Imported Mayors Govern Two Towns Fight to Ban Hot-Rods ...


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Transcript of Imported Mayors Govern Two Towns Fight to Ban Hot-Rods ...

Winner of tho Michigan Pross Genoral Excollen~o Award ng ham County N e __ ,.. ___ _

Jipl'inifilOl't ~llldCI'J

~ •• ii/1 'Annual Plowing Conlost 111 Dansvlllo Saturday

Ninety·Fifth Year, No, 18

Woman Awaits Examination on Murder Charge

When t nken bcfm•e .Just icc of the Peace Roy W. Admns Wednesday afternoon on a chal'gc of flrst dcgl'cc mur­der, Mrs. Mm·garet Jordan, 30 demanded examination. Ju~lgc Adams set the exami­nation ut 10 Monday morning and ordered Mt·s. Jordan held In jail without bail.

The uppcm·ancc of Mrs . .Jordan, ehurged with l1llllng Lc11Woorl Stowe, 40, by running l1hn down with a c•ur early Sunday morning,

1 lasted less than n minute before Jurlge Arlams. Mrs .• Jordan was brought down from her cell on tlw thh·d floor of the jail to n conference room on I lie second floor. WalLing for hct• tlwre were the judge anrl her attorney, Jlow· ard A. McCowan of Mason. A~ the ,Judge picl>ccl up the!

wmTant and starter! to read it, McCowan intcrnq>ted with the statement that he haclrcnrllt, anrl lhnt Mrs. Jordan clcmanrleri ex­amination. Mrs . .Torrldn nmldcd her head in corroboration.

Hcc;ntsc tile char~c was flrst degree murder, .Tttdge Adams c:<· plainecl to Mrs. .Jordan, she would not be admitted to ball. She marie no comment.

The time of the cxmnination Is only tentative, Judge Adams said. He indicated it woulrl probably

' be adjourned to suit the con­venience of Prosecuting Attorney Pnul C. Younger ami McCowan. The jurlgc issued the warrant Tucsrlay. Mrs. Jordan was held In jail for investigation from Sunday fot·cnoon until Tuesday morning pending a study of the case by the prosecutor.

Mrs. Jordan is far:ing cxamin· ation for murder and Lcnwoocl Stowe, another woman's husband,

1' Js nnw In Maple Grove as the aftermath of a night of drlnldng and a pre-dawn brawl Sunday morning.

llotly Was •rossed 60 Ft!el Stowe died when he was hit by

Mrs. Jordan's car. She said she !uul only Intended •to scare him,

-nol to Injure him. But she,hrokc hls leg, gouged a hole ln hls head and crushed his chest. The

,. impact tossed Stowe 60 feet aw~y into 11 field.

Sheriff Willard P. Barnes has 11 hlalcment which bears the pur· ported signature of Mrs. Jordan. In it the Mason woman told of the events leading up to the hit­ting of Stowe within a few rods of his home at 2290 Doble road, just north of Holt road.

On Saturday lllght she had 11 date w'ith a DqWill man she and another Mason woman had mel the night before at the Red Rail north of Lansing, the statement sets forth. At 8:40 Saturday night Stowe telephoned her all(! wanted to join the party, she said. Mrs. Jordan, the DeWitt mnn anrl the othm· Mason woman plclwcl up Stowe at a house on Holt road at

,, 10.

'!'he DeWitt man went on ahead Jn,hls own car to get a !able with the· other 3 following In Mrs. ,Jm·ctnn's car. They arrived at the bar about 10:45, according to the statcm!!nt, and remalncrl there <lrmklng and dancing until the place closed 11t 2:30. Stowe, ac­cording to the statement, sup­planted the DcWitL elate for Mr~. ,Jordan shortly a Her I he party got nndcrway at the lmr.

The 2 couples had ngrccrl to meet al a restaurant after leaving the Rc(! Rail, but they didn't, said Mrs. Jordan. She and Stowe went to one restaurant and left without being served she s~id, and then visited. another. They didn't cat there either, she said, because the proprietor wouldn't cash 11 check for Stowe. So they started home, Mrs .• Jorrlan s11id, leaving US-127 at Holt and driving cast on Holt

Mason, Michigan, Thursday, May 6, 1954

Fruit· Growers Hope for Best After Freeze

If Ingham ft•uit ct•ops cB­caped sel'ious damage 111 wcathcl' this

week gJ•owct·s will et·crllt it to

1 miracle. On Monday and

TucRday nights the mct•cmy

dropped to the ft•eczing point

News Index Wunt ads, Pages U, 7 nnrl H,

P;u·t 1, Snrlnl news, Pugcs •I unrl :1,

Part 1; Pages 4 anrl :;, Purl :!. Church news, Pngo ll, Pari :!. l~rlllorlnls, Purw I, Pnrt 11. I~m·m news, Pnge:; 2, 3 unci

I, Purl •1: Legal notices, l'agr~ H, Part

I; l'auc 7, Purl~; !'ages :1 and l, Pari •I.


Retailers Lea~n Customer Wants

or below and it went down al- I M rchand·1s1·ng most that fat• Wednesday I n e night. Members or tile Merchants rli-

'l'hc mira('lllous part Is tit at vision of t i1r. Chnmbm· o[ Com· 1cnchcs, plums and cherries W\'I'C meJ'<'e trrnl\ a lesson In st orr in full blonm 11nd had been pol· manngcmcnt Monday nigh I. Tlwy linntcrl before the ft•ecr.e set lr1; hcarrl J{eilh Orlle of llw l'onlill-1nd apple hlos:1oms were still In uing erhtr'ation department of the shuci<. Jf'thcre <'all 11nw hr I' Michigan State college ~lvc Ills 1cw clays nf bright, warm weather report 011 lracllng area surveys. li1c bcC!s can finish their worl< ol The survcvs taken in MiPI!igun pollinating apple blossoms. "\lie:; shower! tilut l'llslnmPrs riP

If the wn:·m Wf'nther c•omcs tlw rnnnrl store dc11nlincss nnrl gnnrl 1pp!e orch11rcls shoulrl be in full ligittlng, Odic s<liri. Customers fJloom Saturday and Sunday. niso wnnl ;Jttractlvc' wlnrlnws nnrl

DR. PIIILIP T. IUULUGAN, mayor of Mt. Clemens, had to drag. himself. awa;y: from lhc F. C. Anderson & Sons store in Dansville Wednesday aftcl'Jloon. Hts Dan~vtlle VJs~t was "just what the doctor ordered," the surgeon- n:aym· declm·ecl ~o·s m the ptcture above. The Mt. Clemens mayor went to Dansvtlle to take purl 111 the Mtchtgan Week mayor exchange progmm. In the pictm·e are Bud A nclerson, A. 0. Greenough,, F. C. ~nde,rson, Mayor Mulligan and Chairman l'or the Day Lawton Gauss. .The mayor hkcd the ll~formal-11Y ·of Dansville hospitality. He talked fishing, cropFi, l.llln1mg and photography w1th zest. He urqcd Dansville people to continue to h:!lp then· village prosper.

John Robinson at Tuttle Or· ~ttrnclive st()re inlrriot·s wit l1 chards, Leslie, reported llull cl!er· open display l'iiS('S at r•onveniPnt rles, plums and pears suffct•cd heights so they mn insprl'l gonris ~orne damage but that pC!ar:hcs offrred for sale, Orilc nrirled. probably escaped, because peaf'li Mcrr:hants sl1n•1lcl offer cllstn· blossoms can withstand ·cold met·s the best selection possihlc. weather in the spring. At the 'l'ut· sairi Odic. National advertising tic Orchards ice coverer! blossoms keeps customers Informer! of new Tuesday morning. Apple blossoms features. In only 2 of the lf1 were not far enougil out to suf- communities surveyed rlirl C'Usto­fet· serious damage, Robinson mcrs put pric'r first as a consider· said. ation, Odic slater!.

Alfred Wardowskl of Blossom Orchards at Leslie, while still i<eeplng his fingers crosser!, was ho'peful about his fruit. His plum~ were ln full bloom Saturday and Sunday. He said he thought his peaches were pollinated , before Monday's cold wave set in. His peal.16 were )lot hurt seriously, in his opinion.

Al'iually the most important fal'lnr in a store·~ suc•ces:.;, ae· cording to the survey, Odie re­ported, is the training of the sales staff. Enthusiasm, diplomacy, pn· lienee, delermination anrl knowl­edge or what the goods will rio for customers arc rcq u isi tes fnr ~ales people, he sa lcl.

Imported Mayors Govern Two Towns Stockhrirlgc and Dansville foll<s

turned on their official charm Wednesday riuring the Michigan Wecl< cxehange of mayors pro· gram. Local welcoming commit· tees pointed with pride as the vis­itors nodded with approval.

Dr. Philip '1'. Mulligan, mayor of Mt. Clemens, got the welcome treatment In Dansville. He spent the mn!'lling talldng with village merchants, vis11in[.: the C. A. Diehl & Sons farm and viewing public buildings. The doctor in· ~pcctcd the town hnll, the cou lihrat-y and the Ingham Agricultural school.

In the afternoon Mayor gan attended a dinner at school and later addressed students.

The ML. Clemens mayor Is ~crv· ing his fomth and final year 11s mayor, he dccl,1red. He is a sur­geon.

"I look on the Job of mayor as a public duty,' Dr. Mulligan cx­plail~<:d to some folks who had gatlll~rcd in the Anderson general slm>'. 'Now it's someone else's turn."

llt~ was impressed with Dans­villi! '"1rl it" c.:11 izcns. 1'110 mayor tool\ satisfuct ion in seeing imll­vidllal private cntcrpri~C! al work.

"I'll hf! bad\," Mayor Mulligan dcclarcrl.

Offit•inl members of the rr:cep· t ion commillt•P were Lnwton Gauss. chairm:tP, Dltd Andersun and } . 0. Grccilough. Searl Rrigg,, sC'Iwoi superintcnc.lm~t. workn~l w'1:1 the committee to mai\i! arrnngements fot· tlw clin­nct' and tile ~l'hool program.

In Stock!Jric-w for the day w:~s .11/.•y' r Gie1111 S. Allen of Kalama· r.O'l, Mrs Altct1 and their 2 C\lil· dren. !·lolly, i and Susi~. ;,, Uri· glnaliy planned. Holly anrl ~~Isle \'ICI'e to be c•nro!lccl in the S!uc·1\·

lll'iclge sr:lwol Jot· the clay. Holly \lid at tenrl tiH! second grade classes, but Susie was more in-1 crested in seeing the town. She tut·ncd down the offer t<> spend

· time in the kindergarten class.

The mayor anrl his family were lalcen on a tour of the village, In­cluding the water plant, lim Vet­erans J\l!'morial field, churchc~,

1\lAYOR GLENN S. ALLEN of Kalamazoo took his fam­ily to Stockbridge to take part in the mayor ·exchange pro­gram. He is shown above talking with Dr. F. G. Behner at the noon dinner sponsored by the Stockbridge Lions club. Mayor Allen spent the day with Stockbridge people. He spoke at both the Lions dinner and at the school.

WHILE 1\iAYOR AL:LEN talked government with Stock· bridge folks, Mrs. Allen charmed them with her smiling ways. She too, made the entire toul' of Stockbridge. She talked witl~ teachers, women on the street and business women. Mrs.

Apple blossoms at the Wardow­skl orchard arc set heavier than last year, and with a fe~ days of good weather, the prospects for a crop should be good, Wardowski sald.

Recording thermometers in the Warrlowski orchard registered 28 Monday night and 32 Tuesday nlght. The snow anrl and the breeze protected the blossoms somewhat, growers said.

Duane Baldwin, Stocl<brlclge i)nlon grower, credited the snow and rain with saving mucl< plantings.

Draft Calls 29 To Army Service

Selective service will tai<c 29 from Ingham May 13. They have received notic-es to report at the Veterans building, 213 S. Capitol, Lansing, at 7:10 a. m. next Thurs. clay.

On the list arc David J. Cris­sey, Willl~m T. Jenkins, Donald A. Tomrcll, ,Jr., Tommy D. Ma­teer, Hebert .J. Starr, .Jack M. O'Berry, Richard L. Zin:;mcistcr, Larry N. Mllls, Donalrl D. Basore, Kenneth D. Smith, Charles E. Cochran, Vinccnw Zea, Hugh E. Murphy, Hem·~· E. Drr!ps,

James E. Droste, Elbert E. King, Roger D. Underhill, Jacl< .T. Distler, Robert L. Bauer, Cleo J. Citssel, RobC!rt L. Gearhart, I<enne,th.E. Fucc, Stephen W. Os­born, Anthony C. Rcncr, Archie D. White, Robert C. Pelham. Rob· crt G. Pope, .John R. Snowberger and John K. Tolson.

Baptist Tomcat Escape~ Allen made many· friends and hinted that she wouldn't m)nd Buc:ky, a big black and brown living in Stockbridge one bit. [Ingham County News photos.) tomcat is lost in Mason. The pet

the town hall and husiness I,lal'es. Before dinner, the visit mg mayor ilml bcr•n to botlt tho Ilidwt·y Ridge dairy, the Stockilrir!ge Mamtfaclunng Co. and l11c F.lal,l­wln muck farm.

Members of the Stocl<bridge

, is owned by Rev. and Mrs. Clar­encr Rod!l, the new pastor of'tilc MaHon Baptist church and his wife, The Rodds put. tile cal in the parsonage Wcclnesc!Hy night. Bucky escaped Into the night. Rev, and Mrs. Rodd want Bucky back. 'l'hcy will pay $10_ for his

Lions club sponsored a dinner at 'l'ttrncy's restnurant at noon. Dr. I•'. G. Behner was general chair· man. The A liens were glven a loot bag containing samples of everyt.h I n g manufactured or

Sec 1\IAYORS, l'age 2 t·cturn.

Friendliness am! c·ourlesy on the part of the sales staff are essential, even more so In small towns than in big cities, Odic explainer!.

Parking has hero me a major problem In most cities and is now rcsulllng In the new rlcvclopmcnt of shoppmg centers on thp fringes of cities.

Orlle rlccl11rcd that coopcrat ion among business men is imJJOrtant in· developing trade fm•,~a c1ty. I·IP urged merchants not l_cJ ldll Dol· Jar Days anrl other ~;pcciHl event' by trying to unlpild olrl mer­chandise. He also urged husiness men to take part In civic. affairs.

K. A. Zimmf!rman, president of t11c Mason Chamber of Com­merce, presided at the meel ing l]elrl·in the Pt·esbylcrian r:hurcb dining room. There was a ll:30 dinner. George McKetchan had charge of the program.

Zimmerman gave a report of the activities of ll1e Mcrl'hant:.; clivisi()n. Frnnl\ GuctTicrn rlis· cussed the need fot· a del it 10na 1 housing.

The group decided lo continue the present set up {)f tiJC Mer· C'hanl~ rlivision under lhe Cham· ber of Commerce, with Zimmer­man ' authorizer! to appoint 5 retailers to serve as an advisory committee. Zimmerman harl pre­viously r:hargr.rl the ClwmbCI' or Commerce with inactivity and smne of t l1e dil·cctors wrtll lac I; of intcrc:;t. The 5 new rnr.n are Robert Coon, Max McCarn, Ray Perkins, l"rank Guerriero and Bernard Cady.

Dirt Will Fly Saturday Gor>d weal her is in pt·ospcet

for the Inghnm plowing eon­test scheduled Saturday at· the F. C. Andcr~on & Sons farm in Dansville. The belt­ing ancl hacl<ing contest w~II begin at 10 a. m. The mam event -I he plowing contest- -will st11rt nl 1. So fat· 21 con· 1estants ar" Figncd up for the activities. Tlw am111ai event is spotw>rNI by lng· ham •·cunty Implement deal­,,., ~wl g;r~ol111r rlislrltntlnrs for 4·H am! FT•'A hoys. 'J'he Anderson farm Is a mile ..:::st of Dansville on, M-3G.

4 Sections - 28 Pages

Fight to Ban Hot-Rods loses by Single ·vote as c·ounty Takes Over Fair

ny a vole of 17 to 1 G tlw bom·cl of supel'vism·s refused

ruPsdny lo deny the newly ('t'mttcd fail'grounrls committee the

l'ighl to enlt'l' il cant met. to Rtagr. hot-rod t'CH.'es at Mason. SttpCI'Vi>:ot'R also tool: over the county fail' t h!'Ollf!:h crea­

tion of a 11ew committee made up of G supct•visot'!l ami 1 Jtltct·s. Undct• the new set-up the 10-man commitlce will

'JPCl'alf), manage and control the c_ounty fait• and when the fair is not being held the 6 - --- ·

Sll(lCI'ViSOI'H on the committee Veterans Plan wi II have contl'ol of the

grounds. For Parade on '!'ill' alglllllCIIIS IIVPT' lliro ('nlllliY

fall' Hllllnllon nnrl antomnhilro rH('· Decorat"lo~ Day 'n~: ('()n~umerl ·1:> minutes 'l'tws· •lny mnrnlng an1l 2 1.~ hours in lin' n flel'llonn.

In tiu~ <IIHii('llf'f' were nhnut 'lO Ma-on rcfi,lcnts of the nrC'a, 'herP In silrnl prolest ng;linst the pt·m•(•erlings. No nne spnl<c. Su­'Jf'>I'Viho•·s DPn 11 'l'a>·lor anrl llugll W. Silsby nf Mason lcrl the fight against tile hnl·rorl races hut wlwn thr. vntes were r.ountcrl Iiley were one shy.

Voling In refusro pcrmlssinn to the fait• hoard to stage the races wrorc Llnyrl k•eltlne, Alaicrlon; i\hr~m .r. HePker, George Slrlwcll :tnd R. Jo'. W<ill, all of Lansing; Silsby, Taylo1· and S. A. Bement, all of Mason; Hubert R. Bullen, Aurelius: Austin Cavanaugh, Bunket· Hill: Donald Cral<cs, Les· lie; Frroci Marshall, White Oak; Pi1illip Millis, Whcatllelrl; Bmce Stone, V. i\. 'l'riquet anrl Chair· 1n;1n .Tohn P<~l rinrchro of East Lans1ng; nnrl Raymond Wilcox, ~ .• ansing township.

. Rr.fusing to restrict the f;lir­urountls C"ommittror. were ~upcr· \~ism·s Frrrl L. Kircher. Robert H. Klock. Zigmtmd Kowalsld, Frank W. Perrin, Cnrl1'1tine Pox· "Ill, Frerlp•-iel{ F!. Tripp, fo'rnnk Preuss anrl Milo Warrl, all of Lan­~:ing; II<~rolrl Plelz, East Lansing; K. G. Brown, Wlll111mston; .John n. Fay, Troll; Wilfrcri .Jewett, Ve­vay; Alva Cronkhite, Stock-

This yrat· J\lasrm·;ms are mal<ing pl11ns for n hig paradr on Memorial Dav. Tlw Amrrkan Lr­glon posl I;;· In r·ommnnd. 'l'IH'Y nrc asl<ing M11snn hnsinrss men In rnter floats in n pnrnde whil'h w;ll hr. held Monday lotenoon, Mny a1.

'l'hr Lr.ginn post will 11lso offer prizes to 1'11ilrlren wim rio lhe bl'st jobs dr>r·nr;1ling lh!'!tr bir·ycles anrl riding lhcm in the parade.

Another feal11re of thf' rla,v's ohsr.rvnncc will he lhc display n[ flags by business places anrl at residenl'cs. Tlw V. Jo'. W. posL is now tai<tng orders for big II~JiS and standards, for use In the business sect inn and at homes, with rlelivPI'Y promised Ior Me­morial Day.

Post memhcts expressr.rl th~ hope that Mr•nH•rial Day this year wiiiiH• somPtlling mrJrr.tllfrn an extra clay tad<r.rl onto an 0111· lng. May :10 <'omcs on Sunday, so llw following rl;l,\' lws been pro· claimed as 11 lwliday.

Other p<llt·iotic· nt'ganir.ations arc joininr: with the Legion in 1 ile excrl'iscs at Masnn. !11 rcr:enl years 1 he Legion po~t has hacl i::cnct•al charge nne year and the V. F. W. the nexl.

bridge; Berton .JohnY>on. \~heat· Only )Q P~rcels field; Earl LN'mnn, Wltliam11 t;11

town; Clarem·c Ptlffenberger, On- F "I s 11 ondaga; and Charlc~; Woods, Ing· a1 to· e ~ at ham.

The fnjrr,rounds _f'ommillel" r:f I Ingham Tax Sale 5 i·l!Jlervlsors, wh,tlc It wnso t tolrl not to lr.a~c the track for

1 1 hot-rnrl l'ill'ing, ~till doesn't have , Out of 180. parcels o~ t.w r.c· to talre over the Jcnsr. from the hnqucnt tax hst, 170 wetc sold ,rl former committee which lar.·,,cd ~ason TL~c::rlay nnd ~er~nc~day. authority. A meeting of the new 'I he rr.malll!llg 1D wcte lllc.l Ill to c•ommiltcc is scheduled for Tucs- the slate. clay. The 10 not ~old, cxplalncrl

M<tson's onnc»<ilion to l<'a~ing County Treasurer Laurence Park· rrf ll1e r!rnunrls for n1r:ing is still C!r, carried heavy drain tnxes or ;olive. TIH• dty r'Ol!llcil hns polkr otlwr special as:;cssmcnts. Onr no\WI' in<rsmur·IJ as the fair- Stoel\brirl~c farm was amon~ the .rnnunls lie wholly within the 10. The rest were Lansing suh· "ily, Tile zoning 11ngie may also urban parcels. fw w<rrl. l'itv nffir•ials inrlieatcr!. F'or the 170 pat•cels sold, l;rx 'l'l1r. f;rirr:rounrb- propct·ty is t1llc huyct·s p:1irl a total o[

.,o•wd residential. $6,312.0•1. Pl'llclically ail I lie! Orphaned by 1H'Iion of the su- buyers, Pill'l\cr sairi, were invc~­

llCI'Visors wa.~ the lnglwm County tors, buying [ot· li1c interest they i\gl·ic·ultur:li sodf!ty, incorpnrntcd will get when tlw parcels arc rc· In r•rlJHirrr·t IIH' Ingham fait'. The clecmccl. corporation still exists but has nn Property otTetPrl was dr:lin· nlcc:e to holrl a f11ir, and no real qucnt for lfl:il taxc.~. Jt was snlrl renson to continue. Unlc~~ the for the taxes. Owners have a muntv tak"' ovr:e lhc rlchts, cs1i- year in which they may redeem matrrl 111 $~.0()(), the old agrir.ul- hy pay in~ 1 •;, a month. They tunll so(•ietv will hnve to ~ettlc, have an aciciilional G mtmlils .to or n" inrlividunl directors or redeem hy paymg- a penally of stnr:kholdcrs will have In pay. 50'/r• plus $5 per description, The new fait· hoarrl, YoungP.I' l'l!lcrl. lws no liahlllty for old There were 7'1G dcsC'riplions on rlehts oc· r.nntraf'ts. However, s11 • lite original sale lisl. Taxes on 1111 · pcrVIh'1H'S Aseltine anrl Brown ric- except 180 were pair! before ~larcrl that the new hoarrl rlocs Parkct· opened the sale Tuesday. hnvr. a moral nhllgalion to pay up the rlchts which Brown said South of the Border were i11rgclv [or improvements to tlw grounds.

Members of I he new fait· board, ricctrrl by the supet·visors, arc Supcrvisor:o; Puricnbergm·, Cnrd, Brown, .Jewel I, Af:clt inc anrl Preuss, and Otto Hartig, Holt;

S1·1~ I•'AIIl. IIOAitn, Page :i

Howard SciiJerl is in Mexico City on h11siness. 1 fis wtic is planning to go by plane to meet hlm Sunday.

ltumtniiC'(• "nlr Fl"itllly, MiiY 7, t to 0 p. m., 111111 Hnl111dny, Mny X, !I In 11 11. m. 11L ~hu JlH!HhYll'riau chUI'llh buncm"nl.


Pioneers Organized Lodge :rf.~~~n~~~;r:::~~::i:: Masons Plan 3-Day Centennial Observance May 13, 14 and 15 had t•cfused to permit Stowe to One hundred years and a litlle pointed Peter Low fsometJmcs 'floor for $2,100. The proposition Wllliam Woodhouse, register of university education. He received 'I sl1oc bu:;ine.~F. with his snn, Col· He was an HrchitccL anrl COil·

go to hct• house at 416 E. Maple over wlll he marl<ed by Mason spelled Lowel to be tempomry was financed with a bond issue deeds; Orlando M. Barnes, prose· a law degree fmm the University !Ins D. Huntington, anri lalcr the lractor 1111cl iatm· pl'aC'ticerJ den· In Mason. At the cornel' of Doble lodge No. 70, Free nnd Accepted secretary, James J, Jeffres, sen- of $10 clenomlnation to draw 10''~ cutlng attorney; and James J. of Michigan in 1850. He hegan ~he j !ather and sn1.1 entered the mlll· tistry in North Lansing. He and Holt roads, Mrs. Jordan said Masons, next weel<. The 3·day ob- lor de11con, 11nd Joseph L. Hunt- interest 11nd payable on Ol' before Jeffres, a clei>Uty sheriff. Other pmctlce of l11w at Mnson 1m· tng- buslne~s m M11son. He WAS ~et-verl as captain of the 14th In her statement, the dispute re- servance wlll start Thursday and ington, junior deacon. Jeffrcs 10 year:; .from date. That's still charter members were Dr. John mediately. In 1853 hr. was prose- the first junior ·deacon of the Mlchig;ln Volunteer infantry. He suited in a struggle, with Stowe continue through Suturday, with wns· also tyler. the temple. In recent years a W. Phelps, physician and mer- cutlng attorney. He wllhdrew lndr:c. died f11om wounds received at striking her about the face. In a church service planned fot\Sun- The first meetings of the lodg-e huilclii1g fund has been started. A I chant, and Dr. Jesse 0. Searl of from his law pl'actice in 1871 to Lowe was active in every cntet·· Chatta\1ooga in 1864. the melee the car doot• jarred day, were held in a building owned by few monlhs ago the lodge showed Leslle. Joseph L. Huntington, rlevote his time to the Jacl<son, prise in the early days. He was. a Dr. Searl was horn in Dela• open ·and Mt·s. Jordan lost her Masons among the eat'l:.:' set- .Tohn R11ynet' located on the site interest in acquiring the' Legion merchant, and Peter Low, a Lansing and Saginaw railroad. He charter member of the Mason ware ('ounty, New Yoric, in 1811. upper· plate, she stated. That tiers made application for a of the present Neely clothing Memorial building. rThcre has .Stocl<brldgc merchanl, were also had been secretary and general lodge am! Its first ~ecretary. He He Joo'atecl ln Leslie In 1850 and ended the fighting, she declared. charter ln the fall of 1853. The stom. After leaving the Rayner been no decision reac!led, how· .first slgnct•s of the application counllf!l of the road since It was also helped organize th~ Stoclt· engag•!d In the practice- of medi· The 2 climbed out of the car and charter was gmnted by the Midi· building the lodge! leased the ever. and were charter members. , started. He was the first senior bridge lodge. He was born in cine. He made his calls on horse .. Mrs. Jordan groped under the lgan grand lodge at its tenth. an· third floor of what is now the A. The first settlers came to what Woodhouse was born In Otsego warden of the lodge. Sulllvan county, New Yorlt, in baclt,. carrying his Instruments car for her plate whlle Stowe imal session at Detroit on Jan· A. Howlett & Co. bulldlng. '!'hat is now Mason In about 1~36. In county, New York In 1824. He- Dr. Phelps, Mason's second

1811, and came to Stockbridge In ancl mecllclncs in saddlebags, He

, ,. t held a .. clgaret lighter 80 she could 'uary 13, 1854. The first commuril- was the temple for 4 years, until the following decade New' Yorlt· came- west to settle in Livingston phys!clan, came in 1841, from 1833

. There were· no settlers at 1 wns \the first junior deacon see. cation of th~ new lodge ut Mason 1870. ers and Vermonters came in to county, Michigan, In 1838. Three Plymouth, Mlchlgan. He was a Mason then. He was named coun· elected by the lodge.

'ftlrs. ,Jordan •rook a Ulde was heid January 31, 1854. ' On. February 9, 1870, the Ma· lake up .government land. years latet• he went 30 miles far- charter member and long a prom· ty clerl< in 1839. He was re- r)~j' Minos McRobert, 49

, was Mrs. Jordan said she tlwn, after George W. Pecic of Lansing was sonic building committee was in· Among the early settlers were ther .west to Leslie. In 1851, aft· inent cltlzen. elected In 1843 and again In 1851. the first candidate to file .,an np· a few··,word" wlth Stowe, turned grand master of Michigan Ma- structed to s,lll'n a contract with men who were members of Ma· er heJng elected register of deeds, 'Huntington was a Vermonter. I"

1 t d Ve y upervlsor

~ "' "f 8 d "e was e ~c e va s plicllllon for membership. David her car around and drove west a sons when the charter was C. H. Dat•row for the thlrd story sonle lodges In New York and he came to Muson. He was the


He was born.ln 1 00 an came to in 18


and, was president of the Poti~r, SO, an Aurelius mlll· little over a mlle to Oltemos road, ·o'.''""·"'-' for tl]e Mason lodge. Wll- of a proposed new brick bullding Vermont, They met In ,1853 and first master of the lodge. Aurelius In 1838 . ..He was a tan· vlll.age of Mason In

1866. He was wrl"'ilt', Johnathnn DeMuth,

60, 5 m, lie's nortll on Okemos road to Woodhouse was· appointed on the comer of B street (now made application for a charter Barnes was born at Cato, New ner and shoemaker. He was

1 t d b k ,;

act as worshipful.master with Jefferson avenue) and Ash street. for a· lodge In Mason. ,Mason York, in 1824. He came to Aure- elected sheriff ln 1846 and again a merclan an an er. a l).{ason gunsmith; and John 'the Okemos school and then Orlando M. Barnes as senior war- A 99·year lease was signed March was then as now the county sent. llus in 1837, as a boy of 13, with ln 1848. He .was the first sheriff Jeffres was a deputy sheriff Coatsworth, 39, merchant and a

turned back. She sald she decided Phelps as 12, 1870. Under the terms, 1 he Three of the charter . members the earliest settlers. J{e was one who had a county jail. For many when the lodge was organized fo!rmer county clerk, had their s00 CAR DF:,ATU, l'al{c II np." lodge woulrl occupy the third were r.ounty offldals, They \'ier~ of the few of his rlny to gain n year\" h~ conducterl n boot' and and was Its first senior deacon. ~ce ntASONS, Page l, Part 2 ·.:& • • • • . .. . . . I

~ :: '': f

City Will Act · · On Storm S'ewer For East Side

RealueniH nn Tinll houlnvnrrl nnrl p1tri nf Vanrler\Omm stihillvl· ~ion mny hr. up oul 11 r I!H• mnil hy nnxl Hprlng. Clly l~nglnrPr Walle!' Zlmmr!l' suhmillnd il r~osl I!MilmUI!! of II storm SI!Wf'l' Jli'OjiH'l :rrw thu nrna 111 tlw f'ily I'IIIIIH'il meeting Munrlny nlgli 1.

'!'he prnjr•el, l'slirnalr•d In rnsl $2a,842.91, has lop prlorily I ills

. ~prlng, ner·nrdlng to CnLIIll'ilmatr Alton Stroud, dl'llln r:mnmltlr•f' l'll!llrmnn.

Tlill proposPd storm Sf'Wel' would he pnrl of ;r Jonr~·l'<tngro ]Jrnlll'Um lo lmprovn rlmlnagro :tt·um Hall boLilr.vnrd and VandPr· Vecn 11\lbdiv!Hion I o Snul II sl n•r'i 1111d l'!outh Barm•s slrPel.

'rhe ovemll cost of lilf• prP.IP•·t. ar:Pnrdlng to 7.1rnmr•r's fl~:urPs, wo11lrl amount to $f>2,:l21i.70. I low· t•vm•, only the llaii-Vaiu!PrVr•t•n arr.•a ill ill'lng r•flnsidt•n!d at liw Jlre~ent tlnw, at•mi·dint( 111 Slr1111d.

Dansville Officials Go Visiting.·.~




I.:'· ·.'


Oakland • County · Sets Up Staff To Study Rates

Oul<lnncl munly l!ar; n .l'ull·tlme Hiuff worl<lng t lw yPnr nrounrl to I~CJilflllZP propnrJy valuatlnns, Jng· hnriJ HllperVIHO!'H il!lll'nl!rl 'l'IICH· dny. Supervisor Elmr.r I-Inacl< of Blnnlnghnm, 11 mPmher nf llw Oultlnnd equallznllon eommlt tell, outlined lo till! lnghum honrrl11Hl syslem IIHI!ll In lhis l!ounJy,

According to llurwi<, Oakl~ml's equnllzntion commllter. mnl<ns vuluutlon samplings In each lownshlp nnrl city, and llwn uquallxcs ut 11 g!VPn pl!l'r·r.ntngr. of slate tnx commission Jlg11res. •rtwl was R5'/r· or 1 !Hl flgiii'Ps, 115'/n oi vaitlntions, Ins! ycnr•, Hanel< snl<l.

Replacement cosls arP user! In arriving at vnluallons, r;nlcl the Ouklund :;upr.t'Vi~ot·, with I 'lr· pr.t· year depreciation and 11 maxi· mum of ·10'/r rlepreeiallon. ·

Oal<lnncl has a ~·man staff wllh a salary cos! or $:10,000, H:wd, reported. Ht• snirl thai supPrvlsors In Oal<lanrl favor thr• new sysll•m. H hus nrlrlerl many millions in vulunlions to the tux rolls, Ilnad< stnted.

'!'he city al Jargr will ahsorll :18 1i{ ot the cost of I ill' rlrai1mgP. 'rhnt figure is ilased 1111 ll1e JH!r· l'llnlnge of surfacr• In tlw :m•a llWned hy the city. It ln<'iudes l'llJ"'el~ Riul allrys, 'l'hr rPIIlainder or the cost would ht• :t.o;sr•ssPd '" 1lu; .benefitting prnpr>rty IIWI!Prs. Jt' would amount to $:l.H~ JlPI'

thim~llnd rlollars of assr•.o;sr'ri v:rl· urltlon. '!'he avrrngr! msl pr•r ell.\' lot' would he $4·1.0'1.

. May Court Term -·:·" ~.~-j Opens at Mas~n · \,~· · Monday Mornmg Tht Morm sewet• musl t·omP

befol'l! eurh nnrl gnt tl'l' can lw h'ullt . on lin II Jmu!PV:Il'rl "r \':111·

derYe~n subdivision, 7.imlnt't' r'~:· lJltlinrrl. Residents on ll:tll hrnrlr>-

. vard have alrrndy JWiilimll'rl frll 1,he curb and grtlll'r. They :ll'f' :lu~l' ns anxious to have :1 ;;lorn~ l'>l'we•· in~talll'ri In n•nwvP tlw I'UJ'!nce WHII'l', Stroud pointr•rl QUI.,

"'I'ht'lle peopiP havP waitl'd long enough," Stroud :;talc>rl. '"l'lw <lrra i~ fOIBl becoming one of the ni~:l'r locations in M:tson. !\!any hnusl'~ have been built tlu·rP :tln•:Hiy. Othors are undct' erms I nil' I ion i 11

thll area now." 8ti'Oiid inclicalcri that consll'lll'·

tion. or the sewer will bPgin tlii•; :~in1ng.

Ingham County News

·May 6, 1954 Page 2

A ·deft crooi\, u daring 1ill'fl. and brother, you're Jel'l-·witil o.: whopping ioss. It's frmlish. rollt5·, not fo proted your poMe~sions with Jow-cosl tllt'ft in~llrtlnce. We enn whip up a &>nslble, all·eovering 1111'[1 in· ~Ltranrc program !hal will gil'<' you a maxinn1m of c·nVt'l'ngl' at a minimum cost. Call on us today for details.

Dansville's Prc~irlcnt Dan .Tcnnings sleppcrl right: into the lead harrwss when Jw l'i:-<iiPrl i\'11. Clr•mens Wednesday. ITe tool< over llw 1\11. t.'il'llH'ns mayor duties while Mayor Philip T. Mullir~an pii'J((•rJ 11p t Jw g.I\'r•l ,;, Dansville. ·

[I \\':"; nil p:lt't ol till' J\1iehigan Wrel1 mn~·or rxchan~c program. Prrsiril'llt Jrnr1ings is silnll'n in t l1c center of tilt> pictun! with Dans· villi' c 'oundlman Wilmot Bo!Hwl ill tlw lc[t and MI. Clemens As· :;t'.··sor ffamld Lind~ey on I hr. ri~ill. Thr Dansville men were served !LIIll'll nl m•ar!Jy Seliri.Jge Field ill noon ilnd later joined the MI. CIPrncns ol'fiei;,J:; for dlnnct' nncl the regtllar commission meeting \\'r•dii!!Sd:iy niglll.

The Dans1•i1le officials got tile YIP treatment while on tour of Scl[ri,!gc Field. Shown above lool<ing at tile wing of a jet. fightel' an• Prt•.-idenl Jennings, Mayor Sebo Ml17.ZY o! Imlay City and Col. G. B. Gn~Pn. wing t·ornman<let• WllO eseorletl the visilors on ·part·()[ lhP Iolii'. tPir:tun•s anrl engravings courtesy of the Ml'. Clemens Monitor-Leader.)

Prcsirif'nt .Jennings sal righl in wllh the commissionerR, opened 11Jr nweting. •·onductcri !lie business and recessed. ... ··

Our Grand Opening .. • •

0 0 as a Success

Than s to You . . . '

We wish t.o thanlt Hw many pat.rons who stoppctl nt the sl;ation for om· gr-:uul opmting. We wnre 1-(lad to have tlw OJlpill'tnnity, of showing off the IIIIW station and to lll'conw aequaint•~:l with you. Wn hope .~·ou wlll Ill~!_!;

siOJIJling at our snpt·r· st•r·viee erni1•r a l'l~gulur habit. --·-

These Peop~e Took. Homne Special Gifts . . . . ·.

1\IERRJI, IHim:nmDI~

I.ansing Tli•t>s


~!asou · 15 ga.Jions 'Powlir~X

. • '


lUnson QH~Change

Sp~t~ial for th·is~ Week \' '! . ' . . .

. F.IEE WASH ·,Joa·. wittr~~bricai:ion and· Oit Change

.:· . , :· ~ ~": ~• r .. • • . . • . . . ' . \: '

. .

·-NewSi ' ... • .•.. ,·

' .\ ... .

• 1.

Circuit judges will come to Mason Monday lo 1>pen the May term of court. .Judge Marvin .J. Salmon Is presirling judge for !he May term. He will lal1e arraign· mcnt~ and read thr. tr!rm mien­dar Monday . .Jury !rials are nol schellulerl to start until tlw fol· lmving Monday.

On the May lr.rm cnlr.nrlnr am ~43 caseR. Therr arc 92 criminal cases, GO jury civil, 11~ non-jury civil, 29 non·conle~ted chancery and 170 contested chancery. On the no·pl'llgress calcndm· ar£' 23 law and 5,1 chancery cases. They arc subject to dismissal !Jccatlst! of lack of JH'ogl'ess fot· a yea1·.

Divorces 11\lmller !l on I hr non· contester! r•ah'iHiar nnd Jllf) on the contested, a lola! of liH on the active calendar.

N:1mes of 70 prospective jurors for the May term were <lrawn nl Mnson last Friday. Sheriff Wil· lard P. Burnes, County Clerk C. Ross Hilliard ami Mason .Just ices of the Peace William S. Seely~ and Roy V:/. Adams rlirl the draw­ing.

Those whose names were drawn were Minnie 'l'horhurn, Rtith Pm1ley and llulh Shultis, Mason; Mrs. Ellen M. Lung, L. J. Bruel\ell and Mrs. Beva Bealty, Williamston; Warren Coon and Pearl Plant, East Lansing;

Frank Debicl<, Beulah Monroe, Al.ton .J. Phelps, ITenry Cool<, Mrs. .Jeanette Horan, Bertha Zeeb, Carl F. Hess, Albert Gries!, W . .M. Northcott, Helen P. Wight· man, Anna L. Harrbon, Emie Helrlmeyer, I. Macl< Collins, Maude Come, Elizabeth Coleman, Mabelle Schell, Clwrlotle E. Der· hummel', Howard Dil'ken ancl Mary E!. l<rcpps, Lansing;

.Jennie Capeman, Sim Clark nnd Floyd E. Fogle, Alnicclon; Max· ine Topliff, Helen Ziegler and Mary Rich, Aureliu~; Ernest 1•'. .Jenl1ins, G. l~rancis Hamilton nnd C. J. Gndrly, Bunker Hill; .Tose­phinc Roclocl\el', Harold Spink and Melba Kreiner, Delhi; Mil· dred Grecnoltgh, Mrs. Sylvia Weston and Glen Fox, Ingham;

Warren R. Cardwell, Doris An· derson and .James R. Hovey, Lan­sing township; Ernest Monroe, Elic Latham and Mable Mead, Le· roy; Larl\ Ambs, Gale R. Hark· ness and Floyd Lantz, Leslie; Clyde Loll, Earl E. West and Orval F. Proud, Locl<e; Charles H. Klinger, Harry W. Buchanan nnd Marian Parkhurst, Merirlian; Doris Kent, G. Elmer Smith and Herbert Baldwin, Onondaga;

Oma Faber and Lester Collier, Stocl<hridge; Mrs. Irene Baker and Maybelle Whipple, Vevay; Vernm~ Butler and Neola M. Bailey, Wheatfield; Mary E. 'J'in· gay and Herbert Swan, White Oak;. and Lucille D. Hopkins nnrl Hazel Bnbbilt, Williamstown.

Two Are Injured As· Car Overturns

Mrs. Sadie Behm, 75, Dansville, and Fred Frye, filar mail route

. carrier, suffered injmles· Wednes­day morning when Frye's car ovet·turned. Mrs. Behm had hel' shoulder brol<en, was cut about the face and suffered shod<. Ft'Ye was cut and bruised. Both were talten to the Mason General hospital.

Frye carries passengers baclt and forth between Dansvllle and Mason. He had delivered mail to Dansville and wns on his way to Mason Wednesday m or nl n .g when a blaclt cat. leaped Into the road. Frye twisted the wheel to avoid hitting the cat .. The driver 'lost control. The car ran off the road to the right and hit n bank and tl1en overturned.

Roy _w. Atlams 'ts carrying mnll on the route unlll Frye is able to resume duty.

Atlron sllh.J StllUI'\Iny,. Mny S, nt Zlm• mcrmun'tl. &IHll\~ot'l!tl by tho y·anntt \\'omen'li Gnlltl' of the r-1na1on PI'PHby. tt!l'illll chUI'Ch, ~HWl

·, ... . ,•

Change in Policy Shifts Scientist

lJppoJ• Dm·hy tllllll .Tune whon 11 IHHI~C will be fJVIIilnhln In Dm•· hnm,· •, ·

Arlnri1~ 'is' n hmtlter of MIHs lWwl nnrl !loy nnd llnlpl1 Arl111ns of Mu~un •. Hn IH II gmdunlr! nr Mu~on high Hr·lwo! nnrl of l\111'11· !gun Stule I'Ol!Pgt!, grnrhlnlilll( rrom collr!gl! In I!J21, IIIHI rt•r·Pil'· lng his m11~Wr'H dl'!(l'r•r• In 11).(1'011· omy In 1!12·1. ITt• nlso riitl J(l'<irlltrlir• wurl< pt' Hul).(I'I'S llnlvPrhily, [ Jr• HI'I'V4'1i In Frant'l! will! tlu• 1 lilt II l~lelrl Artlllr!I'Y In World \Viii' T nnd l'ulnlnc llH!inlwl'.'hitJ In BroWilP·Ciil/l'ndi'J' post or tlil' J\nlPI'ir•Hn LPg!on.

SlJSm AND,IIOLI,Y ALLEN, daughters of Mayrll' and Mt'S, Glenn S. Allen of Kalamazoo, lilted their Stocl<hl'idgc• visit just us much as they like this Ice cream. 'l'hn 2 gil'ls were In Slocl<bl'idge Wednesday with their pa1·ents who took [Jnrl in lhe Michigan Week mayor exehange pmgram. This pict.w·e was tulwn ut. Uw Lions ciLiiJ din net• given 1 o honol' 1lw Aliens. Holly, 7, spent the morning with the Slocldll'irlg<• second gmdet•s, Susie, 5, was to have atlenclecl ldndet·gai'1Pil classes, but changed her mind. She spent the day climbing on the fire trucks, being shut in the village jail cells, visiting farms and seeing Stocl<lwidge folks along the Hlr·eels. rt was a big day for both you11gsters.

Ci\J,JFOitNIA. WOlHAN nms Mrs, Cecil' Charnhcrtnln, wife

llf llohert. ChumhiH'lnln, cllerl lu~t 'J'hursduy in Follywnod, Call· fol'llla. She had a bruin tumor: Servit,es were concluctcd Monday In Hollywood. Mr. Chrunherluln Is a gmduate of Mason high SPhool and Jivr•d in Inglwm county for some tlmr..

-Mayors (Conl.irnwd fJ'()IIl PUJ:'I' I)

Fred Smithkey, 72 Dies Wednesday In Lansing Hospital

Fred W, Smitlli<I'Y, 72, dll'rl Welinr.sday niglit in fliP St. Law· f'l!nt'f! lwspllal. liP unrlPIWI'Ill surgery l"rirlay. Mr. Srnitliili'.l' hnrl ili'Pn in till' J\ll;rson ( i••lwr·;rJ hospitul und wns lrllll.o;f<'l'l'l'rl Jnsl wr•l'l< I o tliP St. L:tWI'PIH'I' ]IllS· pita! for surw'ry.

gmwn in Stoei<bl'irlge. NcnJ·ly 100 I-Ir was llorn i\inw•miJI'I' ~. tSSI, pl'ople tumPd nul.. for the dinner to ·honor· the visiting mayor. in !•:den township, Lnlu• r'olllrl,l', Ridwrd Howlett: introduced May. the son or Jnhnie nnrl Elnora or Allen and local officials. Bill Brinl1 Smilltlwy. In J!J:r; lw t•amc• Caskey pre~cnted thr Tool hag. Jo Mason. Mr. Smil hl<r>y was l'f"

In the afternoon, the Allens tired. He hnrl Wlll'kPd f111' tlir 1 werE! tal<en on a Jour. of the Oldrmohile and hall :rlsn dom•l school. Mayor Allen spol<c be- wori< in Mason. I fore the school ass em hly a nrl re· I maincd to obsl'rve thl' student T•'unr•rnl lll'l'anr.:t•mPnl s a l'P I'OUIWil l'lection and to hear n. fi!W pl•ruling. 'I'Ilf' hnrly is at 1111• Gors- j

t•ampuign speeches. line·Runl'iman lunet'al lw1m! ir11

Fnl~o:v.lng the Sl'hool pr_ogmm, Lansing; Burial will ht• in till' Ill!' Vlsltrng mayor nnd Ius fam· , I ily visited the Maritinder-Glenn Maple c.rove cemcll't'Y. Mason. I V. F. W. Post. No. 510 and finished I Surviving him are ·I daughlc>rs, up the tour by a visit to the Wa· Mrs. Gladys Cherry, Mrs. ]{uth tr'J'Ioo game area. ' Bol1~s a~1d Mrs. Agnes Wliitfonl

Wendell Barher was chairman of Lansmg. and Mrs. Ilel0n Prc•s· or the mayor cxehunge lll'ogmm ton of Leslie; 3 sons,. Clifford ~11' in Stoekhridge. LHnflng, Ken~eth ot CaJII:orn:il

"\.Yc're learning a lot" Mayor and Juhn of Sturtevant, Wisc'oll·. Allen repeated rluring \11e tom·. sin; 27 . granclchildn·~l, 8 great· "Stocl<hridge is a progressive grandclulrlren; 2 _slslrm.;, M1·s. community that.. -prl'sents a M~ry !Icss of Lansm,~ ~ntl Mt'!i. united-action front. II'H encourag· .M1nnle Newman of l~lo!'Hia; allll. ing to·visit: s"ch a !own ami to one brother, I-IcnJ'Y Smrllllwy ol meel. so many flnP people." Lansing.

;\ fliJI' Hi ,Vr>urs Ill Upper Dnr· by, Pn., 11 Phlln,JnJphln suhUI'b, IIPill'Y H, Arl11111s hnH hl'nn .o;hlfterl tn·I.Ju• Unlvnrslty of NI!W Ham(l· shim nl Durlwm. liP lias the I II In of statP Hnll sPhmlisl,

J\ I Uppr>!' Dnrhy llrlnnlli WIIH In tile rcglonul off!c£1 of lilt! ~oil <'OflSl'I'VIIIillll HI'I'Vlt•e of the Un!lpd SiatPs rll'purtnwnl of agrl· <'Uilun•. I !P \Viis in clllll'!'l' of mil HIII'VI'Y worJ; nnd Jl1nrl c;lnsslflt·n· t Jon l'nl' t lw 12 Paslf'l'll 1;tall'H 1'1'<~111 Nnt·th ('nrol!na to Mahw, A l'l!l'f'rJI i'l'lll'g'<illlZIItlllll nf tJjp de· parlrnr>nt or agril'lillill'l! I'Jlmi· JlltiPd l'r>HinnJtl offit'l'H, llrlnmH IH nnw d11ing I ill' SIITil<' typl' nJ' wi11•1l illll <Ill :1 stall' llasls In Nt•w lf:nnpshirr•. i[r• hl'gan his dutii'H

,JOJINI-\ON ,JOINS ,JI>:Wt•:'l"l'

lhl'l'l! Mny I.

Cliarii'S ,]OilllHOil or Mason !inS Jo!iu1rl l.lw fail'S stuff of tim {'arl .JPW<'I I Jlm1t' l·~slatr• i\gl'lll',\' .• fohn· Hllll haH IH'PII 11 liarhPI' In 1\Jm;on for HUVI'I'Ul )'l'fii'S, 1 [I' iiiii'IIIJS In

t•ontlnttl' 1111 111 CampiH•IJ's hnrlu•r Mrs. A ria ms i" l'l'rnnlnlng In shop.

PlANTS for MOTHER Perennials

l'lii.OX...:.,, vuriPty nf lduds IIA \'I.! LI.Jio:S.>...KI'\'1\I'U.I I'OIIll'S lll>:J.I'IIlNilli'tli'l-l'lll'll'it\ hyln·id~

(:I! HYSA N'I'III':MUiHS-Hul·dy Jllnnl.~

< :m.wmiNJ•:S-lll'ltUilful ''lllnrs FOXf:l,OVJ•:-SIIil'h\y llyln·irls \'HI 1.:\S •


15c - 49c

'l'hi',V 111'1' ht•nntlful thi~ Yt'lll'-0111' rJ\1'11 Jlrrttlul'ls, fir• <'111'11

Roses l'oltl'd Jtlnuls, ul!vt• nud g'l'nwiug·-JI.viJri<l lc•ns. 111111 <•iilllht•J'S,

Potted Plants W•:t:ANimJS - I'I~TUNIAS I :rJitH·I'nl mix1•d pots



Carroll Gardens Routh l.anslng. StrN~t at South Str·t•t•t

' ·l\Ja.'lon ' ·

Mt'!i. Al~n.wu enlhu~asti~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ too. She quicl<ly made friends dLtt'ing llCI' ~hort s·Jay in Slocl<· bt•idge. The mayor's wife ex­pressed the desire lo' some day live in a !own just. lilte Sloe!<· bridge. She lilwd 1 he 1vay foll<s received tlw Mayor or Kalamazoo and his family.

Wl!ile Jorei~i1 dlplomals were at: Sloc!1bridge and Dunsvllln, I represenlutives from those towns were in Kalnmazoo and 1\111. 'Clem· ens.

Daniel D .• TE'nlltngs, DunsvilJQ village pre~ideill, managed 1he affairs of Mt. 'Clemens Wrdne~­duy. Wilmot Bo!mel. wenl wilh President. ,Tennings to MI. Clem· ens.

The ML qemens wekoming program, f·tarl.lng nl 10 in tltr forenoon, contlnuetl tl)rough n dinner. in honor of the Dansville )ll'esidenl Wednesday nigh!.

Puur Stephens, Siockhridgc v!l· !age president·, was mayor-for·a.·l ·day in J{alamazoo. A dlnnel' was served in his Jionor by· the I\nln· mazoo Kiwanis club. During the day !Hi inspected pitblic buildings, tall<ed with merchants nml vislterl several indusli·ies.

City Wants Bids On Police Car

Dr. L. A. Wlleden, councilman, proposed at. the ~ouncil meeting Monday night that. the clt.y tal\C bids on a. new pollee car. Wlleden is. the new ehaltman of the pollee eommlt tee. ·

Wileden poi.nt~l out that: the present car, a. )953 Chevrolet, has neal'ly 44,000 . miles on I L. The present car will· be turned in on the new· one. ·

Bids on furnishing the police car .will be stuclied at the next council meeting, Momlny, May 17 .

'.'I'll grant· you· that for expert TV Hervlce. at roo...onable rJ&tes, you eun•t: ·beat Cousins RatUo ILild TV Service at 1\luson • • . but Is f.hat all you can talk ~~~.ut,'Robcrt'l" ·

ily ftltroiltes for

Sugar 5 lb'

49c Shredded

Wheat l Boxes 35c

SPRY 01'

CRISCO 3 lb Can 89c

FRANKFURTERS Skinless 3 5Cib

Steak :Round Rirloin

59c lb

Ground Beef


Smoked ·Picnics::· Fresh Butter ' I I~': .

Straw-·:::. 92·S(~OJ'C

.59c lb Ber.ries·

', ·.· .(1

Chuck Roasts

All Cuts

41c lb


.Potatoesi 5 lb 3·7c

Jefferson · Food Market ,·,. ;

' ' . ~ ',


,:(· . \;,


Take Your Car to

INGHAM Motor Sales

l'hnnt• 2-:i.i31 Forni~rly Whifccr.aft

For Prompt Service

220 W. Ash


DrSoto-Plymontll Dealer

Enjoy All Year

New G. E.


' . Sunbeam.,


-Sparton TV·


'News iterrls Residents Protest New Dump Site

Delhi Justice Reports Cases

llunqunl IH F!dwduli•d '!'he P r c I! h ,V t c r Inn mother·

dnuglllel' llllnquet will be hel.l Wcdnemlny evening, Muy 12, at 0:30 11· m., In the gymnasium of the r!hllt'ch. All members plnnnlng to attend nnd who nre not eontaPted hy the food com· mltter., are to call Mrs. Mary Dixon.

Holt PTA Groups Schedule Meets

Sycamore P. T. A. will meet Mondny r•venlng, May 10, for in· stallntlon ol of(ice!'H. The rest of the evenl'ng will be a discussion on plnns nmlldens for next year's progmm. Refreshments will be served.

Midway P. T. A. will also meet on Monday. Poetry reading will he giVC'n by Leonard Ecker', sixth gmde student tcaclwr from Mich· ignn Stnle college. Officers will be Installed by Carl Clarlt, a coun· ty P. T. A. officer.

Dt•, Douglas l~rycr, director of the Lnnslng Jleulth Center Clinic, will spenlt nn "Children's Sum­mer Dl~ensr.s" Ill' the Elliott ~cilool meeting Monday. Officers will also be Installed.

Holt Kiwanians Plan Variety Show

Holt Kiwnnians will sponsor a variety show Saturday, May 15, nt the Holt high school gym with 21 acts planned.

Prizes will he: $10 ns first prize; $7.50 for second; $5 fo1· thii'Cl; and $2.50 for fourth place, for lhc division of eighth gradet·s and under.

Tile same awards will he! given to the division of ninth graders and on up. Those participating arc from the Delhi area.

Tuesday evening Kiwanis mem· bers entertained the Holt fire· men ami listened to a talk by Robert Foster, fire marshal from Lansing.

Sl'ltool News Holt teachers met for their an·

nual spring picnic at the high school Tuesday evening.

The freshman dance Is being planned for Friday, May 14.

Music Boosters will install of· fleers for the last meeting of the year on Monday, May 17.

On May 23 the seniors will he· gin their week's trip to New York by bus .•

The Guy Wirlcl~s plan to spend Sunday with Mrs. Wirick's moth· er in Camden.

Girl Cuts Hand Bell;\' .Jean Driver, 12, daughter

of 'Mrs. Nelson Dt·lver, fell on some broken glass Saturday and cut her left hand and wrist severely. She is remaining at the Sparrow hospital for a few days.

1\lndcrgm·ten Roundup Planned Tfle l'indergarten roundup for

tills fall will be held Wednesday, May 19, nt the Midway school. Enrollment for kindergarten will be from 8:30 to 11:00 a. m. and from 12:30 to 3 p. m. Dt·. E. F.

'' .. --Mr, an[J' Mrs. WIIII11m finrris,

Jr., plnn to spend the weolt end in Midland' with Mr. nml Mt·s. Hoger Mqrltell.

Alfrecl Walters retm·nocl ·to his home Ft·idny' from Grnce' hospital in Detroit w)wr!! he rec·cntly lin· tleJwent lll\rgery, · · ·

Gerald WlnterH, Holt band dl· l'Cclor, took• over the dh·ecting of the Lnnsl~g· Ens tern band for the recent st(\te bond festival April 2,1 Ill Miehll)'an Stnte college, due to the slcl<ness of the regular Lnnslng Eastern dlmctor, Walter Jenvey. The group won a first dl· vision rating for the first time.

The Ernest · Burlew fnmlly pluns to spenct Sunday In Owo~so In a combined celebration of Mother's Day and I he blrthdny nnnlvm·sary• of, Mrs. Burlew's fn· thcr. Her pl\renp.;,, the Dnn Hlg· bies of Eq·[o'rt Hpplds, will be present ut 'ti f~mlly celebmtlcm fo1· the event.

Mr. nnd'Mrs. Elmer Hnlnvn nre spending this week end In the nouth. The)' plan to attend the ground·brcaldng ceremonies for !he Macldnac bridge.

Little club will meet with Mrs. W. L. Dorton Tuesday evening, )\1'ay 11.

Mrs. Herbert Remalle ret ur·nccl home this. week from Illinois where she has spent· the past 2 months caring for her c:laughtct•, Mrs. Hugh Clarl<, who has been sick. A daughter, Mary Cnlherine. was born April 17 to Mr. nml Mrs. Clai k at the Paris hospltnl, Paris, Illinois.

Ingham County News

Mnlion strcel r~sldents dtrmpocl 1111 unti·dllm!l petition intu tlw laps of dty counl'll member~ nt the coundl meeting Monrlay night. An nren near Mason 1>1.1'1'1!1 is the proposed lof'lltlon of tlw new city rlump. 'f'he resldonls charged the eouncll with lnillnt~ to reallu~ the loss In property values which would befall t ilr• area dua to smol~e, offtmsiw odors, llylng litter and lwrtvy traffic. '

Maym• C In i r m n n t Everitt turned the petition over to IIH• tlump l''ommltlm! which will nter•t with the properly owtwrs.

'!'he Mason council hough! Ill!'! proposed site• for t hr! dump from Mrs. Sam Clemens I' or $1,200 ln~t· month. The elly hns het!n olf<!l'Ptl $1,000 for the prPscnt clump ~Ill',

The county rond l'omml!~sion has n leusc on the proposed dLtmp loeatlon, tlw t'ornwr Wnggonet· rrrnvl'l pit. Unrlet• terms of tlw sale, the county has the ri~hl to remove gravel In ~o<'t ions !Je fore the dty can luke over. As the county t•xcavutPs the r:rnvel, thl' city ~an liSe the excnvntetl mens Cor llw dump, the agreement pro· vi des.

At the council mr!£!ting 2 weei<s ngo, council rnemhPrs agrePd thnt there would be 11£'W housekeeping ru!Ps at the new clump. The pn•· vailing westerly winds will Ill' blowing away from the rr•siden· tint sc•clions of Mason street, they pointed out. And in ndditlon a greater ef:fort will be e.xerels£!d to coni rot offensive burning ndors and tr> stop the smtlerlng of trash along the route to the dump.

Mav 6, 1954 Page 3

Simplicity ·

Garden Tractors Am£•t·ka's No. I gamh•n h·ndo•· in 2, 2 !,1 auul ii h. Jl, ~lzrs.

Jill~ 3 Sfl!'etll'l llfll) l'I'Vt'I'Se,



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BAKING DISH and 14-oz. Pkg.




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"Cudilhy - 12-onnl)c ca.n . •:<\"

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Stokely's llonor Bt•and

Green Peas ....... :· ........... :2 Pkgs. 35c Cut Corn ...................... 2 Pkgs. 37e Broccoli ............ 1.: ............... Pkg. 27e

· Brus.'iels Stlronts .. · ............... Pkg. 3Sc Limo. Beans ......... : .............. Pkg. 27c Strawberries .,: ............. 8 Pkgs. 99e


SociaL 6veJzt5 anJ Personab • • •

''Blossom Time' Is Theme For Annual Calico Ball

Mn:;on Child Study Club No. 1 members chose "Blossnm Time" 'ns the theme for their annual Calico Ball, which will be Frjday night: In the Delhi township hall.

Member:; of the decorating committee, with Mrs. Phlllp 'Shirley und Mrs, Raymond Swift, us clwlrmen, nrc busy malting decoration:; for the spring dance.

As In past years, women wl II wear colton dresses and men arc to go in sport clothes.

Ginny Siebert and her Orchcs· tra will ftu·nlsh music for dane· ing from 9 to 1.

Pythian Sisters Attend Meeting Held in Marshall.

Tickets arc :n!ing sold by Child Sludy club members, or they may be obtained at the door the night of the dunce, according to Mrs. Herbert Newmap, tlclwt chnlt·· mnn,

Mrs·, Lawrence 13nrlon, chalt·· mnn of the refreshments com· mlttee, has announced that SUIHl· wlches and coffee will be sold during the affair.

Mrs. Clifton Lftmphere Is pub· llclty ehnlrmnn anrl Mrs. Ben Weaver Is general chairman Jor the rlance,


Gale Lamphere, son of Mr. anr: Mrs. Ccland Lamphere, was guest of honor at a party Ft•irlny eve nlng at his home observing hlr 12th birthday anniversary. 'J'welvr friends attended the party anri played games anrl danced, after

Mnson Pythlnn Sisters attended which Mrs. Lamphere served re the district. No. !i com•entlon In rrcshments of birthday cnl<c anr· Marshall lasl Thursday after· Icc cream. Gale received man~ noon and evening. nice gifts.

:fl ~ * Present for the evening were I

Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs. Albet1 Baby Shower Honore Humphrey, Mrs. Clifford Smith, -Mrs. Hubert Harrison, Mt·s. Rqb· Mrs FIJ'ck and Son et·l Robson, Mt·s. Thomas Jaclt· • son, Mrs. Clarence Boles, Mrs. Mrs. Albert Cook entertaine< Kenneth Merlndorf; Mrs. Pearl Saturday evening at a shower I-Iarclenburg, Mrs. T. .J. Holtz, honoring Mrs. Loren J~licl< nne Mrs. Maurice Rlcldy and Mrs. L. son, Ross Curtis, of Bluffton, B. Barr. Indiana. Muriel Hart was co·host

At the convention the Grand ess·. Chief of Michigan made remarlts Guests were Mrs. Alvin Mur on the worl> pel'fonned by the' of· phy of East Lansing, Mrs. Rus Jlcct·s, and the Mason Temple was sell Anderson of Lansing, Mrs. ]Jrcscnlecl with a ·white Bible. John Boyne of Howell, Mrs. For Dinner was served in Marshall at est Anderson, Jr., of Dansville 5:30 p. m. followed by, a program and Mrs. Marvin Loll, Mrs. and additional activities by Charles Brown, Mrs·. George Mur temples Jrom the district. thum and Mrs. Lawrence Oes

• • • tcrle. Mr. and Mrs. Dart Lang and

Mr. 11nd Mrs. 1-Ir.nry Fries spent Sunday in Benton Harbor and Dowagiac,

:Mr. anrl Mrs·. Donald Siefert and son, Paul, of Greenville vis· iter! her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

·Alton Jewett, Sunday.

The group played games after which the l10stesscs server' molded salad, individual calces sandwiches, tea and coffee from a table centered with a minia· ture baby buggy and blue anr white hyacinths.

The Fllclt baby received many nice gifts.

• • •

New Arrivctls Bridal Shower Ml', anrl MI'H, Cnrl Edmonds nrc

tire parents of ll son, Jeffrey Rob· Gl'ven Thursday ert, horn 'l'hur~day, April ~9, at the fllodgelt hospital In Grund Rnplrls, ,TP.ffrey hns a brother, For Mary Scott Gregory Carl.

Mr. nnd Mrs, Robert Ambler Mt·s. Merlin Green cnterlnlnerl or Wllllnmlllon have a son, at a mlseellrtncous bridal shower Michael Bruce, bnm Mondny, Thursd;ry evening ltnnorlng Mnry April 2(], nl fi:.'30 rt. m. In the St. Scott. Miss Scott Is vocal In· Lawt·ence hospital In Lansing. slruclor nl Mason publle schools. Mrs. Ambler 1~. the fnrnier .Toyce Mrs. Marvin Loll anrl Miss ,To l~mnltlln of Williamston, Ann Mr.nocllnsslslcrl Mrs. Green,

Mt•, nnrl Mrs .• James Frew of Gnmes wcrP. plays~rlnflcr which Union City hnve n son, Davlcl Miss Scott opener! her many ''mil, horn Salurclay, April 21. gifts. Pari. of the presents \\'11re IVirs. F'rew Is the former Patricia. placed unrler 11 lnrgc pink, gl'f!en Dancer of Stockbridge, and yellow.covered umhrclln, nnrl

Mr. nnrl Mrs. 11:ldrcd House of the oiiH!l'H wc~re hldrlen. he IIP.rrkl< dlslrlel: ilnve a son, Fnllowlntr tl1e opening of llw ~-•qr.t· Lee, horn Thursday, Aprll presents Mrs. Grl•en S!!rvr_orl cream 22. puffs with slrawhel'l'lr.s, spir~ed

Mt·. anrl Mrs. William P. Flnlt tea and salted llltls. 'l'hr. lllllcups .,r Mnsnn have a son, .John Fred· were the silajJe or Jltt.le um· ~riel>, horn Friday, April 30, In brelhts. the Mason General hospital. They Those nllr.nding werr. Mrs. have 2 ol.hct• children, Mary Eliza· George Harry of Marslwll. .Tr.nn h!!lh, 4, and David, 2. Mrs. Flnl< MacMillan of L:1nslng nnrl Mrs.

F. A. Carrlet·, Mrs. Roher! Cmw,. · . ., I he fot·met· Dorothy Rlchmann Belly Hinkle, Mrs. Stanley Knopf, 'If Elgin, Ill., and Beloit, Wise. Mrs. Pelct· Roon and Mrs.

A daughter, Colleen Renee, was Vaughn Snook. horn Snturrlny, May 1, In the Ma· "' ,,, ~ ~on Gcnem! hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Fred CmTler. The Carriers Ornanizalions have 2 other children, Fred A. Jr., 0 1\~. anrl Florence .Jennifer, 2 1k. of the Erlcn W. M. A. Mrs. Carrier Is the former Joan will meet Wr.rlnesrla~·. May 12, at Wilson. 1 p, m. at tile home of Mrs.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Gordon L. Ketch· Clnurle Peel< on Rolfe road. 1m are the parents of a son, The nnnunl meeting of the 1andy Eugene, horn Sunday, May I Greenwood CemP.Iery assodatlon !, In the Mason General hospital. of Aurelius townshi[~ will he heir!

Mr. and Mrs. LaVern E, Gibbs 1 Saturday, .May 8. at 1:30 p.m., al rave a daughter, Verna Lue, born' the Aurelius town hall. Anyonr ·:unday, M_ay 2, in the Mason Interested m?Y at~rmr~. ~~~lsln?s': ~eneral hospital. Jo~ the mectlllg wrll co1~ccr.n ,1p

potnllnr:: new trustees, frnrlmg a Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hutton cnretal>er and election of a secrr··

'!'C! the par:cnls CJf a daughter, tary. \atht·yn Roseanne, born Tuesday, \'lay <1, In the Mason General has· pltal.

* • *

.Auxiliary Plans Many Activities

A regular meeting of Browne· 'nvender American Legion Auxll· Jry of Mason will be held al the ·omc of Mrs. Violet Moses, 416

Members of the Hicharrl H. Reno Post No. !i2G American 'Le· gion and Auxiliary, arc sponsor· ing public card pnrl ics May 8 11 nrl May 15 commencing- at 8 p. m. nl their hall 2 miles south of Munith on Coonhlll road. Pedro and euchre will be played and games will he provirlerl for I he children. Refreshments will be server!.

The Kipp Mothers club will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, May 11, at 8 o'clock at the school.


Mr·. anrl Mrs. Paul llilrlrelh of Mason llllllflllnee tlw engngcmnnl of !hell· tlaughler, 13nrnice Leona Hart, lo Wnltet· H. i{clth, son of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Glenn Keith, also of Mason.

The rJotlple Is planning- a Mny 1 lG wedding.

1\'llss llurt. gmrlunlerl from high sdmol at Wa~;Jtington Court House, Ohio, in ·1n:i2, 1rnd lms been emplo,;·1~rl hy 1-\can's fie to $1.00 store In Muson tire past :>'ear. * I~ Iii

Group Attends Annual Meeting

Mrs. Pearl .Tewr>ll, Mrs. Grace Anl;ncy, Mrs. Violet Mc!ses, and Miss Ethel Arlams, members of 13rowne·Cavender Amerit~fln Lc· ginn A\IXilinry, allcndr.d the an· nual "wreck" of Tnglwm County Salon No. 44~ of the 40 ct 8 in Lansing Thursday night.

The mer.lirrg wns helrl nt the 40 el 8 ClJnlenu, with a bohemian

1 dinner at G:ao. New mcmlll'rs were lnllialed in the lnglram I cmunly group and in the newly· orr::nniwd sfllon of Clinton coun· i ly.

Mrs. Moses from the Mason Auxlllat·y and Mrs. Frances Cmkcs anrl Mrs. Dor•is Vlcary of Lyle E:dwanls Auxilinry, Leslie, were am11ng the canrlidaies in· dueled at the meeting.

* *

Hospitals · Mr. anrl Mrs. Edward Huycit of Fllnl and Walter Huycl{ of Lan·

.. sing plar1 to spend Mother's Day Mrs. On a Almond and Mrs with Mrs. Claude Jones. Claude Glenn Webster attended llv

-·.Tones Is In the Span·ow hospital Eastern Star mother and ria ugh . annex with pneumonia. ter brealdast at Dansville Sun

:. McRoberts Street Tuesday eve· The Men's 13rolherlworl assoda·l Mrs Ciilhert Flrit'Pri ·tnrl Wil· :iitg at 8 o'clock. lion of I he Erlen United BrethrP.n · · ·. : ~ ~ .. ' ,

M .. 1"\ II "'II It l church will holrl lls monthly llllm r,,tlton nf Ch.ttlnllc, who Is. s.t JC e mt cr, un pres· · • IJ· vc !Jepn ·n F t, 1 .1 't· 1 Jo!C'k

Rev. and Mrs. Earl Kincaid of day. , Lum called on Mrs. Marjorie Mrs. Mary Saelens of Lansinr ~ Craddock and family last Tues. spent the week end with her sm •.. day. Mrs. Cruddocit and daugh· and daughter·in·law, Mr. and Mrs · tcr·, Mavis, spent Saturday and LeRoy Saelens, and daughter. :·Sunday In Detroit where they at· Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Edmonds

tended the Spring Arbor a cap· had dinner Sunday with Mis~

~pella chorus concert at the Rcd·j Grace Edmonds of I-Ia~tings. r.r , ford church. They were also the afternoon they vrstted tiler ~guests of their aunt, Mrs. Jessie new .grandson, son of Mr. nne :·:Steele, and Ramona Craddock, I' Mrs. Carl Edmonds, and family at '.who attr.nrls high school there. Grand Rapids. .

:: Ingham County News May 6, 1954 Page 4



Mother's Day ' . ~ .

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Hose - Blouses - Lingerie Dusters

_Apmns Costume Jewelry

Towel Sets

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$.5.95 Up SLIPS·,




.. Nationally Advm•tised 51;15 hose, .regular m· dar!~ seams

ALBA HOSE .. Alba Black Outline Heel - $1.10 \ ..

.. \ . . .



'ent, has announced .that the meeting in tire basement of the 1.'1 • : .. 1 . '"' 1 Jos n '1 • ' -

\ ·T . '" th . l I t d' . church Friday, May 7, at 8 p. m. SOil, <llliVCrl oil I he horn!! of her UXI Ia! Y:' mo cr c aug 1 er 111 . pnrcnts, l\Jt·. IIIHI Mrs. Roy Rusch,

:er, ongmally planned for May The Mason Woman's club Will l, has been postponed until meet Tuesday afternoon, May ll,

'hursday, May :.!0, to be held atj at 2 o'clock at the Hall Memoria\ .he Vevay town hall. The unit's library. Dr. Charles Predrcy of


;old Star members will also be. Michigan Stale college will spcal\ 1onored at the dinner, according on "Speech Deficieney in Stu· o Mrs. Sue ShelTer, Gold Star· dents." 1 · lwirman. · · .' Mason Rainbow Girls Rre spon· Members of the local Auxlllal'l' sorinr:: a roller slmting party

·rc planning to attenrl the annual Thursday evening, May G, Ill 7:30 ncmorial luncheon at Flint Sun·. p. m. at the Palomar, East Lan· lay, May 15. Mrs, Marjorie' ~ing. 'arl<er, unit chaplain, will partie!· The Mason Presbyterian ehurch •ale m the pror::ram, In memory will have Its annual mother and 1f ~embers of the. Ma.son organ· daughter banquet Tllllrsday, May zatwn who have dwclm the past 27, 1ear.

District officers will also he rominated at the luncheon, to be ·lcctcd at a sixth district conven· ion slated for the following Sun· lay, May 23, at Stocl<bridge.

lll * *

Women Bowlers Attend Banquet

Wheatfield Gleaners llavc invited to meet with Lansing Gleaners Arbor Tuesday evening, May 11, at their hall on West South sireet. in Lansing. A pot· luck dinner will be served at 7:31\ p, m. Members arc In tal<e their cwn table service and a dish to p.tss. An open meeting with a social hour will follow the dinnr,r.

Ingham Clwptct· No. 51, Royal Arch Masons, will hold a regular convocation Tuesday, May :11, at

Mason women bowlers and 8 o'elocl\, heir sponsors ·gathered at the fevay town hall Wednesday night Phillips School Mothers club

will meet at the home of the ·or their annual banquet which teacher Mrs. Florence Miller at .vas prepared and served by the )uBois Mothers club. The deco· Haslett, 1\'londay evening, May 10,

at 8 p. m. Cars will leave from ·ntions used were nutcups with the school house at 7:30p.m. JoW!ers drawn on them, and

·Jowling pins served as ·place ·set· Members of the Mason Pres· :ings.Jor the different teams, byterian Women's association

Following the banquet, prizes, will have a rummage snlc Friday. which had been donated by mer· May 7, from 1 lo 9 p. m., and Snt· :hants, were given out. Paul urday, M;iy 8, from 9 to 11 a. m. ·.1udgett, Jr., presided as master Mrs. Dart Lang at 121 S. ,f ceremonies. l-Ie presented Rogers will entertain the Rebek­Vayne Miller's team with the ah· Coterie May 10 at 7:30 p. m. lrst·place trophy and Individual Mrs. I-Ient·y Fries will be co·host· trophies to each of the i'lowlers ess. · 111 that team, and gave out the Members of Mason Chile! Study 1ther awards. Club No. l will meet at the Ing·

Wedr:resrlay afternoon. Patients in the Mason General

hospital this wcP.k arc Mrs. Mil· rlred Gi!rclner of Leslie, Mrs. Lyle Ost'erburg of Lansing, Edmond G. Aseltine, son of Mt·. and Mrs. Joseph Lamoureux, anrl Mrs. Allie Thompson of Dansville, Dewey Clark of Eaton Rapids, Mrs. Loya Slratrh of Holt anrl Mrs. Esther McKimmy, Christie Everitt and Gerald Platt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Platt, all of Mason.

Mrs. Lyle Osterburg of Lan· sinr:: underwent surgery at the Mason General hospital Monday ·1

Patients disdwr;.:ed from the Mason Genernl hospital this week were Mrs. Neil BackuH of Lan· sing and Mrs. Reuel Hartwick, Mrs. Carl I<iclclcr, Mt·s. Gr·egory' Martinez, Paul Armbruster, son of Mr·. and Mrs. Robert Arm· bruster; Cheri Clipper, daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clipper; Mrs. I-Imvldns, Mrs. Jay SI<P.Jinn, William Algate and Mro. Helen Pollok, all nf Mason.

Nancy Rens, 3%. claugl1tet· of Mr. and Mrs. Malt hew Rcns, fell down stnirs scverar days ago. She developed a severe headache Wednesday and was rushed to the St. Lawrence· hospital where s·he u nderwcnt car surgery Thursday. Another operation will b!! performed l~riday. She is the granddaughter of Mr. ancl Mrs. b. D. Crowell.

A!H'UII rud1~ ~llt11J'clny, Muy. H, ut. ~lm- 1

nu· 1·mnn'H, ~llfiOHni'J!d hy t.hc Youn~ I Womon'x nuiltl u[ the Mmmn PI'CHhY­I.t!l'i!lll J•hurdJ, IMwl

THE FURRIER'S CORNER Individual prizes were won by ham county. library Wednesday,

ferry GriiTin and Neva Royer for M~y 12, at 8 p. m. Mothers nnd .vinnlng first place in the Hi·Lo children of members will be The beaver ranl<s as nne of loubles tournament held last guests, and talented children of our most important historical .vcek. High individual game for 1:he members will provide the fur bearers. In fact, it was one I he year was bowled by Isabelle program. Hostesses for the eve· of our· first natural resources i"'hyle with 215; Margaret Me· ning arc Mrs. Herbert Newman, Its importance and value Jed Lean had high Individual series Mrs. Donald Chapman and Mrs. pioneers ih the exploration of 1f 531; Verla Glover made the Oren Hall. our country. :;reatcst Increase in average by The Patriotic club will meet Beavers also furnished a 13 pins; and Katherine Rumbles with Mrs. Cordie Francisco, 223 means of exchange Jor food, rolled the most pins. over' aver· E .. · Oai~ street, )VInson, Friday, ; clothing and shelter. As far 1ge In one game. The team talt· May 14, at l o'clock .· .. h.ack as 1621, they were. usee! ing high series was Christensen's Officers of the Mason. Parent,· . ~s a unit of exchange with the Sales with 2191, and McCarn Olds Teachers. association will be in· Dt!tch West India Co. The · rolled high team game with 820, stalled at t'llC p; T.. A. meeting at· , s.krns:were sold by thepaund, Before the awards were given, the school Monday nl.glit at· 8. ·: or els~ ·SO many of them were eiltertainment. was furnished by Justice of the Peace Roy w. piled m flat heaps until they members of the league. Members Adams will spr.ak to the. group . reached the height o.f a gun. presented Isabelle Whyte, pres!· on moclerrryouth problems. Music ' The Hudson Bay Co .. rssucd at dent, with a gift. w111 be by Mary .Scott. Mrs, Rob· .' one ~olns eqmvalent to

At the close of the banquet a ert Bullen Is chnirman for the beavc1 slnns. These were business meeting was held, at evening .• Mothers of ldndergarlcn lm~wn as MJ3 (mad~ be:lVers). which time new officers were children will ·be hostesses, Io or worl> of any Imporlancc elected for the ensuing year. · done to your .furs-consult

There will be a special meeting M f · II Those elected were Eileen Fry, f your nson tll'l'Icr. - er many o · the Mason Rebekah l.oclgc nt f · 't

President·, Helen Lyon, vlce·presl· years \) · expertence gum·an ees the I. 0. 0. F .. hall· Wednesday ti f tl

dent·,· Don. na.· Belyea, . secretary·, 1 M 12 f · 1 1 YOJ.Il'Sa s ac on. even ng, ay , or Ill t ation of Margaret McLean, treasurer;' and candidates. All staff members are, : Cull ·

Gard~n Club Has Potluck Luncheon

Mrs. Ruy Bullan openml Jwr home to tho Mason·Drm~vlllc Gurrlcn club Tuesday !or a [Jot· lucl~ luncheon,

·Roll cnll was answorcd hy cuclt member rending a nutur1~ poem she had composed,

Mrn. Glen Jaci1hs, a guest .fot• the dQy, showed slides of nnlurc scenes laltcn fmm their colloctlon of pictures Irom Flm•ir!lt, the West, Canada and Alaska,

For the buffet centerpiece, Mrs. A. V, Smith prcscnlccl nn ar· l'fmgemcnl: of llowet·lng almonds. The table was covered with n rerl doth am! lhc ccntcrplccc was nf flowering quince, arranged by

I MrH, Uullun, 'Place 1~urcls lor each [101'6011 · wura morning glol)' }lCOrJ~,

· DLI ring I he hllslness meeting lhn grnUIJ 11111rlo Jlluns for il !11m· lly picnic to !10 helcl Tuosctay, .rune 1, nl Ruyner pork, Provlous IH'J'nngements wem mudc for the plenlc La illl at Consumers parlc, .... * ljl

.Mr•, anrl Mrs . .Tames' .Jennings or Royal Onlt visiter! relatives In 8rlen nncl ALU'elius nVCI' the weclt end,

Mr·. unrl Mt·s. I-Iarolrl Seger a! Brighton vlnllPrl Mr. and Mt·s. i\lhcrt Weslphal Sunday. '

F. A. 13ulrlerson hns been slclt 11 his home since Frlduy,

Mrs. Mnhel Davis of Eden wus n gLJest nt dlnnct· Sunday of her sls1er, Miss Sarah Jennings of Attri!JlUS,

elrama for ma111111a

Faberge Colognes - Perfumes 'l'igrcss - Stmw Ilat - Woodhuc

Only $1.25

Fabulous Gift Selections



Colognes Perfumes

Dusting Powder Compacts


Famous Names in Cosmetics

50c Down- iiOc Wed<

We Gift Wrap Free Deliv.ery

Braud New

Jewelry * n.·:iclets *Earrings * Nccldaccs

Solid Cologne

Only $1


Shower Honors Marian Every

.Jerry Cole enterlnlncrl al n pC!l'• sonal hrldnl showell' honoring Marian Every lust 'l'hursrlny, with 15 JlUcsts pt·o~cmt.

Strenmm·s were llecl to ihe gift~ with the g~li!Ht nf honor hnvlng tn locate her lll'esenls, Gnmes were played with prizes going ln. Miss Every, 1

Aftct• the gamas llw hostess served refreshments of llUtwlJ, cupcalws, samlwlches, nuts and mints. ·

Miss Every ami Edwnrrl Woldt ot Shepherd Jllun to c~xe!JnngC! wedding vows .Tune 25 at the Mn· sou Baptist churcl1.


May 9th



.... :i' Th~ 'Sampler i;;,. I '

'1 !h. 2.25

the best likcrl candy in lfw worlrl

Mother's Day Cards

ny llallmal'l• - Gibson


Fimsn J\ODAI\ - COJ,OU


FILM Polaroid Film

Many Other Gifts


-·. STEREO S.ET Everyone tnjoya View .. Mnstor 3·0 color p(c. ® turc11, Oilt aet includes Vlew~Mnster Stereo• . 1cope, Licht Attnch­nu:ntnude~eleet~dsterco $4 :o":.''· In attrac!ive sift

WARE'S DRUG ·.STORE . . Judy Heathman, sergeant·at·arms. asked to be present. Ifthey can:~ ·, A meeting wlll be held early In not attend they are being aslted

the fall to decide when the new to call Mrs. Ja~ Coffey or Mrs. Netty Davidson \ • • . j

We Deliver ' .,

season .. wlll start. Ami Terrill. · Phone 54:1J. •

\ : -·- .. -... "

Five Hundred Extension \ Attend Achievement Day at MSC

,TOJ~LY CWD HAS MTI:E:T . J~lgltt mcmhnrH of H1o ,Tolly

dub mnt nl Mr~. Hugh J\ll~lln'~ hqrno 'l'tle~tlny, 'l'bc ovonln!l wna HfHllll Vl8ltlng nnd playing pcJrlro, f•'lt•st prl~o WllR won by Mn;, 13ornurrl F.nrJII,;h: second prl~e, Mrs, Herman Rich: nncl low, Mrs. Jlohet•t !{err. '!'he whllo elephant lVII~· won by Mrs, ,John I-lof.flc, 'l'he next meetlnf.( will bo held nt the horne of Mt·a. David Stone. on Mny 18,

Five humlrml WOilH'Il fl'flm nil M, }), Gt•ubttm 8Jrenl1H Jllil'ls ol Ingham L!Ollllly g-r•tlwred Home rlomonstrullon wornen

cot• 18 n pu:-;1 pnmlrlent of the Mlehll-(1111 Home Demon:;trntlon Council. ul lite Fllh'dlllrl lhealrc, Mldtlgan lwvc heen urr:crl In tnl5e nn Inter·

Stale eollege, 'l'ttcsdny fot· the an· c:;l In thalr nnl.lve state nml mwl extntmlon rwillevement day.' county. To tic In wltll tit!~. M. D.

l'iJILll\lnl AWIU'ClH Glvmt Suznnne nnd' Snlly ThompHon

plnyl!cl n :;nxophone clnel after Which Mrs. Annelle Schneffer, Illf.(hnrn cotmly honw clemciiJHil'll· lion ngent, nnnnunr:ml the Etch· ells Corticrs club 11s the gmup of the year, Mrs. nobert Bush Is cl111lrrnan o! the group and lcad-

Mrs. Morell Fox, •·nunly r·hnlr· Graham, nnllve of Ononclngn mnn, prcsldcr,Jnt tile morning- sus· lnwnshlp and former Mnson resl· slon nml Mr:;, Clwt·Jes Hurd gnva rlcmt, gave a tall( on "!\now Your

Poppy Sales Aid Disabled Vets

the lnvnenllon. Mlc:hignn." Mrs. !~ox lntrodueerl member:; Mr. Gruham l't;ts bean ucllva In

of the Home Demnnslrailnn training snles peopla Cor Genernl Council, which Includes herself Motors. His lnleresl In Mlchlgnn and Mrs. Lawton GuttsH, Mrs. has lac! hlrn to be •one of Michl· Cltnrlcs Dceg, Ml'S, .Jerold Topliff, gun's best snles promoter peopl•:

l!l'!i ;IJ·c Mrs .. John lloblnson nnrl ., Mrs. Leon Fellows. Honornhle · [he poppy program of the

Mt·s. Ilarolrl llc!dmnn, Mrs. llny 111111 GovL!rnor G. Mennen WJJ. Illlls, Mrs. Lawrenee Smltil, Mrs. llnms h:1s :;Inter! that he Is "Mir.h· Alvin Gnhle, Mrs. William Qulcl,, lgnn's Good·Will Ambassador."

mention went In IJw Millville A rn I! rIc n n Legion Auxiliary Northwest Aurelius, Ing-ham: brings help to cllsnhled Will' vet· Frtncy Doers and nowlcy clubs. :rans thrnuglwut the enth·a ye;tt',

Mt'li. Vernon Seelye unci Mrs. In his tnJI(, Mr. Graham told Attendnnce honor:; went In lhe

'ICt!or·ritng In Mrs. Beverly Hill, r I! It 11 hIll t n ll on dmlnnan of Browne·Cnvendcr unit nf Mnson.

DPirnnt· CnrT. woman muny Interesting !nets She also lnrrodiwcd r·anrllrlate:; nhout the slate. In closing he Fnncy Doers of Lnnslng unci llw

[nt• llw mmlng vaearwlns. These polntorl out, "Wn have the only Millet• Road dub, who will shnt·c lnr:lttrle Mrs. !loy liiiis o( Wll· self·sufflclent state In lhe entire the gnvcl award for llw corning llnrnston, 1\'lrs. Itnlnnrl Graham of world and It Is very filling that year. Wnhlwrvllle, Mrs. Luwlon GauHs we slop this wee!' to realize what Othqr nwnrcls for lhr. clny wenl nf Dansville, Mr., .• Jcrolrl Topliff a wonderful state we hnve." lo MrH. Nettle Morgn11, oJrJp;:J

"Poppies lwlp In 2 distinct way~." :;air! Mr:;. Hill. "Through· 1ut the fall and wlnlcr months, lhc rnai,Jng of tltc Jlowers pro· vlrles employment: , to cllsnblecl ·;elcrans In hospitals nncl crmva· ::;cpnt worln·oorns. The i\rnerl·

'!al: LPglon Auxiliary pays lhern

nf Enlnn Hapid~. Mrs. DeJoy Mnn· Another fenture o! the dny was memher; Mrs. Keith Douglm' rne o( Hives .Junction, Mrs. 1111'! rlcln.ll of the newJy.orgnnlzerl youngest memher; Mrs. Edr.:;nr Claude Mnynarcl nf Okerno!i, Mrs: homa de m on s t r a tl'on chorus Scrlpter or Darmvllla, homemaker Cltet 13ccclwm of Enst Lnnslng which sang 4 selccllons undr.r with the Jut·gest number of cilll ntH! Mrs. Hobert Leeillltner and the cllrecllon of Mrs. Robert Leon· dren; ami Mrs. Shermnn Ilarl Mrs. Stanley i\rlams of Lnnslnr,. nrrl. • man, Stocl\hrldge, member wit•

Jnditrlerl on lilr morning prn· . Lurwlwon was :;ervecl to 32fi C!llll1C lite fnr·lhesl.

for their work, and the poppy· making Is of vnltiC as occupation· •tl I hcrapy, of len helping a veler· 111 start again in working at n ;lead,\' joh.'' gmm wn:; a !all< by Beatrice [women nt PhllliJl!i hnll a'l 12:45, This was tha firs! :.•ear thr

Franquist. nsslstant stnle home All women received fnvors In· ncltlcvcmenl dny hnrl been Jwld drmonstrallon leader, speal<lng · clwllng rttlers, ynrdstlcks, !loot• at tile cnllcf.(e campus. Pr·cviotisly [or the stnlr spcdalist stnrr. She wax, furniture polish, hand lotion It was held at tile i\rncl'!caJJ Lc·

A not hr~r· 1w1y in which poppies help, Mrs. !Iii! explained, "is tltc faet thai all contributions rh·oppprJ Into lite f'oln hoxes of lite i\uxillary's Poppy Da.v volun· leers will be user! to help di:;ahicrl veterans anrl needy children of veternns throughout lhe· coming year.

l'llllgralulalrrl the women Dll I he or plastic bngs. I gio11 hnllln Mason whll:h was ric· finn wurl< they harl rlone tilmugh· Jt::"hihits At•e HISJllny<'!d stroyerl hy fire in Dcccmlwr. oul liw yenr. Exhibit:;, reprcsenlativc of lei;· . Womr~n Umutlr• l'••nnh~s sons and proJects covered 1111' Mrs. Lawrerwe Smllh of Wilent- past year, were In cliHplny on the 4-J/ C/u bs

liclrl township lhcn lerl in tlln lnrge stage ln the Fnirchlld "Pennies [or J•'rlerHisilip" portion theatre. llap(IY Hustlnt·s or llw pmgrnrn. i\1 !his time ciuh Included were axhlbits on "Gel· Members· of lllc cltth mot with "Mosl of lhe luncls will stay

here in Mason," Mrs. Ifill sail!, "and will he expended by our IDea[ unit for I he benefit of local veterans and their families who are in nead of helil. Our poppy funds are kept separate !rom all other moneys of our orgmllzution and can he used only for nid to veterans nnd their children.

women marie 11 voluntary eontrl· linf.( Acqunlnted with World .John and Gm·don Tnylor for their bulion lo lw lul'llcri over to lhc Neighbors," "Mnlclllng Design lasl regular meeting. Bill Smith, Assoeialcrl Counii',\'Wmncn of lite Colors with Room Colors," "How club pt·esidr.nt, cnlled IIJe mecl· Wot·JrJ or wltir:h Ingham home to Grow i\frlcan Violets," "Your lng to order and members elected rlemons•.ralion women arc rnem· Clothes nncl You," "Merulinf.( Stnn Fay as sentinel nncl .Jean hers. This money Is lo he used to Mnde Easy," "Know Your Ingham i\ckley as reporter. promole world JH•aec by hellcr County," "Sing for· Fun ancl Re·[ Tile group also voted lo huy unrlcrst~tnrling oi women thmugll· laxation," "Disaster Prepnred· song brioks and to pay 2~c due's out tlw world. ness," "Glove·Maklng Steps," nn.rl for lllc year. 'I'Iwy also mada

M. IJ. Avery, Ingham eounty examples of home safety. charr plans for a roller skating party •1-Jl club agent, lilen cxpluinerl to 1 enning, refinishing furniture, May 2<1,

"With veterans ot 3 wars in avery eommunily, tho Auxiliary i~ expanrling Its rehabilitation work We arc hoping for a gcn· et'OLIS response to our Poppy Day appeal in order that we may be a hie lo rio more for more veterans during the year ahead," she con· eluded.

mf'mlH't's how lite home <lemon- apron sale and work done on the slrnliou program is the organ- Korean clothing drive. izr.rl women's pt;ogram o[ the To open the afternoon pro· Conpel'lllive f:xtension Service. grilm, Pamela Wright oi Lnn· just as tile 4-IT program is I he sinf.(, <1 years old, did a dance young people's pmgram. B11th nurnhcr, after which Mrs. Lloyd Miss Fr:mquist and Avery em· Spcnecr o[ Pullman spoke on ph:tsized in llteir lalks that lhc "Our Worlrlwirle Countrywomen enrl prn·pnsc of llw entire service l"rienrls.'' She told of meeting Is to impmve hnrnr!s ami families women all over the worlrl as a in rural cornnninitieR, wlwlhcr result of attenrllnf.( 2 world con· working lill'ough lito men, liw ferences of Associated Country· young people ot' the women. 1vomen of the World. Mrs. Span·


For Every Business and Home in Mason

4xli lf. ti. Flag madt~ of Storm 1\inA' Uunl.iug $fi.:-l5

Varnisht•tl Flag I•uJto, 12-rt. hy :1 ~·:! inchm; $3

Utll'\'l~tl Soelwt with Screw Cap, 1 ~-:! inches $2

Lawn Soclwt with Screw Ca(l, 1!1:! inches $3

J•' 1uay l11: m·tlcrctl any time for othm· occasions

nev. James Lombard, pastor nf the Stockbridge ilapl i~l church, has extended arT invilalion to meet at I he chun:h May 2:1 for HI club Sunday.

i\t lhe close of lite meeting. refreshments ol chol'nlate mill< and cookies were served.

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ted l~n~· . .June Extension Clubs Taylor, Mrs . .Jolln Taylor . .Tohn Tnylor, .Jr., Ann Feldpausch,· " Wilson . ''' Glenda Hardt, MargarP.t Brady


.Wil:mn ext~nsion clul~ mcmh~rs nnd .Jean Ad,ley mel at the home wrll meet wtlh Mrs. 1• rani< Ltn· oi Bill Smith to plnn the· c:Jub's inger al :;·37 S. Fields road on program Ior tiJC summer months. Thursday, May 13, at 10:30 a. m.

Ilk and Mrs. Ted Fav, Mr·. anrl Those allendin~ arc lo tni'e their Mrs. John Taylor, Johti f.l.lld Gor· own lable servtce. Members who rlon,-. Ann •. .Felc.Jpij.UsciJ, . ·j:;Jenda plnn to altP.JHI arc bc111g .asl(Cd to Himlf, M1;rgm:et Brady .. anct.Jenn call Mrs. George Burgess. Ad, ley nl tended tlici' leader and 1\Iillville * officers meeting at the Stocl<· The Millville extension elub

1 bridge school last Monday eve· visited the Kellogg factory of Bat· ninl.(. lie Creek I or their April meet·

Pallv Lar.lis and Shirley· ing. Twalve members, 2 childr?n Schrec'r parlicipaled in tlte rece~t and on~ J,(Uesl went ot~ the trtp. 'I·II talent show, with . Linda A gut de look the group o~ n Schrcer as accompaHisl. Connie tour through tl~e plant show~ng Sober! played a piano solo. I hem each step Ill the p~ocess111g

Members of the Sanclhill H·T 'of corn flakes. Ji'oll?wmg the dub met nl lhe school for organ· tot:r, they had lt~nch ln tile cafe· ization and election of orficcrs. .lena after whtell they .were

.Jim Kranz, president, called served Sugn: Smnck sundnes nnd tile meel ing to order. Kenneth :p;esented wrlh a gtft pacl<age of Brown ·Jed the 4-H pledge and I Kellogg cerenls. . Plecln t the flag N · 1•. In the afternoon they visited n

,.,e 0 • ' . ·: ?rma .,, anz ·new school nenr the factory and Jeri the g~oup m smgtng. allended the youth talent exhibit. N~w otrlcers for the year :1rc A short. lnisiness meeting was

prestdent, ~ee Andrews; vtce· held at which lime the program j p.restdent, J ... enny. ~rown, s~ct:e· 'for next yenr was discussed and t,\ry, Jane Alle~1, ancl news r e· voted upon. pol'ler, .Joyce Ritter. The next meeting will be held

,Vnntnw.n . at the home of Agnes Baker on rile thrrd rogular meeting of Wednesday, Mny 19.

the Vnntown 4-H club was held "' Sunny Stmders Sisl11rs * MorHia~· at the home of Maralyn Members of the Sunny Sanders and Tommy Voss. A progrnm of Sisters extension club met· at work was gi~en to each met:nher tile horne ot·Mrs. Paul Simpson and a commttlae was nppoml.ed Friday with 12 members and 2 t? mal'e p~ans ~ot• Rural Ltf? guests present. Sunday which wtll he May 23. . A low·ca!oric meal was pre·

I Followinf.( tho business meeting pnred at noon by the lenders,

a grolljl of older 'l·H members Mrs. Velmour Dayton and Mrs. gave a short demonstration on Kenneth Slusser. After dinnar the some basic rulas oi parliamentary -lesson on "Getting Your Calories procedure. After the educational Worth" was presented by the part of the meeting a weiner 1Jenders. Orders for Memorial Day

·Flags Must Be in by May 10

roast was held. Mrs. Hugh Hoskins, chairman,

I The next meeting will ha Mlly called lhe business meeting to

2<1 at the home of Arlin Hear!. order. A new constilution, which H.eireshmcnts will be popcom hncl ,iusl been Wl'iltpn, was rend

rami candy. . by Mrs. Rollo Foote and ap.

VFW Patriotic Service l>uann Bal'l', l~la~ Chairman

Phm~e ~-Mi12 1\'Iason

01· contact any Mason V. F. W. mcmbet•

I 4 Winds · proved. Plans were made for Members of the <1 Winds 4·H achievement clay.

club held their second mectin;:: Mrs. L. B. Harris. joined the last Monday nt the Vevny town group making an enrollment of hall. 21.

Larry Dant, president con· ctitctecl the meeting. Other officers COBPLE WED 57 YEARS tor the yeur me Joan Hnll, vice· president; Mary Emen:;, sccre· tary; and Phyllis Cheney, treas· urcr.

The next meeting will be held Monday, May 17, at 8 p. rn:

! .

Mr. and Mrs .. B. H. Field of. Auralius celebrated their 57th wccldir1g anniversary Wcrfnasclay. r:ur.sts during the day were Pnrl<er Or1·, Mrs. Betty Lawton and Miss Martha Thayer.

K' . H S · • j'~~lf J woMEN AT coNvmNTroN · Spring Slyle· Sllow IWanJans ear ervtce .r.J.e/l Mt'H, ,Jnrne8 IJitgh!!H, MrH. ,Johtl

Musl'c StudelltS Hnnnld JcJetcdwr hns Jit·r·iverl_ 111 Be~·goo,n.' Mr:;, N•~!~ r~ul~hle:; ru~d Giv·~11 Wednesday l•'orl Lew!:;, WHHhlngton, all or· Mrs. f• I IIIII> Gti!!IIICl n ntlenrlcd '•,. . .; . . . 8peruling :;ovoml rlnv:; on fur· the Murlr111 Ycmr rlny <!onventlon ". Mn~op honw oconomle:; ehiaseH

. Miss· Mnt•y Scott. und George Iough with his JHll'llJJls, Mt·. unrl of lhe Lnn8lng DlrwcHnn Coundl [li'UHentcrl tllr.h· nnnunl llJlt'lng Murthtllll presenJerJ MnHon mush! Mrs. H.ohet•l Ar!hoHnn. Hr! IH wnll· nf lho Niiliutml Cnuncl~ nf Cnlho· style slww WmlfwKdny evenll1gln stttdonts In u program Jwfnre tlw lng for onlnrs fot· ovcrseu:; duly. lie Womnn nt lim St, Agtws ll 11 ,1 . ,1 1 1 . M I I ·.• ~ , ... , chtll'r!h 111 !~lint Wcrlncsrlny, '!'his IO I g I sc JOo nurllrnlum, One

nRon 1\ wnn s club 'fucsdny Mf I:;, ILl he I 'l'Nc.wlmnnl,J olltlvcdl wn:; 1111 nJJ.ciiiY nffnlr wllh fillO h ll 11 d I' c rl 1Wt!I1IY·Iive ptl P II H night, rom , npan uPsr ny, " server ·

Miss Sl.!nll cllref'lecl lhn mlxrrl :l ycnr:; wlllt lite u'l'lny medlcnl wnnwn aliPrullng from the Lnn· morlelr!rl tl10 C!lollw:; they mario onsamhle In sevnrnl nitmhr!r's. In enrps. slnr~ Dlrwr.Hilll. '!'he rnaln nrlrlress the JliiHl year. Tlw Hinge! wns I • · was given by the ,MoHI llevuranrl

l1e gr•ottJl wm·e Mary .Jane Mrmm, Sg-1. Milton L. J~r·ani~lln, :;nn oi .Joseph 1 r. i\·Jiwrs, h!Hhop o( Lnn· dr.mraled with lmslwls of sprlt!g .Jnncl Comwell, Donnls Slat'!', Lit· ~1r. ami Mrs. WniiPt' l~ranldln or sing. 'l'herP was ~~~~·r·llon of off'J. flowers, clllo Helman, 13ctly· Benham, \

1vllllamslon, 1:; c!nroult! to the er.t'H and JI.IJ·s. 1\l!ntwllt West of Jl.lrs.' llelr.n Jlowlelt unci MrH,

Joyce Duchnnc, I~lnlne Fmtlerll'l\, lnlll!cl Slules nftet• SIWnrllng L·•n"t'tlg \v·,,~ eloctecl [Jl'C."t·r.letll, M 11 'I 1 J ~ ~ • ~ o Ill' ,Yil l. llljlO Ill'!! 1011111 ecDnUill· . nne! J{enyon, 13rll'hm·n ,JOIIf'H. :;nnH! lime In Kurr.a. D N I ·• ". ,, lt•s lendwr·s. '!'hey lwei dturgn ul nn orion, "r•on Lee, Bob i\rrlvlng In Lon" Be1wh, Cali·

" the r•ITuir•, Cnrey and Tom Hr.mnns. fnrnln, May 1, fmm lhu Fnr F.nsl Mary Anderson, Edna DoDIIIIlc, .Julin Holmes, Nancy Smith, Ill hoard llw Jwnvy ct'Lilsr~r USS 'l'o· Dnlr. Bur·gess nnrl Don Lyo:t One hnndrPrl sevnnly·flve Jill!'·

Pnlly !\dams, Darleno Bmwn, leclo was .Johtl w. Brown, flrr•· wen to tlw Irish HiliH Sunduy. cnts IIIHI fri<HHIH Hllenrled. Hoilerlfl Rice, Nnm•y Dray and, rnnn. USN, son of Mrs. J•;ll••n M. Mr. unrl lllrs. llHrolrl c:JIIwrl i\ftc•r llw style show pupils .Janet Bullen uppearcrl in the i llmwn of II!Hsnn. 'l'lw 'f'oh~rlo, unrl Mr. nnrl Mrs .. Tames Iluglws served ptnwlt and calw, flule ensemble. 1\c~n Batl!man, has just •·omJll!!l<•rl ltm· fourth ,1Jan !11 HJH!IHI tile week l!ncl wllh '' ·• " ,Jenn Ann Mt•13rlrle, .Turly Leon· lour of duly In llw Fill' J~asl. Mr. and JI.It·s. Wlllinm W1tilnc:e '1'81\CII!•~HS IIi\ VI~ 1\li•:I~TING ani, Batty Fet;rls and Zorn Ta- While nltaeitcri In llw Sovenlh ir111 sons In Chlc•agn. Sleplwn hachld plnycd In I he clnrlnet Fleet. 'l'ltr. ship was a ttnll nf In~l \VitiiiH.'<!, 7, wliilnlw his first corn· llltmhnn;. l'larwy Smllh, IH'<'nlll· c·arTler 'I'Hsic l•'oi'C'f' 77 nnrl slw munlon Sunday morning,

.Ja11e Dill'! ••nterlalrwd lea<'lwr:; of liiP IIIHson Pr·r•shyl(•t·Jan !:iun· rlny sduml al IH•r ilnllll! Wedrll!S· day nigh!. Miss Dlil'l, also u leaf'iwr, SI!I'VI'd deHsr!rl, mffce nnd IPa folluwing Ute business meellng.

punier! by' Miss Scroll, pla.vPd 11 lool< part In varlom; llr•PI opcm· nJr. nnd 1\Jt·s. DuWnyne llowe flute solo, Jenn Ann McBrlda lions and nmphiblous lnnriinJ~ <':<· nnd rmnily Wl!rc gu<!sts ul rJir!ller plnycrla plano solo nnd Dnn Not·· crvlecs. Tltn ship h11s vlsill•ri l·:n· Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charlt~s toil playqrl a solo 1111 his French IH!, Yoiwsulm and Saseh11 In .Ja. i\ndet·son of Hull. horn. Ho wn:; accurnpaniecl by Lu· pan, llong Kong and l'r•arl liar· cillr! Helman. llor·, '!'. II.

.Jean Ann MeBrirlc nnd Belly I l'vl. ,Jar:!< Fink .'>JWill last Wf'Pi< Benham played piano at.:c•ompan·l· willt his parents, Mr. and Mt•s. ments fm• the vocal mtmht!rs. Lnwrcncc Flnl<. He relumcrl In

•• •• '' '•'ort Knox 'l'hut·sday fill' anollwr

Ilolloway News Mrs. Ynland Mlteltcil visited

hr.t· father, Ilomet• Taylot·, Sal til'· day rtnrl too(( l1hn a hfllii[Uel of snapdragons Hml gl:idloli.

H wecl<s nr training in lite air· borne division.

M1·s. IT. W. lloy nnd M:tn;;lrr•l rclurnPd Jnsl wer!l\ frorn l'llm•ni~· villi'. PPnns.vlvanill, wl11•re 11w,1' 'ver<! \'isiling lilr'! .Hnv>'' son. l'vt. Dm•t•cll Hoy, al the Valley Forg~J i\rmy hospital.

Mrs. Harry King visited her mother, Mrs. Hose Campbell, Sat· urday. · visilerl hr.r Sunday. Mrs. Nir•kf'l'

June Harlmess caller] nn hi~ son rcr•cil'erl mngralnlalions anr! molher, Mrs. Nora Harkm•ss, Sat· r:ifls from many friends. Olltcr lll'rlay evening. mlk:r·s were a sn11 nnrl rlau1.:iliPI'·

Miss Kathleen Lovlll nf D1~1roit in-law, Mr. anrl Mrs. Chnrle~ visited Mi.,;s Eva McCurdy Sun· Nid<erson, nf C:ranrl llnplrl~. anr! rlny. Miss f:lerniee Allen called on another :;on :mel daughter-In-law. Miss MeCurrly Thursday. Mr. an<! Mrs. Ed Ni<'lw:·son of

Mrs. Harold Foote of Dearhom Bri.c:hlon, wlto furnislwd Ill<' visited hct· mother, Mrs. Laura hit•Jhrlay r:ake; a g1·anrlson :uul Klkenclahl, Thttrsrlny. his wife and chllrlrcn fr•oin Brlglt·

Mrs. Rose CampiJcll spent Fri· Inn, a granrldaughl!'l', .Joyce Fo day nt the horne of her rluilghter clor, and Mrn. Glen Snycl!!r. In Lan:;ing. JI.IJ·:;. Elmer Trout visited her

Tl1e Girl Scouls served the mnlhcr, Millie Ilall. Friday eve· tray:; Friday evening. Each girl ning. presented her acloptrd granrl· Callt•t·s o[ Mrs. Clara \VItipplc mother wilh ft<JWers on May Day. this wer!k were Mr. and Mi':;

Maud Haugll, who Ita~ !Jel'll ::Hanley Davis and chilr.lrcn or residing with Mr. and Mrs. Dale lloll anrl Paul Snyder, L':trl Heese. Is now Jiving at the Iloilo· I Whipple and i\rdtie Snyder. way Home. She lllTivecJ at the Children 1111cl grancle!Jilrln•n or horne Sunday. Mrs. Nora 1-larkncss eallcd on Mr~. Acnn~ Nir·lrnr",, r·nln. her I his weelc

bratad her 88th birthday anniVCI'· Mrs. Anna Stinfcl of East Lan· sary Sunday. Her daughter, Mrs. sing is now staying nl the Hollo· Edllh Dolbce, nnd grandson, Bill, way Home.

Other Gifts for Mother

·'l· Perfumes- Colognes .j\ Dusting Powders .y. Fountain Pens

:{. Pen and Pencil Sets :{. Stationery

Ingham County News May 6, 1954 Page 5




Ld Us Ull'an un<l Stor1~ You•·

Winler <lat'liiPlils

MOD.tllN CL/!J~.NE1fS Phont~ 2-1 !il.L

This Sunday

May 9

From om· wide assortment of l\lotht~•·'s Day Grt~ding Cards, you can find the . very one~

that UXJII'l~~Sl'S (H~I·I'ectJy the love· and dtwotion in your hl'art;. Come in ..• chum;e fur yom· JUom, today!

Give Iler Candy .y. Cameras - Billfolds :{. Bathroom Scales .y. Musical Powder Boxes

·'l· Electric Clocks :{. Hair Brushes .y. Dresser Sets ·'l· $2 Lustre. Creme Sham-

:(. Ball-Point Pens po.o- Now $1.59 ··.

Shimmin Drug HEUAHUG PRESCHIP1'10NS ' •

ER !JJo;Jtu. REMEMBER M ~~::-; - ... with Lovely Things to Wear!

· w, Give Gold· Stamps, Open Fridays Till'9

.. ·J . .. :,/·

·Schmidt's Department Stor~,,· . •

' ' ·'

Phone 9011 for Ads That Sell 40 wcH'cl'i for 1\llc!; l':u·h .'IIIII if ionnl wcml is 11! ••.xtm;

C!lassUic•ll cliS(IIay, H·lc~ an inl'h, W••lillf•sday al'f••r•nonn dmulline nn l'lassifiPtls.

Used Farm Equip .. ment Values

CREAM SP.P ArtATOR.- Elccl rir~ tahle·model c•ream se)larrttor,

:JOO·lh r!aJladly. Also 2 'IO·hole ~lee! rw;;ls. Call Dansville 28R1

DALE:D WIIE:AT STRAW-Any amount h~ 1 he hnle or ton. Cnn

rlellvr.r. Howorel H. Smith, phone Ma~on 2·5873 or 2·5868, 8wtf

UllP. Provecl Dnlry Bulls Artiflcinlly from

Michigan A:rtil'icial Breeders

Tnghnm·Mnsnn Lnenl :Out In culls by r1oon

Charles Brown InRemln:~tor

Phone Mnsnn :.l~!l7fl

Feeder C'aU!c Wr. havr! some good qunlity

llereford and Augus c•:oli'I'S \VPigiriut{ :1;;0 In OiOil ill.

See tl\C'sl• I' a I vc •:; and r'lllllJIH l'P Olll' prir·ps IJI'fnl'l' IHJ,Vi111:.

,John Deere Flc!lcl Culllvnlor· Pvenlngs. 17wtf r 'I 1\VS 1 n PXIra goocl rror·11 trml Tnt•ernntlonnl Field Cult Iva lor ---- ·--- _________ ·---- ·---·------- ...

t'IIWS, Sllllll' r•nlvus now; exeep·. Oliver· Rndcx 2·14 Plow CREAM SEPARATOR- McCor· tillllnl n•glsli'I'Prl llllll nvaltahte .Tohri Deere 2·l4 Powerlml Plow mlrlt·Deer·lng crt>am separator, wilh lhl' herd. Ctnyton ,JI!We!ll, Allls·Chalmc!I'S :i-14 Plow . Jm•ge lype, wilhetcdrk motor o)'

I ptJolll' LPsllP :12·12. 18wiC Nc•w Tclr.a Side Hulce cnn be run hy hnncl. Very goocl

. -- --- - Gehl Field Choprer Hhnpu, $:i0. !loy D. Donnlrl, sccnml 1 :ItA Di•: f fOLSTf~IN COWS- 25 Ruhber·tlred Disc Harrow farm south llf ;\tu·ellus Center on

i hP:ul of IJPavy pro.luclnl~ young l•'orcl Llfl·lype Disc HutTow Attrelhts roncl, phone :1203 Aurc·

Pion eel' Seed Corn

For hlghr.r yields of hlghesl quality com, plnnt Pioneer hy· hrlds.

!;eecl nvallahle nt all limes 1.11 ws. l•'re•,,h, cJ 1we springers and Mlnneapolls·Mnllne Com Slwller llus. 17w2 :lis" a f,.,,. fnll c·ows to be sold in John DPere Corn Shellel' ---------.. -- ------------ . Curtis B. Wl'ig·ht 1111' 7·1111 Wolverine Jlolsteln •rractor Spreader DTSK---Traetot• dlsl(, nearly new: Sail', Snt'urrlnv, Mn>' Rth, at 11 Al!ls·Chulmcrs 60 Combine 'l2·foot tractm· weec!et•; IO·fnol Route 3 o'l'!rwJ( In lllP Wol\•erlnr. Pure· I we Allis·Chalmers '['ra~tnr fertilizer or· lime sprcarler, Oil 3220 Wright Rond . hrPrl J.iVI'Hiol'i< Sales Pavilion, 2% F·l2 I~ormall Tractor nthhcr. Will sell or lraclc. Marl< Phone Leslie 233•1 ·. • mill'.' \\'PSI of Williamston on US· • NEW EQUIPMENT J<llpatrlek, ~7;;7 Ctirliee road, Ma· Pioneer Hybrid 'Seed Corn Dcnl· IIi. H:1nl\ tl'l'Ins- SPe Floycl Kehrl, Ezee Flow F'ertlllzer SprPnelcr Ron. Phone Mnson 240·1:i. 17w2 cr· for the South Ilnlf of Ingham i'<'lllliman Branr·h. Nntional Bank Chore Boy Mlllcers , Count·y. · of Dc'ir11it, Plymouth, Michigan. Ruhher Parts fot· all Mrllwrs GARDEN THAC'T'OH -· Edgton 13wtf 1 '. H. Smith, Half's manager· ami l~lrestone Tires garden trn~lor, 2 1/:, h. p., cult!·'-~-~---------------al!l't ionPi•r, Willlnmston. 18w1 CnmplPII~ Farm Tire Scrvil'e valor, disk anrl sic•kle bar . .Joseph I S'J'RAW-Balr1l wheal .~lrmv. for

- -- ------- 16·ft. Grain Augers $36.!lfl Cheney, 2 miles south of Mason sale, 3~c per bale. Wayne t'll\\'S with c·alVC's and brecl Rolnry Hoes on East Tomlinson l'Oacl, seconrlj' IInmpton, W30 Klnnevllle road,

hr·i fc>rH, hot h regis I eretl ancl P'i'O Manure Spreaders $4.95 house, Phone Mason tJ!Jil5. 18wlp Leslie. Phone 5293 Leslie. grariP. Also 2 yl'arling registered Cunningham Hay Condltlon~rs _ - - ·- _ .. - -- - . ----- - 15w3 hulls. llillt•n•Ht llPrefrml Farms, 42·ft. $<190 PLO\V-2·bottom, '~<~·in. plow on ------- ---~---~-· -·-----Willinmslon, pllO!W •137·J Wil· New :3·plow ZB Trnclors $1,R·IO rubber, $50. Leon Simons, 5I AGRICO FEllTTLIZER. Have on li:um·tnrl. J8w1 Gates V·Belts. All sizes miles Past of Mason on M·:i6, I hnn;l 10·_10·10, 3·12·12, 3·HHI and

------·---- Complete Farm Tire Sr.rvirr. huuse Nn. 592. 18wlp 4·16·16. l\cnneth Kurtz, 4320 e·ows I still llavP some cows I ---- __ . - --------- Cavanaugh rood. Firsl place west

tl1nl 11111'1 br sold br.muse nf • MILK CANS--10 good milk Pans or College roar! mr Cavanaugh,

Who clone knows how to cook your

favorite dhhes? Is always around

· .. when you need her most? Would ' ' . ,s,crirnp on herself tp make sure you " .

'.hci~ ev!lrything? Mother, of course!

Show your cppreciotion every day.

But make Mother's Day special.

We've the gift she'll like best!




m~· lll'allli: Th1•y may be seen at FranClS ,Platt for sale. Also load of loose Jwy. wcsl Ride. ·Phone ED·7i803 Lan· E. D. FJ'anklin & Son :iO:iti l'owrll mad or· phonr. Law· Mlnncnpolls-Moltne Oealer o .. r. BPckct·, ·1777 Powell roacl, sing. lGw3p r·c•tlf'l' Pnw<'li, LnnHing ED·7·7232. '1.1 mlle north of Mason on US·127 phone Lansing ED·7·711.1 --------- -------- THE FARMERS BANK One milr! \\'1'~:1 of 1\ln~nn

Phone lllaHon :!-li7!J:I Ill' :!·7r!OL Rw! f

SEND FOR. VP.EF. lnfnrrnntion on Donne·clrsir,m•d poll' franH'

oulldlngs. Snve oliP·I ilird tn onr· hnlf on your buildin;! •·o•Hs. 'l'ri· County Farm SPrvi<'P Co., :nr11 ~"oil roacl, Lanslnr,. Phone Lan· sing 7-1<145. :l-iwtf

IIETFF:HS G llolsll•iil lr<'if<'rs. :! yrnrs old. D11nalil UI•:,II'l'il', t:!~!l

S. Edl'll ro:ul, phonl' i\1:o~on :!li'll:i. 17\1':2

BULL--Ye:1rling lfoislc•iJt llull. Donal•! Oc•sl••rii', 1~:'.!1 S. l•:dPn

roacl, piHmP 111:"1111 :w:~l:i. 1711':2

18\Vl I Phone 2·5971 18w1 p

r:rLTs huP ,,; -f,;-n:;;,~ ;,;~·ut --------- __ : 7'~: GARDEN TRACTOR-Roth, 2'~ Lawn Seed D I -,Gfl Shady - Sunny .IIInP I. Wayne> a ton. - · USED SPRAYER fot· snlc. Sttil· . h. p. complete with ctlllivolor, L 'N RriLIZER

S••nrls marl, W;hherville. Phone nble for field ~praying, wilh disc ancl mowPr. Goocl working A\\ FE ' '"

·I-I>'· II Wr·hhervi!IP. 18w·lp boom and power tal\c·off, used 2 order. Will deliver. Phone Dans· BeJnent .Feed & BABY BUNTING In very goo;11 Ingham County News May 6, 1954 Page 6 - - ----·---- seaiions. I~ excellent corHlilion. l ville 352·1. 18wl condition. 105 West Columbia.

r'Cl\V FrPsh .Jer~ey cow, an ex· Wayne Miller Sales, 21i1 N. Col· _, __ ..... _____ ------------ - Supply 12wtfp ----------------------<'!'IIPnl family r•ow, Al~o 2 lege rond, phone Mason 2·rill33. HAY CAH.-F'rec for · removal -

I'I':Jrling st<•Pt'~. f~lnwr· C. Brown, 18wl from my hal'll. hay ear and •10 Plwne 2·1421 Mason BABY SHOES--Pair of. lnf:ml's .plntJH' :l ~771 l\lasnn. ·I miiPs nortli ---·-- fl. of trac;,, Als11 :1 c~ow stanchions 16wl hanl·solc shoes, size 2, prar.ll· '". I\1:IsotJ ;11 l!l7·1 0\wmos road, TRACTOR- 1950 Ford tractor for sail', $10. Myrlan Grimes, cally new. Baby hunting in good

1Sw1 1 1 I ---.. --~-- and 2·bottom plow. Exr.e lenl Sears·RoelluC'k Co .. Lnns ng. CORN--500 bushel or good corn, condlllon, severn! dresses, size.5 .fl·:ll:ii•:Y CO\V---Regisierrd Jcr· condition, $90.00; 3-sectlon drng, 18w11 70•· per hushel. Dallas A. and Gx. Girl's :-;pring coat, ·size 4,

~~·v 1•11w, .1 yPars old, fresherwcl $30; fnrm wagon on rubber, $35; - --- -·- 1 IIycle, 1li33 Phillips road, 3 milr.s powder blue ancl navy check. All ,\pril 22. cali Lansing IW·7·7735 wheelbarrow rressure ~prayer, ALLIS·CIIALMF.RS B. lift Pl?w, nnrtlr of Mason. Phone 2•1959. in very good condition. 105 W. SPRING IS HERE!' ! ! Believe it afrl'r ti:tlfl p. m., :!142 Hulett $2;5. Call Raymond Gonso at Lan· wotJirl like In lradeCifotl· trallelt' . . 18wt Columbia. l4wtf or not. Spruce up with an OK FORD-1053 Custom S·cylincler

18 2 Sing ED·20529. 18wl plow. Curl Curtis, ar \ roac, ----------------- 'I' 1 1 · 1 1 1 1

fl · 1 1 1 l'II<HI.. w ?' 1 Used Car 1i1at iS nuamnteed 10 ur or. ~rg l l ue IllS I w l 1 _ __ ----··- - - -------------- Dan~viliC'. Phone Dan:;ville -3·1· BULK AND PACKAG8 APRON SALE S lttrday '·fay 8 b l I bl t f' l' l

• a • " • give you many:miles of trouble. '.llr' ur. op. ,nc to, .Jeatl'l', ll!JT.L- f:t':1Clc Hnlstl'in hull, one HOE-2·section rotary hoe. Also afle1· r; p. m. or on Saturday ot· Garden Seeds at Zimmerman's, sponsored by· free driving. lrkP new. Only 12.000 mrles.

Ohh!st llanl' hLingham County l\lembe~· F. D. I. C. FPdin'al HPSI'I'\'P Sysh•m

@) Use& C.ars

."':"· 11ld. sired bv lvlar.Jn.Lo 'l·row crop cluster. Francis M. Sunday. 1Sw1 Jl 111e Yotlllg Wornen's Gttlltl of tlll' 0 J -- - -- -- - ---- -- • • '52 FORD Victoria, Forclomatie, I I•', _RD--19:i.3 Ctt.~lom lkylincll't' COW- Fresh Hoislc•in 1'1111' ancl Ormsby. I\ laster Paul. His clam Beard, 503 Brown road, 1 !(, miles l~ARll' 'I'OOLS-lO. 51 VAC Cas!! • * • Mason Presbyterian church. wht'le tit•ns, l'acllo, he,ntnr, l!r'rcc· l'ucior. Darl\ blue. finish. Rac.llo,

f':tlf. Donald 0<•><11'1'11', ~~~!I s.' II'<H' sirc•d by a reformatory hull. enst of Meritlinn road. 1Sw2p ' -- 1 s 1

18wlp- ' ' 1

.., 1

E I Wll lmetnr. 1!l·l1 Olivet· 70 with ~awn· eec tlon lights. Check this beaut,y., 1eatcr·.· ,•or~ omalw. o,xtra ruee. Eden road, pillll\1' Mason :~liHI:i. . Ad:uns Brothers, Houte 1, · ,. * ,, . B

1 1711'~ jli:\lllSIIln, sr•c•oncl house r.asl on cultiviltor, 1915 Olive!' GO tractor. ,, ,-; .. ·, Vigore COA\-Girl's red spring coat, '52 CHEVROLET Styleline deluxe , - argam prrcec.' . --.-- - Jfloll m;Hl off i'l'lrridian road. Used Fa1111 fBI Allis·Chalmer>' tractor, Inter· · , . 's:lze 12, very good condition. •i·c\ooi'. A one·o\vner 2-tone blt\2 )·OHD--:-1953 8·cyll~cle~ Vwtorla. IlULL--Yrotrling 1 foist Pin bull. l8wlp national G·row corn pid,et· in, Perkins Hardware Mrs. Earl Cavendei', phone 2·2GG1 car. Sharp as th(!y come. Plammgn. re,l wllh rv~ry top.

Donald Oc,; 11 ,1.11 .. t:!~ft :-;, l·:rlrn -- -·-----~ Equiprne!!t good condition, Allis·Chalmcrs GO Mason, 329 E. CheiTy street, Ma· ,52 STUDEBAKER ~·door with P~n:domattc, deluxe racho, heat· rnarl, phnm• Mason ~~i~l:i. 17\1'~ ~· I 2 and 3·plow Tt'aC'Idrs combine. 2 years ole!, Jnternation· Mason son. 1Sw1p overdi·lve. Fully equipped. er .rnd mnny nllwr extras.

~arm Too S ·tl '12 combine nncl Case wire -------- -----· ,51 FORD V·B ·r t El · . fo'OilDS-1952 moricl~. Tt1dom Used 1·mon Chain ·saw 1 1 c ll r f 11 1 nstra ALWAYS FIRST with all Jdnds , ucor. .Jon:, 1 1

, .1

•. 1 1 1 SADDLE rronsr·:S, onP spnllPr.i u ·e 1 Dl' ···s Jn cr. n us or 1C!' 'emo · f 1• 1 R f

1 FORMAL--Light blue formal, 11 1 1


l am • otc ors. w any o c 1oose s c sr.. lion on a Case Eagle hitch trac· 0 \.asco unc . owena eec s, ·- 1 ae '• runs 1 <e a op. from. All are hargaln jll'iccd. marc, gc•ntlP 1'111' •·llildrr•n. :;;m; I ___ , _____ ,._ ---- Used Planters 1. Hay ami straw salt for water net, ankJe.Jength, ~izc 7, worn


1 1 ,

II I l I ,. ,.~- 'or. Thinking of a new com line, · ' · Dilly or1ce, str·ap'le."" or \"t'tll ~ •• . - _ ever_ ere. " l~ORD-1°."Jl Ctt".·tom 8·c •l'ltl·'nr 0110. )\H'\ wr.srlJ'Jl gC'Llll!~. t:llol; • ~ Allingoodshnpe ft Bb l 1 d lli o:l~ y OJ ,-., ) U\:: blac·k Ill \Ill', gPntle. g"od 11.,rkc•r. I ,\sk ~nr a clcmot~stralron of J.ord· • ' C ~oragc lwrvcster or haler? For so eners. a Y c uc<s, ~tc.' ng~ straps, $12. Mary Anderson hardtop with rac..~o 3nll lwatt•r. Forclor·. Greenbriar gJ•een. Ra· $!iO; rerlmlllr. ::•·nil<' ::'""' wntk· son Mnjnt· Dr.l'sPI. Also have Silsby l!nple-Jnent 0. the best in any tools, contact us.jnnd turkey ~oults. Phrlhps 66 phone 2.6651 Mason. lSwJ '50 CHEVROLET 2·door, Powet• clio, healer, Forclomalic, tm·n er, $7:!. Ho~· n. DoJJ:IId. sc•,·ond loacil'rs and rlrggPrs. Phone Mason 5141 ·.::oprman Sales and Serviee. ~·nur gasoline and 011. Also bottled gas. ----~--------· Glide, radio ancl healer. ~ignals. under coating. A one· farm smrllr of AIII'I'iius 1 '<'1111'1' 1111 --------- · ---------~------ ,n~? rlealer. Trmporarv location Tomlinson Feed Store, Holt, ff '49 PONTIAC 2·door. A nice clcnn ownct• beauty with only 19,ll00 .Amrlius road, piHllll' :tln:l i\lll'l'· ( ISt'cl Fnrcl ancl Ford Fei·guson HAH.DIE POWER SPRA YEH. -- !99G Not:th i\1ain. Phone .4473 phon~2B8:._~olt. ' _7wtf Fru'lts-FoodstiJ s car. actual mill'~. Iitts. 1711'2 tml'lor.~ anrl C!]ltlpmrnt. Can he seen at my farm 5 mile! Webhervrllc. ISwl. · ROL Cl 1 c PLYMOUTH -1!131 all nwtal Sin·

L J' f F' I b - ---. ---------- ------ -- ---- STRAW-Good Wfleat straw. Wrlll , '49 CHEV ET u 1 _oupe. o,~c.J !Cc'r·guson T·.10 tractor with 1·1 1 folslf'in dairy J'o\\'s., Slwnnnn cligger, Dtllll'<lll, 111·1111;, SIIH'k·!

cast of es 1e corner o •tic 1 urg deliver. Glenn Oesterle, 2 ¥::, -- ----1

- Must be seen to be appredated. tion Wagon. Light green finish. ami Nims roarls. Holden Stiles miles south of Ma~on on Eden BEEF SALE-Young, tender 1eeJ .51 CHEVROLET 179 .. wheelbase Onr·owner. In the best of ron· Phone 27fi6l Mason. 15wtl Hay-Gral· n-Feed roncl. Phone 26812. 3wtf front quarter,29c lb; hind quar· with stock racl<, 2-speecl axle. clit inn.

rom· ---~-- --------~-----~-- ____ ter, 39c lb. Leslle Food Loclter, S:25 tires including srnrc tire, FORD--19;il Tudor. Light blue F 0 H D-FERGUSON TRACTOR FERTILIZER, .granulated, 5·20· phone.536l Leslie .. · '.lwtf cllrectlon signals,· radio, heater·, finish. Raclio and heater. An f'X·

Phone• 211~2 Slol'ithricl::c•. ;; II. and fi.fl. Inll'l'llntionnl till':'. IJinPS.

JTOLSTl~IN ('0\V .fniln DN•rr GP lmclol' 2

with newJy.rebuilt motor, it~ ~-~-------- ---- 2 520 ceilenl buv 20, 5·10· 0, · ·10, 0·20·20. 12· - and all of I he necessary clear· J •

weeks. Also 1\'ashing m:11·hine for sale. Pilnlll' 111ascHJ ~~lli:i. BPI'· 1on CDt't'ey, llit:\ S. 'I'Iilll<' roacl. Mason, 31.G miiP:< !:oulir of !\Jason on lJS.\27 111 l{oif<' road. onr milr wrst to Tulll<', first plac·•• IIIII IIi.

good shape, ready to run. Fred Pioneer Seed Corn 12·12, 20'ir nitrogen. Many other. F'TIYERS-Heavy type, 90c each once lights. This is a late ':it CHEVH.OLET-1950 deluxe Tu· ,:.;p,·c•ral u~ed garden trnrtors .r. Dolbee, Route 1, Mason. Phone lower analyses, !Ill available. In Jots of 4, 85c· each.· Light model and has only 12,000 miles dot·. Light green flni,h. Radio,

nne! Aurelius 2105

· 7

wtf rhere's NO CROP lil<r. corn nnclr ~ohert Reese,· phone 7·1668 Lan· I!'PC fryers, 65c. John Chilson, on it. Priced to sell. heater. Looks like new. ---- - \fO COI'N lt'J,n Pt'rJtl"et·'. PJ,·trlt ,.1 srng. . 1_3_68 Meridian road •. phone MnsoF ·.~ 2 CI-IE• VROLE'r :~.,;,·I on P.1,,1, 1tJl. FOHDS-Hl49 Custom s.cyllnder l021l lnlrrnalinnnl tmctor Used Fa1'111 ' '" ' 08 18w1 ,._ - , ' Tudors. Three to choose Jmm.

,.'ruly clepenclahlc hybrid sr.ecl this ./S,EED coR.N''~ DeK;;;;- hybrid. :'~ : ~ ' . - . '' ' :. I Low mileage am) ~ns a !-ilOcl\ All hj.1Ve radios hn(ll!c,·tlcrs atH! Lansing Tmcto1· & Equiprnent Company I Hw 1

Eqlll,l)illeJ1t spring. Call or see me nt once; · · ... ·,.. ·· , i,!,·f.' ·(·,;_._ · .. \:~ -~···]:; :: .:;.,·.:·ra:cl\. ,' · • ·, · jll 1. · ,

:J · ··or Pioneer hybrids nny dny but. seed cor~ Is avaJiable at mj M!AIP.LE·~S'fnltJP...;:!:.'S5: .. p·~r.J.'gaJion,t '';·~'" C - .·. ·. L 3,. , • • HI e~cll P'nt. cqnqt\<l.11 ~:·r .. ;:: , Usc our new financing plan 't 1 · home, 4 miles north of Mason on · $1.25per quart .. Ralph Hart, 599· .,a HEYRO ET ·,.,-ion ptcktlp. FORD-19-16 S·cylinclet· C 1 u h

for chain saws, used tractors unrl 'lm ny. Okemos road to Lamb road, ry~ Onondagrt l'Oad, 6 miles west of Low mileage. coupe. Radio, heater and many 2ft.!~ Jo:nsl Gt·anc!.River other equipment cosling less than mile east on· Lamb to Simmons Mason· and ·1'(.1 miles north '46 REO ll~·lon platform. One· other extras. Heal sharp. Phone Lansing


l7fi $400. Lloyd Aseltine road, third house north.: Extra Phone·.2·3255 Mason. t8~vl owner. OLDS-1847 "G6" club s~dnn. ABERDEEN-ANGUS

Hi~TF'l.-:HS Rcgislcrcil anrl vacl'inalc•d. 8·12 months ole!. 'l'ilcsr nr1• IIH• ldnrl you want for eluil wnrk or J",IIJil dation slock. 'l'lw~· nre nt\l•:D RIGIIT, BUILT RIGIIT ;nnl PRICED RTGifT. PinPennc Slol';, farm, \" mill' smilil n[ \Villi::ms· ton, phone G12·l•'--i \\'illiamstnn.

17Wl NO MONEY DOWN stoclc av·allable. Your ·DeKalb Darl< grey flni~h. Tires like

- ------ -----·-~·~-· Silsby Implement Co. Corner of Meridian and Cavan· dealer, Wilson Force, phone Ma· POTATOES.-$1. pei' liu.~hel. Top AI Rice Chevrolet ' new. Many mile::; left in this TltM'TOH -John Deere B true- I Ugh rands. son 24914'. 17wtf quali.ty graded eating. potatoes. Open Friday Nights FOoRneD_, _


11 Tttclot•. D,"t·J,· llltte.

lor, jus I like new, cullivator 214 State --~---------- -- Also one ye:ir from certified dis· Ph 2 3061 v " tli'VPI' hec;n usee!. Also 2 Here- Phone Mason 51·11 Phone Lansing ED·7·773S CLOVER SEED - June clover - one · Special engine. Can he hough!

\vl.llt',"ln'.··totl G2·1·F·.-, case free Sebagoes for s~d .. Don Mason .fot· Jns.•· tlJarJ pt·ice of nr1gine. fcml hulls, one purebred, one ------------·--- -- .. ·' seed, 98% pure. Harry Brenner, B.· Clark, 4564 Barnes rood, Aure· ----·-------- '-" • rrgislerecl, 2 and4 years old; and CULTIVATOR- Dearborn culti· Your dealer Cor the tlorth half of phone Lansing ED·24816, 3129 N. lius Center. Phone Aurelius 3402. CHEVROLET~l953 , 2.tone green FORD-19·10 S·cylinder Tudor.

I Sw.1 ·I Ifolslein heifers, 3 due, onl! vator and new Dearborn renr Every road, Route 4, Mason. 17w2p Chevrolet, 4.dooi· Bel Air will

1 Full price $100.

with calf hy side. W. R. Ganna· blade with end plates, soil test the county 17w2r . · WE HAVE a large selection of '18w2p - power steering, Power Glide, Ji!.Z· A·l u~.·ecl · Tt'Ltc"s ft•om •,r_•·IOtl way, phone 4·8426 Lansing, eve· kit, 2 50-gal. gas drums, flame A ··• [ 1 1 · '1 11 1' ·' "

nings GLA·ED·7·73GU, 1901 E. thrower nncl While lrenclle seW· SOYBEAN SI~ED _ Blac]([Jawk BALED .1-UY, mixed clover and utomotiVe g ass, w llle SIC ewa rres piclwps to 2·lon clump trucks. Cavanaugh road. 12wlf ing machine. C. W. Woodruff, 2% and Enrliana, 95 and98'k get·m· brome, $20 to $.25 per ton. Will ~rotll11_d S,OCOO miles.! Rcne


rAemer, J3c sure ancl see us for your HAVING SOLD FAI'l.l\1. owm•r

. must sell Jlod( 11f 3:1 cwrs anrl as many lambs aml ti lambs half grown, $700. Purebred C'nt'l'il'• U 1M ] ' • dale rams. $30. Phone llnymonrl sec ac 1Inely Gonso at Lan~in:__Ej)_-2o~~D._lSw1 I Ma~sC'y-Hnrris self.propelled com·

COWS-Three llnlsl<!lll ('(Ill'~. clUl' hine . , to freshen soon. Can be seen at ~rns~e.v·Harns puJl.type combme

3240 Linn roncl, Willi;nnslnn, Case ~·G comhme complP.te with llhone "7(' T \Villinmstnn engme

'' "' · ' , · Model c roroge hnrvcster with 18wlp --------·--- -----IIEIFER-Gnod, 2·ycnr·nlc! .IPrscy

' heifer, fresh 8 weeks, $12:1. Judy Ann .Tenldns, :ii22 E:. Cav;1· naugh roncl, phone Lnnsing ED· 77651. 1811' t jl

BULL-Thoroughbrcrl Guerns.'y hull to exchange for hrif••r

both com and hay attachments Model NCM'I' Case automnlic

halet•, 2 years old 10·fl. used disk harrow Springtoolh harrows . 2·bollom. 14 ancl16·1nch plows on


F. C. Anderson & Sons . about 13 months old. How arc! · '·

Reynolds, 3215 Sar\clhill ronc,', Route 4, Mason. .._. ____ 1_~~~-~-r~ Dnnsville Phone i~~~ DURHAM·I-IOLSTEIN cow with ---- -

ealf by side for sale, n years: I L 0 AD E R; S -:- N~w Universal old. Call after 5 p. 111 • L. c. Otis,'. loaders, f1l anythmg but Ford phone Mason 2·3834. 18wlp\ or F'erguson. We have bull· --~---~~--- ____ rlozer blades, ndnptuble to most HEIFERS-:--2 heifers, one .Jcr!;e,l' landers,· 7 .ft. angle blade,· Also

·:' ... and one Guernsey, fresh 3 .'one used loader. Dave 01~ Dorn months. Leslie Moi·sc, 129::! W. )Diehl, phone Dansville 2172 or Holt. road, phone 5~89 Mason. :Ulal. llwtf

18wl 1~~~-~~-~--:------:-:-. $ILOS-See Laxton for silos. AI·

HEIFER-Extra good 1-Iol:;tein x' so silos coated. Get the early· , heifer, now frcsh1 Long, 2971 01 der discount. S. A. Lnxlot1, 1858 ··Hilliard road, Lansing, phone T mllnson roue!. Phone Mnson

·Lansing TU·2·1618. 1Sw1p l5wtf

d llv I' Roy D Donnld second ,.ure Ius enter, [lJOne ·- lll'e· tntck tlccds . miles west of Williamston, south Jnmion. Get your order in at once, e e · · . ' • ilus. 1Gwlf off US·16, house No. 936, ph'one Will hold till planting lime. Hnr·l furm south of Aurelius ~enter on TIRES-2 slightly used S·ply' --~-~~'---'---~~~-545 R. 18wtf vey Glenson, 5% miles south of ~urellus road, phone 3~03 A1ure~ tlres, 750x16, ancl one 8·ply

Mason or 3% miles north of Les. hus. 7w~ 700X15· Also have a roll·away bed Good Will Used Cars FARM TOOLS-Two ttsed drags

and a 3·bollom John Deere lie on US·127. Phone 2648 Le.slie. fm• ::;ale. R. E. Whllmon, phone

plow. Alsn tractors. Kahres Dairy, coli Lansing TU·2·1522.


TRACTOR- Bolen garden trac. tor. New Surge electrie fencer.

Also set of marltet poultry scales for live or dressed poultry. Carpenter's portable work bench. Two miles east of OkemoR road on Lamb road, house No. 1287.


TRACTOR-Allls·Chalmers !roc. tor, late 1952, wide front

wheels, excellent condition. Also Case wire-tie hay baler in A·1 condition. Mrs . .Joe Cribley, 1895 Ewers rood, phone Dansville 2882. 18w2p

TRACTOR - Minneapolis·Mollne, with. plows and cultivator, al·

most new. Call Mason 22693 or see Dr. Joseph C. Ponton, Mason.


TRACTOR-1952 John Deere B tractor. Also plow, cultivator,

drag,. disk. Case corn planter, 9" hommet• mill, 290·gnllon gas tank and table saw. Rex Flneout, phone 2006 D~nsvllle. 17w2p

HAY-Second-culling alfalfa hay. Lansing ED·2·1817. 18w1 17w3p. Eugene Lyon, phone 3789 Ma·

-·-------~ son. · 18w1 PLY~WUTH-1951. James Blank

Agrico. We Have lhe Following ANALYSES ON IIAND

3·12-12 5-10·10 3·18·9 3·9·18 4·16·16

10·10·10 0·12·12 10·6·4 0-!l-27

S. A. Laxton · 1858 Tomlinson Rand

Phone 2·2906 ', ··. •·· 15wtf


10 ACRES alfalfa hoy for rent or for· sale on shares. Second

year hay. Charles Luxton, phone 5287 Mason, 5 miles south of Mo· son on US·127. 18wti

HAY-Qunntlt.y of chopped. hay, reasonable. George Helbig, 11rst

!ann east of Mason on Columbia. 18w1

P 0 TAT 0 E S - Chillpewa and I\atahdln potatoes for seed .

Also White Chinese drake. Clare Launsteln, 33-1 S. Every road, phone Mason 2·1682. 18w2

Clothing mixture, tested seed, Maml'r10th WHITE FORMAL for sale, size

elover, 92.90%, Sweet clover, 9, w6t1\ only one~. Phone Ma· 6.84%, $14 per bu. Also June son 5712.


clover seed, tested seed, 99.88% pure, Germination, 96%, $19 per SUIT - Woman's 2·plece wine· bu. All seed tested for purity nnd • tliliored gabardine suit, size 20. germln'atlon. M. H. Lyon, 1228 Nearly new. 2% miles east of Ma· Ives roncl,· phone Mnson 5262, sori on Columbia road or phone

Bwtf Masini 2882G. lBwl !

enshlp, ·4 miles east of Dans·' ville on M·36, ·18w1:




McCarn Oldsmobile 222 S. Cednr St.

· · Phone 9611. Mason

l953 PONTIAC ' i'8" deluxe, 4· clool' sedan. Heater, t•uclio, 2· ton·e paint, white wall tires, $1,695.

!951 PONTIAC '"8" deluxe, SC· dan, 2·cloor, hydrnmatic, heater, radio. white wall tires, $895.

19511 NASH Statesman, 'l·door, hyclramatle and heater; low mileage, $650. ,

l950 MERCURY, 4-cloor sedan, -heater, radio, white wall tires, low mileage, $745.

Howard Pontiac Mason Phone 2·1801


Used Auto Parts All makes of cars to choose from

See Us and Save. · We need more old, ,burned, or

wrecked cars . Pick·ttP.' Service

. Keith Auto· Parts Open evenings's to.9: All day · Satu:rday ·. ,

. 4623 Elliott Road Phone Mason 2·G374

','··' lwtr

Roy Christensen Your Friendly Ford Dealer

Two Locations 21 a· State Street, Mason

Phone Mason 9611 123 Main Street, Leslie

Phone Leslie 5641 Both Locations Open

Evenings Till 9 · Sat. Till 6

PICKUP-Chevrolet, 1953 % ton · · pickup, excellent condition. 195·1 fnrm license. Price, $1075. 2619 S. Cedar road, corner of Justnmere, Lansing. Phone Holt 47691.


FORD - 1952 'clean gray Fore! Crestline 4·cloor, only 23,000

miles, heater, radio, Foraomatie nncl other extras, terms. J. B. .Denn, phone 4531 Mason. 1Bw2

1942 HUDSON, In good running condition, $75. Phone Dansville

2881 evenings. 17wU

HUDSON-1942 sedan. Can be

I seen nt 868 S. Barnes street,

Mason. First $50 takes it. Phone 4091. 18w2

CHEVROLET -1946 Cllevt·olet · .' deluxe, .ln. good condition, new ht·al(e llnlngs. Ronnld Aleo, phone Aurelius 2911 niter 5:00 p. m.

' 18w:l


UsecfCar Headqual'teJ'S

r; I Dn~OTO V R 'lrloot rlc•mon Kllolllll fl,lfn lOll !OIIHirll'lllllon on \ otn IHIIIP In

•;; I PLY MOU I'll I rlrlnt· rlPJnnn Kll'fllfll lflghPI' llottll' In ,dlow flllll' lholll UHltal

•r, l I'LYMOU'I'I I I rloOJ'. 1 .ulio lnw miiP,tgl•

•r,) I'LYMO!J'J'[[ :! rlnor lilllllllly l'll'.tll

•r;o I'LYMOU'J I I sprclnl tlc•luxr I door. I [e,lll'l l'.trllo, V!'I'Y l'IPIIII

'I'J FOHI> l'nrlor· !TI•.tlf'l', rurllo, 1~ood l'lihht'l', 11 JPnl buy

''II, C'I!I:VtWLJ:T 2donl Hrorly lo ,1 driVI' ('iH'.tJI ll.tllHIHllilllirlll

f n g·ham Motor Salefil rF'cll metly Wlutecrnft Sail's)

PIHlltr 2 5531 or 2 R491 Mnson

El .EC l'lllC RANGE - .J burner, tlntVI'Isnl elNI1ir r~ngP Clean'

~nci 111 good conclltlnn N1•llls H.clc•m.lll, lil7 S Lnnstng, M.tsnn l'hotH' 'iiHI 1Hw1

Best Buy in the ... 1

County llNWO UPR!Gil'J' f'lll:I'ZERS ShPIVPS Ill I IIU' dom 'l'pr umsrh

Mason Home Appliance

'DlNING ROOM SUITE-9·plecc, cl.trk walnut, nearly new, w1ll

~nmlflcc Foster I<ing, phone J",tnsmg fi 0837 after 10•30 a m.


GAS STOVE - New 4·burnet Roper gas stove. May be ~een

nt 9•13 Ba1 nes ~I reel. M.1son F W. Dakin. lSwl ·----------c-WATER SOFTENER- Electric,

goocl comhl1on, fully automatic, 6 yenrs old, $35. Don Densmore, :JG80 W. Columbta, Mason. Phone 11911 Mason. 18w1

WASHER-Apartment size Ensy wh1rl dry washer Good condl·

lion, $25 Also have a nursery cha1r•for sale Ambtose Hope, J1·., 4620 Don street, Holt. Phone Holt 2982. lSwl

)'tlichljln.n Cllrnllte Condltlonea

Bottled G11a RgQ

Powe1• Lawnmowers Sper.ll'll hlAiallntlon rates with

'il~fMilS Dr lve uttl und h•y otlt llw Beverul rnndc•ls nf HeuH W'' huvn on Jmucl

Don Htil lwfm r. you huy,

3135 Ol<emos rand, Ol!emar, Phone Lansing ED·7·784V


HO'f'ARY MOWTmS 11~ low aH

$74.95 18·1nch cut

'l'fl.Y Bl~JcQJ{J~ YOU BUY A POWim MOWim

Huy from n Gulli Ct·uwn D(•nl<•r ltntnl y nnd He>el 'l'ypeH

Vntlnw; Wlclths

Phil gas Bottled Gas


20 Jb SeJf.Serve Cylinders lOO·Ib Dellvered Cylnders

"loth are on automatic systems -that tell ycu WIJI'n one cnn Is P.mpty. Cheaper rules !or 2 appllnnce

users lNSTALJ,A'l'IONS



Mason Home Appliance

Phone 2·5911 Masotl

Reconditioned Used Appliances

THOR IRONER-Good condition; several rocl1lng chairs, studio

couch, sewing mach me, 8 piece dinmg room s111te Mrs. Fay Ben· nell, fi 19 S Rogel's, Mason Phone 4161 evenings 1 18wlp

Miscellaneous TYPEWRITER RIBBONS for

snle, for portable and standard typewriters, 65c ap1ece Ingllam County ~ews, Mason. 7wtf

OUTBOARD MOTORS ..:.. Golden Juhllle, Champion and Voyager

outboard motors. Bonis, alumi· num und slamless steel. Also Ozarku kits and boats trailers. Guns, new and used, scopes, sights, hand loadirlg equ1pment and components 1500 Cavanaugh road, phone t.:tnslng 72141. 16wtf

$71 1!l!i to $3Hl!l'i

Wayne Millel' 20 I C' r·oacl, Mnson

l'horw 2·!iH l3

W. A. Hall and Paul H. Murl'ay :J20!i W Columbm Ronrl

Phone M.tson 2 2921


Jnrr'PIISPH your (JIO(li'I'IY VfllliP.

Special Sale ~2.00 each

Colomrlu Blur. fiprm1• Ur.lzle ,JunipJ!r Anwt•il un AI bur Vltnr. We also ltave:

.Jewett Nu1'se1·y 1020 1\.tst Ash Sire•!• I, M.1son

Phone 21lt !i3 '

Poultry and Rabbits

full basement, gat age on west s1de of tnwn, $12,· !iOO. Cat pcung and drapes ,u e Ill·

eluded Phone Mason 27471 18w1

A. 0. G1·eenough Offers

IN MA~ON-2 fmmty, tents fm $60 and $48 LeL the mcome buj t111s well·localecl p!opt'IIY for you, $9,500 terms

Abol Real Estate

IN MASON-Here's one of those older weli.Jocated, 6 1oom mot!· em houses all ftxed up the wuy you would do 11 voUI8e!f on steam flll'Jla~e. bath, tastily I newly decorated You can move • • • in Without even dustmg, $9,500, Buddmg Matenal terms. ______________ _ 80 ACRES, 12 m1les east of lllVERYTHlNG In plumbing fl.x·

Dansville 111 Ltvmgston county tures, material !or plumbing ond B1g, old house, but has new flll· dheet metal. Do your own Install· nace and bnth. Barn. Price $9,000 lng and save c J. Pernn, 113

MASON, 6·room house near court house, needs "ftxm'" bul has new sinl<, slave, water heat· eJ', nice lot, $4,500.

80 acres, Mason·Dansvtlle area, basement barn, large house With bnth and furnace, half 9 acres wheat, $15,000. Good land, on pavement, Dansville school bus. MASON-Lovely 6 room home

With large llvmg·dlnmg room, bedroom down, 2 bedrooms up, modern idtchen, oak floors throughout, deep basement. o1l heat, best of location and sur· roundings. Price $13,500 wtth terms, or cash, or" might tal<e cheaper house or farm as part payment.

MASON-<Enstl, 3 acres with 4 room house Living room, din lng area and ldtchen comlnned, 2 bedrooms. Oil fumace, 2 piece bath, oil water healer, utility room, $4,200. Terms.

HAVE PARTY thnl wanls to bar· row $7,500 on $13,500 Mason home.

A .. 0. Greenoug·h (1346 Moson·Dansvllle Road

R. E. Bro"a<er Since 1914 Dansville Phone 2291

Days or Evenings -------

State street, Mason. 19wtt

Dogs and Pets PARAKEETS-Baby par.tlwclh

all colors. rares and nounals cages, seeds and suppltes Brat tam's 131rct Shoppe, Leshe, on US 127, third house east o( Jallroad phone Leslie 5081. ·14w"J2p




Cady; Hal'dWal'e l<ll W Ash 1\lnson

Phone 2·1241 .

PUPPIES-2 left, to give away. Would like good homes for 2

puppies. Alf1 ed Reau~o. 3 m1les wesL of Mason on Columbln roacl, one mile south on Edgar nne! )~ mlle west on Curt icc Phone Ma. son 22052 18wlp

Business Services Home Repair Phone Mason 2·70Gl

G. H. Conklin General Repa1rs

Painting - Roohng Inslnllll tlons

Ingham County News May 6, 1954

vV. C. Cll::ulan<l Pi1onr llult I ifl'll

10wtf I I

CALL LESLTE 2G'l1 unti ast<: fol Watner's File ContJO! Scrvlct

for everything m fire control equipment. We ::.pcclallzc In the famous Red Comet fire control ~ystems which g1ve 24·hour per dny protection for a lifetime sen I Ice. Fire surveys nrc Cr~e and we Install without ex•ru cost. I

IJ'iwl ( ---- -

Exca"-v'B.ting- and

Graclin~ \lso glotvcl am! lo!JS<III for sal•

K J. Scarlett .?~:o:·e IJ.t2:ll !loll


Custom Photo F'inishinc~

Shimrnin Drug· Phone 2 ii l'i I


Jarnes ThDl'burn MaRon


UPHOLSTERING - Reasonabl~ prices. We have our own rna

terlals of the finest qua llty. Re gluing and rep ail lng furnltur~ and recove\'ing old to loolt lllte new. Free estimates, pickup an~ delivery service. Herb Mathias located at the rear of Carol'! 'lhoe Store, Mason, phone 24821


GARDEN PLOWING. Reasonalllr rates. Phone Holt 3927 or 3Hi2

16w3p ---~---

EXTERMITAL TERMITE Serv· 1ce. Specializmg 111 lerm1lc and

powder pest beelle control Bonded operator,· 5 ycnr gun ran· tee bncl\cd by bonded c.tsh re serve. Tcrmllcs ate hare! to de teet Call a specmllsl for fJCe in· specllon. Phone B. V Fruin, Ma-

Let Us

OVCI' ~0 Y~'lll'~ Pmmpt Rf!I'VII r nnrl H tl isfttc lion t:lllll olllfPC!)

Cal'l Find1 ancl Son Phonr. Tlol I 11 "1071

2 2wl r

\VJ•:DlllNG l1lf(l'J'OGJ1J\I'IIS


PIICII'OS !h ippolninH'Jll onlv

Bahs Photos l'ltolo}lhom• .' t:l'lt M,JKilll, lv!lr 111>(~11

~cpiiC '1'.1111( St l Vlr.P. S••p!lc 'I' 111l<s 11nd C'rssponlR

l lr:1111 rl llorul<'rl ,JJul T.tff'll•ecl •rruri(S

F'1·ancis Sloan \Vtlllnmslon, llo11tr. 2

l'honP b71 \V 50wtr

Wal'l'le rl\1ilorinp; Shop

JS 11011 oprn ~It'll< .11111 Wnrmn's Cthlnm

.1\ltdt• ( 'lnlhl's 1\ I h•l I I IIIII'.

l\11·s. Floyd Warfle :no • s Jdf<'l s11n PlloiH' 2 :J03t

0\<l Shilllllllll Dill,( Sloll' 12wtf

W ANTED-lvlut e chlcltens, heavy fryers and sprmgers. Will plclc

Lip. W. X. Steadman Poultry F'arm. 620 S. Edgar rond, phono il804 Mason. 19wtf

\V ANTF.D TO 1'1\ADE, even·liR electric range for gas range,

Mason Home Appliance, 120 W. :'.l:aple, phone 2 5911. 12wl/

son 26883 Operator 1 epresenla·"'"''·"··'n" mu11 ,.,,~. live

lnqham County News May 6, 1954 Livestock 'r1·ucking J LOR'!'-nrown 1111rt white Oor mun nlwrl IHtiJ fr.nwlo <log R

monlh l ohl Wfinrlng (L rcrllortl het (()llrll Hr.wnHI Is offered A Q IDle I> I C' tmplwll nouto 2, Ma son or phone Mu~on 2 7191,

r <\llNDr \/UnK WnshlngH Ill HI II Olltllll'H ne tlly tlnlnliCci hy

oxpctloncod llC'I so11 Will plclc liP nnrl clcllvor Mt H Trunes. JiiggH, phone Mason 2 'i807 18wl

ro Dcirol~ Pacldng IIoullc and Yrmls

Monrlay~ anrl 'l uesday11 Insured Service

Eli Mire & Son 1Bw2 ---- -----------

'lo Battle Crcclt Wednesdays

Phone Holt '.15414J2w1ptf Cards of Thanks CUSTOM SAWmG Also slnb

VAN SJCI\1 ~ -Wo wish In ex WANifm-Wmno~n Jllltlllmc to

WANIED-lncomu ptopi'!IY unci assist wlll1 !J,IIclng IIHI eh!olll le.tH!! Jll opm ly lo mrlnlgO llnvc lng In MIIHOII City<C!~ Also

client~ fnl good home H olllcl woman full lime neerlerl Apply ftums Cnnllolcls fn1 Hlle $70rtlo IJt>fntc 8 30" m .tl M.rwn Clli'

woorl for snlc. Frnnlt Ward, first fnrm south of Ilarj)cr school on US 127 at Butler's H.cslnarnnt Phone Lansing 492!11 12wtf

pH HH our thnnl<s lo I be friend" md nr!lghhm s wllo w1•rc so llincl mel lhoughlful dtlllng llw long lllnoss .md nl lhe JIIHslng of our lover! one I he mnny l<lnelncsses rtlt hough I hey en n nevm he rc Jnld will nlw.tys be wmemhc1 r.d llw ltlps Ill nochrs!CI 11111 lbr. olllcniJnn flllrl C,J(e giVen the 1hllrhcn lhr r uris nnrl llnWPI mrl I liP. lll.t nv Ill 11!1 WOI cis olllrl

dr>ccls h.tvc fill eel out lw.uls 1\ lib (lllillurlc Jlruley V.m Slrl<le S tlly Ann <~ncl Gmy 1Sw1

$R 000 Call Ch,ules Johnson B tlcel y J7w2p !l3H71 Mnson Cutl Jewell ~ ~- _ Wanted Agency l8wlpiWANIED Rug WOIVing Also _ 111g IU):(H anrl h tnrl m ulr. gifts' WAN !CD-BPfiHC Tunc 1 Dtt for s tic Mts llohc!l Wc•lcll lhsl



JlAi'il MJ'N I' WA 1 Elt plcx 01 l he rl1oom !muse Ol1e house south of Cnlumhl1 nn c.1sl

mns sl!l!llll rltslrlr I I X<PiiPnl slrlc of Autelius 111<1d l'lwne M 1 houscl<ccJH'I H1 fltr nccs Phone son .l G37! 18wl Lansing ED7717l 18w1


WAN I LD I 0 BUY P 111 Coclccl pups m my nlu pupple" by

IIJP IIIICI He ISOilihlr MIS rill Hwhc~. phoue L 1nstng LD 77231 1Hwlf

LuHI llllllll<l 01 !Ill( iiC,lll l')c,2

J'md 1 rim 1 111rl c ISII In JJ,Hic• T 13 Dean plwnc 1"131 Mo~son


WANIID 1U BUY lllSiiloioS hflh cJ lllllllllly h II Cdl ).JineS

Whltul'"' .no 1 P lnsvtllr• or Wille ' J'3wlf

Buym~.?,· Wool HAROLD Ml fCIILLL

Cmnet of 1!1 llcvuc diHl Hull 1u His, I esiJe



W.ildn totrl Mason 28'327

WANIED- Ani ],mel of ltlc stoeJ, Also ltuclcmg of liVI'

stoci< tnywhmc ,my11mc Cliff M.nld~olm phone L lllHing 1 U 21017 ~wtf

Workers and Work Wanted

---- --1 WORK WANTED-Boy 11 wo~nls

work on farm fot summer G.trclh Logan 2121 N Ceclnt Holt Phone Holt I 5G01 18w2

WANTED-Owclw1s w illlecl le

WANIED Mc.1t lountrt gill We Will IIIICIVff'W applilolllls

IJPtwcen 1 I .1nrl I !'.Jon lty M.lj 10 11 new ouprl llloil wl lnulrllng 1 mile IIOiih of l\1olSDI1 Oil U ~ 127 Don Dcnsrno1 e 18w1


Rex L. Chapman SILSbY We Wish to 0111 deep lfl)l!Cci.ltlon to ill 0111

ftlcmls fot II!Ch expws ,Inns 0 r •onrl wishes In Jlw nbsctvo~ncc of

lOIII gnlrlr'll \\1 lellng .mnivers.Jry h Lllhng 1\li llld Mls rr.uty Silsby

11 ~ S llo~11 s M.1son All wntl< glloll llllccd lo

so~llsf.tcl 1011

L t~~sln..( 1Sw1 l~wll

VAUGTJN- In lhls wrty we \\Ish lo lhnnk fllencls nclghbnls and

In \\Oil' Ill \\llllHilo ICidYLU 'for Rent I eltlilcs (OJ fliP. iclsoflcmclncss \VI oil slot c In I\11HOI1 I - llml 11 tiS rlutlng) lte rleparllllC of

_ r 111 f ilhcl tnd g1 uuJ[nlllrl Jnlm WHIII !lOX 21> I - v ruglln M1 111rl Mts Jlow uri

Ingh,lrn County NI'WS LAND Hlrs of V tllglln oliHI f,tmli\ lSwlp 17w1

1 lllgli corn or

1 n1ts C tsli H•nl Phone A111cllus I WAHD We wtsll In I his w tY to \VAN II D (, urlcns In plow IIlii 210') !loball Osbotnc fioulr 1 11 y to express nul lilmlcs to

ftt Wrnk rlnnu to '>Olll ~.ills M 1son llwlf nr 1gilhm• friends Rlld rciRIJves It linn <Iilii tl " PI ICC! 111.11 will fnt tile 11 m tn\ lcmrl elceels ,nul pic tsu ~ou I IWtcncc Btngeso RLNI IIH II I he ughlfutness dunng the phone 2 40hl M 1son 01 sec me dl A lllnPss md tl tlw rlc,tlh of out i\1 Htce Chevrolol g.u.tgc LAWN IWLLEH I rnolhrl oliHI ( r 111rimnther Ellen

lGw lp I nl M Wm t1 1 hr. f<~mlly of Mrs

F S , I 1Jol'kms Ilanlwme ~~~lien M warrl 18w1

arm er~~~es __ l Mu~on ltll\lf IWINCELMAN-I

wool I ron REN 1-T'Ltrlllshcrl slc~;ng I 1oom or hgltt housekeeping

!dun In cvc1y d•~ room VerncrWnlkct 4!9 W Co Otu blocr< e IHI of lUll nn .tlley lumbli Mu~on lSwl

l'l1o11e 1\lnson 2 !.30l 01 2 GOOl - -- --- -FLOOR SANDE!lS for rent

James Thorbul n Perlons Hatdwarc, phone M I llwtf sun 4~11 Swtf

W cll-Dt illing

Contlactor 3 IIH II to 12 mr h 11 ells

Ed C01cls ll I De~lel fin td

' lion !lipids I'IHlnc .h B1 1 ol mel A Sunfot d tlll~lnc ss

General Repairing and

~-t-hour WrecKer L'Jerv!cb Phone 4-1261 or 2972


Glenn Casey

FOR RENT-Wallp tpur s,eamcr anrl fto01 sander Inquire at

'I Slt.tfer Decoralmg Supply 425 S Jeffcr~on Phone 2il461 45wtf

1 C Rc) no leis plwne 27289 181\1

I LANo=-&t,lee-.;- 'i .tnJG;";;e;;;-f I mu<k ldnd C1sl1 or shate lent IN 1\IEMORIAM-In memon of I Mrs Ien111e Every Phone 21Rnn I our mothct Mts May Hadel) M.t>on 18wl who left us one ye,tr .tgo

1 God m<~de .., ou ours clear 1 Oil Rl N 1 C tlllc p tslure 1 -~ ml)lhcr

m1lcs south of DcxiCJ Tr.ul on To cherish on th1s cnrth 1 Kelly 1 ond Alvm Goble f honr He chusC' you frnm rtll olhets


3971 MdSOII 18wl ro giVe us humblr. birth Aur l!oneer Wllllamston Mlchlf!,an Phcne Collect :!27 W 1 RAILJ:'R-pai t-1ng He g tve you hnnrls to labor

50wt I teal No childten N 1ncy Cui In ~our unselfish dl'eds

I vm lnqturc 2751 Ccd tr !Odd He fashioned you wtth pmpo~e

GAllDJ NS no ro 1 Lan~Ing Phone Holt 4 6921 ro srtlrsfy our needs 151 1ct 1on gu.uantcccl By the 18w1 Wilen chllciish fears beset us

1ohorhour VetYll!dsonnble For ----- __ AncltcHswctcdosenlhRnrl rl"rnonslt.tiHlll c til nl 325 R,rn APAflfMI'N1 - I ur111shccl .l Gocl g,t\e vou arms to comfmt clolplt sltcel Mason Phone 5651 woms anrl bnlh mcel~ deco A ilrMrt to unclerslnnrl Mason 18wlf !rill d All ulllillcs ftllnlshcd ;x God rnnrlr. you ours de11r

1 capt clcclltdly Clu L Dtelz J28 mother CUSTOM SAW MILL SERVICE E Ash Mason Phone 2 i393 Ma Ela;hli ~IX yems YOIII ea1lhl~

Loggrng .mel milling clone ~~1 ~on 1Swtf stny yom f11m 1\llh pmtnblc mill ------ vVc shall !Cinln VOLII metnl'V Wnle D.tvicl West GOn W Iloov A PAR f MEN f - Fur mshed Fnrrve1 tn I a clny m Ann Arbor Phone NO 242!111 .tpal tment fot 1ent 4 rooms Your cbilclten Iva Ezt,t Isahe!IP Ann Atbut c1en1n,.;s 18w1 tnd btlh pnvale r.nlr,mcc ultli Hid Ftances 18w1p

Livestock '1 rucking Ill'S VIIY ntce lp<trl ment Phone 5301 M.tsun Corner Ap 1rtmenls 18wl

SI ITS-In lovmr. memor ~ of our dear brother Gro\el I Sills

who passed awdy 3 years agn I o Chmiotte on Mondays 1o Jncksor on Weclncsclays

Reasonable Rates Mnv 4

I P I S\\ eet memo11es wtll llnget for eBOOaS rnff Lester L. Johnson Ttme cannot change I hem ItS

Phone 6MA 1431 or 3580 ~-- Comuw: true 20wtl , " Years thnt muy come cnn not

--------1 B1g Rummage Sale se1e1 Farm Bureau I Mdy 7 1 to n Jl m Our lovmg H!mcmll!ance of

C .mel you

\futual Insurance o. !Illy s !) to 11 a m Mildred W.ttcthouse unci

I Sttls

Auto Farm Liability Coverage Chut ch Basement _ --~-----·----At Cost Non Assessable f sponsorerl by W h

FARM BTJREAU Women s As~OCllliOn of I eat er L1f~: Insurance Co M.tsun Ptesbyleuan church I Just when 1t lool,cd hkr. sprmg

L J F ll 2-17w2 eon , e 0WS hncJ rr.allj UIIIVed Wllllcr m,tde ,1 General Agent

for Inrzhem County Phone 21132

Mason Lost and Found

7~f ------·-----------------__ LOST-Black and while English

ATIENTION Eg~ Prmlttc crs - shepherd pm tltlly blind An

comebacl' Tempel atm es ell oppcd to 30 degrees Sunday mghl and there wete snow flurues both Monday 111d Tuesda:,

Lo\\ for the w eel, was 30 1 e corded Suncla~ mght The weeJ, s hrgh was Sntmday \\hen the mer

wotl< .tl new super mm kcl Will t.tkc applic<ttlons Mond.t) M<ty Jn, between 11 a m and 12 noon at the new lnulthng on US 127 nne mtlc north of Mason Ot Wille Don Densmore Jefferson rood Mutlwt, 350 S Jefferson Ma~on 18wl The Central Mlclugan Poull!y swc1 s to name of Shep Mrs Len WANTED-Spmy 01 btush p11111 t Producers Co operative hus a wood Stowe 2290 Doble toad Mn

lng 1nleuor exter101 and truclt picking up eggs once a son phone 5485 lSwl

cmy clunbcd to 7!1 A total of 25 pteelptlnllon w ts

recorded most of Which wns motsture from the snow A vet age temperature for the weelc was '51 compared w1th a 54 degree teadmg last year at this lime

c lrpenlet wotJ, George Cau weel< If you are mtcrested In a NOriCE-All stray dogs picked 1139 E Swan 1 oad Stockbtlclge better matl<et for eggs call or see I h h I h C ty H •

lSwlp Fted Ruthtg Leslie 5203 Arthur up Y t e ng am oun u -- - -- --------- , Deyo Mason 2 'i901 or the truck mane Society or by Clayton Hu· WAN1'ED-Somcone to do house I cr Lloyd Ha;Yhoe Mason 2 4912 [lett county dog warden, are held

wm 11 one! dn; 11 week Call 53wtf a full 7 days at the Animal She!· t!lct 6 p m Mt s II M s1tsb~, l'er b~fore being alTered for sale

l809 s Ecl.,:.n 1oacl phone Atne Livestock JThls gives owners a chance to ltus 512 18w1 p locate them With owned dogs

Trucking and Buying we do as the owner requests, It

Garden Plowmg-Reason!lble Rates

Gerard Pierce Phone Mason 2 3816

Have your stocl< trucked to the possible We do not seize dogs on mnrket that mal<es the market the highway, Animal Shelter, by exper ieneed truclters phone 26'218 Lansing open 9 to 5

All An1mals Insured week days, 9 to 12 Saturday Semi Truett ServiCe now Available Closed Saturday nfternooll and Call us on any l{!nd of livestock Sunday, 3wtt you wish to sell at home DOGS-Report own or stray dogs

Temperatllt es fot the week as recorded at the Mason sewage disposal plant wete

Apul 2n Apul 30 Mny 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6

l6wt! See us lor your registered Hamp to Clay Hulett, county dog war II ___ E_L_P_W_A_N_T_E_D ___ M_a_s-or-1 Cafei shire breeding stock The best In den Mason phone 2 5839 or to Hogs - Top $2710 to $28 30,

I I 17 meat type hugs she~lff otl!ce 9661. ' 31wtf mixed, $2G 50 to $2710, roughs Cal n person W $25 00 down, feeder pigs, $16 75

woRK WANTED-By the dn~ 1 E D. Franklin & Son week or month Freel Hyatt I '

101 Stockbridge road, fi1 st farm Ucensed Dealers, Mason north of Columbia road Roy Tllt , Phone 26793 Mason hill fmm lR111p 1 l2wU

LOST-Blacl' and white, short halted male cat yenr old Any

one having any lnfot matlon about this mt please phone Be1nice AI len, l\fmon 23Ra1. 17wl J1

to $28 75 each Calves-To)>, $24 00 to $2610

'econcls $14 00 lo $24 00 outs $14 00 down, deacons, $8 00 to $1R nn rwt

Leslie Items By Paul Tucker

Detroit Station Salutes Leslie On Friday Noon

W.JBJ( fV, Delroll, llllH u snluln nlunnml fo1 Lc>ile nl 12 u dm I< 'ilrlny noon

"Bob Murpl1y Cnlllng" Is tho 11ogt nm In whkh ti1C R'31h nnnl ,rcrs ny of the LcHJie Locnl Re lllbllcnn will lm fcnllll eel Doni\ lei T Foust the publli;hcl Is holding open house T'rleiln nnrl Snllll rln~ 0 rciehJnlc IJIP. lllllliVC'ISIIV

On rllsplay In lllC ncwspnpet offlu will hc• m 1nv hlstmlc,tl cllcs lnrluellnv thro bugle of Mn

son's Co I' 31sl Mlchlglll Volun I Pels which w 1• used hy I hr. lflmpnrn buglet rlutmr~ the >P mlsh Ame1ic.m W 11

PholngtrtphH of C<IIIY LcsliP ,eenr.s .tnrl prominent men rtnd women o( I he catly du~ s .trc he lnrt shown

On lhr lclc•rnsl pictmcs of lhe Leslie schoolA G A ll hnll churchcH tnrl oth~1 bullrllngs 11111 hro shown Lc,llr. Is noted fen lis m .tclws mrl 1pples Plctu1 CH of tlwse will br> shown nlnng 111 h lllC o( lllf' Rich ucl Pnwc1 s rlth Y r,um uul the f.tcl,son Aulom tile "wciuels CJ Tulllc pule Which iJedl H the 11dlnC o( fot nWl l'ed r,il Judge AtlhUI r lutllc nnel lw olrl home of A T B,lllcv fiiHI 1!1!1 the Tultlt s .111<1 lhr. Dow lnr,s now the Ju[lp funeral


church Hev Mcnelnws will nlso HJHI\V pJcJUICH ol II JCcent lli[l to Cub. I

Youth Fellowship Has Tuesday Meet

Nancy nne! Shh ley l'ogg rlnltgh lets of Mr and M1s !'J,II111 I'ogg cnleiL.tlned the Melhnrllsl Youth l'ellowship for Its business ami mccllng lucsdny M1 H U N L tcey adult rnunselm lJ,i[J r IJ,u gc of g.uncs unci Lhc so( Iii Lime

the illlbilwss g1 oup wenl to

MclhodiHl clnn ell whet e D1 11 mil Benton, thslllcl HLipeiln lcndenl from R.1ngoon B111 m.t siwwcd slides of lhoil counlty 1 he hostess set veri 1 e[I cslunents Mts L C h111fl ch.thm 1n of mls HI OilS commlltcc, h 1<1 ell 11 gc of lllolllgamcnts Ill lhe 1 hlllch

School Board Has Spe(ial Meet to Award Contracts

At n specl,tl mccllng of llu• holt HI of celuc nil on lwlrl 'ILIPHciny evening 11 llw high sc lwol Ill cis WCie !CWJvcrJ Oil fl itWil fill IIH' clr.nwnlnl y sell no I (,< 1 nlrl Lm moty of Lesllr. \\olo llWrliderl llw COillliWl fOI mnl\lng the llWII IIHI planting fl sh trl~ II ~r s Also a cnnltllcl Jm lmpwvlng lite '01 JWI lot on lila llmlllwest 'o1m r ol Pennsyl\anln olll!i !!nee sllCIIH wns given to Colli l'nJte II~ will gliHJc nnrl fill lil Ill!! Jot oiiHilinllh ll fm 1 pntldnr; sp He

Supaiinlenrlenl V 111rh 1llnd~n 111!1 Ptlll< lp1l ller l1srl WI 11 In Ann Alllol on Wcrlnf'srl.ti In g<l 1sslslnnee from lhe hUH Ill •I schor I smvkao In lllltlglll tllill: leslillg HPI VIC I'S fill high Hl hoof slueh nts ll1cs< lcsiH will !111 htdl 1plllurle• m ilh1 mtll1 s t<IIIC\e mcnt lnlr> c 111rl m.tny olhc1 ldncls helpful hnlh fell the la,ulwt mrl pupil

rtw v ltslly h IIHI 11111 111rl pili .rt lhe llollnHI lullp fesllvtl on M IV JC, Ll• irl l\lillc 1 rill eel or Is It lining the h till I tnl new wultncs mel f IIH\ steps

On 1'1 trl1~ Mo~y 7 I' A Shl1 P 1f who h 1s 11 11 elerl h1 hln1l I he Itnn Ctitl tin 11111 sp1 tic 11 1 HI 1 r l1l 1sscmhh 11 I he hwh sclwnl A fle1,lng he lVIII .t nswr.r questions

Women's Fellowship Has Potluck Dinner

{Acl\llll~t IIH nil

1 The Farmer's Worl< Is Never Donel

rile 0111' II p l(l< I hall~!' I IS I the fellow who s gollen til llw c tcrlil fell br.illl~ the hli'H st ill ill Ill lhe WO!icl

It's tunc h1• III'S IIIISIIIIi II IS

II IV! j Oll eVCI lllllllglil illll II !he murlmn fatmct 111 the sp1111g SCdSOil I Ilc s tile llf'W me ISIIfl or I whnl 11 me ms top ul, t \leer< of wutlc IIllo u d<i)

Tf-111 dcilliilOJI ill'S I 1 IIITI Burcdtl mcmhot-lk s set Ius 1111 11110 h1gh g'l'oll 111d J,c ups II lh II

])('Sillt< Jlhll\ 1111. I ( )lllillllno Jllllntln,:-, the IJU Ill 111111'1111 llum

t'l lu 1 llS t J.,ht nn wtth t fnll llli'ILSIIIC ul lllA'lllliZilllllll \\Ill)( he• cnus,• he lmmvs thnl lhr tnh ol gu•rllet IH'tl<'hts f01 null • f,u m er s doesn't lalw hmc ol I fill sr.t sons

\ Meetmgs disCU'Sions -t uri; /ll nght on In Tngh trn ({lllllll lor 111st.tnce on I he c vr. of the r tll'l CIS hllSICSJ SCI Son I \YO 111'\\ ( 0111

munrl~ rl1se uss1 m groups hIll' been orgnmzed-one Ill t hr. not t h ens I p.trl of Bunker 11111 tm1 n shlp-anollwr 1he Willm Crr.PJ, m the nort hwcst co I net of On on cl.tga tO\\ nsh1p

Women s groups within the Fmm Bure<tu ,He cJn;mg on mcelmgs .uul p1 o]euls of puhlic welfare .tncl mleresl ]Uillnrs urc Jay1ng pi<Lns fm then poptilll Fnn Wee], pto]ects

In LC~nsmg 1 he stair. r 11m Bu tc,ut off1cc spuncd on h; lhe <If

llVIlles of local groups 111 In!(IMm and throughout the slrrtr. cnn lmues Ils study nnd wo1l' 111 p1 e

1 he M1chtgan Fa11n Butenu legislative committee will rcpot t Its fmdrngs lo the 19'i•l MFB re ~olutlnns committee 'J he ]uclg mcnt fund will be on lhe ptogtam for discussion 111 local Fatm Bu renu groups throughout the state very soon

It's nil 11art of the Ftmn B11 •oeau lie lief that membm s should lmep nbu•ast of needed Je,:lsltt tion, 1111 thch• vim\ )Joints 1111 ~ e111 Ill Ollllllllllll ~:Jve theh I e)l!'t'Selltll lives 1111 OJlJIOI tunlcy to mnlu those vie\\ )Joints felt You'll llml that FtU'IIl llurenu members 111 e nevet• too busy to tnllc these 111 ob !ems out because they Jmo\\ tltnt t11e hue Jlllllch und ]10\VI't llchlml Jlolley comes from JlCOJIIt.--cvery

1 ~~~" •lny of I'VI'I y YI'RI',

Mte 1 llt!l fr•llnWHiilp lltl'l'thm lite I,o~nl n.urgiliPJH Mi H Vllll A!cltlr h 111 c sir!< 111 r•ntl I h<t Hn~ nl DllllgiiiLI~ 1\liii H IY \VililllCY, ptr.•lrlrnt hold sropllfllr• httslno~~ mccllngs

FARMERS-lnt tim

( lllliill;ll \ 11111 I 1\ Pstndt to lim

UIARlOTTE l1vestock Commission

Sillc Every Monday

!Inn I 1111 hIll II\ I lie 1 111111 all« ( IOIH'I'l

I 01 I 1\1 sln1 j, 'I ill! 1•111!;' :-lt•l\11< (all

Lester l. Johnson l'liolll ~lllSOll liKO Ill

~lliHOil II ll

2-3 plow tractor

You'll sa1c lime .ItH.I money With these new fc !lures C•nterlmc steer• 1ng 12-volt clcctncal system,., split bcmn lights automotive typo prc,sure cooling syst.1•1 dJsc·typo brakes, Jar~,c cnptCIIY clutch left of stccrmg column long pedal ••• Um-M tllc P1 O.tttachmcntsshtclded • hrgh rlatform put, you up out of dust and heat 111 1 htghcr com· prcs>~on cylinder heads, !ugh com• j)ICS'IOII ratiO IJote·RidC SCat,,, optiOnal hvc Powc1 Take Off

See Us Fer Alit/,,. Ft~d&

7'\t II I Ill\ 1'1 tct


F~·cu1cis Platt OtH• nul• nllllli ot M tsnn on Ui'l I ,. ~· l'hnl'c ~ 5'17 L

A Commumly Service

I U\1 lh1• tim lm, the tnu••tal rluc elm must he t e.uly to ans\11'1 the cull ul any hom ol the dt1y 111 m.,ht 'lh11t Is om• or I hc• mun~ 1 csponsllnllttes 1\ hit It WI hll\ t' in SCI Viii);

tins c ommumt~ 'l'utined P• t sonncl Is II< t 01 dmgly ut h.uul nt nil tlmt N to r;•ve llllll11'ohnte llltenlion to .til calls, tcgllldlcss nl 11 hnL the hom may be


Funeral /lome The l-lomo o{ F1londly Scrvlte

Phone Mn•on 2 Gl51

Anthulnnco Set vlc11 dny nnd night. Ambulonco uquipJ ad wllh oxysen

nnd Emcnon rcausclto.tor


·Masons Mark ·Cente·nnial (t:nullnrwd l'mm l'ng"t! I)

H[>JIIIcnlinnH prr.~·r.nletl nl tho first Hlnlr.d meeting. Dr. Mdtnhrwl WIIH llw lii'Hl MaHil!l' Ma:inll rui~od hy Mason lmlgn. lie hoe;mw one Mureh H. JRri-1. Colllrm D. lliflll· lngton was rnlscd the following

I Rf>!l·1 8(10; ' Peter Low, 1 Bill ; Dr, Clllll'ies .'lncl~rlliot•, 1862 i Peter Low, 1f:!llil; ,Tohn H. Snycr~. 1864· IHG:'i; Pr.r'l'y Hender~on, 1Biifi; nenrge M, Ilunlingtun, lf:!li7·'1BGB; Nr~lson A. Dunnin~, ·1860·1870·

May 6, 1954 The Ingham County· News Part 2

IR71; ciny, George W. ['laelll'icler•, 1872;

Phillip J\1el(c•t'll1ln, 1111 llltonu•y Dnninl Camph[!lJ, 1873·1874; .Tohn nne! !hen county dt!l'll, presr.ntncl II., .1874·187!1; Aiber1 '!'. Ills np[JIIcalinn for nwmhershlp llenriPt'son, , 187!1-1876; Dnnir.l on trnnsfr!r fmm Lansln~ inclr.:r! r•nmphcll, 1R77·1!l7H; .Tohn H. No. 33. Ile wns tlw IIi'S! lli!IV Sayers, 187fl.'JHHO; member In hr. reeciverl into tiw Charlmi W. VnnSiylw, 1RRH!2· Jnc!~re, in ndclilion to the ehnrter H:l; Albert 0. Dnl1ois, 1881·R~; members. Clwrles \V. VnnSiylw, 188G;

Sllll In us1~ in tile lmlgf' rnom r;eoi'[!O F. nay, 1A87·fl8; .John H. H a desl~ nnrl t<lhlo mnrlr! by Rnh· SnyPI'H, JHRfl; .Tnh T. Cnmr•h~ll,

IInll, Mason l'lli>irwt nwlwr. 1l'fl0·!11: Clwrles \V, VnnSiyl<r., Lodge remnls show llliil lw was 1Hnn;H).]; Davie! P. Whllmore. paid $1i.OI1 fnr his worl< on 01'· IH!l:i !J(j fl?-!1~1; Dr. Churlcs G . .Tr.n· ccmhr.r :JO, IR!'H. 'l'iw l'ilhinet ldn~. 1Aflfl.1!JOO; Erlwuni E. Whit· mnlwr was 1he father of /~!bert mm·ro, 1flOJ.(l2; Wllllnm B. Tr.nll, J. llnll, now fl2. . lfl~:!-0·1: David P. \Vhilmnrc•, t90:'i;

Three swords used in l'ituaiis· CitiY A. Rnymnnrl, HlllG·07; tie worl( 111'1' antirp1r•s. On!' is a C!wrlr•s A. Pnrichursl, HlflA·Ofl; snhcr presented to 1111' lodfle hy '"\V. H. Jcrrslrour, 1~10; IJ, T. Capt. John II. SayPrs in l!lll. It Lasenhy, 'l!lll; A. 11. Wall<ins. was us1•d In IIH! war by Col. A. 1912; .r. n. Curtis, 1013; G. W. S. William.~. Dr. ,J, \V. Phelps Tamlyn, 101•1: *Dr. C. S, Ballard. prcscntrd a navy sahPI' inlH:i·!. It lfllri;.Gcor'!P L. PPrk. 1!116: 1'1~nr·1 hnrl been caiTierl hy his hmlher· Asrillnco, 1fll7; *Waller E. Zim·

1!n-law, Charles Root, a navy of· mer•, Jfl18; Jollll E. l<ennecly, fleer who had rlicrl while serving l!llfl:


with tlw navy in thP Cl1ina sen. v. T. Coonror, 1!120; '"Dean Tny· Nlrw(.y l\luslm·s Ser·vr~tl lol', 1!121; *Arthur F. Zicl<gruf. The lmigP liitS harl !i!i nwsters. lfl2:l: ,J. 11. lll'aly, 1923; .T. L.

Past masters shown In tl1r> l'PO· :.lura1C!iJIIX. 192<1; •ro:mery D. orris !with 1111 "' representing i~nl'l', 1!'1201: •.J. Wilson Davis, those Iivingl are in the order of: HJ2fi: Lloyd H. nnarw, 1!127; Har· their service: r·y G. Gillespie, 1!12R; •Enoch A.

William Woodhouse, 1Rri·l i Or· B~rhe. 1!12!1; •Roland E. Troxell, Jnmlo M. Barnes, 18:1:1; Dr. ,John Hl:lO; ''Lm•is B. curtis, 1931; ''Dr. W. Pil;l[Js, \)l~fi;_ Peter, Low, L. 11. Wiler!Pn, 1932; ''C. A. Rny, ll'!:i7·18:Jtli 1 hillip Mel\crnan, 1 HJ:l:l: *Dallas A. Lan~ham, 1!134; -------------1 '".Tnhn Lny, ''Willis Collar,

''Pctrr Klont, ''Lee! Darling, ''Wi!· Woman Seeh Office llnm s. Seelye, ".Iohn Rakowsl~y.

).;Been J~. Hnly Mrs. Eileen E. Daly, 5lS S. Jios·

mer, Lansing, hns announ~ccl her candidacy on the Democratic tlcl<ct for regis tcr of deeds.

Mrs. Daly is employed as a n. nancial ticcrctary of the Demo·

''Hamlrl Cnpp, "'Clarence Adlof, ''George W. Post, "Alvin B. Eills, '''Ivan Potier, ''Maynarrl Galefi. * Arvirle North, •Robert Osborne. '''Dr. RussP.Il Robbins, *Elmer Fmnklin, .Jr., ''George Knight, *Herbert Colby and ''Ludell Clwney.

Glenn F. Cline is the present mnsteJ' of the lodge.

1\lusrm Is l.orlge lUolhcr Mason Lodge No. 70 is recorded

as t.lw mol her of Masonic lodges in· Stocl<hridflC, Lrslic, Dansville, Williamston and Holt. Memher!< of l.hP. Mason lodge wilhdrcw to aiel orr.anizat ion of those lodges.

On December· 21, 18ri!1, the Ma· son Jnrlgc granted the petition of M;1son Branch, F. S. F'llch, Rich· arc! Low. W. M. Stephens and Griffin Padrlock for dcmits to form a Masonic lodge at Slock· bridge.

Four years ln1er on November 2.), 1 R63, llw lcioge granted the petition of Horatio Pratt, Dr. J. /I.. Leasi11, Cornelius Dietz, .Te· rome B. W11ldo anci Thomas Hor· ton 1o organize the lodge at Wil· Iiams ton.

r' cralic State central committee. She is vi<'c·<'hairman of l11e Young Democratic cluhs o( Mich· igan, former chairman of the Young Democratic clttb o( Lan· sing, ancl a member of the sixth congressional district democratic committee.

The formation of the lodge at Dansville was contested for 2 months. according lo 1hco record. Bul finally the Mason Jnclgc nr;rced 1o release members so l hal. I he Dan~ville lodge coulcl he organized. The Dam·ville lodge was organized in 1864 on a IJCI i: lion signed by M. M. Alwood, D. L. Crossman, L. ·LeBar, N. A. Dunning, Mnrtin Jessup. D. D. Fox, Rev. William Dunning and Samuel Skaclan.

Michigan burn, she has lived in Lansing for 17 years. She is a graduate o( Presque Isle county normal school.

Mrs. Dal;• is a ml•mber o( Rr;;. urrect ion parish ami is the moth· cr of 5 children.

Columbia Bridge Will Be Repaired

t Cleo Lamphere got t ltc ap· pro val of the dty coundl Mon­day night to rc[Jair tile !':;1st Co· lumhia street hriclgc. The eost will he $:12:>, according to Lam· phcrc's estimate.

'l'hP. J 901•1 city huclgel allowed $5,000 for the eonslrucl inn of a new bridge.

"If we cnn get 6 or 7 years out of the bridge hy llwtic repairs, it will he money WC'll stlent." Mayor Clairmont Everitl said. "We al· lowc·d for spcncling a lot more moru•y to rehuilci the bridg-e. We arc ahead of the financial game at this point."

The LPslic Jorlge was formed in 1RG6 fnllowing the clemi1 petitions nf .lames L. Torrey, E. \'fare!, Cl;u·ksnn Flansburg, G. W. A. Morgan. L. C. Rice, W. C. Tom ldns.' A. T. Tng:1lls, T . .T. Roberls 'rnrl 8. A. Hackal t.

Mnson furnished 60 out of the 72 charter members 8f Holt. Jod.t::c, formed in 1947.

In 18ll8 Mason lodge No. 50, R. A. M. was organized. Mason and Leslie Masons wcnl in 1o· p;et her to form the R. & S. M. Cntmcil nl Leslie.

MH«on Locl((e No. 1:10, Or·clcr of t lw En stern Star, was chartered in 18!l5.

Postmaster Urges Mailbox Repair

· NINETEEN PAST MASTERS and· affiliated past 1 second row, Harold Copp, Ivan S. Potter, William S. Seelye, mastet•s had theil· picl:ul'e taken at a past mastet·s' night of Willis Collar, Roland Troxell and Dean Taylm·; Lop row, Mason Lodge No. 70, F. & A. M. in 1948. Shown in the pic- Gem·ge W. Post, Maynard Gates, Lloyd Doane, Emery Bat'l', ture are (front row) C. L. Bashford, Alvin B. (Bud) Ellis, Dr. Arvide North, Peter Klont and Earl Cavender. Past Master L. A. Wileden, W. H. Freshmn·, Lee Dal'ling and M. L. Hunt; Doane died a year ago.

Masons Plan Huge Parade On Saturday

Mason's biggcs1 parade will ho staged Saturday afternoon. May 1:1, to celebrate liJC .tOOth annivcr· sary of Masonic LorJ.r:c No. 70 F. & A. M. Scheduler! lo he in the parade which hegins on Maple street at 5 p. m. arc 11Je Flint Military Patrol hand, the Mason high school hand, Boy Scouts from the entire Chief Okemos council, the Lansing Shriners, the Shrine band of Saginaw. 2 floats hy the Eastern Stars and the Ralnhow Girls,· a string of antique cars from Lansing ami Flint ami I he Lansing Com· mamlry headed by Commander Harold Copp.

Also in the pararlr! wi II he the Chicken Lifters hand n[ L11m;ing which will he accompaniccl by a platoon of clowns. The Nomads of Lansing, another Masonic group, will also be on hand for the parade.

Invitations committee - Wil· !hun S. Seelye.

Publicity committee - Leroy Lee anrl Robert Osborne.

Beard judging committee - F. L. Barnaby.

Window rlecomtlons commit· tr.c-R. G. Henson, William Me· Cowan. Waller Zimrncr ami Her· schcl Jewett.

The beard contest will he held nt the school during a Masonic meeting prior to the parade. The winners will ride in the proces· sion.

Following the parade, lhe 1\!Ia· sonic members and guests will splil up into 3 groupo to attend dinner. The dining rooms at the NOUU~ B. '!'l~A \'IS, vicc-presi· Presbyterian church, the Odcl dent of the Delmil. Trust co., is Fellows hall and the Mrrsonic stale chairman of the u. s. sav· Temple will be used. Follo~Ying · · f the dinner; an estimated 1,500 will l!1gs..Jloncludvtsory committee or

.Michigah. He succeeded Frank attend n Masonic meeting at the N. Isbey. The t rcasury slogan for high school to eonclude the·cen· this year i:> "A Billion .More in tennial observance. '54;"

GROUI' A'rTgNDS ~Iim"riNG Clarence Acllof, . .TacJc Davis,, s • ( "I

13ill Thnrhmn. Glen Co?ri ll!ld .T. erVICe ounc~ il. Dean attended the Knvarus In· . ternational mcNinr; .at Windsor. To Meot Fr;day Onlano, Canada, lasl Wednesday ~ 1 · nir;lrl. ·

Dr .. Tulius Barbour of Miclti·

Lowell Robinson lwarls the tlltAVJI: IS nr~eORA'rEn enmmill'ec in elwrge o[ tlw pa-l lv!cmbers of lhe Greater Lan· rade. O.thcr committees !or llw I sing Rose Soc.iety mel with Mr. eeleilralion arc: Hl•d Mrs. Dantei Eame~ of Olte·

Ticicet commillcr-~-C:u,, Roy· rnos a1 tile Maple Grove cenw-

gan Stale cnliegP. will address member~ o.f l11c Jn~hnm County S~:rvit·t~ Courwil Friclav IHJOTl at' the Hall Memorial Iiht;ary.

The group is cmnpn~;c,J of puh· lie anrl private social agcndes c:erving .Ingham county. Boy ',;eottls and the YMCA and YWCA are indurlccl. Meetings arc hclrl the first Friday oi every month. Those who atiPnrlta1-e their own ~nndwichcs with a commillcc serving the coffee.

. ' , · lcrv in Mason last Wednesda~·. stnn, cluurman, llaroirl hnurl· /l.l. tl f D · 1 v e l L i II Cl . 1 .T B 1e grave n anre .~am ~.

s rup, me reney am · · · II. the society planted a memorial Dean. ' · l'nsc bed of 'Frcnshitm and Irene

Welcominv, eommittce - Dr. I of Dcnmnrl~ red and while roses Russell R. Rohilir:s. . lo symbolize his patriotic sei'Vice>

Program eommillcc -· George I An appropriate memorial W<t!'

W. Post ami Walter Zimmer. r:iven by .Tohn Wilson of Lansing.


Former Resident Dies in Florida

I Gcnrge Willis IBiily) Bulle!' of

Lalwland, Florida, died Thursday night following a heart at laei<, ;w­corcling to word received by Floyd Bradman. He was married to Mable Rallibun of Alaicdon town· ship. They made their home in Ingham county-until 4 years ago when they moved to Laiwluml.

Mr. Butler had hccn in poor health for some time. Surviving him i:> the widow nml other rcla· ti1•es. Funeral se!'vices were held at Lakeland at 2 p. m. Monday.

Thr. But·Jers made their home at 29,1!l ·Oxford Drive in Lal~e­lancl.

DAVII! IS A'I' J'UIUlUI~ Nnthnn H. Bnvi~, 11 Bm·gennt

with 1 he nrc mnrslml's cllvlRlon nf the Mlchlgnn stnto pollee, IR HPI.!llllln~ lhls WC!Ck Ill Purriua Unlverslly nl Lafaycttr!, Indlnnn. He Is nltenclln~ the Nl!llonal Ar· :;on Seminnr. Or1 Thursclny nnvls partlclpnlcd in n pnnci discussion.

Veterans Arrange For Poppy Sales

Flames Destroy Haslett Elevator

l~lnmos cilrl nn r.slimnterl $50,· . · 000 worth or rlnmngc to lltC! Hns· iell Feerl & Gruin Co. elevittor 'l'hursdny afternoon. A .Jammed corn sheller· mechanism wnH hlamcrl fot· the nrc which leveled the fitl-ycar·olrl structure in less. lhnn 2 hours.

Nelson Shrldon of lloil, Jll'esi· rienl rif lhP r!lcvatur mmpany, said that the company will lcccp ·

.Terry Sttrateaux, r:nrnmandcr of r!Jlht on rloln~ bttsirwss. Ope I'll· V. F. W. post No. 730!1 Mason, tlnns are hein~ r~nnrluc~terl from a conferrer! with M;lynr Clulnnunt l~veritt rcql!N:ting the veterans twnrby qtwnsr!l·lype h u i I dIn~

whldt was not damanerl by the he pPt'millcr.l to sell lludrly Pop· nrc. pies Mny 27, 28 atHi 2fl. • .

, , · . Slreldnn said llwt t lw eievnlnt• I he mayor sail! ne would Issue I eonlnhwrl 7,000 buslwls of uals,

il JH'oclamalinn, :\()0 bushels of hlleitWh!!al, ritltl "Tlw wearing of I he iluclrly pop·! hushel~ or .~Iw!IPrl eorn, 10 hush··

PI' shows the respr.c:t we have for cis nl dovr!r seer!, Ill Inns or those who r·lslcecl their llvcB in fli'Ollllcl feed anrl 2:i tlHIS of con· defense of our country," the may- ccnlrale. or commcntcrl. "I :;inccrely hope F'our fire dl'JHII'IIl!cnts halllml everyone in Ma~on will wear a t lie hlar.t~. The Merirll<lll rfepurl· Jloppy on hudrly PDPJlY clays." rnenl wns flr·st on llw sr:ene. RH·

clio eall:; for help ilmught fire rle· Unmm"v:'' "nit• F1·id•1Y, Mny 7, 1 tn !I


parlnlents from Lansillf'· 1'· m .. r1111l s"Jrrnlny, Mny X, !r lrr II n. sJ1·111 tiJP Jol 1' •· (' ~ J lVII. m. nt lhc f'l'f'Hh)'lt~l·inn di!JI't'h lmt;t•mt~llt. ·• ' · ~ 111 JCdll .o, ,11\r ·

1 Hw 1 hamslon. .· ' ,''

,, Watch Repairing/ ))J~PI~NDABLI~ - FAST SEitVICE One-wee!' Sm·vie11 on !\lost Ucpai1·s

All Worh l~leetmnieally T;•siml \Vorl• Guamntccd - Open Evenings Til 0

William H. WiUis 306 E. Ash Mason




. ,'•. ~ . ' .

go~/ ·U ,· "88'! 2-Doot

';·::,liodan dolivarad 'tocatly, stat• and loc~l taxos oxtra.

.. oaded .with looks! Packed with poweri'_S~e and drive the new 1954 ·••Rocket" Oldsmobile-

.. , the value buy of ·the yearl

Your price depends upon choke of model and body slylo, aplionot equip· ment and accessories. Prices may vary slightly In adJoining communities bo• cause of shipping charges. Att prlca1 subJoct to chango wllhoul nollca, Chock our oasy budge! tormol


McCarn Oldsmobile · 222 S. Cedar • Mason

·SINUS And those terrible headaches caused by sinus new relieved by 'tablets taken internally.

Pos1 maslcr Leslie Palmer of Mason announr.ed Weclnesclny that: beginning Monday, May 17, the 16th annual mail box im· week of the poslof· nee department will bP. observed.

According to the ·Mason posl· masler all rural mail patrons are urj!ecl to repair and beautifY- their mail box equipment nncl ap· proaches Ia help lend br;.ghtnesF and• scenic beauty lo ·the high· ways·. roads and drives. ·

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $. '$ $' $ $ $ $ $


Sinus sufforars go ott out In their ,pro~o of tho wondrous rallof from thoso tablets. Got a bollia today!


TRiJMAC TABLETS C11111 Llloratona~ Inc. • Dotr~t 4, ltllctl.


Shimmin Drug Phone' 2·6181

Rl!lhlhh~ Prtl~CI"i(tllon!! '

Postmaster Palmer pointed out that lhe postofficc services are often tal<en for granted. The car· riers nre. try,ing to serve patrons. nromptly ami with as fC>w mis· takes as possible, he added. Hav· ing patrons' names printed clear· ly on mall boxes will speed up delivery and eliminate many mis· takes, according to Palmer.

He pointed out that many mail· boxes have become unsightly with rust, unserviceable do to leaky conditions. brol<en doors or no lids, missing signals, no name, supports bent or rotten, weeds and wild grass and in many places the ground is·rough ancl full of chuck holes. " Postmaster Palmer asl<s the patrons of. tlic Mason postoffice to cooperate in Improving _their mailboxes. For those desiring nclditlonal lnfonnation o'n proper size, locatlo'n and lielght for their t•urnl box Palmer ur.ges them ·to stop· in nt the postoffice or talk to· their rural· carrier.

Ground Beef

3 ib $1 ROUND

Steak Go01l Grade

69c lb Fresh Dr1~sscd


Bologna lib $1

l-itchfield - 92-Score

Butter 63c lb

·Chickens - 39c lb . s .t~ .4 lb.

Boneless Stew

Beef 3 lb $1


Franks 3 lb $1

JIM'S Self-Serve

MARKET OJ.len Simdays · .


Bologna· l9c lb.

Mother's Day Cards

Magazines 'Books

Go01l Grade

69c lb-.

Thanks to Our Customers We,arc now starting our second year in Ol!r new build­Ing~ I wish to thank· each and every one of you for your tJ~tronage~ ·


Detroit Edison Chief Will Talk lown clllh m!ll wllh Mnt•ll:;n nml 'l'ommy Voss Monrlny ev!lnlng,

Mrs. Velu Wllllnma wns n culler nt the Freel Hofl'moyel' home In Lun~lng 'l'uoadny,

Williamston Mt•, · fliHI Mt·~. Rudolph Mlehllsah unrl llcUy of Mu~on,

Mr•, and Mrs, E. l~. I-l!cl{lnrln ~mr\ r!IJIIclrcn n! l;'nrmlngtrm wcm Stlllt\ny of Mt's. Chnrlcs Seeley nnrl Ml', 11ncl Mrs. Don Clnrt1 and Jnmi\y. Sttndny w1u; Ml'~. Seeley's hh·tlulny .annlv,lr·

Mrs. Guy Meacl, nttenllccl .ll cjls­trlct roofet•s council meeting · In Grnnd Raplcls tho Hltrno clny,

Georglu Pur·ccll spent 1111! wr.clt oncl ut the home nf M1·, und Mrli, Clnrence Ennoss unct bo,ys, ·Mr·~. Enness lws heen slelt.

. :'' ~ P!lllltmrbrlng uml chllciren1 ;Mt\ ''' unci Mr, Hnl'Old ancJ:o~:ni'· gin Purcoll nt tr.nrlorl 11 hh;llllii!Y rllnncr fm' Clnr>Jnce Ennes~· .moth· m•, Jlr1t:~, Rnrah l~nnes!l, nt•CIIl'l'onl Lalte, 'I'hr.rn \Vl!l'P. snveml ol h'rr g~m~t.~, '!'hey nl:~o ''ailocl nn r:Jat·· r.nce'EnneHs' Histrr nnd fnmily c'if Grr.cmvlllr.,

Mrs, Pnullrw Ocstm·lo nnd Mrs. Mm·llln Glynn ntlemlcrl n mla:-~lon· cu·y meeting nl South Lyon TtWH· clay.

Grace Smith /

Alht'l'l, llan·t Dlm1


M t·. and Mrs, Chu·once Enn~ss nnrl ho;vs, Mr. and MrH, H.qsscll Junior C. of C.

Has Charter. Night Banquet Tuesday

'1, Allmr·t Hart of Shm·wooc! roncl. was futully ~trlcltcn with n heart rittaclt while he was visiting the JiornP. of hiH daughter, Mrs, How nrci Wvans, 436 E. Churd1 street c·arly •rur.scluy evening, 'l'he In hulnlnr squud was cnllcd but cf. fnrts to revive him were unstH:· cessful.

,, . Mr,. nnd Mrs, Floyd Bullen on· ,----------..---'--......,.r--.;....--------. -, '

Ingham County News · May 6, 1954 Page 2 '\ -----------------------

Weaning lo Markel in RECORD~~.'


It lnlws less time to finish pigs for market wheu you feed Wayne Hog Si1pplemeut along with yom· corn. Keep 'em on Wnync and Corn sll·night thru to mnd:et ••• 'mtelt 'em gl'Ow fast. Come in and talk Hog Feed with us.


1\Jm·j~ Wllllumslon NtiWS l'ul-rt~ 0, 8c•C'IIon a

Farm Bureau




tmtulned 11wlr ehlldrcn nml ~rnndchilrh·r.n Suntlny for dlnrwr !ronot•lng gJ'atHison, Pvt, rom Eames,

Mr. unci Mrs. L!oycl Clnr·k nnd family spent Sunr!ny evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don· Curly, George Clnrlt of ,Tacl\Hon ealh~d :Sutunluy on his hmthcrr, Lloyd nne! Jnmlly.

About 7fi',h of llw members of Northwest Aurellns exlnnslon group attoncletl nchlrvcmenl day at Michigan Stntc collPge nl l~nst Lansing Tuesday;

Service NOW~ · Service your car at this time for hdter pt•I·formlmce, · economy antlnppeuru.noe.

Free Estimates - Easy Payments UEPAIRS- ACCESSORIES- PAH1'S


C. A. S. Finance Plan

Ingham Motor Sales 220 W. AHh

IleSO'fO·l'LYJII OU'l' H (I•'OI'IIit'rly Whilcc~mrt)

J>hnnr 2·55!11

It's .Just a Matter of Arithmetic




Bement Feed &. Sup~ly Co. ••

. Fitchburg lr!frli.'Lyle G~ow

UlliSO!i .

lifelong Resident Dies o~ MQnday


116 /ih.tamaziiig NEW .,..-----

• , • t1tat makes hard water fee~ taste, and act softcr_;,withouc chemicals - without destroy• ing natural minerals •• ; thar removes unpleasant odors and flavors • • • removes old scale and prevents new scale , ••

Mr. an(l Mr~. Sam Conway, and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb, Raymond Lane, . Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Wilson, . Mr. aqd Mrs. George Stephens, Mr. ami Mrs. Lyle Grow and Mat·ion, Mr. and Mrs. Almon Lafhrop, Mrs. Kate Haw\ey, Mrs. Lloyd Gee and Gerald Rairigh attended quarter· ly conference at the Munith church last wee it.

Dwight Barber, 72, died early Monday morning. He had been a lifelong resident of the county.

t-Ic is smvived by a daughter, Mrs. Harriet Walzer of Blrmlng· ham; and a sister, Mrs. Kendall fVIS

WATER Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell

visited Mrs. Nellie McCreery last Thursday afternoon.

Ide of Grand Ledge. · 1

. · Conditioni · ..... ,.

saves fuel. · · · .

•.•• that .gives silky • smooth quality to water for hair, bath, dishes, laundry, car wash , •• that improves coffee ·

Lloyd Shepl1crd Is a patient at Foote hospital, .Jackson, where he underwent smgery ·Jast \vee!{,

Raymond Lane and sister spent the week end with ft•lends In In· diana.

Funeral services were held· from Gorsline Brothers funeral home Weclnesc!ny afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Harolc! 1'. Ree:>e, pastor of the Baptist church, offi· elating. ·. i

Burial was in iJlC Webberville ·1

cemetery. ·

Bud's Auto Parts has bought 116 cars for salvage since January 1, 19 54. Is there any won~e~ that Bud's has the-largest used parts supply ilfthe.area·?

and other food flavors.

• Franchised ·Dealer

Mrs. ·Aggie Thurlby . of Jack· Mr. nnd 'Mrs. Zclest Andreas son spent the week end with Mr. ancl: famlly caJJed on Mr. anci and Mrs. S. V. Lawrence. Mrs. John Andreas and family of

Mr. and Mrs. Charles .. Webb Eaton Rapids Sunday, They also spent the week end at Mlo. visited Daniel and Kate Andreas

of Eaton Rapids ..

Dart School Sixth GrDders Bowling The children are giving a pro· .. - Uolt: Women's J.eague

~ram Friday for U~elr ~others. r .'Country I([tchcn and Palmer . and latel;.wll,l piny ~all With Mill; ·,Englneer:fn~:-,rolle~l the 2 higlj

.. .. .. · :,,,, ... ' ., _ville. . :. , •·':': ;,;:. . ·te~m ga!llcs.and',team series wltli ., · • ·.·, ) • .• : 1 'Those.~J1,a ·re~elv~.d:A In spe~l·. :8~7·226t~an~ 742:2083 respective~·

' ·. ,. .:.. · ' · · ..... ::, Jliiiirl¢ Wai'DI~P:·Mary Ellen high team·', gami?-''wlth '730 anct

Bud's Auto Part.s buys more I Cite model cars .for salvage than any other dealer ·in centrai·Michiga.,l

· ...

i i ·~

C .... 0. . -. L. ·l:l·· ;N· s· '.. . ·;: ing,last ~eek were: i;l.obert Whit· ;ly, Holte:. Dairy scored· the third

· ''·. · . · · '· . . ·,· ; .. : .. · , · .. ·'-··.· .... ·.·· · •· Pardee; Glenalle~?TI!il!l, I-Imle~; Hltchen's · Di;ugs Hlad· third high~ -

1 , ·-.\·· Kemler, ·:Ma:rneri'"·Wnll, Bnrbara 'sel-ies \Ylth'-2048~; · · ~ h 0 2

.sale··.S·· . .r_ ·. ·ser·~V·. · 1•ce· · Dunsmore, Helm• Tabachtd, Lou· Individual ·high games ·and P Qne 6H ;.4-41 1 or 6H0·4·6411 .... ise .Baker, Carl Oakley, Richard series were by Dorothy I-Iolslng~ . · ' • · : ' 1 · ·. · ·: :

BUD'S. AUTO PARTS ·-· ....

. . . . ' .. . Lange, Robert. Hudson, Helen ton, 195·491; Mary Hadwin, 175· South of Holt .2. Mi,es Nodh :of'Mason l Miles , . · · Kemler, Janet Scrlpter, Ralph 491; Pat DeMond, 191·488; and ,,·, , . . • · .. ··• ,,,,

~~~.~~ ~~~ID·~~-~~y&~~ ·~-:~~.~~~ ~.~.------~-~---·-------~-~~~-------·~-------·~~ . '

. '

,.~Grovenb:ur~f News Mrs, How11rd North

William 11nrl Kny Penning nnrl Moon uccompnnle(l Mrs. SlmJJey Miss Phyllis nussell of Blttllr! Hu~el of Rolfe community to Crce)c cnilerl Sundny afternoon m1 visit (he emrshJ oi Mrs, North nnd Mr•, nnll MnL Hugh Angell 11ncl 'Mjss "Moon, Mrs. Mqry 'l'ownr, Mr·. nnrl Mrs. f'red strobe! nnd nl,tlw horne ot anoth!)r cm1sln, Tva Muy, . Mrs,. John Lawrence nrmr· Delta

Mr. nllll Mrs. ,T, c. Ilan·etllnndl Crmter. 1'hey nlm made ~~ short. Ron, Kleth of St. .Johns, were cull nn Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlc~ gtwsls at dinner• Sunday after· Kelsey,

'of ji,,:ii;,,,j'j '1'\'0:j",: ~i.:J,;n "1 ii,tt~ Cuivr:t lOI'ilt:i'~: ' ltti&v IWo•l'l•ll llon·,,. ~ll11rln.Y ltltrr·

noot1. J'\11•11, J[, l\1, Owrm

Mr. ttnrl 1\fra, Lcnnnprl Nelson, Mr. nncl Mrs, J~J(,yd Morsu unrl Annnhcllc, Mary Lou BruHh, Sharon nprmt the wr.r.ic enrl at Wlnlfrorl Pr·ntl nnrl Mrs. l~sllwr Wm:t Brunch with Mr·H. Louise .roneH mllml on lhr. George Hur· Vlitltou Htlll sons. motlllL fuml!y of J,njngshurg Sunrluy afternoon,

Mr. nnd Mrs. gnrl Wright, Miss Inlt Wllllnms nnd Aubrey Wright of .Tnclcson enllerl on thc Leonard !'fc!snn family Sunday nfternoon.

A rlnl!ghter, Marilyn ,Juno, wur; horn to Mr. unrl Mrs, Llnyrl Hnn· ~en 'l'ucsclny, April 27, at Mason General hnspltal, ·Mrs·, Jlnnsun f!JHI rln uglJt er reI m·rwd homo from the hnspllal Sunclny after•·

11i iir" iuwn h .. Jl. iYi1o, P~ui ii ioi' rtm'll will hJII!fllum hulh~ nnrl Mro 1\t:ill•l!l/i Hlhhhlo' l'ilpio will lm !lllus,

Tl1c Eur1hr·e e)l)b will meet at I he town hnll 'l'IHII' nt R p, m,

Mrs, Keith Weol<s. nnrl rluugh· tc!l', .Jnnnlc, spent: tlw woelc enq In MI. Clemons, M1·s, Woelcs' father, F'mn)< Sm/11], returnml to Aure· !Ius wHh them Sumlny evr:nlng.

Hub~ .. r~ N(:ws •lllllf tiUJ'(IJII'I' ltJitl \),HI: I •IHtfp

Rev, Chnrli!11 Broolts vlslterl school 'I'll ursrlny, .

nuthin Goble, Mnrln11 Sturmm1, Oavlcl S!urmrin, Leo P!llphothnm nnrl Shil'ie;v Latmsteln nrc partie!· pntlng In llw rluorldo program l)liS·WPC)t.

. ,. ' I. '

· Di.i ,,,., f',;j(·i.<~ ,;: ,,,i,.,, Hui iw •• Goble nnrl Stdrluy Lnnns!tllfl

Mr. an~l.'Mro, 1\tHIY ]i'oiJIV 111111 fnmlly wpre rllnner !luests of Mr. nnd Mrs.• Alvin Gnhl!l S>tndr1y.


Childs District

j.i.tW ,':-i.":Jit:( 1\'11·;:.: i .t'IUif: ;iui11J&Iui~r flllllllnv, Mt•. nnriMr·~. T-nr•oy C'larl~ Wl'rll aiHn rnliAt'~ nt: IIW ,Jnhll~(U!l homo.

Mr. nnrl Mr·~. Rilllert Page WOI'i! tlshlng In the nurlh <l\'lll'lhn W!!ek en!].

MrH. Lilla 1\yHel' lH cnntlnerl to· hor Jwnw with slrrlq)cHs.

MrH. DutTy Dunn is ulso ~lei<.

severn! fi'om tho aommtmlty lpgham County· News nttenrlcd lhc showoJ' tor Mr. 1111d

l\11'!1, I.e.'II)D Jnhn~lon.

noon of Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy Bar· Mr. nnrl Mrs·. Hamid Wilson rett and Mrs. Emma Wilson of Holt

Mr. nnd Mrs, Henry Binkley wer·e :cunner guests nt the home 11 m oceupylng llwlr· new home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Pierce ln and Mr. anrl Mr~. Chnrh!s. Smith Lqnslng Sunday afternoon.

The Missionary society of North Aurelius church met •rues· rhty evening with Mrs. Carl Rohh

noon, M1·, ami Mrs. I I. M. Owen and

family visited Mr·. and Mrs. ,John Bnhcocl< of Lansln~ Saturday morning. M1·. Bltbcnclc, who hall his tonsil~- removed last 'l'uesdaj', Is convalesclnJ: at homr..

Owen Nin·th, Mrs. Mary Shop· hell, Mr•n, Cleo DeCamp, Mrs. llursell F'nlrhothnm and Mrs. W. D. Orr called on Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bnlemnn lnst wee!<.

j\1r·s, Or~, I'! (!lith . at· En I on Rn ])· ld~ was a VIHil!Jl' nt llw home of Mrs, Danny Gilchrist Ill the home May 6, 1954 Page 3

of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Alford Powel~on, ·--------..-----------------, Frldnr evening. .

and sons huve moved to the Mrs. Altlwn Lamoreaux of house vacntr!rl. Holt and Mrs. Emma Thompson

Charles J.'rnntwn was· horwred visited Mrs. Lottie Hoe)m of Dl· u hlrl hrlny annlvorSIII"Y dinner mondnle Sunday afternoon.

nf Lansing. Mr·. ami Mrs. Everett Sml!ey of

Lnnslng and Mr. nnrl Mrs . .Tared Austin and son Arnold of Mason caller! on Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnrencc Jl'ish Saturday evening,

Glenn Williams nnd son of Muson called at the Murlc Kll· patrick home Saturday. Mr·. and MrH. Ashton Kilputrlr:lc of Holt

Debbie Sue Babcoclc ~pent Tuesday nnrl Wednesday of thiH weel< with hm· granrlpnrents, Mr. and Mrs. J-J; M. Owen. ·

Sunrlny guests of Mr. and Mrs, a. A. Bunker wrre M. E. 13rlmln· ~tart, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Bun· lwr and .To Ellen, Mr. nnd MI'S. Ruhl Bunlwr and son, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeWaters and family ami Mr·. and Mrs, .T. E. Dlslrrow,

Mr. nnrl Mr·s. Ronnld Smulle)' nml Lee ijoy were weelt end guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crowl. Ol11or gue~ts Slindlly were Mrs. ,Jane Amh~ of Les)lc nnrl Linda Lou Ash of Wyandotte.

Those who 11ad perfect spelling boolcs last weelt werc Mary Reel· man, Larry Launstein, Alyce Go· Ilia, .Judy Gardner, Dale Graves,

Tak~ Your Car to '.·'.' ,·

·,:~;::.: IN.GHAM . ..

/·····Motor Sales ,,1,'

nt his home Saturduy by his cllll· Mrs .. Clruence Leonard nccom· dl"l!n und I hell• families. Sunday nanlcod' M'r. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Fl'llnl1lln were en· /{ahres to the Orpheur.. cJuh con· tertnlned foJ' dinner· by Ml'. and ~erl nl .Sexton high last wee!<. Mrs. Snm Lesenr~y of Dirnondnle. Mr. I<ahms Is 11 member of the

Mr. und Mrs. William Thomp· club. Mr. ami Mrs. Leonard called son und baby of Bailey were on .Mr:;, .'Anna Lcseney 'I'IIlll'srlny week end guests at the homr; qf evening of lust week.

vlsllcd Mr. nnd Mrs. l~llpatrlclc Aurelius Center and family Sunday,

l~lmer F'lnughcr spent the wcel< end In Gibson City, Illinois. His wife unci children, who have been v'lsiling her parents there, re· turned home with him Sunday night.

Smith visited Mr. nncl Mrs. Roy Slmot on Sunday. Formm·ly Whltecraft

220 W. Alih

his uncle, Drm l(fng. He Iii home Callers at the home of Mr·. nnrl fo1· 30 duys from Koren and on Mrs. ·.rumes Hart last weel< In· Sunday n gr·m1p of relnllves. met eluded Mr. and Mrst Clair Rlni<le for dinner· at the !(in~ home. of Dimondale, Mr. and Mrs.

Okemos and Vicinity IUrs. Wultm• Ueathmun

Mrs. Cella· Zydron and 3 boys of Chicago spent last weelc with her mother, Mrs, Kate Linn.

Mr·. nnd Mrs. Arthur.· l,J',Ren .Charles Williams fmrn Bloom· ~IIul fnmlly of Eaton Ruplils and lngdale. Mr. nnrl Mrs: Levi .John· Mr. ami Mrs. James Hnrt · were son, Mrs. Don Ilarnes and Rny· dinner gLICsls Sunday afternoon mond, nil of Lansing nnd Mr. nt. · the home of Mr·. and. Mrs. and Mrs. Aubrey Tooker and Mr.

Mr·. nnd Mrs. Robert Risk find Kaye Lynn spent Stmday with Mr. and Mrs. Lany Stoner at Ann· Arbor. Halp!r Hart. and Mrs. Hugh Angell.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuttle of Monday morning M1·s .. Tames Hillsdale were dinner guests Sun· Hart received word of the death day afteri10on nt thr! home of of Levi Johnson, who wilh his· their daughter, Mrs. Lester. wife, had called at: her home last Chrlstlcnsen. 1\'lrs. Oi-lan Wells week. He had not been well and and rhlldren and Mrs. Dora l(ricll early !hat morning l1nd a heart of North Adams were nlso vlsl· attack, Mrs, .Johnson Is a grand· torR. daughter· of Mrs. Rose Cole, who

Mrs. Charles Oswald spent last week In Canada.

J1,1r. and Mrs. Asll Towsley and spent last: week at the James sons called Sunday afternoon on Hart home.

Mr. anrl Mrs. J. G. Atwood and family, M1·. and Mrs. George Heathman and family of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs·. Walter Heath· man of 01\emo~ were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. James Heathman in Mason Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Risk and daugh· tel' were also callers at the .James Hcnthman home.

Mrs. Maude Towsley In Char· Mr. and Mrs .• Tames Hart, Mrs. lotte. , · Cole and Mr. nnd Mrs.

Mrs. Mildred North and Lir.zie Charles ·williams of Blooming·

See the Stars with the

dale were dinner .guests last Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Sim Clark on Lamb road. Mrs. Wil· Iiams and MrK .Tames ,Hart are s!Rtcrs. ·

Baydcn Hubbard was lh Atlan· 1 ic City, N .. J., on a business trip last wee!<.

Munith Powerful C.ars . BIG CAR RACES

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bishop r.pent the week Coldwater lal<e ..

nirs. E. W. Call

Harold J-Iarr, Fred Ford and Ed Wells attended the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. meeting at Hotel Hayes in .Jackson last

I Francis Kesling has been

granted a 15·day extension of his stay with his family. Then he will return to Veterans' hospital and Chicago. Thursday afternoon and evening.

C.S.R.A. Unlimited Gold Crown Class JACKSON MOTOR North Aurelius

SPEEDWAY Anni1belle Nelson

Mrs. Kate Hawley spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Della Call.

ne High-Banked 1/2 MileTrGck Mr. 'and Mrs. Earl Edgerton of I mile north of Jackson on M-SO East Lansing called on Mr. and

At the · Wnter;loo Needlework club meeting held at l.he home of Mrs. Norman Mollenlwpt Thurs· clay n generous contribution was given to the Cancer society. A quilt was given to a needy fam· ily. Plans were made to hold the next meeting on Thursday, May 20, in .Jackson with a cafeteria dinner at noon fol!owed by a trip through the Gilberts' candy fac· tory.


MAY 9 ~~~da~~y Everett and Virginia,

FIRST RACE 2:30 P.M. ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright, 1\):iss •------------..1 ., Ina Williams nnd Aubrey Wright



Enter<!d n:-~ aet•ond eln~s mnlter nt poHtofficc, Mnaon, Mlchir:nn, under Act or Murch 3, 187D

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ono yrttl' In In1-ehHm cmtl Distllny ndvertlstng rntca on npa

adJoining r.ounllcs ................ $2.00 Jlllcntlon. But~lncaH locnl~ nnd rend ... (Payable In Advance) in!{ noliceH on fil'st nud locnl tmgeH,

One ycnr outHidc ln.Lrhnm nnd 213c n line, No rr.ndin~~ or bul'§lnc:;K 1\lliolnlflg counti(•H ............. ~ .. 3.00 ndvcrtlsing JeRK thnn 50c; Cnl'cl of

Six monthK In lnJ:hnm uml 'rhnnl<~, tc n word. Announcements udjoinimc cuuntlcs ................ 1.60· of entortulnmcnts where r~dml~slon is

Four montht~ .............................. l.oo chnntcd o1• o! amy ulnn to r1dse funds Singlo coJJieij .............................. .or; muet b~ _1111itl nt re~uhtr l'ntes.

OFFICE HOURS . . . · ... ; ·_ ,",.

·under a nim• ~~~~l)~ule -~·:\V~.n b~\~f~"!~ ~ffi~).weelc day afternoons frorii i tp 5. · ~·.·: · ;/ I'] :~ . . ./ ~ ..

Joseph·C. Ponton, M.D. 307 S. Rogers li'Inson, lUichigan

r-----~-----7------------------, I I I .._ ~~ · I I ::::=* ·, I 11

;;.. ;


1• Are you needlessly suffering from rheumatism? Arthritis? 1

1 Neuritis? Neuralgia? I ~... . Why not be like others who found fast effective relief in I I - ALPHA tablets? Mineral rich alfalfa plus vitamins and I I the best known pain relieving ingredients offer lightning 1 1 41:::; fast relief. And for only pennies a day. 1

I _ ALPHA tablets· contain no sodium to cause stomach upset 11

41;::: or any increase in heart bent. I • Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. I 1 tOO t•llleu tJ,4f :SOD fer $5.95 I I . I

L-------------------------·----~ . SHIMMIN DRUG Reliable Prescri11tions

Pllone 2-6181

. Remodeling is simpler than you may have realized! Many o~ 1 OIJ?.'. cus~o~er:s ·have been pleasantly surprised.~t., the .. cC?st. ,of a:dqing ~n extra room. Let tis hehl voti with an estima~e.

\. '·

Mr. and Mrs. Van Barr were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Earl and family Friday evening.

Mrs. C. W. Rancl< of Fitchburg and daughter, Merry, of Ypsilanti spent Saturday afternoon at Harrlancls.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garfield and sons, Graydon and Gaynard, were guests of his parents, the John Garfields, Saturday and Sunday. ·

The W. S. C. S. of the Munith church met Thursday, May 6, at their hull.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harr spent the weel1 end at the home of their son, Forrest Hnrr, and family at .Tonesvilie.

The Berean class was enter· tained Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hartman or' Stocl<brldge.

Callers at the Edd Call home last week were Mrs. Ada Hnrl<· ness, Mrs, .Helen_ Jump,.Mrs.,Jo'I~ !G~~J1,el~l:' IJ\1~·.;!\~q~;.-M.~~;U:Pi'r~fl.~' · •Becher, Emmanuel. Arc_henbi:of\n1 • J~hl)nif E,arl, :~n~l l,;~?,n~,, ~a~pe and Larry.

Freel -Ford spent Smiday eve· ning with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harr.

Mrs. Nellie McCreery was a dinner guest of her sister, Mrs. Allie Woodworth, Sunday.

Edd Call, Mr. and Mrs. Van J-Iarr, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Garris · and Mrs. Ada Harkness were In .Tacl<son Friday.

Orson Garris entered the Mercy hospital in Jackson Monday eve· ning.

Sunday guests at the home of Mr. aml. Mrs. Edd Call were Mrs. Sadie Warner and Mrs. Jessie Gregory of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. Wellford Call and Donald Omans.

Mr. aml Mrs. Emmett Hurdil· brink and family attended the · funeral of Mr. Hurdllbrlnk's fa· ther in Ohio last Satlil'day.

The Henrietta Farm Bureau will meet Wednesday, May 12, with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hart· man near Stocltbridge.

Lee School News By School Pupils

Those who received A In spell· ing Friday were Nancy· Korsl\1, Marvin Head, Ronald Dietz, Caro· Jyn Pfiester, Gary. Benjamin,· Ar· lin Head, Rebecca Horski, Joellyn Risch, Rosalie Steadman, Roger Pfiester; Ilo Steadman, Sharon Horski and .John Benjamin.

The sixth, seventh and eighth grade arc_ diagraming.

At a business. meeting held Monday pupils voted to go to McCormick park in Williamston for the school picnic. ·· Lilah Goodwin made a visit to

0)1111 I~. Sel!clmrlleJ'

Aurelius Baptist clnu·eh, Paul Mr·. and Mrs. Clatid Parish were Sunday dlnnt!r guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grinnell.

Mr. and Mrs. Clnylon Marriott and mother, Mt?o. Muucle Mnr· rlott, visited Miss Porothy Mnr, ricitt, who Js· a patient in the Stimson hospital in Eaton Rap·

fc)t P.rompt Service E. 'l'Ltcl<er, pastor·. Sunday selwol hour, 11 n. m.; morning scrvlee, 10 a. m.; junior youth, 'l'hllrsrlay, 4:15 p. m.


The Aurelius Garden cluh will maet Friday, May 7, at 8 p. m.

Ellis Rider and Claud PaJ'Ish are ~pending this week at: the VIctor Hill collage al Rose lal1e.·.

Alva Howe and Mrs. Ada

ld~. on Sunday. · . Bern~rd Marriott· has th·e·l measles.

ANY 1\lAIHD- ANY ,JOn DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer

.I Sale Ends Saturday, May 15· Garden and

General Purpose

Wheel Barrow

A regular ~13.95 value. All· sh~el constl'llctlon, light In wdght. but strong lllld dur· able. Holds a cuble feeL


Step Ladder 5-ft. Size. Reg. $4.98. A good dependable lad­der. Uas crossed braced baelt and steel rod supports for extra safety.

Only $4.19 Rubbish Burner

Grass Whip Hcg. $1.25. Swing it lilte a golf club and watch it zip through heavy grass. Keen, temJterml cutting edges on both sides.

Only 98c Leaf Rake

llere's a real special. A well·•llnllc huvn ruke thut hnH 21 fiRt spJ•ing· steel tines. Ueg. $1.09.

79c Plastic

Garden Hose

Lawn ·Mower

Built to give you mnny· ycnrfl of" fino ~ervlco. A aruooth-pcr· fortninr, quiet-running mower for top cutting ability. 1-fns 16-nch cut. . .. $17.95

Paint. Roller and Tray

Reg-. $1.79 value. Ilere's the eusy way to 'p~tlnt. UMc it with oll·bnse o1· 111hbel'·l;asc paints. Produces a smoo!h · unifol'm finish.

' . , I'' Only $1.19

Com1i•·essed Air

Tan·k Light Ill Weight, Vel'Y flexible, J!:nsy to CUI'I'Y, USe unll 11tore. Guarnr•teed to give sutlsfactory sm·vlce

Reg, $2.09. Pull·IIJI z(Jlpcr for mlidnnun of 5 years. Rer.\.$8.39. A law-priced ••· !'Oj), J~xl.t•a heavy gauge , oprayor for all , aprny tn•l<o

·sprayer I'IISI•·I'C.~istnnt: ~vire. Weltlell 25-ft Length. . i. aro~lfd the fBrrn and home. $2 79 ,iJcrtly-built com'pre~~sed nlr

joints, <• 2~·gnll~n cal>nclly,

·$.1.6.9:, 50-ft Length $5.19 .'::·$·7.19 __ W_a_s_h-in_g_M_a-ch......:. in_e__ 75-ft L~ngth $] .49 --..:.:.''--·. · .,....._8-,e-rn-z-. --0--M-a-ti-c.--.. ..-;;.....,

Filler .Hose · ~t~el·. . · . ·Blow Torch A. 75e \'alne. A handy filler hose that is prac- . . : To·ol. Box . . . The .idenl IOI'CldorUght soldeJ•ing· lli'OIIJHI Uw home.

ti·e. a. I fbr·· .. ,d.···.a.iniug or filling m.l«lhW11~ or. r f'i. ·.e· avt.''' :·w··· e.llj~\1.~ .. • ·;11·!{W:l'. · · ~.·<w.J .th '.'Velcled ,~pm .... s .. Jun.· .d .. ·' ,. .... 1•.~7,.~~.·.'."· ... ~. ·.· .. llg,li~l .. !' .. ~· .. ' .. _Dispp~~~~~~· ... c~ .. lin~~~· jll·oyl~~~ :.;t,q ... , .tubs:· ;; ~1:\:'~t~e.~ long and b~·as_s;~#nplingi:t ;!:-;;: .~;1:.,!•; i~illi't!! .. lc:+~ .. ~ ... :~rw..~ Jiwi¥ :. !,{~~~~~Jf~r.~,~~!iNJ~1If~;1M\i !1::1~~f.~i.'ll~\l~u:~:!'lflg, :, :. l!~t.l.\~i1:':f·.; 'F'ic ·. ',1 ;•' ,r, .. '· !: , ;: , :; 1

,. ~ ' 'Only 39( 1 1; '"~~"··~~1; 1,$1.79 1 . . $4:'95 . . .. ·····

;m~~~~~~~~~~~--JR~~~~~---r----~~·-----:L·~~~ .. f Rubbermaid League 1\lodel All-Stet~l

Baseball Bat Dish r!.' ' ... '' •:

I>uU~rncd atte1' the ·big league models. Sruhlle brown ,finish. Assorle!l plllycrs' models,

. · .. l.r~ning / I

Drainer Protects your diabeL Cut1 down brcuhUKO, Speclo.l cover· lug give:~ cuehioned protacUon lor your dishos whlla they drnln dry. Comea in A beo.~­tlful red.


Berry Bros.

$1.39 Lea~'1le

Ba.seball 89c

Plantation White

A Fine~Quality Lo'ng La sting PCiint ·

··.Board .' ' I•

/ ', !. I

Reg. $7.~5. AI• thla aniO IJrlco fou .·lfat a aturdy, rlrld lronlnr boo~d that· will 11rovido yoara of good service. Ventilated top cnrrlca alf ex~ ceaa ato~m rn11idlf.


H·Ouse Paint ' I ' ' . ' '

I .•• s·.,~~ial Price

4-lnch BRUSH.- Reg. $4.75 $pe~ial- $3.951 $):9 5 Gol.

,• Thorburn Lumber & Coal· Co. ~ - . .

the teacher Monday, Ruth Dietz, Robert Sasser, Ar· 36. 0 S J"'ff .

lin· Head, Paul Grill'es an~ Caro· . • e ~rS~n

iyn Pfiester a~·e sick. . . L-.. ----~~--.. ~---------------------------!-----------------.. --~




Clubs Report ·on Their Activities ,., Social [vents anJ Personal ' . I~ * * • • ljl lji • &fl ~~~ Women Tell Benefits of Extension Work .Vernon Hodge, Sharon McDonald ::$peak Vows in Saturday Rites ' · Sharon .Jeannine McDonnlcl of ·Mi1son nnd Vernon .J. Hodge of ·"'Vehbervllle exchanged marriage \i'ows In the chancery office of the

·'Onlhollc Diocese In Lnnslng Sat· "tlrrlay evening at 6 o'clodt. Rt.

•Hov, Msgr. Charles F. Keating performed the double-ring cere·

,mony In the presence of 20 ·cgucsls. , ' F'cJI' her werlcllng the hr·!cle chose a white fnllle 2·plece dress accented with heavy lnce. To co,n·

:plcle her cnscmhlc she wore a iowhltc lace straw lHit with a nose veil and a corsage of while roses.

·,o~ ,Joanne McDonald was l1cr sis-ter's maid of honor. She was attired In n light blue orion frock ·with a pleated skirt. Her corsage

1.wns marie up of hlush pink roses. .,.,, Marvin Hodge of Webbcrvllle,

hrollwr of l11c hrldegroom, was t.LJCst. mnn. ,, ,. For he1· daughter's wecldlng . -!I'll'S, McDonald sclccterl a navy

hlue dress with light blue ncccs­~c)ries.

Dlnnr•r ut Eym·H Following the ceremony n

chlcltcn dinner for tlw wr!clrllng party nnd guests wns server! nl Eyers restaurnnt In Lanslnl-(. 'rn· hies were clccomlcd with mlxrrl flowers and rlecornterl wcrlcllng calte wus served as dessert.

A wedding rcecptlon fnl' '10 guests wns held at the McDonnlrl homr. In Mason follnwin~ tile dinner.

Trip In WINI!IliiNin After· I ile reception 1 he newly·

weds left on a trip lo Wlsmnsln. Upon their return llwy will maliC! their home at 124 \·" Mnplr! street.

For t mvclllng tlw brlrlt! Phnsr a blttc print suit wllh a mnlehlng hat. She grndunted from 1\lnsnn high school In 19·ili nncl lws slm~P been employed at. the Bureau nf Soclnl Aid in Lansing. Mr. Ilnrlgr ~rnduatccl from the Wcbbervi!IP high school In 19<13 and wnrl1s fnr the Mason Dairy and Wilson Bros.

fMason Youngsters Sing Merrily '

fAt Vocal Concert Friday Night

E11gagement Told


Mr. anrl Mrs. Lawrence Kane of Cilarlnlte announce the engage­ment o[ t.hclr daughter, Joyce 1\nn, to Marvin Howard Scrlpter. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. llowarrl Scrlptcr of Mason.

Ill * ljl

Shower ·Honors May Bride-Elect

Mrs, Charles Vining of Jndtson 'and Mrn, Mark Cave enlertnl.ncrl Saturday evening at the VIning home at n bridal shower honoring Mary Osborn of Jnclcson,

Twenty-four guests attended the pnrty. For cr.tcrlnlnm1mt they marie n hrldnl scrapbool< and hemmed towels.

May 2 through Mny 8 Is Na· lly night nt the Vevfly town hnll tlonnl Home Domonstrnllon wecl~ nl which members served 11 small nnrl nil through the nnllon the supper, One of the members toolt story nf IJnW home dcmonstrnllon hel' record player with old· worlt lmH helpeli mllllnns of worn- fashioned square dance tunes so en !carl a richer life, Is hclng told, that all could Jearn. Some of the says Mrs, Annette SehneJ'fer, Ing· men hadn't danced In 20 years, ham county home dcmonstrallon Chlldren player! games and 11 agent. . good time was had by all.

In Ingham county 1 ,0~0 rurnl Through the extension service and urban women ohseJ·verl and the college we have better the week by attending the nnnunl homes, healthier bodies and learn achievement rlny nnd preparing how ta relax, which we need, to exhibits to show I he general adapt ourselves to present-day public what ldnrl of activities they conditions." pnrtlc!pntc ln. The Southwest Wheal field re-

Thc hostesses served n buffet "To fnell!tute getting- lnfot'IJ1a· port -rend, "Members tni<e pm·t In luncheon. linn to us many homcmukcrs hs r:very learning pro.Jcct and even

Miss Osborn nnrl Charles Bcnc­cllct will cxchan~e vows In Ann Arbor Saturday, May 8.

~~ * Ill

Extension Clubs

po:;sihle there nrc 73 groups start projects of their own." orgnnl7.crl In Ingham county," Women Maim AIII'OnH staled Mrs. Schaeffer. "Club In the Rowley club, "Every members nrc women who nrc In· woman made nn apron to donate tcrcslcd In Improving themselves, to the apron sale bttlltllng fund their homes anrl their cnmmunlty. for the fairgrounds. All memhcrs 'rhe story of what goes on In are showing keen Interest in the

Aluiednn G1•ntm· . '' each cluh Is a mighty Interesting consollrlntlon or annexation prob· Alnledon Center extension cluh one," she nrlded. · lcms for LociH! township schools,"

memhcrs mel Thursrlay evening Groups have recently mnrle l'C· , at the home of Mrs. George ports to the county extension 1 Millville clubs report staled, Fogle fot• a lesson on haslwt office In order to be considered "Our club collected 56'/t• of all the wenvlng. Eleven members nnd 2 for the annual award at the money collected In White Oal< vlsllors attended. Mrs. Novn homcmnkcrs wee!< at Michigan township In the .~others porch: Whiling presented the Jesson. State enllegc. · light polio drive.

II b II Illclll(led In the relJOI'ts were "Our· attendance has heen The next meeting w 1 e he c WC!dneEday, May 12, at the home statements which Indicate how 100'/t,,'' rcportC!d Phillips Twelve

13TRTIIDA Y CLUB MEETS of· Ml·s·. Nell•. •e Rtl~~ell at which local women feel about extension cluh mcmbC!rs. "We work hnr· '·Irs. Doniiicl Winzeler enter- ·' 1 1 t tl ltl t " t.Jme new officers will he clcc:tNI work and what it docs for them. mon ous Y age· wr w 1ou a

tnined memhcrs of her birthday nnd llrogrum planning w1ll he In the report from the Peppy worry of our chlldren because dub 'rue~dny evening. Those done. I-Iomemalwrs cluh was this state- they arc right at our sides, usu-prcscnt were Mrs. Frank Hoyt, mcnt: "We all get together each ally 8 or 10 of them." Mr~. Ed Hoyt ancl Mrs. Lois "' Wilson "' month with great anticipation Sunny Sanders Sisters · stated Kerlwla, all of Lake Lansing, ami Twelve members and 4 guC!sts and a will to learn something be- in their report, "The extension Mrs. Ruth Schrlbncr ancl Mrs. met at the home nf Mrs. Vern fore we go home. We had a fnm- meetings do more good than can Cyrus Kauffman of Mason. Mrs. Burgc~s Thursdny afternoon, Paul Phillips and Mrs. Les Smal· April 22 . Icy were unable to attend. The The special meeting was ar­,::l·oup played games after which ranged by the community chair­the· hostess served refreshments. man, Alice Burgess and a film

* 1!1 *

Bell·othal Told I Pupils from the Mason Jcffcr-~ sen ted the "Songs of Amcr!c:111s" ; son Street. elementary school portion of the program. 1- ourlh 'sang a variety of melodious nnd graders sang these numbers. 'enlnrful tunes at their vocal con· I Thirrl grnrtcrs snng numbers ; ccrt Friday evening-. Mary Scott· from the classlcnl period inclucl· 'nncl Jo Ann Mcnoch, Mason vocalj!ng "Weaving Song," "Oh, In Spr• :directors, directed the_ ~oncert. a Giant." anrl "TIH' Minuet." Woman's Club I with Nn1wy Bray as plamst. A Lnlin-Amcrimn navor wm:

! The concert, with the theme o! adcleri with a group nf "Soull~ of M b El

was shown hy the cancer volun-teel' wori<er~ from Lansing.

The business meeting was held niter the film and dlsctlss·irm on the subject shown. ·

IMay Breakfast Given Monday

Mrs. Arthur Culham enter­tained at a May breakfast Man· day morning. The table featured a Maypole centerpiece with streamers, tulips and . .Jonquils.

I "The Worlrl of Music," offerer! a the Border" songs by the .fifth em ers ect l wide variety of numbers includ- ~rnders. They sang "Margamla.'' i ing ·"Music of the Masters," a "The Lovely Chilean Maid," "The N Off' I group of fun songs, "Songs of Boat Girl," "San Severino,:· and ew leers : Americans," "South of the Bor· "The Mcadow Brook." i der" numbers, and a group of Seventh graders concluded llw Mrs. A. V. Smith opened her i patriotic numbers. program by singing ': group o.r home to Mason Woman's club , , . . 1 .0 the best-known AmeriCan pall'l· members and their guests Thurs·

In the absence of the clwirman nnd vice-chairman, Mrs. George Burgess acted ns chairman, and 12 members voiced plans to at· tend achievement clay, held Tues­day.

AI. the close of the meeting the hostess served lea and eook)es. , I• or the fl.rst part of l. Je ~1 · otic numbers. "Hymn nf the Na- riay e1·ening for election of offi-

; grnm the s1xth grn~crs ,s.m\1 Lions," "America, tlw Bc:~utifnl." ccrs and a musicale. * Ited'Cmllll·-l\Ieridinn

Present for the event were Mrs. Herbert Colby, Mrs. Emery Barr, Mrs. Frank Rathburn, Mrs. Ro· land Troxell, Mrs. Clifford Petty, Mrs. Chester Fletcher, Mrs. Jean Chnclwiclt and Mrs. Leland Aus­tin.

he put on paper for they help tlng Interest slitTerl up In our ~ome of us get UJl nnd tnllt before townR·hlp for rcmorlollng Ill' htlllcl· people, We meat our neighbors lng of a township hnll. I, ns chair· anfl mnl<e new friends," mnn, hnd the .loh of gutting to·

In the Killarney 1\lub report It gether the first mcutlngs. 'l'herc stated, "Most of our members will be n public meeting soon." wort~, yet we hnvc good attend· Merry Mixers members snlrl, anr.e at our evening meetings," ''We nrc Inviting new neighbors

!UemherK 'l'f'.Ut'.ll Others to the family night soelal. Our The Ingham township club re- husbands enjoy · u1cse nffnlrs

port rend In pnrt, "Our lenders more than we cxpectccl and arc have attended all the lender-train· Interested In unolher." lng lessons. Mnny have gone on to teach others, such us one mem- "Nearly all mcmbe1·s went her teaching the home economics through the cancer detect lrm cen· class to malte candles. Another ter," t·eportecl the Fancy Doers taught the safety Jesson to her club, "We display llw flag at. children. One member taught n every meeting, anrl ohservc a Lansing sorority flower making prayer for peace with freedom, and Interior decorating. One This group has contrlhulcd to member Is mnldng 'pin money' .foreign and freshman home eco­by selllng these flowers." nomlcs scholarships, Jws en·

From t11c Rca Ccdnr-Merldlan cournged women to vote, nnrl group came the report, "All our members have carried lessons members are active extension back to church ~roups." women. Some attended home· Snld the Etchells Corners cluh, malwrs conference, rural health "This Is nn average extension conference, nutrition conference club which needs extension work. and the heart n!lsoclatlon classes. The good that It docs :111d the rc· They nrc active lenders ln church, suits that arc obtained arc most 1-H and Girl Scouts." rewarding. We can all be proud

Members of tile Ol<emos group of them." reported they had helped the county hospital patients by sup- .-------------, plying magazines and materials, helped a hllml person do chair enning and contributed to ·the Youth Haven Boys Home In Mus­kegon.

Community Interest Aroused In the Alalcdon Center club,

Mrs. George Fogle as chnlr· man reported, "We've been get·

I Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bushnell were guests nt dinner Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bushnell of Engle. The Herman Bushnells were Monday evening dinner guests of the C. A. Bushnells.

Mr. nne! Mrs. Walter Carven visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jewett, at Grand Ledge Sunday.

Mr. ami Mrs. Harris Bullen spent Sunday ln Kalamazoo vis­iting Mr. and Mrs.· Stuart Bullen and family.

Children's Special!

4. Perm·ancnt Proofs in a

Lm•ely Haby nool'

$3 CODIIllete

Candid Weddings ,12Posesln $25

Wedding AllhJDI Up ~o Travel Charge

LeCiear Studio Photogr·uphers

1108·1i14 llollister Bldg. J,unslng

"Teach Us lo Worship lhr;c, "H ·1 c lumbin" anrl "Battle At the husi11ess meeting pre- Nine members of the Red Ce-o , S .. "L Marin" al o ' ' I ...... \' "Coopers ong, e ' ' Hymn of the fl.f'publie." Lindn r·crling the program, the fol ow- dar-Meridian extension group,

1' "Lullaby," and ·;;he Song of t~e Clinton, Loretta Cr·;uldock, Nanc~; ing officers were elected for the with 4 visitors, gathered nt the } H!IPPY Farr:ncr, with Jnckw Loudenslager, Barhnra Hall anrl coming year: President, Mrs. D. home of· Mrs. Olive Smith last

Stork Shower Fetes Mrs. Winfield Stitt

Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Wythe en­tertained as guests Sunday their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Champagne, and Ann of Lansing.

Phone Lunsi!J& .J-3022


; Hy~l as plamst. Susan Mumau sang "Hymn of the C. Dart; first vice-president, Mrs. Wednesday for a regular meet-' Tile· fun songs were sung by Nations" as a quintet. Jny Snyder; second vice-pr~si· ing. , the first and second graders. The "' " * cJ;.nt, Mr~. G. C. Edmonds; th1~d


Mrs.· Marie Gregg, chairman, ; numbers the first graders pre· Bradley ancl Donald Green, sons VIce-prcwlcnl, Mrs. Gerald Dm· called the business meeting to 1 st:'nted were "Sleep, Baby, Sleep," of Dr. and Mrs. M .. T. Green, moll'd;. secretary, Mrs. Irene order and the minutes of the lnst o "Six Little Ducl<s," and "The spent the past 2 weeks with F'r:mkt;n: .t_ren~urcr, Mrs. Robert meeting were rend and approved. i Robin." Second graders ., sang grandparents, Mr. UJ)d Mrs. Wrl- Bullen, lustorJ~n, Mrs .. Edward The treasurer's report was also 1 "Grandfather's Cloclt," Sl<lp- liam, Tirb in Manchester. The


Ju;le.rJohn; parhamcntarmn, Mrs. given. . : ping," "My Swing," and "Basi<et Greens plan to entertain as their William E. Clarl<; publl_clty ell- The group discussed plans for 1 House Story." guests at dinner Sunday Mr. and rector, Mrs. Arthur Zlclq?af; the achievement liny held Tucs-1 " ' • Ll tl Sh' " "Where I Mrs Newman Go['(lon of Grand I delegates to federation meetmgs, day at the Fairchild theatre in 1 1 hwe t e tps, · ,. · Mrs John Edgar and Mrs 1 Go the Boats?" "Old Dog Tray," Haven nncl Mr. and Mrs. v\ Jill am Cl · · 1 ' D . .. d W , · · East Lansing. Mrs. Doris Balmer I I " T" b f Ma11chestcr Jares avis, an oman 5 1 t 1 1 m"l'c tl1c 1 ancl "Paw Paw Pate 1• reprc- · tr 0

• Home delegate, Mrs. Hugh Bart- was appo n cc 0 "'

: Icy.

: Ingham County News May 6, 1954

Clements Flower Shop Flowers For All Occasions

Phone Holt 4-1791

Page 4 iden tiftca lion badges for the

A musical program followef] group attending achievement day. with Mrs. Roger Kierstead as, The group also voted on the Jes­chairmnn. Mrs. A. v. Smith at the sons they would like to take the organ and Mrs. Russell McBride coming year. 'lt the piano ·played a number of The next meeting is scheduled :<clect.ions. A quartet consisting for Wednesday, May 12, at the of Glen Dunn, Max Bement, Joe home of Mrs. Viola Wagner. This Dean and Sam Cotton, with Mrs. will be an all-clay meeting. Those McBride at the piano, entertained attending nrc to take their own with several songs. tnhlc service. The Jesson will be

I Mrs. Smith and her co-host- "Know Your Calories." --------------------------1 esses, Mrs. Glen Dunn, Mrs. At the close of the business Roger Kierstead, Mrs. William meeting the hostess served rc­Bergin and Mrs. F. H. Tlnlder, freshments.

NORMA .MAXINE EIFERT Mr. and Mrs. Max Eifert of

Route 4, Mason, announce the en­gagement of their daughter, Norma Maxine, to Donald R. Hosl<ins. He is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. 1-Iugh Hoskins of Route 1, Leslie.

* * J!:

Mrs. Charles Clinton enter­tained Saturday evening at a stork shower honoring Mrs. Win· field 'Stitt of Jackson.

The Clinton home was attrac· tlvely decorated with bouquets of tulips for the event. During .the evening the guests played '·games after which the hostess served salad, nut bread, cheese crackers and coffee.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Rocke· Mrs. Stitt received many nice fellow and family of Grand gifts. Blanc were guests Sunday of Mr. Guests nt the party came from and Mrs. Kenneth Bibbins. Mr. Jacl<son, Holt, Mason and Lnn-1 and Mrs. Harry Snell and family sing. of Leslie were afternoon callers Mrs. Oscar Oleson of Big Rap-at the Bibbins home. ids, Mrs. Stitt's mother, was also

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scripter a guest. She has been spending and .family of Aurelius enter- several weeks with her daughter. tljined as dinner guests Sunday * * • .Joyce Kane of Charlotte, Mr. nncl Mr. and Mrs. William Canute Mrs. Earl Grable, Dean and Lcs- spent the week 'end in western lie of Dimondale and Gordon Slee Maryland as the guests of Mrs. of Mason. Canute's parents.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Raymond Under- Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Beebe

, ~~ ~~ ~~(Jet CAN


ARVON ' . . •'' . .

. and complete'ly :moa'errtize :any rooin in tho hom•

'It'~ £4411 '?o Z'o • By a simple

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t a modem texture decoration of Ilea• lifu l putel color.

• a 1urfaco which can be rep11tedlr wa1hod and ecrubbed.

e a wall which will lelce· abuae.

• a decoration which nun out pla1t.e p1tch11.

CoU of uur 1toro for a bee finished •ample

$4.10 gal.

HAROLD E. LAVIS served punch and cookies. * Uaslctt J,c:trn·A·Bit

* :~ * wood and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde spent the wee!< end at their cot·

* Underwood spent the week end tage at Middle lalw. visiting friends in Clevelnncl, Ray Chase and daughter, Lu­Ohio. Raymond Underwood at· cile of Lansing, visited Mrs,_ Jon­tended a convention of the CIO nic Dakin and Mrs. Albert Bale!·

SHAFER Decorating Supply 'I'I~Ll~VISION Sl~IWICE l~NGINmm

627 Nm·th Cedar


t>JIONE 1\IASON 3280

Members of the Haslett Learn­Stork Shower Honors A-Bit club met last Tuesday eve­

ning, April 27, .for an evening of Mrs. Slagh Thursday tun. ·

Each member was asl\ed to Mm. Robert Ware entertained take n guest. I

Thur:;day evening at a stork 1 The group played games after shower honoring Mrs. Howard which the hostess served refresh· Singh. 1 ments.

Guests at 1he party were Mrs. * I•;usf. Alu:ellnn " Max Kelley, Mrs. Tracy Halsey, Members of the East Alaiedon Mrs. Les Swaninger and Mrs. extension group met with Mrs. Thomas Shoemaker of Lansing, Max Furney last Thursday for <In Mrs. Leslie· Gober and Mrs. Ted nll-dny meeting. The 17 members Bauer of Holt, Mrs·. E. J. Hark· cooked the low-caloric meal nl ness of Leslie and Mrs. .Jack which 4 guests were present. Hubbard, Mrs. Darwin Barr, Mrs. The business meeting was D. Lee Ware. Mrs. William Dart, opened by reading of the women's Mrs. James Brown, Mrs. Dayton creed, led hy Mrs. Furney. Roll Roose, Helen Wiley and Mrs. Cl\ll was answered by economy Fem Slagh. hints for cutting food costs. The

The group played games dur· secretary and treasurer's reports lng the evening after which Mrs. were given after which members Singh opened her many gifts, voted on lessons for the coming which were placed in a bassinet decorated In green.

Mrs. Ware served ice cream centered with storks and baby carriages, cnl<e, coffee, ten, mlnts anr.l nuts.

Mrs. Singh received many nice gifts. She is the former Betty Miller. ·

* * *

year. . Plans were made for attending

achievement day, a penny collec­tion was tnkcm and names were drawn for secret pals.

Mrs. Stanley 'Voss and Mrs. Ar'thur Ruhi gave the lesson on "Know Your Calories."

The .next meeting will · be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazelton Wednesday, May 12, in the after­

of Okemos arrived home Sunday noon with Mrs. William Work· night after spending the winter ;,nan. months at Tampa, Florida. Count·ry Cousins '1'

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bergeon aml daughter of Ann Arbor spent the week end with his parents, Mr, an~l Mrs. J. C. Bergeon. Sue Bergeon was home for the wee'i< end from. Grand · Rapids where she attends. college. Mr. and Mrs. John Bergeon were guests at din· ncr Sunday at his parents' home.

Mr. and Mrs. Garon Woodrough and daughter .visited Mr. and Mrs. Vn n Wood rough and famlly Sun­day.

Mrs. M. C. Smith entertained ns guests Wednesday, Mrs. Charles Clipper and Mrs. Lou Harrison. Mrs. Rose Dart, Mrs. Mqrgaret Beebe and Mrs. Clara Dlclmwn visited Friday .and Mr. and. Mrs. Orva Harmon of Eden called, Sunday afternoon., ·

Members of the Country Cou­sins extension club met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. David Lambertson on Holt road.

Mrs. H. C. 1'osteson of Lansing, a guest,.showed textile paintings.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, May 12, at the home of Mrs. Clara Bailey, 2307 Holt road, at one p. 111. The lesson will be "Getting Yotlr Calories Worth.''

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mathews were gt1ests at dinner Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mathews, Davld and Dolores. In the afternoon they all called on Mr·. and Mrs. Lon Priestly of Lln9en. Mrs. Priestly and Mrs. Ray Mathews are sisters.

union there. win Sunday. 425 S. Jefferson Phone 2-3461

T ak~ ~he Drudgery Out

of Washing Clothes·

With a New General Electric

Automatic Washer New Low Price

Get a Matching Dryer, too

General Electric Dryer -$1·79.95

COLLINS. SALES &· SERVICE 147 \V, Ma1lle · . Plione ·Mason 2-591!




PupHs WHI Entertain I

Mav 6, 1954 Paoc 5 l'vlr, nncl Mrs, Cnrul Dnvi~ unrl S WOMAN A'I"I'J>:NI.JS I!:VI•:N'I'S 1 1 C .. ' c II . ,, . I I I u· p . . p . t no Jam ounty. News . ,n•l'S, IH'o llfl >llfJilll ant 3r 1111 r rJ se a r y MI'H, (1, C. grJmnnrls ~iponl l•'rl· ;nt(endml n rer~r!pllnn Monday eve· rlay nfleJ•nnnn nncl Snturrluy In -------------------------,nlng nt SlonOJ' ~l!hool, wosl ur Frl'day Llonors Kalnmnzon Ill till! homo nf Mr, DINNE:Il. HONOI1.R nlfl'riiDAY I . . .

Cedar Street School Plans Concert ·Lnnslng, honoring MI'H, Oznlmn r- 111111 MJ',", [>1111 J{IJllflllo \"!tile M c w c M t g L I 1 M L . I n ' t'S, G/arlys llyrln of Del roll ee In " ~ " was Slll'[ll' Her ,3llllllllY II( (I 111111101' .· ' I I uc \WO[J(' r~. O!!i\I\I(JOII IUS B b I I d llll'.l'l'. ".Ill'. llllc•ltllr•.rl Ill£! Mrllll"'l''",' I I L> • • I

,lwon !ll'lnelpnlllwre fol' 2:1 yours. ar ara. re an Dny fn~.llvltles wllh he1· rltltlglt· J ' ld d "A FeHllvnl of l"ullt Songs" wlll j Hol'flln!l' Song," nnd "Galwny he presented h.v pupils of I lie I Piper." Ccrlnr Street olernenlnry school "Tho Mlii<Y Wny," "Lullnby," l"rhlay evonlnl( in the Mason hlf:lh nml "Susie, Llltlo Susie," fmm school nudltorlum. 'l'hc pJ•ogr·am, tho npcm Ilnnscl 1111d Gretal, nre under• llw rllrectlon of ,Jo Ann the numbers ihc tl1lrcl grudet·s Mcnoch, will slnrt nt 7::JO p. rn, will present.

"Sung nf tile Shoos," "The Gar· Mrs, Duvis wus n former Hlurlent WllOI'In~-: hm· hlrtlHiny annlver· I 1-J F ' rlon," anrl "Como nnd Sno!" 116 II 1 M n f ler, Bonnin. Among llw Weslei'Jl Miii',V, April 2~. GtteHIH WPI'II hr!l' 2 s. e n ay ,

· · 10 ~'0 am I'S, ngan n · ur·nwr Mnr.lorlo 1"/o!Glllll' Ol11eJ·Inllteil Mldllg•an c:olluf!f! evnnl.~ Wf!l'o tho tl)olr portion o! the feHllvnl pro· teacher, · ~ons nnrl families, Mr. J'nrl Mrs, '

Pntrlr:ln Acl11ms Is pianist. Second grnrle pupils hnvr: 'ro stnrt off the program, sixth dwscn "1\aln Drops," "Sunrise

grndcrs will sing "0 No, ,John," Song," "Pence Pipe Song," nnrt '"rhe Hunter," "A Jcrce ~plrll ," '"I'hc Little Blrcls' Ball" us the with Jo·Lynnc Cappo anrl Shlrloy nurnbCJ'S they will sing. Chapman as clarlnr!llsls; "Night· l"lrst grnclcrs will prn~ent

gram, ' l•'rlday ovonln.g- nl n surpi'lse Wrmwn'H Lengue lr~n, .'ilgrnn Kap· rtlf'lwrd Lindquist nnd Klll'en of l\1omlwn; of llw c. w. c, met. A llvnly f:ll'llllp of numbers, 'D ~r· 1~nr/ ~r~, ~· S. Eri~1gl~ of JIIII'Iy' honoring BnriHH'n Trelnnrl pa lundwon nnrl the llnJHml Mr!lvlnrlale ami Mr. anrl Mrs. Don· l~1·lrlny evnnlng with Mrs. Ken·

"'l'nl'illliCI!n," "Night and Dny," • 0 rn v ~. r.c r. 1111 ' rs. ·nil·[ nn her hirlhrlny annlvm·sary. · SJll'lng mncl!l'L of .llw Women's nld Llnrlqulst anrl Dlanu of !•'~I'll· nelil Swift 111111 Mrs. Mlll?n " I nlrl gtJglnglon Hnrl Jnmlly Sun· '1'1, I I I I GJror! chlh. I I l\1 I 1\l I' ll A I ''r•r•r•vlr• 'I" II HI". ·c•. "LI\tle White Dove, nnrl 'The rlny. Thr. occnHirm lwunrc•rl jhe 10 even ng waH· spr:n p a,\' ng * • " c 11 c; r. anr · rH. ~. . . r· \CI' ,, . .. . . • ., o. c~.s _s,

131ue Hells of Scollnncl," nrc to bu ,Erlglngluns' rlauphtm· Pnlrll'in games nftct• which rcfmslunrnl~ Ml'. anrl Mrs. !'nul !Jcltlwr 111111 of Lansing anrl • 1\lt·. nnd Mrli. 1 Mrs. r;i<•rJ Conn, Mrs. ,Jcnnc~te' sung by fourlll gmrlcrs. . Ann, un her· fOlll'th 111 ;.1111 /ny nn· of pota~o e~1lps, .. sanrlwtr:lws: .1.c•llo Dlaue of Lnnslng \llll'l'l' Sunday ·veru Collier of Mason, lfo/hr·nok, 1\lrs. Hnhert Lemr,\.D,

To conclude tho program fifth nlversury, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ltllhcr I~I.HI b~llhd.Jy c.lil'; wme ~ocrveil r:m!sls n[ 1llr·s. Alina Wll:;ou, • • * Mrs. Duwayno E:VilllH, Mrs.~U· g-r<Hlcrs wlll render, "Put Your Cool< of Cemonl City wel'l! !torn •' plnl<·covmed tnhle wllh M h d /lam Clll'/, Douna 13etcher, Mt'Ji, Lillie Foot," "Steal Away," "1'he ,'rhursdny callers nt tho Edging· cr·yslal candlesticks and plnlc Mr. nnrl Mrs. l~verell Cnllar, et 0 ist Women Dnnllirl Slr·lclclnnrl, and Mr~. Lillie Pig," anrl "The Ash Grove." ton horne, tapers. Dr. Volll!!.V Cuny, Nilll Momn, I Lt!Wis Wonds nf Mnson and Mt'H,

Couple Speaks Vows! chosen nnvy hlue dress trimmed In while, with wh I ell she wore n

In Friday Nuptials cnrHnf:lc of Hell Garnet roses anri while cammlons,

Guef.IS \VCl'(! Jnyf'c Dudtnnf', rieriJerl 'l'nylor·, Mr. and Mrs. I p an Acl'ivitiec Hl>herl rtutleri"e of Wllllamstnn Mr. nnrl Mrs. Nelson lJt'nWII t'/r' 1 J • l I '·I J> 1 1 "' h "

I f ,Janet T•'lerllc!r, .Tnnn nnd ,Joanno -· 1/ 011 \t!n. 11111 "'rs. •11 P 1 • ntlenrlerl. ' Juni.OrS Pan or nncl claughlcrs Cnmllne and Mnr· l' II ~· .1 c• Ill 1\l II I ifi'Wlll all o[ Mason nnrl 111r C,c'llem/mcelllll~ of the Method· "

C. I D 1 I >ll er, ~~rnl Y ,,m I, , lll'Y Ill'. . , . . , .. ·[ \'' ~· l' ~· ·til I I 'l'he gl' ILIJl \Veil I 1 111c y IJ garel, .tro yc•r uf IfnI anc 1 li!ll Phvll'ts Cheney M·•ry and Mrs. Jnqtw:; Wnrdcn anrl Is. ., . ''· .. ,-,, w w wlr'i ' · · o ou 1 Annual Reception Cnml Rowland of Mnson spent !Gm~ns nn;l l~alhiN!Il lll;licni 11 :,~ 1 ,, Mldtar•L and Mrs. CnJTIP \Vr•sl· \Yr. rh~r:srl11~:·. ~Ia~· 1:!, few 11 urw lalt•lll shnw in Lansing. Aflct·

Phebe AriCJH! Clancy of Mason the week end at Higgins lalw. , , over of Dr!troll <'llli<!rl 011 Mrs. o Liock rlr:ssml. A SJH't'lnl ~<·rvlce their l'l!lurn llH•y hart refresh·

Mason Juniors will enl.crtaln Hcv. nnd J\1rs. Paul L. Arnold llw hnnm· r.:uror;t wr.s presenlt!djJ•;llzalwlh Cnllill' PolleJ' the past will hrmor new members uf the ments nl Mrs, Swift's home. nnrl William ,J. Bissell of Leslie spoke their marriage vows In the parsonage of Rev. Slr!Wart Jael<· son In Leslie! Fr·iday evening at 7:30. Rev .• Jncl<son, pastor of llw Leslie F'rcc Mctlmrlist church, performed the rlouble·rlng- cere· mony.

Donna Marlo Cinncy was her slsler'H mald of honor. Donna worc a h11by hlun rlrcss. Her cor· sage was made up uf Hcd Garnet

seniors, guests, sehoul bnarrl made n 3-rlny lrlp to Washington, with many *glf~s. wee/<. Mrr. Wt~sloVPI' remained l.o year. • '' '' members and faculty members nl D. C., and haeit to Masnn this t'lll'f! for Mrs. Puller. Cirdr•s, ns forrnetl ffll' tile new 1'111'. and Mrs. llamlrl Burl qf the annual· .Junior and senlor re· wee!<. The Amolds made tile triJl l\1rs. C. A. Clinton IIIHI Mrs. ,\'ear, will ill: Sl'llled al ttll>les.· \VIlli \VI/IIrunstnn spent lla: weclt end

\"'! J J 1 J 1 1 1 Vl!l'non llrown, son o[ l\1r. allfl cepllon next I~rlrlay evening, Mny to brlnor son nncl famil.•·, Mr. >~ 11111 -r> unnn Ill eiH 01 I H' WN · tlwit• new clrr:lr! lr!llfir· 1·s. 'l'lt"l'e wilil 1\lr. aud Mrs. l•:arl Cavcndet• " ·' 11 f l\l C'l' 1 • · 1, IVIJ·:;. HldJard Brown, I:'. ski> at L

l•l. '!'he party this year wlll be nnrl Mrs. ,John Al'llolrl, In Del roil 1 ng " 'rs. - rn rills nwec:, al· will also lw a nursery 1ttlrJ· 11 ".' l.llt' iiiHI .Jimmy ill Lake Gerwge at llw roses.

I I U I I (-'II t 1 th <>t J\.1 ills IHIIIH! wilh lin• llllllllp;;, h John Andrews Claney, the bride's brother, was best man,

Mrs. Bissell gr:uluated from Mason high school ln 1952 and has since heen employed at Morse's restaurant. Mr. Bissell graduulccl fmrn Lcsiin hlg-11 school In 19~3. He worlcs for t11c Jlnn Lewis Plumblnl( and Healing Co. In Muson.

held at the ball room n tw non wl1ere he will soon lt•avr• ffll' duly Y · non, n · c ,, · ilrys dny, CaVCIHlcr collage. hu/ldlng, Michigan Slate colleg-·.~, In the Paclfle, Arnold is in llw t'lntrf'it In .Jackson Siillll'dily l\1r, 111111 i\lrs. llenzll llmwn anrl ;!'liP \V S (' S . nwthcr· 'lllrl l\11', and Mrs. Hny McNeil, '·It',

I I <'iillrlren !ijlf!lll I he ll'<'r•l\ eJJci al · · ' · ·· · · - ' '' East Lans ng. navy. He 1111<1 ltls f111111'1y \VI'Il ilc lnfll'nng. rl'tllglti<'I' IJ'JIIrttlr'l i" "lll'lltil J 'lltrl 1111'" Ll I'll l'illlJI 1 Mr"

The bride Is the rlmtghlcr o( Mr. nnrl Mr·s. Ben Claney of Ma· son. Mr. arul Mrs. Waller Bissell of Leslie arc tile hrldegruom's parents.

Fm· her wedding the bride

llwlr l'ollag<• 111. Df'i'll\' lal;e .. J ' , • · ' · ·' .• e · ec ' · ·'· "· \ 11 ant d. '!'bore wlll ho n c!lnncr nt G:30 i'1 Mason Sunday flit' 11 visil. 1\ln:. HariC!V ViinPat len of A II I'll · ' foJ· lliursrlay, Mill' 1:1. Loml ltl:r Mills, all of Lnusing, l'nllcd and dancing fl'llm 8:30 to 11:30 Mrs. Hiehard Posl rtrHI Mrs. c:il/crl on 11~1· aunt, Mrs. Agnes . ~lr. and ~Irs. I111 ln•rl L.'ohn · lalc•nt will pJ:oviriP r'lw p1·ngmm. lin Mr. and Mrs. J~. A. OenHmure with Bob Eberhart ami his Or· Gerald Diamond spent Saturday Coi:srlill. Tlllii'Sc/ay. l' lrwnrls In Cnlnn ovct• llif' 'l'ir:lwl:; are available from elrcle TLI<~~c/ay c:venlng, ·' chcstra furnlshlnl( tho music. In c;;rnnd Rapids. T3arh11ra flullcl', 1111'. and Mrs .• Jny Coffey spent wm~k end. lt•arlen:. Donnie nnrl Linda Hadwin .0 f

Thorne for the scml·forrnal par-~ a student at Michigan Slate enl· Sundny will1 Mr. IIIHI l\lt·s. Clriy· Mr .. 111111 M1·s. Hay l'lalt nrrivl'ri Memlwrs nrr· hPl111~ u;;lwrlto gr•t [[nit spent the wrcl< end with ty this year ls "ll.ed Salls in the lrge, wns 11 gnl'sl nl rlluner Sun· ton Coffey ami family o[ Char· home l\lcmc/ay aftr.1· spcnc/lnJ,: 1/u: 1/wit· l'lllll.lllagr: l'f'ilrly fort lie sale I their gl·amltmreni.H, Mr. and Mt:s, Sunset." rillY at the Diamond home. lnlle. winter munlh~ 111 llmc/enlon, planned lot· Satunlay, May 2~. ! Porter l•'ield. ..


Business· and the Golden Rule '•I'·· '': ' '

BUSTNESS bureaus rlcsigm:d to pro· trcl llw righls of both srllers and con· surncn; exist in some communities. Such hurcrtus an: successful to the ex· lent Jhat they inspire those they aiel to opcrale in accord with ll1e ancient law of Moses !Leviticus 19:18), "Thou shalt love thy neir.:hhor as thyself."

To the pure I bought of the Master, Christ Jesus, lhi;; law was a Christian duly, for he recognizor! it as a divine coJimwncl. He said !Matthew 22:37· 30): "Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and wi1h all lhy soul, and with all thy mind. 'I'I>is is the first ami great commandment. And lhc second is like unto it, Thuu shall love thy neigl1bor as thyself."

Chri~l.ian Scienf'e, the religion which i:; ba;·cd upon the inspired Word o[ the Scriptures, leaches its adherents to apply God's Word to all phases of their n~tivily. Specifically applied to busi· ness affair·s, Jesus' rendering of the Levit icai command means that we must serve mankind hone~ I ly, sincerely, ami unselfishly, a~ we ourselves would he served. In the proportion thai we recognize that I he brotherhood of man is hascd on lhc spiritual fnct that all arc in truth the sons of God, ami hence are.pcrfcct in His sight, wo ore able to follow Jc~us' counsel to I-lls disciples tLulw 6:311, "As ye would that men should rio In ynu, do ye 11lso to them likewise." Mary Balwr Eddy, the Dis· coverer and Founder of Christian Sci tmcc, points lo the need of doing this when she says 1 The First Church oi

Christ, Scientist, ami Miscellany, p. 2221, "Mankind will be God·govcmed in proportion as Gorl's government bo· comes apparent, the Golden Rule uti· Iizccl, anrl 1 he righ l.s of man ancl the liberty of conscience held sacred."

* * * A transaction that is based on the

Golden Rule assures equal benefits to bot•h I he buyer and the seller. Out· wardly, an interchnnr.:e of commodities tal<:es · place. Actually, however, the real substance of the exchange is tho expression uf integrity, wisdom,. and love on I he part of the individuals who nre concerned.

The truly successful man docs not become srJ through profiting by an· other's mistakes. Good business meth· mls harbor no unfair competitive nc· 1 ion. The sincet·o endeavor to serve public needs fairly, recognizing too that others hnvc equal opportunities and abilities, is in full harmony with the eornmand, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

"Our thoughts beget our actions; I hoy muke us what we arc," Mrs. Edcly rxplains !Miscellany, p. 203). And she goes on lo say, "A deep sincerity. is sure of success, for God lal<es care of it." We may !<now with scientific ccr· lainly that under divine guidance every in eli vidual is accorded cndlcs·s oppor· tunilie3 to share in t11c unlimited bounty of God, good. Sincerity rc· veals opportunity. Diligence is an in· cenlive to progress. Integrity is a solid foundation upon which is built irre· vcrsiblc success.

Written fot• The Christian Science· Monitor

HELEN L. MILLER, Clet•k Church of Christ Scientist

Wllliamston .

Til is Page 1s Made Possible lltrough the Generosity 'oj Uw Firms and Individuals Listed Below . '

Davis' Clothing Roy W. Adams W are!s Drug Store Pioneer Barber ~ho~J Van's Ser11ice Ball-Dunn Funeral Home

c ... W. Glenn & Sons ~Stockbridge Leslie Coffee Shop Silsby Implement Co. Gamble's - Bolt. ·: W,~yne Miller Sales & Service The Ferris Company •'

Consumers Power Co. Thorburn Lumber & Coal ;co. .Wolverine Engineering Co. .. Schmidt's Department Store Dart Manufacturing Co. Bement Feed & Supply· Service

Dart & Cady Mason City Bakery Logan· Funeral Home ·Dick's Slinoco Service Dart National Bank Jim's Market

· Hicks Cleaners Jewett Funeral Home Max McCarn · George's Market The Farmers Bank Ingham County News . ·

: ·:.• ...

Cowday Heating & Ven'tilating

Vogt Funeral Home -,Dansville . ., .. :~. ' :···: ;.:., '

Mills Store · · · I·

H & M Dii.~e~in Cleaners • Holt . ~ ' .· ' . ' . . . ' .

. , ; !." : ,·' \. ~ • • •

· Morse's Restaurant · ·· . · · ' . . •' l ~-. ~;



.. r. .

• l

' I ••

i i ' j ; ! '

What tile Churches Are Doing Ingham County News Mav 6, 1954 Page 6

Wllllom~ft)ll Wt!Hinynn JUo!ltoll· lst, 11111\'ley, ficy, Crtrl Coffey, pnstor, Church school, 10:00 n, fll·; wor~hlp service, l 1 :30 n, m.: }'1)11111: people's meeting, 7::10 p, m~~~~~


Wllllanmtrm \VI'HIHYilll JUr.lhod·j 1~dcn Ilnltt•d 11rr•lhl'lln, Herbert 1111, lll'il•ll, Rev, Delos •rr1nner, Cherry, pn~tor, 10 n m., Sundny pnHtor, Worship sm•vlccs, 10;00 11, school; I I 11, m,, morning wm·· m, nne! 7:30 p, m ; r:huroh schooj, ship; 7:<1:1 p, m., Christian En· 11 :OO n. m.; prayer :mrvlce deavor; 8:1:1 p. m, evnngellslio Wellncsdny, 8:00 p, m, ~or·vlcc; 8 p. m,, Tuesday, l'lwlt•

Farrmer Peck's W~fe

'l'ht• 1rlr·ls lnl'n In :.:n hti!'Pfont, ,,.,q --' \Wllllnmston !Ui•mm·lnl r,ulhnr· nu,'~022 West Grund !liver•, llcv, Wllllnn)slon Nnznrone, nov, 1 IInl'Ulrl Yochim, pnstor, Church <urt' l{ocplln, pnstor, Sunday school, 10;00 11, m.; wor·shlp serv· sr.hool~ 10 n. m.; Blhl1• l'l11ss, 10 • 0 • m. divine service 11 n m Ice, 11:00 n. m., prnyer meeting

pmctlce; B p. m., Wednesday, prayer mr.eltng. •rtw men's Bmlh· erilood assoelutlon will hold llwlr monthly meeting In the hdsement of the church F'rlilay, Mny 7, at 8 )1, 111. Nurs~ry dcpn~tment 1;1 bnse~r. L I Wcdnesrlny, 8:00 p, m.; Lndles

dtl'rjng rugttlnr divine ·Horvic11e

1 Missionary Society .first 'Jlhm•s· (ln v 1f t l1c mr1nll1 11l 7 30 p m ns J,ef!lit• CongTt'lflltlnnal, SnmttPI llolll'' from 11 ", m, llnl}er• rompn./ ' 1 l' ' ' " 0

tellt SUIJI!l'Vi."lo"11, - ~ I nnnoun ed, B Wenger, puslnr•, Churr•h " sr.hnol, 9;<15 n. m ; pnslor's dass-,

· '" - --· 10 a, m.: morning wnrshlp, II 11. 1\V-llllamston Rt. l{lttlll'rinn's Unnlwr· lllll i'it•vrJJth DI;Y All· m; Hnbhy cluh, 7 p, m.; ('holr

Elilscoplll, Normnn I<lnzle, vlcnt', Vl'nliHI. Snhlmth Hl'hool stm·ts nt relwmsnl Wednesday evenmg, 8 Scrvlcos nncl r.hurPh school, 11:00 10 a. m.; l'innch service, 11 a, m. p, m. Sunday, Muy n, Mol her's Q, m.; firs! nnrl fifth Sundays, Prof II. H. NP!son of Lansing Day service with opeclal fenllll'I'S foiwth Sundays, lioll Euchartsl. will he guest speai<E'I' at the Sermon suhjecl Is "Keys to Her Third Sunday, morning rn·uyet• Bunker Hill f-ievrmlh Dny Arlven· J{ingdnm," Tlwre will he a chi!· and litany. I list drurd1 Sablmlh Saturday, drcn's story and clnss In church

__ Mny H. membership. ·F n m II y night, ~lnRon Church of thn Nnzarcne, r -- Wednesday, May 21, Ill 7 p m.

Roy Mumnu, pastor. Sunday Wlllinmslon Gospr.l Hull, 4021 James Selby, parole supervisot• scl\tiol, 10 o'cloe11; preaching scrv· Blll'l<ley road. Breal<lng o{ Brcnrl, I or J,JCJu;on prison will he I he lee, 11 o'cloP.J1; N. y P. s. scrv· 10 a. m; Sundny school and Blhle spcnlwr unci Jeadm· of n question ice, 6:45 o'cloclc, son_g and praise. class, 11 :30; Gospel nnrl ministry, period. Evmwellstlc message, 7:30. Pray· Sunrlay, 3:30 ~ p. m.; ministry e!' qtcetlng Weclncsclny evening at F'rlday, 8 Jl, m. Stocllill'lrl~o:'' Fll·sl. 'MPihodlsl, 7:3d. F'J•nnk I•'. Benish, pnstnr. 1 O::JO

,,, Willlumston Clu·Jstllm Sclenc!l n. m., morning worship. This Will Wllllum11ton Fr1•11 lllr!thmllsL, A. I Sol'il'ly, 135 S. Putman. Cimrch /be Mother's Ddy and full rccognl·

D .. Hoclmtjuy, pastor. Chnrch services, Sunday, 11 :DO a. m.; lion of It will he made ,}n the s~hool 10 11 , 111• Worship sen·ICc Wcdncsrlny evening meeting on service Sermon subject, Home, 11 a. ni. and 7:30 Jl m. Prayer the first nnrl third Wednesday of I he Saviour of Clvlllzallon." 11:40 service Weclnesdfly, 8 p. m. so. the month. Sunday school In the n. m., Sunday scho.?J. 6:30 p, m., clety meets first Wednesday of same hullcllng at 11:0[• n. m. Methodist Youth lo ellowshlp for ea"Qh month nt church, potlucl< nil llw .young people of jun1or dinner nt noon; circles second Wllllumslon Centl'r J'llcthodl8t, anti senwr high. Wednesday In homes. Horace James, pastor. Worship

•Wllllrunston St. 1\Inry's Cnth· oil~, Rev. F'r. Hugh Conklin, pas.

service, 9.30 a. m.; church school, 10:30 a.m.

Stm·hbrld~:r• l't·csbylt•l'iun, Dr F'. G. Behner pastor. Sermon topic, "Table Talks of Jesus."

tor. Confessions .uul devotions Jiolt Prt•sbyterian, Vernon T. Suturdny 7:30 p. m. Sunday Smith, pastor. Worship services Stol'ldll'idge lluptisl, James E. musses nt 7:30 and 10:30 u. m. at 10 a. m. and 11:15 a. m The Lombard, pastor. 10:30 •a m., FowJcrvlJJt!: Confessions nnd de· 2 church schools for the children morning- worship service; 11:30 a. votlons on Friday 7:00 p. m. Sun· will be held nt the same hours. m., Bible school; 2:30 p m .. ddy mass at 9:00 n. m. ___ Krummrey farm service; 7•15 p,

Il's fun In !PJ!ll 1 hll'iu·n~ nnw.

Sammy IIIH•s t111• hiA' hi•ti,

Susy nnil Sally .tre ltrJv!ng n It seems to he Increasing In til! !A small one 1l They W<~nt to frcqumwy lhnt lhe little pill lllii!R go harr.fonl Thny say 11 Is pl£'nty In get In bed wllh us, I hnve been wnrm l'nough, They arc so hoi, so JlLitllng him In w1th us around ·I uncomfotlahle, so slld<y. , , , anrl fm• some lime. Luloly the lime dying In I,Jiw t heir• shoes of!'. il<IH heen sneal<lng up to 3, 2, I.

'I'he gl'llund Is •,o wet you can'l lie will look so comical and glvf! gel nn lhe ltclds and thcl' nt'e nnt us .t big happy grin und snuggle going lm:·efnol yl't. Sully Is one nf rlown on Pete's pillow, Pete says, I hose ldils whn gels a l'ough at "I know we ought no I be doing I he drop of a hal All sill' nr.Prls this every nlghl, son, but II st1rely if. a ilti!P. lnl of a r•old In cough rloes feel good wllh your Jltile her head ott'. So mel hncs she barks at·m around my nee!<." IUnt like a puppj In IIH! nlgilt. '!'here! Tlwt's how we nrc doing We try evetythlng ll. .rust as nice ami grow·on·you

I'd lllw a good nlgiii's sleep to. II" you please. Susy and Sally dtrl night Last niJ~hl II was Sammy h Inn anrl still Ilk~ to come and who kepi tiS awai((•, I saicl he w,1r. !'J'aWI ln. We siHJU!II hnve one of cutting some more rlouhle teeth thm;c !Jig beds you see In maga. hut Pete s,Jirl "Can'l :1 kirl feel ztnes thai are G feel wide. Then or'rHHY and <iCI III\c <~ lillie dmnnn we coulrln'l put II in our hedroom for the pure jnv of II without you . but it's a good iden. \\omen saying II Is lib lcclh 01 Oil, but il's been fun., , down· somelblng'!" 1 guess we can'l for 11ght fun, In lend to chickens we all do il. this week. It seems my bushel is

S<tmmy Is Jll'.l like Sn lly . .Jus I full ami running over more than like sleeping Wit It an nr to pus .. , I deserve, or wlml I would imngine that We have had nno!her lragic would he ltlw! Not when he is fire in !ills neighborhood. Adolph ft•elmg good hut wlwn he ts a hil Sr•hol<trl's house bmnerl to lhe of!" Wtlh tcclh tll" n f'(]lrl. IIe will ground Wednesday nigh!. Milo toss and ILnn olllrl lw·k and m,HJ! Summer look the 2 oldest boys you ttntil :,ou thin!\ your .1rms Ior a few dnys and we hnvc the will [all otf. 1 young(HL nne, 12 years old.

A I M t• f I Parsons, Robert Droscha, Wilbert nnua ee mg 0 Cummings, "''' -- n 'II n 1 • 1 m., Junior nnd Scntor Baplisl • 1 a 11 s v 1 1' ulrot lfldts • Rev. Youth F'ellowshlp an! AlL II U st James Catholic 1\IISS!on, Rt. Chmlcs R. Gross, paslor. 10 n. IOn Slll je t "M . ,· .1 • (;, .,n

R M Cl I · J( · 1 . 1 1 1 1 , • J c , mn amtng ,, ami y fi.Vr sgr. mr cs en ling, pas· m, c ILl! I' t se JO() ; 1 n. m., wor· \Vorsll " 8 . ,

Carlyle Waltz, 1\lrs. Glen Oes.

Method;St (hur'h I terlc, Mrs. Chellis Hall, Mrs. wn. i \. !tam Dart, Mrs. Russell Robbins,

Celia Allen Is New Missionary

Mlsr. Celt11 All£'11, dnughiP.l' of Mrs, Alfmcl Allen of Mason, has <II'Cepterl lhe appointment as new Chrbltlan F'rlendlln''~s- miHHion ar•y for· not·thern Cnllfomla, ~·pon sorecl joln!Jy by the WABHMS, S,m F1 nncisr.o Bny Cl I lcs Bnptlsl Union nncl the Nurlhel'n Cnll· fornlu BupiiHI convcnilon. Sho succeeds Bernice Cofer, now na· Ilona) dhector of this worll,

Before she commencer) her duties Muy 1, Miss Allen was stuff mcmbm· nf lhe First Chinese Bnptlsl clHtrch of Sun Frnnclsco. !~or the pust 17 yenr11 she hns served ns n misslonnry nl this ciJU!'I'h. In lhc past ii years alone, 7 young people have lefl lhal church to cnler fu!J.t!mc Christian set'VIce or I ruining for II. Three young men from this ehurch were orrlalnerl at one lime.

Miss Allen Is n nntive of Ma· son, where she IVa' eonveJIC'd and hcntd het• first cnll to Chris tlan service. After· grnlluntlon from f<nlamozoo Tr.ndters col· lege, she taught for one year In the Lanslrtg public schools. After a Baptist camp experience, she nccept~d appointment to the Chinese Baptist church al Seattle. She loot) a lenve of absence nfter the first of her 8 yeat•s there, fot' special. stttdy 111 klnderg:trlen worl< nl BMTS She also recetvcd her hncltclor's degree from BM'TS, after some ndrlltlonal sludy there nncl at BeJ·Iwley Bnp 11st Divinity school.

Book Talk Houra OJten at Hnll Momarlo.l Ubrory1

Mnr~<m, nre Mondny thro'llRb Sllturdny, 2:00 to 5:30, fuesdny and Friday naana, 11 :30 to l·OO; Tua11di1y and Thurada.y evanlnga, 7:00 to 9•00; Soturdn)lo 10:00 to 12:00 noon.

Mny is lhe month of spring

I. l'

Baptists to Hear Radio Preacher At lheh• meeting In Drotrolt

:rom Mny 1U In ~~. Co1rscrvnt!vc Baptjats Will h011r Dr•, CIH\l'lcs E, i'uller of the Olrl F'nshloned Re· 1lvEil Hour. '!'he lflghlnml Pnrl1 li!Jlllst chur·ch will be 1 he host

·.hmch to some 2,000 rleleflnles frnm nil over· the country.

I~ cut UI'Cd spcnlwrs hesldes Dl', fo'ullcr will he Dr. M. R DeHaan 1f the Rnrllo Bible C!Jtss In Grnnrl ftnplcls, Dr W, A Criswell from Dnllns, 'l'cxns, nnrl Dr, .Jnmes McGinlny from Brool<lyn, New Yorl<.

Meetings will he heir! from 9:30 u. m. until 8:30 p. m. at which time the Ienture1! speaker~ will nddress the delegutes. 'l'he Mtch· lgnn State F'nh• Coliseum will l1e nr. Chul·lt·s 1~. Fulll'l' the scene nf the r.loslnr,: meeting. Dr, l~tlllcr Is sdtedulcd to< lllthll ntw will ht> held 111 I he host nl I his meeting. I C"hurch whll'lt I;; lrll'aled ut 25

All meetings except fm the l~ot r1 ave tilt£!, lllgiJJ,uul Put·l<.

Methodists Plan For Fami~y Night

F'anuly nigh I• will , be !wid .lt Lhe Mason Methodist chLll'cli ThUJ'sday, M<iy 6, ul 6:81l p, m

Dinner· will be ~erved. 'I' his is 1 he lust family nlglti supper of the c!turch ycnr.

In cmnmcmornt Jon of nat tonal family week, a gifl will he" pre· sented to the J,n·gcst family at· tending.

A special worship SC!I'VICc cen­teJed around children, will he g1vcn. Feature of the evening ~~ a new colored moving picture en· titled, "For Every Child" The lllm points up the rcsponsihillly of the churches for· more c!JiJ. dren than ever lieforc in history.

Henry Liddicoat Plans to Retire

Okemos Baptists To Hear Evangelist

Alaslait· CnmClon Wnil<er will be thP cvangPii~t ncxl week at a serif's of 111Ci!IIngs al I he Okl•mos B<iptlsl l'hurch lie lVIII be ,;penk· lng al liw to::JO a. m. anrl 7:30 p. m scrvlcP:; on May n and 1G anrl nightly dul'ln,_; lhe Wl'ei< at 7:30 p, Ill.

Wallwr was horn of Scot· tlsh mi~sion,ny pnrenls In South Afl'i1•n. lie r·nmc lo America to illlcnrl tlw Norllwrn Baptisl Scm· inary in Chlc<tgn from which he grariLinterl In 1951. He now mnkcs !tis home In Waco, Texas,

He has been holdmg succe~s· ful meetings throughout the coun. lry.

Each morning during the week of May lO through 15 at G a, m. there also will h<! speclnl meet· ings on the sUIJ]ccl "The Be· Jievcr and lhe Holy Spirit."

Noble Road News tof.~"Mass will he snid at the chap· ';hip ~crvicc; 8 p. m, Melhodisl tee··~ Pp p, ~·· ~vemng s~tV· el·nt the corner of South Jcffer· Youth Fellowship and Bible ch;ir m~ti:·. one ay evemng, so,rr:•nnd Che~ry slr'Pels at R::iO study

1 MJdWPek ,Jc~otionnl, serv·l praye{. ~nd Ji,~: s:~,~JyTh~l:~~d~

Sti\11Jay mormng Icc VI ednesday cvemng, 8 o clock. m. F'rlday mght, the F'idelcs class

-- -- pnrty In the church parlors }NJ!Ihuust.m JUcthodlst, Rev. nunsvllll• Ft't'P iUetholilst, Rev. Thosr. allending are to lake !able

Hornce James, pastor: Chu:r.h r.r. E. Moore, paotor·. 10 n. m, scrvicr. and a pw. On Mny 20 I he school, 10 n. m ; worslltp service, Sunday school; Mother's Dny film "Prim· Claim," a sermon ll,n. m.; You!11 Fellowslup, jun. progr?m. 11 a. m., Hpccial service from oclence, will be shown nt ior group, 5 p.m.; senior group, linnormg motheis, 7:30 p. m, the church at 7:45 p. m. 6 p. m. Choir practice, Wedncs· Young Peoples service followed daty. 7 p, m. by 11 message by I he paslor.

I H ld M d Mrs . .Toe Dean, Mrs. A. B Ball, S e on ay Mrs. Ray Perl<ins, !\Irs. F'

Rathburn, Mrs. Glen Coon, Mrs. Members of the Mason Method· W.tync Bullen, Mrs. Evelyn Shnf·

ist chtll'['h held thou· annual hust·/ Jer, Mrs. Arlhur Jewett, Mrs. ness mceling Mnnrlay evening Cll.fford Petty, and Mrs. L. C. with Dr William II. !Iclrigcl of Ot1s. . . Albion presiding. Dr. Jieh igel 18 Wayne .Bt!llen 1s chan·mnn of rlislricl superintendent of lite the c~mmtsston on worship, mem· Lansmg·Alhion dist1 1ct. hersh1p ami evnngellsm Other

'T'rnslces, slcwards o~ml com· mission l'iwtnncn weir. elcclerl lo per form the lntsmess of the church in the commg year.

cl!iurman are: Rex Stribley, com· mission on cducatton; Glen Coon, mmmission on missions; and \Vii· liam F'. Dart, commission on finance.

flowers ancl of eager young peo· pie preparing to graduate from high school nnd colleges to lake their places In 1 he world of adults. Th1s is a, good month for remembering the men nnd worn· en who have contributed so much 10 the world and for t·eading ln· spiring biography, The Ingham munly library hns many new bool<s of biography, beside~ 1 he shelves of excellent ones pub llshed in other years.

Completing 'll years as n Mcth odi£1 minister, Rev. Hcm·y Ltddt· coat plans to retire in June lie Is now completing his thll tl ycnr at Otsego. lie went there Irom Mason. He has served other pns· torates in Osseo, Leslie, Brccl<en· ridge, Buchanan, Big H.uptds, Kalamazoo, Batlle Creel< and Grand Ledge.

!\II'S. Rosellml nowen

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith were up norl h at their l'Oll age Snturday and Sunday,

AgnPs Moran of Allen Part< is vl~tlmg al the Carl Bowens for a few day~.

Mrs LoLteltn Bowlin of Lnn· smg visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Bowlm SatLirday

1 Prnyer meeting Wcdn0sday eve· Wllllam!iton Bnpllst, Harold mng al 7:30 at church.

Rqese, pastor. Church school 10 11.1 m. Worship service 11 n. m. J'lfilll·illr• Community, Carfon an~l 7:30 p. 111. Junior and senior F'oliz, pnslor. Wnr ~hip service, grpups 6:30 p. m. Thursday, 10:15 a. m; ~ermon topic, "Moth· Teachers lesson study followed ers' Merits " Baptism hy request. b:(, prnyer servtee at 8 p. m. 11 <1. m, church school. F't·idny, Lljdle~ Baptist Union 3rd Wednes· May 7, nl 7:30 p. 111. will he the d,., 2 p. m. in homes. mother-daughter banquet. Dinner

1 -- for the public TLtesday noon, May

1\lusnn Fit·st Bu)Jtisl, Rev. Clar· cnce Rodd, pnslor; Minam Long-. year, organist; George Murthum, choir clireclor; worship, 10 a. m., Sunclny, May 9; Sunday school, 11:15 a. m.; Paul H~eharcls, Still· day school superintendent. Youth F'ellowship, 6:30 p. m.; evening worship, 7:30 p m ; prayer meet· lng and Bible stud), Wednesday, Mny 12, 7:30 p. m.

Elmer Sf'!tnfleld will head the dturch school as superintendenl.

Trustee< are Glen Coon, Willinm Church Servl·ce F. Darl, llav Petldns, Lynn Bul·

len and Arthm· Zwi<graf. H A Ch d Ollter officer'. me: Lay Iemler,/ ours re ange

Ray Neff; recm rling slcward, Roh·

l~den United Brethren, Herbert 111, foilowecl by a W. S.C. S meet· , pastor. 10 a. m., Sunday 1ng al 2 n'dock.

i 11 n. m., morning wor- ----

lllason 1\Jelhodisl, Raymond L. Norton, pastor. Worship services, LO and 11 :15 a. m ; sermon I heme, "Evel'ybody's Mother." Nursery at both services. Sunday school, 2 sessions, 10 and 11:15 n. m Youlh Fellowship, 6 p. m. Program leaders, Ervin Owen and I<etth Horton nnd re[reshment~ hy Terry Hen! and Douglas Hilton. Albion-Lansing chstnct confer­ence nl Bat tie Creel<, Monday at 7:30 p, m. Women's Society of Chrlslinn Scrvtee hoard meeling, Mondny at 1:30 p, m. Church trustees meeling is Tuesday nt 8 p m. May meeting of the Worn· en's Society of Christian Service, Wednesday nt 1 p. m. Prayer group, Wednesday nl 7 p, m. Mother-daughter banquet, 'l'hurs· day, Mny 13. Miclugan Confer· ence meeting of the Women's So­Ciety of Chrisllnn Set'VICe m Jac,,. son, Friday nt 9:30 a. m.

7:45 p m., Clu islidn En· 8:15 p m, evening serv· m., 'l'ucsclay, choir prac­

m., Wednesday, prayer· . Mrs. EJ,~a!Jeth Irwin, n

national W. C. T. U. orgalllzet·, w)ll ·speak durmg the momtng worship servt~e Sunday, April 23, al' 11 o'clock.

Nm·thw~~t Stockbridge Com. munity, Cm fon l~oltz, pastor. Worslup service, 9:15 a. m ; ser mon topic, "Mothers' Merits." Baptism by tcquest. 10:15, church school. Dtnncr fur the public nt noon on Thursday, May 13, · fol­lowed by n W. S. C. S, meeting.

I ol ---

~ ~ , Vuntown Commuuity, Cnrfon ;d11t BIL!ltlst f•hurch, Rev, C. F'ollz, pnstor Cllllrch school 10 1"

Jqmcs Pasma, pnstl'r. Sunday ' : ·> mo 1 h IJ n. m; worship servtce, 11:15 a.

rn ng wors tp, ' a. m i Stm· m.: ~ermon topic, "Mothers' d9y school, 11 a. m.; Young Peo- Mcnls." Mother anr! daughter pltJ's Christian Fellowship, 6:30 banquet on Tuesday, May 11. p,l m.; Sunday evening service, 7:~ p. m.; mid-week service, We1lnesdny, 7:30 n, m. I .

I . 10kemos Baptist, Rev. John

:Bboko, pastor. Morning service, 10:30, Sunday school, 11:30; Sun· day evening service, 7:30 p. m Y~uth choir, 6:30 p. m. Wednes­dlj.y; adult choir, 9:00 p, m.


tDansville l?t'Cc l\lethorlist, Rev, I~. E . .Moore, pastor. 10 a. m., S~mlay school; 11 a. m., preach· ing service; 7:30, Young Peoples service followed by n message by t~e ' pastor, ~Prayer meetmg \\lerlnesdny evening at 7:30.

' ---..,

juquscl United Bt•eihren, Louis Novotny, pastor. SLinclny school 19 a. m.; worship service, 11 a: 111·i Christian Endeavor, 7 p, m e~angells!lc service, 8 p. m, Choir Ptactlce is held every Wedncsdny n( 7:30 p. m., with prnyer meet· big at 8 p. m.


I ,llolt Nnznrene, Rev. Willinm

I<rlley, pastor. Sundny school, 10 n, m.; morning worship, 11 a.m.; Nt. Y. P. S., 6:45 p, m.; evening e angellstic service at 7:30. Prayer meeting each Wcrlnesday ar the church at 7:30 p. m.

1 Inter-City Bible Oluuch , 2827 E. Michigan, Lansing <XIJr .. n:._,,. at :n a, m. and 7~81

ALL WELCOJ)W Bo;r Patterson, Pastor

First Chmch of Cll!'ist, Scien· tisl, Mason, holds services at the church, comer of Oak and Barnes streets, every Sunday at 11:00. Sunday school is held during the services for pupils up to the age of 20 Wednesday evenmg meet· mg at 8:00 Includes testimonies of Christian Sctence henhng. A public reading room is open nt lhe church every Wednesday and Saturday from 2 to 4. Man's real spiritual status as the perfect Image and likeness of God, not subject to sin Ol' other wenlmess, will be emphasized nt Christian Science services Sunday, May 9 in lhe lesson·sermon entitled "Arlam ancl Fallen Man."

Holt Rt•ojhcrhoorl Tem(>le 1\lollt· mlist, Rev. W1Json M. Tennant, pus tor. Church school, 11 a. m.; morning service, 10 a, m., Moth· cr's Day worship. Anthem, youth choir, "Mille Eyes Have Seen the Glory." Da·ector, Mrs. Tennant. Anthem, chancel choir, director, Mrs .. John Millhlsler. Evening servtees, Sub·leen Youth Fellow· ~hlp for fifth nne! sixth gra,!ers, 5 p m.; 5:15 p. m .. Youth Prayer Cell; 6 p. m., Senlo1· Youth Fe!· lowship for nil juniot• and senior high young people. Chm·ch school classes for all age groups during the 11 a. m. worship service. Frl· dny, Mny 14, ·w. s. C. s. confer­ence at Jncksotl with registration at 9:15 a. ·m. Instnllatlon of lo· cal church W. S. C. S. officers Sunday evening, May 16, at 8 p. m.

Housel l'llrs. Kenneth Bul•er

The Christian Endeavor busi· ness meeting will be held Thurs. day evening, May 6, nt the home of Mr. nne! Mrs Kenneth Buker.

Leon Gillett underwent an ap· pendectomy nt the Foolc hospital in Jaclcson Wednesday nigh!, April 28.

Mrs. Kenneth Evans entered Mercy hospital in Jackson last Wednesday and returned to her home on Saturday,

Mrs, Artie Wood spent the weel< end with her daughter, Mrs. Grnce Winslow at Eaton Rnplds.

Mr. nne! Mrs. Mer! Van Dorn and Jim of Parma and Mr. anrl Mrs. Bob Utterbnck nncl family of Haslett, Miss Wilma Pulver of Mason and Evelyn Gillett were Sunday rllnnet• guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Causie and famtly. They celebrated the birthday an· mversnries of Mrs. Vnn Dorn and John Causie. In the aftcmoon Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Bnlley of Jnci<· son and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hunt and Dean of Pm·mn were Sunday evening callers· at the Cnllsle home.

crt Walker: tleasmcr, w. 0. A n?w schedule of serv1ces of Hall; financial secretary, Mrs.J worship nnd church school will he Lennagenc Swenrmgen; tr;:;;:. started S~mday, !Yfny 9, at the urer of benevolences, Mrs. Mil· I Ol~emo~ Commuml~ church. Wor· clred M!•Donnlrl; communion, Mrs. ship Wtll be at 9:4;) nn~ 11 n. m. Langley Rnyner, w. s. c. s on the nc\~ ~chedule ~nstcad of president. MrR. Louts Sl1tl; nnd !J.30 n_nd 11.3:> a: hefo1e. lay member for annunl confer· Durmg. the 9:4o_ servtce the high cnce, Mrs. Lelrtnd Auslm, school pnmnry, kindergarten, p1:c·

school and nursery classes wtll Other slewnrds nre Wn;•ne Bul· meet, as well as the Frtendl:>• and

len, M.1rcus llnnnn Glen Oeslcr~e. Fellowship groups Durmg the 11 Glen Dunn, Joe Dean, Rex Strtb· a. m servtce the juniors, seventh ley, A11o.n Stroud, Melv~n Slroull,. ancl eighth grade classes as well ~~-~~'.s_._::~~nd_A:Isf_I_J~-~:r~lllt ,1s the Kum-Dubl and Collell"e WAim UP ANn LIVE! ~g~oups Will be 111 session. Th~re

, . will be n nursery and Jlllllor Nearly lwtce us many falnhtl(!s ('hurch nlso clurlng the second

o~eur 111 "Jail-asleep" highway ac· ~;r.sston The plan is nn experi· ctdents ns 111 any olher lunrl, re· ment to run from May 9 until ports Employer~ Multwls of June 20 when the summer schccl· Wmtsau. Long·dtstance c\nvers ule Will be in effect. shoLiicl go easy on bread, polnloes Mother's Day services will rea· and olher f.tarchy unci greasy lure specml music by the choirs foods; en~ lightly because heavy and the sermon, "The Qunlities of meals mnt<e you drowsy; get out Grent Mothl:!rs" by the minister, nn.l stretch oflen, nnd, above all, David s Evans In the evemn pull off 1 he r.ond If you can't the Youth Fello~ship will meet ;; stave off sleepmess. 7 p. m. in the parlors.

0 tastP :mel see that the I,ord i"i good. (Psalm ) ~Vho satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth Is rcnt•wed lil<e the eagle's. (Psalm 103:5.) Read Acts 16:1-15.

Lake Louise, high in the Canadian Rockies, is one of nature's most beautiful spots. This smooth, blue lake stretches out to a glacier-capped mountain. Two thousand feet above Lake Louise is another lake, tiny Lake Agnes. The winding footpath from Lake Louise up to Lake Agnes is a hard climb. But the air is bracing, the scenery thrills, and the glacier touches the water's edgt?.

At a tea room by the lake, we were se••ved hot biscuits strawberry jam, and coffee. The physical exercise, the gOl'~ geous scenet·y, the invigorating air and the food made a wonderful combination. ' '

One of the best of the new !Jool<s is BENJAMIN FRANK· LIN, by L. Bernard Cohen 'rhis is n study of lhe achievements of this great man, and of his con· tributlons to the American trndl· lion, rather than an account of the events of his life, and 11 Is hasecl upon and illustrated by ex tensive quotations from Frank· lin's own works. As the author says, he wns "America's first humorist, in the tradition of Marl< '1\vain, Mr. Dooley and Will Rogers," beside!i being one of our greatest statesmen.

Another 111ore recent humorist who hns become something of a national hero is the subject of OUR WILL ROGERS, by Homer Croy, This is a full-length, sym. pn the tic biography which has drnwn on the reminiscences ol Hogers' old Arl<ansas and Okln· homa cromes, and of latter day friends such as Charles A. Lind herg, Gene Buck and others, be· sides the other nvnilubll! matertal on thts cheerful gum chewing, rope·spinnmg, phlloso)Jher who has been so eulogized during the past 2 decades.

SCENES AND PORTRAITS, by Vnn Wyc;1 Brooks Is the auto· hiography of quite a different kind of person, a ltterary hislor ian, who reminisces here on hi~ childhood and youth in New Eng· Janel. Those readers who have en Joyed his FLOWERING OF' NEW ENGLAND and other bool<s of our nuthor will not want to mtsF thts one about the writer himself.

THE TRACK OF MAN by Henry Field, is the story of an importanl anthropologist who was n member of the well·knowr Chicago family although htmseiJ reorecl in Englund. If you are in terested in archeology and ethno grnphy you will find this bool< exciting reading; and, if you hnVI never before been Interested in such ntbjects you are likely to find that you have been missing something worth discovering. Dr. Field has n gift for imparting his own enthusiasm to the reader.

LABRADOR NURSE, by B . . 1. Banfill, Is the Inspiring story of n heroic woman who was con· nected with the Grenfell Mission in 1928 and again in 1942. Nurse Banflll stresses the deep satis· faction of the work with the courageous Labrador p e o p 1 e rnthet• than the loneliness and the hm·dshlps which she endured making a stQI'y of s-ervice which Is well worth reading,

Other interesting new books lor adults Include the following:

Eyes of Boyhood, by Clyde Brion Davis.

-A ScrgeiJ.nt Named Batista, by Edmund Chester.


JffiALS J'llnson Pt·e.'lbyblt•lnn, Pn'ul L. Arnold, minister. Sunday, 10 a. m., Mother's Dny service of wor· ship. Sermon, "Parental Infht· encc." Special music by the jun. lor and senior choirs; 11:15 n. m., church school. The junior dcpnrt· ment wlll entertain mothers of members as guests. 6 p. m., West· minster Fellowship with Louie Sheldon. Monday, 7:30 p. m., ses· slon meeting. Thursdny, 6:30 p. m., junior choir rehearsal; 7:30 p. rn., senior choir rehearsal.

Mrs. Gloria Todd ancl sons of J ncl<son were Friday even lng callers of Mr. nnd Mrs. Austin Todd.

God has greater treats for us in sphitual food. He st.imu,lates ~u,r spiritl!al appetites as we work fo~· Him. By clnnbmg spiritual he1ghts, we get the proper v1ew .of life. ~he': we breathe deeply the love of our F.ather, we rejoice m domg good. When we feed on His Holy Wo1·d and pray we rejoice in the strength He gives. '

Far, Far from Home, by Ruth McKenney.

LAVIIIallen to Your God-Given Health'•

Station CKLW

Mrs. Austin Todd, Mrs. Leon Causle and Mrs. Kenneth Baker we1·e among those who attended the annual achievement day at Fairchild theatre in East Lansing Tuesdny.

Feed maltes up rriore thnn GO'I'c of the cost of raising broilers, poh~t out poultrymen at Michigan State college, Don't use It for litter, · , ... , - , ___ . __ .., __ ..,~_


Om· Fat her, "'': thnnk Thee for Thy Word And its strengthen· lng JlOWet• fm· the notll'lshment of our souls. llel11 us to 11eek Thee bt the JU•lmcy of out• homes, nnd nurture one anolhe1• In the Clu·Jst­llke wny of life. In Clll'lst's name. Amen.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Spiritual work stimulates our appetite for spiritual food.

-Maxey Jarman, Manufacturer, (Tennessee) 1

Forty Plus and Faney Free,. by Emily Kimbrough.

Qreenel' Field~, by Allee Mar rlott.

Long Wednesdays, by Earl Chapin. ,

Seven Steeples, by Margaret Henrichsen.

Stemming the Tide, ll,Y Wins· ton Churchill.

'l\yo Eggs on My Pla,te, by Oluf Olsen. · St.lllmeadow and 'Sttgqrbl'ldge, by Gladys T.pber •

As a young man of 18 he came Io the United Stutes to work 111

the Upper Peninsula coppE'r mines. He left lhc mines to study tor the ministry,

Tlliir! Johnson of Lansing wns n Sundny dinner guest of Mr. and l\frs. Cat I Bowen att-1 family.

' In Mason Rev. Liddicoat was Qctlve in all community affairs. lie was a member of the Mason Kiwanis club. Under his ministry extensive remodeling of the church edifice wns done.

Mrs 'Ltl GoPtz has been In !Jed the past week because ot an in· Jured foot.

OitvP Smith enterlnincd lho Red Ccrlnr-Mericlian extension group nt her home last Wedncs. dny evening.

Spring Fur Special Your Old Fur Coat

Re-Styled Into tho new. exciting l9ill·

19115 fMhlon

Cape- Jacket Coat Stole

GIVEN FREE To Every Customer


A chemlcally·tl'ented ct•thu· s tornge bag.

BCilutlftJhtew sntiullnln~o:, dcuulng. uno mothJll'oofing. SATISFAC'J'ION GUARANTEED

I will cnll at your llomt• with many sl;ylcs to t•hoose ft•om Photu~ evenings for an appointment

Phone 2-1481 Netty Furs

Van's Service

•• ~·.:: .. . I

+ Tune-Ups


+ Lubrication

.. Wheel Balancing

+Brake Work

-t: Small Engine Repair


Goody~ar Tires ancl Batteries

C. A~ s~ Finance Plan \ 24-hour Road Service


Days Call 4641"' Nights Call 2·4971

. ..

Van~s .Service , , . · . ,SI~clair Proclucts

Michigan State Plans Big Time This Week End

A OVISI~ I~ARJ-Y Fi1'AUT High llchoo! atllclcnts who wish

to mnlw cnglncmlng their r.uref'l should tnlw ull ~0111 HI's In mnthc mn t I< s nnrl science nvnllllhle wlthlr1 lhch cu1 rlculum, mlvlsr s F.mplnycr s Mut uniH of Wnusnu which 111m oliHH' ]UJ ga r.ompen~n lion companies, employs mnny englnem s Br.cnusc of the rigidity of college engineering coLu scs, en glnr.crlng minded stmlents shmilr! stnrl prPp 1rlnr-: fot theft cnrecr s lonr-: lmfrn P enter lng c ollegc

Legal Notices

Mlchl~nn Stntc collogc will npdtl Its rlom s to llll oxpcctr.!l 2 000 pnrcnls Mny A un!l !l nt the fll(l! th unnunl "Parents D 1y' \1 ec>lt c nrl

Among •,tudrnt events sdwcl ulr.d for the wroelt r nd nrc the r ngh11 r ring exposition lntcrnrt Honnl fr.stlvnl nnd the HJHing "C.H en .llld White" lntr n " font}lllll gmnr nt Mnr ltlln stn chum

A SJWd II rr..rtmr. tl1is ~l'.n will hr c ollrr,ttlro ConwhHit 1 pru f'l 1111 of Pnll'll ilnmrnt fm Jllll c nt' o11 SJitllrlty In the Union b,tllll f>lll .11 H 31! Jl m

'I lr lwts will hr rm s.tle rrl lhr M trldtn st trllnm JPl~ flll the nn fool h til g nnr. nl 2 30 Jl m S tlllld 1y No ollwl home .tth lrt11 cvrnls ue pl.1nnrd

On Sn1111rln;; r~glslrntJOn o[ pHenh will cuntintu• 111JOllghoul 1111' d 1;; .tl tlu I~ellogg Cenll't fen (onllnurng Ldurttron Other r venls ,rlso ,tl KPilogg will rn r\ndc r,et trqutlnted coffee ses st n1s Rose Bowl nnrl g tme films

11 I 30 lllri 2 30 p m , nnd ,, I 30 p m I tl.t hy M11 hq~an Slale col lr J•r 1'1 ~sldl'nl John A ll.nmnh

Ingham Students Visit Greenfield

01Jc n hou s will he held at WI<Ml IV I he c nnpus tc!evtslnn sl.rllnn, 111rl 11 Olin Mr mont! IH• Jilh center J.tchn st.tlron \NKAH 111d the Mlr hlgnn St.tte coiiPI c llliiHCUm A c.ulllnn con r c II II 1\111 Stole lllllcge s Hc.llllllonl Inwu wrll l1lw pi.Hr>

>I 'i p m TnrltVHiutl ltvlng umts tl n h lVI' 111 urged welcomes nncl

cnlcllllnmrnl for \tsrtors INewJc:m;cy) Labotat!Jly where An otg,111 1ullnlln the Alumm the grent wtzacd devrloped some

Mcmorr t1 rh ipPI \\Ill he he.nrl for Ills most ' contnbu Sunl 1;; 1t 12 lOp m Clnsmg tlJC twns to scwnce J he phonogc.tph 111 r.l1 l'nrl \1 rll bP the 1nnuall elellrtc light 111d cmbon 1elr sototrl;; suw rr concert nf group phone transmlll<'r \IH II mus1r !Jy llir women o( --,--Mtclllg 111 Slntr roliege s soronl;; lwtt,es nt 2 p m Sunda~ 111 11!1' b.tnrJctwll 1'111 s Gc!lumlstcm

Wheatfield Dist. No. 3 Mt tn,l Mrs Taite Strobel and rl11lrhen called on Mr nnd Mrs

I,tlhan I 01 ~mnn Gem gr. Phtlllp' Saturd,ty evcmng Sr.\ernl women o[ the exten nnd \tsited nt the Ed Strubel

ston group attended arhlevcment home Sundrry afternoon dnv rt tiJP rollrge rrl East Ldnsmg Donny Strobel celebrated hts J Ltesd I) bnlhday nnnrversmy lasL Tluns

Mts Prnnk Church entertnrncd clay evening wrlh Mr and Mts tlte Bit lllda;; Gnls rrt het home Ed Lewrs Mr and Mrs George I Inn sd t) nrr-:hl for din net rn Plulhp~ anrl Mt and Mrs Ed honot ol Ethel P<ttr!Cit Guests waul Strobel and cluldten atteml wcce Mrs Emrly Grtmms M1s lng M rrgaret IIayhoe M1s Fiotence Mrs AI Semite and chllchen vis Mts August King were guests Smtth l'vh s Beulah Rohmson !led at the homes of Archie and Sunday at the Mll<e I{lng home M1 s hntlu yn Swan of Mason and Elched House on 1\londay Mrc Elton Cnsady was hostess Mts (,ct tte lit !Is of Wrlllamston Mrs Hattie Seelhoff and Mrs at a stork shower last Wednes C nc!s were the cltvetslon of the Treasa Settz wete Sunday vrsrtors day mght honormg Mrs Edward e\enlng nmt Mrs Palltclt was pre of Ml and Mts Chatles St 1ffotd Betnlm sPntcd \1 tlh 1 luncheon cloth Ml and Mts Char)~s Stnffotcl Joanne West retlllned to

1\IJ and Mt s Llmnger have gone to London Ontauo I school rn Ypsilanti after a sick· nnrl l\11! and MI s Robelt rare cnnada, where Mt Stafford will ness man spent Sundny fislung at Wrg recerve medrcal treatment Mrs Edward Bernier was host w 1m lm~ t1 Lake HUlon Bm A d G M H b t ess at a lmgeue party Thmsday hu L l'memnn spent Sunday with u rev teen 15 u er afternoon lrcot ,.::r.uHtp,uents Mt and Mrs Brown, Mr and Mts Ruben Mrs Mattte Seymour vrsltecl f:lcy Foreman llld J,met .md Mt Rohde ami Mrs May Davrs and Mrs Lee Ge1h udsteln last

Gene wr.te last week callets at tnd Mts Harold Dmow of Ma the Lee Gerhatdstem home Judy Wednesday evenmg son and Nell Ann Dunevtn spent Sun Mt and Mrs George Glovet

Sunc!n~ clmnm guests a[ Mt day night Wtlh Mts Gerhmd and chlldtcn vtsited telatJves m nnrl Mts Metle Swan we1e Mts stein Alma Sunday L;; dw swnn aml Ben and Mt tml Mt and Mt s George Van De Mrs Glen West, Mr and Mrs 1\1ls Dnnelll'tslt and sons of Ma mallt and cluldten md Chmles Net! West and Mts Roy West son M1 s L~ clta Swan nml Mrs Vdn Demmlt vt•ttecl at the Rob and clulciien vtslted Patrolman D~rtell Frsk attended tl,e 0 E eJI relton home Sunda~ honol Roy West at Bay Ctty Sunday s mothm daughter hrealdnst rng Mt F'elton s hnlhdny Chmles Van Demarlt spent the Sunrln~ .tl the town lltll m Dans vetsary week end wrth Mt nnd Mrs vtllc 1s gnesls of Mt s Met ie Ml and Mrs Roy Kmg Robet t relton and famtly Swan Laura King and Mt .uul Mrs A son Roger Lee wns born to

1\lt :mel M1s Elmer Ctandall Loyal Shepler called .tl the El Mt nnd Mts Elclted House on and tamtl\ who l1nve lived m the ched House home Sunday Aplll 22 fmmec 1-,rmt Pollock home for Mr and Mrs Leo Chtcl{ were Mt and M1s Loyal Shepler some lnne ue mo1mg lo Ros luncheon guests Sunday mght at Mt .mel Mrs Hmold Smttlt, Mt common the Gwce Sllobel and Vrclol .tml Mrs G1ay~on Smtih and Mt

rhutsdrr;; 111ghl cnlle1s of M1 Cheney home and Mts Loyal Shepler Jt• we1e ami Mts Rohetl rowman were M1 and Mrs Vrclol' Cheney l\!J tnd Mr' Arlo l'oteman dlld called on the lntter's mothe1 nL Ste\ e of Mdson .md Mt and Mr" 'the Howell ltospttal Sunday Vrr. Oils .111<1 sons of Leslie Ftl Mt and Mrs George l<tng and d.rv 111ght callers were M1 nne! children Mt ancl M1 s Ho\\ ard Jilts Prnnk I mmger of D.msvtlle

1 Kmg and famtly and Mt and

~ (OffEEMAmR

Test sotl at least once 111 every ctop rotatton-Just befote plow mg a sod Thai s advtee !tom Mtdllgan St,rle college soil spe ctaltsts

G1ve Iter the assurance of n perfect cup of coffee every mne Correct water temperature, agltnt1on, brewtng ttme controlled automnucnlly Has stam· less steel filter

' No more cooking failures because you get the perfect Cotllrolfed H e11t for more dehc1ous food by s1mply setung the FRY·GUIDil d1al Marvelous new water· sealed element You can Immerse tho pan for qu1ck, c11sy washtng.

Mason Home Appliance Phone 2-5911


WELCH-Mny Z7 1954 Slnlu of M lcl Kll.f The }11 ohnt Court

!o1 t1 ( onnty or J r J.Chr Ill At. 1~ tl~tHllun of t1 d J ( t hrll nt tl

PI obnt OIT!ct In the City of I untt r ;r 111 • ld County o th< lllth day uf Atlll A D 19" I

p, CKulll liON JudKe of P1obnlc

In the Mntter of th Eotnto of ALl'llA E WELCH DcceuKcd

Alv n E llo 1 tlf'" h ,viiiK file! In Hnid Com L hltt 1 titian PIRYinv. thnt Hnul Caul t ndJuU cnt£! unU Ut.!tt!l mmo who we v t the l mt> of his dcnth the lcgnl htlrll or tmld d(-!Cl'l R~d '"I enLillecl to lnhct t the 1cnl cHinle of which Knld de CIIUU 1 tlicd Sell d

lt. II\ Otdt!IHtl thnl il ( .. 7th lay of Muy A ll IIJ/i4 nt. two c clock an the nfte~noon 1 t Lho PHllntu OJ£1ct ~Ofi \V Snglnnw St LnnHinH Mlcl lu \11 bt nnd IK he1 uby nJIJIOintell for ht!UiiiiK tmld I'C" t tlon

1 t. IH I u1 ther Orll11 cd thut fJUbllc no­tice Lhe1eof be ~lvun by 1 uhllc 1tlon of n eoJly of Lh!H 0 fo1 thrt c H ICC('SR!Ye Vi u kK 1 rev Ia 1S to :;1 id lny of !1 Rl t ~ 1n the Ingh1 m Cou1 ty News n ne,\KflUJICt 11rant~d nn I ell culutcd Ill Htd I county und thnt tho 1 etlt10ne1 m Hnid m11tl1 t R'IYC known lnttnHitcd Jlntllt:t! ndtlltlonul notice UH 1 t qui red. by lnw

JOHN McCLELLAN Judtee of Probntu A True Copy

Ruth Schilllel ooL Dt:l ty HeK1r1tet or Proh lt

A raue Co11Y Ruth Sd llt>c ool l)fl/lllY Regu!lCI of Ptobntc


CRAIG-June 2 1954 Stall of M ehiKun I he l'1obnto Court

Coo tl Co lly ol II Kil m At n t~et~tuon l r ~nul 1. omt h hi a l th~

Prot te Oillec In Lhc City or Mo HOII Ill H 11 I County 01 the h d I y of M lY \ ll 1n11

P1c"nt HON JOHN McCLELl \N Jutl~c at Pt obntc

In thu Mnltu ol the E•lnte of S I \N LF.Y CRAll llocoiiHC I

Ellznl cth Co11n: W dtc1• lnvln~ filed 111 g ld Cout t. hcl 1 etat on 1 uyln~ Lhnt HJW.l Coual 1 IJwllc h.! nnd dl'lu manu who Wcl c nt. the time or 1111 denth the It HUI hells of tmld deccnH(Hl und cnt tied to mhclll lhu cnl l!lllnte or \\hlch linhl du· Ci IHtd died IH!I~cd

It I• Ordered thnl the 2nd dny of Junu A D Ill r; I 1 t. tcn·lh1rty o cloel< 111 the fmcnooh llt the P1obut Olflct nl ~Ofi Went SnKIIIIIW St Lnnnln~ Mid• Kiln be 1ll1d 111 h~acby 1 ttiiOintctl fol bu1 linK Kll d !)Clition

It In 1m thc1 Oo del eli Tlmt tmbilc no· t ce theteof be j(!Vcl\ by puhlicl\liOil O( U t!OI y o[ thiH ott.l<:l fat tluec t~tccut:!IVc wcekH tucvlaus to tmnl dny or hcna ng 111 tho Irurhnrn County Newas ll newt~Jmtu.n printed nnli ch culntcd In Hlthl County nnd thnt. Hnhl lluLILIOIIIH 01 hc1 ntlotney ..:lvu known Interested pnalitlB mldltlonnl noth~t lUi rcquued by lnw

JOHN MeCLELLAN Jn<IKO of P1 obnt< A True CollY

Uobcrt L Dutko 1\eKIH!el or Probntc

Divorces Granted :Marlha E Sent• v• Sid> ey W Sonh

Dlvorco At~tll 21 Betty J Scbolt vs Robct"t B Scbo!L

Dlvorcu At~rll .3 Mn•lne D nt•hotl VH Qdel1ioUH m.hoc>

Divorce At>rll 23 Donuld R llnnnnn v• June E Bnnnnn

lllvorcc At>rll 23 Con•lnncc G Bell v• Perry W Dell

Dlvoacc At>rll 27 Nnncy A Johnnon va Willie H John·

aon Dlvotce Atllll 26 Mnry L Clcgho>n vn John F CI•K·

horn Divorce A1>rll 23, Theodoro W>iRht vn Beverly Wright

Dlvotcc A111ll ~3 Beverly L Neweorne1 vn Jnme• D

Newcomer Divorce Acnll 23 Bobble N Unll v• LuthCJ D Hull Dl·

vorec A111li 23 Con•tnnce C JlouKhloilnK vo Robert

L Uongbtolln~ Divoree Ar>rll 23.

~~~~~~==~===============~=~=~~===~?==~====~=~~==~ DuhlL Gl.~n Vh~~A G~ ,,. Ieite Divorce A1n ll 23.

GERALD L GRAHAM County DilLin Commtllslon~l

of tl o County of lnghnrn 17w


JAHNKE-Julv 12, 1951


CAMERON-July 9 1054 Stnto of MlchiKlO tho P10b11ll CoUll

fot the County of lnu:hnm At. 11 Ht HHian of ~mid Court held 1 l lhe

Ptobnte Olflc~ 111 the CltY or l..t m~!n!f In the I:IU.Hl County 0 \ tho .. iHh lluy or Alllil A )) IUG1

P1cHent HON JOHN McCLELLAN JutlKO or PI Obi le

In Lhc Mnttcr of tho E•lnte or HARRY L CAMERON llce<~o.od

1l nJtiU.!ItlnK to t.hc Com t Lhnt the Lime for 1 tettunt lt.lon of clnlmK ltltnlnst RI\Hl eHLute Hhoultl bu llm1tc 1 nnd thut n time nnd Jlllcu bt ILlll olntcll to HClllve exumlnu nnd tUIJUKt all clr lm11 1 1 I de mnndg ngaunst H ld dccc \Mtnl by und hu fore snld Coull nnd tlmt tho lc~nl hoh• of rmld dcccnReU enlatlcd to inhe1lt the CMlnle of which Kl id dccenscd dam! "e\letl ohould be ndludaonted nnd determined

It In 011ie1ed 1hnt nil th 1 cJcdltor• of tsnlll deccmwd 1 tc 10 jUiltd to I reKent Lheu cluimH In wtlllnK und under o th ua 1 rovided by atntute to Knld Court nt. the P1obuto Office nt ~or. Wc•t SIIKI· nnw St1cct LnnKing Mlchigun on o befo1c the 9th oiny of Jut~ A D 1061 a\L ten o cloek In the fo1cnoon 1mhl time 11.11d plnco behiK hereby nt1J1olntcll fn1 the c>urnlnntlon nnd ndl ••tmont or nll elulml'l nnd demnndH ugnlnaL tmld dl! eeuHcd nnd for lhtJ utljutllcntlon unci d" turmlnnllon of the IU:!hK nt ltw of Ht\ld dcCcllHCd nt tho time or hlt1 lll!Uth Cl\• title! to Inherit the eHtntc of whlelt tho dtCCUIII~tl died t!Citcd

It lo l"urther Ordered, Thnt t>ubl!c no• tlce thereof bo glvon by r>ubtleutlon of 0. COli)' of thlu oldcl once eneh \\leek for thue Ruec:euttlve wcoks vrovloua to anld duy of heullllK In tho Ingham County Nuw~ n neWtiPI\IU!t printed n.nd ch cu luted In snld county nnd thnt the ftducl· lilY of onld eatnto Kive known lntere•led l>ntllc• uddltlonul nollcc "" 1cquiocd by law

JOliN :Mc.;Jl,ELLAN, A T1 uo Copy Judge of P<obntu Ruth BehliJ•etoot Dci>Uty ReRiole> of PI obnto

lngl1am County N~ws Mi!V 6, 1954

Council Proceedings

The Mother's Day Gift

She'll Really Enioy

Page 1 r; W\JI



~A ~ ROCKER will fit into YOUR HOME and giv ~you MORE PLEASURE· MORE COMFORT than any chair you may buy


124: E. Ash

In Gund R1 Ids

Home Funlislrittgs OPEN FllJ,I)AY NIGHTS

Celebrate Michigan Week


Michigan Products

. ' J

lnuhm County News Mily 6, 1954 Pauc 8

Ji1rr•• ,, Mr~. Mny Jleecl !IIIli MrH, Mlnnlo C!llll'lillll.

with Mr, nnrl Mr~. Josso Curnp· hell,

Elhol Pluunl viHltml Stmrln,v wllh Donnn ,Tttno BnttOJ' nnd In tho n!lornoon I hoy ~,tllc•Ll 1111 COl'· In Rclmabr!h•nui'IJ,

Stockbridg~ Items Mrs. Helen Beeman

l'I'IIYI'I' l'lurvlcur; Am Hole!

C I E h , Mr. 111111 Mr~. Lnvorn Oil of , l'lll'lit;s Wlnlo ntlenriPd 11 linn· oup e XC anges jiowPII H(lPIII Hltllll'ciny wllh 1\lt. lj!IPI Ill Mit hlgnn Stn\P c·niiPVO unci MrB, Dolton 011. 'l'u~srlny PVc rtlng hc,'norlng HnlJ;h

Marrl• !llge t.fn~.NS 1•0 Dttntw l(ltlo,y Is u,,r;lstlng at Yn11ng, wlto Is JP\Itlng as nlltlotle ~~ lf 11.1 i31'1Wn'::; drug- HIOIP rll!Pt•ltll' 11111'1' a~ l'!.!IIIH Ill Mlc Ill·

Rura~ ijth Graders Visit Mason High

MI!Hon ltlgh school pupil~ Wei c 'lwsts In I'Ul'fll Plghtlt glltclers :ruosdny Ht tltr• sf'l'ollri .r•unto~l n!,ghlh gt'rtrlr. VIHII.tthnt clny.

Mr·H. r·:d Mdnll'e unrl Vln••Pnt worr• In 1~11111 Sunrlny viHI\Ing tltl' fonner·'H rlnughter unrt nllwr fiiPtlliK,

I~J•fclny r•,tll~rs at tho Wllllnm Grl!'ll!!l' ltomo wom Mr, anrl Mrs c, w. I lnwltlns of Munith. Mr. nnrl Mr H Lnwlon llorlglen o! Dnnsvlllo, Miss .Jessie WuiiWI' or Detroit nnrl Miss Ruth Wallwr· of Mllwnulwe, WlsconHin, vlsllcd llw G.urwrs Snturdny £!Vonlng, Mt•, nnrl M1 s. Gnnll'l' spent Ins( WOP I< end wlt h Mr. nnrl Mt·s, r~ml Towm;ond nt Indian Hlvcr. Ilnh M,ty Townsend nnd Wilma nc ~umpanled tlt£!m,

Mayor Exchange Is Held Monday

S J ( ,JnrnPH rtowlunrl, Hohe11 D.1nce1 gnn StrJIL! '"llegn: unuay e~·emony nnrl Dl·. 1•', G. llPhnPI' fllll'llrlPII 1\!J·~ ('lydp llow!PI\ nnrl Lor· I'l'llyer• oOl'Ylcl'o WeJe liPid Ill J>J·e."llyler•y 11t ,Jilllfl"Vlilc• )',I"\ 1 ''!Ill

~ ,, " l.r Ill' " s llllc•tHIPrl IIH• 0, 1~. S. the Milner• f11ncrnl hnmr. on Mnn· l1miJ.Irn Ilazell rl, 11 ·hlPI \VOPI\, M,1y moiiH•r .tlld cl.rughtPr' hrcnJ<·

Forty Pigltth gmc\Pt s fl om lh!' Pnnnun, DougLIH, c;Ptmun, Hob hlns, RrJifl'. I\tpp l~riPn, llllh hnrcl, BuJncs, Ctll ilcP, ,Alll'l'illls Center .t!HI Bui!Pn sr•llools wcw visitors.

'l'hiH !wing Mlr•hl!(nn W!'ek, tiro !•'Pit Plain, :whnnl will I wid n c•cnnmnnlly sw rnl on T~llrlny nvc•· nlng, M.ty 7, .rt H p. m. nt lite sdwol ltou•,e, to hrrnnr \Ill' HIHIP, IOWIIHhlp illlcl Crrlntnllllily. All nlilliiH wlto niiPncl nn• .tslwd to tnlw any olrl fnsl!lorwd dnthlng 1 hey mo~y ll!lve, or nt hor .trtlelcs In shrrw how pPnple liver! and wnti<Pd In lltc• rlilY~" ot long ago. 'J'!Jr•y Ill'!' also In li!l<o j!'lln, mke or 'c'nnl<tPH unci 1rwn table s1•rvlr·e.

: In tlw mot·nlng Pr llll'lp.!l Hl1 \1 nrd Demlow I'OIHII!r•tf'ri rt /-il'l!PI 1tl irwctlng 111 llw gymn.rsltlln at whkh lime ltc rHtlilul'cl pl.tfls for the duy rtnd weiUlllH'cl litP g1oup ' Pupllo IIH•n visited c l.tssPs with student IOlllll'il lllf'lllhr•Js IIH IIH•II' i:uldeH. lllld Mt•~o. l". I•;, Bt'OWPI' nncl D.tll' 111 lctnriPci till' W!'clrllng nf SluriPy nrowPt' .mrl Tv.m Luo<PY In l•"Plllrrn S.tlttr'olay oventng Many people hl'tr. mctl Sllllley wit I'll sliP g.rvP .r hat p c·otli'PI I <tt IIH• l'c>ll l'l.rllr~ dtlll'r•h

During hand 1 c•ltP.II s.rl, IJ.ttHI inembc•ts pl.ryc rl ,, spPt t.rl prn· gram fo1· the vtslllng pup\h .rfl er WiJII'it tltP gl'fJUp Jt.rrJ )IIlii /t Ill tlte cafelf't l.t

In the nfteJIIIH>Jt tlrr•v ng.tln VIS Iter!' f'lassl's .ttrrl .tl tl11• 1 los • of scl!bol llwy rPI!UIII'rl ltr>Jlll' hy school buH.

The orh•nt.tllnn' 1s lt>'lrl lrr help pupils IH'I'[)II11' "''Cfll.tlnll'd wilh1 ~l'lwol ilefntl' I ill•\' st.nt 111 the' Jnll. 'l'hPY .olso sPiec•tPd 11111 COlii'SeS they WIHlt lo 1,!\W In the f<tll.

Felt Plains Flort•n1•o• Ur'flWI'I'

Acllil•vemt•nt clir\ rot lhP e·rtP/1 slon dulls w.ts la;\cl at tiH• Van· duld thc.tll'l .tl Mtdtl!(.tll Si.tle collcgP c:rmptrs 'J'uPsc\.r\ 'I hose from· this 1 rrrnmuntly who ,,,. tencted were Mrs Lr wts ll11rl, Mrs.' Nollts IJ.tll, MIS, Atlhlll'



1\lrs ll" '!'ml< w:t~ llw gttr·~t n! Mts lf:tzel Str.nlb .rt tlw C:nld St.rr l\lolh1•r 's lutwheon 111 Lnn· Hing 'l'htn·sri.rv.

fllll' I 1 rite lJ ot lla!IIP C'lf'Pk IS .r IH>ll'l' guPst Ill IIJe !I'll '!'Ink horne. Ito.\ !~It r•h nnrl llw It·a Tlnl< fnmtly .rllellrkd tltc• YllutiJ fnr Chtlsl rally at Lansing-, S.rt­Lil rl1V cventn;:.

Cni!Prs Sunri.IY nfl('t rwonnl \IJe lr.r Tin!; hnnw 11'!'1'1' Mr· . .rtHI Mt H.

Lr>WtH McH'kPlllllln, Ml s Ed \Vozni.Jk ol I loll nnd Mr nnrl lifts l'ar I SPeley .utrl I.untly of Lansing

Northwest Stod,bridge JHJ s. Gtll'llion Ushc•r·

FJunrl~lup l'!.tss party \1111 l1e lwlrl :tl llw h.!IJ I•"J!rl.ry night

Chmi!'H (i,!lhrenth ts domg Lmtl Tmvnsrnd's f'IH>n•s whill' he Js 111 hcrl 11 Jilt IIJP mumps

L\oycl Sf'ima!Jclr·.tuclt wns 0111 of W;ll'l< l.tst week wtlh the dt idwnpnx

Mt .rnrl Mrs Frwtn U.nth anrl Mr. ,rnrl Mr• LPsteJ• IJ.Jrth helper! thOII' HISl!'IS .tlHI hrotiJer·s lVIII! the 21th wedrltng <~nntversnt'l' rJJll'n house l•n Mt .mrl Mrs FrPrl 131 iggs Sund.ty, M•. .Jilcl 1111 s Gur>rrllln Usltct, l\l<~urlc ,mrJ Vtvt.rn L:mlrs, .Jnbn Blo\\er .mrl f'.tltl .trul Mr. dllrl MIS 11uhl JJunkl'l :tncl soil r•,tllerl at the Ht 1ggs lwnw '~lllH!.Jv,

Eden l'uL ltrLynmru[ & 'J'IIIIcl 1\I'Uillf'l

'l'lwsf' whn ro1 elved A In tl1Ch spcllln1: ltrwks la!ll week werr BcJIJ ElsenlohJ•, Llnrl.t 1\fot rls, Mli<P Glynn, l'al Hnymond, 'J'IIlw l<r.JITIPI', Dl1 I< Hnnh, Lynl Jlc>.tzol, Dennis Stn.tlley, Llndn J>"£!nzcl Shlt•lcy Mrmls, Benny Glynn nncl Kenny Glynn.

Tho eighth gr.HICJ's vtsltcrl 1\Ia­son high school 'l'llesrlay.

Mrs. HussPII Rohhlns w,ts a suhslltute teacher part of lhls wee I<.

Mr. nnd Mr·s. Vinton Gibson .JJHI sons wer£! week cnrl guests of the H,ry Ho~ymoncl'fnmlly.

Lee Hoy Sm.tlley of Wyandotte VIHitcd the Chmlcs Smalley fam ily Sunday.

Mr. nncl Mrs. Gar lh Bro1vnlee wet e Sllnday dinner guests of Mr. and Mts Clare Wntcrs

Lnuy Dalbec Is sick WJtlt tho measles.

South Leroy !\Irs. lUot·ton Rice

'file Vantnwn W. S. C S Wtli hold lls annual mother and rlmtghter· banq11"l Tuesddy night, May l I 'l'hei'C~ W!ll be a potluck supper at 7:30 p. rn unless otlwt Wise solic;terl Those olllendtng are to tdkc their own lahlc scrv· tee. A progro~m Will follow tile banquet

Thuron Monroe of Conwny cnllcd on his mother, Mrs. Lora 1\lnnr ne, .tt the home of her son last Werlnesd.ty.

Mr. aml Mrs. Mertm1 nice anrl Hon were guests at dtnner Sunday of Mr. unci Mrs Mnx Mtlbout n oi

1111 mrl 1\!t s Huh! BunJ,£!r :tnrl Soil H)Je/11 Sunrl.ty With 1\!1. .tile)

Mrs. Osc.u eunkPr· of Autcltus. :\1JS Joe C'11ble:, 's brother· in·

1.1w nne! ststet· spent tile week end .Jackson.

Wllh hct· Mrs.' Austm Ni~klos £!ntcrt,nnccl

nt " Hdclelle party Thursday aft· 1'111. oiTHI Mrs I [0\1'111 rl Tolin eJ·noon

s!'nrl r'<tller\ lJII Mr .md 1\Irs· Stanley Risch ami son, Ga:,.lorcl, tr.r· Yerke ol PcliY Sunr\.ry visttcrl !!1cls at Dclrort .mrl

Tho vlllrrgf! nf Rtocidll'lrlge nnrl \lie Slof'l<htldgo lug-11 st•ltonl r•clo· lnHIPd Michigan Week with H(lePinl cxer•clses Wednosdny,

Mayor P<tul Stephens of Stoc!t· lnrllgc exchanged with Mnynr All£!n of Knlnmnzoo. Mayot Allen wns greeted nt 10 n, m. by vlllngo nfflcer s nnd w<~s lrtl<en on un In· speC"tlorr tour· of tlw village. This \I'll~ followccl hy n trip to tlw Irlckory TIIrlge Dairy and to llw \,trge Bnlrlwln ern ion f.trm, the 'tome of the state onion ldng, Dunne B,llrJwln.

'!'he Lions club sponsored n lllnf'lteon ut 12:•1'3 nt T11rney's Hchllllll'ant with Dr. I•', G. Bohnet• as ehalrmnn rtlchard Howlett, pr cslclcnt pro I em, Introduced Mayor Allen nnrl lol'nl officials. i\t 2::30 Jl m. thf'rc W<ts a !(£!neral r1ssemhly at the high school where the l'loction of student council officers was held Supt Jcssc Bntehelor (ll'esentPrl Mai'Ol' All£!n who will give n slwrt lall1 on the place of young people tn g'llV ernm£!n t.

Follnwlng the high sdwol pro· gram a vtsll w.1s mMic to I he Macldmlcr Glenn Post :110 Atn£!r· lean Lr•gtnn ancl then <1 lour of many interesting spots In Water· loo Hecrcnlion Area.

A te.t was hclrl by the Legion· cttes in the aJ tr.t·noon for Mrs Allen. The Allen children at lr.nderl regular cl.1sses In tlw Stod<brldg£! £!lemcntmy schonl durmg the tldy Wenrlall I3arb£!r was clmlrmnn of the day's pro· gram.

Former Resident Dies in Hospital

rlny of Inn! Wf'el< frl!' Lnrr,v Oils· I of Mr. uml Mrs Alfreci IfH•ell of 1 Mr. nnrl Mt·s, 1\lnynmrl St.rn!lc•ld lust ntH! dau< 11 sPlVIrm; nl the Icy, :J·monlh·old Hon nf Mr. nnd I1n11to 3, Rto~khrlrlgP, and Wll· nnrl dtllrlrPn <'llllr> I Clll l'lll'H .. J f{ Do~nsviiiP 1\IPt\todlnl l'illlldi ~Uil· Mn,, Vei!(II Owdey nf Cooper ftr•rl l•:ugPn11 11\sn!'r, son ll( Mr. Ashn,ttgh of Munith, who h slc·k, t\.ry nHnnlrl!l

and Mr H, Gr•or·r.w Hlsnr.r of D.uts nn, ,'Suncln;y , ,lruH'.rll l\l1 l•'wlllg \'Ills honw fllr IOIHI, While< Bcslrl£!s his pnr· viJin, "'Ole• llllllr•rl 111 111111.11,1gn I he Mr•tlwcllst Youth T•ellow ,, " ~ IIH• Wf'PI< 1'/lci, ~till' IH IV())f<ing IIH ents, lw Is .'iLII'VlVccl hy 2 sisters, Sundndy at ~ p, 111 nt the ~ltc·h· ship ;.tltcmriPrl n r.tlly .rt Ann Ar , 1,, 1,.1,111

, for llr 1;

11 t'.rn· ot

Shh Jpy Ann nnrl J,tncl Kny, burg Methorhsl l'hur~h. hnr• Sunday nf1ornorm. . Lan•ln!( •I J' Mt·. nnrl Mts Curtis l'nlii'I'Hrlll

Btu nl w.u; nl 'en1wdy cemetery, 1 Rev .• J<inH'!l Nixon \ll't'frnmr.d and Dr. ltnd Mt~ .Tnnws SpctHet Mr nnd ~Its. L. I' \VI\II,nns of Munith. tho rlouble·rlnr~ cerPtnony before nttend!'d lhr. I{Pntucl.y Der•IJy \VPIJIII'Jvil\1• ,,,.,.,, Jo'' l'VPnlng

an ulinr rl£!coraterl with lmu OVPI' tlw WPe!r Pnrl. · · e.t!IPrs o[ 1\lr .• urrl Tilts. Ilow,!l'll

Open House Fetes Silver Anniversa1·y

The children nf Mr. and Mrs. Fred £>: B1lggs of Stof'kbrldgc heir! open ilo11se In honor of lhelt• p:uents on their· 25111 wedding nnnlvers:uy Sunday The party was held from 2 unt II !J p, m .1t the (!.trent:;' home on En~l Main sl!•cel.

OnP. imndred fifty friends .uul relatives allcntlcd. Guests cam£! from .Jackson, Vandercook Lal\c, I~alon R.IJllcls, Grass Lul1c, Chel· sea, Dcli'Dit, Munith, Onsterl, Ma· son, Lnnslng, Okemos, William•;. ton, LcsiJC, Charlotte, D.lllsvlllc anrl Siockbudgc.

leo CJ', r•ni<e, coffee .111c1 punch W£!1'0 servotl. The cal<e w.1s made of 5 tiers with multiple lc~yers in each tier· and was deco· rated with silver ancl while bells anrl pin!' roses With sflvm am\ sat rn ltbhon steps leading up'!J t icr to tile lnrgc silver otnn· mr.nt on the top of the Palw. The cake was made dlld decorated bv one of the daughters, Mrs Lester Barth.

The home was decornterl wtlll s£!vero1J bouquets and plants The t.1ble was cov£!r£!cl With n lact• cloth over silver paper, and 2 basl<ct effect bot1quets completed lltc table cleeorntwns

qucls oF stock mrd sndpch·nr,oll!l 1\!t·s l\11;~. 11 Lytle nf 1\lunlth WtiiLtms. 'rlw lnlclo wnrc n str· Is wnrl<lng ,1( the D & c Willi'· B.qlll 1 \'rttiW( l'c•opl!•n gmup

drc>~s of white emlnnlrle!ed Ill hou-e. will hulrl !Is ~lily llii'PII!Jg wlllt gandy with rhlnr.stonP trim, r•.tp Mrs. 11. E: J\rslll'l' l\'l'lli Ill Don .11rrl S!!c• lJil'i,IIL~on Wecin!'s· sleeves, Peter enlhll' and 11 plf!lw to \V,II'J'P/1, Ohtn, Sunclny to o.t;,, ~l.ty 1:.!. full sldr\ Willi m.ttchlng pctll· '!lf!IHI ~.~vela! d.tys with Iter· ~oil Arllltlu•J' IIIPPII/11( lot mollu•t·s Sho wore n White hnt with In law nnd rl.tught1•r•, 1\lr . .trill ot· lito'!• tnlr" t•slt•<l 111 a's\st tn:: n :,!tort veil nnrl r•nrt•lerl a showet Mr·s ,Jnmr.s Whlplwy. 11 tlh c :lrl c;, o111s 11 Ill IH• ltPicl at nnnngemcnt of wlute h.thy Cnlla l\11'. nnd Mrs .. J,tmros l'.rll oJ IIH• \romp c•1 <li!Oilltr·s IHll!se l'ups. lilies. fn('i(•.on •pPrrl ilw ll'l':•lr <'lld wrtlt cl.ry, M ty II, .rt I p. m.

Tiet• nt\cnrlnnl was Mrs. Vlnl:1 hot• h!'OIIH'Hnl.tll' .tnd Hl'•ll'l', 1\lt ~li'. 11111 1 i\11' .. f.tna•s l•"tl'\\' fliP!• Sony of Stoel<hridJ:r•, siHIPI' n[ .tnd 1\ll's 1\J,tx HoepekP, .tnrl f.11n l'.tlrJ1 '" n.rnll'l l ol lllltrllt l'lty the hrlrtem·,,om who wmP 11 light lly. h II'!' .t son f) tvrd Sr·oll horn Sell· blue Httlt. ITm· houqunt w.t~ ptnlr llnyword Ho•.1• and f11mlly nll"""t\ Aplll 21 J)piJiliP Frew carnatlnns. DPtroll SJll'llt S11nr\ ~~ .tl thu !•'trl spl'lll lust week \\till liPr gtnnd

:-"lllmr Risner w.1s ltls broth· 11n·a~ home . p.tll•rtts Mr. an.J Tills. Gurn er s best man. Curtis WhtiP and fam1ly Vts

1 D.tth't•r.

The hrlcle'smothi'I'\Vol'f! alrgliii!~Pcl tho ,Jat~l's B.rrton !.unlly .tl Mr .rnrll\lts ltil'!tnrd Asltmor·n blue chess with navy IH'l'l'SHO! tr.s I lcntmseh Sunddy. dlll'ttrh•r\ litl' Cilrl<'nn st.rll' I'OIIVI'n· nncln f'Orsage of plnl< carnn\lons Eva .ll'dn LovPJo\' .mr\ l'hllr!Jr•n l•on ,,, l"lmt oi'Pl tlw wePI< enr\ 1\Jt•s Risner chose• a gJ•, 1y nnrl nf Napoleon spent Monday Willi .lllcl \I' I'll' \iou•;r• guc sis of Mrs . whtte dress With black ,lf'f'f'H her parents, l\lt .• uul MIS. E:nl i\s\im<oll , lll'plll'w, HPI Phillip sorles,anrlacmsng£!ofwlulci·ar Hose . Sl!lrllt, a1rrl f.untl:, of lit<~nd nations. MIS. Arlie Bt•Jggs or V.llldl'J'I Bid Ill'. ~ollnwtng tile c·crcmnny 11 l!'· c•ook Lltl,p Is S(H'JHIIIIJ: " '"'' Ml s !lot" ~·lorfc•r S(H'lll Still'

l'epl!on was held in tlw American d.tys with lt!'t' sun • 111 ~1 rLtu.gltt!'l'· 1\tl\t <II'• •on, !Loll,nHI, .nul f11m1iy Legion hall In Stockb!lrlgc>. 111 f<1W, ~11 1111r\ 1\lr,,. I• te1t ht <Jigs, I 11 GH•gr~t'j Tnhles wcrn rlecm .rtcrl wit b hou· .rnd !.trmly. qucts of snnprh·,t~ons dll'l slnf'i{. Cdl<c, punch nne! sand\~ lcliCs wrr r. served by Lois I~Pirlpausch, c·ous· in of I lw hndc, Mary Lou Sc hll· bert and Mnry M<tycr. Betty Folrl pausch, another cousin of fliP bride, presrclecl al thr. r:uest legis ter, nnd ;1nollwr I'Ollstn, Evel,; n Felclpausch, hnrl charge of lhP giftS


25 Used Cars ' BliP In lltl' good lli'<'l'plnnl·~· hy t111• ll'ltlll' ol u11r· lop \aln~· g!llll'·

Mrs. Norene Wasson Roberts, '32, of Cranclvtllc, form£!r Stock· bridge resident, died Thursday evcnmr: at Bullerwmth hosprtal 111 Gr<~nrl HapJrls.

Survtvtng her nrc tltc husbnnrl. Clflude; the parents, Mr. ami Mrs Rnhrtl \Vassnn of Stockllltrlge; .tnd nne bwther·, Ilrch,u d Was'OII o[ Seattle, Washtnglon

The chtlrlten present£!cl dJeJr parents With n sliver coff£!e sot consisting of an electric coffee·, 1ray nnd 11reamet· ancl oll

gar bowl Mr Brtggs preocnl!!cl his wtfe wtlh " moss .tgate rmr. nnrl nccklncc. The coup!£! received mc~ny other mce gifts.

Til!' hrirle ts n gr·nclual£! of Stockbridg-e high sclwnl dnss of UJ"J1, and is employed at the Stockbrtdge Slate bnnk. Tile brtdogroom nltenrl!'cl Dansville high school and HCIV!'rl in 11w United Stntc•s ail· cotps, wtth 18 months 111 Korea

Pinmng a corsage of yellow I carnations to her W£!clrlrng dr "" 1 tlw couple JeFf on n 11'1(1 to mot11 Cave. Kent lll'i<y, and the

mtl1•r•ll w;t•d c•:us WE A!:!, IN' NEI:D OF 11:-;J•,J) (',\ItS al lhis Hrw·. \Yl' c 1111 nft't•r yo11 an I'XcPplimmlly good traclr• now. Come in m· ~all 11s.

~ngham Mcrtor Sales (Formerly Whill'l'mfl)

~2tl W. Ash

Servtces were conducted from the Milner funernl home 111 Stnl'lchrtdgc Monday nflcl'llorlll wtth huridi m the Stockbridge cemetery.

Unlrl lust Novernhcr Mr. 1\h H. Brtggs r£!slcJOcJ JlOllh west of Stockbmlge .

and Great Smoky Mount.uns Aftr>r and May 9 they will be at honlc nt 134

Wood stwel 111 Stockbridge. PrC·Ilttpllal showers werp b\'

the brtde's atmt, Mt s ~orris Felclpnusch of Ponttnc, nnd her co workers of the Stockbmlgc Stntc hnnk.


C ONVEHTS WtlCII:\ IIIIo Tlch r Unl• po~t by cuthnr thr'm rlnwn nne!

m1xm~ them raght min thC" sod m one cn5y opcrnt10nl Do suro to 'iCn th111 nmozmg now pnwN tool thnl mnhcs ~nrdcmn~ n JOY mo;tcnrl o( o hcnclnchc. ThrflliJth s1rnplo LIJtht­ninR Chnn~c Attn' hmcnb R01 0-TILLER nlso cuts lawns, l'II1WS wnocl, pump"i wntf!r1 plows !'!now­do~! !lcoros of oth~r Jobs m n Jtrf\ I Wnto or phone !or I HEE BO()K,

E L nnd f,unrly •,pent PnntliH! Sunclny. S,tfutrl.ry e~en1ng II'IIh D.tlc Dick Monroe spent Mond,!) Swtlzonlwtg iPtrl family. mght wtlh l11s grnndfather, Ar·

Rev. L. E. Vendel' of Cass Ctty, !'astor of the church whtch Mrs. Roberts attcnrlecl as n ehild, olfl· cia led at the set vice .tssislcd by Dt. F. G Behner.

Services Are Held For Sumner Clark DavJCI Hnbb 1s imprnvc

m£!nts on tlw Grr~wolcl l10usc he purchased some ttme ar,u. W.1ltcr J\rwh .111rl famtly nnd lhur Fear at WebhervJIJc

Paul anti Timothy Gnle spent tlw Twenty-five (lcopie attenrlc•ll llw week £!nd wtth Mr. ancl Mts Jesse I spedal mrcltng held at the Nel C.unpbell son sC'hool Monday mght to ser

Sumner Cl01rl<, 57, of Plainfield, cilerl Thursday evening at Vetcr· ans in Ann Arbor. He Wits ,t veteran of W01ld War I when be served m the navy. l!atllson G,tlp .tnd fo~mJiy of to WIJat Sl'hnol they wcr£! Ill i.tvoJ

l'lfl". and Mrs rrec! B11ggs at· tender! lhe sidle i'onvcnlion of Ghlcons at Flmt ovet the wecl1 end Surviving lum 1s the widow,

Anna; his mother, Mrs. Canic Clm k or Lmclley, Now York, anrl 11 brotltet'H nncl '1 sisters, all oi New York.

Wayne Miller V.tnc\crcool' L.tkc VI'Jtccl Sund.w ol annexmg 'fltc mntorlly fa· .tnd lilt· . .tnrl M1 s. Chat lie lftcks vorf'rl o~nnP.xtng ln Dansville Donald Dasore and Lnrry Mtlls

cntoyccl a trip 11nough Chicago, Wtsl'onsm anrl back through up pet· Mtchtg<~n last week, befmc bemg mcluctetl 111 the army next WCf'i<.

, SAJ,W~ ANIJ SEIWICI•: l'hom• i\fason 2·iiil'~:l 2Gl N. Collt•~;e ltrrud

oJ Jo~cl,son spcnl Sunc\a;- evenin1: The Van town Fat m Bu1·enu ----- group Will meet wtth Mr. and

L.1st ~Par 2,1'10,00d 1\mericans Mrs. Dorwin \Nilltams Thursday were lllJllled tn tlaf[tc dcctdents. 111ght May J3.

... :SomethinB· for Thought • • .. alld for Action!

lllr•ssPd ts Otr• mnn wlw ll.ts t Ollllll Ius wol'l,, 1.1'1 him nsl1 no uthPI' bh•ssr•thll'ss, 1\now thy \1111'11 mul !let it, awl 11'01 k at I( like IICI'I'IIfPH.-'J'htilll.tS Cnri~·Jp,

li'OR INSUHANCE l11W'I'EC1'10N See

McCowan &.. McCowa-n A~l'nt lo•· Auto Owrwrs Inslll'lltlce Co. 1•'11'1.1!: - J.IAIUJ.I1'Y - WINDSTOHi\1 ACCJI)ENT

113 E. Oal' Phone 3261


1 8-inch cutting width

l'h·hp. engine

0 NLY'

"''Equipped with Jncobsen's exclusive Suction• 20-M : ~u;o.lnch culling width

1 'h·hp. engine

Lift Hotot• that doubles cutting frequenc)', • Equipped with front sllfety guards • Easy-rolling, semi-pneumatic tires \ • Instant starting, reliable Jacobsen cnglno • Cuts weeds and hco.vy gt·owtll qulclcly an<t


II"~ ra1 r) a romp/etc u/mio11 offarobsen mowers. Come 111 muJ ask Jbo111 ~'" cas) paJIIIel/1 p/a11,

A. A. Howlett & Co.

Mrs. De!' Ansel and sons of Cnnway li(lent lo~st Tursrlay wtth her father, Stanley Rtsuh, and hrotlwrs, I!aJ()Irf ancl Gaylord.

Mr· ;utrl Mrs Mmtnn Htcc e,1JINl on thetr daughter, Mrs Ellgar Marshall, ,mrJ gmnclchildren '.tt GrCI.(Or\' Wednesday afternoon

Mt s llany Daman ancl chtl· rlrcn nf Whiff! Onk cdllcd on Mrs. MerrM Momoc and Mrs. GcllCVa Hie£! Tuesday.

ferris District 1\lrs. Lm·a Olney

The leaders nncl olftccrs of our HI club atlenrlcrl a leaders meet· lllg in Leslte Tuesd.1y evening-.

Mr anrl Mrs. W. E. Koclcr of Sw.llllon, Ohio, and Mr and M1s Willie Cole of Toledo, Ohio, spent lbc week enrl With the Glen 01 l'ey, Sr. !mnily.

The following have returned horne after spcntlmg thr. wtnter 111 Flortcla: Mr and Mrs. John Rol'kwcll, Mr. ami Mrs. Stanley HtdJrnonci, Mr. ,mel Mrs Nnrns Bolt "nrl Mrs LeliJ.t Lord and cl,tughtcr.

Ron<tlcl C.tdc, Du.tne Carley Jolm IInrsl .rncl Rwh,ml Jdrt·ell eighth gl.trlcrs WCIC on the hnnm toll, h11t thctr names were acr·t dent<tlly omttted lnst week !Hnsm 1'eslival 8eiwdulr•d

'I he sprmg musical fesltva\ of the Sloc:l<brirlgc elementary sPhool will he held Thursday eve· nrn;: .Jt 8 p. m in the school attchlorntm All the gmdes from kmcler~(dllcn through tlw sixtl· will parttc!p<tte 1n llw progr<~m Harland Nyc, msiJ·uclur, wtll be 111 ch:n ge and will he nssJstcd b) members uf the grade faculty serVIces Were COil·

ductcd ftorn the Mtlncr funeral home 111 Stockbttclgc Monday uft· crnoon with Rev J V. Wagstaff of the Fowlcrvill£! Lutheran church offlcmtlng. Burial was 111 the North Stocl<briclge Pcmetery.

Mts. Max RoepcKo entertained 14 chtlrlrcn Saturday afte1nnon in honor of hc1· daughter, Kathy, on her SIXth birthday anmver­sary.

Mr. and Mrs Art Wilclr. ilnd children vistted hts parenls, Mr and Mr~ Wtlltarn W1Ide al Ann ArboJ·, Sunday.

Mrs. Beulah Pol t s spent Sat Ill'· day night and Sunday with her molht!r and brothers at Green· Ville.

The annual guest clay of the II orne Cui ture club will he lwld Frtdny at 2:30 at the horne of Mrs. Wtlllarn Wright.

Mrs Daniel Korlcr o[ Sw.m\on Ohio, hrought her husband's cnts to the Olney home ~l'lclny.

Mr. and Mrs. Dnniel Rupp, Mr and Mrs. Dnn Kodcr, Mr. otllC' Mrs W. E. Kader all of Sw.mlon Ohto, nnd Mr. unci Mt·s. Wilhr Cole of Toledo attended the wed ding, ~l'ldny night of Thomas 01 ney nnd Mable Bursley at I he Bilptist church in Eaton Rapids.

Onondaga News

Mrs. Lora Olney and dauglllcrs JLlh.t and Lauralee, attended r showPr fnl' Phyllis l Smith) Coat< at M1 s R H. Goodnoo's 111 J(mne v!lle l.tst Wednesday evening.

Alaiedon Center !Ill's. Elmer C. B1•own

Mr. anrl Mrs. Roy Knopf nn· nounced the engagement of thciJ daughter, Lois Jenn, to J?nvicl .Tames nt a family gathering in Monroe Sunday. Mtss Knopf 1~ teaclung school in Owosso and Mr James IS attenrlmg Ferris Institute. No wedding elate ha~ been set.

Mrs. Cmn P.1len of Lansing spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Cady. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bently of Wllliamston were guests .1t dinner nt the Cady home Frtdny evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown nnd famlly called on Mr. and Mt·s. Harold Brown of Lansing Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drosclta and family cnlled on Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Arend, Jr., nnd fnmlly SUil· day evening.

Mrs. Burton Baldwin ApJoroxtmalely 400 were served

1t the turkey supper held at the town h.•ll Friday ev£!ning by the 'J. E. S.

Ward Mulvaney of Lnnsing vas a guest of Mr. and 1\1! s Burton Baldwm and fnmily Sun· Jay mght.

Mt· and Mrs. Robert Bush nncl Mrs. Jr'ssie Bush were guests of Mr. and M1s Elroy DeArmond of Grand Rapids Sunday. Mr and Mrs Clem ~O'Jter we1e also guests at the DeArmond home Mrs. Bush rcrnamed 111 Grnncl Rapids for a visit with her broth er, Mt·. Df!Armonrl, nncl her sis· ter, Mrs. Foster.

Mr nncl Mrs. Arnold Keena and children or Lansing caller] on Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lyl<e Friday 111gb t.

Guests of Mr. nncl Mr:;, Hay Dwight <tncl Don Hampton Sun· day were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Shoe mal~cr and family nnd Mrs. Elste Shoemaker of Lansing and Mrs., Bertha Miers and daughter, Mar· tha of Holt

Mrs. Esthf!r Bodell is spendmg a few dnys at the home of Mt·s. Pearl Doud in Jacl<son.

Mr. and Mrs. Tyt·us Stine and family spent the week end visit· mg their paren\s in Vermontvlile

Mr. and Mrs Roy Woodburn of Coldwater called on theil· sister, Mrs. Edna Glover, Saturday.

Mrs. !~Iorence Stanton has had a new roof put on her house. Her son, Rollo Stanton of Lake Lan· sing, did the work for her.

Mrs. E. D. Barr and Mrs. Edith Barr of Mason spent Friday vi5· 1tmg Mrs. Don Barr. Neil Barr returned to Mason with them to spend the week end.

Mr. ami' Mrs. Burton Baldwin were Tuesday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nowlin and daughter of Jackson.

School Noles

Mr. and Mrs Karl Kopp, M1· nncl Mrs. Walter Kirllnncl of Jacl<· son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chesley of Parma, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wes 'ey Schultz, Don Hampton and Mr nnd Mrs. Cliff McKee were guests nt {]inner on Sntlllday eve. •1lnq nt the Country l{itchen near Holl. The cUnner was 111 honor of Mrs Cliff McKee on her birth· ,]a .v anm versm y.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fulford of Detroit were guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ru~sell Page Sunday,

The pupils of Mrs. Lynch's junior high mom left by train from Jacl•son on Friday to spend the day at Greenfield Village.

The Riverside Community club 1 is Inrving a special meeting on Monday, May 10, to malte plans for the school picnic to be held I

Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gray and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Llllywhite of Morrice Sunday, ' on ~ay 24.

Mrs. Arlene Landers and chi! I drcn of Holt spent Sunday at the Tom IIownrd home. Mr Lanrlcls 1s in Mantia I

Mr and Mrs. Wesley Seamnnds and daugh\ers VJstted her· hrnt h· !'l' in law and Sister, Mr and M1s. John Maiello, Thtll''ri.ty. They arc on then· wn~· lwmr• 1o Larnmie. Wyorn1ng after vistl· ing rclaltvcs in Mwl11gan I

Mr. ancl Mrs C. G. Hall anrl family of Tuscnn, ArlZOIM, ar· rived Monday to Vlsrl rl'lativcs 1

111 and arottncl St oc l<bttrlgc Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morehouse

and gr dndclaughter s, nlwcln Dana and Rayl£!cn'Jle, vis 1fccl Mrs. Ednn Shermans mm Clme ancl hts IJlotiJCr, Jtm, Ovlcl Sunday.

Mr· and M1·s. BUll Pot !Pr of Mumth VJstlr.rl W£!dncsr\,w eve­ning at the Evetell Buker ilDill''. Mr. nncl Mrs. Dalo R1cs of Dans· vtlle spent cvcntng al the Bakers. On Sattn•day cvr'nlng tlJC,Y entertained the Dcxt£!r Tr1ul Horse club for then· May meet· Ill g.

Guests of Mts Sylvia Di£!tcrle Sunday were Mr. and M1s Thayer Edwdrds of Jackson ami M1 ancl Mrs Gordon I<ecpct· and I J. R Lewts.

r-------------, 1 SIMPLE SAFE TABLET DOES IT! 1 I DRY-TABS Is !he some •ofe medl-1 I cal 1mmula discovery Uml is pre-( scrltlcU and recommended by I 1 doctors Non-hnblt forming No 1 t.':.":!~.:~::. ________ ,

~"'"8}) \:!f!LD HAPPY NOW: ~1"'""'. Nf.!rvowmcs!'t rmd slultet- K(~ tng CUII.Jcd Shnmc, dis- , rll"l "J comfort J:lone fnruvurl ~, , Jlz~ No more h rllntlnf:l 1 1sh. ....:·.:-' C.m now enJOY ovcanlght ~-; ~

""(s, C:::,~'!~ Don't walt :mother dnv. Tf your lovul 'OC'S suffer the humiltnt1on, the lli~­t'rncc lnsccm lty nne! hclplc"s!lc:-;c:; only DED-WETriN(, cnn c ltJSC, nHir.r DHY­TARS NOW I E ISY In 1okc, c,m ho (flssolvc<l In wntc1 If ncccssm )' Just follow simple dlroctlona.

Almost miraculously ends Shame, Discomfort, lnconvenicnco

\\'hy put up with the need!< tiS •• •I dJ':it:nmfnrt nnd dl trc"s of this unfor.­l<l, 1(1 habit • , • the dolly nul•oncc ot I ch 111glnr.: and w.lfihlnr~ bed hncn and clnlht.: Why suffer 1 he cmbnrrassmcnt of foul •.tm•lllnr, !Jed rontn!'i ••• the I C};J)Cil:~l! nl 1 uiHl!tl furniture- ••• the dnnt::er nf rntchln~ co!c1:; :>:nd tnr!'ctlou~ rn~hcs Doclol. <~i'r~tc JH:D-WE'l'TING cnn cnu c nctllot!l.ncss stuUf!rmg otnd cmotlon;jJ d1~hn bdnr.:c:> ltJ '=lhlldu•n, very I oftJn s~,;rlously ar!ccllng thclr future nntl ch.:uactci t

A! lost mcdlcnl scloncc lms discovered I ,, s;Ht•, new, C:l:.Y w.1y to stop BED­WE'I'lfNG wl ho11t t•lcctrlcnl devices o o o

wl!hnut Juh!Jcr shr.c L'i, nlmms or special dlcL-. :mel wltllout lntr.truptmg needed !llccp. Yes, ,J!most mlrdculously, nmnzln~.~ snf~ DHY-'I'AllS hcltl stop funcllonal nJ;n-wc I' l TNG • , relic\'( t ... nsinn and sL1 111\, nt!C'Il the undcJ lying cnuse In mnsl c.1s0.s So don t wait o , end the Dr U·\1 El"riNG h.o!Jot this cosy woy or I no c:o:~t.

ADUL .,..C. ScientiFic tcsL< nctually1 i ""• IJlO>t• DHY·TABS to be

7~"i"', ''Ill clive m r.Joppln.t! this unfor .. tunatu h.1hlt - even nfl£>r years oe tn11m nll 1~mJr- thr> cr•m;l~nl worry ae nH•rnlgllt lwtul stops • 0 , nnppmg on l1 .uno:; .11111 bu•,cs 1or fcnr of publle emb 11 r.1ssmcnt


All these wonderful features In only 30 INCHES of wall space I • "Super Size" Oven, • One.piece top :. ,

I full 24 inches wide. easy-to-clean, • Radiant high broiler. , • Beautrful styling with • Inaullrer Walla keep

heat inside the oven. sculptured ,contouro. • Oversize Storage Drawer • Flu3h·to·wall fit nnd

for extra utemtls. · recessed toe space.

only $JJ995

Small down payment. Easy terms.

Mason Home Appliance 120 \V, 'Matllc · Phone 2·5911

Mav 6, 1954 The lngharn COunty News Part 3

Michigan Needs 7,000 More Teachers Jly J•:InHH' \\'hiltl


111111 of 7,000 too'. few tralnr.d ' sclwol Lr•;Jl'IH!l'H turlay .unrl lhe

nikhlgun l'rm1s AHsrwinllon ollvlrn1s nrod rm· an ndrllllonuj

I '' 11110 f'llf'h yr•nr for ul leuHI Jlw "Wuntcrl--7,000 young pe11p e. •• · · Cl 1 L 'I' 1 nexl 5 yPars, Dr. u r . ay or, Attl'llellvP pny f~;lnrls fron1 sJale 1;upcl'lnt<!JHienl of lllthlll! In·

,(iDOl; good wnrldng con· slnwllml, Js Jc;uJing n fronliil nl· mmr•rs off; str•n,Jy Pill· la('l\,

I; soclul lii'I'PJllaJJI'I! In 1\ Porn mit Jr!l! of a;, momhm·s munlty; assured opporlllllily lias lu•en appolnl1•d tn solve llils ndvnneement." nn.J oliH'l' r•dul•allonal problems.

Hrlrt of n lll'lp wnnted wl A 1;p<'l'ial suh·~ornmlttee of In· could easily dPSI'I'iiHt llw Sl!l'ious drlslrial publk l'l!lallons I'Xpl'rls, need In Mil'hlgan for quail I icd 1ww.-;pa[H'I' puhllsilf'I'S, PduealrJI'S ~chool lcacher::r. 111111 n•prPs••nlatlvm; [!'lllll J'llrllo

'· ,,, '' a11d ll'il'vlsion was nsslgncd In WOI'i\ ollt II !JI'flHl'llm "to inlc!'CSL

hrlght young people to 1.mlor the leaching prufcsslon."

"' )~ "' . Arloptlng technlquc5 alrcarly

pt•ovcrl successful by Industry, lnJslnoss, nnrl the nrmcrl sr!rvlces, this suh-eummltiN! lli1110uncerl !Is pial' which will he l'llrrlcd out through Mlcl!lgnn newspapers, rndlo and TV, und "sttlos proscn· lnllons" to stutlr•nls,

'J'hese will he aimed nl S gmllpM; the G:i,OOO slurlenls who will grndtwto !rom high sl!lmoJ:; this spring; students already en· rolled In llw slntc's colleges; for· m<!r l<!ncl!crs wl!u rnlgiJI qualify

Indian Uprising ~s featured at Fox

themselves lly secut·lng n few I more hollr~ of college worl<. \

~ • * "I"nrl< of promotion for tho

leaching profession has permitted other vocutlonij to sl<lm off mtwh Qf the crcttm of grntluates," ex· plainer! Dr. Taylor. He also feels thnl low salaries pair! teachers several ycnrli ngo wore an lm· port ant factor -In st udcmt mlnrls when they considered lonchlnr~ ns a llfo worl<. "Present pay selwrl• ulos arc nhout compnrnhlo to those In Industry," slntetl tho state suporlnlcndenl. "Partlr!ular· !.\' this Is true for young women, who mlghl have lmuhlc finding .!nbs that pay 11s well as school tcnchlng."

"Figures lnrllcnte that nexl year tear!lwrs' salnr!Ps wlll aver· COlT A COMB? -;.t'hls' peli· ngo about $-1,300 for the '!O·monlh cnn at the London, England, zoo school your," slatPrl Dt·. Taylor. has a big "blll," and apparently "While the present pay sdwdulr• can't afford a comb to lwcp hls might not he conslclr.rerl lrlenl, II unruly hairdo in plncll. represents n trend toward more ------------­money for goorl teachers that. Is scel<s lo lc!arJI why voters 111 snnw desirable, And It C!llmlnntos to a m·cas npjn·nvc pl:m~ for nrw, great extent tho low salary as a nccderl HC'Iwol prot-:J'nms wiliiP. factor against teaching." volel's in similar dlslrlcts will

• • • not. Serious r.cccl docs cxiRt. or the * 111

• Ill •

East Lansing Lawyer Eyes Congress Wllllnm R, Elmer, of Ensl Lan·

sing, bns announcer! he will i1c a cunc!ldnte for the Dcmor:l'lltk nomlnnllon fot• eongresH frotil tho Slxlh Mlehlgun dlstrlet.

nsslstnnl state nltnrney gr.nflrnl. Dmlng his stnte servif'l', T~hnm· wns 11 member of lite Mil!hlgan public service r:ommlsslon lr;::nl Sill J'f,

JO:Inwr, n :m-yoar-old allnrnl'!y D11rlng Wm·Jd Wnr lT, l~hmt• nml formor U. !'i. sullmm·ine offl· parllelpalerl In •I suhmurln•• wur 1!01' c!ut•lnf( Worlrl War TT, cl111l· pal rols and received t lw olllillla· Jcnged nep. 1\11 Chu·riy, Hepuhll· rlrw eomiHJI mPdnl nnd nnval r~· rnn lneumhenl, tn provo lhat Iris sl'rl'e nwdnl. 11<! still is nn al'l!ve l'lll'l'f'nl Cmnmunlsl. hearings In member nf the ll, S. navul W· Mld1Jgnn hnvc nny value except serve. In provide prc·clccllon JHibllclly I·~ I mel' all!!iHiml pt!hlle oi'IJoo ds for Clarrly. In Drmrlm1•n allfl Dctmll and

"UniPSH he Is willing In show gnHIUalt!il from IIJP llr•tli'Y Ford ullwrwlsc, I he l'lll'l'IHJt lwuse suh· Tl'ildc sdwol ali 1111 :tji(II'CJJI i<''t eommlltee hcnrlngs Into C'fllll· toni nnol rli<.! nmlwr. Later hn l'lf·

· 11111111sm being stngPrl ll,Y C'lard~· l'l'i"Pd dr•gn•1ts lit Pl'fllli>Jll 1r·s 1111d l'flJ!Cilr nollrln~ mom limn n l'l'llfiP law fl'lllll I lilt llnlVl'rsit:>' of Mi<'lr· grnh for hemlllnes," Elnwr Jgnn. charged. I•:Jmrr i.s rnarri<'tl <IIIII lh1• f;o.

"lie had ample lime !;Jsl yc;>t' thol' of li l'lrlldrcn. I!(! Is n nll!l\1· to conduct the hearings without her of llw Anwrli'an Legion, lnlc-JTIIJlling his altemlaJH'e !11 Mkhlg;111 ~;tal>' Hal' n~.s<wiitliiiJJ, eongrrsf:. Y. 1\1. C. A., Unit;<rinn dllll'l'll nnrl

"The simple truth h; tlml with his wife Is acllve in i'mPnl Clardy hopes Jn prn!ll. hy till' 'I:Pal'i:er assodal ion woJ'I' n 1111 puhlielty nnrl dlveJ'I publh! altPJl· Cull Smullng.

''Exellln~, (I!JlSl!, SliS{JI'IlSI!J:uJ, !Jefl.lllirlll. 'l'JW.Sl' \Vo!'f!S desi'I'Jbl!

1"\Var Paint," the Unilnrl AJ·tlsts offering slarrlnt( lloh<!l't Sllll'(;, ,Joan Taylor and CIJ;>ril•s M1·· Graw whld1 pla~·s at lhn Jcox 'flwalrc Friday anrl Salurrlay, <1:5,000 teachers busy In Mkhlgnn Mt'mh~rs of ll11s mmm~IIPe r~s

al·prosent, 1011:, leave tho profcs· well as tlw rlr.p.arlmcnl ol Jlllhlll! lion ft•om !lis notoriously poor-------------------------­voting record-- ~• rcconl which I ignores the lhlnltlng of a m;Jjor· lly of hiH home district r~il izens and which Is so super-lsolationisl' 1hat It ft'<,quently Iws hccn al 01lrls with Prcslrlcnt ElscnlwwoJ',

Hohcrl Sial'!;, liS a liPllll'nrull in slrm each year. Some marry, l'P· Jnstrucllun rcall'-O the ur~oncy ol e!Jargl! of a rlr.ladlllwnt of •·avnl· lire, rile or change vocations. Cen·l rn·ovirllng line educations for tlw ry, must rpar·il tile •·amp of Grn\' su~ ligures show that GO,OOO nowp·outil of Mlehlgan.l\P.en ll~lnl:llw; Clowl. llw Jndian o·hiPf, will! 11 pupils will he enrolling each yenr IS neci!L;rl lo meet Jhttlon.ol .onrl pcaee o·ealy fmm \\'nsillngton °1' fot· at least thE! next live years. lniPI'JHliJonnl pmhlcms !hal lo· waJ' will lm•ak oul. Allhough They will require 2,000 more rlay's dlii<li•pn must face. TI:e)' Stad< and his 1111'11 111 lirsl do not classrooms. feel a slrong sense of ohllgatwn !<now 11. 11Jelr lndi:m t-:>litle is tlw Those needs emphasize the or· In lll'ovirlc til(! he~;t possible train· sun of G1•ay Clo"rl anti dl't<·:·· porlunity for advancement In lng. . mined llii'Y s!Jall not I'C':Jdl ltJS teaching. There wlli he many CheJTy, hl'nn and rh"ry f!"rcns father wit'IJ what IH! hclil'vc·~: more openings for .teachers and from Miehigan in Yankee Stacll· always will be a l'nh;l' peace school administrators than there um'l bolw~cn red man an<! willie. a~c qualified people to Ill! them. This question migh~ .rorplcx

This dPelaralion ol a oiJt•·m:on '' '' • · tho casual rcadCJ', hnt Jt IS none· Will' against I he Unill'd Stnt<•s Many present teachers do not thelcss a fnct. One of lhe hy-pmrl· army d1!veill[IS sll~l"'nse lhnl is mcl!t minimum requirements for ucls of (he slate's first Mlclilgan u!rnosl unhrtarallk. Till' JHII'Lr;<yal ,c teaching standards, Some nrc Woe!<, which will draw lo a SIIC· nf the Inrlian's .sister ll~· ,·'""·'~


Robert Stack and Joan Taylor are featured in the tense, teaching with "special certificates· ~cssful end Mny 8, provided the IJTaylnr must Sill Ply _clev.tlc L111s . ''ftll , Jld )J~attt'tf·ttl "War Paint," the story of one of because better qualified instruc· opportunity fnr 3 Michigan

1 l 1 1 t lugil phces suspense d " tnrs arc simply not available." Misses lo lain! a whirling trip 1H en cc ae ress

0 ' ·: • th~ west's savage Indian uprisings. The color film will play • ,, • around New York and Washing·

The scennd feat urc on. t!JC,}',t"'· at the Fox Ft•iclay and Satunlay. "Accentuate the positive" wlil ton. day-Saturday JII'Ogram IS Jlirt be tho theme Of the campaign to ''' * ''' Maze." hr•'>!lliflll v"unr' English aetross, Miss Hurst, under contract to gel more and better teachers for Perhnps the high spot of their

R' 1 1 c 1 m;oldnt' lic•r ddbut In American /\ssneiatocl British Pictures, flew Michigan according to Dr. Taylor. lriJ> was l.hc opportunity to ap·

"The filet. Is t!Jnt Clnrrly'~ ·roe· onl in Congre~s bas lleon a dismal combination of l!ard·shellrc:oclion and haclnvurrl·looldng Old Gu11rrl· ism, nul of slop with I Ills own party loarlcrs!Jip, wl!icil he now hopes to cover up wilil a, Iew Jlashy headlines."

Elmer cloclarccl he will ar!voml1• programs hall.ln~ spreud of Com· munlsm by supportln~ economic nnd mllllary aiel to anll·fied n:o· t10ns abroad unrl by strengthen· lng American dr.mocracy to resist tile false lures of Rod propa· gamla.

In announcing his candid:lr')' for congres~. Elmer simultaneuus­Iy submitted his resignation as an The film stars IC wrc "arson I r·l' . ' · from London under loanout to · fr.

and Veronica Hursl, talented and I ms. Allied Artists, and arrived In "We are putting our faith in pem· al Yanlwc stadium just I C· lrlp were visits to Hoekefcllor Hollywourl hut two clays before public relations methods to solve fore a SLtnday game wll11 the De· Center, United' Nations Building tho picture went Into production. this and other school problems troit Tigers and promote the a where they ·mot Ralph Bunche;


MASON PtiONil 2·7421

Sunday ahowll "'Ontlnuoua fnlm "3:00 P· m. On Wee I' Dnya ~oltoWtl start at 7:00 P• m.

Friday and Saturday, May 7-8 'i'wo Shows 1'1'11111 fi::)O P. l\l. .

and stresstng the better aspects products over which they wore television and radio ap[Jcarances; "The Maze," was produced by of education ·as a Ilfe worlc" chosen reigning queens. Lucl<y

R. 1 1 II 1 11· a line dinner at the famous Tools tc Jarc - eoJ'mance anc was < · "' • '' airls were Dairv Queen Virainia · · c l\1 "' ' "' Shors. The" also did the rounds roctcd hy Willmm nmeron on· In addition to glamorizing the Hamilton, Capnc; Bean Queen ' I \v II M. · I \V'l" til" ox l at WashJnnton D. C. In both cities z es. · a or Jnsc 1 '·· ~ • teaching profession, the sub-com· Marcelline Bender, Saginaw; h

Cl'UI ive prorlueer. The screenplay mit tee on educational puhlic rela· Cherry Queen Evol'il Meloche, they \Vore guests of local Michl· hy Dan Ullman was hased 011 a tions has some other alms. It In· I Sutto1is Bay. They were accom· gan Week committees. mystery classic by Maurice San· tends to find ways to acquaint tiJo panlerl on their trip by Mrs. Jpe '1' " "

rloz, which when originally pub· pui]IIc with data about school Wells, editor ancl publisher of the This trip was one example of Jishcd was illustrated by Salvador problems so facts y,~lll be avail· Coloma Courier. tho many methods of pmmotin~ Dnli. . .. alile. befare..pcople. mal<~ ,up their • ''' '' Mlchlgan and Michigan products -·'l'hc ·supportlng··cast Includes minds about a controversial sub: Financecl by ftlmls from each that no one thought of several well·known P!ayers as I{ath· ject. It hopes to malte the "aver· commodity group matched by! months ago when Michigan Eco erm~ Emery, . Hill~lry Brooltc, age citizen" understand the values stale dcp~rlment of agriculture nomic Development Commission nohm Hughes. Michael Pale, of present teaching techniques I monies, the girls left by train ami got to work on the Michigan Clyrlr! Conk and .Tohn Dodsworth. concomlng the "three Rs" ami returner! by plane. \<'leek idea. Perhaps future year'

1\,•Uhts Come Ilomc other curriculum problems. It, Fealumd attractions of their will produce many more. "Ma & Pa Kettle At Homo"

MICHIGAN Is blessed with a bountiful supply of

Highest Quality MILK end Dairy Products.

This state's great cities ere assured of a

constant source of the most essential of

ell foods-pure, fresh MILK, every dey

in the year by this outstanding cooper·

ctive with 16,000 Dairy farmer Members.

MICHIGAN MILIC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION 406 Stephenson Building • Detroit, Michigan

FILMED IN VJVJL PATHE CDLOR! bring~ tho whole hilarious Kettle ---~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~i~~~~~ii~~~~~~~imi~~~~~i~i~~~~~i~~E~~~~i~~E:I--cian back to tho old hnmostoacl,

and lhe result is everything their m·ost ardent fans could ask for. The newest in the ,ever-popular series of UnlversDI·'!ntornatlonal comcrlies, which plays at the Fox Stmdny ami Monday, nuts Mm· iorle Main nncl Percy Kilbrlrlo in charge of nn even morr. gPncmns theyDard,

Death Valley's Deadly Dangers and Fought Their Way To Glory!

Sl~COND BIG lcJ~ATUim Uiehahl Cal'lson-Ve1·uuica. Hmst

The Maze Sunday and Monday, May 9-10


Tues., Wed., Thurs., May 11-12-13 The winner of eight Acnrlemy Aw:ud~ returns to our s~reen b~· I'cqucst. mMTHI I DID! II IUI-IIllUI

NEXT Wlml\:-lh•odet•iclc• Ct'llWfor~·BtU'bum llule !n LAS'I' 01~ Till~ CO!\IANCIIES In Teehnlcolot; wtt.h I..ew Ayrtis·Sonny

'·Tufts In NO I~SCAl'l~; Al11n ~ J,ndd In SASJ\A'l'CIIEW AN In Teclmlcolor; Robci•t 'fttylm··Dcbm·ah, Uer•· In QUO VA~IS ln. Tcchnlcolor.

I a liniment n£ heart and hilarity th11n ever before.

T]1r basic lllcme nf thiR l<ettle special got~ the story underway 111 once anrl l< it. moving at ~ merry pace. Son Elwin wins an

, essay eon test wliich pillS tho Kot·

I tie acres in a model farm contest. If this Isn't funny enough to start. with, the announcement that lhc contest judge is clt1c to inspeci tho place sends Mn and Pa, 1111~ assorted Keltic brood, and I he ever-faithful Indians, Crowbar ami Geoduck, hurrying and scur· rying to 11atch up the place.

Arrival of contest .iudgc, Iwpo· chondriac Alan Mowbray, carries che funny-business to even great· or heights as Mowbray comes to grips with pigs, goals, frogs anrl other llveslock-all endowed willi the characteristic ·Ketlle unprc· dictabilily. When the farm comes apart at tho seams on a rainy day, il seems as though the Kettles

I arc doomed. But never fear. Ma Rnrl Pa still have a few tricks up their sleeves-involving an Indian raid and Santa Claus among other developments.

OSI'U.I' Winner RI!Llll'l!S

For I hose who didn't sec "From Here to Elemity" ancl for those who did and want to have another look at the S-Oscar winner tho Fox Theatre will ha vc the film again Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. '

"From Here to Eternity" was acclaimed as being one of the top Hollywood offerings of all time. In it Frank Sinatra and Donna Hoed won oscitrs for tho best SLIP· porting roles, the picture itself was judged the best picture of 1953, and Oscars were given out for best screen play, best dlrec· lion, best elnomatography, best film editing and best sound.

Burt Lancaster was nosed out 'In the balloting for tho best actor oUho year on the basis of "From Here to Eternity." Tho picture was filmed in Hawaii and Is the story of. the regular army just before and immediately after the Pearl-Harbor attacl\.

The supply of nitrogen, phos· phorus and potash :fertlllzers will be enough to satisfy demand this year. '!'hat's the t•eport from the USDA. .


Ever See T HE stunning new windshield you find

in every 1954 Buick docs a lot more than merely keynote the .most modern beauty of the times.

Just.take the driver's scat in any one of these tomorrow-styled cars and you'll feel positively eagle-eyed.

That spectacular sweep of glass broadens your point of view to the right and to the left •. It puts more safety iri your scei~g: It lets you see more of what's coming from the sides- and quicker and easier; too­because the corner posts ar'e pulled 'way back.

1'his; you realize, is true panoramic visi- . bility- and makes anything ·else seem as

·outdated as long skirts.

But rou ought to look into what else goes with the dream-car styling of these g1·eat \ new Buicks.

You ought to look into the whip-like per· formance of true high-compression VB engines that reach new horsepower highs.

You ought to look into the silky new ride, the sweet new handling case, the utter smoothness and instant response of Twin-Turbine Dynaflow.*

Most of all, you ought to look into the sensational new Buick CENTURY thnt's taking the country by storm- the gr·cat new Buick performer· ~hat gives you more horsepower per dollar than any other car in America.

We cordially invite you to come in todn) or the first thing tomorrow- to sec anc drive one. of these great new Buicks-nnd judge for yourself that here is the beauty and the buy of the year, by far.

• Starulard 011 RO!IDMMTBR, optiorwl a't extra 'osl on otlrer Series.

MILTON BERlE STARS FOR BUICK -Soo lho Bulck·Borlo Show Tuo!.day Evonlngs

The J~ook or rlb:nuws·ow lets )'OU ~ee bcuer lnday

. . ,--------------------------.1 . . I BUICK $AU$ ARE SOARING I lalest sales figures for tho I

BUICK I first quarter af '1954 show Buick now outselling eve'ry other I · I ccu in America except two· of the so·called :•Jaw-price throe." . ' I And one big reason lor I his ·tremendous success is tho now 1

h b · ·~ ( h Buick CENTURY, wllh more horsepower per dollar than any 1 t . ,C eaUtJaU uy other car In tho counlry. Jllustrotod hero Is tho new CENTURY · I

I in tho much·wanted Buick Riviera "hard lop" model, I I . . I



Cornm• Parle mid Maple MllSOJl·


1. Ingham Co~nty ~cws May 6, 1954

Dan-sville Page 2- feachingi Staff

Nears Completion Wllh tile c;nnt.ructlng or. un·

ni.)JP.I' gnul(! tenetwr· lilHI W!!el1, onl;r ono nwre r.urly elnmentury tr.nchcr IH' neerlcd lo mrnplele l he lfl~oJ-!\5 tcnching slaff.

I!'HJJt, O•:•Hh'J:H ~nl"ll•'lnh) T••ll' P4P,ll~ of the flflll grm.jq, uc·

comp!lnlo.d II)' thclt• lmu;het•, l'YJ.l'S, Cln•iji Cro~liley, anci ~evllrll) mothers,· .lmn·neyed tn Lansing MllllPIIY• 'l'hpy .•went on 11. con· 4twle<l tcJUI' through lhe Sttite H~stQrl~ql Museum In Lunslng lliJd a)so the rupllol h!illdlng, 'rhe Jn(lll!llrM who WC!IIl wm·e Mrs, Wnlt~•· Dls~ell, Mr;;, Mm·Je Ji're11r, Mr~;, Carlton Anway and Mrs. Bcl'lon .Johnson,

WCTU Membeu Hold: Regular Meet

Mr. nnrl Mr•s, .Tim Cnti11A11llor I Mr•, nnrl Mm, .Tnmes Cmwner ann farplly of. Lalngshurg wero nf L"nnslng wore Saturclny eve, Sunrln;r clinJJQl' guest~ of Mr. und


JJ.ill!l.' rUnner• guestll of Mr. unci Mrs. Vqrn Gnrl, Mrs, WnlTen Mueller,

'l'hursrlay evening vlHitors of Mhm l'vl1irlnlene Hnvlngh or 'J'hercguhp• meeting of tlw w. Mrs. Lrt11r11 Bndunnn Mr. Plnlnwall, who taught in Duns·

c.'!', u: wnH held nt thr. lwmo ol' nnrl Mrs, Alford WIIIH 11111! Mr. ville lnst ycnr, spent. the wee!'

Mls~ Irln WullHH' o[ JiiHlc~· spenj. seveml cl!ly~ 1nsl wee)( wlll1 her hrother anci· sl~;teJ•·Jn,Jnw, Mr, , nnd Mrs. Rnlph Wall;cr. All wero Sunclny dlnnc•• guelilli uf Ml', nnd J'v!rll. Wn)'ne Wnllwr or New illl!l· son,

Mrs. Helen Yqung - Phone 3931 ' Mrs. Hnsa AIJricrson lnst Wellnr.s· and Mm. Dnrwln Wills of Lan· end with friends ln Ounsvllle, (Cnnt) 1n!nd 011 J'ug·n 4)

!lilY, · . "· '. slnJ.l. . · 1 ~-::~~~~=~~;!!!:~~~~:::=:==::--., Panel Discussion Is Presented at Final PTA Meet

The final rn~ellnf.( of the P. 'I'. A. for• tho school year wns held ltl~t 'l'hursdny evening nt the sd10ol. 'l'he progrum ~onsl~leci of muRie hy the rhy.thm hun1l, a vornl clue! hy Nnncy Willtlnson mul Sully 'l'l1ompHnn 1111!1 a punel discussion on the marldnt-: system uf the school. Panel members were 3 tenchcrs of the school unil 4 pnrcnts of ehlldren llltendlng ~chool,"

Durin,:: the lntsincss session officers for I he new ycat• were plcllcd. They arr.: President, Mrs. Don "(.<)onnrd; fatlwr vlec-presl· dent, John Chil~on; mother vice· preslclcnt, Mrs. Ji'len Vnn Dammc; tmwhc1· vire·pr c s I d c n I, Mrs. Myrna .camp hell; .~ccr·qtm·y, Mrs. llctty Andc1·son; nncl 1 rcasurcr,

· Jumes Cnnnhalwr.

J,udiPH Aiel Will ~JI•f!l: Nr!xl 'l'tu!sclay, Muy ll, will he

tlw l'l't-:lllnr mc!l!tlng of thn Dnn~­vllle Lucilcs Aid Society. At this time IIJC mothm··rli!Ughlcr• hun· que! will llr! l11c uflraction nf 111£', meeting. Dinner will lw ~crved by mmmittec No. 2 of which Mrs. Hnlph Wnllw1' Is chuh·mnn. Mr:;. llosme Arnold anrl Mrs, Wayne 'l'ayiol' am In e!Hirgc of lhe program. The hanqLtel will be held In llie town hnll.

New FFA· Officers Go to Higgins Lake

'i'hree new otrlccr·s of the Dnn:;vlllc F'. 1~. A. dwptet•, ac· cmnpanierl by tbeit• advisor, Jamc:; Lullwr, allcncled the lead· cr:;hip tminlng camp al Hltmlns lal{e over the wcei{ encl.

Officers were Clnrlt Phelps, Harold Oallicy and Cat•l Minnis,

Mrs, Mury Stroud of Mason, ,who has herm lcnching the aftel'· noon English dasses fo1· 2 years, will lake over I he English classes which have been tnugilt hy Miss. Ml'ssl'onary S.ocl'ety Naomi Gr. I Llg l he pnsl. a yeEJrs. Mlns Gettlg ha.~ decided to fiL ... H All D M • ('Ul'f! n posllirlll nearer her home as - ay eetmg which Is in ColumhLtH, Ohio. · Wednesday thr. member~ of the

Mrs, Lm1Ise Manning will Womar)'s Missionary Socl!!ty' of teach the nflernoon classes, Gar· lhe Free Methodist. chureh held ret t Wheaton, who has been an n!l·day meeting ntthc home of teaching- voc:ntlomtl agl'lcullur.c Mrll. Wllllam Fm!ermulh. at Peek !or 2 ycurs, hns signed a •. Virginia Strait, registerer! contract to tench next•, mn·se, missionary on furlough .Tames Luther, who has been .from Southern Rhodcslu, Africa, tcnching vocational ag the JHtst 'was p1·esent for the meeting. A yem·, has several In 'pollu~k !linnet• wn~ sct'ved Iol· view hut has not ns yet dcfmltcly lowed by u. devollonnl pcr!nd and made a decision. huslness meeting.

Mrs. Martha Glynn, who hus MlsH. S~ra!t: then related some been enjoying a year o! absence of her. experiences during her G from the facully, will teach i<in· years in Afl'lca after which l11crc dr.rgarten next year. Mrs. Mlld· was an !nfol'!nal question ami red Scofield, the ldndergarlen nnswer period. tea:-her for 6 years, hns Rignr.d 'I'Iw next meeting will he May a c.[lntract. to teach In the. Lnn· 18 al the hn e 1 r M .. L ·. Ring school i;yslcm next year. Freier. m · J 1 s, cwJs

Following thr. devotions Mrs M1•, nnrl Mrs. Ellnn nnl\C!l' nnrl 1 J~mmn J~rosl prr.sJrJr.ri OV~r th~ rlllllf~iJIPI' llf VIIHHILI' \VI!rt! gU!'S(H mr.r.ling, An nnnoLinC.,.; over tlw 11'1i1!l' nnrl of Mr. nnrl menl wns mmlc or tlw sixth !11~';'1 Mrs. Hobert Bush. trlcl c:onvenlion whieh wns lwlrl: Mr. and Mrs. llownrrl \VIlllnms 'l'tresrlny anrl Wr.dnesrlitY at Fllnl.' nnrl grnntlrlnuJ~htr.1· nf Stod1·

Mrs. Verna West Jll'l~~ented the: lll'lrige IVPI'II Sunday I'Vf'ning pmgmrn whlr:h mnslsled of reiHI·' lunel~rm~ fi\tr..~IH_ nf Mr. nnrl Mr;;, Ings JlCI'talnlng to I he wntk Lnwwnr.P l.lll tis.

An lnvltutlon wa:; nrC"nptnrl In Ml', nnd MrH, .John Wn1·r1 anrl mer.! with Mrs. Frances Nciwlllng. family of Slocllhrlriw• Wf'l'f' filii!·

tiny v!Hilrn•s n( Mr. and Mrs. at Sunset Haven Mny 2•1. ,Jttst In Brady,

Officers Are Picked At Dorcas Meeting ·'!'he re,::ulnr mc1~llng of !he

Dorcas circle wns lwlrl Friday evening nt the hornr! of Mrs. !•'. C. Anderson, .lr. Mrs. Lawt·encc Swan and Mrs. Fir.n Vnn D:nnme were eo-hostesses with Mrs. An· dcr·son,

Mrs. Dorn Diehl Jcrl rll'Vollon· als. After the buslnc~;s meeting Mrs. Van Dammc gave a rc!port. on the religion of "The .Tchovnh Wit nesscc.,"

Ml'. nnri Mt•;;, nnhert F'cltnn and family of Wf'IJhr.rv!llr. IV.P.I'l' Sunday rli[I!!Or gursts nf Mr. and 1

Mr.~ .. lerlson Felton. Latr~r In lhP. I aflcrpoon Mi'. nnd Mrs. ,JPdson Felton v!sitf'd Mr. and Mn:. F1'nrl filPnrlmnn nf Wr.hhervlllc.

Mr. and Mrs. Dnn Somers and sons of Stnrllhrldge 1111d Mr. anrl M1·s. Glr!n Sharl:111d and family were Sunday evening lunelwon guc:.;l:; n[ Mr·. anrl Mrs. MP!vln Batt igc.

ArthurBrooks and son, Roher!, During the husiness mcellng

Mr. anrl Mrs. Mllm 1\ur:h nnrl fmnlly of Wr.hhcrvllle r:allctl nn tile Jnllcl''s pnrcnls, Mr. nnd Mt·s. 1\. C. Bl'rger Sunday.


The Last · Posse

Wings of the Hawk :-\l!gl!JAI. i\JIJ)NIGII'I' IIOitltolt SHOW

SEI·~ AU,_ 'l'llltlm FJ•:A'l'UlUo;S

The Head 1..4!11 Chaney, ,Jr.

There will he no more meetings until fall.

Clnrk, bccnuBc of his outslnml· ing work the past. 2 years In F. F. A., was selected reg!onnJ sccm­rary. He hus been president of the White Onk •1-H eiuh nnrl was vice-president. of the sophomore class last year.

Miss Dorothy Longstreet of ' Williamston will he the first grade teacher.. She has heeri tenching at the Pollol1 school for

were 'l'hursduy visitors of Mr. officers were elecled frll' tile new Mr·. anrl Mrs. Clwrlrs Tla!'se of d M E 1 1 Th Cl 1 v· Elsie were Sunda,Y r!l'cninr~ sup·

~UNIM \'·MONUAY J\lt\\'ll-ltl

Mr. an1l Mrs. Cort Crossman of Ortonville were· Fridny guests ol Mr·s. Minn Otis.

Mr. nnri Mr~. Lcli:mtl Trtu!~Jf .lacltson visited Mr. and Mrs. Le· lurHI Perrine Sunday a[ternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Townsend and daughter of Lansin1~ called on Mr. and Mrs. Hex Townsend Sal urday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Cern! Underwood !I)Jenl the wr!el< end wll h rclallvcs u~d rrlcnris nt Gladwin.

Mrs. Emily Ji:cssler nnrl Kathy o~ Boll were wr.r.k end guest~ of M.r. uml Mrs. Gary Briggs.

Mr. ancl Mr~. Otis Rich of Lan· ~!j1g visited M1·: a111l Jucl' Braman Sunday ..

New officers of the F. F. A. IJeslrlcs Clark ns prr.slrlcnt, are; Vier!·presldenl, Rielwrd Brool1s; secretary, Don Bmwn; treasurer, Harold Onl<ley; reporter, Lyn­wood Nims; and sentinel, Cnrl Minnis.

B~sldes the course in lender· ship training at. Higgins Juke; the boys visited the ! hatchery at Grayling.

School Ye.arbook Being Distribut~d

The hiGh schqol. ycurbook,

2 years: Mrs. Virginia Miller, wf1o taught first grade tills year, has clecicled to cll~cont!nuc teachlng temporarily.

Mrs. Marion White; who has taught several years in the Red· ford township school, will tepch one of the lower elementary grades. Mr. and Mrs. White have purcha~<ecl the Wygant farin on Meech road ami expect to moye frum Detroit soon. 'I'he twins, Dorothy ami Doris Neuroth, who have hcen teaching second and thlrrl grades, have signed con· tracts to teaeh al Petersburg which is close to their home neat~ Blissfield.

Applications for the remain· ing lower elementary positions a1·e being- considered and it is ex­pect !!cl the vacancy will he [JJlcd

an rs. c w n VamleJ·bush of I year. ey arc: HI rman, n·· Jl!H' guests of Mr. anrl Mrs. Clare Britton. · I giniu Miller; viec-!'halrmnn, :Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dawson ~or:oth.v Carlen; sc~retary, Vir· Fox and Mrs. Glen Fox.

,::mm Van Dammc· trPasm·e1· Ml's. Ted Heins and Mrs. l\Pn· of East· Lnns!ng were Sunday ~ ' ., · · ' ncth While and son or l\lm;nn visitors of Mr. aml Mrs. Warren Lucille Diehl; program chairman, Mueller. Jnnlcc Amle~son; anrl sunshine visited Mr. :mrl Mrs. Vern Grny

chalrmnn, Viola Swan. Sunrlay. Ml'. and Mrs. Myron Kirby anrl After the program refresh· Floyd Fortm:m nf Mnsnn wns

Wesley Campbell nnd Mrs. !net: ments were served hy the host· ;r Sunday visitor of his ln·otllet•, Pearson of Mason spent. Sunday __ I~imer Fortman. at the Pearson cahin ncar Harri· . Mr .. and Mrs. Rny wc~t vis· Mr. and Mrs. Ch:u·Jes Green· son. ( !ted Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles West. ntllth and ~;ons of L:nu.;ing visited

Mr. anct Jv!rs. O~cnr Holden and of Holt Sunday. · Mr. ami Mrs. A. 0. Gn•cnougil Mlss Madelme MiliCI' o[ Howell Mr. ami Mrs. WPslcy Shopheli :md Mr. anrl Mt·~;. H. M. Lmtt-:hlin we1'C Wednesday evening dinner were dinner .guests of Mrs. Mer· Sunrlay. guests of Mt·. and Mrs. Lawton lie Owens of Leslie Sunday. Mrli. Nc~ilie Rrrhcrls of .lackmn Gauss. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chesler Bcn.inmin was a Sunrlnv visilor of hrt• aunt,

Mr. and ~rs. Vtcl.or Gillett and and Mrs. Mary Kcndri~i~ of Lan· Mrs. nose Corwln.

'I'Jmlt,JF'JC 1'WIN IIlLI.

Ma and Pa Kettle at Home l\llll'.im·le l\lnin·l't•n·y J{!lhl'id••


The Boy from Oklahoma Will ltogel'H, ,!J•,

'I'UI':SIIA \'·\VIWNJ•:SUAY·'I'll UltSJJAY i\1:\\' ll-l:.l-1:1

Forbidden 'l;uuy Cul't-!s-.Jmunw lh·n


Flight· Nurse Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Po1Iol1 "Bricl<s and Ivy,"· have arrived

aqd family of Leslie were Sunday and books are on sale by mcm· llinner gu£'sls of Mt·. and Mrs. bers of the senior elass. The sen· ~eric Freer. iors will also tal{e a load of paper


son~ of Nov1 spent lhc wee!( end sing were guests nl dinner Sun· Mrs. Gladys Reynolds of Wch· with !he lallc~'s parents, Mr .. and I day. of. Mr. ami Mrs. RoiJcrt An·· hcrville, Mrs. M:fhPiln l!ow!PII Mrs. A .• J. Mtller. Mr. and Mrs, dcrson. · of Sloeltllrirlgc and l\Ir. anrl Mrs. Charles Kirby and Mr. and Mrs.. Mr. and Mrs. Mvrlan Grimcli Merle Swan .rrf Mason and Ml'. Richart! Kehres an~! family of and Jean of Lansing called rJil and MrR. Lawrence Bakl'r ancl Eden were Sunday VISitors at the 1 he forme1·'s mother, Mrs. Minnie family visited Mt·. ami lvlrs, .T. H. ~Hiler home. Grimes, Sunday. Daltcin Sumla,\'.

Fm•t•t•st: •ruclu>r·,Jolm J,t•slill

~· J\'Ir. and Mrs. Jncl1 Yaeger or to Lansing this week. ······~!!!. Lansing anrl Mr. ·and Mrs. Commencement in vita t ions

FlC\yct Mitchell were guests at have hccn received. Will! the an· dinner Sumlay of Mr. nnd Mrs. nual junior·scniol' reception this George Mitchell. Mrs. George Ji'1·iday events arc .fast drawing Mitchell, Mrs. Yac~-:cr ami Mrs. to a close !or .the _,dass. Fioyc.t Mitchell allcndqd the 0. E. Baccalattreate will be Sunday, S. mothr.r nnd daughter hrcal<· May 23, commencement is May 'rust. 26. There arc 33 mcmbet·s in lhe

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stetler and class this year. ·~onl le[t Tuesday for Villa Grove, Committees or the class are Colorado, to visit tile latter's p~r- \vorldng on all activities for tlu! enLe, Mr. ami Mrs. }!ubert ~~~ITIB. closing events of the year. Mre. Harris was seriOusly mjured · in an atJtomobile accident. ·--Mr~. Laura Bachman enter· Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Clements of

tained as dinner t::uests Sunday, Stockbrillge, Mr. nml Mrs. How· Mr. ami Mrs. Owen Bachman of arc! Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lansing, Mr. anrl Mrs. Aethen Hendershot and family, Mr. and Witt and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Town· Mrs. Neal Valentine uml daugh· ~end and family in honor of the ter ami Mr. and Mrs. James Bob· blrt hday anniversary of Mrs. zien and family, all of Leslie, Owen Bachman. spent Saturday even!n~ us guests

Mr. and Mrs. Roher! Bush vis· of Mr. an~l Mrs. Wilham. I<lrby. ited Mr. and Mrs. Ronald BLish of The. occns10n was th~ btrlhday Parma, Monday. , anmversary of Mrs. K1rby. ·Melvin and Hugh Richmond of~ Mrs; Mina Otis and Mrs. Len·

Gregory were SL.>nclay evening nah Abhott spent the week end guests at the horr.e of Mr. ami at the latter's cottage at Pleusant Mrs. Earl Showers. lnke.

Farmers' Grow More in '54

IUght now is tho best time to have nitrogen pnt on yom• wheat, pa11ture, COI'll and oat g1·ound. .

Use Anhydrous Ammonia, (82% nitrogen) the cheapest form of nitrogen aml the most available nitro­~en )llant food.

The following farmers own a)lplicators in your area.

Free Methodists To Honor Mothers.

Next Sunday morning there will be a special Mother's Day progrum al the Free Methodist church. The pastor, Rev. Harry Moore is in chnrge.

Severnl gifts w!ll be presented to mothers and a specinl Mother's Day messag·e will follow·the pro~ gram whlclt will be presented <luring the Sunday school hour.

Color awurds will also be pre· sent{!(! to the C. Y. C. boys 11nd girls. Everyone Is invited to the service.

Mr. and Mrs. Fran!< Woods have moved to East Lansing. Mr. Woods ls now !lmployed at tlu! Ollis Jet plant.

Mrs. William Musolff attended the spring conference meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service at the Court Street Math· ocllst church in Flint Friday. ·

Miss Annette Greenough. and Miss· Frances Volkner of Flil].t were Monday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Greenough.

Mr. unci Mrs. Ralph Sup!ran and family of Mason and Mr. imd Mrs. George Lucas of Fo.wlerv!lle visiied Mrs. Bessie Turnbull arid Mt·s. Sarah Clements Sunday. · .

Mr.and Mrs. Stnnley Voss an4 Edwin of Mason nnd Mrs. Wilbur Rykert and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson of Wllllamston were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. an!l Mrs.· Roy Hobart. .

Mrs. Rose Corwin spent ln&t weel1 with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Reeb of Jackson. . ,.

Mr. and Mrs. Dicl< Wilson· and family of Lansing wet·e- Friday guests of the Iutter's. mother, Mrs: Glen Fox.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Otis and family o~ Stocltbridge called on Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Freer Sun·

They are ap)llying nitrogen now. Contact them for more information and have them take care of your acre­a~c now. It costs you less .than you can do it yourseU.

day evening. · · · Mr. and Mrs. Claud Laws. Of·

. Mason and · Mt:. a )lei ¥r·s. Vern Glover of Jeesl!e visited Mr. and

Rmnember-Nitrogen tloesn't cost,_ it pays.

F. C. Anderson & Sons Danttvllle

Phone 23011

Lewis Shaw 18~6 w. Rolfe Road

., ~Jason

Phone 2·0811

Luman Zimmerman . Route.!&_ , E1dmt Rapld,•

Pltcmll 4:aast

W ,yne 'Route 1 ·

Webberville Piiolie · 4·IM1

Paul Wolf 1290 S. Zlnuner Uoaul

Wlillrunsron Phone 008·F·22

William WilSon & Son· ~Ute 1

· • Stockbridge

Veste.r Mock· ~~~~bll(pq~·~

L~WJ~oc~ MQ,an Bouto. 1

Webberville Phonu '4•F·l3

Harold Weigel Dimondale PhOIIO 4218

Mrs. Roy Glover Sunday. . Mrs. Lyle ·Campbell and Mrs.

Lee Hnlndel and children of Mn~ son were Saturday gt1ests of thelr parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, A .. c: Ber· ger. '

Mr. and Mrs. .Tes17 -stall ts an~ son of Jacltson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd cosgray an4 fnni!!~ ~.nd, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cosgray of· Stocltbrldge. visited i!Hiir. pa~ents, Ml'. and Mrs, Arthur Brool<s SUI!· . ciuy. . . . . . . .. .

Mr. and Mrs. ;fob~ R!!)l!!~ ·of · Al\>lpl}_ t;nlled Ol/ 1\ft:s, Ro~~ Cor· win Friday, ·

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sager of Chelsea spent the week end with Mt~. and· Mrs. J. B. D11lron.

Mrs. LilY Petty was a Jflle~t at dinner. Sunday of Mrs. Rosa An, derson. . 1 \ · ·

Mrs. Ros~oe. Arno}4 · wqs . ~ luncheon guest Saturday ot.Mf.ll, ·~ Sherman Jubb of Howell honor.' ·Jng Margaret Murphy of Lan· sing. ·

Barbara ·Anderson ot Dotr.olt spent the week end wjth her par·

. ents, Mr. and. 1\frs. F. C . ./).!}der· son, Sr. .

· -Albert Backus ·and· Mr. and. Mrs. Casper Dietz and fnmlly· of Williamston were Sunday. visitors

J._...., _____ _. __ ~--------....,-----'· ·of··Mt•,·nnd··Mrs:<9aYid .. Bakor. •..



T~Y IT AND YOU'LL. TELL' US THAT YOU GET THE BEST OF ALL 3-PERFORMANCE, ECONOMY, PRICE! . Q~;~l.y C.l!~-~r~l,t.-the lowest-priced line-gives you all these "Best Buy." values

• • ' t ..

The moe/ern· trend· in engine design with the highest compression power of any is to higher and· higher (:ompression.. Jepdlng. low-priced cqrl , That's to wring more work out of less·· Fisher Body Quality-You get smarter

· · CL-· sty_ling:-:-greoter comfort, safety, quality-gas. · nc:vrolet, gives you. ·t~e highest.' wlththl~ only low·prlced car with Fisher Body, compression. of any .. l.eoding. low.. Biggest Brakes-Smoother, safer· slops with priced car. Come in, get.the facts and Jess' pedal pressure) That's what Chevrolet a. demqnstrqtiqn~ We'r~: &IJrEI y,~u'll gives you with the largest brakes in its fleld. teJI. IJ.S. that C~ev.rolet out·perfortl)s Knee-Action Ride-Chevrolet and out-saves its flt!td!' . , · · · · · giye' you the only Unitiz~d Knee-Action on

any low-prlced'car-one big reason for thai finer big-car ride!

·Safety Plate Glass-No other l!l;.,·prlced car gives you the finer visibility of safety plate glass all around In sedans and coupes!

Fuii-Lenglh Box-Girder Frame-Only Chevrolet In its field gives you the extra strength and protection of a full-length box· girder frame! · . '

Hla~l!.•t. C:~~P,!II.,_t!~ll. P~we_r.-V.o~. g~t. fl11•r p•rformanco and·lmP,ortant gas sa_vlng•

Come_ in .now and prove it for yo~~·•)fl


No Other Low-Priced Car· Can Match All lhasa Advantages! First-in·its·fleld automatic features. (optional at extra cost): .Zippy, .thr\fty Powerglide auto· :m~tic .tra~~ints5ion; Power Steering; Automatic 'Front Window and Seat , . . ·. . , I

. C~!ltrols .(~el Air and, "Two-Ten" i . .'moCielsl;,'~ower· Brakes (Powerglide

'mo·dols),.,..P,IIis crank-operated venti· . pclnas...:.oll~ key, for all locks. ·

- ~ ' ' . . . ; . \ -·_ .


. ' \ ' . , ' '. - . . ' - ' .

/ ·AI Rice Chevrolet 447 S •. Jefferson

. . .- ~--~-·-··--···~--~-- --· ... · !, ,,

·•· '.f:

Ingham County News


P• en !o ,,

" ·' 'f .. ' · ..

' + Belting and Backing Event -10 A.M.

+ Plowing Contest·- 1 P.M.

Saturday, 11 Contestants· ··


PLOW-ING • ~ I '

Ed Voss ______ ~ · _________ Williamston Arthur Webster ____ ..: ____ Williamston Herb Miller ____________ Williamston Robert McKinney ____________ Mason Dean Baughan __________ Williamston Stanley Bryde _______________ Mason Dorne Howe _ ~ ______ ..:. ________ Mason ClaytonHayhoe ______________ Mason· Carl Minnis _______________ Dansville Gary Showerman ___ :.. ____ Webberville Kenneth Rice ____ . _______ \Vebberville Wilmer Parsons _________ Webberville Harold Oakley __________ Webberville · Marvin Gauss ____ . _______ Webberville Dick Dickinson _______________ Mason Robert Butcher _____________ Okemos Raymond Berry _________ Stockbridge Robert Reynolds ______ ,. __ Stockbridge Albert Porath ___________ Stockbridge Bernard Aubuchon _______ Stockbridge Eugene Craft ___________ Stockbridge

BELTING Stanley Bryde _______________ Mason Dorne Howe _________________ Mason Clayton Hayhoe ______________ ·Mason Carl Minnis ____________ · ___ Dansville. Kenneth Rice ___ -·- _________ Vantown ·

BACKING Stanley Bryde· _______________ Mason Dorne Howe ___________ "' _____ Mason · Clayton Hay hoe ______________ Mason Carl Minnis .. _· _____________ Dansville Gary Showerman ________ Webberville

' '

I ·. -/

ay 8 Location of Contest

F. C. Anderson.&.. Sons Farm, First Farm East of . ~

Dansville on the North Side of M-36 ·First Event Begh1s at 10 A.M.

Sponsors of ·the Contest



MORDEN OIL CO., lansing

A. A. ~IOWLETT & CO., Mason


BERT HOWARD, lansing


F. C. ANDERSON & SONS, Dansville




.\ , .. , ..



·May 6, 1954 Page 3

.. \


'"' ... .. ... '" ... •• ... ...




.,.. ..• ,..;


--... . ,.. .. ... .,.. ... ... .... "" .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. -..

. .. .. ., .. .. .. ... .. '"' .. .. • • .. IU .. ... Ill .. ~· .. .. ... ... .. "' • • .. .. .. "" ... "" .. .,. "' -.. • .. .. ~ .. -... '!-.. ... .. ... ... .. -""

lnoi•am County News May 6, 1954 Page 4 I. . ... !

' ' '

Banquet Is Given for Mothers and Daughters

Cnrolyn Dnl:cw, .T~n. Poll? , Allfl ilroncln WoHI.

Dansville Dansville 0, E, S, rnembm•s

sponsored a molllct'·dnughter ill'enllfast n1 tho !own hnli Sun: cluy mcirnlng. ·

cluy, On TJntrsrtny the F'nltz film• lly viiliteci Jiw AIIIH fnmlly,

Mt•, unci Mr'H. Orn Bul<nl' WC1l'll

cnlierH 111 the i31'ltc:n Baitor hmno Sumluy nftcrnoon, , · '

.' ( Cnnf hHwcl fi'OIII l'ug·p ~ l .

Dinner Meeting Is Scheduled

W, R, (J, R, fn 1\TI'f'f. W(•clnH~clny

'l'he Area T" clrparlmenl of dnss mom Jr•rwlwr.~ will ho!d Its cllnner meet lng or I he year Wechwsclay nl till! ,Jnclt:;on high ncltocJI.

'I'IH' n•g ttlill' llH'I' t lng 0 r t lw Woman's Sm•irly or Chrlslinn sm·vtC"c~ will lie! itr.ld ncxl. Weclnes· clny, May 12, 111 the home ol' 1\Jrs . Ho:;c•nc! Arnold, '!'herr. will be a 1unci1 at noon with each member lnldng her nwn sandwiches. Cal<e 11nrl mffr.e will be furnished hy tlrn llnstf'sscs. MI'H, A. J. Miller is tw~ist ing Mrs. Arnolrl. In I he nftpr·nnnn tlwre will ben business meeting with dcvotlonr; and a progmm, Wessels 13nhncl is I lw A rcn I~

rlll'l!ctor, T~oiiowing lite cllnnm· opening remnrks will IH' marin hy Mr. Bohne!. a rti'J' w/1kl1 liJPt'r! will IJC n mcPting with l'il'c­tlon of offlc:ei'S, 'J'hc! nwin ncl­clrl'ss or the cvc•ning will IH! givrn hy Mrs. Nell \Vi!l'rJXSf'll, till' !Ill· tlonnl prcslclr~nt.

, Ali class room lr;1chrrs anrl dclrgatf!s !ll'e lnviled to tlw lllf'l'l· In g.

Mr. nne! JI:Jr·s. Enl'l Rlsclt nnri Belly Lou Pniir•d nn Mr. nnd 1\lt·s. LaVern ScllliP Df Maiion SutH!ny evening,

Mr. and Mrs. FlnyrJ· 1\lr{';dn nnd Peter of f•'Ju~hing wc>rr• SLIII· clay evening Jrrndwon guc•sls nf Mr. and MrR. AlfrPri Sin•rman.

Ml', ancl Mr~. Robert Smith spent Sunday with Mrs. Vio!Pt Smith of Lnnsing .

Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Moon• nf Saul! Ste. Marie were~ Thursdny visitors of :I'll', and J\II'S, IL M .

· Lnugltiin . J\:11'. nnrl Mrs. Hnmirl Rmlf'·

mnltrt' anri Mr. ami Mrs. .Iar-1' Htll'ley of Lansing \I'Prc Snllll'ri;1y evening guests of M1·. nnrl Mrs . Don Lronanl.

Mr. anri i\1n;. F. L. r.nhiP nnrl Mr. and Mrs. E. C. 'Simmonds of Ypsilanti cni!Pcl on :\'ir. nnd Mrs . G. K Mnnning and Mt·s. i\1. lvah Manning Friday.

Mrs. Ona Almond of Mason was a Sunday riinnr.r gurst of M1·. and Mrs. Earl Osborne.

Breeze Througl1 Toughest !~wn &


Methodist WSCS Sponsors· Banquet

The thirrl nllltllal mother-daugh­ter hanquet Rponsored hy W. S~ C. S, of the Metlrociist church will he heir! at tiw town hail I•'l'lclny evening, May 1•1, at G:~O.

Tire progmrn is being m•rnngcd by Mm. G. K Manning program dwlnnnn anci will fcatm·e a talk hy Mrs. William Phalen o[ Plym· nut lr wl1o is missionary secretary ol' Ann Arhor district W. S. C. S.

Tiw toastmistress will he Mrs. Roher! Amlcriion, A toast to rlauglltcrs will be given by Mrs. David Diehl nnd toast to mothers hv Suznnnc Thompson. Vocal si•Icct ions will he rcnriercrl by Maril:,·n Voss, Marlene Swan, Evelyn 'l'ownsencl anrl Lucille \Vhrcir.t' accompaniccl by Mrs. Dnr•n Diehl. A parade of hats by tlw very little girls will be an nrlrirrl featur·c .

Severn! RJlecinl awards will he made to honor some of the guests prCRent.

Tiw gcnCI'al arrnngcmcnts for banquet arc under· riireetion of Mrs. I•'. C. Anderson, Jr., Recre­tary of Ctn·istian social relations and local chtu·ch activities. The following committees arc serving unrlcr 11er direction: Decorations, Mrs. George Vngt, .Tr., anrl Mrs. SPnrl Briggs; prcl;ilchcn, Mrs. Gary Briggs, Mrs. Roscoe Arnold, 1\lrs. F. C. Anderson, Sr., and Mrs. Tva Corwin; clining room, Mrs. Merle Swan, Mrs. Eugene (~:HISS, Mrs. Wnync Taylor, Mrs. Laurence. Swan, Mrs. Ficn Van Damme and Mrs. Vincent Carlen; and cleanup, Mrs. G. E. Manning, Mrs. Forre~;t Wallwr, Mrs. Donal Parks, Mrs. Ro:,•Iyn Mill~r .. and Mrs. Harold Wing.

Sixty-three mothers nne! dnugh­t r.t'S of I im orr:nnizn t ion were present.

Alter the bronllfnsl n shorl progrnm followed with Mrs. J<ut]]leen Swnn,- worthy mutron, acting ns I oastmlslress.

Mrs. Louise ·. Mnnnlnr: led In prayer,·· Mrs. ! Dorothy McCabe gnve the toust to the daughters and Janel Briggs responded wltl1 I he tonst to the mothers,

Virginia Wilson, accompnnied by Lucile Diehl snng, "My Moth­er's Bible." Mrs. Glnclys Reynolds, county' president or Webberville, was n guest nnd others were present from Enst Lansing, Chel­sea, Muson, Stod<hriclge, Van­town, Wllllnmslon ami Webber­ville.

The eommlllee In charge of the tn·enl<fnst was Vlrgirlln Miller, Erina Glover, Marilyn Bienz nml Kntltieen Swnn, Merle Swan and Gilbert Glover served .

Following !he hrcal\fnst the group attended worship service al the Methodist church,

Track T earn Competes With Lansing Schools

Last Thursday Dansville track team engaged in a meet with Lan· sing Eastern nne! Boys Vocation· al schools.

Point winners from Dansllillc were Don Douglas, Darwin Sheathelm, Larry Soule, Don Brown ami .Jack Wnlcrstradt.

This Wcdnesd~y the Dansville Thinclarls travel'· to Michigan Stale college for the Ingham county league mcel.

Sunset Haven News Dr·. Gerald McCloskey of How·

ell was a Thm·sday visilor of Mrs. Ella Thomas .

Mr. ami Mrs. Jml Swecl of Lan­sing called on Mrs. Irene Braman Saturday .

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tltcfmas of Williamston wer·e Saturday visllm·s of Mrs. Ella Thomas. Mr. ancl Mrs. Harper Thomas and Verda Shepler of Williamston were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Thomas and Frank Thomas vis· ited her Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Oliver ami family of Center Line spent Sat­urday with Mr. and Mrs .• ra11·ws Crumbal<cr.

Carl Niethnmm!ll' nf Enst Lnn· sing visited his pnrcnls, Ml'. nnrl' Mr~·. Chnrlcs Niclhamrncr·, Ins( Friday.

Mr. nnd M1·s. Don Swanson and children of New Huclson were rllnncr guests of her pur· cnts Sunday, . Mr. nnri Mrs. Charles McCul·

Iough of Lansing r.nlled nt the Ora Bniwrs Sunday afternoon,

Mr. nnd Mrs, .Tny Sprngi1c called on Mr. and Mrs. Diek Wil· cox Sunday.

Mrs. Evn Pnul visited Ml', nncl M1•s, Myroi Richardson and dnughters Wcdnesrllly,

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Rny Clemens were recent callers of the Inlier's pnrcnls, Mr. ancl Mrs. Jnmcs Kir­by,

A mother nnd clnughter ban· quct will he held a! lhe Vanlown ltnll, Tuesday, May ll.

Whitedog District 1\lrR. JU, V. Ilttfler

Mrs. Ivan Coolmn n ancl Carol nf Ellsworth spenl 'l'hursdny an,cl Friday with Mrs. Neva Buller.

Mr. anrl Mrs. L. T. Smillt were at Diose Jalw ovc1· the week end.

Mrs. L. T. Smith enlertninccl the Reel Cedar-Meridian extension group at her home Wc,lnesday evening .

Okemos 1\lrs. Clyde Wiilinms

The Okemos extension cluh met a! the home of Mrs. Frank Reel­man on Forest road last Tuesday afternoon. The business mecl ing was conducted hy Mrs. VIola Trower, chairman, and plans we1•c eompletcd for achievement clay, Tuesday, May •I, to be held at the Fairchild t11enter on Mich­igan State college campus, The meeting was turned over to Mrs . Gladys Fox who showed exam­ples of cake decorating and ex­plained the art or maldng icing and decorating cakes. The hostess served coffee and cal<e to the gi'Oup. There were a mnnhcr of members hack from their winiC'r vacations in the south ami west. Mrs. Ina Brubaker returned from her home in St. Petersburg, Fin., nnd Mrs. Eisa Shank from Cali· fornia. Mrs. Shank told of het• trip which was made by plane. There were three visitors in the group . Those who attend nrc requested . Mr. and Mrs. Lawton r;;m1ss

to take own table service, milk VIsited Mr. and lY!,rs. Clifford for children, molded sa!rtd. or Wieand of Jack~on ~aturclay eve· rciisJJCs unless otherwise soliciterl. i'ning. ,· · · A small collection will he titlten Mr. a~d Mrs . .James Wt;ight to defray expenses. ami famtly o! Lansing spent

Okemos 0, E. S. held their friend's night'meetln~ last Thurs· day.

Circle No. 2 of the Okemos Community church Woman's Society met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. I-I. Southworth .

IMA~~:~1in~ thnt provid111 )'OU with the 5killcd !>CrViCC!S o£ 11 dozen diffcrcmt ynrcl und gnr~ den experts til n cost of lr!ss tlwn n dollar a dny! That's whnt you ~cl in the AnHlzinr, New 195·1 ROTQ. TILLER. Lot us tllll you nil :•bOut Jt, Write for n copy of OLJI• IWW FIU~I~ IJOOIC and low prices. No obli~~otion.

Wayne Miller SAU~S ANB SJo:RVICI~

l'hnnc iHnsnn 2·a8:l:l 26 L N. Cnllt~g·e Rmul

__ I Thursday evening as dinner .Tim H.e:Ss was brought ilo_me guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawton

Friday from the FoCJtc hospital Gauss. · in Jackson where he hmi been M1·. and Mrs. Paul Crawford for severn! days for treatment. of Deliance, Ohio, and Mrs. Eliza-

Mrs. William White and Wil- beth Clements of Lima spent. Jiam Donavan of Lansing were Wednesday and Thursday with Thursday dinner guests of Mr. Mrs. Jim Hess. Tiley ail visitecl nnrl Mrs. William Kirby.· Jim Hess at the hospital in Jack-

Mr. ancl Mrs. Robert S_mitil son .Wednesday evening. catle·cl o~n Mr. and Mrs. James Norton oi- Lansing Friday eve· ning.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy West were guests at dinner Wednesday of Mr. ami Mrs. Grant Dunsmore of Lansing in honor of the birthday nnnivci·sary of Roy \Vest.

Mrs. Ona Almond and Mr. ami Mrs. Glen Webster and Ronnie moved last weel< to Mason, where they will make their home at 417% West Maple. Mrs. Almond soh! Iter home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Merindorf.

The Baptist clturch mother· daughter banquet was held Fri­day .

The women of the Community church served a ham dinner Sat­tirday in the chttrch parlors. Their balte goods sale was held In till' church house.

The Ottawa Hills square dance was l1cld in the school gym Sat­urday .

Okemos played baseball with Williamston, :1t Williamston Tues­day evening .

Take Your Car to Rev. and Mrs. Earl Kincaid of

Lum were TLtesday visitors of Mrs. William .Niso,yonger am! other friends in Dansville.

The Meridian lownship board held its regular meeting Tuesday evening.

I. 0. 0. F. held their regular meeting at 8 p. m. Tuesday.

INGHAM Motor Sales

Phone 2-5531 220 w. Ash Formerly Whitecraft

For Prompt Service DONE BY EXPERTS


. D1~Soto-Piymouth Dealer

C' ;1



YOU PlENTY.'~ .. . ' .. "~ ·,,. . .... ~~-~·


You never can tell when Nature win run amo• CIIMI l ·caust heavy damage to your proptrfV, ht ~-cal ' lnauro against lou at amall costl

H. Chappell· Agency 4347 W. Delhi Phone 0110·4·2141 ··


Mrs. Sadie Behm returned Fri· day after spending a month in California. She was accompanied by Mrs. Cassie Reiche and George Martin of, Jacl<son. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geo!'ge of Long Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson of Azusa and Elton Bailey at Rfverside and rriany other fr.iends In California.

Miss 1\-Iildred King of Howell was a guest at dinner Sunday of Mrs. Elizabeth Baelws and Miss Rosamond Baekus ..

Millville Sixth 'Grade Girls

(Last \Veel<'s limns) A mother ancl daughter ban­

quet will be held at the Mill· ville hall Friday evening, May 7.

Clarl< Phelps spent !he week encl at Higgins lni'e for training of officers for the' F. F. A.

Etta Snorcy Is. staying with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Proctor. · Peter Phelps itnd Jim Maier

spent the weelt em! with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Phelps.

The Millville exte·nslon cluh visited the Kellogg plant Wednes· day. .

Mary .J. Phelps spent. Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elm~r. PQelpl!. .. .. ·

Mrs. Etta Dletrlclt was a din­-ner guest;' of· Alan·Dietrlclt Sun· day. · .. :

The 4-I-1 club met at the school Tuesday evening for a recreation period.

Ingham county league track meet: was held at Michigan St·ate college Wednesday.

The I<iwanis dub met at G p. m. Wednesday.

Regular meeting of Masonic Lodge No. 252 will be at the· Masonic hall Thursday, May 6, at 8 p. m.

Regular meeting of Rchclmlis \.Vas held at 8 p, m. Wednesday.

Community Child Study club will meet at the home of Voral Eichmcir Thursday, May 6. The!· ma Bishop will speak on "Let's Look at Camps."

Baseball with Leslie at Oiwmos, evening game, Friday, May 7.

The junlor·senior banquet and prom will be Saturday, May 8.

Mrs. D. E. Vaughn was called to her home in Ironwood by the serious siclmess of her grandfa­ther. Mrs. Vaughn and daughter, Stephie, left by plane last Thurs· day.

Mrs. Dorothy M'cCioml was ·In Chicago 3· days last w.cek on' a buying trip.

Mrs. Norma Wagner entered the Ford hospital, Detroit, April 11. On April 14 surgery was per· formed ami again on April 27. Miss Millie Brown and Mrs, Clyde Williams drove to• Detroit April 2l.·to call on· Mrs. Wag1ier.

Mr. nn<l Mrs. Glen Curtis vis- "OUNCJoJ OF PRIWI~NTION •• !" ited )1_r./l}n(! _¥rs, Lloyd Curtis .. "VVhile the .Idea of insurance

· Sunday afJernooi1, · · basically relates to the bearing of ·. Mr. aniHMrs: .E. Y. Allis and -risk and the spread, of Joss, the Vaughn Allis of Morenei and Rev. Insurance companl¢s have wisely and Mrs. Lloyd E. Allis and fam· accepted the challenge that· the lly of Potomac, Maryland, were most important service they can dinner ':gue~ts of.' Mr." and Mrs·. render to· their policyholders is Carfq_n Fol~ !lnc! 'fa!J1_liy .We!lnes-. the prevention of loss. Seldom

Those who received. A In spell· -does the payment of a Joss com· lng are -.Ruth Ann Cooper, Glen pensnte In full for the loss sus· Wireman, Kenneth Bentley, Mar·. talned. Ill addition, the preven· garet Phelps, Ellen Foltz, Mary tlon of loss reduces necessai·y In· Ann Nottlngh'lm, Mervin Pugh, surance premlums."-W. H. Bur· Klrlt Cm•tis, Nancy Nottingham, hot>, president, Employers Mtt·

... ~.l!M!!Y ... Wil:eiU!ll'• Glen Gr~f, .t!lals of. Wausau,. ' ·


~M~~~ LB. 45c F r.yers .LB •• 39c Veal Roast cHoicE sHouLDER cuTs Veal Leg ·Roast Veal Br@ast Veal C!lops Boneless Veal Ground Beef Stew Beef Boiling Beef




o•l LB. 39c LB. 49C LB. 19C LD. 49C LD. 39C LD. 39C LB. 69C LB. 19c

Steak · suPER RIGHT nEEr--RouND oR siRLOIN Cube Steaks · TENDER AND FLAVORF~L Grand Duchess Steaks Turkeys· Spare Ribs Smoked Fish




IS. 89C 99c 49c

LD. 49C

1.!. II·OZ. PKG.

LD. 65c LD 69C LD. 35C u. 49c . 4 ~~ .• ~':

€;~ n.:;r·;;· .:~ FLORIDA__;, U.S. No. I SIZE "A" 1 II'

·~·· .. . ,·r ': :. .... ~: '\ ' ' .'. ~;.,,j·:-:: ~;1 . New Potatoes 10 49c LB.

BAG . ., ......


Cuc&~mben Grass · Seeli Carrots Celery Tomatoes.


1 1~E ~B l


2 FOR 19C 5 ~~G$1.79


L.B. 49C

Apples Spinach Grapefruit Oranges Watermelons




4cm~·BAG 49c CEi~~ 21c

29-LB. AVG.-HALF 95c WHOLE Sl.89 .

5 FOR 49c 8 a~s 59c

OTR. 49C




BINC ·cHERRY CELATIN ·PKG. Sc Cocktail Juice vesEMAro ~6c~ 23c F "I Fl 10 sLAa.G 77c ami J . OUr i SUNNYFIELD Wh I Ch• k COLLEGE INN 31 14CLABN. $1'.29 0 e IC an USE YOUR 25c COUPON '/I

d Sh rt "ng 3 CLAB.N 73c eXO 0 en1 PURE VEGETABLE Chopped Beef AmloUR·s 3 l].oz. TINs · $1.00 Brooms cLEAN swEEP EAcH 89c Kooi·Aid AssoRrEo FLAVoRs I PKGs. 25c Hyd'rox Cookies suNSHIN! ' 2,;~~: 39c Prtmium Crackers Nac B~x 25c

Whole Kernel Corn LIBBY's 2 6~~~- 35c

Northern Toilet Tissue 3 ROLLS 25c

Durkee's Margarine ·QUARTERS LB. 30c

Tuna Fish Karo Syrup

Mazo!a Oil




Red Star Yeast· Soap SWEET.


37c llfrLB.

JAR 21c '6.oz. 39c·


¥3-oz. 5c CAKE

3 REG 26. · CAKES c

B s.oz.17 B 20 MULE 16-oz.l· 9 oraxo TIN c orax TEAM PKG. c


Am®rican · Family Flakes·







72c C I Sh 1 I I·LB . 3 LB. B9c riSCO Or en10g CAN 3r3c:'' ' . ·CAN

Woodbury Soap 2 J:J~ 27c Pie Che~rries." . -~~c~~~:~/~~ege 2 ~;,~~- 47c Thank You Pears Jllc~~l~ 16C:~~ 18c ,, Cherry Pie Filling Mib~~~Ny~~oE 22C:~~ 35c Apple ·Juice MORGAN'S-MADE IN MICHIGAN 46c~~ 34c Meat Balls·and Gravy CHE~98c0J;,~~-~EE 15112c~~ 29c Daily Dog ·Food DJEr , AND 2 3 ~~~~- _25c ·om Pick.les · DANDY e~~: '19c Peach •pricot . Bars siLVERrowN p~8s. 25c


lona, Peas Pork 'n Beans Tomato Juice IONA, New Low PRICE Cream Style Corn


Sauer Kraut Tomato. Soup. Grapef.ruit Juice



~~:P~·10c 16-oz. 100 CAN 18-0Z. 10. C .CAN ' 6C:~~ 10c No, 2 CAN

JOI/l.OZ, CAN 18-0Z • CAN

10c 10c 10c


Strawberries ·2 ~~~i-- 45c Peas · · · · . LIBBY's French Fried Potatoes LIBBY'S


6 1o.oz. B9c PKGS, . , 2 9-oz .. 31c PKGS. 2 1a-oz. 331 PKGS. 2 to.oz. 35c PKGS.

Silverbrook .BuHer 92 SCORE, MADE IN MICHIGAN Cheddar,· Chene MILD Cheese· ·s--p· ·r·eads .. · KRAFr·s-ouvE PIMENTo. , . , . , , . , . PINEAPPLE OR PIMENTO · , Jt's ,National Baby Weelc! B b F .... d. . , GERBER'S, STRAINED 4 39c· a J · .00 $ MADE Hl MICHIGAN JARS.




Straine~ Meat. GERBER's, MADE IN MICHIGAN w2c~~· 21c Evapora~ad .. M.i.~~ · WHITEHousE 4 Jt~~ 47o GIANT 720 · ·. 'llilllllili._ ___ _



$pic ·and . Span· CLEANING POWDER


Blu-White Flakes BLUING ' ..


Cheer .: · .:·o1sl-iw ~sHIN&. oueRwENr ' ·'. .• . • . ••. :.. )1•\,J


G~~~: 12c· EACH 99c ·Coffel'· Olke: : . JANE PAilKER-APPLE.R·AISIN , · EACH . 29t

~~~;, · 25c ... Dinner. _,olli . JANE. PARKE« 2 6~~~- 25o . :, . :_'; ·. -. MAY . '··

~~1~: '72c NOsi~~~-~oinan's day }~~~t/~ --~,.;·..;·--tht AlP _Magaalnt ·

3-0Z. PKGS. ltc : .. ,i':. '. 'r""', ....

'All ·pric:es' iri this, ad eflec:tive thru Sat., May I ' ... ·.·.·'


. I .,\


li!olt~m County· News May 6, 1954 · Pijg~ ·Sf' ,, I

· ANN,UAL CASH .AND CARRY ,,,,. ·····.


1 ' • i' t,..

' .,

,. ' .

. . '. ' '.


FRIDAY-SATURDAY ·· MAY 7-8 . Doors · Regular Sale Windows R~gular Sale


11 2-4x6-8 1 3/ 8 Fir 2-PanefDoors $11.90 $ 5.~5 14 2-8x6-8 1 3/. 8 Fir 1-Panel Doors $13~80 $ 6.9 5 3 2-4x6-8 1 3/ 8 Fir 1-Panel Doors $10.90 $ 5.45 5. 1-8x6-6 1 3/ 8 W. P. 1-Panel Doors ·$11.90 $ 3.9 5 S 2-0x6-8 1 3/;' 8 W. P. 6-Pcinel Doors $15.95 $11.95· 1 2-4x6 .. 8 1 3/ 8 W. P. 6-Panel Door $17.50 $13.40

. 6 2-6x6-8 1 3/ 8 W. P. 6-Panei.Doors $18.60 $14.20 4 2-8x6-8 1 3 8 W. P. 6-Panel Doors $18.90 $14.40

Stock Size White Pine and French F1·ont Entrance Doors , I

Off 25o/o

12- and 16-Light - Clear· W. P. ·Choice $ 9.00 $3.95 Odd Sash. $ 4.20 From • 7 S. Metal Baseinent Sash $ 4.25 $ 1.15 Metal Door Frames SJtso .· $5.95 ·Durall Tension Screens Choice $2.9 5

(Any Siu·s We Stoeli) ·

Gerity Chrome

·. Duo-Lap . Shingles Bathroom Fixtures Off 40o/o · . 2 Ranch-Type · Striated JS .. In .. Clear Red Cedar $20.70 $14.95 '

., lx4 Dimension ~J\edicine Cabinets

Storm Sash Adjusters_ Barn Door· Locks Cellar·, Window Sets

$29·.50 $ 24G 50

~ .. ' . '

lr- ..

" ,. '

I , ,,.

:t- ·::

. ;t,, .: :'


' .· .. !! ·.·' .,.,, I .I' . .;»~ '• '

... .. ' . ' ' ' ,;

.- 300 2x4-8/. ·a No. 2 &· Btr. Y. P .. S4S Each $ .64 400 2x4-8{ 0 No.·. 2 & :Better ·-Spruce .S4S $ .69 .

Ove.rhead Doors 1 - National 8x7 · (4 Seet.ion) 2 - Frantz 9x7 · 4 .... Frantz 8x7

. I

·, $89.00 $71.00. $64.50

Marl.ite Stock Wall Board 1 :18 Inch Pl_ain and Scored $410.00

Tools Stanley Vises No •. 1210 24-ln. Wrecking Bars Stanley Bit and Brace ..

. Stanley Bit and Brace 10-ln.

$4.95' $ .65 $5.00- . $4.00 .

$ ... 48 $ .45 I

$66.00 $58.75 $54.95


$2.95 . $ .50 $3.75 $2.75

.. 85. e66 .. 80 .59

.75 .3 3 (lnclulles Ilool•, Eye, llinge. Lutch)

Foy (Deep Flat Colors) Paint Off 50°/o · Gold Bond "Sunflex" Paint Qt. Reg. $J.oo .25

Gallon Reg. $3.60 . $1.00

All Enamel Paint (Halfs and Pints) Off SO'fo

Hardware , . 8 Wei$er Keys-in-Knob .Lock Sets ·

23 Dexte( Screen Door Latches No. 1107 1 Arrqw Keys-in-Knob Loc~ Sets


$7.75 $1.50 $7.95

· Sale

$4.00 .99


. . ,' ','

.· · Many More Spring Bargai.ns at · Y clrd ·; ;·~ :,.~ ·-~ ';\: ':. . '

Open.from·7:3,0 A.M. t.o ?:?? P. M·. Saturday .

1: .... -,·..... •,,, '. I . . .. '.

· ·- LUMBER · COM·PANY . . . . .. .. ' . ' .. . .

... • to

: ':1. '"' · Your Friendly Lumber· Dealer ·.

-'. . . . . ' ..

l .

. .' ' . . . ·' . •'•• ....

. . ' .. . .


·:: .

'' ,_\f., I

. l .i . . . ' :' ' ' : . . "' . . , ··1 · 1--- --·-:· ·:-- .. :-.·, - .· -~ . ·Phone--95.2.1

• • f • ; ' ... ,. • ...... _ • .. • .••. i . . . . .-. _. . . --~·... .... ~--··· - .·: .••• '"

., : ,,


I .


lnijham Countv News · · Mav 6, 1954 · Page 6 n~vivnl 1\lfmlhlf\'H /\I'll Plnllllfld 'l'iro Willimmlon Clntrch nf I till

Numn!llll 1:~ ltnl(llflii 11 Hot'lnll nf rnvJvuJ meeting:;, '!'hey Htnrterl• Mny •l unci will extend nvcl' 2 weel{s, Rev, 0, ]!', Znc!Hli'Y of Aut•m•rt, Illlnn!s, Ill conrlttcllng lhc mcol.lngs, This evangelist nnd formct• business mnn comes w!lh 20 y(!lll'H prt!ach!ng experience und mrmy successful revivals.

W~iiiamston Grace Smith

Williamston PTA Concludes Year At Monday Meet

Williamston 1'. '1'. II. hl'lri its last. meeting of II){' Yf'Hr Monriny evening 111. the hit~h sdHlol gym. Movlt!H or the "l'amrlr! of rtoSl!H" were shown, followl'ri hy sqwrt·r· llnneing. LHnr's orl'iwslra pro· virlccl I he must!', Tit£! movie's were tihown frll' those not r·ru·ing to dance, Enlcrlaitulll!Jit wm; pro· vldcri by tile senior dass. · Mr. anri Mr:;, ffarolri Oeslr!rlr. Wl!re hosts for the £!Vrmlng utul

Marshall WeUs

Paul Rood's Beet Planting Suggestions

A few weeks ugo, we hnd u

. rndio visit with MARSHALL WELLS l'nul ,J. .Hood,

MSC Soil Ex-tension Specialist. Paul's recommenc.lations Cor sugar· beet planting were :;o well expiainec.l, we're mentioning them again.

'fest for W clncss GeLting on the lrmd t.oo early

packs and injures the soil, Hood said. 'J'his red uccs yields. 'I'o easily test for wetness, go out with a round point shovel and at sevcml points in the field, spade down. If you find a sticky muss on the shovel point, don't plow. If, on the other hnnc.l, the soil crumbieR, plow and plant immediately.

Don't 01·cr-lil

Mr. 1111rl Mrs. Lyln K!tdwn llilrl diat•gu of Lhr. l't!rt·eslllnenls,

N£M o!Tieers wero Jnslallerl in llw short business nwcling whiclr pre eerier! I he prog-ram. The spe· elu I eommit tr.e on sdtool housing marie Its recommenriu l.ions, Mrs. Helen \Vhltlemorc nnrl Mrs. l•'mnr'J!s Gu!Tnm•, rlelr.gates to lhe :mh annual eonvenllon of Pur· enls and 'l'enchet·s In Saginaw, mnric lltc!r· report to the g-roup. Dt•. Hnrolrl M. D'flrcy allenrlcrl tlw convent inn also ns Incoming president of the Williamston I'. '!'.A.

Slanlr.y Bixby, ~on of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester illxhy, underwent: an nppendcr!lomy last Wednesday. He relunwri llomc Sunday nnd Is recovering sallsfacloriiy .. ·

'l'IIC Library Guilrl held 'Its un· nun! rummnge sale nt the I!in·m·y Sn!Ltrday,

Stork Shower Given Friday

Changes Are Made Mrs. Allee Dolph was hoslesH <It a pinl1 and hlue shower for

I S h I F It MI'H, firtymrlllri Powell Friday n c 00 acu y evening, There Wf!re l(j 1-(Uest's

Several ehangcs have !teen made In tile racully of Williams· ton scl1nols for lhe coming year. Mrs. Williams the homcnmldng lcae!H'r, Is not returning rilie to 1 he far: I that lwr husband will enter military scrv!ee. '!'Iris pnsl· 1 Jon Jws bem f!IIL•rl by Mrs . .Tohn Everhart, who Is al pn•senl leadt· ing al Gnrlwin Height~. ·

H.oherl Kohloff, tile present hiiitnry teacher anrl athletic coach, has resigner] in order to arl'ept n pnsil ion as supcrinten· dent al Cariionvil!c. ncplaclng him in pr1rt will be Royce Mncc· krl. a member of tile present coaching staff. The school Is negotiating for arwllwr physival Prhwal ion anrl history teacher. Tltr boarrl of erlucalion will be as!wrlto approve appointments of nr>w iliHI aclrlitional teachers at the next regular meeting.

Roher! Bnnrl, wl1o came to llw commercial department in mid· year to replace Mrs. Madeline Lici\e\', will be reassigned to teaeh ·the section of the sixth gt·nrlc, now being taught by Irvin Cobh. Mr. Cnhh, now tcrwlling

present. Punch was served at the beginning of llw party.

'l'lie group played games · mul contests pertaining to the occa· sion. Mrs. Dolph then slwwcd colored s!ic!es,

'l'hc guest o[ honor received many I ovc I y gifts·.

The i1osress served reft•esh· mcnls fmm a t:J!Jie rlecoralcrl with miniature slorl\s and has· ~incts flllr.rl wllh flowers. Mrs. Laura Fisher, co-hostess, poured Lea.

Williamston Has Mayor Exchange

Air is what warmR soil. If it can't enter, the Roil won't ivarm ·up, and this, Paul rcminderl us, brings up "once-rJvcr seed -bed preparation." Don't over-til the soil ... keep it loose fot better drainage ami bacteria; action. Follow the plow with some tool like a clod buster, harrow or culti-mulchcr to smooth and firm the surface only slightly.

1 this sixth grade seetion at the Memorial school, is Leaching a military deferment.

On Wcrlncsdny Williamston ex· chnnged mayors wit It Greenville, as part of llw c:ily's o!Jscr"Vanr:r! of Michigan Week. Mayor Owen Mumaw of Greenville visited Wil· liamslon. George .Johnson, !lfl!iii· dent of the chamber of com· mer~c. and lhc city council aetcrl as hosts. Mayor Mumaw was en· lertnlnccl and familiurizerl with some of the city's problems and the manner in which Wiilimnston is meeting those problems.

Supe1-visor Kyle G. Brown rep­resented Mayor William Maher, who is on a leave of absence. Mr. Brnwn and his wife went In Greenville on Wednesday and he was acquainted with city affairs thfre.

I' raises !\' cw Heel Drill Place fertilizer about zr,:,

directly below the seed <~n-( cover sli!-(htly with soil an( firm, so that the seed docsn '\ contact it. 'J'he new beet drill does exactly this, Hood said.

Fertilize Plenty and Well The point is to work the soil

when it's right and plant imme­diately ... the Fnmc rlay prof. crably. Then fcrtiliw well fo1 better yields. Usc tho 32 1,';1 ni trogcn fertilizer you like best

. but above all usc plenty an6 usc it well.

These arc Paul Rood's sug­. gc&tions for getting better beet yields.

A Public Seruice nf the

BEET PROCESSORS OF MICH!aAn who aflm brlnJ.! ,vnu

MARSHALL WELLS-WJR-12:30 ~.m. l~nch Sulurdny PPRP·4-54

Other changes under consirll'l'· iilion at Lhe Memorial school are as folloWH; Mrs. !l'lm·guerite Oe'· terle to replace Mrs. Doris East· man, who docs not wish to teaell full-lime next year; Mrs. Mary Taber, to replace Mrs. .Tunc Stover, who will teach kinder· gartcn in place of Miss .Jean 13ush. Miss Bush is seeking em· ployment in California.

Additional tcaeilcrs will be needed to accommodate the in· creasing enrollment in Williams· tm1 scl1ools, and additiona!" space is being sought for next year. Plans arc being wor!1ed out by lcaclwrs aml principals combined, at tile direction of Supt. Bock· staillct', and will be presented to the board of cdueation for their approval.


Judge E. T. Crossmnn presided al the Lam;ing township court on Wer!nPsdily hcc;rw;e of tile sick· ness of Jur!gc Huller.

l\Ir. ilnrl Mrs. C!nycc O'Dell anrl Mrs. H:uTy O'Dell visiter! rein· lives al Muslwgon over the weel\ end.

·JOHN'S Radio & TV Service



LausinJ.\", Holt, 1\lason, Ditumulale, 1\lilldt

+ \

Calls Answe1·et! Sa11w Hay

to U P. l\1.

+ Call Fo1· Om·

J\fust m~asonai.Jit~ R:ttes

I Call Holt 4-7221 i . ~'lXO N. Ced!U' Jlolt


~t'eJ!om MUTUAL





:.:.r _. _____ !~~;;,~;y~i~i~: bolo~--·-. ___ )o

·: '.~ · 819 PhillitiS Roml 1\lason, Michigan Phone 2-4962


Plaa1o 1cnd tha proepecuaa dc!lcrihing the inve"unent COJUpanr or llOm• paula• checked below: 0 INVESTORS MUTUAL 0 INVES1'0RS SELEC'flVE i'UND



Plainfield 1\I•·s. Huzel Slt~Jlhens

Members of the Plainriclc! com· mission on e!ducatinn will allc11rl a dinner us a group at the How· arrl Johnson restaurant on M·12 outside Ann Arbor Friday eve­ning.

Plainl1eld church will observe National 4-H Sunday with a ~pedal service Sunday, May 21.

Isnbcl!c Donolntc, Ruth Pntlon, Clarabelle Glenn, Ruhy Tallman ;md Hazel Stephens attended the annual W. S. C. S. conference at Flint Friday, April 30."Four hun· drccl eighty women were present for dinner.

Mrs. Lorna Kenyon of Dufriclrl ~pent from Monday until Thurs· clay with her mother, Mrs. Flor· enee Dutton, to help with her spring housecleaning.

Mt·. anrl Mrs. C!yrle Jacobs were 1-(Ueots of their daughter, Mrs. Wanda Kinloch, and family at dinner Sunday. 'l'he occasion was their wedding anniversary.

Michael Jeim, 11 months old, r!icr! suddenly Thursday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alger Bollinger, who had cared for him since he was G wecl<s old. Burial was <tl the Wright ceme· tcry.

Sumner Clark, who had been sic!\ for several months, died nl the Veterans hospital in Ani1 Ar· bor Fr·iday. Funcml services were held at the MilneL' funeral home Monday aftemoon. Burial was at the Northwest Stocl\briclge ceme­tery. Mr. and Mrs. Clark owned the former Otis Dutton farm northwest of Plain'ficlcl.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wheeler of Imlay City were guests at dinner Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. .1\rthtlr Patton and David.

l\•lrs. Phyllis Coaldey is still in a Lansing hospital and is re· ported as gaining slowly .

Webberville Mrs. 1\lyrl Grahnm

The -East Leroy extension cluh 'met at the home of Mrs. Nora Me· Comb Friday, The' Jesson on "Gening Your Calories Worth," ·was given by Mrs; Nora Me· Comb.

Regular meeting of the Re· bclmhs was held last Tuesday evening.'

Past Noble Grand club met at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Showerman Just Wednesday.

Mrs. Myra Oesterle Is slcl< at her home. ·

.Mr. and Mrs. Nell West, Mrs. Glenn West and 'Mrs. Roy West and children visited Roy West nt Bay City at the pollee training ccn ter last Stmday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilcox of Howell hove purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy West.· The Wests plan to move to Bay City soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Roland Graham 'and Mrs, Emma Bedford · are

Canaan School IGigh~h Gmdo

'l'uc~dny morning, Mnrlu Lyon~ or MnHon, n. ~turlent of Mlchignn State. college, visltcu ·both morns of Cnnnnn school, She pinyeci scv· ern I oboe solo~ nnd ex pin !ned I ho care nf I he Instrument. Shu eon· dLtcteci 80ille vocnbLtint·y iJrilis In l).Je cast room,

Tim second, lhlrd and fourth graders have been studyhu:­poems. 'l'hey wrote a poem about Jncit's dog,

Lyle Mcl{cnzie is hack In sehool after being slclt' with pneumonia,

Those who received A on spell· lng tests Friday were Rny W111, Dert Seyf,.rth, Kny Carr, Arlie Cauriill, Lyle McKenzie, Bet.tejune Brenner, Knhy Seyfnrl !1, Lois Schnceherger, nnymond S!ivcsl re nne! Keith Burgess.

The cast mom is obSCI"VIng "Be Kind to llnlmals Wee!t" hy mak· lng Jloslcr·s am! writing stories.

Eric Berglund is spctuling the wecit nl the home of I\elth Dur· gess,

~.purreR anrl nrlvnnlages of living JIJ,O\VgTmi\ Y 'l'lmlll'I'Jil In Mldtlgnn. . four Town Corners Jnrluslrinlrnm;ir)g wn~ rcnuutert

M1•, unrl Mr~., C!ydo Dnv!H ttnrl llh'H, 1~ 1111 1\lulhm In Englund In 1B7!l, Itt lllnl ycnr, family uf Lnns!ng vl~lled the n Mn;, ,Jerr.mlnh Colmnn himrl n Fran!\ I•'o~ter fnml!y Sumtuy eve· A clnughtor wns born lo Mr. Mlc'l PhillpJlll Flowel'riny In Wot'i\,

,lllltnt HnrrH, Dnllwrl Cnnvln nnrl Mltrlr.lino Wirf!lnrttb'

Mt', nne! Mrs .• lntnos Campho!i nnri Gnr,v nf llownll were Sundr~y callers of Mr·. uml MrH, Wnyne

ning, nnd M_rs. Donnld !Inrmeny lust not only In lite fmnily's m11starrl '!'he elgi1Ui grntlcrH nli(!IHlml Wqrhwsrlny, fllw luw been tHunnd mlli, hLlt nlso to follow up lito surnmr?r Clarlt rf)t!rl F'rlr!ny Ill

Mnson v!~llnllon day '!'ue:;rfny.. Dcnlcse Mnrle, s!cl< etnployer.s In tlwh· hmncs. llw University ltospilnl. Jcunnml


Hnv. Chnt•lns BrooiH>. visited :rvlr. nnri Mrs. l~arl Howe of '!'his wns ono uf' liw first llnics lo ht!J'Vir~f's were lte!rl Mondny Ill bnl!t moms Mnnrlny nnd tolr! an Lansing wem 'i'ucsdny vlmlot·s al lm es·trthliHhcrl lwlwnen lite fnc· Stnd\brlrlgc. iJJiercsling Bible story. the Cecil Wemple home. lory and lhe home, Employers Ml', nnrl Mni. r·~nwsl C:attllllm;

Mttlllals of Wausau says. Rohblns sr:llooi . -nnrl Cannnn Mnry MLI!Ien anrl i•'rnnl\ Mullen sncnt the. wcrl\ r!lld with Mr. nnd

played n fJ.Innlng softbnll gume of Dotro!t spent the wee!' end on Reeves District Mrs. Wayne r~JJsworth. at Cnnar111 T•'rldny. The :;com WitS their fnrm. Mt•. nnrl Mn;, !lay Hnr!lcy Cannan 3, Rohhlns ll. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. ·1~1mer Frnst ~fl's. Wllync Gem• caller! on Mt•, and Mrs. i~mnwry

All pupils of West Cannan, spent Sundny evening with Mr. The booi<mobllc visiter! sf'hool Plclccl of Unarlllla Sunday, accompanied by their teacher, ami Mrs. Arthur. Frost. · Mrs, Cook, anrl Mr•. and Mrs, Otlle Cremer illlfl son of De· 'l'ucsday, lllnre I ban ·10,0011 Mldrlgan Robert Seyfnrlh, Mrs. Erlwm·d troll were wcell end gu~sts of Ills 'J'Ilm;c rreclvlng A in spelling women will he ohsnrving nnllnn· Cnr1·, Mt'H. Palen Somm-villc, Mrs, b 1 ,, I 11 nl hnmo dcmonslmllon wcoll 1\!ny

roller anu ·nm Y· this week were Carolanno Geet·, 8 1 1 Cheslf!r David, Mrs. Lowell Roh· ~ through Mny . By I her I temr., inRon, Mrs. Victor Brenner and They hnrl u potlur.i1 supper fnl· llobcrt Mar:;ltall, .J11dy .Cowrrn, "Torlay's Home Builds 'l'omor· Mrs. wr.nt on II p!nnnerltl'ip lowed by the huslness. mef!llng Jean Ilardi, Davit! Slwparrl, .fllyr·l· I'CJIV 1S Worlrl," llwy loll friends through I lie Olr!s Motor plnntnnd ami a program of slides sltow!ng llnrr!L, Lany Budr!, .Jimmy Cow- rmd twlglilmt•s of !lie goals or lhen visited I lie ymtlh ln!enl ex- vcop!c, events nnd !mpmvemenls an, Larry Sr!bet•, Elaine 1\larslwll, Llic!r orgunlzalion., hlhlllnst 'i'hursdny nflel'lloon. In the 3 churches during tile ,---__;_' ---------------------

Mr. anrl Mrs. Eclwarrl Curr anrl IJHst yem·. family visited S11nrlny at til(! Mr. <tncl Mrs. W~nrlnll Gee and home of Mr. and Mrs .. Jim Hen-· fnmlly spent the wcei1 end 111. son ot' S,vrltwy. Rush lnlce,

Mr. and Mrs. Plriillp •Sr'I'IJlll!l' Ncnl Conway spent I he wcf'lc or Dansvillr~ vlsllr!d the Il. S. end nt Iligg!ns lulm allendlng an Pulver family Sunday. F. F. A. conference.

lOo/o Off on· All Mr. ancl Mrs. Dnle Will vls!lr.d

liwlr father, Hubert Wlll, and 8ons Sunclny evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Me·· fitchburg Kenzie have a son, Waller nay- ~'''H, J,ylo Grow mom!, Jr., born Monc!ny, Apr!i 26.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Gerald'f!, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hu[flnc and Mt·. anrl Mrs. Pete nosher sprml Sunday In Detroit. They visited .Jimmy Perry. Elgin Watches

Mnynard uncl Louise Brownlee of Lansing visited H. S. Pulver and fmnily Sunday. · Christine Berglund is slaying

at the home of Kaby Seyfarth. The cast room is observing

:rvlichigan WPCII hy slurlying the annlr: h!ossom, thr. robin and lite Michigan Ilng. West room is studying lhe history, natural re·


'I'IH' nfflela! hoard of 1111! Filch· burg £'hurr:·lt mrt 111 lire cinrrr:h last Friday f!Vfming. II gift nf $228,[)~ w:r.~ receiver! In Pslabliiih lhc "Mary \V. Lane 1'.lr!mnrl;d Fttnrl for Sunday Sr:hnnl Duild· !ng." ,

r.~um·tror!y eonfet·enr·c wns hr.ld al lhe Munith !'lrurr·IT \Verlnes·day evening for the Munith, Pleasant lake and I~itclrburg churches.


Sale Ends ,June 5 Mr. nne! Mrs. Harry Warnr!r

nnd Dcbornh and Mrs. Roy WHr· ncr, all of Jaci<son, cnllcrl on Mr. illl•.l Mrs. Lyle Grow and Marion Snlur·ciny aflemoon.l. .

Mr. nnd Mrs. Wrllram Urad­bury, .Jr., nf Lansing litH! Mt·. nnd Mrs. Merlin Bntrlurff of I Ji1s· Jell spent 1110 wenk end with I heir parr•nts, Mr. and Mrs, Irving Dat· dm·ff.

Wint Carr :N!J H. ,Jf'ffel'son


1 are buying More peop e

Ford cars than . anY other

make becau~e theY have

d :ves thenl found that For gi .

more of the things they .

t in _sty__ling · · · In wan .•.

comfort. •. in conveniences

and in performance •• · all at

the price they want to pay. It's

no wonder that national new

car registration figures* for

the latest seven-month period

available show Ford out front

by thousands! More people are

,, . kY.Jng Ford ... _more people

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Y..Q!!.join the .swing tod ? ay.

r.wort~ (i• more when you buy It • • • worth more when you sell



Roy ·ChriStensen Your Friendly Ford Dealer


r I


CITY~--~------ZONE-STATE ~~~r~~~·~'lt S~~~~:;lS df~~e. at theil• ---------------------~~-----~~---;__;_ ___ ~~------~---------------_;,·~· ___ "'""':;__~ . ' ' ~ \ ' ," ·;~· :.

210 State·~ ·Mason · 2 Locations · 123 Main - Leslie. r


·'Editorial Page

Masons Stand for Freedom The Ingham County News Mav 6, 1954 .,

Part 4

Only In free countt•les can such organizations us lodges and sct·vice clubs exist and funct.lon, Down By the

20 YrmrH J\l{o-HilH , 'rhe pcoplo tunwrl ngulnst Gov.

Here In Muson next week the 100t.h unnlversnt•y of the Masonic lodge will be obsm·vcd. We talw it fot• gmntcd that any mnn has tho right to join any lodge, OJ' not to join. Yet that right exists In only a few countries in the wm·ld. It goes hand in hand with tlw other freedoms-the fmcdom of worship, the freedom of the press and the freedom of as­sembly.

SYCAMORE 'l'wo of the most ovcrworltcrl

Words In the English lnngungc lorjay (nnd neither of them mcun whnt they sny) nrc worl<shop ami clinic.

ench pupil to lmve 11 flower us a hnrbl ngct· of spring,

Whut do humans do wllh their time? Most women, of course,

Wl'lllrtm A, Cbmstoclt's proposnl to honrl tho Hlalc for $3Fl,OOO,Oil to mnfll ruct puhlic hullrllngs nnrl highways, 'J'Iw proposnl cnrrlcrl In only 7 norlltm•n counties. In Ingham tlw vote wns O,fl!i2 ngnlns·t to 1,118 for. In White Onlc township tlw vole was 13!) to 0

1 ngalnst the hnnrllng Itlrtn. . Mnsnn llrcmror\ snvcrl the big

house on lhc Dlnmonrl fnrm In Vcvny April 27. '!'he roof \VIIS

ablaze when firemen lliTiwtl. 'riley soon illlcl the nrc under control.

Many of the Jenclct·s of the Amel'lcan Revolution were Masons, although them is little hlslot·y to show that any of the lodges plotted against England.

/ Yet there Is nn in:ll.ancc close by where the Masons should take credit fm· winning freedom for a country. That's in Cuba. There in 18!l7 ancl 18fl8, the Masonic o1·ders spcar­heaclecl the t•cvolulion against Spain ancl 'even today the Mn­sons, although a minority in the island republic, arc a fot·ce In government. Only a few weeks ugo Rev .• John Wimberley of .Jucl\::;on's First Pt·csiJyterian chLH'ch was in Mason tclljng of the importance of Masonic lcadet•shlp in prescnt-cluy Cuba. He had recently t•clurncd from a slay there.

Lodges at•c not ami should not be an appendage of gov­cl'llmcnt. Not' should anyone confuse lodge work· with re-1ligion, even though every lodge should defend and uphold freedom and faith. The gt•cnt promises that men and wom­en make in joining lodges should be put to work, and generally m·e, in impl'Oving communities, in tmining men and women to assume community responsibilities.

F'ot· 100 years there has been a Masonic lodge in Mason. F'or 100 years the Masonic orders have aided men and women

·to be better citizens. For 100 ycm·s those orders have bt•ought people togctlwr to work for the common good. They have upheld social standards and have developed social graces. They arc one of the bulwarks of freedom and under· standing.

Next week the Masons will be celebrating 100 years of Masonry here. We should all join in saluting thcmfor good deeds dor1,e in the past unci for recognizing the opportunities ahead of them.

'Kit Clardy and His Attackers Why it should be considered news that the CIO leaders,

left-wing college professors and Democrats oppose the House Un-Amcrican Activities hearing is queer. Yet the newspapers have played up the opposition to the committee's hearings for clays. They have pl'inted column after column of invective dclibcmtcly designed to unclet·minc and malw suspect any action and all findings by the committee. ·

The only way Kit Clardy could possibly please Walter ; Reuther and the other CIO and UA W leaders and the left­

wing professors is to drop dead, and he probably won't do it. He had the chance a few months ago and didn't tai<c it.

There is no reason why any honest, loyal American need feat· any legislative committee.

The vet·y fact that opponents of ·the hearings have their mouthings prir:tted and broadcast proves that there is no threat to freedom of speech. If there were such a threat there would be silence, not the. squawkings which now fill the papers and load down the air waves. · · ·

Kit Clardy has a job to do. After his election to con· gress he was assigned to the committee investigating Un­American activities-right here at home, h1 our boasted arsenal of democracy. Because of Communist trials in fed­eral court in Detroit the hearings were postponed so there could be no undue influence upon the jury. Now that the fcdeml jury has retnl'llccl its verdict the legislative commit­tee is going ahead with its duty.

That duty is being maGic more onerous by the tactics of those in opposition, those who hope to confuse the public, those who hope to profit by that confusion. But people who know Kit Clardy arc confident that he will stand up under the pt·escnt attack as he has those in the past. He will not be swayed by the clamor now being raised.

While Clm·dy is drawing the fire of the labor leaders and lefties, he is just a symbol. His opponents would be against any group conducting such an investigation any­time, anywhere. Maybe it's a good thing to have a show­clown right here at home.

Horsepower Lad(s Horse Sense In the rush of spring work on farms no tractot· opcr­

atm· should forget the number of hm·scs he is driving. On most farms today the fewest horses a man drives is

25 or 30, if he operates a tractor. When a man drove 2 horses or 3 or 4, skill was demanded, but horses had hot·se sense. They wouldn't walk off into space 01' climb up on top of a stump. When the going reached the dangerous stage they might even stop to pt>rmit the driver to consider the situation.

Farmers who would have considered it dangerous for a youngster to dl'ivc a team of fractious horses often fot·gct that a tractor has 25 or 30 or even mot•e fractious steeds beneath the hood with no hot'SC sense to match the horsepower. And it's not just the boys who forget about the hol'Sepower either. In the rush of spring. work and at other times of the year,

. too, some tractor operators disregard safety. That's why in 1 evct·y community some farmer has been the victim of ·a

tractor accident. The more horsepower generated the more hot·se sense

is needed in opcmting any machine, and that's especially tri.te· with a farm tractot· by the nature of the operations.

This ycm· the horsepower rating should be closely matched by horse sense in operation.

, never sit clown during the dn.v. Last week over In Livingston That's the wny I hear it, "I

county there wns a clinic on IJoy haven't ltnd n chance to sit down Scout cnmplng. This weelt at Mt. lorluy. I maclc the heels, did t1111 Pleasant there Is n · couching washing nncl got your dinner." cllnle planned. At Michigan State Some clay I'm just going to 11 barn door clinic Is scheduled- wntch, lllte 1 he VIrginia Polytech· for slclt barn doors, probably. nic scientist watched the cow. In

a 21-hour pcrlorl the Vlrglnlu cow When any group needs an ex· spent two-thirds of her lime

cuse to meet they set up a clinic standing, 0 In grazing, an hour or a workshop. A clinic generally nflcr helng mlllted and 1in hnlll' lasts from a few hours to n rlny, heforc midnight, IonfinR. An exuct seldom running aver the length ane·thlrcl of the time she chewed of n game unless 11 double·hcadci· her cud. ' Is scheduled.

Lnl<e outings where the fishing n nd swimming offer great a tlt•ac· tlons nrc usually hilled ns work· shops. ·rhcre arc Ilhmry work· shops, extension worltshops, con­scrvn!lon worl<shops and account· lng wnrltshops. A recent one was n .Juvenile delinquent worltcrs workshop.

I wonder who besides the caw wntchccl t11e sclcnllsJ..

This Is Mlchlgnn Wccl!, Ain't it; gTalld'f

Tlze Good

Our. of tlto busiest wm·I1shnps . Old Days IH at the Nlnlr. eonsr\rVnlirm «'1111111 nt Jlig-glns h.tlw. Hardly n wecll! Jmsses that some worl;shOil Isn't Htilgml there. And the amount of wm·It done hy liO Jlcople at a wnrl!· Hhop runs nbrmt the l>lllll!l us thnt done hy n lO·ymu··old boy piling· WOO!] without JIILI'!lllUI) cnCOIIl'llg'C· menf;,

The worlt done nt most worl<­shops is largely the ingenuity required In thinking upnn excuse and tile paper worlt necessary in filling out expense accounts for the trips there and back.

One Yenr Ago Ray Bullen made his liist of·

flclal trip as n mall carrier April 30. He carried mall for more than :iO years.

The city has made· a deal with Mrs. W. M. Conn for a right of way to extend Cedar street south of Ash,· In front' of: the new school.

Rain forced postponement of the plowing contest until May !J.

Miss Sylvln Flnrhnm· Is rc•­henl'Sing l1inrlen:nrlcn younr:· for "Pan's Fllrlhrlny." '!'nit· lng llw IPnrls nrc T~lnyrl Flnwr.n, Lynette Wright, Mary Mr!Tnlyre, Lenn Hnlncs, Way~r:o Bowers, JJ!Jiy Par·sons·, .Tack Whipple, .llmmy Aseltine, Kenneth Felton, Rohct·t Lr1sscn. Eugene H.anrlnll, .Tnf!!c l~rlrs, Billy Lane, Billy Clark, Billy f;wlft anrl Donnlrl Ashfal. In the cltm·uscs nrc Cntht·yn Pnrlcrr, Bcllwny fknrlmnn. Shirley Armstrong, Bessie Rnhcrl Wnrr., Chnrle~. Bartlett, Hownrrl McCat'· rick, l~rlwarrl Ji'mncis, .Joyce Cnl· hy, Rnnnlrl Oslcrhrrg, Donnn Mm! Wnrner, Bnhb,v AnJmry, Dicky Illncs, Chnrlcs Hills, Marian Em::ers, Esther Corner. Dorol hy Warrl, Pauline Parlter, Virginia Rose, Gall Every . .Toyec Raymond, Beverly Potter, Eli~a· heth 1-lmvkins, MHhel Schulte, Joan Rakowslt,V, Dale Caltrirlcr, Ann Zimmerman, Maxine Willett, Ronnlrl Baker, Donalrl Owen, Betty Lane, Minnie Wythe, Rose­mary Austin nnrl Nancy Steven-son. •

Senior honor students for the period nrc Roger Chamberlain, Kenneth Cline, Marie Fetters, Staley Haugh, Fmnces Htmter, Josephine Judson, Orrin Klnnl· mn, Esther Kinnison, Marjorie Kirby, Viola Leit:r.l1e, Clare Lott, Emcr~on Smith, Lorraine Smith, Mnntell Snnw, Albert St. George, Robert: Wilelicn ami Raymond Kennedy.

i!O Years A~o-lfl2'1

J\ worl!shoiJ oug-ht to be a plnec\ whm~e srmmhnrly sweuts doing wm•lt, not out fishlnl{, or dandnr.: or lollln~:· on the hcnch. J\ clink ought to be for the treatment or the slcl!.

Harold Jenks,· 13, had to have his· right leg amputated following an accident at the corner of Phil­lips and Sandhill ronds last Thursday. He was riding his horse when the horse ·Was struck by a car. Hudson & Cnnns have the con·

Lawrence 1\falcho, 16, Stocll· tract. for pnving Lansing, Ash . bridge, was killed in an automo· anrl Cedar streets.

Jacltson with 11~ Foote hospital bile accident ncar Munith April Even without StocidJriclge nnd Is now matched 111 Ingham. We j25 Ji'owlcrvillc, there will be semi-· have an Ingham Chest hospital.. · . The new name became thc·official j Russell l!~nkle of Maso!l. won pro baseball I his ycnr. En ion Rap­designation for the Ingham Tu- the top pti:r.e for boys 111 the ids has .inined Mason, Leslie and berculosls sanatorium May l. r State Journal talent show. Williamston in the Ji'our '!'own

league . .John Davidson of Eaton There are about as many. people. The Krass·I<han studio is being Rapids is t.hc league president. . at the hospital with non-tubcrcu- moved to Lansing. Twelve elms have ·been set out Jar chest maladies as there are Mason Klwanlans observer! tile nt Athletic flclcl. . with tuberculosis and so the name :lOth bil'thday of the club April 28 Laboratory Prorlucls Co. is riay· was changed. It will at least do · ing $1.75 for 3,5_ mill<, 4c diifer-away, \\lith the arguments over· ·Lyle Austin··has'rer~eived for· entiaT, for the first half of May. sami.torlum and sanitarium. mal notification of his appoint- Sam Allen, 13, who Jives with

Ingham's was a snnatorium, an establishment for treatment of the sick, one that employs specific treatment, or that treats pnrlictt· Jar diseases. Now that lung can­cer and other lung- diseases nrc climbing the Ingham sanatorium no longer employs specific treat­ment or treats particular dis· cases.

A snnitnrium is n retreat where the treatment is wholly, or almost wholly, prophylactic, and is thus clislingulshccl from a sanatorium.

So the snnatorium·sanitarium argument will now be rC'Icgatcrl to the ncadcmlc. It's the Ingham Chest hospital, not even a clinic.

Now talw the word dwst. 1'hnt's also gnU in I{ ovlll'wot·lw!I. !\Ia ny people will probably be· llevc thnt the Ingham Clwst hos· pltnl Is opci'Uicrl. by the Conunu· nlly Clulst. 1\Iaybrl 11 helt!ll' name ror the county lns.Utulion would bc Bosom hosi•ihtl.

Word meanings change. Hassel or hassle is nn old word that has made a comeback just recently. It appeared 3 times on a Detroit "'rP~ Press spnt·t s Pllf'f! nne day 2 weclts ago. I wanted to usc it tn embellish the hot·rod story '(Ingham County News, April22). Mrs. Lorraine Bowdre, our Lud­low head setter, made It hassle. So did LeH.oy Lee. Ken ShelTer mncle it hasscl. The whole force was in a hassle or hnssel over the spelling. Finally a call was put through to the state library In Lansing. , 'rho librarian first getting Into the verbal. hassel or hassle said she had never heard the word or seen It in print. But she: agreed to look in her big dictionary. Sllc then reported that It can be spelled either way; ami she didn't say eyether eithm:.

ment as acting postmaster nt his parents on the Minar Lansing. farm, lost 3 fingers while playing

10 Years Ag~lll44 with a dynamite cap. Closing o! the county normal at 50 Yeu1·s Ago-1.90·1

Mason is regrmled as probable. F. E. Densmore went lo Ypsi·j Mrs. Maude Rockwell, the prln- J.r.ntl Frirlny, returning Saturday cipal, is in a Plainwell hospital. with a fine Oldsmobile. There is a lack of student appli- Work on the court house tower cations for next year. Some state has been called off against the school officials have opposed con- will of the men on the job. The linuance of county normals. Trades Union Council called a

Ingham supervisors have mr· strilw for nn S·hour clay. The ried the lcgislalive redistricting contrnctors offered to meet them fi.ght to the state supreme cr]Urt. halfway, !) hours instead of 10. Lansing supervisors arc· object- H. 0. Halslcacl has resigned his ing to the placing of Lansing position at the First State nnd township In the first district with Savings bank willt the intention the city of J,.anslng. of entering business for himself.

Two carloads of surplus po- Four men lost their lives when tatoes have IJeen shipped from the Bryan House on East Michl· Mason to· the Bay City sugar hcct · gnn avenue in Lansing was des· plant fot· processing into alcohol. troycd by fire last Thursday The federal ·government paid night. $1.95 cwt for No. 1 potatoes at The following saloons have Mason. paid license fees to the county

Sgt. John Hamlin is safe in treasurer: Charles Hurst, Dans­Sweden. his parents, Mr. and ville; George W. Wood and War­Mrs. n. J. Hamlin, llave Icamcd. renA. Brown & Co., Leslie; How­He was a member of a Flying nrd E. Canflelrl, Onondaga; Eel- I Fortress crew forced down in ward M. Schwetzer, Ecigar J. Sweden after being hit In a raid Goyt ami Hubbard M. Dal,irt, Wll· over Germany. linmston; and Charles J. Hasse,

The OPA ltns tal<en off the .Tames M. Glassford, Jesse Gray, points on nearly all meats ex· Frank N. Flanagan and Grant ccpt beef steal1s ami roasts. G. Carter. Mason.

Supt. Searl Briggs has· resigned There will be 2 graduates from as Dansville school superinten· Dnn~ville high school this year. dent to accept a commission in Miss Mabel Young and Daniel the navy. Simoi1s.

Wolf Warnings for Tornadoes Broadcasters should read the old foil\ tale about the

boy who shouted wolf. He shouted it so often that when the wolf finally did appear nobody heeded the warning.

At least 3 times this year broadcastel's have sent nervous people to the cellar with tornado warnings.· Luckily the

The only thing I didn't lilte about the singing of the· Michigan State a cappella choir· was the pronunciation of been. They sang it as bean-a regular navy bean. I maintain that in a fresh water college like Michigan ;State the regular pronounclatlon should be used.

tot·nadoes did .not appear. . In the, first place no one is able to pt•cdict with any eer­

tainty the path of a tornado, and when the path is generally )located the damag~ occurs only at the few spots along the · route where the wmd swoops down to earth. A storm hops

along. The chances of any person being injured by a toi·nado is.

extremely' remote; He's in. far more danger running down the cellar stait·s on a fake waming than standing outin the open waiting fat• the trees to' shoot past .in a big storm ..

. One of the best·mannercd girls I have met in illong time is Caro· lee -Dyer of Holt. She's l!J and the oldest of the 7 children of Mr. and Mrs. Wnltcr B. Dyer. She not only has good manners-she uses them. She worlts for Michigan Bellin Lansing.


Blot! her hoorl , .• nnd what a flood of mom­arias th~t word brin55. In a litho world there is no nama so procious, no love so deep, no faith moro 4biding.

And todily, es guordi~n of l~c family podolbook her slender shoulders boar o burden in· o woy most

. men envy.

We're proud of any help we c-.n ~ivo lo Mutl1cr. Remember, it's HER d,,y ncr.l Sund&y. .

Open Friday Nights Until 5:30

Paying l V2 .o/o ·-Dart National. Bank Time Certificates

Interest Paid Each 6 Months, If DesiretJ

Interest from Date of Deposit

All IICJIOsits inSUl'Cll up to $10,000.00 by li'cdm·al ncposit Insurance COI'JIOI'ation ' t


Is lze in bu~iness "to stay? When you huy a usee! car !rom a Fore! Denier, you're dr,aling with an establishml business­man who has a largo investment and his l(oorl namo at stalw. We're here tod:ty, :mel -we'll be here tomorrow/

Ch k h Does 1ze really !mow cars? . e C t· . e !:~~L~)c::~~~~n~~~. in t~~~~ d (g~\rud<.) ,. work with cars clay in

j and clay ou l. W c know Use Car ,, sure howlospol.trouhlefast. ' • And, our expert l~ord

·mechanics have the

B h k equipment and "know-·t · how" to handle atiY .U . c ec service job.

the .. . dealer, t.OO. ·' Are !tis prices really fair? Ford Dealers hanrlle used cars and trucks as n servico to customers. We get a lot of tmc!c-ins. We keep them moving to free our workinl{ capital. '!'haL's why we oll'er used curs unci trucks

-ut rock-bottom prices.

Is .lze itllet·e s ted in you ? Remember-we Ford Dealers want

---;:'~~>.1/::iU.., keep your ~ood will becau~e someday WP hope to sell you a !ICIIJ car, or another used car, and we want your service busi­ness. It's just plain good business for us to play S!J,Uarc with you.

Do Ms cars meet~ standards?.

ITS ~"( When you go to :i F~rd Denier's ~nd seo the A-1 suY I 1 label on u car, you know it has met with the deulcr's

yoU ou!lf9.. A.l standards. And beCI\IISC you can trust tho mnn "THA1' C you bought it from, you cun trust tho cur,

-•. D.A.~ee~ Your~.Ford. Dealer ROY CHRISTENSEN , Some people have grown so net·vous over repeated tor·

nado .wa_rnings that-they spend hours hiding in the cellar. . . · · · Broa~castet•s should quit hollei·lng .tornado every tlfue

.Mrs. W. M. Conn .said It with flowers. To express her apprecia­tion· to Cedar Street p·uplls '\Vho quit tramping down her berry bushes In a shortcut to school,. s.he . presented each .room with .a

. Two Locations t4J Serve You

lthe wind l'lses. _ :.- .... __ , __ ~~·-- .~ : :. J

bouquet of daffodils, enougl1 ;fci~ ----~-~~~------~-....;....;... __ -:---

Mason, :uo State ..._ Phone 9611 · ' Leslie, 128 Main - Phone· 5641

GREAT TV, l!'ORD ·TIIEA'fRE- WJIM: TV,. 9:80, 1'11UI(SDAY .. ' ' . ..:...... . .; ~· --.

Eggs Are· Counted by the Billions II,V C!li'l Collin

I Wr. Hlllntlrl IHtvo n rr.pnrl !rnm slrlornhly during 1110 rr.Rt of this Mle11if(lll1 soon on ll1ls year's Jll'U· year.

·U8DA lsHlll's prrlodl<• rr.porl~; rhll'llon. '' '' '" on lhr> world Jll'<Hirwtlon nf vnrl· ''' • '' Siner. thr. slnrl of thr. 19!i•l·:i5 IIIIH llf(l'klllllll'ill Jli'IHIUPIH, ltr.· . rJllll',Y Jlf)C'n HII)Jnort lli'O"I'1llll on C'C!IIIl,Y thiH mlun 111 nwntlollr'rl lfSDi\ nnrl r·nngl'rsslnnnl fnrm ,. "

( l'ft' l'tl · "'1\' 11r 11111" I 1 1 A[tl'il I, whr.n HllllJHll'l nrkt!S wr.n• I ~n l'f!JHll'l 1111 lin~:, Now 1 1' • h '". ~;o 1 ' '" HIS II If! ,. I lin •till ttl !Itt' l'tl''t' lll'n f I 1 c•ul [l'llm flO lo7ri',1· of Jlflrlly, CCC

I' 'mes lllle 011 f'g)! lli'IHflll:iJon, II lid 1 II "' 1 · ' g · dl O. 11n1 • 1 j 1 1 1 1 lms llfld In r:onllnuP. hu,yln•; huller nhoul 1:J•I hi Ilion ••ggs wem \H'o· now Hit'· !'t' 11 sr!VI'l'l' eros m/ n ..,

I li n ··c Lillt\Vr."i· Uillr'"" · II I Cll' lo hold Jll'it•r.s al. IIH! 7:1•/, lr.vr.l, 1\llrt~d Ins! Vf!fll'1

~()•,; O( Wliit!h " e I "' ' .en Sll l I • ' ill" I•· lt'illntl Ill!' Dtt"t· l'rlvl 1Jn In the last wr.el< In A)ll'il, over ILil'tWd out in North A!nr!l'i· " ,, ' " • · - ·'· ' 1 ,.

'll'f''l Jn'IY "111'"'11\ T fill\< frJ!' "llllln \O,:i ml\1\on llOUndH of hul\ei' har1 r:n, UIHI I~UI'IIJll'. ' ' I' e "' ' " ,, " •

1\lnr\ of IPglslnllon to P.lll!rHII'ill(<' h~r·11 lllll'chaserl !Jy lim govem· 'l'l1e U, S, nlotll' prorhlr'Pt) fll'f'l' pulllnf( mllf'll nf the land har~k tn ment.

liol billion. Srf'llnd In out pill wns l'l'ilss. Thai's WhC!l'f! It siHlltld \1nve '' ''' ''· .ra1inn, with o\'f'l' ;,,:{ hllllnn. Ar· 111•en nllllw llnw. 'l'l'Ouhlr! wns, Plans fol' rllsposnl of thr. gov· genlinn prorllll't'd :l.ri !Jillion, l'tr'lmll\irJns of 1wn•s Wf'l'r plowed 11p ernmenl's huge hillier and other Nr•tlwrlanr\s ~.H hiltlon, and lll'l· to grow Whral wht!ll llw .:wl\ dairy prntlnrt stor:l1s nre having; f.~lurn :!.2 !Jillion, 'l'hpsc Wf!l'f' lllc molsllll'l' wns nhove normal. rlll'flr:ulty ".Jelling," Prol1lom Is to lr[11lurs in Jo:uropl.', USDA sny~ ~lany arrns slinnlrl !Je put Into r:ut the prlc:c of slon•rl\supplles tlv~n; nl't'J' •I:I!I.:J million tH•rmatH!nl grass and lwpt that In a wny to r•tH'ournr~c r~onsnrncrH 1'\iidwns on farms in this <'olin· wny. Congress may tatw action In huy it nnrl still nnl foul ttp try last yrar. In sec~ !lint tills Is drllll'. normal tr;ullng opr.l'il I Ions. rr nnd

. ,, ' '' '' '' '' wl~en :wmr. plnn Is worker! out so A goocl map II' syrup I'UII m~·J Going haC' I\ In rggs ngnln: llw I that ret nil huller prlees nrc cut

r'l\l'l'Pr\ lh\.~ YPIII', Jn Vermont, fnl' Pgg Industry advisor,\' r•ommlltce In hclow !iOe, don't he. surprl~cd lnslnncc•, whlcoh is IIH' lf':utin;: 1 n•<'f'lllly voit'l'd nppn~llirmto price at price slashes on mnrgnrlnc, ~~illc, the snp tlow Is nenrly o\'l'l' I suppr1l'l, surplus l't!mnval nnd sub· Oleo Pl'.oducers nrcn't going to and 'flrst I'PJlOI'Is indlmiP a :w~; I ~lrly pi·nr:rnms for <'gg~ to USDA lo~c then· rnnrlwts wltl1~ut .n good itWI'cnse in pt•nthll'llon nvc•l' tlw jol'fidal~:. Tile l'ommitlec slated sttff fight. And that Will mvolve ll!an yPnt• l!l!i:J. l.~ualily is up too. il hr~IIPvcs In self-lwlp, leaving" to lower prices.

I illl' lnr\Lt~ll'Y the solution nf its '' "' • ,-------------, Pl'ohlcms. II. t•ommentr!d that Bullcr sales nr!'! C!Xpl'ctcd to

· pr\1'1! Wits the great·est single level off at nhout· 10~'r ahoVt! 1hc ~e.. l7.M.~? f'ar·lrJJ: l'Pgulntlng st.tppty and ric· level n[ snlcs hefnre ~upport ~ ' manrl ftJI' l'f(~;s. ,, ., 11rlres were cut from !JO to 7!i'/, :1 J.entllng Ureeds of pnrlty•on Allril 1. ll.elail price '-' WIIITI~ JtoCHS Tllf' lnrl~r~· nclvisot'Y commlllcc r.uls from rr.d"l,r,tlon in

Hntcldna All Suwmor also reporlrd lo 1111! st!rrctary nf sllpport prices nvcragcd 10 lo 1:i Wrlto, Pl'ono, Drlvo 'nor Fly 1• agrir'ulturr• rer:ently and lll'gcr.l r.cnls n pound. On the hnsis of n


llwt hrrf'dcr flod<s of heavy type til•,.; incrrnse in ronsumplion, it lllli<<'YS hr• marketed as e:11·1y as still will lal<e some fnnry plnns possii,J\f!, They also urged 'IIHll to shrinl< llw huge piles of butter

I proclll<'l inn of \ale turl<eys he cui. in f(nvernm'cnt hands. (On, the

!'hone Joel""" 24809 anti thai ind11slry and govcrn- subject· o( huller surpluses, sup· ••120 F.. !lorry Rd. at Henrloll• nwnl 1>1'forts lu increase r.onstllllfl· port prices, elr.., Mrs. C. inler,iccts

It. 1• Rive& JuJ•ctlon ! 1iun he Hleppcd tlp quite con- a rceo'mmcnclalion lo \Vnrncn to rrnd "Your Sins and Mine," a real

Ingham County News May 6, 1954 Page 2 terror t;ile for farmers, in the May issue of :vt'cCnll's magazine,)

lie '" IJC

.. , r

Servit(!J atk1t keeps ye11r fnrnai!ID!J 1!10 stheiule

It's never too early to get repair jobs done - get set for spring. Look over your equipment and decide now what needs to be repaired.

Let us re-power your tractor engine -give it the zip it had when it was new.

Our free inspection service- on your farm - cov· ers ALL-CROP Harvesters, ROTO-BALERS, Farag~ Harvesters and Corn Harvesters.· It prevents delays and breakdown during harvest.

A telephone call Ol' postal card will put your rc· pair work on our schedule. Let's do it now - avoid the l'ush next spring.

All-CROP a'nd ROTO·BALER ere Allh-~holmors trodemarkt.

ENJOY tho Nallonol Farm and Horno Hour -NBC-Every Saturday


Ever wonder how a cow spenrls her I ime? Prohnhly not too seriously; hut <!airy scientists at Virginia Polytechnic marle a little sturly out of the problem nml came up with these nhservalions.

In a 2•1·hour pcriorl cows spend two· I hirds of their time just

'stamling ... and [l of these 11ot1rs were used in grazing, usually afll'l' milking nne\ an hour hcforc mirlnighL They 1cml to loaf,

I either slancling or lying rlown, during the hotter parts of the clay nnd for several hours after

'mirlnighl. The remaining one­third of a cow's lime is spent---chewing her cud!

11< * ~

Miscellany:, .. Potato prices are expected to strengthen in the next few wccl<s. The summer crop is now cstlrnalcd at 25'/r below last year .... Commercial hatcheries produced more ehick~ in March than ever before for that month; output was up 33,. 000,000 over last year. A big April hatch also is expected. At the hef(inning of the month there were 7'ii more eggs in incubators

II han in April 1953 .... A scientist says wllenl can he used for mal<·

· ing a building material to sub· st itulc for plywood. It comes plain or coated with aluminum or veneer, lool<s sorncthinil like cork, and is cheap to mass·pro· [Jur~e. , , . More rice wil\ be grown in the world this yenr than ever hcforc ... , The Hl5:3-54 coffee crop (ought lo he spelled with capital letters\ estimated nt 40.3 million bags (132 lhs, per bagl or 3'/r• below prewar average and [l~~ below post-war average.

... fou11,Js leJular/f~~menf: .. ·. ··. . . . . in toe !lew JOHN DEERE JJ.O · Serios TwomPiow Tractors . . .

When you inspect the advanced-type 3· It is an easier hiiah to _hook up to, thanks point hitch on the new John Deere· "40" to. the turnbuckle design which enables you Series Tractors, you'll quickly see why it to shorten or lengthen the top link with a

· offers you advantages over other 3-point turn of the hand. Best of all, there is the new 1 hitches. First of all, it's a stronger hitch, with John Deere Load-and-Depth Control which ! every. part built with rugged durabi\ity. for works with the 3•point hitch and the Touch·o· 'long service. It's a [uJly.addptahle hitch malic system to give you the kind of working that will take a full line of new John Deere accuracy you have always wanted for your Quik·Tatch "pickup" tools as well. as any. plow, disk harrow, and other field implements .. standard 3-point tools.made for other tractoro. · · We'll be glad·to de1nonstrate, any time.

A. A. Howlett &. Co. 136 E. Ash

' .

,'ll, '.

'Identical Twins · :'Aid Experiment On Cow Feeding

dovin on tho worl~ ol l!djtJSttnJ 1 ftgLiri!S, · One set wus testecl with ono

lwln on hny nlono nnrl the otlwr on. hny unrl. corn llilf\go, Tim ono on hny Htoorl out In millt prorlur.. lion Jll lirllt, unlil Ita bn<llly re­serve wore llown, Thon tlw twin

How rlocs tiH! Michigan ngrl· on hny nnrl co!'ll sllnge toolt ovc1' cult.urnl cxpel'lmmlt ~·tatlon keep· llnrl proclueed 3 times ns much 120 cows In 0 stanchions? as ita· twin cntlng hny only,

'fhls c]ocsn't really hnppen- ~VIm If MlchlgiiJ} State college hut for tests, it nrnountR to the dnlry scm!ls hnve trmthlc Jlndlng snmc thing, with 3 sets at ldcntl- lrlcniiCllll twin r.nlvcR" and 1hey cnl twins. One ~ct o! these twin cost a hit mnro, fr!oding 0 is heifers Is equal to 40 cows lor easier on the tnx budtwt thnn 121l lost. purposes·, Iclenticnt tmlts eut woiJIII be,



(Also wire-fencers) RAIN MACHINE AIDS SOIL "DOCTORS"-To compnrc nctlon at t·nln on various ty)lcs of soil nnrl Hrounct ~over, this portable inllllromeler, only one of its ldnd In operntlon, Is 5et up nt the Fort llnys, Knn,, Experiment Stnllon. The device, opet·ated by tha U. S, Dapartmcnt of Asrl· culture, "rains" on two square feet of soli at a lime, unci has been touring six western states for three ycnrs. Frunk Rauzl, left, nnd Frnnlt Knit tie, of l.aromlc, Wyo., arc In charge _ot. ~u}p_:ncrtt,

Trentell Poles -14-16-18-22-25 li't, Fence - Darbecl Wiro - Lawn Fence

Gates - 12-:-14-16 Ft.


Nov/s the·Time to Hunt .Mushrooms· IUnmmoth Clov(lr !\~odium Clover Lndhw ()lover

canndlnn G!'imm Alfnlra · Cerllri11d Rung·m· Alfnltn . :

Timolliy ·- Drome Fertlllzor ,Oplers ~lllion ITunlln~~ for SJll'lng mnJ'r!l:,-re·

gnrclrcl I he wnrlrl over as I he most clelcclnhlo ;nul succulr•nl of mu~hrooms--r.nn he as much fun as trout fishing, nccnrc.ling to Alcxai:lit'r H, Smith, prolr!S~OI' nf botany and hot:111ist in Ill<' University of Mlehlgan hCI'· barium.

In Jnd, in the ~outh mush· room collel'l ing is l<nown as "cJty. land fishing!" Safe for the amateur lo sPicf't and cal, mush­rooms nrc praetic·ally without equals as c:iihlc ~ungi and nrc avidly sought.

With no Rperini training and no equipment fancier than n clenn cloth, haslwl and kni fC!, you cnn search out IIJCsc delicneics in llwir favorite Ptwirnnmcnls nml return home triumphant with a dish of fungi fresh from the field.

Look for morels in llic woods cvcry Rpring amund the first wcelt of May. Tlwy mily also he founrl in wet, nhnntloncd mea­dows nnrl orr.lmnls. The I i111c •Jf tiu~ir appcnranen will, 11f coun;c, vary with tile wc<.tllC'r.

You don't :tN':! any secret icst to id~nlify rile mnn•ls. Genu' MorciH!IIa---exl rcmrl~· dclir:ious­hns pits nnr1 ridges in the <:ap as its rlislinguisiling JcatureR. The plnnt stnnrls fmm 2 to G' inches, the r.ap forming tile upper half or two·third~ and 111e stem the rcrnaimlcr. The C!:1Jl is tan to hrown, the slcm1 somt!Whnt paler. Both stem and cap are hoi­low nnd ili'illlc in texture.

You do need to he sure of the age and condition of yout• speci­mens! Avoid those ll1at arc old, limp nml flnbhy, as they may he partly decomposed by harmful hae:tr.rla.

After you have found that ripe, I lJiump beauty, cut nff file stern

Proper Placement l

Of Fertilizer Will Pay Off

Proper placement of fertilizer so that it gives tl1e mo:-;1 benefit without burning the seed is one farm operation I lint pays off. emphasizes Did\ Dailey, Ingham county agricullural Dgenl.

Bean drills pl:wing fertilizer below seed llnvc been nscll for some years in Michigan ami ll1is metllotl has pnid off in millions, nccording tn Bniley. Corn can he increased about ;; bushels per acre· by dividing J'crl ilizer at· 2 levels below coi·n. 13ecl growers find it pays orr to put the ferti· lizcr 2 inches he low I ilc seed. Band seeding of small gr:Jins places the seed above the ferti-~ lizer. These better plar~emcnt methods pay off.

It's Safe to Eat Tkese

-- I

. TillS Is what the genus 1\lorchcl· In csculcntn of the morel, n highly edible nml safe va1·icly of mush· room, looks lill!l, It is fomul all over Michigan in woo'1ls aiul aban: doncd orchards, accortling to Alex; audcr Smith, Univ.crsity of 1\liclli· gqn 11rofessor of botany. . . ·

neatly just a hove the ground., nlso he. dried nnrl saved !or !u. Wipe the cnp with yout· cloth and ture use, There nrc many .ways remove from the llllcler Sl1rfuce I o( coolting" .the "sponges," h~lt

·. . they are excellent simply f1•led m nny debris that mny he present. lntller or served with steal<.

Thrn break npcn the cap, split While morels arc snfe to eat, ~he stem lm:gthwise, anrl examine It might be well ·to point out that 11 fol' the presence of be.etle lnr· tl1ere is a personal !actor In yae. H only I he stem· is mfcsted, mulihroom poisoning, Persons 11. cnn be brol<en off nnd dis· who lmow they are violently al· carded. let·glc to fungcous spores--some

G&NUINE ; OJ.GA COAL ' •. l .. ~


, .. _,


Jlog Fce!lol'!l - Wutcl'Cl'!l - 'J'i·ouglts - Stocl< Tnnin1

Eden·. Elevator Phone I..cHIIo 21M Phono Mnson riOB!l

We Olvo Gold Stomp!!

In flavor and texture morels hay fever patients-would do well ~urpnss the common cultivated to he very c·aLtlious when first spcc•\cs and mo;,t other wild testing any kind of mushroom mushrooms. Attempts to grow not previously eaten by them. II them commcrcinlly have so Inr Is best to plrty safe and cat only


not been successful. They are un- small quantities the first time you excelled when eool<ed and can prepam a new mushroom dish, ·-------------------------'

Plainfield Methodist Church

Organ Benefit Fund Sale Will Be Held at Plainfield School Yard

Across from Church


Phone Mason 2-8761

Price Brothers Phone Auctioneers Stockbridge

Maurice & Bob .17-F-111

Household Goods. Library Table Velour Daven[JOrt Rocldng. Chair · 2 Oalt Sidebonrcls · 2 l-aundry Tubs D!'Ollleaf Table and Chairs


l\lagic Chef 4-burner Electric St'ove Montgomery Warll Wasiilng Machine, iri goo1l

condition 9x12 Wool Rug Quantity of good Rocldng Chah·s Cherry Table · 3-bumer Kerosene Stove Water licater ancl Tank

· Quantity of Kitchen Chairs Cannell Fruit Quantity· of Dislies Cooldng Utensils 1\lany other articles

Livestock 2 Holstein Heifers, llue to freshen in next 8 months Holstein Heifer, 7 months old, from artificial.breed·


T'erms: Cash

Farm· Machinery & Misc. Co-Op 2-bottoni, ttludi Plow on·1·ubber; new Frazel· St!lllc ·Outtcr.1 . ·

2·sectlou Harrow; · · : ·' · · · " ROdcricit-Lean· i 4•ft. w ced~r . ; , New HoUancl 5-to•Lw~gon, rteW ·

. ,/ ' ~ . q

Dn,vicl-Bradley -Power: Com ,Sh¢ller · . . . ' •' 'I ..... ·, .

Ottawa Drag Sa\1/: .. to tit Ford· or Ferguson Tractor Jlersebel 17 ·inch Power· Lawn. ~lower, new Schultz Side DreBser to nt For~l,or Ferguson Tractor Alemite. 21S·Ib Ore~e Olin , · .: · ..

Baked Goods· Sale -Wilt Bct:·tb~ld

on Se~le Gtounds ...

I ::· ;'I


Not Responsi~le-.fO.f. · ~ccidents All the merchandise and livestock to be sold at thlll sale have been contrlbute.l... All proceeds from the sale

' ·~ . . ~ . . will go towar4 the organ fun·a for the clmrcll. Any merehaadlse you rna)' .want to contri~uto ·to. sale· will be

acce1ltC(l ut) to sale time.

·· ..

Plainfield· Methodist·: Church \, .I 'I ., '• '·: ,.

· ... '· ·: · E~rl· D~nsmore \' '.' · .. '. :..- ' . . . ' . '

·Joy Davis - Cashier · · .. ! ·, ~.;- ......

', \




• r

·':ust. Bowl Conditions Develop AgaiD Country & Town ~·,~~

Dog~ nnrl turl1cyR 1\'lli'P thn only clome~!.lcnlml unlmaiH In North America nl l he limo Columbus clhicmvorcrl the New Wm·icl, SII:Vo lite Nntlonnl Geogl'fljihlc Snl!lcLy, MoHL Inrl!nn clog:J aecm to hnvc hmm of wolf or coyote •loci< llllt explorers' cic~scrlpllnns indlc•nto other~> of cllft'r.rcnt nncr.stry, 'l'hc~sc slrange dogs hccnmc ex· tinct nt un cnrly da!n, 'l'hc my;;. !ery of their origin is unsolvecl.

Ingham County News May 6, 1954 Page 3

\st llowl conrlltlons of I )IP. ' rlrnmuilzerl In S!olnbecii'S I(JCS of Wrath" nrc once n gripping (he smtthwcst, nnd . Mlchlgnn Is feeling llw plrwh 1hnormnl HIHJW and rain falls, rcllng to n report iHHUecl IIY fv!nrlon '1'. Hull of CmniH'Dolt jtulc or Science, Bloomflc~lrl

'· :tsl storms have alrmuly ~eel In Colorarlo, New Mexieo, IS, Oklahoma nne! 1\HnliiiH. w Hl'ens depend on srn·Ing ancl V summer rains Wllich usually r when warm Gulf wlmi.Y e ngainst cnlcler :l!r ml.lSiiros he continent. When the rain

rlwnrfcrl tho further Rnul hwe:;t·lanll fnm\crs In these scr!tlons wnnl they grow Into Oltlahoma, must do well enough In goo1l

Although Mlohlgun Is fur from ycnrs lo wcntlwr nt1t the clrouth , n dust. bowl stntus, prcc!pltntion If Mny uncl .T11ne do not bring thl~ your has hecn deftnltoly he· more ttwn averngo mlns, cnour;l• ic.w nvcrnge, Danger to wutcr l'Cl· tc; :;nftcm the hnrcl c:rust, "Oide" snurc•rs for human consumption cnravnns muy once ngaln erowd nn1I lnclu:;t l'inl uses Is not lmmerll· the hlghwHys I o greener )msturos. 1•tn. But tile wet·lnnrls nncl swnmps of the slnto have bonn rllrcc!ly nfCcctccl, nnd u gcncrul icJwerlng of Inland water arctls cnn be expected to continue,

:'Hate wr.l·lnnrls nrc gradually cllsnppcarlng as a result of clraln· ngc ancl greater u~c of ground wntcl' rcsourceH. 'J'hcse nc!lvit lc.~

Extra 'Gallons Are Needed to Return Profits

Uy 1>1111\ J111lloy ' County Agrlcmttm·nJ Agent

Annual forage· crorm lllw su· rlungruss, rupc unrl the smnll grain~ c!OHt mom per clny of g1·uzlng thnn pcrcnnlnls-nlfnlfn and lncllno' e]nver-nrHI yet their use Is wnrrnntccl,

That.'~ hccau~c gooc! pnsturc suppllos fee-d ut the lowest cost for milk nnd men! production, cxpluln Michigan State college specialists,

t(;'i;f' ~ By ' -~t.:\fJ._. ·-_ JIM BROWN

Pllm now to nttmul the ln~lmm «lounty Jllowln~ C\)JJtt!St n.t the F. C. Andm·son fn•·m In l11msvilln Snt­urdltY lll'tm·noon. It's free IUtd It's the biggest tln·lll Rhow of the year. . ·

Twenty-one contestants have signed up _to compclc in th~ 3 major events-tt·uctor plowing, belting and hacking. :'his contest is to farm boys what the Indlunapolis Speedway 1s to hot-rodders. It's the ultimate in precision plowing und good sportsmanship. The site of ihe contest is ihc first farm ea~t of Dansville on the nm·th side or M-36. Doth 1·11 and FI• A boys will take pm't In the contest:.·


,\tO S, Jefferson

l'hmm 2·K201

NEED A WELL?? I Can Drill

3 and 4 indt wllil!; fo1• fiLJ'm n111l homll li, H :tllll I 0 iulllt wdls for nh·-cunditioning

Commm·eial and lr•·igntlon .


/ come, however, It docs nnl . ssnt•ily water the seetlnn~ t In need. At:Wr 1111 cxlrcmr! tght., througlrrnrl a winler or· er, 11 lmnl·lmkecl top !aym· of h dmins off the water almost oon as it fulls.

nf mnn, In nrldlllon to the pcrlocllc Although weighing milk fmm rh·ougltts, nrc airoacly seriously each cow In ym11' herd puys off, lmrmlng the swnmp·clwelllng ani· you can tell fairly uceurntcly mnls whlclt make up a conslrh'r· what your cow Is producing wilh·

When secrllngs fall or when forage ad,lustments nrc ncccs· snry, the nnnunl crops crin be very profl!ah!e, explains Leyton Nelson, farm cmpsman.

FACTS DEPARTMENT: Followin~ the Eus1t~r sum·ise services 2 wed's :Lgo I stnrtc«l in to Sl!ed Hl,OOO squnre feet of lawn. Before tho s«~rviees he· gan at 10 a. m., 11,000 feet luul bmm emUJIWJ'ecl. Lw;t weeh mul, the m·edit column ml vnnced to 10 ()()() square feet. 'l'his Jlnst wet~!' t~Iul the yet-to-do ~~rt!a was rmlucml to 3,fiOIJ. That will lm seeded between the rainjli'O)lS yet this wecl' unchw J.H'esmJt Jllans. The weather has been ideal fm· making lawns.




)j ,.

nhie segment of stale wllcllifc, out seales·. ' Water-fowl populnlions, cspcclnl· C. R. IIogluncl, n Mlcltlgftll Iy duel>~. arc P.xpcctecl to suffct• Stale college agricultural ccono· severely unless wcl·lanris nrc pre· mist, says ytiu cnn 'usc the served. nmoun!. of mill• n cow produces

Goocl pasture Is the rcnson It costrl ~0~\· to ~5'/,. less. for feed to prorluce milk In June than In Jnn· unry, notes George PnrHons, clnlrymnn. In a program nlmcd at n long- grm:lng season, ll pays to supplement nlfulfn·hromc pas· t ures with rye for curly spring nncl ln!c fnll, swlangrnss fnr mhl· •ummcr and Reed canary grass on low wet ground, he nclcls. An· olhcr good pracllcc Is to CLlt ex· cess pnsturc In late May or early ,June am! slorc It In the silo Ia feed during the hot dry spell.

l'hune !IInson lil:ll Jll11scm Jtcmlo 1 nux SIS S

' ' , ' oulh of 1\luHon Oil US·l27 A 11t Cliy J.lmlls

lth the Missouri nnd M!ssh· I river basins got very little v last winter. While this con· 111 will eliminate rlangl'l' o(

Is wlwn the t l!aw hegins, c will lie a lowering of ground !r rcsour~es for ll11s vast

In other slates planl·llfc Is shortly after freshening-her most seriously affected. As one peal' pcriorl-lo figure how mueh rh·ivcs soul l1wcst' from St. Louis she will give In n yem·. nne finds the Ozarlt forests a A row tiwl gives you 3 gal!ons

I:nwns everywhere nrc looking their best this Spt'ing. 'l'he hbet•al amounts of rain and the occasional warm days make the t\lt'f IJL'istle with vitality.

FARM LOANS~ ~:.1~~ per day will produce only nhoul

verilahlc linderhox, Dr. Hall rc· fl,OOO lh of mill< a year. Thai ldncl Ports, and n grcnl many trees arc I lLJU usin~ \'arious ~rnss set!tl mixtures for

diff«;rent )larts or the lawn. In Uw sunny, l't~J·tihl sections I usml the white gnltl mixtum containinl!, 1\e~Itucl'Y blue~mss. On the lower sandy slnJ.H~s wluch UJ'l' heavily shaded, I am using a mixturt~ llon­tainin~ 5 parts of CI'eeJiing ret\ !esqiw anti one )Jart of wl~ttc clove•·· In some sections of thtl lawn, I have ralwtl the scctl anti then· rol11!d it. In otlwr pa1·ts, I have mct·ely rolled it. And in uuotlu~r Sl!C· tion I ha\'e neithm· mlwd it nor rolled it. Probably in a few sections I lmve not even slledecl it.


ten though I liese dmughts c in cyl!le:; f]IHL'erl from to to em·s apart, Llwcffccts ll~nd to asling. In the Ozarks the up· l oult forest~ mnsbl of :;mall, 1Lell trees which ure mora

o! n cow, Hoglund points out, cit hCI' alreucly dead or In various won't pay 11er i<cep this year. J\n sla~es approaehlnl.( death. extra gallon per day at'tiw eow's

Sprlnr.: w!Iclnowers likewise pcai<. however,· will mid 2,000 lb show tile effects of prolonged I to t11c !acini ion period. But she clrougl!t. 'fhe Bloodroot which sill! wouldn't pay a high labor 1iormally has flowers l!JC sll;C o[ wage to her owner.

On gond corn ground In south· em Michi.r,nn, surlangrass Is the most prnrluct.ive crop to grow, advises Nelson, ami it Is very rc· sponsive to commercial fertilizer. He recommends 350 to ~00 lh of 10·10·10 ierllllzr-r per ncre at planting time, from May 20 to July 1, for July nnd August pns· turc. The hcst seeding rate is 20 to 20i lh per ncre.

Abel R€al Estate Agency a hnlf·rlaliar, Is sporting blossoms Hoglund suggests thnt 11 cow

-----··-------- ------- sma11cr than a quarter. Other producing 5 or more gallons of

Phone 3161 Mason

• • • • • wildflowers, such as Dutchman's mill< per clay nt her peak should Breeches, the [IL!I'[Jic and green be the goal nf every dairy farm·


Wo have Cl • 'J'rllliums, and the Golden Cory· m·. Those ldnc! of cows will re· o stock of : claiis arC! all clwarfccl replicas of turn a fair profit this year. ' --

V normnl plants. The economist. figures that the

BEI'JS The expansion of agriculture avernge Mlch!.gnn cow gave her • I. into these dust howl areas poses owner about 5~c per hour for his

a serious problem for the Imlivld· labor anrl management J~st year.

Piper suclnngrass scccl is nvall· nblc In Mlchlgnn this ycnr. This new variety Is highly rccorn· mended for high yields, low prus·

This experiment in starting a lawn is the result of all the advice I have received. Now, for the first time I will be able to offer what I' consider the easiest and best ~vay to seed a lawn. · AUCTION SALE

F • PI tt ual farmer and the entire coun· That wns when 3.5 test mill< aver· . ranCIS a try. States In which cyclic periods nged $3.80 per hur~dredwclght. ' lllhuwapolls·l\lolln•· I of drouth arc most severe are BL~t for the .same l<mcl of milk

sic acid content, high resistance One little bO~' stole the show at the elementaJ'Y to lc[!f diseases and good lnte school sin~in~ Jlrtigmm Friday ni~ht. While lw was lhtving· I'Pnlo•clmy house, I will sc!ll nt Jlllhlin nuctlon, my house·

hold goods, also my colh•cllun ot' ant ilpws. summer regrowth. The recldlsh • f tl t 1 · hlnck seed Is its distinguishing wavm)~ rom. ~~~ s a~~e to us parents in the baleuuy, feature. he stmnble<lmto the bleachers and fell fhtt.

nil I' north or 1\lnson 1111 lli'l·127 marginal areas for agriculture, tIlls year, [H'Ices nrc expect eel to · avera~r. nboul $3.30 per httnrlrcd·

Serving Ingham County with

BUILDING MATERIALS . for over 30 years.

.\SllES'l'OS PRODUCTS Pipll Cown-in~ Comme•·cial Insulation

HOOFING SEIWICE Ucsidential Commercial

SIDING Aluminum Asbc~stos • Cedar Shalms Insulated ·



Ap)H'oved Johns-.1\lanville Contractors

Our Slttisfied Customers Ai·e Ou•· Proof of Service

MURPHY SUPPLY CO. 1.2'1 S. L:U'eh StJ·ect Lansing

Phonll 2-1169



1 luwe m!sml most 1111 the _hybrid cm•ns on the mllrl\et; 1111d ~~unks G. Jlybrlcl puts nwre corn In l.he cdb for me.

I . . . DON I.UNSTEil I . · Uural Route No. 2 '



Wcbbel'VIIIe, !Uh:hlgnn


l'om· Inglmm ·county Funks "G" llybl'ld dealers ure:

IUr. V. E. Bird Wlllhunston, 1\llchlg:m

1\lr. Leslie Grahpm . ,. Route. 3. ·,, .

Wllllnm~ton, '.1\IIchlgaiJ ' .. ·

· "Pt•lce Tractm· Imp, . Co. 1\ltlllon, Mlchlr;un

Pt•ltie BJ'OS. Stockbridge, l'Uichlgan . '

Mr. Ji',llls D. Townsend · .: , .OJ~omlaga,· Ml~lilgan . ~

weight. That means the farmer will gel only 20c per hour for his labor and mnnagcmcnt. And those farmers who arc receiving n higher slaughter price now limn they will this summer.

Sudangrass· is especially usc· Congratulations to the Masonic Lodge No. 70, F. & A. M., ful for the July·Au.gust gnp when for 100 years of activity in Mason. Masons celebrate for 3 alfalfn mny not be available, sug· days beginning next Thursday. ges!s Nelson. EarJy.plantcd su· dangrass will supply nbundnnt • Th11 lnp,ham ~ounty News first b11p,an publish·

Snh~ lmglnnlng at I :00 1'. l\1,

SATURDAY, MAY 8 Enst Onl1 strecf in WPhhorvillo

Never hns the dairyman had a h!gger renson to cull out his be· low·avcrage cows, Hogluncl de· dares, and cull cows will hring ao little as $3 per hundredweight for milk !his year, Hoglund as· scrts, will be worldng without pay if they have average cows.

pasture in July and up until the lllf~ 95 years a~o, .JUSt 5 years after. the birth of tlw Urup·l<"al' Ritdwn 'l'ahle a Fhlt! Lilu•1·s first heavy frost in the fall. Dan· 1\lasonl\Iasonie lmlJ!,e. J .. d's see, that will maim out• lledsfl•ad and ~JH'iug·s Almnt 2fi Hulluns l\•~1·os•~•w gcr of prussic, add poisoning centennial come around 1!)5!). That seems lilm lL 2 nn·.~sers fi nulhm l'nil "our Paint. from surlangrnss following a long wa~·s away, but it's only 5 ymu·s. DnvPnpus·L Forlts, Shovels, Hews, Gnr·clen fros-t appenrs slight in Michigan llust! hut Nelson says it is n wise pre· a l~oddng· Chairs 01111'1' Smull Arti<"ll's caution to nvold pasturing it aH· PlantS Wl"ll Al"d and rearrange. The folrler nlso i\lorris <:hail· Hay Fori• Sal'!• or Cement

f t S 1 1 1 contains many other· suggestions r .... 11 G cr ros .• lH angrnss s 1ou cl be nl .argr• I.iv!ng Jtunm Chnir, Over· ··•IIIli asulinn Slo\'t~

lenst 18 inches high before pas· D ( on huil-dlng a patirmt's lnlerest in stuft't~d llonhle llit. Axe

Ingham No. 6 Has High Herd Average

turing. octors to ure horticulture to tal'e his mind off •l Wut>d· Chail·s 1-iingln IIi! Axt~ · his troubles. Smull grnlns, particularly oats, 6 J,i\'ing Uoom Chair:;, Onl' I.lll'gc Cmnl!err,v Glnss 'l'nble

often furnish about 6 weel's of s p t" t !lx12 U:11: J,nmp pnsturc in June or early JuJ;•, On ome a len s A!ftrell'us Center School Olhl~l' Smull Ung·s 2 Wnlrml; llrO)I·Iunf 'l'uhles lighter ~oils, or on fields where "' Flour Fm·mu•e :! Snmll lli'OJI·lcuf '1'llhlcs secdlngs nrc clifflcult to establish, Some patients need more than Dat•ln Bunltet• Hnover Swne)wr·, new ltonnd St11nd

Twenly·ei.g·ht herds In the Ing· pasturing the oat companion crop medicine to gel well. Edison Jo:l4•dJ'i4~ Slow•, new Ohlnng ~l'uh!1~ Shnul ham No. G of the Dnlry Hcrd.Tm· -or removing It as hay or grass That's one reason horllcLtllur· Gold star spellers last wee!< C!ll'omulo J~el'rigt•J•ulrll', new .l~us!'II'CJIHl l~nddng Chnh·


pt;ovcmcnl nssoclat.lon averaged silage-often helps the secdings ists at Michigan State college arc were Palsy Hill, Chuck Sedel· IIO!'lon Washing i'llachiJw, 114~\V Walnut. 1todli11g Chair .over 30 lb of butterfat for the to become cs!abl!shccl. This prac· urging more people to become in· maier, Linda Howald, Ray Dean lee Box 1'YJICWI'ilcr Gmnclfuthcr's l~oelting· Chah· month of April, according to the tlce could wen be followed by t 1 . . 1 . l~dlson l'honog-rnph J.ndclerhnel• l~ocldng Ch11h' tester, Reid v. Losey. many more Michigan farmers at teres cc m ¥ro:-vmg anc canng Hill, Janet Rosebnry, Bcrnnrd Sllvcrlonc l'honog·l'll[lh 2 J..uclclnrhucl• UnuSt~ Clmit·s

P t tl f for pla!lls. MJCiugan State. collcg~ I Mnrrlolt Irma Abbott Carol I . I I I I 2 " I " These herds nrc us fo11ows: resen ·, IC arm cropsman Sllg ExtensiOn Folder F·181, "Horll· • , . rnnmg· lmu•c 2 I~ cch· c I•·ons ... une· muom \Valnut Chaii'H

Thomas Bell. 14 'reg-istered and gests. cultural Therapy," has some sug· Bttnl<cr, Tommy Rosebtlry, Davul Seveml Illcdric J.nm)Js String Sleig-h Bells .gmcle Holsteins, 48.1 Jb fat, Rape ancl oat mnkc a good hog gcstlons on how to "offer n tonic Mathews, Pat :Palmer, Janel nishes, Frying- l'uns uml Sauce 1'eneher's llcll 2 Ox Yol\c!4

1 '280.7 lb mille, Glen Sharlnml, ami sheep pasture. A mixture of 1 f 1 . l'ans llunil llcll

4 1 f to any patients." T 1c o c!cr IS Abbott, Durla Jean Bunker, D ·

2a Hoi~tcin~. 45.1 Jb fat, 1,283.5 pounr s o rape nml 2 bushels avnilahle at the county extension Gl 1\nil•r!s, Fm·l•s. OllWI' lhings JICI'· rngA·rsL lmn, Mm•t11r and l'csUe. lb mill<; Thomas Cooper, 17 regis· o£

1 o~ls per acre, seeded at oat ofi!cc. I-Ipre arc some sugges· . • aclys Troutner, Mike Palmer, lulninA· to housclweping; · AnliC)nc Uay Fm·t,

tercel ancl grnclc Holsleins, 41.4 Jb P nntmg time, provides pasture . 1 If 1 Hosa Aico and Rodger Jones. Horse Plnw 2 Walnut. Cnphcmrds fat, 1,145.3 lb mill<; Beryl Smith, from late June until fall. Like su ~~t~,~~ ;r~at~~~~\~~~~~~~~~~~t to Stuart, Jnnle aml P<1mcla Horse Cnltlvntnr llnUernut. CU)Jhcmrd 1[) Holsteins and Guernseys, 41.:1 cln.ngrnss, rape needs n fertile Besoncn arc hack in school. They GaJ'Ilcm Cnltimlot· Anticlue II'Clll Clocl\ lh fat, 1,Q41.1lb mill<; soli. ~ape .should. be fertilized at For bed! patients, I gllvc them were slci< last week with the 2 Crosscut. Saws \VP!~·ht. Clrll'l< Jlug-gy Wlmds

Brown and Pfiester, 2:3 Hal· plantmg t1mc With 300 pottnds some nurc ssus, hync nt1 or cro· measles. I.nA' Chain a Jo:leclrie 1\lnlors l'iehn·t~ Frnm1~s steins ami Guernseys, 40.5 lb fat,· of a ~omplcle fertilizer per acre cus bulbs that will grow rapidly lllacl•smith Vise Uc!nch Vise t!ollt~t:litm 1.rlnss, china and 1,022.4 llJ milk; Fred Graf, 42 If clmry cows arc pastured on In a conlniner with smnll stones The chllrlt'cn In the hlg. ronm Wort; llarJwss Bugg-y llurness ulhei· clislws regislcrecl Holsteins, •J0.2 ib fat, rape, they should be r~mqved 3 and water. Seeing roots and !low· had no school Frirlay. The teach· l'oay Harness Car ,Jadl Iron l{cUlcs 1,075.7 lb mill'; Fran;< .Eifert & to ~ hours before milking to crs develop gives them a lift ami er, Mrs. Bruce Love, al!cnrled Saddle Bridli•s Crodls, ,Jug·s, Uolth!s Son 13 Holsteins 40 0 lh fat avrml o(f.Jlavor mlli,, they can also become amateur Mlch~gan Rural Teachers meeting 2 IAI\\'11 1\Iowt~I'S fcoe 1'ongs li Old Lnl1lllS Brolul AXI!



J\.Illk; · ' · ' yoxtail millets lli<e German plnnt breeders. at Mtchigan ~talc college. Ifultci'S Pile of' ,Junl> Wood Uhu·l1smith mnd1! !IXC mul IIIIIIIY Bert' Scherlzing, 14 Holsteins, mtllct arc used sometimes for an Give u patient some lnbelccl Mrs. Phyllts Wecl's anrl Joan Ahnnf. 10 Bushels ol' Col'll oth1~1' ltl'l.ieles

38.8 lb fat, 1,0[)2.1. lh mlll<; Hny· nnnual hay crop, notes. Nelson, house plants, Iclcnlifylng them by spent .the week end vil;iling rein· . . . mond Ansley,

25 l-lolstelns and but they nrc not well suite-d for both the common ami sclcntlfle t1ves m Mt. Clemens. Mrs. Bruce


'l'lus sale Will h1~ l'niHiudcd h,v the WI'II·luwwn aucl.tomMH' CI.AIU~ Guernseys, 3

8,;; lb fat,

955.6 lb pasture. They do not . have a names. Wild plants· that .grow In I L.o~c aceompanicd. them a·n~l 11AIOm. Olt1er communily nrlidt•s not mPnlionecl 1111 t.his list will

mill(' Coy Dunsmore 16

Hoi· strong root system and hvcslock the woods arc good mnterial, too. VISited her .parents Ill New Balli· IH~ sold. If' ~·mt fm·gp[. the at'm·emcnlionl'd lncnlinn of' this sale, ,jusl stein~. 37.8 lh Int, 1,03G.9 lb milk; often pull them ciut by the roots Learning to identify the plants more. · . lnsl\ nnybotly null they'll tt!ll yon where Cllt\ltLU: 1\IONJtOg lives.

Harold Bollman, 1•1 Holsteins and will give the patient hours of Jerseys, 3G.'i lb fat, 919.3 lb milk; Sall"va Prevents pleasure and It mal<CS good use Vaughn Baxter, 35 Holsteins, 3G.O of his time. lb fat, 958.6 Jb mlil<; Bl '• ( I A blind person will get much I

c. ,J. Mariwwski, 27 Holsteins oat In att e enjoyment from an outdoor herb and Guernsey~. 35.4 lb fat. 888.1 lh garden. Plants should be on a milk; E. C. Ottoman, 23 Holsteins All bloat cnscs in cattle may be sloping area so they're about and Jers-eys, 34.fl lh fat, 792.2 lb "frothy bloat" in opinion of Dr waist high. A hand rnii can guide mill'; Richard Powers, 15. regis· Crl F. Huffman, Michigan Stale the blind person and he can learn ten:!d and grade Holsteins, 311.8 Jb college dairy nutrition research to Identify the pJants from lnbels Int. 7~6.0 lb !]lill<; Ted Fay & Son,' cr. · In Braille. 19 Holsteins and Guernsey~. 34.7 "We have never found a cow If the patient is arlistlc, he can lb fat, 816.8 lb milk; Walter I hal died of bloat that didn't have spend a lot of lime learning a Kranz, 18 mixed, 34.1 lb fat, 757.8 froth on top of the gas," he ex· useful hobby. Give the patient n lb milk; Richard Glesl<c, 18 Hol·. plains. few !lower containers, some stein~ anrl Guems6ys, 31.0 lb fat, A good saliva flow is tile big chlclten wiJ;C ot' other device for

· 8GG.G lb mill,; prcventcr of bloat, notes Dt. holding flowers. If lte is in a has· I-Iaywnrd & 'Torlcl, 31 Holsteins, Huffman; cows need some grass pital. he will be able to Iind

33.8 lb fat, 934.2 lh mill'; Leo to "licl\lc" their palates. plenty of flowers to dismantle Baumer, 18 Holsteins and Guern-· 1--------------------------, seys, 33.1 lb fat, 743.8 lb milk; L. R .. Nier.gnrth with 19 regis·

1 tercel Guernseys, 32.G lb fat, 698.'1 lb mille; Elo~·cl Fogle & Son, 17 Holsteins, 32.5 lb fat,· 890.0 lb mill\: · ·Lynn Haynes, 17 Dtirhams nncl

Holsteins, 32.5 lb fat, 757.1 lb mill': Wieland and Dcl,ctt, 28 Holsteins ancl Guernseys. 32.0 lh fat, 7!l6.4 lb mill<; W. D. Frelr· muth, 20 registered Holsteins, 31.9 lb fnt, 880.5 Jb mill<; ·Orin Ackley, 20 Holsteins, 31.6 lb fat, 869.5 lb milk; Sweet and LoVette, 36 regis tercel and grade· Guct~i,. scys, 30.8 lb fat, 659.7 lb milk; and Paul Scherer, 25 Holsteins, 30.1 Jb' fat, 770.8 'Jb mille ·

High indivldunr cows in each class were:

Under 3 years-E. C. Ottoman. Holstein, 132 lb ·fat, 1,240 lb m!llt and Coy Dunsmore, Holstein, Gl lb fat, 1,4!JO Jb milk.

Under 4 years-W. D .. F.rcir· muth, registered Holstein, 78 !b fat, 1,869 lb mill< •and Fred Gra1, reglstere~l Holstchl, · 69 lb ·rat, 1,!l10 lb ml)lt. · .

Undet'. •5 years.-Franl< Eifert & Son,· Holsteili, 93 'u) fat, 2~070 lb mlllt ·and Thomas Bell, regis .. tercel Holstein, 90)b fat;· 2,250 lb mill<: . . · '


74th Wolverine

Holstein· Sale In j.Jw Wnlvct•lne Pm·cbl'ctl Uvestocl\ Snh~s l'nvlliou 1111

U~·lli, 2 Vz miles west of Willininslou,· 1\Uch!g·nn.

Satu,rday, May 8 11 O'"locl\ A. III.

71i hmul choice reg·isterell Hrt!~tein cows, hcift~l's 1111d bulls. . . .

COIUJllctc cli,SJ)Ili'Sal of lhc ,John n. l~ooll herd Including mnny summm• 1111d full fr•eshcning cows.

Outstnmllng· yong·. fresh cows, close HJH'inget·s togcUtel' with n number of 11elfors ready t'or g·rass.

A few young bulls I'Cndy fol' sm•vice, .

. T. D. uud Bung's Tcsh~d. Aft mllldng· cows 1\lnstltls 'J'estccl.

llaul< ttwms-Sce Floy1l lielul, Nnlionnl llunk of Det.J"Oil:, Pcnulmnn lll'llllch; l'lymoulh, 1\llchlgan. · '

c. B. SI.\II'fH, Snh~s_ 1\lunag·ct' uud Auctloneel'

Wlllh'm~tou, 1.\Uchlgan


Your Future Is in Bulk Cooling

. with

. \

Zero's T-20 Vacuuan Tank

Build for the future with ZERO'S T-20 Vacuum Refrigerated Mille Tnnk ••• tho tank thnt takes milk direct from the cows by means of a vacuum in the milk tank. It may be used ns ll· pour-In tnnk until such time ns you arc ready for ZERO'S T-20 Vacuum Refrigerated direct-cow-to-tank milldng system. ZERO'S

. tanks nrc built to Just, Stainless steel and steel construction. Shaped like a cylin· der with rounded ends. Has no heavy hinged lids ta lift up und hold. Stands onlr 89 inches from floor to top. Brushes with long clumsy handles nrc not needed when cleaning. A short mnn can reach nil inside parts with band, Write today for free blue prints. Give ~ize of your herd.

Herb A. Miller Sales Co. WiUiamston Pllone 20

l ~ ' •• '.' •• . ,·

' '

Bul~ Mille Purchases Would Mean Ca$h Discount ')' ·-'. • .• l ... ,..... l . . ;

ncrongo ol1 ;till his flli'J11'S In lpo 8" .- ·. · G. d • "l _oounty excpccta hl11 shm•e of \jto titter ra lOg

' underplt~nlerl Qot·e!ls-e on mrtll

D . n ~ w tJ D . k u s I ,f£1rin~. tho ·prqctqccr Will not JJO Protects Buyers

.·_: airy, . r'~an ·.· . ou~~-· rln- ' -.Pi ,·._, urp_ us ~~J~~~~~i~~1~~~~!:~£~/if~m~' Sm~)·t I1Dmcmnlmrs .!lim to ·plllnt:. within tho corn nr.reu~c J\110.W .ll)ll RCfl\ll on lhp fomlllltUII·

. SilOl\l.·lt.JO ,-'ot•lll n rlnllnt' llllllnltl', nl!olment," IIOJI.:._IIM' l'ltriH now lnlltlll'l~ nne ,- Dennis Undmwoocl, Irons- 11~1 ils uuthm· ~nvo it to qw ur·cr of tlw Soul.lwm Mic:hi-1 Ingham Co11nly News tl\ls gnn Milk PI'Dducr'l'S nssndn- wr~ek: · tion nt Ononcla~~a, has eomc r lllll writing l11is In hohnlr or up with a new idea !'or slwt·- 111c mill' prrorluccm·· of M!cohlgan. lng the burden of .too mueh Wl11•n lh" llr•pirhllc·nns wr~re mille, l'il'<'led they gavn lllelr pledge

ilia! lnriuHtt·y, Jahnr nnclllw fm•m· <'I' wrnrlcl he• hf'lpr~cl to solve tile prohlr.m of surplus wllll a ml·nl· rnum nf conir·nt. So far IIH~I'c IHIH IH•Pn lillie progress mnrlr~. As a mill; prorlurcr· 1 nm primarily lnlrrc•slcrl In lito con· sl;mtl,Y slirinldnr: mill> prices; T fc!nllltal J nrn llolh n lalwrr!l' nml a husineH~;mnn. My lYIW of lnlJDt'

Underwood hn:; pu1 his idL•n into nction. So I'm· lw has giv­en it to See1·ot rtl'.V ot' A~l'icul­turc Ezl'n 'l'aJ't: Denson, Cnn­gr·cssman Kit Clardy, nnrl Senators Charlrs PoUet• nncl Homer· Fcr[:(UHon.

Here's the Undctwnml plan

Ingham County News May 6, 1954 Page 4.

v· mont In soli morl! ho(lled mill,, Compli"JlCe \"Ill nnt•en , tllht of .the c.IJlof. \oplcs ot convorsli· As 11 huslner~mar1 l siJOitlrl Ill! e11· II I · fill 1 1 1 H · · '

1 " gc 1 '' ' tlon. · llll n_cJ I(J Ill!! nvel'lt"n (•.os·t o' Jll'll· llt~ Jenc ng proc lii!CI', mtt er roents fell' other commodlllt~H Will

" "" L nnrl c·nnsumnl', Mill< Is nlrcady 1 1 1 1 f 1 ~ rllwllon pitts full· lnlr.rm;J· on my !he elwupe~l. clrlnk on !he mmlwt no • Je requ_rec or rn· ce supp.,rl On_ April t; whll.P tho foclorul lnvcstmc'lll, whlc~h I nm not rc~- nncl nl $1J,GR pew hun.-lretl to. the on Ulfi4·crop eot•n, ncconllng .to support level for butter nnd olhor r.clvlng. l'nnnPr, It would still remain !he llHl chnlt•mt nn. Minimum price dairY, product~ went down, the

I huvo heen clolnr;: some ro· chn:tpest. support rn °~ 011 the l!lfi.t corn prlcil, of huller al~o droppt!d nnd Hc!areh on 1 ho lltib,lor.! nne! flnrl crop will hi! bnsed 011 11 natlotlnl ltomemJtl<ars were lntercstecl In

I bcllove thai n plnn sttch as nvornoo _of $1.62 per bushel, 1 1 1 1 t . Ill !hat 11 lnl>es $2.25 wnrlh of fecrl, "' ren~w ng tJG r acqun n nnce w 1 $l:IR for cleprc!!lnllon nml ovct·· this wmtlcl lnlm care o[ our sttl'·

1 'Glenn pointed mit. ' bllll()J',

ilene! nnrl 1 V. hours nf lnbor nt plus as Wl'll ns Hlnbllzo tho price · ----~ Qunlliy In httller Is bnsecl on $1.00 per· hrHll' mnidng II tolnl of of bo!Uecl mill\, 'Multl"flo· ra Roses such 'thlnjlS ns tlnvor, texture nml $-l.flfl to JliWiuce · n · llllndred nrorna, Il Is difficult !or people pqunc!H of mlll1. In ilK• .Jnc:l1~on who nhm'l expm·ts to toll the dlf· mnr]\C'llllf! nren we nrc rccelvlnit l d J d . .A· re for ·_f .. arms, 'ferance holwcen buller that Is npproxlmntely $1.'1.3 per· lntnclred an u g I ng goorl and lhnt which Is the vory pounrls, lho Dclroll nren roc!!lvrs s · · II L best, npproxhnalely $:3.62 per hunrlretl I I . Not m:a o'ts pounds for hnsc mill' nl the door, r n_ opu a r , '\" · However·, tho l1omcmo11er hns At !)WHO prices the fnrmcr Is. .:» r the ll~Sl~tonco of government CX• or1r.rntlnrJ nt 11 losH. AI !he pras·· Somo recent sales publlelly on )Jorl.s when she ltuys butter. H ant lime llw farmers have 7!i~/,. I M• h • mttltlllora roso ~houlrl he vlcwod shf:! Will Joolt for the govr.rnm!!nt 80'1; of !hr. lo11tl Invrslmcnl. rc· n R( •gan with cnutlon, Dicit Balloy, Ingham shielcl on the carton or Inside the quh·ed to 11ut qttnllly mill> 011 lho I fi county n g rIc u l t ur a I agent, carton ~ho'll find n leiter C, B, cnnsumcrs' Jnhlc, yel receive tess slresses. · , . A. or AA, lmllca!Ing the score, or lhnu fiO'i;- of ills milk dollar. Lnncl juclging ls heromlng pop· Although the shru.hbcry plnnts qunllly', of the butter.

Any lnlelllgent former !mows ulnr· In Mh!iligun, holh for yoLtng hnve vnltw In t·hc proper plnr.e, Mo~t of tlw buttor on Lhe mnr· I hal In mnlnlaln a goocl margin farmors nnd ndults, reporls Die!' they have llmltnllons, he has hcen ]tel scores 89 or flO. Thalls Gl'ade of profit. Jw must ritlwr produ(•c Bailey, Jngltnm counly ugrlcul· ndvlsecl by 2 Michigan ·stntc col· c or Grade B. If It is better -than only lo mecl I he demand or to lumi ngcnl. Now lhnt lho WC<IllWr. jcgc specinllsts .• Joseph T. Cox, pnllnnr•y, ll]llnvol', 11romo and ap· expand llw mnrkct frn· his pro· Is favorahlc, judging contesls oxtcnsionlnnclscape architect, an'cl' penrnnce, It may earn a score of rJucl.' I believe lho following nllfl land npprcdatinn sehools nro Charles Shick, extension gamo 92, Grade A.· And !he very best fonnuln will cqunli~c !he supply under wny <til over tile stnte. management speeiallsl, point out: and clemnnd fot' mill> anrl guar- "Lnncl judging plnccs Janel in · Muitlfldrn t•ose, an Inexpensive vide wild blt•ds and.nnlmals with ~nice the producer n fair margin lis pr·oper usc clnRs," explains member of the rose family, Is not Jriod, cover. and nesting sites. of prof! I. T propose that the Fmnk W. Trull, -extension soli suited for planting near buildings ' Multltlot;n rose produces small prorluer.r·s of mill> ngrec Jo sell nnrl wale!' conscrvntlonist at or In small hacl>ynrcls ns the pini<IRh·whlle tlower6 the lnst 2 to !he bottling plnnls for a fair Mieillgnn Stale rollege. "This Ji; shrub spreads out to 6 or 8 fcl!t, weei(S of June. The MSC speclnl· uniform base price nil mlllt sold done by clclcrminlng lcxlttrc anrl more spnco than most foli(S with lsts suggest planting privet bush ns lmtllcd milk, dwcnlntc milk, color of topsoil ancl subsoil, the small lots can ~lcvote to hedgcH. honeysuckle, chinese lllnc, Sibor· cream ami etc., nnd for $1.00 per slope of lhc land and the nmount It. Is suitable for plnntlng on ian penbush, tlowet·lng quince or hundred nil stlrplus milk thai of erosion. Then I he jmlgos deter· fnrms south of tho Bay Clly·Mt. Japanese yew for ornamental goes into butter, provided that min. !he mosl inlcnse, yet safe, Pleasant-Musl>egon line and will purposes In vicinily of builc!lngs

I huller is produced nnd solrl to rotation for !he laml ami the grow best when plnntecl on ier· or on small lots. Some of these the consumer al cost ns nn in· conservation prnctlces ·to be foi· iile soil. It will not clo well ln rlry shrubs are much moro "showy"

/cent lve for the purchase of lm;ger lowed." sandy locations. If plnntcd .nlong than multiflora rose. They recom·

I~ grntloq· 9~ ~rnl'Q, Th~t 1-s glvcm thn Gr·nc.ltt PPuhlA A •.

Only dho'tit'.. one' plnmd In A qunllfloH n~ Do4hl!!.A, Inti there Is \ISIIIIIIY 'planJy·6t'Gr•t1do i\ Inti· IOI' nn tho. mnrltct.. Tho lll'ice, of OOUrAe, f~OOS. Up ~!til _tho ROOI'e,

To halp: yoij gql·lhe. QtlftiiiY hut • lor tltnt. you .. wnnl, tool\ fnl' !he governml!nl ·Jnholnncl' 11\e lcllorH AA, A, B, m<' C, Alrno~J nil hill· let• lw r.:ornl-bul some Is hctLer than ol hot',

Fnrmm·a who nllp their coWH' flnnl<s unci uc!clers procluoc 11 hal· ter qnnllly or milk.

Plnnnlng; 11 hmclii!Oll? 1\h<lUt 11 lllttrlllottll VIIIJctnllth -Il~us ~ervol-1 In Jm·nlp flU cttmhera in Hntll' rrcmm 11 IC!l'Cd 1\S(liH'IlgtJ~, llll!:fJilH(H In !Jor~ltc)', !unciH nne! ntt extension spcclnllsl· nt Mlchlgu Stnto collage,

-----AI Snull Sic, Mnrto on ,Juno

'1671, Simon T~t·nnoola Dnu Slelll' clr. Snhll Lttsoon, lool< HOHHinn of nil !he !Jtllll'lol' Norlh Amm'len fol' Lmtls XIV Fr~nco, Jncllnns from H trlhoH !ended the ect'f!ritony which cnllecl I)H! Pngonnt of lho Snull.


" Prospectus FurniHhml Up1m Roqucst

( I

Smith, Hague, Noble & Company lllcmllcr· of New Yot•k Stool< EKchnn~e·


Beulah D. Bo'gue, Branch Mgr. Phone 6LA-2·0809

~ ' . I •, •, } I '

A~HA! Spring Pullorum-Clean

oi I '


on Gullivcw's Chlcl\s

08.4% livability on 22,805 ehlelts 1\lichigan State college

Is Her~

"Chicl\s From Ray-Pay Their Way"

Gulliver's Ha~chery Phone 5381 Yz mllc Routh on lU·Illl Enlon l~upltls

qunnlities of milk, such as huller Land Jurlginr. hn~ heon mnde 11 farm field borders as n I living mend purchasing the shrubs from nl. 25 to 35 ccnls pP.r pound wilh part of !he Fulure Fm·mcrs of hedge,· the rose seedlings should -reliable nurseries, which general· !he purchase of fi to R quarls of Amerir.a program for 1fl:>4-Uw be mulched or cultivutecUor goud ly provide good planting stocl< at

.milkntutim~ .Dr~ y~r it h~ boon includ~. gg:ro~w:t~h~.~M~u~l~li:no:r:~~ro:s:c~w:l~ll~pr:u;·~r~c:n:w:n:n:w~e~~~k:e:s~.~-~~~~·Jf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While !he fnrmel' would be pro- When FFA clwplcrs meet .rune ~

clueing U1is l'llr]Jius milk below 21 and 22 at lho college, there will cost, it would serve ns nn induce- he teams frll' land judging as well

40fo Land Bank

LOANS National

Farm Loan · Association

415 S. Cochmn Phone 1880 Charlotte

Field Office 138 W. Ash

Phone 2·0091 1\Jnson

NO _o • • Automatic Hitching Woth New FARMALL

FA,_· T HITCH For Mo::Cormud< FarmaU Super C

Usn it on thrl many 1\[cCormiel\ tools

<f1i P~ows

+Planters -=- Das~ts

Just Back Up ... You'll have to Stlc and try it to believe it! Just bael\ up the Super C, line up the hiteh soelwts to meet the twin coup­ling beams on the implenwnt, . As you bacl•, the beams loelc ;,automatieally, in­stantly, Jll'Ccisely! And in the ficlll-no

.ai• Drags +Mowers + Platform Carriers

CLICK ... and Go mom muscle woi'I\! Implement control is eomplctcly hytlraulic. Mcnsure • • • Compare •.• Prove to Yourself!-A phone call will tlo it. We'll bring a Su­per C and Fnst-llitch to your farin for a free llemonstmtion.

New Financing .Plan on All New and Used Equipment

Costing $400 or Less

No Money Down.

Silsby Implement Co. ,· Phone 5141

\ . .t

a~ for stock nncl c:rnin jurlglng. Vor.nlional agriculture teachers

find these contests a Di1e method for teacl1ing lnncl vnlucs, accord· ing to Bailey. Stuclenls-lncluding adult fnrmers-flml a new inter­est in sludy of l.hei,r soils. Most county contests arc sponsored by


the voca1ionnl ngriculturo teach· crs, Coopcra I ivc Extension Serv­ice and directors of the local soil

1 conservnl ion rlislricl. A lnnd .iuclging conlcst is bcin!~

set up in Ingham county for !\'lay 12.

Eligibility For Corn Supports

! Has· Basic Rule A proclttcct· in tho commercial

com-producing area mu~.t plant within the corn ncrenge allot· ment for his farm i ( ho wants to he cligihle for price s'llpport on his 195,1 cor1~ crop, Ralph Glynn, chnirman of the counly agricul· tural stabliznlion and eonscrva· lion committee, reminds farm· ers. Ingham county is includecl in lhe commercial corn area.

"II's comparatively easy to, un· clerstand the basic rule for ellgi· hilily fol' corn price support," Glynn oxplninocl. "The same hnsic rule applies whelhcr the farmer has one farm or more !han one farm in the county. That is, if he complios with the corn acreage allotment for each farm, he will be eligible for n loan or ~rurchnsc ngreemont on all or any part of his 1954 corn crop.

"If a farmer has more than one farm; however, nnd ho does not comJ'lY with the corn nllot·

I ment on one or mora of them, it gets a little more complicnled. If tho farmer's share of the un· clc;rpla,ntecl corn acrcnge on all farms in the county in which he has an interest in the corn crop equals or exceeds his shnre in the ovcrplnnled corn acreage on nll such fnrms, he will be eligible for price support only on the fal'ms on which the 1954 ·corn ncreage allotment · is. not ex· ceeded.

"However, if the producer's share of the overplnnted corn


and SAVEl Many people pay too much for ftllanc1D1 and iolurnnco aorvico when, buYfnr an &lltomebilo, Thuy taka It for rranted the rate. quoted them are atandard or the lowest avaUablo when qult.o often tbey are not, They tio not figun · ou& . tbe TOTAL oo1t lreibro tboy buy.:.., tbo, lbould. · ·

Ullllv die State Farm Bank PIID .. ..... are clearly listed, Yo11 know1 P> B•IMllly wlwlt .)'Ou pa1. (2) B:ll4etq -¥0Uitlo ' . '

... ltbew about the ltote F~rm Bank Plan, eo be!oro 1 bought my 119~0 car lnw u Stoto farm •seut, l{o .. vod . 'Ill•· 1\22.22 on anaoc. ..g'aod loaurnoco coota &hrourh tho Dank Plan,"" comP.orod with 1 rato quoted mo cl•· whore." Boo ~aur State Farm a root ·nEPORP.

' JOII buy thAt CArl (Onl i' mall,)' actual coo,), .

BERNARD E~ WILSON. ' "'· .... . ..

'Piaone 2·8ltl2

We will sell nt-tmblic auction at the place 10 miles siHtthwest of Fowler·

villt~ on Bradley rood, or 2 miles south of Parkers Corners on Bratlley road.

l P.M. TUESDAY, MAY: 11 1 P. M.

Phone· Mason 2-8761

Price Brothers Phone Stockbridge

17-F-111 Auctioneers

Maurice&. Bob

33 Head · Cattle Guernsey Cow, 7 years ultl, bred February 20

Jersey Cow, 7 years old, frcsl~ and O}JCU

llolstein Cow, 2 years olcl, bred March 9 llolstein Cow, 5 yeaJ•s o)tl, bred Febru~try 3

. ; ! ' : •. ! ! ... .

llolstein' Co\v, 6 years old, bred January S.

llolstcin Cow, 3 years ~ltl, bretl February 24

llolstein Cow, 4 years oid, bred February 25 llolstcin Cow, ·5 years ~111, bre1l April i6 llolstein Cow, 5 years ol(J, bre'11 December _18

llolstcin Cow, 6 years. old, fresh and open

~Iolstein Cow, 3 years ohl, fresbaml O}Jen

llolstein Cow, 4 years old, due soon

llolstein Cow, 2 yeat·s oltl, due :!\lay 26


4 Holstein llcifet•s, 16·18 months oltl, bretl in Janu-ary-February · ;,;,, :

Holstein Heifer, 16 nionths old, bJ•cd AIJril 16

7 llo~steiu lleifcrs, 13~15 months old; O}JOU

• 6 llolstein lleifcrs, 4-(1 months old

Jersey lleifer, 4 months old

Holstein Bull, 5 months old

Bangs Testell

Dai.ry . E_quipment SchultZ 8-can Milk Cooler

llinman Milking Machlitc l~itJ~ s'slngi~· units. 16 Milk C~ns · · · ·• ·

Farm Machinery i950 Fonl Tractor

Dt!arborn 2-14 Ra!lex Plow

Oliver 70 Tractor and Plow

•:'' : ... ,,.,;::-= ... '

', •,

John Deere 2-14 Plow

Allis•,Chalmers 60 Combine

Van Brunt 13 1Disc Grain Drill.and Fertilizer At-. tachmeut i

Jolt~ Deere ·s~Jid- Dccl\. llay ·Louder · . .. 3-!lection Harrow

International 7-foot Disc

Oliver Maniarc Spre~ler Oliver Cnltitlacker · ·

~-wheel Stocl\ Trailer

Co-ot• Wagon and Racl\

Deering 5-foot 1\lower

2~sectlim llarrow

New ltlca Side Ralm

........ ' f,. _:>;·.


. Jolla Deere Corn Plnntm· _aml Fertilizer Atltaclllmcnt:,.

OU\•er :Weeder .

. B~led jist Elevator

• Sot of Platform Seales

· 9uaritity of Small Articles -~ ~ .. ·'

-.: Corn ~ . :silage l •

800 Qa~hels of Com

·15 Toris of Silage

, I •

• . .j ·' . .

8-12 montbs thnc:o,n good ban~ablc llotcs payable. to National Bnnk,.Dctrolt;_ Penlman Office; Plym-'

.. '

otltlt. . . . . . ···.Not Responsible for. Accidents\ . ' . . .

Ralph a , M. 1 BrijdleY, Props. . '

. ....

Ingham County News May 6, 1954 Page 5

Legal Notices legislatu1•e Invites President to Move White House ao Mackinac

The eyes of the world will be focused on M1clugan next year 1f the JnVIlul!on extended to Prcs1dent E senhower to brmg the sum­mer Wlutc House to M~eh gan m 1055 IS :~cccptcd A delegation headed by Lt Gov Rc1d and Speaker of the House Van Vnlkcn­burg have anangccl through US Senato1s Ferguson and Potter to present the mv1tnt1on next month Two Republtcan and one Democrnhc members of the State Senate and House of Represen­tallve Will make the Off1crnl presentatiOn

Smcc only one Presrdent m the nallon s h1story has VISited the Upper Penmsula, 11 IS hoped that Eisenhower Will accept the m• v1tatwn The world famous Sao Lacks Will be 100 years old 111 1955 and the pres1dent s VISit would emphasize the1r Importance tQ the state Which has often been called the Arsenal of Democracy,


Mav 6, 1954 Page 6

Legal Notices OUR DEMOCRACY- -byMnt


~ .!' t t~~ • ~o"<,.d l)j: ,v r) 1h r~ J ~~}';c.")

-~,<: .. -vJ < l (, J ~~ ) ']&

$('t;la !1,'