I Per ::shir ng-2j B is ao cepi ted i I - Bl ' ami( d pr< otest W S ? '

i I P er !i By JOSEPH FLEMING ^ United Press McniaU(mi BONN. Wesl German; approved the dcploymcn missiles in Wesl Germt protests by anli-America bursiintba U.S.'corisuIal tried to barge Into commi Police arrested IC6 of t the country as the govern first U.S. Pcrshlng-2 nu< ----------arriveWednesdayi------ -- The govemmenl the announcement in not say where lhe fir ....................................... i Deeding of cltj I City By DAVID MOFFAT Timos-News writer considering deeding the crumbling senioi Avenue Wesl over lo t program. City officlais belii eliminate city Iliibi \ siructure coliapse. ^ They also beileve il build a new center, ii expensive temporaiy < The city ieases lhe property along Rock < program for a doliarp Giving It away also wilh the senlor-cente basis. Famih By D,\N CHISZ.1R United Press Internationa i ■ TRe””lajst“ Kciihed^”b ' others of the Kennedy cla the grave of John Fitzgen Tuesday 20 yearraftcr th( Uon oftheyoungpresident the nation only l,03Gdays comforted his frail 33-yeai on windswept Cape Cod. Sen, Edward Kennedy a .Kennedy, the .slain presid( - - ler, led a small group at I the eternal flame in /\rl Uonal Cemetery and then solemn memorial ma^s j _____^ent Rcnnnn and hundre' mourners. "We m iss you. Jack, i will,” Kennedysa[d In a ir broUier at Uie moss. “1 darkness we see the sUirs clearly we soe them now." Jacqueline Kennedy Om lhe family compound in Cj a Thanksgiving gntherii Kennedy family, visHed w president’s -mother. ,Rc plans to attend a nearby canceled becausc of her healUi. Caroline Kennedy wili be Kennedy's son. John Ken will l)e 23 Friday, was in I graduate work. In Idaho, a group ot sta also lod a memorial servic for President Kennedy — a called a great leader and i Uonloyoulh. Bishop SyJvcster Trcincn er of Idaho’s Catholics, sal anniversary of Kennedy’s ::shir IG n /ona/ d lany -- The Bundestag a fienl of new U.S. nuclear b rmany Tuesday dpsplle p •ican demonsUTitors who* ilale; blocked traffic and c nmunlst Berlin. C ofUie protesters around P 'emment announced the nuclear m issiles wouid _ _ _ ^ _ ■ess office, which made fl -answer lo a query, did n flrsl shipment of the :lty land is under revie 1 may d VT ^ ^ r tig p r o p ^ y now occupied nior-citizen center off Four lo the Twin Fails senior-cltlx )elicve sUch a m o v e mif^ [lability should port of L c it would benefit the prograi >nnpri hn-«i n p p c a le d for Ume r. instead of being forced in iiy quarters. Uie senior cenler and nearl ck Creek Canyon to the senl ir per year. ' Iso would allow the clly to dc >nter problem on a one-tlr ly, nati< lion shoui< onal “P fo*' did. -bn.Uior“and------ clan prayed at ershlp stio .eraldKciuMdy draw Uio c • then-.~-.ini.. -terrorism lent wJio served Gov.Jd ays. His widow lir-old mother , find sjluti J and oUjcr ly and Caroline killed by L sident's daugh- ?0 years a> at U» grave of "Ithink /Arlington Na- sense of hen attended a promise of $s wilh Presi- president.' dre^ of other Police an <. and always Church in a tribute to his Woslilngloi ““BuflrrOi^eeived Cor irs — and how ing of Jan. V." oath of offi Onassls. 54. at president e 1 Cape Cod for Preslden lerlng of the row of lh d with Uie iate Speaker .Rose, whose others in ( by mass were tion for the her “fragile" by /Vrchb Washihgtoi Ibe27Sunday. ' Seated ir Kennedy, who dent were in India doing "best and Including state officials O’Brien. A rvlce Tuesday Rlbicoffan -- a man they In his tril nd an Inspire- "He said doed. that ncn. the load.- . difference, said Uie 20Ui days will- y’s assasslna- years.w s 78th year. No. 327 ng-2j m issiles would arrive or whe deployed. ----- -TtmerlcansT-wc-don't-wi arms in our counlry.” said ; by one of the dcmonstrot parliament building. • By a vote of 28G lo 226. 1 Oiancellor Helmut Ko .C^mocrAl'led ,coalition the ; pioymenl of 108 Pershlng-1 missiles. Approval in parliament h ered certain as Kohrs'Chrl: and Foreign Minister tJen^her's I-Tee Democrats majority in the Bundestag. The vote came after a billei 'iew as one solution tb th feed tar Ever since City Coi report documenting i blems with the buildir d by I.41SI week, three of I ourUi voted U) close Uie cenU illzen But the consensus Monday, at which th( night discussed, wjis Uial the preferable lo such a dr. Presumably. Counci ram. deeding Uie property neJQ _ accQmpante<l by a brw I into identify the building' blems. :arby Problems may arise enior The clly bou}^t the from a federal grant. Ideal Courtney. There may b •time State law also goverr he says. He plans to re] ion recc luld encourage people to stand JusUce as the slain president aid -Kennedy's-splrll-of-iead-: should inspire young people to le courage needed to Iwat back im and other problems^ Jbhn Evansiolncd^the euld}^ Kennedy would have helped lullons to the Viet Nam War ier dlierrunas had he not l^ n y Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas >ago today. ink Uils Is whal makes our If- loss so profound — the I of what'he could have been as il,"Evanssaid. and Secret Scrvlce agents lhe wIiile^lOW(rH(5iy^rinIly' in the GcorgetownSqctlon of jlon D.C.. where Kennedy-re- an. 20. l%l. before taking the ifflce. He was 43. Uie youngest ileyerelected. lenl Reagan sat in the front the church next to iiouse Thomas O'Nelii. joining n the 600-member congrega- the church scrvlce celebrated hbishop. James Hickey of Jton. 1 in the pews behfnd the prcsl- sre luminaries of Kennedy's id brightest" admlnlstraUon, g Clark Clifford, I^wrence , /Arthur Goldberg, Abraham and Theordore Sorenson. lribule,Sen. Kennedysaid: aid and proved. In word and lal one man can make a ce. And thars-why his 1,000- III- be remember for i.ooo par B is a o vhere they would be In Uh accon -wunl-your-b!oody—Wesl- ild a placard waved Brcini tralors outside the In \ secret 6. Pariiament gave that t Kohl's Christian -reaffii tie go-ahead for de- NATO ng-^ and 90 cruise refers nulng ll hud been consid- The hristian Democrats deploy er Hans-Dletrich last n rats have a 58-seal armai Ask( Iter, Iwo-day debote Uiougl »the probiem s p'osed I? ndfon Council members received Ig a scries of structuiral pn Idlng, they have been worric of the seven council membei inter iinmcdlalely. us at a council work sessio the deeding opUon first wa at any allemative would I Idrastic move, mcllman John Peterson salt irty over would have to b )road dlsclaimer._whlchwoul Ing's known structural pn Ise in other areas, he senior center using mone ml. says City Manager Tor iy be unseen strings attached, 'em s disposal of city propertj ) report on both problem area all misi ent ad.:---------- ------------------------ to /ar ily— m---------- --------------------------------- ed 0^ Ted Kennedy, fl si- "What he lived and 1 /'s endure, and in the end I in, “Remember him noi ice In joy. He has never im never will.’’ The senator also evo ry of his other slain bn nd Kennedy, who servo a general and was ca: 100- presldenl when he wo 00 lnl9G8. "The two of them wj mmM Beai no s Twin Fal cepi .he lower house of Pariiai impanled by demonstrate It— Berlin;— Frankfurt:— Hi men. I Washington, White House ■clary fJirry Speakes. snid the Federal Republic of ( firmed Its earlier commii ra dual-track decision of lOT* rs lo deploying the missile: Ig the Geneva talks, le only thing that couid oyment at this point would I: minute agreement at the ament lalkswiUi the Soviet I Iked al a Wlilte House ]}hoto ght the Soviets would walk o MimMm Cy’tK^d^erloratliigsi senior ^Ta at nexl Monday's cou pro- For the seniors cill; ried offer a running sUi >ers provide o downpaymi they want lo'move. 5ion Jerry Packer, thee ivas says lhe opiion “looki be Uut he says the nini governs the non-profi aid, take on any liability n be While Uie board luid direction, he says, it; )To^^ be studied cic^iy. impact on Uieprograi The board decided! ney its own .appraisal of tl om center. That analys Kl. should be completed I rty. The results ot these eas key factor in Uie boan ;sion ol flanked by Caroline K d l)clleved in wili dit will prevail. “Tothe joUn sadness bul meunln r left us, and he The s read by voked.the memo- nieces DroUierr-Robert Carolin< /ed as altoniey • Eunice :ampaighing for ^>crs o f vas assassinated Iwys- Reag; were one In their “oneot ijagejs Bifty sh sh ew - <r— V < ■alls, Idaho ted i llamenl. It was session • iyong/-Jn Bonn. Presider -HamJmrg—and— replied do.” se deputy press AlTOe 1 “We’re pleased Javier P if Germany has superpov mitment to Uie- agreeme 979." Dual track hefearec iles while conti- failure.” He sai Id iiold up Uie nuclear d be an unlikely Washingt he Geneva dis- escalatloi Jl Union. ----- -=tialmost I oto session if he About C k oul of Uie next ate in U f e . T>nn Riaj\SHMU "center x>uncli meeting, rillzens, land of their own wou start toward building a nc frU»Galo of4h»proporty mifl rment on a new location, shou ic cHainnan of the senior boar oks real good up front." line-person advisory board lh rofit corporation would have y now bome by the city, d might be inclined in lh it still is a decision that shou y;' especially m terms oi i ram'sJ nsurancepolicies. Ml earlier Uils month to condu if Uie structural integrity of tl lysis is proceeding and al: (d by next Monday, ho says, esc “sccond opinions" will be lard’s decision, Packersays. if fallen I ; Kennedy, seem s tired a O.SC and vlUdity,” Kennedy i Lhe end he (Robert) lived oul ilngof our broUier’s li(e." c scriptures for the mass \ by some ot the late president !S and nephews, along line and Kennedy’s si: ce Shriver. Other young ir of Uie family served as i agan called' Uie " a s^ lh i ot Uie mosi .tragic episodes ir IlO W ;, -Bl ' ami( in of talks, scheduled for \S dent Reagan said "1 don’t ihl dr-adding;—i^nol-^wrmaiienU u4e United Nations, Secretai r Perez de Cuellar appealed powers lo strive urgenliy ment on mklear arms reducti ired the Geneva talks are al lh B.” said In a prepared stateine ir arms negoUations- bcl\ ngton and Moscow fail " ition in nuclear contronlat ist inevitable.” ut GOOpeople blockaded the U. I the BalUc port ot Brcme F o rM a B la I a t I: ByRICH;\RDC.( United Press Intel W/VSHINGTON •[ " li tary Caspar Weinl - a Iranions canicc against Uie U.S. Beirut “wiUi the - " e d g e - a n d - authoi .. w govemmcnlT" II marked theci a s any member ot U -----------------pladng-TTSponslb itZu truck bombing II MUTT scrviccmen, 218 c _____- w as the first assc :r SyriaIriUieterror In- a' wide-rang tagon news cont< . also said Sovlel-A *1r are not good." aci between U.S.-bacl list insurgents In: ---------------- going-particulariy ™uld ^ ““I •' new Iroops in Nicaragu The secreUirvdi hould than - his flat st blam e for the alia' only thal Preslden "no promise of r iihnt terrorist slrike. ive to* Reagan di( ^ “every effort will {tint criminals respons hould terrorism so. this “W^Tave a prci nduct general group froi 3f Uie ^ I also basically Iranian: J and knowledge ar I be a Syrian govemm ,c basically ~ Uuil Weinberger said < ^ ------ 1 Uck. n presic I ed during commemorat ly said, riafion’s hlslory." oul the "People not yet t remember have lc ;s were trauma and grief h ent's 27 our counUy,’' he s g with issued Uie Whi Bister,' remember Uie brig ; mem- added to public life s altar -/\s the congrci Ervice by slngii ;lhaUon BcauUful," Reagaj slnour .soeKENNEI eas , . ..fT ■ ' rV ......... Wee d pr< Wednesday, prolesters, w iilnk so *' he Uiemselves ii lUy^-if-UMiy— PoUcesaid— They were lary-Gcneral protest when d to the two lock, liy for an T h e ICG a r ellon. saying Bremen brou lhe “poinl of debate lo 348. Speakes lol nent Ih^il If ' demonstratin elween Uie ouglit to lak "a serious “That’s when ation" was Tlie Persh ballistic miss U.S. Consul- miles will b« ncn und 18 • Se m n e s ’deatJ' im ^ l€ r a n , i GROSS _ temallonal . ^ 9 IN -- Defense Secre* K l inberger said Tuesday B 3 ied out Uie attack mM >. Marine barracks in le sponsorship, knowi- lority ~of "the •Syrian—B fc clearest statement by H J the administration In Uial killed zmu Z ^E I ] of Uiem Marines. It V a scssment implicating B 'l ortstnttack^-------^ -------- nging 35-mlnute Pen- |f^ nference. Welnbierger H i [•American "relations K j icknowledged the war ackcd troops and lef- n El Salvador “Is not •iy-well“-and-declined--------C Introduction of U.S. Irai gua. declined to go further smtement assessing lack In Beirut, saying ent Reagan hM made ° retallaUon” for Uie did say Oct. 23 Uial ill be made lo find Uie • nslbic for Uiis acl of is despicable acl will rclty good Idea of the pom which they came ’ le first day. Uiey are ms with sponsorship and auUiority of Uie . imcnl, and Uiat'^ ll has not changed," 1 of Uie terrorist at- dent ---------- ------- tc alive concert w u- fe t bom or loo young lo learned of the deep a this death bnpught to s< >said in a statement - ti 'hile House. “We all s •ighl smile and wll he r Ife." rogation closed the U ging 'Wnerica the _ e jansiiodlt hands with b EDVoaPageA2 L_ <•* I wins 7 • I r* a siiy - D-q- 25V i/ednesday, November23,1983 otest 3, who burst into the building. Ibckcd js in a room and refused to leave. d --------------------------------------- ------------------------- /ere arrested-afler-glvlDg_up_the_ ________ hen firemen threatened lo smash Uie i arresls In Bonn. Wesl Berlin and iroughl lhe lolal during Uie Iwo day________ 348. i lold reporters the prolc.stcrs were aUng in the wrong place. “They take Uiem to Moscow," he said, heretheholdupls." irshing-2's. a two-stage, mobile, nlssile wiUi a range of aboul 1.130 I be shipped to West Gcrmunmy • See MISSILES oa Page A2 th s e v e le d ~ S y r ia W S ? -CASEAfUUElNBERGER __________ [ranlans carried out bombing "Weinbereet^ had—not- ■ mentioned----------- Syria Ocl. 23, alUiough he was asked n a television bilervlew If Reagan vas “blaming the Syrians or even the Soviets.'' "There is a lot of :ircumstantlal evidence and a^ertain irnount ot it points toward Iran," the ' lefense sccreUiry replied al Uie time. ' At Uie nevw conference Tuesday, he ; vas asked for evidMce lo support his iccusaUon against Syria. "Well," Weinberger replied. “It’s a v »mtinuaUon of tho kind of examina* ion and reports Uiat we've been ‘eceiving ever since Uiat first terrible iunday morning. None of il has led us 0 change our mind and ll Is on iccumulatlon of &number of reports • See Weinberger oo Page A2 School bond levy defeated r=rRUEEafe=IteS}d9nlfeQLtbC_ Minidoka Counly School Dis- trict turned down a $5.7 million bond issue Tuesday by a narrow margin. The vole was 2,436 for and 1,304 agnlnsl. Sixly-flve perccnl of the resi- <lents vole<i lo Increase thdr property taxes, but a C6.C margin was needed for Uip Is-sue —lijpiBs:------------------------ :------------------------- Acconling lo school Iward Chairman Richard Swensco. “ U»e voting districts Ihat swung- Uie vole were Aceqliia, Heybum. Paul, West Minico and the John OUman residence, a rural polling ^lace. “It’s ironic." soid Superin- tendent Gene Snapp. “People want to SCO future planning In Uiis district, but Uiey aren’t willing lo pay the price to see that these plans will be et- focled." Snapp attributed the defeat lo a general apathy on the part of some areas of Uie school dis-. • trict. II reflects, a short- sljjhledness on lhe part of Uiese residents, he soid.'• The bond Issuo carried well In the area where a proposed new elementary scliool would have been built, Swensen said.

Transcript of I Per ::shir ng-2j B is ao cepi ted i I - Bl ' ami( d pr< otest W S ? '



United Press McniaU(mi

BONN. Wesl German; approved the dcploymcn m issiles in Wesl Germt protests by anli-America b u rsiin tb a U.S.'corisuIal tried to barge Into commi

Police arrested IC6 of t the country as the govern first U.S. Pcrshlng-2 nu<

----------arriveWednesdayi------ --

The govem m enl the announcement in not sa y where lhe fir


D e e d in g of c ltj

I CityBy DAVID MOFFAT Timos-News writer

considering deeding the crumbling senioi Avenue Wesl over lo t program .

City officlais belii elim inate city Iliibi

\ siructure coliapse.^ T hey also beileve il

build a new center, ii expensive temporaiy <

The city ieases lhe property along Rock < program for a doliarp

G iving It away also wilh the senlor-cente basis.

FamihBy D ,\N CHISZ.1R United Press Internationa

i ■ TRe””lajst“ Kciihed^”b ' others o f the Kennedy cla

the g rave o f John Fitzgen T uesday 20 yearraftcr th( Uon oftheyoungpresident the nation only l,03Gdays com forted h is frail 33-yeai on windswept Cape Cod.

Sen, Edward Kennedy a .Kennedy, the .slain presid(

- - ler, led a sm all group at I the eternal flame in /\rl Uonal Cemetery and then so lem n memorial ma^s j

_____^ent Rcnnnn and hundre'mourners.

"We m iss you. Jack, i • w ill,” Kennedysa[d In a ir

broUier at Uie moss. “ 1 darkness w e see the sUirs clearly w e soe them now."

Jacqueline Kennedy Om lhe fam ily compound in Cj a Thanksgiving gntherii Kennedy family, visHed w president’s -mother. ,Rc plans to attend a nearby canceled becausc of her healUi.

Caroline Kennedy wili be Kennedy's son. John Ken will l)e 23 Friday, was in I graduate work.

In Idaho, a group ot sta also lod a memorial servic for President Kennedy — a called a great leader and i U onloyoulh .

Bishop SyJvcster Trcincn er of Idaho’s Catholics, sal anniversary of Kennedy’s

::shirIG n/ona/ d

lany - - T he Bundestag afienl o f new U.S. nuclear brmany T uesday dpsplle p •ican demonsUTitors who*ilale; b locked traffic and cnmunlst Berlin. CofUie p rotesters around P'emment announced the ” nuclear m issiles wouid_ _ _ _

■ess office, which made fl-answer lo a query, did n flrsl sh ipm ent of the

: lty l a n d i s u n d e r r e v ie

1 m ay dVT ^r

tig p r o p ^ y now occupied nior-citizen center off Four lo the Twin F a ils senior-cltlx

)elicve sUch a move mif [lability should port of L

c it would b enefit the prograi >nnpri hn-«i nppcaled for Ume r. instead o f being forced in iiy quarters.Uie senior cen ler and nearl ck Creek Canyon to the senl ir per year. 'Iso would a llow the clly to dc >nter problem on a one-tlr

ly, nati<lion shoui<

onal ■ “P fo*'did.

-bn.Uior“ and------clan prayed at ershlp stio

.eraldKciuM dy draw Uio c • th e n - .~ - . in i.. -terrorism lent wJio served G o v .J d ays. H is widow lir -o ld m other , find sjluti J and oUjcrly and C aroline killed by L sident's daugh- ?0 years a> at U » g ra v e o f " I th in k /Arlington N a- sense of

hen attended a prom ise of $s w ilh Presi- president.' d re^ o f o th er Police an

<. and a lw ays Church in a tribute to h is Woslilngloi “ “ B u f l r r O i ^ e e i v e d Cor irs — and how ing of Jan. V." oath of offiOnassls. 54. a t president e 1 Cape Cod for Preslden lerlng o f th e row of lh d with Uie ia te Speaker ‘ .Rose, w hose others in ( by m ass w ere tion for the her “ fragile" by /Vrchb

Washihgtoi Ibe27Sunday. ' Seated ir Kennedy, w h o dent were in India doing "best and

Including state o ffic ia ls O ’Brien. A

rvlce T uesday R lbicoffan - - a m an th ey In h is tril nd an Inspire- "He said

doed. that ncn. th e load.- . d ifference, said Uie 20Ui days w ill­

y’s assassln a - years.w

s78th y e a r . No. 327

ng-2jm issiles would arrive or whe deployed.

----- -TtmerlcansT-wc-don't-wiarm s in our counlry.” said ; by one of the dcmonstrot parliam ent building. •

By a vote of 28G lo 226. 1 O iancellor Helmut Ko

.C^mocrAl'led ,coalition the ; pioym enl o f 108 Pershlng-1 m issiles.

Approval in parliament h ered c e rtain as Kohrs'Chrl: and Foreign Minister tJen ^ h er's I-Tee Democrats m ajority in the Bundestag.

The vote cam e after a billei

' ie w a s o n e s o lu t io n t b th

feed tarE ver since City Coi

report documenting i b lem s with the buildir

d by I.41SI week, three of I ourUi voted U) close Uie cenU illzen But the consensus

Monday, at which th( night discussed, wjis Uial

the preferable lo such a dr. Presumably. Counci

ram . deeding Uie property n eJ Q _ accQmpante<l by a brw I into identify the building'

blem s.:arby Problem s may arise enior The clly bou}^t the

from a federal grant. I deal Courtney. There m ay b •time S tate law also goverr

h e sa y s. H e plans to re]

ion reccluld encourage people to stand JusUce a s the slain president

aid -Kennedy's-splrll-of-iead-: should inspire young people to le courage needed to Iwat back im and other problems^Jbhn Evansiolncd^the e u ld } ^ Kennedy would have helped

lullons to the Viet Nam War ier dlierrunas had he not l ^ n y Lee H arvey Oswald in Dallas >ago today.ink Uils Is whal makes our If- loss so profound — the I o f what'he could have been as il,"E van ssa id . and Secret Scrvlce agents lhe wIiile^lOW(rH(5iy^rinIly' in the GcorgetownSqctlon of jlon D.C.. where Kennedy-re-

an. 20. l% l. before taking the ifflce. H e w as 43. Uie youngest ileyere lected .lenl Reagan sat in the front the church next to iiouse

■ Thom as O'Nelii. joining n the 600-member congrega- the church scrvlce celebrated hbishop. Jam es Hickey of Jton.1 in the pew s behfnd the prcsl- sre lum inaries of Kennedy's id brightest" admlnlstraUon, g Clark Clifford, I^wrence , /Arthur Goldberg, Abraham and Theordore Sorenson. lribule,Sen. Kennedysaid: aid and proved. In word and la l one man can make a ce. And thars-w hy his 1,000- III- be remember for i.ooo

p a r

Bis ao

vhere they would be In Uh accon

-w unl-your-b!oody— W esl- ild a placard waved Brcini tralors outside the In \

secret6. Pariiam ent gave that t Kohl's Christian -reaffii

tie go-ahead for de- NATO ng-^ and 90 cruise refers

nulngll hud been consid- The hristian D em ocrats deploy er Hans-Dletrich la st n rats have a 58-seal arm ai

Ask(Iter, Iwo-day debote Uiougl

»t h e p r o b ie m s p 'o s e d I?

n d fo nCouncil m em bers received Ig a scries of structuiral pn Idlng, they h ave been worric

of the seven council membei inter iinm cdlalely. us at a council work sessio the deeding opUon first wa

at any a llem ative would I I drastic move, mcllman John Peterson salt irty over would have to b )road dlsclaimer._whlchwoul Ing's known structural pn

Ise in other areas, h e senior center using mone m l. says City Manager Tor iy be unseen strings attached, 'em s disposal o f city propertj ) report on both problem area

all misient

ad.:---------- ■------------------------to

/ a r

ily —

m ---------- ---------------------------------

ed0^ T e d K e n n e d y , fl

s i- "W hat h e lived and 1 / 's endure, and in the end I in, “ R em em ber him noi ice In joy. H e has never im never w ill.’’

The senator also evo ry o f h is other slain bn

nd Kennedy, who servo a general and was ca:

100- presldenl when he wo 00 lnl9G8.

"The two of them wj

m m M

Beai no s

Twin Fal

cepi.he low er house of Pariiai im panled by demonstrate It— Berlin;— Frankfurt:— Hi m en.I Washington, White House ■clary f Jirry Speakes. snid

th e Federal Republic of ( firm ed Its earlier commii ra dual-track decision of lOT* rs lo deploying the missile: Ig th e G eneva talks, le only thing that couid oym ent at this point would I: m inute agreement at the

am ent lalkswiUi the Soviet I Iked a l a Wlilte House ]}hoto ght the Soviets would walk o

MimMmC y ’ t K ^ d ^ e r l o r a t l i i g s i

senior^Ta a t n exl Monday's cou pro- For the seniors cill; ried o ffer a running sUi

>ers provide o downpaymi they want lo'move.

5ion Jerry Packer, th ee ivas s a y s lhe opiion “looki

be Uut he sa y s the nini governs the non-profi

aid, tak e on any liability n be W hile Uie board

luid direction, h e says, i t ; )To b e studied c ic^ iy .

im pact on Uieprograi T he board decided!

ney its own .appraisal o f tl om center. That analys Kl. should be completed I rty. The results ot these eas k ey factor in Uie boan

;sion ol

f l a n k e d b y C a r o l in e K

d l)clleved in wili d it will prevail. “T othe joUn sadness bul meunln r left us, and he The s

read by voked.the memo- nieces DroUierr-Robert Carolin< /ed as a ltoniey • Eunice :ampaighing for ^>crs of vas assassinated Iwys-

Reag;were one In their “oneot

ijagejsBifty shs h e w -

< r— V <

■alls, Idaho

ted illamenl. It w as se ssio n • iyong/-Jn Bonn. P resider -HamJmrg—and— replied

d o .”s e deputy press A lTOe 1 “We’re pleased J a v ie r P if Germany has superpov mitment to Uie- a g reem e 979." Dual track h efearec iles while conti- fa ilu re .”

H e sai Id iiold up Uie n uclear d be an unlikely W ashingt he Geneva dis- escalatloiJl Union. ----- -=tialmost Ioto session if h e About C k oul of Uie next a te in U

f e . T>nn Riaj\SHMU

"centerx>uncli meeting, rillzens, land of their own wou start toward building a nc frU»Galo of4h»proporty m ifl rment on a new location, shou

ic cHainnan of the sen ior boar oks real good up front." line-person advisory board lh rofit corporation w ould have y now bom e by the city, d might be inclined in lh it still is a decision that shou

y;' especially m term s oi i ram'sJ nsurancepolicies.Ml earlier Uils month to condu if Uie structural in tegrity of tl lysis is proceeding and al: (d by next Monday, ho says, esc “sccond opinions" will be lard’s decision, P ack ersays.

if fallen


; K e n n e d y , s e e m s t i r e da

O.SC and vlUdity,” Kennedy i Lhe end he (Robert) lived oul ilngof our broUier’s li(e." c scriptures for the m ass \ by som e ot the late president !S and nephews, along line and Kennedy’s si: ce Shriver. Other young ir of Uie fam ily served as i

agan ca lled ' Uie " a s ^ l h i ot Uie mosi .tragic episodes ir

I l O W ; ,- Bl '

ami(in of talks, scheduled for \S dent Reagan said "1 don’t ihl dr-adding;—i^nol-^wrmaiienU

u4e United Nations, Secretai r P erez de Cuellar appealed powers lo strive urgenliy ment on m k lear arms reducti ired the G eneva talks are a l lhB.”said In a prepared stateine ir arm s negoUations- bcl\ ngton and Moscow fail " ition in nuclear contronlat ist inevitable.” ut GOO people blockaded the U. I the BalUc port ot Brcme

F o r M a

B l a

I a t I :ByRICH;\RDC.( United Press Intel

W/VSHINGTON •[ " l i tary Caspar Weinl■ - a Iranions canicc

against Uie U.S. Beirut “wiUi the

■ - " e d g e -a n d - authoi .. w govemmcnlT"

II marked theci a s an y m ember ot U-----------------pladng-TTSponslbitZ u truck bombing II MUTT scrviccm en, 218 c_____- w a s th e first assc:r S y r ia IriUieterror

In- a ' wide-rang tagon news cont<

. a lso sa id Sovlel-A*1r a re not good." aci■ betw een U.S.-bacl

l is t insurgents In:---------------- going-particulariy™uld ^ ““I •'

new Iroops in Nicaragu The secreUirvdi

hould than - his flat st b lam e for the alia' on ly thal Preslden "no promise of r

i ih n t terrorist slrike. ive to* Reagan di(

^ “ ev ery effort will {tint crim inals respons

hould terrorism so. this

“ W^Tave a prci nduct general group froi 3f Uie ^ I

also b asica lly Iranian: J and knowledge ar I be a Syrian govemm ,c b a sica lly ~ Uuil

W einberger said < ^ ------ 1 U ck .

n presic


e d d u r in g c o m m e m o r a t

ly said, riafion’s hlslory." oul the "People not yet t

rem em ber have lc ;s were traum a and grief h ent's 27 ou r counUy,’' he s g with issued Uie Whi

Bister,' rem em ber Uie brig ; mem - added to public life s altar - /\s the congrci

E r v ic e by slngii ;lhaUon BcauUful," Reagaj s ln o u r ■ .soeK E N N E I

e as, . . . f T ■'

r V .........

W e e

d pr<Wednesday, prolesters, w

iilnk so *' he U iem selves iilUy^-if-UMiy— PoU cesaid—

They were lary-Gcneral protest when d to the two lock, liy for an The ICG a r ellon. saying Brem en brou lhe “poinl of debate l o 348.

Speakes lol nent Ih il If ' dem onstratin elween Uie ouglit to lak "a serious “That’s when

ation" was T lie Persh b allistic miss

U.S. Consul- m iles w ill b« ncn und 18 • Se

m n e s ’ d e a t J '

i m ^ l €

r a n , iGROSS _

temallonal . ^ 9

IN - - Defense Secre* K l inberger said Tuesday B 3 ied out Uie attack m M >. Marine barracks in le sponsorship, knowi- lority ~of "th e • Syrian—B f c

clearest statement by H J the administration In

Uial killed z m u Z ^ E I ] o f Uiem Marines. It V a scssm ent im plicating B ' lortstnttack^-------^ --------nging 35-mlnute Pen- | f ^ nference. Welnbierger H i [•American "relations K j icknowledged the w ar ackcd troops and lef- n El Salvador “ Is not•iy-well“-and-declined--------C

Introduction of U.S. Ira i gua.declined to go further smtement assessing lack In Beirut, saying ent Reagan hM m ade ° ■ retallaUon” for Uie

did say Oct. 23 Uial ill be made lo find Uie • nslbic for Uiis acl o f is despicable ac l w ill

rclty good Idea of the pom which they cam e ’ le first day. Uiey are ms with sponsorship and auUiority of Uie . imcnl, and Uiat'^ ll has not changed,"1 of Uie terrorist at-


— ----------



a l i v e c o n c e r t wu-fe

t bom or loo young lolearned of the deep a

th is death bnpught to s<> said in a statem ent - ti'hile House. “ We a ll s•ighl sm ile and wll h e r Ife."rogation closed the Uging 'W nerica the _ ejansiiodlt hands with bE D V oaP ageA 2 L _


I w in s 7• I r * asiiy - D-q-

2 5 Vi /e d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r2 3 ,1983

o test3, who burst into the building. Ibckcd js in a room and refused to leave.d--------------------------------------- -------------------------/ e r e a r r e s t e d - a f le r - g lv lD g _ u p _ th e _ ________hen firemen threatened lo smash Uie

i arresls In Bonn. Wesl Berlin andiroughl lhe lolal during Uie Iwo day________348.i lold reporters the prolc.stcrs were aUng in the wrong place. “They • take Uiem to Moscow," he said, heretheholdupls." irshing-2's. a two-stage, mobile, nlssile wiUi a range of aboul 1.130 I b e shipped to West Gcrmunmy• S ee MISSILES oa Page A2

t h s

e v e l e d ~

S y r i a

WS ? ‘

-C A S E A f U U E lN B E R G E R __________[r a n la n s c a r r i e d o u t b o m b in g

" We inbere et^ had—not- ■ mentioned-----------Syria Ocl. 23, alUiough he was asked n a television bilervlew If Reagan v as “ blam ing the Syrians or even the Soviets.'' "There is a lot of :ircum stantlal evidence and a^ertain irnount ot it points toward Iran," the ' lefense sccreUiry replied a l Uie time. '

A t Uie nevw conference Tuesday, he ; vas asked for evidM ce lo support his iccusaUon against Syria. ■

"W ell," Weinberger replied. “ It’s a v »mtinuaUon of tho kind of examina* ion and reports Uiat we've been ‘ece iv in g ever since Uiat first terrible iunday morning. None of il has led us 0 change our mind and ll Is on iccumulatlon of & number of reports

• See Weinberger oo Page A2 •

School bond levy defeated

r=rR U EEafe=IteS}d9nlfeQ LtbC _Minidoka Counly School Dis­tr ic t turned down a $5.7 million bond issue Tuesday by a narrow m argin.

The vole w as 2,436 for and 1,304 agnlnsl.

S ixly-flve perccnl of the resi- <lents vole<i lo Increase thdr property taxes, but a C6.C m argin w as needed for Uip Is-sue

—lijpiBs:------------------------ :-------------------------A cconling lo school Iward

Chairman Richard Swensco.“ U»e voting districts Ihat swung- —

Uie vole were Aceqliia,H eybum . Paul, West Minico and the John OUman residence, a rural polling lace.

“ It’s ironic." soid Superin­tendent Gene Snapp. “People w ant to SCO future planning In Uiis district, but Uiey aren’t w illing lo pay the price to see that th ese plans will be et- focled."

Snapp attributed the defeat lo a general apathy on the part of so m e areas of Uie school d is - .

• trict. II reflects, a short- sljjhledness on lhe part of Uiese residents, he s o id .'•

T he bond Issuo carried well In th e area w here a proposed new elem entary scliool would have been built, Swensen said.

I A-2 TImoo-Nows. Twin Fai

pB riei------Iraq rg u n s 's i

ATHENS. G reece ( to sink a Greek frcigJ port In.the Persian Tuesday. Lloyds of-

------------- R « n c } » -m a d e E x o e e tThe Greek mere!

mlsslIchltthc2S,000- b lo w ln ^ itin h a lfasii Bandar Khomeini wi Japan.

- -A -spokesm an for : , Piraeus, said the crev : w ere rescued by Irar

ated on Wednesday. ir :-------:thcBttaclr:------- --------

S o l d i e r s g e t 'S T . G E O R G E ’S. G

■ ■ 000 U.S. soldiers lefthome for Thanksgl\

: hundreds of turkeys - dinner to the remainlr

/\nolher 1.200 con:

' should be out by Chrii — m ilitary spokesm an;'

inciudcd support and < ■ A m illtaiy source a "to get som e of the

— “ However. Frey said 1 .. draw-down of Amerlcj

Liberia ousts' MONROVU. LibeJ ordered the Soviet a:

. d’affaires to leave thi tion with a plot,to ovei the government said.

Acting Foreign Mlil In a statem ent tha Oulanov and Peter S “persona non grata” : their diplomatic status

Koiaco sa id they wej on the West .\frican Am ericanhlack slave:

A statement dlstrll partment of inform, believed the expulsion said Monday w as a plo

- T o d aT E ft lP E R A T U

____________}.G touo)rzfr~~ .--------- -— e o - t j F 7 ~ V ^

Variab]_____Falla. Burtey-R«p

V arloblc clouds and a cl show ers lotloy. H ighs of 37

________ 1C rloMflchancc of snow n t times Thanksgiving Doy. Winds lonlBht ami 15 to 25 mph i lows tonlfiht 23 to 30. HlRhJ o fncar40 .C am as P ra ir ie . HaUey.

------‘ 'R lv e rV a l le y : - ................. -V ariable clouds and ch

show ers loday. HiKhs ncj with 0 fiood c ty n cc of si

5 lo ts mph to n l ^ l and IS T hursday; lows lonJRht tS ' Uic lower 30S on Thuraday. N orthern N evada an d Utah

Variable clouds today wl ro in o r snow sh o w ers-t Incrouslnfi clouds and <

' leading to ra in tumlnR T hursday. Tbo anow level valley floors T hursday afli

. In the 303 loday and Ir■ ■ Tliursday: Iows25lo35.

• Syoopab;W eather fo recasts for Idi

Ijood chuiicc of snow for ‘ Day. A lar};c. very cold

troueh wns c cn le rcd ovc mountain su ites on Tuesda; a i r flow Is brlnRlng weak turbances across Idaho fn

NationalMai Min Pc

Aiuuaueifluo 7#= ----------------S —

- S S :--------- OBnver— --------- »

Oos Memos « MOol'oil W M •Monoiulj M nMoualon « 'Indxiuoolis U ..J>

I n d e x----------- B u s i n e s s - . - . ...................

C la s s i f ie d . . . ____........ „ C o m lc s _ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ . . . .

I d a h o ............................

Circulation JenyHoyt.c Circulation phones are mi do not receive your pape area;Jerome-Wcndell-Goodlnfr Burley-Rupert-Paul-Ookli Buhl-Castleford Filer-Rogerson-Hollister- Twin Falls and all olher aiN ew ? Stephen llsit«en.iTur

' If you have a news tip o r ' deportment, call 733-003; weekdays. To report late n weekeiji^. call 733-0936. Advertising »»'Him..

• If you wish to place an advi are taken Monday througi Saturdays from 8 a .m . uni available weekdays only.

s in lrG re e lc fre is«j (UPI) - - Iraqi forces used i lighter as It headed toward ar lan Gulf, tho Merctuuit Mar of liondon said the n^kci

erchant marine ' .m ln ls ^ s )00-ton b^lk coni^OAntlgonc j ia It was sailing forfh e Irania i with a cargo of stee l produi

for the - owners, - S . - StraVxl irewof It'Greeks and eight fo: Iranian ships and w ere to be y. No member of the crew wa;

it T h an k sg iv in g c. Grenada (UPI) — A contir left Grenada T uesday in tim sglving and the vVrmy was uys to the island to feed a iningtroops.xm bat soldiers and 1,900 :nrpimrtn, nllhoi'tfth nil ««nmhnlhristmas, said M aj. Douglas in; The 900 sent h om e since T nd combat troops.X said the withdrawal was { the bo>« home for Thanksg Id it was “just a regular par rlcan troops."

its Soviet officialiberla (UPI) — Liberia T t ambassador and Ghana’s. the countiy, apparently In <

>verlhrow President Samuel 1 Id.minister Genera) R udolf Kola that Soviet Am bassador / r Sackey of Ghana were di a” for "activities incompatlb itus."were given 48 hours to leave 1 an coast founded in 1822 b} ives.itrlbiited by the govem m cn rmation said political oi» iions were connected with wh plot to overthrow him .


Katlonai W oatlM r S«( UPI W oallM f F e to cai

t>le cloudsllupert, Jerom e- P a c ific b>

a chancc of snow shou ld bo I f 37 to 42. Winds 5 o fp re c ip lti Innriv with a good exi>octcd 1 m es lonlRht and h ill s and m mis 5 to 15 inph F jir iy T u ph on Thursday: low tcinpei iRhs on Thursday ou la lde of

com m unity sy. lower Wood PreclpltJ)

to l l f ^ t s n o chancc of snow; , a r e a and th near 30, Cloudy Mld-aflei

It snow a t lim es s l a t e ranR<^rlnjrOar-Wlnds-----d 15 lo 25 mph on w arm e s t n :J5U )22.H lRhsln T h o Ihrt jiy. s o u lh e m Icnah : S a tu rd a y -trvrilh a chance fo mounUilns ■s-over Nevada. v a lley s on ‘ d wind tonight. s c a tte re d t Ing to snow on po rtio n on vei will bc on Ihc H ighs mosi aflemoon. Highs tc en sa n d 2 l

1 In lhe 405 on O th e r te lh e n a tio n ' a t r^&\ll<

r Idaho Indicate a Yollowstom for TianksBlvinj; m a rk . 8 bel< o ld low-pressure ovor the Inter- I d a h O

B ,u „ ,u = .p ) from the North • W et condi

L*sVegi9 91 iI Pep LosAng«ias U *

Memenis n s:_____ Mi«mi Oaaen tO J

■ MlnnoipMls I t 71NswOrlaans U S

--- 5—NBWTonc------- ----- er 5T3 OkllAsmtClly 7* K. Om*Hi M J

PnoonIx !90 PilISBufOh W *

Poillina.Mo. M 3

C — ---------------

■ M a o lc Va___ B 7 -1 0 O b ltu a r ii..........•-._A 8 O p in io n. . . . . . B 3 P e o p le .

pyt.clr«Ml*llon director: manned between 7 and 10 a.r aper by 7 a.m .. ca ll the nun

In g -i la g e rm a nokley

er- I •rareas ^ , m*nig]n«eailof' Jon Kinney, clly or wish to talk to som eone in 0031 between 9:30 a .m . an te news and sports results aftc

idvertisement. c a ll 733-0931. C lu’gh Friday from 8 a.m. unti until noon. Iriforrnatldn on dy-

I Falls, Idaho ' W pdnosday, r

i g h t e r . V e g e t a b UIda missile SE.\TTLE (Lian Iranian embroiled TuesclarUic said Fresh Vegetable:ket was a The controver

r said the./M arkeC -ne M o n ^ y i Members of nian poil oC B u r g e r ^ n g Mo duels from bles ana passing i

They warned vxlokls o f.- m arket-Aod a pi foreigners area if the b u ^ e i be repatri* "The co m er I; vas hiirt in pickup corner fo:----- ---------- ^^o^a-hanwutfii-^

: ........ of the P ike P lacet o f f fast-foodUlngcntof that type o f actlvl lime to bevas flying C r e w s a v < a holiday MIAMI (U P D -

_______ _ sinking 295-footZ . Florida co a st Tuc

— crewmeir-----------A Coast Guar

■e Monday nonduran-registc ,» co u se wa:

Cull, patrolling ti

' The cu tter p ldI ____ Initially w hllo th

members remain Tuesday tholrshlp.

I’s. charge

S kS ; G i r l w i l l b *WASHINGTON

olacosald William Brennan ’ /Xnatoly prosecutors can

declared murder suspect a itlble with court.

Brennan lifted e Uberla. nxjuest of the girl' by freed transferlng the c

juvenile court, pn lent’s de- revealed. ol)servers The girl — refei what Doe accused of murdei

N.J.. on Dec. 8.198

e a t h e rn O N F R O N T A I

l \

\ O -H io hS ) ___________ ______________

Sofvleo Fofoea»l to 7 p.m. EST 11-

Is w ith c h aby way ot Canada. The next

iw bringing an Increased chancc pllatlon Inlo Idaho today. Snow Is d Thursday at leasi In the foot- t mountains.Tuesday on Stanley reported Ihc iperaluro reading for lhe nation, of .Uaska. The small mountain nity had a minus 19dcgrecs. pitatlon'on Tuesday was limited snow flurries In Ihc Mngic Valley i the Panhandle.flemoon lemperalures ocross the nned from 41 at liiwlston. down Sun Valloy Parmn's.A.'t w ai.th e-.. t reported.hrcc* lo fiveday forecast for 1 Idaho — Thanksgiving through y - Is for periods ot snow In the Ins with rain or snow In the on Thursday and Friday. Widely d snow showers in the eastern on Saturday, otherwise dry.

lostly In the 30s and lows in the d20s. •temperature readings around

Ml Tuesday Included a high of S2 < .Mien. Texas, while Wcsl ; lone. Mont.. iiad the coldcsl Delowiero.

0 r o a d r e p o r t jd Press IntemaUonal ,nditiwu arc reported on several

_44_____ Pocinna. Oto __ _« __:J} SI. Loui» ' " . ■ 7?41 .... SaitLjkoCi'y 33S3’ .71 SariFtancuco !1 ‘n «--■.1----—5 ri-.sS— :n .02 WisWnBton nI , ■ Idaho 'ii ,0,.. ■ ■ “i ' ' M Du-lo, N31 • Miflotmifi 40 :

^ a i l c u .......................B l Sr i e s .............................B 2 ^n ............ ................. A 4 E“ 7 T t . t : t ~ . . t a 9 — v

a.m. only. If you ciiyhomecwi .umbcr ror your

and Sunday. II536-2535 in #cly-.ne« 678-25S2 malnUliwl SJ3-lfi4a326-5375 Surxlay ortly, I 7 3 3 ^ 1 Umonuucs.o

cllyedllor I JS.WpcrmooUi1 in the cdUorial and. 5:30 p.m.

ifterS:30andonhUlllnformatk The Tlme*-Ke'i KalU. hUTv).

I. Classified nds SeconcKlasjpo tntll 5p.m . nnd T display ads is


y, Novembof23,1983

lies p ro te s t B urg(UPI) — Burger King

tesday In a fight with a coa bles Against Fast Food, versy Involves the ham bm

3f the coalition dem onstra Monday by dressing up o s fi ng out leaflets.ed of on Increase In crim e I proliferation of fast'food oi •ger chain gets Its way.T Is- a proven location for < ' for prostitution and a s an e t^satdJohn-^tonbulLexecul ic e Merchanls Asswlation. x>d restaurant there Is a perfi tlv itytp continue.”

v ed from sinkinoI) — A Ckmst Guard cutter nu ot freighter 50 miles o ff th Tuesday night and rescued th

uard spokesman said th e I Istered container ship Nuevo w as not yet determined. The :g the area, spotted flares fir d about 6 p^m. EST and ru

sicked up 10 of the crew frp the freighter's captain am

lalned aboard lo see if they

b e t r i e d a s a n a d)N (UPI) - Supreme Cou an decided Tuesday that N in reveal the name o f a ■X and proceed with her cas

id an order he signed Frlc jiri’s attomey to prevent the. J criminal case to adult c Once in adult court her nami

efered to in court papers a s ■derlng William Carter, o f Ea 1982. along with two m ale con:

r----------PAL S Y S T E M S « A I R F t



an ce o f snt roads U i r o u i ^ l th e s ta l I— condltlons'ond-snow .aoors.. c posses. H ere is a b reakdow n s by th c sta teT ran sp o rta tio n C

U .S .93--U arc .---------S ta te Highway 55 - Icyc broken snow floor fro m Me . Meadows.1 in lerau ile 90 • - B are o r wc

f1ooratI.«okoulPass. i U.S. 12 - - licw iston to Or / Kooskla to Ix lo P a ss , b a re o r

S tate Highway 21 • • Uar : spo ts and broken snow floor 1 C ltytoS laniey.!------- lnlersU t«.S4— B a n i- I to J

wet to broken snow door.I* U.S. 20 — MounUIn H om o l 1 broken snow floor. Falrtle li '■ snow floor. Canty to Idaho i : Idaho F a lls to M ontana. I< ’ brokensnow floor.I U.S. W -T w in F a lls lo N ev ' I)rokcn snow floor. Tw in F a lh ! icy spols. Ixo t T rail P as? . Ic

snow floor.I S to le Highway 75 — Som< ' w ith snow floor from G alena

Stanley.S tale Hlghwoy 5 1 - - Broken In tersta te 8 0 - Bare. In le ts la le IS — Pocalcllo I

Blackfoot. wet. Blackfoot lo I bare . Idaho F a lls to M onlda P a broken snow noor.

U .S .3 0 -W e t. with so m e ic)

1) 14 IfllKoFdlt ■ i' — $4 ■ Lwision---------------- ^I 32 , . MCC*Il :

4J 10 Pocatello ) 39 ,ot Silmon i

^ i ^ r - T w l h F a i l n

roiii'Oty 'KII Mm Peo L*»1Ymi * I I t .... Notmll <I 18 ifi Todty'siunsoi...........2« M .Tomoiiow'ssuniiso ...

S ports . .................. - . .N ation .........................D ea r A b b y ...................

'W o r ld . .7 r .— . . - r r r

ilellvety: dtlly, ti io per week; Sund y and Sunday. tl.O) per IluraJ r laily. M .20 per week; Sunday. 7Sr per v K. II.70 per week. MtlltubacnpltORsm ■ and * « •viilobJe only where carrier .ined; dolly tnd Sundiy. I month 16.19 9aUu CS.IO. ij monUu m 20;' Ua>iy onl xiUts tl4.U. fi meolha C9.10. 12 man y, I month 0.2S. 1 monUui t9.73.0 moi □9.00. SludMU and lefvicvmanrale. byonUi for dally and S«indiy.

WUOOK'ewi l< puMltfml Ujlly al IA Third SI TO. tJJOI. t>y Matfc Volley Newipj u posURe paid Ol Twin KolU hy TTw Tl » I, Otriclol dly and county new»pope

«( Uw Idaho Code. Thunday- a« Uw doy ol Uie week on toWct) lesal ri d.

. b efore tlg e r K i n g not due i

found Itself W est ( oalltion called schedul(

th e Sovi lurger chain's c h ils e .

o n ly fivi rated against targets

fresh vegeta- enough com m an

le around the ArrlvaouUets,ln the____ expectec

th e antir crime, as a dem onst excellent site B ritain \

iitive.dircctor___ ' orr lv ed tIn We

rfect place for shouting■- t .

i g s h i p ---------■ushiedloaid'a

the vesse ls 13 tid en ce .’

hold ot lhe ,o R lo H ,^ e d g f a S

s a ™ .h s

w m llleboats nd two crew ^•y could save

Terrorist zmd Isra'

d u l t Lebanon,ourt Justice New Jersey

I 15-year-oid ase in'adult

[iday at the • qie.state from ea ch dep

court from nedy fam me would be Later,

n ed y wer i s D . G . - I s p eop le w l ?ast Orange. Washlngti impanlons. u ,e Perfo

w ho knev_____________ the arts.

Nationv inatlons

PLOW se r v ic e s flIn Dali

rv tended a i Kennedy Lee Harvi

____ y jg Texas>_____ .w.as_thej

/ J y ^ cra tic offiw ould b e <

------------- 29, rather--------------------- AT ~ Uie~

—\ iJ b rary li■ \ \ K em iedy’s

V 1_______ filnis.andiMemori

In churcf I and 100 I

now lettered n

rOe“J a = ?

:y spots, wilh'------- RUPIKHW IMcCall to New th e S tude

p r o p o ^ I wet. with snow in I9(jb.« . In southOrofino. bare. v illagers

larTwIlh Icy whlte-wasl S-” ™ m ? d £ throw o f t l

In D ungan urloy-to-UtiJu— n m m m f

night.i« to Fairfield.eld to Carey. r~r0 Fnlls. bare. '•

Icy spots lo ;

evada. bnrclo ills lo Salmon,Icy spots and

me icy spots, na Summit to

en snow floor. ^

3 lo Utah and 3 Idaho Falls.1 Pass, bare lo

D oicy spots. '

JJ !? 577» 10 ....

Mil Min Pee '13 U (i«<? «

......... 5:10 pm. u......... 7:401 m. y f i

. . . B4-U / M

............a 6 ~ / / W........ A 9 / ^ S b

A 1 0 - -

ndiy, TS* per J mo(o rwte ■rweek; dolly imuXbepold er delivery ii I.U. 3 monlh* only, i monlh onlht CB.M; nonUsSlS.U. by moll only,

l»-W,.Twln »popefi Inc iTlme*-Nrwi

t,^ la herebyUnoUctswlll ^

MU s s i le i• CoctlouedlromPageAl

i the cruise missiles, which a le until 1386: ■5t Germany is the only count uied to get the Pershtng-2. wiii Dviets object lo more than t *.

rive to six minutes to hit tlK Is and aro fast and accura h to pose a threat to Sovi mnd and control centers, ival of the. first missiles w ted to prompi n\ore protesjs I ntl-jnlsslle movemt'nt. Sln^l) istratlons broke out last w eek n when the first cruise m issll

thorffiVest Beriln; 50 demonstrate ng "(3et out of NATO" biocki

leinbjBtLQf frpnft Pflgg A l -lch we have considerable co e . ”^ f u ^ 10 comment whBthertl illlty of Syrian Involvement Lack could be construed to b e i warby Damascus.Pentagon chief also declined he.lhqg^ t Jsradi.and.Frent

trikes ..against Iran i^ ba: i In areas 0/ Ixbinon control!* ria. were su/flclent reprisal ft ttack against the <Vmerlcan •Ist truck bombs also hit Fren< iraell military headquarters 1 on.Lhe While House, spokesma Speakes said In response i

innedy----Continued from fa g e Al—

lepartlng member of the Ker unily.r, Caroline and Senator Ker /ere among a crowd of 28.00 who attended a free concert i. igton at the Kennedy Center fo rformlng .Arts featuring artist lew Kennedy and his love fo s.>nwlde. churohes of all denom s held commemoratlvi 5 for the 35th president, lallas about 1.000 people at a service near the spot when

ly was shot Nov. 22. 1963, b; rvey Oswald from a window 0 casSchoolJJook-DcpositoryJL e ja s l such ceremony. Demo ■fflclals said services next yeai >e on Kennedy's birthday. Ma: ier lhan thedayhedied.— —ie ’ gleaihmg wnitg Kafuimlj/ in Boston, a celcbratlon 0 [y’s life was organized wlU idexhlblls.- __________orial masses were celebratec rchcs across Massachusetts.0 black billboards were in as a memorial wllh the white

1 message — “November 22,

cdy’s creation of the Peacc was” Commcmorated“ at—the ilty of Michigan in .\nn /\r l»r . Corps direclor I.«ret Miller :m u cureiiiuii un tlie steiM o l dent Union, where Kennedy d the agency’s establishment

jthcastern Ireland, aboul 200 s crowded into a sm all ashed churoh within a stone's f the Kennedy ancestral hom e anslown. County Wexford, for memoratlve mass Monday

'ue Harr’sBack

)o in g H a i r a t . . . •

3 !lie.2yisLi.ynw ood M all,Twin Falto



Special Prh.„ ,.L

traffic for five mir h are A rm y's Checkpoint

F riedrich StrasM c u n tiy foreigners at the Ber v i.id , - jjlij th

barged over to East pushed back acros:

• g uKt’Cflm tairboftte o f the group, who rel '^ere arrested by clul w itnesses said,

w a s /Another 1C were ai te by J ilgh t J o r sprayl n lla r " slogan son W w tB eri « k in in Bonn, unlike s l l e s m onstrators made________br e ^ through pators— Parliam ent. But froii ek ed to 300 people massei

g e t r = = :questions about V

con- m arks that he “certa p olicy .”

!r t l ie ' Speakes decllned-tt nt In an>ihlng has been sa 30 an . subject, but noted

Donald. - Rumsfeld cd to D am ascus. Rumsfelc en ch toW a^ington . b a se On the Soviels, > olied M oscow's arm s btiik i for of progress In the Ger ;ans. a im ed at reducing ench medlum-range nuck rs In iMth sides contribute

tions between the sup« m an “ I would agree th e to are not good,” he sal

th ey’re irretrievable,

^en- r ■I.OM “ I IrtIn ____-fo r m ontLists


om - ' ' Al iv e j f l


by■vof J S <Jlt_______________ H ^ .mo» _ _

•layBOy---------------------------M BI o f .


th e — ------ ------------wr.

------------------------- --------<


S h e l le y200 • w e d d in g laii w e d d in g'®'s y e a r s ofS ? finally SLlay -p ro g ra m

-------- --------- to 6 d - tod ie t a r e c r e p e s , m e e t anc

l i B! PiiiinllKncnpoiii• ' OMt> I


iwilwiidi I tiwcnlXMClatM• Nuin/lrtUmtoMs


CAN NOW ( FT BOXES «rices For Busint

- T w i n F a l lC o rn » ro f M ornlnfl

..............A d d iso n AeroiS-,1S m iths

Unutes at the U.S: on maf nt Charlie at the byjolnl crossing point for Riot

erllnwali. proteslthe demonstrators s t Berlin and were » s the border by “ttergnnrasTThirty—•efused to disperse, ® ^ iub-wieldlngpollce,

tem plearrested during th e ate bu lylng anti-missile police, iriln buildings. ■ In CoIke Monday, de- Danes le no attempt to five-ml police lines to NATO';

om l!m etotlm e20(F==Tincl^ »Ki to block traffic nfflriai:

Weinberger's re- it w ill n tainly reflects U.S. in S ovle

H e cli-t(«lls«i33^hether— Include- said lo Syria on the m issiles Jd special envoy ly desig; 1 had been In theneg< ild Is en route back eariy-en

could II■ Weinberger said weapons iildup and the lack On C< eneva negotiations though J the numbers of Salvadoi clear missiles on ting a £ led to "bad” rola- the Insu jperpowers. Salvadoithat relationships moment aid. “ 1 don’t think the mill ie. bul I think that partlculi

T S T T ^ B

lost 60 p o u n d s Ith s.”

f t j



Ketchum / c a m e in lo l o s e w e ic ig . S h e w a s a s iz e ig d r e s s V /a s s iz e 5 Df trying o th e r m e th o d s u c c e e d e d w ith th e Nui m . T h e re is a w id e s e 3 c h o o s e t ro m .' in c iu o e fruit d r in k s , c e r e a l , c , m ilk s h a k e s a n d va n d s e a fo o d .

td iw I<«. (M«i •«'T Om diiewni M<

VJ FALLS 7 i5 2 5 Bluo L a k o s Blvd

JRLEY 678-

g . ■ w e l f l h j L l o s s - C o n t e

EDS I I I I HAU!CHEESE1 1 .11) jll I II

NEED A SPI: h r i$taaas

Come t o ' Vard's Gift (

ORDER FRE & BASKETSless & O rganizeI U -n g t id * CsFrom ......................-

main roads running toTarllam enl—lolninehahdsorsitUngdowi^Liot bolfce, who outnum bei^ the testers four to one, P ^ ^> bide streets or carried mem

m ir c h a l throug the y ___orchllflht parade unoer banners ding. “ Don’t defend us to dw th." sQokesmah said 4,000 people at- ipted to march to the U.S. Consul-

but their w ay was barred by

rCopGnhagen.'more thanl-mllllon:— ie s honored a union call for a •-minute general strike.to protesl rO's deploym ent of new American ica r~ m ts^ n e ff= ln = R u r o p e F ^ o n = r ia issa id .

[|l require a substantial alteration »vlel behavior.”i charged Moscow's attempt to ido tho I*” »nd Frenchillcs In the arm s talks ‘‘was large- s ig n ed . In my opinion, to blow up icgoliatibns and force them to an ^ end’^b ecau seih e United States d not bargain over European ix]ns. ’ ^1 Central America, he said al- gh tr w p s of the U.S.-backed adoran government were m o u n -' a successful campaign agaittst-' nsurgents during, his visit to El ador In September. “ I think at the lent I* would certainly agree t h a t . m ilitary situation Is not going ' culariy w ell In El Salvador.”

d s in 51/2 I

iner- =e ig h t fo r h e r

1 5 a n d h e r 5 . A f te r 2

o d s , S h e l l e y ................ .N u tr i /S y s te ms e l e c t io n o f -------------------- -

lu q e a in m e I, o m e le t t e s , v a r ie t ie s o f

r 3 4 - 0 4 0 5 i tIvd. N. j

5-9781 a - I

H u i


PECIAL ISGIFT?__3 th e ■ t Center 1

tESH Izotions J

■............ B yR IA D 'K A J"' "United P ress Intemn

T R IP O U , Lebaj Palestininn- nghters apart fortified U ielri in th e ghost town of Uonal m ediators ru

“ -------- a v ^ 'm o o a i j a u n inP a lestin ian loya

a lon g the street whc eratlon Organizat Y a sser A rafat ma headquarters, were

- — ^ u n ex p ec ted -lu ll- th amorning;

B efore the fight Syrian-backed rebe

- ---^“ -advance-hjyaHstwtfa id es w arned the tc not la s t long.


_ United P ress internal

A m a ssiv e storm bli 15 d eaths hurled snov h a ll and 40 m ph windi P lalns-ln a w arm up fo

. . . e r s s a id w ould bc blb i Uons for th e Thanksgl

. T he storm rolled ou and m oved Into Uie M leav in g up to 15 Inc:

ReaganW ASftlNGTON (UI

R eagan m et Tuesdi P resident Chaim H er to ta lk s next, wee) s tren gth en Jh e 35-yea a tim e o f in a b i l i t y Uie M iddle E ast.

H erzog m et wlUi R 30" m inutes to dclh

. a sse ssm en t o f what very , very fluld sltua d ie E a st" and p ossib ilities for a fun tho process o f p cace .''

“ 1 co m e aw ay fror aga in reassured abou tions w hich ex ist bet\

- the. U nited S tates m onallty o f Interests our a rea ,” Herzog told

‘•The United States the m ain and m ost pc

------------In -th e -ca u se of peacM ldcD eEost.” ■■

R eagan , w hose ovm----------- haB -been -s ta lie d -s im

la s t ijepiem ber. weic( ‘ theW hlte'H ousew itht

h ave a lw a y s had and------------have-good-rolaUons..tt

Isra e l.”Presidentia l spok

Speakes sa id Reajgm President Herzog o com m itm ent to Israe noted he Is looking d iscu ssion s next _we< M lnister (Y ltzfiak) SI range o f Issu es.”

: ThTRpjifinn-Henogla y tho groundwork m ore substantive di w eek betw een top U. elud ing R eagan, and gation headed by Shar

---------M inister M oshe Arens,U ndersecreta iy o f i

Eagleburger recenUy ------- ta lks wiUi Israeli offl

. F n

^ ~ — t o

---- -------


H v

' M •

V H S F o S p e c i a l P r i c a d



maUoaa] . syrja, ^\rafa

jbanon ~ Rival been“rs le?«<» than f. mi!? and iilrposiUonsTucsday are nt1 o f Tripoli. Interna- m ilesrushed to Syria to ,\r a

TnUieaireela. u ie fu>yallsts, scattered groupvhere PalesUne U b- secUoiIzaUon Chairman only amaintains a press theSyire surprised by an As tthat-started tn -th e—la s t s t

Uon 0ghtlng died down nation ebels attacked an Saud j

i tense c^ m would offlcia Yugoa

n heads 1IERS • Harrisnalionai rural s

I blarh'ed'foratleast t a r enow, golf ball-sized Countjinds Tuesday at the only tp for what forccas't- Tuesdjblizzard-likecondl-------- “ Wesgivlng holiday. hasn’tI out o f Uw Rockies S h esae Midland prairies, lo get iinches of snow at , T he i

1 affirms ‘v[UPD — President •. wiUi h sdoy wlUi Israeli.. Rum sf leiTOg — a p ^ u d e w ithS l /eek designed to Rum ,'ear-old aUlance at Washii Ity and violence in h is fir

. East.I Reagan for about ellver Uie Israeli .lat he called "Uie w A tuaUon In the Mid- 1 discuss “ Uie further advance In e."tom the talk once jout Uie close rela- >etween Israel and s and the com*Jts Uiat we have in lold reporters.Ites," he said, "is L powerful element eace-today-in-U ie

vm peace IniUaUve 5lnce-lts-lncepUon— elcomed Hfettig'tb"” ’Ul the pledge: "We nd will conUnue to is..with-the.state, of

pokesman Larry — gui ‘'reaffirmed to: our unswerving Vreel’s security and *lg forward to h i s - ■week with Prim e • J» Shamir on a full —

MgmWtlnR,helped, . ; ; — rk for a round of

discussions next U.S. officials, In-

nd an Israeli dele- tiamlrand Defenseais.------— ■ — • - —of State LaurenceV lUy held extensive'^ c ^ s |ln - sraelp ^

Reni Video Re

From W ed n esd ay^o Friday----- ----------Vlembers O nly . .

Rent AVideo Record

From V V ed .to Mon.- ------M e m b e n O n l y . j W '

leck Out Our Selectioi Of Famous Brand

ieo Recorders Includir


F o r m a t A ^

» . . . * 4 2 ?levl* B*nfat (For Yoor Own VCR)

It Only S3.00

east figih tingg'or more than two wc ion-backed rebels, wbo opi Ifat’s leadership o f Uie P W . t in attacking loyalist position 1 around Tripoli, /urafat’s fu : now cornered In the port cit. e s north of Beirut. xafat!sX cbB ne«^lie9..gunm c fundam ent^lst Tawhecd Isla

up. were dug into the souU Uon o f the city behind barrici Y 330 yards from a checkpoln Syrian army.s the rebels closed In on /Vraf •stronghold ln-Lebanonra del«I of mediators from non-aiig Ions and Saudi Foreign Mlnli d A l F aisa l rushed to Oamasi

:ia is from Indio. Ci ;oslavia and SeiMgal.

for the PTison and Crawford. Neb. AII schools closed in Uie Scottsbl

aroi Mu^iby. secretary at SI n ty High School in Hanison. i ' a feVv students missed scl sday .We’v e been-roal-lucky-that lh ii’t b een any wind yet.” she a sa id r ^ c h e r s were finding It h Bt around on som e counly roads l e storm was linked to IS death

'unswervintI h is Middle E ast envoy, Don fisfeld., before meeting next wi 1 Sham ir. ' . . . iim sfeld was on his way bach hingtonT uesday after complet first official tour of the Mid t.

^ TH A N IB U ]


---------- 1 1 a : M .“t o ^


- C E L E R Y D R E S S IN G -i-C A f PUM PKIN Pll

p t U S .

F R E E ,:Children's P rice



i t a

ecorder^$ |J D K D L J

■der^ p o

M r L l

SINow thro i

'o n l y

9 / ^ 1 !;r) ^ IISO B luoL okei

M onday-Saturd ^ ------ ------- - Cio»

guiets iweeks. T he lull in the oppose ca m e am id mod

0. have Lebanon’s 40th 1 ions in confined mainly I furcua ai> Um laying o f Vi

city 42 th e first president leaders.

im en .cI__T h e_B elru l_ ii«v Islamic th e transfer < >uthem serv ice s to Lebs rlcades 1943. two years aft wlnt of proclaim ed the ct

s ta te , a s Its Indepe a-afat’s T he lull in Tripol delega— s ilen ce before thes aligned “ I will chase Yi linister stree ts o f Tripoli 1 las c ^ . the c ity within Ui

Cuba. F ront for lhe Palestine-G eneral

Plains, aA few fiv e s ta te s — exc)

Lsbluff, m issin g m ore thi

. Sioux T he four, from in. said returning from a hschool D akota when tl

C essna a p p ^ n tt there- snow storm Nov.--ie said, been suspended peiIt hard T h e snow sJackeads. th e N ational Wcataths in appeared the storn

commitDonald R elations betwc t week and' Israel have

. fricUon, parUcu ack to tenure of Prim e r aiding B egin . Sham ir wil Middle v is it tb Washlngtc

B egin.

rK S 6 r v »

r F F E T


PIE • CARRCrr CAKE ---------# - = - ^ --------------------------



S* a y e a r u p to 1 2 y ea rs oi

3 A D _ — TWIN F A U S-734



— — $ 9 9

IM<HOtk e t B lvd. N orth (N e x t t o t TWIN FALLS 734-7483

jrd a y 10:00-6:00: Sunday :io»ed T h o n k ig lv ln g P ay.

in ghoje Palestinian com bat per jdest celebrations of we-

Ind(jpendence D ay, / / to ceremonies such Kh wrtiaUis on tombs or Jih

int and dUier national to 1 por

ovem m enl considers A n of admlnlstraUve

banon In November ifter France formally country a sovereign

pendenceDay. ^eawllopperfred lo b e Uie

Yasser Arafat In the li If he dqes not ioave the; three days." /\hm ad We

he Liberation ‘ o f the; al Command, lold rc- tod.

it least 1(eluding four hunters breiian a week ih Col- “------------------------------------an(in Cortez, Colo.; w ere Clt:ihunUngtriplnSouth oftheir sln^e^nglne bllz

nUy crashed In a pur,-l3.-Tho-search h a s .. lowpending neWleads-------- Tked off Tuesday, but . th ealher Service said 11 extirm w as Just taking a ble.

tment’ Tveen Ute United S lates /e not been, free of cularly. d u rin g_th e _ ‘ J Minister Menachem /ill be making his first ^ n sincc succeeding

—^ ^ 1 1

|07S T BEEF5 ' .\ NDCORN— -


o f a g e

3N,_ „


26— “

’ 5 W

f> Nevrton'*)

y 12:00-5:00 ..............

i a n y r '

st towrporters In the Beddawi camp ^eck by /Vrafal’s men.

/Vrafat's second-in-c Khalil M Wazlr. code-nar Jihad, suid Uit; rebels were [ :o launch an assault on lhe xirt city and the Mina distr \ra fn t's lovnllsto are e ntrenc

•‘They^?^le rebels) will h tssauil this evening or tom law n.” he told reporters 1 leadqurters In Tripoli."W e i< hey are going lo carry oul tIgainst th e .c lly .l l_ _ _______

‘■They are m assing their U hey are going to resum e the Ve haven't recelv<}d any inf

hey tried to advance lo od aya td o w n .” “

15 killed)reather.

“ We expect it lo gather intl Intonfjify ." a fo r<v’n'st/»r r -ity said. "There’ll b e heav If m ore Uion 6 inches a Jllzzard conditions Wednc )urts of Nebraska, Southow a and M innesota.” . ___'The NWS warned "holiday

h ese areas tomorrow 1 ix trem cly difficult, if not lie.”


on oil new Renoul Encores, Alliances

& Turbo Fuogos.



236 S h o s h o n o S t . W o st 733-2891

— 1 &


LA D IES H un ters Run Knit S h ir ts

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Chic le a n sS I 5 9 9

C orduroy B lazers

» I 9 ” & * 3 4 ’”. _. ..-.NylonJIW cot-

N igh (g o w n s

R o b es

y i a ” ------------



YES, 1


imp. lostlasl / vS S I J V S S

n-command. t enamed Abu ^re preparing —the northern strict whereenehed. .1 lau n ch a n O conomorrow at -^ »n•s from his ^ T V'eknowthQljt Uicir plan m m m m a m

r troops and* the fighting. informaUon ran«*ed-«iKl— to Malloule

d.... .ier strength • Wnr nt Kniwns ____ j]Ull}Ljlli||eavlcr snow h^{l|n; and near ifcVi,' dnesday inlUi Dakota. | lyfm,';

iny travel In I [ n’ may be U Mlot impossi- illM

/ W hy F R Ew hich usu

^ Thia is OUI- _ c o u ld b e I-* Z' you with t

Exnm inati ■®S* the «pirte i" • W h i l . W l',.

m :r c H 0

s m

or less d

iley'sr e = f f

M E N W h arton B

d o w n D ress

*9”____________K I n g s w e lL I

I * * a n d S p o r t s

------------------ * 6 ”S w e a t e

» 9 «

P laid F lannel



is h= X = ^ O P E N f ristorCareu .J c ! / <

Novembof 23.198

^ 3 \ i . C A L i e o ^ e x D -> e w § \ IU a Chnr.ifiiaG Gill Sho, f - y - 1 ) H andm ado llo

- Evotytiimq Irom pdlowGB F f H J oniijoiacrr. lodoco raho


rs: Mondoy through T h u rsd ay 1C F rld n y lO a .m . io S p .m

Saturday 10 a .m . ioO p .i , . . . . S u n d A y .I2 to 6 p u n _

>n To tho public Nov. 2 5 .1 0 8 3 th r

No<in o< J«iom« Counlrv CO pon Orilyt^of

IE E ? ThouH imds o f u r rn ru > ' s u a l iy renpond to c h iro p ro c ti

>ur w ny o f <rncouroRinK y o u lo ' he lp<^ by c h iro p ra e tic co re . I o u r s ta f f u n d fac ilit ie s ,

i t i o n includvft n m in im u m 01 e a n d (i c o n to u r ann ly x in pho i

; ,o r c acct'p tinK new puticn tA , t

Most Insuranci


l u r i n g , , ,


B u t t o n - .SS S h ir t

« . t- D r t i s s -------------- ^ — .s S h ir t s ■ ^

«_______ L i__

le l S h i r t s D r h

n ------- J ------------ G l o v e sV*P l u s s a v i n g s

_______________ h o B d a y _ ta b k ato w e l s a n d p o t h o l d c r s


i le ir o m 1 0 -8 a . m . F ri. I

915 Mair

:O TTA G E:f=^-ft5—S hop For Ou.ililylollom s ^I0W5, poiio'y andralionn, doiir. nnd »

TL-ft ianB—

ly 10 o.m. to 6 p.m .

6 p.m.

} th ru D o c . 4 . 1flfl3 :— '

t^oflO O oya . ~ / K \

D a n g e r S i g n a l s o f P i n c h e d N e r v e s ; ____

1. Hcodaches. Dizziness,Blurred Viaion

2. Ncclt Pain. Tight Muscles.Spnsm s

._3_Shouldcr-Pain.J?ain.---- -- ____Down Arms. N um bness in Hands

4. Pain Between Shoulders,Difficult Brealhin^. Ab­dominal Pains

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u lo f ind ou l i f you h n v e a p ro b lem th a t o re . I t is a lso ou r w a y o f a c q u a in tin g

n o f 10 ou in d a rd te s ta fo r e v a lu a tin g sh o io nH sh o w n above.

W, no o n e need feel o n y o b lig a tio n .

ice s Accepted

“c r ? :

B oys Sun P acific -P r ln t-S h lrts---------------- -----------

B oys Knit S h irts

» 6 ”Jr. Boys F leece S h irts

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1 ”


Jriv ln g __C|ft^jiems _ ____________I n c lu d in g h a t / s c a r f

_________ s ^ e a r m u f f c .t ig s o n c o s m e t i c s c a s e

Wedoths_____________________ _____d■s

« L K S ^ ~

si . & S b h 'til C h r is tm a s

i n S t . , . B u h l

,1033 Times-Nows. Twin Falls. idahoA-3


p M M I Siti,] ..................................... ..............Mary

T h e memb------ ------------------------am


through on E d u cation h< r ig h t declsii

J________ attendan ce rT h e hole i

a llo w ed Joca w h en not to c le s .”

In som e c e n v isio n boz

. p layiers’ pan a w a y from d

W e have n( o n ly In sport

. r e le a se d froi w e ’v e seen L egislature i te s t s , langUG d a y s , reli^ oi

T h e advoc. m a n y argur en rich in g an( c la s s tim e, t d e n ts are gol s a y a r e ia few

T h ose are' sh o u ld not b w h ich the sU th a t th ere is

------------------; t i m e s tu d e n t s---- ^InouTTieww a n t m ost

— k n ow led ge of t im e in m e cl

_____ _ fa m ily or Um<. _ - ___ ^^.If,.we.think

tan t, fine. Bu b e w illin g to th e student c th e y d on’t att4

In o u r view, n o t b e tough

------------------- e k a t n p l 6 Twe*(n i ^ t and Sat

----------------- - w ^ n o t toojTS o m e peopli

in th e end, it s tu d y and leai a m odel w e lii

--------------- p r io rity . —

~ThereI'd Just as soon be pusi


w illia m SlafforU’spoc with th a t line. In lhe poe faUwr’s courageous life m ore p assive , and more life ’s forccs.

To be carried along, w sh n ig . lh a t w here you en belong; co ll that drifting dri ftcrs during som e per Som e o f u s m ay have dri There m a y ev en be a wis with forccs around us. ■'Yes terd a y a woman w.

about h e r son. H e Is a bri an Interest In wri tJng. I k attended a few courscs 1 Isd r in in e iD h islire .S h ci now w orks In constructlo: b u tsh « sa ld . “Hecouldcfa his G od-given talents. It s of m y fam ily , to waste ou


jifphcfi Hartgcn .......... ^■lanaqtnq EtHtof _____ , )

•mbers of the editorial board arc_SlCDh'en .Hartqcn and WJ

te board attendarm nearly e v e ry play,1 has m ade a tough, bu Ision In Implementing e rule for a ll id ah o scha e In the lin e is, of a xral school b o a i^ to ( to let students out of

i districts w h ere spoi boards b ein g pressun arents to g iv e them ofl 1 class.i no doubt th at pressur arts, but from parents rom school for — here in cited — doctors’ s e in Boise, fam ily trip >uage cam p s, m usic t Jous activ ities, county f 'ocates for su ch officlE nmients. T h ey say tl and thus should count s !, that conscientious ar going to be penalized fo ew abuses.?e valid argum ents, bul S be the dom inant one state board h as had th is a direct equation be nts spend In c la ss andhi ewrlt^comeS’down to-a it for our children. ] of hlslory-7-Is-ltthree-t

! chein lstiy laboratory' Ime In the_classroom ?_ Inkithe non-academ ic i But the board is saying to pay the p r ice by aci t can’t e x p ^ t academ ittend.3W, the board’s rule Is £ gh enough In som e a re’d l ik eto 'see 'th e-gan Saturday, w hich is w h pm any-years ago.)ple WIU screa m about It com es dow n to schi

eam . M aybe w e’re old- ! like. The board’s deci

L i k I I


— If —

a dijjushcdbyeventsto where

poem. “P aren tage” CTds poem he contrasts his life choices w ith h is own ore fearful a ccep tan ce of

5. wlih the faith, o r a u end up Is w here you ting. We have a ll beenperiods of our lives . i: drifted m osto f our lives. i wisdom in su ch all lancci. In w a s ^ a k ln e t o m e i, bright, young m an with ' i. I know him. o s h e had ]5 1 taught. She thinks he iJieqwke regretfu lly . He I:tlon. a fine occupation. 1d do more; H e is w asting 1It seems lo b e th e curse < s our saecia lR ifts.”

W O j

WilSomC Bbkc Advcrtl»lng MorugcrJ«jTVMd ■

. ClrculAtk>n Manager rd and writers of editorials W femE.HoCvarJ ------

right nee ruley, the state Board of but. In our opinion, the n g a new 90 percent lipoldlstricts. _ course, the discretion

9 determ ine when and )f class for “em ergen-

K>rts Is king, w e can jred by coaches and officially excused tim e

lire w ill be Intense, not ts who want their kids re are som e exam p les

appointments. Youth ip s , band, scholarship

trips, debate, career / fairs.clal absences advance

the experiences are t as much as academ ic and hard-working stu- for what the advocates

)ut In our opinion, they nes. The bottom line, the courage to face, is between the am ount ofLhowjnuclLtheyJeam___i-a-decision on-what*we-

Is it football or a ed a y s.a tB o y s.S ta teo r— prv Is it a trip w ilh the ■

: activities are Impor- ng that we should then iccepting the fact that m ic credit for c la sses

s appropriate and m ay a r e ^ . In sports, ■ for

im esT n ovcd toF rld ay— fhere sports activ ities

ut m at, to be s ilr i, BUt :hool being a p lace to d-fashioned, but that’s icision recognizes that

Iy A5Pi?lM/ g

ifferenc- Chariei


1 had no advlcc to offer. 11 m e agrees that "talents” br certain responsibilities; res

' those talents in the service o community. T he trouble Is,'

My brother can speak and languages fluently. He neve talent, except for h is own pk ih a school for m entally rela patience and he Is caring. Ai talents? 1 would guess that ti benefit by his t e a ^ n g -J s he llngulstlcglft? If h e is, d is wastiflg his life? The answ easily .

He e n t e r s h is specialized

p i f f t i

t ' II

of >leI t

tri . 3'Id ■ r<-1- ^

in iMid le

« WASHINGTONh A fter ,” one m ust In W e can , prlmar5 . h e a v ily hyped TV

s e e n w a s fiction.; th e k idd les should

e w a sted . The kids \e ad u lls .C KJds know that'J. s c e n e s o f blissful]^ Interrupted by COI® -a n d m ascara , w e I

y D e sp ite all Of U>», th em th e contrary- running m ascara,f not th a t importanl

* Inm ilnent._______ I t i s tooe ------------ sa c r e d law s of theQ production by inter a lthough Ute one fl5— I-------wa a o fa iy ;.popcon® W e m u st worry 1

re frfih etcou rseJ j W hal on Barth ha>

n 194S? W hal has AE* W hat w ill it be si^ A fler? ”® D ram atliJngbot

con seq u en ces of ai / < good. A rousing oui [• be thankful for tha---------: Wha> WASHINGTONS se e m e d to Dem ocit re tire P resident R

. be w ondering If an In N ovein b er , 19

past 10 percent. lh< doldrum s and thei c lien t In the Middle a r te t ln v a d ln g tz b

H a w a y from their be | H - T h isy e a r , unemj H I up a n d U .S. troops ■ considered a polltli B th e p o lls show ed lh B behind th e preside! | E d ied in th e attack 0 K F urtherm ore, th S ' su rg e o f support fn

L etteM ovie bring

.(, S in c e th e movie.v a lley , p eople have

m| heard . B asica lly . U t f B ib le is a ll w e needn ---------H o w ca n y o u lje llevffl bones w ith arm s, leM ____ ” as m a n is. G odowT b eco m e.’^\reG od,' i Individuals? Is God

w illing , I share the I 7. ^ i f Ute B ible i^ all V 5 £; read, r e fer lo, belle' ^ R ea d ers D igest com

• Don’t g e t m e wrong en joy read ing the Bi the B ib le is. w e feci

^ b e t uprc

les paJndosky "

Inli_____________________ tha

full•. 1 listened. P art o f §’ bring with th em secresponsibilities to u.se the ee of one’s posIs, which Ixilents? d, qand write six chsever really u ses th a f I pleasure. H e teach es woi etarded-H ehas dat!. Are those attributes you at his students- wotsh e^ a stln g h is areisrd oesth atm ean h e ' n nsw ersdonotcom e wIs

see:zed teaching wer

f O f l


ources)N - On Uie day after “l l i e C st think of Tbanksgivlng. arlly.be thankful that th e me y production the naUon h as 1 I. All of tbe agonizing o v er wli lid be permitted to s e e It w a s . S will handle it better Uian Ui

it when a movie starts o ff wit ll Kansas wbolesom eness »m m erelals for Certs, nasal « are not marching to Arma^

U>e efforts of Uie sponsor8 .lo I ry, kids know tha( bad breaU ■a, and clogged nasal passage Ult If nuclear annihllaUon Is

talABC.was-CQmpelIedl)y.tb( tie moiicetplace to triv ia lize il iterrupting It w ilh com m erce i for Orville R e d e i^ c k e r 's p Mngoeg-wltln n ov taa. y that the adults o f Uie natlor jJttlhelJonOTajJtmicleaiiaa iave our schools been teachln \BC been presenting s in c e 19 I showing Uie week a fter “ nM

Kith the possibility and the an all-out nuclear exchange

>ur awareness Is good, and w« hat. We can still w orry that U

it a bigN -A y e a r a g o , It m ight havi crats that Just about an yon e' Reagan in 1984. T oday, they 1 uiyone can beat him.1982, unem ^oym enthadclin the economy w as sUIl in the e Israelis, this country's mali die East, were o c c u p ^ g Bel ebanoinstensib lyiodrivethi border.mployment Is down, th e econ M are In Beirut. That la s t ml( Itlcal minus for R eagan exce] lhat the country rallied solid lent after more lhan 239 mari c on their headquarters la s t n Uie polls also show g a n gl from the public after h e went

ers —gs forth question!B. "ThcGodmakers.” c a m e t ve asked alwut Uie Uiings.the the (|Ucslions are a s follows:

2d; do you have other scrlptu: Bve God has a body orO esh ai legs, hands, feel, e tc .? RxplJ >nM was r a s God now is,-man a. CHrtst. the Holy Ghost Uur 5dproBresslng? This newspa ©answers with you.I we need, which one a re w e t leve? The Catholic V ulgate B indensed version? K ing Jam< Ig: Milflons of IzD.S.~Iove am Bible. .Vs great and valuable el it doesn't contain the comp

UeefTdiirofesslon as alternative serv n the military. H e Is a pacifis massive In his life’s c iiolccs. Ii Irlfted Into this profession an

Pertmps the test Isn't whetf nto (he place he finds himsell hat place Is productive and p ullllllnc.Six months ago a friend, wh

ecretary for an oil com pany, lie street and asked m e how 1 ositlon ot Uie newspaper. IU l e work, found the deadlines hollenglng, but loved wriUn{ ■•Vou’reso lucky.” sh esa ld

?ork. I hate mine. It’s so borii aughter, ‘Studysom eU ilngy our life doing. 11 is s o Import 'ork. when most of th e best yi resjjen ta ta job .’ ”It’s a theme I h ave heard re

Ish i were doing som eUiing I jcms’a common com plaint, 1 ■ere poweriess to a ller Uie sil


Wm''F —fJ- !

5, peopieD ay

most £ . r ^as everwhethera s 'lUiie

AiUim essage is o oe t

spray rem em ber Hiroi lag^ d on . younger than thi

There w a s not to teach w ar Is horror be; ath, Uiat w ent down I ages are tberadiaU onabi Is d igging bom b sh

’60s,anddecidecthe.______ Did U ie sh o w s» itso w n — tx lie v e ln a n u c li ree, only b eca u se it n spopcom T h e a r g u n ^ ls t

lonneeda w hodem andm oiffar._______ mepely.aparado,iiingslnee N uclear w ar, the !l94S? S ecre ta iy o f St rhe Day show a s “ a vivid

lhat n u d ea rw a r In ord ertop re i

g e ls ' a n d a sd ld o U ier i I we can . iia vem orew eap c Itheonly rem ains credible

J diffenavenecould ^By may

Jimbed ------------- *e telev ision loglv<lain G renada, and IhlSelrut he a lso w ill bene.U ieP tO — Korea,--------------

T tiere are , hov »nom yis threatening tbe s night be weaUier forecast ceptthat T he federal de lidly econom ists, incll

R eaganpollc ies. it month, the p resident has ^gota . recen tn w n U isw enton rates th a t w ill re

n c w ord ofG od .W egreat truths reve

letothe volum e o f scripti iiey G enesis t :2 7 ;G e vsrThe R xodus33:II; Ni itures? r iie se p a ssa g es t >W d~— ~itteresurrectedC plain doesn’t h a v e armlanm av— (G enesis l:37J__h i ^ ........Psam s82:6riVpaper t e m p lsR v e —

T h elx ird con fim /e to “ Behold, m an IeBlble?. R om ans8;l4-18. imes? R ecall th e baptand----------w aler. T h e FatheJle a s Ghost descends, nplete Who d id Stephe

Ifffting,ervice for serving Altiiifisl. Possibly he is meanIi.In a sen se .h e andbjandstayed. a longether lie drifted a h d lr» lf.b ut\i1ielher T o o fedpersonally sh e ls ;

ligh tswiwIsanexecuU ve h e r tony. stopped m e on b ea chw Hiked m y new preferItoldherlenjdyed lh a 'ies sometimes too longerIng columns. seem slid, “you love your rapidsiring. I told m y . pi«.nntgyouw anttospend opUonortant to love your b een tty ea rso fy o u rllfe proces

[repeatedly:"! S Sig Ie ^ o y c d ." ll . pertit, as If Uie leakers drifUnsituation. o f cont

1 . V s


yle are if Otis ^ Pike .

oe that those of us d d enough I :irosblma already knew, a i^ U I Uiat should have been taught, no other message than tliat nu■ beyond comprehension. T he 1 vn In tbe cellar and stayed thei abated survived. Should w e a] ) shel tera? We had this debate ded not lo.w s tr r a g tl^ the hand o f those iicie^freeze?O f course it did, it made people Uilnk about the its have not changed. T h ere ha fofflraaiatoiviabfrpoatiooof: more and more nu d ear weapo idox, or.an irony, a c ^ tra d lc t i t h ^ say. is unthinkable, f State George Shultz describe rid and dramatic portrayal o f 1 /ar Is simply not acceptable. ’ ’ irevent it, says this adm ln istn er administrations before It, w apons so our deterrent posI tioi ible. The more weapons w e hai

’ence arArnold Sawislak

;lve hts reasons for sending tn I there is every reason to b ^ le sneflt ftom his recenl txlp to J i

however, still som e sm a ll dart be sum v lo Reagan’s poll :ast.I deficit, for one. Some resp ect nduding experts >**0 h a v e si^ ies In the pak, say Uie recover has been so proudy proclaim l s win be choked off by the h l ^ I result from tbe govem m ent’f

IVe are grateful to Uie Lord for cvealed in the Bible. F rom thi: ipture. 1 have gotten th ese ans Genesis32:30; Exodus 24:9-10 ; Numbers 12:8; Deuteronomy es talk abut God’s lim bs. Read xlChrlst said-^Luke 24:39. If irms, legs, etc. then ne ith er do)_________ :____________ ____ -)rM atlfiw5T48rJauri0T347S ’ “ YeshaU be as Gods” GenesI irms Satan’s statentent. anlsbecom easoneof u s.” Ali 18.apU sm ofC hrist.. .C h ris tI s i i t ^ qieaks from heaven. The Is.phen see before he w as stoned

h~b&ngUlhough her work doesn’t saU uuiing. she feels trapped In It t i by her own fear of change. Sl ng In her Job because th e risk J trying something e ls e Is too < 3 fearful. fears (hat sh e m ; Is not good a l the work w tild i Ks her yearning. That light m■ to rock^ shallows. S he m ay fl iched. In her fear, drifting m a (ferable. - ■-have learned to recognize tha ger where I want to b e, w hen < m s to be a long tum ble over w lids. I sense a loss of control In aningful choices w ere no long< ions. As if tbe choices I should ■n taken away from m y sd f . T< icesses that control m y action: sense of sd f. My concept o f a mmets.•erhaps one indication o f th e k rung which hazards U ie psyd> ontrol. Perhaps that te lls vou

............ a

U .S . stimoreunaccepi more weapons lessacceptabli ourcredlhllity

We cannot q; the possibility < s p e ^ a llo fo u i

. ■ ' ■ of death. Not 01 repetiUon brinj

tito m ustershockclUiose ofnudearw ar, lit. tberepeUUonvnudear deathsonourh e fam ily Ttianksglvini lereunUl being frlghtenc a ll start naUoa.Ourna( te ln lb e Umberandwal

preventUiem os e _ w ^ ___ from grM U y^id .but WedODOtha'be Issue. corrypt leaden w s alw ays compasslw iateaf-thoso ........ourHeaderB,-aDpons.Not uson p a lh sw eiction,________ change them.,1

thi^try.O urre t>edthe arm s,a reo u rs )f tbe fact OntbelTiank ” haveplentytov LraUon for. w e must ---------------------

la iL jh - O tisPike.afi iave, Uie Newhouse New

year mwmmmtmmm overwhelming!

finance the defi perhaps even b] Is.

------------- -Anolberpoter^roopslnto R eagansaysbe leve that m issiles into ph Japan aod UmltaUon agree-------------------- andU ieSovleUirkdouds they will be dep! oliUcal o w n .p e r i i^ w

tbe Cruise and I cted SUII. far fewerupported Reagan going In ery that ayearago. mlng ingh interest' AraoldSawisli t ’s Ualted Press Int

or Uie i^D.S. b d leve th isgrea t nothinghedoesnswers: th a lh esen d sfo10: humoDsaodprfny34:l0 . ilw ouldberidltad what progressing. FoIf G o d ---------th isw ouldbesado we. nature.

'Satan .\n d to M ^ ^h 1b3 : 5^= idecelver,' d o ^

group.H ecan u Uso read too. Remember

td l you 1,000 Ini s in lh e falsehood. Thishe Holy--------booesUy pray lo

CURTIS S IL \ id? We TwinFalis

f in hanit ls fy a n eed fo r swim for slt by econom ics, DrifUngShe drifts you steer bik ofleav in g lookforUii0 dangerous. care if it ism ay find ou l you. Vou a

Ignites and smooth a nm ay o n ly lea d d eep stom'find herself fulfillmentnayseem takepersoi

Orientallia t la m n o wisdom lh0 drifting your life. 11Whitewater Uiose forcein r h y iife .A s if Ching” Is aig erm y Uiosewholad have, had does it sug]T ossedby harmony, 1ms, m y feeling, m akes chosdf-w orth forces WlU:

....... “ assm ooth .iW n d o f ■ , •^ i s t h i s l o s s CbariesilU itlsU m eto edJlordfth

J\;4Jlm oa--N etta.-I»!ll£aii8jd

------------------------------------------------ — I

---------------- ----------------------------------------

trengthceptable using Uiem becom es. BuUding o n s Uie use of whldi becom es le ss and ab le detracts from, raUier than adds to.Illy.>l spend all of our Ume worrying about lity of n u d ear war aoy m ore than we I our Ume Uilnking about Uie inevitability ot only does Uie human m iod reb d , but irlngs Indifference, not outrage. We ck and outrage at ooe flcUonal portrayal var. We are numt>ed aod indifferent to on w hidi adds tq> to 50,000 rea l annual ur highways.iving Is a Ume for being grateful, not for tened. This is asU ong and b lessed ' natural resources of m inerals and w aler and fertile lands are enough to I m ost incompetent and co m ip t leaders ly weakening us.__: h ave the mort I n c o m p e t e n t s most -------------ders. From a decent and Industrious and Mte people weh ave chosen so m e to be.;^ eod w can b e4b an k fi3U i^ ifU teytead ----------w e do not choose to follow, w e caniL .'n »y .areh u m an .an d .M l,err ,M __________ir resources and our people, not our urstrengUi.anksgivlng afler “The D ay A fter,” we to worry about, but more to g iv e thanks

a/onnercoflgressnian, writes forJews Service.__________________________

nakesIng presefice In the credit m arket to defldt. Thai could happen quickly, sn by m id-year—mId-decUon year, that

otenUal problem Is Uie arm s race.B be w ill put Cruise aod Persh ing U ) p lace In Europe if there Is no arms greement between Uie United Stalesfttlfninn. Th eSavlgta h ave hinted that _ ____deploying som e new m issiles Ot Uielr IS within range of tbe Uol ted States, If nd Pershing II goes on line, iwer knotty political problem s face ig Into tbe campaign lhan seem edllkdy

vislak writes hvm Wastilaston for tlnterjiatJonal.

v e Uie Lord is omnipotent; Uwae Is kiesn't know. But he is progressing in 3 forth spirits to Inhabit the earth asI prepares p laces for them after death, ridiculous to think that God is not;. F or if he Is not, he vrould b e sta le and e sacrilegious and Irreverdit toh ls H dy

irica D o n m r^ Satoc. the great___________ ___lesn't Have to use a weil-organizedhatein use love and trust to d eceive people.iber. he Is the o ^ t d ecd v er . H e would) truUis to get you to believe oneWs Is where we oeed to sincerdy andly to our Heavenly PaUier for guidance. - - : - -ILVECTERs

rmony ^or s hore.__________________ . __________ ___Jng m eans douds havo c o v e r t Uie star e r by. And you have forgotten w bere to r Uiat point of light. Or you n6 longerII is there to be s ^ . ’The current lakes >u accept Its steerage. It is som eUm esI and easy. And someUmes a night's orm . Drifting m eans a loss o f personal lent, for Uiere Is noUilng from which to :rsonal%igniflcanco.J t^ philosophy leaches that there Is 1 in being in harmony with th e forces in :e. It teacbes a way of alignm ent with jrces. The “ Book of Changes" o r “ I Is d to open a paUi oCharroony for

'ho b d leve. But nowhere in Uie lex t suggest drifUng Is Uie w ay to Uiat ny. Rather, the o p p ^ le , when one choice^ to be In harmony with th e WlUUn and without, Uien life m ay seem DthasdrtfUngonaslow.'ddep'rivd-. .

les Leveodosky Is the editorialpaao}/the Ca^)er(Wyo.) Slar-Tribune.

8. tdaho-. Wodnosday, November23,1Q83

I L e tte tO btain expert

I appreciate your SU consoled by (be words

------------- C h arles Dobbson. I bab ook s and heard his le exp lanallon may help: orig in a l Inlention inse g rap h ic deplcUon of fr p la y ers, coacbes, pare concern ing footbal] ofl

------------- VaUey:---------------------1 c a n appreciate the

in a ssign in g competen o ff ic ia ls for every foot! V a lley . However, it is i th ecffic ia lsa reto o v ei

-------------g a r n e t p3ayed,-flecortsch o o l" rules and Insls an d fa n s conduct tbem con d u cive to fair play« a m repeatedly given h

------------ a b o v e policy Js not oreE x c u se No. t: One")

o ff ic la i (8 assigned to : ” new/inexperienced’’(■ "new/lnejm erienced” !■ " m istak es.”

E x c u se No. 2: When a ss ig n ed to work a gan p o slllo n to “see" ever)

I strongly recommer •-‘new /ioeaqw ienced” i e xp er ien ce and evalua p ra c tice s or controlled a t “ official" games, wi v e r y important to playi

I f three officials cant cu sto m a ry four official g a m e before (he endos

' . lea d sto la w su itso rw o Im palnnent to a play, c

I b e lieve even Mr. Dc■ th a t on e must express c

p eacefu lly , rather than U iside to the brink of ph v io len ce l


S e a t donationI w ould like to expres

appreciation to the Ma{---------M ed ica l C e n l^ < 8 plQ

chairm anship of Jack A

M orelEducation: Ac

I w ould like to thank ed itor ia l which ran In L th a t th e article was w^ op in ion of many studen students.

________ T h at particular edltoposition that tbe new ai h u rt th e majority of sti o v era ll extracurriculai

___ sc h o o ls w ill be hurt bee-----------Have to pick and choosf

a c tiv it ie s to participate a ren ’t that Important t<

T h is act was p a ss^ 1 stu d en ts migbt score hi ach ievem ent tests. ThL a n sw e r to the problem, m a k in g the teaching pr a ttra c tiv e Job opportun

..... ‘ ' thinldngiibout'becomiro f education do the peo] E ducation expect from a nd treated like second

In m yop h ilon ,ltisra s ta te B oan i of EducaUc stu d en ts must gain a be

. th ey don't start by helpl stu d en ts ’ learning, the I actu ally lim itin gtb eed te llin g h im that bemusi A lthough acaddnics ar education, it Is by oo m< p erson lea m s through p

- m u sic and other » tra c i

S til l mPersonificatioi

_____ M y profuse and slncci

— w ritten thedefin]Uve,s( on w h at is wrong with Ui

. thoCigh I’m sure this WBi

KO R r t lE T T E S I

' t ' s / FnistratJrtence first rsuggcstion to being rds and wisdom of Mr.1 have already read his----------s lectures. A letter of elpyoupercelvem y n sending you th e enclosediffriatratlohfeltby---------------tarents. and fans loffflclating in the Magic

the difficulty there m ust be itent and consistent ootball game In the Maglp t Is m y underst^dlng that >versee and Insure that the»rdlngtocurrenl-"hl0 »-------islst that players, coaches lemselves In a manner ay and qxirtsm anshlp. I in two excuses why this jrcannotbelnforced. e "good/experienced"Eo work a gam e with two d” offidal and the two d” officials m ake

lenonly three officials are game, they will be out of rerythlng. nendd ’’offidals get their luaUon at football lied scrim ages rather than :, HMch at any Ievd , are layers, coaches and f e n s . ' lannot do the Job then the d a is should work “every" :losed graphic depiction ■worse, physical injury or ly, official, coach or fan.. Dobbson would agree s s openly their frustration han letting them build f physical orverbal

>n appreciatediress my thanks and Vfagic Valley Reglona]pitaTFwrnaBncmDiBerthe—*M uldoonforthe$l,000

l e t t e r s /Vcademics plusink Mr. Hovey forhis In the Nov. 16 p a p ^ . L feel well written andstated the dents and parents of

Jltorlal i^ f f l n m m y own n attendance ru le wUIonly [ students of Idaho. The ular program of the because the students willwseexacUyWhI£A---------------->ate In and wtiich ones Just otto the individual.^ in order that Idaho’s e higher on national.This, however, i s nol the ;m. The answ er lies in S profession a m ore iunity for those who are ming a teacherrW hat kind— Mople at the sta te Baord of om teacheis who are paid - ond-rateciUiens? s rather Ironic that the ation scream s that 1 belter education, yet dplng the m ain source of ho teachers. T bey start by } educaUon of a child by lust stay in school more, ia r e a v i ial p a r t o f ^> means the only part. A ^participating In sports. ' racturicular activities, as

nore le tion of G O P [irere Uwnks for printing

3,state^f-the-iairt treatise b ihe sta le of Idaho, w asnotyourintentlon.lf ^


c— o


— o




I t i o n p r o d u c e s

'o n e r A D R E .y tfifV SlflR O C O B C H l/' ■

A N D 1 ^- t o u E R 3 « R B i | ^

■ ^

^ f n ^ - O K A - . THEV'ER SC


donation m ade lo the "Kids p rogram . It Is the foundatloi com m unlly contribution wh boosted our program but als M agic V alley Community b: m ore infant carscats to bc a This organization will bc a c MVRMC. Many lhanks agai


T w in F a lls

r Commentar;w ell a s sc ien ce and math.

W llh th is new bill, Iheovi student Is going lo be hurt, < \llh o u ^ It Is a nice Idea to acad em ic scores, It Isn't sa sacr i flee another major pa education . ,

JAMF-S STTiWARTT w in F a lls

W hy hospital ad'T he M agic Valley Regior

is m deed a credit loour cor serv ices provided are keep m cdlcal advances at an ac< considering the extensive c equlpm enlpurchases. How understand why there shou spend m oney foradvertisin M agic V alley Regional. Exi

■ em ergen cy care, and at tha — m ay-nolhavoacholccrlhej

the ca re o f the hospital mus- -authorirationofaphyslciar

I could not walk into the h ask for a CAT scan ora glue x-ray. H aving a long historj kidney a lim ents and also bc can cer victim , my experien num ber o f tests should be dt does 11 do lo know thal a cer provide th ese (ests, when it from a physician tobe servi

It is true that the hospital- prom ote a favorable image

citizens o f Its progress and |

t t e r s / ‘wa~ a r e a D e m « ;r a ts could arrani

this a rtic le lo be circulated ei - 3 tatewide..theQ thdr_I984 de< -should bo culdramaQcallyn;

have here:Mrs. S inclair is a 62*year-o:

educated p illar of her commi enough and vrell enough rega R epublican c ir d e s tohave h<

—w ithin th e party. She is -M rs Twin F a lls ’ version of say Ell

She a lso (a ) h as a recoiled congressm an” GlcnTaylorv,

-o n ly o n e te r m , “ i945*lM7,’-(l e lected to the Senate for a six ran for vice-president in 1948, t>e cxp ected to remember cvc

(b) when questioned on the -o f f i s c a l m atters.-givesfl rath

response concerning wdfare m entions not a word about co: "w elfare.” T he Republicans I lax loophole Is to tax the palhi m lnlm um -w age waitress, (c) If any In lerest In “ what they t Idaho” a s If Idaho existed as j Itself.

(d) s in g s the praises of McC and H ansen, particularly the “G eorge has been voting the \ w anted hlnvto.” Hansen and I Stallings are both Idcologlcall th is d istrict, both politically a — one is a Ph. D .. the other a c guess who g e ts the nod.

(e ) e v en in the light ol the e; post le n yea rs, s p e ^ fondly' Nixon, and cannot figure out \ W atergate th ing was such a b

It Is not unreasonable to su£ Sincla ir is the personification i

; s g r a p h i c d e p

S01N& >

j / 'I

:ids in Carseats” . Jtlon's first major 1 which nol only t also will benefit the advi y by providing 33 D ay K available for rent. M ! a continuing asset to torti igain. The;

____________ the?


i r y r e f l e c t s o p i

th, speioverall education of a (or jrt, rather than helped, m e a to raise Idaho’s loa't so important a s to dec rp artofach lld 's hos

fan se r b ei

advertising? ^gional Medical Center . thecom m m unllyandlhe------areeeplngpacew lththe sup I acceptable rate, lonve costs Involved In the roa lowever, It Ishard to the hould be a need lo sufIsing the serv ices of opp Except for Sthattim ethepatient 1

Ihepersonrequlting--------must first have the o r cianv • -phe hospita) office and Tin glucosetestorchest bac tory of heart and preobeingam etasta llc - the ricnce td ls m e when a aro « done. But whal good Chi ccrtalnlibspltal can jolr nit takes an order expurved.-...........— ................... nilal m ay be trying to rea ago and inform rellndgrow th .T hem oney woi

W a t e r m a r k ’ i l l u

range for reprints of— Repu id extensively la :d ectlon ex p en s^ ..____of coiiy. ivcttsseo whatwe— m ore

marhir-old. collegc o n ‘‘Snmunity, active returegarded in “ Dooe hdd national office hilarl virs-Republlcan.” . R .( 'Elizabeth Dole. Builectionof^crazy orw holastedfor . . .,’.'-(GlenTaylor w as . W a six-year term and ' l e i i 948, but ho one can Uiepc everything.) w aterthe general subject doubl<:ather-vague---------------a nde:ore cheaters, bul profc: t corporate aboutms Idea of closing a increi athetlc tips of a new f< (c) expresses lltUe defen:

cy think outside o f witl as a force unto theins

n eedsMcClure, Sym m s anattj theialter, because im m ir he way we have longer Jld Richard defenscally "correct” for excus< iy and theologically our a r :acharlatan— exam j

p eaceleeven tsover lh e aggrej dly of Richard How)ut why that . . . .......... _ produiablgdeal. notus<suggest that Mrs. good,{ Ion of the . th e y n

D i c t i o n p l u s C O

Z T i v r T ^ p r ~ lh \y C A L L ...

I f t


lak e them aware cIwould like to thank Bob St

Ivising his sixth-grade class U ay Afler."Many parents may have thou, rture for the children to w atd ley felt the children would b e : e sight of their possible future

ey tw made aware of it? Negli

y i n i o n s o f s t u c

pent on TV commercials couli or helping tho Indigent meet 11 led lcal costs, even providing: jans for the elderly or Infirmc eductlbles when Insurance Is osplce programs would do mi am llles and patients and the n ervice increases. Whouldn't ti e m ore effecdve inhdpingsu

No matter what my opinion i ne way MVRMC spends their re> io be cont^alUifitU onU ar upport. Theday will com e wh >nger have to spend three to s oad to receive medical care a i e last thinga paUent needs a ufferingand expense. Thank: pportunity to express a nag^ SHIRLEY C.WOLTER T w inFalls

)fieTfound out for f' lieadlhg the controversial le 'I mes-News concerning M om ack eleven years to the lim e v reparing to take the Gospel dl l e Mormon missionaries. Mu< rose among my friends about hurch and thiey tried lo dlscot >inlng It. Some of them were v xpresslng thdr fedings.It w as during this tim e thal 1

ealized (hat If 1 wanted to find Bllgious bd iefsof the Mormoi 'ould have to find the facts oul

u s t r a t e s d o u h

publican Party, a t least In soi assum e lhat your a r lld e enjc “ pyright protection.! can SUJ resi^tfrwherejbu m l^ t vor rket for this material — thes< “Saturday Night U ve” and, v um s from sabbatical, Gary T oonesbury.” This whole table irious if It were nol so real.LG.CHRISMAN_______luriey

ar only prom otesenjoyed th& recent letter in yo person from Berger ( U.S. go\ ermark) because for m e It sh ble standard which has becon expected standard by w hich' ress to be a Christian nation ai ut the world trying to promoU easin g the military force and forms of taxation to support I

:nslve effort.ith all o f the major powers dc nselves to a defensive policy, is to believe and convince Its ] Hack by thdr perceived enen linent. At some point when wt era b le lo support the increas n slve armament build-up. we ises to go to open and aggress armaments. Granada Is our n nple and how quickly even Iht ;e supporters find woys to J usi •essive action.)w can mi econbmy'based on I lucUonof weapons survive if I tsed? Wc raise our children tc I. positive Christian Ideas and reach the mogic age, we dral


. o m m e n t ---------------

’dl t

= of future•Sturtevantfor allowed s t o watch "The with thel

loughtltw as If thisitch the movie. nudear l>e frightened by say, th e ' LU . Itsreallt•futm-e,sh ouldnH-------- SEANiglectlng unique Tw in!

i d e n t s , p a r e n t

3uld be belter used would hJ!t the ever-rising study it <ng short-term conclusimed to m eet large and thej■ is Involved. The .studied,much m ore for ^ rv lce sle need for this • Inthe 't these PR dollars Saints (1 | s u ^ program s'^ articles'

be true.)n m ay be about lim ited!ilrm oney.they i w dareeiilllh id ltjoui and In Hwhen we will no Ghost0 six hours on the 3 w e l e at a distant d ly . ch ^ g i a 3 along wllh his oliedlcni Ik you Ior Iho SSingthought.


lleltere^nlho ■ f '“ : iJ ;irmonlsmUjoltme Uio Holyie \^ *en lw as O.Wel] discussions from thal Hoctiuch controversy He will y3ut the Mormon things p<courage m e from The U-every vocal In knowled

askethnU l seriously and to hilnd oul about the (M atthenon Church I CARMo u tfo r m y sd f.l Wende

b i e s t a n d a r d -

southern Idaho.’ teach the njoyssom esort ldcalsth< suggest two I surd,roiy-woim nda . T „yfcllo; o sc r lp tw r itm conlradic i.w hO T andllhc ,n y liro» l-Tnidcau’s and bellebleau would be u,o conlr

the contr ■ while lea

Christiar them lob

1 your paper by wllh iny ( Sovemmenlshows IhS to suiter I» m elh eA ;rn iaI 3„„crlhcch»rellye:-W e---------SKSjfllslla n d we 80 m v valuelotepeaeew hlle od Imposing defend m

. Hislory h

devollng •;y. each nationIs people thal pjcmy isw e arc noMisc In thiswe must find2sslve useofr m osl recentthe strong


tn the • if the goods arc I teaching them uid then when raft them and

tions, such as emotionally disti ren, 1 though most sliould have 'cd lo watch the show with the i thelrparents.

his generation cannot stop the !ar war, 11 will be up to the nexl i ie children should not beheld allty. • ___


i t s -----------------------------------

d have to Investigate the churc f it carefully and com e lo my 0 luslon. I callcd the Mormon mi hey taught m e about the churc ed. prayed dally and attended CCS. I was baptized within a fe lhe Church of Jesus Christ o f L s (Mormon Church), w chave Iw'drrallhexplatningwhatwe ue. I will list only fourof them! ed space.’Ve believe In God. theRtem nl n His Son, Jesus Christ, and In I.Ve bd leve that through the Ate >1. all mankind m ay be saved b Ience to the law s and ordlnonc* d .Ve believe thal the first prlncl{ lancesof the Gospel are: first, .J esu s Christ; second, repenti sm Dy immersiOT for IRe'feml fourth, lay lngonofhands fori oly Ghost.Ve bd leve all that God has revi {e does now reveal, and we bel III yet reveal m any great and li s pertaining to the klngdon of ( } I^rd loves us. He hiviles us U ledge and (ruth. "Foreveryor hreceiveth; andhethatseeke a him lhat knocketh It shall b e 'thew 7:8) _______________RMEN ASHLEY ndeU

them to live In dircct opposltii 5 they have been (aught, rd y am not a purisLwherebyJ Ilowman; but h ave l i v ^ the - adlctions and have reached th< 'e where 1 either disregard my dlefs or chose to live irf the h d intradlctlons. I spent 15'/ year intradiction of being a mllilar> teaching my children good an tlan values and beliefs and the lo become a part o f our defens rtlve of this w ar syslem . If the I m usl (Ind It in peaceful ways

ny gunasaback-uD. her musl give up m y values or rer the disapproval of m y fdlo' ' the punishment of our govern Its laws and actions ore in oppi ilues. Today 1 could nol go lo w a. even for my life, nor ask my J me. War can only promote w, 7 has repeated this m essaage PHOAGT

Com m unitS p on sored b'

. W e d n e s d a yF i r s t A s

C o m m u n ity Choir


Food OH ofIng: Thofo will tlon Army, Thoro will 0 l»0


r f i w

R e a p p oThe gover

IV apportlonmii n ^ l -------------- _ a l I of the exfl f ) j by you, the t\ y Part of theJ I lh a sb een i

-------- “ itself a s maxWhy, only re necessarytc the state's Cl the court’s d

Thelegisli govem m ent districts, flc two represej

______________ regardless 0JOageCog

political scle is the entire:

1; Portions purposeswe

----------------- - (especially^^ 2 . Articles1* . .dutyofleg ii

^ court to conslegislative ni

Y political scletheleglslatu]

3. Commei apportionme would be anrl Court I Idaho The powerlo

^ the govemmv f legislature.'’w representatl'

w ell a s . . . a] pecularllywl

4. The Ida! sla tes defect repoijedbyj report w gov (W hatweret

sturbed for tho lasl 1< vebeen 5 . Points b ledlscusslons houses by po]

elected from enough popul

te(hrea(ofp. passed by rel !x(. Sad lo unconstltutlo Idlgnovantto lines m ay be

lhalprinclpli — vdbi hg- ’Bl-at

“ I>eglslators __________ acres. I.,cgi8l

-------- --------- floterlalsystiunconstltutlo

irehm yself. , IflheBOvei, 0^ leglslaturesimissionaries foUowsthatiiroh .Ia lso . governor are»d church voters have I few weeks.ru tter-d a y • andvoid .,lfse thirteen Isn’t govemo

Issue) m ayfi Review. 1979,

nl Father. im irnfiM iIntheH oly Tw inFalls

Vtonement of Futurc G

- h o S S c ^ . "county comn-

ciplesand Foods to bulli :t,fa lth in lh e .bottom ofth( stance; third, ownerso f the nissloh'of ^ D c r t v obJ< ir th eg lfto f •. • i f e F r o z

and bulll the: »vealed.all .ra th er than p )d leve lhat Twin Falls pi j Important lo discharge ifGod. a sd e a n a s t tJ to strive for About two 1 one lhat F a lls leameckethfindeth; lure Stouffer «op en ed .” Utahcommu

Stouffer by 0;------------------------dollarsew ae

Dolton..theC who led the T described Ihl

M lltewasr community ti but we shoulc

Itlon to the is already esl been willing I

S i e they mighte. ^ v ? ^ Plclurewlndi t o o l s l o b e

or be r ^ d ylowm iAand •m m e n t 'H * Tl)posillon to (0 tbe ecwarwor any cocskten

iy brother to Each letiwar Indude t ..en d lessly ,

ity Thanksgiviniby Twin Falls M inistoral A:

ly , N o v e m b e r 2 3 , 1 9 8 3 ;k s s e m b l y o f f C o d <

■ 169 lo c u s t St. N. Irp roctlco 6 : 1 5 P.M. TodH(

Cil M yors. Jock Muldoon fi 'III bo 0 eonnod food olforing to I 10 bo o eath ollorlng.

• ^

esday. N ovember 23,1903 Ti

portionm ent returnsivemor and o th ereh ave raised the inment question again . Will someor ) expense and th e courts time be paid-— — h e taxpayer?f the problem rests on the legislature, cn 17 years sin ce it reapportioned mandated b y lhcU;SrSuprenie Court; ly now, has a representative found it ry to sUlke the wording and rewriteI's constitution so a s to conform with.............t’s decision?gislature’s m easu re found under state ient and sta le a ffa irs, states that 3S ;, flexible a s to h a v e one senator and esentatlves: based on populationS3 of county lines._______________________ _C o lw e ll, I the govem or, anda science Instructor, who m usl think he tire legislature) should know:Ions of the s ta te constitution for all \ were nullified b y th e Supreme CourtlIyi?HlsHonor’8’id ed B lo n );------- ----------d e 2 ,sec t lo n l,Id a h o Constitution".. legislature to m ak e la w s . . . duty of ^ t r u e . . .I f to b e changed, ihat Is a /e not a Judicial function.” (duty of a science instructor is to leach, not set lature'scourse)... ; . . • ments from court c a s e s —A ." . . . nment. . . Is a leg isla tive function. It anrlnva^ion. . . fortheSuprem eIaho) to determ ine the m atter. . .”,B--------3r to make and determ ine policy form m en t.. . i s v ested In the ___ _re." C. ‘•D elerm inationof tatlves to constitute H ouse. . . as . . allocation. . . a r e decisions resting y w ith in .. .leg lsiaU voaction .”Idaho Jud ldal Departm ent, Artide5 fecis or om issions In law s are to be byJudgestoSuprem eCourt; courts govemor; govem or to legislalure.3re the Judges and governors doing s l 17 years?)ts by U.S. Suprem e Court; A. both i population; B. representatives rom a political subdivision without opulatlon, unconstitutional; C. plan i referendum If not equal, utlonal; D. ’political subdivision f be us«I" if t>ased on population and Elples not diluted (a reason forJ l-act-w M contw ytothlspolnO rE ;----------lors regfesent people, nol trees.or igislators are e lected by voters,_nol_______

jystcms ( e x c ^ t ln rare cases), are utlonal.ovem or and Judge are correct,res sin ce ’G6 h a v e sa t illegally. I I ................lat all law s passed and signed by the - are then null and void? If som eof the ive been voting in (he wrong districts oily, their balioia m ust (hen be null If so. then m aybe Governor Evans

•m orafterall.iX indudingthe^ vem ocw hQ -------------------said he didn't know much abou( Ute

iy find a synopsis In the Idaho Law 1979, Num bers a t the public library.SMEEU--------------------------------------------------alls

e efforts m ay be hurtIy your new spaper reported thal theiers o f M eander P oin t ore suing tbe........—tmmlsslon for allow ing Idaho Frozen build a w aste processing plant in the f the Snake R iver Canyon. Thef the extravagantly priced rim-top______ ^obj wtpd to to their v f ^ ~iYozeri Foods b o t i^ t the bottom land the plant a l their own expense, an plug into the a lready marginal Is processing faelW y. T lidr Inlent Is rge w aste waTer into the Snake River istheriverK self. wo months ago, thepeopleofTwIn med that an expenjSjve campaign to ffer Foods to th is a i ^ was lost to a imunlty.Tliat.town attracted. . . .jy offering to buM4a multi-million#ageprocessiniriadHty.-M ike................-leC h a m b ero fC o i^ erced lrecto r he Twin F alls cfliraalgn, succlnctiyv-^- ithlsas"econom lc-w dfare." ' as right. We s h o u ld ^ t tax the ily lo bribe a c o m |a n y to locate here, ould nol h andlca^A coniP ^ y established lnT>«in Falls and has

ing to build tlw iff o v ^ wasto clean-up

rcusm gnn^fewselflsfrlandowm asis-------i to affect the efforts of Idaho Frozen keep thdr act d e a d , then future attract other foo«^rocessors will In vain. If the londoW nersof Polnl are no longer saUsfled wlUia of the canyon w a lls, then pcrtiaps____ ^ht enjoy sUmding in front df thdr -Indows. c losing their eyd ld s, and clr eyes m eander about the stone Ich surround Ihelr brains. nOTTS

e Tlme»-NewB w d co n w s tetters e editor but wUl reject thoae It KJers l lb d o u s o r to bad tMte.I letter m ust b e s ign ed and should de Uie w riter's m afllng address.TS of m ore th an 400 words may nted for length.

ing S erv iceII Associatlor^

B 7 :0 0 P .M .d C h u r c h o

d H odloy - D irocfor

n a E m iiP ik o ' _) to bo glvon 10 (Ke Solvo-

Timos-Nows, Twin Falls. Idaho A-S

Lavell in tria

W ASHINGTON. (U Lavelle’s staU sf E nvironm ental Prote flies and h id them £d a I

--------day8beforeMB.-LaveUitop E P A orUclal. two oK ldalstesU fled Tuesd

. . .S u s a n _ B a l< t e a _ a Janlszow ski, ooe^lm e

. . . .L a j^ e ,.m a d e .tb e .d lj tbe docum ents *— an

.........raodezvous to retrlev. M iss L avelle’s .trial

d iarges o f perjury aoc congressiooal invesUga

Prosecutors la ter res and dcrense attorney

----- LaveUe-would4aI(0-tbqW ednesday.

Chler d cfeose la B ierbower ca lled , fo Tuesday. Including for mtnlafratnr- Afinft Burl bnlv testified brieny.

F B I e nPH O ENIX, Ariz. (

. agents h a v e arrested it] were Investigating a d connection with strilc dents a g a ^ G r e y ^

' com pany sa id T u n d ay of tbe nationw ide wallco

M eanwhile, Pboeclx .thoy h ave been discuss (arming a bus compai nm by em ployees.

“ It's in th e beginning driver T om Godspt haven’t rea lly gotten se We*re w aiting to s ee .v pany Is go in g to do and L to be p laying gam es w see why w e should pr ahead aod start tq> rlgl can run a b u s business I

. can?”Striker T ony C u t r i^

drCUlatiOg'’ ffnytngtkmwide abouT tbe ide

would cost Irom $2,000

’’‘WSTqiow w4iere we


I NonOcaoScott Elib

! W U,M ooi

N«wton'« DEALER fo ♦octory to your equip Com* In ( Nordlcol

TWIN FALLI— . - O p«n9-6M endi

neS B lu a l o l c s Blvd

A 4 T lm e'^N ew s, Twin >

ntion ----

lie staf i cll testii(UPD — R ita Norm aQ)irited aw ay proseci

Dtectlon Agency m ost of1 a car trunk three t o t b e a rellew asflredasa TO to m er agency

me al<to to M iss S S K dUclamre about

UgaUon.rested tbelr case, Ms. £ iieys said M iss m en ts ,! tho-wltnffw rtand— tbeJzuo

w eretralawyer Jam es evening four w itn ess^ asuburt

former EPA Ad- M s. J lurford. But they th e thr© ny. afler Judge apartmc

i t e r s bus. (UPD - n w n ey I d th ree peop le a n d w e ’v e bc a dozen o th ers h i y o u ’r « s x lto -re la ted l n d - ' o w n com i bmiDd L ines, t h e m il l io n .” [ a y o a tb e '2 0 th d {^ C u tr l ' lUtout s p e c U v e lc lx strik ers s a id - - u ssln g the Idea o f ipaoy ow ned a n d

ling stages,” said iqiodarek. “We 1 serious about it. le .what (be com*Id If they're going s with us, I don’t

pnOong this g o . ^ H l n n right away. Who a s better than w e

said letters w ere strikers na-

idea. H e said It000 to $4,000 per

we can borrow

t<* I** t ,ij!


"r o s s I g iB K I P A C KE M lE sp o lrS k ls .......................

9b 437BIiiII>2S (wlthbrok**)

a orD oW teB oots...........

•lite N e s . . . . . . ................ ..

h o r t S Engrave (bycartl(lod4

[B Sale P r I c a .....................

V B d v e r ..................................

T A L K tO O U R Un 't Spofla Conlar it Twin Foil*' R for Roaalgnol and Nordlco. Wa ' to fit you right.-ANO.-only-Nawr lulpmant with a fociory worronti In ond our complata' full ‘0 __________________________ 1

If th is p a c k a g e purcl b y D e c . 1 s t , in c lu d e s 2

M ou n ta in D is c o u n t

FR E E !

V ^ S P O R T S C E N

LLS PR O FESSIO N ALndoy*Thuriday a n d Saturc Ivd. N .,T w In F oils . -

/In Falls, idano W ednesday

[f cited mony

na Johnson susta ined a series scutloQ objections (hat hall . o f tbe testim ony a s oot relevi 3 case.

Q a l was delayed h r le f ly l^ jdge questioned th ree Jurors w leard a rem ark about tbe tee r-w liile-rld lng'ln-a-courtboti itor during a break In tbe tria y momlng. —.......................3 comment w as m a d e by a i r covering tbe tria l, wbo w are that m em bers of tbe Ju In the elevator.. Baldyga said tb e EPA doc s, hi three b riefcases, were put 3inlu>lheE.cflC.last-Eefa^._ft transferred to another car 0 0 1 n g o fP eb . 5, In th ep arid n glo t luban Washington restaurant.. Janlszewski testified slie u tree briefcases In M iss Lavellf m ent la te r .........................

s strike' loo," Cutrl sa id . “In faci been approcbed. Tbey said

' serious about starting you impany, w e can l e t you have $31 /’ ...............1 did not id en tify the prc rejeoder. ____

N O L “C A G E



* 4 0 6 * ^

IX PIR TSlit'.ONLY AUTHORIZED Wa era TRAINED by tho ' lawlon'tcon guorontM - — 1 — jnty.ill line of Roaalgnol S

r ~ r * ~ S t -

rc h a c eds S o ld ie r ^ V , fit Card I •


n a M ^ i

\L SKI S H O Pjrday; 9*9 Fridoy


iay,-Novombor23.1983 . .

—1 Pan. N EW YORK

deregulation, Ii labor, and higj; hicreases to a woricers In 1984,

F irst-year w a con tracts are e 1984, equaling I sum er P r ice Inc

ries of Board, an Indu bal(ed ouU ookonsalarl levant It sa id unempi

one (he nation’s i --------8.6 p ereen i n ex t :


a re*...... ................................ ^) was *'Jury %

s s W No\on (be

r ”' w s i

Chi W Gifi

f a c t . ' £ 2^ S l u e


• ___________

— s

J u s t re lia b le h th e h a n d fo r a n y e s h o u ld ai b illin g qv p u rc h a se

J b o u t re s F o re

p h o n e lir.... ..... ■ call th e ni

’’ y o u rb i l l .•A p p lio til k-k-pl

le /^ G /e aiC ((JPI) — Corporate comp low er priced Imports, noi

gh ungmployment \vlll kcci a bare minimum (or vlrtw 4, a survey said Tuesday, vage and benefit Increases h expected to rise only 5 per

' the anticipated rise In th ndex, tbe nloe-member Coni dustry group, said hi I(s uies.iployment is expected to per s m ajor problems, avera^nt ct y ear .o ff s li^ U y from th ee

S a v e Bw e m t ^ e r J



o T U C O V T F I T

e L ^ e s S p o r t i1236 Blua Lake* North. Tm

>n* (20B) 73S.«446 Opan 7>30 'I S ondoy»'tl16t00^

..— p

It c a l l ! 800555-811: h o m e te lep h o n e '^ ; d s o f a cu rious th n e q u ip m e n t r e p a ir I a lso call th is n u m b lu e stio n s, p h o n e le ie in fo rm a tio n — in !sidence p h o n e eqi ' q u e s tio n s a b o u t y in es o r to c h a n g e o n u m b e rs lis ted a t t i. T h ese n u m b e rs cphoni-". IcJM-d o r purch.iM.tJ froi

: u t ' s :

irlyno~tjnpetlUon, level o ( 8 .8 p e r c nom inlon P anelist J oh i cep w osc Industriol re la t tu a lly all steel, a irline, i

that w ill be e s In union stralnts. lercent In “There Is v e r tb e Con* m any o f th ese

M ference Uons,” R ichard a annual A n u n ev en b a

labor m ark et i persist as creases w ith a ( Jngabout th ejob m ark et. ©current— HIgh-com peti

» ig ! 5

' » IC T T S R o \t i n g G o o d s «Tw in Folli J0 'l ll9 t00E v*rydoy %10 ............ - -

IRf e ' \

111 w h e n y o u r g o e s to p ie c e s in

iree -y ea r-o ld , o r r q u e s tio n s . You ib e r fo r e q u ip m e n t le a s in g an d

in fact, a n y th in g q u ip m e n t. y o u r p h o n e bill o r o r o rd e r se rv ice ,

t t h e b o ttom o f - - ; a re a lso lis ted infrom M ountain tkll.

•TalkWout c

-tjoage^xircent.ohn J. Richardson, vice pres: Jatlous at Northrop Corp., ci i, and trucking hidustries a

e^pedally affected by wai

rery little cimnce of payroll s e industries through the I9i u ^ n n o t e d .

of siqiply deinan it will also work against w. a greater number of people fBt.»etltlon-after-weathering-tw(

I ! G ive DellciI K F f To Your Ff l e v * \ Valley Reh^ S : | : I ! habilitate Oi

M IC r e n e e e wli


the C u sto m n y o u r W hite

O u r se j ch an g es to t

l i t M o u n ta in Bi ch an g es anc o u r toll-free a ssu re d 'th a t

o r for quality , r the fu tu re bl

'..... .... (Ichange: 1806

cplosiorr(o-back recessi

es lden t o f d ra s tic changes c ite d Um perm l( A m erica a s a r e a s recoverab le ex]

'a g e con- w age Increases F reedm an obsei

grow U iIn w lU b en o w ag ee t w d e c - TheouUookfox

Overzealous oe; m d ln th e unemployment, w a g e In- modest nt best 1 Hooding v|ce.Dre3ldento(

w o-back—


FAILS BRc io u s Falls Brand Old F as Friends & Family For Ci

snabilltation Serv ices' Com D isab led individuals Of The

MAIL ORDERS WAvallablo Irom ou r b

‘ Iranca lo th a Lynwoo'| B N o v am b o r2 S ,2 0 ,2 7 -l

a Magic Valley R ehabilitation!

Nowyoi newniiinl

I w h e n y n goes to

1 8 0 0 5E

n e r G u id e sec tion a ; P a g e s D irectory, jp a ra t io n from AT4 t h e w a y you d o b u

Bell. To find o u t abi id w h a t th ey m e a n e L e t 's Talk n um be: at y o u can a lw ay s c re lia b le serv ice n o


Mountain I

0 555-5000

r ^ l 9 ^esstoo8< sharp cost cutting, and Iges In business stratefdes w ill not rican managers to Incur large i» n - eim endltures such as substantial

ases, panelist chalrroan Audrey TSOTvwl. ««<Hing thflt “clearly there seejm k elon in 1984.- ’ - - .— — :----------c for unions Is bleak, toe survey-sald.negotiating may lead (o f iu lb er

at, nnH CTpfifiWl galM ShOUld tM jest, commented Robert N eylan, t o f em plovee relatioos at Gould Inc.sak p ro^w cts for wage h ikes, the d-off ' r k e n is also srlm.

) d elic io u s 'R GIVING i;iRAnp’ ^- a s h io a e d -M e a ls & 'Gift pa'cTks • C h r is tm a s . And H elp M a g ic ' lo n lin u e I f s P rog ram s To R e - \.T h e Area.- J! W E I X ^ M E

>T booth Inslda iha'north an- I |wood Mall, nax! lo Pannywlsa, I27-0«c«m bar2lhru24. . .

Call For Catalog jn Services 734t4112j '

ouhaveaa b e r to c a l l_______OMrfiKHie o p i e c ^ .

s s s - s m .



- '• ___________

n a t th e fro n t of • * r. ■ .

T & T is b ring ingb u s in e s s w itha b o u t th e se 'in to y o u , callber. A n d res ts c o u n t o n u s .lo m a tte r w ha t

iB e ll


B e l l ,

^ r a t e !IiyFR .\N K W .SLU SSE Vnlicd P ress Inicmatit

r ' . NEW~yORK~^^^‘l W low er interosl rales

!i. en thusiasm for Ameri ?/ & T elegraph’s “ new” Is >' I stocks h ichcr Tuesday ;.1 trad ing in six weeks.

R eports of a strong a w • so m e b a sic Industry s n ste e ls and aluminums.4 w ere helped by prosp r earn ings. -3 T he D ow Jones inriu!5 w hich contains the

c iim bcd 7.01 to },275.8 lev e l s in ce It finished 1.284.G5 on Oct. 10. It M onday.■■ T he Dow Jones

___ avera g e rose 3.17 lo atopping Monday's marli Dow u lllily average Ji 138.25.•..The N ew York Slo Index g ained 0.41 lo9C.3 o f a n overage share ccn ts. Standard & Po Index ro se 0.79 to 166

• topped declines 996-6S 2.V20 Issu es traded.

B ig Board cUmbe^_ sh ares from the 97.7

M onday. II was the hea sin ce 118,233,680 chong G. AT&T and regloni


CHICAOO (UPll — wnesi lowcrf. oals liiQlidr and aoyt

; p, ; niQtior al IMo closo Tuosday on 13 ‘’'w'now was oil iVi 10 UB m eia 5‘..^os1s up v» 10 t%. and »o>

;0 tno hiDhs and liquidation bot' lowor.

:'A Docombor corn sollled lii 113^ —I(Adeia-weio.bu»ln(

Sl Tno woahnosa in Docombor i^ X '^So'bVanlulmo*!!'w'or# lirrn bi W B ' gainslowarcttneendorinosest f t m wnoal was supported by oo< j S f l ••bul~a»»>9-w<>re-l'miled-fry-wo« S B R ^°f^onclay'a eipoit Nguros we 3 S S 8 Irado had oipoclod. ana laimor ^VcM Ihnii grain onlhe(»mlnhope9c ■ ',9 ^ Aclivo trading ol soyboant ropotlodtonoliordam.

n o J CHICAGO lU^I — aoslng^ oninoChieaooDoard^Trado^^i

f SrawffiS™I E’SwSw™"9 SoyMana <^000 bu; ceni* p«r bu;



I Doc^M2^2UroMb?o5t^

JI y’ 7<S0 224 SO 721 DOISfillJan m oo 1030018II0 tSIlO IBOOO

Solilomeni prteoson close.

C l o s i—----- ~-«bw-------- yoflK- — —lUPii—

Fo"owcnB are j«l«ci«(t nj .■Ida compoitu p<>c«s jiocks imod on me New SIKk EiClunps

lussdiy- NixeirMt Tl. I _

ADbom-bJ . 1 <Sh

— ’’i-ss silsS i s " s ! i “

Imm ' » '"iS* Mil's s r ;is ! S5.

■ “ S -,s ,y s s t!”cS." InS S':AETP»i ! » SS”» P'“ *i t t S ' i « i i iS n»'

H«p , I " .r “ " U.1.5 S i Sijs r -1 l i i iATT i40>AH wl 5Wimt H» “ S "S i'sAms ir 1.M IS ^AjScq . M Ml W*

sir' i|a i i ' i J s :[Ukerlnl . .« ° "UinjotP * p ^

Evd i l

H I J i l)■” ? s

BK !S - 'IS

fB uTlowi :s spa5SER I-----uUonal- 3

A combination of ~» and Investors’ ,j„o _ terlcan Telephone ’’ Issuespropelled _lay in the heaviest

g fv n n n m y h o lp<>H________ __y stocks such as 1200 •• ms. Some papers [jspecls of higher noo -

iriustrial a verage ,. .......... :le “old" AT&T. o<75.81. the h ighest hed at a record . It surged 17.78 11.476,01

million Is transportation "The ) a record 612.57, was the lark of 609.40. The said Ne e Jumped 1.54 to David P

earning!Slock Exchange helped.’ >6.33 and the price Bonds ire incraased- 16 banks cl Poor’s 500-stock 8 pen 166.84. Advances pumped 5-657 among the . system I

“Thise^ to 117,550,000 that the 37,740,000 traded credit," heaviest turnover Bamcy. ingcd hands Ocl. leresl n onals accounted market {

lalOal was. ml.od. corn |yUnll*dP y on (he Cnicago Board Nal toeomo

i'so*ybo«ns up flVr lo Unl/'lilltiD liav laOOd al U-ilfllltll''

1 ^ . = . .

bor corn apKiofl o»ot 10 c o iu o ,^ n. bul lost somo ol Ihoir ,»os»i8i>.

;j.%!aK.jri.a5 e s s ;;’.“iss”K s S ' . . . ig iS iu -

• S Mngjraln luluros »an(jo „ .n lo Tueaday;... ty/PSfiiJ*Low.Boao Prey

e - z — z g


“1■ ..Sf." iiichsnge


E . “

s® ."IS

» n g |an.i»^ Sii Cy

- K S . • ii.S "S., S!5ff ,S nS

r . ; ,

l i l 's !.s '; g

S"-! ' I I mJl J u S - E S — i | —44H> U

M5 S “ i t i i ”J'is if is Ssil M, ;l 11k M S v ;s S

>&4w<i Corrwl Cd 3 m x ,I H* H Comul l.a 13 «1'ilS218 a s - s ; \ :S . aiiiis is? 4 :si

CiownZell I 1W<

I t ' SDin. l.i: Miira

IXH- S DirlKr ■ )W . » Wn - t»t» Gont»l • A Ka

HN -1H OlytonPL J sawiBV., H Deere 1 ni«}IH_| OtluAir to . OMn<t« H Uftnisn IU 13 <>OH.t • DelEdis IU ?J1Uott*iH a*SBm l.n ijojjsr

fS S fS

^ e r i n t

i r k a c• DOW JO N E S AVERAGE---------30 INDUSTRIALS


i.OUU shares T uesday vs. 1 )n Monday.iie firm ness In th e tx>nd mark the m ajor factor in this rally New York- investm ent advls J Polen. “ And p rospects for sol ngs and a good economy al

ids rose o s federal funds rat : chargc on e another dropped ■ercent and the F ederal Reser ied m oney in lo lhe ' bankli m to keep those r a le s low. lls eased a lot o f investors’ fea lhe Fed w ould h ave lo lighti t," said Keith H ertell of Smi jy. Harris Upham . “ I/jwer I : rates h a v e produced a belt' e l psychology.

•dPre** lntem«ilon«l »ma(p«rah*ro)It Period roar E»rt

________________ S f f l !

fja---- d lZM.OM

F Z , • » . , s " rinwMllhEd(IOmoa) • .i«?o«Mr«jOpO-...._ --iH^jjg.OOO' (3.;Sir"'»no*Publl.h«ri(2nflu,W (69) $1.iM.00il (.1

r r ’;'’' ” ........ v . ' s r trtyCerputoui_______(io (50J ji,r20.0&

„«,a7r,o^ctn'Jiao.I)?? (071 . JJ2.0M.0^_^’“*2;000 1 72.000.0 00(.91) t914.000(.33).

I S . ' r N- . . - z]o coniposilo trading al 4 P.I '' Salaa Last ChCo ; «s!400 e '/• *

S:!SS ;5 : ! a ’"" ’ i S i ' T - - ■039______________a a .M ^ . n a —a i!ir*']i«idond

p ric e !Oomoffn .«

in :.H* oomr<n 5«3U UH» H Dew cr> I nIBI 7/H* W OowJnes U Ml tSK DraroCp .» -

1 « /• M\* Drosjot 80 iisg“ss;,5 g ; « IS

• - • Duonol-ilo r' ™ I*’” ___ .’jSi pJl * '* isKodJk ilI W % w o n U I n r nu-i'A Eipaso 7ih I in JfH* W EmrsEI ?M rjTHm n * 'A Ensrch IU US»— ____Eamai»--------IJJ----’W3 j? I«'cJ«IO imI M . 9U EMOn 3»I ni SI Mf <e 'nm Fab«tg<> MI n SIH- H ' Fatrchdl K>W«Op}ri«-H Faian 33DI41U iiil'i FedNiMt 16] m p36H» S Flrslon« 60i S l i z i Ea.. J IS 55; S ESp'H iSI IUS 73h« ^ FluorCp . 80,|W Ml., tt FM C ^ l «) » l \% FordMt ‘--190■3CT '* Frohjul , «0 ^

;s1 i i 5 fs': A) H<1* '« Cel' '{'CC 7 I 7/3 H GnI Fds } 40

§ : : i s s a « : 5 g s ?

841 ti - H ConPub UlllS S5:5 -g-'K.

'1»4 Gorber t«J.• (M p7r<4«1 Golly IKb! 11 '•H 4 H Giueile • J ‘l

GiobaiM .74lira ll't« W Gdrich tS6, £ » ' I S

s i i ! . , ' - S i “I,=S S!-« ■ 8xr. 'S S K I S a m c i !(jS

B& SSt e r e s i

d v a i w------- 1 The government

goods orders rose 3;________ and orders for ni

gCKXls clim bed €8'___ v ised Ihi^-quarte

product sh b w ^ a 7. _ Instead of 7.9 p

:Tw1 sla ted .«•<” Corporate profits

__pefgenL In the thin

E ‘ w as down from the lerod In the second i

Com posite volum listed on all U.S. ex

73 2ft tho counter totaled ’ I upfrom thell6 ,598;i

T he American St d ex gained 0.71 to Z

. 14.5 o f an average shar A dvances topped

larket am ong the 834 Issue ally.’’ ite volum e totaled ivlser com pared with 7,933 -solid ' T he National r also S ecu rities Dealers______ slo ck s ro se L50.1O28rates On th e trading fl

ied to issued w as the me serve listed issue, up »hIo nking m illion shares. A

w a s second. u p lloC fears shares.Shtcn A m ong tlic AT&l smith A m er iiech . when-is: sr in- CG% and NYNEX jctler A tlantic Corp. lost I

i:«. lo 89. Pacific 1


OiaeouniRaio;a so Earlier Banker* AccepUnee:

30ioS9days 6.13

150lol79days 9.15 ’

Issuemsodai's 9 00

.ooaooo------ jdtoSoi«ya-.8 96..........

b” V'l« iBoISmdaysI.M« liilasi ra—•i™™!}”*-

Omonlhs a04j:e9

Tho°Tolor'alo°Monoy Mill.877,000 OHO.04.

iLBSaBBi ('.M? I2e8'a5 °uofed luos'aT000 000 Elarkol. aul^OMIfltlvo molars

50^iTng"o“.T 6 l ,? iT r 'AnIimony.dBmoaUe.telini

25!0C?2 .00'c?b';'"’0.S.' 'no proOucers 20.00 e>it>.~

most MaMsneso; 9^fl"potc Slock ft60On00c-lb.P.M, Mercury. 340,00.340.00 7HI

Nickol. oloclrolyllc calh(+“ {!; ‘’‘pSuafllurn.^ ” n^ . Am: itiT ’i;- ’-It nor gross ton (consumer bi1 5 ^V,i.!“N T A T r a P ? J

: i "Sn'^ZuZ, - . s r « a & a s s+ H Tungslen

‘"ztncl'pifino weslDm!u.S. 4

s — ^- I f

s . i i i ; 5 s.i S— “ " bK™ [

n'fff iu * ^11 ^ 37h* S <7 7JO p3m* H fltieoOl •!

P Ja3in J4VJ* •« njPi .. 7*

368 6-1 * "VmJ6 77H*''*I 191 <11.. <1 Jgnloon !

W I .

0 .0— " Kc’s”*'' «'II6S00I!‘.- U Kiftoe------- fl

1811U &JW—H---- K«>PLt------- 3S'i*S K " t<

. 17 S9 70'.. *, KKjae 1' 14 I JS - H 4 794H3 pn>k- h KmaK 10

• 10 84i 7'» Kngmll 1.'16 s; 3« • I* Koppcrj Iisn i j ■ -''■OS''’

S 5 S 2 |; l 5“ u8 37'. L*o"f - IJ

146n« U l.* S . lilrmili •14 IU 4J1». Lilt El 7J16 779 IIU - 'J> (.<llon IU13 tu 6SH* H ocHicrt!i JJ: 5 'i8 7714Sptitt«tH v<ktS I.


e g — —

nt reported durable 3 percent in Oclbiwr nondefens e capital

:8 perccnl. T h e re ­fer gross national 7.7 percent Increase percent orif’Inally

ts rose a healthy 11 ,G |

le 17.6 pcrccnt rggls-d period. nime of NYSE Issues U exchanges and o v er 'd 139.7C5.600 sh ares. Qie;c60Monday. proxStock E xchange in- len l221.02 and the p rice d o n

are rose five cents, dowii declines .350-281 quotues traded. Com pos- Jonc ed 8,198,430 sh aresI33;400 M onday.--- Moo

Association o f inteirs Index o f OTC r onj284.50. ........ Trusfloor. AT&T when- Coni

nost active NYSE*lolS^H on m ore than p gAT&T "Old” stock M

o&4'Aon4.12 millionNEW

StT regional Issues, "osd, Issued rose l*/« lo< go 62%. Bell • Alli'I V4 to 70. BellSouth Telesis 'h to 54'‘i.. ,


Engc■’ ISCom.Root


y.i^.i;s . t m

III; (Average at all mator

>. • NEWpolnls

. NT I Op«n Nov 3Ffl“b 3

K i’a . ,n jj” !, ■ 'S N I

Dec 4----------------------------------J^ondary m«rt<ei die-

................................ - CHIC

..Lowft-.CIosotfU.------------ijnol Indo. Tuesday: 9.34

Mar 3 -- • Apr .

~ Ut«9( molal. maiKoi. .7 ‘” bli American Molal ».?'’po'iconr plus puro


s. primary proOueer# ■ jan non-primary (Secondary) Maril,maoimOOe-ib. Jly'^ IIerconl. boiod regular ' Sop 'Mb. Hash. Jan Iilhodes. I.o.b. Port Col* Mar l

SeiiiiII Mel Mkl. doaior , Esiima 'hno. producer 475.00; OOpordoyounco. NEW

I (ulures

hcn lound rolat- M y ! ,^.nl.12.»lb..domosl,c jiy 2;IK-llod). 98.9 percenl Nov :5.4900-49,75C-Ib. ■ Mar,..'.

■J'S------ T rw r—m m T j------iSihKiiru tilua ^

T u i i ? 7 l 1 S ^ ; : S r ' o :

JO 27' S Hh* ^ WrtlhP-J»- - 1J3K3 134%4.|k----IU«K«ii-071H-1* . IjlMd -

736 13 178 44H.1W Mcrrljn ]0a 6 187 31«. IMidSw xn 608 ?m* '« MinMM

n 38n CI3S« V) Msnjs.14 18 ?<7 9H Momni

--uo .M'i * I? Uo<3<83 80, iS9^ptn^-?w Moyou T « isioiupseu* H uipiio); n 10 419} u43737------ 9 775 39 .l ' l HjOuco ---JJ NlCXsl

i r lS E.",.1 40 3S814t n'<« NEncEl

W t9l« NL® “_4 i;i;?i H,roi>s

,JH_ ; 8S,p30',5* % _ No<wH- T7 783 30 NintiUO 9 rai p76H« S1 10 8 708 7«H. OtCflPt4 70 tJ 4M J/vitlH -:og<l««

\li^i it;1 60 11 107 OuItJ'Un ti U 74H. H , Owner

1 996 81 18^ I Owenlll' « 13 779; sIhT H P,tC£

1 ! S S hT’hlonrs P40HV ^ PTeiesui n e 716 164H-JI} P,n Anv1 93 to; 27 * 1 Pftnhdl8» - rt M3 a u * H PewnvR 88t6 p18^* PennPLt.K tnre i9 * ik penuoias JO I7h* Peopiet

Month Com m odity i May. M aincs

----- Feb. live c a t t lc -------------Dec. live ca ttle Mar. feeder ca ttle

__ Dcc, lly.e hofi-s__________Doc. w heal Dec. com

► Dec.'silver - - Dcc. gold - - 3

Dec. copper Mar. sugar Mar. soybeans Dec. T reasury B ills


Quotations from NASD roximately 2 p im i VUl I •rdealer bids. Interdealer qu D not Include reta il markup Dwn or com m ission, notations are provided by Ed 3ncs& Co.

UldiooreFln.Gp; 23.50 iterm nGas 17.375 ong. Filler 2G.75 rus-Jolsl ,3 l.p o . . onsd. Food

'<EW YORK (UPll — Foioton and dom d 8il>or prices quoiod In uollam p(?r ii osdar;

Londonr s r f i ! , , . iS is ;:iOSB “ 370 375’t 'l i (Iree markel) 377 7S i'ranklurl 370 M

» « r o »:omoj spol eloso 375,70 clapublic cash 370 00 unrandy and Harman 37B S0 i

S S E S is ilS Ksilver

:«mo> spol close a SU ol lopuO'ic cash -■ aiU c landy and Harman quoiod niivor ai i, >o^iye8y ^ 0 .?i, . I___^ .1.. ,

Healed sjiver products ol 19 77/ up to Tt! London price hung ehangos are baso .»teus OaV'a eloainn piicn,i__________

JEwlonK (UPl'j-'CeVd'TIiu'res ciosoa "r’ lSmei"—Vcfe' irpy w .; dirs por r377.3o”'»"377,30 ?77,30 C 377.00 378.10 375.90 370,20 3 383.30 3S4,70 391.60 387.70

: i l 1 1 S i s l l aI « s s i s gPcinomenl pncna on closo and ilmsiod sates; 40.000 conlracls. Opon .441 0111,051,CHICAGO (UPI)-Cold. lulures Closed nislowoi Tuosday,

f lis 'I s i i I fi40^40“ 00 (M®40?M 404*5^405 ^ “

lEW JOn^^PjlyWotld^augar, No, J

i i i i li lelllomoni prices on close and imalod sales; tO.BSS conlracls, Suga inlnlorosl: 04,745 01178,IEW YORK (UPI)-Ooitio3lic sugar jret dosed 3 poinls hignor lo 5 poir

; i I f i Ir ........ H.J8 2?,?e'

M IJ? l i m 3 -I- u p’” os loiS I « - ,7 il’. S10 740a 13 71 U h .lH P" 9 741JCO M h*in pr«£d 7 1 137 38 . P,HI IM 1 1»3 p ir .-7 ’,. p*“ loiooo B W -fi" -pl.n K 8S» r>36>t- H Ciw 1 70 309t ulSH* '>

s _ i « —JS (80 3r ■ 77'i -1 n>M 4,:o t3 801 104. -3'.)1<8 1.K 7 uo m ’ T h ns s l ^ '1 ? 7 5 siCc 173 10 n4 3rH*l'.i pSCO ?” ” 7^33 O • H pMl 7 a • ;« f f ;; p

beI 3» 'e 715 4?'*^ H s Ilo t 97 67W WUI>3 , ; m 147^ um;Iv

»1-------IJO-— lO-aa U35-.1*-H , jII . »1 • • '-J54f «7H* H— 0 0—I." !S

^ . i i ' - s i J i v : ;5ki 70 lo jJ: »■!* ■! t tM i n 8 10 ;• 5"cf IS) 16 1077 3f.mil 168 _46t 3 4 H .l'.^ ,,at 1 60 7JS4« WH. •' ua 116 t 341 ■ L J16 ,7 ?M P74H. '»

? , ' i '• 716 1J1M ; t S

hn . 'J 's ; '”.3:ICO t u 1J37U 381.. h !I 1,16 _ 15 7160 MW- W

~ m vClose lllf;h T^v

■ 6,25 C,2fi C.21-_ C i3 7 5 -------G3.03----------Ki.Z-;

62,20 G2,70 62.2066.875 • G7.475 66,6741.925 -12,40_____ -41.403.33 J.M'/i 3,29',3.42'/t 3,45'/<. 3.36B.Cfi 8.72 8.55

- 376.40 378,10 375.0063,30 C4.00 63.4010.08 10.00 ' 9.757.82 8,01 7.82

91.12 91.21 91,13 la lions from Sinclair and Co.

D at ap- Western UnionI bids In- Utah Power■ quotations Albertsof’tup, mark- Idaho Pwr. Co.1. Thase Dart-KraflEdward D. C.P. Nalional

Hosp. Corp. Ain,•\sk Cmy. P sy . Cent.

24.00 Fla. Coast Uk.17.75 Maytag 27.25 Uarry Wright31.75 1st. Sec. Bank 49.625 Ist Am Bk P Uc

domosKc gold .] I S S

uo . ldali(fiiol°n"nI’nnA'loi S ’A .

uncnangnd ^ AM I e o X o ami

) 2'?i'D0Ml?» 5 m!id*oals 5*Xl®andw,j< per iroy wnoal pilcos are gi.011 0 089, 8X"y dealer guolaiior

CHICAGO lUPI) - _ ,iu]j_|Qi_ouim_ocii>

p e rirp y e i, 3 ? : * “

l i i li t a ™ on Teimlnal oluvalor bjon w j n '1 5 3 34Vi.3.38VIt'S injnn 3.34 .3.42X1, oil5'4 loi in ini u Ptocnssor buls; Noi l i i l i vIpon*ifiloiosi;

sed 40 10 70.

------- WEW^OHiriuwr':

I l i : s p s ^j SS S i S P lies oald and c 4.60 395.20 |j,go 97-09; laiOO<»-98

CHICAGO (UPll — . and epos as reporlod U

Egos; Prices paid i

if)fiU 08 NEW YORK (

lif* pro.loux ^ * '* ln d i 1274 S „ » Im. ra .85 Slks 512.0

iv"" " »'“ •IS SlIS! Hi.«

IS i i »“S i . ,

- f r a — fl!—pnihpM ;co i>m7 'SS" li H f;!:’!Kificn'’ 1*8 » ‘I*PPG . 178 I? 796 36'i.lPioclCI ’ 7« lo?j9; ijh ” '

. W£*o' -• JW -'8?i;4 M-T.J--PullfHm t 10 IB JO;

■' »Q Q ■(JujViOIUI»tcn ® ^ 11 1705 p77'«, li

- I f S —., i6|ol»- i ! l I'i: ^

n« ? « l 'u 131«t b37 ' '■nohrrl) IU 13 n 67n£^r I 611 r07 . 1nop«r U tl 417 77H. >

jwo ' i » i i pis’.i'— S S----

l^n'g's 1,1? a n . *

__ cNmb" l '^ » lW l ) n ; : i ’;:SeciP.I>«r , I , -,l»319J . a t; . . I,S " ,« S IS ,r s . '! !;is i;;:.';

'V ' i l l ’” . ’I '^ . i ' ', , n j^ I,iv!7 •!

5^'OC - ? 4 .‘4J '."M'I SoC*lt 3W 7(i!l?T f .? J S“ •■5»51B£ '41 9 to Pl'j. ‘r w O'l' »• J445 (rfm - u

SowjPS 1 '< 81190 pl9'i.;s

£ ; !S

------------------------------------ vvciii

Close i ’low P.M.21 0.2.1 62:M>------------G2.97-.----------------5,20 62.G75675 67.;«) o,40 ■ 42.125___________y>/i ■ 3.:c2'/i p<36 a.ISOl'.: •55 8.570 0 .'{7 6 ,2 0 --------------n40 «;J,4575 9,772 7.9Jli-13 91.17

n ;J5.12524.8752a:m:J3,7566.12517.00

in. 38.25 ,It. 32.625 “

19.25 19.625 52.5031.75 «

25.25 25.375c 9,875 10.125 loj

' s - s j a - ' i ' K , I25,00,5al^74,00an(j2al23,00_^^^^ " " ’’ol'' W*eslnir?' Ooan X a l i ': ? on aloragocliargon, '

1 3,00, barliiy S.80, mlind grain op nd corn 0 25 f« given datly 6y Rangon’a. Olhor Nc an average ol sovntal Magip MiT.r,“r “ ,r?!?r.ot,«... tf.'r icosallla m oach day. An al was Quoted ul 3 20 lo b ' nl-PIK.coin-M.aa.quotuil j l la,25 -PP •tTs'B-MaunraiimomtrDT-itooa---- }>

— Tuesday’s Iruck ancl rati Fe ciivrind,.iQ -C hiM go-includinoMjcn arid~cnjnB<nromT)H)Y7OTS---- Mi; up to 30 days, 3 ?7V,.3 37V. oil Ai

l8^'‘*oil 2‘» .4^“"?5' “ m days° ^yaTvVnow corn. UB lo t5 days, i-4'A: ts 10 30 days, 3.39'/<0.4i',4i * , __________________________WH

J^=X j7T^T^(^T3Tnnonr55 ^ dollvorod 10 Now York Bloro

I dohvorod 10 lelallers; E>lra |>‘l 'S8andmod>ums01-94

do:- Oulk sullinu p:ic4)3.ol-buIlor.__ n>ld by USOA Tuosd.iy; lo i»d lo-0<|l<vi>iy-ur>cl>ar>a»d, (02- (03scoieAA11,4U a

d 10 dellvory nluady; pricits (o h , in canons, doliveri'd): Uili.i h 04; mcdiumnSM*. h

(UPll - Dow Jonu.i

4 591t^°M l282'fln275 B7.'7’f t f:

slocks used In averages ■ tMh 13.609.900: Tran^or- ■

Ullllllos 2,033,400; ftla l ■

” ^SS'- 70 IS -Inda. Trana, Ulils.

1027,04 431 24 110 ™ COir :!?!

' A — — 11—

■ \ \ Tjn-, "1444S3 u3;

i S Tn«5 3 ‘ 73:1 CJ( TiCfhr, ^4J 7 Jie «

- Ipijslnsl J ?JJ3til3: 1o.pj;L is 19 r? j

Th'il'ir '4{_ 1/ 131 BU• Jiirikcn 1 80 , 68 Tinu^ 1 U 9 671 ?•

. h Irjfts W Gp 7WJ 3-- V TiiCoM ?S5 lOJ 75

ii ili jUAI 7ti5» 3:

1 4 ■ Un^ec 1:. UnPjc IW 1S7»4 nil’ ' ' utd'®’*' O' M- ” 'S ' '■

S Fo" o” ng i ° " fuhon'rijf

. ’i] °" . *

]; _ TuclJJr, NJ-^Tr,-.

iilfot'o . 'S >0 'rl w CU^D I'

t^ Cnioluin^ Ol,. „ !- W C.«r.iO ' . -36 ' ‘M8 ! . Dalipiil ,18 34 tl3 . .• '» Dfcomo' .37■ S Uofne PoTro 13 u -IH DorcnQ Itq '3 ™ 1: 1; ■ E;i",S f S. S FisheiPt Sk «::: ESS" »S ’ i. H Oil. r - •*“Cil«L ,15" “ 5 '» '


Twin Fa'h '"lunsiock Commission*'Co**" 5jt'. 'on Saturday. Nov, 19 Head couni wns 1.344,

f»“ 11;

UiiiilyandcommnieulcowsJt 50-30 00 'ovi?41 oSifl m '* ™ * '''

»-?0 00 ® - ■ .'■ -

very slow openino bul good demand, lurmid 1a*Hi active: aboul 5 ,m hojd salabln. 1-? 700-730 ll>39 00-j9?S., noaily 275 hoad 39 50; 230-250 i|.38 50-39 79 some uneven wngnin 30 00-38 M. I-.1

sl"tv:n»yM oil, I 'j fllW50*t>S"l 'iojl'so: ?nw 790 10 32 00 , 450<50ID31.50-37.50,mosliOO<SOIb32,SO

C illlo and calvos 3,500; trading on itaufllil'ir sleors and heiinrs modorAtely 4cli»i, Slujdy; drmancl nooil; cows slnady; r.lnors cnoiee 2-4 1050-1350 Tb 59 SMO SO, 5 loads 1700-1300 lb 81 00iS;l!liS£g|g ■

IS S s .#oood »,00-58 CO; cows breaking ulllilr and com-3T5i’3U ^^n^e^’aSS^lSr!:“u^.t,r«Tr7"«“,''’' ' ' ' "

Sheep IJO; not eslabllshed by lalo morning,

JOLlET. Ill, lUPII — Llvostock;Cattle 50; sates msutiicient 10 tfsiabtisn a ma'kniSi

.. -SALT-LAKE CITY (UPll. -_Tt«lIo‘_Ot_fl'W____loodlols nailier this wook simosl at standtnii because ol holiday-snorlon wook; Oemand anil sellerinlDroslliol’l. ' , .Slauntiler lloors: load el good lo moslly cl>oic« 2-3l,1N>b.58 50

Sheep: Irade modoialo; coupio loads ol choici> and primo: 110-125 Ib, slaughter fambs. 57.00-58 00.

CHICAGO (UPl) — Closing meal* futures range on lho Chitaflo Moieanlilo Eichanoo Tuesday;

JK lis s il ii i iiF ! ! ! ! ? S 5 - “ r a l 'b ^ . r l y » r Ib

I . I i i i i i

j : ? ; ■

— May----------------------- fllTOO-MWWHOBI^-mrM-------A u^ '~ *~ ........ '■ * ' ro.M02.5580.mB*:35M:02’’ '

PORTLAND (UPll - Cash grain prlcei al 9;30 a.m. Tuesday;

wniio wheal 3.78: whiio club 3.78; Raid red

peteonl 4.37-4.43; 13 poreoni 4,83. Spring whoal; t3 poreonl 4,48; W norcenl 4,80; 18 porcont 4,84, &arloy12],00-l78,0(].

DENVEH (UPll — — Wneat Ttioiday; Pric>-

........ - -DENVER lUPII -No'JroMow coin's 7?-C 00 ewi.No ?6atley5l5-5 40ewl • -

^6ndw”li^pulc 'n nVolii bu,, oHNo t1 nrolnin3 45-3e4t]u . oil .Ot,No, 1Jpioto.n3,^4 OS bu,. Oil .0^

mmsmm.By UnitDfl- Proa» -Inlofwitlenal - - —

NYSE ^ _Oeao ChangoCommon Indei 98.U *0.ilIndusliials 111.78 + 0 «Ttansporl . I01.« +07#Finance #830 ♦OM

li a w . 'i us SliTl 1 7103us let) 116 15.610 I’;,- -,<n i.irUA k USWtsI wi ...... -n lU’. - lS UidTch 7 60 97473 1II BV,-'., UUt«l" 1 84 9fe 'w 1% iic|0?n

. i j l ; : .

.... S S . — !.p '

11 15’-.. >1 "TiitcC 1 SO 15 IW « |J - ;•

s l h l ; k1 is s ’s r - ' '

UPI) - Gitnl Yllknl J te is® ■; :im- -JU ''

••• V.S. ^ v:i5 : '5 'IH-- •.:< . ij..',.i, .'I 1. t J i7J'.

^ i'Uw ?Tir" t ^ v ' wtl3 '. suit's^ HSS 77 9 *W

S 'ijlJ* ' 10* .

ll 151:5 ]F " .....n i'.«l H um°'°*u« 41, - 1. ; ,s ig ISI 1J’.». W-

ifl3 Timo.i-Nowr., Twtn FnUs»ld,ihoA-7

V '

■ _____________ i .

jprank a n ?

Broom-Hili H 6 R g '« V E R C ^ A V L O R D . IT'«

_____ ^ " 4TR C

H agar th e ii T ' s e o i r J s TO P A R TY OF TtJE C > /S lN liS /P A N i

......w r T :^ fn

Gasoline A^ y C o m P in.ClQvi^


GarfieldI SjTTlNCf ATOP Tl


|l7AVfa> I I __

T he Born L(

__________ R.W.VEEBLEKSrER(now HEAR this!), PRE$IDENT

\o^IJ_______ lo If


- O T

JW Daih

. G EN E R /\L TENDENC ing Is good for coming

-undcrstahding with oth( f^^pcrativc attitudes on J ‘ ter don’t get'involved

- -tiix isw ith thoM ciosetoyo ' /\RIE:S (Mor. 2110 Apr. an associate con come understandJnR Iiy RivlnR

F cd E m e s t ^ ^ -

lilda ------: i ^ O F F E E , T H O W "6 P U R T V « tR O N ,KQ N a ; .

1 H orrible‘o e e Ti4s M \~ i Jiie J e v e a b / H m v m

/ ■ /WOR/ _____ - ™ M oM E

Alley ^*^^^^*^rph4lli5 is o u t ' H ' l a / J buLiinqneiv k • I fu r n itu r e .' ,

I f i> THIS POOR J In > P KNOW A L L j i 4

i J V g / ^

yL oser“ l/K k S C X K - I 7

« .w .k


^ 11—

y c ro s s w o ]

MIly Horosc

INCIES: Mom- ' Make sure ng to a ijcttcr TAURU Jthcrs Ihrough your-worh on tx)th sides. In the tr ved In conten- communit►you....................... GEMINpr. 19) You and are enthu me to a fine accompUs nR in a little. Rood resul

win Falls, Idaho VYo rLospU

'2a n

W F Vou'l-U N ,S N E E P ,___ t M E ^ E [ /

ii / /~r^■ ' 1

J s t m a p s Up 5 o -

? R 5 T IM E A T -i-_____kE..W lTt4-MEL<SA.,------- ^tH A T ^ s t h a t i

# l £T h e d e c o r a to r s ) / M c o m g t o - h a f

'» ’ In

HO'N WHERE'5 £ _ _ , « i ^ L t h a T - F a t - c a t _W' Q j V 'N£?

T w m o 's ' ^

WBEARlHISi; 5 3R E S lD E m ^ :



>rd ’5 — a b o

- I {occur; 10 11 |U IJ 9 F ro sh r

I________ c a d o l14 B lood

" " ________ liq u id s15 C onfo !

--------------------------------- IG.M ofo^)------------------------------17 A rticle

Ifl F ovo ra20 WO21 D og 50

* S n S ^ 5 T 2 2 S n l l o t- o l ly a c i

|3 4 “ “ ----- 23 H appo iI 25 G raphr n ----------------- — - s q u a r f tl _ ________________ 26 Fruit


p® — |T E e r n e

r l " 1 1-f A ' ^ l l > LI el s f l

;c o p eir c not to argue at home. lU S <Apr. 20 lo May 20) Get 3rk clone early in the m om lng

m ost elficient way. Ijitcr. n ica te well with others.INI fM ay 21 to June 21) You hustastic atMut getting much Ushed tar ly in the day. Get >ulLs in money matters.

sday. N ovornt;or?3.1983


n icY o u f i g ; ? u p ,

M A P E t H E ~ I

l P 7 o f ^ / i S ,

~yr ------- C T —

o v / t h Ia t 's I ^ f /L L P o iN e R f

£ l ^ ( P

’v v h a T " * ^ ~oe\ d” d ' T la p p en ec i . ] Rufus ivere III G r d tn p s ? /V h e r e ! y \ **1— >4 iT rV T il >*'\ 1

u I f* ’ / Y i ? f t

f c p i f e

ll '"/-m O RW APP

_ r .w . veeblL ! ! ! ! ^] (MOW HEAR TlllS!) <


W <

: r o s s 28 Ensnare 4rront 29 Oocltino: 4(s suit. 4about 32 FInothfood 4cur) 33 Blowono's 5shmon horn 5lot 34Snlckof— 5od 35 “U’s 0 sinlids------------- to to l l -" --------5ifo ss 36 Haughtiness 5ro^obust— 37-Ard«nl-----------=-clo 38 Thaw 5orablo 39 Chlnosowood staple 5:I sound 40 Ladd 6i:ot an wostornacid 41 Poetic 6iponing beforeph 42 Gooso callarfts -43 Wnti otop- - -t ovors

ijiortlay's PujzIb Solved ;

iK E E Iflir^T T ^ it T f c ff r A' ‘

o lS i E i i f f iE RiMf ItT a ■■ < ^ i j y ff n i jiff r- _ ,3

i ^ r tjp r f iiilii!E T s i i tiinc~ ^ r Fjtr ff e w l gR 2 r ■ | ?f t K TT b T i a I i L W - I fcj j f f ff r 1C

MOON CHIIJ5REN 21) Get that home handled in. the momii get ridof lhal feellngc

3et i j ^ o (July 22 to A in g v ita l correspondence c r . perm it a private won

progress in tho buslne ^ou VIRGO (.Aug. 22 t< Jch ca n rinally handle thai 3et- easily , Don’t permi

p.sychotic friend to def

: S fp e . y o u L

■ p C O t o S Y ----------S B F ? r


^ y ; n

r { ' n r -v v V --------'..a [ . J l

M i l ) i t f

f I likes it.' 1 nit rem ind me \ o' when I L— live atth’ A. ^ d u r o p M ™


.9 t? 0 N T T A K £ < |\ MV NAME J * =

' BlI C

? ^S>

_ 'Zi'J

i n^ . fE£L

H J^ H44 S in u o u s 1 3 A Q a r d i4 5 C o u rt p lea 19 Look (o4 6 T u rn Iood49 E g g o n 21 N .B .w o50 E q u in e m om 24 SorvanI 53 in v e n to r 25 S choo l55 H aw aiian tovol

Islo 26 C onsun56 C h u r c h ta w — 27 Slctcom57 A ngelic 28 Sub to rJ

58 B ritish 30 P a r is ' w o a p o n river

59 S t re e t talk 31 O ld lr iir60 S o c ia l 33 Llko s e i

p o s ts w ator61 P a rtly : 34 Ind ian a

p re i. 36 V oriried40 Mix

------ D O W N -------- 42 008plsli1 C h in a 's 43 D rinks

s ito noisily ,2 S h e a ’s nine 44 C onostc3 A d o p te d lo r 45 No u tic a

4 A m erican 46 M ythic u n d o filers

5 B e a c h sh a c k 47 S p o k e n6 E v idoni 48 S ing ing7 M o n a s te ry T urner

~ m a n --------------- 49 G o tz o r8 S h e e p is h K onlon

lody 51 in to rrup9 B ritish ing so u r

c o n s o r t 52 A clo r P i10 T ied sh o o s 54 S u rp rise11 L o m b 'sp o n te rm

n a m o 55 P rocodo12 V an q u ish CIA

;N (June 22 to July * U B l le situation wel:l- have 1 ning and you soon la ter } B of discontent. th a tm Aug. 21) Handle SCO

ICC early. D o n 't. Schedi jrry.to deter yoiir ea r ly ; le ss world, fjood dto Sep t-22 )-Y ou -w h o is

lat (Inanclal affcilr ' SAG n il a somewh;it A gooc leflatcj'oureRo. person

I VW i z a r d o f I d

W t i s i f e e e e nINVlTgC? JO A

/«6£T1H£& t h e iVCft.

H i a n d L o i s -



B e e t l e - B a i l e y -

IPM G N CAM AC?Mlf .■•.*( VOLING (31 RLS. Wl


Shoe-— —J l ; 4 f :^ L W M U & T K A !

^ndy C app,-----.TliyVk OPR PEt HC33 > — S E E >OU ^

- ' 3 .

i l o n d i e

OPEAAAT w e W E M ' S A IL IN G A C P O S S ! ^ E - O C e A N - 4 N - A - i I - i o V - A i p b a l l o o n I ^ .

ea n u ts: r jN 'r ^ f p o n 't \ r ;SL Vcn-i I eiTMEK > 0 0 P , .^ \^ A K C ( £ : ^ .




‘ .. Good-l.«)king Piranis to think you'rosea g la sse s arc partf , M e. too. iJitcr. I

infortheH um ill

,Ising - - - . OtJserved-Slr.;s anylKlhg unless■y, about, a ghosU:« “=» earth ."

Ic Credit the oiconstruction of t

on Dearborn Inn at Ing

_ _W hyonIy43pei °n they'dnevercats

Dund THRIFTY SWI•PnulIso Q. Aren't lhe J

world?------------ ~ATYou could si

IBR^\ (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 e fine id ea s in the momini r you h a v e a ll kinds of pro: . n eed your full attention lo sc :O RPIO (O ct. 23 , to Nov edule your tim e, and actI y so that you can accomp: 1 deal, but steer c lear of sorisd ep ress ln g . --------- -

VGITT,\RIUS (Nov. 22 to Dc xxl friend can help you to g onnl w ish lhat means mu

sJ S E 3 A S :B .E E N r O fJ — ^ FOR SO A ^E T IA ^E ... J




( l i

I VOU w e P E S IT T IN G } OM T O P O P T H E


" I.THINK VOU PAsfEP IT _ 0N TO .v\e... _______ _

S f l ' 0

LM. Boyd

W hat’s-what

anclsco is a social out'(lt~cal B People's Club. To qualify, y( ]'rc good'looking. W earers < )arlicularly w elcom e. Will yo r. Right now. I’ve got m y appi nilltyClub.

Slr./Man-Herberl; ..tUf-noboc ess he knew w hal he was isUy hush would descend up

original Henry Ford, loo jf the world’s first airport hote at Dearbom. Mich.

I perccnt of the A m ericans poll ■at snails Is hard to figure.


« Swiss the thriftiest people

dsay thairif'lh'e S tt^ ^ d w e d

22) You you. Don’t permning, but su ad eyou ,problems C/\PRICORN i0 solve. Go to a bigwig f(NoVj 21) you h a v e and geactivities partner who likesmplish a AQUARIUS (Jisomeone h a v e marty inter. . . . . . . m ind. buLwork IDec.21) s o g o t o i t .

lo gain a PISC ES (Feb.much to that hunch in tf

' - ■

1. ........................

<ywr... ■

TC?V^i^ - o p i

^ P 3 r ( | | | f e o - i F - r o i J V T H E OV / f ------- I I W 'lLUNe-

\M 7 1_ 5 ^ 1___ !_____


^ Jo (

3E AMC? t^CJW P O y o' . LOOK WUEM MIEC 5 BUXLEY ISM/ I A fZ O U N O -r ^ - .. r. ■? r _____

i sI. ^

OTC£., ------- y —

-> r^

i f = — i=^tJT7FL'e= j = =

5 OH, HONEY, THAT'S'-----1 S O SII_t_V. . . r

S --------- V — ------- z / - --

J __ / T nnu'T c c g i Ir " t ^ S O O P , E lT H E i^ ^

money In Swlj each m an. wc $12,000 In savin

'— nese with appr "thriftiest” UU.

\ Q. How long IIn U.S. history I

■__________ A j n i e 1906 £seconds. Then c

i i l l ^ r a ^ How long'you have shoes to run aro! Ot eye- a . m d a y s .y l you Join?)plication COMMON CO

_ - A British ody said— trealm ent-forll s talking hat on the wall upon the retire to that bc

two hots.”

with Can you de& 'tel“ the enjoyed averag

probably reachc ago 20.

oiled sayIn m ost o f the

there Is no word.

lc .„ U ,= ’ •‘- “ y o - "

^ B r u r e - 7 p J ^ “ ^ ‘“ ‘

mit your mate to dls* thin rusJ-

J (Dec. 22 lo Jan. 20) 1. for support for a goal

get it. Steer clear of a IF es to harass you. he'oJan. 21 to Feb. 19) You othe cresting ideas in your ever t has lo be completed. Youi

open). TfSio Mar. 20) Follow . a go the mbmlng and get ing.

^ / cTUP u & r cf- \[ Ce-/^VV1P£>'/1MP\ ^ C \ U A X \ 0 ^ ^ J a L

I — :

r'O U -yV tA k 'E ~A fJ'O F F E P ~'^ ~~ ----- -----'W N EPS /Wi<SHT S 6 •:\<s TO A C c e p T IT J

.r Jv ’o

] ( i h t e h t l ' / Z

m m •

Q f & i

j . . jO W ’F ^rl;:

' k / a r u t P r u s ^

>.T'S / V O U A L P E A O V . . T — \ H A V E E N O U G H Y

Swiss bonk accounts. Thoso suggest woman and child there has about

avings. More likely. lbot]gh, the Japa- ipproximately $10,000 each m erit that

)ng did the most damaging earthquake try last?06 San^ a n c is c o quake? Forty-seven _ en cam e the fires'.

>ng would it take a Jogger In his Jesus' around the m iddleof the world?F^.At6mph,


1 Mcdical Journal p i^llshed this 1or the common cold In 1841: “Nall V -------wall near the foot of your bed, then it bed, and drink spirits until you see j________________________________• ' I

describe yourself o s one who has I irage good health? JJ so. you most ; iched ^ u r Idea! adull body weight a l |

the native longues of the West Indies, 1 ord for weather, I’m told.

IT car 2.5 lim es a year is average, too.

to L.M. Boyd lo care o f this oew quh I

Lhings as you want them to be. Don't rush out later for expensive fun. j

IF YOUR a i lL D IS BORN TODAY. Ile' or she will sec nothing wrong In | !tthers and will weigh and balance of jiverythiog nicely. Encourage this. Jfour progeny will have his or her eye. |ipened lo things a s they are. Provide jI good diet and give i^ ig lou s train* jng. • ■ I


C a n c e

M I C H A E L C O NPlw ypr^ P M I Fgtff

L o v e r

i s w e eDEAR ABBY; l l ie man

exclusively Is about to wi wanting sex so often. He's 35. He wants sex twice a dt settle for ooce. I don't wai oDce a day; three or fourtli Is plenty for me. I weekends.

All our frleods knew hlj was m arried to his first said he was after ber all tb after 10 years sbe was so she divorced him. I can rel If ld o n ’t give Intohlm. hei and acts dq)rived until 1 having to go through tbe n to satisfy him. I think sex i mutual pleasure.

We've been dating for twi we really care about eadi I refuse to m an y him untl blem Is worked o u t 1 (hi something w nng with him. heard of a man wantlog 'sex

-N C r= = D B y 8 J iO T L A m a r ^

wide disparity In your i peUtes. Worse yet, be's t

— iDwnslderate.. ■ ■

“ go (hrough tbe rootlwis" I man. o r “ ^ v e in" to stop hi "Y<$irarierwla6toreruseto unless this problem is reso

* really cares for you, he y counseling. If be refuses goodbye and wish him luch

- a more s e x u ^ y compatible

DEAR ABBY: TWs. Is n — problemTDurit’ffbearbothe

In the last census quest put down (ha( our Income b l g h ^ ^ e ^ (bm U jre a ^

wan( future generations to ancestors were poor nobod ally our income had b( higher, but my husband waj the time.)

I realize now how silly (here anything I should do exaggeration po tbe cenU n n n n tra ?


Census Bureau are aware people *‘exaggerato" tbeli while others underestimate all averages out. So the v herq (and there) Is to sidplL

A p e ssa v i fro m rept

. . NAIROBI. Kenya (UPI Kenyan govemment no lon batwm s thrown to crocoi Instead will sell them for

__G xperim ^ts abroad to eaicurrency, innuueiM rted Ti

------ Ibe^StffliSiw-Dew^wpeieast African nation's tn baboonpopulatlon got a rep: TOrts — from Malna Wa m inister for tourism and wll

He ordered , that tbe Ulll boons sh (^ d stop and ins should be trapped alive for i sdenU nc“ rese4rcb;-Uius Kenya foreign currency.

l l ie government f advocated feeding tbe ba

— crocodllesrellmlnatlng-the- satlsfying tbe crocodiles’ fresh meat.

I t had been hoped tbe poi: d eter (he crocodiles from humans.

WaAjlgi made' bis rema weekend meeUag of farme rural nortbeastero district where baboons are a ma

' destroying thousands of dollj of crops per^rear.

Beauty keepsZURICH, Swltterland

Swissair to ld . stewarde: Bartschl she could keep h spito posing for Playboy ma,

H ie Swiss naUonal aL warned the 2 4 -y e a^d s before tbe photographs app she could be nred If Swlssalj tlon were tarnished.

vB ut. there Is nothing I about tbe photos we have no' qMkesmansald.

Q p l i C

er clain

H i h y s l e Msriy Sl la im e d ies, d ie * 'a s 5 8. o n r a d < Kennel

w h e n itm e n t a lta i SI b e e n I

w a s a l l l e im p c r o l e l n e a c h s c

in w h je rs , " I

M in r a d c3 N R A D b u t s e n s it: g t c r h a u s s e r g e a n t _ y ------------------------ h a v e n o f o

r ^ s a p p i

a r i n g hnan I 'm d a t in g » w e a r m e ou t le 's 42 a n d I 'ma d a y .b u t b e ’U »w a n t s e x e v e n I ^ . rUmessvreek I dread the

’ him wben'he " “J * ■ n w d e a r Al 1 tho Ume, Lejdngton,’

t r e la te to th a t , p r g,b e p o u ts M p w e d d in g a n U I do . I h a te I a m a 7i le m o U o n s ^ ^ r e t o re< e x s h o u l d b e a •w o u ld c o n s l

• A w e d d in ; twojiearsand couule's ht <* o lto , but I cStaln mu

nMirlagel: th in k (h e re s n a r t i c s a r e

i lm . l 'v e n e v e r S i o n y s a y s s e x s o o f t e n . U v e " — o N O T U P T O r r l i ^ f o r e . o U y -tb e r e - ls a —5 T 5 S a T 5 ^ d a t e ■s selOsh and ^ me ,u

iMmpmeotoj ' ' t o s a ^ a notl My hu phlsnagglog. m arriage. 1

reso lved . I f b e n j v e r s a r i e s le w ill g o fo r« » to “ y ( If youu c k l n ^ n g because yotib le p a r tn e r . send for Ab

. . . letter-wriUns n o t r e a l ly a stanmed «r th e r tn g i r a . tcje sU o n n a lre I p Q a x t .>me w a s a t a 90038.) l ly w a s — forIbAt 1 d ld il 'l -------------------------> to th InkU > e ir | V i n t € bodies. (A c tu -

b e e n m u d i B e a w a r ew a s l a i d o f f a t ' I n g ly c l e a r

F r o Q to r p a t il ly I w a s . Is s h a d y q n t id o a b o u t th is r o u n d e d b y :c e n su s g u e s- t h e n o r th , a j________ hrirfg i* f loaU TFX )OLISH a n d a t t h e Ip e o p le a t tb e a n d c ro w n e cire ( h a t s o m e a c c id e n t s Ih e i r Incom e , d r i v e r . T h isia te th e ir s . I t ‘ S t a t e P o l i e e . e w o rd f ro m

’’ “ liailgi'rliii, ! Doiellived I

s t i l e s j IJPI) - The I Klo n g e r w a n ts ^ y7. >codiles, a n dfo r s d e n U f ic -r. Qe a r n fo re ig n a- H

IT u esd a y ." --------- *ip ersa ld 'th e----- -------------- :troublesome Ijj _ ^

th e ill C # i w ild life . IU lllD g o f b a - lil J in s te a d th e y tor export Ior' _ l u s , f to m ln g |d

p re v io u s ly ^ ' y j b a b o o n s , to Ur M f f ." I

l g pe s t s a n d ------- n ^ H | | | l

p o lic y w ou ld m a t ta c k in g

m a r k s a t a ^ | z ^ ■mers In tb e V;' le t o f la m u , -f: m a jo r p e s t . :-i io l l a r s w o r th g g S

« j o b ' 1 i l ld ( U P I ) - i | | 5nless SonJa S p h e r io b d e - | 2 |magazine. az m S airline had |i.:. p

1 stewardess |iTi ' Ip p e a re d tbat salr's reputa-

[g d is ta s te fu l u s | j i j M | j | | j | in o w s e e n ." a .

___________ - 1 '

n s ‘ H i l lANGELES (UPI) - Actor 1 Conrad, who twice won I for his role as tbe tough but ' SgL PtiUlip Elstertiaus on tbe ted "HiU Street Blues" TV iled of cancer early Tuesday.58. __ ___ _d died of urethra] cancer at neth Norris Jr.-Cancer Hospi*- ere be had been receiving n t for about two years, a spokesman said. Tbe actor

n hospitalized about 10 days- alone when be died, iposlng 6>foot-4 actor played a' •in-*‘HHl Street-Blue8,J*-start-- I segment with a morning roll which be warned his fellow "Becareful out there." d once described (he hulking sitive Esterhaus, tbe head : who seemed to provide a

calm In (he storm of police

} e t i t e i e r o u t

^ A b ig a i l X / a n B u r e n

D e a r A b b y —

ABBY: To s Is tor "Hurt in n ," the widow wbo com- t>ecause nobody sent ber a

congratulated her on ber anniversary.t 70-year^ld widow, and if I receive anniversaiy cards I oslder It a mockery, ling anniversary e b ra te s a having been married for a number of years — but a } lasts only as long as both ire alive. Tbe marriage cer- lys " as long as ye both shall

o r words to (bat effect, e, wtten one person dies, tlie

te of my marriage means a and I cherish (he memories

> the ^ y alooe? AbMliHely husband’s death ended that 5._I am no Iwiger a married and t h ^ are no more an* es t o '‘celebrate."

-ARIZONA WIDOW li put o ft writing letters ivu don’t know wbat to say, Abby’s complete booklet 0 0 ting. Seod S2 and a loag.(37 ceats). selt-addressed

' l o ~ M b y r le tter 'B b o kl& r~( 38323, Hollywood. Calif.

ter driving tipire W hen driving 00 seem* ar Idaho roads (bis winter, latcbes of ice tend to settle In Kite, a t Intersectkms s a ^ xy tall buildings or trees, 00 aod west_skies of hills, on

oon._JUSftm$LuadapaaBa_ e bottom of banked curves led roads. Preveot potenUal

by being a wintec-wlse il8 reminder from (be Idaho ee.

> R rsr 'C o su o lry o f W ar ■ j j ^



• Ftt. til

1 S t r t i e lor work, as “ a cop who's t on stree t too many yes u t burned oul." tie He lost bis bid for a th V y ea r to James O V. Elswbere." (Jonrad wl!

"HiU Street" episodes Bt wlth'flve more Still to bl )1— spokesman said, lg Conrad missed pari a filming because .ofji;___nie(work officials would

m e um e tie -was sl cancer,

a The actor previously t ,— (he-T V -series-i-’Delvi U Judd Hirsch and Caiaric


" ^ _ :s l y

l -Wi 3 H a p

> . X m


H: | > 1 6 p w

1 l g

l i i f c G ± r

H i - h ;PAlU7M-240eOMI 3344I7S ■

»r'ro n o to u ilo , t It to anyone.

W tH E -[ i X N T U R V K l i0 . TilB-tiie -. (Il0-7iis-til0 .til lO N lY '


U . 9 _________

L i ; i i c i i 4s been out ra th e thedaytir ears, and was N i^ t ."

He'macthlrdEm m ythis em for a Coco of "St. movies In iiiU appear In 10 "Castle les this season. Horses, D be shot, an NBC A nati'

appeared u i of tbe 1982 and toure I illness, but of "A S ir Id not confirm a t "M r. Ro sUffering'Trom—Hollywooi

career wi lly co-starred In as "Nake Ivecchlo.". with "Rawhidt ries Kald. and In G6"and” >

; CO M pI im E NTaIWllh ovory hair donsliy m o h a

^ ^ ^ ^ ■ jlo u rJh a jrw JL n avsollor tool nt^dooA nolhor Si . No £x ti


p p y T h a n k s


H e hoa everythitit He cdn’t ^ o r d

H e’s g o f to m ake all th

TWU ( n i n e

..................JNBOTHT<WrtD. 7 jM

THURS. Si40-: R )i.7 ]90-

T w i j r ^ _________


' d C t e rrtime soap opera "The Edge«

iade'hirfflmdebut-ln-*‘Requ • a Heavyweight" His otb« , Included “lh e Longest Yard,J Keep" and "Ihey Sbo< ,D on’tlTiey?" iUve~of~New-York,-Cwira ed on Broadway In " llw Lark ired with naUonal productlor Streetcar Named Desire" ar R oberts" before moving I ood,“ wherB"he"began-hl5-T witli guest shots In such serie Iked City," ‘“Hie Defendere, ide,” "Wagon Train,’’ “Hpul 1»A11 IntheFam U y."-

^ y h a Ir r ^ ^ raS oSsir so rv ico • incroaso Iho ha ir sh o lls 3 0 % to 5 0 % •

lQVO_o_moro boaulHul shlno.___Dorrris wlli lasl Idngo'f •

r S p e c ia lty Sorvico Al Ixira Chargo Ftom

F O R M A T IO N S . M i W L T a ( - -------------

s g i y i n g V

F r o m V

A U O t U s

i m e n v a ^ - . 1

^ y Q O O tn w . p

6 : 3 0 W * j

m f f l C T l I THEADVENTl v a a m I A MODELM.OKLV jTAm------MIMtATIia I

'ERD. riOO-«i3S . 4iSO-riOO-ti2(.rioeoNiv

l i i l l Mina o t stake, rd to / o s e . 0 ^th e right movet. M B


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4 TOWNS :30-9:20 l0 -7 :» -9 :2 0 30-»i20


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I t ejo u te • M o m . n e e d s ' j t h o k i d s t o a t


— - I ---------:— —I > 1 1 m

\ L o c a l ^5 T w in

_ „ | _ 1 . — I

r v I k R o o s tI s a u c er ‘ m a s h iI w / f / A m e a t 1

A i n

B f E a t l


p I^ P G oo


VTURES OF ^ o m e t h l f J g T F i SON . J h e h e o r s fh

■ y j ; 2nd MOVi ^ K j k onoctotjer-v), [ BlyMKscunnk ' rurinino trie (Tl

rac eln C M n p K

B u t t t w a s n th o w h e n m s n etc w a s w tie r e ntnatmadenirr

M iR U N

^ tw in i j i i

W orlnesc


m^ R I S T A U R A I

— A N D Y - & A A A N U E I

a n k s g i v i n g ^


Dad!I a b r e a k f ro m t h e k l tc h c ] d i n n e r o u t , a n d b y r e q u e s

IN E S D A Y O N L Y - 2 : C___________ By O nly

j acTOM from S n n . D ow ntow n In F a lls . 733-8231.O pan M o n d a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ C l o a a d S u n d a ^

T r a d i t i o n a l T h a

S p e c i a l E1 1 A . M . M 1

s t t u r k e v w i th d r e s s i n g , Bi : e , f r e s h h o t r o l ls , c r a r h e d p o t a t o e s & g r a v y , c It p i e s , c o m p le t e s o I o d a n d

You Can \ withoutth e cleanup ..........

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/ •

' A r m sG E N E V A , S w ita

________ Amfirican antLSftvl(Tuesday to di& nuclear weapons, ficials said Moscow parallel talks on E

________ expected acceptannuclear forces.

Dclcgales to the Reduction Talks, oi

------------ jUBt-one^HKir-befoo

N i c a r iBy United Press InU

Nicaragua charg U.S.-backed reJxiIs

------------ tory-from -bases-lCosta Rica and wan Washington was

• • ‘^criminal actions” between the two nati

. . The..Nicaracuansatd Insurgents of Democratic Forcc i a ttacks Sunday on U Santo Tomas del Ni

; province. 100 mlU

P o l a nle a d &

■ w id ^ t-W/\RSAW, Poland

leader Wojclech Ja r new military powers him wlU> more aui other person In tlic Cime’s 39-year histor

Tlie Sejm, or pai Jaruzclsld dialrmai

• Defense Committee making him tiio ur iiiandcr of the arn power to declare

, militarize Industry. Jaruzelski rcsfgn

------------- rotainod-his-twoandCommunlsl.Part;

Tho n ew . app<------------ Jaruzelski — the — r

authority any single sincc Poland's O

................em m ent was foundedAt the sam e time

dlcations Jaruzelski i long-rnnf’e prcpnratl premiership and coi tentlon on leading Party.

Tho CU-ycar-oId gen________ of his rollcagues. fr

ruling Politburo into as deputy premier it noinic policy. T h e .

------------ pnm iutto ir— iridfcatMessner, might • candidate to succee< premier.

Jaruzeiskl’s deputy yeare,_Lt. Gen. F lorl; over os defense mln^l

The Sejm ^Iso voli am nesty offered to i

_______ Solidaritv undcrcrotu31. The amnesty was tive to Oct. 31, the e* the first amnesty, m artial law was l if t^

Underground Soli have spumed all app surrender. They cont restoration of their f movement while org; against many of the gime’s policies.

Burm a I ends in l

MlNG/\Iv\DON. Bl Two North Koreans, t! swathed ih 'bandage hunds wcrc biown ofl

_______ Tuesday for scttlm; a I: 21 poople.'Ii'icludlhi; fo

the SouUi Korean cubii Uiedealij penalty if fou

Troops ringed the gj os n court and pollcc at lined the road outsii

____ planes drded .overhcmen. handcuffed and escorted I)y plaincloth tlie courtroom at W jniles north of the Buri

---------- HnnROffir-----------------l l ie two suspects,

days after Uje Oct. 9 t identified as Maj. Zin Kenj; Min Chui. The were not rcvcatedruotl Uieir rl{;hl hands when f’rcnadcs trying to es< explosion, appeared lo 2(>S.

The men are ciuirge and illei;al poK.scHsion Uie IwinbinK in liaiigi four Uurmc.sc and. 17 5 iiivliiditti;- Uie four tm cabinet. •

Vlsiluij; SouUi Kon Chiiti IXk) I Twan escapc

■ 'ul Uie MaVtyrs Mausok w'.'us delayed ii|. a tra Huruiese government munJst North Korea o a ttack and severed dl; t/oiis.-

In court, the gove form al charges and as! cuscd men two de/cnso

A-10 T Im os-N ow a. Tv

V o rld ---------

is talks/Itzerland (UPI) — jointavletjiecouatorajiiet__negod ls c ip long-range Th IS, but Western of- next cow mighl break off An n European missiles the itonmuiy__gave—lls— m isstance lo new U.S. next _the Strategic Anns th a f !, o r START, mel for befoi

r a g u a , r eIntemaUonal Mani

norti:arged Tuesday lhal Oniis attacked Its Icrri- woun s-ln -1 tonduras-and— said ,mmed Honduras that BuiIS supporting the Septiis” to provoke a war rebellalions. daysm Foreign Ministry Pala<of the Nicaraguan tlgua

Hi or FDN launched Nicain Uie border posts at otherI Norte, Chlnandega Th<nllcs northwest. of duras

nd"s n? ir g e t ^ ~ p o w e rand (UP!) - Polish Jaruzelski was given ers Tuesday Uiat left autiiority than any the Communist rc-

slory.parliament, elected nan of Uie NaUonal lee, a new poslUon unquestioned corn-

armed forces, wiUi re martial law or y. «'ifgncd as defense^the_ncw_post but______ithcr.UUes^prcmier__ __piarty leader. ^ippolntment gave g — most— sw eeping- —-p | Igle person lias haa

Communist gov- ^ded in 1944.- -------- A -me, -there were in* I }ki might be making rations lo yield the concentrate his at-

ng the Communist

general brought oneL from the party 's______ _nto the government " r in c h ^ e of eco- . ic wording of theicBted Zbigniew------------ht eventually bc a xc d Jaruzelski as

<uty for Uie past tolorlan Siwicki. took________n^ler.voted to extend an lo members of the■oimd throush Dec.________was made retroac- i expiration date of ity. offered when : i ^ lost summer.Solidarity leaders ippeals for them loenUnue to demand ._____Ir free trade union irganlzing protests the Communist rc-

bom b I trialBurma (UPI) —

}. their right wrisls ages whero Uielr off, went on trial

1 a bomb lhal killed i; four members ol abinel. They faced found guilty.2 gynmasiuip used cnrmedwithrifles tsidc. Six fii;hter rhcad.as the two _ md limping, were oUies guards inlo

Mingaiadon. 13 turmcsc capital of

Is. captured two 9 bombing, were

Sin Mo and Capl. rheir hometowns

len Uiey detonated ' escape after the

I to bcin their late

rged wlUi munler ion of firearms in mgoon that killed 17 South Koreans, members of tho

<orenn Presldeni □petiUiecxplosfpn ioluum because he traffic jam . The

»nt accused com* a of planning the

diploinalic rela-

ovemmenl filed assigned the ac-

50 lawyers.

.T w in F a lls . Idaho W oclncs

5 targetint luncheon given by Uic:Bo»atiag.team.____________The two sides agrewl lo meet. actT uc^ay.American and Soviet ncgotlaU e parallel talks on medlum-i IssUcs-inJBurope prcporcdior xl session Wednesday. rHer^liarT>ech"wldc~specul a f the mccUng tould be the fore Moscow breaks off Uie ncj

ebels figlonagua, and a t Murupuchl. 151 rth o fJa la p a .Dnly one Sandinista soldier lunded in the attacks. Uie MirId______ __________________liut th e FDN’s clandestine 1 p tiem brc radio station cla t}cls attacked four towns in n ys in Nueva Segovia provin( Jacaguina, Tcipancca, Cludai iua and San Fernando — killln caraguon troops and woundli lers.Pho radio, believed based in ras, sa id other combat occi


D o s ig n o d fo r tl ' . _ Cot

Two loyor* ol highojt quality coro ior a pol ihot cooi«t oxcopl eoiy lo car« (or. Tho »teln1e>t foodt. The aluminum coro It ll- for perfoclly ovon hvot diitributi


A v a l l a b l o I n t o t s a n d o p o n S p c . s o t l i s t $ 1 7 6 .0 0 SPECI

.■ F fC O .G If t .W ro p p ih g L d y d w

147 Mow Avrwut W»»T

iC 5 d a y JS p ''o m b o f 23.1983


t long -2the U.S. Moscow has c

to break off Ux jcl again ixjglns ifs cli

U.S.*made crui Jators a t m issiles in Wcstc im-range The Wcsl Ger ior.lhclr__£xpectcd-tO-giv

Tuesday to sU 3culatlon— m lsslles-on-ltsu the last o ffic ios said lh< negotla- cause the SovIe t«. , .Ih reat________

{ h t b n 3 i15 miles along the Rio Cot

forcc named licr was killed another t3 Ministry • injured 35 othen_________ Plane.*; of theKJ 15 de F ront." claimcd However, San n recent ficials said only vincc — killed and 18 olh idad /\n- bat.Illing IGO Foreign Minis nding GO sont a strongly w

■ h is ftonduran c In Hon- P az Bam ica, w

KTCurrcd m ust stop.

■4C THEFARBE ite e^ eoLLECir t h o P e r s o n w h o A p p r o a i C o p k in g

lity slo ln lo is stool tu rro u n d o :opllonolly w oil ond Is oxcoptlot e>t tioe l ro lalna 111 boouty «nc It Ihroo layors thick Ihroughou ibutlon ond for th e bo st hoo '-spr )laamlno.<txlQclor-and.jaiJayJn m onteo^kw oro o t lt» j o n S to c k .E C I A L ...................... Idways.dvQilgblo:.:;:.,.—

P h o n *I J L l 793-S477 Vs

-w :PA

o f-------------- ^

fo i........................... . a n

s t rw ea nfo r

P o' C a

ra n g e \constanUy threatened

lhe talks NATO it

■ulse and Perahing-2 ^ stem Europe. S5erman parliament wasilve_lts_nnnl. approval__thstationing new NATO pi •territory.‘ and Western— m the decision could well t r lets to ca rry out their fa ___________ 1-^_______;— la

f r o n t s I?oco, where a rebel lask

“ Rafaela Herrera” U136 government Iroops, g;rs and ‘Idestroyed two ^le. roiling Siuidinlsla g ,

JJandlnista military of* g Jy nine soldiers wero ^ thers wounded In wm*

lister Miguel d ’Escoto Sworded protest note to *counterpart Edgardo gwarning the attacks S

ERWARE® **f F l O N - - ^ ------------a c h o s

o thick a lum inum lonolly d u ra b le ond ind n e v er ro o d * lo o o t Ihe on llro pan >preodlnn a n d hoot* inlOCio£.llGi>h-CQrn-.______




P a r k a n e w h o t p f in s u la t io n in y o u nd-ldaho-F>Q w eTTi iv e y o u c a s h to he^ 3 r it: I n s ta l l s to rm i n d “w in d o w s rw e a l r i p p i n g a n d o th e r /e a t l i e r i z a t i o n m e : n d w e m a y y iv e yt ) r th e m , too.■ It 's a l l p a r t o f I d a o w e r s E n e rg y Sav la sh G ra r lt* p ro g ra

I '


wsapo!NATO say s It is slallonin

_lLS-jnissUea_tcu»unlec_im edlum -range missiles a placc, induding 243 tripli SS-20's targeted on Western

The Soviels charged Mo tho Unltwl p |n p twprom ise offer al the

‘medium-ranBe--wcapons- Iributed It to Moscow "to false im pression'' lhal thei

- tn n 11/^ ^ tn n lln r pn

I • S u n d

I : m !S A nto inette ':^ ioojH*rM.»d

____— ___ ----------------

f ‘ C o m o V i s i t T h o s t ' B u h l S t o r e s a n d G ^ C h r i s t m a s G if t Id o a s



p i n k r o l l a n d , 3 u r a l t i c p a y t

L e l p p a y a n d ( ri d o o r s p a y fia th e r= ----------------S o3r f^hom ie a s u r e s o r d r y o u c a s h tio n (

Idah (I a h o g i v e ;a v e r o n gor a m , y o u ’v

’• A v u H u b l o i n I t l u h n t/


k n c GAIf M

ining the new B e;r 630 Soviet____________ _i already in •Iplc-warhead jm Europe. u

C talks on • lavish fn JS—and— a l— —"lo creatc a adi:Iks Soviet Un-ipesiUan_______ __ Im m i

C h r i s t mnday, Novembe

PTBID a n V e r

• e s - .«oNo»tM

1 “0 5 0 T h r e o F

G o t Y o u r Io s ____________ 2 ■

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cl, i f y o u q u a l ify , il’ / f o r a t l e a s t p a r i oj r "WGctt‘n Gri^cition~id c o u l d , in s o m e Ci / f o r t h e m a l l. J o T f y o u - h e a tT O u r m e w i l h e le c tr ic i ty d r o p b y a v v e a lh e r 1 d e a l e r o r y o u r lo ih o P o w e r o f f ic e . \ e y o u a l l t h e d e ta il g e t t i n g th e n e w ro I ’v e a l w a y s w a n te iJ on ly .


' f c € r / f c \ \IRDENCEHTERe A G r a c i o u s G u e s t ----------- T a k e - a - G i f t E r j

L et y o u r h o s t o s s k n o w h o , h o r e f f o r t s w i f h a v o r

io lp y o u s o l o c t ju s t t h o r ig h lul quality m um s a n d olliur blootn n eonterpit-c<?> o l l iefruit bo^koli

DDISON AVENUE EAST AT EASI O p e n M on.'Sat. 9:00*0:(

n a s O p ep e r 2 7 - 1 2 N o o r

f t n r f n m - ^ ■ \

m z o n . J e w e l e rHH MOAOWAV •_ J ___ j_____ Eia_

E ~ s

■ Z Z

ma « ( « « ( « « » « *

Ja c k p o t , f*Jovado

Call to ll f r e e 734-13

^ W E D N Ein fla tion Fight(

$ | 0 C

----------o n o u r r o g u l a r $ l , 9 3

C risp y fried chi< - -mg;hgd'pot°.<o'

T h is c o u p o n g o o d o

S t PO R

^ ____________________it'll o f .1-c o s ts ------------ ---------c a s e s ,

ty, c a l l ;r iz a - !ocal W e ’ll

lils .■oils ■ e d .

3S t T h i s T h a n k s g i v i n g , E r ^ j m - K e l l e y 's . ! _____________________' h o w m u c h y o u a p p r o d a t o v o r y s p o c i o l . g i f t . W o ’ll r lg h l o n o in o n y p r i c o r o n g o .coming plorilv

■ASTLANO. TWIN FA LLS • 734-8516 •0*0:00; S u n d a y 1 2 :00-S :00 f


en f fo o s ^ io n t o 5 p . m . 5

--------3 - 4 r f S ^ 4 ------------1 —

■ IT h e H e a r t G a l l e r y t t

3»0 NOSTH I llh ■ M-MM

. R o f r o s h m o n t s , F u n a n d ^ C h r i s t m o s C h o o r ._____________f t

Frs« Limited E dition Animal Print by' S C yn th ie W s a r d e n W llh Minimum E , P u rc h ate o t E ach ^


l E S D A i r ^ g

l i t e r C o u p o n ( l l

IO ' 1 ■ O F F I

, 9 3 W o d : n I t o 6 u f f o t -------— / j — ■■------

:hicken, v e q e ta b le , [ t:r.o.e5:ond:sqlacj bor„ . Ul i_ —)d o n W o d n o s d a y o n l y I

L ............. .......... .

■— -

G i i r l iBy TERRY RICH

-----T/m es-News correspoa

TWIN F/U.I-S — Im, contest and no one shov

a Well, that’s what s « - g ■■■ inT w jaga lls .a tJeasr..

M arta Cheatle. the Miss Idaho USA pag m ixture of surprise anc the way down. (Saturd spent four hours a l ' interview girls, and not

" I ’ve been to Twin a I attractive ' girls that S nobody wanted to run.”

\s^(C t

“ ' " W i t h pBy/\N N ETTEC,\R T/m es-News writer

MURTAUGH - gliders m ay seem n for a kindergartei high-school physics

But Murtaugh sl enough physics fro toys to bring hon pri3»!S a t the Univ< “ Physics Day." hel schools last Friday.

After a half day o r z _ -Z apairilcsT eaaie rriJ

the class — comp 5 senior students - -I — • learned to use.-build 1 Alter eight.daysI ing. they cam e up \

□ ............. — .b ased on a .mof----------- Mariiyn-Andereon^ij for her Cub Scout U) m ade out o t p la' cartons, stayed al

university 's contest T hat was long

second prize and $! and the o ther s ix ^ w ho' h e l ^ her. thews, wilh the a s Ross, designed the

------------- thlrdi>tae»jmd425-Teacher Marvin A

a r t of successful gli( lies In careful balan and span of the wing

VThere a re equa use to figure the wel M umnis says. But his calculus is rust learned by trial and

---------------- OnTh-fe-wrnHlhg-etlited forward aboi enough lo crcate j above the back sld and thus keep the ph

A bobby pin a l I____ a irplane provided bi

clips stafilHzea il brought lhe glider speciflcalions. /Ml weigh a t least 10 gra much as to raisins, n

He speculates U could have stayed longer had the wing ther, but the class the size of the egg ca

The gliders are build as they may

. a fle re igh tdayso fp i model rcconslructe News photographer i

----------------Instoad.-lUswoopbriefly before no enough width on the much curve In the > decided.

The class’s othe Physics Day — a

-------------powered by aTnousesuccessful.

The students enli

Girl dies fa rm m is

BURI-KY — A 7-yea g irP was killed instan evening when she becar

. in farm machinery. Jan a e Yost, the dau;:

and Jeanne Yost, died a farm , alwut three ml Burley, according to (

• County sheriff’s Deputy 13 The accident occurred

when Uie child’s pant entangled in the powei s tationary tractor. Her drawn into the device, ( and she died a l the scene.

Coroner Bruce Young s died from internal and he

A full obituary is on Pai

WMiIs-shoImagine holding Q tw a u ty hows up.^ m s lo be happening —S t.______________________ J.____ :he stalo director for the jageant, soys - with a ; andchagrin — “l drove all , urday)-lo-Twin-P»«s-and— Ql T he Paris, wailing to i notaslngleonecam eby. n and seen so many really a t it surprised me that in."

too l * lass ides 'p h y s i c s,\RYler

— Building model n more appropriate rten class than a. ics class.I students learned from building the iome two of nine liverslty ot Utah’s held for area high ay.y of studying aero-rnn .lhe.sem (^er,-z:^ : ____mposed of all the •- - pul what they

iildln« gliders,-------------------[ys Of expcninenti ip wllh a prototypemodel that* senior...............an^s-moUicr made .-----------It troop. The plane, plastic foam egg

aloft during the est for 4.2 seconds, lg enough to win 1 $50 for <\nderscn IC girls in the classr. Harrison Mat-.............assistance of Jeff

Jie entry that won->c ______in Mumms says the glider construction lancing and the tilt ings.luations we could weight of the tail," ^;ut he admits that ■usty. so the class nd error.g-entryrthtrwlnBT----------- ^bout two degrees, e an air vacuum side of the wings,! plane aloft.It the front of theJ ballast and paper _____

ihe winiis and der up to weight -dl gliders had to grams, or about as s . Mumms says.I that the ^Ider Jd in lhe air even Ings extended for- iss was limited by [cartons,re not as easy to iay appeor. Evenif practice, the first _____cled for a Times-

nose-dlving. Not the bac the tail fins and too "The le wings.- the class sudden

mechai>lher project for Mumm .a miniature car loosmc

usetrap--w as less----- T h e -Inches

entered a wooden feet oi

iin S as h o p TWIN

■ Sawlooth_ ^'ear-old Uurley again this tantly Monday to pick arcame entangled trees.

T ree p

yBUlCryslal.odatG:45p.m.. Closednt leg became creek . Bwer unit of a c reek . to!ler body was Neal CanyJ. Crystal said. , bqu, q,,ne. B aker Crclg said the child er, the ciiI head Injuries, spruce orPageB2. , permitted,


Cheatle. who is a formei — says sho has girls entered h

many other towns. But beauiy contests'have beer bad name.

She sees nothing wrong n—.scholarships------ ----

‘■/Americans are compel pete in sports, for jobs am else; shesays.

------“ I-thlnk it’s feminism,’-*ting on why she thinks bea gotten a bad name. “ W' scream ing that beauty pag ing. What’s degrading abo and improving yourself?"

a r r i s o n M a t th e w s g iv e s tack wheel.Tie transfer of energy was to Icn between the sourcc and th tianism that powered it. im s says. And the wheels wer mall, he says.e-M urtaugh-car-ro lied -fou JS — lo the winning entry 's 9 o n ' old phonograph recor

awtootl4 FALLS - Mosl of Ihi th National Forest will t>e opei his year to families who wan and cut .their own Christma;

permits for lodgepole ant s fir went on sale Monday foi ih e m pari of the forest, ai Scrvlce offices In Ketchum anc

and at the headquarters.foi .wtooth National Recreatlor ist north of Ketchum. d areas will • Include Trai:

Bald Mountain and. Eagl( to the mouth of and including inyon.the Warm Springs Creek anc :reek-areas are open. Howev. cutting of blue or Englemor or Ponderosa pine will not b« ed. ------

J lessmer Miss Idaho USA. a si Inthe pageant from „_ sh c ut she worries that fjnc leen unfairly given a woi!

Clg with competing for strs

peiitlve." They wTiv thai and most everything fjna

Seo,’-1 sho says, commen-— Kor aeauty pageants have Mis ‘•Women's lib keeps c i pageants are de"{^ad- tale about tx!ing beautiful ca n



■ 6£_s o n e o f th e g l i d e r s a

c a r’ iliat they cor > too one-inch melal wh 1 the wound around the bi it." supposed to send lh

vere across the floor whei was sprung. Bul all

four— w heclsrlt'd ld beat ' ■s 91 senl out clouds of sn cord left the starting line.

th o p enthe More detailed infc

•pen obtained by contacl /ani three offices. mas pcrmlLs for cuttini

, in the Soulh H ill's N will be sold on site fi

‘OJ p.m. on Dec. 3.4.10 ai If enouRh snow Is

f o r ' access lo Uie site maj tlon snowmobiles,

I-'or more Infonna rail caii the Twin Falls iglC officc at 734-5490. ling Permits for plnon |

. trees in the Burley and w lllbe-issuedfrom Si /ev- Dec. 3. 4, 10 and I I . ' nan be issued for a one-r I be Raft River Division.

For furUier inform;

M eim teiActing as state direclor is ic_says_She_does_not_m nanclally. shesays. "If 1 didi oiildn’t do il."Cheatle says she entered raighl years before winning llit.pul.meJnto_collcfie..': s lat there was no way her me rian c ^ her education. She » u l, Korea, where she m et i orean familics,shesays t.- a: Iss USA pageant.;Cheatle says this particular lent contest because a lot o innol afford to put them thr illet lessons.

= = 1 C

--------------------------- ByU1 ^ ^ Tim e

“ TW.In 10'

Thi /\nde 1983-1

- Of/\lI..............■ An<

for tt has r both I

A p tes l il lo a g

The snow topo l


.B y .\r__________ _____________TJinc:

TW again

. • . .a t th “ “ Kxpo

som e\jOC

colleg lon w; ••Doc'

-------- ™ ... .............------------------ ----------m ana

b a m '...................... Bul

Ihecc e re d I

• . , “ W*■ U nite

said Vicke o fth e

Hor th e E: lh e o

---------------------------- faVmehorse of COI Cenle

,. Bernii Horse

jA The------------------- helda''v a t a c

^ ^ Of tha\ to re n

► - T horsesforth<


p. TWI

F alls

a le s t fUghlonstrucled with T he /heels. A cable Bill H< back wheel, was J a n 1 lhe car spinning J a c k I len a mouse trap Ci ly Ci Jl lhat spun was . in lhe«t one entryUiat- ------fiaMsmoke but never develo ;. Intercj

-_______ I th ree

IS treeiformation can bc ca ll th icting .one of the alG78-

.\llping lodf’cpole pine ta ll w Magic Bum area su p e n from 10 a.m..to 3 o v er e an d lL lional:Is on.the ground. iay be restricted to

Treelation and maps. j,:s Ranger District such a

w in ter:i pine and juniper S erv lc y Ranger District-. .All t 9 a.m. to 2 pm . on . be less . The permits will th e slu }-milc area of the should

P e rrmation and maps, tre e s a


rest tlis a labor of love. It is t -m ake-thaU m uch Chea lidn'l believe in it. 1 - charac

---------------------facclslred and lost two “ Eve lg the title herself. . winnerlshe.soys.-adding_.upJ!__m o th e r c o u ld h a v e <\llhc h e ’s a ls o x b e e n lo sh o w ed I t m a n y w o n d e r fu l p a g e a n - a l l p a id fo r b y th e . , clonate*

d if fe re ilar pageant has no "We I of girls’ families hesa id through singing or After

place j

^ " f • •

^ k i i n j

Resort own' BONNIE BAIRD JONES— t j c s - N c w s w r i te r

rWIN FA f.f^ " "The best c to yea rs.’’rh a t was the report by iderson on Tuesday's openini «-84 ski season a t PomerelU .\lbion.Vndcrson. the owner of the • the past 10 years, says the s never had a better opeoln th ciuallty and quantity of sno V good-sized crowd was on tI ils ski legs and get the sea J good start, hesaid.[•he resort is reporting 30 ln< )w a l the lodge and 46 inchcs ) o f the runs.

H o r s e cB u t s o m e e c.INNETTECVRY nes-News w r i te r

*WIN F A fJ^ — .\rea horse c lin are pushing for stalls to b th e College of Southern' I po Cenler, despite opposltloi nc educators.« ca l horse clubs have ask. lege to build stalls since the w as constructed in 1976. .\n

oc’’ Wonderlich, the own sea'cwTFarmsrsays the’com nagingUie center promised •n would tw built by 1977. lul Monday night was the |irs colleee’s board of trustees <

d the addition.We have the finest facility ited Slates. i\nd yet. il’s unusII J im Vickers, the owr kers Westem Wcat and a m' he Quarte^Horse ,<\ssocialioi iorses,broughl to CSl for shi Expo Center usually are hotcounly fairgrounds in Fi

ined -ou t-lo -p rivate-bam s s e owners a t the meeting. Bi convenient stalls keeps the lle r from hosting large show; ‘nice Richardson of the /\i rse .Association. , he last .Arabian horse sho\ d a l IheCassia County fairgn ) cost of $13,000. Rlchardsor i ia t amounl. about $4,000 wa ■ent stalls for the approximi ses brought into the Magic ' th e show.om e Utah grounds charge as

PositionsWIN F A L t^ - The city of Is is accepting application « sea ls on its nine-member ’.and Zoning Commlssioa— tie term s of commission mei Hollifield and Ken Roy will <

1. /\nd commission Chal k Miller will take the seat c ■ Council he won eariier this r le election.aM ar Orton, the city’s coimr elopmenl director, says ai rested In applying for one « ■e sca ts should send briel

cuttin;the Buriey Ranger District

r8-0430.II perm its for trees up lo elgl will cos( $2. according to

srvlsor Roland Stoleson. r eight feet tall will cost an a lso cents per foot, ach family will be permitted ’ one tree, and the trees are esold.r e e - c u t t e r s should use ve h a v e ade< |U o tc ground clear

I a s pickups, and be prepan :er weather, according lo f /Ice officials.II trees selected for cutting s JSS then four inches In diamc slump, and the tops of large lid not be removed, officials' i rm its must be attached t s a f te r they are cut.

' ■ Obituaries,■ Idaho new:■ S p o rts-B 4

in paeTFbasedrnbstlyonpersohalllj leaUeixillevcs bcauly.pagean racler-builder that carries ov ‘Isb r iife : ' ’ ■=:very girl who enters lhat i ner Ic a u s e she had tlie cour

llh o u ^ Cheatle is concerned ved.up in Twin Falls to Inqui eant. Brent Olmstead of The 1 ited- space for the intervlc' irenl taught.Ve didn't have much tim e'for aid.fter Cheatle called him. he e just one newspaper ad. wi

ig stain e r s a y s ‘b e .i------------------“ We-hadour-fi

in the form of absolutely perfe

st opening turned cold im storm.” /\nders

>y Woody have a foot o r tw ling of the top of that. West elle, south for Uie season.

There will be the resort facilities open f« the resort Both Soldier Moi ^ n g — in are scheduled ti snow. TTiursday. m hand lo Soldier Mount season off at Uie lodge a n d .

slopes. Manage I Inchcs of that both lifts hes a t the Thursday, with

including the Io

o w n e r s> d u c a t o r s - C C

se owners lobe built 1 Idaho's tion'from-------

isked the ^ 7 ^ the pavil-.\nd !.,yle ijwner ofom m lllee-----------»d .that a _

{irst lime cbn.<:ld-

------------Ity In the nusable.’’ iwner of ,I member •lion. <HA\Xh ? S ° t C o n s id e r s h< F iler or as $IC0 for a fou

m s r-6 a id -^ ic h a r^ R -s a i< . Bul lack make money on the Expo ingam orcreasc lows.sald Scheduling bl

/\rabian pump money Ir give restaurant

how was financial boost rgrounds,— deriich-of-the-1 Ison said. tion. was used Her husband, imate 200 off the proposed tie VaUey check. Vickers

portable stalls I sas much wholesale cost.

IS o p e n oof Twin graphical mater

tlons for .interest to him I jerP lan - Nov. 30.

nembers ' present~c ill oxDlro commend three iIhafrm™ ‘" T ' S ' j rj lo n U ie win make UiGlliu lis monUi Caiididalcs for

tlons must have I inmunlty—city for a t least I

anyone office last three > ie of the bility of a reappo rief blo- three-year term.

I S I d ■ict office

jlght feet

T o o fan addf-

BURIJ5Y - tedtocut soon will bc ire not to more_for .tJieli

offsei an incn vehicles federa] Bonn earance. mlnlslratlon. lared foro Forest TTie Burj,

approved an lg should n i ^ l th a t wi m eter at d ra lla l and « rge trees power distribu lls warn. electrical svsti d to the

ws B 34-6

jean tl ly .sh e sa y s r a p ^ a ru n lanls are-a real__ town,____)ver Into o tli« “j guess

“ week." het pageant is a year, we'll urage lo stand Uie highscl

ja uial no onoiuire about tho “ u d "acp Paris, wWol,

For more had time lo call Cheall which did not at:3350Ce

rts Uf3 s t o p e n i n g•-first-major-snowstorm - sc if wel. sloppy snow — feet for a base, since it of Immediately afler the al: >rson says. "Now, we two of ideal ski snow on cx should be In good shape re

inbe plenty of otl.cr ski sU for Thanksgiving, too. • — ;

[ounlain and Sun Valley of to begin their seasons sn

ntain reports 20 Inches F£,d 30 inchcs on top of the 30 ?er John Abbott sayss will be in opertion th<th‘ all olher facilities, th<lodge, rentals and ski up

5 p u s h jo r i G e m e d a l


‘‘N n P H I Ce « / V v B ad

ne an

— — .........col------------ --------------------- evi


■ tio

,WN DA VIS Ikh e a v ie r s c h e d u le s

ph> u r-d a y re n ta lo fa s t^ , I

m the stalls, even charg- ph isonable rate, she said. mi big shows also would I into the cconomy and ' bo

nt and motel owners a Ihi S t. said Butch Won- Vii !-Paint Horse-Associa- - de

E>j. f..yle, offered to kick He ed project wilh a $i,000 dii 's also offered to sell ' i to the college a t his co:


3n z o n in ierial and a letter of____ T I by nexl Wednesday,___lar

ses ____ li

"commlssIotonustTO- ,jjg|e new members to the gjtey Dec. 13. The council gpeinal appolnlments. issi o r the volunteer posl-e been residents of the P®f, t five yearsrT erm s of-i yeors. with the possi- • ,w inlment for a second S'";J and

l e y r a t if f s e t B P A p—' Burley residents U

« paying 10 perccnt moe lr electricity lo help- meiTease in ra tes by the notnneville Power Ad- clt>. the

therley City Council per h ordlnarice Mondaywill ra ise both resi- Tcbmmcircial ra tes for riatil>uted by the municipal Tstem. witl

W e d n e s d a y . N ovom bor 23,15

s / l i o s p i t a l s B 2 . -


" B l

r i i g h t s —T in tl l Ih e - in o m ln g s h e w a s c o m in g to "

less w c sh o u ld h a v e m a d e 11 fo r th e n e x t he s o ld : “ I f s h e w a n t s t o d o U n e x f :

/e'll use the paper and put out posters. In hschoolandcollege." * '*over theoryis corrcct;Ch<jalle says J l___ _not too lale lo enter the pageant,- which lead to the Miss Universe title. The It will not be held until January.:niranis'm usrtje-ldaho-resIdents-and--------sponsor.who will pay,p $300 cntiy-teo.------------more Information aboul the pageant, ealle collect at 33G-95U, or write lo her JCentenini=: I’iace, Bcise, 83700

p earlyqinlOijears’

school, also available-------- --------------------Sun Valley — wilh a good three feet

of snow on top of Baldy Mountain — also will open Thursday.

O ff ic ia ls s a y t h a t in a d d it io n to a n e x c e l le n t o f fe r in g o f n a tu r a l sn o w , th e r e s o r t h a s b e e n u s in g s n o w m a k e r s to. in c r e a s e th e d e p th o n th e lo w e r s lo p e s .

— S u n V a l le y a l s o r e p o r t s h a v ln g o n e ----------of the best opening-day offerings of snow cover inrecent years.

Mogic Mountain, south of Twin Falls, will open nexl Wednesday. Nov.30.

Manager Jody <\nderson estimates there are at least 16 Inches of snow at the lodge ahd two feel or more on the upper slopes.

f o r s t a l l sa b o u t J C S L p l a n ____

Suggestions for the project ranged from buying 100 used portable stalls

-rrir;gnOTMto:t)uiHllng~a~nftwfacHltY';;;ir^ — costing more than $100,000 — with 100 stalls and on outdoor riding areo.

• T h e head of lhe CSI e o program. ' -Shawn“Davls7-sald-that-if-thc-Expo— ■—

Center was heavily scheduled, an additional riding area would be needed to hold college riding and animal science classes.

Michael Glenn, the head of the ■'college’s agriculture departm entrwas—-even.m ore.crlU ca!.of_the.plansjrhe_____

college already is forgetting that the Expo Cenler Is mainly for educationala c tiv in e s .^ h e s a ld .^ • ; £ ...........

‘•No^v, I' need to schedule euuca- tlonal activities eight to 12 months In advance, /uid l l 's getting worse,” he said.

Davis said the shows could be beneficial to his d asse s . but the college needs to m ake suro the em ­phasis remains on education.

Despite the criticism , the board- a p p o in t e d - a - c c m im m e e - to -d r a w u p a ----------

plan for the facilities and suggest the m eansof paying for them.

Heading the committee will, be ' board member Thad Scholcs. Also on

the committee .will be Glenn. Davis. Vickers. Richardson, Butch Won-derilch, board m em berBobBlastock,-------Expo Center committee member Bob .. Harney and GSI physical plant director Bob McManaman.

The board requested that the : committee have a proposal ready for : the next board meeUng, .Dec. 19.

ng b o a rdTTie job entails attending two regu­

la r meetings and two noon-hour work sessions per monlh.

In addition. Orton says, commission members lake IDrtS'iSaclrweekto visit— sites under review. There also are special work sessions, a s particular Issues arise, he says.

The commission is beginning Ils periodic process of reassessing theenUre.clty zoning.ordlnance._Thls _is_____the most Important document re- , gulatlng development wllhin the city ' and Its ‘•impact’’ area.

t e s h i k e dp o w e r c o s t s

Don HIII, Uiu electrical depart­ment superintendent, told councU members that the dqiartitient does not wani to make a profit. B u ftb e ' city faces a 22 perccnt increase In the ra le it pays to buy power from the BPA, he said, and the 10 percent Increase would be neces­sary tooffsetll. .■ ,

The council approved the ordJ- niuice unanimously.

•nie increase will go into effect with the p e c e n ^ r b ills .; .,, ........

>3,1983 T fm os-N ew s; Tw in Falls , Id aho

. . . - • t

T h a n k s g iv i iBUSS - Tho BllS

Thanksglvlns servic . P asto r Doug Cart' ih conjunction with

7------- Uon.-*The-BllB8-ohuiChurch, the Noza Church, all from Go<

The public Is lnvlt(

■------I r r i g a t i o n dKING H IU . - No

_ _K in sH lll Irrigation-------- district office belw«

• George Withers o •Klng-HJHhavereflle District 5 director an

-----------The petitions must

I c e b l a m e d ;TWIN FALLS -

rolled over al~Ntinil South In Twin Falls.

Jan ice Gay Tuckei was treated at Magi and released.

According lo Twii bound on Minidoka patch of ice. Tucker

______sideways and over.Tucker has been (

influence of alcohol..There wjxs $75 da

dam age to Tucker's v

- O b i iL i l U e H a u g h t ,

U U HL Mlllc Haue (l’<Ucno and fonneriy oi d a y a t O ccur d'.VIene.

B om F e b . 8 . 18». In L m a rr io d W liford Haugh n v e r. 'n ic y c am e (o the C

H er hu sband diod in I! m oved to C oeur dVMcne.

ShewasamcmlwroflC hurch.

S u rv Jv ln f ia ro :o so n . ( o f C oeu r d ’.Vlene; three and two great-grandchllc

. \ m cm orfsi se rv ice wl ^ F o rm e r Chnpel In UuhJ

Tuesclay. Nov. 29.

T J a n a e Y ^ t T. BURU=:y • - Janae Yoi

------- -terof-Merlln K. and Jear--------- Ot uurmy, oim MOHflay

hom e fro m In juries rocei' a cc iden t. . .

________Bom June 2^l97^nJ)im e m b e r o r ih e Church o( L a tte r -d ay S a in b . She H ra d e ra t Declo ElemenU

Su rv iv ing a re ; h e r pa r five b ro th e rs and sister K en t V ost, CoinJ Yost. ^

. . . . K yio. Y osl..aU o f Uuriey, g ra n d p a re n ts , Stan ley a n

- .......of-Rupert;-her-palemalK e n f llh a n d G ucnna Yost h e r K roat-grandparen ts. V

I c t Rugeno. O ro.; and Ver

T h e funera l will be h( F r id a y in Ihc Unlty^Ward pci in U urley w ith bishi Milo Cali brricla tlns. Uui P lcusun t View C em etery a

F riends- m uy coil a t Pa U urley T h u rsd ay evening I and a t th e church an hw serv ice .

- S e r i fTWIN F A L I .S - T h e fur

R . I-am pc. 81, o t Tw in F S a tu n ia v , will t x held tod

----------Sti-Rdword’s-Cathoiic-aKulLs. UurinI w |ll be in Su P a rk In T w in F a lls . Frien

• W hite M ortua ry in Twin a .m .,T h e fam ily susficsts contribu tions b e m ade ic fu n d o fS t. R dw an i'sC atho

K U PK llT -• A jyavcili ll^uscom t lu n ic y . 75, o f Ku] S a tu n la y . will l>e hcid toda Twin l-'a lls C em etery. Cr p la ce a t W hite Crcmj

J - M ortuary of T w in F a ils Is ; •urranijemenL'i,

— H o s p-------------------- ---------MAGIC


itiictid li! I.;irtiiey. I ^ l l a Thoi JcaM;n, M rs, ttobe rt P llstcr.'H

— Dqu'-! H einlniiwiiv. M rs. Uobcrt and Mrs, l>}nuld C nm djcan . all M rs, .Vrnoldo Soll.s nnd D arrel W an l I-VUrchlld ancl Jo seph llai and M uric K, i 'a rk u r. both o t Co; D .J. Itckker, Iw thof Je ro m e: tt< i ' \ J , Sievcrsiof H uilcy; Ocnnle U H ai;unnnn: M ary Schm itt otGo< iiml Mrs. Ucrt Fox of Riko. Ncv,

DlsrG race Slillllni;l»ur«. Mrs. M

ita d ic lle l.ir tn u y . M rs. Douiti; lloloy. tJ i rry K k. Mre. DavUl 1 Tw ill I'itlls; M rs, JlinThomp.-«)n, G eori’c Glll>crt iu>d O riln i^Veciiu and son. D aniel Ucnch and Mrs

-M rs . ;Vmol(k> Soils and son, ant I jw r c n c o Zinn of f i le r ; Kilcen W Shoshone; P au l Q ucsnell o l G w

. P a u l: Mikcl G ritf lth so f llazellfcr Jacol> HlaucTof Hurley.

UllA daaiU iter to Mr, nnd Mrs, Wi

Mr, am i Mr%, ltolx,‘rt N ew bry. ani ali of.Twln F o ils ; M r a n d Mrs. X iw d M rs. Scolt Ulick o t Castleford


Jo h n Zublatc. M ichaci D cV rie


B-2 T lm e s-N o w s. Twin F

t h e - v a i,ring s e r v ic e s c h eJIIss Community Church will •vice at?:30 tonight, artwright says the service wl dth the Gooding Ministerial shurch-wlll-bost-tho-Southen izansne Church and the ' Gooding.ULperlonniiinuslcalprcscntivited.

d i s t r i c t s e t s e le cNominating petitions for sea

Ion District board arc avallabw e e n la lK lS p im .-------^s of Hamrtett and Cliff Ed\ filed for their positions. Wltht r and Edwards represents Disi ust be returned by Dec. 2.

d f o r r o l lo v e r— A 21-year-old woman

arly-]Vlot>day-momlng-When- [Infdoka Avenue and Second Is.:ker. of 758 Juniper St. In Tw aglc Valley Re^onal Medlca

'win Falls police. Tucker w ka when she lold offieera si ter lost control of the car, an

in d t^^br'd rlv lng 'w h ile 'ur )l.. ,damage to a city sign am ’5 vehicle.

t u a r i e iH arry

laught, 85. of Coeur ' U U R IJ^ ly of Buhl, died Suih U urley. d

hom e.in IJncoln. Neb,. she F u n e ra l lught In 1928 In C>e- and witi he Uuhl a re a In iSiM, M ortua ry in I9C8, and she then a ie. V / e r n o ,‘Of Uw Presbyterian h ‘ ' 'S R

» ™ ^ d . l l d r c n ; “ ’u J ™ '; ,

c w l i n i l i c l d a l l i »

_____________________T h o y llv______________ . sfioH'tline

m en J iv e d ; Yost. 7. tho daugh- , M r. G roi

teanneH ansenV osl— ^ y } n g to n .

i B iiiw .«»! viu « ■ >oKoraaarcHHii^r—he w as a second-cntatV School. U w E lk sC ipansn ts of Buricy; Survlvin;s te S . Cra ig y S I : Fo re In o f it. Mindy Yesf and ® •ley; h e r-m a tcm al— T a r o i ^ , }’ and D a i^ Hansen n n ^ n ln o g r n a i'g ran d p a rc n ts ;' H c -w aspr’ost of Uuriey; and *•’ ' “ O- “a . Vadlous Hansen • ' m cfno iV em etu-Spoer of I------------------- — with tha Ra; M i l a t 10 n.m. 0 » ^ ln 8 E p 'atvl.M onn»nCli«-ilshop’j counselor o m lr l Hi loiUurial will t a In .U socla llon

M e g a nng from C to8p .m . JR R O M F hour p rio r to the Infant d a u (

P ick e tt o f

i f i c e s —(fune ra ifo r.U fred UUHI. - • n Falls , who died Infjer. S8.of today a t I p.m, a t be heid a t 1

1 Sunset Memorial . West R n d > riends m ay call a l Chupci of B Mr|n F a lls until II m ents. T h e s t s tha t memorial rifjl co n trib t e to the building c a n C a n c c r : itholicChUrch, Church.

GOODINC G ladys iio ili

■eilde scrvlco for M onday, w il Rupert, who diod D e m a ra y 's i o d a y a t l l a m l n i« in Rlm w

Crematton took F r ie n d s m a cm atory. While p rio r to th e s !s Is In chan;c ol u ,a , ,n c m o rl

tlie.V inericai

l i t a l s —GICV.,\LLEY_ . ________.MEDICAL CENTER Admitted

rhoinpson. Mis. Joseph M arra , l i •.'H elen White. John McDonald. w rt Newbry. Mra Doul’Iiis M aui . all Of Twin Falls ; Joseph 0 't>o i rre ll M urray, ail of Kimlw rly; H artl. lx>lhor Uuhl; Mrs. Sco tt i rCa.stleford; Mrs. Wnllace Picket : Rowland Oinnham of H eybum ; le UruHleyol liletricli; C ocilV em Goodlni;; Kenneth OudlcyjifJloi;

ev,Dismissed. Michaci Mclnlyrc ami duui;l ujjIjls Van Tiiyl nnd son. Ridel. Ul Duli>0);llo and N onna R uri. a son, Mrs, Tim Uowniun and daui;l « inan, a ll of Uuhl: Mrs. David Tu Mrs, W allace Pickett, nil o f Je ro and W alter Spudy. all of Kiintx;

;n W erner of Rupert; W illlam Swi ;«KllnB; Mrs, Steve M der*and sc l im ; A I^ L y le Durfce of M alta ;

U lrths, W allocc Pickett of Jerom e. Son: , and Mr. anil Mrs. Doiti; H em lni^ s..Vmol(k> Solis of Kimlwrly: and ford,

ENEOICrSidmlUed'ries, John Slojko^raki. Jeri-G lffc

iti Fa lls , Idaho W e d n e sd a y .

l l e y _l e d u l e d C re d i t -c ;ill holding a TWIN PALL

to spend a yei will be held card, ial /Associa- Teri Lynn Ja em-BapHst District Court» ! Christian She was conv

Ward origlm ntatlon. . . .years in prison,

— M a n fa c c, c t i o n - -------jrWJN,E.\LL- c t i o n arraignede a ts on the Court on a a r lable al tlie Sllgall, 21, t.■■■___ "Saturday.-TT==rWwards of According to thers Is the -m arijuana fron »istrlcl3. Tw inP^ls.

He was'beihj iieubfSl.SOOboi

C o u n c i l 1n cscnpcd TWIN FAU,ai-heii-clir-----labl8d-an.onllind Avenue city’s Industria

The coroorai [\vln Palis, directors, eveni Ical Cenler tax-exempt im

. bylaws is the k was east- into business, she hit a The ordinanc

and it slid search can be d___ charged for a bu

un'der tfic Several count______ afternoon work:

and S2,000 the city polentii cities.

i S — ----------r y E . S a g e rIJ=:y - H arry E . Sager. 89. of , d ied T uesday morning a t his

r a l a rrangem en ts a re pending 'i t i be announced by Payne ry o fB u rle> (

i o n T h e r o n G r e g g=5RM.\N - - Vernon T heion Gregg. Q gcrm an. died Sunday morning a t le.A pril IS. i m . in Kirkland. Wash,, educa ted In Kirkland. Ho m arried ’ a lm b o m o n ' Dec. 3. 1927. in gton .liv e d in Forest Grove. O re.. f o r ^ fn erra tec ino^n516'Sea1tIe..TlK y.. e d in Kelso. Wash, ro g g had ow ned and operated lAe m .- M a m r N uraing H om e..In ..

I te r moved to Whitney Island, w horo he .retired In 19G3, He to Boise In 1977 and in '1579 to ' la n rw h e re he hod iivca si ncc,IS a m em ber of the Uons Club and I C lu b In .Vrilngton./ in g a rc : tw o'daughters. Uevcrly. >f H ogerm an and June Sm ith of 1 s is te r , Constance Sorenson of . W ad i.; e ight grandchlldfcn;I greot-grondcliliaren. a p receded In death by h is .Mlfc.- - 1 s i s t e r and a brother, no rio l se rv ice will be held today . a t D em aray ’s Cooding Chopel.- «aw,gathor-R oyi2lainann.of-tha— R p lscopai Church ofllclotlng. im i ly suggests thot memorial tio n s be m ode to the Idaho lAing, lon.

i n L a n a e P i c k e t tM E • • Megan (.anae Pickett, the a u g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. Wally o f Je ro m e, died Tuesday at

- • T ho lunera l for Huth Rsi- o f Uuhi. who died Saturday, will Jt J0:30 a .m . today o t U » Buhl •istio irC hurchrU urtat-w tlibe-ln— d C em etery a t Uuhl. F a n n e r f Uuhl Is In c h a rf^ of arrange- h e fam ily sugf;ests that memo- Ib u tlo n s Iw m ade to the .\m erl- < e rS o c le ty o r th c F irs tC h ris tla n i

N G — Ttw funeral (or Vvrlwn o lla jK i.G 6 .o fC ^ fn f!.w h o d lc d 'w ill b e held today a t 11 a.m , a l i‘s Gooding Cha{Kl, Uurial will jnw ood Cem etery a t Goodlnc. (n a y co il a t the (uneral l)oinc (te sc rv icc . T he (amily suiy;esLs ilo rla l contributions t>e ma<le lo icanDial)Ctcs.\.s.soclation. I

,T«r«M i Gojualcs-Castl G lenda Itoiicrs o( Wcm!

. H arold ^ e n l Hlack aiKi l-c< Id. Mrs. siinoiilon and Daniel Cl

Ooimell, A son lo Mr. and Mrs, y ; Mrs.It m ick . g o o d^etl .-Uld•n: Mrs.______^vlolaiiarlccnoLGoodjm o n o t

M rs. M ark Jolm sona (uidCccil V em onofH ai

ui;hlcr.debcrto 'ii i* L r^ M a rth a P r ic c a n d P rT u n jo r Of H upcrt; Je s se Mose:e rom e; M errill of P au l; M arthitjc r ly : Declo-

I 'M n o l Colleen Hansen o d lu ta ; and ' -


orw to: o li;a .Vrtcaca and C ii^vay . M csle lto l Uurley. nd Mr.

T am m y Wilcox and d U clvaZ lnnofPaui.

D aughter? to M r an Iflo rd . M anuel .Arteaga, all of II


a y . N ovom bor 23,1983

- c a r d u s e n e t s c oIL L S — A Je rO m e w o m a n h a j y e a r on p ro b a tio n fo r u s in g ;

1 J a c k so n . 23, a lso h a s b e e n o r I r t J u d g e T h e ro n W a rd to m a k o n v ic le d on th re e c o u n ts o f fo t i;lnally s e n te n c e d th e w o m a n » n . b u t B jfin su sp en d e d th e te i

c e s d r u g - s e l l i n gf .r .9 — M n rv in n*»r«» .<;flp n lln e d M onday in F i f th D is lr ii h a rg e o f s e llin g m a r i ju a n a .1. o f 1421 E liz a b e th B lv d ..

; to th e c o m p la in t, a n In fo i r o m S tig all in S e p te m b e r axKl

i ih g h e ld ih lh e T \^ i i F a l l s C I bond .

1 t a b l e s b y la w s alL I.S - T h e T w in F a l l s C i t j r d in a n c e ^ a l -w o u id - e d o p t -^ . ;r ia l D eve lopm en t C o rp . o ra tio n , w h ic h a l r e a d y h a s ?en lua lly w ill b e th e c i t y 's a g e

in d u s tria l re v e n u e t e n d s . :e la s t s te p to w a rd p u tt i n g lh<J.a n c e w a s lab Jcd M o n d a y S( >e d one on th e p ro p o sed f e e s t 1 b u s ln e s s jo apply.fo.r ihe .bonc luncil m e m b e rs e x p r e s s ^ a irk s e ss io n Ih a l th e fe e s w e r e in tia liy co u ld lose n e w In d u s t

M agic Volley Regional Met Surviving a re ; he r porcn

®‘ a sis ter . CynUilo Pickett ol po tem ol grondparents. ^

, G erald Pickett o f W endell; "?R grondparenbi, Mr. and Mrs ^ of Richfield; and

grondporenls. Helen Kauf F alls . Mr. and Mrs. N onm of Richlleid. and Thein

X . Richflcld,a t A groveside scrv icc will

a ,m . todoy In Wendell Cc h,. U lshoplxonl-eav llto ffic la t

in E l l a C b a H o t t e C r <

TWIN FA IJ.S - R llo Ch — 32.-o tN am paandfonnc£l)u — died Mondayot-Mldiond-M

. H om cinN am po.“ .U oniJuIyM . 1891. inO dg *" -m oved Idaho F a lls M n;;------She m a rd e d H enry H. Cro?• I919.1nldahoFalls.

. .I n . 1928..they moved toZ ___where_sheJlvc<.ijntlUJrw..a

, shem ovcdtoN am po.She wos 0 past m em ber

F a lls <Vmerican (..eglon .\ux l 'y M entor O ub of Tw in Folia. I

a m em ber of tho F irs t Uniti O iurch (or more thonSO yeai

^ —Survlv ing-aro : a-daughU H lggsofN am pa; th reeg ran i

— Higgs - o f ' N oihpa." Gregfl Richland, Wash., ond Moi Moses tJikcs. W ash,; a slsi

'• McGonlgal of S a lt I j k e Cii— m a t- g r a n a ^ u Rtiters:---------

, A groveside service will I “ p .m . Saturdoy a l Sunset Mei

In Tw in Foils, with Uw f.lndsayo((lclallng.

T he family suggests tho contributions be m ade lo Uw

« F irs t Unltti^ M ethodist C y Siiriners’ Hospital In Portlan i It itechority .

I- RU PER T • • T lie (uneruJ fo 1 Cottcn. SI. of Rupert, who di< I will Iw held Fridoy a t 2 p T— ItupcrirThIrd and F ou rthW o r Qiopei. Uurial will Iw in Ru • tery. Friends m ay call ; - M ortuary in Rupert Uiis a(ti ■ evening, and a t th e church or 1 toU icruiwrol.PI KRTQIUM - - The funera I ••Whiskey" Cliainlw rialn; Ti

chum, who died Sunday, will noon Friday a t O ur f ^ d y Catholic Church In Kctchum. \ Chupci of Hoiiey Is In chu rangem ents. The fam ily suj: m em orial contritw tlons Iw m IdalK) H eart .Vssoclallon.

^asllllo and E lla .\U aw a. a il o f. r'cndcll.

Dismissedl,eocui RIngiing. boUi of J e ro m

el Churchman. IwUi o( Gooding.:_________Birih______________Sirs, Manuel G onialcs-Caslllloof J


Dismissedon and s6n. and M anjarol Flynn, a H agennan.

C \SS L \ MEMORIAI.Admitted

1 Preston Otic, iw lhof Uurley; Cai loses and Ryan Daniel. Iwth o( H< ir th a West oi Acei|ula; and Shirie

Dismissed [ Rupert and Preston .Mien of Decli

M1NUX)K,\MEM0RL\L Admitted

d Cindy H orkc. Iwth of H upert.

Dismissed ' - id daui;hler. and Mary Hill, a ll o(

B lrtteand Mrs. Dennis Florke. ond A

ofR usert.

o n v ic t io nlas been ordered 5 a stolen credit ...... ^

ordered by Piflhake restitution. £ ^ 1 “orgery,j r ,^ « a ^ n d „ .e •

Gwei! c h a r g eU.oLIwin.E'alls____rict Maglstmtc

. w a sa rre sW ..

:ormant bought ^iKl Novemberin—- — -Nevli

......................his resCounty Jail, in - Monda:

a d o p t i o n O ffiiity Councii has -bylawB-for-the----------------n

os a board of . SenUtorlssulne J. Adoption of heriv r the corporation county

ruia'r;s5fdis «nds.------- ------- • -probalitconcern at an e too high, and campbe istries to other M au^ia

Monday---------------------- 1 chwood.

His also wa

• She has' .............. Inganol

Campiledlcoi Center. rested ' ents of Jerome: charces

11; her maternal ?Irs. Ronold Ross thehom<

her grrsat- warrant,lUfmanofTwIn Court Juman Vlbrethsen Tho ofl!lmo Ralls of as he t

Campbelill be held at l l .. lold byCemetery, with husband

had not sr o w The 0*^ ^ ' and Cai:hariotle Crow. watched)u>f.TwIaFalls.....ManorNursIng '

tigen. Utah, she served oin voune child, ' ---- .........row on Juiy 8. _ _

10 Twin Fails. .1 ^ 1 9 1 ,

uliiaryandUKS .I. She had been TWIN 1Ilted MeUwdlsl held 1ST :ars. lx!cn acchlor.-Man}ene------- pertyamindsons. Dovld twocrimi

11 be heid ot I He wa lemorioi Park possessinj e Rev. Greg from the

Falls, acc tiot mcmoriol BecausiiwTwlnFdis Jury trial 1 Church Ihe iviejcr „

mdoralavor- „„ h |ia lle was placG

------------------------------y o u r for -. conviction


p.m, in me hisVard Mormon------- amUuwea:lupert Ceme- bis possess

at Honscn If conviiIftemoon and charge. Mi an hour prior harsher pu

foil inlo l category, i

ral for D.W.'70. of Kel- omey Ka 111 Iw held at Meyer s ly of Snows $21,500. J j I. Wood River the reque^l harge of a^ TwinFalis iujy;esLs Uiat in othernwde to U)c 30-year-oId

was arralg I—aS252 bad-1

tlie Warem Falls.

------------------ WrifileyieAence in dered.

JlJeromi,.; m l.Griffiths 01

' hearing on I ime: and IJoyd Wrifjley '

warrant iss

IJcrome, A ju iy lr iGriffiths, w: a similar ch

., ail o( Goodlni;:

Carolyn McCalw Hcybum: Kellhr leyO rtlim ano ( I

Surt. and Don^U D q iI

of Rupert; and

577 LymI Mr. and Mrs.'


T h ' r


kVIN FALLS - Two men :ed of severa] burglaries In ' s County were arraigned k in Fifth Dislrict Magisi rt.LvcnTcy K c ltii N c v i r 2 t , o r R ou1, has been accused of brea

an apartment at the. Lin

>ct.-12., and of burglarizing nty Komer store in Buhl eai month, according to the c

u m<si wiuruie’court: — ndi-was ai'rested-last-Prida; •esidence in .Buhl.and.orrali day.* ' - : -

f i c e r s w e r e w a i t

MBERLY - A 52-year-old K ' man was in the Twin F ity Jail on Tuesday night, b< in lieu of $100,000 bond, a

!^iy'te'ihffto,eiiK/e offieera s rfest hini a t h!: hdlhe foillion violation.— -------------nberly pollcc Chl^f Ja r }bell said that Raymond 01 ■hon was taken into custi [ay night at his home. 108 0 ixl Drive.

Nyife,. Barbara Maughan. was arresl6d at the residen las been chargcd with obstn 1 officer. -npbell said Maughan 'was 1 on a bench warrant tl ;es him with a probation v

said one of his officers went ime Monday evening lo serve I int, issued by Fifth Dlstr Judge Daniel Meehl. officer saw the man In Uie hoi ! approached lhe front do< bell said, bul he allegedly w by Mrs. Maughan lhat h nd was not home and that s >t seen him for two months, officer called for assistant

rampbell ordered the hor ed white he obtained a sear

r the search warrant w I on the wife, Campbell said r

an faces ree chargjejN F .\L f^ - A jury trial wiU I )r a i'win ^aiis man wrib Hj jccused of holding stolen pr and-violatlng his probation t minal convictions.I William Meyer, 19, of 1237 101

pleaded innocent Monday : listrict Court in Twin FaUs toihafl chargo----------------------was arrested Oct. 17 f( sing goods lhat were stole le Western Music Co. In Twi iccording lo court records.' use of Meyer’s Innocent plea, al has been set for Dec. 20.T a ls o h a s r e q u e s te d a h e a r in illeged p r o b a t io n v io la tions . H 3ced o n p ro b a tio n e a r l ie r th i)r burglary ana~Branq~tnciIons,rding to court records. Meye ed lite terms of his probatio: ng lo make restitution, /Use his. recent arrest, m arljuaa ’capoh-aIIegcdly.wcrc-found4i csslon.wicted of the third crimina Meyer could be sentenced lo < punishment because he wouh

I the state’s habitual-offendei y. according lo court recortls. Dnday’s hearing, defense al Kalhy Rpeldi requested thai ; bond be lowered froir Jjd g e Daniel Meehl deniec

:e»t. Meyer Is being held In the lis Counly Jail, ier court business Monday, Did David Wrigley of Burley il^K d on a chargc of writing’ id-check inNovcmberl982rto emart grocery store in.Twin

ty pleaded guilty, and a pres- investigation has been or-

y and a co-suspect. Sandy K. "or"Burieyrmissod‘a"courl )n the charge In June, y was arrested on a l>ench issued in August. He is being

trial has been scheduled for , who has pleaded Innocent lo charge.

ue Harr’sB a c k

oing H air a t . . .•

Uk Stdisty nw ooa Mall.'TwIn Faii& .

^ • i7 4 9

h r e e m e n a r r e s U

r c r a c kT h e c o m p la i n t s

v .'z z im p I J c s tc d 5j J a c k H ir s b r u n n e

c n su s* B uhl.- H ira b ru n n i In T w in T u e s d a y o n tw o bu c d th i s . H e is s u s p e c t e d g i s t r a t e a lo n g w i th h i s b n

C lu b B a r a n d th e l o u l e 3 , jn g - C o .- in F lIe r-< re a k in G H I r s b r u n n e r w a s U n c o i l :ln ~ F ile r— tu r n e d to - T w in F a l in c th e J e r r y H ir s b n tn n e a r i i e r a r r a i g n e d o n th e

T w in F a l l s C o u n lyI d a y ^ t ------- T h c a r r e s t o f t h e•a lg n e d __l x » k s . .o n _ r a o r e _ i

b u r g la r ie s in t h e Cl

l i t i n g

d K im * o f f ic e rs w e r e a d m I F a l l s f le d o u t t h e I j a c k d , b e in g b u t tw o o f f i c e r s w e , a f t e r th e a r r e s L ra s e n t P o l ic e a n d c o u r t

f o r a P a l l s h a d n o re c o i---------------o r ig in a l— o f fe n s e -J a m e s M a u g h a n o r th e r e a O lso n p ro b a tio n v lo la t lo r

u s to d y b e g a n In B la in e ( 8 B en -

d e n ce . f "HOLMn: OPEN!

th a t • BEA U TIFU L C>

and Llvo Po tted c n l to .F lO C K E D T R E l v e t h e V o rlo ty o ltfo o * aIs t r ic t '~«^l your cl


s s s r i v s ' ;"C r I0 in < h lr lp lo i1 2

It s h e 0»i|iWe Con BogYo

a n c e , W u t h r i c h ' f


Id his

2 S

iU b e A ' :I lia s pro-

in o n --------, — —

' ibth • ay InI to a '

fo r ^ v ' / ' Clo le n S ' - ' T ' - ' k - r . 'l y i n / . V ‘ . ' / ' v

e o .a

‘ring -•i .H e / ' •th i s | » .' > : • ' .

I k 2 '3illon f

f K .2 -2 8 8 H P S ktana I'| - S a l D n r a n - 3 2 r t

K a I N o n l lc a o r D o l

S? r Scoll Ellle Polds. Iat- .1 Wax. Mount &

th a t t

i S I T o t a l th e P n c o — .

lay. Package Sale I•ley

___ _Yflu„Save,Overw in .

' T J IO'-- N ..w ton'v Sp

DEALER lor I K . IO fit you r

u r l — ............. -o q o lp m o n tv ,Com o in ond

ic h

Ing ; V * * *

fo r /lo I

i by___ ;__________ ^ f


TW IN FAIK . O p ® h 9 .6 M o I 11B8 B lu o L o k o s Bl


I t e d

b u f g la it a lso sta tes that Nevll F ile r

Sn th e ♦'y Iner, 22, of Koute 3, Twinm e r was arraigned- coopebuiT?lary chargcs. bu rg led of burglarizing - - Burjro lher, J e rry -- The sa y s Ile Acmc Manu(aclUF>. a t lea r“on -N ov.-i3-and-t4r''-B uhHas arrested In Ada Shci ursday and was re- Ihougl'a lls last-weekend______ burgj?rmer. 19, of Filer, w as to the le bur/^ftry charges compl

denceivere being held-in4he— cha r gi ly ja i l . D enlie-meirmayciose-the— prosec L_than a_haIf-dozen_ filing counly. according lo suspe<

imilled. The suspect ficials door. Uic chief said, th e rc

vere waiting lo m ake p la in t M rs

tr t officials In Twfri Tuesdi » r d Tuesday of the her. S B— com m uted— by— $1.0001 eason for the alleged M au on, since the case ra lg n e

Counly. Court of- violatii

ID A Y M A G I IS FRI., NOV. 25CHRISTMAS TREESlo 20 Fl. Cul G reen Troo»1 .00 ond up id Tree*:eesto lroady llockedo r'c ho icerARLANDS&CENTER-

5lo 7 bloom>.

B to 14 blooms,I2 lo 2 0 b lo o m l itilvery Service Available Your Tree For Leng DlitonceTrova

i c G A R D E N


A \

SKI PACKikls..................................

rBlndings iwuhb.ok..)........

lolomite Boots....................

W es.................................

6 Engrave ibycoctniodoKporo,,

e Price......................

Br____________________ t ______

A LK TO OUR EXPSp'orl« Contor it Twin Folk ' O ■r K.2 ond Nofdico, Wo oro TRAll

righ i. ANO. only N ow lon't ccI w ith o loctory worrBnTy.------------id to o our compiolo lull lino o l K-:

If th i s p a c k a g e p u r c h o >y D o c . 'i s t , In c lu d o s S o

M o u n to in Dis c o u n t Cc



ULS PROFESSIONAI\onday-T huridoyand Satur Blvd. N.. Twin Foils ______

n r y ^ n r g —ilcr police Chief Donald Barkley.>1 pil<'r and Buhl polica and the .vin Falls County sheriffs office •operated In the Investl^ tion of the irglaries.hesald.Buhl police Chief Dave Hartway ys the suspects may be connected to .. least four more burglaries in the

Sheriff Jim Munn says that al- o u ^ the men are suspected of other irgiories in the county, it will be up the'prosecutor’s office tolH e more mplalnts or use its potential evi­nce in the prosecution of the

>hnt fllp d . ____Dennis Voorhees, the deputy county 3secutorT-says-tho.posaibIlity-of. — ing_additional charges against the _ speds Is being investigated;


ials there also M«re u n ^ le to locate i records about the original com- lint against the man. virs. Maughan plehded innocent i ^ a y to the charge tiled against \ She was being held In lieu ofDOO bond.- ----------------------------- -------ilaughan Is scheduled to be ar* gned next Monday on the.paro le-. - lation charge. :

rovel ' -S>l)«ll*rA.*m.*.T.I«P«lli '

NS, *



k a g e ' " ' ! ^

7 7 7 ^ 7 - 9 ^ ^ --------

...... . . . . * 9 5 “ " - '

........„ . . * 2 6 “ > ■

. 0 .......... * 1 5 ~ - '■

* 3 8 1 ’ ®

(PE R T Sk' ONLY AUTHORtZEO RATNED by tho loctory t con guorontoe yoor

>1 K-3S Nordlcol

h o s o d : *■ -S o ld io r-Cflrd__ ____ A , J___

y r

E R . ;

IAL SKI SH O PI t u r d a y : 9 -9 F f i a o y -------- ‘ ‘_______________ 7 3 3 -B 3 7 1 i

I ■

CraijBOISE (UPI) -

ore preparing oa owners of a Gram waste dump to In through a series o

_________thal.m ayjjrom ptaRep. L a n y Craig Sfl

The Idabo Rep Environmental Pi

— --— will—list—1 5 - to -Envirosafe Servlcc follow, but be, ded until theoompHanc(

a p p l^ n g ___ Television Tuesday.

: Lucky Ii~ ---------------Michad

cooditk _________ a t John

— ..................... - - ' a i w a gdooor.

” S u i t f i i= BOISE (U PI) - F

have filed court pa]flingoy K ingthrough required

~ steps before suing th<to obtain agency do< central Idabo rancHr.

filed suit in U.S. Distr this faU against tl agency, demanding stemming from a <&] access to h e r Robin nearStanley.

King lodged the clali Forest Service emplo

Plan taxBOISE (U PI) - A

collect Social Securi------- employee9-of-<d)urcbe

liglous organization blocked under a t backed by Sen. Jamc Idabo.

He said Tuesday be c o ^ n s o r for a propo

.. tax because he thinks may be a.violation oi


— - 4 - w s « s « “1 H nsiaoi'"

' I )eoU PO M S r iC lA L I I


R E B U I L T * 5 y r


C A L L 7 3 ^ 7 1

ig: Fed<— Federal officials mayan order requiring cont

■and .View hazardous undeimprove operations "Il

s of costly measures to be t a voluntary closure,—-that? said Tuesday. willtepubllcan said tbe crraJjProtection A g e i^ Cri

0 HB " requirements be’fo dees of Idaho'm ust Janu leclined to elaborate *'T ^ o r d e r Is Issued. dose Ing on Idaho Public indu ay, said tbe company, com;

Idahoan^ B ugber,'M M arsl^ J tk n Tuesday after uodergol ihna Hopktaa Unlveraity Hoe^

r .

i l ^ a g a i- Federal attorneys when : papers contending chum ang . failed to ^ _ d o c u o i d administrative tiato the Forest Service em m e documents on h e r b e r In I

»r Thei. rrivritoristrict Court earlier ^

the government lg access to files dispute over public Dlnson Bar Randi.

all avala lm aftersay inga In her ployee shoved ber ermnej

!xes churclA federal plan to provisi'

writy ta x « from churchches-and-otber-re------- A^avions would be tax exi

measure being zatlons unes McClure, R- Y ear’s

wouldhe signed on as a jposal to block (he The r k s the assessment Friday,1 of constitutional before

:E'S TR A N SfHighland Ava. East. Twin I

^ " W H Y W I


• Q oa llty - \ • D ependa

SrS <id \ * ReputatU

IA L .

ke’s Tune-ilp

. yr. 50,000 mllo w a rro n tySIO N SPECIAL. . . ■.7 1 8 7 FOR DETAILS

leral or<lay find it financially unwl intlnue operating the 117-acr ader tbo now guidelines.“ It (the order) wlU e ither cau£ be In compliance, o r It will bc

a t they-feeUtnabletoK»mp!y Ul cause a voluntary shutd* 'aigsald.C rdg h ^ said the comp^ _ 8 r f o r ^ Iblmprove Its bperaUd uiuary or face a shutdown. ‘‘The (EPA) order will stick Jse to mv Dec. 31 timetable eludes a moratorium if ESI f« mpJy,’-’- Craig sa id .---------

1 ^


lo criUcal; bu t steble' gnipg a heart*lung tranqdant o ^ lta l In Baltimore. Bugber,

i n s t K i n ctn she went to the agency’s ] m office In an attem pt to lool uments .she Jsays..couId.subs D her suspicion tha t the | ment has systennSitically hanu in the dispute.le conflict results from a 1981 vhich the singer battled to k loers irom traversm g her ra I dirt road that runs through lted property.I documents filed la te last wi luty U.S. Attorney William ’ D said King had failed to exhi ivailable adm inistrative remei ier bid to obtain the secret ( nent files.

:h w orkers'isions regarding separation *ch and state.law-removing-tbe-Social-Secui exemption for non-profit orgi >ns will go into e f f ^ t on ^ r’s Day, but McClure’s meas Id retain tbe exemption {ers employed by church group 10 measure passed the Senate 1 ay. bu t. Congress acUoun re the House acted on it.

(M IS S IO N SIn Falls • 734-7187


EXCLUSIVELY!r -------------------------------------------------

iablHty H o n it 's TheASKED FOR”-Pniduct-• ARE PROUD TO USE PENNZOIl

O U M N f M C IA L * C O « M M I ■ > I

Ip S p e c i a l |W IREG. I| 3 k $29.95 I



Of>» Colipen Pmr C uf tem «r

der ta rnwlse lo He said tbe ,( acrc s ite . groundwater tin

ment of a decon uiuseESl d ea n se trucks llbesuch burialofliquldwJly and It------ E nvirosafe-fautdowh,” falling to solidif;

placing tbe >y should .-.barre lsind ispos ations by A federal aw

. begun earlier tl ck fairly iUegally buried I

I falls to contains fluids.- Cralfi said bt

^ C o n s

I t a x / i- BOISE (UPI) political action c

- contributions ai peUtlon drive 1 against “ free-sp s ^ s t a t e t ^ a n <

A fund-raising Idabo Conserval Com m ittee this

• s ^ d l i i g and ta dram atically in l

' f o r ^ stave off ' local and stale go

“T he situation the letter, sign

! ■ Michael Strasse opponents are a

m \ organized gaggle■ tax-receivers >■ p legislators atevei m i ± “ With the liber

way. it’s an effo r v extrem dybardt<

In the letter. • group asks suppo

to belp tbe co free-sp^ding Legislature) (bat watched and the

E v a nBOISE (UPI) -

urged Montana a j g r r r : —d e m a n a ra n re n v

statem ent from i » permission to djscr i r - - " - I v into the GlaricF

E vans said he i_____ -W a te r Quality Bu— ' (lie Im pact statem

-------------Interna tionai Corjf X The firm has i

' 2 5 modify its dlschai . V year-round dispos ' 8 river whenever ficIrak at m aintalnw aterqu ubstan*. Under the perm e gov- discharges from ■rasseii mlU In FrehchUjw

981 suit- ■a C o J ^ o n i

CAU3W EU, |l ‘ wM t Co““ ‘yC oronei^a■ was sentenced Tue

jail and flnfed $25 guilty to drunke stem m ing from a

el goy* cident.Third District K


S months’ - probatioc conditions for (hep

He sa id the coroi lon of alcohol during the

purity rjrgani- S *1 New

n for oups..telate t)umed ^it. ^

• p"



nIIII S««n- ctilldf■ for « I iol«tIII■ Olf■ - Ava

■ ! ■ Tuoa.i ta*



rgets diI order would refer to ol monitoring, establish* in Dntaminatlon facility to s leaving the site and sc (wastes.faces-federal flnea fo r - - lify liquid toxins before “

cbemlcai-cootainlngosal trencbra^ ______md ^ t e InvesUgaUon this month turned up

d liquids in one trench, fo

orbe a g r ^ with state th

s e r v a t i v <

f u n d i n g’1) — A conservative tri I committee is solicitingand signatures for a co

in a new campaign st^spendbig liberals” who th< Uld budget Increases,ogjetter.issued by the (ora(lve f^litical Action soJs month says state ^th<t^ a tlo n ' m ay P a l a t e ' wU1 1984 unless opposition pni f lobbying efforts by 1government officials. an<an is desperate,” sold S52gned by state Rep. buiser. R-Nampa. “Our a$ia well-financed, well- “

^e of bureaucra(s and a I> ^ c h hound the sai

/eryopportunity. rec eral m edia paving (hefective coallUon that’s eraItostop.” Da;tr. the Nampa>based arcporters to donate funds supcommittee “convince dov

liberals (in the Sat (heir records will be “sofieir voters in (he dis- stai

IS f i g h t sI — CrOV. John Evans dur

officials Tuesday to parivlromnentalzlmpacttrincN I a company seeking trei Ischarige waste direct- andFork R jy g .- -----------—e hoped the Montana i l ^ Bureau would.requlre effe tment from Champion havirp.---------------------- -------------govi asked the state te Tl large perm it te allow idal osal of waste into the Pen flows are sufficient to Cl ?uality. Rivi•mil’s current-terms,— ado| n Champion’s pulp cen )mi are allowed only age

ier jailed-iK(UPI) — Canyon proi

Janies “Red” Merritt reftuesday te two days in que:250 after be pleaded Mken-drivlng charges couia Nampa traffic ac- piac

C^IcMagistrate-Gregory-- a J

a - M e rm trw r g in ix inteiIon and set several H(> probation. Cuieroner m ust not drink breaie period, must seek pollc

e a r s ^A L a s

this pack

C h i

2 -8 x 1 0 0 m 3 -S x 7 g

15 w alle t size ■ 1Indud

in rtudloi ipe ti* il» In photoflf* Idfcn. »dulti «od family Qrtx/pi. No a «*cti jKWrtlonal ujbjeci In m poc

KtlCHVAtoo A valUbI* In AddNI<N

-------- Black s««<gretind « DeuMep#upoft Photoj • Copy *

H e r l o r p o r t r a i t s ta k e i/a lla b lo a t m ost large r So

S tud io H ours: S un . 12-£ .; W ed., T hurs. & Sat.'9:3(

T w i n F a l l a ,UsoyoorSoarsCti

Y o u c a n l C ^ o r ^' . ' c o u r i t o n [ v C m k

I d a h o ^

lump siofficials that tbe site does r immediate tiealth hazard. I {iroblems with checmioi sometimes tako years to suj _J ‘It Is sometimes vej^

■'and 'the llabUltlCT may'rki appear for 15 to 20 years, "Therefore, you take th

- tionary m easures now.-^’ (^ov. John Evans called

for immediate d o su re of

an "immediate health hazai that action.

/ e s o p p o

r i n c r e a strict will be told.”

"We can derail them, b concerned patriotic Idahoax stand up and show your col the letter. . .

The mailer also u i^ed co to make th d r views knowi senators and House memt>ei they get down^to BoIk . wl wllf be w ln ^ ahd dined by professional lobbyists.”

Tbe letter blasted Gov. Jo and his staff for planning to $522.5 ■ million ■ s ta te ger budget for fiscal 1985. which a $68.5 million Increase.

"Government's financial i a bottomless pit,” S trasse said. “ No m atter how m rcceive, they still dem and mi

"Worse yet, Idaho’s ex trc sral press echoes these sei Day after day. month af te r n ire subjected to ‘news’ a supposed poverty of jowntrodden government ag<

Strasser said Idaho taxpa) ‘socked” with about $150 f itate tax increases this year.

t d i s c h a rluring p e r k jt | of high rune )any offlciaB said tbey i n c a n c a l lo i r n i i e c a ^ ^ reatm ent basin has becomc md is nearing capacity. - “ It-is-c iearrto -m e-that tJ i l^ r tc a h t quMflons" regan iffect Increased discharge lave on Idaho-w ater quail

The river flows westward daho Panhandle, dumping li >endOreIHe.City leaders in Sandpolnt

liver and Spokane, Wash dopted-resolutlons-express em lhe firm’s proposal woi ge lhe region’s w ater quality

n p U I ca srofesslonal counsding and efuse any blood-alcotMl uested by a Jawofficer. M erritt, wbo has served

ounty's coroner since 19: laced under citizen arres dorado man Immediately fi

Ju n e -10-accident a t a

He pleaded guilty on Oct. 2i ulet he had “ m iserably fa reath-a-lyzer test administt illceafterh isarrest.

I —s t t i m eickage available tor

i r i s t m a s f t G i v i n g

1 2 ^ludei 950 depbtic - grapnie ponraits of babin.(oappolmn>enlrwceiuiry.9S< ponralt package, Potei our

tion To TYlIf Offar Me Feature Pertralo ■yARcitoratlon ‘ ,<en th ru n o v . 2 6Sears retail s to re s .2 -5 -M o n . 10-5 :30-6 :00* F riday 10-8la. I d .iCnwoo^ P o i t r ^

S tu d io ■<>M<nonfyt>Kli

BOISEI T g Hanson h

tllm '‘The -'m crlcan

d . but ho sold designed i lc ^ poisons trecicm o surface.

"We firry long-ttirm, /\merican not' begn to l„t more ]

ITS," tie said. uie pcopli the piecau- think tha

Republica lod last week Interview o( the wasle Washmmc

izard'’ tolake Sunday b<

o s e 1- ^

s e s »

. but only if ^ ] | J J oans like youcolors," said J -

contributors ------- yEown to state ibers “ befora

wiiere they Iby tbe paid I

John Evans f i g{to ask for a general-fundJchvrouldbe "

al needs are sser’s letter much lhey

Imore. ctremdy lib-sentiments. „i3oB 5^9 l

ir month, we S B 8 S 8 1 ’ about lhe of poor, agencies.” payers were 0 million in ar.

r g eunoff. (Jom-y need, the [ o f'IheirmDI’s ^ime dogged ' wodoiN

it there-are - ------ ------------jardlng the rges wouldjailly.”- th e ® - * W l

ud inte lhe ^ \;g into Lake ^ U 1

3lnt, Priest yash., have ^ \esslng-con— ----- 1would dam- S i \ jnty................. ^

• f f iimd cannot ^ ^ g .ll test re- w

'ed as lhe 1979, was ^ - V

rest by ay following ••a Nampa— ~—

. 24, tellingfailed” a p ■ ■ ■ ■

listered by ^

— i - 7 ^

i f

; A D MI is o ffe

--------------------- 0 - w I t h t K e f


— — ■ — y o u r

. - F ea tu rin_ - Roynold■ ."PV C "fi ® -4 0 y r s . t■ - 7 docorc■ -Q uolity■


: [ ; ' . I


. ^ m m m u

wmmmmmmmmm v

iserrw on ^ t3 (UPI) - Rep. George

has decided not te sue ’ to Icsm '.’.'ho funded the ■K Day After.” saying most tms realize (iie movie was d te boost the n u d ea r lovemenl.find timt, fortunatdy, the on public is apparently a e perceptive tiian some of pie In the networics would lat (hey are,” the Idaho can 'sa id In 'a t d e i ^ n e w Tuesday from his jton office.

by ABC and seen by an

r K . ______B D L U

i ' ' ' ^I ^ I Vinyl c o a te d wli- m ploitle troth ba

tor odded aupp< - I lido of bo»k«i ((

ipaeet. Botket R«0. *24.?5. No. 1

MAKE.................... CONVEN

z M g nl O i o ^ a l G

K e e p on - a n ( j s

. 55<’-6 flow eri during

---------z J -------------- s - . .» iu .« « .h Jillvorglds. •" '

import:126 East 13lh Siraet Bohind

\ - Jy-



S '

f f k M \ GETI N

/ A D \y W / \H

I NEW CONIe r in g FREE INIr p u r c h d s e 'o f i a lD m lm j



in g :I d s R o u g h H o w n S i d in g f in i s h

. t r o n s f o r o b l o n o n - p r o r a t e i r o t i v o c o lo r s y w o r k m a n s h i p


C O L L E C T 6 7 8 - 9 1


W o d n o sd a y . N o v o m b o r 23. If

su e A B C -T V -^*e e s t im a te d io o m il l io n p e ( ^ e . 'T b e ------------ ---l e 2 '/^-hdu r p r o d u c t io n — w n ic h d e ­i c p ic te d 2 n t i c l c a r a t t s c t c a t t c s t K a n s a s C i ty a r e a , — w a s u se d by IS p e a c e g r o u p s to p r o m o te red u c - i r t io n s in n u d e a r w e a p o n s a n d s p u r

o p p o s it io n to I n s ta l la t io n o f new ^ m is s i le s in W e s te r n E u r o p e .

a - W e '— c h e c k e d ------ in to .....- th e -p J p o s s ib i liti e s o f a l a w s u i t b e c a u se , l a w e f d t th a t ( b e c a u s e ) o f (b e obvi- ‘o o u s p o lit ic a l n a t u r e o f t h is f ilm , a n _

a c c o u n te b l l l ty a u d i t o u g h t to be m a d e s o t h e A m e r ic a n pub lic w o u ld k n o w i t w a s p o lit ic a l and

at how m u c h m o o e v w a a s p e n t In th e ________m p r o e t ^ . ” H a n s e n s a id .

i ^ m e r o c l O

LJIirjRASH_CijmiNER__ _ ___* i 7 . r 9: w ire bo ikat holds • lo n d a rd grocery o r 'I boa*. Romovoble p lo tt le bo llom troy jp p o rt. Rail* can b e oH ocH cd to e liher • • for roll-oot u te in n a rro w o r ihollow k e t con a lio b e m o u n te d to door.No.C.8613^KE Y O U R KITC HEN M O R ET N IE N T FO B TH E H O L I D A Y S .----------- --------

W E V E M O V E D T O _________2 6 5 N . A s h , T w in F a l l s

~ 7 3 4 - 9 5 2 6 • HTODItMTMCABlCnr

ea . . . "for a g ift-

o n c o o l s i d e f o r b e s t r e s u l t s \ 6 s l o w o p e n i n g o f f l o w e r s .,0 - 6 5 ° . W a t e r l i b e r a l l y w h i l e •/ e r i n g . K e e p i n w e l l l i t s p o t i n g t h e w i n t e r . D o n ’ t a l l o w

t o d r y o u t .

r s e r y ;

G r e e n h p u s c j ■

0*r'iS^ Ml.

Ilnd Ropor's Burioy 678-7SS7

T h e u ltim a te G ift 1 fo r y o u r 1

G ift G iv in g i — r 'J- ^ ^ J ^ a s u r e . ^

E f l T i fa y a w a y m Now For ®

Christmas! MB r a s s , W i c k e r ,F u r n i t u r e , E t c . J sF r e ^ m W r a p p i n g

i o n x d e l a y J LT R E A D Y F O R W I N T E R ■

N O W B Y T A K I N G I :

D V A N T A G E O F O U R ■ :

W I N T E R S P E C I A L S ■■ :


M S U L A T iO N Sm j n r s l c i l n g ^ o r y o u r h o m e — -------

_______________ :____ ____________ I ______\ YOUR HEATING BILL IT H E V A L U E o f J

S G I V I N G L A S T I N G a

A N C E F R E E ■

t Y O U R H O M E . ____________________

'a t o d w a r r a n t y | |

R E Y N O L D S ■ A U J M I N tn U ■

> N \

A N D W I N D O W S ■

A N D C A R P O R T S '


9197 BURLEY ■r i M A T E S J -

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H a i ■ J l

- *

3.1083 T im os-N ow s. Tw in FnllR. Idaho B-3

" I - - : ™ -E',

f t l " '

B ^ r - i " . - ' w g a ^ v - . _ _

C ollege of Id a h o

D o c t o r s s a y

Leon■ - - SALTlM ORE-tUPi;

world weJlcrwefght boji S ugar Ray Leonard.

---------JnJury-that-nearJy-looi--------- la s t year. k i \a 'IW M

return to the ring for ........ .m a tch .. _____ ______

complcleiy rccovercd fi tlon lo repair a delachc h e has been svorking oui with am ateur Iwxers for months.

----------- He-sald_the_exhll)ilischeduled for Oec. 10 al F orce Base In’M arylai not say who he would m alch or whether 11 sign

Tw relieved c


R O D C W ill e a r n $ 1 .1

_Jdaho-T W IN F A IJ^ -I s thc.B

confercncc?You'd better believe It. The howls from Reno Wc

hereabouts on Sunday afte selection committee chose Idaho State to host the firsi Division I-M football play confercncc champion Woll almost as loud as the cries from Missoula a year a(*o > of Montana won the league play its first playoff game BSC runncr-up ld;^o.

The NC/\i\ guidelines fot where playoff games will I: that four factors should bc consideration: avaiiabilty consideration of financial s previous competition and s •'enthusiasm and experieni championships."

Strictly from a financial: questionable whether the K Mlnidome can generate mo

h o ’s D o n M o o re b e a t s

y h i s r e t i n a i s a

n a r d t oPD - Former- ..loprofe: boxing champion ‘T m .d . cured of an r look 4Mk-hls-oyesjghlA-inoteh).esflfly H6 womti— p h ^:o r a n e x h lb lU o n

h a ,d from an opera- Brotm ched retina, ^ i d continue out and sparring was ash for the past eight Washint

sp a r onbiUon .match., is . .»»?9f?eyt' 5 a t Andrews Air ■ ' ‘1113 1 flaiidrbul'wouId“*'Sugar-E uid fight In the tim e," I lignals his return put on i

' and I’m happy

> w t o s t a

t ' : ^ m

3 C A R E W L l in i l l io n a y e a r •.

L S C f a O - Oe.BlgSkyan Idaho ^

iWert* audible even 1

Ifter an NC.VyX ^ose Big Sky runncr-up Irst round of the U—ilayoffsalicad ofthe < „ /olf Pack. They were ies that emanated [•0 when the University iV gue title and had to ne In Moscow against

for determining {<(111 bc played stipulate mbe taken Into R{Ityofqualityfaclllties. baal success, siteof to id something calledlenceofhosting i

criial standpoint, it's thee 12.000-seat . suimore money for Hn

T f c c


ts G o ld e n E a g le g u a r d Ji

c o m p l e t e l y h e a U

> return>fessional boxing.^___________m Just working out to make su jk good al that (exhibitlih).'--hesaid.------- -------irlie Brotman, a I^cona •sman, said the match Is "n h ereasm a jo rasilse em s." . tm an said Leonard, who hi lued to run. work oul and spa isked by his brother Kenny, ington-area fight promoter, on one of his canis, with tl y to be slated for eye research. is nol indicative of anything b ■•R ay'ls"golnglohave-a“ gO( ’ Brotman said. "He's going i n headgear and do what he

a y w i t h 7 ^/\NAHE1M, Calif. (I

MW two-year contract w W T u e ^ a y and the se^t ------bat(ing-champion-saWp with Uie f\ngels.A The contract will pa■ not including IncentiveV -------- "I'm relieved and I' W news conference a l .\i ^------- ^onlyhavc-n-couple-of-;

tha t I'll endm ycareerl “ rvebeenhere fivey

m Only last week, It apj H playing elsewhere. II w. W contract worth *1.5 mill r reported the Angels ha<

■ ■ paycu tfrom hisS l.l mi j “ 1 fcU doubtful evci 1 year-old Carew. “ But • have liked a three-year

‘tw ayears:-----------------_ ••I always said I want I people treat you nicc, yi■ th 6 m. Mr. Autry (tean I — -inHHonaircwhen-l-first-■ treated me flrstclass." I Carew^became-a-freeV season but was nol clair

agent draft. Carew said by reports of his salary t

'■The newspapers sal

ilsjcortiS te v e Gl

Saturday's game lhan 14.000-s Stadium, where UNR plays lU Mackay Stadium will never qi the Pac-lO. but the Pack doesr ILs games In a parklnf; lot.

Moreover, Reno has tx^cn In games In the pasl 10 years — o Kentuckyln l£)79 and against f In the old Division II playoffs t Renoites managed to find theii ballpark for bolh games in nui to prevent the school from hav doors.

UNR clearly qualifies under criteria, which musl mean tha lhe NC/\/\. Uie Reno school doe sufficient enUiusiasm for hosU [fmmmm.


i J o e V aad i to this loos

a l e d

n f o r D i_______ bceadolngalLalonfi; sure lo do il In front of pei billon Brotman says U---------- -"help his broUieroujnard wonu wi"nol retired from

afler he underwen—r------- gory to repair-a-dola' Johns Hopkins dspar- don’t know If Uie dar '»>'• “ boxlnij. but said it w

enough lo restore pe I .^ n a rd 's annouj

?*!•_ would-retum_lo-U g but temporarily came l good ence announcih'g'a i ng to centerthatw illbe'ni he’s Johns Hopkins Ho:

Angels; i. (UPI) - Rod Carew sif-ne

with the California .Anf: seven-Ume American l.xjai jald-ho-would-flnisli-hls-car

pay Carew $1.1 million a ye ive clauses.d I'm happy.” Carew said a : .\naheim Stadium. "I kno\ of-years-lefl-and-rm-real-R fcrherc./e years and Uils is my home, appeared that Carew would I was reported he was seekin million per year and it was a had asked him to take a sli{ million 1983 salary,

iven last week.'’ said the tut we compromised. 1 woi jar contract but I’m hnppy w

anted to come back here. Wh i, you want lo keep working i jam owner Gene) made me irst-eame here-and-he’s alwa 5."ree-agenl-at-the end ofthe IS laimed by any team in (he fr aid most clubs were scared ( ry demands.said 1 was asking.too inu'

t r o L t h i iNot


G ru m p ----- theyvzephy5.340-1

- playol00-scat Mackay itichn sits gam es. drafl>rqualify Reno for lesn't exacUy play t ^ c

Pocati1 In two playoff confei — against Ea.stern wiUi Ii ist M assach i^ tls Boise, 'fs Uie year before. locate heir way to Uie coachi numberssufficlent confer tiaving to close its reprci

re sp «der all of those Cuccii that, intheview of • selecli doesn’t have puttlnijsUng the game. deferr

Kon St

>se b a l l d u r in g C S r s e.

e c e m bng --o n ly he’s going unde jcople.” " Ithe exhlbitfon will eyes!

3ut."---------------------- takerwetierweiBJil cliom- n boxing last year part ent successful sur- bring ilachod r^ in a .:-^ -— d l^ a doctors said they Lee

am age resulted fom Md.. was detected early mlllk

Mrfect vision. funds>unccment Uial he exact the ring at least contr

j j n a n e w confer*__ Ho|3 new eye research w iin named after him at Instil lospital, where he ey ert

i n k s 2 - y:ied a money and thal sc ngels who'will be playing lague "The fact thal I c uvcc— bolher-inOr4n-17-yo{

was hard to accept, year. "1 didn't feel emb

Carew, who led I , IGO hits, needs onl

^ S ^ io r ^ re ^ s o X ^ i

“ When I was a kic J**; .being hero," Care\ “ want to get on Uxat ‘" P Cobb, Rogers Hon S Willie Mays ...Uial’j

•' Carew flirted wiU Ixjfore finlshihg wit

- ‘7 ! games during the s I* live year in which i

wlln e<iiialle<l by only five Carew has appear

,i for joining Uie major lej ne a . vote-geller in /Ul-St vays- morelhan29million

He Joined .the /\r 1983— Minnesota-Oiat-ser free fielder Ken l^ n d ra d off pitcher I3rad Haven

Uie American l^eagu luch .388.

e M i g Sot thilt Uie Minldoine Isn't a c lity. and certainly folks will 1 fortable in Pocatello Saturda / would have been Buffering I ;iyrs of the Sierra that aftenn U-foot elevation. Uut Uie NCA unittee had no hesitation a l a 'Off gam es to Terre Houle. Ir unond. Ky., this weekend, bc 'ly p laces after Thanksgivinf

le real reason Uie game Is go atello. I suspect, is that oulsli erence the Uig Sky is inexort I Idaho. The league’s headqu « . ils most succc^ful footbal ted In Boise. Pocatello and W ;hcs a re Uie most vocal and v erence and its aUiletlc direct esentatlves and presidents d ective league councils. ISU / :ia. Ih fact, ison ihefour-mei :lion committee Uiat was res ing Uie game in Pocatello, all r i ^ his vote to Big Sky Com: Stephenson — a former assis


^ •_____________

'■■■‘ ’I ' ;

'.r ,

TW t N«v< [«<rao/9<Vt £1 e a s y v ic io ry T u e s d a y

y e r e x hdcnv.enLlhci!ye5 urgery.___‘I realized how valuabl esight w as and how much <en-ll for ganted.-”-sald-U ’ve m ade a iileume CTmmTtr: rt of it (the research cenl Ing the public's attention

: ^ n a r d , a native of Palmer 1.. Is helping to finance -1 Illon cen ter and will work t< ids for It, but he would not b actly how much money h ilrlbuted.fopkins officials said the r b e localed'In Uielr Wilme ititute, the world's mostrext ; research facility.

^ e a r l i a cscared them away." said C ng in his I8U1 major league s<I didn’t gel drafted didn’t ^oars^you4eani4oaccept4hii pt, b u tl learned how. nbarrassed or put down by it. d the /\ngels the pasl seaso; only 168 more hits to reac -hil plateau. He said Uiat \ r relum ing for al least two

kid in Panama, I never dreai: rew said. "Now lhat I’m h lat lIsl. M ook at Uie names omsby, M Kaline, Hank A al’s really someUiing.”/ith a .400 average through J vlth a .339 average. He mis: i season. It was the iSth cor rh he has batted* over .300, « Ive others In l ^ b a l l history j a i ^ i n a l l 17 All-Star gamra leagues. He Is Uie leading al] -SUir gam e hislory wiUi a lc lon voles./\ngels in 1979 In a trade

sent-pitcher-Paul-H artzell; reaux, infieldcr Dave Engli 'ens lo the Twins. He was ni Igue’s MVP In 1977 when he b

yky?Sxa quality directorill be m uch more picking i■day nlghl that Thebl; lg t ^ wesl-slope— football.)m oon a t Reno’s Sky offerCAA selection all-leaguII all in sending Boise SU .Ind ., and all-confe , both decidedly second t< ing. During tl

percenlagoing to Idaho scltslde the • One heortbly linked school onquarters a re in BigSky'ball team s are Nowwii Moscow. Its have sond visible in the confereneclors«.'facuIty one of lh<s dom inate Uieir league, aUxVD.Babe PaclficCnem berI-.\/\ lake a g rresponsible for buildlngialthough he Division:immissloner years. Thisislant athleUc which h a


------------------- " - S i r f e + i l ^ h

■ .Scoreboe . « S p o rts br

l l h i if c

TWIN FAI _ I Southern Idah

lead and lur .Tuesday nigh College of Idah

The E agles. th e first 67 se«

P^K'r.r:.;> know early It contest. Coach th e bench earl> tlmehlsEagle£ young Coyotes' ‘ But rnal em 72-35 with abou

The victory, of the season, Ihe lr first mojo slated lo leave

Sfqw affi! m orning lo pai (B S a B ii T-Bird Classic'

urday. CSI u BBWH m W yomlngatI:3 ,vts«vtsoM ^ A tlcr that Ul

l i b i t i o n___________ __Ihfiy_said_xable m y cenler will focu ich I had of blinding dis< -Leonard.-^—retina and vital litm en tto the eye.?enter) to Ono In every >n to eye _ l l million peop ' ~ — — ti^ -o f-v lsu a l- ner Park, lional polls con « -Uie $5 tha t blindness k to raise medical dJsabil i t divulge said. r he has “ Eye disease

publicity to atlTi le center probably bwau Im erE ye ■ ebrlly has lenl extensive study ," said Dr.

oflheW ilm erE:

c t I S ttd Carew, C O F

By united Pn u . i „ g s j , ---------------K T - i a i i ;

Steelers Uiatio n wIUi

L Minnesota Vi-------- stralght-onUi

m ake il a c eamedof Thanksgiving 1 here. 1 Lions In Uie SI ‘es ... Ty . Mich.< Aaron. The 9-3 Sti

AFC CenU-al h July 13 Cleveland, de nissed 33 to MlnnesoUi. consecu- performance 0. a feat the: chase I ory. advantage Uir

things youjusi , _ Noll isn't V.

ide wiUi Thursday bute l;-ou t--------- would-be-plaIgle and prepared as b(

k ) w h a ttor a t BSU and Idaho - when lg a site for the ISU-Reno gan> bias extends to more than Uii allgam es. L ast year, sbcof Uii ffensive football players and: igue defensive players were f su ite or IdahoState. Fiveof ( nference basketball players - d team — w ere from the Idah lg the past half dozen years. U nlages of all-league players fi schools has b e ^ roughly the> head basketball coadi at a B 1 outside Idaho goes far as 1 <y "The Potato Ixjagiie."1/ while th a t’s fine for Idahoan » m e adverse consequences i> rence ap a rt Irom credibility. Uie sUtmgest aUiletic progr*

s, already pjays most of the tc ic Coast AlhleUc Association.I great leap of ImaginaUon toi ng a new stadium and Jumpin on I —j n d to the PC/\A — In i . The sam e applies to Weber S has the scK»nd-largest studei

i4JiniesJiewa^TjivjnJ:ails. Idi

jl 1 scl lool’basketball jard B 5 Driefs B 6

ag le jp 3 go f I

flOVEY . - r writer__________________ c

ALLS — College of roho Jumped out to a 14-2 t umed loose the bench ght in rolling pasl theaho Junior varsity 82-50. ^s scored seven polnls In <•«conds to lel Uie crowd {,It was In for a lopsided nch Fred Trenkle went to c: riy and often. Much of UieIes Uueatenedlo keep Uie ,.sdoubled. "•nded w*en .CSI leading Tout sbc minutes left In the. d:

lc/, the first official game P'1, brought the Eagles to ^ Jor trip and tesl. (S I waste for Casper, Wyo., Uiis tllarUcipale In the annual rrc Thui«lay through Sat- stvrill take on Central st:30 p.m. Thursday. othe playing time will be sc ow CSI and Casper do.! host team, reserves Uie

1 b o u t Irescnfph a t Uio new— M

:us on the la d in g causes I isorders Uiat affect Uie ■ :al tissues a t the back of— M

-y 20 Americans, nearly I iple, suffers from some ■ il-impalrmeht,-and-na— I onsistenUy have shown I s is the most feared ■ 3illty, Hopkins officials ■

se has not achieved the I tract sufficienl.fundlng, ^ au» no worldwide cel*Ml h ls 'support■ log its”)r. Amall Palz. director Eye Institute.

e e l e r s a t

n t i h u e r c?>ress IntemaUona] «

Dng Uie Plltsburgha t lhe holidays are a _ ome.lers. upset las l week in Thers Stadium by Uie forVikings, have won five I theroadand wlll-try to—sin

club-record sixth on Th(ng Day against lhe DeSilverdome in PonUac, 196

ESteelers sllU lead the Ba;ol by two gam es over Ceidespite Uielr 17-14 loss Mha. AnoUierstrong road face would keep them in twc

for the home-field garlirough the playoffs. d a j -isn’t- like a normal —De<id Pittsburgh Coach TI. •'There a re some byjstcan 'tcover.’’ ove wild over playing on ' 15-j

ut when he learned he pos )laylng“ Uie“ game,“ h e ~ M ubest he could. • goaed Uie (Philadelphia; cha re-season gam e on a

t e l s e i sin it came lo ^ the conferetame. and a baskeUie venue for yearout, ac Uiel2all-BlgdslxofU iel2 ^^Wahocane from Idaho, lhe fo ^ bes ifUielO ■ onlyNorUie s - f i r e t andahoschools. Minidome-y,g successful a

- a . h = Mexclusion of

ans. U d o cs ' Houston andllo r tho IcsscompctlI'. UNR, with It's great Ir«hislnlhe in Idaho agaI leams In the , in order. Incn. It doesn't ' y ea r’s snub,loiseeUNR Saturday’s gling to ' ' nafew ,r suite, Steve Cruilenl body in Times-News

i s l v i T v T

^ i i s t z :

J Vrigh t to play the n i^ tcap regardlessOf the Qiitgome of previous games. __Usually. Uie losers play In Uie a f t^ - noon on the second and third days of the tournament.

I..arry Brown scored a three-point play off Uie Up and Dewey Haley followed Immediately wlUi a steal and cripple. A tter Bob Shropshire Upped in anoUier CSI field goal. II was pretty m uch a m atter of running oul the clock.

" I don't know how much we’ve learned (In- two games) bul we’re going to find out Uils weekend,” Trenkle said. “ College of Idaho ju st . didn’t have the manpower and height ■ lo go against us. I t gave us a chance to play a lot of kids and look at a lot of combinations."

Sophomore Brian Schroedcr lopped the E agles In scoring wlUi 11, getUng most of them on fast breaks and steals. He cam e up with several sleals. Guard Don Moore led the Coyotes wllh 21, taking game^ilgh scoring honors.

•See ROUT OQ Page B5


S U G A R R A Y LEO N A RD H a s b e e n s p a r r in g

t t e m p t t o

o a d g l o r y

—N FL roundup---- -----Thursday ju st to Wnd of get a feel for It," Noll said.

P ittsburgh has not faced Detroit.-since-lt-beatUie-Llons 24-10 inl973.---------------The S teelers have not played In Detroit since prevailing 24-14 In 1967.

Detroit Is G-6 and tied ylUi Green 'Bay for second place In the NFC .C entral Division, one game behind MlnnesoUi. The Uons must win or face the prospect of possibly being two gam es behind wiUi U u ^ gam es to play — the nexl a Mon­day night hosting of the Vikings onDec.5. ........ .............: __________

They helped their cause Sunday by defeating Green Bay 23-20 In overtim e. The IJons drove to Uie 15-yard line on Uielr first possession of overtime but EdM urrayw as w ldeona 33-yard field----------------goal atlem pt. He got his-second chance Just seven plays later, fol-


s n e w ? ^ ____srence (11,500), a 17,500-seat stadium sketboll program that Is, year In and . a cut above Uie rest of Uie BigSky.can’t be faulted for building Uiree of best football sUidiums In Uie league —'them /Xrizona's Walkup Skydome Is with the klbbie Dome nnd the i e —nor can 11 be blamed for having ul aUilellc program s. But In Uic long Big Sky’s Idahomorphlsm has to hurt iky In the sam e way lhat the s t Conference’s Idenliflcotion wlUi 'exas A&M and Baylor to Uie n of ••peripheral’’ schools such as and /\rkansas made that conference pellUve for many years.3al lo have the Division 1-;\A playoffs again, but pierhaps a compromise Is In deference lo Montana for last mb, perhaps Uiey should play /’s game in Missoula;

Trump is the sports edilor Olivia \- ew s.j-

:. Id ah o . .W e d n e sd a y . NovombOL23,1983___ ____

a l l - B S — ----------— "--------- :— ---------



_ ~ _ RON KIT B ea ts o u i'F fan cc

. . -L’.

C o a cBOISE (U P D -

Blg Sky Confercno . baaketbaUUUe...

Coachcs. In ran officials In Boise, a have a chance toes

Four of the Big State as the . odd automatic berth int Two coaches voted

. ballots for Idaho S t Seven coaches tb

end up in the leagui gave that dubious d

Based on total pol put Weber in first second with 49 and

w ^ T * v ® j ?

N B A s ta n d in g sAtumieSlyWiw

PmiMtiani* .pSSi'fc. • tN«w J n ttf »

CwwUDhUky. *', p - ■ i lSr." ! i-


----------4 -1

= 1 S = J J' l a p E r ™ '

S H i ' I S E i r '

___________ r Z ' S S l "

■ F s E v ' S s l S rLDtAngtl«>llS«<n>«,(:XQ m

f i i i i S


s r ' - ' " ’*"'”"“ Po“a s ’c..-«p«'Vc...^lSS


i p i i i P■ s i ; p s i

Jl. Aiilnu i'n*SoJna«’-SMi"

F.‘S ‘

“ r & K l ' E S a X ’ii!:

N F L —•CoDtlDuedfromPf

lowlnc an interception.‘•I thought the first

Ihrough but tho call was c said. " It was still cx overtime and I felt we hi tunity lo gel it back. The was just what we needed.' . " I ’m just really geltir form," said Detroit m Billy Sims, who missed wilh a broken hand. "W< up today. We knew we hi gam e to have a chance division.”

Detroit has a 20-21-2



| | | d | g | j ^ Baltin

^ — votes.

________ UndJT T L E _____ ^finis^ICO, B o d d lc k e r FVanc

i c h e s , w t— Weber Slate College Is the mce coaches lo take the leagi

rankings released Tuesday s. also thought Montana and i 2 capture the championship U 3ig S ky 's elghl coaches picl Klds-on favorite lo win th' I Into the NC/\A tournament n ted for Montana and the olhi • State.} thought ll likely Northern A igue c ^ la r this season. The o ts distinction to Montana Stat points awarded by coaches, i ret placc with 53 points. Mo nd Idaho Slale was third wit

S i i l e fs r i ' s f s y a r s

S I . f f £ E “E ; r SS i" e - a i 'S , 'Uuc>n«i.u<Haii A-IC.V1

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f H :I. Porlij',d tr»«»-i>o,ni o»u>—1>»Ur«> }|. oul-HWl.‘ l8«llo«H-Pf,^

j i ^ j l C o lle g e s c o re

,vaj,vK i.'i's K !i:;iS ,K !,"ss.“. .

spis - | |S l E l l r eS 3 S % S i : R .

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U l«»,t|litlU.C>nt,aiS> MSSlmts^rzu •

wootitr f , O'Dft Oti «>

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BM—n Na> Lnou/,a « a a

I touli— c««r»l(va,«n« Jl P,ttlBulfln * 1 0

i f ? — Ul'ii!::::' S s " H i

I Page B4 Thanksgivstraigh t V

FIttsburs t kick went the game iSout," Murray.. H row n'st

early in tho in ano 5 had an oppor- i^ u ls is ai lie interception The Ca ud." indudesIting back inlo running back n S

«d four games •W edidn'l.glve ; had to get the N ^ E a s .

' on th e ir s< 1-2 rccord on ranks last

¥ t i i t e SEW YORK (UPI) - Ron Kl

bespectacled left fielder >ed power the Chicago While I division championship. Tues i named the American U a ikle_Ql_the .VearJjy.the Ba.w ters .\ssociation of America. itUe beat out Julio Francc veland and Mike Boddicket tim ore In a tight three-man r Je collected 15 of 28 firsl-p

while Frnnco received 8 Idlckers.nder the 5-3-1 point system. K shed with JM , poinls lo .78 inco and 70 for Boddicker.

Titers talthe favorite ot State cam e Ir ague’s 1983-84 Slate tied for

.................. recolved2 2 p(ay by league None of tli Jd idalioState rei/^ning leagp this season, th ii^ this sea: kicked Weber Sportswrltethe league's meeting in Siit next spring. Weber Stateither two cast titllst.

Sixteen of 111 Arizona will Wildcats. Buie other coach Nvould ptvl)al)tate. inlhlrd.!S, the ratings Next on theMontana was by Idaho. N cvllh 4G. Boise Arizona.

-■J '

/ l Jl. m’Vou?!"" ' j

'"M lii’i t i i i s r ? - ' i■ Is if if s s c , ]

iilfTZ’ i

.•'■T-------- »T Wj-* o*B

„ C o lle q e s c

l f ! i lS r

m mW e e k e n d (

------ ncb.H,. -W.V.::h : m

•res • 1 .!. Um,, ......................... ............................. .------------------ S';:'3.'i2r„.----------ndn w«tn,ngion

S P " S


s r...... g a r

“ A L r o o k ie sHEW YOFIH lUPli .

_______ . ___Cfague Rooii-»iRanMAC DoOSickci

^gs A L r o o k ie 1

° ^ ™ ^

giving. Including Uiree It victories over .VFC teams, burgh's Franco Harris en ter me 555 yards short of JImm: 's career record of 12,312 yard-s mother game T hursday.. St s a l Dallas. —Cardinals, whoso 5 ^ 1 recon ts a tragl-comic tie wl.th Ihi York Giants, looked llki sealers Silnday in throshln) ego 44-14. Still, they have theii full trying lo strip the I0-:

^ of a share of first place in lh< asl.ir the Cowboys they wiil worJ r secondary — which currentlj osl in the NFL

k r x ^ l T X jKilUe.

:r who lie Soxtiesday - U ague Despite some 7 a.wl>all— appearing-in_:\L- '• 1983 season. Kiltnco of Franco drew all t ker of rookie was name< n race, cast l)y the two v jl-place city. -

& and____ KJttlccntcredthImpressive minor

1 Kittle Hc was the 1982 M .78 for of-------— Trappers of Uie Pf

lb W e b e ie In fourth with 40 poinls. Ida for the fifth slot with 28 point2 polnL*; and Northern Arizoru : the coaches thought Web< jague champion — would con «ason.rJtcrs whQ attended o lea. 1 Salt r.^ke earlier thte mon )te likely to repeat as this

>f the 25 writers gave first-pla Bul Uie sportswriters Uiouf )al)ly finish sccond and Monti

the writers' poll came Boise Nevada-Reno. Montana Slal<

j l r i i l l i i iHi i l l

'STr tOimMm_________

.......... M a jo H


s c h e d u le

E N H L s I


i l '; "

fr*"*" ....* - s r ■

§?£T ,d o d d s •Wo»«gf,d t<*l,o jl fool. MonHMlIUll.g* c«0« •> CW‘l»d br NT• , SI L»u,>M<


- - - - ”"115---------^^inriyalil^--------- Ldmontim?! I

lonMr ..............C,''Ccr,/uli I'j lUWE TuM<U»'t

'1 :2 : i iS!”" " '™‘ ' ““"J ,* Cer,:,"''*', - fc MOuillx, IJ ii».gn>iIlob>CO'

MaillU'U - »« --- i,sA.UuiBru.-n‘ar

e v o tin g p..»onni-l •DPO-Pll - Vjino Iw ISU------ —t- t- 1 -H x - -----to'iJo lo’ r.Sw taIS 1 S .IM «ii,»unicoMn

5 }? II S "

e l i s t i s s

E = 7 '“ - - - - s s s

f ~ W i i i™ ticomi lUlSlI

ree "Wlicu you have sluUstic you need to

ters like inakeUie Inlercej im y a good pass rush and rd-s. well,” said Dailai . St. I-andry. “ You can coi — yardage in olher ways » rd . On Sunday, Baltim the land, Houston al Ta

like nesota ul New Orlean ling a t the New York Jets, heir Washingtoa, San 10-2 Chicago, Buffalo at t I the Rams, Denver al Sa

Bay a t AUanta. Kans 'ork Ue, and the New Yor nUy l.,6s Angeles Raider

nighl. Cincihnali Is atl

g g e r - K• and

yea - 140-

' - - ■ H79 rooKie cllgibies 100

L-gamcs during the on itUc, Boddicker and flni: I the votes. No other In U »ed on the 28 ballots two I writers in each’ AL M F

Kthis season wiUisome—)r league credenUals.Minor U ague Player , kvilh Uic Edmonton ^ Pacific Coast l-eague—

r S t . P--------- .---------------------- G<ciaho and Montana IJsa Ints. Nevada-Reno tha t ina gol 14. a 4'‘ber Slate - Uie Vikli ome In worse Uian open

Clleague pre-season poin onth also Uiought h a d . s year’s Big Sky b rea

lea nilace l)allots to lheught Idaijo SUile ,^3 ^liana would come ,

sc Slnlc. followed ” hls a(o and Northern Kas,

the---------------------------------1 Ing'f_________________ Kj

.. eacl; Sent

over Ck

pio\“a«"oo* vars

Vnilcj. Goodl

Kn..,cKri:;j VailSever

li,(d.pK„a.i|in ' ' ' JH.• Coo

‘1 JupoltKoulH

Fb“o i r r e = = = S j s

- n « . , „

s'I.T'®"o. “ah’ . ence in o '

y r y'r.r.v'.f-Wjrr*’-:;------------

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M is ta n d in g s OAI

w W - Tuest 13 5 “ S u S toa4L? !J I '! a .?! The

ASmmtDw»M the IV---- is , n « ,|i H Murt:

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p i i ,

F II,i^ibqsp<«nls

’.“.UejC rival I

ind iar

"rt/-” i.c-,i.nd.O .„ nullifj


,,.McC.,.*~d...n^„..« UjJrtJ I’r C ’ "• Jo e I-l



5o«., . S t ill gci«i:,Li - s.s-'M oo.'«»*P«f Shosseasonconfer

vc Uinl kind of to do oUicr Uiings :eplion.H and put on nd conlrol the run CoUso las Coach ■ Tom p^>|^ rontrol Uic passing moow!! lys.” ' suiiivujiimore is at Cieve- uriRhnir rampa Bay, Min- ans. New England noiuni ts. Philadelphia a t i»iuak .

Francisco a t Jiuiniuw t Uie I ^ .Vngeles San Dlego. Green nsas City at S(>at- ork Giants al Uie t o ^ ers, On Monday It Miami. , S u S S t

n <nd was the first minor leagu ea rs to put together a 50-hoi 40-RBI season.He followed that wiUi 35 hom

M) RBI for the White Sox, wi n lo win Uic AL West 111 nished wlUi 99 victories — UI the majors. His home-run tc vo shy of Uie AL rookie recon i Rosen of Cleveland in 1950.KliUe is Uie first While Sox pl

'in freshman honors sincc 1 gee In i96G:The only olher Wl ’Inners were Gary ^ le r s in 1 uls.AparlcIo In 1956..KltUe._ a_25-ycar:old..from id., was signed orl^nally by

G o o d i n g

p r o d u c e s<X)0 D1N G-—-Ju lie-aem oi isa Graves led a fourth-quarti a t propelled Uie Gooding Sent

47-38 triumph over Uie ikings In a Canyon Coni >ener Tuesday night. Clemons scored seven of lints in the final period and ( id five of her 13, helping 3-2 G ■eak the 30-30 deadlock Uiat h ains as thequarter began. Clemons gave Gooding a t\v ad by sinking two free Uirow alley's .Angela Kasermar line's high scorer wiUi 20 poin hisllcd for a technical foul ascrman scored just two pa c fourth quarter also aided R's cause.Karla Skabronski and C ich grabbed 13 rebounds 1 malors. Valley dropped 'erall.Gooding also prevailed In Uic irsity game, 3G-19, behind olxirtson’s 14 points.

J lcy '........................................... 10.2odltlA ......................................... 9 >/alloy • • .V Kiucnnun 20. Ilcmlrix li,: vcmon 2. Soininons 4. Tursni-o 2. tola

■ouI»2l. • • UoUJine.SoodiRK • CleiTWftii 17. Crave# 1.1. Skal l.x>]»on S. lilll J. /Xndcfwn 2. ToUiIs IC UlH 14. Tlircc-polnt n<Ml - . Hill.

H^ACKFOOT - The Twin jin s' varsity lost to the Uiat > h c < M 4 9 ^ iv a^ tiv ^ t9 -C i '.e affair T u e^a y nii;ht.)o details were rcporto<t.

iakley 43, lurtaugh 35)AKIJ5Y — Chcrl Judd and fnn Severe combined for 33 \ 2sday night to lead UieOaklej 143-35 decision over Murtaugh he victory raised Oakley lo

M ade Valley Conference rtauijh absorbed lls llrst seiui ec outings.^flcr a deadlock In the firsl qu kley jumped ahead 20-10 wht cl Devils managed Jusl Iwo poi : second period. Murtaugh r :k lo within two points at iw ay Uirough the third qi o re Judd hit a bucket to stca(tcievoffBnsc:---------------------)akley travels lo Dietrich Tu ^it./lurtaugh won theprelimlnarj ivertime.i n u * . . . ' . . . : .............................I 10...............................»~atruzUuflb . • Nclteker 2. Uralf 12. O c n cn 7. Ward 2. Pcrklni 10. TWaU 10 Ik 17. Threc-polnl Koul • • .Xrelcnen. tU ey --W arr4 . U<xlko4.JuiU lC.Se< Hlc2, ToUla2l 1-124J. t'oull 12.

hoshone 46, Her 35ILRR — Patly O'Maley and ;osz combined for 29 of Shosh its" to beat Canyon ConfciII Filer 46-35 Tuesday night, loso until the final period, ians saw freshman O’Male; U field goals lo down Uie Wild Ic U gosz blazed in 'six r ifying Filer’s efforts, ile r’s hopes for a league vii ari to fade when starting (■ lie- Jaroiimek-fouled -out-ir d period. That, said Filer CU ach . was bad enough, bu

d-ycar mentor said Uial shou ^anythlng-away-froin^hosliot sure they made us go witl •a guard," he said, "but Uiey getting the shots and steals,"

loshonc's win, lls sccond ol jon, puts the Indians al l-l ii 'erence. F iler drODS to a

l o u t - --------•Continu^ from Page B4

M csin 'T (ft R-« p( Ip player iR R~........ 0 CMI I 0 .siirxicr. . . . 3 I-

C ...... y >1 4 21 Viuilll........1 0-TOI,., 2 Wt 2 4 llu lcy .......i 2-mm ..O 2-2 4 2 Jcnwn I 4- ie n . . .2 2.4 J 0 C l m k l . . .2 o- to n ... 2 *-7 0 B iirown . . . . 2 I- ird ... 1 <K) u 2 Kopkiai... I 2- k . . . .0 t-2 U I K m enion..l !■ lUHi .. 1 2.2 J- 4 SJirpjhr ... 4 0- C U I...I W) 1 2 i i j i r m u . . ,s o-

W illli.......2 t>-llulwy . . . .4 I-Sulton...... 2 (>■

S IB lt-19 IB 90 ToUb ’ S U-1

n eoncU ho................................. a« n s ld i te .....................................«

r a m e d tQguer in 25 Angeles Dodg<•home run, relea.sed faecau

in 1978. Hcjolmlomersand zation in 1979 a. who went in the farm syst<

liUe 'and ' At G-fooM am- the most an aggressiven total was known for vlcioicord set by "That KilUe li>0, sawdust oul o f 'IX player to City pitcher Vid c Tommie During the e • White Sox * W hite- S oxr'w in 1963 and boseman, actua

Kittle and some om Gao:,_Bu(ldy_Bell. B by Uic I a s Kittle had IG hoi

g ’ s f o u r t l

J S 4 7 - 3 8m nas.and. __arter rush lenatorsto le Valley •kinferen'ce overall and ai ol her 17 ' “ S” -, , , nd Graves F iler’s jm loi 2 Coodlnn ™ “ P “u S r S e scorer was Fii,


W o o d Enan, the«ints,w as Camas >

H A IU 5 Y -LM Goodlied Good. Wolverines nei

Cam as County, Clemons the non-confcr«

Is for Uie iess,.4l-38. d lo 2-3 Carrying a

halftime. Coacl Uic junior cam e out of Uie ind Susie Lisa Funkhaus-

wiUiin striking r „ ^ « “ We just lo I ' m X * Shannon'explaitX li. Morrill 4. Ix^n more time Totals IS 2-10 us, a t the ra le >

__ _ just gol lo tryS7c^ 4 7 sistency, b u f i t '

us.”Making ll "w

were Lisa WrIgI ..., ■ .whtLjscorcdUC.

victors./in Falls Wood River’sblackfoot___while Camas Co►Gonfep-------------------;--------

ComasCountyWood III w ..............

Camas OcNBly - •. U ____^ ^ ___U ruchailjuo.l.Jone

TollililH IU-12JB. h'OU Wood niver - • Wri

Sliwr.2. Totals 177-U

Kimben G lenns.

S ' ’-lr'‘'--~ -G I.E N N S-FE l . height proved t

to 3-0 In Tuesday night ce while thiimrxHi G l ^ s jlDScimi leagtie opener foi

•They rebound :quarter. again,” said G when Uic Sandy Fast. "Tl points In the height Uils ye h rallied W hilenooneoi at 24-22' Inlo double figu quarter Kelli King led in

Icady Uie 14 points. Nine o-----------:— on-second-halfciTuesday “ a '* '» l“ -

Kimberiy . . . i ............iarylG-14 OknmFany..........

Kimberiy -Collack B. Rilcre7.Pjisloy I.W

10 34 39 ,'3 '"W“ X ~ C -------0 «en># P eny ■ ■ rhuI. Curtis 2. KlnKl4.SUiHofU4.Toi m oM O Ji. out •••Johanek. Th^so^


md Msa I a l j l l j l loshonc's ifcrencc—

iod, the aley hit ,

( more.— ;

victory g guardi-in Uie— \ ipp iflM W M r Coachbul Uie ' ■ • ■

houldh’tiwne,--------------------with an Ileywere ; .j®is," iB> _1 of Uie-1 in Uie ^I a 1-2 •

______ _ ■ J . ^34

R n-a pf tp .

I (H) J 2 ,t 2-» J 101 4-4 a li2 0-2 J 4 J l-l U S 12-2 3 4 I I-] .1 ’j


i i 5 U•« 25 S2 ’

a 2*-S0 ___o *^~a

W o

t a p i t t riRcrs in 1977 bul was AL luse of chronic' injurlt»ined the Chicago organi- ho]and worked his way up he

stem. caimd 200 pounds, KltUe is . >rc right-handed hitler Anious line drives. de:}looksIlkehe’sgrlnding "Vif the bat," said Kansas weIda Blue. sinexhibition season, the ga:

w h o - d e s l r e d - a U iird ------- 1ually considered trading thene pitchers lo Texas for ultBy_June.2;!._ however^__.Or.lomcrs and was the first rei

t h - q u a r t €

w i n o v e i

an Identical i-i in Uie

ior varslly prevented a f J a 40-20 wfn. f-cading

'ilcr’s U rl Hall wllh 17 ' cxj qui

River 41, “ c

; Cty. 38 to2Uadingalonejuncture ts, Uie Wood River learly gave it away to sco y, but. ended up winning frence match neverthfl'

a 14-^lnl lead inlo ich P al Shannon’s club le locker room lo watch isc r rally Uie Mushers «>‘J 5 range. s a 'lost our momentum.’’ lined. "I Uilnk bad there ^ 10 they would’ve caught J we were going. We've ^ ry and get more con- it’s starling lo work for w«»

r De■work” for Wood River Ight and Dana Pidgeon, Lf>.points,cactU &r_lhe_ni_

’s rccord stands al 2-4, :ounty.drops.to 2-2— ,____....................B.................... IS » 37 41-41 n• Knowlloo 2, t'unkhawcr 17.

MiM I fjinom 12. ll«?niwlt 4,•oul* 10. c in i^riBlit to, Hiljxon HI; Traccy 7, T.u4i,Kouiiiii, had

rly 41, Z : Ferry.27 SE R R Y ~ K im I)c fIy ’s ~ : ; : ^

to be the difference It as Uie Bulldogs. ns Ferry 41-27 In Uie !t _ [or“lhePliots. ^nded and put il up right ^ Glenns Ferry Coach They’ve definitely got

on uie winning side got jures. Glenns Ferry’sin the losing effort wilh u .-, of King’s poinls came


..................U « » 41 Mow........................ a u 17 n nurii«k s. CroUmO, stark*. West MoWriKht 3, TMaU IS 1141. f''DUi« Fjut:


TolaUll 2 27, (•'ouU II. Fouled Uu9»polDtRoalfKlnn3. ^ tvi4,

C e le b r a i

2 i v i » . c o ' » ^ '- . ■ a .

ifo d n esd ay , N ovom bor 23,1983

r r o o ^ k i e ~.AL p layer lo drive In 50 runs.

" I 'm every Lit uf tin’s but Ihope never lo change Uie way 1 am ," he said a t the time. "You know you c a n ’t forget where you came from.”. Wlien Kiltie was nalned to the

A m erican Uaf'ue All-Star team, he descrilxMi his excltemcnt by saying; . "Wlien 1 go oul there. I’d better be wearing rubl«r panls.” He had a single in two trips lo the plate in the gam e.

— Franco w asabrilllantshortstopfor------th e Indians who hit .273 and conlrlb- ute<l 80 RBI. Boddicker helped Uie

_Orjoles toJhe_World.Scries,v>’tlh a.lG-U____record nnd 2,77 RRy\; ---------------

e r s p l u r g e

> r V a l l e y

Declo 54,Wendell 33

WENDELL - The Declo girls exploded for 22 poinls in the third q u arte r to broak away from Wendell and collect a 54-33 Canyon Conference victory Tuesday nIghL

The shorter Trojans stayed wlUiin four points of the favored Hornets over Uie first half as Sue Strickland and Debra Kelley provided a lot oCUie scoring.

But Dcclo blazed wlUi 62 percent field goal shooting In the third quarter. Lyn Darrington pickcd up eight of her 17 poinls in Uiat surge and Cindy GIllcU and Stacy Wolfe added four each. Al Uic same time, Wendell could manage Just Uux» points. That gave E>eGlo a 23-point advanUige going into the final eight minutes.

Wendell will entertain Glenns Ferry Tuesday nighl.

Declo took thcproliminary 34-24.D eclo.............................................a a «5 -Mw«*twi................................. ll n a 33

Derto -- narrloRlon 17. Cllldt 0. Wheeler ll.WoICH. Ilullcy t0.llall2.To(aU221O-2OS4. Fouls IS.

W oxM l • -SlricUsmt ll. Ijuwaster4. ItenrxHI 4. liocllly I. Kelly H.i'cpe2, Totals I I 10-20 JJ. ttxils m______ _____________________ . . . _________ J ,,...

Mtn. Home 66,B u f f ^ J S

BURLEY — Mountain Home let out all Uie slops Tuesday night by.troun- : _c i n g w i n l e ^ urIeyCtP38:------------------------

T he Bobcats, now 0-C for the season, had to look on as Uiree Tigers scored nine o r more points. The Tigers ripped open a 2t-8 first-period lead, expanded lhal by three morc poinls a t Uie half and coasted tb Uie win.—Popping-ln-pqlnts-Ior-Burley-werc-------senior Michcllc Wall, wiUi six field goals and 14 poinls. and sophomore sensation Misty Randall, who shot six

Mountain Home, said B'uriey Coach Mac Mills, was out of Uie Bobcats’ leag u e—at least so far Uiis season.

"T hey’re big, fast, experienced, and ju s t have more guns Uian we can handle.” he said. "They shoot from everywhere — extremely well. It's kind of hard to say, getUng stomped like wc did. but Uils was the best offgHSlve'per fDrmance wu’voliud Uils— - y ear."U ounialnitoim ............................» 38 « «Duriey........................................... • ># » 3»

Mw frt«'n liomo- -YMt 0 1-2 19. Ortvee 4 1-3 9.H'jutman4iH)B,SLticnnalneJI-37.ComploR2M...........>. Caldwell 4 4-4 12. Illler, J o-l B. ToUU 29 B-U 00.

Uuriey- Wall 0 2-214. Newcomb 4 0-2 B.' Hokldi 2 >14, lUuHlall :lO-912.T0U1S lSB-1428. Poula 10.

ate! _.■

5? peace, love, o f the season .,st holiday y®'-.

983 T im os-N ow s. Twin Falls . Id ah o B-5

R u n m

TWIN FAU season for Twi been selected meet early nea

However, V donatl<ms to n

Tbosewlahli 2ndAve.W,T>

Valdez, 16.1 fo r this grotq)

------------- sponsored b / tValdez was:

' and field coad

B ru in 1------------AU-<Jem Stato

CoachKathyA Twin Falls'

selections, wh Anderson, mea

--------------- MJnlco^sJCla'HiecompleU

WBlker. Idaho rftib Secood lo u a - N


; C ow heTW INFAU^

WlU bold a Wes beginning a t 8 p

U ve music w: \ . Admission la

givenasadoor] ' Tickets are a

^ . sold a t tbe doo423-S24S.

. C hario lJE R O M E -a

an InvltaUmia]- Saturday a t nooi

This event m a each followings

Admission to $l.SO,wtthchiidi

J u d o cl• OGDEN, Utah fleldparticipatlr

Winners from heavyweight cli

' middleweight an , '' Hoopliolnu tooir

d ass ._________ The group's ne

M V S C iV . . . BOISE - Tbe--------------‘‘B~ancnieKef"

Invitational Meei The Boise YM( ForlheMVSC,

girls B and bei freestyle, 200 in

_ ....... A alnh--------- — free^yle and-the

Other highiMl: 9-10 girls and'Aa Amy Thatcher t

; Miller, 15-16 girls

Y arb o rcr - ........ - COLUMBIA, S

arrested on drimli suspended if conv circuit, o ffida lss

I • h i * •

T M o f f e t t - e

as union■ NEW YORK (U P I)-

y ear after his unanlmou head of.the Major Lea{ P layers Association, Ker was dismissed by the ui

- Uve board Tuesday. H is ; Marvin MUIcr, was nai r^ lacem en t.

__“ It can tx cpnfjrme<M offat is no longer dir today," said Miller; wh

; year ago after servlnig as ■ executive director sln« , hai^)ened sometime today

Miller would not comm fe tt's replacement, buti)2 lo the Players i\ssociation

__ definite - that - Moffett's. oiMiller is the executive dir Interim basis. The players meet In two weclcs to decic

According to the sourcc, execuUve board met Mond New Yorit and voted Moffei

Moffett, who helped setl baseball~strlke in hls~c d e ^ ty director ol th< Mediation and C ^ ilia tic was elccted to succeed : Dec. 8. At the time. Mill would remain with tbe i full-time t>asls through Apr

"I will bQ doing what - assist," Miller said a yej

want to make the transilior asppsslblc."

Moffett began his coreei . to r in 19(>1 and it was In hi:

acting director ef the FM became Involvpd In the pla; that.shut down major-leagi for two months in 1981.

. strike was settled. th< Association asked Moffett somie names for conside Miller's successor.


■ M f im e l^ e w s .T w I i

ner n e e d s $ t<A U ^ — Rick Valdez, one o Twin FaUs High School’s bo ed to participate on a U.S. yo next year In Singapore., Valdez cannot make the til0 meet his traveUng expenses shlng to make a donation ma: .TwinFalls, 63301, or caU h er 6. Is believed to be the first B }tq), which consists of 30' boy jyiiw International Sports Ex as nominated for tbe team bj Hich a t BoisaState Universlt}

1 t r io o n All-Cl i iS — Qm ferenM ^iTipldr ato team announced Tuesday, ly Anderson were honored, ils ' Heidi Hansen and Jill while Kris Reynolds gamej neanwhUe. coUected Coach of rtna f>»rVinTW»11 wan a figeond-ti JeteaU-leagueteani:• Heldl KwB«n and JUI Skoem, TWIr

Chrt» m n w . SkyllnewJ ,\«J f («- Nancy Nal« a n i Mamis N*dst((. Ulx Mlnlco: SiMia CbUlM. Pocalollo and O r oUeo • • Marde Payw. l<Uho f 'BiU.

lo r s e g ro u p f irXS—The Magic Volley. Relx Vestem Holiday Oahce a t the :8p.m.c wUl be provided by The Last I Is $5 per couple or S3 for indi x>rpritt.e available from aoy associt door. For more infonnation

o t ra c e s s ta r t- The Snake River CSmrlot Ri ial chariot meet at the Jen toon.marics the start of the chariot g Saturday beginning a t l p. m to S a t u r n 's raCe and sui

ildren under 12 admitted free.

::lub v ies in Otah - The Twin FaUs Judo Cll atlng in a tournament last wee om Twin FaUs included Ke' classification; B enten Ge

: and Jackie Devers. senior u O irthlrdiu Uw acniui m ^n's

I next action wiU come Jan . 14

: p la c e s th irdlie Magic VaUey Swim Q u b ef**-a5d""C” -a iv IsIo n s-a r leetlast weekend.TUCA captured first place in b SC, Cindy O’Dell earned h!g^ better dass, setting pool

I Individual medley and the >nhii«h«»rfpx>i r^w rds in thgglhe200 butterfly___________Mint finishers in B and better •Aaron Thatcher In Uie 9*10 b T Ued for first In Uie 8-anc anera-werB-Charlnttft Hnwnr Iris. David Beeks and Chris Sl

rough m ay s t, S.C. (U PI)— stock c a r t unken driving charges, could anvicted but it wUl not affect 1; Is said Tuesday.

M pP lar

o u t — ^ " c s i i r

1 head' - Less than aiwus elecUon as \<eague.BasebaU - | ,Kenneth Moffett ^» union's execu-lis predecessor,named Interim

fn^__Umt_Ken._ director as of /w ^ retired a___ /: as Uie union’s ' / ' Ince 1966. “ It / iay. 1 guess.’’ /nment on Mof- /1) source dose * /Lion said: “It’s /-out-aod-that------ / ---------director on an . / ers’ board will scide on a now

ce. the union’s onday night In ffettout. setUe the 1981[—capacity a s -------------Uie Federal

aUon Service.Hi MlUer last ^Ulcr ^ d he_ e unlon'on a \prU1983. Ihat I can to I year hgo. "I I tion os smooth I

'eer as media- \I his posllon as \F^CS that he \ players' sUike \ sague ttosebaU \ \ \ 81. After the I NUie Players v jl .ett to submit jideratlon as

fwin l-alls. id a h o W eunotiO .

to c o m p e te5 of Uie top runners UUs past boys cross countiy team, has youth team in an International

trip unless he raises $1,595 In

nay contact Vivian Leazer. «rat733-1853.t Bruin performer over chosen toys and 30 girls. Tbe meet is Exchange;------------------- ------I by Jim Kline, women’s track jity and one of Uie coacbes for

G em S ta teIldn'TvtiiTPallslioinlnaledjte” ty , as Uiree Bruin players and~

Jill Skeem were first-team Tiered a second-team berth, of the Year honors, j-tcnmghntge. ■___________

Nvln FaJU; Kdly tUlley and Jcnoifer f(omcfca.l(lRhland.UlackXooC Kri» Beyootdfc TVln Fall*; aodyNutlall.>ll8hland.

h o s ts d an c e£lned Cow-Horse.AssocJation.. Lhe Turf Club Saturday night

ist Country Band, ndividuals. A $20 ham wlU be

iciatlon member and will be on. contact KaUiy Wylie at

r t S a tu rd a yRacing Association will hold erome C^junty Fairgrounds

lot season. Races will be held I.m .subsequent compeUtlons is

O gdenClub was among theiO-team weekend.iCevIn Pullman In Uie 15-16 George, senior white belt r women’s lightweight. Eric I's-bladrbelt-inlddleweight—

14 in an event at Boise._______

d a t B o iseJ b fin ish^ third in boUi Uic it~Uie Boise Tlianksglving—

n both classifications, igh'polnt Honors in the 15-16II records In Uie 500-yard he 100 backstroke. Cindy's:e same division for Uie L6S0 .

Ler induded Jenna Foster In ' 0 boys. Carol Waldram and ind-under girls. C division

: Standley In 15-16 boys.

itill d riv er driver Cale-Yarborough, lid have his driver’s license ;t his status on Uie N.\SCAR

a n n in g A n A uction?

IIT--------------------- --------aye *423-5598 •Kimberly lao* 734 601 •Twia Falls Rod*43»3Sl*Ripert .' W o a p p rs c ia te y o u r B ustn o i i . | ,

--------D I A L

I N T E IA B R A r

A n Id o h c s o r v ln g < B u r lo y , o

2 4^ n o m o n


sO ay, U cvom oor 23.1063

■ i j r ^ i g S kH B B o i s E i u p r r

KenHobarthasM Conference playe for the tiiird time performance waj

ast IdaboUivltedtopiua Idaho State sallal only was named

player of the weeIn

103 —

e | 3

PH friTII g'

It............. ' | l m RocH H Sei

___.^ 9956 M H ScraiI ■ B B l . Baco

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/ REM EM B ER W H / T E tE P H O N E C>



: R N A I K\ N D N E W C O M P A t

a h o C o m p o n y f o r I d a h o p< ig a l l o i I d a h o f r o m T w in J

o r B u h l . E v o r y w h o r o n o v 2 4 h o u r u n r o s t r i c t o d c a l o h t h l y i o o s , n o m ln i r


Coll N ow 734-06 ' c a ll you noo d to

o r q n y w h e ro In

ky honors) — idaiK) quarterback . geiwonoffensiveBlgSky talycr of tlie week honors roine. but his outstanding if03 nol enough to get oviI post-seoson play. en(mfety John Beiry not yaisd Big Sky defensive Beieek. but his team wlU tur

ake Moi I The Kitl c = A j n d - T o J


10:00 a . m . - 9:0^'::omp/imentaty Che7Qst T6 m T u rk e y • Boi e a fo o d N e w b u rg *<Le

V irg in ia B ak ed Vjsjoned ic t SoleomBlod Eggs Dos:con and Sousogo Muf vlth Giblet Gravy Coff ndledYams o i

Adults $6 .95 • S r. Clt] C h ild re n $3 .25 • Unc M o k e R e se rv a tio n s C

rW IN FALLS* 1 3 5 0 BtuoLc

I 1 K O E H E 9 I M H 1

SN A K E RIVEREvary Saturday I

S a t u r d c ^ N o vi--------------- — T om <afr«it|iB #ll

------ ------ R ,ij6 robI*ab»»IeA M lA dv«lU *m «nlN

M eifo rim llh Auclla

S u n d a y , N o v e i rAsJIqu* A uetlor

A dvarlliam ant Nov ..................... Snok» Rivor Aoelli

S u n d a y , N o v aS ch m o« tT uc

A nIlquoiSC olU ctIb A dvortliom ontN

M aitor* a 0 * b e rn * A

W e d n e s d a y , N o^Bill Po tto rton Ea

J« ram « -H o u i* C F a rm A dvonliom ofil N<

M siio rttn llh Auelloi

T h u r s d a y , Dac<Belon L.S.C. Inc. a N*

- - sno ihonv- A dv«rtIf«m *nlN o

M a tf« n a O ib o m » A u .




p o o p io y o u p a y o n lyn F a l ls . A ll t c l c p h o n o s3v% • • o r e c o m p a l tb Ur a i l in g , .c a l l a n y o n e in Ic'i m u m . U n llo d S to fo s , A

ITERNATIrtldNE DISTANCE lElEPHOHE Cl )649 a n d sovo u p to0 m o k o from Twin F1 Id ah o o r th o U .S.A

^ 6 4 ^ r 6 7 8 r 2 i

3 Idahoansget a chance to play again takes on Nevada-Reno in round of the NCAA I-AA playi

H obart led his team to 45-2 over rival Boise State Satu ended his college career yards passing and five toui B erry Intercepted two po2 turning one for a 38-yard touc

M m O u tO t l i tc h e n . . . ItG»HE3Eable!=|

m IG BRUNCH IO p - ^ t m ; - ' ' H

hampaghe ■lorbri~bfBeeFLeg o f Lam b | [ |I H a mala d Bor mo sseH s ■ Mlufflns S Rolls 1 3offoe, T ea , Milk . | | jo r Punch H

: i t lz e n s $ 5 .9 5 n d e r 5 FREE MC a ll: 733-0650 g

ILokot Blvd. N. B


v e m b e r 2 6M l» v u «V uloV «O lh« r--------------- :----------tN o v . 34 :llan S*rvlc«

i m b o r 2 7tlon Jov. 26 lellon ■ ■

r e i m b e r 2 7ru ck « r c tlb lo t-F ila r > tN ev .26 > A u etlen « a rf

o v e m b o r 3 01 E«lot« irm Equipm onl I N ov. 28 lion Scrvlce

c o m b e r 1N alflhbors• .......................................... - 'N ov. 29 A uetlon**r*



y f o r w h a t y o u u s o . o s , r o t a r y , e n d t o n o • b lo a l l o w i n g ' y o u to I I d a h o , t h o c o n t in o n to l ., A l a s k a a n d H o w a i i .

IONAL[COMPANY IN IDAHO.^o 4 0 % o n th a t F a lls to Burloy

^ I n w h e n i t In t h e f i r s t

LEGAL N<45-24 v i c to r y _______________atunlay. He NOTICE OF h er with 440 NOTICE IS

p a ^ . r o - C ode , th e Idi o uch d o w n . Tax C om m ia

ho ld B pub lic . I Iho o llic o s of

■ Tax Com m lssli 1 s t Floor, E a: o n c e Room , S t Bulldino a l ;

H H S ta te S tre e t ,' H M H ----------- Id a h o -a t - l0 :0 0

■ i B a th o dayl ^ l l l c e m b e r, 19U . W E ^ p u rp o s e of cc

z zz itittjdgw K Q lra i In te ro s le d po r:

■ m l live to th o ad p ro p o se d re

— — r e la t in g - to - th i~ l i B I ---------- ANDTftETA-X-- |S a H — — noN srT T is—i

■ 1 ^ 1 - a re b e in g m ade ' r e c e n t l

■ | I 5 1 c h a n g e s , Judlcl a n d adm inlstr. te rp re ta tlo n s r<

' ■ E y t t t B s n a x e s T TT ax C om m iss au th o rity to pr

I M | | | th e s e re [ S | | l p u rsu a n t t o S e c ■ I g Q a n d 63-3635, Ida

a n d Its g e n e ■ n j l m a k ln g au lh o rit' B B l Tfta propoaeig y n t lo n s n av e be ■ S g p a re d In pa m p i

— a n d d issem ina te H j j R I T ax Com m lsslo i j ^ B I O lflce s lo c ate d Q a B . d 'A le n e , Low lst

Fa lls , P o c a te l l & I B Idaho Falls anc I 9 q 9 T ax C om m isslo r

. O ffice. T he pi j S B m a y b e ex am in e ^ P i | lim ited c o p ie s .< I S l l I from su c h office : y B M S h o rt sta te m i■ I Q th e s u b s ta n c e l ^ l l l r u le s p ro p o se d

a d o p te d , a m en R U I re p e a lo d a re I y y l l l b e low : ' Any Inl

p e rs o n m ay mi | £ | | H v iow s know n oi

a p p e a ra n c e a i tl R l i j i a n d tim e sh o w n

o r by subm itting v ie w s lo Ihe Sli

[ 2 H C om m ission , P.i 36, B oise, Idahi

R l | | i (Attn: Legal Socii w i * tim e p rio r l o t h e r

» P e r s o n s w ishli t e s Ify a ro a s l n o l ly th e Com mli th e r in ten t to te

---------------------lhe-« d d f« se -ab o vcalling (20^ : b e fo re 5:6o P.M .

■ ' ' ___ la s t b u s in e s s day.

. T he num berli t h e s e reg u la tio n s s p o n d s wilh th e li

------------------- d J g l i f t ^ l - i h o ^ p cc o d e se c tio n (C 6 3 ,T illo38 , Idaho (

R egula tion 06 a m e n d e d lo a c o n fo rm ity w llh F tlo n 12-7 dealln i c o m m u n l c a l

...............e< ^ lp m o n t. - -

a m e n d e d for g ra c a ic o rre c lio n .

^ R egula tion 12 a m e n d e d lo d e le

— *------------ Bftfn c r e n n t RTSTSta x ra te , a n d to I d e f in e Ihe te rm o p e ra te d equlpm e n ia l s ."

R egu la tion 12- a m e n d e d w ithout s ta n tlv e c h a n g e te c h n ic a l p u rp o ses

R egu la tion 12- a m e n d e d to brin

fo rm lty w ith s ta p h ilo s o p h y regi e x c lu s io n of s e r a n d to Include i t lo n s io r a n d tax m e n l o f " d r t e q u ip m e n t a n d "i

R egu la tion 12-6 n e w regu la tion ad lo exp lain s a le s tr e a tm e n t o l b a la r m s , backgi m u s i c sy s te m s , p£ s o u n d m ask ing and la r de v ice s .

R e g u la tio n i3-< ■ a m e n d e d to d e le ii_ e r e n c e lo th e 3%

ta x rate .R e g u la tio n 13-1

a m e n d e d to r e f le c t : to r y c h a n g e s reg a m a n u fa c tu re r 's ri c o u p o n s a n d to

__ te c h n ic a l c h a n g e s .R 'e g u la ird f r

a m e n d e d to de le te e r e n c e lo th o 3% ta x ralo .

R e g u la tio n 13-2 a m e n d e d w ithout s ia n l lv o c h a n g e s fo

___p u r p o s e __ o l— ro llor e c e n t fede ra l log ls l

R e g u la tio n 19-1 a m e n d e d to d e le te e r e n c e to th e 3% i a t B r ‘iu"cun.»/i iii“ tc

s p o r t i n g rea u lro rr n e c e s s i ta te d Dy*Yo le g is la tio n ; a n d to v id e fo r b rac k et sysi f o r ta x e s a t r a le s o l

— 4 % ,—a n d -U ;5 % -a n i - p ro v id e e x a m p le s o p e ra t io n of th e brs s y s te m .

R e g u la tio n ^ ^ 3 a m e n d e d to r te c h n ic a l c h a n g e s ai p r o v id e c ro a s -re le n to o th o r rogulatl w ith o u t ' su tisto i c h a n g o .

R e g u la tio n 22*4 a m e n d e d to ^clarlly o x o m p lio n io r r< p a r t s ; lo lotino acllv I n c lu d e d o r oxcli ir o m larm ing; a n d tc f in e " tra n sp o r ta tio n .

R e g u la tio n 22-9 a d o p te d to conforn t h e Tax C om m issi u n d e rs ta n d in g le g is la tiv e in ten t g a rd in g m a ile r u se i p r o d u c e h e a t ' by b

'JLcg a is-14 0 T tC E LEGAL NC: H EARIN G : Regula tion IS H EREBY a d o p fe d to dc p u r s u a n t to w a te r a n d e lec !03, Id a h o Uvered to c u s to Id a h o S ta le Regula tion I s s io n w i l l - a m e n d e d to c. h e a r in g In leg isla tive chs 3f t h e S t a lo quIrIng diffore s lo n o n th e d u e d a te s ; croa a s l C o n fe r- m onoy ; to refI S t a te O ff ic e m ission policy

700 W e s t u s e o t estlm ati B t.. . B o lso , vo k e any00-A -;M r"d n— o x to n s lo n s -o f a y o f D e- 'H e; and to rt a . fo r th e coun ting period

a rs o n s re la - R egula tion Z a d o p tio n o f p o a led and ro-ai r e g u la t io n s r e f le c t con ti

th e " S A L E S '^ p r a c t l c e - o f - a : X‘ R E Q U i^ -~ th e - D e p a r tm e n t

p 'ro p o s a ls " V ehicles, a n d d e to e f f e c t C om m ission r

le g is la tiv e adm in istra tion i I c la f ru l in g s c o d u re s fo r tai Itrallvo m - tlon on lic en se r e la tin o to veh ic le s; a nd to

“T R r ‘S a t e “ s ta i r a s t a s ~ fo r a s s io n h a s Ing value o f veh p r o m u lg a te w hich no s a le s r e g u la t io n s validly esiab llsh i Bcs. 63-3039 R egula tion : J a h o C o d e , a m en d e d to refi n e ra l r u le ta tlo n s on furlsd riiy. t h e . Board of '

'’ f e - . l o n , =p h le t fo rm am erided to Inc. a te d to i h e - ppeclH caily— r e fIo n 's F ie ld Incom e tax Iat d In C o e u r regu la tions a n d tis lo n . T w in " tax a b le y e a r" filello a n d ta x p u rp o s e s .m d In Ih e R e g u la tio n , 3o n ’s B o is e ad o p fed lo Incco ro D o s a la regu la tions adop

ned Tn a n d [ncom e tax laI ,o b ta in e d fo rcernen i, co :q s . a n d adm inistra tio m e n ts o f Regula tion 40 a o f th e a d o p te d to refl( )d to b e req u ire m en ts of jn d e d o r C o d e S ec , 63-364

In c lu d e d tf’O ,, procedure! I n te r e s te d m aking m a k e h iso ra lly b v DATED th is 7lh th e d a t e N ovem ber. 1963.

vn a b o v e , S / U r w G . L oonej 10 w ri tte n C h a I r n SW te T ax PUBLISH; W edn P .O . B ox N o v em b er1 6 ,2 3 ,. Iho 83722 1083. c l to n ) a n y r e q u e s t


" 's s i o n o f T h e ' Idaho Kll Council on

■ op 'flB n ta ro isaw ii 334-4M 0 a cc ep tin g w ritten I

^ o p o s a l s f ro m ' ^y -p rl°r * o - e s t e d - prlvate andV ' -------- :— TO frarontifflrn'C Tjfring o f o rgan izations, n s c o r r e - J n p ro p o sals v * i f rec e iv e d by th ep p llc a b le — C ounc il— on— r ( C h M te r o p m e n la l D isabllll

o fllce a t 450 'S s t a l e S tre e t, i

M h le y e Idaho , unlit koo R eg u ia* M ounta in T ime.

Ing w llh c e m b e r 3 0 ,1083.'C I t i o n s tim e ond d a te o l t -VTe ■ ■ *ance of propos? 10^ — I s — " o n — tia n d " — al ra m m a tl- sp e c if ie d olirco, ar

a postm ark tlmi is m a lle d p ro p o sa ls .

) f u r th e r o p m e n tn fu lly C om m unity-B asedn e n t r e - m g Faclllfles ($3J

S ta r t-u p funding fc•2-2 la p l a n n in g . '.a n d . ..<u t s u b - opn fon t of tw o (2)3 e fo r d e n tia l living facliltle s o n ly . developm en ta lly12-7 Is a b led /m en la lly III {ing th e th a t have b e e n <) c o n JIuG/lOSiid. O iia flj ta lu to ry sh a ll bo ' for r e s td e rjg a rd in g y e a r s o ld and youe rv lc e s , (he o th e r for re s ld e i

d e f ln l . y e a r s a n d o lde r. TvIX tr e a t - c o n tra c ts will b e IsJ ro p - ln " fo r 516 W e ach ." In s id e 2) RFP «RS i

Is a L e isu re and R ecre a d o p te d A ctiv ities ($7,000)e s ta x d e v e lo p , and d e b u rg la r th ro u g h com m unity

(g ro u n d u n le e r g ro u p s, a n 'ip a p e r s , n lz e d sy stem aticnd s im t- g ram for on-c

s o c l a l / t e i s i3-6 Is /re c re a tio n a l acllvltls te r e l . developm en ta lly

s a l e s a b le d p o rso n s resi In e ith er s

1-10 Is s u p e rv is e d , g roup I : t s l a l u - fac llille s or family se g a rd in g in th e local aroa .

r e fu n d - 3) RFP iR S 6 ' m a k e T ransitional U vlng

___ flram 9 j?15 .(W h_O n '1-^ I s c o n tra c t will b e issue ) to re f - a n o p e ra to r o f s 'o s a l e s in d o p e n d o n l living a _ tra in in g program for

-23 Is M) to s ix (6) p e rso n s .II su b * fac ility m u sl c u rren ti fo r th e e s ta b l is h e d wllhin lle c t in g —c o m m u n ity .— Individ Is la tlo n re s id in g , o r to b e plai M is w ith in lh e Ilving fac I te re f - m u s t h av e had tralnlr 1% ta x b a s ic Ind ep en d en t II - t o - r e - — sk lllsrT hls-funding-l! > m en ls a p rog ram doslgnec T o c e n t a s s i s t p e rs o n s In mai0 p ro - t h e ' . tran s ition Iron ^ s te rn s - 2 4 -h o u rs u p e rv is e d 11'01 3 % , fac ility to si » n d - to — in d e p e n d e n t II' 3S o f env lronm on l.) ra c k e t 4) RFP «RS 84

D ually D iagnosed I ^ Is o ra tio n P ro lect (M.C

m a k e F u n d in g lor o n e (1) ( a n d to tr a c t sha ll b e m

e re n c e -- a v a ila b le to an oxis a t io n s , • co m m u n ity b a se d Ih ton tlvo fac ility for tho plann:

In teg ra tio n and supi -4 - Is o f Iwo (2) du ly Ih o d ia g n o s e d p e rso n s , r o p a lr c lllty m u sl no l b e lar

llv itle s th a n lllloon (15) b e d s c lu d o d e lu d in g tho du to do> d ia g n o s e d m enially n . " ta ro e d /m e n ta lly III n ■9 Is d e n ts .>rm 10 5) RFP- ICD 84 is io n s C o m m u n l t y > b a S '

■ 0* P a r e n t Training Progr t r ^ e n d S e rv ice s (J54> je d to F u n d in g for tho pla

b u r n . In g , lorm ulation and o le m o n ta tlo n of

S e g a l s -

NOTICE LEGAL NOTICEin 22-11 Is s ta te w id e p a re n t tra in ing ■) d e f in e g a s . p rog ram th ro u g h o u te le c tr ic i ty d e - - Idaho will b e p rov ided ,u s io m e r s . T he p rog ram sh o u ld b e)n 23-1 Is o rlo p te d tow ard fam ines

to r e f le c t In u n se rv e d a re a s a n dc h a n g e s r e - m u sl ou llino s e rv ice d o - ,

fe re n i r e tu r n Uvery sy s te m s to boc re a t in g s t a t e u s e d , p la n n ed n u m b e r ofr e l i e d C o m - cW ldron/fam I l o f lo b o

Iley r e a a r d ln a s e n re d w llhin ta rg e to qm a te s : t o r e - a re a s , a n d th o p a re n t’ o e r o e tu a l train ing program to bo ~ o f “ t lm 0 “ t o — fo llo w s rO n e (2) c o n tra c t—3 r e l i e d a c - will b e Issu ed fo r a

n 2 M Is r e - P ro le c t (J15,5M). F und- r o -a d o p te d to 'n g will b e availab le to a lo n te m p o ra ry private o r public nori-

l e n r e r H s l l f — m S oIiI oSind ' t h e T ax orally a s so c ia te d with:I r e a a r d ln a Identification of ex is tin gon a n d p r o - se rv ice a g e n c ie s se rv ing

ta x c o l le c - ch ild ren o-5 y e a rs ; c o o r-m s e d m o t o r d ln a te a n d Im plem entd lo p ro v id e ac tlv ltes a n d rec o m -a T a sw rfa T fv :— m onda tlon—D f - s —s ta te -------v e h ic le s f o r 'a y e l , ta sk fo rco

lie s o r lc e Is a dvoca ting for d isa b le dI lsh e d . ch ild ren ; r e s e a rc h ,I 31-1 '< Is com pila tion a n d d ls -re f le c t llm l- s im lnallon of se rv ice In-

ir lsd lc tlo n o f form ation to p a re n ts a n d

0 , A P- • f i « S f l « ? V X “.lJn°“ "o'i, 34_i Is s ta te level p rog ram d a ta ' In c o r p o ra te Identifying g a p s , n e e d s , - r e f e r e n c e d — d u p l lc a l lo n - o f - s o r v lc e s :- ^ . .

la w s a n d plan a n d o rg an iz e a nd to d e f in e s ta te w id e c o n fe re n c e on r " fo r s a l e s early ch ildhood In­

te rven tion is s u e s ; a n d 35-1 i s o th e r ac tiv itie s . O ne (1)

In c o rp o ra te c o n tra c t sh a lls b e

“ " i S r e ' S : ' T " ^ . A W 8 4 . 0 , : I , v

a S c r o r r r o S -« A -1 Is F r a o T o le p h o n B lJn e a n il

r e f le c t t h e Inform ation a n d R eferra l o f I d a h o S en rlce ($7,5QQ). O n a (1)

I-3640A a n d c o n tra c t will b e Is s u e d . lu re s f o r ^or in stallation , opera*

c la im s t'o n a n d m a in te n an c e ofa toll-free te lep h o n e lin e »

7lh d a y o f to b e av ailab le for g e n - 33. e ra l public u s e reg a rd in g3nev ' se rv ice , Inlorm ation a n d r m a n referra l, a n d c itizen W ednesday rig h ts a n d ad vo cacy , re l- 23 a n d 3o a tive to DD se n /lc e s

th ro u g h o u t Idaho . Toll---------- - fre e line sha ll b e

. cen tra lly lo cated , regu*sta ffe d , a n d “ n-

bNT F O R . form ation u p d a ted on a n ■ ^ on -go ing b a s is . Fund ing

0 S l a t e will b e for tw elve (12l' -m o n th s________________________aWlllloS I s ------- B ) - R F p - |I N - 8 « i r S e l t ---------lon p r o je c t A dvocacy M odel P ro -

J •f ile ''- o ram (S7.0M). O ne (1)

is s u e d to a c o n su m e r s will b e . b a s e d - c o n su m e r run

th e d a h o com m un ity o rg an lz a ted— ro-nhlTplahnWo-and-de=--------

v e lo p m en t of a pODgram <50 W e s t a im ed to a s s i s t d e v e l- . ^ ^ B o lse . opm e n la lly d isa b le d b:oo p .m . p e rs o n s a s s i s t a n d

P®* a d v o ca te for th e m se lv e s 3 ,C l o s ln o w llhin Ihelr com m un l-01 a c c e p - t ie s . P rog ram a re a s lo b e p o sa ls I s ___c o n s id e re d J n c lu d e , o f - _ _ ’ '

a l t h e ganlza tlbria l a n d train ingJ, a n d n o l p ro g ra m s. pub lictim e o n a w a re n e s s c a m p a ig n s .

("■ n i M - com m un ity a c tio n p ro -

I “ sp e o lllc a l 'lo n s a iid. Ol o th e r Inform ation a re on

*5.4- «Llv- f ile for exam ina tion a l($32,000.) th e o fllce o f Ihe Idaho

g fo r t h e C ouncil on Devel*1. .d e v e l - . o p m e n ta l O lsab illtles,I ; 2j r e s i* a n d m ay b e o b ta in ed for:ll ille s f o r b idd ing p u r p o s e s from ;y d ls* Jo h n 5 . W atta , Exectf*III a d u l t s tiv e D irector, Idaho S ta le

in d u a l ly C ouncil on Devel- e -fa c lllT j— o p m e n la l D leSBinile^I d e n ts 21 4 & W est S ta te S t re e t . -y o u r tg e r ; B o ise , Idaho 83720, (206)i ld e n ts 22 334-4406 •. Tw o (2) p ro p o sa ls will b ee I s s u e d o p e n e d a n d publicly^ '■®a^ w ithou t co m m en i.5 _ 8 4 ^ : B id d ers a re Invited lo—Social;— attend:-------------------------------

A 'l p ro p o sa ls m u s t b e» ) P la n , s ig n e d by th e b idde r.

d e liv e r . A p p lican ts m u st b e reg* inlty v o l . . is te r e d ve n d o rs .- " -a n o r g a - J o h n D. W attstic pro* E x ec u tiv e D irec lor, De-o n -g o in g ve io p m en ta l O lsab illtles

s u r e PUBLISH: W ed n e sd ay ,tlvltles to N o v em b er 23, T iju raday .’ . d i s - N o v em b er 24. Friday,re s id ln p N o v em b er 25. M ondays!

s o m i- N o v em b er 28. D ec em b eru p l l v n g 5 a n d 12,1963y s e l l in g _________[________________

5 ju j w . NOTICEL « o S : T h e LOWER SNAKE

r iv e r a c q u i f e r r e * .CHARGE--------- DISTRICT ...............

I fifim ? a s s e s s m e n t s m u st b e p a id by D ec em b er 31,

7 o r fo u r 1SS3. P a y m e n ts a re to b e .T h i m a ile d to LSRARD, P.O .

B ox 487. H agerm an . ' hirt W aho 63332. A s s e s s

S W e d n e e d . , ,nl lip^n^a ” ■

sn e d to ^making

d“ w n § '

L i s t y o u r nduaiiy j o b O f f e r i n g s :

dua lly T i m e s - N e w silly ro - _ , .Ill r e s i - For results!

SM I: C a l l :

rwrSrS 733-0931" f c C l a s s i f i e d ---------------r ' t D e p f .

C l a s i

□ Announcen oot Florists 002 Losr&'founcl 003Announcemonls 004 Spcclal notlcQs

- _ 005 M em o ria l nollcei— - 006 P e r s o n a l s '--------

S e l e c t e d Of

007jbbs of Interosl ----------- —008 Sales people—

009 Employmeni ago010 Professional sor 015 Babysitters 016Situallonswanlo017 Business opporl018 Incomo properly020 Monoy to loan021 M o n e y waniod

' 023 Investment025 Instri^tlon

............ - - 026 Muslc-fosaons-.-

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

/ ! / W ed ., I y ClASSIFL f o r t h e T

V o . d a y p a p e i

N o \

T h e j im e s - N

WilniBliLUj_ HAVEV

I THANKS★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ I

^ A n n o u n c e m e n t i

inn—FlorFstsMarjorlo's Flowors (or loss; dollvorios. All occasion}. 545S paflo .734 .;o? l,___

002-L ost& Found .






______ l.L nb . malo. oold.i 2. Irish Sotlor, tomalo, rod. f) 3. Dingo X. malo. black &

whllo.4,LabX . lomalo. whilo.

.........5.-Shophord-H osky X. malo& (omalo, brown & whllo.6. Cockapoo. malo, whllo.7. Torrlor, tom alo. ton,8. Sprinnor X. brown & whKo. malo.Q, Husky X. black & wtillo. malo.

!|(j Hours 610 7pm only « Monday thru Friday 3 C a ll.............. 733-06000XI2M

J - Bocauso Oogs. aro brought. J In ovory hour, and SOLO or q DESTROYED ollor 48 hours.J _____ ploaaQjalLot-yifllUhgpountLI dally to chock wholhor your

'4 poi has boon pickod up. Ttils ia not an up-to-dalo ilsl. Mixod dOQS aro-hord to do- scrlbo, como to tho pound lo soo It your poi Is ihoro. Como and pick oul a puppy o r lull grown dOQ- thoy

--------woj/ia tovo tc *~3vo a nomo:—FOUND on Martin: Black Lab pup, 3 m onths old. W«iating choko collar. 73<-275?. POUND: S. Ol Hanson. QIack

— -LTitr(omat(r-NtCTrdogr«?3*-5 ^ 9 ________ ___________Lo9l: LAB Hoirlovor malo. whllo w/oo1d Ihrough back. . Lost south ot Hazollon. REWARD: 6Z&-S109. . • LOST; Sfborian Husky. 1 yr o ld s . Dark Groy w/whlfo mask & bluo oyos. Lost oast ol hlnh school 734-«4{)e or734-?Q58REWAF^D.________LOST; 3 mo. old Black Lab NE ol Jorom o. Ploaso call 324-7J93

004-Spoclal Notices

S a n l t a t i o r

C i t y o f T '

P A R K S & S O N S , c o n t r . ) w i l l b e C l N o v . 2 4 1 9 8 3 . Tl w o r k o n F r i d a y ,

_ d o y b e h i n d s c h e d T h a n k y o u C h o t H ostc S a n i t a t i o n

f C i it s i f i e d

:ements R eal e: ----------------------- 02a 0 p e n j io u s

030 H o m e s for Jnis 031 O ut-of-tov^

• 0 3 2 B u h t-F lle rl ‘c e s - - - - 033 K Im bpriv l-

034 J e r o m e no036 R e a l e s ta te037 F a rm s & ra

I O ff e rs 038 A c r e a g e &039 B u s i n e s s p

)9t 0 4 0 C e m e fe ry l----------------------- 043 -V aca tto irp iagonclos 044 C o n d o m ln l sorv lcos 045 M o b ile hon

U u n i i i e s g g R a n l a l :

n 050 F u rn is h e d Id 051 U n fu rn ish i

052 F u rn . a p ts . 054 U n tu rn , ap

18- ----------------- 056 R o o m s fo r

'R e m e m b e r "

5 ^Up.m.., Hov. 23rd is I SIFIED DEADLINE |J T hanksgiv ing ^ Der & on F riday , Ij lov. 2 5 th ! ^

:-Hew5 Classifietls .WEOim-Thursday

A H A P R Y - C S G I V I N G !

» - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


— H ours Mon- 0” ! 12:30anH:30pm.

-.1-. 1. Brittany Boaglo X. malo yrs. rod & whllo. i . Sprtngor X. Had sho

— malo. 1 yr. whllo with bla spots.3. Sprlngor X lomalo m onths, whlto & black,

3 4, E lkhound (omalo, brot oilihhlni^k inf.n__________5. Chihuahua X Pooc te w fl^ sp o y o d . 2 yoars, h;

6. Som oyod m alo. 6 yoai I S whllo

7. B assolt (omalo. 3 yoai w whlto & brown.

S. Chihuahua molo, 2 yoa brown.

oa g I ir~ p u p ^ brown™k 's *«^l'o-° 10. 4 A ustralian shophords

malos, 2 (om alos S wook latn black.'*'® X MEANS CROSSBRED

Sholtor locatod on 1 mi t WOSI road , u so Iho oniranc

to Sew er plant a c ro ss l( lln ' road Irom KART Radio. 191

’ Dog llconsos may now t g jrch a so d a l Iho City Wati

C a l l . . ' . . . ; ................ 3 2 4 ^ ;2g4 It no a n s w e r ............ 324>43'

Qhi LOST in a ro a s South ol Bu■■ & Fllor; Black Irish Soil'

,r . Lab X. Afiowors lo ShadoinU rod collar, talloo in loll o

— 515«--2782rRDward-ot(Qnj:Sli 32M971 anyllm o. 733-21981['g'* 733-107ga3k (or Carla.do- LOST; Black & tan GormtIlo Shophord Fomalo. Voi(0. Friondly. a n sw e rs to Priiiny COSS. No collar. Lost NE i■oy J oromo. 536-277X _

004-Special Notices _ RELAX WITH HYPNOSIS, ick Rollois. u lcors , s lro s s , do

* Rablts. Ask your Doctor. Ca 15 John today 324-7281.:k: . SUBCONTRACTOR b ids (o )n coneroto a n d framing work

Sawtooth National FIsI Halchory noar Stanley

,L Idaho. B ids duo Ja n . Sih 5 1984 a t 2pm (M.S.T.). Dovic qI c . Olson. Inc.. P.O. Box 6Sa

W oslminlstor. ■ Coloradc rr 80030 (303-465-3711). Dann'

Wolss. Minorlly b ids on couraged. E.O.E.


ion Pickup - Twin.Falls

JS, (city s a n ito t io n CLOSED T liu rsd a y , They w ill r e s u m e

ly, Nov. 2 5 th , o n e le d u le . ____'OU,js to t lo r , ion I n s p e c to r

' u s s i

I i n d e xI — 057 R enta l I e s t a t e o s a o id c e i

- ’ 059C ondo i

Ottrn h o m o s oes T ouris t

tJarw on h o m e s - -P®®-Moblle

I st r a n c h e s 0 6 7 M isc. f<> & Iots 068 C om puIS p ro p er ty 069 Cam orfr y lo ls OTOWantoflrp ro p o r ty ----------------- 071 -S hoosiiln lu m s for sa lo 072 Antique lo m e s f o r s a le 0 74M uslca

0 7 6 O tilc ec 077 R adios

|a i a D 78Furn ltu 079A ppllar

e d h o u s e s o sO H eatln i s f ie d h o u s e s 062 B u M n Its . & d u p le x e s 083 G arag e a p ts . & d u p le x e s 086 Firowoi for r e n t ---------------------087 P la n ts (





I h FOR THE LARGEST Sol •JH lion ot Gills In lown, Co

to Iho Gilt Gardon, GItts •V birthdays, annivorsari .hJ woddings. Chrlstmos. or | i f j to say I Love You lo sor ' J ono spoclol. 117 Mnin A

Eost. A cross tho stroot IrBank & Trust.___________

• HAPPY THANKSOIVlNt s H avoasatow ookond^ Flora Ovoracro Agency1 Will closo FRIDAY Nov. 2!

Kimborly-423-5559H O TU N E

733-0122 A Problem is not a probl when aharod. Monlal Hoe

. kI tS: Div'orco.'Bankrupl lyplng extra. Can buy tr

___ ____ orders 734-0387._________

U ncbnlested divorces. S Bankruplcy and corporalii J80. Wills. KJO, otc. W

:------- • •' o rd o r ' 'aiialiat)lo:“ Cfln“ 3I — ~ D73Z. Ho'Iso.2________MATURE WOMAN 'wot ___I like (omalo os livo-in co

Sanion to shoro 3-Bd omo In Wendell. Cho . . ront. 536-6515.

W ★ MERLE Norman Cosmotl by mall ordor. Send (or co brochuro-w llh p rlce s-a

Norman Cosmollcs------- W ostoato, 7842 Falrvii

Avo..Boise, Id., 83704 Nood to contact any c

AnjTfi knowlodgo of any ol li d escendants now living Evorolt Marlin Swoolc

iaao, died 1957.and wl • Horol Brown Swooloy. bo

Sloe'' 1686, diod 1972. Ploaso wri , to John M. Mock. Box 391'® ’8 Lewiston

83M1 or call collect 20 jrown 7 ,)3 .^ 4-------^ R E Q H S S c m m W F

” had N o o d jo lp ? Cl

'oars. RENTBEFOREBUYINQI Bock swing back machin'

'oars, rog S349. l7ov Special S20 734-5614.463 Fillmore.

yoars W anted: 100 peopio to lo<

. . ' loo. Your Horbalilo Consu Doka tant Is Maudoan 423-4436.

E P 'hard-lo-find llom. 733-0931

j i ^ S e l e c t e d o H e rValor — ■

007-^obs Of Interest___ AN OHIO OIL CO. otiors higlBuhl incomo, plus cash bonusQs

iollor bonolits lo 'sbmRollroi idow, porson In Twin Falla aioa 'I oar Rogardloss of oxporlonco onja:— w nnnrw rRoatJr"A t7ioncai 98 or Lubricants Co.. Box 426___ Davton.Ohio 4S401________rman. DENTAL ASSISTANT, exp it Vory four-handod dentistry. Pro Prin- forably expanded function JE ot Pori llmo with good bonollls

Sond rosumo lo Box K-S4— — Timos N ow s;6ox 548.--------

FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOF___ wilh quantity lood cookintIS oxporlonco. Apply In porsor (Jo. Monday thru Friday at 49'

.Ksd___C a sw ofl-A vQ ^-bo tw acaJCall AM & 4 PM___ LIVE-ln ■ Babyslttor-LighI lor housekeeping. Salary * -ork Private Apl. Box D-54 cit Fish Times Nows, Box 548. Twin. 'ley, LOCAL SHOE storo now 5lh. taking applications (or (ul avid tlmo ompioymoni. Satar) 688. com m onturato with oxporf 'ado onco. Paid vacation & Insur mny. anco bonolits. Sond resume on- 10 Box J-54. c /o Ttmos

Nows, flox 548. TF.

007-%lob8 of Interest .

CARRIEIO n o r o u t e o v o ila b b lo c k o f M o n r o o h o u r o d a y b o f o r o a f t o r n o o n s f r o o . Ci

J o in o u r c a r r i e r ti — p o n d o n » T -C a U -y o u »

T im o s - N o w s 7 3 3 - 0 ^ ^ 4 - 8 1 3 7 .


r 090L 092

- = — - .....mita l m ob ile h o m o s 0^5c e & b u s ln o s s ro n ta i oggidom ln ium s f o f ren t_______^97a g tr ro n ta tsI te d to re n t - 099irlst a n d tra llo r ren ta l ^qo'

______ 101lerchandlse io 4c. for sa lon p u te rs '0 6 ;lo r a e q u lp m o n t 108)i t o d to b u y ' ’ ' I t*!o ? 3 nd-clo1h tn g ----------------Iquosjlcal in s tru m e n ts c e e q u ip m en t ' ' 5 'llos, TVs & s te r e o s n ltu re& c a r p e ts f T ^)1la n c e sItlng & a ir c o n d . 120ldlr>0 m a te r ia ls . : i 121 a g e s a lo s ” ; • 5 122 iw ood 123:i l s & t r e e s -------------------- - 1 2 4 ;

^ -:es 007-^k)bsoflntore8t

LOOKING (or a person provious computor o)

--------- bookkeeping backgrcWill bo working In a CP/

j S wilh professional wo e onvironmonl. Apply3 pe rson al 135 2nd Avo N

— llvo with Noshvmo? ‘ Soloc- n o sse o family (or ono

. Como Wo have ono livo-yoai lifts for daughter with another rsarios. ouo In January. 15 mIr .o r lust from LDS Conlor. somo- school or recent eo

in Avo. flfodualo. Checkable r ot I ro m /o n c o s . Sond resum e to_____ O < o w n . Box 12338, NoshkflNQ TN 37212_____________jnd O ne lo ono old for dist

odult, Exp, proforrod. ; iv, 25th fosum o lo 784 Greonii59___ Dr. o r phono 733-5638

OPENING (or Mo T ransc rlbo r-R ocep tio

roblom part tlmo. Must bo ox Hoailh oncod. Sond rosumo: tm '" 6 o r (-54.-q/c-Ttme3-New ruDlcy PART TIME JANI ly mali NEEDED, wooknighls

wookonds. Appolnim-------------s. S7S. Wllmnrn. Twin Falls " “ 'i?.",! RESUMES. P r o l o g

;------r . RN & LPN noodod pari Iwould Excellent working c<

I com- Uons » (ringo bom^Bdrm com parab le salarios. (Cheap ,nct Barbara Adoms. t_______ Groon A cres Care Coimotlcs 934-5601_______________r color w a n t TO EARN EXs -a n d m o n e y ? Wo a ro - ta -Mori®— consignm ents (or Chrtsls , ‘ llom s. Wo are Intorosicjinriow unlquo toys, dolls------- ---- chlldrons Itoms, Pli

..llhlho Tlmos-Nows. PO.O Box

Ing of Twin Foils. Id. 83301ooloy. WANTED; Good aucllonrebate Must bo dopondabio' Sorn available. Send full resi

* 1'® tralnlno. oxp & phono. horn Box 449. Fllor ID 83328.! ?«'!',® WANTED; Registorod rr

rri cat Tochnologisl lor full" J P lob position. Excel

benefits. Contact Sally I

W r j j Mornorlol 4 3 ^ 4

^ 006-Sales People :hlno. MEDICARE supplomenl J209 lllo sa lesperson . Wo (

tho la tes t in medli -7^ - supplem ent producls

life jiro^ucts. Call Amor

5n5°Jjl (gi_gppQlnimonl. 733-3611

— OtS-Babysltlere' mind 9 A ey SIHING. my ho

* *4.50 (or 1 child a 1 >31 Drot>-lns & wknds 734-598

BABYSITTING-anyllme.- o rn lg h t& wookonds too

« « r » “ flos wolcomo. Drop onyllmo. Very roosoni r a te s , havo oxcollont r«

----- oncos: Coll 734^)718.Babysitting, my homo.

----- llmo but Frl nights, any ihigh Drop-Ins wolcomo. 733-4;

8 RIGHT-HQRIZ0 ^S.,C< ,7 ®'* 4 ;.800 «g?e» iao iV ‘*!i

room s S lun daily acllvii'"'L'*'____pjopflratlfln.fotJilndctpai" “ J 4 -preschool ollercd.

whal wo oltor. wo aro Wl___ tho extra mllo. 6;45ani

in e:20cm . 734-«040 or 733-93

tion. - ............. ............ ’---------


Placod undorlh'o hoadlng ^ . y d u re m ico ;------------------

-lOhl Your ad will reach 22.1,+ (amllios ovoryday and I

p'O rosu lls will amaze you. CiilL today and onoo l our (riomnow Ad-Vlsors will holp you wc(ull your ad so that It will

Qtory m ost olfocllvo and bring yporl- lho ro su lls you aro lookiisur- lor. umo■mos 733-0931

O O Z-Jobsofln terest '

ER NEEDEDl i a b l e ; 5 0 0 b lo c k & 6 0 0 3 0 & Q u in c y . W o r k o n r o s c h o o l a n d k o o p y o u r . C a n q o r n $ 7 0 a m o n th ,

r t o a r f r t b o c o m o in d o - o u r - o p p D c a l i o n - j n t o - l h o . 3 - 0 9 3 1 o r ' c a l l M o r y o f

t d88 V ar ie ty loods M P e ts A p e ls u p p l i o s B2 A u c tio n s

3 Farm ers’ m arket" ‘95 FertlH zor & to p soil96 F a rm s e e d9 7 _ H a y .jra [a 4 Jo o d __________38 F a rm s lo r>ent }9 P a s tu r e s lor r e n t 'X) L iv e s to ck w aniod31 A n im al b ro o d in g _____)2 C a tt te ---------------------------------M H o rs e s >S H o rs o equ ip m en t « S w in e (8 8 h e e p0 ^ u i t r ^ & rabbits

3 F a rm s & ranch supp llos4 F a rm Im piom ents5 F a rm w ork w anted

3 Recreational20 A viation?1 S o a t» & /? flriq p J to m s ^ S p o r t in g g o o d s ,!3 S k iin g equlptTiont !4 S n o w v e t) lo le s .........................

i OIS-Babysltterson with OPENING SOON:oxp 4i ..iSunsh^nq 4 Rai

jround . Childcaro Contcir. (PA lirm daycare w /varlod lovorking . program. hotly In nutritious snacku, fullN.TF. Part timo. di

oa r‘old O ie-S ituatlons WaniLocal CPA w ith' expr

colieflD private busino^sa.^Soi f descrip & inlo. c/oloffSr. Nows. Box F-54 P.O. E shvilio! PROPERTY OWNERS


™ ” m . i ; f . S K A 5

Nodical 7 :^ 2 7 G e o r n e SmithS 'V , :riOS fo T -tV vn

^ R —0t7-Bu8lne38 Opply

l^w .--a — HARDWARE STORE Ir

M lablls^ed '^‘*2^* lionally Ownor motivated 4 w) ._ ,con- aider trade. M ust «o1-2277-____ onQ-CalLJBtry.uLNo;lrl lime. Professional Roally 32' condl-

>ho'iis. WARNINGI

EXTRA ospoclally those Itom 'taklno slate o r olforod by a p •Isimas— doing bu sin o sso u t of i Sled in • localm oloiorhotel.I and Wo sugoosl you & Ploaso your own altorntiy.

!u°.uox 548, ask for a Iroo piimptilt_____ ___ Inrormalicnfrom thoonoer. Atlornoy Goneiroi'sDio 4 sumorisum o. Protoction DIvlsiion,0 « to houso. Bolso. Idaho;_______ Phone 334-2400.______

modi- WILL Provldo conIII timo oquipmont se t-up Scelion} tochnlcal Iraininn for Iy Lock su c co sslu l, phologtnMi-ikn >fltatod-bu«ilnn'in m pr•0481. income or buslnosi■— voslment. Cun

osiabllshod In your--------------Investment required.nl and 40W8e-1835.t hovo ' ■ ■ - ........ - . i i i i i i i i •

OIB-Income PropertylOrlcan EXCEaENTTAXSHElrnlnoo-----Til-Plax-ln-Twlrt-wilhBII loan. Ask S44.20n wilh = down. Terms nogot


h ^ - , O2O;;Mpn0yTo Loan

i25L_ You don 't havo ro bo }. Day spondor to odvortisi 00. All claaslliod. 73^0931. . >P>nab1orefer.

B. any

SSfei as/Ivitles. • j y

r s - —worth I

im to \ '-9353. S \

_ _ ____ FOR I,TY I

c l a ;o ia r - r

2.000 ***'-■ Cl'1 lhe bo> Buyer: . Call Ihu Insu-si worJ- ren.iiioII bo S e ll ai jy o u z .th rr s w ilf 3>'<no fuss , .o r

tho Ix .'si pn

C n ih o r yoi g ivo u s a 1

------ Ih c C l a t t I

. Tl: . JB--- — 73


125 Travel tra ile rs 1 2 6 C a m p o rs& sh o ils . l2 7 M o to rh o m o s 128 U tility trailers

A utom otive131 A uto sorv ico132 A uto p a rts & a c c o s s o

-------- ^133Aut06-want«d-----------. 134 A u to s for ren t

1 3 5 C y c le s& d u p p lio s 136 H oavy oquipm ont

-------140 T ru ck s ---------------------~f4fVons------------------

142 Im port sp o r ts c a r s *- -146 4-w heol d rives

148 A n tiq u e a u to s 1 4 9 A u to s - A M C 152 A u lo s — Buick

-------- t5 4 - A u to s - " C a d il l« -------156 A u lo s — C h ry sle r 158 A u to s — C hevro le t 160 A u t o s - D o d g e 162 A u t o s - F o r d 166 A u to s - L lncoln-M en 168 A u to s — O ldsm ob lle172 A u to s - P o n t i a c173 A i / f o s - P ly m o u th 1 7 4 A u to s - O th e r 175 A uto d e a le rs

— 340 B u s in e s s d irec to ry -

023-Investment J: Filor. BUYING o r SELL roa R a^bow s contracts, mortgao . Ouo lty D eeds o l Trust a f dl

loarning McCoys Brokerage. ( m oots, Twin Falls. 734-2%8.

QnnH Inh MotroDOlitan Mortgi

s I S .P « o V ;S l 025-lMtfuclionI rool re- y proven-

Ulal‘'on'ty' f c i f

oaa^H om M F o r ^


W a S fH o u s ln g ^ a ^ I w l K : ^ 5 ^ 1 1 1 ___________

soo Ihis Exceptionally Vaia

, | V.E.733-6920anvtimo.? . FOR SALE, almosZ n : i2 ' onorgy efilc.. 3600 0

bdrms. 3W baths bfick homo on 1 i Pfimo NW locollo

- ownor. 734-0527 forap 2,P® ^??Il_Por.Salo^Cornor.Lotf

5 rooms, 2-Bdrm. u J consult room In bsmt. SSOO FHA linanced. 423-550

s Bureau.w r n m n --------------- tN T HB-40‘S-ptilot and $40,000- Clean. 3 bdrn0 - largo lot. Sevens Is Con- Fller.ltuFH A orV A .T

' (42,000- 3 Bdrm. c !)' s iS iS ' sutJdlvlslon, quiei ho 83720. *44,500- Remodeled 3_______ tamiiy room with bacom plete llroplaco, steol1 4 lull Assumabio FHA or try o rh igh ly *48.000-3 bdrm. 2 flrej iography- lols of slorago. lull m iim aoe__ mflnt.,a% lonn. T7^___

r ’. i ! ? R O B E R T J O N o i c . i i REALTY _______ 7 3 3 M M o r 5 » 8 :

NEAR SCHOOL, 3>ny____ lamiiy room, 1V%HELTER i »ith FHA__a s s w ahlo loan. 2060

flO?iaWo? 734-5810 boloro SnmNEWlTdMES'

3-Bod. 2-baths, fp, w in -sulatod. dbl garago.-------------- fixed rate financing.bo a big dn. Ask lor Ran(^ rtiso In W eslern Roally T.

ovoa 734-2477.


IS S IF IE D S !il"M "tb rM o n o y w iio tiy o ii - C Inssifiods A ction N um .

/e rs a n d sa ile rs knpw it's IC51. I'.iBiDSl w.iy to g<.'t

I a n y th in g Irom .lu lo s to Vlih il m in im um .iniount ol or b u y w ti.it you n p fd .11 p rices 10 tio lound

you r o d d s a n d e n d s and a c a ll. P la c in g an ad in t t l d o d s I t th a t tlm p lo .


V n n o u n c *



■ <f • •

- OSO-HomosForSa

rea l e s ta te BTOWRGR, 5 bdrtr QMOS, 4 quiol cul-do-sac. V it d lscounl. aldor trado down. 73

Box 391. QY OWNER 3 bdrn room wilh lireplaco.

Real Estate jji.ooo. J3000 down, oods/lruo l.-, 67/8% LH.A.ioan.a ’nr S n f f tn BY OWNER, one I « „M Ollor homo In Sh

J13.500, Ownor wili

c TP vinyl, compiolo InExcollent condition

“ tion, Nico lor younfl rotirod persons. noon or evos, lo rap i 8 Y OWNER Brick 4-Bdrm don. NEIi

l a t e 101. S70.000-FHA 734-, BY OWNER: No

_________ modeled 3 bdrm,^ largo lamily” w/carousoi' liropla

_________ Sparks, or coli 734-71i^OWS 2 CHANCE OF A UFI

" 0” __ •'OUSO..^..

loon. Caii yard,'ln''good*lo<5i_________ ___ lake late modoi coru m b lo payment. Ownor won 'B llto r- ' 734-4081.

-------- brick Home on 2 acnpst now „roo of lino homos, ? . ^ l i h i J room, flroplaco, hot ns ,wni 0 fool. fenced pasture . . . f f • .1 at’ofos. nice shade a llon, by p,vo minutos lo Twi f.»PP‘- - Call Ed i t 73*4878r .oLfoncod,— tno Aaaoctatoa, Raalt

i ™ V T n S , S “ m „ * ’S Si § 2§:_______with (inishod ba:

734-5614.463 Fillmorer s --------------- flEPO: High ScflSflidrm, extra Brick, 4 odrm, firoIS S treet, family room, J2900A, T51 Ace Realty 733-5217,I counlry „ E po . jIOI oroa. houso + 2 bdrm bui5 d 3 b d rm . Ofctiard. S2200 doy,

sid^n Aco Really 733-5217. r t r y W " ° 'firoplacos. _ _ -

base- A A fl

D N E S • SPACIOUS CG/ HOME.<2200Bq.fl.|;-J o w ) ocfo In oxculsivo N.i-><i£u 3 bdrm, family roon

3 bdrm. bath. Hugo living roobaths, dining room. Bai

sto rago . double garago 4 i ts i

n olior ^ *ovidos°a’'°rare°opp n 0 or. arg a*l------------- only S79.500. Mako 1ES whilo.it is still availai), woll In- Mowl1 S S : S H A M L E H R E iin (^ a t ^ ^ ^ m s a lH o n o a t i


Dave Ham lott..........

030-H o(M 8 For Stic


3 A FFO I_ — I ------- IN-THE


M GroupllN SU S § Ar.i '5 C roup II UN-lf4 ■ ALL-CASH a :

- - 1 ^ -------------^at C roup IV UN-“ FIRST Cl^ AIL-CASH.* i I6 35 Ahf . Act 203(01. IM lA W doporln'J j ol ctoM»n oi'i



!« EquolH outln.S LENDER

S* n




e m e n t s - I


1 - Y 3 3

Sale OSO-HotnesForSa

ITtiir2*Eoifi, OWNER WILL holp . WIII con- bdrm. den -i- shop 734-6887 low down. 733-4055.

J r in T ^ ln ’' ” ~ W 0 ^i n . a s S „FIF«T TIME Of I B34.4773 MOVE IN

Briek .7bod/oom s.l chf.hS SIT choice location. E

n‘ transtorrod. Family '“ 'OO doublo

Tl. all now purtip. Best deal I g. carpot. i75,000, MAGIC insulation, REALTY, 733-5560 or

?«.'.n‘i i ' 3 lo 'OL WIN <“ w X M ri ifndo. ossum ablo

aoo^^ J48.500/m akootlorJiTi, 3 bdrm Brick hom

a s .K % ° A4 b ed r o o m h o m e .

n but make US an olfor' will finance, vacant.

2 m 734-3066. Main W est3laC0. ODI 734.0S5S

1.7527 total bilck, tlropial e c n i i e 'i^ tachod garogo. fenci

‘1 'omlly “ o o m .. dish -stovo;- -Assumabio

will carry. 7W%-------------- _L_fl>onllvold hom or3-b<:EW OF 2 bath, spacious opeI bedroom on. dining 4 livlnacres . In aroas, llroplaco. do<

os, family bio car garage. Mist tub. tllo Reduced to t61,5(jro , walor down. Groal buyldo Iroos. Ray tebala , Sabaliwin Folio, R « « ltv .7 3 3 -^ o r7 3SrM arket- -750 SF'm obllo hom t^ lo re .— ------DOOl By dlllon. Will lako gooick hom o pickup a s part pymt.» so m o n l. belore 8:30am or wkr

00 down, BEAUTIFUL 4 bdrm h7._______ Haiolton on largo coi>mfortabiohunnalow combo, A rool slo. own* ^ l i Kyle al Century 21

Roallv 734-7935 or 625--------- --- OWNER LEAVING

Musl Solll 3 bdrm.-d

• motiiio home, on porfoundation. 1V«

Owner will carry 2rCOUNTRY roasonablo down. 03^.1 Almost 1 THIS NICE 3 bdrm,N.E. area, homo sits on a vorylom 4 2Vi includes oloct hoal.oom 4 big non, a single carBasomont, some cuslomso il brick, ireatmonls. nlco cn LPiop^iy_patlo.& J3.vofy.w olLc(p p o r li^ ty J 43.OOO. Monroo]aln."N ow RBaIEsUleS43480e.0 an olfor .........................."“b'o . Call 032^Buhl-FllerHorr

033-Klm l«rl^H=r= ..733-(07g PRICED REDUCE . . 733-«767 S22.700 on Older ; ..733-4030 homo. 825-4200 olter!

i le OSO-HomeaForSak

T T o J c i T T T S T 'T i S S S ^


>AIU. flSMI ADDMSS UHABLE PRui'tKflCS Uidt C io io 4 V raR «qulr«dB idiO pon lO a m 12

f 2 3 7 C e l* n a D r.Hall*y. Id..


Jarom a IH*


I 95 r.‘ 727W a»hlngton TwIi^FqIU. Id.

1...V lo id w.lli HUD m ortqofjo in . (I) & (N) ot 245 ofo now lu b jo t iiiiitniol'guid'>lii'o '. iKi? ono lim< )iihcf by cost' ot by bomrj lutid».'cl


HUD P>op<iHit>% O'O oMn

r <liOH<>t\wiilioult<><)ni<li fac<- rolor or nn 'ionn i r loct lhc> Hcoi £Mol.- lifol

Ipp DuichoM- ttiay b<t •.ubtiii , ’ OlliC.- iK.r pu rcho i

ot 'b quol'lii’il h tokiT . Tl

Boito Ser< p roporly I 41 9 N . Co fJOB) 334

U .S . D e p a r t m e n t o i U r b a n D e v e lb j

) C u r t i s R o a d - B ols<■ P B I C f m 1A «T T iB M g •

Trt/nTT:ajvrrTOVTrm&gf 2 3 .1 9 6 3 -

' H e a l e s t A t e

001-037 I

/ T i m e s - N e w s

' T i g ® r A d s ^ I

\ and II lh * it»m doe in 'l to ll ;\ during th a t v>«ek will 1

olltio r run yeur ad for an addi- *^ . tio n a l w ool. FREE OF CHARGE I


---------------- ------------------------------------ I ^

. 3 ■ 0 9 ^ ^ - - ........ - ' ■

W + ^erom eH om es ; 'lolp linance 4 BY OWNER, 5 bdrm. 2 ^ !ihop, J49.500. ba th , large living room, .:055. llroplaco, (uil bsml paneled ! ‘•J i-------------------4 carpotod, roc room, larjioV ! dock, nice yard. MS,000. 9% I

OFFERED, on loan 4 tormo. 1471 ITODAYI Roinior. For appt 324-4027. [

no. NE oxtra country acroago-by owner.I. Executive 3 M rm, 3 balhs, 4.4 acros. 1imily room, g>/4% assumable loan. Prico •I garago, includos Ford tractor 4 Im- . '■onatrucllon. piomoms. W9.9M/Brlny^ !

iol in lown. ~ ~ —...................c ^ ^ ^ L ^ y Q36~RBalE8t.Wanted :Vlll consider CLIENT NEEDS 1-3 acros ; ablo loan w»h homo. Rocky Mln Real- ler°733-m ?: ty V .e..733j»2oV ytlm a.__ |

?4"?arpor'?: O 37-FanTi8iRanch08 :BARE GROUND in good NE ^

<ME. S37.000. Je rom e Location. Full water ;slfor, Ownor riah ts. good ;oad tronlago. .ant. Call Will cou ld bo broken Into smaflor <Vost Realty, parcels . Soller molivatod. _________ u- Call Suranno al Northwest ■

opTace, al^ Baro 40 acros In Melon ' oncod yard. Valloy. J96.000. Assumma- ' ' dishw ashor, blo loan . Bv ownor. 5434775 !

lor. y34-3WS bodroom home, good ' T;---------i— te rm s, 237-3608___________ 'I, Ijirgo •

------------ d a ir ie s -------------------1-------

llv[no' "room Wo novo 23 Avol'-bio Irom dock dou- « 5 .« » 10 J1.600.000. Call

L l a & R o y M A R K E T I N G j o r.733j o g L ASSOCIATESlomo ln nie o ------------ 73*4878 Offlce ~ ™

GENTLEMAN FARM Avalla- i^mt. 324-4162 blo, 56 acros NE o: iromo. w knds. tncludos lull watv* rights, ,

an ted dIdo. d l t^ , ^

-------- - bM um ul "v^ow **lol.'” °CaIlrm homo, in Suzanno al Northwest Pro- “gST Stfi^co ' os8ionalfloaliy324-75l8

, 0UT8TANDINQ W acre— ■----- ’com pulorliod dairy, 175 to p .. . .

r producing cows includoa.NG TOWN Buy the cows 4 Ihe ownor m.-dbl wide w lllcarrylhebalanco.I pormononi 1 .4 4 0 'ACRES. <>00 acros .'/« ocros. sprlnklor Irrlgalod. boo ls ,—HA— loan------ epuds, boaijal-otaln-W oula_______y 2nd ollor m ako oulslandlno combina-...I. 034-4640- 't ion row crop i livoslockirm 1 b o th ' ronch. Now brick home. ......—tory Ip iol 4 prim ooroa. ,

co“r ''a aro ao ! BARNE8REALTY '

aoe. . coll 543-6992______________

H om es s n a k e river fro n ta g? S= = ^ = Along 1 3/4 mils of unique

R o c ro o tlo n - ln v o s tm o n l- UCED 10 Proporty. *640,000, considor i o r 2 bdrm" p o r f In trade or lerms. Caii ***t Iter5pm . 208^5-1518 or 208466-2237

Sale O O -H ofiieaFofSale - i

m • LOW P O W N PA TM IH T • LOW~I*'-:

I M E S FO R S A L E ~ | | : < . :

rT W IN FALLS AREAS-------, | ' t o 4 :3 0 1 2 /2 /0 3 3 ' •Tl 1 2 /5 /0 3 • :

Dr. S 38 .S 00 Laodvlll* Roally t .'v 7BB-22S6____ 2 ,

."B " * 1 4 .500 C /21M *y*rR oolty n IH- J U -M 3 5 5

S37..JOO__ C an L lto iaJU alty__ « . *-1 -.Id . 734-0400 E

iIton S29 Fatdtm an Roolty 8Id. 733-4079 • 4

o in\urot'CO u nder Scclionj ol lho . gb jo tt to lh(» o n o tlniii MIP paym ent. 8 iirno MIP m u st bo poid ol tbo tlm o ^ do d in lo lho m orlgogu . g ,

E ST A T E BROK ER 1 '■3 R FULL DE TA ILS! | " 'oM oinii lo r•^o ll' lo quniilic-d (;ur 5II <1 to llw ,>tOV|,..< I.V.. S

lifoko'i o( Tl.,..r f l ....... O H -f. to " '--1b tn ilt.n i d .ro c ti , to tt.c,. locol HUt) 2h o iii r can n o i M>curr llic» M'rvif.'-. * . ,r. Tho local HUD olfcC'' ii locoloci ’S '

Sorvico O tficc i . . '•Irty D ltp o tillo n Oronch «*• |i. C u rtit Rd.. B oiio. tdahe .• v334-I0B 7 <o f H o u s i n g s p . . r

I b p m e n t S *I s e , I d a h o 8 3 7 0 4 7

r o LOW POtWM ^A Y W IillT • tO W

63-------T tm c3-N ov/rrT w 4n Pa»?r(f(QhO B-7

■ -B.8 Times-News. Twlf

(237—FannsA Ranches

YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKK to r Ih is dollghtlully cJosr b e d ro o m hom o wlfhln wn Ino d ls ta n c o ol Sawioolh O L oary schools. Spado tllo e n try . allracDvo Ho

---------< > l^ to r- ||n jp ia c o .—upsiautlllly ro o m . 3 baths, and o rlgh ily llghtod basomc ro cro atlo n and lomlly rooi

_____ Dbl QaroQQ & . RV-^mA ssu m o oxlstlng loan ow nor will provide attracll

_ . . te rm s for aocotidary Ilnar Ing. S78.900,

" " " ^ I R W I N R E A t t Y r l N C :7 3 4 ^

IM a c ro lorm closo lo T* Hair m ilo Snako Rlv ovorlook . Consider iratf. Rocky ’ Mln. Roalty, In

QgggTffTjywBS 300 ACRES wllh or wlitioih om e . 678-aTaa__________48 A CRE S or orfnio farmlan S ou th o r Castlolord. A field s a lo p e Nortti. boouilli v iew . lu.OOO. Monro R obirts RaaJ Estote W j W

OSS-AcfBapejlLote BEAUTIFUL Rock Cfooi

---------Canyon-2V 4-or-5-«cro#. l)|ow ner. 734.2445.__________

CITY LOTS FOR SALE various 8l:os

_______ CaJI 423-4441• COUNTRY UVING, 3 bdim

de luxo doub lo wido mobile hom e on acroago otnouni o: your c h o ic e . ' Financlnc availab le . Northwost ol Je ro m e , Homos nro in e x ce llen t condlllon, Catl S u z a n n e a l Norttiwosi Pio- feBslonotReally324.75ta EXCELLENT building lots In Je ro m e a n d Twin FilO C ounlloa, low down pay* m onta . Call Stovo Olxon at Rest E sta to Unllmllod,

S o ® H t f S f r r o T s 'f wsa le "M agic Valley Mobllo

& t block w es t on Pnoosam R d ,^ a s v torm a, 734-W3. NEAT A S A PIN liltio a creago l 4 bdrm, 2 turn

• hom e on 1 ocro closo lo -town. N ew ly palnlod & woll carod lo r. Firoplaco, out­buildings & Irull iroos. 159,000. M onroe Roblrta Real E sta te 54X 806. •

-------- N E W -L lS T IN Q ^ -bd rm . 2-------- tairrH flirre-on-yacrosTSW iir

Jo ro m e rw a lo r 8n8fos,'cof- rals, se c lu d o d setting. Call

------- S u z a n n e^ U N a n tiw ast.P ro -.

NOW IS THE TIME __ To buy th is groal 11*acio

iivlnoi^Onty 2 m lle^ rom Clly” ' C enler. T his largo 2 bdrm,

m ba th hom o has an aui- lllary w ood lurnaco, lovoly family k itchen wllh Bircfi cab inets, firoplaco. Glossod & s c re e n e d po rch aroa. Frull orchard, trac io r with lools,

--------artd full w a le c sh sre s . Ownot_flnanclno avalioblo. SI 29.000.

---------- SABALA&ROYftEALtV ~734^4321 .

For sa le by ownor* mobllo homo wllti garago & oxlra room otirfched on 2^ acros. Air conuitlonlnp. Must soo to approclo to . £37,000, cash le rm s. 538-8407,___________

- - I U ACRE BUILOINQ LOTS ?miles so u lh o l T.F. Roducod to S5000. By ownor. No mobile h o m o s . 543-677S lA C R E IU m lle S o lT .P . Oil.

—1.74 ACRES c lo so lo Snake Rivor w ith 4 bdrm Iti-lovol homo.' 2 r irep loces, elecirlc hool & a ir condlilonod. Banburry sp rin g walor lor homo & Irrloallon. Booutllully londscappod. <100,000. M onroe Roblrta

-------R ^ E a U !e '5 < 3 <a06.----------—12S ACRES S of Fllor. Twin Foils w ater. Irrigated by gated plpo S, syphon lubos.

•• Hookups available for mobllo hom o. Form Is in oxc sta to of cultivation. J2600 per acre. Call Rogor Lasson 32M B n o r David Lu« 733- 17 t7 o r David Lutz Roallors.20 ACRES. S wiro oloctrlc renco, 2 com plo to well « soptic tanks so l up lor irallor housos. Root collor. pasiuro. 2 bdrm irallorhouBe. >70.500. 324-aSOa.___9,000 SF Of boautilul roonft for lamlly comlort tn Castloford. 4 bdrm . 3'* bain,

------ double—g o rag e — 5—fonc«d—acres, low, low hoatino cost. S106,000. M or)roe RobldsReal E sia te S 4 3 - W 6 .____8 ACRES so u th o l Wondoll. Poionllal for hom osllo . small farmsload. mobllo fiomo alio. Ownor flnanclno. lO'ii down, 25 yoa ra on balanco.

-----M7-63a3 ovonlnos, -9ACRE BUILDING LOTS 1/8 ! milo Doop C rook fronuno.By ownor. i25,000- 543-6775 ,

039-B u3 inoss Property

M O -C em etery Lots I—T- - ---- J(W^Vacatton Property J

SUN VALLEY AREA. 2 bdrm 7townhouso, foncod pallo, <

Srago, som o appliances. c oan.wllh nico window cov-

Oilngs, $48,900. 733J467. • 7

W 5-M 0blle H om es

^I f y o u h o v e 5

o n o n y n e w r p o C o r t e r H o m e s .

1 2 . 9 9 % Fii T h i s y e o r - o n d s

t i l l J a n o o r y

C o m o to CARTE^ W o s t o f He

iCal c s ta i» '' 045-MoblIe Homes

ARE VOUR MOBILE i TIRES rotting awo' no th ing? Wo will buy llros. Coll Carter H

0K I.0 --------------------

BONANZAoolh & In Burloy has Iho aclous Homo you can be pro Hool- llvo In. for a,p rlco yoi

pstairs— llvo wlthJ--------------------and a Wo trado for cars, pld

■omoni cam pors . travol tra room. m otor hom os, whal

j_oad___you?_SoJQno-asJLclolan & oall racllvolinanc- J a s iso o w n a i

'w o h a v o to o llo rl


400 e ik . Overland Aw0 T^, B u f la y . ID. P h :6 7 8 ^Rl»or BROCKMAN'S MO

HOMES. Burloy. will CL

lihoul . 'o ro currently llquldoling___ ontiro Inventory a t bigmland counts. For exompio; A

All * 14x70 N oshua 2 bodrc lulllul <ront Ilving room, o ni onroe both, full carpol. ou

d ishw oshor. snack roll-oul panlry, NOW JIB, Also, 3 bodroom s In stoc

___ low OS *10.;rook BROCKMAN'S MOE

-HOMES. 438-5707___ LIKE NEW 1982 KIT. 28£ • Pricod to sell. Call G


[diiii. NEWKITROYALOAKobllo 24x58 3 bdrm. 2 balh,ni ol olociric -for salo wllh lol.icino Mogic Volloy Mobllo He

ol E siatos W ashlnoion S l . ;. in P h o o s o n lR o o d .^ n lac l CaPio- CONTEMPORARY hom i1 2084 KImberfy Road f77n CALL.,,., , ,..,. . .734;2 Falls TWO 12' wido llx-up hom pay. WIII considor any rossi n at ablo oltor. Carior Hon llod, 734^588,________________

,___ USED,_lixZP. _3_6d ijn .-for oloctrlcTJIlOO down. J

ibllo por m onlh. Oollvory & sot9Ub< In c lu d ^ . Carior Hon

Mflt 1969 TAMARACK 12x60_ privalo lol. WoodburnIiltio slovo, ask lna $4000. Loi r»m tor sa lo . 324-3784 allor8:30' W 1971 12x50 MOBILE HOW"Oil Electric, gos. woodslo<But- new c arp el, S4«)0,784.g52(

''rta .,0 BROADMORE 14 wic — 6" wolls, total oloctr

iorj (or Ihls. *12,900.

’ro -...... .... BROCKMAN’S—

4 m llos north o l Porrli

:ity 24x52. 1w/a, 2 bdrm s,.rm, balhs. spacious arrangui- moni, W osllnghouso hooly pump & proclpllron. walren so ltoner. kilchon wllh applod ancos; 12x12 attachod. I'Ull suloled sh o p . auio. sprlnills, Ing system ^ S e o^lo^a^^ro<

M , ~ 2 a ’*#4:_3_or_4_lJdtm „T a Soquolo with wood slovo mony oxtras ...O rder toda only S25.99S - ' quollty 1 lowost p rlcos. Onlyot Maa

llo mllos w ost ol hospita :ra 7334141

50 Mako ono more Chrlsimo sh llsl. List tho Itoms you war

to soil- Ihon call ciasalNoc -J 733-0931

I m R e n ta ls

re OSIKFumlshed Housesol I ■ ' _____3' 051-Unfum. HousesJf All Eloclric. 1-Bdrm Counlry

Homo. 7 mllos oast ol Twin ,•■j S125-733.5096.____________

*AvflHablot^2“*bdrm“ homos' Irom S235.$300/mo. plus do-

n ooall. Call 734-9796 y 3-Bdrm Dup. w/w corpoi.

rrpi, d rapos, 2.balh. Kitchon . app, w /d hookup, carport,

pallo, gardon aroa. siorago, . wator & san paid, loncod L yaid. yard work ln<;l. J320 +

i l^ D o p ._ ^ 7 ? 3 9 A ll6 . c BEAUTIFUL now o'r '3 bdrm• homo In counlry. Joromo, 2 . balh, family room, Ilroplaco.

>350.324.1138 ovonlnns,___r BRAND NEW 3 bdrm. 2 bain

homo W ost of CSI. J375.5 8374482 or 837.6402._______1 Cloan 1 bdrm homo.

corpotod. no pots. J135 por I— moT-«-*y8dopof.iir733 ^ ^ —• CLEAN.2 bdrm homo in T.F.I Stovo & rolrig, J250 * S75

d ^ i^ 3 ^ 1 7 4 ._Cory 2-bdrm homo 5230 avail

I Immodlaioiy. 298 polk. 734-5724 ,734^874 ._____

FAMILY HOMES 2 & 3 bdrm with appliancon. d rapoa ,': foncod yaid .' goiatjo. Exc loc, 1335 to S4?5 * dop. 734.9660 or 734-7277.In Twin: Cloan i^adrm. carpol. dr.ipos. appllancos,-

+ JM do£^234133^3-7M 7, Ronlors & Pioporiy Owners

LookinQ lor a houso lo tcni. nood so m eo n e to handle your lontal proporty? Con­laci Thioo C Properly M(jra., 317 Shoshono S t. N. Slo. 1.734-&8&8___________Small 2-B^rm Conaoo w/luii bsmi, loncod backyard. S230 + ulll. S tovo 4 rof. includod.

• 733-4006.

M5-Moblle Homes

-----------------^e 2 0 % d o w n m o b ile h o m e o t as. You c o n g e t F in a n c in g ,

id s p o c io i g o o d o ry 1 ,1984 .

rER H O M E S -F H o s p ita l

Fwin Falls. Id ah o , vyocfnosd

ite~Merchi13 051-Unfum. HousesF hO M E LARGE 2 81 iwoy 10 w /rolrlgoralor, wood 3uy your t300/m onlh. Call 733.15:

Homos l e a s e WITH OPTIOI_______ bdrm. 11% balh, 103 £

Avo.W . 1350/mo. 1.37K A LOVELY SPACIOUS 3-1I Mobllo 2-ba1h homo, south □mud o Jorom o *400/monlh you can dop re l 's roqulrod. 324-7----------------NEWLY-Oocoratod-3't)pickups. Nico Jorom o loc. no | iraiiors, >280, 734-3130 or 324-299^

al havo n ic e 2 BDRM h(.o o o sn j— Elroplaco,------carpot.—

basom ont w litf addlti bdrm. >290. 733-5408.

L NICE 2 BORM S.W, of TAll olociric wllh slorac

:N TER Nico 3 bdrm oldor he Ave. Now carpot & polnl. 8 8-9476 o’o 'ni windows, foncod

H i '

ling our 733-5217, blo dis. SUPER 2 BDRM Mo :A now Home. >2l5/mo. JlOOsot Idroom, ly. No pols. f io l's . 733-14:

VERY CLEAN 3 bdrm, butioi, Ty„|n, Hoat ofllciont, I

» ,b 'sK ' 'ISO" School Olsi.. Sr ^.1®;??,: PO‘3 wolcomo. >335

month. 678-222f ox t 36. A

Wo havo ren ta l hon ,a„Tft available. B o lh - 2 and

‘Joffoom m odols, Ro rorTBo from >350,00 1

-------- month to >420.00 por morColl us today lor your ror

lAK noods, Auroro Copltal C llh. oil poral/on 734-6347. Evos lol. Al wookonds Patty HlnQiHomo 734.1465._____________ ”

>1. S & 2 BORM. Franklin SIOVO. 0 icl hoal. 267 Van Buron, >295

>100_dop. 733-5595.2 BORM. Full bosomonl.

avoBabio^Ooc l7 feS 4 Oorl omos. Dr. >385 m onlh. 7344346, 3 " ° " : 2ToFrM72 balh mobile hor

In Fllor, Vo7 cloan. >235-------i. monlh + >100 doposll. CB . ^ j — 733.17344iHor.8Dm, aoi uD 2-Bdrm houso >100 dop, >2 fnmnS » >"onth. 337 6lh Avo >Jori lomaa Call ufl 8 733-9523. s r -T . 2.Bdrm H ouse >225 + >li 7r«in«- «lop. No Indoor Po ls. 73 jrning . 57^2 days 733.7348 ovos,S'30 2-Bdrm houso. foncod yan jjTTp avail Ooc, 1st, >175. Locoto s i ^ o president St, oroo. 734-7140 K20 ' 2 BORM In Jorom o. -Parlli------- ulllllios poid. no po is . >26wMn * *’00 doposll & rofo

o ncos-734.9446.__________-Yoti- 2 SORM In Twin Falls. C lou r o n o n0W 'y~P4'''l0‘J~ '-on0o” Ir

Cludod. >235 m onlh -i- >10 deposit. Call 734-0400 0

----------- 32£3625altor8pm-------------f---------- 2” B0RH- M0 BIL- F ~ H0 Mt;,„ in - Stovo. rolrig. .garbage dls iw n e pojoi. dishw oshor. . $27;

monlh. Call 734.2t69.— ai2_6AST—6 r n ^ o r o m e r -

bdrm. carpotod. g a s hoal “"0 ° ; >1SQ >50dop, 324-4117 Jl?o r <225. P-78. 2 bdrm, 1 bolh BDoli. atovo, carpot & d rapas. 30:

5lh Avo N. Evana Properti TinkI- Manooomenl. 734-1401. irocl. C290. P-80. 2 bdrm. slovo {I______rolrig, carpo l,. d rapos. gai'Too. furnaco. partial boml out 'vo s~ 8 id o rw 4 to f" p a id rP o is~ o k

396Vi Elm S l, Evana Proport) y oi M anagem onl 734-1401.(aale 3 BORM, 2 balh homo In

o ! t^ f-'encod M Sluro; SGM + cloanlnQ dop, 324-<160 ovos 3 BORM HOUSE. W/D hook-

imas ^ n o ^ p o i s . >175 + dop,

'‘O'l' 3" BDRM HOUSE in Twin, Available Oec 1, llreplace.

^ >275 * >125 dop. 324.4651 or324-5622 ovonlnos-________3 bdrm now homo. Largo 2 car garago, cenlral air. all

0 0 0 . P45. 5 bd rm .-2 baih iij homo. Largo Ilving room,

carpot, drapos, garago. Counlry Homo In Klmborly. m?nt"734^1^^” ^ Monago-(325. P-84. L'g 3 bdrm. 1 baih.

__ carpol.-dtapo3-ioltig..3tovo,in . garago.' 1420 Mapio. Evans

Property ManagemonlT SyW L _________________

,0^ <350. P-K. 3 bdrm. r b a ih , wood slovo. carpot. drapos. full basom oni, loncod yard, carport, 628 King Circlo.

^ ' Evans Property Manago** ment.734-14&1.___________

™ *350. P-88, 3 bdtm. 1 baih,2 liroplaco. dr.ipos. olllco

room, slovo, lull bsmi. garago. 160 Fllmoio, Evans

;?h t e ' : M»''»0«rnont.

*400. P-6C'. ’3 bdrm,' 2 balh. — country homo wiih boauillul '0 . vlow. carpol. drapos. relrig-

oralor. siovo. dishwasher,?;------woodoorning— r .w c .— d b rF. garago. on 1'* acros. Twin. ■75 Evans Properly Manago-

mMI, 734-1401. ail 5‘ BORM, Oil heal. >356 " +!4- >150 doposll. Call 734-6883

lor apol A ask (or Mario.

___ ^ - F u m , Apt. 4 D up .. . -25 A CLEAN 1 bdrm turn.shod

apt. Walor S. sanilailon paiO,^ >t25/mo. 734-4070 , . . si- CLEAN, small lurnlshod JO— aparimoni.^na(a.£no>uA(H)>i— 7. uiill1t05p,iid.I95 733i2513., Cloan 1 bJrm.361 4ihAvo. E.I Honl & sanitation paid, e 734-6944 d.1y i or 734-73391. evenings. ______

FURNISHED Sinfjio Apts, for I. ronl. Protof rotirod

bachelois. 426 Main Avo.•|, Noith. Twin. 733-1093___;0 FURNISHED ono bodroom 1. apt., all ulilitios Includod,

>t75mo. + dop. 733-4248

«& -O ffice Rentals

1 ® - ^4 0 0 s c

P r i m e O f f i B l u e L a k e s B K

I - - F l e x i b l e

P h o n e 7 :

isday , Novg.mbf>rg3,1983 - -

handise» 052-Fum.Apt.4Dui

8 DRM. i J r g e Sunny 2 & 3 AP'3. 'ully ca w /drapon S opp, Gooi

TION. 3 llon.>230A>2M. 7344i

3 3-bdrm 733-2940.____________N‘co pnrily lurn, at maturo person . No sm no p e ls >250/mo, plu

-3'DOmr— dopoait:uill-'pd.7334! no pois. 1 BDRM a p t noar Hos -?25L_. Rost hom os. >150

homo, deposit. Call 733-8952. — l=Bdrm— countryside

“Oltionai $iB5-ultl lncludod734-l - T 'T T' 11 Kltchon opIS- CTib of Twin, convonlont loc, >40->: orago & 1201 KImborlv Rd. 733-1 ica_J250—-------— rofrig & siovo. 442 L; "O'"*;' Twin Falls. Evana Rri I- 89 '" '- M onaoement. 734-1401

ofu<i *160. P-74. 1 bdrm. 1 rofrig & stovo. oil u

;--------- paid, 317 Shoshono 5acuaoQ ___Evans— Property— Mxmonih, mant.734-14&1.

--------- *180. P-28. Furnlsh(Mobllo bdrm. 1 balh. rolrig £

isocurl- carpol & drapes. 134 e 3-1435- East. Evans P r ^ e r ty Jrm, In aoamBnl. 734-1401.It, Har- 2 bdrm, Panially furni ^^Small C oinor dolalls. 733-537.

6. Affer .......____ 054-Unfum.Apts.homos & Duplexes“Roms A 2 BORM BRICK DUPL

month' Lorgo living room, gair r S “ 'ovo 4 rolrig, Walor &Bl Cor- *u'n. Profor coupio or slves & .porson . No pols. >27;llg jins doposll. Call 7338628. •_____ 3-Bdrm Ouplox. slovo &'0. gas lurnlshod. >150 Oop, :m S * 838 Maurico- Call 733-_____ d j i l _________________onl. 2 ATTRACTIVE DELUXE Iroom, duplox. 2 bdrm,- 2 bath,

Oorian pllancos, liroplaco, gar16, sprinklor svstom , lor

I. Call CLEAN 2 bdrm duplox 1hwgpllsl Wf P h?PkuP. VH

FALLS APARTMENTClose to schoo ls & sl

733. ping. Children wolco• Warm, friondly & quIol — r m osphoro, 1 & 2 bedrc yard. npia. j i e s & >240 monlh, " 'o* ! Quincy.

CALL 7344800 JEROME DUP. Aduils p Excoplional 2 bdrm. st<

rocor- carpol. drapos. V___ hookup, garago. firopliiloan, dishw ashor. *290-+-dop7

fl 2? LARGE 1 bdrm. stovo & f hoal 6. wolor lurnlshod, 4lhStrNr734-33257ittor^D Largo 1 BORM, Also la

‘'19; STUDIO, Hoat & wj furnlshod. 833 Shoshone

_______ 7334S88 or 734.5325-----—

----- plus >150 doposll, 733-185<Near Lynwood, 2 bdi

• foncod yard. W/O hooki no pols. >245. 423-4643,

— , PARTIALLY FURNISHED vo b bedroom apartm ent. CS ,? - 73*-7677otior8pm------

-ofc— STUDIO------ APT-:-------Pailurnlshod, >90 month t pM lX gM gil?6S2,,,_

r T n TIREDOF RENTING? Buy .,n , t>drm low nhouso In Joroi

,0^ nonclng ihrough Farmi — Z Homo Admin, f^ymls a s I OOK- JJ4 po , m onlh. Fo/ “‘’P' formallon call 324-5940,

TWO bodroom duplox. j pllances, carport, >225 rr

t NO pols. Call 733-9211733-1221_________________

— , VERY NICE 2 BORM Oupk ' nil floo'* localion. appllane y l o ^ ^ ^ h o d , >350 + dopos

—7k 1. 2. or 3 bdrm apis, u furnlshod. No pols. C7334 740.________________

,Mv' 1 BDRM. O pen boam collln fireplace, d ishw ashor, di

“ posal. slovo & rolrli lacuzzl, >230. 733-1602-

lOni monlh. 733-2211 or 7344511 _ *100. P45, Sludlo opl. Hoai ]ih wator pd, 253 3rd Avo. I

:lo! 2-Bdrm. all d e c . carpoioi DO* drapos. siovo & rof, wi

hookup, o il siroo l parklni wolor & san lurn. >225 -f >l(

Iso dep, 734.4758 733-9857, ml 2 BORM. 2 balh opi on Va ins Buron. >210 -f dop. No porml, 7344511 or 733-2211. ___

2 BORM BASEMENT AP1 ,ih >165 *■ doposil. No pan llui 733-2211 or 7344511. ig- 2-Bdrm Duplox w/all appier,___ancos, W/D hookupJbl carpoil.'>285 -f lOOflop.'Nin. DOls, 733-4465. •______JO- 2 BOBM.'OUPLEX. range

rolrig, carport, >210/moni + -f deposit. Coll 734-9652.

^ *200. P-30. 2 bdrm'. 1 b'aiii slovo. rofrig. carpel, drapos washor, 618 2nd Avo. Easi

-IJr *220. P-S. 1 bdrm, 1 balh

■ rolrig. & stovo, Hoal: water -• ' irash pd. Carpol i drapos

381 4lh Avo. E, Evans Pro — portyM am iow nent7734.noi

056-Rooms For Rentd. ----- -- --------- -— —39 Private room lor oldcrK

porson. lor moio Inlo cal Q, Nlia Thomas 734-7783.

057-MoblleHoineFOR HENT: 2 bd’rm, V'* i)am,

m Skylano Park, Twin Falls >150 + >50 cloanlng dop. No Dots. 423.4727 alter 6om

OSS-Office Rentals ..

O H W d• s q . f t .• f f i c e S p a c e B l v d . F r o n t o g e l i e T e r m s

7 3 3 - 2 2 8 2

lup. OS7-MoblloHame3 Bdrm. ’ P-M- 2 bdrm.

Oulllci's. 2-Bdrm. 1 b .ith . goo' _______ room to ral30 anim,

srnoklno. 2-Bdrm llk<i now.

[■8941 --------Park77344S<l4,---------osDlial A 3 BORM fRAILER n(

+ $M Pallo 'o r ro n t. >175 ,2,_____ deposit. 326-.5853. .

144^ ^ OSi>—o ffice Renta lsablo TV. DOWNTOWN TWIN F >->50/wk, 3000 sq. II.. all o r pai t34284. or rojpll, lo f tse jjr salT O a th -----P'D'------8o>^----- 627.-' Locusi Townsond. Wa, 983 Rroperty wy^konds colloc,

T b S i h . . «CEIX EN TLO C ulllltles 1 -^2 SF O lllco with

» Sirool.* space, la rgo d o o r ac

OFFICE SPACE for I 8 Slovo. B'uo Lakos O llico Pa 4 6ih'Sl Armslrong & Co, ly Mon. Esialo. 7^ f.200 .______ Olllco sp a cu wilh olurnlshed- Pflw 'o on'foncD . 374 location, 9:i3 Shosh<

------ *220/mo. 7334586 o r ;--------- aftor3 PM________3 ,

PRIME O F F iC E ^ 'l Ave, E. oc ro ss

------------A lbertson 's. Am ple pPLEX. 500 or 600 sq . It.

Ooshlor 8 (Holley. R<

p r iv a t e OFFICE w s in g ^ copllonlst 4 a n s

M X +. -aervlco- >;>00 m onlt-------- Bruco ot Gilobo RootI & rof. 2826;________________

SHOP-WAREHOU Nowor building. 13!

-------- Insulated, truck door.: brick roslroom. (iood porkin th, op- Coll Ed a t Mai larago. Aasoclatoa 734*4875. loncod SMALL OFFICE- vory 'u r or carpotod. g a s furnaco-------- 10 courihouso. wotoX noar >i50/monlh 4 Di.jvaioi----- AyaHablfrJ<inr1r733-6;■ 1800Sq.Fl. Olflco Spj------- leaso. All or por^ Shoshono St, E. -W shop. modol to su it I

como. Armslrong & Co, 733I f ' a ' - ^ ? 0 L _____________rh ^ *250. . O lfico for lh, KW w /rocoplidn aroa .

downlown. Evans P r------ . Monagemgint, 734-1401

Nood cash? Team ui WID Ciassiliod and m ako i


d ( S M erchandls------

087-Mtollaneo.n--------------4-Nor6eman-Radlal-33-s w n ------l55**lo5S'tlian“ t“wootf

>295 >520.733-2784.5 pm-lOp ?52_ ASHLEY vrood Stovo 3drm. salo. New. still In Dkup. automatic I horom sta t. t

all night, :S295, 788-4t:£0. 2 7884685 Halloy-________

Call Boaulilul N orw egian i---------Fox-Fur-Juckol.'T ilko-l

»af,ly-----Sl20 7,734-V366K do. BllllardSupplles& pool___ sales, Roualr. recovejy a 2 cuos. Bowi.idromo 7334 romo (^tinironno Mnrhl

mors ingT^oss^ clrca**19Cl0.^1oslow lypo. mako oflor, 423.47'/ In- 734.2745_______________----- ------CONCRETE FORMS. ap. Snap tios & all hard '

mo,. . Included. 4 'x S '4 4'x30".1 or of flllois. ALSO Pl___ ____scroto. nc’« condlllon,plex. 734-0973 ev.)nlnQ9,______ncos For .Groat Gilt Ideas.>0311. MAGIC MILL-BOSCH.

un- Largo Rocking HorsoCall Baby Car S ca t >20. Umb;

Stroller >10. 7334332,iiirib'. MAPLE Single bod. >25;dls- maploconsoloTV.>170;

Irlg,, Yamaha Trials, >300;-. • Oodgo PU, runs wott, >

kuo Cannon AEI 35mm w /cji§c >i50r30-lom atoo-caoo3111 oa.543450< or 5434548.^ 4 NEW WINCOWS, 47x71

KJ each; Two 48x46 >45oio g ^ Call73_34056;____________ _ PINBALLS. vidoo orellod gamos, pool tabios a n d |w /d boxes Icr nom o on|oym<:lnn Oo your lamlty Chrlsli>1M Shopping wMl^us. 734440

O'UEEN Size Wotor . 6Van balllod m altross. sido piiOls w/hoaioi >120: Mongol >

Collee Tablo >15: Op-p» lacod black carousel w /p0,5 $110: C.1117:13-1683,

Jpli- j^ T T T T T f t ■' r i ' l J m



s , AfiE MADEn s t H 'M I S t lN G go---------------

ilh, ' ' I: r s iMi>

■rfr W m A i J f . t i t ' c atot-------------------------------------------

•riy ..................ADVERTISE


m'- Pi.ico'U jnaor iho notyourctioico^

Youi ad will roach lamiiios ovoryday a rosulls will am azo yi lod.iyuind o n o o t our Ad-Visorr. will ho lp yi youf ad so thal ft moM ollociivo a n d br iMo rosulls you a ro lor.


B L D G iM A lN TEN i^ •Dtiild*Ropalr»Ron

. Small jobs a spocla do m tisievervihino TtCARPEfifER________Romiidol,- addiiiona mg rooling. Coll 7344ii28lorlreo<jf>llrr

ne______Qg7-Ml8ce»aneo•m. 2 baih. Rod 27" Olympialovo, rofrig, spood- Only riddr

Muriaugh, >H5 or besl oflManage- AFB 4 barrel carb.

_________ >75. 423.4707 alior IlOod cond.. RENTBEFOREIilmals. 324- Back awing back______ _______rog >349. tJfov Sp«. olocl^Tc 73^5614. 463Flllmip. Skylano THE LARCEST s<

------ unflnishod furnituI noar Twin ors. rockors. slo<75 + >100 and roll topdosks.

Carior Conlor, 733 Fourth Ave. E.. TW

als TRUNDLE bed Ir— ----- — Wagon whool mtN FALLS jomp with shade,part, olllco dlo making kit.salo. Wrllo klngslzo.__bodspt^27.----- Porl----- 1975-Ford-slalio i08368, Call >500.5434504orS4:t 208483- TWO 7x9 motal gar •;;y .: v ; ;v M hardware. >5i.OCATIONI 15 gal. g as tank iIth otoraqe pickup, i 25. 7334W

W ESTA DD ISO IPark Call Soo our larger o<

Co Real _____ l72Anilgu_(____________ WIPE RAGS lor miSludlo api. P“R‘D. Good .50t/lb. 734-9412CU)Shono N. 1 HAROING LATior 734*5325 npmorous collols.

c o n d .733.1488,,, . , : ,TrOc«s6n 5-HP Choln drivo

ss from >150, 3-HP 21" Lawo parking, >100. Double hololl. Phono tlriyo dosk >300/o

Roallors. 3895 or 324-4782-

wlth ro. _________________insw orlnn _ . , , « „>nih. Coll 073—Sewing & Crafi oally 733-________ WfUIIESDAY. HDVlMaEB JOUSE

Money Bouqi•king.Marketing S X

jry cloan. jco . close otor pd,,

Doposll, / T ^

Spaco for porl 735 J-Will ro- ’ A l / ' L


sr rent / V

Propeny* •» ■ --- — '- K ?

up wllh { r i0 a Iltllo ' ^ / \ __ !em s you \


33-«-12r------------rokTistr-----------1 Oom. /3V0 tor /In box. ’t. burns t M ' T•4131 or '

1 Sllvor i t i l i - i € u c O /* *:o -N ow ;------- • - " ------ -i z m r -------- Somtrftms'newTinfl-nes>ol table SOlii jnnixrsoif ctltbiaiio svering. felt H o v i hj»e a jec<ei 134369. DJ'tnienl lo hoIO montj

.^ lolsof OJltcin p j« « loi 5 (I^7T7 nr (AtMul 16 l0IT£), dl'CCl'OH - 4 /r ro r5— bO< each pjitein (o< pcwrt handlinE Send

® Alle* eioob Cijltj .p iw S ' '.n TlrtftFtfaT1m*^*wt>n, call B,, 0,^

--------- York. HT 10113. Print NS. Call U dita . Zip. Pjllem Nur •<. 733- YDUftNEIICRAnnmniii

— iw T jr ru r r c f f s r r a T JJO >20, Ovei 1.70 vjiied flevgn?, 3mbrolla piliemi Sena >1 50

ALL CKAFT BOOKS. .>2,00'2^ - All Boob and CaUlof-add 70' 1978 PMU{e and hanc)- 'ig 6 e l3SDollsiClolhMOnPa>» UOQ. 134-14 ^ ick Machine Quil '/ c a s e :

^ 129.Qulck'n'Ejji Tianjler 128-tn«l«pe Patchwork Qu

isoach, izfrThriiti Cnfti Rewert-------- -----125-PiUI Quiltsorcado i21Pillo> Slimt-OlltId juko 116 CiDchel with Squainymoni, l lM « r Art of Kwdltpainlislm as Il4.C0Riplete Al{han«8405 lI2.PiireAI|h*ni

Bod, • I l l Eny Art «l Hairpin Ciocr pads. I09-Se«4.Knit|Ba>icliuuei)1 >25.: 107-lnitjnl SwiiniOpon- ICB-lntlanl laihfftnw/plpo I04.|ntlant Moner

10315 Qu.ItJ foi fodir

— Ml 11

Si- - - - - - - - - - a i

* T I I I J

lo c Remodelingsmoll ropain

CIALTY oxporionco.CTORY

spoc la ljoo lj ic h 22,000 CONCRETEi and tho G oorgo’s CJ you. Call Also concro)ur Iriondly Quality ' wor5 you woid Froe local os

EVERGREEN ro SSwnS Shrubborv

“ trimmod. 28 1Froeostlm ati

I a O R A V E L ^ tFoft drivow

j j r p ------- lots, e le, Yoi, ^ , deliver. Notom odoi andRfngina.da ily . Wo «'5T^}ein 733-2177 G.RAVEL------

-------- Top qual2 - fofld-way moi

3ris. Sld- • Oan Skoom

?l'l 'm g ir ‘ _ ^

neous r~npla mon's 10Idden 5 mllos. . . ■oKor. Carior

arb. Like new. ''ior6PM 1______RE BUYING!rack machine. " W iS dod ir i m .

llmoro. . trf-_r soleciion ol A l f r c cnituro- dross- - ...slools. chairssk s. The Mory . . . - 7333493. 2116TwinFalls. __________P la ’

i Iromo. >20; w ith (

11. >5; Bqigp an ad sp rea d .-->20;- -------------m o s t c

, " . " s r s ■ f o r ^ dnk lor Chevy , j t ’s bC£b m . ______ N o t(lo n -K W ^ '^ l___________ tO lU N c30N M A L Liro d u n d er n o - l r u iiQuos th e re ir many usos, b l a c k

.ATHE. wilh fpct, tiis. Excollont th ree r

■ • d e /e a tirivon Tlllor. WestU w n Mowor3io largo an-......................sp ad e^lO/oKor. 324- s p a d C S

c lu b , w s h o u l d :

------------- I f S<drafts high in

T m e . '

uquet!th ird d spade t trum p , ge ts a <

he aim stT K ) r o f 11 . /f j M C k c l u b sh i

t o l o s e ;

i z 5 6 < ^hands. ] E a s t’s

I S ^ leads awins, dr

' 068-Compulers ------ CUSTOM.PROGRAM

IBM 3741. Excolllon V Orlglnol cost *5150.

^ . - T y . - - tieofor*2000.-Call734 Primer, Oot Malrl: 460G, usod 2 ho u rs , r homo com puters. >1200, n o w > ^ . 734-2

7 ^ ^ ® M 9 -C a n n ra Equip.CHINON CAMERA ; power, w inder, -Ila

. ,____ tripods, cam era bag.

I T S 070-Wanted To Buy

5 lio«eis tlnonlal Gold, 633- ;on. U k es North, 734-4587f BUYING: Evorylhlng

ta* 4 silver. Idaho Coin'®' lo s .302 N. Main. 7334i

1 2 2 SHOP OOOR an d BarrI 8 'X18'. 7334059-Sb,^ New WANTED: ^U sed

mill NEW ------------------------------rawirc------D72=Antique8--------" ^ NATIONAL C ash Ro'0 0 'each ^ °l'd b rass, narrow i -add sot ^ • J g j j j g g o l tp r S p j !handliai, W EST A D DISON M

(lormorly W. Addison Markol)NOWOPEN-i

line at cornor ol BlakoAdfllson-across tho

ijlerj Trailerk Quiiu Tuasday-SundaylO an

Ciosod Thankaglvlng

T housands & thousa r Now 4 Usod Itoms Iron

»"'* >15.000, AnIlquo lu n tools, dolls, books and

. onoo la k ln d lto m s.Ju st In Time for Chris

tueind) Como on down 4 br S e o o now concopl In businossir you want to b e a pai Call 7334070 lo r m ore li

i e r v i c e g a n d d i r e i

U B S ___ “h a Iling, renovallon &lalrs. Ovor 20 yoars roleCO. Call Jack lormate. 423-1526.___4 UPHOL. CLEAN pAlialloy Spocl.ll. Any intoonly >2§.95. Uphor . i f S’O liw -39i1__"„_TE______________ p ^ i,1 Comoni Sorvico. g tlltjcrolo patch work. S _ 'work, tow prlcos, •


» TOP SOIL - tS icIvoways. parking 8016You haul or wo can QUANorthwest Ciano p 7 ^

________________ _ l Oonjuallly crushed REM

' s ro stir

r H E A C E !

Without adventure civiii- on is in lu ll decay." - c d North Whitehead

....................' • .................... V

lay in g a g a n ic c o n t ra c t___^o n ly s e v e n t r u m p s in ♦

c o m b in e d h a n d s c an b c * a d v e n tu r e . T h a t 's w h yt. o f -us s t r i v e to -h a v e a t _____L a n e ig h l - c a r d f i t . e v e r , s o m e t im e s o n e is ; d t o p la y in a 4-3 fit, so <cst n o t to f o rg e t how .) te t h a t th e o n ly g a m e |vj^ D c th iS o u th _ th a tJ ia s _ a _____c e i s f o u r h e a r t s . T h re e u m p is h o p e le s s a n d : a r e t h r e e u n a v o id a b le 3 c s u i t lo s e r s a t f iv e o n d s . A s a m a t t e r o f

th e u n u su a l p la y . o f : r o u n d s o f s p a d e s w il l _ it f o u r h e a r t s . h ,s t l e a d s h is fo u r th b e s tE.___E a s t__ ta lc c s _ L w o _s a n d s h i f t s to a lo w w h ic h S o u th w in s . H ow d S o u th p ro c e e d ? S oS o u th p la y s h is th r e e t r u m p s in h o p e s o f a n

s p l i t , h e lo se s th e . E a s t d is c a r d s on th e r o u n d a n d S ou th s t a r t s a m o n d s . W es t r u ff s th e d ia m o n d a n d le a d s a so t t o f o r c e S o u th ’s la s t

J. E v e n t u a l l y , E a s t ? i c lu b a n d tw o s p a d e s w n th r e e . A ft h - m a k« u h Ls - g a m a - i f- - tO- n s a t 10 t r ic k s in s te a d

A f t e r w in n in g E a s t 's H n ih if t , S o u th c a n a f f o rd c r i e a t r u m p , so h e p la y s V t r u m p f ro m b o th ^ . E a s t ’s ja c i( w in s ( to wiu

s u r p r i s e ) a n d E a s t ron a n o t h e r c lu b . S outh

d r a w s th e t r u m p s a n d

074-Mu8icai >MMING BALWIN-Orgosonlc-

________ ___fool podals, Liko nowa'nt cond. tlon. >850.543-54730. Sacrl- GIBSON SONEX 180’34-1357:-------alo'grQiniarr N 6 w ^ 23trix. 105 ?3449?5alt6.________.lo rm o s t Roslorod antlquo 01a. Now right piano. Excollontt-2631. tlon.ft4-0867

P;______ O7s-Otfice Equlpme» 3 Ions. 1, 28”X 55", 19” X Hash, 2 -sh ap e d socrolarlal-mig. >300 or___>225; 2. 30" X 601 Ex«alt SPM. • dosks Inlaia top. *16!------------ socretarial chair *IIU bookcaso 6 sholvos J L _ ----- 4-door hulch c ab in e t.

vot. Con- k>ek?ng "vauV^135r*v33 Bluo All for >900, oil I ko51_____ 734.2831, ______0 In gold -----------------------------^GoTior. 077-Radlo.TV& Stef»rn c o l o r -Tolovlsions.orn Trock #ofcll6n7Ffom-!----------- K en's TV.4 Appllarw, tfaclor Main 8 , Twin.________

COLOR TV RCAXL18C — so lo... Like now > y o

----------- ----G,E. 19 " B 4 W TVRegister. Banner733.1421.'^ o d o l , high QUALITY MacnL----- ----Oynovoclor, Oonon, CMALL elc. component t

onFloo syslom, Roasonablo,N-Dollv Cas** or loims ovallabU0 4 W. «t-<307______________3 stroot LIKE NEW 19" 1r Malhos, Color por

Only >i79,95. Cains <am-8pm anco Conlor, 733-7111.ngO ay pjONEER Cassollo 1

^ , UKP 4200. oxc condllonds o l si50orbosioffor.7334iom S cto 7344388 altar Som.

R E N T * N E W ™ 0 .r ,,ndm any colorTVbvfontlng. No■latman llOrSChOCKOd, 204 Mairb r o w " . N.CAINS-733-7111.In small Romombor ciassiliod

you're looking lor» n of It priced Ilko tho goos Inlo. days, 7334931.

g u i d e ‘c t o r y ----M . i « i ; i M - i ; ; i t . g 3 3 g _

lANDYMAN............. .lomo ropoirs. painting, jlo-tllling. windowoshlnfi. yard work; odd >bs- Roosonablo. 5384359.AINT1NG_______________itorlor ft oxtorior. housos foncos. Lowost ratos. froo

31,678-4607 or 733-9074.LUMBINQ AND WELDING lutzm an'a Plumbing, oaling 4 Woldinn, Now. imodel 4 ropalr. Froo osi, uallty aervlce.733.7124 RIVATE/COMM HALIUNG ravel, dirt. rocks, um ps. iroos, m anure'' iroad , sod pond, hay. ock/loador. dozer 543-16,_______________ _JAUTY PAINTING josonoblo ratos. Inl 4 ^:t, Froo osKmaios. 733-7S48 om-9pm or 733-3194 ALT. iMODEUNG 4 PAINTING )m m ordal o r rosldor>ilal.} job loo small. Free timalo«.734-77na


ES® B O B B Y W O L F F _ _______

NORTJI 11-23-A - ♦ J S V A 7 6

’________♦ A K Q I 0 3 _______________; _♦ 6 3 2”

W EST EAST♦ 8 0 4 3 ♦ A K Q IO O ▼ 10 9 4 2 V J 3

“ V o 5 T----------^*'7T2----------------------------------♦ y 0 5 + Q 1 0 8 _________ ___ .

SOUTH.......... ' . '.■■- ♦ 7 2

V K Q 8 S♦ J 9 8♦ A K 7 4

V u ln e ra b le : Both. D e a le r :N o r th . T he b idding:

""N o rfh EM t South Wc»i ^! ♦ ! ♦ 2 + Pass 2 ^ Pass 2T Pass 3 ¥ Pass <▼ All

' pass

O p en in g fead: Spadfe th r e e ’

d y m m y ’s d i a m o n d s a r e g o o d f o r f iv e m o r e w in n e r s .

B id w ith T h e A ces

.S o u t h h o ld s : 11-23:B

♦ A K Q 1 0 9 V J 3♦ 74 2♦ Q 108

S outh North 1 4 1 NT

A N S W E R : P o s s . T e m p t in g ;t o b id spad fcs a g a in f o r t h e ________h o n o r s ; h o w e v e r , a d i s c ip ­l i n e d p a s s is t h e m o s t d e s ­c r i p t i v e c a l l .

Send bridge quatloni lo Th« Ace*.P.O. Box 12363. Dallas, T e u s 75223. >with fatr-addmacd. ilamped envelope for reply.

CepjrrtlM HU UnlU<] rMIltf* Sjn41c«t«

077-Radio,TV& StereonlC-O fyor u - - - t J S E p - - M ^ -----

now condU K n o b l e s a ” consoles.2_________ Blackor appliance 733-1804 . • .W doluxj)__viiriLLJELL ONE 13';_ Ckilor.J-’ _____

~ ' TV>200,Call5374858.0 ook up-ilonl condl- ------------- ------------- --

— 078-Fum .& C aipelsom ent • a l l w o o d D resser 4 Mirror - ' •. w n69.Banner733-1421. ’u-modular! ALL W ^ D TABLE.-*49. - . ------

Exocuflvo__ Bonnor733-1421.___________*165 oa: 1 BEAUTIFUL French Provln-r *80:' 1 do l Couch, w /bluo uph o l- ' ;VO8 >95: 1 story. *275. Call 733-4320. !

T °rira ' 'rc '° ^ ..i '5j wolnui. K!n'nor.*'733ll421.‘‘ • IIIKO now. AMERICAN Stylo '

■■ - Roclinor >29. Bannor 753-

END TABLE. *10. Bannor in s . U sed. 733-1421.___________________ ___ ___om’J99,9^ Fi„o ploco dlnnotto s o t , . • . lance . 420 Zonllh color TV and roclinor,____________*250 for all o r bost offer,L180 Con. 888.2817.> y o . Call Horeulon lovo _j»oat-I40________

TV, *89. trunk420, antique chorry • • • . wood toblo->150.934-5267 Mogpon, . KINGSIZE Box Spring 4

n, Conror. Matlrosa, Excolloni Shapo, 'isio roo wllh solid wood headboard, [I

alo p rice. *289. BOnnor 733-1421. ?lablo. Call Living room carpel, 13x23’, ‘------------- hallway 4x28'. sta irs 3x24'. il' Curtis Shodos o l aculplured greon. cportable, *150 lor oil, 734-9914_______

ns Cloar- lOVE SEAT 4 Choir. *249,H i_____ Bonnor 733-1421.__________I® « d lo . r c v ^ O F A 4 Lovoseat Sol.

j B * n c o P fc e , only 33-0532 or mA ^ , 95. Cains Clearonco -■----------- # # to n lo u S 3 S 1 1 __________

Iwn a now ra o d eo BAR wllh 2 odluai- - No cred- ablo stools. Excollont con- MalnAvo. ditlon, Only >219.95. Cains;__________ Cloaranco Contor, 733.7111.!lod whon RUSTIC 8 Pc. SET. sofa,'or Itoms lovo, chair, 4 ond lablo, good ol' (oolslool >349. Bannor 733-


A d v e r t i s e '• f o r o s l i t t l e a s

1 p o r d a y

------------------ ^ c a i i --------------

■ 733-0931 , i

r S o FING ~ i'T4S Roollr^ 4 Romodol. liIno. Froo Esl. build now .- • f ;

Troo 4 Shrubbery trim­ming, Freirosi, Insured.JIm 'sTroo Caro, 734.1484.WALLPAPER HANGING,Residential 4 commorcial. tree ost. Work guaraniood.Chuck Scherer. 3744108 I

, WOOD STOVE INSULATIONFrooEsilm alos’ . .

Professionally Oono. • 1'' . Call734.4{31. }



Ploccd undor iho hoadino or Myourenolco! “ • - £1-

.■ 733-0931 I

m i- F i i m . t C ii|)«iB

SOFA. GroonrwhlTo& o^ d oreen back cashlonB, nici K S). 7 3 4 ^ 7 ,

— 5 - -SW IV EL--RO C KER-■ *3Rannor733-14?L--------------Wood dlnlnj) rm Uble & choirs. S200. DDI rollawa C35. Rod nylong couch

----- fM kor. S200. m-?74S

FRIQIOAIRE RofrloeraK tlB9. Bannor733-14?1,G.E. REFRIGERATOR. S12

__ _ allr^nOf733^14^1.•________G.E. WASHER Bann(

-733-U2\.________________I KELVINATOn Dbl Ove I Slovo., propano, S175.; 25gi

p ropane -tinK - avaiiabi w /foau la lo rt75 .3 2 4 ^ 8 , MOVING-MusI aell) Kot m oro rolrigoralor, UIX Konm ore range. S1S(

■ g U S l z S l L l ^---------M O V IN G *N lee-1-yeer-o l

I W ostlnohouso aell cleanin I ovon. Spood broil attach I m ont. avocado. (450. Ca ; 934-5795 altorepm.

PORTABLE clothes dryer Ic : u i o . G ood condition. {SC

^R anges, S200, $150 & $10C Rofrlo. <350 & SIOO: Oryoi UO; Dishwashor, {ISO. Cal734-71W-_________________

-REF-fllQERATOR______ lallm odol, nJco condition. S1S0

- Call73*-1756. __________SEARS Kenmore w ashi^

- s s i a6731.____________WASHER tn d ORYER loi sa lo . Call 7 3 3 ^ 7 . ,, WHIRLPOOL 23,a Cub F c h o s l froozor. llko new « 5 0 . CaltB25-5068.30" go ld Coronado ranae.

^ 0 8 0 -H eallnflaixl ; • TTfC ondm onlnfli ' FOR SALE: Sourdough ovor

(Ills In stovo pipe ol wood ‘ burning stovo). SSO. 702-

755.23^1 Jackpot__________GAS FURNACES & Space

j H oalors bolow S150. Call I Jim . 734-J112M Mon-FfI. 01

734-6273 ovea &wKf»da.____MAGIC HEATheat-ft-lator lor 8 " p lpo, S75. Call 324^78ovonlnoa. _________2 S o a rs korosotto heaters,

- — -?«300-BTU'»rUsos #1-fuol^l;

F lsher w ood'& coal slove with fan & thormostat In

■ T a M 9 M £ M _ _ _

________062-Build[ngMalflrtal8- l ~ —CEOAR—lG rapo— S lakea,

6’x2V4". 300 count. .50* I o ach . Call 733-0211.733-1221.

CEDAR: Inland Rod boards ' 1x6-10-12. Inconco Codar.

C hannel Rustic lxS-10. k '2x4-8-10-12. Rough Sl suf- f ta ced.324-6120orW 2127

- F - — FE N C e-m a«0fIa l-1'-'*6'i>ir.- ' C edar ridgocap. rustic cedar

---------- s h a K o s rK iighi knofcodarsh a k o s . Call324-8380. RAILROAD TIES. #1 Hall round , good for corral posts

sq u e re .'u -S o .'‘Min. quantlly g . 423-4027 ^ ’REO CEOAR SHAKES direct from O regon MIII by


_YOUH FAR«il4______

HEADQUARTERS for p o s ts , poles, R/R ties,

plyw ood, rouoh lumber, etc.

e.95 7.95 9.95 11.95

O 'N E IL BR O S, LUMBERH w y.25Paul,Id.43M 227 H rs: Tuos.-Frl. M , Sal.9-1

V l" 4*8 Sheel Rock S3.99 each .

2x4s 8- Sluds & BlrS1.40 o ach .

2x4s 8 'Economy S1.1B Vl" M asonite Siding 8” oc

r M.49V ^"M asonllo Siding 8" oc

8-S8.95 W C P x Plywood S7,95

20" w ido galv tin della rib, 63( a lined Toot.(Con a lso order colorod at

a linod fool.)

------- P t Y W O O D S w i s ^ -( B a h jrg t^ lM O il)

063 -G araB eSalfliA ntique auction last Sun. ol ovory m onlh. Accepting

,C ? p s ln n m o p ls oarly 733-77Si_ BAZAAR November 2fllh

’ Osm-Spm, al Cf<ilsllsn Contor, 161 Morrison St., a c ro ss Addison Irom Hospl- lal,'W holo plQ falllo. '

— W EffFA D D IS O N -M A tt—S o o o u r largor ad undor

704 E as t Avo. C Jorome. 0-5 Sal on ly . Nov 19lh. Good bsby c lo ihos, household q o o d a j a n t l g u e a ; ^ ^ ^ —

“ o e ^ f l r e w o M 'BEAVER WOOD Culling Co. Good c toan dry plno. Cul, spill & dolivorod by somi load, co rd or block.- Also ovallablo posr& polos from Island Park. A ^o aspen ovallablo. 733-3268.Cuslom- wood splitting / S 1 2 .50perco rd ,733-3644, ' < DRY RREWOOO, J60 a cord. / C all6yS-4517orB^776.

Dry Plno dol. & stacked; A l iie - sp lltsm a lllT O ,: \

. 1 M 8 " sp ill modlum $65,; ' 18-24” spllt largo S60:

Por 3A4 to n plck:;p. 733-7804. GOOD PINE WOOD. U 5 a cord sp ill & dolivorod. S65 Pickup load . 7 3 3 ^ 1 . .Qood O uallly Firewood. SSS■nd u p .- .7 3 3 -^ ....... ............... ......J&A Firew ood has dry flrowood. cu t. splil & freo lollvery (or- STS cord, 352- 1203.3&-M29

* ,

e r c h a n d iO e j -H m r w l

r r « 068-Variety FoodsCh*’i '?EO ~'G oiden O ^ I I ^

“ Jonaihan. Rome. Win ^ . . Banana & WInesap AppK------ *<olloy Apple Orchard. 1 m----------- nerth _ e f_ eu h l. 5434330------ Keliey Garden Center, f

NEW CROP AWl'-ps- p,i

0B0-PetB&Suppllo8___ADORABLE AKC Ro

toetS ^J2L___________________Call AKC CHOC. LABS, field tri

championship lines, hi

___ a kc Gor. Shepard PuppioMAA. exc. bioodlinos, gooa ter

pormanis, SIOO. 4 3 8 ^ ball AKC U b pups black, yelloi

TS, ii!g!;Qa!:.'&s.T"‘

beautiful marklnoiexcellent bird dogj. Ri oorvo yours now f< Chrlstmaal SIOO. 788-4687.

73j l A K Cjoglslofod.black Sco

AKC foglslored Chosapeak

AKC Siberian Huskies Blu— ■ oyos. Sirono Pulleis. 1 ngs. m onths^ yrs. 32^5809,'•"'® AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERl ^ *0' 53<

----------^U T IFU U m alft-& -fem alPorslsn kittens. 0 monthold. SSO. 423-6118._________

>ood BEAUTIFUL Australia 702- Shepherd pupplos, 1

vieoks old. Ideal Ctirlstma Pi-s-senls. SIO. 5438914,

Call CHRISTMAS COCKERS!I. or Oeposlls now bolng takei

on Registered Cocko r r . Spaniel puppies. Blond I

erg FREE .to Good Homi 1 1— Pursbred-lrlsh-Sotter-pup

love totiOCV .________________I In German Shepherds AKC 2 0 0 ._ S 1 7 S - ^ . C h s m ^ n blow

_ QROOMINO UNUMITEO TTn— Magic louch of genllenesi

In all b reeds grooming. 11

^ POOCH TOO SHAQOY TC % SMOOCH? Professlonsl Ooc iros Grooming, rosonsblo rates

Sandy or Annie 324-2375.1:;,?: p r o f e s s io n a l5“' GROOMINGI Vacatlonlngl 4 ; I'll board your dog. Chen y . - - M lllerK ennels,423-jt<M .--

— , ord. sho ts, SSO. Calf 82»5047 SHELTIE (Mlnlalure Colllo]

— wilhoul papers. 366-2387.11 MONTH OLO AKC black Lab. 29 Hold trial champiops In podlgroe. Is retrieving,

— S200.73Xl964or73*<125.

|g — : .... ..

™ Farmers* markel

to tm -A u c lto n s

^ 067-Kay. Grain & FeedAPPROX. 100 Ion 1st & 2nd

D dalrv hav. no rain. 823-4568.• Barley Slraw. SI per bale

; gaaiyo ,'a7»— PEA STRAW, barley slraw & OQ hay for sa lo . Will dollvor. ” B 2j^13or82M 386.40 HAY FOR SALE

Call 734-2851.NAY FOR SALE. 1st, 2nd &

DC 3rd cutting. SOO 8, m a lon.324^7B3a)tefSor wknds.

« STRAWFORSALE Anv amount. Call 733-2237.

K WANT TO BUY WHEAT.■ S3.35/bU. Call 886-2067

at 100 TON 1st cutling hay. SSO/ ton. 1.000 balos sfraw, TOt abale, M «943,____________140 ton of socond crop hay forsale.-734-8422 ■ ■ ■ , - 2ND ALFALFA. S45 a lon or by |h e bale. Call 82S4038

■ ojrenlftfli________________300 TON of 2nd crop hay. Oat hay A wheat hay. Covered 8,

3l daf.324<ie7ori24.8ia2. p 100 TON 1st, 2nd & Srdj __ Cuttlng—Hay___S80/ton_or-.h S3/balo. All o r part lols. n 324«43.

h _ O tt-P w in a F o rR e n t _ c ash R e n t 200 acros 344 yr

------ iifflrgTTom^o.' apn o n i r w rSprinkle im n. 734-1785 days. WANTEO TO RENT: Soulh

5 side 160 or moro. Hsvo ma- i chlnory, linancor, experl- a once. 4 backup. 54«214:I------WANTEDr 80-B cros-to -ronr

S.W. of Filer or Clovor area. Write Box 0-63, c /o Tlmos N o w S j ^ x ^ i _ _ _ ^ _

i OQg-Paatures For Rent Wlnler pasiuro wanlod Ior

callle, Hol Spflnos Ranch. B34-5560or034&ro

I /T f f i -C a tU e/ V^QUS BULLS & roplace-

• / (nonI hollers, Howard AngusI ftanch 543-4915.___________\ ^ L L S for rent or salo. Dairy \ m w s & hollers for salo. BillTarflS.886.7S16.__________

COLOSTRUM FED day old I calvos (or solo. Conlsci

Kars, Magic Valloy Dairy,438-8292._________________COLOSTRUM da rte d holler &JH)II calves lor salo. Call

~ " M 4 ^ b f3 2 < .S f la8 . - ■ COLOSTURM STARTED CALVES for salo. Call 324- - 3438.7:?am.

'ise~ A u to r102-.C «ttle

I. splli 16 big. llrst calf springer-------------B tacK srbiactrB aidios; Oi

top roplacoments, Brod i reg . A ngus bull. One Iron,

------- calves on oround. 423.5168clous. iT-n ■ r r r r - - T ------------ ----

im iie A Bridal Path lo ride als 30 or— indoor arena your horso < r. Ad- o u rs 73J.1939 73W7S

Falls H artm an's Fun Farm.------ H orses boughi-sold-uaded

H om e ofO oo'a Doctor.-Price___ ,aa.U v»slock . PH. 7338055ous & 5 y e a r OLO APPY Gelding M Of. is-.handB,-Iiaahy. smart,

good horae . S700,324-«0li.

IIB -H M M E qalpnm il -sold. • ORCLE M 4 Hor«e Trailer Ic


734- WE BUY & sell used saddle & u c k s . VIcker's WesterS lo ree 733.7008._________

hall Will Trade practically new1 next ho rse trailer for deluxe___ ho rse ; call 734-3681.ipios. 2 USED g o ose neck. 2 use< tem- pull type + new stock tnli

2 o rs . Farm ers Exchango f ^ e ^ a n , 837-4294 days

~ lo a -s w ln fl22, SPOTTEO BREEDING BOAF

Inos, for sa le. Call 733-223: anytim e.

1 0 8 -S h e epscot- ^

ItO -PouH ry& R abbte oake YOUNG GEESE & Balsft now. C h i c k s , for salo. Cal

^ 0 ' ------------------------- ■ ■ ■■■ 112-JrTlQatlonERO GATEOPIPE 536- & underground PVC

___ Amoth I r t a l io n & Supply

HASTINGS___ IffloatlonPlpoCo.■Ilan f^ALL PRICES

12 • WhllaSupplylMalstmas . G ated -30 ’‘Spacing

Alum. PVCs T 6" . S2.12.................... 1.52fken e ;;. $2.82.................... 1,83ckor 8 * S2.94 ........................-d 4 10“- $3.23.................... 2,18

' • "01amond"-Undefgreund

r ---------- — •; 8’*-i n o -----------------

12'*.2:21kKC.food _ BILI.MATHER3_____

The ________ 42M647less Ono Volloy Pivol. good con- . 18___dillon, loke over loase.

= ^^Umps f o r SM!eI2-TO 300h.p, Aurora Pumps (18 ft.

Dog column). 8 stage close tes. coupled turbine, 1600 r.p.m.,__ 480 voll 3 phase. 1 robuill,

wllh panels. Call Jake ng? Klelnso8serat{406h568:22lQ hofi- Sprinkler Hoad RebultdersU ---------1812MalnTBuhr543W33—l«c,— G uar_rabulldlng.fot Neiaon. eks RolnBlfdAWeatTierTec.H i 2 WHEEL LINES, V. ml, 6" llie) m ^ n ^ ^ u m p s , panel, Cali

«im .1 1’ * ' 113-Farm Supplies ack GRAVEL, top quality 3ps c rushed road-way material A ng, top soil, Dan Skoom, 543-

8082 or 734-6296__________QRAVEL ' FOR SALE" Delivered by tho iood. CALL

K et HORNGj\TE. Trial oiler, ^

~ Wanl to buy: 500 to 1000 oollon milk lonk, 934.53*8 100 BEE BOARDS lor sale.

114 -F a n n Implennnte

- C A S ETractor Specialists

- USEDTRACTORS 1-MF180DuaiS.S4500 1-MF10a5Cab-S8500

I& 1-JO 4840 From>n. A8slst-S32,000

“ 8.8% Financing

; t . burkstra'ctorco.w 7 3 3 ^( a • KImbertyRdE,TF.

I y CATTLE Truck bod A Spud — bod-fo r-sai«^ lU 3 4-352 loL ..

Of 324-8185._________________08 H 0U 6H Loodor, 4 whool _ drlvo, IVi yard buckol, good )a( Ilros & now robuill onglno. r l $7900, 324-5110 or 324-51&,

PTO DRIVEN GENERATOR M 2540 KW. Liko now. usod 5 o r _ tim es. 324-3438 or 3244888.Is, Two now landom oxIo 8x20

hoovy duty Irallors. lor Im- ** plomonto Of oulos, $2250

_ oa„ 734-2050 _ _

S — i7 5 = » o « r tiM lir j----------------

fit— ---------------------------------- -

' I BONNh. O n o o f P o n t ia c 's

s t o o r i n g a n d b r a - o n g i n o , b o o u t l f i

b r o w n in te r io r , c

ii; H N A DA $6575 . ■ T h e lse n P r i=‘ £f>imcf[ ‘GWiyiiEon'i;

>; ■ THEI!7 0 1 M a tn - A v o r E T '

b ____________

• m o t i v e

____ 1 1 4 -F a n n hnptemefrtsltd lor w3o t s ~ bottom non-s____ hydraulic plow, Excofigors. condition. 324-3842,■■ 425 NEW HOLLAND BAL

G ood condlllon., Ki“j" ' ® 734-2851-______________

4440 J .O . Guod Rango, ca oir: 4840 J.D , Powot it( cab & air; Allis Chatm

I also c ab olr; low hours,!s b o ,.-- tfado . - . .B il l - Lougnmll34797 53H Z5L______________

6850 HESSTON swolhof. i tded. r>ow^Dono^huo swoincr ti

S ~ ~ 115-F am iW o,li -

, - M M o a ^ _______________ ' CUSTOM

TTT^r- MANURE SPREAOING and.. Call B ront Sower 543-8974 12. CUSTOM manuro liaiill fiorse ''oy baling & stacking. Cl) jfred. M ossanqar, 324-2245T_______ CUSTOM PLQWIMQ wllhddlos wlihout lonillzor. 423-5 stem doys o r 423-8283 after 6pm___ HAY HAULING WANTEIlew 4 No job too smoll. Call 8 ,xe 2 53aeore29-5613.___ MANURE S P R E A P I^ 6used Hoidom ann. 423-4M ’ tfSif- MILKING JOB wrmod

ingo. Jerom o-Tw ln Fails an tfays. Wise oxporioncod- 324483 _ NEW FEET. HAPPY COW

Experienced hool trlmtnir___ , T llltoblo. 733-5795

-------------- --

“ R e c r e a t l p n a l

___ 12fl-Avlatlon___________“cliSi PRIVATE PILOT GROUN

SCHOOL In Twin Falls Dec: . 3 8 4 . All Sludy matorlol

= provided with F.A.A. oxsi adm lnlslorod to Iho class a

— the third d ^ . Course coi ducted by Doll Van Ordoi F.A.A. coniflod flight li

5ly struc lor & written loi

cou rso guaraniood. II yo p rereg lsfer wllh 1 or moi Iflendo, ooch ol you wl recolvo a -$20 discoun Contoct Ooll Von Orde

B„c 733-7111 m ornings or 73- i <9 ' 1407 aftornoons; for li I ’H formotlon & roulstroiloi

Lost day for reglalratlo j ; , J Wod, Nov 30.

121-B oat8& A cces8.DUCK HUNTERSI new 2C

---------Valeo- R ivor- Boat.- molor---------Ifallef.-S3960.-837-8383 eve's

Evlnrudo & Morcury Molort boots & lishlrlg lacl:le

____T om 'a .M arlna .a 8 |» r l Ode

— FALLINVENTORYSALEII :on. All 84 Soasw lrl boals, bic

:-2- JOHNSON & Morcury Oui 9 ft- boards, Soasw lrl Bools A E oao loader trollors. Magic Voile.m., Marina 733-8141.__________

12' FIBERGLASS BOAT will J.".® electric trolling motor. $17' £12 Call543-4513afier6pm. trs T 4 Fl Aluminum B'^at with 7 J HP Molor

1B70-18— G tASSPAR~l«

9V4 HP JOHNSON oulboan“ w„JUI»..;-C«:

iify 122-SpofH ng Goods I'A G&H SUPER-MAC goosi

S f l ^ & l ^ ft ‘*5*°"' * ***l-E GUNSFORSALEIt-l. W holesslo-f-10%._ Call 734-8402 allorS^ HUNTERS & TRAPPERSI W< 'av h.iy all imllrt f»r. wklr'inid o

unsklnnod. Top prices >00 Rocky Mountoin Fur. Cal

543-«h5_________ •le. MARLIN 444 Lover Aclloi

Rillo, w llh scope A ammo.■ S225. C all734.4W .________

REMINGTON 870 TC II gouge sho tgun . 30" lul choko. vonl rib wllh lu n cose . $250.324-8278 eves. TRAPS NEEDED Immodlalo

175 -A u to DaalefB

L O ^19841

CUSSIIJfl No. 2 5 5 5 . Pow or door DL_ _ ln t. w ip o r t. aloetfic roe

much m oro .01 N e w ...........

CONK r C H E W“ u o w *^ 3 2 4 ^ 4 3 1 8 J > «

- m P O N T I A

INEVILLE BROIc 's f i n o s t . T h i s c a r is o q u i| b r a k o s , p o w o r s o o t s a n d i t i fu l u n m o r r o d . b o i g o f r, o n o o f t h e n t c o s f c a r s

T I c O . . .

■SEN M OIE T -.........- T w in F o i l s - -

} 122-SpoftinoQoodan-slop WEIGHT BENCH will pu :ollont assem bly. 400 lbs. ol woi _______A acc. $2^734-4201 aft 5.

$65oo; 123-Skllng Equipment

l'24-SnowVehlcl83 itmors JOHN DEERE snowmol s, will 340 Troll Firo. 200 mllos. r mlllor. -condillon-w llh covor.-(____ 324-3001 aliorepm.ir. llko 1981 JOHN DEERE LIquI r trail- snowmobile, 400 mllos,

rnacujale cond. 32^5598^

l a 5 - T r a r a tT f a l lm ~ ‘COM*- Close out . on ' loman sllvorstroaks. 2 loll. Farm______ Exchango.. . Hogorm

837-8294 days, 733-4932 ev, *{,9 ' ' &ilo, Trado: Good Car ! i t _ Camper or Trallor Houso i ullnji. c o n d $600 or loss, 324-257

— W ILDERNESS & iSiSz— — C I M A R R O N :-

^ "So M tny Ways To Go Fi IM 9. ThoO utlllylnU ro."

___ Travol Trailers from 19''— Bon 33'. Film W heels from 24'

3 5 'Terrific seiocllon of Ue ,A In Trailers A Sih Wheels, aioa. P'icod rlghll

i s , BONANZA RV CENTEning, 400 BIk. Overland Avo.

. B uriey . ID. P h ; 87^947_ • 12' CAMP TRAILER. M<

everything, good cond, $1


—1973 PROWLER 23’ S contained, excolloni con

m n *lon. sloops 8. lots ol exirie"? __________

tiols 1976 1 7 '"M o-too" sth Whe xsm Travol Trallor. Excellc so n condition. $4:^436-4102.

jSH! 12B-Camper8i Shells

, ?hoIf?o?l‘-shWdSyou Biidinu," tlntod"'A "'tnioc /q,o windows, w/ail wiring f will llQhls. S475.'Pam 3 2 6 ^ .

dori 127-Motor Homes ^ C U S S A MOTOR HOME f Jon renl.21fl..8loops8.733-10 tloli oraftorSpm 733-8244

ITASCA— 1976 21'. Immaculate conc

tion, roar couch mod< clean& reodylogo .

- = , 1978 BEAVER

t i -------- = ^ 8 8 0 STARDUST-----ors. By Sportklng, 22' rear bat 1 0. party model. G reat conc Ws. _K T j,d f lv ea llk e ad ro am .—

Eir t o a v e l t o w JT*”

*■W MOTOR HOME FOR REN'lE z Call 734-2302._____________Iley Now 29' Pace Arrow for ronJ Sleops7.eT^3938ofter5,

1?^ TIOGA:

h i s ------------ ZAwarlCMls£ast------M, M olorH om oVtlue."

Soe our se lection ol use 81, Motor Homes. FANTASTICI

400811c Overland Ave.“ B uriey . ID. P h : 6 7 m 8

1979 24- C U S S A Swingei r r - Roar balh model. Exceller

condlllon, low mllos. Full loadod & pricod to sell. Wl

—..-^c o n s id e rtra v e l trailsr a s pai pavmenl. 537-6896.537-8854 1983 23Vi‘ El Oorado mir

^ molor home. 4000 milos, Ha We

Slock. Gas & dolsel. Ched before you buy. G A G

_ Manulacturing & Sales, Hw Ilon 25. Paul. ID. 43SU580

1»-UtlHty,Tfaller8 MOBILE HOME axles lo

a n » ^ $60 or b esi oiler. Cal

r r Now irallor. Holds 3 bikes 0 1 snowmobllo. 734-2317 o 733-4790

17S-Auto Dealers

OKII CAPRICE SIC 2 DOORK>r l o c k t , w i n d o w * , e a r de-fOggbf. dir '& much.

. .* ii ,9 9 amosROLET—/ • a tM i i ln • •

, r o m . " 7 3 4 - 6 5 6 5

■ B H

AC— —

lUGHAMu lp p o d w i th p o w o r id w in d o w s , d io s o l

f in i s h , m a t c h i n g •s y o u 'l l o v o r fincT

995TORS------------- 7 3 3 - 7 7 0 0

pulloy Automotiveweight ' "I5:__ -

1 3 2 -A u to , Parts i — A ccessories

Doluxo mud A snow w ith s tu d s . 4 ply I 078-14. L ossthonS W n

? now SSO for pair. 423-5965 r.‘-C all- ...S luddo fl „ Snow

165-SR.13. O ood Shape^uiiSr 73*0468______________ta. im- TOYOTA land crulst }8 Irans, M an-a.free equli

oxc c o n a . Call 543-W2. Two-barrol corburator

------- tako A oxhaust manlfoli63 351 C leveland. 340 moi

irmors 4 727 TF, chrom e wtijrman, 82»S0»i_ -----------------

4 Norsom an-Radial 33 lar lor i5 s ‘ lo ss than 1 week so any J520, 733-2784.5 om-IOoi

WE REBUILD Hydr , Ja ck s a t A BBO H 'S Aa SUPPLY. 305 Shosl

1981 Honda Od( oFor Excellont condition. $13

b e s t o lfer. 324-7186 2 L78-16 Highway 2 L

, ° m u d A 8 n o w % v e rh a ll t ,?7 '? - l e lt $25 oach . 423-4432.

350 M otors: T6 GMC. 71 '*• 400. $175 Bach. 281 Adsn



Most 'I, $544 135-Cyde8& Suppl(e8

5??m . H O ND A 250 DIRT bii$ 2 ^ . $250 o r b e s t olfer. 934-881____ Two Trail TO Hc

Soli m otorcycles, also box Ir

____ 1979 KAWASAKIVheol Excollont condition, 1olloni OallT34.l457^______ ___^ 1980 0X500 CUSTOM, Fal

A low ers, sadd le bags, S now. $2000.324-4264.

1981 H onda 110 trail t

g for 1081 Honda Ode S8. Excellent condlllon. $13( = bo st o llo r. 324-7186

K ; 175-totolKalw

ondl- ^ \odel. V ■

man,______W M

------X I All ol--------- - 1 - they oENT. ovoilol

l!!!' j H J 197y-e.o u fi

^ f f l 1 9 i--------- - J B n "3 T>o o f

. . . . . . buckeij

ricV I n I 1 9 7.- V .8 ,4 tf

478 3 DOOFiger. No. 373i

S - -XR-7..AS54- NO.N69

r 197Suli— A A ^M

3 1 9 7^ . 1 | » _ l MONTE

■ rool. lov

S l . ms o r 1 version I

- 197■ g a S S B g v-8. oulo


4 DOOR. • ^ Interior. I

~ — whitow/1

197XR-7. V.

©' vinyl roo

198Air. AM/

I____________ No, 37a

_ 1 9 8K v.n.Q uto

a ^ No. 3630

■ 1981cylindc

i 9 b ;I lon g w h o

I I ' N o. <724,

' tUoL you &'now...


135-Cydea&SucoHMi v e 1982 YAMAHA 650 Spe( ■ , i - T ^ ^ ^ v d r •paymenis.

Eqiilpmen------ h o u g h Loader, 4 <I -,1 Sn ‘>'‘’' 0 ,1 yard bucket,

. >l'os A now rebuilt or $7800.324-5110 or324-51


S 2.'”’ ' J.D.500CBaRkhnn,119 ato r- |n -— J-0^544 LoadBrrS24;500 ilfolds olf VVabco 777 Grador, $17[!

ELLIOTTINDCI---------- IIIO vortandA ve.33 * 12r B u n ^ lO

lydraullc Bob H ouston, Sales FS AUTO Homo P h o n e ..........733hoshone ____________________

Odessy, 'owof. Sio'^I^Calf^M ? $1300 or flvflnlnps,

1«>"Tfuck8 |a lltreid WE WILL PAY CASH fot

> ■ A new er P .U .s A 4x4'a., 71 Foro 1977 & new er Automol kdsmsor Froniler M oiors. 734-834— : — . 1960 FORO PICKUP. 6

Hyrsl J800 o r bo st olfer. 678“ ■ch a d>va or 878-0557 eves.L l 1968 396 ss El Camlno s<

' lor drag racing. LolldlM Chroma & ex tras . 'Also

Ford p ickup . Call 93+rDjKE days. fc4-43S5 evos.V im 1973 CHEVY PICKUP

J S ,It condl. 1B73 FORD Ranger F 14H new llroa . now muffleri -— new sh o c k s, new bat , J S ' Call 688-2693 a ftarspm

.1973-Ford C ourier comp

^ i!.„'.”r ' E x r a . s»0»- ">'® 733-83ra.______________


« . a g g ' - t a K r i ? : a»2IOQ,~B3<^S806aflBr8pnT

??w i% 1878 DOOGE M ton 1 $1300 or Cab, cam por shell, a /c.



W A K E YT b T h e M o a t 0 « p e n d a l

I o l our eor« and tru c k s a re give ly ore told to you; In a d d itio n ; t alloble . . . the D Y N O W rren. A» icriblng the m echanica l a n d electi

> 75 C H E V . i m p ;automaiic. pow er s te « r ln g . olr, lo

9 7 6 F O R D M U SOOR7V-6 engin*, p o w o r tie erln ( icei.seoii, below llow booK . N o, 37

976 F O R D F 1 5 04 tpeed , ex tra g o t ta n k , m irro rt 1

>77 C H E V Y M O rDOR. Bucket te o ts . 4 cy linder. 01 3736.

9 7 6 M E R C U R Y (’..AAAyFM:aler*o.-tlli.wh*eI,-wtnN693.

> 7 8 T O Y O T A SFFM sterw ^ 4 ^ H n d e r on g ln e . S 1;

> 7 7 C H E V R O L E ’ITE CARLO. V-8, ou lo m a llc . po> . low. low miles. N o. N 699.

m O I A C ' A ___ 1oulomatle. pow er tte e r in g . rod

lon comper theli. No. N 696.

'7 8 C H E V . M O Nlulomollc, pow er s to o r in g , olr, AA

>79 C H E V R O L E T>OR. 6 cylinder o n g ln o . outomo ing, power b ro k et, a ir . low , tow n

7 8 C H E V Y IM P yOR. V.8. outom olic. p o w a r tioe rl or. No. 3669.

7 9 B U IC K R E G Anw/tiluevlnyl roof.'e to tb tn lerlo 'r '; <

»79 M E R C U R Y CV.B. oulomotie. p o w o r tte e r ir

rool. till vrheel, c ru ito conlrol, .N o, 3577.

I 8 0 F O R D L T D 2^M/FM«tereo. vinyl ro o l. p o w e r i 37ai,

lutomolle, pow er • to e rln g , olr. vlr 630,

8 0 JE E P C J - 7Inder. automaiic, ou to m o lic froi I tlre t, while tp o k o w h o o lt. No, 4

8 3 F O R D R A N Gwheel bote. olr. 4 tp e o d . 4 cyllndi '24, •

1 ***

V 12it3 B luo Lake

. W o d n o sosday . N o v p m b o r2 3 .198,3 Tl

' (

K L P E N N I S t h e Ijocisi Tl. r1 ^ " , (Why so urtfiafl ! ! ! ! _

whool ^Bt, good M

RE-------- / ->MENT I

19.S00. K c y J iL r ^---------- H M vI7[SOO.

C O . , . . .

3 Rop _____733-1490


lobllos. 1961 FORD Wlon picl>340. unlbody $400.- o r bosi 0

6 cyl CtllK94BOO.I7 8 .^d 1967 FORD «i ton. 380, 1

tires, 4 spoed , good ccr S t ^ p $112^-73*0387,

JO* 956 K M T n ic lc#04-6342 ____________________

1982 BF-ioo, Only 3 7 ,000 .ml

ers, all like now. tottery.

nplolft-Gn^r N O W O N L Y

a * : _

175-A utoD eelefi

lable Used C ars In th e Mogl ven com plete te rv lco oi)d to fety ; they ore te t te d 'b y th e m ost m A tk -ihe-to le tm on lo-show -yow i >ctrlcol condlllon o l Ihe vehicle.*

ALA 2 D O OR*'. low mile* A cleon. No. 3729. .

H A N G ____'__iIngg. 4 tp e e d iro n sm lt tlo n ,. 3 7 4 1 . : ________________ __

0 $^ o n d h llc h . No. 4758 .........

•NZA------------outomotle. AM/FM sto re o . 9 1

COUGAR- In y l - ro o l .-V e rv -c J e o n .e o f -^ j

;r 5 «' tp e e d Iron tm lttlon , bolow ^

ET $x>wer tieering , oir, vln^fl

T O N ....... ......odlo, g o t or p ro p an o c o n - '

NTE CARLOAM/FM tioreo , Illl, e ru lte . ^

IT MALIBU ;nolle Irdn tm liilon . pow er V m llet. No. 3616

•ALAering. olr, vinyl rool, c loth ^

AL2DOOR 9ji,>•; oT r7 Io ^ m II5 rK o T N 6 9 lT ~ "^

COUGAR «ring. oir. AM/FM s le reo . ▼( ll, pow er w indow t. pow er

2DOOR-------Sm>r tteering . au lom ollc. V-8. m

ILE C U T I A S S S mvinyl rool. Below bookT •

ron tm ittlon , o ir, ho rd lop , ^ 3 ,4733. ■

GERider. sioreo. 14 .000m llet. ^

•«ifcludo* "a* it" vohlele*


■ ^ r - — ^kes Blvd. North. Twin Falls,

f Mom said I ) r V could eat as /^ / s t t y —5^ V J u h c a w t; /

" ■ . I ___________

______ 1 0 - T n « J a ______________pickup. 1974 Chovrolel 1/2 Ton

*'” =wo. now 1A74 CHEV PICKUP. R un, '

1 4 0 - I n i d a

!WCV'2T0M4X4'.miles, looks, runs a d rives

WAS $8495.00

LY....*y78T“®m ' " n S & i r S R

^ m o t o f v ----------------------


j g g " i s & i l

logic Valley .ifety Intpected b e lo re h BBSk m Rs t m ^ e m equ ipm en t ...............

•1232“- * - 1 4 - 3 4 - 1 ^ —

*1666 __•i772"**2120^ - j -

*3135-* 3 -1 6 5 - |H —


*4242“" ^ ^^ 4 6 6 6 ^ 1 ^ - -

►5445»« —« 6 3 3 “Mi s —

*5670“ ^^6575“

- - * L o w, 7 3 3 - 5 1 1 0 p r i c e s

■111, I D , ___________ I . H E R E ,

T im os-N ow s. Tw in Falls . Id ah o B-9

078-IW 6B M E N A C E _________________

1 1 - 2 ? ^

-------------------------- - 4 i H i ^ r a r


140-T fuck8

.1AM/FM lopo, IIKonow. Of boai oftor. Cat! 733-94 1981 DODGE RAM 0-50 mlloBoa. S5400or boodC all 734-9606._________1082 • Chovfotol 3/4 p ickup. 305 V8 ovo« o u to ., AM/FM storoo r

* ' Excollent cond. 35,000 n^---------------B 3 7 ^4 3 0 o rB 3 7 ^1 B r^

I 19S3 MAZDA Sundo Doluxo PU am/lm i

1 • 5-ap , low mllos J6JOOI 2076. I; - 6 - n DETROIT, can hOfO

RTO 15 spood Roadrat sp lco r. 5 apood mali a p o o d aux; SLHD drof 8-83 rallo. All In good c< t io n .Call 629-57Tff- 71 FORO RANGER XLT.

__________S t o ^ ^ j ^ - 8 Auto. :

141-Vans1964 CHEVY 1 lon Stop (partially convortod to m h om o). 6 cyl. S600. 734-: d o v a or 733-0151 0V03.1965 INTERNATIONAL G S4 paaaengor. Englno c o n tly rebuilt. Mako ol FIrat Baptist Church. 9t Shosliono , Twin Falls. 2936 __

_____ _^19ai_ElJXd_25a.SupBt_.V

S7995. 7352920'* doytli 73^M «4 allor 6pm.

AUDI 19S2, GT COUPE.Si 5 sp d , low. low mllos. !

....................u n d o r warranty: Air; crui- ■ - a u n rool.-Ffont W;0—Mt

S JL L I_ 7 ^ 7 8 3 , 1 6 7 0 ._ 1969 CAMERO Super Spi b lack , 390 high podormat on g in o . QIC. cOnd.. 543:M1972 240Z. AT. AC. sunrc rad la la , m ags. S2300. C

__________T O - ™ . ________ =' 1073 Colics ExCollont stiai

:--------------O00 £l-pa!fll.-/oboliuongiirad ia l tIroa. 324-5392.___1973 flobuilT onoir oxco llon i running eondlifo S1500. Call934-4967ovos.1977 OATSUN 2B0Z. turl

C a l l ® . 0 8 : ‘'1978 Oa’TS'u N Bfa»Slallt woQon. AC. snow^llfos c h a in s included. $3595. Ci

________ 324-7177.__________1978 Toyota Corolla Doluxo

Jl'” . ^1979 v w 'RABBIT." Goo

3116 ovonlnos.. -1980* OATSUN S io rc x 'H a

c h b ac k . Front wnool ddv( oxc cond . Days 1036 Blu Lako s Norttior 734-2274 _

; 1980 DODGE 0-50 Spoi T -uck. 2600 cc, 5 apooc

:/FM tapo, liko now,t515------------ o rb -e 5 io } ro ^ ca iim g ^ « 4 r

67 TRIUMPH Convortlblfl now poln i 4 top. J1900. Cai 734-8241.

175-Auto Dm Iot

jT iillij 1983’S

---- U-S-10 BIAZER“

B l

' '■ ? A c o H a n s of l . M a g ic V(

[ j [A ce Uai f l l

J__ j_______ B -10T lm os-N owfl.

Vut& w n& ti


' U

ra n d m a l-D id -y o u -co m e- a n d o v er th e r iv e r t o {

146-4 Wheel Drivestf^S 'poft FOR SALE. 1976 FORI5 spood, ton, short w hool baseow. »150 tiros, call 438-590413-9434, 1971 JEEP. Now3-50. Low motor, straight body,ooiollof. Call543-4012._________ 1976 Scout Inl. « 43/4 ton mllos. oxcolloni comivoidtlvo. ‘I782alief6p.m .BO radio.. . 1977 Joop Chorokoo.■QOmijos,__ ^onglno,_.4. apood__________Lockout h u b s 10*15ndownor P /S, P/B. AM/FM radl T) csss . ownor. 63,000 mlloa.(200 324- oood shapo. >4500.733

- 1078 BRONCO RAlorofun: XLT. 351 V;8. a lf. PB.

dJSp Ina Call 934-8474. id condl- 934-5391 ovonings. ______ • 1980. TOYOTA 4x4. C

r a : ss!!i,gi6a.3isi--------------- 1983—AMC— Eoflle—*

------ Loadod. 14,000 mllos.soil, 825-5822 a tto r 6

______ 77 QMC 3/4 lon A /t. lltoo Van 4-whool drivo. good0 motor >3300 543-6189._______734-5725 78 SUBARU w an 4 w >, AM/FM cass t , AC. sur,L BUS, atd tiros..>2995. 734-631

j"oi(or, 148—Antique Autos ' i J ' n t FOR SALE o r Tradi '.*■ 8nowmobllo-1956 Ok-------- door Sodan, goo d conc^ - V a n . . - Call 734-2251---------------

aytlmo, EOTAUTOS®pro?dly'of MaBnltlcont 1969 C

__ EiaoradO-Coupe..QlJ3t

"pZ ; " “a y brown lo i . 5 cyl. Inlorlor wilh g lo ssy vinv IS. Slai Mochanlcally oxcoll crulso: ' luxury auiomoDDo'wlir

70. , whllo It approclaios. i733:l03aatior6pjri.____

’manco 1051 FORD 2 door. i 13-8800 condition. {750. 1941 F jnrool com ploto. S500.J Cali 5725days or 73341151 ovi_ = ______1957_4-OOOa,.CH£V_ahapd, 0°dd condition. Call ngJno,—

1965 GTO Convorllblo i

5B& ^s, . 1969 ELDORADO. Now iTjniS----- S vinyl top. runs gi Sa k . ^ 2 7 2 a tlo r 5.

i ^ n 154-Autos-CidlItac•os 4,, Call *

M W m. ... Thii ono ov/rrnr bo<Good oxpocl in o Codillae. _324.__ r* r - q r 1 11 .OOP v h o

I I -■ ■ O N L T . . . . . .

| l H M |SUbio. " " n . m ICall ____


m W mS MiiST GOII CHEVY 1?---------- s-101

.................... ^

i e s t b I tiCEE

. CITflTIDN - a a c

ison . . D o in g B u s in o s i V a llo y L ik o s t o d o B ui


m s e n ™'

v.3.J.w in ,F alla.lc laho_ . ..Wcdni

i v e —


l e - t h r o u g h - t h e - w o o d s — 3 g e t h e r e ? "

res 152—A utos-Buick3r d 4x4 w 1977BuiCKSKVLARK laso. good Sodan . Now llros.__________ condition. Call 829-5716w Chovy 1978 CENTURY BUlChdy, J1W . AT. PS, PB. vory gooc__________ dlllon. Call 432-5i30.1X4 41,000 1980 Buick Skylark.;ond. 734- cond . 4 cyl., 4 spood.__________ m lloago. 15200 or J5001,0 . 360 V8 o w r paym_ontS. 734-430

*‘*15 Hros!' 154—A utos-Cadillac’rn«‘°'u!i'’rS 1968 CADILLAC 4 door'733-2152 condition.•r a n g e r CADILLAC 4 drPR PR 4 V'llo. good condlllon,low radial fadlat tTroa. t1500, 734-3cassotto . I960 Cadillac Coupo Oc'4. 9-5 or In vory nlco cond. Low

ago . now radial tiros., Camper o ] W 8 2 9 ;4 2 i8 £ to im

IS ^ A u to s -C h ry s le r

'os*“i3ust 158—A utos-Chewolel1946 Harloy Oavl Knucklohoad 1200cc. K

3d cond. cam ln o Chov 283 ,----------- M akooflor. 678-4608.

1968 CAMARO. High pi su n /o o t, mongo 350 R.S., 4 sj

- - good condition. 733-226 . 1974 FORD MUSTANG 11_______ au to , runs good, lookstrado for >995. linancing avail Olds 4 678-1178.678-4320 alter 61 ondltlon. 1973 CHEVY CHEVE--------- g o o d - 't l ro s :—qood—mL-INTER-— good-tn insr,'tl600finar ^offonA available, 678-1179 or

Callisc 4320 a lte r Cpm. _____listening... .i078-MONZA.-Low-mllo

loalhor oxc c ond! 734-3035,___1980- CHEVOTf.- r \

.AM/FM c a s s o t lo , . . ! 934;S258or.oHo.r.3.934jfl

J. S356S. iB o -A u tos-D odfle

r. Good 1967 DODGE CORONET I Ford 4 2 door, oood cond. 1 owiOO. 734- M95. 733&45.________.Ovoa._ 1974 MONACO. Air, crui;

iV^days Caij78S-°4M ^"^~°°°‘’~~’

io ^ o m - 162—A utos •F ordsBEAUTIFUL whito 1982

------- — Ford E scort GL. LoaIW pairit u,/]„«n ftvwfvih

orooll 16,000 m s. Now >8300, ; Ina>6000.934-5795allor6

- 1 5 4 - A u to s -C |d l ie

ilSOBWRmboouty ho* oil lh e f o o tu re t you □e. Priced to te l l fo ti o l o tovlngi ,iiMn-«ompared-lo-o-no«w-one,-------

. .^ 1 5 ,9 ^ 3 '^C A V IIX A C D A T S M

M W T IA C « M

rnotorvIT S-A utr^nealera



y s "'......' ............!LEBRITY4D00R h


> s » * h o w a yl u s i n o s s l l f ^

tH E V Y T O U C H I S M A K I N C C H A R C E Iff!

d n e sd a y . N ovatn ljo r 23.1983

I ,

■ 1 8 2 -A utos-F o fd MUST SELL' 1 M ustang. 2 door I 302 V8 ongino, aulom alie. P /S , praciicaiiy new tli

- ................... m ilos.- S3900/bO543-5227._________1969 FORD Grand t Eng. R uns great, ojfpj;, Must Soli! 73 1973 FORO LTO. A air, pow or seats, 20MPG, pood

............ ........>800.733-Ofei.--------1973 FORD GaLa ; condition. >500 Of t 733-7435 o r 733^»991974 Ford Wogon

1 9 7 r M t J S T ^ T l 4 apood , P,S„P,B„ oxc. cond ., call 733 ask fOfGrogor734- 71 LTD 2-dr >350. OS

• >395. Run vory goo>250- 324.25L<,____

-Buy, soli, ront 1 w ithaclasa lljed ad.

--------------------l0 » = M e rc u ry iy n (1978 MERCURY S ta .W ag o n .E x c .ee

' ' ■ ow nof. >500 undo L >2800 Kimborly Call-:------------ 1978 MERCURY (>RK-2doof XR7. Air, 68,000 mllo ea. good 788-4272 aftor 5. Halli

J979 /HERCURV MC JICK, AC, GHIA. Whlto with b pood con- lop , PS. PS , air, stiy______ a ls , vory cloan. >2:#rk. Exc. 733-5695. lod. Good

m N3iC AUT''■c.’S t WE CA6 PM W o vo to ld o

C u t lo m o r t . . .

_________ FRIrolet • G o t m oro for'

c^'sM EI -W oQ dv 'o rti.o

t p : - S i xSp:availablo. ior 6pm.

US;-. i<AYr . ■ ■ __ -> ^ V e « tlH w

_____ ■ ■ 7 3 3 .5 1 1 0 I2 ' d o o r ..>2000.


)NETlio. ^1 owner. . 1

cruise, e

982 4 d'r

. a g _______________ ^ 2 -

S 3 n

3 p1971VSc Ran

L tle e r ln g . (0 33.000 mil<

I M' 1981j 4 doo r. Ill

i lo o r ln g 8 ; tilt, c ru lto

t o t l e . lo w i

r \ m

i f ei 19I Cel>1 Pow ..r ito.TiiJ S ipoocf illS w ovlior. AM

1 &I " ' '

nj t6&-M ercu ry&1979 Ford 19^5 MERCURY

ir hatchback, ' “J 'c ? " ? - J 10 AM/FM. oflor, 837-6309olt>.’ P/D, air, 1976 MERCURY I tlfos. <4,000 a bout, oxc. cond.

bost • ollor, rebu ilt motor, 423

1 6 8 - A u to s ^ q h

AT, p s , " ^ , 172—A utbs»Pon1979 PONTIAC condiilon.__spof,

--------------- m ilos. Exc. con.AXIE. flood rodi cloan , MUST >f best ollor. nancing available 399 or678-4320allor6c■n >400- 934- “_________ ,, 173 -A u tos-P ly ir?.4cylindor, — 1------ioraSd 17<~A m os.O the

»-8422 • 1983 TOYOTA CE 69 LTD 4-dr 6 'uo . 5 apooi

ood. Pickup flioroo. 5 yr. tn w arranly. 12.000 rr condlllon, >7000. 7: , or swap --------------- ---------

'± ______ 175 -A u to Dealen


',fST,S>icw. Call Ph.73»<xa

B 175-A irtoO eiJare

a t io n a lr o F I N D E R iAN SELL YOU R CAI

ovor 600 c o rt fo r Mogic Vc . . lel to ll y o u r t I

^EE1LSXIN<5S_sr'your • W e h and le oil

no to ry po p o rt; 10 your • W e d itp loy your

vehicle w ith our ido -in ion • W e hove muliip b: l lt 'In g service;b u y e r t . • Wo hovo bonk t your ho m o :' financing ovollo


►Y-— 1 ^ If 'IV ID N D l^

t e i i i i B i g

w i e j

i o ' y o i

176 Ford inciierolo m o ilc^ p o w o r_______ ______, pow er brakes, lilet.m lI Citationlillbock. powor & brahui, a ir.

te . AM/FM cot- M mllo*.

1982elica•nng8btok(.% ill'bock. toot

999 ^

= ^ L i

y& Uncoln .=IY MONTEGO.fAV'" Tht^B obcat run- nd.. new tiros,423-5686 • , ■ " ---------- -- •

qWjirmbilo ■

>onllac IC SUNBIRD . ' M/?flmoiof.-low___ ____________f l:ond„ silver, B JST SELL, fi-


others - " - i gCELICA ST.. Family sIj)Oed, AMrFM m ittio n . <

transforabio d o u t valu<0 milos. oxc,>. 734-8748

lers • . ■

5UY 1da rsISEN'S <OLEi; 9Ak«aN<Ills ■ ' - ' • , •3033 M i M M l

— — 1■ BEAUTtFUL

tra deluMO Intom ittio n onf

58S IgTTGRA D Pro b ab ly ihV diey new in,orio,

^ ^our

B ob / b luo. to o ts , m oor

illobie _

_ _

1 = - z o r M o i n

a w e 0 1

t a y s L u w o i

1980LeCar-------4* p o o d r4 cy lin d o rr f ro n f -

w heei drive,


GT Coupe5 ipeod, o ir. pow or brokos. full In s lru m o n tt. .


W 9 . II1979

Rabbit2 door, 4 cyllndBr. 4 spood. oir. luggogp rock,




t 1I20. 9 passenger com fort, am n. a ir , pow er slooring a n d b rah


uo finish, molching In lo rio r. po >s. good tires, looks now .

W 9 i1978 MARQUIS 4 DOI

FUL Carnival red , m atch ing re i In terior, fully equipped w ilh oui< a n d oir..oxcolloni, cor . . .

GRAND MAROUIS SPORy lh o cleonesi In Ihe w o tt. tu -lo n irior. perfoci lires, fully oqu lppo i

1979 MERCURY CAPRJO. floor mounted I ro n tm ittio n oon roof, high epo, lln tod g la s s c

^369flh S i a t m o r s - _______________

T H E I S I-------- F o fO V S r S O 'Y e a r T T fT ia ln A v o . E. _______ _______

►itrUilitre ;

S p1975

_________lieFully oqui. c loan .

♦# 1 -1 ^

i l '----------------------------------- 1982

Rei„ 2 d o o r , a u i

c o s s o l io . p— ------ -- -■...........dow fr,-V 6-0 '

lo p . .

A ^

i1981 Dal

280 ZX 2, FunI in joc lod , 6

twin ho tch roo f o loctre

♦ $ 1 2 7

DTORS Prou usly Ownec


WAGON n ilutom otic Irons- Booullful ml □ kes. 0 irem en- populoropfli

f S _ _ ^OORO cv e r Slooring Cutest tp p r l

" hogony, Iloo Ing. m ooo ro<

S__ f-IORred vinyl root. local I ow ner jlom olie Irons- am ber glow .

th ro u g h o u t...

8 _RT COUPE ’Z^ n o p o ln l.lik e Vory low mile

5 - 3>Ri mmnn ir>/4iuiHiini J'**' trodod In. ^ In terior.

all Iho luxury o

5 S|■i ----------------------

E iijM iO ^-He EaslesfPlace In The^Wo

Twin Foils

isedC! a t m c

5 Buicklectra_________ulppod. Very

299 *

?Bulck---------------egal .U lom olic, lill, a i r , AM-FM p o w o r w ind-

-ongir>o vinyl - -

A t W ills s t a r t s o a r

^ o n ly (h o s t lo bo " V a

E o ch CO b y e x p o r t c o r Iro m b

. b o tto m . Aatsun T h a i 's .' - car wo so

/ - j - 2 snilslacti6 •cyllt.dor. ' J

tof. AM.FM V rron le 'tunor

m M— 'D j UJ------------------- — 2 3 5 S h o s t i

. {Ac/OS:

- — 1 4 € ^ - l - 7 5 ~

>udly Presents sd Beautiful —


I midnighl blue, fully lo o d o d with oil th e sp fio n t, w ire w heels, looks lik e new.

^4695 „

1981 ZEPHYR Z7so r t hordlop In tow n. T u-lono burn t mo- l lo o r m ounted I ra n tin lt tlo n . o ir condition- i> roo l.

»47881980 COUGAR XR7

vnor, very low m ilet, b e a u tifu l B lllertw eer 3w. pow er tleerlng 8 b r o k e t , a ir,~per(ect 'J t .________ ______ ______ _______ _ . .................... ; _ -

^52951979 MARQUIS 4 DOORm ileage, full^ equ ipped w ith oil tho op-

^ 5 9 9 5 - -IRAND MARQUIS BROUGHAMi In. low m llet, su ltono w h lto , w alnut do ­lor. aulomolic' ovordrivo tronsm lttlon . iry options.

11,900 J» T O R S =World To Buy A Car

CiursL Ien t. ^ oker.

1380 Bobcat----- 2 'door-fifibock—4 “t p V ^ ; ------------ - ------------

4 cylinder. AM/FM c o t . te lle .

m l* | I

1982 Toyota Tercel

4-door.-5.,sp09d,-AM /FAA. ------ — ------------ :

Vills M otor th a t ro y o t I ro a tm o n lo a r ly . By o c c o p tln g a n d k o o p in g ___ _________lo s o c a r s c o o s fd o r o d g o o d on d u g fi•V alu o U sod C a r s .” -»h c a r is .th o n In s p o c to d o n d to s to dlo r t m o c h a n lc s . T h o y g o o v o r ovorym b u m p o r to b u m p o r . F r o m to p lo1. A n d from lh o o u ts i d o In .I 's w hy w ilh ovory g o ld s p a l u sed I s o il, w e g u a ran io e c u s to m e r i c t io n . '

T h o r o y a itf o a tm o n l.W ith u s I t 's n o jo k o .

JSED CARS I’S h o n e S t. N. 733-Z 36S I -/OSS From Wills S h o w r o o m ) . 1 • •