




Submitted as a requirement for the degree of Strata 1 (S.Pd.)

Gloria Hilliari















Kekurangan Dan Kelemahanku Takkan Menjadi Alasan

Untukku Berdiam Dalam Tekanan Yang Kudapati, Karna Allah

Ku Besertaku Selalu







MAZMUR 23: 1-4


In The Name Of Jesus Christ I Would Like To Thanks My

Savior that Always Give New Blessing For Every New Day In My

Life. And This Skripsi is Dedicate to My Beloved Parents

Mr. Edu Pahotton Simanjuntak


Mrs. Roostuti Nurhaningsih




Praise and thankful are rewarded to Jesus Christ who always blesses and

gives streghth to the writer to complete this thesis that entitled “ An Error analysis

of language feature on students’ Descriptive Text Writing At Seventh-Grade of

SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang. This thesis will be submited to Faculty of Teacher

Training And Education of University of Maritime Raja Ali Haji as a partial

fulfillment of the requirements for S-1 degree.

This thesis will never exist without any support, encouragement, and

guidance from several dedicated people. She would like to express her gratitude to

many people who have given their suggestions and help her in writing this skripsi.

The researcher conveys the gratitude and respect to all parties who help

her in this research

1. Prof. Dr. Syafsir Akhuls, M,Sc, as a Rector of University of Maritim Raja

Ali Haji.

2. Dr. H. Abdul Malik, M.Pd., as the Dean of Faculty of the Teacher

Training And Education of University of Maritim Raja Ali Haji.

3. Mrs. Dewi Novita, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Head of English Education Study


4. Mr. Satria Agust, S.Pd., M.Pd. as her first advisor who guides her to finish

this skripsi and always gives her solution to revise her skripsi.

5. Mr. Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd. as her academic advisor and as her co-

advisor in writing this skripsi, who always guides her from the beginning

until now and guides her to finish this skripsi.

6. Mrs. Nana Raihana Askurny, S.Pd., S.H., M.Hum. and Mrs. Dewi Nopita,

S.Pd., M.Pd. as her examiners of her skripsi.

7. All of my lecturers in English Education Study Program, for guidance and

knowledge during the period of her education.



8. My beloved parents Mr. Edu Pahoton Simanjuntak and Mrs. Roos Tuti

Nurhaningsih: thanks for the love, support, advice, patience, understanding

and pray for her. Also her beloved brothers and sisters: Ebon Suhardo

Simanjuntak, Emi Burton Simanjuntak, Ellys Fungsi Sari, and Lamtiur

Delima Simanjuntak who always support and motivate her to finish this


9. Last but not least, she would to thank her friends from English Education

study program; Rini Manik, Oktavianti, Lista Sinaga, Palopi, Maria, and

all of English students of the academic year of 2015 who always give her

support and information during the period of study.

Tanjungpinang, 30th July 2019

The Researcher




APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENT ............................................... iii

MOOTO ................................................................................................................ iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLE.................................................................................................. ix

LIST OF APENDIXES ......................................................................................... x

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ xi

ABSTRACK......................................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Problem .......................................................................... 1

1.2 Identification of the Problem ........................................................................ 3

1.3 Limitation of the Problem ............................................................................. 3

1.4 Research Questions ....................................................................................... 4

1.5 Purpose of the Research ................................................................................ 4

1.6 Significance of the Research ......................................................................... 4

1.7 Definition of the Key Term ........................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE...................................................... 6

2.1 Review of the Related Theory....................................................................... 6

2.1.1 Writing ................................................................................................... 6

2.1.2 Descriptive Text ..................................................................................... 8

2.1.3 Language Feature ................................................................................... 9

2.1.4 Error Analysis ...................................................................................... 11

2.2 Relevant Studies .......................................................................................... 12

2.3 Conceptual Framework ............................................................................... 15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................... 16

3.1 Research Design .......................................................................................... 16

3.2 Setting of the Study .................................................................................... 17



3.3 Research Instrument ................................................................................... 18

3.4 Research Subject ......................................................................................... 18

3.5 Research Schedule ...................................................................................... 20

3.6 Technique of Data Collection ..................................................................... 20

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................ 21

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSION ................................................... 22

4.1 Data Description.......................................................................................... 22

4.1.1 Error of Specific Participants ............................................................... 22

4.1.2 Error Use of Adjective .................................................................... 24

4.1.3 Error of Simple Present Tense ........................................................... 27

4.1.4 Error of action verb .............................................................................. 35

4.2. Findings ...................................................................................................... 36

4.3 Discussion ................................................................................................... 39

4.3.1 The Error of Specific Participant ......................................................... 39

4.3.2 The Error Use of Adjective .................................................................. 40

4.3.3 The Error of Simple Present Tense ...................................................... 40

4.3.4 The Error of Action Verb ..................................................................... 41

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 43

5.1 Conclusion................................................................................................... 43

5.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................... 43

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………... 46




3.1 Times of Study..………………………………………….............................18

3.2 Research Schedule……………………………………………………..…..19

3. 3 Research Subject……………………………………………………….......20

4.1 Students’ Error of Specific participant…..…….……………………..…….23

4.2 Students’ Error of Adjective Use……….………………………….………25

4.3 Students’ Error of Simple Present Tense Use…….…………………..……28

4.4 Students’ Error of Action Verb……….……………………….………...…36

4.5 Recapitulation of Students Error…………………..……………………….37




1. Surat Rekomendasi Penelitian dari Badan Kesatuan Bangsa, Politik

dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

2. Surat Izin Penelitian dari Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tanjungpinang

3. Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang

4. Silabus Pembelajaran Kelas VII K13 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

5. Lembar Writing Test Siswa

6. Documentations




Hilliari, Gloria. 2019. An Error Analysis of Language Feature on Students’

Descriptive Text Writing at Seventh Grade of SMP Katolik

Tanjungpinang. Skripsi. Tanjungpinang: Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Maritim

Raja Ali Haji. Pembimbing I: Satria Agust, S.S., M.Pd. Pembimbing II:

Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Kata Kunci: Analisis Kesalahan, Fitur Bahasa, Teks Descriptive, Menulis.

Penelitian ini menganalisis kesalahan fitur bahasa dan kesalahan dominan

yang dilakukan oleh sisiwa. Pesertanya adalah siswa kelas tujuh SMP Katolik

Tanjungpinang selama semester dua tahun akademik 2018-2019. Data penelitian

ini berasal dari teks deskriptif yang ditulis oleh 29 siswa. Kesalahan

diklasifikasikan menjadi empat jenis: omission, addition, misselection, dan

misordering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa melqakukan kesalahan

pada: specific participant (6,70%), adjective (13,41%), simple present tense

(78,65%), dan action Verb (1,21%). Kesalahan dominan adalah penggunaan

simple present tense.




Hilliari, Gloria. 2019. An Error Analysis of Language Feature on Students’

Descriptive Text Writing at Seventh Grade of SMP Katolik

Tanjungpinang. Skripsi. Tanjungpinang: English Education Study

Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Maritim

Raja Ali Haji. Advisor: Satria Agust, S.S., M.Pd. Co-Advisor: Erwin

Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Keywords: Error Analysis, Language Feature, Descriptive Text, Writing.

This study analyzed language feature error in students’ descriptive text

written by 29 seventh grade students. It aimed to determine the errors on language

feature and the dominant error do by students. The participants were seventh

grade students of SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang during the second semester of the

academic year 2018-2019. Research data come from students’ descriptive text

writing. Errors were classified into four types: omission, addition, misselection,

and misordering. The result shows that students error of specific participant

(6.70%), adjective (13.41%), simple present tense (78.65%), and action verb

(1.21%) and the dominant of error was simple present tense usage.






1.1 Background of the Problem

Writing is one of important skill in human life because, through writing,

every person can communicate with another person. Writing skill always has a

rule or grammar. English is an international language. Used by all countries in the

world as unifying language. Every country teaching English as a way to make its

resident can communicate with foreigners from other countries.

According to Nordquist (2017), Writing is a system of graphic symbol that

can be used to convey meaning. It means that before writing something every

people should know the system and the symbols of a language. So, EFL students,

they should know the system and symbols of writing. Then, their word or

sentence will have a meaning. Writing has the purpose and meaning because the

function of writing is to convey something with symbols.

EFL is A traditional term for the use or study of the English language by

non-native speakers in countries where English is generally not a local medium of

communication (Nordquist , 2017).The current study shows that EFL students

(English as a Foreign Language) always make errors in their uses of English. As

we know so many countries that use English as foreign language, such as

Indonesia, Thailand, Korea and so on. It is because they have their mother

language or the first language that they have learned. They use English just to

communicate with foreigners. EFL students often make errors when they use

English. It can be seen through the way that the EFL students communicate with


foreigners. So, that way this research is important to do to know the ability

development of EFL students.

An error is a form in learner language that is inaccurate, meaning it is

different from the forms used by competent speakers of the target language and

Error analysis is a method used to document the errors that appear in learner

language, determine whether those errors are systematic, and explain what caused

them (CARLA, 2018). It means that error analysis is determiner the errors from a

language that used wrong system in a language. And error analysis is important to

know the error made by student nowadays.

Language Feature is a distinctive language that used in a text. Every text

have own langauge feature one of them language feature of descriptive text are

use Specific participant, use an adjective to clarify a noun, use simple present

tense, and action verb. Harmer says that (in Anugraheni, 2016) grammar as

description of ways in which words can change their form and can combine into

sentences in the language. It means that grammar is the rule of a language. When

words are put together using correct grammar, it can form good sentences. So, if

someone does not write English very carefully, she or he can mislead its meaning

and misinformation, or miscommunication.

Anderson (2003), states that descriptive text describes particular people,

place, or thing. It means that the descriptive text describes the situation or

condition of people, place, or thing in a text. So, descriptive text is one of the

important texts that should be learned by EFL students.


From the explanations above, the researcher is interested in doing the

research entitled: An Error Analysis of Language Feature on Students’

Descriptive Text at the Seventh Grade of SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the researcher identifies some problems

that exist at the seventh-grade students of SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang.

1. Students did not understand usage To Be correctly.

2. Students were confused to use the subject pronoun

3. Students’ sentences were not in accordance with the pattern of simple

present tense and contained errors.

4. They were confused to use the transformation subject pronoun become

object pronoun or possessive pronoun in their sentences.

5. They were lack of vocabulary when they wrote sentence.

6. They made spelling error in writing.

7. They were confused to use singular and plural noun or object.

8. They did not use preposition of place properly and correctly.

9. They did not use suitable word choices for their sentences.

10. Text made by students contained many errors.

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem, the researcher limits the problem

on language feature errors on descriptive text writing.


1.4 Research Questions

The researcher proposes following research questions:

1. What errors do the students make on language feature at the seventh-grade of

SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang dealing with descriptive text?

2. What are dominant errors on language feature made by seventh-grade

students of SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang dealing with descriptive text?

1.5 Purpose of the Research

1. To find out the errors on language feature made by seventh-grade students of

SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang dealing with descriptive text.

2. To know the dominant errors on language feature made by seventh-grade

students of SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang dealing with descriptive text.

1.6 Significance of the Research

The significance of this research is as follows:


This research is expected to contribute through error analysis in the text of

students in writing descriptive text in academic purposes to determine errors and

dominant errors made by junior high school students. it will be used as a reference

to improve students' ability to write descriptive texts. Therefore this research is

expected to be able to provide new references about errors made by junior high

school students.


1. Teacher


From this research, the teacher can know the common errors made by students

in writing text and can be a reference for teachers to improve the teaching proses

in class to increase students’ writing skill.

2. Students

From this research, the students can know their common errors and improve

their ability in writing to increase their writing skill.

3. Readers

From this research, the reader can know the common errors made by junior

high school.

4. Researchers

The result of this research can be useful for other researchers for further research.

1.7 Definition of the Key Term

1. Analysis is an activity to examine the peculiarities or circumstances of an

object or subject.

2. Language Feature is characteristic of language that use in a text.

3. Writing is one skill type that conveys the meaning with symbols to

communicate to other people.

4. Descriptive text is text that describes a state or picture of people, animals,

things, or the environment.




2.1 Review of the Related Theory

In this chapter, the researcher uses articles, journals, and books related to

support the research. The researcher discusses writing, grammar, error, analysis,

language feature, and descriptive text.

2.1.1 Writing

Writing is a process of giving information or communication by using a

symbols or alphabet that should be arranged to make clear meaning. It is called

words or sentence and from it, a human can communicate with each other use

word or sentence. According to Brown (1999), writing is produced and the stage

of a piece of writing passes through before it is completed. It means that in writing

have step and rules that should we know such as grammar, planning, idea, and the

purpose. Rivers (in Pratiwi, 2018) stated that writing is conveying information

expression original ideas in a consecutive in a new language. According to

Geasser (2009), Writing is the production of thought for oneself or others under

the direction of ones’ goal-direction metacognitive monitoring and control, and

the translation of that thought into an external symbolic representation. Writing is

a thing of elaborating text in accordance with what the writer can reasonably

assume that the reader knows and expects (Nystrand, 1989). Brown (2001) claims

that writing is thinking process.


According to Weigle (2003), writing functions primarily to support and

reinforce patterns of oral language use, grammar, and vocabulary, is being

supplanted by the nations that writing a second language is a worthwhile

enterprise in and of itself. It means that writing is very important for human

communication in international stage or ELF students in each country.

Based on the definition above, the researcher constructs that, writing is

produced something that follows the stage of the language, conveying information

sequentially in a new language and producing thought in symbolic form, and

elaborating what someone wants to write. It means that trough writing someone

can convey their speaking in writing form under direction that exist in writing.

Based on the explanation above, writing is very important for human life,

and one of skill that should be understood.

Type of writing

Nami (2015), states that writing has some types that we should know. They


1. Expository

The main purpose of expository writing is to explain a concept or idea

while including details for support and based on a subject and requires


2. Persuasive

Persuasive writing is usually found in article and essay form. It also

relies on specific details and examples for support; however,

persuasive writing does not rely heavily on facts.


3. Descriptive

This style tends to use more adjectives and adverbs, as well as

figurative language and imagery, to create detail that allows the reader

to envision the scenery and events in their minds.

4. Narrative

Narrative writing aims to entertain the reader; however, instead of

trying to entertain the reader with the beauty of its language, the writer

is trying to tell a story.

2.1.2 Descriptive Text

According to Tompkins (1994), descriptive text is as painting pictures with

words. Kane (in Tsitouras, 2014), says that description is about how something

looks, sounds, tastes. It means that the descriptive text is the text that pictures

something about people, animal, things, or environment and how they look. The

purpose of descriptive text is to explain, describe, or express someone or an object

(English lesson). Generic Structure of descriptive text are Identification part and

description part. Identification part contains about the introduction of a person,

place, animal or object will be described. Description part contains a description

of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its features,

forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. The example of

descriptive text:


My Small House

I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two bedrooms, a living

room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed it is a small house, but I like living here

for wasting my spare time.

When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so small with only

three chairs and a table, nothing else. I prefer reading a novel in this room.

My bedroom is on the left side of the living room. In this room, there is a

night table next to the bed, a TV, a radio, and a computer. When being bored of

reading, I usually play online games, chat with my friends via Facebook.

Next to my bedroom is my mother’s. I do not know what is inside because I

never come in to see it. In the right side of the living room, there is the kitchen. In

the kitchen, I have everything I need when I get hungry. It is very pleased when

my mother cooks, the smell fills my whole house. I know it is a very small house,

but it is the best place I have ever seen.

2.1.3 Language Feature

Language is a system of conventional spoken, manual, or written symbols

by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants

in its culture, express themselves (Crytal D, 2019). It means that language is

communication tools for human life. In writing, many types of text have

Language features. Language feature means the characteristic of text. Language

feature literary means analyzing language and Language feature helps you to


understand what the writer is saying (Allassignment, 2017). It means that every

text in English have a different feature.

Type of language feature in Descriptive text from English lesson

Language Feature of Descriptive Text

Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only

one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle


The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a

beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc.

The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple

present because it tells the fact of the object described.

Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut


The tense that use in descriptive text is simple present tense.

Simple Present Tense

In this tense is used to convey a simple sentence in our daily activity or habitual

action that always we do.


Alternative sentence : Subject + Verb 1(s/es) + Object

Negative sentence : Subject + Do not/Does not + Verb 1 +


Interrogative sentence : Do/Does + Subject + Verb 1 + Object ?

Example :

a. (+) I play football

(-) I do not play football


(?) Do you play football?

b. (+) She works in the bank

(-) She does not work in the bank

(?) Does she work in the bank?

2.1.4 Error Analysis

Error is an incorrect situation of something. As EFL, also students make

many errors in using English in writing, reading, speaking, and listening.

Especially in writing so many errors made by EFL students. And to know the

error we can use error analysis. According to Erlbaum (1998) Error analysis, as a

descriptive rather than a prescriptive approach to error, provides a methodology

for determining why a student makes a particular grammatical error and has

been a potentially valuable borrowing from this field (EFL students).

And from the explanation above the researcher concludes the error analysis is

suitable to identify, describing, and explaining the problem of students’ error.

Mahmoud (2014) has classified the types of error analysis into four categories

as follows:

1. Error of Omission

It is referred to missing something important in a sentence, example “open

door” it should add the article “the” before a door.

2. Error of Additions

It is referred to as some elements that should not be there. Example, she

found an apples.


3. Error of Selection

Choosing the wrong item in place of the right one or wrong selection.

Example,” I like playing on school”.

4. Error of Ordering

It is referred to an element is presented in the right but wrong order of the

word in the sentences. Example, “he brings carpet red”.

2.2 Relevant Studies

The First study is thesis written by Feliks & Semiun (2017) entitled “An

Analysis Of Grammatical Errors In Written Descriptive Text By The First Year

Students Of Vocational School Of Economics And Commerce Becora, Dili East

Timor In School Year 2016 / 2017” with The descriptive qualitative method. The

objective of his research is to find out Grammatical error, dominants error, and to

find out the solution to overcome the errors made by students in writing text. The

result of the analysis showed that the errors committed by the first-grade students

of Vocational School of Economics and Commerce Becora, Dili in school year

2016/2017 was omission (41.06%), misformation (20.22%), addition (19.10%),

and misordering (14.60%). Based on the result of his study, the research was the

suggestions for the teacher: the teacher should teach the students on how to write

a good text especially in writing descriptive text and give the students chance to

learn more about good text and focus on grammar especially tenses and subject-

verb agreement.


The second study is written by Kumphee And Yokkamlue (2017) entitled”

Grammatical Errors in English Essays Written by Thai EFL Undergraduate

Students” With use Purposive Sampling Method. The objectives of the research

are: (1) to investigate common types of grammatical errors based on their

frequency of occurrence in English essay writing of Thai EFL undergraduate

students, (2) to examine the effects of L1 interference on discovered grammatical

errors, in particular, (3) to find out any of the errors influenced by the students’

mother tongue (Thai language). The result of the research indicated that; 1) there

were 26 types of grammatical errors, with the total number of 4,909 errors,

occurred in the students’ written work, and the five most common types of all

were punctuation, nouns, prepositions, verbs, and articles respectively ; and 2)

there were 1,560 out of 4,909 errors, which were categorized into 14 types caused

by the students’ L1 interference, Thai language.

The third is research written by Mabuan (2015) entitled” An Analysis of

Weblogs’ Grammatical Errors of Filipino Learners of English as Second

Language” with use integrative approach. The aim of his research was to

determine the views of students on the use of blogs in facilitating the acquisition

of English writing skills, to identify, categorize, and analyze grammatical errors in

students’ blog posts, and to explore students’ perceptions on the advantages of

blogging as an alternative writing platform. Results of his research show that the

most pervasive errors committed by the participants were tenses, subject-verb

agreement, prepositions, morphology, articles, verbs, and pronouns. So, based on


his Research be used as pedagogical Implications for teachers, syllabus designers,

textbook writers, and text developers were offered on the basis of these results.

The fourth study is written by Furtina, Fata, and Fitrisia (2016)

entitled”Grammatical Errors In Writing Task: Male Vs Female” with use

descriptive study. The aim of this research was to compare the types of

grammatical errors dominantly found in writing task of male and female students

of one of senior high school Banda Aceh. The result of their research shows that

the seven subcategories (subject-verb agreements, verb form, singular/plural form,

preposition, conjunction, pronoun, and article) were found in male students’

writing while only six of those subcategories occurred in females’. Based on their

research, they claim that female student can be assumed as more careful writers

than male students.

Based on some related finding by some thesis and journal, the first

researcher focused on grammatical errors of students made. The second researcher

focused on to examine the effects of L1 interference on discovered grammatical

errors. The third researcher focused on identifying, categorizing, and analyzing

grammatical errors in students’ blog posts. The last researcher focused on

comparing the types of grammatical errors. For this research, the researcher has a

different focus on the dominants error of students made. The researcher has a

different method and subject. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive

qualitative method and the subject is seventh-grade students of SMP Katolik



2.3 Conceptual Framework

The researcher proposes a conceptual framework that can be formulated

into a figure below:

The Problem

(Students’ writing descriptive text)

Problem solving

(Analyze type of error do the

students’ make in language feature

on writing descriptive text by use

type of error (Mahmoud, 2014 )

Expected result

(The researcher expect this study to

know the errors do students make in

specific participant, adjective, simple

present tense, and action verb)




In this chapter the researcher presents the method and the process of

research, they are about the research design, research subject, technique of

collecting data, research instrument, research procedure, and technique of

collecting data.

3.1 Research Design

This research was conducted to find out the common error in using

incorrect language feature in writing descriptive text made by secondary students

of SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive

qualitative method to analyze the sentence or paragraph. Qualitative Research is a

type of social science research that collects and works with non-numerical data

and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help us understand social

life through the study of targeted populations or places (Crossman, 2019). It

means that qualitative research aims to analyze the phenomenon in a social issue

to understand the cause of the situation, and the result of the research is not in the

form of numbering or statistic forms.

Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an

understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations (Defranzo, 2011).

It means that in qualitative research, it aims to know the reason, opinions, and

motivation of the problem. So, the researcher used this method to know the

students’ problems.


This research was conducted by using descriptive approach. It focuses on

finding the information and fact about students’ grammatical errors in writing

descriptive text. The data were collected after the researcher analyzed on students’

writing of descriptive text. Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the

participants in an accurate way (Kowalczyk, 2013). So, it was conducted to get an

acceptable description of students’ errors in writing descriptive text.

This research described the language feature error through analyzing the text

that was written by the seventh-grade students of SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang.

The researcher investigated the errors made by them. After that, the researcher

described and explained the kinds of error of students’ writing and dominant

errors made by students in writing descriptive text.

3.2 Setting of the Study

In this study, the researcher conducted a research in SMP Katolik

Tanjungpinang. It is located on Jl. Batu Kucing, No.62, Bt.5 atas, Tanjungpinang.

This school is the place where the researcher did her teaching practice for 5

months in semester seven. The time of the study was from April 2019 – May

2019. The detail can be seen from the following table:


Table 3.1. Time of study

No Activities April May

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1. Discuss with


2. Collecting data

3. Data Analysis

4. Writing Thesis

3.3 Research Instrument

The instrument of this research was writing test and the key of this

instrument is the researcher. First, the researcher gave instruction to the students

to write descriptive text on papers with theme “my family” in three paragraph.

Next , the researcher shared the instrument of this research and students wrote it in

50 minute. Then, their writing test sheets were collected by the researcher. After

that , their test was analyzed by looking the language feature errors and the

structure of descriptive text. The indicator of language feature of descriptive text

are Specific participant, an adjective to clarify a noun, simple present tense, and

action verb.

3.4 Research Subject

The subject of this research was the students of SMP Katolik

Tanjungpinang. Exactly seventh-grade students in the second semester in the

academic years of 2018/2019. There are 2 classes (VII-A and VII B).


Table 3.2. Research Subject


1. VII A 29

2. VII B 32

Total 61

The researcher used purposive sampling as a technique to collect the data. A

purposive sample is a non-probability sample that is selected based on the

characteristics of a population and the objective of the study (Crossman, 2018).

According to Patton (in Devers 2000), the purposive sampling is a technique

widely used in qualitative research for selection of information-rich in-depth

study, size and specific case depending on the study purpose. This sampling was

chosen based on some considerations such as time, energy, and money. As a

result, from using purposive sampling, the researcher took class VII A as a

research subject.


3.5 Research Schedule

The researcher prevides the research schedule in conducting the research.

Table 3.3. Research Schedule


1. Writing a



2. Proposal


3. Research

4. Data analysis

5. Thesis


3.6 Technique of Data Collection

In this research, the researcher collected the students’ writing text sheets.

The students were assigned to write the descriptive text that they studied and they

were not allowed to open a book or dictionary. They just needed to write their

own text with their creativity. The topic was taken and chosen from the syllabus

of 2013 curriculum. That is describe to people (their family). After they wrote

their text on their paper, the researcher collected the students’ work as data to

analyze the language feature of errors of descriptive text.


3.7 Technique of Data Analysis

The technique that the researcher used to analyze the data was descriptive

qualitative method by identifying the error items. The items are described as


1. Collecting the data from students’ work

First, the researcher collected the student’s papers of descriptive text.

Then, she checked their work to identify the errors.

2. Identifying students’ errors

The researcher identified the errors and gave codes of errors. The codes

used were (O) stands for omission error, (A) stands for addition error,

(MS) stands for Misselection error, (MO) stands for Misordering error.

3. Analyzing the errors

After identifying the errors from the text, the researcher classified the

error based on Mahmoud (2014), like errors in omission, addition,

misselection, and misordering.

4. Calculating of students’ errors

For this step, the researcher used descriptive analysis technique


The result of percentage determined the dominants errors that students

make. The researcher used formula by Keshavarz (2013).

P = Percentage of error

Frequency of error in each category

P= ---------------------------------------------------- x 100%

Total numbers of error




4.1 Data Description

In this research, the researcher presents the result of the research and the

analysis of the data that is collected through descriptive writing test. The writing

test was conducted in one meeting. The researcher took the class VII A of SMP

Katolik Tanjungpinang. The class contains 29 student classifications. The

researcher classified the error based upon Mahmoud’s. The errors are divided into

4 parts: omission, addition, misselection, and misordering. The focus of this

research was the language feature error on descriptive text.

After reading and identifying the errors, the researcher described the errors

by making them into the table to makes the classification more easy and details.

4.1.1 Error of Specific Participants

Specific participant means has certain object, not common, and unique

(only one)

Table 4.1 Students’ Error of Specific Participant

Student Error sentences Correct sentences Type of error

1 In Indonesian - -

2 - - -

3 - - -

4 - - -

5 - - -

6 - - -


7 1. I and father like

looking sport.

2. My little sister

and me like playing


1. My father likes

watching sport.

2. My little sister

likes playing


1. Adding double object

2. Adding double object

8 - - -

9 - - -

10 - - -

11 - - -

12 1. They are like play


1. He likes playing


1. Misselecting specific


13 - - -

14 1. We always share

with my neighbor.

1. I always sharing

with my neighbor.

1. Misselecting specific


15 1. I have two sister,

her names is Jesvina

and Jesnova their

are young sister and


1. I have two

sisters, their names

are Jesvina and

Jesnova. Jesvina is

my young sister

and Jesnova is my


1. Misselecting specific


16 - - -

17 1. At night me and

my father sit in the

kitchen talking


1. At night my

father sit in the

kitchen talking

together with me.

1. Adding double object

18 1. They are fun, care,

and love.

2. In holiday, we go

to shopping mall.

1. She is fun, care,

and loving.

2. In holiday, my

family goes to

1. Misselecting specific


2. Misselecting specific



shopping mall.

19 1. Me is fat and me

sawo matang skin.

1. I am fat and have

brown skin.

1. Adding double object

20 - - -

21 - - -

22 - - -

23 - - -

24 - - -

25 1. They long, fat. 1. He is tall and fat. 1. Misselecting specific


26 - - -

27 - - -

28 1. I am so happy

because we going

back to Batam.

1. I am so happy

because I go back

to Batam.

1. Misselecting specific


29 - - -

Total error of specific object were 11

From 29 students 8 of them made error on specific participants. In

percentage it was 27% of them made errors. The total of errors were 11 points.

The error classified by omission, addition, and misselection specific participants.

The researcher concluded that a quarter of them did errors omission, addition, and,

misselection of specific participants

4.1.2 Error Use of Adjective

Adjective is a word that used to clarity noun or pronoun.

Table 4.2 Students’ Error use of Adjective

Student Error sentences Correct sentences Type of error


1 1. My father is they

long, fat, nature


1. My father is tall,

fat, and hotheaded.

1. Misselecting

adjective: Long

should be Tall

2 1. I have cream skin. 1. I have white skin. 1. Misselecting

adjective: Cream

should be White

3 - - -

4 - - -

5 1. She has good very


1. She is very fierce.

1. Adding Adjective:


6 - - -

7 1. My all family like

eat soup, exception


1. My family likes

eating soup, except


1. Adding Adjective:


8 - - -

9 1. My father hair was

black, big eyes, flat

nose and dark yellow


1. My father hair is

black, he has big

eyes, flat nose and

dark skin.

1. Adding Adjective:


10 - - -

11 - - -

12 - - -

13 - - -

14 - - -

15 1. She has white

brown skin.

2. She has white

brown skin.

1. She has brown


2. She has brown


1. Adding Adjective:


2. Adding Adjective:


16 1. She has white

cream/ brown white

1. She has white


1. Adding Adjective:

white, cream, and



2. My father is tall,

has white brown skin.

2. My father is tall,

has brown skin.


2. Adding Adjective:


17 - - -

18 - - -

19 1. My brother is very

very high and very

very white skin.

1. My brother is very

tall and very white


1. Adding double

Adjective: Very (2)

and Misselecting

Adjective: High

should be Tall

20 1. She so like

expensiv shoes and


2. She’s like to disturp

me and I so hate that.

1. She like expensive

shoes and bag.

2. She likes to

disturb me and I hate


1. Adding Adjective:


2. Adding Adjective:


21 1. She is clever, fun,

and naughty.

1. She is clever,

funny, and naughty.

1. Misselecting

Adjective: Fun

should be Funny

22 1. I love my mother

but I’m very lovely to

my mother.

2. I am is child lovely.

1. I love my mother

and I miss my


2. I am an only


1. Adding Adjective:

Very and


Adjective: Lovely

should be Miss

2. Misselecting

Adjective: Lovely

shouId be Only

23 - - -

24 - - -

25 1. They long, fat. 1. She is tall and fat. 1. Misselecting

Adjective: Long


should be Tall

26 1. My family very


2. My brother well.

1. My family is very


2. My brother is


1. Misselecting

Adjective: Well

should be Good

27 - - -

28 - - -

29 1. I am happy because

we going back to


1. I am happy

because we back to


1. Adding Adjective:


Total error of adjective: 22 points

From 29 students 14 of them did errors of used adjective in their

descriptive text. In percentage it was 48%. The total of errors were 22 points. The

errors identify by students error of omission, addition, and misselection. The

researcher concluded that half of student did error of used adjective in descriptive


4.1.3 Error of Simple Present Tense

Error of simple present was identify from students sentences that not

accordance to pattern of simple present tense.

Table 4.3 Students’ Error of Simple Present Tense

Student Error sentences Correct sentence Type of error

1 - - -

2 1. My name Alice


1. My name is Alice


1. Omitting Verb To

be: is

3 1. I and my family

leave in Tanjung


2. I’m leave at home

with my mom.

1. My family live in


2. I live at home

with my mom.

3. My uncle and aunt

1. Misselecting Verb:

leave should be live

2. Misselecting Verb:

leave should be live

3. Misselecting Verb:


3. My uncle and aunt

leave in drifferent


4. I have

grandmother but she

leave at Batam.

5. If I am holiday, I

will go to the Batam.

6. Every day I

playing with my

friend and cousin.

live in different


4. I have a

grandmother but she

lives in Batam.

5. If I holiday, I go

to Batam.

6. Every day I play

with my friend and

my cousin.

leave should be live

4. Misselecting Verb:

leave should be live

5. Adding verb for

future tense: Will

6. Adding part of

verb: +ing

4 1. My mother wear a


2. My mother like


3. My father do not

wear a glasses.

1. My mother wears


2. My mother likes


3. My father does

not wear glasses.

1. Omitting part of

verb: +s

2. Omitting part of

verb: +s

3. Misselecting verb:

Do should be Does

5 1. And she also love

her kids.

2. She has fat.

3. She has good very


4. He has fat.

5. He has do not like

playing handpone.

6. He has very


7. He also like bully.

1. And she also loves

her kids.

2. She has fat body.

3. She is very fierce.

4. He has fat body.

5. He does not like

playing smartphone.

6. He is very fierece.

7. He also likes

bullying others.

1. Omitting part of

verb: +s

2. Omitting object:


3. Misselecting verb

to be: has should be is

4. Omitting object:


5. Adding double

verb: has and

Misselecting Verb: Do

should be does

6. Misselecting verb

to be: has should be is

7. Omitting part of

verb: +s and object:


6 1. She is likes

cooking in the

kitchen and listen to


2. He is likes playing

1. She likes cooking

in the kitchen and

listen to music.

2. He likes playing

with his brother.

1. Adding verb ‘to

be’: is

2. Adding verb ‘to

be’: is


with his brother.

7 1. My mother big.

2. My mother hobby

cooking, and my

sister like playing


3. My father is 40

old, my mother 30’s


4. My 2nd little sister

1 year old.

5. My 1st little sister

2 year old.

6. My mother like

looking drama.

7. My sister like

watching cartoon.

1. My mother has

big body.

2. My mother

hobby’s is cooking,

and my sister likes

playing toys.

3. My father is 40

years old, my mother

is 30 years old.

4. My 2nd little sister

is 1 years old.

5. My 1st little sister

is 2 years old.

6. My mother likes

watching drama.

7. My sister likes

watching cartoon.

1. Omitting verb: Has

and Object: body

2.Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is and part of

verb: +s

3. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

4. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

5. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

6. Omitting part of

verb : +s

7. Omitting part of

verb : +s

8 1. My mother have a

long hair.

2. My father have

short hair, and my

father have a little

black skin.

3. My mom is like

vegetable and my

mom like to cooking


1. My mother has

long hair.

2. My father has

short hair and has a

little black skin.

3. My mom likes

vegetable and my

mom likes cooking


1. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has

2. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has


3. Adding verb ‘to

be”: is and Omitting

part of verb: +s (2)

9 1. My father hair

was black.

2. My sister name

was Evanjelia and

my brother name

was Jayden


3. My father favorite

food was grabs,


4. My mother

favorite foot was

1. My father’s hair is


2. My sister’s name

is Evanjelia and my

brother’s name is

Jayden Marcello.

3. My father’s

favorite food is

grabs, lobsters, and


4. My mother’s

favorite foot is fried

1. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be

is, because ‘was’ for

past tense

2. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be

is (2).

3. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be


4. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be


fried rice, soup.

5. My sister favorite

food was fried

chiken, noodle.

6. My brother

favorite food was

egg, lontong.

7. My father hobby

was watching TV,

playing game.

8. My mother hobby

was playing game.

10. My sister hobby

was watching TV,

playing game.

11. My brother

hobby was playing

games, playing toys.

rice and soup.

5. My sister’s

favorite food is fried

chicken and noodle.

6. My brother’s

favorite food is egg

and Lontong.

7. My father’s hobby

is watching TV and

playing game.

8. My mother’s

hobby is playing


10. My sister’s

hobby is watching

TV and playing


11. My brother’s

hobby is playing

games and playing



5. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be


6. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be


7. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be


8. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be


9. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be


10. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be


11. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: was should be


10 1. And he have short


2. He start work in

the morning and

finish work at


3. My mother have

long hair, she so


4 My little brother is

short, he thin, and he

have short hair.

1. And he has short


2. He starts work in

the morning and

finishes in


3. My mother has

long hair, she is so


4 My little brother is

short, he is thin, and

he has short hair.

1. Misselecting verb:

have should be has

2. Omitting part of

verb: +s and +es

3. Misselecting verb:

have should be has

and Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

4. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is and

Misselecting verb:

have should be has

11 1. My mother like in

the sing and like

cooking, like riding.

2. My father work

office army.

3. My border work

1. My mother likes

singing, cooking,

and reading.

2. My father works

at Army office.

3. My brother works

1. Omitting part of

verb: +s

2. Omitting part of

verb: +s

3. Omitting part of

verb: +s


pt. Surya.

4. My sister school

smp katolik.

at PT. Surya.

4. My sister studies

at SMP Katolik.

4. Omitting verb:


12 1. She is always

work hard for his


2. She is always

cook a delicious


1. She always works

hard for his family.

2. She always cooks

delicious food.

1. Adding verb ‘to

be’: is and omitting

part of verb: +s

2. Adding verb ‘to

be’: is and omitting

part of verb: +s

13 1. My father was

tall, wear glasses

and have brown skin

and black hair.

2. My mother was

tall, have brown

skin, brown hair.

3. My little sister

was tall, thin, and

have white skin and

black hair.

4. I was school at

junior high school.

5. She was school at

junior high school.

6. I was a little fat,

little short, and have

a white skin and

black hair.

1. My father is tall,

wears glasses and

has brown skin and

black hair.

2. My mother is tall,

has brown skin,

brown hair.

3. My little sister is

tall, thin, and has

white skin and black


4. I am school at

junior high school.

5. She is school at

junior high school.

6. I am a little fat,

little short, and have

a white skin and

black hair.

1. Misselecting verb

“to be”: was should be

is, Verb: have should

be has and part of

verb: +s

2. Misselecting verb

“to be”: was should be

is, Verb: have should

be has

3. Misselecting verb

“to be”: was should be

is, Verb: have should

be has

14 - - -

15 1. Jesvina have flat


2. He like to work

every day.

1. Jesvina has flat


2. He likes work

every day.

1. Misselecting

Verb: have should be


2. Omitting part of

verb: +s

16 - - -

17 1. We stay at 7 mile

DI Panjaitan street.

2. My father work at

gmile DI Panjaitan

1. We live at 7 mile

DI Panjaitan street.

2. My father works

at gmile DI Panjaitan

1. Misselecting Verb:

stay should be live

2. Omitting part of

verb: +s



3. My mother help

my father as a casier.

4. My older sister

work at Grandmetal.

5. She wear glasses.

6. He help my father


7. He love playing

game like


8. She love traveling.


3. My mother helps

my father as a


4. My older sister

works at


5. She wears


6. He helps my

father work.

7. He loves playing

game like


8. She loves


3. Omitting part of

verb: +s

4. Omitting part of

verb: +s

5. Omitting part of

verb: +s

6. Omitting part of

verb: +s

7. Omitting part of

verb: +s

8. Omitting part of

verb: +s

18 1. She have short

hair, she are very


2. I was fortune born

in my family.

3. My father is tall,

fat, and have short


4. He work in the

morning and finish

in night.

5. She also love her

husband and her


6. Every my family

very busy.

7. My mother like


1. She have short

hair, she is very


2. I am lucky born in

my family.

3. My father is tall,

fat, and has short


4. He works in the

morning and

finishes at night.

5. She also loves her

husband and her


6. My family is very


7. My mother likes


1. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has &

part of verb: are

should be is

2. Misselecting part of

verb: are should be is

3. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has

4. Omitting part of

verb: +s & +es

5. Omitting part of

verb: +s

6. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

7. Omitting part of

verb: +s

19 1. Me is fat. 1. I am fat. 1. Misselecting verb

‘to be’: is should be


20 1. She so like

expensiv shoes and


1. She likes

expensive shoes and


1. Omitting part of

verb: +s


2. She like my

young sister.

3. She is naughty do

not like me.

4. She like to disturb


2. She likes my

young sister.

3. She is naughty

does not like me.

4. She likes to

disturb me.

2. Omitting part of

verb: +s

3. Misselecting verb:

do should be does

4. Omitting part of

verb: +s

21 1. He work in bank.

2. She is like much


1. He works at bank.

2. She likes much


1. Omitting part of

verb: +s

2. Omitting part of

verb: +s

22 1. My mother have a

short hair.

2. My mother have a

fat body.

3. My father have a

short hair.

4. My father have

thin body.

5. My mother just

heve one child.

6. I am is Reva, I am

have a short hair,

black skin, thin


7. I am is child lovly.

1. My mother has

short hair.

2. My mother has a

fat body.

3. My father has

short hair.

4. My father has a

thin body.

5. My mother just

has one child.

6. I am Reva, I have

short hair, black

skin, thin body.

7. I am an only child.

1. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has

2. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has

3. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has

4. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has

5. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has

6. Adding verb ‘to

be’: is and am

7. Adding verb ‘to

be’: is

23 1. My mother have

lenity and curly.

2. My father like


3. Betty like toy and

my young brother

like ice cream.

1. My mother has

curly hair.

2. My father likes


3. Betty likes toy

and my young

brother likes ice


1. Misselecting Verb:

have should be has &

Omitting object: hair

2. Omitting part of

verb: +s

3. Omitting part of

verb: +s (2)

24 1. She also advise

me to be not


1. She also advises

me to not be


1. Omitting part of

verb: +s

25 In Indonesian - -

26 1. My family very


2. My father brown

1. My family is very


2. My father has

1. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

2. Omitting verb: has



3. My father short


4. My father fat.

5. My mother short.

6. My mother white


7. My mother long


8. My mother fat.

9. My mother very


10. My mother like

eat Soto.

11. My mother


12. My brother

brown skin.

13. My brother short


14. My brother well.

15. My brother like

eat Soto.

brown skin.

3. My father has

short hair.

4. My father is fat.

5. My mother is


6. My mother has

white skin.

7. My mother has

long hair.

8. My mother is fat.

9. My mother is very


10. My mother likes

eat Soto.

11. My mother is


12. My brother has

brown skin.

13. My brother has

short hair.

14. My brother is


15. My brother likes

eat Soto.

3. Omitting verb: has

4. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

5. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

6. Omitting verb: has

7. Omitting verb: has

8. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

9. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

10. Omitting part of

verb: +s

11. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

12. Omitting verb has

13. Omitting verb has

14. Omitting verb ‘to

be’: is

15. Omitting part of

verb: +s

27 1. My family is

made of 4 people.

2. My mother does

most of the

housework and

make cakes to sell at

our bakery.

1. My family

consists of 4


2. My mother does

most of the

housework and

makes cakes for sale

in our bakery.

1. Misselecting

Verb: made should be


2. Omitting part of

verb: +s

28 1. She always make

me happy.

1. She always makes

me happy.

1. Omitting part of

verb: +s

29 1. She gave me an


1. She gives me an


1. Misselecting verb:

gave should be give

Total of error of used simple present tense: 129 points


From 29 students 25 students did error of used simple present tense in

their descriptive text. In percentage was 86% of them did it. The total of errors

were 129 points. It is identified by students’ error of omission, addition, and

misselection pattern of simple present tense. The researcher concluded that almost

all of students did error of used simple present tense.

4.1.4 Error of action verb

Table 4.4 Students’ Error of action verb

Student Error sentence Correct sentence Type of error

1 In Indonesian - -

2 - - -

3 1. Every day I

playing with my

friend and cousin.

1. Every day I play

with my friend and

my cousin

1. Adding part of verb:


4 - - -

5 - - -

6 - - -

7 - - -

8 - - -

9 - - -

10 - - -

11 - - -

12 - - -

13 - - -

14 - - -

15 - - -

16 - - -

17 - - -


18 - - -

19 - - -

20 - - -

21 - - -

22 1. Hi like play the


1. He likes playing


1. Omitting part of

verb: +ing

23 - - -

24 - - -

25 In Indonesian - -

26 - - -

27 - - -

28 - - -

29 - - -

Total error of action verb: 2 points

This one was the rare errors by students. From 29 students only 2 of them

did errors by omission part of action verb. In percentage was 6%. The totals of

errors were 2 points. The researcher concluded student very rare made errors on

action verb.

4.2. Findings

The researcher took writing text as the instrument of the research. After

collecting the data, the researcher identified and classified into four types of error

which is omission, addition, misselection, and missordering. In this research, the

researcher focused on language feature error do students make in descriptive text



The result of the research described in table to classified the recapitulated

of students’ error in descriptive text writing. The errors language feature in

descriptive text.

Note: EOSP: Error of Specific Participants, EOA: Error of Adjective, EOSPT:

Error of Simple Present Tense, and EOAV: Error of Action Verb.

Table 4.6 Recapitulation of Students Error

Participants EOSP EOA EOSPT EOAV Total

Student 1 0 1 0 0 1

Student 2 0 1 1 0 2

Student 3 0 0 6 1 7

Student 4 0 0 3 0 3

Student 5 0 1 9 0 10

Student 6 0 0 2 0 2

Student 7 2 1 9 0 12

Student 8 0 0 6 0 6

Student 9 0 1 12 0 13

Student 10 0 0 6 0 6

Student 11 0 0 4 0 4

Student 12 1 0 4 0 5

Student 13 0 0 7 0 7

Student 14 1 0 0 0 1

Student 15 1 2 2 0 5

Student 16 0 2 0 0 2

Student 17 1 0 8 0 9

Student 18 2 0 9 0 11

Student 19 1 3 1 0 5

Student 20 0 2 4 0 6

Student 21 0 1 2 0 3

Student 22 0 3 7 1 11

Student 23 0 0 5 0 5

Student 24 0 0 1 0 1

Student 25 1 1 0 0 2

Student 26 0 2 15 0 17

Student 27 0 0 2 0 2

Student 28 1 0 1 0 2

Student 29 0 1 2 0 3

Total 11 22 129 2 164

Total (N) 164 164


Total errors of students’ descriptive text writing were 164 points for error

of specific participant, adjective, used simple present tense, and action verb. As

the calculation, the researcher describes the percentage of students’ error as


Frequency of error in each category

P= ---------------------------------------------------- x 100%

Total numbers of error

Percentage of Error specific participant P= 11

164 × 100

P= 1,100


P= 6.70%

Percentage of Error use of adjective P= 22

164 × 100

P= 2,200


P= 13.41%

Percentage of Error use of simple present tense P= 129

164 × 100

P= 12,900


P= 78.65%

Percentage of Error use action verb P= 2

164 × 100

P= 200



P= 1.21%

Based on the result of percentage above, the researcher concluded that

seventh grade students of SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang made errors of specific

participant (6.70%), used of adjective (13.41%), used of simple present tense

(78.65%), and action verb (1.21%).

4.3 Discussion

In this chapter, the researcher focused on describing the data as the result

of research about students’ error in writing descriptive text.

4.3.1 The Error of Specific Participant

The error of specific participant was founded from students’ text by used

double participants in descriptive text. In this part students made 11 points. In

percentage it was 6.70%. Some students made errors on addition and misselection

the participant. In descriptive text the participant should be specific and only one

person or object. Students’ sentence “My little sister and me like playing

smartphone” they add double participants my sister and me. In descriptive text

should be use specific participants. It means that the correct sentence was “My

little sister likes playing smartphone”. In other case was students’ error in

selection specific participants. Their sentences show that the object more than one

person. Example: “They are like playing football”. The use of “they” means that

the object or participants were more than one. So the correct sentence for

descriptive text should be “He like playing football.


From the explanation above, the researcher analyzed and concludes that

half of students did errors use of specific participants in their descriptive text by

adding and misselecting the specific participants on their descriptive text.

4.3.2 The Error Use of Adjective

Students’ errors used of adjective were found in their descriptive text

writing. It is seen from the calculations of adjective errors. For this part, students

did 22 points. In percentage it was 13.41%. Many students did errors on adding

and selecting adjective in their text. Example, My father is long. They

misselecting of adjective “long” to describe that their object were tall. This

adjective make their sentences were errors. It should be “My father is tall”.

Another sentence, “She has good very fierce” they add double adjective in their

text and make their text become error. It should be “She is very fierce.”

From the explanation above, the researcher analysis and concludes that

students did error in addition and misselecting on use adjective in their descriptive


4.3.3 The Error of Simple Present Tense

This part was the common errors did by students. It could prove by the

calculation of students’ error use simple present tense. They did 129 points. In

percentage it was 78.65%. The researcher found many sentences that not

accordance to the pattern of simple present tense. They did omission, addition,


and misselection of pattern for simple present tense. In omission, some students

did not adding important elements in their sentences such as adding verb “to be’,

part of verb, and object on their sentences. Example: “My name Alice Alexandra.”

They did not adding verb “to be” to equips their sentences. It should be “My name

is Alice Alexander. Same as part of verb or missing object of their sentences they

did it to. In addition, students did error by adding not important elements in their

descriptive text by adding verb “to be”. Example: “She is like cooking in the

kitchen and listen to the music” they add verb “to be” and make the sentence

become error. It should be “She likes cooking in the kitchen and listen to music.

Last, error of selecting verb and verb “to be” in their sentences such as “My

mother have long hair” it should be “my mother has long hair” because for

subject she, he, and it the verb should be use is has not have. Another one is use

past tense in descriptive text. Example: “My father hair was black” it should “My

father hair is black”.

From the explanation above, the researcher analysis and concludes that

almost all of students did errors on use the pattern simple present tense.

4.3.4 The Error of Action Verb

For this part, it is the rare errors made by students. Students’ errors were 2

points and in percentage it was 1.20%. Students did error by adding and omitting

of action verb. In this part were 2 errors sentence did by students. First is “Every

day I playing with my friends and cousin” he adding part of verb that not

important. It should be “Every day I play with my friends and my cousin”. Last


omitting part of verb “Hi like play the guitar” it should be “He likes playing


From the explanation above, the researcher analysis and conclude that

students very rare did error in use action verb.




5.1 Conclusion

As the researcher has explained in chapter one, the researcher limit the

study on analyzing students’ error on language feature at seventh grade of SMP

Katolik Tanjungpinang dealing with description text. The descriptive text focused

on describe about family. The researcher asked students to write descriptive text

as the data of research. To analysis it, the researcher use the classification

mentioned by Mahmoud (2014): omission, addition, misselection, and


Related to the research question in chapter 1, the researcher conclude that

seventh grade students of SMP Katolik Tanjungpinang made errors of specific

participant, adjective, used of simple present tense, and action verb in their

sentences and the dominant one was error of used of simple present tense. It is

proven by the result of percentage students’ errors of simple present tense got


5.2 Suggestion

Error is normal for EFL students in using English, because English is not

their mother language. The students still learners of secondary school in the first

year, so they still learn how to better in English and the researcher appreciate it.

Even though, students should and improve their writing to arrange good sentence

by looking the pattern of grammatical in English. By the conclusions above, the


researcher presents to solve the problem in writing English. The suggestions are as


1. For the Teachers

The result of this research can be reference for teachers. The teacher

should increase their teaching program, and focus from the basic of English

language such as how to use to be with correct subject, vocabularies with correct

spelling, and dealing with simple present tense with the real pattern. We can see

from the results that many students make errors from Basic English. And also the

teacher should be creative to use media and tools in teaching process and keep up

with technology to make students more interest to learn English as international

language in the world.

2. For the Students

For the students, they will be aware about their weakness in writing, but

do not be down, because errors are natural things for EFL students. And also the

students should be more pay attention for their errors and improve it. And always

happy and enjoy to learn English because it will be useful in the future. Student

can improve their vocabulary from music, film, or video teaching that was

provided in media electronic such as YouTube and so on.

3. For Other Researcher

This research was about an error analysis of language feature in

descriptive text by seventh grade students. It was expected for others researcher to

use the result of this research as addition reference for further research. The next

researcher should analyze another aspect of students’ grammatical use in


descriptive text. The researcher found that many types error outside of the focus

of researcher conducted by students. Many students did error on omission,

addition, misselection, and misordering elements in their sentences. That is errors

about how to use correct article, To Be, possessive adjective, plural and singular,

and suffix. And also try to use other theory and methodology from previous

researcher. The next researcher can use another technique to collect the data,

because in this research the researcher only collected students’ test writing of

descriptive text. Further researcher can use interview or questionnaires for their




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Hilliari Gloria was born on Selamat, the small village at

Tapanuli Utara, on December 16th 1995. She is the fourth

daughter of Mr. Edu Pahoton Simanjuntak and Mrs.

Rootuti Nurhaningsih. She has two brothers named Ebon

Suhardo Simanjuntak and Emi Burton Simanjuntak. She

has two sisters name Ellys Fungsi Sari and Lamtiur Delima Simanjuntak. She

finished her elementary school education in SDN 004 Tebing, Karimun in 2009

and finished her secondary education in SMPN 1 Tebing, Karimun in 2012. Then,

she continued her education in SMAN 1 Karimun and graduated in 2015. Then

she continued her education in Universitas Mariitim Raja Ali Haji in Englis

Education Program from 2015 to 2019. She finished from university for 4 years.