IFRS Consequences on Accounting Conservatism within Europe

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1754504 IFRS consequences on accounting conservatism within Europe: The role of Big 4 auditors Charles Piot University of Grenoble and CERAG-CNRS 150 rue de la Chimie, BP 47 F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 09 – France E-mail: [email protected] Pascal Dumontier University of Grenoble and CERAG-CNRS 150 rue de la Chimie, BP 47 F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 09 – France E-mail: [email protected] Rémi Janin University of Grenoble and CERAG-CNRS 150 rue de la Chimie, BP 47 F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 09 – France E-mail: [email protected] This version: August 2011 Acknowledgements: We thank workshop participants at CERAG and HEC Montreal, as well as seminar participants at the following 2011 academic conferences: European Accounting Association (Rome), Francophone Accounting Association (Montpellier), Canadian Academic Accounting Association (Toronto), International Conference on Corporate Governance (Montreal). Special thanks to Claude Laurin, Paul André, Réal Labelle, and Sophie Marmousez for fruitful comments and discussions. This research has benefited from financial support by the French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), through grant No. ANR-08-JCJC-0101-01. The authors acknowledge valuable research assistance by DINH Thi Hong Nhung.

Transcript of IFRS Consequences on Accounting Conservatism within Europe

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1754504

IFRS consequences on accounting conservatism within Europe:

The role of Big 4 auditors

Charles Piot

University of Grenoble and CERAG-CNRS 150 rue de la Chimie, BP 47

F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 09 – France E-mail: [email protected]

Pascal Dumontier University of Grenoble and CERAG-CNRS

150 rue de la Chimie, BP 47 F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 09 – France

E-mail: [email protected]

Rémi Janin University of Grenoble and CERAG-CNRS

150 rue de la Chimie, BP 47 F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 09 – France

E-mail: [email protected]

This version: August 2011


We thank workshop participants at CERAG and HEC Montreal, as well as seminar participants at the following 2011 academic conferences: European Accounting Association (Rome), Francophone Accounting Association (Montpellier), Canadian Academic Accounting Association (Toronto), International Conference on Corporate Governance (Montreal). Special thanks to Claude Laurin, Paul André, Réal Labelle, and Sophie Marmousez for fruitful comments and discussions.

This research has benefited from financial support by the French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), through grant No. ANR-08-JCJC-0101-01. The authors acknowledge valuable research assistance by DINH Thi Hong Nhung.

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1754504


IFRS consequences on accounting conservatism within Europe:

The role of Big 4 auditors

Abstract: We investigate the effects of IFRS adoption in the EU on accounting conservatism,

a feature of earnings quality and contracting efficiency, and the way large audit firms (Big 4)

moderate these effects. We use an extensive database of more than 5,000 IFRS adopters from

22 EU countries, observed over 2001-2008. The main findings are that: 1) conditional

conservatism, as proxied by the asymmetric timeliness of bad vs. good news, has decreased

under IFRS for mandatory adopters; 2) the magnitude of this IFRS effect is positively

associated with the distance between IFRS and pre-existing local GAAP; 3) Big 4 auditors are

associated with more aggressive earnings under IFRS, with simultaneous increase (decrease)

in good (bad) news timeliness; 4) unconditional conservatism is higher under IFRS in the

presence of a Big 4 auditor; and 5) mandated IFRS offer a weak contribution to a better

comparability of accounting earnings as observed from the timeliness perspective. Taken

together, these findings suggest that the EU-wide mandatory IFRS adoption has hampered

accounting quality.

Keywords: Mandatory IFRS adoption; Earnings quality; Conservatism; Big 4 audits;

European Union.

JEL classification: M48, M41, M42


1. Introduction

By introducing principles-based accounting in the European Union (EU), the “IAS

Regulation” (European Commission 2002) promised significant improvements in financial

reporting quality, i.e., enhanced transparency and comparability of accounting reports.

Depicted as one of the biggest moves in the history of accounting harmonization by the EU

regulators, the mandatory adoption of IFRS as from 1st January 2005 offers a relevant setting

to gauge the effects of accounting standards on accounting quality, while controlling for self-

selection biases associated with firm-specific reporting incentives. As surveyed by

Brüggemann et al. (2010), empirical research on the consequences of mandatory IFRS

adoption is in its infancy; empirical evidence is specifically lacking on some of the

unintended (i.e., not explicitly stated) consequences of IFRS. The effects of IFRS adoption on

accounting quality is both a legitimate question and a relevant issue for practitioners,

regulators, and academics. At the European level, it aims at providing empirical feedback now

that IFRS are conveniently assimilated by listed companies. Beyond the EU, the issue is also

strongly relevant to other countries being on the move to adopt these international standards

sooner or later, and particularly the US in their convergence strategy.

In this paper, we investigate the effects of IFRS reporting on accounting conservatism for

European listed companies, and the way large audit firms (Big 4 auditors) moderate these

effects. We focus of conservatism for several reasons. First, conservatism in its conditional

form (i.e., transitory and news dependent) 1 is an essential property of earnings quality,

generally recognized in accounting standards as an attribute of accounting reliability because

it reduces preparers’ discretion for earnings management (Dechow et al. 2010). Second, and

following, conservatism is conjectured to be an important device for efficient contracting

1 As modeled in the literature (Beaver and Ryan 2005; Roychowdhury and Watts 2007), we oppose the “good” form of conservatism (i.e., conditional conservatism) to its less desirable one, i.e., unconditional conservatism, generally depicted as the persistent and news independent understatement of net assets.


(Watts 2003). It is empirically found to mitigate shareholder-bondholder conflicts and to

reduce firms’ debt costs (Ahmed et al. 2002; Zhang 2008; Li 2009), and marginally the ex

ante cost of equity (Li 2009). Third, however, the recent reform of the IASB Framework has

abandoned the conservatism principle for the sake of neutrality and fair representation (IASB

2010). One may thus question that IASB orientation on the ground of possible detrimental

effects for companies’ cost of capital: is this changing in the Framework a mere confirmation

of on-going IFRS accounting practices, or should a real shift be anticipated in future financial

reports? Fourth, finally, the concept of conservatism has been viewed and operated differently

across countries, depending mostly on their culture, legal regime, financing system, and

related reporting incentives (Nobes 1998). Hence, we posit that the effects of IFRS on

conservatism differ in magnitude according to the distance with the pre-existing local GAAP

in each country. Anecdotally, in line with the accounting harmonization and comparability

arguments set forth by EU regulators, we run some complementary analyses to test whether

the cross-country variance in earnings conservatism has decreased after the adoption of IFRS.

We consider the role of auditor type (Big 4 vs. non-Big 4) on the IFRS-conservatism linkage

for three reasons. First, Big 4 audit firms have market-based incentives to promote accounting

conservatism, whether to reduce their litigation risk exposure and/or to preserve their

reputation of higher quality auditors (Basu et al. 2001). Second, if using a mandatory IFRS

adoption setting offers a control for firm-level reporting incentives and accounting standards

choice, companies still have flexibility on their auditor choice. Hence, given that auditor

reputation is found to influence the level of reporting conservatism, this factor cannot be left

aside when testing for the IFRS-conservatism relation. Third, empirically speaking, the

Continental EU audit market is less dominated by the Big 4 as compared with Anglo-Saxon

markets: we may then profit from more balanced Big 4 vs. non-Big 4 sampling and provide

more powerful testing of the Big 4 effect.


Using an extensive database of more than 5,000 IFRS adopters from 22 (of the 27) EU

countries concerned by EC Regulation 2002/1606, and observed across 2001-2008, our main

findings resume as follows. First, we find that conditional conservatism, as proxied by the

asymmetric timeliness of bad vs. good news (Basu 1997), has decreased under IFRS.

Segmented analyses reveal that this effect concerns non-financial entities, timely mandatory

IFRS adopters, and code-law countries whether they belong to the French, German or

Scandinavian legal origin.2 Second, the magnitude of the IFRS effect in reducing the

sensitivity of earnings to bad economic performance is positively associated with the distance

between IFRS and the countries’ local GAAP, based on the Bae et al. (2008) distance metric.

Third, more specifically, Big 4 auditors are associated with more aggressive earnings under

IFRS, with simultaneous increase (decrease) in good (bad) news timeliness. Interestingly, we

observe a reversal of the Big 4 attitude regarding conditional conservatism under IFRS as

compared to their role under local GAAP. Again, this result is driven by non-financial

companies, mandatory adopters, and by civil law countries (with the exception of

Scandinavian ones). Fourth, we find higher levels of unconditional conservatism for Big 4

audits, which are amplified by IFRS adoption. This last point is consistent with findings about

CC regarding the preemptive (substitutive) role of unconditional over conditional

conservatism modeled in the literature. Fifth, anecdotally, country-specific analyses suggest

that mandated IFRS offer a weak contribution to earnings comparability, as measured by the

cross-country diversity (variance) in earnings timeliness metrics.

To the extent that conditional conservatism is economically relevant in reducing contracting

costs or information asymmetries, and is thus associated with earnings quality, these findings

suggest that the EU-wide mandatory IFRS adoption has hampered accounting quality by

making earnings less verifiable. One explanation for such “no so intuitive” finding lays in the

2 We find no significant effects for: (1) financial or assimilated companies (i.e., financial, real estate, or utilities), (2) early (voluntary) or late adopters, and (3) English legal origin countries (i.e., UK and Ireland).


role of Big 4 auditors: it seems that the Big 4 use the flexibility of IFRS principles-based

accounting to accept or command increased levels of unconditional conservatism. This

behavior could be driven by the relative uncertainty characterizing the post-IFRS era,

inducing large audit firms to higher levels of net assets understatements to mitigate potential

litigation costs. These higher levels of understatement of net assets would then turn into net

earnings being less sensitive to bad news as proxied by the “economic” stock market

performance. Overall, our findings are consistent with current empirical research, which tends

to conclude that earnings quality has decreased (i.e., higher levels of earnings management or

of income smoothing) following the mandatory adoption of IFRS (e.g., Ahmed et al. 2010).

Briefly, generalizing the use of IFRS under the one size fits all principle appears to be

counterproductive for listed entities, notwithstanding the explicit costs of such an “accounting


We contribute to the accounting literature in three ways. First of all, we extend the emerging

literature on the accounting effects of mandatory IFRS adoption. Findings from prior cross-

country research were mostly obtained from a voluntary adoption setting (e.g., Barth et al.

2008), and are thus potentially concerned with the selection bias induced by firm reporting

incentives. Our study provides a thorough analysis of the IFRS effects on conservatism over a

four-year post-IFRS window, thus allowing for transitory effects. Our sample offers a large

coverage of the EU population of IFRS reporting companies, then increasing the external

validity of our findings in comparison to previous studies, which only address between one

and two thousand unique firms; see Brüggemann et al. (2010, Table 1).

Second, we add to the literature on accounting conservatism by providing IFRS-based

evidence on the substitutability between its “good” (conditional) and “less desirable”

(unconditional) forms. In that framework, we document that auditor reporting incentives are

likely to differ significantly across Big 4 and non-Big 4 auditors, but not in the direction that


is more commonly observed for the Big 4. Specifically, our findings suggest that the Big 4

favor the use of principles-based accounting in a way that runs counter to the “spirit” of these

standards: the drop in conditional (i.e., information-based) conservatism under IFRS is

essentially attributable to Big 4 audits. The extent to which this may be due to an excessive

prudence commanded by large audit firms deserves further investigation.

Third, more anecdotally, we add to the scarce literature on accounting comparability,

suggesting that IFRS adoption weakly contributes to the accounting harmonization effort, as

appraised by cross-country differences in earnings timeliness metrics. This point is consistent

with the international accounting argument that IFRS adoption per se cannot lead to a perfect

accounting harmonization, because of the survival of national differences in their

implementation (Nobes 2006). Given that comparability stands as one of the major intended

consequences of IFRS in Europe, further research may address more thoroughly that concept,

which of course does not only resume to earnings timeliness metrics.

Our findings also have implications for practitioners and regulators at various levels. To

preparers and auditors, they show that the introduction IFRS (i.e., judgment-based)

accounting in Europe led to opposite behaviors between high-profile and less brand-named

audit firms regarding earnings sensitivity to good and bad economic performance. Differing

auditor incentives based on reputational or litigation costs might be at stake here. To

investors, they suggest that published accounting earnings have become more aggressive

under IFRS, i.e., less sensitive to negative stock market performance and, in some contexts,

more sensitive to positive stock market performance. Analysts may account for this change by

revising, if necessary, their valuation models if relying on GAAP earnings. To lenders and

other creditors, more aggressive (or less conservative) earnings may have adverse effects on

the timely triggering of debt covenants. The extent to which IFRS earnings deserve

adjustments in debt contract would be worth investigating. Finally, to standard setters, our


findings are in line with the on-going reform of the IFRS Framework, in which conservatism

has been removed from the properties of accounting quality for the sake of neutrality. In other

words, the recent evolution of the Framework rather seems to be the confirmation of earnings

traits already existing under the 1989 Framework era. As evidenced by our findings, the

question of whether more neutral accounting earnings contribute to financial reporting quality

in general is highly debatable, notably if neutrality is associated with more accounting slack,

that is, more understatement of net assets.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines the concept of

conservatism and theoretical underpinnings of the study. Section 3 deals with methodological

issues and Section 4 reports empirical findings. Finally, Section 5 summarizes our findings

and concludes.

2. The concept of accounting conservatism and IFRS: Theoretical underpinnings

2.1 The conservatism principle according to accounting standards

According to accounting standards in general, the definition of conservatism remains

conceptual, with no explicit authoritative guidance. The FASB position (Statement of

Concepts No. 2) refers to “a prudent reaction to uncertainty to try to ensure that uncertainty

and risks inherent in business situations are adequately considered.” (Givoly et al. 2007: 67).

The IFRS Framework (1989) also refers to prudence, with more nuances however:

Reliability is affected by the use of estimates and by uncertainties associated with items recognised and measured in financial statements. These uncertainties are dealt with, in part, by disclosure and, in part, by exercising prudence in preparing financial statements. Prudence is the inclusion of a degree of caution in the exercise of the judgements needed in making the estimates required under conditions of uncertainty, such that assets or income are not overstated and liabilities or expenses are not understated. However, prudence can only be exercised within the context of the other qualitative characteristics in the Framework, particularly relevance and the faithful representation of transactions in financial statements. Prudence does not justify deliberate overstatement of liabilities or expenses or deliberate understatement of assets or income, because the financial statements would not be neutral and, therefore, not have the quality of reliability. [F.36-37]


The Framework has a rather restrictive view of conservatism, close in spirit to the notions of

conditional conservatism (Ball and Shivakumar 2005) and of a higher degree of verifiability

for the book recognition of gains vs. losses (Basu 1997). This form of conservatism

contributes to the reliability of accounting earnings by specifying “news dependent”

accounting treatments, i.e., the depreciation or impairment of assets in anticipation of future

economic losses on these assets (e.g., the lower-of-cost-or-market for inventories valuation).

Consistent with the neutrality concern, the 1989 IFRS Framework explicitly precludes any

excessively pessimistic vision of the economic realty, i.e., the systematic and persistent

understatement of net assets by accounting statements. This later form is generally referred to

as unconditional conservatism (Ball and Shivakumar 2005) and includes accounting practices

such as the non-recognition of some intangible assets or systematic expensing of R&D costs,

the accelerated amortization of fixed assets, and the systematic overstatement of provisions.

2.2 The relation between conditional and unconditional conservatism

Gassen et al. (2006) conjecture and empirically confirm that conditional conservatism (CC)

and unconditional conservatism (UC) are substitutes. They explain that UC pre-empts CC

because it generates an accounting slack to managers, offering more possibilities for

aggressive (risky and less conservative) accounting choices. Practically, adopting an ex ante

conservative accounting policy by, for instance, systematically refusing to recognize

intangible assets (UC) makes the entity less exposed to the ex post depreciation of these assets


The negative relation between CC and other proxies of ex ante (news independent)

conservatism has been modeled by Beaver and Ryan (2005) and Roychowdhury and Watts

(2007), and documented empirically by many previous studies.3 Specifically, Givoly et al.

3 As developed by Givoly et al. (2007: 97): Ball et al. (2000), Basu (2001), Francis et al. (2004), Giner and Rees (2001), Hanna (2003), Pae et al. (2005), Pope and Walker (2002).


(2007) report negative intra-industry correlations – although non-significant most of the time

– between CC and several measures of ex ante conservatism, including the market-to-book

ratio, or the estimated amount of “hidden reserves”. Overall, this suggests that CC, defined as

the asymmetric timeliness of losses and gains recognition (Basu 1997), is a somewhat

singular component of the overall conservatism.

2.3 The effects of IFRS adoption on conservatism in the European setting: A global approach

Prior studies on IFRS adoption and conservatism

Empirical evidence on the conservatism effects of IFRS adoption is emerging. Barth et al.

(2008) investigate the consequences of IAS adoption on earnings quality, using a sample of

327 firms (from 21 countries) that adopted IAS [mostly] voluntarily between 1994 and 2003.

During the post-adoption period, they provide evidence that the incidence of a large negative

net income – which they advocate to be a proxy for timely loss recognition – is significantly

more frequent among IAS firms as compared with a matched sample of non-IAS firms. They

also document that such occurrence increased in the post- vs. pre-adoption period for IAS

firms, then acting as their own control. Finally, they find that earnings sensitivity to bad news

is stronger for IAS firms (vs. non-IAS firms), and during the post- vs. pre-adoption period for

IAS firms, but two-by-two differences remain globally insignificant.

Although quite strong, these preliminary findings address a voluntary adoption setting, and

are not conclusive in terms of CC or UC. They suffer a potentially significant measurement

bias, as it is not straightforward to assimilate an arbitrarily important loss4 to the manifestation

of more conditionally conservative accounting policies.

The direct effects of IFRS on conditional conservatism

4 Barth et al. (2008) characterize as a “large negative net income” the situation when the ratio of net income to total assets is inferior to –20 %.


In spirit, for Continental European countries, IFRS implies a drastic change from a rules-

based accounting system to a principles-based one. Overall, this move embodies accounting

treatments that require more estimates, forward looking perspectives, and professional

judgment of accountants and auditors (Hoogendoorn 2006). The exercise of professional

judgment then demands a thorough understanding and consideration of the firm’s economic

environment. Hence, at first glance, IFRS accounting looks more news-dependent that

Continental rules-based GAAP. That conjecture can be viewed as the valuation effect if one

considers that IFRS result in an expanded use of fair value accounting. Note, however, that

for most of the assets, gains from fair value accounting will generally not be recognized into

net income, but booked as other comprehensive income items. Subsequent losses are then not

likely to impact net income if they remain inferior to the ex ante revaluation of the assets to

which they relate.

Furthermore, considering the book recognition principles, the effects of IFRS in Europe are

much less evident. As pointed out by Basu (2005: 314), historical evidence shows that news-

dependent accounting treatments (e.g., lower-of-cost-or-market rule for inventory, assets

write-downs) have been required in France, Prussia or Italy since de 17th century, or even

before. It is then unlikely that IFRS contribute to more CC in that perspective. Besides, the

idea of an asymmetric timeliness of gains and losses recognition is not obvious under IFRS;

the contrary is even stated, i.e., the principle of a symmetry in the recognition of assets and

liabilities. Hence, from normative and theoretical views, the direct effects of IFRS adoption

on CC remain mostly an empirical issue.

The indirect effects of IFRS on conditional conservatism

In contrast to CC, accounting historians note that most forms of UC were created more

recently, in the 19th century, by tax and other regulatory incentives (e.g., product market

regulation). In that perspective, given that Continental accounting systems are strongly


aligned with tax rules, it is likely that they have permitted a higher degree of UC as compared

to Anglo-Saxon GAAP or IFRS. Due to the pre-emptive role of UC on CC, this higher level

of UC under Continental GAAP might have had indirect decreasing effects on the level of

CC. This conjecture is supported by cross-country studies, which empirically confirm that the

asymmetric timeliness in bad news vs. good news recognition is lower among Continental

European countries as compared with the US and other Anglo-Saxon countries (Ball et al.

2000; Giner and Rees 2001; Bushman and Piotroski 2006).

Under this view, the move to IFRS implies – whether in its Framework and in many specific

standards – the renouncement from most of the “overly” conservative accounting practices

existing in Continental European accounting systems. IFRS are then expected to reduce

accounting slack and net assets understatement bias, for the benefits of a fair representation of

the firm’s economic condition. Following the rational expectation model derived by Ewert

and Wagenhofer (2005), a tightening in accounting standard (e.g., IFRS adoption) will

mitigate the accounting bias and enhance earnings quality by restricting managers’ discretion

over accounting methods. Given the inverse relation between both forms of conservatism, the

expected decrease in UC may indirectly result in an increase in CC.

The idea that IFRS should result in less UC is normatively supported in several ways. To

mitigate the accounting bias of assets understatement, IFRS contain three main provisions: (1)

the drop of goodwill amortization, replaced by impairment tests and depreciations (IFRS 3),

make accounting treatments more news-dependent in case of unfavorable economic

conditions; (2) the obligation to recognize in-house intangible assets (e.g., development costs)

that meet IAS 38 activation criteria. The activation, only optional in most Continental GAAP,

gives place to more future CC depreciations; (3) the abandonment of any accelerated or

“fiscal” amortization methods for fixed assets should result in more economically relevant

valuation of the firm’s assets. Also, to avoid UC by means of liabilities overstatement, IAS 37


tends to restrict the excessive use of provisions, notably by precluding the provisions for

future losses.5 Finally, IFRS standards completely ban the constitution of “hidden” reserves, a

practice that is characteristic to the Germanic accounting culture.

As a whole, given potentially conflicting direct and indirect IFRS effects on CC, we opt for

considering the issue as an empirical question and we do not formally state hypotheses.

2.4 An approach moderated by accounting diversity

The pre-existing large diversity across national European accounting systems (Joos and Lang

1994) may result in varying consequences of the IFRS adoption at the country levels,

depending on the nature of the pre-existing local accounting and financing traditions.

Overview of differing accounting traditions in Europe

Overall, the Anglo-Saxon European countries (UK and Ireland),6 already submitted to a

principles-based accounting regime and economic “true and fair view” approach, should have

experienced fewer changes, if not at all, than the other Continental or Scandinavian countries,

strongly influenced by creditor protection, tax conformity and regulatory principles. The most

pronounced opposition to the Anglo-Saxon accounting system is widely acknowledged to be

the German legalist system (Nobes 2006), which offers many ways of understating assets and

overstating liabilities, and thus provides the strongest propensity to UC. Examples of such UC

rules are: the generalization of the historical cost principle with no revaluation possibilities for

fixed assets, the compulsory expensing of any R&D costs, the authorization of LIFO

inventory accounting, the possibility to create “hidden” reserves, and the requirement that tax

deduction is contingent to accounting expense (Giner and Rees 2001: 1298). The French

accounting system also has a strong legalist influence, but has slightly evolved toward the

5 Note that the French GAAP had catch up with IFRS on that point since financial years 2002, thus before their mandatory adoption. 6 Nobes (1998) argues that Irish and UK GAAP are very similar. Benston et al. (2006: 180) explain that the UK Financial Reporting Council considers national accounting requirements as substantively similar to IFRS provisions.


“true and fair view” approach, e.g., by allowing fixed assets revaluation or the capitalization

of some R&D costs.

Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) hold an intermediate

position between the so-called Anglo-Saxon and Germanic continuum. Traits of political

economics traditionally refer to a large public sector with strong State involvement in social

welfare and education. Legal and financing traditions are mostly rooted in code-law principles

and insider bank-oriented systems, although nuances are required. Denmark and Norway are

closer to the Anglo-Saxon model, with more developed equity markets, whereas Sweden and

Finland remain more strongly influenced by the German legalist tradition (Elling 1993; Nobes

2008). With regard to accounting standards, the Nordic countries have had a tradition of

combined tax and accounting rules until the 1990s, which disappeared progressively in the

move towards international harmonization. Local accounting rules are only broadly defined

by the Companies Acts, with the accounting profession now playing a substantial part in the

specification of local GAAP; on this issue, the Danish auditing profession has been acting as a

precursor for the implementation of IAS and for cooperation with the IASB (Elling 1993).

On the distance between local GAAP and IAS/IFRS: prior evidence

The degree of divergence between national GAAP and IAS/IFRS has received much attention

from academics since the early 2000s. Ding et al. (2005) investigate 52 countries and report

that cultural traits (e.g., individualism, autonomy, hierarchy) are associated with the degree of

divergence between domestic GAAP and IAS (according to the GAAP 2001 report, see

Nobes 2001), whereas the legal origin dichotomy is not. In a subsequent study, Ding et al.

(2007) observe that the more developed the equity financing tradition, the closer are domestic

GAAP to IAS in terms of overall coverage and valuation methods. Another noticeable finding

is that the lack of coverage by domestic accounting rules (vs. IAS) seems to induce more

earnings management.


More recent investigations have focused on the capital market benefits of IFRS adoption, i.e.,

stock liquidity, cost of equity, Tobin’s Q. Overall, they tend to support the existence of

benefits associated with IFRS adoption, although the evidence is mixed as to whether those

benefits rather pertain to voluntary (Daske et al. 2008) or mandatory (Li 2010) IFRS adopters.

Whatever the adoption timing, both studies converge in the idea that the strength of legal

enforcement rules, and the discrepancies between domestic GAAP and IFRS, significantly

condition the market effects of IFRS adoption: the benefits in terms of stock market liquidity

(Daske et al. 2008) and cost of equity (Li 2010) are larger when the differences between local

GAAP and IFRS are important.7

Overall, prior studies support the view that IFRS consequences vary according to institutional

traits, and to the “effort” associated with the accounting change, i.e., the distance between

local GAAP and IFRS. We draw similar inferences with respect to the IFRS consequences on

earnings quality, and specifically accounting conservatism. In other words, regardless of the

directional empirical effect of IFRS on CC, we anticipate that the magnitude of this effect

depends on the distance between local GAAP and IFRS. Implicitly, the IFRS effects should

remain non-significant for Anglo-Saxon EU countries.

2.5 The role of Big 4 auditors regarding accounting conservatism pre- and post-IFRS

Even if companies are required to use a common set of accounting standards, the role of their

external auditor in shaping the accounting policy is to be considered. One simple reason for

that is the existence of a “choice” between different types of auditors, who may provide

differing levels of audit quality. The auditing literature tends to highlight significant

7 Li (2010) uses two indices from the GAAP 2001 study reported in Nobes (2001): the additional disclosure required by IFRS relative to local standards, and the number of inconsistencies between local standards and IFRS. It is worth noting that Ireland and the UK are the only two countries for which IFRS adoption implies “0” additional disclosures.


differences between the Big 4 and the other, less brand-named audit firm with respect to

financial reporting quality. Specifically, the Big 4 generally have market-based incentives to

behave conservatively, although it is not necessarily clear whether these incentives pertain to

litigation risk management, and/or to a demand for higher reporting quality.

US studies generally focus on the litigation hypothesis. Francis and Krishnan (1999) observe

that the issuance of a modified audit report is more likely for high-accrual firms in presence of

a Big 6 auditor; they argue that Big 6 auditors compensate for higher audit risk by lowering

their threshold for issuing modified reports. Else, the action of Big 4 auditors on accounting

conservatism is been found to be driven by auditor risk management concerns. Basu et al.

(2001, 2002) find that the asymmetric timeliness of gains and losses recognition is larger in

periods of intensive shareholder litigation in the US. Basu et al. (2001) provide evidence that

annual earnings from Big 8 auditees are more (less) timely in reporting bad (good) news than

annual earnings from non-Big 8 auditees. They contend that the Big 8 have to cope with a

greater legal liability exposure than smaller US auditors, because of their deep pockets.

Krishnan (2007) reaches similar conclusions in the wake of the Enron scandal: ex-Andersen

clients who switched to another Big 4 auditor strongly increased their level of CC in year

2002 vs. year 2001.

A simple transposition of the US litigation hypothesis to the European setting would be

irrelevant. Indeed, the European litigation environment remains far less threatening for

auditors. The UK, from which the common law tradition originates, has the highest auditor

litigation risk of all EU countries according to Wingate (1997) litigiousness indices.8

However, the British legal system remains less threatening than the US one (Ball et al. 2000;

8 Wingate (1997) uses privately developed litigation indices used by an insurance company to set the premium of one of the Big Four audit firms. Auditor litigation risk is measured on a one to ten scale, except for the US which is set at 15. UK and other common law countries generally rank at 10.


Huijgen and Lubberink 2005).9 With the exception of Anglo-Saxon EU countries, it is thus

unlikely that large auditors fear for deep pockets and differentiate from smaller auditors by

promoting more conservative accounting practices in the rules-based pre-IFRS period. 10

The introduction of IFRS may open a period of uncertainty and alter Big 4 incentives. Two

competing arguments can be developed, making the role of Big 4 auditors a rather puzzling

and empirical question. The first one relates to an earnings quality hypothesis. It is not

associated to auditor risk itself – which remains acceptably low and country-specific –, but to

the idea that IFRS principles provide an opportunity for the Big 4 to influence accounting

choices in the direction of a more conditionally conservative attitude. Practitioners defend the

view that the large audit firms have developed comparable guidelines and consulting services

regarding the implementation of IFRS (Hoogendoorn 2006), and that the Big 4 were largely

involved in the choices of options by listed companies at the time of the IFRS transition

(Véron 2007; Alexander et al. 2008). In a voluntary adoption setting, Hodgdon et al. (2009)

show that the degree of compliance to IAS disclosure requirements is stronger for companies

audited by an international network (i.e., the Big 5 plus BDO and Grant Thornton). Hence the

adoption of IFRS, implying greater accounting estimates and professional judgment is likely

to provide the large audit firms with more opportunities to import the Anglo-Saxon

accounting practices in Europe (Basu 2001). Given that CC is depicted as a typical North-

American trait of accounting properties (Ball et al. 2000), the earnings quality hypothesis

9 Huijgen and Lubberink (2005: 1281) provide four reasons for the more intensive litigation environment in the US vs. the UK: (1) the legal principle of ‘fraud on the market’, which gives US investors the right to sue a company even if they have not read its financial reports, whereas a contractual obligation must be proved in the UK setting, (2) the UK rule that the loser of a lawsuit has to pay the total legal costs, (3) the fact that UK lawyers generally do not charge contingent fees on the damages awarded to their clients, and (4) the lower use of class actions suits, which are more difficult to organize in the UK. 10 The empirical literature on earnings management tends to demonstrate that the Big N constraint on [income-increasing] accounting policies is mostly observed in the US environment. In non-Anglo-Saxon countries, the Big N generally do not differentiate from other, less brand-named auditors. As surveyed by He et al. (2007), seven US studies out of ten support the mitigating effect of the Big N on discretionary accruals; in contrast, none of the eight non-Anglo-Saxon studies identified by these authors support such a relation.


suggests that under IFRS, Big 4-audited companies report higher levels of CC than non Big 4-

audited ones.

The second, and competing argument, is rooted in the management of potentially higher

auditor risk under the IFRS era. The principles-based accounting regime makes accounting

figures more sensitive to economic conditions, while increasing the pressure placed on

auditors’ judgment. The symmetric recognition of assets and liabilities stated in the IFRS

Framework is also likely to increase large auditors’ exposure to investor claims. In reaction,

Big 4 auditors may prefer using the flexibility of IFRS principles to accept or influence higher

levels of UC by their clients. In other words, the Big 4 would participate in the creation of

accounting slack, in contradiction to the spirit of IFRS, to cover a potentially higher litigation

risk brought by less conservative earnings. One practical example lays in the use of IAS 38:

the obligation to activate development costs if certain criteria are met would result in a more

restrictive interpretation of these criteria…finally resulting in more frequent expensing of

such costs. This auditor risk hypothesis suggests that under IFRS, Big 4-audited companies

report lower levels of CC than non Big 4-audited ones.

2.6 A perspective on comparability: did IFRS adoption contribute to harmonizing earnings

timeliness properties in the EU?

The IAS Regulation advocates a better comparability of accounting numbers from firms in

different jurisdiction in commonly (European Commission 2002). Little is known, however,

about that intended consequence of mandatory IFRS adoption (Brüggemann et al. 2010),

which addresses the key concern of international accounting harmonization. As a

complementary analysis, we use our framework of conditional accounting conservatism to

examine whether the cross-country variation in earnings timeliness properties have decreased

under IFRS, as compared to the pre-IFRS (i.e., local GAAP) reporting era.


Here again, theoretical underpinnings leads to the consideration of two competing hypothesis.

The first one is that IFRS stand as a common set of high quality accounting standards, aimed

at reducing accountants’ discretion over accounting choices and methods; as such, IFRS

should contribute to accounting harmonization. Under this accounting harmonization

hypothesis, we should observe a reduction in the cross-country diversity (i.e., variation) in

earnings properties in the IFRS reporting era. The second and alternative hypothesis emerges

from the argument that the IFRS referential per se is unlikely to lead to an effective

accounting harmonization, because of the diversity of EU member states accounting traditions

and legal systems, and the likely continuation of national accounting practices under IFRS.

Nobes (2006) hammers in that question and explains that IFRS offer numerous opportunities

to allow diverging accounting treatments, depending on the differing reporting incentives that

characterize the European financing/legal systems.11 In a more recent paper, Nobes (2008)

argues that the question of accounting classification is still of relevance under the IFRS era.

He notably demonstrates that a significant contingency exists across EU member states

between maintaining the requirement of national accounting rules for the purpose of

unconsolidated reporting, and being classified as a weak equity, government-driven and tax-

oriented accounting system.

In practice, European-wide investigations by practitioners tend to support the alternative

accounting diversity hypothesis by documenting that most of the IFRS options reflect the pre-

IFRS national accounting culture and practices. For instance, Ernst & Young (2006: 11) stress

11 He proposes eight sources of divergences in the implementation of IFRS: (1) the existence of different versions for some of the standards (e.g., the amendment of IAS 39 in 2005), (2) the translation of IFRS into European languages, which may have caused a loss of substance as compared to the original English words, (3) the reference to the principles-based Framework when a point is not dealt with, leaving considerable room for interpretation and for the continuation of national practices, (4) the remaining of overt, explicit options in IFRS in terms of accounting treatments or valuation methods, (5) the existence of covert, implicit options because of many vague criteria (e.g., the recognition of a provision based on the probability of an outflow of resources, IAS 37), (6) the extensive use of estimations (e.g., discounted cash-flows or net realizable values for impairments, IAS 36), (7) the transitional options left for first-time adoption by IFRS 1, and (8) the fact that enforcement rules (e.g., securities laws, auditor responsibility regime) remain country-specific and thus of differing effectiveness (La Porta et al. 2006).


that most companies implemented the IFRS referential in a way to minimize its effects, as

compared to the pre-existing national GAAP format of financial reporting; and that many of

the overt options made under IFRS illustrate the local GAAP practice. In France, more

specifically, Benabdellah (2008) documents that virtually all the large groups maintained an

historical cost valuation of fixed assets, and that a majority continued to expense interests on

fixed assets acquisition. Investigating the IFRS transition period, Cazavan-Jeny and Jeanjean

(2009) find that the options offered by IFRS 1 were most of the time used to offset the

consequences of mandatory adjustments, in a way to smooth as much as possible the effects

of the IFRS transition on financial aggregates. Overall, this suggests that the properties of

accounting earnings are likely to remain heterogeneous after the adoption of IFRS, and that

the contribution of IFRS to international accounting harmonization is worth being

investigated as an empirical issue.

3. Methodology

3.1 Measures and models of conditional conservatism

Despite several critics and limitations, the Basu (1997) earning-return stepwise regression is

still the most relevant way to capture the asymmetric timeliness in the incorporation of bad vs.

good news in accounting earnings (Ryan 2006; Ball et al. 2009). We examine the effect of

IFRS adoption on conditional conservatism (CC) by interacting the Basu seminal model with

an IFRS reporting dummy:

EPSit = β0 + β1Dit + β2Rit + β3DitRit

+ β4IFRSit + β5IFRSitDit + β6IFRSitRit + β7IFRSitDitRit + ε (Model 1.1)

Where (all non-dummy variables scaled by the beginning of the period stock price):


EPSit = earning per share after extraordinary items12 for firm i in financial year t;

Dit = dummy variable coded one for a “bad news” position (i.e., negative Rit), and zero otherwise;

Rit = contemporaneous buy-and-hold fiscal year return (including dividend paid during the period), adjusted for stock dividends and capital contributions;

IFRSit = dummy variable coded one if firm i reports under IFRS for financial year t, and zero otherwise.

Under this specification, coefficient β2 measures the timeliness of accounting earnings to

incorporate the economic performance for non-IFRS reporting firms, and β6 the incremental

IFRS effect to this timeliness. Coefficient β3 (expected positive under Basu’s specification)

captures the asymmetric and larger earnings timeliness in the incorporation of bad vs. good

economic performance; coefficient β7 then captures the incremental effect of IFRS reporting

on that asymmetric timeliness. If β7 comes out positive (negative), then one would conclude

that the level of CC has increased (decreased) under IFRS in comparison with the local GAAP

regime. The sum of (β2 + β6 + β3 + β7) indicates the timeliness of accounting earnings to

negative economic performance (“bad news”) under IFRS reporting.

Model (1.1) is estimated using a pooled methodology over the period of the study (2001-

2008) with standard errors adjusted for clustering on firm. Our sample period, which covers

financial reports until year 2008, allows for a deeper outlook of IFRS consequences in the

post-adoption period. We test for IFRS effects globally, and after several sample breakdowns

which allow a more accurate contextualization of IFRS effects on CC according to a) industry

class, i.e., financial vs. non-financial companies, b) IFRS adoption timing, i.e., early

(voluntary), on time, or late (mandatory) adopters, and c) legal origin.

12 Following Pope and Walker (1999) and Raonic et al. (2004), we consider EPS after extraordinary items to appraise more extensively the extent of economic transactions and their effects on CC. The notion of “extraordinary item” has been banned from IFRS, and remains marginal or even absent in most European local GAAP. As explained by Worldscope, EPS generally include extraordinary items (even for the UK since 1993). Some accounting standards (e.g., France) defined a kind of “exceptional” items, which is closer to the notion of unusual or non-recurring items in IFRS. These items are systematically included in the “EPS” item proposed by Worldscope.


We examine the “IFRS distance” effects by adding to Model (1.1) an interaction term based

on the Bae et al.’s (2008) metric of the distance between local GAAP and IFRS. Model (1.2)

is then specified as follows:

EPSit = β0 + β1Dit + β2Rit + β3DitRit

+ β4IFRSit + β5IFRSitDit + β6IFRSitRit + β7IFRSitDitRit

+ β8GaapDiff + β9GaapDiff.Dit + β10GaapDiff.Rit + β11GaapDiff.DitRit

+ β12GaapDiff.IFRSit + β13GaapDiff.IFRSitDit + β14GaapDiff.IFRSitRit +

β15GaapDiff.IFRSitDitRit + ε (Model 1.2)

Where EPSit, Dit, Rit and IFRSit as previously defined, and GaapDiff equals to the score of

divergence between IAS/IFRS and the country’s accounting standards based on 21 items (Bae

et al. 2008).13 In this specification, the moderation of IFRS effects associated with local

GAAP divergence is captured by coefficients β14 and β15 for good and bad news timeliness,


Finally, the role of the Big 4 audit firms on CC in the post-IFRS era is investigated by

enriching model (1.1) with an auditor dummy (one for Big 4, zero otherwise) that will capture

the differential effect associated with the presence of a Big 4 auditor on timeliness metrics:

EPSit = β0 + β1Dit + β2Rit + β3DitRit

+ β4IFRSit + β5IFRSitDit + β6IFRSitRit + β7IFRSitDitRit

+ β8B4it + β9B4itDit + β10B4itRit + β11B4itDitRit

+ β12B4itIFRSit + β13B4itIFRSitDit + β14B4itIFRSitRit + β15B4itIFRSitDitRit + ε (Model 1.3)

The interpretation of model (1.3) is in spirit similar to that of model (1.2). Coefficients β10 and

β11 capture the marginal effect of Big 4 auditors on good and bad news timeliness when firms

13 See Table 1 for country values of GaapDiff.


report under local GAAP, while coefficients β14 and β15 indicate this marginal effect under

IFRS reporting. If the IFRS consequences on CC are expected to be amplified by the presence

of a Big 4 auditor, then β15 should be of the same sign as β7.

3.2 Measures and models of unconditional conservatism

Roychowdhury and Watts (2007) explain that market-to-book ratios (MTB hereafter) are

noisy measures of the overall level of conservatism, to the extent that MTBs have two

distinctive components: (1) the unverifiable (unbooked) increases in value of present

separable net assets, and (2) the present value of unbooked net assets (rents, growth options,

etc.). Following Watts (2003), “true conservatism” pertains to the first component, only.

In line with Beaver and Ryan (2000), we use the bias component of the firm’s MTB as a

proxy for UC. Indeed, the bias component of the MTB denotes the persistent, news-

independent understatement of net assets in accounting, whereas the lag component is due to

the fact that accounting treatments incorporate economic performance (notably good news)

with delay. However, provided Roychowdhury and Watts’ analysis, we refine Beaver and

Ryan’s approach to account for the fact that MTB ratios are also influenced by the firm’s

growth opportunities (Smith and Watts 1992), and more generally future economic assets

which do not relate to conservatism. Therefore, to estimate precisely the bias component of

the MTB ratio being attributable to accounting conservatism, one must control for the extent

of growth opportunities, a factor ignored in Beaver and Ryan’s modeling.

We refer to the literature on the Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) to identify the main, and

usable, determinants of the MTB ratio. Previous empirical research has shown that the

magnitude of the firm IOS depends on (1) the intangible nature of assets, (2) past firm growth,

(3) current and past performance, (4) specific risk and volatility, and (5) investment activity.14

14 See for instance Chung and Charoenwong (1991), Gaver and Gaver (1993), Kallapur and Trombley (1999, 2001), Beaver and Ryan (2000), Cazavan-Jeny (2004),


We thus specify the following model (2) to test our hypotheses regarding IFRS adoption,

auditor type and UC:

MTBit = α0 + α1IFRSit + α2B4it + α3IFRS*B4it + Σ δkRETit-k + β1GWit + β2INTANGit +

β3PPEit + β4REVit + β5ROEit + β6VOLit + β7CAPEXit + γjFirmControls +

ΦjInstitutionalControls + η (Model 2)

Where (firm and year subscripts omitted) IFRS and B4 as previously defined, and:

MTB = market-to-book value of common equity at financial year end;

RET = lagged annual stock returns, with k = 0 to 3;15

GW = goodwill scaled by total assets at year end;

INTANG = other intangible assets scaled by total assets at year end;

PPE = net property, plant and equipment scaled by total assets at year end;

REV = annual change in sales and other revenues;

ROE = return on common equity;

VOL = one-year stock price volatility (Worldscope);

CAPEX = capital expenditures scaled by lagged total assets;

FirmControls = firm-specific control variables recognized in the literature to be associated with the level of UC, i.e., firm size and leverage;

InstitutionalControls = a set of country-specific control variables, i.e., legal origin (French, German, Scandinavian),16 legal enforcement (anti-director rights, creditor rights), audit litigation risk;

η = error term.

The interpretation of model (2) is then quite straightforward regarding our hypotheses. If

IFRS adoption has mitigated overly conservative (UC) accounting treatments then coefficient

α1 should be significantly negative, meaning a lower bias component for MTB ratios under

IFRS. Coefficient α2 captures the marginal effect of Big 4 (vs. non-Big 4) audits under local

15 Beaver and Ryan (2000) consider the six lagged annual stock return (k = 0 to 6) to account for the lag (temporary) component of the MTB ratio, i.e., the unexpected economic gains and losses that are recognized in book value over time rather than immediately. We restrain our lag component to the contemporaneous and three lagged stock returns, so as to reduce survivorship bias. 16 Under this specification, the category of reference is the common law environment, represented in this study by the UK and Ireland.


GAAP, whereas coefficient α3 indicates the same effect under IFRS. Under the auditor risk

(earnings quality) hypothesis, coefficient α3 should come out significantly positive (negative).

3.3 Sampling procedure and data collection

We request active and inactive listed companies with geographic location in one of the

European Community countries, with at least one year of accounting data over 2001-2008 in

Worldscope and referenced in Datastream. These initial conditions resulted in 8,372 firms.

We delete companies which are not required to adopt IFRS (for varying motives, see the

Appendix), as well as the remaining ones which did not switch to IFRS at the end of the

period studied (2001-2008), to provide more powerful tests of the mandatory adoption effects.

The complete sampling procedure is detailed in the Appendix. The final sample includes

5,464 unique firms from 22 countries, among which 674 operate in the financial, 237 in the

real estate, and 138 in the utilities industry. 17 In reference to the CESR (2007) study,

reporting 5,323 EU equity issuers having switched to IFRS in 2005, our sample offers an

estimated 65% coverage based on calendar year 2005,18 which is much more comfortable than

that of prior studies (see Brüggemann et al. 2010, Table 1).

Due to general concerns of data error in the coding of accounting standards (e.g., Li 2010),19

we manually check the first year of IAS-IFRS reporting according to the auditor report or to

financial statements for all “abnormal” cases. These cases include early IFRS adopters,

notably numerous in Germany (Daske et al. 2008; Barth et al. 2008), as well as post-

mandatory adopters. This procedure, although costly, is necessary to the reliability of our tests

on the one hand, and to appreciate the differential effects of early vs. mandatory IFRS

17 Contrary to the vast majority of empirical studies, we do not exclude financial firms per se, given that they are also concerned with the question of conservatism. We will, however, control for these “specific” industries in the IFRS switch context, because of the presumed stronger role of fair value valuation associated with financial assets and liabilities. 18 We observe 3,446 firms reporting under IAS/IFRS in calendar year 2005, and 4,256 in year 2006. 19 As in Barth et al. (2008), we consider as a source of raw data the item “Accounting Standards Followed” (WS.AcctgStandardsFollowed) in Worldscope: a firm-year is considered as an IAS/IFRS reporting if the item is coded “02 – International standards” or “23 – IFRS”.


adoption on the other hand.20 This manual check resulted in the requalification of the first

year of IFRS adoption for 185 firms (3.4%). Table 1 reports a sample breakdown of firms

according to their country and IFRS adoption timing.

[Insert Table 1]

Our tests span across eight years, offering equilibrium between the pre-IFRS period (2001-

2004) and the post-IFRS period (2005-2008) for “regular” mandatory adopters. The notion of

“regular” mandatory adopter refers to a company being required by IAS Regulation

2002/1606 to publish IFRS compliant financial statements as from financial years opened on

1st January 2005. Our sample includes three types of “non-regular” IFRS adopters:21 (1) 1,038

UK firms listed of the AIM, which are required to adopt IFRS for financial years opened as

from 1st January 2007, (2) 43 German firms from the S-DAX index, required to adopt IFRS as

from 1st January 2002, and (3) nine German firms from the NEMAX 2001 or Tec-DAX 2003

indices, required to adopt IFRS no later than in 2001. In each of these cases, the IFRS

adoption timing accounts for the fact that the mandated IFRS requirement differs from the

“regular” 2005 financial year (or 2006 if financial year does not fit with the civil year).

Table 1 reveals markedly different patterns in terms of IFRS adoption timing across the EC

Member States. As evidenced by prior studies (e.g., Daske et al. 2008), a dominant trend

(more than 50% of the firms) in early adoption is observed for Germany22 and Austria. A

propensity to anticipate the use of IFRS also concerns countries that joined the EC more

recently, and wished to open their economy to international investors (Hungary and the Czech

20 Daske et al. (2008) report that the capital market benefits (liquidity, firm valuation, cost of equity) of IFRS reporting are substantially greater for voluntary vs. mandatory adopters. 21 Country-specific regulations may anticipate or delay the IFRS requirement. For instance, some German companies were required to switch to IFRS quite before 2005, i.e., in 2001 for New Market and high-tech innovative segment of the Deutsche Boërse (Van Tendeloo and Vanstraelen 2005), or in 2002 for small caps S-DAX firms (Maghraoui 2007). Conversely, the AIM-listed UK companies had a two-year delay to adopt IFRS, with a mandated first year of IFRS in 2007. 22 The figures for Germany account for the early mandatory adoption phenomena caused by securities regulations in this country, i.e., the specific case of S-DAX or Tec-Dax companies.


Republic for Eastern Europe; Estonia and Lithuania for the Baltic area). Conversely, France

and the other Mediterranean jurisdictions (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece), with 85% of on-

time adopters or more, merely seem to “follow the rule”, while such an attitude is less marked

in the Northern Europe area (Benelux, Denmark, Sweden). Finally, a significant (> 20%) rate

of late (post-mandatory) adoption is observed in Ireland, Poland, and Slovakia, suggesting

some kind of “IFRS resistance”.

Table 2 reports descriptive statistics at the firm-year level for the main variables considered in

the study. It appears that two thirds of the observations involve Big 4 auditors, and about 17%

involve other (less brand-named) international auditing networks. The proportion of Big 4

audits is consistent with prior research on audit concentration in Europe.23 Also, 53.4% of the

observations are accounting figures reported under IFRS, in line with the time-balanced

period of the study regarding the 2005 “regular” adoption deadline in the EU. Finally, it

comes out that 47% of the observations are classified as “bad news”, i.e., negative annual

stock returns.

[Insert Table 2]

4. Empirical findings

4.1 IFRS adoption and conditional conservatism

Main findings

Table 3 reports the estimation results for model (1.1), either globally (Panel A) and after

various sample breakdowns: Financial, Real estate or Utilities (FRU) vs. non-FRU firms

(Panel B), IFRS adoption timing (Panel C), legal origin (Panel D).

[Insert Table 3]

23 According to Ballas and Fafaliou (2008: 491), the Big 4 market share for the 15 EC Members (before the 2004 accession) over the period 2002-2004 reached 70.6% of audit mandates.


β6 and β7 are the coefficients of interest to appreciate the contribution of IFRS reporting on

earnings timeliness: β6 captures the incremental effect of IFRS of the timeliness of good

news, while β7 captures the incremental asymmetric timeliness of bad vs. good news under

IFRS. Findings are only tabulated with EPS after extraordinary (EPS_AF) as dependent

variable for clarity. They are qualitatively similar if the commonly used “EPS” (WS item

#05201) proxy is considered.

The main outcome from Panel A is that the asymmetric timeliness of bad vs. good news is

lower under IFRS reporting (β7 negative, p < 0.01). In relative magnitude, the IFRS effect is a

decrease in bad news timeliness of -19%, accompanied by an increase in good news

recognition of +118%; although the later is only marginally significant (p < 0.10).24 Overall,

IFRS adoption thus seems to result in more aggressive accounting earnings, consistent with

timelier asset recognition and a larger use of fair value valuation methods.

Panel B isolates industries that are strongly exposed to fair value requirements given the

nature of their assets and liabilities. The sample is partitioned between financial, real estate

and utilities (FRU hereafter) on the one hand, and non-FRU firms on the other hand. The

IFRS effect comes out significant only for the non-FRU subsample, suggesting that the

stronger fair value requirement associated with financial assets/liabilities and investment

properties25 is not an explanation per se for the more aggressive earnings observed under

IFRS. For the other, commonly investigated industrial and services industries (non-FRU), the

IFRS effect results in a decrease in the asymmetric timeliness of bad news (i.e., CC) by 25%.

Panel C segments the analysis according to the timing of IFRS adoption, i.e., early

(voluntary), on-time, and late (post-mandatory) adopters. The opponents to regulation claim

24 This relative effect of IFRS is calculated as (β6 + β7) / (β2 + β3) for bad news timeliness, and β6 / β2 for good news timeliness, respectively. 25 This is consistent with the fact that revaluation gains for fixed assets are not booked into net income, but to Other Comprehensive Income. Note also that IAS 40 does not formally require fair value measurement for investment properties (Raffournier 2007); the revaluation practice remains however common in that industry.


that imposed accounting standards are likely to have little effects if they do not meet a need or

demand expressed by economic entities. Empirical research provides mixed evidence on the

benefits of mandatory IFRS adoption. Daske et al. (2008) find that market liquidity and cost

of capital benefits mostly pertain to voluntary adopters, but their outlook over mandatory

adoption is limited to year 2005. Li (2010) extends the analysis to 2006 and finds that

mandatory adopters – who had experienced higher cost of equity capital vs. voluntary

adopters before 2005 – could catch up and reduce their cost of capital in the post-mandatory

adoption period (2005-2006), suggesting that the effects of regulation are not null per se, but

not more beneficial than if IFRS had remained adopted on a voluntary basis. In terms of

earnings quality (CC), Panel C documents that the effects of IFRS are limited to on-time

adopters, i.e., companies that strictly comply, by switching to IFRS on the year they were

mandated. These effects are highly significant for both aspects of earnings timeliness, and are

high in magnitude with an increase (a decrease) in good (bad) news timeliness by 247% (-

34%). This confirms the negative consequence of the IAS Regulation on accounting quality,

as denoted here by the asymmetric timeliness of earnings to bad economic performance.

Panel D offers a geographical and institutional segmentation based on countries’ legal origin

(La Porta et al. 1998). Estimations are reduced to non-FRU and on-time IFRS adopters in line

with the results in Panel B and C. The English legal origin gathers UK and Ireland, and also

coincides with the Common Law judicial traits, while French, German and Scandinavian legal

origins all pertain to the Civil Law tradition. In line with the distance hypothesis, the IFRS

effects on earnings timeliness are insignificant for the English legal origin cluster; the UK and

Irish GAAP having the strongest resemblance to IFRS (i.e., the lowest GaapDiff score of 1).

Conversely, IFRS reporting results in lower asymmetric timeliness of bad news for the three

Civil Law clusters, albeit less significant for the German one (p < 0.10). As well, IFRS

earnings are marginally more sensitive to good news in the French and Scandinavian clusters


(β6 negative, p < 0.10), whereas the contrary is observed for the German one, i.e., lower good

news sensitivity (β6 negative, p < 0.05).26

To resume, mandatory IFRS adoption in the EU is accompanied by a decrease in earnings

conditional conservatism (CC), for code law countries. To the extent that CC is an attribute of

earnings quality, and contributes to contracting efficiency, mandating IFRS seems to have had

undesirable effects in the mass. However, if CC is lower under IFRS for continental Europe, it

has not completely disappeared: the asymmetric stronger timeliness of earnings to bad vs.

good news persists, as evidenced by the nullity test of β3 + β7 (last column of Table 3).

Moderating effects: the IFRS distance hypothesis

Table 4 reports regression results for model (1.2) as a test of the distance hypothesis, i.e., the

idea that IFRS effects on CC are proportional to the degree of divergence between countries’

local GAAP and the international standards. We use the Bae et al. (2008) distance metric as

an interaction term in the Basu stepwise regression.

[Insert Table 4]

The negative and significant β15 coefficient (p < 0.001 and 0.10 for the partial and full

interaction models, respectively) confirm the distance hypothesis. The larger the divergence

between pre-existing local GAAP and IFRS, the stronger the reduction in conditional

conservatism (bad news sensitivity and asymmetric timeliness) associated with IFRS

adoption. Note that coefficient β7 is no longer significant in the full model (Panel B),

suggesting that IFRS effects on the asymmetric timeliness of bad news are mostly driven by

the distance between IFRS and countries accounting standards. Said more directly, these

findings are consistent with the accounting harmonization intended consequences of

26 Atypical findings for the German legal origin cluster might be attributed to the accounting policy of many German and Austrian firms, who had partially incorporated international accounting practices in the late 1990s, thus making the 2005 mandatory adoption effects less meaningful. The main findings from model (1.1) (Panel A to C) are robust to the exclusion of German and Austrian firms.


mandatory IFRS adoption. We investigate this harmonization role more specifically hereafter

by exploring the cross-country diversity of earnings timeliness metrics.

Moderating effects: the role of auditor type

Table 5 reports the estimation results for model (1.3) which interacts auditor type (Big 4 vs.

non-Big 4) with earnings timeliness metrics. As in Table 3, the layout is either global (Panel

A), and specific to sample breakdowns: FRU vs. non-FRU firms (Panel B), IFRS adoption

timing (Panel C), and legal origin (Panel D).

[Insert Table 5]

β10, β11, β14 and β15 capture the differential effects of Big 4 auditors, as benchmarked with

non-Big 4, on earnings timeliness: β10 (β11) captures the incremental effect of Big 4 audits on

the timeliness of good (bad) news under local GAAP regimes, while β14 (β15) captures the

same asymmetric timeliness after IFRS adoption. Table 5 also report combined regression

coefficients and associated p-value for nullity aimed at testing Big 4 effects in two different

ways: (1) on good news (GN) and bad news (BN) timeliness metrics considered separately,

and (2) on the degree of “prudence” in accounting earnings considering local GAAP and

IFRS reporting regimes separately. The later combination defines the overall “prudence” (as

opposed to aggressiveness) in earnings as the difference between bad news and good news

timeliness, thus assuming that earnings can be prudent by being more sensitive to bad news or

less sensitive to good news.

Sample-wide main findings (Panel A) are that Big 4 auditors were effective promoters of

more prudent earnings under local GAAP, due to lower earnings sensitivity to good news (β10

= -0.024, p < 0.10) and higher earnings sensitivity to bad news (β11 = 0.098, p < 0.001).

However, this effect more than reverses under IFRS (β14 = 0.048, p < 0.05; β15 = -0.161, p <

0.001), with Big 4-audited earnings being simultaneously more sensitive to good news (β10 +


β14 = 0.024, p < 0.10) and less sensitive to bad news (β10 + β11 + β14 + β15 = -0.040, p < 0.05).

Aggregating the timeliness metrics into the concept of “prudence” leads to a similar

conclusion: Big 4 auditors are associated with more prudent earnings overall under local

GAAP (β11 – β10 = 0.121, p = 0.001), and less prudent (or more aggressive) ones under IFRS

(β11 + β15 – β14 – β10 = -0.087, p = 0.008).

The Big 4 effect in the pre-IFRS period is consistent with the US literature, which documents

a more conservative behavior of the large audit firms to prevent litigation risk (Nelson et al.

2002; Basu et al. 2001, 2002), or to preserve their reputation capital by enhancing earnings

quality (Francis and Wang 2008). The Big 4 effect in the post-IFRS period is more surprising.

It is not in line with the earnings quality hypothesis, and suggests that Big 4 auditors use the

IFRS regime as a return to more aggressive reporting practices, thus decreasing the level of

conditional conservatism. This decrease in conditional conservatism can also be interpreted in

line with an auditor risk hypothesis. The fact that IFRS are principles-based makes large audit

firms more exposed to the consequences of their judgment, while also introducing more

uncertainties as compared with previously used, more “directive” local GAAP treatments. In

reaction, auditors use the flexibility of IFRS principles to validate (or even promote) the

creation of accounting slack by managers. This attitude would signify that Big 4 auditors,

instead of promoting earnings quality through conditional conservatism, push for more

unconditional conservatism (i.e., biased accounting) in anticipation of uncertainties and risks;

our tests on unconditional conservatism (see hereafter) are supportive of that. This higher

level of “excessive” conservatism would then offer more possibilities for income smoothing,

i.e., lower conditionally conservative earnings.


Panel B shows that these main findings concern mostly non-FRU firms,27 and Panel C that

they are restricted to timely IFRS adopters. Panel D documents varying significance of the

Big 4 effects according to legal origin. The Scandinavian cluster yields insignificant Big 4

effects in all respects. The English (Common Law) and German country groups reach a

roughly similar conclusion: Big 4-audited earnings, which were marginally more prudent

under local GAAP (p < 0.10), have become significantly (p < 0.05) less prudent than non-

Big 4-audited earnings under IFRS. Regarding the French cluster, “net” Big 4 effects on

timeliness metrics are globally insignificant, but they strongly oppose between the local

GAAP and IFRS accounting regimes. In the end, however, Big 4-audited earnings –

significantly more prudent than non-Big 4-audited ones under local GAAP – no longer

differentiate under IFRS. Taken together, these findings are inconsistent with, and even

contradictory to the well admitted “law & finance” hypothesis that Big 4 auditors mitigate

potential litigation costs by commanding more conservative accounting earnings.

4.2 IFRS adoption and unconditional conservatism

Empirical findings regarding IFRS, Big 4, and unconditional conservatism (UC) (model 2) are

tabulated in Tables 6 and 7. Table 6 reports the main findings obtained from full sample

regressions based on two declinations: model (2.1) considers institutional traits through

country dummies, model (2.2) replaces country dummies by legal origin dummies, as well as

investor protection and auditor litigation indices. All regressions are controlled for time and

industry fixed effects,28 and standard errors are adjusted for clustering effects on firms.

[Insert Table 6]

27 Taken individually, regression coefficients are generally insignificant for FRU companies. However, combined Big 4 effects are somewhat consistent with non-FRU results regarding (1) lower bad news timeliness, and (2) less prudent earnings overall (p < 0.05). 28 Time period fixed effects (2001-2008) are captured with seven year dummies; industry fixed effects are controlled with 18 industry membership dummies according to the DJ EuroStoxx classification.


Regressions from Table 6 provide evidence of a negative association between IFRS reporting

and MTB ratios, although that association is not statistically significant at conventional levels

(p < 0.10 one-tailed). It suggests lower MTB ratios under IFRS when a non-Big 4 auditor is in

charge, after having controlled for firm-specific incentives (lag MTB component, growth

opportunities, and other contracting characteristics)29 and for institutional traits (model 2.2).

In our setting, this can be read as weak evidence of less UC under IFRS, when the firm is

audited by a non-Big 4 auditor. Given the negative relation between UC and CC, this is

consistent with marginally higher (also insignificant) propensity to CC observed at a similar

level; see coefficient β7 from model (1.3) (Table 5).

However, beyond this weak effect being in line with unintended consequences of IFRS – i.e.,

the reduction in overly conservative accounting practices –, model 2 provides statistical

evidence of higher levels of UC for Big 4 audits, also amplified by IFRS adoption (α2 and α3

both positive and significant at p < 0.05). The Big 4 effect under local GAAP is slightly

attenuated by the inclusion of institutional traits (p < 0.10 in model 2.2) and specifically

minority shareholders protection (AD_rights), suggesting a substitutive relationship between

both enforcement mechanisms. Finally, combined tests on regression coefficients reveal that

the IFRS effect (α1 + α3) on MTB ratios proves globally insignificant; and that the Big 4 effect

(α2 + α3) comes out positive and highly significant (p < 0.001).

Overall, these findings do not support the general assertion that IFRS contribute to financial

reporting quality. They suggest, more specifically, that Big 4 auditors are associated with this

“failure” of IFRS, consistent with the auditor risk hypothesis that the arrival of principles-

based accounting in Europe gave more latitude to large audit firms to validate ex ante

conservative accounting treatments (UC). Examples of such attitude may be found in a

29 Note that the contemporaneous and past stock returns seem to play a significant role in capturing the lag component of the MTB ratio, i.e., its ability to integrate the firm’s economic performance with a lag. Also, Model 2 shows that the importance of goodwill (GW) is not supportive of growth opportunities, whereas the weight of other intangible assets (INTANG), and the investment effort (CAPEX) are.


restrictive interpretation of asset recognition principles (e.g., IAS 38 activation criteria),

and/or in a more prudent behavior regarding asset valuation principles (e.g., a limited use of

fair value) when Big 4 auditors are in charge.

Technically speaking, our findings on UC are strongly consistent with observations made

previously that CC has decreased under IFRS for Big 4 audits. They reflect the preemptive

role of UC on CC modeled in the literature, i.e., the view that more UC reduces possibilities

for accountants to use conditional, news-dependant conservatism.

[Insert Table 7]

Table 7 provides estimates of model 2 across similar sample breakdowns as the one operated

for model 1, i.e., FRU vs. non-FRU firms, IFRS adoption timing, and legal origin. It provides

evidence that the previously described main findings for model 2 are contingent to non-FRU

firms and to timely IFRS adopters, which is similar to what has been observed for CC models

(model 1).

Restricting the analysis to the regulatory effects (i.e., non-FRU and timely adopters), Table 7

evidences strong variation across legal origins clusters: while the results generally prove

insignificant for Scandinavian cluster (consistent with Table 5), they post differing profiles in

the three other legal environments. In the English common law setting, the Big 4 effect in

favor of more UC comes out after the IFRS adoption, whereas it is not contingent to the use of

IFRS in the French code law setting. The English pattern could be interpreted by an

excessively conservative attitude of the large audit firms in prevention of their higher legal

exposure surrounding the accounting change. The French findings contend that the Big 4

drive higher levels of UC under local GAAP, and that the IFRS adoption did not change that

differentiation pattern. Here, the legal exposure explanation is less likely to hold, due to the

lower effectiveness of enforcement mechanisms and to the lower audit litigation risk that

prevail in these countries. Such a Big 4 differentiation in French legal origin countries is


hardly interpretable, and in contradiction with the earnings management literature (e.g., Piot

and Janin 2007 in France). The German cluster opposes the French and English ones, as it

posts no significant Big 4 effect, but a significant contribution of IFRS reporting to lower

MTB ratios for non-Big 4 audits. This later point adds to the international accounting

literature, which depicts the German accounting system has having one of the highest levels

of UC (e.g., Ball et al. 2000; Giner and Rees 2001).

4.3 IFRS adoption and accounting harmonization: a cross-country diversity approach

We run additional tests to examine the harmonization role of IFRS. Indeed, one of the main

intended consequences of mandated IFRS is a better comparability of accounting earnings

across jurisdictions (European Commission 2002). If IFRS effectively participate in the

accounting harmonization process (the harmonization hypothesis) we should observe a

decrease in the cross-country variability of timeliness metrics following their adoption by EU

Member States. However, if IFRS are insufficient or ineffective per se to reach accounting

harmonization – due to their flexibility and vagueness, favoring the continuation of local

accounting practices (Nobes 2006) –, then the post-IFRS variance in earnings properties

should remain statistically unchanged (the accounting diversity hypothesis).

To appraise harmonization effects, we estimate model (1.1) at the country level and compare

the cross-country diversity in earnings timeliness properties before and after IFRS adoption.

To keep consistence with the main findings from Table 3, and thus focus of the effects of

mandatory IFRS adoption (i.e., of regulation), we restrict the analysis to non-FRU and timely

adopters. We retain coefficient estimates from 14 countries for which model (1.1) converges

with at least two hundred firm-year observations.30 Table 8 reports descriptive statistics and

30 Three of the initial 22 countries have no or insufficient data to estimate model (1.1): Estonia, Lithuania, and Slovakia. We also do not consider the timeliness metrics from five other countries, for which the number of available firm-year observations ranges between 27 and 47 (Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxemburg, Slovenia). Among the 14 retained countries, the number of observations ranges from 222 (Ireland) to 5,646 (UK), and coefficient β7 comes out with a negative sign for all of them, with statistical significance in five cases.


pair-wise comparison tests (local GAAP vs. IFRS) for the good and bad news timeliness


[Insert Table 8]

Both parametric and non-parametric comparison tests confirm a significant decrease in bad

news timeliness under IFRS (p < 0.0001); the change remains globally insignificant for good

news timeliness. Also, Fisher tests reveal marginally lower cross-country variance under

IFRS, as compared to the previous local GAAP situation, regarding the sensitivity of earnings

to negative economic performance (p = 0.064, two-tailed). However, no significant reduction

in cross-country diversity is observed for positive economic performance. Overall, mandatory

IFRS adoption seems to procure a weak contribution to earnings comparability in terms of

timeliness, thus challenging that intended benefit of generalizing international accounting

standards in the EU.

5. Synthesis and implications

This research examines the consequences of IFRS adoption on accounting conservatism

within the European Union and the way large audit firms (Big 4) interact with them. In its

conditional and news-dependent form, conservatism is viewed as a feature of accounting

quality and contracting efficiency. Prior studies have mostly addressed the effects of IFRS in

voluntary adoption settings; they tend to conclude that IFRS adoption has improved earnings

quality (e.g., Barth et al. 2008). However, these studies suffer from a potential selection bias

due to the difficulty to control for differing reporting incentives of companies switching

voluntarily to IFRS.

In contrast with voluntary adoption settings, empirical research on the economic

consequences of mandatory IFRS adoption, although still in its infancy, generally fails to

document improvements in accounting quality (see Brüggemann et al. 2010 for a review).


That research stream also provides weak and inconclusive evidence of direct economic

benefits such as a reduction in the cost of equity capital (Daske et al. 2008; Brüggemann et al.

2010). Investigating the EU context of mandated IFRS adoption as from 2005 then offers an

unprecedented opportunity to appraise IFRS consequences at a large level, while limiting the

selection bias induced by reporting incentives.

We use an extensive database of more than 5,000 IFRS adopters from 22 EU countries over

the period 2001-2008, i.e., four year preceding and following the 2005 IAS Regulation

deadline. Using the Basu (1997) earnings timeliness approach to measure conditional

conservatism (CC), and the bias component of the market-to-book ratio to proxy for

unconditional conservatism (UC), our findings run counter to the general expectation that

IFRS have contributed to higher accounting quality.

First, we find that CC has decreased under IFRS as proxied by the asymmetric timeliness of

earnings to bad vs. good economic performance. Segmented analyses reveal that this effect

concerns non-financial industries, timely IFRS adopters – i.e., neither early (voluntary) nor

late (mandatory) adopters –, and code-law countries whether they belong to the French,

German or Scandinavian legal origin group. Second, the magnitude of the IFRS effect on bad

news timeliness is positively associated with the distance between IFRS and the pre-existing

local GAAP. Third, more specifically, we find that Big 4 auditors are associated with more

aggressive earnings under IFRS, with simultaneous increase (decrease) in good (bad) news

timeliness. As for the main finding on IFRS effects, this significant Big 4 interaction holds for

non-financial mandatory adopters, with this exception of Scandinavian legal origin countries.

Fourth, we observe higher levels of UC for Big 4 audits, also amplified by IFRS adoption.

This later point is in contradiction with the general expectation that IFRS provide a more

“economically relevant” picture of companies’ net assets than Continental EU GAAP; but it is

consistent, however, with findings on CC regarding the negative (substitutive) relation


between UC and CC modeled in the literature. Fifth, finally, country-specific analyses suggest

that mandated IFRS offer a weak contribution to earnings comparability, as measured by the

cross-country diversity (variance) in earnings timeliness metrics.

To the extent that conditional conservatism is economically relevant in reducing contracting

costs or information asymmetries, and thus associated with earnings quality, our findings tend

to demonstrate that the EU-wide mandatory IFRS adoption has hampered accounting quality.

Besides this unintended consequence, our findings also suggest that the intended

improvements in earnings comparability, put forward by the EC in 2002 at the time of the IAS

Regulation, are far from being achieved when looking at the cross-country differences in

earnings timeliness. In brief, generalizing the use of IFRS under the one size fits all principle

appears to be counterproductive for listed entities, notwithstanding the costs of such an

“accounting revolution”.



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Table 1: Sample firm breakdown according to country and IFRS adoption timing

Country Gaap Diff a N

IFRS adoption timing in years b

IFRS adoption timing by category (%) c

Specific industries (N) d

Mean Med. S. D. Min Max Early On- time Late

Fina- ncial

Real Esta.

Utili- ties

AT: Austria 12 88 -2.6 -3 1.8 -5 2 77.3 19.3 3.4 18 7 3BE: Belgium 13 132 -0.4 0 1.1 -4 3 31.1 62.1 6.8 24 9 7CZ: Czech R. 14 31 -1.2 0 1.8 -4 3 48.4 48.4 3.2 4 13DE: Germany 11 616 -1.5 -1 2.2 -7 3 51.1 37.3 11.5 91 28 16DK: Denmark 11 158 -0.1 0 1.2 -4 3 13.3 75.3 11.4 38 8 1EE: Estonia 7 9 -3.1 -4 1.2 -4 -1 100.0 1ES: Spain 16 151 0.0 0 0.5 -1 2 5.3 87.4 7.3 23 17 11FI: Finland 15 141 -0.2 0 0.6 -4 2 11.3 87.2 1.4 12 4 2FR: France 12 583 0.0 0 0.5 -3 3 3.8 91.4 4.8 63 37 9GB: United K. 1 1 847 -0.3 0 1.0 -6 3 21.5 71.4 7.1 190 69 30GR: Greece 17 305 -0.1 0 0.5 -4 2 5.2 92.8 2.0 32 2 6HU: Hungary 13 33 -1.8 -1 2.2 -4 1 51.5 33.3 15.2 4 2 3IE: Ireland 1 72 0.2 0 1.2 -3 2 16.7 59.7 23.6 8 1 1IT: Italy 12 314 0.0 0 0.6 -4 3 6.7 85.4 8.0 55 14 22LT: Lithuania -- 5 -1.4 -1 2.6 -4 2 60.0 20.0 20.0 1 LU: Luxemburg 18 40 -0.6 0 1.8 -4 2 32.5 50.0 17.5 16 3 2NL: Netherland 4 152 -0.5 0 1.3 -5 3 21.1 73.7 5.3 16 15 PL: Poland 12 299 0.3 0 1.3 -4 3 15.4 55.9 28.8 35 4 7PT: Portugal 13 53 -0.2 0 0.7 -4 1 13.2 84.9 1.9 6 1 2SE: Sweden 10 406 0.1 0 0.9 -4 3 7.6 78.3 14.0 35 16 2SI: Slovenia 9 11 -0.7 0 1.4 -4 0 27.3 72.7 SK: Slovakia 3 18 -0.3 0 2.0 -4 3 33.3 27.8 38.9 3 Total 5 464 -0.3 0 1.3 -7 3 20.5 70.5 9.0 674 237 138

The full sample comprises N = 5 464 IFRS adopters (2001-2008), across 22 EU countries.


a GaapDif1 = number of differences observed between IAS/IFRS and local GAAP across 21 items (theoretical range [0-21]), as defined in Bae et al. (2008, Table 1).

b IFRS adoption timing in years = first year of effective IFRS reporting, minus the year of mandated IFRS adoption (i.e., financial year 2005 in the “regular” situation, for companies with fiscal year end on 31st December).

c IFRS adoption timing (by categories, in %): early (voluntary) adopters if IFRS adoption timing in years is strictly inferior to zero, late (post-mandatory) adopters if IFRS adoption timing in years is strictly superior to zero, on-time adopters if the IFRS adoption timing in years is zero.

d Industry membership for three specific industries (N = frequency): banking, insurance and other financial services (Financial), Real Estate, and Utilities.

Table 2: Descriptive statistics at the firm-year level

N Mean Median Std. Dev. Min Max

Test variables IFRS 27 600 0.534 1 0.499 0 1B4 27 600 0.660 1 0.474 0 1MAJOR 27 600 0.167 0 0.373 0 1Variables used in Conditional Conservatism models EPS 27 600 0.020 0.051 0.168 -1.227 0.643EPS_AF 27 600 0.021 0.051 0.171 -1.284 1.505R 27 600 0.062 0.032 0.501 -0.873 2.551D 27 600 0.471 0 0.499 0 1Variables used in the Unconditional Conservatism model MTB 27 600 2.301 1.613 2.311 0.246 22.163GW 23 308 0.113 0.040 0.158 0.000 0.993INTANG 27 415 0.142 0.055 0.188 0.000 0.995PPE 27 401 0.252 0.176 0.248 0.000 0.999REV (a) 26 970 0.234 0.076 0.910 -0.912 7.984ROE (a) 27 583 -0.019 0.082 0.531 -5.040 2.804VOL 21 644 31.802 29.600 12.697 0.000 83.811CAPEX (a) 26 406 0.057 0.032 0.087 0.000 0.701LT_DEBT 27 492 0.131 0.083 0.148 0.000 0.936TOT_DEBT 27 518 0.217 0.194 0.185 0.000 0.984ASSETS (M€) 27 597 8 534.797 164.871 68 891.88 0.008 2 641 050

(a) Variable distribution as been winsorized at the 1st – 99th percentiles to avoid the problem of outliers.

Tests variables: IFRS = 1 if the firm reports under IFRS, and 0 otherwise; B4 = 1 if the firm is audited by one of the Big 4 auditors (Ernst & Young, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, or Deloitte & Touche), and 0 otherwise; MAJOR = 1 if the firm is audited by one of the Major (non-big 4) international audit networks (Mazars, Grant Thornton, BDO Binder / BDO International, Baker Tilly International, Pannell Kerr Forster / PKF International, Horwath International, HLB International, BKR International, Moore Stephens International, Nexia International, Moores Rowland International, RSM International, Jeffreys Henry International, CPA Associates), and 0 otherwise. The B4 and MAJOR auditor variables are coded based on information hand-collected in the annual report, or on the Reuters Factiva on-line database which discloses auditor name on an annual basis.

Variables used in Conditional Conservatism models: EPS = earning per share (WS item #05201); EPS_AF = EPS after extraordinary items (WS item #18209); R = contemporaneous buy-and-hold fiscal year stock return, including dividend paid and adjusted for stock dividends and capital contributions (Datastream); D = 1 if R is negative, and 0 otherwise.

Variables used in the Unconditional Conservatism models: MTB = market-to-book value of common equity based on the closing stock price at financial year end; GW = goodwill scaled by total assets at year end; INTANG = other intangible assets scaled by total assets at year end; PPE = net property, plant and equipment scaled by total assets at year end; REV = annual change in sales and other revenues; ROE = return on common equity; VOL = one-year stock price volatility; CAPEX = capital expenditures scaled by lagged total assets; LT_DEBT = Long-term debt scaled by total assets at year end; TOT_DEBT = Long-term debt plus short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt scaled by total assets at year end; ASSETS = total assets (in mil. €) at fiscal year end.


Table 3: Results for model (1.1)

EPS_AFit = β0 + β1Dit + β2Rit + β3DitRit + β4IFRSit + β5IFRSitDit + β6IFRSitRit + β7IFRSitDitRit + ε β1 β2 β3 β4 β5 β6 β7 β0 N F-stat R2 # Firm Test β3+β7 = 0

Panel A: Global unsegmented analysis -0.031 0.014 0.211 0.009 0.017 0.016 -0.059 0.053 27 600 349.7 11.9% 5 075 < 0.0001 -5.86a 2.02c 14.75a 2.40c 2.65b 1.82d -3.35b 17.50a Panel B: By industry (non-Financial, Real estate or Utilities -FRU- vs. Others) Non-FRU -0.026 0.014 0.205 0.009 0.014 0.013 -0.069 0.044 22 145 266.1 10.7% 4 100 < 0.0001 -4.49a 1.90d 13.54a 1.87d 1.99c 1.31 -3.67a 12.08a FRU -0.033 0.038 0.203 0.012 0.028 0.028 -0.002 0.071 5 455 78.7 17.4% 975 < 0.0001 -2.54c 3.01b 4.49a 2.06c 1.91d 1.78d -0.03 16.21a Panel C: By IFRS adoption timing (early, on-time, late), non-FRU firms Early -0.009 0.011 0.256 0.024 -0.011 -0.014 -0.054 0.023 3 425 41.6 9.9% 813 < 0.0001 -0.31 0.32 3.84a 1.19 -0.36 -0.36 -0.76 1.29 On-time -0.027 0.012 0.207 0.006 0.017 0.030 -0.104 0.048 17 816 221.2 11.3% 3 016 < 0.0001 -4.48a 1.46 12.95a 1.37 2.34c 2.89b -5.31a 12.36a Late -0.035 0.055 0.080 0.035 0.041 -0.002 0.032 0.001 904 12.4 9.6% 271 0.0246 -1.17 2.30c 1.14 1.24 1.01 -0.04 0.38 0.08 Panel D: By legal origin, non-FRU firms, on-time adopters English -0.039 -0.011 0.225 0.023 0.028 0.005 -0.016 0.045 5 868 98.2 11.6% 1 102 < 0.0001 -4.18a -0.88 8.73a 2.67b 2.07c 0.25 -0.44 7.10a French -0.019 0.026 0.147 -0.005 0.009 0.027 -0.090 0.051 7 439 84.9 9.1% 1 136 0.0008 -2.14c 1.81d 6.04a -0.76 0.86 1.69d -3.09b 9.19a German -0.012 0.097 0.234 0.022 0.004 -0.055 -0.169 0.038 1 679 27.4 14.3% 327 0.0141 -0.42 5.14a 2.75b 1.33 0.13 -2.24c -1.89d 2.52c Scandinavian -0.032 0.011 0.293 0.009 0.016 0.045 -0.191 0.048 2 830 44.5 16.6% 451 0.0014 -2.06c 0.51 7.36a 0.67 0.83 1.86d -3.91a 4.30a

Reported items are regression coefficients, with associated t-statistic below. T-statistics are based on standard errors adjusted for clustering on firm and estimated under the heteroscedasticity consistent White method.

a, b, c, d denotes two-tailed significance at p inferior to 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10, respectively.


Table 4: Results for model (1.2) EPS_AFit = β0 + β1Dit + β2Rit + β3DitRit + β4IFRSit + β5IFRSitDit + β6IFRSitRit + β7IFRSitDitRit + β8GaapDiff + β9GaapDiff.Dit + β10GaapDiff.Rit + β11GaapDiff.DitRit + β12GaapDiff.IFRSit + β13GaapDiff.IFRSitDit + β14GaapDiff.IFRSitRit + β15GaapDiff.IFRSitDitRit + ε

β1 β2 β3 β4 β5 β6 β7 β8 β9 β10 β11 β12 β13 β14 β15 β0 F-stat R2 Panel A: Partial model -0.027 0.012 0.207 0.007 0.017 0.010 -0.051 0.002 -0.006 0.048 172.7 11.4% -4.48a 1.46 12.95a 1.46 2.27c 0.72 -2.00c 2.05c -3.61a 12.36a

Panel B: Full interaction model -0.041 -0.014 0.253 0.029 0.031 0.009 -0.029 0.000 0.002 0.004 -0.007 -0.002 -0.002 0.000 -0.006 0.046 112.5 11.9% -4.09a -1.03 9.52a 3.35a 2.24c 0.46 -0.78 0.09 1.87d 3.05b -2.76b -2.68b -1.50 0.21 -1.71b 6.94a

Results based on non-FRU and on-time adopters: N = 17 816 firm-year observations for 3 016 unique firms. Panel A reports a partial model (GaapDiff interaction limited to earnings timeliness under IFRS), and Panel B reports the full interaction model. Reported items are regression coefficients, with associated t-statistic below. T-statistics are based on standard errors adjusted for clustering on firm and estimated under the heteroscedasticity consistent White method. a, b, c, d denotes two-tailed significance at p inferior to 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10, respectively. GaapDiff = number of differences observed between IAS/IFRS and local GAAP across 21 items as defined in Bae et al. (2008).


Table 5: Results for model (1.3)

EPS_AFit = β0 + β1Dit + β2Rit + β3DitRit + β4IFRSit + β5IFRSitDit + β6IFRSitRit + β7IFRSitDitRit + β8B4it + β9B4itDit + β10B4itRit + β11B4itDitRit + β12B4itIFRSit + β13B4itIFRSitDit + β14B4itIFRSitRit + β15B4itIFRSitDitRit + ε

β2 β3 β6 β7 β10 β11 β14 β15

# Obs / # Firm


Big 4 effects on timeliness (a)

Big 4 effects on prudence (b)

GN BN Local IFRSPanel A: Global unsegmented analysis 0.029 0.147 -0.013 0.041 -0.024 0.098 0.048 -0.161 27 600 170.6 0.024 -0.040 0.121 -0.087 2.97b 6.32a -0.83 1.40 -1.77d 3.30a 2.54c -4.38a 5 075 12.4% 0.073 0.030 0.001 0.008Panel B: By industry (non-Financial, Real estate or Utilities -FRU- vs. Others)Non-FRU 0.033 0.134 -0.018 0.038 -0.030 0.115 0.053 -0.179 22 145 130.7 0.024 -0.041 0.144 -0.088 3.12b 5.56a -1.09 1.23 -1.98c 3.70a 2.54c -4.60a 4 100 11.2% 0.112 0.034 0.000 0.015FRU 0.019 0.258 0.034 0.039 0.029 -0.098 -0.010 -0.034 5 455 38.7 0.019 -0.114 -0.127 -0.151 0.66 2.84b 1.00 0.38 0.91 -0.95 -0.26 -0.29 975 18.4% 0.433 0.037 0.285 0.039Panel C: By IFRS adoption timing (early, on-time, late), non-FRU firmsEarly 0.029 0.252 -0.041 0.006 -0.036 -0.006 0.054 -0.097 3 425 20.9 0.018 -0.084 0.030 -0.121 0.60 2.66b -0.71 0.06 -0.50 -0.04 0.67 -0.67 813 10.5% 0.610 0.043 0.866 0.160On-time 0.030 0.128 -0.005 0.015 -0.028 0.127 0.057 -0.194 17 816 109.0 0.028 -0.039 0.155 -0.096 2.61b 4.98a -0.30 0.44 -1.77d 3.85a 2.63b -4.73a 3 016 11.8% 0.051 0.073 0.000 0.009Late 0.067 0.038 0.012 -0.003 -0.025 0.074 -0.034 0.083 904 7.2 -0.059 0.097 0.099 0.215 2.37c 0.38 0.29 -0.02 -0.51 0.51 -0.45 0.48 271 10.2% 0.326 0.206 0.564 0.133Panel D: By legal origin, non-FRU firmsEnglish 0.011 0.167 -0.086 0.143 -0.036 0.087 0.129 -0.245 5 868 50.5 0.093 -0.065 0.122 -0.252 0.67 4.20a -1.60 1.95d -1.46 1.66d 2.22c -2.88b 1 102 12.8% 0.078 0.158 0.071 0.030French 0.067 0.043 -0.016 0.026 -0.069 0.188 0.075 -0.211 7 439 42.9 0.007 -0.016 0.257 -0.029 3.51a 1.24 -0.70 0.56 -2.58b 3.93a 2.43c -3.52a 1 136 10.0% 0.675 0.622 0.000 0.528German 0.081 0.058 -0.075 0.054 0.025 0.363 0.052 -0.465 1 670 14.7 0.077 -0.025 0.338 -0.179 2.72b 0.56 -1.80d 0.51 0.65 2.21c 1.07 -2.72b 327 15.9% 0.011 0.535 0.058 0.015Scandi 0.012 0.380 0.044 -0.158 -0.002 -0.100 0.002 -0.043 2 830 22.8 0.000 -0.143 -0.099 -0.143-navian 0.31 4.17a 0.87 -1.35 -0.04 -0.99 0.03 -0.34 451 17.3% 0.996 0.074 0.411 0.182

For clarity, we report only coefficients capturing the association between earnings and stock returns; the full Table is available from authors upon request. Reported items are regression coefficients and t-statistic based on standard errors adjusted for clustering on firm and estimated under the heteroscedasticity consistent White method.

a, b, c, d denotes two-tailed significance at p inferior to 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10, respectively.

49 (a) Test of Big 4 effects on earnings timeliness: sum of coefficients and two-tailed p-value underneath.

Good news (GN): β10 + β14 = 0; Bad news (BN): β10 + β11 + β14 + β15 = 0. (b) Test of Big 4 effect on “prudence”: effect of Big 4 auditors on the overall level of prudence (vs. aggressiveness) in accounting earnings defined as bad

news minus good news timeliness: sum of coefficients and two-tailed p-value underneath. Under local accounting standards: β11 – β10; Under IFRS: (β15 – β14) + (β11 – β10).


Table 6: Unconditional conservatism model – Full sample estimations

Model 2: MTBit = α0 + α1IFRSit + α2B4it + α3IFRS*B4it + Σ δkRETit-k + β1GWit + β2INTANGit + β3PPEit + β4REVit + β5ROEit + β6VOLit + β7CAPEXit + γjFirmControls + ΦjInstitutionalControls + fixed effects + η

Model (2.1) Country dummies

Model (2.2) Institutional controls

Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat Intercept 2.699 9.39a 1.635 3.16b IFRS -0.163 -1.40 -0.183 -1.47 B4 0.166 2.05c 0.160 1.91d IFRS*B4 0.207 2.30c 0.216 2.32c RETt 1.041 21.95a 1.063 20.53a RETt-1 0.330 4.19a 0.359 3.56a RETt-2 0.118 3.38a 0.174 3.89a RETt-3 0.090 3.12b 0.119 3.49a GW -2.255 -4.43a -1.993 -4.01a INTANG 1.149 2.48c 0.922 2.04c PPE -1.676 -10.26a -1.723 -10.03a REV -0.019 -0.61 -0.023 -0.70 ROE -0.471 -4.01a -0.469 -3.83a VOL 0.002 0.64 0.004 1.22 CAPEX 2.170 6.18a 2.242 5.93a Ln_ASSETS 0.026 1.38 0.033 1.72d TOT_DEBT 0.969 4.85a 1.055 5.08a LO_Scan -0.170 -0.78 LO_Fren -0.083 -0.44 LO_Germ -0.031 -0.14 AD_rights 0.214 3.65a CRE_rights 0.028 0.86 Litigate -0.030 -0.80 Industry fixed effects Included IncludedTime fixed effects Included IncludedCountry fixed effects Included ExcludedIFRS effect: α1 + α3 = 0 (p-value) 0.598 0.707Big 4 effect: α2 + α3 = 0 (p-value) 0.000 0.000# Firm-year 17 154 15 889# Firms (clusters) 3 391 3 042f-stat 35.9 40.2R-squared 17.5% 17.4%Mean / Max VIF 1.7 / 5.8 2.7 / 13 a, b, c, d denotes two-tailed significance at p inferior to 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10, respectively. Dependent variable: MTB = market-to-book value of common equity based on the closing stock price at financial year end. Firm-level explanatory variables: IFRS = 1 if the firm reports under IFRS, and 0 otherwise; B4 = 1 if the firm is audited by one of the Big 4 auditors, and 0 otherwise; RETt = contemporaneous buy-and-hold fiscal year t stock return; GW = goodwill scaled by total assets at year end; INTANG = other intangible assets scaled by total assets at year end; PPE = net property, plant and equipment scaled by total assets at year end; REV = annual change in


sales and other revenues; ROE = return on common equity; VOL = one-year stock price volatility; CAPEX = capital expenditures scaled by lagged total assets; Ln_ASSETS = natural log of total assets (in th. €) at fiscal year end. TOT_DEBT = Long-term debt plus short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt scaled by total assets at year end. Institutional Controls: LO_... = Legal origin dummies (with ref. to English legal origin); AD_Rights = revised Anti-Director rights index used in Djankov et al. (2008); CRE_Rights = creditor rights used in Djankov et al. (2007); Litigate = auditor litigation index used by Wingate (1997).


Table 7: Unconditional conservatism model – Sample breakdowns estimations

Model 2: MTBit = α0 + α1IFRSit + α2B4it + α3IFRS*B4it + Σ δkRETit-k + β1GWit + β2INTANGit + β3PPEit + β4REVit + β5ROEit + β6VOLit + β7CAPEXit + γjFirmControls + fixed effects + η Financial vs. non-financial firms By IFRS adoption timing (non-FRU firms) By legal origin (non-FRU and Timely adopters)

Non-FRU FRU Early Timely Late English French German Scandinavian Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat

Intercept 2.392 8.08a 3.339 3.48a 2.186 2.58b 2.467 7.53a 9.272 2.69b 2.766 4.76a 1.483 2.20c 2.531 2.53c 2.893 4.50a IFRS -0.058 -0.56 -0.530 -1.12 -0.057 -0.17 -0.035 -0.29 0.598 0.99 -0.073 -0.43 0.184 0.83 -0.514 -2.04c 0.178 0.53 B4 0.196 2.23c -0.055 -0.25 0.139 0.35 0.209 2.32c 1.136 1.80d 0.173 1.04 0.349 2.72b 0.070 0.30 0.222 1.19 IFRS*B4 0.160 1.67d 0.371 1.54 -0.056 -0.13 0.184 2.03c 0.056 0.09 0.394 2.45c -0.081 -0.61 0.290 1.13 -0.078 -0.43 RETt 1.073 20.98a 0.775 5.85a 1.186 9.24a 1.051 18.33a 0.971 3.43a 1.112 11.68a 1.090 11.90a 1.143 7.05a 1.064 7.33a RETt-1 0.370 3.67a 0.151 2.73b 0.614 7.51a 0.329 2.96b 0.129 0.71 0.547 6.57a 0.228 1.42 0.343 3.60a 0.428 4.98a RETt-2 0.127 3.20a 0.009 0.25 0.254 3.83a 0.115 2.78b -0.126 -0.61 0.272 5.71a 0.062 1.68d 0.133 2.38c 0.258 4.45a RETt-3 0.097 2.89b 0.006 0.17 0.239 3.11b 0.077 2.42c -0.168 -1.02 0.179 3.92a 0.039 1.35 0.227 3.31a 0.136 2.00c GW -2.350 -4.51a -0.103 -0.07 -1.580 -1.70d -2.478 -4.18a -8.515 -2.78b -3.028 -3.34a -1.036 -1.25 -1.311 -0.77 -4.328 -2.79b INTANG 0.846 1.76d 0.755 0.61 -0.683 -0.92 1.195 2.19c 3.351 1.10 1.037 1.18 0.793 1.13 0.929 0.58 2.209 1.69d PPE -2.148 -10.58a -0.377 -1.55 -1.977 -3.69a -2.135 -9.65a -5.227 -3.03b -2.983 -7.31a -1.644 -4.96a -0.771 -1.32 -2.492 -5.53a REV 0.014 0.32 -0.051 -1.26 -0.032 -0.47 0.029 0.55 0.004 0.03 0.014 0.16 0.004 0.05 0.097 1.04 -0.005 -0.06 ROE -0.488 -3.88a -0.433 -1.39 -0.869 -4.25a -0.396 -2.58b 0.053 0.13 -0.258 -1.06 -0.607 -2.75b -0.652 -0.99 -0.224 -0.82 VOL 0.003 0.83 0.000 0.04 -0.003 -0.34 0.004 1.06 -0.002 -0.08 -0.004 -0.60 0.013 2.34c -0.013 -1.24 0.000 -0.03 CAPEX 2.677 6.41a 0.952 1.45 2.577 2.46c 2.415 5.43a 6.698 1.42 2.793 2.91b 2.111 3.00b 1.230 1.24 2.110 3.30a Ln_ASSETS 0.059 2.90b -0.055 -1.37 0.072 1.50 0.047 2.08c -0.499 -1.74d 0.025 0.59 0.053 1.52 -0.029 -0.39 0.007 0.19 TOT_DEBT 1.224 4.97a 0.392 1.28 0.277 0.45 1.267 4.71a 5.190 2.80b 2.988 5.04a 0.560 1.63 0.723 1.15 0.084 0.14 α1 + α3 = 0 (p-value) 0.213 0.582 0.652 0.160 0.318 0.058 0.566 0.321 0.708 α2 + α3 = 0 (p-value) 0.000 0.085 0.665 0.000 0.137 0.000 0.033 0.117 0.512 # Firm-year 14 080 3 074 2 012 11 713 355 3 919 4 839 1 025 1 930 # Firms 2 777 614 425 2 260 92 794 887 231 348 f-stat 56.12 10.14 13.95 49.41 3.97 14.95 16.83 7.63 16.32 R-squared 18.6% 13.4% 28.2% 18.9% 37.8% 19.4% 18.5% 24.6% 30.0%

Note: industry, time, and country fixed effects are systematically included. a, b, c, d denotes two-tailed significance at p inferior to 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10, respectively. See Table 6 for variables definition.


Table 8: Local GAAP vs. IFRS cross-country comparison of timeliness metrics

Good news timeliness (a) Bad news timeliness (b)

Local IFRS p-value (c) Local IFRS p-value (c)Mean 0.036 0.055 0.173 0.238 0.122 0.000Median 0.024 0.054 0.109 0.225 0.123 0.000Std dev. 0.045 0.038 0.572 0.098 0.057 0.064Min -0.025 -0.018 0.093 -0.026 Max 0.125 0.116 0.452 0.209

Descriptive statistics are based on coefficient estimates drawn from model (1.1) for 14 EU countries.

(a) Good news timeliness equals to β2 (β2 + β6) under the local GAAP (IFRS) regime. (b) Bad news timeliness equals to β2 + β3 (β2 + β3 + β6 + β7) under the local GAAP (IFRS)

regime. (c) Comparison tests are based on pair-wise analyses; reported two-tailed p-values

correspond to Student t-test for means, Wilcoxon rank test for medians, and Fisher test for variances.


Appendix: Sampling procedure

Sampling procedure at the firm level # firms Public firms (active or inactive) with geographic location in one of the EC countries, with at least one year of accounting data over 2001-2008 in Worldscope, and referenced in Datastream Number of unique firms 8 372Minus: - Firms listed on a non-regulated market: 163 OTC (Paris, Brussels, Vienna 3rd market), 108 Alternext (IFRS not required) -271

- UK Investment Trust or non-share securities -302- Firms reporting under US GAAP (WS code "03") -206- IFRS non-adopters, or firms for which the year of IFRS adoption is unknown and could not be collected under reasonable effort -2 131

Final number of firms included in the sample 5 464

Sampling procedure at the firm-year level Potential number of firm-years (5 464 x 8 years) 43 712- Firm-years with accounting data missing in Worldscope -5 825- Firm-years with fiscal-year length > 372 days or < 359 days -3 263- Remaining firm-years for which the main variables (EPS, Stock Return, MTB ratio) are missing, null, or superior (inferior) to the 99th (1st) percentile of the initial pooled distribution (including negative common equity firm-years) -7 024

Number of available firm-years 27 600