e.-


s- N )P)ey;-s ' A = = ='s ses \ d

'r w .: ='y st s,

sh y !....._....I (jA fg %y ocom m m o4b..andT n.m. v . cww. .no comm ',T; "ccw n,. i.m. ano enm a.m. oh you ,.r.o, *n.<. .i. o i om .<* ano wn.< .ao on... ..a en.nv._e aun m o,,.o t=u..n n.:... imor.

_ ,.,.,u,,,_ . _




$'AIci*1%! AHTW5 POINT OR Pt ACE | ,

USE T,,IM,..E ST AND.a.d e, ;ARD AT HOME TERMINAL msec % a *.=* sease a succee+. *( mai

- _ . - . . -._ _ __-_- ___


-- - . _ _ . . . -' ' ' '

' ' " ' " " '"






DATE: TR ACTOR / TRUCK NO.: _ _ . TR AILER(S) NO.(S): . -.___.--. ._ --. _ -_ _ --


f g~ I detect no defect or deficiency in this motor vencle as would be likely to affect tt'e safe'y of its operation orce result in its mechanical breakdown

_. "h O I detect the f it wing defects r deficiencies in this m t r vehicle ab w uld be likely to affect the safety of itsi operation or result in its meet.anical breakocwn


Indecate whether defects are on TR ACTOR / TRUCK or TRAILER Use sufficient detail to locate for mechanic

._._ . _ . _

_ _ . _ . . . _ _ .

i _ - . _ .

. _ _ ._ . _ . . . . . _ . _ _ _ . , _

._ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _

,_ _ _ . _ . _ . - _

.- - - - . - . - _

_- . . _ . - - _ . . - - - -

DRIVER'S SIGNATURE -_ - _ _ . _ _ _ . - _ . _ . - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _

O Above defects corrected E., Above defects need not be corrected for safe operation of vehiclee

MECHANIC'S SIGNATURE _. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . - - . _ - . . _ _ -

DRIV.ER'S S.IGNATURE ,, ; inaa a assocam ac_ . _ _ . _ _ _ - - - - - - _ . - - -

c e imame n

. . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ -.


. . _ . . =

DRIVER'S DAILY LOG,(ONE CALINDAR DAY 24 HOURS ORIGthAL File each day el horne tesmmel RECAPe .

DUPLICATE Drtver retamt m his ptasesu,e toe eaght days

_--.,....|!?I, .

a. . . . . . . .. . -.. -


;;&n1 .. j <,( . .

vo.c c w m AR> nOw u Am iooAm m ,. , , .. .. . . . n o. .w m ,- . vts ca ~u= Rs ts, ow i Acu uwn...~...;

8 4's



(NAkhd M [.AR}dt'R URi' ARR61 RSr (N1hAE O& (O'DR'V'E R,'-


4130 SOUTH CREEr RD. - CHATTANOOGA, TN 37406 _--_


. . . .(SAAlh OFFICI ADDRES$a... . . . . . .

L,,*>';g.. .. ..

IHOME TE RMir.At ADORE S$) ,3g,r


Mla TOl&L[. ._ ,2n ; ,3wio.n 4 5 6, , 7, 8 9, 1,0 1 1 .nx.,. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 91011 wouns re ne,/o4 .+, .;- u

1: OFF DUTY W # **5I Li&L.-

, .

. . .


2: SLEEPER d- m m- - 4 - 4 - n 14- ' * --+- 4-m* --n = ' - - ~ * - + - + - --t - -


. . - _.4.% : -- g ( ,o,m , o,,

; BERTH . . . .. __ . , , ., . 4 , . , . . . _ . _ . ' g,g|m ' 3: DRfVING =


. ,[41 . . -. . . . . . . ~ s. ,)dL,-.,

. , ... . . _ , _

4: ON DUTV ' Waai~. .

2J m , GLIo..A WAR A: mor ouiva.e ,o , . . . _ . . (,,,.,, ,,,5 g ,g . .1 2 4 .

nnEowT . ,2.. 3, h 56 7 8 9 1,0 11 Wit 3 4 o ? 8 9, .10 .I

l ,'

. 5o, cRE/AARKS \.,

,. -. g -,M k _' 3 ""v '."_' '


('' hs '''1*4

*c( t4 4, ,' x, n

\ L w DAY< g a vseskb i 4 7h$ L;7 f, y ' t, > t' i \ s

@ h < s , e-


- c w/ ts

k T4. p- ,- U <V. ,oiar,.gi &.


) 6 . y.sI /\ \a m;t asi

,sn',,l3 s, g-

V t'/' R kk ims m^ ' * * *$-- s ,

5 t ja r t I& +$r eg c r s..__ _ _y 5'( A, 8 /0 9 ipN 4

shwag n .nd.., nomw o, n.. v 4 e.w., ,',, C.|chat in. i. .ao .r i., w... e pi e. you ..ponco .no . no c.>mmo4iv -- ano .' .n nc on.. .o od a .,v o..c..".4 1 5i.. - ..c.$ nour...r. < c.u.o e


,o,,n c,o+ ,

cF R O M'- ' ' ~ ~ ~ ' TO., isi ARTM, e(ikT OH PLACfl (Df $11NAItON OR TURN AROUNO PO4hi OR PtACE) #[,[$,f

-E' . E STANDAHD AT HOME TERMsNAL can ml*S1 & Pwahehed by i 15E.619 4 AWX4Af15 9M.. TODAT






f g i detect no defect or deficsoncy in this motor vehicle as would be likely to affect the safety of its operation or~

{n result in its mechanical breakdown


'a i detect the following defects or deficiencies in this motor vehicle as would be likely to affect the safety of itsgi operation or result in its mechanical breakdown

Indicate whether dafects are on TR ACTOR / TRUCK or TR AILER - Use sufficient detail to locate for mechanic



.._ ..__

.-.. _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . -

..- ._.. _

n ----. ..u,m.w_-

._ ._ _.___

.._. _ _ _.

_ -. .._. _ -..

) DRIVER S SIGNATURE __ _ - _ .. _ _ _. _ ._._.__ __

C Above defects corrected O Above defects need not be corrected for safe operation of vehicle

MECHANIC % SIGNATURE _ _ _ _ ._. _ __

' DRIVE R 'S SIGN ATUR E ., . .___ __ __ _._. ____ _ _.* c e im a sw.w e i mas a c

f.: D M 3a D .Y N sf o ga,'; 'g. p yy,,.i,, g,===L,,,,,,, aEcAPA.

g]gjg ----

suouw gap . mxa3 - ooin uuAcoooAn i n e i , ., , . visects muusts.s .iswow tAcaunivtv

45V s4 *~ ~ , _ ~~

s - porAt uus onivlNG TooAn toRIVER'S SIG

COVENANT TRANSPORT, INC. $0 r0 %g),sc ,,, i =WF


=inAus or cuaita on cAnnites , inAus or,co-oaivina g i' 4130 $0VTH CREEK RD, - CHATTANOOGA, TN 37406 f.

_ , ,

tuAmomca Aooatssi inouje taumuAoonassi '= ,'T." '". A1 2.~3 4- 5 6 7 8'9 10 11 woou 1 -2 3 4 5/ 6 78-9 [0 11 E 7. m.

L1: OFF DUTY '|' '|' '|' 3|' II' '|I '|I '|' 3|3 '|'I'|3 'll 3|3 '!' 'I' 'I''f'|3 '|' '|' 'l' '| g' '

c 2: Me '|' '|3 '!' 'I' 'I' 'I'. 31 ' '!' 'I' 'I' ':' '|3 '| /I' 'l' 'I' 'I' il' '' [' ''H \.. b.u'ms'., -

''' ''' ''' *i


- *' 3: DRIVING 's 1 t i i i t t. ) ! I!I,[ld , ",ow?

' ' i '

111 lit til lit til til it1 ||Itt|1ill 111 ill ill 1-1 1iii iii iin sii iir iir iii iii iii

t!! 1|1 t|1 l|1 III t|t III ||1 ||t ||1 1|| Ill 1|1 i T 1|| ||| ||| ||1 t !'t h ! ||i T}T ||t il I.$ | Mt noi i..,,,.

emow1 ' 1 2 ~3 o 0 6 7 8 0 1.0 1.1 woou 1 M 3 4 ( 6 7 8 9 I D 1.1 ; g

' REMARKS l'I'I'I'I'l'l'l' 'l' I'l'l'lil'I'l'I' 'I'l'l'l'l'l'l'I' {K 'I'l{ll'I'l'l'I'l' '% "gf

$g>W :E||r/ + r %iL Ae N .W W 1,2 A> ~

'g +L AA.a

1 f' \ % 1 10*h. FAe

"::"' M'* *^ - **

'Ytv Q f N N @Ic y \ > .

% .7 3(bF 9 .!g #e. "% # r '*"' _jDD 3 *q}u3 Q

%gg,u;!3 2* = = 2 @ .''.""./4'#.=',,'.7. L L,,- ..,,. .$n a-


,. . -o,,Ia %. M,c.FROM: TO:'*isTAmtmo Por on PLAct) agsTg oR TURN ARouNo POINT on PLAct) ,

._,,.-u....._m ,1,

Y - -

. , . . . . . . ..


. . _ _ . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . . . . _ . _ . _

%, | ; ,.:/ +4'



;* -

, ,.




^g i detect no defect or deficiency in this motor vehicle as would be likely to affect the safety of its operation or;

c result in its mechanical breakdown.

' ' .h -. . . .


l detect the following defects or deficiencies in this motor vehicle as would be likely to affect the safety'of its- 9, a :O'l operation or result in its mechanical breakdown.-b ;,


tr[d t ether defects are on TR ACTOR /TR'UCK or TR AILER - Use sufficient detail to locate for mechanic..t4

db- - _

-,, ..


_. _,

. . . .




j ,,.: -.



. O Above defects corrected .O Above defects need not be corrected for safe operation of vehicle




' '

* c.,v.e m2 a - w t i um a assocam.w.

. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . ... .

DRIVER'S DAILY LOG RECAP* (ONE CALINDAR DA" 24 HOOHS1 OR1GrNAL ble eact' cav at home termmal* '

DUPL ICA 'E I f ew0f relame m hg postewori tot enght daysb SAY 8e0


(MONT H,. . . (DAYi/. . , . .(Vt AR) _.. - - . -110f At Mkl AGE TODAv) ' cort.*y theae ont:*es are tr ue erid correct VEH Ctt Nt>MUERS. _ . . . - - . . . . - - ~ . . . . _ - _ _(SHOW E ACH UNIT,. ._

. .. . - . . . - -. __ .-

oorvue; sees100Av

~ _ . _ _ . . . . . _ . .(10T AL MILE S DRtylNG TODAY) ._ IPR'Vt H S 5,.GNATURE lh FULL 3... . .

7074 u,4 3. - . . . . _ _ - . . . . . . . . . . , - - - - -

COVENANT TRANSPORT, INC. w~. . . _ _ _ , _ . _ . - . . - . . . . -- - .- m. .o,

' 4130 SOUTH CREEK RD. - CHATTANOOGA, TN 3;406 - --

. . . . .. -.

y,",;*,5_ . . . _ . .

iMuu omci Acon ss, en n ewhA. Aoogess, , ,,- aAID

10 ,1 1,_.- .q (OT ALT

1 2 3,, 44 5. , 6 7, 8 ,9 10 11 Noo, I 2 3..4 5 6 7 8 9woni noues 7e nsice

7 y sAv4-+,


*}. ,,,|C ,.,yh $C.- ' $$fy,, T,

'"*5Dy -

Af ,M P. , Abr,t;f, ,%,066. m ,,

b ,. , , d O', ,

2: SLEEPER - C,et I!ryge><_Ih Y '' [BERTH ' d2d.s As /s a A . . / 4 L T/c hge 4 ""

. ,

3: DRIVING m'p g ., f

h]., . a4: ON DUTY

. ._i _. .. ... ...u.m . . . .. .. .'

d+ ' A e'l U- - ~ ~ ~'ciM ~1

chat onwwo) . u. . . t I "P .V' ' . . : d-I. f .r O.f,",{_'

n . -.Eo. 4, 1, 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 l. 1 2 3, ,,,5, w.T7 h 9, 10 11


N.0. ,.1 '

o. e-- -, ..., -

.EVA | O'.Or?.

l ' s ,t+< mm,

g. i .\i 9 ;* } p m'

YO - f Nf Y h * ?v''

. , s

Yme 5 W30,t** # A f', j 'd , ' ' ji y*pp ens , ,

po /'[ A r .

y.' /(e , ,


T wL /, /L 4, e CAS t s ) , A.v


,3 s 4 ,or.. s o,.-

5/.p </ Mnspv4| Gkg-[ u,N%)$g 5[ ' XOo ., , . )A J D ., 4

% i w [ G'^ *_! m as 4rSch y

k'Nkj < s:*'

& /u.) ele e&s: /T f Q 1 T ? L.~

c,, 4 ,,o,. , mano.i nom, e- a nsm, .>< . ha., . .no,si,v,om -,.. .no -,.e ..n .. .wan.e, ? T'_ -


,_f,'O,_'sn.pp.n a. v

,.~.,,a,. ,,, o um. ,oo ..m,,,.a . - , . . . . . . . . u, m ,.oE.g..... ..,so ,, ,

.ms - .

_ .. . - . . . . . . . TO - _ - -

- . . _ . . _ . . . . - - . - - _ . .(DESTINATION OR IURN AROUND POINT ON PLACE _ . . . . . . . . . _. . _


"A ,f

USE T,I,cu ions a %#.v.RD AT HOME TE Rres mc pars ,aME STANDA MINAL=c , s w a > uma a Au s. too4


_ _ __ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ _.._ _,_

. . . . . , ' . ,



' . ' .




I $ 1 detect n defect r deficiency in this motor vehicle as would be likely to affect the safety of its operation or . 1

EO result in its rnechanical breakdown.g

'k"I I detect the following defects or deficiencies in this motor vehicle as would be likely to affect the safety of itsO-.


I operation or result in its mechanic 61 breakdown.W' > -

d ~ Indicate whether defhets are on TRACTOR / TRUCK or TRAILER Use sufficient detail to locate for mechanic.~


a , ,




. f*


_ .-

a $ ;




- (

- - -I. . _ . .


O Above defects corrected - O Above defects need not be corrected for safe operation'of vehicle<



DRIVER'S SIGNATURE: .t e c u nas a sue e s. uuse a assocaut m:.h ', '

_ . . . _ _ _ . _ _

- - - . - - - - . - - . . . - - . - . .-


, E

.' ' g ) y ' q (, -,

IMON[) ~ (DAY) (YEAN (101AL MMAGE TOOAV) I c.,tet, in..e .ntro a,. tea. and c.,,.ct VE MICL - Ar JM86RS -(SHOW E ACH UN ')










O1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 woou 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 E,,, J,, gn ante

l' OFF OUTY 7TrTIT 111 || ilijili 111 111 1]r ;iii!ijiji iji i|1 i|1 iji tji 1|| ||1

**1 ,, i i|| iji i j ig 58/Z$ |' '

._d_'!'- ' ! ' ' ' ' f' ' '

' |> 'l3'

4 ,<I' '!' '!' '!' !!' III 'l' 'll '|' l' Il' 'l' Y'l' I|' I|' " . , ,''!

'I' ''' '2: 5L5tPER

12rz/e 4._._ __ /I O


BERTH LL g,w,'3: DRMNG 1,dj iji i|! 1|i iII IIi !|i dl i!! !|! ., 4 i i

ldigiil1i i i !jl 4.g 3- -

111 Tii 1 i i 1 j_ 11Ll .I i1iiiiii.tu ,.I I4: ON DUTY

.lbdi_idl I!I ILLldad M14J !I IlI>

i i i i i

f f9hjNjt hi l IlI I. S O'oiu '=sa L iiiji i iii9 i ii i1 1(NOT ORiviNG) > > >ii i':

'\ 5, +t = = = . .,een 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 h 9 60 1 1 woou 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 29 10 1 1


'I' S '[[I'I filAM "g3;T1dV g "+ p ,

y % y 3 3 33i - -;

fl,t q , ,' pp i %* A(x ,

S n' k 't b d[h; G Obs %'t A.

Ut p[D gyi d: * c7 .\c d[v' $N } q


tpa $( ' t- [V' ,) k I"$ i( Y )g

v ssi

"Et, k d' (O +

Seu. ppm.o.ecu.m nt. m.e.n.ta.m.o.m. b ,. ., nam. .e . in co., eno . t,v,.m .no e .Y.).non... cn .n.n ' ut. . . Een .., noo,.'d 0 %

s.S Q" W_Oin

Cn m .no .n ,n - , n.o no -,. . A.


U,SE QT,AgMO,AT HOMgg(N L un t


..''"'..;.. . , , , ,' , ' , , , , , ' .. " ' - ' ' - - ' - ' - -'

ge , , , .




DATE: TRACTOR / TRUCK NO.: _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ - . - . TR AILER{S) NO.(S): . _ . . _ _ . . - -


{ g I detect no defect or deficiency in this motor vehicle ar, would be likely to affect the safety of its operation or<n result in its mechanical breakdown


_ . . "k O I detect tht 'ollowing defects or deficiencies in this rmtor vehicle os would be hkely to affect the safet) J etsa operstion or result in its rnechanical breakdown

indicate whether defects are on TRACTOR / TRUCK or TR AILER Use sufficient detail to locate for mechanict

-- . _. - _ - - - . . _ . . . - . . - . _ - . - - - -

. _ - . _ . - . . . . - - - - _ . . - . . - . . - - - - .

_ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ . . . . _ _ . _ _

. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . . _ _ .

. - - - - _ _ . - - - --- - .-. .-. ._.-._ - - - - _ .- _

.._ _ _. _ _ _ _ . - . - _ . . ___ _ _ _ _ _____ _ . _ _

_ . - . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - - . . _ _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ - _ . _ . . - . . - _ - -

li. _ _ _ ~ _ . - __._ _ _ _ ._.

DRIVER'S SIGN ATURE _ . - _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _

- 0 Above defects corrected O Above defects need not be corrected for safe operation of vehicle

m MECHANIC'S SIGNATURE. _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . .

DRIVER'S SIGNATURE.:w A neues a associans. c __

e c e nn a % .

. . . . . _ _ _-- -

_ _ _ __ _ _ _ . - .


* ,8 0 (ONE CALEhDAR DAY 24 MOURS) ONGWAt f de each day at home seemmelDUPOCATE D, ver fet.ine en het possesse to, eight days,,,e

,e 8 mr;.r-~ " ~ ~ ~ ~

" .jMON1H).. (OAV) -(Y6 Am .ITOT AL MILE AGE TODAY) I testify these ent'ses e,e i,ue and ro,,ect Vf HtCLE NUM8f 33 (SHOW LACH UNitt. __ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . .

.. ~ eTCDaf


_. _ ...__ COT AL Matti- kG TODA''- - - . ..(DRf VE R S StGAA T JR[ IN ML j.- - _ . _ . . _

.w - ,_ . ... . .. -

COVENA NT TR ANSPORT, INC. mm. _ . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . _ _ . . . _ . . . . _ _ . . . .NAME Of LARltif D OR Call 8tif RT . . . _ .(NAMt OF CD DRIVE R:. . . . . . _ _ _

_ _ _vnarrm'00* '

4130 SOUTH CREEK RD. - CHATTANOOGA, TN 37406 _ ----

, ~ ~ ' - iua.N 6(nci ADDHLbf ' tHOME TERMINAL ADDHE%5)'

-- M& TOTAL6 7. , 8-

r ;.wio,ni, 1 2. 3.,7,4., 5, 7 9 10 11 =oon 1 2 3 4 5 n .6,7 p . ,,8,. .o4,q, q 17 10 1 woves re me s1 4 y oAY

- 1: OFF DUTY I **5.yQL I is . .

,7e.M b ,e....,J.

, -1-gr- p .

L- - L-'H.rt,n + " <wt - 6 e -4,.- , ,,, ,

2:5JLPER ''.,1, . - -



t , ,, ,,,g;g ,g

] n [ b 5 f. g _ \,_.. .

ff, _Qr,. Mf y % 4 .iBERTH . 4 ? .i wsa

, , 4 . . . . .,' 3: DRMNG


e, A =

h. . - - -

#f o O ' ) . b. . ,m, ,1.

. . . . . .g. , . n, . 9 % . 2 . i


eq;. .\9, . . . .. . . . . . , ..m. m .'

4: ON DUTYm.. +. - xr.a . w. . .

5,$- ,m..'.ma.



mor umv,nG, x w. . . .~ . + . .. . _gs so en sneeuf, a

2 3 4 5 6 ,,7 , ,8 , ,9, - 1.. . , . m.,, 2 7'3, , 4 5,

6 , 7. , 8 9 ., p10,,M, .1 4 ' _ . _ _


nr. .'.

'' '

REMARKS i' ' N l , C,#. i.i "- -=

t %s% ; .)C 4 'E ' wNe n LWo mf ej- m'

? 's- b ~~ On h b c s c* nt * * /' |* 'h e , o*At t eo n ,

A 1 --t M &( g' kN oAY2* Ws .G 4 m fd. rie per . oeivsess q3

0F V t' ') (N'

v? O Ani e A e J .e a w,R -ens

h\i s, ) c! 4$('&e yy

* h .e -.Nr * 14 s*' P"y** n o- Aim a. . . . . . ...-- c.oL

, vq t o es-


x .s * 7- 6, (v s e s v Ac 3, j( m

W f f S(,Q Ye r0 A f j' M V s/- b "|$o "~'4, % s- 'WFs- a_ __R



\ @& QhA

i(s! **

9a%AW norsh.i 9.nv.w,ument ,_',"Ocn.a m iu ,. .eo .n , o,nhw or name o,',<.sn ppe, and .o..x4 n... .no . ..<n ch. no. o, oo , o . . t .u..n ..c , so-,.- - -


c. ,o ..g .o, i.n .. o__

' ~ TO- C --FHOM- ~s 'iAnfiNG PO!NT M * .Ab) (DESilNAf tOh OH TURN AROUND POINT OA PLACEl $^$$i7

USE TIME STANDARD AT HOMC TERMINAL can sectCopyngine 19$1 & Pv%hehess by J l Etl6$9 4 AMOCLAft1. etc f00av



_ ._.._..:..=- .z - - - - - m..=.. . . . - --

. . - .

, .* *






{ g' i detect no defect o deficiency in tnis motor vehicle as would be likely to affect the safety of its 0;>e'e on or

oe result in its mechanical breakdown

"'p" i detect the following defects or deficiencies an th.s motor vehicle as would be likely to affect the safety of its

I operation or resA :n its mechanical breakdown~


_.Indecate whether defects are on TH ACTOR / TRUCK or TR AILER - Use sufficient detail to locate for mechanic

z . _ _ _ _


_. _

_ ____

- _.


p- - _._ -___

DRIVER'S SIGNATURE . . - . . . _ ._. -__ _._

O Above defects corrected O Abo +ie defects need not be corrected f:r safe operation of vehicle;-

MECHANIC'S SIGNATURE --. . . _ . _ _ _ _ . - ._ ._ _ . . _ . .,_ __

F,-, DRIVER'S SIGNATURE . . . . - . -J &auf t & AWXWill aHC. . _ _ _ _ _

_ _ . _ _ _ ____

S Copyy 1981 & Pubhead by J-

K .. _ . . . . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . _ . _ . _ _ _

- - - -

. _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ - _ __ _ . _ _ _ - .

_ - .



P S hkgc.* b'-

_g' gg

isch 30 *b.

, WHY o$$Y, '

A/y~ sin m ' - =m . .


y [ /,,.

-~JJi=9r iM forJew'. M.!'~'~ C . IIAY 'ML 0|' flitt173 ;?- rn:7%;h.w-% "= woorS'

***1"3L:=4rts 1%g;p Iac yIsw ' k[S?_ A m i sq;_


W%.; - i -,'42 W-~

3M t*****t!)AWvaaka= ~ 2:Mf4 >ir w _ = ' |En t Eur.* Ep T.2 = i . . . r== a = =p n| re.*

1 m =_}s.3/ L1s " * MMr* y 5i 1 _a'

M== er =e er I w. tur I w jamr iLet er I in. . Lura n jat Llan p !fm , ,_2E_ j k .Q M !< __ W lenNw1== I== 4==

e a* e,

I**=i; ; ',; ' g

F= h ,'i. In. I .. n2 ~

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